Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofchoic00chri_10 O^T^ZLOO-TTIE /&/ i m .... Co Cu hJ CHOICE WINES, FROM THE CELLARS OF THE RT. HON. THE EARL OF NORTHBROOK, THE RT. HON. THE EARL OF NORMANTON, DECEASED; THE RT. HON. LORD RIBBLESDALE, SIR HENRY EDWARDS, Deceased, late of 53 Berkeley Square, W. SIR CHAS. BINGHAM LOWTHER, BART. Swillington House, Leeds ; and FINE WINES FROM OTHER PRIVATE CELLARS : WHICH Ml til l)f roll) D v auction by Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THSra GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. Samples may be had, on paying for the same, One Week preceding the Sale, and Catalogues obtained, at Messrs. Christie, Manbon and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. -- o - I. THE highest bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II, No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson aDd Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE On THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1897, AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY. (N.B.—Purchasers can have their wine delivered in town at a charge of one shilling per dozen; or packed, for the country, at a charge of two shillings and sixpence per dozen.) The following Wines, from Swillington House, Leeds, are sold in consequence of the minority of the owner, SIR CHARLES BINGHAM LOWTIIER, Bart {By Order of the Trustees.) MADEIRA. 4 CLARET. 7 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1868. from Messrs. Oldfield, York 8 Three ditto 9 Three ditto 10 Three ditto 11 Three ditto 12 Three ditto 13 Three ditto 14 Three ditto 15 Three ditto 16 Three ditto 17 Three ditto 18 Three ditto 19 Three ditto 20 Five ditto and one bottles, more or less m 21 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1 865, from Messrs. Oldfield York /$/ Jr— -L. 22 Three ditto - 23 Three ditto J^~ _ 24 Three ditto 25 Three ditto / 26 Three ditto <2^^, 27 Four ditto and four bottles, more or less A>~~ 28 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1864, from Messrs. Peters, Hall & Co. 29 Three ditto and nine bottles, more or less eA*AA&*£/^ / ^ ^ /rrL 34 Three ditto 35 Three ditto, more or less x CHAMPAGNE. 36 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, Lanson, extra quality, extra dry 37 Three ditto - 38 Three ditto & //' — 39 Three ditto, more or less 40 One Dozen and One Magnums of Champagne, 1884, Geoi'ge Goulet, brut, more or less v xr-eo - 57 Three Dozen and Nine Half-Bottles of Champagne!, 1884, Irroy, Carte d’or, see (of which fourteen lialf-bottles are slightly ullaged), more or less -4 J 7' 58 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, H. J. H. Holdsworth &■ Co.. finest extra quality, reserve cuvee, extra sec ' r 59 Three ditto 60 Four ditto and seven bottles, more or less 61 Three Dozen Half-Bottles of Ditto 62 Three ditto 63 Three ditto 64 Three ditto and three hall-bottles, more or less c/3 sgt -y SW, *^fiS V /* e 8 65 One Dozen and Four Bottles of Ditto, slightly ullaged ; Four Bottles, ullagecl ; Two Dozen and Four Half-Bottles, slightly ullaged ; and One Dozen Half-Bottles, ullaged, more or less zy, 66 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1884, H. J. H. Holdsworth & Co.,^ superior quality, light, dry 67 Three ditto /'TjZT jJ ^r 68 Tl:r - ditl ° .j 69 Two ditto and three bottles, more or less /4 ?i/. 