Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcolle00chri_22 ■P' vV C -A_T-A_IL-,OGTX:B OF THE COLLECTION OF PORCELA1 OBJECTS OF ART, AND ©lb English Decorative jfumtture, OF R. B. ADDERLEY, ESQ. Sold in consequence of his giving up his Residence, MICKLEM HALL, .OXFORD ; AND A FEW ORIENTAL O B J" 33 O T S, THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Mr. STEVENS, of Clapham: WHICH IHill be Solti tig &uctt0n hg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TKKIR G&EAT EOOUfS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, -S'. IF. I 2ViVf< CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. 1Y. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. NANKIN PORCELAIN. 1 An oviform hawthorn jar, with blossom in white on blue ground— 81 in. high ytr*' 2 Another, painted with utensils in three medallions on hawthorn/ ground—8f in. high 1 3 A pair of square-shaped bottles, painted with marine and flowering plants, and insects 4 A globular Nankin blue and white jardiniere, with utensils in medal- -. * ✓ y* lions on hawthorn ground 5 A smaller ditto, with figures and landscapes in compartments,^^**-*^ 6 Another, with utensils and birds in landscapes in four medallion; and a globular bowl, with emblems vy 7 An old' Nankin beaker, with rocky river scenes, buildings and figures 1 8 A tall vase, with fir tree, flowers and foliage in blue on white ground i 'u 9 Two small sprinklers, painted with plants ; a pair of small v^ses; a a beaker ; a jug, with figures ; and a bottle X 10 Two small tea-pots and covers; a milk-jug and cover ; basin; five ^yg^y-e^" cups and saucers; and three willow-pattern tankards , x 11 Sixteen plates, with various designs 13 2 4 / //y ^ VI Five round dishes, with figures, buildings and fir trees; and one with a garden scene and geese; two smaller dishes ; and three plates / /& • ° 13 A circular dish, with a rapid river and numerous figures; arnd/me, with baskets of flowers and border of ornaments t 14 Five Nankin octagonal dishes, with landscapes; a pair of sajice- tureens, covers and stands ; and a sauce-boat ^ ^ 15 A Nankin porcelain dinner service, with flowers, foliage and circular /J> £ .6 ornaments in blue, consisting of two tureens, covers and stands, four sauce ditto and three stands, four salt-cellars, eighteen oval dishes, two round ditto, four leaf-shaped ditto, twenty-nine dinner-plates, nineteen soup ditto, and twenty-one smaller platj ENAMELLED CHINESE PORCELAIN. , & /* 2 * ° 2s rf 16 A circular powdered blue dish, enamelled with plants in five medal¬ lions-—11 in. diam. ; and one, nearly similar 17 Six plates, enamelled with flowering plants in pink and green; four other plates ; and a small dish, nearly similar 18 A pair of plates, with ladies and attendants on gilt ground; a pair, 2s » 2* • O , O 2s* 2 , & Id * / 2 6 with vases of fruit and flowers ; and a pair of OctagonaL famille rose plates 19 Three plates, with a river scene and figure ; a pair, with buildings j five others ; and a dish, with flowering plants //rZst 20 A pair of large circular dishes, with flowering plants; and a smaller dish, similar * L * J . 21 Five plates, enamelled with flowers; two, with figures; and six other Oriental plates 22 A pair of oviform jars, enamelled with dragons and flames in nreen and red —pierced and carved wood covers and stands 23 A hexagonal-shaped vase, enamelled with figures and utensils; and a large bowl and cover, with figures in landscapes and flowers 24 A large tankard, with lizard handle, enamelled with a river scene and figures in blue borders, and flowers on gold ground C^sc^u,stsHy^ 5 A large bowl, cover and stand, with birds, fish and plants in green, red and gold A pair of cylindrical vases, enamelled with equestrian and other figures, and mounted with metal-gilt A beaker, enamelled with utensils and band of ornaments A vase and cover, enamelled with birds and foliage in medallions, in yellow borders with arabesques in colours A pair of Nankin vases and covers, with dragons, flames ami plants * on red and blue ground * ’ ' A pair of large vases and covers, enamelled with geese, flowers and utensils on blue ground 31 A circular old Japan dish, painted with birds and arabesque foliage in blue and red, and with a coat-of-arms—13 in. diam.