CATALOGUE OF THE BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, FINE ART PUBLISHERS, 305 MADISON AVENUE, near 42 nd STREET, NEW YORK \ CATALOGUE OF THE BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, FINE ART PUBLISHERS, 305 MADISON AVENUE, near 42nd STREET, NEW YORK NEW YORK : 305 Madison Ave. TELEPHONE. MURRAY HILL 1464 Cable Address : WIZARD, NEW YORK BERLIN: 1. STECHBAHN (PHOTOGRAPHISCHE GESELLSCHAFT) LONDON: 133 NEW BOND STREET (BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY) Copyright, 1910, by Berlin PKotographic Co., New York iuB 0lut0, tuas etnmal hu mar, mrl^t — (Sop%. umm ERRATA. Page 124: The cut now placed above No. 2041 should be placed above No. 7275 and vice versa. Page 137 : No. 7123, ''Morning Stimmung'' should be "Morgenstimmung." Page 202: No. 8076, "Edsenach" should be "Eisenach." Page 203: No. 4736, "Drawn by Farago" should be omitted. Page 205 : No. 2917, "Stibler" should be "Stieler." Page 207: No. 4745, "Hondon" should be "Houdon." Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 FOREWORD No attempt has been made to make this catalogue exhaustive. It was found impracticable even to mention many prominent artists, especially the ancient masters, whose works are published by us, and in almost every instance we have had to restrict ourselves to one or two characteristic examples of the painter's works. Our purpose was merely to furnish dealers and private individuals with a representative illustrated list, trusting that those who do not find a desired work in these pages will not hesitate to communicate with us. Careful study has been given to the framing of our pictures In styles appropriate to the respective subjects and the rooms which they are intended to adorn. Estimates for such framing and suggestions for the suitable decoration of schools, colleges, religious institutions, nurseries, music rooms, libraries and halls, will be furnished on application. Personal inquiries and correspondence on this subject will receive our prompt attention. Special lists of pictures which have been approved and recommended by the New York State Educational Depahtinient and Board of Education of the City of New York will be sent on request to all Teachers or Principals. Approximate sizes of plates without margin are almost invariably given and it is only necessary to add that the standard sizes are: EXTRA 24 x 32 inches. NORMAL 20 x 25 inches. IMPERIAL 14 x 19 inches to 16 x 20 inches. ROYAL 11 X 14 inches. FOLIO 7x9 inches to 8 x 10 inches. The Photogravures are printed and mounted on Japan, India or Van Geldern paper, and the Photographs on the best Bristol board. OUR PROCESSES It is not possible to quote the innumerable letters of the greatest artists who have expressed their entire satisfaction with our reproductions of their works. The specialty, of which we are most proud, is the Photogravure reproduction. All the leading art critics agree that the Photogravure process, as perfected by our establishment, is the most adequate and accurate, for reproducing a painting. It represents the final step in advance in the art of reproduction. The process consists of the direct transference of the Photographic image to a copper plate, which is then manipulated by some mordant, etching a perfect reproduction of the picture upon the plate. The Photogravure is printed like an engraving from the plate thus prepared. In this way our Photogravures combine the accuracy of Photography with the artistic qualities of a fine engraving. They are absolutely permanent. In recognition of the superior quality of the few first impressions from the plate we issue our Photogravures not only in print state, but some of our choicest ones as artistes proofs, limited in number and stamped, and issued in advance of the ordinary prints. How much they are appreciated by collectors is best indicated by the fact that^ almost all are entirely exhausted, and copies, if they can be had at all, command a high premium. The same is true of our Monographs and General Works of art, a short list of which will be found at the end of this catalogue. A few of our publications are reproduced in facsimile. Some are examples of the three and four color process, while others are facsimilegravures printed from 3 PAGE 4 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Photogravure plates by an exquisite special color process in one impression, giving an exact copy of the colors of the original painting. This process resembles the one employed about one hundred years ago in producing those colored engravings which have now become so valuable. Many of our subjects can also be had in Carbonphotographs^ which are copies from the original negative on green or brown Carbon paper. They combine permanency with excellence of finish. Our Photographs are all made by the isochromatic process, i. e., copied from the negative plate on sensitized albumek paper, and their quality is so generally known as to require no further comment. Other kinds of reproductions made directly from the negative are our Baryto- and Sepia-prints. The Barytoprints have the appearance of Platinotypes, which they resemble in the greyish tone, but which they surpass by clearness of printing and artistic quality. The Sepiaprints are made in a process similar to the Barytoprints, but with a warm reddish tone. Any of the reproductions listed in this catalog (except the Carbonphotographs) can be furnished colored by hand. Prices for such copies will be furnished on request. We shall hereafter publish semi-annually an illustrated supplement to this catalog, containing cuts of every new subject published by the Berlin Photographic Company. This supplement will be uniform in size with the present catalog and will be furnished on special request. 1 INDEX Abbey 7 Abbott . . 210 Alma-Tadema 7-11 Artz 12 Asher 201 Balestricri 14 Bartels 13 Earth 14 Becker 14,15 Bellini 20 Bisshop 16 Bisson 17 Blinks 18,19 Block 17 Blommers 39 Bocklin Bohmer 16 Bohme 16 Boecklin 24 Bonheur 24 Bonnat 39 Botticelli 20-22 Boucher 23 Bredt 17 Biirgel 28-29 Burnand 24 Burne-Jones 25-27 Calame 29 Camphausen 34 Caracci 30 Caravaggio 30 Cart-ierre 30 Cazin 34 Chandos 206 Cole 32 Collier, Emily 35 Collier, Sir John 34 Correggio 31 Coin-tens 32 Cowper 34 Cranach 31 Crane 35 Crofts 33 'Czachorski 33 DaVinci 102 Delaroche 35 Detaille 35 Dicksee, Frank 36 Dicksee, Margaret. .37-38-40 Dielitz 40,48 Dietrich 41 Diez 207 Dobler 209 Douzette 41 Dronais 46, 47 Diirer 44, 45 Duplessis 202.204 Dyck, van 42, 43 Earl 52,53 Ebel 48,49 Eichptaedt 57 Elsley 50-52 Eyck, van 54-56 Falero 58 Farago 203 Farny 59 Farquharson 58 Fechner 210 Feuerbach 57 Filippo 104 Firle 57. 58, 59 Forli (see Melozzo) . . . . Fragonard 57 Gainsborough 60,61 Gebhardt 61 Gentz 206 Giorgione 61 Godward 63, 64 Gobel 209 Goodman 63 Gow 62-63 Graff 205 Grassi 64 Greuze 65 Grutzner 66 Grust 64 Guido (see Reni) Hals 67,68 Hartley 69 Hassall 69 Hemy 71 Hengeler 69 Henneberg 69 Herkomer 205 Herrmann 71 Hitchens 70 Hobbema 72 Hoesslin 70 Hofmann 73 Hoearth 74 Holbein 74,75 Holiday 71 Holz 73 Homer 77 Hooch, de 75, 76 Hoppner 76,203 Houdon 207 Hudson 203 Hunt ■ 73 Hunter 77 Ihle 202 Israels 78,79 Ittenb-'.ch ., 80 i Janssen 81 Kallmorgen 82 Katsch 202 Keller, A. von 81,82,85 Keller, Ferd 82 Kemp- Welch - 85 Klinger 83 Knaus 83,84,85 Knille 86 Koberstein 86 Kovvalski 87 Kroener 88 Kuhnert 88 Landseer 88 Lancret 89 Laszlo 171 Lawrence 90 T-4 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 1672. ALMA-TADEMA A Reading from Homer Carbon Photograph, 24x48 in $50.00 Carbon Photograph, 9J4xl9^ in ••• J.OO Photogravure, ley^uZZ in 15.00 Photogravure, 9^x19 in ; o-OO Fhotogravure Folio • I-*'' PAGE 8 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COM PANY BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 9 No 4830. ALMA-TADEMA The Findhiy of Moses Fliotoigravure, 19x29 ys in ..$1S.0» PAGE 10 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY pOa Saj>'pho No. 4129. ALMA-TADEMA Photogravure, 10^x19^ in $6.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 Vain Courtship •♦Facsimile, UxSVz in $12.00 Photogravure, 21x11 >^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4300. ALMA-TADEMA Caracalla Photogravure, 11^x19^ in.. $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 11 No. 7284. ALMA-TADEMA A Favorite Custom Artists' Proofs Japan (limited to 200 copies), ISJ^xlO^ in Photogravure, 15J4xlOJ4 in .$34.00 . 3.S0 PAGE 12 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Photogravure, 15x20^ in No. T073. ARTZ, D. A. C. In the Orphanage. $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 13 Facsimile, 21x17^ in $12.00 PAGE 14 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4489. BALESTRIERI, L. Cho'pin Photogravure, 13i/^x33 in $15.00 Carbon Photograph (of centre panel), 20^x15 i i 5.0O Photogravure Folio (of centre panel) 1.50 No. 616. EARTH, F. Choosing the Caskets (From the Merchant of Venice) Photogravure, 20x29^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 13x19^ in 6.00 Photograph Folio 1,25 No. 1490. BECKER, Carl Romeo and Juliet at the Friar's Photogravure, 29x32 in $18.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 15 No. 1785. BECKER, Carl Poye Julius II viewing the newly found statue of Apollo Photogravure, 25x34 in $18.00 Photograph Imperial 4.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 1678. BECKER, Carl Othello's Defence before the Doge of Venice Photogravure, 25^x33H in.. $18.00 Photogravure, 14^x19^4 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 1252. BECKER, Carl Othello narrating his adventures ta Desdemona and Brabantio Photogravure, 27x31 J4 in $18.00 Photogravure, 15^x18^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGE 16 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 17 P©Q No. 2469. BLOCK, Joseph An Accord Photogravure, 10 x 15^ in $3.50 No. 2303. BREDT, F. M. Chopin Photogravure, 9?4xl3 in $3.50 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGE 18 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4533. BLINKS, Thos. The Open Ditch **Facsimile, 13^x20^4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 13^x20j4 in 6.00 No. 4524. BLINKS, Thos. The Water **Facsimile, 13^x20^ in. Photogravure, 13 5^x20^ in $12.00 6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 19 No. 4574. BLINKS, Thos. Duck Shooting ^Facsimilie, 13^x20 in. .