Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/manuscriptsofsirOOgrea HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. THIRTEENTH REPORT. APPENDIX, PART YI. THE MANUSCRIPTS OF SIR WILLIAM FITZHERBERT, BART., -| ||« >||. ..m, ii, | , i i „ i i i ■■■ -i in,. ).wnLn.nmii LJ ,i a „ imniH ■ ■ -■$ AND OTHERS. IBttgmtzls ta baft) l&auSei at Parliament £n Commantr at Her ;Pajetftg. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, B.C., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1893. [C—7166.] Price Is. 4 May 26. Canterbury. — " Having appointed the Lord Faucon- berge's and Lord Howard's regiment to meet att Blackheath on Tuesday morning next by seaven of the elock, I desire you will drawe them uppe according to former orders, in five divisions, leaving a convenient distance betweene each regiment." " My Lord Howard and Lord Fauconberge are content that the Scotch regiments and theirs shall take place according to the date of their Commissions." The Duke op Albemarle to Sir R. Knight. 1661, June 8. The Cockpitt. — "I received yours of the 5th instant, and soe soone as monies come in you will receive your pension out of the Exchequer, butt att present there is none to bee had, and soe itt will nott bee fitt to move his Majestie in itt till there bee money, butt when itt is seasonable I shall assist you what I can." The Same to the Same. 1661-2, January 18. The Cockpitt.—" Permit the bearer hereof Sir Ralph Knight with his servant, horses, swords, and necessaries, to passe about his occasions in Yorkeshire and other parts and to repasse with- out molestation." 5 The Same to tlie Same. mss. op Sie w. 1662, March 29. The Cockpitt.— " I received yours of the 24th of FlTZ ™ ERT * March instant and thanke you for your care in promoting his Majestie's service heere in speaking to Captain Parke to raise a troope for Portugall, butt there was an intention (when I wrote to you) to raise seaven troopes heere and now there is but two to bee raised, and the officers have already received their leavy, butt seing Capt. Parke is soe willing to goe I shall bee mindefull of him uppon the next occasion." The Same, with others, to I he Same. 1662, June 25. — u Whereas his Majestie by his Proclamation dated the 22th day of June 1662 requires all officers and soldiers that have served in the armyes of the late usurped powers to depart out of the cittyes of London and Westminster on or before the 26th day of ibis instant June. And whereas the bearer hereof Colonell Sir Ralph Knight was lately disbanded out of the late army in pursuance, of an act of Parliament and thereby conceives himselfe concerned to lake notice thereof and yield obedience thereunto. And whereas it appeares by a certificat of his Grace the Duke of Albemarle that the said Ccdonell Sir Ralph Knight hath faithfully served his Majestie and did correspond and joine with the said Duke of Albemarle in his Majestie's most happy restora- tion. These are according to the power given us by the said Proclama- tion to will and require all his Majestie's officers and others whom it shall or may concerne to permitt the said Collonell Sir Ralph Knight quietly to remaine and bee within the said Cittyes of London and West- minster and the parts thereabouts without their lett or molestation for the space of twenty daies next after the date hereof as they will answer the contrary. Given under our hands the 2oth day of June 1662 and in the fourteenth yeare of his Majesties Reigne." [Signed] Albemarle. LlNDSEY. Wm. Morice. The Same to the Same. 1667, July 31. The Cockpitt.— "I received your letter dated the 29th of July. Sir Stephen Pox has money in a readiness to paye your troope. But as to your pension, money is soe scarce that I would not have you come upp about it, because I w r ould bee loath you should loose your labour." The Same to the Same at Yarmouth. 1667, August 13. — " tt is his Majestie's pleasure that on Fryday the sixteenth of August instant you disband your troope of horse att the towne of Yarmouth, and that upon their disbanding you cause them to deliver in to the Mayor of Yarmouth all such armes as you received for them out of his Majestie's si ores, to witt pistolls with holsters, backs, breasts, and potts, the said Mayor of Yarmouth being appointed by the Commissioners and by the Lieutenant General of his Majestie's ord- nance to receive the same for his Majestie's use. " Sir Stephen Fox will furnish you with monies to pay them upp to the said sixteenth of August inclusive, and also with fourteen dayes pay more for the officers and soldiers (beyond that time) which his Majestie is pleased to allow them to defray their charges in returning to their homes. And you are to take a receipt under the hand of the said Mayor of Yarmouth for the armes you soe deliver unto him and to send the said receipt unto mee." 6 FitzheiuVkrt! ' Martyn Ryder to his kinsman George Tjreby at Plymton. 1671, September 9. — I do not think we shall have much news the rest of this vacation. Yon know how far the new farmers have' gone with the King for the Customs. One patent was sealed for the best part of it, and that for wines was drawn. But they upon confidence of the money they had already paid, and the interest they had, thought they might make better conditions and add some other clauses for defalcations. The King did not like this, but being more than ordinarily moved told them that he should never have an end with them fit this rate, nor any certainty in his revenue, and that if they would not accept the terms already agreed upon, they might leave it. " My Lord St. John forthwith, with the consent of the rest, delivers their patent into the King's hand, who accepts it and lays it by. This has made much adoe and stir in the town." The farmers complain that Bucknal has been beforehand with them. The Court complains of St. John that he is dirty, and some say he is forbid the Court. Negociations followed, but Michaelmns was so near that farmers could not be found in the mean time, and Lords Ashley and Clifford, propose to have it done by commission. " But wno should be the men ? Ashley nominates Mr. Upton and Mr. Milling- ton, merchants. The King, Sir William Tompson — the Duke of York, Mr. Buckworth, and Capt. Cock. Sir Thomas Clifford, Mr. Garraway. All were accepted but the Duke's two, and the four are to manage the whole. It is further said that Lindsey, the goldsmith, is to be treasurer, and Man their secretary. The merchants are very well pleased with this alteration, upon the presumption that they should meet with nothing but hardship from farmers, some of which were needy enough and design nothing but their own advantage. But they hope better from such men as these who are put in to do justice between the King and his people, without the least respect to their own advantage, for they are to have very considerable salaries, the least says 1600 . . . 2000 per annum each. What will be the effect of this sudden change time will show, but 'tis believed that the farmers doe very much repent of that d[cmand] . . . for they have paid in £60000 advance but are to be reimbursed when the King has money. The King told Sir W. Tompson [he] did pitch [upon him] because he thought he would 'do his [duty] and that without the least recommendation from any person." The King has not yet gone to the race. Lord Henry Howard is gone to prepare Norwich Castle for his reception, and Lady Arlington is to provide her house. Some think that Ashley will be now made Treasurer that he may superintend these Commissioners. It is said the farmers will not sit down quietly, but will try what law and equity will do for them. The money for bribes &c. is certainly lost. M. Ryder to G. Treby, M.P. 1677, March 30, Exeter. — The chief case at the Assizes was that of the town of Plymouth v. Strode. The verdict was against the Lambhay, upon sufficient evidence. The little man is very much affected and is determined to prosecute you, and has already set out for London. He is principal agent too in the presentment against the Mayor of Plympton for not taking the Sacrament and Oath according to the new Act. You will bo ns much surprised as I am at this. The Grand Jury 7 have found a bill. Some of our friends would have contrived to baffle MSS. of Sir w. this if it had not come on while they were engaged at the bar. This "zherbebt. may affect you, for the Act makes void all acts done by those who have not complied with the law. I submit that you prevail upon some of the eminent men in the House to bring in a Bill to explain the Act. Many will have cause to lay hold of a general clause of this kind. Pray advise the Mayor. Sir Francis Drake will now be with you and will tell you of the discontent of your friends because you did not appear at the election at Ashburton. Tbey attribute the loss there to you, and charge you flatly with breach of promise, and desertion of the good cause. Mr. Coplestone goes further than Sir Francis and says that you promised to send Mr. Edmund Pollexfen of Plymouth in your stead if you could not attend. Pray justify yourself for neither coming nor sending to your friends both here and in London, for I assure you there is a very loud clamour here. John Hungerford to the Same. 1677, May 13. — I am not enough of an astronomer to know whether the comet's tail points to England or France, nor if the eclipse shall have its effect here or in Madagascar, but I am apt to think an honest House of Commons may make fools of French comets, and English eclipses too. I dare say people will very unwillingly part with money, unless they are assured it is to build ships to make war with France, and not to buy rich Georges and Garters. Dr. Edmond Hal to the Same. 1677, Jane 7. Plymouth. — If it is true that the Duke of Ormond intends to visit Oxford on his way to Ireland, I pray you to use your interest with Lord Ossory, that I may be presented. This will save me the trouble of exercise and the charge of fees, and I shall not be so much as obliged to keep an Act. I desire you to cease your endea- vours to obtain a Mandamus. If I cannot proceed in my business when the Duke comes to Oxford, I will wait till I go to London. Colonel E. Grosvenor to the Same. 1677, August 21. — * The king is expected to day at Whitehall which I desire to see in order to Butler, who yet lives, how long I know not.'* The Same to the Same. 1677, September 15. — " Dear Sonn Treby. Your passionate memory of the dear deceased still adds to that great kindness I have had for you since my first knowledge of you." The Same to the Same. 1677, September 2o. — " Poore Butler he is hanged at last, and I believe dyed as much a Christian as any that ever was turned off a. lather, and as innocent, soe says his enemies." John El will to the Same. 1677, December 8. Exeter. — Begs for information as to the dis- position of the Court, and likelihood of a French war, because this is of importance to himself and others who have property abroad and floating on the waves. The swiftness of the French victories in Flanders, and the readiness of the English make him think a rupture may occur shortly. 8 mss. of sir w. William Colrtenay to the Same. FlTZHERBERT. — 1077, December 10. Fowey. — Pity the miseries of the wretched people here. " Here is no claret within our rates." [Twenty-six lines of shorthand follow, ,] John El will to the Same. 1677-8, March 11. [Exeter]. — The time allowed is so short that many, and especially in this city, will lose heavily. Had the date been the 31st of this month few would have complained. « Forreigners, especially the Germans, write me despairingly of any succours from England, and will not entertaine the belief of England's hearty conjunction with the Confederates against France. If more than ordinary probability of such a war appears, a timely notice from the prospect of it would import much. " I shall use double diligence to help Mr. Horsman in getting an indifferent jury, or to instruct some that are common and usual jurors. My uncle Redd and I intend, God willing, to accost a ruling man in that employment, whom I hope to bend to our favour. Mr. Tremain shall be consulted with, and whatever is within the sphere of my power is assured in this service. My service to my uncle T. B." Arthur Ferryman to the Same. 1678, April 12 and 26. Hardwicke. — Two letters about a law suit. P. Ventkis to the Same. 1678, May 21. Ipswich. — Let me desire the favour of you to give me some account of next Tuesday's proceedings- James Treby to his brother the Same. 1678, May 27. The Golden Fleece. — Has just arrived in the Downs. Hopes to see his friends very soon, if he is not pressed away. Under- stands that it is very hard to escape. If pressed I shall have no hope of ever seeing you more. Last Friday night, about about 9 or 10 o'clock, the Woolledge frigate and the Lark came up with us and pressed several of our men, and said they had orders to press every man except the Commander himself, and that we should not have a man left when we came to the Downs. Our men are now packing up their goods, ready to be gone. 1678, June 5. — The Sum of the Arguments on both sides of the Bar of the House of Lords upon the petition for the honour of Viscount Purbeck. [Sixteen foolscap pages of small MS.~] Colonel Grosvenor to the Same. 1678, August 17.— You will receive better accounts than mine ; so I will only say that men are shipping over, both horse and foot, but whom we are to affright with it I know not. Much provision has gone over and a large artillery. It is persistently affirmed that Hide is gone over (and that is true) with a project of peace signed, offensive and defen- sive, with the Dutch and Spaniards, and room for the Germans if they, please. Andrew Marvell died yesterday of apoplexy. I rejoice in your pleasant victory at Exeter. W. Harington to the Same. 1678, August 17. — Things are in such a chaotic state that what I write as fact one day is untrue the next. I will only speak now of two 9 facts. The peace of Nimeguen, and the fighting at Mons between the MSS. of Sir w. /> j !■ FlTZHEBBERT. same parties a iew days later. The first alone was no little surprise to us as you will easily collect from the first proclamation which summoned you to meet upon the 29th instant. The Dutch were induced to mate a separate peace by their great losses and poverty, and by a foolish jealousy that the Prince meant to use their forces to set himself up over them. English troops were within 12 hours march on the day of the fight. The Duke of Monmouth posted to the Dutch army from Bru^sells and reached it before the fight, and appeared very active in person, to the no small regret of the French. [A very long letter dealing with the various aspects of affairs'] " which are very mysterious." Henry Hatsell to the Same. 1678, August 27. — Great quantities of hay have been shipped for our horse and dragoons. I have talked with some of the Scotch who came out of France. They say that their regiment of 3000 men, and the English and Irish, were sent into Dauphine (which you know is the farthest part of France) and there the Duke of Monmouth's regiment of foot, and some of his regiment of horse, and all this Scotch regiment were disbanded, one or two companies at a time, and obliged to travel through France, receiving about a crown a-piece, some more, some less, for their expenses. All who desire it are taken into pay here. The Irish regi- ment chose to continue in the French service. The greatest part of the Duke of Monmouth's regiment is kept there, being dispersed among the other troops. " The Duke of Buckingham has not been seen abroad these three weeks, which gives occasion of discourse, some saying that he is sent by the King on a private message into France, others that he keeps concealed with a miss. The Duke of Monmouth came hither on Tues- day last, and went forthwith to the King at. Windsor. The Duke of Lauderdale came two days before." At the Berkshire election where Lord Sterling had a majority of 60 over Mr. Barker, a gentleman of good estate in that county but who lives at Clerkenwell, but there will be a double return because of some dispute about votes, Mich. Mallet spoke some mad, extravagant words, viz. that the King was a rogue, which confirm the idea that he is mad. He is committed to the custody of the Black Rod. Our soldiers in Flanders die apace, it is supposed from their intem- perate eating of fruit. Colonel Grosvenor to the Same. 1678, August 29. — Our only news is that today 49 of your members met and by commission were prorogued to the 1st of October. W. Harrington to the Same. 1678, September 3. — I have little of fact to communicate beyond what is told in the Gazette. But all Christendome is in expectation what will come of the negociations abroad, and I will give you my conjectures. The great question is, will the peace of Nimeguen be ratified ? I believe on the whole that it will be. [A very long letter discussing the above question.] 10 mss. of Bib w. H. Hatsell to the Same. FlTZBERBERT. — 1678, September 7. — The question of peace or war still hangs in the balance. Our troops only await a fair wind to sail into Flanders. Our soldiers there are very sickly. Lord O'Brien has died of the distemper he brought thence. Mr. Offley the lawyer has been ill a long time. The Bill of Mortality was 530 the last week. The country towns for many miles about are as sickly as London, which is imputed to the unusual heat of the weather, as well as to eating fruit. Yesterday week the King dined with Sir George Jefferies at bis house near Windsor, where he was treated magnificently. The Duchess of Portsmouth was there. " Three of the four men that were tried for robbing Sir Robert Viner's daughter were found guilty, but they were reprieved. All the evidence was that they were of the company that forced her away from Sir Robert, but Mr. Wroth took her handkerchief, and when she cryed stopped her mouth with it, and that he took it out of her mouth again, and what became of it afterwards she knew not, and that she lost an amber necklace, and somewhat else of small value. And yet they were found guilty. The story of the Libber was cited. It is supposed they will not be hanged." The S ime to the Same. 1678, September 14. — It is expected that Parliament will meet on October 1st, and so continue. The King and Court will be here the week after next. Lord Sunderland is sent for. It is supposed because his Majesty is displeased with him for some affair in France, or that the French King complained of bold expressions used by him to himself. Several gentlemen lately come from France say they saw the Duke of Buckingham there, but incognito, in a dark periwig, without a star, and this is now believed. M ichael Mallet has been to beg the King's pardon, but the King said • he would leave it to the law. Endeavours are being used to get Sir William Temple chosen burgess for Southampton, in the room of Sir R. Ford, and Capt. Shales for Hull. The soldiers quartered in the towns on the river below bridge are to be removed inland forthwith, and those or board ship are disembarked. The hay that was shipped is also landed again. W. Harrington to the Same. 1678, September 17. — I rejoice that while so many of your House, and others, are dying in this great mortality, you are well. I think you will consult your own security by hastening to London rather than stay where you are [at Plympton]. Serjeant Hardy and Mr. Crouch, two members of your House, and Robin Offley are dead. The last is to be buried today at St. Pancras in the fields. Reports from abroad. " I had almost forgotten to tell you that our Turkey fleet in the return home about the straits mouth met with 20 sail of great French men of war, having only two small English frigates for their convoy. But by some strange inward suspicion Sir John Narborough thought so small a convoy would not pass them safe through the straits, and therefore came up with 7 great ships, where he found the French cruising and viewing the fleet, which was putting itself in a posture of defence. Upon his coming in several boats passed between the commanders upon 11 pretence only to know of what nation each were. But after some com- MSS. op Sir w. plaints the French veered off, and the fleet passed on their voyage, FlTZ ^f BERT - though it was looked on to prove like that of the Dutch Smyrne fleet, and may likewise prove the fore-runner of a war. " Here is news I am sure will look strange to you, that Chiefe Baron Montague is like to goe off, and George Jefferies succeed in his roome. The fault objected is said to be the judgment given in the case of Cooke and Mountague. The story is too long for a letter, and my paper too much spent, and my time and strength too . . . " My pen hasting I slipped a material passage, that the French Am- bassadour by a memorial delivered in lately desires the King to withdraw his forces, for that they have noe occasion for them." Richard Mitchael to R . . Mitchaell at his house in Moone Lane, neare the great tree. From a poore Plymouth captive in Argeir. 1678-9, January 14. — " My dear. With my unspeakable love to thee and our poore children, and my kinde love to our parents, and to all the rest of our friends and acquaintance in generall, haveing now an oppertunity to write I would not neglect it, hopeing of your good healths, as blessed be God 1 am in at the present writeing. My deare to heare of your healths and welfares would administer a great deale of comfort to me in this my comfortless and destitute condition it hath pleased the Lord to cast us into, I being with many hundreds more taken by the Turkess, and brought into this place, being sold. To relate the sadness of our condition is beyond the tongue of man to express, and little or noe hopes of redemption. Oh how it would make a heart of stone to weep to see the barbarous and inhumane usage of Cristians in this place, some drawing carts like horses with irons of great weight upon their leggs, with many a blow, and some a hundred at a time upon the bare soles of their feet, with a thick rope ; others carrying of durt ; others digging in the vineyards, with very small allowance of bread and water. And many others more barbarous usage than I am able to sett down. The Lord bear upp our spirits if it be His blessed will, and in His due time redeem us out of the hands of those unreasonable men. There is a hundred and five English ships taken, sunk, and burnt, this war, and what will be the event of all God in his infinite wisdom knows best. If it would please the Lord to put into the king's heart, or the hearts of the country, to contrive some way for our redemption, it would be a happy thing, before the pestilence begin, which is every summer. It swept away last summer above eighteen hundred Cristians. If it were the will of God 1 could heartily desire to see my native country once againe, but if He have otherwise ordained it, the Lord satisfy all our spirits, and help us to live soe in this world as we may meet together with joy and comfort in the world to come is the prayer of thy faithfull and ever loving husband till death in captivity. Richard Mitchaell." H. Hatsell to G. Treby, at Salisbury. 1678-9, February 1. — The discourse about the invalidity of the disso- lution is laid aside. It arose from a scruple of Mr. Browne, Clerk of the Parliament. It is now taken for granted that the Parliament is well dissolved. The Speaker was not sent for, as reported. The election for London is to be on Thursday next. Mr. F. of Spridlestone wishes to be your partner at Plympton. 12 U.BB, ur OIK », _ _ FlTZHEBBEBT. JOHN POLLEXFEN to hlS C0US1I1 G. TrEBY. 1678-9, February 4. — About the election at Plympton. Lord Russel stands for Bedfordshire, Mr. Montague for Northampton- shire, and Mr. Seechivrell for the town, not for the shire ; Sir Nicholas Cary at Gatton ; Sir Robert Paiton for Middlesex. There is no choice yet for the City. Yesterday a man was committed about firing the Temple, now when burnt two of the Duchess of P. servants are fled upon Netterfield's information. Godfrey's murder will be tried on Thursday. Sir Thomas Meres meets with much opposition at Lincoln. Sir John Narborough has returned from Algiers without making any peace, but will return thither. Powell will be chosen at Cirencester, but Sir William Coventry endeavours much to be excused. Lord Latimore was on his way to Yorkshire to stand for the shire, but was brought back by some intelligence which met him on the road. Mr. Savil is to go as envoy to France. Sir Francis Winnington has gone down to attend to his election. The Lord Chancellor has orders to inquire what Justices of the Peace do not do their duty against Papists, that they may be put out. There will be a Common Council to-morrow, and the election next week. Colonel Grosvenor to the Same. 1678-9, February 4. — I hear Mr. Strode will contest your seat. Pray attend to your own interests, and not labour for others. My service to all our good claret friends. Henry Poll ex fen to the Same. 1678-9, February 7. The Temple.— My cousin Edmund Pollexfen is going down by coach to join you. I heartily hope you and he may succeed, and that this will lead to his settling in his own country. Another informer named Needham has come in and was examined yesterday before some of the Lords, Lords Essex and Bridgwater, and taken into protection by the Duke of Monmouth. Barry, Green, and Hill, were arraigned yesterday, and will be tried on Monday. H. Hatsell to the Same. 1678-9, February 8. — Mr. R. Strode, whom I met two days since, hardly denies that he means to stand for Plympton. Simon Hele avoids speaking to me. Most of the elections so far are good. Loids Russel and Bruce are in for Bedfordshire. The trial of Berry, Green, and Hill, is put off until Monday. Bedlow was accused yesterday before the King and Council of speak- ing scandalous words against the Duke of York. The case is put off until Wednesday. It seems that he was drunk, and his accusers, some of his guard, were not very sober. [It seems from the language used in this letter that Hatsell and Treby had married sisters, the daughters of Colonel Grosvenor.'] John Pollexfen to the Same. 1678-9, February 11. London. — There is much discourse about the elections, which are in general good. 13 Sir J. Williamson has surrendered his office to Lord Sunderland, and MSS. of Sir w. Sir J. Coventry will surrender his it is said to Sir Lionel Jenkins, FlTZHEBBEET - Berry, Green, and Hills, were tried and condemned yesterday. H. Hatsell to the Same. 1678-9, February 15. — Lord Cavendish and Mr. Sacheverel have been elected for Derbyshire without spending a penny. Mr. Powlo is in for Cirencester, and Mr. Gar way for Arundel. Mr. May and Major Breman (reputed to be a great fanatick) for Chichester. The two Berties finding themselves too weak at Stamford came thence on Tuesday last, and the next day Sir Christopher Cust and Capt. Hide (two friends of Lord Exeter) were chosen. The elections generally are good. Sir R. Peyton and Sir W. Roberts are chosen at Buckingham, which Sir R. Temple has lost. The Duke of Buckingham went himself to that town and made it his business to persuade the people not to choose Lord Latimer or Sir R. Temple. It is not true that Berry, the porter of Somerset House, has made a confession since his condemnation, but he has sent for a Protestant clergyman, and Dr. Lloyd has been to him. But I can have no certain account of it. Mr. Montague is chosen for Huntingdonshire. He had intended to stand also for Northamptonshire but w r as chosen here. Yesterday he was before the King and Council upon summons. The King told him that he understood that he was chosen a member of Parliament. That they were shortly to sit, and therefore he would say nothing to him now ; hoping that they would do him right, and so discharged him of attendance. W. Harrington to the Same. 1678-9, February 20. — We can talk of nothing but the elections. Much trouble has been taken to baffle Sir Thomas Player, but the current in his favour was too strong to be withstood, and in truth they were all chosen very clearly and without any poll demanded, save only between Sir Robert Clayton and Sir Joseph Sheldon, but the latter was prudent enough to retire. In truth the City judge they have been very kind to choose any of our aldermen, considering how the Commons have been dealt with by that court, and I am assured they have chosen the best of them. The Westminster election began yesterday. On our side Sir Stephen Fox and Sir W Poulteney. On the other Sir William Waller and Sir Philip Matthews. The latter set up so late, and treated so little that most thought it imprudent. " But though at first Sir W. Waller's number seemed a cloud no bigger than a man's hand, before night it covered the whole heavens. So great is the merit of priest catching, and so little the credit of a courtier amongst the mobile. The poll began to-day and may last three days more, the electors being 25000 in number. " The cry and number of suffrages on Sir W. Waller's side this day day was much the greatest, not without great reproaches cast upon Fox, according to the humour of the rabble, although it is thought it hath not cost him less than 1000/. to purchase their goodwill." Will. Ashe and his brother are in for Heytesbury. Will. Trenchard has beaten Harry Bertie at Westbury, and both Charles and Peregrine Bertie are cast out at Stamford. Prideaux and Jack Trenchard have carried Taunton, where the contest lay between Jack and Sir William Portman. He won but by one vote. 14 Mss. of Sir \v. I only mention those who are our common acquaintances. The masBBBBT. e i ec ti ons on tne w hole go well except as I hear among your heathen neighbours in Cornwall. I heartily congratulate you on your success at Plympton, "Mr. Montague (I mean Ralph) being said to begone into North- amptonshire to manage his election as was thought, was pursued with a message to appear at the Council Board. Which was accordingly sent to his father's house. But being invited into Huntingdonshire by the gentlemen there to avoid the opposition that was raised against him in Northamptonshire, and to gain time, embraced the invitation, and was chosen without trouble with one night's stay, and had this advantage thereby, to be absent when the summons came. Howbeit he had it afterwards, but being now under priviledge the stile in which it was directed was very modest, viz. to appear when he conveniently could. Which he did forthwith, and was asked why he left Paris before his orders came for his return. To which he sayed he had advice that his return was ordered, and being indebted upon the king's account 8000/., and fearing an arrest, he went to meet his orders at Callis, which he did accordingly. Then he was questioned about his correspondence with the Pope's Nuncio, which he denied. And last of all was demanded the keyes of his cabinet (which it seems they had not opened, though seized you know when) ; but he said he remembered not then where he had hid them, and so he was dismissed with this only that he should send them when he could find them." Several letters from Portugal say that a Spanish and French fleet were to have landed men at Milford Haven, if the Plot had taken effect, but they were dispersed in a storm. This is agreeable to Oates' information. The sad story has just come that St. John's College Cambridge is nearly burned down, and three priests taken with fire balls. P. Ventry to the Same. 1678-9, March 11. Ipswich. — I very desirous to receive a letter from you, being much at a loss for an account of the state of things in this conjuncture, and especially to interpret the Duke's departure. Sir Robert Southwell to [the Same]. 1679, March 28. u Spring Gardens. — I have now in obedience to the orders of the Lords of the [Committee] of Examinations about the Plott dated the 15th or 25th instant reviewed all those bundles that were sent from the Councill of matter arising since the first of January last. The 24 papers found at Tixal I gave you in their order Tuesday night with a general list of their contents, and last night I did extract out of certain papers sett apart and given unto you the remarks which here- after follow. In three letters writt from ono William Southall of Staffordshire of December 31st, January 25th, and February 20th, he says that Mr. Higgins who [went] by the name of Robert Palmer was taken at Highone, that he proves [a] priest and is sent to goale. That Thomas Mauloe proves a priest and sent to goale. That Francis Levison (who I suppose is brother at least to that Lewsen or Levisen who mett with Miles Prance at Bow to write the narrative of Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey's merther) was taken by Justice La . . . and sent to gaole. One Peters a Jesuit (often accused by Dugdale for the conspiracy) is there also in gaole. George Hobson (formerly a tenant to the Lord Stafford, and lately tenant to the Lord Aston and knowing of the conspiracy as is testified by Mr. Dugdale's first evidence of the 24th or 29th December and 21st of Feb.) is in the same goale. One Nor[th] 15 (servant to the Lord Aston, and nephew to Pickering) is in the same MSS. of Sir W. gaole for infamous words against his Majestie testified by Mr. Dugdale Fitzhbrbbbt in his deposition either of the 24th or 29th of Deer, last past. There is also one Cotton, Priest to Mr. Heveningham whom Dugdale often mentions to be engaged in the conspiracy, but being 86 years of age and infirme hee remaines with a mittimus in the hands of a constable there. " In Mr. Southall's said letter of the 20th of Feb. notice is taken of Mr. Howard of Hore-Cross, who when Southall came to his house with a warrant to search he kocked a pistol at him. That in his house there were Popish books and vestments whereof he had informed the Justices that Mr. Gerard had acknowledged and now deliver'd up according to order the deed lodged with him, by which Dugdale gave £L00 towards the Plott, which is a high instance for giving credit to . . ales evidence. That in the same letter it is Raid that Mr. Lew son Gowre being at the sessions did observe Sir Symen Deg to give the charge more favorable concerning Papists then others, and did thereupon tell him he spoke more like a Jesuite then a Justice. " In a deposition taken by Mr. Anchitel Grey in Derbyshire on the 22th of January, it appears, that one George Godfrey, who sometimes was called Golding and sometimes Wilford, was a Franciscan Fryar, and resorted sometimes to Howbec, is now taken and in Derby goale. " Memorandum. That on the 24th December being the day that Miles Prance brought all his evidence to the Councill board, one Abraham Gory Granger, who then lay in Newgate for being a notorious counter- feiter of hands, he desiring to bee heard was then also brought and did informe of certain commissions unto which he had counterfeited the King's hand, and named the Lord Bellassise, one Brattle the Essay Master of the Mynt, and Mr. Fox who lived at Arundell house, to bee the promoters of this work, as will appeare by his information then taken, but what between the hurry about Prance, and the informer's ill life, there was not much notice taken of the matter, more then to remand him to Newgate, where 1 suppose he now lyes. " That a letter was given in by the Bishop of London on the 7th of February, is dated the 15th January, writt in French and directed to the Lord of Bellassise. It seemes to bee writt from a Nunnery where he hath a daughter. It encourages him to persevere unto the end, and to think upon the glorys of martyrdome. "Memorandum. That on the 15th of March Edward Lloyd swears that on the 30th of Sept. the Lord Powis with his Lady going towards London, did call at their house, and asked him, whether hee heard of the discovery of the Popish Plott. Now the Lord Powis being examined on another occasion did declare that he came not into London untill Saturday the 4th of October, and sett out from Powis Castle on Tuesday the first of October, but whether it were on Monday the 30th of Sept. or even this Tuesday tis improbable hee should know of the discovery of the Plott from the information given at the Councill Board, which came not there till Saturday the 28th September, so that [if] Lloyd deposeth true his Lordship must have heard of it by some other way [before] . " Memorandum. That among the Tixall Papers No. 9, there is a letter of the 28th December 1676 writt from the present Lord Aston to hio father, which shows how great kindness the Lord Stafford professed towards them, and that they were procuring some letter of favor from his Majestie which it seems cost this Lord much hammering perhaps if such letter were seen [it would] give light to other things. 16 MSS. op Sib W. " Also in the Tixall bundle No. 3 there is a letter signed Thomas Fitzherdert. Y\ r hi t g reve without date or place, by which it appears the Lord Aston had been twice at his house, and if that letter were writt since Mr. Otes' discovery it would import very much, especially if this be the same Whitgreve who is a Justice of the Peace of whom Mr. Dugdale can give . . . t evidence of his correspondency with the Papists. " There was found by Sir William Waller in the Savoy two letters which have in them much variety of matter about Popish buisseness. One of them is of the 28th of July 1676 from Douay wherein .... is mentioned. The other has no date, but was writt from Ro[me] to Stapleton President of the Benedictines and from an agent sent thither to sollicite their affaires. " There is another letter dated the if th of January last from Brussells writ from an English Priest but in Italien. It is directed to Monsr. Trevars a domestic of the Spanish Ambassador's, and in that there is another letter in Italian to the General of the Carmelites Missionarys in England. Whether this Generall be Trevars or no, or some other person, is matter of enquiry, and the rather from an account given lately by Sir William .... to the Duke of Ormonde, and sent over by his Grace, wherein are some things very remarkable. " There was found in the house of Mr. Daniel Arthur but the papers left there by one Sarsfield and belonging unto him. The original commission granted on the 20th of May 1668 by the Cardinal of Dando . . then Legat a Latere in France, whereby power is granted to the Augustine Fryars (among other things) to dispense with all vows (except those of chastity and religion), and also with oathes, where there is just cause, and also in other cases and irregularitys even as the Pope could dispense with the same. " As for the manifestations that Popery was taking growth and shaping itself into forme, and distributing into several precincts the care and management of the cause, and particular persons to preside in such precincts and to bee accountable for the same in their ecclesiastical matters, not only the blew book found in Ireland's bag, containing the names of 300 Jesuits will manifest the same, but other papers now lying in Fenwick's bag, as also the papers found at Comb in Herefordshire ; and how farr they thought their matters advanced even in May 1666 will appear by the commission I gave you Avhere Austin Hungate President of the Benedictines, impowers one Stapleton, another Benedictine, as if they were even then in hopes of all. This commission was brought in by the Earl of Essex, together with a note for £1,500 which is given to Mr. Attorney General to try if that money bee not recoverable and forfeited to his Majestic " If the Lords please that I should proceed to reduce the matters contained in those 20 papers of information given by Mr. Dugdale, Prance, and Needbam, which I formerly put into your [hands] that is to fix things upon persons, it will not onely require a long [time] . . but it were fitt that I had all those papers at my own house, or by parcells at least, that I may with more attention consider and digest the matters contained therein, tho in truth this work would best bee performed by such as are knowing in the law." Endorsed Letter read March 29, 1679. Sir John Trevor to the Same. 1679, March 31. Tnner Temple. — I have been ill and out of Town. If the Committee have any commands for me upon the examinations or papers delivered to you, I am now ready to obey them. 17 John Reepe to the Same. jiss. of Sir, w; T^ITZHERBEB-T 1679, April 18. Plymouth. — I write because of the deep misery of many of mine, and many others' friends, and relations, which they suffer, since the memory of living man, in Turkish slavery. I wish with all my heart you may be able to find some way to assist them. Sir Robert Southwell to the Same, in the chair of the Committee of Secresy. 1679, May 10. Spring Gardens. — In answer to your enquiry I have sought everywhere for the cover of those Tixall papers, that you might see how the seal appeared, but in vain. It was only a wrapper, without any writing within, and I threw it aside, together with the post-label sealed on to it. The seal (or to the best of my remembrance the two seals) on it did not appear to have been abused. I could not suspect that any paper was missing, because no schedule was sent me with them, or any intimation (that I remember) that there was so considerable a paper within. This I presume you will see in the letter from Mr. Lane, and Mr. Congreve, which was also in the same wrapper, and dated about the 24th of January last, which you have in your hands. " The packet was brought me by a post boy at 10 o'clock at night on the 25th of January, as I was among my papers about the Plott. And it being directed to myself, and Mr. Lane's name on the outside, I presently concluded the wallet had been found. But when I opened the packett, which presently I did (as in duty bound, knowing that speed might have been required in things of that nature) I run over all the papers, so as to see there was nothing that answered my expectation. And as soon as the Lords of the Commission of the Council met, I laid all before them truly and faithfully. And I do upon my salvation declare that I never had or saw any other letter of my Lord Stafford's, than that which is now in your hands, and therefore it hath laid a great weight on my spirits now for these five weeks past, that no report has yet been admitted from me, pursuant to the vote which is upon the books, viz. that I should seek and enquire for some other letter of my Lord Stafford's, which God Almighty knows, I never saw in my life." I beseech you iet me have justice, and let the Committee report to the House that 1 have faithfully delivered up all the papers I received from Tixal. Henry Treby to his brother the Same. 1679, May 26. Wrington. — If Lord Peters is found guilty and his estate forfeited, and it be given to any person you know, or can make interest with, I desire you will endeavour to get me the office of collect- ing the rents of the manor of Brent, it being near me. J. Horseman to the Same. 1679, May 27. Plympton. — I have acquainted Mr. Eeepe with your answer to his letter about the captives in Algiers, and Merrifield, and others also. They are very thankful to you for your readiness to assist them if opportunity offers. Old Richard Clarke's youngest son Thomas is a captive, and his widowed mother is too poor to help to redeem him. We all in the country are in great expectation to hear of the Lords' trials, the more that they have been so often put off. A great part of Honiton was burnt last week, on both sid?s of the street. E 6415C B 18 MSS. QpSi* W, Sir Robert Southwell to the Same. 1'lTZHKRBERT. h ',70, May 31. Council Chamber. — " The Lords of the Committee of Examinations are now sitting, and would be glad presently to speak with you." John Rusiiworth to the Same. 1G79, July 1 1. — " I am loath to send to you for the Earle of Strafford's trial before you have done with it, but that at the present I must take something out of it, to corroborate some passages in my second part, which I intend shortly for the presse. Be pleased to send it by the bearer." J. Richardson to the Same. 1679, August 9. — The Council has adjourned to the first Wednesday in October. Mr. Jennyson was examined the day they adjourned, which was the day you left town, and has made a fuller discovery of the Plot it is said. Some of the elections are over. At Amersham, Algernon Sydney is chosen and Sir Roger Hill; at Wendover, Mr. Hampden and Backwell ; at Queenborough, Lord Dunblaine and Mr. Herbert. In Essex they elect on Tuesday next, and in Surrey Lord Longford desists for this time. Mr. Starkey has accidentally blown his thumb off. to his cousin Thomas Littleton. 1679, August 14. Worcester. — This being the last place on the circuit I will tell you about it. The number of causes have been few, but of signal importance. At Gloucester one Hanslip was arraigned as a Popish priest. At his trial (which I saw) great numbers of vestments, crucifixes, B . . . ., altar-stones, mass books, pictures, and such like trumpery, were brought into court, and upon these and other very strong evidence he was convicted, but is reprieved by some private order. But the thing chiefly remarkable in his trial was the notorious equivocca- tion, or rather perjury, of some Popish witnesses that were often present at Mass with him, and had been seen so, and had confessed it to some Protestant witnesses present in court, yet they did utterly deny every- thing, having first equivocated as long as they could. Three others were indicted for seditious words spoken a little before the discovery of the Plot. One for saying that before Christmas there would be another King. Another that there would suddenly be such a blow in England as it had not felt for a long time. The third that the Papists will be uppermost once again, and will suddenly have their chapels, and other churches, and church lands again. And other words concerning Popery. The two first were found guilty, but the third escaped, there being only one witness against him. A Mr. Arnold and a Mr. Price have been very active in those parts, and found when Lewis was arrested a vast quantity of Popish trinkets. Under an Order in Council they had all been burnt, and could not therefore be produced at the trial. He was convicted upon the evidence of many witnesses, but reprieved. " He wears a, great periwig, and I am confident I have seen him often in Farr's Coffee-House, and elsewhere." A woman swore against him that she had paid him about 10/. to get her father's soul out of purgatory. "To Which he said that he called Cod to witness that he never had a graut of her. No, said she, for I paid you in good shillings and halfcrowns. To which I observed he did 19 not answer a word . . . But the thing most observable was the M8S. oa Sib W. return of the Grand Jury, out of which Mr. Arnold did challenge 8 or 10, * ,ITZH ™ HBT » and did prove them to be suspected Papists, or that their wives, or near kindred, were Papists. And the Petty Jury, though returned over by accident, yet had many challenged out of it upon the like account, that you may see how this pest hath spread itself in Monmouthshire." At Hereford one Kemble was convicted of being a priest, but reprieved. Father Harcourt would have been convicted upon the examinations of S Popish witnesses, taken before Justice Man waring, had they not impudently denied at the trial all that they had before sworn and subscribed to. The trial of several priests at Stafford was put off on account of the absence of Dugdale in London. A zealous Papist there was convicted and sentenced to the pillory for saying that Parliament never did good to King or kingdom, and that it will never be well in England until the King rule without a Parliament, as the King of France does. It is much to be noted that all these things appear in the first circuit after the discovery of the Plot. A law ought to be made to disable Papists from being witnesses, at least in any case between a Papist and a Protestant. John Pollexfen to the Same. 1679, August 19. London. — Opposition to you at Plympton does not seem very probable. I have written to Cousin Hum. to keep possession of the meaner sort of electors by some expenditure in good ale. Most of the elections within 60 miles are over. Most C, though at Windsor such are not like to get in. " The Duke's daughter, Lady Anne, will go to-morrow for Brussels, and the deep politicians of the Coffee House would suppose she would be married to the Dolphin of France, and that Cleveland hath been the marriage maker. The Lord Chief Justice is much censured by all. " Sir Nathaniel Heme is dead, so cousin Ryder may have a fair berth at Dartmouth." William Harrington to the Same. 1679, August 19. — The most remarkable thing about the elections is the success of Colonel Sydney at Amersham where he was brought in by the activity of two or three persons, though he was wholly unknown there, and he defeated Sir William Drake, an inhabitant and lord of the place. Sir Roger Hill is returned with him. The next most obseneable thing is the Essex election. Here Sir Elias Llei vey was persuaded to decline joining Colonel Mildmay, his former associate, and take in Sir Thomas Middleton. They appeared in the field on Tuesday, supported by the Duke of Albemarle and most of the principle gentry. They were opposed by Colonel Mildmay who, upon the refusal of Sir E. Mildmay the night before to join with him, had taken in a young Mr. Honeywood (candi- date at the last election for Maiden). Lord Gray of Warke managed the country very briskly for them, and the two parties nearly came to blows. Sir E. Mildmay's party, though not a tenth in number when drawn up in the field of their opponents, called for a poll. But after dragging it on until noon on Friday they then retired on finding that they were in a hopeless minority. Sir E. Mildmay must now go to little Old Sarum. He will hardly recover the good reputation he formerly had in that country. Sir b 2 20 .mss. on Sib w. RicLard Temple and Lord Latimer arc returned for Buckinghaea. Sir ygrmBBiBT. Richard bad the majority clear, but Lord Latimer hadbutsix voices, and Sir Peter Tyre 11 as many, so as they say that Sir Peer had this reason to contest it, for that in the judgment of Parliament, Lord Latimer being returned by one of the six, the vote of him that returned him> will be cast out, and his number reduced to five. Howbeit there is apparent reason for a new choice. Hertfordshire has been at a loss, being resolved against Titus one of their late members for his ill behaviour in the matter of the D[uke~]. Titus means to try for Huntingdonshire, where Price retires. Kit Vane had rather stay with his wife in Kent than travel to Durham. I must not omit an answer of a countryman to a great man, during the Essex election, who told him lis had better be at home looking after his harvest. He retorted he had rather trust God with his crop, than the devil with the choice of Parliament men. Others saying they would venture their corn to save their land. That county too which set so good an example in their choice of knights, did not put them to the. expense of a penny. Several declaring at the time of the poll that they would sell their horses, or their corn, rather than be wearied out by their adversaries. But the. two competitors did bear the charge of their men. Other counties are likely to follow the example of these who should no longer be called Essex calves, but worthies. Now I have given you a hopeful account of a resolved people and a good Parliament " Good Mr. Speaker." They threw a dead dog into Chief Justice Scroggs' coach at Gloucester where Bedlow had been holding forth. [A long letter full of election reports.] George Bradbury to the Same. 1679, August 22. — I was at the Election at East Grinstcad. Mr. Goodwin Wharton and Mr. Jephson are chosen. Mr. Powle who also stood is chosen at Cirencester. It is thought he meant to keep Grin- stead for Sir Thomas Littleton, who it is now likely will not get into this Parliament. To make him some amends Lady Lyttleton has £6000 as next of kin, though very 1 emote, to a Mr. Lewis of Sussex. The greatest election tumults were those in Essex where the Duke of Albemarle received many affronts. The poll there lasted five days. ** At Windsor, where the election is not yet passed, they cuff and cudgel one another every day, and there is so much hollowing that they disturb the King's fishing, with Winwood and Starkey against Cary and Powney." Lord Barkley of Barkley is to be an earl. I tell you little private stories for want of public ones. The Same to the Same. 1679, August 26. — Congratulations on his election. Details of an attack of illness the King had been suffering from. It came on on his return from hawking at Lady Portsmouth's. The doctors call it an intermitting tertian. Bulletins are sent twice a day to the Lord Mayor. Beds are being prepared at Whitehall, as if the King and Queen would come there to-morrow. John Richardson to the Same. 1679, September 2.— The King is well agaiD. He now talks of coming from Windsor to-morrow fortnight. The Duke of York went to see him this morning, from St. James'. 21 W. Hatcrlngton to the Same. mss. of Sir w. F I T Z H 25 XL B 23 R T 1678, September 2. — The Duke cam 3 in haste to London last night, — "where few knew of his arrival, being Monday about 11 o'clock, and went in haste to Windsor this morning. This, added to the King's illness, caused much surmising. These two great accidents may give you vigour in seeking for those great things which were the subject of your debates when you were last assembled. Hampshire, following the example and zeal of some others, has thought fit to put up Lord Russcl, though at a great distance and knowing nothing of the matter, against Mr. Koell, their Lord Lieutenant. Accordingly he and Sir Francis Rolls were chosen by a great majority. The countrymen also declared that the election should not cost their knights a penny, though the poll should be kept open a month. Honest Tom Llaselrige is dead, and is to be carried to-day into Leicestershire for burial. The Portsmouth voyage has been the death of several of those who accompanied the King, and it is believed had some part in the King's illness, which was serious. H. Hatsell to the Same, at Plympton. 1679, September 6. — The Duke of York posted from Harwich attended by Colonel Churchill. It is said that he was sent for by the advice of some of the Privy Councellors, but the Gazette says he came unexpectedly. Most of the great persons about the Court have waited on him, and kissed his hand. But he refused that honour to Sir Thomas Armstrong, being offended (as it is supposed) at some words ne spoke a few weeks since in favour of the Duke of Monmouth's legitimacy. The King is weak but can take walks in the park. The Town swarms with pamphlets. Two or three appear every day. It is uncertain if the Duke will return to Flanders at all. Titus Oates to The Same. 1679, October 25. — " I pray you to take notice that Thomas Knox hath petitioned the King to order him those papers, which the King hath not granted, but ordered his Councell to have them of you, which if you deliver them I suppose it may tend to help their memories, they haveing as I understand forgotten what they did contrive against mee. Sir I hope you will not deliver them if by any meanes you can keep them by law, for you received them not of the Counceil but of the Committee of Lords." Tit Otes." J. Ell well to the Same. 1679, October 27. Exeter. — The late prorogation is the cause of much talk. It is thought another may spring from the same root. It is thought that the same motive will operate in January as well as in October. Many of your friends are in despair, expecting nothing short of ruin for the nation if destitute of Parliament. Many would wish a petition to be presented first from London, and then from all the counties, that Parliament may sit in January and continue sitting until some terms are made about the King's person, and the Protestant religion. All agree that London should lead the dance. 22 M88. op Sib W. None however will put this in practice unless it is approved of by vou FlUBSBBBBT. ^ Mf p ol l ex fe n . "Let all alone awhile saith this parson, till the two Dukes jangle, &c. I find only one thus thinking, which I thought fit to communicate to you." On a blank side there is a great seal of shorthand. Dr. N. Cary to Sir G. Treby, at his house in Fleet Street. 1679-80, January 22. — I congratulate your honour, and do not agree with some that you are to be the less esteemed. H. Hatsell to the Same, at Launceston. 1679-80, March 13. — Our only news is that Sir George Jefferies is to be Chief Justice of Chester, and to continue Recorder. Sir Job Charlton is to be a Judge in Westminster Hall, if he will accept it. John Trenciiard to the Same. 1680, August 2. Taunton. — Desiring him to defend Mr. John Freine, an acquaintance of his at Taunton, in a suit brought against him by Sir John Cutler for words spoken at the late election here. He will wait upon you as you pass through this town on your way to Wells. The greater part of the counsel are engaged on the other side. H. Hatsell to the Same. 1680, September 4. — The contents of Bedloe's affidavit are not yet publicly know. Bedloe's wife was present in the Chamber when the affidavit was made, and desired a copy, but it was refused her. On his return from Bristol he waited on the King at Windsor, and on Wednesday the 25th following. A copy of the affidavit or a part of it was read before the Council at Whitehall. On Sunday following the Council sat at Windsor, were was a great debate. It is generally believed the Parliament will sit a very little while,, however it will be convenient that the members attend. Giles has a long time well recovered of the bruises he received when he stood in the pillory. He was to have stood again last week, but it was countermanded from Windsor. On Wednesday last another order was made at the Sessions for his standing to-day at Gray's Inn Gate,, which he did accordingly. Mrs. Cellier was committed about a month since for printing her narrative, and one sheet of it was taken in the press. But she was- bailed, and the whole is since printed, consisting of about twelve sheets, which she openly sells at her own house. The chief design of it is to justify herself and blacken Dangerfield. That the Popish Plot is a fraud. She abuses Oates and Bedlow, and says that the papers were laid at Colonel ManselPs lodgings by contrivance between him and Dangerfield. There are reflections upon Lord Shaftesbury and the Duke of Buckingham. And the King is abused for she says the St. Omer youths came over here by his command. There are many impudent lies in it, and it seems to be written to defy justice. J. Pollexfen to the Same, at Plympton. 1680, September 7. London. — There is nothing worth reporting. It is said the Duke has made an offer to the King of retiring from Court and from all business. 23 Mrs. Cellier's narrative, which most think is a great libel on the mss. op Sir w. Government, is openly sold in the streets. Jt is probably the work of Fiizberbert. a cabal of Papists, but the news of the Duke of Monmouth's reception in your parts balances it. The Same to the Same. 1680; September 7. London. — The King is expected at Whitehall to-night on his way to Newmarket on Thursday, where he will stay about three weeks or a month. An express from Tangier says that an attack is preparing. The Same to the Same. 1680, September 14. London. — Mrs. Cellier is at last arrested, and is to lie in prison until she pays 1000/., then to give surety for good behaviour, and to stand in the pillory. There is no appearance that the scheme of things will be changed. Essex and Radnor have thoughts of desiring to be excused from attendance in the C. The Chancery gentlemen are still very dilatory about the captives money. II. Hatsell to the Same. 1680, September 18. — There is little news. Mrs. Cellier stood on the pillory at the Maypole today. She was much pelted but not hurt. There was a guard of above 400 men. It is said she had an headpiece and armour as Giles had. The Duke of Monmouth went five days since to Lord Lovelace's. Lord Shaftesbury who came to town a week since has a tertian ague. J. Pollexfen to the Same. 1680, September 18.- — Marshal Bellesfond has arrived from France and has gone to Newmarket. He is the man who was here to concert affairs in 1671. It is computed the above two millions have been already spent about Tangiers, and that it will require 900,000/. more to finish the fortifica- tions. Philo Treby to the Same. 1680, November 2. — I humbly tender my advice in the present con- juncture viz. Tacking the revenue of the Crown to the Laws established for Eel ig ion. The plan seems very simple and easy. Heads of a Paper, of Advice from Friends in the Country to G. Treby, M.P. [No names.'] 1680, November 2.— 1. If the House is dissolved or prorogued this month send forth a remonstrance to the whole nation. 2. Pass no bill sent down by the House of Lords which the Court desires, until the Succession and the Protestant religion are secured. 3. Pass a bill to exclude the Bishops' votes, as they show them- selves enemies to the Commons. 4. Let the House of Commons hold a strict correspondency with the City. 6. Endeavour to secure good Protestant officers for the Militia. 24 KS8. oi sir w . James Carter to tlie Same, at Mr. Starkey's, bookseller, within Fitzitkrdert. Temple Bar. 1680, December 13. Penrhyn. — ".The last post brought the news of your being sworn Kecorder. It was generally satisfactory here, but especially to me who have ever propheeied for you great eminency, and bid you prepare for the highest offices. Nor am I more pleased with your advancement, than with the manner of it, which was not by dull climax in Common Law road, but at once, per saltum." Compares him to Elijah. Begs for a letter before he becomes too big a man for " poore Jim's " acquaintance. 1680, December 20. Warrant for the apprehension of John Marshall, ate servant to Thomas Bowyer of Luntlow in Hereford. [Signed,'] W. Williams, Speaker. H. Treby to the Same. 1680-1, Jc'inuary 9. — Some merchant law questions. It is reported here that the King is afraid any longer to trust the rebellious city of London, and that he has removed all his soldiers from quartering in it, and also from the factious town of Plymouth. We are told that 500 soldiers and a troop of horse are to be sent to subdue it. [Lord Chief Justice] Francis Nortii to Sir George Treby, Recorder of London. 1681, April 8. — " I had intimation from my Lord Mayor and yourself that you desired the assistance of me and my Brethren the Judges that are in town to-morrow, the afternoon, at the Old Bayly, concerning the removing an Indictment of Recusancy preferred against the Duke of Yorke. I shall attend you at 3 o'clock being the time appointed. This is to let you know I think it will be convenient to have Mr. Attorney Generall present, if he will be there, or Mr. Sollicitor Generall, if you concurre with me, I suppose you or my Lord Mayor will send to desire them to be present." There are about 14 lines of shorthand at the foot of the page. Sir Robert Sawyer to the Same. 1681, May 21. — I thank you for your remarks. It was done in haste, and ought to have been for high treason for compassing the death and deposing of the King but uttering and publishing &c. Pray let Sir W. Turner amend the commitment. The Same to the Same. 1681, May 21. — I have answered to the Old Bailey that I find cause to charge Samuel Harris with high treason, and have given direction to Sir W. Turner accordingly. Sir John Berry to the Same. 1681, October 19. Mile End Green. — The unexpected verdict of the jury in the case of Mr. Wynell and King surprises me very much, as I hear it did most that were on the bench. And I believe you, with all your experience of proof of so much provocation, have hardly met with so severe a verdict. No man could forbear drawing his sword having been cudgelled as he was, much less in the disorder he was in at that time. I doubt that unhappy circumstance of his drinking the Duke of York's health irritated the jury. 25 I pray you make such a representation to the King on Wynell's mss. of Sir w. i • • a * • • i "F 1 TT7TT "ER.'R'ETIT behalf as may facilitate an appliction for his transportation, or at least reprieve. Many shorthand notes. Samuel Carter to the Same. 1682-3, January 1. — There is an action against me. I will tell you the truth. About a year ago an attorney of this place gave me ill language in a tavern and I boxed his ears. The quarrel was made up. But again about a month fiince the very same man in the very same place gave me much the same vile language, and to the best of my remembrance I gave him much such another box on the ear, to which hje answered with a bottle which he threw at me. T replied with candle- sticks, which slightly bruised his head. Pray advise me. William Lewis to the Same. 1682, December 20 and 30. The Gatehouse. — Has been nine weeks in prison, and cannot get his trial or be allowed bail. Begs for aid and advice. James Cardrow to the Same. 1684, December 22. — An ingot of gold had been more proper for me to present you with, though to a new married man a gad of steel may for the present be more serviceable. Titus Oates to the Same. 1684-5, January 30. — "I must pray you to consider of what letters you have of Mr. Coleman's, to the end that I may make use of them att my tryall. I must interest you to show mee what favour you can. It is my right to be preserved by all and every of those whom I have faith- fully served. I have no more but assure you I am your affectionate ff. and servant Titus Otes." The Same to the Same. 1684-5, February 3. — "I humbly beseech you to appear for me, Mr. Tempest will attend you with a breviat of my cause, which I beseech you to accept ; if there bee any of Mr. Coleman's letters I must begg the favour to lett us have the use of them. I am certain noe man hath a better cause then T, but I expect to bee run downe. Titus Otes." There are sixteen lines of shorthand at the foot of the page amongst which are the names " Tempest, Feb. 4 ; Wallop ; " and one or two dates ; and a few lines more in the margin where the words occur : — " May 5, 1685, o. Subpcenad. Polln. Wm. Williams and Mr. Tonson." John Pollexfen to the Same. 1685, June 6. — Croydon. I thank you for your letter, but I could not go up to put in a petition in so short a time. The Mayor of P. was returned by his deputy and not by himself as the Mayor of Thetford. In some cases there may be as much difference between a Mayor and his deputy, as between a Lord Mayor's horse and a Lord Mayor. J shall not be in town until after the holidays. 26 Mflg. of Sir W. ^ALPH GrAINGE to the SAME. Fitohbkbbet. 1085, Jnne 7. — Your petition to the House of Commons was read on Thursday morning and referred to the Committee of Privileges. As I was going about it to Westminster I met Mr. Ash, who under- took it, but lie put it upon his brother, who did it so well that Mr. Curoway recommends him. I first as you desired informed Mr. Henry Pollexfen. He would not give any advice but sent me to his brother, and he sent me the enclosed. Charles Fortescue to the Same. 1686, August 3. Plymouth. — A business letter describing a property worth more than 400/. a year on sale in that neighbourhood. George Spry to the Same. 1688, December 24. Place. — I hear that the Prince has been as well received in the city as he was by the county gentlemen where he first landed. " Our country, though it did not express theyre zeale soe farr as it might by attending his person, yett it hath soe much favoured his designe that it was the first in England that unanimously associated and addressed, which I suppose will be generally followed, soe that we need not feare the coming in of popery to this kingdome for the future." Some shorthand notes. Anonymous to the Same. 1688-9, March 18. — If steps are not taken to stop some of the preaching in the country, and compel the ministers to pray for the King and Queen, and take the oath of allegiance, people may very pos- sibly be led into a rebellion. This comes out of Somersetshire. No longer since than this day week there was at Broomfield near Bridg- water at Mr. Hellyer the minister's house a meeting of twelve of the neighbouring ministers. Of those twelve only one had publickly prayed for the King and Queen. The business of nine of these gentlemen was to play upon and bait the honestest amongst them. Mr. Hellyar and Mr. Anthony Clarke of Enmore and Charlinch, and others, declared that they would never obey the Bishop's orders to pray for the King and Queen, and only yesterday many of them prayed in the churches for the Prince of Wales. Mr. Thomas Jenkins who serves Durston and North Newton, says he will die before he takes the oath. At the said meeting those present did also declare that the present Parliament is no Parlia- ment. Mr. Hart of Taunton is the chief promoter of this faction, and the ministers take their line from him. William Pawlett, Recorder of Bristol, to Sir G. Treby, Attorney General. 1689, September 5. — The goal delivery at Bristol is finished and three are condemned to die. One for sheep stealing, the second for felony without benefit of clergy, for personating a landed man, and the third for procuring the second to do so. The two first are notorious rogues and cattle stealers.; and the Mayor and Aldermen tell me that the whole country will cry out if they be not hanged. But the third is only 24 years of age and it might be best to transport him. *' That which occasions you this trouble is to know whether it is best to hang the two first or not, because here is a discourse that the judges have hanged very few in their circuits but murders and for rape. 27 " What power have judges to transport those who are convict of fitzherbert.' small felonies though not clergyable. Here are two boys, the eldest not — twelve, convicted for taking a purse clam et secrete with 40c?. in it, whom I reprieved before judgment, because so young, upon their friends' petition to transport them." Jonathan, Bishop of Exeter to the Same. 1689-90, January 14. Trelawney. — I thank you for your letter in •which you communicate to me the opinion of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury of my right to a moiety of the treasure taken out of the sea by Mr. Ford. When I waited on Lord Godolphin he did not seem to think there was so much hast, but believed it would keep cold till I came again. I have sent my patent, under which I claim, to the Treasury. 1 am not well enough to come to town. Signed J. Exon. James Vernon to the Same. 1689-90, February 14. — "My Lord Shrewsbury going out of town, gave me directions to send to you to know what is done in the non prosequi against the Jews which his Lordship the Earl of Monmouth and Mr. Hampden had his Majesty's orders to speak to you about . . . . The reason of this enquiry is in order to give notice to my Lord Mayor, for without satisfying the Jews in this particular, what my Lord Mayor has been negociating with them will have no effect." A few words in shorthand, and " £30000." — Courtenay to the Same. 1690, June. L . . ham. — Certain Jacobites hereabouts swagger and cluster against our present happy settlement, vaunting that they hope shortly to see some of their neighbouring Williainites, whom they name, safe enough. They defied a good Protestant parson who was in their company to inform against them if he dared ; and they and a neighbour- ing Justice of the Peace can be proved to have drunk to King James's health. [Endorsed,'] "Cousin Croker." Dr. John Tillotson to the Same. 1690, July 3, Edmonton. — I beg to introduce the bearer Mr. Hook, sou of a worthy man Dr. Hook, who was vicar of Halifax where I was born. He is not personally known to me, but I recommend him on the credit of his testimoni ds. J. E. to the Same. 1690, July 21. — I am but one and know not how to get any joined with me to do zealously what is fit to be done. Things are very loose in the country, only the Hand that works miracles saves us. The Test is the bulwark of the three kingdoms. Money is the sinew of war. Can they be well affected who tell people that the late poll was never intended to raise more than half what the former did ? " Tf the pulpits uttered nothing of state matters the people, who not- withstanding are pretty hearty to the Government, would amend and reform. All good men desire good Sheriffs the year ensuing. " I gave the Under Sheritf a guinea on Saturday last, M'ho returnes thanks. It is 21 shillings more than he deserved. Though by this his foul mouth will be stopt, who thought Mr. Tozer promised and was 28 MSS. of Sir W< bound, which may contribute to it. Risdon Esq., a Papist near Totness, Fiximnsx. j v <3 a u\ck an attorney, and five or six more notorious Jacobites, are secured by the Deputy Lieutenant's warrant. Others may be seized in a few days, as John Bere, &c. " I intend to visit, the maritime parishes on our river, and persuade seamen to list themselves in the fleet. Some one captain of the neigh- bourhood would draw many." J. Ev . . to the Same. 1690, July 23. Exeter. — " On Sunday evening the F[rench] F[leet]. consisting of llo sail of great and small ships, appeared before this port, and doe still remain there, except 14 galleys, who are gone into Torbay. These drew the last night very close to the shoar, but retired on seeing some beacons on fire. All the militia of the county of Devon is raised, and warrants issued out this day for the posse, all directing their course to Torbay. Never was there known more unanimity and resolution than appears in the people to hasten to hinder their landing, which hitherto hath not been attempted, neither doth it seem very probable they they will. " If a landing were designed, a far greater number of ships would appear, fit for the transport of horses, artillery, &c. " The reason why the fleet stays here may be the strong west wind, which is in their face, if they intend for Brest or Ireland, and noe place more favourable than Torbay, and the bay from thence to Portland, where their ships may safely ride at anchor. The only danger that might touch them is from fire-ships, of which I think they have not the least apprehension. " Here is a report that Col. Godfrey's regiment of horse, with two Dutch, are coming westward. It were to be wished they appeared here as soon as may be, to animate aud range in order vast numbers of volun- teers that would join them. If any passages of moment occur they shall be transmitted you." [The Same] to the Same. 1690, July 28. Exeter. — " On Saturday last the French gallys approached Tingmouth, and fired many great shot towards the shoar, which frighted all people in and about the place, and made them fly into the country. Their small boats then landed about 300 men without any opposition, who burnt two small fishing towns, East and West Teignmouth, and all the ships and boats in the harbour, one or two only excepted, which they could not well reach. They rifled the houses before they set them on fire. They broke down all the seats of the Church, tore in parts the Bible and Book of Common Prayer, carrying away the Chalice. They found one man, whom they killed, saying to him, What you English dog, you wiil have a new King, as he told the person that took him up before he died. '* This done they retired to their small boats which carryed them off to their galleys, and they to the fleet lying before Torbay, where they abide, to the unspeakable shame of this nation. " Our militia is in arms, and the posse raised. Great cheerfulness appears in the country to do their utmost to hinder the descent of the enemy. Sir Wy, Sir J. D., with many volunteers, are in the places of danger to signalize their zeal for their Majesties, and publick safety of the country. w We want extreamely a number of good officers to discipline the raw countrymen, of whose faithfulness to the Government we have full af-surance. You may doe great service to the kingdome by setting 29 forward some brave horse commander to visit these parts as soon as MSS. of Sir w. may be. It's not very safe to give the reasons of this suggestion." Fitzhbbbert. Six lines of shorthand follow . Gilbert [Burnet] Bishop of Salisbury to [the Same]. 1691, April 6. Salisbury. — One Dr. Beach who has a living within six miles of Salisbury, not only has not taken the oaths, but did with a high hand ride about the country and dispute against the taking of them. He obeyed his suspension, but when the six months were out he returned to his pulpit. He names no King nor Queen in his prayers, and reads the collect for the King, without a name. He observes no fast days, and in some visits to the sick, he denounces damnation to all that are for this government. When one of his parish pressed him to pray for the King and Queen, and to consider that God had raised them to the throne, he answered No, he that raised them to the throne was he that carried Christ to the pinnacle of the Temple. He has used me rudely and boisterously. He is set on by some in London who found him a man of a rugged and fierce temper. " The Bishop of Bath and Wells came and lay at his house a few days before he began to preach again, but how fane he wrought on him is that which I cannot affirm. I gave Institution to one who was pre- sented to his living six months ago, but he has not been able to procure himselfe to be inducted, the church door having been always kept shut against him." There is reason to think that the Under Sheriff has an understanding with him. " The Dr. was in the church in his formalities, but no resistance being made no induction could be had, for the Dr. would not goe out of the Church, and the SherifFe pretended, and had under the hand of counsell from London, that he could not force him to goe out." Would it not be well that the Dr. should be brought before the Council as one who is notoriously disaffected ? The Chancellor of the diocese, Dr. Woodward, is now in London, and I have desired him to wait upon you. As to this man he is a pest in the country, and is likely to wear out the clerk who is presented to his Living. John Pultenet to the Same. 169], April 10. Whitehall. — Lord Sydney has repeated his com- mands to me to send to you for the two warrants for Mr. Parson's pardon, which I spoke to you about yesterday in the lobby of the Council Chamber. John Forster, Clerk of the Peace for Staffordshire, to the Same. 1691, April 29. Stafford. — In the name of the gentlemen of the county to ask for directions as to the method of proceeding against the Roman Catholics. Lord Sydney to the Same. 1691, April 29. Whitehall. — The King's pleasure is that Major Robert Parsons, who is accused of killing Wade, Esq., be tried at the King's Bench Bar. Lord Nottingham to the Same. 1691, "J. 11." Whitehall— Mr. Justice Ayre has admitted to bail Abel Dennys of Newcastle though he is charged with high treason, in corresponding with and aiding the King's enemies, and especially by- aiding them with such things as they need for their fleet. 30 Bib w\ 11 1 do not know that he has that authority out of the King's Bench, or FnziiEKUKBT. j 10NV j ie comcs to use it in showing any favour that may be denied to such enemies of the Government. I pray you let me know the state of this matter, for I believe the utmost severity of the law will be expected against such offenders, which are very numerous and hitherto, I know not how, have escaped." Ralph Grainge to the Same, at Tunbridge Wells. 1691, July 31. — w This afternoon Mr. Sollicitor sent to me about the examinations of Lord Preston and Crewe (?) being wanted, and desired to know if wee could come to your study for them. I took the keys of your chamber study, &nd raett Mr. Sollicitor at your chamber, who told me that the Lord Preston refused to be a witness, and hee being now in London it is resolved to have him bound over by some Judges, to appear and give evidence the next sessions, and in order hereunto they want his examination to produce to the Judge, aud my Lord Nottingham spoke to Mr. Sollicitor this day at a Cabinet Counsell (which was as I understand about this) to enquire if any related to you could come at it, which was the reason of his sending to me, and we both went into your study together, and there found them upon a shelf. But, we considered that it might not be prudent to produce them until you were acquainted with it, and gave directions, not knowing what ill use they might make of it that such things of secrecy might be come at by others in your absence ; and therefore we laid them in the same place we found them, and hee hath given notice to Lord Nottingham that they cannot be come at, soe that you will have a letter this post from the Secretary. And 1 thinke if you write to him to order some to come to me, with directions to look for the key of your study at your chamber in your study at home, and to goe along with the messenger and open your study at your chamber, and to deliver the papers concerning Preston and Crewe (?) bound up and lying on a shelf over against your deske, this will bee (as seemes to me) without suspicion. But I beg your pardon for taking upon me to advise you "This morning a waggon was seized at Southwark, that came from Dover, upon information that it contained French goods, and the goods being unloaded, at the bottom of the waggon, in an old coat, was found a great pacquett of letters, which Aaron Smith tells me was carried to the Custom house, and ore of the letters being there opened, they say it contained the carrying on Preston's plott still, and directions for arising, and the manner, and time. They at the Custom house were surprised at it, and sealed up the letter, and immediately sent up the whole pacquett to the Secretary. Mr. Sollecitor says that there was abundance of letters, and that half of them were not looked into when he came from Whitehall, nor knowes not what was in those that had been perused." 1691, August 12. — A certificate signed Anthony Bowyer that Nathaniel Lane of Croydon, mercer, constable, had been very diligent in apprehending and prosecuting disaffected persons, with danger to his life. Followed by another signed by C. Whitelocke certifying that Fane is maliciously prosecuted in return for his good conduct in then King's service. Lord Someus to the Attorney- General at Tunbridge Wells. 1691, August 22. — There is nothing of any importance to communi- cate. You could never have been out of Town when you would be less called upon on business. You at Tunbridge Wells are engaged I know in making us news for the winter. 31 Sir John Moore to the Same. . mss. ofSibW 1691, October 28. — Understanding from the Sword Bearer that yon FlTZ ^f^ BEET< intend to honour the Lord Mayor with your company if you could be accommodated with furniture for your horse, I send you the best I have, desiring your acceptance of it. John Combes to the Same. 1691, November 26. — Thanking him for his favourable introduction to the late Lord Chief Justice Pollexfen, and his encouragement to come out more into the world. The wind has hitherto sat in my face and I believe will ever do so unless you are pleased to change the point. The Earl of Marlborough to [the Samk]. 1691, November. — A request that he would order a nolle prosequi to be entered in the case of one Edwin Broxup who having served in the Guards for 26 years, and nothing to subsist upon but an allowance from the writer, was now prosecuted by the beadle of his parish of St. James' for not finding a watchman. Lord Nottingham to the Same. 1691-2, February 15. Whitehall. — Enclosed are the papers I men- tioned to you this morning which I desire you to consider and return to me with your remarks and amendments of the clause in such manner as will answer objections, as soon as you conveniently can. " I am likewise to desire you tocDnsider the clause in the East India Company's charter, whereby the Kins has power to determine it in three years, because the Committee of Council will ask you some questions about it, and does desire you and Mr. Sollicitor to be at my office a Wednesday at 6 o'clock in the evening." The Same to the Same. 1091-2, February 25. Whitehall. — "I desire you and Mr. Sollicitor will at the end of the Council be at my office at 7 o'clock on Monday, and meanwhile to consider whether the King can incorporate a new East India Company, with liberty to trade, during the three years that the old company must subsist, concurrently with the old one. "I desire you will send me to-morrow before noon the heads of those Bills ivhich Sir Richard Reynell, and you, have agreed upon." The Same to the Same. 1691-2, February 27. Whitehall. — "I send you by the King's command a copy of the charter of Dublin Hospital, that you may consider of the validity of it, . . . and report as soon as possible. "His Majesty would likewise have you prepare the draught of a Proclamation for declaring the war of Ireland to be at an end." Samuel Eyre to the Same. 1692, March 30. Newhouse. — The favour you have been good enough to seek for me from the King is the thing I have hitherto vigorously declined, for it would check my freedom and not be profitable to me who use not a bar practice. Your letter is a surprise to me, but you have great influence with me, and therefore I pray allow me a little time to consider of it. 32 H ... The Same to the Same. MSS. of Sir "W . ■Fitzherbert. 1692, April 5. Salisbury. — I have received your second letter and hope to v/ait upon you soon. J. Combes to Sir G. Treby, Lord Chief Justice. 1692 (received), May 11. — I can no longer attend to my duties. Pure necessity makes me take a resolution which all the world will consider ill timed and imprudently executed. It wounds me also to lose all my worthy friends. I beg your Lordship will so counter-work my folly that the City may not suffer in their choice for want of time. I believe if I should stay a week longer in Town 1 should never go out of it alive. John Pollexfen to the Same. 1692, May 17. Wenbury. — I cannot come up until the election is over " nor then if I can be excused, for I cannot leave my family behind, this corner being soe haunted with French privateers, and the country near the sea so depopulated by the militia when drawn off, and the severity used in pressing, that it lies at mercy. The easterly winds have disappointed the French. Happily the Parliament may [soon] adjourn till winler. iC A French fleet came up the Channel soe far off land as probably might have surprised part of ours -without notice of their approach, if the strong easterly winds had not prevented them, which forced them to come in sight of the shore, and cast anchor at the Start. There they stayed about four days, but the wind continuing against them, I believe they looked on their design as spoilt, and that are returned, being seen off Falmouth last Thursday." Sir Thomas Taylor to the Same, at his house in Hatton Garden. 1692, June 5. Maidstone. — Your Lordship goes the home circuit. I beg that you will hold the Assize at Maidstone, (of which I have been chosen burgess). It is the most convenient place and has good accom- modation. Assizes have been generally held there, at least 50 times to once elsewhere. Lord Nottingham to the Same. 1692, July 16. Whitehall. — The Queen desires to know if Daniel Scole a soldier in Brigadier Leveson's regiment who has been con- demned at Kingston for murder, is a fit object of her mercy. Another object in the reprieve is to avoid any disorder which might arise if the soldier were executed whilst his regiment is at Kingston, whence it will remove in a few days. Halph Grainge to the Same. 1692, August 2. — Mr. Attorney General has asked for but cannot get leave. " This morning the Lords of the Cabinet early went for Portsmouth. All were designed to goe, but I learn that my Lord Pembroke (by reason of Sir R. Sawyer's death, as conceived) and Lord Godolphin did not goe. Of the Admiralty the Lord Cornwallis is onely [gone]. The secret is that the instructions being opened when the transport ships came into the fleet, and that being for the descent either at St. Malo, Brest, or Isle of Bee, the admiral called a councell of the flag officers, when it was resolved that it was impossible to make it at St. Malo or Brest, the French having soe fortified both places, and dr^wn 33 down thither great forces. And for the Isle of Pee, in regard of the MSS. ofSirW. distance and danger of those seas, and the season soe far spent, it was rrTZI ^ BER ' r - altogether useless to attempt anything there. These resolves being sent up to London, is the occasion of the Lords' journey, our fleet being come to the Isle of Wight. I also perceive that there is a mis- understanding between the land and sea officers about the instructions, which seem to give more authority to the general at sea, than the sea officers think he ought to have, and some attribute to this the spring of the former resolves, and non-prosecution of the descent. The Cabinet before they went discoursed with divers experienced persons in sea affairs, and that knows the coast, and as I understand, goes with a persuasion that the descent is possible in any of the places. " About 1 1 o'clock this day one Withers, Adjutant General of the Army in Flanders, who came from thence, got here, and the Queen not being at Whitehall, went to the Queen at Kensington, and was imme- diately dispatched after the Lords were gone to Portsmouth. We have noe particulars of the news he brings, but is in general that the loss was not so great in the late actions as was believed." The Same to the Same. 1692, August 20. — Various items of foreign news. Lawrence Hatsell to the Same. 1692, August 22. London. — The news in the Gazette is good, and people are in good spirits. The Jacobites wager £100 to eight guineas against Dunkirk being in our possession by December 25, which shows that they believe it will be besieged. Ralph Grainge to the Same at Tunbridge Wells. 