mm tfm- r - ■ > »i SPOTTtSWOODE & CO., LITH., 54 GRACECHURCH ST., E.G. !Sllenburgs Foods. A PROGRESSIVE DIETARY, unique in providing nourishment suited to the growing digestive powers of YOUNG INFANTS from birth upwards, and free from dangerous germs. The "AHenburyS" Milk FOOd NO. 1 specially adapted to the first three mouths of life. The "AllenburyS* Milk FOOd N O. 2 similarly adapted to the second three months of life. The M Allen bliryS" Malted FOOd NO. 3 for Infants orer six months of t*?e. PAMPHLET ON INFANT FEEDING Free on application to ALLEN & HANBURYS, Ltd., Plough Court, Lombard St., London, Eng. IMPORTANTJNOTjyDEJM] VISITORS. All interested in Children's and Ladies' Sanitary and Deodorant Specialities, Hygienic Clothing, Bedding," Blankets, etc., Surgical Wool and Disinfectants, should not fail to inspect the articles manufactured from C6 55 THE NEW NATURAL ANTISEPTIC AND DEODORANT FIBRE. A Revolution in Hygiene. Thirty Medals Awarded. PRINCE'S HALL (facing Lecture Room), WARWICK ROAD ENTRANCE. RANSOMES' LAWN MOWERS THE BEST IN THE WORLD PRICE LISTS FREE. Are Used in these Grounds, portant Improvements embodied in no other maker's Machines. Made in all Sizes to suit Every Requirement. All Machines sent on a Month's Free Trial, Carriage Paid. "•^■..^".[SGQg 1 Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ltd., ORWELL WORKS, IPSWICH. A REVOLUTION IN FURNISHING. wnaj house fudwSstli. ; iijqwviCoMSNm . NORMAN & STAGEY, LTD., 118 QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, E.C. The Editor of the Daily Telegraph writes : "An elaborate and excellently Illustrated Catalogue has been issued by Messrs. Norman & Stacey, Ltd., Artistie House Furnishers, Queen Victoria Street. It contains plans for furnishing a flat or house for any price from J690 to £500, and suggestions for more expensively furnished mansions, together with useful hints on domestic decoration. The coloured plates are a distinct attraction to the Catalogue." The Catalogue mentioned may be obtained at their EXHIBIT IN THE IMPERIAL COURT. •heuld be addressed to Mr. JOHN HART, 6 Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. 1 A E. BROWN & SON'S BOOT PREPARATIONS SOLD EVERYWHERE. WHITE BOOTS 0_SHO_| * BELTS GLOVES*.? .ft mAde only by L BR OWN &SOK1 •_s-x_t theirs' MtLTONI AN BLACKI MANUFACTORY Garrick Streer.London| 2|5. RUEBeRCERE.RARHIJ oi|rectioms for USf Heltonian Blacking Is used in the Royal Household Renders the Boots Soft, Durable, and Waterproof. Parian White. For Cleaning W hite Boots, Shoes,Belts,Grloves,Riding Breeches, and all White Leather and Canvas Coods Royal Lutetian Cream. The best for Cleaning and Polishing Russian and Brown Leather Boots, Tennis Shoes, &c. Nonpareil de Guiche. Parisian Polish (for Varnishing Dress Boots and Shoes) is more elastic and easier to use than any other. 7 GARRICK STREET, LONDON, W.C., and at 26 RUE BERGERE, PARIS. LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY. ESTABLISHED 1762. A Funds in Hand: 4_ MILLIONS. No Agents Employed. No Commission Paid. Consequent Large Bonuses. Offices : MANSION HOUSE STRE ET, E.C. Write for the recent Report on the Valuation of the Society's Assets and Liabilities, showing STRENGTH, SECURITY, LIBERALITY, AND LARGE BONUS PROSPECTS. ATKINSON & CO., ARTISTIC HOUSE FURNISHERS. Established 80 Years. ATKINSON & CO.'S SHOWROOMS are now stocked with all the Newest Productions specially prepared for the Season's Trade, and comprising one of the finest Exhibits in London. Inspection Invitedm illustrated Catalogues Free* 198 to 212 WESTMINSTER BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.E. (Three