ygos_ C ATALOGUE OF THE GENUINE Household Furniture, FINE PROOF PRINTS, BOOKS;; PAINTINGS ON GLASS; APPAREL; And other Valuable Effects, • OP Mr. JOHN P ELTRO, Uraint Street, Hendon, JJec, ~ COMPRISING Neat'Four-Poft Bedfteads, Chintz and Dimity Furnitures and Window Curtains; .BEDS AND BEDDING; A NEAT MAHOGANY SECRETARY AND BOOKCASE, , DRAWERS, TABLES AND CHAIRS; CARPETS; CHINA, GL'ASS, &c. A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF FINE Proof PRiNTS' by Woollet, Barlolozzi, &ic, , VARIOUS PROOF PRINTS, The Works of and'Prefents to the Deceafed, FroipiiN eagle, Parker, Watts,and others, fome on India Paper ; i^ngtnal Dcatoingji anti cBttfiingg; A FEW SPECIMENS OF PAINTINGS ON GLASS BY PEARSON; AND PAINTINGS ; — A Set of Engraver^ s Tools, and various Appurtenances ; * ' BOOKS, among which are Rees’s new Cyclopedia, IS vol. Rapin’s Hiftory of England ; Shakefpear, Dryden, Milton, Pope, Young, Thompfon; A MICROSCOPE WITH VARIOUS APPARATUS COMPLETE^ - , AND CASE ; A FEW LOTS OF WEARING APPAREL ; A Pocket Globe, a . Watch, and a variety of Mifcellaneous Articles, &c. &c. Which' will be Sold by Auction, By Mr.' pax ON,. (By Order of the Executrix's) ON THE PREMISES, On THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER the 8th, 1808, AT ELEVEN o’CLOCK, ^ ‘ ^ On account of the Humber of Lots, t - pT, 5 To be Viewed on Tuefclay and W'ednefday preceding the bale. Caialogues on the Premifes; Garraway’s Cotfee lioufe; 109, High Holborn; and of Mr. Paxon, llampitead. . 1» j i . CONDITIONS OF .SALE AS USUAL. \ . . , 1 ^ , A * / CATALOGUE, iHc, 8fc. 8fc. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER the 8th, 1808. ■ . HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE.' I N*. I. Bad Rooms , \A Four-ft. fix-in. field bedftead, a flock bed, a blanket and a counterpane •X A corner night chair and pan, 3 curtains, a chair, ; and fundry pieces ot carpeting •3 A walrfut cheft of drawers, and a Dutch clock 4 A four-poft bedftead and cotton furniture, and a foreign quilt 5 A wool mattrefs .... . 6 Ditto’ * .. . / ‘ ‘ ( 3 ) , , N^.-II.- Ki’/chen. .. t . - ^ ‘ A return Iron fender, 2 hooks, 3’fhovels, a poker, a pair of tongs, 4 flat irons, a footman, a trivet, a gridiron, a* frying pan, an iron faucepan, and z candlcfticks/ ^ ^ Coppers f i^c. 2 A coal fkuttle, a flewpan, a pair of high candle- ' flicks and a pair of low ditto ‘ 3 A pkir of Icales and weights, and 2 pair of candle- flicks ^ •4 A gallon faucepan, a warming pan, and a tea > kettle . ' ’ _ 5 A large quantity of ufeful tin ware, a pewter pint, a ditto tea pot -fland, 3 pair of* fnulFers and 2 ftands . ‘ Furniture ct^ntimed^ 6 A deal two-flap table, a' plate . rack, acloaths horfes, pye board and a pins and fundrics ^ Twelve knives, 12 forks and cal'e, 2 chairs and a round table , 8 A patent latch and key, a lanthorn, 2 cloaths bruflies, fundry locks and ufeful tools 9 A deal table with a drawer, a pair of bellows and fait box . . China and Glafs, I A'pair of enamelled bowls, found ^ 2 Two ditto * ** “ V 3 Three ditto faulty, 2 brealcfaft cups, i fauccr, 2 odd ditto, 5 tea cups, 4 faucers, 3 bafins, 2, milk pots and 4. large fauceboats 4 A* long fet of Nankeen tea china, comprifing a tea pot and Hand, 1 1 tea cups, 1 8 coffee ditto, 1 8 faucers. bread and butter plate, a milk jug, a fugar bafon and cover, a flop bafin, and a japanned oval tea board 5 Two decanters, 2 cut rummers, 5 