CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 VIRGIN ENTHRONED WITH SAINTS BY RAPHAEL THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS BY BRYSON BURROUGHS CURATOR DEPARTMENT OF PAINTINGS SIXTH EDITION NEW YORK M C M X X I 1 FIRST EDITION, COPYRIGHT, FEBRUARY, I914 SECOND EDITION, COPYRIGHT, FEBRUARY, I916 THIRD EDITION, COPYRIGHT, JUNE, 1917 FOURTH EDITION, COPYRIGHT, MARCH, I919 FIFTH EDITION, COPYRIGHT, JUNE, I92O SIXTH EDITION, COPYRIGHT, FEBRUARY, IQ 22 BY THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART T;!£Ccrv.... PREFACE A n alphabetical arrangement by the names of artists, or by schools where the artists are unknown, is followed in this book. In the attempt to solve the problem of number- ^ ing a rapidly growing collection of paintings, the experi- ment has been made here of adapting the C. A. Cutter system, long in use in libraries. To use the catalogue it is not necessary to be familiar with the system of numbering, but for those who may be interested an explanation follows. It consists of a combination of letters and numbers, composed of the initial letter of the author’s name followed by numbers that represent the succeeding letters of the same, so that additional entries can be inserted without disturbing the sequence of the letters or the numerals. By this system the number, instead of being an arbitrary tag affixed to the picture, has a logical connection with it and its place in the catalogue, and the usual finding list is done- away with. The plan has the advantage of being thoroughly logical and flexible, and the com- pilers of this catalogue believe that it will be considered an improve- ment over the prevailing methods, at least for the purpose of this collection. The C. A. Cutter Two-Figure Author Table, which has been used in numbering this collection, calls for one letter for names be- ginning with a consonant (except S) and two for names beginning with vowels orS. Thus Abi is Abbey and R28 is Rembrandt. When it is necessary to make a close classification an additional number is used. Thus M61 is Millais, J. E.; M61 1 Miller, C. H.; M612 Miller, R. E.; M613 Millet, F. D.; M614 Millet, J. F. The number after the dash indicates the order of acquisition of works by an artist. Thus R28-1 is the first painting by Rembrandt acquired by the Museum; R28-2 is the second; and so on. Works lent begin with 5 1 after the dash. Thus, following the nine paintings by Stuart owned by the Museum come the Stuarts lent, which begin with St9~5i. To indicate that a picture is the work of an unknown artist of a certain school, a capital S is added. Thus R28S is School V PREFACE of Rembrandt; Am3S is American School; the Italian School has been further subdivided to mdicate particular sections of Italy;, thus It5S is Italian School and It5S-F2 is Florentine, second picture acquired. The gallery number, given immediately below the number of the picture, shows its location at the time of the publication of the catalogue. When no gallery number is given, it indicates that the painting is not on exhibition. The information about each picture is arranged in three para- graphs: 1. Biographical note of the artist. 2. Title; biographical note if a portrait, or historical note if an event is depicted; description. The words right and left, when not otherwise stated, refer to the right and left of the spectator. Doubtful attributions and changes in attributions are noted; in the case of works lent to the Museum, the owner’s attribution has generally been retained. 3. Height and width of the picture, without frame, given in inches; material on which it is painted; when not painted in oil, then the medium, such as water color or pastel; the signature in capitals or capitals and small capitals if the artist has written it thus, othea-wise in capitals and small letters; reference to the monthly Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art if the picture has been described or illustrated therein; the fund through which it was purchased or the name of the donor if it is a gift or a bequest; year of acquisition. VI TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Preface ........ Table of Contents ...... List of Illustrations . . . . . Introduction . ...... Catalogue ....... Appendix ....... A. Artists Represented, Arranged by Schools B. A List of Portraits Arranged by Subjects C. Classification by Galleries V vii ix xi I 355 , 357 366 371 vn LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints, by Raphael Title Joan of Arc, by Jules Bastien-Lepage 12 Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius, by Botticelli ... 13 Meditation on the Passion, by Vittore Carpaccio ... 20 The Aegean Sea, by Frederic E. Church 21 The Sleep of Diana, by Jean Baptiste Camille Corot . . 52 PiETA, by Carlo Crivelli 53 The Abduction of Rebecca, by Eugene Delacroix ... 76 Paradise, by Giovanni di Paolo 77 Portrait of a Woman, by Frans Hals 1 14 The Merry Company, by Frans Hals 115 Margaret Wyatt, Lady Lee, by Hans Holbein . . . . 126 Northeaster, by Winslow Homer 127 Peace and Plenty, by George Inness 136 Boy with a Sword, by Edouard Manet 137 Harp of the Winds; a View on the Seine, by Homer D. Martin 152 Adoration OF THE Kings, by Quentin Massys . . . . 153 Betrothal of Saint Catherine, by Hans Memling . . 196 Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels, by Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano 197 Portrait of a Man, by Rembrandt 220 Old Woman Cutting Her Nails, by Rembrandt .... 221 IX LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FACING PAGE Portrait of the Artist, by Rembrandt 236* Madame Charpentier and Her Children, by Pierre Auguste Renoir 237 Hon. Henry Fane with His Guardians, Inigo Jones and Charles Blair, by Sir Joshua Reynolds 244 Wolf and Fox Hunt, by Peter Paul Rubens 245 Henry G. Marquand, by John S. Sargent 260 George Washington (Gibbs-Channing-Avery Portrait), by Gilbert Stuart 261 Saltash, by Joseph Mallord William Turner 284 James Stuart, Duke of Lennox, by Anthony Van Dyck . 285 Philip IV of Spain, by Velazquez 302 Young Woman with a Water Jug, by Johannes Vermeer . 303 Mars and Venus United by Love, by Paolo Veronese . . 306 Arrangement in Flesh Color and Black; Theodore Duret, by James A. McNeill Whistler 307 Floor Plan 362 X INTRODUCTION T he beginning of the Museum’s collection of pictures dates from 1871 when 174 paintings of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries became its property. These were bought the year previous in Europe by William T. Blodgett, a Trustee of the Museum, who held them until the Museum was able to make the purchase. One hundred of the number belonged to the Comte Cornit de Ways Ruart de Vanech and were acquired in Brussels through Etienne Le Roy, the official expert of the Royal Museum of Belgium; fifteen others were ac- quired through M. Le Roy; and the remaining fifty-nine were pur- chased in Paris. Many excellent pictures were included in these collections: The Old Fiddler by van Ostade, Dutch Kermesse by Jan Steen, Drawing the Eel by S. Ruysdael, Hille Babbe by Frans Hals, three works by Tiepolo, and two by Guardi, to name only a few. A building at 681 Fifth Avenue was prepared for the exhibi- tion of this collection, and, as stated in the first catalogue, published in 1872, the results led the Trustees to believe that their institution was permanently established upon a sure basis and would “become a most important agent in developing a taste and knowledge of art *■ in this community.’’ The second great accretion of pictures, and the most important event in the history of the Department of Paintings, occurred in 1888 when Henry G. Marquand gave 53 pictures which placed the collection immediately in a position of considerable prominence. The Van Dycks, the three Hals, the Rembrandts, the Vermeer, the strange and beautiful work ascribed to Lucas van Leyden, the double portrait of the early Florentine school, the variant of Van Eyck’s Madonna of the Fountain, Saltash by Turner, these and the others of the donation fix the Marquand gift among the most notable benefactions ever made to public collections. The effect of the gift on the growth of the Museum and on the development of culture in America has been incalculable. In com- memoration of Mr. Marquand’s services and munificence, Gal- xi INTRODUCTION lery ii at the head of the great staircase was set apart in 1911 for the exhibition of distinguished paintings of any school, and was called by his name. Several of the pictures included in his giff are shown in the Marquand Gallery, but the quality of the works he gave, whether exhibited here or distributed in the other rooms, is the real reminder of his connoisseurship and generosity. Other gifts were received. Cornelius Vanderbilt gave the fresco of Saint Christopher by Pollaiuolo in 1880; Junius S. Morgan, the large portraits of the Hon. Henry Fane and His Guardians by Reynolds in 1887; and in the same year the Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Bequest, consisting of a collection of 148 modern paintings and a fund for its maintenance and increase, became the property of the Museum. Her collection included pictures of worth and out of the Wolfe Fund have been bought many of the best modern pictures now shown — Turner’s Whale Ship, Delacroix’s L’Enlevement de Rebecca, Corot’s Sleep of Diana, and Renoir’s Charpentier Family among the number. Some pictures given in these early days were works in general favor at the moment, the popularity of which has not survived. Many of these are no longer on exhibition. They have performed their task in our genesis, however, giving pleasure to many for a number of years. Certain others, on the contrary, now numbered among the most precious, were not considered so highly at the time they were given. In this category are the two Hunting Scenes by Piero di Cosimo from Robert Gordon in 1875 and the Boy with a Sword and the Girl with a Parrot, both by Manet, which Erwin Davis (also the donor of the Jeanne d’Arc by Bastien Lepage) had the boldness and foresight to give as early as 1889. The year 1893 marks the first participation of George A. Hearn in the growth of the collection. Thirteen years later he carried out the plan of a fund for the purchase of contemporary American paintings, increased since by the Arthur Hoppock Hearn Fund given by Mr. Hearn in memory of his son for the same purpose. With the advice and help of the donor, until his death in 1913, the income from these funds has already yielded 55 works, to which many more have been added by gift from Mr. Hearn. The collec- tion of American art of to-day from this and other sources is the most complete branch of the collection and gives a wide representa- tion of what is being done in our own country. In 1913 the important bequest from Benjamin Altman was re- ceived. The collection, remarkable for the wide range of interest it embraces and the prominence of its contents, includes fifty-one pictures. Among these are Dutch paintings of the seventeenth century, thirteen by Rembrandt among them, as well as examples by Vermeer, Hals, and others; a very remarkable group of primi- xii INTRODUCTION tives, Memling, Botticelli, Mantegna, Antonello da Messina, Hol- bein being among the artists represented; and works by Velazquez, Giorgione, Titian, and Van Dyck. The collection according to the terms of the bequest must be exhibited as a whole; it has been tem- porarily installed in the five rooms to the right of the Marquand Gallery. In 1920 the Museum received as a bequest from William K. Vanderbilt a notable collection of sixteenth-, seventeenth-, and eigh- teenth-century paintings, which include important examples by Hol- bein, Boucher, Greuze, Gainsborough, Reynolds, Rembrandt, and other Dutch masters. At all stages in the history of the collection valuable aid has been given by those who have generously lent their pictures. Mr. Morgan, besides his gifts of Columbus by Sebastiano del Piombo, The Assumption of the Virgin by Benvenuto di Giovanni, The Argo- nauts by Pesellino, and many more, helped continually by lending works from his collection. With but few exceptions the pictures that he acquired after 1906 were shown in the Museum and many of them have never left its walls since their purchase by him. In 1 9 1 6, his son, J. Pierpont Morgan, presented to the Museum the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints by Raphael, the so-called Colonna Madonna, which had been on exhibition in the Museum since his father lent it in 1912. In the following year the Museum received as gifts from Mr. Morgan all the pictures lent from his father’s collection which were at that time in the Museum. This munificent gift consisted of works of various schools and included such masterpieces as the Visit to the Nursery by Metsu and the great Roger van der Weyden. By the will of Hugo Reisinger the Museum received in 1914 a fund for the purchase of modern German art. In 1915 Maria de Witt Jesup bequeathed seventy-one pictures from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, and a fund for the maintenance and increase of the collection. The regular buying of paintings began in 1905, after the receipt of the Rogers Fund, the first of the great bequests and gifts of money by which the Museum has been enriched. The Nativity by El Greco was the first painting bought out of this fund, which for four or five years was the single great source available for pur- chases without restrictions as regards schools. With the Hewitt Fund, 1908, and the Kennedy Fund, 1910, the possibilities were largely increased, the latter in particular being utilized conspicu- ously for the benefit of the painting collection. Many of the important purchases of the last seven years — Wolf and Fox Hunt by Rubens, Mars and Venus by Veronese, Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius by Botticelli, Meditation on the Passion by Carpaccio, Four Saints by Correggio, and others — ^are due to the Kennedy xiii INTRODUCTION Fund. The purchases out of the Leland gift, 1912, are the Mouth of the Scheldt by Van de Cappelle and the Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes by Tintoretto. While these funds are most frequently drawn upon for the pur- chase of paintings, the following are all available: Marquand Fund, 1894; Dodge Fund, 1899; Curtis Fund, 1901; Amelia B. Lazarus Fund, 1906; Avery Memorial Fund, 1907; Smith Fund, 1911; and Egleston Fund, 1912. Of these the Smith Fund is absolutely un- restricted, the others must be used to purchase works of art, and the Curtis Fund, by the terms of the gift, must be used to purchase paintings by old masters and those of the early English school. The Marquand gift is employed to increase the Marquand collection of old masters. Bryson Burroughs Curator of Paintings xvi CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS CATALOGUE OF PAINTINGS A ABBEY, Edwin A. American; born 1852 at Philadelphia; died 191 1 at London, England, where he had lived during the latter part of his life. Studied at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia, then entered the art department of Harper and Brothers in New York City. Illustrator and mural decorator. Abi-i KING LEAR. (From Shakespeare’s play of King Lear, Gallery act i, scene i.) In the center stands Cordelia, dressed in 13 pale yellow, who extends her hand to the King of France who bends down to kiss it; the Princess turns to address her two older sisters, Goneril and Regan, who stand at the left, the one wearing a black cloak lined with red and the other a rich red robe. At the right, the aged King, in a white robe, is being led away by his attendants and is followed by his hound. The costumes are adapted from twelfth century styles. H. 54J in. W. 127J in. Canvas. Signed: E. A. Abbey, 1898. Bulletin, 1913, p. 146, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1913. Abi-2 THE DIRGE OF THE THREE QUEENS. (From The Two Noble Kinsmen, perhaps by John Fletcher, act I., scene 5.) A funeral procession with three coffins and mourners seen passing over a hilltop against the sunset sky. H.29in. W.45jin. Pastel. Signed: E. A. Abbey 1895. Gift of Mrs. Edwin A. Abbey, 1918. ACHENBACH, Andreas. German (Diisseldorf); born 1815 at Kassel; died 1910 at Diisseldorf. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy under Schirmer and Schadow. Landscapes. 5 ACHENBACH - ALEXANDER Ac4-- sunset AFTER A STORM; COAST OF SICILY. Gallery At the left is the sea; in the foreground are wreckage i8 and men in a life-boat; at the right, behind a cliff, the sun is setting. H. 32} in. W. 42§ in. Canvas. Signed: A. Achen- bach 1853. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. ACHENBACH, Oswald. German (Diisseldorf); born 1827 at Diisseldorf; died there 1905. Pupil of his brother, Andreas Achenbach. Landscapes. AC41-1 NEAR NAPLES; MOONRISE. A roadway with Gallery peasants grouped about a stone fountain. 18 H.39jin. W. 56Jin. Canvas. Signed: Osw. Achenbach. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. AEKEN, Hieronymus van. See Bosch, Hieronymus. ALEXANDER, John W. American; born 1856 at Allegheny, Pa.; died, 1915, in New York City. Studied in Munich, Paris, and Florence. President National Academy of Design from 1909. Portraits and mural decorations. WALT WHITMAN. (1819-1892; American poet.) Life-size, seated figure, seen to below the knees; he has long silvery white hair and beard; brownish background. H. 5oin. W.qoin. Canvas. Signed: J. W. Alexander-89. Gift of Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank, 1891. STUDY IN BLACK AND GREEN. Life-size, seated figure of a young woman, seen to below the knees; she is fastening a red flower on her low-necked, black and green striped gown ; a curtained window forms the background. H. 50 in. W. 40 in. Canvas. Signed: J. W. Alexander. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1908. THE RING. Life-size figure of a young woman, seen to below the knees; she is seated on a couch with her back to a window and looks at a ring held in her right hand; she wears a greenish dress; a straw hat with pink roses lies on her lap. H. 48! in. W. 36! in. Canvas. Signed: John W. Alexander 1911. Bulletin, 1912, p. 135, ill. Gift of Mrs. Herbert S. Greims, in memory of Arthur Hoppock Hearn, 1912. AI2-1 Gallery 16 AI2-2 Gallery 15 AI2-3 Gallery 13 4 ALLEGRI— AMERICAN SCHOOL ALLEGRI, Antonio. See Correggio. ALLSTON, Washington. American; born 1779 at Waccamaw, S. C.; died 1843 Cambridgeport, Mass. Pupil of Benjamin West in London; studied also in Paris and Rome. Legendary and historical subjects. AI51-1 A SPANISH GIRL. Full-length figure of a young woman Gallery in a brownish-red bodice, seated on a grassy knoll 16 in the foreground; ruins and mountains form the back- ground. H. 30 in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Gift of Lyman G. Bloomingdale, 1901. AI51-2 THE DELUGE. Wreckage and dead bodies are on Gallery the beach in the foreground; stormy surf beyond; heavy 16 rain clouds. H. 48 in. W. 65J in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1909, p. 89. Gift of William M. Chase, 1909. AMERICAN SCHOOL. Am3S-i MISS FOOTE. (1797?- 1867; an actress who in 1831 married Charles Stanhope, fourth Earl of Harrington.) Life-size, seated figure, seen almost to the knees; she wears a low-necked white dress of the style of the early nineteenth century. Has been attributed to Lawrence. H. 30 in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Bequest of Margaretta Jones, 1907. Am3S-2 COLONEL MARINUS WILLETT. (1740-1830; of- ficer of New York Militia, 1775-78; Sheriff of New York, 1784-92; Mayor of New York, 1807-8; President of the Electoral College, 1824.) Full-length, life-size portrait; painted 1790-1800. He stands with the right arm ex- tended; landscape background. He wears the Continen- tal uniform — a dark blue coat, white waistcoat and breeches, black cocked hat. The sword presented by Congress is at his side, and on the left lapel of his coat is the Order of the Cincinnati consisting of a bald eagle suspended from a blue ribbon with white border, symbol- izing the union of France and America. H. 9iJ in. W. 56 in. Canvas. Bequest of George Willett van Nest, 1917. Am3S-3 CHRISTOPHER COLLES. (1738-1821; American en- gineer; projector of the first waterworks system for New 5 AMERICAN SCHOOL — ANGELICO York.) Early nineteenth-century work. H. 30I in. W. 25I in. Canvas. Gift of Dr. Christopher J. Colies, 1917. AMES, Ezra. American; born 1768, died 1836. Portrait painter in Albany, New York. Am3i-5i CATHERINE VAN SCHAICK. (1751-1830; wife of Wing H General Peter Gansevoort.) Seated figure seen to the Base- waist; she wears a white ruffled cap, and a black net ment scarf; her hands are folded in her lap. H. 29J in. W. 23! in. Canvas. Lent by Roland N. Moore in memory of Mrs. Abraham Lansing of Albany, 1919. AMES, Joseph. American; born 1816 at Roxbury, N. H.; died 1872 at New York City. Am32-i JAMES TOPHAM BRADY. (1815-1869; a member of the New York bar.) Life-size bust in an oval; he has brown, curly hair, moustache, and goatee. H. 30 in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Signed: J. Ames. 1869. Bulletin, 1910, p. 175, ill. Gift of Erancis Lynde Stetson, 1910. ANGELICO, Era Giovanni; real name Guido (or Guidolino) di Pietro da Mugello; called also Giovanni da Eiesole, Beato Angelico, and II Beato. Italian (Elorentine); born 1387 at Vecchio in the province of Mugello; died 1455 near Rome. Entered the convent of San Domenico at Eiesole near Florence, and about 1436 went to the monastery of San Marco in Florence. Painted frescoes, altarpieces, and devotional pictures. An4~i THE CRUCIFIXION. In the center Christ is on the Gallery cross, at the base of which kneels Mary Magdalen between 37 St. Dominic at the left and St. Thomas Aquinas at the right; beyond at the left stand the Virgin, a bishop (St. Augustine ?), and a female saint (St. Monica ?); at the right are St. John the Evangelist, St. Francis, and St. Elizabeth of Hungary. A palm tree is at each side of the cross. H. 15! in. W. 2ifin. Tempera. Transferred from wood to canvas. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. 6 ANTONELLO DA MESSINA — ASCH ANTONELLO DA MESSINA, real name Antonello degli Antonii. Italian (Venetian); born about 1430 presumably at Mes- sina; died 1479. In the early seventies he went to Venice and from that time his influence on the artists of that city is noticeable, as is also the effect of the Venetian painting on his work. He was the first Italian to use consistently the method of painting with colors ground in oil. An8i-i PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN. Life-size head and Gallery part of shoulders of a smiling youth of about seventeen, 37 seen three-quarters toward the left. He has reddish hair and wears a dark cap with a band hanging down upon the right shoulder. H. lof in. W. 8 i in. Wood. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. APT, Ulrich, the Elder. German; born at Augsburg, where he appears to have been admitted to the painters' guild in i486; mentioned for the last time in 1532. Ap8-i PORTRAIT OF A MAN AND HIS WIFE. A double Gallery portrait with the figures seen to the waist; the man is 34 at the left and wears a black coat lined with brown fur, and a fur cap; the woman has a dark green, low-necked gown and a close-fitting white headdress; through a window back of the man is a view of a town with a winding river and distant mountains. Inscribed with their ages: 52 and 35. H. i3y\ in. W. 24! in. Wood. Dated: 1512. Bul- letin, 1912, p. 150, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1912. ARETINO. See Spinello Aretino. ASCH, Pieter Jansz. van. Dutch; born 1603 at Delft; died there 1678. Landscapes. As2-i landscape with WATERFALL. Brown fore- ground with a waterfall and a rocky hillside at the left; near the center are two tall trees and in the roadway be- yond is a group of peasants. H. 151 in. W. 132- in. Wood. Purchase, 1871. 7 B BACA-FLOR, Carlos. French-Peruvian; born 1869. Studied in Paris; lives in Paris and New York City. B12-1 J. PIERPONT MORGAN. (1837-1913; New York Wing F financier; elected a Trustee of The Metropolitan Museum Gallery of Art in 1888 and its President from 1904 until his death.) 12 Life-size, standing figure, seen to below the knees; his clenched right hand rests on a table beside him and his left hand is in his trousers pocket; a red chair shows at the right. H. 62 in. W. 59 in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1913, p. 64, ill. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1910. BAIXERAS-VERDAGUER, Dionisio. Spanish; born 1862 at Barcelona; lives there. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux- Arts of Barcelona. B 161-1 BOATMEN AT BARCELONA. Three men seated in a rowboat. H. 59 in. W. 82I in. Canvas. Signed: D. BAIXE- RAS 1886. Gift of George I. Seney, 1886. BAKER, George A. American; born 1821 at New York; died there 1880. Pupil of his father, a miniature painter; studied in Europe. B17-1 JOHN F. KENSETT. (1818-1872; American landscape painter.) Life-size, seen almost to the waist; he has brown hair, moustache, and side whiskers. H. 27 in. W. 22 in. Canvas. Signed: G. A. Baker 1875. Gift of several gentlemen, 1881. BAKKER-KORFF, Alexander Hugo. Dutch; born 1824 at The Hague; died 1882 at Leyden, where he had lived 8 BAKKER-KORFF— BAROCCIO since 1856. Pupil of The Hague Academy under Cor- nelius Kruseman. Genre subjects, often satirical; known as the Dutch Meissonier. B171-1 BRIC-A-BRAC. An old woman seated near a table Gallery in a room filled with objects of art. 18 H. 7I in. W. 5I in. Wood. Signed: A. H. Bakkcr- Korff— 68. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. BARBARELLI, Giorgio. See Giorgione. BARGUE, Charles. French; born at Paris; died there 1883. Pupil of G^r6me. Also lithographer. B23-1 A FOOTMAN SLEEPING. A man in a dark blue livery is seated on a carved settee in a hallway. H. i3Jin. W. lojin. Wood. Signed: C. Bargve-71. Bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix, 1881. B23-2 A BASH I BAZOUK. (A volunteer in the Turkish Gallery army.) A dark-skinned man is seated in a cave-like 18 interior, smoking a hooka. H. i8/e in. W. i3in. Canvas. Signed: BARGVE-75. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. BARKER, Thomas; known as Barker of Bath. British (English); born 1769 near the village of Pontypool in Monmouth- shire; died 1847 Bath. Began as a coach painter; then copied works of old Dutch and Flemish masters; later visited Rome. Landscapes and rural life. B24-1 LANDSCAPE. At the left, a herd of asses is being driven by a girl; at the right are thick woods and a road on which are a wagon and several figures, f or- merly attributed to -Gainsborough. H. 56 in. W. 75I in. Canvas. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1890. BAROCCIO, Federigo. Italian (Umbrian); born 1528 (?) at Urbino; died there 1612. Pupil of Battista Franco; copied works of Titian at Pesaro and of Raphael in Rome; decorated parts of the Vatican. B261-1 HOLY FAMILY. At the right, on the steps in the foreground, stand the young St. John, St. Elizabeth, and St. Zacharias; and at- the left St. Joseph raises a dark blue curtain; in the room beyond, the Madonna 9 BAROCCIO— BASSANO is rocking the cradle in which the Child lies asleep; a cat and kittens are on her red dress. H. 28J in. W. 24 in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1906, p. 72. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. BARONZIO, Giovanni of Rimini. Italian (School of the Marches); died before 1362. He combined the teaching of Giotto with the Byzantine tradition which existed in the Marches. B262-1 SCENES FROM HOLY SUBJECTS. Eight equal- Gallery sized panels in a vertical arrangement of two panel 33 width. Beginning at the upper left the subjects are as follows: I. Coronation of the Virgin by Christ; 2. Four female figures of Saints and Martyrs; 3. Descent from the Cross; 4. Piet a; 5. Christ in Limbo; 6. Transfigura- tion; 7. The Last Supper; 8. The Last Judgment. H. 26 in. W. 14I in. Tempera on wood transferred to canvas. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1909. BARTOLO DI FREDI; also known as Bartolommeo Manfredi. Italian (Sienese); born 1330 at Siena; died there 1410. Follower of the brothers Lorenzetti. B28-1 CRUCIFIXION. Christ is on the cross and winged Gallery angels are catching the blood from the wounds in His 33 hands; the crucified thieves are also shown; soldiers and populace are grouped around the base of the cross; the fainting Virgin and the Marys are at the left. Attrib- uted to Bartolo di Fredi by Bernhard Berenson; pre- viously attributed to Spinello Aretino. H.2o^in. W. 38J in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1912, p. 54. ill- Purchase, Rogers Fund, 19 ii. BASSANO; real name, Jacopo da Ponte. Italian (Venetian); born 1510 at Bassano, in the Venetian State; died there 1592. Pupil of his father, Francesco da Ponte, a fol- lower of Bellini; also worked with Bonifazio at Venice. His four sons assisted him. B29-51 LAZARUS AND THE RICH MAN. A garden with the Gallery nude figure of Lazarus reclining on the ground at the left; 29 a lady and two men are seated at a table and a boy stands in the center of the picture with two dogs near him. H. 57J in. W. 87! in. Canvas. 10 BASSANO— BEAL Lent by Dan Fellows Platt, 1910. Copies of paintings by Bassano; see Teniers. T251-5 and T251-6. BASTIEN-LEPAGE, Jules. French; born 1848 at Damvillers; died 1884 at Paris. Pupil of Cabanel; influenced by Courbet. Peasant subjects and portraits. B292-1 JOAN OF ARC. (1412- 1431; the Maid of Orleans, Gallery who was inspired to deliver France from the English; 21 she led the French troops and assisted at the crown- ing of Charles VI 1 at Rheims.) A young peasant girl stands in front of a tree in the garden of her home; behind her, at the left, her vision is indicated by vague figures of St. Michael in armor who holds a sword toward her, St. Catherine with hands clasped, and St. Margaret who is weeping. H. 100 in. W. iiojin. Canvas. Signed: J. Bastien- Lepage, Damvillers Meuse 1879. Gift of Erwin Davis, 1889. B292-2 AN ANXIOUS MOMENT. An old peasant lighting his pipe in the wind. H. lyf in. W. 8f in. Canvas. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. BAZZI, Giovanni Antonio de. See Sodoma. BEAL, Gifford. American; born 1879 in New York City; lives there. Pupil of Chase and F. V. Du Mond. Painter of marines, landscapes, and figures. B36-1 MAYFAIR. Numerous people moving about in a park Gallery where there are fountains and trees. 15 H.28in. W. 25! in. Canvas. Signed: Gifford Beal 13. Bulletin, 1914, p. 150; ill. p. 155. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1914. B36-2 THE ALBANY BOAT. There are peop’e mostly wo- Gallery men and children in light summer costumes, gathered on 15 the roadway which leads down to the steamboat landing; a building and a clump of trees are at the left and tall trees at the right; between, one sees the great white Al- bany boat, the blue Hudson, and the green hills on the opposite shore; strong sunlight. H.36fin. W.6oJin. Canvas. Signed: Gifford Beal. 15. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1917. II BEATO ANGELICO— BEECHEY BEATO ANGELICO. See Angelico. BEAUX, Cecilia. American; contemporary; born in Philadelphia; lives in New York City. Pupil of William Sartain in Philadelphia; Julian and Lazar schools in Paris. Portrait painter. B38-1 A GIRL IN WHITE; ERNESTA. Full-length figure Gallery of a young woman, who is dressed in white and seated 15 on a white sofa; before her is a table on which are a candlestick and a Chinese white porcelain jar on a teak- wood stand; back of her is a mirror. H. 71 Jin. W. 43fin. Canvas. Signed; Cecilia Beaux. Bulletin, 1915, p. 1 52, ill. Purchase, Arthur Hoppock Hearn Fund, 1915. BECKER, Carl Ludwig Friedrich. German; born 1820 in Berlin; died there 1900. Pupil of Munich Academy. Genre and historical subjects. B382-1 ADELHEID AND THE BISHOP OF BAMBERG. (A scene in Goethe’s play, Gotz von Berlichingen.) An interior with Adelheid and the Bishop of Bamberg play- ing chess; beyond are ladies and gentlemen, one of whom is playing a lute. H. 50^ in. W. 67 in. Canvas. Signed: C. Becker. Gift of Mrs. Anna Woerishoffer, 1899. BEECHEY, Sir William. British (English); born 1753 at Bur- ford, Oxfordshire; died 1839 at Hampstead, London. Pupil of the Royal Academy Schools in London. Portraits. B39-1 H. R. H. THE DUKE OF YORK. (1763-1837; Gallery Frederick Augustus, second son of King George HI.) 24 Life-size, standing portrait, seen to the knees; his scarlet coat is elaborately trimmed with gold braid, and a black cloak, on which the star of the Order of the Garter is embroidered, hangs from his left shoulder; various orders are on his breast. H.63in. W.5ijin. Canvas. Gift of T. J. Blakeslee, 1895. B39-2 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Life-size figure, seen to be- Gallery low the knees; she is seated in a landscape and wears a 14 white, short-waisted, low-necked gown and an orange scarf. H. 50 in. W. 401^6^ in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1905. 12 JOAN OF ARC BY jllFHS BASTIFN-LKI’A(}F / THREE MIRACLES OF SAINT ZENOBIUS BY BOTTICELLI BEERSTRAATEN — BELLOWS BEERSTRAATEN, Jan Abrahamsz. Dutch; bom 1622 at Am- sterdam; died there 1666. Landscapes. B392-1 SNOW SCENE. A frozen river with skaters in the foreground; in the middle distance is a church. H. 36J in. W. 5 if in. Canvas. Signed: F. Beerstraa- ten Pingit. Bulletin, 1911, p. 171. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1911. BEHAM, Barthel. German; born 1502 at Nuremberg; died 1540, probably in Italy. Follower of Diirer. Portraits. B393-1 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Leonardt von Eck or Johann Gallery Mayr von Eck.) Seen to the waist with arms folded; he 34 wears a brilliant red cap, and a full white tunic shows above a loose grayish robe; dark background immediately back of the head. H. 22g- in. W. 14I in. Wood. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1912. BELLINI, Giovanni. Italian (Venetian); born at Venice about 1428; died there 1516. Pupil of his father, Jacopo Bellini; influenced by the school of Squarcione at Padua. Worked chiefly at Venice where, in 1479, he was ap- pointed to redecorate the Ducal Palace. B41-1 MADONNA AND CHILD. Seated figure of the Gallery Madonna, seen to the knees; she wears a deep blue 30 mantle and the nude Child is held on her left knee; an orange-red curtain is back of the Madonna at the right and at the left a town and a range of distant mountains. H. 35fin. W. 28 t\ in. Wood. Signed: lOANNES BELLINVS. Bulletin, 1908, p. 180, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1908. B41-52 MADONNA AND CHILD. The Madonna in a red gown and a blue mantle stands behind a parapet on which the nude Child stands; he caresses her chin, but she turns away from him. Green curtain background showing mountain landscapes at each side. Attributed to Bellini. H.20jin. W. 14} Jin. Wood. Lent by C. C. Stillman in memory of his father James Stillman, 1921. BELLOWS, George W. American; born 1882 at Columbus, Ohio; lives in New York City. Pupil of Robert Henri. B411-1 UP THE HUDSON. Riverside Park, New York, is Gallery in the foreground; railroad tracks and docks are at the 12 river’s edge and the Jersey shore is in the distance. 3 BELLOWS— BERCHEM H. 35f in. W. 48! in. Canvas. Signed: Geo. Bellows. Bulletin, 191 1, p. 67, ill. Gift of Hugo Reisinger, 1911. BENJAMIN-CONSTANT, Jean Joseph. French; born 1845 Paris; died there 1902. Pupil of Cabanel; influenced by Delacroix and Regnault. B431-1 JUSTINIAN IN COUNCIL. (482?-565; Byzantine Emperor.) The emperor is seated on the throne; three councillors are seated at each side and in the foreground is a figure with his back to the spectator. H. 148 in. W. 260 in. Canvas. Signed: 1886 Benj-Con- stant. Gift of Godfrey Mannheimer, 1890. BENOZZO GOZZOLI. See Gozzoli. BENSON, Frank W. American; born 1862 at Salem, Mass.; lives in Boston. Pupil of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts School and of Julian Academy in Paris under Bouguereau and Lefebvre. B44-1 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Life-size, seated figure. Gallery seen to below the waist; she wears a low-necked black 15 and green dress and a black hat with feathers; yellow autumn leaves form the background. H. 4O1V in. W. 32I in. Canvas. Signed: F. W. Benson 1901. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1906. BENVENUTO DI GIOVANNI; also known as Benvenuto da Siena. Italian (Sienese); born 1436 at Siena; died after 1517. Pupil of Vecchietta. B442-1 ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN. The Virgin, in Gallery a white robe, is surrounded by red-winged cherubim 31 and angels with musical instruments; at the right and left are prophets and apostles; in the foreground is the empty sarcophagus before which kneels St. Thomas, receiving the girdle; St. Francis kneels at the left, and St. Anthony at the right. H. 116J in. W. 86| in. Tempera on wood. Signed: OPVS • BENVENVTI ’ lOHANIS ‘ DE ’ SENIS ’ MCCCCLXXXXVIII. Bulletin, 1910, p. 249, ill. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1910. BERCHEM, Claes Pietersz.; occasionally signed Berghem. Dutch; born 1620 at Haarlem; died 1683 at Amster- dam. Pupil of his father, Pieter Claes. 14 BERCHEM — BICCI DI LORENZO B45-1 REST. A woman with a child in her arms is seated on the ground; a man stands at her side near a clump of tree trunks; sheep are beyond and a cow stands nearby. H. in. W. 13J in. Wood. Signed: Berchem. Purchase, 1871. BERNE-BELLECOUR, Etienne Prosper. French; born 1838 at Boulogne-sur-Mer; died 1910 at Paris. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Picot and Barrias. Mili- tary subjects and portraits. B451-1 SOLDIER IN THE TRENCHES. He is sitting behind Gallery the earthworks with a rifle in hand. 17 H. 6| in. W. 4 tV in. Water color. Signed: E. Berne Bellecour-73. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B451-2 THE INTENDED. A garden terrace with a young S. W. woman seated on a bench winding yarn which is held Stairway by an officer; an elderly lady and gentleman are seated at the right; the costumes are of the Empire period. H. 2o| in. W. 32I in. Canvas. Signed: E. Berne- Bellecour. 1874. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. BETTO, Bernardino di. See Pinturicchio. BEYEREN, Abraham Hendricksz. van. Dutch; born 1620 or 1621 at The Hague; died after 1674 at Alkmaar. Perhaps a pupil of his brother-in-law, Pieter de Putter. Still life, marines, etc. B46-1 STUDY OF FISH. H. 25 J in. W. 31J in. Canvas. Purchase, 1871. BICCI DI LORENZO. Italian (Florentine) ; born 1373 at Florence; died there 1452. Pupil of his father, Lorenzo di Bicci. B47-1 MIRACLE OF ST. NICHOLAS OF BARI. (St. Gallery Nicholas, Bishop of Myra in the fourth century, among 31 other miracles is supposed to have supplied gold for three maidens who were too poor to marry.) Three young women and a man in a bedroom; outside the house, at the left, the Saint throws the gold through the window grating and it falls upon the bed. H. 12 in. W. 22^ in. Tempera on wood. Gift of Frederic Coudert from the collection of Madame D 'Oliveira of Florence, 1888. *5 BLACKBURN — BLAKELOCK] blue-green dress with violet bows and there is white lace at the throat and elbows. H. 49J in. W. 40I in. Canvas. Signed: J. Blackburn Pinxit. 1754. Gift of Sylvester Dering, 1916. B56-51 MARY BROWN GREENLEAF. (1728-1807; daughter of Judge Robert Brown; married William Greenleaf in 1747.) Life-size, standing figure, seen to the knees; her left elbow rests on a balustrade and a landscape forms the background; she wears a low-necked pink dress trim- med with white lace and black ribbons. This and the following canvas have bullet holes which, according to tradition, were made during the Revolutionary War. H. 50-j\ in. W. 40yV in. Canvas. Signed: J. Black- burn Pinxit, 1757. Lent by Richard C. Greenleaf, 1913. B56-52 WILLIAM GREENLEAF. (1725-1803; youngest son Gallery of Rev. Daniel Greenleaf [see portrait by Copley]; Sheriff 16 of Suffolk County, 1 775 to 1 780.) Life-size, standing figure seen to the knees; his right elbow rests on a table and the extended hand holds a letter addressed to Mr. William Greenleaf Mercht. Boston. He wears a white wig, ruffled white shirt, robin’s egg blue waistcoat and fawn- colored coat and knee breeches; a draped dark green cur- tain forms the background. H. 50J in. W. 40 in. Canvas. Signed: J. Blackburn, Pinxit 1757. Lent by Richard C. Greenleaf, 1913. B56-53 PRISCILLA BROWN GREENLEAF. (Daughter of Judge Robert Brown and wife of W. John Greenleaf.) Life-size, seated figure, seen to the knees; she wears a low- necked white satin dress trimmed with white lace, and a lavender scarf; her left arm rests on a balustrade; a tree trunk is at the left with sunset sky beyond. H. 35I in. W. 28i in. Canvas. Signed: J. Blackburn Pinx. 1756. Lent by Richard C. Greenleaf, 1913. BLAKELOCK, Ralph Albert. American; born 1847 New York City; died 1919 near New York City. Landscapes. B58-1 INDIAN ENCAMPMENT. A plain with trees; in the Gallery foreground there are small figures of Indians and horses 13 near a group of tents; a river is in the middle distance. 18 BLAKELOCK — BLASHFIELD H. 37yV in. W. 40 J in. Canvas. Signed: Ralph Albert Blakelock. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. B58-2 THE PIPE DANCE. Indians are dancing hand in Gallery hand on a river bank; in the background low hills and 13 trees stand out against a golden sunset sky. H. 4^1^ in. W. in. Canvas. Signed: Ralph Al- bert Blakelock. Bulletin, 1909, p. 53, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. BLANCHARD, Jacques. French; born 1600 at Paris; died there 1638. Pupil of his uncle, Jerome Nicholas Bollery; went to Lyons in 1620 and spent four years studying with and assisting Horace Le Blanc. B59-1 VENUS AND ADONIS. A nude woman reclines on a Gallery rose and white drapery; beside her is a youth with a red 14 drapery; both are cutting an inscription on a tree trunk. H. 47f in. W. 6 gi in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. BLARENBERGHE, Henri Joseph van. French; born 1741 at Lille; died there 1826. Lived long in Paris and was attached to the court of Louis XVI; after the king's death returned to Lille, opened an art school, and later became curator of the Art Gallery at Lille. B61-1 FETE OF THE TUNNY FISHERS AT MARSEILLES. The boats in the harbor are filled with people; a fortress is on the shore at the left; windmills crown the distant hills. H. 33 in. W. 48 in. Canvas. Purchase, 1871. BLASHFIELD, Edwin Howland. American; born 1848 at New York City; lives in New York City. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. Mural decorations. B611-1 CARRY ON. The figure of Liberty, holding high the S. E. American flag in her left hand and a drawn sword in her Stairway right, urges on two lines of soldiers to the attack. A screeching eagle flies behind her; strong light from fire in the background. H. 13 if in. W. 109! in. Canvas. Signed: Edwin Howland Blashfield, 1918. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1918. 19 BLOEMEN — BOCCACCINO BLOEMEN, Peeter van. Flemish; born 1657 at Antwerp; died there 1720. Traveled in Italy; was made director of Antwerp Academy in 1699. B62-1 HORSES TAKEN TO WATER. Several men are wading in a stream at the right; a white horse is being ridden into the water and other horses are at the left; in the background is a round building from which smoke arises. H. 16J in. W. 23 J in. Canvas. Purchase, 1871. BLUM, Robert F. American; born 1857 at Cincinnati, O.; died 1903 at New York City. Studied lithography; traveled in Europe and in Japan. Illustrator and mural decorator. B621-1 THE AMEYA. A street in Japan with an itinerant Gallery candy vendor (Ameya), dressed in blue; he is sur- 12 rounded by Japanese women and children, who wear brightly colored kimonos; beyond is a jinrikisha with its bearer seated on the shaft; shops line the far side of the street. H. 27! in. W. 31 in. Canvas. Signed: Blum. Gift of Estate of Alfred Corning Clark, 1904. B621-2 STREET SCENE IN I KAO, JAPAN. A row of open shops; in the foreground is a woman with a baby on her back. H. lof in. W. i2f in. Water color. Stamped: R. F. Blum. Gift of William J. Baer, 1904. BOCCACCINO, Boccaccio. Italian (Lombard); born about 1460 at Ferrara; died 1518 at Cremona. Influenced by Cima and Bramantino. B63-52 MADONNA AND CHILD. Seated figure seen to below Gallery the knees; she wears a red robe decorated with a gold 30 band and jewel at the neck, and a dark blue cloak lined with yellow. She holds the Child in her lap; he has a narrow white drapery about him and holds a little bird. Behind them is a green drapery which partly covers a window at the left looking on a landscape of hills and water. H. 32I in. W. 24J in. Wood. Lent by C. C. Stillman in memory of his father James Stillman, 1921. 20 BY VITTORE CARPACCIO IHE AEGEAN SEA BOGERT— BONHEUR BOGERT, George H. American; bom 1864 at New York City; lives there. Pupil of National Academy of Design, New York; Puvis de Chavannes, Aime Morot, and Eugene Boudin in Paris. Landscapes. B632-1 CHALE CHURCH, ISLE OF WIGHT, ENGLAND. Gallery Fields of harvested grain are in the foreground; the 15 church is in the middle distance and beyond is the sea with a line of chalk cliffs at the horizon. H. 28 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: George Bogert- Chale. Bulletin, 1906, p. 56. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. B632-2 OCTOBER MOONLIGHT. Trees and moon reflected Gallery in a river. 13 ' H. \gl in. W. 30^ in. Canvas. Signed: George Bo- gert, 1898. Bulletin, 1906, p. 56. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. BOGGS, Frank M. American; born 1855 at Springfield, O.; lives in Paris. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts and Gerome. B633-1 ON THE THAMES. Several boats with sails up; in Gallery the background is the city; gray sky and water. 13 H. 38J in. W. 51 J in. Canvas. Signed: Boggs London 83. Bulletin, 1909, p. 54, ill. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1909. BOLDINI, Giovanni. Italian; born 1844 at Ferrara; lives in Paris. Pupil of Florence Academy. Went to London to paint portraits; settled in Paris in 1872. Portraits and genre. B636-1 GOSSIP. In a room decorated in the Empire style Gallery sit three women in costumes of the period. 18 H. 7iV in. W. 9I in. Wood. Signed: Boldini-/73. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B636-2 THE DISPATCH BEARER. A French cavalryman, having pulled up his horse on the sidewalk in front of a porte-cochere, gives a letter to the porter who has stopped sweeping to receive it. H. 16J in. W. i3§ in. Wood. Signed: Boldini. Bequest of Mrs. Martha T. Fiske Collord, in memory of Josiah M. Fiske, 1908. BON DONE. See Giotto di Bondone. BONHEUR, FRANgois Auguste. French; born 1824 at Bordeaux; died 1884 at Bellevue. Son and pupil of Raymond Bonheur and brother of Rosa Bonheur. 2 BON H EUR — BONINGTON B64-1 WOODLAND AND CATTLE. A herd of cattle in the shade of a grove of old oak trees; a pool of water is* in the middle distance where a white cow is prominent; the cowherd leans against the trunk of a tree at the right. H. i04i in. W. I57x\ in. Canvas. Signed: Auguste Bonheur. Gift of James Clinch Smith and sister, 1890. BONHEUR, Marie Rosa. French; born 1822 at Bordeaux; died 1899 at her home, the Chateau-de-By. Pupil of her father, Raymond Bonheur. Founded the Paris Free School for Young Girls in 1858 and was long its di- rector. Painted chiefly animals. B641-1 A LIMIER-BRIQUET HOUND. A brown and white S. W. dog with head and tail erect; landscape background. Stairway H. 14^ in. W. 18 in. Canvas. Initialed: R. B. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B641-2 WEANING THE CALVES. A mountain pasture with Gallery five calves on one side of a fence and the cow on the 18 other; other cows are coming down the hill on the right. H. 25! in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Signed: Rosa Bon- heur- 1879. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B641-3 THE HORSE FAIR. Heavy white and sorrel Perche- Gallery ron horses are being led or ridden bareback by men 19 who wear blue blouses. H.96jin. W. i99x'Vin. Canvas. Signed: Rosa Bonheur 1853-5. Gift of Cornelius Vanderbilt, 1887. BONI, Michele Giovanni. See Giambono. BONINGTON, Richard Parkes. British (English); born 1801 at Arnold, ^near Nottingham; died 1828 at London. Pupil of ficole des Beaux-Arts under Baron Gros. Made frequent journeys to London to study the works of Constable. Landscapes and genre. B643-1 SEA COAST. The beach at low tide with shallow Gallery water inside a sand bar; groups of fishermen and women 24 are at right and left. H. i6| in. W. 23! in. Canvas. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1888. B643-2 COAST SCENE, NORMANDY. A beach on which Gallery men and women are selling and buying fish; to the 14 right, in the shallow water, are two horses attached to a 22 BONINGTON — BONVIN heavy wagon with a canvas cover; sail-boats are drawn up on the beach in the distance at the left. H. 32 in. W. 48y\ in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1896. B643-3 MANTES ON THE SEINE. The river with the Gallery towers of Mantes cathedral in the distance; two peasants 24 are seated in the foreground on a point of land. H. 15 in. W. 20J in. Canvas. Bulletin, 191 5, p. 88. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. BONNAT, Leon. French; born 1833 at Bayonne; lives in Paris and Rome. Pupil of Federico de Madrazo in Madrid; Leon Cogniet in Paris. Lived several years in Italy; 'traveled in the Orient. Director French Academy in Rome. Chiefly portraits. B644-1 JOHN TAYLOR JOHNSTON. (1820-1893; first pres- Gallery ident of the Museum, 1870 to 1889.) Life-size, seated 16 figure, seen to below the knees. H. 54i in. W. 43 in. Canvas. Signed: L^ Bonnat — 1880. Gift of the Trustees, 1880. B644-2 EGYPTIAN FELLAH WOMAN AND CHILD. Life- Gallery size, almost full-length figure of a woman, carrying a 17 nude sleeping child on her shoulder; the Suez Canal is indicated in the background. H. 73i in. W. 41J in. Canvas. Signed: L*} Bonnat. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B644-3 ROMAN GIRL AT A FOUNTAIN. Gallery H. 67 in. W. 39J in. Canvas. Signed: L*} Bonnat-75. 17 Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B644-4 HEBER R. BISHOP. (1840-1902; New York mer- Gallery chant, financier, and collector. He gave to the Museum 4 his collection of jades.) Life-size, seated figure, seen to the knees. H. 45i in. W. 28^ in. Canvas. Signed: L^ Bonnat 1904. Gift of the Executors of the Estate of Mary C. Bishop, 1905. BONVICINO, Alessandro. See Moretto da Brescia. BONVIN, pRANgois. French; born 1817; died 1888. B645-1 A WOMAN READING. (Copy after the picture by Pieter de Hooch in the Munich Gallery.) 23 BONVIN — BOSCH H. 5H in. W. 4 t\ in. Water color. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. BORRASSA, Luis (?). Spanish (Catalonian); worked 1390 to 1434. B647-1 ALTARPIECE DEDICATED TO SAINT ANDREW. Gallery Numerous panels with gold ground in an architectural 33 setting. St. Andrew is seated in the center. In the panel above, the Madonna is enthroned with the Child on her lap; St. Catherine and Mary Magdalen are seated at her feet; two singing angels are at the right and at the left an angel is playing the harp. The upper left panel depicts the calling of St. Andrew; below, he is a witness to the wicked mother being killed by fire from heaven. In the lower right panel, the Saint witnesses a bishop being tempted by the devil in the form of a beautiful woman; above, St. Andrew is being bound to the cross. In the uprights separating the principal panels are eight small, single, full-length figures of holy men. The predella is divided into seven panels but the right-hand one is missing. The sub- jects beginning at the left are St. Andrew and the woman who prayed to Diana on behalf of her sister; the woman brings St. Andrew to her sister; St. Andrew drives away the demons in the form of dogs; the dead Christ, upheld by angels, stands in the tomb; St. Andrew raises the dead youth who has been strangled; and St. Andrew brings to life the four drowned men. H. 123I in. W. 123 in. (overall). Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1907, p. 77, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. BOSCH, Hieronymus; also known as Hieronymus van Aeken, and also Heronimus Bos. Flemish; born about 1462 at Bois-Ie-Duc; died there in 1516. B65-1 ADORATION OF THE KINGS. The Virgin, wearing a Gallery dark blue robe, is seated in a ruined courtyard and holds 34 the nude Child on her lap; in the foreground at the right are the three kings bearing gifts while Joseph, wearing a green robe, kneels at the left; beyond, the ox and the ass are seen within a tower at the left, and at the right, two shepherds look through a window while one of them warms his hands at a fire within the court; four child angels hold a green canopy above the Virgin; landscape background 24 BOSCH — BOTTICELLI with Jerusalem at the left, a lake and castle at the right, and numerous figures in the middle distance. H. 28 in. W. 22J in. Wood. Bulletin, 1913, p. 130, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1912. BOTH, Jan and Andries. Dutch; Jan born about 1610 at Utrecht; died there 1652. Andries born about 1609; died at Venice, probably in 1650. Pupils of Abraham Bloemart at Utrecht; influenced by Claude Lorraine. Jan was a landscape painter; the brother, Andries, often added the figures. B651-1 ITALIAN LANDSCAPE. A rocky road with a group Gallery of trees in the center of the picture and one large oak 26 at the right; two horsemen and several figures on foot are on a roadway at the left; hilly country beyond. H. 5o|f in. W. 63! in. Canvas. Signed: Both fc 1640. Purchase, 1871. BOTTICELLI; real name Sandro Filipepi. Italian (Florentine); born 1447 or a few years earlier, at Florence; died there 1 5 10. Apprenticed to a goldsmith, then studied painting with Fra Filippo Lippi and worked as assistant to Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo. Called to Rome in 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV and executed frescoes in the Sistine Chapel. B652-1 THREE MIRACLES OF SAINT ZENOBIUS. (334- Gallery 424; Zenobius was a wealthy Florentine who devoted 30 his life to the Church and became bishop of Florence.) An open square in the city; at the left the Saint is stop- ped by a funeral procession and brings the body back to life. In the center the Saint, while on a journey, meets a party bringing relics of a martyr; the leader having fallen and been crushed to death is restored by the Saint. The story told at the right is in three scenes: St. Eugenius, while gravely ill, hears that a relative has died without receiving the last sacrament; St. Zenobius therefore takes blessed water and salt to the bedroom of St. Eugenius, who rises from his sick bed, crosses the square, and in the foreground is seen sprinkling the holy water over his relative who revives. There are three other panels of this series; two are in the Mond Collection in London and one in the Dresden Gal- lery. These panels were probably intended to decorate 25 BOTTICELLI — BOTTICINI a chest containing clerical vestments in some church dedicated to St. Zenobius. H. 265 in. W. 59f in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 191 1, p. 185, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1911. B652-2 THE LAST COMMUNION OF SAINT JEROME. A Gallery cell built of reeds with the Saint’s bed, above which 37 hang a crucifix, palms, and a cardinal’s hat; in the fore- ground St. Jerome, supported by two monks, kneels at the right and receives the last communion from a priest who wears a rose-colored chasuble and blue stole; two acolytes stand at the left holding candles. Painted for Francesco di Filippo Del Pugliesc of Florence, who mentioned this picture in his will dated 28th February, 1502-3. H. 13^ in. W. iOi\ in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1915, pp. 52, 72, loi ; ill. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913, BOTTICINI, Francesco. Italian (Florentine); born 1446 at Florence; died there 1497. Pupil of Neri di Bicci; influenced by Cosimo Rosselli, Verrocchio, and Botticelli. B653-1 a. TOBIAS ANDTHE ANGEL. Three predella panels. Gallery Tobias, wearing a blue doublet and red stockings, kneels 30 at the right near the seashore, and takes out the fish’s heart, liver, and gall; at the left stands the angel, who wears a yellow robe and red cloak lined with green; nearby is a white poodle; in the distance is the city of Florence; blue mountains follow the line of the seashore. H. 6| in. W. i6i\ in. Tempera on wood. B653-1 b. THE MARRIAGE OF THE VIRGIN. Mary, in a Gallery red robe and blue cloak lined with green, stands at the 30 right; opposite her is Joseph, who wears a blue robe and a yellow cloak lined with green; back of them is the high priest who stands in front of an altar; three women are at the right and at the left are the four disappointed suitors, one of whom raises his hand to strike Joseph and another breaks his staff; the background at each side consists of a colonnade with a view of distant hills. H. 61% in. W. i6f in. Tempera on wood. B653-1 c. THE BURIAL OF ST. ZENOBIUS. The body lies Gallery on a red-covered stretcher and is being carried through a 30 city street on the shoulders of four prelates who wear white 26 BOTTICINI — BOUDIN robes, green cloaks, and white and gold mitres; two aco- lytes precede them and four citizens follow the bier; the Baptistery and Campanile of Florence are in the back- ground; in the immediate foreground is the dead tree which burst into leaf at the touch of the Saint’s body. H. 6-i\ in. W. i6Win. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1913, p. 214, ill. Purchase, Leland Fund, 1913. BOUCHER, Francois. French; born 1703 at Paris; died there 1770. Pupil of his father, a designer of embroideries, and of Le Moine; traveled in Italy. Decorative subjects; de- signed Beauvais tapestries. B66-1 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Bust of a large-eyed, red- Gallery lipped young lady with powdered hair and blue ribbons, 20 a low-cut white satin dress, and a blue shawl; gray back- ground. H. 19 in. W. 14J in. Canvas. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. B66-2 TOILET OF VENUS. She is seated on a sofa fondling Gallery a white dove while three cupids arrange her hair and bring 20 out strings of pearls. There are draperies of rose velvet and cloth of gold about her and blue silk curtains behind her, ornamental gold dishes and another dove at her feet. H.42fin. W. 33 Jin. Canvas. Signed: F. Boucher 1751. Bequest of William K. Vanderbilt, 1920. School of Boucher. B66S-1 THE RESCUE OF ARION FROM THE WAVES. Gallery (The picture illustrates a legend according to which the 20 Greek poet, Arion, while returning home from a musical contest in Sicily where he had been a victor, was ship- wrecked; he was saved by dolphins who were attracted by his music.) Arion, with a red drapery about him, playing his lyre, is seated on the back of a dolphin; mermaids and mermen surround him; beyond at the left is the prow of a burning ship. H. 45 J in. W. 52I in. Canvas. Signed: F. Boucher, but not supposed to be by this master. Gift of Leon Gauchez, 1875. BOUDIN, Eugene. French; born 1824 at Honfleur; died 1898 at Deauville. Pupil of Troyon. 27 BOUDIN — BOUGUEREAU B661-1 ON THE BEACH AT TROUVILLE. A sandy beach with people in costumes of the middle of the nineteenth* century; to the right is the sea with bathers and a bath- house on wheels drawn by a horse. H. loin. W. 18 in. Canvas. Signed: E Boudin-63. Bequest of Mrs. Amelia B. Lazarus, 1907. BOUGHTON, George H. British-American; born 1833 in England; died 1905 at London. Educated in Albany, N. Y.; lived in New York City till 1861, when he set- tled in London. B662-1 Gallery 18 B 662-2 B 662-3 A PURITAN GIRL. Three-quarter-length figure standing in a field and holding wild flowers; her costume is that of New England in the early seventeenth cen- tury. H. i5i\ in. W. in. Wood. Signed: G. H. Boughton. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. EDICT OF WILLIAM THE TESTY. (A situation from the Knickerbocker History of New Amsterdam by Washington Irving.) The burghers, grouped in an open square, are protesting by clouds of tobacco smoke against their Governor’s decree forbidding tobacco smoking. The Governor and his wife stand in the doorway of their house at the right. H. 22J in. W. 32I in. Canvas mounted on wood. Signed: G. H. Boughton. Bulletin, 1908, p. 199, ill. Bequest of Mrs. Martha T. Fiske Collord in memory of Josiah M. Fiske, 1908. THE TWO FAREWELLS; also called Autumn— De- parture of the Swallows. A stubbly field near the sea with two women; one, in mourning, is seated on a rock; the other, in a white dress, stands back of her and holds her hand. This picture is one of a series of three; the smaller side panels depict respectively Spring and Winter. Inscribed on the back: The Flight of the Birds, Summer is gone on Swallows Wings. Painted by Geo. H. Boughton, Grove Lodge, Palace Gardens Terrace, Ken- sington, W. H. 48^15^ in. W. 6of in. Canvas. Signed: G. H. Bough- ton 1872. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. BOUGUEREAU, William Adolphe. French; born 1825 at La Rochelle; died there 1905. Pupil of Picot and 28 BOUGUEREAU — BRAMANTI,NO Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he lived the greater part of his life. B663-1 THE TWO SISTERS. A Brittany peasant girl is Gallery seated in an orchard and holds upon her lap a child 18 who has a red apple in each hand. H. 51 in. W. 35y\ in. Canvas. Signed: W. Bovgve- REAV 1871. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. BOUTS, Dirk; known also as Dirk or Tierry van Haarlem and as Dierick de Louvain. Flemish; born about 1410 at Haarlem (?); died 1475 at Louvain. Influenced by Jan Van Eyck and by Roger van der Weyden. Appointed official portrait painter of the city of Louvain in 1464. Also painted religious subjects. B666-2 PORTRAIT- OF A MAN. Head and shoulders of a Gallery middle-aged man with his fingers joined as if in prayer; 37 he wears a high purple cap and a gray doublet fastened close at the neck, with an edge of the fur lining showing against a brown collar. H. 12 in. W. 8J in. Wood. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. BOYERMANS, Theodor. Flemish; born 1620 at Antwerp; died there 1677. Pupil of Van Dyck. B70-1 CHRIST EXPIRING ON THE CROSS. The single figure is outlined against a dark, stormy sky. H. 43i in. W. 33J in. Wood. Purchase, 1871. BRAMANTINO; real name Bartolommeo Suardi. Italian (Mi- lanese); born about 1450 to 1455 in the Milanese dis- trict; died about 1530. He is supposed to have been a pupil of Vincenzo Foppa and assistant to Bramante in Milan. B73-1-12 Twelve panels, each a single head, bust length; the majority are in profile; the background of each consists of an archway from which hangs a swag of green foliage. These panels were originally part of a frieze in the palace of San Martino di Guznago near Mantua and have generally been considered as the work of Bramantino. Each: H. 18 in. W. 18 in. Tempera on wood. Bul- letin, 1905, p. 14, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1905. 29 BRAMANTINO — BRION B73-13 VIRGIN AND CHILD. An open courtyard with Gallery the Madonna seen to the knees back of a ledge on which 30 the nude Child stands; the Madonna wears a red robe and a blue cloak lined with green; an apple is in her right hand, and a pot of red carnations is on the ledge in the immediate foreground at the right; in the back- ground buildings close one side of the hollow square court while at the left is a hedge. H. 13^ in. W. iiyVin. Tempera on wood. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1912. BRAMER, Leonard. Dutch; born 1595 at Delft; died there 1674. Traveled in his youth in France and Italy. B731-1 JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON. An open court with the king seated on a high throne at the right; before him a man prepares to divide the child between the two kneeling mothers; beyond are groups of people and two men stand in the immediate foreground at the right. H. 31I in. W. 40^ in. Canvas. Signed: L. Bramer. Gift of National Surety Company, 191 1. BRETON, Jules. French; born 1827 at Courri^res; died 1906 at Paris. Pupil of Felix de Vigneat Ghent; Wappers at Antwerp; Ecole des Beaux-Arts at Paris under Drolling. B75 I-'i peasant GIRL KNITTING. She is seated on the Gallery bent trunk of an apple tree. 18 H. 22f in. W. i8§ in. Canvas. Signed: Jules Breton. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. B751-2 RELIGIOUS PROCESSION IN BRITTANY. (A Gallery festival such as here depicted is held once a year at 17 Kergoat near Douarnenez and Quimper.) The public square of the village is crowded with women and children who carry lighted tapers; a procession of men, bareheaded and carrying lighted torches, emerges from the porch of the church at the right. H. 52j in. W. 73 in. Canvas. Signed: Jules Breton- 1869. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. BRION, Gustave. French; born 1824 at Rothau; died 1877 at Paris. Pupil of Gabriel Guerin at Strasburg. B77-1 . RETURN FROM THE CHRISTENING. A church Gallery porch with the christening party coming out and dis- 18 tributing alms. H. 44I in. W. 63I in. Canvas. Signed: G. Brion 74. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. 30 BRITISH SCHOOL— BRONZINO BRITISH SCHOOL. BryyiS-i THE MILLS. In the foreground is a stream which winds under several bridges; beyond are an old red building and a level plain with windmills against the horizon; the general tone is a golden brown. Formerly attributed to Rembrandt and called at one time Canal in Holland. Probably British, end of eighteenth century. H. 27 in. W. 23 in. Canvas. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1890. Br77iS-4 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Life-size figure, seen to the Wing F waist, standing at the right of a table and holding a Gallery portfolio; he wears a long curled white wig; a bookcase 20 forms the background; there is a coat of arms in the upper left corner. H. 38I in. ^W. 32I in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1909, p. 10. Gift of Mrs. Wheeler Smith, 1908. Br77iS-5 MARY, QUEEN OF SCOTS, WITH HER SON, JAMES VI (Afterwards James I of England). Known as the Duff-Ogilvie portrait. The Queen wears a dark dress with a white neck ruff and a gold chain; she is seen back of a red covered table on which stands the child; he is dressed in a long dark robe embroidered in stripes, and his cap is similarly embroidered. H. 8| in. W. 7f in. Slate or black marble. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. Br77iS-6 LADY JANE GREY (?\ Half life-size seen to the waist, full-front; she wears a black dress high at the neck with a white ruff at neck and wrists, a black cap which shows her light brown hair, and a double string of pearls knotted about the neck and falling straight from the knot. In her hands she holds an undetermined leather article and there is a sapphire ring on her right forefinger; gray background. Probably sixteenth century. H. i2f in. W. 9 in. Wood. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. BRONZINO; real name Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano. Italian (Florentine); born 1502 (?) at Monticelli, near Florence; died 1572 at Florence. Studied with Raffaellino del Garbo and later with Pontormo whom he assisted; in- fluenced by Michaelangelo. Portraits and mural deco- rations. 31 BRONZINO — BROWN B78-1 COSIMO DE’ MEDICI. (15 19-1574; first grand duke Gallery of Tuscany.) Life-size, standing figure, seen to below- 29 the waist; he is dressed in armor; his right hand rests on his casque that lies on a table at the right. Inscribed on armor of his right, elbow: C M H. 38! in. W. 27I in. Wood. Bulletin, 1909, p. 69, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1909. BROWN, George Loring. American; born 1814 at Boston; died there 1889. Pupil of Washington Allston; of Isabey in Paris. Painted in Antwerp, Florence, Rome, and London. B81-1 VIEW AT AMALFI. The Bay of Salerno with fishing Gallery boats in the sunlight; a stony beach is in the foreground; 16 white buildings are at the base of the cliffs that follow the curve of the shore at the right. H. 33j in. W. 53! in. Canvas. Signed: G. L. Brown, Rome 1857. Gift of William Church Osborn, 1903. BROWN, John George. American; born 1831 at Durham, Eng- land; died 1913 in New York City. Pupil of William B. Scott at Newcastle-on-Tyne in England; School of the Royal Academy at Edinburgh; National Academy of Design under Thomas S. Cummings at New York. Genre. B811-1 MEDITATION. A Catskill farmer’s daughter is Gallery seated in a rocking-chair in a country kitchen. 