Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/objectsofartvirtOOchri t CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE STOCK OF OBJECTS OF ART AHD VIRTU, OF MR. JOHN MYERS, Of OLD BOND STREET, RETIRING FROM BUSINESS; Including Ancient and Modern Pictures and Miniatures, Decorative Furniture, Bulil and Marqueterie, Or-molu Clocks and Candelabra,, Bronzes, Limoges, Chinese and Dresden Enamels, Carvings in Ivory, Wood, Bock-Crystal, Agate, Lapis-lazuli, &c.; Gold Snuff-Boxes and Bonbonnieres, Venetian Glass, Oriental, Sevres, Dresden, Berlin, and. Chelsea Porcelain; Majolica, Gres de Flandres and Wedgwood Ware, Bijouterie, Sculpture, Picque Work, Silver and Silver-gilt Plate; nearly all collected during Visits to the Continent, and comprising many Objects of a recherche character: WHICH ?5ttU tir Solii tig Auction, tig Messrs. CHRISTIE, MASSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8, KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, L- • On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1864, A nd Three following Days , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - 0 - May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8, King Street, St. James’s Square, CONDITIONS OF SALE. - —0 -— I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.: and so on in proportion, III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IV. The Lots to he taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Man^on and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of any Lot. Y. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and theoremainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery, YI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. < . / , jl k tyVwL irbfm t AzA.fi/- -tv/ /*- ' - A/ /*. A*** 2 < f /> ^ - x> € ~y yh/i- (UL x A* * / ^ ^ f } /4 ^ / /$*?* *.*/<*< fa] luP ItfviL f~f+ %b+ t /( 'Ll A-/ '* ^ '/u^is 1/ KL. ^ t . . /' •* 4 (s X /7 1 r x/j At^Y, LJW* /ifl-lL !W 1^Jut-» , , , x -- *A < < ../// fCf Ar*~ tf /*}( ll l / // -»< -' /( „> /Yt^C/ A ri .// •’!• X* /^Z fau. - •> ^ tnr-s-t',/t. ^ X C*. /„ ? Sh+ ^ f *- . y}l?J - t X a> /%-t /4 At. /^<- A- ,YY>Ltt//Yj ' • / ^ 4 / A 'CATALOGUE. . /U /thi, 4/ / (»> 9 hyU /t'ytt, 1 u a ' '‘ y Up at, fa /2^r°~p- 0L, '*u) t W> d i fa <^ / "V FirsTDafs jSale , / , , /. 4 V//»* / Aj// 4 - A^jAW r&i .***■ * /l - - // thu ^i- ^ 0r f/'^ fa* r YijFa f~.u Yrr> M 2 2 On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 1864, AV* , AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. - 19 - PORCELAIN. 2- &" o A . 1 A fine circular Oriental dish, with a large subject of figures in a h garden, with beautiful border of flowers —imperfect ' 2 A pair of plates—similar —imperfect oA ra v. 3 A Hispano-Mauro dish, with a bird and vines in metallic lustre ALv* w 4 A pair of fine Oriental scalloped dishes, enamelled with flowers V. - A 0 ■ 5 A pair of large Yenetian-ware dishes, with ruins ; '■< -?? ^ o . o 6 A pair of smaller ditto 7 A pair of fine Oriental plates, with ducks and flowers, with border of figures in the sea i • 1 e> 8 A pair of ditto 4 -2 9 A pair of fine dishes—similar I o 19 A circular dis h, with birds and plants; and an octagonal dish, with (\( J “ flowers 1 N /<4 n** /^ 7 /yf 9x ( 11 A curious plate, of blue glazed ware. Bated 1732 12 An old Chelsea dish, with crimson and gold border, painted with a bird 13 A Le Nove-ware ecuelle cover and stand, painted with pink ribbons and flowers 13a A fine circular Oriental dish, with figures in a garden in the centre ki and border of flowers— imperfect ^ b 2 V ’ \ O O (ft fa* j J. tu f jt+ d 1 fill A jSitst A ijlyh' {\l' LiUlrh^U W1 r*- 1 " , m “s I i !/ I ku30 A dancing nymph of Deha Kobbia ware c 31 St. George and the Dragon: a group of early Staffordshire ware 32 A large bottle, of pale Oriental crackle 33 Thirty Dresden knife-handles, gros-bleu and gold, with conversations after Watteau 34 A majolica dish, with sunk centre, painted with the subject of Yenus and Yulcan 35 A ditto, with ornaments in colours; and a flat dish v P 36 A ditto, oval dish, with ornaments in colours; a plate, with flowers in green ; and a Wedgwood plate b 6 I- t.t 7 IS 5 4 • /o~0 / -t . fl . 