CATALOGUE THE VALUABLE COLLECTION OF Old English and Foreign SILVER PLATE, ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, BRONZES AND METAL WORK, AND 16tb Century? ©bjects of Hit (Many of which have been Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club), Formed by that well-known Connoisseur the late ALFRED COCK, ESQ., Q C„ F.S.A. WHICH (by Order of the Executors) Mill tic So lb bn Slue lion b£ Messrs. CHRISTIE, MAN SOX & WOODS, AT THEISm GH&KAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On MONDAY, JULY 4, 1898, And Two Following Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Friday and Saturday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James’s Square , S. TV. CONDITIONS OF SALK - o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Bayer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. IT. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. II. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day's Sale. On MONDAY, JULY 4, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PEEOISELY. SILVER —At per Oz. OZ. Twelve plain table-spoons ; and two sauce-ladles. 27 A pair of sauce-ladles, with shell bowls . . £ .p 3 Three plain table-spoons; and four dessert-spoons'— 1752, 1772, &c. 9-yCr 9 Six plain salt-spoons, one with whip handle ; a su^ar- ladle ; a pair of engraved sugar-tongs; a pair of threaded ditto ; four salt-shovels ; and a caddy-spoorn^ 5 Thirteen coffee-spoons (ten with the bowls chased) ; one rat-tailed ditto ; and a pair of sugar-nippers . 4 Five feathered-edge coffee-spoons, with chased handles and shell bowls; a pair of shell salt-spoons ; and a. pair of sugar-bows .... . Eight coffee-spoons, with chased foliage handles /and shell bowls ; a mulberry-spoon, similar ; three coffee- spoons, the handles chased with masks ; and a pair^ of salt-spoons, the bandies chased with children. "y* 6 b X 2 4 02 . diet. 8 A pair of plain grape-scissors ; and a pair of gadrooned ice-tongs ....... 4 9 A fish-trowel, pierced and engraved with scrolls—1770./£^4 10 Ten rat-tailed table-spoons—1715. 1723. 1729. &c. •>/ 16 5 A -1715, 1723, 1729, &c .prA 11 A rat-tailed gravy-spoon—1717; and a marrow-spocm— 1728 . 7 / t/ZZ . 6 12 A flat-shaped tea-pot, chased with flowers and scrolls 4^14 13 A cream-jug, chased with flowers, on round foot—177 14 Another, repousse with festoons of flowers—1777 3 15 A plain octagonal-shaped tea-caddy, with dome to V 4 5 /. 16 A plain muffin-dish and cover, with reeded borders- M (3r, 10 */ glass liner ...... 17 A small oval basket, with pierced trellis border, beadec edges and handle—1784 18 A set of six oval salt-cellars, pierced with scale pattern, on ball and claw feet—blue glass liners—1770 10 19 Four circular salt-cellars, on three feet, chased with. flowers—1767-74 .5 20 A pair of sauce-boats, on three feet, chased with flowers 8 fl 16 ^ 0 —1749 4 21 A plain circular fluted breakfast-dish, cover and linerf^ 40 22 An Oval Pierced Bread-Basket, with beaded fluting, and gadroon border chased with wreaths of flower —1770 .; /*/& 25 15 ^ flowery 7 . /25 6 Jk 23 A Oiroular Deep Dish, with fluted border and escalloped edge—10J in. diam.—bearing hall mark of 1716. 29 24 A Circular Waiter, engraved with a band of flowers and scrolls—5^ in. diam.—by John Tuite, 1737 /f/s 25 A Square-Shaped Waiter, escalloped at the corners, 19 the centre chased with foliage, flowers and a shield on matted ground—5^ in. square —1727 . /^8 16 5 oz. dwt. 26 A Circular Salver, with chased ^centre, the border pierced and chased with masks, hounds, fruit, flowers and scrolls, on three feet chased with vines and masks —10 in. diam .— fitted with glass dome cover with chased silver knob .... 7y n 27 27 A circular salver, with gadroon border, on three scroll , feet—13 in. diam. —1770 .... *7/ U 88 0 28 A tankard, with scroll handles, chasod with flowers and scrolls—1782 ..... 10 14 29 A two-handled cup, on gadrooned foot, spirally fluted and chased with a shield and corded band . /» 16 30 A jug and cover, chased with foliage and flowers 31 31 A small plain bowl, on round foot—1735—and dover with threaded border—1713 14 32 A plain cylindrical-shaped jug, with scroll hand! Exeter hall mark 33 A taper hand candlestick, with escalloped border and extinguisher ..... . -2/4 2 X 4 - « 6 J 34 A taper candlestick, on baluster stem and square foot, escalloped at the corners—1726 . • Acf 4 35 A Queen Anne ditto, on baluster stem and octagonal shaped foot ..... 36 A Pair of Queen Anne Table Candlesticks, on baluster stems and octagonal-shaped feet —by Ay Nelme —1712 ..... 17 2 Ar —' 14 37 Four Willian III. small plain cylindrical sugar-dredgers, with ring handles— by Thomas Bolton, Dublin, circa 1693 . 6 O'/7 38 A Charles I. Small Plain Tazza, on round foot— 5.^ in. diam. —1637 .... . 39 A Queen Anne Tazza, with repousse corded border , and round foot—9 in. diam. —1705 . . 7 12 0 6 *r 40 A Queen Anne Small Porringer, >*ith twisted cord handles, the lower part spirally hated, and with a repousse narrow band above— JExe^jf hall mark — 02 . dwt. 1707 /y 41 A James II. Shaped Jug, the lower part chased/with a band of acanthus foliage—1687 . . //^ 42 An Early English Tazza or Drinking Cup, with plain bowl of somewhat hemispherical form, chased with narrow band beneath of pierced cut card ornament in relief, on short round stem and foot chased with a double hand of ladder and key-pattern ornament— 8 ^ in. high , diam. of howl 4 £ in. — circa 1540 '/4f- SILVER-GILT. 43 Twelve coffee-spoons, with handles and bowls of finely . chased leaf pattern ..... i 44 Four serving-spoons, with fluted bowls and chased handles ....... 