minutes' walk from the Houses of Parliament ), 2 WOMAN'S INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1900, EARL'S COURT, LONDON. $xxzttox-&znzxul : I M RE KIRALFY. JJrjffpmtcrrjj : THE LONDON EXHIBITIONS LIMITED, Exhibition Buildings, Earl's Court, S.W. $xxzttoxn : PAUL CREMIEU-JAVAL, J. P., Chairman. IMRE KIRALFY, Managing-Director. HAROLD T. HARTLEY. Honorary €oxnxaxttzz : The LADY MAYORESS of LONDON, President. JAMES MARSHALL FRESHWATER. HERMAN HART. R. CLAUDE GARNETT, Secretary. The The The The The The DUCHESS DUCHESS DUCHESS DUCHESS DUCHESS DUCHESS of BUCCLEUCH. of BEAUFORT. of DEVONSHIRE. of MARLBOROUGH. of PORTLAND. of SUTHERLAND. MADAME de BILLE. COUNTESS FEODORE GLEICHEN. JULIA, MARCHIONESS ofTWEEDDALE. The MARCHIONESS of GRANBY. MARCHIONESS of WATERFORD. MARCHIONESS of HEADFORT. MARCHIONESS of ZETLAND. COUNTESS of DERBY. of PEMBROKE. of DUNDONALD. COWPER. of RADNOR. The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The COUNTESS COUNTESS COUNTESS COUNTESS COUNTESS of COUNTESS of COUNTESS of COUNTESS of COUNTESS of COUNTESS of COUNTESS of BECTIVE. MAYO. LUCAN. CADOGAN. St. GERMANS. YARBOROUGH. DUDLEY. LADY AUDREY BULLER. ALGERNON GORDON LADY LENNOX. The LADY HENRY SOMERSET. LADY ADA OSBORNE. LADY GEORGE HAMILTON. VISCOUNTESS HARBERTON. VISCOUNTESS DUNCANNON. VISCOUNTESS CASTLEROSSE. LADY ALICE LESLIE. MARY LESLIE. EMMA CRICHTON. WINDSOR. The The The The The The The The The The The LADY LADY LADY LADY LADY REAY. BELHAVEN & STANTON. fon. Sac. : Miss TESSA MACKENZIE. MARY LADY TREVOR. The LADY WENLOCK. The LADY LECONFIELD. The LADY BURTON. The LADY BLYTHSWOOD. The LADY BATTERSEA. BARONESS ECKHARDSTEIN. The Hon. ELEANOR LADY LE1GHTON. The Hon. Mrs. LYULPH STANLEY. The Hon. Mrs. PERCY MITFORD. The Hon. Mrs. PERCY WYiNDHAM. LADY DICKSON POYNDER. LADY HAYTER. LADY JEUNE. LADY HAMILTON. LADY BANCROFT. Mrs. HENRY ALLHUSEN. Mrs. ASQUITH. Mrs. ROBERT BENSON. Mrs. W. K. CLIFFORD. Mrs. CRAIGIE (John Oliver Hobbes). Mrs. LAWRENCE CURR1E. Miss HALLE. Mrs. HARMSWORTH. Mrs. HARRY HIGGINS. Mrs. KENDAL. Mrs. MASSINGHAM. Mrs. MOBERLEY BELL. Mrs. ALFRED MORRISON. Mrs. ERNEST NORMAN. Mrs. ARTHUR PAGET. Mrs. RONALDS. Madame HENRIETTA RONNER. Mrs. LEOPOLD de ROTHSCHILD. Mrs. SPENDER. Mrs. ARTHUR STRONG. Miss ELLEN TERRY. Mrs. BEERBOHM TREE. Mrs. E. M. WARD. BRITISH & IRISH SILK INDUSTRY SECTION, UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE LADIES' NATIONAL SILK ASSOCIATION, rmtwrt: H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF YORK. Her Grace the DUCHESS of SUTHER- LAND. The Most Noble The MARCHIONESS of BRISTOL. The Most Noble The MARCHIONESS of LONDONDERRY. The Most Noble The MARCHIONESS of TWEEDDALE. The Right Hon. The COUNTESS SPENCER. The Right Hon. The COUNTESS of ARRAN. ^omnxxttzz l The Right Hon. The COUNTESS of ANCASTER. The Right Hon. The COUNTESS of DARTMOUTH. The Right Hon. The DOWAGER COUNTESS of WHARN CLIFFE. The Right Hon. The BARONESS BURDETT-COUTTS. The Right Hon. LADY REAY. The Right Hon. LADY BLYTHSWOOD. The Right Hon. LADY ROTHSCHILD. The Hon. Mrs. PERCY MITFORD. TIME TABLE OF ENTERTAINMENTS. In EMPRESS THEATRE. M*. I1VXRE KIRALFY'S O^^-ISTID .A-USTID BRILLIANT BEALISATIO 3ST OF HOME LIFE, WORK AND PASTIMES of THE WOMEN of all NATIONS, In QUEEN'S COURT. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.-THE FASHODA AND DINKA VILLAGE.— A most remarkable and strikin, feature, and a genuine curiosity. An entire village of women, brought from fS g desert of Africa to the heart of the metropolis. I p m. to 11 p.m. — GREAT CANADIAN CHUTE. — A dash down which is productive of a kee sense of exhilaration. en II a.m. to 11 p.m.