mhmn OF THE WHOLE OF THE NEAT HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE And Effects of the late Mr. Isaac Downton (Directed under his Will to be Sold after the Decease of the late Mrs. Downton), COMPRISING Mahogany and other Sitting Room and Bedchamber Furniture, 65-OcTAVE Cabinet Pianoforte, in Rosewood Case, h I c? IP 1 HENRY’S BIBLE and a few other Vols. of BOOKS, TOGETHER WITH SEVERAL IXGILLINT OIL PAINTING Sr dt%tte {ftpfal anti nfw frnamiiital Sfriiia &c. &c. (The whole having been collected by the late Mr. Isaac Downton), To be Sold by Auction, on the Premises, by Mi 9 ATER ON Thursday and Friday, 26th and 27th of January, 1860. May be Viewed on the Mornings of Sale, which will commence punctually at Twelve o’Clock each day, in consequence of the number of Lots. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. —The highest bidder to be the buyer; and in case any dispute shall arise between two or more bidders, the Lot so in dispute to be put up again and re-sold. 2. —No person to advance less at any bidding than Six- pence ; One Shilling when the bidding is One Pound; and so on in proportion. 3. —The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and pay a deposit of 25 per cent., if required, in part payment of the pur¬ chase-money. 1 4. The lots to be taken away with all faults and errors of description, at the purchasers’ expense, within one day after the sale. 5. To avoid mistakes, no lot must on any account whatever be taken away until delivered by the person who will attend for that purpose neither can any lot be delivered during the hours of sale. 6. On failure of complying with the above conditions, the money so deposited in part of payment to be forfeited ; the lots uncleared within the time above-mentioned, shall be re-sold either by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) by such second sale, together with all charges attending the same, to be made good by the defaulter at sale. The above Conditions must be stricthj adhered to . FIRST RAY’S SALE. THURSDAY, 26th January, 1860. SCULLERY AND KITCHEN. LOT 1 Bucket, iron bowl, tin cullender, and 3 brushes 2 Japaned foot-pan and water can 3 Wood bowl, hair sieve, 2 pewter measures, carpet broom, and 2 pieces of brown ware 4 Dutch oven, stool, pair of bellows, &c. 5 Standard scales and 7 weights 6 Meat safe 7 Three iron saucepans and one ditto with steamer 8 Copper tea kettle, iron saucepan, and 1 ditto with steamer 9 Oval iron boiler 10 Copper tea kettle and tin coffee pot 11 Ditto 12 Tin fish kettle with strainer, 2 fry pans, and coffee pot 13 Copper stew pan and copper warmer 14 Two copper preserving pans 15 Eleven baking dishes, 5 brown ware jars, flour tub, and sundry ware 16 Six fiat irons 17 Iron fender, wire guard, and 2 brass footmen 18 Four brass candlesticks, snuffers and tray, and 2 small prints 19 Pair of block tin candlesticks, tin funnel, meat saw, snuffers and tray, and salt box 4 LOT 20 Large blue and white tea pot and 5 metal spoons 21 .Nine blue and white dishes, 24 plates, 2 vegetable dishes and cover, sauce tureen, and butter boat 22 Tin can, tin tea pot, mustard pot, small pewter measure, and 6 jugs 23 Sundry ware 24 Coffee mill, tin dish cover, and bottle jack 25 Coffee mill, 3 old pewter plates, hair sieve, and brass chamber candlestick 26 Capital perforated zinc meat safe with lock and key 27 Round oak table 28 Deal table with 2 drawers 29 Two pieces of carpet, foot stool, and sundries FRONT SITTING ROOM. 30 Cast-iron fender and set of fire irons 31 Piece of tapestry carpet, 12ft. by 7ft. 32 Axminster hearth rug 33 Three and 