Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofprintOOsoth / / A CATALOGUE OP Prints and fine Boohs of Prints , THE PROPERTY OF HENRY HOPE, ESQ. REMOVED FROM CAVENDISH SQUARE. TO WHICH IS ADDED, A SMALL AND GENUINE COLLECTION* Consigned from Germany . Among the Prints are many proofs and first impressions of the Choicest Works of Woollett, Bartolozzi, Sharp, Earlom, &c. An elegant Variety of Coloured Views in Swit¬ zerland and Geneva. Several scarce and rare Etchings and Engravings, by and from Great Masters, &c. &c. Among the Books of Prints, are Pond’s Collection, elegantly mounted ; Hogarth’s Original Works, in three large volumes ; the Houghton Collection; Capt. Baillie’s Works ; BoydelPs Shakespeare, large plates,* and several Works of equal Value. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. SOTHEBY, (LATE LEIGH AND SOTHEBY) Bookseller, at his House, No. 145, Strand, opposite Catherine Street, On Thursday, the 5th of December, 1816, and Two following Days, at 12 o’Clock. To be viewed to the Time of Sale, and Catalogues (price 6d,) to be had at the Place of Sale. Wright and Murphy, Printers, 31, Little Queen Street, Hoi bom, London, IV 1 Da CONDITIONS OF SALE, I. The highefi: Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Difpufe arifes between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo difputed (hall be immediately put up again and re-fold. IL No Perfon to advance lefs than 6d, ; above One Pound is.; above Five Pounds 2s. fid. and fo in Proportion. |I1. The Purchafers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchafe-money; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo purchafed to be immediately put up again and re-fbld. IV. The Lots to be taken away, at the Buyer’s Expence, within three Days after the Conclufion of the Sale, and the Remainder of the Purchafe-money to be abfolutely paid on or before Delivery. V. The Books are prefumed to be perfe£f, unlei's otherwife expressed; but if upon collating, at the Place of Sale, any fhould prove defective, the Purchafers will be at Liberty to take or rejedl them. VL Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money depofited in P^rt of Payment (hall be for- feited ; and all Lots uncleared within the Time aforefaid (hall be re-fold by public or private Sale, and the Defi¬ ciency (if any) on fuch Re-fale (hall be made good by the Defaukers.at this Sale. Gentlemen who cannot attend the Sale may have the?? Corpjiiiffions faithfully executed by their humble Servant, S 0 Sothebv, 145, Strand. N 13, No Books will bo delivered without being first paid fo? ? it is requested that Gentlemen will clear their Books 3 ana stittie their Accounts at the €o$clitsi&n of each Sale* A CATALOGUE, &c. First Day’s Sale. SCRIPTURE, &c. LOT 1 F'oUR Evangelists, in ovals , A. Bloclant invent. P. Galle , fee. 2 Joseph selling Corn in Egypt, Barth Breenlergh inv .— Five Senses, by Jo. Londersel, &c. — 5 3 Prodigal Son, J. Visscher fecit —Resurrection of Christ, Martin Heemskerck — St. Sebastian bound to a Tree, etched by Peter Van Harlingen , tsfe. 4 Salutation of the Virgin, A . Bloch/ant, P. Galle fecit — Nymphs and Tritons, B. Spranger inv. Jac.Matham sculp .—Moses and Aaron, in chara oscura , A. Bloe- mart inv. tSfc. — — 12 5 Plates to Visscher’s Bible, after Reubens, &c. — 21 6 Angels appearing to the Shepherds, after A. Blocmart, &c. - - — 3 7 Prodigal Son, H David fecit — — 4 8 Silenus, after Reubens, by S. Bolswert —St. Cecilia, Guil. Panncels fee .—Cat, by C. Bloemart sculp. &c. 16 B cr ■ -/i, ■ - - , _v. V3 ' ( ^ ) 9 Bacchus, do. Johan Popels fecit, &c. 10 Christ and his Disciples at Emaus—and Lot and his Daughters, Reubens, IV. Swanenburg sculp. &c, 1 1 St. Roche—St. Anne teaching the Virgin, &c. — 12 Meeting of Jacob and Esau, Reubens pinxit, P. de Bai- Uu sculpsit— Christ bearing the Cross, after Vandyke, &c. 13 Judgement of Solomon—St. Martin of Tours casting the Devil out of a Man, Peter de Jedc sculpsit — 14 Passion of Christ, by H. Golt%ius, in the style of Lucas Van Leyden — •— — 15 Elijah fed by Ravens, A. Bloemart, Jo. Saenredam sculp. —Emblematical, after Bart. Sprangers, &c. 16 Antrum Platonicum, Jo. Saenredam sculp .