—from the Combe Collection ; a smaller dish, with flowers ; and two/ smaller ditto < O 32 A pair of ditto plates, with fish ; one, with dark blue and gold panels ij, five others, of different patterns ; and a shaving dish O 33 A set of Chinese carved ivory chessmen, on stems with concentric • balls f forzfc7 zr-ixJ DELFT AND OTHER FAIENCE. 34 A large circular dish, with figures in panels ; and eight plates, blue / decoration of different patterns 35 A large deep dish, painted with a river scene and wild fowl, and^^ •] panels with utensils, &c. on the border—19 in. diam. 36 A set of three vases and covers, and a pair of beakers, with blue decoration ; and a smaller pair of vases and covers, similar 37 A blue and white figure of a kylin, in imitation of old Nankin; and a pair of globular pharmacy jars, on feet 38 A set of three small vases and covers, and a pair of beakers, with blue decoration ; and a ewer, with arabesques C B 3 6 {39 An oviform vase, with flowers in bine ; a pharmacy jar ; and a pair ✓ of vases and covers, with coat-of-arms << ^40 A pair of grotesque figures of musicians ; a pair of salt-cellars, with monkeys ; and a pair of pepper-casters /£. 6 41 A faience figure of a giraffe, a dromedary, an elephant, a bear ; and five others ^9 /* /A/ 41a Three figures of dogs ; three cows; a donkey ; ftmr birds; and a hare 12 O * ' ^ 42 A jug, formed as a figure of a man ; two smaller figures ; a pair of mendicants ; a Fulham ware group of two figures ; and a pair of peasants JV 8 /43 A pair of Marseilles faience candlesticks, of Louis XV. design, /, /Af, y painted in colours ; and a faience tankard, with coloured flowers r44 A fluted faience vase, with arabesque foliage in colours / A/'t£ 45 An oviform two-handled faience vase, painted with a portrait, Cupids and arabesques A. a; O 46 A tall ewer, painted with Romeo and Juliet and a female head in two medallions, and with Cupids, masks and arabesques in grisaille on dark blue ground—56 in. high 47 A circular majolica dish, painted with The Triumph of Silenus— / 15£ in. diam. ; and an abruzzo dish, with the Death of Adonis // . —15 in. diam. < ^ O /48 A Caffaggiola dish, painted with arabesques, and with raised centre with portrait of a lady—18 in. diam. PORCELAIN. M/, /> */ . O 49 A pair of Sevres custard-cups and covers, painted with flowers and blue lines on the border ; and a turquoise and gold coffee-cup and ' saucer, with Cupids 50 A pair of vases and covers, with figures in gilt scroll borders ; and a ' larger vase and cover, with flowers 51 A two-handled vase, encrusted with coloured flowers; a pair of ditto * bottles ; a small cup, with flowers in slight relief; and a Chinese^ bowl and cover 7 0 52 A Dresden equestrian figure of Augustus Rex—10^ in. high -r o 53 Winter : a group of children ; and a group of lovers t^#*^^** 2 O 54 Two pairs of figures of a lady and gentleman ; a pair of small ditto ; and a bullfinch on a stump S& 7 ? 55 A lady with a flute; and a gentleman with a drum —a 'pair — 12 in. high A /-* cpL. 9 56 A youth with bag-pipes ; and a lady—a pair ; and a group of ^fwo /* figures ? 57 A pair of groups of lovers ; and the toilet—a group ^ £ 58 A set of four figures, with musical instruments; and a lady^; and gentleman—a pair —smaller P * * r x? ENGLISH PORCELAIN. * 59 A pair of old Worcester large two-handled cups, covers and saucers, with alternate dark blue and gold bands i O 60 A ditto bowl, cover and stand, with Japanese decoration / ^ O 61 Two ditto mugs, with foliage in blue and gold. o 62 Three Worcester basins, with flowers and birds in blue ; a blue and white tea-pot and cover, milk-jug and cover, and large printed tankard (l cP 63 A Rockingham ewer, green, white and gold, with flowers in relief; a pair of blue and white