1692, August 23. — I have no news. A Holland post has come in to day, but I could not learn what it brings. I dined last Sunday with the Lord C[hief] J[ustice] Holt, where we drank your health. He tells me that some of the officers at Portsmouth were indicted before him at Winchester for embezzling the King's stores, and that the Council designs a special commission to some of the Judges to go into Hampshire to try them. I perceive that it is left to him to name the Judges, and he was mentioning you for one. If you would have me say anything to him I shall do as you direct. The Town is very empty. Almost all our acquaintances have left it. Edward Cooke to the Same. 1693, August 18. Plough Yard. — Anderton's paper is printed at last, and we are here credibly informed that above 10,000 of them have been sent all over the kingdom before one of them was heard of pub- lickly in this great town. I was lately with Mr. Secretary Trenchard who discoursed with me of it, and would be very glad that an answer should be made, provided it were done by a good hand. I proposed Dr. Wellwood, who I hear has promised it, and he said there could be no better person to do it with smartness. He desires me to ask you to let the Dr. know all the real matters of fact about yourself and the jury, and the trial. This may prove a good service to the Government. Sir Francis Drake to the Same. [16931, August 31. Buckland. — I pray for your advice as to a fit person in my place in case of a new election at Tavistock. E 64159. C 34 MSB, ofSihAV. It is mightily inconvenient to me to serve again, and the air of the F^TznoteBT. T()wn Js ycry pre j udicial t0 me . For the present the H[igh] T[orics] and J[acobi]tes of this town are mostly at Mr. Manniftgton's devotion. But I am told his party is not so considerable as it was. That he lives in the neighbourhood is an advantage to him, and i doubt it will be somewhat difficult to carry the seat when I lay it down, unless some pretty considerable person is brought forward. My Lord of Bedford's interest will be needful. I have not yet mentioned my intentions to that family. Meanwhile I will sound the family at Ford. The Same to the Same. 1093, September 29. — We'll give some account of the Assizes. Mr. Abraham Trout who has been added to the Commission of the Peace is zealous for the Governmont, and has always been an opponent of the Tories. His estate is some £S00 a year, but for want of quality, or other reasons, his appointment is grievously stomached by many of the gentry, and they have complained to Lord Rooksby. Their chief dependence for redress is upon Sir E. S., who is very obliging to all, and looks so extremely brisk and prosperous, as if none of our misfortunes could in the least ever affect him." Probably the attack will prevail, for while liis enemies are bitter his friends are lukewarm. I write thus early that you and the Lord Keeper may know what is designed, and something about the man. Sir Edward Balsh to the Same. 1694, March 26. — Begging very earnestly for 10 or 20 shillings [? pounds] of his bounty. Lord Herbert of Cherburt to the Same. 1694, May 25. Leicester-fields. — "This comes in behalfe of one William Carrol who stands indicted for feloniously takeing a gelding, valued 12 (?) with Humphrey Woodman. This Carrol is not of age. This is his first offence, and he has very good relations. Therefore my request is, if he be found guilty, he may be transported, and you will oblige &c." Str Miles Cooke to the Same. 1694, July 28. London. — Complimentary. "I will give you a true state of the affairs of Christendome. My Lord Barkley doth sport it upon the coast of France, and when he comes neere enough to any town that deserves it, he complements them with his . . . and hath fixed soe many houses . . are like to put all Normandy into a flame." Many remarks about the use of our fleet in the Mediterranean. G. Bradbury to the Same at Appleby. 1694, August 14. The Middle Temple. — Little business was expected this summer circuit, and those who attend your Lordship may likely feel some ill effects of the Paper Act, but I who stay at home find the benefit of it from your Lordship having afforded me so long a letter. Complimentary. " The Doctor who crossed the Alps to find the New Testament MS. in which the text 'There are Three that bear record &c,' was not, did not make so lucky a discovery (it being in 35 favour .of the Unitarian heresy) as the other did who met with that mss. of Sir w. convocation book, which helped to make him an orthodox Dean. Sir Fitzherbbrt. Thomas Stanley against whom there was a warrant for High Treason, and who had been searched for in the country, was apprehended on Friday last, going by a wrong name, in Holborne ; but Colonel Parker is escaped out of the Tower. He was first missed on Sunday morning, his door being bolted on the inside. The matter was examined yester- day by the Privy Council, and 'referred to be examined by my Lord Chief Justice, who this afternoon has committed one Still to Newgate for High Treason, (the warder at whose house Parker was a prisoner). '* Sir Cloudesley Shovel on Friday last coming from Spithead with the English fleet into the Downes, found there a Sweede and a Dane men-of-war. The Sweede struck sayle, but the Dane refused till after two single shots, each exchanged upon the other a broadside, by which several men on both sides were killed and wounded, and the Dane struck," Letters came yesterday from Admiral Russell dated July 25 in Altea Bay near Alicant. He reports that the French fleet has gone out of Toulon. Sir John Lowther [of Lowther] to the Same. 1694, August 16. — Excusing himself from waiting upon him in person, and inviting him to pay him a visit as he leaves Carlisle. Lord Salisbury to the Same. 1694, August 18.— Under the late Act he is obliged to obtain his consent to any lease of Salisbury House and garden and tenements &c. Is now making such a lease to one John Hodge and sends it herewith for his consent. S. Travers to the Same. 1694, September 12. Tunbridge Wells. — " While your Lordship was on circuit a friend of mine recommended to my acquaintance a very honest and learned gentleman, Dr. St. Clair, who for many years, till Mr. Boyle's death, had assisted that great man, not only in all his Philosophical and Mathematical experiments, but in preparing what he published on those subjects. Whereupon I resolved to set aside an hour a day for two months to rub up my old notions, and see them reduced into practice by a course of chymistry. If your Lordship had been in Town I would have consulted your Lordship before 1 prepared my cellar for that purpose, but I was so far from doubting your appro- bation, that I promised myself the honour of having your Lordship to see some of the more curious experiments, since it lay so conveniently for you, when the dispensation of justice and State affairs would allow you leisure for such a diversion. But to my great surprise my servant, coming this day from London, tells me he hears your Lordship is not willing I should proceed. If at my coming to Town, which will be in two or three days, there remain any scruples with your Lordship which I cannot remove I will desist. But if, as 1 am apt to believe, your Lordship's name is only made use of by peevish humorists to divert me from my purpose, I shall not only insist upon my right of making what use I please of my lodgings, and of giving whom 1 please free access to them, but I will protect the Doctor from any impertinent trouble that they shall give him. Tis hard that the Temple, which allows free egress and regress to all the dregs of mankind, where perriwig makers, shoemakers, brandy sellers, and fruiterers, keep open shops, should make difficulty of suffering a Member of the Society to receive visits from one c 2 3G vtss. of sir w. of the most learned and ingenious mathematicians and philosophers in Fitzhbrbmkt. England ; especially since among the known rules of the Society, the very staircase where the dispute lies, has for many years harboured wives, misses, and costermongers. But I am transported beyond the bounds that health prescribes to a water drinker, and that decency requires from one that writes to a person of your Lordship's character, and therefore I defer troubling you until I have the honcur of waiting on you." William Painter to the Same. 1694, October IB. — On the determination of the Exeter College case three of the Judges were for Dr. I). Bury, but Lord Chief Justice Holt concluded positively for the Visitor. He was of opinion that the Visitor has power to deprive a Rector, as you argued when you were counsel for the Visitor. The Visitor has brought a writ of error which will, be before the Lords at the opening of the next Session. The Bishop of Exeter has directed me to inform you of this fact. The Duke op Bolton to the Same. 1694, December 22. London. — Having been summoned to be with his Majesty on Monday I shall not go into the country at all, and wish to know when you can let me have the paper I gave you to-day. Lord Keeper Somf.rs to the Same. 1694-5, March 1. — I mentioned Mr. Lechmere to the King last night, but find there is little hope as so many other applications have been made already. I also mentioned to him your notion how seasonable it would be to get an Act to dissolve the County Palatine of Lancaster. He is altogether of your opinion, and desires you to draw a short Act for that purpose. He hopes it will be quickly done, because the session being so far advanced, there is no time to be lost. Lord Lucas to the Same, at Kingston. 1694-5, March 13. The House of Lords. — I would not write if I did not think it for the King's service. " I suppose there may be several men fitt for the service in goale now at Kingston. If your Lordship will be so kind as to let the bearer have them, I will give my word that they shall be sent abroad, and you will very much oblige &c." G, Bradbury to the Same. 1694-5, March 14. — "The mollifying words Avhich your Lordship sees in the vote which passed on Tuesday last in the House of Commons against the Speaker, they connived at, and suffered him to slip in as he was putting the question. The next day he sent a letter (in cover to Mr. Goddrell) directed to the Honourable the House of Commons, that as he was dressing himself to go and attend his service there, he was taken with a violent fitt of the cholick, and he hoped he should be well to attend next day. Upon which they adjourned till the morrow. And this day he sent another letter that his indisposition continued. There- upon the House proceeded to choose a Speaker, and there being a division, it was carried in a very full house for Mr. Paul Foley against Sir Thomas Littleton, by thirty voices. The new Speaker is to be presented to the King to-morrow morning in the Lords' House ; after 37 which it is generally eaid they will proceed further against the late mss. ot Sir W. Speaker to commit him to the Tower, and many say to impeach him. Fitzherbert. There is a great eagerness among them to kuow where the secret ' service money of the East India Company has been disposed, and I hear it is intended to put a clause into the Bill now depending for taking the public accounts, to subject this new matter to the enquiry of those commissioners." Francis Wyatt to the Same. 1695, June 8. — I beg you will not hold the Assizes at Horsham for the small pox is now there, and as I ha ire never had it I am afraid to wait upon you there. Anonymous to the Same. 1695, June 24. — Self interest is the motive which sways our great men. The writer disapproves of hospitality to French fugitives when our own people are suffering. W. Trumbull to the Same. 1695, July 2. Whitehall. — Being informed that at a meeting of the Jacobites last Saturday night, they determined to try to have the trial of the late rioters put off, and boasted that they had stopped the mouths of three witnesses already, and hoped, if this delay could be obtained, to silence others, by showing them how former witnesses had suffered by ill usage from the Government, thinks it his duty to send the information. Lord Keeper Somers to the Same. 1695, November 13. — " The King having commanded me to be at Kensington this morning, I am apt to think he will speak to me upon that subject which my Lord Shrewsbury, by his direction, recommended to your Lordship's and my consideration. " That makes me very desirous to see your Lordship before I went, and therefore if it be not inconvenient, L would hope your Lordship might take Powys House on jour way, when you go abroad this morning." Dr. Sherlock to the Same. 169;», November 14. — Yesterday Mr. Gale came to acquaint me that your Lordship would excuse me from preaching for you next Sunday and had appointed him supposing it might be inconvenient to me to preach this term. I told him it was no inconvenience to ine, and it was the same thing to me whether I preach or not having provided a preacher for the Temple. But if you wish to hear him I am well pleased it should be so. Lord Keeper Somers to the Same. 1695-6, January 25. Saturday.— -" The King at the earnest desire of the Bishops, has determined to publish something of the nature of the enclosed paper. He has directed me to dosire your Lordship to alter it so as it ought to be, and if it be possible to return it to me before 5 o'clock tomorrow in the evening. It seems to me that the latter part of it is not as it ought to be." There are some 25 lines of shorthand on the blank side containing a few plain words dissenter " " Trinity " " worship " &c. 38 mss. oi siimv. Baron Powys to the Same. ESbnaoBT. 1696> April 5< Exeter.— We have been so full of business on this circuit I have hardly had time to eat or sleep. But this your county of Devon does vastly surpass the rest in business, and I do not think it possible to go hence before next Friday though I came here yesterday wee Great numbers of clippers and coiners are for trial. But I shall be very careful not to charge the King with more rewards than needs- must. In all my charges I Lave asserted the present Government with much boldness, and with I think good results, as I gather from their looks, and the numbers who signed the Association, and the loyal party in every county have thanked me. I wrote to the Lord Keeper about Cornwall, how untoward I found it, but I brought them to a somewhat better pass before I had done with them. 1 also find the county of Devon, as )0u said, just not one jot better than it should be. " I have here also promoted the House of Commons Address, and the High Sheriff, most of the Grand Jury, and many of the Justices of Peace, have signed it. But Sir George Chidley, bir Peter Prideaux, Sir John Pool, and some others are forming a different thing, a kind of an empty Address without an Association. They shewed it to Sir Francis Drake, (who lias signed the other) and he unhappily shewed them the great absurdities and defects of theirs, whereupon they have somewhat amendid it. I chid him, and he is sorry for it, for the worse ihe better. Yet it continues but a \ery indifferent business, and I having declared that I would not meddle with any but what was the same as the House of Commons, 1 hear they intend to have it presented by my Lord of Bath. " I got Sir Francis Drake, and Colonel Waldron, to sit with me for an hour this evening, and 1 discoursed them fully about this county. " They tell me I have done a great deal of good both in this county and city, and have put spirit into the King William's friends, by my zeal and resolution." I have ordered two indictments to be drawn against one Henry Legasick, a known Jacobite, and an attorney of great business, especially among the Jacobites, for threatening those who would not drink King James' health. The Grand Jury found against him, and I sent for him into Court, and committed him, though he had four counsel and some others that spake in his behalf. I persisted and declared that I would certainly commit the greatest man in the county of whom I should have a like suspicion of being concerned in the late plot. This has startled the Jacobites hereabouts, and made much noise. But the more noise the better, and therefore I did it the more publickly. I have also had indicted son:e strangers who have spoken disrespectfully of the King, and intend when I sit again in the city on Tuesday next, to sentence them both to stand two market days in the pillorv in this city, and be fined, and imprisoned. When I pronounce the sentence I will discant upon the necessity of the words "Rightful and Lawful" in the Association. I have some matters of weight to be imparted to his Majesty, but not fit for a letter, relating to some things much amiss in the counties of Devon and Cornwall. I will tf 11 them to you and tc the Lord Keeper. I have taken great care in all my charges to poii't out how careful the King and Parliament have been to establish a good coinage, which has 39 been destroyed to such a degree by clippers and coiners, as to be more mss. ofSieW. injurious to us than the French war. That quantities of milled money Fitzkebbeet. are coined every week, and that the worst is passed. None of this money is here yet, but it will be dispersed gradually, and they must have patience, and stretch their credits for a abort time. "Yet really after all God grant there be not some mischief with the common people, especially in these remote parts soon after the 4th of May ; and pray speak that some courses be speedily taken if possible to disperse the new money, for I doubt the old milled money, and clipped sixpences, and punched money, will not be sufficient to furnish for common necessaries, and people will not starve. Though I may say the Commonalty will venture it as far for this government as for any that ever was. I hear the Jacobites are in notable hopes that a sort of confusion will happen about the 4th of May for want of money, especially so near the King's going, aud therefore the greater care must be taken. I am very glad the guineas are thus fallen &c." Sir Francis Drake to the Same. 1696, April 6. Exeter. — When I first came hera I supposed we should have made more of the Association, there seemed to be an almost universal inclination for it. But one night we lost many having " notions put iuto them that Harrow on the Hill stood in a bottom, for that the word ' Rightful ' was to break the Act of Settlement." More- over they could not consent to the word ' revenge.' " So nice are tome of us grown since we hunted the poor fellows that followed the Duke of Monmouth, after the whole of the design was entirely defeated." This defection is owing to some of our leading churchmen. But we owe a million of thanks to those who re3ommended our Judge to this station. By his brave resolution he has done much to save our credit. The life of what we have done is mostly owing to him. There was a most abominable Grand Jury provided. In it many Non-Jurors, which the Judge having notice of discouraged that panel, and we had a new one. Sir William Courteney has subscribed. But, really the zeal and arguments of the Judge have had the greatest effect, and I guess the disaffected party will rule their tongues a little better for the future. We have among our refusing Deputy Lieutenants honest gentlemen. It is absolutely necessary there should be a new Commission. I shall not be sorry if the report that we are to have a new Lord Lieutenant is confirmed. This is a conjuncture such as cannot be hoped for again, and I hope it will be duly improved. I am almost ashamed to speak of the condition of our militia. The commissions to the Colonels came last week, and they, under apprehen- sion of what may happen upon their not subscribing the Association^ are not likely to be very active in settling their regiments. We are in but an indifferent condition to withstand any attempt if one should be made. " The Sheriff* too being such a contemptible old woofe, and the Under Sheriff no better affected than he ought. I hate, my Lord, so much as to complain and now to be an accuser, but really Ave are too much out of order to be altogether silent." Loyal men ought to be supported, but the majority of the commissions go to those who hesitate to sign the Association. " Some, I must do them the right to think, wish well to the Govern- ment, but they are commencing to break off from some that have heretofore governed them." 40 mss. or Bo nr. Archbishop Tenison to the Same. Fitziikrbert. April 12. Whitehall.—* I think it a great misfortune to me that I cannot enjoy your good company this day at Lambeth, by reason of the long debate we are like to have in the House of Lords. The Thanksgiving day may be I presume a free day on all hands, and then if it bo convenient for your Lordship I shall be very glad to see you." Jeremiah White to the Same. 1690, April 17. — Submitting a print from Sir B. Showers' brother for per uea 1 . On the other side a quantity of shorthand. Lord Chief Justice Holt to the Same. 1696, April or May. — " I entreat your favour in perusing the inclosed and to reforme the errors in it. I designed to have put it into the hands of my Brother Powail, to have communicated it you, but I heare he is with your Lordship." Some shorthand follows. James Vernon to the Same. 1696, May 16. Whitehall. — By command of the Lords Justices I write to ask your opinion upon the clause in the late Act' for the better security of the King's person relating to the security to be given by those who have come over from France since September last, for their departure out of the kingdom. The Same to the Same. 1696, July 21. Whitehall. — The Lords Justices, being in daily expectation of letters from the King in relation to Sir J. Fen wick, wish to know if it would be very inconvenient to defer the trial till Monday, though Mr. Justice Eokeby should then be obliged to go out of Town. Sir J. Elwill to the Same. 1696, July 22. Exeter. — Private business : " A great deal of sour- ness was shown by some of our neighbours the last sessions week, on the occasion of leaving out of the Lieutenancy some of their friends. Sir P. P. ; Sir J. Pie ; Sir W. Dke ; and Sir H. Ackl. ; were the murmurers, and concluded with a motion to Sir F. D. ; Sir William Davie ; myself, and others, to join in a letter to our Lord Lieutenant setting forth the work of the gentlemen left out, and desiring his Lordship to put them into the Commission. The managers were Sir William D[ra]ke and Sir H. A [eland], the rest supplyed fuel to maintain the flame. The persons left out were named Sir T. pmt (?), Sir Archi. Chester; John Grifford ; Francis Turfd; and Thomas Drew ; with Mr. Coffin. Unless these be put into the Commission it was said there would be feuds and animosities abounding amongst us, and they would be transmitted to posterity. It was added that these gentlemen had associated, or would do so. Sir F. D., to whom the motions were directed, replyed that if any were left out, it was their own fault, in omitting voluntarily to associate at the Assizes, and that he could not but wonder at the pretended ill consequences of leaving out such men. Whereas not a thought could be entertained formerly of any inconvenience by neglecting Sir William Davie; Mr. Calmady; 41 Mr. Harris ; Mi*. Ar(siot ?), gentlemen of £2000 or £3000 a year. Sir mss. op Sir w. H. A. in a heat replyed that it was a neglect . . then to passe by these Fitzhbrbert. gentlemen. Shal] we do the like now ? This was not satisfactory to Sir F. D. who told Sir J. Pie, that should never write in favour of such as dissuaded him and Sir P. P. from signing the Association at the Assizes. Whereupon Sir J. P. said, I see we cannot agree, let us have a couple of bottle3 to reconcile all. Which diverted the discourse and opened a way for us to separate." Afterwards there were some hot words between Sir F. T). on the Bench at the Castle, and Sir W. D[ra]ke. In the end each held their ground. Some men I find will go driven, who cannot be led. " The Lord Lieutenant has a handle offered him to manage all the Tantivy men, by impowering some, and neglecting others who have most scandalously refused to give a necessary security to the Govern- ment in the day of distress. They may fret and foam until they see the little good they do thereby. In a short time they will compound, and be as flexible as any, in the opinion of your faithful servant." The Same to the Same. 1696, July 29. Exeter. — Private business. Some disaffected persons cannot conceal their joy arising from the separation made by Savoy. The fleet lies in Torbay. The sight thereof doth not terrify the French capers who lye lurking on our coast, and take small vessels at the entrance of our harbours. It were to be wisht some very particular care were had to scour these seas of that destructive vermin." Admiral Russell to the Same. 1696, August 3. Chippenham. — Is anxious to wait upon him at Cambridge Assizes. Supposes that Friday will be the first convenient day. [Sir J. Elwill] to the Same. 1696, August 3. L . . ok. — Had had a very satisfactory conversa- tion of some hours with Sir William Courteney, who is zealous for the government. We expect good success in settling the militia both in the city and county. Our enemies offer a composition, viz. that those who are left out of the Lieutenancy and have now signed be put in. The Lord Lieutenant has not thought fit to give any answer. It is affirmed that the Earl of Bath has given those gentlemen directions to get into their hands as much power as possible. Sir G. Ch. is insufferably insolent. If he is not dismissed the Bench many will abstain from attendance for the sake of peace. Sir Miles Cook to the Same at Cambridge. 1696, August 4. London. — News from abroad. " I heard Sir Stephen Fox tell the Archbishop of Canterbury, that the army in FJanders could get no money in Flanders (no not for subsistance money) but upon a rebate of nine shillings in the pound, which must needs disgust the army, and was cause enough for the hasty coming over of my Lord Portland to remedy so fatal a defect. He brought over with him one of the chiefe directours of the Bank of Amsterdam, who (upon the moral assurance I hope we have given him before he 42 MSS. of Sir w. went hack again) will procure £200,000 from that bank, upon very Pitzhbbbbbt. va i uao l e consideration you may be sure. My Lord Portland meets every day with some of the Lords Justices Commissioners of the Treasury, and several of the rich money-minded men of the city, and they are laying their wise heads together to contribute something like the philosopher's stone, but with what success I cannot yet perfectly learne, though the lying posts seem very sanguine in the matter." The French are so posted that it is not likely there will be much fighting this summer. We shall do no more by land than we have done by sea, the burning of so many poor villages being but a small equivalent for the charges of a royal navy. The Same to the Same at Norwich. 1696, August 13. London. — You will like to have some news. This is likely to be the civilest campaign ever known ; 400,000 lighting men, and not one bloody nose, nor as much blood likely to be spent as was shed by Lord Jefferies in his summer campaign in the west. There is nothing but marching and counter-marching like a game at chess. I am sorry my Lord Portland has not been more successful, ft He finds that one thing more is needful besides the hearts of the people, and that is the philosopher's stone. Our bullion is almost melted down already, and the golden citizens padlock their guineas as they do their wives, so that men will as soon part with their teeth as their guineas. And this upon a foolish opinion that hath got into the heartes of the wisest of them, that the first thing the Parliament will doe when they meet, will be the heightning of guineas at least to 25s. the peece. But be that as it may, I cannot learne by my best enquiry that my Lord Portland hath as yet got together above £50,000, and that too of the Jews who have dealt like Jews in the matter, almost to the tune of 20 per cent." Thinking men believe this difficulty about money will produce a peace. " The royal fleet rides safe in Torbay being no wayes terrified with the vast number of French privateers that almost surround them." Baron Littleton Powys to the Same. 1696, Augur.t 25. Henley near Ludlow. — There has been a great deal of business this circuit, which seems to show that money is not so scarce as is pretended. Throughout the circuit [Hereford, Shrewsbury &c] guineas and milled moneys, but chiefly good broad hammered money, appeared in sufficient quantity to do the business, and the Welsh money was remarkably broad. " So that I am fully convinced of the truth of the sentiments of my truly ingenious friends Mr. Clerk, and Mr. Lock, that there was left not only a good stock of passable money in the nation, but also that it would come out as soon as the hopes of the going againe of clipt money was over. For that end I have in all my charges &c. endeavoured to convince the people of that false imagination got amongst them (partly by malice, and partly by ignor- ance) that next Parliament will make clipt money to pass againe ; as also of another pernicious opiuion got amongst them that guineas will also be raised as being of greater value than 225., and (as they say) going for more in Ireland and Holland. But I believe I have convinced them that the par between gold and silver, now that we have milled money, can never peimit guineas to be higher, and that what happens in Ireland and Holland is merely from the fallacy of the return thither. 43 " I have most industriously cheered up the people with the hopes of MSS. ov Sir w. money in plenty suddenly, not only in my charges, but also in my Fitzhbrbebt. common discourse, and I am told with very good success. And I found by the countenances of my auditories that they were very much refreshed by the reasons I gave them, and letting them know how exceeding diligent the Lords Justices were about the matter. " Yet after all it must be confessed there is a great want of money, and this new coin does disperse very slowly, and it is a perfect novelty (especially in these remote parts) to the common people to get a little in their hands. I purposely took a good quantity of it out of London with me, and chiefly of shillings and sixpences, and did take care that all my middling and lesser sums should be paid in it. And 1 doe the like here at home, and the country people seem mightily pleased to receive forty or fifty shillings together, all in new money, and I mix them some of all sorts that they may show about that it is coming. u I hear there is a great arrear of Excise in Ludlow and other places for want of good money, and I know not how the taxes and other publick payments will be paid, unless the remains of the clipt money shall be taken. And yet that would have a fatal consequence, for it cannot be taken in so suddainly but that all broad money that is now come out will be in danger of clipping. The mischief of the coin is greater upon us than that of the French war, but I hope the worst is past. " I did lately look into Oates' first narrative, and there he says that the adulterating of our coin was one of the Popish contrivances against us. Thomas Blofeld, Alderman, to the Same. 1696, August 25. Norwich. — An apology, with reasons, for his absence from the Court at Norwich. Fourteen lines of shorthand follow. Lord Somers to the Same. 1696, September 2. — M I perceive we were all in a mistake yesterday, for in expectation of your Lordship we did not send for the Sheriff to come in to us, so far were we persuaded we should have spoken with your Lordship. I must acquaint you that the Lords Justices have a farther design of discourse witii you about Sir John Fenwick's trial, so that they will be very desirous of seeing you at their next meeting. But if it be so that you determine to go for Tunbridge, I will acquaint them on Thursday with the contents of your letter, and will make the best excuse I can." Sir Miles Cooke to the Same. 1696, September 8. London. — It has been reported that the King of France is dead. But I have pointed out to people that that is impossible for that persons of that magnitude are always complimented with a comet before their exit, or they are carried away in a whirlwind as Oliver Cromwell and Elijah were. The negociations for peace go on, very much forwarded by the King of France's illness. The mercers and ladies are much displeased that the Court will go into mourning this winter for the Queen of Spain. News from abroad. Baron Littleton Powys to the Same at Tunbridge. 1696, September 16. Henley. — Suggesting his own transfer to the Common Pleas in the place of Judge Powell deceased, and asking for his recommendation. 44 l jSS.oi B mVT, p. Holt to the Same. FlTZIILKDBBT. — 1696, September 16. — Sends an enclosure from his brother and begs for a continuance of his interest for an office which the King has written to say he will not dispose of until his return. J. Vernon to the Same. 1696, September 18. — The Lords are unwilling to interrupt his use of the waters but must summon him to attend the arraignment of Sir John Fenwick on Wednesday next. Within the letter there are 10 or 1 1 lines of shorthand. Sir J. Combe to the Same. 1696, October 6, Daventry. — Has benefitted by the waters at Astrop. tvecommends Mr. Wright of Oxford to be the successor of the Recorder of Chester if he is promoted to Westminster. Mr. Hooke has in his own right a higher station. Secretary Trumball to the Same. 1696, November 2. Whitehall. — Your attendance is required by his Majesty at Kensington at six o'clock this evening precisely. Endorsed, Sir J. Fenwick. 1696, November 2. — Three sides of shorthand. Endorsed, Sir J. Fenwick. Lord Keeper Somers to the Same. 1696, December 5. — " I return Mr. Petit's collection. I did also persuade Mr. Attorney to send to him for his assistance, that he might have some advantage for his pains. Mr. Attorney has as I understand pitched upon Mr. Pratt for one who is to be of council at the Lords' bar. I know your Lordship has a favour for him, and therefore I hope you will send for him and advise him what he is to say, and how he is to manage himself in that place. It may be a very happy opportunity for him if he recovers as much credit to the King's Council in the House of Lords as they lost in the House of Commons. I do not know who else is to attend as council." Baron Powys to the Same. 1696-7, January 10. — Will attend him at the House on Tuesday, for I suppose that busiuess will be put off till then. Mr. Harcourt may be back from Oxford by tomorrow evening, if summoned last evening. John Sharp, Archbishop of York, to the Same. 1696-7, February 20. Bishopsthorp. — Lady Abdy widow of Sir John Abdy of Essex is prosecuting a maid of hers for setting fire to some outhouses. She then thought that if convicted the girl would be executed, and she was for letting the prosecution fall though she should pay the forfeiture. 1 advised her to let the law take its course and then apply to the J udge for the favour of transportation, if he found the woman an object of compassion. As you were the Judge I am obliged in accordance with my promise • to trouble you with a request that you will see the lady. 45 Martyn Ryder to the Same. p S iSk£&S£: 1696-7, March 16. The Middle Temple.— 4 The trouble of this is — occasioned by the proceedings of the House of Commons this day upon the Bill against selling of offices. My information says when the debate came on Mr. Attorney General offered the like proviso for the offices of the Court of Chancery as was for my Lords the Judges which was att . . . . received. Then another like proviso was offered on behalf of the City of London. And then (jocularly) for all the Cities and Corporations, which their representatives said they thought they were obliged to offer for such as chose them. Then the debate growing more warm, it was by another sort of men thought the Bill was over- charged, and then the question being putt, whether all the provisos should be allowed, it was carried without a division that none at all should be passed, not even that which the Lords' House had added as a salvo to your Lordships. Mr. Attorney (as Mr. Petitt tells me who spake with . . . this evening) says that Mr. Attur (?) thought it would occasion the losse of the whole Bill. But your Lordship knows that depends on the resolution of the Lords whether they will adhere to the proviso for the Judges, and therefore I thought it my duty to inform your Lordship what I could learn, to the intent that you might (if thought expedient) write to some Lords on the subject, or take what other course you think proper." Some pencil shorthand notes. The Doke of Norfolk to the Same. 1696-7, March 21. — To draw his attention to a case of jury packing in the case of Lord Walden, which is to be tried at the Sussex Assizes. The case was adjourned by Judge Eyres for this reason, and now the very same jury has been chosen. Lord Chancellor Somers to the Same. 1697, April 23. — " I wish I might know by a line from your Lordship whether you think it most for the King's service that the vacancy should be filled (of which mind the King seems to be but not with any positiveness), and if so my next request is that you would send mee the name of the person. I am to acquaint vou that, if at all this time, it must be done this night, because the King proposes to be going early tomorrow. "I could not learn my Lord Chief Justice Holt's mind clearly in this busines the first day of term." Viscount Lonsdale to the Same. 1697, May 3. — To represent the hardships inflicted upon ignorant country people by grasping attornies. A poor tenant had been ,<-ued in the county court for £4 by splitting it into two or three actions. The defendant was willing to appear and had one of these men for his counsel. The plaintiff recovers. The process is executed. Then comes Mounsey the Attorney offers to manage this suit at his own cost, and prosecute the bailiff for executing a process in a case wherein the court had no jurisdiction, and thus they make a prey of ignorant country men. John Williams, Bishop of Chichester, to the Same. 1697, June 11. Chichester. — Would be as lenient as possible in the pitiable case of Mr. Rothurl against whom a bill of non-residence was found. 46 MSS. op Sin W. Baron Powys to the Same. FimnriiitEBT. i()<)7, October 1. Henley. — Pressing for his promotion in Chief Justice Treby's Court. Samdel Eolle to the Same. 1607, October 9. Pittletoune. — Enclosing a request from the Justices of Salisbury for his opinion whether Mr. Clark, having been found guilty of manslaughter, may be bailed. Francis Cater, Mayor of Coventry to the Same 1697, November 8. Coventry. — At the last Assizes you were pleased to take notice of the alterations in the Town Hall which is now one of the best in England, and to encourage us to expect a levy on the county to pay for it. A discontented set of disloyal men, who were ousted from power in a trial at the King's Bench last Easter, now oppose the levy. Pray advise the bearer Mr. Fulwood, our steward, how we should proceed. Sir F. Drake to the Same. 1697, November 11. — To consult him about Mr. Berry's candidature for the office of Town Clerk for Plymouth. " Our high blades of the clergy are very wroth and uneasy, and will be sure to do all the mischief they can. The Church is in utmost danger they say, not only from the dissenters but from some great men which are not Christians. The name of one of them (he is now going a great embassy) I have learnt. They are very hot indeed, but I have broke pretty much their measures ; hereabouts, and am apt to believe it is no difficult thing to make them a little cooler." W. Penn to [the Same], 1697, November 22. Worminghurst. — " Worthy friend. The time drawing on to recommend the gentleman in whose favour I solicited thy kindness and interest, \ presume to remember thee in his behalfe, and most earnestly to begg that it would please thee to make it thy positive request, being first noe great thing, nor without example ; next that it is giveing a young gentleman birth into the world, and that will sincerely and virtuously use the favour. I know very well to whom I write, one that knows the use and abuse of forms ; mercy is better than sacrifice ; and the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath ; much better may I say that forms are made for men, not men for forms ; and certainly they should not be put in the scale against ingenuity and industry for bread. I will add that Sir F. Winnington assured me at parting he would give his assistance, tho' he said thy request was enough, if made heartily for him. I begg this freedom may not lessen thy good opinion of him that is with a long acquaintance, and reall esteem, thy obliged and faithfull friend. R. Grainge to the Same at Maidstone. 1697-8, March 22. — The Dean of York's judgment has been reversed by the Lords, " without any debate in the House after counsel heard, but immediately a general cry reverse, reverse." Lord Hatton to 'the Same. 1698, April 26. Kirby. — Desiring him to stay proceedings in the case of Mrs. Ann Jeffreyes, a prisoner for debt until he can give full information about her. 47 J. Locke to the Same. mss. of sik w. FlTZHERBERT. 1698, May 17. Oates. — You pour favours upon me without my — asking. I had thought of stopping you on the high way, according to the privilege you allow me, when you passed this way the last Assizes, and to make a petition to you for my cousin King, a student of the Middle Temple, but my health has prevented it. My cousin has informed me how good you have been to him, and I am not less obliged to you than he is. Lord Chancellor Somers to the Same. 1698, July 13. — " I told the King cf the ques[tion] your Lordship had a mind to have answered, and he commands me to say he thanks you, and if he may have the determination of that matter he would rather the person should not be chosen." John Pollexfen to the Same. 1698- 9, January 13. — Recommending Mr. John Davy, a rich mer- chant of Bideford, for the office of Sheriff in the place of Mr. Lutrrell who cannot afford it. W. Penn to the Same. 1699, February 20. Worminghurst. — " Worthy and old friend. I must vsnture to recommend Sir R. Cullen's brother in law to thy favour, who has I hope outlived the objection against his being accepted as I requested two years ago, haveing been of the house ever since, as thou wert pleased to advise, in order to facilitate and give a better pretence for the favour of comeing to the barr. I must add that a new Judge is very warm upon us, I know not why, and upon me very reflecting, which is I think below his place. I hear he is very much thy servant and has reason for it, I beg he may be softened by thy larger mind, and better conversation. Pardon this freedom from an old and true and respectful friend." R. Yard to the Same. 1699, August 18. Whitehall. — By the command of the Lords Justices I am to desire you to be present to perform the office of Speaker of the House of Lords, at the prorogation on Thursday the 29th inst. In another letter of August 21, it is said that Lord Chief Justice Holt will undertake this duty. The Duke of Norfolk to the Same. 1699, November 14. — My uncle, Mr. Esme Howard, now a prisoner in the Fleet by some mistake has not obtained the benefit of the Act to which he is entitled. I have a great deal of reason to believe he intends to be just to his creditors, and I recommend him to your goodness so far as the law will allow. Lord Chancellor Somers to the Same. 1699- 1700, February 5.—" The life of the Recorder is despaired of. I take the liberty to put your Lordship in mind that it is of great con- sequence he should have a good successor, and that nobody can contribute so much to effect it as your Lordship." 4S mss.oj siuw. The Same to the Same. FilZHBEBERT. — 169JM700, February 22. — "Mr. Lacy has applied to me to stop the Writ of Error as not lying in the case, and his and the Bishop's counsel are to be heard ibis afternoon. I doubt I cannot so properly have your assistance in Court because you are now acting as a delegate in the cause, but I beg your advice and opinion what is proper for mee to do in this matter If you do not come to the House I hope you will write me a line before the afternoon. I am to desire you to consider the point which my Lord Jersey mentioned to you. that so you may be ready to speak to it tomorrow if there be occasion." Chief Justice Holt to the Same. 1699-1700, February 23. — "The Lord Chancellor desires your Lord- ship to be at tli e House of Lords this day, and if your Lordship can I may have a little conference beforehand. Therefore if your Lordship will be pleased to step up to my chamber as you go to your own you will oblige &c." Lord Chancellor Somers to the Same. 1699-1700, March 10. Sunday night l< If it were possible for mee to speak a few words with your Lordship tomorrow morning about a thing which will come on in the House of Lords about the Bishop of St. David's I should be very glad. I do not know how practicable this is because of your going out of Town, and therefore 1 submit it wholly to you." Martyn Ryder to the Same. 1700, August 23. Exeter. " I came hither last night and found the Judge trying our Dartmouth cause. It lasted from 2 to 9 o'clock, and then the Jury was sent out, but with harsh directions as Sir W. Y., and Sir John K., and Mr. D., told me. And being willing to know more, and that from the lawyers, I went this morning, while the Jury was at the Crown Bar, to Mr. Pratt in the same, and other like com- pany, and he told me in general that he never heard such law in his lifetime." The case is about the Corporation and its constitution. The Same to the Same. 1700, September 6. Tavistock. — I was at Plymouth last Tuesday, and invited my brethren the Aldermen to dine with me. They were very well pleased with my company and my treat which cost me five guineas. They unanimously agreed, being well satisfied with them, and in accordance with your recommendation, to choose the same burgesses again. They would not choose the Mayor this year, they said, for that might be a rub to my election. Mr. Alden is to be the new Alderman. [A long letter full of details of his dealings with the Aldermen so as to preserve his Lordship's interest.'} Thomas Gibbon to the Same. 1700, September 2o. — Renews his application in spite of the advice in answer to his former letter. 49 Martyn Ryder to the Same. ^itzhee^eri^ ]~00, September 27. Goodmeavyc — A long letter chiefly upon private business. I cannot but smile at Thomas Gibbon's wish to be a Serjeant. It is something unusual too that R. Tracy should come from Ireland as a qualification for a Judge in England. The Recorder of Grantham would fain have a coif. He is a gentleman of £1000 a year, and keeps his coach, and would grace the coif. Humphrey Perye to Lady Treby, Hatton Garden. 1 7 1 5, July 13. Stafford. — Advice upon private business. We have had great tumults in this county. The Wolverhampton Meeting House was pulled down by the mob on June 29, on the fair day there. The cause of the rising was this. Mr. Gros : and some other gentlemen in a publick house there heard some men in another room singing some old seditious song, and sent to desire them to stop. They refused, upon which Mr. Gr : committed one of them to a constable who put him in the crib or stone-house. Whereupon the mob rescued him, knocked down Mr. Gr :, though he ran one or two of them through the body, and then went to the Meeting House. There has been a similar riot at Stafford, in which the country people joined, and also at Stone and Walsall. The Sheriff has been called upon to raise the posse. POPISH PLOT. [Letters, &c. seized in Coleman's House, and Depositions, &c. used against him and the Lords, &o.~\ {Twenty original letters 1674, Oct. 19, to 1675, May 1, some altogether and some partially written loith sympathetic ink.] [? Sir W. Throckmorton to E. Coleman.] 1674, October 19. — "I agree with you that the only meanes to win the Kinge to the Duke's interest, and to take him off interely from the friendshipp of the Parliament, would be money, for the reasons you alleage in your last letter of the 2d instant, which I have just now receaved. But the meanes necessary to continue it are so excessive that, even according to your own opinion, and the discourse we had when you was here, what the Pope could contribute would be nothing in comparison of what is needed, and in the obligation he hath also to assist other friends who are in greater straites. I likewise doubt whether the Pope would resolve upon what you propound, considering the little stress can be laid upon the King's will, it being to be feared that all imployed that way would soone be lost, without any advantage to the Duke or his associates, which we have reason to feare from his ordinary manner of proceeding. It would therefore be necessary in my opinion to have at least some probable assurances that we might imploy for the advantage of the Catholiques and 1 40 what otherwise we are obliged lrugally to manage for them in other partes, before the proposition be made to the Pope, which is not to be undertaken in soe general and obscure termes as you propound it. For what reraaines E 64159. D 50 *Fit'zherbekt" t ^ ie -^ unc * 1S 011 tne P°i nt; of going to Rome, having already leave to — ' retorne. The negociation of the businesse you propound will belong to his successor, but he will retain the same passion which he had for the Duke's service, as well at the Emperour's Court as at the Pope's. If he shall have any part in the affaires of England he will not faile to informe you more particularly of his departure. I pray you assure the Duke of what I have told you." "Translated by Sir Humphry (Winch ?)." [Sir W. Throckmorton to ] [1674], November 28. Paris. " / did at last deare Governour after many traverses get well to this place on Sunday morning about 8 a f lock. 1 had my old torture at sea again 2 dayes and nights. I emb argued at Rye the same night 1 came thither and could not get a ship under £8 there being indeed but that one in harbor lohich ivas to carry me to Diepe, but the ivinds weare, and I think ever since have been, so contrary that I beleeve shee could not have performed her voyage by this time. I put myself e in at last into a fisher boat and so by force of oares landed on Friday in the afternoon where I beleeve never noe gentleman before landed, and so on foot and on asses and animals they called horses we got to St. Valery, and so to Abbeville, and thence poste to Paris with onely three halfe croiones in my pocket. They weare very strickt in searching at St. Valery, my wife's smoks have gon to ivrack, the little bundles of your other f rinds I hid and so saved, but the great box there was no such dealing with. I told them it was sent me by the Lady of the Duchesse her bedchamber, and that perhaps it was' sumthing sent by her Highness to her Mother, but all would not serve. So at last I prevailed with them not to open it and that I would leave it there till we got an order from hence for it. This I thought was the best for if they had opened it it had certainly been lost. I have been twice to see the Resident but he was at St. Germans, as soon as we can meet we will contrive ivhat can be done. 1 found my gentle- woman heer almost as bare of money as my self e, I have therefore been forced to draw a bill of £100 upon Mr. Mawson at halfe usance, another time you shall have longer warning for the payment, but now coming just out of England I was ashamed to doe it. You doe not expect any newse yet from a man or that one has seen anybody. Mr. de Rohan and Mr. de Villars weare yesterday beheaded, their crimes are not said to be so heinous heer as we were tould in England. My Lady is so peart that I can not beleeve she was ill. She is very much your arid your Lady's humble servant* I hope I need not say so for myself e, for Tm sure you must either beleeve me so or the ungratefullest wretch alive. [See Note in the middle of the next letter. ~] " I went onMunday to visit 6 (Mons. Pompone) at his master's house and had sum discourse with him with which he seemed much sattisfyed, but being interrupted there by busines he tould me he would cum next morning hither by eight a clock and so did and we weare locked up 2 howers togeather, where I made him such a discourse, and gave him so exact an account of the state of all things that I think truly I never seed man better sattisfyed in my life, and hee tould mee that he would rather in anything have me speake with 8 (the Fr. King) my self e, for that it was impossible to carry all the perticulars so exactly in his head as I did, but that it would be difficult to contrive it as it ought to be with privacy. I had a paper in my pocket which had all the heads of my discourse in it, which I had wrot in French to facilitate my dis- 51 course a little, for you can not imagine it is aU.togca.ther so familiar to me MSS. op Sib w. as my owne language, which I pulled out and shewed him, he was Fitzherbert. extremely pleased with it, and tould me if I durst trust him him with it hee gave me his honour noe man living should see it but 8 (the K. of France), and that he would on Thursday return it mee. I tould him with all my heart, but as they weare only my perticular thoughts and observations, and such as I considered (indistinct) he should give (indistinct) to them or me as I was. He replyed such things as I spoke must all waves be cre[di]ted, for that though I tould them things they knew not before and went farther to the bottum, yet by all other circumstances they knew it was true, and that besides I must not count myselfe unknown to 8 (the Fr. King) or him, and so complimented mee. In fine hee tould mee he see the danger as well as I, mais quelle remede, I tould him to that as you may gues and that then I durst answer it with my head to secure them, but that there was noe mincing but they must absolutely trust A (the Duke), hee said there was noe difficulty in that but that I knew hee could say noething positive of himselfe, but that when he returned me my paper he made noe question but he should give me an other with it such as I could wish. He was very inquisitive how A (the Duke) was disposed about his daughter. I think they are sufficiently informed of and incensed against S (Lord Arlington) and for the discourse of underhand intelligence with R (the Hollanders) he swore it was false, hee asshured mee too that hee was now fully sattisfyed that it was A (the Duke) and onely hee and not S (Lord Arlington) had lately donn F (the Parliament) bu sines as much of it as was donn ; in short I hope we are where we could wish." Endorsed November 28, 7 4. and a few signs. [Sir W. Throckmorton to . . . .] [1674], December 1. Paris. — " / gave you last post an accompt of my jorny and what this post to say to you I know not, and yet Fm sure you expect I should write to you. I have been at Courte and fancy that all men's minds there are much bent for peace, of which they conceave great hopes by the acceptation of our mediation, and weare it not for my Ford Arlington's jorny into Holl[cind] and the match betiveen the P\_rince~] and our young lady, which generally is talked of as an affaire fait, 1 thinke they could shew gage countenances enough. This is my observation of the Courte in generalL of their statesmen and ministers you will not desire, knowing hoiv little I am able to pry into them, to give you my thoughts, though I must tell you I have been to visit Mr. Le Pompone and most of the others, but I suppose you will gues right that thai was more out of vanity to shew the ivorld that I was knowne to such persons, than out of hopes to make any advantage by my visits. I have been to visit my Lady Shrewsbury, to whom Mr. Serjant is now Confessor, all I can say of that busines is that she makes strong resolutions, and he has great faith. Pray ashure your Lady that my wife and I am her humble servants, and salute all the rest for me who you thinke should be pleased with a brotherly his." \T he above is the first page of the letter in dark distinct ink. The next three pages are in the same hand and the same light brown ink as the interlineations of other letters.'] , . \_an illegible figure'] " (Mr. Pompone) returned me my paper againe yesterday and told me 8 (French King) had been and was D 2 52 ^.Fi t z ite r be rt ' extreme -y satti3fied with it, that noething pleased him more than the — ' assurance I thereby gave him of my confidence, that A : [the Duke] was resolved to continue his kind purposes to him, that he desired me that I would [as]hure A: (the Duke) that noething should turne him from his towar[dness] him, and that he should not rejoyce in anything more than to be able to help him to bee or to se . . him by any meanes chiefe tutor for our company for that he very well knew that noething but that could secure [so far all is underlined in black ink] his owne stake there what therefore his sentiments of S (Lord Arlington) weare we might gues and how gladly we-sfeetd-4 (sic) he should see him disposed of as we desire, but that he thought his medling in it would rather hinder than advance [the de]signe» However that he was willing to receave directions from A : (the Duke) in it, and that he should allwayes be reddy to joyne and work with him in any designe he should judge for the good of the comon trade that as for the G (?) to be he judged it ad [4 or 5 words illegible] wrecke (?) but that the feare being yet pretty far of and the P . . — R (Spaine, the Emperor, Holland) haveing chosen X (the King) for the umpire of the [difference between them and him, he thinks he may stay a little in that part (?) till he hears from X (the King) upon his umpirage and see what course he intends to take for it,, but that he absolutely relyed upon A : (the Duke) for the chusing of proper sides]men] in that busines, for that he put his only confidence in him for it. He tould me moreover that 8 (French King) would gladly have write to A ; (the Duke) but for [fear] of accidents which might turne it to bothe their disadvantages, but that as he absolutely beleeved the accompt I gave him of the company and trade, and A : (the Duke) his great affection to him, though 1 had no order from A : (the Duke) for it because he very well knew how I was concerned for him, so he hop I put y confidence in this that I tould him from his part I tould him that all this was very true but for all that to . . . . working for G (?) might be dangerous and that therefore I desired him to have 8 (the French King) to consider .... againe, that for my parte hee see T was an unemployed person in it and had noe other desire but their good as they weare comon traders, but that by what an right I had in the trade I thought they aught to loose noe time and to hazzard little accidents for soe great a good, for that at this rate of 3rd hand talking they would never [understand one another or effect anything, and though they .... me great honour to offer [me] see much trust upon my private credit that ... by that meanes and general talke they .... [ne]ver be able to carry on trade roundly; w . . parted then with this after . . . discourse and many arguments that he would again propose [2 or 3 words illegible'] and that he thought my reasons weare soe convincing and kynd .... that he doupted not but 8 (the French King) would eyther [4 or 5 words illegible] to write and that in 4 or 5 dayes I should heare from him Pray direct your letter A . . . M[ercier] au coine de la rue St. Benoit Fauxbourg St. Ge[rmaine] [a line illegible] the sum for you [a line illegible] I could of my . . nd heer and . . . others make halfe an O (50 m . .) try you what you [can] [3 or 4 words illegible] in case 8 should be backward in that part and that that ingredient should be requisite to carry on the w T ork." Endorsed " December 1674 " and some shorthand notes. 53 [Sir W. Throckmorton to E. Coleman.] ^^eIbert [1674,] December 8. Paris. — "Your Thursday's packet came yester- day, though I have noe letters perhaps they are not delivered all out yet and so I may have them anon. Your Munday 's is not arrived, yet indeed ice have had such boisterous expect any certainty in them. The Ambassador whoe had his last night tells me there is not one word of new se from your side, and truly I think we can be quits with you, for though 1 was at St. Jermains yesterday I knoiv not what in the world to tell you except you can be delighted to lieare brave storys of the galantry that is to be there at Christmas, a new opera, maske, [pa]rades, and God knotvs what not. The Germans repassing the Rhine which I tould you in my last we had a hot story of, but yet I saw noe great reason for it proved indeed but a story, though it be true too sum regiments of hors and dragoons did pass it, but it is not to retire but to inccmode ij not block up Brisack on the side of the river. Brother Joseph is goeing hack to-morrow to Antwerp. I must beg you to present my humble service to your Lady, and to whom else you think would care to receave it and I care to give it to. As to yourself I hope there remains nothing now to be said upon that score. \_See note in the middle of the last letter.] "I spoke with 6 (Pompone) again of whom I had almost the same story I gave you in my former, but that . . ly had not had opportunity to speake to 8 (French King) yet about his writing . . . . . . but that hee ...» and much . . that, they seem to wonder much they heer noething from X (the King) yet upon this late busines heer has had yet noe manner of orders but it concerns them as themselves say to have A : (the Duke) their frend in this busines, but yet I begin to doupt they would willingly engage him to be so through the reason of his own interest and as many fair words and what else you please but pens, and that that is the reason .... wave writing yet for feare of comeing to close dealing, that is F (the Parliament) is yet far off and they think can not possibly com to joyne till the spring, if in the meane time by A : (the Duke) his heartines for them which as I said they think his owne enterest and their great expressions of kindnes will engage him too, they can get a good accomodation and regulation among all the desenting . . . . rs they have their ayme if not they think the same price will doe 4 months hence as well to stop them as now though they are infinitely mistaken [as I tell you ?] all I can for to keep that interest on foot against against them will certainly be the great . . . . . perhaps the only meanes them of com- passing what they so much desire . . . reddy money you know . . a heard thing especially to mer- chands, if you can think of anything more for me to say upon this score pray write it a freash that I may shew it them, that is what you think that they should see, for 6 (Pompone) desired me that I would let him know when I heard anything, but if I heer noething from you . [T] . think it is the best way to lett him alone a little, perhaps it may make the forwarder, especially if < (Swead) and R (Holland) courte X (the King) so much to draw him the won way and the other the contrary as I heer they doe, and if A : will but play that game cunningly he may certainly bring 8 (French King) to what he pleases, then (?) I must confes I would rather have him have 00 (£200,000) of K : (the catho- liques) than 000 (£300,000) of 8 (the F King) that is to get G (Parlia- ment dissolved) for that would shew 8 (French King) what A: (the D) 54 ^Fitzhebb 1 ^^' ms an( * would make him much more helpful and complai[sant] to him. — But heer is the worck you'll say and I must confes it is such a one too as takes up my thoughts night and day, and I would have L (Coleman) think of it too for it would bee a great work as it is a difficult one and perhaps it is an absolute necessary one. I shall in a little time let you know somewhat certain from but I believe I may venture to promise halfe a (hundred thousand pounds) from hence sure a (£100,000) on your side might be compased. The man I soe often spoke to you of in their busines is the best man in the world hee swearing it shall not stick at all his stake but A : (the Duke) shall be accomodated." [ The passages from " F is yet far off" to " stop them as now " ; " if A : will best play " to " complaisant to him " ; " I may venture to promise " to the end, are underlined in black ink~\. [Endorsed^ " December 8, 1674," and a few shorthand marks. [Sm W. Throckmorton to E. Coleman], [1674], December 15. Paris.— " 6 Came to town last night but I am of opinion still We have have had 3 pacquets com in within these 2 dayes, which have brought the three of your letters for all which I am very thankful! to you. I wonder much you should not have receaved my first, I put it under cover of one from my wife to your nurse it is there that I ought not to [sp]eak to him again till I hear . . . you must be pleased to enquire for it. I never . . from L (Coleman) and that for many reasons drawne both [fr]om mist you poste yet since I came but last, and then L : his owne letter from observation of things heer / had so little to say, especially Mr. Bernard being and from discourse which I had lately on the Exchange very importunate to have his seat, that I thought my wife with X (the King of England) his factor heer ; he is certainly one of the might serve for covert as well as mine having a little shrewdest dealing men that I know, and that makes me busines too that called me owt, I could make you the same extremely close with him, pretending great ignorance excuse now for want of matter but that I feare you in all sort of comerce, but for all that his good . . [torn off ] should suspect it weare rather lazines if I . . . . me, as he would have me believe it, th . . . [torn off ] you twice togeather, you shall therefore in . . . „ turally from him, that we are never [torn off ] be pleased'to know that J know noething at .... „ is as after as he can contrive it, he .... [torn ojff ] sober earnest wee have heard noething . . ite of himselfe to dine with me which is a freedom of at least, Jrom Mr. Turenne since wee have been tould you know not usually taken by Merchands, and that he is marched with near 15000 foot and 12000 horse with upon all little occasions . . . ting me, but he enters with a full-purpose to beat the Germans back over the Rhine with great seeming confidence and freedom into a uis- this is a pretty brisque enterprise, and the newes will be of 55 course of the moste misterious points of our trade Titzherbebt.' great consequence eyther for peace or ivar, perhaps — now what his desire in this may be God knows this is an observation you might make in Eng{land] as but I'm sure if it be to pump me he shall lose it well as I heer ; I will therefore say noe more but for I never discover more knowledge of anything than that I am. your Ladys most humble servant a man of my converse in the world and general (?) which he is well acquainted with must have . . . tainly be thought to have ; or perhaps it may be that by that ould frendship I have had with L (Coleman) he may thinke to secure him by mee and so if trade goes naught on the other side, for you remember how C and D (Lord Berkeley and Sir E. Layton) have allwayes spoke of his behaviour between Z and S (D. Lauderdale and Lord Arlington) and how he they say have attached himself to the later, ingratiate himself at last with A : or perhaps he may have a reall intention of serving A : this if you please in charity and generosity we will believe but in pru- dence we will not trust too, and therefore [I] continue the same ignoramus, and the more full he is in his prayses of A : and in discourses of ... X and Z and U (the King, D. Lauderdale, Lord Trevor) [the less] I eyther know [of their] concerns or any- thing else. Often we talke of 8 and 1 (French King, Mons. Louvoy) and 2 or 3 (warr, peace) and in this discourse he told me the day before yesterday that he found that 8 (French King) and his had great expectation of what S (Lord Arlington) should doe for them, nay that he beleeved they might have such [?] confidence in him or it, he wondered how they came by it for hee would have me to understand it was not by him now whether this be a wheedle of theirs upon him, or that hee intended it as one upon me I know not, but their backwardness heer makes me suspect H (Mons. Ruvigny) has sum underhand dealing, and that hee may keep them heer in expectation of it, and that he . . . hand that it is time enough to think of G (Parliament dissolved) if that failes, and that A will let everything slip to secure G however for his own sake, and at last if all does faile that which we ask, they think is a sure card to make X and us doe what they list which noething else will : Now me Now me thinks indeed in my humble judgment I would not have A : faile [or taile] . . {torn off] ... I would have him push with all the . . {torn off ] .... may in able for G (Pari, dissolved) and I would have {half a line torn and illegible] . . for on my consciemce {one or two ivords torn off] much in his power with 00 or 000 (£2 or 300000) . . doe it as with them, and then if he would give me leave methinks I could turn it infinitely more to his advantage by showing them how little hee wanted 00 or 000 to help him in that or anything . . . and that now if they would come upon terms to settle things equally and faire between us . . ., without which certainly noething can laste, .... wee will, being thereto led a little by interest but much more by inclination, geve them the pre- ference amTrefusal in all bargains, but if not truly we may then truly tell them we must endeavour to make our best market. They know the advantage fortune has now more than ever put into our hands by giveing us the seales to hould wherein all European commodities must be erayed (?), and I hope then G (the dissolving the Parlt.) being compased A (the Duke) will never suffer X (the King) againe to quit, that if this doe not bring them to anything you can call reason I will 56 TiTznERBMT.' 8 ivc }' ou m y head, for I must tell you 8 [or 8] is mightily devided at — ' this very hower in his thoughts and perhaps more agitated than ever he was in making any resolution haveing (?) or I am much mistaken one boote on and , a (fanoyed ?) sum thing .... in him making him a little weary of what is on allreddy, and another thundering sumthing encJining him to boote and spur them both try your lady's letter and you will " \_The letter is endorsed) "Paris, December 1674-5," (and at the head of the letter in the same hand as the endorsement] " Mons. Pom pone.''' [Sir W. Throckmorton] to Mrs. Coleman. 1674, December 15. Paris. " Thousand thanks deare madam for yours by Sir H. Fitz James and with all this his chiefe frinds as 6 (Pompone) and 7 (Albert) I ashure you the longer I am at Paris the more I shall and 1 (Louvoy) as much devided about 2 (war) or 3 (peace) as is poss- esteeme my owne country, not butt that I like Paris extream ible. Now I say with all this if A: could strike well, but cannot find itt soe farr exceed London as is said that stroke without them you should see what an opera- Yett one a good score. However I should be glad to settle in it. tion it would have, now I say with all this Mayn [?] you mention related cheefiy to Mons. Barnard who if A: could strike that stroke without them you should I supose more a courtyer than a friend, pray lefts know how je see what an operation it would have, and on my dans doth, I am sorry hee's relapsed, newes I have non and I [torn] I believe a quarter of (£10C000) or les in the glistering have got a sere eye soe dare say nee more but that mettai to K (the King) himself in his owne pocket may / am hartyly deare Madame yours ■ . . faithful humble sarvant I wish you a hapy mery Christmas sway as much upon an occasion with him as ten times as much to put into the comon stock or buy land with, and if such a busines [3 or £ words illegible] for A : (the Duke) he may make his accompton it when he please he shall not want it long for that purpose. I then resolve not to see 6 (Pompone) for these reasons [one word illegible] you say you had not spoke with A : (the Duke) but that he had had a long discourse with H (Ruvigny) which you know not what it was, nor what A : (the Duke) knew of (Lord Arlington) his busines nor what perhaps he now would have one doe. H. (Ruvigny) doupt [one or tivo words illegible] failed to write what he knew and what A : tould ... I will not therefore com to them with my fingers in my mouth or to be caught [one word torn] that I resolve not [one word torn] them till I heer from you againe. You say not a word how the acceptation of X (the King) for umpire relishes with you, nor what X intends, whoe shall goe, and so forth, pray be plaine in all these points. Your derection is a Mr. Mercier au coine de la rue St. Benoist, Faubourg St. Germ[aine] ... I have asked you [one word illegible] too but you forget it. I wrote to you in my first letter to Mrs. Bradshaw about the £100, I doupt I must have more ere long, but you shall have six weeks time for it. What you wrote heer about my helping myself to money, that way which you mention is a ticklish point the man is of a jelous humor and if I should [do anything] should look like selfe interest I should spoile 57 all, yon may be sure I say all too him [what you can] imagine, but I mss. of Sir W. must not seem to aime at that but let it com of itself. Adieu, I am Fitzherbert. sure I am tired." [ From] " If A : could strike that stroke " [to] " for that purpose " [is underlined in black ink~\. Endorsed ivith the date and some signs. [Sir W. Throckmorton] to E. Coleman. [1674,] December 29. [Paris.] — '* Your letters are not yet com so I have noething to say upon that subject, and to the busines of our kins- man you know I can say noething neyther till I heer from you. Newse we have little. Mr. de Tnrenne his march has severed Monbeliard, and his letters of the 23rd say that hee having stayed sum time to make a great provision of bread, that hee might not for want of it be forced to anything hee had not a mind to, was resolved to march that day [with] the whole army towards the enemy who are now gathering together about Colmar in Alsace, and that if they did not think fitt to repas the Rhine but that they would stay him there, hee would fight them. The French counsels depend much upon the succes thereof for I doe not find that notwithstanding they have taken a resolution for the raising of a great number of French horse 6 weekes agoe and that money is reddy for it, that yet they [goe] on with it, and I believe the stop may proceed from thence to see ihe event, how well weighed their counsel is I know not. Brede I was tould yesterday was at last resolved on for the place of treaty, but whether this be absolute true I know not, though it was tould me by a good man whoe said to have it from Mr. de Tellier's owne mouth, but I can scarce beleeve the Prince of Orange will expose his juggle to the vewc of his owne people soe much as he will by having the treaty in the midst of them. You will heer of a defeat of some of the French troopes with Mr. de Turenne, and perhaps it may gather before it comes to you like a snow ball. The truth is this as Mr. de Lorges himselfe relates, that 300 foote and 50 horse being sent out under the comand of Mr. de Barlement, a co[lonel, were] cut of, the colonel and the captain of the hors both made prisoners, but that they defended themselves very exterordinarly well for many bowers, killing above 80 of the enimy upon the place. To give you a more exact detalle is I thinke not necessary but may prove troublesome. I am your's and your silent lady's most humble servant." Endorsed "Nothing in hit. No. 11 [or 41]." to . N.D. — " I am heartily glad to hear by your lady by your lady (sic) you will be returned to London to receave this which I pray loose no time to show his H. I wrote you word before you went that I thought I should soone bee in England, for 1 a*m confident they would have sent mee but your going into Flanders, of which they had notice before you could have been cros the sea, how I cannot emagine, but sure I am they tould me of it as soone as I came to the army, I suppose may have hindred that and retarded the propositions which I have order to make his H. till now, for they have been much disquieted about it, and I have had much adoe to ashure them that I was confident there was noething designed by it to their prejudice, for that I was sure the D. was as much by inclination as interest disposed to prefer their alliance and friendship to all others, and that they should take it for a certain rule that if they weare not wanting to themselves, we should never be wanting to them. 58 i t z n e tsmekt. ' Tho K - w ' ' heer is certai . nl y disposed as much as can bee for the — ' ' interests of his H :, but is wise and very cautious, however by these propositions which I have order to make to his H :, and which are word for word as I took them from Pere Ferrier's mouth, for I wrot them downe presently and shewed it him afterwards [to] keep it for my justification, that I wrote noe more than I was ordered, you will see that it onely now depends upon his H : to consider of a way that will best secure his interests, and withall a good correspondence with them beer, for that wee must allwayes perswade our selves is the thing they propose to themselves by it, I say let but his H : consider of that, and then what hee would aske of them beer in order to it, and I doupt not God willing if hee will honour me with with his instructions and comands but I shall procure him anything which in reason hee can expect eyther of money or anything else, if therefore his H : shall bee pleased to think well of this and proceed in it, I will meet you anywhere privately to receave his H : comands and instructions by you, or if hee will 1 doupt not but I can put myselfe in a private way to com for a night to receave his orders myselfe. I pray bee very cautious that there be noe suspetion given of any thing [of] this with you, for the K. is very scrupulous heer, even of some of his chiefest ministers, whome perhaps hee may apprehend people have been or at least have endeavoured to bee dealing with, and P : Ferrier possitively charged mee to com- municate it to noe one living but the B : of Dublin, of whome they have a good opinion, for hee said they would have to doe in it with none but us, but I prevailed at last that I might doe it by you or Col : Talbot in England, for that being they would not yet let me goe myselfe it was impossible but I must employ sumbody therefor I could not else write to the D, and if I answered for you as myselfe, to which at last the) consented, I intended to have taken the liberty to have wrot to his H : but this to you will I thinke doe better. I pray you therefore present my most humble duty to him, and if I have don anything amis in this it is for want of judgment not affection and duty, and I am shure of one thing that if perchance our councels should goe [an]other way I have don noething that can prejudice him, if they bee not, but that this alliance shall be judged advantageous, I have had the good fortune to worck myselfe into such an esteem and opinion heer with sum of the ablest to serve his H : that I am an honest man that I dare promis myselfe they will put confidence in mee, and I shall bee able to serve him, for to doe which I pray ashure his H : with all humility that I shall always be reddy to venture my life and fortune." [ The whole of this letter is written in the light brown ink. The passage from " for that I was shure the D." to " wanting to them," is underlined in black ink.'] To Mrs. Collman in her Lodgings in the pell mell near St. James. N.D. — I thinke I must state the case in writing againe and give Had it not . . . to have charges deare madame you had received it 6 (Pompone) to shew 8 (Fr. King). I doupt 9 (Bp. Dublin) sending to 1 (Louvoy) his father for you my thanks for your last long before this which now teas designed must know that 9 (Bp. Dublin) is the lyeingest rogue in the world has son you by Mr, Oglethorpe . . this is to my sister Aymondsold but your don our busines noe good, for he speakes with confidence and 59 newes [?] last night changed it telling us the dismall news of Putney M.SS. or Sir w. makes them beleeve he is the Mr. in the world with A : (the Duke) and FlIZ ™ BEKT - which I am extream sorry for, but very icell pleased she has soe good tells them whatever lie pleases, which must make them have a comforter as your ladyship. Deare madame ashure her of my most harty a meane opinion of A : (the Duke), or if they doe or doe not absolutely sarvicc, and all imaginable care to serve her both as to the beleeve him must make them the more diffident of R (Sir Will. Thr.) telling itt and and putting Mis in morning, the first I will not be to the truth is 1 wonder 6 (Pompone) does soe well with R (Sir W. Throg.) as he does hasty in becase I desire a little your advice about the last . . . considering that [torn'] (Br Dublin) speaks the contrary with as much I could gladly stay for and may if Inch serve have it in 10 dayes authority as appears to them as R (Sir W. T.) does what he sayes time, and I'll get stays tyc. ready, cloth I think is not soe good heave . . tould you all that was between him an 1 (Louvoy) his father or soe cheap and the sumer will nov) draw on apace for I thinke . . weekes agoe, for I trace him everywhere, and crape or such a sort of thing will doe best in all }*espect$, butt sure never man made .... hood lyeing and knavery . . . . [torn] .... in England, and my sisters and I icill . . . . . his business as he does. I had yours of the 4th and to be informed exactly what the mode is heare for most great folks if I think it as proper after a night's consideration the warr has made morners. Mrs. Jane I think should have a gound and petycoat as I've yet I may break it to 6 (Pompone) next time I see him for I like it very well. Why should you not get H (Ruvigny) write to 6 (Pompone) the discourse L (Coleman) had with him and his likeing of it, it would help R (Sir W. Throg.) mightily at least it would give him sum more credit I am overjoyed to heer what you say about G (dissolving Parlia- ment), though 000 (£300000) should not be compassed, not that it shall make me a jot the less active or solicitous for it, for I am I ashure you of your opinion as much as is possible that noething will settle businesses lastingly like joyning [torn^ (Fr. King) and A :'s (the Duke) interests togeather, and when I tould you there might be an advantage made by gaining G (Parlt. dissolved) without 000 (£300000) I did not meane . . . [7 or § words illegible] . . 8 (Fr. King) but only that that would make those about 8 (Fr. King), seeing the power A : (the Duke) has, a little more reasonable, and that then they will [come] with A : (the Duke) to terms [and] accomodation more equall than now they will, and let us think or propose what we please it is certaine that noething but a [part ?] balance of things can keep their interests long linked, and therefore I judged it for A : (the Duke) of some kind o f crape or other for there is cheaper heare I beleive than in England advantage by such an action to gaine that reputation and according as it is bye it heare, or else leave it till she comes over with them as shall shew them their benefit of coming But my sister must lett me know whether she'll pay for the makeing [to] such an accomodation with him . . . which then or noe, let mee know her mind with the first and accordingly I'll CO MSB. of Sir W. ™ay keep tlieir amity linked fast for all their Fitzherdert. r i tc \ } y jyj r Oglethorpe to-morrow, you shall have .... Adue chare lives, I never was blinder nor wearier in Madame and belecve mee ever your faithful I humble sarvant. Cloth surge my life so adieu. I could not help the f 100 bill or such things ivill be both dearer for Mrs. Jane eyther heere or in for my soule. Pray tell Maurin I have don . . . [Two lines illegible.] " [Sir W. Throckmorton to E. Coleman.] 1674-5, January 9. [Paris.] I tould you where I was yesterday but 6 said noething to me I have had .... my last to you both yours of the 21st and 2^th indeed I did not see him at his owne howse nor did not last past and the enclosed to Mr. Bernard in the later which after have- think it fit till I heer from you what you said in yours of ing shewed D. G. I have sent him but heare not how he relishes the [31st ?] in French which I tould you I could not reade if it not haveing seen him since, but I am a little of your Lady's mind hee had accoasted me in I would have that you have not made your court e over well by it. Your Lady has . . . . best I could with what I did . . . out but to goe at last opened her mouth as you call it for my wife has had without certaine knowledge of what the honour of a letter from her, which shee this morning before you meant I thought was not prudent. I am glad [M's ?] her eyes were open called for a fire in her chamber that she supper took soe well but I you doe you might rise to answer, but I undertooke thnt you would asshure will be laughed at as well as ruined my your Lady of the receipt of it and make her compliments too temper soe well as you doe. I beleeve they are not which upon my accompt pray doe for L think L deserve easy heer with G. his long stay for though 8 his brother it haveing saved you iOd., though not to exact too much know not much of the trade, nor is one that one can take meaning from you ncyther there was sum selfe consideration by, yet I perceived by him that they were alarumed. in it too, for perhaps L saved my selfe noe lesse in fier I long hugely for a letter from you that I may see 6, pray / went yesterday to St. Jermain on purpose to heer what be careful in writing, for that paper is naught and you was said there concerning Mr. de Turenne. Ln the first place blot mightely. I know not what to make of this busines the King and his ministers say they have had noe courier of Turenne, it is strange to me they should know noething nor direct newes from Mr. Turenne these 12 dayes which is what in 12 dayes, it is certain much depends on it, you [hear if it goes on~] . . . the busines I tould you in my last and the accompt of that must make the best of it though I write you cleerly how for aught I heer they pretend to have noe other way neyther 61 I take it to be, and the truth is I doe not thinke there ^tzhbbbbbt but by a servant of the Count of Broylins whoe came to fetch a — ' has been a battle, or that they are retreated neyther, but chirurgeonfor his master, by whome ivas given such an accompt that is it undoes the 8 his busines. Be sure if you can that as you have seen by the foregoing poste, a 2d. accompt which A : never pardons the insolence you mention. Grotian is was published yesterday morning is a letter from a comissary about to buy Abselys place, I know not if the Duke be of the munition at Langres to Mr. de Louvoy in which he tells him yet made acquainted with it for I have it as a great by the by after haveing spoke to his busines that he had received a letter secret, but be sure you doe what } r ou can to hinder it for from another comissary in the army who tould him that Mons. he is the malitiousest rogue alive, I can not tell you de Turenne had forced a pas over a little river, that they dis- all I know of him heare, how he takes when he thinks puted it hard, that wee lost a good number of hors in the action himself safe J (D. of Monmouth) his parte against A : (the Duke) his interest but that in time they possest themselves of it with great the Duke may have his choise from my knowledge of 2 losse to the enemy takeing several colours and much baggage or 3 gentlemen that have double his estate and and that now they had the passage open to Brisack, that hee would I daresay will venture it all to obey and execute say noe more of it beleeving they had the detalle of all at courte his just comands, and will stick to him and have interest long before now, in this the man was mistaken for toe owne in their countreys too. I have done all my endeavour noe such thing at Courte but conclude our couriers must be to informe myself of 8 his stock for the next yeers taken or killed, however Ifinde that they all conclude that this action and trade, and truly all people concerned in it affirm it is that Count Broglins man speaks of, this last being not dated, is the same great, yet I can not imagine what makes them soe backward The Comissar?/ tells you farther that the army tveare near one the other and that in equipping for the summers voyage as they are if it be infallibly if the enemy retreated not Mr. Turenne would fight in a day or two, which was not want of monny reddy. What meane you by A :'s not knowing of your writing likely enough he having orders for it and now a passage open to him, but that the I beleeve my [Lunt : ?] voyage was none of A :'s . . diate imprudence but it communication is soe free between him and Brisack for all that, truly I can not well com- was to satisfy her vanity which he ought by no meanes to have prehend for Tm sure they are much stronger in hors than hee and therefore methinks consented too, for such synes of her power with him still makes even till they are beaten visits should not be very safe. This relation of the letter bends those whoe love him well feare the truth of the strong report that she 62 mss. 09 9ib v. severall other people of quality, I had as I give it you from Monsieur 'fitzhekbert. Crene is with childe againe. As to the thing itselfe it is to his own con- an other story they had that the Germans had laid a bridge over the Rhine and that infallibly [sic] quences, but I am sure in prudence it ought to be very covertly for part of their army would retreat over there, and the others at Strausburg, but how for certainly nee thing will doe him soe much good in X his family they came by this infallibility of knowledge truly I could not learne neyther, all I and with all his tennants in the country especially, let them be of what can therefore tell you of certainty is that K. Lewis has still the same brave manlike religion they will, as a persuasion of his virtue and truth looks that ever he had. I could wish N's frend hanged as she intended I. but for the new < will certainly [declare news ?] if he had don it six weeks agoe relation shee has to me, which will not suffer me to say so at least, but what a devill shall I it had certainly been a considerable service for 8 for it had eased the doe with her, I ca?i not imagine I vow. It seems I must taste of all sorts of afflictions. gentleman in I. much by the diversion whoe now must beare the whole brunt of it alone. Adieu. (P.S.) Just now the Marquis de St. Prery comes in from St. Germans there was noe other newes this morning . . . there from the army but what I have writ to you." [Endorsed'] " Jan. 9. 1675-6. Some signs and 1 D 7 Monm. M I T>." [All the writing in this letter is smaller and less distinct than that in the former letters']^ ■ ■ to [E. Coleman]. 1674-5, January 12. — I have nor yet received Monday's letters. Turenne has gained a great advantage over the confederates. The news had been delayed by the capture of a courier. They had been very uneasy at not receiving news, and few believed that they had not received any. A short account of the battle or battles. [ There are faint traces of writing in light brown ink between the lines, but only a single ivord here and there is legible.] [ to .] [1675], January 19. [Paris ] — I tould you in my last that I had mist of 6 (Pompone) but would goe againe I am very sorry to heer how it is at last ended with our frend on Wendesday which I did and discoursed your letter to him as I am afraid poor man he was not prepared for such a jorny, you fully as I could for though I was twice with him that clay yet may be sure all shall be done for his daughter imaginable, truly we weare interrupted both times, I thinke I tould him she deserves it for she behaves her self e soe well that all the world however as much as you could desire and he had noething loves her, your freend Mr. le Brune's landlord is hugely taken with her to contradict the great advantage I maintained it would 63 I could wish for more than one reason it tvere a match £9 000 Fit'zherbert.