X V- * * * ik ?fe X J i _ -V 1; . . I }Jwj\ y jtffSszt&BlW ,-i/' >- ^ - am*. A CATALOGUE OF TIIE MANUSCRIPTS IN THE COTTONIAN LIBRARY, DEPOSITED IN THE BRITISH MUSEUM. P III N T ED BY CO M MAND O F HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE HI. iSfc. Sic. Sic. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ADDRESS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS OF GREAT BRITAIN. 1802 . —C ADDRESS OF THE House of Commons of Great Britain T O HIS MAJESTY: EXTRACTED FROM THE VOTES, Veneris , 11° die Julii , Anno 40° Georgii 3'" Regis, 1800. Most Gracious Sovereign, E, Your Majesty’s moft dutiful and loyal Subjects, the Commons of Great Britain in Vv Parliament afiembled, having taken into our Conlideration the State of the Public Records of this Kingdom, and the Neceliity of providing for the better Arrangement, Pre- fervation, and more convenient Ufe of the lame, humbly beg leave to lay before Your Majefty the Report, of our Proceedings thereon; and to reprclent to Your Majefty, that in fcvcral of the principal Offices we have found the Public Records preferved with great Order and Regularity, and in fome few, with a Method and Care which are exemplary; but that, in many of the molt important Offices, they are wholly unarranged, undeferibed, and m- afeertained ; that fome of them are expofed to Erafure, Alteration, and Embezzlement, and others are lodged in Places where they are daily periihing by Damp, or incurring a continual Rilk of Deft ruCtion by Fire. A Period of nearly Seventy Years has elapfed fince the laft General Parliamentary Inquiry upon this Subject; and, during this Interval of Time, the Change which has taken place in the Language and written Character of Judicial Proceedings, as well as the large Accumu¬ lation of Materials which has been progrcffively fuperadded in every Department, have in- crealed the Difficulties of methodizing the feveral Repolitories, or applying their Contents to Purpofes of practical Ufe. In the Courfe of our Inquiry, we have found that many of the Public Buildings allotted to tlide Ules, and efpecially thole Buildings which belong to Your Majeftys Exchequer in all its Branches, comprehending the ancient Records and Muniments of the Rights and Poffieffions ot the Crown, and the Y ouchers and Accounts of the Public Revenues and Expenditure, are in a State fo incommodious and infecure, as to require immediate Attention. It has alfo appeared to us, that the falutary Mcafures heretofore adopted by Your Majeftys Authority, for methodizing the Contents of fome of the principal Repolitories of \ our Majefty s Records and Papers of State, might alfo be extended to many other Re- pofttories, with Confequences highly beneficial to the Public Service. And the fame Motives which encouraged our Predeceflors to intreat Your Majefty s Di¬ rections for printing the ancient Records of Domefday, and the Rolls of Parliament, have b alfo Records ot this Kingdom. And we beg leave may be incurred by t fit to give on this Oc Commons. Jovis, 17 ° die Julii ; Anno 40 " Georgii 3 ' ; ‘ Regis, 1800. Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer reported to the Houle, That their Addrcfs of Iriday laft (that His Majefty would be graciouily pleated to give inch Directions as He fhall think fit, for the better Prefervation, Arrangement, and more convenient Ufe ot the Public Re¬ cords of this Kingdom; and to alTure His Majefty, that whatever extraordinary Expenfes may be incurred by the Directions which His Majefty ilia.ll think lit to give on this Occalion, mail be made good by His faithful Commons) had been prefented to His Majefty ; and that His Majefty had commanded him to acquaint this Houfe, that He will give Directions as defiled by the laid Addrefs. CO M MISSION For executing’ the Meafiires recommended by the Houfe ot Commons refpccdng the Public Records oe the Kingdom. GEO R G E R. GEORGE THE THIRD by the Grace of God King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, >ii)iiJicd in the ■ ounly of Chciicr, Mas born at Denton, near Couington, in Iluntin^don- lhirc, on the 'J < i • > i January i '>, o. lie M'as entered at Trinity College, Cambridge, wherein I he look th degree of Uaiehelor of Arts, and where he early imbibed a tat to for, and laid the foundation of his preeminent learning in the Ililk try and Antiquities of his country. This hi;:-, on his leaving college, was greatly increafed and confirmed by the free intercourfe ed with the c< lebrati d antiquari< s, Jof< elin, Lambard, Camden, Noel, and lev era I others, who about that time (though as yet unfuecelsfully) attempted to cltabliih a Socieiy lor toe Iuvciiigatioii ofLritiih Antiquities. Animated by the example of tliele afiiduous collectors, he neglected no opportunity (of which abundance offered at that t* !| H ) to acquire a number of chronicles, chartularies, and other original muniments, which at the laic difiblution of the monafteries had found their way into the hands of private perfons, • 10 in general were by no means aw are oft heir real importance. In iliele endeavours lit w as tmy .illi (1 by none, nor was he in fact equalled by any of his emulous contemporaries, moft of u liom ultimately eo-operated to increafe the ftoek lie M as accumulating for the benefit of his country. In 1590, he accompanied Lis friend William Camden in a jonrnev to the north of Eng¬ land, M'here they jointly explored the whole extent of the Piets wall, and brought away feveral iiileriplions and monuments, which, after having been fome time depofited at Sir Robert’s fat at Conington, M'crc prefen ted to Trinity College Cambridge, where they are ftill carefully ]) refer ved. At the aceeinon ot K. James I. in 1G03, he was knighted; and one of his female anceftors, Maria de Wellienham, the ite nr W illiam Cotton, bis lillli progenitor, being deieended from the family ot the Bruces in Scotland, the hingulually honoured him Mith the appellation of Coujiu. And we accordingly find that he ever after dually fubjoined the name of Urnee to that of Cotton, and cauled the royal arms of Scotland to be added to his own armorial bearings. In the year 1008 , he Mans appointed one of the Commifiioners for enquiring into the State of the Navy. And in l 0 11 , having been the principal promoter of the plan for the eftahliih- ment of the order of Baronets, he was himfelf railed to that rank, being created the 30 th in fueeeffion al the firft nomination. After having been, during upv-ards of 30 years, a difringuilhed ornament to his country, and the principal oracle to which men in the highefi flat ions recurred for accurate informa¬ tion and advice in all matters relating to the hifiory, the rights, and the conftitution of the kingdom, during which period he produced upM’ards of thirty tracts or differtations, chiefly on p Cl lea! am! eonititulional lubjcets, moft of them w ritten at the dciire of men in power, if not at the exprel’s command of his fovereign; it is no doubt greatlv to be lamented that a lift lb meritorious fhould, towards its elofe, have been imbittered by bale calumny* and the arbitrary proceedings of thole from mIuuu he had an undoubted right to expect difiinguni.cd favour and protection. When in tlie year i6i5 Robert Carr, whom the king's favour had rapidly raifed to the rank of earl of Somerfet, became implicated in the charge of having been accefiary'to the murder of Sir Thomas Overbury, the earl having ever fince his exaltation been in habits of intimacy Mith Sir Robert Cotton, had immediate reeomfe to him both for advice and afiifiance in Ins perplexity, and thereby drew upon his friend a fufpicion of connivance, ir not of interference, from which he was called upon to clear himfelf before the Privy Council. He was even committed to the cuftody of an alderman of London; nor, although nothing could be proved againft him, was he releafed from this confinement till live months alter, when the whole affair was terminated by the pardon the king was pleafed to grant to the earl, and to the countefs of Efi'ex, About the fame time, the unpardonable inadvertency, or rather the execrable perfidv of OomCmar the Spanilli ambailador, drew on Sir Robert Cotton another imputation, of M’hich however the calumniator loon found it necctihry to acquit him by his own unqua¬ lified eontellion. A lilt he fuflered to go abroad of perfons who laid fecretlv received pecu- dan grat uities at his hands for limiter purpofes, M as found to contain the ever venerable mime ot Sir Robert; but being called upon from authority, either to prove or contradict E' 1 "j'i 11 '' hrious charge, he revoked his declaration by afferting that one of his fecretaries had unav. ares inferted the name in the lifi. Although Sir Robert's honour v'as perfectly vindicated P II E F A C E. xi vindicated in both tliefe inftances, yet fuch tranfadlions, in a mind fo upright as his, could not fail to caule much agitation, and to difturb the tranquillity of a life addicted to none but ufeful and laudable purfuits. On one of tliefe occafions this excellent character bad the mortification of feeing himfelf for a time excluded from his own library; the Privy C ouncil, by whole order it was locked up, deeming its contents of too great importance to be cxpoled in the manner in which the liberal Owner buffered them to be infpetted. From a commiihon of Janies I. dated Oct. 26 , 16 15, for the examination of Sir Robert Cotton, on a charge of having communicated the valuable ltate papers in his Library to the Spaniili ambaflador, who had caufed them to be copied and tranflated into the Spanilh tongue, we have rcafon to conclude that this circuniftance happened on the latter of tliefe occafions. The anxiety to which tliefe tranfactions mull have given rife, was however trifling, compared to Y\ hat he mult have felt, when, either by the neglect or the dilhonefty of perfons in whom he had placed eonlidenee, another fufpieion arofe againft him, which for a time deprived him of the favour of his fovereign, once more excluded him from the ufe of his Library, and accord¬ ing to his own declaration greatly contributed to abridge his days. In 1629, a tract was handed about in M S. entitled “ A project how a prince may make himfelf an ablblute tyrant.” The enquiries that were immediately made for the author of fo pernicious a performance led at length to the Cottonian Library. Sir Robert, perfectly confcious of his innocence, made ftriei enquiry into the tranfadion, and loon found that a copy of this tract, written at Florence in 1013, by Robert Dudley D. of Northumberland, under the lels exceptionable Title of “ Proportions for his majefty's fervice to bridle the impertinency of Parliaments," had, un¬ known to him, found its way into his Library; that, likewife without his knowledge, his Librarian or Amanuenlis bad, as is fufpected for pecuniary confiderations, buffered one or more copies of it to be taken, under the former of thele titles, and thus drew the fatal imputation to fall upon one who, though perfectly free from guilt, could not long furvive a fufpieion fo injurious though fo groundlefs. Although he completely vindicated his innocence of having written or dilfeminated a tratt fo delmictivc to the liberties of the people, of which he had ever fhewn himfelf - a nioft zealous friend and advocate, yet under the renewed pretence that his Library was not of a nature to he expofed to public infpeetion, it was again put in fequeftration, and himfelf once more excluded from all accefs to it. What effect this muft have had upon his Wounded mind may eafily he gathered from the vifrble decline of his health ever after, fre¬ quently declaring to his friends, “that they had broken his heart who had locked up his Library from him.” Shortly before his death, he caufed to be fignified to the Privy Council that their fo long detaining his books from him, without rendering any real'on for the fame “ had been the caufe of his mortal malady.” He died on the 6th of May 163 . 1 , aged Go vears 3 months and 15 days, and was buried on the fouth fide of the church of Conin^ton, where a fuitable monument was creeled to his ever revered memory. 1 hat his Library continued in fequeftration fome time after his death, appears manifeft from the petition of Sir Thomas Cotton his only fon and heir, wherein he Hates that his ftudv had been a long time locked up, and himfelf debarred from the ufe of it; and that it appear¬ ing from a fchedulc of the contents of the faid Library prepared for the purpofe* that there a, ( )•;■ no hooks or papers therein, but fuch as were the undoubted property of the petitioner, he therefore humbly prayed that he might henceforth have the free ufe of his ftudv, it being the heft room in his houfe. A 11 "' 1 '- 1 ’ ’"! "■™"' “PI*"* to I* that the prayer of this petition was complied vifu yd there is every realon to believe that it was foon after granted; and that Sir Thomas to whom the property had devolved, continued to the day of his death, which happened in the \ ear 1662 , in quiet pofteflion of his Library. We are infomred i.y Stukeley, that-Bromfi.ll, Efqmre, of Blunham in Bedfordthire, Ingh Hi m ft tor the county of Ledford m the year 1650 , was greatly inftrumental in prcfervin«- tins lnelumahle trealure, during the convulfions of the civil wars, in which all documents of a conititutional and legal nature were induftrioufly fought after, in order to be deftroyed f. * A lar S e 10,1 vellum no* extant in the Library, which contains a compendious Catalogue of the fame, digefted in a fyf- tematic order, is probably the above-mentioned Schedule, which is faid in the Petition to have been compiled by Mr. Dickinfon. I'r.iii! a tntnfcript of this Roll, given him by Mr. Aftle, Mr. S. Hooper primed the Svo. edition of the Catalogue, which’ be pubitlhed in the year 1777. t V. Stukeley Itin. Curios, p. 74. The Library appears to have been then depofited at Stratton in Bedford/hire, to which place it was probably removed for the fake of fecurity; Sir Tho¬ mas’s eldeit fon, afterwards Sir John Cotton, having married Dorothy, heireft of Edmund Anderfon, Efq; of that place. Sir :> e i. r a ( i'.. Sm- Tlio,.. I Colton wa* lucrectbd l>v Sir John 1 m deleft fim, ami hr loo ■ t<> have 1 en never moieital in the free enjoyment of his Library. During tin latter part of lus life tarea.lilj permitted Dr. Thomas Smith to compile the Catalogue ol tin collecti >u, which was printed at Oxford in the year 16 » 6 *. The next and refpcfliil"the public, the molt important tranfaflion concerning this Library, is recorded hr the liatnte made in the year 1700* entitled “An Art for the better fettling .. all ,i prefer, in" the Library kept in the houfe at Wcltmmftcr railed ( otton Houle, in the >. and family of the' Cottons for tile benefit of the public." This art. idler dome, ample mf.iee to Sir Robert Colton for forming a moft valuable collection of manufenpts, panel ,' 1 record, &c + “of great life and fervicc for the knowledge and prefcrvalioii of our '• 'eonitilutiou in church and Hate, and generally efteemed the heft of its kind now any where “ extant ;’ 5 and reciting that the lame had been carefully preferved, and inuch augmented ami enlarged by Sir Thomas the foil, and Sir John the grandfon of the ibid Sir Robert Cotton, declares “that the laid Sir John Cotton, in purihance of the defire and intentions of Ins father and grandfather, is content and willing that his maafion houfe and Library feould con- “ ti„i,r in his family and name, and that it he kept and preferred by the name oi the ■■ Cottonian Library for public ufe and advantage." Vftcr this preamble, fo honourable to the collcftors, and l'o decifivc in favour ”1 the utility and importance of the collection, the ftatnte enaSs, that after Sir John Cotton’s death the faid library, together with his manfionWe and its appurtenances be vetted ,n truftees; (be houfe fir the ufe of tliedefcendants of Sir Robert Cotton, the founder, for ever; and the Library to be carefully preferred for the public ufe, without fuftenng any alienation Orem- bczzlcment upon any account whatever. The firft concern of the truth c, appointed by this act was to caufe the Library to be care¬ fully infpcctcd in order to afeertain and identity its contents, that they might render the keeler whom they were to appoint to the care of it, refponfiblc for the fccimtj of the fame, for this purpofe they named Matthew Hutton, John Anftis, and Humphrey Manley, three of the moft eminent antiquaries of thofe days, to examine carefully mto the flatt ol it, and report In them concerning its extent and Hate of prefervation. 1 his report, dated June end, I is extant in manufeript in the Ibili,!. Mufeum, from which it appears that they com¬ pared all the volumes in the Library with the entries in Dr. Smith’s Catalogue, and afeertamed the number of pages in each volume; but that being limited for time, they did not make any material corrections in the laid Catalogue, which they acknowledged to be ,11 lee era! pi ices materially defeyitive. They Ukcwife reprefcntcd many of the volumes to be in a ftate of and the place where the Libraiy was kept not altogether calculated for its prefervation. The Iblicitiule of the legillature to have this important collection effectually fecund for the ufe of the public, induced them foon after to frame a new ftalutc, entitled “ An Act for the better ■■ fecuring her majefty's purchafe of Cotton Houfe inWcflrainfter in which, after reciting that the Library, in its prefent fituation, was by no means in the ftate of fccurity, nor of the (le"rt e of utilit y it was intended to lie; it was provided that “ to the intent to great a treafure '■ Of books ami manufeiipts, lb geueroufly given for the public fervicc, might not remain any » l„ n „er I.fek Is; ami that it might be in her majefty’s power to make this molt valuable cul- “ lcelTon ufe fill to her own fubjebts, and to all learned ftrangers ;’’ an agreement had been made with Sir John Cotton, grandfon to the Donor, for the purchafe of the inheritance of the houie where the Library was depofited, II for the him of £. 4,500, which purchafe could not have been unde without tut art of parliament, the preceding act concerning tins Library having directed that the houfe lhnuld not be fold or alienated : and that the Ibid lioule be hence- forth veiled in the queen, her heirs and fuccelfors tor ever. ■Whether it was for the purpofe of erecting a new building- for the reception ot the Library on the fite of the faid houfe, which indeed was directed by the laft-mentioned act, or tor what other reafon, does not at prefent appear; but we are informed in a fubfequent report ot a Committee of the Houi'c of Commons, that the Library was in the year 1712 removed to Eflcx Houfe in Effex Street Strand, where it continued to the year 17 .' 30 , when it was conveyed haek to Wcftminiter, and depofited in a houfe in Little Dean’s \ ard, purehaled by the Crown of the lord Allihurnham. f 12 and 13 Will. III. c. 7. X Bcfidesthe Library of Mannfcripts, this Repofitory contained alfo a confiderable number of valuable Coins, chiefly Saxon and old Engli(h,at tl antiquities, Roman and Englilh, all which in the Collections of the Btitilh Mufeum. § 5 Anne, c. 30. || This houfe, fituate behind a part of II called Cotton Houle, and r the chief clerk of the Houfe of Here » kMi Li4«f| PREFACE. xtii Here fhortly after, viz. on the 23d of October, 1731, in the morning, a fire broke out, which deftroyed fevCral, and damaged many of the manuferipts, and was near proving fatal to the whole Library: what remained was removed, by permiffion of the Dean and Chapter, into a new building dcfigncd for the dormitory of Weftminlter fchool; and the truftees (particularly Mr. Speaker Onflow, who inftantly upon hearing of the fire, haftened to the fpot, and perfonally aflifted in refeuing all that could be faved from the flames) immediately took the molt effec¬ tual fteps in their power for retrieving as much of the damage as could be repaired. They took the opinion of fcveral of the mod experienced officers entrufted with public records, concerning the belt expedients in this emergency, and proceeded in the manner luggefled by them in redreffing the injury. Nor was the Houfe of Commons inattentive to this misfortune, fince we find a report of a Committee appointed by them to view the Cottonian Library, and other public records of the kingdom, dated May 9 , 17 3« 2 , in which an ample account is given of the accident itfelf, and of the meafures that were adopted in confequencc of the damage it occafioned. To this report is likewile added an appendix, fhewing at large what manuferipts had been wholly deftroyed or materially injured, that perfons who may be poffelfed of copies of them, might have an opportunity of contributing to the reparation of the lofs, by com¬ municating thole tranferipts. When at length, in the year 1753 , the legillature was induced by the will of Sir Hans Sloane, Baronet, to purchafe his extendve collc&ion of Natural and Artificial Curiofities, and to ellabliih a National Repofitory under the name of the Britilh Mufeum, it did not efcape them, how valuable and important an addition the Cottonian Library would be to an efta- blilhmcnt of fucli great public utility. The a6t therefore made in that year, after reciting the weighty motives that prompted them thereto, directed that the laid Library be depofited in the above mentioned Mufeum; and that two truftees, to be nominated in fucceffion by the reprefentatives of the Cotton family, he for ever added to thofe appointed by this aCt, for the "execution of the purpofes thereof*. * The following Table of the Defcent and prefent Reprefentatives of the Cotton Family, will, it is hoped, not be tin- acceptab'e to the reader, who mull furely feel much interelted in a Progeny from which the public derives fuch elTential advantages; r SIR ROBERT COTTON, Bart. the Colleilor of the Library, ob. 1631. •— --' "s Sir Thomas Cotton, Bart. ob. 1662. _I-, Sir John Cotton, Bart, the Donor of the Library, ob. 1702. J John Cotton, Efq. married Frances Downing, ob. vita patris, 1681. Sir Robert Cotton, Bart, fucceeded Sir John his nephew, ob. 1749. Sir John Cotton, Bart, oh. 1731, line prole. Frances Cotton, married to Wm. Hanbury, Efq. ob. 1756. I Mary Hanbury> married to Martin Annefley, D. D. Catherine Hanbury, married to Velters Cornewall, Efq. M.P. I ( ---i Catherine Cornewall, married to Sir Geo. Amyand, now Cornewall, Bart. M.P. Sir John Cotton, Bart, ob. 1752. Elizabeth Stewart Cotton-, married to Thomas Bowdler, Efq. John Bowdler, Efq. Thomas Bowdler, Efq. We gather from this Table that Francis Annefley, Efq. mem¬ ber of parliament for Reading, is at prefent the lineal repreienta- tive of the elder branch of the Cotton family; in confequence of Which he, and by his nomination, Sir George Cornewall, Baro¬ net, his coufin by marriage, are at this time the Cottonian trullees of the Britilh Mufeum. Mr. Annefley, in right of liis great grandmother Frances, daughter of Sir George Downing, Baronet, is likewile the reprelentative of that diltinguilhed family, to whom the Public are indebted for the liberal founda¬ tion of a College at Cambridge, the mafterlhip of which has been conferred on Mr. Annefley in the charter lately granted for carrying into execution the intentions of the teftator. It P R E F A C E. - - - sir P R E F A C E. It remains iiow to la v before the public what fteps the Curators of the Britifli Mnfeumliave taken in order to fulfil the intentions of the Founder, the Donor, and the Legislature. lelpect- ing this important part of their truth—After caufing the Library to be carefully dcpolitcd in a fafe and confpicuous part of the department of Manufcripts, they being aware that much re¬ mained yet to be done, in order to render it as ufeful as the nature erf its contents would admit of, were plcafccl in the year 1793, to direct the keeper of that department (an office then held by me) to take every ftep that might be deemed advifable to reftore fttch of the damaged volumes as were thought yet capable offome further repairs, and the imperfection of Smith's Repertory having been repeatedly complained of, to prepare a new and more accurate Catalogue without delay. The following account of the manner in which I endeavoured to acquit myfclf of this talk, will at the fame time convey the belt idea I can give of the prefent State of the Library. This Library, which originally confined of p:»s volumes, was by the above-mentioned fire ; n the year 1 731, reduced to 8(3 1 volumes, of which, when brought to the Mufetun, too were damaged bundles preferved in cafes. Many of the volumes in bindings were not paged at all; and few indeed were paged with accuracy. In fevcral of them there were evident marks that leaves had been purloined; and fume had been bound up with much irregularity and diforder. Concerning the bundles in cafes, the Committee of the Iloufe of Commons, who, in the year 1732, examined into the damage oceafioucd by the fire, tpporfed that fevcral of them might, in careful hands, be fo far reftored as to he rendered ufeful. But-this was afterwards rendered a talk of much greater dilikuliv ; the perilous by whom they had been occaficnatlly handled, having thrown them into great, and in man^ inftances irretrievable, confufion. 'With refpeet to Dr. Smith's Catalogue, the number of articles catered in it, docs not much exceed 6,QOO, which it will be fecn hereafter is not a fourth part of the contents of thefc 801 volumes. The chief omiffions are in the State Papers and Collections of In.all detached Tracks, of which there are no lefs than 170 volumes. Molt of thefc are entered onlv as linuie .articles-, whereas upon an average each of them contains at leali 100 cliitinct pieces. Al)out SO of thde volumes, as Sir Wm. Dugchile informs us in his life ', were bv him found iu loofe bundles, and caufed to be bound up, but unfortunately without anv order as to per Ions, times, or matter; whence it follows that they have been hitherto little uled, bceaute little known, and almoit inaccefliblc for want of proper calendars. Many of the other articles, efpeci:\lly the Biblical Books, Liturgies, Chronicles, See. have, it. muft be owned, been deferibed with (ufficient accuracy, fo as to leave little room for emen¬ dation. But in other infrances, the learned compiler has inadvertently differed fueh miltakes to pefeape him, as rendered a careful examination of the whole Catalogue indiipeufably necefiary. Thefe defects were noticed, and m a few inftances fupplied, by Mr. David Cafley, in an Appendix to his Catalogue of the king's Library of MSS. The karned Humphrey Wanlev, obferving in hoi jejum and fuperficial a manner the Saxon MSS. had been deferibed, drew' up very ample accounts of them, which have been publiilied in the 'id volume of Hicks's Thelaurus: and fevcral oth< 1 of ice d out and lamented many in (can c < ni • 1 . id :cu icv, which s ly diminifh the utility of the Catal Among the more ftriking of thefe imperfections are the alerihing to Chaucer a volume of poems by Ilampolc and others; the entering Lydgate’s Siege of Troy as an anonymous poem: Comdlor's Bible llifroriaux as a common French vcviion of the Bible; Marbotueus dt Cemmis as a work of Evax king of Arabia, &c. My firft care, on entering upon my tafk, was to caufe all the volumes to be regularly paged, or at lea ft the old paging to he accurately afeertained, without however obliterating- the old numbers, fince that would have proved fatal to the many references that have been made to thefe MSS. I then proceeded to examine the bundles in calcs, and found means, after many repeated and not a few tmfuccef&ful attempts, to arrange fevcral volumes and parts of volumes of State Papers. Some of the (hriveUed MSS. on vellum I likewife found capable of being reftored, though not without great care and dexterity on the part of the book¬ binder. With his afliftance I havel’ucceeded in re-ftoring .51 of the above 10.5 damaged MSS. which arc now bound in 44 volumes: and though fevcral of thele be (till defective, especially where parts have been confumcd or defaced bv lire; yet upon the whole it will be found that much uleful and authentic information is (till preferved in them. The remaining 01 him dies have appeared to me irretrievable; and indeed moft of them feem to be obfeu re¬ tracts and fragments of little or no importance. They arc now contained in 62 cafes. This PREFACE, xv This done, I applied myfelf to the compilation of the Catalogue. And here each feparate article has been entered in its fucceffive order*, under as flxort and yet comprclienfive a title as could be devifed, which, efpecially in the multitude of letters and tracts in a great variety of antiquated languages and hand-writings, and without either argument or rubrics, was attended with no fin all degree of difficulty and labour. Particular pains have been taken to dilcover the true authors of anonymous and pfeudonymous works; in many in- ftances, efpecially in anonymous poems, the firft lines have been tranferibed in the Cata¬ logue in order to identify the piece, Notice has been taken of thofe works that have been publilhed, and references have been made to the titles of the publications, or to the collections in which they have been edited, All poflible endeavours have been ufed to afeer- tain the dates of the Letters and State Papers, where (as has but too often been the cafe in the laft and the preceding century) 1 the writers have omitted them ; and even approximations, with marks of interrogation, have been ilifetBed where the exaCt dates could not be obtained. The folio of each article has been entered;"and the number of folios in each volume has been noted, both in the Catalogue and at the end of the volume, in hopes thereby to prevent all future mutilation, or at leaft to lav it open to detection. The form ot each volume, the material on which it is written, and its age, if prior to the 16 th century, when it could be alcertained with any degree of probability, have likewife been deferibed in the Catalogue. This Catalogue, thus drawn up with all the induftry and circumfpeCUon of which I was capable, will be found to contain about 26 ,000 articles. That in the variety and perplexity ofrefearch implied info intricate a maze of latent fads, no errors ihould have efcaped my belt endeavours will hardly be expeCted, efpecially by thofe who are apprized that in the opinion of the belt bibliographers, no work of this nature, certainly none executed by one tingle perfon, and one moreover inceflantly diftraCled by a variety ot other avocations, has ever been produced free from imperfections. But it is hoped that thefe imperfections however numerous, will not materially affeCt the utility of the performance. This Catalogue remained in manufeript in the Library till laft year, when a Committee of the Iloufe of Commons for enquiring into the State of the Records ot the Kingdom, having ordered a Report concerning the Contents of the Britifh Mufcum refpeCting the objects of their refearches, were neceffarily informed of its exigence; and having been apprized by competent judges that its publication might prove an objeCt ot much utility, recommended to the Commiffion appointed by His Majefty for carrying into effcCt the propofals of the faid Committee, that the printing of it be proceeded upon without delay. The documents relating to this tranfaCtion are, by order of the (_ ommiffion, prefixed to this Preface. The directions given in confequence of this recommendation are now finally executed. And the Public, it is hoped, will acknowledge that no endeavours have been wanting in nil thofe concerned in the care and management of this Library, which may render it of the greateft poffible utility. * It is with great reluctance that the intention of could have been produced, than what is afforded by digefting the Catalogue into a fyftematic order has Hooper’s above-mentioned Catalogue. A copious In- been relincjuillied; the number of articles that could dex, on which more than ordinary pains have been not poilibly be reduced under particular claffes being beftowed, will, it is hoped, in fonie meafure i'upply fo great, that nolhing more fatisfaClory in this rel’pedl this want of fyftematic arrangement. J. PLJNTJ. Rritifh Mnfeum, Uee. c.;, 1 you I KUipk 1 HI I l. XlV I 3 CU*Lt uo i H T A B L E 6 'F THE ORDER of the REFERENCES. Julius, A.. Page i. ■-B..3. —-C. -.. - s. -D.. 14. -*— E...16. -F. - -. 18. Augustus, Tiberius, A. --C. — -D. 34. 37- 39. 40. Caligula, A. - -C. - -D. - ■ 42. ■ 46. 89. 140. 162 . Claudius, A. - - - -.iss. -C... 193 ’ -D.- 195 . Nero, A. ■ -13. - D. - E. • Galba, A. -13. -D. -E. Otiio, A. - B. 201 . 205. 236. 239. 315. 352. ] 365. Page ) . . . I 369 ' Vitellius, A , ...37s. -B.. 382. -C.-- 422 . -D.. 423. -E..-. 429 . -F..431. Vespasianus, A. - - --- - - - 433. - 13 ..- - - - - 439. -C. -. 443. - 1).-- - 474. -E.. 478 . -F.. 482. Titus, A..-. 511. - B..-.- 516 . -C... 557 . -— D. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 563 . - E... 567. - F. - -- -- -- -- -- -- - 568. Domiti anus, Cleopatra, A.. - 13 .. -C.-- -D.. -E... --F.. Faustina, A. - -- -- -- -- -- - -B.. -C.- -I).. -E... -F.. 576. 577. 579. 583. 5S4. 598. 602 . 605. 608. 613. Appendix, 614. A C A T A L O G u OF THE MANUSCRIPTS I N THE: COTTONIAN LIBRARY. Julius , A. I. Codex membranaceus in 4to. conftans foliis 186 . cliverbs temporibus exaratus. i. TMAGO EQUITIS cujufdam, pugnantis cilm I leone. L b- 2 . Chronicon ab orbe condito ad Edwardum I. Ano-lnc regem, inclufive; fcriptum a J. de Taxfter monacho de Bury, poll annum 1267, quo habitum monachalem fufceperat, ut patet ex ejufdem hac de re inferta adnotatione, fol. 37- b. 2. 3 . Breve Chronicon ab initio mundi ad annum 1317. —Ad finem, indiculus terrarum ad regem Scoti® pertinentium, et epifcopatuum in Scotia, liabetur. Sec. XI\ r . 43. 4. Hiftoria de rege Edwardo II. et de initiis regni R. Edwardi III. Gallice. Epiftol® nonnull® inferun- tur» 60, 5 . Regiftrufn Chartarunl quarundam abbati® de Pipewell. Sec. XV. 63. 6. Chronica fundationis monafterii de Chateriz, in in Tula Elienli; fumptibus et induftria Agnetis Afchcfeld abbatifi® ejufdem monafterii, et Hen. Buckworth Decretorum Baccalaurii, fub temporibus R. Iienrici IV. confe&a.—Continet autem bullam Papalem, chartas regias, chartas donationum ter¬ rarum, confmnationis, aliafque congenelis argumenti. —In fronte reperitur ftemma genealogicum regum Angli®, a Carolo magno, Rollone primo duce Nor- manni®, et Alfrido, ad Henricum II. deduttum. Adcalcem adjunguntur, indiculus terrarum, ali®que notul®. Julius, A. II. Codex membranaceus, in 4to. folior. 144. Sec. XI. 1 . Ven. Bed®, de temporibus, libri, fragmentitm. l. 2 . AElfrici, abbatis Malmefbur. Grammatica; five excerpta ex Prifciano et Donato : Latino-Saxonice. _probably written before the Norman conqueft. The beginning is wanting, and the five laft leaves have been erroneoufly inferted after the following Glofiary ; viz. at fol. 130.—134. 9- 3. Glofiarium, five Onomafticon Latino-Saxoni- cum, fine rubric®—In the fame hand, and pro¬ bably by the fame writer, as the preceding gram¬ mar. 1 b. 4. A. few prayers in Anglo-Saxoh, publifiied by Fr. Junius from this MS. at the end of his edition of C®dmon’s Paraphrafe; where he fays of them “ Ge- nium ftylumque Ciedmonis probe referunt.” 1 36, 5. Short queftions and anfwers between Adrianus and Rith®us. Anglo-Saxon. 137- b. 6. Short fentences concerning the two thieves crucified with our Saviour, Noah’s Ark, &c.—Anglo- Saxon. 140. b. 7 . Some moral precepts.—Anglo-Saxon—imperfect at the end. 141. N. B. The four laft articles appear to be all in the fame Normanno-Saxon hand. See Wan- ley’s Catal. p. 183. Julius, A. III. Codex chartaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis 67. Sec. XVI. 1. A French fonnet to K. Henry VII. entitled, “ A la bonne grace du Roy.”—Beg. “ A celui qui eft “ tout mon confort.” 1. 2 . <£ Clianfon fai6te en l’honneur de Mademe “ Marie,” fille de Hen. VII. —Comm. “ Reveillez . 10 . A'erfus de cruce Chrifti, de mutationc mala ordinis Ciftertii: variaque de vitiis, facramcntis, decalogo, &c. go ],/ 11 . Dc apparition? fi6la B. Virginia cuidam clerico in diceces. Lincoln, cum verfibus. 91 . 12 . Fabula de epifcopo confecraturo ecclefiara, qui barba lemirafa vidit da-monem illi objicicntem, quod barbam radi die dominico fccilfet. 92 . b. 13. Fragmentum de immaculata conceptione B. Virginia et cjus fefto, cum verfibus. gg. 14. Verfus encomiaftici in B. Mariam virginem. 93. b. 15. Moralis philofophia; ex antiquis feriptoribus, pr®lertim Romanis, cellefta. 94. ifi. Plagula, ad angulum inferiorum mutila, qua continentur, Symbolum apoftolorum; verficuli dc modo cafte vivendi; dc Ilicrarchia ccelcfti, See. 121 . 17 - Revelatio S. Micbaelis in monte Tumba XVII. Kal. Novembris.—Defcribi fecit Johannes Tailour, S. Theologi® profelfor, cancellarius cathedralis eccleli® Exon. A° 1489- 123 . 18 . Nota? muficales ad h®c verba: “ Bendicamus Domino, AHeluja.” 1 3 1 . h. Chronicam Manni®, (vel potius hunc codicem) Bibliothec® dedit Rogerus Dodfworth Eboraccnli-, antiquitatum apprime ftudiofus, 1620 . Julius, A. VIII. Codex membranaceus in 4to. conltans foliis 86. S®c. circiter xv. Chronicon Regum Angli® a Bruto ufque ad Regem Edwardum III. Incip. “ Xafto olim otio a tumultu feculi.” Pr®mittiturdefcriptio Angli® h.e. de litu et incolis: inferuntur in pr®fatione (fol. S.) verfus Ricardi Cluniacenlis in laudem Angli® Incip. “ Anglia JULIUS, A. IX.—B. III. 3 “ Anglia terra ferax et fertilis angulus orbis; “ Anglia plena jocis, gens libera dignajocari.” Julius, A. IX. Codex partim membranaceus, partim chartaceus, folior. 170 . initio vetuftate corruptus. 1. De vita reeluforum, ut creditur, fecundum Ber- nardum, A. C. nil. Incip. Cum aliquid boni faciendo accenderit....” 2 . 2 . Tra<5latulus alter de Reclufis. Incip. “ Secunda fecunde q. clxxxviii. videtur quod perfe&ior fit re- ligio in focietate vivencium—”—Notatur ad finem, “ Exemplar falfum et incorre6tum.” 16 . 3. Tra6tatus S. Beinardi vocatus “ Scala Clauftra- lium.”—Fragmentum. 22 . 4. GlolTa, five expofitio fuper ftatuta ordinis Car- thufiani.—Nota in fine “ Hunc quicunque tenet pr®fidentis pace libellum V Langton feriptoris purget lua pace deli<5ta.” 23. 5. Epiftol® qusedam et chart® donationum, epif- coporum et abbatum, temporibus ItR. llenrici III. & Ed ward i I. 138. 6. Henrici I. chart® de libertatibus, et de forefta. 160. b. 7 . Mifcellanea qu®dam ad monafterium Abendo- nenfem fpefitantia. Inter alia chart® et epiftol® nonnull®. 164 . b. Julius, A. X. Codex membranaceus in 4to. min. folior. 175 . 1. Vita et martyrium Ofwini regis Deirorum: item de miraculis qu® poll mortem gefiit. 2 . 2 . Menologium five martyrologium Saxonicum, XI. fere Seculo exaratum; jam vero capite et calce mutilum.—Folium ejus quod nunc eft primum, ofteriorem vit® S. Columb® partem comple&itur.— n elencho contentorum 20 alia nomina San&oruin quorum vit® hie celebrantur, reperias.—Definit Codex XI. die Novembris.—Mine inde plurima folia defiderantur, aliaque male tranfponuntur.—Pr®mit- tuntur fingulis menfibus pr®fatiuncul®, in quibus de eorundem nominibus Saxonicis agitur. 44. “ In omnibus (ait Wanleius) convenit hie Codex Cottonianus cum illo C. C. C. C. variantibus exceptis leftionibus. Quin, et utroque codice mutilo, alter alterum in multis fupplet.” Julius, A. XT. Codex membranaceus in 4to. min. folior. 153. Sec. XIV. 1. Ailredi Rievallenfis hiftoria, cui perperam pr®- figitur titulus, “ Gefta regis Henrici ll. Benedieli abbatis.” Huicenim regi inferipta eft h®c hiftoria; et continet, de Davidis R. Scotor. pietate et virtute, oratio quafi funebris et laudatoria; deinde genealo- gia ejufdem regis, a regibus Saxonicis et Normannicis in Anglia regnantibus, quorum gefta rccenfuit auctor. 1 . 2 . Compcndiaria narratio Regum Angli®, a Bruto ulquG ad regem Johannem. Quis regem Aluredem ejufque fucceflores eonfecravit, et ubi h®c folemnitas peradafuit, continua feri-e narratur. 23. 3. Genealogia Ed ward i regis Anglorum et con- felforis, a Serna filio Noachi; in qua brevicul® dedu- cuntur narrationesde fuccefiione regum Angli® ufque ad mortem llaraldi filii comitis Godwini. 25. b. 4- Benedidus abbas Petroburgenfis, de vita et jreftis regis Henrici II. IncipitabA® 1170 , et definit in 1177 . Liber ob documenta et narrationes de con- filiis politicis et ecclefiafticis iftorum temporum magni facicndus; 6 quo multa exferipferunt Joh. Brompto- nus & Rog. Hovedenus. 29 . 5. Verfus Serlonis de contemptu mundi. 112 . 6. Pidura de c®de Thom® Archiep. Cantuar. ad altare habitu facro miniftrantis. 112 . b. 7 • Vita S. Thom® Archiepifcopi et martyris Can- tuarienfis; per Guil. Fitz-Stephanum; vel potius, ut annotavit vir quidam dodus (T. Gale) per Johannem Carnotenfem, cujus verba in quadrilogo crebro hie re- periri poftunt.—Adfunt notul® Gallice et Angliceiu fin e- 113 . Hunc codicem, olim S. Mari® de Bellalanda, Hen- ricus Savellius Biblioth. Cottonian®, A 0 1609 , dono dedit. Julius , B. I. Codex chartaceus in folio minori, conftans foliis 98. 1 . The names of the wardens, ballives, mayors, & flieriffs of London from the firftycar of K. Richard 1 . who was crowned Sept. 3 . nSQ, to the 23d year of K. Edward IV.; with a brief account of the moft re¬ markable incidents during that period. 2 . 2 . The title of K. Henry IV. and K. Henry vir. to the crown of England, confirmed in Parliament: the former in the 7 th, and the latter in the 1 ft year of their refpedive reigns. [The laft is not in the ftatute book.] 91 . b. 3. Names of mayors of London from the ill to the 2Sd year of Henry VIII. go_ b. 4. Proclamation of peace made between K. Henry VI. and Charles VII. K. of France, in Englifh and French, with the names of the commiflioners, ambaf- fadors, attendants, &c. gs. b. 5. “ Les ordonnances de les trois batailles, et des deux elles (ailes) de la bataille du Roy (Ric. II.) a fon premier voyage en Efcoce, l’an de fon reigne neufeme.” g$_ b. 6. Creations made in the 9 th and 21 ft years of K. Richard II. 97i b. Julius, B. II. Codex chartaceus in fol. min. conftans foliis 100 . Sec. XV. 1 . Names of the wardens, ballives, mayors, and flieriffs of the city of London, from the time of K. Richard I. A 0 11 89 to the 13th year of Henry VI. with accounts of the remarkable accidents, in the way of a fhort chronicle. o. 2 . Ordinances made for the reception of K. Henry VI. in London upon his return from France, with the manner of it; in verfe. 37 . 3. A note of the fituation and boundaries of the marfli of Poflewyk, near Yarmouth. 100 . Julius, B. III. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conftans foliis 113 . Sec. XV. 1 . Guil. Rede epifeopi Ciceftrienfis Chronica de pontificibus S. Petro ad Gregorium XI. —Hujus chronici pars prior, nempe, ufque ad Innocentium ill. P. Ricardo monacho Cluniacenfi tribuitur fol. 15 . b — Rede fupradiflus fub Urbano V. A 0 1368 Cicef¬ trienfis faftus eft epifeopus. ] 2 . De dignitate et titulis Cardinalium. 23 . b. 3. Breve Chronicon, ab Adamo ad Julium C®la- rem. 24> 4. De Imperatoribus Romanis, 4 Julio C®fare, ad Carolum, Ludovici Bavari fuccelforem. 25. 5. Hiftoria Archiepifcopor. Cantuarienfium, a B. Auguftino, ad Gui. dc Witlefeye. eg. b. 6. Nomina Julius , B. IV. Codex chartaceus in fol. min. conftans foliis 99- Confuetudines, libertates, ct ftatutadeQuinque por- tulms, partim Latine, partim Gallice, partial quoque Atiglice. Inferuntur. Modus tenendi parliamentuni, fol. 21 . A certificate of the numbers ofhoufes, lliips, mariners, &c. in the feveral Cinque ports, made by commillioners, March 18 , 1565.—fol. 95. i. Julius , B. V. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conftans foliis 121 . The laws and cuftoms of Sandwich; partly in Eng- lifti, partly in Latin. Julius, B. VI. Codex partim membr. partim chart, in fol. min. conftans foliis 104. This volume contains a collection of documents relating to the tranfactions between England and Britanny from the reign of Edward III. to that of Henry VII. the particulars of which are as follow : 1. Things given in charge by Edward III. to the Sieur Lambert lec y to John v. 1). of Britanny, en¬ joining the laid duke to take the cuftody of the caftlcs and the offices of trulr, out of the hands of the Bre¬ tons. (French.) Jan y 39 Edw. in. l. 2 . Some articles of a treaty between Edward iil and the U. of Britanny. (Fr. much obliterated.) 2 . 3. A treaty of alliance between Edward III. and John V. D. of Britanny. (Fr.) Weftm. March 2 , 1370-1. 2. b. 4. A prorogation of former treaties between Ed¬ ward III. and tlie dukes of Britanny. (Fr.) Weftm. July 7, 1362. 3. 5. An alliance between Edward in. and John V. ]). of Britanny, his fon-in-law. (Fr.) Weftm. 4 . G. A treaty between the fame, for the reception and entertainment of Englifir forces that may come into Britanny, when fent againft France. (I’r.) Weftm. 1373. 5 . b. 7- A treaty ftipulating that Edward III. will grant and guarantee to the D. of Britanny any conqueft he (the duke) fliall make upon France. (Fr.) 5. b. 8. John V. D. of Britanny his deed, by which he engages to do fervice to Edward III. (Fr. the end wanting.) 6. o. A letter to fome prieft, on perfonal concerns. (Lat.) Bruges, Jan y is, 1379-80. 7 . 10 . A treat v of alliance between Richard II. and John v. D. of Britanny.—The deed is in the name of John, but it is ratified by Richard at Weftm. July 1379. (Fr.) 7 . 1 i- John v. D. of Britanny his comitiifiion to Jean Sire dc Beaumaners. and 6 others, to treat with Englifli commillioners. (v. Rym. VII. 232.) (Fr.) Jan y 10 . 1379-80. " 9 . 12 . Richard 11 . his commiftionto Wm. Latymerand 3 others, to treat with the commillioners of the D. of Britanny. (Fr.) Weftm. Feb y 20 , 1379-80. 9 . 13. A treaty concluded by the above commif- fioners. (Fr.) Weftm. March 1 . 1379-80. Ratified by Richard and many of his Lords, March 17. (v. Rym. VII. 236.) 9, b. 14. The beginning of a treaty of alliance between Richard II. and the D. of Britanny. (Fr.) 1 1. b. 15 . Inftru&ions of Richard 11. to.Xcwerk and PhelipotMore coneerningthe affairs of Britanny. Negociations for an alliance and marriage fol. 13. (French.) 0 jo 16 . John 1'. D. of Britanny his commillion to Adam his confelfor and Ant. Rice, to treat with Rich. II. and his council. (Fr.) Suczmyon. June 6, 1392 . 17. The fame to Richard II. and his council, com¬ plaining of various grievances. 15. 18. Articles of a treaty between Rich. 11. and John V. D. of Britanny. (F.) Two copies. i(j. 19 . An anfwer of John V. I). of Britanny to arti¬ cles propoled to him by Richard II. and his council. ( Fr *) . 19. 20. Grievances complained of by the garrifon, See. of Breft, and exhibited by John V. D. of Brit, to Richard II. (Fr.) 21. A letter feemingly from the D. ofBritannvto Richard II. complaining of an unjuft deeifion of the court of France. (Fr.) 00. 22. A remembrance to the D. of Lancafter, Ihew- ing why Britanny ought to be comprized in a truce ncgociating with France. (Fr.) oo_ j, 23 . A report made to the privy council, of Richard lid's pleafure touching the county of Richmond, the ille of Reyth, and tlie caftle of Breft. (Fr.) March 6 . 1397 . ‘ 23 . * 24. A credence or declaration of the deputies of tile 1 ). of Britanny touching the barony of Rays the caftle of Breft, and the county of Richmond' _ * 24. 25 . 1 he Dutchefs of Britanny to Richard 11. two letters, the one credential, and the other defiling the reftitution of tome territories. (Fr.) Vannes Feb. 15 and March 16. n 5 26. A treaty of alliance between Richard II. and John V. I), of Brit, in the form of an engagement entered into by the duke, but ratified bv both parties (Fr.) ISSP- " cg. 27. An indenture of an alliance between Richard II. and John v. D. of Britanny. (Fr.) Litchfield, May 24, 1398 . “ 07. 28. An article of a treaty between the fame con¬ cerning the fecurity of veffels. (Fr.) 27. 29. Iiiftruftions of Richard 11. to John Drax, ferjeant at arms, concerning the furrender of the caftle of Breft. (Fr.) April 7, 1397. 27. SO. A credence or inftruction of what Roger Du- mery is to reprefent to Richard II. on the part of the D. of Britanny. (Fr.) £ 8 . 31. Percy, to the council; fignifying that he had demanded a fpeedy anfwer from the I). of Britanny concerning fome additional articles which were to be attended to in a treaty with France. (Fr. orig.) Dover. £ 8 . 32 . John VI. D. of Britanny, to Henry IV. cre¬ dential in favour of the abbe de St. Mahe and others, fent to demand the reftitution of the county of Richmond and the caftle of Breft. (Fr.) Vannes, March 15 . £ 8 . 33 . Philip de Courtenay, to the council of Henry IV. fignifying that he had arrayed two fhips at Southampton, and defiring to know the king’s plea- lure concerning them. (Fr.) June 26. 23. 34 . Joan Dfs. of Britanny, to Henry IV. concerning the detention of her hulbaud. (Fr.) V'annes, April 6, 1407. £ 9 . 35. An I JULIUS, B. VI.—IX. 5 35. An agreement between eommiflioners of Eng¬ land and Britanny; concerning the payment of a 1’iun by the 1). of Britanny, the feqneftfation of Brcft, Sir. (It.) Weftm. March id, 1396 . 29 . HO. John vi. 1). of Britanny, to Henry IV. defiling reftitution of a Ihip. (Fr.) Bamanti? Aug. 24. .‘JO. . 17 . Articles of a treaty of abftinenee and amity between Henry I\'. and John VI. 1). of Britanny. (Lat. a corrected draft.) 1410. 31. 38. Ilenry V. to the 1). of Ciloueefrer his brother, regent in England; directing that the grievances complained of by the D. of Britanny be redrcll’ed. Roan, Nov. 29, 1416. 3.5. 39 . John VI. D. of Britanny. to Henry V. two let¬ ters demanding reftitution of lliips. (Fr.) Nantes, Dec. 30 and 31, 14id. 85. 40 . Joan Dfs. of Britanny, to Ilenry v. concerning the detention of the D. her hiilband. (Fr.) Vanncs, May 20 . 3d. 41 . Henry V. to the 1). of Britanny; thanks for the prefent of a cup (hanap) and an ewer. ( Fr. a draft, corrected perhaps by the king.) Weftm. Apr. 9 . 37. 42 . John Ileburn, fee. to the D. of Britanny, to Henry V? concerning fomc fife-conducts he had been proiniled for the deputies of the Dfs. going to Eng¬ land, to apply for the releafe of her brother the Count of Richmond. (Fr.) Rhonfleur, June 27 . 37 . 43. A deed for the releafe of Arthur Count of Richmond ; reciting the full powers of the cominif- iioners, and atteited by a notary. (Orig. Lat. and Fr.) Corbolis, July 22 , 1420. 38. 44. Inftructions of Henry VI. to Garter It. of Arms, fent to his uncle the D. of Britanny. Feb. IS. 1433. 39 . 45. Ilenry VI. to the D. of Britanny; credential in favour of Garter K. of Arms. (Orig. Fr. lignedby the Lords of Council.) Feb. 18 , 1433. 41 . 46 . The Lords of Council, to the 1). of Britanny; fent by Garter IB of Arms. (Fr.) Weftm. Dec. 2 , 1432. 41. 47- The fame to the fame ; concerning red refs of certain grievances complained of by the Bretons. (Fr.) . Weftm. Dec. 2 , 1432. 42 . 48. An aufwerof the Privy Council to the deputies of Britanny; concerning (be due obfervance of peace. (Fr. Orig. the firft fignature is Johan.) Gravclingh, June 30, 1434. 43. 49 . Ilenry VI. to the D. of Bedford his uncle; iignitying his having caulcd an anfwer to be given to the deputies of Britanny. (Fr.) Gravefmgh, June 30, 1434. 44. b. 50 . A licence for Gilles (yEgidius) fon to John VI. D. of Britanny, to repair to his father. (Orig. Fr. frgned by the Lords of Council.) Gravefmgh, June 30, 1434* 45. 51. Henry VI. to the S r de Saint Pierre; touching certain negociations with France, in which the D. of Britanny concerns himfelf. (Fr.) Kenington, July if>, 1437- 46.’ 52. Henry vi. to the D. of Britanny and to the Archbithop of Rouen Chancellor of France; two letters touching the negociations mentioned in the preced¬ ing article. (Fr.) Kenington, July 16 . 1437 . 46 . b. 53. Minutes of Council, concerning a penfion of 1000 marcs to be fettled upon Gilles of Britanny, and gifts to ambalfadors, &c. 1444. 48. 54. A remembrance of things to be Rated to the King and Council, which Francis l. D. of Britanny hath given in charge to his brother Gilles. Complaints againft the 1). of Somerlet. (Fr.) 1444. 49-' ! 55 . Henry VI. to the D. of Somerfet, commanding i in France; in confequence of the above: directing him to.ah I tain from violence againft Britannv. (Fr.) Shene, Dec. 17 , 1444. 50 . 50. Minutes of Council ; concerning leave given to the Card, of Luxemburg^* fervants to pais the leas: alfo concerning the peace; Gilles's remon- ftrances, &c. Dec. 14 , 1444 . 50 . b. 57 . Henrv vi. bis anfwer to Gilles of Britannv, concerning the County of Richmond, &c. (Fr.) 1444. 51. 53. The fame to the D. of Britanny; profeffing his readinefs to make peace with France. (Fr.) Shene, Dee! 17 , 1444. * 52. 59 . A duplicate of art. 5 7- 53. 60 . An Avers on the part of Gilles of Britannv to certain demands to him concerning negociations for peace. (Fr.) 1444. 54. 61 . Henry VI. his anfwer to certain tilings re¬ prefen ted to him by Gilles and other deputies of Bri- tanny. (Fr.) Weftm. Aug. 26 , 1444. 56 . 62 . A let of 28 commillions, treaties, prorogations and ratifications of treaties, between Edward IV. and Peter II. and Francis II. Dukes of Britanny, from 1464 to 1476. (Lat. and Fr.) * 58. 63. Edward IV. two charters of privileges to the merchants of the Hanfe Towns. (Lat.) the firft dated Wclbn. April 7 , 1465, the lceond wanting the end. 92 . 64. Francis II. D. of Britanny, to Edward iv. thanks for a friendly mefiage, and credential in favour of Morice Gourmet. (Orig. Fr.) Nantes,- Jan. 26 , 1475. 94. 65. Francis II. D. of Britanny ; an order to the au¬ ditors of bis accounts to allow the Aim of 10,000 crowns paid by his trealurer to the S r de Richemont. (Orig. Fr.) Nantes, Nov. 22 . 1483. 95 . 66. Anfwers given to 1 8 articles of complaints ex¬ hibited on the part of Britanny, on commercial affairs; in the time of Henry VII. (Lat.) 96 . Julius, B. VII. Codex partim membr. partim chartaceus in fob min. conftans foliis 68. plater 4. membr. in fronte, & totidemad calcem. 1 . Kalendarium vetus. 1 . b. 2 . S. Ambrofius de gradibus virtutuin, libellus:—ciii etiam titulus Sca/a ccelejlis tribuitur. 8. 3. Martyrologium Ven. Bedte Prefbyteri. 12 . 4. Verfus diem pafeha? denotantes. 57 . 5 . Fefta Synodalia Norwicenfis Dicecefcos: bre- viarium nempe, pieces, et lectiones de fandtorum vitis continens. Incipit a S. Felice Epilcopo et C 011 - felfore. 58. Plagulie 8 in fronte et ad calcem tradtatus cujiif- dam pcenitentialis fragmentum continent. Julius, B. VIII. Codex membranaceus optima? nota, in fob min. conftans foliis 158. Sec. XIV. Fleta: feu Commentarius Juris Anglicani, tempore Ed ward i I. ab anonymo confcriptus.—Ex hoc codice editio Seldeiii A 0 1647. emanavit. Julius, B. IX. Codex chartaceus in fob min. conftans foliis 178 . A regifter of the commillions, grants, and letters patent palled under the great feal during the chan- eellorlhip of Tho< Goodrick bifliop of Ely, who was C made 6 JULIUS, B. X.—XII. made chancellor Dec. 22 , 1551 , A* 5 Edw. VI. and continued in that oftiee to the King's death, 1553 . With an account prefixed how the great leal was de¬ livered, and to whom, by the Lord Rich, his imme¬ diate predeceffor.—The whole written by John Wye, lecretary to that bilhop. Julius , B. X. Wanting. Julius, B. XI. Codex chartaceas in fol. min. conftans foliis 111. A repertory, or alphabetical index of the noble fa¬ milies in England whole pedigrees are to be found in the books of the heralds office in London. With a note at the beginning, containing the marks of certain of thefe books, which were given by W m Camden to S' Rich d St. George his fucceffor, and to go from Clarenceux to Clarenceux for ever: alfo of others which belonged to S' Rich * 1 St. George. At the end are two fchemes of confanguinity. Julius, B. XII. Codex partial memhr. partial chart, in fol. min. con ftans foliis 314 . i. Names of fuch as came into England with K. William the Conqueror; in circles. At the top of the page is written, in a circle, “ Margaret, daughter to Edward, right heir of England, w ife to Malcolm K. of Scotland.” With fome verfes of Litigate. 2. o. “ Les furnoms, les lynagcs de graunde, de ceux que veudrount on William le Conquerour en Eng- liter.” 3 . 3 . The ordering of a funeral for a noble perfon in Henry VUtil’s time. 5 . b. 4 . A memory of the firft progrefs of Henry VII. after his Coronation, Chriltmas, and Parliament holden at Weftminfter (i 486 ) to the northern parts of England; and of Ms reception at York. O', b. 5 . The chriftening of prince Arthur, Henry the viltil’s foil, and the ceremony then ufed. i 486 . With an account of the King's progrefs towards Newark. 19. b. 6 . A lift of 13 bannerets and 52 knights, made by Henry VII. after the battle of Newark. 27. 7. Coronation of Queen Elizabeth wife to Henry vil. (Nov. 25 , 1487 .) The names of thole who at¬ tended ; and an account of claims made by fun dry noblemen at that folemnity. 28 . 8 An account of the celebration of Chriltmas by- Henry VII. at Greenwich. 1487 . 43 . b. 9. The feaft of Ealtcr and St. George, celebrated by Henry VII. at Wind for. 1488 . 46 . 10. The feaft of Whitfunday, celebrated by Henry VII. at Wind for. 1488 . Alfo the ceremony of re¬ ceiving a cap and alword from the Pope. 49. 11. The feaft of Ealter celebrated by Henry vn. at Hertford. 1489 - with an account of the King's progrefs to the north, and of the lords who accom¬ panied him. 51. 12. The manner of the Queen’s taking to her chamber, A 0 5 Henry VII. when Hie was with chihl. 56. 13. The creation of Arthur Prince of Wales, A 0 5 Henry \ II. with other curious things as far as this year. 56 . b. 14. Inquiiitio de gubernatione militurn Templi in Anglia.—in Mcmbr. Ssec. XIV. 70. 15 . Creation of Henry D. of York, A* 10 Hem vil with the whole folemnity of it. 91. 16. Sundry grants of Edward l\. and others, bv which they confer to his brothei Richard 1 ). of Gloucester, divers manors in Cornwall and Kent, and lands and offices in other parts of England. 111. 17. Charta libertatum Honoris de Richemond, A" 24 Hen. VII. 1446 . 133. 18. The wardenlhip of the weft marches granted to Richard E. of Warwick, by Ed. IV. 137. b. 19- An art of Parliament, by which the Dukes of Clarence and Gloucefter were authorized to hold and make partition of the lands of Anne Countefs of Warwick, mother to their relpedtive wives, as if the laid Countefs had been dead. With an indenture of a partition actually made by virtue of this art, dated July 20, 14 Ed. IV. 138. b. 20. A pedigree of the Lord Vaux’s familv. 140. b. 21. Officium Vice-comitatus Cumbria;, concefl’um Ricardo duce Gloceftvia;, pro termino vita;. Eeb. 18 . 14 Ed. n . 141. b. 22. Rclaxatio mafierii de Middleham, com. Ebor. cum aliis, farta Radulplio eomiti de Weltmorlandia. 9 Hen. v. 143. 28. Ofticium Conftabularii Anglia?., conceft'iun Rio. Wydevill (Woodville) eomiti de Rivers. Aug. 24. 7 Ed w. IV. 145. 24 . Revocatio cl annullatio proceft us contra ambos Hugoncs lc Dcfpcncer, patrem et fdium; ex rotulo Pailiamcnti A 0 20 Ric. II. — Et tranferiptum judieii de iifdem, milium J ufticiariis et Baronibus An- gliiv. (G allice.) 143. 25. Feoda militurn 1 ). Radulphi de Nevil, de mancrio l'uo de Shirefhoton in comitatu Ebora- cenli. 163 . 26 . The order of the nobility in their goings and fittings (in Parliament) according to their eltates. 167. b. 27. A ffiort note relating to tlie marriage and iffue of SirW m Brandon, Knt. 167. b. 28. The Lords, as they fat in the Parliament houfe in Henry VI th’s time. 168. 29. Qiuedam brevia de cuftodia et maritagio Ric. Fenys Domini de Say, ct Georgii de Ncvill, concelfa Ric. Duci Glouceltriie, it R. Eclw. IV. 169. 30 . The marriage and iftue of Tho. Chandos, and Sir James Foulgia (Foljamber) of Walton, Knt. 169. b. 31 . Liter© patentes in quibus R. Edw. i\'. con- cedit maneria de Farley, Ileightlbury, et Tesfont, Ric. Duci Gloueeftrias. 170. 32 . lheve Efcaetori citra Trcntam directum, pro terris et tenementis Hugoni le Del’pcncer libe- randis. 172. 33 . Pars Hugonis le Defpencer ct Alionor© uxoris ejus Honoris Gloceftriie; continens maneria cum feodis ct advocationibus ecclefiarum, ct domo- ruin religiofarum. 1 73 - 34 . Extenta terrarum qua; fuerunt Rob. (dc Mellent) quondam comitis Glouceltria;, facta per Phil, de Covel et Ric. de Stapes. A" 46 Hen. III. 182. 35 . Placita inter Thomam de Rello-Campo, co- mitem de Warwick, petentem, ct Job. de Mowbray, dc Axiholme, deforciantem ; de caltro de Swenelby, et terris de Gowerflaiul in Wallia. 184 . b. 36 . Charta R. Edwardi III. Willielmo de Monte- Acuto eomiti de Sarum, et Catharinie uxori ejus, de caltro de Sherborne in comitatu Dorfet ; et de multi#" aliis maneriis in Anglia. A° It. 12 . 198. b. 37 . Charta 7 JULIUS, B. XII.—XIII. . 17 . Charta creation is Willielmi de Monte-Acuto in comitcm Salefburi®, I <2 Edw. III. quam idem Rex confinnavit. A. R. 15. 200. .'58. Claulbs of an a<5l of Parliament in favour of Alicia Countefs of Salilbury: alio the art of Parliament for the refumption of Crown Lands. 13 Edw. III. 203. 39 . An act of attainder againft Rich d and Rob' Wells, and Tho. de La Launde. 10 Edw. IV. 206. 40; An a£t of attainder againft John E. of Oxford, and Geo. and Tho. Vere. 11 Edw. IV. 206 . b. 41; Ail aft for the exchange of the caftle and manor of Elwell, for the caftle and manor of Ugniore, both in Wales, between Edward IV. and Richard D. of Gloucefter. 207 . 42. Letter of pardon, or rather a grant to Rich d D. of Gloucefter and Anne his wife. 209 . 43. Actus Parliament! pro maneriis de Chefterfield, Scarfdale, Buthey, Cottingham, et villa de Scard- burgh. 12 Edw. IV. Per infpeximus, d. 8 Martii A 0 ltegni 15. 211 . b. 44. Inquifitio foreft® de Inglewood in Com. Cum- brite. 56 Hen. III. 215 . 45 Charta Regis Henrici III. de Eorefta: per in¬ fpeximus Edw. l. — Item perambulatio foreft® dc Inglewood, A 0 R. 29 . 221 . 46. Literie Ilicardi Ducis Glouceftri®, in quibus Robertus Portington conltituitur ejus attorn a- tus. 227 . 47 . The defeent of the family of the Sey¬ mours. 227 . b. 48. Liter® patentes R. Edwardi IV. pro finibus et feodis non folvendis. 229 . 49 . Feoffamenta terrarum Elizabeth® comitifl® Oxon. traditarum llic. Duci Glouceftri®. 12 Edw. IV. 230. 50. Chart® ad terras domini de Hungerford fpec- tantes 232. b. 51. The reftitution in blood of Richard E. of Cam¬ bridge, and of Alice Countefs of Salilbury. 1 Edw. iv. An infpeximus. 240 . 52 . Finalis concordia de maneriis de Midleham et Shirefhoton, facta per Jacobum Ratcliff mi litem, et Catharinam uxorem ejus. 20 . Edw. IV. 244 . b. 53. Finalis concordia inter Johannem Pylkington et alios querentes, et Radulphum Nevil et Ifa- bellain uxorem ejus deforciantes, de maneriis pra> dictis. ' 246. b. 54. Notes concerning the family of Fitz-Wil- liarn. 047. 55. Fragmentum Chart® R. Edw. IV. de mancrio de Skipton in Com. Ebon 248 . 56. Conceffio caftriet maneriide Chirk et Chirke- land, infra Marchias Walli®, et de Wilmington in Cantio, Gulielmo Stanley militi. 15 Edw. iv. 249 . 57 . Conceflio Skiptoni® in Craven Ricardo Duci Glouceftri®. 15 Edw. IV. 253. 58. Notes concerning the families of Charlton and Bourchier. 255. b. 59 . Notes concerning the defeents, 1 . of Margaret Dfs. of Norfolk, daughter of Sir Tho. Brotherton, i from King Ethelbrighl; 2 . of Henry 1 . from Rollo 1). of Normandy; 3 . of the Countefs of Ormond and Lady St John, from Edmund E. of Lancaller; and, 4 . of Sir John Poulett, from Philip K. of Franc ei 257 . 60 . -Valor reddituum comitis Iliclimondi®. A* 1309- 257 • b. 61 . Inquifitio poft mortem de terris Baronis Roos. 26 Edw. III. 258. b. 62 Inquifitio poll, mortem de terris Johannis du¬ cis Britaimi® et comitis Iliclimondi®. 15 Edw. III. 259 . 63. Inquifitio poft mortem de officio peffageri® dc SouthamptOna, facta Thom® de Bello-Campo comiti Warwick. 2 llic. II. 263. 64 . Inc|uifitiones quitique de terris Johannis Nevill militis de Rah}'. 12 . llic; II. 265. 65. Infpeximus Regis Henrici. . . Chart® Edw. in. de caftro ile Shyrburn aliifque pofleftionibus, Will, de Monte-Acuto comiti Sarum, et Catherin® uxori ejus, conceli®. (Fragmentum.) 268. 66. Inquifitio poft mortem de terris Radulphi comitis Weltmorlandi®. 4 . Hen, VI. 272. 67 . Inquifitiones poft mortem de terris Joann® comitilf® Weftmorlandi®. 19- Hen. vi. 278 . b. 68. Inquifitio de terris Rob. de Hungerford, de alta proditione attinefi. 13 Edw. VI. 294 . b. 69 . Inquifitio dc terris Radulphi comitis Weft¬ morlandi®. 4 Hen. VI. 298 . b. 70 . Inquifitio de terris Henrici Beauford Ducis Somerfet, dc alta proditione attincti. 8 . Edw. IV. 300 . 71 . Inquifitiones poft mortem de terris Walteri de Hungerford. 13 et 18 Edw.. IV. et Margarit® domin® Bctreaux, uxoris Robcrti de Hungerford. ] 8 Edw. IV. 300. b. 72 . The defeent of the family of Savile : two ar¬ ticles; the latter with a note in the hand of Dr. N. Jcfhnftone. i679» 366 et 307- 73. Fees belonging to the Jufticc, Steward, &c. of the foreft of Galteres. 306. b. 74. Breve de feire facias, circa feodum 5o£. ad Edmundum comitem Canti® pertinentem. 21 Edw. III. 307 . b. 75. Commiflio Regis Edwardi IV. Ricardo Duci Glouceftri® ; lit fit locumtenens ejus generalis in ex- peditione contra Scotos. A° R. 22 . 308. 76 . Notes concerning the families of Lacey, Fitz- William, Hugh de Alboniaco, Tatelhall, &c. 308. b 77- Commiflio R. Henrici VI. ad audiendum et determinandum de diverfis proditionibus, &c. in Com. Eborac. Northumbr. Cumberl. et Weft- morland. 316. 78. Petition of Anne Countefs of Warwick to the Commons in Parliament, concerning the inheritance of the Earldom of Warwick. 3 17 . 79 Petition of Richard D. of Gloucefter, and Elizabeth countefs of Oxford, to W m Gray Bp. of Ely, L d Treasurer: with the anfwer of the laid Bilhop, about certain lands: and a mutilated record in latin concerning the fame. SI’S* Julius, IT XIII. Codex membranaceus in 4to. major!, conftans foliis 1 73. 1 . Roger! Walden Epifc. Londin. Hiftoria, ab orbe condito, tabulis chronologicis digefta; cum ferie Romanorum pontificum ad Honorium, et inde imperatorum Romanorum a Juliu C®lare ad Johannem Prophv rogeu it um. 2 . Alius s JULIUS, C. I.—II. 2 . Alius ijulex Imperatoruin et Pontificum, a nati- vitatc ad Innocentium Papain III. 28 . 3 Alius index chronologicus, a Chrifto nato ad Annum 249. 41 . 4. Silvert. Oii'aldi Cambrenfis liber, de principis inftrnctione, in trcs difrinctiones, ut appellat auctor, diviftis. Pars prior plane ethica eft, in qua tamen niulta interferuntur de Romanis imperatoribus. In duabus ultimis diitinftionibus agit de regibus Angliie. et praTertim de geftis R. Ilenriei II. in quern, aliofque e Normanica profapia prineipcs, fat.vricc inveliitur. 48 . Julius , C. T. Codex chartaceus in fob min. conftans foliis 184 . manu, ut fertur, propria Caindeni fori plus. 1. Epitome libri cenfualis, vidgo Doomfday- book, in feaccario refervati, et A° I). 1086 feripti. - Iudicula comitatuum proferuntur in elencho couten- torum, ct porro etiam ad caleem, ordine alphabe- tico. 3 . 2. Sylloge inquifitionum captarum tempore R. F.dwardi I. in plerifque Anglia’ eomitalibus. Nomina eorum qui feoda militaria tenent, illie potiflimum et fpeciatim reccnfentur, et maneria etiam a D. Rege tenta. (Aliud exemplar eft Jul. C. VII. l. ubi liabe- tur index, fol. 98 .) 107. b. Julius, C. If. Codex chartaceus in fol. min. conftans foliis 34 S. 1. Nomina eorum qui tenent feoda militaria in Com. Cant, ct de quibus ipfi tenent: e libro feodo- nun in lcaccario aiTervato, excerpta. 1. 2. Placita de jure et afiifis in com. Cantii A* 6 Edw. ik ip. 3 . Excerpta ex libro feodorum militum in comi- tatibus Nottinghamian et Derbiie, temp. Edw. 1. 82. 4. Excerpta quaxlam hiftoriea de regibus Sax- onieis et Anglis, ex Ailiedo Rievallenii, . Excerpta per Francifcum Tate ex libro cui tit ulus, Textus de Eceleiia Roftenti, per Ernulphum Epifcopum. (Saxon.) Speciatim enim continct hie libellus, ordine priepoftero compadtus. (a.) Leges jEthelberti regis Cantite. 49. (b.) Leges Withrardi Cantiie regis. 50. (c.) Appendix qui additur in fine legum Inre regis. “ . 58 . b. (d.) Cap. deferro candente et aqua. 53. b. • (e.) Qua’dam ex legibus Athelftani. Co. b. (f.) Leges Hlotharii et Eadriei Canti* re- gum. 61. (g.) J Liramentorum formula?. 64 . (h.) QuEedam de Godwin© Epifcopo Roftenti. 66. (i.) Donatio terrarum in Fracenham, Lanfranco Arehiepifcopo, per Willielmum regem. Aliteque donationes decimarum. 66. b. 6. Excerpta ex libro antiquo de legibus. regnante E1 1 ieIdledo, Williclmo, See. aliifque regibusSaxonicis. Liber ifte antiquus A. D. 1580 , fuit peculium Job. Joeelini; et dcmuni A. 1 ). i0o:5, in maims venit D. Rob. Cotton: nunc enim inferibitur Nero A. r. 69. 7. Leges cujufdam regis, exeodem libello excerpt*. (Saxon.) 76. b 8 . Gcnealogia regum Anglorum, ab Adamo ad Ed ward um .Ethclrcdi iilium. Saxonice—E Textu Roftenti. -y. b. 9. Excerpta ex legibus Merciorum. Et leges (Hi- jufdam regis Saxonici. "73. b. 10. yEtbelredi et Wilhelnii region, Leges. E Textu Rolfenti (Saxon.) ~ 30. b. 11. Judieia Ciyitatis Lundonite E Textu Roff. (Saxon.) 84. b. 12. Decretiun Epifcoporum et aliorum fapientum de Cantia, de pace obfervanda. E Textu, ut videtur, Roftenti. 93. b. 1.1. Confuetudines regni Anglia': ubi qua'dam de ordalio; incantatione de rccuperanda re fufto ablata ; See. -E Tex. Rolf. 93 it. Be leobe gcpingSum 7 laje. (Saxon, et Lat.) E Tex. ut videtur, Roff. 93. 15 . Excerpta qua'dam ex libro magiitri If. Bryeri, ante Pfalraos Davidis Saxonice et Latine leriptos.— (Saxon.) 99. b. 16. Leg-urn quarundam In a?, Aluredi, Eadwardi, JEthelftani, Eadgari, .Etbelredi, Camiti.WilhclmiCon- queftoris, Eadwardi Confelforis, &e. vertio Lat. 101. 17. Excerpta ex Florentio Wigornienti. 117. 18. Extracts from the regifters of Fountain Abbey in \ orklhire, relating to its foundation, and other matters belonging thereto. 12 5 . 19. Index Archiepifeoporum Cantuarienfium, ab Auguftino Monaeho, ad Card. Polum: quo tempore et a quibus erant confecrati, et quot aniiis fede- bant 130. 20. Hiftoria Anglicana, beroico carmine confcripta: auetore Joanne Ilerdo M. 1 ). inferipta 1 ). Gill. Gecilio.-— Continet autenr Regna If. If. Edw. iv. et v. Rie. ill. et Hen. ill.—Incip. “ Ed ward i quarti eano niulta et lubrica bella.” Pnemittuntur verfus quamplurimi in auctoris laudem. 136. 21. Confeflion of Edmond Earl of Kent, about bis reftoring his brother Edw. II. 302. 22. A letter of John Stratford A bp. of Canter¬ bury, tent to K. Edw. III. about his obftructing the railing of taxes and fubtidies, &c. 184 1 ; with his exeufe or defence againft feveral articles, and the answer to it. 802. b. 23 . A letter of Edward III. to the Bifliops, againft the above Abp. Stratford. March 8 1. 309. b. 24 . Excerpta ex Rotulis Juliieiariorum de inquiti- tionibus fa 6 tis Icmporibus R. If. Edw. l. et II. 812 . 25 . Excerpta qua’dam de Epilcopis Dunelmentibus. (Lat. cum verlione Anglica.) 315. 26. Rentaie Prioratus de Sbene 24 lien, till. 319. 27. A lilt of the lands of the Abbot of Lefing in Gamlinguy, Cambridgeljiire. 32 . 6 . 28. A brief of the grants made by Richard I. and Hen. ill. to the Prior of Huntingdon. 326 . b. 29. Carmina Rodulpho Imperatori inferipta, per collegium Pragenle lbcietatis Jefu. 32 s. 30 . Vcifus in ftatuam cqueftrem Henrici magni (IN’. I’r. Reg.) per J. Gulp. Gevurrum. ssi. 31 . Chart* de Xcwnhain in Com. Oxonienfi, fe. de tenis monaft. Abcndoo- pertineutibus. 335 . Julius, 9 ■JW>41- -y) JULIUS, C. III. Julius, C. III. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 20 7 . A Collection of 328 original Letters to Sir Robert Cotton.—The Writers Names are as follow: Jo. Walts, 2 letters - 1 . Ig. Tallakam - - 1616 . b. Dick James - - John Dee - 1595. 1 1. Tho. Bod ley - - - ib. If. Savile - - - - - - 12 . John Dee - 1596. 12 . b. Ol’wald Dykes - 1599- 13. -Davis - - - 14. Wm. Camden - - - - 14 . b. H. Holland, 3 letters - 15 . Edw. Hoby - - - - - 16 . J. Florio - 1604. ib. Olyv. Saint-John? 1604. 17 . Eman. Demetrius, . 3 letters 18. Abr. van Gorle - - - - 20. IT. Sole - - - - 1 GO l. 20. b. Wm. Camden - - - ib. - Donne - - 1601. 21. b. Ja. Mountagu - - 1601. 22. Mary Wingfelde - 1 GO 1. 22. b. Em. Demetrius - 1002. 23. Walter Hawkefworth - 24. Ric. Late-warr 1593. 24. b. Jo. Conit - - - 160S. 25, Oliv. Saint-John 1604 25. b. Ofw. Dykes - - 1603. 26. Steph. Sefieur? - 1 G 02 . 07 . Jo. Pory - - - - - - 28. r i ho. ^lilies - - 1004. 29 . b. Er. Bacon - 1Q04. 30. R. Carew 1 Go 5 . 30. b. T. Ellefmere, Cane. 1605. 31. Pet. Riddell - 1605. 31. b. Jo. Davy? - 1605. 32. Fr. Sweertius 1605. S 2 . b. Cath. Clifton ? - - 32. b. G. Brce - 1605. 33. Walt. Cope - W 33. b. Wm. Rulfell - - - - 33. b. Jo. Pory - - - - _ . - 34. Ja. Mountagu 1606 . 36. Olyv. Saint-John? - - . - 37. --- - - - . - 38. Tho. Petriburg I - 1G08. 39 . Walt. Cope - - 39. b. Bedford - - 1607. 39 . b. Wm. Howard 1608. 40. Car 5 Della Faille - 1008. 40. b. Wm. (Cotton) Exon. 1 GO 8 . 41 ■--Mountagu, 2 letters 1 608 41 . Wm. Dethick 1608. 42. Tho. Chaloner, 3 letters, - 44. Tho. Milles - - 1G09- 45. Hum. Mildmay - 4609. 45. b. Lard. Cotton 1609. 46. ' Rich" Verftegan - 1609. 47- G. Levceftere 1609 . 47 . b. W. Crafh awe - - 1609 . 48. Ric. Connock 1609. 49- Wm. Twker? 1609 . 49. b. Ric. Knolles 1609- 50. W. Crafliawe IG 09 . 50. Wm. Woodwarde - - 50. b. Wm. (Barlow) Lincoln. 1609 . 51. Jo. Doddridge, 3 letters - 52. Ja. Whitelocke - - - - 54. Arth. Agarde - - - - 54. b. -(Fragment) - - 55 . Jo. Doddridge - - - - 58. Tho. Crompton - - - - 59- Tho Spar reus - - - 60 . Ant. Mildmay - - 61 . b. - Bell - - - Humphry Winch. - .- - 62 . Jo. Holies - - - - - 62. b. Hum. "Winch. - - - - 63. J 0 . Haryngton - - - - 64. Jo Speed, 2 letters. - 65. Lane. Nevill - - - - - 66. Mary Chaworth - - - 66. b. Lucia C’heftcr - - - 67. -Mountagu - - - 67. b. Fuik G levy 11 - - - - 67 . b. Jo. Speed, 3 letters - - - 68. Rob. Barker, 2 letters - Go. 1> Rob. Kirkman 1610 . 71 . Fr. Bacon 1G10. 71.b. 01. St. John, 2 letters 1 6' 10 . 72 . Privy Council - 1610 . 73 . Edm. Bolton.74. 01. St. John - - - - 74 , b. J ul. Cffifar, et Hog. A ft on} 1610. - - - - - -5 7 ' ; - Walt. Ormonde, 2 letters 75. b. Rich. Mountagu - . . 76 . 1) -Mountagu - * _ - 77. —— Mountagu - - - 77. b. Lard. Pulvcv? - 1G11. 78. Ro. Bowyer - - 1611. 79. G. Carew, 4 letters - - 80. H. Savile - - - 1611. 81. John_all ■ 1611. 82 Jo. Porv - 1G11. Edw. Mountagu 1611. 84. b T. Gifbourne ----- 85- Rich. Connock - - - 85. b. Jof. Walter - - - - - 86 . W. Alton, and 4 more - 8 G. b W. Twifdcn - - - - - 37 . Tho. Wilfon - - - - 87 . b. W. Lincoln, and 3 more 1612 . 88 . R. Deury 1612 . 89- Rob. Scott - - - ^ - 90. Jo. Bradfhaw - - . _ 90. b. J. Pory - - - 1612. 91. N. Ch. Lane after - 1612. 92. R. Dfiury - - - 1612. 93. 01. St. John - - - 93. b. Edw. Coke, 2 letters - 94. Jo. Cutts - - 94. b. Edm. Bolton - - - 95. Perciv; Harte - - - _ 93. b. Edm. Bolton - - 1612. 96. Oliv. St. John 1612 96 . b. •-Brown - - - - - 97- -Fra. Tate - - 97. b. Tho. Brudenell - . _ - 98. Bafil Brooke 1613. 9U. b. , W. C. - - - - -Wm. Camden, 4 letters - 99- b. Bapt. Hiekes - - - - 101 . Ed. Nod - - - - - 101. b. Arth. Capell 1613. 102. N. C. Lancafter - 1613. 102. b. Arth. Capell 1613. 103. ■ Fra. Tate 1613. 103. b. Ri. Chetwode - 1013. 104. N. C. Lancafter - 1613. 104. b. Jafp. Grffyth - 1613. 105. R. Drury 1013. 106. J. Cromwell - - - * IOG. b. Barbara Crompton - . . • 107. J 0 . Dackombe, 2 1613. - - - letters! 107. b. F. Arundell - - - - - ■ 108. Rog. Owen - -* i. - 168 . b. Tho Bearde 1614. iog. Tho. Sparke 1614. 109 . b. -Otlington? 1614. iog. b. E. Frene." 1614. 110. Jo. Peyton - - 1014. 110 . -Donnes - - - 1 10 . b. Fr. Morgan - 1614. 111 . Wm. Salifbuty .. _ 1 1 1 . b. Ant. Foreft - - - - . i 12 . F. Arundell - - . . 112 . b. Th. Howard - - . . 113, I) : /Vi JM* C°f. JuIom F.'/iVi.. '•) 10 — Ory? - - 1613. 1 13. b. Wm. Bolde - - 1615. 1 14. -- Ory? - - 161 5, 1 15. Geo. Margitts - 161.3. 1 13. b. Adam Reuter - 1615. 1 16. J. Selden, 2 letters i 1 16 . Wm. Lylle - - - 116 . b. E. B. - - - - - 1 17- Rich. Spicer - - - - 117. b. Ger. Malyncs - 1617- 118. Ric. Verliegan - 1617. 119. -Peirel’c - - - - 120 . . - - - - 121 . J. Selden - - - 122 . Ric. Mountagu, 2 letters 122 . Peirefe, 3 letters 1617 . 122 *. Aubigny, and St.John 16 19 . 12 . 3 . -Maundcville - - 1 2.5. b. Jo. Cuerarde - - - - 125. b. AV r alt. Ormonde - - - - 126. Geo. Calvert - - - - 126. -Knvveton - - - 126. b. —— Maundcville - - - 127. Elila? Hatton - - 127 . b. G. Buc - - - 1620. 128. Geo. Calvert 1621. 130. R. Warwick 1621. 130. F. Arundell 1621. 130. b. -Knyvetoa ■ - - 131. Gilb. Gerard 1620. 131. b. Hen. Elfynge - - - - 132. Jo. Cuerarde - - . . 132. 1). Jo. Benet - 1621. 133. Er. Michell - - 1621. 133 b. Wm. Bolde - - 1621. 134. Colaywarde? 1621. 135. Jo. Williams, Lincoln. F.le&.i 1621 - - - Oliv. Robinfon - 1621. 135. b. Fra. Ruflell - - 1621, 136. Ch. Corn wales - 1621. 136. b. Nic. Saunder - 1621. 137- J. Cranfeildc? and R. Wef -) ton 1621 . - - - V"- R. Mainwaring - 1621. 137 . b. Fra. Kuffell - - 1621 . 138. : J. Falkland - W. Howard Jo. Benett - Tho. Colton Tho. Coventry j o. Legate - W. Lylle - Tho. Phelippe, e letters and) f a paper Edra. Lairdls - id'll. Jo. Borough, ■? letters 1622. Ja. Midenlis - - - - - Leycefter - - 1622. ud re - - - - 170 . b. Jo. (V illiams) Lincoln. 1627 . 171 . J. Goodere - - - - 171 . h. F. Clifford (L d ) - - - 172 . W. Knollis, E. of Banbury - 173 . J. Eliot, 2 letters Sam. Turner - - 17 . 5 . Manchcfter (II. Mountagu) 17 . 5 . Marleburgh (Ja. Ley) W. Lytle'- - - - - - 177 Jo. Barkham, 2 letters - A T. ------ Pr. Michell, 3 lette 1 626 . -Tho. Wilfon - - 1628. 181. Tho. James*'- - 1628. 183. F. Lcander de S. Martino 183. b. J. Eliot - - - J. Bridgewater - - - IS4. b. J. Scudaraoi 1 628. 185. Wm. Nape? - - 1628. 185. J. (Ulher) Armach. 1628. 185. 1). Ro. Phelippe - - - 186- Hen. Dighv - - - - 186. b. Aug. Baker - - 1629. 187- E. Devon - 1 62 . 0 . 1 83. J. Selden - - 1629. 188 b. Jo. Lambc - 1 629. ISO. Ja. Ware 1629. 189. b. Ric. Smyth - - 1629. RO. Edw. Dering 1630. 191. J. Bourdclot, 2 lett . 1630. 192 . -Chaworth - 1630. 193. 'Ric. James - - - 193. b. Sy. Archer - - 1630. 194. P. Dupuy - 1630. 195- W. La ile 1680. 196. G. Carew, 3 letters - - 197. J. Calus - - - 197. b- G. Carew - - - 198. Ja. Ware 1627. 19' • W. Lylle - - - - - - 201 . Edw. Ayfcoglie - - - - 202. Ric. James - - - 20S. 3. Cities, towns, cattles, and houfes-fortified ; a lift of the cattles in England and Wales. iy. 4. Railing of forces at the coi.ntiy *s charge. 23 . 3 . Attendance in war on the Kings perlbn due by¬ tenure. 32 . 6. Provitton for war: ex libro Doomfday. 44. 7 . Mutters and ibldiers. 32 . 8. Mifdemeanors ofotticers 82 . 9 . Survey of armour and weapons, carriages and I other provifions for the war. 90 . 10 . Providing of iliips and barges, for the defence >f the ltatc, and foreign expeditions. 102 . 11 . Defence agaiutt invation ; and fea coalt guard- n g- " 138. 12 . Defence It JULIUS, 12 / Defence of the ftate. 15S. 1 3. Supprefling of pyrates. l 97 . 14. Victuals for the war. 208 . 1.5. Proviflon of money for the war, by fcutage, hydage, tallage, free-gift, loan, or the like. 217 . 1 o’. Proviflon of victuals for the war. 231. 17 . Wages for the war. 2.5 1 . 18 . Wages of military men both by fea and land. ’ ' 203. if). Service by indenture both at fea and land. Here is inferted a roll of the retinue of Lionel E. of UHter, Lieutenant in Ireland, with their wages, 30 Edw. ill. and a roll for the retinue for Acquitain, 37 Edw. III. likewile with their wages. 271 . 20 . Officiarii belli; foil, locumtenentes, thefaurarii, &c. with commit!ions for lieutenancy, &c. 29 s. 21 . Ordinances for the wav. 330 . 22 . Foreign expeditions. 342. 23. Protections for pcrfons in his Majefty’s ferviee. C. IV. V. Several originals arc here inferted addrefi'ed to the Lord Privy Seal. 354 . 24 . Confederations with foreign princes for mutual •lid. 302. 25. Aiding of foreign princes. £69. 26 . Strangers retained by fee or wages in the King's wars. 3 72 . 27 . Safe- conducts. 3 go. 28 . Not to aid the King’s enemies. 388. 29 . Not to trade with the King's enemies. 394, 30. Staying of paflengers. 398 . 31. Delivery of prifoners. 406 . 32 . Repairing of wrongs. 414. S 3 . Letters of reprifal. 418 . 34 . Arrcfting of goods for fatisfadtion. 424 . 35 . Truces. 428 . X. B. Several antient records on vellum are in¬ ferted under the above heads. Julius, C. V. Codex chartaceus in folio—con flans foliis 233 . A Collection of original Letters to William Camden, with hisAnfwers to many of them,—Thefe (fome few excepted) were publifhed in the Year 1691 , by Dr. Tho. Smith, but not in the order in which they appear in this MS. whence the following lilt of the writers names v'as deemed requilite. The whole Collection conflfls of 312 Articles. Ger. Mercator - - I 579 . l. Jo. Beaumont - - 1578 . l. b. Ab. Ortelius - - 1579 . 