8 45 A small plain square tray, fluted at the corners, on ball feet ....... /fc 4 46 A small chocolate-pot, chased with flowers and scrolls / rvXj9 47 A Pair op Small Candelabra, of Louis XY. design; 5 1 on chased stems and feet, with spiral branches for three lights each—9^ in. high 48 A Set of Four Table Candlesticks, on vase-shaped 7 ? stems and round feet, chased with flowers and scrolls in high relief —all at 57 co »e> ^ «r> i© 7 EARLY ENGLISH SPOONS. 7/0 49 ^ 7^50 r .^51 V <75 2 two-pronged fork, with silver-mounted crystal handles & 73 A small cocoanut-cup, mounted with handles, rim and footy»£ slightly chased silver * 9 FOREIGN SILVER. , ^74 Two pairs of small vases, spirally fluted; and four chased shield-shaped menu-stands '^75 A plain table-bell— Batch . ... . oz. divt. ^7 76 An old French wine-taster, repousse with bosses and spiral fluting . . . * . . . .3 - A small old German cup, with a hand of shell and foliage ornament in flat chasing, the lower part spirally fluted ....... 0 78 A plain flat-shaped milk-jug— Butch. & 79 An oval flat-shaped bowl, the handle chased as a branch of foliage— Augsburg, 18 th century _80 An oval box, with dome cover, spirally fluted and chased with shell and scroll ornament—on scroll feet— Moscow, 1778 ....... '^81 A plain chocolate-pot— Paris, 18 th century. ’ £ 82 A vase-shaped sugar-caster, the lower part engraved with strap ornament on frosted ground, and with fluted border and foot ..... 1 4 5 10 10 9 ^ 83 A small bottle and cover, formed as a vase, on stem and foot chased with helmeted busts in niches, scroll and other ornament in relief—74- in. high ... 7 O 84 A Japanese silver bowl and cover, chased with kiku in relief . ....... 7 r & 85 A Louis XIV. Table Candlestick, on octagonal¬ shaped baluster stem and foot with reeded borders— hall marie , a vaisseau a-mat ..... 86 A Tazza, with shallow bowl, engraved inside with ^ cornucopias, on vase-shaped stem and round foot, the bowl engraved with inscription and date 1647— 5^ in. high ....... 18 9 19 12 10 i/7 «/ oz. diet. 87 A Chalice, with plain bowl, on short stem with globular knop, chased with cherubs in high relief, and splayed sexafoil foot engraved with a crucifix and border of ornament—6j in. high—early 17th century . . 7 / / 88 A pair of table-forks and rat-tailed spoon, with flat ,/Vy notched handles— St. Petersburg , 1693, 1724 89 A Scandinavian spoon, with short handle, with chased ball top and round bowl, engraved with the sacraL s J monogram 4. tT 90 An Early German Apostle Spoon, with octagonal- ^ shaped tapering handle, grooved down the front, and surmounted by the figuro of an Apostle with staff , y and hook, the bowl engraved with initials on a scroll/", —15/A century FOREIGN SILVER-GILT. 6*/134 ,^ 135 136 A Dyptioh, of Ivory, the two volutes carved in relief with The Crucifixion, and Coronation of the Virgin under Gothic /, canopies, pierced silver hinges— French , 14 th century * A Pyx, of ivory, carved in low relief with The Crucifixion under y , a Gothic canopy—14 th century A pyx, cylindrical body and cone cover, of champlev6 enamel: the sacred monogram i.h.s in circular panels on a con¬ ventional floral ground in blue and green— probably FrenchlR^^^ 14^ century A relief, in ivory, of two figures embracing, after Teniers -* -' * r ^ An ivory statuette of the Virgin and Child—5 in. highr^- dark wood stand— Portuguese, 17 th century Ecoe Homo : an ivory statuette—4^ in. high —on white marble and metal-gilt plinth An octagonal bronze-gilt plaque, with the head of Augustus Caesar, and the inscription pater patele — early 18 th century —ebonised frame A small tazza, of rock-crystal, fluted oval base, fluted stem and partly fluted cup—4£ in. high —mounted with silver-gilt— 17^ century hite marble * ^ — BRONZES. ol37 A bronze bell, with festoons of flowers, surmountedJby a figure of Cupid ; and a relief of Henri IV. c) 138 A small statuette of a crouching anatomical figure—on ebony / and horn plinth—2^ in. high ^ O 139 Mercury, a statuette—on marble plinth—6 in. high j 140 A mortar, with four raised ridges— 17th century ; and one, with ornaments in low relief, dated 1601 & 141 A Relief of Oliver Cromwell, by Simon—gilt-wood frame From Fonthill >, i>142 A pair of statuettes, partly gilt, of St. Peter and St. Paul Italian , 17 th century —on ebony plinth—14^ in. high 16 2 143 Thb Fighting Gladiator — French , 17th century —19 in. high / on black marble plinth > y^ 0 144 A bust of Auguste Comte —inscribed etex, 1852—20 in. high^fy^^ ^145 The Suppliant: a bronze statuette of a girl—verde antique ja 7 * stand—19 in. high / _? 146 A medallion of Auguste Comte ; and a medallion of Lord Tennyson / ?yr7r L *211 212 » O 213 214 O’ 215 ^ O A curious splashed vase, formed as a brocade bag ; a pear-shaped bottle, with rough floral ornaments; a grey and buff splashed vase ; and a double gourd-shaped vase, with horses in gold on a black ground 4 A blue and white Hirato beaker vase, the centre pierced with diaper pattern—10 in. high ; and a figure of Buddha, of similar faience—Ilf in. high A pair of Kaga ware bottles and covers, with shaped panels of landscapes and kylins—11 in. high ^ A square-shaped Imari bottle, with diapers and flowers in colours —8J in. high ; and a beaker, with a dragon on a coral-colour ground A curious Imari bowl, with European figures and ships in bril- , s' liant colours—10 in. diam. A fluted bowl, painted with vases of flowers in red, blue and gold > in four compartments—10 in. high An old Imari pear-shaped bottle, painted with flowers in panels, on dark blue and gold ground A ditto octagonal bowl, with aquatic plants ; in red, blue and gold ; a larger bowl, with an extensive river scene; and a mug^^^ f ^ with a river scene and buildings A pair of Imari bowls and covers, painted with Dutch figures and boats A Satsuma kor5, surmounted by a kylin—10£ in. high ; a small pricket candlestick ; four bowls, painted -with deities; a pair ^ , y of blue and white bowls and covers, with storks; and four bowls A vase and cover, with birds and flowers in blue; an Imari jar and cover ; an earthenware tea-pot; a square-shaped celadon^ dish ; and three bowls, variously decorated 22 SNUFF-BOTTLES. 