COLLECTION OF DRAWINGS BY OLD MASTERS OF THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF WARWICK, DECEASED. OP THE RARE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION graMnga h^ #It» Jlast^ra OF THE RIGHT HON. THE ExiRL OF WARWICK, DECEA.SED: WHICH {by Order of the Executors) a^aill te ^olti tg auction ftp Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON k WOODS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE. On WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. Jatness Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. TI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. Yll. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; aU Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1896, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. For the purpose of this catalogue most of the old attributions of authorship have been adhered to. ANDEESON (WILLIAM.) 1 Coast Scene, with shi^T^ing— water-colours— signed, and dated 1791 13^ in. by 9^ in. AKPINO (GIUSEPPE CESARI, CAVALIERE D'). 2 Study of an Angel for an Annunciation — hlach and red chalk 7^ in. by 11^ in. BACKHUYZEN (LUDOLF). 3 Group of Fishermen on the Seashore— ^e», washed with Indian ink 13 in, by 8^ in. B 2 BACKHUYZEN (LUDOLF). cy^y 4 A Coast Scene : fishermen landing — pen, washed with Indian ink — signed L. B. 17^ in. by 12^ in. L^ 5 A Coast Scene, with a ship stranded — Indian ink — signed L. B. 13^ in. by 10 in. ij^c BACKEK (JACOB A.) 6 A PoETBAiT OF A Lady, three-quaitcr length — hlack and white chalk, on greenish paper 8| in. by 13| in. BANDINELLI (BACCIO). /I A 7 The Holy Family : a Sketch ; and Study of a Male Head — pen and bistre 2 // , ^ 8 Two Sibyls; and Figure of an Apostle in a Niche — pen and histre 2 /A , i 9 Sketches op Vakious Heads; and another, of figures in the cartoon of The War of Pisa 2 BARENGER (JAMES). 10 A Horse in a Stall — pencil, washed with water-colours — signed, and dated 1810 BARKER (BENJAMIN). /^ ^s^ ^ f 11 Two Landscapes — water-colours — one signed, and dated 1804 2 5 BAROCCIO (FEDEKIGO). ^ , -^ 12 Head op a Child — in crayon, on bluish pajper — with Studies oi an arm and leg on the reverse 9J in. by 14f in. Z, 13 Head of a Monk — black and red chalk; and another Sketch — in bistre 2 f 'O *- 14 Studies for St. Sebastian — blach and white chalk ; and others — in crayons, on bluish paper 3 -i, 15 Two Studies of Draped Figures — blach chalk 2 . - 'J ^,> BARRY (JAMES). 2,,— 16 Academical Study of a Man, standing — pen and ink — signed- stained BARTOLOMMEO BELLA PORTA (FRA). Ctn /P ^ ^, 17 Head op a Youth — black chalk ^ 10^ in. by 14| in. From the Mariette and Lafoy Collections fh, — 18 Head of a Cherub — black chalk 6^ in. by 8 in. ^^--> 19 Head op a Man, in profile, looking down — black chalk -^ 9 in. by 10 in. From the Dimsdale Collection BARTOLOZZI (FRANCESCO). 20 Charity — black and red chalk ; and A Child holding a Cross — black chalk 2 (■-^___ 21 A Satyr — red chalk; and Study of a Woman, half figure — .'_^-^^-«^ black and red chalk ^'~ ' / 2 BASSANO (JACOPO). ^ , ^ 22 A Dbaped Female Figure, kneeling, seen from behind — hlack chalk 9^ in. by 10 in. BECCAFUMI (DOMENICO). XT) /2 , - 23 Holy Family with St. Anne— red chalk /^^^t^^ 13 in, by 11^ in. r BELLA (STEFANO BELLA). ^ ^, /^ / 2" ^ '^^ 24 A Battle Scene ; and three Sketches of Figures for a Tourna- ment 4 ' "7^ . ' 25 Thbee Vabioub Sketches, by Delia Bella ; and others 10 BELLINI (JACOPO). t \ . - — 26 THEEE STUDIES OF DEAPED FIGUEES— sei^ia, heightened loith tchite, on greenish jjaper 11 in. by 8^ in. From the Vasari and Woodhurn Collections BELLINI (GIOVANNI). ^ \1 J ?K " ' '"'27 His own Portrait — in black chalk ( »'/^^Xc*. " 8 ill. by 11 in. From the Laicrence Collection '-/'^ * /* f ■ (xiLf •^ I' ^. ^ 28 THE PEESENTATION OF THE VIEGIN IN THE ' TEMPLE— re(Z chalk W\ in. by 12 in. From the Laicrence Collection f f t \ i ^ _ 29 Head of a Man, in profile — red chalk, heightened with tchite 4^^ * • 6 in. by 8 in. BERGHEM (NICHOLAS). I . »• « -"80 A Landscape, with ruins of the Castle of Brederode 20 in. by 12 in. ' f^ ^1 Interior of a Dutch Inn, with figures — hlacTc chalk, washed icith ' t^ '-y*?' Indian ink — from the De Fries Collection ; and another 2 Qm^>^ BLOEMAET (ABEAHAM). ^ i <-^2 Figure of a Pope, whole length ; and another similar drawing — ( pen and ink, washed with histre 2 ^ » ,»33 The Deluge — pen and ink, washed with histre ; and St. Eoch — tvashed in red and white 2 1^'^'^ '^ BOLOGNA (GIOVANNI DI). .