1842 Apr.25 StRoW e.2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/strawberryhillre01 robi ' * . ** «* i* * «p STRAWBERRY HILL, THE RENOWNED SEAT OF HORACE WALPOLE. MR. GEORGE ROBINS IS HONOURED BY HAVING BEEN SELECTED BY THE EARL OF WALDEGRAVE, TO SELL BY PUBLIC COMPETITION, THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL, AND IT MAY FEARLESSLY BE PROCLAIMED AS THE MOST DISTINGUISHED GEM THAT HAS EVER ADORNED THE ANNALS OF AUCTIONS. IT IS DEFINITELY FIXED FOR MONDAY, the 25th Day of APRIL, 1842, AND TWENTY-THREE FOLLOWING DAYS (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED), And within will be found a repast for the Lovers of Literature and the Fine Arts, of which bygone days furnish no previous example, and it would be in vain to contemplate it in times to come. The Catalogue (at Is- each) will admit Four Persons to the Public View, and be a passport to the Purchaser throughout the Sale ; they may he had at “ Galignani’s Journal,” in Paris; of Mr. I. A. G. Weigel, of Leipsic ; at Strawberry Hill ; at the Auction Mart ; and at Mr. GEORGE ROBINS Offices, Covent Garden. The Private view will commence on the 28 th Hay of March, and the Public will be admitted on Monday, April 4th. It is particularly requested, that the Visitors at Strawberry Hill will refrain from touching or displacing the Articles. CONDITIONS OF SALE. FIRST. The highest bidder is to be the purchaser, and if any dispute arise be¬ tween two or more bidders, the lot so disputed is to be immediately put up again and re-sold. SECOND. The purchasers to give in their names and places of abode, and pay a deposit of five shillings in the pound, if required, and in default of which the lot or lots so purchased, are to be put up again and re-sold. THIRD. As it is presumed a true and correct description is given of each lot throughout the sale, on no account, whatever, shall any objection be made to take any lot either from a supposed mis-description, or other¬ wise ; but the purchasers shall pay for the lot at the price it may be knocked down at notwithstanding any error or mis-statement, without any allowance or abatement whatever. All lots to be absolutely cleared away at the purchasers’ expense, by the 24th day of May inclusive. FOURTH. As this auction is made on condition of prompt payment, the remainder of the purchase-money must absolutely be paid on or before the de¬ livery of the lots, which, however, cannot take place during the auction unless paid for at the moment the lot be knocked down; the delivery of the lots to the purchasers will be made each day from 5 till 6 o’clock after the auction, and from 9 till 12 o’clock on each morning. LASTLY. Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the money depo¬ sited in part of payment shall be forfeited, and all lots uncleared or un¬ settled for after the time aforesaid, will be re-sold, with or without notice, by public or private sale; and any deficiency arising from such re-sale, together with all charges attending the same, shall be made good by the defaulter at this present sale, who shall have no claim for any surplus that may arise. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. PREFATORY REMARKS. “ Some cry up Gunnesbury, For Sion some declare, And some say that with Chiswick House No villa can compare; But ask the beaux of Middlesex, Who know the country well, If Strawberry Hill—if Strawberry Hill Don’t bear away the bell.” The Earl of Bath’s Ballad on Strawberry Hill. The individual who has received instructions from the Right Honourable the Earl of Waldegrave, to distribute to the world the unrivalled and wondrous Collection at Strawberry Hill, formed by his Lordship’s great ancestor, Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, and has thus had placed within his power the ability to enrich the royal and national collections of every civilized country, the galleries of the cognoscenti, and the cabinets of amateurs, in every class of the highest walks of art; has had the singular good fortune, during a long professional career to be the favoured agent in introducing to the public, in endless variety, unique collections of all that is rare in taste and vertu, and although, through his instru¬ mentality, he has exchanged properties extending over several millions of pounds sterling, yet he approaches his present herculean undertaking with feelings such as he never experienced on any former occasion, fully sensible that the dis¬ tribution of this precious museum, crowded with the tangible records of past ages—treasures consecrated by the hand of time and of genius—far exceeding in interest and importance all that has preceded it in the chronicles of auctions, and that no future sale can by possibility enter into rivalry with it. VI. PREFATORY remarks. Whether he considers the hallowed recollections which surround a pictorial and historical abode, so dear to its distinguished originator, and so often and so tenderly referred to in his letters and writings, or the extreme rarity and value of the collection contained therein, rich in all that can delight the antiquarian, the scholar, the virtuoso, or the general lover of art, so perfect and unapproach¬ able in all its details that each will quit it with the fixed opinion that his peculiar tastes were those to which the energies, the learning, and the research of the noble founder were directed; when there pass before him in review the splendid Gallery of Paintings, teeming with the finest works of the greatest masters,— matchless Enamels, of immortal bloom, by Petitot, Boit, Bordier, and Zincke,— Chasings, the workmanship of Cellini and Jean de Bologna,—noble specimens of Faenza Ware, from the pencils of Robbia and Bernard Palizzi,— Glass, of the rarest hues and tints, executed by Jean Cousin and other masters of the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeen centuries,—Limoges Enamels of the period of the Renaissance, by Leonard and Courtoise,—Roman and Grecian Antiquities, in Bronze and Sculpture, —Oriental and European China, of the choicest forms and colours,—exquisite and matchless Missals, painted by Raphael and Julio Clovio,—magnificent specimens of cinque cento Armour,— Miniatures, illustrative of the most interesting periods of history, —a valuable collection of Drawings and Manuscripts, — Engravings, in countless numbers and of infinite value,—a costly Library, extending to fifteen thousand volumes, abounding in splendid editions of the classics, illustrated, scarce and unique works, with ten thousand other relics of the arts and history of by-gone ages,—he may well feel overpowered at the evident impossibility of rendering to each that lengthened notice winch their merits and their value demand. He has, however, attempted to supply this as far as possible by the introduction of notes into the body of the catalogue, many of them from the pen of Walpole himself, whose work on this, the favourite object of his life, printed at his own press at Strawberry Hill, has, from its scarcity, become an object of value to the Biblomaniac; but interesting as these must prove, he considers that something beyond this is due to the memory of the mighty master who planned PREFATORY REMARKS. Vll. and matured this wondrous whole, and whose life, almost from the cradle to the tomb, was occupied in snatching from the depredations of time the few remaining specimens of the classic ages—the treasures of gothic halls and cathedrals—and the antiquities of the middle ages; and feeling that every individual who visits this Musee de Rarete, will desire to know something of the labours of the mighty spirit who, by the magic of his pen, has caused him to lose “ the memory of himself ” in the pages of romance, and with the sentiment that none but a poet or a novelist should illustrate the classic abode of the author of the Castle of Otranto, he with pleasure transfers to his Prefatory Remarks the following characteristic article from the Miscellany of W. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq., who having so admirably illustrated those national monuments, the “ Tower of London,” and “ Windsor Castle,” has, with his customary tact, turned his attention to the most striking feature of the eighteenth century, and thus introduces the reader to STRAWBERRY HILL. “ The following account of pictures and rarities is given with a view to their future dispersion, the several purchasers will find a history of their purchases, nor do virtuosos dislike to refer to such a catalogue for an authentic certificate of their curiosities.” Preface to the Description of Strawberry Hill, by Horace Walpole. oed Orford, scarcely known by his title, but celebrated throughout Europe as Horace Walpole, was one to whose refined taste the present age is as deeply indebted for the impetus which he gave to the study of the works of art of the Middle Ages, as the century in which he lived, for the instruction and amusement afforded by his writings. His letters are enduring monuments of epistolary style; his publications on the Fine Arts, the Drama, Fiction, Biography, and general Literature, attest his various ability ; and Strawberry Hill yet remains to shew, not only how much could be accomplished by one man, but how admirably ~ P he performed the self-allotted task, which was throughout one long labour of love.—But Strawberry Hill, with all its treasures, like many a place of older renown, is destined to illustrate the sad truth, that ‘nothing on earth continueth in one stay,’ and to this contingency the noble collector of its wealth of art appears to have been fully alive , nay, more, the passage which we have selected to introduce this imperfect aecount, clearly indicates that such was his expectation. Vlll. STRAWBERRY HILL. “It is impossible to witness, without feelings of regret, the dispersion of objects on whose acquirement a whole life has been spent; but, at the same time, it may be questioned whether this almost inevitable fate be not productive of corresponding advantages. An object is prized, not only from its intrinsic value, but from its association with remarkable events or illustrious names. Thus, the antique mirror, the jewelled goblet, the Damascened blade, may all be beautiful in themselves; but they acquire a rarer value, are invested with far higher attributes, when we know that one of these reflected the fair features of a Mary Stuart, or a Margueritte de Valois; that another was brimmed with ruby wine at the feasts of the chivalrous founder of the Garter; or that a third belonged to the identical poniard which slew a Medicis, or hung by the side of a Du Guesclin. When, in addition to historical recollections, we find that men of taste and learning have subsequently been the possessors of these objects, and have conferred upon them a fresh celebrity, they rise in estimation with each occasion, and are more eagerly sought by the public; the new link gives increased value to the chain ; and when, after an interval, they are again dispersed, the circle of information is widened, and the means of improvement become more generally diffused. “Another view of the case may also be taken: when the collection, as in the present instance, is a larger one, a number of its treasures must, of necessity, be hidden or overlooked; while passing from the hands of one to those of many, the reputation of each is distinctly proclaimed by every new possessor. “ This thought must reconcile us to the fate of Strawberry Hill, which, as it now stands, we take the last opportunity of describing. In doing so, we shall not,—for our space would not admit of it,—follow the details of the catalogue, our object being rather to indicate some of its most striking features, than to guide the reader through all its mazes. “ In our passage from the low monastic doorway to the hall of entrance, attention is for a moment arrested by a small, very small oratory, wherein is a saint enshrined, and beyond this, by a cloister, which contains two objects of interest. One of these is the portrait of Leonora d’Este, ‘ Dia Helionora,’ a bas relief head, in marble, cold as the princess herself to her unhappy lover, who has bestowed upon her ‘ One half the laurel that o’ershades his grave.’ If this portrait be really like, Leonora was certainly no beauty. The other attraction is the vase of ‘the pensive Selima,’whose fate inspired another poet. It is quite deep enough to drown a cat! Passing these, without attempting to reconcile associations, the portal of the ‘Castle’ expands, and we enter the hall, whose only light is derived, as Horace Walpole describes, ‘ from lean windows fattened with rich saints in painted glass,’ and where depends the lantern ‘ which casts the most venerable gloom on the stairs that ever was seen since the days of Abelard.’ “A narrow passage leads from hence into the ‘ Refectory,’ and here leisure and space are allowed to begin that inquiry which promises so much, and keeps its promise so well. The pic¬ tures in this room are, for the most part, family portraits, or those of intimate friends. At the lower end stands the great minister, Sir Robert, in all the glory of the robes of the Garter, and his two wives on either hand: the first, Catherine Shorter, a copy from Kneller, by Jarvis,— a very pretty woman, dressed simply in white, with a blue scarf, en sautoir ; and the second, Maria Skerrett (irreverently called ‘ Moll,’ by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu), by Jarvis himself, STRAWBERRY HILL. } x> in the costume of a shepherdess; she is very pretty also. Their simplicity of demeanour and attire contrast strikingly with Sir Robert’s splendour. Beneath these portraits is placed a beau* tiful table of Sicilian jasper, covered with fine old porcelain, and still more antique Etruscan relics, in the shape of bowls and beakers and vases; and over the table hangs an object of great curiosity and interest, a hunting horn of rich enamel, upon copper ; the painting being on one side the History of St. Hubert, and on the other, a series of allegorical figures. The enamel is of that beautiful kind called Limoges, of which there are so many specimens in other parts of the house. To return to the pictures: we have in a row the pictures of Sir Robert’s sons and daughters. Here are, the second Lord Orford, attired in red velvet; Edward, in the robes of the Bath; and Horace Walpole himself in a scanty, collarless, blue velvet ccat, and a waistcoat of crimson velvet, reaching down to his knees. The daughters are Lady Mrria Walpole and Lady Malpas ; the last a beauty. Over the chimney-piece of pointed architecture (designed by Bentley) is a picture by Sir Joshua Reynolds, called 1 Conversation,’ containing the portraits of Lord Edgecumb, Mr. Williams, and George Selwyn, who never missed an execution, and who, when he had a tooth taken out, ‘ dropped his handkerchief as a signal for the dentist to begin.’ Sir Horace Mann, and his brother, Galfridus, painted by Astley; Lady Anne Osborn, by Sir Godfrey Kneller; and Lady Dorothy Walpole, in a Turkish dress, by Jervis, are scattered about the room. More recent additions are Lord and Lady Radstock ; but the gem of the collection is the charming group by Sir Joshua—the three beauties, the Ladies Laura, Maria, and Horatia Waldegrave, assembled round a work-table. The colours are gone from this attractive picture, but unequalled grace and delicacy still remain; it is far finer than * the Graces,’ by the same master, in the National Gallery. The massive ebony tables, the chairs, of Walpole’s own design, that seem built, as no doubt they were, expressly to accommodate the wearers of the wide-spreading skirts of that day; the antique bureau, and the famous clock, by Le Roi; and more than all, the windows ornamented with fragments of Dutch art (one specimen of which, a cobbler at work before an open window, whistling to a bird in a cage, is marvellous for its effect), are not among the least attractions of the Refectory. “Ascending the staircase, we pause at the first landing-place, and then enter the Break¬ fast-room, ‘ furnished with blue paper, and blue and white linen.’ It is the prettiest and most cheerful place that can be imagined, and is filled with objects of various kinds, miniatures predominating. Of these, there are two frames, carefully concealed by green silk blinds, which contain so many perfect gems. The first consists of nine miniatures, principally by Isaac and Peter Oliver, and is devoted to Sir Kenelm Digby and his family. Four of them are portraits of Sir Kenelm’s wife, the beautiful Yenetia Stanley, who is represented at three different periods of her life, and once after death. The last is extremely curious, and, like all the others, B X. STRAWBERRY HILL. exquisitely finished. Sir Kenelm’s devotion to his lovely wife is shadowed forth in the motto— ‘ Vindica te tibi,’ which appears in gold letters above his own portrait. The second frame contains fifteen miniatures, chiefly by Hilliard and Petitot: the most striking portraits are, Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, Carey, Lord Hunsdon, the Duke of Vendome, ‘with a red knot,’ the Princess Palatine, the Duchesse de Montpensier, and the Duchesse de Montbazon. But the most remarkable of all is a miniature painting, representing the interior of the House of Lords, with King James the First on the throne. This picture is so small as to require a magnifying-glass to trace it accurately. Over the chimney-piece are also some interesting portraits:—Miss Farren (afterwards Countess of Derby), gay, and sparkling, and high- coloured, her laughing eyes and mouth all comedy; Pope; Lady Mary Leppel; and a later celebrity, in severe contrast to Lady Derby, Mrs. Hannah More. In other parts of the room are, Holbein, by himself; Cowley the poet, by Sir Peter Lely; the Counte de Grammont, at the discovery of whose portrait in Paris, Walpole was in such raptures; and, ‘ in a frame of silver filigraine,' the famous Charlotte de la Trimouille (also Countess of Derby), the heroic defender of Lathom House — * Who, miracle of womankind. Lent mettle to the meanest hind That manned the castle wall.’ There are, also, more portraits of the Digby family; and, among the most remarkable, an unknown head, by Holbein; Thomas Seymour, Lord Sudely, the High Admiral, and brother of the Protector Somerset, with pride in his eye to dare anything, and a neck that seems to defy the block, to which his turbulent nature led him. We must not omit the well-known picture of Madame du Deffand, and the Duchesse de Choiseul; that of Rose, the royal gardener, presenting the first pine-apple grown in England to Charles the Second ; the portrait of the late Margravine of Anspach, then a young and very pretty woman; nor the two Miss Berrys, with countenances finely expressive of intelligence. But the list would be a long one were we to enumerate half the contents of this room, which is, for the most part, as Horace 'Walpole left it, with the exception of the portraits of the present Earl and Countess of Waldegrave, and some modern ornaments. “ Before we approach the Library, the small, but curious collection, meets the view, which Walpole called his ‘ Armoury and thus describes :—‘ A vestibule open with three arches on the landing-place, and niches full of trophies of old Coats of mail, Indian shields, made of rhinoceros’ hides ; broad-swords, quivers, long-bows, arrows, and spears ; all supposed to have 'STRAWBERRY HILL. XI. been taken by Sir Terry Robsart (an ancestor), in the Holy Wars.’ Hence we find in a niche, on the staircase, the armour of Francis the First, of steel-gilt, and covered with bas- reliefs ; his lance is of ebony inlaid with silver, his sword steel, beautifully inlaid with gold, and probably the work of Benvenuto Cellini. It is a magnificent suit, and at once recalls the figure of the gallant monarch, far more effectively, indeed, than the splendid armour in the Louvre, which appears to want height. Two shields for tournaments hang near it, painted by Polydore; one bears the head of Medusa, the other that of Perseus. An alto-relievo, in oak, of Henry the Third of England, of his time, stands over the Armoury, and within it are the various contents enumerated by Walpole, with some things not described by him; for instance, a singular relic of the Norman rule, an ancient couvre-feu, and a most elaborately - carved and antique pair of bellows; a sketch of which appears underneath. The battle- axes, shields, maces, &c., are all highly curious; and two corslets bear the marks of some fatal affray. “ Our next step is the transition from war to peace—from the Armoury to the Library ; where, ranged in cases, modelled from the choir of Old St. Paul’s, are collected about 15,000 volumes. Of these, we shall refer only to the least known, which are contained in a small Xll. STRAWBERRY HILL.’ glass case. The first, and, in our estimation, most valuable, is a book of original drawings, by Janet , formerly in the possession of Brantome, and subsequently in that of Mariette , the famous collector, who has written the following inscription inside the cover:—‘ Recueil des portraits des Princes et Princesses et des Seigneurs et Dames qui composoient la Cour de Francois ler, Roy de France, a appartenu sans doute a Brantome. Ce qui me le fait prejuger c’est que plusieurs des inscriptions sont ecrites de sa main. Je m’en suis affermi par la confrontation que j’en ay faite avec un MS. authentique tout corrige de la main de ce celebre ecrivain. (Signed) Mariette.’ The portraits are all in pencil, tinted with red chalk, like the drawings of Sir Thomas Lawrence, which they fully equal; and amongst them we find some noble heads : Francis the First, Louise of Savoy, Margaret of Navarre, Diane de Poitiers, Lautrec, the Admiral Bonnivet, Claude de France, Francis the Second, the Baron de Figeac, Medelaine de France the first wife of James the Fifth of Scotland, and some thirty more. It is a priceless volume, though Horace Walpole got it cheap enough. We find a memorandum in his handwriting beneath Mariette’s description, to the effect, that the Earl of Harwick offered through his agent 100Z., but the person entrusted with the commission ‘ was not at the sale, or not in time.’ STRAWBERRY HILL. xiii. “Another very precious volume is a collection of original drawings, in pen and ink, by Callot, the greater part of which have never been engraved, though the title-page bears the usual designation of ‘ Diverses Fantaisies de noble Jac. Callot.’ “One MS. of great interest, is a book of the expenses of Villiers, first Duke of Buckingham, kept by Sir Sackvill Crowe, probably his Grace’s treasurer. The various items are very curious, and shew the unsparing profusion with which he scattered his money. One long list refers to the journey to Spain, when he went on his embassy to Madrid. Here is one item :— ‘ Given to the Condessa of Olivarez, her butler, for fruit, 14s.’ This same Condessa of Olivarez was the ‘ teterrima causa ’ of Buckingham’s sudden departure from Madrid, which broke off the projected alliance between Charles and the Infanta. Other disbursements refer to the last of the race of court jesters ; for instance :—‘ To the King’s foole, 13/. 6s. 8 d .;’ ‘ To Archy, 20/.;’ ‘ To Rosado, 13/. 6s. Sd.’ And the following item proves the value set by Buckingham upon the services of his dentist:—‘ Given to a tooth-drawer, 20/.’ The whole of the accounts throw considerable light on the personal history of the favourite. “Amongst the printed books, the most curious and rare are, ‘ The New Year’s Gift,’ written by ‘ Microphilus’ (the dwarf Jeffery Hudson), and presented by him, in 1638, to Henrietta, the Queen of Charles the First; ‘Le Tombeau de Marguerite de Valois, Reine de Navarre;’ a copy of Virgil, printed by Baskerville, with drawings on the covers by Lady Diana Beauclerc; on the edges, which are highly gilt, is a view of Blenheim, which disappears altogether when the volume is closed. The identical copy of Homer used by Pope for his translation ; it is a small Amsterdam edition, date 1707, with the text in Greek and Latin, and bears this inscription: ‘ E Latini, A. Pope, 1714;’ and lower down, ‘Finished y e translation in Feb. 1719-20, A. Pope;’ it is illustrated by a pencil-sketch of Twickenham Church in the poet s own hand; two school-books of Horace Walpole, Homer, and Horace, very small and neat; ‘Letters et Memoires du Chevalier d’Eon,’ by him-(7ier-)self, with several portraits, printed in London by Jacques Dixwell, 1764; the ‘Catalogue of the King’s (Charles the First’s) Collection of Limnings,’ published at Walpole’s expense; Genealogical History of \very, London, 1742, 2 vols. large 8vo, printed by H. Walpole and never sold; the Earl of Northumberland’s Household-book, &e. _ “ Of other rarities, are a letter from Catherine Parr, the widow of Henry the Eig th, written, in the year she died, ‘ to her constant Thomas Seymour, Lord High Admiral of XIV. STRAWBERRY HILL. England,’ and signed, ‘ Catherine, the Queen, K. P.and a most characteristic letter from Oliver Cromwell to his wife, the day after the battle of Dunbar. We cannot resist the temptation of transcribing it: — “ ‘ For my beloved wife, Elizabeth Cromwell, at the Cockpitt, theise : “ c My deerest, — I have not leisure to write much, hut I could chide thee that in many of thy letters thou writest to mee, that I should not be unmindfull of thee and thy little ones. Truly, if I love you not too well, I think I err not onn the othere much. Thou art deerer to me than any creature; lett that suffice. The Lord hath shewed us an exceedinge mercye — whoo can tell how great it is ? My weake fayth hath been upheld — I have beene in my inward man marvellously supported, though I assure thee I grow an oulde man, and feel infirmitys of age marvelouslye stealing upon me — would my corruptions did as fast decrease ! Pray on my behalfe in the latter respect. The particulars of the late successe Harry Vane or Gil. Pickeringe will impart to thee. My love to all deear friendes. —I rest thine, O. Cromwell. “ ‘ Dunbarr, the 4th of Sept., 1650.’ ‘ ‘ Of the portraits above the Library we shall say nothing — they are all family ones ; but a few miniatures must be noticed, as well as a curious padlock, in the shape of a hand; a bronze lamp of the cinque cento, which forms the initial letter at the head of this article, and many urns, ossuaria, and antique relics. The gallantry of Henry the Eighth is conspicuously set forth in the little clock of silver gilt (drawn below), which he presented to Anne Boleyn on the morning of his marriage. It is richly chased and engraved, and ornamented with fleur de lys, &c. On the top sits a lion, bearing the arms of England. The weights, which are gilt, are curiously chased with the initials of Henry and Anne within true-lover’s- knots. One bears the inscription, ‘ The most happye,’ the other, the royal motto. This love token was, doubtless, meant as an emblem of enduring affection. It remains the same, after an interval of more than three centuries ; but four years only after it was given, the object of Henry’s eternal love was sacrificed on the scaffold. The clock still goes; it should have stopped for ever when Anne Boleyn died! Over the fire-place is a specimen of the fine arts in the 15th century,—a large picture for the time, representing the marriage of Henry the Sixth of England with Magaret of Anjou. It is painted with all the care and fidelity of expression which characterized the illuminated MSS. of the period. The miniatures are of later date ; one is the portrait of a natural son of Henry the Eighth, whose youth promised well for his STRAWBERRY HILL. XV. future fame. He is painted in his shirt and nightcap, which is most curiously embroidered with black, and the legend round the picture informs us that it is the likeness of ‘ Henry, Duck off Richmod. JEtatis Suce XV.' Beside the Duck is Sir Francis Drake, the navigator, by Hilliard; there are, also, the portraits of the High Admiral Nottingham, Gondomar the Spanish Ambassador, and Mary Fairfax, the widow of Villiers, second Duke of Buckingham. “ The Star Chamber, though rich in painted glass, cabinets of medals, old coffers, and triangular Welsh chairs, ‘ picked up by Dickey Bateman for three and sixpence a-piece,’ will not detain us long—though, if we examined only the coins seriatim, our stay might ‘ stretch to the crack of doom.’ We shall simply advert to the broad piece of Elizabeth, in which the resemblance was so faithfully ugly that she forbade its issue; and to the satirical silver medal struck in Holland, of Oliver Cromwell, the subject of which, though coarse to a degree, is exceedingly humourous. “ The Holbein Chamber claims our attention next, the contents of which refer for the most part to the time of the great artist, whom we find not only a painter but a sculptor. Witness the exquisitely carved head of Henry the Eighth, in box-wood, with a small dial hanging from his neck, and the no less elaborate full-length figure of the bluff monarch, in terra cotta. Albert Durer’s skill in carving is set forth in a singularly beautiful relievo, cut in stone, of a single combat before the Emperor Maximilian. It bears the date of 1522. Here is the original chair of the last Abbot of Glastonbury, from which so many copies have been made ; it is of oak, and bears various inscriptions—‘ Johannes Arthurus Monacus Glastonie, &c., testifying its origin. The ebony table and chairs of the same wood (of which there are nearly three dozen in different parts of the building), are extremely beautiful; and a number of ancient combs (one of which, of ivory, is said to have belonged to Queen Bertha, and another of tortoiseshell, given with more likelihood to Mary Queen of Scots) are singularly curious. But, perhaps, the chiefest amongst this class of relics is the red hat of Cardinal W olsey—the token of his ecclesiastical dignity ; it is carefully preserved in a glass case. The pictures are numerous : here we find all those traced by Yertue from the originals by Holbein, now at Windsor or Hampton Court; a portrait of Charlotte de France, by Janet; a curious one of Louis the Eleventh, praying, with an open missal before him in the shape of a heart; Mar, Queen of Scots-of course, unlike all others; Henry the Fifth of England; the Mareschal Monluc ; Henry and Anne Boleyn, frequently repeated; Philip of Spain and Mary, a copy from the Woburn picture ; Anthony of Bourbon, the unheard-of, intangtble father of Henri Quartre, XVI. STRAWBERRY HILL. Sir Thos. Wyatt; the Duchess of Suffolk; Marguerite de France, &c. An exquisite pencil¬ drawing by Holbein must not be overlooked, of a fire-place in one of Henry the Eighth’s palaces ; nor the chimney-piece which adorns the ‘ Holbein chamber,’ and which was designed by Mr. Bentley, from the tomb of Archbishop Warham, at Canterbury. “ The Grand Gallery, of really noble dimensions and superbly decorated, now lures our willing feet towards the richest treasures of Strawberry. We find we have not left ourselves space to dilate upon them as they deserve, and our observations must be briefly directed to the most precious objects. Foremost amongst them is the magnificent Roman eagle, found within the precincts of the baths of Caracalla, in 1742. It well deserves the reputation which it enjoys, of being ‘ one of the finest pieces of Greek sculpture in the world.’ Here are the fine vases and cisterns of majolica , of which the figures on the latter were designed by Giulio Romano. Here, too, an exquisite coffer, glittering with mother-of-pearl, and reflecting every ray from the stained windows above it; a bust of Vespasian, in basalt; beautiful bronzes, and pictures, interesting from their antiquity and intrinsic worth. Of the latter are, the marriage of Henry the Seventh ; a group, by Janet, of Catherine de Medicis, her three sons, Francis, Charles, and Hemy, successively Kings of France, and Marguerite de Valois ; the full-length portrait of Lord Falkland, in white, by Van Somer, which suggested the incident of the picture walking out of its frame, in the * Castle of Otranto ;’ Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and his royal bride; the beautiful Laura Walpole, Countess of Waldegrave and Duchess of Gloucester, by Sir Joshna Reynolds, and many more to which we cannot even allude. “ A peep at the round Drawing Room at the extremity of the Gallery shews us fine stained windows, shedding their parti-coloured light on vases of porcelaine and services of silver ; where, above the rich, mosaic chimney-piece, stand silver beakers and jars, valuable for their weight of metal alone,—to say nothing of their workmanship; where the China of Sevre vies with the STRAWBERRY HILL. XVII. faenza of Florence, and the portrait of Vandyke’s ladye-love, Mistress Lemon, looks smilingly down, a pendant to his own picture in the Louvre. The Countesses of Leicester and Carlisle, by the same inimitable hand, grace the same chamber; a vase of majolica bears the arms of France and the Medici, and probably belonged to Catherine; and ivory cups and objects of Indian art lie scattered on the tables. Getting glimpses at every turn of closets filled with china, and painted glass, and models in terra cotta and marble, we proceeded to the North Chamber, filled, like every other, with pictures, antiquities, and objects of vertu. “ To begin with comparatively modern times, two pictures by Hogarth are, at the least, attractive. One of these is the original sketch of the Beggar’s Opera, bought at the sale of Rich, the manager of Covent Garden; and the other, which we have transferred to these pages, the rehearsal of an opera, with caricatures of the principal performers. Nicolini stands in front, El_ANDeuJ,5_ Mrs. Toft is at the harpsichord, Margarita is entering in black; the gentleman with a patch over one eye is Sir Robert Rich. Near the chimney-piece is a large picture of Henry the Eighth and one of his Queens, Edward the Sixth, Mary and Philip of Spain, and Queen Elizabeth, with several allegorical figures, and a long eulogy upon the royal race of Tudor inscribed round the frame. Beneath this is a bust of Francis the Second of France, in marble, and a bas-relief, in bronze, of Anne of Brittany. On one side we see a large portrait of the celebrated Bianco Capello, by Vasari, with her singular story written on the frame ; and facing her, at the other end of the room, the portrait of one even better known to fame, the fascinating Ninon de l’Enclos. This is the only original portrait known to exist of the lovely and accomplished fair one, to whose charms, however, Walpole seems to have been insensible ; in our opinion she must have been as beautiful as the world has always supposed her. She is very fair, with auburn hair and hazel eyes, and her dress, which is somewhat decolte, is prettily confined by a narrow pink riband fastened at the shoulder with small pearls and coral beads. Near her are Mademoiselle de la Valiere, Madame de Maintenon, Madame de Grammont, &c. A fine Rambrandt and a Nicolas Poussin adorn this end of the chamber. In a small cabinet, covered with medallions, is an illuminated psalter, which, but for the 1 Hours of Anne of C xvm. STRAWBERRY HILL. Brittany in Paris, would be priceless. It is the work of Julio Clovio, and its authenticity, did it not speak for itself, is thus attested in Walpole’s handwriting:—* This beautiful MS. of the Psalms, illuminated for the Prince d’Anjou, in 1537, by Don Julio Clovio, scholar of Julio Romano, and afterwards purchased by Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel, was, on the dispersion of the Arundel collection, bought, in 1720, by Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, who bequeathed it to his only daughter, Margaret, Duchess of Portland, on whose death it was purchased, in May, 1786, by Horace Walpole.’ He further adds,—‘As there was no Due d’Anjou in 1537, the Princip. Andegavensis, mentioned in one of the illuminations, must have been Theodore d’Anjou de Mazieres, who was aged about thirty in 1537, and who was son of a natural son of Charles d’Anjou, K. of Naples.’ It is a small thick MS., and executed in a style of art that surpasses belief. “Before we leave this chamber, one glance must be allowed at the little glass case in the corner, which is filled with curiosities. Here is the wondrous speculum of the renowned Dr. Dee,—the mirror which ‘ Kelly did all his feats upon a piece of highly polished cannel coal, of a circular form, with a handle to it. It is a very mysterious-looking object, and worthy of being called ‘ The Devil’s looking-glass.’ In the same case are several apostle spoons, a German wooden spoon, finely carved; twelve silver plates, exquisitely engraved, which belonged to the great Earl of Clarendon; the wedding gloves of Mrs. Hampden, and a pair worn by James the First; four silver owls, used for whistles to call servants, before the introduction of hand-bells; the whistle is formed by the perches on which the emblems of wisdom are standing, and the noise made through them resembles the doleful cry of those lugubrious birds. One of the most puzzling objets is a box of large wooden counters, very thin and painted on one side; in Walpole’s catalogue they are called ‘ancient round trenchers, with scriptural mottoes ; ’ but they seem rather to have belonged to some game; and as to the scriptural character of the mottoes, here is a specimen :—‘ Women are like nettles, who toucheth them they stinge them, but hurt not those who wringe them. STRAWBERRY HILL. XIX. 41 The adjoining room,—the last we shall venture to dwell upon, and of which we present a sketch, is ‘ The Tribune.’ “ To detail the wonders contained in this beautiful room would claim a volume for itself; what justice can then be done to it in a few lines? There is a cabinet containing at least a hundred miniatures by Petitot and other great masters ; and glass cases on either hand, the shelves of which are loaded with relics. Amongst the latter, gleaming with gold and jewels, is the missal painted by Raffaelle and his scholars for Claude de France, the Queen of Frangois Premier. It is covered with turquoises and rubies, and on each cover is an enormous cornelian, with an intaglio of the Crucifixion on one side, and a relievo on the other; it is very small, and might be worn as an ornament. The famous Florentine boar, the Jupiter Serapis, the dagger of Henry the Eighth, snuff boxes, medals, intaglios, rings, and gems of every conceivable kind crowd upon the view, and it only wants the silver bell of Benvenuto Cellini to bewilder us with XX. STRAWBERRY HILL. the perfection of art. Its form we have faintly pourtrayed; but to describe it adequately is impossible. It was made by the artist whose name it bears, for Pope Clement the Seventh, and is covered all over in the highest relievo ‘ with antique moths, flies, grasshoppers, and other insects, the Virgin and boy-angels at the top, a wreath of leaves and lizards at the bottom.’ After seeing this, we cease to admire even that which is worthy of all praise : Callot’s Battle- piece, the portrait of Madame de Sevigne, the letter written in her name from the Elysian Fields, by Madame du Deffand, and pictures and bronzes without end, pass before us in succession, and leave us still amazed at the untiring perseverance of the man who heaped up all these treasures, now about to be spread once more over Europe.” Mr. Robins ventures to express a hope that many of the invaluable items in the collection may obtain a final resting place in the galleries and PREFATORY REMARKS. XXI. archives of the British Museum; and he would most respectfully draw the attention of the Trustees of that National Establishment to the present occasion, as the only one which can enable them to form the nucleus of a collection of do¬ mestic archoeology, embracing memorials of the dynasties of the Plantaganets, the Tudors, the Stuarts, and the Guelphs, of their ministers and favourites, and of the wisest and greatest that flourished in their respective anas. He would also earnestly impress upon all who possess, as Walpole did, a vocation to vertu, that a similar opportunity of enriching their collections can never occur—neither fortune nor research, after the distribution of this museum, can enable them to unearth such treasures, and he thinks there will hardly be found an individual, whether tinged with the spirit of antiquarianism or an admirer of the Augustan period of British History, but will be anxious to procure some relic of him who may be denominated the last of that glorious age; and who by his inimitable works of fiction, his charming correspondence, and his delicate perception of all that was choice and beautiful in art, achieved for himself a glorious immortality in the memory of mankind. In conclusion, it is the pleasing office of the writer to tender his best acknowledgments to those friends who have, on tills occasion, afforded him much valuable information and assistance: to the popular author of the preceding account of Strawberry Hill, necessarily brief, but sketched with the hand of a master, and to Mr. Alfred Delamotte, for his spirited illustrations thereto, his thanks are especially due; as also to Mr. Samuel Woodburne for his luminous observations on the collection of Engravings; to his relative, Mr. Mackinlay, for various notes connected with antiquarian research; and to his near relation, Mr. Edmund Robins, with a worthy coadjutor in Mr. Foster, long celebrated in the annals of collectors, for their untiring co-operation in the formation and arrangement of the Catalogue. Covent. Garden , March, 184 - 2. ARRANGEMENT OF THE AUCTION. Mr. Robins feels it necessary to state, that in forming the disposition of the Sale, and in the arrangement of this vast assemblage of rare and interesting Property for the public view, he has been anxious, as far as possible, to preserve the exact situation which almost every article has retained since the death of Horace Walpole, and which will be continued until its dispersion at the Auction. This announcement applies also to the Library of Books, which, it will be observed, is not arranged in sizes or dates, as in the ordinary mode of Catalogues, but in the cases as originally placed. THE FIRST DAY’S SALE, on MONDAY, APRIL 25th, A portion of the rare and valuable Library of Books , including the Cases, marked A, B and C. THE SECOND DAY’S SALE, on TUESDAY, APRIL 26th, The second portion of the Library comprised in Cases E and F. THE THIRD DAY’S SALE, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27th, The third portion of the Library comprised in Cases H, I, K and L. THE FOURTH DAY’S SALE, on THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, The fourth portion of the Library comprised in Cases D, G and M; the Books on the Tables in the Library, the Books printed at the private Press of Horace Walpole, at Strawberry Hill, many with curious Manuscript and the printed Catalogues. THE FIFTH DAY’S SALE, on FRIDAY, APRIL 29th, The Books contained in the Library near the Offices. THE SIXTH DAY’S SALE, on SATURDAY, APRIL 30th, The extremely rare Books in the Closet of the Library, and the highly interesting and valuable collection of Manuscripts. ARRANGEMENT OF THE AUCTION. XX111. THE SEVENTH DAY’S SALE, on MONDAY, MAY 2nd, The first portion of the most rare and valuable Prints in the Library of the Round Tower. THE EIGHTH DAY’S SALE, on TUESDAY, MAY 3rd, The second portion of these extremely valuable Prints. THE NINTH DAY’S SALE, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th, The first portion of the Coins and Medals, including the Greek, Roman and Saxon. THE TENTH DAY’S SALE, on THURSDAY, MAY 5th, The second portion of the Coins and Medals, including the English patterns and Proofs, and English, Scotch and Foreign Coins and Medals. THE ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE, on FRIDAY, MAY 6th, The Pictures, Drawings, the Digby Collection of Miniatures, and Royal Sevres Porcelaine, in the Blue Breakfast Room, also the service of elegant Gilt and Chased Plate. THE TWELFTH DAY’S SALE, on SATURDAY, MAY 7th, The rare Contents of the China Room, including beautiful Porcelaine of every country and time, and rare Venetian Glass. THE THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on MONDAY, MAY 9th, IN THE TRIBUNE, The Cabinet Pictures and Drawings, the Bronzes, and a portion of the Valuables. THE FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on TUESDAY, MAY 10th, The Collection of beautiful Enamels and Miniatures in the Tribune. THE FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th, The interesting and valuable Contents of the Tribune, including the splendid Raphael Missal, the Julio Clovio Book of Prayer, rare Intaglios, Sc. THE SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on THURSDAY, MAY 12th, The Furniture and Valuables of the Worth Bed Chamber, including the interesting Contents of the Closets. XXIV. ARRANGEMENT OF THE AUCTION. THE SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on FRIDAY, MAY 13th, The China of the Cabinet next the Round Drawing Room, the Contents of Lady Diana Beauclercs Closet, and the rare Antique Furniture and Valuables of the Library, Holbein Chamber, Waiting Room, Hall, <5fc. THE EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE, on SATURDAY, MAY 14th, The remaining portion of the rare Porcelaine from the China Room, and the Pictures, Drawings, and Miniatures of the Green Closet. THE NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE, on MONDAY, MAY 16th, The Valuables of the Round Tower, the Refectory, the Entrance, and the Collection of Armour. THE TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE, on TUESDAY, MAY 17th, The Collection of Pictures in the Library, the Holbein Chamber and Great North Bed Chamber. THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE, on WEDNESDAY, MAY 18th, The Collection of Pictures in the Round Tower, the Refectory, the Round Drawing Room, the long Gallery and Waiting Room. THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE, on THURSDAY, MAY 19th, The Collection of Pictures and Drawings in the Bed Chambers, the Beauty Room and Offices. THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE, on FRIDAY, MAY 20th, The fne Antique Furniture and Valuables of the Circular Drawing Room and the long Gallery, including the splendid Bust of Vespasian, the Marble Eagle, rare Faenza or Raphael’s Ware, Sfc. THE TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE, on SATURDAY, MAY 21st, The Furniture of the long Gallery, the splendid Stained Glass throughout Strawberry Hill, the appropriate Fittings of the Library and long Gallery, the Chimney-piece in the North Bed Chamber, the Valuables in the Chapel in the Grounds, the Pleasure Grounds and the Out Offices. A CATALOGUE, fyc. fyc. fyc. ©fje jftrst Sag's £jale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS or STRAWBERRY HILL. On MONDAY, the 25th Day of APRIL, 1842, Commencing at One o’clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. f 4 II O-o / O C7 J ■ if. o No. 1.—The Library of Books. IN THE CASE A. LOT 1 Musarem Delicte, containing Essays upon Pastoral Ideas, by a Nobleman, 8vo; Historical Meditations, by Lord Berkley; Natural History of Ireland, by Hartlib, and Lord Cutt’s Poetical Exercises 4 2 King James’ Witty Apophthegms, 12mo; Durie’s Reformed School, and the Castell of Love, by Lord Berners, black letter, printed by Robert Wyer, extremely rare 3 3 Royal Tracts, in 2 parts, relative to King James II., 12mo; Balthazar Gerbier’s Advice to Builders, 12mo, and Golden Book of Marcus Aurelius, black letter, 12mo, very rare 3 4 Sir Thomas Chaloner’s Translation of The Praise of Folley, by Erasmus, 12mo, scarce; Edward Seymour’s, Duke of Somerset, Precious Perle, 12mo, black letter, very rare, and 1 vol. of scarce black letter tracts 3 f. I erf tx** / (aj . // A fU&i • D o FIRST DAY’S SALE. \o. t. 6 10 11 Poems by William Earl of Pembroke and Sir Benjamin Rudyerd, red Morocco, very scarce, and A Necessary Doctrine for any Christian Man, by the King’s Majesty, printed by Berthelet, 12mo, black letter, very rare Queen Elizabeth’s translation of Margaret Queen of Navarre’s Work on the Love of God, and two other scarce black letter tracts, printed in 1548, 12mo, extremely rare, and The Case of the Duke of Norfolk and Mary Queen of Scots, 12mo, in black letter, dated 1571, very rare Lord Chandos’ Observations and Discourses, 12mo, dated 1620, and 3 other curious old books; Wetenhall’s Gifts and Offices, 12mo; White’s Sermon on the Death of Sir Philip Sidney, and 2 other curious old books The Marquis of Argyle’s Instructions to his Son, 12mo; Sir Thomas Elyot, Of the Knowledge which maketh a Man, 12mo, in black letter, very scarce, and the Earl of Pembroke’s Method of Breaking in Horses, 12mo The Works of Celebrated Minor Poets, 3 vols. 12mo; The Works of the Earl of Warrington, 12mo, and Petts* Memoirs of the Earl of Anglesea, 12mo Sir Kenelm Digby’s Letters on Religion, 12mo, 1651; the Earl of Mon¬ mouth’s Translation of Senault’s Use of the Passions; 12mo, with rare prints; Booth, Earl of Warrington’s Considerations on Marriage, 8vo; Lord Hollis’ Remains, 8vo, and Fulk Greville, Lord Brooke’s Poems The Earl of Castlehaven’s Memoirs, 12mo, 1684; The A B C, in black letter, printed by William Powell, very scarce, and 3 other curious vols. 12 Lord Herbert of Cherbury’s Poems, 12mo; Lord Preston’s translation ol‘ Boctius’ Consolation of Philosophy, 12mo, and 3 other curious vols. 12 mo 13, The Saying of John Duke of Northumberland on the Scaffold, at the time of his Execution, 12mo, black letter, 1553, extremely rare; Henry Lord Stafford on Regal and Ecclesiastical Power, 12mo, black letter,, very rare, and 3 other rare and curious vols. Lord Lauderdale’s translation of Virgil, 2 vols. 12mo; Whartoniana Mis¬ cellanies, in prose and verse, 2, 12mo, and N. Tait’s Loyal Poems The Earl of Monmouth’s translation of Senault’s Lise of the Passions, 12mo, with rare prints; Sir Christopher Hatton’s Treatise on Statutes, 12mo; The Earl of Manchester's Contemplations, 1.2mo, and 2 other curious vols.. ■ yxo^j 6 8 7Z 0 CJ> a 14 15 ftrrl&o. FIRST DAY’S SALE. O . /o . o / • I 3. c /J. />. 7 7- n. /if- / ■ /Cf. . o / . /f. o / ./S'. o /. c . o / . o . o No. 1. 16 The Earl of Castlemaine’s Account of the War in 1666, with a Portrait, 12mo; Lord Capel’s excellent Contemplations, 12mo; Earl of Mon¬ mouth’s Romulus and Tarquin, 12mo, 1648, and 2 other curious old vols. 5 17 The Earl of Abercorne on the Virtue of Loadstones, 1729, 8vo; Henry the Eighth’s Arguments against the Pope’s Supremacy, rare ; Lord Fair¬ fax’s Memorials, with portrait; Lord Burleigh’s Precepts, 12mo, with portrait, very scarce, and 2 other vols. 6 18 Marquis of Clanricarde’s Memoirs, Miscellanea Sacra, by Lord Barington, 2 Vols., and 3 others 6 19 d he Countess of Pembroke’s Yvychurch, by Abraham Fraunee, 1591; Lord Arlington’s Letters, 2 vols., with portrait; a Collection of Pamphlets by the Earl of Egmont, 2, and King Charles the First’s Royal Library, 1649 6 20 Queen Mary’s Introduction to Learn the French Language, black letter, very rare and curious, and Clesta Grayorum, small 4to, scarce 2 21 The Earl of Monmouth’s Memoirs, 8vo; Earl of Danby’s Memoirs, Molesworth’s Poems, and 3 other curious vols. 6 22 A vol. in black letter, on the Penetential Psalms, printed by Wynkyn de Worde, very rare, and 3 others 4 23 State Tracts and Poems, 2 vols., 1715; Lord Mordington’s Blessing of a Monarchial Government, 1724; Howard’s Anecdotes of the Howard Family, and 2 others 6 24 Lord Faulkland on Infallibility, the Earl of Balcarras’ Account of the Affairs of Scotland, the Earl of Cromarty’s Account of the Gowry Conspiracies, and 3 others 6 25 Lord Capel’s Meditations, Lord Pitsligo’s Essays and 2 others 4 26 Discovery of the Treasons practised against Queen Elizabeth, 3 very rare and curious tracts, in black letter, by William Cecil, Lord Burleigh, 1583 1 27 Howard’s Collection of Original Letters, 4to, Lord Tarbat’s Vindication of Robert III., and 4 curious old tracts 6 28 A manuscript vol. in small 4to, Account of the First Five Years of the Reign of King James I., and Charles Earl of Derby’s Principles of a< True Christian, 1671 2 29 Lord Burleigh’s Execution of Justice in England, black letter, 1583; the Earl of Oxenford’s translation of Cardaun's Comforts, 4 vols* in black letter, 1635, and 28 others 33 SW< 7 VCcuO, lA tfjZc r . <7? - <7- cSv f £ . ( ~fio . A a A / A-£TY>-«- rlX? rr _'7 FIRST DAYS SALE. 7 7 - £? . s / ■ o . 0 3 ■ 6 - o 3. o . o *2 . i2 6 /- /?. o ■2 • / c-/ o b . ,C {p U /2 . / . / 2 . 2 ■ 2 . /o. / / .V . o n. 4 No. 1. 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 The Muses’ Library, 8vo; The Conference between Charles I. and Marquis of Worcester, 1652, and 4 vols. of tracts Virgil, translated into Scottish Metre, by Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkel, in black letter, 1553, very rare and curious, 4to Earbery’s Occasional Historian, Lord Herbert of Cherbury’s de Religione Gentilium, and 4 others A Myrrour for Magistrates, black letter, 4to, 1571, very rare Assertio Septum Sacramentorum adversus Martin Luther, by King Henry VIII., black letter, extremely rare, and several other tracts on the same subject, bound in the vol., 4to Marquis of Winchester’s translation of Taylor’s Holy History, 4to; Marquis of Halifax’s Character of a Trimmer, 4 toy Sir Heister Ryley’s Visions, and the Duke of Newcastle’s Plays A manuscript in 4to, An Apology of the Earl of Essex, very curious; the Earl of Winchelsea’s Account of Mount ./Etna, Lord Castlemaine’s Trials for the Plot of 1679, ditto The English Globe, and miscellaneous tracts, some of which are curious, 2 vols. George Duke of Buckingham on the Worship of God, Asgill’s Tracts, Lord Brooke’s Discourse; Lord Capel’s Meditations, and 2 vols. of curious tracts Sir Thomas Hanmer’s Shakespeare, 6 vols. 4to, with plates after Hayman’s designs, printed at Oxford, 1744 Pope’s edition of Shakespeare, 4to, printed by Tonson, 1725, in Morocco Thomson’s Seasons, 4to, with plates from the designs of W. Kent Pope’s translation of Homer, printed by Lintot, 4to, bound in calf The Duchess of Newcastle’s Life of William Cavendish,. Duke of New¬ castle, 4to, 1675 Lord Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, 6 vols., the 7th vol. with the portraits, 8vo Woolf’s Tour in the South of Europe, 4to; The Life of Lord Boling- broke and Clarendon’s History of Ireland Poems by Ply. Howard, Earl of Surrey, and Sir Thomas Wyatt, 8voq Miscellanies, in prose and verse, by a Person of Quality; Precedency of the Peers of Ireland, and Lord Orrery’s translation of Pliny’s Letters, 2 vols. The Earl of Shaftesbury’s Characteristics, 3 vols. 8vo., with Gribelin’s plates, and the Life and Writings of Philip, Duke of Wharton 6 J{. i&trdw . 1 -- h- D- ^ . a* 1 S .. (3) c / C7 /, ,-cc A: 7 6 (/ ^ cTl*i - 0 l P Ah' - e ^ A • 1 /-; <1 tK 8 ' >■ L -07 ^ c 7 hi l/rx ,—■ 3 7 a FIRST DAY’S SALE. 5 /to No. 1. 47 7 48 lO. 49 /o. 50 J o. a 51 / . o. o 52 to. / . 54 if. 55 56 2. to. 57 , a. c 58 /l 0 59 / t). (d 60 /• 10. & 61 / ■ /. o. 62 1 0b. o 63 f. if o 64 : 2 '$■ 65 . // 66 and Lord Herbert of Cherbury on the Religion of the Gentiles Memoirs of Denzil Lord Holies, with a portrait, and A Letter, &c., by Lord Holies, 2 vols. 6 Halifax’s Works 3 1 0-cd L/0O / • 4to., bound in calf 'he Works of Fulke Greville, Lord I Herbert of Cherbury’s de la Verite ir John Hawkins’ History of Music, in green Morocco food’s Essay on the Genius and TV splendidly bound in green Morocco oxe’s Travels into Poland, Russia, S with maps and plates cp > to A *1 AS l r Q i ( O 1 3 Qa 7 si/ f <20 -v. o) Great Britain, enlarged by Herbert, 3 vols. 4to with plates, bound in calf 3 ough’s British Topography, 2 vols. 4to., with plates 2 _ / ■ Inc . *- . George Duke of Albemarle’s Observations on Military and Political Affairs, folio, with a rare portrait 2 7~ cJft Orrery’s Collection of State Letters, folio o to <:/ / / 7 o / j'. " • o I - o . o 7 -/-. 0 o J- / 0 O 7 , to. O '9. o h - U - o 6 No. 1. 