8 . o 37 A majolica medallion, with Christ bound—in carved and gilt frame, and colours on white 37* An old Chelsea scent-bottle, formed as a female figure 37** A Berlin scent-bottle, painted with flowers on gold ground 38 A small Dresden scent-bottle, 5 ! with figure of a boy on crutches, mounted with silver gilt—in leather case 0 39 "‘A ditto , with fi gure of_a boy with a goat, m ounted with silver gilt 40 A cup and saucer, painted with landscapes and conversations —in Indian ink on white ground , with th& mark E:I Worcester and the anchor r )\ W v \ X i - 0 \. K. 7 * 41 A Dresden figure of a boy, holding a bunch of flowers, seated on a pedestal 42 A ditto figure of a gentleman, in a white coat, holding a bag 43 A ditto of a nymph, holding a flower—on pedestal; and the companion 44 A Chelsea figure of a girl, seated, with baskets of flowers; and the companion 45 A Vienna figure of Mars; and the companion 46 A pair of small white and gold Chelsea vases, surmounted by branches of jessamine n > ( 48 A pair of small gros-bleu Sevres vases, painted with birds in medal¬ lions, and with ram’s-head hnask ornaments, and lip and foot of or-molu 'ywiWv 49 A Dresden cup, gilt inside, and painted with a seaport, and encrusted with May flowers 51 A Marcolini cup and saucer, painted with sportsmen in a landscape in medallions on pale-green ground 52 A Dresden cup and saucer, painted with seaports in pink on white and gold ground 53 A small canister and cover, with landscapes and figures in medallions on light-green ground 54 A pair of Marcolini saltcellars, painted with flowers and ornaments in relief—on tripod stands 55 A pair of small Dresden cups and saucers, painted with insects and encrusted with flowers 56 A beautiful oval Dresden tray, painted with Oriental figures on pink ground 6 57 A pair of Oriental saltcellars — on tripod stands, enamelled with flowers 57a A two-liandled Plymouth-ware vase, with festoons and flowers in blue and gold on white ground 57b A Pair of beautiful Old Chelsea Vases, with upright scroll- handles, painted with birds and bouquets of flowers on white ground 58 A pair of circular Wedgwood saltcellars, with triumph of Cupids in white on blue ground 59 A small oblong tray, with foliated ornaments 60 A circular stand, of majolica-ware, painted with the Virgin, Child, arabesques, and other ornaments 61 A PAIE OF MAGNIFICENT OLD OEIENTAL VASES AND A A ljA COVEES, with large subjects of equestrian and other figures in medallions, in brilliant colours, surmounted by kylins—on or-molu plinths 62 A Pair of handsome large Old Dresden Vases and Covers, encrusted all over with May flowers, and with guelder roses and birds in high relief 63 A Dresden Chinese figure, with a mandolin 64 The apple gatherers : a group of Dresden porcelain 65 A small Louis XVI. clock, by Dantel, in or-molu case, supported on the back of a lion, of bronze—on or-molu plinth -,''66 A Set of Four rare Shell-shaped Saltcellars, of old Plymouth, encrusted with shells, and painted with birds r v>. yfi, , 67 A very fine Old [Dresden Dejeuner, white pencilled with gold, and with flowers in colours, exquisitely painted with views and figures in medallions: consisting of coffee-pot and cover, milk- pot and cover, sugar-basin and cover, slop basin, canister, a stand, and six cups and saucers 68 An Urbino-ware jar, with mask-handle and spout, painted with female figure and Cupids in a landscape 68* A curious shell-shaped ditto vessel, with handle 69 A Pair 'of very fine Dresden Groups of Arabs holding Horses, on square white and gold fluted pedestals •!' /(uAt N XU, J - ^ z - L—y /L. /, G A, ^cj. /“t. 318 An Old Oblong Casket, inlaid with fine plaques with Scriptural j tv** juirfi sub i ects li cv - L * si n. BRONZES. iyfliL 4< fit* lntu> 319 A small bronze bust of Seneca—on marble plinth 320 A figure of the Magdalen, seated—on black marble plinth 321 A small draped female figure, on marble pedestal; and one holding a mirror 322 A small figure of an Indian deity ; a lamp; and one other 323 A group of two Cupids, one holding a wreath—on or-molu scroll- pattern stand 324 Venus and Adonis, a small group—on yellow marble pedestal 325 Marcus Aurelius —on white inlaid marble plinth 326 The boy extracting a thorn from his foot—on serpentine pedestal c 2 327 A Figure of a Bacchante, seated on a goat—a beautiful bronze on white marble pedestal 328 A pair of figures of sphinxes 329 A dancing faun—on wood pedestal 330 A pair of small seated figures of children—on black marble pedestals 331 A dog seated 332 A