^^ Ct -^ Si A Study for The Eape of [^h^^Sabines — red chalk 8^ in. by 14 in. BONINGT^N (E. P.). rd • -•35 The Fortune Teller — water-colour 6 in. by 8 in. ^"^ ^ 36 A Peasant Family by the Eoadside — icater-colour ; and Study of a Woman, reclining — hlack and white chalk 2 4- j^ ' BOEDONE (Paris). 37 A Young Woman Kneeling by the Side of a Well — histix and red chalk, heightened with colours 9f in. by 11 in. BOEGOGNONE (COETESE, Called). I*- ^38 Two Battle Scenes — pen, washed with bistre f 39 Three Battle Scenes — pen and ink, washed BOSCOLI (ANDREA). ^^ ^ 40 Two Fbibzes — pen and ink, washed with histre 2 41 Various Studies of Kneelino Figubes — pen and histre, washed BOTH (JAN). 42 A Landscape, with cattle crossing a ford — hlack chalk, heightened with white A 14^ in. by 10 in. / r-N . f^ 43 A Laege Landscape, with a ferry-boat and various figures — red chalk — signed 221 in. by 13| in. BOTH (A.). ^"Z' f'>. ^ 44 A Sketch in Rome — signed — pen and histre ; and Study of a Muleteer 2 BOUCHER (FRANgOIS). . 45 A Farmyard, with figures — hlack chalk 151 m. by 101 in. . „ . ^ ^f^ii'^ 46 Three Cupids —hlack and red chalk 10^ in. by 1 ;j in. ' , 47 A Female Figure, reclining — hlack, red and white chalk /^ 48 A Female Figure, reclining — red and white challe v 18 in. by 12^ in. 49 A Study of Two Female Figures — in hlack and white chalk fiA/jC^t/ 16 in. by 11 in. From Dr. Peart's Collection r^ ^ /^ '- , f 50 The School op Love — hlack chalk, on grey paper < '^ 161 in. by 9 in. '^ BRILL (PAUL). frac^U^. /^ / 51 The Gbotto of Posilipo — jpen and histre ^ 14 DE WITT (JACOB). ^ 4}f/^L4 102 Youthful Bacchantes Decorating a Terminal Figure of Pan — ^en and ink, slightly washed with cdlour and heightened toith white 6^ in. by 10^ in. '■' ' '. . ' / 103 A Portfolio, containing thirty-seven drawings after compositions by Rubens — in red chalk /f jf ■ / 104 Study of a Bacchante — black and red chalk — signed ; and a Study of Cupids — in red chalk 2 105 A Decorative Design for a Ceiling — ^en and Indian ink — signed, and dated 1750 ; and A Cherub— in coloured crayons 2 DIEPENBEECK (ABRAHAM VAN). 106 Two Compositions, representing saints — Hack and white chalk, tvashed ; and St. Jerome ^ 3 107 Study for the Equestrian Portraits of two Generals 6 in. by 9 in. DOLCE (CARLO). 108 Portrait of a Man — in red chalk, slightly washed From the Bichardson and Charles Rogers Collections DOMEXICHINO (DOMENICO ZAMPIERI). 109 The Virgin and Child — in black chalk — from the Dimsdale Collection ; and The Assumption of the Virgin — ^en and bistre 2 110 Head of a Sibyl — in red chalk — From the Udney and Lawrence ''[^ Collections ; and A Classical Landscape — pen and bistre 2 111 Two Studies of Heads bistre 2 15 ^^iM.'^ DORE (GUSTAVE). ~ 112 Warwick Castle — -fen and ink and pencil — signed, and dated 1876 Y C^ /or DUMONSTIER (DANIEL). ,.('./ '' ^^ 113 Bust of a Young Woman — in coloured chalks — signed, and i dated l&\^ ^ o -■ l^ DUSART (CORNELIS). 114 A Dutch Inn, with peasants drinking — water-colour — signed, and dated 1690 11^ in. by 10 in. DURER (ALBERT). 115 PORTRAIT OP LUCAS VAN LEYDEN— 6ms«, Mack chalk, monogram erased, hut still partly legible 10 in. by 14^ in. 116 PORTRAIT OF A MAN, in profile-feZacfc chalk— signed, and dated 1518 9^ in. by 14| in. 117 BUST OF A MAN WITH A FLAT CAP— black and white chalk, on red-stained paper 7^ in. by 10 in. DURER (Attributed to). u 1 18 The Flagellation — pen and ink DYCE (WILLIAM), R.A. 119 Three Sketches 3 /, } 16 VAN DYCK (SIR ANTHONY). ^. J ^ 120 PORTEAIT OF CHARLES LOUIS OF BAVARIA: a Sketch — Indian inJc, on bluish paper 9| in. by 12^ in. ' ^C 121 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN A RICH DRESS, whole length — black chalk 9f in. by 14^ in. 122 Sketch of a Hoese, for an equestrian portrait of Charles I. ; and Sketch for a Portrait of an Officer . y 2 123 Bust op a Young Man — black and red chalk, washed with bistre 7^ in. by 10 in. 124 Sketch of the Viegin and St. John at the . Foot op the Ceoss — in colours ."A*^ ■< 8^ in. by 12^ in. C-^ ' 125 The Last Suppeb — pen and bistre; and The Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew — pen and bistre 2 126 Study foe The Ceuoifixion — black and red chalk 11^ in. by 13 J in. 127 The Entombment, after Titian — black and red chalk, slightly washed with colour 13^ in. by 10| in. /'^ f. ^^^ 128 The Adoration of the Magi; and a Mythological Subject — pen and ink ; and Sketch of a landscape 3 EECKHOUT (GERBRANT van DEN). 129 Abbaham Sending away Hagae and Ishmael — pen and bistre, and red chalk ; and another . 2 17 J). - EMPOLI (JACOPO DA). 