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 FIRST DAY’S SALE. Lhuyd’s Arclijeologia Britannica, folio; the Earl of Orrery’s Treatise on the Art of War, and the Duchess of Newcastle’s Poems 3 History of Edward II., folio, with a portrait, and History of Edward IV., folio, with a portrait 2 Hasted’s History of Kent, folio, in hoards, with fine plates 3 Doctor Johnson’s Dictionary, 2 vols. folio, in hoards, and Lord Clarendon’s Life, folio, in boards 3 Bridge’s History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, half bound, with many fine plates 2 Salmon’s History of Essex, folio, and Memorial and Characters of Eminent and Worthy Persons, folio 2 Nash’s History and Antiquities of Worcestershire, folio, with many fine plates, hound in calf 2 Ward’s Lives of the Professors of Gresham College, folio, with portraits and plates 1 Hutchins’ History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, folio, in boards, with many fine maps and plates 2 7ot t . jV. -C . r/ 2 ■ to o / ■ t - . /. /A. * /2 . £> /o. j / J\ /*> b CASE B. 76 Theodore Dehry leones: il: Virorum, 4 vols. 4to, bound in 2, with many rare and curious portraits 2 77 Elsum’s Art of Painting, Bell’s Art of Painting, Bepertorium Sculpt lie, Typicum, and 4 vols. of Catalogues 7 78 Elegidia et Poematia Epidictica, 12mo, with many rare and curious portraits, and Portraits of the Roman Emperors, 12mo, curious 2 79 Nichols’ Select Collection of Poems, 8 vols. 12mo, in boards 8 80 Porter’s Life of St. Edward, 12mo; Peacham’s Valley of Variety, 12mo, and Hartlib’s Chemical Addresses, 12mo 3 81 Sterne’s Tristram Shandy, 4 vols.; Essays on Painting and Sculpture, 2, and 12 other vols. on the Arts 18 82 Thorsby’s Memoirs of the Town and County of Leicester, 6 vols. 12mo, in boards, plates 6 83 Harrington’s Nugai Antique, a Collection of Original Papers, 3 vols. 12mo, boards 3 84 The Life of Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury ; Poetical Amusements at Bath, 3 vols. 8vo, and a Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of the Kings of France, 2 G o' Tttj . T c^CrO . 1 0~i^~ 7 Oo t t-ert 7 7 \ 7 c/ FIRST DAY’S SALE. 7 No. 1. /S. O 85 o 86 10. c 87 H- 0 88 y 6 . 0 89 / . 2. o 90 w o . o 91 /£/■ o 92 /- -r. o 93 /o. o 94 . • ■ 2. 0 95 5 . /L c //o ■ 6 12 97 Z&o&p*. 8 (ifs . FIRST DAY'S SALE. 8 No. 1 / . '7- 0 107 /y ■ 108 >• /<:• 109 2 . <2 - o no / ■ 0 in / . *4 • 0 112 2. o . o 113 2. - ' o 114 '¥■ o 115 2 . o. o 116 ■¥ • o o 117 //. 118 2. S'. o 119 s~ J. 120 /• , 0 . 121 )2 o 122 2. /i. G 123 / 6 . a 124 3 . 3. O 125 / - it • o 126 3 A . o 127 Descampe’s Vie des Peintres, 4 vols. 8vo, and 4 other books on the Arts Labyrinte de Versailles, Overbeck’s Rome, and 4 other vols. Martin Leake’s Historical Account of English Money, and 5 others Pinkerton’s Essay on Medals, 2 vols. 8vo; ditto, and Medaglione di Ruonaroti, 4to Ducarels’ Series of Anglo-Gallic Coins, 4to, with plates; Folkes’ Table of English Silver Coins, 4to, with plates, and Simon’s Essay on Irish Coins Vaillant Numismata, 4to, and 4 others Sir Joshua Reynolds’ Discourses, Kirby’s Perspective, and 4 other vols. Lewis’ Life of Caxton, Recueil des Medailles des Rois, 4to, and Cox’s Museum Haym Tesoro Britannico, 2 vols. 4to, with plates Abrege de la Vie des plus Fameux Peintres, 3 vols. 4to, with portraits Portraits Historiques des Hoinmes Illustres de Dannemark, 4to, with fine prints Ames’ History of English Printers, 4to, with plates Voyage de Jeune Anacharsis en Grece, 4 vols. 4to, splendidly bound Iveates’ Account of the Pelew Islands, 4to, in boards, and Poems, 2 vols. folio Patini Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, folio, with plates, and Monete del Regno di Napoli, folio La Sicilia de Filippo Paruta, folio, with plates of Coins, and La Historica Augusta, with plates of Coins Sir William Blackstone’s Magna Charta, and 2 others Waterhouse’s Commentary, folio, and Boosborn’s Architecture, folio, with plates The Earl of Pembroke’s Collection of Coins and Medals, 2 vols. 4to, bound in vellum Fleming’s plates of Coins of the Ancient British Kings, 4to; Withy and Ryall’s plates of the Coins of the British Kings, Noble on the Coins of the Bishops of Durham, and Pegge on the Coins of the Arch¬ bishops of Canterbury Snelling’s thirty-nine plates of English Medals, 4to; Snelling’s Work on Jettons and Counters, 4to; Snelling on the Silver Coin of England, with plates, 4to; Snelling on the Coinage of Scotland, and Snelling on the Coins struck by English Princes in France, 4to 8 7DO V 6 6 / J 4 2 6 o I . 2 . 3 a &Xcr 1 -OG. 7 ( v} 1 J A / t a . ■ 4 3 9 A. & cSl 2 3 7 ‘ 7 2 L/ f C-tA.* j 4 <5 T FIRST DAY’S SALE. 9 I. s . - No. 1. 128 u- -• 129 130 /(,. -. 131 /• l>. O- 132 /. 3. o . 133 / si o 134 /V ■ CJ 135 136 / • ( 8 • & 137 / 6 ■ £ 138 /O ■ £> 139 f • .2-0 140 / (f ■ E 141 / ' 6 - 6 142 . / / J - o. 143 f ' /v 7 . c 144 3 • ^ • £> 145 / . . o 146 / - /• o 147 /. fb • a 148 King’s Coins of the Roman Families, &c.; Perry on English Medals, and Withy and Ryall on the Silver Coinage of England Fabian’s Chronicle, in black letter, folio, 1559, very rare and curious Strutt’s Dictionary of Engravers, 4to, scarce Evelyn’s Discourse of Medals, folio; Sanderson on Painting, with a por¬ trait, and 1 other Simon’s Essay on Irish Coins, 4to; Dalby’s Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Works, 4to, and 1 other West’s Antiquities of Furness, 4to, with plates, and 2 others Gierdini, folio, plates for Silversmiths’ work, and 3 others A Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the Harleian Collection in the British Museum, folio Kippis’ Biographia Britannica, folio, boards Havercampus Thesaurus Morellianus, folio, with fine plates of Coins Vitruvius’ Treatise on Architecture, folio; Junius Pictura Veterum, folio, and Francini, folio Catalogue of the Coins of the Bodleian Library at Oxford, and Milton’s Paradise Lost, printed at Glasgow Banduri Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, folio, with plates Vaillant’s Numismata, 2 vols. in 1, folio, with plates, and Anti qua Numis¬ mata, folio, with plates cruf-/ CA 3 9 y- 3 3 ]otd-c£. 2 l J 5 ' l ■£-* •£- ‘‘A- 2 3 2 S /rU3~‘^ 161 y c> 162 it o 163 1 - /sS • > 5 oi^c /H ~b~ FIRST DAY’S SALE. 11 No. I. • * 170 /■ r o 171 3 ■ 3 g 172 7 o ? • /&' o / • /6 - G / • o V - v a '3 - XV ' o _ r vs ■ O'" eS t • vS' o t - / o ■ G 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 Froissart’s Chronicle, folio, black letter, and Bosio’s History of St. John of Jerusalem, folio, from the Library of Henry IY. of France Bycaut’s Commentaries of Pedru, folio, and de Motraye’s Travels, 2 vols. folio The Earl of Strafford’s Letters and Dispatches, and his Life, by Sir George Radcliffe, 2 vols. folio, and Memoirs of the Marquis of Clan- ricarde, folio Mackenzie’s Lives and Characters of the most Eminent Writers of the Scottish Nation, folio Lord Burleigh’s Collection of State Papers in the Reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., Mary and Elizabeth, folio Anstis’ Order of the Garter, folio Harris’ Collection of Voyages and Travels, 2 vols. folio, and Clarendon’s State Papers, folio, boards Camden’s Britannia, by Gough, 3 vols. folio, with maps and plates Dart’s Antiquities of Canterbury, folio, large paper, and Atlases, 2 vol. folio Atkins’ History of Gloucestershire, folio, large paper Museum Florentinum Anti qua Numismata, 3 vols., with fine plates Dodington’s Diary, 2 vols. 4to; On Fencing, 2 odd vols. of Rapin’s History of England, and 2 others o’ / /G A -^>cu ? 3 7' 3 2 ^ 2 x A , 3 3 y -ei. _ / i.l 3 X 1 P ts; / S' 3 X 7 cm A) , 7 / V &L£L<. a END OF THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. gjcconJs Bag’s g>alr OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On TUESDAY, the 26th Day of APRIL, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 2. — The Library of Books, continued. /• A /' • 2 . / s /s> % - / £ LOT 1 2 c> o o 7 CASE E. Hederick’s Lexicon, Littleton’s Dictionary, and 2 others 4 Memoirs for the Curious, 4to, 1707; Heylyn’s History of St. George, 4to; Brown’s Travels, 4to, and Smith’s Life of Bishop Ussher 4 The Weekly Packet, or Advice from Rome, 2 vols. 4to; Bibliotheca Literaria, 4to; vol. of curious Old English Plays, and Sir Henry Spelman’s Views of the Towns of England 5 Hobbes’ Leviathan, 4to; Piazza’s True Account of the Inquisition, 4to, and 3 others 5 A Godly Meditation on twenty select and chosen Psalms, by Sir Anthony Cope, Knt., and printed at London by John Day, in black letter, 4to, from the Library of King James I., and The Court of King James I. 4to 2 Harry’s Genealogy of King James I., 4to, 1604, very scarce, and the Jewel House of Art and Nature, by H. Platt, London, 1594, very curious 2 The Three Books of Chronicles, gathered by John Euncke of Nuren- burgh, printed at London, in black letter, by Walter Lynne, in 1550, very rare and curious 1 T_ ‘ ^ t -/ O / a-yt'- SL - Jim. V#- SECOND DAY’S SALE. 13 No. *. z / • C' ° 8 / 6 o 9 /G G. 10 6 O 11 / z o 12 / • ^ V 13 /■ r: 14 / . /. ° 15 /- / - ^ 16 u • o 17 / - c • G 18 / Z c 19 /A ■ c, 20 '2 • O 21 /2 - 22 - SiS ° 23 others >el Rio Disquisitionum Magicarum, 4to; Sorbiere’s Letters i courses, 4to, and 4 others he Life of Epicurus, 4to; History of Henry III. of France, 4 other vols. heatrum Hollandie, oblong 4to, by Boxhorn rawford’s Plays, 4to; Ashley’s Almanza, 4to; Isaac Hollan Books on the use of Lully’s Spirit of Wine, 4to, and 2 others Aivres de Monsieur de Fontenelle, 10 vols., and Mem- Fontenelle 5 6 ^ &--A / A CT £ , 6 1 A a- z-, 5 11 Our, wifo :A Literature, 4; Memoires de M. L’Abbe Arnauld, 3, and Pieces Fran£oises 10 bray, 2; Emile, par Rousseau, 4, and Histoire d’Alexandre 13 Galantes de la Cour de Henri II., par Lussan, 2; St. Palaye’s Memoires sur l’Ancienne Chevalerie, 2, and Lussan’s Histoire de la Revolution de Naples, 4 11/ z l * • Di verses, 3; Due de Noailles Campagne en Allemagne, 2; Vie de Santeuil, Les Arrets d’Amours, CEuvres de Bruscambille, and 1 other 12 Wortley Montague’s Letters, 3 vols. [emoires de Michel de Marolles, 3 vols.; 1’ de Navarre, 2, and Proces de Damien, 4 ictionnaire Theatres de Paris, 7 vols., and I Differentes Choises, 4 5 s 12 1 11 11 4 ■h Defoeneste, 2, and Southwell’s Histoire du Detronement D’Alfonso VI., 2 vols. 7 ir Thomas Elyote’s Image of Gouvernaunce, 4to, in black letter, 1550; a book called The Governour, by Sir Thomas Elyote, black letter, 1580; The Banquette of Sapience, black letter, 1542, by Sir Thomas Elyote, and the Castle of Health, by Sir Thomas Elyote, all very rare 4 if -J- f A. < SECOND DAY’S SALE. fo / 6 /' ft / o /& / / -i to i 1 - / A / £ o 4 / o o (O 26 27 ^ 28 14 No. 2. 24 A Briefe and Pleasant Treatise, by Thos. Hyll, black letter, 1586, very scarce, and 4 other black letter tracts, all bound in 1 vol., and The Confession of Faith, by Sir Richard Taverner, black letter, 1536, printed at London, by Robt. Redman 25 The Three Books of Tully’s Offyces, botlie in Latyne tonge and in Englysshe, lately translated by Roberte Whytington, poete laureate, imprinted at London, by Wynkyn de Worde, in black letter, 1534, very rare and curious The Grandeur of the Law, 12mo; the History of Jewels, 12mo, and 2 books on Short Hand, 12mo Southouse’s Survey of the Monastery of Faversham, 12mo; Wallace’s Account of the Orkney Islands, 12mo, and Childrey’s Rarities of England, Scotland and Wales, 12mo 3 Keate’s Account of Geneva, Brown’s Christian Morals, and Histoire Theodose le Grand, 2 vols. 4 The British Compendium, or Rudiments of Honour, 3 vols., 12mo; Heylyn’s Help to English History, the Beauties of England, Memoirs of the Family of St. John, and 4 other vols. 10 Waterhouse’s Defence of Arms and Armoury, Philpot’s Origin and Growth of Heraldry, Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain, and 7 others 10 o 31 Museum Tradescantianum, 12mo; De Laune’s Present State of London, 12mo; the Parish Clerk’s Account of London, 12mo, and 2 others 5 Z 32 History of the Art of Printing, Edinburgh, 1713, 12mo, by Watson; Wood’s Bowmans’ Glory, 12mo; Kirby’s Suffolk Traveller, 12mo, and 5 others 33 Kent’s Grammar of Heraldry, 12mo; Carter’s Analysis of Honour, and 4 others 6 34 Dicey’s Account of Guernsey, 12mo, Life of Saint Cuthbert, 12mo; an Account of Durham Cathedral, 2 vols. 12mo, and 3 others 7 35 Stowe’s Chronicle, black letter, 12mo, and 2 other 12mo black letter books 3 36 Les Chats, Histoire des Perruques, and 10 other vols., in French 12 37 A Summary of the Religious Houses in England and Wales, History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Rochester, ditto of the Cathedral Church of Hereford; ditto of Waltham Abbey, and ditto of the Charter House 38 Monastic History of Ireland, Harris’ History of Dublin, Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Worcester, History of Tunbridge Wells, and History of University College o 29 30 6 O D o o 2 ?Z 4 ft . Xj &... 8 ..sf /usi. ti c u COz > ( ( 5 rAcV i o 5 ft SECOND DAY’S SALE. 15 No. 2. I ■ o 39 / 40 X - Jit ‘^41 ( • " 2> 42 5. * ^ 43 /• / • 6 44 / 2 £> 45 £ - £46 Ac D 047 48 A A ■ ^ 2 - /A 49 e> X ■ * f ■ /f- ^ 52 6 J. /o • & 50 51 a /r- 53 2 . £ • 54 6 ' £> 55 Hall’s Annals Regum Angliae Nicolai Triveti, 2 yols.; Brown’s Antiquities of Norwich, Leland Commentario de Scriptoribus Britannicis, 2 yols., and History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church at Winchester Robinson’s Natural History of Cumberland and Westmoreland, and 5 others Thoresby’s History of the Church of Leedes, Gent’s History of the Town of Rippon, Beaumont’s Gleanings of Antiquities, and 4 others 7 Risdon’s Survey of the County of Devon, 2 yols.; Salmon’s Antiquities of Surrey, and History of the Brotherhood of the Holy Ghost, at Basingstoke 4 London and its Environs Described, in 6 vols. 8vo, with plates 6 Harding’s Chronicle of England, in metre, black letter, printed by Richard Grafton, 1543 1 Mackerell’s History of King’s Lynn, in Norfolk; Heath’s Account of the Islands of Scilly, History of the Island of Minorca, and History and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge 4 Hearne’s Guilielmi Neubrignis Historia sive Chronica Rerum Anglicarum, 3 vols., scarce 3 Ashmole’s Antiquities of Berkshire, 3 vols., and the British Librarian 4 Ayliffe’s History of the University of Oxford, 2 vols., scarce, and Anti¬ quities of Malvern 3 Le Neve’s Monumenta Anglicana—Inscriptions on the Monuments of several Eminent Persons, 5 vols. 8vo., with many curious additions by Lord Orford r> Collins’ Peerage of England, 6 vols., with plates 6 Somner’s Antiquities of Canterbury, 4to; Morgan’s Armilogia, 4to, and Nisbet’s Essays on Armories 3 Heame’s Collection of Curious Discourses, written by eminent Antiqua¬ ries; ditto Antiquities of Warwickshire, Survey and Antiquities of the Town of Stamford, and ditto History and Antiquities of Glaston¬ bury 4 Hearne’s Chronicles and Annals of Dunstable, 2 vols., and Notitia Angli- 4 cana Stukeley’s Discourses on Antiquities in Britain, and several other tracts on British Antiquities, bound in the same; Bloomfield’s Collections re¬ lating to Cambridge, and Carew’s Survey of Cornwall 3 Dale’s History and Antiquities of Harwich, &c., 4to, with plates; The English Topography, Norden’s Description of Middlesex, and Torrs Antiquities of York / A2 I etc,'? / r & / G Cc y 1 '- *- / / J crTrJx -a_ SECOND DAY’S SALE. 16 6- * o No. 56 /6- 57 ft 58 '3 • 1. 6 59 2 • <5 o 60 d ■ ^ . Cd 61 r ft b 62 / z • o 63 2 ■ D 64 / / O 65 A • * - c> 66 / * 6 67 /• /• £> 68 J • A • O 69 Z • to - e> 70 z • L> 71 / $ ■ o 72 /• ? • £> 73 ( 6 6 ■ 74 / • f ■ o 75 The English Baronetage, 8vo. with plates Lodge’s Peerage of Ireland Browne Willis’ History of the Mitred Abbeys, 2 vols., and History and An¬ tiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury and the Abbey Church of Bath Aubrey’s Natural History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, with plates Hall’s Chronicle, folio, black letter Wright’s Antiquities of Ireland, 4to, with plates, and Howell’s Londi- nopilis, folio Magna Britannia et Hibernia Antiqua Nova, 4to, with maps and plates Pote’s History of Windsor Castle, Gibson’s Churches of Home Lacey and Hampstead, 4to; Enquixy into the History of Durham, and History and Antiquities of Maidstone Burton’s Description of Leicestershire, Lewis’ Antiquities of Faver- sham, and Norden’s Description of Cornwall Weever’s Funeral Monuments, folio, with fine impressions of the plates Morgan’s Sphere of Gentry, folio, with curious plates, and The Pre¬ cedency of Kangs, folio Batty and Langley’s Ancient Architecture, and an Account of the Seals of the Counts of Flanders A Catalogue of the Errors in Brooke, folio; Honours Military and Civil, and Geneological Tables Bi'owne Willis’ Survey of the Cathedrals of England, with plates, 3 vols. 4to Browne Willis’ History of Buckingham, 4to, and Stukeley’s Antiquities, 4to King’s Yale Royal of England, or History of the County Palatine of Chester, folio, with plates Kennett’s Antiquities of Oxford and Buckinghamshire, and Hawksmoor’s History of London Bridge Batley’s Antiquities of St. Edmundsbury, &c., and Parkins’ History of the Grey Friars, 4to Coker’s Survey of the County of Dorset, and Lambarde’s Alphabetical Description of the Chief Places in England and Wales Master’s History of the University of Cambridge, 4to, and William Thomas’ Survey of the Cathedral Church of Worcester 5 £ 'yc*. (~ / 4 4 ft ftftj . ftU. ft. 5 1 / i • to 91 Af • 7 • d 92 /• /jC to 93 Z - ^ ^ 94 2 . Borlese’s Observations on the Island of Scilly, and The Lives of the English, Irish, and Scottish Saints Sir William Lower’s Relation of the Voyage and Residence of Charles II., in Holland, in 1660, with fine plates, folio, and an Account of Mary de Medici’s Entrance into London, folio, with fine plates Dugdale’s History of St. Paul’s, folio, with plates, by Holler, and King’s Plates of the Cathedrals of England and Wales, folio The Catalogue of Honour, folio, with plates, by Miles, and Selden’s Titles of Honour, with plates, folio Thoroton’s Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, folio, with plates, and Gunton’s History of the Church of Petersborough, folio, with plates Mathew Paris’ Monachi Albancusis Angli Historia Major, by Watts, folio, in vellum Hollingshed’s Chronicles of England, Ireland, and Scotland, 2 vols. folio, black letter, rare and curious Dugdale’s Baronage of England, 2 vols., folio Blomefield’s History of Norfolk, 3 vols. folio Maitland’s History of Edinburgh, folio, with plates, and a volume of prints to Hearn’s Works Gordon’s Journeys through most of the Counties of Scotland and those in the North of England, folio, with plates, and Sir P. Lycester’s Antiquities of Cheshire Leigh’s Natural History of Lancashire and Cheshire, folio, with plates, and Morant’s History of Colchester, folio, with plates Thoresby’s Ducatus Leodiensis, or History of the Town and Parish of Leeds, folio, with plates, and Inigo Jones’ Account of Stonehenge, folio, with plates The Theatre of Honour and Knighthood, folio, and Randle Holme’s Storehouse of Armoury and Blazon, folio, with plates Genealogy of the Family of Courtenay, by E. Cleveland, folio, with plates, and Mary de Medici’s Entry into Amsterdam, folio, with plates Stowe’s Chronicle of England, folio, black letter, and Stowe’s Survey of London, folio The Works of Sir James Ware concerning Ireland, folio, with plates Ogilby’s Coronation of Charles II., and Antiquities of Northampton- 2 J fzsn. 7 2 toK ^7 9 / *— f r _ r? • L / tc Kc- l 2 fS -f i fl / / Aj 2 7 9 A 7 *' / e3^Ci a 3 rt/ -— V 0 A? / 2 2 7 / tov A 2 t \) Cz 2 7 /{wA_yfe_c_. . 2 /j i /. / v 1 J 1 A shire 2 /S rto Maddox’s Historical Essay on the Cities and Towns of England, folio, and Registrant Honoris de Richmond, folio, with plates 2 / ' F SECOND DAY’S SALE. / 2 /o - 6 18 No. 2. 95 1 . s b 96 fl ■ o 97 vS ' • v5 a 98 ‘T o o 99 A . W • o 100 / • /O ■ o 101 / • 6 ■ C 102 > O- o 103 X - o CD 104 v5 - L> C 105 L{ fC C 106 / /_s ■ £> 107 d" ■ d C 108 /• ‘ > - 109 /• /l . O 110 /■ A - /S 3- D (D 111 112 /- h ■ fc 113 vfi 6 114 /s r ' 0 115 /- ^ • t> 116 r ^ - o 117 /■ / • o 118 Camden’s Britannia, by Gibson, 2 vols. folio, and Maitland’s History ol London, folio Anthony Wood’s Anthenge Oxoniensis, or History of all the Writers and Bishops of Oxford, 2 vols. folio, large paper Anderson’s Royal Genealogies of Emperors, King s and Princes, from Adam to this time, 1732, folio Dart’s Antiquities of Westminster Abbey, 2 vols. folio, with fine plates Collins’ Historical Collections of the Lives of the Earls of Oxford, &c., folio, with fine portraits Burton’s Ecclesiastical History of P orkshire, folio Prince’s Worthies of Devon, folio Peck’s Antiquarian Annals of Stamford, folio, large paper, with plates Dugdale’s Antiquities of Warwickshire, folio, with plates Harris’ History of Kent, folio Theatrum Scotice, or Prospects of the Castles, Palaces, Towns, &c., in Scotland, folio, fine impressions of the plates Chauncy’s Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire, folio, fine impressions of the plates Sandford’s Genealogical History of the Kings of England, folio Drake’s History and Antiquities of the City of P ork, folio, with plates Moreton’s Natural History and Antiquities of Northamptonshire, folio Gwillim’s Book of Heraldry, folio, with fine plates Peck’s Desiderata Curioso, 2 vols. folio, bound in one, with plates Plott’s Natural History of Staffordshire, folio, with fine impressions of the plates Borelase’s Antiquities and History of Cornwall Payne’s Plans and Elevations of the Mansion House at Doncaster Wright’s Antiquities of Rutland and 2 others CASE F. State Letters of Henry Earl of Clarendon, 2 vols. 4to, and Kennedy s Desci’iption of Wilton House, 4to Birch’s History of the Royal Society of London, 4to Memoirespour servir a l’Histoire de la Fete des Foux, 4to, with plates, and 2 other 4to vols. in French 3 -A s 2 S f 1 ? f-*- 2 -A . 1 / I.DA- fz- ^ , 1 1 S- h 1 Cl h 1 1 / ^-/H. 1 / To , 1 ^ la- 1 . 1 t/J c- f-4A Z4 s-A-J ai L. A 1 Zc-- A 1 p&a.yc . 2 -A A- C 1 fLs*. ■ 1 'J V c-A l 1 /A i3~zA &C - 3 i ’ C A, . 3 \j2cs~7,I ^C . 4 SECOND DAY’S SALE. 19 />- o No. 2. 119 A a 120 / & 121 / • o ■ 122 A 0 . £>■ 123 ( ■ (( ■ A 124 o 125 a . D 126 / - d . c> 127 tz . o 128 £> 129 O-c ' o 130 to c> 131 6 o 132 / 2 ■ <£> 133 sO ■ 134 v5 135 /O ■ & 136 / z ■ o 137 6 138 139 6 ■ /Z . o 140 / w ■ & 141 /p • 142 / 0 • 143 / • o 144 Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire de la Fete des Foux, 4to, with plates, and 3 other vols. in French 4 Ilistolre de Louis XII., 4to, and Histoire de la Vie de Philip de Morny, 4 to 2 Le Chemin des Heros du Palais de la Gloire, 4to, with plates, and 3 other vols. in French 4 Leigh’s Accidens of Armoury, and Boswell’s Armoury, bound in the same vol., with plates, and 2 other books 3 Camden’s Remains concerning Britain, Lennard’s Cloud of Witnesses, and 2 others 4 Braithwaite’s English Gentleman, Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel’s Travels, and 3 others 5 The Life and Death of Sir Harry Yane, Prynne’s Brief Survey and Censure of Mr. Cozens, and 3 others 5 An Account of Italy, black letter; Histoire de Bertrand du Guesclin, 4to, and 4 others 6 Le Procez Receuil General des Pieces Entre la Demoiselle Cadiere, 8 vols., and Contes Francois, 3 11 Lacombe’s Abrege Chronologique de la Histoire du Norad, 2 vols., and 10 other small French books 12 Histoire de Tamerlan, 2 vols., and 13 other books in French 15 Le Passe Terns Agreable, 2 vols., and 10 other small books in French L’Alcoran des Cordeliers, 2 vols., with plates, and 6 other books Les Interes presens, par Rousset Memoirs de Sully, 7 vols., and Memoirs de Montpesier, 3 Histoire de Due d’Epernon, 3 vols., and 10 others Adventures of a Guinea, 2 vols., and 13 others Les CEuvres en prose et verse of Count Anthony Hamilton, 6 vols., and 6 others in French Histoire et Regne de Louis XI. 6 vols., and 6 others Histoire de France, 3 vols., and 9 others Histoire de Vicomte de Turenne, 4 vols., and 6 others in French Hackett’s Collection of Epitaphs, 2 vols., and 8 others Nouvelles Lettres de Robatan Conte de Bussy, 7 vols., and 6 others Memoires Historicque d’Amelot, 2 vols., and 11 others Memoires de Cardinal de Retz, 3 vols., and 9 others Recueil des Lettres de Madame de Sevigne, 6 vols., and 8 others <7 K crzzfeC t u Si V - \ cf X*. • Zv Os £7 / . /xiCrzl^C- ~ SECOND DAY'S SALE. 20 No. 2. /Z - 145 16 ■ £> 146 / Z • A 147 /o - •i 148 7 * / 149 / ■ ^ • 150 /* /. 6 151 A- 152 /o Z3 153 A/ ■ 154 / ' o ■ 155 / ' /J~- 156 A / A ■ 157 / • a ■ a 158 > • <3 - o 159 L f - 160 / J 161 /V • e>162 / - / 6 ■ ,163 A * / ' O 164 / r. r> 165 r - ♦ «■ 166 '7 * 167 z * f Z * c ,168 9 \ * aA- 169 . C ,170 V A ■ 171 Poems cle T. Corneille Les CEuvres de Monsieur de Moliere, 8 vols., and Les CEuvres de Boileau, 4 Les CEuvres de Racine, 2 vols., and 14 others Lettres du Marquis de Roselle, in Morocco, and 24 others Histoire des Rois de Naples, 4to., and 3 other vols. in French Explication de divers Monumens Singuliers, 4to, with plates, and 3 others in French Fables de la Motte, 4to., with plates, and 3 others Bowyer’s Dictionary, in French and English, 2 vols. 4to, and Histoire du Concile de Trente, 2 vols. 4to Histoire de Polybe, par Follard, 6 vols. 4to. Memoires concernant Christine Reine de Swede, 4 vols. 4to. Histoire du Roi Henri le Grand, par Perefixe, 4to, and 4 others Memoires pour la Yie de Francois Petrarque, 3 vols. 4to, and 2 other vols. in French Histoire Genealogique de la Maison Royale de Courtenay, folio, and 2 others Histoire de Charles VII., and another book L’Histoire Universelle du Sieur D’Aubigne, 3 vols., and 1 other Bale Script Anglke, folio, and Lord Verlurn’s Life of Henry VII. Voyages de Wicoufort, 2 vols. folio, and The Commentaries of Messire Blaize de Montlue Reding’s Catalogue of the Books in Sion College, folio Baker’s Chronicle of the Kings of England, folio; Barr’s Life of Bishop Ussher, and Wilson’s Life of James I. Moryson’s Itinerary, folio, and Cabela, or Mysterys of State, folio Histoire de Charles VI., folio, and 2 others Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de France, 2 vols. folio, and Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Montmorency, folio Recueil des Roys de France Leurs Couronne et Maison, folio, and 2 others Holy Bible, 4to Histoire de Britagne, par Lobineau, 2 vols. folio, with plates Essays of Michael de Montaigne, folio, and Histoire de l’Abbaye Royale de St. Germain Tanner’s Bibliothica Britannic® et Hibernicse, folio, and Drummond’s Travels, folio, with plates 11 A 7 / ' 16 25 t5~z 4 4 4 •z. £~ 4 4 ^ AjX ^— A*. 5 - rtc. 3 /As 4^' o . 2 / 3 'O V ■ 3 / ~t evct, 2 3 ^2 Crz 1 A 3 3 ■ ' J ( / V~- / - & 172 / - O ' G ■173 / ' / z ■ C> 174 'G ■ F/- & 175 - /o o 176 /o - 177 O- O 178 • Z> 179 / L / O 180 Cole’s State Papers, folio, and Collection of Trials of State Prisoners 2 Sir Thomas Roe’s Negotiations, and a vol. of Poems 2 Collins’ Letters and Memorials of State, 2 vols. folio 2 Strype’s Ecclesiastical Memorials, 3 vols. folio 3 Du Hald’s Description Geographique, Historique et Chronologique de l’Empire de la Chine, 4 vols. folio, with plates 2 Le Long’s Bibliotheque Historique de la France, folio, and Histoire de l’Abbaye Royal de St. Denys, folio, with plates 2 Histoire delle Guerre Civili de Francia, par Davila, 2 vols. folio, with plates 2 Guichvardini’s Istoria d’ltalia, 2 vols. folio 2 Histoire des Connestables, Chanceliers, Mareschaus, &c., folio, and the Works of the author of the Whole Duty of Man 2 / < f / /A nr *-&- fO ' / /\ t£-i !/ £ 6 /'U- END OF THE SECOND DAY’S SALE. ©f)e £Ijtitr Hag’s g>alr OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On WEDNESDAY, the 27th of APRIL, ]8i2, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 3.—The Library of Books, continued. CASE H. LOT 2/ ' sT- $ l Tracts and pamphlets in prose and verse, at the time of James I., and Charles I., many of which are extremely rare and curious, interspersed with notes and prints 1 2 ■ /l ■ * 2 Ditto, many of which are of the highest interest ft, - /tc - 6 3 Ditto / - t ■ 6 4 Ditto /6 < r- o - * 5 „ 6 Ditto Ditto tf ■ *7 ■ o N.B. The above tracts are in 4to and 8vo, half-bound, and the contents of each vol. is labelled in the fly leaf. /J ■ '6 ■ D 7 A Book containing the True Portraiture of the Countenances of the Kings and Queens of England, from William the Conqueror to Queen Elizabeth, engraved on wood, printed at the Blackfriars in 1597, small 4to t - S' * 8 The Life of Merlin, 4to, and Plays, Masks, and Poems, by Thomas Nabbes 6 U 4. £ 6 d fru.* rC A. J ( .4. <-tv 6 2>JST* . 6 6 fUr v 1 ‘>loz( o k^su. p . ^ r o i i o / « THIRD DAY’S SALE. 2i /* No. 3. * 9 / - 2 * ° 10 s\ — 6 X I iCo A /? - /?- Z'U 2 S 774\ A 1 i-t'i- « - < 7 V- ij t 4A?XftAv*. IC <- A others 10 THIRD DAY’S SALE. 24 No. * <=> 29 /cJ - <5 30 / /6 - j ■ X ' 31 V>32 /V - o 33 U. - ^ 34 / / ' * 35 / ■ /£ z, 36 / £> - <3 37 /* - o 38 /£> ' o 39 ti ^ 40 / f 41 2 ■ \S " - & 42 / • cj a 43 Z - o V. • o 44 //. ^ 45 7) J ‘ / 6 46 A* . o 47 / - / > / cA rdr ^"7 ' r ~7t THIRD DAY’S SALE. 25 / ' / 0.53 7 ‘ a ' o 54 / ^ 55 /<2 - o 56 / * ^ o 5 7 A. • to - a 58 ■ t> 59 7 ‘ 7 ^ 60 / ' £( ■ & 61 ^ ‘ r> 62 ■£ - /J "~- a 63 “7- 'f- ^ 64 ^ 76 u . o 77 / . / . e 78 /7 / ■ 2 79 / - // • { 80 Moliere’s Comedies, 8 vols., and Companion to the Play-house, 2 Tom Jones, 6 vols.; Contes Francois, 4, and 2 others 12 j, Fairy Tales, 3 vols.; Historical Parities, and 9 others 13 Bacon’s Essays, The Vindication of King James, The School of Abuse, and 9 others 12 7 a j/l Soame Jenyns’ Works, 2 vols.; Hurd’s Horace, 2 ; Arbuthnot’s Works, 2, and Webster’s Arithmetic, 3 9 Johnson’s Rasselas, Prince of Abyssinia, 2 vols.; Chetwood’s General History of the Stage, and 9 others 12 England’s Worthies, 2 vols.; Wei wood’s Memoirs, The Life of Fabricius, The Life of Parry, and Terrafelius 6 _A/A--AV7 Byves’ Mercurius Pusticus, Burnet on Queen Mary, England’s Worthies, Pepy’s on the Navy, Jones’ Secret History of Whitehall, and Sir Henry Wotton’s Works A/\ Turkish Spy, 8 vols.; The Rambler, 4, and 4 others 16 ^ History of the Marquis of Montrose, 12mo; The Court and Character of King James, The Principle Matters in King James’ Reign, The Life 0 Cl. 2. /j- s 81 of Lady Faulkland, The Life and Death of Anthony, Earl of Shaftsbury, and The Life of Viscount Stafford 6 . Meres’ Wits’ Treasury, 12mo; Sir Kenelm Digby’s Religio Medici, The Policy of the Venetians, Barnes’ Pygmies, The Hermetical Banquet rurK / . / . c, 82 . 83 / ' // ' * /• ^ ' O 8 d £85 Drest, and The Count Gablis 6 Dasier’s translation of Plutarch’s Lives 8 ‘'Cl t * The Use and Abuse of Parliament, 2 vols.; Jeffery of Monmouth’s British History, and 7 others 10 AAZLCi Herbert’s Memoirs, Bulstrode’s Memoirs, Memoirs of Scotland, 2 vols., and 6 others 10 /a . # 86 Life of Dr. Clark, ditto of Bishop Ussher, ditto of Sir Matthew Hale, ditto of Lord Bacon, ditto of Lord Keeper Williams, ditto of Mahomed, ditto of John Earl of Rochester, ditto of Archbishop Chicheley, and , —— ditto of Dr. Sanderson 9 State Trials 7 £\ THIRD DAY’S SALE. 27 /* /£ - /• f O ' /£> • No. 3. ° 8 7 Life of the Duke of Marlborough, 2 vols.; Life of Edward the Black Prince, and 7 others 10 d 88 Hearn’s Life of Alfred the Great, Toland’s Life of Milton, The Life of William of Wykeliam, ditto of Archbishop Tillotson, Birch’s Life of Prince Henry, and The Life of the Duke of Ormond 6 £>89 Flloyd’s Biography, 3 vols.; Historical Review of Europe, 2 ; Theatre of the Present War, Salmon’s Chronological Historian, and The Life of Colonel Gardener 8 /tO. —- A y t> 90 JL/ - A 91 /5 ■ D 92 //. d 93 / /£/ ' c 94 /. /o - a 95 ^>96 / y- „ 97 / . i r*- ' /2- 98 V 99 100 /* & - /■ * d 101 ° 102 O /. /.r . O 103 ditto Socrates, and ditto King William, 3 vols. he Life of Di\ Bathurst, ditto John Ray, ditto Sir John Perrot, d Socrates, ditto Manwaring, and 2 others z> 92 History of the late War, 2 vols.; ditto Revolutions, 2 ; Potter’s Anti- 7 quities, 2, and 4 others icholson’s English Librarian, 3 vols. ; England, 2, and Birch’s State Papers 10 V . 8 General Monk, ditto of Oliver Cromwell, and ditto of Bishop Aylmer 6 [emoirs of Philip de Comine, 2 vols.; John Buckle’s Life, 2, and Ludlow’s Memoirs, 3 7 "istory of Gustavus Erickson, Secret History of Whitehall, Life of Dr. Swift, ditto of Sir John Cheek, Clarendon and Whitelock Compared, < c a~z/ n. and Revolutions in Portugal 6 8 3 4 1 3 / * 98 Novelle de Bandello, 4to., bound in Russia 99 Lord Somers’ tracts, 4to 100 Cooper’s Chronicle, 4to, black letter, very rare and curious 101 (Euvres de Montesque, 4to 102 Ballard’s Memoirs of Learned Ladies, 4to, and 3 vols. of curious tracts, 4to 4 History of the Inquisition, by Chambers, 2 vols. 4to 4 6 104 Birch’s Memoirs of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 2 vols. 4to; Spratt’s History of the Royal Society, and Glover’s Leonidas 4 & 105 Secrets of the Adepts, Plays, 2 vols., and 4 others 7 $ 106 Mason’s Poems, Ward’s England’s Reformation Poems, 4to, and Prynes’ Montarguel, 4to 3 ,<7 / r* H-f ■ THIRD DAY’S SALE. 28 No. 3. 'v * 0 • o 107 V- £> 108 l - / Z ■ £> 109 .S Y * / * gy 110 Bertholomeus (le Proprietatibus Berum, translated by Thomas Lord Berkley, folio, printed in black letter, by Thomas Berlhlett, very rare and curious 1 De Moivre on the Doctrine of Chances, and Baresby’s Miscellany 2 The Spanish English Bose, or the English Spanish Pomegranate, 4to, with a curious print, very rare, by Lucius Lavinius 1 A collection of tracts and pamphlets, Historical and Political, published during the Beign of King George III., in prose and verse, collected by the late Lord Orford, and uniformly bound in 59 vols ; the contents of each vol. are in Lord Orford’s hand-writing, on the fly leaf; many of them are of the greatest rarity 5 9 <7 CASE K. 4 * / z . & 111 A . /.?. o 112 4 r • u, . V 03 4 ■ o H4 / . / - oll5 / j> - <5 116 / S- o 117 / / • 1/ ■ « 118 /o ■ • ^119 Z ' /J~. 0 120 l . /£> • o 121 6 . o ■ o 122 A collection of tracts and pamphlets, 8vo, in prose and verse Ditto Ditto Ditto 11 11 11 11 Shenstone’s Works, 3 vols.; Cibber’s Lives of the Poets, 4, and Sir William Freeman’s Letters 8 Capel’s Prolusions, Thomson’s translation of Clautus, 2, and 5 others 8 Brathwait’s Nursery of Gentry, Essay on the Genius of Pope and 8 others 10 The Profitable Art of Gardening, 12mo, in black letter, by Thomas Marshe, 1572 ; The Book of Palmestry, 12mo, in black letter; Wray’s Collection of English Words, and Account of celebrated Libraries 4 Devolution at Naples by Massaniello, The Art of Curing by Expectation, King William the Third’s Letters and Diary, 2 vols.; Howell’s Dodonas Grove and 2 others Henry Vaughan’s Collection of Poems, 12mo, scarce; Wytt’s Becreations, by Blunden, 12mo, scarce; John Owen’s Latin Epigrams English, by Thomas Harvey, 12mo, and Ovid’s Art of Love, 12mo G. Herbert’s Poems, 12mo; T. Quarle’s Poems, 12mo; Sir Thomas Overbury’s Wife, 12mo, and Wase’s Poem on Hunting, 12mo A Strappado for the Devil, and Love’s Labyrinth, by B. Brathwait, 12mo, scarce; Belvidere, or the Garden of the Muses, 12mo, very scarce, and Wright’s Thyestes, a Tragedy, 12mo 3 7 6 7 Kt J 4 THIRD DAY’S SALE. 29 J ^ No. 3. ^ ' ^123 ■ ■ & 124 % * /0 ' ° 125 D • /S~. o 126 / (2 - 0127 X/ • <5 • (5 128 /*• . V5 - SS , (y 129 ? ' <3 130 /*>. <5 131 0 ' o 132 V- & 133 / ' '6 • <5 134 At ' A dz- L. 777 J< ^ H- THIRD DAY’S SALE. 30 No. 3. 2 - A) • ^ 137 ^ ^ 138 ? - fo • £.139 1 ' o 140 !C,-o 14i if- O 142 /O ■ /o- o 143 3 - 7-o 144 / J ^ a 145 J^.O 146 jA ■ * 14 ? f ■ f. o 148 / , / /- /J /d /> 149 150 / / ' 6- <*151 ,152 . A / 3- o 153 / 7 ’ ° 154 /'I'D 155 159 Mrs. Jones’ Poems, Lady Burrel’s ditto. Sir E. Coke’s Reports, in verse, &c.; A Letter on Poetical Translations, and Holcroft’s Plays 5 C - o 160 Milton’s Works, 2 vols.; Richardson’s Notes on Milton, and Poetical Miscellany, 5 vols. g / * 0 7 o 161 Poems on Affairs of State, 4 vols.; Cowley’s Poems, 3 ; Gay’s Fables and Poems, 2 Hj 0 - ol62 Sir Philip Sidney’s Works, 3 vols.; Prior’s Works, 2 ; Sir George Etheringe’s Works and Creech’s Lucretius, 2 & ' 0 163 Warey’s Poems, Ovid’s Art of Love, Dodsley’s Poems, Warton on Spencer, 2 ; Scanderbeg, Military Poems and Gilbert’s Poems 8 ayC~ £ / • /£ . o 1^. • * 0 164 Butler’s Hudibras, with Hogarth’s plates, 2 vols.; Butler’s Remains, 2, and Grey’s Notes on Shakspeare, 2 6 ^165 Pope’s Works 9 166 Fielding’s Works, 6 vols. ; Waley’s Poems, and Dryden’s Miscellaneous Works, 4 vols 11 /* / 0 • o 167 Aaron Hill’s Works, 4 vols.; Coleman’s Plays, 4, and 1 other book 9 v —/. y ■ 0 168 A collection of Old Plays, bound up, arranged by Lord Orford, with the contents of each on the fly leaf, very rare and curious 23 / '7 * & 169 Fenshaw’s translation of the Poems of Louis de Camoens, folio, with a portrait, very rare 1 % £ * ? ’ ^170 The Theatre of George III. A collection of Plays formed by the late Earl of Orford, consisting of several hundreds, uniformly bound, with the contents of each vol. on the fly leaf in Lord Orford’s hand-writing, very curious 59 cm P Vo JVi. 6-C. A CASE L. // - // - ^171 The British Journal, from June 15th, 1715, 10 vols., folio; Mist’s Weekly ditto, 10, folio; the above 20 vols. are formed of very curious and interesting old Newspapers 20 V 7* > / 172 Fogg’s Journal, 2 vols.; Appleby’s ditto, The Craftsman, 5; The London Advertiser, 2; The Jacobite Journal and The Remembrancer 12 7 A a THIRD DAY’S SALE. 32 No. 3 / * / ' a 173 V ■ & 174 / . o ■ 175 /zr- c> 176 s*"~. o 177 / o . o 178 o V • 2 . G 179 1 / & - £5 180 3 . A - £5 181 / * /o * & 182 / * // - / • o 183 / • o - £> 184 ~ o 185 186 //. 6 6^. a 187 / * / • <3 188 Tracts and pamphlets, several very rare and curious 6 Brindley’s Classics, 19 vols., 12mo, bound in vellum, viz.Ovid, 5; Virgil, Horace, Terence, Juvenal, Sallust, Cornelius, Nepos Quintus Curtius, 2 ; Lucan’s Thursalia, 2 ; Julius Caesar, 2 ; Catullus and Phaedra 1 9 Anti Lucretius, 2 vols. and 13 others, small classics 15 Philomathi Musas Juveniles and 6 other vols. on the classics 7 Epigrammi di Marziale, 1782, 2 vols., and Opere di Nic Machiavelli, 4 6 Di Tito Lucrezio Caro della Natura della Cose da Alessandro Marchetti, Amsterdam, 8vo, with beautiful impressions of the plates, 1754 2 Vita della Cavaliere Giovanni Pikler, Vita della imperadore Carloro V., da Gregorio Lati, 2 vols. and 20 other small vols. in Italian 23 Horatio Flacci Opera, Londini, Johannes Pine, very fine plates, rare 2 L’Anncese Seme Opera Amstelodami Elseirrium, 1672,4 vols., in vellum ; Claudiani Nic Hensius Amstelodami Elseviriana, 1665, in vellum; Statii a Johanne Veenliusen, Lugd. Batav, 1671, and Historiae Augustas Isaaci Casauboni, &c., Lugdni Batav, 1671 8 Cornelii Taciti Opera, Jacobi Gronovii, Amstelodami, 1685,2 vols.; Publii Terentii Casauboni Amstelodami, 1686; Valerius Maximus, Lugd. Batav, 1670; Dionysii, G. Hill, ditto, Z. Pearce, and Disserta- tiones Cyprianicas, ab Henrico Dodwello, Oxonias, 1684 7 Decamerone di Giovanni Boccaccio, 1762, Londra, G. Noursa, 4to; Dei Bagni di pisa Trattato Antonio Cochi, Firenze, 1750, 4to; Altieris Dizionario Italian, ed Inglese, 1726, and Dictionaire Italien et. Francois, 1710 'I Scena d’Huomini Illustri Ditala, 4to, with fine portraits ; L’Abcedario Pittorico Bologna, 1719, 4to; Raccolta di Poesie Tommaso Crudeli Napoli, 1746, 4to, and Degli Eroi Della Serenissima Casa d’Este, 4to, with portraits 4 Delllstoria Civile del Regno di Napoli, da Pietro Giannone Napoli, 1723 4 Sags! di Dessertazioni Accademiche Publicamente Lette Nella Nobile Accademia Etrusca Dell’antichissima Citta di Cortona, in Roman, 1741, 4to 6 Verona Illustrata Maffei, 4 vols. 8vo, Verona, 1732, and Istoria Florentina, in Firenze, 1718 5 Le Tableau des Riches Inventions, a Paris, 1600; Leonardi Bruni Arretini Epistolarum, Florentse, 1741; Vita Di Cosimo Medici, in Firenze, 1578, and 2 others 5 si <3~L £ A_o /v..yL / *•/ /4 • O 191 /0 ' o 192 /Z_/ ^189 Sir Walter Raleigh’s History of the World, 12mo; P. Maxio’s Treasury of Ancient and Modern Times, 2 vols., folio, and Grimstone’s General History of the Netherlands, folio, 1627 4 190 Sir Henry Spelman’s Works, folio; Hooker’s Ecclesiastical Police, folio; Blackmoore’s Prince Arthur, folio, and Tasso la Gerrusalemme Liberata 4 Sandy’s Travels, folio; L’Estrange’s Josephus, folio, with maps and plates; Puffendorfs Law of Nature, folio, and Heylyn’s Cosmographie, folio 4 The Duchess of Newcastle’s Poems and Plays, 2 vols., folio, with her portrait at full length; J. Friend’s Works, folio, and The Observator, by Sir R. L’Estrange, 2, folio, with a portrait 5 & • / ^ ’ c> 193 Gray’s Poems, with plates, from Mr. Bentley’s Designs, folio; Thompson’s Orpheus Caledonius, folio, and 2 other books of poems, in folio 4 197 Sir John Froissart’s Chronicles, translated by Lord Berners, 2 vols. folio, in black letter, printed by Richard Pynson 1525, very rare 2 ^ 4 _ . / — -ft-* END OF THE THIRD DAYS SALE. & LsCt. H jFourtlj Bag’s ^a(c OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On THURSDAY, the 28th Day op APRIL, 1842 , Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 4.—The Library of Books, continued. CASE D. LOT ^ 1 / '■ £> - 2 / O - /5 3 /' 4 /A - O 5 . JL o 6 *7 • 0. / 6 7 o U • 8 V . /6 • / 9 /f- 10 // ' fi • £ 11 Darel’s History of Dover Castle, 4to; Description of Salisbury Cathedral, 4to, with plates; Howard on Lazaretos, 4to; History of the Westminster Elections, 4to, and Harrison on Taste 5 Life of Erasmus, 2 vols. 4to, with a portrait; Mickle’s Poems, 4to, and one other 4 Barrett’s History of Bristol, 4to, and King on Ancient Castles, 4to 2 Henry’s History of Great Britain, 6 vols. 4to, in boards 6 The Union of Honor, collected by James York of Lincoln, Blacksmith, folio, and two vols. on French Heraldry 3 Pennant’s Works in 4to, boards, 10 vols. 10 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4to 5 Astley’s Collection of Voyages and Travels, 4to 4 The London Chronicle, during the reign of George III., 4to, elegantly bound 36 Sanson’s Atlas, folio 2 Edmonson's Peerage of England, folio, with fine plates, elegantly bound 6 A ‘4 tTTo A / 7. I&S-3LJ 1 C —1_ 7 ♦V . /% FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 35 No. 4. •6 ' . S - 12 V- & ' (a 13 Z • /o - £3 14 /£ . a 15 A / o 16 A/ , £ ■ 17 -A - / 18 z . G 19 n ■ « D 20 v. £> 21 ' * 4r - O 22 r* o 23 /z - o 24 V- o 25 o - o 26 /z ■ o 27 ? * 6 28 vT . o 29 V- & 30 /C ' o 31 //- 2 32 y • o 33 / - G> 34 V- A 35 y- a 36 > - o 37 . 38 //. o 39 , o 40 • / o - o 41 4._ r / ~ & 42 o - 43 Edmonson’s Heraldry, folio Le Grand Theatre de Brabant, in vellum, with fine plates Bigland’s History of Gloucestershire, and Speed’s Maps, folio Thucididis’ Opera, folio, and 2 others, folio Ruggieri Studio de Architectura, folio, with fine plates, bound in vellum Rudder’s History of Gloucestershire, folio, with plates Bienchini Delpelazzo de Cesari, folio, and 1 other on Architecture Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houghton Hall, in Norfolk, the seat of Sir Robert Walpole, folio, fine impressions of the plates, and bound in Morocco 2 4 /AAzrT 3 U • ArX*, 1 -P/o-aZP 2 A? 1 / CASE G. Vies des Peintres, par Felibien, 6 vols., and 4 others Anecdotes de France, 4 vols., and 7 others Journal du Regne de Henry IV., 9 vols. Epigrama Francis, 2 vols., and 21 others La Vie de Saint Jean Chrysostome, 2 vols.; Vie de St. Athanase, 2, and Vies de plusieurs Saints Illustres, 5 Memoires pour servir a l’Histoire d’Espagne, 4 vols., and 6 others Lettres de Madame de Maintenon Le Theatre des Grecs, par Brumoy, 6 vols., and 6 other vols. Memoires de Torcy, 3 vols., and 10 others Negotiations de Monsieur le Comte d’Avaux, 6 vols., and 7 others Nouveau Voyage de France, 2 vols., and 8 others Histoire et Regne de Charles VI., 9 vols., and ditto of Charles VII., 2 Memoires de Madame de Maintenon, 6 vols., and 4 other vols. Vie de Crillon, 2 vols., and 8 others Misson’s Nouveau Voyage d’ltalie, 4 vols., and 6 others Du Bos Reflexions Critiques sur la Poesie, 3 vols., and 7 others Lettres du Roi Louis XII., 4 vols., and 7 others Le Nouveau Theatre Franc;ais, 11 vols., and 3 others Coriat’s (Junior) Travels, 2 vols., and 7 others Lettres de Ninon de l’Enclos, and 10 others Poesies de Madame des Houlieres, 2 vols., and 10 others Rollin’s Histoire des Egyptiens, 7 vols., and 5 others Histoire des Empereurs Romain, 2 vols., and 6 others Memoires de Versorand, 2 vols., and 7 others 10 77u± 11 (hfta 14 - V 9 P 10 ( 9 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. / , 2 •*< « c 36 No. 4. 44 7 4 • & 45 '3 • 6 46 £> 47 /. - a 48 /. 49 53 / z . s 54 •y — ■ d> 55 / • / ' 6. 56 / - A 57 < * /z> * Cs 58 / • /o - O 59 iT* /c?> - 6 60 / - D 61 / • J'. 62 / * O 63 / s * 0 64 l . e> 65 / • /' O 66 (Euvres de M. de Voltaire, 16 vols. 16 De l’Esprit des Loix, 2 vols., and 7 others 9 Les Trois Siecles de Notre Literature, 3 vols., and 7 others 10 Radicati’s Recueil de Pieces Curieuses, Varietes Historiques, 4 vols., and 4 others 9 Memoires du Comte de Forbin 2 Theatre de la Foire 5 Histoire des Ordres Monastiques et Militaires, 8 vols. 4to, with plates 8 (Euvres Diverses de Rousseau, 2 vols. 4to, and Siecle de Louis XIV. 3 Histoire du Viscomte de Turenne, 2 vols. 4to, and Memoires a l’Histoire de la Maison de Brandenburg 3 Histoire Genealogique de la Maison de Gondi, with fine plates, 2 vols., Morocco 8 Histoire d’Angleterre, par de Rapin Thoyras, 4to, with portrait 10 Traite Historique de Monnoyes de France, par le Blanc, with plates, and Beauchamp’s Recherches sur les Theatres de France 2 Histoire de Charles II., Roi de Navarre, 2 vols., and Simon’s Histoire Critique du Vieux Testament 3 The Works of Sir William Temple, 2 vols. folio, and Monteith’s History of the Wars of Scotland under the Marquis of Montrose, folio 3 The Works of William Drummond, of Hawthornden, folio, and George Fox’s Journal 2 Thomas Fuller’s History of the Worthies of England, folio, and Lord Lovat’s Trial, folio 2 Wren’s Parentalia, or Memoirs of the Family of the Wrens, folio, and Sir Edward Walker’s Historical Discourses 2 Sir D. Digges’ Complete Ambassador, folio, with the Print, by Faithorne, and Rycawt’s Lives of the Popes, folio 2 Kempfer’s History of Japan, 2 vols. folio, with plates, and Grew’s Catalogue of the Rarities in Gresham College, folio 2 Sir William Davenant’s Works, folio, with a Portrait, by Faithorne, and Lock’s Essay on Understanding 2 The Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, folio; Raymond’s Reports, and Heriditary Right to the Crown of England 3 The Case of Dr. Sacheverell, folio; The Trial of Lord Byron, and ditto of Lord Ferrers, with curious plates and manuscript notes 3 Harrington’s Oceana and other works, folio; Selden’s Tracts, folio, and an Account of the Conspiracy against King Charles II. 3 / 'K — ^4 / Ao-i A- n /V cr~zOz-C_ /? 4-c- $"''7 Si X- -2-^W c /. - J / FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 37 No. / ' f ? • 67 / * / ■ 68 •? - /ts • 0 69 / / 6 ■ c> 70 / ■ Z - O 71 z. 72 y - 73 / 74 / - £ - <=> 75 7 • ^ 76 / 6 ■ £> 77 6 "I 78 9 <. ■ \S . 79 ? - S’- ^3 80 4 . Dr. Dee on Spirits, folio; The Historical and Chronological Theatre, by Helvicus, and Wilkins’ Real Character 3 Burnet’s Theory of the Earth, History of the Reformation, and 1 other 3 Mace’s Musick’s Monument, folio, with a portrait by Faithorne, and Thomas Killegrew’s Works, with a portrait, by Faithorne 2 Fleath’s Chronicle of the Civil Wars, folio, and Historical Collections, by Townsend 2 Ben Jonson’s Works, folio 2 Pococke’s Travels, folio, with plates 2 Gordon’s Tacitus, folio 2 Chambers’ Dictionary, 2 vols.; Fleetwood’s Sermons and Tracts, and Milton’s Letters, folio 4 Broughton’s Dictionary, folio, and Perry’s View of the Levant, folio, with plates 2 Winwood’s State Papers, folio 3 Miller’s Gardeners’ Dictionary, 2 vols. folio, and Stanley’s History of Philosophy, folio, Avith a portrait by Faithorne 3 Thurlow’s Collection of State Papers, 7 vols. folio 7 Spence’s Polymetis, folio, large paper, Avith fine plates 1 Fuller’s Church History of Britain, folio, and Bishop Burnet’s History of His OAvn Time, 2 vols. folio 3 /7i > ft A a. y / , ( / . c?. /t. I 81 82 83 Cicero Opera , 15 vols. part bound in Morocco and gilt, containing Epistolae ad Familiares, in 2 vols.; ditto ad Atticum, in 2 ; De Officies, 2 ; Orationes, 6 ; De Oratore, Naturadcorium et Fuiibus Luciani Samosatensis Opera, 2 vols.; Plinii Secundi Xaturalis Historic, 3 ; Titi Livii Historiarum, 3, and Julius Caesar’s Commentario, 2 , all bound in red Morocco, gilt 1 P. Virgilii Marinis Opera, 3 vols. (vol. 2 missing); P. Ovidii Nasonis Opera Omnia, 3; Callimachi Ilymni Epigrammata, 2 ; Plautus Comcedke, 2 , andPetronius 1 FOURTH DAY’S SALE. -/- ■ • L-f V • /e>. V- o / b. ' 7 - /. //. /■ /o. d. - /• £ /. {, 1 / 38 No. 4. 84 85 / 5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 Cl. Clceliani® varia Historia, 2 vols.; Florus Rerum Romanorum, 2 ; Corpus Juris Civilis, 2; Alexandri ab Alexandro, 2, and Vegetitus de re Militare, 2 10 Q. Curtii Rufi Alexander Magnus, 2 vols.; J. Barclaii Orgenis, 2 ; ditto Satyricon, Appiani Alexandrini Romanorum, 2 ; Lactantii Per- secutorum, Yelleii Paterculi Histori® Roman® and Relandi Fasti Con- sulares 10 Hesiodus, Martialis Epigrammata, Pervigilium Veneris, C. Plini Panegyricus, Erasmi Colloquia, Cornelii Nepotis, Sulpicius Severus, vEschinis Socratici Dialogi, Minucii Felicis Octavius and Aurelii Victoris Historia} Roman® 10 Justini Histori® Philippic®, Poly®ni Strategematum, Ph®dri Fabula- rum, Ter Tulliani Apologeticus, Hugonis Grotii de jure Belli ac Pacis, Lectantii Oper®, Epicteti Enchiridium, .ZEschinis Socratici, Theophrasti Characteres Etliici and Julii Obsequentis Prodigiis 10 Sprotti Chronica,by Thomas Hearn; Descrittione delle Feste in Bologna, 1608; Toscanell® Dictionare, Latinum et Italicum; Bonamici Comment de Bello Italico, Le Vite delle Donne Illustri and 9 other French books 14 The New Foundling Hospital for Wit, 6 vols., and 12 others 18 Beloe’s Poems, Whitworth’s Account of Russia, 2 copies; Remarkable Satires, Aubrey’s Miscellanies, Essays on Gardening, 2 vols., and 6 others 13 Dernier’s Sentiments, 2 vols.; Malheurs de 1’Amour, 2, and 12 other small vols., in Italian and French 16 Histoire de Ministere Robert Walpole, 3 vols.; Londres, 4, and 5 others 12 Virgilii Opera, 3 vols., and 11 others 14 Julii C®saris Scaligeri, Anacreon, Marci Hieronymi Vid® Poemata, 2 vols., and 8 other small vols. in Italian 12 Pantheum Mythicium Deoruru Historia, Georgii Buchanini Scoti Poemata and 19 other small vols. of the classics 2 1 D. Barnaby’s Four Journies to the North of England, H. Peacham’s Variety of Verity, ditto Truth of our Times, Sir Thomas Moore’s Tragical History of Richard III. and Edward V.; Ruggle’s Igno¬ ramus, 12mo, and 2 others 7 Quintiliani Declamationes, 2 vols.; Suetoniis Tranquillis Opera, 2, and 6 others 10 t < 7x2>r>o o d-d . i i j-rd FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 39 / . / - Z. - /* // . ^ 3. 7- / / 1 2 ; ^777 / o 2 7A 2 £/' L 3 /£. o 4 ■ o 5 V ■ o 6 7 * U- - S/b S? • JT / c c^ n f / < <•- 4 «£■■«. L U. No. 5. FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 45 z , -> < ♦ * 14 s ' / s ■ £ 15 /. / 16 /4 ■ /£, . 17 c/* . 18 -‘v • /o ■ ^ 19 / / ' o 20 / ■ / - 21 z, • V - a 22 /V- o 23 / * / & • a 24 Z * - o 25 7 ^ 26 /• ^ 2 7 / 3 . 28 *S . cT, o 29 / Z s • £> 30 / . r~~-- V • <5 31 Z ‘ (b 32 / * 0 33 i « 34 V - 0 “ Queen Elizabeth’s Progresses and Public Processions, 4to, by Nichols 2 Nichols Royal Wills, 4to; Regulations of the Royal Household in Cookery, 4to, and The Wardrobe of Edward I., 4to 3 De Foe’s History of the Union, 4to ; Bowyer’s Biographical Anecdotes, 4to; ditto tracts, 4to, and Gough’s Anecdotes of British Topography 4 Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica, by Nichols, 8 vols. 4to, with plates 8 Consett’s Tour through Sweden, 4to ; Salmagundi, 4to ; Walker on the Dresses of the Ancient Irish, 4to, with plates, and 1 other North’s Lives, 4to; ditto Inquiry, 4to; Clark’s Letters on Spain, 4to, and Dearing’s Antiquities of Nottinghamshire, with plates William Earl of Sterline’s Recreations with the Muses, very scarce, and Advertisements from Parnassus, by Henry Earl of Monmouth, folio A collection of Tracts, by various authors, bound in 5 vols. 4to, some of which are very scarce and curious 5 Hawks worth’s edition of Swift’s Works, 12 vols. 4to, in calf 12 Dalrymple’s Institutions of the Law in Scotland, folio; Henry Earl of Monmouth’s Political Discourses and the Earl of Northampton’s Defen- sative against the Poyson of supposed Prophecies 3 Coxe’s Memoirs of Sir Robert Walpole, 4to 3 Sir Dudley Carleton’s Letters, 4to, and Pilkington’s Dictionary of ■ h' w Painters, 4to Hutchinson’s History and Antiquities of Durham, 4to, with plates White’s Natural History of Selbourne, 4to, with plates ; Hume’s History of England, 4 vols., and History of the Revolutions in Spain and Portugal, 3 Earl of Monmouth’s History of the Wars of Italy, folio; ditto of the Wars in Flanders, folio, and ditto History of Venice, folio Pacata Hibernia, Ireland Appeased and Reduced, by Sir George Carew, folio, with very fine impressions of the plates, 1633 Clark’s Lives, folio, with portraits; Select Cases in the High Court of Chancery, folio; North’s Cases, folio, and Van Helmont’s Oriatrike, or Physick Refined Dr. Johnson’s Life, 2 vols. 4to, by Boswell; Drinkwater’s History of the Siege of Gibraltar and 2 others {> Dr. Burney’s General History of Music, 4to, boards I Braude’s History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 4to, with many fine plates 2 Collinson’s History and Antiquities of the County of Somerset, with many plates, Bath, 1791 4 / 2 4^ 2)7 / fi-*— /C5~? ^ ’ r ' / C C,- '\ & - -f A / ■'I'r’tsx A-* 2 — < / A . 4 / cc.^4Ce-< f / * 4? ZnZ.. TL^r^ptj^. FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 46 No. 5. o 35 AT- & 36 / S'- o 37 Z/ - a - 38 ~y <> . A'. O 39 /O - /~ b 40 41 A' * <3 - <3 - £> £> 42 • /<->"“ O 43 / O 44 //. <3 45 / 'X . t * 46 /-J* ■ 47 a/. £ 48 /£> * £ 49 /•W 6 50 i , ' -A * O 51 z • /z. / 52 z - /s~. 0 53 1 . 3 - a 54 * 55 The Life of Lord Byron, 3 vols.; Ramesas, 3 ; The Monk, 3, and 4 others Hibbert’s Description of the Shetland Islands, 4to, with plates, and Lord Lyttleton’s History of Henry II., 5 vols. 4to Various School books, Grammars, &c. Lord Bolingbroke’s Works, 4to, in calf Bryant’s Ancient Mythology, 4to, with plates, in calf Lord Harvey’s Letters, 4to, and the Duke of Shrewsbury’s Letters, 4to Burn’s History of Westmoreland and Cumberland, 4to 13 > Algernon Sydney’s Discourse concerning Government and Locke’s Letters concerning Toleration, 4to, uniformly bound in red Morocco 2 Lord Lansdowne’s Works, 2 vols. 4to; Sir D. Carleton’s Letters, 4to, and the Earl of Monmouth’s History of the Civil Wars 4 Hutchinson’s View of Northumberland, 2 vols. 4to; Prince’s History of the Wars of Coromandel and Prince Ferdinand’s Campaigns 4 Bennett’s English Works of Roger Ascham, 4to ; Wholes worth’s Remarks on Virgil, 4to, and Potter’s Eschylus, 4to 3 Receipts in Cookery, Preserving, &c., very curious, folio 1 The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, 2 vols. 8vo; Life of Lord Byron, 2, and 6 others 10 Ellis’ Letters on English History, 3 vols.; Milman’s Poems, 2, and 5 others 10 Bowden’s Life of Kemble, 2 vols.; Travels in South America, 2, and Lander’s Imaginary Conversations, 2, and 2 others Lady Suffolk’s Letters, 2 vols.; Hazlit on the Stage and 3 others Mrs. Macauley’s History of England, 4to Poole’s Collections towards the History of Devonshire, Carleton’s History of Whitby, 4to ; History of Halifax, by Watson, 4to, and Antiquities of Ireland, 4to Whittaker’s History of Manchester, Dunsford’s Historical Memoirs of Tiverton, Wallis’ History and Antiquities of Northumberland, 2 vols., and Hutchinson’s History of Cumberland, 3, 4to Gardener’s Plistory of Monmouthshire, with plates; Worsley’s Isle of Wight, 4to, with plates; Tour Through Wales, 4to, by Wyndham; History of Thetford, 4to, by Martin, and History of the Abbey of St. Albans 5 Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, 2 vols. ; Minstrel of Love, 2 ; Don Juan, Van Haland’s Narrative, 2, and 60 nos. of magazines and 66 8 6 9 'V-'/SZIa, / LC ' LX< C & AAa -A / c At t-'-c* p ik- K a*- ^ . A 7 X ■ D 62 Z s /l - £ 63 2 . b". D 64 /O - 6 65 /£> • O 66 A £> 67 u. C> 68 / • £> 69 / f. 6 70 /?• £> 71 /£ . 6 72 * C> 73 / • t ‘ O 74 Cook’s Voyages, 4to, fine impressions of the plates 2 A collection of the most remarkable Poems published in the reign of King George III., uniformly bound in calf, gilt, many of which are extremely rare and curious 22 Tindal’s History of Evesham, 4to, with plates, and Baker’s Guide through Wales, 4to, with plates, 2 3 Butler’s Hudibras, 4to, very fine impressions of the plates, after Hogarth 3 Walker’s Historical Memoirs of the Irish Bards, Sir William Jones’ Fatal Ring, Elegy on Captain Cooke, Gillingwater’s History of Lowestofife, and Parson’s Monuments and Painted Glass in Kent 5 Thoresby’s Select Views in Leicestershire, 2 vols. 4to, with fine impressions of the plates; Rowland’s History and Antiquities of An- glesea, Phillips’ History and Antiquities of Shrewsbury and Swinden’s History and Antiquities of Yarmouth 5 Sir D. Dalrymple’s Annals of Scotland, 2 vols., and ditto Memoirs of England and Ireland, 3 5 Warton’s History of English Poetry, 3 vols. 4to, and Watson’s History of Philip II., 2, 4to 5 Gibbon’s Miscellaneous Works, 2 vols. 4to, and ditto Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, 6, 4to 8 Macpherson’s History of Great Britain, 2 vols. 4to, and ditto Original Papers, 2, 4to 4 Gillie’s History of Ancient Greece, 2 vols. 4to, and ditto Orations of Lysias and Isocrates, 4to 3 Tour through the Isle of Thanet, 4to; Life of Napier, A. Wood’s History and Antiquities of the College of Oxford, 4to, and 3 others 6 A large bundle of old Newspapers and the Mirrors of Parliament, &c. Jortan’s Remarks on Ecclesiastical Mystery, 4 vols.; Lord Clarendon’s State Papers, 3, and Maden on Polygamy, 2 British Synonomy, 2 vols., and 10 other vols. Bromley’s Royal Letters, Pinkerton’s Inquiry into Scotch History, 2, and 8 others Weston’s Letters on France, 2 vols.; Literary Museum and 7 others Nucombe’s History of St. Albans; Tulman’s History of Taunton, and Murphy’s Travels in Spain and Portugal 3 Ridley’s Life of Bishop Ridley, 4to; Lady Rachel Russel’s Letters, 4to; Cooksee’s Life of Lord Somers, 4to ; and Dalrymple’s Travels through Spain, 4to ^ /TP ' * / ' C\^2> , <&£ f7A> fmrh f 'f . / /NO • /ss ■ 9 12 11 ^.7 A .n -y 10

