' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/glossaryoftermsu21park ♦ WINDOW, CASTLE ASHBY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE A GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN GRECIAN, ROMAN, ITALIAN, AND A ^ i - ■> o t h t e Architecture. dLf S'// I u 1 THE FIFTH EDITION, ENLARGED. EXEMPLIFIED BY SEVENTEEN HUNDRED WOODCUTS. G, m VOL. II. PLATES. ^AEtA. OXFORD, JOHN HENRY PARKER; DAVID BOGUE, FLEET STREET, LONDON. M DCCC L. mm OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. SHRIMPTON ABACUS. Grecian-Doric, Roman-Doric Tuscan, Grecian-Ionic, Corinthian, Composite Egyptian. Ramseion. Temple of Luxor. Denderah Norman. Ryton, Warwickshire. Norwich cathedral. Great Guild, Lincoln .... Lincoln cathedral (Remigius), A.D. 1100 ; Ibid. (Alexander), A.D. 1140. Jews’ house, Lincoln, c. 1150. New Romney, Kent, c. 1180 The west front of Lincoln cathedral is extremely valuable for the investigation of the history of the Norman style in England: the insertion of the rich doorways of bishop Alexander in the plain work of bishop Remigius enables us to contrast and compare early and late Norman work in a very satisfactory manner. Early English. Lincoln cathedral, choir, A.D. 1200. S. Saviour’s, Southwark, c. 1250. Oxford cathedral, chapter-house, c. 1250. Wells cathedral, A.D. 1264. By an error of the press the words Early English are misplaced, they should obviously be placed before the two first examples of that style, Lincoln and Southwark, instead of after them. Early French. Eu, Normandy Decorated. Choir of Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277 ...... S. Alban’s abbey, c. 1320. York cathedral, c. 1330. Castle Ashby, Northamptonshire, c. 1360 vol. r. PAGE 1 2 3 4 5 VOL. II. PLATE 1 1 b 2 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATION?. ABACUS. Perpendicular. Croydon, Surrey, c. 1450. Henry Vllth’s chapel, Westminster, A.D. 1503 ACANTHUS ...... ACROTERIA ...... ALMERY, or AMBRY, or LOCKER. Chapel in Chepstow castle. Bramshot, Hampshire AMBRY. Fonlis, Perthshire, Scotland The Gothic architecture of Scotland differs so much from that of England, and has at present been so little investigated, that it is hardly safe to assign a date to any particular work by comparison. The present rich and beautiful specimen may, however, be safely assigned to the beginning of the sixteenth century, its character is much more like the French Flamboyant than the English Perpendicular, though partaking in some degree of both. Rushden, Northamptonshire This occurs in good Decorated work of about the middle of the fourteenth century, it is chiefly remarkable for having retained the wooden door, and having within the small niche for the cruets of the altar. Lincoln cathedral ..... From one of the chapels in the south transept, part of the original work, and therefore according to the history belonging to the time of S. Hugh, or about A.D. 1200, a very early date for such pure and good Early English work, but the history of the church is perfectly clear and well authenticated, and it only proves that the progress of art at that period was more rapid than has been commonly supposed, and that it advanced more rapidly in some places than in others. It is not usual to find such good work quite so early. Drayton, Berkshire ..... This example retains its old oak doors with the original ironwork ; these are very rarely met with, but either part of the hinges, or traces of them, generally remain, and the rabbet, or rebate, in the stone for receiving the doors, often servee to distinguish the Ambry from any other kind of recess in the wall. In the example from Bramshot both the rabbet and the hooks of the hinges are very distinctly shewn. ALTAR ....... An altar complete with its hangings, distinguished as the reredos, (upper frontal, or retrofrontal) curtains, and lower frontal, (or antepen- dium,) with the fringed frontlet on its upper border. The host is sus- pended above, and a prayer- stool is placed in front. This engraving is a fac- simile from an illumination in a manuscript of Lydgate’s life of S. Edmund, in the British Museum, Harl., 2278. The object of giving this specimen is to shew the manner in which the plain stone altars were ornamented (or vested) at the time they were erected. PAGE PLATE — 1 6 — 6 — 10 — __ 3 3 3 292 — 13 — DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 3 ALTAR. PAGE PLATE Arundel, Sussex, the high altar Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, in the vestry on the north side of the chancel. Shotteswell, Warwickshire, in a 15 small chapel at the east end of the north aisle Broughton castle, Oxfordshire, in the chapel, which is 16 — part of the work of the fourteenth century 17 — Enstone, Oxfordshire, circa 1420 At the east end of the south aisle, with its reredos ; and niches in the jambs of the window. _ 2 Wenlock priory, Shropshire, c. 1450 This chantry altar stands in the recess of a window in a room said to have been the abbot’s chamber : in which case this must have been his private oratory ; the stone desk which stands upon the altar does not belong to it, but is very elegant work of the thirteenth century. Super-altare, or portable altar of oriental jasper, orna- 2 mented with nielli ..... See also Roodloft, Fulgoat, Plate 170. AMBO. S. Clement’s church, Borne, the Gospel ambo, and 19 the Epistle ambo ..... 23 — ANCONES, or CONSOLES .... 25 — Palace of Diocletian ..... This specimen shews the earliest known instance of the use of the zigzag, or chevron ornament, in a similar manner to what afterwards became so common in Norman work. 142 ANDIRON. Godington, Kent .... 26 ANNULET ib. ANT^E ....... APSE. Norman. Dalmeny, Linlithgowshire, Scotland, c. 27 — 1150 ...... A good and pure specimen of rich Norman work. Even at this early period the architecture of Scotland seems to have been more akin to that of France than to that of England. The apse was never a common feature in England, and it would be difficult to find so good a specimen as this remaining in so perfect a state. 4 Bomsey, Hants, c. 1180 This apse is at the east end of the south aisle of the chancel ; and there is another to the north aisle, but the chancel is square ended. The style is late Norman. ib. 4 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. APSE. Early English. Tidmarsh, Berkshire, c. 1250 ; exterior and interior ...... PAGE PLATE 5 This apse has been lately restored, together with the rest of the church, with taste and liberality, much to the credit of the rector, the Rev. T. Wintle, and R. Hopkins, Esq., at whose joint expense the restoration was effected. The apse was perfect except the vault, of which the vaulting- -shafts and springing of the ribs only remained, sufficient however to indicate what the form of the vault had been, although its place had been supplied by a flat plaster ceiling and some hideous modern monuments. No liberty has been taken in the restoration, ex- cept the introduction of the cross on the point, which might perhaps as well have been omitted, as there was no authority for it. The roof could hardly have been different, as the vaulting- shafts and the springing of the ribs are original. This example of a semi-octagonal apse in the Early English style to a small village church is believed to be almost unique in this country. ARABESQUE, from the Alhambra . English Arabesque 31 ib. ARABIAN ARCHITECTURE, called also MOORISH, and MOHAMMEDAN. Doorway, Taragona, Spain Window, Giralda tower, Seville Entrance to the mosque of Cordova, Spain. Three capitals from the palace of Alhambra . ARCADE. Norman. S. Botolph’s, Colchester, c. 1120. S. Augustine’s, Canterbury, 1150 (or 1130). Christ Church cathedral, Oxford, east end, exterior, c. 1180 . S. Frideswide’s church, Oxford, now the cathedral, was consecrated in 1180, (see Ingram’s Memorials of Oxford,) and the greater part of the present building must have been completed about that time . S. John’s, Devizes, c. 1160 . . . . S. Peter’s, Northampton, c. 1140 S. Bartholomew’s, Smithiield, London, c. 1160 . The choir of S. Bartholomew’s is early Norman work, but the tower from which this is taken is late, the upper part of the tower and the nave are destroyed. Canterbury cathedral, c. 1 120, or more exactly, A.D. 1110 ...... This is part of the work of Priors Ernulf and Conrad, under Arcli- 32 — 33 _ 109 ib. 7 7 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 5 ARCADE. PAGE PLATE bishop Anselm: see Willis's History of Canterbury Cathedral, p. 17. Ernulf also built parts of Rochester and Peterborough. Font, Coleshill, Warwickshire, c. 1150 — 8 Transition. Stoneleigh, Warwickshire, c. 1190 — ib. This is a good specimen of the gradual transition from the Norman to the Early English style, having all the details of Norman character, though late, and the arches acutely pointed. The date may probably be earlier than that here assigned to it ; the transition began about 1 1 7 0 in England, and a few years earlier in France. Canterbury cathedral ..... 35 — Early English. Haddenham, Bucks, 1230 9 Stone, Kent, for 1270 read 1240 Lincoln cathedral, south aisle of choir, and south tran- — ib. sept, c. 1200 ...... — 10 Parts of the original work, which history assigns to Bishop Hugh, who died in 1 200, otherwise the character of the work would lead us to sup- pose it of later date. The arcade is double in both these examples which are part of the same range, it is formed by placing a row of trefoil arches over another series of plain arches, both supported by shafts. The vaulting shafts are carried up on the face of this outer plane, so that in the angle of the lower example, three distinct shafts may be seen, one behind the other. Entrance to chapter-house from cloisters 163 — Decorated. Lichfield cathedral, A.D. 1320. 11 NoYwich cathedral, (for 1340 read c. 1320) — ib. ARCH. Twenty-four diagrams of the forms of arches 39 — Three specimens of the masonry of arches in France, at Autun, Castle Langeais, and Le Mans 44 — three diagrams shewing the construction 45 — Roman. Theatre, Lillebonne, Normandy — 12 This example shews the usual construction of Roman walls, with layers of tiles at regular intervals. Part of the Roman wall at Colchester, Essex ib. The Newport gate, Lincoln .... — ib. This is also an example of Roman ashler work, without the layers of tiles which commonly distinguish it. Some suppose that the facing of the work is gone. 6 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. ARCH. (Supposed) Saxon. Brigstock, Northamptonshire. Barnack, Northamptonshire. Britford, near Salisbury PAGE Early Norman. Chapel in the White tower, London, A.D. 1081 ...... Built by Gundulph, bishop of Rochester, very soon after the Con- quest ; it was the royal residence for a considerable period. West end of Lincoln cathedral, c. 1090 This arched recess clearly belongs to the original work of Remigius, but it is probable that some of the enriched capitals may have been inserted at a subsequent time. Great Malvern, Worcestershire, c. 1100 The very massive and simple character of this work seems to indicate a date nearly as early as the two preceding, but the arch being recessed is generally a somewhat later feature. Chancel-arch, Headington, Oxfordshire, c. 1150 Bums of S. Clement’s, Worcester, c. 1060 The character of this work is early Norman, but a gold coin of Edward the Confessor was found in the wall immediately above the arches, and this evidence, coupled with its very massive character, may perhaps fairly justify its being assigned to the time of that king. There are some re- mains of the original work of the monastic buildings at Westminster, now partly concealed in the cellars of the houses of the prebendaries, which agree in character with this work. Transition from Norman. Galilee, Durham cathedral, A.D. 1188 ...... The lightness of the work here agrees with the general observation, that the Norman style gradually lost its massive character as it ap- proached its close ; this is, however, not an invariable rule, as we some- times find very late Norman work still retaining its massive proportions, as at I slip and Appleton. ...... Fountain’s abbey, Yorkshire, c. 1180 This may probably be of earlier date, the character of the work is pure Norman, and not late, except that the arch is pointed. Early English. Lady Chapel, Oxford cathedral, c. 1220 ...... PLATE 13 14 ib. ib. 15 ib. 16 147 ib. 17 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 7 S. Mary le Wig- ford, Lincoln, c. 1200 . This is evidently an imitation of the cathedral, but probably rather later. Nave, Lincoln ca- thedral, c. 1220 Another example of a plain Early English arch from Barton Stacey, Wilt- shire, is here added to shew a very common type in country churches. Decorated. Chip- ping Wardon, Northampton- shire, c. 1350. Howden, York- shire, c. 1350 . Dorchester, Oxfordshire, circa 1300 Perpendicular, with shafts, nave of S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1488. Panelled, Sherborne, Dorsetshire, A.D. 1490 Minster Lovell, Oxfordshire, c. 1430 These are the tower- arches in the centre of the church, the arrange- ment is very'peculiar, and very elegant, and is believed to he unique. ARCH-BUTTRESS. Hartlepool, Durham. (See Buttress.) ASTRAGAL ...... BALISTRARIA. (See Loophole, or Oillet) BALL-FLOWER ...... Stringcourse, Kiddington, Oxon, c. 1350. Tabernacle, Exeter cathedral, A.D. 1290. Doorway, Bloxham, Oxon, c. 1280. Doorway, Chipping-Norton, Oxon, c. 1320. Monument, Oxford cathedral, c. 1300. Window, Gloucester cathedral, A.D. 1320. Spire, Salisbury cathedral, two examples, c. 1300. Window- jamb, Oxford cathedral, c. 1320 The object of this plate is to shew the various modes in which this favourite ornament was applied during the period of its prevalence, the PAGE PLATE 17 ib. — 18 — 19 — 20 — ib. 46 49 52 53 21 8 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS, BALL-FLOWER. early part of the fourteenth century. The profusion with which it was used in some parts of England, especially in Herefordshire and Glouces- tershire, is quite extraordinary, and although the ornament was used PAGE PLATE occasionally in France at an earlier period, this profuse use of it is be- lieved to be quite peculiar to England. BALUSTER. Tewkesbury, and S. Alban’s . 54 — BAND of qtjatrefoils. Cranford S. John’s, Northants On shafts. S. Peter’s, Northampton. Lincoln 55 — cathedral. Chapter-house, Oxford 55 — Whitby abbey ...... 56 — BARGE-BOARD. Shrewsbury abbey 59 — BARTIZAN. Walmgate, York .... BASE. GRECIAN and ROMAN. Tuscan. Trajan’s column, at Rome. — Roman Doric. Colonnade of S. Peter’s, at Rome. — Ionic. Aqueduct of Adrian, and Erech- theum, at Athens. — Corinthian. Temple of Jupiter Stator, at Rome. Choragic monument of Lysicrates, ib. at Athens.— -Composite. — Attic — 22 Norman. Crypt of S. Peter’s, Oxford, c. 1140. . — 23 Rochester cathedral, c. 1120 The base of one of the piers of the nave, which are of enormous size ; the form is here given accurately, but it was impossible to preserve any scale of proportion as to the size of the different objects represented. It was part of the work of Ernulf. ib. S. Peter’s church, Northampton, c. 1140 The age of this church is much disputed, and it is not easy to decide the point ; the work is very rich, and its general character, with the banded shafts, appears late, but it is peculiar, and banded shafts in themselves are no proof of late date ; they occur in foreign work at a much earlier date. It agrees in many details with the work of Bishop Alexander at Lincoln. ib. Two from the nave of Norwich cathedral, c. 1100 . ib. Romsey abbey, c. 1180 60 — Hadiscoe, Norfolk ..... Early English. Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1200. 61 — S. Alban’s abbey, c. 1250 .... — 24 Canterbury cathedral, A.D. 1178 — ib. The character of this base would appear much later, but the history DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 9 BASE. PAGE PLATE of the church makes it clear that the portion from which this is taken was built in 1178, and there is no appearance of the bases having been renewed at any subsequent time. Chapter-house, Lincoln, c. 1200 (or rather 1220) 24 This is usually attributed to S. Hugh, but is in all probability later, its mouldings shew that it was finished after the nave. Temple church, London, A.D. 1240 ib. S. Mary’s abbey, York, c. 1250 — ib. Stanton Har court, Oxfordshire, and Hereford cathedral, on window shafts ..... 61 Decorated. Merton college chapel, Oxford, tower-arch, A.D. 1331 ...... 25 This chapel was left unfinished by Walter de Merton, and continued gradually by the college for a long series of years as shewn by the bursar’s accounts ; the eastern part was clearly the work of the founder, the date of the tower-arches is recorded in the accounts. Beverley minster, shaft of arcade in south aisle, c. 1350. Welbourne, Lincolnshire, c. 1350. Dorches- ter, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 and 1340 ib. The eastern part of Dorchester church is evidently of two or three different dates, the progress of the work was probably slow. Stanton S. John’s, Oxon. Dorchester, Oxon 62 Perpendicular. Lavenham, Suffolk, c. 1460. S. George’s chapel, Windsor, c. 1480. S. Mary’s, Oxford, nave, A.D. 1488. Croydon, Surrey, c. 1450 j 26 Ewelme, Oxon, A.D. 1435 .... ib. — . Double-base ..... 63 — BASE -ORNAMENTS, or FOOT -ORNAMENTS. Crypt, York cathedral, c. 1160. Stockbury, Kent, c. 1220. S. Cross, Winchester, (two examples) c. 1180. Canter- bury cathedral, c. 1180. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1230 27 BASE OF A WALL, or BASEMENT-MOULDINGS 64 — BATTER. Tower of Oxford castle .... 66 — BATTLEMENT. S. Mary’s, Beverley 67 — Walls of York 68 — BAY, or COMPARTMENT. Transept, Winchester cathedral, circa 1090 . . . . . . | — 28 c 10 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. BAY. PAGE PLATE Becket’s crown, Canterbury cathedral, 1182 — 28 Beverley minster, c. 1250, or 1220 — 29 From the resemblance in the character of this work to that of Lincoln it is probably not later than 1 220. Thornton abbey, Lincolnshire, ruins of the chapter-house, c. 1282 . . . . . 30 There is evidence that this chapter-house was built about this date. Fotheringhay church, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1440 — 31 The contract for this church is dated in 1435, but the work was not completed for several years ; this plate shews the usual arrangement of a church, having aisles and a clerestory, hut no triforium. BAY-WINDOW. Compton Winyate, Warwickshire 70 BELL of a Capital ..... 73 — BELL -GABLE and BELL -COT. Norman. Littleton, Hampshire, c. 1100. Northborough, Northampton- shire, c. 1150 32 Early English. Manton, and Little Casterton, Rutland, c. 1200 ...... _ ib. Little Coxwell, Berkshire, c. 1200. Skelton, Yorkshire, c. 1220 ; this is over the chancel-arch. Chapel of the hospital of S. Mary, Glastonbury, c. 1250. Shipton Olliffe, Gloucestershire, c. 1260 33 Leigh Delamere, Wilts, c. 1250 — 34 Decorated. Cleeve abbey, Somerset, c. 1320 — ib. Harescomb, Gloucestershire .... 71 — Perpendicular. Corston, Wilts, c. 1420. — ib. Idbury, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 .... — ib. BENCH-TABLE. Fotheringhay .... 75 — BILLET. Binham priory, Norfolk .... ib. — BLOCKING-COURSE ..... 76 — BOAST. Boasted capital, Canterbury cathedral crypt 77 — BOSSES. Norman. Iffley, Oxfordshire, c. 1150. . — 35 Kilpeck, Herefordshire, c. 1150 — ib. Elkstone, Gloucestershire .... 78 — Cathedral of Notre Dame, Paris .... ib. ' DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 11 BOSSES. PAGE P LATE Early English. Chapter-house, Oxford, c. 1250. War- mington, Northamptonshire, c. 1275 . — 35 These illustrations shew the foliage usually met with in Early English work; the first also shews a figure of the blessed Virgin and Child, of the same elegance of attitude and drapery as generally characterize this style. Decorated. S. Alban’s abbey, Herts. . — ib. Trinity church, Edinburgh .... — ib. Melrose abbey, c. 1350 . A good specimen of Decorated foliage; the whole of the work at — 36 Melrose is remarkably good, and from the excellence of the stone is as sharp and perfect as the day it was cut, still shewing in many cases the marks of the chisel. Perpendicular. Cloisters, Oxford cathedral, circa 1450 ib. Shews a head-dress of a fashion peculiar to the fifteenth century, which, with the style of the mouldings, does not agree with the tradition that these cloisters were built by Lady Elizabeth de Montacute in the fourteenth century. The style is decidedly Perpendicular, hut the Mon- tacute arms being found there may shew that they were partly built with her money. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire This is from the painted wooden roof of a chapel of rather late Perpen- — ib. dicular date. Cloisters, Mag4alen college, Oxford, A.D. 1480, (two ex- ' - amples) ^ ' Flamboyant. Notre ^ dame la riche, Tours. ib. Notre dame la riche, Tours. inghay, NorthantS , 80 BRACE. Roof of north aisle, Dorchester, Oxon ib. _ BRACKET. S. Stephen’s chapel, Westminster 81 See Corbel, plates 57 to 61. BRASSES. Sir Roger de Trumpington, 1289, Trumpington church, Cambridgeshire .... 84 Sir John de Creke, 1325, Westley Waterless 85 — 12 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. BRASSES. PAGE PLATE Henry Denton, chaplain of Chilston, Higham Ferrars, Northamptonshire ..... 86 — BREAST-SUMMER. House, Newgate, York 91 — BRICK. Little Wenham hall, c. 1260 94 — Two specimens of moulded bricks 95 — Specimens shewing the Flemish bond and English bond 96 — BROACH. Horsley church, Derbyshire 97 — See also Spire. BUTTRESS. Norman. Fountain’s abbey, Yorkshire, c. 1 1 70. S. Mary’s, Leicester, c. 1150 . — 37 Round buttress, S. Remi, Rheims 98 — Transition. Glastonbury abbey, c. 1180. — ib. Monk’s Horton priory, Kent, c. 1190 — ib. Early English. Choir, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1190 The grounds on which this early date is assigned have been already mentioned : this is a very fine example of pure Early English work, and early in the style, though the date is earlier than it is usual to find such work. It exhibits part of the north aisle and clerestory of the choir, and part of the transept. The buttresses are of two kinds, small ones between the windows and large ones which divide the bays. The lesser ones have a chamfer for the greater part of their length, and which is finished with a capital, but in the large ones the chamfer is very wide and occupies nearly the whole depth of the buttress, and is also finished with a capital. The face of the buttress is by this considerably nar- rowed, it is deeply moulded and has in the centre a banded shaft with capital and base, and at each angle is placed a detached shaft similar to the centre one, but more slender. The capitals of these three shafts combine with that of the chamfer, thus carrying out the same idea as in the pillars of the choir where the capitals of the small shafts are combined with that of the centre pillars, as shewn in plate 50. The pediment or capping of the buttress is plain and very massive, to sup- port the arch or flying buttress which connects it with the clerestory. 38 \ HighamFerrars, Northamptonshire, c. 1220 — 39 'A The chamfer is finished in a simple and elegant ^ manner by a trefoil. Warmington, Northamptonshire, c. 1260. Pottern, Wilts, c. 1250 _ ib. immss South well minster, Nottinghamshire, c. 1210 — ib. 111 1 IB This is chamfered, and is finished with a pediment or gablet. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1250, or 1230 ib. _ DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 13 BUTTRESS. PAGE PLATE Decorated. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1300. Brington, Northamptonshire, c. 1320. Oxford cathedral, c. 1330 — 40 Church Brampton, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . — ib. A diagonal buttress. S. Mary Magdalene, Oxford, A.D. 1337. Gadsby, Leices- tershire, c. 1350 ..... ib. Orton-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire 99 — Perpendicular. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, c. 1450. Gloucester cathedral, south porch, c. 1430. S. Laurence, Evesham, c. 1450. Divinity School, Oxford, c. 1490 ...... 41 Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, c. 1440 ib. — FLYING BUTTRESS. S. Denis, near Paris, c. 1240 42 This example shews the double flying buttress, which is the usual arrangement in France, but comparatively rare in England, it occurs however at Westminster abbey, and in some other instances when the clerestory walls are high enough to require it. Chapter-house, Lincoln, c. 1220 ib. Examples of detached flying buttresses of this kind are not very common, in this instance they appear to have been added very soon after the walls were built, probably in consequence of their beginning to give way to the thrust of the roof, but not to have formed part of the original design. Similar detached masses of masonry with arches from them to support the wall are employed at Westminster hall, and on a small scale at the parish church of Langford, Oxfordshire. Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1440 43 This is taken from the roof of the aisle, and shews the “ six mighty arches butting on aither side to the clerestory.” Sherborne, Dorsetshire, c. 1470. Caythorpe, Lincoln- shire, c. 1320 ..... ib. BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE. S. Nicodemus, Athens. Front with cupola, capital, and panelling 101 Details from S. Mary at Mistra, and S. Nicodemus at Athens ...... 102 CANOPY. (See Tabernacle.) CANT. CANTALIYER ..... 