70 Five ditto and one bottle, slightly ullaged, more or less 0 71 One Ditto and Ten Bottles, ullaged, more or less 72 One Dozen and Nine Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Giesler, extra superior, dry {of which nine bottles are slightly ullaged) , more or less 73 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1880, Binet, Dry Elite 74 Three ditto 75 Three ditto 76 Three ditto 77 Three ditto 78 Five ditto and six bottles, more or less Pi/ JT — r ^y, jr~zrytJt- 79 Cne Dozen and Four Magnums and One Dozen and One Bottles of Champagne, 1880, Perinet et Fils, euvee reserve, extra see, more or less 6*7. sTr- 80 Six Magnums of Ditto, slightly ullaged ; Eleven Bottles, slightly ullaged ; and Two Dozen and Three Bottle^/ idlaged, more or less 7Z/^ 81 Four Dozen and One Bottles of Champagne, 1874, Pommery and Greno, brut, landed 1877, very slightly ullaged, more pr by#/' 9 The Cellar of SIR HENRY EDWARDS , deceased , late of 53 Berkeley Square. SHERRY. 82 Three Dozens of Montill a, 25 years old *4?/ 83 Three ditto, more or less ^ 4 — 84 One Dozen and Five Bottles of Apostles Sherry ; and One Dozen and Five Bottles of Old Pale Sherry, bought j 1875, more or less ^4-^4 85 Two Dozen and Four Bottles of Pale Sherry, very old; and One Dozen and Three Bottles of Pale Sher, 1870, more or less ■zr- CLARET, PORT, BURGUNDY AND HOCK. 86 Two Dozen and Seven Bottles of Chateau Lafite, 1865; Seven Bottles of Mouton Rothschild, 1868 ; 'Ten Bottles of Claret, old; and Three Bottles of Claret, morp or_ less &J?4/* ' 87 One Dozen and Seven Bottles of Port, 1851, Wiltshire ; Ten Bottles of Port, 1851 ; and Nine Bottles and One Magnum j, . of Port, 1851, J. Watson, more or less (PP/' 88 Eleven Bottles of Port, 1847, Tanqneray; Six Bottles of /y Port, 1847, Wiltshire; and Eight Bottles of Port, 1847,^- more or less //*A 89 One Dozen and Seven Botiles of Burgundy, Block and Grey, more or less Jc. f' 90 One Dozen and Two Bottles of Liebfraumilch, very old ; Eight Bottles of Hock, old ; and One Dozen and Two Bottles of Greek Wine, more or less *2//r "Hj 10 CHAMPAGNE. 91 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1892, Irroy, more oj 92 Three Dozens of Champagne, 1889, Clicquot, mor( 93 One Dozen of Champagne, 1892, Perrier Jouet ; One /Dozen of Champagne, Pommery ; Eleven Bottles of Champagne, Perrier Jouet ; Seven Bottles of Champagne, Pommery; Six Bottles of Champagne, 18 Bottles of Champagne, 188 and Eleven Half-Bottles more or less 94 One Dozen and Five Bottles The Property of A GENTLEMAN, lately deceased. J. SHERRY. 95 Four Dozens of Manzanilla, purchased 1876, Gilburd ( ' ” ’ 13 bottles are slightly ullaged), more or less 96 Three Dozens of Sherry, dry, purchased 1871 (of which 17 bottles are ullaged), more or less 4)7 Three Dozens of Golden Sherry, old (of which 8 bottles are ullaged), more or less 11 CLARET. 98 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite 99 Three ditto, more or less 100 One Dozen of Chateau Margaux, 1879, bottled at ihe chateau, H. R. Williams; and Two Jeroboams of Ditto, more or less PORT. 101 Three Dozens of Port, 1877, Gilburd, more or less 102 Three Dozen and Eleven Bottles of Port, 1844, Caroonell, bottled 1847, more or less 103 Two ditto and one bottles, slightly ullaged, more or less 104 Four Dozens of Port, 1844, Carbonell, more or less 105 Two dozens, slightly ullaged, more or less 106 Three Dozens of Port, 1844, Iv.li.G. (of which 11 bottles are, slightly ullaged), more or less HOCK. 107 Four Dozens of Marcobrunner, 1868 (of which VPbottles are s / slightly ullaged), more or less tPiy ' /v-C0~£ 108 One Dozen of Steinberg Cabinet, 1865, more or less d'P/Z ^ THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. 109 Two Dozen and 109a One Dozen and Four Magnums of Port, old, more or less Six Bottles of Port, old, more or less Af 12 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN leaving his Residence. SHERRY. 110 Three Dozens of Old Pale Sherry, and Greenwell, Durham 111 Three ditto, more or less binned 1869, Hutchinsoii? J J> /La, nEfru,- CLARET. 