5/lT/8i+ to 12/10/87 )C^ ^ T^LLOYB. .^if t -^^> ---:^-< •--^**r- OF WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS AND ««aA¥W€i INCLUDING A SMALL COLLECTION THE PROPERTY OF EDWAED BASIL JUPP, ESQ., P.S.A., DECEASED; Comprising Works of T. Eowlandson, T. L. Kowbotham, W. Blake, T. Stothard, E.A., Sir A. W. Oallcott, E.A., &c., &c. ; PEOOF ENGEAVmaS after J. E. MiUais, E.A., W. P. Prith, E.A., E. Bonlieur ; ETCHINGS by B. Debaines, 0. Waltner, E. W. Maobetb, A.E.A., E. Slocombe, J. M. Whistler; AND ENGEAVINGS AND MEZZOTINTS of Early English School : WHICH Wiiii tt SolU tjy ^lucttotn ty^ Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT TSMIE a^KA'S BOOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1884, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days precedinjj, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Jvinfj Street, Sf. James's Square, S. IV. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II, No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5«.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale, CATALOGUE. On FKIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1884, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. The following are sold hy order of the Executors of EDWARD BASIL JUPP, Esq., F.S.A., deceased. DRAWINGS— /n the Folio. 1 W. Alexander. — Cottage in Hyde Park ; Figures ; &c. 7 2 E. F. Burney. — Illustrations ; &c. 8 3 S. Howitt. — Panthers ; &c. 8 4 Sir G. Hay ter.— Studies of figures ; &c. 25 5 W. P. Frith, K.A. — Sketches in pen and ink ; &c. 10 6 J. Cruikshank. — The Kecruiting Party ; &c. 4 7 W. E. Frost, E.A. — Studies, &c; and autograph letter of the artist 10 8 C. Kilton. — Worcester Cathedral ; &c. 8 9 T. PhilHps, R.A.— Portraits 72 10 F. Nicholson.— Hereford Cathedral ; &c. 11 E. Dayes, A.R.A. — Lincoln ; &c. 6 12 Autographs, Etchings, &c. 13 A Collection of Old Newspaper Cuttings ; Exhibitions of Automata at Spring Gardens, Gothic Hall, Zerah Colburn's Velocipasdes, Glaciarum, &c., &c. B 2 ENGRAYINGS AND ETCHINGS— i^mm^cZ. 14 Harmony, after F. Dicksee, A.K.A., by C. Waltner— proo/ before letters 15 The Poacher, after B. Eiviere, K.A. ; and Lazy Moments, after Noble, by V. LhuiUier 2 16 Eugene Aram, by K. Redgrave ; Ellen Terry, by Mouse ; &c. 3 17 Dog and Wild Duck ; and the Companion, after E. Ansdell, E.A., by Hester ; Boar Hunt, after F. Tayler ; and three engravings — unframed 7 COLOURED PHOTOGRAPHS. 18 The Last Cartridge ; a Dog's Head ; and the Sea Gulls' Home 3 19 Reconnoitring, after Detaille ; Charge of the 9th Cuirassiers ; &c. 3 20 Le Bourget, after De Neuville 21 Surprise at Dawn, after ditto ; and the companion 2 22 Sheep, after R. Bonheur ; Trees, after Parton ; the Christian Martyr ; &c. 4 23 Faust and Marguerite, after Kreling J. H WISSMULLER. 24 A Scene in the Black Fobest L. JENNENS. 25 ' Cavaliebs and Roundheads ' Exhibited at the Hoyal Academy, 1881 26 Habe Caught in a Wibe p. SUTHEELAND. 27 PORTEAIT OP A LaDY E. MATHEWS. 