CATALOGUE Of the FIRST PART of the MUSEUM O F INGHAM FOSTER, DECEASED. CONSISTING OF 1 His matchleis Colle&ion of Prints and Drawings, amongft which are the fcarce Works of Hogarth, in 3 vols. War beige's Works, BartolozK?*; Wool' let's, Strange's, Edetinck's, &c. and alfo a com- pleat Set of Rembrandt's Works, which have been upwards of thirty Years collecting, in which are all his fcarce and Proof Prints, with a Variety of Changes, and are prefumed to be the raoft valuables Set every offered to tne Public. Which will be Sold by AUCTION, ' By Mr. B A R F O R D, At his Rooms in the Great Piazza, Cavent Garden, On Monday the 24th of February, 1783, and the following Days. To be viewed three Days preceding the oa!e» when Catalogues may be had (One Shilling each) at Mr. Barford's aforelaid. X. B. Immediately after the above Sale will -be fell, his Natural History, a Colkclion highly de - v'wg the Nftice of the Public, Conditions of Sale. i . nr* H E w g hefl " BiaMer to be the Bu y er * and it any Difpute {hall anfe between any two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed (hall be put up again. II. No Perfon to advance lefs than Sixpence. Above One Pound, One Shilling. Above Five Pounds, Two Shillings and Sixpence •, and fo in Proportion. III. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and pofi&ively to pay down 5 s. in the Pound in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money, in Default of which the Lot or Lots fo purchased to be immediately put up again, and re-fold. IV. The Lots (hall be taken away, with all Faults, at the Buyer's Expence, within one Day after the Sale. V. The Remainder of the Purchafe-Money to be abfoutely paid on or before the Delivery. Laftly^ Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money 16 depofited in Pair of Payment, ihall be forfeited ; the Lots uncleared within the 1 lme aforefaid, /hall be re- fold by public or private Sale ; and the De- ficiency (if any) together with the Charges at- tending fuch Re-fale; fliall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. ( 3 ) %& f*~* && £*M> #g F*| , « ^Ljrf && *&*<& ym imljhI ^ & CATALOGUE,^ Firft Day's Sale, Monday, February 24, 1783. Lot • / «• — I fT^Wenty-feven, Bowers, &c ,£•♦.— 2 JL Nine by Smith, Faber, &c. jg^ 3 Fifteen by Blomaert /3-u 4 Thirty-five heads, by Vandyke, &c. /5**~-5 Thirty-five ditto •>£•* ^6 Thirty-fix various «3«-6 7 Ten etchings, by Claude 4"£S Twenty metzotinto heads, by Faber, &c. 52 •—9 Eighteen heads and medallions Q**&10 Nine hiftorical, by Picart 3?«.£ii Ten etchings, by Guido, Carracci, &c.' cP«»^i2 Nineteen, the laboursof Hercules, after Pouiur. ^,.^13 Twenty drawings, by G. MorUnd /2„^I4 Twenty-fix ditto, by ditto /<£U-I5 Twenty-fix ditto, by ditto *5*»«i6 Ten ditto, by ditto O^-i*] Sixteen .d^tto in colours, by ditto \$+t>\% Thirty-five etchings, by P. Sanby fO-b 1 ^ Twenty-eight ditto, by ditto 6*' -2Q O- ~2I '// 6 23 6r— 24 6-- 25 y«» - 26 tf~ - 28 '/& 29 /A* -30 6 •••32 ^634 t?-- 35 ^..-36 /A* -37 A3.. .38 t£--39 t^-40 c$V£ 42 7- - 43 &--45 /0«»-46 /,. A. -* 47 /•• /--— 48 f**0*6$ Four ditto, by ditto Y» 2*^64. Four after Rembrandt, by M' Ardell, Houfton» / &c. proofs ^•665 Four candle-lights, after Morland, by Daw, proofs Four metzotintoes, after Rembrandt, proofs Nine ditto various, by Burke, Elias, &c. Five ditto, by Watfon, Green, &c. Two ditto after Carlo Marratti, by Smith, proofs Fifteen portraits, by Houfton, Green, &c. Seven ditto, by ditto, proofs Ten ditto, by Fi&er, Watfon, Sec. Four ditto large, by Val. Green, &c. Four ditto, by Fry, &c. Two drawings, Deception Curieufe Two ditto Three ditto with a pen Fifteen ditto, by Worlidge Eleven ditto, views, (ketches from nature, by Chateline Ten ditto, by ditto Eight ditto, by ditto Seven ditto, by ditto Ten ditto, by ditto / / Two heads, ftudies, by Le Nain J4 « (y C Three by Rembrandt, Rottenhamer, &c. Four by Hemfkirk and Tillemans, and 3 more Two drawings of birds on vellum, Coloured, ■— and highly flniflied, by Sang Ditto Ditto Ditto An allegorical print, after Pine A French village feaft, coloured A proof print of Mrs. Crew, after Sir Jofhua Reynolds, by Watfon 70*694 A fine proof print of Lord Thurlow /J?-r66 7^68 9/ / 6 9 /3M70 A$»d>72 7—73 *-*74 /Aj75 /^r.676 ^•677 './•*78 .