216 A glass bottle, with ring handles, in brilliant blue ; a blue ditto ; one, with peonies in pale green; an amber bottle, carved with a horse and fir trees; and one, of glass, with utensil# in relief in green 5 Z? 217 A jade bottle, with a horse and fir trees in yellow; one, of pile ?■? agate, with cranes and lotos ; a matrix of amethyst bottle, with dragons and bats ; and one, of similar material, witja bats and fungus 4 £ 218 A striated agate bottle, with a fisherman; an agate bottle, with vine and squirrel in green strata; a matrix of amethyst bottle, formed as a melon ; and one, formed as pp. egg fnfit / «/", O 219 A’ /ZZo 220 z. o 221 *r. C ?*7 ** 222 A- 223 z. , *3 , & 224 A 225 6^7 V 226 A double porcelain bottle, with a court scene in relief in colours; one, smaller, with a pleasure ship ; a cylindrical porcelain bottle, enamelled with figures ; one, with the storm dragon : and a small water-vessel, with the storm dragon t A flat-shaped porcelain bottle, enamelled with ladies on a terrace in colours on a pale pink ground —Kien Lung ; a beohe-de- J mer bottle; a bottle, with dragons in coral colour; one, of g dark fleur-de-peche ; and two blue and white bottles 6 Two pierced coral-colour porcelain bottles ; and a pierced blue bottle, with storm dragon 3 A matrix of amethyst bottle, formed as a doubl# egg plant; and one, of agate, carved with a horse 2 A flat-shaped bottle, of pale agate, with a Ho-Hb bird*; one, of similar material, with a tiger; and a srnaUj,striated agate bottle 3 A moss agate bottle ; and one, of glass, with Aquatic plapts in blue 2 A porcelain bottle, formed as cbai-re ; and one, with dragons in relief in gold on a black ground ^^7' " 2 A double bottle, of smoked rock-crystal; and a faceted ditto, of clear crystal 2 23 /r ^227 An agate bottle, with an eagle and waves in relief; and one, of jade, with a crow in brown 2 , 0 228 An agate bottle, formed as a boy with monkey ^ 229 A large ruby glass bottle, carved with kylins, &c.; and one, / with horses in ruby on a white ground 2 £ & 230 A glass bottle, "with horses in ruby and black on a w 7 hite ground ; and one, similar, with elephants 't ?2 , & 231 A glass bottle, painted in the interior with a landscape ; and a /? / . double gourd-shaped bottle, of lapis lazuli 2 ' /^232 An agate bottle, with fir trees in green strata, emerald-green /> ✓ „„„ i_ ^ ^ jade stopper ; and one, of striated lacquer OLD CHINESE PORCELAIN. /233 £234 ,0 235 , 0 236 „ O 237 „ £?238 , o 239 ;^240 241 , O Three cups and six saucers, enamelled with flowers and insects . ~ in panels in colours and gold / S' Three egg-shell cups and saucers, with flow r ers and diapered borders; a fluted cup and saucer ; and one, enamelled with Chinese figures An hexagonal old Nankin cup and saucer; a small ditto beaker; and a small bowl, with figures, poultry and Chinese inscrip-^ tion A ewer, with dragon handle; and a bowl, enamelled with a river scene and figures in blue borders on white and gold ground f — 10 ^ in. high A pair of beakers, enamelled with vases of flowers and birds ; and a red vase, enamelled with flowers A tea-pot and cover, enamelled with flowers; a small vase, with figures in Indian ink ; a reclining figure of a kylin ; and oneX/Z^^^^^' other piece Five plates, enamelled with birds, figures, flowers, &c. in 4 colours ; and two, with black borders / Twelve plates, enamelled wdtli flowers in colours in pink borders Six deep plates, enamelled w'ith flowers and foliage in colours ; J/ . and threo old Nankin plates ’ / ^ 24 4./S7 ^242 Ten plates, enamelled with flowers, rocks and cranes ' ? 7 ~rrX- /, /£ , X i3 A pair of vases, enamelled with figures in panels in blue borders / * and pencilled with gold— in. high borders. > /-r, ^244 A milk-jug, enamelled with a mandarin and attendants in a medallion and arabesques in blue, mounted with silver cover jt and foot— in. high 2 ^ bowl, with flowers and arabesque foliage in green on black ground ; and two small famille verte bowls, enamelled with / flowers A-J- /, /j*r O 246 A small oviform vase and cover, enamelled with birds and flowers, and diapered border; and one, with figures in blue y in two medallions C/ * of 247 A pair of small octagonal dishes, enamelled with ^birds and flowering trees, and medallions of flowers on the borders— A ^ in. diam. A 0 248 A pair of vases, enamelled with flowers and scrolls ; two cups and saucers ; six pieces of Canton enamel ; and two other ^ pieces Cs&Ju 0 249 A Famille Verte Dish, enamelled in the centre with a basket of flowers, and fluted borders with flowers in brilliant colours -151 in. diam. irs 0/ ^ + /& ' & 250 A Famille Rose Deep Dish, enamelled in the centre with ladies in a garden, .flowers in brilliant colours and land- Jy. scapes in medallions on the border—14^ in. diam. /251 An oviform turquoise crackle vase, with metal-gilt rim and foot y * ‘ ' °( in - W ([252 A small turquoise crackle bottle, with wide lip—6 in. high ^ 253 A sma11 olive-green crackle bottle, with long neck—6 in. high ^(/ » 2 ^4 A fluted canister, of splashed turquoise and dark blue crackle / 6/*- 255 A w bite'sacrificial cup, with birds, animals and emblems in / relief; and a white Hirato koro, formed as a hawk ^ 2o ^ A square-shaped two-handled vase, of crimson and grey crackle —13^ in. high high 25 ^ ^58 ^ -259 o 260 £61 262 3n graved wifdi / /£e ^26 * 265 A small table screen, of dark wood, carved as bamboo, containing an