SUPERLATIVELY CAPITAL ASSEMBLAGE OF Valuable $tftutts, FORMED ROM THE SALES OF THE SEVERAL CELEBRATED COLLECTIONS O F M. De CALONNE , Baron NAGEL, and Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS, TOGETHER WITH OTHER CAPITAL PICTURES OF THE FIRST CLASS. LV aw Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute A CATALOGUE OP THAT SUPERLATIVELY CAPITAL ASSEMBLAGE Valuable ^tfturcs, FORMED FROM THE SALES OF THE SEVERAL CELEBRATED COLLECTIONS OF M. DeCALONNE, Baron NAGEL, and Sir JOSHUA REYNOLDS, WITH OTHER. CAPITAL PICTURES OF THE FIRST CLASS; FORMING TOGETHER An AlTemblage, fuperior to any ColleHion that has ever been offered to Public Attention in this or any other Country, comprifing the ineftimable Works of the mofl-admired Mailers, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRACT, AT MR. BRYAN’s GALLERY, IN SAVILE ROW, ON MONDAY THE 27th DAY OF APRIL, 1795, AND FOLLOWING DAYS. TO BE PUBLICLY VIEWED FROM ELEVEN O’CLOCK. TILL FIVE. ADMITTANCE TWO SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. JLoniion : PRINTED BY S. LOW, BERWICK STREET, SOHO. . ! j ■ *■ 3. V i l . ; v i ! ft : # ' '“W % t 5 ] CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. This truly fuperb Collection of Pi&ures being intended, as well to gratify the curiofity of the amateurs of the fine arts, by a temporary exhibition of them, as for the purpofe of fale by private contract, the purchafers can- not have their pictures delivered till early in June, when the exhibition will clofe. II. The buyer muff depofit twenty per Cent, on the purchafe money, and pay the remainder on the delivery. III. The pictures to be removed at the expence of the purchafer, who muft be prefent, or fend a written order for that purpofe. IV. It is prefumed this collection confifts of none but pure and original pictures;: but on that the purchafer muft be left to decide from his own judgement,, or that of whomfoever he may choofe to confult. u ' . . 7 - ' . . . i ■ f CATALOGUE No. Mailer. 1 Cuyp 2 Vandyke 3 Dietricy 4 Lingelback 5 Huchtenburg 6 Dietricy 7 Hobbima - 8 5 . Ricci 9 W. Vandevelde to Bergem Landfcape and Cattle. Portrait of the Duke of Orleans. Nymphs bathing, in a beautiful landfcape. An Italian Market. A Cavalcade. Nymphs bathing, companion to No. 3. Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle. The Judgement of Midas. A Calm ; a beautiful cabinet picture. A Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle— a grand and pi&urefque fcene, one of the moft capital pictures known of this admired artift. [ 8 ] No. Mater. 1 1 M or l III 0 12 Le Sueur 13 Rubens - 14 A. Vandevelde 1 5 Schalken - 1 6 B ere hem 17 J, Van Eyck, or John of Bruges , the Inventor of Oil Painting in 1410 18 Ruyfdael 19 E. Quellin 20 Hobbima 2 1 Bakhuyfen 22 Ruyfdael 23 Berchem - 24 J. Van Hoek 25 Wynants 26 TV. Vandevelde 27 F. Mola - 28 Rembrant The Affumption of the Virgin— a beautiful cabinet picture. Either before Ahafuerus. This painter is jultly named the Raphael of France ; his defign is chafte and correct, and he has enriched the fubjeCt with fome of the nobleli fpecimens of Roman architecture. A fketch for the large picture in the cathedral of Ghendt. A Halt of Travellers. A Girl eating Soup — a candlelight of a very Bribing effeCt. A Moonlight, one of the Four Times of the Day (engraved) in his belt manner. The Portrait of a Bilhop kneeling before the Saviour bearing his Crofs. This valuable curiofity is not only interelting as one of the full pictures in oil, but admirable as a beautiful painting, and is Hill in the molt perfeCt prefervation, and, ex- cept the picture at Chifwick, in the Duke of Devonlhire’s collection, perhaps there is not another in England of this fcarce matter. A Landfcape, with a Quarry — a piCturefque feene, one of his molt finilhed pictures. The Triumph of Galatea. A Landfcape, with a Watermill — one of the clearelt and molt beautiful pictures of this admired malter. A Sea Piece — view near Helvoet. A Landfcape— a charming feene from nature. Ditto, Evening, a Woman milking a Goat (engraved by Vif~ cher.) The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth and St. John. This painter was named the Little Rubens, from the Itriking refcmblance in his fmall pictures to thole of that great malter, of whom he was one of the molt diltingui Hied fcholars. A very high-finilhed Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle, by A. Vandevelde. A Ship on Fire. The Magdalen, with a Choir of Angels — verv fine. His own Portrait. C 9 ] ICo. Matter. 