—> 95 Eight etchings, Rembrandt' 6 mother, &c. (foffiite fcarce) //• b 96 Eight of the fchool of Rembrandt, by Boll, &:c / ,. ^ % — 97 Twenty by Rembrandt (fome very fcarce) f2»6q% Twelve ditto, by ditto /*, A* Cqq Six by ditto, with variations (fine impreflions ) y # y^. <7ioo Seven by ditto, large heads, ditto BOOKS of PRINTS. Q. X • —101 Callot's Habits and Beggars, and 1 of Marty/r- dom, by Sadeiier f& 102 Sixty -three fmall drawings, various mafters /» <5 > »*~i03 The etchings compleat of C. Du Jardin «k g * -6-*- 104 Oftade's Etchings A 4 £* — 105 Seventy etchings of landfcapes, by Waterloo End of the Firji Day's SaU. ( 7 ) Second Day's Sale, Tuefday, February 25, 1783= Lot • » 1 TXEBIE's book of painters heads — — «. 2 \_J Forty* fix various, Albert Dure:, £cc ». 3 Twenty-two hiftorical and etched heads »»4 Twenty-three of cattle, by Vifcher — 5 Nine metzotintoes, by M> Ardell, &c. 6 Ten ornaments, by Gillot .^— — 7 Seventeen foreign portraits 8 Ten metzotintoes, heads, &c. 9 Fifteen heads, by Houbraken, Smidt, &c. -10 Twenty heads, various y - — r~jr- /tZ.» 14 Thirty-two drawings of plants and fofliU -*s— 1 — - 15 A parcel of ftudies , — i »- - ' ■ ■ ir g~ ' Hi***/ 16 Thirty drawings, by Sachteleven and Worlidge — t-/** *£»* X { 17 Two ftained drawings, by G. Morland '• — ■ • • ** fy? ' 18 Nine prints, by Pillement, &c. *•_ ;— '*/ ^^'l* 19 Six heads, by Worlidge — - >r 5i.#-/C 10 Fifteen of Pond's imitations 21 Fifteen ditto 22 Fifteen ditto 23 Sixteen ditto 24 Sixteen ditto 25 Twelve, Hogarth's Ihduftrious and Idle Ap- prentice J & \ ( * ) /£* — 26 Two by Hogarth, Before and after Marriage 3'Cli Four, Hogarth's Caricaturas *^*/>28 Four by ditto, the Stage-coach, &c. >£#- 29 Two by ditto, Paul before Felix, and a tb»u;r» lcfque of ditto S3 30 Six of the Harlot's Progrefs, by ditto ^»6z i S' x ty Chardin ^^32 Nine hiftorical, by Poilly and Dupuis //»^33 Forty-feven by Delia Bella, Callot, &c. ^.♦—34 Eight etchings, by Oftade /#, -.35 Forty-two heads, cattle, &c. by Delia Bella *7* — 36 Fourteen, horfes, &c. by Stoop and Du Jardin Q»6Z1 S' x landscapes, &c, by Delia Bella * ^-38 Five views, &c. by Callot and Claud m 39 Seventeen, gypfies, &c. by Callot //xf£&4-0 Nine etchings, by Both and Beiga /3~» 4 1 Three portraits, 2ofLoid Camden, and 1. of Omai (fine) %^*-42 Three ditto, by Schmidt and Drevet, (fine)' 6* -43 Three ditto, by Drevet and G. Wille /tf-^44 Two ditto, by G. Wille s 4+ ^45 Five after Metzu, Netcher, &c ^»- 46 Two by Drovais (fine) %^*6a1 Three by Gruze, &c. *3*-»48 Five tickets, by Bartolozzi yy* - 49 Eight views, by Canot, Mafon, &c. J6+C 50 Seven hiftorical, by Strange and Houlanger q* ■■- 51 Three holy families, by Raphael ^/^J.^52 Two of Omai, proofs, and 1 finiflied by Bar- * tolozzi ^-53 Four of horfes, &c. by Wovermans ^* -54 Five by Sanby and Rooker $*&55 Two aqua fortis proofs, by Vivares 6'&& Two hiftorical, by Edelinck a«d Drevet 7-^57 Two ditto, by Houlanger, &c. ^»^ —58 Three whole length portraits of Lord Romney. ' Mr. Banks, and Sir Jof. Burrows ^-.58* Two hiftorical mstzotintoes, proofs A>-^59 A fine proof print of His Majefty, and 3 more, ^ by Fry, &c. 4$>. - 60 A fine proof print of Foot in Major Sturgeon *£ 6i /&£ 67 4- 68 ^;ri 9 7^70 /A673 ^•775 /7— 78 * /-<**- 79 4^*- 80 v^-81 >.A$l-82 4~8 3 I* t*% * 85 /3*-86 '/^-8 7 »/*--8§ £$•6 91 /£- ; 92 A?'0 93 /us yy^, ... 102 A ditto with a curious felection of tobacco, papers / # /V # •— 103 Seventy by Bunbury /Jfc. •» 104 Dalton's Views of Athens # # O # —105 The Ruins of Balbec, by Major End of the Second Day's Safe, 1 C " ) Third Day's Sale. Wednefday, February 26, 1783. * s *"'4i rj^Hirty-eight hiftorical, &c. by Picart C Q* *t 2 1 Twenty-five by Carracci and Parmigiano C £•0 2 Twenty-five wood cuts, by Albert Durer, &c,^ 3* — 4 Twelve imitations, by Pond 4>» —■ 5 Ten heads, various mailers 4?» - 6 Twelve imitations, by Pond &+6 7 Nine ditto J» £ 8 Thirty-fix by Goltzius and Blomaert %}• t- 9 Five heads, by Houbraken ^"'©lo Thirteen by Oftade 0*~\\ Thirty of cattle, Berghem /&*(> 12 Twenty-four heads of painters, Houbrakcn 7»# 13 Twenty-one portraits, &c. ^.-14 Seven portraits, by Worlidge and Sherwin J'G15 Forty etchings, by Teniers Potter, &c. '& - 16 Twenty various, by Worlidge, Morland, (pMi'J Forty-nine etchings, by Hagerdorn, &c. /^/ # ^i8 Twenty-three ditto, by Both and Stoop ^j^-ig Thirteen ditto, ditto //--20 Twenty-feven ditto, by Claude, &c. //?»