130 AoADEMicAL Study OF A Man — red chalk — from the Udney Collection; and Sketch for a St. Anthony of Padua, by Facini 2 FUSELI (HENRY), R.A. '131 The Rape of Prosebpina — in black chalk FYT (JAN). ! 132 Dead Came ; and Studies of dogs — black chalk 1 GAINSBOROUGH (THOMAS), R.A. ^z- " 133 A Sketch of the Artist Himself — red chalk — with another sketch on the reverse 9 in. by 14^ in. p _ 134 SKETCH FOR A LADY'S PORTRAIT, whole length— black and white chalk 12^ in. by 19 in, 135 STUDY FOR A LADY'S PORTRAIT, whole length, standing .n^ full face — pencil, slightly washed with Indian ink 13| in. by 8,^ in. I(j 136 A SKETCH FOR A LADY'S PORTRAIT, whole length, directed to right — black and white chalk, on blue paper 8 in. by 12f in. ^< /<, f^, , 137 Two Landscapes — water-colour, coated with varnish 2 .^ 138 A Landscape, with a flock of sheep iu the foreground — coloured -■. crayons x" ' 0U,^^J'^€xi* crayons 16 in. by 12 in. ; n 18 GAINSBOROUGH (THOMAS), R.A. 139 Two Landscapes — Indian inh, heightened with white ^ 140 Landscapes — in lead pencil — a pair ; and two — in red and white^"^ \ chalk, on brownish paper 4 141 A Landscape, with cows drinking ; and another — black and ichite chalk, on grey paper '"^ 2 142 A Landscape, with a clump of trees in the distance — sepia ; and ^ ' . ' f two others So^ ^ Cr ^ GAROFALO (BENVENUTO DA). 143 The Viegin and Child, and two other saints — black chalk, heightened with ivhite, on greenish paper ^ (y^ ' 8^ in. by 9f in. GAUDENZIO DI FERRARA. /^ 144 The Visitation — pen and sepia, heightened with white, on greenish paper— from the Zoomer Collection ; and A Figure of a Sibyl, similar drawing 2 GHIRLANDAJO (DOMENICO). 145 THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN— i?en and ink, on coloured red paper. The drawing is laid down in a decorative border, the work of Vasari, in whose collection it was. It has been engraved as a drawing of Giotto 13 in. by 18 in. GILPIN (WILLIAM). / •^ \,14:6 A Landscape in the Lake Country — pen and sepia 147 Two OVAL Landscapes, with ruins — sepia 2 148 A Landscape, with a bridge crossing a stream ; and anotL(gr — sepia ! ^ ' ft,-t^txti ^ 2 19 GILPIN (SAWEEY). ^ 149 Mares and their Foals, in a shed ; and another — water-colours ,. , 150 Interiok of a Kennel, with fox-hounds — loater-colour ; and A ' .^^ ^^t-cU. Sketch for The Fall of Phaeton GIOTTO (SCHOOL OF). ^ /, . ^ *^ 151 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes : on the reverse, A Sketch of a Ship in Full Sail 7^ in. by 9^ in. GIOEGIONE (GIORGIO BAEBAEELLI, Called) ^ ^^ 152 Two Musicians, sitting in a landscape with a village in the back- / ground — pen and ink 7f in. by 6 in. From the Benjamin WeM, Laicrence and Esdaile Collee' iions GOES (HUGO VAN DEE). ^_JL53 A Lady, with a high head-d»ess, ia a kneeling posture — ^en and ink 1\ in. by 9^ in, GOLTZIUS (HENDRICK). ^ 154 Two Compositions, one with a statue of Mercury, the other with that of Jupiter — pen, washed with colours GANDOLFL > '^ 155 Two Studies of Heads — pen and ink GEANET (F. M.) 156 Monks, at the entrance of a monastery — sepia C' 2 ^if^rf ' 4 ' ^ ^/T^U^ 14^ in. by 10 im. c 2 20 GRECO (THEODOCOPULO, Called IL)o / « 157 The Annunciation — ^en and ink 8 in. by 11^ in. GEEUZE (J. B.) ('/7^/^^ K^ , C I 168 Studies of Whole-Length Figuiies of a Young Man ani> Woman — red cliallc — signed , 2 -/ , O ^ ^ . — w 159 The Return op the Shepherd — Indian iulc, heigjdened loitk white 21 in. by 14 in. /^^^iir^/2 GRIMALDI (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO I ^ 162 Two Landscapes — in pen and ink pf GRIMOU (ALEXIS). ^ , ^ 163 Portrait of the Countess d'Olonne — black and red chalk 8 in. by 12 in. GUARDI (FRANCESCO). 164 Coast Scene, in a decorated roccoco border — icater-colour, on tim sheet» of paper 27 in. by 16 in. -^ '■'^ . A '^ - 165 View of a Public Square, with numerous figures — pen and inh 17 in. by 11 in. A' / y^m ^^^ Five Sketches of Ruins — pen and ink C>{ ^ 5 » ^ 167 Scene in Venice — pen and ink " ] A ' '^ ' 7i in. by 10^ ^«. J^tO/^/^ i 4 21 'Of 0' GUEECINO (GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BARBIERI, Called). „J.68 Thhee Studies of Heads — red cJialh 3 169 St. Joseph and the Infant Christ ; and two Studies — in red chalk 3 170 Judith, with the head of Holofernes — pen and inh ; and two others 3 _ 171 EccE Homo ; St. Anthony of Padua ; and St. Mary Magdalen — in red chalk 3 172 Thf Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew ; and two others — pen and histre 3 ^ 173 Studies of Angels — red and hlacJc chalk 4 ,. 