ditto wine glaffes, 2 faulty decanters, 1 2 plain wine glaffes, 5 rummers and i cyder glafs j6 Five cruets, i muftard, 6'jellys, 3 globes, 4 pickles, a jelly Hand, 4 tumblers, 2 finger glaffes, a funnel, a liqueur bottle and 2 pickle ditto 7 A tea pot, 4 cups, 4 faucers, 5 bafins, 2 milk pots, 2 quart mugs, 1 pint, 2 half pints, and an oval japanned tea board 8 Two green-edged diffes, 17 ditto plates, 3 blue edged difhes, 15 ditto plates, 4 meat water plates, r jugs and fundry yellow ware 9 Eight earthen pans, a jar and cock, 9 pickle jars, and fundry Hone ware N®. III. Hand Parlour, 1 A Heel fender,’ a fet of fire irons and a hearth rug 2 Six cher-v-tree Windfor chairs 3 An arm chair and a KidderminHer carpet, 10 ft. by 9 ft. 4 A pair of neat bird cages, a draft board and men and a cribbage box 5 A large mahogany round two-flap dining table 6 A pier glafs, in gilt frame, 23I by 14 JppareU I A fuit of fuperfine black, new 2 . A black twilled filk waiftcoat, and a pair of colored kerfemere breeches 3 A greatcoat - 4. A blue coat, a pair of black breeches, and 2C©lorea- waiftcoats . * 5 A pair of gaiters, a pair of ftraps, 2 fleecy fliirts, and 2 pair of drawers 6 Three pair of worfled flockings, and 2 pairoffliocs 7 Three pair of colored filk (lockings, i pair of black ditto, a hat, and a pair of filk gloves 8 A pair of cloth (hoes to lace, new, and a pair of garden clogs 9 Eight fine new (hirts, unfinilhed N®. IV. Garden* 1 Two wafhing tubs, 2 pails, 3 cloaths props and 2 beer (lands , n 2 About 4 dozen garden pots and contents, and 2 hand glaflTes 3 A wheelbarrow, a pair of (leps, 2 minionet boxes and fundry garden tools 4 Sundries 5 A (lone roller and iron frame N®, V, Right Hand Front Parhr. 1 A (leel fender and a fet of fire irons 2 A chintz window curtain, compleat 3 A BruflTells carpet, 9 feet by 6 ft. 6 4 A pair of pier glaflTes, 30 in. by 18 5 A four-ft. four-in. mahogany fideboard llab, 2 japanned waiters, 2 pot boards and a cribbage board . 6 A pair of mahogany card tables, lined 7 A mahogany pillar ahd claw table 8 A fmall ditto, a tea cheft, and an oval tea board 9 Six neat mahogany chairs, with loofe feats, in fatin feating - f 6 ) 10' A four-ft. fecretary and bookcafe^ with wardrobe under, a very neat and well manufactured piece of furniture ■ VI. Left Hand Front Bed Chamber, 1 A four-ft. -nine-in four-poft bedftead, with neat carved mahogany feet pillars, white dimity furniture, fringed • 2 A window curtain ditto 3 A mattrefs 4 A large goofe bed^ bolder and 2 pillows 5 A pair of blankets, and a ditto counterpane 6 Four ileat black dyed chairs, and a green fender 'j A mahogany dreffing table with a drawer, a corner neft of fhelves and a pole glafs 8 An angle bafin ft and, bafin and ewer, 4 ornamental cliimney figures 9 A neat needle work bed round carpet 10 A ihree-ft, ftx-in. mahogany double theft of drawers N®. VII, Right Hand Front Room, t A green wire fender, 3 cages, a liquor cafe, an angle cupboard, a chimney board and a blind 2 A fmall table, a glafs, 2 rattles, a ftool, a cage, 2 ' boxes, a chair, and a remnant of paper 3 A French arm chair, and a four-leaf fereen 4 A five-ft, four-poft bedftcad, with neat carved matiogany feet pillars aiid chintz cotton fur- niture;, full valens and bafes, fringed 5 A very full window curtain to match 6 A wool mattrefs and a ftraw ditto 7 A bordered goofe bed, bolfter and 2 pillows 8 A pair of blankets^ and a white cotton coun- terpane I { 7 ) Mifcellaneous, 1 A very capital mlcrofcope, with numerous appa- ratus in a cafe, compleat 2 Carey’s pocket tefreftrial globe and cafe 3 A cafe of two razors and ftrop, and 2 loofe drops 4 A filvered globe, a fet of blue and white china jars and beakers, 5 ornamental fhells, 2 flower pots, feather grafs, &c. 5 A piece of very neat Ihell work, in a mahogany cafe, glazed 6 A filver watch, by Nivel 7 Five filvcr fpoons and a pair of Ihoe buckles 8 One odd ditto, 2 pair knee ditto, i filver and 3 copper coins, and a ftud 9 Model of a hand, a hind’s foot, a fpeeimen of Roman pavement, &c. 10 Twelve camel hair pencils, 6 black lead ditto, a parallel, a common ruler and 2 wax tapers 11 Twenty-two caricatures 12 A fet of engravers tools, with %(arious fpirit^, -appa* ratus and appurtenances, with dejk, boards^ rulers, eafel, 13 Two foreign birds, fluffed, framed and glazed 14 A glafs globe and fland, a net for ditto and 5 gold fiflies Books, . / 1 A parcel of Plays and Pamphlets 2 Twenty-two odd books 3 Triftram Shandy, 4 vol. in 2, Farmer’s Daugh- ter. Family Pictures, 2 vol. in i. 4 Daphnis et Chloe. Telemaqne. Amours of Lais. Lucun, 2 vols. How flie lofl hirn, See. 5 Sancho’s Letters, Prince of AbiG^iua. .Nqah, 2 vol. World, 2 vol. ( 8 ) 6 Agrlppa’a Vaility of Arts and Sciences. Series of Engravers. , Webb, on Painting. 7 Gray’s Poems. Cowper’s Poems, 2 vol. 8 Cotton’s Virgil Traveitie, GEconomy of Beauty, 2 fong Books, &c . 9 Aikin’s Letters, on Poetry. Bloomfield’s Farmer's Boy, and Rural Tales. 10 Jocquot’s French Dictionary. Geographical Dic«» tionary. Ainfworth’s Latin Dictionary, 1 1 Ambulator, with cuts 12 Young’s Works, 4 vol. 13 Dry den’s Poems, and Virgil, 6 vols. 14 Pope’s Works, 6 vol. 15 Pope’s Homer, ii vols. 16 Shakefpeare’s Works, with Notes of Stevens, 8 v. 17 Englifli Review, 12 vols. 18 Milton’s Paradife Loft. Thompfon’s Seafons. Warton on Pope 19 Guthrie’s Geography, maps feparate ‘20 Bafter, on Microfcopes, 2 vols. 21 Farley’s Cookery. Bloxam’s Receipts in Phyfic 22 Martyn’s Botany. Mawe’s Gardening 23 Afli’s Dictionary, 2 vols. Brooke’s Gazetteer '24 Biographia Dramatica, 2 vols. Montaigne’s Eflays, 3 vols. 25 Elegant Extracts, Profc, Verfe and Epiftles, 6 v. 26 Burn’s Juftice of Peace, 4 vols. 27 Lovelaife’s Law of Wills, 2 Parts. Hermippus Redivivus 28 Holy Bible, large quarto, Cambridge, 1789, bound in Ruflia 29 Rapin’s Hiftory of England, 2 vols. folio 30 Rees’s new Cyclopaedia, 1 8 Parts, 4to. 31 Sundry Pamphlets Paintings, ' X An original portrait of Mrs. Cameron by Ramfay, 2 A very fine Landfcapc, prefumed an Qriginal ( 9 ) Paintings on Glafs* .1 The contented Dutchman, after Teniers a The Prize Money « ' 3 Two fmall pi6tures, after Zuccarelli 4 Landfcape, after Kierings 5 A parrot and infe6ts 6 A flower Prints, 1 Fifteen numbers of Angus’s views, being his entire work, with defcriptions 2 Eight views in Ireland, by Milton, and 9 ditto by Middiman 3 Fifteen ditto, Noblemen’s feats, by Watts, and 17 views, by Birch 4 The mother’s hope, and 5 others 5 Seven by Bartolozzi and Sherwin o Four hiftorical, from Smirk, by Parker 7 Three by Angers, 2 by Scot, and 7 of Portraits and hiftorical by Neagle 8 Eleven beautiful hiftoricals, by Parker 9 Nine prints for Do6lor Trufler’s work, 20 prints for MiJller’s Don Quixote, and 12 prints by Parker and others' for the Spectator 10 Five books of fliipping; about 40 drawings of cattle and 4 books of ditto 11 A fett of fine proof imprejfions of the plates of the Polite Repojitoryy 1792 1808 inclujive^ being 17 years, with frontispieces y quite perfect, by. John Peltro 1 2 A fett of ditto 13 Ditto, 99 to 1808, both inclufive, 10 years by ditto 14 Ditto 1800 to 1808, 9 years, by ditto 15 Ditto 1802 to 1808, 7 years, by ditto 1 6 Ditto ditto 17 Ditto ditto 18 Ditto 1895 to 1808, 7 years by ditto B 2 ^ ( 10 ) . . 