upright plaque of white unglazed porcelain, with figures pulling an ox from a marsh—7^ in. high 0 266 A cylindrical bowl, with sprays of flowers ; a snuff bottle; a pear-shaped bottle ; two cups ; a tea-pot and cover ; a jug, with willow pattern ; a small ewer, and a saucer A pair of double gourd-shaped vases, painted with dragons and clo\ids in coral colour—8 in. high ; and a bottle, with prunes in white on a coffee-coloured ground—9^ in. high 268 An hexagonal koro, surmounted by a kylin with sages in relief; a figure of a Chinese warrior—12 in. high ; and three small Chinese figures deities , 0 269 A small engraved green vase, with peonies in colours; an ovi¬ form jar, with figure on a diaper, lac and gold ground—4 in. /i high ; a marbled cup, with inscription in black, the figure of y 2 a deity in white glaze—9^ in. high 270 A plate, pencilled with The Crucifixion, in sepia and gold; an octagonal plate, with branches of flowers; one, with a spray of chrysanthemums; a two-handled cup, with figures on an annular ground; and a famille verte bowl, with aquatic plants .a 267 26 OLD NANKIN. o , o 272 s in a /J7. 273 /, & 274 An old Nankin beaker, with leaf-sliaped ornaments on the neck and foot; and a cylindrical ditto spill-vase, u^th figi landscape An old Nankin vase and cover, fluted and painted with peonies, and foliage— in. high C A ditto jar, with Ho-Hd birds in circular compartments—carved wood cover and stand ; a ditto square-shaped vase, painted with flowers A ditto bowl, with vases and flowers in alternate panels, and birds inside—lac stand ; a small vase, with a fir tree ; and a firmed ditto, with fern decoration $ An Old Nankin Jar and Cover, painted with asters in panels —6 in. high An old Nankin two-handled vase, with scrolls and ornaments in A- 280 281 o. * 282 283 < 2 . -2 , * white on blue ground — 6^ in. high A Ditto Two-Handled Yase and Cover, with flowers and foliage in blue in compartments, and diapered ground omthe J neck—12 in. high A beaker, with flowers and birds in blue in panels on engraved, celadon ground—17^ in. high 1/ Tl'**'*' A Fluted Jug and Cover, painted with sprays of pomegranates, peonies, Ho-Ho birds and rocks, mounted with copper-gilt mounts of the 17th century, three dolphin’s feet, tap formed as a dolphin and figure of a man, the billet of tbe cover * formed as a rampant lion—15 in. high A deep dish, with Chinese warriors in the centre—8^ in. diam.; and a dish, with pomegranates and fingered citron—1< diam. A pair of long-necked powdered-blue bottles, pencilled witj foliage in gold— in. high A ditto globular tea-pot and cover, pencilled with chrysanthe¬ mums ; and a ditto vase, pencilled with peonies in gold in. colours 27 ' ^

^ 295 J. ^ (JG A Vase and Cover, with a Ho-Ho bird in relief on a richly diapered ground in the style of Toun—13 in. high A bell, with waved edge, emblems in relief, surmounted by a kylin; and a square-shaped jardiniere, supported by figures^, s . of Chinese boys An okimono, formed as a cultivated growth of the sacred fungus ; a group of a sage riding a mythical beast; and spill-vase, from the incense game An oblong jardiniere, with sacred fungus feet, stags in relief in the style of Korin —signed A bowl, with conventional asters, by Seizeu ; and a small koro, of JL- curious form, surmounted by a kylin A bowl, with handles, formed as a lotos flower ; and a koro and ' . cover, formed as a cock crowing—10 in. high A vase and cover, formed as two wrestlers’ fans, tied in the centre, dragon handles— in. high « , v , A koro and cover, formed as the seated figure of a goose—7| in. high ; and a koro, with hinged cover, formed as a curious mythical lion—5 in. high An Oblong Jardiniere, with the storm dragon and waves round the edge—carved wood stand 28 7 tJ • 'P 297 An octagonal bottle, entirely covered with emblematical orna¬ ments—9| in. high; a group of a helmet; and a kor5 and, . cover, formed as two quails C A * 298 A jardiniere, with open lip with key pattern, tripod feet; and a koro and cover, formed as a quail seated on a perch with millet seed— in. high /A A*V Z* 299 A Kor5 and Cover, formed as a frog seated on a lotos po*^, by / Gido— on carved wood stand — 10 in. high A- A?- ^*800 An Okimono, formed as a group of many monkeys upholding a. double gourd, gilt—10 in. high A i.o 801 A Pair of Pricket Candlesticks, formed as the dragon resting on a temple drum—12 in. high Af A * 0 0 802 A hanging vase, of basket pattern; and a slender bottle, coileij, with a dragon—12 in. high /./A. £> 803 A koro and cover, formed as the figure of Kwanon riding a pack ox, partly gilt— in. high 7 /A 204 A bottle, with two slender handles, with leaf pattern characters in low relief—9^- in. high; and a small bottle, coiled with a dragon in relief, partly gilt—6^ in. high /' 6 * & 205 A beaker, coiled with a dragon—5^ in. high ; a slender hexagonal vase, with monster handles—8^ in. high ; and a figure of a Chinese lady—7 in. high O o06 An hexagonal koro, with ornaments in low relief, surmounted by a kylin—5 in. high ; and a seated figure of Buddha, with lotos-pattern shrine and throne— signed —8 in. high U'.O 307 A Koro and Cover, formed as a duck — 8 in. high ^ bottle, coiled with the bifurcated dragon—11^ in. high-, a bottle, with long neck and open lip—13J in. high ; and a * yellow bronze bottle, with red patina—9£ in. high Tf * Z? ^99 A square-shaped bottle, with slender handles, emblematical ornaments in low relief—7^ in. high-, a curious vase, with two bands of key pattern—9^ in. high ; and a bowl, with (7A conventional mask ornaments in low relief / 7* ^ ' ** ®99a A Large Equestrian Statuette of a Warrior— early 18 th century * 7 , / 0 / f & 309b The Standing Figure of Da rum a, wood stand 29 ^ * ^313 A Koro and