28 BiGNOR Downs T. DE BOCK. 29 A Winter Scene J. P. ELMSLEY. 30 Two Pencil Sketches E. BURNE JONES. 31 ' Study for the Masque of Comus ' — pencil ADELAIDE CLAXTON. 32 Christabbi, 33 'So Near, and Yet so Far' A. GILBERT. 34 Moonlight : Tenby 35 Moonlight on the Thames— a patV BITCHGITZ. 36 Lord Brbadalbane's Grouse Moor S. FERRATO, After. 37 The Madonna ; and Contemplation A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. DRAWINGS— /n tke Folio. 38 R. Hills. — Studies of Animals 6 39 Ditto. — Studies of Animals — pencil 63 40 G. B. Campion. — Studies of Landscapes and Figures 29 41 D. Eoberts, R.A.— Studies of Nile Boat ; &c. 10 42 W. L. Leitch. — A View in Scotland 43 A. L. Egg, E.A.— A Scene from Moliere ; &c. 2 44 J. W. Wright. — The Village Festival— a sketch; and other studies 8 45 W. Dexter.— Sheep ; &c. 3 46 A. Goodwin.— Whitby ; &c. 2 47 J. D. Harding.— A Cottage ; &c. 3 48 0. Norie.— The 42nd Highlanders 3 49 J. T. Hixon.— In Algiers ; &c. 2 50 C. Stanfield, K.A.— A Brig ; &c. 3 51 H. Johnson. — A Mountain Scene ; &c. 3 52 J. E. Millais, R. A.— Brigands disturbed ; &c. 2 53 W. L. Leitch. — A River Scene ; Winter ; &c. 3 54 W. W. Fenn.— A Hayfield ; and on the St. Gothard 2 55 Corti. — The Carnival at Nice 56 H. Pilleau. — Hayes Common ; and a Scotch Moor 2 57 Ditto. — Bocca; Cannes; &c. 4 58 Ditto.— A Study of Rocks ; &c. 4 59 Cannes ; Nice ; Ventimiglia ; &c. 8 60 E. W. Cooke, R.A.— View of Dort ; &c. 18 From the Artist's Sale 61 T. L. Rowbotham. — A Lake Scene ; &c. 2 62 Ditto.— Forth Llwyd Mill ; Bracklin Bridge ; &c. 5 63 Ditto. — A Pleasant Party ; the Artist's Home ; &c. 5 64 Ditto. — On the Arran, Dolgelly ; a Coast Scene, by H. Bright ; &c. 5 65 Ditto. — Snowdon from Llanberis ; &c. 4 66 Ditto. — Beach at Worthing ; &c. 6 67 Ditto. — At Eydal, Westmoreland ; &c. 5 68 Ditto. — Kenil worth ; Corfe ; Koslyn Chapel ; &c. 4 69 Ditto. — In the Horticultural Gardens ; &c. 5 70 Ditto.— Quilleboeuf; &c. 7 71 Ditto. — The Abbey of Ardennes, Caen ; &c. 3 72 J. Varley. — A Landscape, with figures and sheep 73 J. P. Neale. — A Landscape, with buildings ; &c. 3 74 Page. — A Coast Scene, with boat ; and Parr, Cornwall 2 75 A. Rademaker. — A River Scene, with buildings ; &c. 3 76 Desprez, 1788. — Landscapes, with building and figures 4 77 G. S. Walters. — On the Thames : haymaking 78 J. Leech. — A Sketch at Biarritz ; &c. 79 J. Orrock. — A Coast Scene 80 J. Callow. — Sea-pieces ; &c. 4. 81 W. B. Henley. — Three Landscapes 82 G. F. Rosenberg. — A Toad ; and a View on the Esk 2 83 Coast Scenes, with children — a pair 2 84 De Wint. — A River Scene ; &c. 4 85 The ' Mulready Envelope ' — presentation proof 8 - 86 Sir A. W. Callcott, E.A. — Studies of Figures, &c. — in pencil 31 87 Ditto. — Sketches of Landscapes 20 T. EOWLANDSON. 