rr / c C~ y ' i £>• / A o . /) . 0 78 4 7 •j'*. c> 79 z ' l • o 80 / • & - 0 81 / 0 ■ 6 82 / O • /■ 6 83 J ’ A' 0 84 / . o' * €> 85 / • 7. / 0 86 /. 6 * 0 87 A * f • <5 88 / * /»«■ -J • £> 89 /d . 0 90 / * /S'. o 91 i • V- / b 92 Whitehead’s Poems, 4to; Wallis’ Thoughts on the Peerage of Scotland, Morsels of Criticisms, 4to, and Astle on the Origin and Progress of Writing 4 Dr. Munro’s Works, 4to ; The Earl of Hardwick’s State Papers, 2 vols. 4to, and Ayscough’s Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the British Museum, 2 5 Smith’s Meditations, 2 vols., and Franklin’s Lucian, 2, 4to 4 Archseologia, or miscellaneous tracts relating to Antiquity, 4to, in boards 12 Original Letters of the Paston Family, 4 vols. 4to, with many curious plates, some of which are coloured 4 Journals of the House of Commons, folio 24 Collier’s Historical Dictionary, 4 vols. folio, and Bloom’s Geographical History of Great Britain, with the plates coloured 5 Townsend’s History of Mexico, folio, and the Marchioness of Win¬ chester’s Gallery of Heroic Women, folio, with fine plates, scarce 2 Fryar’s Travels in India, folio ; Ducarel Anglaorum Antiquities, folio; a Catalogue of the Kingston Library and The West India Pilot 4 Sandford’s Genealogical History of the Kings of Portugal, folio, 1662 ; Account of the Funeral of King James II., folio, and ditto of George, Duke of Albemarle, by Sandford, with many rare and curious plates 3 Shute’s General History of Venice, folio; Ogleby’s Account of King Charles the Second’s Entertainment in London and Sir William Davenant’s Works, folio 3 The Duchess of Newcastle’s Plays and Poems, Hobbs’ Leviathan, folio, and 2 others 4 The Earl of Monmouth’s Account of the Wars, folio; Knox’s History of Ceylon, folio, with plates, and 2 others 4 Mercurius Politicus, 4 vols. small 4to; The Perfect Diurnal, 2, and Several Proceedings in Parliament, 4 10 Sermons of the Time of Charles II. 3 vols. 4to, some very curious, and 3 others 6 The Duchess of Newcastle’s World’s Olio, Lord North’s translation of Marcus Aurelius’ Golden Book, The Forest of Varieties and The Mathematical Jewel 4 Hume ot Godscroft’s History of the House of Douglas and Angus, folio, scarce, and Hartgill’s Astronomical Tables, scarce, 4to 2 Banck’s History of the House of Austria, 8vo; a vol. of curious Poetry of the Time of James I. and Charles I., and 6 others 8 '■"3 / rd 'L-az fl // Lcto (L±f^?L+ s3 A . / i cs£\, a FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 49 No. 5 . 3 ' t> ■ o 93 ^ 6 94 sT~. <5 * ^5 95 < * ^ 96 /e. 6 97 ///* 98 /. J. 6 99 / * A o 100 / . a ■ £> 101 / ' Z ■ a 102 / f • 6 103 / - /*'. o 104 105 / . £ ‘ o / ' A ■ £> 106 / F 2> 107 /./£>• c 108 /./£>• C 109 /• ■ 0 116 • \fZ c 117 . v/7 c 118 /v»~ * o 119 /£. 0 120 / o • ■ 121 / 0 • O 122 /c - £> 123 Z 4 / 124 // • 0 125 Campbell’s History of the City of Glasgow; Wynstanley’s Lives of the Poets, The Life of King Richard II., Playford’s Introduction to Music and 6 others 10 The Life of William Fuller, R. Baron’s Cyprian Academy, rare; Love- day’s Letters and 4 others 7 Wodenote’s A Divine Mercurie; Wolley’s Loyalty amongst Rebels, The Life of James Duke of York, and Dr. Haworth’s Method of Curing Consumptions and 6 others 10 England’s Glory, or a Catalogue of the Lords of the Privy Council, John Bale’s Acts of English Notaries, 12mo, black letter; Gunpowder Treason, The Life of Dr. Rainbow, 12mo, and 4 others 8 Sir Thomas Elyote’s Of that Knowledge whiche maketh a Wise Man, 12mo, black letter, printed by A. Weal, 1552, rare; Sir William Cornwallis’ Essays, 12mo ; The Life of John III., King of Poland, 12mo; Peacham’s Valley of Variety, 12mo, and J. Sylvester’s Me¬ morials of Mortality, 12mo 5 Bibliotheque Universelle Des Romans, 8vo 18 Historia delle Cose Occorse Nel Regno D’lnghilterra in Materia del Duca di Notomberlando la morte di Odoardo VI., 12mo, scarce; Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Fryon, and 8 other curious 12 mo vols. 11 Drunken Barnaby’s Four Journeys, 12mo ; Numerus Infanstus, or the Unfortunate Reigns of William II., Henry II., Edward II., Richard II., Charles II. and James II., 12mo ; the elegant and elaborate Poems of Mr. William Drummond, 1659, and 3 others 6 J. Hanvey’s Reflections, 2 vols. 8vo; Six Week’s Tour in England and Wales, Lord Saltoun’s on the Peers of Scotland, and 6 others 10 Gilpin’s Life of Cranmer, Masoni Cractacus, the Elements of Criticism, 3 vols., and 3 others 8 Ellis’ Specimens of the early English Poets, Burns’ Poems, Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, and 5 others 8 Musse Etonensis, 2 vols. 8vo; Chaimer’s Life of Ruddiman, 8vo, and Hawkins’ Ignoramus 4 Warton on Milton, ditto Life of Pope, Ruff head’s Life of Pope, Peck- hard’s Life of Farrer, and Life of Bishop Chichesly 5 Noble’s Memoirs of the Family of Cromwell, 2 vols.; Lives of Anti¬ quarians, 2 ; Foote’s Life of John Hunter, and Lackington’s Life 6 Burney’s Memoirs of Metestacio, 3 vols., and 4 others 7 A T"'/ , I Cct/A- & e ^ : • V -tJ P LK ■ v 3 ' - tr /V— FIFTH DAY’S SALE. 5! / * - o No. 5 126 / . > • 127 / • /c - £> 128 7 • G 7 - A & 129 G . O 130 Ac . 131 / & ■ c, 132 As * <3 133 / c t 134 o t A>- <5- 135 /■ 136 137 1 . AJ " C 138 / C . 139 /V- 140 It • /C • A 141 / / * c * C 142 to i < c 143 / / * A * o 144 / 2 • AJ 145 Huchison’s Excursions to the Lakes, Letters on Iceland, History of Birmingham, 8vo ; Hutton’s History of Derby, and 2 others 6 Pilkington’s present state of Derbyshire, 2 yols.; Price’s History of Leominster, Lettice’s Tour through Scotland, Pennant’s ditto, Anti¬ quities of Salisbury and 4 others 10 Gray’s Poems, Watkins’ History of Biddeford, Warner’s Remarks on Hampshire, 2 vols.; Jacobs’ History of Faversham and 5 others 10 Roberts’ Poems, 2 vols.; Armstrong’s ditto, 2; Jerningham’s ditto, 2, and 8 others . 14 Preston’s Poems, Parsons’ ditto, Pinkerton’s ditto, Headley’s Beauties of Ancient Poetry, 2 vols., and 5 others 10 Coleman’s Works, 3 vols., and The Tatler, 5 8 A Catalogue of rare and curious books, in 3 vols., and 4 other curious Catalogues of books 7 Transactions of the Society of Arts and Manufactures, 8vo 14 Swinburne’s Travels in Spain and Sicily, 3 vols. 4to, boards, and Chandler’s Travels in Greece, 4to 4 Dow’s History of Hindoostan, 3 vols., and Considerations on Indian Affairs, 4to 4 Hawksworth’s Voyages to the South Sea, 3 vols. 4to, in boards, and Capt. Bligh’s Account of the Mutiny of the Bounty, 4to 4 Phillips’ Voyage to Botany Bay, 4to, and Irwin’s Voyage up the Red . d> 153 /<£ ' (3 154 •P- 0 155 /£> • 0 156 0 - 0 157 /O ‘ (0 158 / 0 * & 159 / <3 ■ c .160 ?. 0 161 W- 6 162 /(3 ' 0 163 /W- O 164 0 165 / 166 / ■ o 167 History of Arundel Castle, Doddington’s Diary, Carter’s Journey from Gibraltar to Malaga, 2 vols., and 2 others Beloe’s Poems, 3 vols.; Prescot on Homer and 8 others History of Knaresborough, Gambold’s Works, Gosling’s Walk Through Canterbury and 9 others Nichols’ Account of the Alien Priories, 2 vols.; Royal and Noble; Authors, 2; History of Winchester, 2, and 6 others Fielding’s Works, 8vo, boards Ancient Scottish Poems, 3 vols.; The Works of J. H. Stephenson, 3; the Athenead, 3, and William’s Poems, 4 Cowper’s Poems, 2 vols.; Lady Burrell’s Poems, 2; Taylor’s Poems and Ashton’s Sermons 6 Dillon’s Travels in Spain, 4to, with plates; Twiss’ Travels through Spain and Murphy’s Travels through Portugal 3 Russell’s Natural History of Aleppo, 2 vols., and Marsden’s History of Sumatra 3 Dr. Robertson’s History of America, 2 vols. 4to; ditto Life of Charles V., 2, 4to, and ditto History of India, 2, 4to 6 Nieburgh’s Voyages to Arabia, 2 vols. 4to; Dearing’s History of Nottingham, 4to, with plates, and Beckford on Hunting, 4to 4 Martin’s History of Thetford, 4to; Swindon’s History of Yarmouth, 4to, and Hutchinson’s View of Northumberland, 2 vols. 4to 4 Gazette Litteraire d’Europe, 29 vols., and 2 bundles of tracts, some of which are very curious 31 Esprit des Journaux, in boards 46 Memoires Secrets, 2 vols., and 14 others in French 16 Collection des Meilleurs Ouvrages Francis, compose par des Femmes, 6 vols., and 5 others in French 11 Theatre de Campagne, 4 vols., and 7 others in French, 8vo 11 Cardinal Due de Richelieu’s Maxims d’Etat, 2 vols., and 15 others in French, 8vo 17 GEuvres completes de Voltaire, in boards 70 Questions sur l’Encyclopaedia, 6 vols.; Winkleman’s Letters, 2, and 2 others in French 10 Ambassades de Monsieur de la Boderiean Angleterre, 5 vols. 8vo; Memoires de la Vie de Henri IV., 4 vols., and 3 others in French 12 Richard’s Memoires d’ltalie, 6 vols.; (Euvres du Philosophe Bien- faisant, par Stanislaus Roy de Pologue, 4 10 6 12 12 12 y • /s 8 13 / - <" : y , - * y f ft > 6, ft -o fU . 'fo sV'>'C^-\ f cry it? L /l y . FIFTH DAY’S SALE. / O r A No. 5. 168 y r O 169 /O * £> 170 ' 171 o 172 / • _ 3 182 A'/ 3 183 - /O - O 184 y. D 00 /- /A . a 186 2 • - 187 /o - • 188 3 - a ■ - o 189 o - o 190 / & - 6 191 0 - £ 192 Le Theatre Frangaise, 2 vols.; Marmontelle’s Lucian, 2, and 9 others in French Tableau de Paris, 8 vols., and 11 others in French Histoire de Dennemarc, 6 vols., and 10 others in French Histoire de l’Ordre de Malthe, 5 vols., and 9 others in French CEuvres de la Sage Collection Universelle des Memoires Particuliers relatif a l’Histoire de France, 8vo, boards, uncut Memoires de Madame Pompadour, 2 vols., and 15 others in French Histoire des Comtes de Champagne, 12mo, and 13 others in French Historique de Louis XV., 2 vols., and 13 others in French Heinken Idee Generale d’une Collection d’Estampes, 8vo; Parnell’s ' Poems and Essays on Old Maids, 3 vols. 5 Histoire de 1’Academic Royale, des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, 8vo, calf, aline set 30 Les Principals Avantures de l’admirable Don Quichotte, repre- sentes en Figures par Coy pel picart le Romain, fine impressions of the plates 1 Histoire Universelle de Jacque et Auguste De Thou, 4to, calf 16 CEuvres de M. le Crebillon, 2 vols. 4to, and l’Origine des Loix, des Arts et des Sciences, 3 vols. 4to 5 Recherches sur les Costumes des Theatres, 4to, with coloured plates 7 Histoire de la Yille de Bourdeaux, 4to, red Morocco, and 5 others in French, boards 6 Notice des Diplomas des France, folio, and 10 vols. 4to, in French, boards 11 Gazette Litteraire de l’Europe 32 Clark’s Orders of Knighthood, 2 vols. 8vo; Wallis’ Ancient Peerages, 8vo; the Life of Fox, Dr. Johnson’s Tour to the Hebrides, Boswell’s ditto and Mrs. Piozzi’s Travels, 2, 8vo 8 Memoirs of the Twentieth Century, Morocco, and 8 others 9 Les Bibliotheques Frangoises, 4to 7 Istoria del Granducato di Toscana, 4to, in calf 5 Journal Historique, 4 vols., and 9 others in French, in boards 13 Le Cabinet des Fees, 4 vols.; Theatre Espagnol, 4, and 6 others in French M Anecdotes Dramatiques, 5 vols.; Histoire de Philosophes Modernes, 3, and 5 others in French, 8vo, boards 13 53 13 19 16 /' / £-\ s' /i At 14 15 67- 17 /a- A 14 O 1—0 15 . J /<- SzzZ A- . * l - 9 Cumberland’s Life of Julio Bonosoni, 8vo; Moll’s Maps and Geography, 4to, and Hartlib’s Discourses, 4to 3 Shakespeare’s Plays, folio, very rare (imperfect) 1 Puttenham’s Art of English Poetry, 4to, 1589, scarce 1 Pinkerton’s New Tale of a Tub, 8vo ; Catalogue of the Duke of Argyle’s Library, 4to, and The Ambulator, 8vo 3 Corona Minerva, 4to, 1635, scarce 1 Catalogue of Flowers in paper mosaic, 4to, see a curious note by Lord Orford; Poetical Amusements at a Villa near Bath, with notes by Lord Orford, and Hogarth’s Tour, 8vo, scarce 3 Thomas Middleton’s Tragic Comedy, called The Witch, 8vo, scarce, and Lord Baltimore’s Coelestes et Infri, 4to, very rare 2 Two books of Swanmark’s, 8vo, bound in vellum, and extremely rare 2 Pinkerton’s Vitta Antique Sanctorum, 8vo, scarce, and Ralph Brooks’ Catalogue of the Kings, Princes, &c., of England, folio 2 kVV-'T'Z-*— iS&X. u & v /*/. SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 56 /L,- /o No. ' 10 <3 *11 i. # r a ■ e> 12 4 / ' * /o ' *>13 / / /■ c 14 i J * * V ' 0 15 f /0 £ 16 •y 6 * 2> ' 0 17 /J ■ /J- O 18 f ' £> 19 '<-< ' * 20 / * 4 3 ■ C 21 i - D 22 4/ ‘ J~ ‘ t> 23 O ■ /<>r O 24 C* 25 / • 10. D 26 o. Book of Patterns for point lace, Paris, 1623, 4to, very curious, and Balet Comique, fait aux noces de M. Due Joyeuse, 4to Pynson’s Chronicle, 4to, black letter, very rare One hundred and fifty beautiful Drawings, in folio, from coins, medals, bronzes, &c. A collection of curious and interesting Satirical Prints and Poems, of the reign of Charles II., very rare and curious, folio Carron Beaumerais’ Memoirs, 4to, and Liber de Homme Scarlitis, 4to, black letter, rare A 4to vol., containing a highly interesting and curious collection of original drawings, being portraits of Francis I. and II. of France, their Court and Family, taken from life, in chalk, by Janet Stn*+ -A? 2 / jLsl 1 1 'j* d Jr A-*, 1 A s"?(&L 1 'ffjb THIS PRECIOUS AND UNIQUE VOLUME was formerly in the collection of Mr. Marrite, at Paris. Simon’s Medals, Coins, and Great Seals of England, 4to, bound in vellum 1 Wheeler and Spon’s Journey to Greece, folio, plates 1 Pope’s Works, 7 vols. 12mo, with many manuscript notes by H. W., and The World, 6, 12mo, with curious manuscript notes by H. W. 13 II. Atkins’ Original Growth of Printing, London, 1604, with a fine print by Logan, and Sir John Mandeville’s Travels, in black letter, very rare 2 Dodsley’s Collection of Poems," 6 vols. 12mo, with manuscript notes by H. W., and Tom Durfey’s Pill to Purge Melancholy, 12mo 2 Edmondson’s Precedency of Heraldry, 12mo; Tracts on the Peerage by H. W., very scarce, and Jephson’s Count of Narbonne, a Tragedy, Morocco 3 Apologie de Jehan Chestel, Parisien par Francis de Yerone, 12mo, blue Morocco, very rare, and Le Tombeau de Marguerette de Yalois, with verses, by the Three Daughters of the Protector, Duke of Somerset, very scarce 2 Allen’s England’s Parnassus, 12mo, red Morocco, very rare 1 The Life of Tamerlane, 12mo, Florence, 1553 ; Le Monde par Adam Fitz Adam, 2 vols. 12mo, and The Description of Millemam Hall 4 Les Amours Pastorales de Daphnis et Chloe, 12mo, the original edition with fine impressions of the plates, with manuscript notes, by H. W. 1 Lettres de Mad. de Sevigne, et Mad. de Pompadour, 12mo, Morocco, and Francois II., Roi de France, a Play, by the President Hanault, 8vo, red Morocco, very scarce 2 -rtZ-C^C - 4 JFZtgt ■ 7 librc rZJL. , J t Ji . fotr a-a fi • 4-* As 'Hd- SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 57 No. 6. 2- C 27 3 • LV 9 28 /* // « 29 •2? • i» * e> 30 3 < ^ 31 // - // - £> 32 * / e> 33 6 - lb - to 34 S) " 7 * 35 /«?. 0 36 /• / • C 37 0 • vY** 6 38 t ■ o » 6 39 i 3 40 / L .6-0 41 X . /S' T5 42 y * ■ y «& 43 Modern Anecdotes of an Ancient Family, by Lady Craven, 12mo, Morocco, scarce; Rogers’ Pleasures of Memory, 12mo, Morocco, and 1 vol. of rare and curious tracts, in prose and verse Habbington’s Castra, 12mo, very rare, and Impenetrable Secrets, a set of curious cards George Earl of Berkley, Historical Applications and Meditations, 12mo, very scarce, and Lord Cornbury’s Play of the Mistakes Genealogical History of the House of Yvery, fine impressions of the plates, 8vo, and very rare Historical and Genealogical Account of the noble family of Greville, 8vo, and Biographical Anecdotes of Wm. Hogarth, with manuscript notes, by H. W. The Arms of the Knights of the Garter, created by Bichard III., in their proper colours, bound in red velvet—a present from Walter Robertson, Mayor of Lynn Blair’s Dissertatio Physiologica, a present from the author; Mrs. Pye’s Poems, 8vo, and a volume of the Arms of the Nobility in the time of Queen Anne, with the plates coloured The Earl of Northumberland’s Household Book, 8vo, calf, presented by Dr. Percy to H. W. Sentences from St. Augustin, small 4to, scarce, and Holbein’s Prints and Wood-cuts to illustrate the Bible, very rare The Complete Angler, 8vo, red Morocco, with prints, and Dalrymple’s Memorials and Letters, 8vo, red Morocco, a present from the author Gilpin’s Essay on Prints, 8vo, red Morocco; Dodsley's Museum, 3 vols. 8vo, and The Miniature Picture, a Comedy, by Lady Craven 5 Contes de la Fontaine, 2 vols. 8vo, red Morocco, fine plates, and iEsop’s Fables, by Gillot, oblong 4to, red Morocco, scarce 3 Baskerville’s Virgil, 8vo, curiously bound in vellum, and ornamented at the edges and on the sides with original drawings, unique 1 An account of Lord Waldegrave’s proceedings on his Embassy to Tunis, folio, manuscript, blue Morocco, silver clasps An illuminated manuscript Roman Missal, bound in red Morocco Beatie Marie Virginis, fine plates, beautifully printed at Venice, 1740, 8 vo, in a case A Description of the Earl of Pembroke’s Pictures, Statues, &c., at Wilton, and in London, with drawings and notes, by Vertue L 2 l Icn. ^ O' (S-zrt u A o^nr A* V • k-^( > J/. /V . ) , t cl <<-*- XT' - 4 a. -c- * /acy^ ' / ‘ p* ■/>/ *, v - / '0 /,/ - >' * 'P 4 r • !C / ^7 -v fjL, tfaUZZs -/ CC~ bous 7 ? SIXTH DAY'S SALE. 59 C. /<£ • to No. 6. 62 /• / 63 64 f ■ £ A small 4to vol., containing a highly interesting collection of Portraits, engraved on wood, finely illuminated and coloured, printed at Witten¬ berg, very rare and curious \ Histoire De Piere De Montimar, 2 vols. 8 vo; Le Philosopie Modeme, a Comedy, by Lady Craven, and Poems in Italian, addressed to Lady Walpole 4 Musgrave’s Life of Sir Robert Walpole and the Family of Walpole, a Critical History of Sir Robert Walpole’s Administration, and Whatley versus Walpole 3 - 65 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of William Whiston, with curious manuscript index; Life of David Garrick, by Davis, with manuscript notes, by H. W., and The Adventures of Abdallah, with prints 3 A Copy of the last Will and Testament of Sir Robert Walpole, Tracts on Lord Orford’s Case, and Pinkerton’s Dissertation on the Scythians and the Goths A Catalogue of the Emperor of Austria’s Pictures at Vienna, Horlo- thrunbo, a Play, by Dr. Johnson, and the Patagonians, privately printed 3 A Collection of the Spintrien Coins and Medals, fine original drawings, red Morocco, unique 1 <3 66 l • S- o 67 £• 68 /f- //■ *■ 69 „ 70 71 /o a > 72 73 - 74 b From the Collection of Sir Clement Cotterell. The New Year’s Gift, by Mecropolis, with the very scarce print of Sir Geoffrey Hudson, the dwarf, 18mo, very rare 1 The Castle of Love, 12 mo, rare; Clavis Apologetical, 12 mo, and The Non-such Charles, by Sir B. Gerbier, 12 mo 3 Twenty vols. of Guides and Tours to Oxford, Cambridge, Stowe, Wilton, and other Noblemen and Gentlemen’s Seats, with curious manuscript notes, by H. W. 20 Catastrophe Mundi, or Merlin revived, 12 mo, curious wood cuts; Italian History of England, 12 mo, Venice, 1558, curious, and Hartlib’s Ireland’s Natural History, 1652 3 Tour in Derbyshire and Yorkshire, with manuscript notes by H. W.; Ogilby Britannia Depicta, 8 vo, and Hertfordshire Orchards, a pattern for all England, 12mo 3 The Illiad and The Odyssey, 2 vols. 12 mo, and Additions to the Works of Mr. Pope, with manuscript notes by H. W., 2 4 The Illiad and the Odyssey are the identical works from which Mr. Pope made his translations ; in one of the vols. is a view of Twickenham, drawn by Mr. Pope. A err/^C _ 3 fZuLjv / ([ f 7 /L-d-* . i SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 60 No. J- /to o 75 J* "J / * ' ° 76 /4 - ^ 78 ^ J ° 79 <■> ^ 80 J ■ /£ ■ £ 81 Milton’s Paradise Lost, given by the Duke of Wharton to Lady Mary Worthy Montague , and a small oblong manuscript Pocket Book, with the expenses of Robert Walpole, Esq., father of Sir Robert Walpole Richard Payne Knight’s account of the Worship of Priapus, 4to, elegant red Morocco, a present from the Author. See a note in the fly-leaf, by H. W., extremely rare Burgher’s Leonora, translated from the German, by W. R. Spencer, Esq., with prints, from the designs of Lady D. Beauclerc, elegantly bound in Morocco, folio Raccolta D’Lettere Sulla Pittora Scultura ed Architettura, 4to, Rome, 1754 1 ^ ^ i 6 c Vz/‘ Poesie of Floured Prayers, by Sir John Conway, 12 mo, very scarce, and Small Tracts in blue paper, of the Ladies’ Head Dresses, time of George II., the drawings by Lens L’Europe Vivant, 12 mo, and Pazzie de Sari Bizarie di varie Figure di Giovan Batista Bracelli pittore Fiorentino, a singularly curious book, containing prints and drawings by an artist almost unknown in this country, 4to, 1624 2 0-^/^CM.c.y 83 3 Z- / $ 84 Two small folio vols. of Sundry Foreign Arms in trie, exactly copied from a book so intituled, in the manuscript library, at the Archbishop’s palace, at Lambeth 2 Cook’s Visitation of Norfolk, with the Arms in trie, 4to, bought at the sale of Anstis, by Mr. Walpole, and a folio vol. of Arms in trie 2 Two folio vols., bound in vellum, containing several hundred original letters and accounts, orders of council, and original documents of the time of King James I., with the autographs of all the leading men of the time 2 /J rikZf ; 3 From the collection of Sir Julius Caasar, and purchased at his sale, by Mr. W alpole U \ /C C 85 A small folio volume, containing a catalogue of Officers, and Fees of the Crown, from 1597 to 1633; The Certaynties and Casualties of the Revenue of ye. Pipe, folio, and 2 other vols. of manuscripts of that period 4 No. 6. SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 61 /, W b 86 A folio vol., containing copies of letters and papers of great historical interest. Particulars of the Charges of the Diet of the Household of King James I., from the collection of Sir Julius Caesar, and 3 other small manuscripts of that period ^87 A large folio vol., bound in vellum, of original accounts and letters of the time of King James I., From the Library of Sir Julius Caesar. fiLzSe /Awe 7 V -/-ZSL O 88 A folio vol., in vellum, containing original letters and the charges for work done in St. James’s Park and the different Palaces at the time of King James X., and the Wardrobe accounts at the same time, very curious 1 'b. From the Library of Sir Julius Caesar. » 89 90 A folio vol., bound in calf, containing a Catalogue of the Library, Yelver- toniana, and a folio vol., bound in vellum From the Library of King Henry IV., of France. A small 4to vol., in Spanish, A1 Duque Conde De Olivares; Memoire sur L’Etat present de L’Europe, par Marechal Belleisle, and a Register for Reports, folio From Sir Julius Caesar’s Library. 2 IS /Ttr 3 ^ 91 C- it //- 92 'd Z J The book of the Jewels in the Tower of London, folio, in vellum, at the time of James I., from the Library of Sir Julius Caesar; a book of the offices and fees at the time of Elizabeth, 1 vol., thin folio, and the Earl of Northampton to Queen Elizabeth on the Government of Women, folio A folio volume, written upon vellum, of Old English Poetry, from the library of R. Thoresby, very curious ^ 93 Three vols. folio, bound in vellum, containing copies of letters from the English resident at Constantinople and Tangiers, &c., at the time of I£ing Charles I., some of them very curious 0 • 1 94 The Genealogy of the family of Cotton, with the arms in trie, by R. Mawson Portcullis, and 3 other vols. in folio, of the same period /• 095 A book of the Pedigrees of several Counties,collected by J. Tilson, 1670, and 1 other folio vol., bound in vellum ^ 96 A folio volume, bound in calf, containing several curious Historical Documents, from the herald’s books, relative to the funerals of the nobility, &c., at the time of Charles I. 3 sU-Tr& 1 Ceres' 102 / * 103 104 J . C 105 Four small common-place books, some of them with curious memo¬ randums relative to the times of James II. and King William III. Maxims, moral and political, by Sir Philip Sidney, addressed to Sir Robert Walpole, by W. Hammond, 8vo, red Morocco, and Advice to a Son, a poem, addressed to Sir Robert Walpole by William Hammond, in red Morocco A volume, 12mo, containing Monumental Inscriptions, Fenestral and other Arms in the Parish Churches of the City of Norwich, collected by B. Mackerell, author of the History of Lynn, 1723, from the Library of J. Ives, and 1 vol. 12mo, Account of the Churches, Monuments, and Fenestral Arms of the different Churches in the County of Norfolk, by Mackerell History of the World, 4to; an Introduction to Algebra, 4to, from the library of Gerald De Courcy, Lord Kinsale; a Journal of the Sessions of Parliament in 1628, 4to, and The Earl of Caslemaine’s Memorandums and Instructions concerning his Estate in his absence in 1666, very curious The Sacred History of Queen Esther, a serious poem, by Francis Lenton, 1649, from the library of R. Thoresby, of Leeds; Love’s Martyr or Wit above Crowns, by the Marchioness of Wharton, 4to, and a 4to vol. of Poetry, by Gerald de Courcy, Lord Kinsale 4 'll 2 2 (yi^-X ; /lu^s y 4 -r/ / 3 . SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 63 MADAME DU DEFFAND. ^ No. 6. ** The whole of the highly interesting and valuable manuscripts bequeathed et ^ -s-c 'a r?v L Cls: to the Honble. Horace Walpole, by the justly celebrated Marie de Vichy, afterwards Madame du Deffand, who died in 1780. When we consider the rank this lady held in the beau monde of Paris —her splendid talents and varied accomplishments—and the terms of friend¬ ship in which she lived with most of the philosophers, poets, historians, and wits of the day, not only of her own country but with all Europe, as these papers will amply prove, what lights may be thrown on that most eventful period of French history—the commencement of the great revolution. In this collection there are upwards of 800 Letters by her to Horace Walpole, of the greatest interest. Such Letters, clothed in beautiful language, and written, as they were, by an observant and highly cultivated mind to a friend at a distance, in full confidence and without restraint, present a u True History of the Time ” and are invaluable as a literary treasure. To give anything like a complete list of these papers would far exceed the limits of a catalogue; indeed, it would require volumes to do so. The whole have been carefully preserved in the same state as they were left by Lord Orford, and are contained in a large cedarwood chest. They are divided into volumes and packets, and numbered from i. to xiii., as under. They will be offered in One Lot. i. —A large folio vol., bound in green vellum, CEuvres de Mons. le Chevalier de Boufflers, in prose and verse ii. —A folio vol., bound in vellum, Recuiel de Lettres Choisies de Differente Personnes hi. A folio vol., bound in calf, and 1 ditto in blue paper, Lettres de Mons. de Voltaire, a Madame du Deffand iv.—A small 4to vol., in green vellum, Journal de Madame du Deffand V.—A small 4to vol., bound in red Morocco, with a silver lock, and Recuiel de Divers Ouvrages, par Madame du Deffand This vol. contains her beautiful portraits of the nobility and gentry of the courts of France at this most interesting period, and they are written with taste, spirit, and wit, which has never been equalled ; in the fly leaf will be found an ac¬ count of her life, and beautiful eulogium on her, by her old and tried friend, Horace Walpole. 64 No. 6. SIXTH DAY’S SALE. vi.—A large bundle or packet of manuscript papers, Melanges de Diffe- rente Pieces, Letters, Songs, Fables, &c., some very curious vn.—A ditto. Melanges de Differente Pieces, vers et prose viii. —A ditto. Melanges de Differente Pieces, lettres, &c., vers et prose ix. —A large parcel or bundle of manuscripts, Melanges de toute de Pieces, vers et prose, amongst them will be found letters from D. Hume, Mons. de Voltaire, Madame de Stael, and President Lambert, many of them of the highest interest x. —A large packet of manuscripts, Melanges de Differente Pieces, Plays, Poems, Fables, Lettres, &c., by different authors, some of which are very curious xi. —A packet containing several hundred original letters, addressed to Madame du Deffand, by Voltaire, Rousseau, De Lisle, Montesque, Madame de Stael, Horace Walpole, the President Hanult, Baron Bernstorff, &c., highly valuable and interesting XII. —Seven large packets containing upwards of eight hundred original letters, written by Madame du Deffand to Horace Walpole, giving an account of what is daily passing in Paris, and her own opinion on the different events, written with great truth and naivete, and clothed in beautiful language,—these packets are extremely interesting xiii. —Five bundles or packets of printed works, pamphlets, tracts, plays, poems, &c., many of which are extremely rare and curious \ ‘ D 108 ? 4' ' -V • o 109 /' AT. £> 110 /& - * in England’s Forewarning, or a relation of true, strange and wonderful visions and prophetical revelations concerning these tragical, sinful and dismal times, shewed four or five years since to Mrs. Grace Cary of Bristol, 1644, very curious ; Sapientia Solomonis, 4to, from the library of Queen Elizabeth, and England’s Worthies or the State Champions, in honour of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, in a poem of 3 parts, by John Windover of London, apprentice 3 A curious manuscript roll on vellum, a Genealogical Tree from Noah to Lord Orford The Freedom of King’s Lynn, in Norfolk, presented to Horace Walpole , on vellum; a very curious print on satin, Jesuitical, and a quantity of drawings, verses, &c., by Sir Edward Walpole Bishop Bonner’s Ghost, a poem, printed at Strawberry Hill, on brown paper, rare ; a specimen of printing by Queen Charlotte, a specimen of American paper money and a ribbon that belonged to Cardinal Wolsey -J-/xSTU P / SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 65 V> * sS . O 112 tLu - £ • L , 113 2 Jcf. e> 114 4y ' «S ■ o H5 / . //. ^ 116 ‘ 15 ' ° 117 . r. o ns 1 ' 1 ‘ ° 119 ^ f< ?‘ 6 120 ^ ' £ 121 /• / 6 *C 122 l2 ' c> 123 ^ . ,0\ /$yu^ X m ' /I**** ■ c & c t 7 AAJU^c. . I M SIXTH DAY’S SALE. 66 ^7 /v< ' No. 6 *125 T ‘ cD 126 / 6 • c* ■ O 12 7 A •£. ^ 128 /- /6 D 129 /. AT- A 130 ;? ' ^ 131 Z ' * ' <3 132 Z ' / * • £>133 V ' 7 7 v « /0> • 136 7 . /j" : Al37 J - £ . ^138 A folio vol., bound in vellum. Sir Sackville Crowe’s Book of Accounts of the Privy Purse of the Duke of Buckingham in his Different Journeys into France, Spain and the Low Countries with Prince Charles 77 This highly interesting historical document was purchased by Horace Walpole at the sale of Mr. Thoresby’s museum, at Leeds. A portfolio containing original letters, deeds, extracts, &c., on the subject of the Historic Doubts on the Life of Richard III., written by Mr. Walpole; amongst the letters will be found many from those celebrated antiquarians Thomas Astell, Doctor Ducarrell, Joseph Edmondson, R. Bull, H. Stanley, &c., and the proof sheets of the first edition of the work Six original letters addressed to the Hon. Horace Walpole, by David Garrick, Mrs. Clive, Sir David Dalrymple, Rich, &c. Six ditto, by D. Mallett, Dr. Ducarrell, Mr. Watty, Ceasor Ward, &c., on the Arts and Antiquities of England Ten ditto, by Dr. Chauncey, Stanmer, D. Mallet, &c. Nine original autograph letters to Horace Walpole, from Sir Edward Walpole, C. Montagne, Arnott, Bernard, &c. Ten ditto from ladies of quality to Horace Walpole, namely, the Duchess of Portland, the Ladies Bateman, Brown, Rockford, &c. Twenty-two notes and cards of ladies of quality, in the autographs of the Duchess of Portland, Lady Carlisle, &c., some of them very rare Twelve letters, notes, and cards, addressed by various noblemen to Horace Walpole, namely, Lords Cork, Strafford, Bristol, Huntingdon, Newnham, &c. Twelve ditto, by Lords Holland, Bruce, Warwick, Lincoln, Abercorn, Grimston, &c. A packet containing upwards of a hundred and sixty original letters from the Rev. Wm. Coles to the Hon. Horace Walpole, on the Litera¬ ture, Arts, and Antiquities of England, these letters are highly inter¬ esting, beautifully written, and have never been published Ten letters addressed to Horace Walpole, from the Rev. James Granger, R Gough, R. Bull, Bromfield, J. Essex, &c. Eleven ditto, from Sir Joseph Banks, C. Wren, W. Batlioe, Highmore, &c., principally relating to the Arts of England Twelve ditto, from Dr. Hunter, Wm. Robertson, Sir David Dalrymple, Lord Lucan, Mr. Keate, Mr. Pennicote, &c. /DFT r7i "-*~ c\7 T _/ , i -r f » /j I 7 • <5 J r CtyC-'frt /l L F7^Y~ <$- < a . q No. fi. 139 SIXTH DAYS SALE. 67 / ' a 140 ■s, ' 0 O 141 l ' S O 142 d- O 143 f-'*c 144 2‘ '*■ to 145 f/ ' -V /b * • ~146 ??./■ ^147 * fcv U8 Fifteen original letters from Lord Hardwick, Mr. Foote, Mr. King, C. Wren, Sir Charles Blagden, &c., all on the Arts, Antiquities, &c., of England A packet of manuscript letters and papers relative to the Life of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, the Earl of Essex, and other royal and noble Authors Another packet of letters and papers relating to the royal and noble Authors of England, several of them very curious and interesting A roll on vellum, a Genealogical Table of the Kings and Princes of Wales, very rare and curious, and a Genealogical Account of the Ancient Family of Allington, in Kent A manuscript Letter of Remonstrance, written upon two sheets of paper, by General "Monk to James Duke of York, recommending certain Captains of Ships and denouncing others, a curious historical document Three original letters addressed to Cardinal Pole, by Catherine Pole, Countess of Huntingdon, very rare and curious A manuscript letter from Father Petre, the Jesuit, who was almoner to King James II., addressed to the King of France’s Confessor, giving an account of the affairs of England at that time, and the forerunner of revenge; two petitions, addressed to Kang James II. by George Eglisham, and two interesting and curious documents An original autograph letter of Queen Catherine Parr, addressed to Thomas Seymour, Lord Admiral, written in the year in which she died, 1548, extremely rare and valuable A highly interesting and curious historical document, the original letter written by Oliver Cromwell to his wife, dated 4th September, 1650, a few days after the battle of Dunbar A relation of things that happened in the journey of the Earl of Nottingham, Ambassador to Spain, a 4to tract; the King and Queen Entertainment at Richmond, presented by His Highness the Prince o Wales, September 12th, 1636, 4to, rare; a lot of antiquarian prints presented by the Dean of Exeter; an Index of Engravers and Ones and Poems by Miss Ryves ~Z i . £a- if /-LAVy'^-, - 7 / w ^L. — 4—• S' • si A,’ # ( /y.Qr-7, ; /A ^ / V 2)-e^s A src(['fC END OF THE SIXTH DAY S SALE. > if*O /La a - h . a U; ’ ^relttntnarg Remarks ON THE WALPOLE COLLECTION OF PRINTS IN THE ROUND TOWER. In submitting to the literary and enlightened Public the entire Library and Collection of Prints, Drawings and Manuscripts, of the celebrated Horace Walpole, Earl of Orford, some preliminary observations on this important Sale are indispensable. Had this Collection been made by any other of the amateurs who also figured in the last century, the usual mode of breaking up and selling in detail the extensive and valuable articles it contains would have been followed; but Lord Orford is so intimately connected with the Literature of this Kingdom, and so generally acknowledged as the Maecenas of his day, that it was considered almost a sacrilege to interfere in the labours and amusements of that eminent amateur. On this account the Collection of Portraits to illustrate Granger, although containing many of the first interest and rarity, will be sold in one Lot. The extensive and valuable Collection illustrating the periods of the reigns of William III., and successors, down to the time of George III., will also be sub¬ mitted in one Lot; these volumes are most interesting as they contain some thou¬ sands of Portraits , many of which are private plates, and it is unquestionably the most complete collection that has ever been made. The same reason prevents the separation of the Works of Faithorne, although containing the portrait of Sir T. Englefield (of which only one other impression is known), and also many others of extreme value,—this most important collection by the finest en¬ graver of his period, and which is minutely described by Lord Orford, in u The Anecdotes of Painting,” being equally interesting to the collectors of 70 prints and those who have hitherto confined their pursuits to the library, an opportunity is here given to either amateur to secure in one moment the labour and toil of many years. The patronage and friendship which Lord Orford gave to that eminent and industrious artist, Mr. G. Vertue, are so well known that it is not necessary to enlarge on them here. The matchless Collection of Engravings by that master, which is in this Cabinet, must of course be the finest of his Works, and the extensive Collection of his Manuscripts which were of such infinite use in publishing “ The Anecdotes of Painters,” would be of great value to any person inclined to give to the world an enlarged and improved edition of the work, such as this most interesting Collection would, doubtless, enable him to publish. It appears from a note in one of the small pocket-books, that Mr. Vertue began to collect information for compiling “ A History of Painting,” as early as 1713, and continued his inquiries with ardour and perseverance to the time of his death, in 1757 ; these valuable papers are also interesting to the Antiquarian, con¬ taining much information, and drawings of any remarkable object that he saw during the many tours he made with Lords Oxford and Coleraine. The volume of the Works of that great and original genius Hogarth is also of the first interest and value. Lord Orford’s Life of this master, in the Anecdotes of Painting, is one of the best written in the Work; he appears to have fully entered into the spirit of that great painter, and has done justice to his merit. The studies drawn with the pen and washed with India ink, for the set of the Idle and Industrious Apprentices, which in many instances differ from the engravings, are most interesting, and make this Collection invaluable. Although Lord Orford appears to have devoted his attention cliiefly to the History and Arts of this Kingdom, yet the Collection contains many examples of his general love of the Arts. Many valuable books of Original Drawings by the Masters of Italy, and other Kingdoms, purchased during the time he was on the Continent, and some volumes of Engravings by Marc Antonio, Martin Schoengauer, Israel Van Meek, and other celebrated Masters, prove that his love of the fine Arts was general. 71 v It would be unpardonable to pass over in silence the superb illuminated volume by Julio Clovio , this choice jewel , which Lord Orford purchased at the celebrated sale of the Duchess of Portland , is too well known to require description, but it will be satisfactory to the amateur who may become the fortunate purchaser of this unique volume , to knoio that it was always considered as one of the finest works of this highly celebrated master. Perhaps one of the most interesting parts of this Collection is the extensive and valuable Correspondence of his Lordship with most of the Nobility and Literati of the time, which will excite great interest, from the circumstance of its illustrating the History of a remarkable period in this Kingdom, during his existence. Most of the books have Manuscript Observations by Lord Orford, and thus become doubly interesting. To conclude, it may be requisite to make some remarks on the subject of the state and arrangement of the Collections of Engravings; it must be confessed, that the highly improved mode of binding and arranging Engravings in the present day, is so superior, and by a superficial amateur, more importance may be attached to it, than it really deserves, the plain homely volumes of the Portraits for Granger but ill accord with the contents; but a true amateur will discover a treasure, however disguised, and indeed may feel gratification in re-arranging these valuable works, and bestowing upon them that pleasing attention which their merits so justly entitle them to. gjebeuti) Hay's ^atc OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On MONDAY, the 2d Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No.7.—Books and Books of Prints, in the Round Tower. IN THE CLOSET. LOT 1 Thoroton’s History of Nottinghamshire, 20 nos., with plates, and The Antiquarian Museum, 15 35 2 Milton’s Views of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry in Ireland, Midiman’s Select Views, and Anguss’ Views, 28 in all, and 20 others on Antiquities 48 3 Halfpenny’s Gothic Ornaments in the Cathedral Church at York, very fine impressions, 8 nos.; Smith’s Views to Pennant’s London, 8, and Prints from Elias, Martin’s Drawings, 3 19 4 The Expedition to Canada, 4to, and 27 nos. on Antiquities 28 5 Chamberlaine’s Portraits from the Original Drawings, by Hans Holbien, in His Majesty’s collection, 10 nos., in folio, a fine Subscriber’s copy 10 6 Eisenberg’s Book on Horsemanship, oblong folio; and Sandford’s Coronation of King James II., folio, fine impressions of the plates 2 7 The Kit-cat Club, engraved by Faber, after the designs of Sir Godfrey Kneller, folio, brilliant impressions of the plates 1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 73 The English Baronage, folio in manuscript with the arms coloured, from William the Conqueror to James I., very curious 1 Greenwood’s Map of Warwickshire and a quantity of prints in the roll, and nos. The DusseldorfF Gallery, by De Mechel, oblong 4to, with very fine impressions of the plates 2 Falda’s Le Fontaine De Roma, oblong 4to ; Petrus Sanctus Bartolus, a collection of prints, from the designs of Raphael, oblong 4to 2 Three folio vols. bound in calf, containing a quantity of original drawings, principally of British Antiquities, very rare and curious 3 A vol., folio, in manuscript, containing the Genealogy of Sir Balthazar Gerbier, with the Arms illuminated, and a vol. containing 10 drawings, illuminated, from Lydgate, Froysart, &c., very curious 2 Villa Pamphilia, folio, in vellum, and The Funeral of the Princess Sobieskie 2 Triomphe de Louis XIII., folio, with fine portraits, and King William the Third’s Visit to Holland, folio, with plates 2 Edward’s British Herbal, folio, with the plates coloured; Vanthulden les Travaux d’Ulysse, and a vol. of Designs for Ceilings 3 J. Zocchi’s Views in Florence and the Vicinity, folio, bound in vellum, and Description of the Church of St. Maria del Fiore, at Florence, folio 2 Istorio del Tremota Nelle Calabrie, &c., 4to, and a large vol. of plates, very scarce 2 Sir William Hamilton’s Engravings, from Antique Vases, 2 vols., folio, and Rossi’s Prints from Antique Vases, folio 3 Vienture’s Roman Antiquities, oblong folio, and a vol. of Antiquities of Ancient Rome 2 A vol., folio, in manuscript, by Vanderdort; A Catalogue of the Pictures and Works of Art, the property of King Charles I., the King’s own copy, with his Arms on the sides, dated 1639 1 The Orleans’ Gallery, 68 nos., very fine old impressions 68 Paine’s Architecture, folio, and 17 nos. of Pinkerton’s Portraits, &c. About 200 loose prints, some of them very curious, and 37 odd nos. of Views, Antiquities, &c. An oblong vol. of Drawings, by Mr. Chute, and an oblong vol. of ditto, by Barnard Lens ~ Views of the Palaces of Genoa, 3 vols.; The Art of Bookbinding, and Oude’s Atlas, 40 nos. large folio N SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 74 No. 7. 27 The Oxford Almanacs, folio, with curious prints; Geography, 2 vols. folio, and a large quantity of prints in the roll 28 Raphael’s Heads, 6 nos. CASE X. 29 Gray’s Poems, by Wakefield, 8vo; manuscript Ode on the Death of Mr. Gray, and 4 other tracts 30 Collin’s History of the Noble and Ancient Family of Walpole, 8vo; Authentic Memoirs of that exquisitely villainous Jesuit Father Richard Walpole, Miscellanies on Gardening, from Mr. Lort’s collec¬ tion, and Mason’s English Gardener 31 Miscellaneous Antiquities, by Mr. Walpole and Mr. Ives, printed at Strawberry Hill, illustrated with prints, and An Essay on Modern Gardening, by Mr. Walpole, a beautiful manuscript, the original from which the book was printed 32 A Catalogue of the Duchess of Portland’s Museum, with the prices, and several curious notes by Mr. Walpole, 4to; Mason’s translation of Defresnoy’s Art of Painting, and Florio, a Poem, by Mrs. Moore 33 Walpole’s Historic Doubts, 4to, printed at Strawberry Hill, with several cux'ious manuscript notes by Mr. Walpole, and the Castle of Otranto, by Mr. Walpole, in French 34 Boydel’s edition of Shakespeare, 11 parts, very fine impressions of the plates (a subscriber’s copy), with the large plates in a portfolio, brilliant impressions 1 35 Bunbury’s plates to illustrate Shakespeare, in 5 nos., fine old impressions 36 A List of the Pictures belonging to the Crown at the time of Queen Anne, taken by Mr. Walton, 4to, MS., with notes by Mr. Walpole, highly interesting 37 Additions to Alexander Pope’s Works, 8vo; Reflections upon Learning, 8vo, and Lady Luxborough’s Letters, each with curious MSS. notes, by Mr. Walpole 38 Baskerville’s edition of the Works of W. Congreve 39 The Life of Christian Countess of Devonshire, with notes by Mr. Walpole, from Thoresby’s collection ; Le Tresor de la Cite des Dames, 8vo, black letter, printed at Paris, 1536, and 7 others 3 6 6 4 2 3 2 1 1 3 3 9 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 75 CASE Y. No. 7. 40 Miscellaneous Works, by the Earl of Chesterfield, with MS. notes by M. Walpole, 2 vols. 4to, with plates; Hints towards a new edition of Shakspeare and 3 tracts relative to Lord Chesterfield 6 41 Hides Walpoliana, a description of Houghton Hall, in Norfolk, and of Strawberry Hill, illustrated with prints and manuscript notes by Mr. Walpole, and a ditto, 4to, by Philip York, with manuscript notes by Mr. Walpole 2 42 Pennant’s Account of London, 4to, with prints, and many curious original notes by Mr. Walpole 1 43 The Works of Philip Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, in verse and prose, folio, manuscript 1 44 Gambado’s Academy for Grown Horseman, 4to, with plates, and The Annals of Horsemanship, by Gambado, with curious plates by Id. Banbury 2 45 Hides Walpoliana, Mr. Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting and Grose’s Olio 3 46 Davis’ Dramatic Miscellanies, 3 vols.; Baker’s Biographia Dramatica, 2 ; Victor’s Dramatic Pieces and Letters, 3, and Letters on England 9 47 Cowley’s Works, 2 vols. 8vo; Davis’ Historical View of the Stage, Theatrical Records and 5 others 9 48 Young’s Love of Fame, 2 vols., with notes by Mr. Walpole ; a Letter to the Tories, with notes by ditto, and 4 others 7 CASE M. 49 A Collection of Pieces relative to Rowley and Chatterton, with all the tracts written upon the subject, 4to, and 17 vols. 8vo, interspersed with manuscript notes by Mr. Walpole, unique 18 50 Roscoe’s Life of Lorenzo de Medici, 4to, with an Original Letter by Mr. Roscoe to Lord Orford, elegantly bound 2 51 Gray’s Poems, beautifully printed by Bodoni at Parma, 1793, Gray’s Elegy in a Country Churchyard, translated into Italian by Torelli, 4to, bound in Morocco 2 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 76 No. 7. 52 Numorum Veterum Populorium, et Urbirum qui in Museo Gulielmni Hunter, 4to, with fine plates of Coins, bound in Morocco, with manu¬ script notes 1 53 Dallaway’s Enquiry into the Origin and Progress of Heraldry, 4to, with curious plates, bound in green Morocco 1 54 Designs by Mr. Bentley, for six Poems by Mr. T. Gray; these are the original drawings from which the plates were engraved, 4to, bound in red Morocco, unique 1 55 Extracts from the Treaties between Great Britain and other Kingdoms re¬ lative to the Marine, with an Original Letter from the Author to Lord Orford, splendidly bound in red Morocco 1 56 Choix des Pierres Graves du Cabinet Imperial des Antiques, par M. Abbe Echelle, folio, fine impressions of the plates, splendidly bound in green Morocco 1 57 Traite Des Memoires Des Barons, par Tobisein, Duby, 2 vols. 4to, with fine plates, red Morocco; Becueil General Des Pieces Obsidionales et de Necessite, par Tobiesen Duby, uniformly bound in red Morocco 3 58 Memoirs of Thos. Hollis, Esq. 4to, elegantly bound in green Morocco, with fine plates 2 59 Dactyliotheca Smithiana, 4to, with very fine impressions of the plates, bound in Russia 2 60 Medallic History of England, 4to, elegantly bound 1 61 Lavater Essai sur la Physiognomonie, 4to, with fine plates 3 62 Thesaurus Artis Pictoria ex Unises, Julii Clovii ab authore Giulielmo Bonde, folio, extremely rare, with manuscript notes, by Lord Orford 1 CASE N. 63 A collection of 52 vols. in folio, 4to and 8vo, of Manuscripts of that indefatigable Artist and Antiquary, Mr. George Yertue; these are the original Manuscripts from which Lord Orford compiled his work, “ The Anecdotes of the Arts in England,” and were purchased by Lord Orford, of the widow of Mr. Yertue, in 1758. The whole of them are interspersed with Pen Drawings of Antiquities, Portraits, &c., and are highly interesting to the Antiquary, and well worthy a place in the British Museum 52 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 77 CASE O. No. r. 64 The Plea between the Advocate and the Anti-Advocate, by Francis Heyme, folio, a beautiful manuscript, illuminated, written for and from the Library of King James I., splendidly bound with his Anns 65 Secret History ot the House of Medici, folio, in manuscript, bound in vellum 66 History of the House of Savoy, folio, with fine impressions of the plates 67 Solo mon de Caus Perspective, avec la Raison, folio, and Parkinson’s Flower Garden, folio 68 GEuvre de Jean Holbein, par Chretien de Mechel, folio, with brilliant impressions of the plates 69 TEdes Barberime ad Quirinalem, folio, with fine plates of the Antiquities, Pictures, &c., bound in vellum 70 Somerville’s Chase, 4to, printed by Bulmer; Goldsmith’s and Parnell’s Poems, printed by ditto, 4to, and Sir Brook Boothby’s Sorrows of Penelope, with beautiful plates, printed by ditto, 4to 71 Hodge’s Travels in India, 4to, with plates; Gothic Ornaments, 4to, with plates, and Recueil General des Pieces, Obsidionales et de Necessite, folio, with plates 72 Description of a Table Service of China, painted after the Antique, by order of the King of the Two Sicilies, 4to, with plates, very rare 73 A folio vol. in manuscript, Description of the Coronation of Henry VII., from the library of Ives, very rare and curious 74 The Portraits and Lives of the most Eminent Reformers, folio, in curious binding, very rare 75 Louis Milner’s Antiquities Rationales de France, 4to 76 The Castle of Otranto, printed by Bodoni, at Parma, 8vo, large paper with plates, with a curious manuscript letter by Lord Orford inserted, and ditto, translated into Italian, with coloured plates, 8vo, splendidly bound in red Morocco 77 Beloe’s Aulus Gellius, 3 vols., red Morocco, and Knight’s Marcus Flamminus, 2, red Morocco 78 Basan’s des Graveurs Dictionnaire, 2 vols.; Papillon’s Traite Historique sur la Gravure en Bois, 2, 8vo, and Idee Generale d’une Collection d’Estamps 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 2 5 5 SEVENTH DAY'S SALE, 78 No. 7. 7 9 Holbein’s Dance of Death, 4to, with wood engravings, and ditto, with engravings by David Deuchar 2 80 Latin and French Dictionary, Gil Bias, The Castle of Otranto, 4 different editions, and a small vol. in manuscript 7 CASE P. 81 Francisco Gorio Momentum sive Columbarium, folio, with plates; Bellori’s Le Antiche Lucerne Sepolchorle Figurate, and ditto Le Pitture Antiche del Sepoloro de Nasonii, folio 3 82 Firmairus Seminarii Romani Anincutessmi Cardinales, folio, with fine plate, and an Account of the Itoyal Palace of Persepolis, folio, with plates 2 83 Les Vrais Portraits des Rois de France, par De Bie, folio, with very fine plates; Canninis Iconographia, Cioe Disegni d’lmagini, &c., and Faimo- sissimi Monarchi Regi Filosofi, poetis ed Oraton del Antichitacanati 2 84 Helman’s Faits, Memorables des Empereurs de la Chine, 4to, with fine plates ; Marot Recueil des Plans, Profilset Elevations, 4to ; Leonard de Vinci’s Caricatures, and Helman’s de la Vie de Confucus 4 85 Pierres Gravees de Madame Pompadour, 4to, fine impressions of the plates ; Wincleman’s Description des Pierres Gravees du feu Baron de Stosch, fine plates, and Spilsbury’s Collection of Prints, folio 3 86 Gemmne Antiche Figurate de Cardinale Desbrees, 4to, with plates; Gemme Antiche de Cardinale Piccolomini, 4to, with plates; and De la Chausse Romanum Museum, folio, with plates 3 87 Weyerman’s Lives of the Painters, 3 vols. 4to, with plates 3 88 Palasii Fasti Ducales Venetorum Duceum, folio, with portraits; Lyonet’s Traite Anatomique de la Chenille and Sommaris delle Vite de Duchi di Milano, folio, with portraits 3 89 Pierres Antiques Gravees par Picart, M. Philippe de Stosch, folio, with fine plates 1 90 De Praeclaris Mediolani iEdificiis Bononieusi, 4to, with plates; Preas- nestes Antiquas, 4to, with plates; Alticchiero, par Madame le Contess de Bosemberg, 4to, with plates, very scarce 3 91 Les Aimes Triomphantes de son Altesse Monseigneur le Due d’Espernon, folio, with plates; Boxhorisii Monumenta Illustrium Virorum, folio, with plates, and Theodore de Bourg Florileguim Novum 3 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 79 No. 7. 92 Guillelmi Coursin Rhodiorum Yicecancellarii Obsidionis Rhodie Urbis Description, 1496, black letter, folio, fine plates, very rare 1 93 Lucern® Fictiles Musei Passerii, folio, with plates; Descripcion del Real Monasterio des Lorenzo del Escorial, folio, with plates, and Vignola Architectura, folio, with plates 3 94 Portraits of the Kings of Naples, from Ruggiero I. to Philippo III., folio, fine engravings on wood; Descrizione della Regia Villa di Pratolino, La Joyeuse et Magnifique Entree de Monseigneur Due de Brabant, A. Auvers, folio, with plates 3 95 Morris’ Rural Architecture, 4to, with plates, and 1 4to vol. of plates of the principal events of the American War 2 CASE Q. 96 Perrault les Hommes Illustres, folio, with fine portraits 2 97 Pluvinel’s Instruction du Roy en l’Exercice de Monter a Cheval, folio, with plates, and William the Third’s Journey into Holland in 1691, folio, with fine plates 2 98 Sir Julius Caesar’s Travelling Library, 12mo, bound in vellum, of all the best classical authors, and enclosed in a case the shape of a folio volume, extremely rare and curious 44 99 Crispin de Pas’ Drawing Book, folio, with plates, and a Description of the House and Gardens of the King of Bohemia, Heidleberg, folio 2 100 Holland’s Herolologia Anglica, folio, with very fine impressions of the plates, from the library of R. Thoresby, very rare l 101 A Collection of Initial Letters from the beginning of Printing, with some notes by Joseph Ames, folio, curious 1 102 Holland’s Herolologial, and with the second part the Lives and Portraits of the Foreign Reformers, folio, very fine impressions of the plates 1 103 A 4to volume of English Heraldry, with the drawings coloured, from William the Conqueror to James I., highly interesting 1 104 Kent’s Inigo Jones’ Designs, folio, with plates; Stanzas on Viewing Strawberry Hill, &c., 4to, very scarce ; Specimens of Printing Types, 4to, and 1 other 4 105 Rademaker’s Views in Holland, 4to; Etchings of Heads, red Morocco; Teste Nelle Nozze Bianca Cappello, 4to, with plates, and Bonarelli’s Solimano Tragedia, 4to 4 80 No. 7. 