Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/exhibitionofphotOOphot CATALOGUE 1 Mt. Cougar, from Loop Valley, Glacier House, B. C. 2 Bridge in the Selkirks, B. C. 3 The Death Trap, Lake Louise, Alberta. 4 Hydraulic grading. Mountain Creek, B. C. 5 Monitor at work on hydraulic grading. Mountain Creek, B. C. 6 Edward and Christian, Swiss Guides, Glacier House, B. C. 7 Stoney Creek Bridge, 330 ft. long, 296 ft. high, B. C. 8 Falling Avalanche, Mt. Victoria, Lake Louise, Alberta. 9 Cloud effect in the Selkirks, B. C. 10 Surprise Creek Bridge, B. C. 11 Wooden Howe Truss Bridge, B. C. 12 The outer Corona, total eclipse of May 28, 1900. 13 The inner Corona, total eclipse of May 28, 1900. [Note. — The white spot near right hand top corner is Mercury.] 14 Mt. Bonney and Ross Peak, Glacier House, B. C. 15 Sir Donald from the Loops, Glacier House, B. C. 16 Hermit Range to Sir Donald, from Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B. C. 17 Mt. Fox, from Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B. C. 18 Panorama from the Van Horne Range to Mt. Burgess, from Boulder Creek, near Field, B. C. 19 Seracs on Asulkan Glacier, Glacier House, B. C. 20 Sir Donald and Uto, from Mt. Avalanche, Glacier House, B. C. 21 Mt. Temple from near Laggan, Alberta. 22 Illecillewaet and Asulkan Glaciers, from Avalanche Crest, Glacier House, B. C. 23 Amphitheatre near Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B . C. 24 Avalanche on Mt. Victoria, I,ake Louise, Alberta. [Note. — The avalanche is dropping more than 2000 feet.] 25 Forefoot of Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 26 Ice Wall, Forefoot of Victoria Glacier, Lake Louise. 27 A Glimpse of Mt. Lefroy, Lake Louise. 28 Apple Blossoms. 29 A Winter Study. 30 A Misty Morning on the Kicking Horse River, Field, B. C. 31 Evening Light on Lake Louise. 32 Forefoot of Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 33 Mt. Balfour and Takakkaw Fall, Yoho Valley, near Field, B. C. 34 Glimpse of Mt. Victoria, Lake Louise. 35 In the Beaver Canon, B. C. 36 Falls in Asulkan Valley, Glacier House, B. C. 37 Mt. Rundle, Banff, Alberta. 38 Crevasses on Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 39 The Mitre and Victoria Glacier, Lake Louise. 40 Asulkan Glacier and Mts. Castor and Pollux, Glacier House, B. C. 41 Seracs on Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 42 Old Gulph Road, Bryn Mawr, Penna. 43 Hermit Range and Rogers Pass from near Lake Marion, Glacier House, B. C. 44 Van Horne Range and Kicking Horse River, near Field, B. C. 45 Death Trap and Abbot Pass, Victoria Glacier, Lake Louise. 46 Mt. Stephen from the Natural Bridge, near Field, B.C. 47 Illecillewaet Glacier from “ The Elbow,” B. C. 48 Sunset on Mt. Stephen, Field, B. C. 49 Forefoot of Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 50 Crevasses in Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 51 Mt. Cougar and Illecillewaet Valley from the Obser- vatory, near Glacier House, B. C. 52 Mt. Avalanche from Asulkan Trail, Glacier House, B. C. 53 Plum Blossoms. 54 Study. 55 Spring-time. 56 Mt. Dawson and Dawson Glacier from Asulkan Pass, July 4, 1900, near Glacier House, B. C. 57 Study of Sheep. 58 The Brook. 59 The Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 60 Takakkaw Fall (1,200 feet high) near Field, B. C. 6 1 Mt. Lefroy, Dake Douise. 62 The Resting Place. 63 The Willows. 64 “ Where the Wild Plum blows.” 65 Upgrade, Glacier House, B. C. 66 Feeding. 67 Lake Louise and Mt. Lefroy. 68 Asulkan Valley, Glacier House, B. C. 69 Sir Donald and Eagle Peak from Mt. Avalanche, Gla- cier House, B. C. 70 Rising Mists, Kicking Horse River, Field, B. C. 71 Yoho Valley from Wapta Glacier to Takakkaw Fall, near Field, B. C. 72 A large Glacier Table, Victoria Glacier. 73 Lake Louise, from near the Death Trap, Victoria Glacier. 74 Lake Louise from the head. 75 Van Horne Range from Field, B. C. 76 Sir Donald, Glacier House, B. C. 77 Mt. Bonney from Mt. Abbott, Glacier House, B. C. 78 The Illecillewaet, Glacier, B. C. 79 Mt. Stephen from the Natural Bridge, near Field, B. C. 80 Lake Marion, Glacier House, B. C. 81 Sir Donald, the Monarch of the Selkirks, from Mt. Avalanche, Glacier House, B. C. [Note.