—Subject from the Revelations, Jod. a IVingfig. J. Sadder sculp, ex. &c. —■ — — 17 Resurrection of Christ, P. Morcelse in. TV. Swanenburg sculp. —Mater Dolorosa—St. Margaret, after Raphael, &c. — — —• IB St John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness, by Cor. Galls —Gaming, after Aug. Braun, Abraham Hogenberg sculpsit, &c —■ — 19 Virgin and Child—St Ann and St. John the Baptist, M. de Boys pinxit, J. Mail ham sculp .-—Jeal and Sisera, after L. Van Leyden, J Saenredam sculp. 20 Four Evangelists, J. D. Geyn inven. fine 21 Ditto, Judgement of Paris, M. Mierevelt inv. IV. Swanen¬ burg sculp, fine — —■ N. DE BRUYN, &c. 22 Susanna and the Elders—Solomon’s Idolatry, Nic. de Bruyn inv. et sculp< - —— 23 Prophets—Jeremiah, Hosea, and the Murder of the In¬ nocents, do. — — — 7 a 2 12 6 4 4 6 4 S 3 / 7 i ■ ( 3 ) 24 Christ Preaching on the Mount—St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness—Judas betraying Christ, by do. 25 Elijah and the Bears—Stoning of St. Stephen—and St. John Preaching in the Desert, by John Jenet 26 Orpheus and the Beasts—a Fair, with a number of Fi¬ gures, &c. — — — 2 7 Adam and Eve in Paradise—-Angel appearing to the Shep¬ herds—Christ Riding to Jerusalem, the multitude following him 28 Meeting of Abigail and David—Tobit and the Angel, &c. VARIOUS HUMOUROUS. 29 Subjects of Love and Gallantry, by Crisp de Pass 30 Grotesque Subjects, by and after Callot — 31 Temptation of St. Anthony—Martyrdom of the Apos¬ tles, &c. —- — — 32 Henpecked Husband—Barber’s Shop—Printing Press, &c. Abraham Bosse in. et fecit — — 33 Martyrdom of St. Laurence—Temptation of St Anthony, &c. spirited etchings , by P. Umbnch , &c. — 34 Tooth Drawer—Dutch Men Fighting, by John Vanden- velt, &c. — — — 35 Pancake Woman, by Corn. Visscher —Ostade’s Ball and Mess Fighters, by J. Suyderkoef — REUBENS, &c. 36 La Danse Flamande, Revlens pinxit , Le Charpentier sculpsit , 1769 —Martyrdom of a Female Saint from J. Jordains, Marinus sculpsit -—— 37 Assumption of the Virgin, Reubens , S. Balswert —Ju¬ dith and Holifernes, Corn. Galle sculpsit —• 38 Mucius Scevola, Reubens pinxit , G . Marchand sculp , 3 3 3 4 14 29 40 7 JO 8 3 3 2 ( 4 ) 3Q Battles of Alexander, C. le Brun pinxit, J. Audran ex. small set j Jine — — g SPRANGERS, H. GOLTZIUS, &c. 40 Feast of the Gods from Sprangers, H . Goltzius sculp, on three sheets 41 Mount Parnassius—Pygmallion, &c. do.— Guil. de Bloys, Admiral — _, _ y 42 Landscape, woodcut, scarce, &c. do. — 5 43 St. John the Baptist—J. Matham, &c. — 4 44 Andromeda, Sanredam sculp.— the Graces, &c. — 4 45 Temptation of St. Anthony—St. Mary Magdaline, Mae - tham sculp. &c. — _ 5 46 Jeal and Sisera—Venus—Juno, &c. —— 4 47 Master Pieces—Wisemen Offering, &c. 48 Morning—Noon—Evening and Night, J. Sanredam p 4() Seven Planets, John Sanredam sculp, jine 50 Four Seasons, do. SCRIPTURE HISTORY, See. 51 Death expostulating with various Figures, &c. by M. of Ravanne —Assumption of the Virgin, by B. Dolerido —Flight to Egypt, Che. Alberti, &c. — 11 52 Battle of the Amazons, by Nic. Beatrici —Ferdinand of Castile, &c.—St. James of Compostella, by Fra. Villamena , &c. — — 8 53 Annunciation of the Virgin, from Fred. Zuccarus, by H. Olgiatus —Prometheus, from Titian, by Cor. Cort , & c. — — — — 5 54 Holy Family, with St. George, St. Catherine, &c. after Julio Romano, by Adam Mantuana —Life of Christ, after Alb. Durer, by M. Antonio —Eneas and An- chises, &c. 8 / ( 5 ) 55 Christ washing Peter’s Feet, from Lombard, Cock ex ,— Birth of St. John the Baptist, Julio Bonasono fecit , &c. — — — 4 56 Mount Parnassus—Judgement of Paris—and Neptune Capping the Sea, &c. by M. Antonio —— 6 57 Roman Captives, after Julio Romano—and Judgement of Paris, by Georgi Ghisi Mantuanus — 2 58 Siege of Carthage, &c. by Mar. of Ravanna, Geo. Ghisi , tsfc. — — 4 59 Inside of the Pope’s Chapel, with the last Judgement, from M. Angelo—Pope’s giving Audience, by Bap¬ tist Franco — — — 3 60 Innocent I Oth—Procession to the Church of the Laterano —Christ in the House of the Pharisee, &c. — 7 6 1 David and Goliah, from M. Angelo, engraved by B. Audran , fine 62 Holy Family, etched by Guido —Mars and Venus, by P, Veronese— -Tomb, by Parmegiano —Marriage of St. Catherine, by C. Marretti , &c. — 11 63 Christ bearing the Cross, &c. Augustine Carracci— St. Jerome, after Titian, by Cort, &c. —» 7 64 Agony in the Garden, from Guido, by Falck , &c. 7 65 Chastity of Joseph, from Carlo Cignani, by Jas. Frey, &c. - - — 6 66 Holy Family, from Raphael, by J. Frey —St. Veronica, by Carlo Gregori —St. Andrew, from Carlo Dolci, &c. 4 67 Four Circles, after Dominichino, Judith, Esther, &c. by Jas. Frey —Martyrdom of St. Andrew, &c. — 8 68 Cupola of the Church of St. Agnes, painted by Ciro Ferri y engraved by Nic. Dorigny , on eight sheets 69 Dispute of the Sacraments, after Raphael, by Georgi Ghisi 70 Life of St. Bruno, after John Lanfranc, by Theodore Qruger — — — IS ( 0 ) SCRIPTURE AND HISTORY. 