106 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Crispin cle Pas’ Collection of Prints to Ovid’s Metamorphoses, oblong 4to; Portraits of the most celebrated Ladies in the characters of Shepherdesses, small oblong 4to, and Otho Vaenis’ Emblems of Love, small oblong 4to 3 107 Dr. Mead’s Catalogue, with the prices, 8vo; Goeree’s Drawing Book, 8 vo, and a 4to vol. of very rare and curious tracts 3 108 Heures a l’Usage de Rome, 8vo, printed on vellum, with wood-cuts and borders, very rare, black letter 1 109 The Gentleman’s Academi, or the Book of St. Albans, 4to, London, 1595 ; Carleton’s Thankful Remembrancer of God’s Mercy and 3 curious old tracts 5 110 Hunting, Hawking and Fishing, according to the English Manner, ob¬ long 4to, very scarce; Sir Egerton Bridge’s Topograhical Miscellanies, 4to, with plates, and a vol. of curious old tracts 3 111 Sir Thomas Ur quart’s Discovery of a most exquisite Jewel, 12mo, very rare; Sir Hugh Platt’s Garden of Eden, 12mo, very scarce, and Henry Peachum’s Truth of our Times, 12mo 3 112 Histoire de la Vie de Pere, Henry Walpole, 12mo, and 4 other scarce vols., 12mo 5 113 Peacham’s Minerva Britannica, 4to, with wood-cuts, very scarce; Bosse’s Treatise on the Engravings, with Aquafortis, and 2 vols. of curious Wood-cuts 4 CASE R. 114 Herodoti Historiarum Jacobi Gronovi, folio 1 115 Bromley’s Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, 4to; A Tour through England, 4to, and Botanic Garden, 4to 3 116 Granger’s Biographical History of England, 4 vols. 4to, the original edition, dedicated to Mr. Walpole, and a folio vol. of curious English tracts and pamphlets 5 117 A collection of Views of London and its Environs, oblong 4to, very curious, from the Library of A. C. Ducarrell, and a collection of Plates, by Cochin, 4to, very curious 2 118 Masters’ Life of Baker, 8vo; Catalogue of Living Authors, 8vo; Pinkerton’s Scotch Portraits, and 3 others, 8vo 6 119 The English Topographer, 4 vols. 8vo; Brand’s Antiquities, and 1 other 6 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 81 No. 7. 120 The Florence Miscellany, 8vo, very scarce, and Harrington’s Nugre Antique, 3 vols. 8vo, bound in red Morocco 4 121 Sir Anthony Shirley’s Travels into Persia, 2 vols., from the Library of Mr. Lort, very scarce, and 3 others, 8vo 5 122 Pinkerton’s Medals, 2 vols. 8vo, bound in green Morocco; The Letters of Themistocles, Select Views in Scotland, and 6 others 10 123 The Arno Miscellany, 8vo, very rare; Poetry of Lorenzo de Medici, 8vo, and 4 others 6 124 Gough’s Account of the Bedford Missal, a 4to tract, and other curious 4to tracts • 7 125 Robert AVyner’s Sermons on the Excise, printed with white letter on a black paper, very rare and curious, and 3 tracts in 4to, scarce prints 4 126 Three bundles of tracts and catalogues relative to the arts CASE S. 127 Grose’s Antiquities of England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales; ditto Military Antiquities and ditto Ancient Armour, uniformly bound in green Morocco, fine old impressions of the plates 13 128 The poems of Mr. Gray, by Mason, illustrated with several curious prints and drawings, and notes by Lord Orford, 4to, splendidly bound in green Morocco 1 129 Cordiner’s Remarkable Ruins and Prospects in North Britain, 4to, bound in green Morocco 1 130 Strutt’s Complete View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. ot England, 3 vols., bound in 2 ; ditto Chronicle of England, 2, and ditto Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England—the whole in 4to, splendidly bound in green Morocco, and fine old impressions of the plates ^ 131 Tomkins’ Tour to the Isle of Wight, illustrated with 80 A iews, 2 vols. 8vo, green Morocco, and Parkyns’ Monastic Remains and Ancient Castles, 8vo, bound in green Morocco 3 132 The Copper-plate Magazine, 2 vols., oblong 4to., bound in green Mo¬ rocco, and Birch’s Delices de la Grande Bretagne, 4to, bound in green Morocco ■ 133 P. Sandby’s Virtuoso’s Museum, oblong 4to, and the Copper-plate Ma¬ gazine, 4to, green Morocco 2 o 82 No. 7. 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Picturesque Views of the principal Seats of the Nobility and l entry of England, oblong 4 to, and Watts’ Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, oblong 4to, bound in green Morocco 2 CASE P. Lyson’s Environs of London, 4to, bound in red Morocco, and illustrated with portraits and views 3 The Antiquarian Repertory, 4to, boards, illustrated with plates 4 Green’s History and Antiquities of Worcester, 2 vols. 4to, with plates, boards, and Repton on Landscape Gardening, oblong 4to, with coloured plates 3 Gilpin’s Forest Scenery, 2 vols. 8vo; ditto Tour to the Lakes, 2; ditto Tour to Scotland, 2 ; ditto River Wye and ditto Essays on Picturesque Beauty, 7 elegantly bound and 1 in boards 8 S. Ireland’s Tour on the Thames, 2 vols.; ditto Picturesque Tour through Holland, 2; ditto River Medway, and ditto Illustrations of Hogarth, with plates, in boards 6 Robertson’s Tour to the Isle of Man, Hassell’s Tour to the Isle of Wight, 2 vols., and Robertson’s Bath Roads, 2, all 8vo in boards, with fine impressions of the plates 5 Nichols’ Life of Hogarth, a Tour through the South of England and Cogan’s Tour on the Rhine, 2 vols. 4 A. Brown’s Academy of Drawing, Painting, &c., folio, with plates, and Kirby’s Prints of Monuments, &c., in the County of Suffolk, 4to 2 CASE V. Jones’ Musical and Poetical Reliques of the Welsh Bards, 4to; The Life and Works of George Edwards, a Collection of the Coats of Arms of the Nobility and Gentry of Gloucester, 4to, and Taro Kate’s Beau Ideal 4 Albin’s Natural History of Birds, 4to, with plates coloured; ditto History of English Insects and P. Brown’s Illustration of Zoology, 4to, with coloured plates 3 The History of English Moths and Butterflies, by Wilks, 4to, with the plates coloured, and the Harmony of Colouring, by Le Blon, 4to, with coloured plates 2 SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 83 No. 7. 146 Edwards’ Natural History of Birds, in 4 vols. 4to, in boards, with the plates beautifully coloured, and ditto Gleanings in Natural History, 2 vols. 4to, with the plates coloured 5 147 Burkitt on the New Testament, Bewick’s History of Quadrupeds and a 4to vol. on Natural History, in German 3 148 Hogarth’s Analysis of Beauty, 4to; Gwin’s London Improved, 4to; Gulston’s Catalogue, Neyman’s Catalogue and Marriett’s Catalogue 4 149 A Collection of the Catalogues of the Royal Exhibition, 3 vols. 4to, with other tracts interspersed, with many manuscript notes by the late Lord Orford relating to the Arts 3 150 Livre le Petite Estampes Gravee, par Sim Gribelin, 4to, containing several hundred beautiful little designs for gold and silversmiths’ work, very rare and curious 1 151 Six Solos for the Violoncello, by Cervetto, dedicated to Sir Edward Walpole, splendidly bound in red Morocco, and 2 other books of music 1 END OF THE SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. Sfje 2£to;i)ti) Hag’s gjale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STAWBERBV HILL. On TUESDAY, the 3rd Day oe MAY, 1812, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 8.—Books and Books of Prints, in the Pound Tower, continued. CASE A. LOT 1 Major’s Ruins of Paestum, folio, fine plates, bound in vellum 1 2 Chandler and Rivett’s Ionian Antiquities, folio, fine plates, bound in vellum 1 3 Sir Wm. Chambers’ Treatise on Civil Architecture, folio, bound in vellum, fine plates 1 4 Sir Wm. Chambers’ Kew Gardens, folio, bound in vellum, very fine plates 1 5 Wood’s Ruins at Palmyra, otherwise Tadmore in the Dessert, folio, boimd in vellum 1 6 The Ruins of Balbee, otherwise Heliopolas, folio, bound in vellum 1 7 Stuart and Rivert’s Antiquities of Athens, very fine impressions of the plates, folio, bound in vellum 3 8 Adams’ Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian, at Spelatro, folio, bound in vellum 1 9 J. Le Roy’s Ruins of Monuments, in Greece, folio, bound in vellum 2 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. 85 No. 8. 10 Kirby’s Perspective in Architecture, folio, bound in vellum 1 11 Gibbs’ Architecture, folio, fine plates 1 12 Aedes’ Walpoliange, or Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Houghton Hall, in Norfolk, by Brettingham, folio 1 13 Borioni Collectenteunti qui tatum Romanorum, folio, very fine plates, bound in vellum 1 14 Inigo Jones’ Designs in Architecture, folio, fine plates, bound in calf 1 15 Sir Vm. Hamilton’s collection of Greek, Roman, and Etruscan Anti¬ quities, folio, with the plates coloured, splendidly bound in green Morocco 4 16 Britannia Lathinon Villa Bromhamensis, by Lord Hampden, folio, printed by Bodoni, at Parma, elegantly bound in green Morocco, very rare and curious 1 17 L’Etruria Pittrice Storia Della, Pittura Toscana, folio, with very fine plates, bound in Russia, very scarce 1 18 Le-Antichita Romans di J. B. Piranesi, folio, with brilliant impressions of the plates, bound in calf, a very fine set 4 CASE B. 19 Jac Augusti Thuani Historianum sui Temporis Landim, 1733, illustrated with brilliant plates, large paper, bound in calf, very rare 14 This splendid set was collected by Sir Clement Cottrell Dormer. 20 Diplomatime and Numismaturu Scotia?, by James Anderson, Edinburgh, 1739, folio, fine large paper copy, bound in vellum 1 21 Post’s Description of the Funeral of Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, folio, very fine impressions 1 22 Rymsdyk’s British Museum, folio, and Williams’ History of Sudely Castle, in Gloucestershire - 23 Portraits of Illustrious men of France, in the Gallery ol Cardinal Rich- lieu, folio, very fine impressions 1 24 Pine’s Tapestry of the House of Lords, folio, brilliant impression, elegantly bound, red Morocco ^ 25 Procession of the Order of the Garter, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, a collection of drawings by Vertue, from originals, by Marc Garrard, oblong folio, this is very rare and curious EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. 86 No. 8. 26 The collection of Antique Statues, Greek and Roman, in the Library of St. Mark’s, at Venice, folio, very fine impressions 1 27 A collection of prints engraved from Pictures, by Zuchero, in the Ca- priola Palace, folio, the impressions are very brilliant 1 28 F. M. Regenfus’ Shells, folio, large paper, splendidly coloured 1 29 Gallarie De Crozat, folio, large paper, magnificent impressions 2 CASE C. 30 Carter’s Ancient Sculpture and Painting, folio, red Morocco 2 31 A portfolio of 33 fine original drawings of Scenery in and about Twicken¬ ham, &c., by Muntz, Scott and others 32 A folio containing an immense variety of extremely rare and highly in¬ teresting original drawings of Heads, Antiquities, Monuments, Views, &c., by George Vertue and others 33 A description of Strawberry Hill, illustrated with original drawings and prints of the various Pictures, Antiquities and interesting Objects; also Views of various parts of the Interior and Exterior of the Villa and the surrounding Scenery. In this vol. is that extremely rare and curious print of King Henry VIII. and his Family, engraved by W. Rogers, of which only 2 other impressions are known This Collection is perfectly unique. 34 A folio of ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, by Dominichino, Zuchero, Carravaggio, Rubens, Mentegna, &c., many of them very rare and beautiful 1 35 An oblong folio vol., splendidly bound in red Morocco, containing 101 ORIGINAL drawings, by Titian, Carracci, Guercino, Dominichino, and other great masters, from the Library of the King of Spain, whose Arms are embazoned on the cover, in fine preservation and quite unique 36 Gerard Reynst’s collection of Pictures, fine proof impressions, folio, bound in vellum 1 37 Portraits of Illustrious Men of the seventeenth century, very fine im¬ pressions, by Rt. Di Jode, folio 1 38 A large folio vol., containing a magnificent collection of fine ORIGINAL drawings, ancient and modern, arranged by Lord Orford, many of them of great beauty and extremely rare 1 39 Farrington’s Views on the River Thames, 2 vols. folio, with coloured plates, elegantly bound in Russia 2 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. 87 No. 8. 40 Overbeke’s V iews of Ancient Rome, folio, very choice impressions 1 41 A folio volume of prints, of Lord Burlington’s Villa, at Chiswick 1 42 I lan ol Paris, engraved on 20 plates, folio, bound in Morocco, with the arms of Paris 1 43 Kip’s Views of the Royal Palaces and Seats of the Nobility and Gentry of England, folio \ 44 A collection of Prints, from the Gallery of M. Boyer D’Aguilles, folio, very fine impressions 1 45 A collection of 109 splendid original drawings, by all the celebrated ancient masters, folio, elegantly bound in Morocco, with the royal arms of Spain 1 46 A similar collection of 107 equally beautiful original drawings, and bound in a similar style with the preceding 1 47 Hamilton’s Schola Italica Picture, folio, large paper, brilliant impressions 1 48 The Haughton Gallery, 2 vols. folio, large paper, very splendid impressions, magnificent copy, bound in Russia 2 49 Boydell’s collection of prints, from pictures of the old masters, in the collection of the Nobility and Gentry of Great Britain, brilliant impressions, 2 vols. folio, elegantly bound 2 50 A matchless collection of etchings, prints and drawings, by W. H. Bunbury, Esq., arranged by Lord Orford, in 2 vols. large folio 2 51 A volume of original drawings of Architectural and other Antiquities of the Grand Duke’s Gallery, at Florence 1 52 Casteel’s Flowers, folio, coloured plates, and an oblong folio, containing Views in the City of Florence 2 CASE D. 53 Description of Views of the Royal Palace of Caserta, at Naples 1 54 Luxembourg Gallery, by Rubens, folio, fine old impressions 1 55 Voyage Pittoresque de la Greece, folio 1 56 Etchings by Lady Carlisle, ditto by Lady Louisa Augusta Greville, ditto by Lady Cunningham, ditto by Viscount Newnham, ditto by the Earl of Sunderland, ditto by Lord Maidstone and other noble amateurs, collected and arranged by Lord Orford, splendidly bound in red Morocco, rare 1 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 88 No. 8. 57 Drawings and designs by Richard Bentley, folio 1 This vol. contains all the original designs for the improvements at Strawberry Hill. 58 The Architecture of A. Palladio, with notes and remarks by Inigo Jones, folio 2 59 Lempereur and Mariette’s Description of the Casting of the Bronze Equestrian Statue of Louis XV., folio, fine plates / 1 60 The Antiquities of Herculaneum, Naples, 1762, folio, fine impressions, handsomely bound 9 61 A collection of Portraits and Genealogical Tree of the House of Medici, folio, very choice impressions i 1 62 A folio of splendid prints from the antiques in the cabinet of Girardon, the celebrated French sculptor, very scarce ' 1 63 A collection of original drawings, by Van Huy sum, Rademaker, Echout, Rembrandt and other celebrated masters, folio 1 64 The Life of Masaccio, with a collection of prints from his designs, and a collection of caricature prints by Patch, bound up in 1 vol. folio 1 65 Plans and Views of Royal Palaces and Cities in France, splendidly bound in red Morocco, royal arms of France 66 Plans and Views of the Palace Gardens, Fountains, &c., of Versailles, folio, red Morocco 1 67 Collection of prints representing the Battles, Processions, and Fetes of Louis XIV., from the designs of Vandermulen, folio, red Morocco, folio 1 68 A collection of prints from the finest pictures of the old masters, and celebrated Statues in the possession of the King of France, folio, red Morocco, folio 1 69 A collection of prints from the ceilings, painted by Le Brun and Miguard, at the Palace of Versailles, folio, red Morocco 1 70 A collection of prints, the Battles of Alexander, by Le Brun, very fine impressions, large folio, red Morocco 1 71 A collection of prints, from the tapestries in the Royal Palaces, repre¬ senting the Battles of Louis XIV. 72 A collection of prints, representing the Tilts and Tournaments during the reign of Louis XIV., folio, red Morocco 1 The above Eight Lots are uniformly bound, and were presented by the King of Trance. EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 89 CASE E. No. 8. 73 Adams’ Architecture of Sion House, 2 vols., and a large folio of prints after Guido, Sebastian, Conca, &c. 3 74 A collection of 263 prints, etched by himself, and engraved after the most celebrated works of David Teniers, by Le Bas, Bassan, Sarugme, Major, &c., folio, most complete and rare 1 75 A manificent collection of 460 prints, from the designs of Raphael, by Julio Bonosoni, Antonia Salmuanca, Eneas Vico, Sadler, &c., folio, bound in vellum, extremely fine 3 76 A magnificent collection of 165 prints, from the designs of Titian, by M. Sadler, Peter D’Jode, Cornelius Cort, Fontana, J. Picini, Lefebre, Andreani, &c., folio, equally rare with the preceding 2 77 A splendid collection of 245 prints, from the works of the Carracci family, by Villamena, Van Kessel, Galastruzzi, &c., with several curious etchings of the Bolonese masters, folio, very fine and rare 2 78 A beautiful collection of 160 prints, from the designs of Guido Reni, by B. Coriolanus, C. van Cankercken, Langot, Dessey, P. Ballin, G. Andran, Poilly, &c., folio, very fine impressions 1 79 A choice collection of 519 prints, from the designs of and by Lucas Van Leyden, Aldegrapher, G. Pentz, &c., folio 1 80 A magnificent collection of 296 prints, by and after Albert Durer, the founder of the school of German painters, fine impressions, folio 1 81 A collection of 214 prints, by Israel Van Mechlen, Martin techoeu, Hopfer, Andrea Mantegna, &c. &c., after their own and the works of other great masters, folio * 82 A collection of 225 prints, by and after the works of Perelle, in \ iews, Landscapes, and Historical Subjects, very fine impressions, folio 1 83 A collection of 195 prints of Architecture, Cabinets, Vases, and Arabesque Ornaments, by J. Le Pautre, beautiful impressions 1 84 A collection of 410 prints, designed and engraved by Israel Sylvestre, Views of the Palaces and Houses of the Nobles of France and different parts of Europe, folio ^ 85 A collection of 79 prints, etched by and engraved after the designs ot Peter Testa, folio ^ 86 A collection of 123 prints, engraved by and after the works of Goltzius, Spranger, and Bloemaert, folio ~ EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. 90 No. 8. 87 A collection of 119 prints, engraved by and after the works of Frederick and Taddio Zuchero and Tempesta, folio 1 88 A collection of 641 prints, the works of Martin de Voss, Sadler, Werix, S. Galle, Crispin Van de Pass, &c., 3 vols. folio 3 89 A collection of 620 prints, the works of Santa Bartoli, Views in Rome, Antiquities, Lamps, Vases, &c. &c., 2 vols. folio 2 The above 15 Lots are bound uniform in 22 vols., in vellum. CASE F. 90 A collection of engravings, from antique gems in the possession of his Grace the Duke of Marlborough, privately printed, splendidly bound, 2 vols. folio, green Morocco, very rare 91 A collection of 934 prints, the Works of W. Hollar, fine impressions, arranged in 3 vols. folio, in vellum 3 92 Rogers’ Imitations of Drawings of the old masters, folio, large paper, early impressions, engraved by Bartolozzi, Ryland, Watts, Basire, &c. 2 93 Sevigniana, or a collection of Portraits of Mad. de Sevigne, her friends and other persons of her time mentioned in her letters, and collected and arranged by Lord Orford, large folio 1 94 A collection of 123 foreign Portraits, engraved by Suyderhoof, Van Schuppen, Gaultier, T. De Leu, Drevet, Moncornet, Houbracken, &c., larsm folio . 1 O 95 A collection of prints after the works of, and Etchings by Watteau, with his life, large folio, in extraordinary fine condition, and perfectly matchless 3 96 Sandrart’s Lives of the Painters, folio, very fine impressions 1 97 Theatrum Pictorum, or the Gallery of the Arch-Duke Leopold, by David Teniers, very fine plates 1 98 The Triumphs of the Emperor Sigismund and Julius Caesar, splendid im¬ pressions, folio 1 99 Plans of the Villa of the Emperor Adrian 100 The Entry and Procession of the Arch-Duke Ferdinand into Antwerp, by Rubens and Van Thuldan, folio 101 A collection of 20 prints after Andrea Sacchi, by Smith, Picart, J. Frey, &c., folio 1 No. 8, 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. 01 The Farnese Gallery, from the designs of Raphael, Albano, Annibal Carracci, &c., folio I Catesby’s Natural History of Carolina, coloured plates, large folio, a very choice copy 2 A large oblong volume of views in England A collection of 150 prints, by and after the designs of Sir Anthony Vandyke, interspersed with manuscript notes, by Horace Walpole, very rare and curious, folio 1 A collection of 163 prints, from Statues, antique and modern, by D. Rossi, folio 1 Gultieri’s Catalogue of Shells, very fine plates, folio 1 P. Bellorii’s engravings of the Triumphal Arches of Titus and Augustus at Rome A description of the Pictures of Ludovico Carracci and other great masters, in the Convent of St. Michael, in Bosco, at Bologna CASE G. A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS OF ENGLISH POR¬ TRAITS, from the earliest period to the reigns of Henry VIII. During the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI. and Mary Ditto of Queen Elizabeth - Ditto of James I. Ditto of Charles I. and Interregnum - Ditto of Charles II. - Ditto of James II. - 383 204 266 349 672 647 147 —-2668 A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS OF ENGLISH TRAITS, during the reigns of William and Mary - Ditto of Queen Anne - Ditto of George I. - Ditto of George II., vol. 1 Ditto ditto vol. 2 - A supplementary vol. of Portraits, not arranged POR- 442 338 337 375 562 412 Carried forward 2466 92 No. 8. EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. CASE H. Brought forward - 2466 During the reigns of George III. vol. 1 - - 331 Ditto ditto vol. 2 - - 283 Ditto ditto vol. 3 - - 720 Ditto ditto vol. 4 - - 381 Ditto ditto vol. 5 - - 706 Ditto ditto vol. 6 - - 372 5259 CASE I. 112 A collection or 472 prints and drawings, formed by Mr. Yertue and Mr. Walpole, of English Artists, arranged according to their Anecdotes of Painting in England. The following manuscript of Horace Walpole inside the Book is worthy attention he says, “ These two vols. are very valuable, they not only form the most complete series of English Artists extant, but contain many extremely scarce prints, and all the drawings which Vertue had made from original pictures of our Artists, for his intended history of them which I have had engraved for his and my Anecdotes of Painting in England.” — Horace Walpole. 113 Vandyke’s Works, consisting of 62 prints, historical and portraits, folio, fine impressions 1 114 A SPLENDID COLLECTION of the Works of WILLIAM FAITHOKNE, comprising 280 prints, many of them exceedingly bril¬ liant , and proofs uncommonly rare , MATCHLESS 115 Yertue’s Heads and Monuments of the Kings of England, brilliant im¬ pressions, folio 1 116 Vertue’s Works, consisting of 585 prints, engraved by this indefatigable Artist and learned Antiquary, in Portraits, Views, Monuments, and Historical Subjects, all fine impressions, and many of them very rare, folio 2 117 Pine’s Processions and Ceremonies observed at the Installations of the Knights Companion of the Bath, folio 1 118 The Derby Gallery, a collection of prints engraved by Winstanley, after the celebrated Pictures of the old masters in the Earl of Derby’s col¬ lection at Knowsley, folio 1 EIGHTH DAY'S SALE. 93 No. 8. 119 Murphy’s Plans, Elevations, and Sections of the Church of Batalha in Portugal, fine plates, folio 120 The Gallery (Lambert), series of Engravings from Pictures painted by Le Brun 121 Chambers’Designs of Chinese Buildings, Furniture, &c., folio 122 \ etusta Monumenta, plates, published by the Antiquarian Society, very scarce 123 Gough’s Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, folio 124 Hogarth’s Works, comprising 365 prints and drawings, engraved by, and after this celebrated artist, all first impressions, and some original drawings © The most complete and perfect collection of his prints (extract from Horace Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting). 125 Hearne and Byrne’s Antiquities of Great Britain, fine impressions, oblong folio, green Morocco 126 An oblong 4to volume of plates, by Stradanus, Collaert and Galle, some are extremely rare and curious 127 A folio volume containing original Drawings and Sketches, by Lady D.Beauclerc, Miss Sebright, Miss Knight, Mrs. Darner, and other friends of Mr. Walpole 128 An oblong 4to vol. of prints, by Galle, on Gardening, ditto of Wilton Gardens, and ditto of prints engraved by Colleart and Galle 129 A small folio volume containing 180 prints, portraits of illustrious persons in France. This volume belonged to the celebrated Bran tome; the several notes are inscribed by him, from the collection of Mariette of Paris 130 Small volume of prints, Views in Venice, and ditto, Views in Rome 131 Watteau’s Etchings, 2 nos., and Huet’s Monkeys 132 Lyson’s Environs of London, 4th vol., in boards, Map of Europe, and Specimens of Penmanship 133 Oblong 4to vol., Views of Palaces, by Peter Schenk 134 Clemente Anunonio’s Collection of Portraits, 4to, fine plates 135 A 4to vol., containing Portraits of Ambassadors, at the Treaty of Munster, very fine impressions, scarce 136 A curious Chinese Drawing, rolled up 137 A small volume, containing 37 Portraits of illustrious men, very scarce 138 A folio vol., containing 120 Portraits of eminent painters 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 94 No. 8. 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 EIGHTH DAY’S SALE. Birch’s Lives of Illustrious Persons of Great Britain, with their Portraits, engraved by Houbracken and Vertue, 2 vols. in 1, brilliant impressions, extremely rare 1 CASE K. Playfair’s British Family Antiquities, 5 vols., large 4to, half bound Bussia 5 Liber Veritatis, by Claude, containing 200 prints, engraved by Earlom, from original Drawings, in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire, brilliant impressions, half bound, uncut CASE L. Montfaucon’s Royal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of France, 2 vols. folio, with descriptions in English 2 Picart’s Ceremonies et Costumes Religieuses, and Antiquities of Con¬ stantinople, 2 vols. folio 3 Androuet’s Architecture, 2 vols. folio, and Androuet’s Buildings in France, 2 4 Antiquities Sacrce and Civiles Romanorum, folio, fine plates, very rare 1 Plates to TEsop’s Fables, engraved by Hollar, beautiful set of fine im¬ pressions, and Zapata’s Book on Hunting, fine plates 2 The Earl of Castlemain’s Embassy to the Pope, time of James II., folio, and a 4to vol., Architecture, by Le Pantre 2 Braun and Hogenberg’s Views of all the Principal Cities and Palaces in the World, 2 vols. folio, full of curious and interesting plates 2 Molinet’s Cabinet St. Genevieve, folio, fine plates 1 Martrius’ Theatrum Basilicas and Pisan®, folio, red Morocco 1 Desgodetz les Edifices Antiques de Rome, folio An Account of the Entry of the Due Alencon into Antwerp, folio, fine plates 1 I. Salatia’s Aquila Interlilia, folio, fine plates l A large folio volume, containing 120 splendid drawings and prints bound in vellum; drawings, Views of Strawberry Hill and Vici- nity, by Barrow ; drawings by Watteau, Sater, Adams, &c.; numerous prints published by the Antiquarian Society, engraved by Woollett, Sharpe, Sir Robert Sturge and other eminent artists. This is a most valuable and interesting collection. end of the eighth day’s sale. Nttrtf) Bag's giale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On WEDNESDAY, the 4th Day op MAY, 18 - 12 , Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 9.—Valuable Collection of Coins and Medals. 6 - C> 1 a • // * 2 /e. a s /3 ■ 4 / / - / /• G> 5 A & 0 6 6 /* 6 - 6 7 / • o 8 / *//■ 6 9 /?• C> 10 GREEK—GOLD, SILVER AND BRASS. BRASS Paduans, Greek and Roman False Greek silver Cities, Gales, Roma, Brettium, Neapolis, Panormus, &c. Kings, Philip and Alexander of Macedon; Antiochus of Syrian; ander, Bala, Seleucus, Agathocles, Tryphon, Ptolemy, &c. 12 17 27 Alex- 51 SILVER. Philip, king of Macedon, Alexander the Great, 4, some tine 5 Antiochus VII., king of Syria, well preserved; Demetrius, Ptolemy, and Pyrrhus 4 Ariarathes of Cappadocia, 2 ; drachms of Antiochus of Syria, 2; Arsaces of Parthia, 2 ; Philip of Macedon, small 7 Cities, Syracuse, 4; Tetradrachm, well preserved 5 Athens, of ancient fabric; Velia, 2 (1 fine); Corinth, 9 12 Gelas, Rhodes, Agrigentum, Tarentum, Messina, 5; Dyraehum, fine ; and a fragment with unknown characters, and 14 others 25 A rtA r"7 96 NINTH DAY’S SALE. GOLD. No. 9. . ’ A> • o 11 Philip of Macedon j . /D & 12 Agatliocles of Syria, reverse a Thunderbolt, very fine and rare ^ 13 Hiero, King of Sicily, very fine and scarce ^ 14 Syracuse, reverse Figure in Car, fine y 2 . & 15 Panormus, reverse a Horse, fine 4* 1 iv 1 C 7cr\ 1 1 Cu,r=T 1 ROMAN—GOLD, SILVER AND BRASS. / - * ^16 The As, obverse the head of Janus, reverse the head of Mercury; Semis, with Pegasus on each side, 2 3 / /t - o 17 Semis, with head of Jupiter, reverse the Prow; ditto, with wheel, reverse a Bull; Tirens, having a Horse’s head on each side; ditto, having Hand on each side 4 /e. £,18 Quadrans, Fish, reverse a Thunderbolt; ditto, Horse’s head on each side; ditto Head of Rome, reverse the Prow, 2 4 /// ■ 6 19 Various small parts of the As 14 y . £, 20 Roman weights 8 ' a 21 Third brass, Probus, Aurelian, Magnentius, Constantine, Tacitus, Numerian, Tranquillina, &c. 62 ' ■ ^ ' & 22 Second brass, Pompey, 2; Julius Ctesar, Augustus, 3; Claudius, Caligula and others 35 43 23 Augustus, all various, some well preserved 11 ‘ / • o 24 Agrippa, Tiberius, 3; Drusus, Gennanicus, 2; Antonia, Nero and /. / * £> . / /' 4- - Drusus, on horseback; Livia Pietas and Augusta, 2, 11 A sLtt / A*- O 25 Claudius, 3, all different, and well preserved; Gennanicus, 2; Caligula, reverse Vesta; Nero, reverse Victory ; ditto, reverse Temple, &c. 10 /• 6 ” ^ 26 Nero, 3 all different; Galba, reverse Peace standing; Vitellius, reverse hands joined, 2 (1 doubtful); Vespasian, Titus, Domitian, all different 4 (some fine) 12 / • ^ . O 27 Domitian, 5 various; Nerva, Trajan, Adrian, reverse Galley; Pegasus, Hispania, and 4 others 14 . 0 • o 28 Adrian, reverse Restitutori Gallke; Pegasus, Egypt, Alexandria, An- tinous, very rare, and 1 other 6 / y 29 Sabina, Hllius, Antoninus, reverse Elephant, and 4 others; Faustina, Senior and Junior, various, 1 of them reverse, Diana Lucif 12 t V fkZs < NINTH DAY’S SALE. 97 No. 9. /. / £?30 Veras, 6 , all different; Aurelius, 2 ; Commodus, 2 ; Elagabalus, Cara- calla and 6 others 18 / . - & 31 Crispina, Alexander, 3, various; Macrinus, Philip, Senior and Junior, 2 ; Gardian III., reverse Abgarus, king of Thrace and 1 other; Julia Pia, Julia Someaia, Barbia Orbiana, Julia Maesa 12 c 32 Julia Domna, reverse, Venus; Julia Pia, Diadumenian, rare; Otacilla Severia, Maximinus, Maximus Caesar, Trajan, Decius, Mariania, rare; a Roman ticket and 5 others 15 & & 33 Large brass, miscellaneous 30 /Jo 34 Pompey, 2 ; Julius Caesar, Julius, reverse Augustus; Julia Augusta, reverse Car drawn by Mules; Divo Augustus, reverse Car drawn bv Elephants; Claudius, 2 ; Tiberius, reverse, Tiberus and Drusus: Caligula, reverse Agrippina; Brasilia and Julia, some well preserved 10 / • f l./ 035 Nero, reverse Temple of Janus; Decursio, Port of Ostia, Rome sitting, and 1 Triumphal Arch; Caligula, reverse the Emperor addressing his Soldiers, 2 varieties; Drusus, some well preserved 8 ^ 36 Nero, reverse Triumphal Arch; ditto Annona, Augusti, Ceres, Julia, Carpentum, drawn by Mules; Agrippinas, reverse Memorise, Agrippina, the Carpentum drawn by Mules; Galba, reverse Libertas Publica and 1 other, Vespasian, reverse, Mars walking, and 2 others, Titus, 2 ; some in fine preservation 11 / , . C' 37 Domitian, 4 varieties; Nerva, Trajan, reverse the Bridge, and 4 others; Hadrian, reverse the Emperor on horseback, 4 varieties; some in good preservation 15 1 J ■ t 38 Hadrian, reverse Hispania, and 3 varieties; Sabina, 2 ; Marciana (doubt¬ ful) ; Antoninus Pius, reverse Tiberis; ditto Pax, Aug. and 2 others; Faustina, Senior and Junior 13 /. /<> . c 39 Faustina, Senior and Junior, 2 ; M. Aurelius, 3 varieties; L. Veras, reverve a Car with Elephants; ditto reversed, and 1 other; Lucilla, Commodus, Viet. Brit., and 4 others 14 7'S- 6 40 Didius Julian, rare; Albinus, 2 ; Caracalla, 2 ; Julia, Maesa, Alexander, Barbia, Orbiana (very rare) ; Maximinus, Diva Paulina, rare ; Maximus Caesar, and Balbinus 12 /- // ■ £> 41 Pupienus, reverse inscription; ditto, Victory and 1 other; Trebonianus Gallus L, Gordian IIP, 2 ; Phillip, Senior and Junior, 4; Otacilla Severa, 2 ; and Etruscilla 13 Q C & a- V- si /'•V rr i— C- ( - 98 NINTH DAY’S SALE. No. jL/ ■ 6 42 } ' 6 • & 43 / - / ' 0 44 / • £> 45 9 . / ' a $ 46 13 d- ct’w S / . /o . $ 47 / ^ ' c>48 r- * 49 / • p • o 50 /• //' ^ 51 / i ' 6 ' & 52 7 • ' ' £> 53 / ' jr- ^54 y • 55 vT, ^ 56 / ' / • Herennia, Hosidia, Hostilia, Julia, Junia and 14 others, some in fine preservation 19 Junia, Licinia, Livineia, Lollia, Lucilia, Lucretia, Lutatia, and 10 others 17 Maenia, Mamilia, Manlia, Marcia, Maria, Memmia and 14 others 20 Mucia, Massidia, Naevia, Nonia, Norbanus, Opehnia, Papia, Papiria and 12 others 20 A t < 'Cf <3X. ^ 7 - Plaetoria, Plautia, Poblicia, Pompeia, Pomponia, Porcia and 22 others 28 Procilia, Postumia, Quinctia, Renia, Roscia, Rubria, Rustia, Rutilia and " , 12 others 20 / • xf", a 59 7 ' S 560 Satriena, Saufeia, Sentia, Scribonia, Sergia, Servillia, Spurilia, Tullia and 7 57 uzuj-cLLo 13 others Volteia, Vibia, Veturia, Valeria and 16 others 21 20 y ROMAN—IMPERIAL SILVER. / 0 'A61 £ » 62 Miscellaneous, some false 61 -C<^J Pompey, Julius Caesar, reverse the Head of Anthony; ditto, reverse a Bull; M. Anthony, reverse Lucius Anthony, 2; Anthony, reverse Augustus, 4 /) ^ 10 • ^*'7 , NINTH DAY’S SALE. 99 No. / ' 63 ' ' c 64 /? O 65 9. ' - t2 ■ £» 66 /* /V /£. O 68 x. £> . C 69 /• / ' o 70 / ' / ' o 71 h / c 72 / ' "f ■ o 73 J . p 74 / . // ' D 75 < * 0 76 *1 ■ /f. t 77 6 ' /- P 78 i 0 / . z 79 - ' 80 M. Anthony, reverse Inscription; ditto Prow, Temple of the Sun, Anthony, reverse Head of the Sun; ditto, the Head of Agrippina, and a Greek Medallion of Anthony and Cleopatra, very rare and fine 7 Agrippa, reverse Augustus, very rare 1 Augustus, 18 varieties lg Tiberius, reverse a Car, and 2 others; Claudius, reverse Triumphal Arch de Britain (plated); Caligula, reverse Agrippina; ditto, reverse Augustus, rare; and Otho, doubtful 7 Nero and Agrippina, Heads joined, reverse the Emperor and Empress drawn by Elephants, and 2 others; Nero, Claudius, Drusus, scarce; Galba, 2; Yetellius, 2; Vespasian, reverse Judaea, and 4 others, various 13 Vespasian, reverse his Sons Titus and Domitian, 2, and 4 others; Titus, 3, varieties, and Domitian, 6 15 Domitian, 5; Julia Titi, rare; Nerva, 3, and Trajan, 10 19 Trajan, 11 ; Hadrian, 10 , some with very interesting reverses 21 Hadrian, 10 ; Sabina, 2 ; HClius, 2 ; M. Aurelius, 7; some with very curious reverses 21 Antoninus Pius, reverse Aurelius, 1 ; 11 ditto, various, and Faustina, Senior, 6 18 Faustina, Senior, 4; Faustina, Junior, 3; M. Aurelius, 8 ; Lucilla, 3, and Commodus, 1 19 Commodus, 3 ; Albinus I., Macrinus, fine; Severus, 9, some, in fine preser¬ vation; and Julia Pia, 4 18 Caracalla, 6 (1 a Medallion); Plautilla, 2 ; Geta, 5; Severus Alexander, Etruscilla, 2 ; Hostilianus, scarce; vEmilianus, scarce, some well preserved 18 Macrianus, Elagabalus, 6 , various, Jilia Paula, fine; Julia Aquilia Severa, fine and rare; Julia Sosemias, Julia Ma 3 sa, 2 12 Pescennius Niger, extremely rare; Barbia Orbiana, fine and rare 2 Severus Alexander, 5 ; Julia Mamte, 3 ; Maximinus, 3; Paulina, reverse Peacock Consecratio, fine and rare; Maximus Ca?sar, scarce, well pre¬ served; Balbinus, Pupienus, 2 , both fine and scarce 16 Mariniana, scarce; Philip, Junior and Senior, 4; Gordian III., 4; Salonia, 4; Postumus, 3; Trajan Decius, 2 ; Gallienus, 4, some well preserved 22 Valerian, 5 ; Gallus, 2 ; Maximian, reverse Soldiers at a Gate; Diocletian, both fine; Quinari of Domitian and 9 others various, of the lower Empire 16 A-v-zr^ . c. A- L zG'7, y / , y //t £ /£~Z ^4 /y% /-; &-Z- Xy A n ,, / t £ Cl G /'In. 100 NINTH DAY’S SALE. ROMAN—IMPERIAL GOLD. No. 9. '*-*''81 4* 2 & 82 83 /(* ■ £> 4 ' 84 85 /• /> 4 86 1 ■ 3'* 87 A 88 —> / ' A*,. 89 / • ?- o 90 /• / ^ , o 91 "-v ‘ /e> ■ ■ o 92 93 * • / £> £ 94 V 2 ' 95 /. - / - a 96 , P 6 97 //■ 6 98 Julius Caesar, with his Portrait, reverse Augustus, in fine preservation M. Anthony, reverse Octavia, very rare M. Anthony, reverse Plead of Augustus, fine and rare Augustus, reverse Caius and Lucius Caesars; Tiberius, and Claudius 3 Nero, 2; Drusus, reverse, Shields, Spears and Standard, inscribed De Germanis 3 Otho, rare (but doubtful) 1 Vespasian, reverse the Temple of Vesta, and 2 others 3 Trajan, reverse, the Forum, scarce, and 2 others 3 Hadrian, reverse the Emperor on Horseback; ditto, the Wolf and Twins, and 1 other 3 Antoninus Pius, reverse Female standing with three Children, inscribed Pietate Aug. Cos. IIII., and 1 other, reverse Figure standing, Cos. MI., both well preserved 2 Antoninus Pius, and Faustina, Senior 2 M. Aurelius, reverse Victory standing with Shield, and 1 other 2 M. Aurelius, the Emperor standing holding a Victory; L. Veras, reverse Figure at an Altar 2 Pertinax, reverse Figure seated in a Chair, doubtful 1 Leo, 2, and Constantine of the lower Empire 3 A case containing 21 slides of imitation Roman silver coins, in com¬ position 418 A mahogany case, lined with velvet, for medals, shagreen case and sundry trays Two curiously embroidered purses, 3 medal cases and sundry coins and medals / ■ 1 , Ot \ 1 Ll-) ^ tr~n~a. ^ _ / S Y ZO'Ud'? l~ Oi- !_•<: t, t-vr-T - ” V / V Uj - >\ ANCIENT ABBEY TOKENS AND COUNTERS. /•/*- 3 99 J J . 3 100 0 ‘ e 101 V- P 102 Various, about 200 Ditto, about 200 Early town and tradesmen’s tokens of Bristol, Norwich, Ipswich, King’s Lyn, Weymouth, Dorchester, &c. 135 Copper coins, various states of Europe 72 / & P~7a~ s ^c. *-'/ s • S'! NINTH DAY’S SALE. 101 No. Q. '103 Theatrical, club and other tickets, in tin, copper and brass 6 • ^ 104 English, Irish and Scotch coins, including specimens of James II., Gun money, some fine SAXON AND ENGLISH COINS, IN SILVER. 41 C / t c-i. 65 C '3 l r & ' i5 . ^105 D 106 £> 107 5 G H- • o 00 . 109 ,r. o 110 -y k. » 111 &-U /: ■ l - <3 H8 s- & 119 > -a 120 /Fa 121 122 Ffid A>-^ c e /"~ / 1 <- ■« e. * crzc C fa /i. NINTH DAY’S SALE. 102 / ' A No. 9. / , 123 /' // • 124 /' 6 .0 125 /£• ft 126 ft 127 //' 6 128 /A- 2> 129 /' . J 6S A5 ' <=> 6 -. * " * ^ » S • & z ' c '?’&•£> v*7 /«? - A £ • SS c> S' * ■ c 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 3 . J ' a 160 5 ~.C5~ ^ 161 «? * /A .3 162 2 ' • £> 163 £ •/)- & 1^4 James I., 3 Sovereigns (1 a Laurel) 3 Charles I. Ten and Five-shilling Pieces, 2, and Commonwealth XX. Shilling Piece, date 1653 3 Charles II. Twenty, Ten, and Five-shilling Pieces, the latter without numeral, by Simon, all fine 3 Ditto, Touch Pieces, 2; Guinea, and Half-guinea, 1676, fine 4 Ditto Guinea, Elephant and Castle, 1679; Half-guinea ditto, 1678, the latter fine 2 Ditto Five-guinea Piece, Elephant under the Head, 1668, very fine 1 Ditto Two-guinea Pieces, 2, Elephant under the Head 2 James II. Five-guinea Piece, Guinea and Half-guinea 3 William and Mary’s Five-guinea Piece, 1693, Half-guinea, 1689 2 Ditto, 1694, and One-guinea 2 William III. Five-guinea Piece, 1701, fine 1 Ditto Guinea (large head, scarce), and Half-guinea 3 Anne’s Guineas, before the Union, 2, 1702, rose in centre 2 Ditto Five-guinea Piece, 1711, and Two-guinea ditto, 1709 2 George I., his first Guinea, 1714, and a Five-guinea Piece, 1716 2 Ditto Five-guinea Piece, 1726; Guinea, Half-guinea and Quarter-guinea 4 George II. (young head) Five-guinea Piece, E. I. C. under the Bust, and 2 Two-guinea Pieces, 1738 3 Ditto Five-guinea Piece, 1729 ; plain and a Two-guinea ditto, 1738 2 Ditto (old head) Five-guinea Piece, 1746; Half-guinea, 1745, both Lima, scarce 2 Ditto 2 Two-guinea Pieces, 1740 ,2 Ditto Guinea, 1755; Half-guineas, 2, 1755-8 3 George III. Guinea, 1761, fine; Half-guinea, 1762; ditto, 1788, and Quarter-guineas, 2 5 L- Cc* La. U-L~ Az cru^u p i. 7c dcSAt Csh —- ^ CC c;L/t END OF THE NINTH DAY’S SALE. Cfjc tCentfj Hag’s i?alc OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL, On THURSDAY, the 5th of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 10.—Cabinet of Coins, Medals, &c., continued. ENGLISH PATTERNS AND PROOFS, IN GOLD, SILVER, AND COPPER. LOT 4 5 • a • C 1 /O'© 2 * ' Z . o 3 / J- c 4 * 2 - V 4 5 J //. / 6 ' ■ A * 8 c - /o . c? Edward the Sixth’s pattern for a Shilling, extraordinary thick, weight 480grs., vide Snelling, Plate 3, No. 4, extremely rare and well preserved Elizabeth’s pattern for Two-pence and Penny, date 1601 Charles the First’s pattern for a Half-penny, a Rose Crowned, C. R. on the sides, reverse a Rose Crowned, inscribed a Half-penny ; this Piece differs from that of Snelling by having the C. R.; fine and of great rarety Charles the First’s pattern for Two-pence, 2, Snelling, Plate 5, No. 22 and 28; ditto for Three-pence, No. 30 Anne’s Farthing in silver, Peace in a Car, 1713, extremely fine and scarce Ditto, in silver, Britannia under Portico, 1713, fine and scarce Ditto, Britannia seated, 1713, very fine and rare A fragment of a gold coin of Elizabeth’s, very extraordinary Portrait, vide Ruding’s supplement, Plate 3, engraved from this identical piece, unique 1 2 cWT. / 1 > l V4-U /' 3 1 , / 4 ll ^^4 s v TENTH DAY’S SALE. 105 /•/ v ‘ A No. 10. 9 Charles the Second’s pattern for a Twenty-shilling Piece, by Simon, 1662 1 C >tZ . «Z>, /<> 7. 45 : /•/> £ 10 £ 11 • £ ■ 2 0 L 12 13 14 15 16 George II. (young head) proof Guinea, 1729, fine and rare 1 George the Third’s pattern for a Guinea, 1761, fine, and ditto Seven- shilling Piece, 1776 2 Ditto for a Five-guinea Piece, 1777, extremely fine and very rare Ditto Ditto Two-guinea Piece, 1777, very fine and rare Anne’s pattern Half-penny, copper, reverse the Rose and Thistle Crowned, fine, and the Farthing, 1714, fine 2 Commonwealth Farthing, J ounce, fine pewter; George the Third’s pattern for a Guinea, in copper, 1782 ; ditto pattern for a Penny, by Droze, and various proofs of Half-pennies of George II., including a Penny of the Isle of Man, in silver 12 -/ y. 1 1 2 . L'sfr SCOTCH GOLD AND SILVER COINS. < * e- / . (b /£/’ ,e } 7 /* /> 0 c £ £ 17 18 19 20 21 ?. / £ 22 - CJ t-tf. /&7i William the Lion’s Penny, Alexander Third’s ditto. Copper Coins, Mary, 3, Snelling, Plate 1 , No. 14 and 15; various Billon Coins, 7, and Groat of James V. 13 Mary’s Shillings, Snelling, Plate 3, No. 4, 2 , No. 6 , 1 ; Six-pence No. 3 4 Francis and Mary’s Shillings, 3; Groats, 2 5 Mary and Henry’s Dollar, 1665; Shilling, Snelling, Plate 3, No. 13, rare 2 James VI. Ten-shilling Piece, 2 ditto. Thistle Mark; Charles I. Forty- penny Piece, Double Mark of Charles II., 3 Marks of ditto, James II. Ten-shilling, William and Mary’s Forty-shilling, William III. Forty, Twenty, and Ten-shilling Pieces 13 y Gold Half-lion of Mary, Plate 2 , No. 9; James VI. Bannet Piece, Plate 2 , No. 20 , both rare 2 . L<^r7 ENGLISH MEDALS IN GOLD. 4 /•£•-'4 .£?> 7% TENTH DAY’S SALE. 106 No. 10. • o ' o 24 George II. fine medal (young head), obverse his Head, reverse Neptune drawn by Sea Horses, date 1731, rare 1 > v l & f • / J ^ 25 The Coronation Medals of William and Mary, and George II. and Queen Caroline, fine 3 \jH • • c 26 Sir Robert Walpole, by Nutter, very fine 1 ^ ENGLISH MEDALS IN BRONZE. /o ■ b 27 4 * / C 28 /J ■ L 29 /. /J- b 30 j •s*. ' th ■ ■ O 31 i( ■ t> 32 ik’ L 33 /2. t 34 /(- b 35 /k~ L 36 / * b 37 A ttrz, ^ / , / zz v i*sCA / j <)• >L 38 £ 39 Medals of Admiral Vernon, Duke of Cumberland, &c., in brass 49 A fine original set of Dassier’s Medals in bronze of the Kings of England 35 Mary, Charles I. and his Queen, and 4 on his death; Charles II., reverse Britannia seated 7 Walpole, Fontaine, Pope, Stanhope, Campbell, and other illustrious persons 13 Anne, on her Victories, including the Medallions, Novae Palladium, Troite, and the one on the Peace (in 3 trays) 27 George I. on his arrival in London; his Military and Naval Victories, 4; and George Prince of Wales, reverse Alfred presenting a Loaf to a Beggar 6 Queen Mary on her death; Robert Earl of Orford, Pope, Fontaine, Sir Robert Walpole, and 6 various 11 Joseph Priestly, reverse inscription; George Whitfield, Erskine and Gibbs, Shakespeare, reverse Stratford on Avon ; David Garrick, Lord North, and Sir Joshua Reynolds 7 Marquis Cornwallis, reverse receiving the Sons of Tippoo Saib; Earl Howe on the Victory of 1 st of June; Montgolfiers, and 8 various 11 George III. on the sailing of Captain Cook, Medallion; ditto, reverse the Sun, and a Medal given to Captain Wilson by the E. I. Company, by Yeo 3 The Pretender as James III.; ditto, reverse distant View of London; ditto the Map of England ; 2 ditto and Queen ; Charles, reverse Henry ; 1 ditto as Henry IX.; 1 as Charles III., reverse Ludovico ; 1 other small, and 1 Clementina 1 1 Mary on her Death, Anne on the Capture of Lisle, Sir Isaac Newton, 10 c flue ft i OUy/ David Garrick, Duke of Cumberland, George II. and 4 various Sir Isaac Newton, Clarke, Locke, Duke of Marlborough, by J. Dassier 5 TENTH DAY’S SALE. 107 ENGLISH MEDALS IN SILVER. No. 10. / /J (ft ■*!■> ?• - 40 Small Medal of Henry VIII., Edwards’ Plate 4 , No. 3 , a Chasing, by Stewart 1 Cy > L, ■ t 41 Queen Mary, reverse Philip, Plate 5, No. 2 , beautifully chased by Stewart 1 £ .• c 42 Elizabeth on the Destruction of the Spanish Armada, 1588, obverse the Pope and Cardinals in Council, reverse Destruction of a Fleet, fine 1 L.f S- O 43 Wadham, reverse his Wife, the founders of Wadham College; Mary Queen of Scots, finely chased, by Stewart 2 ^ J ° 44 Pope Julius III., reverse Anglia Resurges, fine and very rare / • /£ o 45 Anne, Countess of Dorset, 2 , 1 finely chased, by Stewart 3 /&, -k, 46 Abraham and Thomas Simon, most beautifully chased by Stewart /• /<$ ■ o 4 ^ Thomas Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton, fine, and 1 ditto chased by /*"~ /, Stewart 2 v £ o 48 Lord Inchinquin, chased by Stewart, vide Simon’s Plate 15, letter C /■ £ . c 49 Lord Ivimbolton, reverse his Arms in a Shield, with a border beautifully ‘ c "' chased 1 O 50 Mr. Cleypole, Mrs. Cleypole, both finely chased by Stewart 2 51 The Earl of Essex in Armour, reverse the Houses of Lords and /' / ^jTY t 1 / L- C c £Tl / Commons, silver gilt, fine, vide Simon’s Plate 10 C. 6s\/ / c 52 Oliver Cromwell, in copper, see Plate 12 , letter C, without reverse, and Mrs. Cleypole, in silver, by Kirk 2 c £ 53 Satirical Medal of Oliver Cromwell, struck in Holland, obverse his Head, laureated in Armour, reverse kneeling in the lap of Britannia, Ambassadors contending to do him honor, very fine and scarce, from Lord Orford’s collection t d ■ 4 Various Jettons and Counters of James I., his Queen; Charles I., his Queen; various on his Marriage, Birth of the Prince, and on his Death lb 1 X* / \ r C 55 A complete set of the Coronation Medals of the Kings and Queens of 7 ^? 7 , - England, from James I. to George III. (wanting Anne) 12 - 7 , ' & 56 Charles the Second’s Medal, reverse the King in a Car, drawn by Sea Horses, by Simon, a most beautiful and rare medal 1 /. //' * 57 Charles the Second’s Medal, reverse Magna Opera, Domini 1660, 2 , by 2 / > r’JCc Simon, finely preserved TENTH DAY’S SALE. yu*. /*. ~r~ / / U A ~ /iS'Ti /Crr/^C // 108 No. 10. /*-AA 8 58 Charles II., reverse three Crowns on a Tree; a fine Medal, reverse the Royal Arms, and a ditto, Lord Shaftesbury, reverse distant View of London 3 /v ( ' ^ 6 59 Lord Shaftesbury, reverse London; Charles II., reverse, the Globe, and Lucy, Dutchess of Portsmouth, reverse Cupid on the Globe 3 ( -rl v • 4 • v 60 Lord Shaftesbury, reverse London; one on the Murder of Sir Eclmond- bury Godfrey, and Christopher Albemarle, reverse Neptune, inscribed Ex. Aquaomnia, fine 3 61 Charles II., reverse his Queen ; Catherine, reverse St. Catherine; Charles II., reverse an inscription, small, and 1 other 4 62 Charles XI., King of Sweden, created Knight of the Garter, and i William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, on his Death, fine and rare 2 63 James II. on the Beheading the Duke of Monmouth and Argyle, 1685, fine, and Archbishop Sancroft, 1698, reverse, the Seven Bishops 2 A. A / ' & 64 William III., fine Medallion, obverse his Head, reverse Britannia seated Restitutori Britannia, 1697, fine 1 1 65 William and Mary’s Heads, joined, reverse William standing on a Pedestal holding Church and Sword, and a cast Medal on the Landing at __ Torbay 2 6 66 William and Mary’s Heads, joined, reverse Lion killing the Hydra, Exurgat Hib. Pacata, 1691, fine, and a ditto, reverse Sea Fight, 1692 2 £ 67 Queen Anne on the Battle of Almenaram, 1710, and ditto on the Battle of Bonna 2 68 A Medallion, Sophia, the Mother of George I., reverse Matilda, his Sister, fine 1 O 6 9 George I., reverse standing in the Robes of a Knight of the Garter; and 2 others, reverse Naval and Military trophies 3 / f. £ 70 George II. and his Queen, face to face, reverse their seven Children, a fine Medallion 1 A £rV*Ax** ' ^ ( ' C 71 George II. on the taking of Quebec, 2; Louisburg, and 1 on his Proclamation 4 £ 72 Counters, various, of Augusta Princess of Wales, &c., all fine 13 ^ /. o 7 ^ Frederick Prince of Wales on the Fisheries; 1 on his Death; John Sel- don, and John Wilkes, fine 4 Z {■ & 74 Sir Robert Walpole, Daniel Solander,Lord Camden, 2 varieties; William Pitt, and William Penn, fine 6 Lb CX" / . ? 75 Percy Duke of Northumberland, reverse Alnwick Castle restored, 1796; Robert Clive, Baron of Plassy, reverse Pyramid, inscribed 1766, and 2 others 4 h No. 'A • e 58 / t ' A c> 59 * v * 4 • t> 60 /■ //' o 61 r * 6 e 62 i < * / *‘ 2v 63 A /' £> 64 A f * 65 ' A- 6 66 /i>~- 67 < # 2- *> 68 A /' o 69 / ■ £ 70 /< 4 ' C 71 / ' A £ 72 / /• O 7 3 z {. 6 74 / //3. 1 75 iub /* 4 UJ» - TENTH DAY’S SALE. 309 / u - 7$ Peter Muilman and Mary Chriswell, reverse Kirby Hall, and a Medallion of William Duke of Cumberland, on the Battle of Cullo- den, 1746 2 6 77 The Duke of Cumberland, on the Battle of Culloden, 7 varieties, fine 7 & 78 George II. on the Taking of Canada, Guadalupe, Quebec, Goree, Pondi¬ cherry and 3 others, all fine 8 A 3 ■ z 79 George III. as Prince of Wales, 2 varieties 2 /* JT £ 80 George III. on his Marriage; Prince of Wales ditto; Duke of York, reverse the Prince of Wales; Queen Charlotte and George III. on his Recovery, 1789 5 81 George III., reverse his Queen; on the Birth of the Prince of Wales, 2, and Birth of the Duke of York, 2 2 r 82 George II. on the Taking of Louisburg, and Quebec; George III. on the Taking of Calouerus, 7th June, 1761; 2 others and a silver opera ticket 7 7 * ^4'- 83 James II., reverse his son, the Pretender; James the Pretender, reverse Map of England, and 7 various of the Pretender, small 9 -A ' y yi-tc J *- / Li .1 6-TU. /' <7 f. A 84 85 ■7 c 86 /' /' C 87 /• / ' C 88 /' C 89 FOREIGN MEDALS IN SILVER, COPPER, &c. German Medals, various, in white metal 35 Fine Head inscribed Julianus Medices L.F.P.R., reverse Figure reclining under a Tree; Cosmos de Medicis de Creto Publico P.P., reverse Figure seated, fine; Laurencius Medices with a Wreath, fine, and 6 others 9 Head without inscription, reverse a Griffin and two Children Suckling, inscribed Braccius Pisani P. Opus. N. Picininus, 2 varieties, and Sigismond, 4 varieties 6 Medallion, Ludovico, his Head, reverse his Queen Ann; a fine Medallion of Charles II., King of Cyprus, reverse Castle, and 1 other 3 Charles V. of Spain, reverse Figures inscribed Virtus Nunq Deficit; Christina of Etruria, Maria Archduchess of Austria, and 2 others 5 Maria Teresia of Austria, reverse Figures, Scuritas Augusta?, 1743, fine; John Gasto of Etruria, reverse Figures; Ludovicus Ariostus, reverse Snake and Hand with Shears, and 3 others 6 Io Don Cassinus, reverse Building, inscribed Bonon, 1695; Maximilian of Austria, reverse his Queen; Peter Segvier, Dux Villimort, and 4 others ? 34^7 / * V £ 98 5 • 99 ^ 100 A ( 101 102 3U7- A ' & 103 4 • 4 -. c> 104 7' 4 * 105 / • • ~e. A case containing 35 Kings and Queens of Sweden, by Hecllinger 35 A set of the Reformers, by Dassier, fine 26 Cardinal De Fleury, Frederick of Prussia, Baron De Montesquie, and 5 others, all by Dassier, fine 8 Augustus II., King of Poland, John V. of Portugal, Peter the Great of Russia, and 5 others 8 Antonius Magliabechius Ferdinand II., Duke of Etruria, Francis I. of Rome and his Queen, reverse his Children, and 5 others 8 Charles V. of Spain, 2 ; Charles VI., fine, and 5 others 8 Henry II. of France, Henry IV., Louis XIII., and Louis XV., 5 varieties 8 Louis XIV., 3 varieties, fine; Louis XV., 3 varieties, and Louis XVI. 7 A collection of 475 copper and 11 silver, of the Popes and Cardinals, by the Hamarani’s and other celebrated artists, all in a fine state of preservation 486 A VERY HANDSOME CARVED MAHOGANY CABINET FOR COINS, pair of folding doors enclosing 60 trays and 6 deep drawers, on finely carved antique frame, locks and key ANOTHER CABINET, PRECISELY SIMILAR /J — - i FOREIGN SILVER MEDALS. Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, 3 varieties; Medallio 2 smaller ditto, and Charles XII., 3 varieties, small Medallion of John III. of Poland, extremely fine smaller, and Stanislaus, 2 varieties Henry IV. of France, very fine; Louis XIII., dit and ditto XVI. Charles III. of Spain, Frederick the Great, Christia Francis I. and Queen of Austria, and 1 other 9 & -V 5 C L. (. £ 5 5 TENTH DAY’S SALE. Ill / ‘ L r 6 J . ( . £> /- //• 6 /J. * ^ ' /' $ No. 10. no in 112 113 114 115 •Z • / c> 116 2 A' C L^a / German Marriage Medal, 2 chasings and 2 others 5 Two fine German Medals, a figure of Charles the Great in the centre, surrounded with Coats of Arms, and 9 smaller ditto, various 11 Albert Durer, reverse inscription; 2 on the Death of John Hus, and 2 Satirical ditto John and Cornelius De Witt, 2 varieties, and Marshall Toyras Cardinal Mazarine, Richelieu, and Chas. Linnseus Hedlinger, by himself, reverse the Owl and Greek inscription, very rare, and a very fine Medallion of Aru Harn, reverse 5 Altars, centre one with Crown, Sceptre, &c., by the same artist L. Coster, reverse, a Printing Press; Baron De Stosch, reverse Diogenes; Sir Robert Walpole, reverse Cicero, and Charles Sackville 4 A- j.... ^ As Yc.:& v.A- ^ d *-/. / ^ e. CC /c~y Z A*-? FOREIGN COINS IN SILVER /' / -> . 6 117 /- /c C 118 /• ■ 2> 123 124 2> 125 / • / - £> / • /c • A 126 / 6 ’ 127 /' < • A*. o 128 Z ■ 7- e> 129 & 130 z . ? . c 131 i r ■ //: & 132 3 ‘ C ' o 133 J* O / ■ c 134 Spanish, various 14 French, various, Louis XIV., XV., XVI., &c. 15 Russian of John III., Peter the Great, Catherine, Elizabeth, &c. 11 Sweden—Christina, Charles II., XI., XII. 4 Papal Crowns, various, some curious reverses 11 Ditto, half, quarter, and various part Dollars, &c. 32 Ditto 39 Etrurian—John Casto I., Cosmus III., various; 6 dollars, 3 parts, ditto 9 Ditto, various 9 Venetian Dollars, and parts, various 10 Hanoverian—George I. and II., various 0 Two Oriental Coins in the form of Bullets; 1 Rupee, a Box Dollar, and 8 various 12 Miscellaneous 24 Ditto, embracing most of the Coins of Europe 100 A large parcel of ditto (Billon) FOREIGN GOLD COINS. Venetian, a Twelve-ducat Piece Austrian, a Nine-ducat ditto Ditto, a 111-ditto 1 1 1 / c-7, AT A TENTH DAY’S SALE. 112 No. io. J - O ' o 135 •A * ///. a 136 J • // o 137 3 ‘ ^ ' 0 138 //• O ‘ o 139 3 /* 6 • & 140 +t 3 - <5 141 y o . //- £ 142 ■*> 143 A • <£> J - ' £ 144 2 . / s. t 145 c 146 < •5 £> 147 .? . V • £ 148 7 - 7 . 