— No. 84 is a direct print from the same negative.] 82 Sir Donald from trail to Lake Marion, Glacier House, B. C. 83 The Glaciers, Glacier House. B. C. 84 Sir Donald, from Mt. Avalanche, Glacier House, B. C. 85 Mt. Rundle, Banff, Alberta. 86 Asulkan Glacier and Castor and Pollux, Glacier House, B. C. 87 Mt. Temple and Pipestone Creek, Laggan, Alberta. 88 Mt. Temple from the Saddle, near Lake Louise. 89 Lake Louise and Mt. Victoria. 90 A Peep of Mount Victoria, Lake Louise. 91 Mt. Lefroy and Lake Louise. 92 In the Forest, B. C. 93 A Rainy Day at Lake Louise. 94 Mt. Rundle and Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 95 Illecillewaet Glacier from “the Elbow,” B. C. 96 The Mitre, Mt. Lefroy and Mt. Victoria from Vic- toria Glacier, Lake Louise. 97 Wapta Glacier, Yoho Valley near Field, B. C. 98 On the Moraine of Victoria Glacier, Lake Louise in the distance. 99 Mt. Aberdeen and Mt. Lefroy, Lake Louise. 100 The Camping Grounds, Alberta. 101 Takakkaw Fall near Field, B. C. 102 Panorama (about 320°) from Mt. Avalanche, Sir Donald in center, near Glacier House, B. C. 103 Mt. Massive and Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 104 Mt. Lefroy, Lake Louise. 105 Sir Donald from Lake Marion Trail, Glacier House, B. C. 106 Mt. Dawson Range from Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B. C. 107 Mt. Dawson, from Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B.C. 108 Looking across Emerald Lake, near Field, B. C. 109 Mts. Lefroy and Victoria, Lake Louise. no Van Horne Range and Emerald Lake, near Field, B.C. 111 Mt. Dawson Range from Asulkan Pass, Glacier House, B. C. 1 12 Lake Louise. 1 13 Forefoot of Asulkan Glacier and Asulkan Valley, Glacier House, B. C. 1 14 Sir Donald and Illecillewaet Glacier from Mt. Abbott 1 15 Ice Wall at Forefoot of Illecillewaet Glacier, July, 1887 116 View in July 1899 from same point as 115. The line on the rock shows edge of Glacier in 1887. 117 Asulkan Pass from Mt. Abbott, Glacier House, B.C. 1 18 A Vanishing Race, North Bend, B. C. 1 19 The Bow River Valley from C. P. R. Hotel, Banff, Alberta. 120 Emerald Range from Ford, near Field, B. C. 121 A Wet Day, Kicking Horse River, Field, B. C. 122 Spray Falls, Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 123 Cascade Mtn. and Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 124 The Asulkan Range, from Glacier House, B. C. 125 Sir Donald in Cloud, Glacier House, B. C. 126 Sawback Range, Mt. Edith and Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 127 Complete Panorama from Summit of Mt. Stephen, 10,450 ft. high, near Field, B. C. See No. 134. 128 Direct prints, absolutely unretouched from same negatives as No. 127. 129 The Mitre and Victoria Glacier, Lake Louise. 130 The Ottertail Range, near Field, B. C. 13 1 The Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 132 Lake Louise 133 Sir Donald and ridge leading to Eagle Peak, from Avalanche Crest, Glacier House, B. C. 134 Mt. Stephen and Field, B. C. 135 Mt. Massive and Bow River, Banff, Alberta. 136 The Asulkan Range and Glacier, from top of Cascade, Glacier House, B. C. 137 Mt. Dawson and Dawson Glacier, near Glacier House, B. C. 138 Mt. Bonney, near Glacier House, B. C. 139 Portrait Study on Victoria Glacier. 140 In the Asulkan Valley, Glacier House, B. C. 141 View from C. P. R. Hotel, Banff, Alberta. 142 Mt. Cheops and part of the Hermit Range from Glacier House, B. C. 143 Illecillewaet Glacier from Glacier House, B. C. 144 Hermit Range and Rogers Pass from Lake Marion, near Glacier House, B. C. 145 Storm on the Hermit Range, near Glacier House, B. C. 146 Stoney Creek Bridge, 296 ft. high, B. C. 147 Mt. Cheops from Illecillewaet Glacier, B. C. 148 Sir Donald and Eagle Peak from “The L< Glacier House, B. C. [Several of the enlargements were made by Mr H. Rau, under the personal supervision of Mary M. Most of the prints are platinum, hot development