l/U/93 ' to 1+/29/93 ^^■^^M MgaHiKWMffi aBBa assE^^ : m r< •' -^ !t I" 5> p ^ ? i F > ^ 1 ^1 r'^ OP pictures; BOTH ANCIENT AND MODERN, FROM THK OOLLBCTIONS OF THE LATE EDMUND ROUND, ESQ., {by order of the Court), ■ W. W. BOULTON, ESQ., Deceased, Late of Old Swinford, Stourbridge, AND THE PKOPEETY OF A GENTLEMAN, DECEASED, Including " Killiecrankie," by Turner, from the NoYar Collection ; ALSO, PICTURES BY OLD MASTERS, FEOM VAEIOUS PRIVATE SOUECES : WHICH mm be 5olti iju Sluctiou bg Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS. AT THllE ©EEAT E©@Mg, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, [ ^J S'c^^ On SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues Lad, at Alessrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S.W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is, ; aboTe Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of descrii^tion, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description,, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely bo paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared witliin the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1893, AT ONB o'clock PBEOISELY. The following are the Property of the late EDMUND ROUND, Esq. Sold by Order of the Court. ENGRAYINGS, Etc. 1 LlTHOaRAPHS AND PHOTOGRAPHS ; &0. 14 2 Heads of Dogb — a pair — circles 2 3 Yaclitihg Subjects; &c. 4 4 Napoleon at Bassano, after Barker, by Lewis 6 J. S. Forbes, Esq., after H. Herkomer, E. A. — remarque proof // — 6 A Portrait of Pitt ; &e. 8 /J: - 7 Shrimpers, by Eobertson^; &c. 2 DRAWINGS. /J'. — 8 Feeding the Pigeons j and The Fountain — a pair 2 ^u^^^ / O . - 9 On the Seine, at Paris /Ob 10 A Potter ; and Washerwomen 2 ^^vc^!^ W. J. KNEWSTUB. 23 Late ^li^ J. G. PHILP. 24 A Coast Soknb SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A., 1863. ^ 25 The King's Teumpetee /a^y^ " PICTURES. ?. - 26 Horses in a Landscape ; and a head of a horse 2 f. — 27 A Mother and Child ; and a small sea-piece 2 SHAYER. f' _ 28 A Hunting Subject J. CALLOW. ' 29 Shipping, off a port D. a, 1862. ' 30 A Landscape, with shepherd and sheep ^ E. GILL, 1870. /4_ 31 On the River Dochart, Killin 6 F. PONDEL. V 32 A MisBB SHUTZEMBEKGER. "/. /^ . - 33 Italian Coubtship E. SAINTIN. ^ 84 A Child W. H. BICKELBERG. y^/ 35 A Coast Scene, with figures J. F. WYNGAERDT. ^ 37 A Dutch Farm P. L. UJARRIDE. J 38 A Ntmph Sleeping, in a landscape G. SCHREIBER. Z 39 An Italian Peasant Woman J SEIGNAC. 40 Thebadinq the Needle /Zen^^<^ A. M. LINDSH. j/^ 36 A River Scene: Sunset ^^ /l^ff-iy'tyH^-i- /ut. i/o 7 C. MAGNUS. 2. - il A FoBEBT Scene --^ SCHEITEL. 7/2. 42 A" Lake Sobne, with castle P. COLIN. 2 /^ 43 A Fabm Scene VICTOR DUPRlfc. >^ 44 A EiVEP. Scene, with cows LENGO. //{ 45 " Madame est bien Malade " BREYDAEL. (7 46 A Pair of Battle Pieces 2 5> 47 A Pair op Ditto 2 J. DE WET. / 48 The Adoration of the Shepherds — signed ^^^^-'^^-^f ^-c^..^ J)^? GREUZE, ' y 49 Head op a Girl — oval A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. PICTURES. /.J', - 50 EuEOPA, from a Pompeian fresco S. MICHELL. 51 View op a Sea Port 2. J- J. B. YEATS \52 Children with a Concertina F. R. PICKERSGILL, R.A. 53 The Love Letter : Venice W. FOWLER, 2 /^ 54 A View in Normandy MODERN. ^ OA 55 Peace; and Hope — a pair — oval D. 0. HILL, R.S.A, ^/C 56 Stirling Castle '^„o/J^ From the Arrastrong Collection, 1876 ^Vt/e/uJ/. 9 GUIDO BACH. ///4- 57 La Novena, Eome J. LINNELL, Sen. ^^ 58 A Landscape, with figures and sheep — a sketch ^-^i^^c^/^ G. SMITH (of Chichester). J 59 A WooDy Eiveb Scene, with cottage and figure ^a^/^ GUIDO BACH. » V 60 A Bargain : Egypt C. STUART. . /c> - 61 Fruit E. COLEMAN. ?/ 62 Terrier, Fox, and Dead Pheasant H. WALLACE. 6 y{^ 63 Scotch Firs : Donington Park t-^^^l^d-^xA. 9-'^ T. S. COOPER, E.A., 1844. ^ 64 Sunset, with cows. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1846. Q 65 Mountain Sheep : morning mist clearing off >^ 10 W^^ A. NASMYTH. A ^ 66 View op Berwiok-on-Twbbd Signed GIOEGIONE (After). J' 67 A Cavalibe GUIDO BACH. J' 68 Hesitation Tlie following are Sold hy Order of the Executors of the late W. W. BOULTON, Esq., of Stourbridge. DRAWINGS. H. T. MUNN, 1876. 2 ^ 69 A Rooky Efveb Soenb PICTURES. T. S. COOPER, R.A., 1838. c^^-^[^^^ PALMEZZANO DA FORLI. ^^ 78 The Madonna and Child (a ■ Oytpt.C'C^ /o A. DUREK. 79 EooH Homo VAN DEE NEEE. / 80 A Landscape, with figures cutting reeds — onal J. A. GUICHAED. 81 A Coast Sobnbj with shipwreck .c^ J' 12 C. MARATTI. 82 St. Tebesa, with the infant Saviour and ansels P. BKILL. ^ 83 A EiVEB Scene, with sportsmen S. RUYSDAEL. /O- - 84 EuiNB, F1GUEE8, AND Animals /CerV-Ci'^^^''fi^ K. WILSON, B.A. /J- - 85 A Landscape ^.^^^^yyt^iyOCxj, ^yoe^^CCt^J /s A. VAN DEE NEEE. 86 A Town on a Eivbe, with boats and cattle in the foreground Moonlight Signed SIE T. LAWEENCE, E.A. ^ C? 87 Eael Gbet Engraved hy Latham ka^^l^ ^^ C. DE HEUSCH. 88 A LANDSCAPE, with Phillip baptizing the eunuch in the fore- ground Signed 50 in. by 62 in. 13 ^^^^ CANALETTO (After). /^l 89 A "View of Yeniob VAN DEE NEEE. J 90 A EiVER Scene, witli building and animals ^.iZ^yyv^y^, ^f^^cj^ ^ From the Collection of the Bev. Richard Cohbold WISSINQ. 91 PORTBAIT OF QUEBN AkNB F. BOL. 92 A Gentleman, in black dress and white collar Ja-f^z^^er^^^n^ Signed '^rAN DEE HELST, 93 A Gentleman, in black dress and hat, and with lace collar MILANESE SCHOOL. y 94 Boys Bathing— a ^a?r 2 ^^ /^ J. F. SOLEMACKEE. 95 Milking Time 6*^*^^-*-^ T. GAINSBOEOUGH. 1 2 96 The Mower whetting his Scythe A aJ£i^ Mentioned by Governor TJiicJcnesse, in his Life of the Painter, page 39. 14 N. MAES. 97 A Young Pcinob with a Kid Signed and dated ; G. MORLAND. / J J" ^S "^2^ Halt at the Chequbes Inn J. WTNANTS. J Z 99 A LANDSOArE, with peasants and animals near a ruined building Signed J. M. W. TUENER, R.A. 100 A Storm at Sea 4 O J. M. W. TURNER, R.A. V 101 The Companion /h-ct^ft.i.<-<'££i2-^ /oA. A. STOECK. 102 A Harboub Scene, with shipping and figures A '^^;7^^i>^^*^^ BAPTIESTB. //)/^ 103 A Vase of Flowers and Fruits, on a marblo slab ^ VAN KESSEL. 104 A FouEST Scene, with sportsmen 15 ■ '-^ GEEUZE. ?^/4 106 A Family Geoup ^.^c^^^-*^ A. DEL SAETO. . /? y /jy // 106 St. John A^^^^^f^yf^ /^ ' 107 PoETRAiT OF H. CoMPTON, 6th son of Spencer, Earl of North- ampton, died Bishop of London, 1713 J>^'^uy't^^!Ctn,'L^ Z/ 108 The Duchess of Nkwpoet MES. CAEPENTEE. J/- — 109 Portrait of A. Howard, Esq. SIE, J. EEYNOLDS (After). 110 The Age of Innocence SIE A. MOEE. /^ Z 111 A Gentleman in Armour S. EOSA. '^ /^ 112 Head of a Bandit • /(/-pLcut^ ■f EEMBEANDT. . • / 113 Portraits of a Dutch Gentleman and Lady — a pair 2 LEFEVEE. /-. - 114: A Gentleman in Brown Dress and Lace Collar ^■^' ~ 115 A Gentleman in Wig and Lace Scarf ^h^pi^i^i^^^ ^ 16 Th Property of A GENTLEMAN, deceased. DRAWINGS. J. M. W. TUENEE, E.A. .^^ ■ 116 KILLIECEANRIE : Vignette Title, engraved in Scott's l4)se'^ Works, vol. XXV. From the Novar Collection, June 1877 Zo-d^<./ /^ 127 JOAN OF AEC, on finding the sword she had dreamt of in the Church of St. Catherine de Fierbois, devotes herself and it to the service of God and her country Exhibited at the Royal ,Academy, 1847 128 Holt Fabiilt 129 Chagrin d'Amoub UNKNOWN. FEAGONAED. ^.f^^CiO'-z^-o^ , -^y^yc-^^- J^ V 130 Ceicceith Castle 'j^/^ 131 Honey-suckle A. HAETLAND. J. HAYLLAE. 18 ^^^^ C. JONES. c//i 132 Portrait of a Horse {^^^^j»vt^ r C. S. LIDDERDAT.K. / O 133 Maiden Meditation ^ P. R. MORRIS, A.R.A. J'/ 134 Breezy England R. PLUMBE //. /6'- " 135 A View of a Town POOLE. ^ 136 Vanity G. TOWNE, 1840. 0^ 137 An Old Favourite VAN DER NEER. ' /. /o ■ - 138 A View in Holland ^^^^ZrPt^^eyi- A. WEISZ. /J' 139 Foster Brothers and Sisters / N. WRIGHT. 140 In Dreamland finis. London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charinii Cross. Z.ry J r d ^f\ ^jkji I\ .^\ Si ' ,-y /; m V ^ f t ^A^ ^Ih.^^. mr .^^ .fir ^ ^"'^ ^FF