2. Th. Savile, 5 letters 1580. 2 . b. LagoChriflianusDanus 1580. 4. b. Gul. Camden - - 1580. 4. * Th. Savile, 5 letters - - - 5. ■- Hotmail - - 1582. 6. b. Th. Savile, 3 letters 1582. 7. b. Ab. Ortelius - - 1584 . 8. b. Wm. Lambardc - 1585. 9. J. Lipflus - - - 1586. 10. Guil. Aiiibaflcr, verfes - - 10 . Ortelius, 2 letters, the fir ft} a fragment 1588. - -$ 10. b. Hen. Blaxton - 1.588. 1 1 . b. Calp. Peueer, R. Rcineccio) Janus Doufa - _ 13. b. Ja. Savile - - - 1589. 14. Ab. Ortelius - - 1589- 15. Janus Gr uterus, 2 lett. 1589. 15. b. Th. Savile - - - 1590. 16 . b. Jan. Grutcrus - 1590. 17- b. Joa. Jon A onus - 1590. 18. And. Velleius - 1596. 1 S. b. Jan. Grutcrus - 1590. 19. pramittitur carmen non edit. Tho. Savile - - - _ . 19. b. Hen. Blaxton 1590. 20. Ab. Ortelius - - 1591. 20. b. Jan. Doufa, cum epigram.} 1591 . - John Dee - - - 1592 . 21 . Paul Merula - - 1592 . 21. b. Jo. Cafus - 1592. 22. Jan. Gr uterus 1592 . 22. b. Jo. Whitegift, Archiep .} 22. b. Cantuar. 1592. - A Dav. Chytrams - 1593. 23. Cur. Utenhovii, carmen 1 . 592 . 24. Tob. Matthew - 1594. 24. b. J of. Scaliger, carmina arnca) ct latina - - ' - . •f ^ Joa. Stradlingus - 1594. 26. Numm. 6 Romano; r. delin. 27 . Paul Merula - - 1595. 27. b. Jac. Aug. Thuanus 1595. 28. Joa. Stanleius 1594. 29. Jan. Gruterus - - - - 29 . b. Ric. Thomfon 1594. 30. Pancr. Caflricomius 1.597. 30. b. Fab. v. Rotwil? - 1599? 31. Paul Merula - - 1598. 32. Ri. Carew - * - 1606. 33. Jo. Jonfton - - 1606. 3S. b. G. Camden. Fr. Swertio 1606 . 34. Excerpta et deliderata - 34. b. J. A. Thuanus 1606. 35. James Uflsher 1606. 37- Nic. Rofcarroek - 1607. 41. G. Camden, Hen. Wottono) 1606. 42. Will. Becher, 3 letters 1607. 43 . Rich. Parker - - 16O8. 45. Jo. Jonlton - - 16O8. 4 . 5 . b. N. F. de Petrifco (Peireff.)i 1608..I 4f> - Conr. Labbffius - - - - 49 . J. Hotmail - - 16 O 8 . 49 . b. W. Becher - - 1608 . 50 . J. J. Pontanus - 1607 51 . Excerpta de infigniis quibufd. 52 Geo. Carleton - - - - 53 . G. Camden, Hotm; anno 1608. 57, Fr. (Godwvn) Bp. of Lan- | 57 . b. daff 1608 . - -j Ph. Holland - - 1609 . 58, J. Jonfton 1609, 58. b. W. Becher - 1609. 59. Cafp. DornaviiiS - 1608. 60, If. Cafaubonus - 1609. 60. b. Chrift. Heydon - 1610. 61 . Jan. Grutcrus 161 0 . 61. b- Ch. Ileydon - 1610. 62 * T. Rivius - - . . _ 62 . b. Dud. Carleton 1611 . 63. 11. Cafaubori . - _ 63. b. Ric. Parker - - 1611 . 64, Jan. Grutcrus, 2 1611 . - - - letters 1 - -J 64. b. Cl. Jolaert - - 1612, 65. b. Nath. Harris - 1612, 66. Jan. Rutgerfius - 1610, 66. b. Sammerthanus, de familia } 67. com. BricnnsE . . Jan. Grutcrus 1613. 72. b G. Camden, ad N. N. - - 73. Jan. Grutcrus 1613. 73. b. M. F. JULIUS, C. V. 1 2 M. F. Limerius 1G14. 74. .To. Hotman 1 6 17 . 128. Fr. Sweertius 1619 . 181. J. Beaulieu - 1614. 75. E. Bolton 1 6 17 . 128. b. And. Schottus - nil 9 . 181. b. Jan. Gruterus 1G12. 75. i). Tlieod. Godefroy 1617. 129- Tii Allen - - 1619 . 181. b. F. Sweertius - 1G14. 75. 1). Jan. Gruterus - 1617. 130. Hen. Spclman - 1619 . 182. .la. U(slier 1 G14. 76. Jae. Gothofredus 1G1 7. 130. b. ! P. Puteanus 16 19 . 1 82. b. J. A. Thuanus 1613. 77. Jan. Gruterus, cum earmi-7 , , -Peirefc - - 1619 . 185. -Hotman - - - 78. mbits 1617- - - - -j Edw. Foxc - - J. Beaulieu - 1614. 78. b. II. Ik (Herd.. Fu>:‘wc\ dus ) 131. b. -Peirefc. 2 letters 1619 . 186 . M. F. Limerius - 1614. 79- -— Hotman 1617. 132. X. X. - - - 1 OI 9 . 1'. Sweertius - - 1614. 79- b. P. Puteanus 1617. 182. -Peirefc 1619 . Jan. Gruterus 1 6 1 4. 80. J. Gafp. Gevartius I 6 1 8. 133. M. F. Limerius - 1620. Infcription (Fun Livre 80. 1). •-Peirefc 161S. 134. Her. Bignonius 1620. 190 . b. Adr. de Aricbeke - S 1. b. Jan. Gruterus - 1618. 1 35. b. M. F. Limerius - 1 620. J. Beaulieu - 1615. S2. -Peirefc - - 1 61 8. 136. P. Puteanus 1 620 . 1 9 i • b. Ed. Ceuyll - - 1G15. 82. b. -Hotman - l6l 8. 137- b. 1 lid. Lindenbopr l6'20. 192. Cafp. DornaVius 1615. 83. -Peirefc - - 158. — Peirefc, 2 letters 1020 . 193 . A. S. Velleius 1615. 83. b. M. F. Limerius - 16 18. 139. b. .M. F. Limerius - 1620 . Goth. Voegelinus - - - 84. Pet. Puteanus - 1618. 140. And. Schottus - 1620. 195. b. Charta Memorialis - 84. b. M. F. Limerius - 1618. 141. Jo. Chamberlain 1620. 196. Ja. Gruterus - - 1615. 84. b. J. Jonitonus 161 8. 141. b. Jan. Gruterus - 1620. 106. b. J. A. Thuanus 1G15. 85. II. Cafaubonus - 1618. 142. Ito. To union, Bp. of Surum, j Carmen ad Liburnos Italia; 86. \\ ill. Becher 161 8. 142. b. 1620. - - - M. F. Limerius, 5 lett. Hi 1.5. 88. 1 M. F. Limerius - 1618. 143. Fr. Godwin, Bp. oflleref.) 197. b. J. B. ITim. Baverus, 2 let -} - .1 oa. Budden 1618. 143. b. 1 Geo. - - -3 1615. - - - - - -Peirefc 1618. 144. Fr. S ft eertius 1 G20. 187. b. J. Beaulieu - - 1615. 92. F.dw. Fox - - - 145. b. Ja. Maitland 1620. 198. Adr. de Aricbeke ? 1G15. 92. b. J. B. Urs. Bayer 1618. 146. Tho. Allan - - 1621. 189. b. .Tac. Gothofredus, 2 lett. 161 G. 95. . - - - - 147- b. Xic. de 'i hoiiars 1621. 200. Fr. Sweertius. 2 lett. lGUi 95. J. B. Urs. Bayer - - - 148. Hen. Savile - - 1621. 201. Ja. Gruterus - I6l6. 95. b. -Peirefc 1618. 149- Memorandum - - 202. b. Chrift. Heydon - 1616. 96. P. Puteanus 1618. 151. In mortem Tiniani. carmen 203. Ja. Gruterus - - 1G1G. 90. b. A. Schottus - - 1618. 1.52. ( enotaph. Marcb.Anchoritani, per M. F. Limerius - 161G. 97- Jo. Jumcrius 1608. 153. X.Grotium. 1 Jugonistralrcm 204 . Pet. Fradelius 161 G. 07. li- Ereptorum fafciculus 161 s. 1 . 54 . Adr. de Aricbeke - - 204. b. ! rid. Lindenberg 161 G. 98. J. A. Thuanus - 1608. 160. Hen Savile - - 1621. 205. b. Fr. Sweertius 161G. 98. b. -Peirefc, 2 lett. 161 s. 162. Nic. de Ihouars 1621. 206. M. F. Limerius, 2 lett. 1 G 16 . 99. ('rift, de Neux - 1618. 164. b. Coll.B. Mar. W’inton. Oxon.") Q J. Hotman - - 1616. 100 . b. M. F. Limerius - - - - 165. 1621 . - - - -5 M. F. Limerius - 1616. 101 . Fr. Sweertius, 2 lett. 1618 . 165. b. -Peirefc, 2 letters 1622 . 203. E. - - - - 1 6 1 6. 101 . b. P. Puteanus - - 1618. 166 . H . Peirs - - - 1622 . 210 b. J. B. Uis. Baverus i6n : . 102 . -Peirefc 161 s. 10(5. b. And. Schottus - 1618. 21 1. Hen. Savile - 1617. 102 . b. M. F. Limerius 1 618. 167. Pen rs 1622 21 l.b. Jae. Gothofredus 16 17. 103. -—- Peirefc 1618. 168. Degorauis Whear 1622. 212. b. Hen. Savile - - 1617. 104. Ri. Hotkyns 1618. 169 . b. -P< : : fc, 2 1 liters 1 622. J 1 J. Gothofredus - 161 7. 10,5. Hen. Bourgchier 1618. 170 . W. Peirs - - 1622. 2 15. b. Theod. (iothofredus l (i 17 . 105. b. -Peirefc 16 1S. 170 . b. Coll. A‘A. Chrilti - - 216. M. F. Limerius - 1617 . . 106. -Hotman 16 1 7 . 171. It. Sweertius 1623. 2 16. b. Miles (Smith) Bp. of GlouO P. Puteanus 1618. 172 . l)eg. W hear, 4 lett. 1622 . 216. b. ceft. 1617 . - - - S Jo. Budden - - 161 8. 172 . b. Aiulr. Seliott 1 , !• nitres 1G18. sis. J. Hotman - - 1 G 1 7- 107 . b. Dan. Molvneux 1619. 1 75. vT. Rvves - - - 218. b. Era. Cottington - 1617 . 108. Jan. Gruterus - 161 9 . 171 . b. ■Bryan 1 wyim - 1622. 219 . b. Pet. Paul. Rubens, Sweertic 109- Will. Bofwcll - 1619. 174. Lucas lorrius - 1623. 220. M. F. Limerius, 2 lett. 1 G 19 | 110. Hen. Spclman - 1619. 174. b. Sam. Fell - - - - 220. b. & 17. - - - Hen. Bourgchier 16 10. 1 75. Luc. lorrius 1623. 221- - Peirefc - 1617- 1 12. P. Puteanus - - 1619. 175. b. M m. Beehcr, 4 lett. with mem. 222 . Theod. Godefroy 1617. 114. b. M. F. Limerius - 1619. 1 76 . Phylare’iauis Angl IS - 226. Carmina de Virgine - - 115 . b. P. Puteanus - - 1619. 1 76. b. Win. Becher - - 229- - Peirefc 1617. 1 17. - Peirefc - - 16 19 . 177. Xote on Roman coins - 230. Excerpta ex X. Berger 120. Tho. Brudcnell - 1619. 1 78. b. W alter ( Irmonde - - 230. \V. Bee her - - 1617. 123. Scan-, et Led. de S. Marthe) G. Camden - - - - 230. b. - Peirefc 1617. 124. 161 . 9 . - - - -r 7 * V m. Becher - . 231. Pet. Puteanus - 1617- 124. b. M. F. Limerius - 1619. 1 79- b. Cafp. Pilorius, carmen. 232. M. F. Limerius - 1617. 125. Jan. Gruterus - 1619. 180. F. Martin - - - 232. b. Jo. Wodenothe - 1617. 126. P. Puteanus - - 1619. 180. b. G. Camden, 4 letters - 233. M. F. Limerius - 1G17. 127. Jan. Gruterus - 16I9- 181. Rob' Braithwait - - 234. b. Julius, JULIUS, C. VI.—TX. Julius, C. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. eonftans foliis 257 . 1. Johannis Lelamli colleftiones de Britannia, cjuf- que populis et moribus; ex antiquis auetoribus, pne- cipue poeticis, defumptce, mann ipfius propria. i. 2 . Collections concerning Kent.—This and the 13 following articles appear to be chiefly parts of Le- land's Itinerary, and collections for various coun¬ ties. 90 . 3. Indiculus archiepifcoporum Carituarienfium, ab Auguftino monacho, ad Hen. Chichelev. f)8. 4. C’atalogus librorum olim in bibliotheca Ec- clefise Cantuarienfis. yg. b. 5. Collections out of an old Saxon book, called by loine “ the old EngliJh hiftory." yy. b. G. Collections concerning feveral towns in Lin- colniliire. 100 . b. 7. Genealogia comitum Verovicenfniin; and par¬ ticularly of the defeent of the Beauchamps. 101 . 8. King Arthur’s epitaph. ioa. b. 9- Dr. Londons report concerning William of Wickham. 103 , 10 . Collections concerning feveral places in Eng¬ land and Wales, in various parts of the volume.— Among which are lifts of the biihops of Lincoln, from Birinus firft bifhop of Dorchefter to John Long- land (fol. 144.) and ot the biihops of Durham, and the antiquities of that church, (fol. ufi.) 104 . 11 . Excerpta ex libro de vitis fanctorum. igo. 12 . Excerpta ex libello de comitatibus, epifeopa- tibus et monafteriis Anglia*; cujus auctor videtur fuifi’e Gervafius. 1 (jy. 13. De feptem comitibus Ceftrenfibus, quorum primus creatus A 0 1067 . 187 . 14 . ColleCtanea de origine et ratione appellationum comitatuum Angliffi. ]g 7 . b. 15. Commentaria Anglite: confining of lliort ac¬ counts of many towns, &c. in England. Among which are an extract out.of a roll of the gencal. of the E. of Weftmorl. (fol. 221 .) a pedigree of the Rot's family (fol. 226 .) &c. iy< 2 , lG. Excerpta ex colleCtaneis Job. Lelandi, de qui- bufdam Anglke comitatibus. 033 , 17 . Excerpta ex diCtionario Britannico-Latino. This and the preceding article are in the hand of W m Burton, of whom a letter to Selden dated Jan. 11 , lG 18 is added. o 38 18 . Notes concerning the foundations of feveral religious houfes in England; viz. Chatris, Clerken- well, Pipewell, Olney, &c. (two articles.) 243 . ry. Hiftorical notes concerning K. Edward IV. chiefly as to the great feafts he kept. fa fra°-- ment.) ^ o, 3 ° Julius, C. VII. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. eonftans foliis 306 . ’• Sylloge inquifitionum captarum tub tempore h. Ed ward 1 1 . cqntinens nomina eorum qui tenent teod.i militaria in comitatibus Anglia; plerifque; quorum indiculus habetur in frontc, ct ampliffimus perlonarum et locorum index ad calcem; fol. yy. (ahud exemplar. Jul. C. I. 2 .) L -■ Ceitificationes facta; de feodis militum tem¬ pore R. Henrici II. cum indic-e nonjinum. f. 133 . 109 . 3 - Sylloge donationum per multos nobiles viros in Anglia laCtarum : cum illorum infignibus delineatis, et prolapiis quarundam nobilium familiarum; ex chart’s et hgilhs antiquis, cum indice nominum, f.312- 135. 4. Epiftola Baronum in Anglia ad Papam Bonn facium VIII. quod reges Anglia; haberit directum do- minium regni Scotia-; data Lincolnia;, 12 die Eebr. A 0 1300. ‘ 00 4 . *f>. Copies and extracts of feveral charters and grants, with drawings of the leafs and arms of the grantors. Among theft- arc copies of the portraits of feveral of the Howard family, painted in various church win¬ dows (fol. 236. b.) A copy of the epitaph of Thomas Howard lecond 1). of Norfolk; or rather a fliort 'hiftory of his life (f. 2 b.) Alfo, “ Excerpta < s libro abl de is or<,” Fol. 245 ), <4 •• ek chartis ahbathe de Dore,” (fol. 252.) and pedigrees of the Pembrokes, Bohuns, Cottons, &c. 245 . b. 252. c<2y. G. The blazonry of 5 coats of anus in Higglcworth church. 2 fi 4 . 7- lliftoria monafterii de Parco Stanley, com. Derby. “ o 65 . 8. An abftract of the regilter or lciger-book of the monaftcry of Godftowe in Oxfordlhirc. 274 . 9- Cliartte ad monaftenum S. Maria; de Tama fpeCtautes. 073 . 10 . Collc6tanea de lliftoria monafterii de Ahendon ; ex antiquo rotulo.—Theft- collections were made by Nicholas Charles, Lancafter belaid, A. D. lGli. 305. Julius, C. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. eonftans foliis lock 1 . A treatift- concerning the nobility, according to the law of England : Beg. “ As in man's body.” 1 . 2 . Collections of Mr. Fr. Thynn out of a book enti¬ tled, “ Domus Regni Anglia:;” containing the or¬ ders of the King's houfe, chiefly concerning the Lords Steward and Marihal, in the time of K. Edw. IV. 89. 3. Other collections, about the office of Marflial; out of antient records in Chancery. 95 . Julius, C. IX. Codex chartaceus, male habitus, in folio min. conffans fol. 148 . 1. TraClatulus de dignitate. 1 . 2 . “ La fundacion de la companie dc Gartier dans le chaftel de Wyndefor.” 10 . 3. Vers touchant les douze vertus que un noble liomme doit avoir: Com. “ Vous iffus de noble maifon.” 13. b. 4. Les eftatutz et ordonnances de l’ordre de la Jartiere, faits a Weftm. Nov. lG. 4 Hen. VII. 16. 5. Stiles of the King’s Majefty, the prince and companions of the Garter, ul’ed at the feaft of St. George, holden at Whitehall A. D. 1 G 04 . (Fr.) 24 . G. Pars pra;fationis nigri codicis Perifcelidis: vel potius tract at ulus de H-lius ordinis fundatione et lliftoria. 25. 7 . Excerpta ex nigro codice de cooptatione quo- rundam VY. Illuft. in hunc ordinem; et de ftatutis quibuftlam fuperadditis: a temp lien. V. ad Hen. Vlli. Inde folia quaxlam exfeCta. 60. 8. A fpeech made to King Janies on prefenting the Lord Mayor of the city of London, A 0 G Jac. I. 78. 9 . The marquis of Northampton's voyage into France, A° 1551. lent with the order of the Garter. (Iiliperf.) 79'- in. Mr. Man, ambaflador fn Spain, his bill of ex- penles on his journey. S3 - . E 1 li Pa*t 14 JULIUS, C. IX.—D. II. li. Part of a letter, dated Sevile, June Hi, 1 - 511 . 85 . 1 2 . Genealogia comitis Moravian, (Moray) a Ja- cobo v. rege Scotorum. 87 . 13. A fragment, on kingly government. 87- b. 14. Privileges of Kings wives; and concerning the titles and ornaments of queens. g.s. 15 . Of the dowers of fevcral queens of Png- land. <):). 10 . Excerptum ex libro rubco in Scaccario, dc auro Regina*, &e. 94. 17 . Excerpta ex regiftro abbatis Weftmonafte- rienlis, de donationibus quorundam regum. 94 . b. 18 . Excerptum ex libro judicial! vocato Doomfdav, dc polfeffionibus Ilumfridi Camerarii in comit, Sudriic. 95 . 19- Kingdoms governed by Kings wives. A part of this is at fol 92 . b. 90 '. 120 . Of the Queen’s family; and of immunities granted to them. oh. 21 . E6typa monumentorum in borcalilms Anglia* plagis repertorum. 101 . 22 . The names of the bifhops of Exeter, after the union of the Secs of Crediton and St Germains. 104 . <23. Wm. Lambard’s cycle of years, from 1571 to Hioo. 10 . 5 . 24 . Fragments of the precedency of England be¬ fore France and Spain: perhaps by Selden. inti. 2,5. Sir Rob. Cotton’s treatife of the precedency between England and Spain, 1 G 00 . 120 / 26 . Of the precedence the Speaker of the II. of Commons, if a fergeant, hath before all other fer- gcants. 1 < 29 . 27 . Excerpta ex libro Croyland, de familia de Ciffard. iso. b. 28. Advert ifoment about a new order of knights, to be called Knights of the Crown," temp. Jae. 1 . 13J. 29 . On the precedence of knights — a rough draught. i.ni. 30 . The charters of Philip and Mary, and altb of Richard I. to the officers of arms. 188 . 31 . A note of books belonging to the office 01 ' arms. 142 . 32. A letter from Sir \V n Dethiekc, to Sir Rob* Cotton; exculing himfelf from a charge of having deltroycd fome books belonging to the office of arms. 143 . 33. A rate of allowances of dukes, carls, and barons forcing the King in the wars. temp. lien. VI. " 144 . 34. Services and fees belonging to the office of arms. " 145 . 35. Reformation of the office of arms, by Richard D. of Gloucefter, great eonftable ol ' England. 147. Julius, D. L Codex membran. in 8 ° conftans ex foliis 191 . Sec. circiter xii. 1 . Stemma familia; domini de Rofs : prefixed by a modern hand. Another defeent of this family is in Jul. C. VI. 15. 1. 2 . Chart® ct memoranda queedam ad abbatiam Rievallenfem in com. Ebor. fpectantes. 1 *. 3. Dccreta concilii Romani. 5 Id. Martii A 0 20 . Pontiticatus Alexandri ill. (A. 1). 1179 .) facta. 3 . 4 . Regiftrum chartaruinmonalterii Ricvallenfis;cum indiculis polfeffiouum perennium, lingularum quoque j chnrtarum feriatim, ufque ad numcrum 285, pr-.e- lixis. 1 j. Julius, 1). If. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conlians foliis 2G4. Sec. circiter XIII. 1. Catalogus Region Saxonicorum, Archiepifco- porum Cantuarientimn ab Auguliino ad Robcrtuin de Winchellee, ct Abbatum S. Augultini. 1. 2. Tabula- chronologic®, a Chrifto nato ad an¬ num 1300 . Indiculus Pontificormn Romanorum, a Pctro a. De fubjeeiione regum Scotorum regibus An- glia ; breve compendium. 211. b. 27 . Charta 1 , privilegia, aliaque varia, ad monafte- rium S. Augultini Cantuar. pertinentia. 213. b. Julius, D. Ilf. Codex membran. in 4to. min. cbnftans foliis 190. 1. Regiftrmn chartaruin monaftcrii S. Albani, de terns et praaliis, eorundemque donationibus, confir¬ mation! bus, See. 1 . 2 . Vita B. Albani, per Robertum de Dunftaple monachum S. Albani, A 0 11 50. verlilms elegiacis, decantata.—Item, ejufdem Roberta verius, de crea- tione hominis, tic paradifo, aliifquc facris argumcn- tis. 125. 3. Verfus de motu peccantli; dc miferia hominis; de menlibus anni; devirtutibus imitandis, earumque diftinctionibus. 159. 4. Verfus rhvtlnnici tie vita et martvrio 13. Thonue ArchiCp. Cantuar. l S4. 5. Verfus tie quibufdam hiftoricis argumentis veteris Tellamenti. 191 - 7 . Rogerus Baconus, traciatulus ejus, tie deeore et venuftate faciei. 157 . 8. - tie modo projections, tra£tatulus. 158. 9- ■ — ■ de quibufdam medicinalibus confee- tionibus; de dilfolvendo chrvftallo. io' 2 . 10 . - de ligaturis et fufpenlis* Collo, cum in- cantationc et adjuration?. 16'4. 11 . Vifio qua: eontigit in Effexia, Anno verbi in- carnati 120 G; feripta a quotlam viro religiofo. 16 G. Julius, D. VI. Codex membran. in 4to. min. conftans foliis 182 . 1. Suppletio hiftoria 1 regum A quantum ad leges Saxonum, Danorum et Nonnannorum, ex- traClaper Jobanncin Pike—ufque ad annum 1822 . 1 . 2 . Execrpta ex Mariano Scoto, Rogero de Hove- 1 den, Gul. dc Mahncfbury, de jure regis Anglia? ad terrain Scotia 1 fub fe et dele tenendum. 67 . 3. Dcmiraculis enieis in monte-acuto per fabrum inventa 1 , tempore Cnuti; et deduftione ejufdem erueis apudWaltham. Pra-ligitur tabula capitulorum. 73. b. 4. Vila B. Edmundi Arebiepifeopi Cantuaricnfis. In line, fermo quern fecit capitulo Pontunaeenli, poft quem focietatem tlomfis petiit et obtinuit. 128 . 5 . Pieces ex horis de B. Virgine, quas Edmundus quotitlie dicere folebat. 1 50. b. 0 . Pricfatio de eonjugio patris et matris S. Thomic martyr is; qualitcr et quam mirabiliter convenirent ex cultibus el provinciis tarn diverfis. 157. b. 7 . Vita 13. Edmundi Arebiepifeopi et confelforis; non omnino l’upcriori (Art. 3 .) conlimilis. ltji.b. Julius, D. IV. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. foliorum 184 . Sec. circiter XIV. t. Annales a Bruto ad annum 1326 . quibus multa inferuntur dc eleetione ct mortc epifeoporum Anglia', et pnefertim tie controverfiis priorum ct epifeoporum Ecclefue Dunelmenlis. 1. 2. Placita inter Villielmum Wiekewane Arebie- pifeopum Eboracenfem, et priorem et capitulum Dunelmenfem, tie potentate ct jure vilitationis. 125. 5. Acta apud Carliolum eoram delcgatis, poft mortem Roberti de lnfula Epifcopi Dunelm. cum aliis appendicibus ad banc controverliam lpeeianti- bus. 1283 ? 163 . Julius, D. V. Codex membran. in 8 vo. folior. 174. folia enim 20 et ultra in media parte eodieis valde detrita et lacerata. 1. Gildsfi lapientis, dc rebus geftis Britonum, bif- toria. 1. 2 . Chronica paucorum ” (ita inferibitur) “ fei- licet aborigine muiuli Anno. 5199 .” Incipit enim feries ebronologiea (poft vcrfieulos nonnullos) ab inearnatione Salvatoris, et definit in annum 1286 .— Inferuntur, \’eredi 6 tum regis Franciie pro rege Anglia 1 contra Barones, (fob 42 .) et tpuedam in line de con¬ vent u S. Martini de Dovor. 13 . 3 . Prophetite Er. Hayncartli, tie adventu Anti- ebrifti (vix legitur luce plagula). 69. 4. Rogerus Baconus, dc utilitatc feientiarum.— folia circiter 20 in limine fcmiufta et laecra. 70. 5 . Ejufdem Epiitola, qua incipit, “Cum dc ponde- ribus utills lit diltinCtio.” 150 . 6 . -— dc viritli colore facicndo ad ufum feri- Bendi, traciatulus. 156. Julius, D. VII. Codex membran. in 4to. min, conftans foliis 134. Sec. circiter XIII. This MS. has been much damaged by the vertli- greafe uletl in the illuminations. 1 . Eragmenta qmedam altronomica fratris Jobannis tie Wallingford ; cum aliis ad calendariumet compu- tum ecc lelialtie um fpeetantibus. 1 . 2 . Orationcs dieendre ante ct poft Pfalterium. 7 . b. 3. Sermo 13. Augultini Aurelianenlis Arebiepifeopi, tie virtutibus Plabnorum. 7 . b. 4. Pneeationes qmvdam ad Cbriftum et certos famaorum : item Oratio S. Edmundi ad S. Johan- nem ; etexoreilmus fupcrltitioliis ortlci ad ufum por- corum. 8. 5 . Fragmcntum tie ilaminibus ct archiflaminibus Britannicis; cum nominibus liliorum Bruti. 9 . b. 6. Dcfcriptio Britannia 1 , cum ebronieis fecundum quofdam. Ad ealcem, “ l)e liliis iEtbelredi regis Anglin', et matrimonio matris eorum Cnuto Daco.’’ 10 . 7 . Nomina regum monarebarum totius Anglia:, ab Alfredo rege lapientiflimo, ad regem Ilcnrieum III. ' ^ 34. 8. Rcgula, ft inlirmus moriatur; fc. quomodo lciat teger an moriatur, vcl-ab inliimitate recuperet. 34. 9 . \’ertus rbytbmici, dc menfibus anni. 34. 10 . Calendarium, cum tabula literarum domini- calium prrelixa. 34. b. 11. PiCtura lb Jobannis tie Wallingford. 42. b. 12 . Parabola: ties, et verba quaedam B. Bern art! i abbatis Clarevallenlis. 43. 13. A table, Ihew.ing when flood at London brill gv: “et quantum luna luccat in nocte per totum menfem.” 45. b. 14 . Dcfcriptio climatum muntli. 46. 15. Chronica i6 JULIUS, D. VJI.—E. I. i.i. Chronica F. .lohannis 2 . b. - 0 . Kigura rudis et. dcfcriptio elephantis inveeti in Ang-liam A° 1255. 114 . ci. Exccrpta de gelt is abbatum Eccldia* S. Al- Lani. 115 . b. . 22 . C'harta R. Johannis.de communibuslibertalibus regni. (vulgo Magna C'harta.) 1122 . b. - 8 . C’harta de libertatibus forcfra;; et dc ejufdem caflatione A 0 icq?. ic. 5 . C4. De quibufdam novis legibus per regem Hen¬ ri cum III. ltatutis. 1 n • b. Q.5. Formula cxcommunicationis illorum qui An¬ glia- libcrtatcs tarn cccleiiatiicas quani communes violaverint. j op. ], - 26 . Ailila pan is, facia tempore R. Johannis A 0 1202. jog 27 . Kxpofitio Anglicorum nominum in chartis, fecundum conluetudinem Scaccarii. 1 07 . b. 28 . Variarum epocharum abbreviatio; cum veriibus rhythmicis de tempore paflionis Thonue Cantuaricniis, dc interdido Anglite, Yc. 127 . b. 29 . Verfus rhythmici in Monachos. Incip. “ Cur vos nudipedes ad papa; curritis axles.” Alia hie per- tinentia fob 13 1 . b. reperies. icm. :'.o. Mifcellanea compendia; de primatu Chriltia- nitatis in Britannia; de martyrio 8. Albani; de prima Chriitianitatc Anglorum; de longiludim- ju- gcri; de menfuris terrarum ; de ponderibus ; de in- ventionibus, ct tranflationibus S. Albani. ]c;s. b. 8i. QuodDjis. noiter Jei’us Chriftus node dominica natus fit. 131 . b. .' 2 . Quafliones quadam arithmetical, cum i'olu- tionibus. 130 . 28 . 1 ragmeuta quadam dc Caiendario, cum liguris et veriibus. 182 . b. 81 . Rhythmi de corrupto ftatu eccleiia. 133 . b. 8.5. Canlicum Gallicum fuper dcfolationem Ec- eleiia Anglicana, A° 1206 , fad um. 133 . A 3G. Verfus et epitaphia, minimi pretiL i.u. Julius, D. VIII. Codex membran. in 8 vo. conftans fol. 133 . 1 . Catalogus Patriarcharum, Epifcoporum, et Gar- diindium per univerfum orbem, et quot fuifraganeos babet quilibet Arebiepifcopus. 1 . 2 . De eledione et eoronatione Imperatoris. Ro- WM-. 13 . b. 3 . Nomina regum Chriftianorum. 15 . 4. Prarogativa quarundam eccleiiarum urbis Ro¬ ma-.; cum ordine ftationum pro peregrinantibus in ilta Ulbe * ' 15 . b. 5. Ordinum religioforum nomina. 21 . b. Breve chronicon ab orbe eondilo ad A. D. !«S. C2. b. 7 . Verfes on the Kings of England, from William (lie Conqueror lo Henry VI. with their ddVents. l.cg. At \\ dim. \\ yliyam jerovnyd was.” 27 . 8. Q. Screni de medicina pnccepta, metriee._ Seenlo facile xii. exarata. 30. 0. The ch.it}R. belon-ino; the CVlhmTs of the monufrery of Barking. 40 D-ub ii dll diu 8 ruftica:prime Anglicc, t. 43. et dcinde Latine. f. Of. h. 43 . 11 . Nic. Bollardi, dc plantationc ct cultu arborum, tradatus. ? 12 . \ aria experiment;! de eoloribus. medieamentis, , dv. Inicruntur pra-eatioucs ad angelum culrodem. L 77 . b. i .'. A ! rad, entitled “ De Arte Coqninaria,” l.tcing a collection ot receipts to nuke parchment, ink, Ye. and on various culinary aiiaiis. yy 1 1 . Qiiei’dam euraliones per cxorcifimiru, ct mcr dieainenla: partim Latine. partim Gallice, partim yVaglice. 10 f,. I • Ub 11 is de *cul|>t ris lapkium. 1 _■>. b. id. Libellus de phylioguomia, qui dicitur Ariho- tclis. j on. 17 . Varia prognoftica ex fignis ccelcftibus, et de qualitatibus priinis. 13 j. Julius, D. IX. Codex membran. in 8vo. conlians folds 307 . See. XV. A treatife of the feftivals of the church, in old Englifh verfe. Beg. ” Now blowcp pis nwe fruyjt pal late bigan to fpringe “p* to ys kunclc eritage mankunde i'ehal bringhe.” Q- V hellin' this be a part of the iacrcd hiitorical poem, entitled “ Sul ns aniline, or Soul lu-le?'’ Julius, D. X. Codex membran. in 8vo. conftans foliis 1 . \ ita Boburti Betincnlis (de Retun) Ilercforden* (is Epifcopi (ob. 1 148.) o.. 2 . Genealogia eomitum de Breekenock, a temp. Henriei l. ad A. 1230. (Gallice.) 23 . 8 . Hiituria prioratus- Lanthoniie in com. Glo- ceft. 31 . Julius, I). XI. Codex membran. in 4to. min. conftans foliis 100 . 1 . Hiftoria Bril onum, ad tempora I!. AuguliiniAn- glorumapoltoli: perGildam; \eilu heroico. a-txtr. 2 . 2 . Cafus totius juris, in quibus (pus cxcommuni- catns ipfo jure, rccollecti a vcncrabili iierengario l-'rcdoji, cardinali. ’ on. 3. Errorum Waltlenfiinn catalogus. 84 . 4. Calcnclarium, cum veriibus de menfibus, cvclis, cpactis, ictate mundi, aim is cmhoiiiinicis, laltu inme, Yc. pnrfixis. 85. 5. Fl agmen turn hiftoricnm de vita Tiiomrc Archiep. Cantuar. 94 . (i. Dialogus rhythmicus inter cord oculum. O'), b. Julius, E. I. Codex membran. in folio, min. conftans foliis 354, quorum 1 (j ehartaeeis. Culledio literarum, ehartarum, tractatuuni, aliorum- que inftrumentorum, tuimdluaria, ut videtur, opera tranlcriptorum, JULIUS, E. I.—TV. *7 tranfcriptorum, de rebus acl Vafconiam, et. ducatum Aquitani®, fpeCtantibus, fub teraporibus Henrici III. et Edwardorum I. et II. regum Angli®.—Pr®- figitur ampliflimus contentorum denchus, qui ui’que ad numerum 299 evadit; quem enim hie exlcribere foret fupervacaneum. -—H®c paucula tamen, qu® paflhn inferuntur, in genere adnotabi- 111 us: 1 . DepriviJegiisetconfuetudinibus inful® Oleronis, qu® data erat in dotem Alienor® Eduardo I. R. Angl. nupt®. 2 . De ligeantia debita regi Edwardo. 3. De pactis, conventionibus, et treugis inter ipfum Edwardum, et Philippum regem Franci® : aliaque. 4. De obligationibus, cautionibus, et acquietantiis pro pecuniis. 5. De epifeoporum querimoniis de injuriis libertati ecclefiaftic® illatis. 6'. De fponfalibus et nuptiis inter principem Ed¬ wardum, filium R. Edwardi I. et Ifabellam, filiam Philippi et Joann® regis et regime Fran cite. 7 . De reformatione et ratificatione pacis inter RR. Anglia? et. Franci®. 8. De compofitionibus inter R. Anglia’, et comitem Britanni®, et etiam comitem Pictavii etTholof®. 9 . De confirmatione libertatum civitatis Burdiga- lenfis. 10 . De collat.ione terr® Vafeoni®, cum omnibus efcaetis, in Edwardum principem. 11 . De libertatibus ct confuetudinibus quarundam villarum in Aquitania. 12 . De procurationibus. 13. De homagiis regibus Angli® fadis. Julius, E. II. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conftans foliis 108 . 1 . Ifulario d’Antonio Millo, nel’ qual fi contiene tutte le ifole del mar Mediteraneo: cum delineati- onibus. 1 • 2. A letter from Jo. Cafalius, to Henry VIII. con¬ taining intelligence concerning the war with the Turks, &c. (Orig. Eat.) Venice, April 9 , 1532. 59- 3 . A letter from Dr. Chriftopher Parkins, to Sir Robert Cecil; concerning mutual ambailadors to be fettled at London and Venice, and the greatuels and ftrength of that republic. London, Sept. 17 , 1595. 04. 4 . Minute of a letter from Marinus Grimanus doge of Venice, to Q. Elizabeth ; to requeft a free pall'age for certain corn fhips coming from Holland to Venice. Aug. 21 . 1596 . GO. 5. Copy of an Italian letter, written after the de¬ feat of the Span i fli Armada; concerning the ltate of Spain, a peace, &c. 67 . 6. Ferdinand I. grand duke of Tufcany, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth: eight letters, chiefly demanding refutation of leizures, and favours in commercial matters. (Italian.) Aug. 22. December 19, 24, and 29 , 1590. February 4, and March 7 , 1590 - 1 . April 15, 1593. and June 1595. 71. b. 7 . Inftrudions concerning a loan of money to be made at Florence, A 0 1 G 04 . 78. 8. Q. Elizabeth, to Ferd. I. D. of Tufcany ; com- plimental. (Ital.) 1596. 79- 9 . The fame, probably to the doge of Venice ; declaring her reafons for not granting late-conduct to certain corn Ihips, they being probably intended to fall into the hands of the Spaniards. (Ital.) Rich¬ mond, Nov. li, 1596 . 80. 10 . The grand duke of Tufcany, to Q. Elizabeth: three letters requelling paflports for corn fhips. (Ital.) Florence, Aug. 2 , 10 , and 17 , 1590. 81 . b. 11 . Q. Elizabeth, to the G d Dfs. of Tufcany (Ga¬ thering of Lorrain) Complimental. (Fr.) January 1G03. 85. 12 . Minutes concerning treaties between Hen. vn. and Mil. and the duke of Milan. 1490 and 1527. 80. 13 Inftruftions for Rowland Woodward, on his going to Milan. 1604. 87- 14 . Titles of ftate papers between England and Genoa, Savoy, &c. in the time of Edward III. and Henry V. and VI. 89- 15 . The fubftance of an alliance between the If. of Spain (Phil. M.) and the republic of Genoa; with the laid king’s decree relating to it. (Spaliifh.) 1 575 and 1577- 92. 10 '. Minute of a letter, and copies of three letters from the doge and fenate of Genoa, to Queen Eliza¬ beth; about i’afeguards and reltitutions of fhips. (Lat. and Ital.) 1590 and 1596. 97- 17. William II. K. of Sicily, to Henry II. K. of Eng. touching his (William’s) marriage with Joanna the daughter of Henry. (Lat.) Palermo, Aug. 23 , 117O. 101. 1 8. Tra&atus pacis, et ejufdem confirmationes, inter Ricardum II. R. Angli®, ct Carolum II. Reg. Sicil®. April 1 . 5 , 1382. Item colloquium inter ambafeiatores Caroli III. Regis Sic. et pr®f. Ric. III. 102 . 19 . Inftructions given to George Rookes, going into Sicily. 1604 . 105. Julius, E. III. Codex chartaceus, in fol min. conftans foliis 246. 1. Index, five fumma rotulorum elauforum et pa- tentium, aliorumque infrrumentorum de contccderati- onibus et treugis cum exteris principibus, matrimoni- alibus contraCtibus, ltipendiis, moneta, commerciis, officiariis conllitucndis, aliilque rebus, tain domi quam foris gcf'tis: a temp. R. Johann is, ad temp. Hen- rici VI. qu® omnia in turri Londinenfi cuftodi- untur. 1- 2 . Index, five fumma rotulorum in cancellaria rc- pofitorum, de falvis-'condufitibus, protectionibus, fa- cultatibus five licentiis, &c. a temp. R. Ricardi HI. ad temp us Edwardi VI. 224. 3. Apographum eommiffionis R. Henrici VIII. de colligendis fubfidiis, rebus regni ita uigentibus, ante tempus a parliamcnto ftatutum. (Anglice.) Omnia h®c eollecta erailt junCtis operibus et curis vv. cl. Ilenqagii, Talbotti, Camdeni, et aliorum. 239« Julius, E. IV. Codex pr®fertim membran. bine illinc tamen chartaceus, conftans foliis 225 . 1 . Pictures of the Kings of England, from William the Conqueror to Henry VI. in water colours; with a fhort hiftorical account of each of them in Latin at the fide, and fome Englifli verfes at the bottom; (by Lidgate?) concerning their refpective corona¬ tions, deaths, and burials, with the principal events of each reign beneath every figure. This piece feems to have been finjfliecl in the early part of the reign of K. Henry VI, with whole coronation at Paris the verfes end. The)' begin thus : “ The Mizti William duke of Normandy.” 1. 2 . Thomas de Elmham, de vita et geftis R. Hen¬ rici V. Ad calcem reperias “ allocutionem feriptoris ad paginam, ut qu®rat Doctorem Johannem Somerfet, regis medicum, in Ilium correctorem ;” cum poemate adeundem. ficincipieris: “Fertiliseftatis floridafedes. ’ et inde, regul® ad fiipplicationem-faciendam. 9- 3. Hiltoria de vita et gellis R. Henrici V. metrice; F p(3T JULIUS, K. IV.—F. VI. 18 per cumlem. In fine legitur; ‘ de Hymno a gente ■ Anglorum cantando ad laudem Dei gcnitricis Ma- ‘ rile, propter gloriofam expeditionem regis llen- ‘ riei quinti, et pro fuccurfu regni Anglia’, dotis fine, ‘ 1111 ;e cimcias lueieies, cum hiereliarclia .1 ohanne Old- ‘ Caft el, fuis preeilms intcremit.’ “Te matrem lauda- “ mas; Te dominam eonfitennir; Te letcrni patris “ pra'elertam veneramur;’’ &c. Aliud exemplar in ■codice Vefp. D. XIII. 89. 4 . Gefta R. Ilenrici v. au6lore capellano in exer- citu regio. ccx«p. 115 . 5 . Informationes et inftrudtioncs de ducatu Aqui- tania*; milliv ad Regcm llenrieum V. per Davidem archiep. Burdigalcnfcm. (Gallice.) 13S. 6. The hiftory of the life and acts of Richard Beauchamp Kai l of Warwick, illnftrated with drau r - ings, by John Rofs of Warwick.—Thefe valuable drawings have been publilhed by Mr. Strutt, in his pojiba jSngelcynnan. 201 . Julius , E. V. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 107 . Sec. XV. 1. Alani Charctier (Auriga*) Quadrilogium in- veftivum et comicum, ad morum Gallieorum cor- Vectionem. (Gallice.) Pictura in fronte, ubi auetor libellum regi quodam Francia* tradens exhibitin'. 1 . 2 . Ejufdem, dialogus familiaris amici ct fodalis, fuper deploracionem Gallicie ealamitatis. (Lat.) 29. 3. Ejufdem, dialogi inter fulem, intelleftum, fpem, Ac. de rebus moralibus et thcologicis : verlibusfub- inde intermiltis. (Gallice.) 40. Julius, E. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. conftans foliis 211 . Chronicon, excerptum (ut patet ex tine libri) ex hiltoriis de rebus Gallicis, Anglicis, Flandricis, Hif- panieis, et Normannicis, ab A° :)(>(>. ad A m 1383. (Gallice.) Olim fuit Liber Heraldi Carleoleulis, temp. R. Ilenrici t III. Julius , E. VII. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 238 . Sec. circiter x. Liber fefrivalis; live Homilia* Saxonica* de Sanctis, per iElfricum cx latino converfa*, cujus etiam prte- fationes, in utraque lingua, operi priemitfa* lunt.— Olim pectilium fuerat monaftcrii S. Edmundi de Burgo. Album titulorum homiliarum in hoc codice contentarum reperias fol. 2 . b. .deliderantur quantum in line. Accuratius quoque defcriplit lnmc, optima' notax codicem eruditils. Wanleyus in Hick, i lief, vol. ii. p. 186 '. Julius, E. VlIL Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis isi. Sec. xv. Pol veilron icon Rogeri dc Ccftria. Mutilatin' trihns prioribus libris, et majore parte libri iv. Julius, E. I. Codex chartaceus, madorc ItefuS, in fol. min. conftans fol. 179- A book of receipts and deliveries of the office of Ordnance, for the year 1581. At the beginning is a itioning letter from a perfon in confinement, to lifter, deliring her to intercede for him and his brother. Julius, F. II. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. conftans foliis 254. Sec. XV. The vilions and revelations of S. Brigid. She died at Roiqe July .23, 1272 . At the end are three chap¬ ters on “ the quality, perfon, and virtues of holy Brigid;" (fol. 248 .) and, on the lal't leaf, a limit ac¬ count of her life, and a latin prayer to her. An edition of thefe vilions was printed at Nuremb. 1517. Julius, F. III. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conftans foliis 3 is. A memorial of the proceedings in the commillion for the N avv Royal: containing K. James I. his commillion, dated April 30, 1608. and the exami¬ nations, depolilions,, and evidences gathered 1 ,\ the commillioners, of whom S r Rob 1 Cotton was oiic._ There is a lhort account of the commillion, at tin* be¬ ginning; and an imperfect index of the witneffies examined, at the end. Julius, F. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. conftans foliis 39. Flic art of Gunnery, written in the year nio 8 . with drawings, particularly of three pieces of cannon then in ule, a minion, a lacker, and a demi-cuU- veringe. Julius, F. V. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. confians foliis 57. A treatife on military difeipline, and rules-to he obferved in time of war; with an index at the begin¬ ning—written by Robert Hare, A 0 1556. Julius, F. VI. Codex chartaceus, male habitus, in folio min. conftans fol. 447. A collection of letters and other papers, all written in the reigns of Q. Elizabeth and K. Janies I. the. particulars of which are as follow: 1. A letter from Lord Paw-Jet, to the E. of Leieefter; concerning the dangers to be apprehended from France. Blois, April 1.377. i. : 2 . Extracts from fun dry letters from Mary Q. of Scots,- the E. of T .cnrvo'x, Ac. concerning the af¬ fairs of Scotland, the muitlicr of King llenrv ( Darn- ley) Ac, 15 ( 1 ( 1 . - And another paper of limiiar ex¬ tracts, concerning tranlactiohs of the vears 1.3(13. 4 , and 8 . . ■ 0, 3. A paper, hating the catifc the Q. of England hatii to defer the delivery of the Q. of Scots, the reftitution ot the crown of Scotland, Ac. : Some leaves lecni here traiifpolcd, and others waul- ing'-) ' ' 6. and 9. -1. An account of the honours conferred on llenrv Darn ley;, and a Jilt of 14 knights created by the laid Henry.' 1565 .' y. 5 . Qucftions to he propofed to the D. of Norfolk? at his. examination. 1 1. (l. An ahftract of a hook written in defence of the honour of the Q. of Scots, and delivered in Decem¬ ber 1.371. by Dr. Ilarpticld and Weiton, then in the Fleet, to Serjeant Barram and Mr. Soliciior Ikomlcv; and now remaining with Ld. Salilbiirv. 1610. 12. 7. Two copies of a letter from Mary (). of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; on the pofturc of allaiis, and iimic complaints of-her treatment. Tutburv. March 1 4 th, 13G0. " u. 8 . A memorial on the affairs of Scotland; pro¬ posals of marriage for Q. Mary. Ac. about 1 .u . . 1 O', 9 A brief note of..all the treaties that were at¬ tempted for, enlargement of, the Q. of .Scots,, and the canl’es why they took no cllect; out of a note in. BiuJeighr's hand. 1 s. ' ‘10. W® JULIUS, F. VI. 10 . W“ Aikebv, to Cecil : about fending the Spaniards away from Scotland, probably foon after the defeat of the Armada. Edinburgh, July 14 , I. 589- (Orig.) " * GO. 11 . Five caufes {hewn againft the Q. of Scots. 1572. ai. 12 . The purpofe of a council held at Richmond for directing of Rob' Bowes, the Englilh ambaifador in Scotland. Sep. 18, 1580. 22. 13. Tranfcripts out of the journal of K. Edward VI. Nero C. X. fol. 40, 4.5, &c.—concerning the ap- prehenfion and trial of the D. of Somerfet, and others. 23. 14 . Q. Elizabeth, to James VI. K. of Scotland; up- braidinghimfor breaking his word. Aug. 7 . 1583. 25. 15 . Rob' Beale to.adifcufiion con¬ cerning the trial of the Q. of Scots. Loud. Sept. 20 , 1586. 26. 1 - 6 . Lord A. Pawlctto.. . concerning his proceedings with regard to further reftraining the Q. of Scots, fecuring her money, See. Chartley, Sept. 10 , 1586. Witli a note on the back, touching the impracticability of a foreign invafion in Eng¬ land. 2 8i 17 . Extract of the Q. of Scots grievances ; and the anfwcrs made to the fame. Nov. 1582. and April 1583. 30. 18 . Charges exhibited againft Cardinal Wolfey. 1529. 31. b. 19 . Articuli pardonationis Rev. patris Thom® Car 11 ’ Eboracenfis. Feb. 12 , 21 Hen. vm. 36. 20. A fragment, relating to an examination touching the Q. of Scots practices with Babing- ton. 1586? 37- 21. Depofitions ofH. Cockin, about D. Good, the Bp. of Rofs, Morgan, and fundry other pcifons con¬ cerned with the Queen of Scots. March 14 , 1574. 38. b. 22. Robt.. Bowes, to the Lord Treafurer (Burleigh) reporting the Hate of affairs in Scotland. March 29 , 1579. 41. 23. Nau£ and Curbs atteftation of their depofition concerning Babington’sconfpiracy. 1586? 42. b. 24. A paper, {hewing that the proceedings againft the Q. of Scots were juft and lawful as well by the common as the civil law. 43. 25. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Curie; vindicating him- felf againft a charge of having broken his promife. Sept. 1586. 43. b. 26. Excerpta ex Sandero de Schifmate. 44. b. 27 . A paper of depofitions, in vindication of the Roman Catholics, See. laid to be by Creffwell and C. Cornwallis. 46 . 28 . A fragment of an aft of attainder of Shane O'Neil, with an account of the crimes committed by him. Alfo a fragment concerning Lord Tyrone's rebellion. . 47. 29 . An extract from a letter of Th. Randolph, to Sec. Walfingham. March 22 , 1 685. probably 15.85. 51. b. SO. Dr. Parkins, to Sir Rob' Cecil; on matters of trade with Spain, the Hanfe, &c. an extract. Sept. II, 1597. 52. 31 . Reafons to {hew the eafinefs of the enterprise (of an invafion of England) out of a difcourl’e found with Creighton the Scottifli Jeluit. 1584? 53 . 82. A fragment, concerning the propriety of a treaty between England and France. 55. 33. The Archduke Charles (brother to Maximilian II.) bis requifition to be allowed the exercil’e of his religion in fecret, and other conditions, in cafe of his marriage with Q. Elizabeth. Oct. 24, 1567. 56. 34. A paper on the part of Q. Elizabeth, addreffed probably to Ionic German prince; touching the pri¬ vileges of the Hanfe towns in England. (Lat.) 1595. 57 . . 35. Infractions to Sir lien. Killegrew, fent to Frederick count Palatine. June 26 , 1568. 59 . 36. A memorial of fundry matters to be contidered in a treaty with Spain. June 11 ., 1588. 60 . 37- Intelligence concerning the Spanifh forces, efpecially the Armada; extracted from a letter of J. Conway, dated Ofiend, Augult 1588. 60. b. 38. Extract of the propofrtions made by Englidr to Spanilh Commitlioners; with the anfwcrs of the latter. 61 . b. 39 . Sir Fr. Bacon's fil'd report concerning 13 ob¬ jections, feemingly about the union of the two king¬ doms, and giving the name of Britain to both. 62 . b. 40 . In ft ructions to Mr. Tho. Bodley, probably fent to Denmark, April 27 , 158.5. concerning the title of the Houfe of Lorrain to that kingdom. 63. 41. A patent of James I. putting the office of Earl Marihal in commidion. Jan. 4, 1604. 63. b. 42 . The Earl of Arundel (Phil. Howard) to Q. Elizabeth; in vindication of himfelf. 1587? 64 . b. 43. A letter from lbme JEoigLRh to fome Scotch ftatefmen ; {hewing the impropriety of the K. of Scots relenting his mother's execution. 1587 ? 66. 44. Capita foederis arftiflimi inter Elizabethara R. An glim, et Jacobmn \ I. Scot. R. 1586. 69- 45. Reafons why the K. of Scotland doth not re¬ venge his mother's death ; alfo concerning bis in¬ tended marriage with a Danifh prineefs, or lady Arabella; &c.-about 1588. 70. b. 46. A paper relating to the puritanical libels of Martin Mane, and other'delinquents; alfo fome notes concerning Q. Elizabeth. 71 . b. 47- A fehedule of fundry papers and bundles of papers, in the time of Henry VIII. 72. b. 48. The arraignment of Sir Walter Raleigh. Nov. 17 . 73. b. 49 . The trial of Lord Balmerinoch at St. Andrews. March 4. 74; 50. Sentential ex Tacito excerpt®, res publicas prtveipue fpcCtantes. Itidem qutedam ex Cai’aubono et Horatio ; alimque notula*. 75 . b. 51. Anfwcrs to two queftions, whether ambaffadors who raile infurreftions are protected by the law of nations; alfo of the privileges of a prince out of bis dominions, Sec. 77 . b. 52. Some proceedings in a parliament held at •Leicefter, April, A° 2 Hen. V. about reverdng the at¬ tainder of the Earl of Salifbury (John Montacute?) who by an ovcifight in the commons, was not tried until after his execution. 80 . 53. Reafons for -reducing the prices of filver and gold. 81 . 54. Reafons againft the decrying of money. 84. 55. A letter of intelligence from Edinburgh. May l, 1589. 85. 5 6. A letter to Scotland ; recommending that, the K. of Scots might be diverted from his forcible proceedings againft the L T nited States, Sec. Savoy, Oft. 31, USB. 86. 57 . llibadeneira, a jefuit, to D. Juna.de Idiaque; about public grievances. March 10 , .1.596. 87- 58. Sir Tho, Randolph, ambalTador in Scotland, .to Q Elizabeth; 20 JULIUS, F. VI. Q. Elizabeth; about, tho Queen of Scots intended marriage, Ac. Edinb. Nov. 7 , 1564. 88. 59. The E. of Bedford and Thomas Randolph, to Q. Elizabeth ; an ample report on the above fubjeet. Berwick, Nov. 23, 1564 . 91 . do. Part of the inRru&ions to Rob* Cecil, J. Herbert, and Th. Wilkes, lent to treat in the Low Countries. Ecb. 1597 . 94 . 61 . W. Athby, to Cecil? a copy of art. 10 . <)[)■ da. A difeuflion concerning the union of the two kingdoms; the ante-nati and poft-nati. 100 . 63. An abflraCt touching the trade of wool between England and the Netherlands. 104. 04. The names of the Ilanfe Towns, with their divilions as they were in confederacy. 1 . 390 . 10 O. 65. A political tract (perhaps a dilpatch of fome ambatfador) concerning the interefts of the Italian ftates, the Swils, Spain, Ac. in the time of Philip II- 107 . Od. Of the body and power of the Hanfes: wit hout title. ‘ 111 . 07 . Minutes of difpatches from Mr. Randolph, to Sir \V m Cecil; concerning the ftate of affairs in Scot¬ land: dated Nov. and Dec. 1564 . Alfo an abftrafl of Randolph's instructions of Nov. 17 , 1503. 117 . d8. A paper of depofitions relating to the biting of Robert Bowles's car, the killing of one Richard Brown, Ac. " iaa. 69 . Abraham Wheelock, to Sir Tho Cotton; re¬ turning Bede’s hiftory. (Orig.) Cambr. March 31 , 1640 . 123 . 70 . A paper concerning the trade with the Nether¬ lands; faid to be out of “Rob. Cotton de Comer- ciis.” 124 . 71 . A paper, in which the writer (the Earl of Efiex) vindicates his return from Ireland. Alfo a fyflematical difeuflion of the queftion. 125. 72. A fliort account of Sir Philip Sidney’s death, Dec. 4 , 1612 . and of his funeral. 126 . b. 73. A paper entitled “ Ex Perfonii (Parfons) jefuitte, maledica difeuflione pag. 217 being a falfe account of fome charms given to Q. Elizabeth, and of her death. 128 . 74. A latin paper, Rating fome proceedings of the jefuits (Parraius or Pareius, Guil. Critton, Ac.) for reftoring papacy in England ; and againft the perfon of Q. Elizabeth. An additional page fol. 136. 130 . 75. Sir Edward Aflifield, to James VI. K. of Scot¬ land ; concerning his (James's) fucceflion to the crown of England ; fome account of the lawyers, clergy, Ac. in England. 13.3. 76 . A difeuflion concerning attempts to invade England, Ac. (Imperfect.) " 137 . 77. R. Parfons to Mr. M. T.—profefling his zeal for, and good hopes of the reftoration of Papacy in England ; greatly commends K. James's book the BaoAocov Sfyov. Rome, May 24, 1603. 142. 78. A paper relating to the reftitution of fome money to the Genoefe; entitled “ Ex Sucvinghemi poftulatis, 10 Apr. 1573 .” 145 . 79- Lord Burleigh to.Norris ambaflador at Paris; concerning refutations to be made to the Genoefe. 1569 . 146. 80 . Sir Fr. Walfmgham, to Lord Hunfdon then in Scotland; juftifying himfelf. Nov. 7 , 1584. 148. 8U A paper (perhaps part of a difpatch) on the proceedings of the K. of Spain, the affairs of the Low Countries, Ac. 150 . 82 . Some Irifft members of Parliament, to fome Englifh miniftei; alligning their reafons for withdraw¬ ing from parliament, and recognizing James's title to the crown of Ireland. . 154 . 83. A dilVulliou concerning a match with a Tufcan princcfs. 155. b. 84. Francis and Mary K. and Q. of France, Scot¬ land, England and Ireland , to Mary Q. Dowager of Scotland; on fending over de Broile and Believe Bp. of Amiens, to aflift in quelling the inl'urrections. (Lat.) 1559. " 157. b. 85. A paper touching the proceedings between Spain and England; and certain notes upon the actions of Lord Burleigh. 15 s. 86. A ropy of the devife for alteration of religion at the iirft year of Q. Elizabeth. 161 . 87- A confultation held at Greenwich: whether the abbot of Martinego, the Pope's Nuncio, Ihould be admitted into England ? 1559. 1 Eliz. 163 . b. 88. A paper of hiftorical notes, concerning Q. Elizabeth's title to Calais, Q. Mary of Scots aflum- ing the arms of England, the proceedings of the French and Scots, Ac. 1 G 4 . 89 . Extract from a letter of Sir Th. Smith, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning her right to Calais, and fome other papers relating thereto. 1567 . 166 . 90. Extract from the inflrudtions of Sir Tho. Smith; concerning the marriage between Q. Elizabeth and the 1). of Anjou. 1571 . . 168 . 91 . TraCtatCis Blefenfis inter Carolum IX. et R. Elizabethan), epitome. Apr. 9 , 1572 . 168.. b. 92 . Names of the commiflioncrs for negociating the marriage between Q. Elizabeth and the I). of Anjou; and articles of the treaty. 1571 . Alfo notes, “ Ex Stubbai libello contra nuptias D n:e Regime et Ducis Andini.” 1 G 9 . b. 93. Articuli puritanorum. 1587? 172 . 94. Articles of the marriage bet ween Q. Mary and the K of Spain. Jan. 12 , 1554. 178 . 95. Refponfum R. Elizabethan tribus articulis ab oratoribus R. Chriftianiflimi propolitis, circa matri- monium ejufdem Regime cum (luce Amlin. Aug 24 , 1-571. D. Fuxio (du Foix) legato tradition. 174 . 96. A fragment concerning the faid marriage: alfo extracts from letters of Lord Burleigh to Sir Fr. WaHingham, and Lciccfter, on the fame l'ubject. 1571. 1*75. 97- A lift of Scotch noblemen and their wives.-— Alfo notes concerning coins. 176 . 98. Authorities, collected from civilians and hif¬ tory, concerning the privileges of princes and am- batfadors when in foreign countries. 177 . 99- Replicatio legatorum regime Elizabethan, ad refponflonem faCtain per legalos regis Catholici. Bourbourg, Jun. 20 , 1588. 178 . 100 . Legatorum li. Catholici refponflo, ad repli- cationem proximo antecedentem. 1588. 180. 101 . Poffulata legatorum regime Elizabeths. Bour- burg, Jun. 17 , 1588. 181 .. 102 . Alia refponflo legatorum regis Catholici. 1588. " 182. 103. Articuli a Jacobo Crofto, milite Parmerifi, propoiiti in pads tractatione. (Anglicc.) 1588. 183. lo t. An extract from the inftructions of Lord \\ il- loughby, lent into Denmark. June, 1588. 184. b. 105. The general Rate of the Scottilh common wealth, with the- caufes of the diforders in it. 186. 106 . A lift of the Scottilh biihops and noblemen, with the mothers and wives of the latter. 187- 107 . A JULIUS, F. VI. MSI 2 I 107 . A printed table of the comparative weights of Engliih and Scottilh coins. 189. 108 . Memorandums about the pay of foldiers, the ftandard of money in various countries, &c. inoandipj. 109 . Part of the proclamation of Lady Jane Grey, on afiuming the crown. 194. 110. Declaratio 1). Joh. del Aguila, regis Catho- lici in Hibernia ducis, contra 11. Elizabethum. lG'Ol. 19 6 . 111. A defcription of the province of Munftcr in Ireland. 197. 112 . An account of the proceedings of the Lord Deputy in Ireland (Etfex) againft the rebel Tyrone, the liege of Kinfale, and a note concerning the liege ot s Oftend. 1599- 198. 1 13. The order of the arraignment of Philip E. of Arundel. 1587- 200 . 114. The arraignment, trial, and confefbon of the D. of Norfolk; alfo his confcilion at his execu¬ tion. 1371- 200. b. 115. Memoranda ex navigatione IT. Drake in Mare del Zur. 207 . b. 116 . A methodical difquifition, “That it were not commodious for Q. Eliz. to marry:” with an an- lwer. 208. b. 117 . A difcourfe concerning the Courts ecelefiaf- tical, of law, &c. in the Duchy of Lancafter. 211 . 118 . A paper on the courts in Weftminftcr Hall; out of Sir Tho. Smith “de RcpublicaAnglorum.” 21 3. 119 . Confilium evangelicum cantonibus Helvetia) datum, cum Sabaudus jam in Genevenles bellum mo- liretur. July, 1582. 214. b. 120 . Table of the contents of the MS. Julius E. II. (Imperfe6h) 215. 121 . A table of the 17 United Provinces. 217 . 122 . Notes about the power of the Pope's Le¬ gate. 21 8. b. 123. Relatio D. Chriftoph. Varfovicii, regis Po- lonia) ad R. Suecice legati, de recupcranda Narva. May, 1582. 219 . 124 . An account of the commodities of America and Spain; and the revenues of the latter. 220. 125. A 11 account of minerals found in Eng¬ land. 222. 12(5. Iliftorical notes concerning K. John’s at¬ tainder at Paris, the eltablifhing Max. Sforza at Milan, and the lines that fucceeded each other in Spain. 222 . b. 127 . Articles of the arraignment of Sir John Perrot in the King’s Bench. April 27 , 1592. 224 . 128 . A letter of reproof from Q. Elizabeth to the E.of Elfex, then in Ireland. Nonefuch, Sept. 14 , 1599- 22(5. 129 . Notes concerning the Courts of law in Eng¬ land. 227 . 130. Brevicula) fallillima) narrationcs de rebus Anglicis, ab Ina liege ad Elizabethan! Reginam ; an exSandero? 23 1 . 131. Notes about Irifli affairs. 1578 . 234. 132. Rationes cur regina Elizabetha fuccetforem fuuin non declaraverit. 239 . 133. Babin gton to Mary Q. of Scots ; with Mary’s anfwer. 1586? * 240. 134. A letter of advice; obfcurcly worded. 245. 13.5. An account of the death of Mary Q. of Scots. 1586-7. 24fi. 1 .3(5. Copies and extracts of letters of Mary Q. of Scots, to Babington, Throgmorton, and the other traitors; and of their anfwcrs to the fame. 247 . 1.37. The proceedings againft the Q. of Scots at I’otheringay Caftle. OCt. 12 , 15S6. 250. 138. The qucltion difeufled; whether it were be- hoVcful for her Majefty to put the Q. of Scots to death, or to keep her prifoner? 254. 1.59. A fragment, againft a woman inheriting the crown, and concerning the Houle of Lancafter; written in the time ofEward iv. 253 . 140 . Rationes legati regis Gallorum pro Scotis regina; with the anfwer, both in abltrabt and at length. 261 . b. 141 . Account of Q. Mary's death. A duplicate of art. 135. 266. b. 142 . A brief defcription of Ireland. 268 . 143. An account of an expedition to the coaft of Spain. 269 . 144 . Breves animadverfiones in Britanniam Cam- deni. 271 . 14 . 5 . Conftdcrations touching a peace with Spain. 274 . 146. Lift of the Spanilh forces under Archd. Albert. A 0 . 1600 . 276 . b. 147 . Lift of the Engliih navy, in 1588? 277 . 148. Two Roman inferiptions (Qu. where?) 279 . 1 49- Three Roman inferiptions near Glafgow, and in Dunnoter Caftle, in Scotland. 280 . 150. Three original letters, from Fr. (Godwin) Bp. of Landaff, to Mr. Camden; concerning Roman antiquities found at Caerleon, ike. in Wales. 28 1 *. 151. A note from Mr. Wharton to his brother, relating to antiquities. 286. 152. Tho. Braithwate to.on Roman anti¬ quities found at Ribchefter. 287. 153. Fr. Tate to Mr. Camden; concerning anti¬ quities in Wales. 288 . 154. A Roman infeription: alfo a Runic infeript. found at Papcaftle. 289 . 155. Arms in churches at Paris ; tricked. 29 1. b. 156. A Roman infeription; with a ftiort remark upon fome miftakes in Camden’s Britannia. 292 . 157. Roman inferiptions in Cumberland, and elfe- where. 293 . 158. Verfes, containing a fhort account of Bad- delley near Hampton. Beg. “ This leate and Ibyle from Saxone Bade, a man of honelt fame, “ Who held it in the Saxons time, of Badefly took the name.” 296 . 159- A filial 1 Runic infeription, found at Bu- caftle ? 297. 160 . Roger Dodfworth to Sir Robt. Colton; about antiquities at ltibblecefter. 293 . 161 . Henry Savilejun. to Mr. Camden? concern¬ ing antiquities near Otley in Yorklhire. 299 . 162 . An account of antiquities in Cumberland, Northumberland, Weftmorland, Durham, &c.—With feveral Roman inferiptions, drawings of altars, figures, &c. and deferiptions of feveral parts of the country; by Reginald Bainbrigg? fchool-mafter at Appleby, who feems to have travelled in thofe G countries 22 JULIUS, F. VI. VII. countries to collect material? tor Camden's Britan¬ nia. 300 . and again .‘331. ] 63. (Jew gi 1 (■ cioj um, 1 1 Cunt euorum: manu R. Bainbrigg? ' 3GO. 1 fi t. Dc Baronibus de Iiamlala,et t’amilia dc Bruis: ejufdem nianu ? 330. 16.3. Excerpta, ex libro antique qui inforibitur, “ Chronica Augliae/’ 340. 166 . Excerpta ex vetcri regiftro ecclefi® Wigor- nienfis, de caftro ibidem. 337 . 167 . Collections about fcveral towns in Dorfet- 11 lire, Somerfetlhire, See. viz. Bruton, Milton or Mid¬ dleton, Sturton, Sec. Of the pedigree of the Fanes, (fob 364.) 3.58. ids. Notes concerning Gloueefterthire, the college of Stratford upon Avon, and Warwick church, town, and caftle. 366 . 169 . Of the port and town of Yarmouth. 369. b. 17 c. 11 iltorical and topographical notes, concern- ing feveral antient barons and places in Eng- 371 and 387. Somerfetthire; the manor land. 171 . Notes concerning Si of Trente ibid, the fens in Huntingdonthire, Berk lev, &c. alio extracts from Trivet, (876.) Charters, pedigrees, See. 373 . 172 . Excerpta de caftcllis in Cantia. 388. 173. Concerning the caftle of Ilartlebuiy, given l>y Offa to the Bp. of Worceftcr. 390 . 174. Notes concerning fome places in Devon- fliirc. 391 . 175. Richard Gr.to Clarencieux (Camden) on antient topography. Anglefey, Jan. 3Q2. 176 . Rough draughts of dedications, by Cam¬ den. 393 . b. 177- Notes about Winchelfey. 394 . 178 . Notes of great victories gained by the Eng- liih. 393. 179 . Rough notes, chiefly hiftorical, by Camden, fome relating to the topography of Scotland. 396 . b. iso. Two original letters from It. Dodfworth and N. Cowpland; with Roman ini’eriptions. 40 . 5 . 181 . Epitaphs by Camden. 408 . 182 . A motion about the fueceffion to tlie crown made in Parliament, i sl’.liz. An argument that the Laxly Catharine was next heir to the crown. 409 . 183. An anfwer to certain imputations againft Sir I’erd. Gorges, as if he had practilcd the ruin of the Earl of Etfex ; written in the Gatchoufc. 4U3. 184. De gralfatoribus in vitam llenrici iv. R. Gallia;. 430. b. 18.5. A long letter from II. Tr Sir Tho. ChaJ< the north of borough. 43i. 186 . Preamble to the will of Ilenry Earl of Nor¬ thampton. ( 1G 14.) 440. 187. A letter faid to be from Camden, to Sir Ed¬ ward Cecil; concerning the troops lent into Flanders in 1372. 441 . 188 . An alphabetical index, but to what work does not appear. This is conjectured to have been part of a book of collectanea ot Air. Leland. 442 . b. probably to ialony; concerning lundry antiquities in r England, particularly at and near Gif- Juliits, F. VII. Codex chartaceus, iii fob longiori, conftans foliis oso« 1. Capitula librorum I, ll, et III. Georgicon Virgilii. 2. Capitula librorum I, II, ctIII.. .Eneidos Virgilii. 2. 3. Rubrixuies dc XV livres des Mctamorphofes d Oxide; trail llatees de Latin en Francois par Chretien le Gowayr de St. Maur; avec des deheins. 4. 4 . Genealogia veterum bevoum ; verfu bexametro. Ineip. “Jane biceps cpii clufuis atfjue patuleius idem.'’ Expb “ Eft Antoninus fucceffor in ordine regum.” Sequitur index nomiuum, illorum uernpe qui a litera A. oriuntur. jo. 1 5 . Willielmi Botoner regiftratio, feu exeerptio verRuim proverbialium, de libro Ovidii, xle arte aniandi, de faftis, ct dc cpiftolis. A° 1462. 18. C. Libri Seelulii de mirabilibus Clirifti, initium. 02. and 23 . 7 . Bulla Pap® Gregorii, de Ilofpitali S. Pauli apud Norwiccnfes. no. p. 8. Nomina ebronographonun nocoon biltori- 'corum antiquorum, per W. Wyrcefter; extraCta ex antiquis libris. o,-,. 9. Nomina feriptorum, pnvfertiin ccrleiiaiucoruin ; extracta ex libris \'ineenlii Gcnadii, Itidori, S,e.— Ordine alphabetieo. oy. to. Catalogus vivorum iHufirium. prircipue eccle- fialiigorum feriptorum, a pailione Clirifti 11 f< | ue ail annum 1 4 Theodofii : ex Ilulqro llifpalenf,, Gcmidio Alaflilienfi, &c. excerpta, per W. Wvrcelter, Eon- din i. 14,69. * as. 11. Not® de fYnchronifmis in profana hiftoriq, cum facra; ut excerpt® lunt in fine antiqui libri chroniearum in bibliotheca eeclcfi® S. Pauli L011- din. 41. 12. Nomina quorundam fetiptonjm ec.cleftafti- corum. 43. 13 . Sententi® feu proverbia, ex libro magiftri Joh. Dalle. 4 ;,. 14. Excerpta ex Senec® libris de Bencfieiis. 46. 15 . Capitula librorum ethic® Ariliott lis. 47 . 16. Excerpta ex Seneca tie patienliu, &c. 53. ] 7. Dies obitus et fcpulttir® quorundam fanctorum Anglorum. 18 . Qutedam hiftorica de Roberto Grof:bead. .56. 19 . Nol® ex Tima-o Platonis; qui liber reperituv in biblioth. S. Petri, Cantabrig. 1 37. 20. Nomina priucipum ct philofophorum, cx cfironico Nicholai Trivet. 37. b. 21. Nomina Britannica quarundam ci\datum Angli®. Go. b. 22 . Excerpta ex varies clironieis. Oi. 2;’,. Index omnium operum Cieeronis; ut referfc Leonardus Aretinus. 66 . b. 2 1. Loci communes de amlcitia, IcncUfute, aliifque argumentis; ex Cieeronc, Seneca, Tcientio, ive. item ex variis poetis et hiftorieis antiquis; f’parfim dif- potiti. 69 . 2,5. Ordines religioforum per Romanam curiam appro bat i. iu2. 26. Excerpta ex grainmatiea Guarini oratoris qu® vocatur“ Portus tlorifeius ;" ex Boetliii lilxio d7- 40. Epitaphium Henrici IV. Gallia; regis, &c. 1 68. 41. De ordinibus Religioforum; per Will. Wyr- eefter. 169 . and 170 . 42. Bulla Pauli ll. Papa; in qua excommunicat omnes htereticos; fpeciatim pauperes de Eugduno. Wicleviftas five Huifitas, Pogiebratum regni Bohe¬ mias occupatorem, &c. A° 1470 . 172 . 43. Excerpta e libris Rogeri Bacon ; inter aliis ex libro de Sapientia. 175 . 44. Querimonia Johannis Somerfet, Phyfici R. Henrici VI. de ingratitudine Univerfitatis Cantabri- gienfis: verlibus elegiacis. 201 . 4.5. Epiftola W. Sellyng ad quendam amicum, ut T. Livii decades alteri amico monftrarc velit. 205 . 46. De genealogia comitis Cornubue, prout olim extitit in tabula apud fratres priedicatores, Lon¬ don. 207 . b. 47- Excerpta ex variis capitulis Juris Civilis: aliaque plura. 208. Is codex videtur fuiife liber colleftanearUm, five locorum communium, monaclii cujufdam : an Willielmi Wyrcefter, qui fepe nominatur, baud prorfus negaverim. Julius, F. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio min. conftans foliis 70 . 1 . The vifitation of Huntingdonlhire, taken A 0 1613, by Nicholas Charles, Lancaller herald.—This is an original, molt of the pedigrees being figned by the heads of the families. It wants an index. 1 . 2 . K. James I. his com million to W m Camden, Clarencieux herald, for his vifitation of the counties fouth of Trent. Aug. 1 , 1603 . 64 . 3. Mr. Camden’s deputation to Lancafter herald. 1613. 66. 4. A luminous to the knights, efquircs, and gentle¬ men of the hundred of Normancrols, to appear at Stilton, before Lancafter herald, for the purpofc of the vifitation.—It is directed “ to the bay 1 if, or his de¬ puty.” Aug. 14 , 1613, * 68. b. 5 . Lancafter herald’s proclamation far difclaiming of inch as have ufurped the title of gentlemen. Stilton, Aug. 17 , 1613 . 69 . (>. Laiu after herald's fummons to d< faulters, to ap¬ pear before the E. Marihal. Stilton, Aug. 17 , 1613. ‘ 70 . Julius, F. IX. Codex chartaceus, madorc lief us, in folio min. conftans foliis 100 . 1 . Nomina monachorum de Ramfey. 1 . 2 . Pedigree of Margaret Q. of Scotland, from Alfred the great: with a linall catalogue of books; and two or three trifling notes. 3 . 3 . The arms of the abbies of Tborney and Croy- land. 4 . 4 . Short hiftorical notes of the Bruces. 5. ■>. Tabu lie genealogies;, fc. regum Scotor. a Deo Omnipotente; regum Anglia*; familianun de Ne- vill, Popham, Courtenay, Bins, l’errcrs; regum Egypti; familianun de Swinerton, Wodwill, Luttc- rell, Catefbye, Sheldon, Plantagenet, Beauchamp; dominorumque de Ewias Ilarald. 7 . 6. A pedigree of If. Henry VIII, from the princes of Wales; by Tho. Gardiner a monk ofWeftm. 24. 7 . Tabulae genealogies familiarum de Moulbray, Peckfall, et Brocas; 11R. Hen. IV. et Edw. i\. familiar, de Cecil, Haftings, et Valence; comitum Iloliandiie; RIL Saxonum et Scotia;; comitum Northumb. et Mercia; familiar, de Sutton et Dud¬ ley, Percy, Stanley, Quincy, Kcvington, Arun¬ del, Bohuu, Boucher, Frevill et Botelcr, Lowthe, Albemarle, Eure, Clare, Carminq, Bello Campo, Moyn, Waffingley et Piece; ac comitum Can- tum %5. 8. Nomina abbatiun ecclefise de Burgo S“ Petri; and notes in the faid church of Peterborough- 46. 9- Genealogia; familiar, de Zouch, Walter, Moul¬ ton, & c. 48. 10 . Notes and defeents of the ancient Saxon, Da¬ niil), and Nqrmau Kings; ending with the ilfue of Henry n. 49. 1 j. A charter by which the bifiiop,dcan, and chap¬ ter of Lincoln, grant to the priorefs and nuns of Garmy, the church of Stanton. (Lat.) Lincoln, January 16 . 61 . 12 . A pedigree of the dukes of Normandy. 70 . 1 3. Two grants of the abbot and monks of Ramfey to James Eeurc? W ra Bygge, etc. May 10 , 1536. And a compofilion between them and their tenants in the time of lien. IV. 73 . 1 4. On the antiquity of Knights fees. 76 . b. 1 .5. A grant of the abbot of Ramfey, to the monaf- tery “ de Partis,” (Pratis.) 89 . 16 . Meta; et limites de Woodwalton. 90 . 17 . Rental of the abbey of Ramfev; ahnoft oblite¬ rated. 93 . Coiled!ions concerning the XII Ca?fars are inter- fperfed throughout this volume, which feems to have been intended for a compilation q£ the hiftory of the Romans in Britain. Julius, F. X. Cqdex chartaceus, in folio min. conftans foliis IQ. 9 . 1. Grants of Henry h and Iqhic of his fucceffors, to the bilhop of London, and the church qf St. Paul’s in London: nine in number; the laft imperfect. 1 . 2 . The tcftainent of Sir William Say : dated Novem¬ ber 7, l $5$, 6 . 3. A grant 2 + JULIUS, F. X. XI. A grant of Edward in. to thchilhop of London (Simon de Sudbury.) Januaiv2(5, 1 :; 71 . 1(5. 4. Inquilitio eapta poll mortem Iloberti et Thom® Wroth, 27 lien. \ ill. et 17 Klix. in. 5 . The names of the earls and barons created by K. Edward r. alio of thole omitted by Clarencieux in the above lilt. 20 . fi. The names of the earls and barons created by ir. Edward II. with a fupplenient, prefen ted to Lord Burleigh, by Laur. llollinlhed. Sept, it, 1 .373. 2(5. \ 7 . A copious collection of pithy fentences and ex¬ temporary replies, efpecially of eminent men of an¬ tiquity, from Agafieles to Lewis vn. 33. 8. Priora deeem capita proverbiorum Salomon is; cum arguments. 55. 9 . 'Witty anfwcrs and layings of Englilh men and women: alfo the ftory of Cleanthes fending two boys to fetch Plato. .58. 10 . Verfus in laudem virginis Maria?. 74. l!. Verfus varii argumenti; ut cpitaphia, gratula- torii, &c. 75. 12 . A difeourfe of the troubles wbieh happened in Scotland between Q. Mary and her hulbuud, March 9 , 1505. printed in Keith's appendix. yo. 13 . An account of the foundation of feveral mo- nafteries in England. 97 . b. 14 . An account of feveral Englilh faints. 101 . 15. A difcouiTe concerning the precedence given to the inafters of the court of Chancery before fer- | grants at law. 103. 10. Reafons proving that fergeants at law ought to precede doctors of civil law. loy. 17 . An account concerning the Englifli expedition at fea in the year 15S8. 111 . 18 . Excerpta ex Vitruvio: carmina, epitaphia, aliaque. lip. if). Epiftola Johann is Merrick epifeopi Sodorenfis, de antiquitatibus infill® Manniie. 124 . 20 . Collectanea Camdeni, quibus ufus eft in con- denda lua Britannia: hie et alibi fparfim. 127 . 133. 13.Q. 158. b. 21 . Exccrptum ex Procopio, dc Bello Gothico. (Grace.) 128 . b. 22 . Excerpta ex quibufdam antiquis poctis. 129 . 23 . Epitaphium Annie com i till® Oxoniie, filial Guil. Burgh lei, fummi Anglite Thefaurarii. 132 . 24 . Qiuedam Roman® inferiptiones, aliaque mo- iiuinenta. 137 . 25. Vocabula qiuedam Cambro-Britannica, expli- cata. 1 40. b. 20 . An account of the diftanees of the towns upon the Englifli coaft. 145 . 27 . Lifts of towns in various parts ol' England and Wales ; their etymologies, &c. 147 . 28 . Exccrptum ex libro cancellable, de iis qui ve- nerunt cum Dermicio Murchardo in Hibcrniam.— Alfo, names of the kingdoms and reguli of the pro- vince of l liter; in Mr. Camden's hand. 152 . 29 . A charter of K. Edward the Confefibr, granted to Randolph Peperking, concerning his game. 134. 30. A lift of caltles in Northumberland, Hamp¬ shire, Sulfex, Sec. 155 . b. 31. Notre variie, a Camdeno ex antiquis gloflariis collect®. (Lat. et Angl.) 15 s. b. 32. Excerpta, manu Camdeni, ex Tacito et aliis; de printed is, legionibufque Romanis in Britan- n ‘ a - 1O0. b. 33 . Short deleriplions of the rivers Rye, Dove, Seaven and Colton in Ryedalc. Vorkfliire; as w ell as of the vale itfclf, and Ryton and New Malton cables: tor Mr. Camden's ufe. m'2. 34 . Various topographical and etymological notes. ' 104. b. 35. Nomina auctorum qui Britannia’, Seotite, Pie- torum et Hibernia? meminerunt. 171. b. 3 ( 5 . Nomina Cambro-Britannica' urbium Britan- uliV - 174. 37. De Brigautibus, ad verfus Geo. Buehananum, difputatio. igQ. 38 . Colledanea Camdeni, fatis promifeua. lgj. Julius , F. XI. Codex chartaceus, male habitus, in folio min. conltans ex foliis 8 if). A volume of genealogical, hiftorieal, chronological, and other Collectanea, whereof the particular con¬ tents are fpecilied in an incorrect table at the be¬ ginning, the number of articles there entered amounting to 99. The following are the Leait trivial among them: 1. Pedigrees of the families defeended, 1. from William the Conqueror, fob 1.; 2. from Charles the bald h. of Lranee, fob 11.; and 8 . from Pavilla or Fafila D. of Cantabria (Bifcay.) fol. 17. 1. 2. Notes concerning the Gcdncy familv. 20. 3 . An anfwer to a difeourfe touching the pretended match between the 1 ). of Norfolk and the Q. of Scots; with the difeourfe itfclf inferted; dated .March 15. 1 . 3 ( 59 . 21. 4 . Pedigrees of the earls Warren, Humphry de Bo- lui n, Bob' de Veteri Ponte (Vcfpont.?) Hugo de Lacy, and many other noble families in England. 41’. . 5 . A difeourfe on the queftion ; whether the eclipfe at our Saviour’s death was miraculous? (54. (i. Collections of epitaphs, chriftian and fur-names, allulions, devices, anagrams, See. 65. b. 7 - On the office and dignity of Marlhal: and fomc notes. 142. b. 8 . On comets, and various aftronoinical, hiftorieal, and topographical collections, fome extracted from the Notitia utriulque Imperii; with diagrams. 149. 9 . De Ilalceum captura prope littus Britan-, niie. 21 ( 5 . 10. Colle&anea plerumquehiftorica; carmina non- nulla, See. 217. 11. Epitaphs of various eminent churchmen, from St. Odo Scvcrus Arehbp. of Canterbury, to Reginald Pole, likewii'e Abp. of Canterbury. 242 . 12. On the excellency ol'the Englilh tongue; by R. C. efquire (Rich. Carew?) 2 ( 5 1." 13 . A traC't on the origin and ufe of inonev. 2 05 . 14. Of the rites and ceremonies tiled at the in- ltallation of the knights of the Garter; with a brief account of the ftatutes of that order. 209. 15. Of the creation of a duke. 274. Ki. Engravings of feveral antique liatues and groupes. 2 7 6 ’. 1 7. The mifcellaneous collectanea continued ; all which appear to have belonged to Camden, and were probably ufed by him in his feveral publications. 286. Ausujius , AUGUSTUS, I. 25 Augitjhis I. vol. 1. A large port-folio, containing a collection of charts, plans, and other drawings, of which the following- are the particulars: 1 . A map of a part of the northern hemifphere, in¬ cluding all America north of the line, and the wefr- ern parts of Europe and Africa; by John Dec, 1580. very neat; the names chiefly in Spanifh. On the back “A brief remembrance of fun dry forein re¬ gions difeovered, inhabited, and partly conquered by the lubjeCts of this Brililh monarchic." 2 . A drawing of the chapel of King's College, Cambridge: on three fleets. 3. A drawing of the fpires intended for the chapel of King’s College, but never built: on two fbeets. 4 . A coloured drawing of a gallery intended to be built by K. Henry Yin. 5 . An elevation of the front of fome public edifice. (i. A plot of the coafts of Cornwall and Devonfhire, as they were to be fortified in 1588, again ft the land¬ ing of an. enemy: on two fheets. This has been en¬ graved by Pine, and is publifhed with his plates of the tapeftry of the houfc of lords. 7 . A plan of Dover harbour, with a projected al¬ teration at the pier. 8. A coloured chart of the c.oaft of England on the Severn, about Bridgewater and Minehead; with iundry forts erected thereon: on two fheets. 9 . A map of Great Britain and Ireland. 10 . A chart of the northern circumpolar regions. 11 . A plan of the caftle of Carlifle. 12 . A chart fliewing- the courfe of the river Eden near Carlifle, and of a breach neeeflary to be re¬ paired. 13. A plan of Carlifle. 14 . A chart of the Channel, and weftern coafts of Europe. 15. A fca chart of the Atlantic, and part of the M ecliterrancan. 16 . A plan of the town and harbour of St. Sebaf- tian in Bifcay. 1 7 . A chart of the courfe of the rivers Thames and Medway; and of the coafts of Kent and Sulfex, to Shorehum. 18. A chart of Brighthelmftone, and the country round it, with feveral French galleys in the road, from which troops are landed ; dated July 1545. 19. A bird’s-eye view of the town, harbour, and caftle of Dover: two llieets. 20 . and 21 . Two reprefentations of the caftle in the Downs. (Deal?) 22 . A plan of Dover harbour. 23. A view of Dover town and caftle. 24. The plat of Romney marlh. 25 . A chart of Romney, Walland, Marfley, Denge, and Guilford marflies. 2d. A plan of Dover haven and caftle. 27 . A chart of Portfmouth harbour, Spithead, and part of the ifle of Wight. 28 . A map of the ifle of Wight. 29. A reprefentation of a caftle, faid to be “ for the Wiche.” (Qu. whether Wycli in Dorlctihire?) 30. A plan of a fort, entitled “The Ilock in the Illet fortified.” 31. A plan of the harbours of Pool, Purbeck, &c. 32. A plan of the ifle of Portland, and Weymouth bay. 33. A chart of the coaft of Dorfetfhire, from Lime lo Weymouth, with the beacons once erected on the fame. 34. A chart of the bay of Penzance. 35. Another chart of the fame bay; being rather a bird’s-eye view from the fca fide. 36. and 37 . Two charts of Falmouth haven. 38. A chart of Plymouth and Fowey havens. 30. A chart of Dartmouth haven, Torbay, Tin- mouth, and Exmouth. 40. A plan of Plymouth town and road; by fome Italian. 41. A chart of Plymouth harbour, and of the country up to Taviftock. 42. A plan of Plymouth fort; by the fame hand as N° 40. 43. A plan of Falmouth fort. 44. A chart of the courfe of the river Thames, and of the coafts of Elfex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and part of Lincolnfhire; with the king's arms curioully orna¬ mented. 45. and 46'. Two plans of Dover harbour. The latter of the year 1595 ; with the Cecil arms. 47. A chart of the barony of Granard, in the county of Longford. 48. A chart of the barony of Rathelin, in the county of Longford. 49. and 50. Two plans of the fiege of the town of Landerpe (Lundurfh.) 51. A map of the ifle of Sheppey. 52 . The courfe of the Medway, from Rochefter to the Thames. .53. A chart of the mouth of the Thames. 54. A chart of the ifle of Tlianet, and Sandwich marlh. 55 . A chart of the bay of Todos los Santos, on the coaft of Brafil. 56. A chart of Orwell haven, or rather Harwich road. 5 7 . A chart of the courfes of the Stour, the Or¬ well, See. 58. A chart of the coaft of Suffolk, from Orwell haven, to Gorlfton near Yarmouth; with the feveral forts and beacons erected thereon : two llieets. 59 . 2 V plan of the harbour of Ambletufe, in Picardy. 60 . A plan of Aymouth, perhaps Aylmouth in Northumberland, which the French held and fortified in the time of Q. Elizabeth. This plan is of the year 1557 . 61 . A plan of a fort, inferibed “ Harwich,” but not agreeing with the plan in N° 56. 62. A plan of the fiege of a tow r n, probably in Flanders. 63. A chart of the ifland of Oxney, and the Ap- pledore ltrcam, to Winchelfea. H 64. A chart 26 AUGUSTUS, L A chart of the coait of Suffolk, from Bawdfcv j to Thorpe, including Orford and Aldborougli: two ilieets. ().•>. The com ic of the river Trent, about Notting¬ ham and Newark. G(5. A lkelcli of fome harbour. o' 7 , Os, and (If). Two plans of forts, and an eleva¬ tion of a piece of a wall with towers. 70 , 71 , and ?-• Three plans of towns. 7 :. A plan of a caftle. 7t. A plan of Great Yarmouth: two flieets. 7 . 3 . A plan of a park, probably Cheihunt. 7 <>, and 77- Two plans of cafilcs. 78. A chart of the fens, within the ifle of Ely, the counties of Lincoln, Northampton, Huntingdon, Cambridge, 8c c. 7.0. A chart of the fens between Lvnn-Regis and Wilbieh. so. A rude drawing of a caftle, or rather tower. 81 . A plan of a town. 82 . A plan of a new cut from Wainfleet to the fea. 83. A plan of Hull. 84. A new plat, made by Rogers, of the King's j manor of Hull. 8.5. A plan of fome works for the defence of Kingfton-upon-llull. 80. A chart of the town and harbour of Hull, with the country adjacent. Augujius I. vol. ir. A large port-folio, fimilar to the preceding one. 1. A plan of Scarborough town and caftle. 2 . A plan of Eamborough. 3. A plan of the liege of St. Damiano, in Piedmont. 4 . A bird's-eye view of Newcaftlc-upon-Tync. 3 . The courfc of tlie Tyne, from Neweakle to Tinmouth. (3, and 7 . Two plans of Tinmouth caftle. 8. Plan of a town : probably the old fortifications of Ambletufc. 9 , and 10 . Two plans of Dover town, harbour, and caftle. ii, 12 , and 18 . Three drawings of caftles or dwellings. 14. A highly linilhcd plan of Berwick-upon- Twecd. 1 . 5 . A plan of a fea port town. Hi. An elevation of a piece of a wall for Berwick. 17 . The courfe of the Severn, from Glouccfier to Cardiff. 18 . A chart of the Sorlinges (Scilly illands.) 19 . A map of the province of Ulfter. 20. A plan of Milford Haven. ill. A map of Ireland; rudely drawn. 22 . A plan of fome lands near Weymouth. 23. A plan of the town and caftle of Guines. 24 . A chart of the barony of Longford. 28 . A chart of the barony of A rdagh, in the county of Longford. 26 . A chart of the barony of Shrowle, in the fame county. 27 . A chart of the S. W. coaft of Ireland, from the Shannon to Cork. 28. A chart of the barony of Movuow, in the county of Longford. 29 . A very rude draft of the Zuyder Sea. 30. A map of the northern part of Ireland 31. A plan of the fort of Duneannun. 32 . - -- -- -- -- at the Blackwater. S3. - -- -- - --ol‘ Limerick. 34. ------ - - of St. Auguitine,near Galwav. 3b. --------- of Kinfale. 3 fi. .- - - - of Halcboling, upon the ha¬ ven of Cork. .". 7 . A chart of a part of Ireland, about Dundalk and Carlingford. 88. A reprefentation of the battle of Ballilhannon, Oct. 1593. 8 . 9 . - -- -- -- -- the fiegc of Inifkillin caftle. in Feb. 1 . 592 . 40 . A map of fome interior parts of Ireland (Kang’s and Queen's counties) on canvas. 41 , and 42. Two plans of Carrickfergus. 48. A plan of Tindegal Hland near Donegal. 44. A plan of the fix efeheated counties in UJfter. 43 . A map of China, &e. down to the iile of Su¬ matra. 4(3. A chart of K. James’s lliver, in Virginia. 47 . A plan of Perpignan : a rude draught. 48. A plan of Lord CurlVon's? houle at Giplwic h (Ipl’wich.) 49 . A plan of a rampart with three forts: 2 lliects. 80 A drawing of a cannon or eulverine. 81 , and .52. Two plans of the fortifications of the town of Guines? the firit called Gevens. 58. A plan of Boulogne, and the country round it. 84. A view of an antient caftle. 5 . 5 . A plan of the town of Galway. of Edinburgh. 57 . Plans of the harbour, and of the low country about Calais; the latter drawn 37 Henry vm. 2 ilieets. 58. A map of Britanny. . 59 . - - - - of part of Picardy and Normandy. Go. A chart of Chafteau-Cornet, and other iflets on the coalt of Guernfcy. Gi. Apian jf (i uernfey caftle. G2. A chart of the ifle of Jerfey. (33. - - - - of the courfes of the Schcld, Meufe, Rhine and Ems. 04 . - - - - of the North Sea, the Zuyder Sea, &c. i very inaccurate. ! (88, and (3G. A chart of the Channel, from Dover i to the Land's End: 2 ilieets. Under the firit a final! I marine chart of the Channel, and the Bay of Bifeay ; 1 of 110 value. j G7. A plan of the walls of upper Boulogne; rudely delineated. C'8. - - - - of Ambletufc. G 9 . A plan of fome eltate or diftrict, probably in j Ireland., 70 . A chart of the harbour and road ot Calais. | 7 1 .-of Calais, and the country round it, as i lar as Ardres, Guines, and Graveline. [ 72 . A plan AUGUSTUS, I. II 27 72. A plan of Tcrrrmen, and of the camps and works of a believing army. 7.5. - - - - of fortifications at Ambletufe. 