71 Cartoon of Paul and Bernard at Lystra, engraved by J. Langlois , after Raphael—Moses treading on Pharaoh’s Crown—Holy Family, &c from Poussin — 4 72 Apotheosis of St Mary Magdeline, after Jo. Lanfranc, engraved by Vallet —Holy Family, from Seb. Bour¬ don, &c. 73 Virgin, Child, and St. John, after Raphael—St. George and St. Mauritius, after Titian, &c. -- 7 74 Emblematical Subjects, from P. de Cortona, P. Vero¬ nese, &c. — — «— 12 75 Elements, after Albano, by Step. Baudet —Air and Fire —St. Jerome, by Spunolet, &c. ——- 5 76 Christ and the Woman of Samaria, after Annabel Car¬ racci, by J. Bishop —Diogenes, Hypocrates and He- raclius, etchings , by Gabriel Erlinger , &c. — 6 77 St. Margaret, from Annabel Carracci—St. Roch, by Houlanger —Annunciation, by Hainzelman , &c. 8 78 Stoning of St. Stephen, by S. Baudet —Laban’s deceit, after A. Coypel, by Jean Audran —Tobit restoring Sight to Tobias, engraved by Duchange — 3 79 Moses Striking the Rock, from N Poussin—Christ in the Manger, S. Guilebault pinx. F . Andriot sculp .— Holy Family, by L Moreau sculp. -- 3 80 Delivery of Astyanax to the Grecians, L. Silvestre pinx . Jean Audran sculp .—Sacrifice of Iphigenia, Ant. Coypel pinxity G. du Change sculp. — 2 HISTORICAL, &c. SI Battle of Constantine—St. Peter and St.John—Healing the Sick—Man at the Gate of the Temple, &c. 82 Etchings—Peter Testa, &c. — — os cs /O ■‘ratin'* . ,n, A * ( 7 ) 83 Baptism of Christ, after P. Mignard—St. Ambrose re¬ fusing the Emperor admittance to the Cathedral of Milan, by C. Meilan, &c, — — S 84 Raising of Lazarus, and the Miraculous Draught of Fishes, after Jovenet—Assumption of the Virgin, from C. le Brun, engraved, by L. Simonneau, jun. &c. 4 85 Adoration of the Shepherds, Blanchard pinxit , Steph. Baudet sculp, fine — -— — &6 Sun standing still at the Command of Joshua—and the Fall of the Rebellious Angels, &c. after R. le Fage, by C. Simonneau —- — — 8 87 Meleager and Atalante, C. le Bran pinxit, &c. — 10 FRENCH ENGRAVINGS, &c. 88 Various, after Watteau, Boucher, &c. — 13 8p Cephalus and Aurora, Le Moine pinxit, L. Cars sculp, —Cupid and Psyche, Ant. Coypel pinxit, Jo Audran sculp. &c. — — — 4 go Jupiter and Calisto, N. Poussin pinxit, J. Daulle , sculp. —Pan and Syrinx, Fra . Boucher pinxit, P. Marti - neni sculp. &c. - —— 3 £)1 Conversation Espagnole, Car. Vanloo pinxit, J. Beau- varlet sculp . — — — 2 g 2 Venus and Cupid, L. Eliz. le Brun pinxit, C. G. Schultze sculp . fine — *— 93 Le Malheur Imprevie, J. B. Greuze pinxit, B. de Lau- nay le Jeune sculp. &c. — — 3 FOREIGN PORTRAITS. 94 Maximilian Emanuel, Duke of Bavaria, J. B. Prolst sculpsit, whole length —Emperor Mathias, with em¬ blematical figures, Egidus Sadeler sculpsit 2 95 Cruelties of the French in Holland, Romyn de Hughe ( 8 ) fee . 1673—Emblematical Representation of the Crowning of the Emperor of Germany, &c. — 96 Curious Prints relating to the History of the Emperor Otho, singular Costume, &c. P. Card pinxit, C. G. ,ab Amling delin et sculpsit, 1698 — 97 St. Peter, from Guido-—St. Gregorius, by Egbert van Panderen sculpsit —Alexander 7th, &c. —- 98 Sixtus Fifth—Ambrosius Brambini—F. Clement Eight, by Fra. Villamena , &c. — — 99 Cardinal de Fleury, and Cardinal Dubois, engraved by Peter Drevet , fine 100 Phillip Fourth, after Reubens, by P. Pontius —John the Fourth of Portugal, &c. — — 101 Leo. Delamet, by P. Drevet —Marie de Laubespine, by do. &c. — — — 102 Christianus Ernestus, Marg. of Brandenburg—Joan Casimines Dei Gratia Rex Poloniae, &c. — 103 Guil. de Lamoignon, Nantevil fecit —Vondelius, C. de Visscherfecit, &c. — — 104 P. Corn. Hooft—Corn. Fra. Eversdyk—Jacob Koys, &c. by J. Houbraken — —- 105 Guil. de Limage, by G. Audran —Baron van ImhofF, by P. Tange, &c. — — — 106 Peter Scriverius—John Con. Rucker, J. Houbraken fee. —W. Worm, G. Falk sculpsit, &c. - ARTISTS, See. 107 Peter Mignard, C. Vermeulen sculpsit —Corn. Visscher, B. Audran sculp .