pRflNKLiN Institute Librart PHIL/lbELFHI/l Class -^7 I Book.. X. S3. .5" Accession. 4.6 2J Article V. — The Library shall be divided into two classes ; the first comprising such works as, from their rarity or value, should not be lent out, all (inbound periodicals, and such text books as ought to be found in a library of reference, except when required by Committees of the Institute, or by Members or holders of second class stock, who have obtained the sanction of the Committee. The second class shall include those books intended for circulation. Article VI. — The Secretary shall have authority to loan to Members and to holders of second class stock, any work belonging to the second class, subject to the following regulations : Section 1. — No individual shall be permitted to have more than two books out at one time, without a written permission, signed by at least two mem- bers of the Library Committee ; nor shall a book be kept Out more than TWO WEEKS ; but if no one has applied for it, the former borrower may renew the loan. Should any person have applied for it, the latter shall have the preference. Section 2. — A fink of ten cents per week shall be exacted for the detention of a book beyond the limited time ; and if a book be not returned within three months, it shall be deemed lost, and the borrower shall, in addition to his fines, forfeit its value. Section 3. — Should any book be returned injured, the borrower shall pay for the injury, or replace the book, as the Library Committee may direct; and if one or more books, belonging to a set or sets, be lost, the borrower shall replace them or make full restitution. Article VII. — Any person removing from the Hall, without permission from the proper authorities, any book, newspaper, or other property in charge of the Library Committee, shall be reported to the Committee, who may inflict any fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars. Article VIII. — No Member or holder of second class stock, whose annual contribution for the current year shall be unpaid, or who is in arrears for fines, shall be entitled to the privileges of the Library or Read- ing Room. Article IX. — If any Member or holder of second class stock, shall refuse or neglect to comply with the foregoing rules, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to report him to the Committee on the Library. Article X. — Any Member or holder of second class stock, detected in mutilating the newspapers, pamphlets or books belonging to the Institute, shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. I A TREATISE ON EOLL-TUM/] FOR THE MANUFACTURE OfH^&SI^. B-x., PIvTOR . TUNNER, MEMBER 0t'**^^-^T3ji*i^*Vm4rj5i: oj^*;\^i*^^^ '^r^,: TRANS LAI? E i5'* A ^^'!6'**Ab*l*t*'T E O BY JOHN B. PEARSE, METALLURGIST, ENGINEER, AND MANAGER AT THE WORKS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA STEEL COMPANY. ILLUSTRATED BY 34 WOOD-OUT EN&EAVIN&S, TOGETHER WITH A FOLIO ATLAS OF LITHOGRAPHED PLATES, finishing or polishing the forg- ing which has been previously drawn down out of a larger pile or ingot. As we have stated above, the passes necessary to the production of any desired shape need not be confined to two rolls only. They are sometimes all turned on a single pair, but much more generally divided among three, or sometimes five, or even a greater number of pairs. The passes are thus divided, not only to avoid too great a length between the necks, but also to get more room for the men by separating the pairs. Sometimes it is an object to be able to alter at will the height of certain passes, particularly the last two finishing, or to get a diflferent angular velocity {i. e., surface speed) for special passes, which object is attained by group- ing them as far as possible on different rolls. In rolling wire rod, it is necessary that the bar should be in several passes at a time, and it is therefore desirable to so separate these passes as that they may be conveniently reached and worked. It is, also, not necessary that a pair of rolls should be turned exclusively for one section, but there may be upon the rolls passes of widely different sizes of the same, or even of an entirely different kind. When a number of rolls, with their respective housings, are set up in a continuous line and so coupled that their indivi- dual velocity must be the same, the combination of rolls and housings is called a train of rolls. The various trains are named according to the kinds of iron they produce. Thus a train which receives squeezed or hammered balls and trans- forms them into puddle bar, is called a puddle train, while a series of rolls for rails is similarly called a rail train. The 14 trains devoted to round or square iron, small bars of fancy sections and angle irons, are, in a general way, called mer- chant trains, wliicli, in a large mill,, may include heavy and light bar, or wire-rod trains, etc. § 7. After the foregoing general view and classification of the passes which commonly occur in a set of rolls, it will be most useful to consider the way in which the individual passes act upon the iron, before their construction in detail is discussed. A pass, no matter what its form, can exert a direct pressure on the iron only in a perpendicular direction, at right angles to the axis of the roll. This pressure diminishes the height of the bar rolled, but does not materially affect its width. Now, as this reduction of height occasions a corresponding increase of length, we may call this pressure the draw pressure. The difference in section between successive passes is called the draw or draught, and is occasioned mainly by the difference in height of the respective passes. It is clear that the width of the bar cannot be directly affected, since the sides of the pass must be parallel in a horizontal (though not necessarily in a vertical) direction, in order to permit the passage of the bar. Therefore, the sides of a pass can exercise no direct pressure on a bar, and cannot take hold of one wider than their own distance apart. Such a bar can scarcely be intro- duced, and the excessive iron is forced into all the interstices of the pass, forming fins, which are torn off, or remain to materially injure the surface of the bar. In order to facilitate the rolHng, it is necessary to construct each of the successive passes a little wider than the prece- ding. This difference in width varies fi-om almost nothing to an eighth of an inch or more, according to the size and form of the passes. It follows, therefore, that the successive pass- es should be made wider and wider, and this is indeed com- monly the case when the bar is either not turned over at all, or turned 180 degrees after each pass. It would, however, be extremely inconvenient to thus widen any large number of successive passes, and it becomes necessary to intersperse 15 flatting passes (vid. § 3) among the rest ; for these passes the bar is turned only one quarter over {i. e. 90"), whereby the former thickness or depth of the bar becomes its width, and the former width becomes its depth. The pass succeeding the flatting pass is then narrower than the one which pre- ceded the same, and forms the starting-point of a new series, which is again intercepted by a flatting pass, when the width of the grooves becomes inconveniently great. There are, hovever, some forms of passes, such as the Gothic and Diamond, in which the bar must be turned quarter over at each pass, and, consequently, the depth and width of the bar interchange positions at each pass. Here the successive passes must be so proportioned that the height or depth of one pass is a little smaller than the width of the next. This arrangement of passes is so important that it is termed by Truran, " the fundamental principle of rolling." In flat passes, however, and in some shapes, the necessity of increasing the width of the successive grooves may be par- tially and even wholly avoided, by slightly increasing the width of each groove from the bottom of the same, outwards. This construction enables the pass to take in easily a bar which otherwise could scarcely be introduced, and is of additional use, in that it greatly facilitates the exit of the bar. Although the vertical draw-pressure is the only one direct- ly exercised by the grooves, yet a side-pressure is indirectly occasioned, since the iron is more or less soft and yielding, and is, therefore, not only drawn out lengthwise, but also bulged out sidewise and pressed against the sides of the pass, if the latter is not wide enough to allow the pile or bar to spread without contact. This is seldom the case, and hence the sides, in preventing further spreading, exercise a pressure opposed to the draw-pressure. Let us, therefore, call the former force the side-pressure. Now, this side-pres- sure will be gi-eater as the draw is greater, the width of the pass remainiag the same, and vice versa, the greater the width the less the side-pressure, the draw remaining the same. The side-pressure must be correctly proportioned to the draw or draw-pressure, in order that the bar may take 16 the exact form of the pass ; when the former is too great, the iron is forced into the interstices between the body-fillets, or between the collars and the formers, which necessarily cannot touch each other, and a fin is formed as well in the case of closed as of open passes. Therefore, when the piece must be quickly reduced, as in drawing or shaping passes, a powerful draw must be employed, and, therefore, the widths of all the passes should be made proportionately greater, on account of their considerable width as related to their depth. For instance, the oval passes are extensively used in reducing small sections. This relation between draw and side pressure is obvious, and, therefore, easily understood. It is, however, not so clear why a piece of iron which is at a higher heat, or which, on account of its chemical or physical character, is softer than another, widens proportionately less, and hence occa- sions less side-pressure than the latter piece, which is harder, and resists the draw more strongly. The following experi- ment proves, however, that such is actually the case : Four bars, two of which were of soft iron and two of steel, were rolled through the same closed pass into flat bars 1 inch wide and I of an inch thick. An iron and a steel bar were brought to a cherry red heat, while the second iron and the second steel bar were brought nearly to a welding heat. All were then passed through polishing rolls, furnished with accurate guides, and reduced at one passage to a thickness of of an inch. In this way aU were exposed to the same draw- pressure, while entirely at liberty to expand laterally. The result was, that, in the case of the iron, that bar which had been rolled at the lowest heat was several per cent, wider than that rolled at the high heat, and the same was true in the case of the steel bars ; it also appeared that the steel bar was in each case somewhat wider than the iron one which had been rolled at the same heat. The latter result was especially surprising, but its correctness cannot be doubted ; its accuracy is further proved by the fact that it is generally known among merchant iron rollers that in rolKng long hoop iron the rear end of the bar, which grows comparatively cool IT before it is rolled, is always appreciably wider than the other end, even though it remains somewhat thicker. It is easier to understand the fact that if the same pass is turned on rolls of different diameters the iron will be length- ened more, and widened less, in the roUs of small than in those of large diameter. The same principle applies here as in the working of a hammer with broad or narrow die : the narrower the die the quicker is the piece drawn out ; and if it is desired to forge a thin plate under a broad die it must be forged out crosswise, and with frequent turning under a special narrow tool, which thereby supplies the place of a narrow die. § 8. At first sight it appears that it would be the best and most natural arrangement to turn one half of a pass on the top, and the other on the bottom roll. In this case the haK of the depth (sometimes the half of the sectional area) of the pass would be under, and the other half over, a horizontal line drawn midway between the axes of the rolls, which line is called the 'pitch line. If the pass were thus divided any force would easily turn the bar, at its exit, either up around the top roll or down around the bottom roll. This some- times happens to the slabs of a large pUe, when the bottom or top ones are torn off and curled up. Now, if a bar, or a single slab of a pile happened so to curl up, it would natu- rally not only make the same worthless, but also be likely to break a roll, or occasion other damage, such as destroying pipes or guides, etc., and, therefore, special appliances must be used to prevent these accidents. But if the depth of the pass was equal above and below the-pitch line, these appli- ances would be necessary on both roUs — an arrangement which would not only be difficult, but also inconvenient; therefore the depth of a pass is always so divided that a little more lies under the pitch line than above it, when the pass is designed for ordinary two high rolls. In other words, the diameter of the groove on the top roll is made somewhat greater than that of the other groove on the bottom roll. The upper surface of the bar is, therefore, lengthened or drawn out more than the under one, which causes a tendency 18 in the bar to curl down toward the bottom roll. Thus it be- comes possible to use only one set of appliances, or guards, on the under roll, as there is now no danger that the bar will curl around the top roll. There are, further, two kinds of these appliances ; the one is horizontal and projects into the pass, and is called a guard ; the other kind stands vertically behind the pass, and on each side of it, so as to prevent the bar from swerving to the side. These upright pieces are termed guides, and are supported on a cast-iron plate called the " hearing plate,'' the front edge of which sometimes takes the place of a special guard, as detailed below. The guards consist, in their simplest form, merely in a cast-iron plate, which is laid behind the roUs, and so formed that it projects into each pass, though not accurately fitted to the same, thus loosening bars from the rolls if they have a tendency to curl down as they come out. This cast-iron plate, or " hearing plate" also carries the guides, as men- tioned above. When, however, the section of the pass is small, or its form complicated — in which case it would be difficult to loosen the bar — it is necessary to lay upon this cast-iron plate a flat wrought-iron bar which has the exact shape of the pass, and closely fits the curve of the roll. If the pass is irregular — as an eccentric pass, for instance — it is best to place a second guard under the first, slanting up against the roll from a bar placed under the bearing plate. This guard is kept by its own weight against the bottom of the groove. If the difference between the diameters of the working surfaces of each groove is made too great, the guards are unnecessarily strained and rendered useless, while the bar itself is injured by the unequal draw of its surfaces. The proper difference of the diameters varies with the character of the iron and the circumstances of its treatment, and must be carefully ascertained and regulated. The following rules represent the general practice : In the case of plain open passes the diameter of the top roll is from to g of an inch greater than that of the bot- torn roll. In the case of closed flat passes the groove in the bottom roll is cut so deep that its diameter is from to | of an inch less than that of the former which closes it. In rolling shapes it sometimes happens that more than § of the pass is under the pitch line. In the case of larger roughing passes and of flatting or edging passes, the differences of diameter of the working surfaces vary from ^ of an inch to 1 inch, and even more. In all the drawings of grooved rolls, or of passes, which vsdll be given hereafter, the diameter of the working surface of the grooves will be added in figures, or the pitch line of the pass will be drawn in. The classification found most con- venient in treating the construction of the various passes in detail is the one described in § 4. It has been my aim to discuss in the following pages the construction and the draw of series of passes, to treat of their application, and, as far as possible, illustrate all descriptions of roUs by means of accurate (working) drawings to the scale of appending the respective passes in full size. § 9. The Gothic passes are very important, are frequently used, especially as rougliing passes, and are constructed and apphed in many different forms. They possess the advantage of being simple and durable, while they do not chill the bar irregularly, as their form approaches a circular one, and, on the other hand, as their form is so nearly square they draw the bar equally on all sides. This form was described by Karsteii in the last edition of his work on iron, in Figs. 1 and 2, on Plate LIII. ; but the construc- tion there given is entirely incor- rect, as the depth of the pass is much greater than its width, and, so far as my experience goes, this form has never been used. A very simple and practical construction is shown in Fig. 6, the depth and width of the pass being supposed to be given. Fig. 6. 20 To construct the pass, draw the straight lines a h and c d at right angles to one another ; lay out from their intersection at 0 the half of the given width on each side in a and h, as well as the half of the given height above and below the horizontal line in c and d. Then with the radius a h describe from the point h an arc near the point m. With the same radius describe an arc from d which intersects the former at m. Further, with the same radius describe from the poiut m the arc b d, which is one side of the pass. By the same process repeated from each point, a c and d in turn, the points n p and q are found, and the respective arcs described, as shown in the figure. The sharp comers at a and b must be rounded o£f, as shown in § 10, Fig. 9. In this construction the first point to be considered is, whence the given depth and width are derived. Now, the absolute dimensions of the first pass are regulated by the size of the pUe to be rolled, or, vice versa, the size of the piles must be regulated by that of the first pass in the roughing rolls on hand. In most cases it suffices to give the first Gothic pass such dimensions that a pile of 5 1 to 6 inches high can be taken in. This is the practice for puddle blooms and small pUes, but for larger piles the Gothic pass is seldom used. The only case, in my experience, in which this form was used with more than 7 inches average diameter, was in an EngUsh mill, with the special purpose of taking in the puddle balls direct from the furnace, in case the forge ham- mer should suddenly break down. In order to have no difficulty in rolling the balls, they were made rather cylin- drical than spherical. It generally suffices to give the first pass an average diameter of only 5 inches, as when piles larger than this are rolled, the rolls can be opened for the first two or three passes by raising up the top roll for, and lowering it after each passage of the pile. Further, the usual difference between the depth and width of a pass is mostly about one-sixth of the average diameter of the same, hence about one inch for the first and largest passes. Therefore the depth and width of the first pass may from these data be easUy suppHed in special cases. 21 Another method of construction is given in Fig. 7, which is extensively used in Upper Silesia and Austria, and origi- nated with the Nestor of Continental rollers, Mr. Talbot. In this method, a circle of the average diameter de- sired is used as the basis, 1^ and is hence called the '^^^^'T^^.^ Construction circle. In this construction circle the horizontal and verti- cal diameters a b and c d are drawn and continued ^ , on each side beyond the ^"Har ■^V' circumference. The hori- zontal diameter is divided into five equal parts, and one of these parts is subdivided into eight. The lines a a' and hb' are laid off of a length equal to five of these subdivisions, and the points a' and &' denote the extreme horizontal width of the pass. With a radius of ^ of the diameter a b, lay off the points efg and h from the points a and b ; then, with a radius of 2| fifths of a 6 {i. e., |i of the diameter), de- scribe arcs from a' and b', and mark the points of intersec- tion at m n, m' and n'. These four points are the centres of the required arcs, hd,df, etc., which form the sides of the pass, and are described from these points with the radius mhorn/, etc. From the points g and b^ describe, with a radius equal to | of the diameter, two arcs cutting one another in the point r, and from this point, with the same radius, describe the arc g b' ; repeat the operation for each arc b' Ti, e a', and a'/, and the pass will be properly closed. The constructions illustrated in Figs. 6 and 7 * are chiefly used for puddle roughing roUs, but for the roughing roUs of a merchant or guide train, the followiag construction is pre- * It is not possible to explain either these or any following forms of passes on any mathematical or physical principles ; but the various constructions given represent forms which have been gradually determined by experience, while a fixed and approved measure is given for each curve and line which forms any given pass. 22 iev4^- ,4^1iis is;§ii0wn in Fig. 8, and differs from that shown m e points e and / and g and h are joined respeetij?