£ t 0~ 'LJ o /A )/f 0-j c/e J8%4. - < %/o//- c -‘ t - J * z -' f e c f/' I -1 i / l - »• ' * \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcapit00chri_13 Sr, f, v_ r/a y j/ ^ , / -, /■< t y2 r <& y C‘ ry / y~>/ ' C *Sjr - ^ y / ri. i £ s y. c // v ■' /y '• • — . ✓ Vf? si rzS / Al. £ ir Ar S ^ Z // . //^d ^ J'yi. rS&j’ f (23 S^ZCr- t r^t£j A' r*" ^ < A-Z *- ^ /✓ A /Xy-c ^A r >;, //-> ✓ - 3/ /^/ z^T/ •x ■ -c- / VhSy ' S SrrJ^ Sy y /2L'i. £ y A *. U «. // t ,i r- /■ /"~ r //s*/ / ✓ 'iYrJ-^r- ? /// /_y 22J,2 £^2 / A o'A ' -<* i 2/ ^ , Z-/ Z^" / A yyr v ^ i «r /®y z y y c>o v r ^ - ZPj? ' ■'A. /iny'/sc £>■?■ ./Aq^/ .0/2 y */ ( r- 2-y /Irjye^'s ^.- 22 A . 22 \ Ay, c 2 ^ ^ £-*-* £2--»-\.s y<- £ £ S£-- z- r y 2r / /V ’ Z • ' / Si v s. xS s -r C: ^}2c ''/3 A/ /As/ , 2 ' a // y-i. -y ti si kS s ^ >^ / s <2 • /' ' /yr,/ . ^ rjtyi yZc £1^. A ^ Z 'e/y f " , 'J# £ - ■//'* ;-3 s£z AA*Ac > Si- A //■ £ £, y rAt^a.^ 2/^2 S" y - 2 V X" ^2 S'—Ssy y Sy^^^ys. rr j yy,^ A ^ ^^..y /'A z /.< >•..,.> ;---. /a*;- -—ly/ z2 Jf } • >>* ^ /3^. to r^cv ^Xk--*- z . s',-pyy 2? 9 -py cP^ y PZ *** y /^.••^'etf' '-^P-y z. *~y? 3 - /Pyy. - 3# 5 yf tz ' 3s23, >£V - ,_?23 yp^ z ^ ks y3 is ^yPy a^ y y 3 P/P y Ps - 33/ v_^y »/ y ^ //~y f^ /pyz - — XX>£- yf y3-,z'^ r -^^ y, «J X/£r.; ^Ayr /2? / / V / zZi'zZZ A> *'z -'Cco' £ zrzr ei S ^*/?zz£y ?-> :■' /?,.’? -- J/.3 y- r //,/,,y «■■? sii^.'^Ay ^-jtzy 2s? /fsz - X J?> y *y / J \ yf, . X? X^. y vX y - J>x? <> c c', z icv' /v>-i ✓^(T^>, >»-< ^ ^2 r/^» y?y z-ti Py t zi p~ 3 ?/* tfZ'z ✓ ~'^/ / 52 2 W i . ' : I. "3 / A - A OF A CAPITAL and VALUABLE COLLECTION OF ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH and DUTCH LATE THE PROPERTY OF PAUL D’AIGREMONT, Efq. Dec. WELL KNOWN FOR HIS KNOWLEDGE AND REFINED TASTE IN THE POLITE ARTS. 323 1801 f\.yf n'X LoCKA The Whole of which is in the highefl State of Prefervation ; and brought from his late Refidence in the ADELPHI. WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mr. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall, On FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1802, and following Day, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be Viewed till the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee Houfe, and in Pall Mall. SLApas'-ossa) CONDITIONS of SALE AO I. '"pHE higheft Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpate arife between Two or more A Bidders, the Lot fo difputed lhall be put up again and re-fold. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than is. Above Five Pounds 2s. 6 d. And fo on in pro¬ portion. N p- „ ^ y «r X V V III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and to pay down 20I. per Cent, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed, to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots to be taken away at the Expence of the Purchafers, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remain¬ der of the Purchafe Money to be abfolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in Part of Payment lhall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid, (hall be re-fold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuck Re-fale, lhall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. 325 -L-J Ir'U 11 1 ' >.■■■ P?. I—WB I I - \ A CATALOGUE, &c. &c . &c. Firft Day’s Sale, FRIDAY, APRIL the 23d, 1802. C/ / 3 PICTURES . Q-' fu■) , Oilade y# o - / / 6 Teniers Ditto V. Dyck Ditto Claude // yr - a? ~ / Ditto, after > A Landfcape ' r; „ - Rinaldo and Armida t . & sr A Landfcape with a Waterfall r ' Two Heads, ovals, after Portrait of a Nun, ditto A Lady Peafants with Cattle, after A Landfcape and Figures Chriit at Emails, fchool of r> /* A. £3 l in f rn ' ry C A 2SA 2 ,. 