29 Rembrant 30 Vandyke 3 L Cil )'P 32 Metzu 33 Cuyp 34 Berchem 35 Vandyke 36 A. Van dev eld e 37 Polemburg 38 Rubens 39 Ditto 40 Dietricy The Portrait of his Mother — its companion. The Portrait of Henrietta, Queen of Charles the Firft.— * It is impofiible to furpafs this charming head; in clearnefs and delicacy of carnation it equals the moll beautiful nature, and ranks Vandyke defervedly the firft painter of portrait. View of a Town in Holland, with Cattle and Figures. The Cobler’s Shop. This inimitable artift has; in this piflurej deviated from his ufual manner, and has treated a fcetie of ordinary life with a truth and firaplicity that mull charm every beholder. A Landfcape and Cattle — in the ftyle of Berchem. A Warm Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle. The Saviour on the Crofs — afinifhed defign for the large pi&ure at Ghendt. The correft drawing of this fine figure, and the grandeur of the furrounding fcene, produce an efifefl awful and impreffive ; it is one of the fineft piclures of this great mailer. A Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle — in the beft ftyle of this admired artift. Angels fupporting the Portrait of St. Catharine — a very high- finifhed cabinet picfture. A whole-length Portrait of a Canon of the Metropolitan Church of Cologne, painted in Rubens’ fineft manner — very capital. Ditto — its companion, of equal merit. The Ratcatcher — this Chef d’CEuvre of Dietricy was painted for the Duke- cf Aremberg, who paid him 6000 German florins for it, about £750; it is unqueftionably the moft capital and the moft pleafing pifilure known of him, and is equal to the fineft works of G. Dow, or Oftadc. [ 10 3 The foil owing Pictures, to No. 55 , are from the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds. No. Matter, 4 1 Li evens 42 L. Giordano 43 Guer chino 44 Watteau 45 Titian 4 6 Swaneveh 47 J. de Mabeufe 48 Titian 49 D. Fell 50 Titian 51 .S’. Bourdon The Head of an Ancient Bard. The Nativity — a paftichio, in the manner of Baffan, very fine Jofeph and Potiphar’s Wife — a grand and aftonifhing effort of art ; the figures are difplayed in the moll mafterly manner, producing a furprifing effect ; one of his moft capital pidtures. A pair, a Mafquerade and a Mufical Converfation — very beau- tifully painted. A Landfcape, with Nymphs bathing — one of the fineft fpecimens of the richnefs of the Venetian colouring; a very capital picture. A Landfcape, Cattle and Figures, equal to Claude The Portrait of the Painter, very highly finifhed ; a very cu- rious fpecimen of the early painting in oil. Europa — the fketch for the large pidture in the Orleans’ Col- lection. The Rich Man and Lazarus. The Entombing of Chrift. In this fublime picture the folem- nity of the fubjedt is treated in an aweful and imprefiive manner ; in compofition it is not inferior to the fineft pro- ductions of Carrache, and unites the magic colouring of this great founder of the Venetian School ; one of his moft capital works. Herod’s Cruelty — a very capital pidture ; it is impoffible to behold the various incidents of horror without feelins the O moft compaffionate emotions ; equal to Pouffin. Paul and Barnabas at Lyftra — a grand compofition, equal in colouring to the belt works of Rubens. 52 Jordaens [ 11 ] N«. ftfafier. 