—Ant. Coypel and his Daughter, by G. Duchange, Jean Christ. Slimmer , &c. — 108 Jacob Houbraken, engraved by himself-— Quinkhard and P. Tanje, engraved by P. Tanje, fine 109-Portrait de Raphael Grave par Nicolas Larmessin— Christian Gabriel Allegrain—Grave par J. S. Klaub r, 8 zc. fine — — — — 4 23 4 5 6 3 £ ; 0 8 9 « 9 3 I ( 9 ) 110 Amelia Ellisabetha—D. G. Hassiae Landgravia, etc.— Comitissa Hanoviae Muntzenb, Lieut.-Col. de Siegen fecit, 1043, supposed to be the jirst print executed in mezzotinto, extra rare ENGLISH PORTRAITS. 111 Bishops, Saints, and Martyrs, whole lengths, by Frede¬ rick Bloemarts, some belonging to England — 19 112 Princes of Orange:—Maurice, Frederick, Henry, &c. 12 1 13 St. Lewis, King of France, G. Edelinck sculpsit 1 114 Curious Emblematical etchings of the Marriage of the Princess Mary with the Prince of Orange — 5 4 15 Coronation Procession, and other Events, relating to King William and Queen Mary, by Romain de Hooge 8 llo Lewis 13th and 14th, in emblematical ornaments, G . Falck fee. —Death Bed of James the Second, a Sati¬ rical Print, by Romain de Hooge, curious — 3 11/ George First, Peter the Czar, Judge Littleton, by R. Williams, &c. — — — 8 118 John Lord Belasyse, Ant. Fan Dyke pinx. R. White fecit, &c. from Guillam’s Heraldry — 8 119 Abraham vander Hulst, by Jan. de Visscher —Admiral Schram, Corn, de Witt, &c. - 4 120 Elizabeth Queen of Bohemia, by Delpht —Princess Clementina Sobieski, by Jas. Frey —Anne, Princess Royal of Great Britain, by P. Endlich, &c. — 7 121 Anthony More Painter, Hondius fecit —Albert Seba, J. Houbraken sculp. —John vander Does, by do. &c. 8 122 Robt. Earl of Oxford, J. Simon fecit —Pascal de Paolo, by J. Houbraken, &c. — — 7 123 Small oblong Book of Portraits, of Courtezans, Players, and other remarkable Characters:—Fanny Murray, Con. Phillips, &c. — — 17 C C 10 > Second Day’s Sale. BATTLES, &c. LOT 124 ElATTLE of Lodi, grave par Mercoli Pere —ditto of the Po—Passage of St. Bernard, Jine — —— 3 125 La Mort Da Chevalier Dassus, Arrangements, Order of Battle, &c. — —- — 10 126 Disturbances in Amsterdam, &c. in the year 178/, &c. 127 Ditto, ditto 128 Earl Howe’s Victory, June i, 1/94, after J. P. Louther- bourg, engraved by James Filler, proof ' HISTORICAL, &c. 129 Cupid and Psyche, hy J . Audrain-*— Bath of Diana, ly X J. Avril, &c. — — — § 130 Aurora and Ariadne, ly J. Frey t after Guido, fine, &c. 131 Gamesters, after Valentin, ly Cal he lin—Conor o Family, by Baron , &c. ■— — — 3 132 Danea, after Corregio—-Cupid, by C. Mechel, &c. 11 133 Last Supper, from Holbein, by Hubner —Tomb de Ma¬ dame Langhans, &c. 134 Infant Jupiter and Pan, from Jaques Jordan, by S. Bols- wert 135 Deluge and Boar Planting, after Reubens-—Landscapes, after G. Poussin, fine 4 4 ( ii ) 136 Raphael’s Pictures in the Vatican, by Francis Aquila 1 I 137 Piazzetta Heads, engraved by X Cattini, fine — 14 13S Hagar and Ishmael—Christ and the Little Children, - after B. West, engraved ly V. Green , fine 139 Be Seur’s Gallery, engraved by Dufios , &c. fine 22 340 Cupid bound, after Le Brun, by D Mar ana, proof, fine 1 341 Darius’ Tent and Alexander and Roxana, by B Piiart 2 142 Christ and his Disciples in a Storm, after Rembrandt, Enshaw delin. et sculp, fine —Ditto, after Vilieger, ly Canot, proof — — — 2 343 Harlot’s Progress, by Hogarth 144 Rake’s ditto LANDSCAPES, &c. 345 Triumph of Paulus Emilianus—-Amphitheatre at Verona, &c. — — — — 12 146 Falls of the Rhine, engraved by G, F. Gmelin —Village near Francfort, ly Madam Prestel — 3 3 47 Views in Petersburgh, engraved by T. Malton , &c. 14 148 Ditto in Rome, by G. Fast, large parcel 149 Public Monuments in honour of Lewis XVI. 150 Representation of a Regatta, given at Venice in Honour of the Duke of York 1764—Perpetual Almanack, &c. FRANCIS VJVARES, CHATELIN, &c. 3 51 Landscapes, after G. Poussin, by Ckalelain, fine 7 152 Ditto, ditto Rembrandt, &c. ditto — — 7 153 Ditto, ditto ditto, by J Wood, fine — — 7 154 Ditto, ovals , after Claude, Mason, Canot, &e. — 7 155 Ditto, after Claude, F. Vivares, &e. — 5 156 Ditto, after Claude, by F Vivares, See. — 6 157 Views of Oxford City, by Buck —Colleges, &c» 10 158 Chatsworth, by Vivares —Black Rock, by Giles King , 1744, &c. — — — — 11 C 2 ( 12 ) ENGLISH VIEWS, &e. 159 Gardens at Stowe, ly J. Riguard, Baron , &e. fine 13 160 Palaces, Hampton Coart, Kensington, &c. by Finney 8 161 Views of the Coast of Devonshire from Exmouth Shore, in Colours, proofs — — — 2 162 