-2i Eleven Madonas, by Albert Durer, &c. ^•«22 Fifteen etchings, by old matters d?'d a 3 Twelve wood cuts, by Raphael, &c. ^♦-24. One of Capt. Cook, and 5 more A5*W 2 S ^i* °^ tnc Harlot's Progrels, Hogarth 2* ~26 Eight of the Rake's Progrefs, ditto /y*© 2 7 Six of Marriage A-la-mode, ditto .f-t ( is 5 Q 4 -28 The Di^refTed Poet, and Enraged Mufician by ditto //.— 29 Two, the Strolling Players,, and Southw&rk Fair, ditto f$ 30 The four Times of the Day, ditto 7 (*V- Ten Madonas, Saint?, &c. Albert Durer ^4. 32 Fifteen heads, &c. by Mellan /T«^33 Eight of cattle, after Berghem .O, _34 Twelve ditto, ditto y*£, .35 Thirty-three etchings, landfcapes, &c. by Ha^- geedorn /J?*-»36 Eight landfcapes, by Waterloo /y 37 Eleven ditto, ditto ^ft'38 Eight ditto, by Perelle, &c. /• //* ^39 Sixteen ditto, by Ruyfdael, &c, <$*« -40 Eight of cattle, Berghem 4P* -4.1 Eight etchings, Rembrandt /$* -42 Twelve ditto, ditto 43 Nine ditto, ditto /ty 44 Thirteen ditto ^ 45 Nine ditto /^T 46 Sixteen ditto // / 47 Nine ditto /ifr-0,48 Eight ditto, fine /&+04.9 Eight ditto /# 50 Nine ditto 6* 6 51 Nine humorous, after Collett 6*052 Five after Morilio, Lancret, &c. fl>. -53 Five after Metzu, &c. /7 54 Eight after Tenters /* X * - 55 Six b y Suyderhoof, from Oftade, /'2 + ° $0*L$fa Four after Schalcken, Wovermans, &c. by G. Wille, and La Bas / 2* ~57 Ten aftfcr Penile, Delia Bella, &c /3 5B Nine after Vandyke, Brughel, Wilfon, &c. -£* 59 Seven after Berghem, Vifcher, &c. 2 f£i °3 Seven a ^ ter Acheimer, by C. Gouldt, ( ^ impreflions) - /»#&•• 61 The laft day, from Michael Angelo, . T>y M. Rota (fine impreffioh) /*4^**62 Eight drawings in black-lead, by Worlidge, 3*/6>~ (fine) 63 Six ditto, highly finifhed, by ditto /4*-7 ( IB ) [•/<£• — 64 Three ditto on vellum, Mary Queen of Scots, Oliver Cromwell, and 1 more, (very £ne) by ditto * , J 65 Two ditto, ditto ♦ ^• — 66 Arthur the comedian, and 3 more, by ditto /S*'}^7 Five ditto, by Vifcher, (very fine) A>*fc68 Two ditto, ditto /0*l> 69 Two from the antique fratues, by Worlidge /S~'"7° Two ditto coloured heads, by Oftade , 3*-/ 1 S lx ditt0 °^ nunt i n g> & c « °n vellum, drawn with a pen Two ditto, highly finifhed, St. Cecilia, and a Holy Family 73 Four fea ports and landicapes, by Domenico de Bauin >-cP 74 Two ditto, by Kabbei, after Waterloo (line) // 75 Six ditto, Chinefe ornaments, by Pillement ^* 7 7$ Two coloured drawings of birds, highly finiftied r **? h y Sen s e ■ r * / f 77 Ditto & 78 Ditto f* u 79 Ditto f- 0$ 80 Ditto f 3 81 One ditto of fruit, &c. jf» CJ 82 One ditto, a fea ftorm, very fine /7 83 Two ditto of flowers^ ditto £ 84 Two ditto of plants, ditto ^ $5 Two, Van Tol, and the Burgomafter, after Rembrandt // 86 Six, the Pen-cutter, &c. after ditto (fine) JO 87 Three landfcapes, ditto // 88 Five ditto, the Mill, &c. (fine) «$*• -89 Three ditto *J 90 Two ditto 1 /3*^i Four ditto gq 92 Two, the Woman with the Stove, with the va- riations of the cap * t*§ 93 7xw» ditto with the Stave and Painting Room, (moji beautiful imprejjivm of the fir ft ctefs, with the burr) // s H Four of nudities (fi^e) */2-» 95 Six ditto, ditto . ( H ) /J 96 Five ditto, remarkable fine, with variations /

tf 5o» ^So» -a$So -o$S<* ® «>£&► *$§*> «>$$©* «*C$o* -©tf$<* *$$©» *o^i?^*f 5o»^^5o- «>0<* «©v^ ^-do* Fourth Day's Sale, , Thurfday, February 27, 1783. Lot .1 OEventeen Englifh coin?, &c. 2 J^} Twenty-two landicapes and views 3 Three coloured views 4 Nine, various 1 «*, 5 Fourteen hiftorical, by Carracci and Cocic 6 Twelve etchings, by Claude / / 7 Fifteen portraits, by Vertu V/>£*£8 Sixteen dino. by Vandyke 9 Seven after Carali, by Grignion, &c. — 10 Seven heads, by Man on, kc. — **•« n Five large m°iz, in heads, by Fry -» 12 Four Madonas after Raphael *— 13 Nineteen metzotinto portraits (one of Quin in-*" the character of I.:lftaff) •&'+.&+ T 14 Twenty-eight heads, Wilton — ~*l£i JT* & 15 Ten rnetzotintoes, by Morlajid, kc. -•— Tj; ' • • 16 Twenty- three of birds and beafts, by Hollar •"■.■"%'•** # * X 17 Twenty-nine of muffs and habits, ditto — m— *' Vi^T* v 18 Sixteen portraits, ditto - — — ■*— 19 Twenty-fix landscapes, views, &c. ditto y 20 Nine hiitorical, ditto ()/t*U 21 Nineteen, variour, .