74. - - - - of the cuftle of Ardres. 7■>. A cliart of the coaft and country between Calais and Boulogne. 7 o'. A drawing - of a magnificent tent. 7 7. A chart of the coaft and country to the foutli of Boulogne. 78. Two plans of Havre dc Grace? the firfit dated 1 563. 7 . 0 . A drawing reprefenting the caftle of Salce, in Roufiillon, before, and after a 'liege. yo. A neat drawing reprefenting the eourfe of the Garonne from Bourdeaux to the lea, with the town of Bloye befieged. 81 . A plan of a town, probably in Picardy: two flieets. ye. A chart of the country round Boulogne. 8.4, and 84. Reprefentajions of two bulwarks. 80 . A plan of the lands about Bayonne. 86'. A plan of a fiege of Amiens. 87 . ----- --of Rouen. 88. - - - - of the battle of St. Etienne, in which Henry tv. beat the D. dc Maicnue, Sept. 21 , 1589. S9. A view of St. Catherine’s fort at llouen, 1 . 591 . 90. Plot of Rouen, when Mr. Devcrcux was fiain. 91. Plan of the ftoccado for the river at Roan, Nov. 1591 . 92 . -of a town befieged ; probably Nimeguen. 93. -of the fiege of Gronigen, July 1594 . 94. -.. . of Stenwiek, June 1592 . 9 . 3 .-of fortifications at Meins, with an army approaching it. 96 . A chart of the country about Sluys in Flandrcs. 97, and 98. Two plans of a fiege of Ilaerlem. 99- A plan of Oftend. 100 . A chart of the country froln Dixmunde to Ol'tcnd. 101 . A plan of a fiege of Sluys. 102 . A chart of the country about Sluys. 103. - - - - of the coaft of Flanders from Dun¬ kirk to Flulhing. 104 . - - - - of the coaft and country about Often d. 105. A plan of Flulhing; neatly drawn. 106 '. Reprel’entation of a fort. 107 . A plan of the fortifications of Flulhing. 108 . -of Havre dc Grace. 109 . -of the country between Sluys, Bruges, and Blankenberg; with the marches of troops in dif¬ ferent parts of it. 110 . -of the fortifications of Coevorden, in Overyfiel. 111 . A view of the caftle of Lanccrotta, one of the Canary iftands. 112 . A chart of the part of Galicia about the Groyne. 113. A plan of the works on Cape Saker and St. Vincent, in Portugal. 114 . A map of thcifland of Tercera, one of the Azores. 115 . Apian ofBergen-op-Zoom in 1588 . 116 . A view of fome French town after a fiege: two fleets. 117 . Apian of fome lea port town in England, with works projected in it. A/iguJius II. A large port-folio containing a collection of antient charters, Pope’s bulls, &c. confiding of 136 Num¬ bers. 1 . A drawing of a monument, intended for K. Henry VI. 2 . A grant of Illotharius K. of Kent to Bercwald and bis nionaftery, of certain lands called Weftan in Ten id, and others in Sturia : witnclfcd by fumlrv bilhops. (Latin, in uncial or initial characters.) dat¬ ed Reculver, May 7 . A 0 679 . 5. A grant of JEthelbalt Iv. of Mercia and of all South England, to Cyniberhtte, whom lie calls •• Comes mens,” of x calfatas (tenements) for erecting a nionaftery in the province of Hufmere on the river Stur. (Lat. uncial characters.) A 0 7 36. This char¬ ter was formerly in the Pfalter Vefpafian. A. 1 .— A’. Stevens' Monafr. append, to vol. 11 . p. cos. 4 . A grant, of Offa K. of Mercia to Duddonus, of a parcel of land (ruriculum) near a town here called Sulmonnelhurg. (Lat.) Apud Jorotlafordam. A* 779. 5 . Ulfere (Wulnher) K. of Mercia, his charter of foundation of the nionaftery of Medelhamfted. A 0 664 . (Lat. a forgery of the monks of Peterbo¬ rough.) 6. K. Edgar, his charter of foundation of the convent of Perfor (Perlhore.) A 0 972 (Latin, with the limits deferibed in Saxon.) Printed in Dugdalcs Monafticon, T. 1 . p. 204 . 7- A letter from Godefridus archdeacon of.Wnr- cefter, to A. Pope ; certifying the authenticity of the above charter of Perfor.' If this was Godfrey who had been archdeacon from 1148 to 1167 , the Pope mult have been Anaftafius IV. Wan ley fuppoll-s him an Alexander. This charter had three feals. 8. A charter of K. Canute, confirming the privH leges and liberties of the nionaftery of St Edmund. (Lat. with an addition in Saxon : a forgery.) 9- V iglaff K. of Mercia, his charter of immunities for the nionaftery of Heanbyrg. (Hambury, Wore.) (Latin, with an addition in Saxon.) Craeft, A 0 836. 10 . A charter of Coenwulf Iv. of Mercia, by which he grants certain lands and exemptions to Wulfred Arelibp. of Canterbury. (Lat.). Lundania?, A 0 811 . 11 . Randulphus abbot of Evelham, his attefta- tion of the Conftitutiones et. Confuetudines,” of his abbey, being authorized thereto by Pope Inno¬ cent III. 12 . Richard II. his confirmation of the charters of the nionaftery of St. Mary de Thorney : with various infpexiinus’s of former charters. A° 4 Regni (i 38 i) (not orig.) on three Ikins. 13. Henry vi, lfis confirmation of the charters of the nionaftery of Ely, reciting the former charters* (Lat. not orig.) on 2 ficins: Weftm. Feb. 7 , 1423 . 14 . A requifition of a queen of England to R. de Clifford, to favour the priory of Mayilene Bradelagh (Wilts) in fome matters relating to landed property. (Lat.) Merlebergh, Sept. 3. A # 54 Hen. ill. 15 . A11 atteftation of fome grants of lands by K. Ethelred. (Saxon.) V. Ilickes, dills, epift. p. 4. ' 16 . A charter, being a defignation of fome lands fold to Duke Ethelmod, by Plegred ; witnelled by K. Ethclwulf. (Lat.) A° 359. 17 . A fale of lauds by Cialulf, to his friend Ean- mund ; witnelfed and confirmed by K, Ethered and feveral others. {Lat.) A 0 888. 18 . A AUGUSTUS, II. is. A letter from Wuldhar bifliop of London to Bcrttwald, who is ftiled “ Reverendiftimus ct Catho- licorum patrum prrecuniis beatiticandus, totius Bri¬ tannia: ‘>ubernacnla resiens,” deliringhis advice con¬ cerning the mode of proceeding at a council fum- nionedat a place called Breguntford, (Brentford ?.) lbr fettling the differences that had ariien between the king and the laid council. -X. B. Birhtuald was Ahj). of Canterbury from 692 to 7 .: I. 1 !). A covenant between Eadwakl and Cyne- thritha, concerning the defeent of fomc lands. (Saxon.) Among the witnetfes is Ceolnoth, who was archbifhop of Canterbury from 832 to 8 7 '2. Co. The aft of reconciliation between t|ie kings Egbert and .Ethelwolf on one part, and the clergy under Abp. Ceolnoth on the other part, on the nm- firmation or reftoration of the lands in Mailing to the latter. Concluded at a council held at Cyningeftun (Kingfton) in regione Suthregia*. A” 838 . (Lat.) c ] . Another tranfeript of the above act. cc. A grant of K. .Ethelred, of a parcel of land at Yceantunc, to one called Clofic. (Lat. with the limits deferibed in Saxon.) A 0 , loot. 23. A grant of K. /Ethelftan, of certain lands and tenements at Meapham, (iMepham, b ent) to Ealdulf, wliom he calls “ lidelis mens miniftcr.” (Lat. the boundaries in Saxon.) A” 939 . 24 . A grant of I». Canute, oflome lands at Xitlian- ham, to /Ewic a monk. (Lat. the boundaries in Saxon.) Co. A charter of K. William the Conqueror, touch¬ ing the privileges of the abbey of St. Edmund, de¬ claring it exempt from the jurifdiction of the bifhops of Norwich. (Latin and Saxon: probably a copy.) 29. A grant or releafe of fonje lands made to Bilheard, an Earl, by Coenuulf K. of Mercia. (Lat.) 27 . A covenant of barter between K. Offa and Stidberht an abbot, offome lands in Middlcfex : on the back of the preceding article. (Lat.) A° 794. 28. A releafe of K. .Ethelwolf of a certain villa in, and of lands at Canterbury, to one Ithdan. .•Ethelwolf calls himfelf " Hex oceidentalium Saxn- miiii." With fcveral fubfequent transfers. (Lat.) A' 839. 29. A grant of Ilodilrcd, a relation of Sebhi K. of the Eaft Saxons, of fome lands, to the abbefs of the monaftery of Bcddanham. (Lat. initial characters of the VII. century.) so. A grant, of K. Offa of fomc lands to the church of St. Peter at Breodune, (Bredon, Wore.) (Lat. not original.) A 0 730. 31. A charter of K. .EthelIran, exempting the epifcopal church of Cridea (Crediton, or Kirton) from allfecular fen - ices, anil (ileal and royal tributes. (Lat.) A 0 9 83. 32. A grant of Athelbald K. of Mercia, of cer¬ tain lands, to Earl \\ ithred and his wife Anlitha. (Lat.) 35. A grant of K. Eadwig, of certain lands, to Earl iElflierc. (Lat.. the boundaries in Saxon.) A 0 9 .30. 34. A teftament of Thurltan, bequeathing lands to Chrift Church, Canterbury. (Saxon.) This deed, which is a cyrograph, is witneiled by K. Edward the Confelfor, Eadlig Abp. of Canterbury, &c. 35. A grant ofGodric, of the lands of Offaham. (Saxon.) A cyrograph, witneiled by Abp. Eadlig,&c. 39. A certificate or notitia of lands pertaining to the archbilhopric and church of Canterbury. (Lat.) 37- Another tranfeript of the a6t X° 20 . 38. K. /EthelrecPs coniirmation of the privileges and immunities of the monaftery of Abbington. Abingdon, Berksp Latin ;many of the names written by a more recent hand.) A" 998. 39 . A grant of K. Eadgar, of lands at a place called •• Ilimetuda," to the monahei \ of Abbington. (A- bingdon) (Lat.witn tl ie bounds in Saxon.) A'TOi. 40. A deed of reliilution of K. Eadgar, of certain lands, to one Wuliric, which had been in a bale of fequcliration. (Lat.) A°0 9 o. 41 . A. grant of b. Eadwig, of lands, to .Elfwine “ meo familiarillimo.” (Eat. the bounds in Saxon.) A 0 9 . 56 . 4 2. The teftament of P.adanotb,tbe fon of Bcotting- (Saxon. / Witneiled by Abp. Ceolnoth, &e. v. Iliekc.Es difs. epilt. p. 54 . 13 , A grant of K. Eadwig, of lands, to Bribtrie, “ euidam miniftro." (Lat. Sax.) A° 959 . ! !. A grant, or rather a deed of exchange, of lands between K. Eadred and Wulfrie, whom the King biles, “ homini mild earo.” (Lat. with the bounds in Saxon.) A° 949. 4 . 5 . A grant of K. Eadwig of lands, to Eadmund, “ euidam ex optiinatibus.” (Lat. with the bounds Saxon.) 956 . 49 . A fragment of a grant in winch the boundaries ofcertain lauds are deferibed in Saxon; after which follows the e.fual imprecation in Latin. Wiltun. A 0 8 . 54 . 47. A covenant for the exchange of certain lands between Wulfrcd Abp. of Canterbury, and the monks of Chrift Church. (Lat.) A 0 811 . 48 . A grant of If. .Ethelred, of 2~ manfas in Dum- beltain, to Wlfric, “dilc&ilfuno meo miniftro." (Lat. not original.) A° 995 . 49 . A deed of Edward the Confelfor. relating i*> the immunities of the monaftery of St. Edmund. (Saxon.) 50. The bull of Pope Eugenius III. confirming the privileges of the abbey of St. Peter and Paul \\ eft- minftcr: addreil'ed to Gcrvafc the abbot. (Lat.) A° 1145 . 51 . King Henry III. bis charter of the liberties of England. (Lat.) Weftmiufter, Eeb. 11, 12 . 32 . . 32 . A grant of one Ealliburga, for the celebration of maffes. (Saxon.) 5 : 5 . A grant of K. William II. of the manor of Brombam, to the church and monaftery of St. Martin dc Bello (Battle Abbey.) M inton. .54. K. William the Cone;, his charter, confirming the privileges and immunities of the abbey oi Wclt- minftcr. (Lat. afufpieious deed.) A" 108I. .3.3. A charter of .Ethilheard Abp. of Canterbury, concerning the recovery of eeitain lands at Burnan to Chrift Church, Canterbury. (Lat.) A° 805 . 59 . A charter of Henry I. granting and confirming the poifebit.ii of eeitain lands to the canons' of St. Mary de Brillington (Burlington.) (Lai.) 57. A grant of K. Eadred, of lands, “ ad mo- naberium llaeulfenfe." (Reeulver. Kent) (Lat. with the boundaries in Saxon.) S. Dunftan, then abbot, declares his having drawn up this charter. A 0 9 t 9 - 58 . A charter of K. Edw ard the Confelfor, con finn¬ ing the privileges of the abbey of \\ eftminfter. ( Eat. dubious.) A 0 1045 . 59. A grant of K. Edward the Confelfor, of lands to Old gar, “ fideli meo miniftro. ’ (Lat. with the hounds in Saxon.) A° 1044 . 9 o. A contract of l'ale of K. vEthelwulf, of lands, to Badonolh, " apparitori meo." (Lat.) A° 845 . 61. Au AUGUSTUS, II. 29' G i. An aft of a fynocl held at Clofefhoun, declaring the privileges of the archiepifcopal fee of Canterbury : wi fuelled by Archbp. fEthilheard, and many bifhops and abbots. (Lat.) A 0 803. 62 . A grant of K. Eadmund, of lands at Ofwalding, to TEthcllwithe, “ cuidam religiofiE fceminte fanftimo- niali.” (Lat. with the boundaries in Saxon.) A 0 940. 63. A grant of K. Eadmund, of lands at Baddan- byrig, to JElfric, “ pontifici fuo.” (Lat. with the bounds in Saxon.) A 0 944. 64. The teftament of Abba, a Saxon theriff: witnelfed by A bp. Cealnoth, &c. .(Saxon.) v. Ilickes’s Difs. epift. p. 55. G.5. A grant by K. Athclftan, of lands at Derantune, toiElfwold, “ lideli fuo miniltro.” (Lat.) A 0 9 : 34 . GG. A grant of K. Ethelbearht, of lands, to Wullafe, “ fideli fuo miniftro.” (Lat.) A 0 858. 67 . A deed of rcftitution of K. Edgar, of the town and harbour of Sandwich, to the church of Canter¬ bury. (Sufpicious.) 68. A grant of K. Edward the Conf. of lands, to JEthelred, “ cuidam meo optimati.” (Lat. with the bounds in Saxon.) 69- A grant of K. Canute of lands, to JEthcric, “ cuidam fideli miniltro.” (Lat. Avith the bounds in Saxon.) A 0 1031. 70 . A covenant (being a cyrograph) between jEgelric and Abp. Eadfig, concerning lands at Cert. (Saxon.) 71 . A grant of K. Ethelwulf of lands, to Ealdhere, “ fideli meo miniltro.” (Lat.) A 0 855. 72. A grant of Wulfred Abp. of Cant, of lands at Sceldesford, to the monks of Canterbury. (Lat.) 73. A grant of K. Eadmund, of lands, to two brethren, Ordhclm and Alfwold. (Lat. and Saxon.) A° 946. 74. and 75. Two contrafts of fale of lands by Cocnwulf I{. of Mercia, to Wulfred Abp. of Canterb. (Lat.) A 1 * S 14 , and 823. 76 A contract of fale of lands by Burgred (Burdred lalt It. of Mercia) and /Ethelfwith his vote, to Wulllaf. (Lat. with the bounds in Saxon.) A 0 869 . 77- A grant of lands by Coemvulf K. of Mercia, to Abp. Wulfred. (Lat. with the bounds in Saxon.) A° 8 1 4. 78. A C 0 A T enant of reconciliation, and rcftitution of lands to certain monafteries r &c. between Bcornwulf K. of Mercia, and Abp. 'Wulfred; concluded at a fynod held at Clofefhoun, A° 825. (Lat.) 79- A grant of lands at Stanhamftede, by Ofwulf alderman, and Beornthryth his wife, to Chrift-chureh, Canterbury. (Saxon.) SO. K. Edward the ConfelTor’s confirmation of fome privileges, to Leofftan abbot of St. Edmund. (Saxon.) 81 . An attcllation of EdAvard the Confelfor, of a grant of lands at Wormelea, by Lcofsi, the fon of Dudda, to the abbey of Weftininfter. (Saxon.) 82 . A grant of lands atTuicanhom Com. Middlefex, by Sueabraid (avIio ftyles himfelf K. of the Eaft Saxons) and Preogthath, alias Peohthat, an Earl, to Waldhar Bp. of London. (Lat.) This charter is attefted by Coenred K. of Mercia; but it is fufpicious. A 0 704 . 83. A grant of lands at Mearfietham, by K. Eadred to Ofwig, cuidam mihi fideliflimominiftro.” (Lat. the boundaries in Saxon.) A 0 947 . 84. A note of a grant of lands by Thurkytel to the monaltery of,St. Edmund. (Saxon.) S5. A teftament of Bp. iElfric, bequeathing his lands chiefly to the abbey of St. Edmund. (Saxon.) 86. A grant of lands in Pecganha.ni, by Ciedwalla L. of the Weft Saxons, to Wilfrid Bp. of Seliey? A copy, if not fpUrious. (Lat.) A 0 680. _ 87 . The attefrations of a fale of lands, by Coenwulf h". of Mercia, and Co!bred K. of Kent, to Wlured (Wulfred)-Archbp. of Canterbury. (Lat.) A 0 805. 88. A grant of lands by Wihtred K. of Kent, to the church of St. Mary at Limminga (perhaps Limne.) not original. (Lat.) July, 685 ? SO. A contract of fale of lands at Ilamme, by Ear- dulf to his friend Wighelm. K. Alfred attclts and confirms this deed. (Lat.) A 0 875 . 90. A compofition or agreement betAveen K. Harold, and Alffran the abbot, and the monaftery of Chrilt- church, Canterbury, concerning Sandwich (Saxon.) 91 . A grant of fome lands, and 100 loads of Avood for boiling fall, by yElhelbert II. K. of Kent, to the abbot and clergy of St. Mary at Limirhea. (Lat.) fufpicious. A° 732 . 92 . A grant of lands at Mundlingham, by Lufa or Luba (perhaps a nun) to Chrilt-church, Canter¬ bury: Avitnefled by Abp. Ceolnoth. (Saxon.) 93. A contract of fale of lands at Mylentun in Kent, by Ceohvulf K. of Mercia, to Wulfred Abp. of Canterbury. (Lat.) A 0 -822. 94. A grant of lands by Wiglaff IC of Mercia, to Abp. Wulfred. (Lat.) A 0 831. 95. A grant of a feat (unam federn) at a place cal¬ led St. Martin’s church, and of a hamlet (villulam modicam) near the lame, by K. iEthclred, to his friend Wighelm. (Lat.) A 0 867 . 96. A grant of lands in Kent, called Gedinge, Sec. by Ccnulf I>. of Mercia, and Cenegitha his wife, to Chrift-church, Canterbury. (Lat.)fufpicious. A 0 799. 97 . A grant of lands, or of a certain marfh (ma- rifeum) by K. Coenuulf, to Ofwulf: and under it a grant of the fame marfh by Ofwulf, to the monaftery of Liminge. N. B. The former is more properly a deed of exchange... (Lat.) 98. A grant of lands by K. Coenuulf, to Eaduulf, “ fideli meo miniftro.” (Lat.) A° 80S? 99- A grant of lands by K. Offa, to Jaenberht. (Lambert) Abp. of Canterbury. (Lat.) A° 774 . 100 . A contraft of fale of lands, by Cut bred K. of Kent, to .Elhelnoth, “ priefccto meo fidelilfuno,” for 3,000 denar. Avith the confcnt of Coenuulf K. of Mercia. 1 (Lat.) 101 . A grant of a fifliery at the mouth of the river Limimea, and a parcel of land on which Avas fituated the oratory of St. Martin, See. byEthelbert ll. K. of Kent, to the monaftery’of St. Mary at Limimea. (Lat.) A 0 741. 102 . A grant of lands, See. at Sandton, by K. Ecg- bert, to the monaftery of St. Mary at Limming? for the purpofe of boiling fait. (Lat.) A 0 773. 103. An old tranlcript of a part of the charter of foundation of the monaftery of Norwich, by Herbert Lofing, Bp. of Thetford, then of Norwich; dated Sept. 1101 . v. Dugd. Monaft. T. 1 . p. 409 . 104. A petition of the prelates of Ireland, con¬ cerning their juril’diction. (Lat.) 105. An inventory of valuable effefts found in a room under the chapel in the tOAver of London, by W. (de la Zouche) Abp. of \ ork, and others; and Avhich appear to haA'e belonged to the royal treafury. (French.) 19 Edw. ll. 1325. 106 . K. John's charter of liberties, called Magna Charta. (Lat. original.) Ronimede, June 15. 1215. 107 . A IlebreAV contraft, called “ Starrum,” faid I on o AUGUSTUS, II.—VI. on the back to have been inrolled A 0 u Edw. I. With a latin tranfcript. 108 . An inventory of money, plate, jewels, gar¬ ments, See. found in the tower of London, belonging to the royal treafury ; made by order of K. Edward Ill. by R (Aungervyle) 13p. ot Durham, Feb. 24 , 134b. (French.) 10 <). Another fimilar inventory, made by Waut. (Walter Stapleton) Bp. of Exeter, and treafurer, A* 17 Edw. II. (French.) 110 . A bull of pope Clement. V. naming Robert de Stanford, prior of Huntingdon: with blanks (Lat.) Poi&iers. 111. A bull of pope Celeftin III. for the monaftcry ofSaltry in Huntingdonfhire; confirming the potfef- fion of their eftates. (Lat.) Lateran, 6 Id. April 1193 . 112 . A bull of pope Eugene III. in favour of the priory of Huntingdon. (Lat.) Altiliodori (Auxcre.) IS Kal. Sept. 1 U7- Printed in Dugd. Monaft. T. ii. j>. 26. 1 13. A bull of pope Boniface MIL confirming the privileges of the priory of Huntingdon. (Lat.) Rome, 3 Kal. Apr. 1297 . 114 . A bull of pope Boniface MU. confirming the property of certain lands to the monaftcry of Sultry. (Lat.) Rome, Kal. Apr. 1300. 11 . 5 . A bull of pope Celeftin III: in favour of Sal- try monaftcry. (Lat.) Rome, 5 Kal. Martii, 1195 t lib. A bull of pope Alexander III. confirming the grants to Saltry monaftery. (Lat.) Senoni (Sens) 0 Id. Sept. 11 64. 117 . A bull of pope Gregory l\. confirming the grants to the monaftery of Biflemede in Bcdford- Jhire. (Lat.) Rome, 3 Kal. Feb. 123 G. 118. A bull of pope Innocent IV. confirming the grants to the monaftery of Ramifaia (Ramlay) in liuntingdonlhire. (Lat.) Rome, 2 Id. Martii, 1244 . 119 . A bull of pope Martin v. confirming to the priory of Huntingdon the appropriation of the paro¬ chial church of Southo, and the chapel of Ilarle- wefton. (Lat.) Rome, 9 Kal. Martii, 1414 . Printed in Dugd. Monaft. T. ii. p. 27 . 120. A bull of privileges granted bypope Lucius III. to the Ciftereian order. (Lat.) Verona. U84. 121. A bull of pope Innocent III. confirming to the monaftery of Saltry the poffcfiion of the wood of Saltrv. with a ditch and a hedge, granted them by K. John. (Lat.) Rome, 10 Kal. January, 1208. 122 . A bull of pope Martin IV? confirming the grants made to the priory of Huntingdon. (Lat.) Civita-Veccliia, .5 Kal. Junii, 1282 ? 12 . 8 . A bull of pope John XXII? confirming the privileges granted to Saltry monaftcry. (Lat.) Rome, 1317? 124 . A bull of pope Lucius III. confirming the grants made to the monaftery at Crux Roais (lloy- fton) (Lat.) Veruli, 9 Kal. Maii, 1184. 125. Ahull of pope Alexander III. confirming the grants made to the monaftery ofSaltry. (Lat.) Anag- nie, 3 Non. Jun. 1176 . 12 G. A tranfeript of art. 119 . 127 . A bull of pope Innocent IV? in favour of Saltry monaftery. (Lat.) 12 Kal. June, 1249 ? 12 s. A bull of pope Gregory lx? for the fecurity of the monaftery of Saltry. (Lat.) Reate, Id. Julii, 1231? 129. A bull of pope Innocent IV? in favour of Saltry monaftery. (Lat.) Kal. Apr. 1249 ? 130. A bull of pope Celeftin HI? in favour of the priory de Cruee Rohais. (Royfton.) (Lat.) Lateran, 4 Kal. Aug. 1197? 131 . A bull of pope Urban iv? ordering the dean of London to protect the monaftery of Saltry in its property, which had been invaded. (Lat.) Avignon? Id. Febr. 12 G3? 132 . Ahull of pope Boniface tin? in favour of Saltry monaftery. (Lat.) 1 4 Kal. Apr. 1.301? 133. and 134. Two bulls of immunities of pope Innocent IV. in favour of the Ciftereian order. (Lat.) Lugduni, 5 Kal. Apr. 1249 . 135 . A11 infpeximus of Iv. Edward 1. of feveral charters by which Henry in. granted to his fon Ed¬ mund the honour of Leicefter, the cattle of Kenil¬ worth, Sec. (Lat.) Ambrelbury, Aug. 7, 1285. 136 . Ahull ot pope Alexander III. confirming the grants made to the monaftery of St. Faith at Hor- iham. (Lat.) 7 Kal. Jun. 11 (is. X. B. A more ample account of tliefe charters, by 11 . Wan ley, may be found in llickcs's Thcfaur. YqI, ii. p. 258 . Augujius. III. A large port-folio, containing drawings and prints. 1. Ten drawings of armies in array, on their march, and in action. N° 1.—10. 2. Three coloured drawings of magnificent tents. N° 11, is, and 19. 3. l ive mifcellaneous drawings : a Hedge, a foun¬ tain, a cup, alandfcape, and a female figure. X° 12 — 1 G. 4 . A view of Edmond Mody’s bulwark. X° 17 . 5. Seventeen drawings of the drelies, arms, and accoutrements of foldiers, both horic and foot; alfo of the trappings of horfes. N° 20 — 3 ( 3 . G. A drawing of a head, fuppofed to be Brandon D. of Suffolk. N° 37. 7. A coloured drawing of a crufader in armour. N° 38 . 8 . A plan for the difpofition of tents about a royal pavilion. N° 39 . 9. Eighty-one prints of antient buildings, bas- reliefs, &c. chiefly at Rome. N° 40. et leq. Auguftus, IV. Codex membran. in folio grandiori, conftans foliis 155. Sic. X\ John Lydgate; his j)oem of the wars of Troy : con¬ taining the whole of the edition of 1555 , but with many variations.—Some paintings. A ug ujius, V. Codex membran. in folio crafliori, conftans foliis 481. Sec. XV. Le Trcfor des Hiftoires ; being an unlvcrfal hiftory from the creation, to the time of pope Clement Vl. with many illuminations. The chapters 4 17 and 418 contain an account of the game of chefs. I11 the lalt chapter the author gives a lhort lyllabus of the work. A ugujius, VI. Codex membran. in folio crafliori, conftans fob 405 . Sec. xv. Le livre des propriety's des chofes: tranftat^ de Latin en Francois du commandement (de) Charles le quint roy de France, par maiftre Johan Corbechon de l'ordre de St. Augultin, Fan dc Grace, 1372 . en 20 livres. Avec des figures iUumiiu-es. Tiberius , TIBERIUS, I.—III. 3i Tiberius, A. I. Codex bombycinus, in 4to. longiori, conftans fol. 343. Sec. XV. Alcoranus Mohammedis, Arabic^ : nitid6 exaratus, fed fionte mutilus. Tiberius, A. IT. Codex membran. in 4 lo. majori, conftans foliis 217. Sec. IX. Codex quatuor Evangeliorum, Latine : aliaque ad ipfum pertinentia, hoc ordine: 1. Epiftola S. Hieronymi, ad Damafum P. 2. 2. Prologus quatuor Evangeliorum. 4. b. 3 . Epiftola Eufcbii, ad Carpianum. 7. 4 . S. Ilieronymi epiftola alia, ad Damafum pa- pam. 8 . 5 . Argumentum Evangelii fee. Matth®um.—Cete¬ ris quoque Evangeliis prafigitur argumentum pro- prium. " 8 . b. 6 . Breviarium ejufdem Evangelii: h. e. fyllabus capitulorum, qui etiam tribus aliis prajfigitur. 9. 7. C-harta qua rex TEthelftanus donat Eccleli® Chrifti in Dorobernia, terram Folceftan, fitaan fuper mare, ubi (luondam fuit monafterium et abbatia SS. Virginum; ubi etiam lepulta eft fan 61 a Eanf- witha : lpfius, ct Wilfhelmi, archiep. Dorobera, alio- rumque fubferiptionibus confirmata. A 0 927. Apo- graphon. 12. b. 8 . Verfus in laudem TEthelftani. 14. 9. Declaratio regis iEthelftani, in qualibrum hunc Eccleli® Chrifti dedicat. 14. b. 10. Tabula: canonum Eufebianorum. 15. 11. Evangelia quatuor. Unicuique pr®ponitur icon Evangelift®, cum angelo et animalibus qu® vulgo pro eorum typis polita funt.—Singulorum Evangeliorum tres prim® pagin®, literis initialibus, et quidem deauratis, tot® exarantur: illae cnim ti es qu® Evang. fee. Mattheum pr®figutifeut, colore pur- pureo illinit®, fplcndidiflim® omnino icriptur® ex- emplum proferrunt—In folio titulum Evangelii con- tinente feribitur. + odda. rex. + mihthild mater REGIS. gg. 12. Capitulare Evangeliorum, de circulo anni. 199. 13 . Capitulare Evangeliorum, de natalitiis fanc- torum. 209. 14. Capitulare Evangeliorum, de diverfis caufis, qu® illic recenfentur, 215, Is optima note Codex ab fEthelftano, (ut videtur Wan lei o, fed aliis dubium) regum Anglia? ufibus deftinatus, quando in coronatione fua jurainen- tum adhibere folet. Verfus vero, lioc denotant.es, recentiori, temporis foil, regis Ricardi II. ferip- tura, prima pagina, picturis probe ornata, in- feribuntur. “ Sax-onidum dux atque decus, primumque mo¬ il arc ham “ Inclitus, JElfredum qui numeravit avum, “ Imperii primas quoties meditantur habenas, “ Me voluit facriim regibus elfe librium” Thefe verfes are written on a handfome illumina¬ tion, reprefenting a king (probably Ric. II.) kneel¬ ing before an altar, divers royal and other arms, and various other ornaments. Tiberius, A. III. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans ex foliis 178. per diverforum mantis,■ ante conquilitionem Anglia;, confcriptus. 1. Regular is concordia Anglic® nationis mona- chorum, fani'timonialiumque; capitulis XII. fub Ead- garo rege, monente Dunftano, ut ipferex in prooemio elare innuit, confe6ta.. Pnefigitur icon ubi Eadgari regis, et trium monachorum effigies delineantur. Prooemium et epilogum evulgavit, in notis fuis ad Eadmeri hiftoriam novorum, cl. Job. Seldenus. 1. b. 2. De fomniorum diverfitate, fecundum ordinem ABCdarii Dan Mis prophet®. <25. b. 3. De obiervatione lume, (h. e. ®tatis ejus per fingulos dies menfis) et qu® cavenda funt. SO.b. 4. Somniorum eventus juxta states lun®. (conf. Titus. D. XXVI. 10. 33. b. 5 . Prognoftica de temperie anni, See. ex confide- ratione kalendarum Januarii. 34 . 6 . Confideratio ®tatum lume in modo genitis. (conf. Tit. I). XXVI. 8 . 34 . b. 7 . Confideratio ®tatuin lume in a?gris. (conf. Tit. I). XXVI. 9. 34 . b. 8 . Prognoftica ex tonitribus. (conf. Tit. D. XXVI. 1L 35. Hucufque omnia Latin 6 , cum verfione Saxonica interlineata. 9. Somniorum eventus, juxta states lun®. (Sax- onic 6 .) ‘ 35 . b. 10. iEtates lun® rebus gerendis idone®. (Saxon.) 37 - b. 11. Tonitruum confideratio, fecundum fingulos totius hebdomad® dies. (Saxon.) 38 . ] 2. Confideratio novi-luniorum, per fingulos totius hebdomad® dies. (Saxon.) 38. b. 13 . Gcneratio hominis in utero. (Saxon.) 38 . b. 14 . Confideratio setatum lun® in nativitatibus. (Saxon.) Convcnit, quoad potifiimam partem, cum Lunari Danielis prophet®. 39. 13 . Confideratio kalendarum Januarii, fecundum fingulos totius hebdomad® dies. i. e. Bed® prog¬ noftica temporum. (Saxon.) 39. b. 16'. Profecutiofomniorum diverfitatis. (Saxon.)40. 17. Prognoftica de partu. (Saxon.) 40 . b. 15. De Adamo. Item notul® de Adamo, de Sara Abrahami, de Noacho. (Saxon.) 41. 19 - De fex ®tatibus fecull. 41 . b. 20. De Jejunio. Be Sea. Maria Ylde. Be Mif- d®da. (Notul® Saxon.) 42. 21. Confeflio et oratio ad Deum: ubi plura de confcflione, cum precibus, abfolutionibus, &c. (partim Saxonice, partim Latine.) 42 . 22. Ordo confeilionis Sci. Hieronymi; qualitcr confiteri debeat Chriitianus peccata fua. (Latine, et inde Saxonice.) 53 23 . De omnibus fanctis, ad vefperum. (Mifla, cum rubricis Saxonice.) 55. 24. Colloquium inter pueros difeere cupientes loqui Latine, et pf®ceptorem ; ab yElfrico primum compila¬ tion, etdeindeab /Elfrico Bata ejus difcipulo audtum. (Latine, cum verfione Saxonica intcilincari.) 58 . b. Polt h®C fortalfe defunt qmedam. 25. De ®tatibus lun®, (conf, Titus. D. XXVI. G. 63 . 2 6 . De 3 2 TIBERIUS, A. III. IV. 26. De nativitate infantum. 63 . ■ 27 . Lunaris Sri Danrelis, tie nativitate infantum. Item, De conlideratione lume in a’gris: fragmen- tum. 63 . 28. De primo die fcculi; five Idus Julii, Aquifgrani, a quampluribus abbatibus ; inviolahiliter a regulari- bus (h. e. Bcnedictinis) obfervandu?. 166. 47. /Ethelwoldus de. confuetudine monachorum. (Saxon.) 171. 48 . Demonaclio defundlo. Fragmentum. 174. 49 - Genealogia et fuccellio regum Welt Saxonum, ab A 0 494. ad Eadwardum fil. Eadgari. Qu. an ham plagula ex Codice Tib. A. VI. olirn aviilfa? (Sax- onice.) 175. 50 . Horologium horarum breve. (Saxon.) 176. 51 . Oratio poft iniiTam impletam. 176. b. Tiberius, A. IV. Codex membrau. in folio verfo, conftans foliis 176. Sec. XV. 1. Joliannis Gower Chronica, qua? “Vox clamantis” dicitur: live poema de infurredtione rullicorum contra ingenuos et nobiles, tempore R. Ricardi 11. et de caufis ex quibus talia contingunt enormia : libris feptem. 1. On the back of fol. 8 . is a curious painting of a man in the drei’s of the 15 th century, with a bow and arrow in his hand, ready to llmot at a iphere. Above are the following lines : •• Ad munduni mitto mea jacula dumque fagitto, “ At ubi juftus erit nulla iagitta ferit: “ Sed male viventes Im.s vulucro tranfgredientes, “ Confcius . i g<) fibi fe fj etur ibi.” Mr. Strutt takes the above for a portrait of Gower, an;l has engraved and pubiilhed it as inch in his Regal and Ecclefiafti 1 Antiquities, where he faya that ili.. •->! io-inn 1 i- all of one colour, viz. dark brown: the fact is that the drapery is blue, and the other parts are of different colours. 2. Chronica tripartita (an ejufdem J. Gower?) de depofitione Ricardi II. et eoronatione R. llenrici iv. metrice. Hi verlus praimittuntur. 150, ” Ifta tripertita fequitur que mente perita “ Cronica fervetur ; nam pars qua; prima videtur “ Ell opus humanum; pars illafeeunda prophanum u Eft opus inferni; pars tertia jure fupernum “ Eft opus in Chriflo: virquibene fentit in ifto “ Scire potell mira; quid amor lit quid fit et ira. “ Eli tamen hoc clamor, omnia vincit amor. 3. .Carmen, unde magnificus rex nolter Henricus prrenotatus apud Deum et homines cum omni bene- didtione glorificetur. 166. Incip. “ Rex cell Deus et dominus, qui tempora fol us “ Condidit, et fol us conditacuncla regit.” 4. Epiftola brevis, unde virtutes regia? morales ad fanum regimen ampliori memoria dirigantur. me¬ trice. 166. b. Incip. “ O vecolende bone pie rex Henrice patrone, “ Ad bgna difpone quos eripis Pharaone.” 5 . Carmen i’uper multiplied vitiorum peftilentia, unde tempore Ricardi II. partes nol'tra? fpecialius in- ficiebantur. 167. Incip. “ Non cxcufatur qui verum non fateatur, “ Ut lie ponatur modus unde ficles recolatur.” 6 . Contra dannonis aflutiam, in caufa Lollardia\ metrice. 167. b. Incip. “ Quod patet ad liinen inflanti tempore crimen “ Defcribum, primo quo pallent alta fub imo.” 7. Contra mentis fevitiam, in caufa fuperbite. metrice. 168. b. Incip. “ Deficit in verbo fenfus quo cuncla fuperbo “ Scribere dclicia nequeo qua- funt mihi dicta.” 8 . Contra carnis lafeiviam, in caufa concupifeen- tia\ metrice. * 169. Incip. " O fexus fragilis. ex quo natura virilis “ Oarnea (fie) procedit, anime que robora legit.” !). Contra mundi iallaciam, in caufa perjurii et avarithe. metrice. 170. b. Incip. “ Sunt duo cognaii vitiorum confoclati “ Orbem qui ledunt pariter, nec ab orbe re- cedunt.” in. Tradlatus de lucis ferutinio. metrice., 171.R Incip. lieu quia per crebras humus eft vitiata te- nebfas, “ Vix iter humanum locus ullus habet fibi planum.” n. Notula de libris a Johanne Gower feriptis: fcil. 1. “Speculum meditantis;” 2. “ Vox clamantis;” et 3 . “ Confeffio amantis.” 17 3 . 12. Carmen, quod quidam philofophus in laudem Johannis Gower, illiufque trium librorum, eompo- fuit. 173 . b. 13 . Indulgentia? eoncelfa? orantibus pro anima Johannis Gower. 173. b. 14. Carmen quod Joh. Gower, tempore regis Ricardi, dum vixit, ultimo, compofuit. J 73 . b. Incip. “ O Deus immenfe, fub quo dominatur inenfe Quidam morofi reges quidam viciofi.” 15 . Notula TIBERIUS, A. V.—IX. 33 15 . Notula deJohannis Gower chronicis. Aliique, forian ejufdem, veriiculi. 175. Tiberius , A. V. C'odcx membran. in 4to. conftans fbliis 163. Sec. XV. De antiquitate vetuftcc eeclefiae B. Maria; Glafto- nite; et de quadam augmentatione quain S. David Divina revelatione adjecit, et in honorem B. Maria; confecravit: ubi agitur de fanCtis ibi quiefeentibus, relicjniis ibidem rcconditis, de terris et polfefiionibus ejufdem, dcS. Jofepho Arimatha?.enfi, et de S. Patricio, deabbatibus uique ad tempora Edwardi III. Auctore Johanne illius abbatue confratre et monaeho ; qui, ut ipfe fatetur in prologo, Gulielmi Malmefburienfis, illius antiquitates ab adventu S. Jofcphi ad annum 11 2fi deferibentis, et Ada; de Domerham, ejufdem coenobii monaehi, eas inde ad annum 1290 dedu- eentis, libros defloravit, et ad annum 1400 hiitoriam continuavit. Tiberius , A. VI. Codex membran. in 4to. diverfis temporibusferiptus, conftans fbliis 201. eujus margines ab igne cor- rugati. 1. Chronicon a Chrifto inearnato, ad annum 977 . (Saxon.) Exemplar antiquum et emendatum. l. 2. De portione crueis reperta a Sergio Papa, in cap fa argentea in facrario B. Petri. 37 - 3 . Nomina Paparum qui miferunt pallium archie- pifeopis Cantuarienfibus, ab Auguftino ad Anfel- mum. 37 - b. 4 . Inquifitio terrarum Elienfis ecclefise, quomodo Barones regis inquirunt, quid quifque tenuerit, vel teneat. Totum hoc factum tripliciter, fcil. tempore 11 . Edwardi, et quando R. Willielmus dedit, et quo¬ modo lit modo, et 1 i poteft plus haberi, quam ha- bcatur. Sec. XIII. 38 . 5. Inquifitio de terris quas tenuerunt laici in Grantebriggc fyra (Cambr-idgelhire.) (Imperf.) ?(>. G. Charlie et epiftola; regum, viz. Eadgari, JEtlicI- redi, Eadwardi, aliorumque, paparum et epifeopo- rum ; continentes privilegia eccleliie Elienfi con- cefl'a. 11 8 . b. 7 - Chronica Anglia; ab Ilardecanuto, qui diem fuum obi it. A° 1042, ad 20 annum R. Edward III. (Gallice.) Sec. xiv. 141. Tiberius , A. VII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 1G7. Sec. xiv. 1. Chronica Fr. Martini, Poloni ? D. Papa; pocniten- tiarii et capellani, de geftis fummorum pontilicum et. imperatorum, a Jhu. Xpo et Octaviano, uique ad Johannem XXI. 1. 2. Hiltoriola de refignatione papatus per Papam Cocleftinum V. A 0 1294. 37. b. 3. Notte qutedam breves de conditionibus gentis Anglorum, et dc incolartim moribus abulivis. 38 . 4 . Cantici fragmenturn, cum notis muficis. 38 . b. 5 . The Pilgrim: a poem in old Englifh verfe, con lifting of dialogues between a pilgrim and fundry virtues and vices, God's grace, Satan, &c. with many paintings. The fir ft leaf is wanting, and l'everal to- : wards the end are much burnt and ftained. 39. G. Chronicon Anglia*, ab Afcanio, rEnete filio, ad R. Edwardum III. 107. 7. Verfus quidam Profperi, characlere antiquo Anglo-Saxonico: cumveifione Saxonica interlineari. Eragmentum ex integro quodam Profperi libro. Sec. X. 10 . 5 . 8 . Frogmen turn de Thoma archiepifcopo Ebora- cenfijtemp. Guil. 1. et lucceUbribus ejus. Sec. XIV. 1O7. Tiberius, A. VIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 101 . qua- tuor prifiia folia, fccundum Galleyium, hodie deliderantur. Sec. XI \. Liber fratris JohannisCapgrave, delaudibus eorum qui nomen Henriei lbrtiuntur; in ties partes di- vilus. (a.) De fex Ilenricis Imperatoribus, eorumque geftis imperialibus. (b.) De fex regibus Angli® Ilenricis. (c.) De hujus notninis ilhiftribus viris toto orbe difperlis; puta de Hen. rege Dacorum, lien, rege Fran cite, lien, filio Ricardi R. Romanorum, Hen. comite Campania 1 et poftca rege Hierofolymorum* Hen. Gcrmano' -Lodewici R. Fran cite, Hen. duce Lancaftrite, Hen. Bohun com. Herfordia?, Hen. de Bello-Monte, Hen. de Spencer epife. Norwicenfi, Hen. archidiac. Huntingdonenfi, Hen. archidiac. de Gandavo, Hen. de Urinaria de online Heremitar. S. Auguftini : cum picturis eorundem. Hie liber dicatus erat It. Henrico VI. Tiberius, A. IX. Codex membran. in 4to. tarn initio quam in fine truncatus: quie fuperfunt capl'ula hodie aflervan tur. Sec. Xi\'. 1 . Prophetite Merlini fragmdntum 4. o„ De mirabilibus Britannia;. G. 3 . Abbreviatio dc geftis Normannorum, ad Guli- elmum I. regem Anglia;. 8. 4. Qualiter Danemarchia multos procreaverit, qui regiium Erancorum ab omni parte vaftaverunt, in- cenderunt, fubjugaverunt: libris o6to, culn fupple- mentis. 8. b. 5. Mifcellanea, ubi ha; paftim rubrics reperiun- tur. 1 8. b. De Carolo fimplice< De comitibus Amlegavorum. De regibus Jerufalem. De fynodis univerfalibus et generalibus. (ita enim diftinguuntur.) De comitibus Flandrenfilnis. De principibus Normannorum in Apulia. De viris illultribus, quo tempore leripferunt. Nomina Itegionum IX. continentiuiii intfa le provincias CXIII. Radulphi de Diceto, et Job. Lugdunenfis epifeopi, epiftola*, de dignitate ledis Lug¬ dunenfis. fol. 23. 1). De Chillis, et.de fitu et laudibus Britannia; j ex diverfis auctoribus. De Jerufalem afflictionibus ct fubverfionibus. De prelatis eceleliarum. Dc Romanis imperatoribus. De regibus Britonum, Saxonunl, Anglorum, Danorum, et Normannorum. Romani pontifices quantum federinh Epiftola Alexandri Papa*, ad Henricum R. Anglia 1 : cum duabus aliiS. Querelas cujufdam Papa; de injuriis fedi Romana; illatis, regnante Henrico III Dc Imperatoribus Romanis, Conltantinopo- litanis, et Francis. f. 40. De Regibus Ally riis, Perils, aliifque. 41. K 6. Annales 34 TIBERIUS, A. IX.— B. If. fi. Ann ales de geftis Britonum, Saxonum, Da- norum et Normannorum, ad annum 1347 ; per Thom. Wycke, canonicum de Ofneya. 42 . 7. Prophetic RIerlini. (Gallice.) 99 . 8 . Indiculus fupelleiftilis faerie, et vaforum, mo- nafterii de Ofneya. 100. p. Qusedam de Edmundo de Wodeftoche, comite Cantiie. (Gallice.) loo. b. 10. Qiuedam de ortu ordinis Cartliufienfmm. 1 o 1. 11. Tabulae quaidam computiftica?. 102. 12. Vita abbatum monaftcrii S. Auguftini C'an- tuaria?, a Petro abbate primo, A 0 O07. ad Rogerum II. A 0 12.32. ubi multa liiltorica de Anglia referuntur. Qu. annon Gill. Thorne, vcl Thom. Sprott, lit auetor ? 103 . Tibaius, A. X. This volume has been fo much damaged by lire, and is fo defective, that an accurate defeription of it is impracticable. The remains of it are preferred in a cafe. Tiberius , A. XT. Codex membranaceus in 4 to. pefiime habitus : qua fuperfunt capfula aflervantur. See. xiv. Regiftrum chartarum abbatia S. Maria 1 Virginia juxta Dublin. Ilune codieem tranlcriplit quidam A 0 1733 , in ufum_Gardiner, Dublinenlis. Tiberius, A. XV. Defideratur. Tiberius, B. I. Codex membran. in folio min. eonfrans foliis 1C2. See. XI. 1. Pauli Orolii hilioria, Saxoniec; ex interpreta- ! tionc U. d'.ltredi. In hoc eodiee prima Ohtheri periplus fob 7. b. feeunda autem, fol. 11. Wulfftani etiam fob 11 . b. habenlur. j. 2. TraCtatus poetieus, de menlibus ct diebus feftis anni. (Saxon.) Ilune, ex hoc eodiee, defcriplit eh Junius, et grammatical fine p. 20.3, cum verlione fua Latina, publiei juris fecit 1 ). lliekelius. Ineip. “ Cjujt papacennyb cyninga pulbop. on mibno- pmrep." no. 3. Carmina quad am, ut videtur, proverbialia. (Saxon.) Ineip. “ Cymnj pceal pice healban. eeaprpa beob peopuan jej’yne.” 1 1:3. 4 . Chronieon Saxonieum, Abbendonieufe vuigo dictum, a Julio Ciefare, ufquead A. 1 ). ioon, di\ertis manilms, eoutinuatinn. Hie codex pulehre et ac¬ curate ieribitur: idtimum wro folium, cal'o ijnodnm amiIIurn, reliituit nonnemo, lileris Nornunno-Sax- onicis. 11b. Tiberius, B. IT. Tiberius, A. XII. Defideratur. Tiberius, A. XIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 170. See. XI. 1. Regift rum-, contincns chartas vetuftas, turn Latine turn Saxoniec. regum Saxonicorum, prafertim Merciorum; quibus terra', pofleflioncs, privilegiu et innnunitates monafterio S. Maria; in Wigornia civi- tate donantur. 1. Hilnc praclariflimum codieem, vel majorem illius partem, leripfit ut ipfe teftalur (fob 1 30 . b.) Ile- mingius, ejuldem monafterii monachus et faeerdos, edoctus relatione, et corroborates auetoritate multo- rum homintun, ct maxime Wlftani epifeopi, qui floruit fub tempore regis Gullielmi I. Hie enim eft autographon illius codieis ex quo editio el. Tlioma- Ilearn, Oxonii A° 1723, emanavit. 2. Nomina epifeoporutn eeelefia Wigornenfis: cum terris quas ipli moiiacbis Deo ct S. Maria fer- vientibus, concelferunt; h. e. Seaxulfo primo epif- copo, ad Simonem qui erat vicefimus l’cxtus epif- copus. 175. 3 . Libcllus de terris et polfciTionibus eeelefia- Wigoraenfi competentibus; quern piilfunus et reve- rendiflimus Wlftanus epifeopus feribi fecit, utilitati confulens fuecelTorum fuorum. (partim Latine partim Saxoniec.) 173. b. * {f * The charters in the above regiftcr have been minutely deicribed by li. A Van ley, p. 254. Tiberius, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 4 to. fob 196. Beda- hilioria eccleliaitica gentis Anglorum. Latine fed eharaCterilms Saxonicis. Fragment a hujus praftantiflimi codieis, qua 1 adhuc ex ineendii ftrage fuperfunt, in capfula affervantur. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 230. 1. Vita et palfio S. Edinundi regis Anglui. Orient, per Ahhoncm 1 loriaeenfem monaelmm, ail S. Dun- iiantini Dorobcrnenfium eeelefia; archiepifeopum. Seripta erat ha?c vita ad inltantiam R. .'Ftkelredi, et S. Dunftani circa annum 985 . Sec. XL 1. 2. Ejufdem miracula, ah Ilcrmanno archidiaCOno feripta, tempore Baldewini abbatis, circa annum 1070. Multa inihi de abbatia S. Fdmundi occumml, et de abbate Baldcwino, tempore R. Gulielmi I. Ail no*ula in fine “ Delieiunt. hie \ I. miracula, qua 1 funt in lihro Dom. Job. de C. Prioris.” See. XL 19. 3 . Fiber de iiuiuifitionibus mam-riorum epifeopatus Flienfis, taCtis tempore Johann is epifeopi, anno confe- eratiouis fine feeundo (1221 ?) funt autem mam-ria Flienfe, Dunham, Littleport, Dudington, Straham. Wilberton, I.indon, Sumerlham, Wim-lingham (alias Dittune) Brandon tab licit well) Norwold, Bellham. iiadeftoek, Hadham, ilerdwic, Granicfiien, lu-leihil, IIatf< Id, VVifcl e *h, L< v< rington, 1 hid, Fi:n. En< meth, Welles, Thirington. Walpole, Walton, Hceham, Rat- tclfden, Brugham, Pulliam, llerthirlt, Glemesford, Derham. Thorp, Schelfnrd, Trippclaw, l.itllehirn, Wcihiuglelc. Perking. Fob 1 (io habetur apographon priora-partis eliarla- lien, lll.de libertutib. Angb ytj. 4 Eftimatio ecclefiai am . Clvarta H. epifeopi Flienfis, qua omnes du- naliones monachis Flienfibus concelfas, conlii- mat. 2bo. b. Tiberius, TIBERIUS, B. III.—V. 3 5 Tiberius , B. III. Codex membran. in folio minori, incendio vakle corruptus, conftans foliis 202. 1. Calendarium ; et tabulae nonnulla ad calculum ecclelxafiiciim lpectantes. 2 . 2. Orationes et benedictiones in diebus dominicis et feftis : item pro rege, in ordinatione epifcopi, fuper ancillas Dei, de fponfo et iponfa, in tempore belli, pro iter agerxtibus, et pro defunctis. 12 . 3 . Short prayers in English verfe (fome in Latin) to the Trinity, the apoftles, faints, the holy erofs, Sec. with an elegant painting to each, molt of them now much defaced. 142 . 4 . Oratio ad Urfinum archiprsefulcm urbis Biturica; metro Latino, cum pictura. 149 - ,5. Liber Odonis, primi abbatis Cluniacenfis, ad Turpinum pontificem; de perverlitate pravorum, qui lcmper in malum fuccrelcentes, ecclefiafticam cen- furam contemnunt, &c. 151 . Pars hujus tracial us qua fupereft adeotrunca evadit, ut perpauca illius folia hodie legi pollint. Tiberius, B. IV. Codex membran. in fob minori, ex duobus fimul compa 6 tis conftans, foliorum 217. 1. Chronicon Saxonicum, a Chrifto nato ad A.D. 10 . 52 , et poftea ad A. 1079 continuation. In eo de- fiderabantur non ita pridem omnia ab A° 261 . ufque ad annum 69.% qu:e ex hiftorieis Saxonicis monal- teriorum eccleliie Chrifti et S. Auguftini Cantuaria, Petroburgens. Abendoniens. ulque ad A. 633 , feli- citer lupplevit Johannes Joifelinus. Idem virdoctus pallim etiam variantes lectiones ex laudatis codicibus, cum notis, in contextu operis et in margine, infe- ruit. Sec. XI. 1. 2. Folium parvum, quod ad evangeliorum codicem qui in Bibl. Col. D. Joan. Bapt. Oxon. adfervatur olim pertinuifi’e autumavit erudit. Wanleius.—In eofcri- buntur donationes terrarum bin®, quas dcdit Canutus rex, yEthelnotho archicp. Cantuar. (‘Saxon.) 86 . 3 . l’ragmentum chartaceum, continens excerpta qua;dam, five partem chronici Anglo-Saxonici, ab A. D. 1128, ufque ad A. 1131 , manu Johannis Jofi’e- lini dclcriptum. 87 - 4 . Chronicon Walteri deGifburne, de geftis regum Anglia, a rege Gulielmo 1. ad annum 27 Ed ward i 1 . ( 1300 .) defunt autcm plura dc rege Edwardo. bee. xiv. " 90 . 5 . Iliftoriblse de Chrifto falvatore, et de S. Petro; cui admilcentur legendaria narrationes. 210. 6 . De cardinalibus, See. urbis Roma. 211. 7. Numerus ecclefiarum parochialium, Sec. in Anglia; cum notatione temporisaliquot rerum nota- bilionun,ab exilio nempe Judaorum de regno Anglia, craftino animarum A. D. 1290, ad bellum apud Ba- nocklborne, die nativ. S. Joan. Bapt. A. D. 1 3 14. 211. 8 . Epiftola Iiadriani IV ? papa, ad regem Anglia, de zelo ejus in propaganda fide. 211. b. 9. ProvifionesQxoniens.temp, regis Henrici III. 212. 10. Verlus dc eledtoribus Imperii Germanici, &c. 217. b. Tiberius , B. V. Codex membran. in 4 to. ampliori, ex diverts fimul compactis confarcinatus, conftans foliis 147 - 1. Circuli duo, curfum exhibentes foljs et Inna. 1. 2. Regulares feriarum, fecundum Romanos: regu- iares lunares : epacta : de fingulis menfibus. l.b. 3 . Kalcmhirium, in quo fiuguli dies verb bus liex- ajnetris exprimuntur: ad l’umman paginam, fingulis uienlibus, habeutur imagines varias auni tempeitates reprafentantes ; ad imam quoque paginam, icones fignorum zodiac!. Sec. xi. 2. 4 . Tabula lunares; una cum multis aliis ad com- putum eeelefiaftieum fpe 6 iantibus, ex Beda defump- tis. 8 . . 5 . Nomina pontificum Romana urbis, per ordinem : quorum primus S. Petrus, ultimus Adrianus qui erat Papa III. 18. b. 6 . — epifeoporum Ilierololima civitatis. 1, J uftus. ... 77 , Titus. 18. b. 7. -imperatorum Romana urbis. 1, Julius Calar. 54 , Eraclius, et inde Odda. 19. 8 . - epifeoporum Hierololyma urbis (i. e. Pontif. vet. teltam. poft captiviiatem) 1, Johannes filius Joledech. 36 , Ariftobulus. 19 - b. 9. - ejufdem urbis epifeoporum poft Chrifti afeenfionem. 1, Jacobus frater Domini. ... 56 , Cv- rillus martyr. 19 - b. 10 . -epifeoporum Alexandria urbis. 1, Per trus apoft. 28 , Philippus. 19 - b. 11. -pontificum Antiochena urbis. 1, Pe¬ trus apoft.27, Yfidorus martyr. 19 - b. 12 . - archiepifcopornm Dorobeinenfis ec- clefia. 1 , Auguftmus.24, Sigericus. 20 . 13. - epifeoporum Hrofben.fis ecclefia.—- 1, Pauli nus.14, fElfltan. ?o. 14 . -epifeoporum Orientalium Saxonu.ni. 1, Mellitus.18, yElfftan. 20. 15. - epifeoporum Auftralium Saxonum. l, Wilfrith. 16, Ordbyrht. 20. 16. - epifeoporum OccidentaliumSaxonum. 1, Birin us.4, Iladde. Deinde in dims purochias divifa dt dioecelis, altera Wentana ecclefia, altera Sciroburnenfis ecclefia, ubi habeutur nomina epiic.Qf poi'uin Wintonenfium. 26 , yElt heah. 20. 17. - epifeoporum Sc.ireburnenfis ecclefia. 1, Eldlielm. . . . . 19, /Ethellige. 20 . b. 18 . - epifeoporum Wiltuncnfis ecclefia. 1, .'Etlielftan.. . . . . 7, Sigericus. 2 . 0 . b. 19. -*— epifeoporum Wilnenfis ecclefia. 1, Anhelm. . . . . 7, Sigegar. 20 . b. 20. - epifeoporum Cridienfts ecclefia. l,Ea- du If. .... G, Alfwold. 20. b. 21 . - epifeoporum Wicciorum ecclefia. l, Sexwulf. . . . . 9, 1 leathered. . 20 . b. 22. - epifeoporum provineja Merciorum. 1, Diuma.a, Scaxvulf. Poftea in dims divifa eft parochias, qua naFtie funt, poft varios cafus, epit- copos. 1, Torhtlielmum et Puttam, quorum fuccef- ,-fores fuerunt, illi.17, Kynefyrth, buic. 15. Eadwulf. 20. b. 23 . - epifeoporum Lindisfarorum, 1 , Ead- heah.12, JEfcuig. 20. b. 24. - epifeoporum Orientalium Saxonum. l, Felix.4, Bili. Poftea in dims parochias di- viditur, quarum una liabuit epife. 1, Eadewine. . . . 22, Theodred. 20 - b. 25 . - epifeoporum gentis Northanhymbro- rum. 1, Paulinus. 4 , Juda. 21. 26. - epifeoporum Eboracenfis ecclefia. 1, Wilfrith. ... 6 . W imund. 21 . 27. -epifeoporum Hauftaldenfis ecclefia. 1, Acca.7, Fanberht. 21. 28 . -— epifeoporum Lindisfarorum. 1, A id an- .... jo, Ecberbt. 21. 29. -• epifeoporum ecclefia qua dicitur Cafa Candiona 36 TIBERIUS, B. V.—VIII. Cambona (Candida: Withern.) 1, Wcrtliclm. 5 , Eadwulf 21. ■ 50 . Xomina regain 'Weft Saxonum. i, Ccrdic. .... 31 , ./Ethel red. 21 . '5 1 - Gcncaloguc reguni regnant ium per diverfaloca Northanhymbrorimi.-— Sequuntur rubricula* “ Item Mcrciorum.” “ Item.” “ Item., (Saxon.) 21. b. -regum Occidentalium Saxonum. (Saxon.) 2 2. Catalogus. (ut videtur) epifcoporum Raven- nenlium. (Saxon.) 22. b. " 4 . !)e ad veil t.u Sigeriei (an Siricii?) arch. Can- tear, ad llomam ; et quot ecclelias 2 dierum fpatio vilitavlt. 22. b. 5 . 5 . Submanfionesdc Roma ufqtie ad marc. ], Urbs Roma.80, Sumeran. 22. b. : 5 G. Pauea de temporibus Bedte prefbiteri: b. e. ex- cerpta ex ejns libro.de temporibus, de tequiiiodtio ver- liali, ike. (Saxon.) 23. •"' 7 . 1 abula repra fen tans globnm terraqueum, in qua niliil non literis majuleulis deferiptum eft: folia 30 et 3 1, mala manu ablciifa. 29. •' 58 . Iraetatus de duodccim fignis zodiaci, de Areturo et Boote, de Orione, de Pleiadibus, deque claris ltellis fub figno (I eminorum politisjeui prannitl’a eft oratio ad S. Trinitatem. 32. Contract us cmptionL Wullgytlii ad Hunimfliedum ; tetri!ins,.l id; ieo .r.ltheliani filio, cum multis aliis. (Saxon.) Progenies Dudhiv, Brada-, el Buhie, qua; habita- bant in I Re 1 IRee omnia folio, et fragmento ei agglutinate, in- leribuntiir, qui (piondam cvangelior. eodici per- tinuilfe baud dubi urn. 7(j. . 5 !. Defcriptio topographic;! aliquot regionum,&c. in Oriontc. (But. et. Sax'.) Alultade monliris, &c. eontinet, hand tbiiimilibus 11s qme lnemorantur ajnid Solinum, Ctcliam, et in interpolate exemplaTibus iti¬ ne rum J. de Maundevrile, &<. I crfecius videtur lii'- Iraetatus, fabulifque plenus. I'ragmentiun aliud ejufdem libelli exlat in codice qui inieribitur \ itel- lius, A. XV. 78. b. •5 2. Annotatio eccleftarum dotalium ecclefne de Bello, a \\ altero abbate facta, primo anno regni R. Ilenriei junioris. See. xit. gy. . 5 : 5 . Mundi varii l'tatus; ex feripturis facris, quas cert is temporibus anni pro varia rerum geftarum ra- tione legendas lignat auctor, dedudfi. Liber bifto- rieus et geographicus ; li. e. ab Adamo et Moyfe, See. cum expofitione Apncalypfeos, et allegorica pfaltcrii deceni chordanim explicatione. 91. Inferuntur illie. 54. .loaehimus 1 ‘upcr prophetas, adfratrem Rayne- rium de Pencio. 94. 39- Sidera et conftellationes cceleftes, elegantiflime iconibus repnefentataj, explicationibus profaieis ex Hygino, metrieis autem ex Arati pluenom. libro,a M. T. Cicerone adoleleente in Latina lingua tranllato, delumptis, cujus verlus primus ‘-Aquibus bine lubter poffis cognofcere fultuni.” 34. b. 40. De eoncordia folaris et lunaris (motus.) 51 . b. 41. De eoncordia maris et lunae. 51. b. 42. Depr£dagiistempeftatuum:(viz.)pnEfagiaexfole, Inna,ltellis,nubibus,ignibus,aquis,montibus et arbori- bus, avibus, pecoribus,vermibus, herbis et eibis. .51. b. 43 . Ambrolii Maerobii Theodofii (fe. ex eo locus) de menfura et magnitudine terras, el eirculi per .quern fobs iter eft. 53. 44 . Idem, de menfura ct magnitudinefobs. 53. b. 45 . Feiicis CapellsE (locus) de menfura lunse : aliaque aftronomica. 34. 40‘. De mundano anno. —“Tulin Ciceronis fom- ’'iuiii Seipionis dictantis, et .Maerobii exponentis, ac Seneee pbilofopliorum autoritatis.” (lie rubrica.) 50 . 47. Liber Periegefis: i. e. de fitu terra, Prifeiani (iranmialiei—quern de prifeorum diclis e.xcerpfit or- miitarum. 1 Inic periegdi, quam ex Gra-eis Dionilii Afri latine reddidit Prileianus, pramiittitur tabula geographiea triuni partium mundi. 39. 48. Narrationes quorundam miraculorum S. Xi- colai, verlibus latinis. Nota quod ftatim poft fol. 74, fob is tranl'pofitis, recurrendum eft ad fol. 37. 74. 49. Sodalitium nobibum, cum fine conditionis laieis. Cantabrigia- inftitutum ; in quo fodales, tac¬ t's S. reliquiis, jurabant fe libi invieem fideles fore in omnibus rebus, cum qme ad Deum, turn qua- ad munduin fpedtant, &c. (Saxon.) 73. Ljtil'dem fobi 75, facie fecunda (quod quidem fo¬ lium olim ad evangeborum quendam perlinebat b- brum) habetur notifieatio Saxonice, de dimidia virgata terra 1 in Pottune, quam jElfhelmus aurifabro luo vendidit ; .Llthelmo domino l’uo, cum multis aliis adteltanfibus. 50. Manumiflio zElfiiotlii Sacriftaj (Cyjicrpcapb) in Lxoiiia, per Eaduigum regem (Saxon.) Statutacujufdam fodalitii Exonite facti. v. Iliekclli Dil's. Epift. p. 21. (Saxon.) 5 . 5 . Notitiu accurata epifeopatuum tot ins orbis et proyini iaru n 104 . H c tria funt. S< c. eifeiter XIV. Tiberius , B. VI. Ddideratur. Tiberius, B. VII. Ddideratur. Tiberius, B. VIII. Codex membran. in folio min. eonltans foliis 194. Sec. XIV. 1. Rituale antiquum,pulcherrime deferiptum; cum hymn is, notubs mulieabbus inlignitis. 1. 2. L’ordcnance a enoindre et a eoronner 1c roy et la reyne: aver une belle vignette illuminec. 3 : 5 . 3 . Ordo ad inunguendum etcoronandum regem ct regin am : cum elegantilVmiis picturis. Sequuntur, Gallice, Juramenta et liomagia qua: pares, prelati, barones, equites, abique ofriciarii regis pndiabant, tempore coronationis. Fol. 72. b. feribitur “ Ce bvre du faere des rois de France eft a nous Charles le V. de notre 110111 roy de France, et le limes coriger 01- dener elcrire et iftorier fan mcccIxv. Charles.” 41. 4. Ordo confecrationis, b. e. coronationis regis et regime Anglia:. 79. 5. Ordinatio abbatis. 103. b. 0 . Benedidtio monachorum. 109. b. 7. Benedidtio fuper abbatift'am. 113. b. S. Confecratio virgin is moniabs. 120 . b. 9. Benedictio veltis vidua;: item vidua; ipfimet. 145 . 10. Ad eonlirmandos infantes. 149. I 11. Super hominem pugnaturum; cumbenedietione i feuti, baeub, et clifts. 150 . 12. Benedidtio ferri judiciabs. 155 . 13 . Judicium aqua; ferventis, cum benedietione j ejufdem. 165 . b. l 14. Benedidtio T IBERIUS, B. IX.—C. V. 37 14 . Benedidtio aquas frigid®, ad judicium facien¬ dum ; cum adjurationeejufdem, et hominis cui culpa objicitur. 177. 15 . Exorcifmus panis et cafei, ad probationcm veri inveftigandam; cum benedidtione eorundem. 186. b. Tiberius, B. IX. Fruftum, capfula alfervatum. A volume on parchment, which once confided of £7 2 leaves, written about the XIV century, containing eight tracts, the principal of which was a “ Regifter of William Cratiield, abbot of St. Edmund.” The whole is fo damaged by lire as to be fcarcely of any life. Calley mentions that Dr. Pepufli had copies of the 5 , 4 , and 5 tracts, being on mufic; probably alfo of one between N° 3 and 4 , being a treatife of Egidius de Muris, which Smith had omitted in his printed catalogue.—N.B. The copies of N“ 3 , 4 , and 5 , have linee been prefented to the Brit. Muf. by S' John Hawkins : v. Ayfc. Catal. N° 4909 . Tiberius, B. X. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conltans ex foliis 245 . nonnullaque ad ealeem femiufta. Liber Ibun Cadis Abubcori, de ritibus Moham- tnedanorum. (Arabice.) Tiberius, B. XI. Codex membran. in 4 to. conltans olim fol. 241 . ex quorum numero hodie 36 modo fuperfunt qiue, foluta, capfula affervantur. Sec. ix. Gregorii Magni Pap® libri de cura paftorali, frag- Jnentum; Saxonice, ex verfione regis jElfridi. Is codex, quern notula fob 3 indicabat regem ipfum Plcgmundo, Arch. Cantuar. dono dedifie, manu lar- giori, laxiori, elegantiori, et feculo Adfrediano plane convenienti, exaratus. Tiberius, B. XII. Codex partim membran. partim chart, in fol. min. incendio nimiura corruptus, conliat hodie foliis 235 . 1. Opus collect 11m et compilatum per ven. patrem Thomam (Beckiugtonr) Bathon et Wellens. epif- copum, ex literis, allegationibus, conclulionibus, con- ventionibus, et traCtatibus, nonnullifque aliis negotiis et materiis concernentibus jus et titulum regis An¬ glia; ad regnum et eoronam Franci®; cum aliis multis qua; ea occalione l’ecuta funt. 2. Aliitradlatusde eodem argumento; adeo mutili ut vix ufui forent. Tiberius, B. XIII. Codex membran. in fol. min. conltans ex foliis 229. male habitus. 1. Sylveftri Giraldi Cambrenfis diltinclionum libri quatuor. Plura in initio defiderantur, pluraque ibidem lacera. 1. 2. Ejufdem Giraldi vita: imperfecte. Defuntenim quamplurima capitula, quod ex indice pr®fixo, cui liber nullatenus refpondet, liquet. 150 . 3 . Speculum ecclefi® ; abftraCtum ex diverfis libris, per ltogerum, abbatem Glaftoni®. Nonnulla in fine deliderautur. 182. Tiberius, C. I. Codex lnembran. in fol. min. coil {tans fol. 202. Sec. XI. et Xjr. 1 . TraCtatus de computo ecclcfiaftico ; feriptus circa Ann. 1107, et eolledlus ex operibus Dionylii Exigui, Macrobii, Bed®, Abbonis, Marciani Capellce, iS:c. uhi, in tradtatulo de duodecim lignis, ex opere (ut fertur, fol. 20. b.) Ciceronis de aftronomia (an Civs. Germanicir) plura funt fiderum figuratio deli- neationes, fimiles eis in codice inlcripto, Tib. B. v. 39, de quibus fupra. 1. 2. Fragmentum libri pontificalis, pulcherrime, et maxima ex parte ante eonquefium Anglia;, feripti ; in quo continentur inter alia : Benedidtiones annuli, baculi, cereorum, &c. Eenedidtiones ad confirmandum. Ordo in ccena domiiii. Benedictio olei ad omnem languorem, et chrif- matis. Ordo de nodte parafeevis, et c®teris feriis. Sennoncs dc chrifmate. Canon S. Theodori de lacris ordinibus: Pra’dicatio de oratione domiuica. Pcenitentis inltitutio, fecundum decreta Nor¬ man n orum pra-lulum. De ordinando epilcopo, prclbytero, &c. Formulaexcommunicationis per Leonem Papam. Multa Saxonica inferuntur, quarum rubricie de- iidcrantur; homiliie nempe, orationes, confef- fiones peccatorum, &c. 42. 3 . Capitula concilii apud Wintoniam celebra- ti- 201 . 4 . Litania. 202. For a more ample defeription of this MS. fee Wanley s account in HickessThcf. V. ii. p. 220 . Tiberius, C. II. Codex membran. in fob min. conltans fol. 155. Sec. VIII. Bed® hiftoria ccclefiaftica gentis Anglorum: cha- radteribus Saxonicis pulchre et emendate exarata. Tiberius, C. III. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans fol. 88 - Sec. XIV. Liber de divinis oiticiis venerabilis Bed® prelby- teri, qui “Gemma Animas” intitulatur. Titulum habet ipcvfnn'ygxipov; et Giraldo Cambrenfi, ut alibi lit, adferibendus eft. Tiberius, C. IV. Codex chartaceus, in fol. min. conltans foliis 357. 1. Iliftorie oftc Cronycke van Hollant ende Zee- lant, befereven by Johan van Naeldwyck, Edelnian van Hollant; eyndende A 0 D. 1461 . 1. 2. Die wondetlycke Oorloghen vanden Keyfer Maximiliam : i. e. The wonderful wars of the emperor Maximilian. Printed; with wooden cuts. 268. Tiberius, C. V. Codex pal tim membran. partim chart, in folio min. folior. 2 })o. Sec. XV. i. Fratris Rogeri Bacon opus tertium; fiveSumma ad Clemcntcm IV. P. quam dicit in pr®fatione fe ad leritatem et perfedtionem utriufque operis pr®ce- dentis compofuifie. In hoc agit de fapienti® princi- palibus radicibus, floribus, et frudtibus, Subjun- I- guntur I 3» TIBERIUS, C. V.—XI, guntur tractatulus duo de pnepofitionibus ct voeabulis Grice is ; et tertium de divimitione per fonmia. ]. 2. Ejufdem majoris operis pars quarta; in qua oftenditur poteftas mathematical in leientiis et rebus mundi. 4 }). 3 . Ejufdem opus minus, circa fapientiam; often- dens: l20 (a.) Qua' (int eaufa propter quas omnis homo fcmper debet vaeare fapicutia'. (b.) Qua- (int nceelfaria ad earn. (c.) De modis et vii.s quibus debet cam requirere. (d.) Qua; (int impedimenta illius. In fine fcribituv, manu recentiori: “Quantum Cl lmic traflatui debt, (modo ne auetor impel feci um <: i'eli«|ucrit) conjicere licet ex propofitione dicen- “ dovum fupra polita, cap. b. fol. i'2!i.lin.ult.” 4 . Regiftrum terrarum hofpitalis B. Tlioma; mar- tyris de Aeon, in Wapping, PI limited, Cullefdon, poncaiter, in Hibernia, et in inl'ula Cypro. Hoe in membranis. Tiberius , C. VI. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans foliis 129 - egregie feriptus, atque picturis ornatus. See. XI. 1. Tabular qua; dam ad computmn ecclefiafticum fpeetantes. Ad fol. autem 5 , b. habetur tabula qua; ties homines, prandii caufa ad menfam fedentes, cum miniitris genua (lectentibus, reprasfentat. 2. 2. Imagines vita; et mortis, quarum utraque ro- tulum tenet longum, literis et numeris qua; ad fplueram pertinent Apuleii ad latera adferiptis; cum verlibus pagina circumfcriptis. b. b. a. Horologium folare: aliaque dclineatio parvi facienda. 4 . Tabulae anti quae quibus delineantur hiftoriae Crcationis, Davidis, ChriftiJefu Salvatoris, delcenfus SpiritAs SanCti, et pugna Michaelis cum Dracone. 7. b. 5 . Defcriptiones et delineationes inftrumentorum muficorum, &c. 1 0 . b. b. Origo prophetise David regis Pfalmorum, nu- mero cl. 19. 7. Expofitio Plalterii, vel literarum qua' puer sr. capita cognofcit. 20. 8 . Interpretatio Alleluia ; cum interpretatione t« “ Gloria,” apud Hebrasos. 21. 9 - Oratio cujufdam hominis Dei; cum aliis pro remiflione peccatorum. 21. b. 19 - De virtutibus Pfalmi, “ Beati immaculati in (f via qui ambulaveris.” 22. b. 11. Ordo confeflionis facerdotum et omnium cle- ricorum, fecundum Ilieronimum tractatorein, qualiter confiteri debeat C’hriftianus peccata fua. 23. 12. Sententiae Leon is l ? Papa-, de poeniten. •tia. 27. 13 . Utilitates ex Pfalmis decantandis. 27. b. 14 . Ilomilia, de feptiformi fpiritu. (Saxon.) 23. 15 . Oratio ante Pfalmos; aliveque oratiuncuke. so. lb. Liber pfalmorum fecundum traditionem S. Ili- eronymi prelbytcri; cum verfionc Saxonica iuterli- neari, et orationibus (ingulis pfalmis priemillis. De¬ link autem codex mutilatus, valdeque incendii cala- mitate corrugatus, Piitlmocxiv. omnibus reliquis, cum canticis facris, delideratis. 30. b. Tiberius , C. VII. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans fol. 237. incendio nimium corrugatus. Sec. XV. Compilatio Ilenrici de Knygliton, cauonici abbatiie Lcyceltrieiiiis, dc event-ibus Anglise. Iucipit hil- toiiani ab expuHione R. Edwini, et fucceflione fratris ejufdem Eadgari; et deducit candem ad tempora R. lticardi II. i. e. ad annum 1395. Ad iinem prima; pagilue oceurrunt. verfus qui inferibuntur “ Lameu- tum eonipilatoris." in quibus quieritur fe ciecilats pcrculfum fuilfe. lneip. “ Sum csfieus fact us, fubito ealigine tuehis, “ X 011 opus iucepturn jam corrigo forfan inep- tuin.” See. Tiberius , C. VIIi. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans ex foliis 59 . noumillis laeeris. Sec. XV. 1 . Brevis notatio de quibufdam regibus Anglin;, et quot annis regnarunt; h. e. aJohannc ad iien- ricum V. 4 . 2 . De dominis de Tatefliale poft conqueftum per fucceHicmem ; et dc defeenfu Hugonis de Alban ico Albini) comitis Arundeliie, et partitione iplius lnere- itatis inter quatuor furores, A 0 28 Hen. lit. Sunt autem collectanea de iilorum dominorum ftirpe, hivre- ditariis terris et polfeflionibus, cum inquibiionibus captis de feodis militaribus, de advoeationibus cede- liarum, de releviis, aliifque ad iitam familiam perti— nentibus. 4 . 3. De prima fundatione abbatiie de Kirkftede, A” 1 139; et inde plura alia de Dnis. de Tatethale. 48. b. Pnemittituv, duobus primis foliis, eknehus fa Lis loeuples totius codicis eoutentorum. Tiberius , C. IX. Codex membran. crafius in fol. min. conftans foliis 255. See. xiv. et XV. 1 . Vita R. Ricardi II. feripta a quodam monacha de Eveiham. 1 . 2 . Libertates a rege C! ulielmo 11 ? Anfelmo archiep. Cantuar. coneelke. 45. 3. Hiftorjola de magna convocationc nobilium et feniornm, A. 10 . 72 ; de quibufdam confuetudinibus et terris, quas Lan franc us Cantuar. archiep. ex jure fuas ecelelia', ad fe pertinere proelamabat. 45. 4. Libertates et privilegia conceifee a II. Gulielmo monaebis de S. Trinitate Cantuarise. 4b. b. 5. Libertates a R. Henrico I. Anfelmo archiep. Cantuar. et Eeel. Chriiti Cantuaria; concelUe. 4b. b. b. Archidiaconatfts Cantuaricnfis inltitutio et jura : ubi de lite inter arebidiaeonum et capitulum de jurifdietione adminiftrancla, vaeante lede arebiepil- copali. 47. 7 . Regiftrum monafterii S. Crucis de Waltham in Com. Elfexicnli; continens nimirum chartas regias, pontificates, epifcopales, et aliorum, de pnediis, terris, privilegiis, juribus, ecclefiis, indulgcntiis, aliifque ad idem monaftcrium fpectantibus. 49- ! Tiberius , C. X. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans foliis 314. See. xiil. Taxatio fpiritualium et temporalium Anglin' et Wallin', facta Anno 1292 - 3 . cum dccima R. Edward I. in fublidium terra; fanCtic, concedcretur; auetoritate nempe Xicholaiiv Papa;: ut vult tranlcriptor hujus quantivis pretii codicis apographi qui extat in Bibl. Hark N° 591 . Tiberius , C. XI. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans fol. 172. Sec. xili? 1 . Eginjiavdi vita Caroli magni imperatoris. 1 . 2. Vifio 39 TIBERIUS, C. XI.—.D. VII. 2. Vifto Baronti, monaclii Longoretenfis Cocnobii: in line canticulum, cum notis muiicis. 22. 3 . Commemoratio de rebus San 6 t as Traje&enfis ec- elefiac, qua: olim a regibus, et ab aliis D. noltri Jefu Chriiti fidelibus, eiclem e celeb a: traditae l’unt : in line qtuvdam de prodigiis, et oratiuncuUe. 25 . 4 . Rheginonis Prumicnfis abbatis chronicon, it na- tivitate Chriiti, ad A” 906. pracipue vero agit de geltis Fran corum. 43 . 5 . Dormitio feptem fratrum, tempore Decii impe- ratoris. iiy. G. Chronicon quod incipit. ab A° G 40 , et continu- atur ad Annum 1248 ; pracipue de rebus Belgicis: fol. 150 inferitur “Sequentia de Sea. Cruce; - ’ cum notis muficis. 125 . b. Qtue fequuntur recentiori manu feribuntur. 7. Narratio dequadam Moniali, Berta nomine, fub Ludolfo abbate S. Laurentii in Oftbrock. 170 . 8 . Narratio altera de Margareta, ejufdem inftit.uti in eodem clauftro, tempore Iderwoldi abbatis. 170. b. 9. Fragmentum de Thoma archiep. Cantuarienfi. 171. Tiberius , C, XII. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans fol. 327. Sec. xv. Regifirum ebartarum monafterii Sca\ Mariae de Fontibus in comitatu Eboracenfi. This volume, which appears to have been in fome places mutilated, contains only the charters, &c. under the three firft letters of the alphabet. A fecund volume (viz. from D. to I.) is laid to be in the library of Sir John In- gilby, Bar', at Ripley, (Yorkihire.) Tiberius , C. XIII. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans fol. 253 . Sec. xv. Iliftoria Jornalenfis (potius Jorvallenfis; Jorvalle vel Jcrvaux, eft enim nomen loci in agio Richmon- dienii, ubi monaclii ordinis Ciftercienfium coenobium habuere) ab adventu S. Auguftini in Angliam A 0 588 , ad mortem regis Ricardi I. per Johannem de Bromp- ton, abbatem Jorvallenfem. Gefta regum Saxonum optinve recenfet; et. prafertim leges eorum, Latino; viz. I me, Aluredi, ejufdem et GoHrini Daci regis Ealt Anglia:, Edwardi fenioris, Atlielftani, Edmundi, Ed- gari, Ethelredi, Canuti, Gulielmi 1 . et Ilenrici 1 . I11- lcruntur nomina magnatum et militum qui cum Gulielmo I. in conquefto fuo extiterunt, et quibus terras Anglorum donavit. Ex hoc, et quodam Benedictino codice, emanavit luijus Bromptoni editio, cujus cl. R. Twifden nobis, inter Hift. Anglicana: X. feriptoribus, co- piam fecit. Tiberius, D. I. Codex chartac. in folio conftans, foliis 182. 1. Sacramentum clerici parliamentorum, quem Robertus Bowyer dixerat cum ad idem munus ad- milfus fuit in adibus Tho. baronis de Ellefmere caiv cellar'd Anglia', 30 die Jan. 1O09; ut ipfe teliatur in ima parte pagina:. l. 2. Diarium rerum in comitiis parliamentariis geftarum, a 1. Ilenrici VIII. ad 7, Edward VI. inelulive. Hoc ex multis regiftris parliamentariis in unum collegit laudatus Rob. Bowyer, qui magnam ei in- duftriam impendiffe omnino apparet. Pramittuntur paucula de rationc confcribendihujufmodi diaria. a. Tiberius, D. H. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans fol. 83 . prater indicem : plura enim incendio confedta. This book is inferibed, “ Livre dcs Monnoyes,” and contains, 1. Accurate delineations of coins of Imperial towns, and German princes ; of France, Scotland, Spain, Hungary, England, and other kingdoms and provinces; allb of popes, cardinals, bifhops, &c. with deferiptions of each of them in French. 1. 2. Atreatife on coinsand coinage, in French, en¬ titled, “ Du fait de change de la monnoyccon¬ taining letters royal, ordinances, & c. concerning the coinage In France. 41 . 3. The arms of emperors of Germany, Abiflinia, Conftantinople; of the kings of France, England, Spain, &c. coloured ; with fome account of them in French. 58 . 4 . Les armories des gentilfhommes de Franca, Dcpuis fol. Gt. I), c elt l’armorial de Normandie, commencant a Guillaume Longue elpee, 2d due de Normandie. C 3 . Tiberius, D. III. A folio volume on vellum, now burnt to a cruft, which is preferved in a cafe. It formerly conlifted of 248 leaves, and contained 68 articles, chiefly lives and commemorations of faints, of which Dr. Smith has given a lift in his printed catalogue. Sec alio his Iliftoria et Synoplis, p. xli. Tiberius, D. IV. A folio volume on vellum, fo much damaged by fire as not to admit of its being new bound, and hence preferved in a cafe. It is faid to have for¬ merly conlifted of 215 leaves, and to have contained lives, miracles, and other particulars of faints whof$ names arc regiftcred in Smith’s catalogue. Tiberius, D. V. A folio volume on vellum, burnt to a cruft, which is preferved in a cafe. It formerly conlifted of 280 leaves, fome of which were finely ornamented. Its contents, as deferibed by Dr. Smith, are, 1. Secunda pars Granarii Johannis de Loco-fru- menti, (Whethampfted) olim abbatis monafterii S. Albani, de viris illuftribus, eorumque illuftriis; de doftis philofophis, eorumque didtis, et dogmatibus. Pars prior extat in codice Nero C. vi. 2. Imago Mundi: liber mifcellaneus, de elementis> 1 de partibus mundi, de planetis ct fignis zodiaci, 1 aliifque lideribus, de partibus temporis, epochis, com- puto ecclefialtico, multifque aliis. 3 . Arculjihi epilcopi, gente Galli, liber de Hiero- folymis, aliifque locis lanctis in Palailtina. Adamnano alias adlcribitur. Tiberius, D. VI. Delidcratur. Tiberius, D. VII. Dcfideratnr TiberiuSy 40 TIBERIUS, D. VIII.—E. VIII. Tiberius, D. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in fol. longiori, con flans foliis 60 . Privilegia mercatorum Anglia?, pnecipue ftapula 1 : cum multis aliis ad ilium focictatem fpeclantibus, (partim Latine partim AngMce.) This collection appears to have been made in the reign of Q. Eliza¬ beth. Tiberius, D. IX. Codex chartaceus, in fol. conftans, fol. 90. Roteiro de Dom. Joham dc Caftro, da viagee qne os Portuguefes fizeram defa India ateSoez: five deferiptio portuum atque locornm in littore Africano, et. in mari Indico, uti et infularum, cum diario navigation^ ; pulcherrimis figuris et chartis exornata. Tiberius, D. X. The remains of a paper volume in folio, preferved in a cafe. It once conlifted of 509 leaves, of which only 37:3, beftdes an index, are now left, and many of thefemuch mutilated. The contents are, a fragment of Glover's Ordinary of arms. Tiberius, E. I. The remains of a folio volume on vellum, burnt to a cruft, and preferved in a cafe. It formerly con¬ fided of 341 leaves, and contained 157 articles, enu¬ merated in Smith’s catalogue, being all lives of Britilh faints, faid to have been collected by John of Tin- mouth, in the year 1366, and to have been extracted by J ohn Capgrave. Tiberius, E. II. The remains of a folio volume on vellum, burnt to a cruft, and preferved in a cafe. It formerly con- lilted of 21 3 leaves. The title prefixed is, Les anciennes chroniques de Pile cn Italic j a primis temporibus Romanorum, ad Annum 1430 . Tiberius, E. III. The remains of a folio volume on paper, confifting of loofe leaves preferved in a cafe. It formerly con- lilted of is(i leaves. The following is the account given of it in Smith's catalogue: Redditus et valor omnium terrarumac pofteftiomnn ad cantarias, gildas, et collegia in comitatu Lin- colnienft fpeftantium. Priemittitur brevis enarratio de fundatione cujufque cantaria*, ac de intentione iftius fundationis. Erat olim liber Gulielmi Ceeilii. A Lincolnlliire antiquary may perhaps find fome ul'eful materials among thefe fragments. Tiberius, E. IV. This once valuable and elegant MS. on vellum, confifting of liiftorical tracts, the chief of which is “ Beda de temporibus,” isfo much damaged as to be ufelels. Tiberius, E. V. The remains of a fmall folio volume on vellum, burnt to a cruft, and preferved in a cafe. It conlifted formerly of 241 leaves. Its title in Smith's ca- rtannn cum confirmationibus regum, See. cum omnibus libertatibus ad eccleliam S. Jacobi extra Northamptonani fpectantibus; eonditus A. 1 ). ISIS. Tiberius, E. VI. The remains of a fmall folio volume on vellum, much burnt, and preferved in a cafe. It formerly conlifted ot 294 leaves, and appears to have been a eompleat chart if lary of the abbey of St. Albans, with fome tracts prelixeii. Tiberius, E. VII. The remains of a fmall folio volume on vellum, much burnt, and preferved in a cafe. It formerly confijted ot 281 leaves. Dr. Smith gives the follow¬ ing account of it. \ erf us in veteri lingua Anglicana eonferipti, de variis rebus theologicis, pramipue vero tie hiftoriis novi Peflanienti; live expofitio fuper Evangelia: ad- ditis multis cx hiftoriarum eeeldiafticarum iibris, et vitis fan 6 toruih. Tiberius, E. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, olim folior. 3 16. fed ex his 48 . nunc defidcrantur, plurimique alii in- cendio lteli. 1. Breve chronicon ab orbe condito ad R. Ilen- rieum n. Anglia;. 1. 2. De dilatatione fidei Cliriftiante; et de ortu rcli- gionisin Britannia. 2. b. 3 . De ortu religion urn. 3. 4. Dc quibufdam perfonis fhmofis, el nradiis. 3. b. . 5 . Dc regno et civitatibus majoribus Britannia;, (i. 6 . De fex aitatibus mundi, et de Bruto. 7. 7. Chronica compendiofa de regibus Anglia’, a NoeufqueadIIen.lv. A° 1399 - 7. b. 8 . Deproceffu ad coronationem R. Ricardi ir. cum pel it ioni 1 ms coram fenelchallo pro feodis et oliiciis in die coronationis. *26. 9. Olliciarii prineipales in die coronationis. 33 - 10. Auctoritas fenefchalli Anglia- : item mare- fchalli Anglia*. 34. b. 11. C'oronatio regis Ricardi II. 39. b. 12. Orders obferved at the coronation of the kings and queens of England. 43 . 13 . Modus tenendi parliamcntum. 46. b. 14. Modus laciendi ,duellum coram rege. (Gal- lice.) 30 . b. 15 . Ordinationes de hofpitio R. Edwardi 11, cum oftieiariis ejufdem. (Gallice.) 54. b. 16. Orationes dicend® fuper regem et. reginam Anglia* in die coronationis et confecrationis; et de ferv itiis magnatum in coronatione It. Hcnrici V. 75. 17. Le ordre pur faire les chevalers de la Bathe, felongle cuftome d'Engleterre. . . . et tides ancients Romaings. 79 . 18. Lc ordonaunc-e a enoindre et coroner le Roy dc France: i. e. coronatio It. lienriei Vi. Pariliis Dec. 16, 1431 . b.s. and 85 . 19. Le ordonaunce coment la Royne doit etre anoynte et coronnee. S 4 . and 93 . 20. Benedictio vcxilli regis Gallia?. 95. 21. Serement dcs Peis de France, chevaliers, et- autres. 96. 22 . Nomina TIBERIUS, E. VIII.—XI. 4i 22. Nomina fan ft or um et regum, quorum cor¬ pora requiefcunt in ecdefia B. Dionyfii Parifienfis dioecefis. Item declaratio reliquiarum in eodem monafterio. 07. b. 23 . The coronation of K. Henry VIII. with the king’s oath prefixed; interlined by K. Henry VIII. 100. 24 . Notationes dc l'anftis qui in Anglia patria re¬ quiefcunt. ill. 25 . The arms of K. Henry VI. and many of the nobility; tricked, and fome painted. 132. 26 . Order of precedency of lords and ladies ; alfo of noblemen’s fons: forms of crowns. 140. 27. Of the original and office of heralds ; with the oath of an herald. 143 . 28. Of the order of knighthood, jufis, and prizes to be given thereat. 147. b. 29. Genealogy of K. Edward III. 148 . b. 30 . John Tiptoft E. of Worcefier, and con liable of England, his orders for the precedency of nobility, &c. A 0 6 Edw. IV. 149. 31 . On the titles, honours, and dignities of Q. Elizabeth, her defcent, and the defeents of various noblemen. 1 . 50 . 32 . Rules for bearing and quartering of arms. Order of fword-bearing before the king. 152. b. 33 . On the fizes of fiandards, banners, See. The E. of Worcefter's orders for jufts and triumphs. 155. 34 . Order of every hate at his creation. Order for wearing of apparel. 158. b. 35 . Concerning the coronations of K. Richard I. and II. 160. b. 36 . Notes concerning the creation of nobility. About the manner of funerals. 170. 37. Order of the office of E. Marlhal of England. Debate between the kings of arms, and ferjeants of arms. 173. 38 . The manner of keeping the parliament of England. 175. b. 39 . The rights and fees belonging to the office of arms. The I). of Lancafter s ordinances for the office of arms. 177, 40. Orders formerly obferved when the King was in the lield. Royal banners and fiandards. 180 . b. 41. Of the order of knighthood. Order of K. Henry vmth’s army before Boulogne. 1544 . 182. 42 . Declaration of a combat within lifts; fet forth by Tho. 1 ). of Gloucefter. igo. 43 . Of the officers at the coronations of the kings and queens of England. 193. b. 44 . Cafes of defeents of baronies. Original of fc- veral orders of knighthood. Of difplaying of fiand- ards and banners. Differences of arms appointed unto baftards. 194. 45 . An order of Henry VIII. for knights of the garter to wear collars and ribbands. 19s. 46 . Orders made by Richard D. of Gloucefter, for reformation ot abides in the office of arms; and about the manner of funerals. 199. 47 . Reception du corps du Roy Charles V? de France, k Paris. A° 1400 . 205. 48 . Order and manner of the creation of Hen. Fitz- roy E. ot Nottingham, the marquis of Exeter, and the carls ot Lincoln, Rutland, and Cumberland. 206 . 49 - An order of the Commiffioners for the office of E. Marlhal; and a table and map of the Heptarchy, & c. Printed. ,210. 50 . Pedigree of Edm. Bonner, Bilhop of Lon¬ don* o ls . b. 5 1. Banners and fupporters, painted; andaprinted table of coins. 2,4. b. 52 . Scries numifmatum Impp. Romm, a Jul. Ca?- fare ad Valentin. III. et expofitio literal - , in nummis Romm. 219. 53 . The laft will of Q. Catherine, made unto K. Henry (VI?) her foil. 221. 54. A meteorological journal or prognoftication for London, and for the year 1609. 225. 55. Epiltola magiftri Derham, de nuptiis facer- dotum. 243. 56 * De fundatione coenobii S. Maria? Eboraci: excerpt am ex Jofcelino. 244. 5 7 . Particulars of the hofpital of St. John, Bed¬ ford ; and of the manors of Kenelworth, and Rud- fin. 246. 58 . Articles of agreement between K. Henry VI. and Ric. D. of York, concerning the title to the crown. 248. b. 59. Exemplar chartae regis Edwardi conf. epifeopo et eccl. Wellenli datie. 250. 60. A note concerning the death of Theodorick king of Gwent (fie.) 251. 61. Chronica compcndiofa de regibus Anglic, confcriptaa Ranulpho Iligdeno. (conf. hujus codicis art. 7 .) 052. 62. Exccrptiones de libro Gilds. De mirabilibus Britannia?. Excerpta ex Lelando, per Stow. 264. 63 . Vita Hildebrandi Papa? (Gregorii VII.) per Bennonem Cardinalem. 090. 64 . Defcriptio live notitia comitatfts Huntino-- donenfis, ex libro Domefday. 301! 65 . Figuramonumenti fepulchralis Thoma? Becketti in ecclelia Cantuarienfi. 3,3 b 66 . Table of the contents of this volume before it was damaged. 3, Tiberius , E. IX. A bundle of paper leaves, much burnt; being the remains of a MS. entitled by Dr. Smith: Colleftanea de infignibus gentilitiis nobilium fa- miliarum gentis Anglorum; de genealogica liirpe qnorundam comitum aliorumque; de nominibus et infignibus illuftrium virorum qui R. Edwardum III. ad obfidionem Caletum comitati funt A 0 R. 21. Item excerpta ex regifiris chartarum monafierii de Colne in com. Effexienfi; hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem in Anglia; monafierii de Coggefiial; aliorumque; ex variis hiftoriis de rebus Anglicanis. Tiberius, E. X. The remains of a paper volume in folio, much burnt, and preferved in a cafe. Dr. Smith deferibed it as being, “A hiftory of King Richard III. written by Sir Geo. Buc, Knt. mafter of the king's office of the Revels.” It formerly confifted of 150 leaves. Tiberius , E. XI* Defideratur. M Caligula , 4 2 CALIGULA, A. I. II. Caligula, A. I. Codex chai*taccus, in 4 to. ex foliis conftans 268. See. XV. i. Tractatus reverend" 1 ' I). Panormitaniarchirpifeopi cardinalis, (Xie. de Tudefeo) do auctoritate, veritate, ct juftilkifacroriim conciliorum, pnvfertim Balilcenfis. 