-wy«^o a' and b', not by means of arcs of a circle, but by straight lines, and that the extension of the horizontal diameter of the construction circle, and consequent width of the pass, is somewhat less. The ^' horizontal diameter a & is divided as before into 5 equal parts, but one of these is subdivided into 16 parts, and the lines a a' and h h' are laid off with a length equal to 8 of these subdivisions. The four points, m w, n and n^^ are are found as before, from a' and b', but with a radius of 2x^7 fifths of a & (i. e., |^ of the diameter) ; the arcs which form the sides are then further described, as in Fig. 7. The form of Fig. 8, as compared with that of Fig, 7, shows a little less width and a greater height ; the pass is, therefore, better closed at the sides, a form which is desirable for the more compact material (i. e., pile of flat bars) to be rolled, which contains by far less slag than puddle balls, and out of which the slag is rolled far more easily than out of the latter, because it is hotter. For the roughing rolls of a bar train in which the draw (or draw pressure) must be very great, in order to reduce as quickly as possible, when for this reason, the use of oval passes does not seem desirable, it is advisable to draw the arcs described from a' and b', and intersecting the circle at m n, m' and n' with a radius of 2x*V fifths {i. e., If of the diameter), whereby the depth of the pass is slightly re- duced. § 10. The draw or draught of a pass is, as explained in § 7, a difference between its area and that of the next larger pass ; and in the case of the Gothic form, as well as in that of some other forms, the width of one pass must be a trifle in excess of the height of that which precedes it. The dif- ference varies with the absolute size of the pass, amounting 23 in small passes to about of an inch, an^^We j%^e| to about i of an incb. A greater excess is S^[^ul£^be first two passes of puddle roughing roUs, as it is necessary that these should have ample width in order to safely take in blooms which are irregularly formed. In these passes the width of one is often from i to § of an inch greater than the height of the preceding. The draw must also be regulated by the quality of the iron to be rolled. A good quality bears without injury a strong pressure, and rolls smoothly under a draw which would tear a poor iron to pieces. It is, however, scarcely necessary to remark that an unnecessarily Kght draw delays the rolling greatly, and, therefore, iacreases the amount and cost of the required labor. The draw should obviously be as heavy as possible, but local experience only can guide to a correct construction. Hence this local expe- rience is exceedingly valuable, but is too often inaccurate, and even imaginary. The draught of Gothic passes is on the average about yV, but increases with the size of the passes up to I or |. Small passes, with a draw of |, would be useless, as such a reduc- tion would cause the formation of fins— thin, riband-like longitudinal projections along the sides of the bar, where it has been forced against and between the body-fillets. With reference to the diameter of the construction circle, a simple and approved construction for the Gothic passes of puddle rolls, which is used at many works, is the following : 6 inches 5, 4i 3|, ^, 2i, 21, 2f, 2f, 2, and 1| inches diameter of the circles of the successive passes. Here we see immediately that more attention has been paid to simplicity than to accuracy. The first, or sometimes even the second, of these passes is skipped when the balls have been made too small, whUe the smaller passes are only used as far as the kind of puddle bar, which is to be produced, requires. For instance, it often happens that the five passes, from that of which the construction circle is 5 inches diameter to that of which it is 2| inches diameter, are the only ones used when the balls are formed in the furnace to a weight of about 1 cwt., and rolled into bars 3 inches wide. The above reduc- 3 24 tion, or draught, I would designate as an average one, as it is often increased for a good quality of puddled iron, and as often diminished for a poor quality. The body-fillets of a roll he between the individual passes. If they are too narrow their edges are easily broken off ; if too wide, the rolls are too long, or, in other words, fewer grooves can be turned upon an equally long roll. There is another reason why narrow fillets are preferred by many, viz., that in case any tool — the tongs, for instance — is carried into the rolls, it is easily broken up by the narrow rings without breaking a roll. As is natural, tlie absolute width of the body-fillets increases with the size of the passes and of the rolls, but not by any means in a direct proportion. In the case of small rolls the width of the body-fillets is usually from ^ to I of an inch, while it often amounts to an inch or more on larger rolls. The end-fillets are always made a little wider than the body-fillets, in order to obtain extra strength, and on account of the fact that the roUing would be difficult if the pass was brought too near the housing, as would be the case if the end-fillets were narrow. If the body-fillets revolve closely on each other, their cor- ners soon become ragged, as they lie nearest the pass, and are therefore more strongly heated and expanded than the rest of the ring. This evil is remedied by rounding off the corners in. the lathe, as shown in Fig. 9, even when the construc- tion of the pass does not require it. As a rule, the construction of the pass does require that the comers of the rings be rounded off (as in Fig. 7, on page 21), with the object of preventing the permanent formation of fins by making a thick one, which, at the next pass and consequent turn of the bar, will be thoroughly rolled in again. Another very common precaution of this kind is to make the inner comers of a pass of such shape that the metal can bulge out 25 considerably at the next turn without being forced into the interstices of the rolls. In many cases, especially on puddle roughing rolls, the body-fillets are not allowed to touch at all, and are be- sides rounded off over their whole width, as represented by Fig. 10, in full size. Here the name open pass is seen to be very characteris- tic. Such open passes allow the cold, stiflf puddle slag to find its way freely out of the ball. Other reasons why the rings should not touch, are adduced in § 3, in the general description of open passes. § 11. On Plate I., in Fig. 1, is shown a pair of puddle rolls, used in a Westphalian mill, viz., that at Horst (scale full size), and in Fig. 2, the corresponding passes are given in full size. The construction of these passes is that detailed on page 20, and shown in Fig. 6, with the rounded corners described in the preceding paragraph. There are also shown on Plate I., in Fig. 3, the puddle rolls of a Styrian mill, in ^ full size, with their passes in full size in Fig. 4. The con- struction of these last is that explained in Fig. 7 of § 9. A comparison of the two pair of rolls shows that the draught of the Styrian rolls is rather lighter than that of the Westphalian, although the great superiority of the Styrian iron would lead one to suppose that the contrary would be the case. But the Styrian rolls must also be used to roll hard iron (fine-grained iron), and even puddled steel. Fur- ther, the Styrian balls are, as a rule, very thoroughly ham- mered, and must thus be rolled when pretty cold and quite hard and solid, even when the iron itself is very soft. — EoUs which contain both Gothic and flat passes will be discussed under the head of those containing only flat passes. Inasmuch as Gothic passes are habitually used as welding 26 and drawing passes for bar-iron rolls, even of quite small size, therefore Fig. 5, on Plate I. is added ; this represents the roughing rolls of a bar-iron train, in full size, while the corresponding passes are shown in full size in Fig. 6. These passes are drawn according to the method described ii § 9, Fig. 8. Figure 7, on Plate I., represents in full size merely the roughing passes of a train for small bar-iron, which are constructed similarly to those of the puddle rolls shown in Figs 1 and 2, on Plate I. Both of these rolls, viz.. Figs. 5 and 7, are Styrian, and the latter is in use at Neu- berg. As may be seen in the drawings, the draw of these passes is about the same as that of the puddle rolls above de- scribed. Taken strictly, one would expect a less draw for small bar-iron, because the latter is pretty solid, and espe- cially because it is of great importance that the finished bars should be free from imperfections ; but the Styrian iron bears quite a heavy draw, in spite of its frequent steel-like quality, and the absolute draw of the puddle rolls above described was not very great. At other mills, the draw of the same rolls is frequently much lighter ; in which case single passes can be often skipped, where experience has shown this to be admissible. If the grooves are large and deep they weaken the roll very much, by reducing its sectional area, and this is espe- cially the case when they are near the middle, as this is the weakest point. In such cases the diameter of the roU must be so great that its diameter in these grooves is greater t'lan the diameter of the neck, and the passes themselves should always be placed next the neck. For these reasons the largest Gothic passes are often placed at one end of the rolls, then the second, and so on ; but in the case of small Tolls, or any in which the diameter may be proportionately too small, it is advisable to place the first and second passes at one end, and the third at the other, the succeeding passes decreasing in size toward the first two. Many roUers think that the first or welding passes should be nearer the centre of the roUs, as the slag which is squeezed out of the pile 27 might get into the journals ; but it is much more important to avoid breakages by making the rolls strong, than to avoid a hypothetical injury to the necks or journals, especially as the latter can be easily prevented by placing an iron shield or cinder-plate between the rolls and journals. Sometimes the roll is especially notched to receive the cinder-plate, while it is often the case that the end-fillet of large rolls sufficiently protects the neck. The use of Gothic passes in three high trains for small bar is quite frequent, and very advisable, as the arrangement of the passes presents no difficulty. The construction of the passes remains the same, but it is necessary to make the diameter of the top roll about of an inch greater, and that of the bottom roll about xV of an inch smaller than that of the middle roll. In this case the guards rest on bearing-bars before the middle and lower rolls. If hanging guards are used, the top roll should also be about | inch smaller than the middle roll. In a forge near Leo ben the three high system is thus used for the puddle rolls, and with marked success. The last Gothic pass represented in Fig. 7, Plate I., has a diameter of nearly | of an inch (or ^ inch length of side) ; but it is seldom that the diameter is less than one inch, as the pass, when so small, would not roll accurately enough, especially if the sides were much curved. When the drawing passes must be so smaU, it is better to use oval and diamond passes alternately. § 12. Box passes are used as welding passes, when the pile is large, or its form varies considerably from a square. Such passes are, of course, always open ones, with rounded angle?, while the sides of the body-fillets form an obtuse angle with the bottom of the pass, as shown in Plate II., Fig. 16. The grooves of the top roll are notched or furrowed, in order that they may take a better hold. When the section of an open box pass does not dififer ma- terially from a square, it is often so constructed that the pile may be passed once, turned quarter over, and returned through the same pass, which has been somewhat closed. In this way a few passes may be saved, and sometimes the 28 pile is rolled thrice through the same pass, which is opened wide at first, and gradually closed ; but the economy in rolls and turning by no means compensates for the increased labor and longer time required for rolling. Such passes are shown in full size by Fig. 19, on Plate 11., as used in a Carinthian mill. But, as formerly observed, such a construc- tion should be resorted to only in cases of necessity, as the proper relation of draw to side pressure cannot in such cases be at all regarded. Box passes cannot strictly be considered as drawing passes, although their draw is often very heavy, because, in those cases where they are used alone, the pile is shaped according to the form of the finished product, so that those passes which form the first two or three are in reality shap- ing passes. For shaping as well as for finishing, it is best to construct the flat pass as closed, and to round off the angles, not only to avoid unequal cooling of the metal, but also to prevent the former of a subsequent pass from forming a fin on the corners of the bar. In order to obtain a finished bar with sharp, square corners, it is not only necessary to make the last pass rectangular, but also to make the angles of the pass next before the last so far square, as determined by experiments, that the bar, turned half over (180 degrees), will have sharp corners. When the bars are to be piled and re-rolled into smaller sections, the angles of the last pass should be left rounded, as rounded corners bear heating better than square ones. For this reason, puddle or mill-bar grooves are generally turned with rounded angles. It is important, in the successive use of flat passes, not only to have a proper draw, but to determine whether the pass shall widen or not as its depth decreases, and if the former, how much. As the bar cools between the passes, it must also contract, and becomes, therefore, a little nar- rower at every pass, even though the amount of shrinkage is barely appreciable.* * The shrinkage from the rolling heat to an entire coldness is generally taken as ; it varies somewhat with the kind of iron, sometimes 29 When the flat bars are quite wide, this dimimition of the width as the heat falls is very plain, and the tar is easily- rolled through passes of the same width. When, therefore, flat bars must be made, from 10 to 12 inches wide, for very large piles, it is often well to use a single closed flat pass, through which the bar is passed several times, while the top roU is screwed down after each passage. When, however, the passes have the same width, the sides of the grooves must flare out from the bottom a full of an inch per inch of height, in order to render the passage of the bar easy, while the former is made rectangular, and of such width that the top roll can be screwed down a little. Although the use of flat passes of the same width reduces the number of passes and rolls, yet, as above observed, they are seldom used, because the rolling is rendered more diffi- cult on account of the increased difficulty in introducing the bar into the pass ; and also, because it is almost impossible to avoid fins. The draw of successive flat passes is generally in the case of welding and drawing, or, as it were, shaping passes of large size, in the proportion of 5 : 4, or, if the quahty of the iron is good, as 4 : 3 or 3 : 2. The draw of smaller passes is quite different, and may become, at the last pass, for a bar which is only a few hues thick, as great as 2 : 1, or even heavier ; but the absolute reduction of height amounts in this case to a few lines, while it may often be 1 to 1| inches in the larger passes. It follows, therefore, that the draw or lengthenmg out of the bar increases greatly as the size of the bar diminishes. as much as to being estimated, as in the case of irons made from clay ironstone, therefore the more impure kinds. All finishing passes must be made greater by this amount than the finished section requires. The distance between the saws must be, in the same proportion, greater than the desired length when cold. The influence of the varying temperature at which the rails are sawed upon the final length is very marked ; differences of haK an inch and more are frequent when the temperature at the saws is not kept pretty nearly the same. 30 The increase of width amounts in large passes to about to I of an inch, and in the smaller passes to to of an inch, it being taken for granted that the shape does not require any greater widening than this. Heavy and wide flat bars of 7 to 9 inches width are rolled from a pile, and in order to insure sound welds, one or two edge passes are used, which must naturally be made disproportionately wider, viz., I to I of an inch, because these passes contract toward the bottom. Three high rolls are often used for rolling small and narrow flat bars, but on account of difficulty in raising or lowering them, etc., they are seldom applied to rolling bars more than 3 inches wide. Thin hoop-iron, after being finished, is passed through poHshing rolls, in order to obtain a handsome surface ; these rolls should, if possible, revolve only about half as fast as the finishing rolls. The body-fillets of rolls with flat passes are not, like those of the Gothic form, much stronger {i. e. thicker) at the bottom of the pass ; they must, therefore, be made from 2 to 4 times as wide as those usual with the Gothic form. For this reason, as well as on account of their considerable width, these passes re- quire many rolls. Now, as flat iron is desired of every possi- ble width, a mill in which it was expected to roll every width would be obliged to keep on hand a gi-eat many rolls. The necessity of this great stock may be partly obviated by the use of step rolls ; but the best means of avoiding it is the use of the Universal Mill arrangement, with two horizontal and two smaller and vertical rolls, by means of which flat iron of almost every size, and especially of the larger sizes, can be easily rolled.* § 13. Figure 8 on Plate I. represents a pair of rolls with flat passes for puddle bar, 4, 3, and 2 inches wide and 1 inch thick ; these rolls are in use in a Silesian mill. The proper roughing rolls for this finishing pair are the puddle * The invention of the Universal Mill is conceded in Europe to Herr Daelen, the Engineer of the Ironworks at Horde in "Westphalia, and was first publicly described in 1856, by Tunner, in the annual volume of Essays pub- lished by the Austrian Mining Schools. 31 roughing rolls, witli Gothic passes, whicli were described in § 11 and drawn in Figure 3, Plate I. The Gothic pass last used must of course be a little narrower than the first flat pass, in order to insure an easier introduction of the bar ; with the same object the latter is also sometimes rolled a second time through the last Gothic pass, after being turned quarter over, in order that both diagonals may be of the same length. Figs. 9, 10, and 11, on Plate I., show in full size the passes of the rolls in Fig. 8, the pitch line being also shown. As the bars are intended for subsequent piling, the angles of all the grooves in the lower roll are rounded off. Fig. 12, on Plate I., shows, in full size, passes which are used in a Styrian mill to roll flat bars (mill bars), 7 inches in width ; the pitch line is also shown. Five passes are used, the second of which is an edge pass. The forge hammer pre- pares the ball for the first pass, which is 7| inches wide and 2| inches deep. The reduction of the bloom in the first pass varies somewhat, as the hammer work is not very accurate. The edge and also the third pass have a draw of about | of an inch, and very slight increase of width. The fourth is about an | of an inch wider than the third, and has a draw of 1% of an inch ; a heavier draw would not be advisable, as the bar has by this time cooled considerably. If puddle bars are desired much wider than the above, it is necessary to draw them out under the forge hammer. In Fig. 12, on Plate I., the passes of a pair of rolls are re- presented without their rolls, and as this will be often necessary, it will be useful to describe the method of laying out rolls corresponding to any given set of passes. These passes (viz., those of Fig. 12) are quite wide, and the draw is heavy ; therefore, as the rolls inust have considerable strength, the necks must be strong — say 9 inches in diameter — as drawn in similar cases in Fig. 8, Plate I., and Figs. 16 and 17, on Plate II. The deepest groove is the second, or edge pass ; therefore the latter must be placed next the neck, while the diameter of the roll at the bottom of the groove must be greater than that of the neck itself (§ 11). The height of the pass above the pitch line is, as shown in Fig. 32 12, Plate I., a little over 3 inches ; and since this pass, as well as the other four, are best constructed as closed passes, the collar of the under roll must project about 3^ inches above the pitch Hne, and the bottom of the groove in the top roll, which receives these collars, must be at least 3| inches above the same line, in order to allow the necessary play. As 9 inches was adopted as a suitable diameter for the necks, the diameter for the roU, at the bottom of the edge pass, must be 10 inches, or, in other words, have a radius of 5 inches. The centre line of the top roll must, therefore, be placed 5-f-3|=8^ inches above the pitch line. The edge pass extends 3 inches and 8| twelfths below the pitch line (as in Fig. 12), and the diameter of the bottom roll at the bottom of the groove, must be at least 10 inches (5 inches radius) ; therefore the centre line of the bottom roll must lie 8 inches and 8| tweKths below the pitch line. The centre line of the top roll should, therefore, be placed 2| twelfths of an inch higher (in order that the distance of both centre lines from the pitch line may be equal), otherwise the radius of the bottom roll, at the bottom of the groove, would have to be made 2^ twelfths smaller, if for any reason it were not advisable to raise the edge pass 1 1 twelfths nearer the centre line of the top roll, as is sometimes done. Farther, the col- lars of the bottom roll rise on each side of the edge pass, 3| inches above the pitch line; therefore the radius of the body of the bottom roll must be 8 inches and 8^ twelfths and 3| inches=12 in. and 4^ of an inch. The former of greatest diameter on the top roU is that which closes the fifth pass (Fig.