-THE SWAN BOATS, which swiftly skim over the cool surface of the water. and will prove a novel sensation. I8 ' 11 a m. to 11 p.m. — CAMERA OBSCURA — Life Reproduction of the Queen's Court, Swan Bn»f. Lake, and Chute. ° ats ' In IMPERIAL COURT. 130 p.m. to 11 P .m.-SALVIATrS VENETIAN GLASS WORKERS. -Messrs. Sal viati, J eBUPllni & Co.'s remarkable exhibit of dainty Venetian Glass Making by Women. In PICTURESQUE CITY. 12.30 p.m. to 11 p.m.-THE QUEEN OF ROUMANIAN DOLLS.-A gigantic aggregation of doll, illustrating the History of the World, amongst the donors being the Queen nf England, and all the crowned heads of Europe. ^ 01 3 p m. to 11 p.m.— THEATRE.— Mdlle. Marguerite and her marvellous performing lions 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.-THE ELECTROPHONE.— A most attractive form of entertainment enabling the hearer to enjoy concerts, plays, &c, at all leading theatres. ' g U a.m. to 11 p.m. — PRETTY PONY CHAISES AND CAPE CARTS conveying passengers to various parts of the grounds at a small charge. In ELYS I A. 12.30 p.m. to 11 p.m.-THE MIRROR MAZE.— A most amusing and amazing novelty productive of the utmost merriment. 1.30 p.m. to 11 p.m.— PHILP AND ATHOLL'S GALLERY OF ILLUSIONS. — A wonderfully mystifying entertainment, causing endless merriment. ^ 1,30 p.m. to 11 p.m.— A TRIP THROUGH THE BAY OF NAPLES.— A marvellous travelling ill u sion in which the visitor sails on board ship through the magnificent bay 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.— TRANSVAAL RIFLE RANGE.— Where the ambitious defender of 'his country can blaze away at the enemy and improve his markmanship. ^ 3 p.m. to 11 p.m.— CINEMATOGRAPH.— Novel animated pictures from the present war with realistic and mechanical effects. U a.m. to 11 p.m.-THE PUZZLE CAGE.— A most amazing novelty. 1,30 p.m. to 11 p.m.— GRAND GALLERY OF LIVING PICTURES.— Being magnificent repro- ductions of well-known pictures by beautiful ladies. U a.m. to 11 p.m.-THE GIGANTIC WHEEL.— With magnificent views at an altitude of 300fepf 11a.m. to 11 p.m.— STREETS OF KHARTOUM. — A vision of the Arabian Nights, affording a glimpse of the city made famous by General Gordon and Lord Kitchener. In WESTERN GARDENS. 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.-THE GRAVITY RAILWAY.— An ever popular institution, with a lovelv view of the Thames from Richmond Hill. 1.30 p.m. to 11 p.m.— THE MAGIC TABLE.— A marvellous and mystifying seance 12 noon to 11 p.m.— C0UVEUSES d'ENF ANTS— Professor Lion's system of artificial mothering which has made such a sensation in the world of science. I p.m. to 11 p.m.— VESUVIUS IN ERUPTION.— A magnificent realisation of the weird scene of the restless forces of Nature in convulsion. rnantomime II a.m. to 11 p.m.— MINIATURE ELECTRIC BALLET —The acme of perfection in marionette X p.m. tO XX p.m. IN THE. PICTUEESQUE CITY. Saadow^s Physical Culture at Home. SAMDOW'ScoZned DEVELOPER. I SANDOW'S GRIP DUMBBELL Demonstrated by a Team of Handsome Lady Athletes. ADMISSION FREE. ADMISSION FREE. EMPRESS THEA Open from 3 to 7 ADMISSION II- CONDENSED LIBRETTO OF BRILLIANT REALISATION of j/m £^ , HOME LIFE, WORK AND PASTIMES WOMEN A LL ATIONS Comprising delightfully realistic scenes of various/ portions of the world, each particular country showing/its native women ^engaged in their own peculiar work. A most striking^ beautiful Mid impressive sight, as original as it is unique. See the Canadian yromen in^^pical scen^in the land of the maple tree. The Irish Colleens, (^graphic picture of middle-class peasant life in Ireland. English Typ£|£bf Womanhood occupied/n making articles for the soldiers at the front. The/ BonniH^Bcotch / Lassies in the characteristic representation of a home in the Highlands. arming Piquant Americans ^ m a lovely scene in the Eastern States. The Flemish Ladies in a realistic, old-fashioned interior of the Belgian Capital. The Dutch The Dani omen in their quaint, attractive costumes. Ladies making lace, and forming a most delightful picture. The Women of Sweden, with a view of Stockholm in the distance. Post and Telegraph Office foot of Arcade Bridge. 