1 lie. tract, in fa cue congregationis indieibus prohibe- tur. v. Mongitori, Bibl. Sie. T. ii. p. 101. l. <2. Annnynii traCtatulus, de auctoritate conciliorum, funniioruni pontifieuin, atque imperatoruin, ex diverlis auetorilms eollcctus; ad confirmandum pnecedentem trabtatum. 94 . b. :>. Anonymi tractatus, de reprehenfione morum Itomunorum pontificum. 1443 . 99 - 4 . Sumnia dirtorum Xieholai de Citla; Franktnrd 1440 . 24 Juiiii, contra Panormitanum, et defenfores fchifnmtis Balilecc, fa 6 ti. 103 . b. 5 . Bulla Eugenii Pa pa: IV. ad rectorem et univer- jitatem itutlii Montifpelfulani; cum relponfione ad libellum contra concilium Bafileenfe. lio. 0. l)e tranllatione coneilii Balileenlis ad Ferrariam, p.er Eugeninm IV. Papam. 1437 - 1 - 34 . 7 . Uefponfio de a'uctoiritate cujuflibet coneilii ge- neraiis I'upcr Papam, et fuper quollibet iideles; etquod fmc confcnl'u coneilii non jx>tuit dilfolvcrc Bafileenfe concilium 1 ). Eugeni us Pupa iv. dal. Bali 1 etc. 1430 . 100. 8 , Tria referipta coneilii Balileenlis. 180 . .1). Epiftola reftoris, Xc. univeiiitatis ftudii Craco- vienfis, ad rectorem &c. ftudii Erfurdenfis; data Cra'j 16 .Tillii 1441 . cum refponfaria epiftola, f. 195 , b. de concilio Bafileenfi. 193 . b. 10. Aliud referiptum coneilii Bafileenfis. 144 S. 194 . b. 11. Excerpta de fummariis calibus codicis. 19G. 12. Statuta q used am provihcialis coneilii Mag*- burgenlis. 203 . 13. C'onfellionale generale, de cafibus qui comniu- niter accidere pollint monachis. 221. 14. Expofitio hymni, “ JEterne rerum condi- tor.” 230 . 13. Canones quidam coneilii Bafileenlis. 237. if}. Difputatio, an concilium Bafileenfe eflet con¬ cilium generale legitime congregatum; cum allega- tiouibtis et oppofitionifus. 240. 17. Ilomiliadcalfumptione B. Virginis Maria:. 2 16. in. B. Auguftinus, de eoclem argumento. Item, In die pentecoftes. 230 . 19. Excerpta de fermonibus B. Leonis Papa’, de nativitate Domini. 233 . b. 20. Collatro contra Myrmccolcon claufrrale. 239. Aliaqne obfeura paffim in codice et ad ealeem ha- ben Lnr, (pue commemorare baud operse pretiuni videtur. Caligula , A. Ii. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. folior. 196. Sec. XV. I. A col lection of old Englilh poems or lays under the following titles ; with l'ome prole tracts inter¬ mixed : 1. Sufl’an; or the ltory of Sufaunah and the two elders; imperfect, at the beginning. 1. The whole is to be found in the mifcellany in the Bodleian library, entitled ms. vernon. 2 . Eglamor of Artas: 3. b. Beg. “ .Ilni. Grift of heven kyng u Graunt us all good endyng.” 3 . Four medical receipts for the cholic and gravel. 11. b. 4. Moral advice and council: being Lydgate's E11- glilli vcrfion of the poem, “ Stans peer ad menlam.” Beg. ” Mv dere foil lirlt thvfelf enabull “ wHlltl iyn liert to vertuys difcyplyne.” 12. 5 . The Chorle and the Bird ; bv Lvdgate : 13 . Beg. “ Problemvs of old lvknelfe X tygures “ Wliyche prevyd ben fruCtuous of fentenfe.” 6 . Octavian Impcrator: inedited: 20. b. Beg. “ Jim. that was w lh ljie vftonge “ And for us hard and lore y l’wounge.” 7. Launfal miles : 3.3. b. Beg. *• Be dougty Artours dawes “ \ 1 held Engelond yn good lawes.” This tranflation appears to be the work of Tho. Cheft re. The French original is in Yelp. A. xiv. and in the Ilarl. MS. X° y?S. 8 . Lvheaus difeonus : 40. b. Beg. '■ Jim. Cry ft our favyour “ And hys modyr that l'wete flowr.” 9. O mors quam amara eft memoria tua ! 53 . b. Beg. “ () detli how better is the myrnlc of the “ That men ere art of moriiyng and mone.” 10. A paruphraltical poem on the ten command¬ ments : 56 . b. Beg. “ The lirft yntroyte of fapyens.” 11. The nightingale ; from the latiri poem of Sam, Hoveden, “de planelu anima*:” 57. Beg. “ Commanding thevm to here w\ ill tenderriefie “ Of this your nightyngale the goftly feule.” 12. Deus in nomine tuo falvum me fac : 62. b. Beg. “ God in thy name make me fafe and f mnde, “ And in thi vertume demeand juflifie.” 13. A treatife of John deBurdeux, again!! the evil of pcftilence : in prole. 63 . b. 14 . For the better abide: 65 . Beg “ l lee a ryban ryche and newe “ W\ tb fumes and [.cries ryally pvght.” 15 . All way fond to fay the heft: 66 . Beg. “ The grete God full of grace “ Of whom all goodnefle grew and gam” 16. Thqnke God of all: 66 . b. Beg. “ By a way wandryng as y wente “ Well fore I lbrowcd for lykyng fad.” 17 . Make amendes : 67 - Bog- By a wylde wodcs fvde “ As I walked myfelf alone.” 18. A form of confeffion of tins ; in profe : fome vcries at the end. 67 - b. ip. Emare; an old romance: 69 - Beg. *• Jhu. that ys kyng in trone. “ As that, llioope bothe lone and mone.'’ Chaucer appears to have 'been indebted to this romance for his Man of Law’s tale. ' 20. Carta Jhu. Xpi: * 75 . Beg. “ Who fo wyll on rede thys boke, “ And with hys goftlye ye thereon loke.” 21. Ypotis; a religious legend : 77-b. Beg. “ He that wyll of wyfdome lere, “ 1 lerkenetb now and ve may here “ Of a tale of holy wryte.-”- • ■ - 22.. The- 4A CALIGULA, A. II.—VII. I. 22. The ftacyonys of Rome: 81. Reg. “ He that Avyll his fowle leohe “ Lyfteneth to me & y woil you teche.” 23 . Trentale Sci. Gregorii: 84 . b. Reg. “ A nobull ftory Avryte y fynde “ A pope he wrote to have yn minde.” 24 . Urbanitas : 80 . Beg. “ Whofo wyll of nurtur lere “ Herken to me & ze lhall here.” 2 5 . Quindecim ligna; which are to precede doomf- ,day: 87. Beg. “ Almygty God that all hath.wroglit “ Heven & belle & ertheof noght.” 26 . Amen for charite: 89 . Beg. “ Upon a lady my love ys lente “ With owten change of any chore.” 17. Owayne Myles; on the wonders of St. Pa¬ trick’s purgatory : 89. b. Beg. “ God that ys fo full of myght “ What men dede wronge & made ryght.” 28 . Tundale; a religious legend : 93 . b. Beg. “ Jhu. lordc of myztes mode “ Fadyr & lone, & holy gobfte. 29 - Veni, coronaberis: 105 . b. Beg. “ Surge me fponfa fo fwete in fygte “ And fe thy fone in fete full Uiene.” 30 . Myn OAvene woo: 106. Beg. “ I may fay & fo may mo “ I Avyte my fylfe myn OAvene avoo.” 31 . Chronicon breve, a Bruto ad regem Edwar- dum IV. 107. 32 . The fege of Jerufalem: 109. Beg. “ In Tyberyustyme thetrewe emperour “ Syr Sefar hym lelf fefed in Rome.” 33 . Chevalere afligne. (the knight of the fwan) 123. b. Beg. “ All Aveldvngc God whene it is his Avylle “ Wele he wercth his AvCrke av 1 his owne honde.” d 4 . Ifumbras ; a romance: 128. Reg. “ God that made both erthe and hevene “ And all this worlde in deyes feven.” 35. Quinque vulnera: 132. b. Beg. “ Upon the erode y naylcd Avas for the “ Suftred deth to pay thy ranfome. 36 . Quinquegaudia: 133. Reg. “ Heyl gloryous virgyne, groud of all our grace, “ Heyl moder of Crift in pure virginitc.” 37. Jerome: 133. b. Beg. “ Scynte Jerome was a full good clerke “ And Avyfc thoroAV all thynge.” 38 . Euftache: imperf. 135, Reg. “ Scyntc Euflache a nobull knygte “ Of heden la we he Avas.” II. Conftitutiones generalium capitulorum ordinis Cartufiani, ab A°i 4 ii, in quo facia eft unites ec- clefite et ordinis, h. e. quando Alexander Papa v. in veriim et fuminum pontifieem erat fufeeptos, ad annum 1504 . Vuriis manibus feriptus eft hie trac- tatulus. 13^_ Some few idle latin rhymes at the end. Caligula, A. III. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 201, quorum tres vacui. Sec. XIV. 1 . Chronicon Nicholai Glouceftria?,adivifioneterne inter tilios Noe, ad A. D. 838 ; pnemiftis mifcellaneis theologicis etphilofophicis. Initium vero chrouici eft ad fob is, b. Inferitur deferiptio Ilierofolymorum, etmultarum aliarum urbium in Palteftina. 1. -• Brevis hiftoria regum Anglorum, a R. Egberto ad mortem R. Stephani. (Gallice.) ° 140/ 3 - Leges Iloelis Dha. (Wallice.) Aery imperfect in feveral places. * 151^ 4. Fragmentum theologici argumenti. 211. Caligula , A. IV. Codex bombycinus, in 4 to. conftans fob 220. quorum plurima lacerantur. Ann ales Eutychii, patriarch® Alexandrini, ab orbe condito, ad annum Chrifti 900. (Arabice.) Caligula, A. V. Codex membran. in 4to. folior. 58. Sec. XV. A philofophical treatife on human happinefs, in French ; confifting ol various fentences and quota¬ tions on the lubjecl, with feveral miniature paintings, and all the initials illuminated, many of Avhicli how¬ ever are defaced. At the end we read “ Se aucuns font, a qui me dit. livre plaile,graces immortelles en doibuent a Dieu et a la philofophie, melinement a Philipe Beroalt: from v hole tranflations the Avriter profelfes, in another part of this work, to have ex¬ tracted a great part, of his materials. Caligula, A. VI. Codex chartac. in 4 to. madore corruptus, folior. 233 . 1. A chronicle of Wales, .from the time of Iv. Cad- Aval lacier, to Lewellin lbn of Grillith-ap-Lewellin, the lait of the Biitilh blood Avho had the government of Wales, that is to the year 1293; written by Hum¬ phrey Lloyd, and dated at London, J uly 17, 1559. 1. 2. Ejufdem fragmentum ex chronico Wallico- ab ipfo Wallice feripto. 3 . Johann is Jofcelini excerptum ex hiftoria mo- 11 afterii de Abendonia; de RR. Aethelbaldo, Aelhcl- hardo, et Kenulfo. 221 ^ 4. Ejufdem exferiptum ex chronico regum An efts ab A 0 30 Hen. 11. ad annum 1142. 222^ Caligula, A. VII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 173^ 1. Oclo tabula depiCfee, etegregie auro illuminate, qui bus repnefentantur: 1, Adnuntiatio B. Mari®* 2, Congreiiiis B. V. Maria et Elizabeth® • 3 Nati- a itas 1 ). N. J. Chrifti ; 4, Apparitio Angelorum paf- toribus facta ; 5 , Infanticidium per Herodis milites; 6 , Receptio pueri J. Chrifti aSymeone.j 7 , Adoratio ejus per tres mages; 8 , Baptizat‘io in fluvio Jordane per J oh. Baptiftam.—Hafce icones (qua circa tempora R. Stephani videntur delineate) primitus cuidanl Lvangeliorum Iibro Latine feripto pratiniftas credibile eft; poftea vero, cum D. Rob. Cottoni juffu, hie liber den 110 compingebatur, ob argumenti limilitudinem, huic Iibro a compactore faille prafixas. 2 * 2. Harmonia Evangeliorum, lingua Francica capi- tulis 71. Liber quondam (dicit Jamefius) Canuti legis. j.. De hac harmonia fie ait Flickelius in Gram. Franco-Theotilea, p. 6 . “ Extat quoque in “ Biblioth. Cottoniana, Calig. A. 7, quali ex quatuor EA angeliis confareinatus, codex unus harmonious, poeticus et paraphralticus; quern “ lurima inferuntur de 1 ’pifcopis, antiquitatibus, et itatu ecclefi® Wigornienfis. Sec XIV. Go. 4 . Breve chronieon, uuico folio contentum, de quibufdam rebus memorabilibus, ab A 0 1290, ad annum 1377. 188. 5 . Brevis annotatio omnium Epifcoporum, tarn pr a’lent is quam veteris eeelelia? Wigornienlis. (im¬ perfect.) See. XVI. 189 . G. Conceflio Walteri magiftri hofpitalis Sei. Wlftani Wigornienfis. miorundam benelieiorum, Willebno de. Molendinis ; \ iz. quod in miiiis, cum matutinis et orationibus univerfis, in il’to liofpitali celebratis et celebrandis, fit. particeps, &c. A° 1294. Sec. XIII. 190. 7. Obituarium, five regiftnim quo tempore quidam Epifcopi Wigornienfes, quorum donationcs illic mt- morantur, obicrunt: ab A° 798. ad A” 927. 191. 8 . Brevis annotatio regum, tarn Anglorum quam Normannorum, ab A° 491. ad tempura' R. Hen- rici III. ' ' L 93 ; 9. Stirps regia; a Rollone, ad lilies ct |ilias regis Henrici III. 195 . b. 10. De Sibyllis; cum prophetiisearum quibufdam: tarn verlibus quani profa. » 19G. 11. Quradam de i;ege Arthuro. 200 . b. 12. Qutedam deSolomone, lilio Davidis. 201 . b. 13 . De tribus Mariis, et earum liliis. 201 . b. 14 . De Sco. Jeronimo et Bibliis ejus; et quod Gregorius Papa lampadem ad iplius tumulum artlen- tem CALIGULA, A. XI.—XV. 45 teni fregit, vindieans injuriam S. Jeronimo illa- tam. 20 g. 1 5 . Genealogia Ricardi Ducis Eboracenfis, a Ra- dulplio de Mortuo-mari milite, qui regem Guliel- mum primum in Angliam comitatus eit, dcdu£ta. Sec. XVI. 203. IP. Verfus de regibus Anglia?, ab Aluredo ad Henricum VI. 203 . b. 17. Verfus de fundatoreet benefadtoribus ecclefia? Wigornienlis. 204 . b. Caligula, A. XI. Codex membr. in 4 to. conftans foliis 280 . 1. An hiftorical poem, from Brutus to K. Henry III. by Robert of Gloueefter: old Englilh, bordering upon the Normanno-Saxon. («rfX.) Sec. XIV. l. 2. A few old moral or religious verfes. (Lat.) 1 64 . b. 3 . Piers Ploughman: an old Englilh poem, con¬ cerning which fee Ilickes's Anglo-Saxon grammar, pp. 2.5, 103, &c. Sec. XV. (conf. Vefp. B. xvi.) 1 65. 4 . De vita monachorum, verfus elegiaci; per S. Aldhelmum, ut D. Jamefius annotavit. 278. Incip. “ Quid deceat monachum, vel qualis debeat elfe, “ Qui jubet, ut dicam, porrigat ipfe manum.” Caligula, A. XII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 158 . Sec. XIII. 1. Chronica, ab initio mundi, ad A. D. 1246 . l. 2. Regiftrum chartarum abbatia? de Pipewell, in com. Northamptonienii; fundata? per Willielmum Butevileyn. 7. Caligula, A. XIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 188 . Sec. XIV. 1. Chronicon ab orbe condito, ad A. D. 1347 . 1. 2. Regiftrum chartarum abbatia? de Pipewell. 12. Caligula, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 8 vo. longiori, ex foliis con- flans 130 . 1. Liber antiquus troporum, feu hymnorum, in celebrioribus feftis anni; muficis notis infignitorum: eleganter fcriptus, cum pi 6 turis. Sec. XII. et XIV. 1 . 2. Fragmentum libri Homiliarum Saxonicarum, cujns nunc tantum reftat partiuncula vitae S. Mar¬ tini. Notandum vero quod, foliis hujufce fragmenti crrore bibliopegi tranfpofitis, fex folia priora quae or- dine prtecedebant, nunc librum claudunt. Sec. XI. 93. Incipit fragmentum in medio fectionis IX. fol. 127. “ 7 pa ba?pmen pona prere payee.” Folium quo cont.inebantur fedtionum XXI et XXII. partiuncula?, hodie defuleratur. 3. PaiTio S. Thoma? Apofloli. (Saxon.) pra?mittitur excufatio Aelfrici. (Lat.) 111. b. 4 . Natale Sea?. Mildrythae virginis. (Saxon.) 121.b. Codice-truncato, defiderantur plura. Caligula, A. XV. Codex membran. in 4 to. ex foliis conftans 149 . magnaex parte, ut videtur, in Gallia ante mille annos fcriptus. 1. S. Ilierony mi liber, devirisilluftribus. Sec. VIII. 1 . 2. Vita B. Pauli Monachi; per eundem. 29. 3 . De notis fcntentiarum. 34 . 4. De notis vulgaribus. 35. 5. De notis juridicis. 35, b. 6 . De notis militaribus. 3 . 5 . b. 7. De notis literarum. 36 . 8. De notis digitorum. 36 . 9. De orthographia; et quid eft paratligma. Art. 3 —9. ex libris etymologiarum lfidori Ilifpa- lenfis excerpta fuilfe, cenfetcl. Wanleiits. 56. b. 10. 8 . Cypriani Carthaginens. teftiinoiiiorum, ad Quirinum, liber tertius. 36. b. 11. Quantas boras lucet luna unaquaque no 6 te. Sec XIII. 63 . 12. Compotus, qualitcr rc 6 te computare deheas in primis Kalendis menlium, luuam, annum Domini, cycles, circulos, indiftionem, &c. 63 . b. 13. Argumenta qualiter invenire deheas annos ab originc mundi, feu ab incarnatione Domini, epadtas, biffextum, &c. Item del tin a, de planetis, de duodecim lignis, de quinque circulis, de quatuor temporibus anni. 65 . b. 14. De compoto pafchali. Quidam illic anno¬ tavit elfe Cafliodori. 71. 15 . Difputatio Mtirini epifeopi Alexandrini, de ratione pafchali, de co quod ienferunt alii diverle de eo quod lcriptiim eft; “polt biduum pafehafiet.” 80 . b. 16. Dionyfii cxigui epiftola ad primicerios notari- orum, de cyclo decennovennali. 82 . 17. De folennitatibus, fahbatis, et ncomcniis, quid in lege a Domino prrecipiuntur obfervari. 84 . b. 18 . Epiftola S. Protervi ad.B. Papain Leonem ; de ratione pafchali. 88 . 19. Epiftola Pafchafini, ad Leonem Papain; dc ra¬ tione pafchali. 91. b. 20. Epiftola Cyrilli, ad Aureliumet Valentinianum epifeopos, &c. de ratione pafchali. 93 . 21. Traclatulus de eodem argumento,cujus initium : “ oportuno tempore Dominus Jefus beatiltimalli fefti • “ vitatem palchalem voluit celebrari; poft autumni “ nebulam, poft terrorem hyemis, ante adtatis ar- “ dorem.” 94 . b. 22. Expofitib biffexti : qua? edita eft a J. Walliiio,-ad ealeem operum S. Cypriani; edit. Oxon. 1682. 95 .b. 23 . Ponderum nota? vetuftie : in imis partibus pa¬ ginal-. 103 . b. et 104 . 103 . b. 24. Quffidam de biffexto et state luna?; de ratione embolifmi; de luna quantum lucet in nodte; de vgyclo. 104 . 25 . Calendarium, cum tabulis; 1, Cycli; 2, Paf- chalis ; et 3 , Lunari. 105 . b. 26. Tractatus, baud frivolus, de computo eeclefi- aftico. 10S. 27. De cvclo magno pafchali, habente 532 annos. Literis Saxonicjs, Sec. XI. 116. 28. Tabula? ad compotum ecclefiaflicum fpeetantes i ubi, fol. 118, b. et 119. duie cernuntur icoues; et fol. 119, b. et 120. “ inferiptio Runica,” quam cl. Hickefius in Thefauro fuo. tab. \ I. Gramniaticie Iflandica?, publici juris fecit. 117. 29. Confideratio a'tatum luna? (five Lunares) in tegris. (Lat. et Saxon.) 121. b. 30. Quot horis luna lucet per totum menfem. I (Saxon.) 122. b. 31 . Pauca de biffexto. (Sax.) 123 . b. 32 . De feptem annis embolifmicis iu enneadecae- teride. 124. 3 S. Exorcifmi aliquot. (Saxon et Lat.) 125. 34 . Pra?cepta nonnulla medicinalia et divina, ad N dierum +6 CALIGULA, A. XV.—B. I. di-evum rationem: fc. de dielnis fan ft is et infaul'tis, See. ; Item de calculis chronologieis. (Saxon.) 1 26. ! Tabula in qua notantur Annus l)om. Iwlictio. j Fpafta, Sec. ab. A 0 <)S 8 . ufque ad A um 1208 . In margine ccmuntur notnla* qiueckm hiltorieie, de obi- tibus, &e. regum ct i!luitriuni Anglorum. (Lai. et Sax.) " i- 8 . b. 36 . De fex setatibiis feeuli. (Sax.) 13 . 3 . 0 . 37. De rotate B. V. Maria*: et de Adami a?tate et prole. (Sax.) 135 . b. 38 . De lcripto, (]uod e coelis adtulrt angelus, de- pofuitquc fuper altare S. Petri in Roma. (Sax. et Lat.) 136 . 8 f). Sermoeinatio breviul'cnla inter Damafum Pa¬ pain et S. llieionymum, de temporibus celcbrandi miilam. (Sax.) 136 . b. 40 . Veris, a-ftatis, autumni, et hyemis initia. Item, de laltu lumv; aliaque dc eomputo ecelefiaftico. I (Lat. et Sax.) i 56 ‘. b. j 4 1. ITagmentum, aliena manu feriptum, trackatfts Saxonici, de anno, mundo, lequinociiis, bilfexto, faitn lima*, diverfis ltd 1 is, duodecim ventis, ct pluvia: quibus rubrieis, Ac. inducitur Wanleyus lit credat hunetractatum elfe fragment umopufi uliquod exccrp- fit rElfncus ex libro Bedie de temporibus et de anno. Titulum autem Ini juice fragmenti lie delignavit qui- dam neotericus 4 * Aethelardus de Compoto;” quem fortalfe fuperiori de compute ecelefiaftico traetatui recHu.s adlcribere potucrit. 140 . Caligula, A. XVI. Codex mem bran, in 4 to. conftans cx foliis 155 . Sec. xiv. 1. Martini (Poloni) D. Papa? poenitentiarii ct capellani, Chronicon pontilicum et imperatorum Ro- manorum, a Chrifto nato, ad annum l ' 284 . Coin-* piiatio nempe ab Olbrii.aliorumque chronic is. Aliena manu lubjunguntur qiuedam tie pontilieibus a Xi- cholao HI. ad Sixtum IV. l. 2. Lini Collucii Salutati, quondam Plorentinorum cancellarii, epiftoke variax 64 . Caligula, A. XVII. Codex cbartac. male habitus, in 4 to. folior. <29. A religious difculTion on Mr. Dillon's murder of a niaid fervant and ofhimfelf, May ‘ 24 , 1589 : wit'll an account of the fame. At the end a wooden cut, per¬ haps a frontifpiece. Caligula, A. XVIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. fnnulcum fuperiore com- padlus; conftans foliis 28. 1. Les noms et les armes a Banerez de Engleteri e, au temps du R. Edw. l? ]. 2. An add refs to the Virgin Mary, in monkilh la-tin rhymes. ' go. ■ 3 . A fragment of an old french poem or romance. Beg. “ Une dame de mult grant pris.” so. b. 4 . Des faits de quelques chevaliers: pris des ehro- niques de Grand-moutiers, Sec. This relates to the liege of Karlaverok in Scotland, by Edw. 1. A. D. 1 300 . as appears by the colophon. * 21. Beg. ‘‘ Seignurs e dames clcutez, dc un fort crelur orrez.” Caligula, 15.1. Codex cbartac. in folio, conftans foliis 56 b. 1. T.onl T. Daere. to Card. Woifm, ; about the duke of Albany's intention to go in France;- ami propoling lbir.c iegulations on the borders. (drig.) Morpeth, Dec. 27, 152 : 5 . 1. 2. Lord T. Daere, to Card. Wolfcv; concerning the queen's flight from Edinburgh; redrels for fome attempts on the borders; ami a pmlongatron of the truce. (Orig. vid. VI. 162.*) llarbotlle, Dec. 19th, 1520 ? 3. 3 . Lord T. Daere, to Card. Wolfey; acquainting him that the duke of Albany was gone to OlulSow to l l,,KU- t for France; that lord Huntley was dead; and that 4 or 5 hundred Frenchmen had been driven on the out- ilk's, and cither killed or familhed, (Orig.) Morpeth, Jan. estli, 1524 . 5. 4. Lord T. Dame, to Card. Wolfev; concerning the difpoling of 500 men on the borders; and deiir- ing the Bp. ef Cm lice may be fen' down with money. (Orig.) X or ham, Feb. 26th, 1525 ? 7. 5 . I rd T. Fiacre and T. Magnus, to Card. 'Wol¬ fey: concerning me council’s ill-trcarment trf the q.ucen, and their and Albany's haughtincls. (Orig.) CarfHle, March 1 8 th, 1517. 9 - 6 . Lord T. Daere, to Card. Wolfcv; about am- batfadors to be lent up, ’arid a truce; the Bp. of St. Andrew's death. (Orig.) Ilarbottle, March 17th, 1522 . ~ 11 . 7 - Lord T. Daere, to Card. Wolfe}'; about the care of the young king's perlon; Allianv appoints Arran his lieutenant; the queen dowager of Sc. figus :i letter to redo re the Humes, Sc e. (Orig.) , Ilarbottle, Dec. 20th, 1.-121. 13 . 8 . Lord 'i - . Daere and others, to the lords of the Privy Council ; about lliips to be lent to the Frith, See. (Orig.) Kirkeofwafd, Jan. 27 , 1515 . 15 . 9. Lord \V. Daere, to Card. Wolfey ; mentions the revohitioh at Edinburgh; king James vth's ptocla- mation again ft the Douglalles; about fome lands let in Cumberland, See. (Orig.) Naworlh, July 1 8 th, 1528 . . ' 17 - 10. T.onl T. Daere, to Card. Wolfey; about Al¬ bany's depart me; David Beaton lent up ; lord Max¬ well invades England, &c. (Orig.) Norliam, June 15 th, 1522 . . 19 . 1 !. Lord T. Daere. to Card. Wolfey; mentions the pacific intentions of the Sc- is ; lord SI rewibury, the Warden, ’ eolnmended. (Orig.) Morpeth, det. 1522 . ' 21- 12. James Englilh (chaplain to lord Daere) to Adam Wiltiajhlbn ; reports his having delivered his inftruftions lo the queen at Perth; great diforders in Scotland ; hints a lehemo, probably for carrying oil' the young king. (Orig.) Ikrdh, Jan. 22, 15 15 . 22. 18. Thomas Beverley, to lord T. Daere; about the lliips mentioned above, I. 8. . (Orig.) Bamburgb, Jan. 24 , 15 * 15 . ' 23 . 14. S. EralVr, to the Archbp. of St Andrew, legate, then in France ; concerning Various benefices in Scotland, particularly Dunkeld. (Orig.) Jan. 19th, 15 15 . 24 . 15 . John lord 'Fleming, to fome lord in Scotland; (probably the earl of Huntley) giving fome account of a negotiation at Paris; and the complaints of the * In nil l-he oecafiomll references of this nature, are to be lupplied th" inane of the emperor and the letter to which the article iiielf belongs. Tiuu the above quotation is Calig. B. vi. Art. 162. queen CALIGULA, B. I. 47 queen for the ill-treatment of lierfclf and children. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. Kith, 1514. 25. id. James Englith, to lord T. Dacre; to the fame purport as l. 12 . (Orig.) Perth, Jan. 22 , 1515. 2 d. 17 . Gavin (Douglas) poftulatof Arbrolh, to lord T. Dacre; folicits his iutereft towards obtaining the bithoprick of Dunkeld. (Orig.) Perth, Jan. 21 , 1515. 27. K'. Queen Margaret, to lord T. Dacre; about her leaving Scotland; and defiling pecuniary afliltance. (Orig.) Perth, Jan. 22 , 1515. 28. if). Roger Labels, Reward to the E. of Northum¬ berland, to lord Northumberland ; about the earl of Angus’s attainder and flight, (a copy lent to Card. Wolfey.) Norham, Sept. 8 , 1528. 2 4. Q. Margaret, to lord T. l)acre; Albany fends to offer her the government; reconnnemis father Jed ward, the bearer. Lithgo. Oei. 13 . 1 52 (). *24 7 - 13.5. Queen Margaret, to my lord fee ret ary (Cromwell?) an exculpation of herfelf. 24 !.'. i ;d. Queen Margaret, to lord T. Daere ; deiir- ing his endeavours towards a peace. (Orig.) June 24 . < 230 . 137 - Queen Margaret, to Card. Wolfey ; delires leave to go to Daynan Es caftle. (Orig.) May, 1.5 1 £i. 2 . 51 . 138 . Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; mentions the articles lent up by the I). of Albany; and detires to borrow money. (Orig.) Jan. 1.3 17 - 2 . 52 . 1 Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; concerning her reception in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 22, 1317 - " 2 . 53 . 140. Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; on fending up cmball'adors. (Orig.) Nov. 28 , 1524 . 2.34. 141. Some points to be propofed in the name of Q. Margaret, to the duke of Norfol L (Orig.) 1524 . 230 . 142. Q. Margaret, to lord Surrey; thanks him for kindneifes to John Cantley; and intercedes in behalf ot the abbot of belli), and the priorefs of Coldftream. (Orig.) Jan. 6 , 1.523. 2.57. b. 143 . Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk; re- monftrating again It the E. of Angus's coming into Scotland. (Orig.) Sunday, 1524 . 239. 144. Q. Margaret, to Henry \ ill; defiring his in- tereft, that Ihe might have the care of the voung king's perfon, and that the E. of Angus fliould have nothing to do with it. (Orig.) Elgin, Dee. 7th, 1524 . 261. 145 . Queen Margaret, to the 1 ). of Norfolk; about her endeavours to procure a peace; and the articles I. 121. (Orig.) Aug. 31, 1524 . 263 . 146 . Q. Margaret, to the 1 ). of Norfolk; again ft Angus's coming into Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 18, 1524 . 266. 147. Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey; the gover¬ nor well difpoied for a peace; propofes a truce. (Orig.) Oct. 1<), 1 . 523 . 268 . 148 . Q. Margaret, to Patrick Sinclair: directions about letters, and peace. (Orig.) Oft. it), 1523 . k 269. 149. Q. Margaret, to Ilenry \’ 1 II; defires fafe- conducts for fending to Rome, for the Pope's bulls, for Gavin Dunbar being made Archbp. of Glafgow. (Orig.) March 31 , 1524 . 272 1 . 50 . Q. Margaret, to lord Daere ; expoftulates, and juftilies herfelf for having written to the French king in favour of Albany; complains of povertv. (Orig.) 1 . 520 . 274. 1.5 1. Q. Margaret, to lord Daere; requeftingaid; complains of poverty ; delires to come to England. (Orig.) Stirling, Oct. 17, 1520 . 275. 152. Q. Margaret, to Henry YIIT; defires a fafe- condutt for a friend of L. Lenox, who goes to Rome for a benefice. (Orig.) Stilling, Oft. 12 . ~ ' 278. 153 . Q. Margaret, to lord Surrey; about being denied a free intcreourle with her foil. (Orig.) Stirling, Nov. 24, 1523 . 279. 154 . Queen -Margaret, to lord Surrey; defires his good olliees; and l’peaks of the lute of Scotland. (Orig.) Stirling, Nov. 14, 1523. 28I. 15.5. Queen 1 '- 9 tec! ion. (Cop Julv 13, 152 1. Margaret, to Henry \ III ; again ft the g into Scotland; delires pro- ol 1. 119. but ligneil I 156 . Q. Margaret, to rious affairs of govermi: balfadors; Consoles, t\e Margaret.) 283 . the D. of Norfolk; on va¬ tu! in Scotland; the am- (Olig.) Oct. 13 , 1 . 524 . 2! 11.2. and 285 - 1 ). 1.57. Janies v. to Henry \ 111 : profeftions of friendlliij); and reprclVnting the Ii. of Angus’s im¬ proper conduct. (Orig.) Eilinb. i’eb. 3, 1529. 293. 158 . James \', to the biiliop of Llandaff (Robt. , Holgatc) preiident of the north parts of England; I concerningIbmellanderotis ballads and rhymes eom- 1 plained of by the king of England. (Orig.) Edinb. j Feb. ift, 1.539. 295. 159 . The convention of Scotland, to the E. of C umberkuul, warden ot the weft march; concerning the depredations on the borders. (fecmingly an ; original, but without lignature.) Edinb. July 4th, ] 1529 . '< 200 . 160. Baltazar (Pope’s Nuncio in Scotland) to ( aid. Volley; afiigns bis rearms for not leaving - Edinburgh fooner, and delires a fafe conduct; Albany newly arrived. (Orig.) Edinb. June 6, 1515 . * ‘ 297. 161. Sir D:>\ id Lindfay, lyon king at arms, to the Seen I ary of Scotland ( Pat'ick Pa niter, abbot of Cambufkenneth) advice of his having renewed the treaty concerning the Scotch lights in Zeeland. Antwerp, Aug. 23 , 153 1. 298. 162. Lord T. Daere, to the D. of Norfolk; about the abftinence he made with the earl of Call'll is. Morpeth, Dec. 2, 1524 . 299. 163. T. Magnus, to the chancellor of Scotland (the E. of Angus) concerning the treaty ligned at Berwick, Oct. 10. Edinb. Oct. 16, 152.5. 300. 16 t. Sir Tlio. More, to Card. Wolfey; about the E. of Surrey's proceedings againftthe Scots. (Orig. but without lignature.) Wodeitock, Sep. 26, 1523 . 301 . 165 . Sir Tlio. More, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning the war with Scotland, and liindry difpatehcs penned by Wolfey for the king. (Orig.) Okyng, Sept. 1, 1523 . 302 ; and 5 . 16‘6. Sir Tlio. More, to Card. Wolfey; Ditto. (Orig.) New hall, Sept. 14 , 1522 . 303 . 167. SirT. More, to Card. Wolfey ; Ditto. (Orig.) Wodeitock, Sept. 24, 1 . 523 . 306. 163. Ilenry t ill, to Lord Surrey; thanks him for having repelled the D. of Albany ; promites to recal him, and to appoint lord Daere warden. (Orig.) Woodftock, Nov. 12, 1523. 307. 169- James V, to Card. Wolfey; thanks him for his good olliees in promoting peace. (Orig.) Edinb. Eeb. 3 . 15 29 . " 308 . 1 70. The lords of the council of Scotland, to queen Margaret; about the cuftody of the young king’s perfon. (Orig. conf. II. 5 2.; Edinb. Nov. 24 . 309 . 171. James v, to Henry VIII ; about the depre¬ dations on the borders. (Orig.) June 22 , 1529 . 310 . 172. The D. of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey; about the ambalfadors fent t<> and from Scotland, and An¬ gus's return. (Orig. beginning wanting, a copy at in. 109.) Newcaftlc, Ocr. 19, 1524 . 3 11. 173. Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Norfolk ; direfl¬ ing him to endeavour to reconcile the queen, Arran, and Angus; and about complaints again ft lord T. Daere. (Orig.) St. Alban’s, Oct. 3 . 1524 . 314. 174 . The 1 ). of Norfolk, lord T. Daere, Magnus, and CALIGULA, B. I. II. and IialdiH', to Card. Wolfey; about the factions in Scotland; an iniiirre&ion at Edinburgh; Angus determined to proceed to Scotland. (Grig.) Ncw- caftle, Oct. ‘ 212 . J.3'24. 317. 17 . 3 . The 1). of Norfolk, to the lord privy leal (Croimvcil) about an inquelt to be held at York, in conleqiienee of Alke's infurrection. (Orig.) May sih, 1537- 319. 176 . The faying of Mr. lien. Ray, purfuivant of Berwick, on his return from Scotland. Dec. 1539. 3120. 177- Robert Maxwell, to the D. of Norfolk ; con¬ cerning fome attempts of the inhabitants of Liddit- dale on thofe of Tindale. (Orig.) Lochmaben, April 27, 1537. 322. 1 78. Sir John Lowther, to the D. of Norfolk; on the fame attempts as above. (Orig.) Carlille, April 28 , 1537- 323. 171). Sir John Lowther? to lord Maxwell; defil ing; the appointment of a meeting to check the diforders on the borders. April 21 , 1537. 324. iso. Lord Maxwell, to Sir John Lowther; anfwer to the above. (Orig.) Lochmaben, April 24 , 1.337. 325. 181. Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Norfolk; direct¬ ing him to difeontinue his endeavours for the recon¬ ciliation of Arran and Angus ; the latter flew Patrick Hamilton, and would have killed Arran. (Orig.) 1524. 326. 182 . The order of the watch at Berwick ; order of the well waidens; the bailliR s court. 061. 11 , 1554. 329. 183. Account of ftores to be fent to the armies in Henry VIIIth's wars. 340. l S4. A king of Engl an d, to the earls of Weft more- land and Rutland ; about lioltilities on the borders. 342. 1 85. Account of (tores to be fent to Berwick in Henry VIIIth’s time. 343. 186 . A new eftablifhmcnt of the garrifons on the borders, temp. Eliz. 344 . 1 S“. Article concerning the borders; from Sir W. Eure. 348. Caligula , B. II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, con (tans foliis 382 . 1 . The Duke of Norfolk, to Carlille, herald at. arms; directing him to perfuade James V. to favour Angus; and informing him that the E. of Northum¬ berland and lord Dacre would fhortly come down to treat of the redrels of grievances. (Orig.) Wor- cefter Place, March 7 , 1532. 3 . 2 . Queen Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk; expref¬ ling a great delire to hear from Henry VIII. She ex¬ pects her fon. (Orig.) May 1537. 5 . 3. Gavin Dunbar, Archbp. of Glafgow, and chan¬ cellor of Scotland, to the 1). of Norfolk; about de¬ predations on the borders. (Orig,) Edinb. April 25 , 1537- 0. 4. Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Norfolk; inftruc- tionshow to deal with Q. Margaret and the E. of Arran; and concerning the E. of Angus’s heavy complaints againi't the queen. (Orig.) W eft mi lifter, Nov. 5, 1524. 7 , 5. Card. Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey; about a truce with Scotland at the requeft of Q.' Margaret; llic D. of Albany to be by all means expelled from 1 the government of Scotland ; Wolfey does not ap¬ prove of Q. Margaret coming to England. (0ri e. of Jan. Edinb. April 16 , 1517 . j ij. 8 . The E. of Arran (Ja. Hamilton) to Hen. VIII; about ciiahlilhing James v. in his government, and again It the Ik of Angus's coming into Scotland. (Orig.) Linlithgow, Oct. 3, 152.4. 17 . 9- Card. Wolfey, to the 1). of-Norfolk; divers inI’trudtionsabout James v. aflumingthe government; about peace; the E. of Angus, &e. (Orig.) Hamp¬ ton Court, Aug. 9 , 1524. 18 . 10 . Thomas Magnus and three other commifiioners, to Hen. vili; about negotiations for a truce, in which the Scotch commifiioners arc backward. (Orig.) N'ewcaftle, Sept. 6. 1533. 24 . 1 1 . James v, to Hen. 3 III; profeffmg himfclf well dilpofed for peace. (Orig.) Dumfries, Nov. 5 , 1529. 26. 12. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; reporting the mealures lie is taking for relifting Albany's in- valion. (Orig. with fome marginal notes.) Alnwick, Odt. 28, 1523. " < 27 . 13. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; reports an inroad he made to Jedburgh, lord Dacre s attack of Eemherd, and the lols of many horfes. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 27. 1523. 29 . 14 . The I). of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey; report¬ ing the I), of Brilanny\s friendly anfwers to Sir John Peche and Sir John Carr, Engl'illi agents. (Orig.) Montreuil, Oct. 7 . 1527 .' 32 . 15. The E. of Surrey to "Wolfey; about an expe¬ dition to Jedburgh. (Orig. vid. II. 58.) Newealtle, Aug. 27 , 1523. ' ' S3. 10 . Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey; about divers manoeuvres to fupplant Albany, and bring forth James 3’. See. Edinb. Aug. 24 , 1523. 35. 17 . The E. of Surrey, to Q. Margaret; anfwer to the above, promifmg ail manner of afiiltance. To be (hewn only to Inch lords of Scotland as the queen trulls. Aug.' 20 ? 1523. 37 . is. The E. of Surrey to Q. Margaret; urging her very earncftly to renounce Albany and the French faction, and to bring forth James v.—To be ihewn to the lords of Scotland : and an article added con¬ cerning her coming into England, not to be Ihewn. Aug. 26? 1523. 39 . 19 . Dr. Th. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports the manner in which he executes his initructions con¬ cerning the queen of Scotland, the Scots lords, See. (Orig.) Edinb. May 31, 1525. 43. 20 . Dr. T. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; about ne¬ gotiations for peace. Edinb. May 16 ? 1525 . 49- 21 . Q. Margaret, to the lords of the Council; ex¬ horting them to the conclulion of peace. (A copy; but figned by the queen.) May 16 ? 1525. 50. 22 . Q. Margaret, to Dr. Magnus ; acquainting him that Ihe had written to the lords in favour of peace. (Orig.) May 16 , 1525. 51. 23. Dr. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; about peace ; and acquaints her that Hen. Vili. has agreed to a pro¬ longation of truce for 40 days. Edinb. May 24 , 1525. 52. 24. Q. Margaret, to Dr. Magnus; adiort credence probably in favour of Jammy Dog. (Orig.) May 24, 1525. ' ~ 53. 25 . Dr. CALIGULA, B. H, 52 • 2 .'). Dr. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; about the ne- i gociations for peace. Edinb. May ‘2 7, 1525. 54. 26. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; relates fome weighty trantiirfbetween Q. Margaret and the Scotch lords; tteps taken towards a peace. (Orig.) Edinb. Mart h 9, l 52 i. '27. Dr. Magnus, to Card, Wolfey; about the E. of .Angus and ionic lords coming to Edinburgh : characters of ieveral of the lords; Cantlcy gone from the <|ueen to France, and thence to Home. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. ' 2 - 2 , 152 . 3 . 59 . cs. Dr. Magnus, to James v; about the proceed¬ ings oi the conmuiuouersat Ferwiek. (vid. Ilyin. MV. p. ‘27 5 - etfcq.) Berwick, Now 14 , 1528 . 63 . 20. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about the fruitlcis meetings of the eonunillioners at Berwick ; a eomprehenlion inlilied upon ; Angus not to be re¬ lied on. (Orig.) Edinb. Oil. 28, 1525 . 66. to. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; the commif- iioners for peace to meet Oct. 6 . Janies V. declares again li Albany’s return; Magnus in fid ted by mobs. (Orig) Edinb. Sept. !,», 1525. 70 . .'ll. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; the pr eft dent ofTouloufe arrives ambaifador from France; is ill re¬ ceived ; Patr. Wemys returned. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. <), 1525. 75 . 32. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; about the ra¬ tification of the late treaty of Berwick ; reports an audience he had of James V. (Orig.) Berwick, Eeb. 13, 1529 . 77. 33. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; information of i’everal kinds, chiefly about the Arelibp. of St. Andrews' fufpicious dealings; hate of parries in Scotland; fpeaks favourably of Arran. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 9 , 1525. 83. 34. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence from Scotland, about Consoles, and the arrival of two French gallics; the queen lei's cordial towards Eng¬ land. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 27 , 1524. 87 . 35. Dr. Magnus, and two other commilhoners, to Card. Wolfey; report their negociations at Berwick. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 17 , 1528. 91 . gii. Dr. Magnus, and two other eonunillioners, to Card. Wolfey; report their proceedings at Berwick. (Orig. ) Berw ick, Nov. 14, 1528. 95. 37 . The E. of Shewlbury, and feven others, being the king’s council in the north, to Card. Wolfey ; report the mcafures taken for refitting the Scots, and about money for the payment of the army. (Orig.) York, Sept. 4, 1522. 99- . 48 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; reports ionic j audiences lie had of James V; Gonzoles’ propofals and intrigues; the queen favourably difpofed towards England. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 24, 1525. 101 . 39 . Dr. Magnus, to Sir William Evers; about dif- turbances in Tiviotdale. Anfwer to, VI. 255. (Orig.) Edinb. June 19 , 1525. 109- 40. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence from Scotland, and about executors. (Orig. alniolt obliterated.) Pomfret, April 22 , 1528. no. 41 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about the ra¬ tification at Berwick; redrefs on the borders, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Marcli 20 , 1526. 112 . 42 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about meet¬ ings for redrefs on the borders; fpeaks favourably of the chancellor (Beaton.) (Orig.) Berwick, March 1 , 1526. 114. 43. Dr Magnus, and three other committioners, to Henry VIII; report their negociations for a truce; the Scotch infill upon the furrender of Cawe Mills. (Orig.) Newcalile, July 1 , 1533 . 11 G. 44. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey : about the irate ot attains in Scotland ; James v. unwilling to con¬ tinue in the E. of Angus's cultody; and about the expenfes of the 1). of Richmond's houfchold. (Orig.) Sheritt’-IIooton, Aug. 30 , 1527 . lie. 45. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfc\ ; about a pro¬ longation ot the truce, and money matters. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 15, 152 . 3 . ' 120 . : i )r. M ignus, to the chance llor of t.Ja’ Beaton) ; about prolongation of the truer, and attempts on the F.nglilh border^.. Berwick, Die. 11 , 1 52 3. Another letter of Dec. 1 3 ; with accounts of fome anfwcrs received from lien. Mil. 121 . 4 7- Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about the E. of Angus being reinftated in his honours and pro¬ perty ; inroads on the borders. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 39 , 1528. 123 . 48. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; about James Vtil's attempt upon Tantallion, and the conferences at Berwick. ^Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 14 , 1528. 12 . 3 . 49. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; ft ate of affairs in Scotland; Angus's dangerous lituation; and an agreement between the F. of Cumberland and Sir Chriftopher Daere. (Orig.) Sheriff-llooton, Sept. 13. 50. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about various trail fact ions in Scotland ; James v tiffs intended mar¬ riage with a French prineels. (Orig.) Berwick. Dee. 17 , 1528. 129 . 51. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the date of parties in Scotland; fulpeels Q. Margaret of double dealing. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 2, 1525. 132. 52 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports the ftruggles between the two parties in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 14 , J5 25. 135. 53. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; news of various kinds from Scotland ; many French arrived at Dun¬ bar, at which the queen teems pleal'ed. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 22 , 1521 . * 138. 54. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfe}'; about a reeels to be taken, and fundry regulations on the borders. (Orig*) Berwick, Jan. 24, 1526. 142 5 . 3 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about, the con- grefs at Berwick, vid. II. 67 . an iniidious report that Hen. \ Ill. was dead. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 11 , 1526. 145. 56 . The E. of Surrey, to Henry vui; reports an attack upon the cattle of Cel's ford, &c. (Orig.) Alnwick, May 21 , 1523. 147 . 57 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the ttate of affairs in the north, and the reafons why he lhall not be able to act with vigour. (Orig.) New- cattle, April 23, 1523. 151. 5 8. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; reports his preparations for an intended incurfion to Jedburgh. 1 Orig. the beginning wanting, vid. II. 15.) New¬ castle, Aug. 15, 1523. 153. 59 . The D. of* Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey; jufti- lies himfelf againft ieveral charges of neglect brought againft him by Q. Margaret. (Orig. vid. VI. 252.) Barnard Cattle, Sept. 14. 1524. 155. 60 . The D. of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey; about difeontents in Scotland; many lords refufe to come to parliament unlels clelired by Angus, (Orig.) Ncwcaftle, Nov. 5 , 1524. 157- 61 . The D. of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey; chiefly about the E. of Angus's great impatience to go into Scotland. (Orig.) Newcalile, Oct. 20 , 1524. 159. 62 . The D. of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey ; con¬ cerning the E. of Arran's improper conduit; his in¬ terview CALIGULA, B. II. 53 terview with the E. of Angus. (OrigjJ) Newcaftle, Oft. 10, 1524. 162. 63. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey ; about Q. Margaret’s, the I), of Albany’s, and the Council's application for a truce; Albany puts James V. under the care of other lords; a marriage between James V. and a French princcfs propoled; Albany popular at Edinburgh. (Orig. two pieces cut out.) Newcaftle, Nov. 2 p. 1523. 165. 64. The E. of Surrey ? to Card. Wolfey; about feveral /hips going to lea, perhaps to the north. (Orig. the fignature torn off.) Calais, Aug. 9. 167 . 65. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; reports his march from near Work to Banner Wood; Albany's army difperfed. (Orig.) Lowick, Nov. 4, 1523. Kip. 66. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports news from Scotland; the Archbp. of St. Andrews is re¬ turned to court. (Orig.) Pom fret, Jan. 10 , 1 528. 171 . 67 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; about a con- grefs to be held at Berwick; fome regulations for the tranquillity of the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 1 , 1526. * 173. G'S. A proclamation for preferving order upon the borders: referred to in the above. Berwick, Jan. 1 , 1526. 175. 69 . Dr. Magnus, to the E. of Weftmorland; about the E. coming or fending his leal to the congrels at Berwick. Edinb. Jan. 1 , 1526. 176 . 70. Lady E. Dacre, to Ld. W. Dacrc her hulband ; acquainting him of fome inroads on the borders. (Orig.) Naworth, June 2, 1528. 178 . 71. Alex. Lord Home, to Ld. T. Dacre; con¬ certing meafures for a war againft Scotland. (Orig.) Aug. 22 , 1515. 1 80. 72 . The D.of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; complains of the infringement of the comprehenlion, and of afliftance given to Alex. Home. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 20 , 1515. 181. 73. Lord T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; two letters, in one of which he denies the charges in the preceding number, and the other upon Ihooting in March upon the weft borders. Harbottle, Aug. 24 , 1515. 183. 74. Ld. Alex. Home, to Ld. T. Dacre; about the D. of Albany's practices againlthim. (Orig.) Aug. 24 , 1515. ISO'. 75. Ld. T. Dacre, to Henry VIII; reports the late tranfaftions between him and the D. of Albanv. (Orig. vid. the three preceding articles.) Harbottle, Aug. 25, 1515. 187. 76 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the Privy Council ; reprefents Ins exertions in the office of warden; and defires the xedrefs of fome grievances. (Orig.) Kirkofwald, May 17 , 1514. 190 . 77- Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; urging her to tell him whether the had really written to the French king for the return of the D. of Albany. Naworth, July 10. 1520. U14. 78. Q. Margaret, to Ld. T. Dacre; anfwer to the lalt article, owns that lhe had figned a letter to the .French king, for which lhe pleads her neceflities. (Orig.) Edinb. July 14 , 1520. 195 . 79- The E. of Surrey, to Q. Margaret; advifing her about bringing forth the young king. Morpeth, -Sept. 16 , 1523. “ J90. 80. Lord T. Dacre, to Henry y in; (Orig. almoft obliterated.) June 4th. 197. 81. Lord W. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey, reports a cruel inroad and daughter committed by the Scotch borderers. (Orig.) Naworth, Aug. 4 . 198 . 82 . The names of the perfons taken and (lain in the above inroad. 199 . 88. The 1). of Albany, to C'larcncieux ; profeffmg his delire to promote peace. (Orig.) Mont-Mi chef, J une 28, 1517 . 201 . 84. The 1). of Albany, to Card. Wolfey; profel- fing his readinefs to accept of peace. (French) with marginal notes in Englifh, lliewing how little his profellions could be relied on. (Orig.) Edinb. April 13 . 202 . 85. Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; requeuing hiS good offices with Henry vm ; and towards a peace. (Orig.) 204 . 86. Clarencieux, to Card. Wolfey; reports his au¬ diences with Q. Margaret, the D. of Albany, and the Council; is iharply anfwered. (Orig.) Nor- ham, Feb. 15 , 1522 . 205 . 87 - Card. Wolfey, to Q. Margaret; about James V. affirming the government.; concord between the two kingdoms; and her propolal of a marriage between James V. and a daughter of Henry Vlli. Aug. 2 ? 1524. 209 . SS. Q. Margaret; a declaration of the wrongs die has fultained from the D. of Albany. (Orig.) March 1 , 1516. 211 . 89- Ld. T. Dacre; his declaration of the trefpaffes com mi tied by the Scots. (Orig.) March, 1516. 215 . 90 . James V ; his articles of credence to be /hewn by Patrick Sinclair to Henry VIII. (Orig. with the leal.) Edinb. July 13, 1528. 224 . 91 . Q. Margaret; her reply to the anfwer fent by Henry VIII. to her articles. Sept. 1524. 226. 92. Ld. William Howard, to Henry VIII; reports an audience he had of James V. (Orig.) Edinb. April 25, 1535. 233. 93. The E. of Arran, to the D. of Norfolk; about ambalfadors to be lent up for peace; and remonftrat- ing againft the E. of Angus coining into Scotland, (another copy at III. 66 .) Kinnerly, Oct. 3. 1524. 235. 94. The chancellor of Scotland (J. Beaton, Archbp. of Glafgow) to lord T. Dacre; about a negociation for peace,or at lealtfor abltiuence. Glafgow, Oft. 29 ; 1520. 236. 95. Ld. T. Dacre, to the chancellor of Scotland; anfwer to the above ; mentions two French ambaf- l’adors, Aubigny and Planys, being gone into Scot¬ land. Werke, Nov. 28, 1520 . 236. b. 96 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; alluring her of Henry VIII til’s friendfliip for her; and giving her much advice about her conduft. Werke, Nov. 28, 1520. 237-b. 97- The chancellor of Scotland, to Ld. Dacre; de¬ filing a prolongation of truce. (Orig. incloled in II. 114 .) Glafgow, Dec. 5, 1520. 240 . 98. The E. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; about James Vtil’s intended marriage with a filter of the Emperor. (Orig.) Nov. 16 , 1529 . 241 . 99- Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey; acquaints him with the force Albany has brought with him from France, and his intention to invade England. With marginal notes, (a copy of VI. 244.) Oft. 13? 1523. 242. 100 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the E. of Surrey; reports Albany’s and Maxwell’s motions towards the borders (Orig.) Carlifle, 06t. is, 1523. 244. 101 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; reports Al¬ bany's negociations with the Scotch lords, and his lali departure for France. (Orig.) Whittingham, May 31, 1524. 246, 102 . Lord P 54- CALIGULA, B. II. 102 . Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey ; requefiiug the king’s pardon for William Hathcrington's niii- cjemeanors in his marriages. (Orig.) Harbottle, March 5. 248. 103. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey ; defiring the nomination of /fieri ft's Sec. for Cumberland and Nor¬ thumberland. (Orig.) Werk, April 12 , 1525 ? 249- 104. A letter from fome difeontented perfon, re- prefenting many abufes, chiefly about the borders ; inveighs again ft the papifts : probably in the time of Q. Eliz. " 2.50. 10.5. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about the Bp. of Carlifie coming down, and fcai city of’ pro- yifions. (Orig.) Lirkofwald, May 8th. 252. 100 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey ; about Q. Mar¬ garet's progrefs towards Scotland, and the 1). of Al¬ bany's departure. (Orig.) Berwick, June Hi, 1517. " 253. 107 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. 'Wolfey? representing the deficiency in the number of men brought by fir W m Bulmer, fir Maim. Conftablc, &c. the army tlifeharged. (Orig.) 254. 108 . The E. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; vindicates himfelf againft fome charges of lenity to¬ wards W m Lifie, and others. (Orig.) Xewcafile, March 24, 1528 ? 2 55. 109. Names of penfioners, with their fees, on the borders. 257. 110 . Sir W m Eure, to Card. Wolfey; about depre¬ dations of rebels in Tindal; a charge againft Sir Ralph Fenwick. (Orig.) llexham, July 2 (i, 1.52.5? 26 o. 111. A bill of information againft the Dacres. 26 l. 112 . The D. of Albany, to Q. Margaret; promifes to protect her, efpecially againft Angus, as he had promifed Clarencieux. (Orig. French.) Edinb. March 6, 1517. 202 . 113. James V, figned James Chancellor, to Henry VIII; defiling a fafe-condudt. for John Ireland, ,&c. (in the abfence of Albany.) (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 5. " ' 26 -j. 114. Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about the journey of the French amballadors; great feuds in Scotland : propofals for a prorogation. (Orig.) Harbottle, Dec. 10 . 1520, 264 . 115. Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; acquaints him of his having difeharged fome men; Albany ready to fet out; has lent up a credence to Surrey, who is gone fouth. (Orig.) Morpeth, Dec. io, 1523. 266, 116 . Q. Margaret, to the lords of Council; ex- poftulating about the keeping of the young king. (Orig.) Nov. 2 G, 1522. 268. 117 . Q. Margaret; articles of what Die defires of the chancellor. (Orig.) May 12 , 1 . 517 ? 270 . 118 . Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; about a pro¬ motion to t|ie Archbk. of Glafgow. (Orig.) Feb. 19 , 1522. " 272. 119 . Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey ; defiring to be apprized of Henry VIIItil's plcafure about the introduction of James v. (Orig.) Sept. 1 1 . 52 : 1 . 274. 120. Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; credence for the bearer of her articles, I. 112 . & VI. 144 . (Orig. conf. I. 115.) Edinb. Jan. 6, 1522. 276. 121. Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; about Albany's going to France, and the conditions of her return into Scotland. (Orig.) York, June 3, 1517 . 278 . 122 . A claufe in fome treaty, about the bor¬ ders. * 280 . 123. Henry till; a draught of his commiflion to the commifiioncis of the north. Jan. 30, 1.5 . 281 ; 124 . Proclamation of the commiliioners in the north. 282 . 12 . 5 . Q. Margaret, to Card. Wolfey; defiring to borrow money (Orig. conf. I. 113 .) 1.516? 283. 126 . AnflP Oughtrcd, to Card. Woll'ev; about his fon in law, Guy Wylfirop, and fome of his fervants, obeying a fummons to appear before the Cardinal, ivc. Sir W m Buhner's loyalty. (Orig.) Berwick, June 10 . 284. 127 . The Bp. of Durham (Tho. Ruthal) to Hen. 5 111; reports his having urged Ld. Dacre to make incurlions. (Orig.) Ain... Nov. j, 1.521? 28.5. 128. Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about Q. Margaret's reception and entertainment at York. (Orig) York, Junes, 1 . 517 . 286. 129 . Sir Ralph Eure, and five more commifiioners, to the Lords of Council; advifing the repeal of an annuity granted to Cuthb' and Edw d Charlton, and to have them punilhed; and about fome regulations on the borders. Berwick, July 1 5, 1536? 287 . 130. Gavin (Dunbar) Archbp. of Glafgow; let¬ ters of cenfure againft infurgents. 289- 131 . The D. of Albany, to J. de Barlxm his fec r in London: about fome negotiations. A cypher at the end. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 14 , 1 . 524 . 290 . 132 . Lord T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret: offers to bring her from Douglas cattle, or io miles within Stirling, (anl’wer to l. is.) Kirkofwalti, Jan. 26 , 1515. 292 . 133. Dr. Magnus, to the Bp. of Aberdeen; about redrefs to be made by virtue ot the peace of Berwick. Berwick, Jan 20 , 1526. 294 . 134 . Dr. Magnus, to the Chancellor of Scotland ; to the fame purport. Berwick, Jam 20, 1526. 295 . 13.5. The lords of Council of Scotland, to the Englilh ambalfador (Dr. Magnus) prumifing to pro¬ ceed without delay to the redrefs ftipulatcd at Ber¬ wick. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 19 , 1 . 526 . 297 . 136. The E. of Angus, to Dr. Magnus; about redrefs, and the encounter at Linlithgow. (Orig.) Edinb. Jam 20, 1.526. 298. 137 . Adam Ottcrburn, to Dr. Magnus; acquaints him with his return from Berwick ; news about the encounter at Linlithgow, and the redrefs. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan, 19 , 1526 . 299- 138. Dr. Magnus; his anfwer to the lords of Scot¬ land's letter (11. 135.) urging the redrefs ftipulatcd at Berwick. Berwick, Jan. 22, 1526. 300. 139. Adam Williamfon, to the poftui'ate of Ar¬ broath; admoniihing him and Q. Margaret to come to England, and to follow the advice of Henry VIII. (vid. II. 1 66.) Jan. 27 , 1-5 15. 303. 140 . An article of an old league between France I and Scotland. (Latin.) 305. 141 . Dr. Magnus, and Roger RadolyfF, to Card, j Wolfey; concerning the ditfeniions in Scotland ; am- j Imlladors ready to come away. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 29 , 1524. , 306. 142 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; reporting the late events in the north; Albany's invalion; the truce of Sept 11 . See. (Orig.) Carlifie, Sept. 12 , 1522. 3 LO. 143 . A note from fome perfon commiffioned by Albany to treat with Clarencieux about peace; Al¬ bany's" intended palfage through England mentioned. Jan. 1517- 313. 144. J.dc Planys and Gav. Dunbar, to Ld. T. Dacre and Dr. Magnusdefiling the fate-conduct, before ap¬ plied 55 CALIGULA, B, II. III. plied for, to be fent down immediately. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 27 , 1516. 314. 1 45. Ld. T. Dacre, to J. de Planys and G. Dunbar ; .anfwer to the above, that the l'afe-condud is ar¬ rived; and mentioning the king- of Spain's death. Coldftream, Feb. 28 , 15 id. 315. 146 . Ld. T. Dacre? to the D. of Albany; about negociations for peace, and amballadors coming for the purpole. Etel, March 2 , 1516 . 315 . b. 147 . The D. of Albany, to lord T. Dacre; pro¬ felling a great defile for peace. (Orig.) Edinb. March 5, 15 16. ' 31 g. 148. Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; 11 rging the arrival of the amballadors: anfwer to the above. Morpeth, March 15 , 1516 . 317 . b. 149 . Gavin Dunbar and fir W m Scot, to Ld. T. Dacre; defiring to know why the fafe-conduet for de*Planys was not yet arrived. (Orig.) Edinb. March 10 , 1516. 3i H . 150. Lord T. Dacre, to G. Dunbar and lir W m Scot; Henry VIII. unwilling to call upon de Plan vs to accompany the amballadors of the Scots : anfwer to the above. Morpeth, March 15 , 1516 . 319 . 15 1 . Q. Margaret, to the I), of Albany; exprelfes amicable intentions ; earnefrly requefts that the Bp. of Dunkeld might be releafed from confinement. Mor¬ peth, May? 1516. 320. 152. Lord D’ A rev, to Ilenrv VIII; reports con¬ cerning the Hate of Bordoix ; vindication of his con¬ duct : anfwer to VI. 34. (Orig.) Templehurlt, March £0, 1514. 323. 153. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey ; acquaints him ot Albany's departure; and about meal'ures to be taken in confequence. (Orig.) Harbottle, 06t. 31, 1522. 327 154. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; reports concerning the ftate of the borders; Albany's con¬ duct; Gaultier the duke's fecretary fent up; de- lircs to be appointed governor, and his brethren Chriftopher and Philip wardens ofthemarches, (Orig. cont. in. 29 .) Werk, Dec. 19 , 1521. 329 . 155. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about re¬ pairs of the caltles on the borders. (Orig.) Ilar- bottle, June 21 , 1517 . 3 331 . 156. Lord 1. Dacre, to Card Wolfey; about father Chadworth’s mediation between Q. Margaret and the E. of Angus. (Orig.) Harbottle, Oct. 22 , 1520. 333 . i.»7. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Mol fey; reports Gaultier being arrived in Scotland from Albany ; the Humes at Cawe mills; Armftrongs on the borders. (Orig.) Harbottle, March 5 , 1519 . 335 . 158. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about the Humes at Cawe mills ; and money brought for them by Dr. Magnus. (Orig.) March, 1519 . 356 . 159 . Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about Al¬ bany's intended invafion; aid given to Angus; and deliring that wardens may be" appointed. ( 0ri<0 Norham, Feb. is, 1522 . 338 160. Lord T. Dacre, to the lords of Council; rep relents the D. of Albany’s had), proceedings again It Q. Margaret. (Orig.) Ki-rkofwald, Aug. \ T 5 I 5 . . lUl. Sir Ralph Sadler, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Ciomvell.) reports the ftate ot the northern counties; the people of Darlington inclined to rife. (Orig -) Newcaftle, Jan. 28 , 1537 . 3 4 J. 162 . Abftra&s of 19 letters concerning Scottith affairs; proving the French intereft with the Scots lords. About'Jan. 1524. 348 163 . .Sir Wm. Eure; articles to be declared to the Ld. Privy Seal, concerning- the tranquillity of the borders. March? 1540 ? 350 . 164 . A nth 7 Oughtred, to Card. "Wolfey; giving intelligence of Albany's fucceffes againlt the Humes near Berwick. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 25 , 1515 . 352 . 165. Clarencieux, to Card. Wolfey; reports bis neg-oc-iations with Albany. (Orig.) Edinb. Aim-. 9 , 1516 . ' & 4 .’ 166 . Gavin Douglas, to Adam Williamfon; con¬ cerning the B k of Dunkeld, the death of Lewis xn. cS:e. Perth, Jan. 21 ,1515. (vid. II. 139 .and vi. 68.) 356. 167 . Gavin Douglas, to Adam Williamfon ; con¬ cerning the B k of Dunkeld; complains of the Bp. ot Murray (Ad w Foreman.) Perth, Jan. 18 , I 5 15. 357. 16 S. The I), of Norfolk, to Q. Margaret; gives advice to her about her articles, I. 121 . chiefly about Angus's return. Sept. 1524. 35 s. 169. Hie D. of Norfolk, to Q. Margaret; ac¬ quaints her that the Bp. of Si. Andrews had fent to halten the return of Albany. Sept. 1524. 360 . 170 . James V, and Q. Margaret, to the Pope; re¬ commending Gavin Douglas for the B k of Dunkeld. Perth, Jan. 17 , 1515. 364 . 171 . Clarencieux, to Card. "Wolfey; about the Humes coming to England. (Orig.) Norham, Feb. 18, 1516? " 360 . 172 . The D. of Albany, to Mary the French qileen; complimentary. (French.) Edinb. 1515. 36 7 . 173 . Q. Margaret's credence to Henry \ni; com¬ plains of Albany’s hard treatment. Sept. 1515. 36s. 174 . Lord T. Dacre, to the lords of Council; Albany takes Stirling caftle, with the kingand queen; feme other news, and advice. (Orig.) Harbottle, Aug. 7 , 1515. 369 . 175. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about Hay's coming to Q. Margaret. (Orig.) Harbottle, Nov. 19 , 1515. S 71 . 1 / 6 . James Hay, to lord T. Dacre; reports bis ne¬ gociations with Albany. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 21 , 1515. 372 . 177- Lord T. Dacre, to the lords of Council; about fome injuries committed by fir Humphry I.ille on the prior of Brenkbury. (Orig.) Carlifle, Aug. is, 15 —. 374 . 17 s. Lord T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey: about fome inroads into Scotland ; and propofkls for peace. (Orig.) Hexham, June 11 , 1524. 376. 179 . Bills concerning trcfpaffes on the borders; probably referred to in the next number. 1528. 378. 180 . Lord W. Dacre, to tlie E. of Angus; com¬ plains of attempts on the borders; Netlierby burnt. Naward, March 4, 1528. 379 . 181 . The D. of Albany, to lord T. Dacre; about amballadors to be fent up, and inroads. (Orig.) Edinb. March 1 , 1524. 380. 182 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; defiling him to baften up the ambaffadors; and complaining of inroads. Morpeth, Feb. 25, 1524. 382. Caligula , B. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 3 12 . 1. Lord T. Dacre, to the Bp. of Durham; about incurfions intoTweedale and Annandale; and juftify- ing liimfelf. (Orig.) Carlifle, Odt. 23, 1513. 1 . 2 . Lord T. Dacre, to tire Bp. of Durham; acquaints him of the E. of Surrey having been made lord lieut. 56 CALIGULA, B. III. licut. of the north ; ami about the cfcape of Gavin Ogle. (Orig.) Carlifle, Aug. 17 , 1512. 2 . 3 . Lord W. Dacre, to the E. of Angus; complains of attempts on the borders by Ld. Maxwell; Nctherby burnt. Alnwick, Feb. 26, 1.52s. .' 3 . 4. Lord T. Dane, to Card. Wolfey; reports the ftate of affairs in Scotland; Albany demands aid, which is refuted; irate of the borders; three Charl¬ tons taken. (Orig.) Morpeth, May 20, 1 , 524 . 0. . 5 . Ld. T. Dacre and Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; a truce prorogued to the luth of Feb.; and about Clarencieux coming down. (Orig.) Carlifle, Jan. 29 , 1 . 517 . 9. G. Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; promifes to protect the priorefs of Coldftream ; reprefents the danger of Albany's having the government of Scot¬ land. April, 1.52.'!. 10 . 7 . Ld. T. Dacre. to the Bp. of Durham; about an ineurfion made b\ his brother and tenants into Scot¬ land. (Orig.) birkofwald. Oel. 2 . 0 . 15 IS. 11 . 8. Ld. T. Dacre, to the Bp. of Durham; about ineurfions to be m ade into Scotland. (Orig.) Car¬ lifle, Oct. 20, 15 IS. 12 . <). Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about letters from Wolfcy to Albany, and Q. Margaret, to Wolfey; a fnfpenfion of war; and an int ended inroad. (Orig.) Whittingham, April 17 , 1522. 14 . 10 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; an epidemical difeafe at Edinburgh; the young king removed ; the Humes flay the abbot of Coldingham. (Orig.) Mor¬ peth, 061. 19 , 15 ip. iG. 11 . The Bp. of Galloway (David Hamilton) anil two more, to Henry vill; acquainting him that they had delivered his letters, &c. to Albany, and the Council of Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. July 1 , 15 lG. 17 . 12 . Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. of Carlifle; ordering him to pay a balance in his hands to Ld. Dacre. (a draught in Wolfey's hand. conf. Y 1 . 185.) Hampton Court, June 14, 151 <5. 18 . IS. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacre; an order to receive a balance in the hands of the Bp. of Carlifle. (A draught in Wolfey's hand, fee\ l. 185.) Hampton Court, June 14, 151 O'. is. b. 14. The mnftcr of Huntly, to Henry VII; certify¬ ing the murder of James Ill. K. of Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 8 , 1489- 19 . is. Ld. T. Dacre and Dr. Magnus, to Henry Y'lli; reporting their conference with the Seottilli conuuif- iioners at Cornell, &c. (Orig.) Iiarbottlc. Sept. 10 , 151G. 20. lG. Ld. T. Dacre, to Henry Y'lli ; about fafe-con- duels; de la Motte failed from Leith; fliips building at Leith, and great preparations at Edinburgh. (Orig.) Carlifle, Feb. 24 , 1513. 2S. 17 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Hen. \ ill; intelligence from Scotland : the French king might marry Q. Margaret (Orig.) Carlifle, April 8, 15 14 . 2 , 5 . 18 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Hen. Y'lli; concerning com- miffipners to be nominated for Scotland; de la Motte landed at Leith with ammunition, See. (Orig.) Fourde caftle, Dec. 10 , 1512 . 27 . 19 . Ld. W. Dacre, to Henry VIII; juftifies himfelf againft fome charges of negligence; reports about attacks on the borders, and about one James Griffiths, a Welchman, being gone to Edinb. (Orig.) Naward, July SO, 1533. ' 30 . 20 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Henry vi 11 ; reports his having accompanied Q. Margaret to Durham; Angus returns to Scotland; Seottilli ambalfadors i arrive at Morpctli. (Orig.) Durham, April 12 , j 15 IG. 32. 21 . Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Albany; profelfes ' his willies for peace, but rejects the propoled eompre- henlion; taxes Albany with double dealing. (French.) Weftminfter, 152:3. 34 . 22 . Names of perfons who fat on Angus's for¬ feiture; and to whom his lands were granted. 1528. ' 36. 23. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacre; exhorts him to vigorous exertions; and inftxufts him about anlwers to be given to the 1). of Albany. 1522. 37 . 2 !. Q. Margaret; articles in her behalf to be laid before Hen. Y'ill. by lord Wm. Howard. 1534 ' 41. 25. The 1). of Albany, to Card. Wolfcv: pro- poling a prolongation of the truce of Sept. 11 . lent by J. Barbon. (Orig. French.) Edinb. Sept. 27 , 1522. 43. 2 G. l)r. Magnus. to Card. Wolfey; about the trial of the Lilies at York; and divers matters relating to the borders. (Orig.) Sheriff liooton, Sept. 27 , 1527. 44. 27 . Dr. Magnus, to fir James Colvil and the other commillioners of Scotland : urging them to meetings for red refs and abltincncc. (another copy at Ill. 15s.) Berwick, Oet. iG, 1533. 4G. 28 . Card. Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey ; approving of his meal’ures for oppoling Albany; reprefents the weak ftate of France. Oct. 1 . 5 ? 152 . 3 . 50 . 29 . Card. Wollev. to lord T. Dacre; apprizes him of Albany's departure from France for Scotland; his. practices at Rome to obtain a divorce between Queen Margaret and Angus; advifes the expendingof 500or 1000 marks in ltirriug up the Scots, (conf. II. 1 , 54 .) Calais, Nov. 27 , 1521. . 52 . 30. Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk ; thanks him for his kindnefs, and about her articles, (the fame at 111. HO. and VI. 253.) Oct. G, 1524. 54. 31. James y\ to l)r. Miign us; vindicates himfelf againft a fa He report, that. John Campbell had been lent abroad to negotiate a marriage. (Orig.) Peebles, Jan. 29, 1531. 50. 32. Sir Wm. Eure, to the E. of Surrey; acquaints him with Albany's propofals to the Seottilli lords to attack England. (Orig.) Bedld’ton, OOt. 19 , 1523. 57 . 33. Ld. Ogle, to the E. of Surrey; with fome in¬ telligence he had from the priorefs of Eccles, and others, about Albany's arrival in Scotland, and his preparations, (conf. Y'l. 21 . 3 .) Oct. 6, 1523. 58. 3 k Sir Wm. Bulmer, to the E. of Surrey; with fome intelligence he had from the priorefs of Coldftream about Albany's preparations. The letter of the priorefs is dated Edinb. Oet. 3. Oet. 6, 1523. 59 . 35. The E. of Argyle, to Mr. Joint Drummond ; a luminous to appear at a meeting at Stirling, Feb. G. Campbell, Jan. 28 , 1525. 60. 3G. Dr. Magnus? to the Commillioners of Scot¬ land; apprizes them of an inroad, and an attack m the town of Red clam. Berwick, Oet. 3 , 61 . 37 . James Y', figned Albany, to Henry Y'lli; defir¬ ing afafe-conduct for leveral ambalfadors to treat for peace. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 12 . 1521 . 62. 38. Names of the council and houfehold, with the warden of the marches, and what fees they lhall have. 64 . 39 . Examination of Catherine Ormfton, a relation of lord Brothwick, lent up as a fpv by Albany. March 24, 1522. • 67 / 40 . The upon . 40. The Archbp. of St. Andrews, to the Abbot of Cambufkenneth; about Q. Margaret's evil advifers; and the declaration of the Spottilh lords. (Orig. vid. vi. '248.) St. Andrews, Jan. 26 , 152 . 5 . 08. 41 . The 1). of Albany, to Card. Wol fey ; thanking him for his good reception of Barbon, and cenfuring the latter for fome omiiiion. (Orig. French.) Edinb. March 1 , 1524. 70. 42 . The E. of Angus, to Dr. Magnus; complains of the Q. being ill advifed. (Orig.) St. Andrews, Jan. 27 , 1525. 71 . 43. Sir John Buhner, to the E. of Surrey; the priorefs of Coldftrcam's intelligence that a par¬ liament at. Edinburgh inclined in favour of a marriage between James v\ and a daughter of the K. of France. (Orig.) Norham, Nov. 20 , 1523. 72 . 44 . Sir Chriftopher Dacre, to Ld. T. Dacre; re¬ probates the conduct of the E. of Angus, who he fays has joined the Archbp. of St. Andrews. (Orig.) Hexham, Feb. 2 , 1525 . 7 .;. 45. The D. of Albany, to Mr. J. Barbon; eenfwr- ing him for not having punctually obeyed his in- ftruHious. (Orig.) Edinb. March 1 , 1524. 74. 40. George Douglas, to the D. of Norfolk; ac¬ quaints him that the Archbp. of St. Andrews has been fet at liberty by Q. Margaret and the E. of Arran; their government much dilliked; advifes the E. of Angus's l'peedy return. (Orig.) Boutler Oct. 24, 1524. ” 70 . 47 . The 1). of Albany, to the Dfs. his wife. (Orig. cypher, conf. I. 1 , and 20 .) Dumbarton, Jan. 20 , 1524. * 78 . 48. William Halls, to the D. of Norfolk ; reports that Q. Margaret difapproves of the two prelates be¬ ing brought to Berwick; (conf. VI. 223.) about the reltitution of two Iceland fhips; Arran very unpo¬ pular; ambalfors to be fait. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 12 , 1524. 80. 40. A proclamation about the debatable lands. 1537? 83. 50. A proclamation for the weft marches, pro¬ claimed at Gretna church, Oct. 26 , 1537 . tigned Robert Maxwell. 8(5. 51 . Dr. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; ad m on idles her to confide in her brother and in him. Edinb. Aug. 30, 1525? so. 52. GOnzolles, to the D. of Albany; giving him a circuniftantial account of all that happened in Scotland iince the duke’s departure. (Fr.) Dumbar, Sept. Hi, 1.524. 90 . . 53. William Halls, to the D. of Norfolk; reports the Arc.hbp. of St. Andrews manoeuvres to recover his liberty, and the fteps taken towards a peace. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 1 , 1524. 96 . 54. The Bp. of Llandaif (Robert Holgate) Dr. Magnus, and 4 more, being the council in the north, to the Ld. Privy Seal; about payments of diets, pledges, and forfeitures. (Orig., conf. ill. 88. and vil. 131.) York, January 9 , 1538 . 89 . 55. The D. of Albany, to James V; profusions of loyalty, and anfwers to fome letters. (Tranflation from the French.) Feb. 2 ? 1525. 100 . 56. The lords of Scotland : their offers to Q. Mar¬ garet. Edinb. Feb., 12 ? 1525. 102 . 57 . The lords of Scotland: articles in anfwer to Q. Margaret’s reply to their offers. Edinb. Feb. 12 ? 15S5, 103. 5S. Q. Margaret; her reply to the offers of the lords of Scotland. Edinb. Feb. 12 ? 1525. 104 . • 59 . Robt. lord Ogle, to the E> of Surrey; informa- 66. The E. of Arran, to the D. of Norfolk; re- monftrating againft Angus’s coming into Scotland, (another copy II. 93 .) Kinnerly, Oct. 3, 1 524. 123 . 67. Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; about her anfwer to the articles ll. 91 ; and againft Angus’s return, (another copy at vil. 32 .) Edinb. OH. 0, 1524. 124. 68. The E. of Arran, to Hen. vni; ftrongly re- monltrating againft the E. of Angus’s return; boafts of being of the blood royal. Linlithgow, Oct. 3 , 1524. “ 126 . 69. Card. Wol fey, to the D. of Norfolk; di regions about lending the E. of Angus into Scotland, not- vithltanding Q. Margaret’s and Arran’s remon- ftrances. Weftm. Nov. 11 ? 1524.. 128 . 70. Tho. Wharton, to the T.d. Privy Seal; reports the good ftate of the borders; traduces his pfede- ceifors, Dacre and Clifford. (Orig.) Carlifle, Sept. 4, 1537. 131 . 71 . Wm. Franklyn, to the Bp. of Durham; re¬ ports the ftate of Norham caftle; Albany has taken Home caftle, which is retaken and demolilhed by Ld. Alex. 11 mne; Albany's army 40(060 ftrongl Norham, Aug. 29 , 15 15. • ' 133 . 72 . Gav. Bp. of Glafgow, to Card. Wol fey; defir¬ ing bis intereft to prelerve the exemption of his fee from the primacy of St. Andrews. (Orig.) : Edinb. I’eb. 20 . 135 . 73. Thomas Loggcn, to Dr. Magnus; about the chancellor (Beaton) w riting to Rome for tile legate- lhip, a cardinal^ hat, &c. "i 527. 13 ( 5 . 74. llobt. Stuart Ld. Aubigny, and .Tehan de Plan is, French anibaffddors, to Erl. T. Dacre ; re¬ el netting a lafe-conduH to pals through England in their way .borne. (Orig.) Edinb. -Fdb. 22 , 521. 137 . 73. James IV, to Henry 1 till; defirifig'A fafe-con- du£t for tlieE. of Errol and 5 more. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 18, i5io. 138. 76 . A draught of a memorial touching Albany’s coming into England. Jail? 1517 . 139 . 77 - Q. Margaret, to Lcl. T. Dacre; complains of bis uhkindnefs. (Orig. fent with i. 11 s.) StirKno-, April 1 , 1524; 1 14 if 75. Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; acquaints her that he has detained her meffenger, but forwarded her letters to London. Whitlingham, April ir, 1524. 142. Q. 58 CALIGULA, B. III. 79. The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Da ere-; defiring him to forward the queen's mefiengcr, and to co-operate towards peace. (Grig.) Northberme? April 9 , 1524. " 143. 80 . Tho. Wharton, to Henry vm; certifying the good ftate of the borders. (Grig.) Carlifle, Sept. 3, 1537. 144. 81 . The E. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfev; fir W m Title and many thieves executed ; Ld. Cum¬ berland and Ld. W. Dacre reconciled. (Grig.) Alnwick, April 2 , 1528. 146 . 82 . The D. of Albany, to Card. Wolfey; cre¬ dential for Gaultier Malynes. (Grig. French.) Edirib. Jan. 1 , 1522 ? 149 . 83. Geo. Lawfon, to Mr. Cromwell; about the payment of diet to the commifiioners at Newcaftle, and to the E. of Northumberland for the 2000 men he had raifed. (Orig.) Newcaftle, Sept. 27 , 1533. 150. 84. Adam Williamfon, to Q. Margaret; ad- monilhes her to follow the advice of Henry vm. Jan. 27 , 1515. 152. 85. G. matter of Angus, to fir Chriftoph. Dacre; wonders he had received no anl'wer to his propofal of an interview at Coldltream. (Orig.) Coldltream, Jan. 31, 1525. 153. 86. Sir Chriftopher Dacre, to Ld. Angus; anfwer to the above. Hexham, Feb. 2 . 1525. 154 . 87- The E. of Shrewfbury, to Henry vm; about the defence of Carlitle, to which place Albany was marching ; wants money. (Orig.) York, Sept. 8th, 1522. 155. 88. The Bp. of Llandaff and council of the north, to the Ld. Privy Seal; about the gaol delivery at Carlitle ; Hexham gaol broken into by the Liddilclale men. (Orig.) York, Dec. 9 , 1537. 156. 89. W m Franklyn, to Card. Wolfey; reports an inroad of the Scots in Northumberland. (Grig.) Durham, April 1 , 1525. 15 a. 90 . James V, (figned James Chanceller) to Ilenrv VIII; with the herald Marchmont, who was going to the Duke of Albany in France. (Grig.) Edinb. Aug. 3, 1517. 159 . 91. Dr. Magnus and two more, to Mr. Cromwell; the commifiioners fend up Sir Tli. Wharton to the king for inftru&ions. (Grig.) Newcaftle, Aug. 23, 1533. 160. 92. Dr. Magnus and three more, to Henry Yiii; about the keeping pofi'cfiion of Cawe Mills. (Grig.) Newcaftle, July 26 , 1533. 161 . 93 . Dr. Magnus and three more, to Henry VIII; report the negociation for a truce; and about a Welchman arrived in Scotland. (Orig.) Newcaftle, July 11 , .1533. 163 . 94. Dr. Magnus, to Mr. Cromwell; about a truce. (Orig.) Newcaftle, July 1 1 , 1533. 16 'G. 95 . Dr. Magnus, to Mr. Cromwell; the Scotti/h commifiioners will not conclude a truce unlefs Cawe Mills be furrendered. (Orig.) Newcaftle, July 1 , 1533. 167 . 96. Dr. Magnus, to Mr. Cromwell; reports the good ifiue of the proceedings of the clergy at York; fends him ^.5. as a token. (Grig.) York, May 15th, 1533? 168 . 97 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about Q. Margaret refilling to come to parliament; and prac¬ tices at Rome. (Orig. the beginning wanting.) Edinb. Aug. 9 , 1525. 1 G 9 . 98. The Archbp. of St. Andrews, to Dr. Magnus; defiring to be cleared of fome imputations brought a gain ft him by John Lauder at Rome. Aug. 9 , 1525. * i 70 ; 99 . A copy of the preceding article. 171 . 100 . The E. of Cumberland, to Dr. Magnus and others of the D. of Richmond’s council; about the jul'tice done at the warden's courts kept by him. (Grig.) Carleton, Oct. 7 , 1526? * 173 . 101 . James V, (figned Th. Hay) to Henry VIII; about a prorogation of peace, but expol'tulatory. (Grig.) Edinb. July 18 , 1520. 175 . 102 . Sir Tho. Wharton, to the Ld. Privy Seal; reports a meeting with Ld. Maxwell for red refs; the Liddifdale people refractory; James v. con¬ tracts a marriage with Mary of Guile. (Orig.) Penrith, Get. 4 , 1537 . 170 , 103 . The D. of Albany, to Henry vui; about Deplany being lent up with the Scots ambafiador. (Grig.) Edinb. April 4th, 151 O'. 17 s. 104. A fervant of the chancellor of Scotland, to the priorefs of Coldltream; about Albany's intended invafion of England; Werk and Norham mentioned as his objects. Oft. 12 , 1523. 179 . 105. Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Magnus and Jenyns; ordering them to fend up part of the money they had taken into the north, the E. of Surrey having 'made a truce with Albany, (adraught.) Dec. 1523 . iso. 106 . Lord Maxwell, to Sir Th. Wharton; touching the fupprefling of libels againft Henry vm. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. SO, 1539. isi. 107 . Sir Th. Clyfford, to the Ld. Privy Seal; de¬ fires fupplies, &c. for Berwick, and indoles the next article. (Orig) Berwick, July 26 , 1537 . 182 . 108 . Sir Th. Clyftbrd, to Henry vm; reports James Yth's preparations for war; and the execu¬ tions of Mr. Forbes and lady Glammis. (inclol’ed in the above.) Berwick, July 26 , 1537. 183 . 109 . The D. of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfey ; about ambafiadors to be lent to and from Scotland, and Angus's return, (a copy of 1 . 172 .) Newcaftle, Oct. 10 , 1524. I 8 . 5 . 110 . Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk; thanks for kindnel's, and about the articles, (other copies at III. 30. and VI. 253.) Get. 6, 1524. 187. 111. M. lftringe, parfon of Glaifton, to David Beaton Scotch ambafiador in France; about the Archbp. of St. Andrews' confinement; and wilhino- that. Albany, &c. would prevail upon the Pope to procure his releafe. (French tranilation of a letter intercepted at fea. conf. II. 6.) Edinb. Sept. 15 , 1524. 