53 N. Poujfin - A Paftoral Landfcape, with a Shepherd playing to a Nymph liftening. The claffical mind of this great artift has evi- dently had in view the beauties of Virgil in treating this Sylvan fcene. 54 Ditto 55 Titian - - The companion, equally fine. ■ Venus and Cupid. Titian has treated his favourite fubjeft in this piflure with unufual fuccefs ; the defign is ex- tremely correft, and the expreflion of the heads moft beautiful : it is undoubtedly one of the fineft pictures known of him. t* The following Pictures, to No. 137, are from the fuperh Collection of M. de Calonne, and (with a very few exceptions) formed the mof valuable Part of it. 56 Old Palma - The Entombing of Chrift — a very capital work, equal in co- 57 Velafquez louring to Titian, and much in his manner. His own Portrait, with a Child- — a very fpirited pi&ure. The works of this matter are extremely fcarce. 58 Guido 59 Rembrandt - Chrift crowned with Thorns, St. John Preaching in the Wildernefs — a picture of the moft ftriking effeft, very fine. 60 Van Tol - The Dutch Schoolmafter — a finifhed cabinet pifture, equal to C. Dow, of whom he was a fcholar. 6t S. Ferrata The Head of the Madona, very beautiful, equal in expreflion to Guido. 62 Guido Salvator Mundi — a valuable cabinet piflure, formerly in the colleblion of Dr. Chauncey. 63 Porbus A very fine portrait of a Perfonof Diftin&ion, very capital, D t 12 j No. , Matter. 64 Swaneveldt - A grand Italian Landfcape, with Figures, equal to Claude. 65 P. Brill ~ A Landfcape, with Figures, by H. Carrache. 66 Titian - ~ The Entombing of Chrift — a fmall repetition of the large pic- ture at Verfailles. 67 J. Steen - - The Holy Family, with a Dance of Angels. 68 Eljhiemer « A pair of Landfcapes 69 F. Mola. - - Landfcape, with Nymphs bathing 70 Rubens - Meleager and Atalanta hunting the Wild Boar— -a moll capital finifhed fketch, extremely fine. 71 Decker - - A Cottage on the Banks of a Canal — a charming rural fcene; a perfeH reprefentation of Nature. 72 V. Cajlelli - The carrying of!" of Helen — a very fine fketch for his large pifture. 73 J or deans - A Shepherd and Shepherdefs, with Cattle in a Landfcape, very capital, equal to the fineft works of Rubens. 74 Stella - - The Infant Saviour, with St. John and the Lamb, painted on black marble— a charming elegant cabinet pifture. 75 M. Angelo de la The blowing Hot and Cold — a very fine cabinet picture of this Bataille - fcarce mafter. 7 6 P. Veronefe - The Saviour at the Houfe of the Pharifce ; the original defign for his great work at Venice. 77 G. Dow - - A fmall Portrait, very highly finifhed. ',! 3 IV . Vandevelde A Storm, with a Shipwreck — one of the grandefl pihtures of this inimitable fea painter ; it is a tremendous agitation of the elements, and produces a very aweful effefl ; very capital. Titian - The Infant Chrift, with St. John — an undoubted pi&ure of this great mafter. 8q Kd Nam - The Painter’s Chamber, with Himfelf, Wife, and Child , a very brilliant high-finifhed piflure, much in the manner of Oftade. 81 Titian - - The Portrait 01 a Venetian Nobleman. This furprizing head may be ranked as the moft perfect model of portrait paint- ing ; it has the appearance of illufion, and fcems to poflefs life and animation. No. Mailer. 82 Giorgone 83 Vandyke 84 Crayer 85 P. de Cortona 86 L. Giordano 87 Tintoret 88 A. Vandevelde 89 Mignion 90 N. Poujfin 91 Titian 92 Dietricy 93 V under Heljl 94 Rembrandt 95 J°f e P ini 96 L. Carrache 97 F. Rolognefe 98 P. de Cortona 99 Rubens 100 F. Mile - — / [ 13 ] A young Satyr dealing Cupid’s Arrows whilft he is deeping — ■ a very fine-coloured pidure, equal to Titian. - The Virgin and Saints — a very fine dietch, a defign for an altar piece. Nymphs dancing — a fine-coloured picture. - Chrift with the Samaritan Woman — very fine, an elegant pic- ! ture. A deeping Venus, with a Satyr — very finely coloured in the manner of Titian. - The Ecce Homo — painted in a grand and maderly dylc. A fmall Landfcape, with Cattle — a charming