174 Study of a Young Soldier — Hack chalk ; and two others 3 _175 Four Landscapes — pen and ink 4 -176 Five Landscapes — j^en and ink 5 .^ Vk / *" \n •-t/. "^ HAMILTON (HUGH DOUGLAS> ' 177 Portrait of a Lady — in pastels — an oval 7f in. by 9J HAMILTON (GAVIN). 178 Dido — water-colours HAMILTON (WILLIAM), 179 " Mb, Beckford's Ponies, Fonthill " — in water-colours ?io ■I n 11 \0^ HEEMSKERK (M. VAN). 180 The Fall of Lucifer ■' AlUAA^t 22 HOGARTH (WILLIAM). ^'<^ / j^ •■ fj^ , 181 A Portrait op a Lady, three-c[uart;er length — hlach and wJiite chalk, on blue paper / 9in.hyUin. \>^M^6l X* (1~t C? ^^2 A Party op Ladies and Gentlemen Plating Cards— pen and Indian ink 14^ in. by 10^ in. HOLBEIN (HANS), the Younger. H 9^/,/ > / 1 1 ^ 183 Part of the Sheath of a Dagger, representing an episode of the Swiss War — pen and, ink, washed 10 in. by 2^ in. HONDECOETER (M.). Q , 184 A Peacock and other Fowls — in water-colours ; and An ^^' *" Eagle's Nest - 2 n. .-4 HOPPNER (J.). ...,-.// J ^ ^185 The Cottager's Family — hlack and white chalk, on qrey paper ■ 18f m. by 15 %n. ^ 186 A Young Girl Standing under a Tree — hlack crayon, slighi /t / * ~ touched up with white and colours ^ f' ^' /^ ' ^^ i^ VvTT on ->•«, t- ^"^ ' ^* HUCHTENBURGH (J. VAN). • •- 187 A Battle Scene — Indian ink ^ HELMBREKER (THEODORE). 188 A Young Girl Asleep — hlack chalk GJ .•«. by il .■». /W^4) 23 i^.^ IIUET (J. B.). 189 A House, and various articles of pottery — black, loJiite and red chalk HELST (B. VAN DER). ^^ , ^. 490 A Paety op Gentlemen at a Table — Mack chalk 14f in, by 13^ in. HUYSUM (J. VAN). ^^^ 191 Flowers in a Vase — histre, partly touched up in oil 14 J in. by 19 in. c^ y / JORDAENS (JACOB). /> yyj ^.- 192 Mater Dolorosa: a Study — hlack and red chalk; and Study of a Woman's Head — hlack, red and white chalk, on green paper 2 *0 ^^' ^^^ Study of a Satyr — hlack and red chalk— from the Bichardson and Benjamin West Collections ; and two others 3 ^ 194 Christ Driving the Money-Changees from the Temple ; IaJ0L/^\\ and Christ before Pilate — in colours 2 - • 195 Christ as a Gardener, appearing to Mary — in colours 16 in. by 19 in. KAUFFMAN (ANGELICA). 196 Emblematical Compositions : Drawing, Painting, Architecture \ it and Geography — in grisaille ; and Sketch of a full-draped female 2 KNELLER (SIR GODFREY). 197 Portrait of a Gentleman — Indian ink ; and A Lady and Child • — sepia 2 24 KOBELL (FEEDINAND). 198 Cattle on the Sea Shore — aepia — signed ' i rf lifP^H' KOBELL (H.). 199 Two Ska Pieces — "pen and Indian ink . >■ *-o ' '-- KOOGEN (LENDERT VAN DER> 200 Bust of a Young Woman — hlack and red chalk ,XG LAFAGE (RAYMOND). I 201 Thb Fall op the Angels — signed — pen and Indian ink, washed ; and two other Sketches — one from the Mariette Collection 3 LAGNEAU (NICOLAS). L » — - 202 Head of an Old Man, with a long beard ff-'^-^^yJ- f^jC 10 in. by 13 in. LANCRET (NICOLAS). J^,-. 203 Study of Two Ladies, one sitting ( ^ HAJu^ 03 O, UJLIC Qlbtllig 10 in. by 1\ in. LANFRANCO (GIOVANNI). 204 Sketches of Angels — pen and hlack and while ehalkj on green I , paper ; and another >o fi ^ ^ 25 ■ ^ ' LAEGILLIEEE (NICOLAS DE). — ^ / \^ ' 205 Portrait op Louis, lb Dauphin — black and white chalk, on hlue {^.J^. J * paper 7f in. by 11^ in. /A. _— 206 Portrait of the Duo de Bourgoqne — black and white chalk, ^/^ on blue paper 8^ in. by llf in. 207 Portrait of the Duchessb dv Maine — black and white chalk, on blue paper 9| in. by 12^ in. a^ LAWRENCE (SIR THOMAS), P.R.A. 208 HEAD OF A LADY— m black and red chalk 8^ in. by 9^ in. 208a Two Sketches for Portraits of John Philip Kemble '^' " different characters 2 LEAR (EDWARD). A A 209 Valmontone — pencil — signed, and dated 1839 ; and Tivoli pencil-'— dated 1840 LE BRUN (CHARLES). "^ "^'^ ^f ~ 210 Sketch for the Celebrated Picture of the Magdalen, supposed to be a portrait of Madame de la Vallierc — lead r pencil, washed loith Indian ink ; and three other sketches 4 V- 3 26 LELY (SIR PETER). ^ 211 Study for a Poetrait op Mrs. Middleton — hlack^ red and white chalk 7^ in. by 11 in. 212 Sketch of a Peek in his Robes, in the attitude of bowing — black and white chalk, on hluish paper ; and Sketch of a head — black chalk, on bluish paper 2 LEONARDO DA VINCI. p^ 213 Head of a Young Girl — in black and red chalks 6m.by8m. , 3 OmJ, 214 BosT of a Young Woman — red chalk; and portrait of Leonardo — in red chalk 2 LE PRINCE (J. B.). ^,sP 4 ^ <'J ^~. 215 A Rustic Concert — sepia; and A Cattle Piece — sepia, washed with red 2 LE SUEUR (E.). C/ 4,,,- • ;. • 216 Study foe an Iseaelite Gatheeing Manna— &ZacA; chalk — from the Mariette Collection ; and another '2 LEWIS (J. F.), R.A. ^f)XJ^ I .