$12.00 No. 7196. BLINKS, Thos. Pheasants Photogravure, 14i4x21 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 7197. BLINKS, Thos. Partridges Photogravure, 14x205^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2677. BLINKS, Thos. The Judgment of Paris Photogravure, 12x20 in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGR '20 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Photogravure, 22x33 in No. 3858. BOTTICELLI Spring (Academy, Florence) $15.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 21 No. 5038. BOTTICELLI Madonna and Child with Angels (Berlin) **Facsimile, 17^ in. diam ti^nn Photogravure, 16^ in. diam i .' i i i ! i ,'!!."!!!!*.!!*.!'.*.!!*.'.*. *.'.■. ". 5.00 PAGE 22 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 5039. BOTTICELLI Madonna Enthroned with Child and Saints (Berlin) Photogravure on English etching paper, 16^x16 in $5.00 BERIJN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 23 PAGE 24 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Jj No. 4267. BURNAND, Eugene The Prayer after the Last Supj)er Photogravure, 17^-^x35 in , $18.00 Carbon Photograph, 10j'^x20>4 in 5.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 I No. 1091. BOECKLIN, Arnold The Regions of Joy Photogravure, 195^x29^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 14x21 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 3509. BONHEUR, Rosa Ploughing (Luxembourg) Photogravure, 10^x20^4 in $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 25 No. 2877. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward Laus Veneris (Praise of Venus) Photogravure, 19x28^ in ..$15.00 Photogravure, 13^4x19^ in 5.00 No. 3466. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward Love Among the Ruins Carbon Photograph, 19J^x28^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 13^x20?^ in 5.00 PAGE 26 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2878. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward No. 3416. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward Flamrna Vestalis Hope Photogravure, 14x9}4 in $3.50 Photogravure, 18x63/g in, 5.00 No. 3474. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward The Mirror of Venus Carbon Photograph, 17^x285/^ in $12.00 Photogravure, \2%-k20% \n ^-"^ i BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 27 rljotogravure, 13^x19 in No. 3451. BURNE JONES, Sir Edward The Love Song $5.00 PAGE 28 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY P©G No. 4219. BUERGEL, Hugo Landscape Photogravure, 19J4x28 in Photogravure, 10xl4f^ in $12.00 3.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 29 No. 4o218. BUERGEL, Hugo River Landscape Photogravure, 18i/2x28-K in $12.00 Photogravure, 10x14^ in 3.50 No. 7136. CALAME, Alexander Glimpse of the Jungfrau Photogravure, 22x28 J4 in $12.00 No. 7137. CALAME, Alexander Oaks in Storm Photogravure, 22^x29^ in $12.00 PAGfc: 30 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY . No. 35] 3. CARRIERE, Eugene Maternal Love Photogravure, 16x13 in $6.00 No. 3639. CARACCI Christ and the Samaritan Woman (Vienna) PhotogravvTre, 8-^x20?^ in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5496. CARAVAGGIO The Luteplayer (Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) Photogravure, 17y&xl5% in ^ $5-00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 31 PAGE 32 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7021. COLE, Vicat The Pool of London (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 1^^4x29% in $12.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 33 No. 1474. CZACHORSKI, Vladislav von Hamlet and the Players Photogravure, 17^x34^ Photograph Imperial Photograph Folio PAGE 34 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3514. CAZIN, J. Ch. Hagar and Ishmael (Luxembourg) Photogravure, 18^4x14^4 in,. $6.00 No. 7204. COWPER, F. C. The Morning of the Nativity (Madonna) **FacsimiIe, 20i4x9J4 in $12.00 No. 234. CAMPHAUSEN, Wm. Frederick the Great Photograph, about 24x32 in $18.00 Photograph, Imperial 4.S0 No. 7232. COLLIER, Sir John The Land Baby Artist's Proofs on India $18.00 Photogravure, 19j4xl4^ in 6.00 B1.RL1N PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 35 No. 4388. CRANE, Walter The Fountain of Youth Photogravure, 29^x18^4 in $15.00 No. 3520. DETAILLE, Edouard The Dream (Luxembourg) Photogravure, 1354x1854 in $6.00 No. 2634. COLLIER, Emily E. Sic te Amo (The Breadth of my Love) Carbon Photograph, 10x13^4 in. $3. 00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 7138. DELAROCHE Napoleon (Leipzig) Proofs before letters on Japan, 20^4x15 in.$24.00 Photogravure, 20^x15 in 6.00 PAGE 3G BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY 3.4 No. 7255. DICKSEE, Frank The Shadowed Face Artist's Proof on Japan ^"^^SS Photogravure, 29^x17}^ in ^S.Or BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 37 Xo. -2lin. DRKSi:K. Margaret I. The First Audience (Oliver Goldsmith reading the manuscript, "She Stoops to Conquer," to the Misses Ilorneck) Photogravure, 15^x20 J4 in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 2848. DICKSEE, Margaret I. p©o Sheridan at the Linleys Photogravure, 15j^x20H in $6.00 PAGii 38 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2T92. DICKSEE, Margaret I. A Sacrifice of Vanities (The Vicar of Wakefield) Carbon Photograph, 22^x303^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 15^x20^ in 6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 39 Photogravure, llj^xl4^ in No. 7076. BLOMMERS Crabfishers $3.50 PAGE 40 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3314. DICKSEE, Margaret I. The Child Haendel Carbon Photograph, 21J^x28-}4 in $15.00 Photogravure, 15^x21 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Photograph Folio ].25 No. 4138. DICKSEE, Margaret 1. The First Comission (Sir Thomas Lawrence as a Child) Carbon Photograph, 21^^x30 in $15.00 Photogravure, 14^x20^ in 6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1-25 No. 1527 No. 1530 No. 1528 No. 1529 No. 1537. DIELITZ, K. Air (Ride of the Valkyries) Photogravure, 19^x11^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio . ^-^^ No. 1538 Fire (Wotan's Farewell from Brunhild) Photogravure, 19^4x11^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio . ^-^^ No. 1539 Water (The Rhine Daughters) Photogravure, 19^x13^4 in $^"5^ Photogravure Folio ^-^^ No. 1530 Earth (Siegfried Slaying the Dragon) Photogravure, 19^x13 ^4 in ^^'^n Photogravure Folio BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 41 Photogravure, 15x21 Photograph Folio . . . No. 3153. DIETRICH, Anton Lo7-d, have merci) upon us ,$6.00 , 1.25 P!0> No. 2653. DIETRICH, Anton Peace, he still **Facsimile, 20^x165^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 29^x23^ in 15.00 Photogravure, 19^x16^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 No. 2739. DIETRICH, Anton The Good Sheperd **FacsimiIe, 16?4x9i^ in $7.50 Photogravure, 19^x1 1|4 in 6.00 Photogravtire Folio 1.50 No. Photogravure, 15x21 in.. Carbon Photograph Folio. 1715. DOUZETTE, Moonlight ,$6.00 , 1.50 PAGF. 42 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3703. DYCK, Anton van Portrait of Prince Rwprecht of the Palatinate (Vienna) Carbon Photograph $15.00 Photogravure, _19%xl0.)4 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 34a. DYCK, Anton van Charles I. of England (Dresden) Photograph Extra $18.00 Photograph Imperial 4.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3850. DYXK, Anton van Children of Charles I. (Dresden) Carbon Photograph $15.00 Photogravure. 15^x17^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 BFRLTX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 43 No. 3103. DYCK, Anton van Portrait of Himself as a Youth (St. Petersburg) Carbon Photograph. 27.^x22 in $15.00 I'hotogravure, ISJ^xH^ in 5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 3861. DYCK, Anton van Baby Stuart (Turin) Photogravure, 21^x1554 in $5.00 No. 3099. DYCK, Anton van Philip, Lord Wharton (St. Petersburg) Carbon Photograph, 28x221^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 1854x15 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 1? ]4 No. 3098. DYCK, Anton van William II., Prince of Nassau (St. Petersburg) Carbon Photograph, 40x32 in $50.00 Carbon Photograph, 27^x23^ in 15.00 Photogravure, 18 3,4x1 5 H in 5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5888. The Head alone. Cprbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 PAGE 44 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COJVIPANY PAGE 45 No. 3406. DURER, Albrecht Portrait of Hieronymtis Holzschuher (Berlin) **Facsimile, 19i4xl4 iii' $12.00 Photogravure, 17^x12^ in 5.00 Photogravure. 13>^x9i/^ in 3.50 Photograph Folio 75 PAGE 46 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 5896. DROUAIS Elizabeth Godefred, Princesse de Cond6 (Collection of Baron Schlichting, Paris) **Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, 20f^xl5 in $18.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 47 No. 5895, DROUAIS Herault de Sechelles (Collection of Dr. Magin, Paris) **Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, ll^x9V< $10.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 PAGE 48 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7193. EBEL, Fritz The Silence of the Woods HE KLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 49 No. 7254. EBEL, Fritz p©g A Corner of the Woods **Facsimile, 21 5^x31 in $20.00 PAGE 50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2586. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Soft Persuasion Photogravure. 20^x15 in $6.00 Earytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 4221. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Which May I Keeii? Photogravure, 20J^xl5 in $6.00 Earytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio • 1-25 No. 723L ELSLEY, Arthur J. Divided Affections Wake Up Photogravure, 20^^x15 in $6.00 Earytoprint Folio 2.00 Photogravure, 20^x15^4 in $6.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 51 No. 4397. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Golden Hours Photogravure, 22^x29 in $15.00 Photogravure, 1554x203^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 No. 2393. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Good-Bye Photogravure, 21^x16^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2434. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Wait a Minute Photogravure, 21x15 in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 PAGE 53 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3381. ELSLEY, Arthur J. A Dead Heat Photogravure, 21x13 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 3T03. ELSLEY, Arthur J. Chicks Photogravure, 20>^xlS in. Photograph Folio , $6.00 , 1.25 No. 7360. EARL, Maud Dreadnought **Facsimi]e, 10^x14^ in. Artist's Proofs (limited) . $6.00 12.00 No. 4833. EARL, Maud "I Belong to the King" Photogravure, 1234x15 in $3.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 53 P©0 No. 7205. EARL, Maud Setter; Moor Work Photogravure, 21x1 6 ;4 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 p(Dq No. 7307. EARL, Maud Pointer; Field Work Photogravure, 21x16^ in $6.00 ' Photogravure Folio 1.50 P©G No. 4847. EARL, Maud .Retrievers and Spaniels "Waiting Their Turn" **FacsimiIe, 203^4x13^ in $12.00 No. 4139. EARL, Maud A Council of Perfection Photogravure, 14^x19 ->4 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGE 54 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3750. VAN EYCK, Hubert The Singing Angels (lierlin) **Facsimile, 20^4x854 in $12.00 Pliotogravure, 19x8 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3754. VAN EYCK, Hubert 2'he Playing Angels (Berlin) ^-Facsimile, 20^4x8^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 19x8 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5113. VAN EYCK, Jan The Man ivith the Pink (Berlin) **Facsimile, 17x12 in $12.00 Photogravure, 13^x10 in 3.50 Photograph Folio 75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 51 No. 3760. VAN EYCK, Hubert and Jan The Ghent Altar (Closed) rhotogravui-e, 13:^x9 in $3.50 We publish the entire Ghent iVltaipicce uniform in size. See page 212 for particulars. PAGE 56 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3761. VAN EYCK, Hubert and Jan The Ghent Altar (Open) Photogravure, IS^xlS^^ in • $5.00 We publish the entire Ghent Altarpiece uniform in size. See page 212 for particulars. BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 57 Photogravure, 18x33 in Photograph Folio No. 644. FEUERBACH, Anselni The Sijmposium of Plato (Berlin) $15.00 . 1.25 PAGE 58 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3709. EI RLE, A\ alther The IIoli) Night Photogravure, l5;/2x34>4 in $15.00 Photogravure, 8 7-^x19 >2 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 r P©0 No. 2413. FALERO, Luis Ricardo Towards a Better World Pliotogravure, 21x12]^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 3138. FARQUH7\RSON, Joseph Over tinowfields Waste and Pathless Photogravure, 23x17^ in $6.00 I'hotogravure Folio 1.50 No. 3390. EALERO, L. R. The Opium Smoker Barytoprint Folio i^hotograph Folio $2.00 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 59 PAGE GO BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3364. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas The Blue Boy (Grosvenor House, London) **Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, 205^x14^ in $15.00 Carbon Photograph, 45x31 in 50.00 Carbon Photograph, 28^x19^ in 15.00 Photogravure, lS%xl2%. in 5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5889. The Head alone. Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 61 No. 333G. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas Portrait of Mrs. Siddons (National Gallery, London) Carbon Photograph, 28x22 in $15.00 Photogravure, 18x14 K i" ^-29 Photograph Folio "-^ No. 5141. GIORGIONE Portrait of a Man (Berlin) **Facsimile, 21^x16^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 14^x11^ in 3.50 Photograph Folio 75 V©0 No. 2548. GEBHARDT, Eduard von Christ Healing the Sick Man with the Palsy Photogravure, 19J^x28H in $15.00 No. 5853. GAINSBOROUGH, Thomas Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire **Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, 20x12.)^ in. $18.00 No. 3848. GIORGIONE Sleeping Venus (Dresden) Photogravure, 12x19 J/2 in $5.00 No. 184. GEBHARDT, Eduard von The Last Supper (Berlin) Photogravure, 22x34 in $18.00 Photogravure, ll?^xl9 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGE 62 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 63 No. 2358. GODWARD, John W. Yes or No? Photogravure, 30x16 in $12.00 IMiotogravure, 20^4x11^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 ft No. 4135. GODWARD, John W. Bath of Venus Photogravure, 29i/^xl{)i4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 211/^x7-5^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2119. GOW, Andrew C. After Waterloo — Saiive qui pent Photogravure, 24x34 in.- $18.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 2T35. GOODMAN, Maude Like This, Grannie Photogravure, 14x17 in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 PAGE 64 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2556. GRASSI, Joseph Queen Louise (Berlin) ** Facsimile, 10x7 ^4 in $6.0n Photogravure, 17^x13^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2609. GRUST, Theo. St. Agnes Photograph Folio $1.25 P(C)G No. 4483. GODWARD, J. W. The Old, Old Story Photogravure, 30x16 in $12.00 Photogravure, 203^x113/^ m 6.00 Photogravure Folio ^-^^ No. 4554. GODWARD, J. W. Heart on her lips, and Soul within her eyes. .$2.00 Barytoprint Folio - Photogravure Foho ^-^^ BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 65 No. 3334. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste The Head of a Girl (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 10x7^4 in $2.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5893. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste The Listener ' Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, ll^x 97/8 in $10.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 No. 5882. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste Head of a Girl (Original at Edinburgh) Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, No. 5569. GREUZE, Jean Baptiste Innocence (Prince Lichnowski Collection) $7.50 Photogravure, 19^/^x15 14 in. $5.00 PAGE 66 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4540. GRUTZNER, Eduard Falstaff and Bardolph Photogravure, 16x20 Photograph Folio . . . $6.00 1.25 No. 2837. GRUTZNER, Eduard Sir John Falstaf Photogravure, 195^x14^ in $6.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 4540. GRUTZNER, Eduard Bon Quixote (New Pinakothek, Munich) Photogravure, 15x9^ in $3.50 No. 474. GRUTZNER, Eduard In the Cloister's Cellar (Giiilfi/) Photogravure, 14x19^ in. Photograph Folio $6.00' 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 67 No. 5156. HALS, Frans Hille Bobbe (Berlin) Photogravure, 17^x15^ in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3783. HALS, Frans The Jester (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Photogravure, 17^x15^ .$5.00 PAGE 68 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 5159. HALS, Frans Nurse ivith Child (Berlin) **Facsimile, 21^x1634 in $12.00 Photogravure, 19^x14 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5513. HALS, Frans Willem van Heythuysen (Liechtenstein Gallery, Vienna) Carbon Photograph, 29j4xl9j4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 20^^x13'^ in 5.00 No. 3782. HALS, Frans The Jolly Toper (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Photogravure, 18^x15^ in $5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 69 No. 7280. HASSALL, John Homage Photogravure, 93^x16 in $3.50 No. 4383. HENGELER, Adolf Summer Evening in the Village Photogravure, 9x7 in $2.50 No. 800. HENNEBERG, Rudolph The Pursuit of Fortune (Berlin) Photogravure. 17x33 in $15.00 JJarytoprint Imperial 5.00 Parytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 4484. HARTLEY, Nora In Loco Parentis Barytoprint Folio $2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGE 70 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. ^2699. HOESSLIN, G. Von Resignation Photogravure, 19K'xl3 in $6.00 Photograiili l-"oli() 1-25 No. 2714. HOESSLIN, G. von A Reed Song Pliotogravnre, 21x133/4 in. Pliotoorapli Folio .$6.00 1.25 0 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 71 No. 4310. HOIJDAY, Henry Dante and Beatrice (Walker Art Gallery, Eiverpool) Photogravure, 22x29 in $15.00 Photogravure, 14^x20)^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGE 73 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3330. HOBBEMA, M. The Avenue, Middleharnis, Holland (National Gallery, London) Carbon Photograph, 205^x27^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 12^x16^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3T85. HOBBEMA, M. The Watermill (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Carbon Photograph, 31^x45^)4 in $50.00 Photogravure, 19^x28^^ in 12.00 No. 5163. HOBBEMA, M. Wood Landscci'pe (Berlin) Photogravure, 195^x27^ in, Photogravure, 145/8xl9J/2 in Photograph Folio $12.00 5.00 .75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 7:1 No. 2037. HOFMANN, H. J. Christ in Gethsemane **Facsimile, 21x15 in $15.00 Photogravure, 34x25 in , 18.00 Photogravure, 21x15 in 6.00 Photogravure, 14^4x103/^ in 3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Carbon Photograph Extra 18.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 No. 2443. The Head Alone. Carbon Photograph Royal $3.