cabinet pidure. A Fruit Piece — very highly finidied. - Narcidus — a finidied dudy for a larger pidure, very fine. The Holy Family — a very capital pidure, podeding all the depth and glow of colour for which he was fo juftly celebrated, and in the mod perfed prefcrvation. - The Flight into Egypt — a mod pleafing, well-compofed pidure, in the Italian manner, and of a very fine effed. His own Portrait — in this pidure he has united all that we ad- mire in Rubens or in Rembrandt; it is equal to any portrait of any mader.. - The Portrait of his Mother — fmall. Venus requeding the Arms for Eneas, and its companion — a pair of very elegant cabinet pidures. *Fhe Holy Family — -a beautiful and expredive pidure, finely compofed and coloured. A grand and capital Landfcape — in ; the dyle of N, Poudin. The Martyrdom of St. Ignatius — a very fine compofition, painted in a fpirited and maderly manner. - The Sketches for the Cielings at Whitehall ; one, the Queen of Sheba before Solomon ; the other, Edher before Ahafuerus. Thefe original defigns polfefs all the fire and animation that didinguidi the works of this adonifhing genius. A Landfcape — a very grand compofition; it is painted in the manner of G. Poudin, equal to his bed works. No. Mafter. 101 Claude [ 14 ] - A fuperb Landfcape, with St. George and the Dragon=»a moll 102 Le Due beautiful pi&ure of this great artift. The Portrait of a Gentleman and a Lady— a very high-finifhed 103 Velafquez cabinet pidure. - Satyrs, with a Tygrefs and her Young. The pi&ures of this ad- mirable artift are extremely fcarce in England; the few that we poflefs have defervedly raifed his reputation to an equality with the greateft mafters of the art ; the colouring in this aftonifhing pifture is rich and harmonious, and it is painted with a fpirit and vigour that excite the furprife and admiration of the artift and connoiffeur^fe 104 Morrillio The Madona and Infant Saviour— there is a beauty and fimpli- city in this lovely pi&ure that exceed defeription; the car- nation is delicate and tender, and there is an appearance of life and animation in the expreflion of the heads, that is 105 Titian perhaps peculiar to this favorite painter ; it is certainly one of the happieft produdions of his pencil. - Caefar repudiating Pompiea. This great artift has treated this difficult fubjed with uncommon fuccefs ; the compofition is grand and full of energy, and it is coloured in the higheft llyle of Venetian excellence. 10 6 Wovermam A Battle Piece. There are few pictures to be feen more capital of this efteemed mafter ; the fpirited animation of the com- batants in this attack is furprifing. 107 Vandyke - The Crucifixion — a {ketch for the large pidure at Lifle, very fine. »o8 Le Sueur The Holy Family, with St. Elizabeth— a very beautiful cabinet piditre. tog P. de Cortona - T. fee Temple of the Sybil. This is perhaps one of the mod ca- pital pictures known of this admired artift ; it is very grand in compofition, and more corred in defign than is ufually found in this painter; a very elegant pidure, and deferving a place in the firft gallery. no Titian The Mafter of the Orcheftra. with his Pupils— exquifitely co- loured. No. Mailer. C 15 3 in Rembrandt 112 Lionardo da Vinci 113 Rubens 114 Rembrandt 3 i 5 Terbourg 116 Ruyfdael 1 1 7 118 Vandyke The Portrait of an Old Man — a very high-finilhed capital head, in his bed and cleared martyr. The Madona, Infant Saviour, and St. John. This is a mod exquifite cabinet jewel of this fcarce and valuable mader ; few pi&ures of this artid can be compared to this in point of colouring, which is rich and tender ; the expredion of the heads is extremely beautiful, and the compofition uncom- monly graceful. Rome Triumphant — a finifhed fketch of an emblematic fubjeft, painted with infinite fpirit, and coloured in his bed manner. The Good Samaritan. The cabinet pictures of this edeemed mader are very rarely to be met with ; this