^itto r- ~~™T~ 22 Twenty-fix heads, etched, by Richard fon 23 Twelve heads of artifts, after Falconet 24 Fifteen la; Ifcapes, by Waterloo 25 Four, by Hogarth, the Bench, the Wigs, and ,W»*~ tP* © Farmer's Return ( itf ) £-£ 26 Four, by ditto, Wilkes, Lord Lovat, Churchill and Politician yjfl^-* 27 Two, by ditto, the Cockpit and a Medley - jljL 28 Two, the March to FinchJey, and the Gates of V Calais, by Hogarth fA«~+ 29 Six, by Hogarth, Beer-ftreet, Gin-lane, &c~ , ' t *&0~ 30 Three, the Bathos, England, and France fcT^r— -31 Six Madonas, &c. by Albert Durer $.£ f&'i* — 32 Eleven etchings, by Oftade (fine impreffions) flk*$ -33 Thirty three habits and views, by Hollar and Redmaker (fine impreflions) / £< 34 Twenty-feven etchings, by Bega — / 35 Fifty-three of the works of Oftade, compleat 2s,fjh -go Fifty-two etchings, the works of Du Jardin* compleat j ^6 I $. rm 27 Eighteen landfcapcs and views, by Callot and .Sfrj/ Silvcfter jPJ&/l~Z% Twenty-four beggars (a fet) by Collet * > y^sift Barbenni's Gallery, by P. Cortona. / 1 / ' ^ /tf^ — 40 A book of landfcapes, by M. Richi, and a ditto of views, by Canaietti / . / { - ■'jj>£^\i Twelve etchings, by Rembrant (fine) j? y%— 42 Eight ditto, ditto f'v'Q 4-3 N' ne ditto, ditto ' Jtjf^.. 44. Six portraits, ditto Jlf'fr 45 Nine ditto, ditto (fine) - * S2& 4 6 Nine niftorical ( fine ) #— 47 D '£ . 52 Two, a proof of 0$Sai, and 1 more, by Barto- /* lozzi' /' % 53 Two, the Pool of Bethefda, and the Good Sa- maritan, by Hogarth . *T*^ 54 Six, by E«H-lom, from Boydell's books &*4 55 Eight ditto, ditto y~ $ r 56 Five ditto, ditto 56* Four ditto, ditto 57 Four, by Bartolozzi, &c. u ; C 17 ) r -vS# Three, from Rubens, Rembrandt, and Mofelli, *? ^ . Boydell's books > ^j^Sg Two proofs, Rembrandt ; 4— 60 Two metzotinto proofs, from Rubens and Rey- / %f J*. nolds p'tfot Two fea ftorms, by Watfon, after Vandeveldt - (proofs) DRAWINGS. 62 Four drawings, wafhed Jandfcapes, by Grimm 63 Ditto r ^ < , /,/. 64 Six ditto, by Ch4telin (fine) & -d zu*^» *^-^, } / ,/)*0 65 Six ditto, by Overlaet, finely drawn with a pen ,'. v ' - ^ 66 Eight ditto, heads, ditto /' S ' O 67 Ditto , 1 / \ 68 Four landfcapes, ditto 69 Three drawings, ditto, after Rembrandt .-* ^7° Four ditto, various / , /j ? o-J 1 Nine ditto, by Callot, &c. drawn with a pen - 3 ' ? 3 ' ? Sm^z Five ditto in chalk, by Carlo Maratti and Vanloo — v -4 v 2 —73 Six, by C. Exmaw, &c. c? 74 Four drawings, by Salvator Rofa, &c. - £~ * 7 5 Five ditto, by Rembrandt and Leonard da Vinci S -4-76 Five ditto, by Primaticio, Tintoret, &c. &c. 77 Eight ditto, by Van Goyen, Sachteleven, &c. r— 78 Five ditto, by Pouffin, Guerchino, &c. /*>0~7<) Five ditto, by Colonia, Wyck, &c. //• & ZT^ — 80 Four ditto, by Griffier and Chatelin 8-j Two ditto of birds, coloured, and highly finifhed by Senge 82 Ditto . / *r- ° 83 Ditto 84 Two ditto, fmall landfcapes (fine) / i 85 Three ditto (2 tulips and 1 more) PRINTS. 86 Ten, by Rembrandt, the Rat-citcher and the ' I Hogs, &c. fine impre/fions 87 Nine, ditto 88 Six, ditto (fine) 89 Ditto ( 18 ) r.-j Five, ditto, the Execution, &c. with variations ♦ „ (fine) // 91 Three drawings of hermits and philofophers > f jfc 92 Two ditto of hermits •• 93 Three of battles and hunting 94. The Death-bed of the Virgin, a fine impreflion 95 One, allegorical, and 8 various 96 Ten, various fubjects 97 One ditto, Coppinol, a fine impreflion on Indliia paper % - 4 98 Seven* the Marriage of J a/on and Crevfa, wiik the variations of the Crown, tnoji beautiful im- prejfions 99 The Duke de Choifeul's collection proofs 100 Ditto, the plates finished 101 A port folio bound in Ruflia, with ftrong double elephant leaves g . / v 102 Ditto / ' / 103 A ditto, in a parchment cover 104 A ditto, fmall find of the Fourth Dafs Sale. ( *9 ) Fifth Day's Sale, Friday, February 28, 1783, t t Lot 1 T^Leven heads, by Ho.ufton, &c. - (• 2 1> Nineteen, various 3 Eighteen, by Oftade, &c. , 4 Six, the Cieling at Whitehall, by Gfibelii,, and Michael Angelo, by Rota 5 Nine, by Rubens 6 Eight, by ditto and Soutman 7 Thirteen foreign portraits 8 Eighty-fix, various, by old matters 9 Two of nudities 10 Thirty-one figures, by Piilemcnt Five muffs, by Hollar (fine) 11 12 Three metzotinto proofs, by M'Ardell 13 Two ditto 14 Eight, by Schmidt — , _- e3 ..., —j ———■■■»—- 15 Thirteen etchings, by Van Vliet and Dufatfe ~* *Vi6 Fourteen ditto, by Ruyfdael and Elfheimer *5»— 17 Twenty ditto, by Chapron, &c 18 Ten, by Baflan and Mauperchi -,--», DRAWINGS. 