iiiuisii iiii liliiiiiiiiJi^ii Wiliisiiifiii^ i ACES and KINGS CARTOONS FROM THE DES MOINES REGISTER By Jay N. Darling ''Ding'' DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF CORPORAL FRANCIS WEB5TER. MACHINE GUN COMPANY, 168 INFANTRY. A MAN OF RARE TALENT, WHO HAD MORE TO GIVE THAN MOST MEN AND GAVE IT ALL. PUBLISHED DECEMBER FIRST, NINETEEN EIGHTEEN By THE REGISTER & TRIBUNE CO., DES MOINES, IOWA FOREWORD In looking back over the tumult of emo- tions and events of the last two years during which time we, as a nation, have passed from a state of blind and selfish pacifism to one of active belligerancy, righteous determination, self-sacrifice and glorious victory, I find that the cartoons which at the time appeared to strike a re- sponsive chord now seem pitifully inade- quate. Neither is the collection complete owing to the necessity of conserving space and paper. But in the hope that they may in a small measure remind us of the stirring sensations through which the nation and we as neighors passed, this collection is respectfully presented. THE BUTCHERS OF POTSDAM That they have done it by command rather than in person does not lessen the hideousness of their crimes. HOLD'IM! WE'RE ON THE WAY THE CONDUCT OF THIS DEPARTMENT WILL NEVER NEED A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION NOTE — This cartoon accompanied the news of the first participation of the American troops in the fighting line in France. BRINGING THE TRUTH HOME TO US. NOTE — When our first casualties were received. CLOSING THE PANTRY WINDOW NOTE— -During the early years of the war Gei'many received considerable quantities of food through her adjacent neutral neighbors. It was embargo cutting off this supply which greatly reduced Germany's morale. LET YOUR WAR ECONOMY BEGIN AT HOME GO,i\BUILD n AEROPLANES? f^'^^ MAKE MUNITIONS' HARVEST THE V - CROPS' I .THERE IS A SHORTAGE % ^{^^^ OF TRAINED >JURSES' BUILD ^"^^^ ^^^^ SHIPS? fTf^ AUTO MECHANICS AND THEN IF YOU HAVNT ANYTHING IMPORTANT TO DO, GO YOURSELF' WORK OR FIGHT THESE ARE BUSY DAYS FOR THE HOME STRATEGY BOARD ■V/ELL I DOKr'T SEE WHY THEY DONT JU5T TAKE ABOUTAMILLION AI R-E-O-PLANES AND FLY CLEAR. OVER, To Vfl-IFRE TH& KftlSER ISAT AND GET HM-WHKrs TO STOP 'EM? THEN THE wm. WHEN THEY GET THOSE GERMANS OKI THEI^raT "WHY IK'SAMHrLL UOn'u THEY KEEP 'EM GO FN ^ 3TID o' THAT WHArDK THEY DO? QOL DfJ'J THE WHOLE THIKGS | — ). WELL IF I WAS AN INVENTOR AHD COULDMT FK-GER, OUT SOMETHING- TO I3EAT THOSE PESKY SUBMARINES/ I'D RESICM - BoKT TELLANYBoPY, lANANT IT TO COME AS A SURPRISE-BDT I'VE GOT A CREAT SCHEME TO BEAT THE ^nBMA(?INES- JUST GET iOMEBODY THAT KMOVre SOME TH IMG AGOUr ELECVKiarr to get lii= A DEVICE THAT VfILL EXr PLOPE ANY TORPEDO A.? SOON AS IT COYieS WITHIN A HUNDRED YAm OF THE SHIP SOME OF THESE DAYS WE'LL LEARN TO APPLY THE SAME LESSON AT HOME DIVIDING, THE^^^ IN A FKONT LIKE LISTEMI^ter POST AFTER Ife HQVRS yjitoUT-reHEF. PICTURE OF WILLIAM G. McADOO GOING TO WORK IN THE MORNING THE DIFFICULTY OF KEEPING PACE WITH EVENTS LOOK OUT, MISTER, HERE COMES ANOTHER I AFTER OUR UNPLEASANT HOME LIFE- IT'S A REAL JOY TO GET OUT AND SEE THE NEIGHBORS ISN'T IT TERRIBLE? SOLVING THE SECRET OF THE GERMAN RETREAT THERE IS JUST ONE WAY TO CURE A RUNAWAY HORSE THE COMPLETE DIAGNOSIS BUT EVEN THEN THE EMOTIONS WERE TOO GREAT FOR THE POWER OF HUMAN EXPRESSION ARE WE COMPLETING THE CYCLE? Clans fought each other for centuries until they found that through the medium of a state they could settle their differences without bloodshed. States attempted to settle their differences through the medium of the cannon and sword until they learned the advantage of national unity. Nations are now fighting the bloodiest war of history for supremacy. Is it not possible that out of it may come an international league to enforce peace? I