* be for him to gaine G (the Parlt. dissolved) nay he granted me it — would bee a yeer is a brave estate especially in so ivorthy a mail's hands, and of greater advantage for him than anything < (Sweade) could doe for that which sum people perhaps would make an objection is one doe for him, but yet he said plainly in the circumstances of the cheefe reasons makes me desirous of it, you gues what I mean 8 (Fr. King) was in it was impossible for him to part with 000 and I beleeve the mother would heare reason enough upon it too though for never soe great a benefit. I asshured him A but pray say not a word of this however to anybody , for I am was noe more positive for 000 (£300000) nor did noe more value for I am sure if he should intend it, he icould scorne to doe it ivithout it than he did durt, and that he very well knew X (the King) might doe . mother, for he is the orderly st man in the world. I pray . . well without him too as with him, but that if X (the King) was that noebody is more her hu?nble servant . . . such a humour that noething but that could prevaile with than I am, God comfort her about her landlady though I doe him what was there to be said to it, yet I was sure if A (the Duke) un- not beleeve you had any hand in it. dertooke it, he would doe for 8 (the French King) as for his own soule and that therefore if 8 (the Fr. King) durst but play an open game with A (the Duke) as A doeth with 8 had with confidence put the busines in his hands, I was sure if it weare in his power he would per- suade X (the King) to take the meanest of 000 (£300000) relations in 000 (£300000) his roome, for as I said before he knows it is more to sattisfy X (the King) his humour than for any real want of 000 (£300000) and therefore to be sure if he could persuade X (the King) to take the meanest of 000 (£300000) relations, in the stead of 000 though hee weare not of (£100000) his force hee would, or if A (the Duke) could by any meanes raise any of his owne relations to neer the degree of 000 (£300000), he would never have entertained a thought of accepting 000 (£300000) from 8 (the French King) for I ashured him A (the Duke) scorned to have any private designe upon 000 (£300000) for himselfe and so did A's friends too L (Coleman) and R (Throck- morton) whoe wished but for all their good, that the thing must be donn, but cared not one farthing which way. 6 (Pompone) tould me that A (the Duke) and H (Ruvigny) . very great, and that A opened himselfe with -fidence to him, and 6 (Pompone) seemed to hint that yet A had never urged for 000 (£300000) to him and therefore civily seemed to infer as if it were more JL (Coleman) and R's (Throckmorton) pressing than A's (the Duke) I tould him that I beleeved A (the Duke) had never mentioned it to " [A loose sheet, tcritten in the same ink and hand as the above, which seems to be the continuation of this letter.^ " H. (Ruvigny) for that I was sure he would never ask it by him [or] anybody else. I ashured him L (Coleman) or R (Throckmorton) cared so little for the thing that I durst in their names ask him to employ anybody else in it, and to shew him that they had noe designe in it but X (the King) and A :'s (the Duke) service and the comon good, which will make them [as] much concerned for 8 (Fr. King) as for the other two, he should find that they would continue to doe the same good offices though they weare not trusted by him, that ever they had don. That it was possible enough they might have been misrepresented by 64 MSS. of Sir W. sucn P eo P^ e as wished 8 (Fr. King) as little good as them, and that Fitzherbert! perhaps A. : (the Duke) himself [had not] escaped them, but that a little time would shew which was which. I asked him with a little scorn what great service G. (Lord Arlington) had done him with R (Holland), he smiled and shooke his head ; I asked them then how they would beare it if he should [be . . . .] for that I did not doupt but H (Ruvigny) had tould him of the designe, he seemed to be surprised at it and tould me truly he had not heard of it; in fine being interrupted againe hee desired me me that we might have sum dis course an other time and so we parted. What you will make of this I know not, but I will sum time hence, when I heer from you more, see him againe, for the present I can not I have such a swelled face with goeing to him the other day when I was ill allreddy, that it is not possible for me to goe out. The truth of it is I beleeve they doe not know how to parte with 000 (£300000) as times are with them now, beside perhaps they rely upon A :'s (the Duke) doeing it without the help of 000 (£300000) and perhaps beleeve, and not without sum reason, that all that . . (Coleman) . . (Throckmorton) tell them is without book and for private ends, and farther perhaps they knowing the natural kyndness X (the King) has for 000 (£300000) conclude, let me say what I can, that [at] the last push 00 (£200000) will prevaile with X (the King) to doe what 8 (Fr. King) desK*es, and so resolve to let A : try what he can doe alone first. I must, to be just, not forget to tell you that there weare all the fine and kind things imaginable said of 8 (Fr. King) his [aide] to A: (the Duke), but you know what are words and what are deeds. Try your lady's letter that's . . . . ! " \A note'] " See your Lady's letter." [ ] to Colleman Esq., Secretary to her R. Highnes at his Lodgings in the pell mell neare St. Jameses, London. Anjleterre. 1674-5, February 6. Paris. I count myself most exterordinarly unhappy that I receaved yours on Munday night of the 21st last past [torn] illnc&s has hindred my seeing 6 (Pompone) since businesses / was soe ill I could not read it being twice let blood goe with G (Lord Arlington) as they doe, I ashure you if it had been with that day, I have now at this time a glister in my belly but that hassard of my life had laine at stake I should so that I make as wry faces as lines though all appre- have ventured it to have given you an answer this hensions of ill I thankc God are past. I would not poste but it would have alarumed all the world to however mis you a post whilst I can write though see one goe out in such a condition, by the next poste I am not able to tell you anything more but that however I promise you an answer for I [torn~] I am your's and your lady's most obedient servant. speake or write to him, if H (Ruvigny) has but in any menire Pray give this enclosed to the person mentioned in my don his parte I promis you I will doe mine, and if last post, for it is the same should have gone 8 (the Fr. King) will doe noething I know not how to help it, but then, and if there be any answer to it as is ex- tbe truth is he has so mean e an opinion of X (the King) and pected, be pleased to let it be conveyed as 65 all his partners that I doupt he thinks scarce anything they MSS. of Sib w. , 7 .7 • at' r ITZHERBERT. you had this. Adieu. — can doe worth 000 (£300000), it must be therefore I beleeve sumthing imediately from A : (the Duke) that I must tell him that will perswade him to hope for better things when he shall govern. Adieu I can say noe more." [ to E. Coleman.] [1675,] March 23. " It is I whoe ought .to dispaire of being understood for I find I am not at all, [the mis]tery was not about the concurring / had deare Ned since I wrot last to you both yours of or not concurring, but that is past now and it is vaine to spend the 2d and the 8th, but that of the 22 d past I have hithertoo time and paper paper to canvase it, I doe beleeve that if I had heard noething of I am glad my Lord Berkley goes ple- halfe in my head that you have I should not doe the quarter part soe well nipotentiary , I hope he is pleased noiv and Sir Ell. Lay ton and I am very sensible how you are put to it for monny and how too, I hope you say compliments now and then from me to much I encrease your troble in it, but pray doe not beleeve that that them, though I give you not the troble of desiring you. lessens mine at all, but on the contrary it has made me almost / doe not know the gentleman you meane as you name him to distracted, and so peevish now and then that I have scarce known me that you would have me goe to visit, but that I may \_not] what I have writ or said for the devil take me if I doe ..... faile till you write to me againe I will visit all comers that 1 would rather at any time have given a finger than draw that I can any wayes judge to be likely to be the man. a bil upon you, knowing your circumstances, I have not seen My Lord Marshall I heer came last night, or at least was 6 yet, I have not been very well, that is not so well to waight expected. Mr. de Thuly came the night before. We have for him to have as it weare an accidental oportunity for noe newse at all, at least I know none, the truth is I have unles you bid me absolutely I still think it not proper not been very well with . . eat this week and goe not much for me to goe on purpose to him. E (Throckmorton) has tould L (Coleman) all [he] abroad, L shall therefore troble you with noething more could about his frinds, and the truth of it is I doe not see at present but the ashurance of my being yours most faithfully . how it is possible for him considering the circumstances [one or two words illegible] to them that L (Coleman) seems to expect, and he should be as glad as L (Coleman) to compas. E, (Throckmorton) is much trobled about A. for he feares he has been misunderstood, it is not but whatever he has writ of these frinds he is still ashured they will make good, that is whence once they have made an acquaintance with A : (the Duke) they will serve him with ail that they have in the world, he does not meane by the acquaintance that A : (the Duke) shall ta . . . upon them, or that they are so vaine to expect he should unbusum him- self e to them save a f aire reception such as becomes him [and] them will please them much, and then that they see him put in a practice a little what you say he so much resolves, it is not what they suspect himself perhaps [a line illegible'] . . of his personal vertues, but I K ()4.159. p 66 ^Pitzh^rber^' know they are much startled to see all sorts of rogues countenanced about him as much as ever ; they and I know [2 or S words illegible J 9 (Bp. of Dublin) has said that Ids brother has secured himselfe. for that he had made his peace with F's (Parliament) friuds and par- I ticularly with him and his caball [2 words illegible] turned out of the same place to him that L (Coleman) is [to anjother, he brags pub- liquely of the power [his brojther has still with A: (the Duke) R (Throckmorton) knows that in great part this last is a lye, but R I (Throckmorton) cannot deny that A : (the Duke) uses him .... so, which these frinds of his whoe see things a little at a greater dis- tance than he has don have reason enough to suspect that he may discover [enough] of A : to betray A : and them too should they doe anything whilest hee and sum such which I cannot so safely describe continue about A : sum of these men entend to be about Easter in your toune, you shall see them, and you shall take a safe opertunity to carry them to A :, and I am confident it is not onely this that you speake of but their skins that A : may have of them. But if I should propose any such thing to you now, with all these circumstances of A :'s not joyning with L absolutely in his resolution concerning such a thing, and then they with all these feares and suspetions, which their seeing A : and discoursing with you will dissipate, I say if I should pres such a thing to them [one word illegible^] it would perhaps [make] them suspect R (Throckmorton) and L (Coleman) too to be of the same mind as 9 (Bp. of Dublin) brother onely for to get for themselves, and so put them wholly of of the bu sines of serving A : (the Duke) being thereby perswaded that it is A :'s fortune or folly always to be encompased and advised by knaves. The sobrest men whoe cum over from you say that X (the King) and A : (the Duke) weare never kinder in their lives, pray God they be so heartily^ and then^I have sum little fancy that serves me instead of the secret which you said you weare not yet permitted to discover to mee. I can with this lay [pre]surne that A : (the Duke) may be in a pretty good condition, but without that I ashure you it seems very desperate to mee, for I ashure you I have of late apprehended X (the King) more than F (the Parliament) for him, pray cheer us a little if you can, and tell us as much as you can with safety how things stand between them, and in all other circumstances, for unles G (Lord Arlington) been able to drawe of X (the King) who[ll]y from A : (the Duke) and that X (the King) is party to it, I feare noething for A : (the Duke), but on the contrary all this may worck to good [it or A] against the other ^ (heretiques) as well as K (Catholiques). Adieu, pardon all frailtys and beleeve me yours constantly." to Mons. Jerome Boteman chez Madame Helstop vis a vis L'Ambassadeur de Portugal dans le Pelmel a Londre. [1674-5,] February 20.— "I am not at all [surprised] at what I heer of U (Lord Treasurer) [another name illegible] it would have been much had thi[ngs b]in otherwyse than they have [one word torn off] let us remember Dr. Crytons cat and wee never will confide | in them or rely so much Monsieur on them as that anything they doe shall be able to dismay us, and I hope A : (the Duke) is not at all by what has hapned yet. R (Throck- morton) has done what has been in his power with 6 (Pompone), the whole busines, as he has tould you in his 2 former, is put into H (Ruvigny) his hands, and truly as much as appeared to R (Sir W. Throckmorton) with auspicious circumstances enough, it is 67 J' ay mis Mademoiselle Cortnay entre les mains d'une forte honeste MSg< 0F sirw~. therefore now between A (the Duke) and H(Ruvigny) for it seems Fitzherbert. to R (Throckmorton) that the thing must femme, dans le meme chariot il y avoit un merchant be done by R (Throckmorton) or that they have not a designe of doeing it at all, and Anglois, et de bonne compaignie pour elle,je luy ay donne if it should happen to be the later for Jesus sake be not dejected at it, 20 skelins outre les 20 que vous luy avez donne a Londre but on the contrary encourage and comfort A : (the Duke) all you can, for on my je n'ay oser luy donner la reste de £5 puis que vous ne m'en soule and conscience without affecting the preacher, I dare confidently avez pas donner ordre, nous nous somme done separer le utter my opinion that God intends it for his good and that if he please vendredy . . . [illegible] .... samedy ou soir la ou but now to make use of those rare vertues of courage and constancy fay trouver tous le monde en parfaite sante, mais mon mal [with] which heaven has endued him, all this will turn to his glory and ad» heur est que je ne puisse pas passer avant le 2 If. . . . vantage. My humble opinion in his case then if 1 might give it que la carosse ne passe que tous les dimanche, tout le monde . . [illegible] .... that if 8 (Fr. King) shall still continue to dodge and icy vous salue,fay delivre toutes les lettres de Madame [give] A : (the Duke) noe vigorous assistance for Gr (dissolving Parlt.) that the A : shall not continue Mons. le Docteur est a Roan, si je vous puisse rendre to shuffle betweene Gr (Parlt. dissolved) and F (the Parlt.) as I have given you my reasons in my former quelque autre service lorsque je seray au Mans je vous letters, but in God's name let F (Parlt.) proceed and prosecute his sute. prie de commander. It is true this is not the way one would have chosen if 8 (Fr. King) would have been perswaded Monsieur to understand his owne interest but if that can not bee, what great prejudice can accrue to A : by F (the Parlt.) . None in the world say I Votre tres humble et tres if he pleases but with magnaminity and scorn to shake of those little wretches and their counsels whom he has with so obeissant servitens Brebion. much patience [hither]too suffered to baite him, continually to stoope and sneake to F (the Parliament) [_a word torn off] resolve never to receave them [ag]aine that have once betrayed him. [ One or two words torn off] the other side put on . . . [cou]ntenance but [. with . all] a mind full of noble and vertuous resolution and courage which will make him look bouldly upon his worst, and. make good use of his best fortune. I say if he pleases but to doe things and besides [3 or 4 words illegible] by the regulation of his family [I or 2 words illegible] as the vertuous conduct of his owne person, how much be abhors and detests the debauchery of X (the King) his howse, which has made it so odious to all the nation and the world, hee will find that hee will have all the wise, sober, good, people, and such as are worth having, as well (Protestants) as K (Catholiques) on his side, and he shall have [the fortune ?] to see U (Lord Treasurer) and Z (1). Lauderdale) e 2 68 xMSS. of Sir w. and G (L. Arlington) and all the rest of that cme knoqk themselves Fitzherbert. to p eeces w j t ]j p ^ e Parliament), and liis resolution, and courage, and vartuous behaviour will not only keep F (the Parliament) at a bay [3 or 4 words illegible] but will keep him also in his [owne] hounds [two words illegible], for it is by X (the King) his stooping to F (the Parliament) that prejudice and disreputation will in great measure redound upon A : (the Duke) that A : is to apprehend damage from, now this A : his resolution will in great mesure prevent by keeping F (the Parliament) in sum sorte within his limits, and it will over and above, when G (L. Arlington) and U (L. Treasurer) and Z (D. Lauderdale) shall have bruaed one another and be at last all crushed by F (the Parliament) necessitate X (the King) to throw himselfe into A :'s (the Duke) armes, whoe by that time shall not onely be strong in reputation, but in reallity too by the conjunction with him of all [good and vertuous] and generous men of whatsoever party, with which then he shall usefully be able to serve X (the King) and himselfe, for bee not persuaded that J_ (the Protestants) and K (Catholiques) make a difference in this point, but between such as are rogues and denye a faction. And to shew you that this opinion is not onely speculative but that I can give you a prove that A :'s (the Duke) cause by what is hapned yet is not at all lost or deemed desperate in the opinion of [two words illegible] . . en [one word torn] you find that A. is disposed to take this way and this way defend his birthright, his honour, and his conscience all together, I will then make you a proposition of a number of persons whoe you will not doupt have honour, and courage by this their resolution, and I ashure you are reckoned among the sobrest and wisest part of the nation most L (Protestants) [and ?] have at least in shew and £4000 or £5000 a yeer a peece, whoe ask [in this re]spect noe reward or offices, but only ask that A. (the Duke) will give them ashurance that hee will no[t be perjsuaded heerafter to abandon his owne intrest and them, and they will give him all the ashurance [on oth]er sides [one or two words illegible] desire, that themselves and their fortunes shall sink and swim with him, and these are such as I dare answer shall perform their promis, and not doe as U (L. Treasurer) and Z (D. Lau- derdale), and sum of them perhaps have good intrest with F (the Parliament) too, that is are of the same family, but [one or two words illegible] weare of his cabal, but I am engaged upon my honour not to discover them till I know A. (the Duke) will take that course that they may be useful to him, for they are unwilling, as you will beieeve they have reason, to expose themselves and fortunes, and doe A. noe service neyther. For to deal plainly with you they are soe afraid of sum that A. (the Duke) has about him, whoe they say betray him and would doe them so too, that they by no meanes dare discover themselves [though] their hearts they [say are] for A.'s cause and Lis dis[po]sition which keeps multitudes of others in the %me suspense say they. For they all avow that it is not his being for K (the Catholiques) startles them, they ask but A. to be resolved to continue governing himselfe with vertue and moderation to throw of such people as they say are about him and betray him, and then give them his word and they will stick by him against G (L. Arlington) his party and sum of F.'s (the Parliament) too, but if ever he receaves any that have betrayed hee will goe nigh to ruin X (the King) his fortune, that is allwayes abused by knaves when they see it for their purpose and never trusted nor relyed on by honest [men]. I had your's of the 4th just now. Mr. Boteman sets out on Sunday." Endorsed, with 3 &r 4 lines of signs. 69 to E. Coleman. mss.ofSirW. [1675,] April 10. [Paris.]—" The post is of late very slow for we Fitz ™ert. have not your Thursday's letters yet. I have therefore but very little to say to you, for heere is noe newse at all, that I heere of at least." The business of Bordeaux is ended. It seems likely to be an ill precedent. 1 will be civil to the gentleman introduced in your last letter. I will communicate all news to you as I do to Mr. Tuly. 1 have given my opinion on his affair two posts ago, and my judgment on the proposed union. " I doe not doubt but you will be very cautious and circumspect, I can not however but feare knaves have great advantage over an honest man. I long to have an answer of mine by Capt, Bourgh. I some- times fancy I could be servisable to my cousin A (the Duke) in the terme, if it weare but to goe ofer roads and help a little to instruct his counsel, but that is as you shall judge . . &c P.S. — I have had this enclosed by me a fortnight in hopes of an oportunity of sending it another way, but I dare not venture the young lady's in- dignation any longer. I hope it will cost you noething. I will put it up to the best advantage." [Endorsed'] " Nothing. No. 42." [ to E. Coleman.] [1675,] April 17. [Paris.] — "Dear Ned, heering noething from you this post nor you saying not a word in your 2 former Having been to visit my wife I have seen noebody since that you had any of my leters or tooke any notice of what I came back and therefore have not one word of newse I said in them, I know not whether you may have to tell you, I must onely owne the receipt of your 2 letters which receav'd them, which puts me in sum paine I / told you in my last I had not for they both came an tould you in sum of them of 9 (B. Dublin) I spoke my opinion hotver after I had sent mine, vid : that of Thursday was sea- of his brother, and the . . . proposed, and I wrote vennight last with one in it to D : S : which I delivered, and twice also about Mr. de Tuly, I wrote you also a the newse letter of Monday following, but by this last post long letter by Capt. Bourgh, and of all this you take which came in yesterday, ivhich should have been of thurs- noe notice which makes me doupt they are mis- day last the 1st of April I had none from you though I had carryed, what I have said at any time concerning my- several others and therefore if you writ I conclude selfe is not out of any uneasines of my own skin it is miscarry ed. Pray doe me the favour to tell my friend or consideration of myselfe but of others where- Mr. Boteman that I had his cheese and that it was very good of you are the chief, my zeale to serve my country and that I thanke him kindly, but that my wife's thing hee is I ashure you as great as ever it was and if speaks of there is noe newes of it. My ivife is pretty for promoting or endeavoring that now I beg ail my live well and much your humble servant. Betty is mightily improved after I shall not repine at it but all that 70 P?xzh FSXEW ' ' ' ' f/irte >/x herself a princes too, being companion — ' I say and mesne is that if I cannot be servisable to to 2 or '3 there where she is of her owne age, whoe are him as I am sure I am not now to him heer it all very fond of her. f pray be pleased to present my vexes me to the heart that I put you to all these . . /nimble service to your Lady and allow me the favour to , without doeing him any good, and therefore subscribe your most faithfid humble servant I would have you consider if I can not sum way serve him, or if to case you he could not put me in the wars where I might have livelyhood, or else if you think not best that I return, and I call God to witnes I consider you more than myself in all this for I know how you are put to it, and that I cannot ease you in one shilling] and this before God is all that trobles me, for as to an estate or fortune I thanke God it shall never breake my heart, I mean the want of it, but as long as I have a foot of land, eyther present or reversion, you may account yourselfe master of it, for you know our friendship has been such a great while that you might command me and what I had, but in especially upon this occasion you shall have power to dispose of it tomorrow and I will trust Providence for the future, and this upon my salvation is true. Therefore after all I have said I can only ad consider it and yourselfe, and dispose of me as you please. Pray be careful of yourselfe for I am assured there are people who are resolved to ruin you I mean even in A's (the Duke's) good opinion. 9 (Bp. of Dublin) and his brother are desparate villaines and care not what they doe, the first is the greatest rogue alive. It is not possible for you to imagine how great a villaine hee is, noe I believe there was never such another born. Adieu, God keep you. I am reddy to goe or doe anything when you will." Endorsed K Warns him about his enemys about the Duke, calls Bp. of Dublin and his brother villaines &c. " to E. Coleman. [1675,] April 27.— [Paris.] " When I tell you I have not yet been able to read any of your three letters you will not wonder I mist you last post, nor would I write now to any[one] ... in the world but yourself to tell you [that] . . . within a fewe bowers after my last to you an unlucky accident was like for ever to have saved you all trobles from me in short I was run through the thigh into the groyne which cutting all those great vessels there caused me to loose mere blood than ordinary men have in their bodys. My life the best chirurgeons of Paris tell me is secured, how it may be for the use of my leg because of the nerves I can not yet tell. I tell you noething of the busines because if I can conceal it none in world shall know it, fewe in Paris yet know that I am hurt, nor shall they if I can help it, wherefore dear Ned if you should heer talke of it that I am very ill or so say that weare strange for I never mist you but one post these six moneths. My landlord is very kind to me and will be a great helpe to me in this business. Adieu I have don to much alreddy." Endorsed " No. 45. Nothing, [and] ii. " [The handwriting is the same as the secret writing of other letters.] [ to E. Coleman.] 1675, May 1. [Paris.] — " 1 have received all your letters since my last and have also communicated the last to all your frinds as you de- sired. I find you have not understood me formerly, but that is past 71 and if it please God to spare my life bread and water in any corner is MSS. op Sir w. too good for me, so it is not much matter as to me how anything goes. riTZHERBERTl As for my [cousin] A pray God he was well advised in his last generous speech you mention in yours, silence in my poor judgment would better have suited his affaires. As for myself e heer is the 12th day that I lye upon my back not able to turn me in my bed. Feavor God be thanked I have little now, and perhaps you would wonder I should have any, being almost every day let blood besides 3 or 4 quarts of blood I lost at first, and taking noething in the world but barly water, not so much as one crumb of bread since I was hurt. I have 3 the ablest chirur- geons in Paris who exercise their talents upon me frequently in making incisions &c, one you will perhaps say is more than the care of my carcase deserves, and truly so say I too for how to pay them at last I know not but by giving them the skin they have made sporte with so long, but it was the kindnes of those whoe vallew my life more than I doe whoe brought them when I was not in a condition to resist. The trunck with linnen you mention is at the Lady Wymondesly, Jenny Pary knows where, it is not w y orth the charge to send you the key, but pray take and open it at your howse, and use what you please of it, which sure you might have done without your formal asking leave. Adieu dear Ned, I am almoste tired to death though this be a 2 dayes work. Sinews and arterys being cut cause me convulsions which much distemper me." Endorsed " Mentions a speech of the Duke's, prays God it may not have hurt him, he thinks silence had been better. No. 43." to [ Only the latter portion of a letter, all written in the light coloured ink.~\ " vous son nailterey. These are my instructions word for word. I have sent you this by an expres whom I have tould that it is of great, concern to my private fortune &c. which he beleeves. He is an h[onest] fellow and a good Catholique, but I pray keepe him in this opinion as well as you can. I could not tell whoe to send better for he is a fellow I'm sure loves me very well. I wonder my coming over should be talked of soe much in England. I wrote . [torn] .... but agon, indeed I spoke of it heer pretty publiquely, by direction, that I feared I should have sum busines might call me into England. I must begg you to make sum shift to send me sum money for I have but 14 pistols left in the world and have made use of D. Arthur's credit too. This has cost me . . . They offered mee heere what monay I would but I would not take a farthing though they would very faine have had me, but I was resolved they neyther should have that seeming hank upon mee of being obliged by them in that nature, nor the worst of my enemies should have to object against me that I was led by my own interest, so that I pray if wee can let . . . make sum shift for the present, and if God bless our endeavours I doupt not we serve a master will doe sumthing for us, and if wee be unfortunate enough to miscarry I am content to sell my little to pay my depts, and eat bred with the remainder. You may cut (?) of this from the instructions I have sent you also the letter from P. Ferr[ier] to his H : by which I am to have credit." ^itzherbekt' [TRANSLATIONS of a Number of Letters from Paris, 1076, January 5 — . ' — 1678, October 5, most of them probably from St. Germaine to K. Coleman.] Substance of St. Germaine's Letters to Coleman. No.5. 1675-6, January 12. — " Saith that nothing be done in Prance excepl the Duke doth show that lie either wisheth it or thinketh il tit. St. Germain desires Coleman to send him a memorial of what is fitt to communicate to Uuvigny's successor. St. Germain hath writ Coleman by [Mr. Warner] of the ^ January about a matter. . ." No. 10. 1675-6, January |p — "I have writ to knowe the conduct which St. Germain ought to use towards the French King's confessor, and the new ambassador, for St. Germain cannot do anything till he knows Coleman's thoughts. Ruvigny's secretary and the English ambassador's secretary gone for England. Ruvigny's brother the Abbot came to St. Germain about the prorogation, but could do nothing till he knew Coleman's thoughts. St. Germain observed to the French King's confessor the Duke's great power by the disgrace of law persons, and the vigorous counsells necessary to succeed in the trafficke of the Catholicks which came to the Duke by Coleman's inspiration who is linked to the comerce of the King, the Duke, and Catholicks. If the ambassador be preposest he may act in a way which may not be for the affayres of the Duke and the Catholicks." No. n. 1675-6, January . . . — "St. Germain is glad that the Duke and Catholicks have reaped the profit of his actings, they act differently with him in giving him no share in the comerce of the Duke and English Catholicks with the French King's confessor and the new ambassador. If he be not authorised by the Duke and Catholicks to carry on their desires to the confessor, what can he doe. Let St. Germain be instructed how he ought to carry himself to the- new ambassador." No - 12 - 1675-6, January 26, February 5.—" Hath nothing in it." No - 13, 1675-6, January 29. — " If the Duke's letters to the King of France hath noe successe St. Germain cannot enter into the comerce till Coleman get him money from the Duke." No. 14. 1675-6, February 15. — M Signifies little." No. 15. 1675-6, February 9. — " The Duke and Catholicks highly convinced of St. Germain's actings. St. Germain have strongly urged to the French King's confessor that he should not suffer any to transact with the King but the Duke of Yorke, and that Coleman was the fittest to bring things about. They say Coleman is for violent counsels, and being come but newly in the comerce would be the cheife of the trade and is not authorised. The confessor would have the Dutchesse write the French King." 1675-6, February 26. — " Speakes that the confessor would speake to the French King about 100000 crownes. It will be almost impossible to get it." No. is. 1675-6, February 23. — " Is not of any importance." No. 19. 1675-6, March J. — " I expect the Duchesses letter to desire St. Germain's letter to treat with the King of France. St. Germain ib of Coleman's opinion concerning the Lord Treasurer which is necessary to be known in the French King's shop or it will hurt the comerce." No. 20. 1675-6, March 8-18.— The Catholicks have desired me to write to Coleman to knowe the condition of their affaires. If he could obtain No. 17. 73 the papers from the Duke [soe?] Louy wanted he might have ended mss. of Sir w. the busines with the French King, he wants money to be serviceable Fitzherbert. to the Duke and Dutchesse having noe order to act. I am glad with what the Duke hath done, for the grand Treasurer hath great hopes about discourse the Duke have had with the Treasurer, but if the Duke (sic.) anything with the French King but through the confessor they will prefer the good of France before the Catholick religion, and of the Duke and others about (?) England for the advantage of France, counsells of war have here an absolute power which is not for the [busines] of England and the Catholicks. Montecuculi and the Duke of Yorke are the two first that put it in the Dutchesse head to thinke closer of the trafflcke than she had done." Endorsed " Tenn letters of Germain to Coleman. Abstracted by Sir John Knight, Sir Thomas Lee, Sir Robert Sawyer." \_Anotker double sheet in continuation.^ " Substance of some of St. Germain's letters to Coleman." 18 1675-6, March gg. — I "delivered yesterday the Dutchesse letter to No. 21. the confessor for the King of France, he carryes a memoriall to speake efectually to the King to her satisfaction. The confessor hath Cole- man's letter, he may answer it when he hath seen the succese. The King of France is melancholy and the Emperor armes powerfully, the Duke's Treasurer is well disposed to the good succese of this busines, as they tell St. Germain. Coleman must be better known to the confessor and French King by the negociating the trafflcke, and wishes the Duke had some occasion to send Coleman to France to treat of some point of the comerce. St. Germain gave the confessor a memoriall of the affayres of Antwerp, the confessor is to act so that the French King may write back to the Dutchesse. If Coleman would come impowered to France with the Duke's commission he may obtaine something of the promises. Send me newes of Dutchesse Mazarin and the Dutchesse of Portsmouth. 1676, March 29. — The confessor have done his duty in the Dutchesse's No. 22. busines and followed the memoriall. I hoped to have satisfaction for the merchants of Antwerp who would settell a new factory in some other citty of that country, as Lisle, but the King of France had said that sort usually promise to ask nothing for their manufactures but when they get their desires then they are burdensome to the publicke. The English Embassador's secretary is not Coleman's friend, concerning the Duke and that Coleman had made a proposal to the Duke that had displeased him, and his secretary insinuates into the Confessor's afectiun that he may make what impressions in him he pleaseth, so the affayres of England, and the Duke and Catholicks be prejudiced if he designes contrary to Mr. Coleman's designes. 1676, April The French King will write to the Duchesse No. 2.3. 15* concerning the busines on foote to give her satisfaction. The new ambassador's secretary is Darvest [?] with a German to befriend him to the Confessor and seemes zealous for the Duke. I desire to know if the Duke have trusted him with the secret of his affayres, St. Germain entertaynes him to understand things that may be usefull to Coleman." 1676, April 12. — " Courtin will not appeare publickly ai London No. 25. that he may take measures." 1676, April 19. — " Sayth St Germain hath writ to the Confessor all No. 26. that Coleman desires as to the Archbishop of Dublin's designes and 74 mss.ofSirW. [Father Shelden] . . . . . the temptations offered to Montecuculi, Fitzherbert. his conduct was surprising for the assistance St. G-ermain sought for was that he might serve the Duke." No. 27. 1676, April 22. — "The Confessor shall understand the Dutchesse opinion of the French King's letter which mentioned [not her first omission, nor the busines under consideration. Madam de la Tremblaye's busines is every day more and more disordered betwixt Cardinal Altieri and the French King, it is hard to obtayne anything from Rome, I did not beleeve the Duke and Dutchesse ought therefore to listen to Spayne for it cannot be done without breaking with France, the consequences of which ought to be weighed, things in Rome may be changed, the Pope cannot be alwayes the same, who cannot hold out long, and it cannot be done without an open declaration against France." No 28 1676, April 30. — " Courtin left Paris yesterday and will be at London before this letter. The Ambassador of England's secretary in France visited St. Germain . . . showed him what Coleman had written and the complaynt of the Ambassador, who denied strongly he had spoken it but said it was his master, and the secretary said all went very well in Coleman's shop." No, 29, 1676, May 3. — " The secretary of the English Ambassador in France hath desired St. Germain that his name might be put on the letters that should be sent to his Secretary that they may not be opened at his house. I know not what he meanes by it." No. 30. 1676, May 6. — " St. Germain have a . . . inclination to follow his traffick, which makes him desire letters from the Duke and Dutchesse that he may make it apear he is desired in England to be left in the shop. If St. Germain could obtain the Duke, Dutchesse, or Coleman's letter to the Confessor, and to St. Germain's master who is employed here as Strange is in England, he may continue here and be usefull to the Catholicks. The Confessor is a little bould man and rash in many things, but by no means trust him. You mention not any affaires of England nor of the money the King will make use to satisfy his creditors, nor of the dissolution of Parliament, nor of the man that is to succeed St. Germain. Can it be possible that the Duke and Dutchesse should permit Mazarine to succeed the Dutchesse of Portsmouth ; nay will the King do this discurtesy to the Duke and Dutchesse. Madame la Tremblay have writt to me to treat of her busines but I do not relish it." No - 31 - 1676, May 10. — " Hath nothing at all materiall in it." No. 32. ]6765 May 13 _« Hath notning i n it » No. 33. 1676, June 15. — " Mr. Grey came to see me to let Coleman know the English Ambassador's Secretary visited him and spoke of Coleman in an angry manner as if the Duke was offended with Coleman for bragging that he made the Duke doe what he did." No. m. 1676, June 21. — " Mr. de Grey doe not write Coleman this post but wisht me to write you that Shelden told the English Ambassador's Secretary that the Duke had chid Coleman ; St. Germain expects the Duke of Yorke's papers, in his favour the Secretary is St. Germain's friend." No. 35. 1676, June 24. — "I received from Coleman the money he sent. I will be carefull that money will efect all that Coleman intends. Lord Berkly as Monsr. Leighton tells me is preparing for Nimeguen, and Monsr. Montagu is to be here in his place. The King's Confessor would know if the new Ambassador that is tu come from England be Coleman's friend, and if £100000 [or Crowns] may be usefull to Coleman and his other friends, and if it be it's necessary Coleman should speake to Ruvigny 75 of it that he may be well received by him. In short 100000 crownes MSS. of Si& w. tyes ready expecting the orders of Coleman. Is Coleman one of the Fitziiebbert. new Ambassador's friends in England, the English Secretary came to me yesterday half drunke and said Coleman is out of favour with the Duke. All this puts Mr. Grey in pain." 1676, June 28.— "I shall not speake of the busines of Antwerp till No. 36. the man you write of is come back. The Dutchesse desire of having Patouillet in her house they say the Duke concernes himself in. It is discovered she hath moved for it at Rome. It is fitt her desire should be satisfied because it will [help] St. Germain here to serve his friends. Mr. Coleman must perswade the Dutchesse to write to Monsr. de Cham pis, who is the same person here as Mr. Strange is among you, to give her that person. It is needful to know what the Duke's confessor saith of it to the Duke and Dutchesse. " 1676, July^y — "The difficulties that occur touching the sending No. 37. Patouillet in the place of St. Germain occurs to me. If the Duke would cause one to write to the King of France to write the King of England to give St. Germain leave to come to England to cleare himselfeit might be obtained. I have received the great packet which Boatman sent me from the Lord Bellases, I desire you to keep me as much as you can in his good opinion, because he is a man hath much obliged me to be his servant." 5 1676, July -jg. — . . " . came to see me and desires his letters may No 38 be addressed to himselfe. If you take care that the Duke and Dutchesse persist in their desires to have the person proposed in St. Germain's piece he will be able to serve his friends." 8 1676, July-jg. — " Hath in it nothing of moment." No. 39. 12 1676, July 22'— " Hath nothin g of moment." No ^ 15 1676, July-^- — " St. Germain is obliged to Coleman for his pnynes ^0.41. [or papers] he wanted. Ruvigny is bent against the Jesuits and the Duke and Coleman. Ruvigny told me the King of England had taken from the Portugall Ambassador the use of his Chappell, and finds the storme will fall on France and the Catholicks, and it will ruin the Catholick religion and prove fatall to the Duke, for which he blames the Jesuits and Coleman who are in greatest aversion to the Protestants and to one part of the Catholicks and the Ministers of State those that are of the condition of the French King's Confessor and the Duke's doe act imprudently in that they are intangled betwixt the King and the Catholicks and would produce an unlimited authority, and such steps as Coleman makes must destroy them, and they will atribute all this to France, and the persecution will be against the Duke and the Catholicks and all the Jesuits, and above all against France." 4 1676, November-^. — " The King's Confessor have answered the Duke of Yorke as you knowe the King of France doth not seem eager in your busines, and its said such letters from foraigne parts are not to him acceptable." 1676, November -jg. — »" Speakes about perfecting that of the No. 54. merchants of Antwerp, and satisfying the desire of the Dutchesse, 76 MSS. of Sir w. knoweth somewhat about the King of France his sonne but must iirst Fitzherbert. knowe the truth if the Prince of Orange's designe that soe nearly con- cernes the Duke, for there is no pleasure in taking false measures." No. 55. 1676, November 11. — " I gave a memoriall about the merchants of Antwerp, he hath heard Ruvigny's confessor sent word that the Duke of York was a lost man, and that some of his friends gave him pernitious counsells, and he gave too great credit to them. You see by it Ruvigny is noe friend to the Duke, and governes all the comerce. Coleman must look into it." 1676, November 18. — " That Coleman might have a pension, for though the state he be in may hinder it, yet the life he will put into busines and the service he renders to the Catholicks will incline the Pope to it, to whome he must " No 25 1676, April 18. — St. Germain hath somewhat to say about the English Ambassador's Secretary, but by Coleman's letter I see he desires that nothing should be writt to him of the Secrelary's actions. Knows nothing of Coleman's proposition to the Duke, but hears it was refused. What you write about the Parliament's dissolution is held to be certayne. The French King is on [too] . . ill termes with the Pope and Catholicks to ingage on that side in anybody's favor. It is wisdome to expect a better conjuncture." Endorsed « No. 21. From Sir J. Trevor." [St. Germaine to E. Coleman.] 1675-6, January j^. Paris. — "I have sent you back the answer of two letters of Madamoiselle de la Tremblay. St. Germain a year ago told you of his departure as a secret, I know that the Spanish Ambas- sador took part with St. Germaine only in order that there might not be any French about the Duke or Dutchesse. I think his successor ought not to be taken from the country of the King's Confessor, or of the Duchesse. St. Germaine thinks that a justification of his conduct is absolutely necessary, more for his companions' and the Catholics' sake than for his own. Mr. Courtin is named as Ambassador to England. St. Germaine does not find the opinion of Coleman concerning his voyage into England in the company of the French Ambassador, De Ruvigny's successor, convenient. Having been with the Dutchesse he would not for anything in the world be with de Ruvigny's successor, for his own credit and for that of the Duke and Dutchesse. Moreover it could not be done unless the Duke obtains it from the King of France. He may however come in this manner for a short stay, and then return, or else enter into the Duke and Dutchesse' service again. It is not likely the Duke will give notice that he desires this. St. Germain will speak today to the King's Confessor for a pension for Coleman. St. Germain owes the Duke's treasurer 20 guineas. It is all he has left of that which he received from the Dutchesse and for his furniture, and he has great need of it, were it only to pay for the postage of English letters." [ Much more about schemes for St. Germaine' 's future employment and advantage.^ Endorsed, No. 6. to Mn. Coleman. g 1675-6, January Palis. — "I did not think to have writt to you this day but that Monsieur the Duke of Mazer in having charged me 77 with two letters and praying me to engage some of our friends to serve MSS. of Sir W. him with their RoyalL Highnesses in his designe which he hath to reduce FlTZ] ^ BERT - his wife to her duty by all the wayes of sweetness which they can employ. I did believe you would be willing to contribute all your cares to soe good a worke. you may assure their Highnesses thatMonsr. the D. of Mazarin is altogether disposed to receive his wife with all the sincerity and kindness possible, and to forgett. all that's past and to live with her in a manner that shall intirely satisfie her and that he does pray their Highnesses to give themselves the trouble to be his arbitors as to this agreement. 3° to obtain the same consent of his wife. 4° that besides a separation which she demands and one or two other articles of the like importance, to which he cannot nor ought not to condescend without loosing himselfe to the world, he is ready to agree to any thing their Highnesses shall ordaine, and that he most humbly prayes their Royall Highnesses to determine this difference as soon as may be to prevent the evil consequences that may happen in your Court ; and prays in fine their Royall Highnesses not to acquaint anyone, but those whome he employes in it, with the great desire he hath expressed for accommo- dation, for feare the Duchesse his wife will become more difficult and draw some advantages from it against him. I adde further that the stay and sight of this Duchess in England is not advantageous to Madam Duchess of York and that this vagabond life is not very honourable, that she hath aspirritthat is jocund and perhapps dangerous that may inspire ill councells into soe sweet a Princess as her Royall Highness and that in the end it is to be feared that your great Master who is not an enemy to faire ladies espouse not the interest of this faire lady in such a manner as will not be honourable to you or us, that this accomodation is her strict duty before God ; that this Duchesse is obliged to say many things against her husband to justifie her selfe all which are false, and in the end I pray you to returne me an answer as soon as you can for to intrust me of all that is to be done to make this negotiation succeed : the Duke hath writt to my Lord Bellises to serve him with their Royall Highnesses ; see then that you give that Lord this lettre of the Duke's and take together such measures as are necessary to determine this 488 difference. I was at the K. of France his Confessour but could not find him. I will use my endeavour in that I told you of, speake not to the D. of York of the twenty guinnies unless to good purpose I had 39 93 rather you would think of the letters of the Duke & Duchess for the King of France for they would be more advantageous to me. I prav 34 you make my compliments to my Lord Peterborough & Count 35 Montecuculi. I have sent to Monsr. Benifeild and desire you to com- municate to him what I have writt to you concerning this affaire of the D. of Mazarine, doe not show him my letter but tell him what is contained in it to this point." " Translated by Richard Temple. Superscribed to Mr. Coleman, London." Endorsed " No. 7. Nothing in it." * [The Same to the Same.] 12 J 675-6, January — Paris. — " St. Germaine will not accept Coleman's suggestions that he come over with the Ambassador except upon the 78 MSS. op Sir w. understanding that it is to be only for a time until his affairs are settled, FiTZHERBKRT. an d that he may have the employment he had in the commerce. St. Germaine much wishes for information from Coleman as to what things should be communicated to de Ruvigny's successor." " Translated by Sir George Downing." Endorsed " No. 8." to Mr. Coleman the Duchesse of York's Secretary. 15 1675-6, January Paris. — "I am not satisfied with your letter of Twelfth day even Sir — it hath given mee imperfect newes, and doth neither tell mee all that I am to say, nor what I am to doe, as to what it saith to me, I hope that after you shall have well cryed the King's drinkes you will let me know all concerning this matter ; you yet owe me answers to three of my letters at least that is to say to r " o 12 that of the _ of January to that of the _ and that of the 15 18 22 without reckoning this which mentions the others. Think of paying Q mee all these debts. The last which I received from you is of ^ of January, Mons. Ruvigny is said to have complained of . . . [torn'] of the King of France, Mons. St. Germain, and their friends. They have no hand in his conserne, but why doth he suffer his wife to doe all things according to her fancy it is written hither that the enemy of Monsieur St. Germain is there always that 14 of the domesticks are turned away because they are of the number of the Catholiques and the French Catholiques have made a complaint about the business of the Cooke, all this having been written out of England just after the business of St. Germain hath done him noe good : but undoubtedly St. Germain hath behaved himself in this business like an honest and a worthy man. The brother of the wife of Monsieur Ruvigny hath yesterday gone on a visit to Mons. St. Germain about this matter and desires him to go and see the confessor of the King of France and give a good character to him of Mons. Ruvigny and his wife. I should be very glad that Coleman would lett Mons. St. Germain know what he ought to doe upon the request of this lady, and whether he should speak to the Confessor of the King of France concerning this matter not that they think that they can both together doe anything therein, but that Coleman may see that wee will doe all that he thinkes fit, here is not any newes at all. There is a discourse of the manifest of Don Juan. I have not as yet seen it. The Secretary of Mons. Ruvigny is yet here and is to goe see [torn] Mons. St. Germain which runs concerning M. St. Germain and the Confessor of the King of France makes the former more considerable thau ever, but he dare not bragg of anything." " These translated by Sir George Downing." Endorsed No* 9. [St. Germaine to E. Coleman.] , January 22 te _ „ _.. _ , ■ , . 1675-6, ff eDruar y r — e y ve s P°^ e pl ain v to 7 0U about the affaire of St. German, he has told me that when he left England, he bid it adieu for ever in his own thought, and when he he writt to Coleman twas only to show what was to bee done, supposing they desired to see him again. Although by other letters he was well i 79 informed, there was some in England that neyther loved bim nor wish't MSS. op Sie w. his company below. What the Duke has said to Coleman is very ElTZHEKBERT ' oblidging ; St. German is glad that the Duke and the Catholicks have reaped the profitt of what he only receives the comendations ; whilst in truth hee is punisht for having deserved that prayse ; or to say better used as if hee had not merited it, there are 2 things that make it plainly appeare that they act very differently with him from what they tell him ; the one that in the country where he is, they give him noe share in the comerce of the Duke, and the English Catholicks, with the King of France the Confessor and the new Ambassador, which would bee the only true sign of the pretended satisfaction they make show to have of him, and in truth was the only thing he expected, when hee quitted England, as that which would have lett the King and his Confessor see that the Duke was effectively satisfied with his conduct, for tell mee in truth Sir you that understand the world, how can a man appeare in theyr presence, or addresse to them having nothing to say. The other thing is that the Duke is contented with a generall answer in the bysinesse of St. Germaines friend without sending the answers to him himselfe ; which they will be sure to make onely to his friend ; all this letts St. German see clearely, they are content to draw all the advantages they can from his affaire and not at all concerned whether hee profitt in the least by it or noe. Mr. Monticuculi has made word bee sent mee that he had perform'd what hee promis'd St. German and that he should have letters of it by the 19th instant ; hee has not yett received them ; tis the onely thing he has pretended to, because twill bee a full proofe they are satisfied with him in case the Duke would helpe in earnest, and not after a superficiall manner, which St. German appre- hends much, they had promist alsoe the King of England's letters, and even those of the Queen besides all this, this kindnesse would putt him in a condition to continue his comerce, for his misfortune having left him without money or pension which he formerly disposd of at his pleasure, hee is reduced soe low that he canot enter into the trafick, not having wherewithall to pay for the letters; France has not heard of the Swedes successe, soe St. German doubts it, hee expects Coleman's . answer to all that is in this letter which hee desires you to comunicate to him for if he is not authorised by the Duke and the Catholicks to carry theyr desires to the Confessor what can hee doe in the favour of Coleman, who wants not enemyes who write hither against him, as St. Germain has allready sent Coleman word, weigh well these things, and cause St. German to bee instructed how he ought to behave himselfe hereafter, advise Coleman to take care to prevent the new Ambassador, for assuredly the Secretary of the old one will endeavour to pursuade this, to act like the other to gain creditt by that means to whatever hee has done good or bad. I am told a pleasant story that Luzancy has here held forth most edifyingly to the wife of one waiting man to Mr. Euvigni as shee has been Madam de Euvigni's woman ; if shee prove it and will make the drole better understood, The D. possibly will not bee displeas'd to know and publish it. "Richard Corbett" [is written at the head of the letter]. Endorsed No. 11. The Same to the Same. _ January 26 . lb75-o> _p ebruarv 5 " — Application for payment of a pension granted , by the Duchess of York to an English widow who is with the Nuns of the Visitation of St. Mary, at Dieppe. Mr. Bedingfield knows how to send the money. 80 Titzherbert! tue Duke's letter had come a week since, as Montecuculi promised, St. Germaine might have received something of the King of France. Pray tell M. du Puy's 1 am in great want of my trunk, without it I cannot live long here where people never tarry when they are unprofitable. " Hen Capell " [at the head of the letter]. Endorsed No. 12. [The Same to the Same.] 9 167 5-6, February — I know not why my letters are so long on the way unless it be the fault of the keys of the boxes where post letters are put, and so may be carried too late to the English post. I will send a person today on purpose to the post house with this, and not to the boxes. I have twice requested you to present my respects to my Lord Peterborough, and to the Marquis Montecuculi, whose cyphers are 10 and 2d respectively. [Complains of irregularity in correspondence.] Montecuculi to St. Germaine gives him but little hope, and 41 or Mr. Ruvigny begins to fear that Montecuculi has not managed the business with Lord Peterborough, as he promised. This delay is enough to do away with all the feelings of kindness which the King of France and his Confessor have now for St. Germain, who desires no more than a letter of recommendation in general to the King of France in favour of his nephew (St. Germaine). " I have no great converse with the man of St. Louis, for reasons I'll tell j>ou in time, and who will call himself Warner when I shall speak to you off it. Tis Mr. Sheldon's humour to love war wherever there is, and I am sure he is not Coleman's friend, no more than those are who love soft and cowardly eounsells which Mr. St. Germaine did not dare name having no cypher to describe it to Coleman in." St. Germaine has spoken highly of Coleman [as in the epitome] but he does not carry weight as he would if he were made a confidant in the whole affair. It is said that Coleman is for violent council &e. [as in the epitome]. St. Germaine is anxious to be useful to Ruvigny. " Translated by Mr. Neale." Endorsed No. 15. [The Same to E. Coleman.] 1675-6, February-ig. — " I received yours of the instant. Mr. St. Germain was this morning to see the King's Confessor and the new Embassador Mons. du Ruvigny, they both of them have a great kind- ness for you. And Mons. Ruvigny told Mons. St. Germain that he would see you as soon as he gott to his house in England. If you would communicate any thing to him you may write it to Mons. St . Germain. But for the King of France's money he is so alarmed on all sides that it will be almost impossible to gett the 100,000 crowns. The Confessor has promised to speak earnestly to the King about it. I writ you a letter for his Royal Highnesse, but you say nothing of it, no more than of the two friends. I have 3 times mentioned to you the King goes into Flanders and the Duke of Orleans will be generall under him. I have not time to say more. Madam la Tremblay desires 81 you'd assist her in the design she has and that you'd offer her your mss. of Sir w. services, doe what you can for her. She had another project which riTZHERBEBT - sheel tell you of herself. If I had time Pd desire you more att large to serve her." t Endorsed No. 15. Enchitell Gray to Mr. Coleman. February 23 _ 1675-6, jyj arc h 4 — . — our last letter by which you acquaint mee to have received mine of the 15th 19th and 22 of Feb. is without date. I thank you for the pains you have taken to see (34) the Earle of Peterburrow and (35) the Count Monticuculi and for the offer you make mee from (62) Mr. Coleman upon whom I will rest my selfe intirely concerning the affaire of (49) Monsr. St. Germain. This (44) Monsr. Colbert attends with impatience the letter of (93) the DuchesL to work strongly with (488) the King's Confessor neare (163) the King of France. (49) Monsr. St. Germain will indeavour to see (451) the Secretary and will thank him for what hee has said of him unto (62) Mr. Coleman. Hee will see him to-day and will comunicate that answer, to write again on Saturday to (62) Mr. Coleman. That which (488) the King's Confessor shall have said to him. (163) the King of France appears of late very sadd. They say 'tis because Easter approaches. I'le tell you for news the Prince of Conde excuses himself from going to the warr. Hee is retired to Chantilly twelve leagues from Paris. The Chevallier D'Humieres brother to the Marshall of that name is sent to the Bastile for having demanded leave that he may not goe to the warr and to give his regiment to his nephew, who comanded in Alsatia and was taken prisoner by a party of the enimy when hee went out upon a party. But Floranzen hath killed too or three hundred of those men and if our comander had not binne taken the affair had binne very well for us. I know itt by a letter from the sonne of Monsr. Vantelett who was in the action. Monsr. de Vantelett salutes you. Visit sometimes Monsr. Tartereau, bee so kind to mee to salute him on my part, in earnest ; and madam your wife to whom I am a most humble servant. Send mee word if you have received a letter which 1 wrote to his Royall Hinesse the Duchess of Yorke 26 January 5 February of which you have not spoke. Endorsed No. 18. [A Copy.] [St. Germaine to the Same.] March 29 1676, g • — " Add to the Epitome " that the memorial contained an expression of the Duchess' displeasure at not receiving an answer to her letter of last year. Desire Coleman to write speedily to St. Germain to assure him that the merchants of Antwerp have wherewithal to establish themselves without being chargeable to the public. News from the seat of war. I am extremely obliged for your kindness to those good people who have passed into France. Pray thank the captain of the yacht who took care of them. What is the truth about the Duchesse of Mazarine ? The Duchesse of Cleveland is visited by all the English. I have not yet seen her. What do you advise me to do ? It is said she intends to retire to an Abbey of the Cordeliers at Longchanips in the Bois de Boulogne, two leagues from Paris. E 64159. P 82 MSS. of Sir W. [Com/.] Endorsed " No. 22, [mid] St. Germain to Coleman, trans- f i tz iiEKn e kt . lated by R Whitley." [The Same to the Same.] 1675-6, February 15. — I received your letters and the same day saw the person you desired me to speak with. He was a little surprised that there was no letter from the Duchess to the King of France. He pro- mised to speak to the King. " 1 told him Mr. St. Germain e would be glad of the businesse, that it might make it appear to England and the Duke that thoy had some kindness for him in 112. He fell a laughing upon it and told me that the King of France was hard to be pleased in those kind of matters, so I think it were necessary that the Dutchesse should write a short letter to the King of France, and that Mr. St. Germaine should deliver it to the Confessor." [About the Fleet at Messina.] You are liberal of your news to Mr. Warner, who ought to repay you. I have little to give but I am willing to serve you. I am in the greatest trouble because I hear nothing of my trunk and box which are in the hands of Mr. du Puis and which he had promised to send me with Mr. Bedingfield. I see that having driven me out of England nobody cares what may become of me in France. You are now the only man I can trust in. You owe me an answer to four letters. " Translated by Mr. Neale." Endorsed No. 14. [The Same to the Same.] q 1676, April jg.— " Translated by Sir E. Dennys." I believed that the King of France had himself remembered his omission to answer the Duchess's letter, but now understand that it may be due to Ruvigny's letter upon the subject. It will be necessary for Coleman to write to St. Germain and let him know if the King has written the letter, and if she is satisfied, before St. Germain writes anything to the King's Confessor. St. Germaine had something to say to Coleman about the Secretary of the English Ambassador, but as what he had already said gave displeasure he will say no more now. Perhaps it will be necessary to hinder the French Ambassador who is going into England from discovering his mind to the Secretary as St. Germain was informed yesterday by the Confessor he intends to do. St. Germain cannot understand how the King of England could dispose of 12, 84 [note] (not in the key) nor in whose favour. It is a riddle which both cf us would like to understand, for it seems that he is in a better condition to receive than to give. What you write about the dissolution of Parliament is held as a thing most certain. " What Coleman writes about Madame de Tremblay and the little inclination 35 [note] (not in the key) now hath for 88 (Madame de la Tremblay) and for the people of 120 (France) because he is not satisfied with the conduct of 163 (the King of France) towards his master, makes him fear least he should serve 49 (St. Germain) as he cloth 88 (Madame de la Tremblay) about which matter he desires a frank and sincere enlightening from 62 (Coleman). But to speak the truth 1 take that to be a meer pretence of 35 who will meddle no more with those things, 83 for he very well knows that 103 (the French King) is upon too ill termes MSS. op Sib w. with 25 (the Pope) 47 [note] (not in the key) and 45 (Catholick religion) Fitzherbert. to engage himself to make any step on that side, in anybody's favour, and you see the reason of it. It is therefore wisdome to expect a more favourable conjuncture, and in the meanwhile not to neglect one's old friends.'' For my part I have no concern in that business and care only for the interests and that passionately of the Duke, Duchesse, Coleman, and St. Germaine. St. Germaine has sent two books to the Duchesse, and would have been glad to send presents to the Duke, Coleman, and the Confessor, but had no opportunity, and might also have displeased others . . i( Poor 49 (St. Germaine) knows not which way to go to work to do what he hath a mind to, yet in a little time he hopes to send as many to 62 (Coleman) by another opportunity." You do not take enough care of your health. I have taken the liberty of writing to the Duchesse of York but do not deliver the letter till the present comes. [Copy.'] Endorsed No. 24. [The Same to the Same.] 12 1676, April—. — I enclosed a letter which I beg you will present to his Royal Highness with two books you will receive from Madame de Glascock. 1 hear here several matters relating to the Duke of York, but do not take the least notice. St. Germaine has had a conference with the Secretary of the new Ambassador and has engaged him in a firm friendship with Coleman. Mr. Courtin hopes to get dispatched the beginning of next month, and is to abide in London for some time without appearing in quality as ambassador that he may better take measures as to lodgings and all the rest. [Copy.] Endorsed No. 25. [The Same to the Same.] 19 1676, April— . — St. Germain understands perfectly all that you have written and believes that he comprehends more than you would have him know. [Next folloivs the epitome.] Montecuculi's conduct is suprising to St. Germaine who finds, since he has heard from Coleman, that he is concerned therein as well as others, and suspects that they are but pretences to evade serving him for the future. The matter however is of small consequence, only it is a wonder they refuse poor St. Germaine so small a comfort for the injustice done to him. [Copy.] Endorsed No. 26. [St. Germaine to the Same.] April 22 1676, ^ ^ . — [In addition to the Epitome], I beg par Jon for my last letter. I was in an ill humour for my affairs are in a very ill condition. I fear St. Germaine wili be removed from the place where he now is. I shall run out of my whs if poor Madame de la Tremblay's affairs do not go well. St. Germaine will write on indifferent topics to Montecuculi. Had not written before because he was a little disturbed. News from the seat of war. Copy. Endorsed No. 27. f 2 84 mss. of SirW. to Mr. Coleman. FlTZHERBERT. April 30 1676, q . — " I have not received any of your letters these two* posts. I do not doubt but your great business hindered you. Yet I am not without great concern for it upon many reasons that you understand well enough without my telling you. I have given to Mr. Doleith who goes with Monsr. Courtin into England the first volume of the Croisade to present to Her Royal Highness the Duchess. I desire the favor of you to present this Mr. Dolbeith and my book to Her Royal Highness and to make my most humble excuses for not having sent the first volume of the Croisades before the second supposing she had already read it. I do not know if the history of the government of Venice be come to your hands. I desired long ago that you might see the manifesto which Mr, de St. Germain made in his defence, you have not written me word that you have seen it, or like it and what you think fit to be added or taken away. Mr. Bedingfield may have it or Mr. Strange. The trenches of Bouchain would not be opened before the fifth of May, our stile. The Canon was not to arrive before two days past, being thursday the ■ May. The King is about Quesnoy and secures Monsieur's army that lyes before Bouchain and all our frontiers from the ennemys that are about St. Ghilain and Mons. The fight of Messina is false. Mr. de Navailles has defeated three or four hundred men of the garrison of Feguieres. Upon the King of England's declaring that the qualities given or omitted should not any way- prejudice the rights of those that should give them or not receive them, the King after two protestations made in the hands of the King of England for his rights and pretentions consents to treate the Prince of Lorraine with Brother and Duke of Lorraine, so that 'tis believed your King will send by his Ambassador in Holland the passeports to the Plenipotentiaries. " Monsieur Courtin left Paris yesterday and will likely be at London before this letter. Mr. Guery his Secretary went away a day before and will come to London with him, he desires your friendship. The 451 (Secretary) of 41 (the Ambassador) of 110 (England) in 120 (France) visited yesterday 49 (St. Germain) and shewed him a letter which acquainted him with all that 62 (Coleman) had written to 49 (St. Germain) concerning the dissatisfaction and complaint of 400 (the Ambr.) of 170 (the King) in 120 (France) and denyed strongly that he had spoken, but said it was his Master, 49 (St. Germain) con- fessed to him that amongst three or four persons that writ to him sometimes one had sent him word that the 41 (Ambadr.) was dissatis- fyed with him and resolved to speak to 39 (the Duke of York) with some sharpness but the 45 (Secretary) said that he feared nothing of all this. He added that all went very well in your shop. 'Tis written from 110 (England) to 49 (St. Germain) that 91 (Sheldon) is gone for 120 (France) pray tell me if it be true ? If things do not change in 110 (England) in favour of 49 (St. Germain) it will shortly cause a change in his concerns and they talk of giving him a little shop to govern that shall be altogether conformable to his trade and will carry him fifty leagues from the place where he is at present. As he has always forseen this and thought himself not at all fit for that trade he had desirred that something might be done for him that 62 (Coleman) knows of to secure him from it and become more usefull to his friends in his first trade ; if things happen not according to his desire he is resolved to do what pleases God ; it will be well to acquaint 62 (Cole- man) of all this if you think fitting." Endorsed « No. 28." 85 TSt. Germaine] to Mr. Coleman. g L J MSS. of Sir W. 1076, May^.— I am somewhat grieved not to have received any Fitzhbrbert. letters from you these four posts. I do not know if it is that they are raiscarryed or that you have not written any to me and supposing that you have not written if it be by reason of your businesse or dislike and if it be by reason of any dislike, if your dislike proceed from that I am unusefull to you or that I have disobliged you. All this puts me to a non plus that you might clear me of oy declaring my sentence in forme that I may take my resolutions after my condemnation. In the mean- while I will tell you that if this last cause be the occasion of my disgrace, which T can hardly believe from so true a friend as yourself, I cannot find after a long scrutiny that I have committed any sin that deserves such punishment whatever suspition may have been conceived by my friends who ought never to condemn theirs without hearing them. And 1 shall therefore bear my condemnation with much tran- quility of mind, provided I may understand it, for in truth t'is something hard that on a suddain nothing is said io me without any charitable information in what manner I am to be treated, but perhaps I am troubled without reason ; that may very well be, t'is your part to inform me of my good or evill destiny : in the meanwhile I will act according to my custome giving you notice of the depart of Mr. Courtin and his son and Mr. Dolbeith who you will see shortly. They are well informed with your merit. Last Tuesday at ten o'clock the armies of the King and the Prince of Orange were very near each other. The King had sent for Monsieur the Marchal de Crequy to the camp before Bochain with 20 squadrons that may make 2,400 horse ; t'is not known for what. Mr. de Vivone has given some discontent to our fleet for having not permitted them to find out de Ruiter, which he did for feare that during the battle he might loose Messina and as that town was to chuse their magistrates on St. George's day 24 April he would keep all the French men near him. We have made a logement on the counterscarp of Bonchain free from the canon. St. Germain has told me that he hath written all things to the 488 (King's Confessor). Pray tell 62 (Coleman) Sir. This is all I have to say at present only that the 451 (Secretary) of the 400 (Ambr.) of 110 (England) in 112 (France) has had a fansey to pray 49 (St. Germain) that his name might be put upon the letters that should be sent to this 451 (Secretary) of 110 (England) that as he says they may not be opened at his house. I know not what he means by it nor 49 (St. Germain ;) but so it is. The armies are drawn of from each other as They say." Endorsed No. 29. The Same to the Same. 6 1676, May j-jj-. — I am troubled about the affairs of St. Germaine. There is a great difference between St. Germaine and Mr. Coleman. The latter has far more business on his hands and runs far greater dangers, yet after all he is a merchant set up for himself and may cease his trade when he will, whereas St. Germaine is only a journey-man and may be sent anywhere and thus be prevented from carrying on his traffic to which he has an incredible inclination. This it is which makes him desire letters from the Duke of York, and a pension from the Duchesse, so that it may appear to those in England that it is desired to keep him in the shop. Coleman ought seriously to consider this, for 86 ^itzherbmit^ *^ings caimot possibly remain much longer as they are now. I promise — ' you I will henceforth say no more about it. Your reprimand is infinitely dear to me, and I would rather receive such than that you should be silent for 3 or 4 posts. " Mr. St. Germaine has told me that being naturally very punctual he has already writt those thoughts which he conceived the Dutchesse had in her head concerning the King of"* France's letter to the King's Con- fessor, with reflexions upon the consequences that may happen thereupon, but after I have acquainted him with what accounts you have given me from Mr. Coleman, I doubt not he will write to the King's Confessor,, and send him word that Mr. Coleman hath discoursed with the Dutchesse after the manner which was fitting and has left her in the opinion she ought to have of France and the King of France. The King's Con- fessor or the new Mr. Rouvigny is charged with a second booke which you know of for the Dutchesse, as I sent you word. This Confessor of the King, to describe him to you, is outwardly well enough, and doe? not discourse amiss, but is a little soul, vaine, and rash in many things, and one that many times talks too much. Take your measures accord- ingly. One may make use of these qualities to fetch things out of him, but by no means trust him with them." You do not mention the affairs of England &c. [as in the epitome]. What has become of Mr. Sheldon. He promised to come and used to be a man of his word, but now it is said he does not mean to come. [Describes the taking of Bouchaine.~] [About the Duchesse Mazarine as in the epitome.] All I have said to Madame de la Tremblay is only to comfort her as best I could. Will Mr. Sheldon go to Rome? Address your letter for me to Mr. de Clairambant at the Silver Master in St. Anthony's Street, as I live such a long way from the post. Endorsed. " No. 30." " Cypher numbers are used for the proper names as usual." [St. Germaine] to E. Coleman. 1676, May — Mentions the death of Mr. Cranmer's son aged 16. The boy died a good Catholic. [ Endorsed] "31. Nothing." The Same to the Same. 13 8 1676, May — I have read your letter of to Mr. St. Germaine and he desires you to informe Mr. Coleman that he is extremely obliged for it. St. Germain has quite lost his supply of money without which it is impossible for him to continue his negociation with Mr. Coleman. He feels that he has wholly broke word with Mr. Coleman because of this wicked money, and that he cannot be of any use in the future. [ The letter is addressed to Mr. Coleman, and endorsed No. 32. The usual numbers are used in the letter for the proper names.] [The Same] to the Same. 1 3 1676, May ^ — " I have received yours of the 8/18 instant, and answer AVI 49 it instantly to lett you know that I have read it to Mr. St. Germain, 87 «9 MSS. of Sir W. " • FlTZHERBERT. who desires you to assure Mr. Coleman that he is extreeinely obliged to — him for all the good will he has had for him, aud will remember it for 62 100 ever : that for labouring in what concernes him, Mr. Coleman may make use of all conjunctures which he thinks favourable, and wait as long as he 49 pleaseth, but as to the rest the true reason that has made Mr. St. Ger- main appear somewhat pressing that he has quite lost his supply of 80 money, without which it is impossible for him to continue his negotia- 62 tion with Mr. Coleman. This is the reason why he desires him to write to him no more, not being in condition to receive his letters because 80 of this wicked money, which has wholly broake word with him and which being gone without hopes of returne, deprives him of the meanes of finding such a friend elsewhere and it was certainly the feare of this 49 desertion which Mr. St. Germain infallibly foresaw that forced him to make steps which have seemed too urgent in the meane while it is neces- 6arv that he carrie himselfe as I have now said. It is likely also that 39 93 he will heereafter bee useless to the service of the Duke and Duchess and 300 of the Catholiques. However it falls out his good will will never be wanting. Pray lett me know of your receiving this letter, and believe mee more your servant Sir than any person in the world. The Prince of Orange keeps constantly close in his quarters, and it being impossible to force him there, and he having more provision than was thought men. beleeve the King will remove his station, and they talke of his returne to Paris, after his having sent away a great detatchment for Germany where it is supposed that the enemies army is very strong. No other news at present." Endorsed. "No. 32." - [At the head of the letter] " Sir Cyril Wyche." [The Same] to the Same. 15 1676, June -^z. Paris. — " I must begin with telling you that 48. — prays you to return thanks to Coleman for the news he learnt of Mr. Morpary whereof he expects the execution as soon as may be, he assures me he has been above 3 months with his friends in order to maintain the corrispondence which he has with Coleman and that pure necessity obliged him to speak and act as he did, hereafter his affairs will change and for ever as he hopes because his friends in France will soon be in condition to render him no longer troublesome unto any. They say that Mr. Patouillet will have the vacant place, pray what is there of it ? Mr. Gray came to see me and desired 48. — to let Coleman know that the Secretary of the English Ambassador here gave him a visit and spoake to him of Coleman in an angry manner, as if the Duke was offended with Coleman for bragging that it was he that made the Duke do what he did, in a word that he spoak and bragged too much. 48. — has desired me to write thus much unto you to the end you may have the goodness to tell it to Coleman. I hope to write to you duly once or twice a week. We have no news but what is old and what 83 Fitzherber?' y ou know, I only write unto you now to acquaint you with the senti- — ments of acknowledgement which 48. — has for the favours of Coleman he would be very glad to know if he ought not to write to the Duchesse and how he ought to do it." Endorsed « Translated by Sr. Robert Markham." [The Same to the Same.] 1676, June 21 [Paris.]— "Endorsed Cler. July 1st 1676. July 1. 12 " I have received your letter of the of June which came to my hands a little too late. By the first post I will send you a certaine addresse whereby I may receive your letters betimes. I do not now repeat my thanks for your favours because I have done it already in my two former. As yet I have not received that I expect from Mr. Morpain who hath satisfied himselfe with giving me the information that ho hoped I should have it in a little time. Mr. de Gray whom from this time forward we will call 87 came to see me this morning. He desired me to tell you that he would not write to you this post because I do. He also entreated me to send you word that you might tell 62 (Coleman) that what the 45 (Secretary) of 41 (the Ambassa- dor) from 110 (England) in 120 (France) had told him of 62 (Coleman) came from 91 (Mr. Sheldon) who had told him where he now is, and that 39 (the Duke of York) had chid 62 (Coleman) in publick. Sheldon knowing of it 49 (Mr. St. Germain) wrote about the busines?e of Antwerp and is much amazed there hath bin no answer to it after three letters which he hath written to 488 (the King's Con- fessor). You may see that 49 (Mr. St. Germain) broake off his corre- spondence only out of pure necessity, but since a doore hath bin opened for his entrance into it againe to be sure he will not give it over of his own accord. Moreover this 45 (Secretary of the Embassy) from the 150 (the King of England) pretends very much to be 49 (Mr. St. Germain's) friend, and to desire to live in a perfect good under- standing with him if 62 (Coleman) by that meanes can make use of him to get something done for 62 (Coleman's) advantage. 49 (St. Ger- main) doth impatiently expect the 39 (Duke of York's) papers, there being one or two persons actually dead whose imploy ments might be obtained if one had good recommendations. Those papers cannot come too soone, and the affaires already had bin done if they had come ; but it is necessary they should be as perswasive as the quality of him that writes and of him to whom they are written to be writ. For news 1. The King sends out to forrage all about Mons, Cambray, and Valen- ciennes, that he may destroy that country, and cutts down all the wood he can to lay the country open. 2. Conde is wonderfully fortified, and the designe is to make it a kind of impregnable island. &c " [ General foreign news and reports.] "Send me word whether Mr. Patouillet shall have Mr. St. Ger- main's place, and in what condition that affaire is. I must needs know ^ What say you of 488 (the King's Confessor) and of the 451 (the Secretary) of 41 (Mr. Ruvigny) that is new come, what becomes of the old one." [At the head of the letter] " Charles Cottrell." Endorsed No. 34. 89 [The Same to the Sa.me.1 mss. o» Sir w. FlTZHERBERT. 1676, JuPe 24 [Paris.]—" I wrott to you by the last post and write July 4. again today to give you notice that that the little 80 (money) came to mo last Thursday. I received it with all the demonstration of friendship which 1 owe to him from whom it came. I pray you let 62 (Coleman) know this and assure him that I will have all possible care about it, and will order it so by my cares that that little 80 (money) may affect all things according to the intention of 62 (Coleman). I expect a word from 62 (Coleman) to know if I should write to 93 (the Dutchesse) to pay my respects concerning that you know of, and in what termes T ought to do it. As for those papers which you believe you can help me to, they would be of great use to me at this very moment for a very fair occasion does now present itself, and if I had them I doubt not but I should succeed in my design e. You have need of all your goodness not to be tired with my importunities. My Lord Bartley as Monsr. Leighton tells me prepares himself to be gone for Nimeguen within five or six weekes : and that Monsr. Montague is to come hither in his place " [General foreign news.~\ " 48 (the King's Confessor) prayeth 62 (Coleman) to let him know whether the new Ambassador that is to come from England into France be a friend to 62 {Coleman), and whether /+!§ (100000 crownes) may be useful to 62 (Coleman) and to his other friends near 41 (Mr. Ruvigny) and if it be it would be requisite that 62 (Coleman) should speak of AS (100000) crownes to 1^1 (Mr. Ruvigny) to the end that he may be well received by him, in short 4$ (100000 crownes) lye ready expecting the orders of 62 (Coleman). Are they pleased with the new Ambassador in England, and is 62 (Coleman) one of his friends ? His Secretary and 488 (the King's Confessor) are they friends to 62 (Cole- man) ? What does 98 (Mazarine) and 89 (Portsmouth) ; they said the other day that 89 (Portsmouth) was dead. 48 (St. Germain) hath written to 488 (the King's Confessor) for the merchants of Antwerp. 87 (Monsr. Grey) is newly gone from me and prayed me to put his letter into mine. He sends you no newes because 1 have given you that little there is. He desires you to direct your letters alwayes to him for the reasons he gives you, and he assures me that he goes for to send you some that are better. Yesterday the 451 (Secretary) of 110 (Eng- land) 400 (Ambassador) in 120 (France) came hither to me being lialfe drunk and told me many things concerning the new 41 (Ruvigny) of 1 10 (England) in 120 (France), he pretends that 62 (Coleman) is much out of favour with 39 (the Duke of York) and that he knew nothing of the change, and that the union which 62 (Coleman) hath had with 41 (Ambassador) of 120 (France) in 110 (England) is the cause that the new 41 ( Embassador) [note'] (Courtin) of 120 (France) in 110 (Eng- land) does not look upon him. All this puts 87 (Mr. Grey) in paine, and much more 48 (St. Germain), endeavour to know the truth of it from 62 (Coleman) and send us word. When you write to me hence- forward use this addresse without anything else ; For Monsr. Corbett Advocate in the Counsell, in the street of Guinquampois att Paris. Your letters come to me so late that I cannot answer them till next post, but by this way I shall have them in a moment." [At the head of the letter] "Charles Cottrell," Endorsed « No. 3o. Cler. July 4, 1676. Saturday." 