Ditto of Enniskillen Lake, &c. ditto — — 2 DUTCH ETCHINGS, &c. 163 La Collation Hollandaise J. Stein, pinxit Basan, proof unfinished —L’Homme Content, Ostade pinxit, &c. 4 104 Etchings, ly P. Nolpe, &c. — — 26 165 Ditto of Landscapes, variations, proofs, &c. ly T. Janson — — — — 8 \66 Ditto ditto Cattle, &c, spirited, ditto — 10 167 Ditto ditto Haymaking, Reaping, ditto — Q 108 Ditto ditto Cows, &c. -— — 18 169 Woman mqking Lace—ditto Frying, after C. Netscher and Metsu, &c. etched ly P. de Mare, unfinished proofs, &c. — — — 10 170 Lady and Servant, after F. van Mieves—Girl, after Mo- lenaer, &c. ly ditto, ditto -r- — 10 171 Old Man, with Hour Glass, Muff, Medal at his Breast —Man, with Broom—Ditto, with Bagpipes—Flute, D. Teniers inv. et excud. —Temptation of St. Anthony, S. Willemsene fee. &c. — — 8 172 Beggars, P. Quasrt, S. Savery, &c. — — 13 173 Portraits of Ad. Ostade, Peter van Laer, T. Janson, Painter, &c. unfinished proofs, and curious variations, ly L. B. Coders — — —IQ 174 Old Woman shelling Beans, after Erecklankemp—Ditto with Owl on her Shoulder, after Francis Halls—Do¬ mestic Subjects and spirited Etchings, ly L. B. Coders , with proofs and variations — — — 25 ( 13 ) 1/5 History of Don Quixote, after C. Coypel, ly B. Picart, he. — — — — 26 1/6 Mezzotintos, l;y IV. Vaillant , jun. Stolker, Szc. after Ostade, T. Steen, Szc. — — — g REMBRANDT, Szc. 1/7 Peter’s Repentance—David playing before Saul, Rem- Irandt inv. IV Peeuw fee .—Ratcatcher, &c. — 5 178 David and Bathsheba, after Rembrandt, F. M. Moreau sculps, fine 179 Portrait of Rembrandt—Drawing ditto, with the Met- zetin Cap—Ditto Wtenbogardus — — 3 180 Manaseth Ben Israel—Man’s Bust, with his Hand on his Head—Old Man caressing a Child, Szc. — 5 181 Flight into Egypt—St. Jerom, Beggars, Szc. — g 182 Disciples at Emaus—Money Changers driven out of the Temple, Szc. —Christ and the Woman of Samaria 183 Abraham and the Angel—Prodigal Son—Raising of La¬ zarus, &c. — — — — 4 CATTLE, &c. AFTER BERGHEM, &c. 184 Game Market, Rich. Ea.rl.om scalps. 185 Halt of Soldiers, Szc. P. JVouwerman, pinxit J. Visscher 186 Cows, Szc. after N. Berghem, ly J. Visscher , small sq. g 187 Ditto, ditto — — — 7 188 Ditto, ditto, ollong — — — B 189 Ditto, Dander , Danckerlsfecit , C. Visscher , he. 5 190 Ditto, ditto, Carlo da Jardin, &c. - 5 191 Ditto, ditto, large, T. Dan. Herts excud. Mart. Brechon - macher sculps, uprights and squares — — 8 192 Cows, Sheep, Szc. after Berghem, ly T. Visscher , oil. 6 193 Ditto, ditto—Fishing by Moon Light, Dander , Dane- kerts fecit — — — 7 194 Landscapes, after ditio, ly Grnnsvelt — — 6 195 Sheep, after P. Potter, ly M. de Bye — — 16 196 Lion Hunt, Ch. Paroul pinxit, L. Desplcius sculps, he. 16 197 Hunting, Hawking, Shooting, Szc. ly Mart. El. Bidin¬ ger, fine — — — 19 ( 14 ) ETCHINGS OF LANDSCAPES, &e. IQS Landscapes, ly J. Saedlers, St . Jerom , Rotlant ; Savery pinxit , is c Major sculps. Jine -— — — 7 199 Latona, after D. Teniers, Woe/ le Mire sculps .—Shoot¬ ing Ducks, Major sculps .—'Dutch. Village, from T„ Ruysdaal, P. Duret sculps. 200 Etchings, ly A. Genoels and T. Glauber, from Gasper Poussin — — — 10 20? Ditto, ly Isaac Schmidt — —- 6 202 Ditto, Waterloo — —- — -— 3 203 .Ditto, small — — — *— — 8 204 Ditto, A'A house Door, fine 20 5 King William at Arnheim, Hucktonlurgh fee. —-the Great Fair at Arnheim—a Number of Figures full of Spirit and Humour, &c, fne —- — 5 200 Months, from P, Brill, Eg Saedler sculps, wants Janu¬ ary and February — — — — 5 20/ Landscapes, with Scripture History, ly Peter Pander Borckt — — — 8 208 Ditto, Christ in the Wilderness, if. Cockfecit —Cepha- 3us and Procris, ly Francisque , &c. — — 10 209 Twelve Months, after P. Molyn, ly Weirotter, fine 210 Etchings, ly T. Smees, M. Montaigne, &c. — 7 21 i Landscapes, ly Per die, small uprights, fine —» 4 212 Ditto, ditto, oblong , ditto - — 7 213 Ditto, ditto, large, ditto — — 4 214 La Belle Matinee, fromT. Vernet, P. Benaseck, se. &c. 3 215 Landscapes, after Zuccarelli, by Gio Volpato, F. Vivares, &zc. —- — — —- 3 210 Superb Insides of the Churches of Noruemberg, &c„ ly Jo. Ulrich Kraus, &c» 6 1 ( 15 ) CATTLE, &c. 217 Cows and Sheep, after Berghem, by John Visscher, D Dan cherts, Le Bas, &c. — — 6 218 Huntings, from Wouverman, ly J. Moyreau, fine 8 21Q Hunting the Stag, by J. Moyreau—R oar Hunting, by Jac. Ph. Le Bas, Jine 220 Water Spaniel, after