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4542. HOLZ, Johann The Coming Storm Photogravure, 15j^xl8H in $6.00 No. 7026. HUNT, Walter The Dog in the Manger Photogravure, 12:^x20^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGE 74 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Xo. 83K>. HOGARTH, William His Own Portrait Pliotogravni-e, 12K'x9^ in $3.50 No. 3308. HOLBEIN, Hans (The Younger) The Ambassadors Photogravure, 15i4xl5>4 in $5.00 No. 300;2. HOLBEIN, Hans The "Meyer'' Madonna (Darmstadt) Photogravure, 35x243^ in $18.00 Photogravure 13Hxl9>^ in 5. GO Photograph Folio 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 75 No. 3309. HOLBEIN, Hans (The Younger) Christina of Denmark (National Gallery, London) **Facsimile, limited to 500 copies, 18^x8,^ in $15.00 Carbon Pliotograph, 30^x14 in 12.00 Photogravure. 18!^x8H in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3331. HOOCH, Pieter de Interior of a Dutch House (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 9^x8^^ in $9 Photograph Folio No. 3414. HOLBEIN, Hans (The Y^o linger) Portrait of the Merchant George Gisze (Berlin) **Facsimi]e, 20->^xl7§^ in $12.00 Carbon Photograph, 26x23^ in.. 15.00 Photogravure, 16i^xl4^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 PAGE 76 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 568^. HOPPNER No. 5885. HOPPNER The Setting Sun /T r>- 4- TIT n 4.- \ SlSteVS (J, Pierpont Morgan Collection) ^, _ , **FacsimiIe, limited to 500 copies, 20%x Photogravure, 15^x17^ in $6.00 15^ in $18.00 No. 5164. HOOCH, Pieter de A Dutch Living Room **Facsimile, 16^x185/^ iti $12.00 Carbon Photograph, 24x26^4 i" l^-^^ Photogravure, 15%xl7^ in ' 5.00 Photograph Folio ^5 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY ^ PAGE 77 WINSLOW, Homer All's Well (Boston Museum of Fine Arts) in Preparation. PAGE 78 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7090. ISRAELS, Joseph No. 7083. ISRAELS, Joseph The Long Way Children of the Sea Photogravure, lOy^xlS^ in $3.50 Photogravure, 8^x16^ in $3.50 No. 7079. ISRAELS, Joseph Alone ill the World (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Photogravure, 13x20^ in , $6.00 Photogravure, lOxHK in No. 7089. ISRAELS, Joseph The Return $3.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 79 No. 7085. ISRAELS, Joseph Anxious Moments Photogravure, l5^x20H in $6.00 PAGE 80 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 873. ITTENBACH, F. The Handkerchief of St. Veronica Photograph Imperial $4.50^ Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 1860. ITTENBACH, F. The Holy Family Photogravure, 19x14 inch $6.00 Photogravure Royal 3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 BhIUJN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY pagh: 81 No. 2798. KELLER, Albert Vou The Snake Charmer IMiotogiavure, 10]4x4]4. in $2.50 PAGE 82 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Jllii p(yi3 No. 4336. KELLER, Ferdinand Sanctuary by the Sea **Facsimile, 15^x19;^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 15%xl9ys in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 r©^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 93 No. 4485. LEADER, B. W. Svnftff After Rain Photogravure, 19^x29 in $12.00 PAGE 94 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPAXY P^G No. 2571. LEADER, B. W. The Silent Evening Hour Photogravure, 19x28J^ in... Photogravure, 9}ixl4^ in $12.00 3.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 95 Photogravure, 18xl4|^ in No. 3586. LEIBL, Wilhelm Dachan Peasant Womeri $6.00 PAGE 96 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BKKLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGK 97 No. 2096. LEIGHTON, Sir Frederick The Bath of Psyche (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 29x9 in Photogravure, 21J4x7 in, Photogravure Folio .... $15.00 6.00 1.50 PAGE 98 BKRLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 19:20. LEIGHTON, Sir Frederick Captive Andromache Carbon Photograph, 22x48 in - ^^?'2n L...o>.H iuo.oe.^,-.i liiipciiai ^-^^ Photogravure, 16^x35 in • l^-"^' Photogravure Folio 1-^" No. 2072. LEIGHTON, Sir Frederick Greek Girls Playing at Ball Photogravure, 19x34 in $15.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 2625. LEIGHTON, E. Blair A Summer Shower Photogravure, 20^4x135^ in. Photogravure Folio .$6.00 . 1.50 No. 2339. LUCAS, Marie S. We Are But Little Children Weak Photogravure, 10x16 in $3.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 3524. LEROLLE, Henry The Sheperdess (Luxembourg) Photogravure, 12x19% in $6.00 BKHLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGh: 99 No. 4266. LEISTIKOW, W. Lake in the Woods Photogravure, 19J4x29?4 in Photogravure Folio $12.00 1.50 PAGE 100 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY P(C)G No. 4148. LEISTIKOW, W. In the Grunewald **Facsimile, 13'/2x20^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 19^x29^ in 12.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 bilKijx photographic company PAGE 101 No. 3539. LIEBERMANN, Max Goose Pluckers Photogravure, 12^x18 in $6.00 PAGE 102 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 191a. LEONARDO DA VINCI The Last Supper (Milan) Carbon Photograph, 24^x39 in $50.00 Photogravure, 17^x34^^ in 18.00 Photogravure, 11^x22^ in 5.00 Photogravure Folio -. 1.50 No. — . LEONARDO DA VINCI (Berlin) Barytoprint Folio $2.00 No. 3260. LEONARDO DA VINCI The Virgin of the Rocks (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 18x11 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 103 No. 2045. LEU, A. W. The FaragJioni near Capri Photogravure, 14J^x21J/^ in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 No. 4560. LOUYOT, E. The Little Cook Barytoprint Folio $2.00 Carbon Photograph (blue tone) Folio.... 1.50 PAGE 104 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Xo. Mm. FILIPPO, Lippi Madonna Adoring the Child (Berlin) **Facsimile, ZOVzxISyi in $12.00 Photogravure, 17^x15 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3064. LUINI, Bernardino Portrait of a Young Lady (La Colombine) (Petersburg) Photogravure, 17i^xl3H in $5.00 Bl KLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COxMPANY PAGK 105 No. 4844. LOMAX, John A. "For he had spoken Ughtltj of a ico)iian'{f name' Photogravure, 10^x16 in $3.50 Xo. 7301. LOMAX, Jol.u A. ,,3, i^niAX, John A. "Counted Out" Artists Proofs on Japan (100 copies). Bitieniess- of Dawn 10^x161^ in $18.00 Photogravure, 10^x16^ in 3.50 Photogravure, 10^x16 in $3.50 PAGE 106 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3575. LOMAX, John A. ^'^'^ HoiD the Old Squire Canqht the Big Jack Photogravure, PKxHJ^ in ^ ^3 50 "^127. IBIlE^ ^K ^Bi^Wlllllllli Artist's Proofs on LOMAX, John A. aMHr^lH^ ^""^'^ ^^^^ BHHH-j^jKp^^S&ll^ $18.00 "By sports like these are HHpi^|9Hn^^HH^^MB|| Photogravure, 10^ aiZ ^^^ir cares beguiled" ^^^^St^^K^i^^^^l^^^^^^fiHl ^'^^ No. 2485. LOMAX, John A. To Bring the Roses Back Photogravure, 13^x20 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio ' liso BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 107 No. 4591. MAFFEI, Guido von No. 4592. MAFFEI, Guido von July Facsimile, 8x10 in. ,$4.00 August Facsimile, 8x10 in .$4.00 "Twelve Months with the Gun" A series of 12 Facsimiles like the above representing the months of the vear bv Giudo von Maffei, is to be had for $40.00 The prints are also sold singly as above. PAGE 108 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7091. VAN MARCKE, Emile Landscape loith Cattle Photogravure, 1454x20i4 in $6.00 No. 3787. MAES, Nicolaes Saying Grace (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Photogravure, 18^x1 5 5^ in .$5.00 No. 7096. MARIS, Jacob The Mill Photogravure, 18?^xl4?^ in $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRvXPHIC COMPANY PAGK 109 Photogravure, 13x21 in No. 7119. MARTS, Jacob The Two Mxlh $6.00 PAGK 110 15KKLIX I'HOTOGKAPHIC COMi^VXY Photogravure, 105^x16 in No. 7105. MAUVE, Anton Sheep in an Orchard $3.50 No. 7101. MAUVE, Anton In the Pasture Photogravure, 20^x13 K in $6.00 No. 7199. MAHOKIAN, Wartan Stormy Sea Photogravure, 18^x31 in , $12.00 PAGE 112 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPAXY No. 5209. VAN DER MEER VAN DELFT Lady and Gentleman Drinking Wine (Berlin) ♦•Facsimile, 17^4x20 in $12.00 Photogravure, 1054xl2j^ in 3.50 Photograph Folio 75 BKKLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 113 No. 3864. MELOZZO DA FORLl Angel with Viola (Rome) Photogravure, IP^xlSj^ in $5.00 No. 3865. MELOZZO DA FORLI Angel with Mandolin (Rome) Photogravure, 1954xlSj4 in $5.00 PAGE 114 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7117. MAUVE, Anton ^o- MAUVE, Anton A Fold of Sheep ^^^^P *^ Photogravure, 10J^x20M in $6.00 Photogravure, 10x2054 in $6.00 BKULIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 115 No. 7218. MENZEL The Embassy Ball (National Gallery, Berlin) ••Facsimile, 20^x25J4 in $35.00 PAGE 116 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BERLIN PTiOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE llf PAGE 118 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2243. MESDAG Return of the Fishing Boats Photogravure, 20x16 in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Folio .1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 119 No. 3658. MEMLING, Hans Mary with the Christ Child (Vienna) Photogravure, 18^x12^ in $5.00 No. 3630. MORETTO, Alessandro St. Justina (Vienna) Photogravure. 19x13^ in $5.00 PACK 120 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COxMPANY No. 7031. MILLAIS, Sir John The Boyhood of Sir Walter Raleigh (Tate Gallery, London) Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 No. 2289. MILLET, Frank D. 9©Q The Love Letter Photogravure, 12x20 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio l-SO Bi.m.lN -FttUTOGJ^APHlC COMPANY PAGE m No. 7032. MILLET, Frank D. Between Two Fires (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 153/^x19^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio . . 1.50 F©0 No. 4501. MILLET, Frank D. Wandering Thoughts Photogravure, 20x16 in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 No. 4570. MILLET, Frank D. The Black Sheep Photogravure, 145^x205^ in $6.00 Carbon Ph otogr aph Folio 1 • 50 PAGE 122 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4859. MOORE, Albert A Summer Nig^ht (Walker Art Gallerj, Liverpool) **FacsimiIe, 12}4x22 in $12.00 Photogravure, 17^x30^ in 15.00 No. 7033. MOORE, Blossoms (Tate Gallery, London ) Photogravure, 20^x 6H in $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 123 No. 4545. MOORE, Albert Reading Aloud (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 15i/^x31 in $15.00 PAGE 124. BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4436. MODERSOHN, Otto^ Tlie Moor Photogravure, 10^x205/^ in $6.00 No. 2041. MOORE, Henry Clearness A fter Ram Photogravure, 20x29 H in ; • • Blue Carbon Photograph Imperial 12.00 5.00 No. 7275. MOORE, Henry St. Albans Race Photogravure, in $6.00 BERLIX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACJi-: 1-25 No. :m. MLLLEK, Larl The Holy Family Photograph Extra $18.00 Photograph Imperial 4.50 Photogravure, 16>^ in. diam 6.00 Photogravure, 9^ in. diam 3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. U46. MULLER, Carl St. Anne with Infant Mary **Facsimile, 19x9 in $15.00 Photogravure, 19x9 in 6.00 Photogravure, 14x6 in 3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Xo. 1447. MULLER, Carl St. Joseph with Infant Jesus In same styles and sizes as No. 1446. PAGE 126 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 1164. MULLER, Carl The Immaculate Conception Photograph Extra ^^^-S Photograph Imperial j-^^ Photogravure, 19x15 J4 in Photogravure, 12x9^4 in 3.50 Photogravure Folio ^'50 No. 1589. MULLER, Carl The Holy Night In same style and sizes as No. 304. (See page 125.) BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 127 PACK 128 BKRLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BKHi.l N I'HO rOGHAPHlC COM PAN N PAGE 129 No. 3003. MURILLO St. Anthony of Padua with the Infant Christ (Berlin) Photogravure, 24x29 in $18.00 Photogravure, 15^x19^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5684. MURILLO St. Anthony of Padua (Berlin) (Detail) Photogravure, 205^x16 in $5.00 No. 5890. MURILLO The Divine Shepherd (Prado) • (DetaU) Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 PAGE 130 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3230. MURILLO Christ and St. John (Also called The Ohildren of the Shell) (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 22^x27 in $15.00 Photogravure, 15x1754 in S.OO Photograph Folio 7S No. 3079. MURILLO The^ ^ssu^i^Uon (St. Petersburg:) Carbon Photograph, 29x21^ in .$15.00 Photogravure, 20x14^ in. 5.00 Photograph Folio .75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 131 No. 3225. MURILLO The Immaculate Conception (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 28^x1 5 J4 in $15.00 Photogravure, 20xl0j4 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 119a. MURILLO The Immaculate Conception (Louvre, Paris) I'hotograph Extra $18.00 Photograph Imperial 4.50 Photogravure, 12^x8^4 in. 3.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 3228. MURILLO The Divine Shepherd (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 275^x25^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 18xl4J4 in . 5.00 Photograph Folio . . . . .75 PACK 132 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3074. MURILLO The Annunciation (St. Petersburg) Photogravure, 12J^xl954 in $3.50 No. 3229. MURILLO St. John the Baptist (Prado, Madrid) Photogravure, 17^x1454 in $5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 133 No. 5897. NATTIER Elisabeth de Bologne (Collection of M. Albert de Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Berlin.) * *i'"acsiu)ile (.limited to 500 copies), 20;4xl5j4 in • • $18.00 PAGE 134 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 5898. NATTIER Madame de Laporte (Collection of M; Gaston Menier, Paris.) •♦Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 20x1554 in $18.00 BKKIJN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 135 No. 40T0. OPPLER, Ernst Moonlight Sonata Photogravure, 13x20 in. Photograph Folio $6.00 1.25 Xo. 2518. NONNENBRUCH, Max Iphigenia Photogravure, 13^x20^ in $6.00 Rarytoprint Folio 2.00 No. 7224. NONNENBRUCH, Max Mary in Nazareth '*Facsimile. 21^x1354 in $12.00 n No. 4361. OVERBECK, Fritz Spring Tacsimile, 12^x20^ in $15.00 No. 2721. ORCHARDSON, William Q. Napoleon on Board the Bellerophon (Tate Gallery, London) Artist's Proof on Japan $48.00 Photogravure, 20x30^ in ; 12.00 Photogravure Folio ;. . . 1.50 Carbon Photograph, 13Vsx20l4 i 5.00 No. 7034. ORCHARDSON, William Q. Her Mother's Voice (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 19 5^x28 in. Carbon Photograph Imperial. Carbon Photograph Folio... .$15.00 . 5.00 . 1.50 BKRLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 137 No. 7125. PALMIK, Chas. Winter in Seefeld **Facsimile, l7S^xl93^ in $12.00 No. 7123. PALMIE, Chas. Morning Stimmung **Facsimile, 1714x22 in $12.00 PAGE 138 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Barytoprint Folio $2.00 No. 2387. PAUWELS, Ferd. Tf Thou Seek Me with all Thy Heart I'hotogi-avure, 13^4x21 in $6.00 I'hotogravure Folio 1-50 No. 40T2. PARSONS, Beatrice Hail, Mary! Photogravure, 19§^xl2i^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio l.SO No. 2524. PARKER, Sybil The Door of the Fold Photogravure, 20^x13 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio l.SO BKKLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 139 No. 5348. del PIOMBO, Sebastian N^o 5922 PESNE, Antoine A Young Roman Woman (Berlin) Frederick the Great ^♦Facsimile, 201-^x16^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 19x15^ in 5.00 **Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 20J^x Photograph Folio 75 15?4 in $18.00 No. 2094. POYNTER, Sir Edward J. A Visit to Aesculapius (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 19x29 in $15.00 Photogravure, 13^4x20^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio l.SO' PAGE 140 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BERLi^N PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 141 PACJK U2 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3856. RAPHAEL Madonna della Sedia (Madonna of the Chair) (Pitti, Florence) Photogravure, 23^4 in. diam $12.00 Photogravure, 16 in. diam 5.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 181a. RAPHAEL • Madonna del Oranduca I' : if. (Pitti, Florence) Photograph Imperial $4.50 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 154a. RAPHAEL St. Cecilia (Bologna) Photogravure, 18j4xll?4 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 143 No. 3152. RAPHAEL The Bearing of the Cross (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 28j4x20j4 in Photogravure, 20x14}^ in .$15.00 . 5.00 No. 5259. RAPHAEL Madonna Colonna (Berlin) **Facsimile, 20^x155^ in $U.OO Photogravure, 18^x13 5^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3859. RAPHAEL Tht Angels of the Sistine Madonna (Dresden) Photogravure, 1154x20)4 Barytoprint Folio .$5.00 . 2.00 !?o. 3146. RAPHAEL The Madonna with the Fish (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 285^x21 J4 in $15.00 Photogravure, 20x15 in 5.00 PACK U4 BKULIX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3006. REMBRANDT No. 3790. REMBRANDT r> . - „. i£ IN Elizabeth Bas Portrait of Himself (Cassel) ,t^.., * . t v (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Photogravure, 5^x4^A in $2.50 Photogravure, 20j4xl5^ in $5.00 No. 3120. REMBRANDT Portrait of His Mother (St. Petersburg) Photogravure, 11^4x9^ in $3.50 No. 3T15. REMBRANDT The Artist's Mother (Vienna) Photogravure, 18x14 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 145 No. 3059. REMBRANDT The Polish Rider (Frick Collection, Pittsburg) Photogravure, 15^x18 in $5.00 1^ No. 3019. REMBRANDT An Architect (Cassel) Photogravure, 20x15 in $5.00 No. 3017. REMBRANDT Nicolaus Bruyningh (Cassel) Photogravure, 18^x15^ in $5.00 PAGE U6 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3041. REMBRANDT The Man with the Golden Helmet (Rembrandt's Brother) (Berlin) "♦Facsimile, 20^xl5i/4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 19^x15^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3023. REMBRANDT Portrait of Himself (Berlin) **FacsImile, 205^x17 in $12.00 Photogravure, 17^x14^ in S.OO Photograph Folio 75 No. 3324. REMBRANDT His Own Portrait (32 Years of Age) (National Gallery, London) Carbon Photograph, 2754x21^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 18x14 5.00 Photograph Folio .75 BKIU.IX PHOTOGHAPHfC COMPANY PAGK 147 No. 3053. REMBRANDT An Old Man with White Beard (Dresden) Photogravure, 1854xl4i4 in $5-00 No. 3133. REMBRANDT Portrait of a Man ("Sobieski") (St. Petersburg) Photogravure, ISj^xlZJ^ in $5.00 PAGE 148 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3045. REMBRANDT .Rembrandt with Saskia on his lap (Dresden) Carbon Photograph, 27i/^x22^ in $15.00 Photogravure, 19x15 ^ in 5.00 No. 3010. REMBRANDT Saskia (Cassel) **Facsimile, 20j4xl6>^ in $12.00 Carbon Photograph, 27^x21^ in 15.00 Photogravure, 19^x15^^ in 5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 149 No. 3773. REMBRANDT The Syndics of the Drapers (Rijksmiiseum, Amsterdam) Carbon Photograph, 33x49 in ' $50.00 Photogravure Double Extra, 33x49 in 30.00 Photogravure, 23^x34^ in 15.00 Photogravure, 14x20^4 in 5.00 No. 3771. REMBRANDT i The Night Watch (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam Carbon Photograph, 34x42 in ; $50.00 Photogravure, 27^x32^^ in 15.00 Photogravure, 16?4x20J^ in 5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BK1U.1N PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACK 151 No. llTa. RENI, Guido Aurora (Rospigliosi Palace, Rome) Carbon Photograph, 19^x48i^ in, $40.00 Photogravure, 141^x35^ in s ■ 12.00 Barvtoprint Imperial 5.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 Photograph Imperial Photograph Folio . . No. 187a. Rji.Nl, Guido Beatrice Cenci (Barberini, Rome) $4.50 1.2S PAGE 152 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 5876. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua Lady Crewe (Earl of Crewe Collection) **Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 19J/2X 15K in $18.00 No. 5875. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua Master Creiue (In the Costume of Henry VIII.) (Earl of Crewe Collection) **FacsimiIe (limited to 500 copies), 19j^x 15J4 in $18.00 T Nos. 3005 and 2773. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua The Duchess of Devonshire (Devonshire Collection, London) Photogravure, 21^4x27 in $15.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 153 No. 187a. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua Infant Samuel (National Gallery, London) Sepiaprint Imperial $4.50 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 188a. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua The Age of Innocence (National Gallery, London) Sepiaprint Imperial $4.50 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 (No. 3766) Photoeiraph Folio 75 No. 118a. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua The Cherub Choir (National Gallery, London) Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 (No. 3765) Photograph Folio 75 Nos. 3373 and 2843. REYNOLDS, Sir Joshua 3Irs. Siddons as the Tragic Muse (Grosvenor House, London) Remarque Proofs (200) $24.00 Photogravure, 195^x12^^ in S.OO PA(;K 154 BhLKf.IX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY Bi'.Kl-lN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 155 No. IITI. RICHTER, G. Queen Louise (Cologne) **Facsimile, 19]4x\2 in $15.00 Photogravure, 34x21 in 18.00 Photogravure, 19^x12 in 6.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 856. RICHTER, Gustav Jairu's Daughter (Natl. Gallery, Berlin) Photograph Extra $18.00 Photograph Imperial 4.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGE 156 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY P(£)Q ; No. 2791. RIVIERE, Briton A Blockade Runner (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure, 17^x12^ in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 No. 3433. RIVIERE, Briton The Empty Chair Photogravure, 14x20 in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4550. RIVIERE, Briton The Magician's Doorway Photogravure, 19^x29^^ in $15.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 157 PAGE 158 BKRI.IX PHOTOGRAPHIC C(>\H\\NY No. 740. ROSENTHAL, Tobey E. Morning Prayers at Sebastian Bach's (Leipzig Museum) Photogravure, 23x34H in $18.00 Photogravure, 14x21 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 liKHLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COiMPANY PACK 159 No. 5558. ROMNEY Lady Abercorn (F. A. Konig Collection, London) Photogravure, 19x1554 in $5.00 No. 5559. R0MNP:Y Mrs. Long (Ed. Simon Collection, Berlin) Photogravure, 19x16^4 in $5.00 PAGE 160 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2TT2. ROSSETTI, D. G. The Blessed Damozel Photogravure, 28^xl5H in., $15.00 Carbonpliotograpli Imperial, $5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 161 $3.0C No. 7038. ROSSETTI. Beat a Beatrix Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 BKULIN PHOrOGIlAPHIC COxMPAXY No. 5271. RUBENS, Peter Paul A Child of the Artist (Berlin) ••Facsimile, 19x15^ in $12.00 Photogravure, 9'/^x7^ in 2.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5780. RUBENS An Old Bishop (Dresden) Photogravure, 16J^xl454 in $5.00 No. 3087. RUBENS Jesus and Simeon (St. Petersburg) Photogravure, 14x19 in $5.00 BKRIJN PHOrOCJKAPHIC COMPANY PAGK 163 No. 5286. RUBENS The Infant Christ with Infant John and Angels (Berlin) ••Facsimile, 15^x20^4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 15>ixl9^ in 5.00 Carbon Photograph, 20 J>^x27^ in 15.00 Photograph Polio 75 No. 3689. RUBENS Portrait of Himself (Vienna) Photogravure, 18^x14 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5535. RUBENS The Sons of the Artist (Liechtenstein Gallery) Photogravure, 19x1 1J4 in $5.00 PAGE 164 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3791. RUYSDAEL, J. The Windmill (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Carbon Photograph, 33i^x43K in $50.00 Photogravure, 23x28 ^4 in 12.00 No. 3134. RUYSDAEL, Jacob A Morass iji a Forest (St. Petersburg) Photogravure, 9J^xl3 in $3.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 165 No. 379x?. RUYSDAEL T\he Waterfall (Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam) Carbon Photograph. 33^<4x47 in Photogravure, 21^x29^ in.. . " '. ' BKKLIN PHOTOGKAPHIC COMPANY BiJiLlX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAOK 167 No. 2484. SADLER, W. Dendy A Cure for Gout Photogravure, 13^x18^4 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio l.SO No. 7039. SADLER, W. Dendy A Good Story (Tate Gallery, London) Photogravure. 11x14^ in $3.50 PAGE 168 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2395. SADLER, W. Dendy Chorus Photogravure, 23^x30 in $15.00 Carbon Photograph Imperial 5.00 Photogravure Folio ; I'SO No. 7220. SADLER, W. Dendy Hostess Mine Artist Proofs (limited to 500 copies) $36.00 Photogravure, 19^x27^ in 15.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 169 PAGE 170 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BKRLIiV PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACK 171 No. 4649. SARGENT, Jolin Singer Joseph Joachim Artist's Proof (Japan), 13x11 in $30.00 Artist's Proof (India) 12.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 7237. LASZLO, P. A. Wilhelm 11. ♦♦Facsimile (limited edition), 14^x11 in. $12. 00 STOKES, Adrian Twilight in the Birches Photogravure, 16^x17^4 in $6.00 Artist's Proofs — In Preparation. No. 2713. SCHEURENBERG, Josef Pleasures of the Sea Photogravure, 12x20 in $6.00 PAGE 172 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3863. SARTO, Andrea del St. John, the Baptist (Pitti, Florence) Photogravure, 20^^x15^ in $5.00 No. 5881. DETAIL HEAD. Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 3374. SARTO Portrait of a Sculptor (Formerly called "The Artist's Own Portrait") (Natl. Gallery, London) Photogravure, 16^x13 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 173 r No. 1795. SINKEL, H. J. The Infant Christ with the IV. Com- mandment Photogravure Folio $1.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 P©0 No. 4230. SINKEr>, H. J. The Prophecy of Simeon "And Thine Own Soul a Sword Shall Pierce" Photogravure, 19^x13 M in $6.00 Photogravure, UHx9H in 3.50 Photograph Folio 1.25 PAGK 174 BERLIX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2311. SPERLING, Heinrich Saved Carbon Photograph $15.00 Photogravure, 14J^x21 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4544. SPERLING, Heinrich Visitors Photogravure, 13^x201/^ in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 No. 4363. SPERLING, Heinrich The Nursery Photogravure, 13j4xl9j4 in $6.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.00 No. 7282. SPERLING, Heinrich The Secret Photogravure, 195^x13^ in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 Bh:ULIX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 175 No. 2247. SPERLING Reveries (Home Comforts Photogravure, 13x201/^ in $6.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 No. 7262. SCHWEITZER, Ad. Autumn 'Facsimile, 14^x22 in $15.00 .Vo. 4387. SCHMITZBERGER, Joseph Autumn Gold ^♦Facsimile, 193/gxl5^ in $15.00 Barytoprint Folio 2.0O No. 72G3. SCHULTE im HOFE, Rud. "Little Sunshine" **Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 13}ix lOH in $10.00 PAGE 176 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 1682. STEFFECK, Carl Queen Louise and Her Tioo Sons (Breslau Museum) Photograph Extra $18.00 Photogravure, 19x14 in 6.00 Photogravure Folio . 1-50 No. 7003. SCHONLEBER, G. Canal in Botterdam Photogravure, 20x15^ in $6.00 No. 4806. SCHONLEBER, G. Making Port Photogravure, ISj^xlPJ^ in $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGli 177 No. 4227. STROBENTZ, Fritz Moonrise Carbon Photograph, 22x24 J4 in $12.00 Photogravure, 16^x19^ in 6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4043. STUCK, Franz Temptation Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4834. STUCK, Franz A Spanish Dancer Carbon Photograph Imperial $5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 9^0 No. 4583. STUCK, Franz Study Head Photogravure. 19J/$xl5^ in $6.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 PAGE 178 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 2585. STULER, Marie No. 3534. SCHROEDTER, Adolf Peace on Earth, ^^^^^^ Good Will to Men (National Gallery, Berlin) Photogravure Folio ......$1.50 Photogravure. 10«8^ in $2.50 No. 2151. STRUDWICK, J. M. Elaine Photogravure, 21x15^ in 6.00 Photograph Extra $18.00 Barytoprmt Folio 2.00 No. 2488. STRUTT, A. W. Live and Let Live Photogravure, 14^x20 in $6.00 Photograph Folio 1.25 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COxMPANY PAGK 179 No. TARBELL, Edmund C. Girl Beading (Boston Museum) In Preparation. No. 5328. TER BORCH, Gerard ^o. 5325. TER BORCH, Gerard The Concert (Berlin) Paternal Advice (BerUn) ••Facsimile, 20x16 in $12.00 Photogravure, WsxlAH in 5.00 Photogravure, 18x1 5 H m $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 Photograph Folio 75 PAGE 180 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4438. THOMA, Hans Bible Lesson Photogravure, 19Hxl4j4 in $6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 181 No. 3162. TITIAN, Tiziano Vecellio Charles V. at the Battle of Muehlberg (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 27^x22^ in tic nn Photogravure, 18x15 in '.' i 5 00 No. 3160. TITIAN Charles V. (Prado, Madrid) Photogravure, 17J4x10J4 in $5.00 No. 3284. TITIAN Madonna, St. John and St. Catherine (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 12j^xl7j^ in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 PAGE 18:^ BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3855. TITIAN Assunta (Academy, Venice) Photogravure, 32x1654 in $12.00 No. 5333. TITIAN A Dcmghter of Roberto 8trozzi (Berlin) **Facsimile, 2054xl7}4 in $12.00 Carbon Photograph, 275^x2254 in 15.00 Photogravure, 19j4xl6i4 in 5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3615. TITIAN Titian's Physician Parma (Vienna) Photogravure, 18J^xl3^ in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 5336. TITIAN The Artist's Daughter Lavinia (Berlin) •♦Facsimile, 19^4x16 in $12.00 Carbon Photograph, 27^x215^ in.. 15.00 Photogravure, 19j4xl5j^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio 7i BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 183 No. 3857. TITIAN Sacred and Profane Love (Borghese Gallery, Rome) Photogravure, Uy^x2,2y4, in $12.00 No. 3004. TITIAN The Tribute Money (Dresden) No. 5335. TITIAN Portrait of Himself (Berlin) Photogravure, 25^x19^ in. Photogravure, 18.34x14 in.... .