107 — 14 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CAPITALS (and ENTABLATURES). Grecian Doric. Roman Doric. Grecian Ionic. Roman Ionic. PAGE PLATE Corinthian. Composite . — 44 Norman. White tower, London, c. 1080 This is one of the capitals of the chapel in the Tower of London which was built by Gundulpli, bishop of Rochester, in 1081. It is a very valuable example as exhibiting the peculiarities of the early Norman capitals. The general design of them seems to have been an imitation, though sometimes extremely rude, of the Corinthian capital ; they have almost invariably the volute at the angles, and in some instances, as in some of those in the White tower, have a row of short stiff leaves in imitation of the foliage below. There is also another peculiar feature which is very characteristic of this early style, this is the plain projec- tion which occupies the place of the central branches of the caulicoli, and is in general either left square, as at Caen, or cut into the form of the tau cross, as in this instance. Capitals of this form occur in the work of Remigius at Lincoln, in the early portion of the crypt at Can- terbury, and in the crypt at Oxford castle. 45 S. Nicholas, Caen, c. 1100 This is of the same general design as the last, but a little varied. — ib. Whitby parish church, c. 1100 . In this a further deviation has taken place, the projection being cut into a kind of lozenge. ib. Westminster hall, c. 1090 .... This occurs in the oldest part of Westminster hall, which was built by William Rufus. " ib. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1100 This singular capital occurs in the west front of the cathedral in the portion built by Remigius in the reign of William I. The foliage is very remarkable, and might at first sight be taken to be of much later date, but a little examination will shew it to be very different, and on comparison with some of the capitals in the White tower, it will be found that the foliage is the same in character but different in propor- tion. The mid-rib of the leaves at the angles is detached and forms a kind of loop. The arched moulding shewn in this example is of early Norman character. The rest of the capitals in the work of Remigius are similar to those described under White tower. ib. Crypt, Canterbury, c. 1100 This belongs to the earlier portion of the crypt. This crypt under the choir is part of the work of Ernulf soon after 1100, but the sculpture of the capitals has evidently been executed after they were erected, and ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 15 CAPITALS. Capital and Base, North Transept, Winchester Cathedral. may have been done at intervals when convenient, some of them are still unfinished (see Boast), this work having probably been interrupted by the great fire and never resumed. Waterperry, Oxfordshire, c. 1180 This is a very common form of Norman capitals, and seems to have been in use at almost all periods. Cassington, Oxfordshire Is a good specimen of the com- mon cushion capital. Another variety of this form is also here given but of earlier date. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1180 . This is taken from the original chancel- arch. It is very pecu- liar in its form, and its foliage is of rather late character. Steetley, Derbyshire Is from a small and interest- ing church of pure N orman work Gloucester cathedral S. Peter’s, Northampton, c. 1160 or earlier This is one of the finest examples of a rich Norman church in the kingdom. The specimen here given is from the chancel-arch. It exhibits besides the capitals, which are of the same general form as Waterperry, the interlaced and beaded ornaments of the shafts. From the similarity of ornaments with those on the work of Bishop Alex- ander at Lincoln, it may be of the same date, c. 1140. Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, c. 1180 The foliage is of rather late character. 108 ib. ib. 46 ib. ib. ib. Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1200 . The mouldings of the arch and the foliage shew this to be of tran- sition character. ib. 16 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CAPITALS. Easton, Hampshire ..... This is of late or transition character. Norman ; English Transition. The capitals of this period frequently display great richness in their foliage, which partakes both of the Norman and Early English cha- racter. PAGE PLATE 108 — Christ Church cathedral, Oxford, c. 1180 (two examples) The first example is taken from the south aisle of the choir, and shews a combination of a capital and two corbels, the latter supporting the diagonal ribs of the vaulting. The second is from one of the pillars of the nave ; the foliage creeping up upon the abacus is a very unusual feature, it is quite of transition character. Canterbury cathedral, A.D. 1177 This is from the choir, and is the work of William of Sens. The foliage is a close imitation of Corinthian. Oakham castle, Rutlandshire, c. 1180 The building from which this is taken, the hall, the only part now remaining of the ancient castle, is a very interesting one. The design and execution of the ornamental parts are particularly fine and good. In the capital here given, the foliage and volutes, and even the caulicoli of the Corinthian, are closely imitated, hut the tooth- ornament which was then just coming into use is introduced into the bell, and on the arch, while the abacus has a Norman ornament. This combination very clearly points out its transition character and its date. 47 ib. ib. Foreign examples of Transition. Murrhard, c. 1188 . Soissons, choir, A.D. 1212 . . . . There is much resemblance between this and Canterbury. The upper moulding of the bell is ornamented with the nail-head instead of the tooth- ornament as at Oakham, this ornament never having come into such general use in France. S. Nicolas, Blois, c. 1200 (two examples.) This church is of particular interest from its connection with Lincoln cathedral, the architect of the latter having been a native of Blois, and there are many curious points of resemblance in the details of the two churches, especially the plate tracery of circular windows. Early English. Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, c. 1190 . . . . . . - 48 ib. ib. 49 The square section of the upper member of the abacus shews its early character, partaking of Norman, and marks it as belonging to the period of transition, and therefore probably rather before A.D. 1200. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 17 CAPITALS. Abbey of Jumieges, Normandy. In the ruins of the abbey of Jumieges in Normandy there are several capitals ornamented with fo- liage painted on a plain surface ; this painting is clearly of Norman cha- racter and date, and as the foundation of the abbey is known to he early, they have long been supposed to he of that period : (the church was con- secrated in 1067.) But it has re- cently been discovered by accident that this painting is executed on plaster, and that under the plaster is some rude and early sculpture, si- milar to other early Norman capitals as already described; the painting is therefore of late Norman date, and it agrees much better with the cha- racter of late Norman sculpture than with the early date to which it has Jumieges. . . . been usually assigned. Bloxham, Oxfordshire, c. 1190 . The same may he said of this as of Burton Latimer. Woodford, Northamptonshire, c. 1 1 90 In this the foliage has a more decided Early English character, hut the abacus still partakes of the Norman. Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1200 . . . -109 This, though one of the capitals of an Early English door, has some Norman character about it which shews its early date. Nun Monkton, Yorkshire, c. 1200 . . -110 This is from a window of a very curious little church, and is of early date. The abacus is square in section, hut is indented on the lower edge, which gives it a very singular appearance. The dripstone shews the nail-head, and the chamfer is filled with tooth- ornaments. Hereford cathedral, c. 1200 . . . .109 This beautiful and early example of the capital of a small shaft has the nail-head and tooth- ornament on its mouldings. Early English. Lincoln cathedral, choir, c. 1200 This portion of the cathedral is one of the earliest, as it is also one of the most beautiful specimens of this style which we possess. The foliage throughout is marked by the greatest boldness and freedom, and 49 ib. 50 d 18 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CAPITALS. in the example here given the combination of the capitals of the slender detached shafts with that of the solid pillar in the centre is highly inge- nious and beautiful, the abacus of the capital serving at the same time as a band to the vaulting shaft which is carried through without any other ornament. S. Mary le Wigford, Lincoln, c. 1200 . This is the same in general design, and has evidently been copied from those in the choir of the cathedral, but the abacus is different in form. Another example from a window-jamb in the same church ...... Rushden, Northamptonshire .... A small example from tbe sedilia, of the same character as the last. Naseby, Northamptonshire, c. 1220 This is of later character ; the introduction of heads among the foliage was used occasionally both in this and the succeeding styles. Desborough, Northamptonshire, c. 1220 This is of early date, and is strong and massive in its form, but is a good specimen of the style as found in country churches. COGENHOE, NORTHANTS. Another curious example is here introduced from Cogen- lioe, as besides its singular character, it is a specimen of the early introduction of armo- rial bearings in this situation, the arms being those of Sir Nicholas de Cogenhoe, the founder of the church, who died in the time of Edward I. See Bridges’ Northampton- shire, vol. i. p. 349. It is also an early instance of the introduction of heads as part of the ornament of the capital, which is more frequent in Decorated work, though occasionally found in Norman. Lincoln cathedral, Presbytery, c. 1260 . This belongs to a later period, but is equally beautiful ; nothing can exceed the grace and elegance of the foliage in this portion of the building. The shafts in the example given are relieved and ornamented by small knots of foliage rising from the centre shaft, and partly over- lying the detached ones. Cogenhoe, Northamptonshiu 50 110 109 49 50 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 19 CAPITALS. Presbytery, Lincoln. The greatest variety of design occurs in the capitals of this building, and an additional ex- ample is here introduced to illus- trate another form of foliage. There is no mistaking the de- cided Early English character of this foliage, and of the other de- tails of the Presbytery of Lin- coln, although the windows have bar-tracery, which is considered, in one sense, as marking the com- mencement of the Decorated style. Warmington, Nortliants., c. 1280 (two examples) These capitals support the wooden groined roof of the beautiful church to which they belong. It is rather late in the style, but all its details are worth studying; perhaps 1260 would be a more cor- rect date than the one given in the plate. A set of drawings of this church has been lately published by Mr. Caveler. Decorated. Hampton Poyle, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 This curious example is early in the style, and belongs to the geome- trical period, of which the east window of the church is a good specimen. Harvington, Northamptonshire, c. 1300. Another capital from the same church . Cottingham, Notting- hamshire . Is an example of simi- lar character to the first from Hampton Poyle. Harrington, North- amptonshire, circa 1300. The example here given is of the same early period, but is singular from the character of its foliage, which runs round the bell in the manner of a wreath. The other capitals in the church have the oak and vine leaves. PAGE PLATE 49 51 110 — 111 — 20 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CAPITALS. Christchurch, York. PAGE Christ Church, York. A corbel for carrying the arch mouldings is combined with this capital in a similar manner to one of those on Plate 99. It is also singular in having no neck-mould. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 This is a good plain example without any thing peculiar, though probably of somewhat later date than here assigned •to it. Beverley minster, circa 1320. (Two exam- ples) . Shewing the varieties of Decorated foliage. Sandhurst, Kent A good example of a form of very general occurrence. • 110 Lincoln cathedral, c. 1360 (misprinted 1300) This capital is from the interior of the west end, and though of good Decorated character itself, the work in which it occurs is of transition from Decorated to Perpendicular. Southwell minster, Notts, c. 1300 This is taken from the very beautiful screen at the entrance of the choir, all the details of which are exquisitely fine. Perpendicular. Wellingborough, Northants., c. 1450 . This is a very good and characteristic example of a plain capital. It occurs in the chancel. Newark, Nottinghamshire, c. 1380 This is one of the capitals of the nave, which are all of similar character, and are very unusual. Stoke in Teignhead, Devonshire, c. 1480 This shews a peculiarity which is of frequent occurrence in the Per- pendicular of Devonshire, that is, the abacus instead of overhanging as usual, recedes and allows the greatest projection to the foliage, which thus appears more like a band than a capital. PLATE 51 ib. ib. ib. 52 ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 21 CAPITALS. PAGE PLATE Cromer, Norfolk, c. 1420 .... — 52 The singularity of this example consists in the small foliated arches by which the capital is connected with the mouldings of the pillar, but which produce a very good effect. The church is a fine one, but dis- plays the localisms of Norfolk architecture. Piddleton, Dorsetshire, A.D. 1505 ib. This is a good example for shewing the capitalling of the small shafts, while the main mouldings of the arch are carried down the pillar. Upwey, Dorsetshire, c. 1500 .... ib. This is another example of the localisms of Perpendicular in the south of England. The capital in the form of a canted square is carried over the whole of the mouldings and shafts of the pillar. Ewelme, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 .... Ill Cloisters, Christ Church, Oxford, c. 1450 ib. — Both these are capitals of small shafts, and are good general forms. CASEMENT, or hollow moulding .... 113 — CHAMFER . 117 — CHAMFER - TERMINATION. Exton church, Rutland. Abbey barn, Glastonbury. Court-lodge, Godmersham, Kent ....... ib. Haseley, Oxon 118 — See also Moulding-termination — 136 CHAMPE . . ib. — Prom the tomb of Richard, earl of Warwick. CHESTS. Early English. Stoke Dabernon, Surrey 53 Graveney, Kent ..... 124 Church Brampton, Northamptonshire 125 — Decorated. Gimmingham, Norfolk 126 Huttoft, Lincolnshire ..... ■ — ib. Flamboyant or Flemish. Guestling, Sussex — ib. Two from Rockingham castle, Northamptonshire ib. — CHEVRON ...... 128 — See also Zig-zag and Mouldings . — 114 CHIMNEY. Early English. Abingdon abbey, Berks, c. 1250 ...... — 54 22 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OE THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CHIMNEY. PAGE PLATE Aydon castle, Northumberland, c. 1280 — 54 Decorated. Sherborne abbey, Dorsetshire, c. 1300 — ib. Chepstow castle, Monmouthshire 128 — Exton, Rutland, c. 1350 .... — ib. Northborough, Northumberland, c. 1340 — 55 Burford, Oxfordshire ..... 129 — Perpendicular. Sherborne, Dorsetshire ib. — Tisbury, Wiltshire ..... ib. Thornbury castle, A.D. 1514 — ib. Layer Marney, Essex, c. 1530 .... — ib. Tonbridge school, Kent, c. 1560 — ib. The three last specimens are executed in moulded brick, which was extensively used in the time of Henry VIII. Plans of double chimneys .... 130 — CINQUEFOIL. Two specimens .... 133 — CLEAR-STORY. Section to explain 134 — Windows. Decorated. Witney, Oxfordshire. Stanton S. John’s, Oxfordshire, exterior and interior . ib. — See also vol. ii. Plate 260. COFFER. Iron. In the possession of Walter Long, Esq. . 137 — COFFIN. Roman. In the museum at York ib. — Bishop Ralph, Chichester cathedral, A.D. 1123 . 138 — Temple church, London .... ib. — Lincoln cathedral, tomb of the little S. Hugh ib. — COLUMN. Classical and Mediaeval — 56 With the names of their respective parts. The Composite column is from the arch of Titus at Rome. CONSOLE. Palace of Diocletian .... 142 COPING. Of tile. Little Wenham hall, c. 1260. Three examples ...... ib. — CORBELS. Norman. Kirkstall abbey, c. 1150 . — 57 Transition. Oakham castle, Rutland, c. 1180 — ib. Broadwater, Sussex, c. 1180 144 Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1200 .... — ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 23 CORBELS. PAGE PLATE Early English. S. Sepulchre’s, Northampton, c. 1200 . This is in the east wall, and has been an altar- bracket. — 57 Acton Burnel, Shropshire, c. 1260. Rievaulx abbey, Yorkshire, c. 1250 ..... — 58 Transept, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 — 59 Grafton Underwood, Northamptonshire, c. 1200 — ib. Kirkby Wiske, Yorkshire, c. 1 250 60 Wells cathedral, c. 1250 .... — 61 East Dereham, Norfolk, c. 1280 143 — Decorated. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277. (Two examples) ..... — ib. Melrose abbey, Scotland, c. 1350 - — 58 Caldecot, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 — 59 Melrose abbey, c. 1350 ..... ■ — ib. Crick, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 — ib. Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, c. 1350 — 60 Two from S. Aldate’s, Oxford, south aisle, A.D. 1336 — ib. Northmoor, Oxon, c. 1320 This supports the inner arch of the window. — 61 Early Perpendicular. Thornton abbey, gateway, Lin- colnshire, c. 1380 ..... — 59 Perpendicular. Duston, Northamptonshire, c. 1450 This is one of the corbels of the chancel ; it is of wood and painted. The rest of the corbels are similar in character, and all represent performers on musical instruments. There are corbels of this kind also at S. Sepulchre’s, Northampton. 60 Long Buckley, Northamptonshire, circa 1450 . A blacksmith with his hammer and pincers. — ib. Hall, Christ Church, Oxford, A.D. 1529 — 58 Another on the staircase to the same, A.D. 1640 ----- ib. S. Mary’s church, Oxford, A.D. 1488 — 61 24 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CORBELS. York cathedral, c. 1450 Polebrook, Northamptonshire. PAGE PLATE Two additional exam- ples are here introduced. 61 Polebrook, c. 1200. This gives also another variety of the chamfer ter- mination, and a mask. Norwich cathedral This represents a hart lying in the water, and is intended as a rebus of Walter Lyhart, the bishop by whom this part of the cathedral was built. 143 CORBEL - TABLES. Norman. Romsey church, Hants, c« 1180 Early English. Romsey, Hants, c. 1220 In this example the cor- bel with the tooth- orna- ment is regularly alternate with the others ; it is taken from the north side^of the church, but the head is brought from another situ- ation for the sake of variety. Portsmouth, c. 1230, or rather earlier probably . In this example the corbels are all taken from the south side of the church, though not in the exact order here repre- sented. The church was begun about 1180, but pro- bably not finished until after 1200. 62 ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 25 CORBEL-TABLES. PAGE PLATE Warmington, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 — 62 Salisbury cathedral, c. 1260 — ib. Hartlepool, Durham ..... 144 — CORBIE-STEPS. From a house at Cologne, of the twelfth century ...... ib. — CORNICES. Decorated. Tower of S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1280 ...... — 63 This date is probably rather too early, the exact age of this very beautiful tower and spire is not known, hut must he about 1300. Chancel of Grantham, Lincolnshire, c. 1320 — ib. Altar-screen, Winchester cathedral Perpendicular. Ensham, Oxfordshire, c. 1450. Bp. 146 — Beckington’s chantry, Wells cathedral, 1465. Gate- way of the Close, Wells, 1505 _ ib. CORONA ....... 147 — CREDENCE. Decorated. Kidlington, Oxfordshire 148 — Woodford, Northamptonshire .... ib. — Perpendicular. Fyfield, Berkshire, c. 1500 — 64 This has been removed, from its original position in the north-east corner within a few years. The mark of it in the plaster is still visible. S. Cross, near Winchester, c. 1460 Wooden table of the time of James I., Chipping- War den, ib. Northamptonshire ..... 149 — CREST. Exeter cathedral, (this is of lead) CREST-TILES. Leverington, Cambridgeshire, crest of stone- 150 — roofed porch ..... 151 — - Easton, Hampshire ..... ib. — CROCKETS. Early English. Two from Salisbury cathe- dral, c. 1240 ..... , 65 Choir, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 This is from the large piers of the choir, and is there used on the — ib. central pillar between the slender detached shafts. See Plate 150. Westminster abbey, c. 1260 This is an ornament used in one of the mouldings of the chapter- — ib. house door, but in form and character it corresponds very closely with an Early English crocket. e 26 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. CROCKETS. PAGE PLATE Presbytery, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 . — 65 This is taken from the shafts of the arcade in the presbytery. It rises from the centre one, and lies partly over the detached ones, producing a very rich effect. See Plate 150. Decorated. Hawton, Nottinghamshire, c. 1320 ib. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1330 .... — ib. Guisborough, Yorkshire, c. 1300 — 66 Southwell minster, Notts, c. 1300, from the chapter-house — ib. Ditto, ditto, a second example .... 151 — Perpendicular. S. Mary’s, Beverley, on south porch, c. 1390. S. Alban’s abbey, c. 1420. Crick, Northants, c. 1420. Litcham, Norfolk, c. 1450. The two last are of wood ...... ib. Flamboyant. Clery, near Orleans ; and Villequier, near Candebec, Normandy ..... 210 — CROSSES. Early English. Warkton, Northampton- shire, c. 1250. Peterborough cathedral, A.D. 1238, (two examples.) Warmington, Northants, c. 1260 . 67 Peterborough cathedral. Cheltenham. Ickford, Buck- inghamshire ...... 152 Decorated. Horsepath, Oxfordshire, c. 1250. Asthall, Oxon, c. 1350. Cranford S. John, Northamptonshire, c. 1350. Merton college chapel, Oxford, c. 1300. Morton, Lincolnshire, c. 1350 ib. Winchester cathedral, c. 1354 .... — 68 Perpendicular. Stanton S. John’s, Oxfordshire, c. 1460. S. John’s hospital, Northampton, c. 1450. Coombe, Oxfordshire, c. 1450. Rotherham, Yorkshire, c. 1450. Ecclesfield, Yorkshire, c. 1500. Pinhoe, Devonshire, c. 1450 ...... ib. Oxford, Merton college chapel, transept ib. — Yarn ton, Oxfordshire, churchyard cross 153 — Higham Ferrars, Northants., capital of market cross 154 — CUSPS. Two examples of the early form 157 — Norman. Ely cathedral .... — 69 Early English. Nun Monkton, Yorkshire, c. 1200. Higham Ferrars, Northamptonshire, c. 1220. Preston, Yorkshire. Raunds, Northamptonshire, c. 1220. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 27 CUSPS. PAGE PLATE Four from the presbytery, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1260 — 69 Early Decorated. Solihull, Warwickshire. See Plate 234 1 58 — Little Addington, Northamptonshire, c. 1300. Pidding- ton, Oxfordshire, c. 1300. Aldworth, Berkshire, c. 1300 . — 70 Late Decorated. From an arcade at the west end of Lincoln cathedral, c. 1380 ib. Presbytery, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1260. Two examples — ib. Perpendicular. Oxford cathedral, A.D. 1525 . ib. Ornamented. Crosby hall, London, i Screen, Lincoln cathedral. S. George’s chapel, Wind- , sor. Eltham palace, Kent . ib. — CYMA RECTA, and CYMA REVERSA . 159 — CYMATIUM ib. — DAIS • 160 — DECORATED STYLE. PAGE PLATE Abacus 5 1 Corbels 143 — Altar 16 — and pis. 58, 59, 60 and 61 Ambry 10 3 Cornices 146 63 Arcades 163 11 Credence 148 — Arches . pis. 18 and 19 Crest 151 — Ball-flower, pp. 53, Crockets 151 . — 164; and pi. 21 and pis. 65 and 66 Bases, p. 62, and pis. 25 and 132 Crosses 152 — Bell-turrets . 74 34 and pis. 67 and 68 Bosses — 36 Cusps 158 — Broach 97 — Diaper, p. 165, and Buttresses p. 99, and pis. 69, 70 and 103 pis. 40 and 43 Doorways 180 — Capitals, p. 110, 163, & pi. 51 and pis. 79 and 80 Chamfer 117 53 Dormer 185 Chest 126 _ Dripstone 188 98 Chimney 129 — Fillet 206 — and pis. 54 and 55 Finial, pis. 84, 85 and 86 Clerestory 134 — Fireplace — 88 28 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. DECORATED STYLE CONTINUED. PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATE Fonts 213 91 Roof pis. 172 to 176 Four-leaved flower 164 Screen pis. 182 and 183 Gallery — 94 Sedilia pis. 190 and 191 Gurgoyle 228 95 Squinch — 193 Hoodmoulds . 188 98 Tabernacle pis. 196 and 197 Impost . pis. 99 and 100 Tower 212 Lavatory — 103 Turret 215 Low side window 295 — Vault 221 Lettern — 104 Vestry — 223 Masks — 106 Windows, single light, Monument 310 pis. 226 and 227 Mouldings, pp. 164, * of two lights, 317, 318 ; and pis. pis. 234 to 236 125, 126, 127, 132 and 135 — . of three or Mullions — 136 more lights, p. 162, Panel 336 137 and pis. 239, 241 to 248 Parapet 340 139 • — square-headed, Pillar — 148 pis. 256 and 257 sections of — 152 of spires _ 258 Pinnacle — 154 of towers — 259 Piscina pis. 156 and 157 — in gables — 260 Porch pis. 163 and 164 circular, pis. Pulpit — 166 261 and 264 Reredos — 168 DENTELS . 165 . DIAPER. Two examples. Tomb of William de Valence, Westminster abbey . . ib. — DOORWAYS. Supposed Saxon. Brixworth, Northants . 