^ 217 Man and Woman on a Mule — water-colour, dated 1835 ; and ' ' ^^ Bust of a Nun 2 LIPPI (FILIPPO). ' '^* -^M, 218 A SAINT BLESSING A YOUNG MONK— pew, heightened t -^ loith white, on prepared greyish paper 9 in. by 8^ in. From the De Fries Collection. •27 LIEVENS (JAN). I /a 219 A Landscape, with a piping shepherd in the foreground — peji and bistre 11 J in. by 7^ in. .^ 220 A Landscape, with farm buildings in a clump of trees ; and a Sketch for Abraham Sacrificing — pen and bistre 2 LOUTHERBOURG (PHILIP DE). 'f Cff ^ 221 A Battle Scene — black chalk and sepia, heightened with white ; and A Storm in a Forest, similar drawing 2 ^2./ 222 Two Scenes of Gipsy Life — bistre 2 MAES (NICHOLAS). /C ^ — • 223 Woman Sewing — red chalk and bistre {Jb"^ i 6^ in. by 8 in. f MAES (DIRK). ' ^ . . i //.^ . 224 A Hunting Meet, counterproof of a sketch in colours — on canvas MANTEGNA (ANDREA). ,i^ ii/wr-t J ^ i_-^ 225 Study for a Fountain — pen and inky washed with bistre ' ^\ in. by 11^ in. > MARATTI (CARLO). ' l ^' fQ 226 Head of a Young Man — red chalk; a sheet, with various Sketches of heads ; and another 3 /«> 227 Sketch for an Assumption of the Virgin — ^en and ink ; and two others 3 ( • 28 MASACCIO (TOMMASO). ^ 228 A Cavalry Fight, outside the walls of a fortress— pew and ink and red chalk 13^ in. by 9 in. From the Richardson Collection MEULEN (A. F. VAN DEE). ^ - ./^jx^t' , ^ - 229 An Ofticbe on Hobsebaok, seen from hehind— painted in oil, on paper ,^.. -'■ '^' 230 Sketch of Louis XIV. on Horseback, with two officers — hlach ^1 u ^ and white chalk, on greyish paper t , -. 231 Two Sketches foe Battle Pieces — hlack andjrad chalk 2 MICHEL ANGELO BUONAKOTTI. o» .- 232 THE VIEGIN SUPPOETING THE BODY OF CHEIST, and four other figures — hlack chalk — for a study of The Descent from the Cross 10^ in. by 11 in. _, 233 Sketch of a Figure, for God the Father — pen and ink 1*1 ^ \^\ in. by lOf in. 234 Two Drawings, after Michel Angelo 2 End of First Day's Sale. Second Day's Sale. On THURSDAY, MAY 21, 1896, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. MIERIS (W. VAN). ^, ,^235 Flora — Indian inic — signed, and dated 1683 ^ llftirl^ 5 in. by 6f in. ( MOLA (FEANCESCO). *..236 Bust of a Man, in profile — 'pen and bistre ri*-- 6^ in. by 8j in. MOEETTO (ALESSANDEO BONVICINI). ( W^VljLi^ ^ ^ 237 Thk Madonna and Child, with a bishop attended by four boys — --pen and ink and Hack chalky heightened with white, on ^ greenish paper 11^ in. by 13 in. From the Collection of the Bishop of Arezzo 30 MOELAND (GEOEGE). f^ '" 'AA- <^ OLIVIEE (MICHEL BAETHELEMY). P ^ CUmJj ^ 244 Studies of two Ladies, full length— ? <"2/ POLIDOEO DA OAEAVAGGIO. / 279 Scenes from Eoman History : two drawings — one pen and histre, the other pen and sepia,' on coloured j^ap^^ 2 280 A Sibyl — pen and sepia ; and sheet of Sketches in red chalk ; and a black chalk Drawing, by Poccetti ,3 / PORTEE (SIE EOBEET KEE). - & . . 281 A Soldier in Armour, resting on a rock — signed, and dated 1798 ; and A Peasant Girl, by the side of a brook — signed, and dated 1799 — in water-colours 2 282 A Wounded Cavalier ; and Landscape, with rocky mountains in the foreground — in ivater-colours 2 POUSSIN (NICOLAS). 283 Venus and Adonis — pen and histre 5^ in. by 8 in. 35 POUSSIN (NICOLAS). 72-' 284 Bacchanalian Scene — sepia, heightened with [ichite, on Uuish paper ; and A Classical Subject 2 *3.v 285 Sketches op Antique Statuaey 3 . 286 A Classical Landscape — pen and sepia, heightened with white'on f^ blue paper , *-- 15 in. by 10 in. POUSSIN (GASPAR DUGHET, Called). t - 287 A Classical Landscape, with ruins and figures — pen and bistre ; and the companion Drawing 2 Q 288 A Landscape, with trees in the foreground and a river in the */. Qf^/i/^ distance — pen and sepia 12 in. by 11 in. From the Mariette and De Fries Collections 2 ' ~ 289 A Sketch in an Italian Village — in red chalk— from the / ^^/ Mariette Collection ; and another 2 ^ ' PRIMATICCIO (FRANCESCO) and SCHOOL, /■^QO An Elderly Couple Leaving a Ruined Building — pen and \ sepia, heightened with white, on bluish paper ; and A Sketch of / Three Nymphs 2 •291 A Draped Female, standing, surrounded by men — pen and bistre ; and another Composition 2 RAFFAELLE SANTI. <'J-'_^92 VARIOUS STUDIES ON ONE SHEET : Man in armour on horseback, by his side a monk embracing the foot of a cross ; and a group of soldiers playing at dice in the distance — sepia, heightened with white, on greenish paper 8^ in. by 10^ in. D 2 ^^ .