$15.00 , 5.00 Photogravure. 18^x14^^ Photograph VoWo $5.00 , .75 Photogravure, No. 3635. TINTORETTO (CaUed II Robusti) Father and Son (Vienna) l7%xl37A in .$5.00 PAGK 184 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3898. TURNER, J. M. W. The Fighting Temeraire (National Gallery, London) Sepiaprint Imperial $4.50 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3356. TURNER The Death of Nelson on Board the "Victory" (Trafalgar, 1805) (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 1254x17^4 in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 4861. TUAILLON The Amazon (Berlin) Photogravure, ISj'gxllJ^ in $3.50 BEhLlN IMlU'lUGUAPHIC COMPANY PACK 185 No. 2697. UHDE, Fritz von ^'^'^ The Sermon on the Lake Photogravure, 153^x20^ in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 p©a No. 2424. UHDE, Fritz von Holy Eve Photogravure, 16x20 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGE 186 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3295. VELASQUEZ, Don Diego Philip IV., King of Spain (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 10x8^ Photograph Folio .... ,$2.50 . .75 No. 3650. VELASQUEZ Infanta Maria Theresa (About 12 years old) (Vienna) **Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 17;^x UYa in $18.00 Photogravure, 17^x13^ in 5.00 Photograph Folio .75 No. 3184. VELASQUEZ The Surrender of Breda {Las Lanzas) (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 23%x27% in $15.00 Photogravure, 15J^xl8^ in 5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 187* No. 3649. VELASQUEZ Infanta Maria Theresa (4-5 Years Old) (Vienna) Photogravure, 16^x13'% in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3214. VELASQUEZ Aesop (Prado, Madrid) Photogravure, 18x914 in $5.00 No. 3185. VELASQUEZ The King's Family {Las Menias) (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 26^x2Z% in $15.00 Photogravure, 17^x15^4 in S.OC PAGE 188 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3193. VELASQUEZ Don Balthazar Carlos (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 26^^x22 in $15.00 Photogravure, 15^x13 in 5.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGi. 189 No. 3186. VELASQUEZ The Spinners (Las Hilanderas) (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 211^4x28^ in $15.00 Photogravure. 15x20 in 5.00 No. 3196. VELASQUEZ Philip IV. in Hunting Costume (Prado, Madrid) Photogravure, 18x1154 in $5.00 No. 3182. VELASQUEZ The Drinkers {Los Borrachos) (Prado, Madrid) Carbon Photograph, 20y2x2Sl4 in $15.00 Photogravure, 14x19^4 in 5.00 No. 3190. VELASQUEZ The Crucifixion (Prado, Madrid) Photogravure, 17j4xl2 in $5.00 PAGE 190 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3291. VERONESE, Paolo St. Helena's Vision {The Invention of the Cross) (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, 18x10}^ in $5.00 Photograph Folio 75 No. 3256. VERROCCHIO Madonna (National Gallery, London) Photogravure, ISJ^xlO in $3.50 Photograph Folio JS BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 191 BKUIJN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 7265. VORGANG, Paul The Black Pool 'Facsimile, 13}^x22 in $15.00 BKHIJN PHOTOdnAPlIIC COMPANY PA(JK 193 1 P©Q No. 2313. WATERLOW The Nursery Carbon Photograph, 19J4x30 in Photogravure, 14x21 in Photogravure Folio PAGE 194 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 3397. WATTEAU, J. A. The Sign of the Picture Dealer Gersaint I. (German Emperor Collection) Photogravure, 15^x14 in $5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 No. 3398. WATTEAU, J. A. The Sign of the Picture Dealer Gersaint II. (German Emperor Collection) Photogravure, 15j4xl4j^ in $5.06 Carbon Photosraph Folio 1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 195 No. 5931. WATTEAU, Jean Antoine The Nymph with the Sun Flower (Collection Maurice de Rothschild, Paris) facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 14^xl9J^ in $18.00 No. 3402. WATTEAU, J. A. No. 3403. WATTEAU, J. A. The Young Dancer The Departure for Cythera (German Emperor Collection) (German Emperor Collection) Photogravure, 9j4xl2j4 in , $3.50 Photogravure, 13}^xl9?4 in $5.00 Carbon Photograph Folio 1.50 PAGl^: 196 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY F©0 No. 7122. WILLE, Fritz von The Old Mill **Facsimile, 17^x21 in $12.00 No. 4576. WENTSCHER, J. Old Pine on the Sea Shore ■Facsimile, lli^x21 in $12.00 No. 2804. WERESTCHAGIN, Wassili Before Moscow Photogravure, 1954xlS§^ in $6.00 Photogravure. 12^x9^ in 3.50 P.©G. No. 2805. WERESTCHAGIN, Wassili At the Kremlin Photogravure, 19 x 15^ in $6.00 Photogravure, Uy^^Sy^ in 3.50 BKRLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGK 197 No. 7273. WHISTLER Thomas Carlyle (Glasgow) ^Facsimile (limited to 500 copies), 18^x 15M in $18.00 No. 7048. WHISTLER Battersea Bridge (Tate Gallery, London) Proofs without letters on Japan Tissue (500 copies), 10^4x14^ in $12.00 PAGE 198 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 1620. WERNER, A. von The Capitulation of Sedan Photogravure, 225^x33 in. $18. 00 Photogravure, 14^x20J^ in. 6.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACJI-. 199 PAGE 200 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PORTRAITS Our complete Portrait Catalog, containing over 500 subjects, will be mailed on request free of charge. No. 279. LISZT Lenbach Photogravure, 16% x 13 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2871. BEETHOVEN Stieler Photogravure, 18 x 14J4 in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 278. WAGNER Lenback Photogravure, 16?^ x 13 in $6.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2980. CHOPIN After Ary Schelfer Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4625. SCHUMANN From the only authentic Daguerreotype, drawn by J. Philipp Photogravure, 133^xl0^ in $3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4350. MOZART Drawn from life by Doris Stock Photogravure Folio $1.50 BKIU.IX PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACI'", 201 PAGb: '202 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 4353. GLUCK Duplessis Photogravure, 17%xl4ys in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4623 MENDELSSOHN Vernet Photogravure, 18i/^xl4J^ in $5.00 Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 2995. GRIEG Werenskiold Photogravure Folio $1.59 No. 4700 HUGO WOLF From Life, drawn by John Philipp Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8076. BACH Ihle ( Bach Museum, Edsenach) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4748 TSCHAIKOWSKY Katsch Photogravure Folio $1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 203 No. 4736. HAENDEL Hudson Drawn by Farago Photogravure, 18j4xl5j4 in $5.00 No. 2960 MEYERBEER Richter Photogravure Folio. . . .$1.50 No. 4786. HAYDN Hoppner Photogravure Folio . . . .$1.50 No. 4687 HUMPERDINCK (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4355. BERLIOZ (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4737 RICHARD STRAUSS Drawn by Farago Photogravure Folio $1.50 PAGE 204 bh:rlin photogkaphic company No. 4429. FRANKLIN Duplessis Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4645 WASHINGTON Stuart Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4627. HAMILTON iTrumbull Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4795. CLAY (From a daguerreotype) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4637. LINCOLN Marshall Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4790 GENERAL GRANT (By an Unknown Master) Photogravure Folio $1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACJR 205 No. 4184. TjiNNYSON Berkomer Photogravure, 13x9^4 in $3.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 2946. CARLYLE Millais Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4609. RUSKIN (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 2934 SCHILLER (1791) Graf Photogravure, 17j4xl354 in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4301. TOLSTOI REPIN Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 2917 GOETHE (1828) Slibler (Pinakothek, Munich) Photogravure, 17J4xl45^ in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 PAGh 206 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY .. -J No. 4401 EMMERSON (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8008 STEVENSON (Drawn by Spence) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8067 LONGFELLOW (From life) Photogravure Folio $1.S# No. 4740 WHITMAN (From life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8025 POE (From a daguerreotype drawn by Gentz) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4781 SHAKESPEARE (The Chandos Portrait) Photogravure, 15^4x12^ in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGR 207 No. 8075 HAWTHORNE Smith Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4T89. RACINE (By an Unknown Master) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4745 VOLTAIRE Hondon Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 1599. LESSING Tischbein Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8027 HEINE (1842) (Drawn from life by Diez) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 2927. BYRON WestcUl Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 2970. DARWIN (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4669. HAECKEL (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4342. KOCH (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 8023 MOMMSEN Lenbach Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4724. PASTEUR (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 / No. 8003. ROENTGEN (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PACE 209 No. 4753 SCHOPENHAUER Gdbel Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 475 T. LEIBNIZ (By an Unknown Master) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4418. KANT Ddbler Pliotogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4611. SPENCER (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4(j99. NIETZSCHE (From Photo, from Life Drawn ])y John Philipp) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 4610. HUXLEY (Photo, from life) Photogravure Folio $1.50 PAGE ^210 BKRLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY No. 8010. CROMWELL (By an Unknown Master) Photogravure Folio $1.50 No. 7042 NAPOLEON I Vernet Photogravure, 19^4 x 16 in $5.00 Photogravure Folio 1.50 No. 4655. NELSON Abbott Photogravure Folio.... 