Cover, formed as a wild goose—14 in. high — carved wood stand —17/A century * 314 A Pair of Vases, with wild geese, ducks and grasses in low relief, emblematical ornaments round the neck —13£ in. high —carved wood stands > ^>315 The figure of a boy, on lantern-shaped stand—Ilf in. high ; and a koro and cover, formed as the sacred jewel, with deities in low relief O 816 A Dwarf Table Screen, supported by kylins, the sacred jewel in silver O 317 A group formed as a man riding a snail— signed Jo-un—oh 319 A koro and cover, formed as a persimmon fruit—carved wood stand ; and a seated figure of a priest— signed Somin—carved wood stand : ^ A vase, formed as lotos leaves, inlaid with flowers, &c. in gold, silver and shakudo, surmounted by the figure of Kwanon— —14£ in. high —carved wood stand & 321 A jardiniere, with thrte circular dragon crests—on tripod stand— 6 in. high; and a bell, with the inscription “ The bell contributed to the temple (/Ae name of the temple has been erased ) made by Udagawa Kantaro Chikatsugu, June 16/A year of Kanyei , 1649 a.d. 322 A flat-shaped jardiniere, with two turtles, in the style of Seimin ^23 A Brazier, with the storm dragon in high relief, forming the stand— 6f in. high —signed Tocn, Bunsei period, 1818-26 a.d. 30 J 7* / &. * / 321 A KORO, or incense burner, in the form of a pegasus— 25 in. high. It is extremely probable that this incense burner was modelled and cast from the representation of pegasi, which are found on a bronze vase of Sassanian origin, one of the ancient treasures of the Buddhist temple Horiuji, in Yamato (Japan). The figures of pegasi with which the body of the vase is decorated are of the exact form of this bronze An illustration of this koro is given in 1 L’Art Japonpis,' par, L. Gonse, tome 1, p. 36 OLD CLOISONNE ENAMELS. /, /a ■ ^ 3i6 //, A 7 , o 326 A deep bowl, of old Japanese cloisonne enamel, with animals on a turquoise-blue and white ground— 11 in. diam. A Pair of Dishes, of old Chinese cloisonne enamel, with pheasant, peonies and rocks on a turquoise-blue ground— in. diam. J327 328 J * ^7 ° 330 An Hexagonal Vessel and Cover, with conventional as in colours on a dark blue ground— Kien Lung A vase, with cylindrical handles, with bands of ornament on a turquoise-blue ground—6^ in. high ; and an oval Jap enamel dish A Tripod Koro, with pierced cover, asters, characters and sacred fungus in colours on a turquoise-blue ground tZ/u. i a «/ , C r ~~Z 331 5 in. high A tripod koro, of metal-gilt, with a band of champleve enamel, with Ho-Ho birds on a turquoise-blue ground—carved and pierced wood cover and stand—surmounted by a jade hamBe , J formed as the sacred fungus—5^ i :. high ~£> 332 A Pair of Old Ta zza, with conventional asters a«4wiey patti^^, in colours on a turquoise-blue ground—7 in. diam. tffL&i An Oblong Quatrefoil Koro, with pierced cover, emblematical ornaments in colours on a turquoise-blue ground—7 diam. &&c ***/ 31 ^334 A Cylindrical Spill-Vase, with poetical inscriptions in red on a brilliant turquoise-blue ground— 6 in. high —carved iv^ry / ' stand ^ ;*-£>335 A Curious Cylindrical Spill-Yase, composed of a natural vegetable growth, mounted with key pattern in white and blue enamel—5| in. high C~ f 0 336 A wall vase, of flattened pear-shape form, with conventional flowers on a turqouise-blue ground, jade plaque— 1\ in. high^^^/r-e/-^ 337 A vase, with bands of conventional ornaments in champleve 7 ^ f » *^ 2 ? - enamel — 12 in. high O 338 A Melon-Shaped Bottle, of yellow bronze, with foliage in relief in enamel—carved wood stand—11 in. high O 339 A bronze-gilt vase, enamelled in colours with a spray of prunus and inscription — 5£ in. high 340 A bowl, of cloisonne enamel, with kylins and emblems in brilliant colours on a turquoise-blue ground, red lacquer ^/ interior—7£ in. diam, 340a A Square-Shaped Tray, with conventional asters on turquoise ground ' CARVINGS IN ROCK-CRYSTAL AND JADE. ■rrz> 341 An oblong plaque, of pale green jade, with the storm dragon in relief—dark wood stand ; and a figure of a sage and boy, iii^ ^ pale green jade—carved wood stand *p342 A belt-fastening, in pale green jade, carved in high relief wi| a bifurcated dragon ; and a ring, of emerald-green jade 343 A Flat-Shaped Two-Handled Vase, of dark green jade, carved with fir trees and rocks, and long Chinese inscription—6 in. t high —;V 344 A Two-Handled Bowl, of pale green jade, carved with key- pattern ornaments in low relief, vertical bands of ornaments , T in high relief ~ 345 A Small Water-Vessel and Cover, of rock-crystal, formed a§ a melon, surmounted by a squirrel /■ /7~Z~ z * 346 A Rock-Crystal Vase, formed as a double fingere^ with gilt metal foot—6 in. high f & 347 A small oval tray, of curious moss crystal /348 A carving of a temple bell, with raised edges and emblems iq[ - i low relief—6 in. high : and a small cup, formed as a lotos flower | 849 A bottle, of green soapstone, with decoration of cloisonne oi gold and colours EMBROIDERIES, Etc. a / 350 A Persian table centre, embroidered with conventional leavps on a silver thread ground 351 Two crewel work plaid squares, with small panels of silk embroidered in bosquets ; two children’s caps; and a sauare of rich Japanese silk brocade (- * $ / . O / 9 352 A Turkish rug, with a cut Resign in mauve and ffireen on a buff * ground 353 A square of white satin, with Chinese embroidery of landscapes p in bands ; a square of brocade, with roses ; a piece of Japanese temple hangings; and a Chinese panel of white silk, with A figures in colours and gold 354 An oblong coverlit, of buff linen, with lace ends; portions of a O curtain hanging, of ciimson silk, embroidered with gold; and a panel of French tapestry, with flowers in coloursu^n Vf pale blue ground jy 354a An Indian coverlit, of crimson velvet, with rich borders of^ojff. • 2 - • 2,.A thread a Qi> - £>2 r & 354o An Upright Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, with hunting z? figures in a woody landscape, rich borders on either side, - with festoons of fruit and flowers—7 ft. 5 in. by 7 ft. 3 in .