189. 112 . James v, to Sir Tho. Wharton; about feur- rilous ballads againft Henry VIII. (Grig.) Linlith¬ gow, Jan. 31, 1539. 191 . 113. Names of gentlemen in Weftmorland and Cumberland. 192 . 114. Dr. Wm. Barlow (Bp. of St. Alaph) to Mr. Cromwell; lirarply inveighing againft the Scotch clergy. The Dr. probably went to Scotland with Ld. William Howard. (Grig.) 1534? 194 . 115. Sir R. Carnaby, to the Ld. lieutenant (Nor¬ folk) about the examination of the Charltons. (Orig.) Hexham, July 18, 1524? 197 . 116 . The E. of Angus, to the Ld. Privy Seal; no¬ tifies James Vtli’s arrival at Dieppe; petitions Henry VIII. to intercede with Francis I. to procure his par¬ don. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 30, 1536. 198 . 117 . Subftance of fome letters from James v. and Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; about James’s inftalla- tion in the order of the garter. 1534. 200 . 118 . The C ALIGUL A, B. III. 59 118 . The D. of Albany, to the countefs of An- goulefme; acquaints her of his being ready to fail, but agrees to tarry fome-time longer at her and Francis the I ft’s defire. (Orig. French.) Dunbarton, Jan. 22, 1524. 201. 119 . Names of deputy wardens and penfioners on the eaft and middle marches; and a device for the fafe- keeping of the weft marches, (vid. III. 145.) 20S. 120 . Abridgments of divers letters of Sir Ralph Carnaby and others, to the Privy Seal, &c. chiefly about Tindal, and alfo about Ireland. 1538? 270. 121 . Sir W- Eure, to the I). of Richmond; Sir W m Lifle not in the debatable lands; redrefs not ealily obtained from the E. of Angus and the Scots. (Orig.) Harbottle, Sept. 12 , 1526. 209 . 122 . An account of trefpalfes on the borders : in- doled in the above. 1526 . 210 . 123 . The E. of Cumberland, to the D. of Norfolk? incloling a letter from Scotland ; and about the de¬ fence of Berwick. (Orig.) Skipton, April 25 . 212 . 124. Edward Aglionbv, to the Ld. Lieut, (the D. of Norfolk?) reports an inroad on the weft borders. (Orig.) Cockermouth, April 23, 1537 . 213. 125. Tho. Lowther, to the E. of Cumberland; about fortifying Berwick, and preparation of ihips. Berwick, April 25, 1537 . 214 . 126 . Tho. Lowther and J. Mufgrave, to the E. of Cumberland ? reports that the Scots were prepar¬ ing to go and meet their king. Berwick, April 24 1537. 215. 127 . Note of an appeal from the lord warden’s court? to the Privy Seal. 216. 128. Edw. Aglionby, to Sir Tho. Wharton; re¬ ports James vth’s preparations for going to fea. (Orig.) Carlifle, May 4 , 1540. 217 . 129 . John Thompfon, to Sir Tho. Wharton; re¬ ports the peaceable ftate of the borders; James v. pre¬ pares ihips; the queen experts to lye in about Trinity Junday. (Orig.) Carlifle, May 4 , 1540. 219 . 130. Sir Tho. Wharton, to the Ld. Privy Seal; reports meetings with Ld. Maxwell about redrefs; mentions a proclamation for the good order of the borders. (Orig.) Carlifle, Oft. 29 , 1538? 220 . 131. The lords of Articles, to Q. Margaret; refpeft- mg the lords appointed to attend the king’s perfon. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 28, 1523. 222 . 132. Sir Tli. Cl y fiord, to Henry vili; reporting the arrival of two ihips at Dunbar, and of a fervant of the emperor in the weft of Scotland. If the latter be Godefcalco Erico, this letter is of the year 1 . 534 . (a copy of III. 167 .) 223 ." . 1 33. Articles of remembrance to be iliewn to Card. Wolley, touching the danger of the tow n and caftle of Berwick. 004 134. Sir Tho. Wharton, to the council of York- reports a meeting with lord Maxwell at Loghmabem Kyrkbytliare, Aug. is, 153 s. (Orig. a copy at vii. 133.) S on , ' 225. 135 . A proclamation about redrefs on the borders Batyng-Bufk, Aug. 10 , 1538. 226 . 136. The E. of Northumberland, to Henry VIII • concerning the 2000 men he raifed, and of their bein* difbanded. Sept. 27 ? 1533. 229 137. Sir Wm. Carnaby, to his fon Sir Reynold Carnaby ; acquaints him of an inroad of Liddifdale men. (a copy of in. 146 .) Halton, July 29 . 230 . 138. Cutlib. Ratcliff, to theE. of Weftmorland ; reports a meeting for reftitution by the Tindal men. (Orig.) Dylfton, March 31, 1538. 231 . 139 . James V, to Henry VIII; requeftinghis intereft with the Pope for the promotion of Rob. ShaAv to the Bpk. ot Moray, and John Hamilton to the abbey of Paifley. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 20 , 1524. 232 / 140. Sir Reynold Carnaby, to the council in the north; about redrefs by the inhabitants of Tindal. (Orig.) Ilallby, Sept. 15 , 1538. 233 . 141 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the Bp. of Durham; about incurfions to he made into Scotland. (Ori<>-.) Car¬ lifle, Oct. 19 , 1513. ° 035. 142. Lift of a half vear’s penfions and fees to he paid. ' 2S 7 . 143. A letter offome head men of Tindal; about the reftitution required of them. March 1538? 239 . 144. The lords of the council in the north, to the Ld. Privy Seal; report the ftate of the caftlcs in the north; the reftitution of the Tindal men, &c. (Orig. incloling III. 133 . and 143.) York, April 7 1538. 241. 145 . A device for keeping the weft marches, (the fame in III. 1 1 90 244. 14 S. Sir Win. Carnaby, to his fon Sir Reynold Carnaby; acquaints him of an inroad of Liddifdale men. Ilalton, July 29 . 246 . 147 . Inftruftions to Henry Ray purfuivant of Ber¬ wick, for the delivery of letters to the regents of Scot¬ land. (vid. I. 73. and vii. 137 .) Dec. 1539 . 248 . 148. Sir Wm. Eure, to the Ld. Privv Seal; reports that James V. raifes men and arms, and prepares two Ihips, but that he profefi’es peaceable intentions, See. (Orig.) Berwick, June 12 , 1538 ? 249 . 149 . Articles given by fir R. Carnaby, &c. to the Ld. Privy Seal; concerning the Tindal men. (Orio-.) Sept. 17 , 1538. 150. Sir R. Carnaby, to the Ld. Privy Seal; con¬ cerning the affairs in Tindal. (Orig.) Halton Sept. 17 , 1538. 253 .* 15 1 . The Marq. of Dorfet, to Henry VIII; about preparations for an inroad; protection given to the priorefs of Coldftream. (Orig.) Alnwick, April 16 , 1523 - 255. 152 . Anth. Oughtred,to the E. of Surrey; reports Albany's approach towards Berwick. (On'o-.) R er _ wick, Oft. 23, 1523. ° 257 . 1 . 53 . Sir Tho. Wharton, to Mr. Cromwell; about a Welchman arrived in Scotland. (Orig. conf. in. 93 .) Newcaftle, Aug. 29 , 1533. 258. i.> 4 . Clartnceux,to Card. Wolfey; about. Albany’s fending up Marflial his fecretary. (Orig. conf. vi. 131 , and VIII. 13 .) Faukland, Aug. 27, 1516. 260.* 155. Thomas Tempeft; bis opinion concernino- Tindal. 2 62 156. John Weddrynton, to fir R. Carnaby ; about an intended progrefs into Scotland for claimino- re¬ drefs. (Orig.) Wydrington, Jan. 24 . 1537 . 264 . 157. The commiflioners of Scotland, Colville and Otterburn, to Dr. Magnus; about, a meeting to be had at Newcaftle for prorogation of truce. Edinb. Oft. 13, 1533. aQQ m 158. Dr. Magnus, to the commiflioners of Scot¬ land; anfwer to the above, (the fame at in. 27 .) Berwick, Oft. 16 , 1533. 2 ( 57 . 159 . The commiflioners of Scotland, to Dr. Mag¬ nus; anfwer to the above. Edinb. Oft. 22 , 1533 . 270 T 160 . Sir Tho. Clyfford, to the D. of Norfolk; about meetings for redrefs; Carlifle; the emperors ambaffador palled through Berwick in their way fouth. (Orig.) Berwick, May 23, 1534. 271 . 161 . Queen Margaret, to Henry Vlll; requefts af- fiftance in money, and Henry’s intereft in favour of Gav. 6o CALIGULA, B. III. IV. Gav. Douglas for the Bpk. of Dunkcld. (Orig. vid. i. 12 / 16 , 17 , 18 . Perth, dan. 22 , isi5. - 27 ::. 162 . The king's commiflioners at York, to Card. Wolle) ; report "their proceedings at York, and the fubmiiVion of the inhabitants. (Orig.) York, March 27 , 15 . ‘274. 162 . The D. of Richmond’s council, to Card. Wol- fev; about the continement of John Breton, and his diipute with John Uvcdale. (Orig.) diarchy. 276 . 164 . The Bp. of Aberdeen (Win. Stewart) to Mr. Cromwell? mentions James Vth’s intended marriage; and defires his good offices. (Orig.) London, May, 1584. 278. 1 65 . The E. of Argyle, to Henry VIII; offering his lawful fervices. (Orig.) Edinb. May 27 , 1525 . 27b. Hid. The council of the north, to the Ld. Privy Seal; inclofing a report of their proceedings at the York aftizes, and two proclamations made on the borders. (Orig.) York, Aug. 22 , 15 . 27 . 280 . 167 . Si 1 Th. Clyfford, to Henry vni; reporting the arrival of two Ihips at Dunbar; and of a l’ervant of the emperor in the weft of Scotland. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, Oct. 21 , 1534. 282 . 168 . A note concerning James vth's marriage with aprincefs of Denmark, propofed by the emperor's emif- fary; and the two ihips arrived at Dunbar. 15:U. 2 S 3 . 1 (i<). The abbot of Ilolm invites bis tenants to rebel; and articles of other mifdemeanors committed by him. 285. 170 . Examination of certain witneffes againft the abbot of Holm in Cumberland. <286. 171 . Sir Wm. Eure, to the Ld. Privy Seal; reports his proceedings at Berwick; and about a certain Frenchman being arrived at the court of James V. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 29 , 1540? 287 . ] 72 . Roger Labels, Reward to the L. of Northum¬ berland, to the earl; apprizing him of the expullion of Angus and the Douglatlesfrom Edinburgh. (Orig.) Alnwic, Aug. 29 , 1528. 289. 175. The L. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; about the E. of Angus’s expullion, and divers pro¬ ceedings on the borders. (Orig.) Topclyf. Sept. 17 , 1528. 291. 174 . John Penvcn, to the matter of Angus ; about. James Vth's intended marriage with Magdalen, Fran¬ cis Ift's daughter; and advice to Angus bow to re¬ cover James's favour. Paris, Oct. 29 , 1536. 293 . 175. John Penven, to the lord of Douglas; un¬ favourable accounts of James V. about bis intended marriage; intrigues at his court. Rouen, Oct. 22 , 1536. 293. b. 17<>. The lords of the fecret council, to Dr. Mag¬ nus; about the ratification of the peace of Berwick, and the ftipulated redrefs. (Orig.) Edinb. March 6, 1526. " < 294 . 177- Dr. Magnus, to the fecret. council of Scot¬ land ; concerning the ratifications of the lalt peace, and recommendingpunctuality as to the days of truce. Berwick, March 18 , 1526. 295 . 17 s. Henry VIII: a fragment of his inftructions, perhaps to Bonner, to delire the Pope's confent to his divorce from Q. Catherine ; the act of pari, againft appeals'to Rome mentioned. 1534 ? < 296 . 179. Adam Ottcrburn, to Dr. Magnus; about a renewal of a contract between Scotland and the Ne¬ therlands; and contradicting the report of James Vth’s intended marriage with the Q. of Hungary. (Orig.) Edinb. June 26, 1531. 298 . 180 . Wm. Frankly 11 , to the Bp. of Durham (Th. Ruthal, Privy Seal) reports the meafures taken in the Bpk. to raife men ; complains of Liunley and others who refufed to go from home. Sept. 15 , 1522. 299- 181 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports James Vth's delire to quiet the borders; Q. Margaret leaves court; Angus has all the influence. (Orig.) York, March 26 , 1526. " 301. 182 . Brian Higdon dean of York, and Dr. Mag¬ nus, to Card. Wolfey; report the peace concluded, and proclamation thereof made at Berwick. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 16 , 1526. 30 / 183. The E. of Angus, to Henry VIII ; acquaints him that he is endeavouring to fly from France. (French, probably a tranllation.) Paris, Mav 8, 1524. 305. 1 84. Orders for the government of the marches. Oct. 307 . 185. Reafons why Albany fliould not be governor of Scotland : probably drawn up in London by Cia- vin Douglas Bp. of Dunkekl, fometime before April, 1522. 309 . Caligula , B. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 405. 1 . A treatife of the two bodies of the king, viz. natural and political : part 1 . confuting of 11 chap¬ ters, and part 2 . of 4 chapters. The whole intend¬ ed to prove the title of Mary Q. of Scots to the fue- cctlion of the crown of England; and that the Scots are not out of the allegiance of England. i. 2 . An hiftorical treatife concerning the affairs of Scotland; chiefly in vindication of Mary Q. of Scots. (French, a fragment.) 94 . 3. A diicourfe againft the government of the French in Scotland before the wars of Leith. (Latin.) 130. 4 . A treatife in vindication of Mary Q. of Scots, againft Buchanan, Tbuanus, See. (imperfect.) 135. 5. The eftate of Scotland A° 1589-—Names of the (hires, chief boioughs, and noblemen in them; and how they Hand afl'cdted. 222 . 6. A pedigree of the kings of Scotland, from Ro¬ bert. Bruce to Q. Mary. (French, on vellum.) 224. 7 . A commiflion of Francis and Mary, to fun dry Frenchmen, to quell fomc infurrefctions in Scotland. (French.) Amboife, April 1 , 1559 . 225 . 8. Mathew, (Stuart) E. of Lenox, regent.: his an- fwer to the propofilions of Randolph, ambalTador from Q. Eliz. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 8, 1570 . <226. 9 . A vindication of Q. Elizabeth againft the af- perlions contained in a fmall book written by a native of Cologn : chiefly relating to Scottifli affairs. At the top is written in Cecil's hand, “ from Mr. Tho. Randolph.” ■ 229 . 10 . Fragment of a draught againft the Pope's au- thonty in England: 111 Cecils hand. 2 33. 11 . A paper vindicating Q. Elizabeth about fome proceedings of her ambalTador at Conftantinople re¬ lating to the Emperor and Poland, about the year 1595 . (Lat.) 235. 12 . A fragment of a letter, probably from Q. Mary of Scots to (J. Elizabeth; partly credential in favour of Dr. Knowles. (Lat.) 237 . 1 3. A general ftate of the Scottifli commonwealth ; with the caufes of its frequent mutinies and dif- orders. 238. 14 . Lift of the nobility of Scotland, their mar¬ riages, and ift’ue. 240 . 15. A CALIGULA, B. IV—V. 61 15 . A limi t fragment, of fame hiftorv of Mary Q. of Scots; concerning her and her hulband the dauphin having taken the title and arms of England in con- fccjucncc of the Pope's encouragement. 241. 1 G. The above in Latin. 242. l 7 . A rhyme made by one Singleton, a gentleman of Lancalhire, now pril’oner at ^ ork for religion : inveighing againft the Scots for having betrayed Thomas E. of Northumberland in ] .3 7 243. IS. Part of Mr. Killigrcw's inftructions fent to the Q. of Scots before her coming into England, (the remainder is at V. Hj.) 244. b. and 252. ]<). Mary Q. of England ; her commifiion and in- ftruclions to Tho. Cornwallis and Robert Bowes, to treat with Scottifh commiflioners concerning the borders. 245. b. 20 . James VI ; his infraction's to the D. of Lenox going ambaifador to Prance, to promote a good un- derftanding, and to congratulate Ilenry IV. on his marriage with Mary of Mcdicis. 1600 . 249. 21 . Various notes of incidents and heads of papers ; chiefly about the marriage of Mary Q. of Scots to Lord Henry Darnlcy. I5£i4. 250. 22 . Archibald Douglas, to Mary Q. of Scots ; \ in¬ dicating himlelf from the charge of having been concerned in the murder of Hen. Darn lev ; and foliciting to be reftored to her favour and fervicc. London. 25:3. 2 : 3 . Articles conceived by James VI, to be propofed to the E. of Morton and Mr. Archibald Douglas; implying a renunciation of the greateft part if not all their property, dignities, &c. May. 257. . 24 . Articles let forth concerning fuch captains and foldiers as are ferving or iliall ferve upon the frontiers againft the Scots. 25 8. 25. A proclamation to be made in all the market [owns in Northumberland,by II. earl of Wcftmorland, Lieut. Gen. in the north parts, againft communication with the Scots : in the time of Ph. and Mary. 259. 26 . Interrogatories to be atked of Roger Eftoun, concerning Hen. Darnley’s behaviour. 26o. 27 . Secret intelligence by James of Orkney; con¬ cerning the Huntleys, and the iiles of Orkney. 261. 28 . Secret advertifements out of Scotland ; con¬ cerning the E. of Arran's retreat from court. 262 . 29 . Matters concerning the borders ; to be pro¬ pounded to the ambaifador of Scotland, and com¬ municated to the king at his return. 263. 30. Some links of the chain of treafons againft Q. Elizabeth, imputed to the catholics, the Scottiili queen, and Lord Hen. Howard. 265. 31. Some confidcrations concerning the church difciplinc of Scotland. 269 . 32. A rough draught. 275. 38 . The council of Scotland, to the council of England ; concerning the feizure of the titles and fruits of two Archbks. granted to the 1). of Lenox. 27 G. 34. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Ld. treafurer of Eng¬ land. (Burleigh.) (a tranflation from the French original VIII.. 104.) Sheffield,Feb. 9, 1583. 278 . 85. A letter out of Scotland, to A. B; concerning an ali'oeiation between the king and the queen his mo¬ ther; the Governmt. of Scotland by the D. ofChatel- leraut and Arran ; preterits out of France, See. 279- 86. A note from the Bp. of Glafgow (Gav. Dun¬ bar: 3 concerning the Q. of Scotland's dowry as Q. of France. (French.). 282 . 67. Q. Elizabeth; a warrant for a yearly rent to James VI. (a copy; the blanks not tilled up.) 283. 38. Q. Elizabeth, to Sir Amvas Powlet; warm ox- preflions of friendlhip and piety. 284. 39. Names of the commiflioners fent by Q. Eli;:, to Fothevingay caltle. 2S4. b. 40 . Notes taken out of Q. Mary's letters to the E. of Both well. * 285. 41 . A long but anonymous hiftory of Mary Q. of Scots. 1550—1585. 286. Caligula, 13. V. Codex chartaccus, in fob conftans foliis 413. 1 . A note of all the inroads made into Scotland from the call marches, from June 12 , 1544, to July, 1546. l- 2. An examination of Hexham men, before Ralph E. of Vv'eftmorland, and two more: tranfmitted to the Ld. Prelid. of the council in the north. (Orig.) 36. 3. The D. of Chatcllcraut (James Hamilton, 2 d earl of Arran) and the Scottifh lords : an agreement with England. May 1560. 38. 4. A French fonnet, entitled, “ Le jeu de la prime, “ de l'etat de la France:" and a Latin epigram re¬ flecting upon James I. of England. 40. .5. Henry VII!; inftniftions to Dr. Magnus and Sir Th. Tcmpcfr, commiflioners on the borders' (the fame at V111. 5.) Nov. 1528. 40. 6. An indenture, between feveral lords and gentle¬ men in the north, for fortifying and defending the borders; with a liil of names at the end, of all the lords, freeholders, and inhabitants of Northumber¬ land, who confented to, and fubicribed the laid in- 1 denture. Aug. 20, 1561. 50. 7 . A treaty between Charles IV. K. of France, and Robert Bruce E. of Scot land. (vid. Corps Dip. I. : P. 11 . p. 89. and Robert foil, the- fame at V. 52.) Cur¬ bed, April, 1326. 59 . 8. Carta convention^ & homagii inter Henricunt II. R. Augl. & Gulielmum. Leonein regent Scotor. (vid. Rym. I. p. 39.) 1 174. 61 . 9 . Declarations of homage made by the kings of Scotland to the kings of England; i. e. by Robert I. Bruce, 1.306. David II. 1352. Malcolm, Sec. 63. 10 . Adraughtofan indenture between Scottiili and Englilh commiflioners. (vid. Rym. XI v. 542 and 548. the lal’t of thefe being an indenture of May 12 th, iu- fdrted in this inltrument.) Edinb. June 3 1 , 1534. 68. 11 . Copies of two commiflions of Henry VIII; the one to Hen. E. of Northumb. dated Jan. :30. to treat with James VI. and the other to Ld. T. Dacre and others, dated Jan. 26. about the filbgarth *‘de Elk.” (Eat) 69- 12 . Inftruelions of Edward VI. to his commiflioners in Scotland, about regulating the differences on the borders. 70 . 13 . Draught of a prorogation of truce between England and Scotland, in confcqnence of the treaty of Ay ton. (Lat. vid. Rym. XII. 678 .) 1498. 72. Pet. de Ayala, Spaniih ambaifador in.Scotland, was the Scottiili plenipotentiary at this negociation. 14. A note of original letters from Scotland, in the E. of Salilbury s poflcilion, from 1559 to 1603; 74 . 15. A table or lift of inch particulars as are con¬ tained within the 14 books of Hate papers concern¬ ing Scotland, in the pollcihon of the E. of Salilbury. 81. , 16 . Part of Mr. Killigrew’s inftru&ions. (vid. IV. 18.) 145. . 17 . Minute, of the meeting between Richard. III. R and CALIGULA, B. V. » and the Scottilli amhafiadors, at Nottingham, (a fragment) Sept. 1484. 147 . is. A defcription of Scotland, in the time of Q. Elizabeth. i4!». 19 . A lift of earls and lords in Scotland. I5(i. 20 . lnftrument of an affociation for the preserva¬ tion of Q. Elizabeth's perfon. Hampton-court, 061. 19. 1584. 159- 21 . Articles of a treaty between Q. Eliz. and James VI. July 1 , 1586. 161 . 22 . Five letters between Mary Q. of Scots, and Anthony Babington. 1586. 1 04. 2:3. The order of the proceedings at the arraign¬ ment, of Mary Q. of Scots, at Pother in gay. Oct. O', 1580. ' 170 . 24 . An account of Q. Mary's execution, Feb. 8, 1587- 175 . b. 25. Reafons for the Q. of Scots; taken out of the French memoirs: with anfwers thereto. 177 . b. 2 fi. The clofe of one letter, and three whole let¬ ters, from Mr. Edward Wottou, to Sir Francis Wal- lingham. June and Aug. 1585. iso. 2 ?. Account of the proceedings of fomc commif- fioners on the borders, (ieemingly part of an in¬ denture: the beginning wanting.) Berwick. 182 . 28 . Part of an indenture between Englilh and Scottilh commilhoners on the borders, (the begin¬ ning wanting.) Sept. 23, 1563. 180 . 2 . 0 . Hiftorical notes on the affairs of Scotland, dur¬ ing the reign of Q. Mary. (French.) 191 and 198 . 30 . Lilt of papers concerning Scotland, from 1516 to 1528. 197 and 213 . 31. Confiderations concerning the title of Mary Q. of Scots to the crown of England, (imperfect, and improperly bound.) 202. 32. Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; on the truce con¬ cluded Sept. 1 1 . defiring a prolongation of it to St. John's day; and that a fervant of Albany may be allowed to go to France. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 19 , 1522. 214 . 83. James v, to Ilenrv VIII; defiring certain writ¬ ings of the Pope, feized by Card. Wolfcy from a monk. Edinb. Aug. 1 . 5 , 1528. ' 215 . b. 34. Communication had between the earls of Northumberland and Bothwell; in which the latter ftates certain complaints he and others have againil James V. (Orig. ligned by Bothwell.) Sept. 2 1, 1531. 216. 35. Henry VIII; his commiiTion for a treaty of peace between England and Scotland. (Lat.) April 12 , 1534. 217 . 36. James V; his commiflion for a treaty between Scotland and England. (Lat. vid. Rym. XIV. 483.) Feb. 17 , 1534. " 220 . 37 . Ratification of the treaty. London, May 11 , 1534. ‘ 22l, 15 15. 92. b. 51. Ld. T. Daere, to the Scottifli commiffioners ; about the meeting, at Coldftrcam. Etell, Sept, l, 1515. ’ 93. 52. Ld. T. Daere, to the Scottith commihioners ; about the meeting at Coldftrcam. Etell, Sept. 2 , 1515. - 93. .5:5. James V; his commiihon to Ld. Eindfay, Rob. Lawder, and W ra Sc,ot.t, to treat with Engliih eom- inillioncrs. Edinb. Ayigv 29, 15 15. 94. ,,54. Ed. T. Dane's demands •made to the Scottith commiffioners. Cornel, Aug. a l, 1515. 94. b. 55. The Scottith commilhoners aufwer to Ld. T. ■Dacre's demands. Cornell, Sept: 30, 15 1 5. 95.1). 56. Alex. Turn bull,-to the E. of Angus; about the imprifonment of Gav. Douglas, tit. Bp. of Dunkeld, and, the Pope's intercellion. Rome, Nov. 4, 1515. ; 97;- . 57 . Pope Leo X, to the I), of Albany; interceding for fehc releaie of Gav. Douglas. Rome, Nov. 4, 1515. 98. 58. Ed. T. Daere and Dr. Magnus. t:> Henry \ 111: about Scottifh ainbatfadors wlio were i \m cted; and adviling th d Q. Margaret may be tent for. (Orig.) Morpeth, March 15, 1510’. 99. 59 . James v, fignecl l>v Albany, lo Henry VIII; application for a iafe-omduet. (Grig. \ id. the 1‘afe- cond. in Ryiu. XliJ.■ l.) Edinb. Jan. 27 , 1516. 103. Go. Dr. T. Magnus: to Henry VIII; about Q- Margaret's jo urn ev l'outh. 1 ,5iG. 103. Gi. Ea Balve, and Mace dc Viilcb refute,' l’reneh amhafi'adors in Scotland, to Card. V. olfey ; ditiring a fafe-eonduct. (Grig. Latin.) Edinb. May 7 , 1515. " ' 104. G 2 . Q. Margaret; her declaration of- the ill-treat¬ ment flic receives from Albany. 1516.. 105. G:i. Mary the French queen, to Henry Vlll; thank¬ ing him for receiving her hulband Cli. Brandon. (Grig.) Eetberiiig, Sept. 9 , 1.515. 10G. G4. James V; his fafe-eonchiet for Q. Margaret’s return into Scotland. Edinb. April G, 1 . 517 . 107 . G.5. Ed. T. Daere. and two more commihioners ; theirappointment of five deputies for railing Q. Mar¬ garet's duties. Kirkofwald, Dec. 23, 1518. 107 . b. GG. Baltazar, the Pope's legate in Scotland, to Card. Wolfev ; ap|>l>'ing for a lafe-eonduet. (Orig. Latin.) Edinb. Max !, 151.5. 109 . G 7 . Ld. T. Daere a Dr. Magnus, to Ilenrv Vlll; notifying O. Margaiet’s delivery; the efcape of the Humes from Scotland, Xc. (Oiig.) llarbottlc, Oet. 18, 1515. • 110 . Gs. Adam Willinmfon, to Gav. Douglas; declar¬ ing Henry \ (iilh's temlernefs for his nephew Ja. V; commendation of Daere, &e. (Orig.) Jan. 20 , 1515. 114. G 9 . The 1'. of Angus, to Card. Wolfev; promifesto make red refs oft the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 31, 1525. 1 15. 70 . A recel's made at Carlifle, to laft to Feb. 18 . Jan. 20, 15 1 G. - 11 G. 71 . The D. of Albany's credence to James Lamb, for "Wolfev; about preventing the match between James V. and the Q. of Hungary. (French.) June, 4529.I 11 7 - 72 . Q. Margaret, to the D. of Albany; notily in.g the birth of a daughter ; and claiming the guardian- lhip of her ion, and of the realm, llarbottlc, Get. 10 , 1515. 1 19- b. 73 . The council'of Scotland, 1<> Q. Margaret; au¬ fwer to the above. (Orig.) Edinb. Ott. 13, 151 . 5 . 120 . 74 . The D. of Albany, to Q. "Margaret; aufwer to VI. 72 . (Grig. French.) Edinb. Get. 13, 1515. 121 . 75 . The D. of Albany, to Q. Margaret; a farther aufwer to VI. 72 . (Grig. IT. all in the duke's band.) Edinb. Get. 13, 151.5. 122 . b. 76 . The D. of Albany; bis credence for James I lav, to treat with Q. Margaret for an accommoda¬ tion. Get. 13, 15 15. g 123. 77 . Q. Margaret's anl'wei: to Albany's two letters, VI. 74, and 75 . Harhottle, Get. 17 , .1515. 123. 78 . A band between the earls of Angus and Arran, and Ed. Hume; for carrying'off the young king. Coldftrcam, Ott. 15, 1515 . 124 . b. 79 . Q. Margaret's aufwer to the French ambafl’a- dor's letter, vi. 80 . llarbottlc, Get. 0, 15 15. 125 . 80 . De Planis, French ambalfador, to Q. .Margaret; with Albany's propoial for an, accommodation. (Orig.) . Dumbar, Sept. 5, 1515. 12 G. Si. Card. CALIGULA, B. VI. 65 si. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacrc ; reprobating the con daft of Albany and the Seottilh lords; and about a truce. Oft. 152-3. 128. 82 . Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dane; about am- batfadors coining from Scotland; their treatment; and cautions about the defence of the borders, (a draught *111 Wolfajfs hand.) Feb. 1516 '. 120 . 83. The D. of Albany: an item of bis infrac¬ tions to Carrick, officer of arms, for accepting a truce till David Beaton’s return. 1522 . iso. 84. Tho. May Sec 1 ', lo Ld. T. Dacre; deliring, in the name of the chancellor, credence for Carrick. (Orig.) Dunbar, June 23, 1522. 131 . 85. Ld. T. Dacre, to Seer Hay; profelling peace¬ able difpofitions; but complaining of the Scots, (anfwer to the above.) Norham, June 20, 1522. 132. 86. Ld. T. Dacre, to Secy May; prof effing pacific intentions, (anfwer to VI. 87.) Norham, July 3 , 87- Tho. May, to Ld. T. Dacre; alluring him that the D. of Albany means to preferve peace; and that lie makes 110 warlike preparations. Melrofs, June 30, 1522 . 133 . 8S. Lady Dacre, to Ld. W. Dacre; with various intelligence from the borders ; the Bp. of Aberdeen comes up ambalfador. 1534. 135. 89. The D. of Albany; his credence to be prc- fented to Card. Wolfey, towards ellablilliing peace, and concerning his palfage through England. 1516 . 136. 90 . Articles to be debated in. a treaty between England and Scotland. 1525? 137 . 91 . Clarencieux, to Card. Wolfey; the D. of Al¬ bany very defirous to be at peace with England; and about bis palling through England. (Orig.) Aln¬ wick, Nov. 31 , 1516. 138. 92. Francis 1 ; his infmiftions to Bob. Eftuard, Seig. D Aubigny, towards reltoring peace between England and Scotland. (French.) Nov. 1520. 140 . _ 93. Francis I; credentials lo Aubigny and de Pla- nis, as ambalfadors to Scotland. (Latin.) Nov. 1520. 147. 94. Francis I, to the parliament of Scotland; ex¬ horting them to peace: lent by Flamigny, probably Ld. Flemming. (Latin.) Nov. 1520 '. 148 . 95. Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; about a prolongation ol abftinence, and ambalfadors to be lent up. Morpeth, April 1 , 1524 . 150. 96. The I). of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; a queru¬ lous anfwer to the above. Edinb. April 5 , 1524 . 151 . 97- Ld. 1. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; explanatory of bis conduft about the peace: (anfwer to the above.) Whitting-ham, April 9 , 1524 . 152 . 98. Ld. 1. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; fupplemen- tmy to the above; and with Ibme letters juft received from court. Whittingh. April 9 , 1524. 1 . 53 . 99- Ld. F. Dacre, to the D. of Albany ; anfwer to Unicorn’s infttruftions, VJ, 100 . and expoftulating. Whittingh. April 16 , 1524. 153 . b. 100 . The D. of Albany; bis inftruftions to Uni¬ com, about the negociations for peace. Edinb. April 13 , 1524. 154. 101 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; concern¬ ing inroads made on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. April 13, 1524. 155 . If) 2 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; with the inftruftions fent by Unicorn. (Orig.) Edinb. April 13, 1524. 157 . 103. T.d. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; concern¬ ing the incurfions complained of in VI. 101 . Whit- tingham, April 17 , 1524 . 158. K)4. llenry VIII, to the Seottilh parliament; bis ur¬ gent remontlrance, defiring the removal of the D. of Albany from the government of Scotland, (a draught with Ibme corrections in Wolfey’shand. \ id. the anfwer in Bym. XIII. 350.) Greenwich, June 1 , 151 6. 159 . J 05 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; a note apolo¬ gizing for lending a large book. 162 . b. 106 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Ld. Maxwell; complaining of an inroad at the weft marches. Naworth, June 24, 1517. 163. 107 . Ld. Maxwell, to Ld. T. Dacre; promifes re- drcl’s. (Orig. anfwer to the above.) Lochmaben, June 26 , 1517- 164 . 108 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Ld. Maxwell; appoints a meeting at Lochmaben. Carlifte, June 27 , 1517 . 1 65. 109- Ld. Maxwell, to Ld. T. Dacre; wants to poft- pone the meeting agreed upon in the above. (Orig.) Trailtrow? July 1 , 1517 . 166 . 110 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Ld. Maxwell; declines the meeting propofed in tlie above; and peremptorily demands redrefs. Kirkofwald, July 2 , 1517 . 167 . in. Ld. T. Dacre, to the regents and council of Scotland; appealing to them for redrefs of the injuries complained of in VI. 106 . Harbottle, July 6, 1517 . 167. b, 112 . Lord T. Dacre, to the chancellor of Scotland; to the fame purport as the above; and defiling him to urge Ld. Maxwell who is tardy. Harbottle, July 6, 1517. 168. 113 . The chancellor of Scotland (Ja. Beaton) to Ld.T. Dacre; promifes his good offices. (Orig. anfwer to the above.) Edinb. July 17 , 1517 . 170 . 114 . The regents and council of Scotland, to Ld. 1’. Dacre; intimating that the feizures com¬ plained of in VI. 106 . were lawfully made; but they promile to make inquiries. (Orig.) Edinb. July 11 , 1517- 171 . 1 15. The Archbp. of Canterbury (Wm. Warliam) to Card. Wolfey; concerning the inereafe of Lu¬ ther's doftrines at Oxford. (Orig.) Knoll, March s. 171 . b. I 16 . The chancellor of Scotland, to Card. Wolfey; defiling a fafe-conduft for Marclnnont herald going to France. (Orig. vid. ill. 90 .) Edinb. Aug. 9 , 1517. 172 . II 7 . The D. of Albany, to pope Leo X ; notify¬ ing a peace made between England and Scotland. Edinb. May, 1517 . 173 . 11 s. Gav. Bp. of Dunkeld, and others, ambalfadors from Scotland, to Card. "Wolfey ; for a fafe-conduft. (Orig.) Abbeville, June 27 , 1517 . 174 . 119 . The D. of Albany, to Card. Wolfey; pro- felling his delire to promote peace. (Orig.) Mont- Michel, Jung 28 , 1517 . 175 . 120 . The E. of Angus, to Card. Wolfey; com¬ plaining of James Vth’s averfion, and the practices of his enemies; defires to be received in England. Coldingham, Sept. 11 , 1528. 176 . 121 . The E. of Angus, and two more; their cre¬ dence for the bilhop of Dunkeld. (Orig.) Kirk of Steil, Dec. 14, 1521. 177 . 122 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; complains of the treatment of her fubjefts. (French, a rough draught.) Sept. 5, 1579? 178 . 123. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacre; about French ambalfadors detained by the Scots; complaints about S the 66 CALIGULA, B. VI the receipt of the revenue; the Scots re'] eft the com- prehenfmn; the French Iv. promifed to detain Al¬ bany. (a draught in Wolfev s hand.) 1521: 179 . 124 . Ld.T. Dacre; his inftruftions to Clarcncieux, to demand fatisfaftion for the infults offered by L. and M. Carr, to lir Roger Grey. Dec. 1516. 181. 1C5. The Lords of Council of Scotland; their anfwer to the above inftruftions of Ld. Dacre. Dec. 1516. 182. 126 . Ld. T. Dacre, to ihc D. of Albany ; about a diet to be held in Jan. 151?. Carlifle, Dec. ;o, 1516? 183. 127 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Clarcncieux; about the above-mentioned diet. Carlifle, Dec. 50, 15 16 : 184. 128. Clarencieux, to Ld. T. Dacre, and Dr. Magnus; reporting his negociations with Albany. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 1 , 1517 . 184. 129 . The D. of Albany, to Card. Wolfev; inform¬ ing him that lie accedes to the terms brought him by Clarencieux. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 1 , 15 17 . 186. 130 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; pro- feffmg a great defire to preferve peace. t (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 1 , 1517 . 1 8 7 . 131 . Henry VIII; his inftruftions to Clarencieux, to be declared to the D. of Albany, (in a 11 Ever to V111. 13 and 14.) 1516. 1 88. 132. Q. Margaret; her inftruftions to Ld. Caffilis, to be exhibited to lien. VIII; Angus's return com¬ plained of. 1525. 191 . 133. Severe and folenin advice from feme priefr, to Q. Margaret; concerning her intended divorce from Angus. 1 522. 194 . 134 Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany ; denying the charges contained in VI. 136. Norham, Dec. 7 , 1521. 197. 135. Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; vindicating himfelf from the charges contained in vr. 137 . Norham, Dee. 8, 1521. 197- b. 136. The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; fharply reprehending him for having received Scottiih rebels. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 3, 1521. 198. 137 . Q. Margaret, to Ed. T. Dacre; charges him with having done her difl’ervice. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 4, 1521. 199. 138. Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; heavy complaints about inroads; and propofals for a proro¬ gation ofabftinence. Norham, Dec. 15, 1521. 200 .b. 139 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; defiring a paffport for Gaultier Malynes to go to London. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 6, 1521. 201 . 140 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; mea- fures taken for redreis; complains of the protection given to Angus and the Dp. of Dunkeldin England. (Orig. anfwer to VI. 138.) Edinb. Dec. 15, 1521 . 203. 141 . The E. of Angus; his inftruftions to the Bp. ofDunkeld. (a copy ofvi. 154.) Dec. 14 , 1521. 204 . 142 . Ld. T. Dacre; his opinion of Angus's in¬ ftruftions, Vi. 154. Jan. 14? 1522. 205. 143. Minutes of an indenture between Ld. T. Dacre, and the lord of Cefsford; for redrefs on the borders. Ridam, Dec. 18 , 152 1 . 207 . 144 . Q. Margaret; her articles to be ihewn to Henry VIII; foliciting peace, and cautioning him againiitheBp. ofDunkeld. (Orig. vid. I. 112 . and 115.) Edinb. Jan. 6, 1522. 208. 14 . 5 . The E. of Angus, to Card. Wolfey; requeft- ing that his uncle, the Bp. of Dunkcld, might be well treated in England. (Orig.) Kirk of Style, Dec. 13, 1521. 211 . 146 . The D. of Albany, to Henry vill; requefting that the Bp. of Dunkeld might not be flittered to pals through England. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 12 , 1521. ~ " 212 . 147 . Gav. Bp. of Dunkeld, to Card. Wolfey; cautioning him again It Gaultier, the 1). of Albany's fecretarv. (Orig.) London, Jan. l, 1522. * 213. 148. The 1). of Albany, to the Card, of Ancona; requefting the bulls for.lames Beaton Archbp. of St. Andrews to the abbey of Dumlciaiding. (Lat. Orig.) Stirling, Dec. 1 . 1521 . 214 . 149 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; acquainting* him that the Dp. ofDunkeld is fummoned to Rome; recommends him to the Card. (Orig.) Norham, Dec. 15, 1521. 215. 150. Ld. T. Dacre, and Phil. Dacre; their report to Wm. Franklyn, chancellor to the Dp. of Durham, concerning the ftate of Norham cattle. Norham, Feb. 7 , 1521? 216 . 15 1 . Card. Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey ; about meafures to be purfued againl't the D. of Albany. OCt. 16? 1523. 218. 152 . Ilcnrv VIII, to the D. of Albany; repro¬ bating his coming into Scotland, (a fragment.) 153. Ric. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; with a paper in clotted, lhcwing that the D. of Albany and Ric. de la Pole were come into Scotland to invade England. Reding, Sep. 29 , 1523. 221 . 154 . The E. of Angus, &c. inttructions to the Dp. of Dunkeld, 011 his going to Henry vm. all tending to counteract Albany. (Orig.) lvirk of Style, Dec. 14, 1521. 223. 155. James Beaton, Archbp. of St. Andrews and chancellor of Scotland, to the Card, of Ancona; requefting the cardinal's intereft towards obtaining the Pope's bulls for the abbey of Dumfermling. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 1 , 1521. 225. 156 . Ld. T. Dacre and Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; about inttructions given to Clarencieux, and a diet to be held ipcedily. (Orig.) Carliile, Jan. 5 , 1517- 226. 1 , 57 . The chancellor of Scotland (James Beaton) to Ld. T. Dacre; about, trefpafles on the borders, and providing for the prefervation of abftinence. (Orig. anlwer to VI. 163.) Glalgow, Feb. 28, 1521. 227 - 158. Ld. T. Dacre, to the chancellor of Scotland ; urging the redrefs of grievances on the borders, (anfwer to the above.) llarbottlc, March 6, 1521. I 228. 159 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; reproving her for not having anfucu d properly a letter of Henry vill; fends the laird of Barrow, llarbottlc, March 6, 1.521. 228. b. 160 . The chancellor of Scotland, to Ld. T. Dacre ; about the breach of the truce. (Orig. anfwer to VI. 158.) Glalgow, March 13 , 1521. 229 . 161 . Ld. T. Dacre; his inftruftions to the laird of Barrow, to caution Q. Margaret againl't the 1). of Albany, and to blame her for leaving her hufband. llarbottlc, March 6, 1 . 521 . 230. 162 . Q. Margaret, to Ld.T. Dacre; vindicates hericlf; and refutes ever to live again with Angus. (Orig. conf. I. 2 .) Stirling, March 11 , 1521. 232. 163 . Ld.T. Dacre, to James V; urging the ob- lervance of the truce, llym. XIII. 757- llarbottlc, Fdb. 20, 1521. 235. 164 . An indenture between Andrew Ker of Cefs¬ ford, and Ld. T. Dacre; agreeing to redrels certain trefpafles on the borders, (the original counterpart, lrgned by Ker.) Heppcthgate, leb. ly, 1520 . 2S7. 165. The CALIGULA, E. VI, 67 1 65. The E. of-Surrey’s infiruftions to Geo. Ilay; to reprefent to Hen. VIII. the great want of forage, &c. in the north ; and to defire a body of Almains. (Orig.) May? 1523? 238. Kid. The D. of Albany’s infiruftions to George Hay; to negoeiate with Card. Wolfey for the con- cluiion of a peace. (Orig. French.) Vie. Jan. 10 , 15.23. ’ 240. id7- Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII; advifing him to confirm the truce of Sept. 11 ; and about feme fucceflcs of the. fleet, (a draught in Wolfey's hand.) Sept. 1522. 24.2. ids. Q. Margaret, to Ld.T. Dacre; defiring him to protect her fervants who came to treat for a peace. Sept. 1522. 244 . ldo. Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; anfwer to the above. Sept 1522. 245. 170 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; profefies pa¬ cific intentions. Morpeth, Oft. 9 . 1522 . (anfwer to VI. 171.) 245. b. 171 . Q. Margaret, to Ld. T. Dacre; urging him to co-operate in the prorogation of truce, (anfwer to VI. 169 . feemingly in the queen’s hand, but not iigned.) Oft. 4, 1522. 246. b. 172 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; defiling a prolongation of truce. (Orig.) Edinb. Oft. d, 1522. 247 . 173 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; promifes a temporary abftincnce. (anfwer to the above.) Mor¬ peth, Oft. 9 , 1522. 248. 174 . The Bp. of Whichever (Ilic. Fox) to Card. Wolfey; acquaints him tliat in Henry tilth's time the E. of Northumberland had indented for the cuftody of the marches. (Orig.) Winchefter, 152:;. 249 . 175 . Q. Margaret, to Henry VIIT; requeuing him to favour Baltazar the Pope's nuncio in Scotland, who was returning to Rome. (Orig.) July 8, 1522? 251. 176. Infiruftions or memorial to he fent to the D. of Albany; tending towards peace, and about Al¬ bany’s journey through England. (French.) 1517 . 177. Henry VIII; his infiruftions to Clarencienx, ftrongly recommending peace, and propoting a truce to the end of Feb. 1523. (a draught corrected byWol- fey. vid. the anfw. VIII. 11 .) Nov. 10 , 1522. 254 . 178. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacre; divers ob- fervations about peace, and the D. of Albany’s con- duft. (a draught in Wolfey’s hand.) Nov. 10 , 1522. 2G3. 179. Henry VIII, to the lords of council of Scot¬ land, and to' Q. Margaret; letters of credence for Clarencienx. (draughts in Wolfey’s hand.) Nov. 10 , i522 - 2G4. 1 SO. Remembrance for Clarencienx ; direfting him to reject the comprchenfion in the peace he was to negoeiate. (a draught in Wolfey’s hand.) Nov. 10 , I522 - 265. 181 . A fragment of a fpeech to be made by Cla- rencieux to the lords of Scotland, cautioning them againfi the French, (a draught in Wolfey s hand.) Nov. 10 , 1522. <>66. 182 . Card. W olfey, to the D. of Albany; concern¬ ing the prolongation of the truce of Sept. 11 . and the comprehenfion. (French, the Englifh draft at vi. 276.) Nov. 10 ,1522. o G7> 183. The D. of Albany’s infiruftions to J. de Bar- bon, about the prolongation of the truce of Sept. 11 . (French.) Edinb. Sept. 27 , 1522. 269 . 184. Q Margaret, to Curd. Wolfey; about the negotiations of Clarencienx, and her own concerns therein. (Orig. anfw. to VI. 277 .) Dee. 26, 1522. 270 . 185. Card. Wolfey, to Ld. T. Dacre; the Bp. of Carlifle ordered to pay his balance to Dacre ; and direft ions about paying the troops on the borders. (Orig. conf. III. 12 .) Hampton Court, June 14 , 1516. 271. 186. J. de Planis, French ambafiador, to the cap¬ tain of Berwick, (probably A. Ughtred) kind ex- preffions, and profefiing great plainnefs. N. B. An error in the date. (Orig. French.) Douglas, Oft. 6, 1516? " " 272 . 1 87- TheBp.ofLlandaff(Rol). IIolgate?)andJ.Uve- dale, to the Ld. Privy Seal; with an inventory of the goods of parfon Tunftall, lent up from Aukland. (Orig.) York, Jan. 5 . 27 s. 188. The D. of Albany, to J. Barbon; declaring that, he will not confent to a peace without a com- prehenfion. Edinb. Oct. 17 , 1522'. 274 . 189 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; pro- fefiing his defire for peace. (Orig.) Edinb, Jan. 9 , 1522. " 275. 190 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; declares the meafures that have been taken towards a peace, (anfw. to the above.) Wcrk, Jan. 15, 1522 . 27 G. 191 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; expof- tulates, and upbraids Albany for not having fent ambafiadors. (anlwer to VI. 192 .) Norham, Jan. 19 , 1522. 276 . 192 . The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; pro- fefiing himfelf iblicitousfor peace; but charging Dacre withinfincerity. (Orig.) Dunbar, Jan. 17 , 1522. 277 . 193 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the Capt. of Berwick; ac¬ quainting him that Albany had left Dunbar; and ordering him to difeharge the new crew. Norham, Jan. 21 , 1522. ' 279 . b. 194. The Marq. of Dorfet, to Henry VIII; pro- fefiing bis zeal for the king's fcrvice; mentioning an intended incurlion; anti inclofinga lift of thole who went with Ld. Dacre on an inroad. (Orig.) Alnwick, April 15, 1523 ? 280. 195 . Anth. Ughtred (probably Capt. of Berwick) to Card. Wolfey; reports Albany's approach towards the borders; Berwick unrepaired; and money want¬ ing. (Orig.) Berwick, April 17 , 1522. 282 . 196 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey ; acquaint¬ ing him of Albany’s preparations for an invalion ; demands money; the E. of Northumberland will not come forth (Orig.) Newcafile, Oft. IQ, 1523. 2S3. 197- The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about pre¬ parations againfi Alban y; Q. Margaret defires to come to England. (Orig.) Newcafile, Oft. 8? 1523. 284. 19 s. Q. Margaret’s infiruftions to Pat. Synclair; concerning various matters to be reprefented to Ld. Surrey; and defiling direftions as to her coming to England. Oft. 6 ? 1523. 287. 199- The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about Albany's progrefs; Q. Margaret intends coming; Ric. de la Pole expedited by Albany. (Orig.) Oft. 23, 1523. ' 289.' 200. The JL of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about preparations againfi Albany. (Orig.) Newcafile, Oft. 1 1, 1523. 291 . 201 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about Q. Margaret's defire that he would make an incur- fion as far as Edinburgh. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 21 , 1523. 292. 202 . Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey; defiring him to advance to Edinburgh, or to allow her to come to England, (incloled in the above.) Sept. 1 523. 293 . 203. Card, OS CALIGULA, B. VI. SO,'i. (r< 1. Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey ; giving him dirceBons about ncgociating a truce if offered; and about other proceedings. *, Oriu'-) Wcftm. OH. S3, 1525. . r ; 293. 204. Henry VIM. to the E. of Surrey; thanking him and hi* whole army tor their fci vices at Jed- buiLi’:: din-eiions in calc Allum Jhould attack tile borders; and defiring him to continue tome time longer in his office. Wood frock, Oct. 5 . 1.323. 803. 205 Hu E of Surrey, to Henry viti.; reports Al¬ bany attack of Wi rk. His repulfe, and ret rcat. (Orig.) Camp near "Werl;. Nov. 3 . 1523 . go t. 200 '. The E. of Surrey, to Henry vni; reports Al¬ bany's progret’i towards the horders. indoles copies of the two foli,,wing articles. (Orig.) Belfort. Oct. 30, 1523. " 3 Ob. 207 . The E. of Surrey, to the lords of Scotland ; declining lo treat for peace wijth Albam . Ncwcaftlc, Oct. 30, 1 523. . * so;. 208 . i lie E. of Surrey, to Q. Margaret: reprefcnl- iug the very embarraffed (late of the b. of Erantv. and hence the impropriety of a eomprehenfun. New¬ castle, Oct. 30, 1523. ’ 508. 20 p. The K. of Surrey, to Card. Volley : about Albany's progrefs towarefs the b >rd< rs, &c. (O ig. font with \ 1 . 2 ;(j.) Belfort, 061. 30 , 1 . 323 . . ■ . 210 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; inform¬ ing him that he meant that day to proceed to meet Albany. (Orig.) Newraftle, 061. 2 G, 1 . 323 . 310 . Gi 1 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about one Adam Dnudas, who is laid to have'come to England; fends a letter from Q. Margaret about peace. (Orig.) Ncwcaftlc, 061. 24 , 1 . 23 . 311 . 212 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; reports Albany's arrival in Scotland, and his (Surrey's) pre¬ parations on the borders; demands money, and leave to come away at Allhallows.- .(Orig.) ’ Ncwcaftlc, Sept. 27 , 1523. 313 .’ 213 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; about Albany's preparations, and his paffionate temper; defires money. (Orig.) Ncwcaftlc, Oct. 8, 1 . 323 . 51 . 5 . 214. The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey ; defiring inftruetions how to proceed in cafe the Scots were to forfake Albany, and fet James V. free. (Orffi.) NewcaftleJ Sept. 14 , 1 . 523 . 317. 215. Ld. T. Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the intended attack of Jedburgh. (Orig.) Xcw- caftle, Sept. 12 , 1523 ^ ‘ ; * 1St 216 . Names of towns in Suitex tliat might have been made boroughs. 3 jy_ 217 . Card. Wolfev, to Ld. Surrey ; directions about the meafures to be taken for refilling Albany. (Orig. 1 Hampton Court, 061. 12 , . 1523 . “ ‘ -d] 2 18 . The E. of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey ; inclofing the next article; demands fupplies of ordnance ; and about a Danilli lliip carried into Hull. (Orig.) York, July 3, 1523. " ' 823 . 2 i. of Norfolk; .divers inftruetions about t he a If a irs of Scotland ; a plot to feize the chancellor; and fchemes finally to fupplnnt Albany. (Orig.) Hampton Court, Aug. j, 1 . 324 . ■ 355. 231. The I). of Norfolk, to Card. Wolfev; has lent Carlifle to Scotland; doubts about Angus. (Orig. anfwer to Vl. 227 .) Ncw caftlc, Sept. 19 , 1 . 324 . 3(3,1. 282 . Dr. Magnus and R. Radelyff, to the D. of Norfolk; report their proceedings; endeavour to bring over the Abp. of St. Andrews; and about money for the payment of the king s guards. Edinb. NOV. 8, 1.324. 3(j 1 . 28;i. Dr. Magnus and R. Radelyff, to the 1). ot Norfolk; the hate of affairs in Scotland unfavour¬ able; they propolc coming away toon ; ambaikidors getting ready to come but may he hopped unkfs the wages of the king's guards he paid, and Angus come to the parliament. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 10, 1524. . * . ,3(i(). 23 4. Dr. Magnus and R. Radelyff, to the D. ot Norfolk ; about Q. Margaret's favourable dilpofilion towards England, but great averlion to Angus; dc- fires money. Edinb. Nov. 5, 1524. 3(38. 235. The D. of Norfolk, to Dr. Magnus and R. Radelyff; he is unwilling to fend money to it lengthen the Q. and Arran again li Angus: wonders the am- baffadors lodge out of the. town ot Edinburgh. Newcaflle, Nov. 7 , 1 . 324 . 309. 23(3. The D. of Norfolk, to Dr. Magnus; concern¬ ing a promifed meeting at Berwick; and about, fending money to Q. Margaret, which he difapproves. New¬ caflle, Nov. (j, 1524. '3?0. 2 . 87 . The E. of Angus, to Q. Margaret ; offering a reconciliation. N. B. She lent back this letter un¬ opened. (vkl. VI. 234.) Boncle. Nov. 1 . 1524. "371. 238. Dr. B. VI. CALIGULA, 69 238. Dr. Magnus and R. RadclyfF, to the E. of Angus; congratulating liim on liis arrival in Scot¬ land ; and exhorting him to moderate proceedings. Edinb. Nov. 4, 152 4 . 372 . 239- The D. of Norfolk, to the E. of Angus; ad- viling him to remain in England. Newcaftle, Nov. 1524. 373. 240 . The D. of Norfolk, to Dr. Magnus and R. Radclyif: cenluringQ. Margaret ; and about fending down money. Newcaftle, Nov. 8, 1524 . 374 . 241 . The D. of Norfolk, to Q. Margaret; advice as to her conduct with regard to Angus, the am- balUulors, &c. Newcaftle, Nov. 8, 1524 . 375. 242. Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk ; remon- ftrates againft Angus's coming to Scotland ; com¬ plains of Dacre. (Orig.) Aug. 13 , 1524. 377 . 243. The Q. and lords of Scotland ; their declara¬ tion of obedience to James V. againft Albany. (Orig. figned by the Q. and many lords, rid. VI. 222 .) Edinb. Aug. 1 , 1524. 378. 244 . Q. Margaret, to the E. of Surrey; about Al¬ bany's preparations to invade England. (Orig. a copy at ll. 99 .) Oct. 13? 1523. 379 . 245. Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk; about a meeting between Arran and Norfolk; and renton- itrating againft Angus's return. (Orig.) 1524. 382. 240. Q. Margaret, to the I). of Norfolk ; defiring his friendftiip and aid in all her concerns. (Orig.) Sept.. 15, 1524. 384. 24 7- Card. Wolfey’s inftru&ions to Dr. Magnus and R. Radclyff; chiefly about the return of Angus, and the ambalfadors to be fent. (referred to in II. 6.) 061. 24? 1524. 385. 248. A declaration of fome Scottifh lords ; com¬ plaining of many abufes, and propofing a convention to be held at Stirling. Jan. 5, 1525. 394. 249. Articles between Card. Wolfey, and the E. of Angus; about the earl's conduct on his return in Scotland. (Orig. figned by Angus and Geo. Dou¬ glas.) Oft. 4, 1524. 395. 250. The Abp. of St. Andrews (J. Reaton) to Dr. Magnus; defiling a meeting to confider about an anfwer to Card. Wolfey. St. Andrews, Jan. 28, 1525. 400. 251. Names of the wardens, vice-wardens, and lieutenants, in Northumberland, from the laft year of Ed. IV. 401. 252. Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk; complains of being flighted ; (vid. II. 59 .) and about the guard for James v. and his guardians. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 13, 1 524* 402 . 253. Q. Margaret, to the D. of Norfolk ; thanks him for his good conduct towards her and her fon ; and about articles. (Orig. the fame at III. So. and 1 10.) Oft. 6, 1524. 404. 254. An account of lordfhips in the hands of certain noblemen in Scotland. 405. 255. Sir R. (W.) Eure, to Dr. Magnus; about difturbances on the borders, (conf. ir. 39 .) June 17 , 1525. 407, 256. Sir R. (W.) Eure, to the E. of Angus; about difturbances on the borders. June 17 , 1525. 407 . b. 257 . The D. of Albany, to the Pope; about Scottifh benefices, and Q. Margaret's divorce, (again at VI. 261.) June, 1524. 408. 258. Sir Wm. Eure, to Card. Wolfey; accepts the vice-wardenfliip of the middle marches; divers matters about the ftate of the borders. (Orig.) liar- bottle, May 13 , 1526 . " 409 . 259 . Francis I ; his inftru&ions to the Scottifh am- baffadors in Fiance, recommending peace and har¬ mony: and letters to James V. and Q. Margaret. Avignon, Sept. 15, 1524. 411 . 260 . Recefs between England and Scotland, (vid; Rym. xiv. 21 .) Sept. 4 , 1524. 414 . 261. Abflrarfs and copies of a packet of letters fent by the E. of Albany to Oetavian his agent at Rome: among which are Q. Margaret's letter of credence to J. Cantley, exprefiing her inclination to adhere to France, dated Feb. 22 ; and Albany's letter to the Pope about the Scottifh benefices, and Q. Mar¬ garet's divorce. (VI. 257 . fent with I. 82.) June 24* 1525. 416 . 262 . Sir Ph. Dacre, to Ld. T. Dacre; dated Aug. 5 ; and Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey ; with intelli¬ gence from Scotland ; James V. to be removed to Stirling, and his old attendants to be taken from him ; Albany is to invade England in September. (Orig.) Lord Dacre's letter dated, Stampford, Aug. 8, 1522. 419^ 263. Sir Chriftoph. Dacre, to Ld. W. Dacre ; va¬ rious news from Scotland ; the king and queen come to Edinburgh ; a parliament held. (Orig.) Dec. 2 , 1526. 420 . 264 . Sir Phil. Dacre, to Ld. T. Dacre; acquaints him with an inroad at Leynton tower ; a parliament at Edinb. begun July 18 . (Orig.) Morpeth, July es, 1522. 421. 265. James (Beaton) primate of Scotland, to Card. Wolfey; profelfes great friendfliip for England, and defires a farther abftinence, and a peace. (Orig.) Edinb. March 15 , 1524. 422 . 266. Ld. Caflilis, to Henry VIII; reports his ar¬ rival at Edinburgh; and fpeaks of the articles and credence he had for James V. and Q. Margaret. (Orig. the name cut away.) Edinb. Jan. 24 , 1525. 423. 267 . Gav. Douglas Bp. of Dunkeld, to Card. Wolfey; cautioning him againf’r J. Ducanfon and Evangelifta, fent by Albany and Glafgow. (Orig. conf. VI. 148 and 155.) Lond. Jan. 6, 1522. 424 . 268 . James, primate of Scotland, to Card. Wolfey; profeffes friendfhip towards England ; afks for a fafe- condutt. (Orig.) Edinb. March 9, 1524. 425. 269 .to Mr. Lawfon; reports an inroad into Scotland, with the Douglafles. Berwick, April 18 , 1522. 426. 270 . Ld. Dacre ? articles of powers required, and things wanting, for the execution of his office of warden ? 427 . 271 . Sir Wm. Buhner, to the Ld. Treafurer (Sur¬ rey) ; apprizes him of Albany's march towards Eng¬ land. (Orig.) Norham, 061. 22 , 1523. 429 . 272 . The Abp. of St. Andrews and 5 more, to Henry VIII; with charges againft Q. Margaret. (Orig.) St. Andrews, Jan. 26, 1525. 430. 273 . The E. of Angus, to Card. Wolfey; profeffes great regard ; and requefts Henry VUIth's intereftfor his brother to obtain Murray and Melrofs. (Orig.) Edinb. March 29, 1525. 431. 274 . A lilt of gentlemen of property in Northum¬ berland, and iome account of their property. 1522? 432. 275. Sir Wm. Eure and 4 more ; propofals for the government of the ealt and middle marches. 1523 ? 435. 276 . Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Albany; (the draught in Englilh of VI. 182 . corretted by Wolfey.) Novi 12, 1522. 437- 277 . Card. Wolfey, to Q. Margaret; about pro¬ longation of the truce of Sept, i 1 ; no comprchen- T fiom o CALIGULA, B. VI. VII. lion, (a draught in Wolfey's haiid.) Nov. 12 , 1522 . 4SF* 27 s. Sir Tho. More. to Card. Wolfey; about Ld. Surrcv’s intended invafion of Scotland, (leaning] v an original, but not figned.) Woodftock, Sept. 22 , 1323. " 439. 279- The 1). of Albany's inftruftions to J. de Barbon, to treat w ith Ld. T. Dacre. Edinb. Feb. 5, 1324. 441. 230. Ld. T. Dacre's inftruftions to John More, in two parts; one to be flicwn to J. Barbon for the I), of Albany : and the other to be fliewn to the lords of Scotland in cafe the D. of Albany be depart¬ ed. Coldflream, Jan. 23, 1324. 444. 281 . The 1). of Albany, to Lord T. Dacre; cre¬ dential in favour of J. de Barbon. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 3, 1 0 24. 443. 282 . The 1). of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; other credentials in favour of J. de Barbon. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 5. 1324. ' 44b. 288 . Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany ; fignifies his having received a fafe-conduct for anibalfadors; a truce, but no comprehenflon. Morpeth, Jan. 24 , 1524. - 447. 28 t. J. de Barhon, to Ld. T. Dacre; earneffly re- (piefting a fpeedy anfwer. (Orig.) Coldflream, Jan. 28, 1324. * " 448. 283. A note, being an anfwer given by the com- miflioners of Scotland to a bill exhibited b\ the com— (niiflioncrs of England on the borders. (Orig.) 449. 286. The regents and council of Scotland, to Ld. T. Dacre; about the meeting of conimiflioners on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 19 . 450 . 28;. Ld. T. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about the difpofltion of the troops on the borders; mentions having feen Angus. (Orig.) Norham, Jan. 24 , 1522 . 451. 28 S. Card. Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey ; about preparations againft Albany, and the defence of Nor¬ ham. (Orig.) Hanipton-Court, Oft. 7 , 1523. 452 . 289. Card. 'Wolfey, to the E. of Surrey ; directions concerning Q. Margaret, George Douglas, and Dav. Hume. (Orig.) More, Sept. 23, 1523. 455. 290 . TheE. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; about James Ytlfs attack of the E. of Angus at Coldiiigham. (Orig. conf. t il. 45.) Newcaftle,'bft. 9 , 1528. ~ 459 . Caligula, B. VIT. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 509 . 1 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports his not having had the audiences he wilhcd for from the h‘. and Q. of Scotland ; the E. of Angus is heady for England. (Orig.) Edinb. April 10 , 1525 . * 1 . 2 . Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports Q. Mar¬ garet's agitation on his delivering to her an expoitu- latory letter from Henry vui; the diftrefs of many Scots on the news of the overthrow of Francis I; the Abp. of St. Andrews’ and the E. of Angus’s favour¬ able difpohtions towards England. (Orig.) Edinb. March 31, 13 25. 3 . 3 Chriftopher Thrilkeld, to lord T. Dacre; reports w hat lie learnt from the laird of Wedderburn con¬ cerning the proceedings at a parliament in Edinb. relating to Albany. (Orig.) Coldflream. Sep. 13 , 1523. ' 9 . 4. T lie E. of Northumberl and, to Henry tin; reports the trials and execution of feveral rebels, the Lilies, See. Alnwick, April c, 1 . 528 . 11 . ■6. Roger Laflcls, to the E. of Northumberland; about the all airs of Scotland in confcquence of Angus's expulfiom (Orig.) Norham, Sept. 18 , *323. 1 18. (>. Roger Laflels, to the E. of Northumberland; hide ot a I lairs in Scotland in cimfcqucucc of Angus's expul'ion. Norham, Sept. 11 , 1 . 52 s. u. 7 . '1 he lords of Scotland, to Henry vin; profef- fmg their defne of peace and amity. Edinb. Aug. 13 J 3 ? , ‘ 1 .->? S. The D. of Norfolk, to (V Margaret; about the payment of 100 guards; exculpates hiinlelf for not having duly anluered her letters. Sept. 14 ? 1324.' 17 . 9 . The D. of Norfolk, to Q. Margaret; about fending the two bilhops; Angus's lvnion lira nces about being kept out of Scotland; a Hi ip taken by Grofoles,&c. Sept. 19 ? 1 . 521 . 1 < >. 10 . Q. Margaret's anfwer to the propofals of the Scottilli lords made by W. Ogilvy. May, 152 . 5 ? 28. 11 . Demands for 40 lords to be propolcd to Q. Margaret, by Walt. Ogilvy. April, 152 . 5 . 25 . 12. The E. of Angus Chane. of Scotland, to Ld. W. Dacre; promifes fpeedy red refs ofl'ome attempts on the borders. (Orig. anl'w. to II. iso. and lil. 8.) Edinb. March 19 , 1528. 27 . 1 8. Ld. M m. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the trials and execution of ionic rebels, one of whom efeaped; Q. Margaret married to Hen. Stewart. (Orig.) Naward, April 2 , 1526. 28. 14 . The council of Scotland, to Dr. Magnus; about red refs to be taken on the borders. (Orig. anfwer to vil. 22 .) Edinb. Feb. 16 , 1 . 520 . 8o'. 15 . James (Beaton) Archbp. of St. Andrews, to Dr. Magnus; about redreis on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 16 , 1526 . 30 . 16. Gavin (Dunbar) Bp. of Aberdeen, to Dr. Magnus; about redreis on the borders. (Ori«\) Edinb. Feb. 17 , 1526. 35 , 1 ;. Adam Otterburn, to Dr. Magnus; informing him of fomemeafures taken for the redreis ftipulatcd at Berwick. (Orig.) Edinb. F$>. 16 , 1526. 84. 13. 'Ebe earls of Argyle and Lenox, to Dr. Magnus; promiiing fpeedy redreis on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 1 . 5 , 1526. 86. 19 . Dr. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; reprefenting the care that was taken of her intcreft at tlic treaty of Berwick ; and advice as to her conduct with re¬ gard to Janies v. Berwick, Feb. 1 1, 1526 . 88. 20 . Card. Wolfey, to Dr. [Magnus and R. Rad cl iff; about Angus's return into Scotland; ami hating reafons why Q. Margaret and the Scots ought to adhere to England rather than to France. Xo\. 19 , 1524. 40. 21 . Dr. Magnus, to the chancellor of Scotland; about an ineffectual mceling at Ridonbourn con¬ cerning redrefs. Berwick, Feb. 11 , 1526 . 46. 22 . Dr. Magnus, to the lords of council of Scot¬ land; heavy com plaints about the refufal of redrefs at Ridonbourn, chiefly occaiioncd by Angus. Berwick, Feb. 11, 1526. " 4 8. 23. Q. Margaret, to Henry viii ; credence for 4 ambafladors, the Bp. of Dunkeld, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 27 , 1524. 50. 24. Card. Wolfey, to the I). of Norfolk, (copy of II. 6.) Wcftin. Oct. 24, 1.524. 51. 25. Articles propolcd Lv the Scottilli lords. Sept ? 1525. ■ " 55. 26 . James (Be ■aton) primate of Scotland, to loid T. Dacre; profelling his wilh to promote peace. (Orig.) Edinb. May 2s, 1525. 56. 27 . Q. CALIGULA, B. VII. i 27 . Q. Margaret, to Henry Mil; notifies the no¬ mination of jtobt. (Shaw) abbot ot Pai(Icy to I he jipk.of Murray, and of John Hamilton to the abbey of Paifley ; defires Henry's interefr. towards obtaining the Pope's bulls. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 20 , 1524. 58. 28. The E. of Cumberland (Clifford), to Card. Wolfey; reports Ld. T. Dacre's death; and requefis the fuccdTion to the ftcwardlhip of Penrith, &c. (Orig.) Skipton caftle, Nov. 14, 1525. 5<). Gf). Dr. Magnus, to Card. Wolfey; reports the fbite of Henrv Mlltlfs affairs in Scotland, and the effect of Francis I. being taken. (Orig. partly cypher.) Edinb. Apr. 19, 1523- 61 - so. Q. Margaret, to Henry VIII; vindicatesherfclf. (vid. VII. 2.) April 12 ? 1525. ()5. ,-;i. Sir Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey; imparling Henry Mlltlfs thanks for the good management of his affairs in Scotland. (Orig.) Stratford, Sept. Gi, 15G5. t,7 ‘ :V 1 . Q. Margaret, to Hcnly VIII; about Wr anfwer to the articles^ II. pi. and' carnefrly remoniirating a gain ft Angus’s return, (a copy of ill. 67.) Edinb. Q£t. G, 1524. (i - 1 38 . Ld. W. Dacre, and 3 more, to Card Wolfey; about the execution of juft ice in the north ; Ld. i. Dacre’s death; the delivery of Carlifle and Berwick. (Orig.) Sheriff Hutton, Nov. 22, 1525. 71- 34 . Q. Margaret; credential in favour of Walter Taitc, defiling certain things concerning Scotland might be represented to the E. of Northumberland, (a copy, figned by Northumberland.) 1528' 73. 35 . TheE. of Arran, to the 1). of Norfolk ; declin¬ ing an accommodation with Angus. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 18 , 1524. 74 - 36. James V; his proclamation again ft Angus's party. Edinb. Jan. 152.5. ?5. 37 . Dr. Magnus and R. Radclyff, to Card. Wolfey; report that tlreScottilli ambaifadors do not haften their coming; the Abp. of St. Andrews lives freely in the caftle of Edinburgh; the Bp. of Aberdeen at liberty at Linlithgow; Q. Margaret's advifers not favourable to England. (Orig.) New caftle, 0&. 20, 1524. 7 ~- 38 . Declaration of the minifter of the free ob- fervants, concerning Angus’s offer of iubmiffion to James V. Nov. 1528. 70- 39 . James V ; his inftruclions to Pat. Sinclair, to be communicated to Henry 'till; defiling peace and harmony : with marginal obfervations. Mclrofs, Sept. 1528. 81 • 40 . The D. of Norfolk, to Dr. Magnus and R. Rad civil'; cenfures Q. Margaret; mentions her in¬ fatuation for Henry Stewart; and disapproves of fupplying her with money. Ncw'caftlc, Nov. 5, 4 1. Card. Wolfey, to the D. of Norfolk; various directions about detaining Angus, the cxclufion of Albany, Nc. 06L 16 ? 1524. 87. 42 . The E. of Angus (chancellor) to Card Wolfey; ftrong profefiions of friendly difpofition; about the feizure of fir Wm. Eifie, &c. (Orig.) Haliroodhoufe, Dec. 20, 1527- 93. 48 . The E. of Angus, to the E. of Northumberland; dciiring him to befriend him rejecting his late cxpul- fion and attainder. (Orig.) Coldingham, Sept. 0, 1528. 9 - 5 - 44 . James (Beaton) primate of Scotland, to Card. Wolfey; profefles an earneft defire to co-operate in bringing about a peace; delires a fate-con dud. (Orig.) Edinb. March 29 , 1525. * 96. 45. The E. of Angus, to the E. of Northumber¬ land; apprizing him of James Vth's approach to at¬ tack Coldingham; defires aid. (Orig.) Colding¬ ham. Oft. 4, 1528. 98. 46 . The E. of Angus, to the E. of Northumber¬ land; reports James Vth's attack upon Tantallion, and his (Angus’s) fuccefs in a purfuit. (Orig.) Coldingham, Nov. 7, 1528. 99- 47. The E. of Angus (chancellor) to Card. Wolfey; congratulates the Card, on his return from abroad ; about the feizure of fir Wm. Lifle. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 2, 1527- 1 0 1 . 48. Ld. Wm. Dacre, to Card. Wolfey; about re¬ el refs for burning Netherby, &c. (Orig.) Naward, March 6, 152.7. 102 . 49. .Tames V, to Dr. Magnus; about the treaty of Berwick; and Henry VI lit Ids mediation in favour of Angus. (Orig.) Stirling, Nov. 24, 1528. 104. .50. Dr. Magnus, to Q. Margaret; defiling her to intercede with James V. in favour of Angus. Ber¬ wick, Nov. 18, 1528. 106. 51. Q. Margaret, to Dr. Magnus; alligns her realon for not ading in favour of Angus. (Orig. anfwer to the above.) Edinb. Nov. 25, 1528. 107. 52. Dr. Magnus, to the chancellor and lords of Scotland; about the conferences at Berwick, and in¬ roads on the borders. Berw ick, Nov. 24, 1528. ioy. 58 . The chancellor (G. Dunbar) and council of Scotland, to Dr. Magnus; about redrefs. (anfwer to the above.) (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 26, 1528. lio. 54 . The E. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; about the feizure and execution ot \\ m. Charlton, &c. (Orig.) Alnwick, Jan. 28, 1528. 112. 55. The E. of Northumberland, to Henry VIII; about the feizure and execution of Wm. Charlton, &c. (Orig.) Alnwick, Jan. 28, 1528. 113. 5G. George (Crichton) Bp. of Dunkeld, to Dr. Magnus; requefting tile releafe of two perfons taken by the Douglaffes. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 25, 1528. 115 - 57 . Adam Otterburn, to Dr. Magnus; about the conferences at Berwick. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 25, 1528. n h- 58. Sir William Scott, to Dr. Magnus; about the conferences at Berwick. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 28, 152S. n6. b. 59. The Bp. of Aberdeen (Gavin Dunbar) to Dr. Magnus; divers matters refpedingpeace, redrefs, the E. of Angus ; and in favour of a merchant ihip hound to England. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 23, 1528. 117 . 60. Dr. Magnus, to the Archbp. of Glalgow, chan¬ cellor (Gav. Dunbar); about redrefs, and in favour of Angus. Berwick, Nov. 18, 1528. uy. 61 . Gavin Abp. of Glafgow, chancellor, to Dr. Magnus; anfwer to the above. (Orig.) Edinb- Nov. 26, 1528. 120 - 62. James v,toDr. Magnus; a note thanking him for his zeal. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 6, 1528. 120 . b. 63. Dr. Magnus, to Adam Otterburn; in favour of peace. Berwick, Dec. 5, 1528. 121 . 64 . A treaty between Henry VIII. and James \. (Lat. vid. Rym. XIV. 278 .) Dec. 14, 1528. 123. 65. An indenture between the Bp. of Aberdeen, &c. commifiioners for Scotland, on onepait, and the Ld. Chancellor Audley, &c. commifiioners for England, on the other part; about the lurrender of Cawe Mills, See. Edinb. May 12, 1534. 129 . 66. Francis T, to James V; diffuading him from marrying without the afient of his allies. (Orig. IT.) Couliy, June 28, 1529. 132 - 67 - James 1 ■ CALIGULA, B. VII. 67. James v, to the D. of Albany; declaring his intention to marry, and mentioning the Emperor's other of u fiftcr or niece. (French.) Edinb. May 1, 1534 . 133 . 68 . The E. of Northumberland, to Card. Wolfey; about James vth's attack of the DougMes at Tan- tall ion and C’oldingham. (Orig.) Alnwick, Oft. 28, 1 528. " 135. 69. Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; about ambaifadors to be fent, and their lafe-eondufts. Carlifie, 'Sept. 7, 1522 . 137. 70 . Ld. L Dacre, to John Cantley; inclofing a fafe-conduft for his coming to Carlitle. Carlifle, Sept. 8, 1522 . 137. b. 71. The 1 ). of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; charges Dacre with duplicity, but Hill defircs peace, and applies for fafe-eonducts for that purpofe. (Orig. Fr.) Annan, Sept. S and 9, 1522 . " 138. 72. Ld. 1 . Dacre, to the D. of Albany; regrets his not having been able to read or underhand a French letter of Albany’s; defires to have it in Scotch. Carlitle, Sept. 9, 1522 . ,39. 73. Ld. T. Dacre, to the D. of Albany; vindicates his conduct, and recriminates, (anfwer to vn. 71.) Carlitle, Sept. 9, 1522 . ) 40 . 74. The D. of Albany, to Ld. T. Dacre; appoints , a meeting at Solway Chapel; and propofes tome conditions for a truce. (Orig.) Solway Chapel, Sept. 10, 1522. " 141i 75. Indenture for a truce of one month, between Ld. I. Dacre and the D. of Albany, (a copy of vil. 82.) Solway Chap. Sept. 11, 1522. * 142. 76. Q. Margaret, to Ld. T. Dacre; profeffing her defire to promote peace. (Orig.) Edinb. Auo- 30 1522. w ° 144 ; 77 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; promihng to co-operate towards procuring peace, (anfwer to the ■above.) Norham, Aug. 31, 1522 . 144. b. 78 . Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; about the pro¬ bability of a peace. (Secret.) Norham, Aug. 31, 1522 . 145. 79 - Q. Margaret, to Ld. T. Dacre; charges him with uncandid proceedings. (Orig.) Sept. 3, 1522 . 146 .’ so. Ld. T. Dacre, to Q. Margaret; vindicates himfelf. (anfwer to the above.) Grindon,—riw. Sept. 6 , 1522 . 14y ° 81. James v, to the E. of Northumberland; pro¬ pofols fora meeting of commiflioners towards conclud¬ ing a peace. (Orig.) Eclinb. Oft. 5 , 1528. 149. 82. Indenture for one month's truce between the D. of Albany and Ld. T. Dacre. (the original coun¬ terpart figned by Albany.) Solway Chapel, Sept. 11, 15 - 2 - 1 50 . 83 . John Cantley, to Ld. T. Dacre; defircs a meeting to confer about peace; charges him with duplicity. (Orig.) Sept. 8, 1522 . 13,. S4. The 1 ). of Albany: articles bv way of anfwer to Ld. T. Dane's letters to Q. Margaret, Vil. 77. and 7 8 ; and declaring himfelf ready to accede to a truce. Edinb. Sept. 3, 1522 . ]5! >_ 85 . Gavin Bp. of Glafgow, chancellor, to Ilenrv \lll; jprofefles his defire of peace; and about An¬ gus’s reinftatement. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 2, 1529. 154 . 86 . James v, to Henry Vin ; profefies himfelf dif- pofed for peace; and about Angus's reinftatement (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 2, 1529. 135. 87. Henry VIII, to Ld. W. Dacre; recommending Card. \\ olfey to him. who is to repair to his pro¬ vince. (Orig.) Wimlfor, March 23 , i.vjo. 139 . 88 . Ihe E. of Northumberland, to Ilenrv vnr with fome letters he had taken from one l)aw Pan¬ der. concerning James Vtlfs perpetual peace with the Emperor; about the borders, . 118 . Indictment of Rich. Grove; examination con¬ cerning his efeape, the pamiel, hill given in to the in- queft, and verdift. Carliile, March 28 , 1528. 212 . 119 . Sir Hi. Clyfford, to the Ld. Privy Seal; re¬ ports James Vtli s arrival at Edinburgh with his queen; and about the intercourfe James had with fome En- gliih fubjefts on the coaft of YorkJhire. (Orig.) Berwick, May 26 , 1537. 216 . 120 . Ld. T. Darcy, to Henry viii; intelligence from Scotland; James Vtlis intended expedition by fea; and about affairs on the borders. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, Aug. 7 , 1535 or 6. 21 s. 121. Sir Win. Eure, to Card. Wolfey; about meet¬ ings on the borders ; the E. of Angus promifed to come, but did not appear. (Orig.) Hexham, June 28 , 122. The E. of Northumberland, to Henry VIII; reports an inroad in which Ld. Buccleugh’s people were roughly handled. 1536. ° 222 . 123. The D. of Norfolk, to the Ld. Privy Seal; concerning fome arrangements proper to be made on the borders. (Orig.) Lokenlield, July 3, 1537. 224. 124. The 1). of Norfolk, to the Ld. Privy Seal; intelligence from Scotland; James v. greatly bi<>-ot- ted; Berwick in a bad flute. (Orig") Berwick, March 29 , 1539 . 2 28 . 125. Sir l h. Clyfford, to Henry VIII ; news from Scotland; (Orig. conf. VII. 119 .) Berwick, May 26 1C6. SirTh. Wharton, to the Ld. Privy Seal; re¬ ports fome proceedings at the affizes, and a nieetino- with Ld. Maxwell about regulations on the borders. (Orig.) Carliile, Sept. 5 , 1538. 232 . 127. Sir Th. Wharton, to the Ld. Privy Seal; about meafures taken for quieting the borders ; has been prevented from apprehending John Heron. (Orig. vid. VII. 132.) Carlifle, Nov. 7, 1538. 233. 128. Sir Th. Wharton, to James V; requefting that he will order John Heron to be delivered up! Carlifle, Nov. 7 , 1538. 235 . 129. Sir Wm. Eure, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning a meeting on the borders about redrefs; the E. of An¬ gus promifed to come, but failed. (Ori<>\ vid. vn. 121.) Hexham, July 1, 1526 . ° 236 180 . James V; Lis proclamation again it libels re- ftii g on ! h : i y 11 . ()fig. vid. I , 58 . ai in 106.) Edinb. Feb. 1 , 1539; <_8S. 131 . Rob. Bp. of Llandaff, to the Ld. Privv Seal; reports the characters of the ollicers on the borders. (Orig.) Wottori; Jan. 11 , 1538 ? 239 . 132. A proclamation releafing divers prifoners taken on the Englifli borders. Eating-bulk, Auer 10 1538. 24!. 133. Sir Thomas Wharton, to the council of York; reporting the redrefs made on the borders, (a copy of in. 134.) Kirkbythure, Aug. 16 , 1538. 242 . 134. Sir Wm. Eure, to the Ld. Privv Seal; about lh 1 . Hillyard s flight, and the reafons he afligns for it. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 6, 1540. " 243 . 13 . 5 . Tile council of York, to the Ld. Privy Seal; in doling fome intercepted letters from Scotland to Paris. (Orig.) York, Jan. 1 , 1538. 245 . 136. Sir Wm. Eure, to the Ld. Prefident; inclofing a number of letters direfted to Rome, which he had from a Scotchman. Berwick, Dec. 20 , 1539 ? 247. 137 . Sir Wm. Eure, to the Ld. Prefident; about II. Hay’s being lent, to Edinburgh ; Dr. Ilillvard s going into Scotland, (vid. I. 73 . and III. 147 .) Ber¬ wick, Dec. 22 , 1539? 248 135. M. Robert, brother to the priorefs of Cold- ftream, to \\ in. Buckton, fervant to fir Wm. Eure; re¬ ports Dr. Hillyard’s flight into Scotland for having oppofed the furrendcr of the monafteries. Dec. 1539 ? 249- 139. The faying ofWm. Selby and John Marr, con¬ cerning Dr. Hillyard’s flight. Dec. 11 , 1539 ? 250. i to. The faying of Geo. Biihop, concerning Dr. Hillyard’s flight. Norham, Dec. 11 , 1539? 251 . 141 . James V, to Sir Wm. Eure; about fupprdlino- fcandalous libels againft Henry VIII. (Orig.) Ho^ lyrood-houfe, Feb. 6, 1539. o 52> 142 . Triftram Tefche, to the Ld. Privy Seal; re¬ ports certain payments lie had made in the north. (Orig.) York, Jan. 5, 1540. 253 . 148 . A treaty between Henry VIII, and Mary Guile Q. of Scots. (Orig. vid. Rym. Xiv. 786 . N.B. The four lad articles are not in Rymer.) July l, 1543 . 255 . 144 . The E. of Northumberland, to Henry Mil; reports an incurfion into Scotland. April, 1533 . 260 . 145. The E. of Northumberland, to Henry VIII • reports an incurfion into Scotland; Beauvois a French ainbaffador arrives in Scotland. April, 1533. 264 . 146 . Q. Mary, (fignecl James) a fafe-conduct or pafsport for a fliip. (Orig.) Edinb. Jail 15, 1546 . 266. 147- Q. Mary’s letters patent for the E. of Arran to make abfiincnce with England. Edinb. Feb. 20 , 1542. 2 . 67 . 148. A treaty between Hen. VIII, and Q. Mary, (copy of VII. 14S.) July l, 1543. 268. 149- A corre6ted draught of the treaty VII. 143. (not complete.) July 1 , 1543. 274 . 150. Henry VIII ? his inftruftions for an ambal- fador to the Emperor ; about Albany's attempt near Carlifle. (part of a correfted draught.) 1522. 2 s£. 15 1 . A proclamation of Englifli commiflioners for the ranfom of prifoners. July 1 , 1548. 285 . 152. Draught of part of the above. July i, 1-543. 286. 153. A brief account of the tranfaftions in Scot¬ land, about the time of the death of Malcolm III. Canmore. 1093. 289. 1.54; Carta donationis Edgari, filii Malcclmi regis Scotorum, manfionis de Barwyk, See. fc. de Cold- U inghamlhire 74- CALIGULA, B. VII. mghamfhire Sco Cuthberto et ecclefue Dunelmenfi. Sept. 4 , i'M» 7 . —?) 0 . 1*55. Willclm. II. Reg. Angl. confirmatiu cjufdem charts? donationis. 1097- 290. b. 150. Notes concerning the homage paid by the K. of Scotland to the h\ of England, in the times of .Stephen, and Richard I. 1135-—1189. 291 . 15 7 . Treaty of marriage between prince Edward, and Mary Q. of Scots, (a corrected draught, imper¬ fect.) 1543. 29 - 2 . 158. An indenture between the E. of Lenox on one pari, and Ld. Chain*. Wriotheflcy, Sic. Engliih c iifli( : ; . on the other; guaranteeing the earl s lalety againti llie cardinal (Beaton?) and the E. ol Arran. June 20,1544. 301. l.yi. Henry viii, to fir Ralph Sadler; inftruftions about his n< goeiation in Scotland, chiefly concerning the marriage of Edw. \ I. and Q. Mary. (Orig. not in Sadler's Negoc.) St. James’s, April 1 4, 1.543. 304. 160. Sir Rob. Bowes, to the lords of Council; con¬ cerning fomc repairs neeelfary at Harbottle caftle. (Orig.) Alnwick, May 26, 1540. 312. lfil. Edward III ; his proclamation renouncing fome claims upon Scotland. (Eat.) York. March 1 , 1328. 315. lOQ. Edward III ; his declaration to Pope John XXII. of 1 lis renouncing certain claims upon Scotland. (Latin.) York, 1328. 316. 103. Edward Vi; his inftruftions to the Bp. of Dur¬ ham and lir Rob. Bowes, about a treaty with Scot¬ land. July, 1547. 317- 104 . Edward VI ; his credence for the Bp. of Dur¬ ham and lir Rob. Bowes, as am ballad or s in Scotland. Hampton-Court, July 18, l . 3 - 17 - S2Q. 105. Edward VI; his credence, &c. (another copy of the above.) Hampton-Court, July 18 , 1547. 321. 100 . Copies of two deeds proving the title of the If. of England, Ed. I. to the fovereignty of Scotland, (depofited in the* priory of Durham.) Norham, May 30, 12Q1. 322. 10 7 . Ld. Wm. Grey, to the Ld. Protector (D. of Sonicrfet) ; reports an invalion into Scotland. (Orig.) Roxburgh, Oct. 4, 1548. 323. lGs. Tho. Either, to the Ld. Protcftor; apprizing him of the intelligence lie had from Tho. Carlillc concerning the tumults at Edinburgh ; the hofiilitics committed by the French and Almains, &c. (Orig.) Camp at the Fethes, Oct. 15, 1548. 