90 mss. op SibW. [The Same to the Same.1 FlTZHEBBEBT. T.. nil oft t: I have written four letters and had no answer. I wished my letters to be directed to Mr. Corbett because he dwells just against the Post house, and is careful to get and send on my letters quickly. I will not write about the Antwerp business until the King comes today or tomorrow. " Here is a business whereof I think myself obliged to give you notice, 93 (the Dutchesse) desires to have Monsr. Patouillet in her house, and they say that 39 (the Duke) concernes himself about it ; in the meane time those persons with whom 49 (St. Germain) dwells have already retained him for them, and this desire of 93 (the Dutchesse) who hath moved for that at 43 (Rome) is discovered, especially since that 488 (the King's Confessor) had desired that that should be done for the former person. Two things oblige me to write to you to pray you to tell 62 (Coleman) that 49 (St. Germain) would be very glad that 93 (the Dutchesse) should continue in her first resolution because it is fitt her desire should be satisfied, and moreover because by that meanes 49 (St. Germain) will find an imploy merit in the towne where he now is, which will fix him there for a long while, and will free him from the fear he is in of being sent somewhere else, and by that meanes he will be in a condition to serve his friends according to their desire. Let 62 (Coleman) think well of what I write in favour of 49 (St. Germain) who if that person go to 93 (the Dutchesse) shall have that which was destined for him here; therefore 62 (Coleman) must needs tell 93 (the Dutchesse) that the friends of 49 (St. Germain) had engaged that person for themselves, and that it would be needful for 93 (the Dutchesse) to write or cause a little letter to be written to Monsr. de Champs (who is the same person here as Mr. Strange is amongst you) for to pray him to give her that person, and not to oppose her satisfaction in that point, for by that meanes the thing will infallibly be done. If one could obtaine one little word by letter from 93 (the Dutchesse) for that person the thing would go so much the better. But there is no time to be lost for there are those which will strive to prevent 62 (Coleman) w r ith 93 (the Dutchesse) by getting her to retard her request by a yeare longer, that is to say, for ever, for if that busines be not done now it will not be done at all. I have convincing proof es of it. If 62 (Coleman) would write alsoe himselfe to 488 (the King's Confessor) to signify to him that one can by no meanes refuse 39 and 93 (the Duke and Dutchesse) without disoblig- ing and vexing them it would not be amisse, but it is necessary first to know what the 488 (the Confessor) of 39 (the Duke) has said concern- ing this matter to 39, and 93 (to the Duke and Dutchesse) for I doubt not but he has bin writt to about it. I beg one word of answer con- cerning this affaire as soone as may be by the addresse of Monsr. Corbett The nephew and neece of Mr. Gray arrived here yesterday. The uncle salutes you, and the nephew will be shortly at London." [At the head of the letter] " Charles Cottrell." Endorsed " No. 36. Cler. 8 July." [In these three letters the names are inserted after the numbers in a blacker ink than the rest of the letter.] [The Same] to the Same. 1676, July Paris. — " I have already writt thrice unto you to give you thanks for the last obligations I have unto you, which enables me 91 to continue my thanks, as I doe by this letter with all my heart and as ^i|* z £brkbrt! I shall doe till I hear of your receipt of them. 87 — is come to see Mr. — — St. Germain this morning and desires that Coleman would send him his news directly to himself. Mr. St. Germain and 87 — will join together to communicate to Coleman what shall happen, remember to direct my letters to Mr. Corbet Advocate of the Councill to the end I may receive them in good time. I writt to you about the difficulties that occurre touching the sending of Mr. Patouillier in the place of Mr. St. Germain and what is to be done thereupon. But there is come a thought into my head about this Mr. St. Germain which you may communicate to Coleman if you think fitt, which is if the Duke and Duchesse of Yorke would cause one to write to the K. of France's Confessor to engage him to speak to the K. of France to write to the K. of England to desire him to consider of the justification of Mr. St. Germain and that he would give him leave to come over and clear himself and that he might be under the protection of Mr. Ruvigny, the said Confessor will assuredly most efficatiously do it, and obtain it of the K. of France for reasons which I will acquaint you with in due time, but if you doe not judge this fitt pray at least get the Duchesse to write or cause a letter to be written as soon as may be to the person who holds the same place now as Mr. Strange dos with you (whose name I have acquainted you formerly with) that he may grant the request of the Duchesse for this is of the most utmost consequence to St. Germain. I am much con- cerned that I have no news from you, I know not why you are so silent. I am affraid that what I writt to you concerning your Ambassador's secretary is the cause, pray free both me and 87 — from our fears. Maastricht is invested they say by the Prince of Orange, and that the Xing who came hither but on Wednesday night last is about to returne again. Others say the peace is made with Holland and that Brabent is given to the Prince of Orange and that they will let him take Maestricht whilst the King will take Valanciennes and Cambray, I referre my selfe to the issue. The process of Madam Brinvilliers is much advanced, but is a great secret yet. Pray think on Mr. St. Germain and on me. I am just now told that one belonging to the house of Conde is come to advertise the F. Confessor of the Duke d'Enguien to be in readiness to depart on Munday and that the King goes too. St. Germain has not yet seen the King's Confessor who came hither but on Thursday and is most extremely full of visitors, but he will see him and speak to him ere long." Endorsed " Translated by Sr. Robt. Markham. No. 37." [The Same] to the Same. 5 29 June 1676, July Paris. — " Your letter of the ^ could not come with more expedition. I am much pleased with this way and desire you alwais to use it. I have spoaken to the K.'s Confessor concerning the Antwerpe merchants, he told me the K. of France having given it in commission to one of his most trusty ministers of State to inform in that matter what was to be done the said Confessor thought that affair had been answered, but seeing that Minister of State is not here he could give me no farther account thereof, as soon as I understand that that Minister is here I will see him. 87 came to see me this morning as he used to doe every post day, he presents his service to you, having nothing more than I have to acquaint you with, only he desires that the news he was wont to receive by Mr. Botteman may be addressed 92 MSS. of Sir w. directly to himself, seeing that will be most usefull to him, for that this itzherbert. p 0gt j n ^ e j iag no( . rece i ve( j t nose letters which were directed to the little banker. The affairs of St. Germain will goe well here if Coleman take cair the Duke and Duchess of Yorke persist in their desires to have the person they have proposed to be put in the place of Coleman's friend (for if they press it never so little more they will assurelly have him) and then St. Germain will be sure to be with Mr. Warner, to doe then what he did when with the Duchess, and thereby be able to con- tinue to serve his friends as shall be judged convenient. But if Coleman judges the Duke has any remains of kindness for St. Germain the occasion is fair, for (since the K.'s Confessor had a designe to have that person near himself whom the Duchess desires) if the Duke would cause one to write to the said Confessor signifying that if he cannot have that person he desired they should send him at least St. Germain, I am sure the Confessor would then propose it to the King of France to write to the King of England, to the Duke, and to Ruvigny, to testifye lie would be very glad leave might be given to St. Germain 1o make known to the King and Parliament the truth of his case after which one might act with the Parliament and the House of Commons by Coleman's and St. Germain's friends to obtain of the Parliament a favourable audience. These are visions that come into my head it is for you to chouse which will be best and propose it to Coleman as you shall think fitt. The French Ambassador's Confessor has written to St. Germain and acquainted him with the sentiments Coleman has of him, and he has desired me to tell you that he is very much obliged to Coleman for them, the Duke and Duchesse have also spoaken very kindly of him to that Confessor as he wished, and I desire you on his behalf when you have a fitt opportunity to testifye all the acknowledgements that this deserves. If the papers come they will be of great use. Maestricht is entirely - free, there was a correspondance in the town held with the enimie for getting the magazine on fire but it being discovered the enimies are retired, Mr. De Monbron has surprised a 1000 of the garison of Cam- bray 400 are taken 600 defeated. The affair of Madam Brinvilliers goes on apace, yesterday the Commissaries confronted her with a certain advocate named Briament who had been tutor to her children they made not an end till six aclock at night, the advocate spoak much in the matter and there are all ready erected scaffolds a la grava where she is to be executed. Things are kept very secret and there are some in great fear who seem to put a good face on the matter. I have received the letters of my Lady the Countesse 1 shall expect her orders, but am afraid the thing can not be done on the conditions she desires." Endorsed " Translated by Sir Robert Markham. No. 38." [The Same] to the Same. g 1676, July — "For newes I have but two things to acquaint you, one is that the siege of Maestricht is formally laid, there are fourscore pieces of ordinance brought from Holland to batter the place which is beseiged by an army of twenty seaven thousand men and there is like- wise an other army in the places round about to prevent its being sur- rounded consisting of thirty thousand more. The garrison is well^ accomodated in all respects, hath six thousand foote, twelve hundred horse and three hundred dragoons ; Letters are expected from Monsr. Louvoy on his return to resolve the time of the King's departure ; the other part of news is that Madame Brinvilliers was yesternight 93 about halfe an hour after seaven of the clock executed ; her sentence MSS. op Sir w. was to make amend honorable, that is, to stand in her shift about :FlTZI ^ BERT - her other habits, a rope about her neck, bare footed, which was done before the Church of Notre Dame, from thence shee was carried in a tumbrill to the place called the Greve, there to have her head cut off, the body burnt and the ashes throwne into the fire ; before all which I should have told you shee was put to the rack ordinary and extraordinary, shee had spoken the night before with the Father Chevigny, father of that oratoire, and the morning after they had read her sentence shee thanked the judges for having used her so favorably. Shee confest herselfe to Monsr. Pivot Doctor of the Sorbon saying that there needed no rack shee would tell all, and indeed shee was three hours with two Comissioners of Parliament, but shee confessed only what concerned herself that shee had poysoned her father three times in two years and her two brothers, shee hath chardged no confederate wnich was the cause that shee was put to the rack ordinary and extra- ordinary, but shee would discover nothing. She hath showed in all a great deal of resolution and prescence of mind and all Paris was I think at her execution. I know not yet all the particulars. I attended last night to have heard some news from you but I received none yet — think of what I writ and 1 pray instruct mee in every thing. 2 The trenches before Philipsburgh were opened ^ instant at night the governor made a sally and having repulsed the enemy, he att the same time caused a man to slip out to give the K. advise. I have seen a letter from the camp of Monsr. Luxenburgh that sayes he hath got sixty peices of canon and is going to attaque the lines of the enemy, he hath made a detatchment to joyne Monsr. Crique to fall on the enemy on an other side." Endorsed " No. 39. Translated by Mr. Cheyne." [The Same] to the Same. 1676, July 11, Paris. — "I am much obliged to you for the cair you take of my little affairs, T have recived the great packet which Botteman sent me from Lord Bellasis. I advise you to keep me as much as possible you can in his good opinion, because he is a man has much obliged me to be his servant I have already told you that your letters will be very serviceable to me but they will doe me no good if they come not directly to my self for they arrived yesterday in the atternoon and I have not received them yet, besides when we shall have them at the first hand, with one stone you will kill two birds for I will show them to Mr. Julij and your banker shall not faile to see them time enough for him. My nephew will depart please God on Monday sennight. This is all I have to tell you at the present, when Mr. Julij writes to you I need not put you to double charges because there is no post but I see him an hour before the currier goes." Endorsed " Translated by Sir Robert Markham." [The Same] to the Same. 12 8 1676, July — " I have received yours of the ^ July and I believe you should answer article by article, St. Germain hath desired mee to tell you that you will oblige him to renew his acknowledgements to Coleman which yett are not without much regrett for that Coleman advises him that 'tis not necessary that he should write to the Duchess 94 ^itzSerbertT" toucbin £ tne affaire of mony which infallibly shewed him that 'tis — ' Coleman alone, that hath chardged himself with the mony for St. Germain, which St. Germain would never have suffered, had he had the least suspition of it, and most assuredly being of the humour I knew him, and how he understands things, he will doe his business sooner or latter. Thursday's post is come but I have no notice of the papers wee must expect, and is it not troublesome, St. Germain as he told mee was againe yesterday to speake with the Confessor, touching the merchants of Antwerp, but he was shut up about affaires and not to be spoken with, but St. Germain intreated a domestick of the Confessor's to put him in minde and I believe the Confessor desires that he who is to succeede St. Germain in his place of England should live with the Confessor, and be one of his ; if the Duchess and Coleman will make use of this conjunction and write to the Confessor to put him in minde of the affaire of the merchants of Antwerp the business would succeed, my thoughts are, that Coleman should w T rite to the Confessor as from the Dutchess to give him the severall notices or to send St. Germain where he was before, that is to say that the King of France should write to yong Ruvigny that he should take care of the affaire of St. Germain with the King of England and the parliament till it were well understood, or if that cannot bee, that they should send to the Dutchess him who pretends to the place of St. Germain, for by this meanes the Confessor could not but send the person whom the Dutchess desired, and at the same time something should be said touching the merchant of Antwerp — < — that if the Dutchess would cause it to be positively signified to the Confessor that he think no more of him whom he desired and also to sound the . . . affaire of Antwerp . . I believe this would be the shortest way, it's true St. Germain would suffer by it, but what matters that? 1 am affraid for Coleman if once they come to declare against the Catholique religion, the Catholiques and consequintly the Duke of Yorke : In the name of God instruct mee well of every thing that passes heerin. I have not yet heard any thing said of Madame de la Tremblay, which I expect with some impatience, and for the notice you give mee to her advantage and by my solicitations I will ingage her all I can to induce old Ruvigny to performe his duty to the King of France and the Ministers of State. I protest before God that 'tis now the only thing I aime att, I believe you see well enough why, and I pray you to give me exact account of all that I shall entrust you with to Coleman, because I cannot write to him but by you. Lett me understand what is done with you in the affaire of the successor of St. Germain, for I shall not name him hereafter but by the name of Successor. The Confessor doth his business and will see to it . . . . . , The Embassador is writ to to speake of it to the King of England as of a traffiquer who might be prejudicial! to the Dutchess and Duke ; is that true ? if the Dutchess bee stedfast most assuredly St. Germain will have his place, if not, he knows not what will become of his trade, but if the Dutchess give way handsomely to the Confessor, there is nothing which the Confessor will not likewise agree to, where- fore Coleman must manadge this conjuncture and that he ask in requital the affaire of Antwerp and the fixing of St. Germain in the same place to carry on his traffick ; this is all that can be said on this matter, Ruvigny is mightily prevented in whatsoever may be objected against the Catholiques and against those of England which are the friends and kindred of St. Germain. St. Germain knows he speaks very ill of them I pray say nothing of it. The Trenches are opened before Philipsburgh, says one letter that I have seen, they are 95 not distant about one hundred and fifty paces from the ditch on one side mss. of Sir w. and on the other three hundred. This letter construes that Mons. de ^tzherbert. ' Luxumburgh is going to fall into the retrenchments of the enemy and Mons. de Crequi likewise in severall places. Maestricht is also beseiged ; 'tis thought the defiles will hinder Mons. Schomberg of releiving it but the towne is well fortified and the garrison neere eight thousand of the best men of France, 'tis said our army will besiege Ypres, Aires or St. Chilian. Some letters say Palermo hath civilly sent back the Spaniards, Naples hath given five hundred thousand crownes to repair the Spanish fleet. The Swedes are in their portes as 'tis said. It appears that Madame Brinvillieres hath bin too favorably treated by the parliament and 'tis believed the depositions shee has made are kept secret ; this is all I know." Endorsed " No. 41. Translated by Mr. Cheyne." [The Same] to the Same. 4 1676, November — " I thought to have sent you some news of Mon- sieur de Ruvigny, of his secretary, of Madam de la Tremblay, and of the King's Confessor. But I am not further instructed than I was, seing that I could not speak with some nor meet with others. I saw Mr. Gray and his nephew, which last shewed himself very civil! to me upon Mr. Coleman's account and promised to tell me news from England. Tis only by publick report that I learnt what is said of* Mons. de Ruvigny his Secretary, and of the Embassador at Nimmeguen. Truly I am sorry for it and sometimes I fancy that Monsieur St. Germain might have been instrumental in it by shewing the letters to (Mr. Gray) 1 told him my mind as to that and found him much of the same mind insomuch that he told me he would for his part write about it to Mr. Coleman by way of complaint. I know him to be a person most ready to serve friends and no less sensible of other people's misfortunes. Madam de la Tremblay is resolved to write to him who writ to her. But it was im- possible to transact any businesse the last time he was here, because Monsieur de Ruvigny's wife was present all the while, and never out of sight. He will return an answer as soon as possible, and you may assure of it him that you know, here is no news stirring. You know what Mons. de Ruvigny's Secretary told him concerning his friend, and now Monsieur de Ruvigny protested that he had shewed himself very much concerned about it to the King of France and Monsieur de Pompone which Monsieur de Ruvigny's Secretary has given sufficient testimony of. It happens very often that you omit several articles of my letters and leave them unanswered which is some trouble to me. So you slighted that passage concerning the good office I intended for our friend by endeavouring to procure him a pension out of an estate of Catholicks in France and to have it confirmed by the Pope, being he is a Catholick. I know not whether or no you have proposed the matter to our friend, nor how he likes of it. Therefore I desire the favour of you to acquaint me with it. Neither do you tell me any thing about the merchants of Antwerpe. The King'3 Confessor has answered to the Duke of York as you know. But when all is done the King of France doth not seem to me very eager in the business. And it is said that letters of this nature which come to him from forrein countrys are not acceptable to him. We must have patience. You send me not a word of your Monsieur de Ruvigny or of his Secretary, nor of the King's Confessor, Both Mr. Coleman see them ? Is he a friend of theirs ? At last what do you say of the successor ? I know him not; but he 96 MSS. op Sir W. was highly commended. Is it true that the Duchess of York's Con- F jxzherbert, f essor is threatened to be brought before the Parliament ? I thank you for your care in the concern of the money in the King of England's behalf and those he owed money to. I assure you that I am as well pleased with you as if it were my own concern. We may chance upon that propound to you a small business which might be of some use, if Mr. Coleman doth but think it feasable." Endorsed " No. 53." [At the head of the letter] u Sir Gilbert Gerard." [The Same] to the Same. 8 167G, November — You have sealed your letter just upon the date of it, so that I cannot tell what clay it was when you writ. On Wednes- day last not hearing from you I wrote another letter to give you such information as I had ready for you and this day I write one only to give you notice, that I received your last, wherein you mention two things. The one about the merchants of Antwerp. Monsieur St. Germain told me to that point, that he dwells in the same shop of the King's Confessor, that he may come more freely to speak to him, and that he was gone for that purpose to his storehouse two several times, but found him so taken up that he was fain to put off the business to this day. However Monsieur St. Germain is of opinion that he must see Monsieur de Louvoy his father who gave the advice to the King of France about giving satisfaction to the Duchess of York. When all is done he is the person that must bring the business to perfection and whose hands it must needs go through. The other business concerns your Embassador the King's Confessor and Monsieur de Ruvigny. Wonderiull things are said here of Monsieur de Ruvigny and of his complacency for the King of England's inclinations. Nay he used this very word that he obeys him in all things, and intends to represent it as a very meritorious thing to the King and his Confessor. Monsieur St. Germain himself fears that if he should say what he heard of Mr. Coleman about that business, he should not be welcome, because Mon- sieur de Ruvigny and the King of France's Confessor not being of Mr. Coleman's opinion have undoubtedly disproved his conduct in France. Can no ways be found to get the Duke of York to acquaint the King's Confessor, or the King of France himself, with the opinion he has of Mr. Coleman ? I know something about the King of France's son. But I dare not tell it you before you have acquainted me first with what you know of the Prince of Orange, whether it is true or no that he is to go for England about the design so much noised abroad, and which nearly concerns the Duke of York ? You can not but know by this time the design Monsieur St. Germain had formed in Mr. Coleman's behalf. Tis for you to let me know, whether it is convenient that he should go on with it. For there is no pleasure in taking false measures. The King's Confessor has writ to the Duke of York to thank him for the letter he had received from him in Monsieur St. Germain's behalf, but Monsieur St. Germain is not the better for it, and in all likelyhood shall get nothing by it. However he is as thankfull as he ought to be. Send me some news of the Duchess of York's Confessor, and of his successor." [Endorsed] " No. 54." [At the head of the letter] "Sir Gilbert Gerard." 97 [The Same] to the Same. mss. of Sir w j ^ FlTZHERBERT. 1676, November ~. — " Yesternight the King of France his Confessour came back from the visite hee had made to the King. But it was impossible for mee to speake with him either then or this morning when hee had shutt himself upp to write. I had given him a memorial con- cerning the merchants of Antwerp agreeable to Mr. Coleman's letter for treating with the King of France on that affaire, and hee it was that ask'd mee earnestly for it. I will write you word on Wednesday what hath been done in it. I have thought it fitt notwithstanding by this post to informe you of a thing worth your knowledge, which is that St. Germain told me that in discourse held th' other day with the King's Confesseur, he learnt from him that the Ambassadour's (Ruvigni's) Confesseur had sent him notice that the Duke of York was a lost man, and that he had it from the Ambassadour's (Ruvigni his) owne mouth. Thus you see the representations the Ambassadour gives of the D. of Y. to our friend the King of France. You may judge by this what to expect of this Ambassadour (Ruvigni) in favour of the Duke of Y. St. Germain added that the same Confessour had written in the same letter that the friends of St. Germain of England who drive on the same trade with him did give pernicious councils to the D. of Y. and that hee gave too great a credit to them. You may see by this whether this man is mistaken in his imaginations, and meantime 'tis hee that governs all that commeree. At least I feare it so. I write thus much to you, to the end that you may advertise Coleman of it, and that hee according to his wisdome may look into it. I have thrice been to visite the Ambas- sadour (Rouvigni) without finding him at home. It's some time since I saw the Secretary. I think that Coleman would doe well to write a word or two to the King's Confessour, but it should be something worth its paines, and should require an answer. For this Confessour is a man to bee press'd, and who of himself is too closse. And at the same time St. Germain would be obliged to Coleman, if in the same letter hee enquired of the Confessour what newes of the successe of that affaire the D. of Y. did recommend to him a favour of St. Germain. There is no other newes, but of the peace with Poland, and of the Confederates retreat from before Deuxponts. Some say Mons. de Crequi pursues Mons. de Zell, and others on the contrary that Mons. de Zell will block up Mons. de Crequi, who hastens all hee can to gaine an advantageous post, without which hee is lost. Wee must wayte for the successe. " Since my letter was written, I have mett with St. Germain, mighty froward at what was said to him by a friend who was just come from the Confessour, being there when hee made answer to the Confessour of the Ambassadour (Rouvigni). This friend told him that the Ambassadour (Rouvigni) would spoyle all, and that hee had not the right apprehensions of things, to which the Confessour answered him that twas St. Germain must say this of the Ambassadour (Rouvigni) but that St. Germain was not well informed. St. Germain's friend replyed to the Confessour that what hee spoke hee tooke it from his owne self, and not from St. Germain. By which you may perceive how strongly the Confessour is prepossessed with the abilities of the Ambassadour (Rouvigni), and how necessary it will bee by some lucky hitt to gaine the Confessour's beliefe that St. Germain is not so ill informed and that Coleman hath greater power than the Ambassadour would have it believed." ' Endorsed {< No. 5o." {At the head of (he letter] " by Puckering." E 64159. 6 98 MSS. o* Sir W. [The Samk] to the Same. FlTZHERXiERT. ] 676, November — . — " I am much obliged to you for your letter of the Yy instant. My writing now is but to thanke you for it, having nothing new to send you. No not so much as of the merchants of Antwerp because the Confessor can doe nothing as yett. The Secretarie is gone for six weekes into the country as he sent St. Germain word. The Ambassadour (Rouvigni) is never to bee found. I have not seen Madame de Tremblay this twelve dayes. I have read your letter to St. Germain who was a little surprised at what you tell mee, that Coleman is incognito in the place from whence you writt to mee, and the rather for that the D and Duchess had bidd him goe into the countrey. St. Ger- main hath paraphrased much thereupon and is a little troubled at it. Putt us out of paine about it, if you can. My lodging being now in the rue St. Antoine at Mr. Warner's, it is but seldome I can see (87) Mr. Gray and his friend, because tis so far off. I am going into the country till nevvyeares day. but that shall neither hinder you having mine or my receiving of your letters, or doing whatever you desire of mee, as well as if I stayed in Paris, of which I shall not bee very farr otf. The affaire of the pension concernes Coleman only, and St. Germain wishes that the King of Fraunce would doe something in favour of some of his nephews, according to the letter from the D. of Y. to the King's Confessour. And this something, for example, might bee a good benefice encouraged with a pension in favour of Mr. Coleman, for though the state hee is in may be a hinderance of it, neverthelesse the life hee'd put to it, and the ser- vice hee renders to the Catholiques is more than a sufficient cause to incline the Pope unto it to whom it must . . . This is what in my last lettre I thought by your meanes Mr. Coleman should knowe. My last acquainted you with such conceptions as your Ambassador (Rouvigni) and his Confessor had of Mr. Coleman. After that hee may see what kind of people they bee.'* Endorsed « No. 56." (" The Rest of St. Germain's letters abstracted by Sir John Knight.") [The Same to the Same.] ta December 22 . , % r , 1676, — ; 7—. — I have received two letters from Madame de ' January 1 Fraralay by your means, and direct the answers to you. I grow jealous of Mr. Warner who receives letters from you weekly while I live in expectation. The plenipotentiaries parted on Monday. Three pieces of news are reported from England. Do you know that Father Shelden goes to trade with your incognito ? Do not mention thin. He told Ruvigny that he feared Coleman was not his friend on account of the businesse of the Archbishop of Dublin. I presume that what I say to you is the same as if I said nothing. " Translated by John Reresby," Endorsed " No. 5." Two pages of MS. Q. 23, 24, missing. [_A portion of a letter.'] " Confessor that the King ought not to do business with Denmark except through 39 (the Duke of York). That friend shall be called hereafter 41 (De Ruvigny) for I have not any name for him in the cypher." 99 " Translated by Rich. Temple." MSS. op Sir W. Endorsed " No. 3. These first six were perused by Sir Thomas FlTZHERBERT - Lee. Altered (?) by Sir John Knight." " St. Germaine's letters to Coleman." [St. Germain to E. Coleman.] 1678, October t^. "Pour avoir voulu defendre le Due de York Id pendant six mois on me siffle maintenant quand j'avois parle ; Pour me restablir il faut que Colman m'en donne les moieDs en me donnant des avis justes. Vous me dites que le Due de Bouquinquam [Buckingham] a fait do sa teste dessein ce qu'il a fait, et cependant on me dit, hier qu'il va Ambassadeur en Espagne; comment cela s'accorde il ? Laiton partit de France depuis deux jours pour Angleterre ou qu'il sera Secre. du Due de Bouquinquam en Espagne si ce Test Roy d'Angleterre est l'intelligence de tous." Endorsed " St. Germain's last letter to Coleman. Not to be decyphred." Instructions. u A French paper intituled Instruction." . . Sa Ma tie tres Xtian avoit grand envie de m'envoyer en Angle- terre mais quel n'osoit pas de peur de donner quelque ombrage ct que pas la mesme raison il ne m'osoit pas encorre parler de sa propre bouche, mais quil me prioit de vouloir assurer son Altesse par quelque secret moyen que sa Ma lie pran[ds] part en tout ses interests et quil luy servira en tout ce que luy tenu fort p[er]suade que my Lord Ar : nest ny dans les entiro . . . de sa Ma te , ny dans cettes de son Alt. quoy que quelques uns travallient a luy persuader ny que le reassemble de cette Parli mt peut estre utile pour le R : Britanique ny pour son Alt : quoyque my Lord Ar : par ces ag[en]cey veut soustenir &c. si doney son Altesse le droit a propos d' avoir un autre Pari . . . quil luy assistera de sa bource pour en faire une telle comme il souhaitte, et quil luy prie de luy vouloir faire des propositions la decres ou sur aucune chose quil jugerait apropos et utile estans resolii de faire tout son possible pour son service. Le Pere me dit encorre le friponery de Mons. de Sesaite et la follie des quelques autres des nostres mais que non obstant tout cela, et ausi quoy quil que sa Ma te scient fort bien que son Alt avoit envoye en Flandres, le quelle en verite donnoit en peu d'ombrage non obstant tout cela sa Ma te estoit resolu de confier entiere- ment en son Alt : et luy donner toute l'assistance imaginable, mais que stir tout il prioit son Alt : que par ces soins et ses complaisances l'tacheroit de confirmer une perfaite intelligence avecq son frere. II me disoit de[p]lus que si Mr. de Ruevigny nestoit pas un home a votre gre, ne en la quelle on pouvoit avoir toute la confeance, que S : A : n'avoit que me donner les moindres ordres pour le fair scavoir a sa Mt. . . . un tacheroit y envoyer une personne comme . . . . " [This is the end of the sheet.^ Endorsed " Num. 41. Instructions." o 2 103 Vnmura LETTERS. 1675 and 1676. W. Leybourn from Eome to E. ColExMAN. An Epitome of the Same. [Original.] Miscellaneous Letters. [The following portion of an Epitome of many letters, apparently jrom W. Leybourn to E. Coleman, is the only part extant.'] " particularly to Lord Arundell. I long for your next because it promiseth much which straitnes of time made you omit in your last. " July 10. — My last which was by the last post acquainted you that the letter of the Duke of York to the Pope was received. The good man in reading it could not abstain from teares. Cardinal Norfolk doth [illegible] answer, will shortly be sent, though upon the matter it hath been done anticipatedly. Greater tenderness with expression of kindnes and esteem could not be expected as you are desired to signify. "July 16. — What hath come to your mind concerning a match with the Prince of Florence and our Lady Ann deserves better reflexions than I am able for the present to make of it. Setting aside the interest which might move the Duke of Florence to desire it, I am verily perswaded that the greate respect he hath for the Duke of Yorke would set a great weight upon his inclination to carry him towards it. I had yesterday a letter from the Duke of Florence who continues his pressing earnestnes for compassing the busines which hath been so often men- tioned. I doubt it may linger a great while if such a reason be expected as may satisfy the enemies of religion. I thinke it might suffice to alledge that Mr. Plat is very unwelcome to the Duke of Florence. " July 30. — The court here will not be well pleased till the new difficulties which obstruct the peace of Nimeguen be removed. " July 24. — Mr. Gr[ane] is your servant this day he hath a brief of the Pope in answer to the letter of the Duke. "August 6. — These must acknowledge the receipt of youis dated June 28 and July .... The postscript in one of them was very welcome for the satisfactory matter it gave me for a letter to the Duke of Florence after two weekes silence to the point he is so much concerned for. The same post did also bring me a letter from Lord Arundell to the same effect, which I shall thank him for shortly. Cardinal Norfolk hath writ to the King . . . sent a letter from the Queen of Sweden desiring him to take her .... protection in the treaty in Nimeguen. Reasons to prove the J [End of page.] [The beginning of another page.] " pretences are sent to Mr. Cook. Cardinal Norfolk would be well pleased if Mr. Coleman would promote this interest with the Duke. August 13. — I have had thanks this week from the Duke of Florence for the account I gave him the last of what was contained in letters from Lord Arundell and Mr. Coleman about Mr. Piatt. August 20. — We have had this week three from you, one of them gave hopes of a letter from the Lord Arundell. I am indebted to our friends in Fleet Street for two letters. September 11. — A brief was sent last year dated about the moneth of May, and carried from hence by an Irish Bishop. Cardinal Norfolk would know if it were delivered to the Queen, the answer was late expected. Cardinal Barbarin is in pain to know whether a picture which he sent to her R[oyal] H[ighness] hath been received. November 20. — Yours of October 5 and 8 found me in the country with Mr. Grajne], tomorrow we return to Eome. I am sorry that my J01 leiter of September 11 as to that part which was in cypher, after the Mss. or Sib w. trouble it had given you, proved at length not intelligible. That which Fitzherbert. Cardinal Norfolk would know if delivered to the Queen was a brief sent to her from the Pope last yeare about the moneth of May and given by Cardinal Norfolk to an Irish Bishop who not passing by England delivered it to the Lady. November 28. — The confidence with which Mr. Coleman ends his letter to the Prin . . . doth much please, but that delivered by Mr. Cann in naming ... to Dutches Lauderdale the correspon- dent of Cardinal Norfolk is ... . wondered at. I hope Mr. Coleman will on this accident judge . . . necessarry to proceed with more caution and send a false name to write to him. Cardinal Norfolk hath had some answer from Portugal but no resolution, England's competitor is not Ca. Destre but Rospi[gliosi] to whose unkle the Prince and Princess of Portugal owe their . . . word torn off~\ December." [End of page.'] u December 18. — We are told the Duke of Modena intends a journey to London. Cardinal Norfolk will to his power second the demand which Barberine is to make in behalf of Prince Kenaldo, he saith that con- cerne was never touched by the Duke or Dutchesse in any letter to him, nor did the Dutchess of Modena when she was here seem to relish it much. "January 1, 1678. — The letter of the Duke to the Pope about the marriage of his daughter to the Prince of Orange hath been delivered. I confess the Pope remains satisfied that the Duke was in no fault, but in his intended answer will not touch the poynt. The busines of the Prince Rinaldo I fear is not yet ripe. "October 1, 1678. — Intercepted. This week's post brought but one from you under date of August 23. It was almost overtaken by an express dispatched from Nimeguen by the Pope's Nuncio who yesterday morning brought the welcome news of a peace made between France and Spayn. His Holiness went the afternoon to St. Marie Major to thank God for that publick benefit, and Te Deum like to be sung." [W. Leybourn to E. Coleman.] [1676J, April 17. Rome.— There is little to write of. Mr. Gr[ane] sends thanks for your weekly favours, and desires me to let you know that the Duke's letter to the Pope, given to Mr. Con, has miscarried. The nuncio at Paris acknowledges the receipt of the packet in which it was and says he sent it on. The Cardinal of Norfolk has informed the Pope and Cardinal Cibo who says the only remedy now is a duplicate. Things go on slowly as usual in the palace. It is reported that the Pope will shortly call to town some of his kindred and confer honours upon them without salaries. Your wise men much mistake foreign occurrences. There is no truth in the story that his Highness was expected in a few days in Florence, and Sir Bern. Gascoyn had been sent by the Duke to meet him at the frontier. Other reports con- cerning England are equally untrue though affirmed confidently. The Pope has lately given small pensions to the Cardinals. It is said the Cardinal of Norfolk has for his share 1600 crowns, part whereof will expire at the end of 6 years, according to the style of pensions given upon benefices in Spain and Portugal. This help it is thought bears but small proportion to his necessities. w But in this interested country and thrifty pontificate any little provision of this kind is thought con- siderable." 102 mss. op Sir W. W. Leybourn to E. Coleman. FlTZHERBBRT. — [1676,] May 2. [Home.] — I have received your letters of March 17 and 20. The two preceding letters were lost, having been taken a few leagues from Brussels. the Duke's " What you wrote of 115 being advanced one step towards the Card. Norfolk R. C. religion was a most welcome news to 090 who pre- Pope Card. Altieri sfcntly rejoiced 150 and 330 with it, and now your's of the Card. Norfolk our Pope Card. Altieri's 27 hath fully compleated, 990 150 and 330,. the Duchess's ' joy with it, as also 70 mother and grandmother who are in Rome Card. JNorfolk 55 and 990 presently acquainted, noe wonder if fooles take like fooles and knaves like themselves. Your correspondent I assigned you is your humble servant, but wee will not alwaies too often trouble you with superfluous expensive letters, specially myself who am the Duke mightily streightned for want of time. My humble duty to 115 the Dutchesse who I will serve unto death the best I can as also 70 who I Catholique hope will bring forth a happy 200. Some are anxious to know who will be Godfathers and Godmothers." The Same to the Same. 167G, May 16. [Rome.] — " I receive together your two of Friday the Duke the 7th and Munday the 10th Aprill, being much rejoyced 115 the Duke doth soe well not doubting of God's blessing, but if 115 or Duchess the Archbp. of Dublin Rome 70 employ 28 or his adherents in 55 Catholique it will but confound them and the 200 affaires with chymericall Rome visions, which at 55 are not esteemed more then to spoyle Rome Benedictine reall affaires. Neither will 55 esteeme a 831 comeing on such things as belong not properly to his trade, but- suppose 1 his businesse is to gett a little money for himselfe, which is not soe Prince Rinaldi's Card. Norfolk easily parted withall. And as to 634 affair 990 hath twice (although nobody ever spoke to him of it) spoken earnestly about, but as affaires stand nothing can at present be done for many Card. Fr. Barberine reasons, and you may be sure that 31 who hath soe long' the Dutchesse Mother Rome Card. Norfolk endeavoured it, and 78 now at 55 and 990 will doe their best when a fitting time and occasion will bee, without Archbp. of Dublin others foolish impertinent busy bodies ; and as to 28 pre- Duke vailing with 115 in his late resolution, few or none will beleive it here, 103 he being so used to write falsehoods and forgeries, that his saying it jjgg. op sir w. maketh it not beleived, but if it were soe de bono opere non lapidamus Fitzheebeet. te. He did his duty for which God recompense him. And as to what Mr. Sheldon the Arch bp. of Dublin 37 pretends to say in the other point betwixt 28 Rome and his [one or two words torn off] 55 needeth not such learned witts to teach those who know bet[ter] [one or two ivords torn off~\ have already as foolishly been fidling, but neither tidier nor fidlestick is regua[rded]. They may teach fooles to dance if they can, for that tune soundeth not . . right where a better is used. The best Mr. Sheldon Duke Dutchesse employment 37 can for 115 and 70 is to become a Benedictine 83 and pray for them quietly whiles t haveing nothing else to trouble you withal at present I am yours as you know." [The Same to the Same.] [1676,] June 20. [Rome].— No news. the Pope Pr. Kinaldi a Carclinall " Whatsoever I can with 150 for 634 being 346 the Dutchesse I shall doe my best in, and I am glad 70 will write to the Pope 150, which if ever before done it's a wonder it was not delivered Card. Altieri as 330 (who should know) tels me, but when this cometh I will the Duchesse deliver it, and tell both how 70 supposed hitherto a former the Duke's was. Your correspondent will be ready to obey 115 commands when he shall be honoured with them, and certainly hath good abilities a Bishop England for it. The new invented reports of 436 for 251 arechymeras, the Benedictine that haveing long since been disposed of, although 831 and England others played the fooles to stop the execution of it in 251, when it was not intended to be made use of but in due time, which others (at the Benedictines least as good as 831 and the Caballers) ought to judge, and when due time -will be the same party, per se vel per alium, vel alios, the Benedictines may dfle what will be to be done, for since 831 could not a Bishop Bishops gett to be 436 they would have two 436 in hopes to be the one, Ireland Armagh which would be altare contra altare, as in 10 betwixt 90 69 79 (?) Dublin and 28, but would be ever pejor priore, soe that they may set their minds and tongues at rest, and look Avell to what is committed to them. The French fired the Spanish and Holland shippes and galleys at Palermo most shamefully as I suppose you will heare more particularly from others. They say many of English marriners were with the French & . . Yours as you know." \_The figures given as 1 in these letters may be 4'#.] 104 MSS. ofSikW. [The original letter, of which this is an exact copy, is also in this Fjtzheebebt. collection. The interpretations of the cypher numbers are in a different kand*~\ A Note. " The letters next following were written from the same place (Rome) by Mr. Le) bourn to Mr. Coleman. Mr. Leybourn is said to have been in nature of a Secretary to the Cardinal of Norfolk." [ On the same page and in the same hand.'] W. L[kybourn] to E. Coleman. [1676,] September 5. [Rome.] — " Sir, I found in one of your last letters to Mr. Grane a desire of more punctuall correspondence from me t.hou ordinary whilst the conclave sitteth. This desire shall be comply ed with so farr as it is possible for me, but I feare your curiosity will not thereby remaine fully satisfied : \_The following upon a loose sheet seems to be the continuation of this letter.'] — Satisfied. Those within the conclave, who look more religiously upon their obligation, keeping their secrets to them- selves ; and amongst the great variety of reports which fly abroad it is not easy to distinguish truth from falsehood. I shall therefore be sparing in delivery of such particulars, leaving you to the publick fame, which in the case may upon the matter be relyed upon as well as the intelligence of those who pretend to have the best information. You will find here the list of the Cardinalls, which you desire, ranged under their several 1 parties or heads, but the order of their promotions is not exactly observed, especially in the creatures of Altieri and Urbini (?) (who before the other of the same name dyed was called S. Sisto) should bee in the fourth place, and Batadonne in the 9th. There may be other pretenders to the Papacy besides these which are mentioned, but I marke those which are most remarkeable. Cardinal Norfolk hath received letters from the King & Duke 990 89tt8 0774*2 Hv49 OBXe 500 9y2 115 enjoyning his adherence with France which he 4yxL&yxys 8x<£ 9284©4y74 Lxtt8 152j_8x78 84 appeereth by this post that to the Duke the Secre 9yl<£±40-l<7r8 38 nSxcp pX^nr tt89w ttA llo 21x6lxjx<£4 of the Duchess will see. -7r897ra7rXl 13 I refer you to other particulars to my Lord Arrundell and Cardinal Norfolk what I have writ unto eSjx02 90u>y241 9y2 990 to Mr. Hayd. Car. Norfolk will not accept the offer from 42. Many are of opinion the conclave will last long, especially if the French persist in their animosity against Altieri, who will be able in spite of them to hinder the election of any whom they would endeavour to have chosen without his concurrence. It would be a great service to the church if this quarrell (which seemes to have no deep bottome) were taken up. The present conjuncture seems most proper for it and Car. Norfolk might be a proper instrument 9y2 990 «x58ir 349 f*0x40 xyfaBvcljK I hear our 105 countryman the Cardinall of Norfolk hath his health well in the MS9. op Sin W Conclave, and gaines much in the opinion of his brethren. As matter Fitzherbert. occurres to feed your curiosity you shall hear further from your most humble servant W. L." The Same to the Same. 1676, September 21. Rome. — " Sir. The letters which came from you the last week had been acknowledged and answered by the ordinary way, had not the expectation of the great businesse perfected this morn- ing made mee willing to deferre writing two days longer. Cardinal Odeschelechi is the person on whom the great lott is fallen by an unanimous consent of the electors, and who was designed before by a general desire of the people : the two great Catholick Monarchs con- curring likewise in the election by their approbation of it, we have reason to promise ourselves that great matters will be done in his pontificate for the advancement of Catholick religion. Wee want here noe more at present to render our joys compleat then to bee assured that your Mistresse is happily delivered of a young Prince. This wee hope will be the subject of your next letter which therefore is expected with great impatience. My Lord hath by the currier who carries these writt both to your Mistresse and the Duke. You neede not be put in mind how requisite it is that the Dutchesse lose noe time in this occasion, but write with what convenient speed she can to his Holinesse, from whom she may promise herselfe all expressions that ought to be expected of a most tender and fatherly affection. The time I have for writeing of this is stolne from other businesses, which now calling for it againe oblige me to subscribe &c. &c. Card. Norfolk judgeth it necessary that the Duke write also to 990 x&>234ir8 xtt y474<£908 ^89^ 415 L0X04 94<£X 6X the Pope and that the Dutchesse Southampton 450 and that 21 X670 may doe well to propose. What was writt in the last letters concerning Prin. Rinaldi will bo taken into serious consideration. Greater difficulties are to be overcome then you there, without a long discourse, will easily be persu aded of. However the person to whom the businesse is recommended will not be wanting on his part." [In the margin.'] (This last P.S. is writt with the Cardinall's hand.) " Just now I understand of the Dutchesse delivery of a Princesse, which I told the Pope and all the Cardinalls of, who are all very glad. The Pope's name is Innocentius XI." [ Copies.'] \_A line has been run through all the cyphers in these letters which makes some of them difficult to determine.] Albany to 1674, June 5. Brussels. — M Jay receu ce mesme jour nosne lune du 22 de passe, qui est la seule que j'ay receu depuis nosne depart. Je suis marry d'entendre que Mrs. Clement agree mon service et attend avec beaucoup d'impatience les occasions de luy faire paraitre le zele que j'ay pour cela. Obligez moy de le des nouvelles de ce qui se passe par de la dont ie vous auray une obliga- tion tres sensible." Endorsed " de Monsr. Gabriel. 900." 106 MSS. op Sir "VT. ALBANY to . FlTZIlERBERT. ^ „ . — 10/ 4, September 4. — " J e suis fort marry d ap prendre par votre lettre du 14 (lu passe que les affaires de M. Clement continuent dans le mauvais penchant qu'elles ont fuis et qu'on doutoit si fort du mauvais succes de son proces. Je suis tousjours dans la curiosite de scavoir si le rapport s'en fera au mois de Novembre et vous prie de m'en mander les particularites le plus distinctement que vous pouvez. Je n'oublie pas l'advertissement que vous m'avez laisse touchant vos lettres lorsque vous f ustes iey mois il ne m'a pas este d'aucun usage jusques a cett heure. Obliges tisoi de la communication de vos nouvelles le plus souvent que vous pouvez et croyez que je suis plus que personne du monde." Endorsed ''' No. 7. " Albany to 1674, September 28. Brussels. — I have received this weeke two of your letters, dated the 4th and the 7th of this month by which I under- stand in wliat condition the Duke's process is. I wa3 ravished to find by the last that the tryal will be put off to another tyme, against the generall opinion. Without doubt this will extreamly rejoice the Pope and the Emperor whereof the first imployeth all his power, to accomodate the differences betvveene Spaine and France, and I doubt not but the consideration of contributing by this meanes to the advantage, of the Duke and of the Catholiques, will further incite him to solicite this affaire upon the relation which the Nuncio, will make to the Pope of the importance of its successe for the Catholiques of England. As for the Emperor he is soe zealous for the Duke's service, that I am assured he will omitt nothing on his side to facilitate whatever he shall find tend to the good issue of this affaire, whereof I will write to him particularily. Continue only to impart to me all the light that may serve to direct what it is to be treated on, I hope the next winter will give opportunity for more happy negotiations even to the mediation of the Pope, whoe hitherto hath not beene able to act att all as you have knowne from other partes. Endorsed <; No. 9." [At the head of the letter (17), and] " Translated by Humphrey Murch." to 1674-5, March 16. — " Truly I am soe great a blockhead that what you think needed not have [been a] mistery to me would have con- tinued, soe I am confident till Doomsday without this eclarsisement for I must confesse it should have been the last thing I should have guest you should make a secritt of for I should never have imagined it should have been a hazard to have said I could not read that letter. I am sorry you had not my two letters, I sent them you in the Abbot's packett, you must not lett them bee lost, for besides that I write very freely in them there is a letter from the old Gentleman to the Duke inclosed in one of them. What you understand not about allowing my cause the Duke time for the payment, those two mislayd letters will have eclarsised which I will not doubt but you have before this; I am sure I. meant it not for any money to bee paid to mee or for mee but onely to pursue that way of writinge and to tell you that I gratiously allowed him his own time and way to doe his own buisnes after I had don what I could and what I thought. You are in the right the Bishop of Dublin and Lord Ai rundell are not without the French King as they are then with the French King and have all that I can do for them to boot [two words 107 torn'] Duke himself in the posture of his cause to bee sure may ^jj* Z g^ R ^ R w - have employed himselfe all the faire sober honest or wise men of itz ^R be Rt- the Parliament his friends on his side who really may stand aloof [from] the French King be joyned with him for the French King's practices] you knew whether deservedly or noe ; it is no matter but they are sus- pected by a great many good men of the Parliament family who wish the Duke well and loosing them may be a loss indeed to the Duke. On the other side let us see what advantage the Duke may have being joyned with the French King supposing it heartily and really on the French King's side and that he would employ all his interest in his buisenesse. Money indeed is acuning sophister and has interest upon a great many of Parliamt. friends, but then they aro such as when they have promised £1000 all you can desire are not to be relyed on, you know those whome money have a power with are the scum of the family who will promise one thing to day and act quite contrary tomorrow, as Euvigny his predecessor was formerly found to the French King coste, and the one of the other, nor could you believe it unlesse you thought mee such a one too as wee know him to bee, our outward secret is well and hee seeth it very often for hee is not so [great] a foole not to know that I have discovered them, Thrugmorton knows not what to say to Coleman and Ruvigny's discourse nor what judgment to make of Pompone and Ruvigny their proceedinges, to deal freely with you Thruckmorton is nettled at it and thinks the Duke has a great deal of reason to resent it, for what is this discourse between Coleman and Ruvigny to the performing what Pompone promised Thrukmorton, Euvigny comes now to enquire of Coleman how hee shall place sum trust not to proceed to a tryall and their decisun of all but to stave of the brunt till the French King have made an end with Holland, the Emperor and Governors of the Spanish Neatherlands and then sayes hee to the King and Duke and all of you, now gentlemen do what you please. Ruvigny should be hanged in my poore judgment, durst I the Duke or Coleman before I would say a word to him or help him in the least but after all that has been said send to Pompone . . . [a different hand] Pompone promised Throckmorton not to dare trust the Duke with £100000 or half f 100000 his interest but comforting to Coleman whom to lay out abroad pec . . to an attorney. I say againe mee thinks I would show them I could drive en my interest without them and leave the heretick's whelp to follow his, and if the Duke and Coleman doe not find their account by these and, if it should happen soe againe the Duke were in a worse condition than, ever, besides hee shall have the ... to have trusted to people who have used him ill and would trust him noe more than a common solicitor of that cause ; that is my sentiment I must confesse, if there be hazard in all sides I would choose that way that I might perish the more honorably. I shall submit however and shall if I can take some hand- some opportunity of speaking to Pompone ; as to my friends you speak of I have told you in mine last post how it was with me. " They are not people who I must pretend to governe or propose things abruptly to I loose my credit with them then, but as I have already told you if once they were handsomely introduced and received by the Duke I am sure they and what they had would lye at his feete." Endorsed " No. 36." [And a few signs.] [A copy.] : [St. Germaine to E Coleman.] 1675, April 13. — " I hear that Capt Bourgh, by whome 1 wrot fell sicke by the way, I know not therefore if you have received it yet or noe. The 108 FriznERBEHT." sjimm of it was to desire you a lit tie to consider what 1 were best to — doe, you are the properest to judge how I may serve my [cousin] A the Duke or whether I may be serviceable att all or noe, for that way, a pro- bability of it, soe I have but bread to keep me alive, I prefer before all other things in the world. But supposing I could not be usefull in that I have I thinke but two things to propose to myself, and those I men- tioned to you and desired your direction for my choise, it is either to retire or to endeavour to push my fortunes in the wars abroad. For the first I told you (though I hope I should bear it well enough to Germany) it is not to be done out of gaietie de ceur, and for the second I have onely Spaine, France, and Holland, to thinke of. For the latter truly I have noe greate minde to it, I hate the people and their cause. For the second I like them very well but as I told you att large theire troopes consists of two sorts, eyther natives or foreigners. For the first theire pay is soe small, that there ia never a Collonel who spends not 1500 pistols a peece att least more than the proffitt of the regiment, and that you know is not for my purpose. For the second they are either Sweeces, Italians, or our King's subjects. Of these latter there are foure regiments of which Doughlas and Hamilton are first for Lieu- tent Collonel to Monmouth which is equall to any other Regiment; and Churchill I have wrot to you any times these three monthes about being assured that neyther Churchill nor Clarke would come over any more, but heareing nothing from you of it makes me conclude that eyther you have seen not those letters, or that there is nothing to be done in it, and consequently noe thoughts of any thing for me in France. Wherefore then my last hope must be for Spain in which I told you my cousin A. the Duke's recommendation and help would be verie necessary, and therefore desired you if things went soe that you thought there could be noe use of me another way to sollicite my cousin A . the Dukes cause this turn etc. that you would speak to my cousin A. the Duke about it, for if I loose this campayne too I must never thinke of souldiering more, for the lost of two yeares in an active war is never to be recom- penced in my age, and if war must be my trade I had better lost a limb then last campayne ; but you know I have not wherewithall to volunteere it any more, wherefore if you judge I am not likely to be usefull to A the Duke pray try what might by A the Duke's interest be in Flanders, for it is an idle unacomptable thing for me to be thuse, you will know my meaning I hope especially if you have my letters, I would not willingly be such a burthen to you as necessary ly I am without some hopes of serveing A. the Duke yourselfe as [my] owne self att least by it, and that I cannot express . . . what I now doe for I cannot soe much as convince my cousin A. the Duke by this life that I would serve him, that, I am a little capable of it and that I might share of his good opinion, at leaste, it hath nothing else to give the same t s being ruined and if I am to begg it shall not trouble me, if I can but serve him, or att least convince him that I would, and if I cannot doe that I would then desire you to advise me which of the other two propositions you are for. I have been forced to draw the bill uppon Mr. Arthur this post, you will be pleased to acquaint him with it that it surprise him not. It is this makes me presse you to advise me, not any other impatience, for I know if it be likely that I can eyther serve A. the Duke or my selfe by my stay here you will not grudge any paine uppon that accompts, but if there be not that I would not presse you for money att present, and ruine us more if it be possible att last without any prospect of good to some of us. .109 I have noe letter these two last posts from you soe I have little to mss. op Sir w. say to you, and the trueth is D. S. has kept me three houres this FlTZ ™ BERT - morning, I will see youi friends as soone as these great holy days are over. We have here a report that Mr in the neighbouring of Gent T was told last night that Madam de Montespan has retired herself without the King's knowledge into a nunnery, and thence has writt to desire him never to see her more. There are discants made upon it some that it is zeal and that she intends to change, others that it is only to whet love, what there is of that I know not but the matter of fact I believe is true though I have not been att court, however pray name me not for the author. Pray persuade yourself and Lady thai noe body loves you more nor is more your humble servant than I am." Albany to 1675, June 3. — u Vous avez deja . . sans doute appris par les nou- velles publiques i'affaire de 220 qui vous servira d'une exposure . . . . de l'affeclion de 250 aux affaires de 289 dont vous pouvez ainsy . . . une consequence tres assuree de ce que vous desirez esperer quand les affaires de Mr. Clement aurez besoin de Fassistance de 900. Je suis bien aise d'apprendre que ses affaires ne recoivent jusquis a cetteheure aucun preiudice dans le proces [2 words torn off] et si servis [torn off] . . . le detail de vos affaires comme vous m'auiiez faier esperer par . . . derniere lune de 7 Avril, apres laquelle ie n'en ay pas receu d'aucunes j'en attend avec impatience de recevoir plus que [torn off] . se depense [torn off] ce que ie crois de m'envoyer de nouvelles de Mr. Clement . . . ceque nous luy aurez faier esperer de m'informer tres particulierement de ce que se passe en un moment." Endorsed " 900." E. Coleman to the Internuncio. 1675, August 30. Windsor.— " It is true sir that (260) the Pope hath given us a dear and evident mark of his affection toward the (260 of 289) Catholics of England. But (Monsr. Gabriel) the Internuncio hath testified noe lesse in doing justice to the merits of (220) Cardinal Norfolk," which he mentioned in his letter of the 6th of July, since wee have reason to attribute his success to the just (or favourable) character that Monsr. Gabriel (the Internuncio) hath given of him. I doe not at all apprehend that (Monsr. Gabriel) repenteth himself of the good offices that hee hath done him, but that hee will find them recompensed by the satisfaction which hee will receive in his friendship. " As for (Monsr. Clement) the Duke, I beleeve that hee hath already found the effect of your prayers, and that hee hath almost surmounted all the difficulties which have opposed his establishment. The face of his affairs is well changed, for wee now passionately wish to see the coming on of (125) the Parliament, which wee soe much feaied before, and while it was held doubtfull whether we ought to meet or noe, wee employed all our power to bring it on, which point we have gained but within these few days. And for my part I noe ways doubt that wee shall receive as much good by it as wee apprehended of ill, provided that (Monsr. Clement) the Duke, faile not in the execution of the good resolutions which hee hath taken. There is but one thing to bee feared where I have a very great apprehension that can hinder the success o our designes, which is a division amongst the (260) Catholics them- selves, which hath already broke out at Paris amongst some (260) Catholics of (289) England touching some difference of opinion in their debates. 110 MSS. op Sir w. '* I find that some of them have sent their complaints to (900) Rome to FiTznBnBERT. i iave t keir antagonists condemned. I have no intimate acquaintance with the person complained of, and I dare affirm that hee hath made . . . ice as many (260) Catholics in (289) England, of those which were [one word torn off] before as any other person of his quality, and that hee is as well inclined toward (250) the Pope, and his whole family as the best [of the] accusers, and I assure you hee hath many friends here of the tirst rank of (260) Catholics, who would not engage in his affaires if they did not believe that hee marched steadily toward the common end, although hee affecteth sometimes to express himselfe somewhat different from some of his brothers. As for mee I beleeve there is too much passion on both sides, and if it shall soe fall out that his enemys prevail against him, and procure his condemnation at (900) Rome, I [am] afraid that divers others will take occasion from thence to fall [upon] many (260) English Papists before (125) the Parliament, desir[ing] its friendship about some extravagant propositions concerning the authority of (250) the Pope, to which the other (260) Catholics ca[nnot] submit; which will give occasion to (125) the Parliament to . . . their conjunction to those who require it upon the conditions before mentioned, that is conditions prejudicial to the authority of (250) the Pope by the hatred which they bear to all the (114) Religion of the (260) Catholics, because they may persecute the rest of them with m[ore] appearauce of justice, and ruine the one halfe of them more easily than the whole body at once. Soe that it seemeth to mee that all the (L 14) Religion should bee much more severely dealt with by reason of their complaint than now it is. It would be very improper in the present conjuncture of our affaires to make any division betwixt the (260) Roman Catholicks of (289) England upon any occasion whatsoever. (( But for my part I doe not perceive any prejudice that can befall (114) the Religion from any of those things against which some persons [seem to] bee soe furiously enraged, because to my apprehension there is n[othing] contained in them, but what hath heretofore been maintained [seem to] of worth and honesty, with the general approbation of the w[hole] world, and particularly by D. Eiizade a Spaniard in his [work] entitled De forma verm religionis et invent .... If you doe not understand the subject of this letter our friend from whose band you shall receive it will informe you, and let you know the persons and all the matters which have passed betwixt them, and when you shall bee fully possessed of them, and shall possibly come to bee of my opinion that it is necessary to prevent all differences betwixt the Romanists of England at this present conjuncture I hope you will contribute your utmost endeavour to prevent the condemnation of (900) Rome in anything that may occasion a breach among the Catholicks of England. I very well know that Monsr. Clement (the Duke) will hold himselfe much obliged by those who shall concerne themselves in the pacification of this disorder, from whence wee dread soe much mischief, and that (700) the Emperor and (Monsr. Gabriel) the Internuncio cannot performe an office more gratefull to him than to prevent (250) the Pope, or any of his family, to embark themselves in this affair which would raise some dispute among us, &c." " Translated out of French according to the key received from the Committee of Lords for examining Coleman's papers." to Mr. Coleman. 1675, December ^y. Paris. — " I found your letter at my arrival! at Paris which gave me a most sensible joy to see myself yet in your Ill remembrance, and more in your favour for which I thank you with all MSS. of SirW. my heart as for a present the most precious 1 could receive on your FlTZI ^ BERT - parte and I conjure you to treate me as the most pasionate of your friends and the most faithful of your servants. I have spoken con' 62 488 cerning Mr. Coleman to the King of France's Confessor and I found 300 him well disposed to enter into the commerce of the Catboliques, but to 91 tell you the truth I have cause to believe that father Sheldon hath 62 136 made some ill impressions of Mr. Coleman to the King of France as of a person whose advice is too violent to succeed in the traffick wherein 39 the Duke of York is ingaged. I will endeavour to discover the truth in a little time, thev have expressed to me a great desire to help the 300 39 Roman Catholiques and the Duke of York in their business but it's feared that some merchants that are come to thwart them should not 163 alter the King of France as to the point of money for they say they see noe fruite of it, and moreover there are some that doe much decry the 39 163 Duke of York in the mind of the King of France as if he had no creditt at home little feared and less capable to execute anything ; you may believe me, if I am deceived send me word exactly what there is to be said in it for they will heare me, and I hope to speak with the 163 King of France in a few daies ; you know who I am. I salute Madam your wife, my respects to all my friends, I am come hither the day before yesterday which was Thursday and I write to you to-day being Saturday, my letter ought to be with you on Wednesday or Thursday, Sir 'tis your humble servant Dr. Ponthieu for it is soe that you ought to write the adress of your letters for me, I am at the College of Dermont in St. James Street. I think you had best address your letters to me myselfe without passing them through the hands of Mr. Warner. The letter that was given you was not from Madam 88 Ruvigny but from Madam de la Tremblay who writt to me from 163 Paris. I tell vou again that the King of France is not resoived to 41." recall Mr. de Ruvigny from the traffick he hath engaged him in ; he knows he hath done more hurt than good, but other considerations retard that affaire. One of your friends says that he will see if he can 62 make him understand things ; but Coleman must unfold to me very well what he aimes at and the meanes to arrive to it ; the same friend says 163 alsoe that he hath made the King of France his Confessor conceive that 163 160 the King of France ought not to doe any business with Denmarke but 39 by the meanes of the Duke of York and he promised & hath engaged 488 himself upon his life to the Confessor to make all things succeed soe 112 MSS. of Sir w. they go by that way. Hath he done well, and doe you know that FlTZHERBERT. 4 J frierxl ? He shall be called hereafter Monsr. de Ruvigny for I know not any name for him among your cyphers." " Translated by Richd. Temple." Superscribed for Mr. Coleman, Secretary to Her Royal Highness." [Endorsed] " No. 3. These first six were perused by Sir T. Lee. St. Germain's letters." to 15 1675, December Paris. — " I cant help writing to you againe this weeke, having two things to communicate to you, one is that I've seen Father Sheldon, who dessignes to goe and transact concealed in your country. He thinks to begin his journey in 8 or 10 days, but take no notice of this for feare it be known who told it you. He would by all means that I should carry him to wait upon the King's Confessor where he uses his own uttmost endeavours as also the interest of every body besides to ingratiate himselfe he will not be thought a marchant and therefore weares a sword and lodges with the Archbishop of Dublin. They both of them as I am told pvesse forward that businesse whereof he writ to you, and which you communicated to me. The other thing is that the King's Confessor told us that the King of France did think in good earnest to recall Mr- de Ruvigny from the management of his affairs in England. But Father Sheldon does not like him that is to be sent in his roome, because he says he is not of those men here which are most fitt for our designs, altho he be very dextrous, and I am of his mind as well for that reason as for others which I know which I cant tell you as yet. Therefore if you'l tell the Duke if there be any man for the purpose here which he approves of, he needs but signifie it to Mr. Ruvigny and hec'l work so with the King's Confessor that it shall be effectually proposed to the King. This would be a great advantage to the designs of the Catholicks. I expect to hear from you. I saw my Lady Throckmorton yesterday, who came to Paris to ly in, and goes back to Pontoise within few days, she has gott a paine in her leg, which has continued since her lying in. My most humble service to Mrs. Coleman be known ike to nobody else because I dont think it necessary it should be known I write to you so often. [In another hand at the beginning'] " Duncombe." \_A n original letter.] De Ponthieu to . 3 1675, December -y^. Calais. — "It is impossible for mee to abstaine from writing to you any longer ; I do not know how I stand with you, but I assure you that I ought to be extremely well thought of having never done anything in relation to you that could render mee unworthy of the friendship which you have allways had for me ; and I dare even say that I have always done things so as to merite still more. For all this will you not take it ill if I speak freely to you, me thought I saw all your kindnesse towards me grow somewhat cold the very last moments of my stay in England; and I was fully resolved to clear this point before my departure, had it not been so precipitated. God did not permit t it, and our will must yield to his ; yet remember that I am unsatisfied in the niatter ; and nothing is able to cure me, if you have not the goodiiesse to show me some real marques of the same confidence 113 with which you were heretofore pleased to honour me ; and which made MSS. op Sir w. mee passe soe many happy houres in your company. I carry your FlTZHBBBEBT - cyfers with me, and I tell you of it that this may serve you whether you intend to make use of me, or that you think it fitt to doe otherwise ; However in what place soever God puts mee you shall always have a most obliged, most faithful, and most diligent servant. My leaving London without being justified troubles mee much, and would vex me infinitely more if I had not done on my part all that a man of honesty and honour could doe. Think of me as of the person in the world who is most, &c." Endorsed "No. 2. Nothing." Edward Peters to Mr. Tunstall at Burton. 1677-8, February 23. — " I have but tyme to conveigh these following particulars to you ; first I am to give you notice, that it hathe seemed fitting to our Master Consult' provincial to fix the 21st day of April next, styl. vet., for the meeting att London of our congregation on which day all those that have right off suffrage are to bee present there, that they be ready to give a beginning to the same on the 24th day which is the next day after St. George his day, you are warned to have jus suffragii, and therefore in case your occasions should not permitt you to be present you are to signify as much to the end others in their ranckes bee ordered to supply your absence ; everyone is minded also not to [hast] into London long before the tyme appointed nor to appear much about the Towne till the meeting bee over, least occasion should bee given to suspect the dessigne. Finally secresy as to the tyme, and place is much recommended, to all those that receive summons, as it will appear of its own nature necessary. 3° pro Domino Solono debito Benefact. prov. Linensis. I am so straitened for tyme that I can only assure you I shall bee truly glad of obliging you any ways. Sn yor Servant E. D. P. Postscript. — Pray my services where due." \A copy.~\ " Some Notes of Evidence." 1678, October 29.— (fol. 101) " Coleman acknowledged that Lord Lords' journal. A[rundel] of W [ardour] knew of Coleman's going over to the Inter- [Three lines of nuncio at Brussels. shorthand.] 1678, November 8. — " Lord Arundel does not deny it." [This entry is crossed out.~\ " Lived with Mr. Coleman as his footman for about a year and half John Tewdor. before his imprisonment, in which time his Master did frequently visit my Lord Ar[undel] of Wa[rdour], sometimes once or twice in a day, and in the afternoon of the day before his apprehending his master was twice at my Lord's, and he was that afternoon allso with Mr. Wright. " The 8 following receipts and papers, among others, were found in ^ sa ^ Brad my Lord Ar[undel] of Wa[rdour's] possession. ley seized them. " Three several receipts given by J. Fenwick, dated 15 February, 1675, Boatman and 12 January, 1676, and 23 January, 1677, for three several sums of £25 • • away can paid by his Lordship for three several years pensions for his grand child P rove these Hen : Arundell (or Spenser as he is sometimes called) presumed to be Vj 8 for his maintenance at St. Omer. [Six lines of "Another paper, which appears to be the same handwriting with shorthand the other three, that is Fenwick's, which states the first account struck out] E 61159. tt 114 (sic.) ^Fra'zHBraraJT saying, Henry Spenser arrived at £la*»stoed St. Omers July 26, 1673, — ' and said he was there at £25 per annum. Can prove. " A receipt given July 23, 1678, by William Ireland for £10 paid by my Lord Ar[undel] for my Lord Tenham. " A receipt given his Lordshipp November 20, 1675 by WilliaH* ifekwud: James Corker for £30 being consideration [one or two words torn off] due to William Brent Esqr. to whose use and by whose appointment 'twas received. r A c , .» j " A like receipt given July 18, 1669 by Henry Latham for £30 due [A shorthand , -,-> , A .. i n , » J J J 2f t e \ to Brent April 28 betore. " A like receipt given December 1, 1674 by the same for £30, due to him for 6 months allowance for £1000. '* Upon which writings these observations may be made "1. It hereby manifestly appears that my Lord had such a grandson at St. Omer, which hugely confirms Mr. Otes' testimony. " 2. It shews his Lordshipp had correspondence with Ir : Fe : &c. (tho 'tis mentioned in the Lords journal that he denyed any such correspondence). "3. In the paper which states the first account about H. Spenser, the word Flamsteed is plainly legible, though there be, as here, a line drawn through it ; and then follows the word St. Omer. Now Otes sais Flamsteed was a word of cabal or cypher, to signify St. Omer, and it seems it ran so much in the Jesuits head that he had writt it before he recollected himself, and this too confirms Mr. Otes. " 4. As to the money paid to Mr. Brent's use I know not any observa- tion to be made. I suppose upon the score of the phrase-divinity they would not call it interest or usury, though it was no other. " 5. I adde this observation that upon the 6 receipts dated February 15, January 12, July 23, November 20, July 18, and December I, there are indorsements titleing or noting the contents of the several receipts, and those indorsements are writ in the same hand that the indorsement on the drawn-bill above mentioned is viz The Act of Parliament drawn by Mr. Attorney &c, supposed my Lord ArundelPs owne [hand]. "Give in evidence the convictions in the Oxford circuit, and that of Redding. Jam us Salgado to . [A document of ten pages in Latin purporting to be a letter from Salgado a Spaniard to his spiritual father with a report of a confes- sion made to him as a priest, by one Netterville, a prisoner in the MarshalseaJ] Netterville had received a message from the Lords in the Tower desiring him to find some man to swear that the Plot originated with the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Shaftesbury. He therefore bribed the man who stole the King's crown (Salgado does not remember the name) to swear to this effect for £500, and the man revealed the whole matter to the King's Secretary. (Homo taliter conductus totum nego- tium Regio Secretario revelavit). Upon this Oates and Bedlow were sent to see Netterville in the prison, and he then expected to be called before the Parliament. In which case he said he would say nothing but that he had heard this story from Father Kelly. While we were talking a woman, a friend of his came into his cell (cubiculum) and he spontaneously said this woman has come to me from the Lords in the Tower, because it might excite suspicion if they sent a man. I then asked him if he would hold to this statement of his intercourse with the Lords, and he in a timid voice cried out A.nglice ' O Lord,' I only speak of it to you as a priest. 115 Then lie said that he had procured his freedom from Father Kelly by MSS. op Sir W. giving ten shillings security for him and five to the Justice's clerk. FlTZ ^^ BBET ' That Kelly had been ungrateful, and that his name in prison had been Samuel Mons, or Ormond. I do not remember which it was. Then he said he was not ready for confession at that time but asked me to come to him again the next morning. He then confessed nothing but that Oates and Bedlow had asked him whence he got the money, and he had answered from Ireland. " Quod satis impertinans ad con- fessionem existimabam " Then he said Oates was a villain. That he was always wanting money from the Superior when he was a Jesuit, and had taken up this course of obtaining money w T hen it was refused him by the Superior. Then he asked me, extra confessionem, when the Lords would be brought before Parliament and said he feared they were in great danger. I asked him how he lived. He answered coldly of his own means or by help of his friends. This is all. It seems to me that he is supported by the Lords in the Tower. I do not think he is altogether innocent, but I leave him to God. " In Vine Street at the sign of the Vine near Hatton Garden. Jacobus Salgado, Hispanus." " Presbyter Conversus." The Same to the Same. By your orders I visited Netterville again on May 3. He repeated the former statement that he thought the Lords were in the greatest danger, especially because the Earl of Shaftesbury, their sworn enemy, was to be their judge. He also said that he had obtained the freedom of a certain Russell and Kelly, and that the name of the man who stole the crown was Berry. I pointed out to him that he was not bound to keep faith with heretics, and pressed him to tell me what he had written to the Lords. He answered that he would willingly do so, and that I could safely correspond with Talbot his relative, who is now under arrest in Ireland. He told the woman of his dealings with me, and when I remonstrated he said she was most zealous in the Roman Catholic faith and could be trusted. " I strongly advise that the jailers should be instructed to watch and apprehend this woman." [Cop?/.] Endorsed "From Sir Thomas Meres." " Mr. John Fenwick's Papers, opened the 5th of October 1678. 1678, October 5 :— 1. A general Alphabet, or list of names and addresses. 2. Another folio for addressing of letters. 3. A general account of receipts and payments of money for the use of young men admitted to the seminaries &c. A thick folio. 4. Another thick folio of accounts of money received and paid in generall, in which Mr. Busby is very often mentioned, where among other particulars there is an entry in August last that £400 was left with R. Hinton, goldsmith, at 5 per cent, to be called in at 20 days notice. 5. Another thin folio, being a list of names and some small money mentioned, marked C. Two bundles looked through, which contain letters from all parts generally relating to money for the supply of novices at St. Omer's &c. h 2 116 ^Fitzhekbert' Also catalogues of their names, and the several forms and classes they* — 4 ' learn in. Also of their true names and false names, and several addresses to find out people up and down here in England. Reliques with a little book. Some letters of Mr. Ireland, laid by on purpose to compare his hand. Some notes of Mr. Fenwick's laid by for the same end. Also some notes of a letter signed by Titus Oates, laid by for the same end. Lists for sixteen counties that show the false names, the true names, the country's condition, arrival, departure, some of debts due, some of payments, and the party taking care of each district. Lists of sums due at St. Omers for the particular parties therein named. Bills of exchange (the duplicates) from 1676 to 1678 for £6703 105. 6d. "A minute of several letters found in the papers of Mr. Fen wick,, searched the 5th and 6th of October 1678. 1678, August 18.— Hen. Tas. to Mr. Fenwick.— Chides him for saying and unsaying the certain price of maintaining lads at St. Omers. That hereafter he should himself come into the country and agree for them. That if Mr. Ireland were then out of towne his letters ought to have been opened by Fenwick and answered. A Bill of £106 sent to Mr. Ireland last month. 1678, August 20. — James Butler observes that Mr. Ireland was not in towne, but it does not appear where his letter was writ. 1678, July 31. — W. Dickiieid Smith adviseth that they are busy among their countrymen in the hospitals, snatch some out of the enemy's claws at the last gasp. April 24. — Father Penington- tells . . . how zealous he is, and hopeful the work, if assisted. 1677-8, February 13. — A letter from Ignatius Pippard. Mem. under this name go letters to Peter Talbot. 1677, May 9. — From Alanson at St. Omer to Fenwick, that he should disperse some papers on the recess of the Parliament. 1668, July 25. — From Charles S tanner to Kichard Bannister, how £1500 was given to them by one Roger Manners. 1667, June.— Extract of Mr. letter to Fenwick about £6000 given by the Lady Mordant to be laid out at Holywell. And another paper by Fenwick. 1677. — Copy of the Will of William Peters, son of Sir Francis Peters, Bart. Gives all his estate, real and personal, to Peirce Butler, Edward Coleman, and William Gawers. Revoking all other wills. 1678, May 22. — Mr. Thimbleby, alias Ashby, from St. Omer, talks of April's assignations, then he complains that Mr. Coleman fails to send his news letter which was expected so long, as his nephew was there on free cost. 1678, September 6. — Mr. Lewis tells Mr. Fenwick of a mission newly sent, one Henry Powell. The lad now in custody. 1678, September 13. — From . . Clare at St. Omer to Richard Thimbleby, by which it appears this man was returned from the Bath. 117 An account of the rents of some marsh lands near Fevcrsham. MSS. of Sir w FlTZHERBERT 1678, August 25. — From Slaplelon, rector 6t' St. Omer to Fenwick. — Touching a mission to Sevill (which may be Crump now in Newgate). That Mr. White was hard at work, and making all haste over ; Carey was preparing to go on to Rome. That if from tin's hemisphere he could discover a storm threatening, though afar off, make what haste you can over that we may at least reap some fruits of our labours and expenses, by a good use of that which they have produced. Nil mihi rescribas attamen ipse veni. Hons is not relieved, which is a sign the Confederates fall short of their aim. 1678, September 29. Stapleton to Fenwick. — If you please to in- form Mr. Blundell of you would oblige me. Be sure your next "brings us c;ood news of our master. From Maryland. 1678, June [or January] 12. — Mr. Forster writes to Mr. Fenwick a large account of 24 reconciled &c. and then a full stale of their temporal what land, what cattle, what tobacco, what debts, and where. L678, April 19. — A letter from Samuel Terrill to Fenwick, He appears to have some office in the custom house. 1678, August 7. — A letter from Edward Preswick to John Groves about a " box of oyles," and some marked C. Assigning Counsels' parts for the Lords trial. Mr. Powle - - To open the evidence. Mr. Serjeant Maynard - "I ™ . -, Sir Fr. Wilmington - / To P eruse the evldenc3 - Sacheverell - " t Lord Arundell. i rencher - - J Col. Titus - - 1 T -i -o 4 SirH.Capell- _ } Lord Pelers. Vanghan - " I Lord P. Seymour - - J Sir T. Stringer -1 Sir T. Flayer - - > Lord Bellasis. Sir T. Meeres - - J Mr.Treby - I } Lord Stafford. Mr. Serjeant Maynard - 1 ™ . , cr I/ xkt' - t ? 1° su:n U P the evi len?e. bir Jbr. Wmnington -J r An Order in Council. 1679, October 15. — Upon the petition of Thomas Knox that he, being summoned before the Committee of the House of Lords upon information that he had scandalised Mr. Oates, may have certain of his papers which were delivered to the Secret Committee of the House of Commons, and are now in the hands of Mr. Treby, Chairman of the said Committee; it is ordered that the papers be deposited in the hands of the clerk of the Council who shall act upon their Lordships' directions. The papers were delivered to the Committee on April 29, 1679, and consisted of four letters directed to Mr. Knox, subscribed, W. Osborne, John Lane, dated April 2, 4, 6, 20th. An Information by Thomas Knox. One of W. Osborne and J. Lane's relating to his Majesty. 118 mss. of Sir W. INFORMATIONS, DEPOSITIONS, &c. FlTZHERBEET. — 1678. Dec. 24. S. Dugdale. Dec. 29 1678-9. Jany. 8, 11 "l7, 11-32, 23, 21, 31. „ February 12, 21, 21, 24. „ March 21, 24, 25, 26, 27. „ April 14. 1679. March 26. Bedloe. 1678, December 24. — "The Information of Stephen Dugdale gentle- man late servant to the Lord Aston of Tixall concerning the Plott against our Soveraigne Lord the Kinge as followeth. 1. That Informant saith that presently after one Howard, Almoner to the Queene, went beyond the seas hee was told by George Hopson, servant to the said Lord Aston, that there was a designe then intended for. the reformation of the government to the Romish religion. 2. Hee informeth that in the beginning of September 1678 hee mett in Tixall nigh the Lord's gates the Lord Stafford, who said to this informant it was sadd that they were troubled for that they could not say their prayers but in a hidd manner ; but suddenly there would be a reformacon to the Romish religion, and it there was but a good successe they should enjoy their religion. And upon the 20th day of Sept. last, the said Lord Stafford told the informant that there was a designe in hand, and if hee this informant would undertake the designe hee should have a good reward and make himselfe famous. 3. Upon the aforesaid day immediately after this informant went into the chamber of Mr. Francis Wrie, alias Evers, a Jesuite in Tixall, and asked him what the Lord Stafford meant by those words and after hee had made him to sweare secrecy upon his knees hee told him hee might be a person employed in the worke and make a good reward, that would make him famous, and hee then told him hee must be instrumentall in taking away the King's life, and that it should be done by shootinge or otherwise and that this informant need not to feare for the Pope had excommunicated the Kinge, and that all that were excommunicated by him were hereticks, and they might kill them and be cannonised for saints in soe doing. 4. This informant saith that the said Evers and Hopson both said that the designe was as well to kill the Duke of Monmouth as the King. 5. That George North (nephew to Pickering and servant to the Lord Aston) lately told this informant that they had taken his uncle (mean- ing Pickering) and putt him into Newgate and thought the King deserved such an execrable death as was intended him, because of his whoreing and debauchery. 6. That Mr. Evers said Mr. Bennifield had a packquett of letters delivered to him from the Post house which he fear'd the Lord Treasurer had notice of and therefore had delivered them to the Duke of Yorke and the Duke delivered them to the King and that the King gave them to the Treasurer after hee had read them, but that the King did not believe them, and therefore it was happye or else the plott had been discovered. 