|12) ; it wants i^ch of reaching the pitch line, there- the body of the top roll must be made with a radius of 8 inches and ^ twelfths (8 in. 8^ twelfths— t\ in. =8 in. 3| twelfths). These remarks apply only to those rolls which are cast cylin- drically, without the grooves in the rough. Where, however, the grooves are roughly cast on the roll, the collars are made of varying diameter, as required by the construction. Con- cerning the necessary length of the body of the roll, it must be remembered that the interior collars must be at least four times as strong as the body-fillets of Gothic passes, which are 33 ^ in. wide at the top ; therefore, the former should be, in this case (as they are very high), at least 2 in., or better ^ in. wide, while the end collars should be 3.| in. wide. The col- lars, then, require a length of 21X^+3^X2=17 mches, and the passes take up (Fig. 12), 7"6"'+2"7^"'+6"10i"'+7"+7" 1-^ =31"! The bodies of the rolls must, therefore be made 17"+31"=48" long, neglecting the |". All the data necessary for constructing proper rolls for the passes of Fig. 12 are thus fixed, and it is only necessary to transfer them to paper. Fig. 15, on Plate II., represents a pair of puddle rolls in use at a "Westphalian mill; they contain the necessary roughing and finishing passes for a puddle bar 3| inches wide and | inch thick. These rolls are short, being only 49 inches between the necks. But three Gothic roughing passes, as shown in the figure, are too few, unless the puddle balls vary little in size, and are very carefully bloomed under the hammer. It is usual to employ five roughing passes, in which case the body of the rolls must be over five feet long, which length necessitates very strong rolls, especially if the grooves are deep as in these roUs, since any great length of weak body causes frequent breakages. If additional passes for bars of different widths were to be turned on these rolls, the length would be too great for safety. Such puddle rolls have the advantage that a single pair of rolls and housings contain all necessary passes, thus shortening the train ; they are, accordingly, often used in large mills where puddle bar of one width is rolled the whole year round. If, however, the size of puddle bar to be rolled varied frequently, it would be troublesome to change rolls of such great weight and length, and too large a stock of rolls would be necessary. In such cases, and, indeed, gen- erally, it is preferable to divide the roughing and finishing passes upon two pairs of rolls, as the roughing rolls need not then be disturbed (the number of passes being sufiicient for several sets of finishing passes), while a single pair of finishing rolls of moderate length, as in Fig. 8, Plate L, 34 may contain passes for three widths of puddle bar, which is usually sufficient for current manufacture ; and if the puddle finishing rolls must be changed, such rolls as these can be far more easily and quickly changed than those in which roughing and finishing passes are on the same roll. In some mills a second pair of finishing rolls is used to avoid frequent changes, but one set is hkely to be so seldom used that this practice cannot be recommended, as the power consumed, even in running a pair of rolls hght, is considerable. An example of the use of flat passes in roUing wide flat iron, is presented on Plate II., in Figs. 16 and 17, which are respectively the roughing and finishing rolls of a set used in a Silesian mill for rolling bars 7^% inches wide. The dimen- sions printed on the drawings render all description unneces- sary, further than a reference to § 12. On the top rolls, not only all the roughing, but also the first two finishing passes are roughened or furrowed, that they may take a firmer hold, and the two latter passes both at right angles to and parallel with the centre line of the rolls. When passes not roughened as above will not take hold, the bar must be forced forward by strong blows with the buggy at the same time that sand is thrown on its surface. The thickness of the flat bar can be varied by raising or lowering the top roU within a certain limit, which is, in the present instance, from to 1% of an inch. Figure 18, on Plate II., represents a pair of rolls with flat passes, for bars 2*- to 3 inches wide, as used in a Silesian mill. The roughing rolls corresponding to these would be those drawn in Fig. 5, Plate I., since, as formerly re- marked, the proper pass is used as the last, and the bar is passed twice through it before entering the first finishing pass. As an example of the three high system for flats, a set of finishing rolls for bars, 2 inches and 3| twelfths and 2 y\ inches wide, and with five grooves respectively, are drawn in Fig. 27, Plate II., while their passes are represented sep- 35 arately and in full size in Figs. 28 and 29. Fig. 20 further represents the three finishing rolls for bars \l, -Vsr? -Vitj tI > •fl, and of an inch wide, with three passes for each size ; the passes being shown, in fuU size, in Figs. 21 to 26. Both sets of rolls are iV of fiiH size. The draw is, in these in- stances, heavy. The rolls described in § 11 would serve the above as roughing rolls, and would be constructed similarly as three high sets. The step-rolls drawn in Fig. 33, Plate III., are used in the manufacture of flat bars, and they will be here described (since they are, as it were, a variety of flat pass as far as their use is concerned), together with the guide arrangement represented in Fig. 34. So far as the rolls themselves are concerned, which iu position and use are similar to grooved rolls, the drawing is sufficient without further explanation ; the guide arrangement, however, requires the following de- scription : The bar a, which lies between the two housings, horizontally, and at the proper height, is the bearing bar, to which the guide arrangement is fastened by the clamp-screws b b. In the rectangular frame or box of the arrangement, two side plates, c c (front view), are placed, each of which is provided on one side with 4 set screws. By means of the middle screw d, each of the plates can be moved outwards (i. e. away from the other), and the space between the two can thus be exactly fitted to the thickness of the bar which is in- troduced on edge ; the three screws / hold each plate firmly in the required position. In order that the bar may be guided as exactly as possible, and thus prevented from bend- ing over sidewise, the ends of the plates are cut to the shape of roUs in order to reach weU in between them and hold the bar as long as possible. This guide is usually placed before one of the divisions of the step roUs, or it may be also set up before a pair of plate or polishing roUs, the position of which to each other can be altered at will, and which are usually set in the same Une as the step-rolls, and alongside the same. The bar must usually pass twice through this adjusting 36 arraiigement, and, as a rule, immediately before beiag rolled through the last finishing pass. Step rolls are most useful in finishing the edges of hoop iron of various widths, as well as the edges of all thin bars, on the corners of which fins are likely to be formed. These rolls are always chilled for polishing, and obviate, by their form, the otherwise frequent raising and lowering of the top roll of a pair, while thin flats of different widths can be readily finished in them at the same time. § 14. Diamond passes, especially those of large size, are used as finishing passes, while Gothic passes are used as the corresponding roughing passes. In the case of small, square iron, however, the ordinary Gothic form is not accurate enough, and the more inaccurate the greater the curve of its sides ; hence, either a Gothic pass, with sides very slightly bent (Fig. 7, Plate I.), may be used as roughing passes, or a pass, the sides of which are quite straight, as ia Fig. 14, Plate I., which last form is classified with the diamond passes, although it differs quite widely from the true diamond form. For rolling very small square rod, and round or wire rod, the first roughing passes are usually Gothic ; the fol- lowing, however, are diamond and oval alternately; the latter are interpolated as drawing passes. Diamond passes are, with few exceptions, constructed as open passes. A bar of square section might be regarded as a thick and narrow flat bar, and rolled accordingly. This is, indeed, sometimes done in practice, but merely exceptionally, and the bar must be passed twice or oftener through polishing roUs, opened to the thickness of the bar, and must be turned 90 degrees (or quarter over) each time. But as a rule this practice would not be advantageous, and need not be further considered. The diamond passes are always so constructed and turned that one diagonal stands at right angles to the centre line of the roll, while the other hes between the rolls. The bar is rarely finished, or more properly polished, in a single pass, 37 but, according to circumstances, in 2 to 4 passes ; and, iiie^e- .-' fore, in order to avoid fins on the bar, and to improve tlie bold of the passes, the vertical diagonal is made somewhat shorter than the horizontal. The vertical diagonal is shortened, or, what is the same thing, the horizontal diagonal is lengthened by turning the angle a in the adjacent Fig. 11a, not as a right angle, as an exactly square section would require, but as an angle of 92|- degrees- This obtuse angle of 92| degrees is used with an addi- tional purpose, viz., to prevent the unequal contraction of a bar of square section and the sharp comers caused thereby. For if the bar came out of the last pass with rectangular corners, these would become sharp and acute angled on cooling ; because the corners which have been already disproportionately cooled in fig. 11b. rolhng become cold sooner, and conse- quently contract less, than the middle part, which has been the hottest part, and remains so longest on cooling. In this case the side of the cold bar would be concave, and the angles of its corners more or less acute, as shown in the adja- cent Fig. 11b. The nearly finished bar is usually roUed twice through the last pass, being turned quarter over each time. In this way the variation of the section of a bar from an exact square is rendered very inconsiderable, even in large bars, since both diagonals thus become equally long. In the case of very small square rod a second rolhng through the pass would occasion too long a detention, and as the pass must be pro- vided with very accurate guides, it is better to adopt the following method of securing a correct section. This method is the same as that followed in rolling wire rod. The pass 38 Fig. 13. next before tlie last is turned with an angle of 110 de- FiG. 12. grees, as is also customary in most diamond drawing passes. The form of the pass is so regulated with reference to that of the preceding and following, that the body-fillets do not touch, as is shown in Fig. 12. A few trials will show the exact position of the rolls at which the bar wiU exactly fill the last pass, and leave no fin after it has gone through the above pass (next to last) and has been turned half over. In order to construct the above finishing passes with angles of 92|", or the drawing passes with those of 110°, without undue waste of time, it is well to draw the angle of 92|o or 110°, as the case may be, once on paper, as in adjacent Fig. 13 ; bisect the angle with the line a a, and from the points of the angle a lay off upon this line, and in the proper relative proportion to the the others, the half of the vertical diagonal of each succes- sive pass, as a a, a &, a c, etc. ; through this line, and at right angles to it, draw the lines o c, n h, a m, etc., which are the halves of the horizontal diagonals, and are of the required length. The individual passes are most con- veniently constructed by means of these diagonals. In tumiQg these passes it is merely necessary to grind the point of the tool exactly to an angle of 92^° (or 100°, as the case may be), so that the proper proportion of the diagonals to each other may be preserved. When the larger diamond passes are used only as finish- ing passes, the small difference in the length of the two diagonals makes it necessary that the draw be very light. Keckoniug by the length of the side of the section, a reduc- 39 tion of this side by {{. e. reduction of area as 100 : 81), supposes quite a heavy draw, as the reduction, as measured on a side, is often and even less. The fact that bars of very shghtly different sectional areas must be rolled in the finishing roUs, makes such a slight draw especially useful ; the draw may with advantage be so light, that individual passes may be readily skipped. Small changes of area may of course be made by raising or lowering the top roll. As the difference between the vertical and horizontal diagonals of diamond drawing passes is considerable, they may be made with so heavy a draw that they will just take the bar. This great difference between the diagonals also permits considerable play between the rolls, viz. : to of an inch, as in Fig. 14, on Plate I. ; this play allows the draw to be somewhat changed, as the behavior of the bar may require, while the readiness with which the change of draw is made makes it easy to skip one or more passes if desired. The extent to which such skipping may be practised depends on the quality of the iron. This purely empirical method leads in general to pretty nearly the same draw, as will be shown when oval and round passes are considered. This draw is shown in Fig. 35, Plate III., as applied to roll- ing wire rod. Three high rolls are frequently used for small, square iron, when it is not desired to adopt the " high speed " plan, by which a greater number of housings and rolls are rendered necessary, in order to keep the bar always in two or three passes at the same time. This system has already been mentioned in § 6, and will be specially described in § 17. § 15. It will be sufficient to give merely two examples of this kind of pass, viz., Fig. 30, Plate II., which represents a pair of rolls for large square bar, in ^ full size ; and Fig. 32, which is a single roll for small square rod, the latter being to ^ fuU size on account of the small grooves. Instead of show- ing the passes of the former pair of rolls in full size, a graphical representation of the ratio between the horizontal and vertical diagonals is annexed in Fig. 31. The above 4 40 rolls are, of course, finishing rolls ; therefore the angle of the latter diagram is 92 1 degrees. These should be, like polish- ing rolls, always chilled rolls. One detail, which has not yet been noticed, should be remarked in Fig. 30, Plate 11., viz., a construction which is usual for large rolls with open passes, and was formerly especially frequent, when it was necessary, for the sake of accurate work, to prevent the rolls from being forced endwise, and to do this by means of the rolls themselves. To this end the collars at the end of the bottom roU are made of greater diameter than that part of the top roll opposite them, and the former revolves in the half open depressions in the top roll, as shown at each end of the body of the roll at a and h. This construction is, however, seldom applied to small rolls of this kind, because these require to be placed with great accuracy, and special set screws in the chocks allow the most reliable and accurate adjustment, and are now generally used, even for the largest rolls. Fig. 13, Plate I., represents, in -j-V fuU size, a pair of rough- ing rolls, in use at a Westphalian mill, while the correspond- ing passes are shown in full size in Fig. 14. The angle of the roughing, or rather drawing passes, is 110 degrees. All necessary explanations will be found in § 14. § 16. Oval passes are chiefly used as drawing passes, or as shaping passes for small bar, or especially for drawing wire rod, as thek form, as stated in § 7, is well adapted to the reception of a very heavy draw. In the first of these in- stances, oval alternate with diamond passes, and accurate guides must be used before each pass. The draw, in this case, varies from i to | the height of the bar which is about to be rolled. These oval passes are always open, and the rolls, which are generally 8 to 10 inches in diameter, are so turned, after the passes are finished, that a play of 4V to 4^ of an inch is left for adjusting the rolls in the housings. In constructing these passes a circle is used as the ground form. To arrive at an oval, however, there are many differ- ent ways, which vary according to the size of the passes. 41 3f- e -A — ^ — — ^— k. f d The following is a method used by Talbot as the best con- struction for medium round iron, ^ in. to 1 inch in diameter. The circular section of the required bar is first drawn, as in Fig. 14 A, which circle represents the last pass, to precede which an oval pass is to be constructed. Divide the diame- ter of the circle J ^'S- 14. into 3 equal parts ^ and with two of them as radius de- scribe a second cir- cle B, the diameter of which is c d. Di- vide this diameter also at e and / into 3 equal parts, and through e and / draw the lines g h and i k at right angles to the diameter c d. The arcs g oh and idk form when placed together the desired oval pass. Fig. 15 represents the oval drawn over the final round pass, in order to show the relation of the draw to the corresponding "spread." This relation is then finally adjusted by trial in the housings, as is more specially discussed in § 17; the oval and round pass are of course on different pairs of rolls and must be fur- nished with accurate guides. The following construction, which was in- vented by Talbot, is well adapted for the larger sizes of round iron ; it is shown in Fig. 16, and is as follows : Describe a circle of a diameter (a h) equal to the height of the pass ; in this draw a horizontal and vertical diameter. The radius of the circle is divided into 5 equal parts, and the horizon- tal diameter is extended on each side by the length of one of these parts, to the points Fig. 15. Fig. 16. 42 0 and /; also a space equal to one such part is laid off on the vertical diameter from the centre to the points d and c, and the half of this space marked in the points x and y. Through the points c and d draw the lines i k and 1 1 parallel to o /• From 7/ as a centre, with the distance y a as radius, describe the arc nam, and similarly from x, the arc g b r. The arcs n 0, 0 q, rf, and / m are then described with the radius of the large circle. The pass is then complete, as the figure shows. As, however, passes of a form similar to that of Fig. 16 are almost round, and are used to finish round iron, they might almost be counted as being round passes, though properly belonging to the oval class. Two such passes are commonly used successively in finishing heavy round bars, which are rolled twice through each pass, or, better, once through the first and three times through the last, being turned each time one-quarter over.. The draw of these passes is therefore very light, amounting to about diameter, or the height of the pass. An example of the use and form of very flat oval passes is given in Fig. 35, Plate III., and described ia the following article. § 17. Fig. 36, on Plate III., represents a pair of finishing rolls used in a Silesian mill ; they contain passes for round bar of from 1.63 to 0.8 of an inch in diameter (in addition to octagon passes), which are in reality oval, and constructed according to the rules laid down in § 16, although they seem round on account of the small scale of the drawing. The purpose with which they are presented is merely to give a practical example, in which the size and construction of such rolls, as well as the draw of the passes, may be plainly seen ; the accurate construction of the passes is that given in § 16. In the drawing, the fillets appear rectangular, and seem to touch the corresponding parts of the other rolls, while in reality they are slightly rounded, and have ^ to ^ig- of an inch play, to prevent the corners from breaking off (§ 10) ; the scale is, however, so smaU that these details do not admit of being shown. 