^ 36 EAFFAELLE SANTL ;g 293 A SKETCH OF AN APOSTLE—d^ in. by 7^ in. (the drawing has been cut below the shoulders) — pen and ink ; on the same mount, Sketch of a Horseman — -pen and ink — 4 in. by 3 in. — from the Sandhy Collection . 294 Three Athletes — pen and ink /f 15 in. by 9^ in. 295 Head of an old Woman, in profile — hlack and tohite chalks H" 7 in. by 9 in. From the Mariette Collection //>),__ 296 A Painted Fragment, hand holding a rope — in oil colours 13 in. by 11 in. From the Beynolds Collection a/ ^/ 297 Various Compositions, after Eaffaelle . . < 3 y.i.' / REMBRANDT VAN RYN. S a A^ ^' 298 ABRAHAM, SARAH AND HAGAR— pe« and ink m^Sa^O \.^, 12 in. by 1\ in. '4/i^f y ^ " 299 THE ELDER TOBIT— pen and ink, washed loith sepia 9^ in. by 7 in. 300 THE SOLDIERS GAMBLING AT THE FOOT OF THE "^ * CROSS — pen and ink 71 in. by 10^ in. f , 301 THE ANGEL APPEARING TO MARY IN THE SEPULCHRE — Indian ink and sepia 11 J in. by 12| in. 37 REMBRANDT VAN RYN. '*.. ~ 302 St. Jerome — ^en and inh 9i in. by 7i in. ^ . — 303 A Woman Kneeling in an Attitude of Prayer— »e» and ^ j o^Z. ink 4| in. by 5f in. ^y, /^ W\ in. by 7 in. .305 A PORTRAIT OF A MAN, Ml face, resembling Jan Six— ^ f >h pen and ink L^ — 7f in. by 9 in. J- - 306 Two Heads — in pen and ink 2 /v^A-iut^v « , _. 307 A Man, seated, seen in profile extending bis hands 4 J in. by 5^ in. , — ^ 308 Academical Study op a Man, standing — histre Qt^ / vaJLA. 6^ in. by 9f in. J ' 309 Academical Study op a Man, lying down, seen from behind — histre 11 in. by 7 in. '"/ / rr — 310 Study op a Nude Woman — pen and bistre • ^ H 5| in. by 8f in. 311 A View OF a Village, with a high tower — pen and ink — signed, //,, ^ and dated 1632 12 J in. by 8^ in. •^ 312 A Landscape, with a village in the distance — a sketch in pen^ and ink 10^ in. by 4^ in. , ^ } 313 Sketch of an Indian Figure— pe» and histre AiK £ 5 in. by 7^ m. ^fk^^'.j 38 EEMBRANDT (Attributed to). ^ XZ-. ' p ^ ^ 314 Portrait of a Man, seated : a clever copy of the well-known i drawing in the Holford Collection 315 Bust of an old Man, stooping, probably by Van Vlict] '^ '" 316 Christ in the House of Simon — "pen and inJc, coated with varnish fiAj^A/l/^ RENT (GUIDO). 317 Madonna and Child, with St. John — hlacli and white chalk, on grey paper ; and Madonna and Child, with other Sketches — in red. chalk ^ ,2 ;- ■ ,.7-, 318 Head of a Young Woman — in hlack and red chalk ; and two others -~, 3 319 Time — red chalk ; and three others^ RESTOUT (JEAN), the Younger. 320 St. Peter, rescued from prison by an angel p^/^' /D REYNOLDS (SIR JOSHUA). 321 Sketch for a Portrait of a Lady and Child— Wac^ chalk 1\ in. by 9f in. HHt 322 Sketch of a Woman Dancing — 'pen and ink U '^ I a 4 m. by 6^ in. RIBERA (JOSE), Called SPAGNOLETTO. ,/, 323 Sketch op a Satyr — hlack chalk ; and another ^ ,,, 341 The Elopement — water-colour — signed, and dated l^Ql 15 in. by 9^ in. /- __ 342 A ^Country Road, with a procession of monks — water-colour — signed, and dated 1789 15 in. by 9^ in. 3 / 3, ^ 343 A Link Boy — water-colour — signed, and dated 1786 ; and another (AyO Sketch — in water-colour 2 " ^ 344 A Country Market — water-colour ; and A View of Liftou, / . Dorsetshire 2 345 A Coast Scene, with a party of travellers embarking — pen and • ' Indian ink — signed, and dated 1787 ^ ' y''C 14^ in. by 9^ in. 346 Various Drawings, after, or attributed to Rowlandson Ot^^MJi, 41 EUBENS (PETER PAUL). 5~y 347 EUBENS' WIPE AT THE VEGETABLE MAEKET— ^ 4 A histre, heightened with white ' 1\ in. by 6 in. From the Mariette and Lawrence Collections ^ 'i,: —348 FIEST SKETCH FOE A POETEAIT OF EUBENS, with '^ his wife and child mcc ?■' 3^ in. by 5 in. From the Lanckrinck Collection 349 A Study of Angels, surrounding a monstrance — red and black chalk 19 in. by 13 in. The drawing hears the mark generally attributed to Charles J.'s Collection 350 Study foe a Picture of The Last Judgment — black and red '^ yi^*'' chalk, partly washed vnth bistre and colours 21 in. by 15 J in. From the De Vos Collection /* / ' yy,, -^ 351 Triumph of a Eoman Emperok — bistre, heightened with white 23 in. by 17 in. From the Lanckrinck, Spencer and Peart Collections ^ ff, 352 Full-Length Portrait of a Lady — black and red chalk, slightly iyfyo washed with sepia 9^ iw.^by 14 in. , 353 Study of a Head, after Parmogiano — black and red chalk /^PCf\ 13 in. by 15 in. 354 A Satyr — black and red chalk ; and A Mask of a Satyr — in black (J ■ / '' ' '^i'' chalk /^^- From the Bichardson and Houlditch Collections 2 42 J RUBENS (PETER PAUL). r^.