13 H. 30 in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Signed: J. G. Brown, N. A. Purchase, Fleam Fund, 1909. B811-2 THE MUSIC LESSON. A young woman in a ruffled gray silk dress seated on a green plush sofa is blowing on a flute which a young man seated on the arm of the sofa is fingering. There is a harp in front of them; the decora- tions of the room are red and green. H. 24 in. W. 20 in. Canvas. Signed: J. G. Brown, 1870. Gift of Colonel C. A. Fowler, 1921. BROWN, John Lewis. French; born 1829 at Bordeaux; died 1890 at Paris. Pupil of Roqueplan and of Belloc. Painted military and hunting scenes; also engraver. B812-1 FOX HUNTERS. Open country with horsemen in Gallery scarlet and yellow jackets preceded by a pack of hounds. 17 H. 5fin. W. 4|in. Wood. Signed: J. L. Brown. 1866. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. 32 BROZIK— BRUEGEL BROZIK, Vacslav von. Bohemian; born 1851 at Tremoschna, near Pilsen; died 1901 at Paris. Studied at the Acad- emies of Prague, Dresden, and Munich under Piloty and Munk^csy; went to Paris in 1876. B821-1 CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS AT THE COURT OF FERDINAND THE CATHOLIC AND ISABELLA OF CASTILE. A room in the palace is crowded with courtiers; the King and Queen of Spain are about to sign the contract with Columbus, April 17, 1492, which made possible his journey and the discovery of the New World. H. I58jin. W. 225^ in. Canvas. Signed: Brozik 1884. Gift of Morris K. Jesup, 1886. BRUEGEL, Jan the Elder; called Fluweelen or Velvet Bruegel. Flemish; born 1568 at Brussels; died 1625 at Antwerp. Son of Pieter Bruegel the Elder; the family name was sometimes signed Breughel. Pupil of Peter Goetkint at Antwerp, where he settled in 1596 after a visit to Italy. Landscapes. B83-1 THE HILL. On a roadway which leads over a hill Gallery are a cart, horsemen, peasants, and cows; at the right 27 is a valley with a stream and villages. H. 7J in. W. io| in. Copper. Purchase, 1871. B83-2 THE WINDMILL. A mill is on a slight elevation at Gallery the left; small figures are in the foreground; in the 26 distance are formal woods and villages. H. 7^ in. W. lof in. Copper. Purchase, 1877. BRUEGEL, Jan, the Younger. Flemish; born 1601 at Antwerp; died after 1677. Pupil of his father, Jan the Elder. B831-1 A FLEMISH VILLAGE. A town on the bank of a river; Gallery in the foreground at the right is a road with people; 27 at the left the river, with trees on the far bank, extends to the horizon. H. 9I in. W. I2f in. Wood. Purchase, 1871. BRUEGEL, Pieter the Elder. Flemish; born 1525 at Breda; died 1569 at Brussels. Pupil of his father-in-law, Pieter Coeck van Aelst. Influenced by the work of Hier- onymus Bosch. 33 BRUEGEL— BRUSH B832-1 THE HARVESTERS. A group of peasants are eating Gallery under a tall pear tree; beyond in the grain field men are 27 mowing and women binding sheaves; three women carry- ing sheaves on their heads go down a path cut in the grain, while a boy comes back with a heavy jug of water. A far-reaching landscape in the background with fields and trees, houses and people working about them, and the sea fading into the hazy distance. H.46iin. W.63iin. Wood. Signed: BRVEG EL LXV. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1919. BRUEGEL, Pieter, the Younger; called Hell Bruegel. Flem- ish; born 1564 at Antwerp; died there 1638. Pupil of his father, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, and of Gilles van Coninxloo. B833-1 GAMBLERS QUARRELING. (Rixe de Jeu entre Gallery Paysans.) Peasants fighting out of doors after a game 27 of cards; a flail and a pitchfork are being used by the two combatants while two other men and two women try to separate them; at the left a man approaches over a bridge; in the background at the right peasants are dancing in a village street. This is one of several copies, with dif- ferences, made by Pieter Bruegel the Younger from a lost painting by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. H.28Jin. W. 4oi in. Wood. Signed: P. BREVGH EL. 1619. Purchase, 1871. BRUGES MASTER OF THE LEGEND OF SAINT URSULA. Flemish; late fifteenth century. A disciple of Memling who lived at Bruges between 1470 and 1490. So called from his series of pictures in the cloister of the Black Sisters at Bruges. B834-1 MADONNA AND CHILD. The Madonna, seated. Gallery is seen to the knees against a gold niche; she prepares 34 to suckle the nude Child. H. 22J in. W. I3i in. Wood. Bulletin, 1909, p. 154. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. BRUSH, George De Forest. American; born 1855 at Shelbyville, Tenn.; lives in New York City. Pupil of G^rbme in Paris. B835-1 IN THE GARDEN. Full-length figures of a mother Gallery and two children standing in a garden; the mother’s 13 dress is reddish brown, and dark green drapery falls 34 BRUSH — BUNGE about the younger child, who is held in her left arm; the boy, who clings to her right arm, is dressed in olive-green. H. 37 in. W. i6f in. Canvas. Signed: George De Forest Brush 1906. Bulletin, 1907, p. 24, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. B835-2 HENRY GEORGE. (1839-1897; founder of the single N. E. tax party; author of Progress and Poverty.) Life-size, Stairway full-length figure seated in an arm-chair; his legs are crossed, his left hand rests in his lap, and the right is on the arm of the chair; green carpet; brown wall with one picture. H. 64 in. W. 45ff in. Canvas. Signed: Geo. de For- est Brush 1893. Repainted 1903. Bulletin, 1914, p. 75, ill. Bequest of August Lewis, 1914. BUGIARDINI, Giuliano. ' Italian (Florentine); born 1475 at Florence; died there 1554. Pupil of Piero di Cosimo; influenced by Perugino, Francia, and Franciabigio; was assistant to Albertinelli and in 1508 was employed by Michaelangelo in the Sistine Chapel at Rome. B86-1 VIRGIN AND CHILD WITH INFANT ST. JOHN. The Virgin is seated on a marble bench and holds on her knee the nude Child; the head and shoulders of the adoring infant St. John are in the foreground at the right. H. 23 in. W. i8jV in. Wood. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. BUNGE, W. Gedney. American; born 1840 at Hartford, Conn.; died there, 1916. Pupil of Cooper Union Schools and William Hart in New York, Achenbach in Munich, and Clays in Antwerp. Painted chiefly Venetian scenes. B88-1 MORNING VIEW IN VENICE. To the right, boats Gallery with sails; to the left, a buoy with signal shaft; low hori- 13 zon and the sky reflected in the water. H.35|in. W. 55iin. Canvas. Signed: Gedney Bunce. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1907. B88-2 EARLY MORNING; VENICE. Boats with orange Gallery sails are at the left near a point of land with trees; 13 other boats are in the distance. H. I2| in. W. i6J in. Wood. Bulletin, 1909, p. 116, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. 35 BUNGE — BURROUGHS B88-3 . STUDIO OF F. D. MILLET AT EAST BRIDGE- WATER, MASS. (See Millet.) A low building in the middle distance at the right, is partly hidden by a maple with yellow foliage and by other trees. H. i3i in. W. lOxV in. Wood. Signed: W. G. Bunce. Gift of the artist, 1912. BUNKER, Dennis M. American; born 1861 at New York City; died 1890 at Boston. Pupil of National Academy of Design in New York; Hebert and Gerome in Paris. B881-1 THE ARTIST’S WIFE. Life-size portrait, seen almost Gallery to the waist ; she has light brown hair with a crown of 12 leaves; blue-black gown. H. 23I in. W. 21 in. Canvas. Gift of several gentlemen, 1893. BUONAVENTURA, Segna di. Italian Sienese). A follower of Duccio di Buoninsegna; active in the early years of the fourteenth century. In 1305-06 he made a painting for the Biccherna, or Treasury Office. B882-1 VIRGIN AND CHILD ENTHRONED, WITH Gallery SCENES FROM THE PASSION. Triptych with the 33 Virgin and Child in the center. She wears a red robe and a black mantle. The Child is in brown. Angels and saints are on either side of her throne; the saints being — at left, Paul (brown mantle over blue robe), John the Baptist (red cloak); at right, Peter (green and black), John the Evangelist (blue cloak over red robe). Below are half-length figures of Saints Nicholas, Francis, Dominic, and Catherine. On the left-hand shutter are three scenes, The Betrayal, The Scourging of Christ, The Carrying of the Cross. On the right-hand shutter, two scenes. The Crucifixion and the Pietk. The background is gold and the predominant colors are red and black. The compositions are borrowed from the altarpiece of the Cathedral of Siena finished by Duccio in 1308. Center, H. 3o§ in. W. 16J in.; right, H. 30I in. W. 8j in.; left, H. 30! in. W. 8| in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1919, p. 6, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1918. BURROUGHS, Bryson. American; born 1869. Pupil of Art Students’ League and Luc Olivier Merson. 36 BURROUGHS — BUTLER B94-1 CONSOLATION OF ARIADNE. Ariadne, in a black Gallery gown, and Bacchus are seated on rocks above a beach. 15 In the background the followers of Bacchus disport themselves: the boat of Theseus sails away at the right. H. 30 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: BRYSON BUR- ROUGHS, 1915. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1918. BUTINONE, Bernardino; real name Bernardino Jacopi. Italian (Lombard); born before 1436 at Treviglio; died after 1507. Influenced by Mantegna and by Vincenzo Foppa, whose pupil he is supposed to have been; many of his works were done with Bernardino Zenale. B97-1 SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST AND SAINT LAWRENCE. Full-length, standing figures. St. John, in a dark green tunic and red cloak, holds in his right hand a chalice and in his left an open book inscribed: IN PRICIPIO ERAT VERBVM ET VERBVM ERAT. At his feet an eagle stands on two books. St. Lawrence, in a deacon’s vestment, consisting of a white alb and a dal- matic of cloth-of-gold, carries the palm branch of martyr- dom and the gridiron. The panel is apparently the right-hand shutter of a triptych. It has been ascribed to Macrino d’AIba, Defendente Deferrari, and others. H. 48J in. W. 19J in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1915, p. 152, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1915. BUTLER, George Bernard. American; born 1838 at New York City; died 1907 at Croton Falls, N. Y. B971-1 THE GRAY SHAWL. Life-size figure of a young Gallery woman, standing in front of a gray wall with her hands 16 folded over a gray and red plaid shawl. H. 58 in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Gift of Henry P. Butler, 1913. 37 c CABANEL, Alexandre. French; born 1823 at Montpellier; died 1889 at Paris. Pupil of Picot at Ecole des Beaux- Arts in Paris. Figure subjects. Cii-i CATHARINE LORILLARD WOLFE. (Born 1828 Gallery at New York City; died there 1887. She bequeathed to 17 the Museum her collection of paintings with a fund for its maintenance and increase.) Life-size, nearly full-length, standing; she is dressed in white satin trimmed with fur. H. 67J in. W. 43J in. Canvas. Signed: Alex. Cabanel- 1876. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Cii-2 THE SHULA MITE. Life-size figure of a woman, seated S. W. on a blue rug; she wears a diaphanous white drapery and Stairway an orange scarf; an inner court, with columns having Egyptian decorations, forms the background. H. 56J in. W. 42J in. Canvas. Signed: Alex CABANEL-1875. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Ci 1-3 BIRTH OF VENUS. Life-size, full-length, nude female figure, lying on the sea; five Loves hover above her. Cabanel painted this subject several times; the first version is in the Luxembourg Gallery in Paris; the Museum picture is a little smaller and was painted to Mr. Wolfe’s order; a still smaller replica is in the Gibson Collection of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia. H. 4if in. W. 71I in. Canvas. Signed: Alex. CABANEL-1875. Gift of John Wolfe, 1893. CALIARl, Carlo. Italian (Venetian); born 1570 at Venice; died there 1596. Pupil of his father, Paolo Caliari (Veronese), and of Jacopo Bassano. 38 CALIARl — CANALETTO C12-1 ALLEGORICAL FIGURES. Two women, one seated Gallery on a stone bench with her back toward the spectator, 29 the other holding a gold vase in her raised right hand and a silver one in her skirt. H. 40J in. W. 30 in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1906, p. 74. Gift of Louis R. Ehrich, 1906. CALIARl, Paolo. See Veronese. CALLCOTT, Sir Augustus Wall. British (English); born 1779 at Kensington, London; died there 1844. Pupil of Hoppner; visited Italy and was influenced by the work of Claude Lorraine. At first painted portraits; later only landscapes. Cl 3-1 LANDSCAPE. A country road leading past a group Gallery of low, thatched cottages; in the foreground two men lie 14 across the footpath. H. 28 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1896. CAMERON, David Young. British (English) ; born 1865. Pupil of Glasgow Art School and Edinburgh School of Art. Etcher and painter of landscapes. C14-1 SUNRISE ON BADENOCK HILLS. A river or lake Gallery in the foreground, with a mountain beyond, behind which 19 the sun has set. H.27|in. W. 40y\in. Canvas. Signed: D.Y.Cameron. Purchase, The Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917. CAMPIN, Robert. See Maitre de Flemalle. CANALETTO; real name Antonio Canale. Italian (Venetian); born 1697 Venice; died there 1768. Pupil of his father, Bernardo Canale, a scene painter, and of Luca Carlevaris of Udine. Painted chiefly views of Venice. C16-1 SCENE IN VENICE; THE PIAZZETTA. Entrance Gallery to the Grand Canal; in the foreground is the Piazzetta 29 with groups of people, the column of St. Theodore, and a corner of the library of St. Mark; the Molo, Dogana, and Santa Maria della Salute are seen across the Grand Canal. H. 51J in. W. 5ijin. Canvas. Bulletin, 1911, p. 13, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1910. 39 CAPPELLE — CARPACCIO CAPPELLE, Jan van de. Dutch, born 1624 or 1625 at Amster- dam; buried there 1679. Probably pupil of Simon d^ Vlieger. Marines. C17-1 MOUTH OF THE SCHELDT. Calm water with Gallery numerous vessels; a galleon is in the middle distance 26 and near it a rowboat filled with men. H. 27i\ in. W. 36! in. Wood. Signed: J V Cappel- (le?) Bulletin, 1912, p. 76, ill. Purchase, Leland Fund, 1912. CARIANI; real name Giovanni de’ Busi. Italian (Venetian); born about 1485; died after 1547. Is supposed to have been a pupil of Palma Vecchio. C181-1 RAPE OF HELEN. Paris holds Helen in his arms Gallery carrying her toward the ship which is anchored at the 32 right; his companions in armor are attacking the by- standers, some of whom are moving away at the left; landscape background. H. 44 iV iri- J nit Iri* Canvas. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1912. CARLSEN, Emil. American; born 1853 Copenhagen, Den- mark; came to the United States in 1872; lives in New York City. Studied architecture at Danish Royal Academy; chiefly self-taught. Marines and still life. C19-1 STILL LIFE. A grayish basket with a white cloth Gallery hanging over the edge; a fish lies in front of the basket 12 and clams are at the right. H.34|in. W. 381^ in. Canvas. Signed: Emil Carlsen. Gift of William A. Read, 1905. C19-2 THE OPEN SEA. Blue, white-capped waves; wide ex- Gallery pause of cloudy sky. 15 H. 47I in. W. 57J in. Canvas. Signed: Emil Carlsen. 1909. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1910. CARPACCIO, Vittore. Italian (Venetian); born probably in 1455 at Venice or Istria; died shortly before 1527. Pupil of Lazzaro Bastiani; follower of Gentile Bellini. C22-1 MEDITATION ON THE PASSION. The dead body Gallery of Christ reclines on a ruined marble throne of Renais- 30 sance workmanship; at each side sits an emaciated, scantily clothed old man, perhaps St. Onuphrius, the one to the left being St. Jerome. Landscape background 40 CARPACCIO — CATENA with animals; in the distance there is a town on the bank of a river at the foot of a cultivated hill. H. 27f in. W. 34I in. Wood. Inscribed with a false signature: ANDREAS MANTINEA F. Bulletin, 1911, p. 191, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1911. CASILEAR, John W. American; born 1811 at New York City; died 1893 at Saratoga, N. Y. Began life as a bank- note engraver; studied in Europe in 1840 and in 1857. Landscapes. C26-1 DISTANT VIEW OF THE CATSKILLS. Two large Gallery trees are at the left; cows wade in a stream in the fore- 16 ground; meadows beyond and distant blue mountains. H. 3of in. W. 54^ in. Canvas. Initialed:] W C-91. Gift of Mrs. Rebecca A. Goldsmith, 1897. C26-2 LAKE GEORGE^ Rocky shore and a clump of trees Gallery at the left; mountains in the distance. 16 H. 20i^^ in. W. 29J in. Canvas. Monogrammed: JWC ’57. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. CASSATT, Mary. American; born at Pittsburg, Pa.; lives in Paris. Pupil of Manet. C27-1 MOTHER AND CHILD. Le Lever de Beb^. A Gallery nude child is seated on the edge of a bed with the 15 mother seated on a chair at the bedside drying the baby’s feet; green painted furniture. H. 36! in. W. 29 in. Canvas. Signed: Mary Cas- satt. Bulletin, 1909, p. 54, ill. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1909. C27-51 LADY AT THE TEA-TABLE. An elderly lady, seen Gallery to the waist wearing a dark blue dress and a lace scarf 12 over her head, sits behind a tea-table on which is a set of blue and gold china. H. 29 in. W. 24 in. Canvas. Signed: Mary Cassatt, 1885. Lent anonymously, 1918. CATENA, Vincenzo. Venetian; active 1495-1531; born at Tre- viso; died at Venice. A disciple of Giovanni Bellini; influenced by Carpaccio and Giorgione. 41 CATENA — GAZIN C28-1 THE CIRCUMCISION. Half-length figures; the Vir- Gallery gin in red robe, blue mantle, and white scarf holds the * 30 nude Child to the high priest, a long-bearded old man wearing an orange cloth about the head and a white em- broidered vestment that a clean-shaven man at the left holds back, disclosing its red lining. St. Joseph is back of the Christ Child, and at the right is a woman in green who has a scarf of silk, pink in the lights and lavender in the shadows, about the head and neck. The table cover in the center is gray. Landscape background. This is a copy of a painting perhaps by Giovanni Bellini, several versions of which exist — one in the National Gallery (No. 1455) attributed to Giovanni Bellini but given to Catena by Berenson. Another version was in the Orleans Gal- lery, and still another in the Leuchtenberg Collection; the whereabouts of the last two are not known. H. 26| in. W. 4of in. Wood. Inscribed: JOANNES BELLINVS, P M D X I. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. CAZIN, Jean Charles. French; born 1841 at Samer, Pas-de- Calais; died 1901 at Lavandou near Toulon. Pupil of Ecole des Arts Decoratifs under Lecoq de Boisbaudran. In 1868 was appointed Director of the Ecole des Beaux- Arts at Tours and later Curator of the Museum in that city. Landscapes, usually with figures. C31-1 LANDSCAPE. A stream is in the foreground and at the right a country road bordered by trees; there are- masses of violet clouds and above the bushes at the left is a rainbow. H. 32I in. W. 39§ in. Canvas. Signed: J. C. CAZIN. Bulletin, 191 1, p. loi, ill. Bequest of Robert G. Dun, 191 1. C31-2 A FORMER ROYAL HIGHWAY. At the right is a row of farm buildings with thatched roofs; a woman stands in the road, and a wagon in the distance is disap- pearing between the two rows of thin trees. H.4i^in. W. 48I in. Canvas. Signed: J. C. CAZIN. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. C31-3 FAUBOURG DE CHARENTON. Buildings by the Gallery river at dusk, with street lights beginning to show. 19 H. in. W. i6| in. Wood. Signed: J. C. CAZIN. Purchase, The Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917. 42 CEREZO — CHAPLIN CEREZO, Mateo. Spanish; born 1635 at Burgos; died 1675 (or 1685) at Madrid. Pupil of his father and of Juan Carreho de Miranda. C33-1 PORTRAIT OF A CARDINAL. Life-size, seated, seen to the waist; he wears a red robe beneath a white surplice and on his head is a red biretta. H. 28^ in. W. 22I in. Canvas. Gift of Stanford White, 1906. CERMAK, Jaroslav. Hungarian; born 1831 at Prague; died 1878 at Paris. Pupil of Prague Academy; of Wappers and of Gallait in Belgium. C331-1 THE SLAVE. Life-size figure of an oriental woman, seen to the knees; she is standing against a red curtain and looks out of a window at the right; her left hand rests upon a cross which hangs about her neck; she wears a black shawl over her head, a brown cloak, and a wide jeweled girdle. H. 57J in. W. 38J in. Canvas. Signed: Jaroslav Cer- mak Paris 1878. Bequest of Henry H. Cook, 1905. CEULEN. See Janssens van Ceulen. CEZANNE, Paul. French; born 1839 at Aix-en-Provence; died there 1906. Studied at the Academie Suisse in Paris. Early work influenced by Manet and the impressionists. C332-1 THE POORHOUSE ON THE HILL. La Colline Gallery des Pauvres. A scene in southern France with wooded 21 hills; on the nearest hillside at the left of the center is a group of buildings; brilliant sunlight. H. 25 in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Signed: P. Cezanne. Bulletin, 1913, p. 108, ill. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1913. CHAPLIN, Charles. French; born 1825 at Les Andelys; died 1891 at Paris. Pupil of Drolling at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. C36-1 HAIDEE. (The heroine of Byron’s Don Juan.) Life- Gallery size figure of a young woman, seen to the waist; a tam- 18 bourine is held In her right hand. H.4oJin. W. 25|in. Canvas. Signed: Ch. Chaplin 1873. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. 43 CHAPMAN — CHASE CHAPMAN, Charles S. American; born 1879. Pupil of Wil- liam M. Chase and W. Appleton Clark. C361-1 IN THE DEEP WOODS. A forest with rocks and huge Gallery trees, in winter; woodmen with a horse sledge are in the 1 5 foreground. H. 6oj in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: Charles S. Chapman, 1917. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1917. CHARDIN, Jean Baptiste Simeon. French; born 1699 at Paris; died there 1779. Pupil of Pierre Jacques Cazes and later of Noel Coypel. Painted still life, interiors, and portraits. C37-1 PREPARATIONS FOR A BREAKFAST. Les Ap- Gallery prets d'un Dejeuner. On a stone shelf are a slice of 20 meat on a pewter plate, a wine bottle, a silver mug, and part of a loaf of bread with a knife sticking in it. H. 26^ in. W. 22f in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1912, p. 229, ill. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1912. C37-2 YOUNG WOMAN KNITTING. A young woman in a striped blue dress, a white apron checked with blue lines, a pink and white neckerchief, and white cap sits by a table on which are a work-basket and a slice of bread. The authorities who attribute this picture to Chardin consider it a very early work. H. 36I in. W. 28^ in. Canvas. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. CH.ASE, William M. American; born 1849 at Franklin, Ind.; lived chiefly in New York City, where he died 1916. Pupil of B. F. Hayes in Indianapolis; J. O. Eaton in New York; Wagner and Piloty in Munich. Portraits, still life, and landscapes. C38-1 PORTRAIT OF A LADY IN BLACK. An interior Gallery with a life-size, full-length, standing figure; her left 12 hand is on her hip and the right rests on a mahogany table near a pink rose. H. 74 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: Wm. M. Chase. Gift of Mrs. William M. Chase, 1891. C38-2 CARMENCITA. Full-length figure, dancing with cas- tanets; black gown trimmed with yellow bands. H. 70 in. W. 40J in. Canvas. Signed: W. M. Chase. Gift of Sir William Van Horne, 1906. 