43 Very flat oyal passes are especially adapted to rolling wire rod. They tlien alternate with diamond passes, while a true round pass is used to finish. Fig. 35, Plate III., shows these passes in fuU size and natural succession, as they are used in a Carinthian mill in rolling wire rod -^^ in. thick, out of pud- dle bar of medium quality. The following explanation is necessary to a correct understanding of the drawing : The l|-inch bar is first rolled at a welding heat through a set of three high rolls with Gothic and diamond passes, going altogether through 8 to 9 passes ; then, before it has entirely come through the last pass of the first set of rolls, it is intro- duced into the first pass, marked 1, of the second set of two high rolls with diamond drawing passes. The bar passes thence into the oval pass 2, which is turned, together with several others of the same kind, upon a set of two high rolls in the third housings ; these latter rolls are driven in a con- trary direction to that of the second pair. Thence the bar is taken back into the diamond pass 8 in the second pair, thence into the oval pass 4 in the third pair, again back into pass 5 in the second pair, then into pass 6 in the third pair, and back into pass 7 in the second pair. By this time the bar has become so long that it is being rolled into two or even three passes at the same time. The last oval pass 8, as well as the finishing round pass 9, are mounted in separate housings, iu order to ascertain, by special trials, the exact position of the rolls at which the sectional area of the oval bar is exactly large enough to fill out the round pass com- pletely, without forming fins, and so that the section of the finished rod does not vary perceptibly from a perfect round as it comes out of the round pass 9. The finished rod is 120 to 150 feet long. The number of passes through which the rod is rolled is 8 (or 9)-f 4+3+1+1 = 17 or 18, while this " high speed" method of rolling reduces the time necessary for the whole operation to not much over one minute. The roUs have a diameter of 9 inches, with the exception of those containing passes 8 and 9, the diameter of these latter rolls being about 1\ inches. They are, however, only 7 inches long between the necks, while the bodies of the former are 36 to 40 inches long. All the rolls make about 250 revolu- tions a minute. The speed of rolls for rolling wire rod 4 in. thick has been recently much increased. These rolls are 6 to 7^ inches in diameter, and make 400 to 500 revolutions in the minute. This necessitates, however, very expert rollers and flatter passes, with a heavier draw. It might seem that the diamond passes in Fig. 35 should have been turned with an angle of 110 degrees, since they are drawing passes, but as they are used in conjunction with oval passes, in which the bar is made very flat, it suffices to make the angle 90 or at most 92 J degrees, as above. § 18. The construction of round passes has been partially discussed in the course of the description of various oval passes in § 16 and § 17, because the heavier kinds of round iron are rolled exclusively in oval passes, or because, as in the case of very small round rod, an oval pass is used next the last, which stands in close relation to the round pass, which finishes. In some mills, however, it is customary to use true round passes in the finishing rolls for medium round bar of greater diameter than | of an inch ; these passes vary somewhat from the form described in § 17. A construction of this kind, used by Talbot, is represented in Fig. 17. The diameter (a b) of the circle which repre- Fig, 17. / \ sents the area of the pass is divided into 6 and also into 8 parts or, rather, each half or radius respectively into 8 and 4 equal parts. On the continuation of the diameter a h, the distances 46 hdandac are laid off equal to | of tlie diameter, and from a and 6, arcs intersecting the circle a.t eg,f h, are described, with a radius equal to 4 of the diameter. The arcs e c, c f, h d, and g d, are described with a radius equal to | the diameter of the circle, and the pass is thus complete. Another and older method of drawing such passes is shown in Figure 18, as described long ago by Karsten. It consists in describing, from the ends of the horizontal diameter a b, with the radius h c, the arcs cpnd and comd. Each of these arcs is then divided into six equal parts, and the points e, /, g and h are laid off from a h upon the circumference of the cir- cle, at a distance equal to one of these parts. The arcs e'k,h f, etc., are described respectively from m o, etc., with the respective radii equal to me; these arcs com- plete the pass. The arcs comd and cpnd may be divided into 6 equal parts by describing, with the radius b c, from the points c and d, similar arcs a p ob and anmb (not shown) ; these arcs intersect the first in o, p, n, m, and the distance from any of these points to the line a b will be ^ of the above arcs. Constructed in this way, the greater part of the pass is a true circle, which is slightly enlarged at the horizontal diam- eter in order to avoid fins. The iron forced into the resulting depressions in the pass is rolled into the bar again at the next pass, thereby rendering it easy to introduce the bar into the pass, and improving the nip of the latter. After grooves formed in the above way have been accu- rately turned upon the rolls, it is necessary to turn off the body-fillets afterwards till a play of from to -i-^ of an inch is obtained between the rolls, in order to be able to adjust the passes properly. When rolls are turned with grooves of the form described in § IT, and shown in Figure 35, Plate III., the body-fillets are afterwards turned off so far that a play of to ^ of an inch is left between the roUs, in order to be 46 able, by the adjustment of the rolls, to bring tbe passes into tlie desired truly round form. The constructions described in Figs. 17 and 18 are used without guides ; for if a guide is used, the bar must be fin- ished at a single passage, as the guides do not possess the necessary accuracy when the bar is very nearly round. The distinction between guide rolls and those without guides is not a sharp one. In many mills, all roimd bars under an inch thick are rolled with guides ; in others, rounds as low as f of an inch, or even less, are rolled without guides, the bar being guided by hand. The diameter and the required length of the bar determine the kind of rolls to be used ; for the longer the bar becomes, the more uncertain becomes its guidance by hand, even though a second roller helps to guide. Eoughing rolls for large rounds are similar to those shown in Figs. 5, 6, 7, 13, and 14, on Plate I., all which have been already described. Finishing rolls for large rounds have been described in the first part of § 17, and represented in Fig. 36, Plate HI. § 19. Polygon passes are employed almost exclusively in the hexagon or octagon form, to finish bars of similar sec- tion. The corresponding roughing rolls are, like those for rounds, furnished with Gothic passes. When the section is large, as for instance 1^ inches between the sides, and when the comers are to be rolled sharp and the sides smooth, it is best to use three shaping passes, a plan which is preferred by Mr. Baildon, of the Donawitz mill, near Leoben. Fig. 19. ■<©> "0" ' These are shown in Fig. 19, in which the height of one pass is always somewhat less than the width of the next suc- ceeding, since the bar is turned one-quarter over, after each passage through the rolls. The finishing pass, which has the form of the polygon, may be placed similarly either to No. 4 or to No. 5 in the figure. 47 In the case of light bars of polygon form, one shaping pass is sufficient, which should have nearly the required form ; but the width of this pass should be greater than its height, in order that a sufficient draw may be afterwards applied ia the finishing pass. The draw of these passes is proportioned according to the general rules which have already been laid down for the purpose. The rolls drawn in Fig. 36, Plate III., contain merely the finishing passes for octagonal bars; these passes are not intended to be used successively in the order given, but each pass is intended to finish a bar of octagonal form, but of different weight. The details of these rolls are, like those described in § 17, not very clear, on account of the small scale. § 20. Shapes include a very great and perhaps almost un- bounded variety of passes, the construction of which varies of course with their form. In recent times there have been so many, and such quite new apphcations of iron to buildings and machiaery, that the number of shapes has increased enormously. Their number is, indeed, so great that it is impossible to treat of them exhaustively, or, indeed, to arrange them satis- factorily, according to a few generic forms. It is, therefore, necessary to be guided by the practical importance of the chief forms, in the selection of so many of them as it is desirable to describe in detail. By handling, thus, first and in greatest detail, the forms which occur most frequently in general practice, a far greater amount of useful information may be imparted, than would be possible were the book to be unduly fiUed up with the discussion of shapes which are sometimes exceedingly difficult to construct, are never pro- duced in large quantity, and are never likely to become a lucrative product of a mill. The most important and frequently occurring forms are naturally rails, tyres, angle iron, deck or T, and I beams, some half round forms, such as felloe iron, etc., and finally some of the principal varieties of spike and sash iron ; these will be 48 taken up respectively in the above order. But before the rolls for the individual kinds are described, it will be neces- sary to preface some general rules for the proper construc- tion of rolls and passes. The composition, size, and form of the various piles for roUing must, therefore, be first consid- ered, as these details stand in intimate connection with the system of passes used. § 21. A large original section of the pile contributes quite essentially to the good quality of the interior of the finished product, as well as to its handsome appearance ; but the greater the original sectional area, the greater are the costs of manufacture. Therefore, economical reasons render it necessary that certain limits should be set to the size of the pile. The larger the section of the finished product, the less it is possible to enlarge the original section. The billet out of which wire rod -^-^ inch thick is rolled has a section over a hundred times as large as that of the rod, while the piles which are made up for raUs, tyres, I beams, etc., have often scarcely five times the sectional area of the finished product. When these large shapes are heavy, and the reduction of area must consequently be smaU. it is necessary, especially if the form is somewhat complicated, to give the pile a spe- 20 cial form correspond- ing to the finished shape. This is done in order to employ fewer shaping pass- es. In the adjacent Fig. 20, A and B rep- resent two piles of this kind for an I beam 12 to 18 inches deep, and of the form represented by C. It is also necessary to consider the quality of iron de- manded by the individual parts of the pile, and in putting the latter together, that special goodness or quality be pres- ent in any part where the rolling or subsequent use makes a special quality desirable, and, on the contrary, that a cheaper iron of lower quahty be used for other parts, so that the cost 49 of the product may be as small as possible. Those ^parts in the above figure which are marked a and h are made of iron which has been once or twice reheated and rolled (usually designated as Nos. 1, 2, 3, or " best," "best best," " best best best," according to the whole number of times the iron has been rolled). The parts c, on the other hand, are made of puddle bar. Fig. 21 represents another feature of the formation of a pile, which, though not exactly made necessary by the passes used, still affects materiall}'- the economy of their working. Fig. 21. The section A of the figure is nearly square ; the side view B shows, on the contrary, that the top and bottom bars are considerably longer than the middle ones. This is on ac- count of the fact that, were the bars equally long, the middle part a of the finished beam c would be longer than either flange, and would have to be sawn off to make a beam both ends of which were of the proper form. The pile is, there- fore, arranged as above, in order to economize material. The hatched parts are, further, No. 2 iron, while the rest is pud- dle bar. Even the direction of the fibre of individual parts of the pile must be considered in arranging the latter. For in- stance, when single-lipped chairs were rolled at Zoptau, in Moravia, to the form A, Fig. 22, the individual chairs being sawed off and the lips bent down simply, as shown in B, very many lips or feathers were broken off, so long as all parts of the pile were arranged as usual, and so that the fibres all ran in the direction of the length of the pile, while the feathers were bent across this direction. This difficulty was obvi- ated by taking out the longitudinal bar from the Fig. 22. A , 50 position a, and laying it in its place and next eacli other nar- row strips 4 inches wide, with the fibre running crosswise. These strips were cut from No. 3 bars, while the other parts, with the exception of the three layers of puddle bar, h, h, h, consisted of No. 2 iron. It must also be here remarked that very large shapes are not usually rolled out of a single pile, but are composed of parts rolled separately, and afterwards welded together. Thus, for girders of a depth of two feet or over, the top and bottom flanges, a and b, are rolled separately, while a wide bar or plate, c, forms the web, the respective pieces being joined by the double channel bar, m. The flanges are usually heavy deck beams (T iron), of a strength ' • corresponding to the size of the desired girder. The parts are fitted to each other, as shown in the adjacent Fig. 23, are held together by clamps and screws, and are then welded, piece by piece, along both lines of junction at once. The dis- * tance welded at each heat is about 1 foot. The girder is supported on rollers, so that it may be moved in the direction of its length. At right angles to this line of rollers a small raihoad is laid down, just beside which latter is placed a pecuhar anvil. Two small blacksmith's fires, with several tuyeres, are borne on the railroad, one on each side of the girder, so that they may be pushed together under it, or apart, and away from it. When by their use a welding heat has been got up on both sides of the girder,. they are pushed back, and the part heated is rolled upon the anvil, when it is struck and welded by two 40-pound hammers, worked from a shaft running crosswise underneath them. To insure a good weld the channels in the double-channel bars need not be more than 1^ to ^ of an inch deep. § 22. In the case of all passes described up to § 19, inclu- sive, the construction could be, and actually was, so carried 51 out that the pressure was entirely equal toward each side. The bar had thus no tendency to bend sidewise ; the diame- ter of the grooves was, however, so proportioned that the bar might be bent slightly downward against the guards. As far as possible, the same rule is observed in rolls for shapes ; and if a shape may be divided vertically by the centre line into two equal parts, the observance of this rule occasions no difficulty, and the relation holds good that ordinarily ob- tains between the draw and the spread of common bar iron. The only difference between the cases is that in the latter the draw is uniform across the width of the bar, while in the for- mer it must necessarily be quite different, in order to form the required shape. The question naturally arises, how great may the difference of draw be allowed to become ? If no draw was applied to some parts of the bar, the form desired would be very quickly attained by the use of a few passes. If, for instance, the attempt was made to roU the channel iron in Fig. 24 simply by compressing the middle part, ^^"~ZZ'£'ZZ''^ M a or 6 6, of a flat bar, the result would be that the sides or flanges, c c or dd, would ^ ^ also be drawn out — not so much, indeed, ^^^^^^^^^J as the middle or web, but more or less ^M.lZZ..i.Z.Z.^M according to the quahty of the iron, and would, therefore, become ragged, or, even in the case of the very best iron, would at least lose their proper form. There- fore, in order to preserve the proper shape, it is necessary to draw the flanges also, to fill out the whole pass thoroughly with iron, and to use for the flanges a specially good iron, which has been reheated and reroUed, or, in other words, a No. 2 iron. The permissible differences in draw depend, on the one hand, upon the absolute area of the section of the pass, and, on the other, upon the quality of iron. In the case of large deep passes, when the greatest reduction upon the upper, as well as upon the lower side of the bar, amounts to about 1 inch, the smallest reduction may be restricted to or of 52 an incli, as shown on Plate VIII., in Fig. 82, in full size passes for girders, which are used at Eeschitza, and also in the passes for channel bar and girder iron, shown in Figs. 86 and 87, on the same plate. The difference between the draws or pressure upon the different parts becomes less in those passes which precede the finishing passes, while in the latter, in which it is necessary to complete the form of the flanges, these are drawn out rather more than any other part. The poorer the quality and the greater the hardness of the iron, the more nearly uniform must be the reduction of the different parts of the section. In the case of channel bars, with very deep channels, or in the case of V iron, the rolUng can be rendered very much easier if the shaping passes are so propor- tioned that the ridges (a a) are formed ; in the finishing pass these ridges are much more easUy pressed into the flanges or sides (6 6 in A, Fig. 25) than the su- perfluous iron of the middle part would be. The iron from the ridges (a, a) can be pressed down into the sides (&, h) without materially lengthening or drawing out the bar, but it would require a very heavy draw to force the iron out of the centre (c) into the sides. The arrangement of passes for iron of the above form, is shown in Figs. 93 and 94, on Plate IX., and the principle is susceptible of very general application in rolling shapes. In every shape in which the iron does not lie equally on each side of the vertical centre line, as, for instance, almost all forms of tyres, rails, angle iron, with flanges of unequal width, and many other forms, the draw upon the two sides must necessarily be unequal. So, for instance, when the first T, or flanged rails were rolled at Frantschach, in Carinthia, they were rolled in the passes shown in full size by Fig. 50, on Plate IV., which were closed passes, as is usual for shapes, and for which the bars were turned 180 degrees, or half over, at each pass. The rolHng itself was in this case 63 quite easy, and tlie desired form perfectly attained ; but the rolls themselves were very soon worn out, because they were considerably weakened by the necessary height of the last roughing and first shaping passes, but chiefly because the draw was so unequal that the collars were pressed ob- liquely against each other, and were abraded to such an extent that the rolls became useless. The arrangement of passes, which is now used in rolling rails, as well as shapes generally, consists in the use of one or more flatting passes, as represented, for instance, in the rail rolls shown in Figs. 44, 45, and 46, on Plate lY. In these passes the whole mass of iron is somewhat compressed, but the principal pressure comes upon the flanges, to com- press and spread them out. A comparison of these passes, as shown in full size in Figs. 48 and 49, with the older forms represented in Fig. 50, show quite plainly to how great an extent the former obviate the unequal draw. These inequalities of draw may also be obviated in some cases by another method, which is, however, less generally