small fountain, formed of the figure of a syren—on yellow marhle plinth 333 A Pair of Figures of Cupids, holding torches—on black marble pedestals 333* A seated female figure holding a bird, on triangular plinth, chased with Cupids and masks 334 A figure of a nymph, with a child holding a branch lying at her feet 335 A PAIR of NOBLE BUSTS of ESTHER and AHASUERUS, of Italian bronze of the 16th century, beautifully chased on scroll-shaped pedestals. From a palace at Genoa DECORATIVE OBJECTS, &c. 336 A Pair of beautiful Oyiform Yases of Statuary Marble, elegantly mounted with satyrs, mask-handles, rims, handles, and feet of or-molu, in the taste of Louis XYI. 337 A pair of candlesticks, formed as columns of statuary marble, with children of or-molu on the plinths 338 A beautiful Louis XYI. Clock, by Le Feuillett, with enamelled dial, in elegant case, of or-molu with a nymph with a dog and doves in or-molu — on statuary marble plinth mounted with or-molu 339 A Louis XYI. Clock, by Le Roy, in case of or-molu, of archi¬ tectural design. From St. Germains 340 A Table Clock, with enamelled dial, in or-molu case; strikes the quarter, and with alarum 341 A fine Old German Table-clock, formed as a Chimera—of copper gilt—on oval pedestal, chased with scrolls, fruits, flowers, and foliage 91 v A 342 A child, with flowers: a beautiful small model in terra-cotta of old French work 343 An oval metal-gilt dish, chased with David and the Lion, scrolls and flowers 344 A beautiful Louis XYI. Clock, in case of statuary marble and or-molu, on the top of a circular temple, with columns of grey marble and plinth of statuary marble, elegantly mounted with or-molu 345 A Louis XYI. time-piece, of or-molu, chased with Cupid, doves, and foliage 346 A Table Clock, of engraved brass, in the form of a temple—on gilt stand, with glass shade and stand 347 A square pedestal, of black buhl, richly mounted with or-molu 348 A half column of veined marble—on statuary base 349 A very handsome Clock, by Lervy, in case of or-molu, with figure of Mars holding a wreath—on white marble plinth, mounted with or-molu 350 A Pair of Ditto Candelabra, of or-molu, of rich scroll-pattern, with figures of boys supporting branches for six lights each 351 A handsome French Clock, in case of or-molu, surmounted by a bronze figure of an Indian—on white marble stand and black wood plinth 352 A small Louis XYI. clock, in vase-shaped case of or-molu 353 An old Italian medicine chest, of black wood, painted with subjects of figures and ornaments in colours 354 A black Wedgwood figure of Gannymede; and one of Apollo 355 A square fluted tazza of giallo marble—on green marble plinth 356 A large Terra-cotta Figure of Hercules 357 A Ditto of Ganymede —the companion 358 A group of the Yirgin and Child—in terra-cotta 360 A small bronze figure of an Egyptian deity—on white marble plinth 361 A pair of square pedestals, of black and white marble 362 An oval frame, of or-molu, chased with scrolls and foliage 363 A pair of small candelabra, of or-molu, with figures of old Dresden, and with branches encrusted with flowers—glass shade and stand 22 364 A pair of square pedestals, of alabaster, with friezes of figures and mouldings of or-molu 365 A pair of circular black marble pedestals 366 An oblong pedestal, of red buhl 367 A pair of small square pedestals, of old red buhl 368 A square pedestal, of serpentine marble 369 A pair of Louis XYI. candlesticks, of or-molu, fluted and chased with foliage 370 A handsome Louis XYI. Clock and Bracket, of black buhl, with chased and enamelled dial, richly mounted with or-molu 371 A pan* of girandoles, of chased or-molu, with branches for three lights each 372 A Pair of elegant Candelabra, with female figures of bronze supporting or-molu branches for three lights each—on pedestals of the same, with figures of sphinxes 373 A pair of small or-molu vases, with serpent handles and covers, forming nozzles for lights 374 A fine large Globular Yase, of ancient Chinese enamel, with flowers in colours, on turquoise ground 375 A square pedestal, inlaid with cornucopiee and flowers in old marqueterie 376 A pair of figures of Mercury and Diana, of old Italian terra-cotta 377 A relief chasing of Oliver Cromwell—in bronze 378 A small wood frame, carved with foliage and a coronet 379 A handsome Louis XIY. Clock and Bracket, in case of black