6 Handsome ^° rW g ^*^ h arming scene of a Norwegian homestead. The Muscovite Women, v. . x iic wit h their magnificent veils and rich national costumes. The Vivacious Austrians, x in an exquisite reproduction of the Palace of Schoenbrunn. Life in the Bavarian Alps exhibits the peculiarities of dress and the manners of the working women of Bavaria. Romantic Switzerland illustrated by a vivid representation of the life and scenic beauty of that lovely country. Life in France exemplified by a bevy of fair Parisiennes in a salon over- looking the Exhibition. The Daughters of Sunny Italy enjoying the Carnival festivities in beautiful Venice. The Castilian Women ■ in their magnificent national dresses, with the view of Granada's famous palace. Magyar Maidens , in a typical scene of Hungarian peasant life. Egyptian Women in their picturesque Oriental milieu. Women of India, garbed in the soft picturesque Tari. Doll-like Japanese who amuse with their playing on quaint instruments, and give a realistic picture of life in Japan. Women of the Flowery Kingdom, attired in rich robes of silks, prove a striking novelty. Southern American Creoles, representing the life and customs of the women of the South. The Gallant Little Principality is represented by the Welsh Ladies' Orchestra (Conductress, Miss N. Lorenza), in their picturesque national costume. PRIESTLEY'S dress fab ========== " FOR GENTLEWOMEN" (Regd.). "Supreme by reason of their great variety and excellent substance," says the Queen. From the Leading Drapers. Trade Mark— THE VARNISHED BOARD. 7 ENTERTAINMENTS, &c SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, WOO. THE - . From 12.30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Queen of Roumania's Dolls, A gigantic aggregation of Dolls, illustrating the History of the World, amongst the donors being the Queen of England and all the Crowned Heads of Europe. IN THE PICTURESQUE CITY. Do not fail to Shoot the Chutes. IN QUEENS COURT. A TRIP THROUGH THE BAY OF NAPLES. A marvellous travelling illusion, in which the visitor sails on board a felucca through this magnificent bay. From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. IN ELYSIA. From 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. THE FASHODA & DINKA VILLAGE, A most remarkable and striking feature, and a genuine curiosity. An entire Village of Women, brought from the far Soudan to the heart of the Metropolis. QUEEN'S COURT. THE FOLLOWING WORK EXHIBITS IN PICTURESQUE ENGLAND can be seen in operation Daily from 2 till 8 p.m. : THOMAS BRADFORD & CO.'s WORKING LAUNDRY. THE HANWORTH ORCHARD PRESERVES. THE LONDON AND PROVINCIAL DAIRY COMPANY'S MODEL DAIRY. THEATRE, PICTURESQUE CITY, Mdlle. MARGUERITE AND HER WONDERFUL PERFORMING LIONS. PRETTY PONY CHAISES AND CAPE CARTS In the PICTURESQUE CITY and QUEEN'S COURT. c 8 ^^^iif PROGRAMME, Saturday, October 13. BAND OF H.M. GRENADIER GUARDS (By permission of COLONEL H. RICARDO). Conductor Mr. A. WILLIAMS, Mus. Bac. Oxon. 1. — March 2. — Selection . 3. — Serenade . 4. — Selection . 5. — Overture ... 6. — Walzer . . 7. — Euphonium Solo 8. — Selection . . 