f \yy 'watf Snir'^i [ v jn&£H[o> j •; ■ Sfel' w^» 1 r ' f .1 1 mS \s-0 t o'QS* ^ ^ ** Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary. Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore — While I noddeu, nearly napping " — Edgar Allah Pok. [Fac-similk reproduction of “Ye Bibliophile,’ an original black and white SKETCH BY K. J. MEEKER, AND MADE FOR "New YORK BIBLIOPHILE," A NEW work OK Henry de Pene nu Bois, now in the press. Number 2222 ok THIS COLLECTION. ] ®f)C Cibtfmj attb Collection of :©etmj be Dene bu liois, of 2Tciu