buhl, with chased and enamelled dial, richly mounted with or-molu 380 An oval casket, of tortoiseshell, with five divisions and covers, mounted with silver 381 A casket, of satinwood and ivory, with a carving in ivory on the top, with two figures in a car drawn by lions 382 A pair of pedestals, of gilt wood, richly carved with boys and wreaths of flowers 383 A Pair of beautiful Louis XYI. Candelabra, of or-molu, fluted and chased with rams’ masks and festoons of foliage 384 A pair of hexagonal pedestals, of Sienna scagliola 23 385 A VERY BEAUTIFUL LOUIS XYI. CLOCK, on pedestal, with musical movement playing nine tunes, formed of statuary marble and or-molu, with figures of Geometry and a youth at the top, elegantly chased with friezes of boys and openwork panels of or¬ molu, and inlaid with an oval plaque of Sevres biscuit, with Yenus and Cupid in relief, in white on blue ground—glass shade and stand End of Second Days Sale . Third Day's Sale. - 0 — - On FRIDAY, MARCH 11, 1864, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. VENETIAN GLASS. 386 Five small ruby-glass cups, engraved with ornaments, and mounted on silver feet 387 A goblet, on foot, with blue rim and ornaments on stem; a glass, of compressed shape, on twisted stem; and one with white lines 388 A plain ditto, on foot; a ditto, with blue rim; and one engraved 389 A ditto, with ornament on stem partly gilt ; a ditto, of compressed shape; and one, with ornamented stem 390 A small Venetian Schelmze vase; and one other— imperfect 391 A small two-handled goblet, with blue and white bosses on the stem in relief; a plain ditto; and one other, with embossed stem 392 A goblet, with ornaments in blue on the stem; a ditto, with plain stem and purple top 393 A small vase, with flowers in green and birds in colours—on metal foot 394 A small vase, with spout and handle, with ornaments and rims in relief; a small two-handled ditto, with blue lip; and a glass, with blue rings and ornaments 395 A mug and cover, embossed all over with ornaments 396 Two small figures, of Venetian glass 25 397 A small hexagonal amber-coloured bottle, with ornaments in blue and white in relief; a plain goblet, on foot; and a ditto glass and cover, on foot 398 A Venetian Schelmze vase, on foot 399 A flat-shaped bottle, with a figure of a priest, and ornaments in gold and colours 400 A beautiful Oval Fbame, of or-molu, with rich border of raised flowers in different colours 401 A ewer, with handle and spout, purple and white lines, and flowers in colours in relief 402 A plain goblet, on foot, with embossed ornaments in blue and gold on the stem; a plain ditto; a ditto, engraved; and a small vase, with upright handles and blue lip 403 Six Vitro de Trina cups and saucers, with ornaments in imitation of lace 404 A ditto cup and cover; and two tazze, on feet 405 A tall frosted goblet 406 A tall glass, on foot, engraved with coat-of-arms, flowers, and an inscription ; and a plain ditto 407 A curious puzzle-jug, formed as a bird, with ornaments in blue 408 A ditto, with curious handle and ornaments in blue 409 A goblet, on foot, with embossed and ornamented stem 410 A tall glass, on ball-shaped stem; and a curiously-shaped bottle 411 A small hexagonal bottle, with ornaments in blue in relief; a blue cup, engraved with flowers; a small two-handled opalized vase; and a ditto barrel-shaped mug 412 A fine tall cup, on foot, embossed with ornaments in high relief 413 A claret jug, with ribs and ornaments in relief—metal mounted 414 A glass, on foot, engraved with a lion and inscription; two tall plain ditto; and a horn-shaped glass 415 A pair of ruby-glass cups, mounted on silver-gilt feet 416 A tall Vitro di Trina cylinder-shaped cup, on foot 417 A square canister, with flowers in colours, mounted with silver; a ditto, with Indian figures and flowers in colours — the lip imperfect 417a A plain tazza, on foot ; and a small green engraved cup 26 418 An octagonal-shaped canister, engraved with subject of Diana and Actaeon in colours, a boar hunt, and a coat-of-arms, and inscription 419 An hexagonal ruby-glass canister, with metal-gilt mount 420 A Venetian Schelmze canister, of compressed shape 421 A curious puzzle-glass, on foot, with figure of a stag, and stem * embossed with ornaments 422 A ewer with lions, mask-heads in relief 423 A pair of curious saltcellars; and a small bottle, of