I Franft fort ffpf] 1 82 and - 184 Front Street;, : : NEW YORK. £ |vjj $1 ifi I Miias mmm iwsiail immm ill I mmmmm JJ n mW* LEOPOLD CASSELLA & Co., G. m. b. H., FRANKFORT 6 Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA ClaSS.. J.....2rr Book..d.ZJA. 3434 - Accession. ...6I.lf.JA REFERENCE GIVEN BY <5 6 Works at Mainkur near Frankfort HYDRON BLUE pat. AND HYDRON VIOLET pat. PRINTED ON COTTON C ASSELLA COLOR COMPAN Y 182 and 184 FRONT STREET NEW YORK BOSTON: 39 Oliver street PHILADELPHIA: ,126 ank m sou.t^ front* street ♦ ■ • * 5* , , . ' . ; , v * * _ + r * • PROVIDENCE: 64 exchange plac6 : : : : : : - ATLANTA: 47 NORTH' PRYOR STREET * * * » J W 3 # ■* l ^ 5 » iitf J « Jj* j., * # MONTREAL: Canada: 59 william street. 4*:.: * * No 3434. • 4 * HYDRON BLUE pat. and HYDRON VIOLET pat. PRINTED ON COTTON Hydron Blue G Paste 40% Hydron Blue R Paste 40% Hydron Dark Blue G Paste 40% Hydron Violet B Paste 40% General Printing Recipe 20 parts 30 parts 50-60 40 40 yy 40 30 yy 295 yy 210 20 yy 25 yy 30 40 yy 40 yy 60 20 yy 30 yy 50 30 yy 40 yy 50 „ 500 yy 500 about 1000 parts. 130 520 350 1000 for Blue , Violet and Grey. parts dyestuff paste 40 %* are mixed with „ glycerine and „ hot water; then „ soda ash, as well as „ grape sugar (glucose), „ Dissolving Salt B, „ Hyraldite C extra 1 : 1 (dissol- ved in water) are added, the whole being heated together for abt. % hour to about 60° C. (140° F.) ; when all has been dissolved, it is mixed with „ starch-tragacanth thickening. Starch-Tragacanth Thickening : parts wheat starch are boiled with „ water and „ tragacanth solution 65:1000. parts. Reduction for Light Shades: 600 parts starch-tragacanth thickening, 40 „ glycerine, 10 „ Dissolving Salt B , 20 „ Hyraldite C extra 1:1 and 330 „ water are mixed together. 1000 parts. The dyestuffs in the 20% paste may be printed according to the same directions, but in such case double the quantity of dyestuff paste and correspondingly less water should be used. 1 Hydron Violet B Paste J/0% may be printed with caustic soda lye of 7?° Tw. (10—20 parts per 1000 parts print paste) instead of with soda, somewhat more reddish shades being thereby obtained. Pattern ^No. 4 has been produced in this manner, with the addition of caustic soda lye (15 parts per 1000 parts print paste), the printing directions in other respects being exactly the same as given above. Printing Recipe for Black: 100 parts Hydron Dark Blue G Paste 40%, 20 ^ y Helindon Yellow 3GN Paste and 10 Helindon Brown G Paste are mixed with 60 glycerine and 160 hot water ; 30 >> caustic soda lye of 77° Tw. are then added, as well as 60 >•> grape sugar (glucose), 50 >> Dissolving Salt B, 20 hydrosulphite cone, powder and 40 Hyraldite C extra (in powder), the whole being heated together for about K hour to abt. 60° C. (140" F.). When all has been dissol- ved, it is mixed with 450 starch-tragacanth thickening. approx. 1000 parts. Printing : The pieces should not be too sharply dried in the printing, nor should they be allowed to remain on the hot plates of the hot-flue. The print pastes keep very well for a considerable time. It is a great advantage to leave the pastes standing for a few hours or overnight before use, as more intense prints are in this way obtained. Steaming: The steaming is done by a passage of about five minutes in a Mather and Platt. The steam should be as full and as free from air as possible; overheated steam must be avoided, a certain moisture being in fact necessary for the fixing. Washing: For the washing, the goods should be soured off, if possible full-width, with the addition of a little bichrome (4 — 8 oz bichrome and 8 oz hydrochloric acid per 10 gallons), then washed, soaped, rinsed, and dried. 2 Brighter shades may be obtained by passing the goods, after the rinsing, through a weak perborate bath (% — 1 K oz per 10 gallons) at 40 — 50° C. (105 -120° F.), or adding a little perborate to the soap bath. The washing need not take place immediately after the steaming; it is on the contrary a great advantage to leave the goods lying for some time exposed to the air, or to hang them up overnight, by which means the shades become more fully developed. Chloring : The Hydron Colour prints may if necessary be chlored in the ordinary manner in order to clear the white. Hydron Colours in Combination with Other Colours. Hydron Blue and Hydron Violet may be very easily combined with other Vat Colours which are likewise printed with Hyraldite and alkali; by this means the greatest variety of mode shades and also blacks of most excellent fastness may be obtained. Hydron Colours with Illuminating Colours. ■ The Illuminating Colours which come in the first place into consideration are the other dyestuffs which are fixable by a short steaming, therefore Vat Colours principally. For Bed, Paranitraniline Bed may likewise be used. Basic Colours can also be printed next to Hydron Blue and Hydron Violet. The goods are in such case after the steaming taken first through a tartar emetic bath, washed, soaped, rinsed, and dried. Hydr on Colour Prints with Resist Effects. White and coloured resist effects may be obtained with prints of Hydron Blue and Hydron Violet bv means of zinc chloride resists. White Resist: 200— ] 50 parts dry gum are dissolved in 250 — 200 „ water, then 200 — 300 „ zinc chloride dissolved in 200 — 200 „ water, as well as 150 150 „ china clay paste 1:1, are added. 