19 Seventeen drawings, by Chatefin — —- — — *— - 20 Ten views on cards and vellum, drawri with a */ pen 21 1-ive drawings, by Delia Bella, Rubens, Rem- brandt, &c, :>£ /-/ 25 Two, Before and After Marriage, by Hogarth #. - 26 Two, ditto, Garrick in Richard III. and Mo- dern Converfation (f>- — 27 Hudibras, compleat 0-62$ Three, by ditto, Lord Lovat, &c. /J> - 29 Seventeen, various fubjecls, ditto J.. -30 Four ditto, ditto ^,.^31 Nine, by Bunbury » f&r* 32 Seven, ditto //* -,2% Ten etchings, by Schmidt //• ^ 34 Seven ditto, ditto (fine) >£,-*. ^c Twelve wood-cuts, by Goltzius and Blomacn - *?• ~ 3 6 Twenty-one ditto, by Albert Durer jfg* _ *^ 7 Twenty-two etchings, by Spagniolet and r. *' Tefta /♦• /«» - 3 3 Thirty-three, by Caitiglione, &c. ^***39 Nine, by Rubens /£*» -40 Twelve heads, by Piazzetta /<^-^4i Twenty etchings, various, by Worhdge t ** * •• m. ifl. Twenty-fix heads, ditto /•* /^"-»43 Thirty-two, various, ditto £#* ^•♦-44 Twenty-four, ditto, ditto £>.. 5** -45 Fourteen, ditto, ditto /- /**-46 Ten, ditto, ditto / * / . r ^ 4? Eight, ditto, ditto /** / -.-48 Ditto f2*~t*ft One, the Theatre of Oxford, by Worhdge . /♦. A...', eo The Hundred Guilders, ditto / £- jj •0**-. ri The Temptation of St. Anthony, by Callot J?** *?•♦-, 52 The Pancake Woman, by Vifcher (fine) /**>♦« -53 Two proof etchings, by Woollet, after Wilfon . £ /£• # 54 Celadon and Amelia, ditto (fine imprefnon, - /♦• £•*— 55 Nine landfcapes, by Rubens ( 21 ) 56 Thirteen etchings, by Rembrandt £~f4 y <*&*•' " 57 Nine ditto, ditto f" 'f *' - 5 H Ditto ~~ «" A** 2 59 Eleven ditto, ditto — ~~*% '* ;^Ji* • 6o Two ditto of the Hundred Guilders, ditto - /»- ■ *Z*' " 6 1 Three, by ditto — — - — V -% W* ** • 62 Two, the Defcent from the Crofs, the Original 'fo and Copy /£ t> 63 Copinol, a fine impreflion on vellum ~-**~ ** , 3** 64 Four, by Rembrandt ' . ; —~§&-* DRAWINGS. 65 Two drawings in water-colours, the Heads of . //• C> Sir Godfrey Kneller and Meytens / '/•* — • 66 Two ditto, Albert Durer and Mieres *** '^ 67 Two ditto, Rubens and Vandyke X • *£" m 68 Three ditto, Sandrart, Knupfer, and Largil- /•♦ *7*' & liere gy £. 69 Three ditto, Both, Vangoyen, and Pepyn j£)? *T** 70 Two, Herbage, and Still Life %± 5? • «te 71 Two drawings (coloured) of currants and ^"» />2* & goofeberries /y / j7 72 Two ditto of fingle flowers ^»* * # " 73 Ditto — 2* A*— 74 Two pots with flowers „ %* A*" ?" 75 Two drawings of coloured bird*, highly finifhed ff'Jy* by Senge 2«!? # '^* 76 Ditto M Z" ~^O.A- 77 Ditto " ^"*~^ ** *£ 73 Ditto — — 2 ♦*«?"" PRINTS. 79 Four etchings, after Guerchjno, by Bartolozzi, - *''o** "T firft impreflions ^ ^^ A 80 Ditto ^r- — — ■- ••' ~"" Zp. ^ 1 Ditto .**■*** - ■— — "•=■ - » S2 Five drawings, views in Switzerland, by Grim, /•*'«J>*^ ' and a view of Bruffels F ( 22 ) /» fj" ~ 83 Four etchings, by Rembrandt, Old Harrimg and 3 of his Sons, with variations, very iiine f • & ' & 84 K. N. Anflo, a very fine impreflion and fearc$$0> <*Q§0> *>§§& & *g ft f ^S©» ^fle** «©ff$0- Sixth Day's Sale. Saturday, March I, 1782. Lot //'• ~ 1 T^Orty-five, modern and antient mafters /$* 2 J/ Fifty-four portraits, various mafters £. (, 3 Nine metzotintoes, Smith and Dixon ^. I 4 Twenty-two, Albert Durer V ^ ?«»o 5 Twenty-three after Rembrandt, by Cayles anc • Pool %&) X* — 6 Nine metzotintoes, oreen, &c. , /P# «. 7 A large parcel, various £, . 8 Twelve, by Pond and Lafage cfl £ 9 Nine, by Major and Vandevelde, &c. « /># - 10 Thirty heads, Vandyke V0*~l.i Forty-nine portraits, various mafters Y&* 6** Fifty-four, Albert Durer 4f»/»*3 Twenty-five various, Bartolozzi, &c. 2* » 14 Seven imitations of drawings, Demarteau J+l> x 5 Twelve ditto, ditto /*i «»i6 Five prints, Le Bas, Houbraken, &c. '//j. £17 Ten heads, Brouwer, &c. w £ 18 Eleven ditto, Houbraken, Schmidt, &c. j ^ , ... 19 Three, by Pool and Simplon , / ,■: jt 20 Fifty etchings, Lefebre, &c. ^4 (j Jfa* 21 Six ditto, Caftiglione and Pet. Tefta [1^*22 Fifty-three ditto, S. Delia Bella rj t o 23 Twenty-eight views, and Canaletti Jj^"»o24 Eight heads, Edelinck, Nantueil, &c. I A, o2$ Four, Hogarth's Laughing Audience, &c» t\^)6 \S .