vases, painted with views; a beaker, with Dr. Syntax ; and a jug, with flowers O 64 A large Lowestoft bowl, painted the Masonic emblems in colours and gold, dark blue and gold bands on the border—15 in. cliam. ; and an ironstone bowl, with flowers in colours / -r-t €f/^ f ^ 65 A crown Derby Sevres-pattern dessert service, painted with bouquets of flowers and blue lines on the borders, consisting of centre dish, on tripod stand two circular, two square-shaped and four ov^l dishes, and twenty plates 8 CHELSEA. /' /J / & or; All oval dish, painted with birds and foliage; and two plates, with „ , fruit /y ^ ; ' /0 /O fjj a pair of oval dishes, painted with flowers, and with raised foliage J L and fruit on the borders J'* /* .0 68 A pair of fluted leaf-shaped dishes, painted with flowers Jy j 4 ° 09 Seven plates, with shaped borders, painted with flowers *2 / Z , & 70 A scroll-shaped vase, painted with birds and flowers, in raised greem and gold scroll borders—84- in. high // ^' /l1 BOXES AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. A watch, in case of Burmese enamel, on pelican stem and round A foot, painted with classical subjects ^ '1 z./s-,o 72 A small silver benetier, pierced and chased with arabesque figures ; and a group of the Virgin and Child in relief; and a small silver (J>\ ^ group of a charioteer v H / C 73 a small oblong Dutch silver casket, embossed with hunting subjects, ^ scrolls, &c. /'/ 0 74 An oblong ditto box, with pastoral scenes ; and a small model of a caravan, with a child t2 / . d 75 A shell-shaped box, the lid inlaid with a plaque of Mocoa agate; and one, the lid chased in the style of Louis XV. Z-i.o 76 An oblong Dresden porcelain snuff-box, painted with bouquets qLr> ^ flowers, and figures inside the lid, mounted with chased gold ts&ty Z * Z> , O 77 a ditto, of Dresden enamel, painted with Venus and Adonis; and / one, with two figures inside the lid Z * ® , 0 78 An oblong Battersea enamel box, with flowers and raised white scrolls; a circular fluted ditto, with Chinese figures; and Bilston enamel patch-box / . 79 A circular tortoiseshell snuff-box, with a miniature of a lady in hat 4 ^ and feathers on the lid; and an octagonal shaped Wedgwood^^y scent-bottle, with classical figures 9 OLD ENGLISH DECORATIVE FURNITURE, Etc. ^ 80 An old English clock, in square brass case, with engraved brass and white metal dial, and with pierced and engraved brass ornament^^^ 7 81 An old English time-piece, in wood case with bracket, painted with flowers ° 82 A clock, by C. H. Osmond, Oxford, in carved oak case O 83 A white satin coverlet, embroidered with flowers in coloured silks o 84 A Sheraton folding card table, of octagonal shape, of inlaid satin and rose wood, the top painted with a musical trophy, laurel and C arabesques 85 A small oval satin-wood table, with rose-wood border, on pillar, and / tripod—20 in. wide 0 86 A small circular mahogany table, on tripod with shelf beneath, and brass galleries—11 in. diam 0 87 An oviform open mahogany wine cooler, on tripod stand with metal lining, and gilt pendant chains 88 A small oval-shaped-three tier marqueterie stand, with metal-gilt borders and gallery 89 A kidney-shaped mahogany table, on legs with pierced stretcher— 29 in. wide 90 A marqueterie chest of four drawers, with writing slide, inlaid with arabesque foliage—37 in. wide ^ 91 A pair of Chippendale mahogany arm-chairs, with open carved backs, curved arms and legs, carved with foliage, the seats covered with ✓ crimson velvet a 92 A settee, nearly similar, the back and seat covered with woollen damask <* ^ & 93 An old English mahogany small arm-chair, with carved borders, the x back, arms, and seat covered with flowered tapestry UA 0 94 A large ditto arm-chair, similarly carved, with square-shaped back, and seat covered with green morocco leather and studded with, brass nails 10 95 A Chippendale mahogany arm-chair, on carved legs, covered en / suite // / 0 * 96 A set of six mahogany chairs and two arm-chairs, with open rail backs, slightly carved and fluted, the seats covered with green morocco leather J. j. V A Chippendale mahogany small arm-chair, with open shield-shaped back carved with wheat ears and inlaid, the seat covered with flowered pink and white silk tT. o 98 99 An old English small arm-chair, with open shield back painted with flowers on white ground, and with rush seat. M. / .