known and iised, but which is especially useful in rolling angle iron with flanges of unequal width. It consists in so proportioning the first shaping passes, as shown in Figs. 61 and 62, on Plate V., that the narrower flange remains the thickest, so that in the finishing passes it is necessary to use a heavier draw upon this side, or, in other words, to exert more pressure upon its surface than upon that of the wider side. Thus the total pressures become nearly equal, since the pres- sure upon the wider flange is less, in about the same proportion that its superficial area is greater than that of the narrower flange. By this means the unequal wear of the coUars is very much lessened. The unequal draw or pressure might be ob- viated by varying the angle of the flanges in the successive passes, so that the final angle would be the one required ; but such an arrangement would entail many disadvantages, and is, so far as I know, nowhere in use. Finally a third method, which has been long in use, con- sists in so arranging the journals of the rolls (which should 64 in this case be brasses), that they receive upon themselves „. „- the side-thrust ex- Fig. 26. erted on the roll. ■ ■S, !i T T '] arrangement -j'7^pf;i_— r r-JfrTT^' — is shown in Fig. ^^^£^^^^ ^ ^^ ^4::^^^ ^^^^^ ^'^^^^ dotted lines, and as l^. _---.._J if it had been push- ed forward several inches in the direction of its axis, whereas it presses during use quite firmly against the brass, c. The brasses have a strong flange or collar on the roll side, between which collar and the cast-iron box two slender steel wedges are driven down vertically. The journal-box does not press against the two set screws (s, s), as usual, but is pressed directly against the chock (a, a). When the steel wedges are driven down, the brasses are drawn out of the box and pretty firmly forced against the collar of the roll. It is therefore possible, by this arrangement, to relieve the collar from the side-thrust occasioned by unequal draw, and transfer the thrust to the brasses. The latter must not, of course, be wedged too firmly against the roll, as the strength of the neck would thereby be too much taxed, and the friction greatly increased. When it is not possible to avoid an unequal draw, the bar has a tendency, at its exit from the pass, to bend toward the side where the draw has been least. But the bar must be straight in order that the rolling may be continued ; it is there- fore necessary to fasten upon the bearing bar proper, blocks, called guides, at the exit end of the pass, so that the bar may be straightened as it passes out between them. Sometimes gimrds must be used upon the top roll to prevent the bar from bending upward. If a very heavy draw must be applied in the finishing pass, the bar is considerably widened or spread, as in the case of an intermittent pass for spike iron, the product of which is shown in Fig. 27. When the part a is greatly reduced to 55 form the head of the spike, it is very much widened, and if the pass does not freely per- mit this spread, the forma- tion of fins, as shown in sec- s_ tion at 5, is unavoidable, and the bar is spoiled. In order to prevent this the pass be- i ' fore the last must not only be of somewhat less width than | J the latter, but it must roll the iron in wedge form, as shown in section by c, with bevel- led edges upon the side which is periodically compressed by the finishing pass. Seen from above, the spike rod has the form shown by B, The formation of fins is aided by the cold state in which the bar is rolled through the last pass, as cold iron spreads more than hot iron under the same draw. Fur- ther, cold bars wear out intermittent passes very quickly, and therefore, for this double reason, the iron must be rolled through them as hot as possible. Passes for shapes are, as a rule, closed passes, and as this variety guides the bar pretty well by itself {vid. § 3, 2), other accurate guides fitted to the special form are the less neces- sary, since the increase of width in successive passes is in- considerable. But this circumstance, although it renders the guidance of the bar more certain, also makes it neces- sary that the latter should be correctly introduced into the pass, in order that the edges of the former, which closes the pass, may not begin to cut as they take hold. Hence it is necessary to place suitable guides upon the bearing bar in front of the rolls, in order that the bar may be introduced straight and fairly into the pass. One circumstance yet remains to be noticed, viz., that for all complicated passes for shapes it is very important to keep the guards sharp and in proper position, and to cool off the passes with a great deal of water, especially in the case of those in which the bar is likely to stick, and to be imme- diately wrapped round the roll. Fig. 27. A 5 56 § 23. It is evident from the foregoing (under reference to § 7), that the composition, size, and form of the pile or other material, affects the shape and draw of the required passes ; these elements are also essential in determining the requisite diameter of the rolls. The size of the rolls is, indeed, a ques- tion of almost as much importance as the form of their passes ; if the former are small, they frequently break and suffer great wear, while if they are, on the other hand, large, they are more expensive, heavier to handle, and increase the lift to get the bar over or through (a three high mill) to the front. It will be well to consider the characteristics of each kind. Small rolls do not require very heavy housings or fittmgs, are quite easily handled, contain a comparatively small weight of metal, and the bar need not be lifted very high to get it over them. They must, however, be pretty long to contain the necessary passes, while some of them are cut very deeply into the bodies; they are, therefore, comparatively weak. They require a pretty high speed of the engine, if the latter is direct-acting, or if it is not, occasion great wear and tear of gearing ; while the grooves, owing to their small circumference, wear more for the same length of bar than would the grooves of a large roll, and consequently sooner require redressing. They resemble in their action a ^hammer with narrow dies and draw out quickly, with little spread; but the draw operates more quickly than it would between large rolls, on account of the relative shortness of the wedge-shaped space which the bar must traverse to reach the normal section of the pass. Since the bars are, therefore, as it were, less pre- pared for the normal draw of each pass, all the strains be- come more sudden than would be the case in larger rolls. A small roll limits the draw, since the latter, if too great, would break the roll, and this limitation of draw increases the number of passes, other circumstances being similar and equal ; if, however, the draw remains the same, the rolls must be shorter. For instance, a case of this kind occurs to me in which the rolls of a three high mill broke down under the work for which they were designed; the housmgs could 57 neither be made stronger and larger to receive heavier rolls, nor could they be thrown aside ; consequently the only alter- native was to shorten the existing rolls and add one whole set to receive the passes lost by shortening the rest. An- other feature of small rolls is that those passes in which the draw is at all heavy, require deep notching to insure their hold ; but if these notches are pretty deep and are not very carefully considered in the formation of subsequent passes, they are apt to leave unsightly marks or laps on the finished product. Large rolls are, of course, more expensive than small ones, require heavier housings and fittings, and give rise to great- er friction. They have, however, great and manifest advan- tages over small ones. They are comparatively strong, since with the same length their strength increases as the square of the depth or diameter ; 21-inch rolls being thus over ^ stronger than 18-inch, while the increase of diameter is only ■g ; the rods will therefore stand a heavier draw and still re- tain proportionately greater strength. The " nip" of large rolls is far better than that of small ones, on account of the greater surface working on the bar, and consequently greater friction ; the notches may therefore be made leas deep, there- by preserving the surface of the finished bar. In order to get the best efibct or work from large rolls, the draw should be slightly heavier than in the small ones, which they would replace, the speed at the circumference of the respective rolls being the same. The large rolls will then do their work as quickly as small ones, while the iron is not strained so much as in the latter, by reason of the more gradual wedge-shaped approach to the normal section of the pass. In order that the circumference of a 21-inch roll might have the same speed as that of an 18-inch, the engine, if direct-acting, might run about ^ slower, that is, about 56 revolutions instead of 65, and this decreased speed would increase the endurance of all parts of the rolls, by lessening all shocks and rendering them less sudden. For these reasons, as well as much greater certainty against unprofitable stoppage of work through the breaking down of rolls, the modern practice has been to use very heavy rolls, and this practice is aheady very general. 58 These remarks on the characteristics of large and small rolls are, of course, merely comparative ; the speed, draft, and form of pass required for any particular iron must be deter- mined separately by very careful experiment. It is very important in all rolls to avoid fins of any kind, and, indeed, the methods of rolling vtdthout forming fins make up the most important part of roll-turning, since with them are connected all questions of draw and shape of passes while the quality of stock which can be worked up in a mill, depends very materially on the construction of its rolls. The reader wiU, therefore, do well to notice the various methods of preventing fins pursued at different works, as shown in detail hereafter, as there are no details in which skilful de- sign is better displayed than in these, while the comparative study of these methods will impart a very good knowledge of many important principles. § 24. Let us now consider in detail the rolls for the most usual shapes, beginning with those for rails. The first ex- ample of such rolls is given in Plate III., in Figs. 39 and 40, in tV full size, as used in a Westphalian mill. The passes of these rolls are represented in full size in Figs. 41 and 42. The section is one which was at one time quite common. In these rolls the bar must be rolled through 10 passes, which are equally divided upon two pairs of rolls, viz., the rough- ing and the finishing. The latter contain, however, 6 passes, as the finishing pass is duplicated ; the second pass being, of course, used only after the first has become too rough. It seldom occurs that rails of this size are rolled through only 10 passes. This is rendered possible by the proportionally narrow flange, as only one flatting pass (the first in the finishing rolls) is required for forming the latter. It will be remarked that one edge of the flange is made round, while the other is of the proper shape. This peculi- arity is owing to the necessity of preventing fins, which would be formed between the former and the collar, were not some special means adopted to prevent their formation. The most effectual means to this end has been found to be 59 the leaving away of tlie metal (in the part where a fin is to be feared) in such a manner that when the flange or other part comes into the pass, the draw of the latter may only fill out the pass well, instead of forcing the metal into all its crev- ices. This principle has been long successfully applied in several different ways, as will be shortly pointed out. A fur- ther peculiarity of these rolls, is the fact that the division of the roughing passes is made a considerable way above the pitch line. This method allows the fins formed in one pass to be thoroughly rolled out in the next succeeding pass, since the bar is so turned over as to brmg the fin to the lower part of the succeeding pass, where the bottom forces the fin back into the bar. This arrangement also prevents, to a great extent, the formation of fins at any formed arc at once sheared off. The fin would not be rolled out if the pass divi- sions were at the pitch line, unless some such arrangement was used as that adopted by the Messrs. Fritz, viz., forming a deep groove at those parts which come opposite to any division or opening. This plan prevents fins, and is very convenient. By means of the flatting pass a special advantage is ob- tained, in addition to the preservation of the rolls, mentioned in § 22, namely, that the work upon the flange is much, greater than that upon the head, while the contrary is the case in the older arrangement, shown in Fig. 50, on Plate IV. The greater amount of work renders the iron in the flange more fibrous than that in the head, which generally shows some grain. It thus becomes easier to fulfil the requirements of many engineers, that the flange shall be fibrous and the head hard, or *' fine grain," though this difference is in fact produced, in a marked degree, only by employing, for the various parts, materials of different hardness. Two shaping passes are turned upon the roughing rolls in Fig. 39, which, like the welding passes, are turned as open passes. In order that the rolls may not be moved sidewise during the action of the shaping passes, the end collars, as well as several of the body collars, are so turned that they fit toge- ther conically ; this construction naturally aids very much in keeping the rolls in their proper position. In the flatting pass 60 the under part of the bar (the future head of the rail) is reduced scarcely at all, while the partially formed flange is quite forcibly spread out. The less the under part of the bar is reduced, the more easily and thoroughly is the flange spread out ; but in this case the iron must be very tough, or the flange is apt to crack. The last passes of the finishing rolls have the peculiarity of being " half open" passes {vide § 3) ; the sides of the head are thereby much more per- fectly rounded and finished than would be the case in an open pass. Figs. 57 and 58, on Plate Y., represent the passes of the rail train of the mill at Gratz, which belongs to the " Siid- bahn," or Southern Railroad. In these rolls 12 passes are used, 6 of which are on one pair and 6 on the other pair of rolls. By reference to the roll drawings in Figs. 39 and 40, on Plate III., it is rendered easy to draw the rolls which belong to these passes, and which were omitted to save room (see also § 13). The flange of these rails is considerably wider than that of the former section ; hence two flatting passes are used, viz., pass 6 in the first and pass 3 in the second pair ; thus the flange is spread out more gradually to the necessary width. Pass 3 of the finishing rolls shows at a a construction the principle of which is similar to that of the similar pass of the Westphalian roUs previously mentioned, but in this case differently carried out, with the special pur- pose of so shaping one edge of the flange at a that it will be rolled down again in pass 4 by the former, thereby prevent- ing the formation of a fin at a V which purpose is also per- fectly accomplished in rolling. An example of a rail train with many passes is given on Plate IV., in the Figures 44, 45, 46, the corresponding passes being represented in full size in Figs. 47, 48, and 49. This train is in use at Pravali, in Carinthia, for rolling Besse- mer steel, and it rolled the first rails of that kind successfully made in that part of Austria. Between the three pairs of rolls belonging to the train 15 passes are evenly divided and are used successively ; but the actual number of times the bar is passed through the rolls is about 20, in two heats. 61 The reason for sucli a large number of passes is not at all the difficult section of rail, but lies altogether in the physical characteristics of Bessemer steel, as being comparatively hard and resistant. The somewhat pyramidal ingots of Bessemer steel are of square section, 7 to 8 inches on a side, with rounded corners. They are principally cast of steel, containing 0.3 and 0.5 per cent, of carbon, as that containing over 0.5 per cent, would not only not be so easily rolled, but would scarcely be tough enough to stand the required deflection tests, because they would be comparatively hard and stiff. The rough ingots are heated to a full yellow heat, and are then rolled three times through the first pass, twice through the second, and twice through the third — therefore seven times through the first three passes ; finally, the bar goes twice through the first shaping pass, and is then immediately returned to the furnace for the wash-heat, after having in the heat gone nine times through the rolls. The rolls are opened about half an inch for the first passage of the ingot, and are grad- ually closed again ; the ingot is turned quarter over (90°) at each passage through the first three passes, but half over (180°) each time in the fourth. The second heat is higher, nearly approaching a white heat, and in this heat the ingot goes once through each of the remaining 11 passes, and is thus passed 20 times through the rolls. Out of the 11 passes used in the second heat, the second, fifth and eighth are flat- ting passes. It is interesting to know that these rails were 21 feet (21.77 Eng.) long, and weighed 368 (454.33 Eng.) Viennese pounds. The ingots weighed 415 to 430 (513.35 to 530.87 Eng.) pounds in the rough. The loss in heating and rolling amounted to 4.9 per cent. Seven heats of four (4) ingots each were made in one furnace during the turn of 12 hours. The percentage of imperfect rails varied between 5 and 10 per cent. In Figs. 39 and 44, which represent the roughing rolls of two rail trains, and Figs. 41 and 47, which represent the respective passes in full size, it will be noticed that the openings between the body-fiUets are some way above the 62 ■pitcjb liiie. - This is so arranged designedly, in order that fins may not be easily formed in the passes used in both cases. This method insures that any fins formed are well rolled in, as well as prevents their formation. That is, the bar is turned half over at each pass, and a fresh surface comes before the opening of the pass ; the resulting fin is thoroughly rolled in at the bottom of the next pass, and in the third pass a straight surface (on which no fin has yet been formed) comes before the opening; that part of the bar on which the fin was formed in the first pass coming a good way below the parting of the third. The flaring sides of the body collars furnish additional protection against fins (vide end of § 30), while the surface of the bar is kept smooth and sound, because no part where a fin has once been comes again into a position where another is likely to be formed. Fig. 37, on Plate III., represents a pair of rolls used in a Silesian mill for rolling mine rails ; the corresponding passes are shown in full size in Fig. 38. In this pair there are 6 passes intended for successive use ; the seventh is a spare or duplicate finishing pass. This pair contains only finishing passes ; the roughing rolls are omitted, because they cor- respond exactly with the Gothic roughing rolls for bar-iron (vide § 11 and Figs. 5 and 6 on Plate I.), as is evident from the form of the first finishing pass. In these rolls for such a small section a flatting pass is also used, both to preserve the rolls from undue side-thrust, and to make the flange com- paratively tough and soft, as discussed above in detail, § 25. It is necessary to work up old rails, imperfect rails or wasters, and crop ends, in the formation of the rail pile ; it will therefore be useful to consider the best means of roll- ing them into the proper shape. It was formerly, and is now to some extent, customary to cut the rails to the length of the pile, and to use one or two such cut pieces in the formation of the latter. These pieces, on account of their irregular form, did not fit well into an ordinary pile of puddle and reroUed bars (tops and bottoms) ; therefore, in order to avoid interstices between the bars and rails, it was necessary to roll filling pieces of special, '-foriJi adapted to fit the ran more or less closely. TKe use of rail ends or pieces is now almost en- tirely restricted to the pile for tops and bottoms, and it has been ^^^^^ found more advantageous to roll ^^^^^ the pieces down singly into a flat ^^^^^ bar. For this purpose old rails and wasters are commonly cut cold into lengths of 5 or 6 feet, reheated and rolled into flat bars twice or thrice as long as the rail pile. These bars may be made in form and size similar to puddle bars, and may be conveniently used in any desired proportion in any part of the pile. The crop ends are usually rolled down immediately after cutting. They vary, of course, considerably in length, but may be used in the pile together with the ends cut off the puddle bars. Fig. 53, on Plate V., shows a pair of rolls adapted to rolling crop ends, etc., into flat bars ; they are in use at the Horst mill near Steele, and produce bars of 3 to 4 inches in width. The corresponding passes are shown in full size by Figs. 54, 55, and 56. The two first passes reduce the height of the rail about | of an inch (drawing it out of course), but are principally useful in bending the flanges back upon the web, as shown by the dotted lines in the first pass. Between the second and third passes the rail must be turned one-quarter over, and half over for the fourth as well as for the fifth. The fifth pass turns out a flat bar, 4 inches wide by 1 inch thick. If the bar is desired 3 inches wide, it must be turned quarter over (or upon its edge) for the flatting pass No. 6, in which its width is reduced from 4 to 2U inches; it is then turned again one-quarter over, and rolled through No. 7 into a bar 3 inches wide by 1 inch thick. Those rails— which are composed of different materials in the flange, web, and head— are seldom rolled out into a bar of this kiud, but are usually cut by means of shtting roUs into three parts— viz., head, web, and flange — which may then be used again in accordance with their respective qualities. 