A ( CATALOGUE OF THE Curious GoLLECtlON O F COINS and MEDALS, yames Michell Hannott, Efq; Late of R Y E - H A L t, in the County of E S SEXj DeceafeUi Whiph will be fold by AUCTION, By Mr. Langford and Son, At their Houfe in the Gteat Piazza^ Covent Garden, On Saturday the 24th of this Inflant February 1770. * ^ I. : The faid Colle^ion may be viewed on Thursday the 22d Inftant, and to the Time of Sale, which will begin pundlually at T welve o’Clock. Catalogues of which may be then had gratis at Mr. L A N G F o R d’s aforefaid. Conditions of S A L E. H E high eft Bidder is to be the Buyer i and if any Bi^fute fhall arife between any two or more Bidders^ the Lot fo . difputed lhall be immediately put up again^ and refold, idly^t No P erf on to advance lefs than 6d, under a Pound above a Pound is% above Five Pounds tod. and fo on in Proportion. ^dly^ The Pur chafers are to give in* their Names and Places of Abode^ and to pay down Five Shillings in the Pound (if required) in Part of Payment of the Purchafe Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots fo pur chafed^ to be immediately put up sgain and refold. Arthly., The Lots lhall be fetched away with all Faults, at the BuyeP^ Expence^ within One .i)ay after the Sale , and the Remainder of the Purchafe Money absolutely paid on or before the Delivery , Laftly^ Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions^ the Money fo depojited in Part of Pay- menty fhall be forfeited-, the Lots uncleared within the One Bay as aforefaid, fhall be refold, by publick private Sale, and xhtBeficieng (if any) together with all Charges attending fuch Ref ale, fhall be made go^d by the ’Defaulters at this Sde. Saturday, February 24 , 1770, Brafs and Copper, Lot 1 \ Parcel of medals, coins, jettons, &c. Englifh, and Foreign — 2 Medals of Paul II. Clement X. Sir Edmond Godfrey, Coypel, Stanidaus, and 21 more, tome copper, forhe lead — — — 3 Ten fine medals of Lewis XV. and 2 jettons of ditto 4 One hundred and two town pieces, and tradefmens half- pence and farthingi 5 A compleat fet of the tin money of Charles II, James II. and William and Mary — — 6 A ^atuor Maria, halfpenny of Charles If. his farthing ditto, with the wig, and a fim Britannia halfpenny 7 A rare pattern farthing of Charles II. with Momt^ Inftaurator 1662, on its edge . .. . .. 8 A fine farthing of Queen Anne’s, a proof halfpenny of George II. and a fcarce farthing of William and Pv'lary, 1689 — 9 Queen Anne’s farthing, and 23 ofher halfpence, &c. Englifti, Scotch, and Irifli * 10 A fine medal of Sir Robert Walpole, icf the Duke of Ar- gyle, and i of the Queen of Hungary, all by Dafiier 1 1 Ditto of Lord Carteret, i)r. Barker, and Burlamaque, ditto — — J2 Ditto of the Earl of Bath, the Earl of Chefterfield, and I of the city of Geneva - — — — — 13 Two rare medals of Elizabeth, daughter of James I. with her hufhand’s head on the reverfe, both dif- ferent <— — — SILVER COINS. \i. Five rare Britilh and Gallic coins, with inferiptions 15 Six ditto, all different and rare — ib Five more different ditto A 2 »7 A C 4 1 ^'^/cP^I7 A very fine CunobeKne, with a horfeman and ^afcio, ^ copper with his head infcribed, CunobeUnef f ' ^ reverfe tne mint mailer and Ta/doy both crown, half crown (rare) fhilling, fix pence, and groat ot Exeter mint — — — fix-pence, and crown, , half crown, {hilling, fix pence, groat, three-pence, two pence and penny milled his crown, with a rofe, by Roticr, preferred - — another crown, without the rofe, very fine James II, crown, half crovvn, fiiiliing, fix-pence, groat, threc-peace, two-pence, and penny William and Mzr/, crown, 3 half crowns, {hilling, fix-pence, groat, three-peace, two-pence, and 10 z 19 — — — crown, half crown, 2 Ihiilings, i fix-pence, 2 gi'oaiLS- and i three-pence of Oxford mint — — — XX fiiillings, and x {billing pieces of ditto — r a Scotch crown (Briot’s, fine / half crown, eight . iliil'ings, the xl and xx penoy pjeces Scotch Two Pontefradl {hillings, half crown, {hilling, See. nine-penceof Nqwarke, and a fet of New England ^ money 5JK(Commonwealth crown, half crown,-»fnijiing, fix-penee, two-pence, penny, and halfpenny, a fine fet 52 Oliver Cromwell, acrown, halfcrown, and fliiUing,_/5«tf 5 3 his crown ftruck in HolIand,^«f^ pr^-^ ferved ■ - ■ ■ - — - 1 54 Charles II. an half crown, 2 {hilling: 10 others of the hammer’d 55 5 ^ 57 5 ^ 59 9 3 w: penny 6c William III, crown to the penny H 8 1 I ‘•-•J 61 William 6->c - iS' s ) ^ t~€ 0 2 ' } '~- ( 6 ) 6l' WrUiAra III. half crown and fix-pence, with the feathcrsv- and fix-pence with rofes, n^jell prejernjed 3 63 proof crown, finely prefierH)ed 1 63. Anne, crown, half crown, fiiifling, fix-pence, groat, three- pence, two-pence, and penny, plain 8 64 crown, half crown, fiiiiling, and fix-pence, rpfe and feathers — - 65 George I. from the crown to the penny 66 George II. ditto, rofe and feathers 67 crown, half crown, fliilling, and fix* pence, Lima -5—.- ^8 proof crown, and half crown, fiine 69 Scotch coins from William L to Charles IL vvt. 3 oz. 4 dwt. 70 Englifn of feveral princes, different wt. 12 oz. 71 Charles il. crown, with elephant, 5 half crowns, feven fiiillings, 4 fix-pences, and feme fmall milled money -r- ^r-. Englijh Silver Medah, 7,2 A fmall medal of Edward VL with a loop, rare *73 Briot’s Scotch coronation medal of Charles 1 . with EX AVRO VT IN SCOTIA REPERTITVR BRIOT FECIT 1633, on its edge, cxin 7 {iely rare I .74 Charles I. with Charles II. on horfeback, on the re- verfe, by B*“iot, fitiely prejer'-ued '1 73 On his return from Scotland, and 4 others — — 5 .76 A fine medal of Mrs. Ciaypole, daughter of Oliver Cromwell, by A. Simon, — . 99 Medals of Martin Luther, Melanchton, Pidfet, Guf* tavus Adolphus, Julius Csefar, &c. wt. 40Z. 100 Seven Englifli and foreign medals, wt. 3 oz 14 dwt. 10 1 Fifteen very neat cards for medals, gilt io 30 FINIS. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/curiouscollectioOOmess J i XLA? i'hO CAWC-' ^ ,- 1 - 1 /^ i iilt (it/iV llfJ/TfU i^HAm I