opaque orange- coloured glass 424 A blue and white cup and saucer 425 A Venetian Schelmze vase, with long neck 426 Two circular flat dishes, engraved with birds and flowers 427 Two ditto—larger 428 A ditto deep dish, with ornaments and flowers in gold and colours 429 A ditto 430 A circular stand, on purple glass foot, blue lip, and ornaments in relief 431 A necklace, the beads with ornaments in gold in slight relief; and a ditto, of turquoise glass beads 432 A plaque, of Venetian glass, engraved with a figure supporting a vase of flowers, in architectural border of arabesques 433 A pair of smaller ditto, with birds 434 A pair of small ruby-glass cups, on metal-gilt feet 435 A beautiful fluted Ruby-glass Vase and Covek, with metal-gilt foot and handles 436 A small oval scent-bottle of ruby-glass, and a ditto hexagonal scent- bottle 437 A jug of ruby-glass, mounted with silver lid, chased with a boy with grapes 438 A pair of modern green glass goblets on feet, with coats-of-arms in colours 438* A pair of ditto 439 A ditto canette and cover, mounted with metal 440 A ditto /v> 1X^1 H j /rr v n ttcl ClACLui hl'tr'f^' (J/ l^H ( ^1 (t O- '* j kji/ h-'irKSL (i/^ ^ i' ' Zc ^ * f, 7 (n^i C-^L- -l \ —^ 27 7 5- /- 1 24.^ T li-i- P.e 441 A gres-de-Flandres jug, with flowers in relief, one with figures— imperfect; and a brown-ware puzzle-jug 442 A curious old Flemish jug, with masks and ornaments, and a ditto —imperfect c> 443 An openwork basket of old Worcester, encrusted and painted with flowers Co-fcff-L ft f, Av- /<; , 1^ f A } A FINE OLD SEVRES. I 444 A beautiful Cup and Saucer, white and gold, with Cupid, flowers, and birds, in blue and pink ^ o 445 A very fine Cup and Saucer, gros-bleu, covered with trellis of t£y gold, and exquisitely paidted with subjects of bird-catching and angling in medallions, by Chabry gf pi^fi 446 A fine Cup and Saucer, bleu-de-Vincennes and gold, with exotic birds in two medallions 447 A fine large Cup and Saucer, turquoise, richly pencilled with UwV\ WC t> ■ <' 7 o - O Jfeiy gold, and painted with Cupids and a trophy in medallions 44o A beautiful Cabaret, white with gros-bleu borders, pencilled with gold, and exquisitely painted with Cupids and trophies in pink in medallions: consisting of oblong plateau, sucrier and cover, ~^ ! ^ r a nd cup and saucer [Umu Sniped t+ filuluuK f 449 A beautiful Oval-shaped Plateau, gros-bleu border, with wreaths j/rbu i T7 t*S Jv.r1 ' tln>f /&/(*» in gold, and exquisitely painted with a shepherd and shepherdess and lambs in a large medallion—on chased or-molu stand 450 A fine Cup and Saucer, gros-bleu, pencilled with gold, and exqui¬ sitely painted with soldiers and a military trophy in medallions Q, - —the cup imperfect Formerly the property of the Emperor Pauli. Cup. fteifltf U-fku. A /*-£// <•/ 451 A beautiful small Cup, gros-bleu, pencilled with gold, exquisitely painted with a figure of a Muse in a medallion 452 A beautiful Cabaret, white ground, exquisitely painted with 454 A ditto 455 A ditto 455a A pair of white seaux, with scroll ornaments in gold . 4 455b A pair of ditto " ^ 456 A cup and saucer, apple-green and white, with friezes of flowers and ornaments in colours ,.> t *- y /<) ■ o / / . / e? - & O /. . 4c - O 458 A Teapot and Cover, white, with hands of lilac and gold painted with flowers ;>. 459 A VERY FINE LARGE CUP’ANI) SAUCER, turquoise, very -^' L N richly pencilled with gold, and exquisitely painted with a shep- C>b herd in a landscape and a pastoral trophy in large medallions 460 A very rare Oviform Vase and Cover, gros-bleu and gold, with exotic birds in imitation of old lacquer, in two white medallions, mounted with or-molu rims, handles, and feet 461 A Cup and Saucer, white and gold, with wreaths of foliage and j j . roses, and with groups of fruit in medallions 462 A Cup and Saucer, white and rose-du-Barri, exquisitly painted with plants in minute medallions, and with wreaths of flowers and other decorations 468 A set of five small cups, white and gold, with blue lines and flowers 464 A Teapot and Cover, pink with white spots, painted with hearts¬ ease in circles c C -7 5 A*~ $■ * /?