175 — Norman. Essendine chapel, Rutland, c. 1130 ■ — 71 S. Margaret’s at CHfle^near Dover, Kent, c. 1130 — ib. S. Ebbe’s, Oxford, c. 1140 . — 72 This church is modern, hut this old doorway has been preserved and rebuilt in the wall of the vestry. Iffley, Oxfordshire, c. 1140 . • ♦ — ib. Or more probably 1160. I See the grounds for this date in Archseolog. Journal, vol. iv. p. 219. Fordington, near Dorchester, Dorsetshire, c. 1160 — 73 This is a very curious example. The sculptures have evidently DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OP THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 29 DOORWAYS. been cut after the door was built, and appear to have been drawn on the surface, and only so much of it cut away as would give relief to the figures. The kite-shaped shields and nasals shew sufficiently its Norman date. PAGE PLATE Stoncleigh, Warwickshire, c. 1160 73 Penmon, Anglesea ..... The Welsh antiquaries are generally inclined to assign a very early date to this and similar examples. The probability however seems to be that they are more likely to be later than earlier than corresponding examples in England. The very thick abacus is often a mark of early work, but it is also frequently only a sign of rude country work, or a provincialism. It is difficult to find a dated example of stone sculpture in this country before the twelfth century, to which period the Norman doorways with sculpture in the head almost invariably belong. 74 Barton Seagrave, Northamptonshire, c. 1150 — ib. Middleton Stoney, Oxfordshire, c. 1150 — ib. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1160 This doorway is very late Norman, almost of transition character; the head of it affords a good example of reticulated masonry, which is not very common in England. Fritwell, Oxfordshire, c. 1150. Kirkham priory, York- ib. shire, c. 1150. Newington, Oxfordshire, c. 1160 — 75 Cuddesden, Oxfordshire, c. 1160 This is quite of transitional character, the lozenge moulding with the points projecting and standing clear approaches very near to the tooth- ornament; the capitals are more Early English than Norman. The ib. door retains its original iron- work. For the mouldings see — 120 Chapter-house, Oxford, c. 1160 176 Nail-heads on door, Compton, Berks 177 Early English. Dutton, Huntingdonshire, c. 1200 This form is to be found in all the styles, but most frequently in the Early English. (See note, p. 43, vol. i.) 76 Burton Latimer, Northamptonshire, c. 1 220 — ib. Warmington, Northamptonshire, c. 1260 — ib. Kidlington, Oxfordshire, c. 1220 The square form and the mouldings of the abacus mark this as early in the style. “ 77 Irchester, Northamptonshire, c. 1220 An example of the use of stones of different colours, for the sake of ib. 30 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. DOORWAYS. PAGE PLATE variety, which prevails so much in this district of N orthamptonshire. In this the door-head is formed of alternate light- coloured and brown stone. Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1220 — 77 Hinge on door, Faringdon, Berks Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, c. 1250. Heytesbury, 179 — Wiltshire, c. 1220. Woodford, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 ...... 78 Southwell minster, Notts .... 178 Lichfield cathedral, c. 1260 .... 79 Decorated. Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, c. 1320. Canterbury cathedral, A.D. 1304 ib. Banbury, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 This doorway is now destroyed ; an account of it will he found in — 80 Beesley’s History of Banbury, from which this engraving is borrowed : 1 the work contains several other architectural engravings and a good deal i of useful information. Dunchurch, Warwickshire, c. 1350 _ ib. Dorchester, Oxfordshire .... 180 . Section of mouldings 318 Witney, Oxfordshire ..... 180 — Nail-heads on door, S. Augustine’s, Canterbury Perpendicular. Merton college chapel, Oxford, north 181 — door, A.D. 1424 ..... This transept was built by John Kemp, a fellow of the college, — 81 afterwards successively bishop of Rochester, Chichester, and London, archbishop of York, and Canterbury. This part of the chapel was re- dedicated to S. John the Baptist, in 1424. Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1440 — ib. Section of mouldings — * 129 The contract for this church is dated in 1435, but it was not com- pleted before 1440. Beckley, Oxfordshire, c. 1450. Old, Northamptonshire, c. 1450 ...... 82 S. Erasmus’ chapel, Westminster 182 Coomhe, Oxfordshire ..... 183 — DORMER-WINDOW. Chapel-Cleeve, Somerset, c. 1350 . DRIPSTONE. See Hood-mould. 185 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 31 EARLY ENGLISH STYLE. PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATE Abacus — 1 Hoodmould . — 98 Ambry 10 3 Impost 301 99 Apse — 5 King-post 278 — Arcade 361 — Lavatory — 102 and pis. 9 and 10 Low side window 295 — Arch . 190 17 Mask — 106 Band . 55 — Masonry 301 — Base 61 24 Miserere 307 — ornaments — 27 Monument 309 — Basement — 132 Mouldings 316 — Bay pis. 29 and 30 of arches, Bell-cot pis. 32, 33 and 34 pis. 121 to 124 Boss . — 35 of base- Buttress, pp. 46, 98 ; ments — 132 and pis. 38, 39 and 42 of strings . — 133 Bracket 81 — — of ribs -- 134 Capital, pp. 109, 110, Moulding - termina- 191 ; and pis. 49 and 50 tions — 135 Chamfer 117 — Mullion — 136 Chest 124 53 Panel 335 — Clerestory — 260 Parapet — 139 Chimney 128 54 Perpeyn wall 351 — Coping 142 — Pillar — 147 Corbel, pp. 143, 192; sections, pis. 150 and 151 and pis. 58, 59 and 60 Pinnacle — 154 Corbel-table, pp. 144, Piscina 204 156 192; and ph 62 Porch — 162 Crocket — 65 Pulpit — 166 Cross, p. 152, 1 54 ; and pi. 67 Poof — 171 Cusp 157 — Screen — 181 and pis. 69 and 70 Sedilia pis. 188 and 189 Doorway, pp. 178, Squinch — 193 190; and pis. 76 to 78 Tabernacle . — 196 Fenestral 204 — Tower — 211 Finial pis. 84 and 86 Turret pis. 214 and 215 Fire-place pis. 87 and 88 Triforium — 216 Font — 90 Vault — 220 32 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. EARLY ENGLISH STYLE CONTINUED. PAGE PLATE Window, one-light, p. Window, square-headed 191 ; and pis. 226 and 227 in gables two-light, pis. circular, pis. 229, 230, 231 and 233 261, 263 three -light, pis. 237 to 240,242 and 243 EARLY FRENCH STYLE. Abacus — 5 Crocket Boss — 78 Pillar Buttress 42 98 Tower Capital 48 — Windows ECHINUS ....... EGYPTIAN. Portico of the temple of Philse Capitals, Debut. Temple of Philse. Edfu Bell-capital, temple of Carnac. Base, temple of Medinet Abou, Thebes ..... Bell-capital, Bamseion; Bud-capital, Luxor; Isis capi- tal, Denderah ..... ENTABLATURE. Corinthian, shewing the ’Vitruvian and modern arrangements of the parts Grecian Doric and Ionic, Roman Doric, Ionic, Corin- thian and Composite .... ESCUTCHEON, or SCUTCHEON. Headington church, Oxfordshire ...... Tickencote, Rutland ..... Beauchamp Chapel, Warwick, c. 1450, (three examples) Ryarsh church, Kent, c. 1480 Westcott Barton, Oxon ; Stogumber, Somersetshire FALDSTOOL. Queen Mary’s chair, Winchester cathedral . FAN -TRACERY VAULTING .... FEATHERING, or FOLIATION. Four examples FEMERELL. Westminster hall .... FENE STELLA. Piscina, Burford, Oxfordshire FENESTRAL. Shutters, Little Wenham hall FILLET on a moulding, otherwise KEEL and WINGS. Three examples ..... PAGE and 210 483 193 194 3 196 198 199 270 201 ib. 202 203 204 ib. 206 PLATE 255 260 264 150 211 232 83 ib. 44 186 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 33 PAGE PLATE FINIAL. Spire, Yardley, Oxon . Early English. Bishop Bridport’s tomb, Salisbury cathe- dral, A.D. 1246 . . • Lincoln cathedral, c. 1260 206 84 ib. These are both good examples of the most usual form of finials in this style, which are varied by having greater or less richness in the foliage. Decorated. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277 . This is from the pinnacle of the piscina in the ante- chapel. Wimborne minster, Dorsetshire, c. 1350 Winchester cathedral, c. 1300. Hawton, Nottinghamshire, c. 1300 Perpendicular. Magdalen college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1456. Chittlehampton, Devonshire, c. 1500 King’s college, Cambridge . . . . - ih. - ib. 85 ib. ib. FINI AL — DOMESTIC, or HIP-KNOB. Northborough, c. 1320. Two examples from Barn, Bath Hampton, c. 1350. Wolverton hall, Dorset, c. 1500. Shrewsbury, c. 1580. Castle inn, Cambridge, c. 1620 . Friar gate, Derby ..... The ornamental finish of gables of mediaeval houses. The two last are of wood, and shew the usual mode of ornamenting the gable of a timber house. 254 86 FIREPLACE. Norman. Rochester castle, c. 1130. Conis- borough castle, c. 1170 Early English. Ay don castle, Northumberland, c. 1270 Ay don castle, Northumberland, c. 1270 Decorated. Edlingham castle, Northumberland, c. 1330 Perpendicular. Sherborne abbey, Dorsetshire, c. 1470 FLAMBOYANT STYLE. Doorway PAGE 209 PLATE Pillar Impost 259 — Rib . 209 Mouldings — 131 Rood-loft Gallery — 94 Windows 208 Parapets 340 140 Boss. Notre dame la Riche, Tours, c. 1500. (Descrip- tion of Plates, p. 11.) 87 ib. 88 ib. ib. 153 170 250 f DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 34 FLUTINGS or FLUTES. Grecian Doric. Parthenon Grecian Ionic. Erectheum, and cabled flutes PAGE 211 ib. FOIL-ARCH. Trefoil opening. Trefoil arches. Cinquefoil arch ...... FONT. Norman. Coleshill, Warwickshire, c. 1150 Arcade from do., see Plate 8. This is a very curious and remarkable example, and is valuable for the arcade filled with rich foliage with which it is surrounded, part of which is given under arcade, and the rest here. The form of the nimbus is remarkable. ib. 89 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 35 FONT. PAGE PLATE It is only the bowl which is Norman, and it has been placed on a later shaft, which is also of a different kind of stone. Early English. S. Giles’s, Oxford, c. 1220. 90 Remarkable for the boldness of the tooth- ornament. Lackford, Sussex, c. 1250 .... — ib. Decorated. Offley, Hertfordshire, c. 1350 — 91 Window tracery either of the whole window or only the head was a frequent ornament of Decorated fonts. Stanwick, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . ib. This has been a very rich example, but has lost its shaft and been much mutilated. It stands in a very interesting church. Wymington, Bedfordshire, c. 1380 This is late in the style and is from a remarkable church, the date 213 — of the erection of which is tolerably well ascertained. See a pillar from the same church, PI. 1 48 ; part of the roof, p. 399. Perpendicular. Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1440 ...... — 92 A very usual form of a Perpendicular font. Bradford Abbas, Dorsetshire, c. 1480 . ib. Font cover, Monksilver, Somersetshire . 212 — FBACTABLE ...... 217 — FRET ....... 219 Reticulated ...... 220 — FRITHSTOOL, FRIDSTOOL, or FREEDSTOOL. Bever- ley minster ...... 221 — GABLE. West end of Bede-house, Higham Ferrars, North- amptonshire ...... George Inn, Salisbury, c 1320 or 1350. Salisbury, A.D. 223 — 1360. Eltham palace, Kent, c. 1490 — 93 These three are all examples of the gables of timber houses, and might more properly perhaps have been called Barge-boards, which see. Shrewsbury abbey, c. 1350. Newgate, York . 59 — 36 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE PLATE GABLET. Sutton Courtenay, ■ Berkshire . 225 Another example from a buttress ~ f •^ ere ^ iam ^ ere i n t r °- GALLERY. Decorated. Ex- e ^ er ca ^edral, c. 1300 This is a stone gallery in the Ajr; f : . Flamboyant. Burgos, Spain, pti jP| glazing quarries 233 94 ib. East Dereham. GUILLOCHE 244 — GURGOYLE. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277. 228 — Howden, Yorkshire, c. 1350. Horsley church, Der- byshire, c. 1450. S. Alkmund’s church, Derby, c. 1450. S. Cuthbert’s, York, c. 1450 . 95 Stony Stratford, Warwickshire, c. 1480 This is from the ruined church of S. Mary Magdalen. The tower, — ib. which is the only part standing, is of excellent proportions and worth studying. GUTTER ....... 244 — HAMMER-BEAM ...... 247 Single and double hammer-beam roof . 394 — HAUNCH. Door, Jubbergate, York 248 — A beautiful example of a rich timber doorway, of which there were many remaining in York, but they are now fast disappearing. HERRINGBONE WORK ..... 249 — Tam worth castle ..... — 108 IIERSE, over the effigy of Richard earl of Warwick HINDOO ARCHITECTURE. Capital, Elephanta. Capital 250 — and base, Salsette. Pillar and entablature, Salsette . — 96 HINGE. Faringdon, Berks .... 253 — Maxstoke priory, Warwickshire. Laon cathedral. Comp- ton, Berkshire. Rouen cathedral . — 97 HIP ....... 254 — DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 3 7 HIP-KNOB. Friar gate, Derby .... PAGE 254 PLATE See also Plate 86. HOODMOULD TERMINATIONS. Norman. Malmsbury abbey, Wilts, c. 1150 — 98 This is a very characteristic ornament, and is of frequent occur- rence in Norman work. Early English. S. Benedict’s, Lincoln, c. 1250 _ ib. Stanwick, Northamptonshire, c. 1230 — ib. Garsington, Oxfordshire, c. 1200 — ib. Decorated. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277 . — ib. This appears to be the head of Edward I., in whose reign the chapel was built. Bush den, Northamptonshire .... — ib. Perpendicular. Chippenham, Wilts, c. 1460. Layer Marney, Essex, c. 1520 . /i > ~ ib. Marston, Oxfordshire, c. 1 520 . * — ib. This contains the monogram maria, so frequently used. HOUR-GLASS STAND. Leigh church, Kent 255 — IMPOST. Continuous. Fig. A. S. Pierre, Avignon 259 — Finchale priory, Durham, A.D. 1266, the second ex- ample ...... — 99 Keyingham ...... — 100 Discontinuous. Fig. B. La Chapelle, Brussels ib. — Finchale priory, first example — 99 S. Nicholas, Coutances, c. 1250 — ib. Cathedral, S. Lo, Normandy, c. 1300 — ib. Shafted. Fig. C ib. — Banded. Fig. D. Lucca cathedral ib. — Discontinuous and banded. Dreux, Normandy 260 — Discontinuous and shafted. Lowick, Northampton- shire ...... — 100 Continuous and shafted alternately. Yarmouth, Norfolk. Ely cathedral ..... — ib. 38 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS, IMPOST. Continuous and discontinuous. S. Crux, York PAGE Section of pillar and arch-mouldings- This is very curious. The annexed plan, in which A shews the pier and B the arch mould- ings, will explain the junction of the two suites of mouldings more clearly. S. Helen’s, Stone- gate, York This is partly conti- nuous, but the outer mouldings are carried on a corbel. IONIC ORDER. Ca- pital from the Er ectheum, Athens 267 IRON- WORK. Part of a door, Winchester cathedral N. B. The woodcut is turned so as to place the top of the figure on the left hand. Monument of Queen Eleanor, Westminster abbey, A.D. 1294 . . . . . . A very fine example of that period, very similar in character to that on the chapter-house door, York. On an Early English chest Iron coffer Nail-heads. On a Norman door On a Decorated door Of Early English hinges Escutcheons on doors Hour-glass stand Cramp, Westminster abbey Nail-head. Henry VII. ’s chapel Cathedral, and S. Martin, Laon . 125 • 137 . 177 • 181 p. 179 and 253 p. 198 and 199 . 255 . 269 . ib. . ib. PLATE 99 ib. 100 * ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 39 IRON-WORK. Door-handle ...... Do. Westcott Barton, Oxon. Stogumber, Somersetshire. • Stancheon, Crick church, Northamptonshire See also Plate 186. PAGE 269 270 271 Part of screen, south transept, Winchester cathedral Lock, Winchester cathedral .... See also Knocker, Plate 101 ; and Lock, Plate 105. JOGGLE . . . . p. 275, and KING-POST. Old Shoreham, Sussex KNOCKER. Evreux cathedral. Rue des Consuls, Auxerre. Rouen ...... Three examples of Flamboyant iron- work. Stockbury, Kent ..... ib. 291 276 278 101 ib. LAVATORY. Chapter-house, Selby, Yorkshire, c. 1250. Salisbury cathedral, circa 1400 Lincoln cathedral, c. 1350 . This with its screen occupies the last hay of the south aisle of the choir at its junction with the eastern transept. The fire-place belonging to it is inserted in the Early English arcade, and the original chimney still remains on the outside. Cloisters, Norwich In this instance there are two lava- tories adjoining, and they are of fif- teenth century date, and have been inserted with their niches and panel- ling, under the Decorated arches of the cloisters. LETTERN. Bury church, Hun- tingdonshire, c. 1300 A curious and early example, and may probably be somewhat earlier than the date here given. Ramsey church, Hunting- donshire, c. 1450 The book is chained to the desk letter, Lingfieid, Surrey. as mentioned in the text. — 102 — 103 ib. 104 104 40 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. LETTERN. S. Michael’s, Norwich ..... Detling, Kent ...... A very rich example of unusual form, having all the four sides sloping instead of two as is usual. S. Gregory’s, Norwich. A brass eagle S. Crux, York ...... Lingfield, Surrey, (last page.) Albury, Hertfordshire. Two good examples of plain Perpendicular work. Islip, Oxfordshire. A very plain and rather singular example of the revived use of the lettern in the time of Charles II. It formed part of the furniture of the chancel built by Dr. South. The book of Homilies is placed upon it, and it may have been originally intended for that purpose, according to the Injunctions. PAGE 285 ib. 286 ib. Albury, Hertfordshire. Islip, Oxfordshire. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OE THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 41 LICH-GATE. Garsington, Oxfordshire PAGE 289 PLATE LIGHTS OF A WINDOW. Beauchamp chapel, Warwick. 290 — LOCK. Winchester cathedral .... 291 — Rouen cathedral ..... — 105 Evreux ...... — ib. Gisors ....... — ib. S. George’s chapel, Windsor .... — ib. LOCKER. Drayton, Berks. (See Almeey) 292 — LOOP-HOLES . . . pp. 52, 68, and 293 J— LOUVRE. Westminster hall ... 203 Lincoln college, Oxford, A.D. 1435 ib. — LOW SIDE WINDOWS. Binsey church, Oxfordshire . 294 North Hinksey, Berks .... 295 Raydon, Suffolk ..... ib. — MACHICOLATIONS ..... 296 — MASKS. Steeple Barton, Oxfordshire. Ensham, Oxford- shire. Dover priory. Three examples from Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. West Claudon, Surrey. Castor, Northants. Rothwell, Northants 106 MASONRY, Roman; (misprinted Norman in the Plate.) Soissons. Lillebonne, (a specimen of Roman ashlar.) Silchester. Colchester, Essex. Mint wall, Lincoln. Pevensey, Sussex ..... 107 Herringbone work. Tamworth castle . 249 108 These stones are laid edgeways. Rubble. S. Leonard’s, Mailing, Kent . ib. Long and short worlc. Burcombe, Wiltshire. Witter- ing, Northamptonshire .... ib. Wide jointed. White tower, London . — ib. This is early Norman work, and is a valuable example. The same kind of joint occurs in the work of Remigius, at Lincoln. Wide and fine jointed. Winchester cathedral . ib. This shews the junction of the early Norman or wide jointed masonry with the later or fine jointed, and is valuable for fixing dates. Rochester . 300 Impost, Whitby abbey, Yorkshire 301 — 42 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MASONRY. PAGE PLATE METOPE ....... 306 — MISERERE. Henry VII. ’s chapel, Westminster . 307 — MITRE. Of a moulding ..... ib. MODILLION pp. 107, 142, and ib. MONUMENT. Norman. Coffin-slab, Bishop Ralph, Chiches- ter cathedral, A.D. 1123 .... 309 Early English. Coffin-slab. Romsey, Hampshire ib. See Cutts’ Manual of Monumental Slabs. Decorated. Coffin-slab. Bredon, Worcestershire 310 _ This is a very remarkable example. It is now placed upright against the wall in the chancel. For description, see Archaeol. Journal, vol. ii. p. 90. S. Stephen’s, Bristol ..... 311 A Decorated monument, or high tomb, with effigies and canopy. For a description, see Archaeol. Journal, vol. iii. p. 82, but the monu- ment is evidently of earlier date than there assigned to it. MOORISH or ARABIAN ARCHITECTURE. Entrance to the mosque of Cordova, Spain — 109 This example is given as shewing several peculiarities, viz., a door- way of the most usual form, a horse- shoe arch within a square label and having its Arabic inscriptions from the Koran, an arcade, windows, and lastly a singular form of battlement. Three capitals from the Palace of Alhambra, Spain — ib. Doorway, Tarragona, Spain .... 32 Window, Giralda tower, Seville 33 Arabesque ornament from the Alhambra 31 — MOULDINGS. Grecian and Roman — 110 Grecian ovolo. Temple at Corinth — ib. Roman ovolo. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome — ib. Scotia , trochilus , or casement. Baths of Diocletian, Rome — ib. Cavetto. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome . — ib. Cyma recta. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome 159 ib. Gyma reversa , or ogee. Temple of Antoninus, and Faus- tinus, Rome ...... ib. ib. Quirked ogee. Arch of Constantine, Rome 379 ib. Torus. From Palladio .... — ib. Bead ....... — ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 43 MOULDINGS. PAGE PLATE Astragal. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome — 110 Fillet ....... — ib. Apophyges. Baths of Diocletian, Rome — ib. Feeds ....... — ib. Dentils ...... 165 Fgg and Anchor ..... Norman. Fire-place, Newcastle castle, Northumberland, 193 — c. 1080 ...... This is an early example of the billet moulding, as the castle was built by order of Robert, duke of Normandy. The mouldings are very simple. 1 1 1 West front, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1090 . This is the section of an arch at the west end, which was the work of Remigius the first bishop. The ornament under the dripstone is very characteristic of early work. ib. Square billet , Ardenne abbey, Normandy 316 _ Canterbury cathedral, c. 1100 . The ornaments of this, the flat billet and sunk lozenge, which are shallow and require little skill in the execution, bespeak the early cha- racter of this example. This is the work of Ernulph. ib. Arch, choir, Peterborough cathedral, c. 1140 A good example of plain Norman. — ib. Binham, Norfolk ..... 315 _ Norwich cathedral ..... ib. Peterborough cathedral, (two examples) ib. — Canterbury cathedral, c. 1178 . This is from the work of William of Sens, and a comparison of this with the one above it, which is from the same part of the cathedral but of later date, will shew the progress which had been made between the two periods. In the first the work is of the most simple design and the work shallow, while in the last a more elegant outline has been given, and the cutting is bold, deep, and finished. See Willis’s Canterbury, p. 88. ib. Western transept, Ely cathedral The keeled moulding on the angle of this shews a late date, and a tendency to transition. ' ib. S. Mary’s guild, Lincoln, c. 1140 This building, which is commonly called John of Gaunt’s stables, has a fine entrance gateway, of which this is a section. It is remarkable 112 44 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS. on several accounts, first the sunk roses or flowers on the dripstone ; secondly, the ornament in the hollow, which, at first sight, closely re- sembles the tooth- ornament, but differs from it in several respects, and particularly in its want of projection, the angles formed by the sides being very obtuse and the centre flat. The same ornament occurs in the west doorway of the cathedral, which was the work of Bishop Alex- ander about 1140. The next peculiarity is the moulding which occurs twice in the section. This is a round with a groove or channel taken out on its most projecting part. PAGE PLATE S. Peter’s, Northampton, c. 1140 ; arch on the tower The section here given is that of an arch on the exterior of the west side of the tower, the original intention of which does not seem to have been well understood. It is, however, most probable that it was the arch of the original west window. The church is a celebrated example, and this arch will fully bear out its reputation. The details are ex- tremely beautiful and varied, and worked with great delicacy but not much depth. 112 Window, Moyes’s hall, Bury S. Edmund’s, c. 1160 — ib. Door, Middleton Stoney, Oxfordshire, c. 1160 . — ib. Ambrosden, Oxfordshire, c. 1160 These are all good specimens of late Norman work. — ib. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Early Norman These examples are brought together for the purpose of shewing what were the general modes by which ornament was produced in the early Norman buildings. It will he seen that this was in general ac- complished by making the simplest forms possible, two sets of oblique lines crossing each other, and then from the centres of the lozenges thus formed cutting away the stone slopingly to the points, and thus by lowering one set giving relief to the alternate ones. By these means the lozenges at Old Sarum, Deeping, and Walmer, and the hatchings at Westminster, have been produced. 113 White tower, tower of London, A.D. 1081 This is the abacus of the capital described on Plate 45. The orna- ment consists of the cable, and a variety of what is sometimes called star moulding. This is formed by drawing the diagonals of a square and cutting down the intervals. ib. Clemping, Sussex, c. 1100 This ornament consists merely of a set of hollow squares which have been cut down in the manner above described. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 45 MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Remains of Old Sarum. In the wall of the north gate of the Close, Salisbury, c. 1120 . In the walls of the Close and in some of the interior walls of the cathedral at Salisbury, are built in many stones carved with Norman details, some of early and some of later date. These must evidently have been brought from the cathedral of Old Sarum when it was pulled down and the present structure built. The specimens here given are from the north gate of the Close, and from the character of their orna- ments have evidently belonged to the older portions of the ancient cathedral. Deeping S. James, Lincolnshire, c. 1120 This shews a raised lozenge, and single zig-zag. Walmer, Kent, c. 1120 Has the sunk lozenge and double billet. Transept, Winchester cathedral, A.D. 1090 This has been called a prismatic billet. It is produced by marking out squares on the three sides of the moulding, and cutting away the alternate spaces, and has much the effect of bricks set end-ways and corner-ways. Westminster hall, A.D. 1097 .... This is called the hatched or saw-tooth ornament ; it is here worked on the three faces of the string. Southwell minster, Nottinghamshire, c. 1100 The first of these is an arch-moulding, and shews the ornament men- tioned before, and also a singular one of double cones or fusils lying side by side, and which produce a curious effect. The second is an ornament on a capital. Norman. Zigzag or chevron This Plate presents an assemblage of varieties of the zigzag, the most characteristic ornament of the Norman period. See also pp. 128 and 525 North Hinksey, Berks . This is a common form ; the mouldings consist of a hollow and a round cut on the plane of the wall. Guibray, Normandy . . . . . Shews the zigzag projecting, that is, cut with salient and re- entering angles. Fresne, Camilly, Normandy Has the two varieties forming a hollow lozenge between. PLATE 113 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 114 ib. ib. ib. 46 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OP THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. PAGE PLATE Bredgar, Kent ...... Has the nail-head on two of the mouldings. 114 West door, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1140 . This is from the elaborate work of Bishop Alexander, in the time of Stephen, and is remarkable for exhibiting an ornament very similar to, though not identical with, the ball-flower, and another which was after- wards used in Early English work. Very similar ornaments occur in France, in late Norman work, as at Notre Dame, Paris. ib. New Romney, Kent ..... Shews another variety of the projecting zigzag. — ib. Iffley, Oxfordshire ..... A series cut on a plain surface. — ib. Hadiscoe, Norfolk ..... This is a very singular example, the zigzag being reversed and cut across the moulding. ib. Andover, Hants ..... Combined with the scallop. ib. Beaulieu, near Caen, Normandy Is an example of the mode of filling up the zigzag in rich work. — ib. Barffeston, Kent ..... Is a very curious example. It is cut on two planes, that on the lower one forming a regular zigzag, while that on the upper is inter- rupted, and forms alternate lozenges with the lower one. ib. Sutterton, Lincolnshire .... Shews a very good but unusual mode of ornamenting the zigzag. — ib. Cable. Romsey, Hants .... This moulding is used in almost all periods of Norman work. 115 Twining stem. Wimboltsham, Norfolk This is another variety of the same, but not so common. — ib. 1 . Beaded, 2. Twisted panel. Durham cathedral Is an unusual variety of the same type. — ib. Billeted cable. Jew’s House, Lincoln Is another variety, but ornamented with the billet. — ib. Intersecting and cable. S. Georges de Boscherville — ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 47 MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Nail-head. Upton S. Leonard’s, Gloucestershire PAGE PLATE — 115 The nail-head being an ornament easily cut, was much used in al- most all periods of Norman work, and also in the earlier examples of Early English capitals, &c., and may be safely considered as the origin of the tooth ornament. S. Contet, near Caen, Normandy This and another of similar character are generally used in late or transition work, as at Glastonbury abbey, and at Hargrave, Plate 1 20. /S 'tar. Herringfleet, Suffolk .... This ornament, which is formed by cutting down in a sloping manner the intervals between a square and its diagonals, is much used in abaci and similar situations. ib. ib. Lozenge. Tickencote, Rutland . This church has a very rich chancel-arch, from which this moulding is taken. The lozenge is formed by the junction of two zigzags. Enriched Lozenge. Monti villiers, Normandy . In this the spaces in the lozenges are merely sunk. Segmental Billet. Abbaye aux Dames, Caen . Nebule and Billet. S. Contet-les-Caen Boll Billet, double. Binham Priory, Norfolk . Square Billet , double. S. Augustine’s, Canterbury Segmental and square Billet. S. Mary’s, Leicester Billet and studded. Llandaff cathedral The billet in its various forms being merely the retaining or cutting away of alternate portions of any given moulding, was an ornament easily executed, and therefore extensively used in all periods of Nor- man work. In the Abbaye aux Dames it is a half round laid on the flat faces of a three-sided moulding. In S. Contet, Binham, and Llan- daff, it is cut on round mouldings, at S. Augustine’s on a square, and at S. Mary’s, Leicester, is alternately a half round and half square. ib. ib. 116 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. Cloisters, Peterborough cathedral This is a very singular ornament, and consists of two rows of stones, the semicircular ends of which project at right angles from the wall, but it produces a very good effect. ib. Bredgar, Kent ...... This is the nail-head cut alternately on the upper and lower face of a three-sided moulding, and is another example of what might be easily converted into a tooth ornament, and the same may be said of ib. 48 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Iffley and North Hinksey. The indented is much used in transition work, and sometimes in Early English. Indented . 1 . Iffley, Oxfordshire. 2. S. Nicholas, Nor- wich ....... Ditto, North Hinksey, Berks . leak-head . S. Ebbe’s, Oxford . Cafs-head. Tickencote, Rutland Ditto, West door, Lincoln cathedral Ditto, Charney, Berks . See also Capital, Nun Monkton, p. 110. These are all varieties of a mode of ornament much used in the richest period of Norman for ornamenting doorways, windows, and arches. The one from Lincoln is from the rich door of Bishop Alex- ander, and shews the double as well as the single head. Very fine ex- amples of both occur also at Iffley. j Bird's head. S. Cross, Hants .... This occurs on a window, and is a very beautiful variation of the mode of filling up a zigzag. Scolloped. Hadiscoe, Norfolk. Castor, Northamptonshire The scollop is an ornament frequently used either by itself or in combination with others. Interrupted arched. S. Alban’s abbey church . label corbel-table. S. Julian’s, Norwich Nebule corbel-table. S. Peter at Gowt’s, Lincoln Binham Priory, Norfolk .... These are two varieties of the waved line or nebule which is not unfrequently used as a corbel-table. lellet. Door, Iffley, Oxfordshire The doors and arches of this fine church present a great variety of details, two of which are here given ; viz., the pellet, which is an orna- ment very frequently in use, and the rose, which is more unusual. Studded. Hales, Norfolk .... Fir-cone or Fir -apple. Croyland abbey, Lincolnshire . This is a variety of the pellet, but being cross-hatched gives it the appearance of a fir-cone. Hose. Door, Iffley, Oxon .... Ditto, Nun Monkton, Yorkshire Is another variety, and occurs here in transition almost Early English woik. A form very similar is found in the work of Bishop Alexander PAGE PLATE 116 ib. 117 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 118 ib. ib. ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 49 MOULDINGS AND ORNAMENTS. at Lincoln, Plate 114, in the Early English work in the choir at Lincoln as a hoodmould termination, and again at S. Mary’s, Beverley, Plate 127. It seems therefore to have been a favourite form, though it is impossible to say what it is intended to represent. PAGE PLATE 1. Diamond frette. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1140 The two examples here given occur in the work of Bishop Alex ander so often mentioned. — 118 Chain. S. William’s chapel, York The chain moulding is not common, and the chapel from which this was taken is now entirely destroyed. _ ib. Double cone. Stoneleigh, Warwickshire This is not of common occurrence; an example differently ar- ranged is shewn in Plate 113. ib. Triangular frette or dovetail. Ely cathedral ib. 2. Embattled. Lincoln cathedral ib. Trellis and. Medallion. Malmsbury abbey These two ornaments are much used in rich Norman work, the first for enriching the shafts, and the latter for the arches of doors, &c., where the medallions are generally filled with the signs of the zodiac and other subjects. 119 Open heart and Antique. Jew’s House, Lincoln These, the second of which is an evident imitation of Grecian or- nament, are taken from the fine twelfth- century house known as the Jew’s House in Lincoln, and which appears to he of about the same date as the next example. ib. 3. West door, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1145 The work of Bishop Alexander. The specimen here given is an abacus of one of the shafts. — ib. Overlapping. S. Margaret’s, York This is an uncommon and very curious example, the orna- ment appearing to lie over the mouldings which are seen through the openings. ib. Patricksbourne, Kent ..... These appear to belong to the same class as Malmsbury. ib. 4. West door, Lincoln, c. 1145 . This is another example from the work of Alexander so often men- tioned. It, as well as the three following examples, have a strong re- semblance to the tooth ornament, but the differences are pointed out in Plate 112. ib. h 50 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS, MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Patricksbourne, Kent . Canterbury cathedral, c. 1180 . From the so-called baptistery at Canterbury. (See Willis’s Canter- bury cathedral, p. 82.) Norman and Transition . The whole of the examples in this Plate are transitional. Nun Monkton, Yorkshire, c. 1180 This is taken from a small but highly interesting and curious church, which is for the most part Early English, but has many por- tions which have more or less of Norman or Transition character about them, and of this class is the west doorway from which this section is taken. It is an excellent specimen of transition, though it has more of Norman than Early English character. The profile retains the general square form of the Norman, but the angle mould- ing is keeled, and the hollows on each side are enlarged. The orna- ment is an enriched zigzag whichoverlies the keeled moulding, allow- ing it only to be seen through the intervals. (See Arch. Journal, vol. iv. p. 131.) Canterbury cathedral, c. 1178 This is a rib-moulding from the work of William of Sens, and has much of transition character about it, for though in general appearance it is Norman, the deep hollows of the moulding and the almost entire loss of the original squareness of the whole mass, approximate it to Early English. Ratcliffe, Bucks, c. 1180 In this again the zigzags form lozenges, hut they are not pierced as in the last example. An obtuse tooth ornament is used in the drip- stone. PAGE Cuddesden, Oxfordshire, c. 1180 The ornament here is produced by the meeting of two zigzags on the angle, and by cutting away the stone of the alternate spaces they are left detached, and the large round moulding shewn underneath. A small tooth ornament is also used. Hargrave, Northamptonshire, c. 1200 . In this almost all Norman features have disappeared except the disjointed chevrons which lie over the hollow mouldings. The tooth is used, and the mouldings are more rounded than in the preceding examples. PLATE 119 ib. 120 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. Glastonbury abbey, c. 1180 This is a portion of one of the doorways, and is of transition charac- DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 51 MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. PAGE PLATE ter, but the foliage of this very interesting ruin is of the most rich and varied design. Early English Chancel- arch, Great Haseley, Oxford- shire, c. 1200 ..... — 121 West door, Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1200 In these are distinct features of transition. In the chancel- arch the ib. ! square Norman form and the transition keel moulding are both evident. In the doorway, though the square outline is still retained, it is cut up into so many mouldings and deep hollows, that it is no longer transi- tion, but genuine Early English, though certainly early in the style. Great Addington, Northamptonshire This has little of transition remaining except the zigzag, and, al- — ib. though round-headed, is an Early English arch in the rest of its details. Courtlodge, Godmersham, Kent, c. 1260 — ib. Netley abbey, c. 1250 ..... — ib. North door, Kicllington, Oxon, c. 1250 . These are all genuine Early English, and exhibit the characteristic, — ib. deeply undercut rounds and deep hollows. Diagram of Early English mouldings. See pp. 316 and 317 - — Salisbury cathedral, A.D. 1225 316 — Temple church, London, A.D. 1240 (two examples) The first of these exhibits the filleted rounds, and the second has a — 122 very singular grooved moulding which appears to be of early character. Another moulding from the same church is here introduced, which is a still better example of Early English. '%g 52 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. Woodford, Northamptonshire . Is a particularly good specimen of this period. College church, Brackley, Northamptonshire Early English. Tooth Ornament. Lincoln cathedral. This is from the doorway of the north aisle of the choir. This and the next shew two of the most usual plain forms. Chipping Warden, Northamptonshire . Peterborough cathedral . PAGE 316 The tooth in this example being used at long intervals, produces a very singular effect. Stone, Kent ...... Binham priory, Norfolk (four examples) These are taken from the west front of this interesting building. Dunstable priory ..... West door, S. Cross, Hants These shew some of the numerous varieties of ornament which this originally simple form gave rise to, and it would be curious to trace it from the simple nail-head until it was lost in the Decorated foliage of the next style. Decorated. Tooth Ornament. Southwell minster, Notts. Cherrington, Warwickshire . These are Decorated examples, the first occupies the cornice of the chapter-house, and the latter is from a monument. Early English. Ornamented. Lincoln cathedral, A.D. 1200 (two examples) . . . . As before observed, this cathedral is particularly rich in light and elegant foliage. The first example is a specimen of this. The foliage is entirely undercut, and lies completely detached from the hollow mould- ing. The second consists of a series of roses, and is from the door- way of the north aisle of the choir. Ely cathedral, A.D. 1200 . Galilee, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1220 Is a portion of the doorway leading into the transept. It consists of two round and two angular mouldings, but the latter are cut into tooth ornaments and the former into trefoils, and produce altogether a most rich effect. Hythe, Kent, c. 1220 . This is part of a string under the east window, and is very singular. PLATE 122 ib. 123 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 124 ib. ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 53 MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. It consists of a series of squares enclosing circles and quatrefoils, which are very deeply cut, so that the centres stand in very bold relief. PAGE PLATE Peterborough cathedral, c. 1240 124 Winchester cathedral, c. 1260 .... — ib. Transition. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1280 n. — 122 Window, north aisle, Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1280 . Both these sections, particularly the first, belong to the transition or geometrical period. ib. Bishop Bridport’s tomb, Salisbury cathedral, A.D. 1246. — 124 Warmington, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 Old organ-screen, Salisbury cathedral, A.D. 1258 (two ib. examples) ...... Ely, Peterborough, Winchester, Warmington, and Salisbury shew different applications of the characteristic trefoil, and other varieties of foliage. ib. Decorated. Ely cathedral, c. 1330 125 Howden, Yorkshire ..... ib. Selby, Yorkshire ..... ib. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1320 ib. Headington, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 By comparing this plate with that of the Early English, it will be seen that there is a great difference of character. The hollows are not so deep, and the rounds are scarcely undercut, and the fillets are more common. The one from Headington exhibits a moulding which seems to he peculiar to this style. This is what may be called a sunk chamfer , and consists of a chamfer with a small square cut on its upper and lower edge, and thus by the light and shade produced adding greater distinctness to the outline. ib. East window, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 126 Door,, N. aisle, Great Haseley, c. 1350 . _ — ib. Thorpe Malsor, Northamptonshire — ib. Door, Kiddington, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 . — ib. Window, Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 . ib. Window, Little Wenham hall, Suffolk, c. 1300 The whole of these examples exhibit different varieties of the scroll moulding in their hood-moulds, and the first one from Haseley shews also the inner arch of the window, or as it is sometimes called, rear ib. arch, or escoinson arch. 54 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. The following examples from S. Stephen’s chapel are introduced here, as being particularly good, and somewhat different from any given in the Plates. S. Stephen’s Chapel, Westminster, 1320-1352. The work is indebted to Mr. Mackenzie for these four sections of mouldings. PAGE PLATE Broughton clmrcli, Oxon, (two examples) Middleton Cheney, Oxon Chacombe, Northamptonshire . Swelled chamfer 317 ib. 318 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 55 MOULDINGS AND ORNAMENTS. York cathedral. CHOIS. PKESBI1EE*. Nl iKE. Arch mouldings, York. A section of the arches of the nave, (c. 1300,) presbytery, (c. 1370,) and choir, (c. 1390,) of York, is introduced here on account of the characteristic form of the mouldings, which consist chiefly of filleted rounds and small hollows. (Willis’s Arch. Hist, of York Cathedral, P* 23.) Ornamented. Decorated. Hawton, Notts, c. 1300 . PAGE PLATE 127 The chancel from which this is taken is of early Decorated or geo- metrical character, and contains some of the richest and most beautiful work of that period which we possess, and of which the finial, Plate 85, is a specimen. West door, York cathedral, c. 1350 This is from the very rich west door, and shews a variety of the four-leaved flower, which is, next to the Ball Flower, (Plate 21,) the most characteristic ornament of the Decorated period. Wells, Oxford, and Coggs, shew the simple and more common forms of this flower, while that from Wellingborough, which is taken from the beautiful east window, Plate 247, shews a still richer example. Southwell minster, Notts, c. 1300 These are taken from the chapter-house, the work of which is exquisite. ib. ib. Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, c. 1300 ib. 56 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. PAGE PLATE S. Mary’s, Beverley, c. 1300 .... This has been referred to before under Plate 114. 127 Door, Adderbury, Oxon, c. 1330 Is a very fine church, the south doorway, from which this is taken, containing a great variety of rich detail. ib. Southwell minster, Notts, c. 1300 — ib. Lady Chapel, Wells cathedral, c. 1330 . — ib. North window, Coggs, Oxon, c. 1350 — ib. Latin chapel, Oxford cathedral, c. 1350 — ib. Dorchester church, Oxfordshire This is the moulding of the doorway on page 180, vol. i. The centre member is remarkable, being grooved and ornamented with the four- leaved flower. 318 Steventon church, Berkshire .... Perpendicular. Door of refectory, cloisters, Norwich, ib. — A.D. 1415 ...... — 128 Pier-arch, presbytery, Norwich, A.D. 1480 — ib. West door, Emneth, Norfolk .... — ib. Nave, Winchester cathedral .... — ib. Hen. Yllth’s chapel, Westminster abbey — ib. West door, Iselham, Cambridgeshire This is a plate of the most characteristic forms of mouldings of this style, and differences will be best understood by comparing them with the plates of the preceding styles. The cloister, Norwich, shews the small rounds and shallow hollows so frequently met with. Emneth, Winchester, Westminster, and Iselham shew a form which is very much used, the double ogee or brace- moulding, which consists of two ogees cut in opposite directions. Westminster and Iselham shew also the deep wide hollow so often met with in doors and windows. Win- chester shews the most common form of hoodmould. Window, east end of north aisle, Great Haseley, Oxford- ib. shire, c. 1430 ..... This shews more clearly the wide hollow in windows and doorways, and is altogether a very characteristic example. Clerestory window, Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, 129 A.D. 1440 ...... — ib. West door, Fotheringhay, A.D. 1440 (two examples) — ib. West window, Fotheringhay, A.D. 1440 All the details from this church are valuable from the date being so well known, because the contract for the building of it is still extant. The ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 5 7 MOULDINGS and ORNAMENTS. PAGE PLATE doorway (Plate 81) exhibits good examples of the boutel or round moulding. The centre one is here finished with a capital to carry the arch mouldings, and the other two have bases and run round the square door without capitals. Door, Heavitree, Devonshire, c. 1480 . 129 Ornamented. Porlock, Somersetshire, c. 1460 . 130 Porlock and S. Alban’s in this, and Heavitree in the last Plate, shew the introduction of the square form of ornament which succeeded the four-leaved flower of the last style. Combe in Teignhead, Devonshire, c. 1500 — ib. Is a good specimen of the style of wood- carving in Devonshire. Monument, Wells cathedral, A.D. 1465 . ib. S. Alban’s, Hertfordshire, A.D. 1447 ib. S. Frideswide’s shrine, Oxford cathedral, c. 1480 (two specimens) ...... — ib. These are taken from the stone portion of the beautiful shrine in the cathedral. The first example is a variety of what is generally called the Tudor flower, but it is not detached as it commonly is. Whitchurch, Somersetshire, c. 1480 — ib. S. Alban’s, Hertfordshire, c. 1480 — ib. West end of nave, S. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1488 — ib. Henry VII. ’s chapel, Westminster, A.D. 1510 . — ib. Balliol college, Oxford ..... 318 — j Brace moulding ..... 319 — Undulating moulding ..... ib. — S. Mary, Overee, Southwark, c. 1480 . ib. — Flamboyant. Nave arches, Abbeville 131 Nave arches, S. Trinite, Falaise — ib. Nave arches, S. Pierre, Coutances — ib. Side window, church at Villequier — ib. Window on south side, S. Trinite, Falaise ib. Window, church at Clery .... — ib. These are selected from various French churches, and exhibit the peculiarities of the mouldings. The thinness and great projection of those at Coutances, Villequier, and Falaise, are very remarkable. MOULDINGS of BASEMENTS. Early English. Lin- coln cathedral, c. 1200 .... — 132 1 58 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. MOULDINGS of BASEMENTS. PAGE PLATE Southwell minster, Nottinghamshire, c. 1220 The first is from the choir of Lincoln, and is remarkable for the great boldness of its mouldings by which that portion of the building is characterized. Southwell, though not so bold, i s a very good ex- ample. 132 Decorated. Leadenham, Lincolnshire, o. 1330 — ib. Grantham, Lincolnshire, c. 1330 These are both marked by the distinctive mouldings of the style, but the one from Leadenham is unusually rich. Perpendicular. New College, Oxford, A.D. 1386. ib. s. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1488 . MOULDINGS 01 ? STRINGS. Nokman. Peterborough ib. cathedral, c. 1140 — 133 Ely cathedral, c. 1140 . These are both from large fine buildings, and are highly ornamented, but though strings are frequently cut in various ways, they are more commonly plain and of the form of the abacus, that is square with the lower side chamfered, or with both sides chamfered. ib. Early English. Choir, Lincoln, c. 1200 _ ib. S. Sepulchre’s, Northampton, c. 1220 . The first is from the choir at Lincoln, Plate 38, where it is very much used. The second, the sharp-keeled moulding, is a very Gommon form, and much used in country churches. ib. Romsey, Hampshire, c. 1250 .... — ib. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1240 .... — ib. Decorated. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277 — ib. Sedgebarrow, Worcestershire, c. 1360 . — ib. Warmington, Warwickshire, c. 1350 — ib. Finedon, Northamptonshire, c. 1340 Merton and Finedon exhibit two forms of the roll moulding. They are both much used, particularly the latter. Warmington is unusually deep and bold. Perpendicular. Magdalene college, Oxford, A.D. ib. 1480 ....... — ib. Wilby, Northamptonshire, c. 1450 These are two of very common occurrence. The one from Magda- lene does not differ materially from that at Sedgebarrow, except that the latter has greater boldness of curve in the upper moulding, and a chamfer instead of a small round moulding below. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 59 MOULDINGS of RIBS. Norman. Gloucester crypt, A.D. PAGE PLATE 1100 (two examples) * * The first example exhibits a massive square rib without mouldings, the next is little more than circular. Transition. Oxford cathedral, c. 1180, and Glastonbury 134 abbey, c. 1190 ..... Is a form of very frequent occurrence. — ib. Early English. Salisbury cathedral, A.D. 1250 ib. S. Saviour’s, Southwark, c. 1250 (two examples) ib. Temple church, London, A.D. 1240 IF our different forms are here given, but those from Salisbury and S. Saviour’s are the most usual. Decorated. Gloucester cathedral, c. 1300, and c. 1318. ib. (Two examples.) ..... The second is the most general form, but it is here decorated with the ball-flower, which gives it greater richness. (See Plate 221.) ' ib. Perpendicular. New College, Oxford, A.D. 1386 ib. Divinity School, Oxford, c. 1450 These are both good and common forms. Another, perhaps more Usual one, is the New College one with a plain round substituted for the filleted moulding. £( | f ib. Flamboyant ...... MOULDING TERMINATIONS. Warmington, Northamp- 209 tonshire ...... — 135 Westminster abbey . . . — ib. Salisbury cathedral ..... — ib. Rothwell, Northamptonshire .... — ib. Canterbury cathedral ..... — ib. Finedon, Northamptonshire .... — ib. Bayham abbey, Sussex ..... — ib. Pitsford, Northamptonshire .... — ib. Finedon, Northamptonshire .... This Plate exhibits the various modes used in the Early English and Decorated styles of ornamenting the junction of a chamfer and a square. The chamfer, sometimes plain and sometimes hollow, is much used on the inner splays of windows and in door jambs, and indeed in every situation where it was necessary for the admission of light or for the ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 60 MOULDING TERMINATIONS. sake of effect to take off the square angle. The junction of these has been laid hold of as an opportunity of adding ornament to plain surfaces, and the ingenuity and beauty with which this has been executed is sur- prising. One of the most elegant is that from Warmington, which is filled up with Early English foliage. The one from Einedon shews the most usual mode of finishing the Upper and lower terminations of the chamfer of a window splay, that at Rothwell is on a large scale in the window in the tower, and the one from Salisbury is on a buttress. MTJLLIONS. Early English. Spire, Witney, Oxon, c. 1250. (See Plate 258) .... Plain mullions, early and late .... Decorated. Spire, S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1280. (See Plates 154 and 258) .... Choir, Merton college chapel, A.D. 1277. (See Plate 242) ...... S. Michael’s, Oxford, c. 1300. (See Plate 239) Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, c. 1320. (See Plate 239) . Oxford cathedral, c. 1320 and c. 1355. (Two examples.) Perpendicular. Westminster hall, c. 1380 New College chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1386 Merton college chapel, A.D. 1424. (See Plate 253) Lincohi cathedral, c. 1450 Burford, Oxfordshire, c. 1500 .... MULTIFOIL ARCH ..... MUTULE ....... NEWEL. Belsay castle ..... PAGE PLATE — 136 321 — ib. 322 ib. 325 ib. ib. ib. ib. I ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. NORMAN STYLE. Abacus PAGE 4 PLATE | 1 Boss . 78 Apse — 4 Buttress Arcade . pis. 6,7 and 8 Capital, pp. 108, 828 ; Arch . pis. 14 and 15 and pis. 45 and Balustre 54 — Corbel 144 Base . 60 23 Corbel-table . ib ornaments — 27 Cusp . — Bay . — 28 Doorway, . 176, Billet 75 116 ! 327; and pis. 71 to Bell-gable — 32 Dripstone 187 35 37 46 57 62 69 75 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 61 NORMAN STYLE CONTINUED. PAGE PLATE PAGE PIATE Fire-place — 87 Screen — 181 Font . — 89 Sedilia — 187 Hoodmould . — 98 Strings — 133 Masonry — 108 Tabernacle — 196 Mouldings, p. 315 ; Tower — 210 and pis. Ill to 120 Turret pis. 214 and 215 Parapet — 139 Triforium — 216 Pillar, p. 328 ; and Vault pis. 218 and 219 pis. 147 and 149 Window, pis. 224, 225, Piscina — 155 229 and 262 Porch — 161 Zigzag — 114 Ribs . — 134 NAIL-HEAD. Twelfth century. Compton, Berks 177 — Thirteenth century. Laon . 269 — Fourteenth century. S. Augustine’s, Canterbury 181 — Fifteenth Century. Coleshill . 323 — Fifteenth century. Henry VII.’s chapel 269 — OGEE. Diagram of the forms of . 330 — ORGAN. Fifteenth century 332 — ORIEL WINDOW. Vicar’s Close, Wells 333 — OVOLO. Moulding . 334 — PANEL. Early English. Lincoln cathedral 335 — Decorated. Tomb of Lady Montacute, 1355, Oxford 336 — Aymer de Valence, ' 1324, Westminster — 137 John of Eltham, 1334 . . — ib. Perpendicular. Sir Giles Daubeny, 1508 — ib. Ruthel, bishop of Durham, 1522 — ib. John Langston, Esq., 1487, Caversfield, Bucks — ib. Font, Little Walsingham, Norfolk, c. 1500 — ib. Colchester, c. 1500 . . — 138 Layer Marney hall, Essex, c. 1530 — ib. Shewing the linen pattern. Layer Marney hall, (two other examples.) — ib. Norwich cathedral , . 337 — 62 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PARAPET. Norman. S. Etienne, Caen, c. 1160 PAGE PLATE 139 Early English. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1250. Panelled . — ib. Decorated. Tower of S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1280, or 1300. With pierced trefoils ib. S. Mary Magdalene, Oxford, A.D. 1337. Pierced, with a waving line ..... ib. Beverley minster, c. 1350. Ornamented with diaper- work ...... ib. Merton church, Oxon, c. 1380. With sunk panelling . — ib. Raunds, Northamptonshire, c. 1360. With a small Decorated battlement . . . 340 Perpendicular. S. Peter’s, Dorchester, c. 1450. Bat- tlemented ...... ib. S. Peter’s, Oxford, c. 1420. With sunk quatrefoils — ib. Thornbury, Gloucestershire, c. 1540. With open work and pinnacles ..... 140 Elamboyant and Eoreign Decorated. S. Giles, Caen ..... 340 Abbey of Ardennes, near Caen — ib. S. Trinite, Ealaise ..... — : ib. S. Gervaise, Ealaise. (Two specimens.) — * ib. PARGETTING. Part of Bishop King’s house, Oxford, A.D. 1628. The date is cut on the wood- work 141 Erom a house in the High-street, Oxford, A.D. 1642 . — ib. This house was pulled down in 1842. In the Corn-market, Oxford, c. 1620 . ib. At Banbury, Oxfordshire .... 341 — PATERA. S. Alban’s abbey .... 343 — PEDESTAL. Diagram of .... ib. PENDANT. Ottery S. Mary, Devonshire, c. 1500 — 142 Collumpton, Devon, A.D. 1526 — ib. Divinity School, Oxford, A.D. 1490 — ib. Henry VII.’s chapel, Westminster, A.D. 1510 — ib. Christ Church hall, Oxford, A.D. 1528 ib. PENDANT POST. Burford, Oxfordshire 345 - Eotheringhay, Northamptonshire ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 63 THE PERPENDICULAR STYLE. PAGE PLATE PAGE PLATE Abacus — 1 Iloodmould termina- Altar . 16 2 tions 188 98 Arch . 349 20 Ironwork, pp. 269, 270 271 — Barge-board . 59 93 Lavatory, . pis. 102 and 103 Base . 62 26 Lettern, pp. 285, 286 ; Battlement 67 descriptive index, pp. Bay . — 31 39, 40, and pi. 104 Bay-window . 70 Lights 290 — Bell-cot — 34 Lock . 291 . — Bench-table . 75 _ Louvre 203 193 Base . — 36 Miserere 307 __ Bowtell 80 Monument 311 — Buttress 99 41 Mouldings 319 — flying . — 43 of arches, pis. 128, Capital Ill 52 129, and 130 Chimney 129 55 of basements — 132 Corbels 143; pls.58,59 and 61 of strings — 133 Cornice — 63 of ribs . — 134 Credence — 64 Mullion 321 136 Crest tiles 151 Nail-head, pp. 269 and 323 — Crocket — 66 Oriel . 333 — Cross . 152 68 Panel, .p.337; Cusp . 158 70 and pis. 137 and 138 Doorway, pp. 182,183, Parapet, p. 67; and 188, 248, 348, 349; pis. 139 and 140 and pis. 81 and 82 Patera 343 — Dripstone 188 — Pendant — 142 Finial, p. 206; and post . 345 — pis. 85 and 86 Pillar, p. 357; and pis. Fan-tracery vault 201 — 148 and 153 Fumerell 203 — Pinnacle, pp. 359 and 361 — Fireplace — 88 Piscina — 158 Font . — 92 Porch 368 165 Gable 223 93 Pulpit, pis. 166 and 167 Gateway 350 — Quatrefoil 378 — Gurgoyle — 1 96 Reredos . . | — 168 64 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PERPENDICULAR STYLE CONTINUED. PAGE PLATE Respond PAGE 385 PLATE Ridge-crest . 151 — Roodloft, pis. 169 and 170 Roof, pis. 178, 179, and 180 Screen, pis. 184 and 185 Sedilia — 192 Sepulchre 422 — Squint — 194 Stall . — 195 Stoup Tabernacle, pp. 452, 447 — - 453, 454 and 197 Tower Turret, pis. 214 Vane Vault, pp. 508, 509 Vestry Window, one-light two -light three or more lights, p. 349 ; and pis. 253 of spire . of tower and 505 and and 213 215 222 223 227 236 254 258 259 PERPEYN WALL. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 . This is one of the dwarf walls or solid screens which divide the chapels on the east side of the transept. 351 PEW. Decorated. Dol, Brittany, c. 1300 A very curious and early example, with early Decorated tracery. Perpendicular. Irchester, Northamptonshire, c. 1450. Einedon, Northamptonshire, c. 1450 . These two are very fine examples of wooden panelling. At Finedon, nearly the whole church still has its original open seats of this cha- racter. 353 143 ib. Nettlecombe, Somersetshire, c. 1500 . A late hut very good and uncommon specimen, ornamented with foliage ; this engraving is repeated by accident in the text, p. 352. Kidlington, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 . . A good example of an end pew with the return and diagonal but- tresses, ornamented with the monograms of the name of Christ. Milverton, Somersetshire, c. 1540 . , The arms on this pew are those of Henry VIII. ; on another corres- ponding exactly with this is the date 1540 as part of the ornament. Braunton, Devonshire, c. 1500 This is one of a set of fine old pews with which this church is fitted, on several of them are the different instruments of the crucifixion ; on this one the ladder and the hammer are represented. These implements are often called the emblems of the crucifixion, and are most exten- ib. ib. 144 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 65 PEW. sively employed as ornaments in mediaeval work. These and the five wounds were called the coat armour of the Church, and are constantly represented on shields, as an armorial bearing. Great Tew, Oxfordshire, c. 1500 This church has been repewed of late years, the present example is one of the old pews which were removed at that time. Steeple Aston, Oxfordshire, c. 1500 The whole of this church is fitted with fine old pews of the same character as this one, but of a great variety of patterns, no two being alike. A series of engravings of them has been published by the Oxford Architectural Society. Headington, Oxfordshire, c. 1360 The moulding of the rail of this pew appears like Decorated work. A working drawing of it has been published by the Oxford Architec- tural Society. Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 A good example of plain work rather early in the Perpendicular style : a working drawing of this has also been published, and it has been extensively copied. Elkstone, Gloucestershire, c. 1350 This pew has a very early appearance, and may perhaps be as old as the fourteenth century. Examples of this early period are however extremely rare. Cubberley, Gloucestershire, c. 1520 A good example of the linen panel, which is generally of the time of Henry VIII., to which period the greater part of our ancient pews clearly belong. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, A.D. 1510 The abbot’s crozier with the name of Richard Bewforeste on a scroll shew this pew, or rather stall desk, to have been erected by that abbot, whose brass is on the floor in front of it. Stanton S. John’s, Oxfordshire, c. 1520 The very singular series of poppies in this church, of which a speci- men is here given, are believed to be unique, the costume of the heads marks the time of Henry VIII. ; the diaper- work cut upon the face of the pew is also unusual at that period. PAGE PLATE 144 ib. 145 ib. ib. ib. 146 ib. Binham priory, Norfolk, c. 1500 The wavy line of the open-work at the back of this pew gives the idea of Decorated work, but the other details do not agree with that period. The poppies representing infants swathed are very curious. ib. 66 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OE THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE PLATE PILLAR. Norman. S. Peter’s, Northampton,, c. 1140 356 — Geddington, Northamptonshire, c. 1150 — 147 Islip, Oxfordshire, c. 1180 — ib. Appleton, Berkshire, c. 1180 Notwithstanding the dwarfish and heavy character of the two last examples, they belong to the period of transition, as shewn by the mouldings of the bases, and they have pointed arches. ib. Four plans .... 356 and 357 — Early English. Lincoln cathedral, choir, c. 1200 The crockets between the main pillar and the detached shafts are a very unusual feature, they are shewn also in the section of the pillar, Plate 150. Salisbury cathedral, choir, c. 1250, or rather perhaps 1225, the year that the eastern part was conse- ib. crated . . . . . This example shews the detached shafts. — ib. Salisbury cathedral, nave, c. 1250 In this the shafts are attached. — ib. Welford, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 A good example of the rather clumsy character which we frequently find in country churches, even in this elegant style. ib. — The Minstrel’s Pillar, S. Mary’s, Beverley This engraving is presented to the work by the liberality of J. H. Markland, Esq., of Bath, it is taken from his valuable little work, the “ Remarks on English Churches, and on the expediency of Sepul- chral Memorials subservient to pious and Christian uses,” in the hope that this beautiful example of the good taste of the minstrels of those days, may induce others to go and do likewise. How much better it would be for all parties, if the executors of a person deceased, would enquire if the church in which it is proposed to erect a monument to his memory could not be improved by a new window, a new porch, or a new pillar, which might serve for the monument, instead of the hideous pagan deformities, or the mere patches of black and white marble with which our churches are commonly disfigured. ib. Decorated. Orton-on-the-hill, Leicestershire, e. 1350 . 148 Wymington, Bedfordshire, c. 1380 ib. S. Michael’s, Oxford, c. 1380 .... Wymington is an uncommon and curious example from having channels cut in the face of the pillar, and not carried through to the ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 67 PILLAR. capital. The other two are of the kind commonly found in country churches, and which with slight variations belong to all the styles. PAGE PLATE Plan of pier ... ... 358 — Perpendicular. Old, Northamptonshire, c. 1450 A very common Perpendicular pillar with four shafts attached, each with its separate capital and base, the hollow moulding between them continued from the arch to the plinth. 148 Stogumber, Somersetshire, c. 1500 In this example the mouldings of the capital and base are continued round the pillar, and not broken into separate shafts, the foliage is also continued round as a band, and the abacus recedes, according to the fashion of the west of England. ib. S. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1488 .... A good specimen of the ordinary clustered pillar of this style. PILLAR, SECTIONS OE. Norman. Rochester cathe- — ib. dral, c. 1150 or 1160, (two examples) — 149 S. Margaret’s at Cliffe, Dover, c. 1150 . ib. Islip, Oxon, c. 1200, Transition. (See Plate 147) _ ib. Cathedral, S. Die ..... ib. S. Etienne, Nevers ..... These two foreign examples are given to shew the comparison, they are probably of rather later date as well as later character than the English examples above. ib. Diagrams . . . 856 and Early English. Lincoln cathedral, choir, c. 1190 or 357 1200 ....... See the capital on Plate 50. — 150 Lichfield cathedral, c. 1260 .... _ — ib. Roche abbey, Yorkshire, c. 1250 . — ib. Finchale priory, Durham, A.D. 1266 . — ib. Ruskington, Lincolnshire, c. 1250 . pis: 150 Two examples, both of which shew the tooth ornament introduced on the body of the pillar, between the shafts. and 151 S. Saviour’s, Southwark, c. 1250 ib. Bicester, Oxfordshire, c. 1260 .... ib. Cogenhoe, Northamptonshire, c. 1240 . See the capital of this pillar on p. 17 of the Descriptive Index. — ib. Early French. Eu, Normandy, c. 1230 — 150 68 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PILLAR, SECTIONS OF. PAGE PLATE Cathedral, Chartres, c. 1220 (two examples) These three examples shew the similarity between Early English and Early French work, and yet the difference in the manner of work- ing the two styles; in the French there is greater simplicity, mas- siveness and boldness of character, in the English more elegance, and more ornament. 151 Decorated. Westminster abbey, nave . __ 152 Berkeley, Gloucestershire, c. 1350 ib. Bottisham, Cambridgeshire, c. 1350 ib. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 ib. Manchester cathedral, c. 1380 .... The last is a particularly fine example of the clustered pillars, and of the boldness with which the hollows were cut into the heart of the pillar. Perpendicular. Arundel Sussex, c. 1450. Manchester ib. cathedral, c. 1450 ..... - — 153 Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, A. D. 1440 ib. S. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1488 .... ib. Cromer, Norfolk ..... See Capital, Plate 52. — ib. Flamboyant. Clery ..... A round pillar with shafts attached, but of very different character from the Perpendicular. — ib. Abbeville ...... This is a common Flamboyant pillar, the hollows are so shallow as to produce little more than a wavy line, and the projections scarcely cast any shadow. ib. PINNACLE. Early English. Oxford cathedral, c. 1220 . These four curious and early pinnacles have lately been rebuilt with the upper part of the spire, and have lost much of their original cha- racter in the process. 154 Peterborough cathedral, c. 1238 — ib. Bampton, Oxfordshire, c. 1240 In this elegant spire, the usual positions of the pinnacles at the four angles of the tower, are occupied by figures, of which this is one ; the other three represent saints. The shafts and capitals are of Early English character, the latter with an imitation of the volute ; the bases are ornamented with figures of animals. ib. Battle church, Sussex ..... 360 — DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OP THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 69 PINNACLE. Decorated. S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1300 . This celebrated and beautiful cluster of pinnacles is now being re- built (June 1850), the lower part with the canopies very faithfully re- stored, the upper part from the set-off had been previously rebuilt in the time of Charles I., and it is impossible to say how far the original design had been then exactly copied, but they are here represented as they are believed to have been originally built, preserving the propor- tions and the outlines exactly as they were handed down to us from the time of Charles I., and restoring the details only. In the new pinnacles a second set of canopies is introduced at the set-off, and the upper part of the pinnacle is carried up six feet higher than it was before. For other details of this beautiful tower and spire see the cornice, Plate 63 ; a mullion, Plate 136; the parapet, Plate 139; one of the spire lights, Plate 258. The exact date is not known but is believed to be from 1280 to 1300. PLATE ib. Perpendicular. John of Gaunt’s palace, Lincoln S. Stephen’s, Bristol ..... The projecting wing of this pinnacle is now destroyed, but at Thorn- bury (Plate 140) they still remain : this appears to have been a fashion in late examples of the rich Perpendicular churches in the west of England. This is a curious example of a k'nd of turret, or pinnacle, not un- common in rich towers in the west of England, having a flying or hanging buttress at the outer angle. For other pinnacles see also Porch, Plate 165, and p. 209; Para- pet, Plate 140; Turret, p. 50; Monument, p. 311. PISCINA. Norman. Crowmarsh Giffard, Oxfordshire, c. 1120 ....... Kirkstall abbey, Yorkshire, c. 1160 Towersay, Buckinghamshire, c. 1150 Ryarsh, Kent, c. 1150 . Early English. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 ...... Rushderi, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 Cowling, Suffolk, c. 1260 This example is remarkable for the richness of the mouldings. Warmington, Northamptonshire Decorated. Fyfield, Berkshire, c. 1350 Long Wittenham, Berkshire, 1300 A curious example of a piscina and monument combined, having a diminutive effigy across the basin. 361 359 361 155 ib. ib. ib. 156 ib. ib. ib. ib. 70 DESCRIFTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PISCINA. Cumnor, Berkshire, c. 1320 Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, c. 1350 Blythford, Suffolk, c. 1300 These two are examples of the angle-piscina, which is not very common, though more so in some districts than in others, as in Bed- fordshire. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 Great Bedwin, Wiltshire, c. 1310 ib. ib. Stanford in the Yale, Berkshire, c. 1310 A very singular example with a reliquary above connected with it, and forming part of one design. 158 Great Addington, Northamptonshire . . -362 Binsey, Oxfordshire . . . . • ib. Perpendicular. Tackley, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 Seton chapel, Scotland, c. 1450 . It will he observed that this example, like others from Scotland, differs considerably from either of the English styles, though more like the Perpendicular than any other. ib. ib. Cobham, Kent, c. 1490 . ib. POPPY-HEAD, or POPPIE. All Souls’ college chapel, Oxford, (two examples,) c. 1450 Clifton Campville, Staffordshire . Merrow, Surrey ...... This is an example of the fleur-de-lis form of poppy-head, which is common in country churches, and being worked very plain it is often difficult to tell the age of them, some are supposed to be as early as the Early English and Decorated styles, but the greater part are Perpen- dicular. 366 159 ib. ib. Cumnor, Berkshire . Christ Church, Oxford, (four examples) These four are all now in the Latin chapel, but have been brought from the choir, and belong to two different periods. The two upper are part of Wolsey’s work, and have his badges upon them, the other two are considerably earlier, and the set of stall desks of which these form a part, are ornamented with the emblems of the four Evan- gelists, which, though common in most parts of our churches where ornament was used at all, are not common in detached sculpture of this kind. ib. 160 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 71 PAGE PLATE PORCH. Norman. Kelso, Scotland, c. 1160 A fine specimen of a shallow porch with an enriched gable. — 161 Sherborne, Dorsetshire, c. 1160 The window is an insertion, and the parapet an addition in the Per- pendicular style, c. 1450. ib. Early English. Barnack, Northamptonshire, e. 1250 . — 162 Skelton, Yorkshire, c. 1250 .... These two are both fine examples, the latter has an unusually rich doorway. ib. Uffington, Berkshire ..... 367 Decorated. S. Alban’s abbey, Hertfordshire The inner arches and the doorways are Early English, the outer arch is good Decorated. 163 Kidlington, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 The outer arch and the tabernacle over it are enriched with the hall- flower. Warblington, Hampshire, c. 1350. Aldham, Essex, ib. c. 1350 ...... These two are of timber ; porches of this description are common in some parts of the country, especially in Herefordshire, and there is a good example at Long Wittenham in Berkshire. Perpendicular. All Saints’, Stamford, Lincolnshire, 164 c. 1500 ...... A good example, with a panelled outer arch and an ogee-crocketed head, pinnacles, and small flying buttresses. 165 Winchester cathedral, west front, c. 1390 This shews the panelling and lieme vault, and the external gallery at the sill of the window. — ib. S. Peter’s in the East, Oxford .... 368 — PORTCULLIS. Henry VII.’s chapel, Westminster 370 ■ — PULPIT. Early English. Beaulieu, Hampshire, c. 1260 . 166 Decorated (late). Coombe, Oxfordshire, c. 1360 — ib. Perpendicular. Magdalen college, Oxford, A.D. 1480 . This is in the open air at the angle of the outer court of the college, and was formerly used for the University sermon on S. John Baptist’s day, when the court was strewed with rushes for the occasion. ib. 72 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PULPIT. Fotheringhay, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1440 A fair specimen of the panelled oak pulpits of the Perpendicular style, which are common in some districts, especially in Somersetshire and the west of England, and in Norfolk. The ceiling of the original small canopy with its fan- tracery is shewn under the sounding-board of the time of James I. A fine example of the canopy over a pulpit entire from Eddlesborough, Bucks, is given on p. 452. PIATE 166 Cirencester, Gloucester shire, c. 1420 Handborough, Oxfordshire, c. 1460 Wolvercot, Oxfordshire, c. 1500 Frampton, Dorsetshire, c. 1450 .... Trinity church, Coventry, c. 1500 The two last are of stone, the two previous of wood ; that at Framp- ton has some curious sculptures upon it, one figure is evidently that of a priest or a saint holding up the monstrance ; that at Coventry was restored by Mr. Rickman. 37 5 167 ib. ib. ib. QUATREFOIL. King’s college, Cambridge Six common forms Quarter. From tomb of earl of Warwick QUIRK. Quirked ogee REAR- VAULT. S. Michael’s, Oxford Luddenham, Kent 378 379 ib. ib. 381 ib. REBATE ....... 11EREDOS. Bampton, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 This, which is now built into the wall of the north transept, repre- sents our Saviour and the twelve Apostles under tabernacles. The figures from their emblems appear to be, 1. S. Peter; 2. S. Philip; 3. S. James the Greater; 4. S. James the Less; 5. S. Andrew; 6. S. Matthew; 7. S. Bartholomew; 8. S. Matthias (?); 9. S. Jude; 10. S. Simon (?); 11. S. Thomas; 12. S. John. The length of the sculpture is 6 ft. 10 in., and breadth 2 ft. 1 in. Somerton, Oxfordshire, c. 1400 .... This, which is in its proper place under the east window, is sur- rounded with a modern wooden frame. It represents the Last Supper. There appear at first to be only ten Apostles shewn, but on examining it, it will be found that the subject is taken from the gospel of S. John where the Evangelist is said to be “lying on Jesus’ breast,” and this it will be seen has been literally rendered. The time chosen is after the departure of Judas, and this accounts for there being only eleven. The length is 8 ft. in., and height 2 ft. 1 in. 382 ~ — 168 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 73 REREDOS. PAGE PLATE S. Thomas’s, Salisbury, c. 1450. This occupies the whole width of the east end of the chancel. The angels have all of them scrolls on which inscriptions appear to have been painted, but they are now gone. 168 S. Michael’s, Oxford ..... 