325. 109. Cuthbcrt Bp. of Durham, to the Ld. Protec¬ tor; information of documents which are in the re- giIters of Durham, concerning tlie homage paid by the kings of Scotland to the kings of England. (Orig. inclofing VII. 155, 150, 101, io'2, and" 106.) Aukland, Oct. 15, 1.348. 329. 170. Mr. Mafon? to the D. of Sonicrfet, Ld. Pro¬ testor; relating* a conference he had with Mr. Lieutenant concerning a fray at Edinburgh, and other affairs of Scotland, (feemingly an original, but not figned.) London, Oft. 17 , 1548. 333. 171 . The Ld. Protector, to an Engliih ambaffador at Paris.*' reporting a conference he had with the French ambaffador concerning the If. of Eng¬ land s iuperiority over Scotland ; alfo about Fitzgar- ret’s and lir Gcoffry Poole’s flight, (a draught.) Dec. 1548. 335 . 172 . A dialogue entitled, “ True reafoning of ane Scottis and Inglis Mcrchand being adifcuffion of the queftion of homage; hv Wm. Lambe. 343 173. A treaty between England and Scotland; fettling fomc particularities not comprized in a treaty between England and France, concluded March 24, 1540. chiefly about the borders and lhipping. (a copy, Latin.) Norham, June 10 , 1551. Item, a letter from the Engliih commiflioncrs to the Protector, with the above copy, daled Berwick, June 11 , 1552, and a copy of Mary Q. of Scots' commiflion to her am- batfadors at this treaty, (vid. Rym. XV. 205. and 203.) Edinb. May 8, 1551. S74. 171 . A treaty between England and Scotland, in conlequcnce of an article in the treaty of Chateau- Cambrefis of April 2 d, 1559 ; chiefly concerning the borders and lhipping. 39 O. 175 . The preamble to the treaty of June 10 , 1551. VII. 173. ‘ 394. b. 1 70. Thomas IIolcroft,tothe Ld. Protcftor; about the victualling ami defence of Haddington. (Orig.) Stichell, Aug. 2 , 1549. 390. 177 . Thomas Holcroft, to the Ld. Protector; re¬ ports divers matters from Scotland; the plague at Edinburgh; exchange of prifoners propofed by Mons. de Termcs; the defence of Haddington, &c. (Orig.) Camp at-, July 24, 1549 . 398. 178 . Divers lords of the council in London, to the council at Windfor; juftifying their meetings, which tlie D. of Somcrlct represented as traiterous; and profelling their purpofe to remove the D. from the Profectorlhip. >(Orig.) London, Oct. 7 , 1549 . 404. 179. Edward VI, to the Eds. of council in Lon¬ don ; vindicating the Protector : anfwer to the above (a draught.) Oct. 8, 1549 . 405. iso. Tlie Lds. of council at Windfor, to the lords in London ; anfwering to, and expofculating about the contents of MI. 178. Windlor, Oft. S, 1 . 549 . 400. 181 . Articles offered by the Ld. Protcftor, to tlie lords of council in London; vindicating himlelf againft the charges brought by them in VII. 178 . Windfor, Oft. 8, 1549. 407 . 182 . The lords of tlie* council in London, to thofe at Windfor; charging them to be very careful of the king's perfon. (Orig.) Weftminlter, Oft. 9 . 1549 . 408. l S3. The lords of council in London, to fir Wm. Paget, comptroller of the houfehold : about the fafety of the king’s perfon ; and urging him to caufe the D. of Sonicrfet to be apprehended. (Orig.) London, Oft. 10, 1549- 410. 184. Tlie Al>p. of Canterbury (Tli. Cranmer) fir Wm. Paget and T. Smith, to the Lds. of the council in London: alluring them that they will do their utraoft for the king’s iafety. (Orig.) Windfor, Oft. 10 , 1549- 412, IS5. Mary (Guile) Q. of Scots; lier ratification of tlie comprchenfion of Scotland in a treaty con¬ cluded between Hen. 11. and Edw. VI. figned James. (Latin.) Edinb. May 1 3, 1550. 417- 180 . Articles mentioned in the treaty of peace of March 24, 1550. (vid. Corps Dipl. T. IV. Part. III. p. 1 .) relating to the kingdom of Scotland. (Latin, and fome agreements fublequent to it, Engliih.) 1550. " 418. 1 87 . The lords of Council, to the commiffioners upon the borders of Scotland; inltruftions about the boundaries and debatable lands. Greenwich, May 1 ?', 1551. 421. 188. Edward VI; his inltruftions to his commiffion¬ ers on the borders: figned by the Privy Council. Greenwich, May 19 , 1551 . 422. b. 189 . The lords of Council, to the commiffioners oil the borders; inltruftions. Greenwich, May 22 , 1551. 423. 190 . Edward VI, to his commiffioners on the bor¬ ders; empowering them to ul'e their own diferetion as CALIGULA, B. VII. VIII. 75 as to the limitations of the boundaries, (figned by the Privy Council.) May, 1551. 424. Kii. Sir Ralph Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sett Cecil; advice concerning the reformation in Scot¬ land, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 29, 1559- 425. ]<)'> Another copv of VII. 185, but dated May 14, 427 . 1550. jQ 3 . A memorandum to be fi’.cwn to the kings council, concerning an attempt on the bordeis. Dec. 1550. 4 ~ 8, i')!. Treaty between Charles A', and Mary (Guile) Q. of Scots/concluded at Binch in Ilainault; to- «>Tther with the commillions of the plenipotentiaries. (Latin, vid. Corps Diplom. T. IV. P. HI. p. 1°-) Binch, Dec. 15 , 1550. the ratification, Auglburg, April l, 1551. 4<29 ' 195 . Mat. E. of Lenox (fon in law to Q. Mar¬ garet, and father to Hen. Darnlcy) to the Marq. ot Northampton ; afligning his rcatbns for coming into England, See. (Orig.) March 11 , 1 549. 435. io(i. The E. of Angus’s meflage to the E. of Le¬ nox, his fon in law; expreffive of affection, (inclofed in the above.) Eeb. 20, 1549. 436. 197 . The Englilh commifiioners on the borders, to tlie Privy Council; rqjort their proceedings with the Scottifli commifiioners. (Orig.) Norham, May 14 , 1551. 43S ; 198 . James V, to Henry VIII; credential in fa¬ vour of Tb. Scott, lent to treat about the borders. (Orig.) Stirling, Oct. IS, 1532. 448. 199 . Johan.de Planys, French' ambaflador, to the captain of Berwick; about the pacification between Q. Margaret and Albany ; complains of Dacrc ; and endeavours to feduce him to his intereft. (French.) Douglas, 06t. 4, 1516 . 449- 200 . A treatife of peace between Edward VI. and Mary (Stewart) Q. of Scots; about the borders, and commerce, (vid. Rym. T. x\'. p. 265.) Norham, June 10 , 1551. 451. 201 . A remembrance from a warden of the marches, to be laid before the lords of Privy Council; con¬ cerning the charges, &c. on the borders. 453. 202 . T. Smith, to the Ed. Protector; containing intelligence about Scottilh affairs. (Orig.) Oatlands, Oct. 17 , 1548? 458. 203 . Sir Ph. Ilobby and Thomas.to the Privy Council; report concerning the king's jewels, plate, and ornaments at Windfor. ' (Orig.) Windfor, Aug. 9, 1552. 459- 204 . The E. of Weftmorland, and three more, to the Privy Council; report their proceedings with the Scottifli commifiioners on the borders. (Orig.) Car- lille, April 26 , 1552. 46 1 . 205 . Thomas lord Wharton, to the governor of Scotland (Arran) about the releafe of a merchant, redrefs, &c. Alnwick, March 23. 1552. 467- 206. Mary (Guile) Q. of Scotland (figned James) to Edward Vi; in anl'wer to a remonftranee about James Mac-Onell's defeent in Ireland. (Orig.) Edinburgh, Feb. 14 th, 1553. 468. 207 . John Berton; an afiignment of a letter of marque to Richard Hepburn, Leith, July 21 , 1552; and Q. Mary's letter of marque, (figned James.) St. Andrews, July 28, 1552. 469- 208. The E. of Bothwell, to the lords of Privy Council; about his return to Scotland ; and folicit- ing the king's further protection. (Orig.) New- caftle, Nov. 1 , 1552 . 470 . 209 . Ld. T. Wharton, to the D. of Northumber¬ land; about fome regulations on the borders, and in- clofing certain articles agreed upon at Neweaftle. (Orig.) Hexham, Sept. 17, 1558. 472. 210 . Articles concerning the marches, agreed upon at Neweaftle, Sept. 12 and 13 , 1553. (inclofed in the above.) 474. 211 . Indenture of a Convention between the com¬ mifiioners of England and Scotland, concerning the borders, (a fragment.) Dec. 4, 1553. 476. 212 . A draught of a letter (probably from the D. of Somerfct, to"the E. of Arran) urging the marriage of Edward VI. with Q. Mary. 1548.'' 477. 218 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Monf. du Boifdauphin, French ambaflador in England ; Rating inroads made on the debatable lands; articles ot tome iubfifling treaties, &c. (French.) 479- 214 . Mary Q. Dowager? of Sc. to Mary Q. of England; for afafe-conduct for Ld. Edytonn. (Orig.) Edinb. July 7 , 1554. 481. 215 . Lift of things prejudicial to the war, it they be not remedied: figned James Henrifon, in the time of the protectorate of Somerfet. (imperfect.) 482. 216 . Thomas Ilolcroft, to the Ld. Protestor; va¬ rious news from Scotland, and about the french ma¬ noeuvres concerning that kingdom; alfo lome pro- pofals. (Orig.) Dunglafs, Sept. 25, 1.549? 486. 217 . The council of Scotland, to the French am- ballador; concerning the debatable grounds, (a draught or copy, with marginal notes.) 490. 218 . Thomas Ilolcroft, to the Ld. Protettor; va¬ rious news from Scotland, chiefly about the go¬ vernor’s motions. (Orig.) Dunglafs, Sept. 27 , 1549?. 494 - 219 . Mary Q. of England; her inflruttions to fir Thomas Challoner, fent to the Q. dowager of Scot¬ land, to remonflrate concerning the aid given bv the Scots to lrifh rebels. Feb. 1555. 498. Caligula , B. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians foliis 408. 1 . James V; his credence to Dr. Magnus; contain¬ ing the charges againfl the E. of Angus. (Orig.) Dec. 1528. 1- 2 . The lords of council of Scotland: their anfwers to certain articles exhibited by Dr. Magnus, prepa¬ ratory to the treaty of Berwick? (Orig.) Jan. 1526. 3 - 3. Henry VIII; his credentials to Carlifle herald, in anfwer to feveral points reprcfented by fir Win. Scot, about the borders, and James Vth’s marriage. (Orig.) 1534. s - 4 . Q. Margaret; articles fent to Henry VIII. by the E. of Caflilis. (Orig. the fame at I. 120 .) Jan. 23, 1525. 18. 5 . Henry VIII ; his inflruttions to Dr. Magnus and Tho. Tempeft, for the diet at Berwick. (Orig. the fame at V. 5.) Nov. 1528. 25 - 6. James VI, his att for furthering of criminal caufes. (printed.) Edinb. Nov. 9, 1588. 37- 7 . Cuthbert Radclyff; articles to be delivered to the lord warden. (Orig.) June, 1537? 41. 8. The commifiioners of Scotland’s anfwer to the Englilh commifiioners. (a copy ot VII. 99-) Dumfries, Oct. 2 , 1531. 4S - 9 . Henry VIII; his inflruttions to fir Anth y Brown, v on his being fent to regulate the borders, (a draught cor retted.) 1538? 44. 10 . A furvey of the wafte lands along the eaft and •111 .1.... IV 1 fi.-? middle marches. Dec. 2 , 1542. 68. 11 . The council of Scotland’s anfwer to the articles exhibited 7 6 CALIGULA, B. VIII. 90' exhibited by Clarencieux. (Orig. vid. vi. Eciinb. Jan. 21 , 1523. Sui.i'taiice of lir Ralph Sadler's letter from Scotland. (printed in his negotiations, n. <>i ) Ediub. Feb. 1.540. " J00 i .:. Inftru cons to James Martha 1, Sec 5, to the D.of Albany, coming to England. (French.) 1510. 102 . 14 . A memoir concerning the fecuritv and hoftao-es required by the I). of Albany for his paflage through England. (French.) 1516 . " 10 g 1 . 5 . Informations given by fir Robt. Bowes to the marquis of Dorfet, touching the marches, and all things requilite for a lord warden to know. 1,550. N. B. Henry Grey, M. of Dorfet, was conftituted. warden of the marches, 5 Ed. vi. vid. I)ugd. Bar. 1 . 7 - 21 . 10 . A . An anonymous letter, with much information about the proceedings of the French faction in Scot¬ land. the Ilamiltons, &c. Bowes and Cavallion men¬ tioned. (the beginning wanting.) 36 . Roger Alton, to Cecil: with much informa¬ tion concerning the affairs of Scotland; the pro¬ ceedings of a parliament againftthe Catholics; the declaration of the three ftates to avenge the death of Q. Mary, &c. (Orig.) Ilolyrood-houfe, July 31 , 158 f . ' ‘l8g. 3 7 . Q. Elizabeth's inftruclions for fir Robt. Sidney's going to the K. of Scotland, to lecure him to her m- tereit. (a draught, with interlineations by Cecil ) Augufr, 158S. i 9a 3S. Difpofition of the Scottifh nobility towards the D. of Lenox. 1582? ' ]!)0 . 39- A note of information between the E. of Arran 1). of Chatcllerai.it, and the E. of Lenox; containing arguments to prove Arran’s baftardy: and anfwers thereto. * iys _ 10 . Part of a letter concerning the E. of Ar- ran. 200 . 41. Reafons of the Scots againit the fervice book. o 0 o. 42. Petition of the noblemen, barons, &c. to the ferret council of Scotland, concerning the fervice book prefled upon them. 0 . 04 . 43 . Q. Elizabeth, to one whom fheftyles her brother; cautioning him agaiuli infidious perfons. G 08 . 44 . Petition of the Grahams, to the E. of Cum¬ berland ; claiming the performance of his promife to protect them in their intended removal. (Orig) 209 . 45 . Q. Elizabeth, to James VI; fharply reproving him for feme unworthy action: font by Bowes. 210 . 40. I he manner of holding jufiicc courts in Scot¬ land. t ;j,, 47 . Petitiones qmedam fereniflimi regis Scotorum Jac. \ l. quas a fanCtiflimo patre Clemente Papa vill, perimpleri exoptat—the K. demands 20,000 crowns a month to fet up popery, (the fame at Vill. 106 .) 1595? 214 . 48. Lord ITunfdon, Ld. warden of the raft marches ; his anfwer to fundry articles concerning the weak Rate of the borders. ' 210 . 49 . Sir John Forfrer, Ld. warden of the middle marches; his anfwer to divers articles concerning the weak Rate of the borders. 217 . 50. A note concerning fomc differences between the carls of Arran and Lenox. 218 . 51. A fcliedule of a£ts of the parliament of Scot¬ land, againit jefuit.s and papifts. 219 . 52. An introductory letter, addrefled to Mr. Robt. Bowes, to a trac't entitled, “ Conference fur la prife du CALIGULA, B. VIII. 77 ilu roy d’Efcoffe par la trahifon dc mylord Reth- wen.” (a corrected draught.) Antwerp, Nov. 1582. 220 . 53. Janies VI ; Ins inftruClions to baron Baroch. (viz. Patrick Vaus) and Peter Young, fent to Denmark; charging them to eftablilh a friendly in- tercourfe, and to give an account of the K. of Den¬ mark's daughters. (French.) 1587. 222 . 54. James VI : his inftructions to James Colvill and Edward Bruce, fent to Q. Elizabeth; inviting her to fend fome one to aftilt at the baplifm of prince Henry ; remonftrating againft the countenance ihe had given toBothwell; the arrears of his pen,lion; complaints againft Zouch, &c. 1594 . 224. 55. Sir Wm. Bowes; remembrance of order to be given to him by Q. Eliz. for conclufion of her border ler vices. . 1597 ? 228 . .56. Articles of a league between Q. Elizabeth and James VI. for thefupport of the reformation. (French.) Edinb. 1585. 232. 57 . Remonftrance of the queen of Scotland (Mary) touching the right which pertaineth unto her in the fucceflion of the crown of England. 1580? 254. 58. Fragment of a draught in French, partly con¬ cerning Mary Q. of Scots, and her trial. 1586. 238. 59. A rough (ketch of the weft marches. ' 239 . 60 . A remonftrance to be laid before the parlia¬ ment of Scotland, againft the validity of Q. Mary’s renunciation at Lochleven. 1567? 240 . Cl. Certain articles prefented to the queen (Mary?) concerning a meeting to be held at York. 1568? 62 . Some Scottilh noblemen, to Q. Elizabeth; fo- liciting the releafe of Q. Mary, (a copy or draught.) 1568? 243. b. 63. Heads of fuch things as the noblemen of Q. Mary's party thought lit to be done in Scot¬ land. 245 . 64 . “ InftruCHons of fuch things as are fit to be done in Scotland,” by the nobles after the conference at York. 1568. " 246 . 65. A memorandum, to remember John Levefon upon fome heads of his credence, directed by lord Boyd to his fovereign lady (Q. Mary.) 248. 66. The Scottilh nobles of Q. Mary's party, to Q. Elizabeth; in behalf of their cauie. Au<»- 24 1568. | 5 0. 67 . Sir Robt. Bowes? to Sec? Cecil? reporting the ftate of affairs in Scotland. 1583? 252 .^ 68. Band made by the lords at the Kyrk of Forges ? July 27 , 1568. g 54 69 . Leftey Bp. ofRofs, to lord Burleigh; in fa¬ vour of Q. Mary. Mays, 1572. 255 . 70 . A bill exhibited bv parliament to Q. Elizabeth; againft Mary Q. of Scots. 256. • 71 . Lord Herries, to the E. of Argyle; with feveral directions from Q. Mary. Dumfries, Au"* 15 1568. 266.’ 72 . Requefts by way of advice made by the nobi¬ lity of Scotland to Francis and Mary, their kino- and queen. (another copy at lx. 61 .) June 21 1560. 067 . 73. Copies of VII. 187, 188, 189, and 190 ; be¬ ing inftruCtions to commiflioners in Scotland. 1551 . 268 . 74. _ Copies of three papers, being articles, in¬ ftruCtions, and anfwers concerning the treaty of 1550. 270. 75. Copies of VII. 185. and 1 86; being five papers relative to the treaty of 1550. 270 . b. 76. A rough draught; feemingly intended for a memorial concerning the conduct of the kings of Spain and I ranee. > 273 . 17. A rough draught; feemingly atranflation of a 1 French edict tor the levy of money : with feme obler- : vations at the end. 075 . 78. Account of the expenfes of lord Galloway and Mr. Levingfton, from Dumfries to London. Dee. 16 . Jan. 3 . , , 077 , 79 . Articles and inftructions which the Scottilh am- bafiador (the mailtcr of Er/kinre) was ordered to lay before the king and council of England: Edw. the Vlth’s inftruCtion to his ambaffador in Scotland : aud the council’s anfwer to the Scottilh am- balfadors. 15.30. (another copy of VII. 1 S 5 . and the two firft papers in 186 ; alfo at VIII. 75.) 279. SO. The E. of Iluntley, perhaps to the E. of Argyle; declaring his intention to proclaim Q. Mary's authority at Aberdeen. (Orig,) lluntlev, July 21 , 1569? " 281'* 81. Mary Q. of Scots; part of her anfwer to an Engliili ambalfailor (perhaps Randolph) declining to ratify the treaty of Edinb. (French.) 1.361? 282. 82 . Draught of a letter (perhaps from Cecil) to the fecretary of Scotland (Maitland) tending to pacify James VI. after the execution of his mother. Greenwich, March 4, 15S7. 283. 83. Two keys to cyphers; the firft being Wm Cotton's to fir Francis Inglelield, from Madrid, June 7th, 1574 ; and the fecond fent to Madrid, Augllft 12 th, 1574. 288. 84. Sir Robt. Bowes’s report of his conferences and negociations to fupplant Lenox, (partly in cypher.) 1580 ? 290 . b. 85. Matthew E. of Lenox, to the lords of Privy Council; requefting them to intercede in his favour withQ. Elizabeth. (Orig.) Tower, Nov. 15 , 1564 ? 293 . b. 86 . Matthew E. of Lenox, to the lords of Privy Council; to the fame purport as the above. (Orig.) Tower, Aug. 2 , 1564? 294 . 87 . A fiiort account of Mary Q. of Scots; faid to have been taken “ from his Majelty.” (Latin.) 296 . S8. Examination of Yakafley, who feems to have intrigued about Q. Mary’s fecond marriage, and to have been a tool of Spain. 298 •89- Q. Elizabeth; two warrants, one for the diet of Q. Mary, and the other for the fortifications of Montorgueil in the iile of Jerfey. 299 . b. 90 . Hen. Killigrew, to the Ld. Treafurer (Burleigh) and Ld. Leicefter; and another letter to Ld. Leicefter; concerning the ftate of affairs in Scotland at the death of the regent (the E. of Marr) and the E. of Morton’s fucceflion. (Originals, the firft want¬ ing the beginning.) Edinb. OCt. £ 8 . and si, 15 72. 500. 91 . A deliberation on the mode of counteracting the Catholic party in Scotland : feemingly addrelied to Q. Elizabeth. 304. 92. A note of certain fpoils committed by the Scots on the marches. 1577—1583. 306. 93 . Advice to be given to his Majefty, James VI, to cultivate a ftriCt friendfhip with Q. Elizabeth: probably fent from Scotland by fome perfon in Walfingham’s embafly. 1583? 308 94. Copy of a letter thrown into the K. of Scot¬ land's (Ja. VI.) chamber, cautioning him againft a plot. 3lo. 95. Ihe X ?8 CALIGULA, B. VIII. IX. 05. The projrft of an anfwer in behalf of Q. Eliza¬ beth, to the allo 1559. 104. 49- Francis and Mary’s commiffion for the releafe of prifoners. (another copy of IX. 20 .) Aug. 8, 1559 . 105. b. 50. Q. Elizabeth’s commiffion for receiving the oaths of Fr. and Mar. (another copy of IX. 19.) May 26, 1559. 106. b." 51. Q. Elizabeth’s confirmation of the treaty of Upfatlington. (another copy of IX. 14.) Aug. so, 1559. 107. b. 52. Q. Elizabeth's inftru 6 lions to lord La War, &c. fent to the Q. Dowager of Scots ; to expoltulate with her upon matters of fa£h 1559. 108. 53 . Edw. lord Clinton (Ld. Admiral), to theE. of Sufiex (Ld. Lieut, of Ireland) ; acquainting him that many 8 o CALIGULA, B. IX. manv of the French in Scotland had been landed at Calais; and that five ihips from Dieppe with wine, were coming to Ireland. (Orig.) From the court at Farnham, Aug. 8, 15 GO. ill. . 54 . Monluc and two more, French commifiaries ; their requeft to the Fnglilli cotnniillioners for the fife embarkation of their troops. (Orig. French.) Lillehurg, July 14, 1560. 113. The Chew cle Sevre ; his memorial in behalf of the French king, laid before Q. F.liz. and her council, declaring his mailer’s pacific intentions. (Orig. French.) April 20, 1560. 114. 56. Q. Elizabeth’s inftruftions to fir Wm. Cecil and four more, her coramifiioners, appointed to meet the French commifiioners for the conclufion of peace. (Orig.) May 20, 1560. 1 18. 5?. Memoranda concerning fevcral perfons, chiefly of the Scottifli nobility ; and among thefe “ the order of the difeharge given to the King's len-ants.” July ‘29, 1583. ' ' 122. 58. Articles of pacification concluded at Berwick. (French, a corrected draught, but figned by the com¬ mifiioners.) June 14, 1560. 124. 5<). Articles of agreement between Francis and Marv and the Scottiih nobility. (French, an au¬ thenticated copy figned by two french commii- fioners, and James Stewart and Ruth wen.) The ori¬ ginal dated Romorentin, June s, 1560. 126. 60 . Ld. Robt. Dudley (afterwards E. ofLeicefter) to theE. of Suifex (La. Lieut, oflreland); giving him an account of the laft peace. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, July ll, 1560. 132. 61. Requefts by way of advice, made by the nobility of Scotland unto their king and queen, being- in Fran ee, for the quiet government of their country, (another copy at VIII. 72.) June si, 1560. 134. 62 . The clofe of a treaty. (Lat. a fragment.) Edinb, July 6, 15.60; 138. 63. See’' Cecil, to the E. of Morton? acquaints him oftheScottifh ambalfadors being arrived at court; the K. of Sweden being expected, See. (a French tranflation.) Weftm. Nov. 2 , 1560. Ufj. 64. Tho. I). of Norfolk, to Sec* Cecil, then at Edinb. laments not having been joined by fome horfemen, and demands fupplics. (Orig.) Berwick, July 2, 1560. 140. 65. T. D. of Norfolk, to Sec y Cecil, then at Edinb. earneltly requefting a fupply of money if the war fiiould continue. (Orig.) Berwick, July l, 1560. 142. 66. Names of the lords and commoners that were at the Scottilli parliament in Auguft 1560. 144. 67 . The manner that was appointed for the de¬ molition of Leith, and the removal of the men of war and foldiers, both French and Englifh, out of Scotland. 1560. 146. 68. Q. Elizabeth’s commiffion to treat upon the war of Leith. (Latin.) Greenwich, May 25, 1560. 148. 69. Q. Elizabeth’s inftruftions to her commifiion¬ ers for Scotland, (copy of IX. 56.) May 26 , 1560. 149. 70 . Q. Elizabeth's pafiport for Mons. de Randan, French ambaffador, and his attendants. Greenwich, May 26 , 1560. 153. 71 . Q. Elizabeth’s commifiion of lieutenancy and council in the northern parts. (Latin.) Weftminfi. April 26 , 1561. 155. 72 . An indenture for the regulation and defence of the northern borders. Aug. 20 , 1561 . 157 . 73 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec* Cecil; in behalf of Morton afea-captain detained as a pirate; the arrival at I.dmb. ot lir Peter Mewtcs; and recommending Dav. Lindfay, Rothfay herald. (Orig.) Edinb. Oft. 5, 15.6 1 . ’ 165. 71 . Tho. Randolph, to See>' Cecil; reports his pro¬ ceedings at Berwick, and the ftate of the court after the French who had accompanied Q. Mary were returned. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 12 , 1501. * 167 . 75 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; credential in favour of Ld. Lcthington. (Orig.) Holyrood- houfe, Sept. 1 , 1061 . 170 . 76 . Mary Q. of Scots, to fir Nic. Throckmorton ; defiring him to t ran fact fome bufinefs with her uncles in France. (Orig.) Seyton, Jan. 5 , 1561-2. 171 . 77- An agreement for the meeting of the queens of England and Scotland at York. Greenwich, July 15, 1562. 175 . 78 . Tho. Randolph, to Ld. Robt. Dudley; reports Villemorte and a fervant of Mons. d'Anville having- come to the Q- of Scots; the D. of Chatelleraut in¬ tercedes in behalf of his fon-iu-law lord Gordon. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. is, 1562. 175 . 79. Tho. Randolph, to Seer Cecil; reports an epi¬ demic diforder at Edinb. the I). of Chatell. agree¬ ment with Knox, the valour of fome Scots at Rouen. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 30, 1562. 177 . so. Tho. Randolph,toSec^ Cecil; various remarks on the defigns of the Guiles and the Papiits; and allures him that Q. Mary and the Scots are well affected towards Q. Eliz. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 3 , 1562. 179 . 81 . An abftraft of Mr. Randolph's letters from Scotland, from April 1 , 1563, to March £ 0 , 1564 . and from May 3 , 1565, to May 4, 1566. 182. 82 . An indenture for the regulation and govern¬ ment of the borders. Sept. 24, 1563. 187 . 83. Q. Elizabeth’s commifiion to treat with Scot¬ land refpefting matters of the borders. (Lat.) "Wind- fur, Aug. 4 , 1563. 194 . 84. Q. Elizabeth’s inftruftions to her connnif- fioners for treating with Scotland. Aug. 1563. 195 . 85. An indenture for the regulation of the borders, (another copy of IX. 82 .) Sept. 24 , 1563. 197. 86. A b ft rafts of fevcral letters, probably Ran¬ dolph's, in 1558, 1559, 1563, 1564, and 1568. 202. 87 . Q. Elizabeth’s commifiion, &c. (another copy of IX. 83.) Aug. 4, 1563. £04. 88. Q. Elizabeth's inftruftions, See. (another copy of IX. 4.) Aug. 1563. 205.' 89- Notes of various incidents concerning Scot¬ land, in 1564 and 1565. (laid to have been collected by the Ld. Treafurcr.) 207 . and 211 . 90 . Copy of a letter (perhaps from Randolph) giving an account of Lenox’s return to Edinburgh. Oft. 1564. 210. 91 . King Henry (Darnlev) a declaration, purport¬ ing to deftroy David Rizzio. Edinb. March 1 , 1565-6. 212 . 92 . King Henry (Darnlcy) a declaration, that he was not the author of the confpiracv againft D. Rizzio. 1566 . " 213. 93. Francis E. of Bedford, to Sec? Cecil; various information concerning the exiled lords; Q. Mary's and Darn ley's ft rift. adherence to popery ; and border matters. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 8, 1565-6. 214 . 94. Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Cecil; reports an audience he had of Q. Mary concerning commil- tioners; and alfo a negociation with the parfon of Flifk, and J u ft ice Clerk, on the fame lubjeCt. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 24 , 1565-6. 216 '. 95. Tho. CALIGULA, B. IX. 8r 95 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Leicefter; about Q. Mary's marriage; difcontents in conl’equence thereof; moft unfavourable account of Darnley; defcribes the wedding. (Orig.) Edinb. July 31 , I5(i.3. 218. 96 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec r Cecil; about the exiled lords; Q. Mary’s pregnancy; the unfa¬ vourable ftate of affairs in Scotland; A r gyle's in¬ tended alliance with Shan Oneal, and Q. Mary's ap¬ plication for the releafe of a man belonging to Ld. Cefsford. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 16 , 1565-6. 2 * 20 . < 17 . Sir John Eofrer, to Scc y Cecil; defiring direc¬ tions about the treatment of the lliddil’dale men, who arc well affected. (Orig.) Carlille, Oct. 1 150’5. " 222. 98. F. carl of Bedford, to Sec y Cecil ? about various affairs and regulations on the borders. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 5, 1565. 224 . j 99 . II. Ld. Seroope, to Sec 11 Cecil; about fome corrcfpondence with the lords of the congregation; Q. Mary’s attempt, to ffop Tam worth for refilling a pail port in the names of the ling and (jucen ; and fome matters concerning the borders. (Orig.) Carlifle, Aug. 22 , 1 595. 226 . 100 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec* Cecil; about Q. Mary’s intended marriage; the difeontented lords, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July 24 , 1565. 228. 101 . Sir John Fortier, to the E. of Bedford? re¬ lates a confpiracy againft Bothwell. Berwick, April 3, 1565. 230. 102 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec r Cecil; about ap¬ pointing another commiffioner inilead of Bothwell; Melville fets off for England ; Rate of Scotland, chiefly about religion, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 10 , 1565-6. 232. 103. Q. Elizabeth, to T. Randolph; recommend¬ ing Tamworth. (Orig) Richmond, July 30, 1565. 234. 104 . The E. of Argyle and James Stewart, to T. Randolph; inviting him to a meeting. (Orig.) Lochleven, July 1 , 1560 . 236. 105 . T. Randolph, to the E. of Leicefter. (copy of IX. 95.) July 31, 1565. 237. 106 . “ An admonition from the General Affembly at Edinburgh, to all thole that, faithfully confefs the Lord Jefus in the realm of Scotland.” Dec. 25 , 1565. 240. 107 . Allegations againft the furmifed title of the Q. of Scots to the crown of England, (copy of a tradl printed Dec. 7 , 1 565.) 246 . 108 . Th. Beza, to John Coufin, a French minifter in London; reprefenting with horror the perfecutions of proteftants at Lyons; and defiling that the Engliih bilhops and clergy may be applied to for relief. (Lat.) Geneva, Sept. 23, 1572 . 215 .* b. 109 . A difeourfe. “ That princes ought not to buy friendlhip with money, but with reputation of force and virtue.” 216 .* 110 . “ A difeourfe of the late trouble happened in Scotland between the queen and king, and certain of their nobility ;” by lord Ruthveu, the principal in the murder of D. llizzio, when he was on his death bed at Netvcaftle. 1565 . 219 .* 111 . A copy of verfes in French, being a tranfla- 01 G. Buchanan’s Diamond. 232 . ** 112 . Defence of the Scottilh queen's title to the crown of England. March, 1565. 233 . # 113 . Abftracls of letters from Lethington, to Randolph; and from Randolph, the E. of Bedford, and Drury, to Cecil. 1 566. 244 . * 114. Chronological notes of events in Scotland, from June 19 1566, to Augult 15 O 7 . 247. * 115. Some noblemen charged with being con¬ cerned in the murder of Darnley, to Q. Mary; de¬ firing a delay of the trial, but urging her to fee ft riel jullice executed. Stirling, April 1 1, 1567- 250.** 116 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Marr; ftricllv recommending to him the care of her Ion, and of Stirling Caftle, both which lhe informs him there was a delign to feize. (French, a corrected draught.) Bowton (Bolton) Dec. 17 , 1568: 251 .* 117 . Copies offeven letters, and the beginning of an eighth, in Latin, from Mary Q. of Scots to Q. Elizabeth; dated Bolton, Aug. 14 , 23. Sept. 1 , 24 , and 15 , 1568. Jan. 22 . and liipon, Jan 27 , 1509 ? exppltulating, l’oliciting, and exculpating her- lelf. 252. * 118 . The E. of Argyle. to Q. Elizabeth; about fome concerns with the Ld. Lieut, of Ireland; and loliciting favour for Q. Mary. Dumbarton, Aug. iy, 1568. ” 258; 119 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; upon her flight from Scotland ; relating the recent events that hail compelled her to it ; and earnedly loliciting Elizabeth's protection. (Lat.) Wirkinton, May 17 , 1568. 260. 120 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; concern¬ ing various proceedings in Scotland. Aug, 27 , 1568. " 261. 121 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; ex¬ prefling her reliance on Elizabeth's favour and afliltance ; and defiring credence for the Bp. of Roft and Merries. (Lat.) Bolton, Oct. 20 , 1568. 263. 122 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; vindi¬ cating herfc If againft fome charge; and referring to the D. of Chatelleraut and Beaton. (Lai.) Bolton, 06t. 8, 1568. 264. 123. The nobility of Scotland, to the Card, of Lorrain; Rating the revolution in Scotland, the queen’s flight into England, and the proceedings of Murray, &c. in conl’equence thereof, (an Engliih tranflation of the French original.) Aug. 24 , 1568. 265. 124. Proceedings of the parliament againft the friends of Q. Mary. Edinb. Aug. 18 , 1568. 266. 125. Ld. Merries, to Q. Elizabeth; vindicates himlclf againft having attempted feditioii; and re¬ ports the perplexed ftate of affairs in Scotland. Dumfries, Aug. 19 , 1568. 267 . 126 . The E. of Argyle’s proclamation for levying an army in favour of Q. Mary. Largie, July 28, 1568. " 269. 127 . Lord Merries, to the E. of Argyle? about Q. Mary’s affairs, and the meafures to be taken therein. Dumfries, Aug. 2 , 1568. 270 . 128 . Some friend of Q. Mary in Scotland, to the faid queen ; reporting fteps taken in her behalf, and defirrng inftruCtions. 27 1. 129 . Win. Stewart, to the Secretary (Lord.) vindicating hiinfelf from the charge of having been concerned in a plot againft Murray's life. Dumbar¬ ton, Aug. 19 , 1568. 272. 130. The nobility of Scotland, to (Charles IX.) king of France; requefting his interference in favour of Q- Mary. Aug. 24, 1568. 27 s. 131 . Q. Elizabeth’s commiflion for hearing the •aide between Q. Mary and her i’ubjects. Sept. 20 , 1568. 274. 132. Intelligence from Scotland, faid to be for Mr. Wood. (Qj whether from) 1568. 276 . IS3, Sir Er. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? acquaint- Y in® CALIGULA, B. IX. 82 ing him that Ld. Ilerries had been very defirous to Irani from him whether Q. Elizabeth would fuff'er Q. Mary to go to France through her dominions. (Orig.) Carlide, May 30, i 5 Gs. ' 277 . 134. Sir John Forfter, to See y Cecil ? reports a meeting with theScottilh wardens on the borders, and the ftrong meafures he took on their refufal to give redrets. Alnwick, Oct. 14 , 156s. 273 . 1.3.). Sir John Forfier, to Sec y Cecil? on border affairs; the ieizure of Bucclcugh. Alnwick, Oct. ( 21 . 1.568. (27.0. I3(i. Margaret, countefs of Lenox (daughter to Q. Margaret ) to See 1 ' Cecil; giving Come intelligence ike got from a fervant of the laird of ltycharton. Cold harbour, Oct. 3, 1363. 280 . 137 . Sir I’r. Knollys, to Sce v Cecil? reports that Q. Mary refutes to be removed from Carlille without an exprefs order from Q. Fliz. (Orig.) Carlille, Jline *27. 1 568. esi. 158. Sir Fr. Knollys, to See' Cecil? about Q. Mary's removal; her vaunting language; her ap¬ parel. (Orig.) Carlille, July 7 , 1568. 282 . 140. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? fcveral mat¬ ters about Q. .Mary; her dilfatisfaet ion with Q. Eliz. for having fuffered the intended meeting of Parliament at Edinburgh. Aug. 18 ; about two geldings ordered to he bought for Mary. (Orig.) Bolton, Aug. 13, 1568. 283. 140 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? about the meeting of the Scottilh parliament; the attempts of Mackalelpyc an Irilhman; lord Seroope's claim to favour and afliltance. (Orig.) Bolton, Aug. 18 , 1568. " 284. 141. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? about the Seottiili parliament; the borders; ftate of Wallingford Cable; horfcsforQ. Mary. (Orig.) Bolton, Aug. 21 , 156S. 285. 142 . The Scottilh nobility (of Q. Mary's party) to the Q. dowager of France; foliciting her intereft in behalf of Q. Mary. (French.) Aug. 24, 1568. * 286. 145. Extract of a letter from Q. Alary, juftifving hcrlelf againft the charges of Murray, See. Bolton, Dec. 19. 1568. 287- 144 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? about Q- Alary’s removal to Bolton; her attendants, apparel, &e. (Orig.) Carlille, June 28 , 1568. 2 S 8 . 145. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? cautioning him againft Ld. I lorries and Air. Lowther. (Orig.) Carlille, May si, 1568. 289. 146. Sir Fr. Knollys, to See y Cecil? about the E. of Northumberland's going to Carlille to fee Q. Alary on her arrival; his delign to have her in his cuftody. (Orig.) Richmond, May 27 , 1568. 290 . 147. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil? reporting various matters aboutQ. Mary; her walks, her rides, &c. (Orig.) Carlille, June 15, 1568 . 291 . 148. Wm. Drury, to.divers intelligence; the French ambaffador is to propofc the marriage of Q. Mary with the Ld. of Albroth. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, April 27, 1568. " 293. 149- Sir Fr. Knollys, to lord Leicefter? about the treatment of Q. Mary. (Orig.) Bolton, Auguft 6, 1568. 294. 150. The E. of Alurray (regent) to fir John Forfter ; warning him of a plot for the efcape of Q. Mary from Bolton. Edinb. Aug. 21 , 1568. 295 . 15 1 . William Drury, to.intelligence from Scotland ; Huntley goes over to the regent; an order for arming, Sec. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 26, 1568. 296. 152. Alary Q. of Scots to Q. Elizabeth; about the attendance of Aloumorin, Aliddicmore, and others. L ,) ( rliSle? Jim 097 . 15::. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; l'olieits an interview, and lome indulgence to thine who come to her from Scotland, imperially 11 err;. *,: promiles not. to leave England without Elizabeth's eonl'ent. (I.at.) Carlille, June 26 , 1568 . gps. i .) t. Alary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; protefting that Hie does not attempt to create any difturbanee ; and earnelily foliciting an interview. ( Lat) Bolton, Aug. 15, 1568. ' < 2 ()(). 155. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; reprefent- ing her motives for coming to England; delires an interview; lends Ld. 1 Jerries. Carlille. Alav 28 , *568. ' *300. 146. Two queltions propofed to, and anfwered by Q. Elizabeth’s eommiftioners, eoneerning the eoiuliu’f to be held towards Q. Alary in cafe Ihe Ihould hr found guilty of the murder of her hulband. (a cor¬ rected draught.) Oct. 30 , 1568. 301 . b. 157 . The E. of Murray (regent) to lord Seroope ; about, the red refs of lome grievances. Clafgow, March 26 , 1567-8. 302 158. Ld. I Jerries, to the I’., of Alurrav; defiring to know Ins mind about the intended conference iu England, (the end wanting.) Sept. 1568. 4o4. 159. Alary Q. of Scots; her “ reltribfions and in- ftruCtions to her lieutenants, the 1). of C liattelleraut. Ik Huntley, and E. of Argyle, for the government of her kingdom.” Bolton, j an. 6, 1568-9. 304. 1 60 . The effect of the anl’wer given by Q. Eliza¬ beth s council to the Bp. of Kofs, and others named by Q. Mary, promiling to communicate to them F. AI 11 nay’s charges. Ilanipton-court, Jan. 13,1568-9. 306. 161 . A declaration of Q. Alary’s eommiftioners, to be laid before the conference at Weft minder. Dec. 1 , 1568. 307 . 162. Part of the proceedings of the conference at. Wcltminftcr, Nov. 26. and Dec. 1, 1568 . son. 165. A fupplication prefented to Q. Elizabeth, by the eommiftioners of Q. Mary. i.»6e. sis. 164 . Alary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; about ceftation of hoitilities in Scotland. Bolton, Au<>\ 1568. 3 14. 165. A cypher, (perhaps of Alary Q. of Scots.) • 314. b. 166 . Alary Q. of Scots (probably to the D. of Norfolk) ; expreftive of alfeeiion, and defiring him not to miftrult her. Coventry, 1569 ? 5 15 . 167 . Alary Q. of Scots, to fume hilhop (not of Rots); inltruetions in cafe Frencluncn ihoiikl land in Scotland, (the greateft part in cypher.) Bolton, Sept. 9, 1568. " * 315. b. 168 . Memorandums for Air. Aliddicmore, of things to be mentioned from Q. Elizabeth to Alary Q. of Scots, (imperfect.) 3 16. 169 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions for her council in the north. 1569 . 317 170 . Sir The. Gargrave, to the E. of Sufiex; ac¬ quaints him that the E. of Shrewlbury is to remove Q. Alary to Wingfield, See. (Orig.) Kuliev? April 3, 1569- " ' S24. 171 . Ld. Ilerries, to Q. Alary; profefles his own fidelity; about the proceedings of Murray, and tlie ftate of affairs in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Cable, Sept. 26 , 1569 . 325. 172 . '■ A bill ofadvertifement fent by a perfon out of court, to a kinlinaii of the E. of Argyle, dif- cloffng CALIGULA, B. IX. clofing tnu council of fix perfons;” being an ac¬ count of a conference the E. of Murray had with Ld. Lindfay, the laird of Pettarro, John Wood, John Knox, James M c Gill, and the tutor of Peleur. Oct. 10 , 1569- 3 26 . 173 . The E. of Suffex? to fir Geo. Bowes; about meal'ures taken for the fecurity of the borders. Nov. 22 , 1509. 330. 1). 174 . A note of intelligence concerning the borders. 331. 175. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Weftmorland; about an outrage committed by the carls of Weft¬ morland and Northumberland. (Orig.) Barnard Caftle, Nov. 15, I 0 G 9 . 331. 179. The E. of Suffex ? to fir Geo. Bowes; about preparations in the north, feemingly again ft the earls of Northumberland and Weftmorland. York, Nov. 18, 1569. 332. 180 . The E. of Suffex? to fir Geo. Bowes; about troops collecting in the north. York, Dec. 7 , 1569. K( 333. 18 1 . The E. of Suffex? to fir Geo. Bowes; about preparations againftthc earls of Northumberland and Weftmorland. York, Nov. 22 , 15 G 9 . 334. 182 . Lord Scroope, to fir Geo. Bowes; about mi¬ litary preparations in the north. Carliflc. Nov. 2G, 1569. 335. 183. Another copy of the above. 336. 184. Sir John Forfter, to fir Geo. Bowes; about military preparations in the north. Bamborough, Nov. 25, 1569. 337. 185.to fir Geo. Bowes; about prepara¬ tions in the north. York, Dec. 16 , 1569. 338 . J 8 G. 1 he E. of Suffex, to fir Geo. Bowes; about fupprefling the rebellion of the earls of Northumber¬ land and Weftmorland. Nov. 12 , 1569 . 339 . 187 .to fir Geo. Bowes; about the opera¬ tions in the north. York, Dec. 1 , 1569 . 340. 188 .to fir Geo. Bowes; defiring farther intelligence on the affairs in the north. York, Nov. 7 , 1569 . 341 . ^ I 89 . An extract of a proclamation againft the earls of Northumberland and Weftmorland. Staindrop, Nov. 15, 1569 . 342 . 190 . Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; intel¬ ligence concerning the motions of the rebel earls, and the meal'ures taken. (Orig.) Barnard Cattle, Nov. 15 , 1569. 342 . 191 . Sir Geo. Bowes; credence to Robert Bowes lent to the Ld. Prefident, about the proceedings of the rebel earls. (Orig?) Nov. 15 , 1569 . 343 . 192 . Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; various intelligence about the proceedings in the north. (Orig.) Barnard Caftle, Nov. 15 , 15 G 9 . 344 . 193. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex ; about the motions of the rebel earls, who are at Brancepeth, and the meal’ures taken againlt them. (Orig.) Bar¬ nard Caftle, Nov. 12 , 1569. 34G. 194. rhe E. of Northumberland, to the E. of Suffex; recommending a meeting to be held at Howl den, inftead of Beverley. (Orig.) Lekinfield April 17 , 1569. * 347. ’ 195. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; inform¬ ing him of the motions of the E. of Northumberland. (Orig.) Nov. 7 , 1569. 348. 196 . Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; report¬ ing the troops railed by the E. of Northumberland, See. (Orig.) Streatlam, Nov. 10 , 1569 . 349 . 197. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex ; reports the motions of the two rebel earls and their party: they were at Darlington, and going towards Allerton. Barnard Caftle, Nov. 17 , 1569 . 351 . 198 . The original of the above. 353 . 199. Sir Geo Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; reports the E. of Weftmorland’s arrival at Brancepeth. (Orig.) South-Nov. 7 , 1569- 355. 200 . A note, feemingly in the band writing of fir Geo. Bowes; promifing to come fpeedily to the relief of the perfon it is lent to. Dec. 3, 1569 . 355.* 201 . Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; recom¬ mending a perfon. (Orig.) Barnard Caftle, Nov. 20 , 1509. 355.** 202 . Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; about military preparations. Barnard Caftle, Nov. 29 , 15G9- 356. 203. The original of the above. 1569 . 357 . 204 . Sir John Foifter, to fir Geo. Bowes; declaring that he cannot fend him any horlcmen. Bamborough, Nov. 25, 1569. 360 . 205. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex; acquaint¬ ing him that the rebels had advanced to Barnard Caltle. (Orig.) Barnard Caftle, Dec. 1 , 15 G 9 . 36 i. 20 G. Sir Geo. Bowes, to the E. of Suffex (a copy of the above.) Dec. 1 , 1569 . 362 . 207 . Th. Ld. Wharton, to the E. of Suffex ; about levying forces againlt the rebel carls. Wharton, Nov. 24, 1569. 3 G 3 . 208 . Th. I.d. Wharton, to the E. of Suffex ; about warlike preparation; the Dacrcs mentioned as being difaffectcd. Wharton, Nov. 21 , 1569 . 3 G 4 . 209 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Sec * Cecil; ftate of affairs in Scotland after Q. Mary’s flight from Loeldeven. (Orig.) May 12 , 1568. 365 . 210 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Sec 1 ' Cecil; reports the motions of the two parties in Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 20 , 1568. 366 . 211 . Sir Wm. Drury, to See 7 Cecil; about fome Scots approaching the borders; Leonard Dacre com¬ ing to Jed worth ; fecret conferences with the Scots, (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 23 , 1569 . 367 . 212 . Sir Wm. Druiy, to Sec* Cecil; informing him of fome things concerning the E. of Lenox's con¬ duct; ftate of parties in Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 21 , 1569. “ 368. 213. Sir Wm. Drury, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports that, the Scots on the borders looked for the reftoration of their queen; the regent conies to the borders, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 30, 1569 . 369 . 214 . Depofition of Haubert de Paris, fervant to the Seottilii queen, concerning the murder of her hufband, at which he was prelent. (French.) St. Andrien, Aug. 9 , 1569. 370 . 215. Henry Radclyff, to the E. of Suffex; inftructions, and aflurances of the continuance of the queen's confidence. (Orig.) Windfor, Dec. 12 , 1569. S 75 . 216 . The Privy Council, to the E. of Suffex; an order for apprehending Ionic coiners. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 9 , 1569 . 377 . , 217 . The E. of Murray (regent) to the E. of Sulfex ; with a prelent of a tarfel and a falcon. (Orig.) St. Andrews, Aug. 1 8, 1569. S78. 2 18. Wm. Ingleby, to the E. of Suffex; inform¬ ing him of fome delertions. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec 1569. 379. 219 . Mary Q. of Scots’ anfwer to queen Elizabeth's order for her removal from Bolton. Bolton, Jan. <25, 1569-70. 380. 220. Sir Hy. Percy, to the E. of Suffex; about the choice CALIGULA, B. IX. choice of fome hawks lent to Sulfex. (Orig.) Tin- mouth, Jan. l, 1569-70. 38 1 . 221 . Henry Radelyff, to the E. of Suffex ; ac¬ quaints him with fome appointments at court; the regard of his friends at court, &.c. (Orig.) Windfor, Jan. 8, 1569-70. 382. 222 . George Pococke, and John Fithe of Scar¬ borough ; report fome captures they made off Ilar- tlepoole. etc. (Orig.) Scarborough, Dee. 1 8, 156'!. 38 3. 223. Robert Bowler ? to the E. of Effex ; about a loan of £. 400; and adviling him to lend more frequent intelligence. (Orig.) At Court, Nov. 29 , 1569. " 3S4. 224 . Geo. Dethick garter K. of arms, to the E. of Suflcx ; inclofing a letter from Mr. Brygantync in Germany. (Orig.) \V’indfor, l)cc. 10 , 1 569. 384.* 225. Henry Radelyff, to the E. of Sulfex ; acknow¬ ledges a letter in which Sulfex reported the flight of the two rebel earls into Scotland; advifes him to write often ; exprelfes great friendihip. (Orig.) Wind¬ ier, Dec. 26 , 1569. " 385. 226 . A warrant for apprehending and conveying to court Thomas fjufl’ey. (a rough draught.) Dur¬ ham, Dec. 18 , 1569- 386. 227 . Ilenry Radelyff, to the E. of Sulfex; with ing him fueeefs again ft the rebels. (Orig.) Windfor, Dec. 17 , 1569. 387. 228 . Mathew Shaftoe, to fir lien. Percy ; earneftly requefting his intercellion for the life of his (Shaf- toe's) brother, wlio had been lentenced to die. (Orig.) Wednefday, Feb. 2 , 1569 . 388. 229. Sir lien. Percy, to the E. of Effex; inter¬ ceding for Shaftoe, and inclofing the above. (Orig.) Tinmouth, Feb. 4, 1569. 389. 230. Sir John Forfter, to fir Geo. Bowes? ac¬ quainting him of the regent being come to Jedworth. Alnwick, Sep. 15, 1569 . 390 . 231. Sir \Vm. Drury, to Sec* Cecil; about the regent's motions on the borders; the abbot of Dum- fermling having gone to meet him ; Ed. Grange made provoft of Edinburgh. (Orig.) Berwick, Oct. 4, 1569- ' 391 . 232. Sir Tho. Gargrave, to.intelligence , about military operations, &c. York, Feb. 3, 1569? 392. 233. Tho. Stanhope and.to.re¬ porting the progrefs of the rebels. (Orig.) Newark, Dec. 1 , 1569 . 393. 234. Sir Tho. Gargrave, to.reports con¬ cerning the rebels. York, Dec. 19 , 1569 . 393 .* 235 . A. Etpbinftone, to Sec* Cecil; cautioning him againfl the Bp. of Rofs. (Orig.) 394 . 236. The E. of Murray regent, to.about his motions. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 18 , 1569. 395. 237 . Memorandums about Q. Mary's affairs, (in Cecil's hand ?) March 1569. 395.* 238. Gabriel Croft, to the E. of Suffex; intelli¬ gence about fome landed property in Effex: with a note incloled of the profits of the courts. (Orig.) Dec. 24. 1569. 1A 396. 239. Henry Radelyff, to the E. of Suffex ; re¬ ports the Ld. Admiral being difeharged ; withes Suf¬ fex at court. (Orig.) Windfor, Jan. 6, 1569 - 70 . 398. 240. Charles Tyrell, to the E. of Suffex : recom¬ mending a perfon to his fervice. (Orig.) Windfor, Dec. 14, 1569 . 399 . 241. Allayne King, to lir Ilenry Percy; intelli¬ gence about Northumberland’s retreat to Edin¬ burgh; the conntefs of Northumberland’s diftrefs, &c. (Orig.) Jan. 6, 1569 - 70 . 400 . 242 . Geo. I'rewill, to the F. of Suffex; tendering his fervircs on the report that the F. of Northum¬ berland had been taken. (Orig.) Durham, Dec. 25 , 1569- 402. 24.L The I), of Norfolk, to Q. Elizabeth; excul¬ pating himfelf for withdrawing from his houfe, when he heard that his commitment was relblved. Kinvng- hall, Sept. 24, 156 !). 40.1. 244 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suffex ; ordering him to retain his charge on account of the regent's death. (Orig.) Ilampton-eourt, Jan. 29 , 1569-70. 404. 245. The earls of Northumberland and Cumber¬ land ; their paifport in favour of Pel herd Havers, fervantto Mr. Drury. (Orig.) Durham, Dee. i >, 1569- *" 405. 246 . The 1). of Norfolk; his anfwcrs to certain meflages delivered to him from Q. Eliz. hv fir Hen. Ncvill. Dee. 156'). Vi 406 . 247- John Leaehe furgeon. lo the E. of Suffex ; interceding in behalf of Tho, Billiop. (Orig.) Dur¬ ham, 1569. 408. 248. Rob. Fleming ({heriff of Northumberland) to the E. of Suffex ; about a Purvey of the eftates of the earls of Northumberland and Weftmorland. (Orig.) Shorteflatt, Jan. 18 , 1569 - 70 . 409 . 249 . Rob. Conftable, to the E. of Suffex ; about the difeharge of 300 men, which cannot he done for want of money. (Orig.) Borrow bridge, Jan. 21 , 1569-70. ' 409 . ** 250. James Rythcr, to the F’. of Suffex; ab^trt feveral leisures of property on the borders. (Orig.) Harwood, Jan. 6, 1569-70. 4lo. 25 1 . R. Conftable, to the E. of Suffex; acquaint¬ ing him of his having advanced from Wctherby to Boroughbridge. (Orig.) Boroughbridge, Jan. iy, 1569-70. 411 . 252 . R. Conftable, to the E. of Suffex; about his coming to Boroughbridge, and recommending Mr. Moffett. (Orig.) Boroughbridge, Jan. 21 , 1560 - 70 . 4 5 2 . 253. R. Conftable, to the E. of Suffex ; reports his remaining at Wctherby with 300 arquebufers and 100 horfcmcn. (Orig.) Wctherby, Jan. 17 , 1569-70. 413 . 254. Henry Cobham, to the E. of Suffex; thanks him for favours to his brother Thomas ; and earneftly tenders his lerviees. (Orig.) Windfor, Jan. 10 , 1569 - 70 . 414. 255. Sir Rich. Cholmelev, to the E. of Suffex; interceding for Marmaduke Redman; and that Mr. Grey may have fome of Tho. Williamfon's forfeited property. (Orig.) Rexbv, Jan. 9 , 1569-70. 415. 256. Henry Radelyff, to the E. of Suffex ; about the proceedings in conlequcnce of the F.. of Nor¬ thumberland being taken. (Orig.) At Court, Jan. 4, 1569-70. 416. 257. Sir Hen. Percy, to the E. of Suffex; repre¬ fen ting the diltreffes of fome young ladies; and about the feizure of feveral liorfcs. (Grig.) Scre- wynge ? Jan. 9 , 1569-70. 417- 258. Valentine Browne, to Ld. Hunfdon; ac¬ quainting him of the retreat of the rebels weftward. (Orig.) Dec. 16, 1569. 4 13 . Caligula , CALIGULA, B. X. 8.5 Caligula, B. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 399 . 1 . A claufe of an act of parliament of Scotland, granting the matrimonial crown to K. Francis, the huiband of Q. Mary. Edinb. Nov. 29 , 1558. 1 . 2 . Sir Henry Percy, to.reporting a con¬ ference he had with the 1). of Chatelleraut, about putting an end to the war between Scotland and England. Norham, Jan. 22 , 1558-9. 2. 3. A deed for an abftinence of war, made be¬ tween the E. of Northumberland, and the E. of Bothwell. Warkwork, March 29 , 1559 . 4. 4. The treaty between Q. Elizabeth, and the K. and Q. of Scotland. (Lat. vid. Rym. XV. p. 513.) C. Cambray, April 2 , 1559. 5 . 5 . Francis and Mary K. and Q. of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth ; with the ratification of the peace of Cam¬ bray : fent by Lething'ton. (Orig.) Fontainbleau, April 21 , 1559. 8. (>. Q. Elizabeth’s commifiion for treating with Scottilh commifiioners in coni’ccpience of the 7 th ar- 1 iclc of the treaty of Cambray. (Latin, another copy of IX. 18.) VVcftm. May 21, 1559. 9- 7 . Francis and Mary; their commiiTion for the treaty of Upfatlington. (Latin, vid. Rym. XV. p. 517 .) Stirling, May 21 , 1559 . * 9 . b. 8. Proclamation of the peace of Upfatlington ; made at Norham, June Hi, 1559 . And a note out of a letter of fir James Croft, about difeontents in Scotland. 11 . 9 . The arms of Mary, as dauphinefs of France and Q. of Scotland and England, fent out of France. 1559. 13 . 10 . Advice from Scotland, of an agreement be¬ tween the Q. Dowager, and the lords of the congre¬ gation. Edinb. July 24 , 1559 . 14 . 1 1 . Q. Elizabeth’s commifiion to fir Nic. Throck¬ morton, for receiving the confirmation of the treaty of Upfatlington. Augufi, 1559 . 15 . 12 . A memorial of certain points for refioring Scotland to its antient. weal ; laid to have been writ¬ ten by the Ld. Treal’urer : its drift feems to be to feparate Scotland from France. Augufi; 5, 1559 . 17 . 13. Q. Elizabeth's infirudions to fir Ra. Sadler, on being feut to Berwick. Aug. 7 , 1359 . 21 . 14 . Q. Elizabeth's infirudions to the E. of Nor¬ thumberland, fir Ra. Sadler, and fir Ja. Croft, for ordering matters on the borders. Aug. 3 , 1559 . 15 . A declaration of the protefiant lords in Scot¬ land again.lt the proceedings of the Q. Dowager; to which is fubjoined a fiiort petition ligiied by 12 of the lords, (the petition original.) Augufi, 1559 . 23. b. it). A difeufiion concerning the affairs of Scot¬ land, chiefly whether England fliould fupport the antigallican party there, (in the hand of Cecil.) Augufi, 1559 . 28. 17 . Tho. Randolph, to Seer Cecil; intelligence about Q. Mary's expeded return to Scotland; dif- pofition of the protefiant nobility in Scotland ; and folieiting to be recalled. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 9 , 15b1. 30 18 . Reafons why Q. Mary refufes to ratify the treaty of Edinburgh of July 1560. (Orig. French.) Calais, Aug. 11 , 1561 . ‘ 34 . 19 . Sir R. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sec y Cecil; intelligence about the treaty with Scotland; the ftate of the borders, Sec. (Orig. partly cypher.) Ber¬ wick, Sep. 16 , 1559. 35. 20 . A memorandum of a letter from fir R. Sadler, to See* Cecil, from Berwick, Sept. 19 , 1559- 37 21 . Hen. Balnanes, to fir R. Sadler? reporting feveral proceedings of the Scottilh lords. (Orig. ) Stirling, Sept. 22 , 1559 . 38. 22 . Sir R. Sadler and firJa. Croft, to Seer Cecil; intelligence about the proceedings of the French in Scotland ; the commifiioners on the frontiers, &c. (Orig. a great part in cypher.) Berwick, Sept. 27, 1559 . Alfo a note of a letter from fir R. Sadler to See* Cecil, of the lame date. 39- 23. Randall, to fir R. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft; about the motions of the protefiant lords in Scot¬ land, and their having named a council. Oct. 22 , 1559 . 41. 24. The lords of the congregation, to the Q. Dow¬ ager; fignifying their common confent for her de¬ privation ; with a lilt of the council. Edinb. Oct. 23, iS'sp. . 42. 25. John Sinclair, to fir Ja. Croft; defiling im¬ mediate fupply of men and money from England. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 25, 1559. All’o a note of a letter from Randall to fir R. Sadler, of Oct. 25, 1559- 43. 26. Sir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sec y Cecil, reporta Ikirmilh between the Protefiants and French in Scotland; Arran’s return ; fufpicions about Mr. Th. Clavering. (Orig.) Berwick, Oct. 25, 1539- 45. 27 . Orders for the maintenance and government of the garritbns of horlemen and foot. Nov. 4 , 1559. 47- 28. Three lords of Scotland, to fir R. Sadler; earneftly defining a fupply of £. 1000 . (Orig.) Edinb- Nov. 6, 1559 . Alfo notes of two letters from fir R. Sadler to Randall, of Nov. 4 and 5, 1559. 47. b. 29 . Sir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sec*' Cecil; about Ld. Ormifion having been taken with £. 1000 ; apply for more money, Sec. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 5 , 1559. ’ 48. 30. Sir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sec y Cecil; about fupplying the Scottilh protefiants with money; the difpofitions of the lords, See. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. s, 1559. A Ikirmilh between Leith and Edin¬ burgh, and the protefiants retreat to Linlithgow, mentioned in a P. S. 49- 31. Randall, to fir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft; about the retreat of the protefiants from Edinburgh ; the uncertain difpolition of the lords. Scc. Stirling, Nov. 11 , 1559- 51. 32. Articles of intelligence out of Scotland, about the lords of congregation having.feized Edinburgh, and having on the 7 th of Nov. withdrawn from il. 1559- 52. 33. Mary Q. Dow r ager of Scotland, to.de¬ fining a pafiport for Monf. du Rubay. (Orig. French.) Edinb. Nov. 12, 1559. 53. b. 34. Q. Elizabeth’s council, to fir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft; about fupporting the protefiants in Scotland; Randall lent to them with afi'urances of fipeedy relief. Wefiiiiinfier, Nov. 14 , 1559 . 54. 35. Francis and Mary ; their commifiion appoint¬ ing the marejuis d’ Elboeuf governor of Scotland, in the abfenee of the Q. Dowager. (Latin, nearly a copy of IX. 21 .) Blois, Nov. 1559 . 55. 36. Francis and Mary; their commifiion for order¬ ing the troubles in Scotland : lent over by the Bp. Z of CALIGULA, B. X. 86 of Amiens and La BroiTe. (Lat.) Blois, Nov. 15 , 59 . 56. 37- Q. Elizabeth's infrrueiions to Adm. Winter, lent with 14 fhips to Scotland. Dec. Hi, 1559- 5?. 38. Q. Elizabeth's infiruelions to the 1). of Nor¬ folk, lieutenant general in the north. Dee. 25, 1559. 59. 39 . Q. Elizabeth's in ft met ions to Valentine Browne, her paymaflcr at Newcaftle. Dec. 1559 . 65. 40 . Q. Elizabeth's anfwcr to Monf. de Sevre, French ambati’ador; concerning Q. Mary's bearing the arms of England, and concerning the Sc.ottilh infurgcnts. This aufwer was given by lir V m. Cecil and fir Jo. Mafon. Feb. 17, 1559. ” 67 . 41. The con fa-deration of the proteftant nobility in Scotland with Q. Elizabeth; made by the D. of Nor¬ folk and James Stewart, afterwards E.of Murray and llegent. Berwick, Feb. 28 , J 559 - 60 . 69 . b. 42 . Q. Elizabeth's, confirmation of the treaty be¬ tween the D. of Norfolk and the Scottilh nobility. Weftm. March 29 , 1559-00. 74 . b. 43. A brief confi derat ion of the weighty matter of Scotland ; whether England ihould fiipport the anti- gal li can party in that kingdom ? (in Cecil's hand, nearly the fame as at X. 16 . ) - U 'S- 1559 . 78. 44. The Privy Council's advice to Q. Elizabeth, concerning the affairs of Scotland, (a corrected draught in the hand of Cecil.) March 23, 1559 - 60 . 81. 45. Four letters from Monf. d'Oyfcl, the Q. Dowager of Scotland, de la Brofle, and the Bp. of Amiens, to the Card, of Lorrain and the 1). de Guile; on the ltate of affairs in Scotland. (Englith tranflations of IX. 43, 44, 42 and 40.) Edinb. March 27, 1560. 85. 46 . A memorial, feemingly from the French court, to be lent, to the Q. Dowager of Scotland, about the Bp. of Valence s unfuccefsful negociatiou v ith Q. Elizabeth : certain fupplies lent her, &e. (an Englith tranilation of IX. 45.) April 11 , 1560. 88. 47- Francis and Mary; their commiflion to the Bp. of Valence and 4 more; to meet Englith com- miffioners on the borders, and treat for peace. (French.) Jevonceau, May 2 , i56o. 90 . 48. Mary Q. Dowager of Scots, to Monf. d'Oyfel; reprefenting her difficulties. (Engliffr tranilation of IX. 46 .) May 5, 1560. 91 . 49- Q- Elizabeth's Privy Council, to the commif- fioners in the north; inelofing copies of fcveral in¬ tercepted letters; and giving intelligence of the Q. Dowager'sdeiigns. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 12 , 1-560. 90 . 50. Articles concluded between the Englith and Scottilh commiflioners ; at Berwick, June 14 , 1560 . (Latin and Englith.) 93 , 51 . Offers of the French ambaffador touching Q. Mary's cealing the vile of the arms and ftile of England ; and compenfation for injuries. (French.) lllebourg, June 19 , 1560. ' 95 . 52- Sir Wm. Cecil, to Q. Elizabeth; reports his proceedings, and the profperous ltate of affairs in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 21 , 1560. 96 . 53. A treaty between England and Scotland, con¬ cluded at Edinburgh. (Latin, vid. Rym. XV. p. 593 ) J Lily 6, 1560. 98 . 54. Note of a letter from fir Wm. Petre, to Sec y Cecil. July 9 , 1560. 101 . 55. 1 he proteftant nobility, clergy, and commoners in Scotland, to their queen;' with articles which they crave of her majelty and her council; the queen's anfwer; the kirk's reply; and a farther petition for reformation. July, 1560. • 101 . b. 56. Article concerning the difmantling of Leith and Dunbarton : and Mr. llobt. Hamilton's and Robt. Montgomerys certificate concerning the ltate of Dumbarton, (the hilt Orig.) Edinb. Julv 12 , 1560. ‘ 106 . 57 . The antient ffatutes of the town and caftle of Berwick, decreed by Q. Elizabeth. Oct. 1 , 1560 . 107 . 58. Q. Elizabeth's anfwcr declared toiler council, concerning the* requel'ts of the lords of Scotland. Dec. 8, 1560. 138. 59 . A memorandum to Tho. Randolph, to execute divers tilings for Q. Elizabeth's l'ervice in Scotland; ligned “ bv the queen's commandment," Wm. C'eeill. March 20 , 1501-2. 135. 60 . Articles between Ld. Wm. Howard, and Ld- Wm. Maitland, for peace between England and Scotland. (N. B. The interview between the two eommiffioners continued to 1562.) July 7 , 1561 . 139 . 61 . Mary Q. of Scots; her engagement to meet Q. Elizabeth at York.aboftt the 20 th of June 156 ;.. Perth, Aug. 1562. 141 . b. 62 . Names of eommiffioners for a treaty upon the borders. Feb. 28 , 1563. 142 . 63. Wm. Maitland, to See y Cecil; intelligence from Scotland, chiefly about the irate of reli¬ gion, and the danger of Q. Mary’s coming over if /'he perfifts in her bigotry. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 10 , 1561. 143. 64 . An indenture concerning the borders, between fir John Maxwell, Xe. anil Ld. Dae re, &c. Aug, 22 , 1561. 147- 65. The council of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth; credential for their fcerctary. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 1 , 1561. 148. 66. Tho. Randolph, to Q. Elizabeth; reporting fomc audienci s he had of Q. Mary. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 6, 1561. 149 . 67 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Cecil; intelligence from Scotland; Knox lias had a tliarp expofudation with Q. Mary; her entry, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 7, 1561. ’ ” 151. 68. Orders taken at Norliam for damming, barring, and flopping up the fords and paflages of the Tweed within the limits of Norhamlhirc ; with divers lifts anil reports of families, &c. in a letter from fir Thomas Mulgravc to Ld. Burleigh. Sept. 15, I56i. 156.8. " ' 153. 69 . Tho. Randolph, to See y Cecil ; various intel¬ ligence about Q. Mary's motions, and reception in divers places; Mr. Knox's eorrefpondencc with Cecil; Ld. lathing-ton's (Maitland's) arrival from England, &c. (Orig.) E.diub. Sept. 21 . 1561. 177- 70 . The E. of Arran (James Hamilton) to Sec y Cecil; apprizing him of the I'ups taken by the Lds. of congregation, and efpccially his father, iince bis return. (( )rig.) Hamilton, Dee. 21, 1559. 180. 71 . Tho. Randolph, to See y Cecil; circumflantial accounts of an audience from Q. Mary, and of the difpofitions of fcveral of the nobility. (Orig.) Oct 24, 1561. ’ " 181. 72 . Tho. Randolph, to Soc v Cecil; intelligence con¬ cerning the D. of Chatelleraut being at court ; the various jealoufies of individuals, &e. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 11 , 1561. 185. 73. James St. Andrew (the prior, afterwards E. of Murray) to fir Ra. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft; ap¬ prizing them of Monf. Ruby's million from the Q. Dowager CALIGULA, B. X. 87 Dowager to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.) St. Andrews, Nov. 1 7,1559. 187 . b. 74 . Sir Ita. Sadler and fir Ja. Croft, to Sec 7 Cecil; with information received from Ld. Lcthington and Th. Barnaby, concerning the proceedings of the congregation and the French in Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 25, 1559 . 188. 7 . 5 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports a falfe alarm at court; Ld.James's (theprior’s) proceedings at Jedborough; friendly profeflions offome Frenchmen towards liimfelf; Q. Mary's friendly declarations; her perfeverance in favour of popery, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 7 , 1561. With a P. S. concerning the caufe of John Baptifta, and his own pay. 189. 7 c>. Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports his friendly eonverfatious with Monf. de Morct; and various other intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 17 , 1561. 195. 77 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports the pro¬ ceedings of the convention on eccldialtical affairs; an uproar at Edinburgh ; and about his pay. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 27 , 156?. 197. 78 . Sir Wm. Cecil; four corrected draughts in his hand writing, containing arguments for and againft Q. Elizabeth’s going to meet Q. Mary. June 20 ? 15G2. 199. 79 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to fir lien. Sidney, prefident of the council in the'marches of Wales; concerning her intended interview with Q. Mary. 1562. 203. so. Q. Elizabeth’s memorial to Tho. Randolph, to he laid before Q. Mary; touching her marriage. (Orig. in the hand of Cecil.) Aug. 20 , 1563. 208 . 81 . Sir Wm. Maitland, to Sec 7 Cecil? exprefles great blame of Huntley ; and reprefents Q. Mary's delicate fituation on account of the war between England and France. (Orig.) Dundee, Nov. 14 , 1562. 210. 82 . Th. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports the fuppreflion of Huntley's rebellion ; his eonverfatious with Q. Mary about French affairs; arrival and favourable reception ; Englifh catholics in Scotland; the borders, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. is, 1562. 213. 83. Abftracls of Mr. Randolph's letters to See 7 Cecil, from April 1 , to June 26 , 1563. (the fame at IX. 81 .) 217. 84. Q. Elizabeth’s memorial to Tho. Randolph, (another original in Cecil’s hand of X. 80 .) Aug. 1563. “ 218. 8.5. A note of a letter of Th. Randolph to Sec 7 Cecil. Sept. 4 , 1563. 220 . 86. Convention between the commiflioners of Q. Elizabeth and Q. Mary, for the fettling of differences on the borders. (Rym. XV. p. 631.) Sept. 23, 1563. 221. 87- A memorandum of a loan of £. 5,000, borrowed by the E. of Murray of Q. Elizabeth in 1568, and laid to have been repaid Nov. 15 , 1572. 236. 88. Mr. Knox, to the brethern of the congrega¬ tion ; mitigating them againft the papilts. Oft. 9 , 1563. 237- 89- Abftrafts of Q. Elizabeth’s inftruclions to Mr. Randolph, of Nov. 17 1563 ; and of his letters to Sec 7 Cecil, from Dec. 13, 1563, to Jan. 22 , 1564. 238. 90 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to the E. of Bedford, warden of the eaft marches and governor of Berwick ; and feveral orders concerning Berwick. Feb. 27, 1563. 239 . 91 . Abftradt of a letter from Mr. Randolph to Sec 7 Cecil; with fome vcrl’es fung at a fealt before Q. Mary. Feb. 27,1563. £48. b. 92 . Q. Elizabeth's memorial for Mr. Randolph, to be communicated to Q. Mary, concerning Mary’s marriage, &c. (Orig. in the hand writing of Cecil.) Nov. 17 , 1563. 250 . 93. Q. Elizabeth’s inftructions to the E. of Bedford, (copy of the lft part of X. 90 .) Feb. 27, 1563. 252. 94 . Abftracls of letters from M. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; from March 8 , to Sept. 27 , 1564 . 254. 95. Q. Elizabeth's commiffion to the E. of Bedford, and fir Jo. Fortier, to treat of the limits in the marches. July 17 , 1564. 258. 96 . Q. Elizabeth’s? memorial for Mr. Randolph’s being lent to Q. Mary, concerning Mary's marriage, and the regulations in the marches. (Orig. partly in Cecil's hand.) 061. 4, 1564. 259 . 97 . A bit rafts of letters from Mr. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil, from Oct. 24, to Nov. 12 , 1564. 263. 98. The E. of Bedford and Th. Randolph, to Q. Elizabeth ; reporting their negociutions concern ing Q. Mary's marriage. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 23, 1564. 264. 99. A lift rafts of letters from Mr. Randolph, to iir Wm. Cecil, from the 2 to the 24 Dec. 1564. 273. 100 . Ahifrafts of letters from Mr. Randolph, to iir Wm. Cecil, from Feb. 5, to March 20 , 15G4-5. 274. 101 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reprefents the confufton that prevails in Scotland on account of religion; Moft’et's outrage in the queen's chapel; about Lenox’s return; the umbrage it gave; and the ftrife of parties. (Orig.) Eihnb. March 20 , 1564-5. 275. 102 . A determination of the Privy Council of England, concerning the marriage of Q. Mary of Scots; diffuading it. May 1 , 1565. 279 . 103. Sir Nic.Throckmorton,to Q.Elizabeth; con¬ cerning his negotiations with Q. Mary, relating to her intended marriage with Darnlcv. Edinb. May 21 , 1565. All’o a note of a letter from Mr. Randolph to Sec 7 Cecil of May 3, 1565. 283. 104 . The oaths as knight and earl, taken by Hen. Darnley, at Stirling, May 15, 1565. 284. 105 . Sir Nic. Throckmorton, to Sec: 7 Cecil; about Q. Mary’s marriage, fee. Edinb. May 21 , 1565. 285. 106 . A memorial of the Privy Council of England, for the E. of Leicefter and Sec 7 Cecil, to be laid be¬ fore Q. Elizabelh; reprobating Q. Mary's intended marriage with Darnley, and recommending feverity towards the Lenox family. May 27 , 1565. 286. b. 107 . A reprefentation “ of the perils and troubles that may befal England in confequence of the marriage of Q. Mary with Darnley.” (a correfted draught in the hand of Cecil.) June 2 , 1560 . 288. 108 . A fummary of the confultation and advice of the Privy Council of England, concerning Q. Mary’s marriage with Darnley. June 4 , 1565. 290 . 109 . Abftrafts of two Letters from Mr. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil, both of June 3, 1 565. 298 . 110 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports the eft'eft of Q. Elizabeth's letter to Q. Mary concern¬ ing her marriage, and Q. Elizabeth's orders to Lenox and Darnley to return ; Q. Mary's perplexed ftate; the convention at Edinburgh, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July 2 , 1565. 299- 111. Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Cecil; reports Q. Mary's flight from Argvle and Murray ; great dil- con tents 88 CALIGULA, B. X. contents among the nobility, who folicit pecuniary aid from Elizabeth : ami various other articles of in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Edinb. July 4 , 1565 . 305. uc. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Randolph ; inttruCting him as to his conduct towards the queen and nobi¬ lity of Scotland. July 10 , 1505. 30p. li.i. Tho. Randolph, to Sec? Cecil; reports Q. Mary's rambles; his anfwcrs to fome charges which Maitland had taxed him with in Mary's name; Mary's fpirited difeourfe concerning Elizabeth’s conduit towards hep and Randolph's anfwcrs, See. (Orig.) Edinb. July 16 , 1565, on. 114. Q. Mary, to.declaring that the will in norcfpeit molcit theproteftants ; and a P. 8 . requir¬ ing his attendance in arms. (Orig.) Edinb. .Tuly 1 0, 1565. 316. b. 115. The P. of Chattelieraut, the E. of Argyle, and Ld. James Stewart (E. of Murray) to Q. Eliza¬ beth; reprefenting Q. Mary's unfavourable treatment of the protetiants; and craving Elizabeth's protection. (Orig.) Stirling, July 13, 1565. 31?. 116 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Cecil; reports the increafmg diforders in Scotland ; Q. Mary atl'cmbles forces: alfo a note of the above letter. (Orig.) Edinb. July l<), 1565. 318. 117 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Cecil; reports an audience from Q. Mary; Lenoxs and Darnley’s anfwcrs to Q. Elizabeth's luminous; the luminous Q. Mary lent to Murray, See. (Orig.) Edinb. July 21, 1565. 321. 1 18 . James Stewart (E. of Murray) to the E. of Bedford; reprefenting the perilous lituation of him- felf and his party; and requeuing aid. (Orig.) St. Andrews, July 22 , 1565. 824. 110. John Tamworth; his fpeocli to Q. Mary, concerning her marriage, and her behaviour to her nobility; anfwcrs to the fame; and certain offers to be propounded to Q. Elizabeth upon the behalf of the K. and Q. of Scots. Augult, 1565. 325 . 120 . Abftracts of letters from Mr. Randolph and Tamworth, to Sec y Cecil and the E. of Bedford, from the 7th to the C7th Aug. 1565. 330 . 121 . The E. of Bedford, to Sec y Cecil; news about the troubles in Scotland, and feveral perfons at Berwick; a meeting at Morpeth, See. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 17 , 1565. 351 . 122 . Mary and Henry, Q. and K. of Scots; a cir¬ cular letter declaring a progrefs againlt the rebels; and ordering men to join them at Edinburgh in arms. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 23, 1565. 333. b. 125. Q. Elizabeth’s memorial, to be ufed bv Mr. Randolph, touching the affairs of Scotland; chiefly in favour of the difeontented lords. Sept. 1565. 334. 124 . Abftracts of letters from Mr. Randolph, to Scc y Cecil, from the lit to the 8th Sept. 1565. 335. 125. Deliberations on the affairs of Scotland, (a draught in the hand of Cecil.) Sept. 24, 1565 . 836. b. 126 . An enumeration of facts from Nov. is, 1564, to Sept. 10, 1565, to be remembered and eonlidercd in the matter of Scotland, (a draught in Cecil's hand.) Sept. 24, 1565. 340. 127 . A confultation of Q. Elizabeth's Privy Council, concerning the affairs of Scotland, (a draught in Cecil's hand.) Sept. 24 and 26 , 1565. 344. 12 s. The E. of Bedford, to Q. Elizabeth; about the taking and fortifying Ay mouth; and various matters concerning the borders. (Orig.) Berwick, Allg. 18, 1565. " ' ' ’ 12 <). A queftion demanded upon the matter of Scotland; about.religion. 1565. ; ; !b . 180 . A rough draught in Cecil's hand ; giving an account, of tome perlon having arrived in Scotland from Flanders, in whom the K. and Q.piacc »rcat con¬ fidence. . i ll. Q. Elizabeth's inftruciions to.ami fn; Walter Mildmay; lent to treat and expoftulafe with the Q. of Scotland, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Nov. 1565. 182 . James Stewart ( E. of Murrav) to Sec y Cec il ? concerning Q. Elizabeth's intereeilion in bis beliaif, &c. (Orig.) Newcaftle, Jan. 1565-6. sfis. 188 , Tho. Randolph, to Sec? Cecil: with various intelligence : Q. Mary had acceded to the conference of Ba vonne; becomes more and more bigotted,- See. Eclinb. Feb. 7 , 1565-6. " 184 . Min. Drury, to Sce y Cecil; about feveral mclfengers and others who had palled through Ber¬ wick; Q. Mary veary of her hufband ; many lords refufc the cpiecn's luminous to go to mals, ivc. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 16 , 1565 - 6 . ’s:o.. 135. The E. of Bedford and Mr. Randolph, to the Council of England; touching the death of David Rizzio; Murray’s return to court; the fubfequent retreat of Q. Mary; her return, &c. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick,- March 27 , 1 566- ° 37 -:. 136. Chriftopher Rokeby, to Secy Cecil; expreffes his compun&ion for mifbehaviour, and folieits Cecil’s interference for pardon. (Orig.) Edinb. Julv 2 , 1566. 37 , 0 . 137- The E. of Bedford to Sec y Cecil; reports the ftateof the nobility in Scotland; Q. Mary's antipathy againlt her hulband increafcs. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 3, 1566. “ 38 o/ 138 . The E. of Bedford, to Sec y Cecil; informa¬ tion about one Shercs a prifoner in the Tower; va¬ rious news from Scotland. ((big - .) Alnwick, Aug. 12 , 1566. ' 382. 159. Q. Elizabeth's inftruciions to the E. of Bed¬ ford, on being lent into Scotland to alii It at the chriftening of James 1 . Nov. 7 , 1566. 384. 140 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Bedford; fignifv- ing that Johfi Tamworth was not to be lent with him to Edinburgh. Nov. 9 , 1560. 397 . 1 41. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Privy Council of England; declaring that her ion lliould be under Q. Elizabeth's protection; and defiring their inter¬ ference that llie may be declared fuecelfor to the crown. (Orig.) Dumbar, Nov. 18 , 1566. 388. 142. Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Bedford; ap¬ pointing the lime of his coming for the chriftcning. (Orig.) Cragmiliar, Dee. 4, 1566. 389 148. The E. of Bedford, to Secy Cecil; intelligence from Scotland; the queen's great defirc to prevail upon the lords to go to mals; divers matters about, the borders; the releafe of lady Lenox and Fowler, &c. (Orig.) 580. 144 . The E. of Lenox, to Q. Mary; advifing her about the trial of his fon's murderers. Feb. 20 , 1066 - 7 . 392. 145 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Lenox; de¬ claring her intention to rail a parliament. (Orig. anfwer to the above.) Feb. 21 , 1566-7. 393 . 146 . The E. of Lenox, to Q. Mary; exhorting her to batten the trial of Darnley’s murderers, (anfwer to the above.) Feb. 26 , 1566-7. 394. 147 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Lenox ; about the CALIGULA, B. X. C. I. 8 g the trial. (Orig. anfwer to the preceding letter.) Seton, March 1 , 1566-7. 395. 148. The E. of Lenox, to Q. Mary; urging her to proceed vigorously in the trial; mentions fume names of perfons to be apprehended. March 17 , 1566- 7. 396. 149 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Lenox; ac¬ quaints him thatfome perfons have been fummoned ; and calls upon him to come to Edinb. (Orig.) Ediub. March 23, 1566-7- 397. Caligula, C. I. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 393 . 1 . The band given by ept. l, 1567. 35. b. 1 R. A paper entitled, “ A plat executory deviled )). Ledyngton.” probably drawn up after Q. Mary's refignation to her fon ; the project being for her de¬ liverance, and their joint government. Aug. 1567 ? SO. 19 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Norris, her ambalfador in France; intelligence about Q. Mary's confine¬ ment, &c. Windfor, Sept. 27 , 1567 . 40. 20 . Lift of the parliament (lords) that met at Edinburgh, December 15 , 1567- 41 . 21 . An a 61 of the Scottilli parliament again ft Q. Mary. (vid. I. 150.) Dec. 15, 1567- 42. b. 22 . Tcftimonies of feripture, and hiftory, proving that Q. Mary had been unjuftly removed from her crown and kingdom: delivered by the Bp. of Rofs to Q. Elizab. March 4, 1570 . 46. 23. Sir Wm. Drury, to Sec r Cecil? about the fiand- ard of Scottilli money; vindicates himfelf; mentions an intended meeting with Ld. Cefsford; and his reafona for fome vigorous proceedings at Berwick. (Orig.) Berwick, March 24, 1567 - 8 . 51. 24. Walter Ker, laird of Cefsford, to lirWm. Drury; about an intended meeting for red refs. (Orig. in¬ clofed in the above.) Halyden, March 24 , 1567-8. 52. b. 25. Wm. Drury, to Sec r Cecil; reports Murray’s interview with Q. Mary at Loughleven; an attempt other's to elcape; and various news concerning Ld. Flemming, Wm. Lefiey, Murray, kc. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, April 3? 