■ /t 4 -4 n. #■ o 474 A large Ecuelle, Cover and Stand, gros-bleu and gold, painted with exotic birds, in six medallions 475 A Set of Three fine Groups of Old White Sevres, of river nymphs 476 Two Sceaux, with mask handles, painted with flowers and fruits 477 A PAIR OF BEAUTIFUL DANCING FIGURES OF A BACCHANTE AND A SATYR, of old Sevres biscuit, after Clodion, supporting branches of or-molu for five lights each, of very elegant design, on triangular plinths of or-molu, with glass shades and stands / 478 A VERY FINE LARGE OYAL-SHAPED JARDINIERE, gros-bleu ground, richly pencilled with gold, with white and gold scroll-pattern handles, exquisitely painted with two children, with a bird-cage in a landscape on the bank of a river, in a large oval medallion ~ ’ /jST.o- * 479 A VERY FINE OYIFORM YASE AND COYER, gros-bleu ground, richly pencilled all over with gold, and exquisitely painted with a musical conversation ehampetre in a large medal¬ lion in front, a large bouquet of flowers in a medallion on the reverse. A very important and beautiful specimen J . o 480 A pair of very small two-handled vases, turquoise, with rose-du- Barri bands, painted with birds in medallions, and with flowers encrusted in relief < 4 » 3 . /3 & 481 A Cup and Saucer, turquoise, pencilled with gold and painted with a vase and basket of flowers in medallions WvCSK ' kf *-■'j'! 0 ^ *• ^ I ^ \ v ' / s . f i 30 U» ** ltn It 4 *? /V /. 23. / /o o /./ o /„?L /■• c 482 A Cup and Saucer, bleu-celeste, pencilled with gold, painted with bouquets of flowers, and with exotic birds in medallions 483 A small Oviform Yase and Cover, gros-bleu and gold, painted with groups of fruit and flowers in medallions, mounted with rims, handles, and feet of or-molu 483* A miniature cup and saucer, painted with flowers fart# 1 , t • n L 484 A beautiful Two-handled Vase, white ground, with bands of gros-bleu and gold, exquisitely painted and encrusted with flowers, white shells in relief round the foot jffih tin /W^ 485 A pair of two-handled vases, with roses m colours on gokr ground, ^ and with bouquets of flowers in white medaflions 486 vA magnificent Oval Tureen and Cover, applegreen, very richly pencilled with gold and painted with bouquets of flowers in four large medallions, very handsomely mounted with dragon handles, and on feet formed as dolphins, of or-molu. From the Earl of Pembroke s Collection YwC ( u.'O ^ he Companion Tureen- jptc/t lutUhn'it 487 J. A 3 / /> - o 488 A cup and saucer, rose-du-Barri and gold, painted with Marine Yenus and Cupids in medallions < V //\ ( 489 A ditto, turquoise and gold, with conversations after Watteau in medallions /> O 490 A BEAUTIFUL OvAL TrAY, WITH SMALL YASE AND COVER, turquoise, pencilled with gold and painted with pastoral landscapes in medallions bbtj dM<*L drlvutn^ (nxJht.+h ^ /}V 491 A MAGNIFICENT OYIFORM YASE AND COYER, gros-bleu ground, richly pencilled with gold, and painted with a coast- scene and fishermen by Morin, in a large oval medallion in front, a basket of flowers on the reverse, mounted with rims, handles, and foot of or-molu. A piece of the highest importance 492 A YERY ELEGANT JARDINIERE AND STAND, of rare yf A/ %v hexagonal form, with compressed sides and openwork neck of blue and gold trellis, exquisitely painted with two peasants in a landscape, and a bouquet of flowers and white and gold foliage ‘ (J- tk X* * ■ on alternate medallions, with rare applegreen borders, the stand ' with six shells, the base, white and gros-bleu, pencilled with . gold. A remarkably fine and rarely unique specimen pirt/L 4 M ‘ * V . l j£. W/H ■/’//.irk*-. /? . /l/ |l^H/ tV lr *** f f , fib ^ 31 J/.* y.y 493 A VERY BEAUTIFUL CLOCK, in case, formed as a lyre, of fine old turquoise Sevres porcelain, on stand and foot of tlie same, turquoise pencilled with gold, and painted witli wreaths of flowers, fruits, and birds, elegantly mounted with wreaths of foliage and festoons of flowers; and a fine mask of the sun at the top, of or-molu; the clock by Kinable, with enamelled dial. A piece of great rarity and beauty SNUFFBOXES AND BONBONNIERES. 