1 arm mahogany frame chairs 34 Copper coal scuttle 35 Mahogany framed sofa, covered in hair cloth 36 A 2-leaf mahogany table 37 Mahogany Pembroke table with drawer 38 Capital 8-day clock in oak case 39 Barometer 40 Two japaned trays and 2 hassocks 41 Pier glass in gilt frame, plate 28in. by 18in. 42 Print framed and glazed 43 Four small prints 44 Three ditto and papier-machee tray 45 Antique oil painting in carved frame (“ The Game Keeper”) 46 Oil painting in black frame 47 Ditto in gilt frame (“ The Madonna”) 48 Pair of ware figures, 2 light stands, and thermometer 49 Model of Wilton old church 50 Wire blind 51 Eighteen ivory handled knives and 8 forks 52 Twelve ditto and 12 forks, and carver and fork LOT 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ^ 69 70 71 72 73 74 lu . a . 75 76 77 78 79 Twelve odd knives, 11 forks, and carver and fork Carver and fork, steel cork screw, and mahogany knife tray PARLOUR. Cast-iron fender and set of fire irons Kidderminster carpet to room Brussels ditto, 10ft. 6in. by 8ft. Axminster hearth rug Stained window pole and rings Pair of damask window curtains Set of 5 and 1 arm mahogany chairs, with loose seats covered in hair cloth Mahogany framed easy chair covered in hair cloth Mahogany framed elbow child’s chair Mahogany round table Mahogany Pembroke table with drawer and cloth cover Rosewood portable writing desk Chimney glass in gilt frame, plate 24in. by 14in, Set of 3 papier-machee trays Three prints framed and glazed Pair of small coloured prints in gilt frames (“ Mazeppa”) Two prints framed and glazed, “ Wilton Church” and “ The Druid’s Sacrifice” Two prints framed and glazed and oil painting Indian painting framed Pair of small oil paintings Pair of ditto portraits .5 [tloj*w) — Oil painting in gilt frame (“The Jew”) Painting in gilt frame (“ Feeding Pigs”), signed G. Morland, 1797 Pair of small ditto (“ Idleness” and “ Industry”) Painting in gilt frame STAIRCASE AND LANDING. 80 Four cocoa door mats 81 Five-and-a-half yards of Brussels stair carpet 82 Ditto and 11 stair rods 83 Three pieces of floor cloth 84 Old cushion, plaster bust, and sundries 6 BEDROOM, No. 1. LOT 85 A 4ft. mahogany Arabian bedstead, with panelled foot board and twisted pillars 86 Flock mattress 87 Feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows 88 Pair of blankets 89 Ditto 90 Ditto 91 Cotton counterpane 92 Worked quilt 93 Three feet mahogany washstand, with blue end white ware to same 94 Four pieces of Kidderminster carpet 95 Four rush seated chairs 96 Mahogany night convenience 97 Pair of mahogany elbow chairs 98 Painted dressing table, with drawer 99 Mahogany framed swing dressing glass ] 00 Pair of white window curtains and mahogany folding towel horse 101 Pair of oil paintings in gilt frames 102 One ditto and print BEDROOM, No. 2. 103 A 5ft. mahogany 4 post bedstead, with drab moreen furniture, and sundry pieces of ditto 104 Hair mattress 105 Feather bed, bolster, and 2 pillows 106 Ditto 107 Pair of blankets 108 Ditto 109 Cotton counterpane 110 Marseilles ditto 111 A 3ft. 6in. mahogany wardrobe 112 A 3ft. 6in. mahogany sweep front chest of 5 drawers 113 Mahogany framed sweep front washstand, with marble top 114 A very neat set of chamber ware, 20 pieces 7 LOT 115 A 2-tier mahogany bedsteps, fitted with night conve¬ nience 116 Mahogany framed box swing dressing glass, plate 17in. by 13in. 117 Five pieces of carpet 118 Two cane seat chairs, painted towel horse, and small print 119 Painted dressing table 120 Cast-iron fender and set of fire-irons 121 Sundry ornaments 122 Print, framed and glazed 123 Mahogany 4-post bedstead, with white dimity furniture ATTIC. 