64 By the use of rolls so constructed as to gradually press the metal in the flange and head into the web, flat bars may be rolled from old rails and crop ends, without bending the flange at all over upon the web. This method makes a smoother bar, while it obviates the weld of the flange upon the web, and hence materially reduces the whole number of welds in the pile. § 26. A pair of tyre rolls used in a SUesian mill are shown in Fig. 68, on Plate VI. ; they contain 6 passes, which are given in full size in Fig. 69. Figs. 70 and 71 also represent tyre rolls in use at the same mill, containing 6 passes on two pair of rolls ; Figs. 72 and 73 exhibit these latter passes in full size. In one aspect it is certainly simpler and cheaper that one pair of rolls should contain the 6 shaping and finish- ing passes, and such is generally the case. It often hap- pens, however, that small differences in form and size of tyres are frequently demanded, and it is then much better that the four shaping passes should be turned on one pair of rolls, which can then remain in their housings, while the small pair, with the two finishing passes, may be easily and quickly changed. In order that these small alterations of section may be readily accomplished, the last pass but one is made a flatting pass, and turned, of course, upon the short rolls ; while the flatting pass in Fig. 68 is the third to be used. By means of the flatting pass the unequal side-thrust of the rolls is somewhat diminished, as mentioned in § 22, and also especially discussed with reference to rail rolls. The chief object of their use is, however, the more perfect for- mation of, and a thorough work upon the flange of the tyre. The above rolls require in use a pair of roughing rolls, with the necessary passes. These are omitted here, but their form and draw may be readily derived from the next following pair of tyre rolls. Fig. 74, on Plate VI., represents, in full size, the welding, drawing, shaping, and flnishing passes used in a Styrian mill for rolling tyres. Ten passes are used, as the figure shows. 65 Of these, tlie first five,wliicli are box passes, are on the rough- ing rolls ; while the last five, on the other hand, are turned as closed passes upon the finishing rolls. Of the five rough- ing passes, the first three are to be considered as welding, and the last two as drawing passes. The bar must be turned one-quarter over before entering the 2nd, 3rd, and 5th passes respectively, but half over before entering the 4th. The third of the five finishing passes is a flatting pass. A noteworthy difference exists between the Styrian and Silesian passes, viz., that the former tyres are finished con- cave on the inner side, while the latter are left straight. The object of making the inner side concave is that it may become straight after the tyre is bent into form ; for if it were left straight it would be found to be rendered quite con- vex, which convexity, or bulge, must afterward be turned offj thereby increasing the cost of labor, and causing a greater waste of metal. Something similar occurs with reference to the other dimensions of the tyre : the inner side not only bulges out, but also becomes wider on account of the bend- ing, while the outer side, or tread, becomes narrower. Therefore, in order that the other two sides of the tyre may remain parallel, it is necessary to roll the bar in such a manner that the inner side shall be finished narrower than the tread ; while in the rolls shown in Figs. 68, 71, and 74, exactly the reverse is the case, as the inner side must be finished wider than the tread. In order to insure that the inner side be narrower than the tread, it would merely be necessary to turn the finishing pass half over, thus bringing the tread uppermost, by which means it — viz., the whole tread side or outside of the tyre — might be readily made wider as desired, being flatted out somewhat by the former of the upper roll. This method is applied in some mills, but in the majority this self-evident advantage is neglected, in order to finish the flange somewhat more accurately in the lower roll. Tyres for disc wheels must be rolled with a rib or fillet on the inner side, to which the disc, which takes the place of spokes, may be fastened. Fig. 43, on Plate III., represents, 66 in full size, the shaping and finishing passes used in a Silesian mill for producing such tyres. These examples of rolls for tyres are adduced rather to show an interesting and useful series of pass constructions than as anything at present to be recommended. Iron tyres are now seldom used, and steel tyres are almost universally weldless, and rolled in a peculiar form of mill, some of the rolls of which will be described in § 32. § 27. There are two circumstances to be considered in draughting passes for angle iron, viz., the equal or unequal length of the sides, and the absolute area of the section. When the sides are of equal width, angle iron is much more easily and cheaply rolled than when they are not, as in the latter case the rolls soon become worn out by the irregular side-thrust. The latter difficulty is materially diminished when the shorter side is kept thicker than the longer, as described in § 22. If the sides of the angle iron are equal and plain, and if their edges are not required to be very smooth, a single pair of rolls may be used to produce iron varying both in width of the sides and in the thickness of the metal. The passes of such rolls must be constructed for the greatest desired width of side, as when a section with narrower sides is to be rolled, it is sufficient to give it the required size in the last pass, since it is not necessary that the iron in the sides should entirely fill out the grooves of the shaping passes. This method resembles that employed when flat bars are rolled between plain roUs, viz., rolls similar to plate-rolls. In the latter case, however, the width of the bar varies some- what, and the corners are not sharply rectangular. The only difference between the two cases cited above is to be ob- served in the fact, that in rolling angle iron great care is required to introduce the centre of the angle exactly in the centre of the pass ; for if the bar should deviate at all to the right or left, the width of the sides would vary considerably. In order to insure the proper introduction of the bar without using accurate guides, it is only necessary to turn the passes 67 upside down, as it were, as shown in Fig. 65, on Plate V. ; that is to say, that the former is placed on the bottom instead of the top roll. In this way it is rendered easy to introduce the angle exactly, by allowing it to rest on the former, and be carried by the same into the pass. If the groove of the pass was turned on the lower roll, the diameter would be so much decreased that it would be difficult to adopt the above method, as the bearing-plate in front of the roll would cut olf a good deal of the circumference of the latter. Further comments on the use of such inverted passes will be found on page 69, in connection with the description of Fig. 60, on Plate V. In order to make the flanges thicker it is, of course, only necessary to separate the rolls as required. It is important to consider the absolute sectional area of the finished angle iron, for when the same is small, the bar is generally worked out from a nearly square section, whereas, on the other hand, the larger sections are commonly worked out gradually from a flat bar into the required rectangular form. The first method is the simplest, but requires a greater proportional reduction of the original area than the second method, and is, therefore, not so economical or con- venient for rolling large sections. Fig. 51, on Plate IV., re- presents the shaping of the angular section from the flat form, while Fig. 52 shows the section as drawn out of the square bar or pile. The dotted lines, a, h, c, d, in each fig- ure represent the original section of the pile or bar, while the finished angle iron is designated by the hatched section. In each case five passes are required to finish the bar. These two sets of full size passes, representing both of the above methods, have been many years in use at Frantschach, in Carinthia. When the angle iron is rolled up from the flat form, the length of each side may increase, while the distance between the edges remains the same, or even decreases, because the sides are gradually bent in. On this account it is not so necessary, as in the case of other forms, that one pass should be wider than the preceding ; individual passes may indeed be narrower than those preceding them, as shown by the passes for angle iron with unequal sides, which are given 68 in Figs. 61 and 62. In order to understand how it is pos- sible to introduce the bar into a pass narrower than the one it has just left, it is only necessary to consider that the point of the angle projects most, and is first seized by the rolls, and the new angle is formed before the greater width of the sides can become troublesome, or before the edges begin to be cut. For the sake of simplicity and ease in turning the rolls, the deep grooves are, as a rule, aU placed in the bottom roll, although this position has the disadvantage that the bar cannot, as is usually the case, be turned half over, in order to prevent the formation of fins. In order to obviate this disadvantage, more or less, the two last passes are often so constructed {vide Fig. 61, Plate V.), that, though really closed passes, they are yet open at the edge of the side. Some- times, to accomphsh the same object, the passes are so arranged that the bar maybe turned once or twice half over ; this is the case at the Donawitz mill, near Leoben ; while Fig. 59, on Plate Y., represents similar rolls in use at a Sile- sian mill. The first formers should be roughened with a chisel, as shown in Fig. 60, in order that they may take a firmer hold of the bar. Fig. 61, on Plate V., represents in full size a pair of finishing rolls for heavy angle iron with unequal sides. Fig. 62 gives the corresponding passes in fuU size. The rolls are in use at Zeltweg in Styria. The great difference be- tween the diameters of the roll in the various grooves is worthy of remark; these differences are, in this instance, caused by the large size of the section rolled. As a rule, however, all rolls for angle iron present great differences of this kind. Further, Fig. 63 shows passes for medium heavy angle iron with equal sides ; they are shown in their position on the rolls and in full size. After an examination of Fig. 61 it is easy to construct rolls for these passes, espe- cially as the pitch line is marked on the drawings. With reference to the roughing rolls belonging to these finishing rolls, it is necessary to consult § 13 and Fig. IP, on 69 Plate n. ; for an inspection of Figs. 62 and 64, on Plate V., shows at once that large sections must be rolled from corre- spondingly large and heavy flat bars. Fig. 60, on Plate Y., represents a pair of finishing rolls for angle iron with sides of equal width, each side being inches wide ; they are in use at Piela in Upper Silesia. There are two especially striking points to be remarked in these rolls ; the first being, that all passes have the same width, viz., 4| inches ; the second, that the iron is indeed rolled out of the flat bar ; but the shaping is effected in one pass, and with nearly the full finished angle. This is a method which the moderate size of the angle iron renders practi- cable, but which would be, even for small sections, seldom advisable or applicable. It is, therefore, unnecessary to represent the individual passes in full size. Fig. 65 repre- sents a set of passes for medium and small angle iron with equal sides, and which is shaped from a square or diamond through the half diamond bar. These passes are used at Neuberg in Styria, and are represented merely according to their position on the rolls and in full size, while Figs. 66 and 67 show the individual passes in full size. The inverted position of these passes, and the reasons for choosing the same, have already been the subject of remark. A notable point is the unusual height of the pitch line, as shown in Fig. 65 ; this somewhat excessive height was, on account of the inversion of the passes, considered necessary to prevent the bar from curhng upwards. The rolls may be useful in case of necessity, but are scarcely adapted to production on a manufacturing scale. The passes used at Seraing, in Belgium, for a peculiar variety of angle iron, are represented in Fig. 83, on Plate VIII., and the individual passes in full size, in Fig. 84. It is very doubtful whether these passes are properly construct- ed, and it seems improbable that the fifth pass can be cor- rectly proportioned. The drawings were received directly from the works. All varieties of angle iron necessitate very good material, on account of the difficulty of their manufacture and the TO nature of their subsequent uses ; hence, the iron generally used is that which has already been once or twice reheated and rerolled. The piles for reroUing for this purpose, are quite frequently built up of good scrap-iron. § 28. The passes used for T iron resemble those used for T rails. The latter are, however, in general more difficult to roll than the former, at least in the forms in which the former are applied in architectural and engineering purposes, and the difficulty of rolling the T rails becomes comparatively greater when different irons are used for the head and flange of the T rails. Therefore fewer passes are usually required for rolling T iron than for T rails. T iron is required in much larger sizes than are the rails ; which fact not only renders it difficult to proportion the passes properly, but also makes the rolling very laborious. The large size of the passes necessitates heavy rolls, espe- cially bottom rolls, the diameter of which must often be 30 inches or more ; as such heavy rolls are very expensive, it is advisable to reduce the side-thrust as much as possible by the use of flatting passes. Figs. 75 and 76, on Plate VII., represent respectively the roughing and finishing for heavy T iron, as produced at Piela, in Upper Silesia, while the passes are appended in full size in Figs. 77 and 78. Their similarity to the passes for T rails is very striking, while the presence of 3 or even 4 flat- ting passes out of 10 passes in all, is equally worthy of remark. The position of the first pass is that of a flatting pass, and if this is considered as such (although this is sel- dom the case with the first pass), we actually find 4 flatting passes in use. Figs. 79, 80, and 81, on Plate VIII., represent merely the passes for a medium T iron ; these are constructed according to Talbot's drawings, are in full size, and the pitch line is shown. The drawings represent the two first passes in the position of flatting passes, as was the case with the above rolls, but the 6th pass is the only strictly flatting pass in the rolls. There are 8 passes in all. Double T or girder-iron (I beams), the top and bottom 71 flanges of wliicli are similar in size and shape, is mucli easier to roll than simple T iron, because the metal of the former is equally divided on each side of the vertical centre line, and hence the respective side-thrusts are equal. As no flatting pass is necessary in rolling girder-iron, and as the beam is merely turned half over (180°) at each pass, the requisite passes are quite easily turned. It is, however, difficult to roll beams so large as they are sometimes demanded ; the rolls must therefore be very heavy, and a reversing train should be used. Fig. 82, on Plate VIII., represents in full size the passes for an I beam 10 inches high, as they were drawn immedi- ately from the turning tools ; these rolls are in use at Kes- chitza. The remarks in § 21 upon the construction of piles for I beams, as illustrated in Fig. 20, B, have special refer- ence to these rolls, the first pass of which is a shaping pass. It is unnecessary to adduce special examples of rolls for girder-iron, etc., of smaller sections than the above, as the corresponding passes are not only much simpler than those required by the larger sections, but are also very similar to those to be immediately described, which are required for channel-iron and heavy I beams. § 29. Passes for rolling channel-iron and very heavy I beams, are quite similar to the flat presses described in §§ 12 and 13 and drawn m Figs. 16 and 17, on Plate II., and so far as the roughing rolls are concerned, the respective series of passes are exactly similar. Therefore Fig. 85, on Plate VIII., represents merely that part of the finishing rolls which con- tains the final passes for an 8-inch channel bar, while the passes themselves are given in full size in Fig. 86. The latter figure contains the section of the bar as it comes out from the last roughing pass ; this, as well as the four finishing passes, is arranged in the proper position with reference to the pitch- line. The draw and spread in the respective passes are shown distinctly in the drawing. The section of heavy I beams is so simple, and the rolls employed in their manufacture so similar to those used for channel-iron, that it seems quite sufficient to draw, in Fig. 6 Y2 87, the full-size passes required for rolling tlie former section. As the figure shows, only 3 shaping and finishing passes are employed instead of 4 in the case of channel-bar, although the mass of metal is greater in the former than in the latter section. The reason for employing more passes for the sim- pler section lies in the fact that the side-thrust of the upper and lower grooves is quite unequal. It is evident from the respective drawings that the heavy girder beam, as well as the channel bars, must be turned half over (180°) after each pass. The passes of both the above are given according to Bieder- mann's drawings, and are in use at a Styrian mill. The series represented in Figs. 88, 89, and 90, on Plate IX. (as used by Talbot), is somewhat unlike the above, and resem- bles the series for great I beams, described at the end of § 27. The first roughing passes are constructed with reference to the form of finished section, in order that the work upon all parts of the section may be as uniform as possible ; the qual- ity of the iron is thereby improved, especially in the flanges, and the strength of the beam increased. Each pass is rep- resented in its proper position with reference to the pitch line, and their unequal division above and below this hne is neces- sitated by turning the bar half over after each pass. The passes for I beams, represented in Fig. 82, on Plate VIII., are placed with reference to the centre line of each pass, in order that the draw of the respective passes may be clearly shown. The five roughing passes of Fig. 88, on Plate IX., are com- mon both to the channel bar and heavy I beam, as are also the first two finishing passes in Fig. 90. The third finishing pass in Fig. 90 completes the section of the heavy beam, while the passes drawn in Fig. 89, and marked respectively 3 and 4, are used to finish the channel bar, and the above third pass is skipped ; thus the heavy beam demands one pass less than the channel bar, as was shown above in Figs. 86 and 87, on Plate YIII. The European form of the chairs for T rails with a fish joint is somewhat similar to that of channel-iron. These chairs {vide § 21) are rolled in long bars, which are afterwards Y3 sawed up to the requisite lengths. The ordinary section of the chairs is that of A in Fig. 29, although it is a frequent practice on Continental roads to use plates of the section B on heavy curves where it may seem neces- sary to regulate the angle of the rail to the tie. These forms are rather harder to roll than the ordinary channel iron, and therefore the requisite passes are shown in Fig. 91, on Plate IX., in their proper position in the roUs, while Fig. 92 