1568. 53. 2 6. Wm. Drury, to Scc y Cecil; news from Scotland; Dunbar very near being furprized, kc. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, May 5, 1568. 55. 27 . Wm. Drury, to Sec y Cecil; about military pre¬ parations, and negotiations in Scotland, kc. (Orig.) Berwick, May 7 , 1568. 56. 28 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftruiftions to Mr. Tho. Leigh¬ ton ; fent to Q. Mary on her efcape from Lough¬ leven. May, 1568. 57 . 29 . Wm. Cecil's advice to Q. Elizabeth, on the affairs of Scotland, after Q. Mary’s efcape; rep refen t- ing the danger of the French interfering, (in Cecil's hand.) May, 1568. 58. 30. A proclamation made by the regent (Murray) for the gathering of the country, upon Q. Mary's efcape from Loughleven. Glafgow, May 3, 1568. 59. Si. A proclamation in the name of James VI; “ ane lit the trelfonable confpiratouris and trublaris “ of the tranquillitic of the common welth, now laitlie “ afl’emblit aganis the kiugis grace aathoritie.” (printed) Glafgow, May 7 , 1568. 60 . 82 . A warrant and licence granted by Q. Mary to the E. of Huntley; to enter into bands and afl'oeiation for her defence, notwithftanding a late aft of pari, to the contrary. (Orig. not dated.) 1568. 61 . b. 33. The bond of 9 earls, 9 bithops, 18 lords, and fome others, for the defence of Mary Q. of Scots. Hamilton, May 8, 1568. 62 . 34 . “ A proclamation fet forth by my lord regent in the name of James VI, declaring* the purpole of thame quha affiftit with our foverane lordis mother.” &c. (printed.) Glafgow, May 14 , 1568. 64. 35. Mr. N. Elphinftone, to Sec y Cecil; defiring orders may be given for the delivery of fome letters from Q. Elizabeth to the wardens of the marches. (Orig.) Berwick, May 15, 1568. 66. b. 36. Wm. Drury, to Sec y Cecil; reports the defeat of Q. Mary’s forces at Langlide hill; and other in¬ telligence, chiefly concerning the Scots. Berwick, May 15, 1568- 67 . A a 37- Mary CALIGULA, C. I. f)0 37 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; hating the treafonahle proceedings of her fubjedls; her misfor¬ tunes; and claiming Elizabeth's protection. (Orig. French.) ‘Workington in Cumberland, on her firft landing. May 17, 1568. 68. 08. Things to be confiderecl upon the Scottilh Queen's coming into England ; dangers if (lie /hall pafs into France, remain in England, or return to Scotland, (in Cecil's hand.) May, 1.-368. 71. Catherine of Medicis, Q. dowager of France, to Q. Elizabeth; in behalf of Mary Q. of Scots: with a poheript in Catherine's own hand. Paris, May '26, 1 . 008 . 74. 40. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; earn eh ly requeuing permillion to come to her, to plead her caid’e; acknowledges the good reception /lie met with from Coders ( Lowther?) (Orig. French, lent by Ld. llerries.) Car life, May 28, 1568. 7-5. 41 . Lord Seroope and hr Fr. Ivnollys, to Q. Eliza- belh; report their firh interview with Q. Marv at Carlitle,&c. (Orig.) Carlille, May 20. l 368. 75)- 42. Mary Q. of Scots, to Sec 7 Cecil ; demanding his favourable interpofition with ((uecn Elizabeth. (Orig. French, fent by Ld. llerries.) Carlitle, May 2f), 1568. 81. b. 4:3. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Q. Elizabeth; reports an interview with Q. Mary, in which he intimates to her that the crime of murder might he deemed a juft caufe for deputing a i'ovcrcign. (Orig.) Carlitle, May 80 , 1568. 82 . 44. An anfver to the objections of Q. Mary ; al¬ ledging that I lie E. of Murray, &c. had been moved to arms, for that they abhorred, and could not abide her revocation of the alienation made of her property. June 5, 1568. 83. b. 4.3. Sir Fr. Knollys, to See 7 Cecil? reports Q. Mary’s unwillingneis to be refrained from her cor- refpondcncc with her friends in Scotland ; fates the expenfes lhe oecafions. (Orig.) Carlitle, June 6, 1568. 84. 46. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec/ Cecil? giving advice concerning Q. Mary's removal; Mr. X. Elvefon (Elphinfton) comes from the regent. (Orig.) Car- life, Junes, 1568. 85. 47- Ld. Seroope, to the E. of Murray; promises to join in refraining the borderers; and gives notice of feme French /hips coming towards Scotland. Carlitle, June 8, 1568. 87. 48 . See 7 Cecil; a note of inf ructions for Mr. Mif parties in Scotland ; requefts Eliz. to haften the hearing of Mary’s caufe. (Orig.) Dumfries, Aug 19 , 1568. ^ , 50 . 89. Sir Wm. Drury, to See 7 Cecil; reports the in¬ telligence he had from Scotland; the appreheniion of Frenchmen coming over. Berwick, Au«\ o, ) 1568. °152.' 90 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftrudtions to lord Hunfdon, appointed warden of the eafl marches. (Orig. counterfigned by Cecil.) Aug. 23 , 1568 . 153 . 91 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; about the perplexed ftate of her friends in Scotland, who arc prevented from acting. (Orig. French.) Bolton, Aug. 23, 1568. , 54 . 92. The E. of Argyle, to Q. Elizabetli; about his interference in fome affairs in Ireland. (Orig.) Dumbarton, Aug. 24, 1568. 155 . b. ^ 93. The Scottilh lords in Q. Mary’s intereft, to Q. Elizabeth; reprefenting the treachery of Murray who proceeded againft them, whilft, at the deftre of Eliza¬ beth, they were reftrained from adling. (Orig. figned by 14 lords.) Dumbarton, Aug. 24 . 1568 . 156 . 94. Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec 1 ' Cecil; reports Q. Mary's junification of her own proceedings, and t hole of her friends, with regard to the affairs of Scotland, &c. (Orig.) Bolton, Aug. 27 , 1568. 157 . 95. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; laments the reftraint put upon her friends in Scotland, and the hoftilities her enemies are allowed to exercife ; protefts that no Frenchmen are brought into Scotland through her means. (Orig. French.) Bolton, Aifg. 27 , 1568. 159 . 96. Mary Q. of Scots, to fir Fr. Knollvs; with fome news from Scotland ; and defiring his good offices with Q. Eliz. (Orig. her firft Englifh letter.) Bolton, Sept. 1 , 1568. 191 . [,. 97. John Wood, to Sec r Cecil; intelligence con¬ cerning Scotland; defires fafe-conducts for commif- fioners; reports of Frenchmen coming there. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 3 , 1568. 162 . 98. Lord Merries, to Ld. Scroope and fir Fr. Knol¬ lys; denying the charge of his having ftirred up troubles in Scotland; about Frenchmen coming to Scotland; and cxpoftulating concerning the counte¬ nance iliewn by Eliz. to Murray's party. (Olio-.) Dumfries, Sept. 3 , 1568 . 163 . 99- James Stewart (E. of Murray) to Q. Eliza¬ beth; about his coming to England with the com- miffioners; mentions the reports of Frenchmen coming into Scotland, &e. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 3, 1568.165. 100 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec y Cecil; reports Q. Mary having appointed commiflioncrs to go to York; and laments his domcfiic wants. (Orig.) Bolton, Sept. 12 , 1568. 166 . 101. Ld. Merries, to the E. of Murray; defiring fome aflurance of his abftaining from hoftilities in confequcnce of Q. Elizabeth's requifition. Dum¬ fries, Sept. 1 , 1568. 1 G 7 . b. 102 . The E. of Murray, to Ld. Merries; anfwcr to the above: upbraids Q. Mary’s party with having- committed ads of violence. Edinb. Sept. 11 , 1568 . 168 . 103 . A memorial for the order of proceeding at the meeting at York, (a draught corre&ed by Cecil.) Sept. 1568. i6g. 104 . Certain things neceflary to he remembered in the treaty (at York?) in behalf of Q. Elizabeth, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Sept. 1568? 174 . 105. James VI. his commiffion to the E. of Mur¬ ray, &c. to treat with the commiflioners at York ; with the form of their oath. Edinb. Sept. iy, 1568. 174.* 106 . Mary Q. of Scots ; her commiffion to the Bp. of Ilofs, &c. for treating at York. Sent. 29 , 1568. - 177 ’ 107 . Q. Elizabetli; her commiffion to the D. of Norfolk, See. for treating at York. Sept. 1568 . 178. b. 108 . The form of the oath to be taken by Q. Mary’s commiffioilers. 132 . 109 . A proteftation made hv Q. Mary's commif- fioners : and another in anfwcr by Q. Elizabeth’s eommiffioners. Oct. 7 . 1568. 133 . 110 . Alary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; alluring her that the will contribute all in her power to pre¬ vent hoftilities in Scotland; and taxing her with in¬ difference. (Orig. French.) Bolton. Sept. 15 , 1568. 185. 111. Anfwers to the complaints given in againft my lord regent and his adherents, for violating the abftinence. 061. 4, 1568. 137 . 112 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Secy Cecil; various in¬ telligence; and reporting Q. Mary’s daring lan¬ guage. (Orig.) Bolton, 061. 4 , 1568. 188 . US. An 92 CALIGULA, C. I. 11 3. All account of enormous and great attempts committed by Q. Mary's friends, again It the king and his obedient fubjefts of Scotland, lince the regent r' Q. Elizabeth’s define forbore all prolecution of arms. Oft. 4, 1568. 189. ill. Q. Elizabeth’s commiflioners at York, to her majelty ; reporting - their lirit proceedings, viz. the reciprocal communication of the three commiflioners, and the oaths taken. (Orig.) York, Oct. 0, 1568. 193. 115 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; declar¬ ing her innocence concerning certain reports. (Orig. French.) Bolton, Oft. 8, 1568. 195. i Hi. The connniflioners of Mary Q. of Scots ; their declaration of the injuries fuftained by their miftrefs (Orig.) Oft. 8, 1568. ' " 197. 117 . The commiflioners of Q. Elizabeth, to her majefty ; apprizing her of the papers and charges ex¬ hibited by the Seottilh commiflioners again ft Q. Mary; and defiring inftruftions. (Orig.) York, Oct. ii, 1368. 198. 118 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to the 1). of Norfolk ; about Q. Mary's difpofition concerning the charges ex¬ hibited by the regent, (a copy in Knollys's own hand.) Oft. 15, 1568. t 200. 119 . The anfwer of the regent and Scott iHi conuuif- fioncrs, to a letter prefented to Q. Elizabeth's conun if- fioners, in behalf of Q. Mary. (Orig.) Oct. 14 , 1568. ’ 202. 120. The reply and true declaration of Q. Mary's commiflioners, to the above anfwer of the regent, &c. (Orig.) Oft. 16 , 1 . 568 . 204. 121 . Q. Mary's promife to marry Bothwell. 206 . b. 122 . Heads provided by the lord regent of Scot¬ land, to be confidered. Oft. 25 , 1568. 207 123. A deliberation, whether it would be better to retain Q. Mary in England, or to fend her home, (laid to be copied from an original in Ld. Burleigh’s hand.) Oct. 1569. 211 124. Mary Q. ofScots, to Q. Elizabeth; with her commiflioners lent to Elizabeth’s court. (Orig. a letter patent.) Bolton, Oft. 22 , 1.568. 213. 12 . 5 . The Bp. of Ilofs, to Q. Maiy; acquainting her with fome of the proceedings at \ ork. York, 1568. 218. b. 126 . Mary Q. of Scots, toQ. Elizabeth; font with her commiflioners coming to court. (Orig. French, a private letter.) Bolton, Oft. 22, 156*8. 215 . 127 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Scc r Cecil; about Q. Mary’s removal, and the probability of her cfcapc. (Orig.) Bolton, Oft. 29, 1568. * 216 . 128 . Sir Fr. Knollys to Sec? Cecil; various infor¬ mation concerning the Bp. of llofs, and the duke of Chattelleraut's claim to the regency; hints about a proper marriage for Q. Mary ; the practicability of her efcaping. (Orig.) Bolton, Oct. 25, 1568. 218 129 . Sir Fr. Knollys. to Sec 1 ' Cecil; cautions about preventing Q. Mary's cfcape, Ac. (Orig.) Bolton, Nov. 1 1, 15618. 220 . 180 . A memorial of things that palled in the painted chamber, the lirit day of the meeting of the commiflioners in the eaufe of Q. Mary. Nov. 25, 1568. 221. 131. A minute of the Seottilh commiflioners hav¬ ing given in a protefi. Nov. 26 , 1568. 223. b. 132 . Q. Elizabeth's commiflion for the Ld. keeper (Bacon) the D. of Norfolk, &c. to treat with the commiflioners of Scotland. Hampton-court, Nov. 23, 1568. 224. 188 . A proteftation made by Q. Mary's com¬ miflioners, againit any derogation of the fove- rcignty of their miftrefs. (Orig.) Weftm. Nov. 25 , 1568. 005 . 134. The oath taken by Q. Elizabeth's commif- fioners. Weftm. Nov. 25, 1568. 226. b. 135. The oath of Q. Mary’s commiflioners. 'Weftm. Nov. 25, 1568. 227 . 1 36. A proteftation of the regent and commif- fioners of Scotland. (Orig.) . Weftm. Nov. 26 , 1568. 228. 187- An eik (addition) to the anfwer of the Scottith commiflioners to the letter prefented by Q. Mary's commiflioners, to thole of Q. Elizabeth; charging Q. Mary with the murder of Henry Darnley. (Orig.) Nov. 26, 1568. 230. 138. The oath of the commiflioners of the king of Scots. Nov. 25, 1568. 2 3o', b. 139 . An angry declaration of Q. Elizabeth to the Seottilh commiflioners; reprobating the charge con¬ tained in their eik. Nov. 1568. " 231 . 140 . The anfwer of Q. Elizabeth's commiflioners, to i articles propofed by the Seottilh commiflioners at *1 ork. (a draught correftcd by Cecil.) Nov. 26, 1568. ' 2.33. 1 ti. The Scottiih lords in Q. Mary's intereft, to the commiflioners at Weftm. in vindication of their queen. Dee. 1 , 1508. 234 . 142 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sfee r Cecil; reprefenting bow improper a place Bolton eaftle is for the fate cuftody of Q. Mary, See. (Orig.) Bolton, Dec. 8, 1568. 236. 148. Separate negociations between Q. Mary’s commiflioners, and Q. Elizabeth and her minilters. Hampton-court, Dec. 8 , 1568. 237 . 144. Minutes of the feflion held by the commif- fioners in Q. Mary's eaufe. Weftm. Dec. 6, 1568. 239- 145. Schedule of papers produced by the regent, and commiflioners of Scotland at Weftm. Dee. 8, 1568. ' , . 241. 146 . Copies of the ekiht papers mentioned in the preceding article, attelied by hr John Bellen- den, jultiee clerk, and James Macgill. clerk of the legiiier in Scotland; being the examinations and fentenees of feveral ])erfons concerned in the murder of II. Darnley. 243. 147 . Minutes of a feflion of the eommillioncrs held atWcftniinfter, Dee. 9, 1568, mentioning eight papers given in bv Q. Mary’s and the Seollilli eommifliom rs. (a draught corrected by Cecil. ) 252. 148. A proteftation of Q. Mary's commiflioners, given in to Q. Elizabeth's commiflioners. yOrig.) Dec. 9 , 1568. 25 i. 149. Examination of Tho. Nelfon, fometime fer- vant to II. Darnley; given in by the regent to Q. Elizabeth's commiflioners. Dee. 9 , 1568. 256. 150. An aft of the Seottilh parliament, contain¬ ing the form of the reftgnation of the crown by Q. Mary, and the coronation of the young king; given in by the regent to Q. Elizabeth s eoinmit- lioners. (vid. 1. 21 .) Dec. 15, 1567- 257 . 15 1. Mary Q. of Scots, to the abbot of Arbroath (fccond ton to the D. of Chattdleraut) and the reft of the lords in her intereft ; hating the manoeuvres of the regent and the Englilh court, after the conven¬ tion of York, (copied from an Orig. in Cecil's pof- feflion.) Dee. 1568. 259- 152 . A paper tigned by the E. of Murray, and 5 others; certifying that the papers, fonnets, &c. laid to have been found in a tilver catkct. were actually in CALIGULA, C. I. 93 in Q. Mary's hand writing, (exhibited by John Wood at Hampto 11 -court.) Dec. 12 , 1568. 260. b. 15.1. Q. Elizabeth's communication to fome of her principal nobility, of the ftatc of the proceedings in the caufe of Q. Mary, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Dec. 14 and 15 , 1568. 201. 154. A declaration in the name of Q. Mary, laid to have been framed' and propofed by Letliington (Maitland) at llampton-court; how the youno- prince of Scotland lhould remain king, and yet Q. Mary not be deprived. 1568. 265. 155. Q. Elizabeth's anfwer to a fupplication of Q. Mary's commiflioners. llampton-court, Dec. 16 , 1568. 267 . 156. Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Marr (regent) cautioning him of a deiign in England to take her fon out of his hands, and feize the cattle of Stirling. (French.) Bolton, Dec. 17 , 1568. 26.0. 157 . A rhyme in defence of the Q. of Scots again!! the E. of Murray. 9 Dec. 1568. 270 . 158. Q. Elizabeth, to Mary Q. of Scots; upon breaking up the convention; lamenting the unfa¬ vourable appearances againft Mary. (Orig.) llamp¬ ton-court, Dec. 21 , 1568. 272 . 150. Minutes of a memorial; hating the means of detaining Q. Mary in England, and of having her fon brought into England, (in Cecil’s hand.) Dec. 22 , 1568. 273 . 160 . Sir Fr. Knollys, to Sec? Cecil; reporting the manner in which Q. Mary received fome proposals of Q. Elizabeth, brought by Ed. Boyd; and defiring a remittance of money. (Orig.) Bolton, Dec. si 1568. 275 / 16 1 . Notes (in Cecil’s hand) concerning the means of keeping Q. Mary in England. Jan. 7 , 1568-9. 070 ' 62 . A declaration of Q. Alary, that flic is re- folved not to abdicate the crown of Scotland, and afligning her reafons. (Frencli) Jan. o, 1508 -;). 277. '63. A proclamation of the lords of Scotland in Q. Mary's intereft, declaring the driigns of England njion the young prince, and tile eaitle of JnTlinb. Glafgow, Jan. u, I5GS-9. c;8. I(i4. A paper taxing Q. Elizabeth with deceit rc- fpcftiug (J. Mary ; addreffert to the lords of Scotland on the title ot Q. Alary, and faid to have been found atWeftm. Jan. 1568-9. c?s. b. I ti l. W. hii kaldy, to the D. of Chattellerant; wdhing for his return; and reprefenting the endea- vours ot (J. Alary's friends ill Scotland. (Orig ) Edmb. Dec. 3t, 1568. 27 p, Kill. Alary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Huntley; Hat¬ ing therefultofthe convention ofWeftm. and o-ivinw him and Argyle fome directions. (Orig.) Eoitoif Jan. 5, 1568-9. „ 80 ’ 171. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Fr. Knollys; taxing Q. Mary with having lpread llanderous reports in Scot¬ land, and fpeaking of her removal. Jan. eg, 156 R-U. 286. 172. Alary Q. of Scots, to Sec' Cecil; vindicating heifelf againft the charges contained in the above letter. (Orig. French.) Ranfray, Jan 28, 1 569. 290 . '78- Q. Elizabeth’s proclamation concerning the llanderous reports fpread by the friends of Q. Man . (a corrected draught, but figned by Eliz. and pro¬ bably fent inclofed in I. 171 ,) Jail. 1569 . eoi. 174 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; acknow¬ ledgments; remonftrances for her removal, &c. and foliciting favours (Orig. French.) Tutbury, Feb. to, 1568-9. 292. 175 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mary Q. of Scots; anfwer to the above. Wdlm. Feb. 25 , 1568 - 9 . 295 . 176 . Interrogatories to be put to Tho. Bi/hop, touching a book that was written again!! Murray, and for which he was committed to the Tower, (a draught moftly in Cecil's hand.) March, 1560 . 296. Q. Elizabeth's pafiport in favour of If I6 7 . 1 he anfwer of Q. Elizabeth's council, to Q. Mary's demand to have fuch letters and writings as contain charges againft her. Jan. 11 , 1568 - 9 . 281 . I6s. The earls of Huntley and Argyle; their decla¬ ration concerning the murder of H: Darn ley, layino- the tame to the charge of Murray and Lethingtom Jan. 14? 1568-9. o 8 o 169 . James regent (E. of Murray) his declaration reprobating various calumnies propagated againft him. (Orig. anfwer to the above.) London, Jan. 19 , lo(i8 ' y - 281. b. 170 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; expoftu- rating about the hard treatment die meets with. (Orio\ French.) Bolton, Jan. 22 , 1568 - 9 . Middlemore’s going to Scotland. (Orig.) Weftm March 17 , 1568-g. 30 o. 178. Q. Elizabeth’s inftructions to IE Middlemore, fent to Scotland to enquire into the ftatc of affairs there, (a draught in Cecil's hand.) March 17 . !568-9- 301 . 170 . A paper of memorandums of things wanted by the lord regent: addreifed, perhaps by Mr. Middlemore, to Sccx Cecil. “ 302 . 180 . Sir John Forftcr, to Sec* Cecil; reports a progrefs of the regent on the borders, on his return from England. (Orig.) Alnwick, March 30, 1569 . SOI. 1 8 1 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; endea¬ vouring to footh her; and repeating her folicitation that her concerns may be terminated. (Ori*«\ French.) Tutbury, April 16 , 1569. S 04 f 182 . Confiderations of certain matters propounded by the Bp. ot Rol's, on the part of the Q. of Scots. (a draught in Cecil’s hand.) 1569 . 305. and 307 . 183. Mary Q. of Scots, to See? Cecil; requettinp Ins favourable interpofition with Q. Elizabeth. (Ori<£ French.) Tutbury, April 16 , 1569 . 3 U 6 . b° 184. Mary Q. of Scots, to the D. of Chatelleraut ; acquainting him that flic has applied to Q. Elizabeth in behalf of fome requeft of his. (Orig.) Wino-field May 5 , 1569. 3 To. lx’ 1 S 3. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth’s council; positively denying the charge, that the had made over her claim to the crown of England to the duke of Anjou. (Orig.) Wingfield, May 15 , 1569 . 311 . 186 . Mary Q. ot Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; credential in favour ot the Bp. ot Rot’s; and complaining of Murray s hoftile proceedings againft her friends. (Orig.) Wingfield, July 1 j, 1569 . 312 . _ 1 S 7 . Projects collected from fpecches, &c. for ter¬ minating Q. Mary's caule; delivered to John Wood. May 1569. 313 . 188 . Mary Q. of Scots: the credit committed by her to lord Boyd, to be declared in Scotland. 1569 . 315. 189. The D. of Norfolk, to the E. of Murray; about his intended marriage with Q. Mary. London' July 1 , 1569. * sic. 190 . Names of the noblemen and others of the States convened at Perth, July 28 , 1569 . 317 . 191 . The depofition ot Nic, Howbert (abas Paris) B b fervant 94 - CALIGULA, C. I. fervant to the E. of Botliwell; concerning the death ' of II. Darnlev. (French.) St. Andrews, Aug. 10 , 1569. ‘ 318. lO'i. The I). of Norfolk, to the E. of Murray; cautioning him as to his conduct. (Orig.) From Court, Aug. 14, 1569. SSI. b. 193 . A memorandum for the Bp. of Rofs; ac¬ quainting him, that Q. Elizabeth had agreed to write to the E. of Murray, to abftain from hoililities. Aug. 1569. " 321. b. 194 . John Douglas, to Sec* Cecil; with informa¬ tion about the Irilh-Scots of Kintire, the intended marriage of lady Kintire, &c. (Orig.) Dumbarton, Aug. 15, 1569. 322. if)5. The E. of Suffex, to Scc y Cecil? about the D. of Norfolk's intended marriage with Q. Mary. (Orig.) Cawood, Sept. 19, 1569. 324. 190. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; re- monftrating about her fudden removal, her prefen t confinement, and the harthnefs of her treatment. (Orig. French.) Tutburv, Oct. l, 1.569. 325. 197 . The regent of Scotland (Murray) his inftruetions to Robert commendatory of Dumfermling, Scottith ainbafiador in England. Kelfo, Oft. 5 , 1569. 526. 198 . Some Latin verfes, probably on the deatli of the regent Murray. 333. b. 199 . Sir Win. Cecil's advice to Q. Elizabeth, con¬ cerning the intended marriage between the 1). of North It ; and Q. Mary, (a draught in Cecil's hand.) Oct. 6, 1569. 334. 200 . Eight queftions concerning the treatment ol Q. Mary ; with their anfwers. (draughts in Cecil's hand.) ' 06L 6, 1.569. 53.5. to 340. 201 . Q. Elizabeth, to the wardens upon the borders; ordering them to concur with the E. of Murray in punithing malefactors. Windfor, Oct. 7, 1569* 335. b. 202 . Win. Drury, to See* Cecil; reports the mo¬ tions of the regent on the borders. Berwick, 061. 22, 1569- 341. 203. Q. Elizabeth, to fir lien. Norris, her ambaf- fador in France; inftructinghim to report her pro¬ ceedings concerning Q. Mary, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Oft. 26 , 1569. ” 342. 204. W. Maitland, to.requiring the perfon this letter is written to, to appear at Edinburgh, on an in¬ quiry concerning the charge brought againft him of having been concerned in the murder ot 11. Darnley. (Ori°\ perhaps circular.) Edinb. Oet. 30, 1569. 546. b. 205. Notes of certain reports concerning Q. Mary's marriage with Norfolk ; Northumberland s and Wcl'tmorland's inl'urrection, &c. Nov. 2, 1.569. 347- 206 . Win. Drury, to Secy Cecil? with various in- telligcnee about Maitland's arraignment; the regent's motions, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Nov. 5, 1569. 547. b. • 2 o j. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; complain¬ ing heavily of her treatment. (Orig. French.) Tutbury, Nov. 10 , 1569. 348. 208 . Wm. Drury, to See y Cecil ? with various in¬ telligence about Maitland's trial, &e. Berwick, Nov. 9, 1569. 349. b. 209 . A proclamation againft the earls of Northum¬ berland and Weltmorland. Nov. 18 , 1569- 350. 210 . An order taken by the regent of Scotland, againft aiding the infurgents in England. St. An¬ drews, Nov. 27 , 1569. 350. b. 2 11. Wm. Drury, to Sec* Cecil; with affurances of the regent's readincl’s to atfilt Q. Elizabeth; and about Maitland. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 5, 1569. 351. 212 . Q. Elizabeth, to the earls of Shrewfbury and Huntingdon; concerning Q. Mary's removal and Cflftody at Coventry ; and wondering why lhe is there kept at an inn. Nov. 30, 1569. 351. b. 213. An order ifiued by the regent of Scotland, to levy troops fouth of the Firth. Edinb. Dec. 8, 1569. ” 552. b. 214. Wm. Drury, to Scc y Cecil; with various in¬ telligence concerning Scotland, and the regent s readinet's to aftill England. (Orig.) Berwick, 1 )ec. 9, 1569- 353. 215. The D. of Norfolk, to the lords of Q. Eliza¬ beth's Council; diiclaiming all participation in the rebellion of the two earls; and craving his liberty. (Orig.) Dee. 14, 1569. ' 355. 216 . The D. of Norfolk's declaration to Q. Eliza¬ beth's Privy Council, concerning the intercourfe had by him with the two rebellions earls. Dee. 1 4, 1569- 356. 217 . An order of the regent of Scotland, againft the rebels in England. Edinb. Dec. 14, 1569- 358. 218. Articles touching the atfairs and preparations in the north, (by Cecil?) Dec. 18, 1569. 339- 219 . Wm. Drury, to Secy Cecil; with news from the north. (Orig. a fragment, chiefly in cypher) Berwick, Dec. 19, 1569- 560. 220 . James, regent, to Wm. Drury: aboutmeaiuies to be taken. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec.' 10 , 1 569- SCO. b. 221 . Wm. Drury, to'Seer Cecil; news from Scot¬ land, chiefly about Murray and Maitland. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 20 , 1569- 561. ooo \ proclamation of the regent of Scotland, lor a levy of troops for the fccurity of the borders againft the Englifhinfurgents, Edinb. Dec. is, 1569- 362. 223 . Wm. Drury, to Sec y Cecil; about the regent's motions, and thofe of the Bp. of Rofs and the rebels. (Orig.) Berwick, Dee. 22, 1569- 365. 224 . An abftract of letters fent to Q. Elizabeth, her Council, and Seer Cecil, from Dec. 12 , 1569, to the 9 th of Jan. following, by the E. of SutVex; concern¬ ing the war in the north. 364. 225 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir lien. Norris, her ambaf- fador in France ; inftructing him ho\v to lepretcnt her proceedings concerning the D. ot Norfolk, and the two rebel earls. Jan. 5, 1569-79. 366. 226. Francis.to Secy Cecil? reporting various traniactions relating to the rebellious e.iiL. (Orig.) Newcaftle, Jan. 12 , 1569-70. 367- 227 . Sir Hen. dale and Wm.Drury, to the Regent; demanding the deliverance of the E. of Northumber¬ land. (Orig.) Lithgov, Jan. 20 , 1569-70. 572. 228. James (regent of Scotland) to Win. Drury? o-ivino- him intelligence of fume French ihips being m the" 1 Firth, &c. (Orig.) Stirling, Jan. 20, 1569 - 70 . 22 Q. Sir Hen. Gale, and Wm. Drury: heads of in¬ telligence conveyed by them to Ld. Hunfdon. Jan. 26 , 1569-70.' 374 - 230 . Q. Elizabeth's inftrurtions to Tho. Randolph,^ on being fent to Scotland on the death ol the E. of Murray. (Orig.) 1570 . 37J - 231. Margaret countefs of Lenox, to See* Cecil; concerning the E. her hufbands difpofition on the death of the E. of Murray. (Orig.) Someiiet Place, Feb. 2 , 1570 . 37fi - 232 . Chriftopher Norton, to the Ld. keeper and See* Cecil ; reporU fome tranfa&ions in liL family relating 95 CALIGULA, C. I. II. relating to the rebellion of the two carls. (Orig.) Feb. 14, 1570. 377- 233. Ld. Scroope's proclamation for railing the country againft Leonard Dacre. Cailifle, Feb. iy, 1370. S79- G34. Q. Elizabeth, to Mary Q. of Scots; in an- fwer to Mary's letter 1 . 207- vindicating herfclf, and confining Mary, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Feb. 20 , 1 . 570 . 380. 235. Ld. I Iunfdon’s proclamation againft Leonard Dacre and the rebels. Feb. 21 , 1570. 383. 23G. A proclamation of the lords of the l'ecret Council in Scotland, againft all fuch as lliall take up arms againft the king. Feb. 1570 . 383. b. 237 . John Forfter, to Sec y Cecil; reports Ld. Hunfdon’s defeat of Leonard Dacrc, and his having taken polVeflion of Naworth, &c. (Orig.) Ilexham, Feb. 25 , 1570 . 384. b. 23S. Q. Elizabeth's orders concerning t lie pro¬ ceedings on the borders, and againft the rebels; alfo an anfwer to the French ambaifador. (a draught in Cecil's hand.) March 14, 1570 . 385. 23Q. II. Goodcre, to fir Hen. Goodcre ; defiring him to prevail on Dr. Gooderc to fettle him and his 3 foils near him in the country. X. 11. This was probably a plot to facilitate an intercourfe between Q. Mary and the D. of Norfolk. 387. 240. Anfwers of the F.. of Northumberland, be¬ fore Ld. Ilunfdon and Hr Wm. Brown. Berwick, 1570 . 389. Caligula , C. II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 554. 1 . A lift of the towns in the eaft marches of Eng¬ land that have been burnt or wafted by the Scots. March 30, 1570 . * 1 . 2 . Notes of feme orders to be given concerning certain jewels of Q. Mary, and the cuftody of her per- fon. 2 . 3. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth, the E. of Leicefter, and Sec f Cecil; (three draughts of letters lent by the Bp. of Rofs.) Sheffield, Dec. 29 , 1570. 3 . 4. Q. Mary's commiffioners in London, to the laird of Grange, capt. of Edinb. caftle ; reporting the ftate of affairs at the Englilh court. London, Jan. 20 , 1570 . 5 . 5. Mary Q. of Scots, to Ld. Burleigh; requefting his fupport. March 10 , 1570-1. G. G. De la Motte, to the K. of France ; reporting Q. Elizabeth's difpofition towards Q. Mary, (a fin all fragment or extract, French.) London, Oct. 25, 15 70. 7 . 7 . Mary Q. of Scots ; her inftructions to the Bp. of Rofs, on his going in commiffion with the Bp. of Galloway and Ld. Livinglion, to London, (a draught.) Dec. 26 , 1570 . 8. 8. Sir Wm. Cecil, to the Bp. of Rofs ; acknowledg¬ ing the receipt of his credence, &c. July 1 , 1570 . 11 . y. Charles IX. IC. of France, to Mons. de la Motte; with inftru&ions concerning his proceedings at the Englilh court in favour of Q. Mary. (French.) Argenton, June 10 , 1570 . * 12 . 10 . The Bp. of Rofs, to the E. of Leicefter and Sec y Cecil; requefting an audience of Q. Eliz. about Livingfton's going to Scotland, &c. London, June 26, 15 70. 13 . 11 . Mons. de la Motte Fenelon, to the E. of Lei- celtcr; complaining of having been deceived by him. (French.) Illington, Sept. 6, 1570 . 14 . 12 . The E. of Suffi x, toQ. Elizabet h ; reports the hoftile proceedings of Q. Mary's friends on the bor¬ ders, and his mealures in confcquence thereof Car- lille, Aug. 29 , 1570 . 1 , 5 . 13. The ftate of Scotland, as to the nobility. June 19 , 1370 . * 17 . 14. Articles to be propofed to Q. Mary on the part of Q. Elizabeth, (a corrected draught in Cecil’s hand.) Ilampton-court. May 7 , 1570 . 18 . 1.5. The E. of Shrcwfbury, to Sec y Cecil; reports about Q. Mary, and defies a lupply of monev. (Orig.) Tut bury, May 11 , 1570 . gf, iG. The Bp. of Rofs, to the E. of Leicefter and Sec y Cecil; reporting the purport of a meeting he had with the E. of Southampton. (Orig. aimoft obliterated.) Chatfworth, June 9, 1570 . 22 . 17 . The lords of Scotland in the young king's intereft, to Q. Elizabeth ; reprefenting the d Bordered ftate of their country for want of a regular go¬ vernment ; and requefting favour and interference. (Orig. figned by 12 lords.) Stirling, June 24 , 1570 . 23 . 18 . The Bp. of Rofs, to Sec r Cecil; declaring Q. Mary’s readinefs to accept the terms offered her. (Orig.) Loudon, July 8, 1570 . 24 . 19 . Sir Wm. Cecil; his declaration that he lias not influenced Q. Elizabeth againft the 1). of Nor¬ folk. (Orig.) July 12 , 1570. 25 . GO. Mad rat Marie Yicnncs. to Mary Q. of Scots; giving foine account of K. James, ahd of the difpo- fition of people in Mary's lavolir; defies that her daughter, who it feems was then with Mary, and indif- pofed, might be fentto her. (Orig. French.) Dutv- keld, Aug. 15, 1570 . 20 . 21 . The Bp. of Rofs, to Q. Elizabeth; complain¬ ing heavily of the E. of Suffex's hoftile proceedings on the borders. (Orig.) Hlington, Sept. G, 1570 . 28. 22 . Memorandums concerning Scottifli affairs, (in Cecil's hand.) Sept. 25. 1570- 31 . 23. “Articles mete both for England and Scotland probably the minutes of inftructions for fir W 111 . Cecil and lir Walt. Mildmay. (two draughts in Cecil’s hand.) Sept. 1570 . 32 . 24 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir hen. Norris; directing him in his negociations in France, (a draught in Cecil’s hand.) Sept. 25, 1570 . 36 . 25. Articles delivered to the Q. of Scots, by fir Wm. Cecil, and fir Walter Mildmay; with the fair! queen's anfwers, and requefts thereupon, (figned Marie R.) Chatfworth, 061. 5, 1570 . 38. 2 fi. The regent's (E. of Lenox) anfwer to the propofitions given in by Mr. Randolph. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 8, 1570 . 43 . 27 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Wm. Cecil, and fir Walt. Mildmay; with her dire&ions concerning Q. Mary’s anfwers to the articles II. 25. Windfor, 06t. 13 , 1570 . 46 . 28. A deliberation of Q. Elizabeth's council; con¬ cerning the aid to be given to the Scottifli nobility in the young king’s intereft. (a draught in Cecil's hand.) Humpton-court, Apr. 29 , 1570 . 50 . 29 . Four letters or notes in cypher, faid to have been lent by Q. Mary, to the D. of Norfolk ; pro- felling confiant attachment, (three of them de- cyphered.) Jail. Si; Apr. IS. and... 15 , 1570 . 53. 30. Notes gathered out of letters by Seer Cecil; concerning the intercourfe between Q. Mary and the D. of Norfolk. 06t. 11 , 1570 . 55. 31. Sir Fr. Englcfield, to the E. of Leicefter ; pe¬ titioning 56 CALIGULA, C. II titioning to be heard in his defence, again ft charges of treafon. (Orig.) Nov. is, 1570 . 56* 32. Wm. Maitland, to See* Cecil; about Q. Clary's concerns; the affect ion the Scots frill bear her ; and the expediency of fettling all differences between her and Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.) Balvanv, Dec. 21 , lo/O. 5S. 33. Nine draughts in the hand of Sec* Cecil; being arguments and deliberations on the important queftion, whether Q. Mary lhould be allowed to re¬ turn to Scotland: from Dec. 1570 . to March 157 ]. 34. The Bp. of Rofs. to See* Cecil; with fome ju¬ ridical arguments concerning Q. Mary's abdication at Loughleven. (Orig.) March 10 , 1570 - 1 . so. 33. The E. of Suffex? to See* Cecil; reporting a conference with Arch. Douglas about Scotthli affairs, (a corrected draught.) Alnwick, June 16 , 1 . 070 . si. 34. a. The Scotthli lords in the king's intereft, to the E. of Suffex ; recommending William Edgar for red refs. (Orig. ligned by 7 lords.) Edinb. May a, 1570. 84. 35. b. The E. of Leicefter, to the E. of Suffex ; ac¬ quainting him of the ftate of the treaty with Q. Mary. (Orig.) Oct. 7 , 1570 . 85* 30'. The E. of Suffex, to the Ld. of Lcthington (Maitland) commenting largely upon his conduct. Alnwick, June 17 , 1570. 37 . The E. of Suffex, to Maitland; anfwering fome letters, and advifing him on feveral points of his con¬ duit. Ellington, Aug. 6, 15 70 . 88. 38. The E. of Morton and 8 other ScottiHi lords, to the E. of Suffex; credential in favour of John Cumynghe, laird of.(Orig.) Edinb. May 1 , 1 5*0- sp. 39. Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Suffex; defir¬ ing him to co-operate in bringing about the con- clufion of the treaty. (Orig.) Sheffield, Eeb. \6, 1570-1. go. 40. The E. of Suffex, to the Scotthli lords of Q. Mary's party; about the hoftilities on the borders, &c. Berwick, April 17 , 1570 . gi. 41 . The Bp. of Rofs? an account of his audience with Q. Elizabeth. Sept. 1 , 1570 . 03 . 42. Mary Q. ot Scots ; her commiffion to the 1). of Chat tel leraut, and the E. of Huntley and Argyle, to ait in her name. Jan. 6, 1508-9. gj. 4.'. 1 he Bp. ot Rots; an account of Ins audience witliQ. Elizabeth, at Oatlands. June 28, 1570. 07. 44. James VI; his paffport for two noblemen of Q. Mary’s party to go to England at the defire of Mr. Randolph. Edinb. Nov. 4. 1570 . 99 . •15. The E. of Morton and 7 other Scottiih lords, to the E. ot Suffex ; credential in favour of arelib. Douglas. (Orig.) Edinb. May 11 , 1570 . 100 . 40. \\ m. Maitland (Ld. Lethington) to the E. of Sull'ex ; on various matters relating to the affairs of Scotland; de Verac's return out of Eranee. &e. (Orig.) Strabogy, Oct. 13 , 1570 . 101 . 47- The E. of Suffex ; his proclamation coneern- ing a cefiation of arms. Warkwoith, Sept. 14 , 1570 . 48. The D. ot Alva, to Q. Elizabeth ; on various matters, and among others in favour of Q. Mary. (Orig. French.) Antwerp, Feb. 5, 1570 - 1 . 105 . 49 . A declaration of the wicked proceedings again ft Q- Mary, by certain inveterate confpirators. (in tlie Bp. of Rofs's hand.) 109 . 50. Q. Mary's commifiioners, to Sec/ Cecil; de¬ filing him to difpofe Q. Elizabeth to approve of their arguments for reftoriug their miltrefs. London, March 5, 1570 - 1 . 10y . 51. Charles l\. K. of France, to Mons. de la Motte ; concerning the negotiation for reftoriug Q. Mary to her authority. (French.) Pavia, Nov. o', Jo 70. 109 . 52. The regent's replies to the laft anfwers given to 34 notes, to be reafoned upon by tlie E. of Effex, and the commendator of Dumfermling ; directed to Q. Elizabeth, from Edinb. Nov. 5, 1570 . 110 . 53. The E. of Morton, and s more; their anfwer to certain infmictions committed to the credit of Nie. Errington, by the E. of Suffex: delivered to It. Colvile of Cleiilie, to be imparted to Suffex. (Orig.) 1 14. i|. Mm. Maitland (Ld. Lethington) to the E. of Suffex ; about the affairs in Scotland : the E. of Le¬ nox too weak to bo blamed. (Orig.) Balvenv, Oct. 21 , 1570 . 3 no. * 54. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs ; expref- fmg an earn eft wifh that the treaty may be battened ; and reprefenthig her want of money. (Orig.) Shef¬ field, Feb. 6, 1570 - 1 . ’ " 117 . ■'<(). Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs; about, fome fliips arrefted in France; and the treaty, &e. (Orig.) Sheffield, Jan. 13 , 1570 - 1 . 118 . 57 . Mary (). of Scots, to the Bps. of Rofs and Galloway, and Ld. Eivingfton, her commifiioners in London ; lamenting the delays in the treaty, &e. (Orig.) Sheffield, March 19 , * 1570 - 1 . " 12 b. 5s. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs ; defires Q- Elizabeth may he thanked for fome attentions; about the lucccffion in England ; and charging him to latisfy Eliz. concerning fome jealoufies. (Orig.) Sheffield, March 4, 1570 - 1 . " joo. 59 . Alary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; requeft- ing her intereft at the next parliament, where Marv fufpeefed the lucccffion would he deliberated upon. (Orig.) Sheffield, March 27 , 1571 . 123 . b. 90. lhe Bps of Rofs and Galloway, and Ld. Ei- vingfton, to See* Cecil (now Ld. Burleigh) offering hiftorical arguments for letting aiide Q. Mary's ab¬ dication ; and urging the furtherance of the treatv. (Orig.) London, .March 5, 1570-1. 124 . 91. Marv Q. ot Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; requeti- ing that the Bp. of Rofs may be lent to her; that Inc may have leave to fend to Scotland for informa¬ tion ; and that Eliz. will order her lubjebts to abftain from hoftilities againft her Mary's) friends on the borders, 'Oi g. ’I utbun, Ma\ cl 1570 ? 1 25. 92. The lords of Scotland of the king's party, to Q. Elizabeth, (copy of 11 . 17 .; June 24, 1570 . 127 . G3. The E. of Morton, and 7 more ; their promile to the E. of Suffix to deliver up all Englilli rebels. (Orig.) Edinb. May 10 , 1570 . 129 . 94. Notes of w hat courfe will be heft for the Q. (Eliz.) to hold in her fpeech with Morton, (in Suf- fex's hand.) March 5, 1570 - 1 . 130 . 95. Notes, l’chcmes, and advices concerning Scottiih affairs, (in Sull'ex's hand.) March, 1570 - i. 1S1. 99. Lifts of lords, bilhops, and eminent men in Scotland, who are papil'ts ; of fuch who are papifts, neutrals, or atheiffs ; and of judges who are protef- tants. 135 . 97. Schemes relating to the queftion of letting tlie Q. of Scots at liberty, (in Sullex's hand.) March, 1570-1. 137 .. 08. T’lio. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex ; reports the diffracted ftate of Scotland; and indoles lifts of parties; CALIGULA, C. II parties : with a P. S. announcing the arrival of an em ill ary from Q. Mary. (Orig.) Eclinb. March 2S, 1570. 140. (if). Ld. Lethington (Maitland) to the E. of Lei- cefier ; deferibing the frate of the factions in Scot¬ land. Edinb. March 29 , 1570. 143. 70 . An abftraet of letters of Q. Elizabeth (in Suflcx's hand.) from April to June, 1570 . 14 . 3 . 71 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suflex; about fome Frenchmen, and the Ld. of Gartlic, an cm iflary from Q. Mary, being come into Scotland. Edinb. Apr. 2 , 1570. 147 . 7 2 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suifex ; telling him that he would wait for his arrival at Berwick. (Orig.) Berwick, April 7 , 1570. 148. 73. The E. of Morton, to Tho. Randolph; con¬ cerning the means of preferring peace between the two nations. (Orig.) Dalkeith, April s, 1570 . 14 !). 74 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suifex ; about a convention at Lithgow, and a Frenchman who was to be there: and iueloling the above. (Orig.) April 9 , 15 70. ' 151 ’ 75. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suifex; fending him a proclamation to be published on the borders. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, April 10 , 1570 . 153 . 70. Q. Elizabeth, to the Ik of Suifex; greatly ap¬ proving his anfwers to fome letters from Scotland, Ne. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, April 21 , 1570 . 155 . 7 7- The E. of Morton, to the E. of Suifex ; about the treaty, the dangers of the times, ike. (Ori«\) Edinb. Oct. 2.5, 1 . 570 . 157. 78. Jhe Bp. of Rofs, to Sec y Cecil; complaining of the confinement of one of his fervants. Loudon, April 2(5, 1.370. I5p. 70- Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suifex : a circum- itantial letter concerning the moft cautious war" of proceeding with regard to Q. Mary ; and hiftruttions. April 30, 15 70. " i(io. So. The nobles and commoners of Scotland of the king’s party, to Q. Elizabeth ; credential in fa¬ vour of the Commendatory of Dumfcrmling. (Orig. with 20 (ignatures.) Edinb. May . 3 , 1570 .' 1 G 2 . si. The conference had by the E. of Leicefter, &c. wilh the Bn. rf Koi’s; eoniiliing of lbme charges againft (). Mary and her friends; and Rofs's an- fuers. London. May 5, 1370 . 1 ( 53 . 82. The E. of Lenox, to See* Cecil; by Dumferm- ling, to whom he refers himfelf; means in a few days to go to Edinb. and to “ pull the feathers of the other party.’’ Berwick, May «, 15 70. lGG.b. S3. The Commendatory of Dumfcrmling, to Secy Cecil : announcing his arrival in London ; and do- living an interview. London, May 1 G; 1570. 16 G. h. I si. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suifex; fignifying to him that flic had granted the cuftody of the caftle oi Norham to Ld. Iluni’don. (Orig.) Ilampton- court, May 8, 1570 . ' 168 . S5. Ld. Lethington, to Sec? Cecil; about fome En- glilh troops arrived in Scotland; the nobility mur¬ mur againft him (Lethington); cautions againit Ran¬ dolph. Edinb. May 17 , 1570 . " 169 . 8(5. The Com. of Dumfcrmling, to Sec* Cecil ; in¬ doles a letter from the lords of Scotland; and requelts money for the payment of 200 Eugliih arqucbulcrs in Scotland. Kinglton, May 20, 1570 . 170 . S7- Account of conferences between Q. Elizabeth and the French amhalfador, concerning the treaty for the rcfioration of Q. Mary, and abltinence. (French.) May 22 , 1570. ' 171 . 88. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suflex; difapproves 97 of the Englilh auxiliaries having marched front Edinb.' to Glalgow. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, May 22.1570. 173 .' 8p. Q. Elizabeth, to fir lien. Norris, amhalfador in France; giving an account of the above confe¬ rences, II. 87 ; and explaining her intentions. Ma\ 23.1570. 175 .' DO. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suifex ; explaining her intentions concerning the treaty about Q. Mary's reftitution; and exprefling great tendernefs for the young king of Scotland, and his adherents. (Orig.) Ilampton-eourt, May 3 1 , 1570, 17 'y. 01 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Scottilh nobilitv, &c. of the king’s party; expreflive of approbation and friendlhip. Ilampton-court, May 31, 1570 . iso. 02 . A proclamation made by the lords of Q. Mary’s party affembled at Edinburgh. 1570 . 133 . 1)3. Conditions to be propofed to the E. of Lenox, on being eledted regent. 1570 . lgo. 04. Notes taken out of a book of letters of Ld. Scion, who negociated in favour of Q. Mary. N. B. Seton had been lent to the D. d’Alva. (conf. II. 158.) 1570. 1S7 . 05. Notes of inftru61ions given by Q. Marv to the Bp. ol Ilols, when Die fent him to Pope Gregory xiii. : anfwers of the Pope, &c. 1370 . isg. 96. Q. Elizabeth; her declaration to licr fubjects, hating the principles of her government, and admo- nilhing them to loyalty and obedience. 1570 . 191 . 97- Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suflex; Rating that, linec Du inform ling’s departure, Q. Mary had been pra&iied upon to abide her; that die Uiould there¬ fore not proceed in the treaty; and deli ring him to comfort her (Eliz.’s) party in Scotland. (Orig.) llmnpton-court, June G, 1570. 195 . OS. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suifex; relating "’hat palled upon Dumfermling’s return in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 9th, 1570 . 197. 00 . Note of fome goods taken from the old laird of Lethington. (Orig.) June, 1570. 199 . 100 . Ld. Livingftone, to Th. Randolph; about abltinence. Kirkpatrick, June 12 , 1570 . And Ran¬ dolph’s anfwer, dated Edinb. June 13 th, 1570 . 200 . 101 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suifex; ac¬ quainting him of his having communicated favour¬ able intelligence from Q. Elizabeth to the Scottilh lords of the king's party; and various intelligence, about the probable choice of a regent; the carls of Northumberland and Weftmorland, ike. (Orig.) Edinb. June 13 , 1570 . 9 201 . 102 . The I). d’Alva, to lord Morley; a protec¬ tion. (French.) Bruges, June 13, 1570 : 203 . 103 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; protefl- ing that Jhe will be entirely guided by her ; and making fome offers by the Bp. of Rofs. (Orig. French.) Chatl'worth, June 14 . 1570 . 205 . 104. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suflex; inclol- ing letters from the E. of Morton. (Orig.) Edinb. June 16 , 1570 . 20 G. 105 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suflex ; fome di¬ rections about troops and caflles; great commenda¬ tions of his conduct, &c. (Orig.) ilampton-eourt, June 11 , 1570. 208. 10 G. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suflex; reports a meeting of the Scottilh lords in the king’s intereli at Stirling ; and various news. June 21 , 1570 . 107 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. ceding for lianthill (Huntley?) June 21, 1570. C c (Orig.) Stirling, 210. of Suflex ; inter- Orig.) Stirling, 214 . 108. Tho. CALIGULA, C. II. 98 108 . TI 10 . Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; reports ; liu' convention at Stirling being ended ; the K. of Lenox named lieutenant until Q. Kliz's pleafure lliall be known; and various-news. (Grig.) Stirling, June tin id's alfembled at Edinburgh 1.570. 2 Hi. 100 . Tbo. Randolph, to the E. of Sufi ex ; dilfuad- ing him from a propoi'al made in favour of Q. Mary. (Grig.) Edinb. June 25, 1570. 218. 110 . Tho. Randolph, to the I'., of Sulfex; laments the uncertainty things are kept, in ; and withes to be recalled. (Grig.) Edinb. June 26, 1570- 220 . 111. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex: about the fafe-conduOt of Ld. Livingfton on his return from England. (Grig.) Edinb. June 27 , 1570. 222 . 112 . The E. of Lenox, to Mr. Randolph; recom¬ mending the bearer; and expreiling friendlhip. (Grig.) Glafgnw, June 29 , 1 . 570 . 224. 113 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sulfex; about meafurcs towards an accommodation. (Grig.) Gat- lands, June SO, 1570. '-26'. 1 1 1 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; reports bis proceedings; his credit abates; Ld. Livingftone s coining has been detrimental, &c. (Grig.) Edinb. July 1570. 228. 115 . John Moone? to Mr. Randolph; with in¬ telligence about the ftate of affairs in Lyddiiclale, &e. (Grig.) Glaigow, July 2 , 1570. 230. 116 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sulfex ; about Lenox being appointed regent. (Grig.) Oatlands, July 2 , 1570 . 232. 117 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; on va¬ rious matters concerning the negotiations then on foot for peace. (Grig, a great part in cypher, but dc- cypliered.) Edinb. July 5, 1570. 234. 118 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; lament¬ ing the uncertain ftate of affairs; and fending intel¬ ligence. (Grig.) Edinb. July 6, 1570. 237. Ilf). Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; expref- fing much concern at the ftate of affairs; and lend¬ ing intelligence. (Grig.) Edinb. July 6, 1570 . 23Q. 120 . A difconrfc touching the pretended match between the 1). of Norfolk and the Q. of Scots, (printed.) 241. 121 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; about the motions of Livingfton and Iluntley. (Grig.) J uly 6, i 5 70 . 249. 122 . Ld. Livingfton, to Mr. Randolph : defil ing that an abftinenee may be made : dated Terreglis, July 6. And Randolph's anfwcr: dated Edinb. July 8, 1570. 2.51. 12 1 . The E. of Lenox, to Mr. Randolph; defiring him to forward a packet for his wile ; and acquaint¬ ing him with the coining of Ionic Frenchmen. (Grig.) Glafgow, July 8, 1570. 252. 125. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; reports appearances being fomewhat more favourable; and fends various news. (Grig.) Edinb. July 8 , 1570 . 254. 126 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; defiring to know whether the abftinenee is to compriie the bortlerers. (Grig.) July 8, 1370 . 256. 127 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; reports the good effect of the favourable news from England he gave to Morton ; requelts a favour for Grange, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July 9, 1570. 257 . 128 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; reports the favourable ftate of affairs in Scotland, and iome negociations. (Orig.) Edinb. July 11 , 1570. 259. 129- Lift of July 12 th, 1 . 570 . 261 . 130. Tho. Randolph, tolhe E. of Eflcx ; deliriug him to admit amt protect the Ld. of Huntley. (Orig.) Edinb. .Tidy 12 , 1.570. 262 . i:ii. Tbo. Randolph, to Ed. Livingfton; refufing him a fafe-cdmluei. Edinb. July 14 . 1570. 264. 132 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; reports fcveral proceeding's ; a. meeting of the lords, See. (Grig.) Edinb. July 14, 1 . 570 . 265. 133. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; defiling money for the E. of Lenox for the payment of the auxiliaries. (Grig.) Edinb. July 1 . 5 , 1570 . 267 . 134. Tbo. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; with fome printed papers; and information of an expedi¬ tion againft J. Ledford, &c. (Grig.) Edinb. July 16, 15 70. 269. 135. Record of the election of the E. of Lenox to the office of regent; lift of the electors; and form of the oath. July 17 , 1570 . 271 . 1 . 86 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; various news, among the reft about the election of a regent. (Grig.) Edinb. July 17 , 1570. 276 . 187 . Marv Q. of Scots, to lady Lenox her mother- in-law ; conciliatory ; and deliriug her advice about the propol’ed removal of her (Mary's) ion into England. ChatfwortbfJuly 10 , 1 . 570 . 278 . 188. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; report¬ ing the thanks or the Scottidi lords for Q. Elizabeth's favour; and lb me news. (Orig.) Edinb. July 18, 1570. 279. 139 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex (a copy of the above.) July 18 , 1 . 570 . 281 . 140 . Tbo. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; by Xie. Elphinftone lent by the regent with melfages: news about Iluntley, the Hamiltons, Argylcs, and others, &c. (Grig.) Edinb. July 20 , 1570 . 282. 141 . Win. Maitland (Ld. Lethington) to the E. of Huntley; reporting many proceedings of Q. and the lords of her part)'. (Grig.) July 24, 15 70. 142. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; urges the payment of 11-me money to the regent ; and gives intelligence about leveral noblemen. (Grig.) Edinb. July 24, 1570. 286 . 148 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sulfex ; about Leo¬ nard Dacrc, and the rebels on the weft borders ; fends him money. (Orig.) Chcyneys, July 26 , 1570 . 144 . Tho. Randolph, to I lie F. of Sulfex ; reports fome proceedings of Q. Marys party; and other news. (Grig.) Edinb. July 20. 1 . 570 . £90. 14 . 5 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sulfex; cenfuring the proceedings of Q. Marys triends in Scotland; ’Jlbout the monev demanded by the regent; and the E. of Northumberland's cuftody. (Grig.) Chcyneys, July 29 , 15 70. 292 - 146 . The regent (Lenox) to the E. of Morton (chancellor); acquainting him with fome motions of Q. Mary’s friends; and about the means of counter¬ acting them. (Grig.) Stirling, July 31, 1570. 294. 147 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex; with fome intercepted letters: and about the parliament Q. Mary's friends mean to hold at Litbgow ; &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July 8 1 , 1570 . 296 . 148 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfex ; various intelligence; Ld. Grange refufes to deliver any artillery out of the caltle of Edinb. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. f, 1570. “ 98 - 149- Tho. Mary Flair in Athol, 284. CALIGULA, C. II, 99 14?). Tho. Randolph, to the E. ofSuft'ex; reports the regent’s earncft requeft tor money ; Q. Marv’s party exert themfelves vigoroufly. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 1 , 1.370. " ‘ ' 300. 150. Tlio. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; reports the proceedings of both parties concerning the par¬ liament at Lithgow, See (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 3, 1570. 302. 151. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; intel¬ ligence about Ed. Grange, Ld. Lind fay, &c. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 4, 1570 . * 304 . 1.32. A memorandum concerning prifuners: per¬ haps by the E. of Morton. 305. 1.50. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sutfex; acquaints him with complaints made about Ld. Livingfton's de¬ tention on the borders; fome orders concerning him. (Orig.) Cheyneys, Aug. 5 , 1570 . 306 '. 1 . 54 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; about the motions of the two parties; the regent's requeft for money. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. (5, 1570 . 30 s. 1 5.3. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex ; reports a fervant of Livingfton having gone privately to him (Sutfex) and other manoeuvres of Q. Mary's partv. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 7 , 1570. 310 ! i.)d. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex ; recom¬ mends the bearer; and communicates fome news about the regent’s motions. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 8, 1570 . 314. 1 . 57 . 1 ho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex ; reports his having conferred with the commilftoncrs left at Edinh. by the regent; fcvcral motions of Lenox, Morton, Ne. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 0 , 1570 . 316 . 1.38. '1 lie D. ot ‘Chatelleraut and the earls of Iluntley and Argyle, lieutenants to Q. Ma-rv; their credentials to Ld. Seton, lent as plenipotentiary to the I). d’Alva. Aug. 10 , 1 , 370 . 318 . 159 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; intel¬ ligence about Lenox, d’Alva, &c. (,Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 12 , 1570 . " 31 c)_ uio. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Sutfex; great com¬ mendations ot his proceedings; and directions about th.e fccurity to be taken from Q. Mary’s party, cite. (Orig.) Cheyneys, Aug. 12 , 1570. 320 . i.9l. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 13 , 1570. 322. ift-. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; about the motions of the regent at Brigham, Dundee, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 14 , 1570 . 304 . Ui3. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; farther proceedings of the regent; Edinburgh alarmed. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 16 , 1570 . 326 . 164. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex ; gives an unfavourable account of Lethington ; the regent and his party are in hopes of a fpeedy fettlcmcnt ; the captain of Edinb. eal’tle fpreads a report that Suftcv was coming to befiege it, &c. (Orig.) Edinh. £ug- 17, 1570. 328 . 165. The regent. (Lenox) to Mr. Randolph ; re¬ ports a metfage tent by Athol to Ld. Marr, that Q. Elizabeth and Q. Mary had fettled all differences; defn es a fupply of money. (Orig.) Stirling, Aug. 17, 1570. - 33!. 166 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; Lething¬ ton a fehemes defeated; Huntley's intuition in Angus. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 21 , 1570 . 333. lb7- Tho. Randolph, to lord Ilunftlon (Gov. of Berwick) about a meeting on the borders; apprehen- tions of the .coming.of Spaniards into Scotland: a curious palfage at the end, about his kinlVnan's reli¬ gion. (Orig.) Edinh. Aug. 25, 1570 . 335 . 168 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; about affairs of the borders; Seton and lady Northumber¬ land are gone to Elanders, &c. (Orig ) Edinb Sept. 1 , 1570 . ' - 337 169. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sutfex; about a meeting on the borders; a convention at Dunkeld- tear of the Spaniards; a requeft of Lindfay about Enghlh pnfoners in his hands; in favour of a coufiii of his, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 6 , 1570 . 339 . no. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; about the meeting on the borders, &c. (Orju) Edinh Sept. 8, 1570. 341 ' 171. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; about loin's fuftamed by the E. of Morton in the barony of Prcfton (amemorandum of them inclofed) the Lei. of Loughlcven's requeft concerning the kcepino- of the E. of Northumberland. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 9 l57a 343 . 172 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; defiles a licence for a pair of geldings to be bought in England. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 9 , 1570 . 34 G. 171 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; about the meeting on the borders; the convention at Dun¬ keld ; with two accounts of his expenfes and dif- burfements. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept, to, 1570 . 343. 1 74 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex ; recom¬ mending a fin captain for redrefs. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 10 , 1570 . 0 3SO '" 1 . j. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; recom- nu nding the Juiiiec Clerk and Mr. Arch* Douglas, who came to fettle the meeting on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 10 , 1570 . 3 . 54 .' no. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex ; about a i ife-i i nduct for Livingftonc; the convention at Dunkeld ; Lethington detires to go out of Scotland; ■Moonc'sexamination, &c. (Orig.) Edinh. Sept, u’ •i 5 ' 0 ' 35G. t 77- Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex ; the E. of Athol ami Ld. Boyd refuted to afiitl at the conven¬ tion ot Dunkeld : much information about the Scottith nobility ot Q. .Mans party, many of whom waver; Randolph propofes to leave Edinb. (Orig.) Edinb Sept. 18, 1570 . 358 . 1 , 3 . d ho. Randolph, to the F.. of Suffex ; various intelligence. (Orig.) Edinh. Sept. 19 , 1570 . 360 . 1 79. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suffex; reprefenting her conduit with regard to Q. Mary, and tile many lolicitations the had from France and Spain in her behalf; defires to know the fenfe of the king's party on the lubjcct. (Orig.) Reading, Sept. 19 , 1570 . 3G2. 180 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suffex; orders about the borders, and to difcllarge one half of the extraordinary bands. (Orig.) Reading, Sept «o l ^°- ' 304. 1 st. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex ; reports a conference he had with the regent and council. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept, at, 1570 . 306 . ISC. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; fen t by the Juft ice C k rk, whom lie once more recommends. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept, 22 , 1570 .’ 368 . 183. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Suffex; about the fubfeription of articles by Q. Mary's party; and re¬ quiring the E. to obtain the affen't of the regent and his party, and that they would poltpone the°nicetinw of a parliament (Orig.) Reading, Sept. 25 , 157a 370. 1S4. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; reports a conference with the regent upon fome terms ottered by Q.Elizabeth. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept.25, 1570 . S 72 . 185. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suffex; recom- mends Arch" Steward ; about the Englithmen in Ld. Lind fey s hands; the E. of Northumberland fends him ICO CALIGULA, C. 1L him a token, mid t,vo letters that v. are inrant for Q. Mary. (Orig.) Sept. 26 , 1570 . 574 . 18 ( 5 . Q. Elizabeth’s eommiflion to fir AVin. Cecil and tir Walt. Mildmav, to treat with Q. Mary; with reafons for Mary’s all'ont to the articles propoled; matters to be required ot Mary; and the manner ot atl'nranee for the treaty. Sept. 1570. 37b. 187 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suflcx; the regent and his party in great perplexity : f.d. Hume complains of the damage done linn by Sulfcx ; Han- dolph lblicits his recall. (Orig.) E I ' 20.3. Tho. Randolph, to the If oi Suflcx; intel- licence about procc<'lings o, Q. Mar\ ' pai !y. (*)rig. • Edinb. Nov. 2 . 1 370 . - 119 . 20(1. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Suflcx : reports a c< n er< hce ■ 1 art , an iding coni- - ; . . 1 E( L Nov. 5 , 1570. " 421. 207 . Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Sulfcx; about the dealings ot Ld. Lcthington; the earl's (Sulfcx) high reputation in Scotland : repeated cautions about plots for Q. Mary's efcape, and other objects, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 7 , 1570. 423. 209. The E. of Morton, to the E. of Suflcx; about the damages fuftained hv bis tenants, (trig.) Edinb. Nov. 12 ,* 1570. 425. 209 . Tho. Randolph, to tin- E. of Suflcx; reports conferences with the regent; DumfermlingA coining, and bis good dii’polition; repiefents lus delicacy in naming tliol'e from wlimn lie receives intelligent-! ; with a E. S. mentioning an holtility againlt the Ilamiltons. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 14. 1 . 370 . - 127 . 210 . Tho. Randolph, to the If of Suflcx; by the Ct lo. of Duniferiiiling. • <)r:-a,.y Edinb. Nov. 1 ;. 1.3 70. ' 13 1. 211 . The D. of C’baltelleraut, and the carls of Ilunlley and Argyle; tie.-ir inliruetions to the lips, of RoA and Galloway fent to treat with Q. Elizabeth; together with their anf\ 1 1 tl lesofa (Orig.) Dunone and Strathboggie, Nov. 10 . and 1.3, 1 . 570 ; " 433. 212. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs; com¬ municating fume heavy complaints the had received of the hard treatment of her liicnds in Scotland; ami in! i mat ions that Q. Elizabeth was not fincere. (Orig.) Chatfworth, Nov. 21 , 1 . 370 . 4 0 . 213 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the Dp. of Rofs; about Lenox having feized Ionic of her jewels, and other outrages; flic truffs all this is contrary 1o O. Eliza¬ beth’s into nti m . ()rig. ( liatl vortli, v. 24 ', 1570. " 440. 2 1 4 . Mary Q. of Scots; her inftru ? io Bps. of Rot’s and Galloway and Ld. Livingflnn, eommiflioners for treating with (R Elizabeth; with the manner of the afluram-e. This is preceded by the latter part of a commilbon, probably to the fame perlbi cl Sh 1 Id, D< c. 2 ft, 1570 . 12 21 . 3 . M:o \ Q. of Scots. fo-Q. Elizabeth ; credential in favour 01 her commiilnmcrs. Shctheld, Dee. 2 - , 1570. 444. 2 1 ft. Tin- nobility of Scotland of Q. Mary's party, to 1 ». Eliz b ; ered nti d in f ivonr of their c< m- mifl ners. Du ie and Strathboggie, Nov. 10. and 1 . 7 , 1570 . 444.1). 217 . Mary Q. of Scots; her warrandife. or ratiti cation of the eommiflion of her party in Scotland tft the three eommiflioners. Sheffield, Dee. 28, 1570. 445. 218. An account of the firfi audience the Bp. of Rofs had from Q. Elizabeth, and of the arrival of the two other eommiflioners. Jan. 2 and 3, 1570 - 1 . 44.3. b. 219 . The Bp. of Rofs, to Scc y Cecil; conciliatory, and carnettlv requetring a bona-fide truce in Scotland during the ncgociation. London, Jan. 4, 1570 - 1 . 44b'. 220 . Journal of the proceedings of the 3 commif- fioners on the b, 9 , and 1 lth ot Jan. 1570 - 1 . 44b. b. 221- Q. Mary’s eommiflioners, to their xniffrefs; giving / CALIGULA, C. IL III. ICl giving- an account of their audience at Iiampton- court, Jan. 13th. London, Jan. ] 7 , 1 . 570 - 1 . 447 . 222 . Q. -Mary's commiflioners, to the lairds of Farnihurft, Buccleugh, and Badrowle; charging them to abftain from all hostilities. London, Jan. 15 , 1570-1. 450. 223 . ^ A draught of the explanation of the proroga¬ tion of abftinence, given by Q. Mary to the prince wader the name of king. 450 . b. 224. The abstinence given to Q. Mary’s commis¬ sioners, to be palled by them to her lieutenants, (this is the foregoing article corrected, and with many marginal notes.) 450 . 225. Memorial of Q. Mary’s objections to Some proceedings of the regent: anil his anfwers. 454 . 226. The regent's anfwer jto Some notes, of certain acts all edged to have been done by him againil the tenor of the alfurance, lince the fame was Subscribed. Nov. 15, 15 70 . 455. 227 . Several papers relating to the treaty; being commiflions and inltru6lions to the Bp. of Rofs, See. charges againil Lenox, and bis anfwers, See. 4 . 36 . cos. Mary Q. of Scots; her inftrufiions to the Bp. of Rofs, &c. to treat with Q. Elizabeth, (this is the original of II. 21 4.) Sheffield, Dec. 26 , 1570 . 46 ;:. 220 . Lord Lethington’s oration at the parliament in Scotland. Dec. i .5 70 . 4 M. 2 . 10 . Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs; defir¬ ing him to urge Q. Elizabeth to treat without the commiflioners of her adverfc party, who delayed coming. (Grig.) Sheffield, Feb. 6 , 1570- 1 . 408 . 23 1 . A memorandum by Q. Mary; about fend¬ ing Rodolphi to Spain ; the carrying off her foil; and pointing out the inconvenience of her going cither to Scotland or France, (a copy collated with the original, and attclled by Robt Iligford.) Feb. 8 , 1570. 469. 232. A memorial of the nobility of Scotland of the young king's party; justifying the laid king's title, and Q. Mary's renunciation, (marked on the back with Cecil s hand, as hating been delivered by the J . of Morton to Q. Elizabeth's commiflioners.) Feb. 28, 1570 . 47 233. A paper entitled, “Texts for civilians, de aefis ah incarccrato.” Dated March 1 , 1570 - 1 . 477 . 2 . 14 . J he lords of Scotland of Mary s party, to Q Elizabeth ; praying her to fettle matters between Mary and her l’on. March 3 , 1570 - 1 . 4 g 0> 2.3.3. The anfwer of Q. Mary's commiflioners, to the articles propofed by the commiflioners of England; wherein Q. Mary agrees that, her foil Audi be delivered asanhoftage. March 12 , 1570 * 1 . 4 8 !>. 236. Charles l.\. K.-of France, to bis ambafiador LiMotte; concerning a truce on bis part, and bis av iflies for the conclufion of the treaty. Paris March 13 , 1570-1. * 484 .' 257 . A note of certain heads thought of for the pacifjcatiofi betwixt, the Q. of Scots and her fulfleets, and for the controverfy concerning the crown between lu r and her Son : among other things, that the voting king be carried into England, wherebv he would be ready to be reftored to the crown if his mother did not obl'erye the treaty, (a copy from the original, in Cecil s hand.) March 14, 1570 - 1 . 4 y(j. S38. A declaration made by Q. Elizabeth, to Q, Mary s commiflioners; and certain notes to be ob- ferved for Satisfying Q. Elizabeth’s delire. March £4 > 15 70-1- _ ^ 489. 239- A plan of a Sconce for the defence of the borders ; with a treatife explaining it. Addrefled to G- Elizabeth. 4l)() 240. A tract, _ Scarcely legible, entitled by Cecil. Anfwer to a little book that was publilhed againit the marriage of the D. of. Norfolk with the Scottilh queen.” 499 . 241 . A long and bitter invefifive bv G, Buchanan, againit the Iiamiltons; addrefled to the lords. . 313 . 242. A traft againit the Q. of Scotland, entitled. The definition of a kingdom: and a difeourfe upon the fame.” 5£1- 24 3. A tract, entitled. “ Rcafons prefented to the queen's majefty by the bifliops, to prove that the mav lawfully put the Scottilh queen to death by the word of God. In the time of the parliament holden at Weflmi lifter, 1572 . 304 . 244. “An argument, perfuadfng that the queen's majefty ought to have in confcience a great care of the fafety of her own perfon.” 526 . b. 24,3. A trad entitled, “ againft the Q. of Scots, for licr adultery, and confcnting- to the death of her Jiufband.” This title Seems to be in Randolph’s hand; and the trad, which is very Severe, was probably written by an Englilhman. 503 . 246. Ileafons drawn by the learned in the com¬ mon law, to move the queen’s majefty to proceed againft the Q. of Scots according to the firlt hill, which importetli the taking away of her life, hut not disablement. ' Caligula, C. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 597 . 1 . A tract in 121110 . entitled, “Commentaria diurna Jo. Eel lie epifeopi Roflenlis:” being the hilhop's journal, in his own hand, from April 11 to Od. 16 , 1 571. K 2 . Various papers and memorandums 011 the affairs of Scotland, and the nobility thereof; probably in the hand of the Bp. of Rofs. Some leaves torn. 38. 3. (J- B. (Geo. Buchanan?) to D. R. a defpond- ing letter on the difficulties of the times. (Lat.) Letlne, 4 Cal. Augulti, (July 29 ?) 1571 . 53 . 4. 'I'lie B. of Dunhrittayne (probably Wm. Chif- hohn Bj). of Dumhlane, and afterwards of Vaifon in Provence) to.Gartuly (perhaps Ld. Gallies) fliarply expoltulating with him for having n ii repre¬ sented the Bp. of Giafgow to the Card.‘of Lorrain. Warfoix, March 3 1 , 1571 . 55 . 5. Win. 11 eric ? to Ld. Burleigli com plains of great want of neceflaries, and defiles to fee Burleigh. ( he appears to he in cuftody, and upon examination.) April 4,1571. ‘ 57 6. Wm. Ilerle, to lord Burleigh; giving Secret'in¬ formation concerning four pcrlbns whom he names, Malachias, Iiamldon, Charles, and Swaningliam.-— A.B. Ibis Ilerle appears to have been a Spy of Burleigh’s. April 11 , 1571 . 58. 7- V in. Ilerle, to lord Burleigh ; Secret informa¬ tion concerning Charles, Malachias, and one Bartiet, from whom lie had received Some intelligence con¬ cerning the Bp. of Rofs ; Lenox having hanged the Bp. of St. Andrews; Ld. Grange having Seized the caltle and town of Edinb. See. Marflialfea, April 16 , 15 71 . 58. h. 8. Wm. Ilerle, to Ld. Burleigh; Secret informa¬ tion obtained from Charles. Marflialfea, April 22 , 9. Wm. Ilerle, to Ld. Burleigh; reports Some in - lid ions dealings he had with Charles. April 21 , 1.3 71 . 60. b. 10 . Wm. Ilerle, to the Bp. of Rofs; telling him that he is clolcly confined; and conjuring the Bp. D d not 102 CALIGULA, C. III. not to acknowledge any intcrcouife with him. April 26 , 1.571. 62 . 11 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mary Q. of Scots; account¬ ing for the breaking off of the treaty; and ddiring the Bp. of Rofs may abfent himfelf from her court. K. B. This is called a minute. April 12, 1 , 571 . 0:>. 1 2 . A note of the ftate of the confederates in Ire¬ land, by M’m. Herle. (Latin.) April, 1 . 571 . 64. 13. Win. I Id le, to lord Burleigh ; reporting his in¬ fid ions practices with the Bp. of Rofs, and Charles. (Orig.) April 26, 1371. 05. 14 . Wm. Herle, to Ld. Burleigh; reporting fome practices with the Bp. of Rofs; about Charles's cy¬ phers, and an lriih bilhop, Dethick, and Muckinlbn, all prifoners. April 27 , 1571 . 60. 1.5. Wm. Herle, to the Bp. of Rofs; pro felling ab- folute fteadinefs in the Bp's, caufe; and pretending fulpieions about Charles. April 27 , 1 . 571 . 66. b. 16 . The Bp. of Rofs, to Wm. Herle; expreffing fome unealineis about his pretended examination, and being confronted with Charles. April 27, 1.571. 67 . 17 . Wm. Herle, to the Bp. of Rofs; with extra¬ vagant profeflions of truth and fidelity. April 28 , 1571 . ~ 67 . 18 . Wm. Herle, to Ld. Burleigh; with much in¬ formation concerning the Bp. of Itofs's dealings. April 29 , 1571 . 6 7 . b. ID- Wm. Ilerle, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the Bp. of Itofs's great agitation at the report of Charles ha\ - ing been examined, and put to the rack; and other information concerning the laid Bp s. dependants. May 1 , 1371 . 68. b. 20 . The fum of the matters that palled in the par¬ liament. of Scotland in the time of the regent Min¬ ton. April 30, 1573. 70 . 21 . A minute of the new order taken by the E. of Shrewfbury with the Q. of Scotland and her fervants : addrefied to Mr. Bcton, matter of the laid queen’s houfehokl. Sheffield, April 26 , 1571 . 71 . 22 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; requeuing her proteflion in favour of Geo. Douglas, going into Scotland. (French.) Sheffield, May 1 3, 157 1 . 72 . 23. Interrogatories put by Q. Elizabeth's Council to the Bp. of Rofs, and his anfwers. (probably in the Bp's, own hand.) May, 1.571. 73. 24. Collections made by Wm. Ilerle; from his con¬ ference with Dr. Lopes in the Tower of London. May 17, 1371. 7.9. 2.5. The Bp. of Rofs, to Mary Q. of Scots; reports his confinement in Ely-houfe, the feizurc of his papers, and other harfli proceedings again ft him. (copy in the Bp's hand.) Ely-houfe, May 23 , 1371. ' * 83. 26. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Wm. Drury ; inftructions about feveral points to be propolcd to the regent and council of Scotland. July 1 , 1 . 371 . 84. 27 . The Bj>. of Rofs, to Ld. Burleigh; reprefenting his pair com I net as tending lblcly to promote peace; and requefting the continuation of his fricndlhip. (copy in the Bp’s, hand.) Ely-houfe, July 5 , 1 . 571 . 86 . 28 . A conference between the Bp. of Rofs and the E. of Sulfex, (S:c. concerning the caufe of the Bp’s confinement: drawn up by the Bp. Hampton-court, Aug. 8 , 1371. * 88 . 29 . Form of the remiffion received by the carls of Argylc. Caffilis, Montgomery, and Ld. Boyd : being a contract betw een theE. of Morton chancellor, and the E. of Marr on the one part, and the above lords on the other, by which the laid lords are acquitted of all crimes, except the murder of the late king and Murray, and promife to ferve the prefent king and regent. Stirling, Aug. 12 . 1571 . . 90 . 30. De la Motle Fenelon, to the Bp; of Rofs; mentioning a ncgociation he and Mont'. lelf. Sheffield, Jan. 9 , 1 . 571 - 2 . 12 . 5 . 4-1. Sir R. Sadler, t<> Ld. Burleigh; cl:icily about a letter from the French ambaiiador to Q. Mary, and the caution with which he delivered it. Sheilicld. Jan. 11 , 1571 - 2 . I 2 (i. 4.5. The arraignment and condemnation of the D. of Norfolk. Jan. 16 , 1 . 771 - 2 . i - ' - 46. Articles generally containing the intention ot the queen's majefty (Elizabeth) for the reducing of the realm ofScotlaml to an inward peace: with, addi¬ tions. (the fame, with anfwers. III. .51. and with other additions, III. 125.) Jan. .31, March 4. and April 7 , 15? 1-2. 150. 47. A note of certain things to be declared l»v the ‘E. of. CALIGULA, C. Ill 103 E. of ShrewIbury to the Q. of Scots, from Q. Eliza¬ beth ; concerning certain letters lent of late to her majelty from the laid Scottilh queen. Feb. 5, 1 . 371 - 2 . 134. 43 Anfwers to certain demands of the king of Scotland; relating to the affairs of the borders. 1571 - 2 . 138. 49 . Minute of a letter from Q. Elizabeth, to the Q. of Scots; reproving her for “ itncomly, paf- fionate, and vindictive expreffions.” Weftminller, Feb'. 1 , 1571 - 2 . 141 . 50. Extract out of the negoeiation of Ld. Seton, entitled, “ Realons to perfuade the Catholic king to declare himfelf for the Scottilh queen:” reprefenting Q. Mary's party, not only in Scotland, but alfo in England and Ireland, as very numerous and power¬ ful. (French.) Feb. 1571 - 2 . 142 . 51. Articles, &c. (the fame as III. 46 .) with anfwers to every one of them by the Caltilians (thofe of the caltle) to the queen's majelty's commiflioners. March 4 , 1571 - 2 . 143. 5 < 2 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Wm. Drury and Mr. Randolph, her commiflioners in Scotland; about the failure of accommodation between the two parties in Scotland, owing to the ftubbornnefs of “thole of the caltle.” (Lethington, Grange, &c.) and acquainting them of the feizurc of fome important papers brought by Ld. Seton. March 17 , 1571-2. I4?."b. 53. InftruCtions for Capt. Cafe, fent by fir Wm. Drury and Mr. Randolph to L. Burleigh, for fur¬ ther orders about their negoeiation, the progrels of which they ltatc; and other intelligence. (Orig.) Leith, Maxell 6, 1571 - 2 . 149- 54. Sir Wm. Drury and Tho. Randolph, to Ld. Burleigh ; reporting the ftate of parties, and their ne- gociations in Scotland. Leith, March 7 , 1571 - 2 . 150. 55 . Articles between the French king, and Q. Elizabeth; concerning the affairs of Scotland. (French.) Marchs, 1571 - 2 . 152. 56. Sir Wm. Drury and Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Lciccftcr and Ld. Burleigh; in doling articles of Ld. Seton's negoeiation with the D. d’Alva, of which a tranfeript is here given. Leith, March 19 , 1571 - 2 . 154. 57 . Reafons to move the queen (Elizabeth) to ltay du Croc’s pafl'age into Scotland, until the French king be advertifed of the fame; which, with fome more, were declared to du Croc. March 19 , 1571 - 2 . 156. 5s. Sir Wm. Drury and Tho. Randolph, to Ld. Hunl’don; reporting their proceedings; defiring money to pay the men at. Leith ; and giving various intelligence of the practices of the two parties, Leith, March 19 , 1571 - 2 . 15 8. 59 . The names of the noblemen and others prefent at an alfembly at Leith, March 26 , 1572 . 160. b. Go. Certain heads written by Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bp. of Rofs, to be declared to the Q. of England ; reprefenting the ill ftate of her health, and deliring to be allowed better attendance. May 3, 1571 . 101 . 61. The Bp. of Rofs, to Q. Elizabeth; profefling his integrity, and craving her good will, (a copy in the Bp’s, hand.) Ely -houfe, June 22, 1571 . 162 . 62 . Ld. Grange, to the earls of Sufl’ex and Leicefter, and Ld. Burleigh; about the propofed pacification; and accounting for his own conduct. Edinb. caltle, April 21, 1571' 163. 63. Mary Q. of Scots, to Ld. Burleigh; complain¬ ing of the harlli treatment of herfclf and her friends ; and earneftly folieiting his favourable inierfereueei (Orig.) Sheffield, Sept. 9, 1571. 164. 64. Ld. Grange, to the E. of Morton: mention¬ ing his information that the earl and his party are railing forces; and declaring that he and his party are determined to refill Lo the utrnoft, but that they are very willing to preferve public tranquillity. Edinb. caltle. May 7, 1571. 165. 65. Wm. Herle, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports his hav¬ ing lifted a French fchoolmafler; propofes fome means of getting more intelligence; and applies for money. (Orig.) Marihalfea, April to, 1571 . 1 66. 