Safe^L B 0 A MISS S. C. BREWER. GUIDE TO Painting on Porcelain and Earthen-ware. BY MADAME £ EASIER DE LA VAUGUYON. PUBLISHED BY MLLE. TAN T 1 6 T . BOSTON: J. E. FARWELL & COMPANY, 45 Pearl Street. 1 8 77. COPYRIGHTED 1877, By L. H. Brasier de la Vauguyon. THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY c / fZ>' ./*.// ^ 7 ^y yy X, r?^^i c^*- — ^ cy&z <^^AUjy^y 'Ay y£^,/U t/c^f e^y A / ^ c y^^y^ / y^yy t^yyy^ ^ j ch&c^0 a<^ and a very little reddish brown. Yellow flowers are treated according to their general shade of color. If the flowers are light yellow, use ivory yellow ; if dark yellow, use silver yellow, brilliant yellow, and even coral red. If the flowers are of a warm yellow, the shadows should be made with yellow-brown, ochre, sepia, and even bitumen for the darkest shadows ; the demi-tints in these yellow tones ought to be composed of ivory yellow and a very little blue for a greenish demi-tint ; ochre and reddish brown to obtain the demi-tint in a warm yellow tone. Sometimes one can finish one’s work with a glazing, , that is by a very light wash in capucine red or even coral red ; but these colors which I indicate here for glazing, should only be used alone, and passed very lightly over the work to bring out the tone, and not to destroy it, which is inevitably the case if the wash or tint is not laid on with extreme lightness and skill. The greens for the leaves of the flowers are com- O PAINTING ON PORCELAIN AND EARTHEN-WARE. 31 posed the same as for foliage in the Chapter on Land- scapes. In the same way use yellows in the luminous greens, and browns and bitumen in the shadows of dark greens. If this brochure can aid the artist by making his task easier, and his work less arduous, my end is attained, and I shall feel very happy if I have in any degree con- tributed to his success with these few suggestions. L. H. B. V. TIHEIEl! POTTERY AND GLASSWARE OF ALL COUNTRIES. JONES, MCDUFFEE & STRATTON, have continually coming forward, importations from original sources. English, French, German, Chinese and Japanese novelties; comprising a stock of useful and ornamental pottery, excelled by none on this continent, which is offered for sale in large or small lots, at lowest market prices always. We call Special Attention TO OUR STOCK OF PAINTS FOR DECORATING POTTERY, together with blank ware; American red brisque and oil polished; white French and German Faience; white French and Austrian Porcelain, etc. from the smallest pieces to the largest plaques. Having been first in the States to import supplies of Pottery Paints and Blanc Ware, suitable for amateurs, we feel a special interest in having the art promoted. JONES, MCDUFFEE & STRATTON, (Late Otis Norcross & Co.) 51 to 59 FEDERAL STREET, & 120 FRANKLIN STREET. BOSTON, MASS. N. B. Specimens of the Chelsea (Mass.) Pottery just placed upon our tables ; including incised or carved decorations similar to Miss Barlovr’s woik on Doulton Ware, to which we call attention. Also to an importa- tion of genuine Doulton from Lambeth, together with Bourg la Reine , and Haviland Rimoges Faience. Also attractive bric-a-brac from Minton’s, Copeland, and a large Japanese importation. TILiES FROM ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. TILES OF EVERY SIZE AND COLOR, FOR DECORATION- HOUSEHOLD ART ROOMS, 171 TREMONT STREET. LACROIX’S COLORS, And all Materials used in Decorating CHINA, TILES, &e. FOUND AT FROST & ADAMS, IMPORTERS OF ARTISTS’ MATERIALS, 33 and 35 Cornhill, BOSTON. XDecora.tixig: on OlaiziSL. The subscriber with twenty-five years* practical experience, is enabled to execute orders for' DECORATED CHINA WARE of every description, to pattern or original designs. A full assortment of Lacroix tube colors always on hand. Also French and English colors in powder ; Plain Tiles and China for decoration ; small wheels for putting on circles and lines ; Hand Rests ; Ground-glass Palettes ; Mullers ; Brushes ; Fat Oil ; Oil of Lavender, and everything necessary for painting on China. Gold in powder or moist ready for use. Sample Tiles with all the Enamel Colors. Amateur work fired twice a week. The subscriber will also give instructions in Painting on China, at moderate terms. Address or apply at the China Decorating Rooms, JS T o. 16 Newton JPlcice, OFF BEACH ST., NEAR WASHINGTON, BOSTON. THEODORE WALTER. db SONS, MANUFACTURERS OF ART WORK, LONDON -NEW YORK CITY. 12 West Street, IBoston. Public and Private Buildings Furnished. Designs, Estimates and Catalogues on Application. H. EDGAR HARTWELL, coisrsxji-iTxnsro designer. ELEMENTARY INSTRUCTION IN WOOD CARVING, By SAMUEL HAYWARD, DOMESTIC ARCHITECT. Household Furniture Designed and Executed in order with the Surroundings. Upholstery and Hangings treated ^Estlieticall.y, according to requirements and conditions. No. 43 West Street, Boston. PROCTOR & MOODY. WEDDING AND j CARDS AND VISITING I ENVELOPES. Notes and Cards Artistically Illuminated in SEPIA AND COLORS. 37 West Street, Boston, Orders by Mail Solicited . H. H. CARTER, ar|d fViqtef, 3 BEACON STREET, BOSTON. Choice English and French Stationery in all the Delicate Tints. NOVELTIES in RUSSIA LEATHER GOODS. Card Cases, Memorandum Books, Purses, Photograph Cases, Sec. Exquisite Wedding Stationery a Specialty. COLERIDGE’S RIME OF THE ANCIENT MARINER. 20 full page illustrations by J. NOEL PATON, R. S. A. ELEGANT HOLIDAY GIFT. Extra Folio Size. Gilt Edge $7.5 0 CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR CARDS. Over 1,000,000 Exported to Europe this Season. We have also an immense variety of Reward of Merit — Motto — Hymnal — Sentiment and Good Device Cards for Sunday and Day Schools . Attractive Show Cards supplied ivith every order . \ Illustrated Catalogue of our celebrated Itheo- type Engravings and Crayons 9 furnished free. J. H. BUFFORD’S SONS, PUBLISHERS. ILLUSTRATED WORKS AND NOVELTIES IN IF 1 ! HXTIE] .A.IFLTS, 141 Franklin Street, Boston. ^IFLT NOVELTIES CONSTANTLY RECEIVED From all Celebrated Houses of Europe. 013 3D PIECES OF ' JAPANESE AND CHINESE GOODS. IF 1 . 13. TOPPAN, 19 and 23 West Street. MISS CAROLINE NOLEN, INTO- 40 Stuidio BiaildiLLg*, 110 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass. Teacher in the Art of Decorating Faience Ware and Tiles. Special Designs for Plaques, &e., &c., Made to Order. Artists 9 Boxes for Colors , Brushes and Tiles , Constantly on hand. AMEDEE GROIBIE Specialty of Watch Cases and Jewelry Decorations, ZMZOTNTO GRAMS, Steel and Copper Plate Engraving, 309 Washington Street, (ROOM 9,) BOSTON, MASS. STRONG & KIMBALL, Successors to GEO. CROOMB db 00_ 7 525 Washington Street, BOSTON. NOVELTIES IN ART FURNITURE AND INTERIOR DECORATIONS. New and Rare Designs in Upholstery Goods of our own Importations. WM. STRONC. J. WAYLAND KIMBALL. % . . t GETTY CENTER LIBRARY llllllllllllllllllllllllNlllllllllll 3 3125 0014C HIM 2474