149 V. 150 —y • ^ - c. 151 /.V' 152 Papal, double, single, half and quarter ditto Ditto Swedish Ducats—Christina, Frederick and Charles; a curious Medal of Gustavus Adolphus, reverse his Queen, and various Austria—Albert and Elizabeth sitting on their Throne, very curious, and 3 others, various Poland—’Augustus II., Double-ducat, struck on his Coronation, and 7 Ducats, various Bavaria—Maximilian I., a Four-ducat Piece and 5 various Etrurian, John Gasto I., Three-ducat Piece, Double-ditto and 5 various A Four-ducat Piece, 5 Ducats and 1 quarter ditto Geneva—a ditto, a Double-ducat, 3 Ducats and 1 quarter ditto Holland and various states Turkey, &c. A very early Doubloon Spain, Philip V., Doubloon Portugal, various Ditto, various France, a double, single and a half Louis XV. France—Louis XIV., XVI., and various, 5 English—James I., Laurel Piece and 4 others, various 10 ^ 10 9 i '<7* 4 XftL'tZ /C - 8 U^r7 6 AQi-t-e 7 ’//£ 7 vCtfe 6 A- /2t 10 10 i 1 7 7 3 f 7 «> 5 u END OF THE TENTH DAY S SALE. /A ' £> > / « /p. o . / V Cf. //' c . i r ^T. • / *s S , f ' x o /r ft / & c, ft . /6 >' 7 9 10 / c - 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 z* 18 The Virgin and Child, a highly finished and beautifully illumi¬ nated drawing, it belonged to Gaston Due d’Orleans, whose arms surmount the richly carved frame A TRULY SPLENDID ILLUMINATED DRAWING, most exquisitely finished , rich in colour and perfect in drawing , displaying the highly magnificent costume of the period, representing Francis I. supported by the Church, Law, and Army; Cardinal du Prat sits at the table Two of the soldiers in the foreground have been copied by Montfaucon in his Antiquities of France. Signed H. W. -/ 7- & /• A ) Pictures. A Lady Reading, small whole figure, 1768, by Le Due A small circular picture, Interior of a Cathedral with Figures in the foreground; the Altar, with Woman at Confession, and pictures ornament the pillars Henri Steinwick A most exquisite cabinet gem, finished in an elaborate and delicate style, quite unique; a truly extraordinary specimen of the master, in a black and gold carved frame. POELEMBURG A. Cuyp Janet A Landscape with Ruins, and Nymphs Bathing, by An equally charming cabinet gem. A Girl’s Head in oil, very effective, by A Portrait of a French Courtier A View of Lea, near Canterbury, the Seat of Thomas Barrett, Esq., as altered by Mr. Wyat, in black carved frame, 1789, by Pether A Rabbit, by Adrian Vandevelde A Portrait of Philibert, Comte de Grammont, in armour, Gou- verneur du Pays D’Aunis, et de la Rochelle, in an elegant carved frame A Sea Piece, a Calm, Vessels in Port with Figures on the Shore, and a Dutch Man of War saluting in the distance, in ebony frame Backhuysen A beautiful composition, and from the extreme rareness of this class of subjects by the master, may be deemed of great worth. A View in Paris, Hotel de Carnavalet bati, par du Cerceau, Rue Couleure, St. Catherine, habite par Madame de Sevigne, peint pour M. Horace Walpole, 1766, par Raguenet n ■&C A X \ rv ^ ft*- > ft- Ck* ' j ft ' yC fr/SL c ^ ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 115 19 An oval Portrait of Lady Elizabeth Berkeley, Lady Craven, after¬ wards the celebrated Margravine of Anspach, 1793 Romney v & s The following lines were written by Horace Walpole, 1779, in praise of this lady and of the artist. Full many an Artist has on canvass fix’d All charms that Nature’s pencil ever mix’d— The witchery of Eyes, the Grace that tips, The inexpressible douceur of Lips Running alone, in this fair image caught Each Charm’s expression and each Feature’s thought; And shows how in then- sweet assemblage sit Taste, Spirit, Softness, Sentiment and Wit. Signed H. W. /- /• c 20 /C 'S' ■ C • C' 21 o • / i> • f 22 /*//' 6 23 A most curious old picture , representing Rose, the royal gardener, presenting the first Pine Apple raised in England to Charles II., at Dawny Court near Windsor. The scene is very perfect in idea and well painted, presumed to be by Danckers This picture belonged to Mr. Loudon, the nurseryman, partner of Mr. Wise, whose heir bequeathed it to the Rev. M. Pennicott of Ditton, who gave it to Mr. Walpole, 1780. Signed Horace Walpole. *1 / A Portrait of Cowley the poet, in the character of a Shepherd, , with pipe and crook Sir Peter Lely ✓ /V » C A charming picture, which Zincke copied in enamel, and which is in this collection, purchased at the sale of Mr. Lovibonde, 1776, in a splendidly carved frame. A View in Paris, on the Pont Neuf, with Statue of Henry IV., numerous Figures in the foreground Raguenet l - ^ r ^ A ditto with the Palace of the Quatre Nations, the Seine and Boats. A present from Henry Fox , Lord Holland Raguenet e. L Collection of Matchless Miniatures. IN CASE RIGHT HAND OF FIRE-PLACE. The following nine exquisite miniatures, by Oliver, formed the celebrated Digby collection, he was the patron of Oliver, and they are considered the chef cC oeuvres of this inimitable artist. <1 <* //<*' * ' O 24 A miniature Portrait of Sir Kenelm Digby, after Vandyke 25 Venetia Stanley, Lady Digby, the companion, after Vandyke 116 No. J - m ?' t> 26 / O • /O C 27 O <. ' /•' C f)g 2^"' 4' - *> 29 /*■ A Lady of the Digby family, in black dress and white ruff, ex¬ quisitely finished, and in a gold enamelled frame The Duke de Vendome in armour, by Petitot The Princess Palatine, an enamel, by Ditto X , Madame la Duchesse Palatine, by Ditto ^ ? ^ The above three spleDdid miniatures are from the collection of the Comte de Caylus. La Duchesse de Montbazon, called La Belle des Belles, by Petitot X A u ' M * . v & A splendid specimen of this incomparable artist. Holbein (by himself ), in a black dress and cap, signed J. H., date 1545 A pair of enamels, the case of the CELEBRATED WATCH, presented by the Parliament to General Fairfax, after the Battle of Naseby. On one side is Fairfax on horseback, and on the reverse, the Battle of Naseby. The Parliament sitting, and on the reverse, the following inscrip¬ tion : —“ These enamels, painted by G. Bordier, were given by the Parliament to General Fairfax, on his victory at Naseby.” They were purchased of his executors, by Mr. Ralph Thoresby, and at the sale of his property, by Mr. Horace Walpole, 1704. / /S/a-^il Ljl. |/In> /N* ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. No. 11. 117 Jo ■ ■ '0- t> 42 6 - i CO « s, ■ /%- / 44 45 /b • /6 . o 46 Z £ ’ f 6 47 3 - Z ■ £> 48 L/. y ' . 49 /6- /i ■ . - 50 J • //. i 51 *■ ///. * 52 /• / * 53 2 Z . /. * 54 .// .<,55 1 ■ f ■ » 4-/ -a -fjfy 56 ■ * 57 i , y / V ' * ' <01 58 f- s- 6 59 60 61 62 A miniature of the son of Sir Kenelm Digby, 1632, by Oliver Ditto Oliver John, Duke of Lauderdale, after S. Cooper, 1774, by Lady Bingham William Henry, Duke of Gloucester, after Meyer, 1774, by Ditto Charlotte de la Tremouille, the Countess of Derby, who defended Latham House, 1664, in silver fillagree frame A Lady’s Head, supposed to be the Countess of Pembroke, wife of Earl William, finely preserved. A present from the Duchess of Port¬ land; it is a perfect gem , by Hoskins A miniature Portrait of William Roscoe the Historian, 1795 A ditto of Pope, by Lens Miss Farren, afterwards Lady Derby, 1787 Mrs. Hannah More, the Poetess, after Opie, 1788, by Roberts Charles II. when a Boy, a highly finished miniature A Boy with Bird’s Nest, 1735, by Horace Walpole A Portrait of a Lady of the Family of Digby, after Yankyck, with Landscape in the back ground, by P. Oliver It is in an ebony case, mounted in silver, with four medallions in front. A miniature of Lady Digby, enamelled, by G. Taulin, 1637, in an enamelled case, with Latin motto, supported by two Goddesses, also of Lady Catherine Howard, wife of John Digby, son of Sir Kenelm, and on the reverse, in the same enamelled frame, another Lady of the Family, exquisitely painted by Oliver The above three beautiful miniatures are in an ebony case, silver mounted. Sir Kenelm Digby, his wife and two sons, after Vandyck, a large miniature, in the finest preservation, in an ebony case, silver mounted, and on the inside of the doors are the Portraits of two Ladies of the same family. A Man’s Head, in a black bonnet, 1539, unfinished, purchased at Mr. Lovibonde’s sale, by Holbein George Henry Fitzroy, Earl of Euston Charlotte Maria Waldegrave, Countess of Euston Her Royal Highness Maria Waldegrave, Duchess of Gloucester, a splendid enamel His Royal Highness William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, a highly finished miniature in water colours, on ivory A beautiful whole length miniature on ivory of the Duchess of Gloucester, 1794, by P- J EEN - - V '/Lc* tftk A ? , 7 cr C Z {■■■ £ jr / ' *» & I^ ZZZ. ■< 5 ' n f t , /Uas !\ IP**-*^ & ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. ^13 No. 11 . If -Lf- ' 63 /* //' / ip 64 V >, zr 65 * j - 66 z ' cV. 67 / ' //. £ 68 69 Z/- A 70 X/ 6 • c * Thomas Seymour, Lord Sudeley, Lord Admiral, brother of the Protector, from an original in the possession of the Marquis of Buckingham , signed H. W., by Lady Lucan A Boy playing a Pipe, painted by Horace Walpole , 1794, after Luti Sir Peter Lely, after himself, a very beautiful miniature , by Charles Beale An exquisite miniature of Vander Vuart, the painter, in ebony frame, mounted with silver and lapis lazuli A miniature Portrait of M. Dahl, by himself A ditto of Miss Temple, maid of honour to the Duchess of York, an unfinished miniature Portrait of Two Young Ladies, by Mrs. Tonelli Miniature Portraits of the three children of Charles I., after Vandyck /±so An.? - tiXi The Sev res Porceiaine and Valuables. /X-4 A- - '3 H , * r ~/ h tUr- L _ 71 72 ,r ‘ ' ■ O 73 74 75 76 sT* & 77 78 79 80 ' i<‘ IL (' c 81 A most beautif ul plateau of the old Royal Sevres porceiaine, forming the top of an occasional writing table, of fine red marqueterie, with drawer and stand under for ornaments A pair of the rich mazarine blue and gold OLD Sevres China cabinet cups and saucers, painted with Birds and Flowers Two French Bisquit Boys with their Pipes and basket of Flowers at their feet An elegant turquoise blue Sevres China vase, richly worked in gold with raised flowers, entwined handles and shell border at the base A beautiful old Sevres China coffee cup and saucer, green and blue ground, with gold, the entablature beautifully painted An equally elegant plateau of the old Sevres China, richly painted and gilt A white and blue Sevres China vase, with handles A pair of or-molu chimney lights, representing Robinson Crusoe with his Gun and Umbrella An exquisite turquoise blue old Sevres China cabinet cup and saucer, richly painted with Flowers, Birds, and gilt An elegant tray of the old Sevres porceiaine, exquisitely painted, Men loading Vessels, blue and gold border, imperfect A pair of Oriental turquoise blue China incense burners, in the forms of snail-shells, mounted with or-molu, the feet and tops also re¬ presenting snail-shells ) / "7 ) t / n , i 4.X Alrr 4 c e>k * f\d ELEVENTH DA VS SALE. 119 \ No . b • * 82 / . Ly > / k ■ * 83 2 • '1 • L 84 85 86 2? - / ■ £ 87 i.tfi /iC- ~ 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 / 0 ‘ 6 ■ £ 95 > 'O-C 96 6 ' 6 • £ 97 / / / / r>/‘ / Z./ e> 98 A pair of elegant white and blue old Sevres China square shaped jardiniers A pair of exquisite green ground old Sevres China flat shaped vases, richly gilt, and painted with Flowers A beautiful lilac ground variegated pattern old Sevres China cabinet cup and saucer, the paintings enriched by Birds, of brilliant plumage An equally fine specimen of the old Sevres China, in a tray, pain ted with bouquets, gilt, and centre medallion A HANDSOME CABINET OR SECRETAIRE OF MARQUETERIE, inlaid with flowers, vases, and cups, mounted with border of or-molu, in scroll work, and handsome porphyry slab top An exquisitely modelled old Sevres Bisquit figure of Cupid, mounted on a richly coloured and gilt red Sevres China pedestal , on which is the following inscription:— Qui que tous sois, voici ton maitre, II le fut, il Test, on doit l’etre. glass shade and stand A chocolate cup with top and saucer, of elegant form, of the rich mazarine blue old Sevres porcelaine , enriched with paintings of birds and flowers, and gilt A ditto, en suite A curious teapot of Oriental China richly raised in flowers and leaves A pair of large blue China Oriental jars and covers, for pot pourris A pair of ditto beakers A Grecian shaped tazza, of blue glass, mounted with branches of or-molu, of beautiful scroll shape A pair of Sevres Bisquit figures, Man and Woman, with sheaves of corn A splendid dejeune service of the rich mazarine blue old Sevres porcelaine , beautifully studded with gold, consisting of sugar vase and cover, cup, saucer, and plateau A pair of square shaped blue and white old Sevres China jardiniers A matchless old Sevres China cabinet cup and saucer , white ground, studded with enamelled gems in imitation of precious stones, very petite An elegant green and gold old Sevres China cabinet cup and saucer (large size), the subjects beautifully painted, representing a Man and Woman fishing and a Boy with Fish 13 ^ * lit *c. 13 /b'ty-Z'' Cb 7 /S I 7 i‘d A A. fit * s'J be.) * 4 - C+, &/L fit I / ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 120 No. 11. L ! • / 4 " 6 99 100 101 V '3 ' ° 102 * ' O 103 107 2-2.0 108 7‘ 7 ' 6 109 An elegant green and gold old Sevres China cabinet cup and saucer (large size), nearly similar, the subjects Music and Flowers, Corn and Implements A pair of old Sevres Bisquit Figures , Boy with Flowers, and a Girl with Cage A splendid antique casket of silver filagree , with handles, hasp and hinge, perfectly unique A MATCHLESS DEJEUNE SERVICE of the OLD SEVRES PORCE- laine, white ground, with festoons of flowers in blue, beautifully painted, with exquisite entablatures of Birds of various kinds on trees, consisting of 2 cups and saucers, sugar vase, cream ewer, and a tray of elegant form An urn of granite, brought from one of the Greek Islands, and given to Sir Robert Walpole by Sir Charles Wager A curious India japanned tray, rich black and gold pattern, with 4 beautiful cups and saucers and sugar vase and cover, of the old Sevres porcelaine, delicately painted in wreaths of blue flowers, also a curious Oriental red China tea pot, to complete the dejeune service A folding mahogany screen with Chinese drawings on the inside, and 4 prints from Shakspeare’s Plays on the exterior 7 ^ £ ? 7 {TZj ^ 0 7 , Drawings and Prints. J X C( A Moonlight Scene, in body colours, a lovely composition, from the painting by Yandeneer, 1717, by B. Lens ,/ D £u- Four coloured drawings, Views of the Castle of Grignan and of La Boche Coui'biere, both in Provence. A present from George liar ding e, Esq. A print of Mary and Elizabeth Beauclerc, from the drawing by their mother, Lady Diana, 1781, etched by Bartolozzi, signed H. W., in a blue and gold frame, ornamented with Lions and Fleurs de Lis, in allusion to the arms of the family of Beauclerc ; also a similar print of Georgiana Spencer, Duchess of Devonshire, in a frame, with Wedge wood cameos and 2 flies engraved and painted by Two coloured drawings, Portrait of Samuel Cooper, the miniature ^ Painter, and of Mason, the poet -■ J Hill bU fi'CciMl ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 121 / • / ■ No. II. 110 > > 111 / H' d 112 2 c’ 113 A pair of coloured Portraits, of Anne Liddel, Countess of Ossory, by Hamilton, 1773, and of Margaret Smith, wife of Sir Charles Bingham, an excellent Paintress, 1794, by Hamilton The folloiving lines by Horace Walpole are written at the back of the latter :— Without a Rival long on Painting’s throne, Urbino’s Modest Artist sat alone; At last a British Fair’s unerring eyes, In five short moons, contests the glorious prize; Raphael by Genius nursed by labour gain’d it, Bingham but saw perfection, and attain’d it. Signed H. W. A clever coloured drawing, representing Marie de Vichy, Marquise du DefFand, elle etoit alors aveugle retat 72-1768; Madame la Duchesse de Choiseul, lui presente une poupee, peint par Monsieur Carmontal et donne par ces dames, a Monsieur H. Walpole Vide inscription at the hack. A curious pen and ink drawing of King Richard III. and his Queen, copied from painted glass, by Vertue, described and engraved in Mr. Walpole’s Historic Doubts A Cat, painted in oil, mounted on black velvet and inclosed in an old carved ebony frame shk ifi jTwJj Service of splendid Silver Gilt and Chased Plate. V' ’ /1,. A 14 115 P. id * 3 /r v ' ' /c- ■ X r s c 116 117 118 A VERY ELEGANT SILVER GILT TWO-HANDLED CUP AND COVER, with chased ornaments and scroll handles, 15 inches high A BEAUTIFUL 14-INCH DITTO PLATEAU On PEDESTAL, exquisitely engraved and chased, with centre of George I. on his throne, supported by Britannia and Justice, and the royal arms, surmounted by Phaeton in his Car, Military trophies and Allegorical devices beneath A handsome silver gilt coffee ewer, with gadroon border One dozen of silver gilt chased edge tea spoons and a pair of sugar tongs A pair of handsome engraved cocoa nut goblets , mounted and lined with silver v C'v aS~-£ i - vA. Jn etc gi!t - / C /o * 119 An ELEGANT SMALL SILVER GILT TWO-HANDLED RACING CUP AND cover, won at Newmarket, by a mare of Sir Robert Walpole's , April 14, 1713 ■ \ OA&S S < T 122 No. 11. 120 ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. /O' /A / rz c 121 '4" A/ * £ 122 f cf , • • / 123 Z / f , * * 124 Z 3 • / c5 1 125 * 3 • // 6 126 UT-O- <7 127 f - ^ • ’ 6 128 / b • //• *> 129 2 Z • 7' 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Z '/•? • o 140 A magnificent 19-inch square shaped plateau, the centre exqui¬ sitely chased in medallions, representing George I. on his throne , ivith Figures of Britannia and Justice , and the royal arms , with a View of the City of London and Allegorical devices , richly chased border and shell edge, on scroll feet A pair of handsome 9-inch DITTO, chased borders, with engraved medallions of Britannia , on scroll feet A pair of 6 -inch ditto, delicately engraved and chased, flower and matted borders, on feet A pair of handsome ANTIQUE CHASED SCROLL CANDLESTICKS with three-light branch candelabra, on shaped octagon plinths An elegant shaped octagon soup tureen and cover, chased mat and leaf ornaments, on bold Lion masque feet A pair of ditto shaped 1 6-inch meat dishes, with bold gadroon borders Two pair of elegant circular salts, boldly chased flower borders and Lion masque feet A pair of sp>lendid octagon WINE COOLERS, chased rose flower tablets, arabesque borders and scroll handles A very elegant plated EPERGNE and CANDELABRA, with arms for 9 lights, 4 sweetmeat branches and centre, supported by four female Figures yfAx-t <*£ A t 'Zj 4S&Z , Three neat silver sugar vases and covers, with chased mat borders and Rams’ head handles A handsome 13 -inch oblong bread basket , open basket pattern border and twisted handles A pair of 8 -inch shaped circular waiters, with reeded edges A pair of handsome 7-inch ditto, with bold chased vine leaf and grape borders and feet A pair of circular plain chamber candlesticks Four handsome 75 -inch circular ribbed preserve dishes Four 5 f-inch escallop shaped ditto A pair of silver decanter stands Six lapis lazuli handled dessert knives, with silver ferrules, and 6 silver forks, with sard handles One dozen of silver beaded and thread handled table knives Ditto Eleven plain ditto pistol handled ditto ~ —- CC. r Z/\£L+iuX. fj N \*^ x A<, No. 11. ELEVENTH DAY’S SALE. 123 4- ' & 3 148 149 150 151 J '/<■?' 6 . / 152 / a ■ * * O 4 153 * a ' a 154 * 0-3 155 / ■ '• 156 . // - /&. 157 /S • 158 */v/" O 159 . * ■ o 160 Twelve handsome silver dessert knives, French edge and shell handles Twelve ditto, steel blades One dozen of three-pronged table forks One dozen and 7 of ditto One dozen of beaded border four-pronged table forks Ditto One dozen of three-pronged fiddle headed, shell and French thread edge dessert forks Ditto One dozen of ditto dessert spoons Ditto One dozen of plain ditto A chased border sugar sifter, a smaller ditto and a cream ladle (foreign) Four old table spoons Six antique chased shell salt spoons (1 faulty) Two plain gravy spoons A ditto with strainer and a marrow spoon Two fluted bowl soup ladles A two-handled lemon strainer and a pair of antique sugar tongs A pair of escalop shells and 3 decanter labels A capital large wainscot iron-bound plate chest, with trays and divisions, 2 padlocks and keys r st ' /y. y/h^ '7 4 rXu< l. ' Ctewr f _ /U-<^ ^ ** ^^Css^T 0>'£ix < ft / li a. su-4. 'nr* /l\4.c A^u^. r • END OF THE ELEVENTH DAY ? S SALE. ' t> 8 * 9 & 10 £11 IN THE CHINA-ROOM. An Oriental cracklin China tea pot, and a small red ditto A cup, cover and stand, of old Worcester China, blue and gold, painted with flowers A white Oriental China jug, embossed, 1 ditto with cover, and 2 cups and saucers A pair of white embossed Oriental China baskets, 1 with richly chased silver gilt handle Four Oriental China dishes, richly enamelled, and 4 smaller ditto, painted with Chinese ladies, &c. A richly enamelled Oriental China cup, and 5 ditto dishes, 1 faulty Seven beautifully enamelled Oriental China dishes, of various shapes Ten white Oriental China cups, embossed Ten ditto A pair of white Oriental China embossed cups and stands, and a large ditto jar Eight small deep Oriental China dishes, enamelled and gilt yd-Cr? fc*— r idci n- £ uy'-e- A q /A. y / (ftjTn A Z~A, < 30 * v • 8 rhrf. nrh TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. 125 No. 12. ■ <£> 12 / c / X . & 13 /• /a- 2 14 //. 15 16 / • d> • o 17 18 / . A 6 19 / - / * £ A> . o 20 7. & 21 S‘ 3 0 22 S- r 23 U/ ■ c: 24 A />*u /A-<>„ L fjL.-A x ✓ 4 hu-if.c. ifi 1 * /£ ■ -' x / r - 25 ) **■-,& /Otj /&«- A / V . * < 2 * <2 26 27 o’"- - / “* " '■ £—- 7+- 28 /'/£ 'O 29 /.T* ' 30 / 2 • 39 Four extremely beautiful old Faenza cups, painted with Landscapes and * / ttv 1*1 l*li 1 M it r7 Figures which are heightened with gold / F. 40 A very fine large Oriental blue and white China vase and cover, surmount¬ ed by a Lion - ^ 41 Six extremely rare and curious old Venetian glass dessert plates, the ground is white and the Landscape painting on each is in ^ red, the Views are in Venice and every plate has a different subject fir' ' v * O h • 6 42 Six ditto ^ J /y ) " £ 43 Six ditto aa jT ' o 44 Six ditto ^ /fa ■ / & - O 45 A Japanese tray, containing 6 chocolate cups and saucers, and a sugar vase and cover, with Landscapes in brown Wflul df. i ■ / J O 46 A pair of very beautiful old Worcester China bowls, beautifully painted and S i] t _ . /2 O 47 Four old Japan China fan shaped trays 48 A very fine old Sevres square shaped dish, blue and gold with wreaths of <^£2. j Flowers ^ J ££ AQ SsTsr+c>f>n virAiUr r>nlrmv£jrl r»lr1 Ononlol C’Lirm rtlofoa . Flowers (2 49 Sixteen richly coloured old Oriental China plates - ^ t 4.VA/V*. f ' 4? ’ v 50 A tea pot and cover, sugar basin, 6 cups and 5 saucers, of Vienna porcelaine, painted by Graisaile, with Battles of the Austrians and Turks, in a very bold and spirited style, white ground, gold edges. A present to Lady Catherine Walpole , from Count Dehn /,/, y ^ . (~ / • /F ^51 A pair of curious handled cups, with saucers, the Landscapes painted in green with gold edges, of old Chelsea China ^ ^ ^ f • £ ■ t 52 Six fine old black China cups, inlaid with mother-o’-pearl, representing Chinese Figures, &c., extremely rare f ty. & 53 Twelve beautiful old Chelsea China dessert plates, white ground, most exquisitely painted with Birds, branches of Trees, Insects, &c., gold edges, rare specimens of the fine old Limoges enamel, on copper •j f> Aj -0 54 A beautiful ewer, with handle, ornamented with the Triumph of Diana and a Bacchanalian Procession, richly enamelled in brilliant ]Fj\aj0C r. 7* colours ^uu No. 12. TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. 127 —/ ■ /Lj 55 l f • ?• 6 56 / : $ ' £ * ^ 57 V - /4c . / 58 YV ' 59 3 l • »r* c 60 V > !l t " 61 /£• Jt> • O 62 F. P- c ?■^ P. / * F' P"' 63 64 65 66 67 2 • A> • C> 68 70 A DEEP DISH, BEAUTIFULLY - ENAMELLED ON BOTH SIDES, with numerous Figures representing an Historical Subject, rich gold arabesque border An elegant EWER OF FINE TASTE, exquisitely enamelled with group of naked Figures on Horseback Fighting, and medallion in the centre A curious octagon shaped salt cellar, enamelled with grotesque Figures, Portraits of Paris and Helen, and French verses, very curious A small escalop-shaped dish, enamelled with St. John and the Lamb in centre, the border enamelled with Birds and Flowers. A present from Mr. G. Montague to Horace Walpole A MAGNIFICENT TAZZA and COVEK, enamelled in the most exquisite style, both inside and out, with subjects pourtraying the History of Sampson, from the designs of Parmigiano, by Johanus Penicaudi, Junior, 1539 A fine old candlestick, with beautiful medallions representing the Labour of Hercules and groups of Bacchanalians, in the finest taste A pair of very rare plates, on one is represented the Building of Babel, with many Figures, on the other the Death of Abel A pair of ditto, on one is the story of Joseph and Potiphar’s Wife, and on the other a group of Figures regaling A pair OF ditto, representing the occupations of the months of February and November A pair of ditto, July and December A pair of ditto, April and May A pair of ditto, Adam and Eve and the sacrifice of Isaac A pair of ditto, Noah and his Family going into the Ark and the occupa¬ tion of the month of June. A present from Lady Aylesbury to Mr. Walpole A pair of small basins, beautifully enamelled on copper, ornamented with flowers, &c. A Magnificent specimen-of the rare old Faenza or Raphael's ware, the design most masterly Faenza, a small town of the Roman State, possessed in the 15th century a manu¬ factory of the ware known as Faenza, Faience, Majolica and Fynlina, at which, according to Lamartiniere, Raphael, Giulio Romano, and the Caracci employed their pencils. Of this incomparable ware, Strawberry Hill is rich in specimens that are quite unique, and which, from their extreme rarity, will doubtless secure the attention of the Virtuoso, as opportunities to possess this splendid ware but seldom occur. A very large deep dish, finely enamelled, the story from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, the colours most brilliant, from the design of Raphael TWELFTH DAY'S SALE. 128 No. df '4 t 71 <*. ' •o ■ /t5 fc? 73 ^ ' *7* £> 74 3 ' ? ' £- 75 V' t ■ 6> 76 /' 6 - r> 77 Z ' c * & 78 "v ' Ur ' / 79 4 / ' 93 Z ■ /2* / & 94 A. //. /} 95 *■ 96 i • /Z • / 97 /$'. / 98 y * y. C> 99 /' 0 100 /s / s s . /' / 101 / c • /£ . c 102 F • /• C 103 p o * 6 104 ? • > 105 3 * t* 1 * C 106 A pair of small egg cups, royal dark blue ground, painted with flowers, and richly gilt A pair of cabinet cups and saucers, white ground, blue stripe, and bouquets of flowers, richly gilt A vase of elegant form, representing a basket for flowers, blue and white and finely gilt Two cabinet cups and saucers, white ground and wreaths of flowers in blue and gold borders A pair of cups, gold ground, the compartments painted with flowers, in the finest taste A dark green and gold cabinet cup and saucer, richly gilt, and finely painted with birds A basin and saucepan, white, with gold borders A chocolate cup and stand, painted and gilt, and a small turquoise cup and saucer, painted with flowers and gilt (handle faulty) An ewer and basin, white ground, with Landscapes and Birds, in blue, silver gilt mountings and gold border, a very fine specimen A cabinet cup and saucer, embellished with Strawberries, a present from Madame du Deffand , and a ditto, with wreath of flowers and gold borders A very beautiful ecuelle, cover and stand, with rich wreaths of flowers in gold A most elegant Monteith, white ground, painted blue trellis work, wreaths of flowers, blue and gold borders A noble large ICE pail, white ground, beautifully painted with roses, wreaths of flowers, &c., in brilliant colours, blue and gold border A cabinet cup and saucer, white ground, flowers painted in red and gold borders, and 2 large saucers painted and gilt An elegant essence vase with pierced cover, white ground, festoons of flowers and birds, painted blue and gold borders A dark blue and gold plateau, beautifully painted with wreaths of flowers A plateau, white and gold tea pot and cover, milk jug and cover, silver mounted, 2 cups and saucers, and sugar basin, cover and stand A small basket, with pierced border, green and gold, very beautiful A small ice pail with Landscapes in red, &c., and a small basin and cover, with wreaths of flowers in red and gilt borders Two cabinet cups and saucers (faulty) and 2 vases u &7o // tl pi' ^ ' U — -o cviusr-l A- /$ /? 4j2psf*-Zr & 130 TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. No. 12, 107 //* <6 / * /S' / // / * 108 : c 109 ^ no zj in ^ 112 £> 113 /• /6 & 114 4 115 & 116 /> 117 *o ' \ f /' 3 /i 2-/0 z> 118 119 / < 1 120 £ 121 122 /<-■ 123 4 ' 3 £ 124 f ■ 3‘ £ 125 Miscellaneous. Two Angouleme China cabinet cups and saucers, finely painted and gilt. A present from Lord Mount Edgecomb A beautiful bust of Voltaire, in Biscuit de Nancy A pair of exquisitely modelled figures in Biscuit, two Girls Dancing A fine group in Biscuit, the Three Graces supporting a basket, a small figure of Mercury and a ditto Antinous A finely modelled figure, Venus coming from the bath, Girl with flowers in a basket and Flora A group of flowers, framed and glazed, of Bristol porcelaine, and a medallion in Wedge wood. Presented by Lady Diana Beauclerc Five small figures of Boys, representing the Sciences, in Brunswick porcelaine. Presented by Lord Beauchamp A group of figures in Saxon China A pair of salt cellars in the form of shells, supported by fish Three rocky Landscapes in soap-stone A Boy supporting a shell in red earth, finely modelled; this is one of the first specimens of Saxon China, before it was glazed or painted, they were only given as presents by the Elector, and are extremely rare A pair of very curious Oriental white porcelaine candlesticks, mounted with silver, beautifully chased An oval glass jug and cover, most beautifully painted in India ink, with a battle between the Turks and Austrians, and very finely drawn A curious old Venetian glass jug, white striped, richly mounted with silver gilt, the arms of Parr enamelled on the cover A fine specimen of old Venetian glass, a blue and gold sugar dish, cover and stand, and silver gilt pierced ladle A Saxon China jug and cover mounted with silver, and beautifully painted with Dragons, Birds, &c. A curious old Venetian drinking glass of the first manufacture, ornamented with engraved cypher of an English lady and date 1580. A present from Lady Georgiana Smythe A very tall ancient drinking glass, with arms and devices in gold. A present from Sir John Hawkins A Saxon China inkstand and cover, very beautifully painted with Chinese figures and flowers, and richly gilt. A present from, the Duchess of Kendal to Sir Robert Walpole er r /L fhjen**- i* _» Sl'i. y * Z A Hw, V « 7 /TLo / CKn -s / A \ rK < * 3- £&> > A7J 4 . 4. Lsi*-. n^4t^ * 4 , s*. f •t , A-' A TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. 131 No. 12. J'C>- e 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 A Saxon China inkstand and cover, same size and form, the subject a Sea Port in the Levant, after 'Wyck, mounted with silver gilt. A 'present from the Countess of Yarmouth to Sir Robert Walpole A pair of white and gold Bohemian glass cups and saucers, richly gilt, and a Venetian glass cup and saucer A very curious ancient ivory drinking horn, carved with the arms of the Earl of Exeter A pair of white glass cups, richly gilt, of English manufacture, very curious, a small Venetian clouded glass bottle, and a ditto cup A pair of curious German earthenware drinking jugs, finely embossed, with figures and coats of arms, date 1591 A pair of fine sea green Oriental China vases, with flowers, in high relief A curious old German blue and white jug, a smaller ditto, and 2 old English bottles, one lettered Sack, the other Claret, dated 1646 A very rare and curious vase, of Oriental porcelaine, japanned black ground, on which is represented in mother-o’-pearl, Figures and Land- scapes. A present from Mr. Barrett , of Lee An uncommonly fine square shaped Chelsea China vase and cover, dark blue and gold, enriched with Landscapes and Figures in red, painted most exquisitely Two vases of white porcelaine, striped with blue and gold, and ornamented with red festoons, from the manufacture of the Marquis Guiori, at Flo¬ rence. A present from Sir Horace Mann A curious old white Oriental China tea pot, formerly the Duke of Mon¬ mouth’s. A present from Simon , second Earl of Harcourt Twelve plates of Wedgewood’s ware, with cameos of brown arid white, and blue festoons, from the designs of Lady Diana Beauclerc A curious flat shaped brown tea pot, and a set of 3 cups, for eggs, in em¬ bossed white Oriental China A pair of curious vases, with handles of red Portuguese earth A pair of square shaped Wedgewood flower vases, with cameos in brown and white, and blue festoons, by Lady Diana Beauclerc, 1777 ■''7 f -zC. y / < dL fl\ Slv 1 C 'C- C\ v C r c S' A END OF THE TWELFTH DAY’S SALE. lift — My tvrh tube \ (Efjutmttf) Bag’s giale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On MONDAY, the 9th Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. / / C ' /. / 3 * S' 6 A /. 3 ■ No. 13.—The Collection of Cabinet Pictures and c & ■c c / « 7 f t ^ '> • t 9 /. 1 10 L r Ml *9 c 12 Drawings. o IN THE TRIBUNE. LOT C- 1 ^ 2 3 4 5 6 A Portrait of Lady Brown, in crayons, by A ditto of Madame de la Fayette, on copper, by A Landscape, by Hermits, a pair, after A pair of Flower Pieces, by Rosalba Muntz Muntz Rubens Young Baptiste A Dutch Surgeon dressing a Boor’s leg, from Sir Robert Walpole's collection , very clever, by Brawer A Dog Drinking, equally clever, by Castiglione A pair of small Flower Pieces, by Baptiste Monoyer A pair of larger ditto, by Young Baptiste A small Portrait of Thompson, the print seller, by Riley An aval shaped Hunting Piece , very spirited in effect, and richly co¬ loured, from Sir Robert Walpole’s collection , by Wyck A miniature Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots , at full length, an ex¬ ceedingly clever drawing, from the celebrated original picture at Ha,field, by Vek ™ e 'tfzrlri+s £-/ u-x-rZ*- (k**& HcTUo’plus No. 13. THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 133 X 6 - & 13 3 . 2 . o 14 / 3 '/&■ * 15 • 6 16 7 * o- l 17 i) ' (y * C 18 . 3 19 L C -i 20 .£ &■ £■ 21 /£./?. £ 22 / . ^ • * 23 3 • /z> • 24 /£> • * •>> 25 ^ h - £ 26 / J- >3- o' 21 / f -f Z 28 A pair of beautiful drawings, very petit, of a Rural Ball and Merrymaking, by A Swiss Lady St. Sebastian, finely drawn, and beautifully coloured, by Goltzius Little Children presented to our Saviour , a small cabinet picture, on copper, highly finished, by Sebastian Bourdon The Virgin and Child and St. John, an interesting and pleasing cabinet gem, from Correggio’s picture, by Barracio The Virgin and Child, the companion picture, from Lord Chol- mondeley's collection , by Carlo Cigniani Boys with Wreaths of Vines on a Pediment, the Figures finely drawn and very spirited in effect, from Sir Robert Walpole's collection Piiilippo Laura St. James and St. Catherine as Pilgrims , crowned by an Angel , very highly finished, rich in colour and perfect in effect, by Zucchero A pair of miniature paintings in oil, Sea Pieces, a Battle and a Calm , both pictures are remarkable for their extraordinary power and are replete with interest, fine specimens, by S. Scott A Portrait of Madame Suarez , a Florentine beauty, exquisitely drawn and finished, by Rosalba A pair of small oval miniatures of Madame de Sevigne and Madame de Grignon, in oil, on copper, by Muntz A sketch of the Head of Roger Palmer , Earl of Castlemaine , husband of the Duchess of Cleveland , by Sir Godfrey Kneller Christ deposited in the Sepulchre , from the celebrated picture of Raphael, by Mola Christ Praying in the Garden , very powerful in effect, the drawing and colouring of this picture are most naturally depicted, from the collection of Monsieur Julienne at Paris , by Philippo Laura The Circumcision , a design, on copper, for an altar-piece, which was executed by this great master at Bologna Ludovico Caracci The four following are from Sir Robert Walpole's collection. A Dutch Farm Yard, most natural in effect, a clever composition in the style of Van Goyen Young Hercules with the Serpents, a truly beautiful cabinet gem , possessing all the truth to nature so remarkable in this highly esteemed master Annibale Caracci /«. a 7 / ' X '4f * • /■/■ , y A' * JL. () * *1+. C Cr-Zcst 1 cs A THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 134 No. 13. *A O 29 6 ' £ C> 30 J 7 - > 7- l/- //- £> /' c 34 / 3 ■ 'S'635 */ /f-^36 / y £ 37 ^C-/2S £•<2 32 St. George, on lapis lazuli, painted with vast spirit and extra- ^ * ordinary effect Giuseppe D’Arpino S A Portrait of Sir Godfrey Kneller, when young, by himself Sir Godfrey Kneller 7' 31 A fine Portrait of Charlotte de Tremoidlle , grand-daughter of Wil¬ liam the Great, Prince of Orange, and wife of James Stanley, Earl of Derby, who was beheaded by Cromwell, during the civil wars. She defended Latham House for several weeks against the Republicans A very fine original drawing of a Virgin and Child , with Saints attending , a beautiful and undoubted specimen of this very rare and highly prized artist Parmigiano <7 ■ fc> 42 43 CfiS ■ 3 ‘ 6 44 * /S • £ 45 y /? / < ■ V ■ 4 . 4' 46 47 n £ 48 /C? • / 3’' 5 49 "■ v- £> • 6-0 / /"• / 55 56 A Madonna and Child, a very fine painting, after Guido, by Salsa Ferrata Corregio’s Magdalen, a beautiful drawing in crayons, from this extraordinary picture, by Rosalba The Temptation of St. Anthony, an exquisite little cabinet gem , sparkling in effect , replete icith the extraordinary power , humour , and character of this renowned master , and in his happiest style. It is in a carved emblematical frame , equally fine, and in accord¬ ance with the picture , by David Teniers A miniature Portrait, in wax, of Lady Mary Coke, beautifully modelled, in an elegant carved frame. She was the fourth daughter of John Campbell, Duke of Argyle, and widow of Edward Lord Coke, and the Lady to whom Mr. Walpole dedicated the Castle of Otranto , by Gosset A Portrait of Sir Peter Lely, in crayons, by himself Sir Peter Lely A beautiful water color drawing of Rubens , his Wife and Child , from the original picture at Blenheim, a very charming copy of this remarkable picture B. Lens A Battle Piece, in black and gold, exquisitely touched and very minute, a most extraordinary instance of the power and effect pro ¬ duced by this talented artist simply by one colour, purchased at Mrs. Stanley's sale Cal lot The Virgin and Child in the Clouds , the City of Bologna beneath, from the renowned picture of Annibale Caracci, a most clever work Goupy The Head of an Abbe , a splendid specimen of this versatile artist, from the collection of Monsieur Hareng Teniers A beautiful water colour drawing, the education of Cyrus, from the picture by Castiglione at Houghton, by Judith Boissiere A very fine miniature Portrait of Frances Howard, the famous Countess of Essex and Somerset, from Mr. West's collection, by Isaac Oliver A Portrait of Yandyck, a sketch by himself for the celebrated picture in the Duke of Grafton’s collection Yandyck Soldiers at Cards, an extraordinary and very fine picture, being painted by Yandyck in the style of Teniers, which is accomplished with the happiest effect, from Lord Oxford's collection Yandyck A Drunken Boor, a spirited and clever composition, by Brawer A charming and very effective small painting of a Wreath of Flowers enclosing a miniature Portrait of Rosalba's Tyrolese Girl , by Carlevare A y y~7 r or I AL ■< y O /l tc~yc jl* A, A..7^ I ^ * V I THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE. /' 0 136 No. 13. 57 A pair of exquisite Portraits, in miniature, of Cornelius Poelemburg and his Wife , by himself, ovalsin copper, they are finished in the finest style, like enamel, and yet with the greatest freedom, by C. Poelemburg ^ c The Splendid Bronzes and Valuables. / • yz - /• y. n- f- /f- /V ' 3 63 f ' f . <£5 65 7 ' ; 4 68 / 69 A DITTO An altar of black and gold, with a slab of the same coloured marble, modelled from the tomb of the two children of Edward III., in West¬ minster Abbey, it is of elegant form , and the compartments of Gothic design L ] A • /& 1 0 70 A jewel casket of the most beautiful design , formed of ebony and or¬ molu, enriched by 5 splendid tablets of Florentine mosaic, in pietra dura, representing bouquets of flowers, at the corners are suspending drops of rare stones, arranged in fine taste, and forming an ornament perfectly / / to • hf 71 it . t2. O 72 unique, a present from Sir Horace Mann , the Ambassador at Florence A. f A curious silver dish of basket work, richly chased, a fine specimen of old English manufacture ^ A pair of beautiful agate candlesticks , richly mounted with chased gold, enamelled, a present from General Henry Seymour Conway "f. ^ & <4/VW rT / THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE. No. 13. 137 v C ' v & / 73 C 74 r< v-o- 6 /S. / 75 76 -4 J»a*> o/ elegant chased silver SCONCES, with the arms of Frances Pelham, Viscountess Castle Comer, sister of Thomas Duke of New¬ castle, the workmanship of the celebrated Paul Le Mere A beautiful old bronze vase, taken from the antique, by Fiamingo.. who has added fine bas reliefs of Boys, from the Harleian collection A small bronze of a young Gladiator , very fine ■ , A ditto of a young Hercules , with a lion’s skin on his arms, equally fine and forming a companion to the preceding The above two bronzes are from the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. /{•//• 77 An antique ewer of bronze, a Greyhound reaching to drink, forms the V 4> 78 79 r/' / 80 X- c 81 *7 A5 82 f- > ' L 83 /< ' £> C 84 ^85 • /& « C 86 handle, a present from Charles Churchill , Esq. A very rare figure of Diana of Ephesus , in curious serpentine stone, and an Egyptian figure, one of those found in the Pyramids y. A pair of small circular medallions of the rare old Raphael or Faenza ware, one the Head of a Cardinal, the other of an Old Man f < sh A MAGNIFICENT LARGE CIRCULAR DISH, a splendid specimen of the Limoges enamel , with the history of Moses, most elaborately displayed, and fine arabesque border, the back equally beautiful. It is one of the finest pieces of this enamel, of a very early period, 1557 '/&■ !" An equally splendid circular dish, of the Raphael or Faenza ware , representing Venus and Cupid, with rich arabesque border, forming the companion lot The head of Jupiter Serapis, in basaltes. The divine majesty and beauty of this precious fragment prove the vast ideas and consummate taste of the ancient sculptors. This bust teas purchased with the celebrated vase from the Barberini collection at Rome , by Sir William Hamilton , and was sold with the vase , to the Duchess of Portland , and on her Grace s death was bought by Horace Walpole A model of the shrine of Thomas a Becket, a very singular specimen of the old English enamel, which is now exceedingly rare A curious old amber jewel casket A finely carved whole length figure in ivory , from Raphaels Jonas, a spi¬ rited and exceedingly beautiful specimen ol the art A very fine antique bronze lamp, in the shape of a foot, Cupid represented asleep, over the flame, the sandal is of silver. It was found in the Temple of Cupid , is published by Montfaucon , and was purchased at the sale of the Harleian collection , also a small antique bronze lamp U / r c?—- v /fx 'fit . S’aT-Ti ^>11 1 THIRTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 138 No. 13. /// ' / 4" ' c 87 c- 88 4 - 90 / 91 ' A/ 4/ ' 4y- ' - Cs 92 77 • /.;* • / 93 C • Cz 94 /' • £ 95 r? • /2- , A ' 4- 109 / ■ ■ A C 110 3 ' / z ■ / ( «.. 111 7? . C 112 /. / ' c 113 3. /X l 114 '3. 6 115 ^ « J . ( 116 An agate oval casket, mounted with chased silver An oval red Japan snuff box, mounted and lined with fine gold; on the top a splendid enamel representing the rape of Europa and on the reverse one of flowers in a vase, it was presented to Horace Walpole , by Francis Earl of Hertford A square shaped snuff box of lapis lazuli, mounted in gold, a very fine specimen An oval shaped snuff box of lapis lazuli, mounted in gold, in compartments and enamelled A small bust of the Emperor Vespasian in cornelian, and an agate cup and saucer Two exceedingly curious antique Roman ear-rings , one with a pearl and the other of gold, and a small cornelian saucer, from the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton A small nest of boxes in 3 divisions of the old India Japan and another in 5 compartments An antique bronze Head of Flora, an arm and 4 other pieces of antique bronze A pair of very minute gold medallions, Portraits of William and Mary, and a pendant ornament of gold and pearls A cornelian spoon, which belonged to Cossirn Alycaun, an amber toothpick case and a tortoiseshell snuff box, given to Horace Walpole by Lady Mary Coke A round shaped snuffbox, an egg shaped ditto, and a carved ditto A gilt snuff box and a hand, carved in ebony and mounted with gold Iff. 7" Me . 4 /os A. M CL 77o [ t fry /luUX hi -C> jfourtccntf) Bag’s g?ale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On TUESDAY, the IOtii D ay of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 14.—The valuable Articles of the Tribune, continued. /i- c - C f . & . 6 • r LOT 1 Two sets of popish beads, with crucifixes and medals, a needle case of Japan, and 2 old Japan boxes 2 A carved ivory mermaid, for a stick head, mounted in gold 3 A curious old sun dial and compass, in silver, with written inscription 4 Two old Japan dishes of various colours, fine specimens of this rare manu¬ facture .?• /*> • C 5 1 ■ A • C 6 6 • A C 7 y * * 6 8 A rosary , or popish heads , silver mounted, purchased at the Church of St. Anthony , of Padua , and a small wooden cross, curiously carved A set of Turkish beads, enamelled with blue and gold, purchased at the sale of M. Julienne , at Paris Two Cornish diamonds, one enclosing green, and the other yellow moss, and a large and fine goa stone A bronze altar vase, and a small tripod, from the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton , also an engraved silver box in the shape of an egg /lx j FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 141 Miniatures in Water Colours and Enamels, <. • o - / J./. 0 10 RETAINING ALL THEIR ORIGINAL AND IMPERISHABLE FRESHNESS, BY THOSE INIMITABLE ARTISTS, PETITOT, ZINCKE, GROTH, BOIT, &c. No. 14. b 9 A miniature Portrait of Lady Heydon , by Cooper, and in his best style A ditto of Robert Carr , Earl of Somerset , in his latter time, the favourite of King James I., in water colours, by Hoskins, and highly finished Purchased at the sale of T. Barrett, Esq., of Lees, in Kent, in the year 1758. y 6 11 Z . <3 O 13 ?• /V 14 //. /Z-6 15 /6- /* ^ 16 Si • A 17 f. 25 '* * '?* 6 / y. 6 * c 26 £> 27 28 29 30 31 33 A curious miniature Portrait of King George II, by Deacon, 1749 An exquisite miniature painting of the Virgin and Child , by Old Lens, from the original of Annibale Caracci, at Kensington The Head of our Saviour , a truly splendid specimen , by Carlo Dolce, in a frame of silver gilt, enriched with chased silver Cherubims and Sera¬ phims, inscribed “ Non mea voluntis sed tua fiat ” A beautiful enamel by Boit, of Venus , Cupid and other Figures , from the original picture, by Luca Giordano, at Devonshire House, in a richly chased gilt frame A splendid enamel by Zincke, after Vanloo, of Ethelreda Harrison , the wife of Charles Viscount Townsend , in a curious frame of enamel, richly painted with Flowers in relief, on the back are her arms supported by Cupids, enamelled by Groth, a truly beautiful specimen of the art of enamel painting. It may be pronounced matchless, and is quite perfect A fine old watch CASE, splendidly enamelled upon gold, from the most renowned pictures of Raphael and Dominichino , a gem of the highest order An exquisite miniature Portrait of the Emperor Joseph I., painted on gold and in a richly chased frame A ditto of Colonel Horatio Walpole , the uncle of Sir Robert Walpole , in a similar frame Two extremely beautiful miniature Portraits of the Duchesses of Cleveland and Portsmouth , exquisitely finished and very petite A splendid enamel miniature Portrait, by Zincke, of Sir Edward Walpole , father of Maria Duchess of Gloucester , in a fine gold case A miniature in water colours of Galfridus Walpole , youngest brother of Sir Robert Walpole , in a fine gold case A miniature Portrait of Constant Hayes , icife of Galfridus Walpole , and afterwards of Mr. Kerwood, very petite and set in gold /Hejira, a J3 erf/' 1 e ^ O , f «o *■— f~> 32 A fine enamel miniature , by Zincke, of Sir Robert Walpole, 1744 '■f The Portrait was taken two years previous to Sir Robert’s death, and is considered a faithful likeness of that great Statesman ; it is in a fine gold frame, enriched with enamel oak leaves, in excellent taste. An equally beautiful enamel miniature , by ZlNCKE, 1735, of CATHERINE Shorter, first wife of Sir Robert Walpole, from the Portrait by Sir Godfrey Kneller , in a fine gold frame, set with enamel flowers to match the preceding lot The above two miniatures are in Zincke’s finest style, and were engraved for the iEdes Walpolianse qf, ^ "D is FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 143 No. 14. £> * '&• L 34 //« //• 5 35 /6 36 / 50 A curious antique miniature in gold of a Roman lady and her son, the Boy has a Bulla suspended from his neck, a singular specimen of an early pe¬ riod of the art, in a richly chased frame From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. 6 E ' 6 • £51 A matchless enamel miniature of Cowley , the Poet , by Zincke, from Sir Peter Leifs celebrated portrait In the words of Horace Walpole, this specimen may he pronounced Zincke’s master¬ piece ; it is certainly a most beautiful piece of enamel painting. The miniature has been engraved for Mr. Hurd’s edition of Cowley’s works. It is thus spoken of in Pilkington’s Dictionary of Painters, “ There is ahead of Cowley, by Zincke, after Sir Peter Lely, in the possession of the Hon. Mr. Horace Walpole, which is allowed to excel any single work of that charming enameller. The impassioned glow of sentiment, the eyes swimming with youth and tenderness, and the natural fall of the long ringlets that flow around the unbuttoned collar, are rendered with the most exquisite nature, and finished with elaborate care.” A Series of the finest Enamels, by Petitot. J y j . ,f. £>52 A splendid enamel miniature , by Petitot, of Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, in a fine gold frame, with a looking glass at its back It is considered one of the finest specimens of this unrivalled enamel painter, and was long in the possession of Zincke, who kept it as a study, and was purchased from him by Mr. Walpole. FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 145 //// *>' No. o 53 14 . ‘ A- • * 54 ■ l c> 55 / 58 A A 59 6 • A ' & 60 ■ AS ■ \ / • o 64 (/ d < X- <3 65 /' ?'<> 66 A beautiful miniature on enamel , by Petitot, of Catherine Henriette UAn- gennes , Comtesse D Olonne , «.s j Diana , a character very different from that given of her in Pussy’s Histoire Amoureuse des Gaules. It is set in a beautiful frame, encircled by flowers, enamelled in relief by Giles Legare de Chaumont en Passigni, who was famous from his works of exquisite beauty and rarity From the celebrated collection of Monsieur Mariette. A magnificent enamel miniature , very petite , of Louis XIV., a matchless specimen of the singular power and effect produced by this unrivalled artist, in fine gold, Petitot An equally beautiful miniature of Anne of Austria, Queen of Louis XII L, in fine gold, also by Petitot Another equally fine miniature of Mary of Austria, Queen of Louis XIV., in fine gold, also by Petitot A similar miniature , equally fine , of Madame de Montespan , mistress of Lours XIV., also by Petitot A Portrait in miniature of Madame la Duchess de la Valiere , mistress of Louis XIV., chased frame, a fine enamel, by Petitot An equally beautiful miniature of Philippe Due D' Orleans, by Petitot Another fine miniature, by Petitot A splendid enamel miniature of Mrs. Middleton, a celebrated beauty in the reign of King Charles //., set in fine gold, by Petitot A very fine miniature in water colours, of the Duchess of Mazarin A very curious enamel on fine gold, with a miniature Portrait of Car¬ dinal Pichlieu, and another Portrait on the reverse A miniature in oil of Pianca Capella, Grand Duchess of Tuscany, by Pronzino, it is beautifully painted, and has all the force and power of a large picture. The history of this celebrated beauty is given on the frame of the large Portrait in the great North Bed-chamber: vide the description of that lot A splendid original miniature Portrait of Catherine of Are agon, Queen of Henry VIII., by Holbein, and a very fine specimen of this master From the collection of the Lady Isabella Scott, daughter of the Duchess of Monmouth. A beautif ul miniature of Anne Poleyn, by Wale , from a Portrait by Hoskins , which the latter copied from an ancient picture for King Charles I., it is mentioned in his Catalogue of Pictures, with other royal miniatures in the same frame, all of which are now in the possession of the Duke of Richmond Y J- A ,. // . Aw /, ^ ^ y'/h 1~ - ONg A id /3 (fm, /As t (i A a A- c?- 9 ; y •// <- / A // • /' . -L Sk. t -d /S a- & £ £<_ A 0 'O /c 2 & W /o - /o 2( 2 r <2- 6 2 ■ /o /o • M AJ - 2 i A - /' !(■ 2' /-A- / <3 ' s o £ - s > 81 5 82 ^ 83 Z - "2. . 84 /y. f • /}. ■ p- o 88 / ?• z 1 /89 /<- /h. .S>L J v. - c 1 •f) ' AL^Z..- <_i U— <7 A srzfiyC __ A beautiful enamel miniature of LiOTARD, the painter , by himself and represented in his Turkish dress , a remarkably fine specimen of this original artist. Presented to Mr. Walpole by his sister Lady Alary Churchill A splendid original miniature, by Clinksted, representing the story of Salmacius and Hermaphroditus This beautiful miniature is set in a gold frame, enamelled blue, it was presented to Mr. Walpole by Mr. Chute of the Vine A very fine enamel miniature , a whole length figure of Venus , copied by Zincke, from the celebrated picture at Houghton, by Annibale Caracci, it is in a, gold frame, enamelled blue , to correspond with the preceding lot i'CtC Af Two other valuable miniatures , in one frame , by Holbein, and remarkably fine, one a Portrait of King Louis XII., of France , and the other of Sir John Gage , Knight 7 From the collection of Lady Elizabeth Germaine. ■ f zfsL. A miniature of the Lady Anne Clifford , daughter and heiress to George Earl of Cumberland, first married to Richard Earl of Dorset, and after¬ wards to Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery. She was governess to King Charles the First’s children, and wrote the memoirs of her own 4 life, a clever picture, by Dixon Purchased from the collection of Lady Isabella Scott, daughter to the Duchess of Monmouth. / 96 4 X / • / * O 97 /y 0 98 /6 ■ / c 106 An enamelled miniature of a Lady, on the top of a snuff box FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. ] 49 /' /' 3 - A?- No, 14. 107 A miniature of Queen Henrietta Maria, by Lady Bingham, and another, an Old Man’s Head 108 A pencil drawing, a Portrait of Thomas Boleyn, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormond, father to Queen Anne Boleyn, by Vertue, from a drawing of Holbein’s in the Queen’s closet at Kensington, it is sketched on'a leaf of a pocket book, which belonged to Isaac Oliver, by whom is drawn the sketch on the reverse, also a curious specimen of Limoges enamel, a Portrait of a Lady a., e END OF THE FOURTEENTH DAY’S SALE. STfje Juftertiti) Sag's gyak OF * THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On WEDNESDAY, the LIth Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 15. — The Valuables of the Tribune, continued; curious Relics, &c. LOT • f ■ From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. 6 / 12 A /A / ■4 13 <4- /X (c> 14 •s’- /s'". c 15 // ■ //y - ( Jg ?