124 Stained tent bedstead and cotton furniture 125 Hair mattress 126 Feather bed 127 A 3ft. mahogany double chest of 8 drawers 128 A 3ft. mahogany bureau 129 Small painted wash stand 130 Painted night commode 131 Swing glass and piece of carpet 132 Small flock bed and bolster 133 Two old chairs and bird cage f 134 Small travelling case, fitted with (135 Six decanters and glass 136 Sundries LINEN. 137 Ten bedroom towels 138 Fifteen damask ditto 139 Twelve linen pillow ties and 2 bolster ties 140 Four toilette covers and 9 pillow ties 141 Pair of calico sheets 142 Ditto 143 Pair of linen sheets 144 Ditto 145 Ditto 146 Ditto 8 LOT 147 Tair of linen sheets 148 Three ditto 149 Three round towels and sundry muslin curtains 150 Two toilet covers, 4 antimacassars, and sundries 151 Damask table cloth, 14ft. 2in. by 7ft. 2in. 152 A 6ft Sin. ditto 153 Damask table cloth 154 Ditto 155 Two ditto OUT DOORS. 156 Fourteen round ladder 157 Nine round ditto and flight of 5 steps 158 Hogshead cask 159 Ditto 160 Two casks 161 Ditto 162 Ditto 163 Three pieces of brown ware and sundry flower pots 164 Eight pieces of brown ware and folding towel horse 165 Small deal table and folding clothes horse 166 Iron mortar, wood pestle, and pewter bed pan 167 Mangle 168 One round and one oval tubs 169 Washing tub, small tub, and pail 170 Two buckets, watering pot, and sundry garden tools 171 Sundry bottles and jars 172 Sundries 173 Ditto END OF FIRST DAY’S SALE. SECOND DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY 27th January, 1860. At Twelve o clock Punctually. BOOKS. LOT 174 Sundry books 175 Ditto 176 British Traveller, 1 vol.; the Christian Dictionary, 1 vol.; Copperplate Magazine, 1 vol.; and Cook’s Vovages, 2 vols. 177 Maynard’s Josephus, 1 vol.; Bickham’s Universal Penman, 1 vol. ; and 2 others 178 Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, &c., &c., illustrated, 3 vols ; Portraits, 1 vol.; Ireland, illustrated, 1 vol.; and 1 other 179 The Rambler, 4 vols ; Cecilia, 5 vols.; Evelina, 2 vols. ; Emmeline, 4 vols.; and 2 others 180 Rollin’s Ancient History, 12 Vols.; Louis the XV., 4 vols., and 9 others 181 Don Quixote, 1 vol.; National Views of London, 2 vols.; and 12 others 182 The Historical Picture of Woman, 1 vol.; Sentiment of Flowers, 1 vol.; the Keepsake, 1 vol.; and 12 others 183 Three Scrap Books 184 Sundry vols. of Engravings, &c. 185 Fletcher’s Family Devotions, 1 vol.; and 1st and 2nd vols. of Henry’s Bible 186 Four vols. of Music, and sundry other Music 187 Bailey’s Dictionary, 1 vol.; and sundry books 188 Henry’s Bible, 3 vols. calf 10 LOT 189 F Handsome flower-pattern Dinner Service, consisting of 24 meat, 18 pudding, 12 soup, and 12 cheese plates, 8 dishes, 2 vegetable dishes and covers, 2 pie dishes, fish strainer, salad bowl, soup tureen, pair of sauce tureens, and pair of butter-boats 190 „ Pair of plated candlesticks 191 „ Ditto 192 „ Three japanned trays 193 „ Cane seat arm chair, and 2 rush seat chairs 194 „ Ten brass stair rods and eyes, and door mat 195 „ Mahogany tea caddy 196 „ Mahogany work table, with drawer 197 „ Illustrated London News, 3 vols., cloth 198 „ Piece of Brussels carpet 199 „ Ditto 200 „ Seven-and-a-half yards Kidderminster stair carpet 201 „ Pair of drab damask window curtains and vallence 202 „ Pair of muslin curtains, and 6 damask dining napkins 203 „ Large Parian water jug 204 „ Bath stove 205 „ Sundry books 206 „ Oval pier glass 207 „ Copper coffee biggin, glass roller, and cheese toster 208 „ Steel fender 209 E Blue ware foot pan and jug 210 „ Nine champagne