494 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, lined and mounted with gold, an exquisite miniature of Mademoiselle d’Orleans, daughter of Louis XV., playing a lyre, enamelled on gold 495 An Oval Gold Louis XVI. Box, enamelled crimson in medallions, an exquisite miniature of the Sacrifice of Iphigenia on the lid, the borders chased, and beautifully enamelled opal and green 496 A beautiful Oblong Octagonal Louis XVI. Gold Box, blue ground, chased with pilasters, and with six exquisite miniatures of children in medallions 498 A very fine Circular Box, by Nieubert, of gold encrusted with mosaic of precious stones, pearls, &c., a fine cameo onyx of a Triton on the top 499 A beautiful Octagonal Louis XVI. Gold Box, enamelled purple in medallions, an exquisite enamel of a sacrifice on the top, the borders chased and enamelled in colours 500 A fine Oval Louis XVI. Gold Box, enamelled red in medal¬ lions, an exquisite enamel of figures dancing on the top, the borders chased with festooons of foliage and partly enamelled white 501 A beautiful Oval Louis XVI. Gold Box, engine-turned, and engraved in medallions, an exquisite miniature of a shepherd and shepherdess on the top, the borders chased and enamelled opal and green 502 A circular tortoiseshell box, with a miniature of a lady of the Court of Louis XVI. on the lid 32 503 A beautiful Oblong Louis XYI. Gold Box, enamelled red in medallions, an exquisite miniature of Newton unveiling Truth on the top—in enamelled frame and chased gold borders 504 A beautiful Oblong Gold Box, exquisitely enamelled with two subjects of children; and fan of birds in medallions, in chased scroll-pattern borders 505 A Circular Tortoiseshell Box, lined with gold, an exquisite miniature of Louis XIV. by Petitot on the lid, in gold and blue enamel frame 505a A beautiful oval box, of Oriental agate, mounted with metal gilt 505b An oblong metal-gilt box, chased with scrolls and foliage, and with a figure on the lid 505o A circular Vernis Martin box, with a miniature of Henrietta Maria on the lid, mounted with silver gilt 505d An oval Japanese metal metal box, inlaid with lacquer, and chased with flowers 506 An Oval Louis XVI. Gold Box, chased with festoons of flowers and trophies—on deep-blue and lilac ground 507 A beautiful Oval Louis XVI. Gold Box, enamelled blue in medallions, an exquisite miniature of two nymphs at an altar on the top, the borders enamelled opal and red 508 A beautiful Octagonal Louis XVI. Gold Box, enamelled steel colour in medallions, an exquisite miniature of a boy with a dog at the top, with chased borders beautifully enamelled blue, green, and opal 509 An Oblong Box, with tray of tortoiseshell, inlaid with fine old picque work of mother-o’pearl and gold, with hunting subjects 510 A Circular Box, of rock-crystal, mounted with engraved silver gilt, enamelled and set with turquoises 511 A beautiful Box of Matrix, of amethyst, formed as a lamb, mounted with gold and set with rubies and diamonds 512 A fine Old Dresden Porcelain Box, exquisitely painted with five conversations outside, and a lady as Venus, with Cupids in¬ side—mounted with silver gilt 513 Another, painted with flowers outside, and a subject of pastoral figures inside 33 514 A fine Oblong Box, of Dresden Enamel, with subjects of con¬ versation, in red medallions, and a nymph bathing inside 515 An Old Dresden Porcelain Box, formed as a dog’s head and painted with a view in red 516 A Circular Ivory Box, with a fine old chasing in silver of an equestrian figure, in high relief on the lid 517 Avery fine Oval Box, of Old Vienna Porcelain, with miniatures of the Electors of Saxony inside and outside the lid, and with festoons of flowers in colours 518 A beautiful Oblong Box, of Rock-Crystal, carved with flowers in relief—mounted with silver gilt 519 An oval Vernis-Martin box, with a shepherd and shepherdess, with a lamb and flowers in colours 520 A Box, of Brown Jasper, carved as an animal—mounted with gold 520a A circular Vernis-Martin box 520b An oblong green jasper box, mounted with metal gilt 520c Two circular Vernis-Martin boxes, with miniatures on the lid; and a painted wood box BIJOUTERIE, &c, 521 A gold pin, with a horse’s head—carved in coral 522 A pin, with a bust in red jasper 523 A ditto, with a crystal intaglio 524 A ditto, with a lusus naturae, with a portrait 525 A miniature frame, of silver gilt filigree 526 Two gold Hebrew betrothal rings 527 A gold ring, with an amethyst intaglio 528 A ditto, with a dancing figure, intaglio cornelian 529 A ditto, with a cock in mosaic 530 A ditto, with a female bust, cameo onyx 531 Two rings, with red jasper intaglie, &c. 532 Two ditto, with a mask intaglio, &c. 533 Two ditto, with intaglie 534 Two ditto 535 Two ditto D 34 536 A set of chased silver bookclasps 537 Another set 538 Five intaglie gems. From the Poniatoivski Collection 