112 Three Dozens of Lafite, 1857, Hutchinson and Grepimell 113 Three ditto j£/ 2y^ 114 Three ditto, more or less ' iff/* ——• 115 Three Dozens of Lafite, 1865, Hutchinson and Greenwell fff 116 Three ditto 117 Three ditto t7 &A 118 Three ditto 119 Three ditto, more or less CHAMPAGNE. 120 Ihree Dozens of Champagne, 1884, Lanson pere et fils ^extra quality, extra dry 121 Three ditto 122 Three ditto 123AAive ditto T more nr ]pas 13 The Property of THOMAS HOOPER, Esq., of Biggleswade. CLARET. 124 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1874, grand vin, bought of y , Webb, 1876, bottled at the chateau, glass seal on bottles^ 125 Five ditto, more or less ^7//^ PORT. 126 Three Dozens of Port, 1873, Boa Vista, bottled 1876, bought of James Powell & Sons 127 Three ditto 128 Three ditto 129 Three ditto 130 Three ditto 131 Three ditto 132 Three ditto 133 Three ditto 134 Three ditto 135 Three ditto 136 Sis ditto, more or less tP / 6 'fa/. 6L A fry A —- (P4 1 /* --—- 137 Three Dozens of Port. 1870, Sandeman, ft \etal capsule, bottled 1874, H. S. & Co. /‘A/ 1S8 Three ditto Jtiy 139 Three ditto ' y _- 140 Four ditto, more or less fty. J^rc. CHAMPAGNE. 141 One Dozen and Sis Magnums of Champagne, 18£0, Krugly ’ bought of Bailey & Co., 1885 ^ 6<7yC 142 One ditto and eight magnums, more or less PT 0 14 BRANDY. 143 Six Bottles of Choice Old Pale Brandy, vintage 1812, Justerini and Brooks, bought at the Ear^of A^lesfoi^s Sale >it Packington, in May 1876 144 Six ditto 145 Six ditto 146 Six ditto 147 One dozen bottles, more or less FA sty ' * The Property of A GENTLEMAN, deceased. (Sold by Order of the Executors.) SHERRY. 148 Three Dozens of Light Golden Sherry bottled in 1877 149 Three ditto 163 Three Dozens of Port, 1851, Smith, Wodeh6use & Co., bolded^ ' 1855 164 Two ditto and five bottles, more or less BRANDY. 165 One Dozen of Pale Liqueur Brandy, 1875, Hine, landed in 1876, bottled as cleared from bond in 1896, corks branded n m // * l 7A. r - ' 166 One ditto 167 One ditto 168 One ditto 169 One ditto 170 One ditto 171 One ditto 172 One ditto ? /cm/* AAAs-rz /*y /crvy A 173 Two ditto and one bottles, more or less ^ - / BRANDY. 174 One Dozen of Brown Brandy, Otard, vintage. 1861^, bottle 1878, by Applegate & Sons, Trowbridge 7^* 175 One ditto IPX/* 176 One ditto and five bottles, more or less The Property of the Rt. Hon. the EARL OF NORMANIOR , deceased. SHERRY. 177 Three Dozens of Old Dry Montilla 7% 178 Three ditto '7/- 179 Two ditto and six bottles, more or less The Property of HIS EXCELLENCY SIR PHILIP CURRIE. SHERRY. 180 Three Dozens of Manzanilla, old, recorded July 1896/^//J^ 181 Three ditto /jY, ' 182 Three ditto '/J/, 183 Three ditto 184 4 ive ditto and one bottles, more or less 17 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. SHERRY. 185 Three Dozens of West India Sherry, binned upwards o sixteen years ago , Hall, Swansea 186 Four ditto and ten bottles, more or less 187 Three dozens of ditto, ullaged 188 Three ditto 189 Four ditto and two bottles, more or less 190 Three Dozens of Brown Sherry, binned upwards years ago , Hall, Swansea 191 Three ditto 192 Three ditto YApy FyC — inned upwards oRc ,** jy‘ a j- //, tAYPP * sixteen . J> 193 Three ditto , r 194 Five ditto and five bottles, more or less Ay* 195 Three dozens of ditto, ullaged /?/ -Cx_ > 196 Three ditto and one bottles, more or less C 18 From the Cellar of the Rt. Hon. THE EARL OF NORTHBROOK. CLARET. 