88 Stonebreaking ; &c. 6 89 A Gentle Emetic ; &c. 6 90 Mrs. Fidget ; Mrs. Twist ; &c. 6 T 91 Quarter Day; &c. 6 92 Hot Gingerbread ; &e. 6 93 Margate 94 A Conversazione ; &c. 2 95 The Toll Gate ; a Free Grammar School ; &c. 11 ^/ 96 Highgate Hill ; &c. 6 97 Chelsea Eeach ; &c. 5 98 Scene at a Fire ; &c, ^ 99 Portrait Painter's Show Eoom ; &c. 5 100 Peace and Plenty ; &c. 4 101 Eeapers; &c. 4 102 'St. Austell, Cornwall ; &c. 5 ij , 103 The Watch House -5 104 A Contented Mortal ; &c. 4 ■ 105 The Eehearsal ^' l1'^ 106 W. Blake. — Four Illustrations to Milton's Ode on 'The Morning of Christ's Nativity ' 4 Signed From the Collection of the late B. G. Windus, Esq. 107 T. Stothard, E.A. — Thirty-one Illustrations to ' Ivanhok ' Engraved in the Pocket Atlas, 1821 From the Collection of the late B. G. Windus, Esq. 108 Eossini. — The Arch of Trajan ; Eonian Eemains; &c. C ENGRAVINGS— m the Folio. 109 After J. Constable, K.A., by D, Lucas 110 After Copley Fielding, S.Prout, &c. 17 111 Studies of Cattle, by T. S. Cooper, R.A. — lithograph plates, three parts 112 Photographs 8 113 Miscellaneous Engravings 17 114 Madonna dei Candelabri, after Eaffaelle, by Bettelini; &c. 4 115 Triumph of Galatea, after Domenichino, by Blanchard ; &c. 9 116 Portrait of Hogarth and others 117 Landscapes, after Claude, by Earlom — 11 etchings 118 Charles I., after Vandyck, by De Jode ; &c. 3 119 The Count d'Harcourt, after Mignard, by Masson ; &c. 3 120 The Twa Dogs, after Sir E. Landseer, by Gibbon 121 The Pets, after ditto, by Watt; and The Stray Kitten, after Collins 4 122 The Marriage of St. Catherine, after Correggio, by Say ; &c. 123 Plates to C. Wild's Foreign Cathedrals \2 124 Engravings and Etchings, by and after Old Masters 19 125 Portraits after Sir J. Eeynolds, by Houston, McArdell and Purcell 12 126 Ditto 12 127 Ditto 12 128 Portraits after Cotes, Hogarth, and others 14 129 Fancy subjects, after Mercier ; &c. 8 130 Zeyea, after Sir F. Leighton, P.R.A., by S. Cousins, K.A.— artisfs proof 130a Two Portfolios, with leaves C StV-^^0 10 ENGEAVINGS— i^ram^d 131 The Madonna di San Sisto, after Eaffaelle, by Mandel — froof before all letters •-' - ^ 132 Le Doeeur de Eembrandt, after Kembrandt, by C. Waltner — artist's proof on Japanese paper ) ^^10 133 The Haywain, after J. Constable, E.A., by Brunet Debaines — artistes proof 134 Woodcuttees, after J. Linnell, by ditto — ditto 135 The Pied Piper of Hamelin, after G. J. Pinwell, by K. ,W. Macbeth, A.E.A. — artist's proof 2 , 136 Cardinal Newman, after J. E. Millais, E.A., by T. O. Barlow, E.A. — ditto 137 Samuel Cousins, E.A., after E. Long, E.A., by himself — ditto 138 Dorothy, after H. Le Jeune, A.E.A., by T. L. Atkinson — ditto 139 Phrtne, by E, Slocombe — ditto ^gj^ ^ 140 The Day of Eeckoning, after S. E. Waller— ditto , 141 Flirtation, after E. D. Blaas — artist's proof X <\ -UA^J 142 The Mazarin Library, after A. Fortuny, by E. Boilvin — remark proof 143 Viola, after Sir F. Leighton, P.E.A. 144 The Horse Fair, after E. Bonheur, by T. Landseer, A.E.A. — artist's proof 145 The Eailway Station, after W. P. Frith, E.A., by F. Holl— artist's proof 146 Cherry Eipe, after J. E. Millais, E.A., by S. Cousins, E.A. — artist's proof 147 The Derby Day, after W. P. Frith, E.A., by A. Blanchard— artist's proof, signed 148 The Eailway Station, after ditto, by F. Holl, A.E.A. — ditto 149 Crossing the Bridge, after Sir E. Landseer, E.A., by J. T. Willmore — artist's proof !