383 — RESPOND. Fotheringhay, Northants 385 — RESSAUNT. Redcliffe church, Bristol ib. — RIB. Westminster abbey and Clery 387 — RIDGE-TILE. Lincoln and Great Malvern 389 ROLL-MOULDING. Fifteen varieties ib. — ROOD. Sherborne, Dorsetshire .... 391 — ROOD-LOFT. Charlton-on- Otmoor, Oxfordshire, c. 1490 . A fine example of a rood-loft, with the cornice, and the wooden groining under it ; upon the left is placed a wooden cross, ornamented with evergreens and flowers, which are renewed annually on the first of May, when the cross so ornamented is carried in procession round the village, and then placed again on the rood-loft ; this ancient custom is still continued, 1850. 169 Llanegrynn, Merionethshire, c. 1500 A very rich rood-loft and screen of late character, hut the roof over it slightly shewn appears to be Decorated. — ib. Handborough, Oxfordshire, c. 1480 — 170 Flamboyant. Fulgoat, Bretagne, c. 1500 A very rich example, with its parapet entire, and with altars under it on each side of the central doorway, according to the ancient custom described in the “ Antient Rites of Durham,” &c. These altars have images upon them; the high altar seen in the distance, also has the super-altare upon it, and the hangings over it. ib. ROOF. Two diagrams of modern roofs 394 — Single and double hammer-beam roof . 395 — Early and late canted roofs. Three diagrams . Early English. Solar of house at Charney, Berkshire, 398 — c. 1270 ...... A good specimen of the construction of a canted roof, with tie-beam and king-post. For an account of the house see Archaeological Journal, vol. v. p. 311. 171 Aisle of Rochester cathedral .... 396 — 1 74 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. ROOF. PAGE Transition from Early English to Decorated. South aisle, Kidlington, Oxfordshire, c. 1280 . — A curious example of a lean-to aisle roof. Some of the braces are of earlier character than the rest. Aisle, Haslingfield, Cambridgeshire, c. 1300 . . - — This is similar in construction to the last, but is richer. King-post, Headington, Oxfordshire . . .397 Decorated. Kiddington, Oxon, c. 1350 . . . A good plain example of a fourteenth- century roof, of a form which is not uncommon. Hall of Malvern abbey, Worcestershire, c. 1350 . A very fine example not only of a roof but of the construction of a timber house. It is, however, no longer in existence, having been taken down some years since. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . . — The singularity of this roof consists in having side-posts and braces supporting the purlins, as well as a king-post and braces to the ridge- piece. Little Coxwell, Berkshire, c. 1350 . . . An example of a plain simple roof of easy construction, but which produces a good effect. Hall of the abbey manor-house, Sutton Courtenay, Berkshire, c. 1350 . . . . . A very fine roof, being in construction something similar to the one at Charney, but much richer. The windows were originally twice the height they are now, the upper part having been taken away. The piece of roof therefore from the tops of the present windows to the purlins is modern. The short bay at the far end of the hall is cut off* for the purpose of forming a passage, commonly called “The Screens.” Beckley, Oxfordshire . . . . . Sparsholt, Berkshire, c. 1350 . . . . Another plain example, the only enrichment attempted being in the spandrels, which are filled with open tracery. Roofs of this flat form are more commonly of the Perpendicular style, but the details of this shew it to be Decorated. 398 Wymington, Bedfordshire, c. 1370 Of the same character as the last, but the small shafts and the foliations of the arch add greatly to its enrichment. PLATE 172 ib. 173 ib. 174 ib. 175 176 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 75 ROOF. South aisle, Kidlington, Oxon .... Headington, Oxon ..... Transition from Decorated to Perpendicular. Faringdon, Berkshire, c. 1400 .... This form of roof is used of much earlier date than here given, but from the character of the square bosses and the mouldings it seems to be of the date assigned. Newel staircase, Thornton abbey, Lincolnshire . This is the roof of the termination of the newel in the gateway which was built about 1382. The ribs are of stone, though from their construction they might at first sight he taken for wood. See Arch. Journal, vol. ii. p. 362. Perpendicular. Godshill, Isle of Wight, c. 1450 Athelhampton hall, (commonly called Admeston,) Dor- setshire, c. 1508 ..... Nave, Kidlington, Oxon, c. 1450 A good plain example of a Perpendicular roof of frequent oc- currence. S. Stephen’s, Norwich, c. 1480 .... A very rich and beautiful specimen of a hammer-beam roof, and is taken, by permission, from Messrs. Brandons’ Timber Roofs. S. Mary’s, Devizes, A.D. 1436 .... A rich roof, but the large projections from the ridge-piece and pur- lins, to which it is difficult to give a name, have a very awkward and stumpy appearance. The date is recorded on one of the tie-beams. Hall, Weare Gilford, Devonshire, c. 1500 A rich specimen of panel* work so common on late Perpendicular roofs. PAGE 397 ib. Section of roof, S. Mary’s, Beverley. S. Mary’s, Beverley. (This is called by mistake, Wym- ington, Beds. .... 399 PLATE 177 ib. 178 ib. 179 ib. 180 ib. 76 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. ROOF. Stone roof. Wolvercot, Oxon ROSE- WINDOW. (See Window.) RUSTIC WORK ...... SANCTE-BELL. Long Compton, Warwickshire SAXON ARCHITECTURE. Arch Balnstre ...... Base ....... Capitals . . . . p. 406 and Doorway . . . . p. 175 and Herringbone w T ork ..... Imposts ...... Long and short work ..... Masonry ...... String ....... Tower ...... Windows . pp. 408, 409, 412 ; and pis. 224, 225 SCREEN. Norman. Compton, Surrey, c. 1180 This subject is strictly more of an open gallery front than a screen ; over the east end of the chancel of this church is a vault supporting an upper floor, formerly used as a chapel, which is open to the church, except that there is a low parapet in front, on which stands the range of wooden arches here represented. Early English. Stanton Harcourt, Oxfordshire, c. 1260 ....... PAGE 400 401 402 403 407 54 406 407 409 406 407 412 404 and 13 108 ib. 228 181 ib. This elegant screen is probably Early English work, the details corresponding with the stone-work of the chancel in which it is placed. 77 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OE THE ILLUSTRATIONS. SCREEN. Early Decorated. Northfleet, Kent, c. 1300 . A valuable specimen both of screen-work and iron- work of the early Decorated period, the mouldings are very characteristic and are here given. Base of Shafts. Stone screen, choir, Canterbury cathedral, A.D. 1301 . For an interesting history and description of this, see Professor Willis’s Canterbury Cathedral, p. 97. Decorated. Shotswell, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 This church contains a good deal of original wood- work. G-eddington, Northamptonshire, c. 1360 Cropredy, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . Sparsholt, Berks .... Perpendicular. Eyfield, Berks, c. 1180 This is a valuable example of the arrangement of a chantry chapel 116 S. Mary’s, Leicester, c. 1150 .... Open Tracery and Panel Tracery. Rushden, North- amptonshire, c. 1150, (four examples) Rushden is a particularly fine church, and contains a good deal of rich screen-work. The examples here given are from a screen in the north aisle, now much mutilated. The two upper ones are from the open part of the screen, and the two lower from that which is laid on the boards of the panels. S. Giles’s, Northampton, c. 1150 This is part of the chancel- screen in the north aisle. PLATE 182 ib. 183 ib. ib. 181 ib. 185 ib. 78 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE PLATE SCROLL . ..... 417 — SCUTCHEON. (See Escutcheon.) Beauchamp chapel. Warwick, c. 1450, (three examples) . 186 The bears’ heads in the centre, and the staff ragulee which sur- rounds one of them, have reference to the ancient cognizance of the earls of Warwick, “ the bear and ragged staff.” Ryarsh church, Kent, c. 1480 .... — ib. SECTION ....... 418 — SEDILIA. Norman. S. Mary’s, Leicester, c. 1150 — 187 There is a piscina attached to these in the same style, but which is not here shewn. Transition Norman. Wellingore, Leicestershire, c. 1160 ...... — ib. Early English, Eushden, Northamptonshire, circa 1250 ...... — 188 These stand in the usual place in the south wall of the chancel, but it is singular that an opening or window is cut through this wall into the south aisle, the use of which it is difficult to understand. This arch has a double plane of tracery. The capitals are all plain except one which is given in vol. i. p. 109. Uffington, Berks, c. 1250 .... 189 Lenham, Kent ..... ib. — Bench sedilia, Cogenhoe, Northants 420 — Decorated. Chesterton, Oxfordshire, c. 1320 . ib. Willesborough, Kent, c. 1350 .... 190 Merton church, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 . ib. East Haddon, Northamptonshire, c. 1360 191 Harleston, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 — ib. The piscina in this example is fixed in the angle, and one of the altar brackets is shewn above. Wymington, Bedfordshire .... 419 — Perpendicular. Earnham, Surrey, c. 1480 . 192 S. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1445 .... — ib. SEPULCHRE. Stanton S. John’s, Oxfordshire 421 Bampton, Oxfordshire ..... 423 — SET-OEE. Cockington, Devon .... ib. — SHAET. S. John’s, Chester . . . . 1 425 — DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 79 SHRINE. Ely cathedral, (from Bentham) PAGE 426 PLATE SILL. Fotheringhay ..... 428 — SKEW . . . . p. 428 and 429 — SPUR. Walmgate, York. (See p. 248, vol. i.) 433 — SPIRE. (1.) Turret, S. Peter’s, Oxford. (2.) Turret, Rochester cathedral. (3.) Pinnacle, Bishop’s Cleeve. (4.) Than church, Normandy. (5.) Almondsbury church, Gloucester. (6.) Salisbury cathedral. (7.) S. Mary, Cheltenham. (8.) Bayeux cathedral . 434 Old spire, Oxford cathedral and Wollaston, Northants . 436 — Broach spire, Leckhampton, Gloucestershire . 438 — SPLAY ....... 439 — SPRINGING-. Waterbeach, Cambridgeshire 440 — SQUINCH. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1300 193 Oxford cathedral, c. 1240 .... ib. In the first example two of the squinch arches for carrying the oc- tagonal faces of the spire are shewn, hut in the second, one angle and two of the sides of the tower are shewn. The octagonal face of the spire rests first on an arch, below this it is narrowed and rests on another arch, below which it is again narrowed down to the floor. Canon’s Ashby, Northants .... 440 Tong, Salop, and S. Cross, Hants 441 — SQUINT. Kenton, Devonshire .... 194 This is cut through a pillar so as to obtain a view of the altar from the north aisle. The opening in the chancel is very much less than the outer one here given. The church is a particularly good specimen of Devonshire Perpendicular, and has a very fine wooden pulpit and chancel- screen gorgeously gilt and painted. Crawley, Hampshire ..... ib. S. Mary Magdalen, Taunton .... — ib. This is taken from the east side, looking into the north aisle. Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire ib. Haseley, Oxon ...... 441 — Mayor’s chapel, Bristol .... 442 — For an article on this subject of squints, see Archaeological Journal, vol. iii. p. 299. Wooden STALL and MISERERES. S. Margaret’s, Leicester, c. 1450 ..... — 195 80 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. STALL. Christ Church cathedral, Oxford, c. 1450 These occur in the Latin chapel. In both examples the misereres are shewn shut down. STAN CHEON. Ey worth church, Bedfordshire, (three examples) ...... Warborough, Oxon. . STOUP. Pylle, Somerset, and Bomsey, Hants Graville, Normandy ..... STRING. See also Mouldings, pi. 133 TABERNACLE. Norman. Hadiscoe, Norfolk, c. 1160 A very good example of the common form of the shallow Norman niche or tabernacle. 444 447 448 449 Warmington, Northamptonshire, c. 1260 This, which was until a few years since covered up with plaster, has been cleared by Mr. Caveler, and is here shewn as it now appears. (See Architectural Illustrations of Warmington Church by W. Caveler, Esq., Architect.) Decorated. Queen Eleanor’s cross, Northampton, A.D. 1294 Ditto, Geddington, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1294 These examples are from two of the most celebrated and beautiful erections in the kingdom. That of Northampton has four of these tabernacles, each containing a different figure of the queen, and standing upon four of the sides of the lower octagon. The sculptures throughout are exquisite both in design and execution, and the cross, standing on an elevated spot of ground and having a fine background of beeches, has a very striking effect on approaching it from the London side. For a plate of the cross, see Rickman’s Gothic Architecture, fifth edit., p. 132. The Geddington cross is triangular in plan, and has in its upper part three niches or tabernacles, each like that at Northampton, filled with a statue of the queen. The figures on both crosses, though having a general resemblance, are ingeniously varied, so that no two are alike. The whole of the lower surface of the cross is covered with diaper- work. (See Rickman’s Architecture, fifth edit., pp. 172, 173.) Lady Chapel, Exeter cathedral, c. 1280 This is the centre niche of a series against the east window, and is original, those on each side having been restored. Walpole S. Andrew’s, Norfolk, c. 1350 PLATE 195 186 196 ib. ib. ib. 197 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 81 TABERNACLE. PAGE PLATE Perpendicular. College, Higliam Perrers, North- amptonshire, A.D. 14 1 5. — 197 This stands over the centre of the gateway and in front of the window of the entrance to the ruined college of Higliam Ferrers, which was founded by Archbishop Chichele. Merton College chapel, and Edlesborough, Bucks 452 Coornbe church, Oxon .... 453 S. Michael’s, Oxon., and Rouen cathedral 454 Kidlington, Oxfordshire, c, 1450 — ib. TILES. Diagram ...... 463 — Canterbury cathedral, c. 1180 .... 465 — ■ Westleigh, Devon, c. 1700 .... 472 ■ — Ditto. Plate 198, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20. Romsey church, Hampshire — 198 4, 5, 7, 19. Wherwell church, Hampshire — ib. 8, 18. S. Cross, Winchester .... — ib. 9. Salisbury cathedral .... — ib. 11, 12. Chapter-house, Salisbury — ib. 17. Warblington church, Hampshire — ib. 21, 24, 27. S. Alban’s abbey church . — ib. 22. Etchingham church, Sussex — ib. 23. Great Malvern church, Worcestershire . — ib. 25. Chinnor church, Oxfordshire ib. 26', 28. Gloucester cathedral ib. Ditto. Plate 199. 1, 2. Chapter house, Salisbury 199 3, 4. Gloucester cathedral .... _ ib. 5, 7. Great Malvern church, Worcestershire . ib. 6, 10, 11. Sandhurst church, Kent ib. 8. S. Cross church, Hants. All the small border-tiles from the chapter-house, Salisbury __ ib. Most of the examples on this plate are compound patterns, and sur- rounded with small border-tiles taken from the chapter-house, Salisbury. The first and second patterns, each formed of four tiles, are from the chapter- house, Salisbury ; the third and fourth from Gloucester ca- thedral ; the fifth and seventh from Great Malvern church, Worcester- shire (these are of two tiles each) ; and the sixth, of four tiles, from Sandhurst church, Kent. Oxford cathedral . . . pis. 200 and 201 These have been collected from various parts of the cathedral, chiefly Ill 82 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. TILES. the Lady-chapel and the Latin chapel, and are of various dates. Some of the patterns occupy only a single tile, in others it takes four, and in the lower one on Plate 201 sixteen tiles would be required to make the pattern complete. Library of Merton college, Oxford, A.D. 1377 These pave the path in the centre of the library, which has a boarded floor. The tiles are in general in a much worn state, so that in some instances they are difficult to make out. They seem all of one date except the first, which is df earlier character. Those which have letters are very curious, but it is difficult to understand the meaning of them. It is very possible that others which would have helped to make out words with these, have been lost. Woodperry, Oxfordshire .... These, which are all of Early English character, were found in digging on the site of the destroyed church of Woodperry, and along with them some coffin- slabs in their original situation. For an in- teresting account of them, see a paper by the Rev. J. Wilson, Ar- chasol. Journal, vol. iii. p. 116. Old singing school, Worcester cathedral TILE PAYING-. Old singing school, Worcester cathedral This Plate exhibits in the upper example a very valuable piece of tile paving, shewing the complete arrangement of an entire room, and Plate 204 shews some of the patterns on a larger scale. The date seems to he early in the fourteenth century, and the foliage, particularly of the sixteen tile pattern on Plate 204, is like all the ornaments of that period, bold, free, and elegant. The introduction of black tiles among the coloured ones is a great relief to the eye. The two lower examples on Plate 205 are from other parts near the former one. PAGE 469 Ditto. Plate 206. 1 . Great Bedwin, Wilts The black lines shew the division of the tiles. The centre of the circle is made up of four tiles, the circle itself of twelve, and the span- drels of two tiles each, making in the whole twenty- four. On two sides of it are plain yellow border tiles, and outside these, ornamented border tiles. 2. All Saints, Leicester .... 3. S. Alban’s abbey, Herts . 4. Brookham . . 5. Beaulieu abbey, Wilts .... These four are border tiles. 6. Helpstone, Nortbamptonsbire This is from the same church as Plate 209. PI/ATE 201 203 204 205 206 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 83 TILE PAVING. 7. Wells cathedral . This is a purely architectural and very uncommon design. Rochester cathedral (five examples) Winchester cathedral . Haccombe, Devonshire . Is a small but very interesting church. For an account of the tiles, see Archaeol. Journal, vol. iii. p. 151. Helpstone, Northamptonshire . This is the paving of the altar platform, the lozenge border being the edge of the step. Pan tiles ...... Inlaid tiles, Canterbury cathedral Flanders tiles, Westleigh, Devonshire . It is rather difficult to affix dates to these tiles, but the following arrangement is believed to be nearly accurate. Of the twelfth century. Canterbury Of the early part of the thirteenth century. Plate 198, Nos. 6, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 27. Plate 199, No. 8. Helpstone, Plate 206, No. 6 ; and Plate 209. Rochester, Plate 207. Winchester, Plate 207. Brookham, Plate 206, No. 4. Late in the thirteenth century. Plate 198, Nos. 1 — 10. Oxford cathedral, Plate 200, Nos. 1 — 7, 9 — 11 ; Plate 201, Nos. 1, 2, 5—7, 15, 17, 20, 21. Leicester, Plate 206, No. 2; Beaulieu, Plate 206, No. 5. Woodperry, Plate 203. Worcester, Plate 204 and 205. Of the fourteenth century. Plate 198, Nos. 11—14, 17, 21, 22, 24, 26. Plate 199, Nos. 1, 2, 11. Oxford cathedral, Plate 200, Nos. 8, 12, 13 ; Plate 201, Nos. 4,8, 9, 12—14, 16, 18, 19. Oxford, Merton Library, Plate 202. Great Bedwin, PI. 206, No. 1 ; S. Alban’s, PI. 206, No. 3. Wells, Plate 206, No. 7. Haccombe, Plate 208, Nos. 3, 10, 11. 84 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. TILE PAVING. Of the fifteenth century. Plate 198. Nos. 23, 25, 28. Plate 199. Nos. 3 — 7, 9, 10, Oxford cathedral, Plate 201, Nos. 3, 10, 11. The following armorial hearings occur in the tiles here given. Plate 198. No. 9. is the griffin of the Despenser family ; 28. the arms of Sebrok, abbot of Gloucester in 1450. Plate 199. .No. 3. the arms of the family of Clare ; No. 4. England and France, quarterly in the time of Henry VI. ; 5. and 7. England and the Confessor in the same reign, “Anno 1453.” Plate 204. Worcester. No. 3. Richard Plantagenet, earl of Cornwall and king of the Romans. Plate 205. Border, first row, Digby, second, Clare. No. 5. Warren; 6. Beauchamp; 7. England; 10. Ver- dun, Willoughby or Hodelston. Plate 201. Oxford cathedral. No. 3. See of Exeter; 19. England. Plate 208. Haccombe. Nq. 6. England : 7. Ercedechne, or Archdeacon ; 9. Haccombe. PAGE PLATE TOOTH ORNAMENT ..... Nun Monkton, Yorkshire .... Canterbury cathedral. (See also Plate 123) TORUS TOWER. Supposed Saxon. Sompting, Sussex This is a very singular and valuable example of Saxon. Each side terminates in a gable evidently original, and these support a diagonal roof. This kind of termination has a great resemblance to some of the German churches, but is, as far as is known, unique in England, though it was probably the mode in which many Saxon towers ter- minated originally. Earl’s Barton, Northamptonshire Round tower, Devenish Island, Lough Erne, Ireland . Dunham Magna, Norfolk .... S. Peter at Gowt’s, Lincoln, c. 1070 This in a chronological view is very valuable, as forming a con- necting link between the Saxon and early Norman. There seems good evidence that it was built immediately after the Norman con- quest, but by the Saxon inhabitants of the city, and it displays most of the peculiarities of the Saxon style, but of better workmanship than 475 476 ib. ib. 407 412 478 210 ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 85 TOWER. usual, and with some mixture of early Norman features. The neigh- bouring tower of S. Mary le Wigford is another example of the same date. The history of these two towers is well made out in the “ Intro- duction to Gothic Architecture,” Oxford, 1849, p. 33. PAGE PLATE S. Julian’s, Norwich ... One of the round flint towers so common in Norfolk, where they appear to be almost of all dates. This of S. Julian is apparently Nor- man, with later windows inserted. 210 Warneford, Hampshire, c. 1170 An inscription over the door of this church records its rebuilding by Adam de Port, who held the manor during the reigns of Henry 11., Richard I., and John. See Arch. Journal., vol. ii. p. 191. ib. Little Saxham church, Suffolk .... 481 — Early English. Middleton Stoney, Oxon, c. 1220 This shews the very characteristic arcade through which the win- dows are pierced, in the upper story. The buttresses both in this and the next example are rather peculiar. 211 Bishop Cannings, "Wiltshire, c. 1220 • A rich and beautiful example, exhibiting two corbel-tables and triple belfry windows, the composition of the tower and transept is very good. ib. Brookthorpe, Northamptonshire, c. 1250 This and the following are examples of gabled or pack-saddle roofs. — ib. Ickford, Bucks ...... 482 — Versainville, c. 1250 ..... ib. Mortain, Normandy ..... 483 — Decorated. Ravensthorpe, Northamptonshire, c. 1300 . — 212 Coggs, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 A curious tower, belonging to an interesting little church. — ib. Church Brampton, Northamptonshire, c. 1340 . An example of diagonal buttresses on a tower. Transition. Little Harrowden, Northamptonshire, c. ib. 1370. ...... This is almost Perpendicular, but the tracery of the window is Decorated. ■ — ib. Perpendicular. Welford, Northamptonshire . The buttresses are rather peculiar, but are found on several churches in the county, they are neither diagonal nor parallel, but are angle - clasping, as we sometimes find in earlier examples. 213 Cromer, Norfolk ..... This tower is of squared flint with the quoins and mouldings of ib. 86 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. TOWER. stone. It is very lofty and well built, but like most of the Norfolk churches the work is shallow, owing to the want of stone. The parapet is very singular. PAGE PLATE Islip, Oxfordshire, c. 1450 .... 213 Brislington, Somersetshire, c. 1500 A good example of the rich Somersetshire towers. ib. TRANSOM. Bampton, Oxon .... 493 . — . TREFOIL, (two examples) .... 495 — TRI GLYPH ...... 498 TUDOR FLOWER 500 TURRET. Tewkesbury, c. 1150 . This is one of the turrets of the fine west front, and is remarkable for the balusters which divide the upper windows. The pinnacles do not belong to the same period, but are Early English. 214 S. Peter’s, Oxford ..... 434 Rochester cathedral ..... ib. Bishop’s Cleeve, Gloucestershire ib. — Glastonbury abbey, c. 1200 .... Gateway of the bishop’s palace, Peterborough, circa — ib. 1220 ...... — ib. Selby, Yorkshire ..... 501 — S. Mary’s, Beverley, c. 1450 One of the turrets of the west front. TURRET-STAIRCASE. Norman. Goring, Oxfordshire, ib. c. 1120 . . . . A good form of stair turret of early Norman date. The tower appears to have been raised at a subsequent period. 215 Christ Church, Oxford, c. 1180 . One of the turrets of the north transept of the cathedral. The use of the round-headed arcade above the pointed one is curious, and shews its transition date. ib. Beckley, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 .... ib. Bishop’s palace, Salisbury, c. 1450 This is on the gateway tower of the palace. — ib. TRIFORIUM. Malmsbury abbey, Wilts, c. 1150 . . — 216 S. Cross, Hampshire, c. 1160 . ib. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1260 .... — ib. VANE. Stanton Harcourt, Oxon .... 