1.50 Photogravure Folio $1.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Photogravure Folio 1.50 Fine Art Monographs and Portfolios HE PHOTOGRAVURE illustrations in the following publications are all of the finest quality, directly reproduced from the original paintings. Full particulars regarding any of these publications will be furnished on application. THE HERMITAGE OF ST. PETERSBURG 84 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, in portfolio - - - -$250.00 THE MUSEO DEL PRADO OF MADRID 110 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, in portfolio - _ - - 350.00 THE NATIONAL GALLERY, LONDON 108 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, in portfolio - _ _ _ 350.00 THE IMPERIAL GALLERY (THE BELVEDERE) AT VIENNA 122 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, in portfolio - - - _ 400.00 THE GALLERY OF THE ROYAL MUSEUMS, BERLIN (Emperor Frederick Museum) 153 Photogravures printed on toned etching paper, in portfolio - _ - 400.00 THE REMBRANDTS OF THE GALLERY AT CASSEL 17 Photogravures after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plate, limited to tweiily-five copies, stamped and numbered, in })ortfolio, all sold - - 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on Japanese paper, in portfolio _ _ _ 75.00 THE REMBRANDTS OF THE BERLIN MUSEUM 18 Photogravures after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plate, limited to fifty copies, printed on Japanese paper, stamped and numbered, in portfolio 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on toned etching paper, in portfolio - - 75.00 THE REMBRANDTS OF THE DRESDEN GALLERY 16 Photogravures after Rembrandt's original paintings. Edition de Luxe, the first proofs taken from the plates, limited to fifty copies, printed on handmade paper, stamped and numbered, in portfolio, complete 125.00 Popular Edition, printed on toned etching paper, in portfolio - - 75.00 THE MASTERPIECES OF GROSVENOR HOUSE 15 Photogravures of famous paintings in the possession of the Duke of West- minster, and printed on handmade paper, in cover, complete - - - 50.00 MASTERPIECES OF FRENCH ART IN THE XVIII. CENTURY 27 Photogravures of the paintings in possession of the German Emperor, and printed on handmade paper, in portfolio ------ 80.00 PAGE 212 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY MASTERPIECES OF THE LUXEMBOURG 26 Photogravures of the paintings in the Musee du Luxembourg, Paris, in port- folio 100.00 THE BRUNSWICK GALLERY Edited by Director Hermakx Riegel 100 Photogravures, Folio size, about 7x9 inches, in portfolio _ _ - 100.00 Edition de Luxe --------- 125.00 DURER and HOLBEIN The Pictures of Durer and Holbeix ik the Royal Museum, Berlin 11 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, in cover _ _ _ _ 30.00 PEETER BRUEGHEL, The Elder The Pictures of Brueghel, the elder, in the Imperial Gallery at Vienna 11 Photogravures printed on toned etching paper, with a brief German text hj Max J. Friedlaender, in cover - - 30.00 PORTRAITS BY SIR HENRY RAEBURN 12 Photogravures, on Japan, limited and numbered, in portfolio - - _ 65.00 PORTRAITS BY ANTON GRAFF 25 Photogravures, in portfolio - -- -- -- - 20.00 THE GHENT ALTAR-PIECE By Hubert and Jan van Eyck Published for the first time in uniform size — three-tenths of the original — from the original paintings in Ghent, Brussels and Berlin. 20 Photogravures with two Keys, printed on toned etching paper, in portfolio, complete - - - - - - - - - - 120.00 The same framed after a model of the original frame in Ghent on view at our Show-Rooms. Popular edition in small size, complete ------ 3.00 THE WORK OF EDWARD BURNE-JONES 91 Photogravures printed on handmade paper, (limited edition), in portfolio, complete - -- -- -- -- -- 325.00 Edition de Luxe, printed on China paper, (limited to 200 copies), in special portfolio, complete - - - - - - - 650.00 SECESSION 60 Photogravures, after paintings and studies of Modern German Artists. Average size of plates, 5x7 inches. Edition de Luxe, on Japan paper, each plate signed by the artist, limited to 100 copies, in leather portfolio 90.00 Print Edition, on India paper, in handsome portfolio - - - 35.00 NAPOLEON I. IN RUSSIA 15 Photogravures, measuring about 12x9^ inches, from the original paintings by W. Werestchagin, in portfolio, complete > _ - - - 20.00 MODERN HOLLAND ART 36 Photogravures, in portfolio - - - - - - - 125.00 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY PAGE 213 DEUTSCHE KUNST This work is published in eight parts, each containing about a dozen large photogravure plates, the part 36.00 Single parts as well as single prints can be supplied. Among the painters represented are: Boecklin Feuerbach Menzel Leibl Magnus Von Uhde Liebermann Thoma Schwind Klinger, etc., etc. PETER vox CORNELIUS Cartoons of the Frescoes of the Glyptothek in Munich. From the original > in the National Gallery at Berlin. 14 numbers, published in extra size, complete _ _ _ _ _ 100.00 14 Folio Photographs, in portfolio 10.00 Single numbers in extra size, $15.00 each; in Imperial, $4.00 each; Folio size, $1.00 each. Cartoons of the Hoitekzollerx Tomb (Campo Santo) From the originals in the National Gallery at Berlin 17 numbers published in extra size, complete in portfolio, $150.00; single num- bers, $12.00 each. 9 numbers published in folio size, in portfolio _____ 10.00 POSTHUMOUS WORKS BY ALFRED RETHEL Photographs from original drawings 32 numbers in Imperial size, at - - - - - - each 2.50 50 numbers in Folio size, at - ----- - - each 1.00 The complete work in portfolio 90.00 THE LIECHTENSTEIN GALLERY IN VIENNA 48 Photogravures on handmade paper, in portfolio, complete _ _ _ li^O.OO PRIVATE GERMAN GALLERIES 29 Photogravures after paintings in the private galleries of members of the Kaiser Friedrich Museums Verein, in portfolio, complete _ _ _ 80.00 VELASQUEZ By Aureliano de Beruete. German translation by Valerian von Loga, with an Etching by Leon Bonnat and 63 Photogravures. Edition de Luxe, 25 copies on Japan paper, bound in old Spanish Parchment _-_--_--_- 175.00 Library Edition, 275 copies on handmade paper, in artistic binding, with Parchment back and corners - - - - - - 70.00 GERMAN COMPOSERS 12 Photogravures of authentic portraits, in cover, complete - - - 10.00 FACSIMILES AFTER THE OLD MASTERS 24 Facsimiles from originals in the Berlin Museum, in portfolio, complete - 240.00 EXHIBITION OF OLD ENGLISH ART (Royal Academy, Berlin, 1908) 48 Photogravures, before letters. Edition de Luxe, No. 1-150, on Japan paper, in Parchment portfolio, complete ___--_----_ 80.00 Library Edition, No. 151-500, on etching paper, in portfolio, complete 40.00 THE DRESDEN GALLERY 100 Photogravures, on handmade paper, in portfolio, complete _ _ _ 250.00 PAGE 214 BERLIN PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY BRITISH PORTRAIT PAINTING To the opening of the XIX. Century by M. H. Spielman, F. S. A. In two volumes, large quarto, containing over 200 pages of letterpress, printed in red and black, initials, and decorations specially selected from choice examples; adorned with 131 photogravure plates. The Edition is strictly limited as follows: 50 Copies, numbered 1 to 50, printed throughout on handmade Japanese Paper specially manufactured for this work at Tokio, bound in full vellum, gilt tooled, the Frontispiece in each volume a photogravure plate in colors 320.OO 300 Copies, numbered 51 to 350, printed on handmade Van Gelder Paper specially prepared for this work, the Photogravures printed on India Paper, bound in half vellum, gilt tooled, lettered, cloth sides, white ends. - 160.00 26 Copies, lettered A to Z, for Presentation only. No further copies will be printed; the plates will be destroyed, and the type distributed. FRENCH ART OF THE XVIII. CENTURY (French Text) A selection of photogravures after the works exhibited at the Royal Academy OF Arts ik Berlin. Text by Dr. Seidel, Director of the Hohenzollern Museum. The edition offered for sale is strictly limited as follows: 55 Copies, numbered, printed throughout on handmade Japanese Paper, and bound in antique French leather, at the price of - - - - 160.00 345 Copies, numbered, printed on handmade Van Gelder Paper, the plates on toned etching paper, bound in half parchment, at the price of - - 80.00 MASTERPIECES OF AMERICAN PAINTING A selection of 55 Photogravures after paintings exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts ik Berlin, 1910. With an introduction by Christian Brinton. 50 Numbered copies on handmade Japanese Paper, with an original etching by Joseph Pennell, "New York from Brooklyn Bridge" as a frontispiece, bound in leather, subscription price 125.00 300 Numbered copies on handmade Dutch Paper, bound in half -parchment, sub- scription price ------- - - 60.00 The subscriptions will be entered in rotation. The price will be advanced immediately after the book is published. 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