3.30 to 5.30 p.m. " The Uhlan's Call " "Dorothy" .. .. "LaPaloma" .. " Borneo et Juliette " Interval 15 minutes. "Morning, Noon and Night" .. . . " Promenaden " . . . . "Adieu, Marie " . . (Soloist, W. BANNISTEB.) " The French Maid " Eilenberg Gellier Yradier Gounod Suppe Gung'l S. Adams Slaughter 7.30 to 11 p.m. 1. -March .. " 'A Frangesa " . 2. — Selection " Iolanthe " .. 3. — Valse "Santiago" .. 4. — Pas de Quatre (" Faust up to Date ") 5. — Selection of American Airs 6. — Overture . . 7. — Cornet Solo Interval IS minutes, M The Bohemian Girl " . . " Whisper and I shall Hear " . . (Soloist, A. OAKDEN.) 8. — Keminiscences of Wales — The Advance and Betreat of the Salvation Army 10. — Selection. . 11. — Valse 12. — Selection. . Interval 15 "A Bunaway Girl ' ' " Weaner Mad'ln" .. "A Gaiety Girl" .. "The British Grenadiers." GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. . . P. Mario Costa Sullivan Coi'bin Meyer Lutz Arr. Winterbottom Balfe Piccolomini . . Arr. F. Godfrey Orth Caryll Ziehrer S. Jones In inclement weather the Guards' Band will play in the Queen's Palace. Fire, Police, and Lost Property Office in Central Hall. 9 SWEDISH HUSSARS LADIES' MILITARY BAND. Conductress Miss ANGLESS. 1. — March 2. — Overture . . 3. — Waltz 4. — Selection . . 2.30 to 3.30 p.m. " The Pensioners " " Crown Diamonds " "Feo" " America " Kottaun Auber Sutton Winterbottom 1. — March 2. — Overture 3. — Waltz 4. — Selection 5. — Waltz 6. — Overture . . 7. — Cornet Solo 8. — Waltz 9. — Selection . . < t 4.30 to 6.30 p.m. • . " Patria • • • • < . . " Le Trompette " . . " The Children's Carnival" . . .. "ElCapitan" .. " We'll Hold our Own " (by desire) Interval. " Poet and Peasant " " Love's Old Sweet Song " . . (Miss L. LUKAINE.) La Fille du Tambour Major " . . " A Bunaway Girl " Goodall Bazin Ziehrer Sousa B. M. Portal Suppe Molloy Offenbach Caryll 1. — March 2. — Overture . . 3. — Cornet Solo 4. — Selection . . 5. — Grand March 6. — Waltz 7. — Barn Dance 8. — Selection . . 9. —Polka 10. — Waltz 11. — Entr'acte. . 12. — March 9 f 8 to 11 p.m. "Santiago" .. . " Light Cavalry " . . (Miss M. MOTLEY.) " A Life on the Ocean " Interval. .. "Tannhauser" .. "Une Folie de Pesth " . . " De Gone Coon " . . "From East to West" Interval. "Bonjour" . . "La Serenata " . . " An Indian Kide " " Soldiers of the Queen " Joel Suppe Binding Wagner Camillo Bonheur Browne Andrews Jaxone Loetz Parry GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. Bieyelists can have their Machines Stored Free of Charge at the Lillie Road Entrance. St, John's Ambulance Station in Picturesque City. 10 s Court THE MAINE LADIES' NAVAL ORCHESTRA. Conductress Madame H. E. ANGLESS. 1. 2. 3 4 — March • < — Overture . — Waltz —Selection . 1. 2. 3. -March -Overture . . -Cornet Solo 4. — Gavotte . . Selection . . 5. 6. -7 i . 8. 9. -March -Piccolo Solo -Waltz (Vocal) Selection . . I- 2. 3. - 4. - 5. - 6. - -March -Overture . . -Waltz -Tarantella -Selection -Vocal Galop 1 to 2 p.m. " Cheers for our Fleet " "Baymond" .. "NuitEtoile" .. " A Kunaway Girl " 4 to 6 p.m. " The Eoyal George " % Nozze di Figaro" . . " Non e ver " . . (Miss C. PEOBYN.) " La Premiere Kose " " The Belle of New York" Interval. "Santiago" .. "The Wren" .. . ."Little Gleaners". . " From East to West " 7 to 8.30 p.m. . . "On the Alert " . . .. "LaSirene" " L'Estudiantina " . . " Happy Heart " . . " A Life on the Ocean" . . " John Peel" . . Manas Thomas Waldteufel Caryll Bonheur Mozart Tito Mattel H. E. Angless Kerfar Joel Young Roeder Broivne DragH Auber Waldteufel Thovez Binding Meissler 1. — March 2. —Overture . . 3. — Waltz 4. — Polka 5. — Selection. . 6. — Waltz (Vocal) 7. — Lancers . . 8. — Mazurka . . 