22 .. 2 X 2..2S / >' /£ ' J..23- ( 4 ) / t> Wouvermans /Stella •- P. Panini — 16 Cafali o Victor 2 -Italian s / . -■/#.■ S'- S..S . 2 - - V. Dyck /> Dobfon // .. O / ~ /o ~ Z~ M- /, //.. /j .. /Jj. /- s,. /A. /*•//> • St .. //7 . / / . 7 . 7 - X/T J.. /?. W 7b ' Mommers Rembrandt - Stoop /^Teniers F. Lauri Rubens /) Italian ■6 P. da Cortona ~ De la Hire / V. Dyck De Heem - Bran wer yP- Neefs S F. Wouters - G. Lai re fie S> Rembrandt • V. Dyck . Mieri 6 C. Marratti t , Rubens , Swaneveldt - V. Dyck /,. //..6 W y ck / , SS V. der WerfF /,. //-/ A. del Sarto ,3 „ u Solimeni 2,. Z ~ V. Dyck / /St — Ditto /.. Re mbrandt •.5.. Brun S //., (^Boucher *7 iB 19 20 21 22 24 24 25 26 27 28 29 3 ° 3 1 3 2 33 34 35 3 6 37 3 8 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5 1 52 53 54 -tS/tstj+S- A Halt of Travellers in a Landfcape A Holy Family pS& Ruins and Figures, a Pair aSc-r A Cattle Piece • Portrait of his Mother SS/-*' ^ S&tc' I Figures in a Landfcape The Alchymifl A Subject from Taflo -sS# 9 The Madona with St. Catharine and other faints Daedalus and Icarus i/07^7 A Pair of Subjects from the Roman Hifiory S? Children playing with a Goat A Portrait of a Lady, School of rzS^Sir-rS' Still Life « SS' /Jr (2&^t Two, Humorous o St' 9 '/£//22r2S'fS''2sr*y A fmall Church Piece, Candlelight, highly finilhed *-S&SStSrzryr^3^ Adam and Eve — St 19 " Mars and Venus \^Str: , Head of a Turkifh Signior and his Sultana t-S/t-t2>jSs Portrait of his Wife, and Ditto of a Lady, oval tSStSS' A Woman with Vegetables, and Companion 9 The Judgement of Midas The Bath of Diana, School of v. St 9 '7 A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures Two Portraits, half Length, of King Charles and Prince Rupert w S6' 9 'S2t&st/rt^'SS~ View of a Chateau and Gardens, with Figures going out a-Courfing t^5 ^/r Qte&0 Daphne and Apollo, flyle of it Se C7^S, Abraham offering up Ifaac An Allegory ,'S <2 -, A Nobleman’s Portrait rss^s- Ditto of a Lady, the Companion S& 9 '* St'S-e. -ri'S*?'* Portrait of a Lady «. St' 9 ' ty Chrift in the Garden Pan and Syrinx ty y 'St'*' y t' S? s -r f 23 S„ 3 ,. 7 7/ v [.^7 /" 3 Y~jT gyiLs 2 ~ >2■ Calabrefe 55 /'■/&> ♦ -Jordaens — 56 Domenichino — 57 S Guido — 58 > ' Blanchard . - De Koninck — 59 — 60 — 61 2„ /2.60U Stone — 62 y ,, y . ^ Solimeni — 63 2 , 2 w Rembrandt — 64 /„ *r Held — 65 // ^ Backhuyfen — 66 ,2- z. - P. Panini ■M 67 Albano — 68 S - Veronefe — 69 . 2 ■■ - A Wouvermans — 70 S ~~ -Trevifani — 7 1 y .—~—Teniers — 72 3) r,£> —Zorgh — 73 S., /y , 3? V. der Heyde — 74 3,, / — Ollade — 75 Jt •'/Jj . oG. Dow 76 y*.<)\. Dyck — 77 / — Hanneman — 89 ? 3 - C. Cignani — 90 \yeP„f„ y End ( s ) Portrait of a Cardinal, whole length &>z3 The Nourifhing of Bacchus . An Allegorical Portrait 37# The Madona and Infant fleeping Chrift ~ The Roman Charity A View in Holland A Landfcape, a grand Scene Portraits of Charles the lid. and His Sillers ‘ Mars and Venus ; y r Two, Portrait of a Rabbi, and a Head of Mofes Portrait of a Dutch Counfellor 2$) z. t #£ View on the Coaft of Holland with Veflels, a brUs. Gale \-^C /r Ruins ^ A3^yAA /<.