charming little pi&ure formed one of the ornaments of the colle&ion of the Duke de Choifeul. The Family of De Witt, the famous Minider and Patriot of Holland. In painting the portraits of this celebrated fa- mily, Terbourg has exerted all his excellencies ; it is in- imitable for the fuavity and mellownefs of its finifliing, and is one of the fined pictures he has ever painted. A Landfcape, with a Bridge — a view from nature, an enchanting reprefentation of a pi&urefque feene ; the mod finifhed and celebrated pifture known of this charming painter. A Warm Landfcape, with Cattle. This inimitable artid fur- paffes all the Dutch Maders for the beautiful tints of air and funfhine. This is a fpecimen of his greated perfe&ion ; formerly one of the mod didinguifhed pictures in the fa- mous colledtion of M. D. Linden at Dort. A whole-length Portrait of LucyCountefs of Carlifle. Vandyke dands unrivalled as a painter of portraits ; in this he ‘has fhewn a fuperior grace, dignity, and elegance ; the beauti- ful carnation of the head and hands is admirable, and the rich drapery of white fatin finifhed with infinite eafe and nature ; one of the mod capital portraits of this great mader. E No. Mailer. 119 Vandyke 120 Cuyp- 121 Claude i'W' \9 1 No. 138 A. Janjen 139 Vandyke 140 Guerchino 141 Cuyp 142 A. OJlad t e 143 Ditto 144 Gonfales 145 Bredael 146 Mieris 147 Courtois 148 P. Potter binet pi&ures of Rubens are extremely rare, and may be faid to be invaluable. Democritus and Heraclitus — a moll capital picture. This great artift was contemporary with Rubens, and was alfo his com- petitor. It is recorded in his life that he gave a public challenge to Rubens to paint a pifture in competition with him. The connoilfeurs will be convinced from this fpecimen of his powers, that he was not unworthy of becoming the rival of the great Rubens. A whole-length Portrait of the Duchefs of Aremberg and her Son. Perhaps there does not exift a more capital portrait by this admirable painter; there is a grace, eafe, and dig- nity in the attitudes, and an expreffion in the heads that cannot be furpaffed. Vadyke certainly efteemed this one of the fineft of his works, as he has figned it with the title he received from Charles Firlt. Caval 0 * A. Vandyk fee'* An°* 1634. in his belt time. Eflher before Ahafuerus. A very grand and mafterly perform- ance, painted with infinite vigour and fpirit ; there is a depth and force in the colouring that is peculiar to Guerchino; it is one of his mod capital pifiures. A Storm — a very ftriking effefl. The interior of a Dutch Cabaret — a mod beautiful cabinet pic- ture (engraved by Syderhof) painted in his very belt man- ner, and charmingly coloured. A Mufical Converfation. A fmall Portrait of the Prince of Orange, highly finifhed. A Horfe Fair — in the manner of Wowermans, Venus and Adonis — a beautiful fmall cabinet picture. Landfcape. Cattle — a lludy from nature. F E 20 ] Svo, Maften. H9 Ca yp - A Landfcape, with Cattle and a Herdfman. In this capital pifture the artift has happily reprefented the effedts of the fun exhaling the vapour of a fine morning ; it is painted in a forcible bold manner, and produces a fine effeft. t ‘ 0 0 Teniers The Card Players. This admirable picture is painted in the belt time and manner of this captivating mailer; there is a fpirt and character in the heads of the card players and fpedtators that has the appearance of life and nature ; it is undoubt- edly one of his finelt pi&ures, and was one of the dif- tinguifhed ornaments of the celebrated collection of Sir Thomas Dundas. 151 Ruyfdael A clear and brilliant Landfcape, with Cattle, by A. Vandevelde. Ruyfdael has painted this charming picture in a tone that is uncommonly beautiful, and infinitely clearer than ufual ; it is very highly finilhed. S52 A. 0 [tade 153 1 enters 154 Vandcrneer 155 Guido 1 56 Sal. Rofa A Mufical Converfation. Flemilh Peafants regaling. A Moonlight — high finilhed. - The Nativity — a beautiful cabinet jewel. A grand and extenfive Scene. The elevated genius of the artift appears through every part of this admirable picture. 