197 Three Dozens of Leoville, 1874, from Messrs. Lestapis & Co., 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 Bordeaux Three ditto Three ditto ,/Z N/// Three ditto and nine bottles, more or less Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1874, Lestapis &rCo. / z2 / Two ditto and two bottles, more or less Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1870, Lestapis & Co.J^C Four ditto and six bottles, more or less Four Dozen and Eight Bottles of Larose, 1870, Lestapis 206 207 208 Co., more or less jy. Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1868, Lestapis & Co . Styvt. f&JLsO* Four ditto and six bottles, more or less Four Dozen and Eight Bottles of ChateVu Lafit^, 1865,^ irom Messrs. Block and Grey, more or less o/+ /*/ The Property of the lion . FRANCIS BER TIE. CLARET. -09 Three Dozens of Chateau Latour, 1875, grayed vin^^ipped 18(5, grand vin, skimped * and bottled by Keyl & Co., Bordeaux 210 Three ditto * 211 Three ditto —* 7, / 212 Three ditto, more or less 7 > 7 - 19 The Property of the Rt, Hon. LORD RIBBLESDALE. CLARET. 213 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1874, grand Cunliffe, Dobson & Co., Bordeaux 214 Three ditto 215 Four ditto, more or less tfTy/ THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. CLARET. 21G Three Dozens of Chateau Latour, grand vin, 1888, bottled aty, the chateau, corks branded 1888 Chateau Latour 217 Three ditto 218 Three ditto 219 Three ditto 220 Three ditto 221 Three ditto 222 Three ditto 223 Three ditto 224 Three ditto and ten bottles, more of less ; and Eleven Magnums of Ditto finis. London: Printed by Wu. Clowks & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Sharing Cross. 17 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. SHERRY. 185 Three Dozens of West India Sherry, binned upwards of sixteen years ago , Hall, Swansea 186 Four ditto and ten bottles, more or less 187 Three dozens of ditto, ullaged 188 Three ditto 189 Four ditto and two bottles, more or less 190 Three Dozens of Brown Sherry, binned upwards of sixteen years ago , Hall, Swansea 191 Three ditto 192 Three ditto 193 Three ditto 194 Five ditto and five bottles, more or less 195 Three dozens of ditto, ullaged 196 Three ditto and one bottles, more or less C 18 From the Cellar of the Rt. Hon. THE EARL OF NORTHBROOK. CLARET. 197 Three Dozens of Leovllle, 1874, from Messrs. Lestapis & Co., Bordeaux 198 Three ditto 199 Three ditto 200 Three ditto and nine bottles, more or less 201 Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1874, Lestapis & Co. 202 Two ditto and two bottles, more or less 203 Three Dozens of Chateau Margaux, 1S70, Lestapis & Co. 204 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 205 Four Dozen and Eight Bottles of Larose, 1870, Lestapis & Co., more or less 206 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1868, Lestapis & Co. 207 Four ditto and six bottles, more or less 208 Four Dozen and Eight Bottles of Chateau Lafite, 1865, from Messrs. Block and Grey, more or less The Property of the Hon. FRANCIS BERTIE. CLARET. 209 Three Dozens of Chateau Latour, 1875, grand vin, shipped and bottled by Keyl & Co., Bordeaux 210 Three ditto 211 Three ditto 212 Three ditto, more or less 19 The Property of the Rt. Hon. LORD RIBBLESDALE. CLARET. 213 Three Dozens of Chateau Lafite, 1874, grand vin , shipped by Cunliffe, Dobson & Co., Bordeaux 214 Three ditto 215 Four ditto, more or less THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. CLARET. 216 Three Dozens of Chateau Latour, grand vin, 1888, bottled at the chateau, corks branded 1888 Chateau Latour 217 Three ditto 218 Three ditto 219 Three ditto 220 Three ditto 221 Three ditto 222 Three ditto 223 Three ditto 224 Three ditto and ten bottles, more or less; and Eleven Magnums of Ditto finis. London: Printed by U'u. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street anJ Charing Cross.