■ 11 150 H.M. the Queen, after Chalon, by S. Cousins, E.A. 151 Fruit and Flower-pieces, after Van Huysum, by Earlom — •proofs, with arms 2 152 The Harlot's Progress, by W. Hogarth 6 153 St. Paul, afte?" West, by Bartolozzi; and a Scene before Gibraltar 2 154 Eat Hunters, after Sir D. Wilkie, by Mitchell 155 The Cut Finger, after ditto, by Eaimbach — presentation copy to W. Mulready, B.A. 156 The Rabbit on the Wall, after ditto, by J. Burnet 157 Guess my Name, after ditto, by E. Smith 158 The Errand Boy, after ditto, by Eaimbach 159 Niobe, after E. Wilson, by Woollett 160 G. N. de la Eeynie, after Mignard, by P. Van Schuppen 161 Woodman in a Storm, after Gainsborough ; and Sylvia and Daphne, after A. Kauffman 2 162 Illustrations to the 'Seasons,' after E. Westall, E.A. 4 163 Painting, after Cipriani ; and three others 4 164 The Bird's-nest ; and Sailors in Port — coloured 2 165 Dulce Domum ; and two others 3 166 Mother and Child, after B. West ; and Phochon 2 167 Venus and Cupids, after Zuccarelli, by Picot ; and Children at play — coloured 3 168 The Fruit Seller; and the Milk ^qWqt— a ;pair— coloured 2 169 La Lecture, after Greuze, by Martenasie 170 A Scottish Eaid, after Eosa Bonheur, by C. G. Lewis — artists proof 171 The Assumption, after Murillo — lithograph 172 The Virgin and Child, after C. Dolce, by Tassart; and two others, by V. Green 3 173 William IV. ; and Queen Adelaide — a pair 2 12 174 The Death of Captain Hood, after Singleton 175 The Countess of Salisbury, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by V. Green ; and W. Beckford, by Dixon 2 176 Garrick as Eichard III., after Dance, by Dixon 177 Grarrick between Tragedy and Comedy, after Sir J. Eeynolds, by Fisher 178 Admiral Eodney and Sir Charles Hardy — hefore all letters 179 Lady E. Montague, after Eeynolds, by McArdell — proof'; and The Duchess of Gloucester, by Purcell 2 180 Mrs. Bastard, after ditto, by Houston — hefore all letters ; and Miss Fordyce, by Purcell — ditto 181 Queen Charlotte, after Cotes, by Wynne 182 Lady A. Campbell ; and Helen, after A. Kauffman, E. A. ; and The Comic Muse, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi 3 \83 The March of the Guards to Finchley, by Hogarth 184 The Election Pieces, by ditto — a set of four 185 The Spanish Pointer, after Stubbs, by WooUett 186 Colonel Mordaunt's Cock Match, after Zoffany, by Earlom — open letter proof 187 The Eoyal Academy, after ditto, by ditto PICTURES. CHAMBEES. 188 Spithead ; and a river scene — Wilson CANALETTI. 189 Venice London : Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. srr J ,-^^1.^ — f ^i<" M^ ;rr-^>Nr i ^^ ^ . JB ' '*' m S ^ •i.