1000 parts. 3 The goods are printed first with the resist, dried, and then over-printed with Hydron Colours in accordance with the general directions; hereafter they are steamed in a Mather and Platt, and washed as indicated above. For red resists , Paranitr aniline Red is very well suited. Other coloured effects may be produced with the coloured zinc chloride resists suitable for resist printing with Immedial Colours. The directions for producing such effects will be found in our “Manual of Dyeing”, Vol. IV (No. 2941), pages 70—72. Without guarantee. 30 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 1. Hydron Blue G pat. Paste 40%, No. 2. Hydron Blue K pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 3. Hydron Dark Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 60 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 4. Hydron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 40 parts per 1000 pts. priut paste. HYDRON BLUE pat. PRINTED ON COTTON CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK. No. 5. Light Blue: Hydron Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 20 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. Bark Blue: Hydron Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. G. Printed on a Beta Saphtol Bottom. Red: Paranitraniline Red. Blue: Hydron Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 7. Hydron Blue It pat. Paste 40%, GO parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 8. Hydron Blue R pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. HYDRON BLUE pat. PRINTED ON COTTON 7 l«l III III HI III III III III lilt III III III III HI HI HI III III CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK. No. 9. Hydron Blue G pat. Paste 40%, A ft or treated witli 20 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. Perborate. No. 10. Hydron Blue It pat. Paste 40%, GO parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 11. Printed on a Beta Naphtol Bottom. Red: Paranitraniline Bed. Blue: Ilydron Blue K pat. Paste 40%, GO parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 12. Printed \ on a Beta Naphtol Bottom. Red: Paranitraniline Red. Blue : Hydron Blue It pat. Paste 40%, GO parts per 1000 pts. print paste. HYDRON BLUE pat. PRINTED ON COTTON CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW Y'ORK. per 1000 parts print paste. No. 13. Black: Hydron Dark Blue G Paste 40%, 100 parts Helindon Yellow 3GN Paste 20 parts Helindon Brown G Paste 10 parts No. 14. Grey . Hydron Dark Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 20 parts 1 per 1000 parts Helindon Brown G Paste 8 parts j print paste. Blue: Hydron Blue R pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 15. Grey: nydron Dark Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 20 parts Helindon Brown G Paste 8 parts Black: Hydron Dark BlueG pat. Paste 40%, 100 parts Helindon Yellow 3GN Paste 20 parts Helindon Brown G Paste 10 parts per 1000 parts print paste. per 1000 parts print paste. No. 10. Printed on a Ifcta Naphtol Bottom. Red: Paranitraniline Red. Blue: Hydron Blue R pat. Paste 40%, 60 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. HYDRON BLUE pat. PRINTED ON COTTON CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK. No. II yd ron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, -5 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 18. Printed on u Iicta Naphlot Bottom. Ned: Paranitraniline Bed. Violet: Ilvdron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 10. Light Violet: Ilydron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 20 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. Dark Violet: Hydron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 50 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. No. 20. Light Violet: Hydron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 20 parts per 1000 pts. print paste. Blaclc: Hydron Hark Blue G pat. Paste 40%, 100 parts Helindon Yellow 3GN Paste, 20 parts Helindon Brown G Paste 10 parts per 1000 parts print paste. HYDRON VIOLET pat. PRINTED ON COTTON CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK. No. 21. Hydron Violet B pat. Paste No. 22. Hydron Violet B pat. Paste No. 23. Hydron Violet B pat. Paste %, 50 parts per 1 000 parts print paste. %, 50 parts per 1000 parts print paste. %, 50 parts per 1000 parts print paste. 40 40 40 No. 24. Hydron Violet B pat. Paste 40%, 05 parts per 1000 parts print paste. HYDRON VIOLET pat. PRINTED ON COTTON CASSELLA COLOR COMPANY, NEW YORK. MANUFACTURE LYONNAISE DE MATIERES COLORANTES, LYONS. Works “La Mouche RUSSIAN ANILINE COLOUR WORKS LEOPOLD CASSELLA & Co., RIGA. iiiliilar - \3.COO Works at Riga