< 24 ) £ » & 26 Four ditto, Beer Street, Gin Lane, France, and - England nS' v, 27 One ditto, the Gates of Calais /$• 6» 28 One ditto, the March to Finchley (fine) - Two ditto, the Bathos and Cock-pit Six ditto, the Cruelties, and Wilkes, and Churchill Worlidge 7 l 74* 19 30 /4— 3» • 3 2 Eight etchings, _ Twelve ditto / • 0:* O 33Ditto / ~ & • & 34. Ditto / *»/fi* 25 Twenty-three ditto / •• ,$*• 36 Twenty-five ditto /<£ * - 37 Twenty-two ditto 7«* -» 38 Twenty ditto //■»" "39 Four ditto ^,„ « 40 Three ditto, Cicero, old Jenkins, &« , /^,. » 41 One ditto, the Oxford Theatre, (fine) 42 One ditto, the Hundred Guilder 43 Two, Hogarth, the Pool of Bethefda, kc. 44 One hundred and fixty^four,^Vorlidge's gems „«4j Four, a candle-light ^f%*,* by Morland, and 3 others /J*.. — 46 One, the Fiihery, by Woollett, (very fine) c^« C 47 Two metzotintoes, after Morland and Rem- - brandt f3" 6 48 Two, William Beckford, by Bartolozzi, and le Malhcureufc Family One, la Pere de Familc, by Greuze, fine im- preffion One, the Mufician, G. Wille (fine) t Two, by Wollet, from Dufart, fine impreffion . £ 52 The Death of Dido, by Bartolozz; (fine proof) %£V - 33 One, Queen Mary, after Zuccero, by Barto- . lozzi (fine) /£„£ $\ One, William Beckford, Efq. by Bartolozzi (hVfe. proof) f/m. — 55 Two, the Silence. Bartolozzi, after Carracci jfr.. — 56 One, a landfcape, Wollet, after Smith (a fine proof) , (*7„ » 57 The Fiihery, ditto (a fine proof) /* / %6 49 /fir- 7 51 ^ ( 25 ) £,"8 One, Macbeth, ditto, after Zuocarelli (fine /,. %•+ «•* proof) 59 Two landfcapes, Woollet, after Smith (fine im- j£„ preflions) / 610 One, a landscape on India paper, ditto, after / • /w * ** Clande (proof) . ^ . &a One, Niobe, ditto (a fine impreffion.) w *♦ ** ' 6>2 One, Phaeton, ditto, ditto — -/**/£** ~ DRAWINGS. 63 Two drawings, fingle flowers, coloured and highly finiflied 64 Two ditto, orange flowers, &c. - — — --•- — *» " 65 Two ditto, birds in the neft (very fine) —•*• « » — 66 Three ditto, double birds, ditto — — — — • — — • « * ' 67 Two drawings, double birds 68 Two ditto, fmall landfcapes •69 Ditto - — — - — — — — — — 70 Two ditto, the Death of the Deer — ■■«..., 71 Two ditto, a moon-light, and a cafrle on fire 72 One ditto, a froft piece «^- 73 Two ditto, vafes with flowers 74 Ditto -*. •— . — . 75 Two ditto, birds — PRINTS. 76 Four etchings, Bartoloz^i, firft impreflious * •'" 77 Four ditto, ditto 78 Three ditto, ditto 79 Ditto * ' — 80 Four ditto, ditto 81 Ditto 82 Ditto 83 Five ditto, ditto 84. Four .ditto, ditto 85 Five ditto, ditto \, &*»0 86 Twelve heads of Rembrandt in various rafters, fome very fcarce -m me very icarce */* /? ( 26 ) *Z»tQ »* ** B7 Six ditto, by ditto, fine and fcarce £.* #« - 88 Twelve ditto, ditto /#♦ 5* '• *0 F° ur » a landscape, the Flight into Egypt, by ^^ Rembrandt, and 3 others Wf 1 go One, the Raifing of Lazaru*, fcarce /^y /,«*-&«•»- gi Seven, hiftorical, by ditto, the Angel delivering Peter from Prifon (very fcatcc) fcourgin^ ^ the Money-lenders, and 5 more (fine) / 4* *••♦ -0,3 Three, 1 the little tomb (fine impreflion) / •♦ ^••-•93 Seven fubje&s from the Oid Teftament, very fine impreflions, amongft which are 2 of Jofeph and Potiphar's Wife j^O** O •• » ' 94. Worlidge's works compleat, wirh various A tl # ^ changes, many very fcarce, in a lfcrge port- t t / folio, containing 558 prints J+$*j/fr~UQ$ A large portfolio with double leaves, bound in .\: "V* Ruffia End of the Sixth Day's Sale. 1 -V A •*Vv ♦ v 1 v., 1 a • % --» .. Vj - i ( *7 ) Seventh Day's Sale, Monday, March 3, 1783, Lot $»• — 1 C^Orty-eight, various /2*» -~-~2 " Eleven portraits, Houbraken • //**€ 3 Fifty-orte, Albert Durer Of — 4 Nine hiftorical, Edelinck, &c. yfa «■» 5 Eleven, the Gipfey, by Vifcher, and 10 mo. ? iQ~ m 6 Forty drawings, by Italian matters 2%. £ 7 Sixty-one ditto //« 6 8 Twelve of coloured flowers 'tine) r *» fy**o g Twenty portraits in India ink, highly finffhec* /3"*«"»IO Fifty-one drawings, various 1* O + 0i\ Twenty-fix ditto /t # 'OI2 Twelve ditto, Grenear ^••-13 Five ditto, Rejibrandt, &c. <•• 4&~~\± Twenty-four ditto, Worlidge .4 4?*-*\s Seventeen, Don Quixote, after Coypel >4*£i6 Forty-two, Heads of the Grand Matters of Malta, engraved by Cars (y~~lj Twelve heads of artifts, Falkoner /«?*»»i8 Forty-four views and plans of cathed r ab (P»--l9 Five, Rubens #.