glasses, and white ewer and basin 211 „ Brussels carpet, 15ft. by lift. 212 „ Ditto, 15ft. by 13ft. 213 „ Deal plate rack 214 „ Table lamp 215 „ Rosewood sofa, with squab and 2 bolsters, covered in hair cloth 216 „ Register stove 217 „ Painted night table 218 „ Two oil paintings 219 „ Two prints 220 „ Oil painting and print 221 B Antique carved oak half-tester bedstead 222 „ Veterinary surgeon’s enema 11 EOT 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 ^236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 DRAWING ROOM. Cast-iron fender and set of fire-irons Brussels carpet to room, 16ft. by lift. Hearth rug Copper coal scuttle and scoop Set of 6 and 2 arm mahogany Trafalgar chairs, seats covered in hair cloth Hair stuffed mahogany framed sofa, with squab and 2 bolsters covered in hair cloth A 4ft. 2in. rosewood loo table Victoria table cover Four feather pillows Mahogany bookcase with glazed doors, 4ft. 2in. long by 7ft. 9in. high A 64-octave cabinet pianoforte in rosewood case Hour glass ottoman, covered in crimson damask Mantel glass in handsomely carved frame, plate 31 in. b y ■tU.u. _ . Pair of Dresden china figures (injured) &/ - Pair of glass lustres, pair of hand screens, and wax figure Small mahogany cabinet, fitted up with 8 drawers Antique carved Elizabethan chair Lady’s painted work table Pair of ottomans Pair of footstools covered in needlework, and pair of small bellows Eight-day table dial Pair of drab moreen window curtains, with slides and tassels, and brass pole and rings Pair of crimson damask window curtains Iron safe 21 in. high by 14in. wide, with locks and keys Group of ornamental flowers Oil painting in handsome gilt frame (portrait) Pair of oil paintings in gilt frames (landscape and figures) Small ditto (River Scene) Ditto (landscape with figures) Ditto (Lighthouse) 12 LOT 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 I 1.264 b* 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 /*/ 276 277 278 279 280 if* 281 282 ^ ^ 283 284 285 286 )vr 287 A highly finished cabinet picture of Wilkie’s “ Blind Fidler” on enamel . „ /rt*c Oil painting in gilt frame (Cattle) E Ditto (Slaying of the Innocents) „ Ditto (Scripture Piece) Print framed and glazed Print, framed and glazed Miniature portrait Three ornamental boxes, &c Small bust in glass, and sundry pieces of marble, &c. Nine silver coins Two wine labels and small box with thimble Ornamental box with silver mountings ORIENTAL AND OTHER CHINA. Twenty Nankin china plates Eighteen ditto Pair of large dishes and pair of small ditto Six dishes Four pie dishes and 7 plates Four soup plates and 4 delf plates Twelve small plates Soup tureen and cover, and 4 pieces of blue china Nine coffee cups and jug Twelve cups and 2 saucers Four dishes, cream ewer, 2 small pickle dishes and jug Ornamental open-worked dessert service, consisting of 12 plates, 5 oval dishes, and 3 basket dishes Pair of scolloped dishes and coffee pot Three china flower pattern cups and saucers Three Oriental china coffee cups and 4 saucers Four coffee cups, 2 saucers, and basin Pair of handsomely painted cups — Teapot and oval dish (injured) Three Dresden china Cups and saucers, handsomely painted with landscapes and figures m . A 10^-inch bowl Three plates Four cups and saucers Basin and ornamental antique cream jug . .4 13 LOT \vm- .288 Finely executed china figure 18in. in height, SiwiBtml ^)fp.a,c h i ii M n lnVI hr in - fu. i K j f^\Asfo- / //l ^ X? —— 7- m *> i itt,- Z*X>i /»£ *• — /. / 3 . £ /t) 4--^ i-v, X Cyi—*- - • /2 0 L 4,< *. >v t*JLci.&, < - - S' . D - o / * ? -; » ; 7 ^2. . / ~7 ! . e>