7. That he had received many packquetts of letters for Evers some of which this informant broake up and found them to be and tend to the establishing of the Romish religion. 8. That he had received several! sumes of money himselfe and knew of diverse others that were employed to putt forth money which waa and is for the Jesuitts use." 119 r Endorsed] "Received at the Committee from the Earle of Essex ami MSS. of SirW there read 24 January 1678-9." Fixzhbrbeht. 1678, December 29. — " Mr. Stephen Dugdale further saith that since the 20th day of Sept. last the Lord Stafford did promise him £500 as to the carrying on the Plott &c. And that Mr. Evers should give him instructions about the same, and that the Lord Stafford told him he did not doubt of his fidelity, for Mr. Evers had given him a good character to be trusty, and the Lord Stafford further told him that there was a designe to take away the life of the King and the life of the Duke of Monmouth, and that severall other persons were to be imployed in the designe besides this informant. And that this had been throughly con- sidered of, to bee the fittest way for the establishing the Romish religion. And at the same time the Lord Stafford laid his hand upon his head and prayed God to keep him in his right mind and to be faithfull to what he was intrusted hi, and forthwith the said Lord went out of the hall in Tixall into the parlour, and further saith that shortly after Mr. Evers imposed the same matters on him this informant and he doubting of the Lord Stafford's payment Mr. Evers promised him the makeing good my Lord Stafford's promise, and told him that Mr. Harcott and Mr. Ireland, Jesuitts, should pay him, who had sufficient in their hands to defray it and other charges whatsoever. And further that Mr. Evers told him this informant that severall gentlemen in the county had moneys in their hands for the carrying on the worke, but were shie to it here but had entred into covenant for it at St. Omers and that hee received a letter from Mr. Warner a Jesuite which did continue the same and that the said money should be speedily returned into the hands of Mr. Harcott the Jesuitt. And further saith he saw a letter directed to Mr. Evers which he broke upp and read and knowed it to be the Lord Stafford's writing and that therein was written that things went on well beyond seas for the carrying on the designe and soe he hoped it did soe here in England. And further Mr. Evers told this informant that there were severall -Indulgences for the pardoning those that were concerned in the designe, and these he believes came from Mr. Ireland." [Copy. Endorsed,'] "Delivered to the Committee by the Earl of Essex and their read January 4, 1678-9." 1678-9, January 8. — " Mr. Stephen Dugdale aged about 40 years being sworne saith that having been soe lately on his journey he wants a little time and rest to put in writinge the things he hath to informe concerninge the plott, but that he had already written one particular concern in ge the Lords Stafford which he presented and thereupon his first deposicon of the 24th December and his seconde deposicon of the 29th followinge was both read and he did in virtue of his oath acknow- ledge that all the substance thereof was true. Then the paper which he delivered in concerning the Lord Stafford was alsoe read. Hee further saith that he was bred up a Protestant till he was about 20 years old and then beinge persuaded by one Knight a priest to turne Papist he hath ever since remained in that religion. Onely that upon New Yeares day last he once went to the Protestant church, that when the said Knight dyed he delivered him up to the tuition of Evers a Jesuite that lived with the Lord Aston for about 15 years and that by the meanes of the said Evers who had sworne him to secrecy and given him the sacra- ment for severall times he was brought into great trust amongst the Jesuits and usually called by them honest Stephen and was often in their secret counsells at Boscobell and at Tixall, sometimes in the chamber 120 M8S. op Sir W. of Mr. Evers and sometimes in his owne chamber there. And he Fitzhbbbebt. believes there are some here in towne that can testify how much he was intrusted by them. That lie hath no malice or quarrell to any person and that he was a true loyall subject to his Majestie as any could be till within two yeares last past that he was persuaded by the Jesuit to evill designes against his Majestie, which designes had been on foote for about these six yeares but at last beinge prevailed upon he had willingly engaged and undertaken in the designe of killing the Kinge and was to have come up by order of the Lord Stafford in the beginning of October last upon the promise already mentioned in other papers ; unto which he'f urther adds that Mr. Evers told him and he thinkes the Lord Stafford did soe too that if he effected the matter he' should have his pardon and be alsoe canonized for soe doinge. That Mr. Evers and Mr. Ireland told him he should be here in London provided for by him the said Ireland and Mr. Harcoat and be sometimes with Mr. Parsons at Standon who knowes all the matter, and sometimes here in London, and that here being come up, he should know more of his company and receive his instructions how to proceed. He saith that Ireland had been with him this summer at Tixall and thereabouts and went so far as Holywell being in all about a month or six weekes in the country, and that he came up before them about the middle of September last and the reason why the examinent followed not in the beginning of October as was intended was because newes came of the discovery of the plot made by Mr. Oates. He further saith that in sometime after the said discovery, when orders and proclamations began to come forth, his feares increased soe much that he complained to Mr. Evers concerninge the danger he might be in and did fear that his name might be put into some of the proclamations. Whereupon Mr. Evers persuaded him first to make his escape into Ireland, he having then mony of his owne and of the Lord Aston's to supply him, but hearing that the ports were shut he did not take that course but being by Mr. Evers advised to run away and hide him where best he could he did the night before he went take severall letters and papers which he stuft in his breeches and going to the house of one Eld that hidd at Tixall he did burne them there in the house of his two daughters Ann and Eliza Eld,this latter being a fellow servant with him at the Lord Aston's, but they knew nothing of their contents but have reported as he heard since the burning of those papers telling one Perrey the gaoler's wife and others thereof. These papers would he said have revealed much of the business but the next day which was about the 19th of November last he fled, Mr. /vers first telling him that he would excuse it to my Lord and give out, which he himselfe alsoe did, that he was gone to see for money to pay what he had lost to Sir John Crew and others, that hee owed mony unto, being for the most part what he had lost upon wagers of a foote race on the 21st of October ; and Evers further said that he would alsoe give out that the examinent was gone about some particular business which he had imployed him in that being gone he went among other places to the house of one John Bond whose neice was his friend and who had five yeares before persuaded him to be a Protestant. That he was in a great fright and did to her begin to impart some little thing of the plot, but she appearinge much startled thereat he presently denied all againe. This place was about 12 miles from Tixall and here he went and hid in a hay mow from about a houre before day till some part of the night followinge having something brought to him by Robert the servant to eat ; that here he sent for two friends to come to him but before they came while he lay in the hay 121 mow John Bond went forth to enquire what he would hear concerninge mss. of Sir W. him, and not hearinge of much harme he let him come in and lodge the Fitzherbert. rest of the night in his house where he was private in a chamber all the day following. Then when his two friends came to him they conveyed him to the widow Walker by a common side near Newton and there he continued close from Friday to Monday being now nearer home than before and as then he was drawing towards Tixall in the night he was about the 3rd December last taken by the watch that w~ere abroad and carried before a Justice of the Peace, and from thence to Stafford where they who were his creditors hearing of the trouble he was in and that if he got free, which he was like to doe, they would hardly get their mony or see him againe (so much was he noted to be intimate with the Jesuits who were now spoke of about the plott) that he had actions laid upon him by all to whome he owed but a groate. That while he did absent himselfe and before he was taken he did endeavour to get out of the hands of Richard Gerard Esqre. a certain deed by which he had made over to the value of £500 of his estate to the Jesuits in case he dyed without children, they having promised him to say severall masses for the good of his soule. That his lands were worth about £700 in all and his debts not halfe soe much, besides he had severall debts owing to him, but having found difficulty to get this deed backe into his hands, he did in meeting Arthur Fox, a servant to the Lord Aston, desire him to go to his Lord to begge his assistance about the recovery of his deed, for he understood that his Lordship had noe minde to see him considering the great rumour about the plott. That he did rather desire when he was taken to draw homewards because he heard his name was not in any of the proclamations and soe he thought himselfe safe. That though he had been longe troubled in minde yet he had noe intention to discover any thinge, untill at last observing by the proclamation which gave pardon to those that discovered before the 25th December, and alsoe a reward the time was almost out, he thought it high time to discover, which he did to Justice Lanse and Justice Vernon, but did it not untili the 24th December, and then did it not for any profit that was mentioned ; that besides his examination that having being taken in the country he did informe Mr. Lane of some letters which he thinkes may yet be found in a place where they were by him layd at Tixall house and not burnt by him when the rest of the papers were, and believes they are such as will give some light to this business, and that Mr. Lane did imploy Mr. William Touthall of Pancarth according to his directions to finde the said papers out. He further saith that he hath seen and had severall treasonable letters from Ireland, Harcoat, and Grote, relating to this business, and seen other letters from St. Omers and particularly from one Warner, and hath particularly seen letters from one at Paris whose name he could not recollect. That he did not know Otes or Bedlow though he had been at the house of Bedlow's mother who lives at a common near Bristoll, but that he hath often heard both their names in letters - as persons imployed, and particularly that Bedlow was employed upon severall messages aoout letters by William Harcoat the Jesuit; he further saith that Mr. Evers did formerly acquaint him that there was here in London the last summer was 12 months a great meeting of the Jesuits in relation to this designe and that upon recollection he remembers well the Jesuits had a meetinge here in London the last springe for that Mr. Evers and other Jesuits of Staffordshire went up unto it about Aprile. That he knowes Pickering having lived in the towne where Pickering was borne, and knowes alsoe his nephew George North that lived with the Lord Aston, but knowes not that Pickering was employed to kill the Kinge. He saith 122 tfSS 0F gIR w that Mr. Evers told him how that Mr. Fowler of St. Thomas was Fitz Herbert, either excommunicate or to be excommunicated for not consenting to this designe being one that was sollicited thereunto. That Mr. Heveringham did consent as Mr. Evers told him to give money there- unto somewhat more that his name might not be put in writing as one who was listed in the designe. Alsoe that one Howard Esqre., son of Sir Robert Howard of Wales, would be instrumentall in giving of mony. Alsoe that one Broadstreet a Priest had actually contributed his mony thereunto and was to be an actor in the conspiracy. That Mr. Evers did press him earnestly at the time he went to escape to be secret and keep councell of all and that he should if he were ever brought to examination deny his knowledge in every particular, which he then and when he burnt his papers was resolved to doe. He saith that he was told that Mr. Evers had made his escape out of a window a little from Boscobell on or about Christmas last, he saying that when the Lord Stafford offered him the £500 it was in a roome at Tixall in the Lord Aston's house in the roome where his Lordship lay. That he is not certain whether the Lord Aston be engaged therein, onely he once attending at the doore (to say somewhat to the Lord Stafford about a footmatch, which was a sport his Lordship loved) while the Lord Stafford and the Lord Aston walked together in a longe parlour and the Lord Stafford havinge spoken he heard the Lord Aston reply that there would be much difficulty in the trusting of persons in the thinge ; to which the Lord Stafford answered that the Lord Aroundell of Wardour might be trusted and that he was a man with whome he would trust his life. But the examinant doth thinke that the Lord Aston did not consent to the designe, that the greatest debt for which he was clapt up in Stafford is 100 guineas, which he lost to Sir John Crew at the said foote race, and that the other debts are smaller sums which he hath a great deale more than will satisfie having lands and debts due to him, and he presumes that he can here in towne procure baile for all that he owes." [Copt/. Endorsed.'] "Stephen Dugdale's examination about the Lord Stafford." Deposition of Stephen Dugdale. 1678-9, January 11. — "Besides what I have formerly given in of Mr. Evers. I have this more. That hee at severall tymes, told me that the Pope out of his revenue had graunted summes of money towards the putting the Irish into a condition of opposing the now established government for it was his gracious pleasure to consider what a tyranicall government they lived under ; and I opened a letter to the same purpose which came from Paris, which was directed to Mr. Evers but the person's name I have forgotten, but it was that he had lately received a letter from Rome to confirme that the Pope did still hold his good purpose for the speedy releiving the poore Irish, and that they were considering how to procure them men as well as money, but about that and other things, there would shortly be an expresse from thence to England which would be about the latter end of March and the said Mr. Evers' company was required in London together with Mr. Cottons, Mr. Gavens, Mr. Peters, and Vavasors. This letter above said was dated to my best knowledge the latter end of February 1677-8, and accordingly Mr. Evers did come to London and Mr. Peters, but whether the other two were there I know not, but I think they were, and when Mr. Evers came home he told me Mr. 123 Ireland and Mr. Simmons would be in the country the latter end of June mss. of Sir w. for considering the best way and means for the carrying on this great Fitzheebert. worke as it was soe called. I doe acknowledge I have severall tymes been with Mr. Evers, Mr. Vasasor, Mr. Peters, Mr. Levison and sometimes Mr. Ireland, at Tixhall and at Boscobell upon adviseing with them which way might be the fittest way for the reformation, and it was alwayes supposed that to endeavour to disturbe the peace in Ireland and Scotland which would be a means to weaken England soe much that their attempt might the easier be managed, which could not be done without good assistance from beyond seas, which as Mr. Gaven said we need not feare, for although they had great troubles of them both in Flanders and France and those country es there would not be men and money wanting to carry on the designe for the glory of Almighty God which wee need not feare but he had a great blessing in store for us, and with his assistance it will, if we have but patience to waite for his mercyes, bee accomplished. And then our endeavours must be for doeing our parts here which is not only to kill the King and the Duke of Monmouth but as much as we could to lessen the power of the rest. Mr. Peters answered are you sure the gentlemen all be true to us in assisting with money for if that should faile our owne stock would quickly faile. With that I told them I would give an hundred pounds more then that 1 had made over to Mr. Gerrard which was taken very thankfully with promises that I need not feare to have a free pardon procured for my sinns past and be placed a saint in heaven for all eternity insomuch that I had been instrumentale in soe good and pious a worke. Mr. Vavasor said that those moneys which were neer upp in tyme should be called in. Mr. Jackson being the person chosen out for that purpose and Mr. Evers for the rest near him. And Mr. Evers was appointed to goe to Mr. Draycott, Sir James Simmons, Mr. Hevenhingham, Mr. Peters, was to have received of Gerrard but because he was the priest of the house he desired Mr. Evers he might doe it, who said he would. Mr. Gaven undertook for severall private gentlemen about Woolverhampton some of them asked who must speake to Mr. Howard it was said Mr. Broadstreete. Mr. Evers said he would doe it himselfe, but for Mr. Herbert Aston he was in debt, and therefore he must not be looked on as the rest, but Mr. Vavasor said it was for a good charitable use, God would blesse his increase, and as the money came in it was to be returned into the hands of Mr. Harcott and Mr. Ireland, and hereafter order would be given how it must be disposed of and if any doubt did arise they should repay to Mr. Bennifeild and he would give satisfaction. And at another tyme Mr. Ireland told mee when I came to London he would give me instructions and give me order how I should proceed, to all which I did seem to be very well content, and did protest I would be faithfull while I had life. Mr. Ireland told me that when he came to London he would speake to Grobes that I might have notice how things went on, for as yett he could not tell while he had spoke with my Lord Bellasis and my Lord Arundell of Wardour who proved the loyalest men of trust and counsell of any persons in this world ; but before I had my letter from Mr. Ireland he was taken to Newgate. I saw a letter from Mr. Harcott who told Mr. Evers that he had lately received a letter from Mr. Warner I think his name was, wherein was that Mr. Warner had used all diligent care that could bee for helping forward the worke in hand. And there was four hundred pounds in mony in Mr. Ireland's hands which came into his hands lately for teaching the young gentlemen, who wisht that they might putt it into Shirley's hands with the rest till we should have need of it. And that I heard Mr. Peters tell Mr. Evers that 124 FiTznBKBEM.' liee was vei 7 S ladcl that ifc out soe wel1 tbat Mr - Whitebread was — come in Superior of the Jesuits for he would be very carefull in carrying the businesse on ; and that he was a close man in all his businesse, to which I made answer that I was very glad to hear it fell out soe well too. And at that tyme both Mr. Evers and Mr. Peters said, that my Lord Arundell of Wardour was the only man we had to trust too for he was a very wise man and much in favour with the Duke of Yorke ; and not long after I had three letters inclosed in a letter of mine, from Mr. Bennifeild one and one from Paris and one from Mr. Harecott ; that from Mr. Bennifeild was to lett Mr. Evers know that he had spoke with my Lord Arundell of Wardour and my Lord was very willing to assist in what was requested by Mr. Evers and Mr. Vavasor, but these letters never came to his hands besides a great many more which I intercepted and burned. And not long after I was in discourse with Mr. Evers in bis chambers, and was askeing him wether some others of note did not countenance the worke besides what he had spoke of, and he told me yes, but they were in other places where the businesse went on as well as here. Mr. Evers told mee at this tyme, that he had writt to Mr. Benni- feild, and to request my Lord Arundell of Wardour to be assisting in the matter which now is in hands. And I asked him what whether he was to doe anything of it or noe ; and he told me he was to undertake the most part of the designe and with my Lord Bellasis to give order, both as to that of takeing the King's life away and the Duke of Monmouth's, and for establishing the Romish government. And about the middle of September last, a letter came to my hands of Mr. Evers, for his letters were directed to mee, which 1 opened and the words were to this purpose, that he had been with my Lord Arundell, and my Lord Arundell had told him that he had spoke to the person that he was requested to speake to, and it was both their opinions that it was the best way to make as much speed in their designes as might bee, the person's names which sent the letters I know not, for their was but two letters for his name which was J. W. And at first when this businesse began, it was not for takeing the life of the Kinge away, but to provide themselves with money and armes against the King died, for it was thought the Duke of Monmouth would stand for it, and their hopes would be frustrated for ever haveing the Romish religion established. But they seeing it was the endeavour of the King to establish the Protestant religion soe firme as it should not be moved for the future, it was by degrees thought that this way that is now discovered was the fittest way. I chanced to come into Mr. Evers chambers and hee being gone to masse I found a letter on his table whose subscription was Bazill FitsHerbert, which was directed to Mr. Evers, wherein was written that he gave Mr. Evers many thanks for his great care and diligence in the great worke, which was soemuch for the setting forth the glory of Almighty God, and further told him that hee had spoke with his brother Gifford of Chillington, who promised together with himselfe to venture both lives and estates in that good cause, and that Mr. Evers would be sure to sweare all those within his precincts to secrecy whom he did intrust, that they should not so much as tell one another till just the tyme, and that very speedily he would goe to St. Omers and see what forwardnesse things were in there, and if he had gone on prosperously he should have speedy notice for putting the rest of the things in order there, and that he would be pleased to speake with Mr. Broadstreete or send. Mr. Dugdale with a letter to him that he would meete him in London, as I think it was in July last, and that 1 myselfe was to have an equall share with Captaine Adderley, who 125 was a man intrusted to keepe things in order after the most of the MSS. op Sib "W. businesse should be over, but what parte it should be could not be known Fitzitebbebt* till after this was over, for it must be eheefeley determined by my Lord Arundell and some other persons, but it should be such a share as should make me happy and my posterity after mee. All which I excepted of with abundance of thankf ullnesse. When this was promised there was in company Mr. Evers ; Mr. Gaven, Mr. Peters, and Mr. Levison, which all promised to see it fullfilled." [%•] Further Depositions by Mr. Dugdale. 1678-9, January 17. — " 1. That in summer at a race which was to be run at Iching hill I mett with one Mr. Humphrey Elliotts, I think his name is, I am sure his name is Elliotts, and meeting at Hudgely at the house of one Mr. John Polletts which keepes a publiqe house, he and I after some discourse of the race did fall into discourse of Mr. Ireland, told me there had been some discourse of mee when his cousin Ireland was at Wolverhampton, and I pressed of him that I might know what it was and he told me it was not unknown to mee for his cousin Ireland said you was to goe very speedily to London upon an occasion hat would cause him upp very speedily, but before he the said Elliott went he had some businesse to doe in the country, which he himselfe could not well do without Mr. Perrey the lawyer, but I was something startled to heare he should know any of it, and denyed I knew anything of it, and upon that he comended me for my care, and further told me I need not feare him, for if I suffered he was like to suffer as well as I. 2. Hee further told me that his cousin Ireland should have been at London a great while since but for waiting to see the foot race over, for there was some gentlemen which he was to speake would be there, but before that foot match was over he came from Wolverhampton to Tixall and told me he could not stay the race, for he had received 3 letters which chidd him that he had made so long a stay, who the letters came from he did not tell mee, but only his sister for one and she he told me was very angry, but told me that my Lord Stafford would stay and that he would leave his mind with him, and to take care for my coming upp, and begged of me whatsoever I did not to impart my mind to any person except my Lord Stafford or Mr. Evers or whom they should appoint me to speake to of it, and I should see in a short tyme the darke clouds would be over, and the cleare light would appeare, and bid me not to be afraid for my Lord Stafford, and Mr. Evers would take care of me till he saw me into towne. 3. Besides for the carrying on the worke in other countryes there was for a parte of Worster there appointed one Mr. Turner, and three more whose names I have forgott, and for a parte of Derbyshire and a parte of Nottinghamshire was appointed one other Mr. Turner, Mr. Bennett, and Mr. Poole of Spinkhill, which was to take care of their liberties as well for engaging persons as for raising money of the gentlemen, and to give accompt to their Provincials which was appointed already for that purpose. Mr. Evers and Mr. Peters told me this but beside that Mr. Poole told me himselfe of it at Sutton in Scarsdale, but he told me then that he did believe that Mr. Turner was not a fitt man to be im ployed in that worke for although he was a priest he was very much given to drink, and when di ink is in the head the witt is out as he said, so it was thought more fitt in his stead to take in Mr. Ayreps priest of Hassop, and wished I would acquaint Mr. Evers with it, presently Mr. Evers went over thither but what he did conclude I know not, for I did not aske. 126 MSS. op Sir w. Further there was oft mentioned one Mr. Eichard Needham, a Dr. of Fitzherbert. physick, which lives at West Hallum, 4 miles from Derby, who was to receive orders from Mr. Poole and Mr. Bennett, and be at their command, and his sonne, and once I was sent to Mr. Needham with a letter, the contents of which was to desire he would be at West Hallum on a day which I have forgott, and that both Mr. Powderhill might be acquainted likewise and the priest which was there. I saw him then and have severall tymes heard his name, but at present have forgott it, and when I came there Mr. Needham and I discoursed very freely of it, and he as well as my selfe was very forward for the promoting the work on, and further told me, that he had been out about that businesse since he rested above 200 miles, for although his sonne was a good Christian enough, yet that was not a thing to be trusted to every one, and at that time I told him he might assuredly expect a good reward, and he told me, he did not know, he putt it to the gentlemen whether they would give anything or nothing, he thought his paines well bestowed in soe good a work, that it should fall out in his dayes, that it might be spoke of in after ages, that honest Dick Needham was a promoter and one intrusted for the establishing of the Romish religion, and the subver- vision of the heretical government, to which I answered with a plausible assent, and I further added that I did believe Mr. Evers to be a saint upon earth he answered me he did believe he was a very good man and one that made it his businesse for promotion of God's holy church. 4. That I have severall times been told by Mr. Evers and Mr. Gavon about providing armes, but never heard that any was provided in England, nor any gentlemen that had any in keeping, but severall tymes that there was provision made beyond seas and that Mr. Evers and Mr. Cotten went beyond sea for that purpose, and that Mr. Evers told me severall tymes what good provision was made, and I intercepted severall letters that came to Mr. Evers from St. Omers and Paris, that they were in good forwardness and that they had disbursed sometymes £500, and some accompts, and the particulars named was £700, in some of which letters was pressed to Mr. Evers about returne of moneys, for the discharging those accounts, upon which I have seene letters of Groves, and letters to Mr. Ireland, Mr. Bennifield, and Harecott, for the sending mone3 r s over to those persons, and further that the said Mr. Ireland and Vavasor differed in accompts about the same last time Ireland was in the country, and the said Mr. Evers sided with Mr. Ireland about those accompts, so that Mr. Ireland received the full summe of his accompts, and about July last a packquett came directed to me from Mr. Evers which came to 2s. 6d. which I opened, and they were accompts how that all things was ready which was bespoke, and all payd off, and there wanted nothing but orders how they must be disposed of, but how it was ordered I never knew, and that when I have been in businesse with them, it hath oft been given out that the King of France did know of this and would be aiding and assisting in this designe, which I was ever against, for I told them I was afraid he would rather worke for his own advantage then any good for us, and they would have told me that we need not feare we was able of ourselves with good care to putt those fears out of doors, and answer was made, there was in England above 200 thousand men which would prove true if occasion were with some supplyes which we were sure of from other parts." [Copy. Endorsed^] — "Given in to the Lords of the Committee and then read before him, and they were also read before his Majesty in Council in the afternoon." 127 Information of Stephen Dugdale. mss. of Sir w. r ITZIIERBEBTt 1678-9, January 11 — 22. — " He sayth that upon notice of the murder of Sir Edmondbury Godfrey he much blamed to Mr. Evers the indis- cretion of that businesse, as a thing that might help to discover their designe, but Mr. Evers told him it could not doe much hurt, for he being a man much given to punish debauchery, it would easily be thought that some of them had done it. 1678[9], January 13. — " Mr. Dugdale being called in they knew each other, and when Mr. Dugdale put Parsons in mind that he and Mr. Fox had taken their leaves of him att the stable door at Tixhall, he sayd it was very true though he had forgott before, but would have acknow- ledged it if it had come into his mind. Parsons being withdraw.ne says he knew not whether he be a Jesuite, but that he is a priest for att Tixhall he heard him ; say masse and was att Tixhall according to the tyme he himselfe declares. Dugdale adds that when Ireland came to Tixall in August he told him of his haveing been att Standon, and spoke of his acquaintance with Mr. Parsons, and how the examinaut att his coming up should sometimes be with Parsons at Standon, and to take instructions from him while there, and sometymes Mr. Harcoat and Ireland here in towne, and then to take his instruction from these about his designe of killing the knight ; is ordered that Parsons be sent to the Gatehouse as by the following warrant : — " 1678 [9], January 20. — " Dugdale is sent for and examined. He speak es particularly of the hideing certain letters in a wallett with money. He knowes that Mr. Forster was acquainted with Ireland, and that one Father Arthur an Irish priest being sent for over by Benningfeild and Harcoate came downe to Tixall and had been att Mr. Fowler's. And this Arthur spoke much of the French King. He alsoe remembered that one Rider a joyner came to Tixall, and commending of the murder of Sir Edmondsbury Godfrey sayd that he and one Tunks a shoemaker in the Strand should have been concerned, and that one Conniers was concerned in it. He alsoe spake of a letter writt, as he thinks, by one Roper in the Tower which came to Sir James Symonds in Stafford- shire that gave them much content." 1678-[9], January 20. Notice being given to his Majestie that the Lord Aston did attend according to his summons Dugdale was first called for, who gave aa accompt of a clossett where he hid the wallett in which was money and some dangerous papers, whereupon there is read to his Majesty the accompt sent by Mr. Lane and Mr. Vernon to the Duke of Monmouth how that the clossett was rifeld, the wallett, papers, bookes, and all things there taken away. And upon reading alsoe the examination sent up of the two maids what they sayd gave extraordinary credit to Dugdale's evidence, not only affirming all he sayd, but somewhat more touching two books of accounts which Dugdale then sayd had noe reason in them, and should not be burnt as the letters were, and they agreed just in the tyme with Dugdale viz. the 19th of November. Upon this his Majesty gives order for a new inquiry to be made about the rifling this clossett, and Dugdale being asked by his Majesty what he was to doe, and by whom councelled in this designe he answered directly that he was to be instrumentall to kill the King and was coun- celled and animated therein by Mr. Ireland, Mr. Evers, and the Lord Stafford. " He made mention of somebody in whose bookes here in towne it would appear that he was a man trusted by the Jesuits, of w T hich and 128 MSS. opSirW. what he sayd about Mr. Whitby of Great Hoy wood and John Taylour, Fitzhbbbert. j ie j g ^ p ut t | owne j n wr ithig and he was interrogated in severall points which he had spoken to before. And that part was read againe in his examination of the 8th instant about discourse in the Long Parlour att Tixall between the Lord Stafford and the Lord Aston about the difficulty of trusting persons and the good opinion the Lord Stafford had of the Lord Arundell. After which he withdraws and the Lord Aston is called in and upon his examination which shall hereafter follow, he is sent to the Tower." 1678-9, January 22. " Mr. Dugdale is called in and a paper by him this day presented is read, and he further says that he carry ed a letter from Evers to Sir James Symonds desiring him to pay the money he had promised, Mr. Evers being then called upon by Ireland, Harcot, and Beningfeild for the collections to be carryed abroad by Sir John Warner for the purchaseing of armes. That Mr. Evers was to receive somebody and the rest to goe by returne, that Sir James is younger brother to Symonds an active Jesuit. That Carrington and Tarbox were two messengers employed in carrying of letters. That Francis Titter is priest to Mr. Fowler and cannot be ignorant of this plott. Mr. Dugdale is ordered to give an account in writing about a great meeting at Boscobell in August last. He says that Arthur the Irish priest dined with the Lord Stafford at Tixall, and that Arthur told him and Evers of Whisle Bourn and severall others engaged in the businesse of Ireland, about which the Lords appoint Sir Robert Southwell to take a particular accompt and to send it to the Duke of Ormond in Ireland/' Information of S. Dugdale. 1678-9, January 23. — " About August or the beginning of September last there there was a greate meeteing of the Jesuites and Secular Priests at Boscobell, besides other private gentlemen that was to be there, and I myselfe promised to be there alsoe. At that meeting there was accounts to be sett right betwixt Mr. Ireland and Mr. Vavasor about money which he had laid downe for carrying on this greate worke, and other things which was betwixt them, but the chiefe cause of our meeting was to consult and consider wayes and meaines for the carrying on the worke which both Mr. Peter and Mr. Vavasor tould me, and against this meeting promised a fat buck, but was deceived and soe was forced to send to Mr. Chetwind of Angestry to borrow a peece in Mr. Francis Aston's name and (here was none but halfe a haunch, and it was just laid to the fire, but Mr. Chetwinde caused it to be taken up and sent it, and that venison was eaten at that meeting and I haveing promised to be there had much ado to keepe myselfe from goeing, but I told them that I had appointed busines amongst the tennants, and could not goe if they would give 1113 1000/. and soe I came off, but they were very angry. There was another contrivance which I was guilty on myselfe as much as any, but it was with their advice, that packet to Bennefeild was one thing to keep the King from beleeving anything, that there was any plott but a forgery, which was very much rejoyced at when wee saw what effect it wrought with the King, for presently upon it the King as I thinke went to Newmarket and said wee if the Kingbeleeved anything of it he would not have gon. Another thing that as I said before I was guilty of to write letters and seale them which contents was for fireing of townes and meeting at 129 certaine places, which might be a meanes to keepe the people from mss. of Sir jr, beleeving anything of a plott, for we thought the wiser sort would ihinke FlTZ1 ^ BETlT if there was anything of a plott those men which were the inventors would not have lost soe many letters of such concerne, which did partly keepe the people from beleeving as it was intended, but this was after Mr. Otes confession. And that Mr. Evers did sometimes ask the gentlemen till he was imployed in this worke of the plott, and then Mr. Towers taught them for Mr. Evers had worke enough besides. This is the truth Stephen Dugdale." [Some shorthand in the mar gin. ~\ I r y/ ' i>1 bonib Evidence given in by Stephen Dugdale against Sir James Simons &c. 1678-9, January 24. — " I have seen in a list amongst Mr. Evers' papers of gentlemen's names which did pay towards this wished designe, amongst which was Sir James Symons £1000, Mr. Hovenhingam £2000, Mr. Dracot £3000, Mr. Gerard £500, Mr. Howard £2000, of all which sumes was received in part and returned towards the discharging the accounts of armes which were provided beyond the seas. And every of the afore- said gentlemen was to have a share and offices appointed. But in all our meetings it was never agreed what their parts should bee, and the notedst gentleman of all these was ever Sir James Simons, being as they said a very active person and one that would be found a well qualifyed person, but as far as I ever understood their places was to bee appointed here in London by some of those great ones whom I have formerly mentioned. But there are several persons' names besides those I have named in that same list. And there are other persons which entered their names beyond seas, for this note was but only for Mr. Evers' private use. And to that end Mr. Evers and Mr. Coten were sent to St. Omers about 2 or '6 years agoe, for the sake of other persons which were very fearfull. And some others p lid their money to Mr. Benni- field, Mr. Ireland, and Mr. Harcott, and Mr. Evers hath been appointed to receive acquittances for them which acquittances I have seen come in Mr. Evers' letters. One to Sir James Simons at one time was for £300 which was noted in the acquittance for a charitable use, but it was for the carrying on this wicked designe, or Mr. Evers told me not true. Most of the persons about Woolverhampton Mr. Gaven took care to receive of and discharge them. I asked Mr. Peters how the rest must bee had, for these gentlemen when they were altogether would bee but a few ; he answered mee, 1 need not fear, there was care taken for that, and such care that at one hour's warning they would bee ready, but as he said they had formerly been told that none except the gentlemen were soe much as to tell one another till the very time, of which I never inquired after that time, but I perceived that a great number was knowing by their fear, when I was taken, and several desiring mee, when I was at Stafford privately that if I knew anything of them not to mention their names which I faithfully promised I would not. And J must ever bee of this mind, that never anything could be better managed than this was by the priests, and soe it would have bin found if Mr. Otes had not declared it, which God forbid but he had. For I am sure but thinking of the sad effects hath almost, made me distracted. As alsoe to hear their wicked designes and doctrines day ley. And to prevent melancholy I did several times either run myselfe into companj E 64159. I 130 MSS. of Sir w. to drink or some manner of lewd idle discourse, of which there are h iTznERBERT. mfulv to w itness, and that I never was addicted to it before this wofull engagement in this most horrid and wicked designe. And from ever having or consenting to such again, God of his mercy protect mee, as I hope he will, and all Christians from the very name of it." {Copy.} 1678-9, January 31. — " The Information of Stephen Dugdale late of Tixall in the County of Stafford taken upon oath before the Right Honble. the Lords of the Committee of Examinations this 31st day of January 1678-9. " The Informant saith that about Michelmas last an Irish priest whose name was Arthur came to the house of the Lord Aston at Tixall and dined there. That after dinner Mr. Evers, the Jesuit of the house, Mr. Arthur and himselfe went into Mr. Evers' chamber where Mr. Arthur declared that by command which hee had from Mr. Bennifeild and Mr. Harcote, hee came from Ireland to London, and he said hee found things in a pretty good condition but not soe well as hee could have wished ; his reason this informant heard not, because hee was then gone down for a bottle of wine, but when he came up again Mr. Arthur being in discourse with Mr. Evers did make a sudden stop, but Mr. Evers told him hee need not fear for Stephen was a very honest man, and after a while Mr. Evers told him this informant that the gentle- man was one intrusted for carrying on the business in Ireland, as well as wee did it here in England. To which hee the said Arthur answered that hee hoped it would appear in a short time which of the two nations would be found the best Christians, meaning Ireland would bee found truest in that designe, for the English would be false. But hee farther said they in Ireland had a good assurance from France of a reasonable supply both of men and money, which hee said hee hoped Almighty God would assist them with all in regard they lived like poor slaves under a merciless government. That in discourse concerning the good hopes of success in Ireland the said Arthur mentioned at least twenty names of Priests and Jesuits that were active and imployed in the carrying on of the busiuess, among which the informant remembers one Mr. White because hee had been two or three time? at Tixal some years agoe, and when the informant asked if it were the same Mr. White they spoke of that had been there both Evers and Arthur told him it was, and the informant being asked what other names hee doth remember of those that were mentioned, iiee saith that to the best of his remembrance, French and Byrne were two. And that this Arthur was toward fifty years of age, indifferent tall and slender, of a long visage, and brown complexion." [Copy.} 1678-9, February 12.— " The Information of Stephen Dugdale late of Tixhall in the County of Stafford taken upon oath before the Lords of the Committee of Examinations the 12th day of February 1678-9. " The Informant saith that about the month of July or August 1677, soon after he was by Mr. Evers admitted into the secret of the designe for the Romish government, there came to Tixall one Carrington, whom the Jesuits thereabouts employed as a messenger of trust in their businesse ; he brought a letter to Mr. Evers from Mr. Vavasor who was then at Woolverhampton or Boscobell. And meeting the informant in the hall desired him to give it to .Mr. Evers. The letter from Mr. Vavasor did inclose in it several others, as one from John Grove in London who in a part of the sheet of pay writ some news in short but . . . . his signeing Mr. William Ilarcot began a long accompt how 131 ho lately had received the two inclosed letters one of them from MS 8. 05 Sib w. St. Omers which was signed by Monfort, Warner, and Peters, as the Fitzhbbbbrt. informant thinkes, and four whose names he remembers not all, and this letter did referre to another letter from Paris to the three parties first named. And the same was signed from Paris by two names whereof he thinkes Clifford was one, but he cannot swear that this letter did contain the opinion and advice of those att Paris upon a letter which it seemes had been first writ from England to St. Omers and from St. Omers transmitted to them. The scope of which advise was this, that by all meanes care should be taken not to let armes appear or any appear in armes till after the death of the King, because they had fully considered that when any sudden death should befall the King it might be easily be layd to the Presbiterians who had killed the late King and were still enemy s to the King and government. Therefore they advised that all ways should be taken to give out and possesse the people before- hand, that the Presbyterians were the only enemys, soe that when the King should be killed those of the Church of England would presently be incensed and take up armes to revenge it, and rather crave the aide of the Catholiques then be afraid of them, and therefore it was fit they should be inreadinesse to make the first allarm,and give out that all was done by ihe Presbyterians. And then by a little assistance from abrode the worke would easily be compassed. This was the substance of the letter from Paris, and they did further desire to have the same sent into England with the opinion of those of St. Omers upon it, and those of St. Omers did in their letter much praise the advise from Paris, adding nothing else of their owne to it besides comendations, but passed unto other of smaller concerned, as that Mr. Evers should call to one Gerard of Lancashire and Gerard of Hilderson for 50/. due for teaching of their children or relations then and such like things. Mr. Harcourt further added that his letters from St. Omers being directed unto him he had communicated it as nlsoe that from Paris unto Mr. Bedingfeild 3 and Mr. Ireland, and likewise to the Lord Arundell, Lord Bellasis, Lord Stafford, and six or seven more, whom the informant hath forgott, by all whom it was highly comended as good advise and that all should endeavour upon any differences in Parliament or any other disorder still to give out that it was those blood sucking King selling Presbyterians that were the authors of it. " The Informant further sayth that Mr. Evers did show him the sayd three letters sent from Mr. Harcott and then soon after the same day sent them by the same messenger to Carington under a cover to Mrs. Here- ningham at Aston to be shown to her husband, and to Sir Jeames Simons their son in law, and to come back at night with the same letters, as he did. For that the informant did see Evers show them to the present Lord Aston in the parlour after supper his Lordship having been abroad before, and he beleiving them to be the same letters he had seen in the morning, for the messenger was then come back and two of the letters lay by on the table, and the third they were reading by the fire, and he does verily believe they were the same hands and the same letters, and the messenger was there detained all night, and made much of by the informant according to order, and in the morning Mr. Evers sent him back with an answer to Mr. Vavasor, but Mr. Evers kept still the letters from Mr. Harcot. And the informant did afterwards hear Mr. Evers and Mr. Gaven discourse together touching the said letters and in comendation of the good advice. And they named severall friends in their discourse that were engaged at Paris whom he remembers not. " And the informant further saith, that coming once into the chamber of Mr. Evers when he was gone up to masse he found one of those i 2 132 MSS. Chesterfield. Wednesday eleven o'clock. " By express from the Duke of Devonshire from Derby the van guard of the Rebels came into Ashbourne about 2 yesterday and was expected at Derby last night when the messenger came away my Lord's horses were ready for him to move and all the men drawn out ready to march. " They gave out a day or two since they were for London. Their getting betwixt us here and the King's army has prevented me in my intention of going to it from hence. " It's supposed the King's army was'nt above eight or ten miles from em." The Same to Mansfield, eleven o'clock Fryday Decb. " We were much alarmed here last night with a report of the rebels being within a few miles of this place. The Derbyshire forces left us in no small hurry and confusion which contributed a good deal to 165 encrease the allarm. We sent our horses to Warsop that they might be ^jI^Smbet^' out of danger at all events and were resolved ourselves to wait the event. ITZI ^__ E The rebels sending out of Derby to press for horses in some places there abouts was all the foundation there was for the report. By a person from Derby going to the Duke of Devonshire we hear the rebels were at Derby at two o'clock this morning but seem'd preparing in order to march, it was supposed towards Leicester. They were in possession of Swarson bridge on the Trent and that part of the Duke's army was not far off them.. Other reports say that the greatest part were supposed to be at or near Lichfield." to " 1743, December 4. Blith. — A spy left Macclesfield at 2 of clock in the afternone jesterday, says that part of the rebels marched for Congel- ton on Munday night, the main body followed yesterday morning, going to meet Ligoneurarmy near Newcastel-under-line. He saith that there was not above 3000 well-armed, the others with rusty guns and a brace of pistell each man, the boys pitchforks, while a great many rode horses ; the battell will probably be fought tomorrow." John Holland to Ralph Knight. Chesterfield, Saturday 2 o'clock. — " We have been alarmed here from the Duke of Devonshire's servant reporting as he passed here about seven in the morning from Chatsworth to the Duke, that the Highlanders were marching at one this morning, part Chesterfield road, the other Bakewell. Sent out immediately four persons different roads. Two of them are arrived and brings us certain accounts that they marched at one o'clock this morning from Ashburn towards Leek and continued marching till seven, when the artillery moved and were seen three miles on Leek ruad. So this proves a false alarm. By accounts I received from Derby this afternoon a small party of Highlanders returned to Derby last night and were there at 8 this morning when the messenger came away. We aro advised here as a certainty, that Marshal Wade and 8000 forces were at Doncaster last night, and the Royal Hunters at Blyth. Do not hear where Ligonier is." Sunday night. — " By an express to-day to the Dutchess of Devonshire the rebels left Leek at 3 o'clock yesterday morning, on their way to Macclesfeild, one that has been with 'em six days says they are not above 4000 fighting men, & those much dispirited & tir'd with marching — the Duke of Cumberland lies at Derby to-night w th 5000 men — the Duke of Devonshire set out to-day from Retford with his men, to join the Duke's army." John Billam to . 1745, December 7. Sandbeck* — " 1 have been this day at Doncaster to waite upon Marshal Wade with my Lord's complements etc. who come there last night, together with Generall Wentworth, Generall Oglethorp etc., the Marshall had two expresses last night giveing him an account that the rebels was returned back into Lancastershire upon which he sent to the foot, who are at Ferry Bridge to halt, until further orders ; all the horse are at Doncaster, except what went to Bautry yesterday ; it's expected the whole army returns into the north againe for they were contracting with carriages to goe with them. I hope you continue to favour ire with what news you hear, which will further oblige." 1G6 MSS. of Sir W. fn FlTZHERBERT. 1745, December 8. Chesterfield. — " I have had no news in my private letters since 1 saw yon ; but what all or most of it is in the Gazette or publick papers, or would have sent it to amuse you a little. 36 persons joined the rebells at Manchester, all whom except two are taken ia Carlisle; these two Avent with the Pretender. Doctr. Douglass, Doctr. Salkeld, Davison a grocer, John Graham an apothecary. John Clayton a smith, Francis Hewit a linnen draper, joined the rebels at Carlisle, are inhabitants of the place. The Mayor and Town Clerk of Carlile are sent to London to take their tryals there. "N.B. — My friend writes I suppose it be tho?e appointed by the Pretender. I imagine it will appear the surrender of Carlile to the rebels deserves inquiry. " On Fry day last they had rejoycings a$ Manchester for the taking Carlile, all windows in towne were illuminated; the loyal gentlemen met and drunk several loyal healths. The Pretender was carrv'd about the streets in effigy (dressed in plad and armed with sword and target) by the populace. A person on horseback went before him beating a warming pan, and crying out, King George for ever ; no warming-pan brood ; no warming pan Pretender; and at proper places the moft made a stand and cryed aloud, No Jacobite parson, No Jacobite doctors, No Jacobite constables, Hanover for ever, the Duke of Cumberland for ever &c. No one insulted, no mischief done. In the conclusion they burnt the effigy in great form. N.B. — One Coppock, a clergyman in Manchester, joined the rebels and Dr. Deacon, a conjuring physician, sent his three eldest sons, who are now prisoners. The constables of Manchester ordered 50,G0O bnllets to be made for the rebels, and sent southward after them. This one constable owns, but the poor fellow was pistoled into it. The same Mr. constable attended the rebels, hunting for arms and horses with a Bible in his hand, in order to swear the persons they went to." to 1745, December 8. Barwick. — " General Handyside arrived here yesterday from whom we learn that the rebels in Scotland are 4050 strong including 800 French, and that he had ordered the bridge at Stirling to be undermined and put powder under it that in case the rebels come that way to blow it up to prevent their passing with their artillery, which consists of 18 fine pieces that they have got from France." Manchester, December 10.— " I go there this evening when the rear of the rebels had just left the town on their way to Wigan. I left our army coming into Macclesfield this afternoon, which is as follows Sir J. Legonier's horse, Bland's, Lord Mac Kerr's, Lord Cobham's dragoons, the Duke of Kingston's and Montague's light horse, with about 300 foot, who are determined to march day and night till they come up with them, horses being prest for the foot ; the rest of Ligonier's army and artillery encamped near Coventry." Doncaster, December 12. — "General Oglethorpe with Sir George's dragoons and ten men out of every troup in Wade's and Montague's horse, and the lioyal Hunters went from Wakefield to Huthersfield on Wednesday morning in pursuit of the rebels. Wade's army went from Wakefield to Leeds on Wednesday morning, and 'tis said was to proceed from thence to Newcastle." 167 Bawtry, December 14. — " General Huske at his own earnest request MSS. of Sir w was gone from Ferry bridge with five regiments of foot and four pieces FlTZ71EEBEET - of cannon, not doubting but he will have it in his power either to harass the enemy or stop them at a pass near Penrith. " I wish this be true but doubt it. I think he might have got to Penrith before the rebels, it being exceeding good turnpike road to Greta Bridge and from thence to Penrith." to Saturday Evening six o'clock. 1745, December 9. Chesterfield. — " At one o'clock yesterday morning the rebells began to march from Ashburn, Leek road. Parties con- tinued marching till seven when the artillery moved. The Pretender went about seven. They plundered very much, were more abusive then in their first visit, and lived altogether on free quarter. A party of horse continued till twelve in town. Sunday Evening seven o'clock. " By an express just arrived from Leek I have the following particulars. A thousand rebells marehed last night from thence for Macclesfield, att six this morning the remaining body began to march the same way. At eight the artillery marched. A coach and six with about 40 horse left Mr. Mills' house about eleven. Twelve horsemen returned presently into town demanding horses at three or four places and threatening to shoot people if not produced. After an hour's search left the town. Mr. Mills', Mr. Lockett's, and the houses of the principall inhabitants in . . . have been totally stript and plundered taking their linnen . apparell and every thing valuable and ransacked and dis- figured . . . houses entirely, Mr. Lockett senr. was detained prisoner a . . time and ordered to be shot if he did not produce his son. It apprehended these outrages arise from the town appre- hending two rebells who stayed after the rest in their first visit to steal horse and were sent to Stafford jail. Mr. Mills, Mr. Statham, Mr. Lockett junr., the constables, and principall inhabitants, left the town on the approach of the rebells. I have 4 more spies amongst them or will be amongst them tomorrow evening. I have sent William our huntsman to hunt them to Manchester or see if they take Chester road." to 1745, December 10th. — " The rebels marched from Manchester and took the rout of Wigan, part of them were seen two miles beyond Wigan two miles wide of the road to Preston as if their intentions were to go to Liverpoole. The Duke who is in pursuit of them was expected at Manchester tomorrow. The country people and militia are breaking up the roads and laying trees across to impede their march, and it is not doubted but care will be taken to break down Bibble bridge near Preston. The day they left Manchester they demanded £4000 which the inhabitants refused to pay. The rebels destroyed at Manchester all their provisions, liquors etc. This account came from Sheffield yes- terday the 11th. It came thither by one of their spies who was at Mansfield on Thursday and saw some of the Duke of C[umberlan:l]'s officers come in there to demand billets." John Holland to Dickenson Knight. 1745, December 12. Chesterfield. — " The van guard of the rebells entered Macclesfield on Saturday evening, on Sunday came their main body, then artillery arrived there about five that evening. 168 ^tzheebebt/ " ^ord ^ lco w * tn X ^ e van S Liarcl S ot t0 Stockport Sunday evening at ' six ; on Munday about noon came their whole body much in confusion and hurry, and marched to Manchester that night without halting in town. Their horses were tired, and their foot so foot-sore as could scarce march. Four persons riding through Stockport Saturday in the night refused to be stopt by the watch, on this the watch fired amongst them, and killed a rebell, which so exasperated the rebells that the town in their councells was ordered to be burnt, but for their other officers who opposed it. They have taken Mr. Allcock, Senr., an attorney, Mr. Robinson a grocer, Mr. Bore, Mr. Osborn, with them prisoners for going only to speak in behalf of the said watch and company. As also led away James Lucas the constable with a halter about his neck, and Peter Lewacb, and Ralph Kemp are prisoners amongst them for striking a Highlander. They burnt Joseph Stockport's cow-house and barn and destroyed his cattle, for shooting the rebell on Saturday, and have taken the father, an old man of 90, prisoner. " The ran guard of the rebells marched from Manchester on Tuesday morning, about nine towards Wiggan. The artillery betwixt eleven and twelve, the rearmost of them about four. The contributions (which it's said was £2,500) was ordered to be paid in by five, for which they have taken hostages, and seemed in great hurry. If they had stayed another night, the town was determined to give them battle, and for that purpose had got about 4000 ready to rise. 4 'The Duke of Cumberland with his army lay att Macclesfield on Tuesday night, and sent his orders to Manchester for to make ready for his army the next day. Most of the foot are mounted by the country in order to make double marches, the people are very diligent in repairing the roads for his army, and bringing in horses to draw his artillery, which is drawn night and day. As the Duke marches about 20 miles a day, it is expected he may overtake the rebells in 2 or 3 days. " By an express since from Manchester, the mob rose upon 4 or 500, that were left there on Tuesday evening betwixt four and five o'clock, and fired a gun at them ; upon which the rebells shot a man and boy dead, and wounded another in the shoulder, and then marched off. " The messenger met the Duke of Cumberland with about 2000 horse and dragoons coming into Stockport betwixt ten and eleven on Wednesday morning. " All the Stockport gentlemen are returned home except one Watch- man, and one man that knocked a Highlander down and took his plunder from him. " A gentleman in the Peak advises me this evening, that one part of the Duke's forces marcht by Stockport the other towards the Witches ; and it was expected, that the two bodies might reach Wiggan, and join on Wednesday night, and hope all our forces may be att Preston to night. The Kibble and Lancaster bridges he hears are pulled down. The Duke declares he will not sleep, till he has seen them. " All my accounts agree that the rebells and their horses are much fatigued, and their chiefs very much dejected." Ten o'clock Even. 1745, December 12. Chesterfield. — " I have sent you our accounts and hope the next will bring account of the utter destruction of the rebels. I have sent Mr. Knight's pistols. "I have sent two spies after the rebels at 5 this morning." 169 The Same to the Same. mss. op Sir ElTZHERBERT. Saturday Even 5 o'clock. 1745, December 17. Chesterfield. — ' c The King's forces are in eager pursuit of the rebells, a considerable number of horse and foot have passed through this place, we have a large body here ihis night ; we were in great expectation of seeing the Duke here two days ago, but he halted three or four days about Macclesfield and went this morning through Weemslow and Holling ferry for Wiggan which place he designed to reach to night. It is generally supposed the van guard of the Duke's army which lay at Wiggan last night will come up with the rear guard of the rebells to morrow or Sabbath day, they did not march from Preston till this morning. A party of Marshall Wade's light horse went through Bury at seven o'clock this morning to join the Duke. Marshall Wade has delatched five regiments to march with all speed to interrupt the rebells betwixt Kendall and Carlisle. Thirteen rebells prisoners in Manchester house of correction, and we hear severall more taken af t Wiggan, being stragglers tired with marching, which is appre- hended to be the reason of their stay at Preston. Sunday Even 6 o'clock. " The rebells left Preston on Fryday morning in great distress, att which time the van of the Duke's army was but six miles from them, and part of Marshall Wade's light horse had joined those of the Duke's, so it's expected they would be up with them on Saturday and harrass them in the rear till the rest can get up. " The Duke and the rear were to be at Wiggan on Fryday night. It's said that Marshall Wade has detatched a party to give them the meeting betwixt Kendall and Carlisle. It's not doubted but they will be in time, we are informed that the party which composes the van of the Duke's army are volunteers and choose to take the part of harrassing the rebells, and we imagine the Duke's staying 2 days att Macclesfield was to draw up the rear and give them refreshment. It is said the van that is near the rebells is about 4,000 horse old and new. Manchester, Tuesday evening 6 o'clock. "Yesterday we had the following accounts from Preston. The main body of the rebels left Preston on Fryday morning Deer. 13. The same day there came in there 120 of the Duke of Kingstone's light horse, the Duke of Cumberland's hussars, and the Royall Hunters. "The same evening came in St. George's Dragoons, a detatchment of Wade's horse, another of Montague's old horse, and Ogletborp's. " About 2 this afternoon, we had an account that the hussars and light horse came up with the rear of the rebels on a moor, about mid- way betwixt Garstang and Lancaster yesterday ; when a slight skirmish ensued and it's said one or two of the light horse were killed, but we have no certain accounts what the rebels lost. However as there was no lodging there for our horse their commander thought it best to return to Garstang and the rebels proceeded to Lancaster that evening, when they arrived there we are told they hanged three of the King's friends. " It's said the rebels hearing a party of Wade's foot were att Kendall intended to halt at Lancaster. " The Duke with part of his forces went through Warrington and would be at Lancaster to night if the rebels had quitted that town, the detach- ment of foot that went through our town, would be att Preston to night. ** Manchester paid 2,500 by way of contribution. " General Oglethorp drew up the van of the King's forces composed of Duke of Kingstone's and the rest of the light horse and hussars, and 170 MSS. of Sib w. Lord Elco the rear of the rebels on Hilmoor, 5 miles short of Lancaster, Fitzheebert. am \ Lord Elco has possession of Lancaster. The rebels were at Lancaster on Sunday morning and did not seem to move, having notice General Husk was got to Kendall with five regiments of foot detached from General Wade's army. " The Duke of Cumberland was att Preston on Saturday, he expected to be att Garstang Sunday evening. " The rebels' artillery is now in the van, the horse in the rear. Their are 17 right- Hungarian hussars with our army." " The two first accounts are the reports of the spies,the last the contents of three letters I received from Manchester." The Same to the Same. Wednesday morning, Kendall. " The Duke's horse and one regiment of granadiers march'd from hence till they came to Clifton-Moor, about 2 miles from Penrith, 14 miles from Kendall, where they arriv'd about 4 afternoon, when our hussars and rebels had severall fires at one another for about an hour. Our hoive and dragoons v^ere immediately form'd into a line of battle, the foot being behind, and a draught out of three regiments of dragoons was detached an I marched on foot towards the enemy, commanded by Coll. Honeywood, being about 150. They marched to the bottom of the moor, where our hussars informed them they were, but it being near 5 and dark, our men could not see them till they were upon them, nor even then till they gave fire, for they were intrenched in a deep watry ditch beyond a hedge ; as soon as our men had receiv'd the fire they returned it with the fire of platoons, and immediately after with a whole volley, which was performed with admiration. Then the rebels run away, and our men gave a hussa and followed ; they run the length of one field, and then gave us another fire, and we returned it, then they attacked us sword in hand, but it being very dark, and our men having great heavy boots, and it being among ditches and hedges and soft watry ground, made it worse for our men. We had 1 1 men killed and 18 wounded, amongst which was Col. Honeywood, and a Captain, but none mortall. Our men all stood under arms all night (which was a very cold rainy one) expecting a battle next morning, for the rebels' artillery march'd over this moor about 2 this afternoon. Five rebels found dead in the field next morning, and thirty-nine taken prisoner by the country people, most of them wounded, and seventeen found dead next day in the river and ditches thereabouts, and I dare say a great manv more were killed. The rebels march'd with their artillery from Penrith about 6 this night, and took about 100 inhabitants with them, with lanthorns and were made to lead their horses all the way to Carlisle, where the dogs got about nine next morning. " The Duke and his horse got into Penrith Thursday morning about nine, and his foot that night and Friday. All Thursday and Friday the country people, hussars, and Hunters, were continually bringing in rebels into Penrith so that there is now kill'd and taken upwards of 200. Lord Elco is taken, he got a cutt in his throat by our hussars which was sew'd up, but doubtfull whether he will recover. Capt. Hamilton is taken, and one who came from Manchester, who after taken requir'd quarter, which was granted, after which the rogue fired a pistol at one of our hussars. Friday about 150 of the better sort of the rebels advanced from Carlisle towards the river Aske, but Gen. Huske being there with 3000 men, part of Marshall Wade's army and 2000 Whitehaven men, joined them, which obliged the rebels to retreat 171 to Carlisle. There will be 12 pieces of cannon and 2 large battering MSS. of Sib w. pieces immediately brought from Whitehaven to the Duke's assistance. 1ITZ ^^ BERT - His whole army will march from Penrith towards Carlisle this morning being Saturday. Gen. Wade with his army was att Newcastle on Wednesday night last, so I hope a few days will make an end of all the rogues." Chesterfield, 23 Deer. 1745. 12 o'clock at night. si The above I received by express from a particular friend, which 1 hope may be depended upon. The accounts from Brother you'll see are premature. I have enclosed the contents of all accounts I have received as they vary so much. Sir Charles Molyneux, gentlemen, and others wait for accounts therefore please excuse hurry." Samuel Holland to Jotin Holland. "Dear Brother, — Having just now received the following accounts, I thought proper to send it you, by a special messenger. Mr. Simns brought them both from Norton. The one is the express sent from Chattsworth to Mr. Offley, which is pretty much the same we received, only more particular, the other is an express sent to Sheffield, which Mr. Wadsworth brought to Mr. Offley's. " My Lord, — B rough, December the 18th, in the morning. — I have just now received a letter from Mr. Burn of Orton, that General Oglethorp is in his house, and that the town is full of our forces. Our messenger was amongst them ; and the Duke of Cumberland has taken the rear-guard of the rebells at Shap ; and sent an express to Appleby to summon all the country to join them att Brougham, as soon as possible this day, with such arms as they can get, to persue and take the rest. The above is from Sheffield by an express come in there. " Wednesday 10 o'clock night. — Lord Lonsdale has had an express within this hour from Mr. Armitage, dated this morning, and he says last night the Duke was att Shap, within six miles of Penrith, where ho had taken all the rear guard of the rebells, and was within 4 miles of the main body. " The day before the advanced guard of the rebells was beat back from Emmont Bridge, and chaised to Kendall, by the country rising upon them ; that the Duke of Perth, and the two ladys, were taken by the way ; but the Duke is so ill it's thought he is dead by this time. 44 The advanced guard of the rebells were, their Prince, the Duke of Perth, and all the Lords as before. " P.S. — Pray excuse all faults for am so overjoyed I scarce can contain myself." John Holland to Dickenson Knight. 1745, December 19. Penrith. — " My last was from Kendal on Tuesday. Yesterday morning wee passed over the dreadfull fields of Westmoreland and came to Shap about 2 in the afternoon, where we heard that the rear of the rebels was about 6 miles before us, whereupon we martched forward to this place, but were stopt 2 miles short of it by about 800 of the rascals at a village called Clifton, which they had taken possession of, and had lined all the hedges about the place ; we drew up in order on a common about a quarter of a mile from the village, by this time it w r as almost dark, but our hussars and a party of Cobham's and Bland's dragoons dismounted, got into the fields and after a sharp fire of a quarter of an hour we cleared the fields and hill of them, and then took possession of the place and continued in it all night, our army 172 MSS. op Sir w. remaining on the common, where they were drawn up, we lost about 12 — bert. ( ] ra g 00ns> am ] ft j S unknown what number of the rebels was slain, for they carried many away and threw ihem into a river hard by, we found only 5 this morning on the field, we have taken 50 prisoners this morning. My Lord Duke is very well after this fatigue of lying under arms all last dreadfull wet night, and I hope this night's expected rest will refresh him and all of us, tho' beads are almost out of fashion with us. The rebels made this stand to secure the retreat of the remain body, who went from hence during the scirmish, and I suppose are before now at Carlisle, but I hope we shall demolish them all before they reach Scotland, we are now but 16 miles from Carlisle, and I suppose shall be before it tomorrow ; the Duke of Perth was very active last night, we hear of one of their great officers being wounded but cannot say who, poor Colonell Huneywood received wounds, and we fear he is in danger ; we were on an eminence and saw the action thro'out, but encountred with nothing but the long night and comfortless weather, for it began to rain at 3 in the morning and continued till this day noon. My best wishes attend all at Thoersby, this is no time for com- pliment, but I am hartily, tho' not a little fatigued." John Laud to Masson. 1745, December 28. Sheffield. — " The following account came from the surgeon to General Wade's horse to his brother here, and 1 doubt not may be depended on." " Bishopp Aukland, December 24, 1745. "I imagine you received a verball account of our arrival at Barnsley, here I found the two regiments when all march'd for Pcntefract, except a detachment of 60 men from each regiment, which together with 300 Dragoons, the Royall Hunters and Georgier Rangers, where I intended by forc'd marches to join the Duke at Preston. I would gladly have gone and offered myself to the Collonell (as they had no surgeon with them) but it could not be admitted of. We march'd from Pontefract to Knaresborough from thence to Rippon. As our Generals had resolv'd to cantoon the infantry from Burrowbridge to Newcastle the army did not move together but in divisions of 2000 each. So we halted at Rippon that we might not fall in with the foot upon the march, from Rippon to Richmond, from thence to Bishop Aukland, which prov'd too long fatiguing marches, thro' exceeding deep dirty roads, here we have halted, but expect to march tomorrow or next day. You have heard no doubt of the precepitate retreat of the rebels out of England. The first place the horse could overtake them at was near Penrith, their rear guard finding themselves too closely pursued, drew up in Clifton field behind the hedge, the afternoon was very hazy, and it was near 4 o'clock before the people came up. The Duke ordered Bland's dragoons to dismount, they formed and march'd up to the enemy. A brisk fire began from behind the hedge which was return'd by our dragoons and continued pretty smart for a few minutes, but they quickly turn'd taile, and the whole 400 dispers'd, they found about 18 killed and wounded upon the spott, and in the adjacent lanes and hedges, 30 were taken prisoners, and the country people brought in 30 or 40 the next day. " Poor Philip Honeywood was shott in the neck, two more officers wounded, and about ten dragoons killed and wounded. We heard no more of our brave Duke till today, when we had an account, the rebels not being able to pursue their retreat any longer, where obliged to take. 173 shelter in Carlisle, where the Duke has pinned them up, and perhaps ^m^mer?" before you receive this has destroyed their whole power, at least you — may be very sure, you'l hear no more of their marching either into England or Scotland. We have made another detachment of 80 men from two regiments, and they have mounted 1000 foot at Newcastle. This reinforcement has joined the Duke before Carlisle, 6000 Hessians are actually landed in Scotland. So that if it was possible for the rebels to escape the Duke, they are very certain to be cut off before they can reach the Highlands. The Lord be thanked our good friends the Dutch are order'd home, these gentry have given us more trouble than it may be proper to speak of, but while we wanted their assistance it was not proper to complain. The next news I hear from Carlisle Jervase Wright." " Yesterday we had a confirmation of this from a person in Carlisle, to his brother here, but I have not time to go and see it now." Raven to 1745, December 10. Manchester. — " I came from Litchfield yester- day when I saw the Duke of Cumberland and the regiments following, Ligonier's Horse, Bland's, Lord Mac Ker's, and Cobham's Dragoons, the Duke of Kingston's and Montague's Light Horse / with about 1500 foot, who are determined to march almost day and. night till they come up with the rebels. The rest of the army is encamped on Meridan Heath near Coventry, where the artillery is left, that they may march the more expeditiously after them, they press horses for the foot that they get forward with the horse. The town of Macclesfield is almost ruined by the rebels. At the approach of the King's forces into the town I never saw such a chearfulness, and rejoicing in my life. Yesterday a small party of rebels was plundering near this town ; one of the inhabitants fired a gun and killed one of 'em on which his comrades burnt his house and forced two of his neighbours along with 'em with halters about their necks, and made 'em walk barefoot with their boots upon their shoulders. On their leaving this town they obliged 'em to pay £2500 contribution, and when they went ofF they fired some guns and wounded several people in a terrible manner. The rebels left Manchester about 2 hours before Mr. Abraham Cave and I got in. " Mr. Burdon's account is almost exactly the same with the above, he says the rear of the rebels marched out of Manchester towards Wiggan on Tuesday in the afternoon, and so northward as fast as possible, and that our army entered Macclesfield about 3 o'clock in the afternoon the same day — he farther adds they are informed by a letter from New- castle by last night's post, there is a body of 5000 rebels, Scotch and French in arms in Scotland with a train of battering cannon, and they give out they will besiege Stirling and Edinburgh. Ep worth, 12 December." to 1745, December 15. Evening. Manchester. — " By an express from Lancaster dated this morning at 9 o'clock, we hear that the body of the rebels was then there, but what they designed to do was not known, being they heard a detachment of Wade's army was at Kendall, and t'was reported they hanged 3 men (but does not say who they were) at that place, and says yesterday a detachment of the Duke of Kingston's light horse, and a party of hussars and Royal Hunters, commanded by General Oglethorpe, came up with the rear guard of the rebells about 174 Mss. op Sir W. 3 or 4 miles beyond Garstang under the command of Lord Elcho, upon FiTznERBERT. w hi c ft f| iev turned about, and a pritty warm skirmish ensued, in which General Oglethorpe has one man killed and one took prisoner, owing to a fall from his horse, but what numbers of the rebels was killed is not known, upon which they retired and agreed in a councill of warr to return to Garstang and wait for the remainder of the army to come up, which is expected will be there to night." to Durham. December 17. — "General Wade's army is divided and marches in eight columns, the first of which will be at Newcastle tomorrow. — It is reported the Duke of Perth is taken prisoner on account of his falling sick, and Lady Ogilvie also taken prisoner, and that the Duke's army has harassed and broke the rebel army, and that 500 of them are within five miles of this place, if so as the passes are most of them stopt into Scotland I hope that our different columns will pick up a share of them. General Wade's army now lies under cover of night. This comes from an officer of Wade's army. 1745, December 19. Doncaster. — " A messenger going from Lord Mai ton's to London gives an account that the Duke of Cumberland haith taken the artillery and baggage of the rebels and cut off the rear of them." to 1745, December 19. Chesterfield, Thursday Noon. — "On Thursday December the 12. A large body of dragoons with four troops of the Duke of Kingston's horse, and 1500 Foot, entered Manchester in the evening. " On Friday 200 of the Duke of Montague's Old Horse, and 200 of St. George's Dragoons reached Preston that evening from Rachdale. " Twelve of the Duke of Kingston's light horse, sent from Manchester to reconnoitre the rebels, returned from near Garstang to Preston on Friday night, with intelligence that the rebels were about Garstang. " Saturday at noon 12 Yorkshire Rangers, who were advanced within a mile or two of Lancaster to reconnoitre, were pursued by a large body of rebels. They came up with their horses being wearied ; one was shot refusing quarter, the other two surrendered, and taken prisoners to Lancaster. 4< There were no persons hanged at Lancaster as before reported, the rebels plundered extreamly there, breaking open chests, cuppords, and everything in their way, and taking away everything that was valuable. The same was done in Preston, and all other towns they passed through, the same in all country places where they came. " On Sunday before day most of the rebels left Lancaster, their rear got to Kendall about six that evening ; the country people about Kendall opposed their van guard, killed two rebels, and took one prisoner, and the rebels killed three country people. " Their hussars marched out of Kendall Sunday evening for Penrith, within a mile of Penrith the country assembled to oppose them with scythes, pitchforks, guns, swords, &c. These hussars took one countryman prisoner, and returned about five on Monday morning to Kendall. On Monday before it was light, till nine, they continued marching from Kendall for Penrith in order to be in Carlisle on Tuesday, and from thence proceeded to Scotland. " The rebels give out 10,000 French were to have landed in Wales, but received an express in Derby, that they proposed to land in Scotland, whom they are returning to join. 175 " The hussars, rangers, part of the light horse, and part of St. George's MSS. of Sib W. and Montague's, got to Kendall on Monday evening. The Duke with FlTZHERBERT - the rest of the horse were at Lancaster that evening. "About three that afternoon was met the Duke of Kingstone in his coach with Lord Byron a mile south of Lancaster, two troops of his horse attending, with 200 foot mounted on country horses. " Our foot and some Yorkshire Blews imagined may make 3000, were in Preston on Tuesday and halted. " It is confidently reported at Preston that the Duke has received an express on Saturday there, part of our horse marching for Lancaster returned to Garstang, and the other part from Garstang towards Preston, and the foot return'd to Wiggau on Sunday and billets came to Manchester for 7000 men on Monday night. " On Sunday our forces were ordered to march again after the rebels as fast as possible ; had it not been for this they were so near the rebels that they must have come up with them before this time. " The rebels artillery march'd night and day before them with a proper Guard, who take horses from the country people, and when those can march no further, take more. " Att Manchester, Preston, and where our forces came, there are great rejoicings by ringing of bells, bonefires and illuminations in every window. " 14 rebels are prisoners att Garstang, and 16 at Manchester. " The Duke declares he will follow them to their very doors in the Highlands. " The above received from 2 spies just arrived, who were taken prisoners by the rebels Saturday afternoon, and releas'd att Kendal on Munday. The rebels have taken their horses. " Ten of clock Thursday even. We have just received accounts from Chats worth that the rebels were at Shap on Wednesday morning and that General Oglethorpe was got before them, and had join'd a detach- ment from Marshall Wade's army. " The Duke of Cumberland set out from Kendal at 6 o'clock on Wednesday morning and declar'd he wou'd not sleep till he came up with them." H. Russell to 1745, December 23. — " From Penrith without date an express to Manchester. " The Duke has had a slight skirmish with the rebels, has lost ten men and the rebels 100 ; it was believed if his foot had been with them he had done their business. " Our foot got to Lancaster on Wednesday afternoon, and 1500 horses were waiting there ready to mount them as soon as they had dined. " 2000 more of the Duke of Cumberland's foot were to be in Manchester on Saturday. The 6000 that remained of his army are gone to London from the country and the places adjacent. " Marshall Wade's army was at Burrough Bridge on Sunday the loth, from thence were detached a 1000 picked men to march directly for Hexham to prevent the rebels returning into Scotland. The rest in se vera 11 columns marched directly for Newcastle. The last division would be there last Saturday. "From Bolton. — Sir, I was in Preston on Sunday the 15, the town was in the utmost hurry from an express that came that day to the Duke, the purport was a great number of French were landed in Kent. Upon this the soldiers att Lancaster and Garstang returned to Walton 176 ^ixzheISS: on . fc ¥ s si(le Prestou that ni £ ht liltc - The foot wllich ^ere advanced — " within two or three miles of Preston were ordered to return that night to Wiggan, and all the soldiers had orders to be in readiness to march early in the morning for London. "About four or five on Munday morning, another express came with an account that it was a false alarm. A gentleman of fortune who was in the room when the Duke received it, and heard it read, told me the contents were that Vernon had taken and destroyed 17 transports and 4 men of war and that the Duke might follow the rebels, whereupon he jumped about the room for joy and declared he would follow them to the furthest part of Scotland, but he would see an end of them, others told me Vernon had only taken one French East Indiaman and a Privateer full of men, a little time will convince us how it is. "About 8 on Munday morning the Duke with about 3000 horse and dragoons set out for Lancaster, on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock marched from Lancaster for Kendall, on Wednesday upwards of 2000 foot marched from Preston to Lancaster. I was told by an officer on the road they had received orders to goe forwards to Burton without halting in Lancaster. All the horses within 15 miles of Lancaster were pressed to forward them. "About 11 o'clock that day an express brought account by word of mouth to Lancaster where I then was the rebels were stopt att Penrith by a detatchment from Wade's army and had retreated to Shap and that the Duke set out of Kendall att 6 in the morning with his men to visit them." " The rebells held out the white flag and wanted to capitulate but the Duke sent them word he could not capitulat with rebells upon which they surrendered upon the Duke's mercy. The Duke will be in town Sunday or Monday, but I have great reason to believe he will very soon after go into Scotland, which I and everybody else heartily wishes he may, and if he does, don't doubt but he will soon put an end to this ugly rebellion, there was but one of our people killed at Carlile." to 1745-6, February 3. Edinburgh — ." After 'the uncommon fatigue, which his royal Highness the Duke underwent in his expeditious journey to this city, none expected a speedy march of the troops ; yet to every one's surprize he dispatched the business of the army and marched it in less than 24 hours after his arrivall. The whole troops were in motion on Friday at 5 o'clock in the morning, and expressed the greatest eagerness to attack the rebels. General Huske led the van, his Royal Highness set out soon after the artillery, and passed through this city in the Earl of Hoptone's coach, amidst a prodigious crowd, who expressed their satisfaction by repeated acclamations of joy, and prayers for his success. Att a quarter of a mile's distance, his Royall Highness mounted his horse, and was soon up w r ith the army, which lay that night att Linlithgow. The rebels called in their stragling parties, and seemed to prepare for a general engagement, which was expected on Saturday. No time was lost, for early that morning the artillery moved, together with Lord Cobham's, and 4 troops of Lord Mark Kerr's dragoons, which were all the horse that had joined, Legonier's, and Hamilton's, being left to patrol near this city. The quickness of this motion, and the alertness of the army, equally surprised and terrifyd the rebells, who, that morning having blown up their powder magazine in the church of St. Ninian's, fled with the greatest precipitation without 177 the least regularity, and made such haste, that they got to the north side ^IzheebebtT of the Forth by the ford of the Trew that night. "The Argyleshire Highlanders, and dragoons under Brigadier Mordaunt pursued, and took possession of Stirling ; where they found the rebels cannon etc, on Sunday h ; s Royal Highness entered that town, and was saluted by a triple discharge of the great guns from the castle, which he had so seasonable releived. u Several prisoners are come to town already and we hear of a great many more. General Blakeney fired hotly on such as were within reach of his guns. Such a speedy deliverance to the south part of Scotland was beyond the warmest expectation, and I he inimitable bravery of his Royal Highness, who has freed the better half of North Brittain from oppression, slavery, rapin, and blood, in the short space of three days, will be ever gratefully acknowledged by all the friends of liberty. " The army under his Royal Highness consists of 14 battalions and 2 regiments of dragoons ; it marched in 2 columns by way of Barrow- stonners and Lithgow ; the Argyleshire men under Lieut. Col. Campbell led the van, and on Friday night were cantoned towards the river Avon in the front. "Yesterday the most devout thanksgivings were put up to Almighty God for this begun deliverance from this wicked and unnaturall rebellion. " Severall gentlemen, volunteers, made prisoners in the action near Falkirk and confined in the Castle of Down by the rebels, have made their escape, and are come to this city, as has likewise Major Lockhart, and Mr. Gordon of Ardock, who having happily convinced the officer on guard of his folly, engaged him to come along with them, and he is admitted to bail. " A letter from Stirling says that the Earl of Kilmarnock, and several other officers of distinction amongst the rebels are made prisoners. " The rebels published a proclamation at Stirling offering a reward to any who would discover the author of that damnable lye that the person commonly called the Duke of Cumberland was arrived in Scotland, so apprehensive were they that their army would fly on the approach of that illustrious young hero. " February 4. — It is this day reported that the Highlanders are dispersing, and forcing the country people to exchange cloaths with them. The Duke has ordered the Argyleshirmen and dragoons to pass the Forth in pursuit of the rebels. " The Hazard sloop of war has sailed from Montross for France with the French ambassador, and some chiefs of the rebels on board. "The Pretender and rebels are marched up to the Highlands having abandoned Perth yesterday. Newcastle, February 7. "An express this day brings advice that the rebels still fly before the Duke who was to be at Perth yesterday. " Cameron of LochielFs brother is taken prisoner. " The Prince of Hesse onboard the Gibraltar, man of war, and three other men of war, and 30 transports of the Hessian troops, passed our barr yesterday, and as the wind is fair, they will, 'tis hoped, be landed at Leith this dajr. " The Duke of Kingston's light horse went through here yesterday for Scotland.'' E 64159. M 178 MSS. of Sir W. . FjTZnERBERT. " 10 " 1745-6, February 4. Newcastle. — " One of the King's messengers went through here this morning with an express from the Duke of Cumberland whom he left at Stirling yesterday morning at 5 o'elock. The Duke gave him a strict charge not to stop or sleep till he had his dispatches. " The brave Duke on Sunday forenoon advanced within a small dis- tance of the town with his army drawn up expecting the rebels coming, but on the contrary they run off as fast as they could in the utmost confusion, crossing the river upon floats, which they had made before, severall were drowned, vast numbers killed by the cannon of the castle, and by a seasonable salley made by the garrison, besides prodigious numbers surrendered themselves prisoners of war, particularly Lord John Drummond's regiment, after himself was killed near one of their own batteries. He says scarce 40 of the whole regiment went off with the rebels, we have taken all their tent 5 , cannon, ammunition, baggage, and most of their arms, and to compleat their ruin all their provisions, all this without the loss of a man or the least hazard of the Duke's person. All this he declares he saw with his own eyes, and further that as he came from Edenburgh he met on the rods nigh 100 waggons ladened with all sorts of provisions for the arm)'. " Our accounts by express both to Berwick and this town are as follows : " Upon Friday morning last the army marched from Edenburgh westward, and at nine the Duke of Cumberland followed, but on Friday evening at six o'clock the rebels began a most precipitate retreat from Falkirk and Stirling by blowing up this magazine of powder in St. Ninians's Church near Stirling, nailed up all their cannon, leaving all their baggage behind 'em, and passing the ford att the Trew about 5 miles above Stirling. As soon as the rebels had passed the Forth they divided themselves into eight different bodies and were making up to the north. Lord Loudon will be an over match for any of these parties, and its not doubted but he the Argyleshire men and a few troopers will ferret 'm out and bring them to justice. " Some say the rebels tied so precipitately, that they had not time to nail up their cannon. " It's said the rebels attempted to bribe the principall gunner of Stirling castle but, he having the honour to communicate the affair to the general, he made a very good use of it by suffering them in an intended general assault on the Castle to come as near it as they pleased, and they not doubting but they had the gunner on their side came just under the guns in great numbers, which the general perceiving ordered the guns to fire and killed some hundreds of the rebels." to Dickenson Knight. " A copy of a letter sent us by Dr. Herring." 