<^tf^L{ ■^ ^ /\i - 355 A Nativity — black chalh and sepia; and Study for an Apostle ?, n From the Bichardson and Houlditch Collections / 2 /^ n I ^ n ^ ■'■> 356 Merouey — Uach and red chalk and bistre; and The Mask of Socrates 2 357 Vaeious Compositions, after Rubens . 3 \ SACCHI (ANDREA). 358 Sketch of a Male Figure — in red chalk ; and A Drawing of an Allegorical Composition, by another Italian artist 2 SACHTLEVEN (H.) ,4 / ' y - 359 A Landscape — black chalk and sepia — signed SAENREDAM (P.) C y ^ 360 Interior op a Church — in water-colour LL-^ ryiA/J^. ^\ in. by 14. in. SAINT AUBIN (A. DE). /> Q ^,^.— 361 A Ball Room— pen awfZ fcjsfre ' ' / '^^^Z i^- 16£- in. by lOf in. SALVIATI (FRANCESCO). / L , •^' — 362 Sketch of a Male Figure — in pen and ink ; and another 2 SANDBY (PAUL). /? ' ' / ^'^ 363 Landscape, with a ferry; and another — bistre ' ■ "' 2 -•<>".'. 43 SARTO (ANDREA DEL). ^^7- 364 Head op a Smiling Boy, full face — hlach chalh 8^ in. by 10^ in. From the LancTcrinch Collection H. "^ ^ _ . - 365 Full-Length Figure of an Apostle — hlacJc chalh, on blue i fi/^j(jf/\ paper ; with a Study of drapery on the Reverse 9^ in. by 16^ in. SCHIAVONE (ANDREA). /!'- Pi ' 866 Hercules and the Boar — pen and histre [/{/[ V. ev SCHIDONE (BARTOLOMMEO). V ■ , ^ 367 The Adoration of the Shepherds — histre, heightened with white ; and a Study for a Holy Family — red chalk 2 368 Madonna and Child — Indian ink and red chalk ; and Head of a Young Woman, in a helmet — black chalk and Indian ink 2 From the Richardson and Rogers Collections SCHWEICKHARDT (H. W.). //^Z- - -I-. - — 369 Heads of Cherubs — in coloured crayons 2 ' SEYMOUR (JAMES). i 370 Sketch op a Saddle-Horse — red chalk ; and two Sketches of f^,^^ I Horsemen — in pencil J71 Heads op Horses and Donkey ; and A Hunting Scene, the latter by Robert Seymour 4 44 SIMONINI (FEANCESCO). ' ' ^ 372 Soldiers on the Maech ; and other Military Scenes— pen and. histre ^ / /- 373 Two Battle 'Piecvis— pen and hitstre -2-^^ ^IKANI (ELISABETTA). ^ J^^ In L ^'^^ ^^^ Holy Family, with St. John and St. Elisabeth— pen and sepia^rom the Bogers Collection ; and another 2 SLINGELANDT (P. VAN). 375 A Sculptor — pen and sepia — signed, and dated 1680 10 in. by 11| in. y7) /Q^ I SMITH (J. E.) 376 Theek-Quaktee Length Pobteait of a Lady, seated — hladt and white chalk, on grey paper 8 in. by 9| in. y^ , 377 Two Young Ladies, with large hats, in the style of the 18th ^ ' ' century — sketch in water-colours 12^ in. by 8^ in. SNYDEES (F.) /^^(.u^Le^ I Q 378 Dogs attacking a Wolf — red chalk ; and two Studies of '^' ^ Greyhounds 3 SPEANGEE (B.) ^ i{ , ■ 379 The Satyb 'Fmully— red chalk i^^-f^CVvA-'^^^^ STEEN (JAN). / '"' 5 ' 380 Two Geotesque Heads of Men — bistre^ heightened with white 2 45 O STEY (J. VAN). 1^. — 381 A Landscape, with cattle, on the border of a wood — sepm 23 in. by 18 in. / STUBBS (GEORGE). I^f — ' 382 Lion and Lioness Attacking a Bull — sepaa 14 in. by 10^ in. d* TA VERNIER (F.) r, 383 Nymphs Bathing — Indian Ink and red chalk ; and another / A J a. >y Classical Composition 2 TEMPESTA (ANTONIO\ 384 Two Battle Scenes — sepia )h^] ./, '585 A Hunting Scene — pen and sepia ; and another Drawing 2 •\(t/ ,6' TENIERS (DAVID). 386 A EocKY Landscape, with a hermit in his hut — pen and bistre lOf in. by 7 J in. From the De Fries Collection jiAy\ 387 Two Landscapes — lead pencil— both signed ; and a Sketch for ^ fjr/^j '^'~'' Temptation of St. Anthony ^^G^P^ TESTA (PIETEO). 388 Bacchanalian Scene— jjew and bistre ; and Two Busts of Young ^s Women — red chalks 2 389 Abel and Cain Sacrificing — pen and bistre; and another Drawing 2 /W 46 THOENHILL (SIR JAMES). ^ M^^tUo I I , 390 Sketch foe a Ceiling, representing Olympus — ^ew audi, Ustre 8 in. by 16 in. ^ jT^ I i 390a Sketch for a Ceiling, with various allegorical compositions / ;^ — pen and histre, heightened with white ^''' 13 in. by 12^ in. f,fO A- 10 fO^ io^ 391 Paul Struck on the Road to Damascus — se'j^ia^ heightened with white // j,j.,,^, , llf in. by Vl\ in. TINTORETTO (JACOPO ROBUSTI, Called). 392 Christ and the Disciples at Emmaus — -j^en and sepia — llf in. by 8|^ in. ; and a different Sketch for the same composition on the reverse ^ ^ '■■■ "J i 393 Study for The Descent from the Cross — sepia, heightened with ^' white Hi in. hy 7^^ in. (^\ U"// 394 Mask of a Man — hlach and white chalk, on bluish paper — from the Spencer Collection ; and a Sketch in sepia 2 395 Soldiers Fighting on a Bridge in Venice — pen and sepia, on bluish paper — 11 in. by 15^ in.; and Sketches of architec- tural decorations on the reverse— /rom the Bystrof^ Collection i'' TITIAN. r- ' ^ ^ ^^ 396 The Repose of the Holy Family — pen and, Indian ink, on coloured paper — with a Sketch of a Landscape in red chalk on the reverse 11 in. by 7^ in. From the Sir Peter Lehj and Bichardson Collections 47 -.fO. - TITIAN. 