44 CHASE — CHURCH C38-3 SEVENTEENTH CENTURY LADY. About half Gallery life-size, full-length’ figure, standing in front of a closed 15 curtain with her back toward the spectator; she wears a low-necked white satin gown. H. 365 in. W. 24 in. Canvas. Signed: Wm. M. Chase. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1907. C38-4 STILL LIFE. Three fish partly lying on a platter. Gallery on which is a red apple; two green peppers, a bright red 15 bowl, and a tall copper vessel are on the dark green table. H. 40J in. W. 45 in. Canvas. Signed: Wm. M. Chase. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1908. C38-5 THE HALL AT SHINNECOCK. An interior with a Gallery lady (Mrs. Chase) seated on a sofa near a window at the 12 right; she is sewing and wears a pink bodice and white skirt. H.4o|in. W. 35in. Canvas. Signed: Wm. M. Chase. Purchase, Lazarus Fund, 1917. C38-6 JAMES A. McNEILL WHISTLER. (American painter; Gallery see Whistler.) Under life-size, standing with left hand 12 daintily resting on a delicate stick. His hair is black but for his noted white lock and he wears a black frock coat; brown background and floor. H. 74f in. W. 365 in. Canvas. Signed: To my friend Whistler Wm. M. CHASE London 1885. Bequest of William H. Walker, 1918. CHAVET, Victor. French; born 1822 at Aix; died 1906. Pupil of Revoil and Roqueplan. C39-1 IN FULL DRESS. Small figure of a lady in a white Gallery dress seated on a red sofa. 18 H. gi in. W. 7! in. Canvas. Signed: V. Chavet-73. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. CHRISTOPHSEN, Pieter. See Cristus, Petrus. CHURCH, Frederic E. American; born 1826 at Hartford, Conn.; died 1900 at New York City. Pupil of Thomas Cole at Catskill, N. Y. Imaginary landscapes. C47-1 THE AEGEAN SEA. A high cliff is at the left with Gallery a temple built in the rock; a ruined temple is on the 16 shore near the sea; in the middle distance is an island with ruined classic buildings and above it a double 45 CHURCH rainbow; in the distance at the right is an oriental city. The Parthenon, Golden Horn, and Rock Temple are suggested. H. 54j in. W. 8af in. Canvas. Signed: F. E. CHURCH. Bequest of Mrs. William H. Osborn through William Church Osborn and Henry F. Osborn, 1902. C47-2 HEART OF THE ANDES. A stream flows from the Gallery mountains toward the foreground; at the right is a mass 16 of trees and at the left,' in a level spot surrounded by trees, is a grave with a cross; a mountain fills the middle distance and beyond at the left, range after range of snow-capped mountains rise against the sky. H. 66| in. W. ii9|in. Canvas. Signed: 1859 F. E. CHURCH. Bulletin, 1909, p. 70. Bequest of Mrs. Margaret Dows, 1909. C47-3 THE PARTHENON. This temple to the goddess Gallery Athena was erected at Athens about 450 B.C.; was used 16 as a Christian church from the sixth to the fifteenth century, when it was captured by the Turks and by them turned into a mosque; and was partly destroyed in 1687, when the Venetians bombarded the Akropolis and exploded a powder magazine which the Turks had stored there. The remains of the sculptures were removed early in the nineteenth century and are now in the British Museum, London. H. 44j\ in. W. 72I in. Canvas. Signed: F E CHURCH 1871. Bulletin, 1915, p. 66, ill. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. CHURCH, Frederick S. American; born 1842 at Grand Rapids, Mich.; lives in New York City. Studied at the Academy of Design in Chicago under Walter Shirlaw, and at the National Academy in New York City under L. E. Wil- marth. C471-1 MOONRISE. A nude woman with auburn hair is Gallery partly seen through rolling green waves; back of her, in 13 the water, is a crescent. H. 26 in. W. 22 in. Canvas, oval. Signed: F. S. CHURCH, N Y 1902. Purchase, George A. Hearn Fund, 1913. 46 CIMA — CLAUDE LORRAINE CIMA, Giovanni Battista; also known as II Conegliano. Italian (Venetian); born at Conegliano about 1460; died after 1517. Settled in Venice; a pupil of Alvise Vivarini; strongly influenced by Giovanni Bellini. C49-1 SAINT ROCH, SAINT ANTHONY, AND SAINT Gallery LUCY. Three full-length, standing figures; St. An- 30 thony in brown with a blue cope, St. Roch in yellow tunic and blue hose with a brown cloak, St. Lucy in a green robe with a red cloak. Painted by an imitator of Cima. H.5o|in. W. 48yVIn. Canvas. Bulletin, 1907, p. 172, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1907. CLAIRIN, Georges Jules Victor. French; born 1843 Paris; lives there. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts under Picot and Pils. C52-1 MOORISH SENTINEL. A Moor, wearing an orange- brown robe, a dark brown cloak, and a white turban, holds a long gun across his shoulders; he stands in front of a carved doorway, before which hangs a red rug; there is a glimpse beyond of people in an inner court. H. 27I in. W. 19I in. Canvas. Signed: G. Clairin. Bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix, 1881. CLAUDE LORRAINE; real name Claude Gellee, also known as Le Lorrain. French; born 1600 at the Chateau deChamagne near Charmes; died 1682 at Rome. Pupil of Agostino Tassi in Rome; of Deruet at Nancy. Landscapes. C57-1 A SEAPORT. To the right is the corner of a building Gallery with two large columns; in the foreground men are 14 fishing on the beach; at the left are the towers of a city and vessels at anchor near shore. Attributed to Claude. H. 385 in. W. 48^^% in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1905. C57-2 DAVID AT THE CAVE OFADULLAM. David and Gallery his followers, dressed in Roman togas and armor, stand at 20 the entrance of the cave; to them comes the man who has risked his life in the enemy’s country, bearing the bowl of water for which David had sighed. At the left is a fanciful fortified town beside a wandering river. In the background, a wide and distant landscape. H. 45f in. W. 76 in. Canvas. Purchase, Kretschmar Fund, 1921. 47 CLAYS — COHEN CLAYS, Paul Jean. Belgian; born 1819 at Bruges; died 1900 at Brussels. Pupil of Suisse and of Gudin in Paris; settled in Brussels in 1852. Marines. C571-1 CELEBRATION OF THE FREEDOM OF THE PORT OF ANTWERP, 1863. At right and left are numerous large and small craft with flags flying; in the middle of the river is a white float carrying a statue of Liberty holding a scroll inscribed Scheldt Vry; in the distance is the city of Antwerp with its cathedral tower silhouetted against sunlit clouds. H. 48! in. W. 79 in. Canvas. Signed: P. J. Clays. Gift of the artist and of several gentlemen, 1881. COCK, Cesar De. Belgian; born 1823 at Ghent; died there 1904. Pupil of the Academy of Ghent and of De Notre. Land- scapes. C64-1 LANDSCAPE; SPRING. Through the center of the pic- Gallery ture flows a stream which reflects grassy banks and green 18 trees; on the near shore a little boy is seated fishing. H. 34§ in. W. 52! in. Canvas. Signed: Cesar De Cock. 1878. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. COCK, Xavier de. Belgian; born 1818; died 1896 at Deurne, Belgium. C641-1 CHILDREN CALLING TO THE COWS. H. 22j in. W. 32^ in. Canvas. Bequest of Eliza W. Howland, 1917. COFFIN, William A. American; born 1855 at Allegheny, Pa.; lives at Jennerstown, Pa. Pupil of Bonnat in Landscapes. Paris. C65-I THE RAIN. A green hillside with scattered trees; Gallery storm clouds are at the left. 12 H. 30 in. W. 40I in. Canvas. Signed: Wm. A. Coffin. .Gift of several gentlemen, 1892. C65-2 A DECEMBER NIGHT. Gallery H. 25i in. W. 30 in. Signed: Wm. A. Coffin. 12 Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1919. COHEN, Lewis. American; born 1858, at London; died August 4, 1915, at New York City. Pupil of Alphonse Legros, J. Watson Nicholl, and A. S. Cope. 48 COHEN — COLE C66-I PUENTE SAN MARTIN, TOLEDO. The bridge ex- tends diagonally across the picture; the city in sunlight is shown on the farther bank and the foreground is in shadow. H. 28 in. W. 36J in. ‘ Canvas. Signed: Lewis Cohen. Gift of Stanley A. Cohen, 1918. COLE, Thomas. American; born 1801 at Bolton le Moor, Eng- land; died 1848 near Catskill, N. Y. Settled in Ohio; studied in England, France, and Italy, but lived the greater part of his life in New York City. C672-1 IN THE CATSKILLS. Woods in the foreground, farm lands beyond, and a range of the Catskill Mountains in the distance. H. 39 in. W. 63 in. Canvas. Signed: Cole 1837. Gift, in memory of Jonathan Sturges, by his children, 1895. C672-2 VALLEY OF THE VAUCLUSE. In the middle dis- tance at the right are cliffs with an old castle; sunny foreground with broken rocks and a bent pine which overhangs the rushing water. H. 69 in. W. 49I in. Canvas. Signed: T. Cole Roma 1841. Gift of William E. Dodge, 1903. C672-3 ROMAN AQUEDUCT. In the foreground is a mass of masonry with ruins of giant piers and vaulted roofs at the right; diagonally across the middle distance is a series of broken aqueduct arches; beyond, the Campagna stretches to the foothills of the Alban mountains, which are partly enveloped in mist. H. 14J in. W. 23J in. Canvas. Signed on the back: T. Cole, Florence, 1832; inscribed: Presented to W. A. Adams by T. Cole 1834. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1903. C672-4 THE TITAN’S GOBLET. A landscape of mountains Gallery and sunset sky forms the background for an enormous 16 goblet symbolic of the Norse legend of the Tree of Life. The stem of the goblet is a massive tree trunk, the out- spread branches of which hold an ocean dotted with sails and surrounded by forests and plains in which appear Greek ruins and modern Italian buildings, typical of ancient and modern civilization. H. 19! in. W. 16J in. Canvas. Signed: T. Cole 1833. Gift of Mrs. Samuel P. Avery, 1904. 49 COLE — COLMAN C672-5 OXBOW. (The picture shows the Connecticut River near Northampton.) In the foreground is a rocky hilltop with bare trees at the left and near the center an artist is sketching; in the middle distance at the right a plain with a winding river stretches to the distant hills; storm clouds are at the left. H. 5iiin. W. 76 in. Canvas. Signed: T Cole 1836. Bulletin, 1908, p. 229. Gift of Mrs. Russell Sage, 1908. C672-6 THE MOUNTAIN FORD. An imaginary landscape with a gnarled tree at the right, a rocky ledge in the foreground where a rider on a white horse is fording a rushing river, and in the distance a steep crag. H. 28j in. W. 40^V iri- Canvas. Signed: T COLE 5846. Bulletin, 1915, p. 64; ill. p. 69. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. COLLINS, Alfred Q. American; born 1855 at Portland, Me.; died 1903 at Cambridge, Mass. Pupil of Bonnat in Paris. C69-1 THE ARTIST'S WIFE. Life-size portrait, seen to Gallery the waist; she wears a sage-green low-necked dress; 12 gray-green background. H.27in. W. 22yV in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1905, p. 10, ill. Gift of friends of the artist, 1905. COLMAN, Samuel. American; born 1832 at Portland, Me.; died 1920 at New York City. Studied in Paris and Madrid. C71-1 VENICE; MOONRISE. In the foreground are the waters of the Giudecca with shipping; above the line of buildings at the left rise the Campanile and the domes of Santa Maria della Salute; in the distance at the right are San Giorgio Maggiore and the entrance to the Grand Canal. The sunset glow blends with the full moon. H. 23! in. W. 30 in. Canvas. Signed: Samuel Colman 1886. Gift of George I. Seney, 1888. C71-2 SPANISH PEAKS; SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Arid plains with a stream of water running through the center of the picture toward the right; in the middle distance are limestone rocks which appear like castle towers; in the distance the Spanish Peaks are seen against a late afternoon sky. 50 COLMAN — CONDER H. 31J in. W. 72j in. Canvas. Signed: Samuel Col- man 1887. Gift of H. O. Havemeyer, 1893. COMAN, Charlotte B. American; born 1833 at Waterville, N. Y.; lives in New York City. Pupil of James R. Brevoort in New York; Harry Thompson and Emile Vernier in Paris. Landscapes. C73-1 CLEARING OFF. A broad expanse of rolling country with a narrow road ’winding toward the foreground at the left; the distant blue hills are partly hidden by rain clouds. H. 27! in. W. 36} in. Canvas. Signed: C. B. Coman. Gift of friends of the artist through Mrs. H. Butterworth, 1912. COMTE, Pierre Charles. French; born 1823 at Lyons; died 1895 at Paris. Pupil of Delaroche, Horace Vernet, and Robert-Fleury. Genre. C731-1 LADY AT HER TOILET. She wears a red dress in S. W. the sixteenth century style, and is seated arranging Stairway jewels in her hair. H. i7yV in. W. 13 in. Wood. Signed: P. C. Comte. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. CONANT, Alban Jasper. American; born 1821 at Chelsea, Vt.; died 1915 in New York City. Portraits. C74-1 DR. JAMES Me COSH. (181 1-1894; President of Prince- ton College, 1868-1888.) Life-size figure, seen to below the knees; he is seated in a red upholstered chair and holds a book on his lap; he has white hair and side whiskers. H.48^Vin. W. 36J in. Canvas. Signed: A. J. Conant 1891. Gift of Mrs. William H. Bliss, 1910. CONDER, Charles. British (English); born 1868 in London; died there 1909. Pupil of Julian Academy in Paris. C75-1 THE SPANISH PIAZZA. Painting for a fan. At the left, a woman is dancing and a man stands back of her; three women are at the right; in the center, above a classical building, is a cartouche with landscape. H. 5f in. W. 19! in. (size of mount). Silk. Signed: CONDER. Bulletin, 1912, p. 57, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1911. 51 CONEGLIANO — CONSTABLE CONEGLIANO. See Cima. CONINCK, Pierre Louis Joseph de. French; born 1828 at Meteren; died there 1910. Pupil of Cogniet at Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. C76-1 ITALIAN CHILDREN AT A WELL. Life-size figures S. W. of two little girls; one holds a distaff, the other leans over Stairway the well-curb, and plays with a lizard. H. 59f in. W. 42j in. Canvas. Signed: P. de Coninck. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. CONRAD VON CREUZNACH; see Faber, Conrad. CONSTABLE, John. British (English); born 1776 at East Berg- holt; died 1837 at London. Copied drawings of Girtin; studied at the Royal Academy Schools. Landscapes and portraits. C762-1 BRIDGE ON THE STOUR. An arched brick bridge. Gallery resting in part on an island, stretches across the middle 14 distance and is reflected in the river; a rustic fence and shrubbery are in the foreground at the right and cattle are grazing beyond. H. 25! in. W. 32! in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1897. C762-2 MRS. PULHAM. Life-size portrait of an elderly lady. Gallery seen to below the waist; she wears a black dress with 14 the collar faced in blue and a black bonnet trimmed with blue. H. 29! in. W. 24^^ in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. C762-3 TOTTENHAM CHURCH. A wide expanse of green Gallery lawn with the church and its tower in the middle dis- 24 tance. Constable lived in the Tottenham section of ' London from 1823 until his death. H. 2o| in. W. i8| in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1915, p. 88; ill. p. 93. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. C762-4 GLEBE FARM WITH A VIEW OF LANGHAM Gallery CHURCH. The farm is on the high bank of a brook 24 at the right; beyond it a church tower and trees. Trees are on the opposite bank in the left foreground; heavy cumulous clouds and strong blue sky. A cow is drinking 52 IHE SLEEP OF DIANA BY JEAN BAPTISTE CAMILLE COROT PI ETA BY CARLO CRIVELLI CONSTABLE — CORNEILLE DE LYON from the brook at the right. A picture of similar subject and composition is in the National Gallery at London (No. 1274). H. 24i in. W. 31J in. Canvas. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. CONSTANT. See Benjamin-Constant. COPLEY, John Singleton. American; born 1737 at Boston; died 1815 at London where he went in 1774. Chiefly self-taught. Portraits and historical subjects. C79-1 MARY STORER GREEN. (Mary Storer was born Gallery 1736 or 1737 in Boston; married in 1757 Edward Green, 16 1733-1790: married a second time in 1791 to Benjamin Hall.) Life-size, seen almost to the waist; she wears a low-necked blue dress with white lace and a pink rose is at her breast; three strings of pearls are about her neck. H. 23 in. W. I7§ in. Pastel. Signed: John S. Copley fee. 1765. Bulletin, 1908, p. 37, ill. Purchase, Curtis Fund, 1908. C79-2 MARY SHERBURNE BOWERS. (Mary Sherburne, Gallery born about 1739, was the daughter of Joseph Sherburne 16 of Boston and married Jerathmel Bowers, whose home was in Rhode Island. The portrait came direct from the family.) Life-size figure seated on a bench in front of a tree; she wears a low-necked, white satin dress with an over-dress of royal purple silk edged with gilt braid; a pink rose is at her breast, a string of pearls is about her neck, and pearls are twined in her hair; the left hand rests on the arm of the seat and the right holds a Blenheim spaniel that lies in her lap. H. 49J in. W.39f in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1916, p. 21 ; ill. p. i. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1915. C79-51 REVEREND WILLIAM SMITH. (Of Weymouth, Mass.) Life-size portrait of an old man, seen almost to the waist; he wears a white wig and black surplice. H. 23y\ in. W. i8f in. Pastel. Lent by Richard C. Greenleaf, 1913. CORNEILL DE LYON (Claude). French; died after 1576; influenced by the Franco-Flemish portraitists of the court of Francis I. 53 CORNEILLE DE LYON — COROT C8-I PORTRAIT OF A MAN IN WHITE FUR COAT AND CAP WITH FEATHER. An unfinished por- trait (only the under painting in brown and black being done) of a young man with slight moustache and beard; he wears a black hat with a feather and a fur coat over a tight-fitting doublet. H. 7 in. W. 5I in. Wood. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. COROT, Jean Baptiste Camille. French (Barbizon); born 1796 at Paris; died 1875 at Ville d’Avray. Pupil of Michallon and of Bertin in Paris. Landscapes and figure subjects. C81-1 VILLE D’AVRAY. (Near Paris.) A pond seen through Gallery light foliage; in the foreground is a peasant woman, 17 half kneeling; in the distance are several villas. H. 2 if in. W. 31^ in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Recorded in Robaut, No. 2003, under the title, L’Etang vu k travers la feuillee. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. C81-2 THE SLEEP OF DIANA. A wooded hill at the left, Gallery a few tall trees at right, and water in the distance; in 17 the foreground a partly nude female figure lies on the ground with a red drapery beneath her and two cupids holding a filmy drapery above her; the moon lights the distant river and hills. Painted in 1865 but retouched in 1868 and the date altered. H. 78 in. W. 53f in. Canvas. Signed: COROT 1868. Bulletin, 1909, p. 27, ill. Recorded in Robaut, No. 1633B. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1908. C81-3 A RIVER SCENE. La Riviere a la Tour Lointaine. Gallery The river flows at the right; near the shore is a man in 21 a small boat; in the foreground at the left two women and a child stand beside a tree; in the distance a square tower is silhouetted against the evening sky. H. 21^ in. W. 30I in. Canvas. Signed: C. COROT. Bulletin, 191 1, p. 98, ill. Recorded in Robaut, No. 1700. Bequest of Robert G. Dun, 191 1. C81-4 SOUVENIR OF NORMANDY. Marshy foreground Gallery where a woman, wearing a white hood, is gathering 21 flowers; in the middle distance are two pollard willows and others are on the shore at the right; beyond is a group of red-roofed huts near which is a small boat with furled sail; the river is at the left. 54 COROT H. i6| in. W. 25 iV in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Recorded in Robaut, No. 1687, under the title L’Etang Picard. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. C81-5 THE FERRYMAN. In the foreground at the right, a Gallery bark with the ferryman and two peasant women is being 2 1 pushed off from the shore, where there is a large tree with sparse foliage; at the left is the river and in the dis- tance a village is seen on high ground. H. 26 j \ in. W. 19 Ttt in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Bulletin, 1914, p. 252, ill. Recorded in Robaut, No. 1728, under the title, Passeur atterrissant avec deux paysannes dans sa barque. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. C81-6 A LANE THROUGH THE TREES. A woman and a Gallery child are in the foreground at the left and in the distance 21 a woman is walking toward the opening between the two lines of trees; sunlight strikes through the branches; a river is at the right. H. 24 in. W. 18 in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Bul- letin, 1914, p. 253, ill. Recorded in Robaut, No. 2103, under the title, Alice sous bois. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. C81-7 EVENING ON THE RIVER. Trees are on the shore at the right and a single tree stands on a point of land at the left; near the center of the stream is a boat with a figure wearing a red cap. H. 14! in. W. 20 yV iri- Canvas. Signed: COROT. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. C81-8 VILLE D’AVRAY; WOODED BANKS OF THE POOL Gallery WITH A WOMAN GATHERING FAGOTS. The 21 pool is seen between the leafy branches of the trees that border its near bank; the woman wears a blue blouse and a brown skirt. Buildings show on the wooded hills of the opposite bank. The same place is represented in C81-1 of the Wolfe Collection. This picture dates from the period 1871-74. Robaut’s catalogue, number 2097, H. 28| in. W. 22 J in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. 55 COROT — COSIMO DI MARIANO C81-9 TWO MEN IN A SKIFF. A narrow stream bordered Gallery with willows; the skiff is in the foreground; a church . 21 tower in the distance; a silvery gray color over all. Robaut’s catalogue, number 2241. About 1872. H. 16 in. W. I2| in. Canvas. Signed: COROT. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. C81-10 THE BOHEMIANS. A clump of trees occupies the Gallery center and left of the canvas; a single tree trunk at the 21 right; between are two groups of figures — a bearded man pointing out a neighboring house to a young girl and a boy, and two women sitting in the shrubbery near their camp-fire, the glow of which begins to be evident in the evening light. The sun has set, but some clouds still hold its last brilliance. Robaut’s catalogue, number 2216. H. 2if in. W. 31J in. Canvas. Signed: COROT 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. C81-11 A WHEELWRIGHTS YARD ON THE BANKS OF Gallery THE SEINE. At the left two men workover a log under 21 trees, another man goes off toward the river with a fishing pole; at the right the workshop and the end of a red brick house are seen. Recorded in Robaut, No. 1460. H. i8| in. W. 21J in. Canvas. Signed: Corot. Bequest of Eloise Lawrence Breese Norrie, 1921. CORREGGIO; real name Antonio Allegri. Italian; born 1494 at Correggio, a small town near Modena; died there 1534. C811-2 FOUR SAINTS. Full-length, life-size figures, standing Gallery near a group of trees. At the left, St. Peter, with key and 29 book, wears a blue robe and yellow mantle; St. Martha, dressed in green, has her foot on the head of a dragon; Mary Magdalen wears a yellow robe and red cloak and holds her jar of ointment; at the extreme right St. Leonard, in a , monk’s brown habit, holds his prison fetters. An early work painted about 1515. Known as the Ashburton altarpiece. H. 87^ in. W. 63J in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1913, p. 26, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1912. COSIMO. See Piero di Cosimo. COSIMO DI MARIANO, Angelo. See Bronzino. 