• j. & 17 4 • /z / • £ 18 // £ 19 / // • /^ 20 V' 7 '* 21 A very fine large and massive antique gold ring , with a castle on it, and within, un bon An This curious relic was found in the Thames. /f , The four following relics are in bronze, from the collection of Mr. Bristow. A very curious old seal of Richard ditherol, Admiral for the West Coasts, in the reign of Henry V. A very remarkable relic THE SEAL FOR INDULGENCES OF Pope EuGENIUS ‘f The seal of the Corporation of Pool, with the arms of the town, and the seal of the fraternity of Saint Mary of Hitchin A curious spoon of English pebble, with two gold handles, richly worked in foliage There were a dozen of these spoons made by order of Catherine Lady Walpole, as a present to Queen Caroline, after whose death Horace Walpole met with this and the handle of another in a toyshop. sts, j Jf 'A A £ A ' '/ u. A silver bottle for essences, opening into several divisions, richly chased and engraved; a small bust of Omphale, in bronze, and a round flat box of fine old silver fillagree work A smelling bottle of agate, mounted in gold, and a tooth-pick case of Egyptian pebble A rosary, mounted in fine old silver fillagree, with a large silver religious medal ^ 4 cL c ^ ^ A They were taken in Spain during Queen Anne’s wars, by Captain Galfridus Walpole, brother of Sir Robert. A toothpick case of gold, enamelled with cameos, and very beautiful. A present from Lady Diana Beauclerc A circular shaped gold snuff box, engine turned, with the image in wax of Madame la Marquise du Delfand’s dog, Tonton, which she bequeathed, with the snuff box and her manuscripts, to Horace Walpole A green and white snuffbox of remarkably fine Dresden porcelaine, set in. gold. A present from Francis Earl of Huntingdon /X -S .V . /XX a,- .t /?, . trf- Cs c FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. J-/3 - £ > ' 6 - 0 A ‘ . « ' • c s / 152 o. 15. 22 A curious smelling bottle of purple glass, with Peacock’s feathers in gold, a small amber crucifix and an old silver Chinese smelling bottle, richly chased 23 A curious silver popish medal mounted in silver fillagree, and a tea canister of straw, on one side is the Story of Meleager and Atalanta, and on the other the arms of the Walpole family 24 A small toilet box and tray of the fine old black and gold Japan, and a ditto of irregular shape 25 A circular white snuff box, mounted in gold, with a miniature Portrait on the top of Madame de Sevigne, and at the bottom , the cypher of Rabutin and Sevigne in marcasites This box, with the letter enclosed from Madame de Sevigne in the Elysian Fields, was sent to Horace Walpole by Madame du Deffand, after his return from Paris in 1776. The letter is a beautiful composition, and was considered peculiarly in¬ teresting by the Literati of the day. L-t — Valuable Antique Rings, mounted in fine Gold, Cameos and Intaglios. / c • /o' o 26 // • 4 • 'B 27 /• /A f> 28 Z © 29 ' /£• O 32 J A / 3 0 33 i . i - o 3 4 A cameo head of Tiberius on onyx, of the finest Greek workmanship, a perfect gem An intaglio on cornelian, Cupid driving a Car drawn by two Butterflies A fine cameo on onyx, a Man’s head in very high relief t An intaglio, a very fine head of an Egyptian Goddess, on a green stone Jf U -— w /? 6 J! ffZ't o£. t From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. An intaglio on cornelian, representing a Cock and Cornucopia A very fine cameo on onyx, a Bacchante riding on a Goat, presented to Horace Walpole by the Princess de Craon A beautiful intaglio on cornelian, the head of the Emperor Germanicus, with the workman’s name Epitu for Epitynchanes From the collection of the Marquis de Riccardi at Florence. A very fine intaglio on cornelian, with the head of Jupiter From the same celebrated collection. A very rare cameo on onyx, representing a Scenic Mask, very spirited in luH ^ 'do w fO execution FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 153 No. 15. 7 ■ L, • o 35 L- ( . L ( o 36 6" IS - £ 37 Z . -0 " 6 38 (5 . J> O 39 S - z 40 <2 • ? • o 41 z-r 4 42 *2 • 43 vf . /&Z £ 44 <1 * /o ■ c> 45 £ <— - CJ • 46 Z/ 7 ■47 f- p J * £ 48 A fine large intaglio of Byzas, the imaginary founder of Byzantium, onyx, 4 / 4 • 2 • /*>. rtf C c * ■ D set in fine gold From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. A cameo on onyx of Caius, the nephew of Augustus An intaglio on sardonyx, a Lion, very spirited in execution An intaglio on white cornelian a Capriccio From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. An intaglio on cornelian, of Apollo, very fine A present from Sir Horace Mann. A cameo on onyx, the Isis, Egyptian From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. An intaglio on cornelian, a Cicada, very curious An intaglio on cornelian, a Head of a Syrian king From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. An intaglio on cornelian of Faustina, Senior A cameo on onyx, a Christian inscription: viz. 1 ‘ Vitas luxuriant Homo bone'’ A rare intaglio on a green paste, a very fine Head of Matidia From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. A fine intaglio on cornelian, with the Horatii, beautifully represented Presented by Sir Robert Walpole to his son Horace. A beautiful intaligio on amethyst, representing a figure of Mercury, pre¬ sented by General Conway A splendid cameo on bloodstone of Jupiter Serapis, in very high relief An intaglio on cornelian of a Ham’s Head, very fine A rare antique cameo on agate of an Egyptian Duck, set in fine gold From the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. 51 A very fine cameo of a sleeping Hermaphrodite, with two Satyrs, set in fine y h i j V ’’ c s it Vds // c t *&—• iuo\ f t ") c / U ~ r. ' itg Ay/l- . j ‘ ■ ?/(/ t i__ Ut—‘ /"Isjj /• O «- /Zi i to / /(f tC c . 'x i u r ~Z 49 H ■ Cc l. ZZ 50 gold From the same collection. 7 /a • /o T • A- /52 o 53 ^ 54 A cameo on sardonyx of Marcus Aurelius on horseback, very fine A fine antique intaglio, a Fly, on red cornelian A ditto, a Head z sZ: kj e cz, _ zh. jj a. zZ u *szr~ 7 'O. h f o 154 FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. No. Aj . / .' 55 ^ 56 o 57 ?. /J. / 58 /z ' /J -^59 / . / . /<5 'C 60 ■ L / I C> 61 1 ' >2' l 62 63 ' f ' C / 64 / <• /v . 0 65 is. The arms of England engraved on a saphire as a ring, and a cameo Head as a ring A very fine antique cameo, the head of Apollo, as a locket, mounted in gold /f y c. W Relics of singular interest. A highly interesting and CURIOUS RELIC, the hair of King Edward IV , cut from his head when the coffin was discovered in St. George’s Chapel at Windsor, in the year 1789, presented by Sir Joseph Banks An equally singular relic, the hair of Mary Tudor, Queen of France, cut from her head, Sept. 6, 1784, when her tomb at St Edmunds- bury was opened. A present from Miss Fanquier A truly interesting relic, one of the seven mourning rings given after the death of Charles I., it has the King’s Head in miniature, behind a Death’s Head, between the letters C. R. the motto, “ Prepared be to follow me This valuable relic was presented to Horace Walpole, by Lady Murray Elliot. A MOST extraordinary and very curious ancient JEWEL, a golden heart set with precious stones and ornamented with emblematic figures and Scotch mottoes, enamelled in the finest style It was made by order of the Lady Margaret Douglas, mother of Henrj r Lord Darnley, in memory of her husband Mathew Stewart, Earl of Lennox and Regent of Scotland. /. -J/- /o u, A— ~fr< A, ri > .41 t-\-L An extremely valuable and magnificent jewel , Lord Burleigh’s Head on onyx, by Valerio Vicentino, cut on the reverse of an antique intaglio of Caracalla, appendent is the head of Queen Elizabeth, on sardonyx , also by Vicentino, it is enriched with 53 fine brilliants , and was presented to Horace Walpole by his father, who purchased it of Sir Andrew Fountaine , whose design it was , being in allusion to Queen Caroline and Sir Robert Walpole A silver gilt heart , a very interesting ornament, within are the arms of Sir Robert and Catherine Lady Walpole, this was his first present to her on their marriage A beautiful locket in the shape of a heart, set with fine brilliants, containing the hair of Sir Robert Walpole A ditto, the companion locket , also set with fine brilliants, containing the hair of Catherine Shorter, first wife of Sir Robert Walpole A curious antique watch , enamelled upon gold, with exquisite paintings of the Virgin and Child at different ages / ' bffi ■ fl FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 155 The rare Valuables. 14 No. 15. o . o 66 /T. «o> 4/ c 4' f * 9 A SPLENDID CABINET of ROSEWOOD, designedly Horace Wal¬ pole, of most chaste and elegant form, richly carved, ornamented with ivory, and a rare specimen of art. On the pediment are three statues in iv ory of Palladio, Inigo Jones and Fiamingo, carved by Verskovis after the models of Rysbrack; in the pediment, the Walpole Arms are dis¬ played supported by a Cupid and a Lion, with a relief of Flowers, Eagles’ Heads with festoons of Flowers forming the base, all carved by Yerskovis; the doors enriched with 18 splendid carvings in ivory, by Gibbons, Pozzo, and other celebrated artists, representing Herodius with the Head of John the Baptist and a Lady, by Gibbons; Perseus and Andromeda, the Hercules Farnese, Flora, Diomede with the Palladium, the Medusa and the Perseus of Strozzi, Caracalla and Alexander, the Barberini Lion, and 8 splendid Heads, all by Pozzo. It is perfectly unique and as a work of art may be pronounced matchless 67 A pair of Homan vases, carved in ivory, of beautiful workmanship in relief, by Yerskovis, from the antique 68 A small and interesting antique BUST IN BRONZE OF Caligula, with silver eyes This exquisite Bronze is one of the finest things in the collection, and shews the great art of the Ancients. It is evidently a Portrait carefully done, and represents the Emperor at the beginning of his madness. It was found with some other small busts at the first discovery of Herculaneum, whilst digging a well for the Prince D’Elbauf, who resided many years afterwards at Florence, where it was sold on his return to France, and being purchased by Sir Horace Mann, was by him pre¬ sented to Lord Orford. Vide Catalogue of Strawberry Hill. 69 A broken patera of bronze, curiously engraved, and a sacrificing spoon in ^ the shape of a shell Both from the collection of Dr. Conyers Middleton. Cl 70 v S ' / A • I 9 'U(‘ / 72 A curious Roman Bulla, of gold, very rare, bought at Rome of Ficaroni, who wrote his Book of La Bella D’Oro from this singular relic L 71 An oval shaped gold plate, engraved by Pass, with Portrait of Charles I., on the reverse the same monarch on Horseback Seven silver plates engraved, by Pass, Portraits of James I. and his family c^/i S FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 156 No. 15. Hi ■ ' c 73 // • !(' b 74 /X X / 75 ? - d • 6 76 //vi • c ■ C 77 f if • /3 ^ 78 ^ V / 98 •rc 99 9 - 9 3 - 3 - o 100 W ' o ' O ' D 118 2 - o 119 /J L> 120 121 IN THE CABINET OF THE NORTH BED CHAMBER. A white and gold snuff box enamelled, it originally belonged to the celebrated Colley Cibber and was presented to Mr. Walpole by Mr. Rafter A fine antique gold repeater, by Hubert, in a richly ornamented and pierced double case A small antique gold watch, richly engraved outer case A remarkably curious antique watch, in a crystal case, mounted in pure gold, a present from General Fitzicilliam An antique silver watch, in engraved and pierced outer case A curious antique watch, in a tortoiseshell case Three family mourning rings, in memory of George Earl of Orford, the Countess of Orford and Lady Walpole Two ditto in memory of the Dowager Viscountess Townshend and Sir John Philipps, Bart. Three ditto in memory of D. W. Hamond, Esq., Susan Hamond, and William Cole, Esq. Two ditto in memory of the Earl of Radnor and Isabella Le Neve A ditto in memory of Lady Lyttleton, with an urn, set with small diamonds END OF THE FIFTEENTH DAY’S SALE. K ''O ff . / * Art ®fje ^tvtccntfj Dag's |jalc OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On THURSDAY, the 12th Day of MxAY, 1842 , Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 16.—The Decorative Furniture OF THE GREAT NORTH BED CHAMBER. LOT /Y ' ^ • O 1 f/- A ' * 2 /6 - (S ■ d 3 C ' • o 4 / ' (£> <5 6 A pair of antique fire dogs of or-molu, representing arms and trophies, on scroll stands A pair of rich crimson silk and worsted damask FALLING WINDOW CURTAINS, with elegant carved and gilt cornices of scroll work, with enriched border A BRILLIANT VauxhALL PLATE GLASS, in a richly carved and ornamented ebony frame , very elaborately worked and encompassed in a border of matchless carving representing winged men, animals, flowers, and foliage with surprising effect, the size of the plate 29 inches by 21 A pair of or-molu sconces for lights, springing from antique masques, with borders of scroll work Two old Oriental red China bottles A BEDSTEAD of MAHOGANY, with SPLENDID HANGINGS of the AUBUSSON tapestry, decorated with festoons of flowers on a white ground, and lined with crimson silk C l/UC^ /A ^ /X A A A 162 SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. No. 16. The two folloiving Lots belonged to the Earl of Yarmouth. 7 )■ 7 • O 7 A Nautilus shell, richly mounted in silver gilt, representing Neptune Riding on a Dolphin , the Arms of Paston supported by Satyrs on a turtle ^ pedestal with Sea Monsters, of very rare workmanship o~~0 -*■£>$ A crystal tankard and cover, mounted in silver gilt, richly worked, repre¬ senting Cariatic Figures supporting the mounting, the cover and foot, bordered with fruit and flowers and a serpent handle /i ^ ! 7 • r. /■$ / f 9 The two following Lots were from the collection of the Count de Caylus. A fine old marble bust of Francis II., King of France, husband of Mary Queen of Scots 6 10 A bronze bas relief in profile of Anne of Bretagne , Queen of Charles VIII. The two following Lots were sent to Horace Walpole from Rome , by Sir William Hamilton. A / ' - <\ 5L U A /O- £ 13 3 S t ''S , r 14 z f • t • cA5 s * > . Z 16 // • r / •> • o 17 rt A ‘ 6 / 18 / • / $ ■ 25 19 oil A MAGNIFICENT TABLE of SARACEN MOSAIC, perfectly unique and of most extraordinary effect, the design, colours and workmanship singularly rich, supported by a finely carved antique ebony frame, with beautiful borders of carved open scroll work, representing Masques, Fruit and Flowers, on 4 twisted legs, the size of the top 38 inches square C_ O 12 A pair of small octagon shaped ebony tables, carved borders, on twisted columns and feet cJt in open scroll work, with Figures and Birds at the corners, cane seats, on twisted legs and frames, perfectly unique ;7 ^ A _ Two ditto, en suite Ditto Ditto A single solid ebony chair, with arms, equally beautiful, the seat stuffed and covered with crimson satin damask , / A dp. A pair of old blue and white China bottles if: 0 Ditto f- 6 21 Two kittens sculptured in marble, on a stand, by Lady Anne Damer, enclosed in a glass case . A < 22 A black and gold carved fire screen, on claws, with a rich specimen of the , tapestry of the Gobelins forming the centre, representing a Bouquet of Flowers /t - , ) 7 A-1 MslC PX- SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 163 Q £ • vS No. 16 . ✓ 2. /• / * /o A V • // 6 23 A SPLENDID BRONZE AND OR-MOLU CLOCK, by Gudin le Jeune, of Paris, of elegant design, supported and surmounted by Chinese f 4r4 ' ' J A A figures, on an or-molu scroll bracket of beautiful form, interspersed with branches and leaves 24 A matchless antique bronze of the Hercules Farnese , splendid in execution, and a bracket o 25 Two bronze medallions of Charles V. and Louis XIY., in frames, over the door r 26 A beautiful ebony and gold cabinet, enriched with 17 rare original drawings by Lady Diana Beauclerc, and medallions studded with precious stones, lapis lazuli, cornelian, agates, &c., and with strawberries, and Mr. Walpole’s arms and crest, on gothic stand with gilt border The cabinet was designed by Mr. E. Edwards expressly for Mr. Walpole, in 1783. // W a >• tTZ^ ■ z??. f /• (• m: f. f /■s . t (‘ fC 2 - /6 tt - /Y /I o o. O 27 An old Oriental blue China bottle, richly worked in gold / 1 f 28 A pair of ditto beakers, with raised figures, 18 inches high c ^ 29 A small occasional table, the top of the old Sevres porcelaine, with Landscape, beautifully painted , rich blue and gold border mounted in old Japan, with /f,#.. Y raised work in gold, and or-molu corners ^ 30 An old India Japan quadrille table, with raised Chinese Scenes in gold, on a claw stand o 31 An Indian Japan liqueur chest, inlaid with mother-o’-pearl >32 A pair of solid quadrille tables, the borders and tables carved in the solid, silver hinges > 33 Six large white and gold chairs, scroll frames and legs, the seats and backs stuffed and covered with the rich tapestry of Aubusson, festoons of flowers on a white ground - > 34 A tripod pole fire screen of rosewood, inlaid and bordered with ivory, richly carved in the finest style, the mount of needlework representing a Yase with Flowers if c 35 A small oval occasional table, on a gilt stand, painted by the Lady Anne Fitzpatrick, daughter of the Earl of Ossory, also an Ottoman foot stool, - 7 with needlework top ? r 36 A needlework carpet, black ground, richly worked with flowers, 3£ yards by 3 ^ ^ /f fpy t~r <&-Ar //CsA/r 7 • / 37 A pair of handsome Oriental China window seats y 164 SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. The rare old Raphael or Faenza Ware, and interesting and curious Relics. IN THE CABINET IN THE NORTH BED CHAMBER. Faenza, a small town of the Roman State, possessed in the 15th century a manufactory of the ware known as Faenza, Faience, Majolica and Fynlina, at which, according- to Lamarti- niere, Raphael, Giulio Romano, and the Caracci employed their pencils. Of this incomparable ware, Strawberry Hill is rich in specimens that are quite unique, and which, from their extreme rarity, will doubtless secure the attention of the Virtuoso, as opportunities to possess this splendid ware but seldom occur. rP - o • f £ • & No. 10. 38 39 3 ■ vf-c40 6 - a 41 7 * A • / 42 2 • sc -G 43 L{ - aC- ° 44 / J. e> 4 ^ / • z> 4 7 •’ & * /o * c 48 A fine specimen of the rare and curious Faenza ivare , with the story of the Prodigal Son A ditto , large size, with the story of Absolom, with rich arabesque border A ditto , smaller size, with the story of Jael and Cisera, with rich arabesque border A ditto of very fine quality, the subject representing the Feast of the Gods , from a design of Giulio Romano A ditto , a small dish, with our Saviour represented Walking on the Sea A small dish, by the celebrated Bernard Palizzi , with fluted border, a most beautiful specimen A rare and beautiful specimen of the Faenza ware, with Apollo Marsyus Two ditto, with Landscapes and Figures Two octagon shaped plates, with Landscapes and Figures A most beautiful small pierced dish, by Bernard Palizzi, with masques and foliage A small ebony trunk for perfumes, ornamented with bas reliefs in silver, the work of the renowned Benvenuto Cellini , representing the Judgment of Paris A . A. a'aAA / /JzkzL J — /Urtt F Purchased from the Great Duke’s wardrobe at Florence, by Sir Horace Mann, and presented by him to Horace Walpole. ( . / t <■ 6 49 A beautiful amber cup and cover, richly carved and engraved and mounted with silver gilt From Mrs. Kennon’s collection. h - / n CL L 0 50 / ' /?* e> 51 Seven curious boxes of the old Japan, with smaller boxes of the same inside A singularly curious bottle of the old Venetian purple glass From the collection of Count Caylus, at Paris. n t /C & r\ SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 165 No. 16 . /( . c 52 mZ £ 53 54 4y * ‘ O 55 s fm^ ~ "T - ' JL V—' Meeting between Charles V and Francis /., an extremely rare and fine A~c*-c specimen of this description of workmanship v pair of richly embroidered gloves, worn by King James I. . fj ■ A - z-cfa Purchased from the museum of Ralph Tlioresby, Esq. As the authenticity of this lot is unquestionable, it presents strong claims to interest the collector of relics. A pair of splendidly embroidered long gloves worn by Mrs. Hampden, wife of the celebrated John Hampden, at her nuptials This lot is equally interesting to the collector of relics, they are as fresh as when first worn. c 56 An agate puncheon seal, with the arms of Mr. Gray, the poet, and a goa stone These two articles are extremely curious, and were presented to Mr. Walpole by Dr. Brewer, and Mr. William Mason, the executors of Mr. Gray. J Fl&U. £ * & ' £ /•/<*• O / * / '£• 57 58 59 2 . • /// • O 60 . 61 * £> - * 6 7' >' * /•/■ * 62 63 64 65 /. / A . 66 A finely carved cocoa nut, mounted with silver as a bottle for perfumes An Indian bronze pastile burner, on tripod, with handles A very curious specimen of the old Delft, a vase, and an ewer of the Villeroy ware Three packs of curious old cards, Florentine and Spanish, for playing at minchiati and tarocco A beautiful specimen of the Bisquit de Nancy , representing Rubens’ Child seated in a chair, exquisitely modelled and very perfect A curious old green colour papier rnache French snuffbox, mounted with gold A- Ditto, red colour, mounted with gold Ditto, striped A small ivory box, containing a series of prints, representing the Medals on the Victories and the Wars in the reign of George II. A pair of truly splendid plates of the Limoges enamel, by John Laudin, presented to Horace Walpole , by Caroline Lady Greenwich Laudin, a distinguished enameller at Limoges during the reign of Henri IV., his descendants, as well as those of Naudin, a contemporary artist in the same style, resided and worked in that town at the end of the reign of Louis XIV. e 71 2 - u 7 * C 72 J?. ' ?• & 73 i ' O 74 2- * c 75 r • * ’ ^ 76 / • / ' L 77 // . D 78 6 • ^ 79 d" £-2 80 A silver gilt Apostle’s spoon, the workmanship exceedingly beautiful A ditto ungilt Two ditto ungilt r> /v Apostle spoons.— Such spoons were formerly presented by sponsors and visitors at christening’s. The small figure surmounting the handle, representing the figure of the Saint after whom the child was called or the patron Saint of the donor. Brand alludes particularly to this custom, and cites numerous authorities. It appears to have declined in the time of the Com monwealth, as Shipman writes in his “ Gossips,” 1666 : — fl.ruty A. /I. 'VA' ^ “ Formerly, when they us’d to trowl Gilt bowls of sack, they gave the bowl Two spoons at least—an use ill kept — ’Tis well if now our own be left.” Addison in the play of the Drummer, mentions Apostle’s spoons, and so do Shakespeare and Beaumont and Fletcher; these relics of an old English custom are of a very early time and were a present from the Rev. William Cole. A small antique figure of a Man, naked, the Head of Sir Robert Walpole added by Nattier ^ " Nineteen draughtsmen of box wood, carved with Heads of German Princes and Princesses, a present from Charles Duke of Richmond , 1 A 7X3 Fourteen ditto ■ fU •-* /TAgC Purchased at the sale of R. Bateman, Esq., at Windsor. A pair of beautiful turquoise blue Oriental China Vases, with handles and covers, mounted with or-molu A pair of small Oriental China basins, pierced, blue and white ground, and two hexagon saucers, with feet A box with ancient round tablets with Scriptural mottos (an old English game). A present from the Rev. William Cole A curious old German flagon, with a handle and cover, raised Figures Dancing, in relief A tea pot of the old red Japan ware and a ditto of red and black China A Turkish mug with characters and an Indian earthen pot, both very curious A blue and white China barrel with handles, and a drinking vessel of black earth with handles A salt cellar of the finest old Faenza ware, by Bernard Palizzi, of tripod form, supported by Dolphins, and quite unique fJu. AAA t /—- X Arv/ >7 . SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 107 // T // D (2 . S b /Z • tZ . c' No. 16. 81 A magnificent specimen of the old Limoges enamel , representing the story of Abraham and Melchizedec , brilliant in colour, and very beautiful in effect. A present from George William Hervey , Earl of Bristol 82 A blue vase of antique Roman glass, with a Boy’s Head, and a small Wedgewood Etruscan vase 83 An Oriental alabaster vase and cover, with arabesque ornaments sculptured in relief, and 2 ewers of ancient glass 84 A singularly interesting and curious relic of the superstition of our ancestors — THE celebrated SPECULUM of KENNEL COAL, highly polished, in a leathern case. It is remarkable for having been used to deceive the mob, by the celebrated Dr. Dee, the conjurer, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. It was originally in the collection of the Mordaunts, Earls of Peterborough, in whose catalogue it is called the black stone , into which Dr. Dee used to call his spirits. From the Mordaunts it passed to Lady Elizabeth Germaine, and from her to John, last Duke of Argyle, whose son, Lord Frederick Campbell, presented it to Mr. Walpole 85 A small bust in terra cotta, by Fiamingo, a Portrait of the wife of Nicolo Poussin, the painter, beautifully simple and natural From the celebrated collection in Paris of M. Mariette. •O -cA /. y l l 7 ^4 i 2 • 2- L 86 The identical spurs worn by King William at the Battle of the Boyne, in a red leather box, lined with green velvet / The collector of relics will highly prize this lot, and its authenticity is unquestionable. The spurs were preserved in an Irish family, and presented to the late Earl of Harcourt, when Lord Lieutenant, and by him to Horace Walpole. /S l / to •// • O 87 A very curious lot, the tortoiseshell case, mounted with silver, in which the celebrated Admiral Van Tromp used to carry his pipes to sea. A present from Mr. Hamilton 88 A matchless set of 12 SILVER DESSERT PLATES, beautifully engraved by Simon Van de Pass, upon which are represented the different passages in the Life of the Prodigal Son; they present to the connoisseur very rare and fine specimens of this art at an early time, and are presumed to be unrivalled for beauty of design and excellence of execution They belonged to Lord Chancellor Clarendon, and descended to his great grand¬ daughter, the celebrated Duchess of Queensbury, and were purchased at the Duke’s Auction by Horace Walpole. /) /» 7 SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 168 No. 16. /)• c 89 Two ivory billiard sticks, engraved, they belonged to H. Herbert, Earl of Pembroke, and have his crest, a Wyvern holding a Bloody Hand, and the Bear and Bagged Staff, the Crest of his third wife, the famous Mary, sister of Sir Philip Sidney, and an ancient ivory busk, engraved with French designs and mottos From the collection of Mr. Gostling, at Canterbury. /() : £ 90 /?• C 91 • A. ^ 92 A small tray of red and gold Japan and 2 others of black and gold Japan A snuff box, beautifully painted in brown and white, with Figures from Etruscan vases, mounted in gold, bespoken at Naples and presented by Sir William Hamilton An ancient German wooden spoon beautifully carved with religious Figures and mottos, in a carved wooden case, representing the Virgin and Child JY & ■ C ■ O 93 A curious and very rare specimen of antique carving, in fine preservation and quite unique. A vase of rock-crystal, sculptured with Battles, but unfinished, having been cracked in the workmanship, on a silver gilt foot Purchased from the great Duke’s wardrobe, by Sir Horace Mann, and presented by him to Horace Walpole. fcV '/"l/CTK f o / JXa^CL /*• & 94 /J- 95 ’ / 4 • £ 96 •y # / 97 <" Z ’ i ' • t • £ 98 /•// ' £ 99 r y * O • C 100 101 ;C- £ 102 • C . C 103 A snuff box of granite, mounted with gold, on the top of which is a fine mosaic of the Pigeons of the Vatican. A present from Her Royal High¬ ness the Duchess of Gloucester A snuff box of red and white plaister, from the Piscine Mirabili at Rome. A present from Miss Campbell A large black stone basin, made from the stone with which the Duke of Argyle’s Castle at Inverary is built, and which is soft when first cut, presented by Mr. Pinkerton; also a Spa vase, with a handle A beautiful large vase or ewer of the old Faenza ware, painted with marine Gods and Goddesses, from a design by Giulio Romano A curious blue and white China dish, an Etruscan vase and a model of the Druidical Temple discovered in Jersey, in the year 1786 A large basket of silver fillagree, richly worked A pair of small baskets or trays of silver fillagree, also richly worked A silver fillagree basket or hamper with a cover A smaller ditto A round shaped green and gold ground snuff box of papier mache, gold mounted hi- r- // .p/bam. -' yL ' fl\&WU a-"<~ /1\ ZTKx. v/w—/I,. Old J7c SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 169 No. 16. (■ /£ ' <3 104 vS ~ ■ 6 'O *05 /. /■ O 106 , r > ' ^ • 3 107 V # V s ' 4 6 108 /. . 0 109 / 3 . 0 110 *?- 0 ■ 0 111 ? * / 6 ’ A O 112 V> . 6 ' 7 113 f . 7 . 114 '' i (~7.riLy v ~ r / < / S * £> 121 122 shape A beautiful ewer with a handle of the old Faenza ware with arabesque r it \ pattern, beautifully drawn and painted An ewer of black Wedge wood ware, with figures of Boys in relief g <%- l. B B SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 170 No. 16. 123 • C- 124 125 126 o 127 • o 128 • & 129 7 d 130 * o 131 o 132 ■ c> 133 ■ £ 134 r** ■ £ 135 A pair of Oriental China basins, of blue and white ground, with pierced panels and very curious Three curious Oriental white China tea pots, one of them with a Dragon handle Two smaller white China tea pots and 3 cups and saucers of similar China ( Five other specimens of the rare old white porcelaine, viz., 1 vase and 4 , U ^ cups A vase or box, with cover, handles and stand, a remarkably fine, old and rare specimen of this manufactnre, ornamented with arabesques in relief ' A pair of curious old China tea pots, richly coloured, with Figures seated upon a Sea Monster A - ^ C. A pair of Oriental China turquoise colour match pots '/pish **■' 5 A noble circular plateau or dish of the Jinest old Faenza ware, very beauti- , . fully painted with medallions and arabesque ornaments - ^ A pilgrim’s bottle to match, equally fine, and perfectly unique as a „ A - A • specimen of this rare ware * a. An equally curious pilgrim’s bottle of the old Faenza ware Ditto, very similar, and equally rare A pair of small incense vases, with covers and lizard handles, and two other pieces of China ■' A salt cellar, by Bernard Palizzi, and a small Oriental essence vase of beautiful form / A AC T* END OF THE SIXTEENTH DAY’S SALE. t i? L — O' / zy~ p / , ix/lcn z&L-y-t 2 t2. c 3 /£• a 4 /o * 5 2 ' ^ ' o 6 *7 ' o 7 8 /O ■ 9 2* /& • o 10 <■» \ * 7 C 11 NEXT ROUND DRAWING ROOM. A tea kettle, and 3 tea pots of the Oriental white embossed China Nine cups and saucers, of the white embossed China, very curious and of beautiful shape Four small dishes of white embossed China, a mug and two cups, and a small tea cup and cover Five octagon shape basins, richly enamelled in Flowers, and a large bowl and cover Two escalop shape dishes and bowls, richly enamelled, and 4 cups and saucers of ditto Seven escalop shape dishes, very richly enamelled in Flowers Four pair of enamelled dishes, some of them very curious, different patterns Six small dishes, enamelled in Flowers Six China dishes of different shapes and patterns, some very curious A pair of octagon shape blue and white Delft bottles, and a pair of jugs with handles, in the shape of a Fish, very curious A small cedarwood crucifix, inlaid with mother-o’-pearl, and a curious an¬ tique blue glass vase e V A N'T. U. t •>c 2 Y <%■' SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 172 No. 17. .< • /9 £ 12 n- 13 14 ft . O 15 u- & 16 / 6 • £ 17 • / ' c 18 •> ■ o 19 *y * / o 20 • r- c> 21 / s ' £ 22 / ■> ' * c 23 • / j • 6 24 u * a 25 / p • £ 26 /c> * / 6 27 to • * % 28 • / * c*> 29 f- r / i * o CO V A- • /£>• c 31 /?- /J- * 32 An altar, or pedestal, of white marble, splendidly inlaid with old Roman mosaic, extremely rare and curious Two tea pots and covers, 2 tea canisters and covers, and 3 butter dishes and covers, of fine old Oriental China Twelve small dishes of blue and white China, with Landscapes and Figures, very beautiful Six pair of Oriental China dishes, of different patterns, blue and white Six small dishes of one pattern, with Landscapes and Figures, and 6 ditto of various patterns, blue and white Eight blue and white China bowls, of different patterns, some of them very curious Six blue and white China bowls, with Landscapes, Figures and inscriptions, some of them very rare and curious Three pair of blue and white dishes. Oriental China, shaped in compartments Five pair of beautiful large size blue and white shaped dishes Eighteen small dishes of an octagon shape, blue and white, with Landscapes and Figures Twelve octagon shape blue and white dishes, of 2 different patterns Six dishes of a leaf shape, blue and white, very curious, and 6 octagon ditto, small A set of 26 blue and white dishes, with Landscapes and Figures, very beau¬ tiful Twelve small dishes of blue and white, of different shapes and patterns Fourteen small square and escalop shape China dishes, and 4 round ditto Nineteen very small blue and white dishes, and 6 small blue and white cups Fourteen cups and saucers, blue and white, curious Twenty-four cups, several of the rare old egg shell, with Figures and in¬ scriptions THE LADY DIANA BEAUCLERC’S CLOSET. A Portrait of the Lady Diana Beauclerc, by Powell A copy of The Mysterious Mother, a Tragedy, by Horace Walpole, printed at Strawberry Hill, 1768, with manuscript notes by the author A series of seven curious and incomparable drawings, by Lady Diana Beauclerc, Scenes illustrating the Mysterious Mother , ebonized and gold frames, glazed J-f. fk. 4a..- S3 . fn+i •44 Si • 4 V r <4*. 4 p . J* * /+*,A \ «. nccsuuj\ a/c 4 . SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 173 No. 17. $ ■ 0 c 33 L( ■ ■ L / ■ z 34 ‘S- /A ' 6 35 Y o 36 /© ♦ * 37 / . /o c 38 >■ O' 6 39 /. 0 ■ C 40 7. /— A • c 41 "3. J • £ 42 A /a ■ 0 43 56 /*> * '•/#. C 57 58 A singularly interesting and very rare specimen of mechanism of the early time, in a fine state of preservation, the celebrated clock of silver gilt, presented by HENRY VIII. to his QUEEN, ANNE BOLEYN, on their Marriage; it is richly chased, engraved and ornamented with fleurs de lys, miniature heads, &c., on the top sits a Lion bearing the arms of England, which are also on the sides, on the weights are the initial letters of Henry and Anne with true lover’s knots, one bears the inscription “ The most happye” the other the royal motto, also the curve shaped and carved bracket for same, studded with medallions in gold. This bijou was the gift of Lady Elizabeth Germaine to Horace Walpole. Two curious antique bronzes, medallions of the Malatestas, Sovereigns of Rimini, with reverses Two equally curious bronze medallions An old bronze of a cow A curious antique bronze ladle, also a small antique lamp and chain A handsome ecritoire of the finest marqueterie, richly worked with the arms of the House of Waldegrave, enclosing compartments for letters, mounted with chased or-molu, of the Louis Quatorze style A pair of beautiful old CARVED SOLID EBONY CHAIRS, of the Elizabethan period, pierced backs, richly decorated with Birds, Flowers and Figures, twisted rails, the frames finely carved in scrolls, and cane seats A pair of ditto, to correspond Ditto A truly elegant silver inkstand , ' upon which the arms and crest of Sir Robert Walpole are most elaborately and beautifully engraved , the corners presenting fine specimens of flat chasing, with divisions, enclosing an inkstand, sand box and tray for pens, on scroll feet A fine bronze Greyhound, as a paper weight, on or-molu plinth, also a bronze taper stand 7l< CKO £ J^crp— f. U/ V /X ’ *\ • ^59 A FOLDING MAHOGANY SCREEN, mounted with rare and curious specimens of ancient needlework, representing on one side a coat of arms, with Wild Boar beneath, and on the other a Map of parts of Surrey and Middlesex, with Anthony and Cleopatra beneath The screen is covered with part of the first tapestry that was -wrought in England, it came from Weston, in Warwickshire, the seat of Ralph Sheldon, Esq., whose ancestor brought the art into England ; the remainder of this tapestry is now at the seat of the Earl of Harcourt, Naneham, in Oxfordshire, 1784. The complete suite of hangings was purchased by Horace Walpole, and presented by him to the Earl of Harcourt. This specimen has never been hung up. O i/XCTU SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. ]75 No. 17. / • // * & 60 An Oriental blue and white China beaker, 19 inches high ( /j 61 A very fine day or night telescope, with powerful reflecting glasses, on brass stand / * • c 62 Two fire screens, pair of black and gold bellows and a pair of hand screens i . & 63 A pair of mahogany tripods, with circular tray tops, pierced borders, on pillars and claws As 64 A stuffed bird and a large glass shade and stand (A"' If Tlie decorative Furniture and objects of interest. 7 • o ■ o 65 66 6 67 A . /° 0 68 C 69 * a : 70 71 ? /O ■ 72 ^ ^ 73 IN THE HOLBEIN CHAMBER. An old pedestal stove, of polished steel, and a fender and fire irons, en suite A fine Vauxhall plate chimney glass, in various compartments, the centre plate 38 inches by 27, in a rich gothic frame of black and gold A very curious 4-feet-6 mahogany four-post bedstead, lath bottom, on French castors, fluted pillars, grey cloth hangings bound with velvet, and lined throughout with white satin , canopy top, surmounted with a coronet, bases, &c. A curious terra cotta bust of William of Wycham , the celebrated architect of Windsor Castle Six small antique lamps of terra cotta A very fine carved ivory crucifix , in a case of ebony and glass, mounted on a bracket A tray with 3 curious old tortoiseshell combs, the one with very long teeth belonged to the father of the first Lord Edgcumbe, and was used when the large flowing wigs were in fashion Two singularly curious combs , the one of ivory is extremely ancient, it is carved with Figures, on one side representing persons bathing and going to bed, on the other, two men and a woman with musical instruments, the other comb is of tortoiseshell, and is said to have belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, it is studded with silver hearts and roses A most interesting and valuable relic, the red hat of Cardinal Wolsey, found in the Great Wardrobe, by Bishop Burnet, when Clerk of the Closet; from his son the Judge, it came to the Countess Dowager of Albemarle, who presented it to Horace Walpole This singular and unquestionable relic is enclosed in a glass case, it will no doubt be highly prized by the collector, from its having been worn by one of the most remarkable men of England’s history. / C'C /tv it ^ A Cf'A y ( f%- — r (f % Jf .<• r// ■l AJ ,7 / jLf 'A * / v . 1/ / l \XSU A> . SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. £f ♦ * & XT * /t> - o 176 No. 17. 74 75 4 . 4 ' O 76 6 3 • o ■ o W bf n S ■ /3 • / 78 7 4 • /Z- o 79 4" . <5 * c 80 / 6 * /£ o 81 / 3 • /3< c 82 ,1 ' A * t 83 y • > C 84 A ~ . /f- £ 85 C/. 4 ' z> 86 z • ?• & 87 J • £ 88 7/ /t * & 89 9 ' f * A 90 £ • ^ A very fine antique bronze inkstand, in the shape of a coffer, the subjects £ boldly raised in alto relievo, from the collection of Count Caylus A very ancient chair of oak, which came out of Glastonbury Abbey, on it are carved these sentences —Joannes Arthurus Monacus Glastonie , salvet eum Deus , Da pacem Domine , Sit Laus Deo. / < S 5 7 This chair from its authenticity, orthodox shape, and extreme comfort, has been repeatedly copied, particularly for the late Earl Bathurst. Another equally singular chair in shape and appearance, covered in blue cloth A truly beautiful solid ebony table, the sides most richly carved with open scroll work, on twisted legs and stretcher, the borders also carved in alto relievo, and knulled edge, the top 3 feet 3 by 2 feet 3 A dressing glass in an ebony frame, with knulled border, to match the table, Yauxhall plate Two splendid solid ebony chairs, richly carved in open scroll work, the borders beautifully raised in carvings of alto relievo, on handsome twisted legs and stretchers, with cane seats, in the finest state of preservation Two chairs, in every respect to correspond A • A e Two ditto, en suite i ^ . A pair of very pine oval shaped pier glasses, in elegant orna- * mented or-molu frames, with rich borders L A pair of old blue and white Delft candlesticks, square shaped and very curious j'U e G A toilet ewer, mounted in silver gilt, of elegant form, and the dish to correspond (faulty), very rare and beautiful specimens of the old royal Sevres China A pair of Oriental blue and white China beakers ( 1 faulty) A small cabinet of Japan, on a carved and gilt stand, with masque heads at the corners A fine old Japan chest for linen , with or-molu ornaments, on a stand A l IN THE CABINET. Two chair cushions covered with old point lace IN THE JAPANNED CABINET IN GALLERY. A magnificent suite of hangings for a state bed, of very fine old Aubusson tapestry, lined with rich crimson silk A splendid large Aubusson tapestry quilt c SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 177 No. 17. £ i • si- 7> 91 . As - C 92 O < u> . .s • o 93 as : b 94 *>• // ' & 95 * 6 - & / ' vf 97 JS ' «?. l. 98 y. s o 99 / ^ © 100 / • A* O 101 ./•/^ A 102 ^ 103 104 /)-/V 0 105 ' vW O 106 IN THE ROBE CHEST IN GALLERY. A beautiful Indian quilt, superbly embroidered in gold A ditto enriched with gold lace A ditto ditto ditto A ditto ditto ditto About 20 pieces of satin covers for chairs, stool, &c., finely embroidered and trimmed with gold lace Jr /A J-J / ‘— 1 aA * THE STAR CHAMBER. A remarkably fine antique bust, in stone, of Henry VII., a model in the ffp* y ^ ^ y y best taste for his tomb, by Toreggiano, 1509 A pair of finely shaped circular vases of false porphyry, with covers, of large 'f. t f size From the collection of the Comte de Caylus. Two triangular chairs of very remarkable shape, oak frames, cane seats, the pattern taken from a piece of glass in Mr. Walpole’s bed chamber A noble marble bust or Gibbs, the architect, finely modelled and' beautifully executed, on black marble pedestal, by Rysbrack A white japanned cabinet, decorated with paintings, the doors enclosing drawers, on stand A toilet glass in a tortoiseshell frame, with very curious old silver chasings at the corners A pair of singular shaped Welch chairs, with arms painted blue and white, on one the arms of Mr. Richard Bateman are painted, at whose sale they were purchased A print, Portrait of Lord Thurlow, framed and glazed A very large and ancient chest or coffer, studded with brass nails, with antique lock, 4 feet 2 inches long, 2 feet 3 inches wide and deep ? ' C /u, A is -At* Ja-c x. ,o _ / fidufA A * IN THE WAITING ROOM. A very large and curious ALTAR CANDLESTICK, of Moorish workmanship , beautifully inlaid with silver, very ancient and extremely rare A bust of Colley Cibber', poet-laureate , in a cap, when old, coloured from the life; he gave it to Mrs. Olive the celebrated actress, and her brother Mr. Radnor presented it after her death to Mr. Walpole c c *■ /7 , 378 No. 17 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. An octagon shape chimney glass , a very fine plate, in an ornamented ebony frame, a presentfrom Mr. Hemming , of Twickenham The Walpole arms, cut-in paper, on plate glass in anebonized frame o A handsome sarcophagus stove, ornamented with sphinxes in or-molu /jlAASx f A glass in a very curious antique frame V C STAIRCASE AND ENTRANCE HALL. A VERY FINE OLD EIGHT-DAY BRACKET TIMEPIECE, by Jones, of the «-/ -y —’ Temple , in ebony case mounted with or-molu A curious gothic lanthorn, fitted with very fine ancient stained glass ^ £ A very finely carved coat of arms of Queen Elizabeth ?)-Ca. Four extremely curious carved ancient Welch chairs and a small tripod table -j ^ _ V Bought at the sale of Richard Bateman, Esq., at Windsor. A pair of beautifully carved mahogany card tables, oblong shape, with _ rising flaps, on carved legs ^ Part of a Gothic canopy, most elaborately carved in stone A most curious and finely carved Elizabethan arm chair, the back pierced , and ornamented with grotesque heads, in the centre is the date 1601 »/ ~ y END OF THE SEVENTEENTH DAY’S SALE. / • // • /£> - // - / • / 3 - 2 • A /c ■ / * // * h * /•. / * sf • £ /*y • ^ vs: - £5 ’s §>ale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On SATURDAY, the 14th Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 18. — The rare and curious Porcelaine OF THE CHINA ROOM, CONTINUED. LOT CJ O 1 Fifteen blue and white enamelled Oriental China plates 10 11 12 13 14 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 y A large blue and white Oriental China dragon dish and two smaller ditto rm t l i 1 • , /~~i i -»• I*.. r* Three blue and white China plates, and six ditto, of different patterns Three large blue and white Oriental China beakers Two round jars and covers, of Oriental blue and white China Two large blue and white Oriental China beakers Ten blue and white Oriental China plates of different patterns A medallion of Simon Lord Harcourt, by Wedgwood, a ditto, a Group Boys, and a piece of Battersea enamel in a frame Four medallions of Sir William Hamilton, Henry IV., Franklin, and a Lady Five blue and white enamelled Oriental China plates, of various patterns Seven very curious old shaped dishes, one of Bow, with pierced border Eleven blue and white Oriental China dishes, of various shapes, and a blue and white vase with handles Four large circular blue and white Oriental China dishes A very beautiful model, in terra cotta, a Bacchanalian Masque, with Satyrs and festoons Seven pieces of curious red Peruvian ware y c-e - !&— a>u fth&lcr-K. ■ EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 180 No. is. J6 • a 16 tp 6 17 / V* '£/- / to 18 a Z> 19 / • /A- £> 20 /?• D 21 'c t> 22 //• * 6 23 / 7 * O 24 A £- / L ‘ 6 / 25 26 9- C 27 ; r< * J • c 28 • /& ■ c 29 / * r- c 30 / ' P. c 31 u < . c 32 / A z 33 34 6 « t • X / . c- - t 35 //. L 36 / . t • % 37 /ll ' c 38 A large blue and white Oriental China cistern, with handles, and a Wedge- wood ditto, with blue festoons and handles A large and singular Peruvian bottle, and 2 curious jugs with handles A fine Roman glass urn, with Boys in gold, particularly described in Dr. Middleton’s Antiquities A large Roman glass urn, with handles (faulty). A present from Dr. Lyt- tleton , Bishop of Carlisle Four very curious Roman glass lachrymatories, and 2 Roman glass cups A small Etruscan vase, a Roman lamp, and 2 lachrymatories of earth Three large China cups and saucers, painted with Birds and Flowers Two blue and white cups and covers, and 3 cups and saucers Five China basins, various, 4 cups, saucer, pen tray, and 2 curious pieces of glass A quantity of cups, saucers, &c., damaged, and 2 tortoiseshells Twelve extremely rare and curious plates, in blue and white Delft, painted with the twelve signs of the Zodiac by Sir J. Thornhill, in August 1711, purchased at the Sale of Mrs. Hogarth's property A round dish and 4 plates of curious old brown Oriental ware with figures in blue and white A pair of very rich and large old Japan China dishes, very finely ena¬ melled and gilt Four cups with plates of the old Chelsea China, most exquisitely painted with Aquatic Birds and brown edges A pair of very beautiful old Chelsea China cups, elaborately painted with Flowers, the colours very brilliant A pair of ditto ditto A blue and white Oriental China honeycomb tea pot and ditto with silver spout Nine small Dresden China baskets, most beautifully painted with Flowers Two white jugs and covers, in the form of barrels, with Grapes and Vine Leaves, and 2 white salt cellars, of the rare old Bow China A curious Oriental sea-green China jug, enamelled in red and blue, and a white embossed Oriental China vase ^ Three rare old Cracklin China cups, the leaves and ornaments in silver Presented by Mrs. French. Six Chantilly China cups and saucers, teapot and cover, sugar dish and cover in the form of leaves, very delicately painted with Fruit and Flowers A blue and white Oriental flat shaped China tea pot and a white ditto, pen¬ cilled in India ink 'P / Jf, CrP* y C £7? Z' 1 rfz-v >TP .A 7 cu. a *v /J l- ^ ft lx f ght-c. EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 181 Vo. 18. 39 A vase, with 2 handles, of curious red Portuguese earth, and a ditto cup, AYAirv with grotesque Figures inside * I grotesque ^ Presented by Lady Mary Churchill. A l ' i 40 Four extremely beautiful black and gold Japan trays, the subjects in high . . .... <■ • o 43 A pair of curious sconces, of blue and white Oriental China, richly mounted Q A na basin, with leaves in high relief / ^ th, with handles, and a ditto of green /3 U A t> • * O 40 n* V 41 Z* O'- ■ k 42 A A* o 43 /-/• o 44 cA D 45 /* /- $ 46 / * A~ v> 47 r» 48 (■ V ( . / / A 49 6"- z> 50 £ • <5 - D 51 A /;' / o 52 > O 53 "> C . 6 £> 54 J • > ' / 4> 55 / - / • t> 56 / * / ■ A ' o t A 7 Ik f A-0^4 Flxr /j l * Cftr/i and richly gflt saucers / / W x/r. Ol enamelled r EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. /• C>- O Ij82 No. 18 . 58 Three cups and 4 saucers, of Battersea China, and 5 Oriental China cups and saucers, delicately pencilled in Indian ink 59 Sundry old Homan tiles rs China, &c. 't- c IN THE CLOSET IN THE WAITING ROOM. 60 Two japanned Monteiths, 4 oblong Chelsea China dessert dishes, 4 leaves /iS /Q / ■ * h V * i and 12 plates, very beautifully painted with Flowers 7. i o 0 / • /• /7 . D / * If ' o C( > • h £,'£> o //. o 61 A very fine old Sevres China ice pail and cover, blue and gold edges, painted with Flowers J < f7c^-u - 62 A white Chantilly China butter plate and cover, and 2 blue and white C Oriental China ditto A 63 A large blue and white Oriental China vase and 3 flower pots and stands, with trellis work 2 64 Four white China dessert plates in the form of leaves and 3 pair of salt stands / / (2 65 A blue and white Oriental China pickle stand, with Dolphin, a blue and white China Monteith and a large French China cup and saucer ( K. 66 Twelve very beautiful Sevres China plates, blue and gold borders, painted with Flowers 67 Five white Sevres China dishes, gold edges, and 24 ditto plates 68 A plateau and 4 cups and saucers ^7 - / c n The Pictures, Drawings, Models, &c. /vA "l *v / J V f IN THE GREEN CLOSET. i/ 7. > v 69 A View of Pope’s House, at Twickenham, a pleasing picture by Scott . /AW-£a _ - . — -■••ill 1 T» 1* 1 / g 70 A pair of upright Landscapes, drawings in body colours, by Baudin 71 A pair of ditto o ■Z-Oo 72 A painting by Hogarth, a Portrait of Sarah Malcolm, taken the day before _ her execution, by this famous master; it has been engraved f c. C 73 A Portrait of Joseph Harris, the comedian, in the character of Cardinal V ~((r Wolsey -g 74 A pair of exquisite drawings, in body colours, Ruins in Rome, by Lucatell ^ < ,r\ 75 Ditto A:' CtUCSL Lxjl h ~ ^ $ '&-*-** c* ^ No. 18 . EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 183 • f o 76 * \ n & 77 . j? - t 78 F . /- o 79 *, - a 80 l£ c 81 /f- O 82 / . vT O 83 /. // - / 84 ’ /• 6 85 / . f // . 86 *9 rc> ■ 0 87 / ■ / / 88 *-y l 89 y -N '3 - o 90 / . / ' ![ - 1 i> 91 • b • O 92 +y - C ■ c 93 JT - c • c 94 . (0 * 4V 95 #7* - ' - c 96 4 • 4' 97 +> . /O c 98 lb - t 99 /6 ■ r 100 V , /W c’ 101 A pair of exquisite drawings, in body colours, Ruins in Rome, by Lucatelli Ditto ru~£. <. ft*. x. /5 * r% ^ s> / <<7 A curious carving in ivory, the Virgin and Child, with two Angels holding tapers. A present from Mr. Watson A carving in ivory, Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole, and a ditto of his wife. Catherine Shorter A drawing, View of Windsor Castle, taken from St. Leonard’s Hill, by the Honourable Emily Waldegrave, in 1811, and the interior of Madame du Deffand’s House, with the two Cats <*• A model in wax, of Frederick Prince of Wales, and another of the Coun ¬ tess of Aylesbury, by Gosset f ^ The Farnese Hercules, a fine model in wax, by Gosset A model in wax of the Holy Family, by Mary Slaughter, after a picture by Carlo Maratti Two models in plaister of the seals of Oliver Cromwell and Henrietta Maria Two prints of Stocks Market in the City, from Baudin’s pictures A group of Flowers, finely painted, by Van Heysum A painting, a Stable Yard, Woman paring Turnips, by Muntz A Portrait of Lady Mary Bruce, Duchess of Richmond, a drawing in crayons, by Hamilton Anne Chambers, Countess Temple, a Portrait in crayons, by Hamilton A Portrait in oil of George Hamilton, brother to Anthony Hamilton, vide Memoirs of Grammont, by Edwards A view of the Tomb of Mr. Thomas Gray, the Poet, in the Churchyard of Stoke Pogis in Buckinghamshire, painted by Baron, 1775 A Landscape, view in Flanders, by Mamperts, the Figures by Teniers A pair of drawings in body colours, Views in Rome, by Lucatelli A pair of ditto A pair of ditto A pair of ditto A pair of ditto A drawing in crayons of Sir Jeffery Barwell, grandfather of Sir Robert Walpole, and Mary his wife, daughter and coheiress of Thomas Derchaugh of Colton Hall, Suffolk A pair of Landscapes in soot water, by Mr. Bentley A painting, Landscape, with Old Man and Boy, by Teniers ■ 6 . /C\. A (T fa-. „ /Z i a j '/z% , / - j /-— r* r UTTv f ,7 N f/t . - c '■ LA< /U.jL-’x.ru. > \*j &uSFxjl > / / v- ' Z> 103 " // . c> ^04 - n 105 ' 6 106 c ■ a 107 ‘108 nr-'' ^7/sTv 111 > '> / H2 -/V' / n.3 114 .? •J’ 115 tl ffg-yj *C A drawing, a Head of a Boy, by Oliver, and a ditto of a Child sleeping * ' A pair of drawings, Views in Rome, by Lucatelli A pair of drawings, in crayons, Portraits of the Earl and Countess of Stanhope, time of George I. A painting, Portrait of Murray, the Attorney-General, afterwards the Earl of Mansfield A coloured print, Portrait of Edward Lord Herbert of Cherbury, and a drawing of a Rose in feathers, by Werman Cany An octagon shaped Portrait of Frank Hals ^ A pair of Portraits, in crayons, of Sir John Shorter and his Lady ’*^9’ * A pair of drawings, in crayons, Portraits of Sir Robert Walpole’s Father,! 1 JrT and Mother Six curious pictures, in water colours, of Mary de Medici and Louis XIII., and five Great Duchesses of Tuscany, copied from a chamber at the Pazzio Imperiale, near Florence, where the originals are dressed in the very u a 1 /-x^ A*, clothes they wore, placed on the hangings, with the faces painted on satin A pair of drawings, in body colours, Views in Rome, by Lucatelli , ’//*»• rua~ A pair of small cabinet pictures, the Fish Market and Fruit and Vegetable Market, by Angelis y, A small cabinet picture, Heads of two Old Men A Portrait of Mrs. Darner, whole length, by Cosway, an original drawing,/ and Fowls in Landscape, in body colours, after Hondicoetta, by Horace ■ Walpole A beautiful model in wax, the Head of Pope Benedict XIV., taken in 1757, L 1 . +■ with a beautiful Eulogy in Lord Orford's own hand writing , on this the best of the Roman Pontifs .— Vide back of the model C ' £ H6 A group of Cupids Playing, executed in wax, by Lady Diana Beauclerc, / - sister of George, Duke of Marlborough C tP qf On the back are ivritten these lines :— Tho’ taste and grace thro’ all my limbs you see, And nature breathes her soft simplicity ; Me nor Praxitelles nor Phidias form’d, Twas Beauclerc’s art the sweet creation warm’d. From Marlbro’ sprung—we in one heaven-born race, Tli’ attemper’d rays of the same genius trace ; As big with meteors from our cloud depart, Majestic thunder and keen lightnings dart. H. W. EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 185 The Miniatures. No. 18 . Z • & ' c> 117 • Z c 118 / 121 /. O 122 ^ . /iT- o 123 124 /• ?. 125 *7 . £> - c t 126 Z . * 127 /O' £ 128 / * /c£ ■ # 129 //"' £ 130 '>• * 131 /• //• / 132 133 *3 * * c 134 135 136 Or. t 137 / 3 ' <5 138 //. C 139 140 S 141 6 142 /0 £ 143 / • & 144 A miniature in oil, of Oldham, the poet A miniature of Henry Carey, Earl of Monmouth, by Theodore Russell An Angel’s Head, after Guido, on plaster, and Cleopatra, on ivory A miniature of a Knight in Armour, painted on Oriental alabaster, and enclosed in a very curious carved frame A miniature painting after Raphael, by D. Rawdon, 1763, a Lady fainting in a Gentleman’s arms A Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria, with Landscape in the background, by Dixon A highly finished miniature, by J. Cooper, 1688 A miniature in oil, of a Gentleman, in the time of James I., by C. Jansen, very highly finished St. Catherine Reading, after Corregio, by Catherine Lady Walpole A miniature Portrait of Mary Princess of Orange, eldest daughter of King Charles I., by Hoskins A miniature of Lord Landsdowne, by G. Vertue Charles Beale, son of Mrs. Beale, the paintress, by herself Cibber the statuary, father to Cibber the player, by Christian Richter Dr. Tillotson, by Charles Beale Miniatures of Boncourt, the celebrated French actor, and of Mrs. Clive, by Worlidge Lady Ann Watson, daughter of Thomas Earl of Strafford, by S. Cooper Susan Armine, Lady Bellasis, mistress of James II., by S. Cooper, unfinished Ben Jonson, the poet, in oil colours, 1604 A Friar and a Lady at her Toilet, by Clinksted A Woman hiding her Lover from her Blind Husband, by ditto Pomona, a very highly finished miniature, by ditto A miniature Portrait of the Countess of Buckingham, mother of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham, in mourning Anne Maria Brudenel, Countess of Shrewsbury Lady Newburgh, Lord Lansdowne’s Myra, in widow’s weeds Mary, Princess of Orange, in a black hood, very highly finished , J. Hoskins A miniature Portrait of Congreve, the poet John Kneller, brother of Sir Godfrey, by G. Vertue A Portrait of Thomas, Earl of Arundel, in oil J) D > 7^* . 