539 An antique intaglio gem, with a combat. Very fine DECORATIVE FURNITURE, &c. 540 A Pair of handsome Pedestal Cabinets, with fine large slabs of raised Florentine mosaic, the doors with vases of flowers, richly mounted with or-molu and black marble slabs 541 An Ebonized High Pedestal Cabinet, inlaid with brass, glazed with plate-glass, and with plate-glass shelves and looking-glass back 542 A pair of pedestal cabinets, of coloured walnut marqueterie, with glazed doors and ends—mounted with or-molu 543 A very handsome Winged Cabinet, of red buhl, with revolving cabinet in the centre, with looking-glass back, and glazed doors at the sides, enclosing shelves mounted with or-molu 544 A beautiful Louis XYI. Cabinet, with brass frame, glazed with plate-glass 545 The Companion Cabinet 546 A high Cabinet, of Old Eed Buhl, with folding glazed doors, enclosing shelves, and mounted with or-molu 547 A fine Old Carved and Gilt Table, with rising top, of plate- glass, and lined with looking-glass 548 The Companion Table 549 A very fine Oblong Slab, of Antique Roman Mosaic —on imitation bronze stands, with stretchers 550 The Companion Table 551 A Pier-glass, in handsome carved and gilt Florentine frame 552 A Pair of handsome Carved and Gilt Girandoles, with branches for two lights each 553 A BEAUTIFUL Old VENETIAN CARVED AND GlLT TABLE, with openwork legs and stretcher, with slab of inlaid Italian marbles 554 A beautiful Writing-table, with Cabinet above, of Ebony, with numerous drawers, inlaid with ivory, engraved with figures, animals, and other ornaments 35 555 A pair of richly carved and gilt stands for relics 556 A handsome Cabinet, of Marqueterie, with three doors inlaid with plaques of Sevres, painted with figures and flowers mounted with or-molu, and stationary marble slab 557 The Companion 558 A Table, of Pabqueterie, with drawers and glazed cabaret above, enclosing shelves mounted with or-molu 559 A fine Old Italian Writing-desk, with drawer inlaid with ivory, beautifully engraved with subjects and old steel key 560 A Louis XIII. Secretaire, of rich buhl, of brass and white metal, engraved with figures, animals, and ornaments, with cabinet above and drawers 561 A Cabinet, of coloured Walnut Marqueterie, with glazed folding doors, enclosing shelves, mounted with or-molu 562 A pair of carved and gilt tripod torcheres, with dolphins 563 A handsome Chandelier, of or-molu, with scroll branches for thirty fights 563a A square carved and gilt stand 564 An Old Italian Cabinet, with numerous drawers, enriched with chasings of silver 565 An Old Venetian Pier-glass, in engraved and silvered frame 566 A small Writing-table, of Old Marqueterie, with drawers and open shelf above 567 A Cabinet, of Eed Buhl, with glazed folding doors, enclosing shelves, mounted with or-molu 568 A richly Carved and Gilt Pier-Table, with black marble slab 569 A large Upright Cabinet, of Marqueterie, with musical trophies and flowers in coloured woods, with revolving centre- doors, and folding-doors at the end enclosing shelves 569a A Cabinet of Coloured Marqueterie, with glazed doors enclosing shelves, and mounted with or-molu End of Third Bays Sale. D Fourth Day's Sale. o On SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1864, % AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. - O - MINIATURES 570 The Last Supper: a relief—coloured 571 Venus—in a case 572 Two ladies—ovals, by F. Baron 573 A sea-nymph and Cupid on a dolphin 574 A lady, by Holl—in gold frame 575 Annibal Carracci — large oval enamel by Bone 576 Louis XIV. and a gentleman— on copper 577 The Earl of Clarendon, seated 578 Venus and Adonis, with Minerva, Juno, Mercury, and other figures—in tortoiseshell frame 579 Moliere—oval 580 Madame de Polignac holding a ball of cotton. Highly finished by Vestier 581 The late Duchess of Parma when a child, with a kitten 582 A lady of the Court of Louis XVI., in a pink and white dress, by Darouincourt 583 Madame de Genlis as a Muse—circle 584 A sleeping nymph and satyr 585 Venus and Cupid, by Malle 47 BOUCHER 682 The Fortune Teller. Painted as a design for Gobelins tapestry H. SCHAEFERS. 683 THE FAIR AT ANTWERP in the SIXTEENTH CENTURY. A grand work, painted for exhibition at Antwerp FTNIS, O O a o $ 1 3 Ca rg n V •*>•*«* A in - « London: Printed by W. Clowes and Sons, 14, Charing Cross. ■ * • - • (. I r'4'fiO. . i r