— jr? carved wood frame with festoons of flowers, &c. r 354d An Oblong Panel of Old Flemish Tapestry, with ladies and gentlemen on a lake in the gardens of a palace, ricj borders of fruit and flowers—8 ft. 3 in. by 11 ft. 5 in. u &/ End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day’s Sale. On WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -- JAPANESE OBJECTS OF ART. t 355 ► 356 367 358 0 359 , 3G0 ^61 An oblong box, of ebony, carved in low relief with an extensive, landscape, prunus blossom and stags in gold and shakudo A Silver Group, of two Ho-Ho birds standing on a rock, enriched with shakudo—on rose-wood stand lacquered witli< scrolls in gold—15f in. high —in glazed case A russet iron shrine, with temple Nio in low relief, partly gilt, containing a seated bronze figure of Buddha—9^ in. high A Group, of silver, shakudo, shibuichi, red and yellow bronze, of a workman endeavouring to catch an oni under a hat— signed —dark wood stand —Katsuyasu A cylindrical russet iron koro, with storm dragon in gold, pierced silver cover—3^ in. high ; and a chai-re, in three divisions, ^ ^362 damascened in gold— signed—Siian Toh Nien Chi, 1426-36 Silver and shakudo figure of a stork forming a koro—on carved wood stand—8 in. high A pair of altar pricket candlesticks, with bowl-shaped bases, engraved with autumn flowers—16 in. high A Square-Shaped Russet Iron Box, with the subject of ChSkwaro and apparition horse in gold, silver, shakudo and! shibuichi 1 » 34 J. ^r-Z> f. /r- ^ /,/£.* i /*/'. * ^ /• /a . 376 A Portion of a Breast-Plate, of russet iron, embossed and t & cbased in relief with the three-clawed dragon ; and another plate, probably portions of a breast-plate, embossed with a ' kylin -0 377 A brass vase, enamelled with arabesques in red, gi-een and white —7 in. high ; a small brass tea-pot, engraved with scrolls ; • and a small coffee-pot, of similar decoration Persian pen-and-ink case, of silvered metal, engraved with figures, arabesques and decoration ; a small bronze vessel, formed as a horseman with sword and buckler—6 in. high ; /. ^ S and a silver and enamel filigree cup, from Cyprus ‘ 378a A tortoiseshell case, containing a knife and two chop-sticks ; and two fans, with lacquered exteriors, panels on a diaj pattern ground J;' 379 A Canton enamel ewer ; and a curious tazza, with cloisonne enamel on glass, conventional ornament in colours—5 in. high 380 A belt-clasp, of silver-gilt, chased and pierced with dragons and & flowers ; a small russet iron padlock, inlaid with silver ; aud^ a small bronze stand, formed as a branch of prunus CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES. , £ 381 The Figure of Kwanon, with flowing drapery—carved wood stand—19^ in. high ^ 382 A koro and cover, formed as the persimmon fruit, with branch and foliage—carved wood stand—10J in. high ; and o formed as a wild goose— traces of gilding —14^ in. high 7 /_ 383 A boy riding a tortoise, in the style of Seimin ; and a smal figure of Buddha, seated on a rock—carved wood stand —384 A cock on a temple drum ; a seated figure of a ram ; and a temple Nio 385 A Ewer and Cover, with a jewel-shaped panel in the centre, a band of emblematical ornament in low relief round the cen —13£ in. high D 36 , O 386 J. /J~ A # 387 /* . & 388 /#* 389 # 390 reed with > -* an^f ?-? /.<'■ & 391 * 392 K> a/^ f ,~~& 393 r»/^ • 394 A /^./O.O 395 £, /& . O 396 397 . O 398 °2 * iJ * & 399 £» 6 . * i0 ° A Curious Early .Japanese Gilt Figure of Buddha, on carved and gilt wood stand formed as the prow of a^essel crossing the waves —28 in. high s A koro and cover, formed as a cock— Hi in. high; and a mythological stag-—7 in. high jyi/' A koro and cover, formed as a pony, the saddle pierced with storm dragon—12 in. high A Curious Figure of a Horse, treated in the style of an Italian 16th century bronze—14 in. high The Dog Fo, with the inscription, “ made by Maruehima Kanashige in the autumn of the 2nd year of Tenwa, 1682 a.d,- —14 in. high —carved wood stand A Seated Figure of Buddha, the stand formed as the convem tional lotos—15^ in. high — signed Harutoshi A jar and cover, with two bands of emblematical ornamepi^ i: champlev6 enamel—8 in. high —carved wood stand A Large Tripod Pricket Altar Candlestick, coiled with the * storm dragon, mounted feet—33 in. high —16<7i century Triple Altar Koro, formed as three figures of storks standing on a curled lotos leaf—20 in. high —on teak stand^ carved and pierced with lotos—17 th century A Curious Vessel, formed as a conventional swan, tire neck forming the spout, panels of emblematical ornaments on the/T^ wings in low relief—17 in. long , 12^ in. high —17 th century An early standing figure of Buddha, on carved wood pedestal ^ partly gilt—15^ in. high An articulated figure of a crab, in red bronze ; and an eagle, standing on a rock—14 in. high A curious seal case, on square-shaped stand surmounted by kylin and ball A pricket candlestick, on three monster feet, coiled with three^? A dragons in high relief—10^ in. high A Flower Vase, the body decorated in relief with the storm ^ dragon and waves, the stand formed as sea foam with carp^// slightly gilt, wide open-lipped lines—7]- in. high 37 9 401 A hanging vase, formed as the crescent moon suspended by a monkey 402 A Gilt Figure of a Buddhist Saint, on lotos-pattern base^— ■/* carved open wood stand—11| in. high ' ^ 403 A vessel, formed of a fingered lemon—4 in. high ; and the figure of Kwanon standing on a mussel, in yellow bronze slightly * , . inlaid with gold—6| in. high : <2 404 A Vase, with cylindrical base and open lip, the handles formed as the vine cranes and stream in two panels in low relief —y signed —Mune Sada— 5| in. high & 405 A small bowl and cover, supported by three figures of monkeys —2f in. high ; and a tortoise, by Seimin —■& 406 A helmet-shaped flower-vase, on tripod foot, band of key pattern in low relief— signed —5^ in. high ; and a small pricket candle¬ stick, on tripod foot pierced with conventional foliage 4f in. high *■- 407 A ' J 7a mi ^ with opiatr e f e il - shap u d n e ck, nlcTrd ur~b'kiidIes~and bin id s’ wavo and key pattoinr—’-10-} in. Mijfr ' q 408 A Basket-Pattern Flat-Shaped Vase, with double handles — . 