505 — • DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 87 VAULT. 1, Roman groined vault 2, Cylindrical, or waggon vault 3, Groined vault, mixed cylindrical and pointed 4, Pointed groined vault .... 5, Sex-partite vault . 6, Welsh groined vault . Korman. Cylindrical or waggon vault . White tower, London, A.D. 1081 Sherborne castle, Dorsetshire, c. 1 110 Grroined without ribs. Ditto. Sex-partite vault. Transition, groined with moulded ribs. Choir, Canterbury, c. 1180 Crypt, Gloucester cathedral, c. 1100 . Early English. Groined with moulded ribs. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1240 . . . . . Groined with ridge-rib and intermediate ribs. West- minster abbey, c. 1 260 .... Decorated. South aisle, nave, Gloucester cathedral, c. 1320 ...... PAGE 507 Lierne vault. Choir, Bristol cathedral, c. 1350, (with plan) ...... South porch, Hereford cathedral, with plan Plan of lierne vault, S. Ricquier, near Abbeville Perpendicular. Lierne stellar vault. South porch, S. Mary Redcliffe, Bristol, A.D. 1443 (with plan) Ean-vaulting. Cloisters, Gloucester cathedral, c. 1450 509 508 VAULTING-SHAFT VESICA PISCIS. Ely cathedral . VESTRY. Willingham, Cambridgeshire, c. 1350 . This is a remarkable little building, the roof being of stone and sup- ported on stone ribs in the manner of a timber roof. A view of the interior is given in Rickman’s Architecture, fifth edition, p. 179. Wor stead, Norfolk, c. 1460 : This building is of squared flint, and exhibits in its parapet and basement the flat panelling of flint and stone so frequent in Norfolk. PLATE 217 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 218 ib. ib. 219 ib. 220 ib. 221 ib. 222 ib. 223 ib. 88 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OP THE ILLUSTRATIONS. VIGNETTE VITRUVIAN SCROLL . VOLUTE .... VOUSSOIR. Beeston S. Laurence WINDOWS. SUPPOSED SAXON. PAGE . 512 . 513 ib. ib. Brix worth, Northamptonshire . This is an early example. The arch of the window is turned with Roman tiles, but it differs from most Saxon windows in not having an external splay. 224 Sompting, Sussex, three examples Beeston S. Laurence, Norfolk .... Caversfield, Buckinghamshire .... A small church with a tower of Saxon character; the windows are extremely small and rude, so as scarcely to be called windows. The opening for light is pierced through a single stone, and they have a wide splay both internally and externally. Deerhurst, Gloucestershire, S. Peter at Gowt’s, Lincoln Ditto, ditto, another example S. Mary le Wigford, Lincoln The names of these two churches are Saxon, and they appear to be of a date immediately after the Conquest; Le Wig- ford signifies at the wick ford; see pi. 210 : At Gowt’s signifies at the sluices, the land having then been first drained from the marsh. Imme- diately over this window is a figure of S. Peter, which is here given. .D. 1056 Is an example of the triangular-headed window so frequent in this style, but this is a much richer specimen than is generally found. 407 409 408 225 413 __ ib. _ 228 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 89 ' WINDOWS— SUPPOSED SAXON. PAGE PLATE Wickham, Berkshire ..... Shews the small central shaft which supports the long impost stone on which rest the arches of the windows. 228 Earl’s Barton, Northamptonshire A remarkable window from a most remarkable church tower, the style of which is so peculiar and so different from any thing Norman that it must be considered as unmistakably Saxon. ib. S. Benet’s, Cambridge .... This shews the balustre shaft for supporting the impost. — ib. S. Mary, Bishop Hill, Junior, York In this the impost is chamfered and is supported by a plain shaft. The exterior shews the framework of projecting square-edged stones which is very characteristic of the style. ib. NOEMAN. Cassington, Oxfordshire, c. 1150 . A plain window of a form of frequent occurrence. — 224 Sandford, Oxfordshire, c. 1120. This appears to have been stilted by the insertion of plain blocks above the capitals. — ib. Bucknell, Oxfordshire, c. 1150 517 S. John’s, Devizes, c. 1160 Is a rich example of the best style of Norman, — 225 S. Cross, "Winchester, c. 1150 . ib. circular. Lambourne, Berkshire , ib. S. Cross, Winchester, c. 1150 . 262 Barfreston, Kent, c. 1180 This church is well known as a fine example of transition from Norman to Early English, and this is a very remarkable window. The ornaments of the circle are entirely Norman, as are also the capitals and the shafts, but the form of the arches is Early English. It is altogether an early example of plate tracery. ib. Christ Church, Oxford, c. 1180 This is the interior of one of the windows shewn on each side of the door of the chapter-house on p. 176, vol. i. WINDOWS. TRANSITION from NORMAN to EARLY ENGLISH. ib. Sutton Courtenay, Berkshire, c. 1170 . This is a very curious and beautiful example, the intersection of the arches producing a double lancet. 229 n 90 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— TRANSITION. PAGE PLATE Christ Church cathedral, Oxford, c. 1180, two examples These are clerestory windows of the same date and occurring in the same work, and shew the prevalence of both forms used at this period. 224 Christ Church, Oxford, c. 1 1 80 This is the interior of one of the windows given on the preceding plate, and shews the clerestory passage through the wall. 225 S. Maurice, York, c. 1170 .... This is a very early example of the circle pierced in the head of the window. 230 S. Giles’s, Oxford, c. 1200 .... This is later, it has the pointed arch and the piercing is lancet- shaped. The capitals shew a mixture of the two styles. ib. North ILinksey, Berkshire (a Lrw side window) EARLY ENGLISH. 295 — Burwash, Sussex, c. 1200 .... A simple lancet window. 519 " Witney, Oxfordshire, c. 1220 Both the exterior and interior of this window are given in order to shew the very wide internal splay which is so common in Early English windows. " 226 Bakewell, Derbyshire, c. 1250 .... A lancet with shafts on the angles of the splay. — ib. Luddenham, Kent ..... 381 . . Boyton, Wiltshire, c. 1250 .... An early example of the ogee-headed window. The sunk star orna- ment in the spandrels is a very peculiar and uncommon feature. a— “ 227 Shipton Olliffe, Gloucestershire, c. 1220, (two examples) These are two excellent examples; the first shews the detached cen- tral shaft so common in Early English work, and the second exhibits the external square-headed windows and the internal trefoil-headed rear- arch. 229 Lincoln cathedral, c. 1220 .... . . ib. Barton Stacey, Wiltshire, c. 1220 519 — Jesus college chapel, Cambridge, c. 1220 191 — Little Wenham hall, c. 1250 .... 204 — AA ith the original shutters or fenestral. - DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 91 WINDOWS— EARLY ENGLISH. PLATE TRACERY. Lynchmere, Sussex, c. 1220 . An excellent example of the primitive form of what became after- wards a geometrical window. Greetwell, Lincolnshire, c. 1220 An example of the lozenge-shaped opening in the head. Louviers, Normandy, c. 1220 .... Windows of this character are much more common in France than in England. The King’s hall, Winchester, A.D. 1222, 1235 For an excellent history of this interesting building, by Mr. S. Smirke, see the Proceedings of the Arch. Institute at Winchester, 1845. The four windows on Plate 231 are all examples of plate tracery, hut shew an advance on those of the preceding plate. Woodstock, Oxfordshire, c. 1240 Has trefoil-headed lights and a quatrefoiled circle in the head. Cotterstock, Northamptonshire, c. 1240 A tower window. The circle in this example is beautifully cusped with trefoil foliage. ^ A | Stone, Kent, c. 1240 . .* . This is a more advanced example, and is an early specimen of plate tracery on a double plane. The outer wall shews only the two plain lancets and the quatrefoil pierced above, but the inner plane has the quatrefoil so much larger in proportion, with small circular piercings in the spandrels, and supported on a slender shaft that it almost amounts to bar-tracery. Salisbury cathedral, c. 1240, or rather perhaps 1225 This is from the east end. The circle is much larger than is usual in English examples, and is the only part pierced. Salisbury cathedral, triforium, north transept, A.D. 1225 ....... The two examples given shew the interior and exterior of these windows and are examples of plate tracery. The mouldings which run round the circle and arches lie on the flat surface, and are not connected with the chamfer. Salisbury cathedral, south transept, A.D. 1225 A beautiful combination of windows and an excellent example of plate tracery. The surface mouldings in this example are remarkably bold. It also exhibits a good specimen of an Early English pinnacle, Salisbury cathedral, north transept, interior, c. 1225 This shews an outer and an inner plane of tracery. The outer one is quite plain, having merely a quatrefoil pierced in the head, but the PLATE 230 ib. 484 485 231 ib. ib. ib. 233 237 ib. 9.2 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— EARLY ENGLISH. PAGE inner one has an octofoil in the head and is supported on slender shafts, some single and some clustered. The effect of the two from the re- flected light between is frequently highly beautiful. It has been customary to consider Salisbury cathedral as belonging to the middle of the thirteenth century, about 1240 or 12o0, and a great part of the building is undoubtedly of that date, but the eastern part is earlier, though it is doubtful how far this early part of the work extends. The history tells us that the foundations were laid in 1220. Deanery, Norwich, c. 1250 . In this the spandrels are pierced and the openings are well moulded, forming an example of early tracery. The fillet springs from the ex- ternal wall. Charlton on Otmoor, Oxon, 1250 This is similar to the last example, but it is not moulded, and the spandrels are sunk instead of being pierced. Grouped Lancets. Wimborne minster, Dorset, c. 1220 . In this, though the lancets with the openings above are separate on the outside, they are in the interior combined into one general design. Headington, Oxfordshire, c. 1240 Wannington, Northamptonshire, c. 1240 Ditto, c. 1250 . These are examples of three lancets brought together and combined under one dripstone. TJffington, Berkshire, c 1220 . A very singular example, in which the head of the window is made to take the form of the gable in which it is placed, at the back of a small recess for an altar. There are several of these recesses on the east side of both the transepts. The church is altogether a very re- markable one, and worthy of more attention than it has received. Amesbury, Wiltshire, c. 1250 . . . . A good example of an unglazed window in a gable, the tracery is a kind of mixture of plate tracery and bar tracery. 420 Romsey abbey, Hampshire, c. 1250 S. John’s church, Winchester, c. 1250 S. Mary le AVigford, Lincoln, c. 1220, with cusps This is from the east end of this very interesting church, where it combines with the two lancets below, and forms one of the first steps towards plate tracery. The front is here given as a good example of a plain Early English east end, shewing the arrangement of the windows. PLATE 233 ib. 238 ib. ib. ib. 239 242 243 260 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 93 Square-headed Windows * This class of windows of early date has been almost overlooked, hut they are of more frequent occurrence than has been generally imagined. 255 Dean’s chapel, Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 This still retains its original shutter and iron-work. ib. Cowley, Oxfordshire, c. 1220 . Underneath this is a low side window blocked up. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 G-lapthorne, Northamptonshire, c. 1220 Old house, Newgate, York, c. 1220 ib. ib. ib. ib. 94 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— EARLY ENGLISH. PAGE PLATE Witney, Oxfordshire, c. 1240 (spire window) . — 258 Oxford cathedral, spire, c. 1220 Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, c. 1260 (tower 519 — window) . . — 259 York cathedral, c. 1250 (gable window) — 260 Binsey, Oxford (with a low side window) Kirkstead priory, Lincolnshire (gable window, called 294 — by mistake on the plate S. Mary le Wigford) — ib. Beverley minster, Yorkshire, (gable window,) c. 1220 . These are examples of different proportions of the pointed oval, or vesica piscis as it is often called. ib. Beverley minster, c. 1220 (circular window) A good specimen of plate tracery. The rest on the plate are Decorated. 261 Beverley minster, Yorkshire, c. 1220 (circular window) This is of much the same design as Barfreston, but is decidedly Early English. It is an excellent illustration of plate tracery, and shews clearly the piercing through the solid plate of stone for the sake of light before the idea had occurred of forming it into tracery. 263 Lincoln cathedral, c. 1200 (circular window) . This is in the north transept, and is part of the original work of Bishop Hugh. It is also a specimen of plate tracery, and is perhaps the richest and most beautiful window of that kind which we possess. ib. EARLY FRENCH. Chartres cathedral, c. 1220 . A good example of plate tracery, which is much more abundantly used in France than in England, and apparently at an earlier period also. " 232 S. Martin des Champs, Paris, c. 1220 . Another good example of Early French work with plate tracery, it will be observed that a discharging arch is carried over the window from buttress to buttress, and that there are very few mouldings. — ib. Auxerre, c. 1240 ..... This example has bar tracery in the head, but the space between the circle and the heads of the lights is still solid. — ib. Noyon, c. 1250 ..... In this the change to bar tracery is completed, though it is still rather clumsy ; this window is more enriched with mouldings than is usual in Early French work. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 95 WINDOWS— EARLY FRENCH. page Bourges, c. 1240 . . . . . — Another good early example of bar tracery. Many of the windows of Amiens are of precisely the same form as this. Those in the eastern part of Westminster abbey, have the foliated circles in the head of almost identical form. TRANSITION from EARLY ENGLISH to DECO- RATED Raydon, Suffolk (a low side window) c. 1260 . . 295 S. Michael’s, Oxford, c. 1260 . . . . — This in construction is the same as those from Warmington, except that the spandrels are pierced. Its details are Early English. The width of the splay is remarkable, and the manner in which the arch mouldings die upon it. Thanington, Kent, c. 1300 . . . . This form, the square-headed trefoil, is used in the two preceding centuries as well as in this. Boyton, Wiltshire, c. 1260 (circular window) . . This naturally follows the Lincoln window Plate 263, in the series, as this is an early example of bar tracery, hut it is formed in the most simple manner. The radius is taken to divide the circle into three equi- lateral triangles, and these and the spaces between are filled with circles of such sizes as they will contain, but there is no combination, the circles being entirely independant of the triangles, and in this, as well as other particulars, it differs from the geometrical tracery of the next style. Boyton, Wiltshire, c. 1260 . . . . A fine example of the earliest form of tracery before it had attained to the geometrical, properly so called. The capitals and details are Early English. This and the circular window Plate 264, are the east and west windows of a chantry chapel. DECORATED. Single-light. Appleford, Berks, c. 1350 . . . . — A curious example of the different modes of foliating a lancet window. Sbotteswell, Warwickshire . . . . Geometrical Tracery. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1277 ...... Ditto ....... The window from Merton chapel, and those from Dorchester, may be taken as perfect examples of the geometrical period of Decorated. 16 PLATE 232 239 227 264 240 227 241 242 96 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— DECORATED. Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c . 1300, (five examples) PAGE PLATE pis. 234, 241 and 242 Dorchester, Oxfordshire, c. 1280 This is the east window of the north aisle, and though evidently of the same date is much earlier in character than the rest of the aisle. The mouldings (see Plate 122) are almost Early English. 486 Hampton Poyle, c. 1280 .... A very good specimen of geometrical. — ib. Ensham, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 234 Solihull, Warwickshire, c. 1280 This is a very curious and early example. The cusping is very peculiar, and has quite an Early English character. — ib. Headington, Oxfordshire, c. 1320 ib. Thurning, Huntingdonshire, c. 1300 . An uncommon form of double lancet. — 235 Great Haseley, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 This is little more than a repetition of the last, but thrown into one by the completion of the arch and the filling the head with a quatrefoil. — ib. Aldworth, Berkshire, c. 1300 .... ib. Piddington, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 A small church, but containing in the chancel many curious and interesting features. The windows are of the kind here given, they are on the intersecting principle, but being solid in the head come under the denomination of plate tracery. ib. Long Wittenham, Berks, c. 1280 241 Waterperry, Oxfordshire, c. 1280 _ ib. Broughton, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 . : Remarkable for the ornament of the rear arch. — 243 Bloxham, Oxfordshire, c. 1300. Geometrical Intersecting Tracery. — ib. JNTorthfield, Worcestershire, c. 1320 A plain and good original example of this kind of tracery without foliations. — 245 S. John’s hospital, Northampton, c. 1320 The primary tracery of this is similar to the last, but it has small arches and foliations added on the secondary plane. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— DECORATED. Rush den, Northamptonshire, c. 1300 . The intersecting tracery of this window is concentric, that is, it is drawn from the same centres as the window arch, while in that of the pre- ceding examples it is drawn with the same opening as the window arch but with different centres. This gives the Rushden window a strange and uneasy look. 97 PAGE PLATE — 245 Stanton S. John, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 . A very uncommon example, the intersecting tracery being formed of straight lines instead of curves. It is the east window. ib. Stanton S. John’s, Oxfordshire, c. 1300 This is one of the side windows from the same beautiful chancel, and shews the trefoil-headed lancet, it also exhibits the interpenetration of the mouldings which is so common in the geometrical period. 226 Late Geometrical Tracery. Great Bedwin, Wilts, c. 1320 ...... Dunchurch, Warwickshire, c. 1320 Shenstone, Staffordshire, c. 1350 Charnel chapel, Norwich, c. 1320 This is a very singular and unusual combination of tracery, and the arrangement of the mouldings is curious. The building is now used as the grammar school. It was built by Bishop Salmon, the foundation deed is dated 1316. Kidlington, Oxon, c. 1320 .... This shews a tendency to flowing lines. Mixed tracery. Standish, Gloucestershire, c. 1350 Great Milton, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 East window, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, c. 1300 The tracery of this very beautiful window is a mixture of geometri- cal and flowing. The mouldings are very good, and the hollow is filled with rich foliage and heads. A portion of it is given on Plate 127. Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, c. 1320 . The idea of this seems to have been taken from that of three lancets, of which the centre one is the tallest. Bloxham, Oxfordshire, c. 1320 The same may he said of this. 244 ib. ib. ib. 243 247 ib. ib. 239 ib. o 98 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— DECORATED. Flowing Tracery. Kingsthorpe, Northamptonshire, c. PAGE PLATE 1350 ....... A good example of a plain ogee-headed window, but the point ter- minating in a head is unusual. The tracery, by the slight alteration of changing the curved sides of the pointed oval into straight lines, becomes a very common form of a Perpendicular two-liglit window. 236 Slapton, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 A curious combination of the ogee and semicircle. ib. Faringdon, Berks, c. 1320 .... Another example of the ornamentation of the rear arch. — 246 S. Mary Magdalen church, Oxford, 1318-37 — ib. Friary, Reading, A.D. 1306 .... For an account of this building, see Archseol. Journal, vol. iii. p. 141. ib. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . Remarkable for the acute ogee of the window head. The same form but without foliation occurs at Finedon in the same neighbourhood. ib. Cranford S. Andrew’s, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 — 248 Great Milton, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 — ib. Slapton, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 — ib. Melrose abbey ...... The tracery of this window is of Flamboyant character. ib. S. Peter’s in the East, Oxford .... 162 — Oxford cathedral, chapel of Lady Montacnte . (partly Flamboyant.) Bishop’s palace chapel, Nor- 486 wich, c. 1350, east window .... — 249 Ditto, two side windows .... Good examples of tracery of Flamboyant forms, though the mould- ings shew they are not French work. 487 Raunds, Northamptonshire, c. 1 350 — ib. Duston, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 ib. Llan Tysilio, Anglesey, c. 1350 — ib. Salford, "Warwickshire, c. 1360 The tracery approaches nearer to the Flamboyant in form than is usually met with in this country, but the mouldings have no resem- blance to those of that style. It does not seem that genuine Flamboyant is met with in England. 250 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 99 WI NDOWS— DECORATED. Square-headed, &c. Ardley, Oxfordshire, c. 1820 The lower part of this has been used as a low side window. Friary, Reading, Berkshire, c. 1320 (See Archaeol. Journal, vol. iii. p. 141.) Denford, Northamptonshire, c. 1350 . Wymington, Bedf ordshire, A.D. 1380 . A window of unusual form and late date, hut which has a good effect. The church is very interesting from several peculiarities, and from the dates of the erection of the principal parts being known. Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire . Ashby Folville, Leicestershire, c. 1350 . Kiddington, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 Coggs, Oxfordshire, c. 1350 .... This is from a curious and interesting little church. The window is remarkable for the rich cornice of four- leaved flowers, a portion of which is given on Plate 127. Orton-on-the-Hill, Leicestershire, c. 1350 This is a good example of the difference of form of the window and the rear arch which is frequently met with. 16 Chapel Cleeve, Somersetshire, c. 1350 (dormer window) 185 S. Mary’s, Oxford, c. 1300 (spire light) . . — Bampton, Oxfordshire, c. 1360 (spire light) . . 