represents them in full size. The difficulty in rolling such forms increases with the height of the sides or lips, and it is therefore necessary to leave ridges on the back of the bar {vide § 22), or on the side opposite to that on which the lips are to be rolled. In order to make this method perfectly clear. Fig. 93, on Plate IX., represents the finishing and one roughing pass for the manufacture of channel bar with a deep channel ; these passes are shown in their proper position on the finishing rolls, and are appended in full size in Fig. 94. The drawings show that even the first shaping pass is turned with reference to the formation of the ridges, which latter appear more and more distinctly at each subsequent pass up to the last, during its passage through which they are forcibly pressed down into the sides of the channel bar. It is apparent that the bar, as it leaves the last roughing pass, must be turned quar- ter over (90") before it enters the first shaping pass. § 30. Felly iron is an iron of half round form on one side, and of wedge shape on the other, and demands attention on account of its somewhat typical shape, although it is almost exclusively used in the production of wrought-iron wheels. It forms a support to the outer felly or felly proper over which the tyre is shrunk, and is welded between the spokes of the wheel, both to the outer felly and to the spokes. If the ■wedge-shaped side is not too sharply pointed, it is easy to develop the shape without the aid of a flatting pass, and quite simply in the ordinary way, in which the bar is turned half over at each pass. A series of such passes is repre- 74 sented in Fig. 95, on Plate IX., and Fig. 96 sliows the indi- vidual passes in full size witli reference to tlieir draw and irrespective of tlieir position in the rolls, which is distinctly given in Fig. 95. If, on the contrary, the wedge-shaped side is very sharp and thin, it is necessary to introduce a flatting pass, as in Fig. 97, which represents in i^ full size, a set of rolls of a Silesian mill ; the respective passes are given in full size in Fig. 98. In this case the flatting pass is placed in the mid- dle, and is only to be recognized by its position with refer- ence to the rest, as it could not be recognized as such if con- sidered singly. It is easy to construct rolls for fish plates, as the form of the latter is usually quite simple. Fig. 99, on Plate X., rep- resents a pair of rolls for a very simple variety, while the full- size passes are appended in Fig. 100. The shape of the former of the second pass is rendered somewhat unusual by the necessity of preventing fins from forming at the sharp corners shown in the third pass, in which latter, however, the draw and consequent tendency to form fins is very much less than in the former pass. The sharp corners of a former are avoided in the finishing pass, by giving this latter the form of an open pass, but placing this open pass in the position of a closed one and letting the former work between two col- lars, as in the case of a closed pass. This union of the open with the closed pass has been already noticed several times, and is often exceedingly useful. The immediate outlines of such a pass are those of an open one (i. e., there is a groove in the former, so that in reality the former acts the part of the top roll of any set with open passes), but considered in its general relations and position, the pass must be denomi- nated a closed one. § 31. As an example of a very useful class of passes, it will be well to consider those which are used in rolling rods of pecuKar form, intended to be cut up into spikes. In this country we use the spike machine almost exclusively, but it is quite probable that we might find passes of a form similar to these very useful for rolling a variety of other shapes which 75 require periodical projections. The form of tlie subjoined passes for spike rod is such that the notches correspond to the heads of the single spikes. In order to fill out the notch properly with the metal which is forced up into it, a very heavy draw is required, and if the pass is narrow, fins are very likely to be formed. In § 22, however, a method of avoiding the latter was described, which is in use at Mayr's mill near Leoben. At Eeschitza the rods are finished in another way. Fig. 101, on Plate X., gives in | full size a front elevation and a section of the rolls used in this mill. The circumference of the rolls is equal to four times the length of a single spike, and at every revolution the corresponding four notches form the head of a single spike. The rod leaves the roughing rolls with a rectangular section, | an inch thick by of an inch wide, which dimensions remain unchanged in the head of the spike. In the finishing rolls five similar passes, a, a, and a very wide pass, b, are used. Only one of the former (a) is used at a time, but five are on the rolls, because the corners of the holes of the dies for the spike head are soon worn out of shape even though the pass is an open one. On account of the open form of the pass, the fins formed will be in the mid- dle of the side, and are made very blunt by rounding off the comers a good deal. The drawing represents three passes with a width of | an inch, which is also the thickness of the rod as it reaches them ; they might be wider in order to facilitate the introduction of the rod, but the extremely rounded form of the collars renders such extra width unne- cessary. In order to remove the fins from the shaped rod, it is rolled through the wide flat pass, h, the height of which is equal to the thickness of the spike rod, i. e., | an inch. Fig. 102 represents in ^ a single spike as cut off of the rolled rod, while B represents the form into which it is brought by hand, and in which it is sold. The spikes might be more readily and very quickly finished by a machine con- structed for the purpose. In order to show how the same form may be attained by very different means, a third method is subjoined, which was 76 in use at Fridau's mill, near Leoben. Fig. 103, on Plate X., gives the front size of the rods in \ full size, and it will be observed that the section is dotted in order to save space. The rolls contaia 3 first and 3 second shaping passes which are turned as closed passes, and the differences between them are very small, as thej are not intended to be used successively upon the same rod ; so many passes are neces- sary to ascertain those which shall be used, according to the heat and quality of the metal in the rod, in order to obtaia the best results. Only one, or at most two, of each set of shaping passes is used, while the height of the passes is often slightly changed by raising or lowering the upper roll. The roUs contain only one intermittent pass, if it may be called pass ; this one, however, is 15 inches long, and forms the end of the body of the roll. Only a small part of the whole width is used at a time, viz., so much as the rod takes up ; the latter is kept in position by an accurate guide fitted to and projecting between the rolls (similar to that drawn in Fig. 34, on Plate III., and described ia § 13). As one part becomes worn, the guide may be moved further along the rod, thus rendering the pass serviceable for a much longer time. This peculiar form has the additional advantage that the notches may be quickly and easily formed in a planing machine, whereas the notches in a narrow pass must be finished with great difficulty by hand. After the head has been pressed up in this intermittent pass, or intermittent portion of the roll, it is turned quarter round, i. e., upon its side, and passed through a pair of small polishing-roUs, in which any fins are rolled down, and the with of the bar between the heads is reduced by the amount to which it spread in the intermittent pass. Fig. 104 represents in A the rough spike as cut from the rod, and in 5 the spike as finished by hand. A very simple method of avoiding fins, though one which is little known and seldom used, is shown in. the shaping passes of these rolls (Fig. 103). The sides of the collars are flared out in- stead of being left straight, and the bar is turned haK over at each pass, thus bringing the narrow bottom of the bar T7 into the wide top of the next pass, which top is so much wider than the bar that scarcely any draw will force the metal out into fins. This method is very efficacious, and de- serves universal application in rolling flat and square bar or hoop iron, as it leaves the comers perfectly free from fins. § 32. The method pursued in turning passes for a variety of small shapes is illustrated by Figs. 105, 106 and 107, on Plate X., which represent four different series of passes for sash iron, constructed according to drawings from Seraing. The passes are drawn m full size and in their proper posi- tion on the rolls, but the rolls themselves are not represented further than is necessary to render their completion easy. The radii (half diameter) of the rolls are, therefore, given in figures on the end collars. In order to avoid the formation of fins, all the sharp corners and edges are rounded off, and the passes are so placed that the bar must be turned each time half over (180°). They are also so proportioned as to allow for a small spread, so that the bar may enter the pass easily. It would also be well to flare the side of the passes somewhat, as in Fig. 103, particularly if the stock rolled was red short, or of low quality. As the roughing rolls for these shapes contain only Gothic and flat passes, it is merely necessary to refer to previous examples of similar rolls. In rolling such small shapes, it is very necessary to use guides which are closely fitted to the rolls and to the pass, in order to prevent the destruction of or cutting off the corners of the bar as the grooves take hold. The diameter of the top roll in the grooves is throughout comparatively great, as the drawings show, in order that the bar may have a strong downward tendency, while accurate guards are used and water is plentifully appHed. These precautions are ne- cessary to prevent the bar from curling round the roll. § 33. Hitherto our attention has been confined to the more usual varieties of passes, but the definition of the term pass, 78 given in § 2, would require that many other and quite differ- ent arrangements for rolling iron should be discussed. To treat the subject fully, however, would be almost impossible in a work of this character, especially as the number of draw- ings would be largely increased. It wHl, therefore, be suffi- cient to describe the principal varieties of machines for rolling or sHtting iron, which cannot be strictly classed as rolls with passes. The 81itting Mill is a very important and verj- generally used machine for sHtting or dividing, at a single pass, flat bars or sheet-iron into a number of rods, as nail rods or sheet for welded boiler tubes. Generally 10 or more of the smaller rods are slit off at a time, with the length and thickness of the origmal bar or sheet, but with a width which is regulated by the distance between the cutting discs. These discs operate exactly as circular shears, but many of them are united, as it were, in one piece, the middle discs cutting on both edges. The discs are forged singly, either wholly of cast-steel or of iron, to which steel is welded, to form the edge. Between two of these discs is placed another of the same or any desired thickness, but less diameter, and the whole are fixed concentrically upon an iron spindle, which is provided with the necessary neck and pods. These discs and short cyHnders may be fastened by being driven up by screws, or a short, heavy cotter or wedge against a fixed col- lar at the other end of the spindle. When, however, the width of the desired sKt sheet is considerable, it is customary to use cast-iron rolls, upon which collars are cast of the ne- cessary diameter, and at such distances that when faced on the circumference with rings of steel, they will allow the steel rings on the collars of the top and bottom rolls to work close up to each other, thus making the slit. The collars are ordi- narily faced with semicircular rings, fitted on to a turned face on the collar, and fastened with counter-sunk bolts. These mills must be very accurately constructed, and require a good deal of attention in use, but do their work very quickly. They are generally placed at the finishing end of the train, that the sheet or bar may be slit immediately on leaving the poHshing rolls or the last pass. Y9 The so-called "collar rolls" are used to widen out any individual part of a flat bar wliicli is intended to be bored for a bolt. These bars are generally those used for forming the links of solid chain suspension bridges, and often require to be widened at each end as well as in the middle. In order to be able to roll at will such wider parts, the collar rolls are generally constructed of a wrought-iron spindle, upon which, at the required intervals, wrought-iron collars are shrunk. These collars may be readily moved by being heated by a thick iron ring, laid around them in segments at a white heat ; the consequent expansion loosens their hold on the spindle, and they may be moved as desired. The spindle may, of course, be made of cast-iron, and where a demand for special forms exists, the necessary collars may be cast solid with the spindle. In the practice of Howard, Eaven- hill & Co., of Rotherhithe, the spindles are wrought-iron, 7 to 8 feet long, and turned to a diameter of 6 to 7 inches. They are, of course, furnished with necks and pods, which are in- cluded in the above length. The wrought-iron collars are shrunk on the cylindrical body of the spindle, and are not rectangular, but have a rounded or convex surface, in order that there may be no abrupt depression in the bar. In roll- ing, the bar is passed three or four times through the rolls, while at each passage the top roll is lowered. The collar roll housings are placed at the end of the train in which the bars are rolled, in order that the latter may be finished at a single heat. If arranged to reverse, they are placed at right angles to the end of the train, and driven from the respective rolls by an arrangement of cone pinions, constructed to throw in and out of gear at will, and thus reverse as desired. The term "end roUs," or "overhang rolls," may be applied to those rolls which are merely spindles between the necks, and whose body is merely a short continuation of the spindle beyond one neck, while the other end of the spindle is con- nected with the engine by means of gearing. The short body or head of the roll contains only one pass, that is, the former is turned upon the upper head and the groove into the lower one, or the groove on the stationary and the former 80 upon the movable, when the spindles are arranged as in an ordinary tyre mill. The reason why such an arrangement is necessary is be- cause these end rolls are required for rolling tyres, etc., the form of which objects is a closed ring, which must be placed in position and removed quite easily ; one side of the pass must, therefore, be left entirely open, or at least be easily opened by moving back the movable spindle. The draw of these passes or rolls is given by continually moving the rolls together, or the movable against the stationary head, while the tyre, or other object, is being rolled. As a very con- siderable force is required to move the rolls together, the movement cannot be accomplished by hand, and it is neces- sary to employ an arrangement with friction pulleys, by which the rolls may themselves work the shifting screw or screws, or a small steam-engine, or better, a hydraulic press, to raise the journals of the bottom roll, or press the movable one up. As the tyre is rolled out its diameter becomes greater, and the cross-sectional area of the metal becomes proportionately smaller, as well as the difference between the external and internal diameters. The speed of the rolls must, however, vary between themselves and become more nearly equal as the difference between the diameters grows less, in order to avoid an irregular draw and even cutting away of the metal ; hence the end rolls are often provided with from 2 to 4 passes, the relations of the diameters of the grooves of which are different. The diameters of the grooves are so arranged that they may at first draw the outside or tread the most, and that each succeeding pass may draw the same more nearly equally with the inner surface. Another arrangement con- sists in using two separate pairs of end rolls driven by the same motor, and with similar relations of draw. The latter method has the advantage of finishing and centring the tyre at the same time. The axes of the spindles may be either horizontal or verti- cal. The horizontal spindles are in use at Blaenavon and Eotherham, in England, and Seraing, in Belgium, as well as 81 in several Frencli mills, and at Stefanau, in Moravia. In the vertical arrangement, one roll is fixed in position and merely rotated, while the other, in addition to its rotary movement, is also moved toward the former ; the latter roll is generally the inside one, i. e., that which forms the inner surface of the tyre. This arrangement, with two passes on the rolls, is in use at Monkbridge, in England, while a similar machine at Bochum has three or four passes on its rolls. In changing from one pass to another, the rolls must of course be opened wide and the tyre lifted into position. The "Universal Mill" has been already mentioned (§12) as the best means of saving a great variety of simple flat passes and consequent stock of rolls. It has been described in many technical journals, but especially well by the inventor himself in "Dingier s Polytechnisches Journal" vol. 164, pp. 401- 403. The inventor of this arrangement of rolls is Daelen, of the Horde mill {vide § 12). Mr. Wagner, of Maria Zell, has made some useful improvements upon the original, and built quite a large mill of this kind. The mill itself consists of two horizontal rolls which can be closed and opened, and imme- diately in front of them two vertical rolls to act upon the edges of the bar. The various improvements consist chiefly in the mode of applying and regulating the gearing which moves the respective rolls. This mill is not well adapted for rolling very thin iron, because such bars or rods become quite cold in the last few passes, and are thus proportionately more spread (§ 7) side- wise ; which spread the vertical rolls cannot reduce by any means so easily as they could at first, when the heat was high and the spread inconsiderable. If the bar were thin and the spread considerable, it would be almost impossible to prevent it from being bent (in the direction of its width) between the vertical rolls. The rolls used for tubes with thin walls and large diame- ter, have the peculiarity that the pass is divided upon four rolls, which are of segmental form, and the surfaces of which form 90^ of a circle, corresponding to that of the outside of the tube, while a mandrel carried on a long stem forms the 82 inner circular surface. If the draw were heavy and the walls of the tube thin, it would be impossible for two ordinary- geared rolls fthe passes of which have a varying surface speed) to bring the tube over the mandrel ; this is, however, easily accomplished by the four rolls geared so together that their surface speed is quite equal. Each of the four seg- mental rolls contains, as above, one quarter of the required circle, two being placed horizontally and two vertically. § 34. The manner in which rolls are turned up in the lathe may be succinctly described as follows : The requisite form must, of course, be laid out on paper in detail and in full size. Templates are then formed in sheet iron, or brass, exactly accordmg to the drawing, and the ne- cessary tools are also, for the most part, shaped to corre- spond with the various parts of the drawing. New tools, however, are only needed for those parts which are not usual, such as the bottoms of grooves and faces of formers ; for rounding off the corners of the body-fillet, etc., and for forming many other parts, no special tools are necessary, as the forms of such parts are those which often occur in aU rolls. The templates may be prepared either for each pass singly, or one general tem- plate may be cut out for the whole body of the roll, i. e., all grooves, formers, collars, or body fillets which may occur thereon. In Fig. 30, A and B re- present templates for single passes, while C includes the whole body of the roll. Templates are used to give the exact form of a pass, as well as its proper Fig. 30. 