*- - Juno requefting iEolus to difperfe the Fleet of Mnezs-^/3 A Portrait, Allegorical, Sketch for a large Pidlure ^3^Vt^c jrj'y*-** Figures going out to the Chace A Defcent from the Crofs, a very fine Compofltion A Boor regaling » ^r , An Interior, a Dbmeflic Scene ■^7^' > A fmall Landfcape ^ A Man playing upon the Hurdy-gurdy A-e^ct » An Interior with a Woman reading . -z The Death of Adonis 22Ayy^z^/ A Halt of Travellers u^i^' * 3)A ? *7- s/y ~ A View on a River v. /_x2/las*. Portraits of a Nobleman and his Lady c ^ Apollo and Daphne /2tr -> A Repofo ^ ^^3 >% z ? Portrait of a General —-> Portrait of a Rabbi , f—» Sufannah and the Elders ^/ .3 .. ~ y & • Berghem S &Wouvermaus <2 y ... J. Oftade Z../7 -^Rembrandt 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 *3 H J 5 16 17 18 *9 20 21 22 23 24 P ORTRAIT of a young Man 0^3/ 4^^ Portrait of Algernon Percy, after A Flora *—^ Portrait of a Lady, School of —■> A Subject from TafTo ( , Portrait of a Lady, after Ditto of the D. de Richelieu St. Catharine — An Interior with a Peafant at his Repall ->■ ^ r cr X The Jugement of Solomon Interior of a Nobleman’s Stable ^/c > Portrait of a young Lady — Portrait of an old Lady ff .*-—< A View of the Dogana at Venice A Lady Drinking ^ /k-^- r A Girl with a Pitcher A Landfcape, view from Nature —> A Landfcape and Figures A Cavern Scene with a Tinker and Figures A Ball Champetre, a very capital and beautiful Pidlure —'-> A Landfcape with Peafants and Cattle ir 7^>/n^'Z t ^ o YriZ* A Halt of Travellers at a Cabaret ' A Cottage with Peafants regaling -, A Lady’s Portrait 2)2.. q.. / 42 ■ • Ditto — S5,./JT ^'fitian — <4~//,..6V. Dyck 2 , //>/Rademaker f 2(2.. 2* - V. Dyck t?.. //^^Canaletti . Dyck 2 )./£?. Ditto — ^ • - Albano ■/£?//H'eu-fch /- ~ ^Canaletti /A./. ^ “ - —Wouters & ^ P. Brill .“f~" ' - - C. da Jardin <2 -//9. 6G. Dow £ '—• ~ Le Due (P '• A «- De Vlieger 2..Z. V. Dyck y^-DittO - 7 * 7 '- Patel ~ A.. /J.. Rembrandt 2f../2 Rubens - y ~ Teniers yT yL -Wouvermans T -Bapt. Franco --L? P- Wouvermans / / / /5~.. dGuercino y#* .y^..^Claude rfT. /T- An ouvermans - - Teniers // .. Wbuvermans /A. A Denner ^ — - - Cirro Ferri i9/.. /& „V. c Velde A,, A- Modem V / / 25 Ditto of a Gentleman v ■■/2' 7 26 The Holy Family in a Landscape v <* 27 Portrait of a Lady v ^42?~j/2/< : r : A~ 28 View of a Town and Church in Holland, a winter feene ^ *22et~pA — 29 A Magdalen, very capital —> 30 View of Chelfea Hofpital and Ranelagh from the Thames . rA'^ ' — Cx>_ 7 e t r < ^ 31 Portrait of a Lady v . 32 Ditto ^ f * ’ 33 Diana and Adtaeon, an elegant compofition 34 A Landfcape, with Figures by Stoop -£j A View of St. Mark’s Place in Venice ^ . , View on a Canal in Ditto A Landfcape with Venus and Satyrs —1 The Building of the Tower of Babel < 3 ^., Figures going out to the Chace ^ ^7 A Female Mifer, a very high-finifhed Piclure^T ^^-s - A Corps de Garde View on a Strand, near Scheveling, with Figures *— Portrait of Lady Morton ,y2 Portrait of Algernon Percy 35 3 6 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5° 5 1 52 53 54 55 5 6 57 2/ - - Wouvermans — 5,8 59 60 *6o A Landfcape with a Bridge The Finding of Mofes A Madona c/7ri'. An Interior with Boors at Cards *— A Halt of Travellers at a Cabaret ^ j The Entombing of Chrilt, on Copper Hay-Harveft Home y St. Jofeph and the infant Chrilt A Landfcape with fetting Sun, a glowing beautiful Picture y .0 A Battle Piece \ A Ball with Portraits of Teniers and his Family ^.20*' A Landfcape with a Halt of Figures at a Fountain,. " a very capital Pidture His own Portrait, a remarkable high-finifhed Pidture, one of the fined extant of this Mafter J Figures going out to the Chace, an elegant and beau¬ tiful Pidture A Sacrifice, Hiftoricat A Sea Fight, capital • * A Cavern Scene, with Cattle and Figures ) p. Potter

70 A Repofo of the Holy Family with Angels, a Com, pofition of elegant Simplicity; in Colouring and LffeCt equal to Corregio <7f<± r y 3 . / :Z ,/ ,;y 2 /&.. / ~~s- Zg q .. 3 -Z ' Z 5 P?7 ~ : /3- 0 F IN I S.- | J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. | «- - _ - J . * / i 1 //*>£ vK Ji i. ^