9. — Galop 9 to 11 p.m. " Queen's Keview " " Crown Diamonds " . . " Blue Bells " . . "Eljen" .."The Shop Girl".. Interval. .. "The Fan" .. . . " Jolly Boys " . . . . " Sylvan Glen" . . "Marie" Bonheur Auber Waldteufel Fahrbach Caryll Asclier Williams Kiefert D' Albert GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. JpT Gas Illuminations by Messrs. JAMES PAIN & SONS. V THE OFFICIAL GUIDE, with Coloured Map of Exhibition, beautifully Illustrated, price 66. 11 ENTERTAINMENTS. EMPRESS THEATRE. 1 MRE KIRAXj FY'S BRILLIANT REALISATION OF THE HOME LIFE, WOEK, AND PASTIMES OF THE WOMEN OF ALL NATIONS. A striking series of life pictures of scenes from all parts of the world, peopled by the women of the various countries, each group being seen in its distinctive surroundings and occupied in its ordinary every-day vocations. Each group gives illustrations of its own national music — vocal and instrumental. The Fas hod r a and Dink a Village* In the QUEEN'S COUET. A vivid, realistic reproduction of a village of the almost inaccessible and barbarous region of the Soudan, and peopled entirely by women. The dusky females of this tribe have the reputation amongst other savage African tribes of being the handsomest natives of the Dark Continent. The Great Canadian Chute. A most exhilarating and pleasurable sensation is that of " Shooting the Chutes," which has duplicated here its wonderful Canadian popularity. The Swan Boats* For those who enjoy a delightful novel trip over the lake at a small charge. Camera Obscura* In the Queen's Court near the Canadian Chute, wonderful human panorama of moving life. The HIGH-CLASS WASHING MATERIAL Avoid Imitations. " Viyella" w.j Does not Shrink. In the Newest Colourings. For Blouses, Shirts, Tennis Suits, Boating Costumes, &c. From leading Drapers ; or name of nearest sent on application to "VIYELLA" (W. E.), 55a FRIDAY STREET, LONDON, E.C. 12 •mm si The Queen of Roumanians Dolls* IN PICTUBE SQUE CITY. A stupendous collection of dolls representing the history of the fashions of the past century to which Her Majesty the Queen and all the crowned heads of Europe have contributed. The Theatre. IN PICTUKESQUE CITY. Mdlle. Marguerite Dompteuse and her den of twelve forest-bred lions in a startling, sensational performance, displaying the acme of cool daring and intrepidity. The Electrophone* The Electrophone in the Picturesque City is very largely patronised in the afternoon and evening. Connection exists between the Electrophone, the Italian Opera, and all the leading London Theatres, Concert Halls, Palaces of Varieties, etc. The Estab- lishment has this year been improved and enlarged. Mirror Maze. IN ELYSIA. A scientific marvel productive of the utmost hilarity and startling effects upon the visitor. Gallery of Illusions, IN ELYSIA. A wonderfully mystifying entertainment, causing endless merriment. Trip through the Bay of Naples. IN ELYSIA. Giving with striking effects all th© delights of a voyage on a boat in full sail through the enchantingly bewitching scenes of that romantic portion of the globe. The faint motion of the vessel gliding over the beautiful waters is wonderfully realistic. Transvaal Rifle Range. IN ELYSIA. A graphic picture of a scene in the South African War, giving the amateur marksman an opportunity of combining his prowess and patriotism by firing at his country's enemy, whose guns are seen on the kopjes. The Puzzle Cage* IN ELYSIA. A most amusing novelty, provocative of great fun for those who solve the puzzle as well as the onlooker. The Cinematograph* The latest animated photographs of episodes in the TRANSVAAL WAR, also the