349 Newark, Nottinghamshire, c. 1350 (spire light) . — King’s Sutton, Northamptonshire, c. 1380 . . — S. Nicholas, Abingdon, Berkshire, c. 1350. . . — Small Windows and Roses. Duston, Northampton- shire, c. 1350 (three examples) . . . — These are good specimens of the small clerestory windows so fre- quently used in Decorated churches. In these the windows are each cut in a single stone. The first and second are the exterior and the interior of the same window. Stanton S. John, exterior and interior . . .104 Witney . . . . . ib. Circular. Berkeley, Gloucestershire, c. 1320 . . — Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, c. 1350 . . I — PLATE 256 ib. ib. ib. 257 ib. ib. ib. 258 ib. 259 260 ib. 261 ib. 100 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— DECORATED— CIRCULAR. PAGE PLATE Charnel chapel, Norwich, c. 1300, or 1316 (See note on Plate 244.) This is from the crypt under the chapel, 261 but the windows are now much mutilated. S. John’s hospital, Northampton, c. 1360 — ib. S. David’s, Pembrokeshire, c. 1360. (See p. 401) — ib. Lincoln cathedral, c. 1350 This is in the south aisle, and is a very beautiful example of Deco - — 264 rated tracery, having something of Flamboyant character in its fcrm. TRANSITION from Decorated to Perpendicular. Whissendine, Rutland, c. 1350 — 251 This is a good specimen of Decorated, but the introduction of straight lines shews its tendency to the next style. Rye, Sussex, c. 1360 ..... The same may be said of this. — ib. Wadworth, Yorkshire, c. 1380 A very curious example of early transition, in which the straight 488 — lines introduced do not combine with the flowing tracery, but rather cut through it, and by this means produce an awkward and disagree- able effect. Charlton on Otmoor, Oxfordshire, c. 1360 ib. In this the straight lines harmonize with the flowing ones, and pro- duce a good effect. King’s Sutton, Northamptonshire, c. 1360 ib. This has made an advance, two of the mullions are carried through in perpendicular lines, but the intermediate tracery is flowiug. S. Bartholomew’s chapel, Oxford, c. 1380 An example of transition nearly approaching to the next which is — 236 decided Perpendicular. Edington or Eddington, Wiltshire, A.D. 1361 (two examples) ...... These are very interesting and valuable examples. They are from — 252 the church of Edington which was built by Bishop Edington, the pre- decessor of William of Wykeham, and is therefore the earliest example of Perpendicular which we possess, though, as might be supposed, it retains much of the Decorated mixed with it. The first example appears at first sight almost pure Decorated, but on examining it, the lines which enclose the quatrefoils are seen to be straight in- stead of being flowing, and the upper one is of a decidedly Per- DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 101 WINDOWS— PERPENDICULAR. PAGE PLATE pendicular form. In the second, the two mullions which enclose the centre light are carried through in the manner of genuine Perpendi- cular, and a transom is introduced between them, but the side lights are as genuine Decorated. Presbytery, Norwich cathedral, c. 1360 (two examples) The principal lines of these windows are Perpendicular, but the — 252 filling up is mostly Decorated. The introduction of the transom in the head of the second gives it still more of a Perpendicular character. PERPENDICULAR. New College chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1386 We are now arrived at the period of pure Perpendicular, and this, — 253 which is the work of William of Wykeham, is one of the earliest and best specimens of the style. Merton college chapel, Oxford, A.D. 1424 The ante- chapel from which this is taken is a particularly fine specimen — ib. of this style. The windows are good in their proportions and pure in their details. Headcorn, Kent, c. 1420 .... __ ib. Minster Lovel, Oxfordshire, c. 1430 236 S. Mary’s, Devizes, Wiltshire, A.D. 1436 — 253 S. Mary’s, Oxford, A.D. 1488 . — 254 Swinbrook, Oxfordshire, c. 1500 - — ib. In this the Perpendicular principle is carried to excess, and the effect is not so good as in the preceding examples. King's college chapel, Cambridge, c. 1500 — ib. A good example of a large late four-centred window. The em- battled transom was a frequent ornament in late windows. Wilby, Northamptonshire, c. 1420 (spire window) The tower of this church is a fine specimen of Perpendicular. The — 258 lower part is square, but the part which carries the spire is octagonal, to the angles of which it is connected by flying buttresses as here shewn New College, Oxford, A.D. 1386 (tower window) This is from the tower, where they are used in pairs. — 227 Huish Episcopi, Somersetshire, c. 1450 (tower window) 252 S. Peter’s, Dorchester, Dorset, c. 1480 (tower window) These two last are examples of a mode of filling belfry windows with ib. 102 DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. WINDOWS— PERPENDICULAR. ornamental stone work instead of the common louvre boards which is very prevalent in the churches of Dorset and Somerset, and found also though less frequently in other places, as in Magdalen college, Oxford. Compton Winyate, Warwickshire (bay window) Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, A.D. 1423 (gable window) ...... With an ogee head and crocheted hoodmould. Wells, Vicar’s Close (oriel window) S. Michael’s, Oxford Brasenose college Flamboyant. S. Ouen, Rouen . Harfleur, N ormandy . Falaise, c. 1450 S. Mary’s, Dinan, c. 1450 Beauvais cathedral, c. 1450 FRONTISPIECE TO VOLUME I. Porch, Castle Ashby Church, Northamptonshire. A fine specimen of transition work from Norman to Early English. It has been extensively repaired, or, which is more pro- bable, rebuilt, and the jambs have suffered con- siderably, although a large portion of the original work remains, and is curious ; on parts of these, small ornaments have been marked with a chisel preparatory to carving, and one or two are in a more advanced state, but they may be later addi- tions ; the leaves of the capitals are very simple, and of rather uncom- mon character ; the mouldings of the arch are very good and in fine preservation : among the enrich- ments is a series of four-leaved flowers, formed ex- actly like the “ tooth -ornament” of the Early English style. This porch, together with the whole building to which it is attached, is most carefully preserved from injury by the noble owner of the adjoining mansion. FRONTISPIECE TO VOLUME II. Window, Castle Ashby Church, Northamptonshire, c. 1850. 70 223 333 349 350 208 209 250 ib. ib. DESCRIPTIVE INDEX OF THE ILLUSTRATIONS. 103 This window, which is in the west end of the north aisle, is remark able for the elegance of its tracery. It is of Decorated character, but the mould- ings, as shewn in the section, particularly of the dripstone, shew it to be rather late in the style. The other windows in the same aisle, as shewn in the Frontispiece, are of the same style and date as those of S. Mary Magdalene, Oxford (Plate 157), and consequently somewhat earlier than this. This engraving, and that of the doorway of the same church, given as a frontis- piece, are presented to the work by the Most Honourable the Marquis of Northampton. Section of Arch of Window. The initial letters are chiefly copied from a manuscript of the Vulgate of the 13th century, from the Canoniei collection now in the Bodleian Library. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. For the use of the student Mr. Rickman's table with some slight alteration is subjoined, shewing the duration of the styles of English architecture, and the kings reigning in each period. Kings. Date. Style. Remarks. William 1 1066 r Prevailed little more tliai William II 1087 | Norman. | 124 years ; no remains Henry 1 1100 } [or English ^ really known to be more Stephen 1135 I Romanesque.] I than a few years older than Henry II 1154 to 1189 J Uhe Conquest. Richard I. a 1189 ) Early ( John 1199 > English. < Prevailed about 100 years. Henry III 1216 to 1272 ) [or 1st Pointed.] ( Edward I. b 1272/ Decorated Edward II 1307 > English. Edward III. c ..1327 to 1377) [or 2nd Pointed.] Continued perhaps 10 or 15 years later in some in- stances. Prevailed about 100 years. Richard II 1377' Henry IY 1399 Henry Y 1413 Henry YI 1422 Perpendicu- Edward IY 1461^ lar English. Edward Y 1483 [or 3rd Pointed.] Richard III 1483 Henry VII 1485 Henry VIII.... 1509 to 1546 j f Prevailed about 169 years. I Few, if any, whole build- ings executed in this style ^ later than Henry VIII. This style used in addi- tions and rebuilding, but often much debased, as late [as 1630 or 1640. a The reign of Richard 1. was the chief period of the Transition from the Norman to the Early Erglish style. The change began perhaps a little earlier in a few instances, and continued a little later, some buildings of the time of King John being of Transition cha- racter. b The Transition from the Early English to the Decorated style took place chiefly in the reign of Edward 1. The Eleanor crosses belong rather to the latter than the former style. c In the latter part of the long reign of Edward III. the Transition from the Deco- rated to the Perpendicular style began, and was almost completed by the time of the acces- sion of Richard II. Some buildings of the Decorated style may be found of his reign, but the works of William of Wykeham, West- minster Hall, and many other buildings of this period, are of very decided Perpendicular cha- racter. Perhaps one of the earliest and best authenticated examples of this Transition, shewing a curious mixture of the two styles, is Edington church in Wiltshire, founded by bishop William of Edington in 1352, and con- secrated in 1361. The same bishop, who died in 1366, commenced the alteration of Win- chester cathedral into the Perpendicular style, which was continued by William of Wykeham. ABACUS. PLATE 1 LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, (REMTGIUS.) LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, (ALEXANDER. J JEWS' HOUSE, LINCOLN, circa 1160. NEW ROMNEY, KENT, circa 1 180. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, CHOIR, A.D. 1200 ST SAVIOUR’S, SOUTHWARK, circa 1260. EARLY ENGLISH OXFORD CATHEDRAE, CHAPTER HOUSE, circa 1250. WELLS CATHEDRAL, A.D. 1264. DECORATED MERTON COLLEGE CHAPEL, OXFORD, A.D. 1277 ST. ALBAN'S ABBEY, circa 1320. YORK CATHEDRAL circa 1330. CASTLE ASHBY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, circa 1360 ALTAR. PLATE 2. ENSTONE, OXFORDSHIRE, c 1420. WENLOCK. PRIORY, SHROPSHIRE, c. 1450 AMBRY. PLATE 3. APSE. PLATE 4. KOMSEY, HANTS, c 1180. f APSE. PLATE 5. EARLY ENGLISH. TIDMARSH, BERKSHIRE Interior, c. 1250. ARCADE. PLATE 6. ST BOTOLPH'S. COLCHESTER, circa 1120. ST AUGUSTINE’S, CANTERBURY, circa 1150. CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD, circa 1180. ST. JOHN’S, DEVIZES, circa 1160. ARCADE. PLATE 7. NORMAN ST. PETER'S, NORTHAMPTON, c. 1140 ARCADE. PLATE 8. NORMAN FONT, COLE SHILL, WARWICKSHIRE, c. 1150. TRANSITION. ARCADE, STONELEIGH, WARWICKSHIRE, c. 1190 ARCADE. PLATE 9. ARCADE. PLATE 10. EARLY 'ENGLISH SOUTH TRANSEPT, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1200 fit IL ARCADE. PLATE 11 DECORATED. LICEEIELD CATHEDRAL, AD. 1320 ARCH. PLATE 12. NEWPORT GATE, LINCOLN ARCH PLATE 13. BRITEORD, NEAR SALISBURY ARCH, PLATE 14. early norman CHAPEL IN THE WHITE TOWER, LONDON, WEST END OE LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. A D 1081 circa 1090 GREAT MALVERN, WORCESTERSHIRE, c ilOO ARCH PLATE 15. RUINS OR ST. CLEMENT'S. WORCESTER, c, 1060. ARCH. PLATE 16. TRANSITION FROM NORMAN FOUNTAINS ABBEY, c 1180 ARCH PLATE 17. EARLY ENGLISH. ARCH. PLATE 18. DECORATED. HOWDEN CHURCH, TORE-SHIRE, c. 1350. ARCH. PLATE 19. DECORATED DORCHESTER, OXFORDSHIRE, c. 1300 ARCH. PLATE 20. BALL-FLOWER. PLATE 21. DOOR, BLOXHAM. OXON, c. 1280. DOOR, CHIPPING NORTON, OXON, c 1320 WINDOW JAMB, OXFORD CATHEDRAL, o 1320. SPIRE, SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, C. 1300. SPIRE, SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1300. ( BASE, GRECIAN AND ROMAN PLATE 22. CHORAGIC MONUMENT OF LY SIC RATES TUSCAN . TEMPLE OF JUPITER STATOR. COMPOSITE. ERECHTHEDM. CORINTHIAN COLONNADE OF ST PETER'S IONIC BASE. PLATE 23. NORMAN ST. PETER'S, NORTHAMPTON, c 1140 NORWICH CATHEDRAL, c 1100 BASE. PLATE 24. EARLY ENGLISH. TEMPLE CHURCH LONDON, A.D 1240. ST. MARY S ABBEY, YORK, g. 1250. BASE. PLATE 25. BASE, PLATE 26. PERPENDICULAR. ST. MARY’S, OXFORD, USS CROYDON, SURREY, circa 1-lf.O. BASE-ORNAMENTS OF. PLATE 27. ST' CROSS, WINCHESTER, c 1180 STOCKBURY, RENT. c. 1320 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1280 SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1230. CRYPT, YORK CATHEDRAL, c. 1160 BAY. PLATE 28. TRANSEPT, WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL circa 1 090 . BECHET’S CROWN, CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, A.D. 1182, BAY. PLATE 29. BEVERLEY MINSTER, c. 1250. BAY. PLATE 30. THORNTON ABBEY, LINCOLNSHIRE, c. 1282. BAY. PLATE 31 BELL GABLE AND BELL COT. PLATE 39. MAN TON, RUTLAND LITTLE CA8TERTON, RUTLAND. BELL GABLES AND BELL COTS. PLATE 33. EARLY ENGLISH LITTLE COXWELL, BERKSHIRE SKELTON, YORKSHIRE, c 1220. c. 1200, CHAPEL, GLASTONBURY, circa 1250 SHIPTON OLLIEFE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, circa 1260 PLATE 34. BELL TURRET AND BELL COT. IDBURY, OXFORDSHIRE, o, 1150. CLEEVE ABBEY. SOMERSET c.1320, . BOSS. PLATE 35, IFFLEY, OXFORDSHIRE, c. luO. XILPECK, HEREFORDSHIRE. WARMINGTON CH , NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, circa 1275. CHAPTER HOUSE, OXFORD CATHEDRAL, circa 1250 ST, ALBAN’S ABBEY HERTS TRINITY CHURCH, EDINBURGH BOSS. PLATE 36. CLOISTERS, MAGDALEN COLLEGE, OXFORD BUTTRESS. PLATE 37. BUTTRESS. PLATE 38. CHOIR, LINCOLN, c 1190. BUTTRESS. PLATE 39. EARLY ENGLISH. POTTERN, WILTSHIRE, c, 1250 SOUTHWELL MINSTER NOTTS, C. 1210 BUTTRESS. PLATE 40. DECORATED. DORCHESTER, OXFORDSHIRE, BRINGTON, NORT HAMPTON SH. OXFORD CATHEDRAL, CHURCH BRAMPTON, NORTEANTS ST MART MAGDALENE, OXFORD, GADSBT, LEICESTERSHIRE. AD 1337 G 1350. BUTTRESS. PLATE 41 PERPENDICULAR WELLINGBOROUGH, GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c 1450 circa 1430. BUTTRESS-FLYING. PLATE 42. ST DENIS, PARIS, c 1240. CHAPTER-HOUSE, LIN COEN, c 1220. FLYING BUTTRESS. PLATE 43. PERPENDICULAR FOTHERINGHAY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, A.D 1440. PERPENDICULAR. DECORATED. CAYTHORPE, LINCOLNSHIRE, circa 1320. CAPITAL AND ENTABLATURE. PLATE 44. CAPITALS. PLATE 45. CAPITAL. PLATE 46. 'GRAFTON UNDERWOOD, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c. 11S0 HASELEY. OXFORDSHIRE, c. 1200 CAPITALS. PLATE 47 CHRIST CHURCH, OXFORD, circa 1180. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, AD 1177 OAKHAM CASTLE, RUTLANDSHIRE, c. 118C ENGLISH TRANSITION CAPITAL. PLATE 48. NORMAN FOREIGN TRANSITION MTRRHARD, c. 1188. SOISSONS CATHEDRAL, A. D. 1212. ST. NICOLAS, BLOIS, c 1200 ST. NICOLAS, BLOIS, c. 1200 CAPITAL. PLATE 49. EARLY ENGLISH WARMINGTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, circa 1280 CAPITALS. PLATE 50. CAPITAL. PLATE 51 CAPITAL. PLATE 52 PERPENDIC I TT, A R . STOKE INgTEIGNHEAD, DEVONSH., c. 1480 CROMER, NORFOLK. c 1420. CHEST. PLATE 53. EARLY ENGLISH. STOKE DABERNON, SURREY HU1TOET, LINCOLNSHIRE. FLAMBOYANT OR FLEMISH GUESTLING, SUSSEX CHIMNEY. PLATE 54. SHERBORNE ABBES', DORSET, circa 1300 EXTON, RUTLAND, circa 1350. CHIMNEY. PLATE 55, NORTHBOROUGE, NORTHUMBERLAND, circa 1340 THORNBURY CASTLE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE, AD 1514. LAYER MARNBY, ESSEX, circa 1530. TONBRIDGE SCHOOL, KENT, circa 1560, PEDESTAL . COLUMN. ENTABLATURE COLUMN. PLATE 56. CLASSICAL. MEDIEVAL OF SMALL COLUMNS. CORBEL. PLATE 57 NORMAN. TRANSITION K.IRKSTALL ABBEY, circa 1150. OAKHAM CASTLE, RUTLAND, circa 1180 EARLY ENGLISH HASELEY, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1200. ST SEPULCHRE'S, NORTHAMPTON, circa 1200. CORBELS. PLATE 58. EARLY ENGLISH. DECORATED. ACTON BURNELL, c. 1260 RIVAUX ABBEY, YORKSHIRE MELROSE ABBEY, c 1360 PERPENDICULAR. CH, CH., OXFORD; STAIRCASE TO HALL, A.D. 1610. HALL, CHRIST CHURCH. OXFORD, A.D. 1529 CORBEL. PLATE 59- CALDECOT, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. MELROSE ABBE?. TRANSITION. CRICK, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE DECORATED CORBEL. PLATE 60. CORBEL. PLATE 61 CORBEL TABLE. PLATE 62. NORMAN ROMSEY CHURCH. HANTS, Circa 1180 EARLY ENGLISH. ROMSE ? CHURCH, HANTS, circa 1220. PORTSMOUTH CHURCH, circa 1230. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, circa 1260 s CORNICE. PLATE 63. DECORATED. TOWER OF ST MART'S, OXFORD, circa 1280 PERPENDICULAR. ENSHAM CHURCH, OXON, circa 1450. GATEWAY OF THE CLOSE, WELLS, AX) 1505 CREDENCE. PLATE 64. PYPIELD, BERKS, circa 1500 SI' CROSS, NEAR, WINCHESTER, circa 1460. CROCKET. EARLY ENGLISH. PLATE 65. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, circa 1240 HAWTON, NOTTS , c. 1320 LINCOLN CATH , c. 1330 CROCKET. PLATE 66. DECORATED. PERPENDICULAR CROSS. PLATE 67. CRANFORD ST. JOHN, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c. 1350. MERTON COLLEGE, OXFORD, circa 1300. MORTON, LINCOLNSHIRE circa 1350, PLATE 68. CROSS. DECORATED. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, c 1350. PERPENDICULAR ST.JOHN’S HOSPITAL, NORTH AMPTON , c 1450 ROTHERHAM, YORKSHIRE, c. 1450. ECCLESEIELD, YORKSHIRE, o 1500. PINHOE, DEVON, c. 1460 CUSP. PLATE 69. PRESTON, YORKSHIRE, RAUNDS, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c 1220 PRESBYTERY, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1260 LATE DECORATED PRESBYTERY, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c 1260. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1380. CUSP. PLATE 70. LITTLE ADDINGTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE c. 1300. PRESBYTERY, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1200. EARLY DECORATED PIDDINGTON, OXFORDSHIRE, c. 1300 LATE DECORATED LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1380. PERPENDICULAR. OXFORD CATHEDRAL, A D. 1525. DOORWAY. FLATE 71 NORMAN. ESSEN DINE CHAPEL, RUTLAND circa 1130. jl *-\\ 1 Q * - ’ 30 p 3 a 0 0> 1 ! 5 l o 1 O D ••> c Lilt li 1 lii'l; lli 1 1 Iffll ST. MARGARET'S-AT-CLIEPE, DOVER, circa 1130. DOORWAY. PLATE 72. NORMAN ST. EBBE S CHURCH, OXFORD, circa 1140 IFFLEY CHURCH, OXFORDSHIRE circa 1140 DOORWAY. PLATE 73. NORMAN. SrONELEIGH CHURCH, WARWICKSHIRE, circa 1160. DOORWAY. PLATE 74 MIDDLETON STOEEY, OXFORD SHIRE , circa 1 1 50 DORCHESTER, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1160. DOORWAY. PLATE 75. NORMAN. SIKKHAM PRIORY, YORKSHIRE, circa 1150 DOORWAY. PLATE 76. EARLY ENGLISH. WARMINGTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, circa 1260 I DOORWAY. PLATE 77. GREAT HA8BLET, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1220. . DOOR. PLATE 78. EARLY ENGLISH. HEYTESBURY, WILTS, c. 1220. WOODFORD, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, e 1250 DOOR. PLATE 79. DOORWAY. PLATE 80. DECORATED BANBURY, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1 350 D UNCHURCH, WARWICKSHIRE, circa 1350 DOORWAY. PLATE 81 PERPENDICULAR MERTON COLLEGE CHAPEL, OXFORD, A D. 1424 ! FOTHERINGHAY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, A D , 1440 DOORWAY. PLATE 82. PERPENDICULAR, OLD, 'NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, circa I4£0 EGYPTIAN PLATE 83. FINIAL. PLATE 84. BISHOP BRIDPOB/TS TOMB, SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, A.D. 1246 LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, C. 2260 DECORATED FINIAL. PLATE 85 DECORATED. WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, c 1300. ‘ HAWTON, NOTTINGHAMSHIRE, c. 1300. PERPENDICULAR MAGDALEN COLLEGE CHAPEL, OXFORD, A.D. 1456. CHITTLEHAMPTON, DEVONSHIRE, c. 1500. FI N I AL— DOMESTIC, OR HIP-KNOB. PLATE 86. FIREPLACE. PLATE 87. NORMAN. ROCHESTER CASTLE, circa 1130. FIREPLACE. PLATE 88. EARLY ENGLISH. AYDON CASTLE,. NORTHUMBERLAND, circa 1270. DECORATED. EDLINGHAM CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND, circa 1330. PERPENDICULAR. SHERBORNE ABBEY, DORSETSHIRE, circa 1470. FONT. PLATE 89. | NORMAN COLESHILL, WARWICKSHIRE, circa 1150 (The shaft is Decorated ) FONT. PLATE 90. EABLY ENGLISH. ST GILES'S, OXFORD, circa 1220. LACKFORD, SUFFOLK, circa 1250. FONT. PLATE 91 t FONT. PLATE 92. PERPENDICULAR EOTHERINGHAY . NORTH AM PTO N S H IRE , A D 1440 BRADEORD ABBAS, DORSETSHIRE, circa 1480 GABLE. PLATE 93. A GALLERY. PLATE 94. BURG-OS SPAIN, c. 1500. GURGOYLE. PLATE 95, ST. CUTHBERT’S, TORE, circa 1450. STONY STRATFORD, WARWICKSHIRE, circa 1480 HINDOO ARCHITECTURE. PLATE 96. HINGE. PLATE 97. HQODMOULD TERMINATION. PLATE 98. NORMAN, EARLY ENGLISH. MALMSBURY ABBEY, WILTS, circa 1150. ST. BENEDICT'S, LINCOLN, STANWICK, NORTHAMPTON SH. circa 1250 circa 1230. PERPENDICULAR. CHIPPENHAM, WILTS, circa 1460. LAYER MARNEY, ESSEX, circa 1520. MARSTON, OXEORD SHIRE, circa 1520. IMPOST. PLATE 99. ST. CBOX, YORK ST HELEN'S, STONEGATE, YORK IMPOSTS, PLATE 100, YARMOUTH, NORFOLK. ELY CATHEDRAL. IRON-WORK. PLATE 100*. LAVATORY. PLATE 102. LAVATORY. PLATE 103. LETTERN & FALDSTOOL. PLATE 104. LETTERN S. RAMSEY CHURCH, HUNTS, circa 1450. BURY CHURCH, HUNTS, circa 1300. FALDSTOOL. STAINED GLASS, GREAT MALVERN CHURCH LOCK. PLATE 105 ROUEN CATHEDRAL. ST GEORGE'S CHAPEL , WINDSOR. MASKS PLATE 106. STEEPLE BARTON, OXFORDSHIRE ENSHAM, OXFORDSHIRE. DOVER PRIORY. HIGH AM FRRRERS, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. WEST CLAUDON, SURREY. CASTOR, NORTHANT8 ROTH WELL, NORTHANTS MASONRY. PLATE 107, MINT WALL, LINCOLN. PEVENSBY, SUSSEX MASONRY. PLATE 108. Herringbone Work. Rubble Long and Short Work BURCOMBE, WILTSHIRE. WITTERING, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Wide jointed Wide and Pine jointed. WHITE TOWER, LONDON WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL. MOORISH ARCHITECTURE. PLATE 1G9. MOULDINGS, GRECIAN AND ROMAN PLATE 110. GRECIAN OV.OLO. Temple at Corinth. ROMAN OVOLO, Theatre of Marcellus, Rome. SCOTIA, TROCHILUS, OR CASEMENT. Baths of Diocletian, Rome CAVETTO. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome. CYMA RECTA. Theatre of Marcellus, Rome QUIRKED OGEE Arch of Constantine, Rome. CYMA REVERSA OR OGEE. Temple of Antoninus and Eaustinus, Rome. TORUS. From Palladio APOPHYGES Baths of Diocletian , Rome REEDS. MOULDINGS, NORMAN. PLATE 111. FIREPLACE, NEWCASTLE CASTLE, NORTHUMBERLAND, c 1080. WEST FRONT, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c 1090. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1100 ARCH, CHOIR, PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL, c. 1140 CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1178. WESTERN TRANSEPT, ELY CATHEDRAL. MOULDINGS. PLATE 112. MOULDINGS AND ORNAMENTS. PLATE 113, EARLY NORM. AN. WHITE TOWER, TOWER OE LONDON, AD 1081 CLEMPING, SUSSEX, c. 1100 REMAINS OE OLD SARUM, IN THE WALL OE THE NORTH GATE OF THE CLOSE, SALISBURY, C. 1120 DEEPING ST. JAMES, LINCOLNSHIRE, c. 1120. WALMER, KENT, C. 1120. MOULDINGS, NORMAN. PLATE 114. ZIGZAG OB CHEVRON. FRESNE CAMILLE, NORMANDY. BREDGAR, KENT. WEST DOOR, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1140. NEW ROMNEY, KENT, ANDOVER, HANTS BEAULIEU Near Caen. Normandy BARFRESTON, KENT. SUTTERTON, LINCOLNSHIRE. MOULDINGS, NORMAN. PLATE 115, ' Cable ROMSEY, HANTS 1 . Beaded. 2. Twisted Panel. DURHAM CATHEDRAL. Intersecting and Cable. ST. CONTET, NEAR CAEN, NORMANDY. Lozenge TICKENCOTE, RDTLAND, Twining Stem. TITma ■■ — - ■ -- . — _ WIMBOLTSHAM, NORFOLK Billeted Cable . JEW'S HOUSE, LINCOLN. Nail Head. UPTON ST LEONARD'S. GLOUCESTERSHIRE. Star HERRINGELEET, SUFFOLK. Enriched Lozenge MONTIV1LL1ERS, NORMANDY. MOULDINGS, NORMAN PLATE 116. Segmental Billet ABBAYE AUX DAMES. CAEN. Nebule and Billet S. CONTET-LES-CAEN Square Billet, double. ST. AUGUSTINE'S, CANTERBURY. Billet and Studded ST. MARY’S. LEICESTER. LLANDAEF CATHEDRAL. 1. IFFLEY, OXFORDSHIRE 2. ST. NICHOLAS', NORWICH NORTH HINKSEY, BERKS MOULDINGS, NORMAN, PLATE 117. Beak-Head Ca.t’s-Head. ST. EBBE'S, OXFORD. TICKENCOTE, RUTLAND CHARNEY, BERKS. WEST DOOR, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1140 ST. CROSS, HANTS Interrupted Arched Scolloped I. HADISCOE, NORFOLK 2, CASTOR, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. Label Corbel Table ST ALBAN’S ABBEY CHURCH ST JULIAN'S, NT ORWICH. Nebule Corbel Table. ST. PETER'S AT GOWT'S, LINCOLN, c 1140. BINHAM PRIORY, NORFOLK MOULDINGS, NORMAN PLATE 118- Fir-cone or Fir-apple CROYLAND ABBEY, LINCOLNSHIRE. Rose. DOOR, IFFLEY. OXON. Chain. Double Cone ELY CATHEDRAL LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1140 MOULDINGS, NORMAN PLATE 119. Studded Trellis Medallion JEW'S HOUSE, LINCOLN. Overlapping PATRICKSBOURNE, KENT. CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL, c. 1180. MOULDINGS, NORMAN AND TRANSITION. PLATE 120. MOULDINGS, EARLY ENGLISH. PLATE 121. CH&UCEL ARCH HAS ELEY, OXFORDSHIRE, c. 1200, GREAT ADDINGTON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE WEST DOOR, HASELEY, OXFORDSHIRE, c. 1200 CODRTLODGE, GODMERSHAM, XENT.c. 1260. NETLEY ABBEY, circa 1260. NORTH DOOR, KIDLINGTON, OXON, c. 1250 MOULDINGS, EARLY ENGLISH. PLATE 122. MOULDINGS-EARLY ENGLISH. PLATE 123 TOOTH ORNAMENT. LINCOLN CATHEDRAL. CHIPPING WARDEN, NORTHAMPTONSH. PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL. STONE, KENT WEST DOOR, ST CROSS, HANTS DUNSTABLE PRIORY. DECORATED MOULDINGS, EARLY ENGLISH PLATE 124. GALILEE, LINCOLN , 0 1220 GLASTONBURY ABBEY, c. 1180 HYTHE, KENT, c, 1220 PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL, c, 1240 WINCHESTER CATHEDRAL, circa 126C OLD ORGAN SCREEN SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, A.D 1268. MOULDINGS. PLATE 125. MOULDINGS, DECORATED. PLATE 126. EAST WINDOW, GREAT HASELEY, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1300. DOOR, N. AISLE, GREAT HASELEY, circa 1350 THORPE MALSOR NORTHAMPTONSHIRE. DOOR, KIDDINGTON, OXFORDSHIRE, circa 1350, WINDOW, GREAT HASELEY, circa 1350. WINDOW, LITTLE WENHAM HALL, SUFFOLK, circa 1300. MOULDINGS, ORNAMENTED. PLATE 127. DECORATED. EAWTON, NOTTS, c. 1300 WEST DOOR, YORK CATHEDRAL, c. 1350. SOUTHWELL MINSTER,, WELLINGBOROUGH, NOTTS, c. 1300, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c. 1300 ST MARY’S, BEVERLEY, o, 1300. DOOR, ADDERBURY, OXON, c 1330 SOUTHWELL MINSTER, NOTT3 o 1300. LADY CHAPEL, ^WELLS CATHEDRAL, C 1330 Eoor-Iea,ved Elower NORTH WINDOW, COGGS, OXON, c, 1350 LATIN CHAPEL, OXTORD CATHEDRAL, c.1350 MOULDINGS, PERPENDICULAR. PLATE 128. MOULDINGS, PERPENDICULAR. PLATE 129. BAST END Op NORTH AISLE, GREAT HASELEY, OXON, c. 1430. CLERESTORY WINDOW, POTHERINGHAY, A D. 1440. WEST DOOR, POTHERIN GHAY, A.D. 1440. WEST WINDOW, POTHERINGHAY A.D. 1440. DOOR, HEAVITREE, DEVON, circa 1480. MOULDINGS, PERPENDICULAR. PLATE 130. PORLOCK, SOMERSETSHIRE circa 1460. OPEN SEAT, COMBE IN TEIGNHEAD, DEVONSHIRE, c 1600. MONUMENT, WELLS CATHEDRAL, A D. 1465. ST. ALBAN’S, HERTEORDSHIRE, A.D. 1447. ST ERIDESWIDE'S SHRINE, ON FORD CATHEDRAL, circa 1480 WINDOW ON S. SIDE, ST TRINITE, FALAISE WINDOW, CHURCH AT CLERY R, C. Hussey, del. O. Jeivitt, MOULDINGS. PLATE 132. MOULDINGS -STRINGS. PLATE 133. NORMAN. PETERBOROUGH CATHEDRAL, C 1140, ELY CATHEDRAL, c 1140. EARLY ENGLISH CHOIR, LINCOLN CATHEDRAL, c. 1200 ST. SEPULCHRE’S, NORTHAMPTON, c. 1220 ROMSEY, HANTS, c 1250. SALISBURY CATHEDRAL, c 1240. WaRMINGTON, WARWICKSHIRE, c 1360. PINEDON, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c 1340 PERPENDICULAR WILBY, NORTHAMPTONSHIRE, c. 1450. MOULDINGS OF RIBS. PLATE 134. NORMAN . CRYPT, GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL, A.D. 1100. TRANSITION OXFORD CATHEDRAL, c 1180. EARLY ENGLISH ST SAVIOUR'S, SOUTHWARK, c. 1250. GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL, c. 1300 GLOUCESTER CATHEDRAL, A.D. 1318. PERPENDICULAR. NEW COLLEGE, OXFORD, A.D 1386 MOULDING TERMINATIONS. PLATE 135- WARMINGTON, NORTH ANTS WESTMINSTER ABBEY, SALISBURY CATHEDRAL OXFORD CATHEDRAL, OXFORD CATHEDRAL, e, 1320. c. 1355. WESTMINSTER HALL, c. 1380. EARLY ENGLISH. SPIRE. WITNEY, OXON, c. 1250 BORFORD. OXON, c 1600 MULLION. PLATE 136. CATHEDRAL, 1450 NEW COLL CHAPEL, OXFORD. A.D. 1386. ST. MICHAEL'S, OXFORD, c. 1300. PERPENDICULAR. MERTON COLL. CHAPEL LINCOLN AD. 1424 c. If- TEWKESBURY, c. 1320, SPIRE, ST. MARY'S, OXFORD, c. 1280. CHOIR, MERTON COLL. CHAPEL, A.D 1277. BZ2TX GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01499 6702 rl«