£> J.y. & 100 ^ • /£. O 101 A small old English mahogany sofa, with slightly curved arms and fluted legs, the back and seat stuffed, and covered with green rep A Sheraton mahogany chair, with low back and arms, painted with flowers, and covered with crimson rep An upright mirror, with bevelled edges, in mahogany frame with carved and gilt borders and scroll-shaped top—56 in. higli^AO in. wide —outside measurement m. S',/* , o 102 ,o 103 An old English clock, by T. S. Barwell, in upright oak case carved with dolphins, foliage and ornament—86 in. high if/H A revolving library arm-chair, of black oak, with round open back carved with flowers and foliage in relief, velvet seat * 0~jTV 104 A large oak arm-chair, of Tudor design, the back carved with a grotesque mask and foliage, the borders carved, green yqlvet seat /, A o 105 /* / , o 106 J, A?W07 Another, with open back carved with a mask and borders of orna ment, the seat covered with crocodile skin An old English oak cradle, with hood, carved with the Tudor rose, foliage and other ornament in relief An old English square oak table, with carved border, on turned legs with stretcher—36 in. square 11 108 , & 47 109 ,a 10 0 111 ^ 112 ^H3 114 , o fj^llS y no *p 117 T 118 /l!9 A walnut-wood secretary, with inlaid borders, fall-down front enclosing drawers and cupboard, and four drawers beneath— 42 in. wide t An old English oak secretary, with fall-down front, carved with * grotesque dolphins in relief, and drawers beneath—36 in. widorPt** 1 ^-* y A massive knee-hole secretary, of black oak, with cylinder front, writing slide, and six drawers beneath, a cabinet with folding doors and sliding front above, carved with birds, dolphins, mask and other ornament in relief —66 in. high, 54 in. wide An oak dresser, with three drawers and high back with open shelves, mounted with brass handles and > escutcheons—76 in. high 73 in. wide ; and an oak stool / / An oblong-shaped mahogany show table, with glazed rising top and sides, mounted with metal-gilt—32 in. wide A mahogany commode, with three drawers, and fluted columns at the angles, mounted with headings and gallery of metal-gilt—/ 50 in. wide An upright show cabinet, of semicircular form, white and gold, with glazed door and sides enclosing shelves, surmounted by a veined pink marble slab with metal-gilt gallery—58 in. high , 27 / wide A three-leaf folding screen, of gilt leather, painted with a gardep^ scene and ladies feeding swans—5 ft. 10 in. high // A four-leaf ditto, painted with a sea piece and vessels in mono- - chrome—5 ft. 10 in. high A large four-leaf folding screen, with panels of gilt leather, painted Jhj -— with garden scenes, figures and flowers in arabesque foliage borders —6 ft. 3 in. high Another, painted with a Japanese landscape, figures, buildings and / trees —6 ft. 6 in. high “ Dolci Parole ” a marble statuette of a girl, by C. Lapini, 1895 —32 in. high—on circular fluted pedestal of lizard serpentine, with revolving top 12 ^ ^120 “Ingresso al Bagno” : a group of a girl and youth —on spirally fluted pedestal of the same p 121 A Chinese lac cabinet, with animals, birds, &c., with folding doors enclosing drawers, mounted with engraved metal-gilt—30 in. high, 35 in. wide —on boldy carved and pierced wood stand/^h V', 122 A Flemish cabinet, of ebony and rose-wood, of architectural design, /0-/o * * with three doors and drawer beneath, with Ionic columns, lions’ll masks and fluted borders, on turned legs with stretcher—72 in high, 42 in. wide The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late MR. STEVENS , of Clapliam. 123 A Chinese Cabinet, the upper part consisting of divisions with -/