only animated photograph ever obtained of a RAILWAY COLLISION, accom- panied by a full orchestra with mechanical effects ; the whole forming a delightful quarter of an hour's entertainment. To LADY CYCLISTS and others. ti * ^ A ^ ™~ ~ Always looks fresh. It does NOT "MARK" or "COCKLE," and when dried and brushed From Leading Drapers, or particulars from . LOOKS AS GOOD AS NEW. E. RIPLEY & SON'S LONDON OFFICE, 100c QUEEN VICTORIA ST., LONDON, E.C. 13 Grand Gallery of Living Pictures. Mr. Carl Holz's accurate and artistic reproductions, by living subjects, of famous historical and pathetic war pictures. The Gigantic Wheel* An ever popular institution of the Exhibition with its beautiful views over London and its surroundings at an altitude of 300 feet. It is fitted with luxurious saloons and affords a novel sensation to the pleasure-seeker. Streets of Khartoum. A most realistic reproduction of a corner of the City by the Nile, with its bazaar, mule drivers, cafe, and date sellers, stately camels threading the narrow, crowded thoroughfares, and all the other inevitable features of Arab life. Its interest is enhanced by its association with the glorious deeds of General Gordon and Lord Kitchener. The Gravity Railway. An ever popular feature, with its exhilarating and exciting fun. Affords a superb view of the beautiful scenery of the higher reaches of the Thames. The Magic Table* A marvellous performance by spirit hands and a demonstration of the unseen forces of Nature. Motion is transmitted to lifeless objects without any direct contact. The Gouveuses d'Enfants* Professor Lion's System of Artificial Mothering. Premature born and weakly infants are reared by means of this scientific marvel of the present century. Vesuvius in Eruption* A vividly realistic picture of the Volcano belching forth volumes of fire and lava. The scene is most weird and impressive, the fitful light glaring in the firmament in strong contrast to the peaceful, lovely cities nestling at the foot of the mountains. Miniature Electric Ballet* A highly effective Electrical Novelty. A complete Christmas Pantomime and Grand Ballet with electric light effects, played by Marionettes. COURTAULDS CRAPE « And is therefore not damaged by a shower. WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION" WATERPROOF WOMAN'S EXHIBITION REFRESHMENT DEPARTMENT. Quadrant Dining Room, Western Gardens. Luncheon, 12 to 3 o'clock, 3s. 6d. j Dinner, 6 to 9.30, 7s. 6d. Chop House, Western Gardens. A la carte Luncheon, 12 to 3 o'clock; Is. Afternoon Tea, 3.30 to 5.30; 2s. 6d. Dinner or Supper, • 6 to 10.30. ^ ; ; , v -- ;&: -^M Lager Beer Hall, Western Gardens. German Dishes and Light Eefreshments ; variety of Lager beers. Grill Room, Queen's Court. Luncheons, Dinners and Supp at ordinary grill room prices, noon till 10.30 p.m. Victoria Restaurant, Queen's Court. 2s. Luncheon, 12 to 3 o'clock ; Is. Afternoon Tea ; 3s. 6d. Dinner, 6 to 9.30, consisting of soup, fish, joints, vegetables, sweets, cheese, dessert. ers, Canteen in Elysia. Hate of Cold Meat, 6d. ; Bread and Cheese, 2d. ; Milk, Id. ; Tea, 2d. ; Coffee, 2d. ; Mineral Waters, 2d. Liquors at public-house prices. Special quotations for Excursion Parties. Tea Pavilion, Picturesque City. Tea, Coffee and Light Eefreshments at usual prices. In addition to the above there are numerous Bars and Buffets in the Grounds and Buildings where Tea, Coffee, Temperance Beverages, Beers, Alcoholic Liquors, Light Eefreshments, Cigars, Cigarettes, etc., can be obtained at the usual rates. In accordance with the scheme of the present year's Exhibition (which is intended to promote the employment of women), the Eefreshment Contractors have decided upon the employment of women in many departments where men had previously done the work. Every endeavour has been made to secure the services of an efficient and superior staff of young women who have undergone a practical training for the purpose, and it is hoped that the kindly consideration of the public will be given to this effort to open the door for a new departure of so much interest in present social conditions. 