1 19 Ditto for i8o6, 1807 and 1808 • 1 20 Ditto * t 21 Ditto 1806 and 1807 22 Ditto 1788 to 1791, 4 years 23 Ditto 1788 to 1791, imperfect 24 Eighteen proof frontispieces, 9110 1808 25 Ditto 26 Twenty ditto, and 24 views by Peltro 27 One hundred various 28 Ditto 29 Ditto 30 Sixty ditto, and etchings, &c. various | 31 Landfeapes various 32 Seventeen etchings and landfeapes j 33 A quantity, various 34 Thirty hiftorical and 36 portraits ^ Port Folio, 35 Four Shipping, Englifli Frigates, &c. 36 Six Church Hiftory, by an Italian mailer 37 Count Ugolino, and 2 hiftorical, from Angelica^ by Buck 38 Death of General Woolf, by Woollett 39 A fine imprefiion of Niobe, Woollett 40 A warranted firft imprefiion of Ceyx and Alcyone, Woollett 41 Celadon and Amelia, by Brown and Woollett, and I Jona, by Vivares 42 Four views of Highbury, &c, in aquatinta, proofs, by Jukes 43 Two views of London, proofs, by Ellis 44 Landing of the Prince of Holland, a proof 4 5 Three hiftorical, by Buck, and i other, a proof 46 Taking a Pilot off Dover, and 3 others, in aqua tinta 47 Four ovals, blindman’s buff 48 Six of Shipping { II ) 49 Five etchings by Parker, 4 Ihipping, Paul Jones, ■ &C. . - ' ■ • ■ ' ; 50 Hunting, 3 fine proofs by Peltro and Neagle 51 Addington, a fine print, and Queen Elizabeth at Tilbury^, a- "fine proof, on fatin paper, by Parker 52 Nine etchings of (hipping 53 Four etchings of Hunting, Peltro 54 Seven, fliipping 55 Four etchings of hunting, by Peltro 56 Ditto 57 Ditto and 2 others 58 Six drawings in water colors, gentlemen’s feats *58 Three ditto 59 Thirty-three drawings in water colors, and fundry miniature drawings 60 Two portfolios, a quantity of fatin and wafte paper 61 A very large portfolio 62 One middle fize ditto, a quantity of writing paper, and a black leather cafe Prints framed and Glazed, 63 A neat colored print of Tambarina and 8 fmall prints 64 Seven fmall oval and round prints, a pair St. John’s Gate, and i by Bartolozzi 65 Morning and Noon 66 Two very fine crayons, Martin Luther and com- panion 67 A pair, Fox and Erlkine, by Jones 68 Abelard and Eloifa, and 8 fmall views by Peltro 69 Four years plates for the Polite Repofitory, and 1 frontifpiece 70 Hogarth’s march of the guards to Finchley, and i ditto the fair n' ( *2 ) - 71 The action of the Monmouth in the Eaft Indies, by Peltro, and Madona and Child by Green 72 Mrs. SiddonSy a very fine proof by Parker y hand* fomely framed and glazed 73 A very fine print from the original by Woollet and Brown 74 The Mother’s Hope, a beautiful colored print- 75 The Revolution y a beautiful proof by Parker fh A complete Set of Four Hunting Pieces y thelandjcape by Peltro and the figures by Neagle Coloured DrawingSy prefumed MORLAND^s. 77 The interior of a liable 78 , Horfes watering 79 Ditto baiting 80 Ditto boys riding 81 A pair, ruflic travellers FINIS. s f i \ ■ , T , ' . ‘,1 , : ^ "i ■ J. Smeeton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’* Lane.