56 COSTA — COURBET COSTA, Lorenzo. Italian (Ferrarese-Bolognese); born about 1460 at Ferrara; died 1535 at Mantua. Supposed to have been a pupil of Cosimo Tura and of Francesco Cossa. C82-1 THREE SAINTS. Life-size, full-length figures; St. Francis in the center, at the right St. Ursula, and at the left St. Catherine. H. 85! in. W. 68J in. Tempera on wood. Signed: -L-COSTA-F. Gift of Rodman Wanamaker, 1907. COT, P. A. French; born 1837 at Bedarieux; died 1883 at Paris. Pupil of Cabanel, Cogniet, and Bouguereau in Paris. C821-1 THE STORM. A youth, with an animal’s skin about Gallery his loins, and a girl, in diaphanous white drapery, are 18 running down a hill before a coming storm. H. 92j in. W. 61 J in. Canvas. Signed: P+A+COT, 1880. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. COTMAN, John Sell. British (Norwich); born 1782 at Nor- wich; died 1842 at London. Studied architecture in London; also etching. Landscapes. C822-1 ENGLISH VILLAGE. A country road with a row Gallery of thatched cottages at the right; low bushes at the left. 14 H. i5fin. W. 19! in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. C822-2 WORCESTER CATHEDRAL. The River Severn Gallery is at the right; on the shore in the foreground at the 14 left are a number of people; the cathedral and town are on the far bank; cloudy sky. H. 27I in. W. 35I in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1912. COURBET, Gustave. French; born 1819 at Ornans; died 1877 at La-Tour-de-Peiltz, near Vevey, Switzerland. Pupil of Steuben and of Hesse in Paris, where the greater part of his life was spent. C83-1 COAST SCENE. A desolate beach with a fishing-boat Gallery with bedraggled sails lying among scattered boulders; 21 choppy green sea at the left. H. 25J in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Signed: Gustave Courbet. Gift of Mrs. Mary Goldenberg, 1899. 57 COU R B ET— COU TU R E C83-2 SNOW SCENE. Effet de Neige. A mass of rocks is at Gallery the left and in the shadow a doe and a fawn; groups of. 2 1 trees with reddish leaves are lightly covered with snow; in the foreground at the right is a frozen pool. H. 20^ in. W. 24^ in. Canvas. Signed: G. Courbet. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. C83-3 GUEYMARD IN THE RSLE OF ROBERT LE Gallery DIABLE. Gueymard, a famous tenor of the Paris 21 Opera, in a red, gold-trimmed tunic over a suit of chain mail, sits on the corner of the table holding aloft a dice box. It is at the moment in the first act when he sings, “Oui, Tor est une chimere.” Two knights lean over the table to watch the throw; in the background at the right is the sinister figure of Bertram, his evil genius. H. 58^ in. W. 42 in. Canvas. Signed: G. Courbet. Bulletin, 1919, p. 1 12, ill. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Milbank Anderson, 1919. C83-51 WOMAN WITH A PARROT. Life-size, full-length. Gallery nude figure of a woman, lying on a couch with a green parrot resting on her raised left hand. H.5i|Vin. W. 77I in. Canvas. Signed: 66 -Gustave Courbet. Lent anonymously, 1909. LES DEMOISELLES DE VILLAGE. The three sisters of the artist are seen in a meadow; one of them gives a piece of cake to a peasant girl; their small black and white dog barks at two young heifers across a brook. H. 76! in. W. i02f in. Canvas. Signed: G. Courbet. Lent by Mrs. Harry Payne Bingham, 1920. COUSE, E. Irving. American; born 1866. Pupil of National Acad- emy of Design in New York; Bouguereau and Robert- Fleury in Paris. C831-1 THE PEACE PIPE Three Indians, two almost nude, Gallery the other with a full feather head-dress and blanket, are 16 crouched about a little fire. The pipe is held by the nude man with his back to the spectator: brown woods in the background. H. 26 in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Signed: E. I. Couse. Gift of Mrs. Clara B. Obrig, in memory of her husband, Adolph Obrig, 1917. COUTURE, Thomas. French; born 1815 at Senlis; died 1879 at Villiers-le-Bel. Pupil of Gros and Delaroche in Paris. History and genre. 21 C83-52 Gallery 21 58 COUTU RE — CRANACH C832-1 DAY DREAMS. A boy, about ten years of age, Gallery dressed in black velvet, lolls in an upholstered chair 17 watching soap bubbles that he has just blown; at his right is a table with a glass of soapy water, books, a top, etc. A laurel wreath hangs on the wall above the boy’s head. H. 5i§ in. W. 38I in. Canvas. Initialed: T. C. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. COX, Kenyon. American; born 1856 at Warren, O.; died 1919 at New York City. Pupil of McMicken School in Cin- cinnati; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Phil- adelphia; Ecole'des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Gerome. C833-1 AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS. (1848-1907; Amer- Gallery ican sculptor.) Life-size, seen to the waist ; he is standing 13 in his studio at work. The original portrait, painted in 1887, was burned in the sculptor’s studio at Windsor, Vt., in 1904; this replica was painted in 1908 from studies in the possession of the painter. H. 33J in. W. 46I in. Canvas. Signed: KENYON COX - 1908. Gift of friends of the sculptor through A. F. Jaccaci, 1908. C833-2 THE HARP PLAYER. An interior with a young Gallery woman in a red dress seated at a harp. 12 H. 30 in. W. 18 in. Canvas. Signed: KENYON COX-1888. Bulletin, 1912, p. 102, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1912. COYPEL, Noel Nicolas. French; born 1692 at Paris; died there 1734. Pupil of his father, Noel Coypel, and of his mother, Franfoise Perrin. C834-1 VENUS WITH SEA NYMPHS AND AMOURS. Gallery Venus, seated upon a huge sea-shell, is upheld by sea 20 gods, nymphs, and dolphins; above are cupids bearing flowers and zephyrs receiving two white doves that have been brought by Love in a golden chariot. H. 32! in. W. 26J in. Canvas. Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth W. Chapman, 1903. CRANACH, Lucas, the Elder; real name, Lucas Sunder. Ger- man (Saxon); born 1472 at Kronach, Bavaria; died 1553 at Weimar. Pupil of his father; influenced by Albrecht Diirer and probably by Griinewald. After 1508 59 CRANACH— CRANE he used a small winged serpent as signature. Portraits, biblical and mythological subjects; was also an en- graver. C85-2 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (Probably an Electoral Duke Gallery of Saxony.) He is seen to below the waist; the left 34 hand grasps the hilt of a sword or dagger and the right rests upon the pommel; he wears a black velvet biretta with jeweled plume and a black velvet doublet over a gathered white shirt with lace collar; scarlet background close to the head. H. 25! in. W. lyf in. Wood. Bulletin, 1908, p. 88, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1908. C85-3 JUDITH WITH THE HEAD OF HOLOFERNES. Gallery (The Book of Judith, one of the apocryphal books of the 34 Old Testament dating from the Maccabean period, about 129 B. C., tells how Judith, in order to deliver her native city which was being besieged by the Assyrians, gained admission to the tent of the Assyrian general, Holofernes, and slew him in his drunken sleep.) Life-size figure of Judith, standing back of a table on which lies the head of Holofernes; she is elaborately dressed and holds a sword in her raised right hand. H. 35i in. W. 24! in. Wood. Signed with the winged serpent. Bulletin, 1911, p. 124, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1911. CRANACH, Lucas, the Younger. German; born 1515 at Wittenberg; died 1586 at Weimar. Pupil of his father, Lucas Cranach the Elder; influenced by Albrecht Diirer. C851-1 MADONNA AND CHILD. Half-length figure of the Madonna, seated and suckling the nude Child; she wears a black bodice and a red mantle; two cherubs hold a black drapery which forms the background. Attributed to Cranach the Younger. H. 19! in. W. 13I in. Wood. Gift of Louis Ehrich, 1895. CRANE, Bruce. American; born 1857 at New York City; lives there. Pupil of A. H. Wyant; also studied in Europe. Landscapes. C853-1 AUTUMN UPLANDS. A group of trees on a hill- Gallery side at the right; in the foreground a pile of cut logs. 13 H. 27 in. W. 41 in. Canvas. Signed: Bruce Crane. Bulletin, 1909, p. 1 1 5, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. 60 CREDI — CRIVELLI CREDI, Lorenzo di. Italian (Florentine); born 1459 at Florence; died there 1537. Pupil of his father, Andrea di Credi, a goldsmith; assistant to Verrocchio. C86-1 MADONNA ADORING THE CHILD. Full-length, Gallery kneeling figure of the Madonna, wearing a violet robe 30 and a blue mantle lined with yellow; her hands are clasped and she looks down at the nude Child who lies on the ground with a roll pillow and a light blue cloth beneath Him; at the left an angel supports the nude infant St. John, who kneels in adoration. The corner of a wall is immediately back of the Madonna; beyond is a landscape with a winding river and distant blue hills. Circular; diameter 36 in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1909, p. 186, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1909. C86-51 PORTRAIT OF A MAN. Head and shoulders of an Gallery elderly man turned slightly to the left; he wears a dark 30 coat showing a line of white above the collar, and a black skull cap on his gray hair. He holds a book in both hands. Dark wall background with a window at the left showing a landscape with distant blue hills. H. 22§ in. W. i5|in. Wood. Lent by C. C. Stillman in memory of his father James Stillman, 1921. CRISTUS, Petrus; also known as Pieter Christophsen. Flemish; born about 1400 at Baerle near Deynze; became a citizen of Bruges in 1444; died after 1472. Probably pupil of Jan Van Eyck. C861-1 THE DEPOSITION FROM THE CROSS. The body Gallery of Christ lies upon a shroud on the ground; back of it 34 the fainting Virgin is upheld by St. John; at the right Nicodemus holds the shroud with both hands; at the left Joseph of Arimathea supports the head of Christ and beyond is Mary Magdalen. In the immediate foreground are the emblems of the passion; landscape background with castles, villages, and distant blue hills. Formerly attributed to Jan Van Eyck. H. 10^^^ in. W. i4i^^ in. Wood. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1890. CRIVELLI, Carlo. Italian (Venetian); born i43o(?) at Venice(?); died after 1493. Influenced by the school of Padua. 61 CRIVELLI — CROME SAINT GEORGE. Full-length, standing figure of a youth in fantastic blue and yellow armor; his right hand rests on his hip and the left holds the red and white striped staff of his broken lance, a part of which is sticking in the head of a green dragon that is coiled on the ground at his feet; gold background. This and the following were part of the same altarpiece. H. 38! in. W. I3y\ in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1906, p. 28, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1905. SAINT DOMINIC. Full-length, standing figure in a black cloak over a white gown; a lily branch is held in the right hand and a book with a red clasp in the other; gold background. H. 38! in. W. i2| in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1906, p. 28, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1905. PI ETA. Probably the center of the upper tier of an an- cona. Half-length figures; the dead Christ is supported in the tomb by the Virgin who is at the left with her arms about His neck; her cloak and hood are blue and her dress is lavender; at the right Mary Magdalen, in blue dress, crimson sleeves, and red cloak lined with green, holds His left arm; the head of Saint John appears back of the Magdalen; gold patterned background with halos in relief. H. 28 in. W. 25! in. Tempera on wood, round top. Bulletin, 1913, p. 262, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1913. CRIVELLI, Vittorio. Italian (Venetian); latter part of the fifteenth century. Perhaps a brother of Carlo Crivelli, whom he is supposed to have assisted. C863-1 MONK READING. Small-size half-length of a Fran- ciscan monk; an open book with red binding is in his left hand. Formerly ascribed to Niccolo da Foligno; the present attribution is that of Berenson. H. 8| in. W. 5^ in. Tempera on wood. Gift of Frederic Coudert, 1888. CROME, John; known as Old Crome. British (Norwich); born 1768 at Norwich; died there 1821. Influenced by Hob- bema. Landscapes. C862-1 C862-2 C862-3 Gallery 31 62 CROME — CUSHING C88-I HAUTBOIS COMMON. In the foreground is a grove Gallery of trees with a road along which advances a cart drawn 24 by two horses; two asses are at the right; level country with trees in the middle distance; cottages to the right and cattle grazing to the left. The foreground is in deep shadow and the distance in sunlight. H. 22 in. W. 35 in. Canvas (transferred from wood, 1914). Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1888. C88-2 Gallery 14 C88-3 Gallery 14 I I C88-4 Gallery 24 OLD HOUSES AT THORPE. A river’s edge with houses at the right; a barge and several small boats are moored at a landing close to the houses. At one time this picture was erroneously called The Landing. H. 24J in. W. 19I in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. LANDSCAPE. Woodlands with a large oak occupying the center of the picture; to the left a wagon laden with logs is being drawn by six horses, the driver walking at their side; cows are beneath the trees in the distance at the right. H. 48! in. W. 675 in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. A ROADWAY. A road with rising ground at the right, a stone fence at the left, and trees in the distance; in the foreground at the right stand a man and a woman. H. 16J in. W. 2o| in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1915, p. 88. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. CROPSEY, Jasper F. American; born 1823 at Rossville, L. L, N. Y.; died 1900 at Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y. Pupil of National Academy of Design in New York City; trav- eled in Europe. At first an architect; later painted landscapes, chiefly Hudson River scenery. C881-1 LANDSCAPE. Open country- with rocks and cattle Gallery in the immediate foreground and trees at the left; farm 16 lands and wooded hills beyond and a glimpse of a river in the distance; misty atmosphere. H. 33I in. W. 48I in. Canvas. Signed: J. F. Cropsey 1853. Bequest of Mrs. Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877. CUSHING, Howard Gardiner. American; born 1869 at New York; died 1916. Pupil of J. P. Laurens, Benjamin- Constant, and Doucet. 65 CUSHING — CUYP C95-1 MRS. ETHEL CUSHING. H 84^ in. W. 42J in. Canvas. Signed: Howard G. ' Cushing. Purchase, Lazarus Fund, 1917. C95-51 INTERIOR. Gallery H. 30 in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Signed: Howard G. Cush- 12 ing, 1909. Lent by Mrs. Howard Gardiner Cushing, 1917. CUYP, Aelbert. Dutch; born 1620* at Dortrecht; died there 1691. Pupil of his father, Jacob Gerritz Cuyp. Chiefly cattle and landscapes. C99-1 LANDSCAPE WITH CATTLE. A meadow with Gallery four cows lying down and four standing; a cowherd and 1 1 a dog lie in the foreground; beyond is a river with houses on the far bank at the right; a town is dimly seen in the distance. H. 3G in. W. 42 j in. Wood. Signed: A: Cuyp. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1890. C99-2 A WOMAN MILKING. In the center, near a group Gallery of trees, a woman who wears a red bodice is milking a 14 cow; at her left a dog is seated near a brass can; two cows are lying down in the foreground at the right; at the left is a stream with cows wading in the middle distance. H. 43^ in. W. 71I in. Canvas. Signed: A: Cuyp. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. C99-3 YOUNG HERDSMEN WITH COWS. In the fore- Gallery ground is a field with several cows lying down and one 39 standing; two herdsmen are talking with a woman whose back is toward the spectator; a broad river is in the valley at the left, and beyond is a wide expanse of rolling country with distant hills lost in the golden afternoon haze. H. 44i in. W.’52j in. Canvas. Signed: A: Ciiyp. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. C99-4 VIEW ON THE MAAS. A sunset light over the still Gallery water on which ships ride at anchor; a rowboat full of men 26 is about to land at the pier. At the right is the town of Dordrecht with its steep roofs and chimneys overtopped by the clock tower. H. 3of in. W. 43f in. Canvas. Signed: A Cuyp. Bequest of William K. Vanderbilt, 1920. 64 D DA BO, Leon. American; born 1868 at Detroit, Mich.; lives in New York City. Studied in France and Italy. Dii-i THE CLOUD. Big, moonlit clouds and gray water Gallery with sail-boats. 12 H. 30 in. W. 33I in. Canvas. Signed: LEON DABO; also mionogrammed. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1914. DAGNAN-BOUVERET, Pascal Adolph Jean. French; born 1852 at Paris; lives there. Pupil of Gerome. D13-1 THE MADONNA OF THE ROSE. Life-size, three- Gallery quarter-length, seated figure of the Madonna, holding 17 the Child in her right arm; a supernatural light emanates from the Child’s head which is covered by a black shawl; on a table at the right is a vase with roses. H. 33f in. W. 27 in. Canvas. Signed: P-A*J* Dag- nan-B. Paris 1885. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1906. DAINGERFIELD, Elliott. American; born 1859 at Harper’s Ferry, Va.; lives in New York City. D14-1 SLUMBERING FOG. (Painted from the top of the Blue Gallery Ridge Mountains in North Carolina.) Mountain peaks 1 5 rise above the mist that fills the valleys; in the foreground is a bear. H. 29I in. W. 35J in. Canvas. Signed: Elliott Dain- gerfield. Bulletin, 1906, p. 58. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. D14-2 CHRIST STILLING THE TEMPEST. Greenish Gallery waves with a rowboat at the left in which stands the 13 figure of Christ wearing a white robe and a red mantle. 65 DAINGERFIELD — DAUBIGNY A dove flies near the water and at the horizon is the red rim of the setting sun. H. 20 in. W. 24 in. Canvas. Signed: Elliott Dainger- field. Bulletin, 1912, p. 135, ill. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1912. DANA, William P. W. American; born 1833 at Boston; lives in London. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Picot and Le Poitevin. D19-1 HEARTSEASE. A little girl propped up in bed with loose pansies (heartsease) on the sheet. H. 37§ in. W. 47f in. Canvas. Signed: W. P. W. DANA. Gift of S. Howland Russell, 1891. DANNAT, William T. American; born 1853 New York City; lives in Paris. Pupil of Munich Academy and of Mun- kacsy. D23-1 A QUARTETTE. Four Spanish musicians In a room. Gallery At the left a large man, seated full front on a wooden 12 bench, is singing; a young woman, dressed in black with red bows, is seated on the same bench, playing the castanets; sitting beside her, with his back toward the spectator, is a man who plays the guitar; near a window in the background at the right stands a man singing and playing the mandolin. H. 94f in. W. 9iJ in. Canvas. Signed: W. T. Dan- NAT-/84. Gift of Mrs. William H. Dannat, 1886. D23-2 THEODORE CHILD. (1855-1892; English writer who lived much in Paris, traveled in Russia and the East, and wrote on travel and art.) Life-size, bust portrait in profile. H. 19I in. W. 15! in. Canvas. Signed: W. T. Dan- nat. 1889. Gift of Mrs. Theodore Haviland, 1893. DAUBIGNY, Charles Francois. French (Barbizon); born 1817 at Paris; died there 1878. Pupil of his father, the miniature painter Edme Franfois Daubigny, and of Delaroche. Landscapes. D26-1 ON THE RIVER OISE; EVENING. Cattle are Gallery wading in the shallow water near the shore at the right; 17 beyond is a boat with two figures and on the bank a wo- 66 DAUBIGNY man is washing; there are figures beneath the trees at the left; sunset sky with pinkish clouds. H. 15J in. W. 27^^ in. Wood. Signed: Daubigny 1874. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D26-2 ON THE SEINE; MORNING. At the left is a group of Gallery young trees and a woman is watching cows that wade in 17 the shallow water; ducks are in the marshy foreground; on a hill in the middle distance is a village with a square church tower. H. i5y\in. W. 27! in. Wood. Signed: Daubigny 1871. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D26-3 BOATS ON SHORE. At the left is a sandy beacTi Gallery with fishing boats anchored in the shallow water. 17 H. i3§ in. W. 22| in. Wood. Signed: Daubigny. 1871. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1903. D26-4 LANDSCAPE. A narrow stream which reflects the trees on its banks, the cottages beyond, and a woman in a blue dress who follows the footpath at the left; fresh green foliage. H. 25y\ in. W. i8f in. Canvas. Signed: Daubigny. Bulletin, 1908, p. 200, ill. Bequest of Mrs. Martha T. Fiske Collord in memory of Josiah M. Fiske, 1908. D26-5 EVENING. Farmhouses stand at the edge of a quiet Gallery stream and cattle are coming down a road to drink; 21 the sunset sky, trees, and a low hill are reflected in the water in the foreground. H. 22 } in. W. 36I in. Canvas. Signed: C. Daubigny. Bulletin, 191 1, p. 98, ill. Bequest of Robert G. Dun, 1911. D26-6 BANKS OF THE OISE. The river is in the foreground Gallery and flows off toward the right; on the far shore at the 21 left a woman kneels washing clothes, and another woman, in blue skirt and white blouse, stands a little higher up on the bank; under the trees nearby is a rowboat; beyond is a village with gray-roofed cottages; light blue sky with pinkish clouds. H.iqlfin. W.26fin. Wood. Signed: Daubigny. 1863. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. D26-7 LANDSCAPE WITH STORKS. Marshy foreground Gallery with two storks standing on a point of land; an empty 21 boat is at the right; trees and shrubbery in full summer foliage form the background. 67 DAUBIGNY — DAVID H. in. W. Wood. Signed: Daubigny 1864. Bulletin, 1914, p. 253; ill. p. 255. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. D26-8 RIVERSIDE. The river is in the foreground; on the far shore cows are wading at the left and a woman is washing in the center; beyond are thick clumps of trees with a group of taller ones at the left. H. 13! in. W. 22I in. Wood. Signed: Daubigny 1872. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. D26-9 BANKS OF THE OISE; EARLY MORNING. The river, edged by shrubbery and a clump of trees, fills the foreground; ducks are on the water and a boat to the left; distant hills and luminous sky. H. 14 in. W. 23 in. Wood. Signed: Daubigny 1875 Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. DAUMIER, Honore. French; born 1808 at Marseilles; died 1879 at Valmondois. Studied lithography with Ramelet in Paris, in which city most of his life was spent. Painted chiefly satirical subjects. D261-1 DON QUIXOTE. In the middle distance on the ridge Gallery of a hill are Don Quixote mounted on a white horse 20 and Sancho Panza on his mule; they ride toward a dead horse which lies on the road in the foreground. H.9fin. W. 185 in. Wood. Initialed: H. D. Bulletin, 1910, p. 23, ill. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1909. DAVID, Gerard. Flemish; born about 1460 at Oudewater, Hol- land; died 1 523 at Bruges. Was prominent as an illumina- tor and miniaturist as well as a painter of larger pictures. D28-1 THE CRUCIFIXION. Christ on the cross is in the Gallery center; at the left the swooning Virgin is held by St. 34 John; at the right Mary Magdalen kneels with clasped hands and behind her stands St. Jerome. Landscape background with a lion walking across the plains and beyond buildings which form a hollow square. H. 21 in. W. i5iV In. Wood. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1909. D28-2 CHRIST TAKING LEAVE OF HIS MOTHER. Gallery Christ stands at the right, the Virgin and two other 37 Marys at the left. The figures are shown about half- length against a gold background. 68 DAVID — DAVIES H. 6| in. W. 4f in. Wood; circular top. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. , School of David. D28S-51 MADONNA FEEDING THECHILD. An interior with Gallery the Madonna at the left of a table; she holds the nude 34 Child on her lap and prepares to feed Him with a spoon held above a bowl; in the background at the right is a window with a view of a farm-yard. This is one of several replicas; the one in the Traumann Collection in Madrid is probably the original by David. H. I5i in. W. i2f in. Wood. Lent by Robert W. de Forest, 1907. DAVID, Jacques Louis. French; born 1748 at Paris, died 1825. Pupil of Boucher and of Vien. Grand Prix de Rome, 1774; court painter to Napoleon 1 . Exiled to Brussels, 1816. D281-11 MLLE. CHARLOTTE DU VAL D’OGNES. She is Gallery seated, the figure in profile to left, the head full-face look- 20 ing out as though making a sketch of David while he was painting her; her drawing portfolio, held with her left hand, rests on her knees; in the right she holds a crayon. She is a blonde about twenty, wearing a short-sleeved, high-waisted white gown of the fashion of the Directoire (1795-1799) with a pink ribbon about her slim waist and a white kerchief about her neck. Her chair, uphol- stered in blue, is covered with a salmon-red shawl. The background is an austere gray wall with a window at the left. Through its panes, one of them cracked, one sees a high masonry embankment where a gentleman and lady lean on an iron railing; a plain high building beyond. The light on the lady all comes from the window, making a brilliant rim to her figure and a sort of halo about her fluffy yellow hair. H. 63^ in. W. 5of in. Canvas. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. DAVIES, Arthur B. American; born 1862 at Utica, N. Y.; Ifves in New York City. Pupil of Dwight Williams at Utica; studied in New York and in Chicago. D282-1 DREAM. (The motive of the picture is a quotation Gallery from Meredith: “Huntress of things worth pursuit of 15 souls; in our naming, dreams.”) The nude figure of a 69 DAVIES — DA WANT young woman walking toward the left up a hill that rises from the sea, which appears at the right. H. i8 in. W. 30 in. Canvas. Signed: A. B. Davies. Bulletin, 1909, p. 1 13, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. D282-2 THE GIRDLE OF ARES. (Ares was the Greek god of Gallery war.) Against a background of mountains and evening 15 sky appears a level line of struggling figures that fill the lower part of the picture from one side of the frame to the other. H.26rVin. W. 40 in. Canvas. Signed: A. B. Davies. Bulletin, 1914, p. 76; ill. p. 79. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1914. D282-51 THE REFLUENT SEASON. A slim nude figure of Gallery a woman holding a yellow scarf, is walking to the right 12 on a terrace; at the right are white columns; a low roll- ing landscape in the background. H. 18 in. W. 30 in. Canvas. Lent by Edward W. Root, 1919. DAVIS, Charles H. American; born 1856 at Amesbury, Mass.; lives at Mystic, Conn. Pupil of Otto Grundmann and Museum of Fine Arts School in Boston; Boulanger and Lefebvre in Paris. Landscapes. D29-1 EVENING. A plain with a tall leafless oak at right of center and a winding brook in the foreground. The evening star shines in a cloudless greenish sky. H. 38^6^ in. W. 57I in. Canvas. Signed: Charles H. Davis 1886. Gift of George I. Seney, 1887. D29-2 AUGUST. A broad expanse of hilly green country Gallery with deep shadows from white and gray clouds. 13 H. 29 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: C. H. Davis. Bulletin, 1909, p. 1 14, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. DAWANT, Albert Pierre. French; born about i860 at Paris; lives there. Pupil of Jean Paul Laurens. D32-1 DEPARTURE OF EMIGRANTS FROM HAVRE. A steamship lies at the wharf and on the dock men, women, and children are huddled with their packages and bundles. 70 DAWANT — DEFRANCE H. ii8 in. W. i6i in. (sight). Canvas. Signed: 1887 • A - P Dawant. Gift of Thomas Achelis, 1897. DEARTH, Henry Golden. American; born 1864 at Bristol, R. I.; died at his home in New York City 1918. Pupil of Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Hebert and Aime Morot in Paris. D34-1 CORNELIA. A young girl, wearing a red coat and a Gallery straw hat trimmed with flowers, is seated with her hands 15 crossed in her lap; against the white wall back of her hangs a Japanese print and on a table in front of it stands an Italian drug-pot; leather-bound books are on a stand at the right. H. 25! in. W. 3i|in. Canvas. Signed: H. Dearth. Bulletin, 1915, p. 1 5 1, ill. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1915. DECAMPS, Alexandre Gabriel. French; born 1803 at Paris; died i860 at Fontainebleau. Pupil of Abel de Pujol, David, and Ingres. D35-1 THE NIGHT PATROL AT SMYRNA. A company of Gallery Turkish guards, with their officer mounted on a white 17 horse, are dashing toward the left through a city street; the background consists of a plaster wall in brilliant sunlight with a Moorish balcony over which hangs a rug; down a narrow street at the left the blue sky is visible. H. 29^^^ in. W. 36y®5^ in. Canvas. Signed: DECAMPS. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D35-2 ITALIAN COURTYARD. Three children play with a small dog in the court; to the left a young girl watches from the steps; at the back, on a balcony over an arched doorway, a mother sits holding her child. H.24in. W. i9|in. Canvas. Signed: DECAMPS 1842. Bequest of William H. Herriman, 1921. DEFRANCE, Leonard, Belgian; born 1735 at Liege; died there 1805. Pupil of Von Coders; traveled in Italy; was the first professor of design in the Academy at Li^ge. D36-1 THE ROPE DANCER. A young woman is balancing herself on a rope which is stretched from the rudely con- structed stage at the left to the foreground at the right; the audience is seated farther back at the right and in the background is a board fence. 71 DEFRANCE — DESGOFFE H. 20 in. \V. 28J in. Wood. Signed: L. Defrance de Liege. Purchase, 1871. DEFREGGER, Franz von. German (Bavarian); born 1835 at Dolsach, Tyrol; died, 1921, at Munich. Pupil of Mu- nich Academy under Piloty. D362-1 GERMAN PEASANT GIRL. Life-size, almost to the Gallery waist; she wears a Bavarian Tyrol costume consisting of 18 a striped brown blouse with red bodice and black kerchief. H. 21^ in. W. i6yV in. Wood. Signed: Defregger. 80. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DELACROIX, Eugene. French; born 1798 at Charenton- Saint-Maurice; died 1863 at Paris. Pupil of Pierre Guerin in Paris; traveled in Spain and North Africa. Romantic and oriental subjects. D37-1 THE ABDUCTION OF REBECCA. L’Enlevement Gallery de Rebecca. (For the incident see Sir Walter Scott's 17 novel, Ivanhoe, Chapter 31.) Rebecca has been carried from the burning castle of Front de Boeuf where she has been kept prisoner by Bois Guilbert. A retainer lifts her upon the horse ridden by one of his Saracen slaves; at the right the knight is arriving at a gallop from the burning castle, which is seen in the distance. H. 39I in. W. 32^- in. Canvas. Signed: Eug. Dela- croix 1846. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1903. DELORT, Charles Edouard. French; born 1841 at Nimes; died 1895. Pupil of Gleyre and Gerome in Paris. D382-1 THE CASQUE. An interior with a man in fifteenth S. W. century costume examining a steel casque; on the floor Stairway and on the table against which he leans are other pieces of armor. H. 2ii in. W. 14! in. Canvas. Signed: C. DELORT. 1872. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DE NEUVILLE. See Neuville. DESGOFFE, Blaise. French; born 1830 at Paris; died there 1901. Pupil of Flandrin and Bouguereau. Still life. D45-1 OBJECTS OF ART. (The objects to be painted were S. W. selected by Miss Wolfe from the Louvre Collections.) Stairway An engraved rock crystal beaker, mounted in gold with 72 DESGOFFE — DETAILLE brilliant enameling, and other objects are grouped on a table which is partly covered with red drapery. H. 285 in. W. 36 j in. Canvas. Signed: Blaise Des- goflFe - 74. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D45-2 OBJECTS OF ART. A jeweled double cross, a crystal beaker, and other objects are on a table. H. 34j in. W. 265 in. Canvas. Signed: Blaise Des- goffe, 1880. Gift of Frau Rittmeister Koehler (Margaret Conover Schaus), 1887. DESSAR, Louis Paul. American; born 1867 at Indianapolis, Ind.; lives in New York City. Pupil of National Acad- emy of Design in New York; Bouguereau, Robert- Fleury, and Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. Landscapes. D47-1 WOOD-CART. A cart filled with stripped tree trunks Gallery is being drawn across a stony field by a yoke of oxen; 13 autumn trees beyond. H. 28 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: Dessar. 1908. Bulletin, 1909, p. 1 1 5, ill. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1909. DETAILLE, Edouard. French; born 1848 at Paris; died there 1912. Pupil of Meissonier. Military subjects. D48-1 SKIRMISH BETWEEN COSSACKS AND THE Gallery IMPERIAL BODYGUARD, 1814. A squad of Na- 18 poleon’s Imperial Guard is pursuing Cossacks along a wet road through a forest of bare trees. H. 39f in. W. 32I in. Canvas. Signed: EDOUARD- DETAILLE-1870. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D48-2 FRENCH CUIRASSIERS. Mounted on a heavy, S. W. dark bay mare, a cuirassier, fully equipped, stands at Stairway rest; a troop of cuirassiers is in the background. H. i3f in. W. 9J in. Water color. Signed: EDOU- ARD- DETA I LLE-i 872. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D48-3 THE DEFENCE OF CHAMPIGNY. (The incident Gallery depicts French foot soldiers and sappers commanded 21 by General Faron, who stands in the center of the pic- ture; this division having taken Champigny, December 2, 1870, is defending a chateau at the fork of two roads. 73 DETAILLE — DEWING against a return attack of the Saxon and Wiirtemberg divisions of the German army.) A wall, through which* cannon are being fired, extends from the foreground at the left to the middle distance at the right where there is a house which is being shelled by the enemy; in the immediate foreground soldiers are crouching near broken hotbeds and two officers stand before them; beyond, four officers question a peasant. H. 48 in. W. 84I in. Canvas. Signed: Edouard DETAILLE- 1879. Gift of Henry Hilton, 1887. DEVEDEUX, Louis. French; born 1820 at Clermont-Ferrand; died 1875 at Paris. Pupil of Delaroche and Decamps. D49-1 THE PRIDE OF THE HAREM. A man reclines on a S. W. divan on the edge of which a blonde young woman in a Stairway white dress is playing the mandolin; four young girls are strewing flowers; in the background a slave carries a tray. H.32fin. W. 261V in. Canvas. Signed: L. Devedeux. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DEWEY, Charles Melville. American; born 1849 at Low- ville. New York; lives in New York City. Pupil of Carolus-Duran in Paris. Landscapes. D51-1 THE SUN SHOWER. A green landscape with a pool Gallery in the foreground; the sun is shining through the thin 13 rain clouds. H. 36^ in. W. 52I in. Canvas. Signed: Charles Mel- ville Dewey. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1920. DEWING, Thomas W. American; born 1851 at Boston; lives in New York City. Pupil of Julian Academy in Paris under Boulanger and Lefebvre. D511-1 THE LETTER. Interior with a lady in a low-necked Gallery pinkish gown, seated before an open desk, which is at 12 the left. H. 20 in. W. 16 in. Canvas. Signed: T. W. Dewing. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1910. D511-2 TOBIT AND THE ANGEL. The angel, in a golden Gallery garment, holding a gold harp, walks through a meadow 12 dotted with white flowers; his great white wings spread wide and his eyes fixed in an ecstatic gaze on the sky. 74 DEWING — DE WIT At the right the youth follows him dragging a large fish and carrying his net over his shoulder. H. 24 in. W. 40 in. Canvas. Signed: T.W. Dewing, 1887. Gift of Edward D. Adams, 1919. DE WIT, Jacob. Dutch; born 1695 at Amsterdam; died there 1754. Influenced by study of the works of Rubens and Van Dyck. Chiefly noted as a decorator who frequently used groups of children at play painted in monochrome simulating marble bas reliefs. School of De Wit. D5 12S-1 Wing H Gallery 18 E5 12S-2 Wing H Gallery 18 D5 12S-3 Wing H Gallery 18 D512S-4 Gallery 8 D5 12S-5 Gallery 8 D5 12S-6 Wing H Gallery 18 CHILDREN AT PLAY. Six nude children playing with birds and soap bubbles; one is winged and flying with a paper windmill. H. 93! in. W. 7of in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. HUSBANDRY. Six nude children gathering the har- vest; one plays she is Ceres; another has climbed a tree and throws the fruit down at one below who catches it in a basket. H. 91^ in. W. 67 J in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. LOVES FORGING A THUNDERBOLT. Five nude children working about a forge near a rocky cliff; one of them crouches in front holding thunderbolts in his hand. H. 93! in. W. 70I in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. YOUNG FISHERS AT THE FOUNTAIN. Five nude children at a fountain; one has caught a fish, the others are getting water. H. 91I in. W. 67! in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. FORGING LOVE’S DART. Eight nude children, some of them winged, are busy around a forge near a rocky cliff. H. 47f in. W. 6of in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. THE BIRD’S NEST. Six nude children playing with a bird’s nest; in the foreground one of the boys holds back a dog to prevent it from reaching the nest that lies on the ground. H. 83^ in. W. 83J in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. 75 DE WIT— DIAZ DE LA PENA D512S-7 THE DANCE. Six nude children, three of them danc- Wing H ing and the others playing the fife, drum, and triangle. - Gallery H. 83I in. W. 835 in. Monochrome on canvas. i3 Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. D512S-8 ADAM AND EVE IN THE GARDEN. Eve stands Gallery at the left and hands the apple to Adam, who is seated 9 at the foot of the tree; the serpent is coiled in the branches above and a lion crouches at the left. H. 94 in. W. 6gl in. Monochrome on canvas. Gift of Bradley Martin, 1895. DIAZ DE LA PENA, Narciso Virgilio. French (Barbizon); born 1807 at Bordeaux of Spanish parents; died 1876 at Mentone. Apprenticed at fifteen to a china painter at Paris. Landscapes and figure subjects. D54-1 THE HOLY FAMILY. The Virgin is seated under Gallery a tree; the Christ Child leans against her knee at the 17 right and St. John on the other side. H. 12I in. W. 9J in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz -53. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D54-2 LANDSCAPE. An open field with a roadway and a Gallery figure; trees and hills in the distance. 17 H. 9^ in. W. 13 J in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D54-3 STUDY OF TREES. Several large tree trunks spotted Gallery with sunlight; at the right a stooping figure wearing a 17 red kerchief. H. 14 in. W. lof in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D54-4 EDGE OF A FOREST. In the distance is a clearing Gallery where the sun is shining; from this a road leads into the 17 heavy foliage in the foreground, and a bent figure is just entering the shady path. H. 9^ in. W. 12 in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D54-5 A CLEARING IN THE FOREST OF FONTAINE- Gallery BLEAU. A rocky hilltop with a footpath across the 20 center; at the left is the trunk of an oak with one branch in leaf and the others broken off; beyond at right and left are trees in full summer foliage; blue sky with dark clouds at the zenith. 76 PARADISE BY GIOVANNI DI PAOLO DIAZ DE LA PENA — DIETRICH H. 14I in. W. 18^ in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz-72- BuIIetin, 1914, p. 253, ill. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. D54-6 CHILDREN AND LIZARD. A group of five children, wearing bright-colored garments, are watching a lizard; in the background at the right is a vine-covered pergola. H. 23J in. W. 291^6^ in. Canvas. Signed: N. Diaz — 1865. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. D54-7 THE POOL. Between the small, marshy pool in the foreground and the woods in the distance is the figure of a woman crossing a field. H. i2j^g-in. W. i6iViri. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz-73- Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. D54-8 A CLEARING IN THE FOREST; MARSHY FORE- GROUND. Brown foliage which opens out in the center of the canvas, showing clumps of trees in sunlight and blue and white sky. H. i2f in. W. 17J in. Wood. Signed: N. Diaz ’73. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. D54-9 WOODLAND POOL AND FIGURE. It is clearing off after a rain storm; the sunlight catches the tops of the brown trees and a sandy spot between rocks where a woman walks carrying a load on her back. The pool is back of her and a wide stretch of dark blue sky and sunlit clouds is shown above. H. 19! in. W. 26 in. Canvas. Signed: N. Diaz 67. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917 DIETRICH, Christian Wilhelm Ernst. German; born 1712 at Weimar; died 1774 at Dresden. Pupil of his father and of Alexander Thiele. In 1746 became keeper of the Dresden Gallery. Imitated Dutch and French masters. D561-1 SURPRISED; or Infidelity Found Out. At the left a man and a woman are seated on the ground in the shade of a group of trees and a Love is near them; at the right stand several ladies and gentlemen who are preceded by Cupid, who bears a flaming torch. 77 DIETRICH - DOU H. 28f in. W. in. Canvas. Inscribed: Feint par C. E. Dietrich. Purchase, 1871. D561-2 CHRIST HEALING THE SICK. Standing in the porch of the Temple, the Christ extends his arm toward a man who lies in the foreground; at the right are apostles and elders and at the left are the sick and maimed. H. 35 J in. W. 4ii^^ in. Canvas. Signed: Dietricy pinxt 1742. Gift of William H. Webb, 1885. DOMINGO, Francisco. Spanish; born 1843 at Valencia; has lived at Paris since 1878. Pupil of Royal Academies of San Carlos at Valencia and San Fernando at Madrid; studied in Rome. D711-1 INTERIOR WITH FIGURES. A number of soldiers Gallery are playing cards and drinking. 18 H. 6J in. W. 8y\ in. Wood. Signed: 1881-Domingo. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DONOHO, Ruger. American; born 1857 at Churchill, Miss.; died 1916 in New York City. Pupil of Art Students’ League and R. Swain Gifford in New York; Julian Academy in Paris. Chiefly landscape painter. D715-1 WINDFLOWERS. Masses of pink blossoms in the foreground; fields beyond with tree trunks and a stone wall in the middle distance. H. 30 in. W. 36 in. Canvas. Signed: Ruger Donoho 1912. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1917. DORE, Gustave. French; born 1833 at Strasburg; died 1883 at Paris. Chiefly illustrator. D73-1 THE RETREAT FROM MOSCOW. A wagon load S. W. of Napoleon’s soldiers is followed by a squad of Russian Stairway cavalry; at the left are dead horses and an overturned army wagon; in the middle distance are Russian soldiers. H. 28^ in. W. 375 in. Gouache in black and white on gray paper. Signed: G'^® Dore 1865. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DOU (or Dow), Gerard. Dutch; born 1613 at Leyden; died there 1675. At first apprenticed to an engraver, in 1628 78 DOU — DOUGHTY he entered the studio of Rembrandt, where he remained two years and was influenced by the master’s early manner. D741-1 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST. The painter when Gallery about forty years of age; he is shown standing back of a 39 window, holding his palette and brushes in his left hand, and with his right turning the leaves of a book which rests on the sill; a striped scarf hangs over the window ledge, partly covering a panel in low relief; a vase with a plant is at the left and at the right a vine and a bird-cage. H. igj in. W. 15! in. Wood. Signed: G. Dou. Bequest of Benjamin 'Altman, 1913. DOUGHERTY, Paul. American; born 1877 at Brooklyn, N. Y.; lives in New York City. Studied in Paris, London, Florence, Venice, and Munich. Marines. D742-1 Gallery 15 D742-2 D742-3 OCTOBER SEAS. Rocks are in the foreground and at the left; breakers beyond. H. 36I in. W. 48 J in. Canvas. Signed: Paul Dough- erty-19 10. Purchase, Hearn Fund, 1911. SUN AND SHADOW, LAKE LOUISE. (A Canadian lake near the foot of the glacier-covered Mount Vic- toria.) Distant snow-capped mountains seen between two green mountain sides that slope down to the lake in the foreground. H. 13J in. W. I9§ in. Water color. Signed: Paul Dougherty. Purchase, Lazarus Fund, 1917. THE ROAD TO CAYEZ, PORTO RICO. Hilly, trop- ical country with the road partly hidden in a valley. H. i3§ in. W. 19! in. Water color. Signed: Paul Dougherty. Purchase, Lazarus Fund, 1917. DOUGHTY, Thomas. American; born 1793 at Philadelphia; died 1856 in New York City. Landscapes. D743-1 ON THE HUDSON. Rocks are in the foreground, trees Gallery and shrubbery at the right, the Hudson River is in the 16 middle distance, and beyond are the hills nearWest Point. H. 14! in. W. 2ijin. Canvas. Signed: T. Doughty. Gift of Samuel P. Avery, 1891. 79 DOUGHTY — DRUMMOND D743-2 A RIVER GLIMPSE. A wooded landscape with a path in the foreground and the Hudson River in the middle- distance. H. 3oJ in. W. 25 in. Canvas. Signed: T. Doughty. Gift of Samuel P. Avery, 1895. D743-3 LANDSCAPE. A valley with a river at the right, and trees at the left; distant hills. H. 43! in. W. 62yY in. Canvas. Signed: T. Doughty. Gift of George F. Shelton and Mrs. F. H. Markoe, in memory of their father, Theodore B. Shelton, 1917. DROUAIS, Francois Hubert. - French; born 1727 at Paris, died there, 1775. Pupil of his father, Hubert Drouais; and of Carle van Loo, Natoire, and Boucher. Portraits. D831-1 EMPEROR JOSEPH II OF AUSTRIA. (1741-1790; Gallery son of Francis I and Maria Theresa; succeeded his father 20 in 1765.) Life-size, full-length figure, standing near a gilt table with a marble top; he wears a scarlet velvet coat and knee breeches and a white silk waistcoat em- broidered with gold; a brown and white terrier is in the foreground. H. 97I in. W. 69! in. Canvas. Signature indistinct. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1903. D831-2 MADAME FAVART. (1727-1772; a popular opera Gallery singer, later the wife of Charles-Simon Favart, dramatist.) 20 She is shown three-quarters length, seated profile to right, looking at the spectator, and playing on a double-banked harpsichord. She has powdered hair and wears a low- cut blue dress trimmed with lace; blue ribbons around her neck and in her hair. Gray background. H. 31^ in. \V. 25 Tg- in. Canvas. Signed: DROUAIS Le Fils 1757. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. DRUMMOND, Samuel. British; born 1763 in London; died there 1844. Portrait and historical painter; curator of the Royal Academy schools in London. D84-1 ALEXANDER REA. (1782-1820; an actor.) The figure is seen to the waist with the head three-quarters to the right; he wears a black velvet coat the collar of which is edged with fur, and a full white neck-cloth. H. 30 in. W. 24I in. Canvas. Bequest of Emil C. Bondy, 1915. 80 DU BOIS— DUGHET DU BOIS, Guy Pene. American; born 1884 at Brooklyn. Pupil of Chase, Du Mond, and Henri. D85-1 THE DOLL AND THE MONSTER. A disagreeably Gallery gross man in evening clothes stands looking at a yellow- 1 2 haired girl in a white dress and a yellow sash. Blue back- ground. H. 20 in. W. 15 in. Canvas. Signed: Guy Pene du Bois 1914. Gift of Mrs. Harry Payne Whitney, 1921. DUCCIO DI BUONINSEGNA. Italian (Sienese); active 1279 to his death in 1319. Heir to the best traditions of Byzan- tine art. Follower of Duccio. , D851S-1 MADONNA AND CHILD; THE ANNUNCIATION; Gallery THE NATIVITY. The Madonna in a dark cloak trim- 33 med with gold holds the Child, who wears a red drapery; he holds a white rose and plays with his mother’s veil. Below at the left, the Virgin stands in a chamber and receives the message from a kneeling angel outside. Be- low at the right, the Madonna lies on the ground, Joseph sits beside her, behind in a cave the Child lies in a manger with the ox looking at him and three angels singing. In the foreground are two shepherds with sheep and a dog. Ornamented gold backgrounds. H. 12 in. W. 8J in. Wood. Purchase, Marquand Fund, 1920. DUEZ, Ernest Ange. French; born 1843 Paris; died 1896 in the forest of St. Germain. Pupil of Pils. D861-1 THE BOUQUET. Standing figure of a young lady in Gallery a dark blue walking dress, holding a bouquet and a 18 shawl in her left hand. H. 12J in. W. 8f in. Water color. Signed: E. Duez. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DUGHET, Gaspard; known as Gaspard Poussin. French; born 1613 at Rome, Italy, of French parents; died 1675 at Rome. Pupil of Nicolas Poussin, whose name he adopted. Landscapes. D87-3 landscape with figures. High trees are at Gallery the left and in front of them is a fountain with nude 14 • figures bathing in the marble pool; in the center of the foreground is a road where two partly nude men are 81 DUGHET— DUPLESSIS throwing a stone at a hissing snake; clumps of trees and several buildings are in the middle distance with mountains beyond. H. 36j in. W. 58I in. Canvas. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. D87-4 LANDSCAPE. Wild country with groups of trees on Gallery each side; mountains are in the distance and a stream 20 falls in two cascades toward the foreground where there is a road with several mythological figures. H. 37J in. W. 60J in. Canvas. Bulletin, 1908, p. 209. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1908. DUNLAP, William. American; born 1766 at Perth Amboy, N. J.; died 1839 at New York City. Studied painting with Benjamin West in London; upon his return to New York went into business with his father and throughout his life alternated between painting, managing a theatre, and writing books. He is best known as the author of The History of the Arts of Design in the United States, published 1834. D92-1 JOHN A. CONANT. (John Adams Conant of Brandon, Vt.; 1800-1886.) Life-size figure seen almost to the waist; he wears a high collar and white stock. H.3o|in. W. 25in. Wood. Signed: W. Dunlap 1829. Gift of John A. Church, 1913. D92-2 MRS. JOHN A. CONANT. (Caroline D. Holton, wife of John A. Conant of Brandon, Vt.) Life-size figure seen to the waist; her hair is parted in the middle and waved; she wears a low-necked dress edged with lace and a gold chain is about her neck and falls across her bodice. H.3o|in. W. 25in. Wood. Signed indistinctly: Dunlap. Gift of John A. Church, 1913. DUPLESSIS, Joseph Silfrede. French; born 1725 at Carpentras; died 1802 at Versailles where he was Curator of the Museum. Pupil of Imbert and Subleyras. Chiefly portraits. D921-1 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN. (1706-1790; American Gallery philosopher, statesman, diplomat, and author.) Life- 20 size, to the waist; he wears a red coat with brown fur collar. One of several replicas. H. 27! in. W. 22j in. Canvas, oval. Inscribed on back of canvas, possibly by the artist: Peint par 82 DUPLESSIS— DURAND Duplessis, pour obliger le Vicomte De Ruissy. Gift of George A. Lucas, 1895. DUPRE, Jules. French (Barbizon); born 1811 at Nantes; died 1889 at rislc-Adam, near Paris. As a youth he was a decorator in a porcelain factory. Studied painting under Laugee and Pils in Paris. Landscapes. D922-1 THE OLD OAK. The tree is at the right near a dark Gallery pool of water; beyond are meadow lands where two cows 18 are grazing. H. 32 in. W. 25! in. Canvas. Signed: Jules Dupre. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. D922-2 THE HAY WAGON. The wagon, with a woman and Gallery child seated on the hay, is being drawn over a sandy hill 17 by a team of horses and a man is pushing the wagon; another man walks at the side of the team; stormy sky. H. iqi in. W. 18J in. Canvas. Signed: Jules Dupre. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DUPRE, JuLiEN. French; born 1851 at Paris; died there 1910. Pupil of Pils, Laugee, and Lehmann. D923-1 THE BALLOON. French peasants have stopped haying to look at a balloon floating in the sky; in the center stands a woman with a rake in her hands, and at the right is an old woman with a red kerchief on her head. H. 961 in. W. 78I in. Canvas. Signed: JULIEN DUPRE 1886. Gift of George I. Seney, 1887. DURAND, Asher B. American; born 1796 at Jefferson Village, N. J.; died there 1886. Self-taught. At first an en- graver but after 1835 devoted himself entirely to landscape painting. D93-1 LANDSCAPE. A stream runs in the foreground with figures on the shore at the right and cattle grazing at the left; groups of trees beyond and mountains in the distance. H. 32! in. W. 47I in. Canvas. Signed: A. B. Durand 1853. Bequest of Mrs. Sarah Ann Ludlum, 1877. D93-2 JUDGMENT OF GOG. (Fulfilment of the prediction according to Ezekiel, xxxix, 4.) The valley of Hamon- Gog, where the troops of Gog, the prince of Rosh, Mes- hech and Thubal, are being overthrown. 83 DURAND — DURER H. 6 o| in. W. 5of in. Canvas. Gift in memory of Jonathan Sturges by his children,*; 1895. D93“3 in the woods. A brook winds between birches. H. 60J in. W. 48! in. Canvas. Signed: A. B. Durand, 1855.^ Gift in memory of Jonathan Sturges by his children, 1895. D93-4 ARIADNE. (A copy after the large painting by Van- Gallery derlyn which is in the Pennsylvania Academy of the 16 Fine Arts in Philadelphia. This copy was made by Durand before executing the etching.) Full-length, nude, lying on the ground with a white and red drapery beneath her; landscape and sea in the background. H. lyi in. W. ipf in. Canvas. Gift of Samuel P. Avery, 1897. D93-5 IMAGINARY LANDSCAPE. At the right are trees with high mountain peaks beyond; at the left is a valley with a winding river in the distance and at flock of sheep coming toward the foreground. H. 39i in. W. 61 in. Canvas. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1911. D93-6 THE BEECHES. In the foreground at the left is a group of beeches; a road winds through the picture and in the middle distance are a flock of sheep and the shep- herd; a lake is beyond. H. 6of in. W. 48I in. Canvas. Signed: A B DU- RAND 1845. Bulletin, 1915, p. 64; ill. p. 65. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. D93-7 SUMMER AFTERNOON. In the foreground at the Gallery left is a lake; on the far bank at the right are large trees 16 beneath which cattle are grazing; two cows wade in the water. H. 22J in. W. 35 in. Canvas. Signed: A B Durand 1865. Bulletin, 191 5, p. 64; ill. p. 66. Bequest of Maria De Witt Jesup, from the collection of her husband, Morris K. Jesup, 1915. DURER, Albrecht. German; born 1471 at Nuremberg; died there 1528. He was apprenticed in i486 to Michel Wolgemuth. Painted portraits and devotional pictures and is also noted as an engraver and etcher. 84 DURER — DYCK D931-1 MADONNA AND CHILD WITH SAINT ANNE. St. Gallery Anne, with fixed look, her head and chin covered with a 37 white drapery, holds the sleeping Christ Child on her lap and rests her left hand on the Virgin’s shoulder; Mary, her head lower than St. Anne’s, with half-closed eyes and joined hands, adores the Child. Several similar com- positions by Diirer exist; Waagen mentions ten. An exact study for this St. Anne is in the Albertina at Vienna. In the middle of the nineteenth century this picture was the subject of discussions as to its authenticity; it is listed as by Diirer in the monograph on this artist by Moritz Thausing, who reports the arguments. H. 23! in. W. 19IJ in. Wood. Monogrammed: AD 1519. Bequest of Benjamin Altman, 1913. D931-2 VIRGIN AND CHILD. The Virgin is blonde and Gallery rather fat; the nude Child crouches on her lap^ holding 34 her left thumb in His right hand. She leans over Him and lifts with her right hand the white cloth on which He sits. Her dress and shawl are both salmon colored; a white chemisette shows at her throat; brown back- ground with delicate yellow rays from the Virgin’s head. H. iiin. W. 814 in. Wood. Signed: 1516 AD. Gift of J. Pierpont Morgan, 1917. DUTCH SCHOOL; Seventeenth Century. DU95S-1 A BURGOMASTER. Life-size figure, seen to the knees. Gallery seated at a table, writing; he has gray hair, beard, and 26 moustache, and wears a narrow white ruff and a dark coat with leopard skin collar; his gloves are in his left hand. H. 42I in. W. 30 in. Wood. Gift of Henry G. Marquand, 1888. DUVERGER, Theophile Emmanuel. French; born 1821 at Bordeaux; died 1901 (?). D951-1 FEEDING THE BIRD. A kitchen with a little girl S. W. kneeling on the red tiled floor beside a large bird cage; Stairway a woman is seated at the right, sewing. H. 12J in. W. 9f in. Wood. Signed: Duverger Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. DYCK, Anthony Van. See Van Dyck. 85 E EAKINS, Thomas. American; born 1844 at Philadelphia; died there 1916.^ Pupil of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts; Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Gerome and Bonnat. Ea^-i THE CHESS PLAYERS. An interior with two men Gallery seated at a table; a third stands watching the game. 12 H. lijin. W. i6f in. Wood. Inscribed: benjamini EAKINS, FILIUS, PINXIT, 1876. Gift of the artist, 1881. Ea5~2 PUSHING FOR RAIL. (The name given by sports- Gallery men to a method of hunting rail, a kind of water-bird, 12 whereby the hunter is punted along the shallow waters of marshy streams and shoots the birds as they fly on being disturbed.) Three hunters, each with his boat- man, are in three boats which are hidden by weeds. H. 13 in. W. 30 iV in. Canvas. Signed: EAKINS 74. Purchase, Arthur Hoppock Hearn Fund, 1916. Ea5-3 THE WRITING MASTER. Portrait of the artist’s Gallery father, engrossing a parchment diploma on a table, the 12 top of which shows at the lower edge of the canvas. He is a man of about seventy with bald forehead, thin white hair, and white chin beard; he has strong wrinkled hands, capable of sensitive and most delicate work. His coat is black and the background is dark. H. 30 in. W. 34 j in. Canvas. Signed: EAKINS 82. Bulletin, 1917, p. 218, ill.; 1918, p. 25. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1917. Ea 5-4 THE THINKER. Life-size, full-length, standing figure Gallery of a nervous man of about forty. He is clean shaven, has 12 black hair, and wears glasses. He stands three-quarters to right, with feet apart, head tipped somewhat for- 86 EAKINS — ELLIOTT ward, and his hands in his trousers pockets — the attitude of one lost in thought. His black clothes fit him loosely; the background is light. H. 82 in. W. 42 in. Canvas. Signed: Eakins 1900, Bulletin, 1917, p. 218, ill.; 1918, p. 25. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1917. EARLE, Ralph. American; born 1751 in Worcester County, Mass.; died 1801 at Bolton, Conn. At first an itiner- ant portrait painter; after the War of the Revolution went to London returning to the United States probably in 1 786. Signed sometimes Earl but more frequently Earle. Ea7-i LADY WILLIAMS. Life-size, seated portrait, seen Gallery to below the knees; she is dressed in white and holds a 16 baby girl on her lap; the child has a blue sash and blue ribbons on her cap; at the left is a mahogany table with an inkstand. H. 50J in. W. 39J in. Canvas. Signed: R Earl Pinxit 1783. (?) Bulletin, 1906, p. 83, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. EECKHOUT, Gerbrandt van den. Dutch; born 1621 at Amster- dam; died there 1674. Pupil and imitator of Rembrandt. Eei-i DESTRUCTION OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH. Gallery Clouds of smoke rise to right and left; between are seen 14 the burning cities and panic-stricken people; in the fore- ground Lot is escaping accompanied by two angels and behind him are his wife and her attendants. H. 14 in. W. 2o^V Wood. Gift of George A. Hearn, 1906. EKSERGIAN, Carnig. Armenian; born 1859 at Constantinople; studied there and in Paris; lives in New York. Eky-i ISAAC D. FLETCHER. (1844-1917.) Standing, three- quarters length, full-face. Mr. Fletcher is shown at the age of seventy; he wears a black coat and tie. H.qoin. W. 3oin. Canvas. Signed: C. Eksergian 1914. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac D. Fletcher Collection. Bequest of Isaac D. Fletcher, 1917. ELLIOTT, Charles L. American; born 1812 at Scipio, N. Y.; died 1868 at Albany, N. Y. Pupil of Trumbull and Quidor; spent the greater part of his life in New York City. Portraits. 87 ELLIOTT — EMMET EI5-1 PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST. Life-size, bust; he has dark hair, falling nearly to the shoulders, and a full * beard. H. 3oJ in. W. 24 j in. Canvas. Gift of Robert Hoe, 1888. EI5-2 M. B. BRADY. ( ? -1896; historical photographer.) Life-size, to the waist; he has dark hair and beard. Painted in 1857. H. 24 in. W. 20 in. Canvas. Gift of friends of Mr. Brady, 1896. EI5-3 CALEB GASPER. (1790-1877; of Marcellus, N. Y.) Gallery Life-size figure, seated in a red chair and seen to the 16 waist; his hair is slightly gray. H. 33I in. W. 25 in. Canvas, oval. Signed: C. L. Elliott 1852. Gift of Mrs. Henry Marquand, 1897'. EI5-4 MRS. JAMES CLINTON GRISWOLD. (1830-1897; she was Laura Gasper, daughter of Caleb Gasper.) Life-size figure, seen to the knees; she is seated on a red drapery and dark trees form the background; she wears a thin white dress and her hair is parted and drawn back. H. 36J in. W. 29I in. Canvas. Signed: Elliott 1854. Gift of Mrs. Henry Marquand, 1897. ELTEN, Kruseman van. See Kruseman. EMMET, Ellen G. (Mrs. William Blanchard Rand.) Ameri- can; born 1876 in San Francisco; lives in New York City. Studied in New York and Paris. Portraits. Em6-i AUGUSTUS SAINT-GAUDENS. (1848-1907; American Gallery sculptor.) Life-size, seated, seen to below the knees; 12 the face is in profile, the left elbow rests on the arm of the chair, and the raised left hand holds the eyeglasses. H. 38I in. W. 30 in. Canvas. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1904. Em6-2 BENJAMIN ALTMAN. (1840-1913; New York mer- Gallery chant, art collector, and philanthropist. He bequeathed 38 his art collection to the Museum.) Life-size, full-length, seated figure. H. 44J in. W. 33 j in. Canvas. Signed: Ellen Emmet Rand, 1914. Gift of the Executors of the Estate of Benjamin Altman, 1914. 88 ENGELBRECHTSEN — ESCALLIER ENGELBRECHTSEN, Cornelis. Dutch; born i468(?) at Ley- den; died there 1533. En3“i CRUCIFIXION. Christ is on the cross in the center of the picture with three angels, represented in blue monochrome, holding chalices to catch the blood from His wounds; at the right and left are the crucified thieves. In the foreground at the left stand the Virgin in a black robe and St. Peter in a gray robe and green mantle; at the right stand St. John in red and St. Margaret in yellow with the dragon at her feet. In the immediate foreground the donors are kneeling at prie-dieux; the man, wearing a black fur-lined robe with red undersleeves, is at the left; the woman, attired in the garb of a nun, is on the opposite side. Landscape background with a river and blue hills in the distance. H. 24 J in. W. 35 /g- in. Wood. Gift of Frederic Coudert, 1888. School of Engelbrechtsen. En3S-i ECCE HOMO. A city square with a raised platform at the left where Christ stands with hands bound and wearing the crown of thorns; in the foreground at the right are soldiers and other men. This and the following panel were originally part of the same altarpiece; on the back of each a single figure is painted in grisaille. H. i6J in. W. 8J in. Wood. Gift of Ferdinand Hermann, 1911. En3S-2 DESPOILMENT OF CHRIST. In the foreground a man is removing Christ’s cloak; at the left the Virgin is supported by St. John; landscape background with towers of a castle on a hill in the distance. H. i6J in. W. 8J in. Wood. Gift of Ferdinand Hermann, 1911. ESCALLIER, Eleonore. French; born at Poligny; died 1888 in Paris. Pupil of Ziegler; she was a flower painter at the government porcelain factory at Sevres. Esi-i a basket of flowers. In a basket and on the S. W. ground are pink roses and other cut flowers. Stairway H. 2gi in. W. 23 J in. Canvas. Signed: E. Escallier. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. Esi-2 chrysanthemums. Long stalks of white and pink chrysanthemums in a dark blue vase are placed in 89 ESCALLIER— EYCK S. W. front of a black and gold lacquered box; a red drapery Stairway is at the left; two birds peck the flower stems. H. 28I in. W. 23^ in. Canvas. Signed: E. Escallier. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. ESCOSURA, Leon Y. Spanish; born 1834 at Oviedo; died 1901 at Toledo. Pupil of the Royal Museum at Madrid; Gerome in Paris. Esii-i AUCTION SALE IN CLINTON HALL, NEW YORK CITY, 1876. A sale of bric-k-brac is being held. H. 22y\ in. W. 3 if in. Canvas. Signed: Leon Y Es- cosura 1876. Gift of the artist, 1883. ETTY, William. British (English); born 1787 at York; died there 1849. Pupil of the Schools of the Royal Academy in London and of Sir Thomas Lawrence. Ety-i THE THREE GRACES. A study of three, partly Gallery nude, standing female figures. 24 H. 22f in. W. i8f in. Cardboard. Bulletin, 1906, p. 65. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. EYCK, Jan Van. See Van Eyck. 90 F FABER, CONRAD; known as Conrad von Creuznach, also as Master of the Holzhausen Portraits. German; born prob- ably at Creuznach. Worked at Frankfort from 1525 to 1551, where he was the portrait painter of the patricians of the town. Usually signed C v C. Fi-i PORTRAIT OF A MAN. (According to Friedlander Gallery this is a portrait of George von Rhein zum Mohren. 34 The St. George on the dagger and the Moor on the ring gave the clue.) Standing figure, seen to the waist; the left hand, on which are two rings, holds the handle of a dagger which has a gold inlay showing St. George and the Dragon; he has a square-cut, brown beard; he wears a black cap over a yellow skull cap, a gathered white shirt with gilt collar, and a gold link chain which falls inside his coat. Landscape background with towns and vineyards carefully drawn and the Rhine beyond with distant hills crowned with castles. H.2o|in. W. I4i\ in. Wood. Bulletin, 1912, p. 136, ill. Purchase, Kennedy Fund, 1912. FAES, Peter van der. See Lely. FALERO, Luis. Spanish; born 1851 at Granada; died 1896 at London. Studied in Paris. F18-1 TWIN STARS. Two female figures in diaphanous S. W. black drapery cling to each other in mid air and point Stairway to two stars above them; dark blue night sky. H. i6J in. W. 8§ in. Water color. Signed: Falero. -Paris 1881. Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. FANTIN-LATOUR, Ignace Henri Jean Theodore. French; born 1836 at Grenoble; died 1904 at Buve. Pupil of his 9 FANTIN-LATOUR — FIORENZO DI LORENZO , father, Theodore Fantin la Tour, and of Lecoq de Bois-.- baudran. F21-1 PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Life-size, seated, seen to Gallery below the knees; she is dressed in black and wears 17 turquoise jewels. H. 39^ in. W. 32 in. Canvas. Signed: Fantin. 85. Bulletin, 1910, p. 123, ill. Purchase, Wolfe Fund, 1910. F21-2 AN ATELIER AT BATIGNOLLES. (Sketch for the picture in the Luxembourg Museum.) Manet at the easel is painting the portrait of the poet Astruc, sur- rounded by his friends, Monet, Renoir, Bazille, and others. H. 1 in. W. 1 5J in. Charcoal and oil paint on paper. Signed: Fantin. Bulletin, 1919, p. 138. Gift of Mrs. Helena M. Loewel in memory of Charles W. Kraushaar, 1919. FICHEL, Benjamin Eugene. French; born 1826 at Paris; died there 1895. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. F44-1 A VIOLIN PLAYER. Standing figure of a man in a red coat. H. 8^5- in. W. 4J in. Wood. Signed: E. FICHEL. 1871. Bequest of Stephen Whitney Phoenix, 1881. F44-2 AWAITING AN AUDIENCE. The reception room S. W. of a palace with a cardinal and many courtiers in the Stairway costume of the end of the eighteenth century. H. igi in. W. 31 J in. Wood. Signed: E. FICHEL. 1873 - Bequest of Catharine Lorillard Wolfe, 1887. FIESOLE, Giovanni da. See Angelico. FILIPEPI, Sandro. See Botticelli. FIORENZO DI LORENZO. Italian (Umbrian); born about the middle of the fifteenth century at Perugia; died after 1521. Pupil of Mezzastris and Bonfigli; influenced by Benozzo Gozzoli, Antonio Pollaiuolo, and Verrocchio. F51-1 THE NATIVITY. The Child lies on the ground while Gallery the Virgin kneels at the right and St. Joseph at the left; 30 immediately behind the group is a grotto within which 92 FIORENZO DI LORENZO — FLAGG are the ox and the ass and above it are two small angels kneeling on a cloud and holding a scroll; landscape back- ground. H. Ilf in. W. 265 in. Tempera on wood. Bulletin, 1907, p. 24, ill. Purchase, Rogers Fund, 1906. FIRMIN-GIRARD, Marie pRANgois. French; born 1838 at Poncin, Ain; lives in Paris. Pupil of Gleyre. F511-1 A RAINY