14 WHY ARE THE . anworth Orchards ilver Pan Jams - - So hig hly recommended ? ~ VJS? *AS? ViS? Visit the WORKING MODEL JAM FACTORY, in the "IDEAL CITY" where the reason will be satisfactorily demonstrated. RON UK 55 (SANITARY) POLISHES AND PURIFIES OLISH Parquet and Stained Floors, Linoleum, and all Furniture, Bicycles, &c. Special kinds for Glac6 and Brown Boots & Brown and Black Harness* HIGHLY CONCENTRATED. USE LITTLE AND RUB LIGHTLY. In Tins 3d., 6d., Is., and 2s. Everywhere. The Ward fitted up by the Charing Gross Hospital authorities has been polished with "RON UK" Sanitary Polish. Floors regularly cleaned with this preparation obtain a beautiful, hard, polished, waterproof surface, which will harbour no germs. It imparts an agreeable freshness to the atmosphere, and is absolutely free from injurious effects. Estimates for keeping Fleers in order furnished on application to " RONUK," LIMITED, 83 Upper Thames Street, London, EX. 15 UNDER THE ROYAL PATRONAGE OF A m the ( fam OF GREECE „ p P primers MARIE OF GREECE n p w THE POKE OF SPARTA H.R.H. THE DUCHESS OF SPARTA H.R.H. PRINCESS HOHENLOHE H.R.H. PRINCE GEORGE OF GREECE EDWARDS' ii HARLENE" FOR THE HAIR THE GREAT HAIR PRODUCER & RESTORER „ _ The Finest Dressing, specially ' "T^^" prepared & delicately perfumed. A luxury and anecessity to every modern toilet. " HARLENE 99 Produces Luxuriant Hair. Prevents its Falling Off or Turning Grey. Unequalled for Promoting the Growth of the Beard and Moustache. The Renowned Remedy for Baldness. For Preserving, Strengthening, and Rendering the Hair Beautifully Soft ; for Removing Scurf, Dandruff, Ac. Full D irections in 20 Languages svpp'ied with every Bottle. 1/-, 2/6 and (3 times 2/6 size) 4/6 per Bottle everywhere over the world. IKS^g ^HARI^NE" CO.. 95 * 96 High Holborn, London, W.C. ASSURANCE COMPANY., LIMITED. . . COMMERCIAL UNION Head Office 24, 25 & 26 CORNHILI,, LONDON, E.C, ESTABLISHED 1861. TOTAL ASSETS EXCEED FIVE MILLIONS. TOTAL LOSSES PAID SINCE ESTABLISHMENT EXCEED TWENTY MILLIONS. For last Report or Prospectus address The Secretary. HAMPTON COURT BY THE FAVORITE SALOON STEAMER Running DAILY m»h from Old Swan Pier, — * **om Old Swan Pier, at 9.45 a.m. T/3 at 9.45 am - t/e "CARDINAL WOLSEY.^ All communications respecting Advertisements in the Publications of the Exhibition 16 PAIN'S ILLUMINATIONS (Sole Contractors to Earl's Court Exhibitions since 1885). ALL ILLUMINATIONS OF THE GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS with Coloured Lamps AT Are supplied and ARRANGED by JAMES PAIN & SONS. Offices : Walworth Road, S.E. ; 9 St. Mary Axe, EC, LONDON. Manufacturers and Contractors for every description of ARTISTIC ILLUMINATIO NS, FIREWORKS & FLAG DECORATIONS. Designs, Est imates, and Prices Free. THE LARGEST HOUSE IN THE WOELD FOR SUCH WORK. The Large and Small Banqueting Saloons. Criterion Restaurant, Piccadilly. East Room. West Room. Grand Hall. Buffet. American Bar. Grill Room. High-Class Cuisine at Popular Prices. should be addressed to Mr. JOHN HART 6 Arundel Street, Strand, London, W.C. -3 77?/$ as the wt l/b Vh/s /s the way we w&sfy our hands,.' "With PE/lfiS 1 SO/IP in the morning."