357 Hobbima - — A very capital Landfcape. This painter is univerfally al- lowed to reprefent nature in a moll faithful and piCtu- «refqu« manner ; this is one of his molt confiderable works. 158 G. Poitjfm - A Landfcape, with Figures and Architecture — a molt cap- tivating picture; there is a grandeur in the works of this artift that mult charm the tafte of every claftical be- holder. 159 Vanderneer - A Sun-fet — an uncommonly clear and warm picture of this artift. Matter. [ 21 ] 2Co. 160 Teniers c 6 1 Baptijl 162 Bont and Bodeuyn 163 J. OJlade 1 64 Den.ner 1 65 Guido * :6S C. 167 Ruyjdael j68 J. Steen 169 Py naker 170 G. Dow 171 Morillio 172 Ruyjdael 173 £. FareUa An Aflemblage of Flemifh Boors dancing and regaling. This is one of the molt capital pictures of Teniers, and painted in his favourite filvery manner that is fo much admired, very fine. A pair of Flower Pieces. A warm Landfcape — a fmall cabinet picture. A Winter Piece, with Skaiters. A very high-finifhed Head — the works of this artifl are ex- tremely fcarce and valuable. The Madona, with Infant Saviour fieeping. The idea of this picture is alone fufficicient to eftablith the reputation of Guido for elegance, beauty, and tafte ; from the collection of M. de Calonne. A Mufical Converfation, equal to Oitade ; from the collection of Baron Nagel. A Landfcape View from Nature, with a Watermill — in the beft manner of Ruyfdael ; a charming picture ; from Baron Na- gel’s collection. The Interior of a Brothel, with a Spendthrift pillaged while afleep — a very exquifite fine picture, equal to the beft works of Metzu; from Baron Nagel’s collection. A mountainous Landfcape — a clear brilliant effeCt of funfhine, one of the moll beautiful pictures known of this mailer ; from Baron Nagel’s collection. A Philofop.her at his Study. It is impoftible to conceive the art of painting to produce a more furpriling and forcible effect ; the finifhing furpaftes all defeription ; it is a jewel of the firft clafs, and would adorn a princely cabinet; from Baron Navel’s collection. The Virgin in the Clouds — very fine. A Landfcape, beautifully finifhed, in his fineft manner. The Madona and Child— a charming cabinet picture of the firft clafs No. Mailer. 174 Guido 175 Zuccarelli 17 6 Lingelhack 177 Cuyp 178 *S. Bourdon [ 22 ] The Holy Family — a high-finifhed beautiful gem. An Italian Landfcape and Figures — very fine. • An Italian Landfcape, with Figures and Cattle. A pair of Landfcapes, oval, with Figures and Cattle. The Woman taken in Adultery — a fmall cabinet pidure, equal to N. Pouffin. i yj The Divine Moralis The Saviour bearing his Crofs — this fublime picture is alone 180 John dc Mabufe fufficient to juftify the appellation given to this inimitable painter in his own country, of the Divine Moralis — It is impoffible to defcribe the expreftion of patient and dignified buffering in the head of the Saviour ; it fills the mind with the molt impreftive emotions. The Wifemen’s Offering — one of the mo ft extraordinary high- finifhed and effedive pidures that the art of painting ever produced. This celebrated pidure has been painted up- wards of three hundred years, and is ftil! in the moft perfed prefervation — it contains the portraits of John Duke of Brabant, that of the Painter, Albert Durer, Lucas of Leyden, and others. It was originally painted for the Abbey of St. Adrien, near Bruffells, and was the work of upwards of feven years. When Albert and Ifabella became governors of the Low Countries, they diftinguilhed themfelves by the patronage they gave to the Arts, and this curious pidure was recommended to their notice by Rubens, who purchafed it for them: after the death of Prince Charles of Lorraine it was publicly fold, and has been fince brought to this Country. THE END.