7 / • /C S'i v / 'V ~ j j / ^ j /— -JiXCTK " ' ./ /' v . 'UXU -f S’ / * , / * Z ^ £*+ A f ■C-C. J /ZU 0C*~> dZ. t > Vvw t * (/• /Z EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE. 18ti No. 18. 145 /J * A 146 A> - 6 147 / ' / * 6 148 /l r * 149 3 * J* - 6 150 151 / ' e> 152 ?• * 153 / 3 . 0 154 f r * 155 0 - c 156 J . /o • 157 r 158 /S’ // • £ 159 /l* C 160 / £> - 0 161 162 Z - /6 • £ 163 164 165 ' $ - c 166 James Stuart, Duke of Richmond, husband of the famous Mrs. Stuart) by Cooper, 165 A Portrait of a Boy, in oil, in or-molu frame Ditto of Mary Lepel, Lady Harvey, by Miss Reade A miniature of a Lady, in the time of Elizabeth, by Hilliard A ditto, by ditto A ditto of Spencer Compton, Earl of Northampton, in the time of Charles I. A miniature Portrait of Lady Ann Darner, a, most exquisite enamel , by II. Bone , in a gold frame A miniature of a Lady in a black dress, with white hood A ditto of Mrs. Scott, wife of the painter, by Deacon Zeeman, the painter, by his father Robert Cecil, second son of James, the third Earl of Salisbury A Bishop of Antwerp, a miniature Portrait, after Vandyck, by Charles Beale Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of Salisbury, by Mrs. Rose Lady Arabella Stuart, when young, by Hilliard A Lady in a black dress, Avith Death’s Head and mottos on the back A Group of Birds, executed in feathers, by Werman Cany A miniature of Mrs. Beale, the paintress, by herself James, Earl of Waldegrave, Ambassador at Paris Henry Howard, Earl of Northampton, copied from the original Portrait at Greenwich, by Harding A miniature of a Clergyman, by C. Beale A ditto of a Lady in the time of Charles I., by S. Cooper A ditto of Samuel Cooper, the miniature painter, by himself From the royal collection, purchased at Mr. Dalton’s sale. / Sp V/L. , JIZ*r\ Jf* A dJ sA '*• ■1?* I Sy, ■n . H . <&?/ si si* pi* JP /ZerrPsC i t ^ CezCti lid Ze-'t- / 5 * / / S’A^ END OF THE EIGHTEENTH DAY’S SALE, AM . / /) 0 3 iTt)c Nineteenth Day’s ^alr OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On MONDAY, the l6th Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 19.—The Valuables in the Round Tower, the Refectory, the Entrance and the Armoury. CLOSET ADJOINING THE ROUND TOWER, LOT 7' . * i /c> 0 2 3 • « • o > 0 /Z. 6 3 4 5 / 6 • t 6 A model or an eagle, in terra cotta, by Lady Damer, in a glass case, on stand A mathematical instrument, of mahogany, bound with brass A small iron chest, with lock and key A square table, inlaid with ebony and ivory, on framed stand The deal bookcase, in 3 divisions, with 3 trellis work folding doors, 6 shelves inside, lock and key, 12 feet long, 1 foot 8 deep and 1 foot 10 high A stout wainscot box, lock and key, and a deal ditto / * /?- Ay a* ‘ /y tt ft *=*- ■ Portraits. *> \ A Portrait of Christian Reisin , the seal engraver, a very scarce and ori¬ ginal picture A Portrait of Oliver Cromwell's Mother , copied from the original picture at Hinchinbrook, presented by Lord Sandwich, it has been engraved A Portrait of a Clergyman, in a carved frame . C4 9 188 NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE. /si /* * • £ Drawings and Prints. No. 19. 10 11 12 / & - /€> , C 13 14 A drawing, Portrait of Horace Walpole, by Richardson, a drawing, copy of the Walpole Arms, also a print, Portrait of George, fourth Earl of yC - c __ r>:__ :„j. _ v CrVe^ Waldegrave, from Rigaud’s picture An original drawing in pencil, Portrait of Christian VII., King of Den¬ mark, a print, Portrait of the Czarina Catherine, and a curious print in blue A print, Portrait of the Right Hon. Gertrude Viscountess Villiers , and a ditto, Portrait of Marguerite of Valois , Comtesse de Caylus A collection of 14 interesting and valuable drawings, Portraits of various members of Sir Robert Walpole’s Family, commencing with Sir Edward Walpole, grandfather of Sir Robert, and Robert Walpole, his son, the father of Sir Robert, and continuing the various branches of the family, „ / all by Richardson, and framed and glazed to correspond X ^ Five strained prints, Views of Houghton Hall, the Seat of Sir Robert Walpole ■'k A y THE ROUND TOWER, / * /O • o 16 /. / ‘ a 17 /*' a 18 /2 * 6 19 a 20 ?■ ?- 6 21 r- r* o 22 2 * j- z> 23 A stove, with ornamented back, on feet The range of circular shaped bookcases, fixed at the right of the door, with 6 trellis folding doors under and 6 smaller ditto over, 12 feet long, 4 feet 9 inches high and 1 foot 10 inches deep A ditto, precisely similar , fixed between the windows A ditto, at the left of the fire place, 11 feet long, 4 feet 9 inches high and 1 foot 10 inches deep A ditto, of smaller dimensions , with 3 folding trellis doors under and 3 smaller ditto over, 6 feet long, 4 feet 9 inches high and 1 foot 10 inches deep Five small and curious specimens of Etruscan ware, a pilgrim’s bottle and a piece of red ware A small marble bust of Lord Clarendon, the collar and robe richly worked, on a pedestal A very fine bronze bust (small size) of Aurelius, on Sienna marble pedestal A pair of curious old Faenza essence bottles (imperfect), presenting rare specimens of this valuable ware /X-t rUx~K- . OC '■fit . / fh ' /3 £ . __ / /10/(1 . NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE. 189 No. 19, 4- 1 - /? - 6 24 r ■ C ■ & 25 ~7 * * - & 26 ' 2. 6 a 27 C C £A~jr__ and Bull ’'hree antique and Jin Elizabethan period L &tf'L a P\—*.. / / <5 ~ / /C C ^4 • / * IN THE FORE COURT, OR PRINCIPAL ENTRANCE. £-) 28 A very fine BRONZE Figure of a Saint, 34 inches high, on a Gothic carved stone pedestal J /h~e.+ et^jnc- ^ 29 A magnificent bronze group of Borunis, Apollo and Daphne, 34 inches high, on a stone pedestal r~u c> 30 A pair of blue and white China flower pots and 2 green ditto /fen* ^7ar\ o s 31 A curious green vase, with lizard handles, and ornamented with an eagle, 30 inches high, on Gothic wood pedestal ,3ft-*. ^ 32 The celebrated large blue and white ORIENTAL CHINA CISTERN, on Gothic carved pedestal, in icliich Horace Walpole’s cat was drowned , this gave occasion to Mr. Gray , the poet , to write his beautiful Ode , beginning ^ AY£ 4 ^ thus :— ’Twas on this lofty vase’s side, Where China’s gayest art has dyed The azure flowers that blow; Demurest of the tabby kind, The pensive Selima reclined Gazed on the like below. 33 A BEAUTIFUL BAS RELIEF, IN MARBLE, inscribed DlA HeLIONORA 3^-,^ It is a Portrait of Eleonora D’Este, with whom Tasso was in love, and was the cause of his misfortunes. Sent from Italy by Sir William Hamilton. 34 A bas relief, in terra cotta, the Assumption of the Virgin, excellent in eflect 35 A fine antique Greek marble vase, most exquisitely sculptured in high relief, on a marble pedestal, with Greek inscription, 63 inches high. It ^ was bought at the sale of Chase Price , Esq., in 1778 fi. C 0 - ' t t IN THE PANTRY. 36 A fine old oak panel, ricldy carved with the arms of Henry VII. / A 7 NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE. 190 The Valuables and Ornamental Items. No. 37 A o 38 It . c * / 39 .? • -h o 40 fit- O * d) 41 >7* 6 • 642 t JL - / t. a 43 7 • / J’ £ 44 /^. /^, C45 VF* ^ • <5 46 /J'A?'£47 A//, /A-/48 iy. IN THE REFECTORY. The chimney piece, finely carved in wood, of Gothic design, 3 arches spring¬ ing from columns with pediments ; the idea was from Mr. Bentley Figures, a unique specimen, and the 4” • /4 • 49 h 1 ’ fTft- A fine Etruscan vase, with bracket Two Oriental blue and gold China long neck bottles and the two '/j brackets A very fine bureau of the old black and gold Japan, enclosing drawers and letter holes, with 3 drawers under, on a framed stand A magnificent or-molu 14 -day CLOCK, of large size, by Julien le Roy, with finely formed bronze figure of a Female reading , the pedestal very richly mounted with scroll work, in or-molu A curious old vase, of the rare Raphael or Faenza ware , the subject represent¬ ing the Battle of the Centaurs and the Lapeti A pair of white old China beakers, 15 inches high Two antique Etruscan vases A TRULY SPLENDID TABLE, in the GOTHIC STYLE, the top of Sicilian jasper, of the rarest kind , on a black frame, with 8 twisted legs, the top 6 feet long and 3 feet wide. The table was designed by Mr. Bentley, and is perfectly unique A pair of beakers of the old grey porcelaine or cracklin China, with handles and border, curiously worked, 15 inches high A matchless old royal Sevres China bowl, exquisitely painted with Bouquets of Flowers, blue border of large size A singularly curious and beautiful HUNTING HOR 4, finely enamelled on one side, in colours, representing Allegorical Figures, on the other in Chiaro Scuro, with the history of St. Hubert. It is of the rare Limoges enamel and perfectly unique. It is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable gems of this rare collection , and has been highly prized by the connoisseur Two MOST BEAUTIFULLY carved chairs, ebonized , the backs of the true Gothic order, very elaborately and delicately carved, black frames and seats of embossed work fl rv[• 7 C 61 n / 62 63 der, on twisted legs, 3 feet 8 inches long and 2 feet 5 inches wide A ditto, perfectly similar / A pair of large size and finely carved chairs, ebonized , with twisted legs and rails, of the Elizabethan period, the seats of needlework A pair of ditto, en suite , with cane seats A brilliant Vauxhall plate PIER GLASS, of the largest size of that manufacture, in a gothic frame of black and gold, designed by Horace Walpole, enclosed at the top is the Portrait of George Walpole, third Earl of Orford, with his arms, copied by Eckardt from a miniature by Liotard, the size of the glass is 50 inches by 29 A ‘f- ^ The corresponding PIER GLASS, enclosed in this frame at the top is a Portrait of George Cholmondeley, Viscount Malpas, eldest son of George, Earl of Cholmondeley and of Mary, second daughter of Sir Robert ^ Walpole, an original painting by Eckardt A folding fire screen, embroidered with knotting on velvet, centre medallions, with flowers and leaves A handsome folding five-leaf room SCREEN, richly painted with Birds <; > c~t and Flowers, in imitation of the India designs, 7 feet 3 high, 9 feet long J 192 NINETEENTH DAY'S SALE. Z • A>". S'' /cf S ' /7 ^ . /?' *7 2 ■ /. ■ G . *3 • l ■ 'l- 3 ■ S' >• •>• c. / /. No. c 64 •/65 ./ 66 * 67 / 68 £ 69 o 70 D 71 £ 72 ^ 73 C 74 C> 75 19. 4- - V' C/ • <3 85 A very curious ancient Faenza dish , in a frame, the subject of Jupiter in the centre /O ■ /6 • O 86 A very beautiful leather TOURNAMENT SHIELD, painted by Polidore, with the Head of Perseus on the outside, and on the inside a very spirited Battle Piece in gold. A present from Sir William Hamilton / )cm < '(>• <1 87 A ditto with the Head of Medusa on the outside, and a Battle on the inside, also by Polidore These two beautiful shields came out of the collection of the celebrated Commendatore Vittoria, at Naples. / / 6 • c • £ 88 A very curious old brass dish, with the arms of France chased in the centre, and a ditto with Figures, in fine taste, by Briot Francois Briot, pupil of Cellini and an admirable sculptor of the period of Henri II. was much employed by that monarch in designing and executing cups, ewers, &c. , /c'- C 98 £ . /S. 4 99 J. • C /6 - // 100 101 Af". 6 102 - <7 ' O' END OF THE NINETEENTH DAY’S SALE. Hag’s ^ale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On TUESDAY, the 17tii Day of MAY, 1842 , Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. /. / ?- £ No. 20.—The interesting Pictures of the Library, Holbein Chamber, and Great North Bed Chamber. IN THE LIBRARY. LOT r ^ / /f 1 A miniature , a Girl and Cat , in water colours, copied by Horace Z , ■* iTC yt-i *%■ Rosalba r 2 / . / 3 A miniature of Henry Duke of Richmond, natural son of Henry VIII., in his shirt and night cap, which is embroidered with black, a fine , , specimen of the early time of this art d>b-& 'f '*~*U*. A ditto of Charles Howard , Earl of Nottingham , Lord High Admiral, highly finished, with gold chain, by Isaac Oliver A ditto of Sir Francis Drake , a beautiful specimen of the art, forming a companion to the preceding, by Hilliard > . / . (i A ditto of Elizabeth , Queen of Bohemia , daughter of James I., by Isaac Oliver /•/ /\f . I 1 A ditto of Count Gondomar , finely painted in oil A miniature of Mary , sole daughter and heiress of Thomas, the Lord General Fairfax, and the wife of George Villiers, the second Duke of Buckingham, by Samuel Cooper /' ><\ zck/si. / c jl /ZpcJ f *// A * /t • / . 1/ * /// '6 , 8 ’x er rt%. cc tljL TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. 196 No. 20. '—✓ i f. , , /'/• 6 9 A Portrait of Lady Penelope Compton , daughter of Spencer Earl of Northampton, and wife of Sir Edward Nicholas, Secretary of ^ State, by Samuel Cooper //, Afcr ?/^, ' y// ' i 10 A pair of pencil drawings, Portraits of Children, black fi’ames and glazed st . ^ 11 A pair of medallions in terra cotta A? ■s . /c 2 * A. /£ V ' 4 > .? * 4 ~ ? * ? / / / 1\ The Portraits over the Bookcases, in carved frames. * */j - L t /A ^ • O' a . > t 12 An oval half length Portrait of Lady Fairborne, daughter of Sir Edward Rookesby, and wife of Sir Stafford Fairborne (in red), niece of the following 7 C 13 A ditto of Catherine, daughter of Edward Darcy, Esq., and wife of Sir Erasmus Philips, of Picton Castle, in Pembrokeshire, grandmother of Catherine, Lady Walpole, whom she educated rfL O 14 A ditto of Sir John Shorter, Lord Mayor of London in 1688 (in black) 0A>Z J/. fnot/txa.jC&i 15 A ditto of Isabella Birkhead, his wife ,J ^ O 16 A ditto oblong shape of Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of v s Hertford, and Knight of the Garter, by Astley, after Li^tord -A- . 17 A ditto of Lady Isabella Fitzroy, youngest daughter of Charles, second Duke of Grafton, and wife of Francis Earl of Hertford, by Eckardt 18 A ditto of Henry Seymour Conway, only brother of Lord Hertford (in a court suit), by Eckardt 19 A ditto oval shape of Charlotte, second daughter of John Shorter, of Bybrook, in Kent, and third wife of Francis, Lord Conway, (in yellow) 20 A ditto , oblong shape, of Thomas Shorter, second son of Sir John Shorter (in brown) C 21 A ditto of John Shorter, Esq., of Bybrook, in Kent, eldest son of Sir John Shorter (in red) 22 A ditto of John Shorter, in Armour, eldest son of the foregoing, and brother of the following t 23 A ditto , oval shape, of Catherine Shorter, eldest daughter of John Shorter, of Bybrook, and first wife of Sir Robert Walpole, afterwards Earl of Orford, after Old Dahl l*. } /^, /c sCakc\ -cCt L .sn L i 25 A singularly curious and valuable old picture , on panel , representing the Marriage of Henry VI. Avith Margaret of Anjou, painted with considerable power and expression, size 37 inches high, by 34 inches wide This truly extraordinary picture, as a specimen of the fine arts of the 15th fc- century, may be pronounced unique, it is in fine preservation. r*' THE HOLBEIN CHAMBER. Cf • . & 26 Christ Crowned with Thorns , a highly finished and beautiful cabinet gem, replete with interest, possessing all the power and effect of the great Italian school, the colours rich, the drawing, the Figures, and finish of the countenances singularly beautiful Joannes Malbodius /7 C , ' Purchased at Monsieur Hareng’s sale, 1764. ^ 4 **- ^ ^ , / 27 An ancient painting of the Emperor Maximilian, and his son, Philip the Fair.— Vide Montfaucon’s Antiquities of France // J 1 * V . A . From the collection of Mr. Brian Fairfax. • , yf . . £ 28 A Portrait of Lady Arabella Stuart, in white, Avhole length, in Avater colours Copied Ly Yertue from the original at Walbeck. 33 J 3. /S- O 34 J HU ^C. i :W 3 6 A Portrait of Edmund Montacute, one of the judges in the time of Henry VIII., an undoubted picture by Holbein From the collection of Sir Robert Walpole. ff c • £ 6.^ O I S3* //. 0 38 //' //- U * V. t 39 C 40 A very curious and valuable historical picture , representing Frances Duchess of Suffolk, the mother of Lady Jane Grey, and Adrian Stoke, her second husband, by Lucas de Heere This picture is painted with considerable effect, and is accounted a fine instance of the early English school, it is highly finished and in excellent preservation. It was in the collection of the Earl of Oxford, and has been engraved by Yertue. Vide Anecdotes of Painting in England. Philip and Mary, at whole length, with two favourite Dogs, an interesting scene and a remarkably fine water colour drawing, representing with surprising effect the Interior of the Royal Chamber, a beautiful specimen of the art, by Vertue It is taken from the celebrated picture by Sir Antonio More, at the Duke of Bedford’s, Woburn Abbey. A small Portrait of Anthony King of Navarre, father of Henry IV., King of France, beautifully finished, equal to a fine miniature Janet A ditto, the companion, a Portrait of the celebrated Marshall J/. a ’ / / s "I Montlue, who wrote the Commentaries Janet - '6 £ „ TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. 19$ No. 28 . ■? V £ 41 *> vi e 42 / 4'. /A C / f. /£. 75 / • *V~- 6 V . > ^ ? f. /£- £ 47 //. //- c \/ F- /F • o 48 49 / 50 /> / ' ^ 4?. t 1/ ■ A 52 51 A most extraordinary and highly finished carving in stone, representing a Single Combat before the Emperor Maximilian , a curious instance of the versatile talents of this admirable artist, which can only be equalled by the well known specimen in the British Museum; it is most spirited in execution, perfect in design, and finished equally with the finest chasing of the incomparable Benvenuto Cellini Albert Durer A miniature Portrait, in oil, of a Man, by Holbein The two folloicing were purchased at Sir W. Hamilton’s sale , 1761. V (fit. 43 44 45 46 J/, t /C ,7 /c i t ' A small Portrait in oil, of Philip Melancthon, finely finished, of circular shape, with a Latin inscription on the frame, by Holbein A ditto of Frobenius , the printer to Erasmus , the companion Holbein A ditto of a Man’s Head, with a black beard, and a cloak trimmed with fur, a beautiful cabinet picture Holbein A Portrait of Margaret Queen of Scots , daughter of Henry VII ., and a ditto of Lady Jane Grey , copied by Yertue from the original pictures at Hampton Court A Portrait of Henry VIII., at the latter part of his life, a very extraordinary and beautiful work of art, a carving in boxwood , executed with surprising power and effect , by Holbein A pair of small circular Portraits of Anne Boleyn and Holbein, copied by Eckardt from the original pictures by Holbein A Portrait of Charlotte , daughter of Francis who died at five years of age, a charming and exquisite little gem Janet /<*- d-f xAt-CLiJtasr */ <£f&rv ^ 51 (A J , /- £ / H. vU <- /K»n+*- From Sir Luke Schaub’s collection. Two drawings, by Yertue, Portraits of Henry V and Henry Lard y Darnley , King of Scots , from the original at St. James Two ditto, Portraits of Lord Keeper Bacon , and Leonora , Queen of Portugal Henry VIII., a Portrait, sculptured in stone. A truly splendid specimen of art, it is most minute in execution, the countenance and dress displayed with the utmost exactness, in bold relief, it is a perfect gem, by Holbein Purchased at the auction of Lady Elizabeth Germaine’s property, in 1707, it at one time adorned the Arundelian collection. "frcx. Ft . /k Ft / TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. /A * /J ' ‘200 No. O 53 ( 54 U./t-o J I 55 L . tL r i 56 t(. 57 / ) • & 58 *• * • * 59 /C • /& . £ 60 / H ? • /J- £61 2. £ - z 62 4' c 4 63 .? J . //. £> 64 20. A Portrait of a Young Man, in the time of Henry VIII., holding his Glove in his hand, in a black dress and cap, highly finished Holbein From the collection of H. Constantine Jennings, Esq., of Shiplake. The Triumph of Riches, from the original of Holbein, in the Steel Yard. It represents Henry VIII., in the character of Craesus, and his Queen, Anne Boleyn, following the Car, by Frederick Zucchero The Triumph of Poverty, the companion, Frederick Zucchero 2 frx * >Wv - These drawings are invaluable, the originals being lost, they were purchased from Buckingham House, when Sir Charles Sheffield sold it to King George III. Vide description of these drawings in the Anecdotes of Painting in England. A small Portrait of Arthur Prince of Wales A drawing by Edwards, and 2 other small Portraits of John, the first Duke of Norfolk, and his wife, also by Edwards Copies from Holbein’s pictures. *4 2^ A ditto of Richard III., a coloured drawing, and a ditto of Margaret Roper, daughter of Sir Thomas More, both by Vertue A drawing with Portraits of James V, King of Scotland , and his Queen , Mary of Lorraine , from the original picture at Hardwick, by Vertue A Portrait of a Man with a red beard, in a black dress Holbein A ditto of Claude de Clermont, Sieur de Dampier, by Janet The Head of Sir Thomas Wyatt, the younger, beheaded in the reign of Queen Mary, copied from the original in the possession of Lord Romney , by Milborne A curious and original Portrait, on panel, of Mary Queen of Scots , on the ruff are the arms of France and England quartered A large drawing of a magnificent Chimney Piece , a splendid design, the detail of which is most elaborately and minutely drawn and intended for one of the palaces of King Henry VIII., by Holbein From the collection of Jonathan Richardson. (2 ■ 'v. TVv. a A Portrait of a Man in black, holding a ring, on the back is written H. H., an undoubted picture, by Holbein , a* e Pa TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. 201 No. £*' y • o 66 t ■ C. o 67 3.3.0 68 r •s ■ O * 69 l. tc. c 70 Zt- c-o 71 6 6 72 7 ’ 3c 73 * Z. A/ 74 J/■ iC'i> 75 1 / ■ d- O 76 . 7 . / 7 . / C . AO' t / * ' 2 77 78 79 A Portrait of a Wrung Lady, Costanza Fregosa, its companion Holbein The above two pictures are from the palace of the Prince of Monarco, and were presents to Horace Walpole, from his great nephew George, Earl of Cholmondeley. Henry Due de Longueville , a drawing in crayons , and Sir John God- salve, Knight of the Carpet , from the pictures by Holbein An architectural drawing, very spirited, by Holbein A Man’s Head, and a Man in a Masquerade Habit, both original drawings, by Holbein A Portrait of Sir Thomas Wyatt, a drawing by Vertue A very curious original Portrait of Louis XI., with his Prayer Book, illuminated, in the shape of a heart, in the back ground is a beau¬ tiful Landscape, with the Church of our Lady of Clary Quintin Matsys A beautiful original drawing of a Clock , designed for Sir Anthony Denny, as a new year’s gift to Henry VIII., by Holbein Purchased at the sale of Monsieur Mariette. A drawing of a Romish Episcopal Saint, whole length, by Holbein A Portrait of Philip of Austria, son of the Emperor Maximilian, in the style of Holbein Vide Montfaucon’s Antiquities of France. A highly interesting and beautiful historical picture, containing Por¬ traits of Prince Arthur , Prince Henry , and the Princess Margaret , the children of Henry VII., a highly finished and valuable painting, the countenances of the children are very expressive, and powerful in effect, by Mabeuse From the collection of Richard Cosway, Esq. A Portrait of Johanna Lady Abergavenny , an elaborately finished and curious picture. A present from Miss Beauclerc , the Maid of Honour Vide Royal and Noble Authors. A Portrait of Radcliffe Earl of Suffolk, on panel A Portrait of the Duchess of Suffolk, on panel, by Holbein Edward VI. and one of his Sisters , a most interesting and valuable picture, painted with vast effect f F / * 6 .. S- L’Pc-a. / /V Z ^ c . /V dt ' / / 202 TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. Other Pictures in the Holbein Chamber, NOT HUNG UP. 80 A Portrait of Catherine , eldest daughter of Sir Robert Walpole , and sister to Horace Walpole 2 l * /C . £ 81 The Interior of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, painted with wonderful power and effect, presenting a splendid original picture, 3 Yl- C- by this unrivalled master Canaletto This unquestionable picture is thus mentioned in Pillangton’s Dictionary of Painters, “During the residence of this artist in England, he painted a per¬ spective’view of King’s College Chapel, Cambridge, which is at Strawberry Hill.” f . f. a 82 A Portrait of Mr. Jolm Wootton, the Painter, his Mother, his Wife, and his two Children, a very pleasing and spirited group, 1736, by ’ <■>/-- Gavin Hamilton r - o 83 A Portrait of James Earl of Waldegrave , in a red dress, richly embroidered C / /A 84 A ditto of a Countess of Waldegrave , by Sm Joshua Reynolds 85 A ditto of a Lady of the Waldegrave family THE GREAT NORTH BED CHAMBER. 3- /O • & 86 A splendid old picture representing HENRY VIII. AND MIS CHILDREN, an early painting of vast merit, the name of the artist unknown. The Figures are admirably drawn, and the Por¬ traits are of singular interest, from their expressive character. The Turkey carpet and marble pavement are displayed with the utmost exactness Am A ditto of Philip Herbert, Earl of Pembroke and Mont¬ gomery, with the rod of office of Lord Chamberlain, in the back ground is a View of Old AVilton House; this picture forms an / admirable companion to the preceding Mytens A splendid Portrait of Kino Henry VII., on panel This picture is considered incomparable from its truth to nature, ex¬ pression, and chiaro scuro—the character and thought in the countenance, and its exact conformity with the bust, by Torreggiano, in the Star- chamber, make it unquestionably a Portrait for which the king’ sat; and yet the knowledge of light and shade, not possessed even by Holbein, makes it probable that it was retouched by Rubens, of whose colouring it is worthy and whose style it resembles.— Vide Catalogue of Straw¬ berry Hill. A half length Portrait of a Grand Master of Malta A half length Portrait of a Spanish Grandee A Portrait of BIANCA CAPELLA, a finely painted picture, but the hands remain in an unfinished state V Her story is thus written on a cartouche part of the frame:—Bianca Capella, a Venetian lady, who having disobliged her family by marrying a Florentine banker, was reduced to maintain him by washing linen; Francis the Great Duke saw, fell in love with, and made her his mistress, and her husband his minister; but the latter, after numberless tyranies, for which she obtained his pardon, and after repeated ill usage of her, for which she pardoned him, having murdered a man, and being again protected by her, the Great Duke told her, that though he would remit her husband’s punishment, he would pardon whoever should kill him. The relatives of the deceased murdered the assassin, and Francis married his widow Bianca, who was poisoned with him at a banquet by Cardinal Ferdinand, afterwards called the Great, brother and successor of Duke Francis. Montaigne, in his travels, gives a description of Bianca, which corresponds much with this Portrait: “ Cette Duchess est belle a Fopinion Italienne, un visage agreable et imperieux, le corsage gros, et de tetin a leur souhait. Vide Catalogue of Strawberry Hill. This Picture was purchased from the Vitelli Palace at Florence, by Sir Horace Mann, and sent to Mr. Walpole. For a further interesting ac¬ count of this Lady and of the picture, see Lord Orford’s correspon¬ dence with Sir Horace Mann. JU t h't ^ ffi. A ai £ ASAKI f U-+,- r. , TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. Y'f ' £> / / ^ ' 4 • o /• / 6 • / JV ' ^ £ /T • //• •204 No. 20 93 3 »?*/ da^A. 95 '6 . /6 - £ 96 97 98 A half length Portrait of Elizabeth Butler, Countess of 1 a t ' Chesterfield, a splendid original picture, by Sir Peter Lily ft, > /J • £ 99 100 Richard I., prisoner to the Archduke of Austria, a highly finished and very interesting picture, by Mieris The Presentation in the Temple, displaying all the power -j-) V ' g*'* ^^-44 of light and shade so peculiar to this great master - Rem brandt Note from the Catalogue of Strawberry Hill.—The above two pictures were bought from a very old gentlewoman, for whose grandfather they had been painted, and till then had never been taken out of their old black frames, and are still in their pure and genuine state. 0 101 A fine Landscape, with Cattle, a most powerfully painted pic¬ ture, representing the majestic scenery of Italy with surprising / effect Caspar Poussin ^ < ff, / /, 21 102 An oval Portrait of the Duchesse de la Valiere, mistress of Louis XIV. (It Presented by the Duchess Dowager of Portland. 103 A ditto of Mademoiselle Hamilton, Comtesse de Grammont, / __ the companion, by Eckardth. (. s 104 A View in Venice, very interesting, equal to Canaletto Marieski 105 A ditto, its companion Marieski > 3 . /C * c /N G ^ 4 f /P Y TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. f ■ S. N o. 20. D 106 Lf2 -6-o 107 21 • u ■ o «/ - ^ • c 108 109 O ■ (V £ 110 K . AJ * 4 / V \ 111 \ 4" -/ • - /*■> ' 0 * ~ L ■ ' ^r . ■ / •X 112 i-v. -4 114 206 A Portrait of Frances, daughter of Richard Jennings, Esq., the Mademoiselle Jennings of Grammont, first married to George Hamilton, and afterwards to Richard Talbot, Duke of Tyrconncl Milbourn Copied from the original, at Lord Spencer’s. A Portrait of Madame de Maintenon, a pleasing original picture by this master Mignard A ditto of Hortense Mancini, Duchess of Mazarin, a copy from Carlo Maratti’s picture, at the Duke of St. Albans 'Co _ Jf A splendid ORIGINAL PICTURE, introducing Portraits of Henry VIII. and the Emperor , Charles V., both as young men, with their officers in attendance. The countenances are most natu¬ rally painted, the costume rich, and the back ground of the picture very elaborate, rendering it most perfect in effect It is a picture of considerable interest, and will no doubt be appreciated by the Connoiseur. A Portrait of Richard Wellborn , Master of Requests in the time of Henry VIII. He was descended from a younger eon of Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester, on whose death, to secure himself, he changed his name to Wellborn A present from the Earl of Exeter. 7 /ft*? 4 Portrait of Sir Nicholas Carew , Knight of the Garter and Master of the Horse to Henry VIII., in whose reign he was beheaded, copied by Milbourn, from the original by Holbein, at Biddington, in Surrey 4 Portrait of Oyilby , the poet , in a richly carved and elegant frame 113\jA Portrait of Sir John Perrott , Lord Deputy of Ireland, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, in black and white chalk, froin the origi¬ nal picture at Sir Herbert Perrot Packington’s , by Chambers The original sketch of THE BEGGAR’S OPERA, representing Walker, as Macheath; Miss Fenton, afterwards Duchess of Bolton, as Polly; Hippisley, as Peach’em; Hall, as Lockit; on one side in a box are Sir Thomas Robinson, very tall and lean, and Sir Robert Fagg, a famous Horse racer, fat, with short grey hair, by Hogarth This highly interesting and curious picture was purchased at the sale of John Rich, the celebrated Harlequin and Master of the Theatres in Lincoln’s-Inn-Fields and Covent Garden, for whom the picture was pain¬ ted—it is in its pure and genuine state, and presents one of the most re¬ markable efforts of this original master. A luyn /urn y. f / Ait-- AV / TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. iz o 206 No. 20. 115 An ft > ft ) - C f •/?• * /^/- /£ • £ ■L-3 * ?. o equally curious and interesting picture , representing the Rehearsal of an Opera, with caricatures of the principal performers, Nicolini stands in front, Mrs. Toft is at the harpsichord, Margarita is sitting in black, and the gentleman in blue, with a patch on one eye, standing next her is Sir Robert Rich, father of Elizabeth Lady Lyttelton ; the Landscape in this picture is by Marco Ricci. Purchased at the sale of the property of John Duke of Argyle , who bought it at that of Charles Stanhope , Esq. , by Sebastian Ricci IN THE PASSAGE. 116 A Portrait in profile of Robert Vere, Earl of Oxford and Duke of Ireland, favourite of Richard II. From Mr. Scott’s collection. 117 A small whole length Portrait of Mary Duchess of Richmond, daughter of George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham From the beautiful picture by Yandyck. 118 A Portrait of Fiamingo, the celebrated sculptor, holding in his hand an ivory group of Boys 119 A very beautiful Portrait of Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans, daughter A A- e-t 4 > of King Charles I., as Pallas, by Mignard V >/ trusty This picture was purchased at the sale of Lady Suffolk’s effects, at Marble Hill. ,5&- /' //' 3- 45 * 3 - //. / r Drawings and Prints. 120 An original coloured drawing, from the tragedy of The Mysterious Mother, act 4, scene the last, by Richard TV estall 121 A drawing of a Concert, by Captain Laroon 122 A View of Windsor Castle, by Lady Diana Spencer, Duchess of Bedford, April 11,1723, and a view of the Cathedral at Gloucester, by Samuel Lyson, Esq., in 1785 123 An Owl in cut paper, by Bermingham, and a print of M. leDuc de Livernois / (ert. to. r V* fsC, / . P C-*(*- <4 END OF THE TWENTIETH DAY’S SALE. ®fomtg4rst Bag's Jjjalr OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL On WEDNESDAY, the 18th Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 21.—Pictures and Portraits, in Old Carved Frames. IN THE ROUND TOWER. EOT / '/A /' * 6 tP". P>* '?• o 1 Six curious and interesting sketches, drawn at Venice, Portraits of the Earl of Lincoln, Horace Walpole, John Chute, Joseph Spence, } Mr. Chaloner and Mr. Whitdsend, by Rosa lb A -cez-W 2 Two drawings and 2 prints, Scenes from the Castle of Otranto /J>Wcs 3 A curious drawing, Group of Heads, sketch for the story of Diana and Calisto, by Rosalba C 4 A Portrait of Henrietta Hobart, Countess of Suffolk, sitting, with a View of her Residence at Marble Hill, Twickenham, this Lady was the favourite of George II., by jERVApP \ ; It was formerly in the collection of Mr. Pope. Lady Suffolk purchased it at Mrs. Martha Blount’s sale, and presented it to Air. Walpole (engraved). \\ 4 . 4 5 A Portrait of Mrs. Barry, the celebrated actress, profile, by Sir Godfrey Kneeler ^ //• A sketch for the Head of Britannia, in the great equestrian picture of King- William, at Hampton Court (engraved). A . , J ' A V 6 A Portrait of the Rev. Conyers Middleton 7 A Portrait of Milton / / -- As < 7 / /c - 8 //• & 9 //•• a 10 208 No. 21. TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. ZS a c 11 12 ? J T> , & 13 O 14 A Portrait of the Emperor Maximilian, a curious head A half length Portrait of a Lady, in his best style Sir Peter Lely A Portrait of Enoch Zeeman, the painter, in Iris original Presby¬ terian habit, and his Daughter, as a boy, by himself Enoch Zeeman A half length Portrait of a Lady, companion to lot 9 Sir Peter Lely A valuable Portrait of Henry VIII., the dress elaborately worked to represent embroidery, a remarkably fine and undoubted picture by this extraordinary master Holbein A Portrait of the celebrated Mrs. Clive, the actress, with a music book, a clever original picture. A present from her brother , Mr. James Raftor J. Davison A Portrait of Pearce, Senior, the sculptor, by Fuller From Yertue’s collection. ‘AVua 7 . dt. fl C? / *■ V Sly. •2 tr2p' L ' c ' Q / Y A /£> .7 c L 15 16 17 A Portrait of Tillemans, the painter A Portrait of a Lady A Portrait of Ulrick, the Turk Foreign /St*, > A / *L--i f\ LANDING AND STAIRS. n • /t - z. 18 /: / fi. 19 Zl • //• 2 . 20 / // ' / 21 4 * 4 - 22 ^, , / 22 Two curious prints, fac similes of Magna Charta and of the Death - f / - Warrant of Charles I. ?■ 4 ^ ^ Walpole , by Bunbury •O X L-'lcZr- IN THE HALL. If • /(/ ' Z 24 An oval Portrait of the Duchess of Richmond , a splendid original picture of this accomplished artist, by 25 A ditto of a Gentleman, the companion Sir Peter Lely Sir Peter Lely X < / 3 / ■ s'* /, ^ V No. 21 26 A2- & 27 TWENTY-FIRST DAY'S SALE. A HIGHLY INTERESTING AND CURIOUS HISTORICAL PICTURE OF HENRY V. AND HIS FAMILY, from Tart Hall, West¬ minster. It presents to the connoisseur a remarkable instance of the fine arts at an early period. This picture was much esteemed by the late president of the Royal Academy For a full description of it, see the first vol. of The Anecdotes of Painting- in England. It was purchased at the sale of James West, Esq., P.R.A., 1773, by Horace Walpole. A valuable historical picture of HENRY VIII. AND CHARLES V., behind Charles V. are two Figures, probably designed for his grandfather and father, the Emperor Maxi- milian and Philip, a very elaborate painting, replete with interest Also from the collection of James West, Esq., P.R.A. 209 s* y / r/? / / Family Portraits. THE REFECTORY OR GREAT PARLOUR. . C - 25 28 /<-> A J z? 29 J • /3. 2 30 31 lb - /&• C 32 !& . fo * 0 33 A three-quarter length Portrait of Sir Robert Walpole, afterwards Earl OF Orford, Knight of the Garter and Prime Minister of this rt- Country A ditto of Catherine, eldest daughter of John Shorter, of Bybrook, in Kent, first wife of Sir Robert Walpole, in white, copied from Sir Godfrey Kneller’s Picture, by Jarvis A ditto of Maria Skerret, in blue, and in the dress of a Shepherdess, second wife of Sir Robert Walpole, by Jarvis A ditto of Robert Walpole, second Earl of Orford , Auditor of the Exchequer, Master of the Fox Hounds, and Knight of the Bath, eldest son of Sir Robert Walpole by his first wife, in a red velvet dress, by Richardson A ditto of Margaret, only child of Samuel Rolle, of Heynton, in Devonshire, the wife of Robert, second Earl of Orford, and mother of George the third Earl, in a white riding habit with a stick, by Jarvis A ditto of Sir Edward Walpole, second son of Sir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, Knight of the Bath and Clerk of the Pells, in the robes of the Bath, splendidly painted, by Slaughter y A A ,4 J t. y I ■ (J ' J>S G G TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. A> * 210 No. 21. 34 A three-quarter length Portrait of Horace Walpole, afterwards Earl of Orford, third son of Sir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, in a rich blue dress, by Richardson The nobleman whose enlightened mind projected and formed the matchless collection of all that is rare and valuable at Strawberry Hill. This Portrait it is fervently hoped will be purchased to adorn the National Gallery. 0 >. 35 4? & of Lady Anne first married to grandmother of A highly interesting and valuable ■picture , with Portraits of the Ladies Laura, Maria, and Horatia Waldegrave, daughters of James, second Earl of Waldegrave, and Maria Walpole, after¬ wards Duchess of Gloucester, 1781 Sir Joshua Reynolds This pleasing composition is treated in the happiest style, the countenances of the ladies are beautifully expressive, the dresses in the best taste, and the articles of furniture most perfectly represented. It is a gem of the highest order. Zo • £> 36 A ivhole length Portrait (but which is turned in) Osborn, daughter of the first Duke of Leeds, ^ Thomas Coke, of Holkam, by whom she was Thomas Coke, Lord Lovel and Earl of Leicester; and, secondly, to Horatio Walpole, second son of Sir Edward Walpole, and uncle of Sir Robert, in a rich blue dress, with drapery, by Sir Godfrey Kneller A ditto of Dorothy, sister of Sir Robert Walpole, and second wife of Charles, Lord Viscount Townsend, K.G. and Secretary of State, in a Turkish habit, richly painted, by Jarvis'* 4 * A half length Portrait of Mary Lady Malpas, second daughter of Sir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, married to George Lord Malpas, afterwards Earl of Cholmondeley, by Eckardt A ditto of Lady Maria Walpole, only child of Sir Robert and Maria Skerret, and wife of Charles Churchill, only son of General v Churchill Eckardt She is represented in a veil, with a music book before her, a very charming picture. A Portrait of Lord Radstock A ditto of Lady Radstock and infant A pair of Portraits of Sir Horace Mann , resident at Florence, he is dressed in red velvet, the colouring excellent, also his brother, Galfridus Mann , in brown, both painted at Florence, by Astley 2, 37 1 /t • fb • C> 38 h //- //• 39 / % Z ? 3 A c • / o 6 40 t 41 42 ^ f> & L 1 / C * 6 No. 21. 43 TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. 211 A CONVERSATION, a highly interesting and valuable picture. Richard, the second Lord Edgcumbe is seen drawing at a table, in the Library at Strawberry Hill, George James Williams is looking over him, and George Augustus Selwyn stands on the other side, v itli a book in his hand. These gentlemen were the intimate fi iends of Horace A alpole, and with him formed the well-known Committee of Taste; they were his invariable guests at Christmas and Easter, at Strawberry Hill. The picture is painted in the happiest style of this excellent master, and is finished with the gieatest power and eflect Sir Joshua Reynolds ( %/Z. „A- IN THE WAITING ROOM. L /A 44 Four highly interesting paintings, on panel , formerly THE DOORS OF A SHRINE, in the ABBEY OF St. EDML A SBUR1 ; they represent Henry Beaufort, Cardinal of A inchester, and John Kemp, Archbishop of Canterbury ; on one of the sides is Humphrey Duke of Gloucester, praying, and behind him a Saint holding the Duke’s cap of state in one hand and a golden chalice in the other, and a person in the act of adoration in a stable ; whence it is probable that the Virgin and C hild w eie represented in the middle piece which is wanting; this pei son seems to be Joseph, but may be the donor of the altar piece, as above him is a shield of arms of tate. The three Portraits agree remarkably with those of the same persons in the marriage of Henry VI., in the library, especially the Archbishop and the Duke, who has the same bald head and furred mantle f) THE CIRCULAR DRAWING ROOM. /S'- 6 45 A Portrait of the celebrated Margaret Lemon, mistress of Vandyck, with a sword, as Juditli, a charming specimen, boldly and finely painted in the best style of this renowned master Vandyck The picture was purchased from the collection in Buckingham House. The Education of Jupiter, a grand composition, expressed with tnat daring mastery which at once displays the energetic powers ot tins gieat master Poussin 'f- AT- ^ 46 A 7 // This grand gallery picture is considered matchless as a work of art, it cost Sir Robert Walpole a large sum. A 212 No. 21. TWENTY-FIR ST DAY'S SALE. 47 3'( . • 6 48 * a ' £ 49 J . <3 50 Landscape and Figures, Jacob travelling from Laban , a very fine and undoubted painting, presenting all the grandeur and effect so remarkable in this master’s Avorks Salvator Rosa „ This splendid picture was presented to Horace Walpole by Sir Horace Mann. A gallery Landscape, Mountainous Scene, with Temple of Tivoli, Waterfall and Figures in the foreground. The power of this great master is here exhibited with wonderful effect Gobbo Caracci Portraits of Lady Dorothy Percy, Countess of Leicester, and of her sister Lady Lucy, the famous Countess of Carlisle Vandyck This remarkably fine picture was sold from the collection of Penthurst, by Lady Yonge, when she inherited the half of that ancient seat by the will of Lady Brownlow. Mr. Hoare, of Stourhead, offered the last Earl of Leicester, of the Sidney family, a large sum for this truly valuable picture. Vide Horace Walpole’s history of this picture. > A SPLENDID GALLERY Landscape, Wild Mountainous Scene with Tempest approaching; a truly fine specimen, in the best and most powerful style of this much esteemed master Paul Brill // WV. /L . /■ c 51 / > C ‘ /6 ' *52 IN THE LONG GALLERY. Portraits of Laura and Charlotte Walpole, the eldest and youngest daughters of Sir Edward Walpole, and Avives of Frederick Keppel, Bishop of Exeter, and of Lionel Tolmach, Earl of Dy- sart, Mrs. Keppel in white, and Lady Dysart in pink, a charming picture, vivid in colour, the dresses and ornaments of the person depicted with surprising effect, giving evidence of a similarity of costume with the present day Ramsay*: / -Asuki y ; THE! MARRIAGE OF HENRY VII., and ELIZABETH OF YORK Mabeuse A ^ T *". A most interesting and valuable old picture, replete with story, the archi¬ tectural effect is truly surprising, and as an early work of art it possesses a rare instance of the power of perspective, so little known at that period. This valuable picture is most especially mentioned in Walpole’s Dictionary of Painters. ^ Portrait of Sir Jrancis Walsingham, Avith a VieAA r of his House at Seadbury, in Kent, from Sir Robert Walpole’s collection, Frederick Zucchero i his picture has been engraved by Houbraken, amongst the Illustrious Heads. TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. 213 J3 • >Z • ^ Z ,? ' f • * ZJ. /?• c 4 c 7 - -J ' ^ No. 21. 54 A Portrait of Sir George Yilliers, with his hand on the head of a Greyhound , he was the father of George Duke of Buckingham, and Lord Clarendon relates a story of his ghost, a very fine picture, by Cornelius Jansen 55 A Portrait of George Duke of Buckingham, his son , the Riband of the Garter is placed from the right shoulder, a remarkably fine head, by Rubens 56 A Portrait of Admiral Montagu, Earl of Sandwich ; Lord Sandwich presented the picture to Mr. Blackwood, from whom it was purchased by Horace Walpole, a finely painted head, by « Sir Peter Lely 57 The Holy Family, in a Landscape, St. John is seen presenting fruit to the Infant Saviour, with Angels fondling a Lamb and gathering fruit and flowers, a highly finished and exquisite specimen of the art, the colours most brilliant and in fine preservation, on copper, by Van Artois, a pupil of Rubens From Sir Robert Walpole’s collection. if V V" / //. ft- <3 58 /$,- £ 59 o' * / c 60 3 A /© * Z> 61 a-* 62 The Inside of an Ancient Flemish House, with groups of Figures in Conversation, and an old Lady Reposing in a Chair; the light and shadows of this picture are most admirably managed, an extremely clever specimen, by Old Franks A Portrait of Mr. Leneve, the Master of the Company of Merchant Tailors; a most briyht and pure picture , of extraordinary power , the lace ruff and table cover are beautifully finished , by Cornelius Jansen A Portrait of Mr. LenevB, Alderman of Norwich, son of the preceding gentleman; it has been pronounced as fine a specimen of the art as Vandyck’s Countess of Leicester, and considered to be the best picture ever painted by Sir Peter Lely A Portrait of Mrs. Leneve, wife of the preceding gentleman, an equally clever picture, by Sir Peter Lely A Portrait of Margueritte de Valois, Duchessede Savoie, on panel, she was sister of Henry II. of France, who was killed at the tournament for her wedding, by Sir Antonio More This picture was once the property of King Charles I., rendering it of peculiar interest to the collector. a;/ £.4 ; / y. r * TWENTY.FIRST DAY’S SALE. 214 No. 21. /jp ■ • 65 66 This fine old picture is from the collection at Buckingham House. A Portrait of Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, the favotirite, and as Sir John Reresby says, second husband of Queen Henrietta Maria A fine old picture, by Old Stone A Portrait of Frances Bridges, daughter of the Lord Chandos and second wife of Thomas Cecil, Earl of Exeter, on whose left hand she refused to lie on his tomb in Westminster Abbey Vandyck This lady was most falsely accused of many crimes, of which she was en¬ tirely innocent and acquitted. See an account in Granger’s Biographical History of English Portraits, vol. 1, page 548. The picture, which is in the best style of the master, belonged to Richardson, the painter, who has written a dissertation in its praise. It was purchaseed of Hudson, the painter, son-in-law of Richardson. P £> ' s • $ 67 A Portrait of Sir Godfrey Kneller, as a Young Man, by himself Sir Godfrey Kneller ^ ^ / ’S* - * "3 /J ' /J' J 74 3 J c —Vt*—■— 4? 3 * ■?/• Os 75 76 } 2 ■ S 77 (. 78 0 ‘ i6 * £ 79 2 - //. L 80 ? f . S- z> 81 * i 1/ • £> 8 ~ 7 . / ?- C 83 A Portrait of Maria, second daughter of Sir Edward Walpole, widow of James Earl of Waldegrave , and wife of William Henry Duke of Gloucester , brother of King George III., by Sir Joshua Reynolds This truly charming Portrait is in the happiest style of this inimitable artist; it is a gem of the highest order, and forms the companion picture to the preceding lot. A Portrait in crayons of John Low, the inventor of the Mississipi scheme, and Prime Minister to the Regent , Philip , Duke of Orleans , glazed Rosalba Considered one of the best pictures of this master. A Portrait of Francis Seymour Conway, Earl of Hertford, in court costume, glazed Rosalba A series of beautiful pictures , by Scott. A Sea Fight, in which Admiral Sandwich met his death Scott A pleasing View of Ivirkstall Abbey Scott A ditto of a Church, near Boulogne Scott A Sea Piece, the Lion Man-of-War chasing the vessel in which Prince Charles Edward was proceeding to Scotland Scott A pleasing picture, View of Bristol Cross and Abbey, with Figures in the foreground Scott A charming scene, View of a Church and Gothic Farm, near Marble Hill, belonging to the Countess of Suffolk, and designed by Richard Bentley, Esq. Scott A Portrait of the celebrated Madame de Sevigne (an oval). A present from Lady Hervey The Exterior of a Kitchen, with Girl Scouring Pots, a Boy hanging up a Bird Cage, and Man in the Doorway Watteau This curious picture is considered to be painted in the style of Rembrandt, rendering it a peculiar specimen of the master, it was originally in the collection of Mr. Cooke, Member for Middlesex. A very pleasing Landscape , with Waggon and Horses on a Road, with Castle in the distance Muntz This picture is painted in encoustic, which this celebrated master improved, from Count Caylus’ rules. A— , ^ ^ f CXst*. £L. o- „ * r Cu V i A Ci TWENTY-FIRST DAY'S SALE. 5> . / <■ L 216 No. 21. 84 / \ - A?. O 85 / J . /.? * £ 86 2 J • ? • c 87 . /0 » C 90 V- * t 91 /(C .>$ r ‘ 0 92 / t * / * ' 93 The companion picture, a River Scene, with Fishermen, also in encoustic, by Muntz A pleasing drawing in water colours, Portraits of Thomas Earl of . ./^ Arundel , and /ms grandson, Cardinal Howard, 1746 Copied from the celebrated Portraits by Vandyck. G VERTUE 2 . i A Portrait in crayons of Lady Sophia Farmor, as the Goddess Juno, eldest daughter of Thomas Earl of Pomfret, and second wife of ^ John Earl of Granville, Prime Minister to George II. Rosalba/^/Li f • Two Men cheating another at Cards, a very clever picture, full of character, equal to Teniers A small Landscape, with Man driving a Flock of Sheep , and another leading an Ass up a Hill, with Castle in the distance John Miel i -1 L . Gaspar Poussin ,/ ‘ 7 ■<&+-*<. / / /pytf /Ada,- A Young Man’s Head, in a rich black velvet dress trimmed with fur, in a carved frame Giorgione The Portrait is considered wonderfully true to nature. It was in the collection of Charles I. Vide Topham’s Catalogue. fsnxVr '‘Us- A Vase of Flowers, highly finished and richly coloured, the drawing excellent Old Baptiste From Sir Robert Walpole’s collection. I No. 21. S'Zj"' c> 94 2 2 - / 95 A V / 3 f- t*’ 7 * -/& 96 97 * o l^/U r* r / <% c. G<: 98 99 TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. -217 Portraits of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, and Mary Queen of France ; a very expressive picture, the dresses highly finished and richly decorated in the fashion of the period. The frame is of elegant design, by Kent, and is considered a very fine work of art This picture was originally in the collection of the Earl of Westmorland, at Apthorpe, and afterwards was possessed by Lord Granville. Tobit Burying the Dead, the colouring of this picture is most ^ y vivid and true to nature, by Benedetto Castiglione A “ And when Tobit found any dead, he buried them without the walls of Jerusalem.” THE WINDOWS, SIDE OF GALLERY. A whole length Portrait of Thomas Lord Howard, of Bindon, y A father of Frances Duchess of Richmond and Lennox, represented in the Robes of the Garter A ditto of Lodowic Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, also in the Robes of the Garter The above Portraits are from Luton House, in Bedfordshire, where the latter nobleman lived. A ichole length Portrait of Frances Duchess of Richmond and Lennox Mark Garrard See a curious account of this great lady in Wilson’s reign of King James I. This picture came from Easton Neston, the seat of Thomas Earl of Pomfret. A whole length Portrait of Henry Carey, Lord Falkland, Deputy of Ireland, and father of the famous Lucius Lord Falkland, in white robes, a remarkably fine picture, painted with vast power, the robes presenting the most natural effect, by Vansomee The idea of the picture walking out of its frame in the Castle of Otranto, was suggested to Horace Walpole from the effect produced by this Portrait. . C 6 3 t - J 2 . A* p 100 A Portrait of Mrs. Catherine Philips, the poetess From the collection of Charles Earl of Halifax. 6 101 A Portrait of Philip Villiers de Lisle Adam , the last Grand Master of Rhodes, which he defended during a period of two years against Solyman the Magnificent and a prodigious army J -'d-'C A / ' v../ / II TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. 218 No. 21. / * A • Cj 102 ?■ ?' 5 3 • /J< / 103 104 Z. 2 • o 105 3- S3 • / 106 A . /a . £ 107 ^ • a • Z 114 A Sea Piece, View of Mount Orgueil in Jersey, by Richard Bentley, Esq. A pair of small oval Portraits of Vandyck and Prior, the poet A Portrait of Richard Rigby, Paymaster of the Forces, and Master of the Rolls in Ireland, by Eckardt A pair of small oval Portraits , of Cooke, the painter, by himself, and Pearce, Senior, the statuary A Portrait of General Edward Cornwallis, Governor of Gibraltar and Groom of the Bed-chamber to George II., by Eckardt A pair of small oval Portraits of Waller, the poet, and Mr. Chiffinel, Privy Purse to Charles II., by Riley A Portrait of Horatio, Lord Walpole, younger brother of Sir Robert Walpole, by Vanloo A pair of small oval Portraits of Dobson, the painter, by himself, and Sir Nicholas Dorigny, the engraver A Portrait of George Keppel, third Earl of Albemarle, by Eckardt A pair of small oval Portraits of Van Wych, the younger, the painter, by himself, and Dahl, the painter, by himself A Portrait of George Montague, Esq., by Eckardt A clever Portrait of Anne Clifford, Countess of Dorset, Pem¬ broke and Montgomery There is a medal of the above lady taken from this picture. See an account of her in the catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors. A very fine Portrait of the unfortunate Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, who was beheaded for befriending the cause of Mary Queen of Scots, by Antonio More In this picture he is represented as a young man, it was therefore probably painted in the reign of Edward VI., before he was restored in blood, for there are his arms without a coronet, and yet on his handkerchief are an N and a f to mark his title and his religion. y /I*' * /+ _ __ / - & ■<&- / L, £, 115 A Sea Piece, with View of the Coast, a clever picture Scott L / V 6 'C /' t f IN THE WAITING ROOM. 116 A drawing, a whole length Portrait, by Humphries 117 A fine print, Portrait of Lady Mary Campbell, framed and glazed 118 A large and curious old map of Middlesex J <1 r a cr ixs END OF THE TWENTY-FIRST DAY’S SALE. Wtyz (Ctocntjksecotttr Bag’s OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBERRY HILL. On THURSDAY, the 19th Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. No. 22.—Pictures and Drawings. THE PLAID CHAMBER. LOT / • O vT- v/ <2, . 'Z 4 /' • * 5 / 6 * Z 7 /4 « ^ 8 A small whole length Portrait of John Dryclen, the poet, with his Dog, in oil, by Maubert ff / '<- e < A View in Jersey, 1754, by Richard Bentley, Esq. t ^ ^ An oval miniature, Portrait of Maria Churchill, second wife of Charles Lord Cadogan, and grand daughter of Sir Robert Walpole, 1787 W. Staveley $ ' , A View of St. John’s Gate at Colchester, a very clever drawing, by Muntz / . A coloured drawing, Woody Scene, oval shape, by Mary Danby This Lady was first married to Mr. Lockart, and afterwards to Colonel Harcourt, brother of George Simon, second Earl of Harcourt, 1781, signed H. W. A Woody Scene, a sketch, and a pleasing coloured print, a Lady and her Son seated on a Sofa A print, Portrait of Franciscus Adhcmar de Montcii, and a ditto of Ethelreda, Viscountess Townsend A coloured drawing, Portrait of Barwell Walpole, Esq., the elder brother of Sir Robert Walpole, who was killed in a sea fight in the reign of William III., the squadron being commanded by Lord Torrington LSU- 4 - <*• - u TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 220 No. 22. C, A very clever drawing, Portrait of Jacob Bell, a famous rope dancer in the reign of Charles II., and lover of the Duchess of Cleveland, copied by Dean, 1779, from an antique print in the collection of Dr. Fothergill. O Signed H. W <7 / " / / IN THE DRESSING ROOM ADJOINING. / A Y ?' //. z. * - A-rL J. d - ? 