Barret, by Watson, proof * 1 221 Cattle, from Rosa de Tivoli, by Madam Prestell, proofs 3 222 Boar Hunt, after Snyders, by Gabriel Smith, proof I HISTORICAL, &c. 223 Death of Seneca—Antiochns and Stratonice, after Cor¬ tona, engraved by W. W. Ryland, &c. proofs 224 Jason and the Dragon, after Salvator Rosa—Bath of Diana, proofs, &c. — — 3 225 Continence of Scipio, from Vandyke, proof, &c. 4 22 6 Lawyer and his Client, proof, &c. — —>3 22/ Pharoah’s Chief Butler and Baker, proof —Young Man recovered from Drowning, &c. — — 4 228 Flemish Feast, after Van Harp, engraved by Isaac Tay¬ lor, proof BARTOLOZZI, STRANGE, SHARP, &c. 229 The Sempstress, from Romney—Fair Emmeline, by Simon, &c. 230 Venus attired by the Graces, Fra. Bartolozzi, proof — Angelica Kauffman, with the Muse Clio, do. 23 1 Parce Somnum rmnpere, by Sir Robt. Strange, &c 3 232 Apotheosis of the Royal Children, after B. West, by Sir Robt. Strange, fne proof — -— — 1 233 Clite, from Anb. Carracci, by Fra. Bartolozzi, do. I 234 Nativity, after Sir Jos. Reynolds, by G. Facius , from the Window at Oxford, fne proof —- «— 1 ( 16 ) 235 Battles of La Hogue and the Boyne, fne proofs — 2 236 Alfred dividing his Loaf with the Pilgrim, &c. proofs l 237 Doctors of the Church, after Guido, by Wm. Sharp, proof — — — — l 238 Fortune Teller, engraved by J. K. Sherwin , do. after Sir Joshua Reynolds — — — 1 239 Infant Academy, by Fra. Harvard , do. — — 1 240 Muscipula, engraved by J. Jonqs, do. —Snake in the Grass, in colours — — — — — 2 241 Garrick between Tragedy and Comedy, from Sir Jos. Reynolds, proof — — — — — 1 242 Count Ugolino and his Children, Sir Josh. Reynolds pinxit , John Dixon sculpsit, fne proof — — \ 243 Gamesters, after Peters, engraved by W. Ward —Shuter, Beard, and Dunstall, &c. in Love in a Village 4 244 Grace before Dinner, after Van Harp, Greenwood fecit, &c. —• - — 4 Third Day’s Sale. EARLOM, V. GREEN, &c. LOT 245 JH[aMAN’s Condemnation, after Rembrandt, by R. Houston, proof —Tribute Money, after P. Genope, proof — — -— — 2 246 Isaac blessing Jacob, from Spanolet, proof —St. Thomas’ unbelief, after Caravagio, by John Murphy , do. 2 24/ Death of Marc Anthony, from N. Dance, by Tho. Watson , proof, &c. 2 ' ■ 1 ( 17 ) 248 The Orrery, after Jas. Wright, by W. Pether, proof 249 Rene Hansloo and his Wife, after Rembrandt, engraved ly Jos. Boy dell, proof — — 1 250 The Witch, after D. Teniers, engraved by Rich. Ear- lorn, fine proof - — 1 251 Agrippina, after B. West, by Rich. Ear lorn, do. 1 252 Fruit and Flower Pieces, by do. do. - 1 253 Death of Cheviler Bayard, from B. West, engraved ly Val. Green — — 1 254 D. of Epaminondas, after B. West, engraved ly Val . Green - - 1 ENGLISH PORTRAITS, &c. 255 Sir Tho. More’s Family, outline by C. de Mechel 1787 25(3 Sir John Borlase Warren, K. B. proof ', and the Action at Sea with the French Ships, &c. by Jas. Fittler 3 257 Dr. Markham, Archb. of York, proof-— Duke of Cum¬ berland, whole length , ly T. Burford, scarce, &c. 4 258 Elizabeth—Alexander—Buonaparte, &c. — 17 259 Lewis Fifteenth, by Will —Monument of Marshal Sax, by C. de Mechell, scarce , &c. - 260 King of Prussia Reviewing his Troops, at Potsdam, by Clemens 261 Reubens’ Mother, C. Mechel sculp. —S. Gesner, Eich- ter sculp. &c. T — — — 6 262 The Right Hon. William Pitt, by Edridge , engraved ly Car don —Sir Walter Farquhar, engraved ly W. Sharp, fine — — — 2 263 Emperor of Germany Reviewing his Troops, by Ch. de Mechel —King of Prussia, &c. - 6 264 Comte D. Artois, by le Beau —D. de Biron—Mpn. de Sartine, &c. *— — — ig D ( 18 ) 2 65 Leon Euler—Isaac Iselin, engraved ly B. Hubner, J785 —Erasmus—Paul Petrovitch, Grand Due de Russia, &c. — — — 14 2 66 Lewis, Duke of Orleans, by J. Daulle —Phillip, Infant of Spain, by Balechou —Voltaire, &c. — § 26? Lewis Fifteenth, by Will—Q, ueen of France, by J. Tardieu, &c. -— —- — 4 268 La Pharmacie Rustique, engraved ly B. Hubner , 17/3, &c. — — _ a 269 Lord Ashburton, &c. after a Picture of Sir Jos. Reynolds, in the Possession cf Sir Fra. Baring, Bt. engraved by J . Ward , private plate , rare proof — I 2/0 Three Portraits, after Sir Tho. Laurence, do. do. do. 3 271 Maitryse, do.