1746, April 26. — " By an express this day at noon from the Duke at Inverness there was 2,500 of the Rebels killed & most of the general officers either killd or taken prisoners. This express left the Duke in pursuit of the Rebells. Taken 5,000 stand of arms & 30 pieces of Cannon. 179 L<1 Strachallan killd. mss. of Sir Mackintosh ditto. Fiizhebbert. Ogilvie ditto. Appin ditto. & many more taken. Totally dispersed, not 200 hundred to be found in any place together, Earl Cromarty tuken with 100 of his men." a true and perfect return of all papists convicted in the North Eiding of the County of York [1716]. Birdforth William Pinkney of Thirsk, Gen. Allertoushire William Dale of the same, Grocer. Weaptakcs. Jolm Da)e o£ xhorftbrongh, Yeom. Richard Briggs of Upsall, Y^eom. Cuthbert Tunstall of Nether Silton, Gen. John Pinkney of the same, Gen. Henry Dinmore of Sowerby, Gen. Thomas Moor of Angram, Gen. William Dale of Coxwold, Yeom. Thomas Dale of Newbrough, Yeom. William Mitchell of the same, Gen. John Smith of Oulston, Yeom. Francis Kirke of Kilbourne, Yeom. John Dale of Keswick, Yeom,. Edward Danby of Barroby, Yeom. Thomas Danby senr. of the same, Yeom. Thomas Danby junr. of the same, Yeom. Christopher Danby of the same, Yeom. Richard Burgess of the same, Yeom. Henry Webster of Knagton, Yeom. Peter Barker of the same, Yeom. John Parvin of the same Yeom. Thomas Parvin of the same Yeom. John Bussey of the same, Yeom. Christopher Pibus of the same, Yeom Robert Wood of the same, Yeom. Roger Meynell of Kilvington, Esqre. Adam Dale of the same, Yeom. Thomas Sampson of the same, Yeom. Richard Gowland of the same, Yeom. Anthony Whitfield of the same, Yeom. Thomas Dale of Thornton le Street, Yeom. William Jackson of the same, Yeom. William Rowtless of the same Y r eom. Richard Coward of the same, Yeom. John Mayes of Yarme, Esqre. Francis Welfitt of High Worsall, Yeom. Richard Dallon of the same, Y"eom. Richard Bell of the same, Yeom. William Bell of Girsby, Y"eom. William Nesham of Upper Dinsdale, Yeom. Marmaduke Palmer ot Hutton Bonvill, Yeom. Laurence Daltcn of High Worsall, Yeom. Hang West Mr. George Reynoldson of Bainbridge. Weapentake. John Todd of the same. Dorothy Blaids of the same. M 2 180 Mss. of Sir w, Margaret Walker of Askridge. Fitzherdert. George Kirkley of Djwnholme. James Ah-ock o( the same. Mr. John Coates senr. of East Witton. John Coates junr. of the same. William Staveley of the same. • William Staveley junr. of the same. John Staveley of the same. William Petch of the same. George Pearson of the same. William Aller of the same. Henry Petch of the same. Edward Staveley of the same. Marmaduke Grainger of Grinton. John Petch of Burton Constable. Mr. John Reynoldson of Ley bourne. James Allen of the same. Edward Holmes of the same. Fiancis Dent of the same. Peter Blenkinson of the same. Thomas Edmondson of the same. George Allen of the r iame. George Brown of Midleham. Matthew Straker of the same. Richard Holmes of the same. Christopher Stracher of the same. Simon £croope, Esqr. of Thornton Steward. Mr. Christopher Scroope of the same. Mr. James Aller of the same. Henry Homer of the same. William Cooper of the same. John Milborne of the same. Robert Marwood of the same. John Cooper of the same. William Wetherall of Belerby. Robert Weatherell of the same. Christopher Dane of Wensley. Christopher Dane junr. of the same. Matthew Bell of the same. Edward Harrison of the same. Charles Robinson of the same. John Robinson of the ^ame. Mr. Michael Errington of the same. Mr. Thomas Errington of the same. Mr. Anthony Metcalfe of the same. Simon Collyer of the same. Jeremiah Day of the same. Gilling West George Meynell senr. of Aldbrough, Esqre. [Wapentake.] George Meynell junr. of the same, Esqre. Robert Walker senr. of the same. Robert Walker junr. of the same. Joseph Griffin of the same. Robert Shaw of Newsham. Henry Thompson of the same. Robert Smithson of the same. John Thompson of the same. William Appleton of the same. 181 Clir. Hamon of the same. Thomas Wiseman of Kirkeby Ravens John Passman of the same. Hugh Sayer of Rudb}\ John Saver of the same. Alban Saver of the same. Thomas Sayer of the same. Thomas Midleton of Midleton. John Sayer of Castle Leavington. Thomas Bell of Pickton. Thomas Bell of Appleton. Stephen Tiplady senr. of Hilton. Stephen Tiplady junr. of the same. John Calvert of the same. Thomas Darnell of the same. Ralph Grainger of Ormesby. Buhner Ralph Reynold of St. Mary Gate, Weapentake. j \ m "Bell of the same. John Robinson of Wigginton. William Salvin of Easingwould, Gen. John Hardcastle of the same. William Hall of Linton. John Hall of the same. Anthony Hunt of the same. Andrew Chambers of the same. Thomas Chambers of the same. Ralph Hall of the same. Henry Hunt of the same. Thomas Hunt senr. of the same. John Nelson of the same. Thomas Hunt junr. of the same. Edward Munday of Cornebrough. Thomas Clarke of Whenby. Thomas Sturdy of the same. William Leach of the same. Francis Hornsey of the same. Thomas White of the same. John Scott of the same. William Craggs of the same. Thomas Cholmley of Bransby, E^qre. George Wilson of the same. Francis Cholmley of Bransby in Stearsby, Gent James Atkinson of the same. George Jackson of the same. William Hard wick of the same. John Ward of the same. George Speed of the same. Thomas Wilkinson of the same. George Wilkinson of the same. Edward Belvvood of the same. Matthew Crosby of the same. Timothy Taylor of the same. William Hornsey of Skewsby. Thomas Corneforth of the same. Francis Turner of the same. George Turner of the same. Nicholas Turner of the same. 185 Michael Ron ck] ess of the same. William Rouckless of the same. Thomas Smith of Tirrington. William Thwing of Heworth, Gen. Richard Frankland of Farlington. Joseph Frankland of the same. Jurdon Sturdy of the same. Phillip Kendell of Welburne. MSS. of Sir W. FlTZHERBERT. Bydale Weapentke. Pickering, Lyth and Whitby Strand Weapentakes Charles Lord Fairfax of Grilling, Papist. Christopher Simpson of Grathland, Yeom. John Nessiield of Eskdaleside, Tanner. Henry Pearson of Whitby, Yeom. These persons before named were convicted as Popish recusants att the generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden at Thirske the tenth day of April in the second year of the reigne of his Soveraigne Lord King George in pursuance of an Act of Parliament passed in the first year of his Majestie's reigne intitled an Act for the further security of his Majestie's Person and Government and the Succession of the Crown in the heirs of the late Princess Sophia being Protestants and for extinguishing the hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales and his open and secrett abettors. Liang East William Thwaites of Cattherick. Weapentake. Mr . Heddon of Bedale. Anthony Metcalfe of the same. William Grainge of the same. John Robinson of the same. Richard Metcalfe of the same. William Grainge of the same. Miles Lodge of Brompton. John Adamson of Swinton. Henry Jackson of the same. William Pickersgill of the same. Christopher Tideman of Moulton. William Smith son of Newsham. Robert Shaw of the same. These persons last named were convicted as Popish recusants att the generall Quarter Sessions of the Peace holden att Thirske the fourth day of Aprill in the seventh yeare of her late Majesty Queen Ann. This is a true coppy of all the Popish recusant convict wittness my hand and seal this 17th day of December 1717. Frankland." J. A. Bennett. 186 THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE DE LAVAL FAMILY, OF SEA TON DE LAVAL, NORTHUMBERLAND. These papers relating to the Delaval family who were the former owners of Seaton Delaval in Northumberland, are now in the posses- sion of Mr. John Robinson of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Some of the most interesting of the letters calendared, were written by and to Captain George Delaval, about the beginning of the 18th century. They refer principally to naval matters, particularly with reference to the Moors and their Christian captives. The detailed instructions given to Captain Delaval by Sir George Aylmer in November 1698 (p. 3) may especially be noted. There are some amusing letters from Foote, the actor, to John Delaval, giving the theatrical gossip of the day ; and a letter from Mrs. Astley to her sister Mrs. Delaval (p. 15) shews the interest taken by the public in the Duchess of Hamilton, one of the beautiful Miss Gunnings, and the excitement which her appearance created everywhere. Delaval MSS. Francis, Earl of Cumberland to Sir William Fenwick, Sir — George Selby, and Sir Ralph Delaval, Deputy Lieutenants for Northumberland and Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1611, November 6. Londesborough. — Sending them letters of depu- tation for the lieutenancy of the county. Signed. N ORTII UMBERL AND. 1611, December 20. — A list of the names of gentlemen of Northum- berland to whom privy seals were directed for the loan of money to the King. Francis, Earl of Cumberland to Sir John Fenwick, Sir Ralph Delaval, and the rest of the Deputy Lieutenants for Northum- berland. 1627, April 15. Londesborough.— Concerning the exercise and training of the Northern Counties according to the model appointed for the rest of the Kingdom. Copy. R. Delaval to his father, Sir Ralph Delaval, at Seaton Delaval. [16] 74, June 13. Paris. — I have written to you almost every post but have not had the least line from you, which makes me fear that you have forgot me, as well as the rest of my friends. In my last I gave you an account of my ill condition which is every day worse by my own folly and my wife's great unkindness ; but I may find a way to be even with her yet. If I could come home without money I would, but that is impossible, for I may as well starve here as anywhere. There is no news here but of the great action at Besancon, which the King has taken. The French confess the loss of 3000 men. Since then he has taken Dole in eight days, where he lost, as they confess, 2000 men. He is now going for Flanders, and intends to sit down before Brussels. J. G to Sir Ralph Delaval, in Northumberland. 1681, September 9. The Hague. — Lady Elizabeth Delaval has turned me away from her service. She has gone to Scotland and before 187 she went, she made her will, and made it so that your family shall have Dhlavai. mss. no benefit. Sir Harry Bellairs is her chief adviser and was witness to — her will and said " Your Ladyship does nothing but what is just. Sir Ralph is fool and knave, governed by his sot wife." Emanuel Blake to his uncle [Francis Blake]. 1682, August 29. London. — The Duchess of York is brought to bed of a daughter, which is a baulk to expectation. The Same to the Same, at Ford Castle near Berwick-on-Tweed. 1082, September 12. London. — Concerning an apprentice. Signet. H. Duke of Newcastle to [Sir Ralph Delaval?]. [16]82, November 2. Welbeck. — I do wonder the Romanists will appear in public places. I am a friend to many of them, but I shall never be of their religion. Since you mention Mr. Howard, I acquaint you, upon Lord Carlisle's wish, that I have written to Lord Halifax to desire that he may be this year sheriff. " My daughter Albemarle haveing violent fltts of the mother, trobles me exceedingly." Emanuel Blake to his uncle, F'rancis Blake, at Ford Castle. 1682, November 25. London. — Congratulating him upon the ap- proaching marriage of his daughter Eleanor. Signet. Holland. [c. 1683.] — Essays on the History of the House of Nassau, Princes of Orange, and Founders of the Commonwealth of the United Provinces. Probably translated from Sir Aubrey du Maurier's Memoires pour servir a Vhistoire de Holland. See " Notes and Queries" November 9, 1889. Sir F. Blake to his son, Francis Blake, at Ford Casfle. [16]84, April 10. — A letter of condolence upon a death in his family. Postscript. — " Your brother is well. Wee ordered your sister to invite severall praying friends to meet togeather to give thancks to our good God for hearing our prayers for his wife's restoration to health, and to give 51. to the poore, which was done last weeke." Bristol. 1696[-7], January 24. — A list of fee-farm rents in Northumberland given to the Merchant Adventurers of Bristol, incorporated by Edward Colston for the maintenance of twenty-four poor people in an almshouse built there by him. The yearly total is 237/. 3s. 4 who wanted a place. The Lords Justices of Ireland to John Potter. 1740, September 19. — Granting him a suite of apartments in Dublin Castle. Three signatures. 198 Delaval MSS. „ HiXPOTtTS. 1740-1, January 28. — An account of the woollen manufactures ex- ported to Turkey between Christmas 1720 and Christmas 1740 ; the total value being 3,582,931/. 16.9. 8d. Imports. 1740[-1], February. — An account of the cotton imported from Turkey between Christmas 1720 and Christmas 1740; the total amount being 6,550,694 pounds of cotton wool and 1,187,323 pounds of cotton yarns. The Same. 1740[-1], February. — An account of the mohair imported from Turkey between Christmas 1720 and Christmas 1740 ; the total omitting the years 1735 and 1740, being 4,106,105 pounds. T. Town shen d to [George Dodington ?]. 1740[-1], February 17. Cleveland Court. — Concerning an appoint- ment in the gift of the Duke of Newcastle. F. Blake Delaval to Matthew Eidley, at Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1742, December 1. London. — Declining to purchase the estate of Newsham, which would require too much money, but wishing him a purchaser to his satisfaction. The Earl of Chesterfield to . 1745, July 23. London. — See English Historical Review, Vol. IV. p. 752-3. [The Earl of Chesterfield] to . 1745-6, March 6.— See English Historical Review, Vol. IV. p. 750. North Carolina. 1740. — A series of complaints brought against Gabriel Johnston Governor of North Carolina for having violated the constitution of that province in different ways. Copy. Viscount Strangford to . 1746 [-7], February 24. Dublin.- — Concerning a lawsuit which concerned him greatly and in which he had suffered a great loss by Lord Chesterfield's departure, who had conferred the deanery (of Perry) on him. Viscount Strangford to — . 1747. March 26. Dublin.— On the same subject. Copy. 199 Thomas Lindsey to Colonel Owen Wynn, in Abbey Street, Dublin, delaval mss. 1747 [-8], January 29 Milford. — Concerning an attempt made upon the Protestants, and the murder of Robert Miller by Mr. Brown. Don Jaime Mazones de Lima to Wall. 1748, October 1. Aix la Chapelle. — Concerning the progress of the negotiations for the peace, and the difficulties caused by the Duke of Newcastle's covetousness and unreasonableness. Copy. Wall to Don Jaime Mazones de Lima. 1748, October 12. — An answer to the above. Copy. The Palatines in North Carolina to Kino George II. [1748.] — Petition to have the land on which they had been settled by Queen Anne, reserved to them ; their title having been disputed by Colonel Prancis Pollock, who had threatened to dispossess them and settle certain Scotch rebels in their place. Copy. Joseph Tucker to => — . 1749, April 5. Bristol. — Concerning a pamphlet to which he had written a dedication and had it printed. It was then sent up to town to Mr. Trye the bookseller in Holborn, with instructions to send a quantity to the pamphlet shops in Westminster Hall. Thomas Delaval to his brother, John Delaval, in Albemarle Street, London. 1751, July 27. Hamburg. — Asking for a loan of 120/. to pay debts incurred through his inexperience and the sharp practice of those-- amongst whom he was living. Thomas Delaval to his sisterfin-law] Mrs. Delaval, in Albemarle "Street. 1751, October 11. Dresden. — I will skip over everything until my arrival at Meissen, about twelve miles distant from this place, where the manufactory is, where all the ware known by the name of Dresden china, is made. They shew you everything from the mixing of the clay till it comes out to its last perfection. There is not anything which is not represented in this European china, which in my opinion is every bit as curious as that of China. The only fault I find is that it costs something more. The Court being at Leipsic, where I was some days ago about business, I was obliged to make a metamorphosis from the apprentice to the cavalier and was presented with half a dozen of my countrymen to his Polish Majesty. As to the Court I must be silent. You have no doubt heard of Count Bruhl, who is the Duke of Newcastle of Saxony. His expenses are only much greater. I leave you to judge of the others by those of his wardrobe, which are 15,000/. sterling yearly, after my calculation, which I assure you is a moderate one. I saw upwards of four hundred suits in it, mostly of rich embroidery. Picture galleries and curiosity chambers there are no end of ; one of which is of seven separate apartments, to fill which one would think the 200 Dkiaval MSS. whole East had been robbed. There is such a profusion of rubies, emeralds, onyxes ; in short, all the jewels one can imagine. R. Astley to her sister, Mrs. Delaval, at Doddington, near Lincoln. [1752 ?] April 14. — It is almost incredible what a crowd of people was at Newcastle waiting to see ihe Duchess of Hamilton. She, according to her usual goodness to the public, contrived to stand a few minutes on Ihe steps at the "Iron" ; but when the Duke came out he was much offended that the people should dare to lift their eyes to so divine a beauty, and protested if he had had a pistol, he would have fired among them. When he was in his chaise he bade the postilion drive on, and the more he drove over the better. Samuel Foote to John Delaval, at Doddington. [1752,] September 30. — After a day spent with Lord George Manners at Ancaster and another with your uncle at Wasingby, we have this evening reached the metropolis. Lord George purposes to send Mrs. Delaval and you a letter of invitation to his house. Though this step may not be strictly con- sistent to the usual forms of provincial politeness, yet, as they are people of quality and on the whole a good acquaintance, I would advise you to relax a little in ceremonials. This town is as empty as your Aunt Price's head. [John Delaval ?] to . No date. — You seem to think we could have prevented Foote's coming here, which was impossible as we did not know of it till he was in the room. Remonstrances had no effect. My brother had been here two months and we believe would have stayed till the meeting of Parlia- ment, had we not been uneasy at Foote's being here, which we believe was the occasion of his leaving Doddington. The day after he arrived, my brother and he went to Lincoln and stayed there all the race week and the day after set out for London. Samuel Foote to John Delaval, at Seaton Delaval. [1753,] January 17. Pall Mall. The theatres have each produced a pantomime. That of Covent Garden is the Sorcerer, revived, with a new piece of machinery that is elegantly designed and happily executed. The subject is a fountain. The Genii of Drury Lane has some pretty contrivances, but the inspector complains of its being barren of incidents, defective in the plan, and improbable in the denouement. We have had no new comedies but one given by Mr. Weymondsell and his lady. John Child is gone to Fiance ; the fair frail one turned out of doors, and a suit for a divorce commenced. Francis's tragedy called Constantine is to be acted at Covent Garden. The Gamester is soon to be played at Drury Lane. I am writing the Englishman at Paris for Macklin's benefit. G. Delaval to his brother, Thomas Delaval, at Seaton Delaval. 1753, February 12. Mortlake. — It was in the Daily Advertiser that upwards of four thousand ladies and gentlemen had been assembled at Seaton Delaval to see the rope dancers. 201 Samuel Foote to [John] Delaval. Delaval mss. [1753,] March 13. London.—" In the North ! What do you do in the North, when you are wanted in the West." I suppose the post will bring you the Brothers. You will find some good writing but as a play, it is a heavy, uninteresting, bad-conducted, ill-judged, story. The recorder of your town of Newcastle has lately occasioned a small inflammation at Court. About four months since he dined with Lord Ravensworth, and taking up a newspaper which mentioned the Bishop of Gloucester as the Bishop of Chichester's successor in the Prince of Wales's family, declared that was the second great officer about the Prince, whom he had formerly known to drink treasonable healths, Andrew Stone being the other. Lord Ravens- worth made a report of this to the Cabinet Council, which the two delinquents, with the Solicitor-General, he being equally culpable, were ordered to attend. Sundry examinations were had, and the result of all is that the subsequent loyal attachment of these gentlemen should obliterate the stain of their former principles, and the prosecution be branded with the ignominious titles of groundless, trifling, and vexatious. G. Guadagni to . 1753, March 20. London. — I have the misfortune to be about 500/. in debt, which is owing to my going to Ireland last year and losing all my winter employment, but I hope soon to be able to pay 300/. out of the "oritorys " and concerts I am engaged in. Francis Delaval to his brother [John Delaval]. 1753, March 23. — I am just come from Mr. Foote's farce, which went off with applause. Miss Macklin danced a minuet, played on a " pandoia,"' and accompanied it with an Italian song, all which she performed with much elegance. There were some silver cockades at the play-house for Lord Carnarvon's marriage with the rich Miss Nicholls. Thomas Delaval to his brother, John Delaval, at Seaton Delaval. 1753, March 27. Hamburg. — My brothers set out yesterday for Berlin and propose making a tour through Germany. 1 have been inquring about our small coals, and propose trying a cargo or two soon. I should be glad to know what price you could afford them for if a third part of the better coals were mixed with them. K the cargo sent by Captain Read cost no more than six shillings the chaldron, there must have been near a hundred per cent, got by them. Signed. The Same to the Same. 1753, March 30. Hamburg. — Coals are worth about ten shillings a chaldron. If you send any, take care to have some of the better coals mixed with the small ones. It will help to bring them into better repute. Samuel Foote to [John] Delaval. [1753,] April 5. Pall Mall. — The Englishman at ]*aris has been better received than I expected. Garrick and all the delicice of the theatre say kinder things of it than modesty will permit me to repeat. Upon the whole it was damnably acted. 202 Delaval mss. Macklin miserably imperfect in the words and in the character. You might have seen what 1 meant. An English buck by the powers of dullness, instantaneously transformed into an Irish chairman. Miss Roach accompanied by some frippery French woman, occupied, to the no small scandal of the whole house, the Prince's box, whilst the Duchess of Bedford and others were obliged to take up with seats upon the stage. I set out for foreign parts the first of May. I do not know whether I shall arrive time enough in France to put up a few Masses for the propitious delivery of Mrs. Delaval ; but let me be where I will, I shall not fail to pronounce for her a Juno Lucina fer opem t and I do not know but that may do as well as an Ave Maria. — De Reverseaux to — Champseaux. [1753?] — An account of the family, life, and misfortunes of Miss Roach. French. Seaton Delaval. 1792, February 1. — An estimate of the expenses for refreshments, attending the play at Seaton Delaval. The total amounts to 33/. 145. \0d. [The Same.] ~No date. — An epilogue to the Fair Penitent written by Lord Delaval and spoken by the Earl of Strathmore. Thirty-nine lines. The Same. No date. — A return of the persons within the township of Seaton Delaval and parish of Earsdon, who from age, infirmity, or any other cause, were to be removed in case of invasion, with the number of ticket and cart in which they were to be removed, and with the number and station of each cart. Hartley Colliery. 1797, May. — Estimate of the expense of erecting an engine at Hartley Colliery for drawing the water from the Main to the Yard coal seams, being about thirty fathoms, with a twelve-inch bore. The total amount is 1369/. 2s. 6d. All the MSS. described above are now in the possession of Mr. John Robinson, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Richard Ward, 203 mss. of the Earl of Ancaster. THE MANUSCRIPTS OF THE EARL OF ANCASTER, AT G RIMSTHORPE, CO. LINCOLN. It is to be regretted that there is not more matter amongst these papers relating to Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk, and her husband, Richard Bertie. The history of their flight from England and of their wander- ings on the continent is well known, but any addition would have been welcome which would have helped to fill in the blanks of that romantic story, or which would have given us further details of the childhood of their celebrated son — afterwards Lord Willoughby in right of his mother who was christened Peregrine, the wanderer, from the circum- stances of his birth. We have however an exceedingly complete account-book kept at Grimsthorpe and at the Barbican in London during the years 1560 to 1562, when the Duchess and her husband had returned to England and were reinstated in all their possessions. This book gives a large number of details concerning their private and public life, their charities, amusements, journeys, personal and household expenses and allowances, presents to the Queen and others, the attend- ances of the Duchess at Court, and the number and expense of their domestic servants. The bulk of the earlier papers relate to Peregrine, after he had become Lord Willoughby. They consist for the most part of his official correspondence for the years 1585 to 1588, when he was in command of the English forces in the Low Countries, and arc chiefly written in Dutch or French, and some few in German. From their nature they are mostly formal, but attention should be called to the letter written by Lord Willoughby in March 1587, shortly after the execution of Mary Stuart, to Dauzay, the French Ambassador in Denmark, which gives the official, if not the true, version of Queen Elizabeth's motives and feelings on that vexed question. To go to a later date there are copies of several letters which passed between Charles I. and Montagu, Lord Lindsey, in March 1646, with regard to the holding of Woodstock against the Cromwellian troops. The King seems not to have thought the post sufficiently important for Lord Lindsey, and he accordingly summons him to Oxford in the most complimentary manner. At page 252 is a letter, unsigned, but probably from Charles Bertie to his brother, the Marquis of Lindsey, in which he gives us an account of how Harley endeavoured to conquer the opposition of some of the representatives of the Vere family, who had a natural dislike to his being created Earl of Oxford, and how he — Harley — warned them that another would have the title within a month, if he did not. The writer winds up by suggesting that " we should tell Harley " what steps have been made to procuring you another title, and try to " engage him to assist in it, upon giving him noe trouble in this point." This proposal if carried into effect was doubtless listened to readily by Harley. 204 MSS. OF THE a E vc?ster. ANCIENT DEEDS. There are in the muniment room at Grimsthorpe a great number of mediaeval deeds and court- rolls. The following appear to be the most interesting of the deeds, the first three being remarkable as stating a villein was "brother" to a man of wealth and high position: — [ Circa 1 160.] — Radulfus filius Gilleberti omnibus amicis et hominibus suis Francis et Anglicis salutem. Sciatis me dedisse Radulfo villano, fratri meo, totam terram de Steping, in pratis et pasturis, in moris et mariscis et omnibus asiamentis que ad eandeixi terram pertinent, preter iij bovatas terre quas Tainca tenuit. Totum quod superest terre quam habui in Spepinga dedi predicto Radulfo et heredibus suis, tenendum de me et heredibus meis in feodum et hereditatem pro servicio dimidii miiitis pro orani servicio quod ad me pertinet. Hoc autem tenementum volo ut bene, libere et honorifice teneat. Et hoc concessi ei quod non mutabo eum hoc servicium suum de manu mea et heredum meorum. Ego et cepi homagium predicti Radulfi quando hanc donationem ei feci coram his testibus, Waltero abbate de Kirkested et Waltero priore, Ricardo incluso, Radulfo cell[erario], Willelmo filio Aet', Ricardo de Hornecastr', Waltero capellano de Barden', fratre Thori et fratre Gosce, Ct Radulfo filio Radulfi, Willelmo Gri', Simone filio Hacon', Johanne de Edlintun'et Ancheti de Edlintun', Pagano mac°, Willelmo de Puleberge, Reinerio coco, Ada Grim, Thoma de Belesterne, et Edwardo Multon. [Circa 1160.] — Radulfus filius Gileberti omnibus amicis suis et hominibus Gallicis et Anglicis salutem. Seiatis me concessisse et c[arta con]firmasse Radulfo rustico, fratri meo, terram de Stepiugia, tenendam et heredibus suis de me et heredibus meis [pro servicio di]midie partis miiitis. Et sciatis ipsum Radulfum facere iiij 01 * partes et Robertum Travers quintam hujus medietatis miiitis. His testibus, Willelmo filio Cunen, Alvredo de . . . dford, Bodin de Fenne, Ernisio de Lam'tunia, Willelmo filio Alvredi de Tedford et Radulfo fratre suo. Valete. Fragment of equestrian seal. [Circa 1200.] — Radulfus filius Radulfi filii Gilleberti omnibus hominibus presentibus et futuris salutem. Sciatis me concessisse et hae mea carta confirmasse Radulfo villano, avunculo meo, et heredibus suis totam terram quam Radulfus pater meus dedit ill! in Steping', habendam et tenendam de me et heredibus meis cum omnibus rebus et pertinenciis et frangisiis que ad eandem terram pertinent, sicut carta patris mei tes- tatur, scilicet faciendo quatuor partes servicii dimidii miiitis. Testibus, Ricardo abbate Kirkestedie, Simone de Crevecur', Petro de Screinbi, Johanne de Horrebi, Willelmo de H'eeford, Radulfo de Stavenesbi, Alano de Aistrebi, Simone de Frisebi, Alano de Keles, et Waltero fratre ejus. Equestrian seal. [Circa 1200.] — Grant by Philip de Kima to the church of St. Mary, Kirkestede, and the monks thereof in frank almoin, of' common pasture in Wildemora for the good estate of himself and his heirs and the souls of his ancestors. Witnesses: — Lambert, prior of Kiine, Thomas, son of William de Heint', Ralph son of Ralph son of Gillebert, Humphrey de Welle, Geoffrey de Clincamp, Walter de Alford, William son of Thomas, William son of the grantor, Elias de Helpringham, Nicholas de Ros, William Bacun, William de Wdetorp, Elias de Brunna, Spiri the chamberlain. Equestrian seal. 205 [1 J 47-1 162.]— Grant by Robert de Gant, with the consent of his M | S ,- R ° L F T F HE wife Adeliza Paganell, to the abbey of Vaudey of ten acres and a rod axcaster. and a half of wood on the north side of the road which is called ' Leuigatha ' in exchange lor ten acres on the south side which he had previously given, but which Robert de Laughatuna claimed. Wit- nesses : — Angerius and Michael, monks, Jordan, Remigius, Ralph de Brunna, Roger the Smith (Faber), Ailsi and Syward, lay brethren (conversi) of Vaudey, Hugh de Gant, Robert de Langathuna, Ralph Scroph, Arebernus, Alan Ke, Ailbrict and Robert his son, Robert le Franoeis, Ovuti and Geoffrey his son, Lambert son of Godwin de Swinsteda, Geoffrey Costard Ralph Cem[en]tarius de Scotelthorp, William son of Payn, Nicholas son of Godric de Anacastro. Eques- trian seal. 1334, June 16. — Renewal and confirmation to Robert de Scardeburgh, prior of Bridlington and the convent of that place by Henry de Beau- mont, Earl of Boghane and Murref and Constable of Scotland, and Isabella late the wife of John de Vescy, of a charter by Sir Gilbert de Gaunt granting to them certain rights of pasture at Edenham, which charter had been maliciously destroyed by John Cadinot, servant of the said Henry and Isabella. Dated ai Neweastle-on-Tyne. Equestrian seal and seal of arms. 1384. — Ordinance of John, Bishop of Lincoln, concerning the chantry of the Holy Trinity, Spilsby, founded by Sir John Wylughby and the Lady Joan his wife, for a master and twelve chaplains. August 3 Episcopal and capitular seals. 1400. — Agreement between the Abbot and Convent of Kirkstead and William de Wylughby, knight, Lord of Eresby, concerning the advow- son and endowments of the church of Wyspyngton. October 15, 2 Henry IV. Ecclesiastical seal. 1410. — Demise by Joan, Duchess of York, late the wife of William de Wylughby, Lord of Eresby, to Robert de Wylughby, Lord of Eresby, of lands, etc., in Friskenay, Ingoldmels, Tateshale, Hundylby, Menyngesby, Biscopthorp, Kirkeby by Bolyngbrok, Thurleby, and Spilsby. 2 September, 1 1 Henry IV. Fine heraldic seal of the Duchess. 1401. — Demise by William Roos, Lord of Helmesley, Simon Felbrygg, knights, Master Peter de Dalton, John de Tenelby, clerks, William Michell of Friskeney and Albin de Enderby, to William de Wylughby knight, of the manor of Oyreby. Dated at Eresby, 16th February, 2 Henry IV. Two heraldic seals and four others. 1407. — Grant by William de Wylughby, knight, Lord of Eresby, John son of Robert de Wylughby, knight, John de Teuelby, clerk, William Michell of Friskenay, Albin de Enderby and Robert de Kirk by, parson of the church of Bolyngbroke to William Hardegray, master of the Chantry of the Holy Trinity, Spilsby, and his successors, of messuages and land in Askeby. 3 February, 8 Henry IV. Two heraldic seals and four others. 1547. — Grant by Thomas maltby, clerk, master of the Chantry, or College, of Holy Trinity in the church of Spilsby and the chaplains of the said chantry, or college, to Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk of all their lands and rights within the realm of Englan^Jtogether with the advow- 206 Mss. of the sous of the churches of Overtoynton, Kirkeby, aud Eresby, with the AjkStSL cha P el of Spilsby. 14 September, 1 Edward VI. Ecclesiastical seal — and four signatures. LETTERS and PAPERS. Thomas Bertie. 1550, July 10. London. — The arms of Thomas Bertie, of Berested, drawn out by Thomas Hawley, Clarencieux King at arms. Copy in the handwriting of William Dugdale. See Glover's heraldic collec- tions, British Museum.. Kirkstead Abbey. [15—.] — An account of Kirkstead Abbey from its foundation in the year 1139. Imperfect, Christopher Landschade to Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk. 1569, August 8. Taverues. — Informing her that at her request he had gone to Heidelberg and had done his best to get as speedy an audience as possible with his master the Palsgrave Frederick, for the English ambassadors. Also informing her that to allay the anxiety of the wife and children of his master the Palsgrave Wolfgang he was sending the bearer of this letter, Robert Weidencop, into France to make personal inquiries after him ; and as the usual ways from Germany to France were closed, he begged her to assist him in getting conveyed by sea to La Rochelle or elsewhere in France, and also, if he required it, to advance him money, which should be repaid at the next fair of St. Bartholomew. Also sending her messages from his sons Jean Dieter and Jean Lanschade de Steinach. French. Sir Henry Norreys to Lord Clinton, Lord High Admiral of England. [1569,] December 10. Niort. — "If after large silence I shoulde Avrite large letters, it were the next waies to fall from one extreme i/ito another. But because your Honor shall sufficiently understand such thinges as hath already passed, touching the dealing of peace, the other occurrances shall not be verie tedious. The town of St. Jean d'Angeli having valiantlie susteyned the King's armie the space of six weeks and more, in the end wanting municon, and being out of hoope of succor, the second of this instant Piles the capptaine there, yeldinge the place, departed with amies, bagge, and baggage, was conducted by Monsieur de Biron to Tailbourg, going from thence to Coniac. Thre daies before the rendering therof, Monsieur Martigues in vewing the breach was stricken with a harguebusade in the head, whereof he incontinent died. The Prince's armie is near Montauban, and we understand here the Admiral presentlie beseigeth Aagen upon Garonne. Here is likewise come news that Nismes in Languedoc is surprised by the relig[ion in] those parties. The Cowntie Ringrave being dead, the King hath directed his regiment to returne into Germanic There is likewise divers broken companies of fotemen casstd, and manie of men at armes placed in gernizon. It is thought that the Kinge will next attempte Coniac, and afterwards advance forward to the river of Dordoigne." Signed. 207 News Letter. mss. of the Earl of [1.572, August.] — Aii account of the massacre of Saint Bartholo* Ancaster. mew. "Joys, the froylicke pointre " to 1572, August 17. — A humble request to be paid for the painting of a carriage. French. Richard Bertie. [c. 1572.] — The title of Richard Bertie to the style of Lord Willoughby of Willoughby and Eresby, in the right of the Lady Catherine, Duchess of Suffolk, his wife, debated before Lord Burghley, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, and Robert, Earl of Leicester, Commissioners appointed for the purpose. Imperfect. Hans Landschaden von Steinach to his son, Hans Christoffel. [l5]78[-9], March 20. Lunoe (Luneburg). — A rule of life for the guidance of his conduct in youth and age, towards God and man. German. Fifteen pages. Don Felipe Prenestain, Ambassador from the Emperor, to . 1579, May 27. " Di Comitio di Polonia." — Giving an account of his embassy to the Prince of Muscovy, who was anxious to make an alliance with the Emperor, the Pope, the King of Spain, and the other Christian Princes, against the Turk ; and describing the reverence expressed by the Muscovites for Rome and all the holy places, and especially for the shrine of Our Lady of Loretto, and expressing his opinion that the people might be easily brought back into the bosom of the Church. Italian. Copy. Peregrine Bertie to his "good lady" [Lady Mary Bertie]. [c, 1580.] Willoughby House. — " I am not little greved that I have not on this time resolved the doubte I lefte you in, and so much more as I feare it hath caused your unquietnes, in whom 1 make more account of than of my seife or life, and therefore resolve yourself e that if I had had fit time I would not so slightly overpasst it. But the truth is, by other trobles, have yet hard nothinge of that matter worthy the sendinge, yet did I thinke not to lose so muche occasyon, since I know not whan to recover it agayne, as to let understand how uncurteously I am dilte with by my Lord, your brother, who, as I heard, bandeth with parsons against me and sweareth my death, which I fear nor force not smallie, but lest his displeasure should withdraw your affection towardes me, otherwise 1 thinke no way to be so offended as I can not deffend. And thus good Lady parsuade your selfe no lesse than you shall find I will give cause or perfourme above all thinges which you wishe me well to let nothing greve you whatsoever you shall heare do happen. For my owne parte my good or ill fortune consisteth onely in you, whom I must request to accept as well this scribbled well meaning as better eloquence, excusing my imparfactions with my trobled mind, which are locked upp so fast as I could skace try get pen and paper to be the present messengers of my pore good wishes." 208 MSS. OF THE Earl of Ancaster. Peregrine, Lord Willougiiby to Sir Francis Walsingiiam, the Queen's Principal Secretary, at the Court. 1582, July 12. Kingston-upon-Hull. — "If misfortune of tempest had not spoyled my second shippe, wherin my stuffe and necessaries was, breaking har topmast, and driving har to sutch a leake as she and har company was in danger, besides contynuall winds against us, your letters received the 11 of July had found me nerer Copp ^ e manner of the Marques his presenting in such Air caster. sort may geve great presumption. And besides this bearer, a sergeant of Captain Yredalls, can advertise your Excellencie of certain reportes of Mounsieur la Roche, for which purpose I send him unto yow." The Same to [the Same]. 1587, September 22. — See "Five Generations of a Loyal House" p. 134. Copy. The Same to the Same. 1587, September. — See u Five Generations of a Loyal House" p. 137. Copy. The Bailiff, Burgomasters, and Sheriffs of Tertolle, to Lord Willoughby. 1587, October 7 [new style]. Tertolle. — Sending him a present of faggots for the use of the soldiers. French. The Same to the Same. Same date and place. — On the same subject. French. The Representatives of the Estate of Brabant to Lord Willoughby. 1587, October 10 [new style]. Delft.— On behalf of the Estates of Brabant. French. Two signatures. Signet. Louise de Coligny, Princess of Orange to Lord Willoughby. [1587,] October 23 [new style]. Flushing. — Concerning the release of the Secretary Grimaldi and the Sieur de " Thoures." French. Lord [Willoughby] to [the Earl of Leicester]. 1587, October 14. — Informing him of the capture of a gentleman whose ransom was estimated to be four or five thousand florins. The Same to the Same. 1587, October 16. — The reports of the gentlemen who were brought in prisoners here, touching the great levy of men, preparation of mu- nition, and tools, and instruments for pioneers, is confirmed for certain. Captain Barnard, a Frenchman who went forth hence, is returned, and advertises for certain that the Governor of West Friesland has marched to the Duke's camp with thirty companies of foot, and four companies of horse. I have also ascertained by some peasants who are come hither that the company from Sluys are already arrived at Turnhout. How far all these occasions may tend to gather the enemies intentions your Excellency can best conceive : wherefore I most humbly beseech you to assist us with the companies that 1 remembered before unto your Excellency. Copy. [The Same to the Same]. 1587, October 25. Bergen-op-Zoom. — The enemy's intention for this place is diversely confirmed. There is returned from their camp at Turnhout a drum of mine who ascertaineth me that Sir William Stanley ^ith all his regiment is come thither and that he saw them come 22 1 marching in. There were looked for at the camp last night 3,000 new mss. or the Italians who were marching within a little of them. The Marquis still aw^TStw i • • ii r>i'ii AAtAsTEB, holds my trumpet, but it is report ed by a trumpet oi theirs who has come — hither that it is for no other occasion but while they have sent to the Prince to know his pleasure touching the former challenge. And it may well be that if they mean to attempt this place, they will the rather enter into the action to draw forth so many brave men into it. There- fore I beseech you to ascertain me of your pleasure therein, and that if we shall proceed in it, that you will lend me a horse and assist us with some new supply of gentlemen for the accomplishment of the same. I would also ask for some money, which I am utterly without, neither is there any to be borrowed in all the land. I have bestowed much in reinforcing my company and new apparelling them, and cannot have my account for them, but above all other men am least respected by the Treasurer. Copy. [The Same to the Same.] [1587, October.] — Informing him that he had heard from a spy that Mondragon had obtained a footing in the fort of Lillo and intended to make an attempt on it that night. Copy. The Same to the Same. 1587, October. Eergen-op-Zoom. — Last night came home my spy. His advertisements were that the Prince is very retired at Brussels, so that none may speak with him. An Abbot from West Friesland arrived lately, making great complaints of our people. There are great rumours of reinforcements, and it is privily whispered that Bergen will be attempted. Copy. [The Same to the Same.] 1587, October. — A memorial concerning the pay of the soldiers. Sent by Captain Salisbury. Copy. [The Same to the Same.] 1587, October. — A memorial concerning prisoners and the pay of the soldiers. Sent by Captain Martin. Copy. [The Same to the Same.] 1587, October. — Defending himself from accusations which had been brought against him, and begging for assistance. Copy. Matthias de L'Obel to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom. 1587, November 10 [new style]. Middelburg. — Sending him pills and an ointment for a friend ; also sending messages to Sir John and the Countess. French. [The Same to the Same.] No date. — Sending pastilles and ointment. Louise de Colignt, Princess of Orange to Lord Willoughby. 1587, November 11 [new style]. Leyden. — Concerning the exchange of the prisoners " de Torreze and Grimaldy " for Monsieur de Teligny. French. Signed. 222 Earl of The States General to Lord Willoughby, Governor of V.NCASTER, Bergen-op-Zoom. 1587, November 17 [new style]. The Hague. — Requesting him to receive George Matruyt as their commissioner. French. Signed. Lord [Willoughby] to [1587, November.] — Relating the ill treatment he had received concerning the prisoners. Copy. Lord [Willoughby] to [the Earl of Leicester]. 1587, November 8 [old style]. Bergen-op-Zoom. — As the States make no great haste to send any reinforcement of men, I would require your Excellency that Colonel Fremyn's company might rise from Axell and come hither. The Stales will succour them more than us for Pifron depends upon them, and Counte Solmes hathe speciall interest and comaundment in the man. Your Excellencie can judge howe uncer- taine yt is is to knowe the enemies resolucon, and how necessarie to prevente the wurste. I doubt not but my Lord Marshall and Jenibell have informed you of our wants." Postscript. — " Moudragon hath begune at Bruxells to conferre about theis matters in hande, being a man well acquainted by his owne practise with the state of theis parts. There is launchett at Antwerpt five hundred flalt bottom boates. They of Lillo looke every footeto be assailed by them and the reste. All the Italian companies are marched from Turnehoulte to Antwerpe. The Marques of Guasta with his troupes remaine still at Turneholte. It is likelie that shower will fall here with some darke mone, yf you mak us not stronger. They knowe our weakenes and mortalitie. The Duke of Parma marched yesterdaie to Malines with the newe Italian companies. All the saddles and launces provided are shipped this daie. The Duke is looked for att Antwerpe." Copy. Matllart Maertius to Lord Willoughby, Governor of Bergen- op-Zoom. 1587, November 28 [new style]. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Sending him a letter from Colonel Mondragon. French. Seal of arms. P. Lord Willoughby to the Lord Marshal of the forces in Flanders. 1587, November 19. Bergen-op Zoom. — 4< I thanke your Lordship for your carefulnes. I know we shall have all things supplied in good will, and attend laizure. lam inforsed to be somewhatt sharp. I know not whence it riseth, but men grow most careles of their duties. When the time most requireth, my officers go hence without leave, and suffers their gardes to be unkepte, so that they ennemy sends and receaves intelligences by corruptions of the gards. And our men runne away daly notwithstanding their hath been proclamed straight penal lawes to sutch garders, and as good order as may be set downe. There is now absent Captain Vavasour's lieutenant without my leave. Himselfe hath been long sick and his auncient also. For want of loking to there hath ben som fault on his gardes. If you would call his lieutenant, sharply reprove him, and cause his Excellencie as of his owne care to have discipline observed, your Lordship shall do good to the service." Copy. 223 [Lord Willoughby to the Earl of Leicester.] M e S ar°l F o T f HE [1587, November.] — A memorial of matters to be considered on his AxCASTER ' behalf before his Excellency's departure. Copy. Captain Paul Bax to Lord Willoughby, General. [15] 87, December 3 [new style]. — A letter of congratulation upon receipt of the news of Lord Willoughby's appointment [as general of the forces], and regret at his departure from Bergen-op-Zoom. French. Signed. Count Maurice of Nassau to Captains John, Paul, and Marsilius, Bax, at Bergen-op-Zoom. 1587, December 12 [new style] On board the Bier diet. — Directing them to proceed with their companies to Stanesand and await his orders there. French. Signed. Seal of arms. Captain Paul Bax to Lord Willoughby, General. 1587, December 16. — Asking him whether they were to obey the orders of Count Maurice. French. Signet. M. Maertius to Lord Willoughby, General of the Infantry. [15]87, December 16. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Concerning the provision of horses for the cavalry, and enclosing a letter from [Sir William] Bead, Governor of Bergen. French. The Estates of Brabant to [Lord Willoughby]. [c. 1587]. — Concerning the questions in dispute between them and the States General. French. Copy. Count de Meurs to [Lord Willoughby], 1588, January 22, old style. The Hague. — Informing him that the city of Utrecht was unable any longer to maintain the troop of horse quartered there, and requesting him to remove them to some other quarters. French. Copy. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby, General of the English forces. 1588, January 22, old style. Utrecht. — Informing him that he had heard that Count Bohenlo intended to make an expedition against some of the hostile cities in his government of Guelderland, and promising to give all the assistance in his power. French. Signed. [Lord Willoughby] to Deventer, Burgomaster [of Utrecht], 1588, January 24, old style. — Sending the Sergeant Major to confer with him, being unable to come himself on account of indisposition French. Copy. The Burgomaster of Zervol to Lord Willoughby. 1588, February 7, new style. — Enclosing copy of their letters to the Count de Neuwenar and the States General. German. Copy. 224 M EABL F oF nE GtERbhard [Truchsess], Elector of Cologne to Lord Willoughby. Akcaster. [15]b8, February 10, old style. Houstadyck. — Asking for a convoy for his servant. French. [Lord Willoughby] to the States of Utrecht. 1588, February 12, new style. The Hague. — Promising to pay the charges for the English troops at Utrecht out of the first moneys received from England. French. Copy. The Queen to the States General of Holland. 1587[-8], February 12 [old style]. Greenwich. — Concerning their hostility to persons well disposed to herself. French. Copy. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 50. The Queen to her " cousin," Count Maurice of Nassau. 1587[-8], February 13, old style. — On the same subject as the pre- ceding letter. French. Copy. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 50. The Queen to her " cousin," Count Hokenlo. 1587[-8], February 13 [old style]. — On the same subject. French. Copy. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 50. The Queen to [Lord Willoughby]. [1588], February [13], old style. — Extracts from a letter to be shewn to the States General. French. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 50, for an entire copy of the letter in English. [The Same] to the Same. 1588, February [12 ?, old style.] — Instructions to settle the disputes between the States General and the city of Utrecht, and also to interfere on behalf of Colonel Sonoy and the captains of Naerden, who were unwilling to alter the terms of their oath. French. Copy. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby, General of the Queen's forces. 1588, February 23, new style. The Hague. — Requesting him to send orders to the Lieutenant Governor of Bergen op Zoom to permit the company under Colonel Frewin to leave that town and go to Rotterdam. Signed by Chr. Huygens. French. Seal of arms. [Lord Willoughby] to Sir William Read. [15]88, February 23, new style. Utrecht. — Concerning the payment of troops out of the contributions received from Brabant. French. Copy. Count Maurice of Nassau. 1588, February 24 [new style]. Horn. — His Excellency having seen an extract of a resolution of the Council of Naerden by which it appears that Captain Rancy having been asked by the said Council if he would obey the patent of his Excellency of Nassau, replied, that according to the charge given him by the Earl of Leicester, he could not quit the place unless his Excellency and their Lordships, the States of Holland, should by deed declare to him that he was no longer oblrged to obey the orders of the Earl of Leicester. Wherefore his Excellency, by advice of the deputies of the States of Holland, declares by these presents that the above mentioned captain and all other persons under the government of Holland, Zealand, and Westfriesland, are not bound to obey the orders and commands which the Earl of Leicester laid upon them before his departure. French. Copy. 225 The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. M eab°*c£ HE [15]88, February 26. new style. The Hague.— Recommending him A * C _^ ER - to keep an eye upon Captain Salisbury who was suspected of being in communication with the enemy. French. Signed by G. Gilpin. [Lord Willoughby] to Count Hohenlo. 1588, February 17, old style. Utrecht. — Expostulating with him in the name of the Queen for attacking the house of Councillor Brakel. French. Copy. William Bardesius to the Council of State. 1588, February 27 [new style]. Verwaertshone near Medenblick. — Concerning the disputes about the pay of the soldiers at Medenblick. French. Copy. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 50. Lord Willoughby to the Council of State. 1588, February 18, old style. Utrecht. — Informing them that Count Brakel had come to him to expostulate at ths action of Count Hohenlo who was besieging his castle of Brakel in North Holland. French. Copy. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, February 29, new style. The Hague. — Regretting to hear of the attack made by Count Hohenlo on the house of Brakel, and enclosing a copy of the preceding letter. Signed by Chr. Huygens. French. See Slate Papers, Holland, Vol. 50. Lord Willoughby. 1588, February. — A list of the correspondence of Lord Willoughby concerning his charge, during the month of February. Paul Buys to [Lord Willoughby]. [1588], March 7, new style. Amsterdam. — Concerning the disbanding of the company of Captain James de Rancy. French. Copy. Captain James de Rancy to Colonel Colthagh (?) at Utrecht. 1588, March 8, new style. Naerden. — On the same subject. French. Signed. Gerard Proninck, called Deventer, to Lord Willoughby. 1588, Februar}' 29, old style. Utrecht. — On the same subject. French. Signed. The Queen to the States General. 1587[-8], March 12, old style. Greenwich.- -Exhorting them to union, and appointing Lord Willoughby and Mr. Killigrew mediators between them. French. Copy. See State Papers, Holland, Vol.51. The Queen to Count Maurice [of Nassau]. 1587 [-8], March 18, old style. Greenwich. — Urging him to purge- himself from the imputations made upon him in respect to Colonel Sonoy, and informing him of the appointment of Lord Willoughby and Mr. Killigrew to settle the matter. French. Copy. See State Papers. Holland, Vol. 51. E 64159. t> 22G M^S. OF THE a^cIster. Lord Willoughby to [the States General]. 1588, March 25, The Hague. — " Aprez avoir nagueres delivre lettres de sa Majeste et faict certaines propositions de la part dicelle a l'endroict du Collonnel Sonoy, surquoy ont ensuiviz di verses communi- cations de ulterieures procedures, sans touttes fois avoir receu fimille resolutions de V.S., n'ay sceu ohmectre pour la discharge de mon devuoir d'advertir sa Majeste sincerement de tout qu'estoit passe. Alaquelle il a pleu respondre qu'aiant veu mes lettres addresses taut a sa dite Majeste que aultres, et entendant que la principale cause qu'a esmeu le Collonnel Sonoy a refuser de se conformer a la demande de V. S. estoit en respect du serment pruis a son Excellence, Monsieur le Oomte de Leycester comme lieutenant de sa dite Majeste. Et comme depuis le dit Sieur Comte aresigne son gouvernement general qu'il tint pardeca, ce qu'estoit par acte de resignation envoie au Sieur Herbert, estant a cause du quel partement dicelluy n'a este delivree, sinon puis nagueres quand l'aultre acte estoit renvoie au Sieur Killegrew pour la presenter a V. S. Ce que sa dite Majeste aussi espere estre faict. Je vous ay a declarer qu'lcelle entend maintenant que les deux poincts differentiaux touchant la reformation de la commission du dit Sonoy en l'anioindrisseinent de son garnison en la dite ville soient pas luy cedez et accordez, moyennant qu'il y soit continue en sa charge comme du passe, sur assurance que sa dite Majeste veult que vous soyt faict, qu'il se comportera dorsenavant avecq obeissance a la deue execution de tels commande- ments que luy seront faicts de la part de V. S. Et afin que le dit Collonnel aie cognoissance, tantde la dite asignation, comme au dont depend tout ce qui nous doit estre le plus recommande en ce monde." Signed. Seal of arms. Lord Willoughby to Captain Rancy. 1588, April 6, new style. The Hague. — Concerning the movement of troops. French. Copy. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby. 1588, March 27, old style. Arnheim. — Concerning the movements of troops. French. Signed. p 2 228 M Barl o T p UE [Lord Willougiibt] to the States General. Anoaster. 1588, April 7, new style. The Hague. — Concerning the movements of troops. French. Copy. Colonel Sonoy to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 7, new style. The Castle and house of Medenblick. — Assuring him of the good understanding which subsisted in that town between the well disposed inhabitants and the soldiery. French trans- lotion from the Flemish. Copy. Captain de Soissons and another to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 9 [new style]. Naerden. — Informing him of an attempt by the enemy on the town of Amersfoort. French. Signed. Captain Rancy. 1588, March 30, old style. Utrecht. — An account cf the examination of Captain Rancy made by G. de Proninck, concerning the condition of the town of Naerden. French. Signed. The Magistrates of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, March 30 [old style]. — On business. Dutch. Seal of arms. Lord Willoughby to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, March 31, old style. The Hague. — An answer to the preced- ing letter. Dutch. Copy. The States General to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, April 11, new style. — Concerning the affairs of Captain Rancy. Dutch. Copy. The States of Holland to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, April 11, new style. The Hague. — On the same subject, Dutch. Copy. Lord Willoughby to Count Maurice of Nassau. 1588, April 11, new style. The Hague.— Concerning the affairs of Sir William Drury. French. Copy. Louise de Coligny, Princess of Orange to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 11, new style. Middelburg. — On behalf of a soldier named Saint Laurent, a native of the town of Orange, who had beea imprisoned. French. Signed. Count Maurice of Nassau to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 2, old style. The Hague. — Concerning Colonel Sonoy. Dutch. Signed. Eleven pages. Count Maurice of Nassau to the States General. 1588, April 12, new style. The Hague. — Begging that Sir William Drury might be relieved from the governorship of the town of Bergen- op-Zoom. French. Copy. 229 Lord Willoughby to the Captains, Officers, and Soldiers, of ms^. of thi NaRRDEN. Ancasteb. 1588, April 13, new style. — Concerning Colonel Dorp. Dutch. Copy. Lord Willoughby to Captain Soissons and another. 1588, April 13 [new style]. The Hague. — An ansAver to their letter of the 9th of April new style. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, April 3, old style. — Concerning the movement of troops. Dutch. Copy. Lord Willoughby to H. Killigrew, Sir William Reed, Sir John Milford, and George Gilpin. 1588, April 3, old style. The Hague.— Authorising them to proceed to Medenblick, in his place, to confer with Colonel Sonoy. Dutch. Two Copies. The States of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 5, old style. Utrecht. — Stating their inability to continue their payment of the troops. Dutch. The Magistrates of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 5 [old style]. — On the same subject. Dutch. Lord Willoughby to Count Maurice of Nassau. 1588, April 6, old style. Utrecht. — Concerning Captain Rancy. Copy. G. DE PRONINCK to LORD WlLLOUGHBY. 1588, April 6, old style. Utrecht — Concerning Captain Rancy. French. Signed. The Same to the Same. 1588, April 7 [old style]. Utrecht.— Sending Captain Blunt to him. French. Signed. [Lord Willoughby] to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, April 7, old style. — An answer to their letter of the 5th April. Dutch. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the States of Utrecht. 1588, April 8, old style. The Hague. — In answer to their letter of the 5th of April old style. French. Copy. The States of Overyssel to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 8, old style. Kampen. — Thanking him for propositions brought to them by Monsieur le Sieur. Dutch. Seal of arms. The States of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 11. Utrecht. — Concerning the advances of money required for the support of the English garrison. Dutch. 230 mss. of Tnn The States General to Lord Willoughby. Ancasteh. 1588, April 21, new style. The Hague. — Informing him that they were sending the Sieur dcVanderbek, pensionary of Flushing, to Bergen- op-Zoom. French. Seal of arms. The Same to the Same. Same date and place. — Requesting him to send reinforcements to Bergeu-op-Zoom. French. Seal of arms. G. de Proninck to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 12, old style. Utrecht. — Concerning the supply of horses for the army. French. Signed. The States of Zealand to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 22, new style. Middelburg. — Hoping that all the differences which had arisen in that island might be settled. French, Seal of arms. [Lord Willoughby] to Count de Medrs. 1588, April 13, old style. Medenblick — Concerning the movements of troops, and the unwillingness of the city of Utrecht to receive his company for a few days. French. Copy. The Ministers of Medenblick to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 24, new style. Medenblick. — Petition on behalf of the oppressed citizens of Medenblick, and particularly those of the reformed religion. Latin. Copy. Captain James Cristal to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 25, new style. Medenblick. — Asking for his arrears of pay. Latin. Signed. P. Lord Willoughby to Colonel Sonoy, and the officers and soldiers of Medenblick. 1588, April 25, new style. Medenblick. — Declaration promising payment of the arrears due to them. Three copies ; two in Dutch, one of ivhich is signed by Lord Willoughby, and one in French. The Soldiers of Medenblick to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 25, new style. The Castle of Medenblick. — In answer to the preceding declaration, and asking that the payments might be made with as little delay as possible. Two copies, one in Dutch, one in French. [Lord Willoughby] to the Magistrates of Bergen-op-Zoom. [15]88, April 25, new style. Medenblick. — Notifying them of the appointment of Sir William Drury as governor of their town, and requesting their good offices on his behalf. French. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the Magistrates of Utrecht. 1588, April 15, old style. Medenblick. — Eegretting that he had not been able to come to Utrecht and settle matters there, in consequence of the troubles at Medenblick. French. Copy. 231 [Lord Willoughby] to Count Hohenlo. M |akl o? 1 1588, April 16, old style. Medenblick. — Sending him a copy of a letter he had received from Gertrudenburg, and promising to come to meet him at Dordrecht. French. Copy. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 17, old style. Utrecht. — Promising to send him fifty horses to Arnheim. French, Signed. Lord Willoughby to the States of Friesland. 1588, April 27, new style. Medenblick — Expostulating with them for the ill-treatment received by President Hes^el Aysina and other persons who were well disposed to the Queen. French. Copy. The States General to Lord Willoughby. 1588, April 27, new style. The Hague.— Asking him to be at the Hague by the following Monday in order to be present at the installation of the Council of State. French. Seal of arms. [Lord Willoughby] to the States General. • 1588, April 19, old style. Medenblick. — Promising to come to the Hague as soon as possible. French. Copy. Count Maurice of Nassau to the Magistrates of Enkhuizen. 1588, April 30, new style. Medenblick. — Concerning the punishment of certain soldiers who had spoken ill of the Queen of England, on board ship before Medenblick. Dutch. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the Inhabitants of Medenblick. 1588, April 30, new style — Proclamation for the pacification and settlement of all the disputes and differences which had arisen in Meden- blick. French. Copy. The States General to the Magistrates of Nuarden. 1588, May 6 [old style]. The Hague. — Concerning Colonel Dorp. Dutch. Copy. The Queen to the States General. [15]88 ;j May 30, new style. — Concerning the ill treatment which Colonel Schenck complained of having received at their hands. French. Copy. See State Papers, Foreign, Holland, Vol. 53, same date. Colonel Schenck. [15]88, May 30, new style. — Questions addressed to the Council of State on behalf of Colonel Schenck, with their answers thereto. French. Copy. Enclosed in the preceding letter. See State Papers, Foreign, Holland, Vol. 53, same date. Lord Willoughby to the Garrison of Vere. 1588, June 20, new style. Middelburg. — A proclamation. Dutch. Copy. AXCASTER. 232 MSS. of the LORD WlLLOUGHBT. Eaul ok Ancasx*r. 1588, July. — A list of the papers concerning the charge of Lord Willoughby in the Low Countries, during the month of July J 088. French. This list corresponds with the papers calendared. Colonel Fbemin to Loud Willoughby. 1588, July 1, new style. Bergen [-op- Zoom]. —Concerning the loss of the castle of Wouw. Seal of arms. Leonardo — to his " brother " Monsieur d'Amant, Chancellor of Brabant and President of Flanders, at Madrid. 1588, July 3, new style Brussels. — "Nous sommes icy attendant d'heure a aultre l'arivee de l'armee navale dont la Capitaine Morosino nous en at grandement augmente l'espoir par ces nouvelles de l'avoir laissee en mer, dont il en arriva nagueres a Dunkerche, et vous asseure qu'elle nous fait icy grand besoing pour descouvrir l'intention de ces deputez d'Angleterre quy semblent n'altendre pour se resouldre par tant de longueurs, que a quelle fin qu'elle demandrat, pour en ce cas se deter- miner. Mais l'opinion de plusieurs est que n'aurons repos que de la veoir victorieuse, dont son Altese se tient tout prest a la recorder au poinct de son arrivee avecq bon nombre de batteaux bien esquippes, esperant que Dieu nous armerat de vigueur, donnant la crainte aux ennemis, puisque c'est pour Paugmentation de sa gloire et 1' advancement de notre iiberte. Nous en verrons en peu de jours quelque effect." Two copies. Endorsed "Littre intercepted [Lord Willoughby] to the States of Overyssel. 1588, July 4, new style. The Hague. — Urging them to keep on good terms with the Council of State and the United Provinces. Dutch. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the Governors and other officers of the towns of Friesland. 1588, July 4, new style. The Hague. — A safe conduct for the bearer, Aysina, who was a messenger from the Queen. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the Council of State. 1588, July 4. The Hague. — Stating that as the Queen had refused to allow a cessation of arms to the Prince of Parma, it was very important that the towns of Bergen-op-Zooin and Ostend should be well supplied with ammunition and provisions. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the Magistrates of Dordrecht. 1588, July 7, new style. The Hague. — Thanking them for supplyiDg his company with oats. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to Monsieur du Fay, ambassador from the King of Navarre. 1588, July 7, new style. The Hague.— Concerning three French soldiers who had deserted. French. Copy. 233 Elias Le Leon " Drossart " (Judge) of Bergen-op-Zoom to mss, op the Lord Willoughby, at the Hague. AyoiatSa. 1888, July 8, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Asking that Sir William Drury might not be removed from the governorship of the town. French. Lord Willoughby to Monsieur Dansick, French Ambassador to Denmark. 1588, July 8, new style. The Hague. — " De l'estat des Provinces Unies des Pays Bas, a la defense et protection desquelles je tiens presentement la bonne main, suivant la charge a moy donnee par sa Majeste d' Angleterre, ma maistresse, je ne vous escry rien en particulier, car j'estime qu'aves entendu que les affaires, gloire au Seigneur, y sont presentement en estat fort raisonnable, veu que depuis la perte de la ville de L'Ecluze en Flandre, l'ennemi n'a riens execute a son advain- taige. Bien est vray que du passe, plusieurs occurrences ont elite icy a la main, lesquelles on en pen juger n'estre advantaigeuses au bien publique. Mais comme de present ces incidens sont redresse, j'espere que les affaires de pardecha, par la grace du Seigneur, s'achemineront dorsenavant de jour a autre de bien en mieux, comme plus particuliere- ment pourres entendre par Messieurs les Embassadeurs de ces Pro- vinces qui s'acheminent pardela. Touchant les affaires d'Angleterre j'entens qu'on y ratent l'ennemy en bonne devotion." Copy. Oebhard [Truchsess] Elector op Cologne to Lord Willoughby. 1588, July 1, old style. Houstardyck. —Sending M. de Dort, Heinrich Carven, Secretary of the Court Palatine, and the Licentiate Lodingius, to confer with him. French. Signed. Seal of Arms. [Lord Willoughby] to the Elector of Cologne. 1588, July 11, new style. The Hague. — Regretting that he would be unable to come to visit him for two days. French. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to [Elias de Leon], "Drossart" of Bergen- op-Zoom. 1588, July 13, new style. The Hague. — Asking for the release of a prisoner. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the States of Overtssell. 1588, July 16, new style. The Hague. — On the same subject as the preceding letter to them of the 4th of July new style. Dutch. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the States of Friesland. 1588, July 8, old style. The Hague. — Concerning the treaty of peace with the Spaniards. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the States General. 1588, July 18, new style The Hague. — Proposition concerning the two thousand soldiers which the Queen wished to withdraw from Holland on condition that they should supply properly the towns of Bergen-op-Zoom and Ostend. Dutch. Copy. 234 mss. op thb The States General. Eael of akca8t«. 16 $ Sf July lQ} new style< TLo Hague.— Eesolutions of the States General on the same subject. Tivo copies, one in Dutch, one in French. The Council of State. 1588, July 19, new style. The Hague. — The opinion of the Council of State on the preceding resolutions. Two copies, one in Dutch, one in French. The States General. 1588, July 20, new style. The Hague. — The resolution of the States General based on the opinion of the Council of State. Two copies, one in Dutch, one in French. Sir William Drury to Lord [Willoughby]. 1588, July 20, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Informing him that the commissary of supplies at Bergen-op-Zoom refused to provide for the company of Colonel Fremin. French. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to [Elias de Leon,] "Drossart" of Bergen-op-Zoom. 1588, July 10, old style. Dordrecht. — Asking him to see to the better accommodation of his troop of cavalry. French. Copy. f Lord Willoughby] to Arnoult Nicola y, President of the Council of Holland. 1588, July 20, new style. — Asking that prompt justice might be done in the suit of Robert Streat. Dutch. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the " Escoutelle " of Dordrecht. 1588, June (July) 22, new style. Middelburg. — Sending him a sum of four hundred flemish florins. French. Copy. The States General and the Council of State. 1588, July 22 new style — " Solution des difficultes trouvees en Vinstruction de Conseil d'Etat par les Etats Generaux." Translation from the Dutch into French. The Pensionary Roels, Secretary to the States of Zealand to Lord Willoughby. 1588, July 23, new style. Middelburg. — A complimentary letter. French. Signet. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby. 1588, July 13, old style. Utrecht. — Sending William de Boerkholt, Drossart for his Countship of Meurs, and another, to confer with him on behalf of the inhabitants of his said countship. French. Signed. 235 [Lord Willoughbt] to the Count de Medrs. mss. o* the 1588, July 30, new style. The Hague. — Asking him to give free awcabtbb. passage to forty arquebusiers of the company of Colonel Morgan, and the same number of the company of Captain Champernowne, who were on their way to England. French. Copy. [The Same] to the Same. 1588, July 31, new style. The Hague. — Asking him to assist Captain (sic) Morgan in recruiting his company. French. Copy. [Adolph, Count of Neuwenar] to the Queen. 1588, August 5, old style. Utrecht. — Declaring his readiness for union and to settle the dissensions lately arisen. French. Copy. The original is among the State Papers, Holland, Vol. 56. [Adolf, Count of Neuwenar] to Sir Francis Walsingham. 1588, August 5, old style. Utrecht. — To the same effect as the preceding. French. Copy. The original is among the State Papers, Holland, Vol 56. [Adolf, Count of Neuwenar] to the Earl of Leicester. 1588, August 5, old style. Utrecht. — To the same effect as the preceding. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to [Thomas] Killigrew. 158S. August 25, new style. Middelburg — Concerning the move ■ ments of troops. French. Copy. The Queen to the States General. 1588, August 27 [old style]. St. James'. — Appointing Colonel Morgan to be governor of Bergen-op-Zoom in the place of Sir William Drury. French. Copy. Sir William Drury to Lord Willoughby, at Middelburg. 1588, September 6, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Informing him that the enemy were marching in great numbers towards Brabant, and had already come to Wilbrouck and Nil, and that they were expected to lay siege to Bergen-op-Zoom, and asking for assistance. French. Signed. Seal of arms. Enclosed in a list of supplies required. G. de Proninck or Deventer to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 8, new style. Dordrecht. — Informing him that the states and magistrates of that city and provinces were sending, upo& the advice of the Count of Neuwenar, a hundred soldiers to his assistance. French. Signed. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughbt. 1588, August 31, old style. Utrecht. — Informing him that he had been obliged to move the cavalry of Captain Morgan from Rhenen to Amersfoort, and to move the troop of Monsieur Boris from Amers- foort, and garrison them at Wageningen and Rhenen. French. Signed. Signet, 236 [Lord Willoughby] to IIichard Alin. 1588, August 31, old style Instructions to proceed to Count [Maurice] of Nassau and inform him that the Duke of Parma had arrived at Antwerp and that he was expected to attack Bergen -op- Zoom. He was to ask the Count to beg the States to send supplies of ammunition, provisions, and men, to that town, and he was to address himself to Messieurs Killigrew and Gilpin for their advice in every- thing. French. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to Commissary Diertyts. [15] 88, September 12, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Giving orders for the supply of provisions and ammunition for the use of the five companies of infantry sent by the States General for the defence of the town. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to Count [Maurice] of Nassau. 1588, September 12, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Asking for reinforcements and especially for a supply of provisions. French. Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to the Queen. 1588, September 4 [old style]. Middleburg.—" There hath not wanted in my unworthie selfe any earnest desire to have long ere this presented that duetie to your most Excellent Majestie which I desire above all thinges in the world to accomplish, but onely some good occasions, knowing it most unfit for Princes — whose cares are infinite, though their perfections be excellent — to be incombred with imper- tinent causes. But now the hazarde of your Majesty's bravest troopes on the side, trayned up with your Majesty's great charge, together with the reputation of the nation and your speeiall service, yf th'enemy should be incouraged by the defeate of your subjects, having turned his forces from his sea journey hither, seemed unto me matters worthie your Majestie's consideracon, concurring in this accident of th'enemies presenting before Berghes, which place, when we were not divided, exceeded not above 1200 men, and the place not tenable with as many more in all martiall men's opinion. In these great occasions I have presumed to breake silence, which might ells have become me better — and with the unfained offerings of my life and fortune, from the first time thereof to the last end vowed to your sacred self — to know your Majesty's pleasure how I shall employ my self, holding this place I unworthely doe for your Majestie. And having no meanes of men, money, or provision, to succour them from the States of this side, I can conceive no certain way to incourage or relieve them, but with com- munitie of the perill to spend my life together with them — in the place — for your Majesty's service." Copy. [Lord Willoughby] to G. Gilpin. 1588, September 14, new style. Middleburg. — Sending him a letter to be delivered to the Council of State. French. Copy. Lord Willoughby to the Council of State. 1588, September 14, new style. Middelburg. — Concerning the persons by whom despatches to the Council of State should be signed, and also concerning the oath to be administered to the soldiers in Holland. French. Copy. 237 The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. ^abl'o?™ 1588. September 14, new style. The Hague.— Concerning supplies Anc ^ ee - of provisions and reinforcements of men. French. Seal of arms. Lord Willoughby to John Houstin. [15]88, September 15, new style. — Instructions as to the demands to be made by him to the Council of State on behalf of Lord Willoughby with regard to the supplies required. French. Copy. The States of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 6, old style. Utrecht. — On the same subject. Dutch. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 6, old style. Utrecht. —Regretting that it was im- possible for him to send the companies of Colonel Morgan and Captain Champernowne to Bergen-op-Zoom until the soldiers when he had sent to the assistance of Colonel Schenck at " Bon," by order of the Council of State, should return. French. Signed. Signet. The Magistrates of Utrecht to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 7, old style. — Concerning the removal of the com- panies of soldiers under Captain Morgan and Captain Champernowne. Dutch. Seal of arms. Sir William Drury to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 17, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom.— -Giving an account of a skirmish with the enemy, and reputing the capture of a soldier with letters, coming from Breda. French. Signed. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 19, new style. The Hague. — Requesting him to act in concert with Count Solms who was then at Teitholz. French. Signed Chr. Huygens. Colonel Fremin to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 10, old style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Asking for a passport written in Latin, on parchment, and signed and sealed. French. Signed. Lord Willoughby to the Council of State. 1588, September 12, new style. — Proposals on behalf of the Queen for changing certain troops of cavalry into foot soldiers. French. Copy. Odoardo Lanbanaja to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 20, new style. Breda. — Asking for the release of his son. French. Signed. Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 22, new style. The Hague. — Regulations as to the issue of soldier's passes. French. Copy. 238 Msg. of thb [Lord Willoughby] to Captain Charles Danegiles (?). Axcastbb. 1588, September 13, old style. The Hague. — Ordering him to — proceed with his company to Bergen-op-Zoom. French. Copy. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 24, new style. The Hague. — Irnforming him that they had sent Colonel Morgan to Bergen-op-Zoom to take command there in the place of Sir William Drury, to whom they had announced their intention by Commissary Parasis. French. Signed Chr. Huygens. Seal of arms. The Magistrates of Zerickzee to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 25, new style. Zerickzee. — Sending him a supply of provisions. Dutch. The States of Zealand to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 26, new style. Middelburg. — Informing him that they had sent assistance to Bergen-op-Zoom. French. Seal of arms. The Same to the Same. Same date and place. — On the same subject as the preceding. French. J. Van Hoult to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 16, old style. Middelburg. — Giving an account of his journey and of his negotiations with the Council of State, and also informing him that the Duke of Parma was said to be gone to Breda, and to be very ill. F.ench : The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 26, new style. The Hague. — Sending a list of the supplies which they had sent to Bergen-op-Zoom. Signed " Chr. Huygens." French. Seal of arms. Count Maurice of Nassau to Lord [Willoughby]. 1588, September 27, new style. Huypen. — Informing him that he Lad good reason to believe that the enemy had relations with the town of Bergen-op-Zoom, and that they were only pretending to lay siege to it until their accomplices could carry out their wicked designs. French. Copij. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 17, old style. Utrecht. — Asking him to send him a patent by virtue of which he could exact obedience from the English soldiers in that city. French. Signed. Signet. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 27, new style. The Hague. — Sending him back the prisoner, D'Ayala, for the purpose of discovering who were the persons who were in communication with the enemy. French. Signed G. Gilpin. Seal of arms. 239 Jacques Tutelert to Lord Willoughby. M earl*of HB 1588, September 27. Lillo.— Sending him six gunners for th« Ascabter. service of Bergen-op-Zoom, by order of the States of Zealand. French. Signed. Hans Van Loo to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 18, old style. Doesburg. — Asking for arrears of pay. French. Signed. [Lord Willoughby] to the Council of State. 1588, September 28, new style. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Asking them to send the reinforcements which were promised to him before he left the Hague. French. Copy. The Council of State to Lord Willoughby. 1588, September 28, new style. The Hague. — Directing him to husband all the provisions and ammunition which had been sent [to Bergen-op-Zoom], and not to touch the magazine except in case of necessity ; also to see that the " vivandiers" and other persons accus- tomed to supply armies with provisions, were on the spot ; and to seud a list of all the stores which had been received. French. Seal of arms. The Same to the Same. 1588, September 29, new style. The Hague. — Asking him to give all assistance to the commissary who was being sent to Bergen-op- Zoom with money for the payment of the Dutch troops there. French. Signed Chr. Huygens. Lord Willoughby. 1588, September [20, old style]. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Proclamation appointing Sir William Drury to the command of all the English com- panies in the forts adjoining the town of Bergen-op-Zoom. Copy. Thomas Suigo and Pedro de Lugo to the Duke of Parma. [1588], October 15 [new style ?]. Bergen-op-Zoom. — Concerning the proposed betrayal of the North Fort. Spanish. Copy. Thomas Suigo and Pedro de Lugo to Sir William Stanley. [1588], October 15 [new style ?]. Bergen-op-Zoom. — On the same subject. Spanish. Copy. On the same sheet as the preceding. The Qcben to Lord Willoughby, Lieutenant Governor in the Low Countries. 1588, October 9. The Manor of St. James's. — See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p, 225. Sign Manual. John Owen to Thomas Suigo. 1588, October 9 [old style ?]. The Camp. — I doubt not that your readiness to serve will " fynd fould recompens and satisfacon att the Duke's hands if it plese God it be performed and go forward ; if nott, your good will is alwayes to be respected and considred as occasion shalbe presented. Whatt was reqyred in your leters in your behalf is granted by the Duke, assuredly, and whatt more as shall apere by the same. t 240 M8S. op the I a™ very glad for your own frends and others that it was your hope to Axcabter. enter int0 this matter , and shall be gladest of all if it be brought to — end, which we desire, assuringe you thatt when I may stand you in sted, you shall be assured of me in all I can." Copy. The Duke of Parma to William Grimston. 1588, October 8 [old style?]. — Articles for rendering the fort called the New Sconce, at the head of Bergen-op-Zoorn. Sse State Papers, Holland, Vol. 58, same date. Bergen-op-Zoom. 1588, October 10 [old style]. — A list of soldiers taken prisoner at the North Fort. Spanish. The Same. [1688, October.] — -An account of the attempt to betray the North Fort into the hands of the Duke of Parma by Suigo and Lugo. Three narratives, all imperfect. Lord Willoughby. [1588, October.] — A list of his correspondence and papers for the month of October. Nearly illegible. John Ceporinus, Minister of Medenblick to Lord Willoughby. [c. J 588.] — A complimentary poem. Lath?. Lord [Willoughby] to the States General. 