81 in. high $ 409 A bottle, with bulbous neck, coiled with the bifurcated dragon, slightly inlaid with silver—7 in. high ^>410 A bottle, with open lip, slender handles, entirely covered with the dragon, flames, wave and diaper ornament—8^ in. high — carved wood stand ** 0 411 A Small Tea-Pot and Cover, with dragon handles, and annular i . groups of dragons in low relief—5 in. long—signed 3/$-^ q 412 A Group, formed as the dragon guarding the sacred sword, supported by the mythical tortoise of longevity— 17 in. high. '0 413 An Altar Pricket Candlestick, supported by two kylins coiled with the dragon in high relief—17 in. high— oblong¬ shaped stand 0 414 A slender faceted bottle, with open lip— 11£ in. high — signed — on carved wood stand high —oblong- v t ^ 38 S'. 0 416 7- / A green glaze tile, with a coat-of-arms in relief; a greybeard jug— 17 th century ; and a two-handled terra-cotta jug A two-handled vase and cover, with sprays of flowers in yellow ; two oblong bulb stands ; and two jugs, with sporting subjects in relief, silver rims 42 OBJECTS OF ART. o . 467 J, /*r 468 . 0 j. *r~. 0 469 ^ 470 *4 • 4 ■ 0 471 /- 0 472 473 A Casket, with slightly curved top, overlaid with plaques of steel pierced with Gothic ornaments, elaborate lock, with rings for attachment— German, 15^ century A casket, with faceted top, of cuir boulli, slightly tooled, mounted with russet iron bands with rosettes —early 16 th century ; and a Gothic iron kuocker 4 . & 474 i /. * 476 /, . 0 476 /. am A small Charles II. brass clock, with bell top, slightly ehgrj^d with scrolls and flowers—10 in. high t&h- A Copper-Gilt Chalice, hexafoil-shaped foot, flattened knop and bell-shaped cup—6^ in. high — German, 16 th century^^fyjrp} A copper-gilt sconce, embossed and chased with arabesques, nozzles for two lights; and a pair of candlesticks, wijh pierced scroll backs A brass pricket candlestick, of early form; and a candlestick.^ with iron ball feet A Silver-Gilt Monstrance, on hexafoil-shaped foot, hex- ^ agonal stem with knop, cylindrical glass case with Gothic buttresses on either side; dome top, and surmounted by a Gothic pinnacle; the whole embossed and chased with tracery ornament—17 in. high An upright plaque, of Limoges enamel, painted in grisaille and translucent colours with The Nativity—carved and gilt wood J frame A glass sack bottle, with silver stopper; a carved gilt wood figure of a saint; and a set of small steel scales, in tooled leather case / An oval pendant, of gun-metal, enamelled in black and whiter with the crowned letter M.— Spanish, 17 th century •£ A honestone cup, mounted with bands of copper-gilt, with pierced leaf ornaments on the border—16/A century —5^ in. high ith 43 O 478 A Honestone Bowl, mounted with embossed silver rosettes, an engraved coat-of-arms in the centre —early 17th century- 5 in. diam. ^479 480 ury-g -z> 481 ^482 r £>483 , O 484 -^485 -O 486 O 487 488 An Oak Coffee, with pierced tracery panels, strongly bound^? with wrought iron and having three locks and keys ft/ A Pair of Hexagonal Pricket Candlesticks, of rock-crystal, -y cut in an elongated vase form—8| in. high A Vase, of cut-glass, with Louis XVI. mounts of chased or-molu, double entwined handles, acanthus and laured leaf ornaments —14 in. high A Processional Cross, composed of plaques of rock-crystal, fluted and oviform knops below, mounted with engraved silver-gilt, ebony stand—21^ in. high —17 th century A book-cover, of velvet, mounted with hinges, corners and coat- of-arms of silver, chased with Cupids, masks, scrolls and monogram—17 th century The whole book of Psalms in English, 1607—tooled and gilt leather binding; and a tooled and gilt cover of a book The illuminated initial letters to a manuscript, in the style of the 13th century, glazed; a tortoiseshell and ebony frame; and an upright panel of cut paper, with a coat-of-arms—18 th s , century A fan mount, of vellum, painted with Aurora, in cut carved gilt wood frame A carving in alabaster, representing The Crucifixion—16 in. high. y 15 th century /ll From the Collection of Sir Edgar Boehm, B.A. A wooden statuette of a saint—13^ in. high—early 1 6th century —and one, of a female saint, slightly coloured, hold ing a * Testament—10£ in. high A statuette of the Saviour, carved in wood, the head of ivory, stained—15 in. high — Spanish, 17 th century A panel, carved in high relief, coloured and gilt, of a chariot/ with acanthus scrolls—1777i century A statuette of an amorini upholding a vase of flowers, coloured and gilt—18£ in. high — Italian, 16th century •s, coloured , 44 /*/* y 492 A shield, carved with scrolls on the groundwork ; two oak brackets and an upright panel, carved in relief with an angeL? Z'/j 7 ' + f./z. holding two coats-of-arms f ^493 An upright relief, in gesso, with the Virgin and Child, &c., dark wood frame ; and a Russian ekon, overlaid with an embossed silver plaque ^494 An upright box-wood plaque, carved in relief with a group of figures by Surehberg, the faces inlaid with ivory ; and an q oblong metal-gilt plaque, with St. John Preaching—ebony frame \~Z> A sma11 ivory and tortoiseshell cabinet, with falling front en- J closing six drawers, silver handle— 11th century ^ 495a A carved and gilt wood frame ; and a panel of Tyrolean cajvii ■ dated 1732 ARMS. . /496 A- Spanish knife; a dagger, with ivory handle- and a curved Indian dagger ^ _ | 497 A mule muzzle; and an infantry sword— English, circa It *7 r / Zf , £2 498 A hunting sword, the guard of silver, chased with a combat of monsters, ivory grip, curved blade— Spanish, 17 th century 499 A Hammee, of a company, the head of gun-metal and iron, ivory / ‘ X/ ~ , -&> and wood haft, engraved with utensils and figures- century -17 th % /, / Z Z. 500 A small russet iron casket, with pierced Gothic mounts— Flemish, 1 6th century ; a circular bronze box, with chain hinges; a bronze figure of Christ; two gun-metal mortars ; and a pjwr of candlesticks, screwing one within the other 501 A pair of tripod iron candlesticks, with branches for two lights ; a four-light brass chandelier, portion of a Jewish lamp; pairs of snuffers, one stand; a pair of brass snuffers stand ; and a sconce for one light, with double-headed eagle g^ts; ; two /Z /tZ' 3 ana . . / sianu ; ana a sconce lor one light, with double-headed eagle / X f 501 a A Cast-Iron Fire-Back, with the arms cf England, with thei/? Tudor rose and portcullis X^ZC portcullis From Wolsey's Palace, Esher 45 & 503 O 504 -o o 505 606 502 A pair of brass pricket sconces, for one light; and a brass j lantern, with pierced border L*— A Gothic wrought-iron door knocker ; a small lamp for suspen-^. sion ; and a bean pipkin A Persian ewer and cover, with pierced stand, embossed and chased with floral ornaments — A brass dish, with Gothic inscriptions, raised boss in the^centre —16f in. diam.; and one, nearly similar A Pax, the centre of silver, embossed with the Holy Family, copper-gilt frame chased with strapwork and scrolls— Italian, 17 th century —7£ in. high A Gothic Chandelier, of gun-metal, with branches for tw®t?e lights, surmounted by the figures of the Virgin and child The Silver-Gilt Ornaments from an Evangelicum, consisting of a crucifix,^highly embossed and chased, and four quatrefoil plaques, embossed with the Evangelists— Venetian, l&t century —in ebony frame t Exhibited at the New Gallery , early Italian Art , 1894 509 A wrought-iron cross, with cherubs and floral ornaments, coloured and gilt; and a flower-pattern chain, of wrought iron ^507 608 OLD VENETIAN AND OTHER GLASS. ZolO A Venetian glass benetier; a curious flacon, with long neck ; 2 I and a dark mauve pear-shaped flacon, pewter stopper VAll A Venetian goblet, the stem formed of a snake; and a goblet, vase-shaped stem, with handles in blue 512 A small bowl, with decoration round the rim in gold—16/A century, and a rondelle, enamelled with a coat-of-arms q 513 A Venetian glass goblet, with open lip; a ditto tazza; a bottle, shaped as a pair of bellows; and a faceted bowl, with raised ridges O 514 Four glasses, with Vitro di Trina stems; four, nearly similar; three smaller glasses ; and a glass, with crowned initials 12 Jr J 46 /. /r. 4 / . <7 qf, if * a ^ if~*T. £> / '/.■ //. £> /1 2- . 0 /if. /if . 521 A XVIth Centuby Gebman Glass Panel, painted in grisaille and amber with an execution; and an upright glass_nanel, with a Roman warrior, inscription, and date 1546 *022 A circular ditto panel, painted with an ecclesiastic; and two Y hexagonal panels, painted with figures /VtA 523 A circular glass panel, painted in grisaille and amber with the Virgin and Child and saints, in border of arabesques 524 An Upeight Glass Panel, with a saint holding a chalice, in colours—23 in. by 8^ in. —in similar border—14 th century 525 A Rondelle, painted with a saint holding a sword and missal —10 in. diam. —in similar border ; and a rondelle, witl arabesques—14^ in. diam. —13 th century 526 An upright panel, with a coat-of-arms supported by a wild mamy 11 in. by 6^ in. 527 An Upeight Panel, with a coat-of-arms and two kneeling 0 saints, inscription below and date 1727; an oval panel, with a female saint; and a square panel, with a German shiehl-of- arms—in one frame 47 ^ a £>528 An Upright Panel, witli a figure of St. John, in colours^^ 32 in. by 11 in. —15f^ century StZ&t 0 529 An upright panel, painted in sepia and amber with Father Erasmus, after Albert Diirer 0 530 A small oval panel of an heraldic lion : a fragment; the head of the Virgin ; and a coat-of-arms, with a cock in red /y&trp » # 531 A rondelle, painted with The Crucifixion, in grisaille and amber , 532 An Upright Panel of Old Swiss Glass, a shield in the ~ centre, a gentleman on the right, and lady on the left holding a cup of wine, a team of oxen above, inscription and date 1590 below—14 in. by 9^ in. ANTIQUITIES. 533 t -rz? 534 — rt? 536 An antique bronze cup, embossed with vine foliage—4^ in. high ; and a ditto statuette of Osiris—7^ in. high —on black woo^ pedestal A ditto statuette of I-em-ketep, seated ; and a figure of Bast—on alabaster pedestals '/ 535 Merovingian buckle, in bronze; an armlet; a fibula; small bronze bust of Cupid ; a small earthenware bowl; two bronze ./ seals ; a pair of nut-crackers ; &c. 9 Silver medal of Sancroft, rev. The Seven Bishops; bronze medals of Isolta da Rimini, Galileo, Morchi, Comte, and Cosmo y ^ y de Medicis ; Procuration, on vellum, with bulla of Francia.-^-'' C C'/L Erizzo, Doge of Venice ; and a leaden bulla . 8 Six antique terra-cotta lamps / < t A bronze bust of Diana (?), executed in the style of the antiqu^ on giallo marble plinth A plaster cast of the bust of the Hermes; and a bust, after .the antique FINIS. , O 537 538 q 539 Loudon: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.