19 A miniature of Viscount Stafford, beheaded in the reign of Charles II., and a ditto of a Cavalier of the time of Charles I. - & 20 A miniature of Charles Beale, painted by his mother Mrs. Beale / ' y. 6 21 A miniature of Charles II., by Richard Edgecumbe, a very early specimen of the artist, and 2 other miniatures l 22 A bronzed bust of Mary Berry, by Mrs. Damer ^ . 3 23 A very fine proof print of Buonaparte, as First Consul, gilt frame and glazed W*-dkLt~»L, &Ur A*- A TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 221 / 7. / Drawings and Prints. Mr. WALPOLE’S BED CHAMBER. No. 22. r • 24 A drawing, a Young Lady reading the Castle of Otranto to her companion, designed and drawn by Lavinia Bingham, eldest daughter of Charles Lord Lucan, in 1780, married, in 1781, to Lord Althorpe, only son of Earl Spencer. Signed H. W. CA. t 'vL s ~ W - A pair of curious Chinese drawings, Portrait of a Mandarin and his Lady, in ebony carved frames, glazed 'TerZcJi / c 26 A print, Portrait of Horace Walpole, in his study, youngest son of Sir Bobert Walpole, Earl of Orford, from Sir Joshua Reynold’s /■ /D o 25 /* sS- c 26 Ardell / ■C. picture, 1757, by A Latin inscription, in the hand writing of Horace Walpole, is at the back A- — of this engraving, rendering it peculiarly interesting. Pictures. / 27 28 P ' 1, ■ £>29 J ?• O 30 6 • , . r 31 / * /£> ■ S 32 try * ty - 3 33 Si -r CO >Vi * c V CjC. A view of The Vine in Hampshire , the seat of John Chute, Esq., a very interesting and pleasing picture, the transparent effect produced in the water is most naturally pourtrayed Muntz A small Portrait of Horace Walpole , youngest son of Sir Robert Walpole, with a Book in his Hand, and a distant View of Straw¬ berry Hill, in a fine old carved frame, an exceedingly clever original picture ; it has been highly esteemed from its likeness to Horace Walpole, and from it the Portrait in the Catalogue has been taken Eckardt A £ ■ tf. A ditto of Sir Charles Hanbury Williams , with his ode to Isabella on the Morning, fine old carved frame Eckardt • CLu. ~ ^ A ditto of Thomas Gray, the poet, fine old carved frame, 1750 Eckardt \ l Av s ~\ < A ditto of Richard Bentley, 1753 Eckardt A A ditto of Miss Elizabeth Evelyn, the wife of Peter Bathurst, Esq., of Clarendon Park, 1746 Eckardt Attda. » A Portrait of Colonel Edward Walpole, only son of Sir Edward Walpole, Knight of the Bath Hudson Z " fZ • -h r-CE A ditto of Georye, the fourth Earl of Cholmondeley, painted at Rome POMPEIO BaTTONI A > TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 222 No. 22. U( - £*35 /i ■ S r . c 36 *-/ ' C ‘ <2 37 /. /• 4 38 /3T - 40 J' ■ & • <5 1:5:1 ' • ^42 < ' , A. z> 43 «£ . *>. ? 44 # /• A . 6 45 c 46 : • /c * • V 47 A pleasing picture, with Portraits of Henry Conway, Lady Ayles¬ bury, and Anne, their daughter, in a fine old carved frame, 1744 Eckakdt A ditto, the companion, with Portraits of Charles Churchill, and the Lady Maria, his wife, daughter to Sir Robert Walpole, and Charles, their eldest son, in a similar frame, 1749 Eckakdt A most beautiful picture, with Portrait of Patapan , a Roman dog belonging to Horace Walpole, by Wootton y /-/ /L l ■ 51 52 / * £> ' £> 53 3 . /X. / 54 2, <*. £> 55 A -j c 5 (S 2- aW . t i-fi o 57 *? . /C - £, 58 V • * c 59 A V iew of Elizabeth Castle, in Jersey, by A small Moonlight Scene, on copper, by A clever study of Goats’ Heads, a fine sketch, by Purchased at Mr. Wootton’s, the painter’s sale. Muntz ? Bonus, Junr. A y , / . _v Beeghem ^ I d 5 e A pair of exquisitely modelled groups of Boys , with Bird and Dog } in wax , truly beautiful specimens of the art, enclosed in a satinwood frame, enriched with medallions, also an ebony and gilt frame with plate glass, by Lady Diana Beaucleec Drawings and Prints. * y /fi V"* A/f . a £ L A fin L, . /v * 60 / 4 -. /4 ' ^ 61 A Portrait of Madame de Prie, with a Bird , in crayons, a charm¬ ing picture She was mistress of the Due de Bourbon, Prime Minister, in the minority of Louis XV., and died of vexation at the disgrace of the Duke. A present from Madame du Deffand, who was the friend of Madame de Prie. A miniature Portrait of Rubens, in pencil, the face tinted in red, and very clever, by B. Lens A curiously illuminated drawing of Reason, Rectitude, and Justice, appearing to Christina of Pisa, and promising to assist her in erecting La Cite de Dames, from a manuscript in the library of the King of France, 1780. Signed, IL W. A pair of beautiful drawings in body colours, Fruit and Flowers in a Vase , in ebony frames with plate glass, 1714, by B. Lens A clever drawing in crayons, representing Diana, by Russell A highly finished and beautiful miniature Portrait of Mary Lady Hervey, 1742, in a finely carved and gilt frame A splendid miniature carving in ivory, the Assumption of the Virgin , the figures most delicately and finely carved, in an antique frame A miniature full length Portrait (/Lady Elizabeth Wrottesley, daughter of Thomas Earl of Southampton, first wife of the last Earl of Northumberland and second wife of Ralph Duke of Montagu A pair of miniature Portraits of the Misses Agnes and Mary Berry, 1790, signed H. W. by Miss Foltson A pleasing drawing, in body colour, from a subject of Watteau s, 1737, by Horace Walpole £ ^ ^ ^ u. 7 -£ •j£-t JJ * > fa ^-//vL4f y v LCr 0-0 64 z. 6 ' C S - 1 //• t /•? • £ 65 66 67 68 / ♦ A? • £> 69 f • /C * O < £ ■ Z C) /'/( * A A miniature drawing of Sophia Dorothea, wife of George I. This clever drawing, is by Harding from the original, which the Princess Amelia bequeathed to her nephew the Landgrave of Hesse, and which George II. hung up in Leicester House as soon as he heard of his father’s death 4 ry {/ ^ < A 70 71 72 73 The original miniature drawing (an oval) of Titles Oates , in black lead, very clever. A present from Richard Bull , Esq ., 1678-9, by j, Robert White ~ ' An ancient illuminated drawing, highly finished and quite unique Earl Rivers presenting his book, and Caxton, his printer, to Edward IV., the Queen and Prince, from a curious manuscript in the Archbishop’s Library at Lambeth. This Portrait of the Prince (afterwards Edward Y.) is the only one known of him, it has been engraved by Yertue among the Heads of the Kings. The Pope holding a Convocation of Cardinals and Bishops , a most beautiful and highly finished and illuminated drawing, of an early period; the colours are in a fine state of preservation A View of Arundel Castle , drawn from nature, in 1810, by the Honourable Emily Waldegrave A beautiful drawing, View of Mr. Goodchild’s Bleaching Houses, from Mrs. Clive’s, at Twickenham, an exceedingly clever composi¬ tion, 1757, by Muntz A View of Lady Diana Beauelerc’s Villa at Twickenham, by Samuel Lysons, Esq. The great tree was blown down by the storm which occured November 6th, 1795. A View of Twickenham, a curious work on silk and tinsel, done at Paris, from the print, 1775 A coloured drawing, a Woody Scene, by V anithrnher Two coloured drawings, one designed and executed by Miss Agnes Berry, 1788, the other the exterior of a Church, with people praying Four drawings, one representing the father of Alexander Pope as he lay dead, drawn by his father-in-law, Samuel Cooper, bought by Richardson, Junior, at the sale of Mrs. Martha Blount’s property, to whom Pope had bequeathed this and the three following: viz, a Portrait of Mrs. Editha Cooper, the mother of Pope, by John Richardson, Senior; also of Mr. Pope by ditto, and of Henry St. John, Viscount Bolingbroke, by ditto r Four humourous drawings, washed, perfectly unique of their kind, by * ieC- ( CVt-iA 7 ^ Elias Martin /? V* C-A.'A TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 225 /O • /. No. 74 //• C 75 76 /l- & 77 00 79 S' i 80 d ■ > 81 /•/• t 82 / 1 ■ 6 83 V V -<3 84 A U t S y A needlework piece, representing a Landscape with Figures An old print, a Man with a Lyre, and another Singing, from Gwer- cino’s picture, by Bartolozzi, also of a Man’s Head, by ditto A print of the Princess Sophia, with her Dog, the eldest daughter of their Royal Highnesses William Henry and Maria, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, 1775 A curious old print of a Chinese Temple, and a ditto of Rubens’ House, at Antwerp, 1684 A print, Portrait of the Honourable George Seymour Conway, from Sir Joshua Reynolds’ picture, by Fisher A ditto of George, fourth Earl of Waldegrave, Master of the Horse to Queen Charlotte, and Colonel of the 14th regiment of foot A ditto of the Lady of Richmond, from the original drawing by , ~ Hans Holbein, by Bartolozzi/ / tncr * A humorous print—a Topeing Meeting of a Parson, a Burgher- master’s Steward and a Poet A coloured print of a Magdalen, and a print of Prince William, son of the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester A specimen of the Polygonum Bistorta Bistort, a legacy from Mrs. Delany, 1788 /J *<■ J /■ * / V THE BLUE BED CHAMBER. A very interesting and valuable picture , Portraits of Sir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, Lady Walpole, small whole lengths, the former in his robes, sitting, on a table near him is the purse of the Chancellor of the Exchequer leaning against busts of George I. and II., to denote his being First Minister to those kings; near Lady Walpole are flowers, shells, a pallet and pencils, to mark her love of the arts; their favourite hounds in the foreground and a view of Houghton in the distance. This painting is from the united efforts of Echardt and Wootton , and is considered a masterpiece of art; the Portraits of Sir Robert and Lady Walpole are from the miniatures by Zincke, the hounds and view of Houghton by Wootton. The black and gold frame enclosing the picture, one of the finest specimens of carving, is by Gibbons, displaying with wonderful effect the arms of the family, enriched with Cupid figures as supporters, birds, fruit, grapes and foliage, most beau¬ tifully designed and perfect as a work of art Eckaiidt and Wootton i i TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 2 • <9 /b ■ o / .? 2 - /<$ 226 No. 22. 7 85 An Old Man and Woman, a Candlelight Piece, very effective Scalken 86 A picture, with Man and Boy 87 A View of Pembroke Castle and Town, by Annette King, afterwards Countess of Waldegrave c’tr I t u*s rz, /k r/W< Prints. 88 A print, Portrait of James Earl of Waldegrave, K.G., 1762, from Sir Joshua Keynold’s picture, and a ditto of James Earl of Cardigan , Constable and Governor of Windsor Castle, and Keeper of the Privy Purse to the King, from the picture by W. Beechy, R.A. THE STAR CHAMBER. /*• 89 A Portrait of Catherine first Countess of Chesterfield, in a carved and gilt frame £ 90 A ditto of a Lady, in ditto Pictures. > i U i Z3L. *\ - 0 IN THE LITTLE PARLOUR. I, e - 91 A Man in black holding a ring, a small half length, in a richly carved and gilt frame, by Holbein • 93 A pair of highly finished pictures, Dog and Duck, Fox and Partridge, by OtJDRY 2 * ‘ ^ 94 The Dead Christ, on black marble, a small but very fine picture, by Annibale Caracci )Cc ^ •S • a £~ 95 A curious emblematic picture, a Man standing at whole length before a Bust of Charles II., seemingly before his restoration, for a Cupid is weighing the broken arms of England, as a Common¬ wealth, against Crowns and Sceptres, by Gascar Z 2 • 1 ' & 96 Monamy, the painter, showing a Sea Piece to his patron, Thomas Walker, Esq; the Figures are by Hogarth, the Sea Piece in the **>/*<> it CL. Jf* picture is by Monamy. A present from Richard Bull , Esq. a i ; fei TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 227 No. 22. rr.™. A /P ' #97 A Landscape and Figures, Italian scenery, by lAVERNE - 98 A Landscape and Figures, a small but pleasing picture, on copper, < ' /2 * ** ^ Rowland Savery /rtcs*. * Drawings. /<5 "7 o 99 The Death of Cardinal Wolsey, a beautiful water colour drawing from the original picture by W. Lock, Esq., by Miss Agnes Berry, **/*.<» * f' / f' / 100 A very fine water colour drawing, representing the Procession in the Romance of the Castle of Otranto, an exceedingly clevei ' i J. Carter/- a ^ composition, by ^ f* f ,/c ' e- 101 A very pleasing drawing, Gipsies telling a Country Girl her b or tune at the entrance of a Wood, designed and executed by Lady Diana , Beauclerc , and considered her chef d'oeuvre V' - 6 102 A coloured print, framed and glazed, the Father’s Delight, and ditto the 12th Lancers £ t The Pictures. IN THE BEAUTY ROOM. The following series of twenty Portraits were painted by Jarvis , and were purchased by Mr. Lovibond, with the Residence , at Hampton, and of wham Horace Walpole^, bought them. They will be submitted to sale in one Lot , should it be so desire by the Company. A small Portrait of Charles II. A ditto of Queen Catherine A ditto of King William. A ditto of Queen Mary A ditto of Catherine Sidley, Countess of Dorchester A ditto of Frances Stuart, Duchess of Richmond A ditto of Louisa Duchess of Portsmouth A ditto of the Countess of Sunderland—Waller s Sacharissa A ditto of Barbara Yilliers, Duchess of Cleveland A ditto of Lady Arabella Churchill A ditto of Mrs. Philiadelphi Saunders A ditto of Mrs. Trevor, Maid of Honour Sfifi a curious note in the Strawberry Hill Catalogue. v' y - A/' ’O Jit ' t • 4 tlf 6 ' z y. />. 79 . f . M - 4-/6 4 * * 103 0 104 105 106 C> 107 / 108 ' 4 109 110 111 o U2 c 113 a 114 v. ; i / C S / tl\XK 1 c -4 y / tTA-7 * > u < <£. "7 Hi. L £ C. 7 £TZl> A r A - / 2k A, > TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. N' L, 4 %' //• Sf- 228 No. 22 . /e> ♦ * 115 . ' e >116 & • e> 117 ^ ♦ c 118 * 119 & ■ o 120 j • 0 121 - 122 /'/ t> r i23 l 124 A small Portrait of Lady Ann Cavendish, the wife of the Earl of Exeter A ditto of Lady Gertrude Pierpoint, the wife of the Marquis of Halifax A ditto of Lady Mary Rich, mother of the famous Lord Bolingbroke A ditto of Lady Elizabeth Percy, Duchess of Somerset A ditto of Henry Earl of Ogle A Portrait of a Lady, unknown A ditto ditto A Portrait of Mary Princess of Orange, daughter of King Charles I., a beautiful little picture, by > /✓. / Pictures. IN THE OFFICES, LIBRARY, &c. A valuable old picture, on panel, representing a Marriage Ceremony, with a numerous assemblage of Figures; a fine specimen of the *• early German school, and probably by Van Eyck 126 A small oblong picture frame, most beautifully carved 127 Two gilt picture frames, glazed, 32 inches by 28 128 A very curious old painting, on panel, the Flight into Egypt, a fine early specimen of the German school END OF THE TWENTY-SECOND DAY’S SALE. 3 I . -.<■ LOT , / b i 2 3 4 /■} t 5 IN THE DRESSING ROOM. An old India japanned cabinet, with gilt mountings, enclosing drawers, on gilt stand A fine old blue China flower vase, with handles A pair of curious Chinese japanned chimney lights, ornamented with flowers A very fine cimeter, chased silver handle, and the scabbard mounted with silver A stag’s head, with the horns, quite perfect A r s Si / a /x 7 A <% 1 ■ Z ■ '0 8 9 V • «r " A very fine cast for the back of a stove, with figure of General Fairfax, on horseback, 1649 It was found in the old kitchen of Strawberry Hill. A handsome India Japan cabinet , with gilt mountings, the front ornamented with vases of flowers, in fine relief, with pair of folding doors, enclosing drawers, &c., on stand Three pair of very curious embroidered gloves A > . y£ , Ditto TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. 5 > .J , r . o - ,? ' I*- A> 230 N°- 23. X y'y 10 Six ancient embroidered purses, and two curious old English handkerchiefs * * - 11 A pair of sugar tongs, carved from the wood of Shakspeare’s mulberry tree, • a curious old shoe and 2 gloves f 12 A curious ivory comb, elaborately carved, in a shagreen case It was sent by Pope Gregory to Queen Bertha, and was purchased from the cele- hrated Portland Colleetion. t* * «■ 13 - 3 * <$ 14 /c / c 15 '1. c 16 Af . £ 17 A - c s 18 ( 19 y. ,r. c ( c 20 21 / * j' ■ 6 22 /• 'S- C 23 A. /.A / 4 24 t. t 25 Presented, by Sir James Colquhoun, of Luss, Bart. marble stand Quatorze style, 6 feet 9 Ion 21 The green velvet festoon drapery, bound with fi'inge and trimmed with lace, 3 rosettes, cords and tassels ornaments n Oriental China tea pot, cover and stand, and 6 basin and a cream ewer . curious Oriental China tea pot and stand, a dil stand, a ditto transparent basin, and a tea caddy t £■ ^ vJ s ) j . 2, zrit*. , ri<- / tliis work at an early period, the front elaborately finished with tortoise¬ shell ground work, massive or-molu mountings, masque handles, chased rosette corners, and lined with blue silk, on a pedestal en-suite , with richly worked boule back and stand for porcelaine & 26 The circular gold mounted papier mache snuff box of George Lord Waldegrave, presented by Lady Waldeyrave v t *•- j * 27 A carved and engine turned ivory box, with a curious written document, ,, also a fine old papier mache box, mounted with gold * ! * J 28 Four papier mache snuff boxes - ? J J - 4 gu A papier mache needle case and a snuff box with a Portrait of Madame (ht Deffand on the top ( - * <• 't z. a> TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. 231 t „ No. 23. 30 /O /J f * r k . /, /*> 3/ // / * y r 3 / < A pack of curious cards, a medallion with Portrait of Franklin, and an antique silver spoon Z' 31 A pair of crimson morine curtains for the large oriel window, bordered with black velvet, and brass rod 32 A curious mahogany spider-leg table, with cross rail and centre, 2 feet 10 by 2 feet * 33 A pair of valuable India japanned coffers, each enclosing a tray, on carved and gilt dolphin stands £ 34 An ornamental centre table, curiously and elaborately raised in scroll work and gilt shaped legs, with masques, and cyphers of Sir Robert Walpole and Catherine Shorter, the top 3 feet 9 by 2 feet k 35 A pair of very curious chased silver fire dogs, fine specimens of the art of chasing in the earlier days ^ 36 A SPLENDID OLD CHASED SILVER CENTRE VASE, of most elegant and chaste design, elaborately and powerfully worked in alto relievo with matted grounds, the subjects representing the Rape oe the Sabines, the cover boldly chased with figures of Bacchus and Venus, 17 inches high, a truly remarkable and fine specimen of the early art of chasing, and for which the ancients are so justly celebrated The above lot and the three following were purchased at the auction of Lady Elizabeth Germaine’s property. ' 37 A MAGNIFICENT OLD SILVER 'CHASED VASE, beautifully f and elaborately worked, matted grounds with masques and arabesque border, festoons of flowers, the bodies fluted and ornamented with leaves, the workmanship equally fine with the preceding lot A DITTO to correspond A PAIR of EQUALLY BEAUTIFUL LARGE SILVER BEAKERS, of rare and splendid workmanship, matted grounds, chased with festoons of fruits, flowers and foliage, 18 inches high A SPLENDIDLY CARVED IVORY CUP, most elaborately and beautifully worked, representing a Bacchanalian Scene, the colour ex¬ tremely pure, mounted on a finely chased silver stand, with Vine Leaves and the Hounds in full cry, the cover also beautifully chased, sur¬ mounted by the Walpole crest 41 A very curious OLD ladle, used by Indian ladies for incense, the bowl of chased silver, richly worked, the handle finely carved in ivory and inlaid with gold / Presented by Charles Duke of Richmond to Horace Walpole. A dk CTA f A / 38 39 40 ✓ / Aa ■ "X C Aw Si At ■/ aL - ( 7 '&AA # /t •, ) ^4 / €i -4 r 4j'i TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. 232 4 < /C . v->- Zf. 6 *■( ' ^ No. 23. o 42 43 * 45 / 2 • < 3 "» 4> S 46 A pair of extremely handsome Oriental China tazzas, of the mazarine blue, boldly sculptured, mounted with a chased or-molu border, entwined ser¬ pent handles, richly worked, on plinths A very choice specimen of the Raphael or Faenza ware, in the form of an urn, with cover and dish £> 44 A pair of extremely beautiful carved and gilt therms, richly decorated, of elegant design, on tripod legs, 4 feet 6 inches high A handsome carved and gilt pole fire screen, with needle-work mount, worked in chenille by the Countess of Aylesbury, to harmonize with the chimney A pair of massive silver chased CANDELABRAS, with vestal Figures, elegantly designed, supporting each 2 lights, on scroll pattern feet, with /Si festoons of flowers They were purchased at the sale of Lady Yere’s property, in 1783.. //• 6 " / 47 L.f • / , c 48 S . L 8 49 // . A/ ' b 50 L Z. /• 1 51 9** 52 2 f. 56 c 2> 07 //- * 58 Eight chairs, carved, gilt and covered in every respect to accord with the sofa, equally fine specimens of the time A superior AXMINSTER CARPET, of elegant pattern, with Flowers and scrolls, the design taken from the Sevres China table in the green closet, 4^ yards by 3f An Ottoman footstool, covered with needlework, representing a bouquet of Flowers, bound with crimson cloth, silk cord and tassels IN THE TRIBUNE. y- >• * /'e ■ * 59 60 The excellent AXMINSTER CARPET as shaped to the Tribune, with centre diamond pattern and border, the extent 6 yards by 6 Four Grecian shaped folding stools, the frames of walnut-tree The Furniture and Valuables of the Long Gallery. ^' & 61 d /*. 6 62 y • ' c j . aT- c> 63 64 J ♦ A • ^ 65 J-7- 4 it/. /b « 6 66 67 •£: . ♦ 6 y ’ U. A> £ <3 ' 7 /L r/f A * * /i tc W?-\ *7 f(JL / c* ■ ft /h>ji f /h V P~Zr ^ 6 J /a 4** _ / -— • I ^ L'/X X t r ' V * TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. 7- > £ ■7 P t < <■ * /. A> * 234 No. 23. 71 A C 72 73 SPLENDID BLACK and GOLD table, the design taken from a tomb in Westminster Abbey, the border finely carved, representing Vine Leaves and Grapes, on Doric pillar supports, the top of solid granite, a slab from the Farnese Gardens at Home, highly polished, 4 feet 10 by 2 feet 6 ‘ A ditto to correspond, with a similar marble top A magnificent COLOSSAL BUSTof the EMPEROR VESPASIAN A in BASALTES, a most splendid specimen of sculpture, the countenance powerfully expressive of the character of this monarch, the drapery is u formed of agate marble, it is supported by a Homan sepulcral altar, on a green marble plinth, on which, in bas relief, is represented a man sacrificing, with the following inscription : 7 ■ / 3 • * 74 . / / * // ‘ o . 75 3- S3- / 76 2 ' 3 . C 77 //. // . t 78 / / 7 . .?• t. 79 z ■ 7- so 81 V Lj • # ♦ G TI. CLAYD1YS AVG. L. DOCILIS AEDITYS AEDIS FORTVNAE TVLLIANAE. This noble bust and pedestal are 6 feet high, they are most justly deemed of the highest class of works of art, perfectly unique, and present to- j gether a noble ornament for a gallery f’j Ufa-* They were purchased from the collection of Cardinal Ottoboni. An Oriental China ecuelle, cover and stand, pierced border, painted and gilt A similar ecuelle only A mother-o’-pearl card case, richly pierced, representing birds and flowers, the inside boxes and counters are beautifully engraved. A present from the * celebrated Mrs. Clive A very fine antique marble bust of Faustina, Senior, 251 inches high, on plinth A pair of matchless VASES, sculptured from the rare solid FLORENTINE AME¬ THYST marble, of most elegant form, decorated with or-molu festoons of vine leaves and grapes, goat’s head handles, foliage springing from the bases, on square plinths, 14 inches high. These vases are in the purest taste and present beautiful specimens of art A splendid antique marble bust of Julia Masa, 20 inches high A ditto of Antonio Claudii Mater, a very rare bust, 17 \ inches high A SINGULARLY fine CISTERN, of the SPLENDID RAPHAEL OR FAENZA WARE, of triangular form, covered most elaborately with mythological subjects, very finely drawn, and splendidly coloured, from the ^ t ^ _ . designs of Giulio Komano, bold masque head handles, on lion’s paw feet /Um fa No. 23. TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. •235 f/y ■ o - o 82 2 - / ' t> Z/-4/ ' 2 4" z /* * X /O ■ 0 • & 83 84 85 86 The companion cistern, equally fine and perfect flux* The above specimens of this ancient ware, may, from their extraordinary size, great perfection, and unique design, be pronounced matchless, they were presents from the Earl of Exeter, and had belonged to Jarvis, the painter, who had a fine col¬ lection of the Faenza Ware. The Cognoscenti, no doubt, will well appreciate the opportunity to possess such costly specimens of this renowed ware. A very fine old bronze , the Listening Slave, on an antique marble plinth An antique marble urn, with cover, fluted body, 18 inches high A ditto, 14 g inches high THE RENOWNED MARBLE EAGLE, matchless as a specimen oj sculpture , boldly imagined , and most powerfully carved in the purest statuary marble. The head , wings , and feathers , displayed with the most wonderful effect , and the boldness and extraordinary finish of the statue incomparable , the eyes inimitable , on a verde antique plinth , on which is inscribed f £A, A t^vfcrx ROMAE PROPE THERMAS ANTONINIANAS, mounted on a Roman ALTAR, decorated with masques of Satyrs 1 centre Medusa head , and festoons of flowers and fruit , beautifully sculptured with noble eagles, in high relief, and a curious old inscription on the centre tablet, altogether 6 feet high J J 'S '• £>87 The Eagle was found in the Gardens of Boccapadugli, within the precinct of Cara- calla’s Baths, at Rome, in the year 1742, and is considered the finest specimen of Greek Sculpture in the world, being reckoned superior to the Eagle in the Villa Mattei. There are extremely few fine statues of animals;—the chief are these two Eagles, the Tuscan Boar, the Barberini Goat, and the Dog belonging to Mr. Jennings, of Shiplake (since purchased by Mr. Duncombe). Vide Catalogue of Strawberry Hill. Mr. Gray has drawn the flagging wing — Vide Ode on the Power of Poetry. A fine antique bronze of an Ostrich, very spirited in effect, on a bronze scroll stand A small bronze incense burner, with pierced cover A splendid INDIA JAPAN COMMODE or CABINET, a remark¬ ably fine specimen of the rare old black and gold India Japan, the subjects most beautifully raised, representing the various occupations and amuse¬ ments of the Chinese, noble verd antique marble slab top , with richly chased or-molu scroll mountings, the doors enclosing shelves, 4 feet 10 inches wide, 2 feet 11 inches high and 2 feet deep The corresponding COMMODE or CABINET /t TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. /C . /a- & 236 No. 23. 91 & • 6 * & 92 f 93 / / <5 sj , & . & ( 94 f )> 6 • O 95 U 4 * £ 96 / b • / Is • £3 97 101 >• >• £> 102 Y f • <5 ■ £> 103 c 104 A very fine specimen of the Raphael or Faenza ware, of grotesque form, representing a Satyr seated, the colours extremely rich (imperfect) A noble antique marble bust of Domitella, the wife of the Emperor Vespasian, an exceedingly rare and very fine specimen of ancient sculpture, 27 inches high A TRULY MATCHLESS AND MAGNIFICENT VASE OF THE RAPHAEL or FAENZA WARE, most vivid in colour and perfectly unique as a work of art, now obsolete, the subject ornamenting the centre most power¬ fully drawn, representing mythological subjects from the designs of Giulio Romano, with the following inscription on the base FATE IN BOTEGA DE OROTIO FONTANA mounted in richly chased or-molu, masque heads, entwined serpent handles, and or-molu plinths The corresponding yase, with subjects representing the Rape of Dejaeira and the Battle of the Centaurs An extremely fine old bronze the Laocoon, very spirited in execution A finely formed shell of the Raphael or Faenza ware, the interior repre¬ senting David and Bersheba A pair of noble bronze and or-molu CANDELABRAS, with scroll arms sup¬ porting each 2 lights, cut glass sockets and dishes, ornamented with rich cut glass drops, fluted pedestals, supported by finely modelled bronzes of winged Griffins, triangular plinths, on lion’s paw feet, 30 inches high A fine antique marble bust of Tiberius, 21 inches long This bust was purchased at the sale of the late Mr. Jennings’ property. A pair of old Saxon China ecuelles and stands, of the Oriental China pattern A remarkably fine antique marble bust of Marcus Aurelius, 21 \ inches high A pair of light India Japan fans A very fine antique marble bust of a Camillus , or Sacrificing Priest, 211 inches high A pair of splendid and singularly unique old royal Sevres China Grecian shaped urns, blue and gold, with drooping festoons of Flowers on the necks, encircled by rosette medallions, richly decorated on square statuary marble plinths, 21 inches high A very rare and curious specimen of the Raphael or Faenza ware, in the form of a shell, richly coloured, in the inside a Sea Goddess is repre¬ sented riding on a Dolphin, lizard handles A . /t], Sfk -f' s./ C 'uAcoiZf / 105 3 /£■ o 106 107 ^ • C> ' t> 1 y S' /& * o 109 /If. / . £ 110 3* / 3' 111 6 . t- C 112 /d - * c 113 /Z. c 114 fo • /O • o 115 3- / 3- £ 116 J • v?' 0 117 Z & 118 '?• '?■ c 119 1 . / Z> . i> 120 3 . / ?. s 121 ttrftUL. An equally singular specimen of the Raphael OR Faenza ware, the 2> /U interior representing figures of Bacchus and Ceres, by Bernard Palizzi A finely modelled old bronze from John of Bologna's celebrated group of the u Rape oe the Sabines, 28 inches high v ^ An antique marble urn and cover, designed by Kent, fluted body with handles Formerly in the collection of Brian Fairfax, Esq. An equally fine old marble urn with cover, richly carved in basso relievo, with curious inscription An antique bronze figure of Ceres with silver eyes, represented seated, with a Cow in her lap and corn and fruit in one hand and the cup of plenty in the other This very rare and curious bronze is engraved in Richard Payne Knight’s Account of the Worship of Priapus. A pair of elegant black and gold India Japan encoiniers, the subjects beautifully raised, representing the customs and manners of the Chinese, % &yu. i or-molu mountings and scroll feet, with handsome Italian marble slabs ^ „ A fine antique marble bust of Julia Domna, on plinth, 23 inches high s< ^ A. A small antique marble bust of Antinous A ditto of Cicero A noble old bronze of Moses, after Michael Angelo , seated on a rock with his tablets, on a handsome boule and or-molu stand A fine old bronze of Aptinous, on a tripod, formed of chimeras An antique marble bust of Zeno, on a small pedestal A pair of incense burners, mounted in or-molu A pair of light India fans A pair of elegant chased or-molu sconces for 2 lights each, supported by finely modelled figures of Cupids A pair of porcelaine Chinese figures A pair of Oriental China essence vases, of the old blue and white pattern, A present from Mrs. Gostling A , . r -Aux cri\ 7t cru* c 1 > A- i • CrTM e n ^ * r<£/r / END OF THE TWENTY-THIRD DAY’S SALE. ®toentg4ourtij JDag’s Sale OF THE VALUABLE CONTENTS OF STRAWBEBHV HILL. On SATURDAY, the 21st Day of MAY, 1842, Commencing at One o’Clock most punctually. THE AUCTION DUTY IS TO BE PAID BY THE PURCHASERS. The Furniture of the Long Gallery, the rare old Stained Glass, the Chapel, Pleasure Grounds and Offices. No. 24.—The Furniture of the Long Gallery. LOT 1 /• e 2 3 Z- ?. o 4 Z ' c 5 /f. S 6 G* . /& • o 7 Z ' 'y ' * 8 / 2 . & ^ 2 , e * ? 10 11 A polished steel stove, with fender and fire irons, all en-suite A six-leaf folding screen, gold ground, painted with Birds A noble bust in terra cotta of Admiral Lord Radstock, mounted on an an¬ tique marble pedestal, richly sculptured A pair of bronze and gold carved chairs, richly covered with crimson satin damask, the seats and backs stuffed with hair and extra covers of crimson moreen A pair of ditto, to correspond An Ottoman foot stool, covered with moroon cloth, worked in gold lace, silk cord and tassels, and carved satin wood frame A pair of window couches, of similar fashion, covered en suite A pair of ditto, to correspond A noble bust in terra cotta of George, the fourth Earl of Waldegrave A model of the Residence at Strawberry Hill A bust .A I IS j cf {'Ibis'S 6*^^ SU-/ Jc 'CHy. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 239 /• 2 • O / ■ & s - g 4 2 ^ 2 /- /S' 5 ■ & ■ /' 0 ". ^ r. No. 24. - £> 12 A pair of Ottoman settees, covered in crimson satin damask, carved bronze and gold framed stands and extra covers . o 13 A pair of ditto, to correspond o 14 A single ditto ^15 A small corner table of mahogany - C'S) A handsome crimson pattern bordered carpet, of the old Moorfield’s manu¬ facture, 17 yards long and 3| wide The Fine Old Stained Glass. To be removed during the following week at the risk and expense of the purchasers. HORACE WALPOLE’S BED CHAMBER. £>17 A very rich and beautiful centre piece of rare old stained glass, the colours remarkably vivid, at the top a miniature Portrait of the Emperor Charlemagne, the centre representing the Arms of Anne Boleyn, most brilliant in colour and very curious, with four medallions of Wheatsheaves, the Portcullis of Westminster and the initials of Edward VI., and a Lion couchant at the bottom, 31 inches by 13 b 18 A pair of Angels in bister, beautifully drawn from the designs of A. c.S £4 & 19 20 A pair of ditto, to match, with Coats of Arms at the top, 1652, 31 inches by 13 A pair of extremely beautiful pieces of old stained glass, with Portraits of William and Maurice, Princes of Orange, Moses receiving the Tables of the Law, 1612, a figure of Ceres and two very fine pieces representing Flemish Repasts, from designs by Lucas Van Leyden, and eight extremely curious old medallions, each 31 inches by 13 /■ 6- 0 % THE ADJOINING CHAMBER. Three shaped pieces of very curious old stained glass, viz. two figures of Gentlemen dressed in the time of Charles II. and two historical subjects THE LIBRARY. Three extremely beautiful and very fine specimens of the old stained glass, the subjects Faith, Hope and Charity, with 15 curious pieces, repre¬ senting the costumes of the Elizabethan period, the size, each 14 inches by 14 inches f IdXc - Z £ £ TWENTY-FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 240 No. 24. 23 24 (D • 25 / 15 . C 26 27 / 4 * /.f ?. 2, t 28 9 ■ sf- 6 A pair of very beautiful shaped windows, of the old stained glass, with Portraits of Charles I. and Charles //., St. Augustin writing , a Cavalier in /^ the costume o f Charles /., two Knights on Horseback , two very fine Red Roses , and many others , 31 inches high A splendid piece of old stained glass, shaped, representing the Royal Arms of England, at an early period, very rich in colour, with three medallions A beautiful medallion shaped window, of the rich old stained glass, in the centre the Red and White Roses of England, St, Elizabeth, a Knight on Horseback, and two scriptural pieces, with an infinity of smaller pieces, of Birds, Butterflies, &c., forming altogether a most charming effect A ditto to correspond, with the Red Rose of England, Adam and Eve in Paradise, St. Dunstan and St. Clair, a Knight on Horseback and many other beautiful specimens A,. r fc* *1 29 C 30 6S/ sL / THE STAIRCASE AND HALL. A splendid specimen of the rare and fine old stained glass, representing the Royal Arms of England at the top, and six other Coats of Arms, the two centre medallions are painted in graiselle, representing Gideon at Prayers and Knights landing in the Holy Land to the Rescue of Prisoners, most beautifully drawn, the sides made up of fine old blue glass, and gothic shaped top, 4 feet 9 high by 2 feet 3 wide A pair of very fine old stained glass windows at the sides of the hall door, representing full length figures of Saints, with Coats of Arms and sundry small pieces, 3 feet 6 high by 11 inches wide Four curious shaped medallions in the door, representing the Death of Abel, the Blindness of Tobias, Christ and the Pharisees and a legendary subject An extremely beautiful old stained glass window, of gothic shape, including some splendid specimens of this rare art, the subjects representing Coats of Arms, the Virgin and Child, St. John the Baptist, the story of the Prodigal Son and another, Judas Maccabeus and David on Horseback, the two latter are matchless, the size, inside the frame, 4 feet 6 by 2 feet 2 THE BLUE BREAKFAST ROOM. The top of the centre window, of the rare and fine old stained glass, shaped, with six beautiful subjects: viz. the Birth of Christ, the Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth, Christ with his Disciples at Emaus, the Shepherds’ Offering, the Resurrection and Judith with the Head of Holofernes, all most beautiful specimens of this rare art, from the designs of Lucas Van Leyden, enclosed by old blue glass, 31 inches wide, 22 inches high ^ \ ; /U / TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. ‘241 No. ‘M. 32 The corresponding piece at the right, the subjects, Abraham putting away Agar, Joseph and his Brethren, Noah asleep, Esther before Ahasuerus, the story of Zaccheus, the Priest, and the Two Spies, all remarkably fine, also 31 inches by 22 33 The window to the left, the subjects representing St. Cecilia, Susannah and the Two Elders, the Blindness of Tobias and three Legendary subjects, also 31 inches by 22 34 35 36 THE GREEN CLOSET. I A pair of most beautiful specimens of the fine old stained glass, forming 2 Gothic shaped pieces, the subjects representing the Crucifixion, most powerfully drawn, from the picture by Lucas Van Leyden, the other the Ancient Law Giver, esteemed by Horace Walpole as the most curious piece of glass in the house, embellished by the Red Rose, and the Red and White Roses, surmounted by a Crown, 8 curious medallions of whole length Figures, and 4 of Royal Crests, all very beautiful in colour, the size 17 inches each way A pair of ditto to correspond, equally beautiful, the principal subjects repre¬ senting St. Clair and Agnes, and the Red Roses of England, the size, 17 inches each way A pair of ditto, the 2 top specimens, with the Royal Arms of England on each, 2 whole length Figures of Faith and Justice, 4 beautiful whole length Figures, in the costume of Charles I., and 6 medallions of Arms and Crests, the size, 23 inches high and 19 wide <7 THE BLUE BED CHAMBER, 37 The top of the left hand window in three divisions of the fine old stained glass, the subjects represent Charity , Moses slaying the Egyptians , and the Administration of the Sacrament , with medallions of Birds and whole length Figures 38 The top of the centre window in three divisions, two of the subjects re¬ present the story of the Unjust Steward and two small Flemish Landscapes in grasaille, the sides decorated with various Crests, Figures and Birds 39 Tire top of the right hand window in three divisions, equally beautiful, representing the departure of the Prodigal Son, the story of Abraham and Melchezedec, David and Abigail, with side medallions, all extremely fine L L 242 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. THE STAR CHAMBER. No. 24 . 40 A singularly fine Gothic shaped window of the rare old stained glass 2 /. AT • t complete in five compartments, and including many exceedingly interesting and fine specimens of the early art of painting on glass, viz. legendary fa f subjects, Coats of Arms, Saints, with the date of 1615, the whole to be * " ' cut from the frame, the size 5 feet by 4 feet / S~ - 6 1 5-44 / f Sd • r * 45 THE HOLBEIN CHAMBER, The fine old stained glass forming the top of the window to the left, the colours exceedingly rich, the subjects represent the Royal Arms of England, the Elight into Egypt and the Crucifixion, two small Landscapes with Goats, and embellished with fine old mosaic glass, the size 31 inches wide and 22 high The corresponding window of fine old stained glass, to the right, the subjects represent the Arms of George Prince of Denmark, Christ in the Temple and Queen Sheba s Visit to Solomon, two smaller medallions, the subjects fiom TLsops Fables, also embellished with the fine old mosaic glass, 31 inches by 22 the centre window, also to correspond, the subjects include a Vase of Flowers, the Holy Family, Christ with the Woman of Samaria at the V eil and two Flemish pieces, also embellished with the beautiful old mosaic glass, 31 inches by 22. IN THE PASSAGE. An extremely rich and splendid old stained glass window, Gothic top, en¬ riched with a variety of beautiful legendary subjects and Coats of Arms, / / / the size 4 feet by 2 feet 6 inches L’ f 1 AsCza*. THE LONG GALLERY. 1 he beautiful oM stained glass at the top of the five windows-in the Gallery, which includes all the quarterings of the Family of Walpole, very rich in colour, and embellished by a variety of fine old mosaic glass, the size of each, 3 feet 6 inches wide by 1 foot 6 inches high IN THE SMALL CHINA ROOM. r /f~Z) C A small and extremely fine old stained glass window, gothic shape, repre¬ senting a Coat of Anns and Judas betraying our Saviour, with border of rich coloured glass TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 243 THE ROUND DRAWING ROOM. The seven pieces of old stained glass at the top of the oriel window , are most beautiful in colour , and very rich in effect , they will be sold separately , or together , as may be most desired. No. 24. 47 A truly fine old stained glass window to the left, the colours particu¬ larly vivid and beautiful, the subjects represent the arms of Queen Eliza¬ beth , of a Knight of the Garter , and a Flemish Landscape , and embellished with mosaic glass, 41 inches high, 17 inches wide 48 The next old stained glass avindow, equally fine, representing the arms of a Knight of the Garter , and 2 subjects from Raphael’s Bible , with crest at the top, and richly embellished, the size, 41 inches by 17 49 The next old stained glass ayindow, representing the arms of a Knight of the Garter , a subject from Raphaels Bible , and the Red Rose of England, also finely embellished, the size, 41 inches by 17 50 The centre old stained glass avindoay, of the most rich, vivid, and rare colours, representing the arms of Robert Dudley , Earl of Leicester , and the device of Henry VII. beneath , finely embellished with the old mosaic glass, the size, 41 inches by 17 The arms of the Earl of Leicester were presented by H. Read, Esq., to Horace Walpole. 51 The next old stained glass window is equally fine in colour, including similar subjects and forms the companion to Lot 49 52 The following old stained glass window, also remarkably rich in colour and effect, forms the companion to the Lot 48 53 The last old stained glass window is equally beautiful and effective, and forms the companion to Lot 47, including the Royal Arms THE BEAUCLERC CLOSET. 54 Three fine old pieces of stained glass, forming the upper portion of the window, a centre medallion of a Lion and Fleurs de Lys, surmounted by Crowns, with blue glass to enclose the whole, the size 16 inches by 21 THE WINDOW ON THE STAIRCASE. 55 The small window of fine old stained glass, including the following subjects, Abraham and Isaac, Lot and his Brother separating, Isaac and Rebecca at the Well, and 4 others, the size 30 inches by 16 244 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. THE GREAT NORTH BED CHAMBER. No. U. 56 Ten squares of painted glass, forming the upper part of the two windows, representing the various quarterings of the Walpole family, with beautiful narrow borders 57 A small Gothic window in the recess closet, representing a Portrait of Queen Elizabeth, the Royal Arms and Men Gambling, enclosed by borders of old glass 58 Six pieces of stained glass in the closet door in passage, representing Saints and Coats of Arms THE TRIBUNE. o 59 60 0*4 ' & A MAGNIFICENT OLD STAINED GLASS WINDOW, the colours most rich, vivid and perfect in harmony, the centre subject repre¬ sents our Saviour; the top, the Prodigal Son , and the bottom, Saul before David , with St. James and St. Matthias on either side, the border and groundwork formed of the richest mosaic glass, and in the purest taste, the size, including frame, 5 feet 6 inches high by 3 feet wide An equally beautiful OLD STAINED GLASS WINDOW, formed in unison with the preceding lot, the centre subject represents St. Peter ; the top, God appearing unto Samuel; the bottom, David dancing before the Ark , and on either side St. Matthew and St. Theduous, the size 5 feet 6 inches high by 3 feet wide The corresponding OLD STAINED GLASS WINDOW, equally beautiful, the centre subject represents St. Paul ; the top, St. John the Evangelist writing his Gospel; the bottom, Daniel discovering the Cheat of the Priests of Molock, and the sides, St. James and St. Bartholomew, the size 5 feet 6 inches high by 3 feet wide THE GREAT DINING ROOM. f 62 t ♦ o' &■ The upper part of the centre of the great oriel window , including seven specimens of fine old stained glass, viz., St. Christopher , the Battle of the Amalakites , a group of Heathen Deities , two representing Autumn and Winter , and two Coats of Arms , with blue glass at the top, the size, 32 inches by 24 inches TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 245 No. 24. 63 The corresponding piece at the right, including seven subjects, viz, the Children of Israel gathering Manna, Jacob's Dream, the Triumph o f Time, two Dutch Landscapes and two Figures in graiselle, the size 32 inches by 24 inches 64 An equally beautiful piece to the left , also including seven subjects, viz., the Resurrection, Moses striking the Rock , the Triumph of Fame, Dutch Land¬ scape and Figures Skating, an Allegorical piece and two Cavaliers, the size 32 inches by 24 65 The two smaller pieces of old stained glass at each end with six medallions, re¬ presenting the Meeting of Isaac and Rebecca, Jacob blessing Esau, a Dutch Cobbler at work, whistling to a Bird in a Cage, a most humorous specimen, the Arms of Walpole, and two Floicers, the size, each 32 inches by 11 inches THE WAITING ROOM. 66 Three fine specimens of old stained glass, at the top of the glass door, the subjects represent the Resurrection and two Coats of Arms on either side 67 Four ditto on each side, representing Coats of Arms THE CHINA ROOM. 68 Two beautiful Gothic shaped windows, of fine old stained glass, the subjects represent St. Nicholas, St. Peter and St. Paul and two Allegorical Pieces, with Birds and Fishes at the sides, the size 18 inches by 18 69 Two ditto for the opposite window, with two Coats of Arms and six smaller pieces at each side, the size 18 inches by 18 THE LITTLE PARLOUR. 70 A very beautiful specimen of richly coloured old stained glass, over the door, the Arms of Walpole quartered, with rich mosaic ornaments and border 71 The fine old stained glass in the upper part of the door, the subjects repre¬ sent the Arms of Ayliffe and Frampton quartered, the Death of Absalom and the Emperor Constantine, with several smaller pieces L l 2 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. J46 No. 24. 72 The old stained glass in the upper part of the right-hand window, represent¬ ing the Arms of Frampton , the Vintage and Christ Washing his Disciples Feet , with several smaller pieces 73 The corresponding window, with the Arms of Agliffe , Releasing a Prisoner, and the story of Simon, with other small pieces of Birds, &c. IN THE BEAUTY ROOM. The three compartments of fine old stained glass in the window, the subjects represent St. Matthew , three Coats of Arms and eight smaller pieces of glass in graiselle THE LIBRARY. 75 THE VERY COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL FITTINGS-UP OF the LIBRARY, of GOTHIG DESIGN, with pierced and carved work of the most elaborate and elegant description, forming recesses, the idea being taken from the choir of Dugdale’s, St. Paul’s. The bookcase are arranged into eleven compartments, extending to the four sides of the library; the divisions are formed by pillars with pediment tops; the Gothic arches being enriched with leaves, and springing to a carved ornament, the whole surmounted by a rich Gothic border, most elaborately worked, and forming a truly elegant range of bookcases, perfect in design, taste and workmanship, and offering an opportunity of singular occur¬ rence to noblemen or gentlemen to possess the library designed and erected by Horace Walpole. The width of three of the bookcases is 5 feet 3 each, three others 4 feet 8 each, and the six others 3 feet 7 each by 10 feet 6 in height, the entire length being about 67 feet and nearly 12 feet in height 76 The carved wood and stone chimney piece, the design of the wood work taken from the tomb of John of Eltham, Earl of Cornwall, in Westminster Abbey, and the stone work from that of Thomas, Duke of Clarence, at Canterbury THE HOLBEIN CHAMBER. 77 The stone chimney piece, of unique form, designed by Mr. Bentley, //c , and chiefly taken from the tomb of Archbishop Warham, at Canterbury % TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 247 THE LONG GALLERY. No. 24. 78 The extremely elegant fitting up of the two recesses, finished with gold net work, over looking glass, and most beautiful in effect; the design taken from the tomb of Archbishop Bourchier, at Canterbury; each recess formed of three sides, with circular tops, 8 feet high, 2 feet 9 wide 79 The same beautiful gold net work, over looking glass, as fitted over the fire place, and over the 2 doors, also the carved and gilt chimney piece, designed by Mr. John Chute and Mr. Thomas Pitt, of Baconnoch 80 The five beautifid carved and gilt canopies, copied from the side aisles in Henry the Seventh’s chapel ft 1 The beautifully carved Gothic arch springing over the fire place, most tastefully and elaborately worked, supported by two columns, forming an ornament in accordance with the bookcases, in the true Gothic taste, and most perfect in design, taken from the tomb of John of Eltham, in Westminster Abbey THE ROUND DRAWING ROOM. 82 A SPLENDIDLY CARVED STATUARY MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECE, inlaid with variegated marbles, the design taken from the tomb of Edward the Confessor, the carving executed by Mr. Richter THE GREAT NORTH BED CHAMBER. 83 The beautiful carved and gilt CHIMNEY PIECE OF PORTLAND STONE, of Gothic design, rich in effect, and very elaborate in work¬ manship, formed by an arch springing from two pillars with raised pediments, the idea was taken by Horace Walpole from the tomb of W. Dudley, Bishop of Durham, in Westminster Abbey THE CHAPEL IN THE GROUNDS. O • d? , 84 A VERY FINE ANCIENT STAINED GLASS WINDOW, IN SEVENTEEN compartments, in which are represented the original Portraits of Henry III. and his Queen, with Saints at whole length, Coats of Arms and other devices ; it was a present from the Earl of Ashburnham , and teas brought from the church of B exhill, in Sussex / - The Portraits of Henry and his Queen, are the only ones known; they have been M h: engraved and are more fully described in Horace Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painting. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY'S SALE. 248 No. 24. • >• 6 85 /' it ’ fl 86 iZ- t> t 87 ‘ . o 88 S. ,r - / 89 /* if • 90 Z . £■ - O 91 /f • t 92 93 ?■ 7 * 94 . £>' o 95 3*3. * 96 L r . <4 ' ^ If ./£>•& • / Ci • £ 97 98 99 • 100 2 • c> - £■ 101 102 A magnificent MARBLE SHRINE of the MOST COSTLY MO¬ SAIC, enriched with many valuable specimens of rare and curious mar¬ bles and precious stones, superbly illumined with gold; it is in 3 com¬ partments, supported by twisted columns, and very elaborately worked This ancient and curious relic presents strong claims to the notice of the antiquarian— it at once shews the wonderful power of the ancients in the fine arts. It was erected by Peter Cavalini (who designed the tomb of Edward the Confessor, in Westminster Abbey), in the year 1256, over the bodies of the holy martyrs, Simplicius, Faustina and Beatrix, under the direction of John James Capoccio and Vinia his wife, in the Church of St. Maria Maggiore, at Rome, and was brought from thence in the year 1768. A curious figure of an Angel, in fine old Faenza, a singular specimen of this ancient ware A bronze incense burner with chain Four antique Etruscan vases A splendidly sculptured head in marble, in alto relievo, representing St. John the Baptist, on a marble pedestal, a fine specimen of the work of Donotello. A present from Sir Horace Mann at Florence A beautiful figure of St. Roche, in the fine old Faenza ware A singularly beautiful crucifix, inlaid with mother-o’-pearl and ivory A fine old relic from Mr. Bateman’s collection. yb > c JfuJfiC uta^u ffch <7 £ S? __ / A- Sundry Indian arrows, &c. A large Gothic oak bench, with elbows and high back, designed by Mr. . Bentley A A very curious ancient oak Welch chair, perfectly unique in form eJtwu-ic'K An antique brass tablet, with fine engraving representing a Bishop A pair of fine antique marble Roman urns, or ossuaria, beautifully sculptured in bas relief, with Figures and masques • Two ditto, square shaped, sculptured with wreaths of flowers ^ Ditto Ditto / £ £ . IN THE PLEASURE GROUNDS A pair of imitation stone gothic carved pedestals for flowers A pair of ditto ditto A large and extraordinary fine specimen of braistone, on a stone pedestal A present from Grosvenor Bedford Eeq. / NO. 24. TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. 249 /£•/£' 0 10S A magnificent 3 feet 10 inches ANTIQUE MARBLE SARCOPHA¬ GUS, carved in the finest manner, with sphinxes, festoons, &c., on lion’s paw feet From the collection of Bryan Fairfax, Esq. £■ /. /* / q> • C> 104 / , £ 105 * 106 An antique marble ossuarium, with curious inscription A sculptured stone urn, on a square pedestal Three rustic garden chairs and a stool /'f'V&JX A ZT fz^K. * r~^ China, &c. /. /S . * 107 /O * 6 108 /. 2- Z 109 ^ . c 110 7* & C /' 3 112 4T- C 113 Z. /A ~- £>114 /. //• «H5 /. z/^ 116 p . * U7 /. e 118 Z. 2. r 119 IN THE DAIRY AND LIBRARY OYER THE OFFICES. A very curious antique enamelled candlestick, on brass A pair of white Oriental China Lions, on square pedestals Three ditto, on ditto A fine old enamelled dish, by Bernard Palizzi, ornamented with Frogs, &c- in high relief A very curious Indian joss and a pair of white Oriental China lions, on pedestals A Dragon in Oriental China, very curious, and two pieces of Bow ware, partly gilt Four blue and white Delft dishes A very fine and large Delft dish, with the story of Abraham putting away Agar in the centre, several groups of figures in compartments and flower border, date 1698 A noble blue and white Delft ewer, and 3 blue and white Delft dishes A fine large dish, with whole length Figures, in blue and white, and pierced border, a pure specimen of Delft A pair of octagon dishes of Oriental China, richly mounted, and a pair of oval ditto Two old enamelled dishes, 1 faulty, 2 ditto tureens, a small Oriental China churn, and a blue glass vase A very curious ebony table, with marble slab top £> c*. , s ^ r • t*- . ’ ?. ch £ A / Cliu OL- U U-* - 71 £ A c pctr^ // u~ £C . IN THE DARK ROOM. 2? 120 A curious old chest of drawers, with marble top, originally in the bed chamber of Horace Walpole V- dH- ♦zQ',, •230 TWENTY-FOURTH DAY’S SALE. IN THE ADJOINING CLOSET. No. 21. /, /« 121 An old India japanned coffer S AT. /* F* IN THE LIBRARY OYER THE OFFICES. 122 A most excellent wainscot bookcase, with panelled ends and trellis doors, ^ ^ ^ ^ shelves inside, lock and key, 6 feet 6 wide by 2 feet 6 high 123 Two excellent mahogany library chairs, with elbows and hair seats, and a ^ n , • ZS' UyZt-mL. small chair 124 The range of bookshelves on right-hand of room, with five tiers of shelves and divisions, extending 19 feet 6 k fid- 125 The range of bookcases on left side and end of library, in four divisions ^ with twelve shelves each, painted green and white, extending 32 feet IN THE WORKSHOP. / -S- C 126 The turning lathe as originally used by Horace Walpole /s/ r • o 127 A quantity of tools for the turning lathe l • & 128 Sundries /£ . O /Zf, /• /• Cy /S a - * THE END. Note. —Some inaccuracies will be discovered in the Catalogue, arising from a want >/' su fficient time for its examination, in order to be prepared by the time it was originally announced; these errors will be carefully rectified in the Second Edition, a small portion of which will be printed on large paper. SMITH AND ROBINS, PRINTERS, KING STREET, LONG ACRE. LIBRARY J. PAUL GETTY CP C R