83 position on the rolls ; therefore, a template of the form B is obviously insufficient, and is accordingly used merely for convenience, so as to avoid frequent handling of such a large plate as C. The form of template shown in A is used to determine the exact position of any given groove, the part a being pressed against the outside of the end-fillet, and the parts c c lying on the body-fillets or collars, as the case may be ; as this form necessitates a number of unwieldy templates, the form C should be used in preference. One template suffices for both rolls, if the passes used are open and equally divided at the pitch hue, since the small differences of the diameters of the respective grooves in each roll are without influence on their form. It is, on the contrary, necessary to employ two templates, or to utilize both sides of the same one, as in D, Fig. 30, if the passes are of the closed form, as these are scarcely ever divided equally at the pitch line. The roU, as it comes from the sand, is placed between the centres of a lathe, and the sinking head or riser cut off; it must then be accurately centred and the necks turned up roughly, to ascertain whether or not any fault or flaw exists, which would be sufficient to condemn the roll ; if there is none, the necks are finished. It is most convenient to rough out and finish the necks on a lathe with feed, and then to transfer the roll into the regular steady rest to rough out and finish the passes. In order to turn up the passes, it is ne- cessary to support the roll on its necks, and so firmly that it will not be sensibly jarred by the tool, which presses with considerable force against it. The necks are, therefore, sup- ported in " steady rests," constructed somewhat similarly to the housings in the train, that the roll may be supported against thrust in any direction. The steady rest shown in Fig. 108, on Plate VIT., is well adapted for turning small rolls, on account of the firmness with which the roll can be held in position ; the form is anti- quated, however, and it is introduced as an illustrative type of its class rather than as an example for practice. The base a rests on the bed of the lathe, and is fixed in position by the cross-piece c, which is drawn firmly up against the under 84 side of the bed by means of tbe screw 6. TLe top is left open, and is closed when necessary by the bar d, which is held down, and in place, by the screws e e. The inner sides of the uprights are quite smooth, and the edges rectangular, and the side chocks are constructed to overlap them some- what on the inner side. The top and bottom chocks h h are let into the bars i i, which are here represented as wood, but which it is better to make hollow and of iron. If the roll is small, it is well to leave it stiU between the lathe centres, although supported in the steady rest, in order that the roU may be immovable endwise ; if large, however, it is driven either by a sleeve, or by a casting resembling haK a sleeve, which is bolted on the face plate, while any movement end- wise is prevented by the portion of the end-fillets against the chocks. The screws A; ^ at the sides, m at the top, and the slender wedge I at the bottom, set up the chocks to their exact position. One of the simplest and most practical forms of " steady rest " or " housing " for aU kinds of rolls is that shown in Fig. 31. Here there is an U-formed standard, from the bottom of which a strong flange projects on each side ; the lower face (h) of this flange is planed smooth and rests on the bed of the lathe, being usually held in position with bolts, so arranged in various ways as to be easily shifted. At the junction of the sides of the standards there is a groove, in which the piece a moves up and down, being held in position by the bolt c and block of wood e, and being moved by the set screw d. This piece (a) supports the neck of the roll. At the top of each of the sides of the standards there is an overhanging lug, the inside of which projects downwards lower than the outside. Through this lug the bolt g projects and works in a slot in the piece h, which it can firmly hold in any required position, when the piece h has been moved into that position by means of the set screw /. All the sur- faces of b and the lug which come in contact with each other are, of couse, carefully finished. These pieces b pro- ject downwards against the neck of the roll, thereby prevent- ing it from springing upwards, though not opposing its rotary motion. The pieces b are called "jaws," and in order 86 tliat they may be in the same vertical plane as the rest a , the upper part of the latter projects so as to come mider them. If the axis of the roll, on being placed on the steady rest, does not coincide with a line drawn between the cen- tres of the lathe, the rest a may be raised till the roll is in the proper position. Fig. 31. Tools of hard-chilled iron are sometimes useful for the first rough cuts, to remove the hard skin ; but these are sel- dom used, and it is better to make all of good cast-steel. For small work, both ends of the tool are arranged to cut as 86 sSdwn in Fig. 32, A ; for heavy work, however, sucli a form is not advisable, as the tool must in one form of rest be blocked firmly into, and placed and forced against, the roll by a powerful screw, acting on the flat end of the tool, and in another form of rest be shaped like an ordinary lathe tool. It is advisable to weld a plate of cast-steel (as the cutting edge) upon an iron tool, as the exclusive use of steel, ex- cept in the case of smaller tools, would be quite expensive. 32. It is sometimes advisable that ^ W cuttmg piece should be merely inserted in the tool, and not welded upon it. For ex- ^ ample, as the passes tor light round iron must be turned ex- actly circular (§16 and § 18), , „ it is best to prepare in the LB 1 ™ lathe a cyhnder of steel of the jj. exact diameter of the required ™ circle; then cut the same up into small cylinders ; plane the ends and harden the pieces. These hardened cylinders are let in for about half their length into the end of the tool which has been formed for their reception, as shown in B, Fig. 32. Those oval passes, which partially consist of two similar arcs, may also be best turned in this way, by merely cutting in to the necessary depth. The cylinder may be turned round as its edge be- comes worn, and the edges of the other end may be subse- quently used. When the edges of both ends are worn out, they merely require grinding to restore them to the proper shape. The large roughing passes are usually cast in the roU quite near the finished size and form, and it might probably be weU to leave the largest grooves untouched, as they do not require any very great accuracy, would soon be worn smooth, and the hard skin would greatly improve their wear. If passes of large size must be turned wholly out of the body of the roll, it is well to use at first a simple tool, which may be easily made and repaired, and to finish with the special tools, whicli are prepared with consict&^hleff^^^^ culty. In turning closed passes, the formers of which must fit with as little play as possible into their respective grooves, it is well to use a template for the whole body of the roll. When the rolls are finished it is well to place one over the other, the latter remaining in the steady rest, just as it was turned. To facilitate this, the sides of the rests may be made high enough to take in the roll, and carry it as in an ordinary housing, or any special carrying arrangement may be placed over the steady rest. This comparison of the rolls facilitates the discovery of any mistakes in turning, and gives an opportunity to remedy faults, or improve the form, as the case may be. We have already seen that the sides of the grooves of closed passes are not exactly perpendicular, but flare outwards to the extent of to of an inch or more, that all sharp corners and angles of the groove and former must be avoided as far as possible, and that it frequently happens that it is necessary to alter a set of rolls according to the results of their first trial in the train, as these are sometimes unsatisfactory. 7 89 TECHNICAL TEEMS KOLL-TURNINa, ENGLISH, GEEMAN, AND FEENCH. Apron, vicl. Bearing bar. Bearing bar. Body-fillet. Box or Sleeve. Box groove. Brasses, md. Journal-box. Breaking box. Breaking shaft, vid. Spin- dle. Chilled rolls. Chock. Clutch. Collar. Coupling crab, vid. clutch. Diamond pass. Draw or Draught. Edge pass. End-fillets, Feed plate, vid. Bearing bar. Fillet. Finishing pass. Finishing rolls. Fin. Flat pass. Flatting pass. Walzenbank, Kuppelimgii* JSIt^q, ; of simply Mufi'd • *.* .* • J Flach Kalibej: (one va^ riety of). ;/,* . , BrechkapseF, Bjec^iJck. Hartwalzen. Lager, Zapfenlager. Keilmuff, Kuppelungs- scheibeu. Walzenring-ring, Eippe. Quadi'at kaliber. Abnahmsverhaltniss. Stauch kaliber. Endrtng. Walzenring. VoUend kaliber. Vollend walzen, or Schlicht walzen. Bart. Flach kaliber. Breitungs kaliber. Tablier, or before the rolls, Plague des guides. Tablier, or hehiiul the rolls, Plague des gardes. Cordon. Mjinchon d' accouple- ^ft^iffc- *.*• •G^pijelurtf rsigt^w^ulaire. • • • 1 * .* * * ' Cylinders* ct)nl6? 'eij ecL- quilles. * * * * 1 Above all necks, Chapeau de cage. Between or below the necks, Tourillets. fichappement, manchon a griffes. Collet. Cannelure carries. Tirage (Pression). Cordon. Cordon. (Cordon des cylinders femelles. ) Cannelure finisseuse. Cylinders finisseures. Ger9ure. Cannelure plate. Cannelure de champ. 90 EOLL-TURNING— Continued. Former. Gothic pass. Groove. Groove and Former. Guards. Guides. Guide rolls. Housing (train). Housing (lathe), vid. Steady rest. Journal-box. Merchant rolls. Mill bars. Neck. Oval pass. Pass. , *. ; •, '. Pitch* linV.;* * '.* • * •.tlUe.rqJla.:' • •** jPoS. ' * , . ; f*uddle rolls. • * '• ' *. ; Eedy.Qtiipn/^yifZ^^DmV. • • E5»]igJSiig *p*f>sa* • * * Roughing rolls. Shoe (train). Sleeve, vid. Box. Spindle. Standard, vid. Housings. Step rolls. Steady rest (lathe). Table, vid. Bearing bar. Train. Tyre rolls. GEBMAN. Patrize, Kahberring. Spitzbogenkaliber. Einschnitt, Matrize. Matrize and Patrize, Abstreifmeisel. EinlSsse. Feineisenwalzen. Walzen geruststander,or simply Stander. Einsetzlager. Grobeisenwalzen, or Feineisenwalzen, or Fa9oneisenwalzen. Rohscheinen. , Lagerzapfen ^qv' Jjauf- zapf^n. *. * * .OyalTiifljbef^ ;' *. ' JJ^aliVer. MitteUinia*. BlftchVa^fefi. ^ Ku^ ji^u\igsf;apfen. *J^UP{)enwalzen. Vorkaliber, or Streck- kaliber. Vorwalzen, or Streck- walzen. Sohlplatte. Zwischenwelle. Stufenwalzen, Staffel- walzen. Lunette. Walzenlinie. Tyreswalzen. Rondelle, or Cordon des cylinders males. Cannelure ogive. Cannelure. Cannelure and Rondelle, or Cannelure des cylin- ders femelles. Cordon des cylinders males. Gards, Racloirs. Guides or Gides. Gid rolls. Cage. Coussinet. Cylinders marchands. Fer (5bauch^. Tourillon. Cannelure elliptique, or Cannelure plateuse. Cannelure. Cylinders k t61e. Bout or Trifle. Cylinder ^baucheurs. Cannelure degroisisseuse Cylinders degroisisseurs. Lit. Allonge. Poup^e a lunette. Jeu. Cylinders a bandages de chemin de fer. T -A. B L E SHOWING IN ENGLISH INCHES THE EQUIVALENTS OF AUSTEIAN INCHES AND PARTS OF INCHES. AUSTKIAN. English. Austrian. English. Austrian. English. 1' = 2' = 3' = 1' 0.445" 2' 0.891" 3' 1.336" 4' = 5' = 6' = 4' 1.782" 5' 2.227" 6' 2.673" 7' = 8' = 9' = 7' 3.118" 8' 3.564" 9' 4.010" Austrian Inches IN twelfths. 1" ^1-" T2 _2_" 1 2 3 // Ji-I' T2 5 // T2 7 '/ 8 // T2 T2 10// T2 11// T3" 1 // _2_// 1 2 _3_// T2 3_// T2 J5_// 12 T%" A" ^§_// T2 J_// T2 10// 2" T2 2 // T2" 3 // English Inches in decimals. 0.0864275' .172" .259" . 345" .432" .518" .604" .691" .777" .864" .950" 1.037" .123" .209" .296" .382" .469" .555" .642" .728" .814" .901" .987" 2 . 074" .160" .247" .333" Austrian Inches in twelfths. 2" 4 // T2" _5 // 6 // 7 // // 3" 9 // TY IJL" 1 2 11// 4" _i_/' 1 2 _2 // 1 2 ^3.// T2 4 // 1 2 6 // TIT __6 // T"5- 7^// 1 2 .9." T2 10// 1 2 11// 1 2 ■^" T2 ^" 3 // TT 4 // T2- 6 // T2" 6// English Inches in decimals. 2.419" . 506" . 592" .679" . 765" .852" . 938" 3.024" .111" .197" .284" .370" .457" . 543" . 629" . 716" .802" . 889" .975" 4.062" . 148" .234" .321" .407" .494" .580" .667" 92 TABLE OF AUSTRIAN AND ENGLISH mCimS- Continued. AUSTEIAN. English. Austrian. English. Austkian. English. 1' = 2' = 3' = 1' 0.445" 2' 0.891" 3' 1.336" 4' = 5' = 6' = 4' 1.782" 5' 2.227" 6' 2.673" 7' = 8' = 9' = 7' 3.118" 8' 3.564" 9' 4.010" ArsTEiAN Inches English Inches Austkian Inches - English Inches IN twelfths. IN DECIMALS. IN TWELFTHS. in decimals. All 7 // ^ T2 8 '/ T% 4: . ( Do 7/' 6 7 77S" , OOU . 864 TTT 1 0 Ta" 8 1 2 . t/OX 019" 0 1 -2 8 0^7" 1 1 0 , yj 1 iJ 1 0 12 . XoO 1 1 \2 91 0 1 m 979 8" 9Q7 2 ■nr . ooo . 000 AAA . 44:4: A /I .4:Dy . UOX 3 T2- . OOD . DX 1 4 T"5" fi4.9 TIT . 704 A . 729 . ^yu 6 CI . olO a •ft ft77 A 009 . ybo A 6.04:9" 9 Q (\nAI< y . 074: 1 1 .136 1 0 .161 6" .222 1 1 .247 .309 9" .334 •A .395 A .420 A A .482 2 .507 .568 A .593 A .654 4 TU .679 .741 5 T2" .766 A .827 A .852 A .914 7 1 2 .939 A 7.000" 8 TT 10.025" n .087 9 T2" .112 H .173 1 0 1 2 .198 7" .259 .284 A .346 10" .371 A .432 1 .457 A A .519 A .544 .605 3 .630 A .692 4 .717 93 TABLE OF AUSTRIAN AND ENGLISH mCHES—ConUnued. AUSTBIAN. English. Austrian. English. AUSTEIAN. English. 1' = 2' 3' = 1' 0.445" 2' 0.891" 3' 1.336" 4' = 5' = 6' = 4' 1.782" 5' 2.227" 6' 2.673" 7' = 8' = 9' = 7' 3.118" 8' 3.564" 9' 4.010" Austrian Inches English Inches Austrian Inches English Inches IN TWELFTHS. IN decimals. in twelfths. IN decimals. 10" 10 . 803" 11" ^ 11.667" .889 4 1 2 .754 .976 5 1 -2 .840 11.062" e T2" .926 .149 7 T2" 12.013" 1 0 T3" .235 8 T2- .099 1 1 .322 9 T2- .186 11" .408 1 0 1 2 .272 1 .494 1 1 1 2 359 .581 12'^ 12^44556" English Inch IN decimals. .031 .062 .093 .125 .156 .187 .218 .250 .281 .312 .343 .375 .406 .437 .468 .500 English Inch IN thirty-seconds. 1 y-g- 3 T3" 1 ¥ 5 "Sir 3 "TB" i 9 4 T'B" .15 1 English Inch in decimals. .531 .562 .593 .625 ,656 ,687 .718 ,750 .781 ,812 ,843 ,875 .906 ,937 .968 English Inch in thirty-seconds. T"5- 5 "S" 2 1 H A 4 1 3 T'S" 2 7 2 9 1 a TS 3J, 3 2 I N D E X. PAGE Adjusting passes 7, 12 Angle iron 53 draughting passes for 66 ways of rolling 67 arrangement for ^roo«?es for. . . 68 rolls for 68-70 Apron, vid. Bearing bar — Arrangement of passes 13 Bearing bar 18 Body-fillet 4 Box pass 4, 9, 27 Chairs, pile for 49 European form of 73 Channel iron 71, 72 Cinder plate , 27 Closed passes 5 Collar — defined 3 Collar rolls (so called) 79 Cross ends, vid. Rail ends Deck beams, vid. T iron Diamond passes 10, 36 Drag rolls 2 Draw or Draught, defined 14 amount of. 22 of Gothic passes 23 for Styrian iron 26 of box and flat passes 29 of diamond passes 38 of oval passes 40, 42 of octagon passes 47 diflference of in various parts of passes 51-54 heavy causes fins 54 limited by small rolls 56 Drawing passes 11 Eccentric passes 7 Edging passes 6, 12 PAGE End fillets 4 End roUs, vid. Overhang rolls Felly iron, rolls for 73, 74 Fillets, defined 4 width of 24, 30 rounded off 24-25 Fins, prevention of. 55, 58, 59, 76, 77 Finishing passes 11 Fish-belly rails, passes for 7 Fish plates, rolls for 74 Flat passes 9, 15, 19, 28, 34 Flatting passes 7, 12, 15 Former, defined 3 must not cut bar 55 must fit grooves closely 87 Girders, heavy 60 Gothic passes 4, 9, 19, 38, 36 Groove, defined 2 Guards 18, 54 keep sharp 55 hanging 27 Guides 18, 54 for step rolls 85 Half open passes 6 Hanging guards. . 27 Heat, influence of on " spread" of iron 16 Hexagon passes 10 Hoop iron 16, 30 Housing (train) defined 1 (lathe), vid. Steady rest I beams, piles for 48, 49 rolls for 72 Intermittent passes 9 Journals, to take thrust 54 Laying out rolls from given passes. . . 81 i v5 T ( ; ■ ■ Neck.'. 1 method of turning up 83 Nip.0jf;*f>ae3 , . 34 of Targe rolls 57 Octagon passes 10, 46 Open passes 4, 18 Oval passes 10, 40 Overhang rolls 79 Pass, defined 2 Pile, formation of for I beams 48 for chairs with lips 49 ■ Pitch line 17 Plate rolls 2 Play between rolls 5 Pods 1 Polishing rolls 2 Puddle roUs 25, 30, 31, 33 Rail ends, treatment of for pile 62 roll for flatting down 63 Roll, defined 1 body of. 1 small compared with largfe .... 56 method of casting 86 laying out from given passes. . 31 Roughing passes 12 Round passes 10, 44 Shapes 10, 47 rolls for small 77 Shaping passes 11 Shrinkage 28 Side pressure 15 Side thrust, occasioned by unequal draw 53 96 PAGB Side thrust obviated by flatting passes 53, 64 Slitting mill 78 Speed of large and small rolls 57 Spike rod 9, 55, 74 • ■ rolls for 75-77 Spiral passes 8 Step rolls 2, 12, 35 Steady rests 83-85 Strength of rolls affected by passes. . . 26 affected by their own length. . 56 Templates for passes 82 T iron, rolls for 70 T rail, passes 53 rolls for iron 58-60, 62 rolls for Bessemer steel 60, 61 Three high train 27, 38 vid. also Translator's Preface. Tools of chilled iron 85 with movable ends 86 Train, defined 13 Tyre mill 80 . horizontal 80 vertical 81 Tyre rolls, Silesian 64 Stj'rian 65 for disc wheels. 65 Tubes, rolls for 81 Universal miU 30, 81 Wash heat 61 Welding passes 10 Width of passes 14, 80 Wire rod 36, 43 Work on iron in passes 48 Scientific Books^ RANCIS' (J. B.) Hydraulic Experiments. Lowell Hydraulic Ex- periments — being a Selection from Experiments on Hydraulic Motors, on the Flow of Water over Weirs, and in Open Canals of Uniform Rectangular Section, made at Lowell, Mass, By J. B. Francis, Civil Engineer, Second edition, revised and enlarged, in- cluding maliy New Experiments on Gauging Water in Open Canals, and on the Flow through Submerged Orifices and Diverging Tubes. With 23 copperplates, beautifully engraved, and about 100 new pages of text, i vol., 4to, Cloth. I15. M;o8t of the practical rules given in the books on hydraulics have been determined from ex- peri ments made in other countries, with insufficient apparatus, and on such a minute scale, that in applying them to the large operations arising in practice in this country, the engineer cannot but doubt their reliable applicability. The parties controlling the great vs'ater-power furnished by t he Merrimack River at Lowell, Massachusetts, felt this so keenly, that they have deemed it necessary, at great expense, to determine anew some of the most important rules for gauging the flow of large streams of water, and for this purpose have caused to be made, with great care, sevural series of experiments on a large scale, a selection from which are minutely detailed in this volume. The work is divided into two parts — Part I., on hydraulic motors, includes ninety-two experi- ments on an improved Fourneyron Turbine Water- Wheel, of about two hundred horse-power, with rules and tables for the construction of similar motors : — Thirteen experiments on a model of a centre- vent water-wheel of the most simple design, and thirty-niue experiments on a centre- vent water-wheel of about two hundred and thirty horse-power. Part II. includes seventy-four experiments made for the purpose of determining the form of the formula for computing the flow of water over weirs; nine experiments on the eifect of back- water on the flow over weirs ; eighty-eight experiments made for the purpose of determining the formula for computing the flow over weirs of regular or standard forms, with several tables of comparisons of the new formula with the results obtained by former experimenters ; five ex- periments on the flow over a dam in which the crest was of the same form as that built by the Essex Company across the Merrimack River at Lawrence, Massachusetts ; twenty-one experi- ments on the eff'ect of observing the depths of water on a weir at difi'erent distances from the weir ; an extensive series of experiments made for the purpose of determining rules for gaug- ing streams of water in open canals, with tables for facilitating the same ; and one hundred and one experiments on the discharge of water through submerged orifices and diverging tubes, the whole being fully illustrated by twenty-three double plates engraved on copper. In 1855 the proprietors of the Locks and Canals on Merrimack River, at whose expense most of the experiments were made, being willing that the public should share the benefits of the scientific operations promoted by them, consented to the publication of the first edition of this work, which contained a selection of the most important hydraulic experiments made at Lowell up to that time. In this second edition the principal hydraulic experiments made there, subse- quent to 1855, have been added, including the important series above mentioned, for determin- ing rules for the gauging the flow of water in open canals, and the interesting series on the flow through a submerged Venturi's tube, in which a larger flow was obtained than any we flnd re- corded. 'RANCIS (J. B.) On the Strength of Cast-iron Pillars, with Tables for the use of Engineers, Architects, and Builders. By James B, Francis, Civil Engineer, i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $2. 24 D. Van Nostrand's Publications. 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The facts and ideas are well arranged, and presented in a clear and simple style, accompanied by beautiful engravings, and we presume the work wiW be regarded as indispens- able by all who are interested in a knowledge of the construction of railroads and rolling stock, or the working of locomotives." — Sdentijic American. HENRICI (OLAUS). Skeleton Structures, especially in their Appli- cation to the Building of Steel and Iron Bridges, By Olaus Henrici. With folding plates and diagrams, i vol., 8vo. Cloth. $3. WHILDEN (J. K.) On the Strength of Materials used in En- gineering Construction. By J. K. Whilden. i vol., i2mo. Cloth. $2. 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