397 Landscape, with a town on tlie banks of a river in the distance — "j^en and ink — with another Sketch on the back 7f in. by 10^ in. 398 Head of a Young Man — in red chalk 9 in. by 12g in. From the Lagoy Collection 399 A Kooky Landscape, with trees ; and a Drawing of a Compo- sition of St. Peter Martyr 2 I/A^% ^ TUENEK (J. M. W.). 400 Studies of Cottages — in water-colours 401 Shipping and Coast Scenes 402 Landscapes, &c. 403 A Watep.mill — water-colours — signed, and dated 1794 5J in. hy 8^ in. 404 A Landscape, with a Eoman ruin — water-colour 13^ in. by 9| in. ^'(j 405 A Vaulted Chapel, with monumental tombs — water-colours '/ 121 in, by 8^ in. f UU. ( h VARLEY (JOHN). 406 Lake Scenery — water-colours '7\/^ '-• 'JU -i' VASARI (GIOEGIO). ^ 407 Madonna and Child, and various saints — pen and histre ; and / /^ another Drawing of a similar Composition — in pen and ink 2 ^-"^''M^i 48 VAN DE VELDE (ADPJAN). 408 Sketch op Thrise Gentlemen, full length — hlach chalk 6J in. by 8 in. VAN DE VELDE (WILLIAM) ^^"^ 409 A Barge Flying the English Flag, surrounded with bojits, at the back of the drawing it is described as the meeting of the Duke and Duchess (?) — ^ji?ew and Indian inJc 21^ in. by 12 in. 410 A Fleet op Dutch Men-op-War — Indian ink / 7 , 17 in. by 8J in. 411 Trinity House Barge taken at Blackwall — pencil drawing 16^ in. by 11 in. > ^-^^ 412 Shipping in a Breeze — Indian ink ; and two other Drawings 3 " ' 413 Various Drawings of Shipping 5 *' * 414 A Dutch Man-op- War — pen and ink ; and other Drawings 4 415 Various Sketches op Shipping — some signed 12 ^ - • - 416 A Similar Lot 10 ', — 417 Drawings op Barges and Hulls op Ships 10 I 2. » - ^-"-^ Various Sketches of Shipping — pen and ink; &c. (^ ti^^^^^ \ /. - 419 A Similar Lot 9 420 Another Lot 6 421 Another Lot 13 422 Another Lot 19 ^JU^ 423 Another Lot f^ J' ^'^tA^ 424 Another Lot 18 49 VEENET (C). / 425 View of a Seapobt — hlach chalk and Indian inJc ; and A Coast ' Scene, with fishermen 2 VEESCHURING (HENDRIK> ^ ^ , ^ I /^ 426 A Street Scene in Eome — Indian ink f y^i^ * Lj^ 15 in. by 12^ in. 427 View in an Italian Town — signed *T ' 13^ in. by 11 in. VEETDE (GEOEGE). ^ 428 PoBTBAiT OF THE PoET GowEB — red cJialk and Indian ink, in an ornamented border 9 in. by IS^ in. VISSCHEE (COENELIUS). / ^/ 429 A Man's Pobteait — black and red chalk I 5^ ill. by 8 in. WAED (JAMES). /^/ 430 Cattle in a Park — bistre — signed; and Sketch of a Lion — / black chalk / "^ "^ y^'' 2 WATTE AU (ANTOINE). f/^"^ 431 A PiLGEiM — black and red chalk 10 in. by 15 in. yr*^ 432 Sketch of a Woman o/ v 3 m. by 7 in. T) 50 WATERLOO (ANTHONY). ■ iJ^ "J^U , i. 433 A Landscape, with figures — hlack chalk and bistre, heightened ' with lohite : and another 2 , 434 View of the Castle of Heemstede, near 13.a,axlem—lndia^ fOt — ink /^-f] 18 in. by 13^ in. ■y WEST (BENJAMIN). . ■ , : ;^', ^ ^ , — - 435 Abraham and Isaac — in water-colours ; and Christ in the Tribune — also in water-colours '~. 2 .''„/ •. - ., 436 Fight Between Romans and Britons; and Dido — signed, and dated 1783 ; and another 3 7 / WEST (SAMUEL). /D £) ,^ , 437 Portrait of a Young Girl, holding a bird-cage— pew cwid ftisfre 14^ in by 19^ in. WESTALL (RICHARD). /^ ' / J I — 438 Three Witches — sepia, heightened ivith white / ^■"^^/C^O'^^^L^ 6^ in. by 8^ in. r- WILKIE (SIR DAVID), R.A. /^ V; 439 Study for a Portrait of The Duke of Cumberland— fcZacfc, red and ivhite chalk — signed with initials 7 in. by 10 in. /--^ j fXyf ^ 4i0 Various Sketches of Himself, at different times of his life^— hlack chalk 3 /;.- 441 Various Studies and Sketches '^~ 51 . /u/<^u^ WILSON (EICHAED), R.A. rU/t^.A^/'^-^ 442 View of the Castle op St. Angelo, with the dome of St. Peter's in the distance — hlack chalk 19 in. by 12 in. M JU^' 443 A Landscape, with a group of dancers in the foreground, and a >/ yj view of Rome in the distance — Indian ink ; and two Sketches —hlack chalk 3 444 Various Italian Landscapes 4 / f^ 445 A Landscape, with a river, and men fishing — hlack and white ^ ^ ^^ chalk ; and three others 4 >^^46 Studies of Plants; and other Subjects 4 y '^"^ " 447 A River Scene, with a ruin of a bridge — water-colour / \ *y(^ ' '- ^^ *^/^ 12^^. by8m. WOUVERMANS (PHILIP). >f / 2,^- . ■^'■^ ^ ■^^^^■r ^Lj^B W'M -r_:5 ^il^v .J m. Hilil W w. f 5H 5-i?9 % GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00885 8132