-— Ecole, grave par Will, fine — 2 272 Family of Sir Baltz. Gerbier, after Vandyke, proof— and Mary Q. of Scots resigning her Crown, by Fra. Legal, do. •— — — 2 273 Wm. Henry, Prince of Orange, from Houthont, proof, whole length — — 1 VIEWS IN SWITZERLAND, &c. 274 Vues des Alpes et Glacieres de la Suisse, &c. beauti¬ fully tinted , and elegantly drawn and mounted in water colours — -— — 38 275 Views in the Cantons of Switzerland—City of Basie— Frankfort on the Mayne, &c. in colours — 13 276 Battles and Sieges—Belgrade—Ocrakow—Choczim— Explanation Plans, &c. do. -—-— 14 277 Recue 1 de 12 Costumes, Suisses Civils et Militaires, &c.—Graves d'apr^s les Dessins Originaux du celebre •—Jean Holbein, &c. 278 Views of Mount Blanc—Geneve, &c. - 12 279 Chapelle de Guillaume Tell— Glacier de Rosenlaui, &c. 10 280 Solitude at Arlesheim, by Chr. de Mechel — 6 . ■ . . . o:u ( 19 ) 281 Soldier’s Departure—Do. Return, &c. elegantly col. 4 282 Three Graces of Gottenburgh, &c. do — 10 283 Jean Gas. Lavater—H. B. de Saussure—Louis Peyffer, &c. by Ch de Mechel, highly finished, in col. 5 284 Ladies Portraits, in colours. Anonymous — 12 285 Views of Mount Blanc—St. Gothard, &c. ■— 4 286 Do. Environs of Berne, &c. — — 4 287 Do. Lake of Geneva—Lausanere, &c. —-— 4 288 Do. Mount Wetterhorn Eiger—Lake de Brien, &c. 4 LANDSCAPES, AFTER CLAUDE, &c. 289 Landscapes, after D. Teniers the Elder, John Wynants, &c. engraved by M. Cath. Prestel 290 View of the Loss of the Rhone, &c. by do. — 2 291 Mercury and Argus, from Salvator Rosa, &c. do. 1 292 Views on the Rhine, by Ch. de Mechel —Tomb of Rous¬ seau in the Gardens of Ermenonville—Lake of Lu¬ cerne, &c. — — — — 8 293 Hager and the Angel, after LI. Swanevelt, by John Pye ■—Landscape, after Gas. Poussin, by Wilson Lowry , proof 294 Mercury and Argus, after Claude, by J. Peak, proof — Embarking at a Sea Port, after do. by J. Mason , do. 295 Landscape and Cattle, by A. Cuyp and Wm Elliott , proof —Vicar of Wakefield, by W. Wbollett and W. Ellis , &c. — — — 5 296 Embarkation of St. Ursula, after Claude, by J. Fittler , proof — — — 1 297 Finding of Moses, after Zuccarelli, by Sam. Smith , pf. 1 298 Finding of Moses, after Zuccarelli, by Samuel Smith , proof — — — 3 299 Jacob and Laban, after Claude, engraved by Wm. Wool - lett, proof — — —■ 1 300 Molten Calf, after Claude, by Dan. Lerpeniere , proof 1 D 2 ( 20 ) 30! Apollo and the Muses, after Salvator Rosa, engraved ly John Brown, proof — — — 1 302 Jonas, after Nic. and Gasper Poussin, engraved ly Fra. Vwares , fine - - 1 MISCELLANEOUS. 303 Drawings in Red Chalk, Shepherd Boy—Lady and Child, &c. — — — 5 304 The Mill, after J. Richard, by M'Ardel , proof and letters , fine — — 1 305 Tobit and the Angel, after Rembrandt, M‘Ardel, proof, do. — — — 1 300 Moses in the Bull Rushes, Vandyke pinxlt , proof, do. 1 307 Lord Ashburton, by Bartolozzi, after Sir Jos. Reynolds —Hon. Tho. Erskine, Sir Jos. Reynolds, John Jones fecit —Hon. Henry Pelham, Rich. Houston fecit 1 DRAWINGS. SOS Cattle, in black and white chalk, by Rosa de Tivoli, &c. 5 309 Views of Palaces, Gardens, &c. in black and white chalk, by J. Plimmer, &zc. - 10 310 Drawing, internal part of a Wood, in colours, fine 1 VIEWS, &c. 311 Destruction of the Theatre at Amsterdam—Illumina¬ tions at do. &c. — — 23 312 Rejoicing at the Helvetique-Union with the French, 1 777, &c. 10 ( 21 ) 313 Sea Ports of France, from Vernet, by le Bas, &c. fine ft 314 Evening and Morning, from Claude, by W. Byrne and J. Peake 315 Waggoner and the Watering Place, by John Broume t fine I 3Id Halte de Guerriers, after J. P. Loutherbourg, engraved by Christian de Michel, &c. - 9 317 Verona, Dunkirk, &c. — — 10 318 Plan of Ancient Rome, by Jac. de Ruleis, on 16 sheets 319 Views in Venice, Bull Fight, Carnival, &c. by Ant . Visentini — — — 17 320 Do. Florence Festivals, &c. — — 2i 321 Do. Rome, by Gio. Bapt. Piranesi —Trajan Column, &c. 13 322 Do. G. Zacchi — — — 40 BOOKS. 323 Marolle’s Temple of the Muses, original edition, A . Depenleck inv. &c. fine, folio 324 Goltzius’ Ovid, 52 plates, do. 325 Ovid, engraved by Phillip Gunst, &c. 131 plates , ob~ long, fine 326 T. Chaloivs Etchings in the style of Rembrandt, 265 plates 327 B. Picart’s Religious Ceremonies 328 Customs, Habits, Ceremonies, Buildings, &c. of the City of Venice, Giacomo Franco Forma, John Stra - danus —Horses, Huntings, &c. by Phillip Galle, in 1 vol. folio 329 Etchings, by J. Glauber, &c. after G. Poussin, Van Huysum, &c. fine, oblong folio 330 Passion of Christ, Revelations of St. John, large wood blocks —Life of do. small wood, fine 331 Life of the Emperor Maximilian the First, curious wood cuts 332 Memorie Istoriche di Litterati Ferrares, ports. Szc. ( 22 ) 333 Portraits of the Dukes of Saxony, Wolffang Killian sculp. 