1589, January 25, old style. The Hague. — Stating that he had done nothing concerning the expedition to Portugal except what he had been commanded by the Queen. See State Papers, Holland, Vol. 61, same date. French. Copy. Attached to this copy is a draft of another letter from Lord Willoughby to the States General, which was not sent. The States General to the Magistrates of Bergen-op-Zoom. 1589, March 8, old style. The Hague. — Concerning musters. Dutch. Copy. See a French translation in the States Papers, Holland, Vol. 62, same date. Captain Wolfunckle to Lord [Willoughby]. 1589, April 18, new style. Ostend. — Asking for an appointment. Dutch. Gertrudenburg. [1589, after April.] — A statement of facts concerning the siege of Gertrudenburg, written by Lord Willoughby for the purpose of explaining aplaceat published by the States General of Holland on the 17th April 1589. French. Copy signed by Lord Willoughby. The Same. [Same date.]— A list cf papers relating to the preceding pamphlet. French. 241 The Same. T^Y/ e Same date. — A printed copy of the last two documents. French. AN< ^f BK - On the first page it is stated to be a translation from the English. Lord [Willoughby] to the Lords of the Council. Same date. — On the same subject. Copy. The Queen to Lord Willoughby and Eresby, Captain General of the forces sent in France. 1 589, November 9. The Manor of Richmond. — See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 274. Sign Manual. News from France. 1589, November 15, old style. — An account by Lord Willoughby of the doings of the French King from October 31 to November 8th. Copy. See State Papers, France, Vol. 94. November 14. Monsieur de Guitry to Lord Willoughby. 1589, December 6. — " J'ay faict entendre au Roy ce que m'avez escrit. Vous verres sa vollonte par sa letre. Ju vous puis asseurer qu'il n'a donne ny ne donnera congez a aucun Anglois que par vostre adviys, et qu'il ne veult que les trouppes se desbendent et separent, mais au contraire, il veullt que marchies ensemble, et dans quel que temps il vous permetera vous retirer ainsi com me il vous a promis. J'ay faict donner des logis dans la ville du Mans pour les Anglois mallades et blesses." Also a copy of the above in a later hand. Lord Willoughby. 1589, December. — Notes of his answer to the letter from the Lords of the Council received the 15th December 1589. Lord Willoughby to Sir Francis Walsingham. 1589[-90], January 8. Dives. — " Having so convenient a messenger as this bearer, Monsieur Parrat, who is sent over by the King, 1 could not let him passe without some remembrance of my love and affection unto yow. Our troopes are already all come downe hither to Dives, some of the sick men are already sent over, other some now ready to be shipped." Signed. The Same to the Same. 1589[-90], January 9.—" The ill newes of the unhappy incounter betwixt Sir William Drury and Sir Jhon Burgh, cannot but as it fell to sone, be reported sone inough, notwithstandinge the mischance being, as it is, not remediable. I would not let passe the good that may by your good favour happen thereby to this honest, valiaunt gentleman, the sergant major of my regiment, for that company in Flushing which of late appertained to the said Sir William Drury while he lived." Signed. [Francis] Panigarola to the Duke of Satoy. [c. 1590.] — An account of the state of France, divided into five heads, under the first of which he gives an account of things past and present ; under the second he prophecies of the future ; under the third E 64159. o 242 MSS. of the he treats of the remedies so far as concerns the choice of a new king ; Ancaster. under the fourth he points out the disposition and intentions of France — in the choice of a King ; and under the fifth he shews the Duke what he can do for his own service. Finally he gives him a short sketch of the characters of the principal persons, male and female, who were interested in the affairs of France. French. Copy. The Lords of the Council to Lord Willoughby of Eresby. 1594, August 11. Greenwich. — Directing him to call together Sir George St. Pole, and Philip Tyrwhitt, Anthony Ersby, William Pelham, William Watson, William Kigdon, and Gregory Wolmer, Esquires, or such of them as he should think meet, to enquire into certain charges brought against the Earl of Lincoln. Nine signatures, Lord Willoughby to the Earl of Essex, Master of the Horse. 1595, June 14. Emden. — "Since my arrivall at Huosden (Huis- duinen) by contrary whether in a bad hoy, I passed by land to Meddenblick, to Stavereu, to Le warden, to Groningen, and the Ems, *to Emden, having had no convenient meanes in all my passage to send unto your Lordship till I came hether ; and sutch accidents as either from the Earle's Chancelour or the towne's relation, I could busily collect I send your Lordship." Postscript. — " Her Majesty askinge me of my retorn, I told har if I could I would be at hoame at Michelmas. But having pas'd this spring alredy, if I shall find good of the next fall, I hope har Majesty will by your Lordship's good meanes excuse me for the benefit of the spring to come also, especyally my licence being so large." This and the subsequent letters from Lord Willoughby to the Earl of Essex were given to the Earl of Lindsey by John Castle, clerk to the Lord Privy Seal. The Same to the Same. 1595, June 16. Emden. — Recommending to his favour certain merchants of Emden whose ship, homeward bound from " Fernando- buck " in Brazil had been seized by an English man-of-war off Lisbon. Signed. Seal of arms. The Same to the Same. 1596, August 28. — Asking for his interest with the Queen that he might obtain the Governorship of Berwick. Signed. Signet. Sec Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 317. The Same to the Same. 1596, September 12. Knatsall. — On the same subject. Signed. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 319. The Same to the Same. 1596, November. — Enclosing a paper for his perusal. The Same to [the Same?]. [1596, November ?] — Concerning the draining of the fens. Signed. The Same to the Same. 1596, November.. — Informing him that he had gent a copy of his paper, by Sir John Buck, to the Lord Treasurer. Signet. 243 rr , rj _, D - MSS. OF THE I he 8ame to [the Same J. earl or [1596, November.] — Asking for his interest with the Queen that he might be appointed guardian to the child of Sir John Buck who had died the previous night. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 320. The Same to the Same. 1596, November 22. — Asking for his interest with the lieutenant and the other commissioners for soldiers in Lincolnshire that the bearer might have the place of muster master in that county in the room of Sir John Buck. Signed. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 534. Lord Willoughbt to [the Earl of Essex], [15]96[-7], January 7.— Sending him letters from Nuremberg. The Same to the Same. [l5]96[-7], March 16. — A complimentary letter. See Five Genera- tions of a Loyal House, p. 53 J. The Same to [the Same]. 1597, April 12. — A complimentary letter. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 329. The Same to the Same. [15]97, April 27. Grrimsthorpe. — A letter of compliments and thanks. Signet. The Same to the Same. 1597, May 22. Grimsthorpe. — On behalf of his kinsman, Thomas Willoughby. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 533. The Same to the Same, Lord General of all the Queen's forces. 1597, October. — A complimentary letter. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 533. The Same to the Same. [1597, London.] — Regretting that he had missed seeing him. The Same to [the Same], [c. 1597.] — " By chaunce I pased their, though I beinge not of the elect commannded to shoote my bolte. My loving dutie to you and my country makes mee thus bolde, though some would extenuate my sence, and have not spared it, as I heere saye. They shall not except agaynste my syncerite, wherout only I confesse I have comitted this folly, to myngle my dropps with suche excellent ryvers. And I seeke neither prayse nor place shall appeare, for after I have kyssed Her Majesty's hands and your Lordship's, I will leave my fortification of castells in the ayer, and fall to the plough and carte for my children, least I dye unfortunate in a spitle, and they begg miserable for my mistakinge humors that liked the world better than an hermitage." Signed. The Same to [the Same], Earl Marshall of England. 1597[-8], March. — Recommending John Carew. See Five Genera- tions of a Loyal House, p. 325. Q 2 Ancaster. 244 mss. of the The Same to the Same. Earl of ancastek. Same date. — A complimentary letter. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 326. The Same to the Same. 1597[-8], March 23. Grimsthorpe. — Concerning the governorship of Berwick. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, p. 327. The Same to the Same. 1598, April. — Concerning the difficulties of his task. See Five Generations of a Loyal House, pp. 327-8. to . [After 1598.] — Endorsed " A French minister's discourse touching the peace " between France and England. French. Copy. Newsletter. 1622, September 10. London. — Giving an account of the progress of the campaigns in Germany, Holland, and France. French. The Earl of Bristol. [c. 1623.] — Interrogatories administered to the Earl of Bristol and his answers thereto concerning his embassy to Germany. Copy. Imperfect. Charles I. to [the Countess of Holderness.] 1626, March 2. — Promising to continue the grants made to her by the late King. Signed. Charles I. to the Commissioners op Sewers on the North-east side of the river of vVitham, co. Lincoln. 1634, July 20. Apethorpe ....... " Sir Anthony Thomas knight together with our loving subject John Worsopp Esquire, having many years attempted the general work of draining the Fens and surrounded grounds in our county of Lincoln and elsewhere. And lately undertaken that particular level on the north and north-east side of the river of Witham, called (as we are informed) the east and west fens, north fen, Earls fen, Armtree fen and Wildmore fen commons, and the adjacent several drowned grounds, have by God's blessing, and by and through their own extraordinary labour and sedulity, and their and their friends disbursements and adventures of great sums of money expended, now lately accomplished the draining of the said grounds, and making of them dry and fit for arable, or meadow, or pasture, to the improvement (as is alleged) of forty-five thousand acres of land, and the bettering of many thousands more; The which we well understand to be no small enrichment of those countries ; And being thereof certainly advertised by sight of an Act or Ordinance of Sewers, expressing a declaration under some of your hands and seals, that the said undertaken work is now done by the said Sir Anthony Thomas and John Worsopp, within the time limited ; We therefore in our gracious respect towards our said well deserving subjects, that have approved themselves therein real performers of so great a work, both for their remuneration and for example and encouragement to others, do will and require you, that you fail not to 245 do to them speedy justice in and by an equal and most indifferent partition M 2 S X R ° L F ™ E and setting forth by metes and bonds of such parts, portions and allot- ancaster. ments of these drained lands, as your former Acts, Orders and Decrees of Sewers did grant, promise and appoint to them for recompense of their said undertaken work of draining ; And that you forthwith decree the same unto the said Sir Anthony Thomas and John Worsopp their heirs and assigns for ever to be holden of us, our heirs and successors, as of our honor of Bullingbrooke in our said county of Lincoln, with such privileges liberties and immunities as you shall think fit. And you are also to require all those, which pretend interest to any of the said lands, that they give ready obedience to your order, and quietly permit the said Anthony Thomas and John Worsopp to enjoy their allotments peaceably and without interruption, according to their agree- ment, As they tender our displeasure and will answer the. contrary at their perils. Given under our Signet. At our court at Apthorp the twentieth day of July in the tenth year of our reign." Sir Peregrine Bertie to his father, the Earl op Lindsey, Lord Chamberlain of England, at his house in Chanel Row, West- minster. 1639[-40], March 5. Berwick. — I have been with the Mayor and some of the chief burgesses of the town, and have used the best means I could for advertising your desires for making Mr. Cooke a burgess, but I find no " cheerefullnesse in them of pleasuring of your Lordship.' ' All the news here is that some of the works of Edinburgh Castle on Monday last did slip down. Captain John Balle to [the Earl of Lindsey]. i689[-40], March 3. Berwick. — Informing him that Sir Robert Jackson had that day mustered the garrison. Signed. George Moore to the Earl of Lindsey, in Channon Row, Westminster. 1639[-40], March 10. Berwick. — Informing him that by the malice of Sir Robert Jackson and others, he had been detained as a clipper of the King's coin, and asking for his assistance. Signed. Signet. George Rous to [the Earl of Lindsey]. 1639[-40], March 24, Berwick. — A letter of compliments and thanks. Captain John Balle to [the Earl of Lindsey]. 1639[-40], March 24. Berwick. — On private affairs. Signed. Sir Michiel Ernle to the Earl of Lindsey. 1640, March 25. Berwick. — All those parts upon the borders are commanded to be in readiness when there shall be occasion. There is- strict watch kept at Dunse and Kelso, but only in the night, and officers are appointed for these places. Signet. Charles I. to [Montagu,] Earl of Lindsey. 1042, October 27. Aynho. — Condoling with him on the death of his father. See Collins' Peerage, Vol. II., p. 16. tit., Duke of Ancaster. Also a copy of the same. 240 M E S ; E °l o T r nE The SAME t0 tlie SAME ' Axcasteh. 1645[-6], March 19. Oxford.—" I thanke you for putting yourselfe into Woodstoke, it shewing that you reekc all occasions to shew that affection which I have alwayes knowne yon to have to my service. But I do not judge that place fitt for you to stay in, others being good auufe for it, and you fitter for a better imployment. Wherefore I command you to returne to your waiting here." Postscript. — " The longer you stay you will the more displease two faire ladies." Copy, The Earl of Lindsey to King Charles. 1645[-6], March 19. Woodstock. — " When I received your command I acquainted Captain Fawcett with it, whereupon he represented the condition of the garrison, if I left it, to be this ; that divers since the horse lay upon this place and wanting their pay were gentlemen, others for want of the same discontented. A great part of these have been of your guards, and good words from some of their old acquaintance will satisfy them. Divers gentlemen that are reform acloes, which are corned in, he believes are easier commanded by me than they will be by him, and all are reddier to performe their duties; I being an eye witness may present their service performed to you Majestic" Our provisions have been much spent " by reason of Camfield's horse being so neare this place. This month the souldiers have beene fedd with the store bread, and hath much exhausted the provision, and for all it hath beene often demanded and desired but not so granted, but lately theire hath beene a little recruite to add to the store ; yet the house shall not be lost, but kept till the last minute as a person of honour is bound to do." Copy. Charles I. to the Earl of Lindsey. 1645 [-6], March 20. Oxford. — l< There is no more reall testimony of true service than this kinde of disobedience, to which my answer is that if upon further tryall of the disposition of the officers and souldiers you finde that you may come to your waiting here without eminent hazard of loosing the place, then I shall immediately exspect you. Otherwise I leave you to do what you shall finde most necessary for my service." Copy. This copy is on the same sheet as the preceding letter from the King of the \Qth March. Sir Thomas Fairfax to the Speaker of the House of Peers. 1646, May 4. Heddington. — " Having received a letter from the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Lindsey of which this enclosed is a copy, I thought fit to present the same to the House ; with this desire, that if it may not be of prejudice to the public affairs, their desires may be answered they being already secured at Woodstock. They are persons of honour and have engaged themselves neither directly nor indirectly to act anything against the Parliament. But what shall be commanded concerning them shall be observed. [Enclosure.] The Duke of Richmond and Lennox and the Earl of Lindsey to Sir Thomas Fairfax. 1646, May 2. — " His Majesty having thought fit (as he expressed to us) in person to draw nearer to his Parliament, which hath always 247 been our humble opinion and advice we who have followed him in the M j^ R ° P p nE relation of domestic servants, would not remain in any place after him, Axcabteb. to expose ourselves to a doubtful construction with the Parliament, of having other business ; nor have we other design in coming then to pursue our obligation to the King and the Parliament, without meddling or disturbing affairs therefore desire in order to that, we may have leave as others not better hearted to the peace of this kingdom have had to come to London, go to our own homes, or continue here if the time yet be not unfree of jealousy, or that it may give any offence, which we have ever desired as much as in us lay to prevent, the procuring this favour of the Parliament by your means will oblige us." [~P.S.] — Here are with us Sir Edward Sidenham, Sir William Fleetwood, Mr. J. Cary, servants to the King, who are of the same mind with us, and desire to be presented to your favour in the like manner. Philip Swale to William Mabb, servant to the Earl of Lindsey, at Lindsey House near the Parliament Stairs. 1667-8, March 3 (3rd of first month). — On business. Signet. Philip Swale to Robert, Earl of Lindsey, at Lindsey House. 1667-8, March 9. — On business. Philip Swale to William Mabb, at Lindsey House. 1667-8, March 24. — On business. Also six other letters from Swale to Mabb on business. RULES FOR COURSING THE HARE. [Temp. Charles II. ?]. — Orders Laws and Rules for coursing ofthe hare agreed upon (ever to remain) for such as delight in the same sport set down by the Right Honourable Thomas Duke of Norfolk William Lord Marquess of Northampton Henry Earl of Huntingdon Edward Lord Clinton Lord Admiral Lord Barkley Lord Scroope Lord Burrow Lord Sheffield Lord Willoughby Sir John Syllyard Sir Robert Terwhit Sir Francis Leake Sir Jarvis Clifton and divers others at Sleaford as followeth. Imprimis no wager to be won or lost unless the course stand half a mile, but if the hare be killed within the half mile or otherwise the course be ended then the worst dog shall pay for the hare finding. Item if it happen a hare to go to the covert being above half a mile unturned the dog that leadeth to the covert winneth the course. Item if a brace of dogs running together the one giveth a turn the other serveth and giveth another and so they continue to give many turns no coat happening that dog that giveth the first turn winneth the course because he first commandeth the hare and so all the other dogs turns were but services to his. Item if a brace of dogs run and before the hare be turned the other goeth by him that going by, is to be accounted but a turn because the other perhaps had. no perfect sight and did not strain himself, but after one turn every coat is accounted two turns. Item if a brace of dogs do run and the one doth give many turns and coats more then the other and before he comes to the covert he stand still in the field the other doth but run with her to the covert though he never turn the hare yet he shall save the course because the standing in the field is the greatest foil a dog can take. 248 ^;lt*™* Item it is to be noted that every bearing or taking of the hare is JbARLi OF . n J ° " Awcastek. accounted lor a turn. Item that no wrench or wease slip or go by shall be accounted or spoken of more then is before in the fourth article. These laws and orders were set down and subscribed at Sleaford by the noblemen and gentlemen before mentioned and by John Cupledike llobert Markham and many other gentlemen. Peregrine Bertie to his brother, [Robert] Earl of Lindsey, at Grimsthorpe. 1691, May 2. — Giving an account of the sudden death of Lady Abingdon and of the grief of his brother [the Earl of Abingdon], and her family. The Same to the Same, at Willoughby in Lindsey Coast. 1692, June 25. — There is likely to be a match between Lady Katherine Manners and Sir John " Luson Goore," whose estate is given out to be 7000/. a year, but Lord Rutland cannot be persuaded to give more than 15000/. They demand 20000/. Lord Fanshawe has bought an estate near Hungerford in Wiltshire. My Lord Huntingdon's crime is that upon receiving King James's letter of invitation to come and see the Queen delivered he sent it up to Lord Nottingham with his duty to the Queen, and desired he might have leave to go over for such time as the Queen thought fit, to see her Majesty delivered, and then would return. The Queen struck out of the Council, Lord Halifax, Lord Shrewsbury, Lord Marlborough, and Lord Torrington, the first for not coming to the Council, the latter because she is displeased with them. Peregrine Bertie to his sister [in-law], the Countess of Lindsey, at Great Thorpe near Stamford. 1693, April 22. — Count d'Estrees is coming to Brest with his squadron, which makes us believe there may be a near engagement. Sir John Cutler has left his daughter the Yorkshire estate which he bought of Sir Thomas Chichely, which is worth 5000/. a year. The friar and Italian captain who had agreed with the French to set the Spanish Armada on fire when the French appeared before Naples, are both executed. Peregrine Bertie to his brother, the Earl of Lindsey, at Grimsthorpe. 1693, May 25. — Regretting to hear of his wife's illness and giving foreign news. Signet. The Same to the Same. 1693, May 27. — On business concerning the felling of timber at Grimsthorpe by Lord Willoughby. Signet. The Same to the Same. 1693, June 3.— -On the same subject. The Same to the Same. 1693, [June] May 6. — On the same subject. 249 The Same to the Same. M eab°x o7 E 1693, June 10. — On the same subject. The Same to the Same. 1693, June 15. — On the same subject, and giving some news from abroad. The Earl of Lindsey to his brother, Peregrine Bertie. 1693, June 15. — On the same subject. Peregrine Bertie to his brother, the Earl of Lindset. 1693, July 4. — On business concerning an advance of money. The Same to the Same. 1693, July 6. — On the same business, and giving foreign war news. The Same to the Same. 1693, July 1 1. — To the same effect as the preceding. The Same to the Same. 1693, July 23. — To the same effect as the preceding. The Same to the Same. 1693, July 27. — Giving an account of the action before Luxembourg. M to the Countess of Lindset. [16]93, August 24. — On business. Fragment of signet. Peregrine Bertie to his brother, the Earl of Lindset. 1693, October 7.— On business. Peregrine Bertie to his brother, the Earl of Lindset. 1694, November 10. — His Majesty arrived yesterday at Margate The Queen is gone to-day to meet him at Dartford or Gravesend. We discourse of nothing but a peace, yet prepare greatly for a war, and we think to lower the land to one shilling in the pound and so to give it for twenty years, which is Paul Foley's invention, but not liked by many. You see by the Monthly Mercury the conditions of peace that are offered, by which we are to get nothing but to be owned, and the French King not to assist King James or his heirs, but to allow a stipend from hence and to live where he shall not give offence to King William. The Same to the Same. 1694, November 26. — Concerning the intention of his nephew Philip [Bertie] to stand for Stamford in the place of Captain Hyde deceased. The Same to the Same. 1694, November 27. — On the same subject. Ancastbb 250 MSS. op the The Same to the Same. Earl of Ancasteu. 1694^ November 29— I am glad to hear that Stamford is so inclined to choose my nephew Philip. I was afraid my Lord of Exeter would have set up his son, but he declines it, and I believe Sir Purey Cust will not be very willing to enter into battle with so great a family, for I told him he must expect, if he stood, to spend 500/. or 600/. in the election. He would have fain made a bargain with my nephew to spend nothing and then I suppose would have treated them privately at his own house. I suppose you have interest enough with Sir Richard Cust to make his son lay it down, and then my nephew will come in easily. But courtiers must venture their fortune, and they can have no better lottery than our House to push their fortunes in. The Same to the Same. 1694[-5], March 10. — Yesterday was Mr. Wilson killed in South- ampton Square by a Scotch officer who, it seems, thought himself better able to satisfy an unknown lady than the other, and it is thought that the lady who kept Mr. Wilson, was willing to have a change, and that she set them together by the ears. The town is in great expectation to know who this lady is, and it is believed it will come out, though Mr. Wilson gave the key of his " scritore " to a friend of his to give to his mother, and desiring him to see his papers burned, and gave them sixty guineas and a broad piece, to see it completed. Your son Philip is made a manager of the " Million Act " which will be worth 100/. a year to him. I think your family has a great deal of reason to be satisfied with this Government. John Walpole to the Countess of Llndsey, at Chelsea. 1704, July 7. — >On legal business. to [the Countess of Lindsey]. 1709, December 6. — We have had several reports here about my Lord Chanceller being laid aside, but I cannot find that there is any great ground for them. It is also talked about this evening that the Treasurer also is to lay down, and Lord Halifax to come into his place; and some, I find, think that he and the Chancellor are so linked together as that if the one goes out, the other will do so also. Lord Wharton it seems is a declared enemy to both. [The Same to the Same.] 1709[-10], January 26. — Concerning proposals for settling the differences between herself and Lord Lindsey. [The Same to the Sasie.] 1709 [-10], February 7. — Dr. Sacheverell is to be tried in West- minster Hall, and scaffolds will be set up there as soon as the term is over. This may perhaps bring Lord Lindsey up. Mr. Dolben, the chairman of the committee against Sacheverell, is Archbishop Dolben's son, but has not by a good deal his father's character. I hear of no other Mr. Dolben in the House. 251 [The Same to the Same. J mss. of the 1709 [-10], February 21. — I waited yesterday on Mr. Charles Bertie. Ancastee. We discoursed about your Ladyship's concerns, but I found he was wholly ignorant of what was intended. He only said that Sir Thomas Powis told him that matters were likely to be agreed between you. Lord Willoughby was with him when I went in to him, and General Farrington. I perceive by them that the Lords have mightily intrenched upon the Lord Great Chamberlain, and not only appointed themselves such a number of tickets by their own authority, but attempt to contract my Lord's own box. [The Same to the Same.] 1709 [—10], February 23. — This town is in so great a ferment at present upon the trial of Dr. Sacheverell as I believe never was known. The mob are of his side and attend him with loud huzzas at going to Westminster and coming back, every day ; and their cry is "No presbyterians, no meetings, for the Queeu and the Church." And with this cry they attended the Queen's chair through the Park yesterday. In short men's eyes and minds are wholly turned upon this affair, so that there is a stop to all business. [The Same to the Same.] 1709[-10], March 4. — We have no mob since Wednesday night when they did great execution upon the Meeting Houses. The militia are up through the whole town. SacheverelPs counsel were heard yesterday and to-day, and I do not hear that they are advanced further than the first article. " Your Ladyship has the humble thanks of our whole house for your puddings and griskins." [The Same] to the Same. 1709[-10], March 6. — This affair of Dr. Sacheverell stops all sorts of other business. The pleadings of the managers and of this counsel are all over, and now the matter is before the Lords. Lord Nottingham put this question to the judges, whether any indictment wherein the express words of the criminal were not inserted, was good in law. The judges had time till to-day to give their answer, which was that in their Courts it was not good, but they were no judges of parliamentary proceedings, so that now the Houses are looking after precedents, and some hope the Doctor may come off by this means, for I am told that in the parallel cases of Mainwaring and Sibthorp the words upon which their impeachment was grounded are expressly set down in the indict- ment. To divert your Ladyship I will set down a short epigram that goes about the town concerning the burning the Presbyterian pulpits It is this — Most moderate Whigs, since you do boast That you a Church of England priest will roast, Blame not the mob if they desire With Presbyterian tubs to make the fire. [The Same] to the Same. 1701 [-10], March 16. — It is now past eight and the Lords as I hear, tire all still sitting. There has been hot debate about the first article of Dr. SacheverelPs impeachment relating to non-resistance, and we are impatient to hear the event. I saw this morning the funeral of Lord Chief Justice Holt pass by, in order to carry him to Redgrave in Suffolk. It is looked upon as something strange that a new Lord Chief Justice should be created before the other was in his grave. Signet. 252 M bab°l o T p HB C The Same t0 tlie Same.] Ancastbr. !7 10j April 8.— On legal business. [The Samp:] to the Same. 1710, May 16. — "As for your boarding, I cannot think it fitt your Ladyship should expose yourself to the fatigues and hazards of the seas and journeys, and be changing of your climate at this time of day, nor can I imagine where you could board in England with so numerous an attendance as of ten persons with you, especially if a person must be with you whom few family es will care to receive, unlesse one of your own way. It may be it would be more practicable to hire a small house in some cheap and wholesome country for a yeare or two, then to board in any family, but this matter requires a further consideration." [Charles Bertie?] to his brother [the Marquis of Lindsey]. [1711, May] 12. — £< I saw Mr. Harley yesterday at the House, when when we talk'd over the affair of the title of Oxford which he thinks is in the crown to dispose of, when they please, and the Queen's Council are of the same opinion. I told him I differ with them, but the result of all our discourse was that he hoped I would take care that your Lordship nor none of your family — for whom he protested great service — should take it ill of him, since it was not his seeking, and he assured me he would not take it amiss from jour self and family that you enter'd a caveat, being seen that would not stop the patent, and would preserve a show and colour of right for the heir general. I told him I would enter the caveat, to be entered in the Chancery, beliefing it would give you a little more time to think before it got to the Greate Seale Mr. Cross went thither last night and brought me word this morning that Lord Keeper sent for him in and told him he should not stop the patent an hour for the caveat, and desired to know if his Lord had council ready to defend the entering of the caveat, which he said he should hear. There is yet noe caveat entered, for Mr. Cross went to Hackerley to draw one, but he could not tell how to doe it, uppon which he went to the Keeper's thinking the Secretary there would have shewed him how they were drawne, but he did not and told his Lord your servant was there, who sent for him in presently. Mr. Cross told me alsoe that Mr. Hackerley said you had noe right, soe I fancy you will not employ him in it. 1 should think you cannot have a better man than Sir Peter King, if you designe to have it argued. I believe you will consider the matter with your friends." " One thing more I should tell you, which is that Harley told me yesterday that he was sure that some body else would have the title in a month if he had it not, which is a sign there will be more honours granted. I sent you here inclosed the letter I received from Mr. Harley, which I desire you will return me. If you think it best to be quiet in this affair I should think we should tell Harley what steps have been made to procuring you another title, and try to engage him to assist in it, uppon giving him noe trouble in this point." Postscript. — "I have shew'd your warrant for the rooms to Lord Abingdon, and told the Speaker yesterday you would accommodate the House of Commons. I have not delivered the warrant yet, for I fancy there should be some words in it to signifie her Majesty's pleasure, and also a warrant to the Wardrobe to furnish them. Let me know in your next if I am under a mistake." Lincoln Races. 1723. — Articles to be observed for the Ladies Plate at Lincoln. Draft. 253 The Rebellion of 1745. 1745, October 1. — A voluntary subscription for the security of bis Majesty's person and Government and for the payment of such forces as shall be raised within the county of Lincoln began at the Castle of Lincoln. Tyrconnel - Ric. Hardwick Fr. Whichcote E. Pelham - Thos. Trollope Ger. Scrope - Luke Williamson for Ld. Fitzwilliam - Thos. Scrope John Cust - Rob. Vyner - Wm . Noel - Hen. Bradley Fra. Vane Tho. Vivian - Evd. Buckworth Savile Cust - Ancaster mss. of the Bart, of Ancaster. 500 Scarbrough - Monson Vere Bertie - T. Whichcot Thos. Chaplin William Irby G.- Storm for himself" and the Freeholdrs. Crowle Althorpe &c. Hen. Pennant John Healey C. Reynolds - J. Tyrwhitt - John Buisliere M. Boucherett Robt. Cracroft Jno. Michell Clemt. Tudway Willm. Welby Edmd. Turnor Jas. Penny man G-. Gregory Junr. J. Seaford - Samuel Salter CI. Wm. Johnston Jno. Arnold - Jno. Harvey Jno. Hooton John Peck - John Robinson 150 50 60 40 100 100 100 60 100 50 50 50 50 50 05 15 30 10 20 5 15 15 / OtlllJutil AvOll o Josh. Pearl - i n IU Thomas Jesson t 7 40 Alius, vvciiiia jyi-'XJ. 25 Vjrlliitil. AM tJLlUOipe - 40 O . Vv IllCIlLOL 20 VTCOl gti AJ1 (JVVll IVAdJ Vl r>f thp Pitv r»F J Art VI Lilt! \jl\jy Ol AjIU- r> r>l n L/Ulll — - J 100 for the ' City. A . A 1U W t»l — 50 eJUIlIl IVAclUUlciUll 40 -Trv n rt I i i wi 'i i* _ U Willi A llAUdl 30 AVUUL. VV OUIAIIUUOO 30 XllOis. AJcCKO 30 v7co. xonanu. 5 1 /"\ ri n I 1 / \ f 1 ( r ^' f\ 1 1 UOIIU AlOUg^OIl 4 4 VV ll no til Trinn criii — VV llllttlll O UllllSUU 5 W""tyi Qp11pt» vt III. Ocilcl - " 7 4 Wm . Cheales 5 .Tno Bland 5 Ajutjne^ei i^awuioii 6 6 vv Hi. ii iiutJi oun \jLti. 20 .] Maw 1/ • -1 »_1 iX VT 20 V V ll norTAQO — o . vviiutirioos 30 J. Crompton 25 Cranwell Coats 25 J. Marshall - 20 J. Maddison 10 10 Henry Revell 15 Nathl. Robinson 10 10 J. V. Tapsford • - 10 10 Benjn. Collyer 10 Matts. Hawton 10 Jonan. Rudsdell 10 John Every - 10 William Gates 4 4 George Clarke Joseph Brackenbury 4 4 5 5 254 MSS. OF TXtB John Baxter 4 4 Simon Every 5 4 Carr Brackenbury - 20 Weston John Smith 20 John Smith - 10 Willm. Hasledene - 2 10 Fitz. White - 21 Adlard Sq. Stukeley 20 Anthony Taylor 10 10 Edward Saul 10 10 Wm. Scortreth 5 5 J. Walls 21 John Eerrand 5 Eobt. Pindar 3 3 Hen. Browne 21 John Curtois Jr. 4 4 Tho. Shaw Clerk - 10 J. Linton Clerk 10 Lang Bankes 10 Jos. Dixon - 10 Richd. Gilbert 15 15 James Ward 10 J. Curtois 4 4 Edwd. Beresford 5 5 John Turner 5 Geo. Stow - 5 Era. Bernard 20 R. Butterwood 10 W. Holgate - 3 3 Jno. Jenkinson 42 John Green - 15 James Bolton 5 5 J. Pahams - 2 12 6 John Coltman 10 Shelley Pennell 10 Jno. Disney - 80 John Harrison 20 Sir Henry Nelthorpe * subscribed in } 100 another paper Tho. Shaw for Edwd. Greathed - 21 Benj. Walker 10 Geo. Boulton 5 5 Adrian Hardy 5 5 r P 13 „ -,,..11 1. Jrownall - 1U rv U u Chris. Nevile 100 Jno. Middlemore 50 Wm. Kirke - 3 3 Charles Beridge 15 Bas. Beridge 20 Thos. Trollope 20 Sir Joshua Reynolds. 1759, June 10. — Receipt signed " J. Reynolds " for thirty guineas from the Duke of Ancaster " being the half payment for the pictures of the Marquess of Lindsey and Lady Mary Bertie." INVENTORIES. Tattenhall. c. 1522. — An inventory of beds, bedding, and hangings brought from Tattenhall. Among the hanging are, a piece of roses and leaves, a piece of " Our Lady," a piece of the story of Moses with the tables, and pieces called the " Ragged staffe," and the " Vyneyard." At the other end of the book are receipts for the year 1522. Plate. 1535, December 18. — An inventory of plate for family and church use, taken at Southwark. Amongst the articles of church plate are, crosses, chalices, cruets, paxes, "holy water pots," images of saints, remonstrances, and censers, all of which except the two last are gilt. The Duke of Suffolk. 1546, May 22. — A list of all the horses, mares, and geldings belong- ing to the Duke [of Suffolk] in his stables and pastures at Grimsthorpe. The totals are — Ninety horses and geldings of all ages and both ambling and trotting, and thirty -five mares both ambling and trotting, " as well of the stood as for the careage." 255 The Duchess of Suffolk. MSS. op T 1551. — An inventory of apparel and other things and lent by the a^caste Duchess to her sons, the Duke of Suffolk and Lord Charles Brandon, and — bought by her. In the list of articles lent to the Duke of Suffolk are — A black velvet gown furred with sables and guarded with " passamane " lace, which came in his chest from Cambridge ; a velvet cap with fourteen diamonds; another velvet cap with fourteen rubies ; a diamond set in gold ; a "sallet" with four emeralds ; pear] buttons ; and a dial of bone. Amongst Lord Charles Brandon 's things are — " The wardshipe and mariadge of Mistress Anne WaddeU " ; a suit of crimson satin embroi- dered wtth silver, given to the Duchess by the King, with buttons of gold; anight gown of grogram furred with jennet ; and a cape with seventeen pair of " agletts" and sixteen buttons ; and a broach. Two Copies. [Grimsthorpe.] [After 1601.] — An inventory of furniture and other articles. Men- tions Sir Montague's chamber, Sir Thomas Willoughby's chamber, the Queen's chamber, the Presence chamber in which was a picture of " my old Lord Peregrine " and " my old Lady Mary " ; the " gazing ' ? chamber, and the Earl of Rutland's chamber. [Sir Owen Wynn.] 1676, December 1. — " A note of all my plates at Caetmehor." Includes — A great frame with live plates on it for sweetmeats ; a silver box with three dozen counters in it, with the arms of England and France ; another silver box with three dozen new groats in it ; six silver spoons V with the crucifix upon the end of them that were my great grandfather William Gwith (Griffith) ap Robin, of Cotswillian" ; a naked boy in silver with an inkhorn in one hand and a candlestick in the other ; a big silver bowl that " my mother Powell gave my sonn Sir Richard Wynn '' ; twelve trencher dishes with the Gwydyr arms ; a " little pott close cover'd to put a wax candle in to read by." Endorsed " a note of all my silver plate except those at Weeg which are consider- able." Eresby. 1723, September 13. — A list of articles belonging to the late Duke of Ancaster and bought for 557/. 2s. Sd. by his son. Signed. " Ancaster Albemarle Bertie, Thomas Farrington." Diamonds. 1725, March 27. — Statement by Jacob Duhamel of the weight and value of the diamonds in the necklace and buckle belonging to the Duchess of Ancaster. The necklace contained forty diamonds weighing a little more than thirty-eight carats, valued at 651/. 4s. The buckle contained thirty diamonds weighing a little over seven carats, valued at 71/. 3s. The largest brilliants were valued at 20/. a carat. Swinstead House. 1725 [-6], January 22. — An inventory of goods belonging to the late Duke of Ancaster. Amongst the pictures are — Mary, Queen of Scots, King George, The Princess of Wales, Lord Lindsey, Lord and • 256 M Earl of™ Lady Tyrconnell, the Duke of Ancaster, Lady Eleanora Bertie, Ancaster. Albemarle Bertie, the Duke af Buckingham, Lady Betty Cecil, and others. At the end is a list of articles taken from Grimsthorpe to Sivinstead. Gwydyk Uppeii House. 1728, April 1. — A list of articles in Gwydyr Upper House delivered to Thomas Wynne by order of the Duke of Ancaster. Ratnby. 1730, x\.ugust 25. — An inventory of goods belonging to the Duke of Ancaster at his hunting seat at Rainby. SwiNSTKAD. [c. 1735.] — An inventory of household furniture belonging to the Marquis of Lindsey, the Honble. Albemarle Bertie, and the two Miss Nichols. Gwydyr Upper House. 1737, June 8. — An inventory of the goods of the Duke of Ancaster at Gwydyr Upper House. Hundred of Babergh. 1514-23. — Certificate of Sir William Waldeyn, Sir William Clopton, George Mannok, Robert Crane, and Robert Ford the Elder, commis- sioners concerning the musters and for valuing men's substance in that hundred. Among the proprietors were the Queen, the College of St. Gregory in Sudbury, Sir Edward Nevyll, the Duke of Norfolk, Sir William Waldegrave, Lady Peyton, the Guilds of St. Peter, St. John, the Trinity, and St. Christopher in Boxford, the Provost of Cambridge, the Abbess of Dartford, Sir Richard Fitzlawes, Lady Salisbury, the Abbess of Mailing, the Earl of Oxford, and many others. v POETRY. A volume of poems, chiefly political and satirical, of the seventeenth century. Some of them printed in the " State Poems." Household Accounts. 1560-2. — An account book of the household expenses of Richard Bertie, Esq., and the Lady Katherine, Duchess of Suffolk, his wife. Among other items are the following : — "Wardrobe of Robes." 1560. " Five yards and a half e of hamphere kersey at 2s. the yard to make hose for Thomas Hallydaye, Dicke with the croked backe and others." 1561, April. <; Paid at London for ten onzes of granado silke for my masters shirtes, at 2s. 8d. the onze." Same date. To Mistress Knowles and eight others, 13s. 4 d. each " for velvet to garde theire lyverye gownes." 1562, February. "A payer of Valencian gloves for my master, 10c?.," and " a hatt of thrimmed silke, garnished, and a bande of gold, for my master at his coming to Grimsthorpe, 18s." 257 1562, May. " Geven to suche gentlemen as attended uppon herr Mss. of the Grace at the Corte, which they shuld have ancaster. bestowed upon their lyveries save for the Statute — of apparell," 31. 6s. Sd. " Children of honowre." 1561, December. " Two dozen of points for the two Polish Georges." 1562, May. " Paid for bowes and arrowes for " George Sebas- tian, 6s. 1562, June. "Paid for a cawle of gold " for Mistress Susan, 455. " Paid for two grammar bookes for the children, 2s." " Wardrobe of beddes." 1560, October. To Richard Thomson "for dryinge of two f ether bedds, 2s. Sd. 1562, February. " For three dozen of rushes for Barbican and my Ladie's lodging at the Corte," 6s. Sd. 1562, March. "Forclensing the house at Grimsthorpe in February, 2s." 1562, April. " For a candlesticke for a watche light, 3s. 10c?." May. " For a dussine of bromes for her Grace to burne, 6c?." June. " For making cleane of herr Grace's chamber at Grenewich, 12c?." " Gyftes and rewardes." 1560, December. " To a man of my Lorde Clinton's which brought a feasant and two partriges/' 3s. 3d. " To George, Mr. Pellam's man, to funishe himselfe lord of Christmas and his men in a lyvery, 40*." 1561, January. "To Sir Fraunces Foskewe's players which came to offer them selves to playe before my Lady's Grace, 3s. 4c?." February. " To Mistress Brodbank in reward for kytchinge forty-four ratts at Valdey, 3s. 4c?." " To one which played the hobby-horse before my master and my Ladie's Grace, 6s. Sd." " To the servants of thouse at Upton,'' lis. 4c?. " To certen men which opined gappes for my master and my Lady's Grace as they came from Upton," 3c?. March. " To my Lord Ambrose Dudley's man which brought letters the twenty-first," 2s. " In rewarde to the servants in Mistress SisselPs house," 6s. 4c?. 1561, August. " To two'men which played upon the puppetts, 6s. 8c?. " Given by my master's commandment to the kepers of the lions at the towre at London in May last, 6s." To Cockrell " to bye him a payer hervest gloves," 3d. " To Mistress Ashelye's man at the Cort " who " lett my master into the privy garden, the Quene being theare, 3s. 4c?." September. " To Mr. Peregrine, Mistress Susan and the rest by her Grace to by their fayrings of a pedler at the gate," 2s. " To a wyfe of Lowth which made wagers agaynst the Lorde AdmiralPs coming to Belleaw," 2s. 4c?. K 64159. R 258 mss. or the October. "To my Lord Robart Dudleye's players at Grims- Eabl of thorpe, which offered themselves to play but dyd not, 10$." " To Pretie's wife to by achates for herself and herr children in herr Grace's absence," 40$. 1561, November. " To Monsieur Le Forge which presented a lock, 20$." " To a bonesetter dwelling in Walbroke for setting in of two joynthes which weare out in younge Gerves' ancley," 3$. 4d. 1561, December. "To Mr. Rose and his daughters which played before her Grace in her sycknes," 13s. Ad. " For the poore of St. Giles' in Barbican, 55." " To two of my Lord Eobert Dudley's men which came to play before them upon the drume and the phiph," 6s. " To my Lord of ArrundalPs players," 6s. Sd. " To the waights of London," 5s. " To David Suls in gold for a new yers gifte for the Queue,' being five onzes and three peny waight, 14/. 10$." " To him for the workemanship," because " the peece was not well wrought, he had but 41. Us. Sd." 1562, January. " To divers noblemen's trumpiters to the number of ten, 20$." " To the Queen's trumpiters," 20$. " To Handforde of the Black Swanne in Chepe a goldsmith, for a chesse borde and a set of men given to the Quene, 71." t( Given to Ladie Knowles in a payer of sieves for a New Years gifte," 6/. " To the Quene's violens," 20$. " To the Erie of Warwyck's players," 7$. 6d. 1562, February. " To an Etalion which shuld have menestered medicine to herr Grace for the small poxe, 5$." " To Mr. Catlyne, Lord Chief Judge in a standing cuppe of sylver,'' 11/. 13$. Sd. " To Judge Browne in a stanclinge cuppe of sylver," 11/. 5s. Ad. " To Di\ Keyns in a cuppe of sylver all gilt, for his paynes taken in the sycknes of her Grace and Mistress Susan," 51. 14$. " To Chaterton for his paynes with her Grace in my Lady Marie Graye's chambre, 6$." 1562, March. To " a shipman which brought her Grace a carnary byrde, 20$." " To the collectors for Powle's steple, 6s. Sd" May. " To one of the gromes of the Quene's stable which brought my mistress a horse to ryde with my Lord R[obert], 3$. Ad." " To mv Lord of Burgayme's man," 6s. 8d. " To Mistress Asheley's man that brought her Grace to Barbican with a lytle wagon, 12d" 1562, July. "To the Queue's players which played at Grims- thorp," 20$. 259 " Wurkes and Buyldings.'' MSS. of the 1562, January. " To a paynter which drewe the picter of two chil- a^caster dren," 2*. — " To a man which laded water owte of the cellor at Barbican," Gd. 1562, March. "To a paynter which went to the Corte and drew herr Grace's armes for herr sadle, 20c?." u Husbandry." 1560, October. " For a pound of longe peper for medicines for sicke cattell," 7*. 6d. " Necessary es." 1560, December. " My master lost at blancke dise," Id. 1561, January. "To Sandon's wife for birche for rodds," 3d. •, July. " For my masters losses at the buttes," and " paieing for all the con trey men which toke his part," 2s. 1562, January. " To my master at tables with herr Grace," 12c?. " For a payer of syssers to poll the boyes of the kychen," 6d. " For meat for the turky cockes at Barbican," 2s. March. " To the companie of the Goldesmithes for warning of my Ladie's sylver dust boxe when it was stolen owte of herr chambre at the corte," 6s. 8c?. June. " To a r portingall by her Grace for two onzes of muske," 31. July. " Paid for plan tan water and rosemary water," 4c?. October. " Paid for a boote for the mote at Beleaw," 17*. " Bakhowse and Pantire." 1561, November. " Paid for a bason e and ewre with a nest of bolls which weare gevin to Mistress Carrowe of sylver fashion," 12.?. 1562, May. " Paid by her Grace for one dozen of sylver plate trenchers, 2€/." " Bruhowse and Buttry." 1562, February. " To Gomport brewer for three barrells of strong beere at 7*. the barrell, and for thirty five of doble beere at 4*. 4c?. the barrell," 8/. 12*. 8c?. " Cellor." 1561, July. "For six gallons and a pottell of wormwood wyne," 10*. lOd. November. " For amending the vice of one of the cuppes beinge the Quene's new yere's gift the last year" and other items, 17*. "Paid to Mr. Atkinson the Quene's purvior of wynes, fcr one hogshed of claret wyne, 50*." December. " For a pynt of claret wyne in herr Grace's sycknes, Father Frier not being within, 2d." " For five quarts of claret wyne " to make jelly, 20c?. 1562, January. " For one gallon of Ipocras," 4*. Sd. March. " For one pynt of Jubilatie, Sd." June. " For two gallons of Renish wyne to fill the grett vessell at Barbican," 3*. 4c?. " Spicery, Chaundry, and Lawndry." 1560, Octobre. " For a pounde of anne's seed," 14c/. " For one pound of rosin provided for staffe torches," 3d. R 2 260 MSS. op the November. " For a stone of candlewicke," 3s. 8c?. ancastee " For ei S bt P ound of waxe," 8s. — 1561, July. " For six pound of peper bought at London, 19*. For one pound of ginger, 3s. Sd. For one pound of synamond, 10s. 6c?. For one pound of clove?, lis. For one pound of mace, 14s." " For one pound of iseinglasse, 2s. 6c?." September. " For four pound of graye sope, 12c?." October. " For one pound of bisketts, 16c?." December. "For six white printed lights/' 2s. 6d. 1562, February. " For wafers when my master and her Grace dyned with Dr. Keyns," 20c?. " For elecompaine rotes," 1g?. 1562, March. "Due to Modie grocer of London," 21/. 19s. 6d. Among the items of this bill, the bulk of which items were sent to Grimsthorpe, are a " topnet " of figs, great and small raisins, " lycorns," fennel seeds, marmalade, " cakes of castle soope," green ginger, " sokett," and sweet soap. 1562, September. " For three dozen pounde of cotton wycke," 31. 6s. " For six dozen of harde wycke," 18s. " For a barrell of swete sope at Sturbridge," 50s. 1562, October. " Eedd waxe for my master," 4c?. " Kycben." 1560. October. " For eight hundred salt fishe," 26/. 13s. 4c?. " For a hundred lynges," 71. 1561, February. "For paintinge of George of the kichen's coote," 10c?. 1562, September, Paid for wafers to make marchepaines," lc?. " Jurnying." 1561, October. Her Grace's charges in coming from Grimsthorpe to London with her train. At Huntingdon supper and breakfast, 46s. 4c?. Drinking at Stilton, 15c?. Dinner at Royston with other things, 39s. 11c?. Supper and breakfast at Puckeridge, 54s. lc?. Dinner at Waltham, 17s. lc?. and 2s. 9c?. for drink at Walsworth, Ware, and Hoddesdon. Total 8/. and 6d. 1561, November. "For the suppers of twenty four persones at the Swanne at Charing Crosse which attended upon her Grace to the Corte, lis. 4c?." u For a carre to bring a bedde from my Lady Katherine CapelPs to Barbican when herr Grace was sick," 4c?. 1562, June. Paid for boat hire, and carriage of "stuff" for her Grace and three servants to Greenwich, 3L 7s. 4c?. Paid for the hiring of " fifteen persons at the Corte at Greenwich by the space of twenty daies, 31. 10s. 4c£" " Stable." 1561, December. " For a payer of silke raines for my Ladie," 26s. Sd. Grimsthorpe. 1561, March " The booke of records for the Kychyn," being a list of the bills of fare for all the different tables. Mr. Bertie and the 261 Duchess do not appear to have observed Lent, which however teas mss. of the strictly observed by every one else in the house. Ancastek. Accounts. 1580 . A. list of expenses at Barbican from June to December 1580, chiefly for law and household matters. The Same. 1583, November . A list of expenses at Grimsthorpe or London. Lord Willoughby. 1587-9, . Particulars of moneys paid to Lord Willoughby's company of horse, and other soldiers. Two books. Richard Ward. A MANUSCRIPT BELONGING TO LIEUTENANT-GENERAL LYTTELTON ANNESLEY. General Lyttelton Annesley kindly sent for the inspection of the Commissioners the original diary kept by his ancestor the Earl of Anglesey, who held various high offices of State during the reign of Charles II. The historical interest of the extracts from it which are here printed is not great, but the diary as a whole is remarkable as showing how a man of the strictest puritanical training could live in almost daily intercourse with some of the most profligate characters of his time, without his own character and habits being in any way affected. Burnet describes the Earl as " A man of a grave deportment." The diary extends over a period of about four years and a half, there being an entry of the writer's doings on nearly every day in that time ; but the passages from it which follow contain all the matter therein which seems to have any value at the present day. May 8, 1671. I went with my wife to see Bulstrode and lay this night at Kensington house. I went every day after but the Lord's day to London about business and returned at night. The Lord's days went to Kensington church in the morning, and in our own chapel M r Agas preached afternoons. She died May 21. I had first notice of Lady Rutland's Friday May 19. death. May. 26. I went early to London on many businesses. Begun the Bible again. This morning considering the great decay of piety and increase of profaneness and atheism, and particularly my own standing at a stay if not declining in grace, I fixed a resolution to renew the course I had in former times held of watching over my ways and re- cording the actions and passages of my life, both to quicken me in good ways and to leave a memorial thereof to my posterity for imitation, and to give God the glory of his guidance and mercy towards me and mine : purposing also to review the time past of my life and for the same ends to reduce all the passages thereof to writing that I could find memorials of or recollect : so to redeem the time because the clays are evil. 2C2 May 27. Went to London to speak with the King before he went to Windsor, and did so. This went Contracted for Newport Pagnell manor fee farm not on. rent in reversion at 8 years' purchase. And for the mills in possession by entering it in the minute book. Wrote letters to Ireland ; and went to Ken- sington to dinner. Spent the afternoon in reading, contemplation and conference, D r Owen and his wife coming to us in the evening. 28. Went to church in the morning and heard D r Hodges, Dean of Hereford. Several friends came to dinner and we had good discourse. Heard M r Agas in the chapel afternoon. I had much relenting consideration this day of the intem- perance the society of a great man had surprised me into 3 or 4 times since the King's restora- tion : perhaps God permitted me to fall, because I was too apt to pride myself that in the whole course of my life I was never before overtaken with drink; and I bless God I have the more abhorred it since, as I do myself for it : and bless God he never suffered me to be polluted with strange women, the sin of the times. As I was in the proper work of the day several persons of quality came and interrupted me successively ; when gone, I returned to my closet work. Lord, pardon the diversions and drowsiness of this day ! Thoughts possessed me this day of building a library at Bletchington for the advancement of learning and religion in my family. May 29. I went to London in the morning and returned to dinner with S r Char. Wolseley and Lord Power, &c. with me. I spent the afternoon comfortably with my Christian friends, went to London to supper and came back safe to bed. 30. Spent the morning in devotion, reading and some business. Afternoon went to London about the subsidies of Westminster ; made my report to the Committee of the Irish affairs ; wrote for Ireland, &c. 31. Went to London to the African company and other business : came back to dinner. Afternoon conversed with friends and visited Ald n Erasmus Smith, M r Nye, &c. and spent some time in reading, &c. June 1. Went to London in the morning ; did divers business and the usual duties. Returned at night. June 2. Went to London in the morning to the Gambia Com- pany's meeting. Afternoon was at M rs More's hearing against Lady Morgan, at Council. Con- tracted with the Trustees for the manor of Newport Pagnell fee farm rent, &c. 3. Spent the morning at home in reading, writing & divers business. The afternoon the Bishop of Durham and many other friends from London took up the whole time almost 263 4. The morning was at church at Kensington : at noon liei?t -Gex found the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Ashley Lytteltok" come to dinner, and others : after noon heard AyyESLET- M r Agas in the chapel. After sermon came Lady Tyrill, &c, Lady Marquess of Worcester the younger, Lady Seymour and several others; by which the duties of the day were interrupted, which I endeavoured in the evening to redeem. 6. Went to London to meet a Com ttee of Council ; did several business and returned by noon. Lord Keeper and his Lady, his son and daughters and many other dined with us, and stayed much of the afternoon ; and others came in. June 7. Went to London about business of the navy chest and subsidies. 8. Went to London to the Gambia Company and Q om ttee f Council for Ireland, and returned to dinner. After dinner young Lady Ranelagh and her mother and several others came. I spent the rest of the day in study and the usual duties. 9. Went to meet the King at Council at Hampton Court according to summons and dined there : read over the book called the Unreasonableness of the Romanists ; a very good discourse, especially the preface. 10. This day I spent at Kensington in reading and business and the usual duties. I read through Glanville's book against Dogmatizing ; the scope of it is good, and 'twill not be amiss to read it again : he is much for De Carte's philosophy and against Aristotle's. 11. In the morning went to Kensington church ; in the afternoon heard M r Agas in the chapel. Read through the Triumphs of Rome over dispersed Protestancy : a notable book, being a true cha- racter of the corruptions of that church out of their own authors, and to be further perused as I go on in my book against Popery. 1671. June 17. Went to Hampton Court in the morning; met the King there and dined with him : went in the evening to Windsor. Lay at M r Baker's. 18. Was at the King's chapel in the morning carrying the sword, there being no Knight of the Garter attending, though a collar day. Dined at Lord Chamberlain's who invited me. Was at the parish church afternoon. 19. [Cipher: — the King?] gave me little comfort, foi though he confessed upon my putting him to it that he had nothing against me, and that I had served him well ; yet 'twould be very inconvenient, he said, for his affairs, to take off my suspension and restore me, and said he thought he had offered me fair to settle 3000 u a year on me for my life without putting me to any trouble. I told him 'twas my honour, and to be in his service I prized most ; and after I should be in the execution of ^ my place a while, I would surrender it upon such 264 terms as should satisfy him, and expect some other employment. I discoursed further at large with him, but found him hardened, yet told him I hoped he would at length do me justice which was all I asked. I told all to Lord S k Albans in whose lodgings this discourse was, who vowed to second it with all his might, and would see me at London. 20. Spent till 3 of the clock at home, then went on business to London. I did the usual duties. Carried Arthur to a school. 21. Went to London on business in the morning : returned to dinner with D r Owen and his wife. Spent the afternoon in visiting and reading and the usual duties. 22. Went to London in the morning to Council, the King coming thither ; and by his direction signified by my Lord Ashley, who delivered me from His Ma*y the Report concerning the state of Ireland : for that end I made the said Report at Council, His Ma*y himself also directing me in person so to do. Lord Duke of Ormond and M r Attorney and Lord Arlington shewed anger at it, but in vain. I spent the rest of the day in business. 23. Went to London in the morning : saw L d Lieu* L d Ashley (who had command from the King to me about a warrant to be drawn to proceed in the business of the Report) and L d S* Albans, &c. ; and prepared the said warrant and did several business. 24. Spent all day at Kensington in reading and other business. L d Ashley, Lord Ranlugh, my two brother Ashfields, &c. dined here, and much com- pany after noon. Sent the warrant I drew yester- day by Lord Ashley to the King, and had much discourse with him, &c. 25. The morning I went to Kensington church ; the afternoon heard M r Agas in the chapel. L d Dover and several others dined with us, and much com- pany, Lady (? Chaworth) M r Attorney Montague and his wife, &c, came after noon ; which was some interruption to duties, but I spent what time I could in them. 26. I went in the morning to London on business and returned to dinner; afternoon spent most with friends ; son Power and daughter &c, came in the evening and supped with us ; and went after that night to Colebrook in their journey for Ireland, leaving my grandson John Power and his maid with us : God preserve him and them ! July 2. In the morning was at the King's Chapel. Got not an opportunity to speak with the King for justice about my office till the evening, when I could do no better ; by Lord S fc Alban's advice I accepted what appears in the warrant I drew next morning. 5. Spent all day at London : set Charles to school at Newington. 265 8. The morning I went to London on business, and lj^tSes- returned to dinner. The afternoon I went to ltttlbton Court, and did prepare the warrant for the Duke AN yESLKY - of York's conveyance of land to me, and the usual duties. My Lord Arlington told me the King had seen the warrant about my office of Treasurer of the Navy, and agreed to it all but the words 1 to my satisfaction ' ; and six of the Council signing warrants for my SOOO 11 a year, he wished me to speak to the King of it. 9. Went to church with the King in the morning ; spoke with him of my business, who said he was resolved to be very kind to me, and would speak with Lord Arlington to dispatch my warrant. 1 dined with D r Bridiock, Dean of Salisbury, who invited me yesterday. Gave my warrant for the Duke of York to M r Wren to get signed. 10. This day I stayed at Windsor, and spent most at Court, the King having upon my further address yesterday required my stay till tomorrow, that the business of the navy should be heard ; and I was summoned then to be at Council by nine in the morning. I did the usual duties ; and in a special manner sought God's protection for next day, this being my birthday and I now 57 years of age ; the Lord sanctify the rest of my days more to his glory ! Duke of York agreed my warrant. 11. At Council in the morning the business of the navy was heard between the two Sir Thomas's, and it appeared I had kept to rules in the Treasury better than those before or after me, yet no justice done me. I went after noon to Stoke, where the King dined. 12. Went the morning to Court about my business ; but the King being gone very early to Hampton Court, I went thither, and returned with the King, whom I spoke with about my office : he told me he could not now, but when he came back from Portsmouth he would settle all to my satisfaction. Then I moved him about the reduce- ment of the quit-rent of Beare and Bantry, which he granted, and signed the warrant at night. 15. Spent the morning in business at London, writing letters to Lord Orrery, son Power and brother John ; Lord Chief Justice Vaughan and several friends visiting me. Spent the afternoon at Kensington in business and taking the air, and did the usual duties. 16. Went to church at Kensington in the morning, and to our own chapel after noon : the Lord pardon slight performance at both ! Several friends dined with us. I did spend the rest of the day in reading and other duties. 19. Went to London in the morning, and Lord Ashley, &c. calling me, we went to Lord Lieu* Barkley's to dinner at Twickenham, where we met also the 266 MS. of Duke of Bucks and Secretary Trevor, but did Lt E ttblton' little business. The Duke in great kindness ex- Anneslet. pressed his confidence in my friendship, and his design to have me Chancellor ; being, as he was pleased to say, the fittest man in England, and the present Keeper a poor weak man not filling so great a place : when he pressed to know my opinion, I said 1 was not ambitious of it, and it was an envious and troublesome employment. He told me somebody must have it, and he believed he could get it me, and he thought they might live easily with me as a friend : I said, what the King pleased, so I was not excluded all employ- ment, should satisfy me. He enjoined me secrecy, for the Lord Arlington, if it were known, would tell it as news to the King to disappoint it : to induce me he said he thought he could get the Keeper to be willing to give off, and be satisfied some other way ; and so left things. I came home at night and did the usual duties. 21. After noon begun my journey with my family to Bletcliington, and went that night to Wickham to bed, the Lord Wharton overtaking us, and making us see his buildings at Woburn by the way. 22. Went to dinner at Bletchington. After noon did several business, set the house in order, and did the usual duties. 23. Heard M r Hooke at church in the morning, and M r Agas at home after noon, and did ether duties of the day, only friends gave some interruption. 31. S r Tho. Spencer, M r Horwood, M r Jervis, M r Underhill, Lady Jenkinson, Cousin Borlase, &c. Son Thomson came to dinner ; my wife being gone for my came with daughter Anne, I made them very welcome, and my wife. spent most of the day with them till my wife came home. Aug. 1. Spent most of the day at home, the Bishop of Oxford and Sir W m Fleetwood dining here. I went to M r Dormer in the evening, and had the sad news of my son Annesley's dangerous sickness; the Lord be merciful to him ! 2. Went in the morning to Grayes ; stayed there all night, and viewed the house and grounds. 3. Came back to dinner to Bletchington, seeing S r Timothy Terill, &c, by the way. Spent after- noon in business and usual duties. 4. Dined at Woodstock with Lord Lovelace, but suffered no excess in drinking, using caution against it. 6. Heard M r Hooke in the morning, and M r Agas after noon, when sad letters came again from Belvoir of my son's dangerous sickness : I dispatched the messenger Rowland back at night with letters to them all, and sent D r Forrest also with cordial waters. 7. Spent all day at home, Lord Lovelace and much other company dining here. 267 9. Spent this day at home, S r Tim. Teril), his lady MS op and daughters coming also to dinner. I did the Lietxt.-Gen. usual duties, & heard well of my son at night : akSley!' God be praised ! — 10. Spent at home, the Bishop of Oxford and divers others coming to dinner. 14. Spent the morning at home in business ; the after- noon went a visiting, and sent my coach to Oxford to fetch my son and daughter Annesley come from London. 15. Spent the whole day at home, blessing God for their safe coming home, my grandchild Frank Annesley arriving also from Belvoir. 18. Went with most of our friends to dinner to S r Timothy Terill's, being invited yesterday ; daughter Thomson was come before we came back. I did some business and the usual duties : sent my coach to Stokenchurch. 19. Went out in my son's chariot at 6, and was at Stokenchurch by 10, and thence in my own coach by 4 after noon. 25. Was at London about business, and writing letters all day, and did the accustomed duties. The Duke of Bucks was with me and spoke of the presidentship. 26. This morning at 5 o'clock S r Richard Astley went in the flying coach towards Bletchington. I spent all day at London in business. Dined with L d Barkley, who assured me all were for my being Keeper, but S r Tho. Osborne opposed ; that the Keeper himself was infirm, and willing to give off : he said he spake not this by rote, but on good grounds. He told me also Lady had refused to see him. I was also by divers told the news was I was to be Privy Seal and Lord Ashley Treasurer ; but sure I am fit for no place if unworthy my own, nor desire I any unless better courses be steered. I did the usual duties. This day's discourse calls to mind how Lord Ashley yesterday complimented me about the Lord Keeper's place, beiug pleased to tell me none would fill it better, and that if he had any power he would endeavor it. Sept. 1. Spent at London, being at Council in the morning. 2. Sent for by Lady Peterborough : found her sad by her evil usage, and comforted her what I could : she told me all his unkindness, but wished me to forbear speaking to him t ill she saw me again. 3. Went to London in the morning and saw the Duke of York early, taking the liberty to discourse with him of what people talked of him and the Countess of Falmouth, commending the Countess of North- umberland to him for a wife, giving her her due praises, as I know none deserves more, having known her from her childhood. He thanked me, and said there was no ground for the reports of him, which he had heard from others, and told me all which had passed between him and the King, t 268 -which was presently after his wife's death, viz. that he left him free to himself, and that when he should move any one to him for a wife he would advise him as a friend ; in fine, he commended the Countess of Northumberland for a very fine lady, and said if the King would have him marry abroad he should choose for him, if at home he would chose a wife for himself ; and I observed he was from this time very merry and pleasant whilst f stayed. I went then to my Lady Peterborough, whom I found in the old manner very sad and weeping, my Lord not having been at home that night, and using her very ill and with threatenings when he last saw her; having for above a year and a half forsaken her bed and taking his pleasures elsewhere : he also encouraged child and servants against her, and bid the servants not answer her when she spoke to them, and said they should not value her a * chif ', but spit in her face if he bid them. She said she had no friend, and her heart was even broken with discontent ; she had borne long, but now had no hopes and could not rest ; and she was ' hared ' and her memory gone, and could be a housekeeper no longer, which was all he used her for ; and that with harshness and rigour, never giving her a good word, but pawning all she had : and begged of me with tears, being his friend, to see what I could do, for else she would leave off all business, and go to her prayers for him. I comforted her what I could, and promised my assistance, though a tender business. I was the morning at Whitehall chapel, and spent the afternoon at Kensington in duties. 4. Went to London with six horses in the morning, L d Lieu* of Ireland being to go his journey; we parted very kindly. I did several business ; got Sir James Shaen made Secretary to the Commis- sion for the lands in Ireland, with the King's con- sent. Spoke with Lord Peterborough, who took it kindly, denying much his lady said, but taxing her of great unquiet; but offering me to make me judge of all differences, and promising kindness if she would not disquiet him. I spoke with her also in the evening, who denied all, and said he cared not what he said, and that she had not seen him these four days. I moderated both what I could, and did the usual duties. Lyndon came to me in the evening, having been three days in town. 6. Was all day at London. Perfected my counterpart to the Duke of York of the lands granted to me by him, viz., Ballysax, &c. Was at the Commission for Ireland, and at Council : did several other business, and the usual duties. 8. Went to London early ; was at Council : did several ' business and the usual duties. This day S r « — — told me Lord Ashley had asked him yesterday 269 before we met what lands 1 had gotten more than MS. of 1 should by the settlement. He answered, I had l?mblton got 1700 11 a year Jess than I should. Aknbsley. Captain told me he had the same day asked him what I meant that I and S r J ames Shaen had abused them in the Eeport concerning Ireland, and kept him in the dark ; but he would not be so used. God forgive this false man and pretended friend ! Lord S* John got me to go with him to the Com rs of the Treasury this afternoon, endea- vours being used to get the King to break his contract for the Customs' farm ; I did my part as his trustee^ yet persuaded them to fair things towards the King. 13. This day spent at London at Council, and several business. Lord Arlington showed me a base trick, speaking to the King (when he was giving him direction to pass my warrant for 3000 ]i a year) to have me surrender my office first, which was never so much as mentioned before, but left as the security for my due payment, as appears by the draught of the warrant. I refused it. and told the King this was not Lord Arlington's first ill office to me ; neither can I do it for many reasons. I told several friends of this, who all justified me in it. I did the usual duties. 14. Spent all day at London. Got Lord S* John and the rest of the farmers to submit to the King, so they might be secured savers. Did several other business, and the usual duties. 15. Spent at London at Council in the morning, at the Commission of Ireland after noon, and did other business ; particularly brought the late farmers to agree for a security for their money very mode- rately, and carried it to the King ; and did the usual duties. Oct. 10. Spent this day at home. Lady Pesly and five or six other ladies, M r Lenthall, two M r Dunces &c. dining, and divers of them supping here, and spending most of the day in jollity. I did the usual duties : the Lord pardon all amiss ! 12. Spent the morning at home. The afternoon went to Oxford and found the waters very {high ?] ; therefore came home by Hedington and Islip. I did the usual duties. 13. Wrote to son Thomson and his father by my daughter returning, but after she stayed till next day, and I went with her to see Arthur, sending her coach before. 14. Went at 8 in the morning with my daughter Thomson in my coach to Buckingham ; was there by eleven, where my grandchild Arthur Thomson met us after two. Having dined, I came back with my other daughters and M r Forbes in my coach, and they went to Haversham ; we were at Bletchington by five. Some of the usual duties I was forced to put off till next day. 270 Liet?t Gen ^P ent ^is ^ at nome : Holoway dined with Lttteltox me 1 we nac ^ much discourse of the country, &c. Ay^BSLEY. He told me I was generally beloved, but by the clergy, who reported I carried D r Owen to Windsor to the King in my coach ; a loud lie, though I know no hurt in it. I did several business, and the usual duties. 21. Went to London and spent all day there, being at the Irish Commission after noon ; and did the usual duties. 22. Went to the chapel at Whitehall in the morning, D r Tuliy preaching. I heard M r Agas after noon at Kensington, and did the usual duties. 23. Was at London in the morning about business at the Irish Commission, &c. Spent the afternoon in sorting papers, &c. at Kensington. [1671-2.] Jan. 2. An extraordinary Council being summoned to I went out of my bed to it, and gave the King faithful counsel against his seizing men's moneys, &c. ; and so did most of the Council, but 'twas not followed. God amend these [beginnings] of evil ! I came home ill, and continued to keep my bed till Jan. 9 th the day before my son Arthur going to M r Hoblon's. 21. In the morning heard D r Stillingfleet at S* Andrew's and M r Agas after noon, and did other duties of the day. 22. The morning was at the Commission for Ireland and other business ; the afternoon visiting and business and the usual duties. 23. Was with the King in the morning in private ong, who was very kind and free, telling me al his designs against the Dutch and for liberty. I did several business, and some duties. 24. Spent the morning at the Irish Commission : the afternoon at Council ; and did some duties, and endeavoured to make peace in my family. 25. The morning kept my son Annesley and Thomson from a quarrel, and was at the Court of Appeals. The afternoon at the Treasury about the Irish establishment ; and in the evening at M ra Banke's funeral, where I heard D r Stillingfleet. At eight of the clock the King's playhouse took fire, and most of that side of Russell Street and many other houses thereabout were burnt dow r n, and we in Drury Lane and all about in great danger ; but the Lord had mercy, and by great industry and blowing up houses the fire was overcome : I had no rest, but sat up almost all night, even till six in the morning. The Lord pardon sin, which brings judgements ! March 2. Continued very ill of the gout from Febr. 22 to Saturday. this day, though I went sometimes out; and par- ticularly Tuesday and Thursday last to the Eeader, Sir Francis Goodrick, of Lincoln's Inns' feast, where the King, Duke of York, &c, were on 271 Thursday ; and did duties as I could, being still libut.-Gbn. very lame. Lyttelton 7. The gout still continuing; yet I went to Council AyyESLEY - yesterday, and to the Irish Commission the day before, and abroad every day, and did duties as I could. 8, 1 9, 10, S All this time ill in bed of the gout. 11. J 12,1 13, >A11 these days ill in bed of the gout. 14 -J . : 15. I was at Council, where I spoke my mind freely to the Declaration offered by the King for indul- gence ; observing the Papists are put thereby into a better and less jealoused state than the dissenting Protestants : see my notes. 16. Ill in bed of the gout. 17. Was at Council: spoke my mind to the Declaration against the Dutch, and proposed the last treaty might be observed in not seizing of merchants' goods, but giving time to withdraw if war were judged necessary, &c. 19,1 and to >I11 in bed of the gout. April 6. J ^ij T Q p'l 111 still of the gout, but got up some days, though I \i j could not get abroad. 32. I wrote to Lord S fc Alban's and Lord Arlington, though still ill of the gout. 13. Lord Chamberlain came to me, and told me he and Lord Arlington had a good time with the King yesterday for me : that his Ma*y would give me the mastership of the Polls, instead of my office of the Navy, if I would accept it, and clear all for time past. I said I was willing to serve and please the King his own way, and liked better to be among lawyers, as I was bred, than in any other course. 21. In the morning heard D r Tillotson's excellent sermon at Whicehall against the Papists on 1 Cor. 3. 15. ; After noon M r Agas at home, and did other duties of the day. 22. Moved the King in the morning to have D r Tillotson's sermon printed which he said he liked ; but I had long dispute with the King which I will not mention, he giving no direction for the printing. The afternoon I was at the Irish Commission and Council Committees. May 29. Was the morning at church at Court. Afternoon spent most with the King, the news coming in the morning of the fleets engaging yesterday. 30. More news came. I spent the morning in reading and at Court. Dined with Lady Peterborough; was after noon at Court, and did some business and duties at home. 272 MS. of Lietjt.-Gen. 3i The morning was at Council, and about my own LYTTELTON . & to i u,, . Anneblbt. business at Court: the arternoon also at White- hall ; Sir John Trevor's funeral being in the evening. June 22. This day I spent most at home in business, and sadness for my grandchild Franck's illness of the flock pox, this being about the 11 th day; and did duties. 23. After commending the sweet babe to God, I went to Lincoln's Inn to church about nine of the clock ; after I was gone she sweetly slept in the Lord. The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord, who hath taken her from the evil to come ! The 28 th of this month she would have been 17 months old, being born Jan. 28. 1670, about five in the evening. I heard M r Agas after noon. The child was buried at 10 of the clock at night in S* Martin's chancel. I did other duties ; wrote to my son, and com- forted my daughter. July 3. Spent the morning at Council ; the afternoon at the Earl of Sandwich his funeral, in gown and hood, Sandwich. as one of the assistant eight Earls to the chief mourner the Earl of Manchester, and did duties. He was buried in Queen Elizabeth's aisle in Henry the Seventh's chapel. 18. Went after business done at home to Lady Cran- borne's to Twickenham to dinner, and visited several friends coming home ; and did duties. 19. Spent the morning at Council ; the afternoon at the Council of Plantations about the Duke of York's business : the rest at Marybone, and did duties. 20. This morning I spent at home and at Court. The afternoon I went to see M r Lewis his school at Tottenham High Cross, and after wrote letters and did duties. 21. Was at Court in the morning and heard D r Cart- wright preach ; the afternoon M r Agas at home, and did the usual duties. 22. This day went with the Earl of Essex to S 1 Alban's, Essex, Earl. and stayed there, sitting up with him and the ladies all night. 23. Took leave of him in the morning : came home about 9 o'clock, and went to bed till about noon, sleeping, and then rose to dinner. After noon I did several business at home and abroad, , and wrote to Lord Lieutenant of Ireland Lord Berkley in answer to his, and did duties. 29. Spent the morning at Whitehall and at home, dining at Lord Devonshire's; Lord Burleigh's daughter being baptized by the name of Christian. I played part of the afternoon ; did business the Dick rest, and duties ; and had letters of my son Bichard's chosen fellow. election at Magdalen College to a fellowship, the 26 th . 273 30. This being a stormy wet day, I spent most at home, Ll Sen- and wrote letters and did duties. Lyttelton Aug. 4. Was the morning at Whitehall ; carried the sword, Ah ™ t - and heard D r Barrow or Barwick ; the afternoon heard M r Agas and did other duties. And in my great perplexity for want of 1200 11 S 1 ' St. Fox came himself, to me, hearing I had sought for him, and freely lent it ; (rod's providence be magnified ! 5. Spent the morning in receiving and paying this money to the chest, and directing Altham's journey to France with my daughter Thomson : the after- noon in other business for money, and did duties ; my son is bound with me for it. 21. Went to dinner to Lord Berkley's at Durdans, and returned at night, 13 miles; and did duties. Sept. 17. The morning spent with my sister and at Council ; the afternoon at home till about 5 o'clock, went to meet friends at Capt n Rosse's and stayed till ten : Lord pardon neglect of duties ! 28. Spent the morning in business, and sitting for my picture : the afternoon writing letters, and did duties. 29. Heard M r Lee of Hatfield the morning at Court ; no such great preacher as famed. M r Agas after- noon, and spent the rest of the day in duties. 1()72. Oct. 1. Spent the morning at Council. After Council the King told me he had directed my grant to pass, King's justice and expressed much kindness to me and confidence to me. in me. I thanked him for his justice, and said I hoped I should deserve new favours : I held the bason after at healing. This day Duke of Ormond being applied to for signing Capt 11 Rosse his Re- port for lOOO 11 a year quit rents, seeing my hand D. Ormond's to it and Lord S* Albans', asked Capt n Rosse what enmity. share we two had for signing. I have deserved better of him, but it seems his Lordship used to take bribes, that suspects me who never did, but have refused great ones. I corrected also this day his Grace's Beagle Vernon for reporting, which the Duke also spread even to the King's ear, that J would have bought Ruthorne's 30CMJ acres for myself, and because I was denied opposed his and Vernon's pretences. The King, who knew the falsehood as well as himself, called him lying knave, and ordered him to correct his order. 24. Spent the morning at Whitehall ; then dined at Draper's Hall at the military company's feast, with the Duke of York and many of the nobility, &c. The evening spent at home, and did duties. Nov. 17. This morning the great seal, which was sent for last Earl Shaftsbury night from the Lord Keeper, was delivered to Lord Chancellor. Shaftsbury as Chancellor. I heard D r Alestree preach ; the afternoon I heard M r Agas, went to visit the sick Bishop of Chester, and the late Lord Keeper, and did duties. E 64159. & 274 I/ieut Qbx ^' This morning I spent at Whitehall and visits. After Ltttelton" I saw the Bishop dinner wont to congratulate Lord Shaftsbury, and Anneslet. of Chester, and after mutual expostulations of what was past, we took my last leave concluded in promises of friendship. 1 supped of him. with Lord Poor [Power] and officers. 21. Spent this morning at home in business; dined at Lady [Dow.] Devonshire's ; the rest of the day in visits and duties. This day also Lord Duke of Ormond made great professions of friendship to me, and told me if any expressions or actions had proceeded from him which seemed contrary, he asked my pardon : this being at Lady Devonshire's, where Lord Chancellor and much company dined, he said he would take another time to open him- self more fully to me. I was delivered from a continued slander. April 10. Spent the morning at home : the afternoon at the caveat against Lord Power's grant, and at home till eight of the clock that we went to Lord Astley's funeral, who was buried in S* Martin's church under the communion table. After return home, Lord Mohun moved me with great civility and expression of kindness for a match Avith my Phil. daughter Philips, wherein I gave him fair recep- tion. I did duties after. 11. The morning I spent with the King and at Council, His Ma 1 ? was very kind to me ; and told me in the room within his bed-chamber, being in private with him, that he had resolved to make me Privy Seal ; and I assured him I would make use of his favour to do him the better service. My Lord Mohun continued his addresses with more civility, desiring only my daughter, and leaving all things else to my self, whether I gave anything or nothing. I did the usual duties. 21. Found that some had been undermining me with the King, and shaken him so far as that he told my Lord Arlington that it was not reasonable I should have my 3000 K pension and the privy seal both : which being acquainted with, I went to his Ma 4 ? before supper, and upon reasoning matters with him set all right and disappointed my enemies, and his Ma*y bid me come next morning, and I should have the privy seal. I did duties, and secured the assistance of friends. 22. This morning I attended the King, who before he Privy Seal. went to Sheerness delivered me the privy seal in the purse, with great expression of his value of my services and trust in me, and that he was resolved of further instances thereof. I kissed his hands, and after congratulations by his Eoyal Highness and the generality of the Lords and others, returned home with it, store of company dining with me. The afternoon sat in Chancery, and did duties. 275 23. Spent this clay at home in business, and receiving MS. of Lord Marshal and the congratulations of the Lord Treasurer, the iSS Sons ; S r Cha. Marquis of Worcester, Lord Halifax, Chancellor Annesley. Cotrel : the Clerks of the Exchequer, Lord Devonshire, Lord Salis- also of the Privy bury and multitude of others ; and did duties. Seal. 24. This day many more of all sorts came to congratulate Earl of Berkshire, me. I went, at noon to my Lord Chancellor's in &c. my gown with the seal and took the oaths of alle- giance and supremacy and the oath of Privy Seal ; the Earls of Craven and Carbery, Lord Mohun, Lord le Power, S r Edward Sydenham, the Clerk of the Crown, M r Agar and several of my own servants and others being present; and dined there, though it was my wedding day and much company at home, to whom I returned as soon as I could ; and made Devereux Browne my steward, and did several business and duties. The Swedish resident visited^ as that of Genoa did yesterday. 26. This morning S r Franc. Goodrick, M r Day, S r Nic. Pedley and M r Thomas Manly, Benchers of Lincoln's Inn, came, being sent by the Society to congratulate my being Lord Privy Seal, and desiring leave to put up my arms in their hall window by the Lord Chief Justice Fortescue. Lord and Countess L>owager of Kent, Lady Prat and many others came to congratulate also, and S r Liolin (Leoline) Jenkins, Lord Burlington, M r Waler, M rs Middleton, Lady Harvy, &c. This morning I first sealed seven privy seals ; see the dockets. I made visits, did several business and duties. 29. Spent the morning most abroad. The rest of the time the Master of the Rolls, Duchess of Somerset, Col. Fitzpatrick, S E Andr. Henly, Danish Resident and many others came to congratulate me, and I did several business and duties. May 20. This morning about ten of the clock at Lambeth, the Archbishop of Canterbury married my grand- son John Power, not eight year old, to M rs Catherine Fitzgerald, his cousin gerinan, about 1.3 year of age. 1 gave her in the chapel there, and they answered as well as those of greater age. The wedding dinner and supper I gave them, and the rest of the day and till 12 at night was spent in dancing, &c. and they lay in my house. I did duties, and commended them to God's blessing. June 16. Spent the morning with Lord Treasurer and in visits and business. The afternoon at home, sealing and other business, and Lord Uanelagh came to me, and told me he and Duke of Bucks, &c. having dined together, they had discourse of me, and that the Duke expressed great kindness to me, and said he would make S r Tho. Osborne and me good friends. Lord Treasurer Clifford had said S 2 276 MS. c» Lieut,- Obic. Lytteltoit Anneslhy. before to ine he would appoint a time to do the same before he gave up the white staff, it being for the King's service we should agree well. I did duties also. 21. Went this day to Rislip to see Lord Chandos his house and Lord ! it is a pitiful place. Came home at night, and did duties. Sept. 20, 1673. The morning was at the Admiralty Commission, and thence at our desire met with the King at Lord Arlington's, finding that our cables and anchors were like to be to our disfurnishment lent to the French to supply their great loss by the late storms ; yet we did all we could for them out of the Dutch prizes, &c. The afternoon did business at home, Richmond Duke, and at six went to Duke of Richmond's funeral in Henry the Seventh's chapel, having mourning for gown, hood and clothes sent to me. I did usual duties. Oct. 27. The morning spent in Parliament. After dinner my wife fell into such a Bedlam railing humour because M r Heather came to tell me (when I had forbid pantaloons for Dick) that she had ordered him to make them, that I was never so abused in my life, and this M r Gache and others by, and all my daughters ; which put me in a resolution to bring her to better terms, than to be counted a [cipher]. I spent the afternoon at Tangier and Admiralty Commission, and at home sealing, and did duties ; referring my cause to Cod, who changes hearts. Nov. 10, 1673. This morning I spent at S* James', and at the Admiralty Commission : the afternoon at Court and at home, and did business and duties. 