•••20 Four, Rubens, Tintoret^ 6cc. H**y2i Six, Pietro Tefta, &c. e22 Four, Rubens 23 Eight, Vifcher, &c. 34 Eighteen, Rembrandt .) r ( 28 > .., /S..6t$ Twenty-four hiftorical, Rembrandt /., Z*'" 26 A Burgomafter (fine) and 9 more, Rembrandt /** «?»'^27 A ditto, ditto, and 10 more, ditto O' 28 Thirty-fix heads, ditto /*' £?«~29 Six of Marriage a-la-Mode, Hogarth J.. 30 Two, Before and After Marriage, ditto /&.0 3 1 Fifteen, Capt. Baillie /♦. / #. ^32 Ditto /., / •* *V33 Fourteen, ditto /£"»3+ Six, ditto, after Van Goyen / 43 Dirto V'»^44 Ditto 3^*'^ 45 Four, ditto Z..(f 46 Ditto ^/.^ -.47 Three, ditto /*;..-48 Four, ditto /^'-^49 Ditto /♦« * 50 Ditto /3 1 " -5 1 Three, ditto y^'^52 Two, ditto, 'i;c Gonl-weigher, a proof 7" -53 The Hundred Guilder cut up f 9 . '^--'54 Ditto, on India paper / Q - O •7 /J2*'"5S Ditto on fattin, a beautiful impreflion DRAW! N G S. #*• /*/•* '56 Two drawings on vellum, fhells, &c. !?"/J?«'0 57 Two ditto landfcapes, (fine) j?-A?-^ 58 Ditto *>*•&**• 59 Two ditto converfations «» # . ^». ~6o Four ditto, the feafons 57 #. fO*'"^ 1 Two ditto, fmall landfcapes ( 29 ) 62 Two ditto of birds, (fine) 63 Ditto — — — "~~~- 64 Ditto 65 Ditto - _^_ 06 Two ditto, the King of Pruffia, and a camp 67 Two land (capes on pannel 68 Four drawings, by Amiconi —2 « 0- »• 2 2 /0 2- PRINTS. C9 Three hiftorical proof prints after Angelica and Cofway 70 The Jew Rabbi, and a lady with a mafk, two very fine proofs 71 Three proofs from Rembrandt, by M'Ardell — 72 Two, Lord Keppel and Captain Farmer, (fine proofs) 73 Four, 2 landscapes from Taylor, 1 from Rem- brandt, and 1 from Dow 74 Four by Raphael, Jordaens, &c 75 Seven from Rembrandt, by Suyderhocf, &C. 76 fwenty-feven by Van Vliet *7'7»Twenty-eig1it, ditto — a -. 6 • » / •* ** DRAWINGS. 78 Two very high finifhed drawings, by Worlidge, after Rembrandt 79 Ditto 80 Ditto 81 Four ditto 82 One, the death cf the Virgin (remarkably fine) 83 Three ditto — — — • 84 One ditto, the defcent from the croft, e [teemed to be the hefi imitation extant of the mafler — 85, One ditto, a portrait of Sir Edward Aftley, in imitation of the Burgomu:ter (Six) - 86 One ditto, the Oxford 1 heatre, the original drawing for the plate — 9 .{> i a* 6 /*» />* $ — * /£ C\ + - " * r w I 3© ) PRINTS. 87 Nine landscapes, from Guerchino - — ■ — 88 Four hiftorical, from ditto 89 Five various, ditto go Five ditto 91 Seven ditto 92 Two, Gideon's Sacrifice, and Haman and Mor- Q. - decai, by Rembrandt, (fine impreffions) 93 Five from fcripture, 1 the Return from Egypt, — J very fcarce and fine, by ditto 94 Six ditto, fine impreffions, ditto /" % 95 Seven ditto, 1 of Abraham offering Ifaac, (fine ,. / and fcarce) 96 Nine from the New Teftament, with variations, f* / very fcarce 97 Two, the three croffes, with variations, very fine / 98 One ditto on vellum, very fine -*— • - " ; —"■ 4 99 The great Ecce Homo — - — «- — — 100 The 1 ft vol. of Boydell's Works, containing 50 prints, fine impreffions s^>o joi' The 2d vol. of ditto, containing 61 prints y%3 f End of the Seventh Day's Sale. ( 3' ) Eighth Day's Sale, Tuefday, March 4, 1783. Lt n A Parcel of landfcapes, &c. a ./"j A parcel of ornaments, vafes, &c. / 3 A book of coloured drawings, and a ditto with views, &c. //• 4- Twenty-two etchings, by Worlidge 5 Fifty copies after Hogarth ' / 6> A large parcel of portraits, he. O / 7 A parcel, various * "£},« $ A ditto, after Worlidge Qj A parcel of plans and fe&ions *2 • ® io> A parcel of (hipping / > / 11 Twenty^three, various — * > 6 12 Thirty-eight ditto . 5* 13 Forty-nine ornaments, flowers, vafes, &c. / 14 A large parcel, various / 15 A large parcel, by Worlidge, Morland, &c. 16 A ditto by Callot, Delia Bella, &c. ^ 17 A parcel of drawing books, &c. (■ . / ., C/^£) 18 A large parcel, various Cl ^ / ' v i\ 19 Twelve heads of modern* artifts, by Falconet £ • O 20 Seventeen of architecture, fhipping, views, &c. /' 21 Fifteen of Pond's imitations /& > (5 22 Nineteen coloured views, landfcapes, &c. 23 Eight, Capt. Cook, by Sherwin, and 7 more 24 Four, views at Whitehall /Oi Q> 25 Seven, by Goupy, Cafali, Baron, &c. ( 32 ) 26 Six views of North America, &c. by Canot 27 Six, 1 of Capt. Cook, by Sherwin, and 5 more by Vertue, &c. A t- 28 Four hiftorical, by Edelinck, &c. • i 29 Four landfcapes, by Watteau, Zocchi, &c. *• 30 Five by Teniers and Wovermans 31 Eight etchings of heads, by Worlidge / ' 32 Twenty-four ditto - 33 Twenty ditto *f /' , 34. Eighteen ditto / / 35 Ten ditto hiltoricaj, by ditto / 36 Nine ditto / 37 Three, Mafler Weftley, Sir James Burrows, and 1 more f I 38 Two proof metzotintocs, after Sir Jofhua Rey- nolds and Ramfay 39 Two ditto, after Weft and Morland 40 Two landfcapes, after Lambert, by Mafon, fine imprt_fuorts 41 Three ditto, after Pillement and Gainfborough, ditto 42 Four, the feafons, by Pillement, ditto / 43 Two after Wovermans and Parmcgiano, by Strange, firft impreflions 44. Two after Guido and Guerchino, ditto, ditto 45 Two ditto, after C. Marratti, ditto, ditto 46 Two after Schidoni and Dominichino, by ditto 47 Two ditto, after Pouflin and Guido, by ditto, line iiuprciiions 48 The death of Dido, after Guerchino, by ditto, ditto . . 49 The crowning with thorns, by Vandyke and Rubens 50 Two, the crofs and reverfe, by Rubens, (fine) . DRAWING S. 51 Four drawings coloured, 2 by Polbus, ditto Martin Luther and Melange, curious and very fcarce 52 Two ditto high finifhed of fhipping, drawn with a pen, marked G V B ( 33 ) 53! One ditto, a fca-picce, by Vandevelde (fine) 54. One ditto, a group of cattle and figures, an un- doubted drawing by Berghem 55 Two of birds coloured, and highly finifhed by Senge 56 Ditto 57 Two ditto converfations, by ditto - 58 Two ditto, large and fine 59 One ditto, a dandileon, (very fine) 60 One ditto, a thiftle, ditto 61 One ditto of flowers, ditto 62 One ditto, ditto, (beautiful) PRINTS. / -#63 One of Lord Thurlow, after Sir Jofhua Rey- / nolds, by Bartolozzi (firft imprefiion) ^£^64 One, Mr. Weft and family, (fine impreflion)- ^ by Facius 65 One, the battle of La Hogue, after Weft, by Woollett, (a beautiful impreflion) 66 One, the battle of the Boyne, after Weft, by Hall (fine impreflion) 67 Two etchings by Rembrandt, the Adoration, / (remarkably fine, with the variations) 68 Eleven ditto, the Manafia Ben Ifrael, (very fine with various changes) 69 Six, the Reft in Egypt, St. Peter, and a man writing (fcarce), our Lord in the Garden of Olives (fine), and 2 more, ditto 70 Three, ^the Flight into Egypt, with variations, (fine impreflions, and very fcarce) 71 One, the Angels appearing to the Shepherds (a moft brilliant imprefiion) 72 One, Peter curing the lame man (a firft im- preifion, fcarce) 73 Three, Chrift with the Samaritan woman, (firft and beautiful impreflions, with the variations) O / / E A vy ( 34 ) 74 Two, the Defcent from the Crofs, and the En- tombing of Chrift (both fine impreffions) 2 » i 75 Two portraits of Crabbatie and Fautricius, the philofophers (both fine) / . / ) 76 One ditto, the Jew Phyfician (a remarkable fine impreflion) 77 Two ditto, John Lutma, with the variation of the cafement in the back ground (fine) 78 Four, Abraham France, and the Man with a ftiort Beard, with and without name and date 9. - 79 Two, the fmall Coppinol (firft impreflion), and the head of the large ditto, with a fheet of writing by the fame 80 Two of ditto, with the variations of the picture in the back ground (very fine impreffions) a**^!*. 81 Two, the Gold-weigher (a finifhed print, clear brilliant impreflion), ditto, Capt. Baillie's^fc*, copy 82 Two ditto, 1 the Fall, unfinished (a moft bril- liant impreflion) with the reverie 2 '■ I &' 83 Four, Rembrandt's portrait, (one very fcarce, without the landfcape in the window) > • 84 Two, the Good Samaritan, and the horfe with and without the white tail (fcarce) 85 One, the three Crofles, (a moft beautiful in>- preflion) 86 One ditto, (a clear fine impreflion, moft rare, according to the defcription from Rem- brandt's Catalogue) 87 One ditto, Chrift before Pilate, with the figures , before the pedeftal (fine) 88 One ditto, the firft impreflion, the top of the building not hatched, (a moft beautiful print) 89 One ditto, with the figures before the pedeftal effaced (fine and fcarce) 90 One, the large Defcent from the Crofs (fine) ( 35 ) gi The large Ecce Homo, prefumed one of the Jineji / imprejjions ever feen 92 The Hundred Guilder print, allowed to be the Jineji Q, imprejjion in the kingdom 93 A mojl capital collection of Hogarth's Works, /Oj>\ confijling of 280 prints of the firji imprejjion, with variety of changes, elegantly bound in 3 vols, in RuJJia 94 A large parcel of ruled and other paper for • prints and drawings FINIS. k. % jh! I b-HH far