334 Portraits of Artists, Holbein, Reubens, Vandyke, and other celebrated Painters and Engravers, &c. 335 Theatrum Tragicum, containing Portraits of Charles the First, Abp. Laud, O. Cromwell, &c. Jins and scarce BOOKS OF PRINTS. 336 Gallery of the Louvre, by J. Griffith, Esq. etched by Maria Cosway , five numbers, in port folio, atlas she 337 Port Folio, containing, Drawing Pape) , Maps, &c. 338 Cartoons, by Hollaway —Death of Ananias and St. Paul Preaching, proofs 339 Essays, alter the Cartoons of Raphael, Drawn by J , Ruyssen , engraved by Anth. Cardan 340 Caricatures relating to the French Invasion of Holland, with Dutch, French, and English explanations, pri¬ vate plates — — — 20 341 Hogarth’s Works, Harlot’s Progress, Rake’s do. Mar¬ riage A-la-mode, &c. in port folio 342 Port Folio, whole bound in russia , atlas she , capital paper 343 Do. do. 344 Three, do. different sizes 345 Recueil des dessins de differens Catimens construits & St. Petersburg et dans l’lnterieur de l’Empire de Rus- sie—par Louis Rusca Architute de sa Majesty Impe¬ rial—Dedie a sa Majeste Alexander I. &c. &c. rus. 1 vol. large folio — St. Petersbourg, 1810 346 Faris et ses Monumens mesures, dessines et graves par Ballaid, Architecte avec des Descriptions Historiques par Duval, fol. - a Paris, 1803 347 Voyage de lu Suisse, 3 vol. bound in calf, very fine impressions, folio 348 Viaggio pittorico della Toscana, 3 vol. folio , boards, illustrated with many plates — Firenze , 1801 ‘ ' • . # . ( 23 ) 349 Soixante et dix Estampes qui imitent les dessiens graves par Messrs. Pond et Knapton, d’apres des Tableaux Originaux. very scarce, mounted on drawing paper, folio , in russia 350 Antiquities of the Forms of Court and Chancery, by - Wm. Herbert, illustrated with a great many plates, portraits, &c. 2 vol. 4 to. elegantly bound 351 Hogarth’s Original Works, 3 vol. large folio, elegantly bound , containing 322 prints, many very early im» pressions and variations 352 The Plays of Wm: Shakspeare, embellished with 118 plates, 6 vol. 4 to. russia 353 Perelli’s Views in and near Paris, and other places in France, 1 vol. oblong folio, bound in calf consisting of several hundred plates , old impressions 354 Boydell’s Collection, chief y proof impressions , contain* ing 571 subjects , by Woollett , Bartolozzi, &c. 9 voh large atlas folio , bound 355 Houghton’s Collection, 2 vol. half bound 356 Capt. Baillie’s Works, 1 vol. bound in russia 357 Shakspeare’s Gallery, proofs , 2 vol. large atlas folio t bound in russia 358 Hogarth’s Original Works, mounted on fne drawing paper , atlas folio MR. SOTHEBY (late LEIGH and SOTHEBY) will have the honour to submit to the Public the following Collections during the present Season. THE LATTER END OF JANUARY. The entire and genuine Collection of Pictures, Prints and Drawings of the late WILLIAM ALEXANDER, ESQ. F. S. A. & L. S. of the British Museum highly distinguished for his Ability as an Artist, and Taste as a Connoisseur. The Pictures, Drawings, &c. contain some by Sir Joshua Rey¬ nolds, Gainsborough, Wilson, Zoffany, &c •, among the Prints are curious Specimens of the German, Flemish, and Dutch Schools, by Albert Durer, Lucas van Leyden, Aldegrever, Pens, &c.—Etchings by Ostade, Bega, &c.; Landscapes, by Waterloo, Swanevelt, and other eminent Masters ; a most extensive Assemblage of Engraved English Portraits j numerous Topography of the different Coun¬ ties j Sets of elegant Prints; Proof Impressions on India Paper of a great variety of modern Publications Views; Voyages j Tra¬ vels, &c.,• Private Etchings by Amateurs of Distinction ; together with a matchless Selection of Drawings from unique and extra rare Engravings of Heads in the English Series Subjects after Rembrandt, Marc Antonio, &c. executed with the most exquisite Similitude and Beauty after the originals, by Mr. Alexander ; also Colours, Pencils, and other Implements of Art j Egyptian Anti¬ quities, &c. The entire Library of the late REV. T. GOODINGE, L. L. D. Rector of Cound, formerly of St. John College, Oxford. Containing a valuable Collection of Classics ; Critical Divinity j Theology, &c. &c. The Books are in fine Condition. The Duplicates of a NOBLEMAN’S LIBRARY. . . ■ sA V,