26 This morning I spent at home in business and sealed. Duchess of York. The afternoon I went to see the Duchess of York, but could not. The rest till nine spent at the Ad- miralty, where the words of a cheat upon the King by the new grant of victualling passed from the Lord Treasurer, which S r Tho. Littleton resented it with the words "no more cheat than he that said it " ; the Treasurer replied he would deal with him elsewhere, that he was a cheat or knave, and he would prove it : some of us went and ac- quainted the King, and with the proposal of the victuallers for continuing a while longer. I did the usual duties. 27. This morning I spent at home ; the afternoon went M 1 * 8 Thomson to good M rs Ellena Thomson my sister-in-law's funeral, and saw her laid in the vault at Cree church in London. I did other duties. March 27, 1674. The morning heard the sermon at Court: the after- noon was at Council, and did other business and duties ; sealed in the morning also, and was at Tangier Commission. After Council Lord Arling- Lord Treasurer and S r Tho. Littleton. 277 ton, upon my passing Lord Rochester's grant by MS. ob the King's command, said, before Lord Keeper Lyttelton' and many more, that I understood not the duty Anneslby. of my place ; that he never looked for better from me, that by God I served everybody so, and would do so to the end of the chapter. 29. The morning heard the Bishop of Chester at White- hall, after I had been with the King telling him of Lord Arlington's usage on the 27 th , not as complaining, which I told his Ma 1 ? I' had never done in 14 years' service of any my fellow ser- vants, but as a business his Ma*y was most con- cerned in : his Ma*y said he had done insolently, and should hear of it. The afternoon heard M r Squib at home, and did other duties. July 13. Spent this day at London in several business, and in the afternoon D r Tillotson, Dean of Canterbury, Grandson. baptized my son Annesley's boy James ; my wife godmother, Lord Roos and Lord Montague god- fathers, by deputy. I did duties also. Aug. 4. This day I spent at home, D r Drope, M r Browne, M r Smith and M r Bayly of Magdalen College coming all to me before dinner, and other friends : they four stayed all night. I did duties. Sept. 10. Spent much of this day in examining the robbery committed on Capt n Robert Thornhill last night, and sent Hugh Parry to Newgate. The after- noon went to London to find out the rest of the thieves, and wrote to S r W m Turner about them. Stayed all night at my house in Drury Lane, and did duties. 11. At my lodgings in Whitehall examined John Griffith another of the robbers, and Andrew Daber the butcher ; was at Council, and did several business and duties. Lord Arlington was made Lord Chamberlain ; S r Joseph Williamson Secretary and sworn Councillor. I stayed in town and did duties. 13. After night shut I went to my daughter Mohun, she and her husband being desperately out again. I cannot but blame both, but her most being my ungracious daughter and breaking all my advices and carrying herself irreligiously. Among other expressions she said she would be a common whore before she would submit to her husband's will in what I thought fit ; if she had not been married I had beat her, I did call her " impudent baggage," and said she carried herself like a whore, and left her with resolution to see her no more. This was after her husband had sworn never to strike her nor give her ill words. Dec. 2. Spent most of the day in reconciling my daughter Mohun and her husband, and supt with them and left them in bed. 278 Libut.-Gen. The diary ends with Oct. 2, 1675, the entries in 1675 being of AsSlbt similar character with preceding ones, and of little interest. Another — i manuscript volume is in existence which contains the continuation of Lord Anglesey's diary down to 1684, but this in some way passed out of the hands of the family and is now among the manuscripts in the British Museum, for which department it was purchased in 1851. J. J. Cartwright. 279 I N 13 E X, A. Aagen upon Garonne, 206. Abbeville, 50. Abdy : Sir John, of Essex, 44. Lady, 44. Abingdon : (James Bertie, 1st) Earl of, 248. (Montagu Bertie, 2nd) Earl of, 252. Abington, Lady, (1691), her death, 248. Abselys, 61. Acland, Sir H., 40, 41. Acts of Parliament : Statute of apparel, 257. Bill against selling of office:?, 45. disbanding army, 5. to dissolve the county palatine of Lancaster, (proposed in 1695), 36. Paper Act, 34. Sacrament and Oath, 6, 7. for the better security of the King's person, 40. of settlement, 39. of sewers, 244, 245. succession (1 George I.), 185. Adam, Thos., 253. A damson : — , 155, 156, 158. George, of Colthouse, 182, Martin, of Colthouse, 182. John, of Swinton, 185. Adderley, Captain, 124. Admiral : Lord, 257. Lord High. See Clinton. Admiralty : the, 32. commission, the, 276. Lords Commissioners of the, 192, 193, 195, 196. letters from, 193, 194, 195, 196. Office, letters dated at, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196. Aersens, J., letter signed by, 226. Aet', William, son of, 204. African Company, the, 262. Agas, Agar, Mr., 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 270, 271, 272, 273, 275. Aires, 95. Ailbriet, 205. Robert, son of, 205. Aistrebi, Alan de, 204. Aix la Chapelle, letter dated at, 199. Alanson, — , 116. Albany, — -, letters from, 105, 106, 109. Albemarle : General George Monk, afterwards Duke of, 5. letters from, 3, 4, 5. his regiment of horse, 3. Christopher MoDk, Duke of, 19, 20. (Elizabeth, Duche-s of), 187. Albert, 56. Albi, 104. Alcaid, the. See under Taugiers. Alcock, James, of Downholme, 180. Alden, Mr., 48. Alehouses, 2, 3. Alestree, Dr., 273. Alford, Walter de, 204. Algiers : (Argeir), 11, 12. captives in, 11, 17. Alicant, 35. Alin, Richard, letter to, 236. Allcock, Mr., an attorney, 168. Allegiance, Oath of. See Oath. Allen : John, of Latons, 181. George, of Leyburn, 180. James, of Leyburn, 180. Aller : James, of Thornton Steward, 180. William, of East Witton, 180. Allertonshire Wapentake, co. York, 179. Allyson, William, of Yarm, 183. Alnwick, election at, 187. Alps, the, 34. Alsace (Alsatia), 57, 81. Altea Bay, 35. Altham, — , 273. Althorpe, freehoideis of, 253. Altieri, Cardinal, 74, 102, 103, 104. Amant : Monsieur d', Chancellor of Brabant and President of Flanders, letter to, 232. his brother Leonardo, letter from, 232. Ambassador, 77. from the Emperor. See Prenestain , Don Felipe, the English Ambassadors, 206. EDglish in France, 53, 72, 74, 75, 79, 84, 89, 96. Secretary of, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76. 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91. English, in Holland, 84. to the Emperor of Morocco. See Delaval, Captain George. French, 11, 177, 208. 280 Ambassador — cont. French, in Denmark. See Dauzaj. Dansick. to England, 70, 82, 8*.), 94. confessor of, 92. secretary of, S9. at Nimeguen, 95. of Portugal, 6C, 75. Spanish, 16, 7(5. of the United Provinces, 233. America, Portuguese dominions in, 191. Amersfoort, 228, 235. Amersham, 18, 19. Amsterdam : letter dated at, 225. Bank of, 41. Anacastro, Nicholas, son of Godric de, 205. Ancaster, 200. (Robert Bertie, 1st; Duke of, articles belonging to, 255. (Peregrine Bertie, 2nd) Duke of, 255, 256. Duchess of, (1725), her diamonds, 255. (Peregrine Bertie, 3rd), Duke of, 253. Duke of, portrait of, (in 1726), 256. Ancient Deeds. See Deeds. Anderson, William, 253. Anderton's paper, 33. Andros, Sir Edmund, 160. Anglesey (Arthur Annesley, 1st) Earl of : his wife, 266, 276, 277. his daughter Anne, 266. his son Annesley, 266, 267, 270. his daughter Annesley, 267. his grandson Erank Annesley, 267. his grandson James Annesley, 277. his son Arthur, 264, 269, 270. his two brother Ash fields, 264. his cousin Borlase, 266. his grandchild Eranck, 272. his brother John, 265. his daughter Philips. See Mohun, Lady. his son Power, 264, 265. his grandson John Power, 264, 275. his son Richard, 272. his son Thomson, 266, 269, 270. his daughter Thomson, 267, 269, 273. his grandson Arthur Thomson, 269. his sister, 273. his steward. See Browne, Devereux. Anne, Queen : as Princess, 19, 100. as Queen, 190, 191, 192, 193, 199, 251. letter from, 192. Annesley. See under Anglesey. Antonio, Don, 208. Antwerp, 53, 73, 75, 88, 90, 94, 208, 209, 214, 215, 217, 222, 236. letters dated at, 209, 21 1, 215. the merchants of, 7?, 75, 76, 81, 89, 91 94, 95, 96, 97, 98. Apethorpe, 2 1 1, 245. Aplehv, Mark, of Ovington, 181. Appeals, Court of, 270. Appleby, 34, 171. Gabriel, of Daltou, 181. Appieton, William, of Newsham, 180. Argeir. See Algiers. Argyleshire Highlanders, the, 177, 17H. Arlington : (Henry Bennet), Lord, 51, 52, 55, 56, 64, 66, 68, 69, (Lord Ar.), 264, 265, 266, 269, 271, 274, 276, 277. Lady, 6. Armagh, 103. Hug}), Bishop of, letter from, 197. Armitage, Mr., 171. Armstrong, Sir Thomas, 21. Armfree fen common, co. Line, 844. Army : the, 5, 161, 164, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 178, 206, 239. See also Regiments. Soldiers. Infantry. Act disbanding the. See un dcr A ci s. in Elanders, 9, 10, 41. Adjutant-General of. See Withers. supply of horses for the, 230, 231. Lord General of. See Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of. Arnheim, 227, 231. letter dated at, 227. Arnold, Jno., 253. Mr,, 18, 19. Arsiot, Mr., 11. Arthur : Daniel, 16, 71, 138. father, an Irish priest, 127, 128, 130. Mr., 108. Artillery, the, 161, 162, 165, 167, 173, 176. Arundel, 13. Arundel, Lord, (1561), 258. of Wardour, (1675-1679), 100, 104, 106, 113, 114, 117, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 131, 139, 140, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158. his butler, 157. or Spenser, Henry, 113, 114. Ash: Mr., 26. his brother, 26. Ashbourn, co. Stafford, 163, 164, 165, 167. Ashburton, 7. Ashby : Mr., 150. Richard. See Thimbleby. Ashe : William, 13. ■ his brother, 13. Ashebye, Mistress, 257, 258. Ashfield. See under Anglese} r . Ashley, (Anthony, 1st) Lord, 6, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268. Askc, the river, 170. Askeby, 205. 281 Assizes, the, 34. Association, the, 38, 39, 41. Astley : Lord, (1672), his funeral, 274. R., letter from, 200. ■ her sister. See Delaval, Mrs. John. Sir Richard, 267. Aston, 131. (Walter, 3rd) Lord, of Tixall, 14, 15, 16, 118, 120, 121, 122, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136. Francis, 128. Herbert, 123, 137. Astrop, 44. Atkinson : James, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Mr., 259. Robert, of Hutton, 181. of Ugthorpe, 182. Atrech, Monsieur dell', Secretary to the Duke of Savoy, letter from, 209. Attorney General, the, 16, 24, 32,44, 45, 114, 159, 264. See also Treby, Sir George. Attur, Mr., 45. Augustine Friars, the, 16. Aullier, Michael, letter from, 211. Avon, the river, (Scotland), 177. Axel, 222. letter dated at, 218. Ayala, — D', 238. Aylmer, Admiral Matthew, letter from, 188. Aynho, letter dated at, 245. Ayre, Mr. Justice, 29. Ayreps, Mr., priest of Hassop, 125. Ayry, — , 158. Aysina : — , a messenger from Queen Eliza- beth, 232. Hessel, President of the Council of Friesland, 231. letter to, 227. letter from, 227. B. B., G., letter from, 148. Babergh, Hundred of, musters in, 256. Backwell, — ,18. Bacun, William, 204. Bahia, 192. Baker : Mr., 263. Rear- Admiral, 192. Bakewell, 165. Bales, burgomaster of. See Sneyers, Jacob. Ball, Michael, 148. deposition of, (Popish plot), 147. Balle, Captain John, letters from, 245. Ballysax, 268. Balsh, Sir Edward, letter from, 34. Baltic Sea, the, 195, 196. Baltimore, Lord, 139, 157. Bamber, — , a tailor, 158. Banke, Mrs., her funeral, 270. Bankes, Lang, 254. Bannister, Richard, 116. Barbarin, Cardinal, 100, 101, 102. Barbary, 189. Barden', Walter, chaplain of, 204. Bardesius, William, letter from, 225. Barker : Mr., 9. George, of Egton, 183. Peter, of Knagton, 179. Barkley. See Berkeley. Barlement, Mr. de, 57. Barnard : Captain, a Frenchman, 220. Mons. See Bernard, Mr. Barningham of Arkengavthdale : Anthony, 181. Christopher, 181. junior, 181. James, senior, 181. junior, 181 . John, 181. juuior, 181 . Joseph, 181. Luke, 181. Barnsley, 172. Barret, Captain, 145. Barrow or Barwick, Dr., 273. Barrowstonners. See Borrowstounness. Barry. See Berry. Bartley, Lord. See Berkeley, Lord. Barton, William, of Egton, 182. Barwick : See Berwick. Dr. See Barrow. Bassett, William, 253. Bastile, the. See Paris. Batadonne, (Cardinal), 104. Bates, Robert, letter from, 163. Bath : Earl of, 38, 41, 144. and Wells, Bishop of, 29. Bawtry, 165. letter dated at, 167. Bax : Colonel J., 219. letter from, 213. Captain John, letter to, 223. Captain Marsilius, letter to, 223. Captain Paul, letters from, 223. letter to, 223. Baxter, John, 254. Bayly, Mr., (1674), 277. (1739), 197. Beach, Dr., 29. Beai, 161. Beane of Egton : Matthew, 183. William, senior, 182. junior, 182. Beare and Bantry, quitrent of, 265. Beaumont, Henry de. See Buchan and Murrey, Earl of. Beauvois, Madame de, 211. Becke, Thomas, 253. 282 Bedford : Lord, (1693), 34. Duchess of, (1753), 202. Bedfordshire, 12. Bedingfeild, Bennifeild, Sir Henry, of Oxborough Hall, co. Norfolk, 157, l. r )8. Bedingfield, Benefeild, Bennifield, Benningfeild, Mr., 77, 82, 84, 118, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 137. Bedloe : Bedlow, — , 12, 20, 22, 114, 115, 121. — i , his information, (Popish Plot), 138. — , his mother, 121. — , his wife, 22. Belar, Ubreto, 211. Belesterne, Thomas df, 204. Belfount, Bellesfond, Marshall, grand steward to Louis XIV., 23, 142, 143. Bell : John, of St. Mary Gate, 184. Matthew, of Wensley, 180. Richard, of High Worsall, 179. Thomas, of Appleton, 184. of Pickton, 184. William, of Girsby, 179. Bellairs, Sir Henry, 187. Bellasis : Bellassise, Bellases, Lord, (1676- 1679), 15, 75, 77, 93, 117, 123, J24, 131, 139, 140, 144, 156, 157, 158. Richard, 190. Belleand, Beleard, 257, 259. Bellerus : John, letter from, 209. his son Luke, bibliopole, of Antwerp, 209 bis. Belvoir, 266, 267. Belwood, Edward, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Benedictines, the, 16, 102, 103, 142. Benefeild, Bennifield, Benningfield, Mr. See Bedingfield, Mr. Benet, Gilbert, 253. Bennett, Mr., 125. Bennifeild, Sir Henry. See Bedingfeild, Sir Henry. Bere, John, 28. Beresford, Edward, 254. Bergen-op-Zoom, 210,212,213,215,217, 219, 221, 223, 228, 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240. letters dated at, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 239. commissary of supplies at, 234, 239. " Drossart " of. See Leon, Elias de. the fort called the New Sconce at, 240. the North Fort at, 239. 240. fortifications of, 215. Bergen- op- Zoom — cont. Governor of See Willoughby, Peregrine Bertie, Lord. Wingfield, Sir John. Head, Sir William, Drury, Sir William. Morgan, Colonel, ill-bred young people at, 209. Lieutenant Governor of, 224. the magistrates of, letters from, 212. 'letters to, 230, 240. prisoners at, 209, 211, 2 i 5, 240. a provost marshal of, 216. a sergeant of, 215. the sergeant-major of, letter to, 212. Beridge : Bas., 254. Charles, 254. Berkeley, Barkley, Bartley, Lord, of Berkeley, Lord Lieut, of Ireland, 20, 34, 55, 65, 74, 89, 247, 265, 268, 272, 273. Berkshire, Earl of, (1672), 275. Berkshire election, the, 9. Berliu, 201. Bernard ; Era., 254. Barnard, Mr., 54. 56, 60. Berry : (Barry), — , 12, 13, 115. Sir John, letter from, 24. Mark, of Forcett, 181. Mr., 46. Bertie : the Honourable Albemarle, 255, 256 Charles, 13, 251. letter from, 252. Lady ICleanora, portrait of, 256. Harry, 13 Lady Mary, (c. 1580), letter to, 207. her brother, 207. (1775), 254. Peregrine. See under Willoughby. Sir Peregrine (1640), letter from 245. Peregrine, 13. (c. 1691-1694), letters from, 248, 249, 250. letter to, 249. Philip, 249, 250. Richard, (c. 1572 ), his title to the style of Lord Willoughby of Willoughby and Eresby, 207. household accounts of, 256- 260. his wife. See Suffolk, Katherine, Duchess of. Thomas (1550\ of Berested, arms of, 206. Vere, (1745), 253. See also Abingdon. Ancaster. Lindsey. Willoughby. Berwick (Barwick) upon Tweed, 160, 178. letters dated at, 166, 245. election at, 187. garrison at, 245. 283 Berwick — cont. Governorship of, 242, 244. the Mayor of, 245. Berwick, Robert, of Forcett, 181. Besaneon, 186. Bctts, John, 148. Bideford, 47. Billam, John, letter from, 165. Birdforth Wapentake, co. York, 179. Biron, Monsieur de, 206. Biscay a, 211. Bishop Auckland, 172. letter dated at, 172. Bishops : the, 37. votes of the, 23. Bishopthorp, Biscopthorp, 205. letter dated at, 44. Blackett, Sir Edward, 187. Blackheath, 4. Black Rod, the. See under Lords. Blaesdon, Mr., an apothecaiy, 153. Blaids, Dorothy, of Bainbridge, 179. Blake : — , 187. Emanuel, letters from, 187. Sir F., letter from, 187. Francis afterwards Sir Francis, letters from, 189. letters to, 187, 191. ■ his daughter Eleanor, 187. his daughters Dolston and Kennedy, 190. his daughter Mitford, 191. his daughter Trevanion. See Trevanion. his daughter Mrs. Edward Delaval. See under Dela^.al. Nugent, 191. Robert, letter from, 191. Blakeney, General, 177. Bland : — , his regiment of dragoons, 166, 171, 172, 173. John, 253. Blenkinson, Peter, of Leyburn, 180. Bletchington, 262, 266, 267, 269. Blith. See Blyth. Blofeld, Thomas, Alderman, letter from, 43. Blundell, Mr., 117. Blunt, Captain, 229. Blyth, co. Notts, letters dated at, 162, 165. Boatman, Jerome. See Boteman. Boerkholt, William de, 234. Boldron, Henry, of Latous, 181. Bolingbroke : Bullingbrooke, the honor of (co. Line), 245. parson of the church of. See Kirkby, Robert de. Bolton : letter dated at, 175. Duke of, (1694).. letter from, 36 James, 254. Bon (? Bonn), 237. Bond, John, 120, 121. Books : The Croisades, 84. De forma verae religionis et invent, . . ., 110. Glanville's, agaiust dogmatizing, 263. history of the government of Venice, 84. a Letter to a member of the Committee of Grievances, 158, 159. the Triumphs of Rome over dispersed Protestancy, 263. a Short History of the Convention or new christened Parliament, 158, 159. the Unreasonableness of the Romanists, 263. Booth, Mr., 148, 149. Bordeaux, 69. Bore, Mr., 168. | Boris, Monsieur, 235. Borough bridge, 172, 175. Borrowstounness, Barrowstonners, 177. Boscobel, 119, 122, 123, 128, 130, 136. Boteman, Boatman, Jerome, 68, 69, 75, 91, 93, 113. letter to, 66. examination of, (Popish plot), 140. Bouchain, 84, 85, 86. Boucherett, M., 253. Boulton, George, 254. Bourgh, Captain, 09, 107. Bowyer : Anthony, 30. Thomas, of Luntlow, 24. Box ford, the Guilds of St. Peter, St. John, the Trinity and St. Christopher in, 250. Boyle, Mr., 35. Boys, Mr., 154. Brabant, 91, 224, 235. Chancellor of. See Amant, Monsieur d\ the Deputies (Representatives) from the States of, letters from, 209, 210, 218, 220, 223. Brackenbury : Carr, 254. Joseph, 25. Bradbury, Geox-ge, letters from, 20, 34, 36. Bradley : — , 113, 155. Henry, 253. Bradshaw : Mr., 155, 156. Mrs., 56. I Brakel : castle of, 225. councillor, 225. Brancote, 134. j Brandon, Lord Charles, 255. Brattle, — . See under Mint. Brazil, 191, 242. Fleet. See tinder Portugal. Brebion, — , 67. 284 Brecht, the village of, 209, 210. Breda, .07, 237, 238. letter dated at, 237. Breman, Major, 13. Brent : manor of, 17. William, 114. Brest, 28, 32, 248. Brett, John, 149. Briament, — , 92. Bridgwater, Lord, (1679), 12. Bridlington, prior and convent of, grant to, 205. Bridlock, Dr., Dean of Salisbury, 265. Briggs, Richard, of Upsall, 179. Brinvilliers, Madame, 91, 92, 95. execution of, 93. Brissac, Brisack, 53, 61. Bristol, 22, 121, 141. letter dated at, 199. gaol delivery at, 26. mayor and aldermen of, 26. merchant adventurers of, 187. Recorder of. See Pawlett, William. Bristol, Earl of, (1623), 244. Brittany, 141. Broadstreet, — , a priest, 122, 123, 124. Brodbank, Mistress, 257. Brodrick, the Hon. St. John, 197. Broglins, Count of, 61. Bromhead, Benjamin, 253. Brontnay, Mrs., 147. Broomfield near Bridgwater, 26. Brough : letter dated at, 171. postmaster of, letter to, 162. Brougham, 171. Brown : George, mayor of Lincoln, 253. of Middleham, 180. Mr., 199. Thomas, 253. Browne : Devereux, 275. Henry, 254. Judge, 258. Mr., 277. clerk of the Parliament, 11. T., letter from, 148. Broxup, Edwin, 31. Bruce, Lord, (1679), 12. Bruges, 208. Brugham, Sir Richard, 217, 218. Bruhl, Count, 199. Brune, Mr. le, 62. Brunna : Elias de, 204. Ralph de, 205. Brussels, 9, 16, 19, 102, 113, 186, 211, 221, 222. letters dated at, 105, 106, 232. Buccleugh, Duke of, (1745), 160. Buchan and Murrey, (Boghane and Murref), Henry de Beaumont, Earl of, and constable of Scotland, 205. Buck, Sir John, 242, 243; Buckingham, 13, 20, 269. George Villiers, Duke of, 9, 10, 13, ■2-2, 99, 114, 155, 158, 263, 266, 267, 275. Duke of, (? date), 25S. Bucklaud, letter dated at, 33. Bucknal, 6. Buck worth : Evd., 253. Mr., 6. Buisliere, John, 253. Bullingbrooke. See Bolingbroke. Bulmer Wapentake, co. York, 184, 185. Bulstrode, — , 261. Burchett, J., letters from, 192, 193, 195. Burdon, Mr., 173. Burgamhoult, 214. Burgayme, Lord, (1562), 258. Burgess, Richard, of Barroby, 179. Burgh, Sir John, 241. Burghley, (William), Lord, 207. Burlington, Lord, (1672), 275. Burn, Mr., of Orton, 171. Burne, William, of Stokesley, 183. Burnet, Gilbert. See Salisbury, Bishop of. Burrow, Lord, {temp. Charles II.), 247. Burton : ? county, 113. co. Westmoreland, 176. Bury, co. Lane, 169. Bury, Dr. D., 36. Busby, Mr., 115, 145, 146, 147. Bush by, procurator, 150. Bussey, John, of Knagton, 179. Butler : — 7. James, 116. Peirce, 116. Butterwood, R., 254. Buys, Paul, letter from, 225. Byfieet, Mr., 156, 157. Byford, John, of Stoke, co. Suffolk, information of, (Popish plot), 152. Byng, Sir George, letters from, 192, 193, 196. Byram, letter dated at, 162. Byrne, — , 130. Byron, Lord, (1745), 175. a Caballers, the, 103. Cabinet : the, 82, 33. Council, the, 30, 201. Cadinot, John, servant of Henry and Isabella de Vescy, 205. Cadiz, 190. letters dated at, 189. Bay, 188. Caetmehor, 255. Calais (Callis), 14. letter dated at, 112. Caledonian Mercury, the, 160. Calempthout, Callempthowt, 219. 285 Calmady, Mr., 40. Calvert, John, of Hilton, 184. Cambray, 88, 91, 92. Cambridge, 41. Assizes, 41. University, the Provost of, 256. St. John's College, 14. Cameron of Lochiel, his brother, 177. Camfield, — , his regiment of horse, 24 G. Campbell, Lieut.-Col., 177. Cann, Mr., 101. Canterbury : letters dated at, 4. Archbishop of, (1672), 275. (Thomas) Tenisou, Archbishop of, 41, 189. letter from, 40. Dean of. See Tillotson, Dr. Capell : Sir Henry, 80, 117. Lady Katherine, 260. Carbery, Earl of, (1672), 275. Cardinals, the, 104. Cardrow, James, letter from, 25. Carew, John, 243. Carey, —,117. Carlisle, 35, 161, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176. letters dated at, 161. mayor of, 162, 166. town clerk of, 166. (Charles Howard, Earl of), 187. letter from, 193. Carmelites missionaries in England, general of the, 16. Carnarvon, Lord, his marriage with Miss Nicholls, (1753), 201. Carolina : North, 198. Governor of. See Johnston, Gabriel. the Palatines in, letter from, 199. Carrington, — , 128, 130, 131. Carrol, William, 34. Carrowe, Mistress, 259. Carry 11, Carrell, John, 149, 150. Carrylls, the, 150. Carsey, Captain, 213. Carter : James, letter from, 24. Samuel, letter from, 25. Carteret, Lord, (1729), letter to, 197. Cartwright : Dr., 272. W., letter from, 164. Carven, Heinrich, secretary of the Court Palatine, 233, Cary : — , 20. Sir J., 247. Dr. N., letter from, 22. Sir Nicholas, 12. Cassell, John, 138. Castle, John, clerk to the Lord Privy Seal, 242. Castle, How. See How Castle. Castlemaine, Lord, 139, 140, 150, 151, 152. Cater, Erancis, mayor of Coventry, letter from, 46. Catharine : of Arragon, first Queen of Henry VIII., 256. of Portugal, Queen of Charles II., 20, 79, 100, 101, 154. Catholic or Romish religion, the, 83, 94, 102, 105, 118, 119, 124, 126, 132, 136, 137, 145, 147, 155, 156, 158. Catholics, the. See Papists. Catlyne, Mr., Lord Chief Judge, 258. Cavalry, the, 223, 234. Cave, Abraham, 173. Cavendish, Lord, (1678), 13. Cawdron, Ebenezer, 253. Cecil, Lady Betty, 256. Cellier, Mrs., 22, 23. Ceporinus, John, minister of Medenblick, letter from, 240. Ceuta, siege of, 188, 189. Ch., Sir J., 41. Challoner, H., letter from, 160. Chamberlain, Lord, 263, 271, 277. See Lindsey, Robert Bertie, 1st Earl of. Lord Great, 251. Chamberlayne, Robert, 149. Chambers of Linton : Andrew, 184. Thomas, 184. Champernowne, Captain, 235, 237. Champs, Mr. de, 90. Champseaux, — , letter to, 202. Champis, Monsieur de, 75. Chancellor, Lord, 12, 48, 250, 273, 274, 275. Chancellor of the Exchequer, the, 275. Chancery : Court of, 45, 274. gentlemen, the, 23. Chandos, Lord, (1673), 276. Channel, the, 32. Chantilly, 81. Chaplin, Thomas, 253. Chappelow, William, of Dalton, 182. Charles I., King, 247. letters from, 244, 245, 246. letter to, 246. Charles II., King, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 82, 84, 91, 92, 94, 96, 99, 104, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 127, 128, 131, 132, 133, 141, 142, 143, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 276, 277. his secretary, 114. Charles Edward, " the Young Pretender," 161, 162, 163, 166, 167, 171, 177. his march ^1745), papers relating to, 160-185. his summons to the mayor of Carlisle, 162. 286 Charlton, Sir Job, 22. Chasteauneuf, Monsieur de, 213. Chaterton, — , 258. Chatsworth, 165, 171, 175. Chaworth, Lady, (1671), 264. Cheadle, 163. Cheales, William, 253. Chelmsford, 153. Chelsea, 250. Cheney, James, 159. Cheshire, 137. Chester, 167. Bishop of, (1671), 273, 274, 277. Chief Justice of, 22. Recorder of, 44. Sir Archi , 40 Chesterfield, letters dated at, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 171, 174. Chesterfield, Earl of, (1745), 198. letters from, 198. Chetwin, Charles, 135. Chetwind, Mr., of Ancestry, 128. Chetwynd, J., letter from, 191. Chevalier, the. See Charles Edward. Chevigny, Father, 93. Cheyne, Mr., 93, 95. Chichely, Sir Thomas, 248. Chichester, 13. letter dated at, 45. John Williams, Bishop of, letter from, 45. Bishop of, (1753), 201. Chidley, Sir George, 38. Chief Justice, Lord, 19, 35, 251. See also Fortescue. Holt, Sir John. North, Francis. Pollexfen, Sir Henry. Treby, Sir George. Vaughan. Child, John, 200. China, manufacture of, 199. Chippenham, letter dated at, 41. Cholmley : Francis, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Thomas, of Bransby, 184. Church, the, 46. Church of England, the, 131. Churchill, Colonel, 21, 108. Cibo, Cardinal, 101. Cirencester, 12, 13, 20. Clairambant, Mr. dc, 86. Clare, --,116. Clarencieux King-at-Arms See Hawley, Thomas. Clarendon, (Henry Hyde), Earl of, 135, 148. Clarges, Sir Thomas, 149. Clark, Mr., 46. Clarke : Anthony, of Enmore and Charlinch, 26. — , 108. George, 253. Sir George, letter from, 192. Richard, 17. « bis son Thomas, 1 7. Thomas, of Whenby, 184; Clay : Daniel, 153. Matthew, of Desborough. c.o. Northampton, information of, (Popish plot), 153, 154. Clayton : John, 166. Sir Robert, 13. Thomas, of Latous, 181. Clement : Monsieur, 106, 109, 110. Mrs., 105. Clerk, Mr., 42. Clerk of the Crown, 275. Clerkenwell, 9. Cleveland : Court, letter dated at, 197. Duchess of, 19, 81. Clifford : Lord Treasurer, 6, 275. — , 131. Sir Thomas, 6. Clifton, co. Westmoreland, 171, 172. Clifton, Sir Jarvis, 247. Clifton Moor, 170. Clincamp, Geoffrey de, 204 Clinton : Lord, (1560), 25. (1569), Lord High Admiral of England, letter to, 206. Edward, Lord, (temp. Charles II.), Lord Admiral, 247. Clippers and coiners, 38, 39. Clobeiwe, Colonel, his regiment, 4. Clopton, Sir William, 256. Close, Daniel, of Reeth, 181. Clutterbuck, Thomas, letter from, 197. ! Coale of Staithes : Cornelius, 183. John, 183. Coals, 231. Coates : John, senior, of East Witton, 180. junior, of East Witton, 180. Coats, Ciamvell, 253. Cobham, Lord, (1745), his regiment of dragoons, 166, 171, 173, 176. Cock, Captain, 6. Coffee House, politicians of the, 19. Coffin, Mr., 40. Coggs near Witney, co. Oxford, 191. letter dated at, 190. Coinage, the new, 38, 39, 42, 43. Coiners. See Clippers. Colbert, Monsieur, 81. Colebrook, 264. Coleman : Edward, 25, 54, 55, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 104, 107, 111, 113, 116, 139, 140. letter from, 109. 287 Coleman — cont. Edward, letters to, 49, 53, 54, 57, 60, 62, 64, 65, 69, 70, 72-76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 110. his coachman. See Curzon, John. Mrs., 112. letters to, 56, 58. Coligny, Louise de. See Orange, Princess of. Collingwood, Robert, of Barningham, 181. Collyer : Benjamin, 253. Simon, of Wensley, 180. Colmar in Alsace, 57. Cologne, Gerbhard Truchsess, Elector of : letters from, 215, 224, 233. letter to, 233. Colston, Edward, 187. Colthagh, Coione), letter to, 225. Coltman, John, 254. Combe, co. Hereford, 16. Combe, Sir J., letter from, 44. Combes, John, letters from, 31, 32. Comeforth, John, of Crathoine, 183. Commissaries of Musters, Deputy. See Musters. Commission of the peace. See Peace, commission of the. Common Council, 12. Commons, House of, 7, 10, 23, 26, 36, 38, 44, 45, 92, 145. the address, 38. petition to, 26. Secret Committee of, 117. Speaker of, 11, 36, 37, 138, 252. See also Williams, William. Foley, Paul. Common Pleas, Court of, 43. Cod, Mr., 101. Concerts, 201. Conclave, the, 104, 105. Conde, 88. the house (family) of, 91. Prince of, 81. Conders, Bernardus ab Helpen. See Helpen. Confederates, the, against France, 8, 62, 97, 117. Confessor : the, (? of Duke of York, q.v.) } 83. the King's, (? Louis XIV., q.v., s.v. France), 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 112. Congleton, 163, 165. Congreve, Mr., 17. Coniac, 208. Conne, Mr. See Coome. Conniers, — , 127. Constant of Egton : John, senior, 183. John, junior, 183. William, 183. Convocation, 1 60. Cook, Mr., 100. Cooke : Edward, letter from. 33. Sir Miles, letters from, 34, 4 1, 42, 43. Mr., 245. and Mountague, case of, 11. Coome, Conne, Mr , a Scotchman, the Pope's nuncio and agent in Paris, 142, 143. Coomp, Mr., h\s brother-in-law, 163. Cooper, Mr., letter from, 162. Cooper of Thornton Steward : John, 180. William, 180. Cope, Sir John, 160. Copenhagen, Coppenhaven, 208. letter dated at, 209. Coplestone, Mr., 7. Copley, Roger, 149, 150. Copper, Pensionary, 227. Coppock, — , a clergyman, 166. Coradin, 219. Corbett : Monsieur, Advocate of the Council (in France), 89, 90, 91. Richard, 79. Cordeliers, Abbe}- of the. See Longchamps. Corker, James, 1 14. Corneforth, Thomas, of Skewsby, 184. Cornwall, 14, 38. Cornwallis, Lord, (1692), 32. Cortnay, Mademoiselle, 67. Costard, Geoffrey, 205. Cottingwood, 161. Cotton imported from Turkey, 198. Cotton (Coten), Mr., 122, 126, 129, 134, 136, 139. — , a priest, 15. I Cottrell, Sir Charles, 88, 89, 90, 275. Coucy, Charles de. See Famars, Sieur de. Coulster : alias Gifford, Daniel, examinations of, (Popish plot), 149, 151. Sir Joseph, 151. Council : the. See Privy Council. Board, the, 14, 15. Chamber, 29. letter dated at, 18. Lords of the Commission of the, 17. of State, the, (at the Hague), 227, 231, 232, 234, 236, 237, 238. letters from, 224, 225, 237, 238, 239. letters to, 225, 232, 237, 239. Coursing the hare, rules for, 247. Court, the, 6, 7, 10, 21, 22, 23, 43, 77, 201, 208, 257, 259, 260, 265, 271, 272, 273, 276. letter dated from, 208. Courtenay : William, letter from, 8. — , letter from, 27. , Courteney, Sir William, 39, 41. 288 Courtin, Monsieur : French Ambassador to England, 73, 74, 76, 83, 84, 85, 89. See also under Ambassador, his son, 85. his secretary. See Guery. Coventry, 166, 173. letter dated at, 46. mayor of. Sec Cater, Francis. Town Hall of, 46. Coventry : Lord Keeper, speech of, 2, 3. Henry, Secretary, 144, 155. Sir J., 13. Sir William, 12. Coward, Richard, of Thornton le Street, 179. Cox, — , falconer to Lord Petre, 153. Cracroft, Robert, 253. Craggs, William, of Whenby, 184. Cranborne, Lady, (1671), 272. Crane, Robert, 256. Cranmer, Mr., the son of, 86. Craven, Earl of, (1672), 275. Crene. . ., Monsieur, 62. Crequy, Crique, Marchal de, 85, 95, 97. Cressiere, Georgio, 217. Crevecur', Simon de, 204. Crew, Sir John, 120, 122, 137. Crewe, Lord, (1691), 30. Crique. See Crequy. Cristal, Captain James, letter from, 230. Croker, — ,27. Cromarty, Earl, 179. Cromarty Harbour, letter dated at, 194. Crompton, J., 253. Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector, 43. letter to, 3. Crosby, Matthew, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Cross, Mr., 252. Crouch, Mr., 10. Crowle, freeholders of, 253. Croydon, letter dated at, 25. Crump, — , 117. Crytons, Dr., 66. Cullen, Sir R., his brother-in-law, 47. Cumberland : (William), Duke of, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178. his regiment of hussars, 169. Francis, Earl of, letters from, 186. Cunen, William, son of, 204, Cupledike, John, 248. Curoway, Mr., 26. Curtois : J., 254. John, junior, 254. Curzon, John, examination of, (Popish plot), 139. Cust : Sir Christopher, 13. John, 253. Sir Purey, 250. Sir Richard, 250. Savile, 253. Custom House, the, 30. Customs, 6, 193. Custom's farm, contract for the, 269. Cutler, Sir John, 22, 248. D. D. : Mr., 48. Sir F. See Drake, Sir Francis. Sir J., 28. Daber, Andrew, 277. Daily Advertiser, the, 200. Dale : Adam, of Kilvington, 179. of Ugthorpe, Gabriel, 182. John, 182. John, of Keswick, 179. of Thornborough, 179. Robert, of Hutton, 181. Thomas, of Newbrough, 179. of Thornton le Street, 179. William, of Coxwold, 179. of Mickleby, 183. of Thirsk, 179. Dalkeith, 160, 161. Dallison : Mr., 142. Joseph, 151. Dalton : Laurence, of High Worsall, 179. Master Peter de, 205. Richard, of High Worsall, 179. Dambrugh, 214. Danby : Christopher, of Barroby, 179. Edward, of Barroby, 179. Thomas, senior, of Barroby, 179. junior, of Barroby, 179. Danckaerts, Jean Reynhouts, letter from, 213. Dando, Cardinal of, 16. Dane, Christopher, of Wensley, 180. junior, 180. Danegiles, Captain Charles, letter to, 238. Dangerfield, — ,22. Danish man-of-war, a, 35. Danish Resident, the, 275. Dansick, Monsieur, French Ambassador to Denmark, letter to, 233. Darby. See Derby. Darnell, Thomas, of Hilton, 184. Dartford, 249. the Abbess of, 256. Dartmouth, 19. Corporation of, 48. (William, 1st) Earl of, letters from, 191, 192. letter to, 192. Darvest, — , secretary to English Ambassador in Paris, 73. Dauphin (Dolphin) of France. See under France. Dauphino, 9. Dauzay, — , French Ambassador in Denmark, letter to, 212. 289 Daventry, letter dated at, 44. Davie, Sir William, 40. Davison, — , a grocer, 166. Davy, John, 47. Day: Jeremiah, of Wensley, 180. Mr., 275. Deacon, Dr., 166. Declaration of Indulgence, 27 1 . Deeds (1160-1547) preserved at Grimsthorpe, transcripts and extracts of, 204, 205, 206. Deg, Sir Simon, 15. Delaval : Sir Ralph, Knigtt, letters to, 186. Bart., 187. letters to, 186, 187. R(obert), letter from, 186. Lady Elizabeth, 186. Sir John, 187, 190. Edward, letters to, 189, 193, 194. Mrs. Edward, 194. letter to, 190. Captain George, 192. letter from, 189. letters to, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193. his brolher James, 189. Lieut., afterwards Captain Erancis Blake, 193. letters from, 193, 194, 198. letters to, 193, 194, 195, 196. his aunt, 194. his cousin Hebdon, 194. Thomas, letters from, 199, 201. letter to, 200. John, letter from, 200. letters to, 199, 200, 201. his aunt Price, 200. Mrs. John, 200, 202. letters to, 199, 200. G., letter from, 200. Erancis, letter from, 201. (? Sir John Hussey), 1st Baron, 202. Delft, letter dated at, 220. D'Enghien, d'Enguien, Duke of, 91. Denmark, 98, 111, 209. French Ambassador in. See Dauzay. (Frederick II.), King of, 209. letter to, 210. Denny s : Abel, of Newcastle, 29. Sir E., 82. Denshire, George, 253. Dent, Erancis, of Leyburn, 180. Deptford, 193, 195, 196. Derby (Darby), 126, 163, 164, 165, 174. gaol, 15. Derbyshire, 13, 15, 125. forces, the, 164. Dermont, College of. See under Paris. Derry, deanery cf, 198. Dessel, burgomaster of. See Sneyers, Jacob. Destre, Ca., 101. Deuxponts, 97. E 64159. De venter, Gerard Proninck eak burgomaster of Utrecht, 228. letters from, 225, 229, 230, 235. letter to, 223. Devonshire. 38. commission of the peace of, 39, 40. Deputy Lieutenants of, 39. Grand Jury of, 38, 39. High Sheriff of, 38. justices of peace of, 38. Lord Lieutenant of, 39, 40, 41. militia of, 28, 39. Sheriff and Under-Sheriff of, 39. Devonshire : (William Cavendish, 4 th Eat;i 4 afterwards 1st Duke of), 189, 272, 275. Lady, (1672), 274. Duke of, (1745^, 163, 164, 165. Duchess of, (1745), 165. D'Humieres, the Chevalier, 81. Dickfield, W., Smith, 116. Dieppe, 50. Nuns of the Visitation of St. Mary,, at, 79. Diertyts, Commissary, letter to, 236. Dinmore, Henry, of Sowerby, 179. Disney, John, 254. Dissenters, the, 46, 271. Dissington, South,' 189, 190. Dives, letter dated at, 241. Dixon, Jos., 254. Dobson, James, of Eppleby, 181. Doddington near Lincoln, 200. Dodington, George : letter from, 197. letter to, 198. Doesburg, letter dated at, 239. Dogs coursing hares, rules for, 24 7. Dolben, Archbishop, 250. his son, chairman of the committee against Dr. Sacheverell, 250. Dole, 186. Doleith, Dolbeith, Mr., 84, 85. Doncaster, 160, 165. letter dated at, 174. Don Luis, 191. Dordam, 215. Governor of, 215. Dordogne, the river, 206. Dordrecht, 231. letters dated at, 209, 215, 218, 234. 235. the "Escoutelle" of, letter to, 234, the magistrates of, letter to, 232. Dormer, Mr., 266. Dorp, Colonel, 229, 231. Dort, M. de, 233. Douay, 16, 158. Douglas : — , 108. Mr., 193. Douglass, Doctor, 166. Dover, 30, 163. Lord, (1671), 264. Down, Castle of, 177. Downing, Sir George, 78. T 290 Downs, the, 8, 35, 196. Draco, the famous pirate. See Drake, Sir Francis. Dragoons, 160, 170, 172, 174, 176, 177. Drake, Draco, Drag: Sir Francis, 208, 211. (c. 1677-1696), 7, 38, 40 (Sir F. D.), 41 (Sir F. D.). letters from, 33, 34, 39, 46. Sir William, 19, 40, 41. Draycott, Mr., 123, 129, 136. Dresden : letter dated at, 199. china, 199. Drew, Thomas, 40. Drope, Dr., 277. Drumalier, 161. Drummond, Lord John, his regiment, 178. Drury, Sir William, 228, 230, 233, 235, 238, 239, 241. letters from, 234, 235, 237. Dublin, 145. letters dated at, 198. Abbey Street, 199. Castle, 145, 197. letters dated at, 197. German Protestant church in, 197. Hospital, charter of, 31. Peter Talbot, Archbishop of, 58, 59, 66, 69, 70, 73, 98, 102, 103, 106, 112, 116, 142, 143. See also Talbots, the. Duchess, the. See York, Mary of Modena, Duchess of. Duck : Christopher, of Westerdale, 182. John, of Danby, 182. Dudley : Lord Ambrose, 257. Lord Robert, his players, 258. Duhamel, Jacob, 255. Dugdale, Stephen, 14, 15, 16, 19, 124, 127, 128, 130. depositions, &c. of, (Popish plot), 118-138. Duke, the. See' James II. Parma, Duke of. Dukes, the two, 22. Dumfries, 161. Dumblaine, Lord, 18. Dunces, the two Mr., 269. Duncombe, — , 112. Dundee, (Viscount of), 159. Dunkirk, Dunkerche, 33, 232. Dunse, 245. Durdans, 273. Durham, 20. Bishop of, (1671), 262. Durston, 26. Dutch : the. .See Holland. army. See Holland, army of. captains, 190. port, a, plan of, 212. regimen fs in England, 28. Smyrna fleet, the, 11. E. E. : J., letter from, 27. Sir John. See Elwill, Sir John. Earls fen common, co. Line, 244. Earsdon, parish of, 202.. Eastbury, letter dated at, 197. East India : Company, 31. a new, 31. secret service money of the, 37. fleet, 192. East Indies, the, 192. Easton, George, of Gisbrough, 182. Eden, the river, 161. Edenham, 205. Edinburgh, 160, 173, 178. letter dated at, 176. Castle, 245. Edlintun, Ancheti de, 204. Edmondson, Thomas, of Leyburn, 180. Edmonton, letter dated at, 27. Elcho, Lord, (1745), 168, 170, 174. Eld, Walter, 120. his daughter Ann, 120. his daughter Elizabeth, 120, 133,134. Elizabeth, Queen, 208, 211, 212, 225, 226, 231, 232, 233, 237, 240, 242, 258, 259. letters from, 224, 225, 231, 235, 239, 241. letters to, 235, 236. her feeling on the death of Mary, Queen of Scots, 212. her players, 258. plots agaiust the person of, 213. Elizade, D., a Spaniard, 110. Elliotts, Humphrey, 125. Elwes, Sir Gervase, 152, 153. Elwill, John : his uncle Rodd, 8. his uncle T.B., 8. Elwell, Sir John, letters from, 7, 8, 21, 40,41,48 (Sir John E.). Emden, 211, 242. letters dated at, 242. certain merchants of, 242. Emmont Bridge, 171. Emperor : (Rodolph II.), the, 207. (Leopold I.), the, 52, 73, 106, 107, 110. Emperor's Court, the, 50. Ems, the river, 242. Enderby, Albin de, 205. Engineer and Surveyor General, the King's, 197. Eukhuizcn, the magistrates of, letter to, 231. Epworth, 173. Eresby : church of, 206. deed dated at, 205. inventory of articles at, 255. Lords of. 54. Painter, William, letter from, 36. Paiton, Sir Robert, 12. Palermo, 95, 103. Palmer: Henry, 152. John. See Saunders, John. Marmaduke, of Hutton Bonvill, 179. Mr., 152. Robert. See Higgins. Palmers, the, 151. Palsgraves : the. Sec Frederick Wolfgang. Head Tavern, the, 138. Pamphlets, 21. Pancridge fair, 136. Panigarola, Francis, letter from, 241. Papacy, the, 104. Papists or Catholics, the, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 29, 49, 53, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 87, 94, 95, 98, 106, 109, 110, 111, 112, 131, 133, 142, 143, 144, 148, 149, 150, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158, 187, 191, 271. Papists convicted in Yorkshire, North Riding, (1716), return of, 179-185. Parasis, Commissary, 238. Pardon, a general, to persons convicted and transported in 1685, 160. Paris, 14, 50, 56, 74, 81, 87, 93, 98, 109, 110, 111, 112, 121, 122, 124, 126, 131, 132, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 153. letters dated at, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 62, 64, 69, 70, 72-6, 77, 78,87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 110,112, 186. the Bastile, 81. Bois de Boulogne, 81. College of Dermont in St. James' Street, 111. the Greve, 93. Church of Notre Dame, 93. nuncio at, 101. street of Quinquampois, 89. Rue St. Antoine, 98. Rue St. Antoine, the Silver Master m, 86. Rue St. Benoit, Faubourg St. Germaine, 52, 56. surgeons of, 70, 71. Parke, Captain, 5. Parker, Colonel, 35. Parko.t, Dr., 149. Parliament, 3, 9, 10, 11, 13, 20, 22, 23, 26, 32, 38, 42, 49, 51, 53, 55, 59, 63, 66, 67, 68, 74, 76, 82, 92, 96, 99, 107, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 131, 133, 138, 141, 144, 145, 156, 196, 200, 246, 247, 276. Acts of. See Acts. Clerk of the. See Browne, Mr. Parliament — cont. Committee of Privileges, 26. election of members, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13,. 14, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, 33, 249, 250. prorogation of, 21. Speaker of. See under Commons. Parm, Edoart, 211. Parma : Duke (Prince) of, 208, 222, 232,. 236, 238, 239, 240. letter from, 240. letter to, 239. Parrat, Monsieur, 241. Parry : Hugh, 277. Parey, Mr., 151, 152. Parsons : Major Robert, 29. Mr., 120, 127. Parvin of Knagton : John, 179. Thomas, 179. Pary, Jenny, 71. Passaro, Cape, 193. Passman of Crathorne: John, 184. William, 183. Paston, Wolston, 157, 158. Patouillet, Patouillier, Mr., 75, 87, 88,. 90, 91. Pattison, Matthew, of Dalton, 182. Pawlett, William, Recorder of Bristol,. letter from/ 26. Payn, William, son of, 205. Peace, commission of the, 34. Peak, the, 168. Pearce, Sir Edward, 197. Pearl, Josh., 253. Pearson : George, of East Witton, 180. Henry, of Whitby, 185. William, of Batons, 181. of Stokesley, 183. Peart, Christopher, of Stokesley, 183. Peathwash, 161. Peck, John, 253. Pedley, —,158: Sir Nic, 275. Peebles, 161. Peirson of Egton : Francis, senior, 182. junior, 182. Pelham : E., 253. H., Secretary at War, letter from,, 197. Pellam, Mr., his man George, 257. William, 242. Pembroke : Lord (1692), 32. Earl of, (1701), 189. Penington, Father, 116. Penn, W., letters from, 46, 47. Pennell, Shelley, 254. Pennyman, Jas., 253. Pennant, Hen., 253. Penrhyn, letter dated at, 24, 307 Penrith, 161, 167, 170, 171, 172, 174, 175, 176: letters dated at, 162, 171. Perkin, Kalph, of Cliff, 181. Perpoint, Mr., 137. Perrey, Mr., 120, 125. Perryman, Arthur, letters from, 8. Perth, 177: Duke of, (1745), 171, 172, 174, Perye, Humphrey, letter from, 49. Pesarengis, Colouel Cosmo, letter from, 218. Pesly, Lady, (1671), 269. Petch : of East Witton, Henry, 180. William, 180. John, of Burton Constable, 180. Peterborough : (Henry Mordaunt), Earl of, 77, 80, 81, 286. Lady, (1671), 267, 268, 271. Peters : Edward, letter from, 113. Sir Francis, 116. his son, William, 116. Mr., 14, 122, 123, 124, 125, 128, 129, 131, 136, 138, 145, 150. Petersburg. See St. Petersburgh. Petit, Petitt, Mr., 44, 45. Petre, Peters, William, Lord, 17, 117, 138„ 139, 140, 152, 153, 156, 158. his priest. See Mathews, Mr. Petty jury, Papists in, 19. Peyton: Sir K., 13. Lady, 256. Philip II., King of Spain. See under Spain. Philipsburgh, 93, 94. Phillipp, Mr., 133. Phillipps, Mr., 137. Phillips, Edward, mayor of Shrews- bury, 147. Phipps, Sir William, 160. Pibus, Christopher, of Knagton, 179. Pickersgill, William, of Swinton, 185. Pickering, — , 118, 121. his nephew North, 15. Pickering Wapentake, co. York, 185. Piddletown, Pittletoune, letter dated at, 46. Pifron, — , 222. Piles, Captain, 206. Pillory, the, 22, 23, 38. Pindar : John, 253. Robert, 254. Pinkney : John, of Nether Silton, 179. William, of Thirsk, 179. Pippard, Ignatius, 116. Pittletoune. .See Piddletown. Pivot, Monsr., doctor of the Sorbon, 93. Plantations, Council of, 272. Piatt, Mr., 100. Player, Sir Thomas, 13, 117. Playhouse, the King's, 270. Plays, 202 : the Brothers, 201. Constantine, 200. the Englishman at Paris, 200, 201. the Fair Penitent, epilogue to, 202. the Gamester, 200. the Genii, 200. pantomimes, 200. the Sorcerer, 200. Pie, Sir J., 40, 41. Plenipotentiaries, the, 84, 98. Plot. See Popish Plot. Plough Yard, letter dated at, 33. Plymouth, 11, 24, 48. letters dated at, 7, 17, 26. mayor and aldermen of, 48. town clerk of, 46. town of, v. Strode, case of, 6. Plympton, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21, 22. letter dated at, 1 7.~ mayor of, 6. Poelffeest, Monsieur, 227. Poland, 97, 207. King of, 199. Polletts, John, 125. Pollexfen : Edmund, 7, 12. Henry, afterwards Sir Henry, Lord Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 26, 31. -— letter from, 12. John, letters from, 12, 19, 22, 23* 25, 32, 47. his cousin Hum, 19. his cousin (Martyn) Ryder. See Ryder, Martyn. Mr., 22. Pollock, Colonel Francis, 199. Pompone, Le Pompone, Mons., 50, 51, 53, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 66, 95, 107. Pontefract, 172. Ponthieu : — de, letter from, 112. Dr., 111. Pontoise, 112. Pontrill : John, 146,147. William, 146, 147. Pool, Sir John, 38. Poole : Mr., 145, 147. of SpinkhilL 125. Pope : the, 132, 137, 142, 146, 207. (Clement X.), 49, 50, 74, 83, 100, 101, 102, 103, 106, 109, 110. (Innocent XL), 16, 76, 95* 105, 118, 122. Popery, 2, 16, 18, 26, 141, 263. Pope's : Nuncio, the, 14, 50, 101, 106. revenue, the, 133. Popish : plot, the, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22. letters, depositions, &c. relat- ing to, 49-159. Recusants. See Recusants. U 2 308 Portland, 28. Portland, (William Bentinck, Duke of), 41, 42. Portman, Sir William, 13. Portsmouth, 32, 33, 265. voyage the, 21. Portsmouth, Duchess of, 10, 20, 73, 74, 89. Portugal, 5, 14, 101, 148, 191. book of rates, the, 193. Brazil fleet of, 192. East India fleet of, 192. the expedition to, (1589), 240. Antonio, King of, letter from, 211. his son Don Manoel,211. (John V.), King of, 191, 192. letter to, 192. Prince and Princess of, 101. Portuguese dominions in America, 191. Potter, John, letter to, 197. Poudre, Guillaume de, bailiff, letter from, 215. Poulteney, Sir W., 13. Powderhill, Mr., 126. Powell : Powall, (Sir John), 40, 43. Henry, 116. Powle, Mr., 12, 13, 20, 117. PoAver : Poor, Lord, (1671), 262, 274, 275. John. See under Anglesey. Powis : Powys, Baron Littleton, letters from, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46. Earl of, (1679), 15, 138,140, 148, 157, 158, 159. Lady, (1679), 15. Sir Thomas, 251. Powis : Castle, 15. Powys House, 37. Pownall, T., 254. Powney, — , 20. Pragmaticas (of Portugal), the, 193. Prance, Miles, 14, 15, 16, 154, 155. examinations of, (Popish plot), 155-158. Pratt : Lady, (1672), 275. Mr., 44, 48. Prenestain, Don Felipe, Ambassador from the Emperor, letter from, 207. Presbyterian pulpits, epigram concerning the burning of, 25 1 . Presbyterians, the, 131. Preston, 152, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 175, 176. Preston : Lord, (1691), 30. Edward, 134. Prestonpans, 160. Preswick, Edward, 117. Pretender, the Young. See Charles Edward. Price : — , 20. Mr., 18. Prideaux : — , 13. Sir Peter, 38. Prince, the, 9, 219, 221. See also Orange, Prince of. James, the Old Pretender. Privileges, Committee of. See under Parliament. Privy Council : (Council), 12, 13, 14, 18, 21, 22, 29, 31, 33, 35, 132, 133, 134, 154, 248, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272. 273, 274, 276, 277. Clerk of, 117, 135. Committee of Council, 31, 135. the Lords of the, 208, 241. letter from, 242. letter to, 241. Privy Councillors, 21. of Ireland. See under Ireland. Privy Seal : Clerks of the, 275. Lord, 267, 274, 275. Proclamation, a, 31. Proninck, Gerard. See Deventer. Prosser, Benedict, 155, 156. Protector, Lord. See Cromwell, Oliver, Lord Protector. Protestant : officers for the militia, 23. religion, the, 21, 23, 124, 156. Protestants : French, at Miquemes, petitions of, 189, 190. the, 67, 68, 75, 199. Prussia, King of, chaplain to. See Jablouski, Daniel. Puckeridge, 260. Puckering, — , 97. Puleberge, William de, 204. Pulteney, John, letter from, 29. Pultey, Thomas, 159. Purbeck, Viscount, (1678), 8. Putney, 59. Puy, Puis, Mr. de or du, 8 Q. Queen. See Elizabeth. Catherine of Portugal. Mary II. Anne. Queenborough, 18. Quesnoy, 84. R. Bachdale. See Bochdale. Radnor, (Lord), (1680), 23. Kainby, inventory of goods at, 256. 309 Ealph (Radulfus), Ralph (Radulfus), son of, 204. Ramekins, 210. Ramsden, Sir J., letter from, 162. Rancy, Captain James de, 224, 228, 229. letter from, 225. letter to, 227. Ranelagh, Ranlugh : Lord, (1671), 264, 275. Lady, (1671), 263. Ratcliffe, Mr., 138. Raven, — , letter from, 173. Ravensworth, Lord, (1753), 201. Raw of Egton : Israel, 182. Matthew, 183. Michael, 183. Read : Captain, 201. Sir William, Governor of Bergen- op-Zoom, 223. letters to, 224, 229. Reading circuit, the, 114. Rebellion, the, (1745), 253. Rebels, (the Pretender's army), the, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178. Recorder. See London, Recorder of. Recusaucy, Indictment of, against Duke of York, 24. Recusants, 2. Redcastle, 148, 159. Redgrave, co. Suffolk, 251. Reding, Ma., 138. Ree, Isle of. See Rhe. Reed, Sir William. See Read. Roepe : John, 17. letter from, 17. Regiments, 108, 167, 173. Irish. See Irish. Georgia Rangers, 172. Royal Yorkshire Hunters, 161, 165, 169, 172, 173. . Scotch. See Scotch. Yorkshire Blues, 175. Yorkshire Rangers, 174, 175. See under Alhemarle. Bland. Cam- field. Cloberye. Cobham. Cum- berland. Fauconberge. Godfrey. Guards. Howard. Kerr. King- ston. Knight. Leveson. Ligonier. Monmouth. Montague. St. George. Wade. Willoughby. Relf, Mr., 149. Religion, laws established for, 23. Renaldo, Prince. See Rinaldo. Reresby, John, 98. Resident, the, 50. Retford, 165. Revel, 195. Revell, Henry, 253. Reverseaux, — de, letter from, 202. Reymtrsveale, 215. Reynell, Sir Eichard, 31. Reynold, Ralph, of St. Mary Gate, 184. Reynolds : C., 253. Sir Joshua, receipt for portraits, 254. Reynoldson : George, of Bainbridge, 179. John, of Leyburn, 180. Rhe, Ree, Isle of, 32, 33. Rhenen, 235. Rhine, the, 53, 54, 57, 62. Ribble Bridge (near Preston), 167, 168. Richardson : Anthony, of Kirkby Ravensworth, 181. Captain, 154. John, letters from, 18, 20. Thomas, 147. Riches, Thomas, of Thurgarton, the, in- formation of, (Popish plot), 159. Richmond : co. York, 172. the manor of, letter dated at, 241. Richmond, Duke of, his funeral, (1673), 276. Richmond and Lennox, Duke of, (1646), letter from, 246. Rider, — , a joiner, 127. Ridley : Matthew, letter to, 1 97. Mr., a surgeon, 157. Riga, 195. Rigdon, William, 242. Rinaldo, Rinaldi, Renaldo, Prince, 101, 102, 103, 105. Ringrave, Count, 206. Ripon, 172. Risdon, — , a Papist near Totness, 28. Rislip, 276. Riswick, — , 214. Roach, Miss, 202. Roan, 67. Roberts, Sir W., 13. Robertson, James, letter from, 191. Robinson : of Wensley, Charles, 180. John, 180. John, 253. of Bedale, 185, of Egton, 183. of Wigginton, 184. Sir John, 144, 145. Mr., 150. a grocer, 168. Nathaniel, 253. William, of Reeth, 181. Rochdale, Rachdale, 174. Koche, Monsieur la, 220. Rochester, Lord, (1674), 277. Roels, the Pensionary, Secretary to the States of Zealand, letter from, 231. Rohan, Mr. de, 50. Rokeby, Mr. Justice, 40. Rolle, Samuel, letter from, 46. Rolls : Master of the, 275. Mastership of the, 27 1. Rolls, Sir Francis, 21. Rolt, Samuel, 253. 31 Roman Catholics. See Papists. Rome, 16, 50, 74, 75, 86, 90, 100, 102, 103, 110, 117, 122, 132, 133, 207. letters dated at, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105. Romish religion, the. See Catholic. Rooksby, Lord, (1693), 34. Roos : Lord, (1674), 277. William, Lord of Helmesley. See Helmesley. Rope dancers, 200. Roper, Rooper, — , 127, 138. Ros, Nicholas de, 204. Rose, Mr., 258. Rospigliosi, — , 101. Rosse, Captain, 273. Rothes, Earl of, Chancellor of Scotland, 142. Rothurl, Mr., 45. Rotterdam, 224. Rouckless of Skewsby : Michael, 185. » William, ] 85. Rous, George, letter from, 245. Rowland, the messenger, 266. Rowley, Admiral, 163. Rowtless, William, of Thornton le Street, 179. Royal Society, 35, 36. Ryal warrant. See Warrants. Royston, 260. Rudgely, 125. Rudsdell, Jonan, 253. Ruiter, — de, 85. Rush worth, John, letter from, 18. Russell : Lord, (1679), 12, 21. Admiral, 35. letter from, 41. — , 115. H., letter from, 175. Russia, 209. Ruthorne, —,273. Rutland : (John Manners, 9th Earl of), 248. Lady, (1671), her death, 261. Rutter, Mr., 140. Ruvigny : Mons., 55, 56, 59, 63, 64, 66, 67, 72, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 82, 86, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 107, 111, 112. his brother the Abbot, 72. bis brother-in-law, 78. his son, 94. his confessor, 76, 97. his secretary, 72, 78, 88, 95, 97, 98. Madame de, 79, 95, 111. Rydale Wapentake, co. York, 185. Ryder, Martyn, 19. letters from, 6, 45, 48, 49. Rye, 50. s. S. : D., 109. Sir E., 34. Sachevereli, Seechivrell: Mr., 12, 13, 117. Dr., 250, 251. Sacrament and Oath. See Acts. St. Albans, 272. St. Albans, Lord, (1671), 264, 271, 273. St. Bartholomew : Fair of, 206. Massacre of, 207. St. Chilian, 95. St. Clair, Dr., 35. St. David's, Bishop of, 48. St. George, — , his regiment of dragoons. 169, 174, 175. St. Germaine : Monsieur, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98. letters from, 72-76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 107. St. Germains, St. Jermains, 50, 53, 60, 62. St. Ghilain, 84. St. James'. See under Westminster. St. Jean d'Angeli, town of, 206. St. John, Lord, (1671), 6, 269. Saint Laurent, — , 228. St. Louis, the Man of, 80. St. Malo, 32. St. Ninian's Church, near Stirling, 176, 178. St. Omer (St. Omers), 113, 114, 115, 116, 119, 121, 124, 126, 129, 131, 132, 134, 136, 149, 150, 151, 152. College of English Jesuits at, 149, 151. Superior of Jesuit College at. See Stapleton, Thomas. Youths, the, 22. St. Petersburg, 195. St. Pole, Sir George, 242. St. Prery, Marquis de, 62. St. Valery, 50. St. Vincent, cape, 196. St. Winnifred's Well, 2. Salgado, James, letters from, 114, 115. Salisbury, 11, 29. letters dated at, 29, 32. Gilbert Burnet, Bishop of, letter from, 29. Chancellor of diocese of. See Woodward, Dr. Dean of. See Bridlock, Dr. Justices of, 46. Salisbury : Lady, (c. 1514-23), 256. Earl of, (1679), 158, 275. Lord, (1694), letter from, 35. Captain, 221, 225. Salisbury House, 35. 311 Salkeld, Doctor, 166. Sallee, Scilly, rovers of, 192. Salop. See Shrewsbury. Salter, Samuel, 253. Salvin, William, of Easingwold, 184. Sampson, Thomas, of Kilvington, 179. Sandbeck, letter dated at, 165. Sandbich, John, 133. Sandon, — , 259. Sands, Christopher. See Madgworth, Christopher. Sandwich, Earl of, his funeral, (1672), 272. Sarragossa, 211. letter dated at, 209. Sarsfield, —,16. Sarum, Old, 19. Saunders alias Fall alias Palmer, John, 139, 149. examination of, (Popish plot), 149. Savil, Mr., 12. Savoy, 41. Duke of, (1590), letter to, 241. Secretary to. See Atrech. Grand Chancellor of, letter to, 209. Saw, Edward, 254. Sawbridge, John, 137. Sawyer. Sir Robert, 32 (Sir R.), 73. letters from, 24. Saxony, 199. Sayer : John, of Castle Leavington, 184. of Rudby, Alban, 184. _ — Hugh, 184. John, 184. Thomas, 184. Scarbrough, Lord, (1745), 253. Scardeburgh, Robert de, prior of Brid- lington, 205. Schard, Mr., 150. Schenck, Colonel, 216, 231, 237. Schomberg, (Count of), 95. Scilly. See Sallee. Scole, Daniel, 32. Scortreth, Wm, 254. Scotch: the. See Scotland. coast, the, 211. rebels in North Carolina, 199. regiments, 4, 9. seminarists at Paris, 141. Scotelthorp, Ralph Cementarius de, 205. Scotland : (and the Scots), 123, 132, 138, 141, 142, 159, 166, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 186. Chancellor of. See Rothes, Earl of. Constable of. See Buchan and Murrey, Earl of. Mary, Queen of. See Mary. officers going to, 3. Scott, John, of Whenby, 184. Screinbi, Peter de, 204. Scroggs, Chief Justice, 20. Scroope: Lord, (temp. Charles II.), 247. of Thornton SteAvard, Christopher, 180. Simon, 180. Scrope: Ger., 253. Thomas, 253. Scroph, Ralph, 205. Seaford, J., 253. Seaton Delaval, 186, 200, 201, 202. expenses attending the play at, 202. Secrecy, Committee of, 17, 138. Secretary : the Queen's Principal. See Wal- singham, Sir Francis. of State, the, 144, 208. Seechivrell. See Sacheverell. Seilliard, Seliere, Mrs., 151, 152. Selby, Sir George, letter to, 186. Seliere, Mrs. See Seilliard, Mrs. Seller, Wm., 253. Serjant, Mr., 51. Sesaite, Mons. de, 99. Sevenbergh, 217. Sevill, — , 117. Sewers, Commissioners of, on the north- east side of the River Witham, co. Line, letter to, 244. Seymour, — , 117. Shaen, Sir James, secretary to the Commission for Lands in Ireland, 268, 269. Seymour, Lady, (1671), 263. Shaftesbury, (Anthony Ashlev Cooper), Earl of, 22, 23, 114, 115, 154, 155, 156, 158, 273, 274. Shales, Captain, 10. Shap, co. Westmoreland, 171, 175, 17G. Sharp, John, Archbishop of York. See York, Archbishop of. Shaw : Robert, of Newsham, 180, 185. Thomas, 254 bis. of Egton, 183. Sheerness, 274. Sheffield, 167, 171. letters dated at, 163, 172. Sheffield, Lord, (temp. Charles II.), 247. Shelden, Sheldon, Father, 74, 98, 111. Sheldon : Sir Joseph, 13. Mr., 80, 84, 86, 88, 103. the Almoner, 154. Sherbourne, Mr., 145, 146, 147. Sheriffs, 27. Sherlock. Dr., 160. letter from, 37. Shields, 160. Shippie, Mr., a priest, 146. Ships named: Bideford, 194. Biervliet, 223. Boyne, 188. Coventry, 188. Garland, 190. Gibraltar, 111. 312 Ships named — cont. Golden Fleece, 8. Gosport, 193, 194, 195, 196. commander of the. See Delaval, Captain Francis Blake. Hazard, sloop of war, 177. Lark, 8. Leopard, 190. Medivay, 188, 189. Pembroke, 190. Banelagh, flagship, 190. Roebuck, 190. Royal Ann, 192. commander of. See Trevor, Captain. Ruby, 193. Samuel, merchantman, 193. Success, storeship, 193. Tilbury, 189, 190. Worcester, 196. commander of the. See Delaval, Captain Francis Blake. Ships not named: flat-bottomed boats launched at Antwerp, 222. the Brazil fleets, 190. the Brussels fleet, 218. the enemy's fleet, 219. English fleet in the Mediterranean, 34, 188. English ships taken, 11. to Russia, 195. Count d'Estree's squadron, 248. fleets, engagement of the, 271. boats to sail to Flushing, 210. merchantmen seized by an English man-of-war, 242. merchant ships for Riga, 195. Royal Navy, (fleet), 28, 32, 33, 35, 41, 42, 193, 194, 195, 218. the Spanish Armada, (1693), 248. ships fitted out by the States General, 227. the transport ships, 32. the Turkey fleet, 10. the Woolwich frigate, 8. Shirley, —,123. Short, Dr., 139. Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, 35. Showers, Sir B., his brother, 40. Shrewsbury, 42, 147. (Salop), letter dated at, 148, the Green Dragon in, 148. mayor of, 148. mayor of. See Phillips, Edward. Shrewsbury : Charles Talbot, Earl of, 27, 37, 248. Lady, (1674), 51. SibthoipC —,251. Sidenham, Sir William. See Sydenham. Sidney. See Sydney. Sieur, Etienne Le, 229. letter to, 227. Simmons : Sir James. See Simons. Mr., 123. Simns, Mr., 171. Simons, Simmons, Symonds, Sir James, 123, 127, 128, 129, 131, 136. Simpson: Christopher, of Grathland, 185. William, of Yarm, 183. Singleton, Mr., a priest, 156, 157. Sissell (? Cecil), Mistress, 257. Sisto, S., 104. Slator, Lionel, of Yarm, 183. Slaves. See under Turkish. Sleaford, 247, 248. Sluys, 220, 223 (L'Ecluze). Smadale, co. Salop, 159. Smauley, Mrs., 147. Smith : Aaron, 30. Alderman Erasmus, 262. John, 254. of Oulston, 179. Joshua, of Yarm, 183. of Egton, Richard, 183. William, 183. Thomas, of Tirrington, 185. Weston John, 254. Smithson of Newsham : Robert, 180. William, 185. Smyrna fleet, the Dutch. See Dutch. Snawdon : Francis, of Commondale, 182. John, of Westerdale, 182. of Ugthorpe, Michael, 182. Paul, 182. William, of Egton, 183. Sneyers, Jacob, burgomaster of Moll, Bales, and Dessel, 210. Society, the. See Royal Society. Soissons, Captain de, letter from, 228. letter to, 229. Soldiers (see also Army), 10, 24, 219, 225, 231, 235, 237. arquebusiers, 235. deserters, 3. Dutch, 239. English, in France, 241. in the Netherlands, 218, 219, 222, 224, 227, 228, 229, 230, 233, 236, 238, 239. German, 206. gunners for Bergen-op-Zoom, 239. lieutenant of, in Lincolnshire, 243. musters, 240, 256. provisions for, 246. sent by the States-General, 236. Solicitor-General, the, 24, 30 (Mr. So- licitor), 31 (Mr. Solicitor), 201. Solmes, Count, 222, 237. Somers, John, Lord Keeper, afterwards Lord Chancellor, 48. letters from, 30, 36, 37, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48. Somerset: (Charles Seymour, 6th) Duke of, 189. Duchess of, (1672), 275. Somersetshire, 26. 313 Sonoy, Colonel, 224, 225, 226, 228, 229. letter from, 228. letter to, 230. Southall, William, 14, 15. Southampton, 10. Southampton, Duchess of, 105. Southwark, 30. inventory of plate at, 254. Southwell, Sir Robert, 128, 135. letters from, 14, 17, 18. Spain, 52, 74, 101, 104, 106, 108, 208. fleet of, 14, 95, 103, 193, 194, 248 (Armada). (Philip II.), King of, 207, 208, 209, 212. (Philip V.), King of, 196. letter to, 196. Queen of, 43. Spaniards, the, 8, 95, 194, 209, 233. Spanish fleet, the. See under Spain. Spar, Joseph, 147. Spartel, Cape, 190. Speed, George, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Spele, 210. Spencer : Tertius, letters from, 189, 190. Sir Tho., 266. Spenser, Henry. See Arundel. Spepinga. See Steeping. Spilsby, 205. chantry of the Holy Trinity, 205. master of the. See Hardegray, William. Maltby, Thomas. chapel of, 206. Spithead, 35. Spridlestone, 11. Spry, George, letter from, 26. Squib, Mr., 277. Stafford, 19, 49, 121, 122, 129. letters dated at, 29, 49. gaol of, 132, 133, 134, 167. mayor of, 134. sheriff of, 49. Stafford, Lord, (1679), 14, 15, 17, 117, 118, 119, 120, 122, 125, 128, 131, 132, 133, 136, 138. his cousin Mr. Howard, 148. Staffordshire, 121, 127, 130, 132, 133, 134, 151. clerk of the peace for. See Forster, John. Stair, Earl of, (1745), 160. Staley, — , 155, 156. Stamford, 13, 248, 249, 250. Stan don, 120, 127. Stanesand, 223. Stangbow, William, of Ugthorpe, 182. Stanley : Sir Thomas, 35. Sir William, 220. letter to, 239. Stanner, Charles, 116. Stapleton : — , President of the Benedictines, 16 Stapleton — cont. Mr., 151, 152. Thomas, rector of St. Omer, 117, 150, 151, 152. Star Chamber, speech of Lord Keeper Coventry at the, 2. Starkey : Mr., 18, 20. bookseller, 24. Start, the, 32. States, the. See Netherlands. States-General, the, 217, 218, 223, 224, 232, 233, 234, 235, 240. letters from, 209, 212,213, 222,226, 228, 230, 231, 240. letters to, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 233, 235, 240. Auditor General of. See Martini. See Holland. Statham, Mr., 167. Staveley of East Witton : Edward, 180. John, 180. William, 180. William, junior, 180. Stavenesbi, Ralph (Radulfus) de, 204. Staveren, 242. Steeping, Spepinga, deeds granting lands in, 204. Steinach, Landschade von. See Land- schade. Stephenson, William, of Barnby, 183. Steping. See Steeping. Sterling, Lord, (1678), 9. Stevens, Tho., 141. Stevenson : Elizabeth, 134. Mary, ,134. Still, — , 35. Stillingfleet, Dr., 270. Stilton, 260. Stirling, 166, 173, 177, 178. Castle, 178. the principal gunner of, 178. Stockholm, 195. Stockport, 168. Bridge, 163. Stockport, Joseph, 168. Stoke, 265. Stokenchurch, 267. Stone, 49. Stone, Andrew, 201. Stoner, Mr., 158. Stores, the King's. See King's stores. Storm, G., 253. Stow, George, 254. Strachallan, Lord, (1746), 179. Stracher, Christopher, of Middleham, 180. Strafford, Earl of, 18. Straker, Matthew, of Middleham, 180. Strange, Mr., 74, 75, 84, 90, 91. Strangford, Viscount, (1746), letters from, 198. Strasbourg, 62. Strathmore, Earl of, 202. Streat, Robert, 234. 314 Stringer, Sir Thomas, 117, 139, 140, 141. Strode : case of Plymouth v. See Plymouth. E., 12. Stukeley, Adlard Sq., 254. Sturbridge, 260. Sturdy : Jurdon, of Partington, 185. Thomas, of Whenby, 184. Succession, the, 23. Sudbury, the College of St. Gregory in, 256. Suffolk, 152. Suffolk Katherine, Duchess of, 205, 207. ~ letter to, 206. household accounts of, 256- 260. ■ inventory of apparel, &c. be- longing to, 255. (Henry Brandon, 5th) Duke of, 255. horses, &c. belonging to, 254. Suggitt, Robert, of Danby, 182. Suigo, Thomas, 240. letters from, 339. letter to, 239. Suls, David, 258. Sunderland, 194. Road, 195. Sunderland, Lord, (1678), 10, 13. Surrey, 18. Surveyor General, the King's Engineer and, 197. Sussex, assizes of, 45. Sussex, Thomas, Earl of, 207. Sutton, Thomas, 154, 158, 159. Sutton in Scarsdale, 125. Swale, Philip, letters from, 247. SAvanton, Thomas, letters from, 196. Swarston Bridge, 163, 165. Sweden : (Swead) and the Sweeds, 53, 63, 79, 95, 195. Queen of, 100. Swedish : man-of-Avar, a, 35. Resident, the, 275. Swinstead : House, inventory of goods at, 255. inventory of household furniture at, 256. Swinsteda, Lambert, son of Godwin de, 205. Swiss, SAveeces, the, 108. Swordbearer, the, 31. Sydenham : Sir EdAvard, 275. Sir William, 247. Sydney : Lord, (1691), 29. ■ letter from, 29. Colonel Algernon, 18, 19. Sir Philip, 208. letter from, 210. Syllyard, Sir John, 247. Symonds : — , a Jesuit, 128. Sir James. See Simons. Syracuse, 193. T. Tacking, 23. Tailbourg, 206. Tainca, 204. Talbot : — , 115. Colonel Richard, 58, 142, 143. his brother Peter. See Dublin, Archbishop of. Talbots : (Richard and Peter), the, 143, 144, 145. the charge against, 142. Talbott, Mr., of Longford, 158. Tangiers (Tangier), 23, 188, 189, 190. the Alcaid of, 187, 188, 190. his secretary. See Lucas, Hodge. Commission, the, 276. Tantivy men, the, 41. Tapsford, J. V., 253. Tarboy, Joseph, 134. Tartereau, Monsieur, 81. Tas., Hen., 116. Tattenhall, inventory of bedding, &c. at, 254. Tattershall, Tateshale, 205. Taunton, 13. letter dated at, 22. Tavernes, letter dated at, 206. Tavistock, 33. letter dated at, 48. Taylor : Anthony, 254. of Moorsholme, John, 182. Thomas, senior, 182. , junior, 182. Mrs. Mary, of Busby, 183. Sir Thomas, letter from, 32. Timothy, of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Taylour, John, 128. Tealby, Teuelby, John de, 205. Tedford, William, son of Alfred de, 204. his brother Ralph (Radulfus\ 204. Teignmouth, Tingmouth, French attack on, 28. Teitholz, 237. Teliguy, Teligni, Monsieur de, 217, 221. Tellier, Mr. de, 57. Tempest, Mr., 25. Temple: Sir Richard, 13, 20, 77, 99, 112. Sir William, 10. 315 Tenham, Lord, (1678), 114. Tenison, Thomas, Archbishop of Can- terbury. See under Canterbury. Terill: Sir Timothy, 266, 267. (Tyrill), Lady, 263. Terneuse, 210. Terrill, Samuel, 117. Tertolle: island of, 215, 217. letters dated at, 220. the bailiff, burgomasters, and sheriffs of, letters from, 220. Terwhit, Sir Francis, 247. Tesborow : Mrs., 159. Peregrine, 159. Eichard, of Flixton, 154, 159. Test, the, 27. Tetuan, 188. letters dated at, 189, 190. Teuelby, John de. See Tealby. Tewdor, John, evidence of, (Popish plot), 113. Thanksgiving day, the, 40. Thetford, mayor of, 25. Thimbleby, 151. Thimbleby, alias Ashby, Richard, 116, 150, 151. Thirsk, quarter sessions of the peace at, 185. Thoersby. See Thursby. Tholen, letters dated at, 210, 215. Thomas : Sir Anthony, 244, 245. William, son of, 204. Thompson, of Newsham : Henry, 180. John, 180. Thomson : Ellena, 276. Richard, 257. See also under Anglesey. Thori, Frater, 204. Thorise, Thoures, Monsieur de. See Torrise. Thornhill, Captain Robert, 277. Thornton, Mr., 161. Thornton, near Hearn Gate, co. Essex, 152. Thorpe, Francis, of Egton, 183. Thorpe, Great, near Stamford, 248. Throckmorton : Sir William, 59, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 107. letters from, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60. Lady, 50, 51, 54, 60, 69, 112. Thuly, Tuly, Mr. de, 65, 69. Thundlebigg, Mr., 137. Thurlby, co. Line, 205. Thursby, Thoersby, co. Cumb., 172. Thwaites, William, of Catterick, 185. Thwing, Wiliiam, of Heworth, 185. Tichburn, Sir Henry, 138. Tideman, Christopher, of Moulton, 185. Tillotson, Dr. John, Dean of Canterbury, 271, 277. letter from, 27. Tingmouth. See Teignmouth. Tiplady of Hilton : Stephen, senior, 184. junior, 184. Titter, Francis, 128. Titus: — , 20, 153. Colonel, 117. Tixall, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 146. papers, the, 14, 15, 16, 17. Todd, John, of Bainbridge, 179. Tolland, Geo., 253. Tompson, Sir William, 6. Tonson, Mr., 25. Torbay, 28, 41, 42. Tories, the High, 34. Tomer, Mr. See Turner. Torrington, Lord, (1692), 248. Torrise, Thorise, Thoures, Monsieur de, 217, 219, 220, 221. Tother, John, 139. Totness, 28. Tottenham High Cross, 272. Toulon, 35. Fleet, the, 163. Touthall, William, of Pancarth, 121. Towers, Mr., 129. Towneley, — , of Townley, Lancashire, 158. Townley, Christopher. See Madg- worth, Christopher. • Townshend : F., letter to, 197. T., letter from, 198. Towsey, Andrew, of Ugthorpe, 182. Tozer, Mr., 27. Tracy, R., 49. Trade, Commissioners of, 193. Transportation, 27, 44. Travers : Robert, (1160), 204. S., letter from, 35. Treason, 24, 29, 35. Treasurer : Lord, 66, 67, 68, 72, 73, 118, 138, 242, 250, 275, 276. See Clifford. the Grand, 73. of the Navy, 265. Treasury: the, 265, 270. Lords Commissioners of the, 27, 42 269. Treby: George, afterwards Sir George, successively Recorder of London, Attorney-General, and Lord Chief Justice, letters to, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49. 316 Treby — cont. Lady, letter to, 49. H., letter from, 24. Henry, letter from, 17. James, letters from, 8. Mr., 117. Philo, letter from, 23. Trelawney, letter dated at, 27. Tremain, Mr., 8. Tremblaye, Madame de la, 74, 76, 80, 82, 83, 86, 94, 95, 98, 111. Trenchard : Jack, 13. John, letter from, 22. Mr. Secretary, 33. Will., 13. Trencher, — , 117. Trent, the river, 165. Trevanion : — , 191. Mrs., 191. Trevars, Monsieur, 16. Trevor: Lord, (1674), 55. Captain, 192. Sir John, 154. letters from, 16, 76. his funeral, 272. Secretary, 266. Trew, the ford of the, 177, 178. Trollope, Thomas, 253, 154. Trout, Abraham, 34. Truchsess, Gerbhard. See Cologne, elector of. Trumball, (Sir William), Secretary of State, letters from, 37, 44. Trye, Mr., bookseller in Holborn, 199. Tucker, Joseph, letter from, 199. Tudway, Clemt., 253. Tully, Dr., 270. Tuly, Mr. See Thuly. Tunbridge, 43. Wells, 30, 33. letter dated at, 35. Tunks, — , a shoemaker, 127. Tunstall: Cuthbert, of Nether Silton, 179. Mr., letter to, 113. Tunstill, Marmaduke, of Thorpe, 181. Turenne, (Marshal) de, 54,57, 60, 61, 62, 65 (my Lord Marshall). Turfd, Francis, 40. Turin, letter dated at, 191. Turk, alliance against the, (1579), 207. Turkey : cotton and mohair imported from, accounts of, 198. fleet. See Ships. woollen manufactures exported to, account of, 198. Turkish slaves, 17. Turks, the, 11, 197. Turner, Turnor: Edmund, 253. John, 254. ofSkewsby, Francis, 184. George, 184. Nicholas, 184. Turner — cont. Tomer, Mr., 125, 137, 145, 147. Sir William, 24, 277. Tdrnhout, 214, 217, 219, 220, 222. Tutelert, Jacques, letters from, 215, 239. Twickenham, 265, 272. Tyne, the river, 195. Tynemouth, Tinmouth, Castle, 3. Tyrconnel : Lord, (1745\ 253. and Lady, portraits of, (iu 1726), 255, 256. Tyrell, Sir Peter, 20. Tyrill, Lady. See Terill. ' Tyrwhitt: J., 253. Philip, 242. u. Umzee, letter dated at, 211. Underhill, Mr., 266. United Provinces, the. See States General. Unitarian heresy, the, 35. Unthank, John, of Ellerby, 183. Upton, 257. Upton, Mr., merchant, 6. Urbini, (? Cardinal), 104. Utrecht," 2 13, 223, 224,225, 230. letters dated at, 209, 223, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238. Burgomaster of. See Deventer. the magistrates of, letters from, 228, 229, 237. letters to, 228, 229, 230. the States of, letters from, 229, 237. letters to, 224, 229. y. Valdey, 257. Valenciennes, 88, 91. Vanderbek, Sieur de, 230. Vane : Fra., 253. Kit, 20. Vantelett, Monsieur de, 81. Vaudey : Abbey of, grant to, 205. Ailsi and Syward, lay brethren of, 205. Vaughan, — , 117. Lord Chief Justice, 265. Vavasor, Mr., 122, 123, 124, 126, 128, 130, 131, 132, 145. Vavasour, Captain, 222. 317 Ventris, Ventry, P., letters from, 8, 14. Vere, the garrison of, letter to, 231. Vernatt, — , 155. Vernon : — , the Duke of Ormond's Beagle, 273. (Edward, Admiral), 176. James, 189. letters from, 27, 40. 4*. Justice, 121. Mr., 127. Thomas, letter from, 193. Versailles, 142. Verwaertshone, near Medenblick, letter dated at, 225. Vescy, Isabella, late the wife of John de, 205. Viborg, 195. Vienna, 197. chaplain to the embassy to. See King, Archdeacon, prophesy concerning Archbishop of, 197. Villars, Mr. de, 50. Viner : Sir Robert, 10. his daughter, 10. Virginia, 160. Visscher, Lieutenant Guilliame de, letter from, 215. Vivandiers, 239. Vivian, Tho., 253. Vivone, Mr. de, 85. Volunteers, 28. Vredalls, Captain, a sergeant of, 220. Vuytewrecht, Pierre de, (Pietro di), letters from, 210, 215. Vyner, Robert, 253. w. W., J., 124. Waddell, Mistress Anne, 255. Wade : ^, 29. Marshal (General), 161, 162, 164, 165, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176. letter from, 161. hi? regiment of horse, 166. Mr., (U82), 208. Wadsworth, Mr., 171. Wageningen, 235. Wakefield, 166. Walbrook, 258. Walcheren, 215. Walkeren, the disaster of, 212. Waldegrave, Sir William, 256. Walden, Lord, (1697), 45. Waldeyn, Sir William, 256. Waldron, Colonel, 38, Waler, Mr., 275. Wales, 164, 174. Prince of. See James, the Old Pre- tender. George III. Princess of, portrait of, (in 1726), 255. Walker: Benjamin, 254. Margaret, of Askridge, 180. of Aldbrough, Robert, senior, 180. Robert, junior, ISO. widow, 121. Walkeren. See Walcheren. Wall, — , letter from, 199. — , letter to, 199. Waller, Sir William, 13, 16, 149, 150, 151, 152. Wallis : Thomas, 253. M.D., 253. Wallop, —,25. Walls, J., 254. Walpole, John, letters from, 250, 251, 252. Walsall, 49. Walsingham, Sir Francis, the Queen's principal secretary, letters to, 208, 235, 241. Walsworth, 260. Waltham, 260. Walton, co. Lane, 175. Walton, Captain, 193. War, a council of, 190. Warcupp, Edmund, 150, 151, 153. Ward: James, 254, John, of Danby, 182. of Bransby in Stearsby, 184. Ware, 260. Warner : Sir John, 128. Mr., a Jesuit, 72, 80, 82, 92, 98, 111, 119, 121, 123, 131. Warrant, a, 24. Warrants, royal, 159. Warrington, 169. Warslow, co. Stafford, letter dated at, 164. Warsop, co. Notts, 165. Warwick, Earl of, (1562), his players, 258. Wasenaer, Admiral, 190. Wasingby, 200. Watchman, — , 168. Waterford, letter dated at, Watkins, Captain, 188. Watson, William, 242 Watton, 150. Wattrells, — , 137. Wattson, William, of Yarm, 183. Wdetorp, William de, 204. Wear, the river, 1 95. Weatherell, Robert, of Bellerby, 180. Webster, Henry, of Knagton, 179. Weemslow, 169. Weidencop, Robert, 206. Welbeck, letter dated at, 187. 31 8. Welby, William, 253. Wclfitt : Francis, of High Worsall, 179. of Crathorne, JohD, 184. Ralph, 183. Welle, Humphrey de, 204. Wells, 22. Welhvood, Dr., 33. Welsh, Sir Robert, 143, 144, 145. Welsh money, 42. Welwood, James, letter from, 191. Wenbury, letter dated at, 32. Wendover, 18. Wentworth, General, 165. Westbury, 13. West Friesland, 224 : an abbot from, 221. governor of, 220. West Indies, 160. Westminster, 5, 13, 26, 44, 141, 145, 251, 262: Abbey, King Henry VII.'s Chapel, 272, 276. Cannon, Chanel, Row, 245. Hall, 22, 199, 250. St. James', 139, 276. beadle of parish of, 31. the manor of, letter dated at, 239. Palace, 20. letters dated at, 3, 4, 196, 235. Whitehall, 7, 20, 22, 23, 33, 272, 273, 274, 277. letters dated at, 29, 31, 32, 37, 40, 44, 47, 189, 191, 192, 193, 197. Chapel, 268, 270, 271. Westmoreland, 171. Wetherall, William, of Bellerby, 180. Weymondsell, Mr., 200. Wharton : Lord, (1679), 158, 266. (1709), 250. Goodwin, 20. Whichcote : J., 253. Fr., 253. T 253 Whisle Bourn, 128. Whitaker, John, letters from, 163, 164. Whitby, Mr., of Great Hoywood, 128. Whitby Strand Wapentake, co. York, 185. White : of Egton, Christopher, 183. Francis, 183. George, 182. junior, 182. John, 182. Ralph, 183. Thomas, 182, 183. William, senior, 183. junior, 183. Fitz, 254. Jeremiah, letter from, 40. Mr., 117, 130. Thomas, of Whenby, 184. Whitebread, Mr., Superior of the Jesuits, 124, 135. Whitehall. See under Westminster. < Whitehaven, 171. men, 170. Whitelamb, Jno., 253. Whitelocke, C, 30. Whitfield, Anthony, of Kilvington, 179. Whitgreve, Thomas, 16. Whitley, R., 82. Whittingham, letter dated at, 3. Wickham, 266. Wigan, 166, 167, 168, 169, 173, 175, 176. Wight, Isle of, 33. Wilberfoss, J., 253. Wilbrouck, 235. Wildmore : Wildemora, co. Line, common pas- ture in, 204. fen common, co. Line, 244. Wilford. See Godfrey. Wilkes, John, (1586), letters signed by, 212. Wilkinson of Bransby in Stearsby : George, 184. Thomas, 184. Wilks of Egton : George, 182. John, 182. William, 182. Willemstadt, Williamstadt, 161. letter dated at, 215. William III., King : as Prince of Orange. See Orange, Prince of. as King, 27, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 44, 45, 47, 159, 249. and Mary, 26, 28, 29. Williamites, 27. Williams : John, Bishop of Chichester. See Chichester, Bishop of. William, Speaker, 24, 25. Williamson : Henry, letters from, 197. letter to, 197. Sir J., 13. Sir Joseph, 277. Luke, 253. Williamstadt. See Willemstadt. Willoughby, 248 : Willoughby : (Wylughby), Sir John, (1384), 205. his wife, Lady Joan, 205. William de, Knight, Lord of Eresby, (c. UOO-IO), 205. his wife, Joan. See York, Duchess of. John, son of Robert de, Knight, (1407), 205. Robert de, Lord of Eresby, (1410), 205. Lord, of Willoughby and Eresby, title of Richard Bertie to the style of, 207. Peregrine Bertie, afterwards Lord Willoughby and Eresby, 223, 225, 232, 237, 240, 241. 319 Willoughby — co?it. Peregrine Bertie, afterwards Lord Willoughby and Eresby, letters from, 207, 208, 210, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244. letters to, 208, 209, 210,211, 212, 213, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226,227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242. his company of horse, 261. Thomas. (1597), 243. Lord, (temp. Charles II.), 247. (1693), 248. (1709), 251. Willoughby House, letter dated at, 207. Wilmot : Robert, 163. letter from, 163. Wilson : George, of Bransby, 184. Marmaduke, of Thorpe, 181. Mr., 250. Stephen, of Egton, 183. Thomas, of Kirkby Hill, 181. of Ovington, 181. Winch, Sir Humphrey, 50. Winchester, 33. Winchester, Marquess of, (1679), 156. Windham, William, of Felbrigg, 159. Windsor, 9, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22, 262, 263, 265, 270. letters dated at, 109, 192. Wingfield, Sir John, Governor of Bergen-op-Zoom : letter from, 226. letter to, 213. Winnington, Sir Francis, 12, 46, 117. Winwood, — , 20. Wirksworth, 164. Wiseman, Thomas, of Kirkby Ravens- worth, 181. Wispington, church of, 205. Witches, the, 168. Witham, the river, 244. Witham : of Cliff, John, senior, 181. junior, 181. — — William, 181. Withers, — , Adjutant-General of army in Flanders, 33. Woburn, 266. Woestwesel, secretary of, 211. Wolfgang, the Palsgrave, 206. Wolfunckle, Captain, letter from, 240. Wolmer, Gregory, 242. Wolseley, Sir Charles, 262. Wolverhampton, 123, 125, 129, 130. Meeting House, the, 49. Wood, Robert, of Knagton, 179. Woodhouse, Robert, 253. Woodman, Humphrey, 34. Woodstock, 246, 266. letter dated at, 246. Woodward, Dr., chancellor of diocese of Salisbury, 29. Woollen manufactures, exports of, 198. Worcester, (Worster), 125. letter dated at, 18. Worcester : Marquess of, (1672), 275. Marchioness of, the younger, (1671), 263. Workhouses, 3. Worksop, 163. letter dated at, 163. Worminghurst, letters dated at, 46, 47. Worsopp, John, 244, 245. Wouw, castle of, 212, 232. Wren, Mr., 265. Wrie alias Evers, Francis, a Jesuit, 118, 119, 120, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 145, 146, 147. Wright : Jervase, 173. Mr., 113, 139. of Oxford, 44. Sir Nathan, 189. Wrington, letter dated at, 17. Wroth, Mr., 10. Wy, Sir — , 28. Wyatt, Francis, letter from, 37. Wyche, Sir Cyril, 87. Wylugnby. See Willoughby. Wymondesly, Lady, (1675), 71. Wyndham : Edmund (Edward) W., 139, 140. Thomas, letter from, 197. Wynell, Mr., 24, 25. Wynn : Mr., Secretary of State, 158. Colonel Owen, letter to, 199. Sir Owen, inventory of plate belonging to, 255. Sir Richard, 255. Wynne, Thomas, 256. Wyspyngton. See Wispington, Y. Y., Sir W., 48. Yard, R., letter from, 47. Yarmouth, 5. mayor of, 5. Roads, 195. York, 162. John Sharp, Archbishop of, letter from, 44. Dean of, 46. York : Joan, late the wife of William de Willoughby, Duchess of, 205. James, Duke of. See James II. 320 York — cont. Mary of Modcna, Duchess of, 50, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 96, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 140, 144, 187, 276. i her grandmother, 102. . her mother. See Modena, Duchess of. her confessor, 96. ■ ■ ■ lady of her bedchamber, 50. »- — her secretary, Edward Coleman. See Coleman, Edward. Yorke, Rowland, 210. Yorkshire, 4, 12, 162. Sir John Cutler's estate in, 248. Papists in. See under Papists. Ypres, 95. Z. Zealand : the States of, 208, 212, 214, 224, 239. letters from, 209, 230, 238. secretary to. -See Roels. regiment, the, 213. Zell, Mons. de, 97. Zervol, burgomaster of, letter from, 223. Zierickzee : letters dated at, 215, 238. the magistrates of, letter from, 238. Zuylen, secretary, 227. COMMISSION, Date. Sessional Paper. Price. 1872 1873 1873 1876 1870 First Report, with Appendix (Re- Contents : — printed England. House of Lords ; Cambridge 1874.) Colleges; Abingdon, and other Cor- porations, &c. Scotland. Advocates' Library, Glas- gow Corporation, &c. Ireland. Dublin, Cork, and other Cor- porations, &c. 1871 Second Report, with Appendix, and Index to the First and Second Re- ports _____ Contents : — England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Oxford Colleges ; Monastery of Dominican Friars at Woodchester, Duke of Bedford, Earl Spencer, &c. Scotland. Aberdeen and St. An- drew's Universities, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Dr. Lyons, &c. Third Report, with Appendix and Index - Contents : — England. House of Lords; Cam- bridge Colleges ; Stonyhurst Col- lege ; Bridge water and other Cor- porations ; Duke of Northumber- land, Marquis of Lansdowne, Mar- quis of Bath, &c. Scotland. University of Glasgow ; Duke of Montrose, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde ; Black Book of Limerick, &c. Fourth Report, with Appendix, Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords; West- minster Abbey ; Cambridge and Oxford Colleges ; Cinque Ports, Hythe, and other Corporations, Marquis of Bath, Earl of Denbigh, &c. Scotland, Duke of Argyll, &c. Ireland. Trinity College, Dublin; Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index _ Fifth Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Dean and Chapter of Canterbury ; Rye, Lydd, and other Corporations, Duke of Sutherland, Marquis of Lansdowne, Reginald Cholmondeley, Esq., &c. Scotland. Earl of Aberdeen, Sec. Ditto. Part II. Index - E 64159. f'cap [C. 55] s. d. 1 6 [C. 441] 3 10 [C 673] [Out of print.'] [C.857] [C.857i.] [C.1432] [C.1432 i.l 6 8 2 Sessional Taper. Sixth Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Content p. : - England. House of Lords ; Oxford and Cambridge Colleges ; Lambeth Palace; Black Book of the Arch- deacon of Canterbur}' ; Bridpoi't, Wallingford, and other Corporations ; Lord Leconfield, Sir Reginald Graham, Sir Henry Ingilb3 r , &c. Scotland. Luke of Argyll, Earl of Moray, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde. Ditto. Part II. Index - Seventh Report, with Appendix. Part I. - Contents : — House of Lords ; County of Somerset ; Earl of Egmont, Sir Frederick Graham, Sir Harry Verney, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of A thole, Marquis of Ormonde, S. F. Livingstone, Esq., &c. Eighth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. - - Contents : — List of collections examined, 1869-1880, England. House of Lords ; Duke of Marlborough ; Magdalen College, Oxford ; Royal College of Physicians ; Queen Anne's Bounty Office; Corporations of Chester, Leicester, &c. Ireland. Marquis of Ormonde, Lord Emly, The 0' Conor Don, Trinity College, Dublin, &c. Ditto Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — Duke of Manchester. Eighth Report. Part III. Appendix and Index - Contents ; — Earl of Ashburnham, Ninth Report, with Appendix and Index. Part I. - Contents : — St.. Paul's and Canterbury Cathedrals ; Eton College ; Carlisle, Yarmouth, Canterbury, and Barnstaple Corpora- tions, &c. Ditto. Part II. Appendix and Index - Contents : — England. House of Lords, Earl of Leicester ; C. Pole Gell, Alfred Mor- rison, Esqs., &c. Scotland. Lord Elphinstone, H. C. Maxwell Stuart, Esq., &c. Ireland. Duke of Leinster, Marquis of Drogheda, &c. Ditto. Part III, Apfendtx and Index - Contents : — Mrs. Stopford Saekville. f'cap [C.174f)] 8 G ;C.2102] [C.2340] [C. 2340 [C.304O] rC.3040 [C 3040 ii.] [C.3773] [C.3773 [C.3773 »•] 8 Date. — Size. 1 i Sessiona , Paper. 1 1 Price. 1883 1888 Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Makquis of Salisbury, K.G. (or Cecil MSS.). Part I. - Ditto. Part 11. 8vo. » [C.3777] [C.5463] s. d. [Out of print."] 3 5 1889 Ditto. Part 111. 3> [C. 5889 ! v.] [C.6823] 2 1 1892 Ditto. Part IV. 2 11 1885 Tenth Report .... This is introductory to the following : — >> [C.4548] 3| 1885 1885 (1.) Appendix and Index - Earl of Eglintou, Sir J. S. Max- well, Bart., and C. S. H. D. Moray, C. F. Weston Underwood, G. W. (2.) Appendix and Index The Family of Gawdy. » if [C.4575] [C.4576 iii.] [Out of print.] 1 4 1885 (3.) Appendix and Index Wells Cathedral. » [C.4576 ii.] 2 1885 (4.) Appendix and Index Earl of Westmorland ; Capt. Stewart ; Lord Stafford ; Sir N. W. Throck- morton, Stonyhurst College ; Sir P. T. Mainwaring, Misses Boycott, Lord Muucaster, M.P., Capt. J. F. Bagot, Earl or Kilmorey, Earl or Powis, Kev. T. S. Hill and others, the Corporations of Kendal, Wen- lock, Bridgnorth, Eye, Plymouth, and the County of Essex, ») [C.4576] 3 6 1885 (5.) Appendix and Index - The Marquis of Ormonde, Earl of Fingall, Corporations of Galway, Waterford, the Sees of Dublin and Ossory, the Jesuits in Ireland. [4576 i.] [Out of print.] 1887 (6.) Appendix and Index - Marquis of Abergavenny, Lord Braye, G. E. Luttrell, P. P. Bouverie, W. B. Davenport, M.P., R. T. Balfour, Esquires. [C.5242] 1 7 1887 Eleventh Report This is introductory to the following :~ [C 5060 vi.] 3 1887 (1.) Appendix and Index - H. D. Skrine, Esq., Salvetti Corre- spondence. [C.5060] 1 1 1887 (2.) Appendix and Index - House of Lords. 1678-1688. "C. 5060 i-] 2 1887 1887 (3.) Appendix and Index - Corporations of Southampton and Lynn. (4.) Appendix and Index - Marquess Townshend. r C. 5060 ii.] "C. 5060 " iii.] 1 8 2 6 1887 (5.) Appendix and Index - Earl of Dartmouth. "C. 5060 ■ iv.] 2 8 4 Date. Size. Sessional Paper. Price. 1887 (6.) Appendix and Index ... Duke of Hamilton. 8vo. [C. 5060 v.] s. 1 d. 6 1888 (7.) Appendix and Index - Duke of Leeds, Marchioness of Waterford, Lord Hothfield, &c. ; Bridgwater Trust Office, Reading Corporation, Inner Temple Library. » [C.5612] 2 1890 Twelfth Report - This is introductory to the following : — >> [C.5889] 3 1888 (1.) Appendix - Earl Cowper, K.G. (Coke MSS., at Melbourne Hall, Derby) Vol. I. [C.5472] 2 7 1888 (2.) Appendix - Ditto. Vol. II. [C.5613] 2 5 1889 (3.) Appendix and Index - Ditto. Vol. III. [C. 5889 i.] 1 4 1888 (4.) Appendix - - - The Duke of Rutland, G.C.B. Vol. I. [C.5614] 3 2 1891 (5.) Appendix and Index - Ditto. Vol. II. » [C.5889 ii.] 2 1889 (6.) Appendix and Index - House of Lords, 1689-1690. [C. 5889 hi.] 2 H 1890 (7.) Appendix and Index - S. H. le Fleming, Esq., of Rydal. [C. 5889 iv.] n 1891 (8.) Appendix and Index - The Duke of Athole, K.T., and the Earl of Home. [C.6338] 1 1891 (9.) Appendix and Index - The Duke of Beaufort, K.G., the Earl of Donoughmore, J. H. Gurney, W. W. B. Hulton, R. W. Ketton, G. A. Aitken, P. V. Smith, Esqs. ; Bishop of Ely ; Cathedrals of Ely, Glouces- ter, Lincoln, and Peterborough ; Corporations of Gloucester, Higham Ferrers, and Newark; Southwell Minster; Lincoln District Registry. [C. 6338 i.] 2 6 1891 (10.) Appendix - The First Earl of Charlemont. Vol. I. 1745-1783. » [C. 6338 ii.] 1 11 1892 Thirteenth Report - This is introductory to the following : — [C.6827] o 3 1891 (1.) Appendix - The Duke of Portland. Vol. I. (2.) Appendix and Index. Ditto. Vol. II. In the [C.6474] Press. 3 1892 (3.) Appendix. J. B. Fortescue, Esq. Vol. I. » [C.6660] 2 7 5 Sizp. Sessional Paper. Price. (4.) Appendix and Index - Corporations of Rye, Hastings, and Hereford. Capt. F. C. Loder- Symonds, E. R. Wodehonse, M.P., J. Dovaston, Esqs., Sir T. B. Len- nard, Bart., Rev. W. D. Macray, and Earl of Dartmouth (Supplementaiy Report). (5.) Appendix and Index - House of Lords, 1690-1691. (6.) Appendix and Index Sir William FitzHerhert, Earl of An- caster, &c. (7.) Appendix and Index - The Earl of Lonsdale. (8.) Appendix and Index The Duke of Rutland, Vol. III. (9.) The First Eare op Charlemont Vol. II. 1784-1799. 8vo. [C.6810] [C.6822] 2 4 [C.7166] In the Press. In the Press. In the Press. 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