66. Wm. Herle, to Ld. Burleigh; with fome infor¬ mation he obtained from Win. Bartlet about the Bp. of Rofs, Charles, &c. (Orig.) Marihalfea, April 18, 1571. ' 168. 67 . Wm. Herle, to Ld. Burleigh; much fecrct in¬ formation obtained from Mattifon, Bartlet, Melchior, Charles, See. with books. (Orig.) Marihalfea, April 19, 1571- 16Q. 68. Draught of a letter in Burleigh's hand ; being intended for a difpateh from Q. Elizabeth to her am- baffador in France, directing him to communicate the articles of the propofed treaty concerning Scot¬ land. June 8, 1571- 173 . 69. The countefs of Northumberland, lo fir Tho. Stukely ; encouraging him to perlevcre in the caufe (againlt Q. Eliz.) (Orig.) Mechlin, June 21, 1571- 176. 70 . A confultation of Q. Elizabeth's council con¬ cerning the aft'airs of Scotland; recommending the conclulion of an abftinence. (a corrected draught in Burleigh’s hand.) Hampton-court, July 18, 1571 . 178. 71 . A paper, figned “ By the wretched hand of him that looked not to have been alive now in this world; but God and her majefty’s will be done, amen, Tho. Howard” (1). of Norfolk) and entitled “The lamentable complaint of my opprelfed mind.” Feb. 12, 1571-2. 179. 72 . Catherine of Medicis, to Q. Elizabeth; cre¬ dential in favour of du Croc. (Orig. French.) Blois, Feb. 7 , 1571 - 2 . 182 . 73. The D. of Norfolk, to Q. Elizabeth ; peni¬ tential, and imploring mercy. (Orig.) Tower, Nov. 10 , 1571 . 183. b. 74 The E. of Shrewfbury, to Q. Elizabeth; re¬ porting a converfation with Q. Mary concerning the 1). of Norfolk, See. and in what manner he hath farther reftrained her. (Orig.) Sheffield, Sept. 9 , 1571- 185. 75. The D. of Norfolk, to Ld. Burleigh? anfwer- ing leveral points concerning correl’pondences laid to his charge. (Orig. much torn.) Tower, 1571 . . 136. 76 . A letter of intelligence concerning Q. Mary's friends in Scotland, Verac, Sec. ; perhaps from Sad¬ ler or Randolph, to Ld. Burleigh, (partly in cy¬ pher.) I 87 . 77. A paper in the hand of the D. of Norfolk, entitled "A brief declaration of thofe things which I have omitted in my examinations, touching the whole proceedings with the Q. of Scots, either by my- felf or any other to my knowledge, before my trouble orlince.” Nov. 10 , 1571 . 18 S. 78 . Sir R. Sadler, to Ld. Burleigh; reports in what manner Q. Mary received the news of the D. of Norfolk’s condemnation. (Orig.) Sheffield, Jan. 21 , 1571 - 2 . " 194. 79 . Sir R. Sadler, to Ld. Burleigh; expreffmg a great defire to be removed from Sheffield ; and about Q. Mary’s 104 CALIGULA, C. III. Q. Mary’s penitential behaviour. (Orig.) Sheffield, Jan. 31,* 1571 - 2 . if)5. 60 . The Bp. of Rofs, to Ld. Burleigh; profeffes great integrity, and acknowledges having received 1'oinc papers from Frances Barty, and among others Q. Elizabeth's horofeope. Tower, Nov. 1, 1571. 197 . 8 i. James \ I; his commiffion for the E. of Morton, the Com. of Dumfermling, and James Makgill, to meet and confer with Ed. llunfdon, font into Scot¬ land by Q. Eliz. Leith, Nov. 14, 1571. 19 s. b. 82 . “ The opinion and advice of the queen's majelty, coneeaved by many conferences had with her council, upon fuch letters, mefiages, and adver- til’cmcnts as of late times have come to her know¬ ledge out of Scotland, for the ccaling and final end¬ ing of civil war and hoftilitic in the fame realm.’’ (a draught much corrected by Cecil.) Jan. eg 1571 - 2 . ’ 199 . S3. Sir It. Sadler, to Ld. Burleigh; rejoices at the failure of a confpiracy again ft Burleigh; about Q. Mary's demeanor, See. (Grig.) Sheffield, Jan. i-i, 1571 - 2 . " 20 C. 84. The E. of Shrewihury, to Ld. Burleigh; re¬ ports Q. Mary's heavy complaints that her phyficians letters are not fent up : mentions how far the is fuf- fered to take the air; and ditfuadesgiving her farther liberty. (Orig.) Sheffield, Dec. 12 . 1571 . 208. 85. A eonlidcration of the cafe of Scotland, about the manner of putting an end to the prefent eon- troverfy. (a draught in Cecil’s hand.) Dec. io, 1571- " 209 . 8(i. Caftellanus, phyfician to Q. Mary, to Ld. Bur¬ leigh ; reprefents Q. Mary's decaying irate of health, and the want of medicines and other means to re- itore her. (Orig. Latin.) Sheffield, 3 Idus Dec. 1-571. 213 . 87- The Bp. of Rofs, to Ld. Burleigh; anfwer to two points propofed to him; lit. concerning a prac¬ tice with Spain by means of the D. of Feria; and, 2 d. concerning a writing taxing fir Nic. Bacon, Burleigh, See. with wicked practices. N. B. Fitz- william and Hawkins charged with them. (Olio ) Nov. 9, 1571. 215 . 88 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the information a fpy of his had obtained from one Darbylhire an Fnglilh jefuit, of a plot contrived bv Matlu rs againft Q. Elizabeth ; and other intelligence. (Orig.) Blois, March 4 , 1571 - 2 . 217 . so. Reafons to be declared to Mons. du Croc, why Q. Elizabeth cannot allow him to go to Scotland, (a draught corrected by Burleigh.) March iG, 1571-2. 219- 90. Five charges laid againft the queen of Scots ; with the evidences. 1572 . 221 . !) A difeuffion 011 the perils if the Q. of Scotland he not delivered, (a draught in Burleigh’s hand.) March 12 , 1572 . " 223 . b. 92 . Q. Elizabeth, to the h. of France; in com¬ mendation of de Foix ; and recommending Walfing- ham. (French, a corrected draught.) W. Sept. 1 - 71 . Aifo a draught in Burleigh’s hand of an additional part of the above letter, in Englilh ; and on the next folio a French tranllation of the fame. 224 . 93. W. II. (W 111 . IIcrle) to the Bp. of Rofs. (pro¬ bably the original, but certainly a copy in Ilerle's own hand of 111 . 10 .) April 26 , 1571 . 226 . 94. Ld. Burleigh, to fir R. Sadler, and others ; with fome information to be enquired into about one John Synclair; and a report of the regent of Scotland having been flain at Stirling. (Orig.) Lees, Sept. 8, 1571 . 227 . 95. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Smith and I)r. Wil- lon ; a warrant for putting Barker and Banil'rcr, two of the D. of Norfolk's meig to the rack. Orig. Sept. 15 , 1571 . 229 . 96. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q.. Elizabeth; lament¬ ing her wretched fituation ; and requdting that Die may confer with fome one from France, be attended by a prieft, and have leave to fend open letters toiler ion. (Orig. French.) Sheffield. Oft. 29 , 1571 . 231 . 97 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; \ indicat¬ ing her whole conduct, and imploring Elizabeth's re¬ turn 1 of favour; offering to be wholly devoted to her. (Grig. french.) Sheffield, Xmas day, 157 1 . 232 . 98. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; about a propofed alluviation between her and herfon, which die earn eft I y requefis Elizabeth not to impede; writ¬ ten when Midlemore was lent to Mary. (Grig. French.) Tut bury, March 12 , 1568 ? ' 233 ? 99. Mary Q. of Scots; her reftrietions and in- ftructions to the 1). of Chatellcraut, and the carls of Huntley and Argyle, her commiflioners of lieute¬ nancy in Scotland. Bolton, Jan. 6, 1568 - 9 . 2 , 35 . too. The Bp. of Rofs, to the earls, lords, and prin¬ cipal barons of the Q's majelty's (Mary) good fub- jects; accounting for the breaking up of the treat v, and his own conduct therein, (a copy in the Bp : s. own hand.) London, April 18 , 1571 . 237 . 101 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Smith ; about. Bar¬ ker and Iiygford being put to the rack. (Orig.) Mark-hall, Sept. 16 , 15 * 71 . 239 . 102 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Smith and Dr. Wil- fon; returning Barker's depolition; ordering Charles to l>e examined, and the 1). of Norfolk's houfes to he i’earehed ; acquaints them that Marr is made regent. (Orig,) Sept. 16 , 1571 . 240 . 103. Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Smith; concerning the examination of the Bp. of Rofs, and others. (Grig.) Sept. 3 , 1571. 241 . 164. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Smith and Mr. Wal¬ fingham, her ambalfadors in France; apprizing them ot her reafons for detaining du Croc from going into Scotland, (a draught, one half in Burleigh's hand, the other half corrected by him.) March 20 , 1571-2. 243. 105. Reafons that moved Q. Elizabeth to ftav du Croc’s going into Scotland, (the draught in Cecil's hand of in. 57.) March 19, 1571-2. 245. 166 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth : juftifv- ing herfelf; taxing the F. of Morton with duplicity in the late negociation; and conjuring Elizabeth not to faeriliee her to her enemies. (Orig. French.) Sheffield, March 31 , 1572 . 247 . 1 67 . The earls of Suffix and Leicefter, and Ld. Burleigh, to Ld. Grange; about propofals for a pa¬ cification in Scotland. Weftm. April 7 , 1571 . 219 . 108 . Lord Burleigh, to lir Tho. Smith; about the examination offeveral prifoners in the Tower. (Grig.) Get. 19, 1571. 25 ?. 109 . The D. of Chatelleraut and the F. of Hunt- ley, to Q. Elizabeth; arraigning the adverfc parlv, efpceially in the affair of the treaty ; and Rating the meafures they mean to purfue. Edinb. Mav 22 , 1571 . " 252 . 116 . Lord Burleigh, to fir Tho. Smith; about the examinations of Barker and the D. of Norfolk, &e. (Grig.) Sept. 9 , 1571. 254 . 111. Lord Burleigh, to fir Tho. Smith; telling him that he had found in lir Thomas’s letter the decypher of a ticket, (perhaps a P. S. to the above.) (Orig.) 255. 112 . The Privy Council of England, to fir Tho. Smith CALIGULA, C. III. 105 Smith and Dr. Wilfon : directing them about the exa¬ mination of the D. of Norfolk. (Orig.) Stanftead, Sept. 21 , 1571* 256. 113 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Smith and Dr. Wil¬ fon ; about the examination of Norfolk. (Orig.) Audley-end, Sept. 13, 157 1 . 238 * 114 . Dr. Tho. Wilfon, to fir Tho. Smith; acquaints him that he had become a voluntary prifoner to ferve the queen ; fends many papers and Irinkets found in the D. of Norfolk's houle; fpeaks in favour ot Hick ford and Barker. (Orig.) from prifon in the bloody Tower, Sept. 28, 1571. 2(30. 115 . Reafons for the Bay of du Croc’s going into Scotland; (being a fair copy of the draught III. 89.) to which are added u Heads lent to du C roe by the 1). of Montmorency and the reft of the nobles lately with the Q's Majefty, in behalf of the Q. ol Scots, (the date perhaps 16 .) March 26 , 1572 . 2(32. 11 ( 5 . Cam el ion: being an invective againft the laird of .Lethington, feeretary of Scotland, by Geo. Buchanan. 15 70 . '-(3.5. 117 . Articles for the treaty, (being an Englilh tranflation of III. 55.) March 8, 1572 . 270 . 118 . A confideration of the matter of Scotland : how the fame might be ordered to the fatisfaftion ot both the French K. and the Q. of England. March 28, 1572. 272. 119 . Q. Elizabeth’s inflructions to fir Win, Drury, to join himfclf with Mens, du Croc to pacify the civil divilions in Scotland. 1572. 275. 120. Articles propounded by the regent to thofc of the cattle (Q. Mary’s party) for pacification of the troubles in Scotland. March 30, 1572. 281. 121 . Advertifements of the Trench king's intent towards Scotland. 1572 . 281 . b. 122 . Aufwcrs of the commifiioncrs appointed by the regent, to the articles given them by the Q's Ma- jciiy's coimniflioners of England. April 2 , 1572 . 283. 123 . Reply to the anfwers of the caftle, delivered to the commifiioncrs of the regent April the 9th, and returned the 1 5th, 1572: and copy of a letter lent with thefe articles to Ed. Lethington, April 17 , 1572. 289. 124 . An anfwer to the articles prefented to Q. Elizabeth’s lieutenants, April 7 ; conferred upon with the commifiioncrs the 9 th; and delivered to them the 13th. 1572. 290. b. 125 . Articles generally containing the intention of Q. Elizabeth for the pacification of Scotland, (the fame as III. 4(3. with many additions.) April 7 , 1 . 572 . 291 . b. 12(3. Anfwers to the replies we (thofc of the caftle) laft received from Q. Elizabeth's coimniflioners; de¬ livered April 24, 1572. 293. b. 127 . The French king's inftruclions to Mons. du Croc; delivered at Greenwich. (French.) April 13, 1572. 295. 12 S. Extra6ts from lord Seton's negociation with the D. d'Alva; fent by Ed. Hunfdon, April 18, 1572. 29(3. 129 . A reply (by Q. Elizabeth’s coimniflioners) to the anfwers given to the Lds. of the king’s party ; delivered April 19, 1572. 298. 130. Project of a letter which the K. of France delires Q. Elizabeth to write to him, concerning tin Englilh rebels in Scotland. (Latin.) April 1572 . 302. 131. A fummary of the articles propofed to hot! parties in Scotland; with notes of the aniwers, ant. the variations both from the articles and among themfelves. April 26 , 1572 . 303. 132 . Anfwer from the regent to the reply of Q. Elizabeth’s coimniflioners; received at Greenwich, May 6, 1572 . 307. 133 . Sir Win. Drury, to Ed. Burleigh; much in¬ telligence about correspondence from Scotland, &c. Berwick, May 12 , 1572 . 309. 134 . Certain articles concerning matters where¬ with the Q. of Scots may be charged by the Ld. Eawarr (Delawar) fir R. Sadler, Dr. Wilfon, and Tho. Bromley, folic, gen. June 11 , 1572 . 3 11 . 135. Ed. Delawar, and the other commifiioncrs; their proceedings with the Q.of Scotland. 1572 . 3 12 . 13(3. The Q. of Scotland's protefiation before her anfwers given to the articles. Sheffield, June 17 , 1572. 313. 1 . 37 . Extract from a letter of Mary Q. of Scots, to Mons. de la Motto; notifying to him the above proteft. (French.) Sheffield, June 19 , 1572 . 314. 138 . A brief note of fueh things as the Q's Ma- jeliv was content to aflent unto, upon certain matters, (relating to Scotland.) propofed by Mons. de Foix. 315. 139 . A proclamation by the regent and fecret council; ordering the inhabitants of Edinburgh to repair to the country, on account of a fcarcity. June 21 , 1572 . 317. 140 . Extract from inftruftions given by the Q. of Scots to the Bp. of llofs: lent to Q. Elizabeth. June 29, 1572. 318. 141 . Mons. du Croc's propofitions to the regent and lords, about the lurrcnder of Hume caftle, and an abftinence. (French.) July 14, 1572. 319 . 142 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; reports conferences with the two parties in the caftle, and at Leith. Refierrick, July 18, 1572. 320. 143 . The anfwers thole of the caftle gave to Tilli- harnc: reported by them to Capt. Carle. July, 1572 . 322. 144 . Sir Robt. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; various intelligence from Scotland: parts of two letters. July 18. and 20, 1572. 323. 145 . The abftinence from hoftility; fubferibed by the king's party. Leith, July 30, 1572 . 325. 14 G. The abftinence from hoftility; fubferibed by thole of the caftle. Edinb. July 30, 1572. 327 . 147 . Another copy of the abftinence. (ill. 145.) July 30, 1572 . 330. 148 . W. Maitland (Ld. Lethington) to Ld. Bur¬ leigh; representing his good intentions and fervices in "the late pacification; and courting Burleigh’s favour. (Orig.) Edinb. July 30, 1572 . 332. 149 . Declaration of the lord regent, touching the obfervation of the abftinence. Edinb. Aug. 1 , 1572 . 333. 150 . Wm. Maitland? to fir Wm. Drury; report¬ ing tonic proceedings ot the regents party at Edinb. linee the abftinence. (Orig.) Aug. 8, 1572. 335. 151 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; various news from Scotland. Berwick, Aug. 11 , 1572 . 336. 152 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; more news from Scotland. Berwick, Aug. 27 , 1572 . 336. b. 153 . John, Regent, (the E. of Marr) to fir Wm. Drury ; in anfwer to complaints by thole in the caf- ic delivered to Mons. du Croc. (Orig.) Stirling, ‘Vug. 15 , 1572. 338. 154 . John, Regent, (the E. of Marr) to the coun- tefs of Lenox ; on various matters relating to the E e abftinence, lofl CALIGULA, C. III. abhincncc, to he conimuniealed to Q. Elizabeth. (Orisv.) Stirling, Sept. 4, lore. gaj). ! H. KiJIigrew, to I.il. Burleigh and the E. of ■ i n< \i bout the r< gent, the abfti- nenee, an Iriili bilhop, &c. Edinb. Sept, 29, 157*2. 340. i,'4i. Arlides agreed upon by the confent of the gentlemen of the tali and middle marches of England, torthe quiet itay of the country. Oct. 10^1572! 342. 1 r. H. Killigrcw, to the E. of fceicefrer and Ld. Eur.ng.i; about the demand of the C’aliiliaus. (thole ol the callle) for fecurity of the abltinence, &c. Stirling, Oct. iQj 1.372. 343 . ] ' >H \ *VStuard's declaration touching du Croc 's negotiation, concerning winch lie had tome confe¬ rence with Mr. Killigrcw. Oct. 21, 1.372. 344. . Q- Mizabetli s intimations fertile E.ofllunt- ingdoii preiki eat, and others of her majetiv's coun¬ cil 111 the north. Oct. 22, 1572. ^ * 343 H>o. Kcafons why the oblivion defired hv the ad- a Ciliinrs (Q Mary’, party) Il.mild not be’granted ; tl'e ciifik- ert l.ilinl). ilioiild be delivered to the k, ,"~ : *"," 1 i' 11 " uh ' P leJ g« Ihoiiltl be given In thofe who made defection from the kijjg. Nov. tore. 347. Slr " m - M»%ravc, to i.d. Burleigh; about red rets tor divers robberies on the borders Y<> v i u: -- . ' ittt.b.’ Kip. Articles to inquire of in tin- north parts; or- dcied by the E. of Huntingdon. Dec. 1.372. .1.31 . >° n S difeuflion concerningQ. A! try's guilt m llie 1>. of Norfolk's cmifphucv; ami the 'legalitv ot (y Llirubctli s proceedings againft her. (French.) 1o '-' _ 333. . 1()4 - l'-xtract of a letter in cypher from Ld. Lelh- mgton, to Q. -Mary ot Scots; reprefenting [he de¬ cayed hate of her party in Scotland ; the cruelties exceeded on the people of the cattle; the rcmitl'iicfs ot I ranee m affording aid; and mentioning the ab- ttmence they had been compelled to agree to. Au¬ to, loro, deciphered, Dee. o. " 3U| '7 Ki p II. Killigrcw, to the Ld. Treafurer fBillki-lij and the Is. of l.eieeltei ; reports his ami du Croc's " - ' : • ' h . two parties in Scotland for peace or ahfuncncc; alfo news. (Origs) Edinb ■Sepi. in. .ore, 36 . - Kin. II. hilbgrew, to the Ld. Treafurer and the 1 - 1,1 ■- n'etur; tranfietions in Scotland; he withes Lcthington a.ay; intelligence from Flanders, ami !ii thl ll! ;ii ** 1 1!i I ranee ; a conti rence with tilt Catuhans, Ne. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept, -at, 1072. 387 . Hi7 II. Killigrew, to tlie Ld. Treafurer and tile f?“* Um-ltcr; reporting at length the prog-refs of his nc-uciations. (Orig.) Edinb. Oel. 0, 1072. 370. id8.Il. hi 11igrew, to the Ld. Treafurer and the I- ol Lcieelicr; reports his conferences ut Dalkeith uiiii the regent and Morton: with a poftfeript. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. Calloway, and Livingfton.) .March »u , 383. iso. Iheium ol (lu- communication with the D ?* Montmorency, Mons. dr- Foix, and Mons. if- U Motto; concerning the Scottiih affair, (a draught in Burleigh s hand.) June, 1372. gpy iso Alary Q. of Scots: her proteff (the original of in. 177.) June 17, 1372. 4 0a 1 **'-•. A " a| tlwer of Q. Llizabetlt's council to the propolitions of Alontmorenr-y-, de Foix, and de la -Motte. (Orig. French, tigned de la .Motte Ft-iie- lon.) June 23, 1372. 4() , 1-1. Mary Q. of Scots, to the Bis. of Glatgow ; dt-hrmg itiin to procure aid from Francff fa c-.pher’ lent l>.v A- c> VValtingham i<> Mr. Joh 1 SommeiI to be liceypliered.) Wallingltam's letter is dated A\ iudfor Oet. 24, 1382. probably 1372. ,,, : ’ “ *• Matters to In- confidtred for thefnrety of O s Majefiy and tin.- realm, upon 1 in- know, dge - f the greal murders committed in France upon aifthat P r °f< fs the religion, (not sprol , ly in Walfinghi m band, w ith many corrections, j The ty's lnarriuge is often mentioned in tllefe ieraps. Sept-7, 1372. 404. lf Nets m- matters 1 , Scotland, (probably m Wallingham's hand.) Feb. 19, 1573. 411. ISO. Certain matters to be remembered in the Q's marriage, (notes probably in Walfin-Iiau.'s hand.) 412. 1S7. Notes made upon tile dentil of the French king i Charles lx.) and the probable conlequcnce.s ot it. (probably in V\ aliingham .s hand.) 157 1. 41.:. 188. Notes upon Scottiih affairs: almolt obli'.t- rated. (perhaps by M'altingham.) 414. 180. Notes to be prefently contidercd in tlie caufes ot Scotland, (probably taken by Wallingham.) Sept 29, 1571. ' " 415. 190. Notes of matters to be confklercd of, upon the knowledge of the murder of the proteftahts in 1' ranee, (probably by Wallingham, and perhaps part ot III. 184.) Sept. 7, 1572. 410. 19L Maitland and Kiikaldy (Letliington and Grange) CALIGULA, C. Ill ic Grange) tn Mr. Killigrew; rem on ft rating againft; Q. Elizabeth's fending down troops againft them; vindi¬ cating themfeives, and charging the E. of Morton. (Grig.) Edinb. cattle, March 2, 1572-3. 417. 102. Elizabeth Maflie’s information concerning fomc prifoners in the tower. Sept. 7, 1572. 419. 193. A bitter invective againft Mary Q. of Scots : being a letter probably addretfed to lord Burleigh, and dated London, Sept. G, 1572. 420. i<) 4 . The anfvers of the Q. of Scotland to fuch articles as were propofed on the part of Q. Lliza- beth, by Shrew ibury, iDelawar, Sadler, Wilfon, and Bromley. (Grig, ligned by the 5 commilHoncrs.) Slieilieldj, June 1 O’and 17, 1572. 423 . 195. Certain matters wherein the Q’s forbearing and delays (in five intiances) have produced not only inconveniences and inereafo of expenle, but alfo dangers, (in Cecil's hand.) April, 1572. 42.3. 196 . A luminary of articles propofed to the two parties in Scotland: w ith anfwcrs, feemingly by thole- of the cattle. (French.) April, 1572. 428 . 197. Sir I ho. Smith and Mr. Walfingliam, to Q. Elizabeth; report, a conference they had with the Q. Dowager of i ranee, concerning tlu Croc’s negoti¬ ations, See. (Orig.) Blois, April 3 , 1572 . 429. 19 S. The E. of Wclimorland, to Ld. Burleigh ; exculpating himfelf, and requeliing his mediation. (Grig.) Is 03 '. 30 , 1572 . 433 . 199 . James, Regent, (Morton) to the E. of Leicef¬ ter; requeuing anfwcrs from Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.) Dalkeith, Nov. 3, 1572. 454. 200 . '\Vm. Kyrkaldy, to fir Wm. Drury, general of the Englitb forces; defiling that, his lifter, who was ill, might be fullered to go out of the caftle of Edin¬ burgh. (Orig.) On the margin is written “The re¬ gent allows not that ilie fhould come out." Edinb. call le, May 8, 1573. 43 G. 201. Account of a conference between Q. Eliza¬ beth and a French ambalfador, in which Eliz. dates the complaints flic lias againft the Q. of Scots, and the conduct of the French in her favour. (French.) 43 s. 202. Wm Wharton, to Ld. Burleigh; reports fome feditious practices in the north. Rippon, Dee. 9, 1575 . 439 - 203 . W m. \\ barton, to the E. of Huntingdon, Ld. Prelident of the north parte; acknowledging feme miteonduft ; but craving the earl's indulgence; and cautioning him againft the evil reports of his enemies. Rippon, Dee. 17, 1573 . 440. b. 204 . The L. of Bedford, to the L. of Huntingdon ; in favour of Wm. Wharton. Ilampton-court, March 2 , 1573 - 4 . 441 . b. 205 . Sir John Lori ter, to the L. of Bedford ; com¬ mending Wm. Wharton, who had been directed by Walfingliam to watch Q. Mary. Alnwick, March 24, 15 73 - 4 . 442 . 20 G. Sir John For Iter’s order and directions agreed upon with Wm. Wharton, for the* bringing tonight Q- of Scotland's dt vices: reported to the E. of Huntingdon at York. March 27, 1574. 443. 207. An order delivered to the L. of Huntingdon by Win.Wharton; touching his repair to Sheffield, and being there apprehen ded, to prevent fulpicion. J unc r 1 8 , 1574 . 444 . b. 208 . YV m. W barton, to the L. of Bedford ; repre¬ senting favourably his conduct ; and cautioning the L. againft llanderous reports. Alnwick, April 1574 . 445 . 209. Wm. Wharton, to the E. of Huntingdon; defcanting upon his fervicesjand complaining of obloquy. Rippon, March 8 . 1574 . 446'. 2 10. W m. Wbarton, to fir Tho. Gargrave: define him to obtain from the Ld. Prelident, a fulpenfion of the recognizance for his appearance. Dec. 10, 15 74 . 448 . 211. Sir John Forfter's order and directions, &c. (the origi mil of 111 . 206.) to which are added “ fome other inliructions by the faid Wharton, opened by him unto the E. of Huntingdon.” March 24, ! 574 . ‘ 449 . ’ 212. James, Regent, (Morton) to the E. of Lei¬ cefter ; requeliing anfwcrs from Q. Elizabeth ; and giving intelligence. (Grig.) ilolyrood-houfe, Aug. 19 » 1573 . 45 i. 213 . A long difpatch, partly from the Card, of Lorrain, and partly from the Abp. of Glafgbw (Bea¬ ton) to Mary Q. of Scots; with much news, and encouraging aflurances from France, ci'peeiallv a cireumftantial account of the king of Poland's (afterwards Henry III.) departure out of France. N. 11 This is the decypher of perhaps more than one difpatch. Feb. 7, 1575. 453. 214. A lift ol letters and papers contained in a packet directed by the Q. of Scotland to Mons. de la Motte the French ambalfador. Dec. 1573. 458. 215 . James, Regent, to fome lord in England, pro¬ bably Leicefter; reporting the furrender of the caftle of Edinburgh. (Grig.) “ Holyrood-lioule, May 31, 15 73 . . 4 G 0 . 21G. W. Kirkaldy and W. Maitland, to fome Eng- liih lord ; upon the furrender of the cattle of Edin¬ burgh ; profeffing themfeives wholly devoted to Q. Elizabeth, and defiring to be recommended to her favour. (Orig.) Edinb. May 29, 1573. 461. 217. James, Regent, to an Englifli lord (Leicefter?) acquaints him that Edinburgh caftle will thortly be battered ; and thanks him for a horfe. (Orio-.) Holyrood-houfc, May lG, 1573 . 402. ^ 218. The E. of Huntingdon, to the council of England; communicates reports fpread in the north thai aid was coming from France for the Caftilians; and about the defence made by Edinb. caftle. (Olio-.) York, May 3, 1573. 463. 419. J limes, Regent, to the E. of Leicefter ; thanks him for intelligence; deft res it maybe continued; about the Rate of the borders, &c. (Orig.) Dal¬ keith, May 9, 1573 . ‘ 464. 220. Q. Elizabeth, to the Regent of Scotland ; cre¬ dential in favour of Mr. Hen.'Tfilligrew. (not lent.) Greenwich, May, 1574. 4 (jg. 221. H. Killigrew, to Sec* Wallingliam ; various intelligence about the affairs of Scotland. Edinb. Aug. 3 , 1574 . 4G8. 222. Fragments and extracts of letters, contain¬ ing fome expreftions of great fondnefs, and faid on the back to be (probably) from iir Fr. Englefield in Flanders, to the (Iucliefs of I'eria in Spain, and to have been intercepted Nov. 12, 1574. (fome in cy¬ pher.) N. B. One of them is from a hutband to his wife, dated London, March 5. 4G9. 225 . Sir Fr. Wallingliam, to Ld. Burleigh ? news about negoeiations, &c. (Grig.) London, April i«, 1575 . 4 - 3 . 224. The Bp. of Rofs, to the D. of Norfolk, (a cypher not deeyphered.) Oct. 11, 1575. 474. 225 . Inftnffitions for Mr Killigrew. (a draught corrected by Burleigh.) May 7, 1575. 475. 22G. Articles concluded between the commif- fioners of the two kingdoms, for the redrefs of grievances CALIGULA, C. III. 108 grievances on the borders. Foulclon? Sept. 13 , 157 5 . 479 - 227. Sir Fr. Waltingham, to Ld. Burleigh ; fends him theconfeflions offome mean offenders, whom he advifes to have lent to the Tower. (Orig.) Loiul. April 30 , 1 . 575 . 4 S 1 . 228 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Regent of Scotland; credential in favour of h’illigrew. (Orig.) Hatfield, June 14 , 1575 . 4 S 2 . 229. The Abp. of Glafgow, to his brother, (a cypher not deciphered.) Aug. 1.575. 4 S 4 . 230 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Dr. Allan, then at Doway; exprefling piety and refignation; and declar¬ ing her intention (if ever in her power) to reftore the Catholic religion in this illand. Sheffield, Aug. 3, 157 5 . ' 485 . 231 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence concerning leveral of the nobility in Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, July 19, 1575. 480 '. 232 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; con¬ taining complaints of the Scots concerning the fpoils they fuffer from Yngley? a pirate, &c. (Orig.) Stratford, July 24 , 1577. 487. 233 . The Regent of Scotland? to fome Engliih officer on the borders (Forftcr, or Drury) concerning fome outrages committed in Liddifdale by Engliih borderers and fugitives. Holyrood-Jioufe, Aug. 25 , 1577 . ' V 488 . 234 . The Regent of Scotland? his letter of credit to Wm. Douglas, to he delivered to the Ld. warden of the middle marches of England ; concerning the outrages and fugitives mentioned in the abo vc. Holyrood-houfe, Aug. 25 , 157 7 - 489 . 235 . Mary Q. of Scots, to.Beaton, brother to the Archbp. of Glafgow, and her maitre d’hotel ; defiring information; and recommending great cau¬ tion and feerecy. (French, an extract, partly cypher.) Sheffield, Aug. 22, 1577. 490. 239 . Three extracts of cyphered letters from the Q. of Scots, to the Abp. of Glafgow, her ambalfador in France. (French.) Aug. 1577. 492. 237. Extraei of a letter from Mary Q. of Scots, to the Abp. of Glafgow. (being part of the laft of the three contained in the preceding article.) -Aug. 1577 . 495'. 238 . A paper in Burleigh's hand, entitled “ De¬ vices being projects of what might be done with the Q. of Scots. 1577 . 497 . 239. Extract of a letter from Mary Q. of Scots, to Mnnf. de Mauviiiere, a French ambalfador or agent, in London ; concerning her ill health and forlorn Rate; and thanking him for good offices. 498 . 240 . Kane, fecretary to Q.Mary, to his brother in France; about His dome flic affairs. (French.) Sheffield, Aug. G, 1577 . 499. 241 . Xauc, to his brother; acquainting him that the Q. of Scots intended to difeharge Dolu an agent of hers in France, and advifling him to apply for his office. (French.) Sheffield, Aug. Si, 1577. 500 . 242 . Copies qnd extracts of letters, fuppofed from Saunders, an Engliih traitor in Spain, to fir Fr. Engle- ficld and Dr. Allan; conveying intelligence: many names and words in cypher. Madrid, Oct. 4, Nov. 30 . and 6 , 1577. 50 1. 243 . A letter in Waliingham's hand, to fome lord ; chiefly concerning the lord's ton, w ho had come to court; and Q. Elizabeth's willingncfs to ferve him. 1577 - 504 . 244 . A letter in Waliingham’s hand, to fome duchefs; blaming her and lady Suffolk for going to Rutford to meet. Ly. Shrewfbury. A note at the bottom in Burleigh's hand. 1577. 245 . A letter in cypher, marked at the bottom, “ the Q. of Scots to L). Allen, cop. 3. Aug. 1.577.'’ 507 - 246 . Divers notes concerning the borders; in Waliingham's hand. 1578. 50s. 247. Lilt of the votes for and aguinft the E. of Morton being of the Privy Council! X. B. Mr. G. Buchanan, privy teal, was againfl him. June is, !5 7 S. 510. 248 . Lift of the eoitnfellors prefent at the election of the abbot of Dumfermling, to be lent ambalfador into England. Buchanan was here on the regent's fide. June is, 1578. 510. b. 249 . M inutes of in {tractions for the ambalfador Dumfermling. June, 1578. 511. 25 0. Robert Bowes, to the E. of Leiceftcr; reports K. James having created the Bp. of Caithncls (Robt Stewart) E. of Lenox, to the prejudice of Ld. Charles his uncle; and other intelligence. (Orig.) Stirling, July 23 , 1 - 578 . ' 512 ? 25 1. The E. and countcfs of Shrewfbury, to the E. of Lcicefter; concerning lady Arabella's title to the earldom of Lenox. (Orig.) Cliatlworth, Aug. e, 1578 . 514 . 252 . Ld. Hunfdon, to the L. of Leiceftcr; report¬ ing an apprehention of frefh troubles in Scotland; commends Robt. Rowes: with a copy of certain ar¬ ticles of agreement for the pacification of Scotland. Berwick, Aug. 19, 1578. 516 . 253 . A declaration of the king and council of Scotland: being the articles iueloi’cd in the above. 254 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; about a fray at Stirling; and the danger of frelli dilbrders in Scot¬ land. (Orig.) Edinb. April 28, 1578 . 520 . 255 . Sir X. Throckmorton, to the E. of Lcicefter; giving a very unfavourable reprefeiilation of the Rate of affairs in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 15, 1578 . ‘ ^ 522 . 256 . An act of the parliament of Scotland; declar¬ ing the forfeitures of John Hamilton commend'of Arbroath, anil Claud Hamilton commend' of Paitley ; the revocation of the enfeoffment of the earldom of Lenox to Ld. Charles Stewart; and confirmation of the laid enfeoffment to Robt. Stewart. Edinb. Nov. 10 , 1578 . 524 . 257. lloht. Bowes, to the E. of Lcicefter; reports h. James having revoked his grant of the earldom of Lenox to the Bp. of Cailhneis, and confcncd it on his (the Bp's.) nephew El'me Stewart, Ld. d’Aubigny; alfo otl ier intelligence; and vindicating himielt againfl the malicious charges of Rowland Johnfon. (Orig.) Berwick, March 19, 1.579. 55 0. 258 . Robt. Bowes, to the E. of Leiceftcr; intel¬ ligence; tome mention of an intended match with Denmark. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 30 , 1.579. 532 . 259. Robt. Bowes, to the E. of Lcicefter; various news. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 20, 1579. 554 . 260. Mary Q. of Scots, to Monf. de Mauvificri ; difclaiming ionic charges made againfl her of having treated with France, &c. (a corrected draught.) Nov. 21 , 1579 . ' 5 35 . 261. The Bp. of Rofs, to Ld. Burleigh; about the refutation of Scottifh abbies in Germany in favour of the emigrant clergy; mentions his hittory, &c. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. 28 , 1579 - 5 - 87 . 262. Nicholas Armington, to Sec r Walfingliam; reports Naue, Q. Mary's fecretary, having been re¬ futed admiffion to K. James, becaufe he did not acknowledge CALIGULA, C. III. IV. acknowledge him as king. (Orig.) Berwick, June 23, 1579- 539. 26 ; 3. Sir Alex. Hay: intelligence about the profe- cution of the llamiltons, and other noblemen. June 3, 1579- 541. 204. Q. Elizabeth's coinmiffion, appointing a council in the north. (Latin.) Hertford, Nov. 21 , 1580. 543. <205. Q. Elizabeth’s inftmdtions to her council in the north. Nov. 1580. 545. 200 . Abftracts of letters concerning Scottifh affairs, chiefly from Mr. Bowes; from the 2(1 to the 27 th of April 1580. (laid to be in the hand-writing of hr Itobt. Cotton.) 55 7 . 267 . Robt. Bowes, to the E. of Leiccfter; report¬ ing the danger of feme difturbances in Scotland; moft of the Scots depend entirely on Q. Eliz. (Orig.) Berwick, June 15, 1580. 50i. 208. Roger Oiler (Alton?) to the E. of Leiccfter; reports K. James’s kind reception of a pyed horle, and other prefents fent down ; Lenox's (d'Aubigny) riling favour, Sec. (Orig.) Dundee, June 10 , 1580. 563. 2 G 9 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leiccfter; about fome demand of Lady Dacrc; a forcible at- tempt of d'Aubigny to get Dumbarton cattle, &c. (Orig.) Werke, Aug. 31, 1580. 505. 270 . Robt. Bowes, to the E. of Leiccfter; reports that the late fufpicions among the Scottiih nobility are fuppreffed; changes intended by the king, but not effected; and other intelligence about Lenox, Morton, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. May 16 , 1580. 567- 271 . Alary Q. of Scots; her commiffion to the duke de Guile, appointing him her lieutenant and plenipotentiary in a negociation between her and her foil. (Orig. French.) Sheffield, Jan. 5 , 1580- 1 . 569 . and 570 . 272 . Draughts of three letters of credit of Q. Elizabeth, to l’everal noblemen of Scotland ; in fa¬ vour of Robt. Bowes on his being fent thither. 1580. 571 . Caligula , C. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 266. 1. Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to Hen. Killigrew, Efq. touching the troubles, and the pacification thereof, in Scotland, about the time of the mailacre in France: with marginal notes by lir Robt. Cotton. 1572. ‘ ’ ]. 2 . Alex. Have, to Air. Killigrew at Carlifle; with various information, chiefly concerning the ncgocia- tions for peace between the two parties in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 17 , 1572-3. 4 . 8. Sir Ja. Balfour, to lord Burleigh? Hating the difficulties lie meets with in being reftored to his property, offices, Se c. requefting Q. Elizabeth's in¬ terference for that purpole, and to have his trial for Darnley’s murder poftponed. Burlv, Jan. 12 , 1572-3. ’ 6. 4 . Sir John Forfter, to Ld. Burleigh? reporting various matters concerning the tranquillity of the borders. Alnwick, Jan. 23, 1572 - 3 . 7 . 5. A table of the acts of parliament begun at Edinburgh the 1 5th of January, and concluded the 26 th of the fame month; with the fubftance of the afls that cannot be well known by their titles. 1572-3. s. 6. A furvey of the town and caftle of Edinburgh, by Rowland Johnfon and John Flemming, by order of fir Wm, Drury gov. of Berwick, and Mr. Killigrew 1 C9 Q. Elizabeth’s ambaffador. in Scotland. (Orig.) Jan. 27 , 1572-3. 12 . 7 . II. Killigrew, to fir Tho. Smith? about fome heps lie had taken with the I), of Chattelleraut and the E. of Huntley, to perfuade them to compliance. (Orig. probably only a fragment.) Feb. 1 , 1572 - 3 . 13. b. 8. Notes of wants at Berwick, See. for fervicc in Scotland; by Arrington. Feb. 1372 - 3 . 14. 9 . A. Galloway, to II. Killigrew; concerning the intended meeting at Perth; his own defire to co¬ operate; and in favour of his foil. (Orig.) Lon gland, Feb. 3 , 1572 - 3 . " 15. b. 10 . Propul’als for keeping the king's perfon at Stirling; by Alex. Arfkyn (Erfkinc?) as the regent Morton lliall order. Feb. 1572-3. 16 . 11 . II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about hoflages, the liege of Blackneife, the coming of Frenchmen into Scotland, Sec. (an extraci.) Feb. 1572 - 3 . 17 . 12 . Sir W in. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh ; about Yerae's arrival (an extract.) Feb. 1572 - 3 . 17 . 13. II. Killigrew, to fir Tlio. Smith Scc y to Q. Elizabeth; various intelligence concerning the ne- goeiations in Scotland rel'pcbting the pacification of the realm. Edinburgh, Feb. 5, 1572-3. is. 14. H. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh ; naming leveral Scottiih lords, ivc. who have fublcriKd the propoi'al of the regent, (an extract.) Feb. 8, 1572 - 5 . 19 . b. 15. Wm. Wardall, one of the bailiffs of Scar¬ borough, to the E. of Huntingdon; acquainting him of fix Scottiih lliips having been driven into Searborough by teinpefr, and that Vcrac was in one of them. Searborough, Feb. 19 , 1572-3. 19 . b. 16 . II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; with fome account of Gordon and Chambers, leemingly two Scottiih adventurers in France. (Orig.) Feb. s, 1572-3. 20. 17 . II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh? about the agreement between the Scottiih lords; and fome tranfaelions ctonfequent upon it. (Orig.) Perth, Eel). 23, 1572-3. 21. is. The Lds. Lethington and Grange, to the E. of Huntley; exhorting him not to forfake their caufe liaftily. Feb. 23 , 1572 - 3 . 22 . 19- Ed. Lethington, to lady Eivingfton; defiling her to ule all her influence with Alex. lTlkine to keep the young king and Stirling caftle out of the hands of the regent and the Englilh party, (a letter de¬ ciphered.) Edinb. caftle, Feb. 23 , 1572 - 3 . 22. b. 20 . A fummons made by lien. Killigrew, to the E. of Huntley, and the fbns of the D. of Chattelleraut: appearing to be a ratification of the late agreement. Perth, Feb. 23, 1572-3. ' 24. 21 . A motion in the parliament of Scotland, fora league with England. March 2 , 1572 - 3 . 25. 22 . The Lds. Lethington and Grange, to Nic. Arrington ; being their anlwer to certain offers made to them in the name of Q. Elizabeth, (nearly a copy of iv. 26 .) March 2, 1573. 25. 23. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; about the ne- gociations with the Caftilians, hoftages, the flops that brought Yerac, intelligence from Flanders, Sc c. Edinb. March 4, 1572-3. 26. 24. Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; about the proceedings of the Caftilians, See. Berwick, March 7 , 1572 - 3 . 27 . b. 25. Nic. Arrington, to fir Wm. Drury? about his negociation with the Caftilians. (Orig.) Edinb. March 5, 1572 - 3 . 28. E f 26. Offers no CALIGULA, C. IV. 26 . Offers of the Caftilians to N. Arrington ; being their anfwers to Q. Elizabeth's proposals. (vid. lv. 22 .) March, 1572 - 3 . 29 . 07 . H. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning the obftinaev of the Caftilians, the hoftages, practices of the French, Sec. Fdinb. March *», l 7 *- 2 -... 30. ofc. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh : concerning the means of eftablilhing peace: penfionsto be given in Scotland ; the reduction of Edinburgh caftle, &c. March 14 , 1.5 72-3. 32. 29 . A difeourfe delivered by the regent (Morton) to Q. Elizabeth's ambaffador. (a fragment.) Edinb. March 13, 1572-3. 35. 30. A dilcourfe, &c. (being the whole original of the preceding article.) March 13, 1.372-3. 36. 31 . II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh: reporting various correl’pondcnces and negociations ; clamours againit Franco. &c. Edinb. March 17 , 1572-3. 38. 32. Earl Huntley, to Ld. Burleigh; thanks him for good offices ; and about various matters concern¬ ing the pacification, the Caftilians, &c. (Orig.) Scoone, March 23 , 1572 - 3 . 41. 33. An ah ft raft of Mr. Killigrew's inftruetions, ( font in the place of fir Wm. Drury, (in fir Robert Cotton's hand-writing.) Jan. 1 . 373 . 42. 31. An abftraet of the acts of the parliament of Scotland, begun the 1 .5 th and ended the 23th of Jan. .1573. (vid. IV. 5. in fir Robt. Cotton's hand.) Jan. 1572-3. 42. 3.5. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; various intel¬ ligence ; and particularly reporting a conference with the regent about pacification. Edinb. March 27, 1573. 43. 36 . Sir John Fortier, to Ld. Burleigh; about the laird of Fernihurft. Alnwick, March 20 , 15 73. 48. 36. a. J'lie laird of Fernihurft, to the regent (Mor¬ ton) defil ing an anfwer to Q. Elizabeth's interceffion in bis favour. Eal't Chipches, March 31, 1573 . 48. 37 . II. Killigrew to.two letters about Fernihurft s buiinels. 1573. 48. b. and 49 . 38. Sir John Forfter, to the Regent of Scotland ; about Fcrnihurft's buiinels, and the borders. Aln¬ wick, March 28 , 1573. 4 . 0 . 30 . Sir John Forfter, to II. Killigrew; aboutfome letters of bis concerning Fernihurft. Alnwick, March 28 , 1 . 373 . 50. 40. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning hof¬ tages; commends the regent; and about a final peace, Sec. Edinb. March 29 , 1573. 50. 41 . Sir Wm. Drury's orders to his army at Edin¬ burgh (in print.) 1573. 53. b. 42. Wm. Arrington, to fir Wm. Drury? reports a conference lie had with the Caftilians, and the ftate of Edinb. caftle. March, 1573. 54. treatment of the Englilh forces. Lammertou-kirk, April 17 , 1 . 573 . 48. Names of the hoftages of the Seotfilh nobilii v, and their qualities. April 1 8, 157 . 1 . 0 40. Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; reports his having received the Scottilh hoftages; and lig-ned the indenture, IV. 47 . April 18 , 1573 . " 61 . b. •50. The Regent of Scotland, to fir John Forfter; concerning Q. Elizabeth's interceflion in favour <.fi fern ill urft. Ilolyrood-houfe, April 1, 1573 . 0,5. .3 1. Sir Wm. Drury's luminous to Sir Wm. Kirkaldv, to furrender the caftle of Edinburgh. Edinb. April 25, 1573. " (jo. 52. Articles for a contract or indenture, Sec. (nearly the lame as IV. 47 .) April 17 , 1573. 0 7 . ■33. James vi. his luminous to Kirkaldv, to deliver the caftle of Edinburgh. Ilolvrood-houie, April 15 7.3. * 69 . 54 . The names of thofe who came to the parlia¬ ment at Edinburgh, April 25, 1 . 573 . 70 . ■ 5 . 5 . A paper entitled “ the Caftilians confidence:’ being notes of proceedings at the fiege of the caftle, to April 25, 1573. 71 . •30. The Regent of Scotland’s declaration, prolong¬ ing the term of two articles of remiflion in the treaty of Perth to the lair day of Auguft. N. B. Tliei'e ar¬ ticles related to the murder of Murray. Ilolyrood- houfe, April 29 , 15 73. * 71 . 57 . The names of thofe who were prefent at the parliament ended April so, 1 , 373 . 72 . b. ■5 8. The fuin of the nutters palfcd in parliament, April, 1 . 573 . 7 .;. . 59 . The Regent, to the magi ft rates of Edinburgh} concerning the moderate price of provilions. Iloly¬ rood-houfe, May 2 , 1573 . 74 . 60 . Some notes concerning the fiege of Edinb. caftle. This fragment is entitled ‘"A licence from the inarfhal to the treal'urer of Berwick, May 10 , 1.3 73." " 74. 61 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; inclofing a note which was to have been iiiot on an arrow into the caftle; and about the prog refs of the liege of that caftle. (the deciphered note follows.) Edinb. May 19, 1573. 74. b. 62 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the progrefs of the liege of Edinburgh caftle. Edinb. May 23, 1.5 73 . ' “ 75 . 63. The names of thofe within the caftle of Edin¬ burgh. May, 1573. 76 . 64 . The Regent's anfwer to the Caftilians, about the furrender of the caftle. May 28, 1573. 7 7. 6,5. A proclamation upon the furrendering of the caftle of Edinb. Ilolyrood-houfe, May 28 , 1.373 17. b. 43. The Regent of Sc otland’s anfwer to the articles fent bv Q. Elizabeth’s council to iir Wm. Drury. March 28, 1573. 55. b. 44 . Notes of various occurrences in Scotland. March, 1573. 3 7. 45. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports various flops taken to perfuadc the Caftilians to furrender; and other matters concerning the accord between the Scottilh nobility, Sec. Edinb. April 4, 1573. 59 . 46 . James VI; his proclamation for the good in¬ treatment of the Englilh forces, (in print.) Iloly- rood-houle, April is, 1573. Cl. b. 47 . An indenture between fir Wm. Drurv, and Ld. Ruthven, treafurer of Scotland; concerning the 66. Sir Hen. Lee, to Ld. Burleigh; expreffing much gratitude; and giving intelligence relpeeling the liege of Edinb. caltlc; and fome fteps taken towards a furrender. (Orig.) Edinb. May 11 , 1573 . 78. 67 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; about the progrels of the liege of Edinb. caftle. (Orig ) Edinb. May is. 1573 . 79- b. 6S. Earl Iluntley, to Ld. Burleigh; thanking him for good olfiees, and reqliefting a continuation of them. (Orig.) Iluntley, May 20 , 1573. 80 . b. 69 . Tho. H. Cotton, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the liege of Edinb. caftle, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. May 23, 1573. 81. 70 . A proclamation bv the Regent for the fccuritv of CALIGULA, C. IV. of I hole who arc permitted to go out of the caftlc of Edinb. Ilolyrood-houfe, May 29 , 1573 . 83. 71- II. Killigrew, to the lords Burleigh and Lciccftcr; reporting a requeft of the Caltijians for their leeurity ; and defiring that Verac may not lie fullered to come to Edinb. Edinb. May 27 , 1373. 84. 72 . Sir Wm. Drury, to the Lds. of Council ; about the liege of Edinb. cal'tle, and a parley. Edinb. May 28 , 1573. * 84. b. 7 8. The Regent of Scotland, to Ld. Burleigh? thanking Q. Elizabeth for the aid Die had lent into Scotland; and requeuing the continuance of her countenance. (Orig.) 1 Iulyrood-hoilfe, May ;;i, 1573. 85. b. 74 . Win. Maitland and W. Kyrkaldy, to Ld. Burleigh? requel ting that, having l'urrendered to Q. Elizabeth, they may not be delivered over to their countrymen. (Orig.) June 1 , 1573 . 86. b. 75. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; defires to be recalled ; about fome requefts of the reconciled lords, Kir. Cecil, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. June 1, 1573. 87. 76. Tho. Cecil, to Ld. Burleigh his father; ac¬ quaints him that his grandmother is come to live at Burleigh; fpeaks of Lethington’s application to Q. Elizabeth, but not very favourably; and about private concerns. (Orig.) Burleigh, June 7 , 1573.89. 77- Afummary of things tfiathappened in Scotland, from Feb. to June 1573. while Kir. Killigrew was ambaffador there. 90 ^ 78. Q. Elizabeth, to the Regent of Scotland; cx- prefling her fatisfaClion at the rcduclion of Edinb. caftlc; and about fome requefts of Huntley and the countefs of Argylc. June 9 , 1573 . * 97 . 7 !). Sir V\ m. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; reports his having withdrawn his troops from Edinburgh t > Leith. Leith, June 5 , 1573. 99 . 80 . If. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; informing, him that the regent had permitted the return of Ld. Liv.ing- fton. (an extract.) June 12 , 1573. 99 . b. 81 . Sir Wm. Drury, to Ld. Burleigh; reports his having delivered fome prilbners to the regent; and about the interment of Lethington, and the return of Livingfton. (an extract.) June is, 157 . 3 . 99 . b. 82 . II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; a remembrance of various matters fubfequent to the taking of Edinb. caftle. June 20 , 1573. 9 !i. b. 88. H. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; refpeeiing Lc- tliington's death ; account of feveral things found in Edinb. and Dumbarton cattles; about prilbners, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. June 13, 1.573. iOi. S4. Mary Fleming, Lethington’s widow, to Ld. Burleigh; requefting his interceflion with Q. Eliza¬ beth in her and her family's favour. (Orig.) Edinb. June 21 , 1 . 573 . " J 02 . b. 8.;. A fragment, urging the necettity of procuring fpeedy lupplies tor Edinb. cattle, and on fome private concerns. The name of “Harys” is at the bottom ot this paper; and it feems to have been addrelfed to fome lord about Q. Mary, perhaps Lethington. March 31, 1573 ? * 10; . 8fi. James VI. (and the regent Marr) their com- miflion appointing the carl of Morton' the kim-'s lieutenant in the l'outli of Scotland. Edinb. Jan°2 15 72- 104 . . £C Occurences’ - or rather regulations concern¬ ing the Kirk. 15 73. 105 . . 8S - Capt- Cockburn, to Kir. Killigrew; relates his journey from York to Edinburgh'? and gives ac¬ counts of feveral perfons. Aug. 1 , 1573 . i 0 G. It l 89. Robt. Montgomery: to Kir. Killigrew ; ac¬ quainting him of his mi i'll oh to the Ik of Orange. Aug. 2 , 1573. lOG. b. 90 . The Regent of Scotland, to II. Killigrew: with much intelligence on public matters; the execution of Orange, &c. the manoeuvres of France ; fome jewels to be returned by Drury, See. Ilolyrood-houfe, A tig. 5. 1573. 106". b. 91 . Offers made by fivc-fcOrC gentlemen, in favour of Wm. Kirkaldy, foiliethlie of Grange. July? 1573. ‘ 108. 92. Alex. Ilay, to II. Killigrew; about Adain Gordon's going to France; the articles concerning the murderers of the two regents, ft-c. (aii-extraVj.) Aug. 19, 1573. : ' 109-- 93. Mary Q. of Scots, to Ld. Burleigh j recom¬ mending prefideht du Vergier, the chancellor of her dowry; and requefting good offices. (Orig. French.) Chatiworth, Aug. 17 , 1573 . 110 . 04. Sir Robt. Klclvill, to IF Killigrew; exculpat¬ ing himlelf; and defiling him to intercede with Q. Eliz. for her mediation with the regent. (Orig.) Sept, isr, 1.573. 1 ioA 95. Sir Robt. Klclvill, to lord Burleigh; to the fame purport as the above. (Orig.) In prifon, Sept. 12,157.3. m. 96. Sir Valent. Browne, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports his having delivered Hume and Faux calUes to the regent, (an extract.) Oft: 23, 1573. 112 . 97 . James VI. and the regent Klorton; their order for the march of fome troops to the borders, (a draught with blanks.) 1573. 113 . 98. Anfwers to fome notes from Scotland, con¬ cerning various facts, from the time of Mary the Q. regent; and fome matters to be enquired after and certified from Scotland. Nov. 13, 1573. 144 . 99- A difeourfe, containing a perfeft account, given to Q. Mary, of the whole proceedings of the Bp. of Rods her ambaffador in England, from his entry in Sept. 1568, to Nov. 26, 1578 . 1 17 . 100 . The Regent of Scotland, to Ld. Burleigh; rejecting Adam Gordon's practices in France, (an extract.) Jan. 21 , 1573-4. 262 . 101 . Charles IX. K. of France; his paffport in fa¬ vour of Verac. (French.) Paris, Jan. 7 , 1 . 57 s: 203. 102 . Occurrences in Scotland ; chiefly about the acts of the latt parliament. Feb. 1 . 573 . 204 . 103. Sir Valent. Browne, to Ld. Burleigh; with various intelligence about Scottilh affairs. Berwick, March 6, 1573. <*o5. 104 . A minute of a letter to Q. Elizabeth, con¬ cerning her fending Killigrew into Scotland (perhaps from Ld. Burleigh.) London, March 20 , 1574 . 206 . 105. A paper of intelligence, figned Wm. Cotton; concerning the opinions and proceedings of one he was probably let upon as a fpy. April 20 , 1574 . 208. 106 . Henry Howard, to Mr. Secretary.; exculpating himlelf and requefting his mediation with Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.?) May 7 , 1574. 209 . b. 107- Q. Elizabeth’s inftruftions to H. Killigrew, going into Scotland. May 22 , 1574 . 210 . 108 . Alex. Hay, to II. Killigrew; bidding him welcome; and containing fome intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. June 7 , 1574. 211 . b. 109- II. Killigrew, to Ld. BurleigR; intelligence about fome Scotliili nobles, (an extract.) June 8, 1574. 212 . 110 . ILK#- I I 2 CALIGULA, C. IV. V. various 220 . no. II. Killigrew, to fir Fr. Walfingham; various intelligence about the ltatc of affairs in Scotland ; an apparent coolnefs : with a long pollcript. Edinb. June 17 , 1674 . 213 . 111. II. Killigrew, to Sec y Walfingham; about a league with Scotland; lets than £. 2,000 a year in penfions. be fays, would bind the worthicii in Scot¬ land Edinb. June 24 , 1674 . 216. 112. Note of a letter from the E. of Ilunllcy, to Q. Elizabeth. June 1, 1.574. 21 O'. 1 in. “ Obfervations and occurrences out of Scot¬ land.'' (this appears to be a letter from Killigrew to Walfingham.) June 2 : 5 , 1.574. 216. 114. II. Killigrew, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence : much information about the king's perfon and education. Edinb.. June no, 1674 . 2if). 11.5. II. Killigrew, to Sec y Walfingham' intelligence. Edinb. June 26, 1674 . ii(i. II. Killigrew, to Ed. lhirleigh ; mentioning that, on the regent's return from Douglas-dale, he would enter upon a certain matter he (Kil.) had re¬ ceived in charge. June 23 , 1674 . 221. 117. Lady Hume, to Q. Elizabeth ; minutes of a fubmiiTivc letter. July 10, 1.374. 222. 118. The E. of Shrcwibury, to Sec y Walfingham; about fume letters he had communicated to Q. Murv, &c. Sheffield, July, 12, 16 74 . 222' i if). H. Killigrew, to.giving an account of the E. of Argylc's progrefs in holding juftice courts. July, 1574 . 222 . b. 120. II. Killigrew, to Sec y Walfingham? with va¬ rious intelligence both from Scotland and foreign countries. Edinb. July 1 8 , 1574 . 223 . 121. II. Killigrew, to Sec y Walfingham; with va¬ rious intelligence, about pirates taken and executed; the regent’s inveteracy again!! the E. and countcfs of Argylc; urges the needfity of a league and pen¬ fions, but the market, he lays, is now dearer; &e. (Orig.) Edinb. July 12, 1674. 225. 122. The E. of Huntley, to Q. Elizabeth; requeu¬ ing that his brother Adam (Jordon's conduct in France may not prejudice him (Huntley) and fo¬ liating her mediation with the regent. (Orig.) Aufco? July 30 , 1374 . 227 - b. 12.8. Sec y Walfingham, to II. Killigrew; direc¬ tions about the “matter of the two lords.” (partly in cypher.) Woodftock, July 30 , 1674 . 228. 124. Certain things obferved in the confeilion of Peter Douglas, touching bis late voyage into France. N. 15 . lie was a ftrong partil'an of Q. Mary. 1574. 22f). 126. II. Killigrew, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the regent's motions, &c. Aug. 3, 1674 . 281. 12 b. The anfwers of Agnes (Anne?) Keith coun¬ ters of Argylc, to the regent's objections to the E. of Argylc's articles and offers, concerning the deliver¬ ance of certain jewels. Aug. 1 ( 5 , 16 74 . 232 . 127. The Regent of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth; acknowledges the good fervices of Killigrew; Iblicits her further countenance; and about the jewels. Aberdeen, Aug. 1 ( 5 , 1574 . 232 . b. 128. Certain reformations, touching the old Ld. Lethington: feemingly drawn up by Sir R. Mait¬ land, and chiefly relating to his foil William. Aug. £ 4 , 1574 . * 234 . b. 129. Notes of 5 letters from the E. and countcfs of Argylc and R. Maitland, to Q. Elizabeth; and from the Cls. of Argylc, to Killigrew. Aug. 19 and 24 , 1574 . 230 . 130 . Anna Keith countefs of Argylc, to II. Kil¬ ligrew; about tin 1 regent's back ward ncTs in comply¬ ing with Q. Elizabeth's intcivel'fion in her i'avni-r, and the jewel's. (Orig.) Argylc, Sept. 14 , 1571 ! 287- 181 . II. Killigrew ; bis remembrance fur Scc y Wil¬ lingham touching tlic anfwcriiig of Seottilli letters and petitions delivered by him Killigrew ) to Q. Elizabeth, Sept. 19 , 1574. " < 28 . 3 . 132. The Regent of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth; apprizes her of his having apprehended lbme emif- laries of the lips, of Glafgow and Rots, and Adam (Jordon, lately come from France. (Orig.) Dal¬ keith, Sept. 22, 16 74. ° 040 . 183. The Regent of Scotland, to Sec 1 ' Walfingham, about lbmc fulpicious perfons, and letters, (dc- cyphered.) Dalkeith, Nov. 17 , 1674 . 241 . 184. The F. of Shrcwibury. to Q. Elizabeth; in juftificalion of himfelf and bis wife, for the marriauc between her daughter and the E. of Lenox. Shef¬ field, Dec. 2 , 1574. 043. 135. M.to the E. of Shrevflmry; con¬ veying inltructions from Q. Elizabeth concerning various matters to be communicated to Q. Mary. 244. 1 Sec y Walfingham. to the E. of Huntingdon; with articles to examine Tho. Fowler, lady Lenox's See-', and Malliet, upon matters about the marriage of Ld. Darn ley with the E. of Shrcwibury's daughter. Dee. 22, 1574. “ ‘ 2 4(5. 1 . 87 . See y Walfingham, to Q. Elizabeth; cautions about French intrigues. Loud. Jan. 15 , 1574 - 5 . 248 . 188 . Henry Cockyn, to Ld. Burleigh? containing much intelligence concerning Q. Marv's friends ; and begging his lordlhip to intercede w ith Q. Eliza¬ beth for his pardon. (Orig.) Feb. £ 0 , 1574 - 5 . 249 . 189.to Q. Elizabeth; adviling the apprehending of fome fufpicious perfons. (an ex¬ tract.) London, March l, 1574-5. 253. 140. A proclamation by the Regent of Scotland, for crying down the -new Plakkis and Ilardheidis.'’ (in print.) Holyrood-houlc, March 3 , 1574 - 5 . 253. b. 14 1 .to the E. of Lciccftcr; about Seottilli affairs, and the propriety of lending lbmc one to the regent. London, March 10 , 1574 - 5 . 254 . 142 . The Bp. of Rots, to Q. Mary; concerning the mode of living of the Trench king, (an extract, mutilated.) Nov. 26 , 1574. ' 255. 148. Hen. Cockyn: an explanation of his firft declaration made upon certain articles delivered unto him the 1 4th of March 1574-5. (Orig.) 25 ( 5 . 1 44. Wm. Hcnryfon, to the Regent ? intelligence from France, and defiring his protection. March 10 , 1574-5. 260. 145. Hen. Cockyn, to Scc y Walfingham; about the apprehending of Xcfmith, a plot of the Spani¬ ards to carry off James VI, Ike. (Orig.) Tower, March 1 b, 1574 - 5 . ' ' 201 . Caligula, C. V. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 153. 1 .to Q. Elizabeth; apprizing her of fome fymptoms of alienation in the regent of Scot¬ land. April 7 , 1575 . 1 . 2 .to Q. Elizabeth ; propofing that fome one he lent into Scotland to ohl'ervc the cjifpo- fition of the regent. April 14, 1575. 2 . 3. John Nefinith’s anl’wers to interrogatories; chiefly relating to Alexander Hamilton. April 2 s, 1575. ” 3 . 4. Hen. CALIGULA, C. V. 113 4. Hen. Cockyn's anfwers to interrogatories; chiefly about letters and writings which had pafled through his hands ; againft D. Good's examination : with a long fupplement concerning Hamilton. (Grig.) April 28, 1.575. " g. 5. The examination of Dr. James Good, before Tho. Randolph and Tho. Bromley. (Grig, figned by the three parties.) April 28, 1 . 575 . 9 . 6. The voluntary confeflion of Nevil Sands, of things which he denied before the connniflioners, and through the lieutenant’s means was perfuadecl to declare. (Grig.) May 4, 1575. 10 . 7 . An examination of Dr. James Good, taken at the Tower. (Grig.) May 12 , 1575. 14. 8. The confeflion of Alex. Hamilton. (Orig.) May 21 , 1575. 15 . 9. A confeflion of Hen. Cockyn, touching Nevil Sands. (Orig.) May 20 , 1575. " 16. 10 . A confeflion of John Nefmith, concerning James Hamilton. (Grig.) May 20 , 1 . 575 . is. 11 . Villeroy, to fome friend of Q. Mary; ac¬ quainting him that the K. of France cannot fend the two or three fliips required. (French.) Paris, May 22, 15 75. 1<). 12 . Articles wherewith to charge certain perfons: gathered out of Cockyn’s confeflion, drawn up by Mr. Solicitor. The perfons charged are Goodyere, Ric. LoxVther, Fr. Bertey, Dr. Good, Dr. Archlowe, Morgan, Alexander Hamilton fchoolmafter to Ld. Shrew lb ury's children, Nevil Sands, Jacldon, and Watkin Dawes. 1 . 575 . 20 . 1 •>. Sir John Forfter, to the Lds. of the Council ; afligning the reafons why the borders are not fo well furnilhed with horfes as they had been before. Ber¬ wick, June 6, 1575. ‘ 24. 14. Advertifemcnts from Scotland, conlifting of 50 articles. 1576 . 05 . 1 5. Articles concluded between the Regent of Scot¬ land, See. and the E. of Huntingdon, &c. for redref- ling the diforders committed at a meeting between Sir John Forfter warden of the middle march of Eng¬ land, and John Carmichael jun. deputy keeper of Liddilclale. Foulder, Sept. 8, 1575. 30 . id- .. to II. Killigrew; fome inftruftions about fettling the diforders on the borders, mentioned in the above. Killingworth, July 12 , 1 . 575 . 31 . 17 . Mr. John Selby, to See y Walfingham ; report¬ ing divers outrages committed by the Scots on the borders, (an extract.) July 1 . 3 , 157 5. 31 .b. 18 . Nic. Arrington, to Sec y Walfingham; re¬ porting his remonftrance with the regent about the late outrages on the borders. Berwick, July 20 , 15 ‘ 5 - 31. b. 19 . The E. of Huntingdon, to Sec y Smith ; reports his negociation with the regent of Scotland, about the red refs of the outrages on the borders. (Grig.) Berwick, Aug. lG, 1575 . 33. 20 . The ftate of the diforder chanced at the Rcd- wier the 7th ot July, at a meeting betwixt the war¬ den of the middle marches of England, and John Carmichael, deputy keeper of Liddifdale. (figned Huntingdon and 4 more.) Aug. 1575 . 35 . 21 . Ld. Hunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh? hating his opinion concerning the late outrages on the borders; ami about the regent's unpopular conduct. (Grm.j Berwick, Aug. 24 , 1575 . 37 . . 22 - An account of the meeting for redrefs of the diforders on the borders. (figned John Forfter.) July, 15 75 . 38> 23 . Sir John Forfter, to the E. of Leiccfter; about Carmichael’s aft of violence upon Sir Wnl. Carr, warden of the middle marches of Scotland, (an ex¬ tract.) Aug. 9 , 1575. 40 . 24 . Ld. Huntingdon, to Sec y Smith; reports fome declarations of the regent concerning the late dif¬ orders on the borders, (an extract.) Aug. 17 , 1575. 40 . 25. Ld. Huntingdon, to Q. Elizabeth; concern¬ ing the affair of the borders. Aug. 24 , 1575 . 40 .1>. 2 G. Report of the caufe of the late falling out between fir John Forfter, and the laird of Carmichael. Aug. 28 , 1575. 41 . b. 27 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Huntingdon; di¬ rections about his negociation for reparation con¬ cerning the infult offered on the borders. Cornbury park, Aug. 29 , 1575. 43. ft. 28 . Q. Elizabeth, to H. Killigrew; inftrufting him about the reparation lie is to claim from the regent Sept. 15 75. 4 G. 29 . The regent of Scotland, to Sec y Walfingham; laying blame upon Forfter; and Rating the peaceful ftate of the realm of Scotland, (an extraft.) April 5 , 15 75. 48. b. 30. The E. of Huntingdon, to theE. of Leiccfter; concerning his dealings with the regent of Scotland on the affair 011 the borders. Berwick, Sept. 10 , i575. 49 . 31. The E. of Huntingdon, to the E. of Leicefter; two fliort letters about his motions. Durham, Sept 11 , 1575. 51 .b. 32. Notes of the beginning of the diforder of the Red-wier, and of the reformation and punifliment appointed to follow: collected by Mr. Gargrave Sept. 1575 . 32 . 33. Robert Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham? Rating the proceedings at Eaulder ; and adding fome apo° logy for himlelf. (Grig.) Berwick, Sept. 13 , 1575. 53 . 34. The E. of Huntingdon, and 5 other commif- fioners, to the lords of Council; reporting their negociation with the Scottifh commiftioners, about the affair of the borders. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept 14 I 5 ?5- ‘ 35 / 35. I he Regent ofScotland’s declaration, concern¬ ing the late affair on the borders; addrelfed to Ld Huntingdon. Sept. 1575 . 50 . 36. The Regent of Scotland, to H. Killigrew; ac¬ quainting him with his journey from Dalkeith to Edinburgh, and of the good treatment he had received from the nobility, (a fragment.) Oft. 15 , 1575 . 38 . 37 . Sir Robt. Conftable, marftial of Berwick, to the Lds. of the Council; about the regent’s rigorous ad- mini ft ration of juftice at Edinburgh, (an extraft.) I cb. 28, 1575-6. 59. b. 38. The Regent of Scotland, to Mr. Killigrew; announcing his intention of coming to the borders, and fettling all differences, (an extraft.) Nov. 4 , 1575. 6‘0. 39- The Sieur Caftclneau (de Mauvifiere) to See* Walfingham; defiring a paflport for fending feveral things (cloaths, fwcet-meats, and letters) to Q. Mary. (French.) London. Jan. 12 , 1575 - 6 . 61 . 40. Various emblems; fome on a clock of Q. Mary. 6 £ 41. Mary Q. of Scots, to Mons. de Mauvifiere; complains of her health; defires him to procure leave for her treafurer to come to her and fettle the accounts of her dowry, See. (French.) Sheffield, March 12 , 1576 . 65 . 42 . The Abp. of Glafgow, partly to his brother, G g and CALIGULA, C. V. n + and partly to Q. Marv ; about the impediments to their correfpomlemc. and the neeeffities ot the Q adherents. (French.) 1 .3 7 •-> - O'O’. 43. The Recent of Scot land, to Ld. Burleigh; de¬ firing the reftoration of fome goods; and warning him of fome new intentions to create troubles on the borders. May 8, 1376. <>7- 44. Pope Gregory Mil, to Q. Mary; profeliing his zeal in her caufe. (Latin, an extract.) Aug. is, 1576. 68. 45. John Hamilton, to.reporting fome meafures taken in Fiance in favour of Q. Mary. (Orig.) Bruil’clSj Aug. l, 1576. 68. 4G. The Regent of Scotland, to fome Englilh offi¬ cer on the borders; defiling that fome troops might he lent to Ld. Scroope, warden of the weft borders, to enable him to enforce the meafurcs taken for the tranquillity of the marches. (Orig.?) Jedburgh, Nov. 29, 15 76. (>!). 47. Q. Elizabeth, to the Regent of Scotland; in nnfwer to a letter of his in which lie cautions her againlt evil deiigns, and declares his purpole to ad- minifter lirict juftice to her l'uhjeets, for all which flic thanks him. Feb. 1576 . 70. 48. Mary Q. of Scots, to.about the confcquenees of the journey of one of her friends towards her. (French, an extra'61.) 1377. 71. 4{). Ld. Scroope, to See 1 ' Wallingham; reporting T.d. Maxwell's intention to refign his office oi war¬ den. (ailextract.) March 31, 1577. 72. 50. 'l'he E. of Shrewfbury, to See 1 ' Wallingham : reporting ieveral things about Q. Mary, and the practices of her friends. (Orig.) Sheffield, April '26, 1577. 73. 51. Sec y Efcovcdo, to the king of Spain bis mai¬ ler; adviting an attack upon “the ifles. (the origi¬ nal in cypher, the deci pher in SpaniJh, and an Eng- lith trail flat ion.) Antwerp, April % 1577- 75. 52. The Regent of Scotland, to Ld. Seroope ; men¬ tioning fome meafnres he had taken in confeqlienee of Ld. Maxwell's reiignation of the wardeuthip. May 2 , 1577. 76. 53 . Sec* Wallingham? to the E. of Shrew-flnuy; tiguifving the queen's pin million for him to remove to diatfworth; and wondering at Mons. Vergicr's lorig ftay with Q. Mary. -May 9 , 1577. 76. b. 5i. A letter tigned “ Mile Catielneau," (Michel. Scig. de Mauvitieres) French amhatfador in Lon¬ don, to fome nobleman at the French court (the grand matter of the wardrobe); with various intel¬ ligence about the interefrs of the French, and the C atholics in Englqnd. (French.) London. .May 15 , 1577. 77. 5 .5; llobt. Bow es, 1o Sec^ Wallingham : about hawks lent; the Seottith bands in Holland; diteou- tents in Scotland, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 2 , 1577. 79- 56 . Marv Q. of Scots, to Dr. Allen; expreffing her great zeal for the catholic faith, (deciphered by Air. Somers.) Sheffield, Aug. 3, 1577. 80 . 57 . The prelent ftate of the nobility in Scotland, and how they ft and affected. 1577. Si. 58. The E. of Leiecfter, to See 1 ' Walfingham ; concerning a private difpute between him and Mr. Geo. Scot. (Orig.) Aug. 1577. 8 S. 59 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Shrcwtbury; di¬ recting him to narrow the confinement of O- Mary. Sept. 9 , 1577. S5. 60. llobt. Bowes, to the E. of Leiecfter ; concern¬ ing the probability of frelli troubles breaking out in Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, Oct. y, 1577. 86. 61 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of .Vim! : ex; ,'eUmg her delire liiat the (lilFerenee> between him and ibe regent, and all diffinlions among tl.e unbility of Scotland might be eompoled; lor wbieli purpole (be lends down Mr. llobt. Bowes. We.alibi, Dee. 1577 . 88. 62 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; reporting ;:.e. attempt of fome noblemen and abbots at Stirling, and the fcqucl of it Edinl). April 2 s, 1 .• 7 7- 89 . 65. Tlte negoeiation of the abbot of Dumb rmling amhatfador from Scotland to O- Fliz. haling his de¬ clarations to the Q. and her eoe.neil, and the caults he alligned that iliould move her ma jelly to he fa¬ vourable to the king: alfo the a 11 fivers made thereto. July 50, 1577- 91. 64. Articles agreed upon in Scotland between the king anil the lords, Aug. 1 5, 1578: and an order made in eoniequenee thereof, dated Stirling, Aug. U, 1578. 99- ij 5 . Ld. lIunfdon,to Ld. Burleigh ? reporting fume trauI'aelions in Scotland againti Morion: and declar¬ ing that Q. Fliz. may have both parties at her devotion. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 19 . 1578. 101 . 66. Extracts from 14 lett <1 fi Bp. of Rot’s, eoneerning Q- M ; uy s ahairs: the i p’s. c : 1 fpondents wi t p. ot Glatg Q Mary, Philip K. of Spam. the L. ot Athol, Card. Comenfis, the Archbp. of To 1 c-.. Ah. Hie D. 01 Ba¬ varia, to.w hit h id but neoiffiy) to have been diivicd to (.>. Man : lii.e- wife a lilt of the Seotlilii noh.iih and clergy, and of 1 he party they efj fe; and en to the emperor Rudolph. (Latin.) Apr. 157s.-- Feb. 1579 . 67. Marv Q. of Scots, to Mons. de Mauviiicre ; about the refufal of pall’ports. (Qrig. 1 reach.) Shet- field, Ort.6, 15 78. 198. 68 . llobt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh? about the pre¬ carious hale of affairs in Scull.md, and about fome “ Jeade" tent. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 5. 1578, ioy. 6y. Robt. Bowes, to Set y Walfingbam ? eonei ru¬ ing his ncgociations w ith the Seottiili lords; the h. of Argyll* will, to falisly Q. Eli/, forego bis rents out of Ireland; his intention to return to Berwick, and with that he may he allowed to come to court. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 24 , 1 5 7 8 ; no. 70 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to '1 ho. Randolph, on his g : : a i ' land. rig. coun- terligned bv Wailingham.) Jan. 51, 15 78-9. ill. 7 1. Inftructions upon which Tonvibn, See y Wai- fuigiiam s man, iliould coaler with au Italian at Bor logna; and Tomfqn’s pvoei ■ dings . h< reupou. 1 > 79 - 11?.;. 72 . Two letters, one of winch has CAi) at llu* end, being from the Italian at lioiogiui to whom Tomlbn had been tent: the lini e neerning a medi¬ cine, and the fecond perhaps to Wallingham, dated March 8, 1576, .elating to mine eimhary. (Itali iu.) 115 . 7 Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burt igh; 1 >n! 1 - ligenee fV(>m Scotland; i 1 E. Lenox; Morton's ft rife with A . 1 le i“ . e;.l'm the poifuning < to 1 . ' • ; Carr r< cull d in pits ■ ■ h 1579 - UG ' 7 Lifts < f p‘ 1 -fons who 1 vc, 01 <1 ght to hi ve petitions. 5 numbers. 1579. 1 1 7- 75 . < )ccurrences in S< ■ i- aR d 21 . more occurrences and adverlil’emeiiG Itijin Scotland; June 1 . 1579. 1 ”°- 76 . The CALIGULA, C, V. VI. ii 5 7G The offers ol* lord Ilumeto 1 lie king and re¬ gent, referred to letters from Ld. and lady Ilumeto her majelty. July 10 , 1579- 125. 77- Part of a letter from fir Ilep. Cobham, de- cyphered; concerning lome tranfaetions in Prance. 1-579. 12 G. 78. An inventory of feveral things (accounts, apparel, Sec.) fenttoQ. Mary byduVcrgier. (Orig. Trench.) Paris, July 21 , 1579 . , 1 < 27 . 7 . 0 . Marv Q. of Scots, to Secy Walfmgham ; com¬ plaining of the delay of her letters. (Grig. Trench.) Sheffield, Sept. 5, 1 , 579 . 129 . 80 . Nic. Arrington, to Sec y Walfmgham? reports a iiegociation with Janies vi. and various intelligence about d’Auhigny’s riling favour, Sec. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, Oet. id, 1579. 1 . 30 . 81 . Occurrences in Scotland: figned X. Arrington. Oct. 1579 . 132 . 82 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; various intel¬ ligence from Scotland, about d’Aubigny, Sec. (Orig.) Berwick, 22 , 1579- v 135 . 83. A memorial for Mr. Arrington to repair to the K. of Scots; with her majelty’s letters for anfwer to the letters oft lie laid king. Nov. 1 , 1579 . 137 . 84. The attainder of John Hamilton, commendat. of Arbroath, Claud Hamilton, commendat. of Paillcy, and others, in a parliament held at Edinb. the 10th Nov. 1579 . 143 . 8 . 5 . Revocation of the infeoffment of the earldom of Lenox to Ld. Charles Stewart; and confirmation ot the lame to Ld. Robert Stewart, quondam Bp. of Caithnefs. Stirling, May 3, 1579. us. 8 (». Janies VIth's grant to Robert Stewart, of the earldom of Lenox, lands, See. June 17 , L 57 S. l 19 . 87 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftrudtions to Mr. Bowes, for Mr. Randolph, at the time when Mclvis was lent out of Trance to the K. of Scots. 1 , 5 < 2 . 88. A memorial of the prefent Rate of Scotland; the regent Morton delircs leave of the king to go beyond feas. Dec. 31 , 1579 . 155 . 8!). An accord for border matters: with a memo¬ rial concerning thofc matters, delivered to Nic. Arrington to be communicated to Q. Elizabeth. Dee. 81 , 15 79 - 1.57. Caligula, C. VI. Codex chqrtaccus, in folio, eonftans foliis 1 GG. 1 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld Burleigh; reports a plot of Lenox and Ins friends to ruin Morton; Grey and Ogilhy, lately arrived from Prance, raile the hopes of Q- -Mary's and the Catholic part v, &c. April 2 1580. ’ 1 . . 2 . Nic. Arrington, to Ld. Burleigh? reporting Ins application to James VI. in favour' of the llamil- tou , s; le*8 and cTAubigny s enmiti to th< various other intelligence ;‘Morton popular. (Ori- ) Stirling, April 4, 1580. ' J. ^ 8. Robb Bowes, to Sec 7 Waliingham? chief!v about the E. ot Morton; liepropofes to have a guard"; is £ oin g 011 a progrefs, &c. (Grig.) Berwick? April 5, 1580. 4 1 . Nic. Arrington, to Sec 7 Walfmgham ? various news; an alarm of a plot to carry'off the kin-; d'Auhigny in great favour, &c. (Orig.) Stirling’ April io, 1580. ‘ C 7 (X ’ 03 5 and G, are accidentally omitted.) NieP Arrington, to Ld. Burleigh? reports the fmigglesof parties refpeeting the euftodvof the king's perfun ; 1.. Mort on folicits Q. Elizabeth’s protection ; d'Auhigny confents to he inftrucled in the proteltaiit religion, .See. (Orig.) Berwick,'April 1 G. 1580 . 8. 8. Robt; Roues, to Sec 7 Waliingham? about the ft niggles of the parties in Scotland; two Trench cm diaries expected there ; Angus on the borders, See. (Orig.) Berwick, April 1 G, I 56 O. 10 . 9- InftruHions for Mr. Robl. Bowes, drawn up by Sec y Waliingham; charging liim to do all in his power to fupplant d’Auhigny, and to get the king (till to depend upon Q. Elizabeth. Apnl 19 , 1580 . 12. 10 . Q. Elizabeth, to the I). d Auhigny; compli- menting him; but reprefen ting to him, that before his arrival Scotland was at peace, and that it will he to his honour to keep it fo. (French.) April 9 , 1580. ] )_ 11 . Q. Elizabeth, to Robt. Bowes; ordering him to repair to the K. of Scots with a letter from her, and give him information concerning the late troubles. April lG, 1580. v ip-. 12 . Q. Elizabeth, to K. James VI. font by Robt. Bowes ; recommending Bowes as mediator in tl)|B late troubles. April lG, 1580. 19 . 13. See 1, Waliingham, to Robt. Bowes; inftrudt- ing him how to conduct himlclf towards d’Auhigny. April- 17 , 1580. lG.b. 14 . Ld. Burleigh and See 7 Walfmgham, to Robt. Bowes; infmiClions for lowering the credit of d'Au¬ higny, and by any means to get the cattles of Edinb. and Dumbarton out of his hands; and cau¬ tions about attempts of the Trench to carry oil' the young king. April 17 , 1580. 17 . b. 15. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and See 7 Wal fingham ; various news about the motions of Morton, Lenox, &c. Edinb. April 27 , 1580. 18 . b. lb'. Sec y Walfmgham, to Mr. Bowes; in anfwer to the above; and communicating feveral alarming re¬ ports concerning the difeontents of the people in Scotland, and the intrigues of Spain, Sec. Mav 80 , 1580. ‘< 20 . 17 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; complains heavily of her hard ufage; and delircs that fhe may be allowed to go to Buxton. (French.) Sheffield, May 2 , 1580. 2 d year of her imprilbnmcnt? (probably 1570.) . £2. 18 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec y Wal¬ lin gliam; Rating at large his conferences with the L. of Lenox and the king of Scots; the E. of Morton bus for a trial; various news concerning feveral or the Scottish nobility, the king’s intended progrefs, &c. (Orig.) Stirling, May 3, 1580. " 24 . 19 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Scc y Wal¬ fmgham ; reports his negociutions in favour of the Hamiltons; on border matters; various information gyle.; teftunt, See. (Orig.) Stirling, May 10 , 1530 . 28. 20 . Efme E. of Lenox, to Ld. Buchanan ; lum¬ inous him to meet him with a retinue to attend the king on his progrefs, Edinb. May 10 , 1580. S 3 . 21 . R B s, toS Wal'fij about the Bp. of Rofs, Fernihurli, Lenox, See. Edinb. May ifj, 1.380. 33 . b. 22 . The E. of Lenox, to Q. Elizabeth; proteRing himfelf innocent of the charge of promoting difien- lion between her and iiis king; and offering to fight his calumniators. (Orig. Trench.) Edinb. May 1-5, 1580. 34 . 23. James Murray, to See 7 Walfingham? intel¬ ligence “ lpeeially of tlie practices and devices of the Papilts ” in Scotland. Edinb. May 1.5,15 80. 35. 24. R. Bowes, CALIGULA, C. VI. 116 24 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing¬ ham ; about Lenox's proceedings, and the difpofi- tion of the Scottilh nobles. (Orig.) Edinb. May Hi, 1380. 3(5. 2.5. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing- ham; acquaints them of tome intended alterations in the date of Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. May 17 , 1580. " " 38. 26 '. It. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfingham; Morton ready to employ himfelf in a certain enterprise; Lenox iufpictous. (an extract.) May 23, 1.580. 39 . 27 . It. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfmg¬ ham; concerning the intended alteration in Scotland, the man(cuvres of Lenox, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, May 23, 1.5 80. 40. 28. It. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing- ham; about affairs in Scotland: “ The K. thinketh himfelf in no furetv at Stirling, or in the keeping of them that remain about him.” (Orig.) Berwick, June 3, 15SO. 42. 29 . Ld. John Hamilton, to Q. Elizabeth; about del a ys in his pardon, and reftoration. (Orig.) Paris, June 4 , 1580. 44. b. 30 . It. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfmgham; about, the im¬ pending alteration in the Government of Scotland. Berwick, June 3, 1580. 45. 51 . It. Bowes to Ld. Burleigh and Sec* Walfmg- liam; news about the Sc. king’s progrefs. June 1 .5, 1580. 46'. 32. R. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfmgham; Morton and the queen's friends perplexed for want of timely abidance. June 15, 1580. 46 . b. 33. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Morton; advifmg him of tome attempts of the French and Lenox ; and defiring his advice. June 22 , 1580. 47 . 34. Secy Walfmgham, to R. Bowes ; inftruefions for counteracting Lenox’s defigns; defires to know what penfion might content Morton; the prince of Cond6 in England. June 22 , 1580. 47. h. 35. It. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Secy Walfing- ham; intelligence chiefly about Lenox and Morton, (an extract.) July 9 , 1380. 48. 5(5. Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; exculpat¬ ing hcrfelf, and complaining of her enemies; defiros leave to go to a Bath. (French.) Sheffield, J une 21 , 1380. 49- 37- Ld. Burleigh, to the French amhaffador (Caltclneau dc Mauvifiere?) expreffing great civility; and alluring him that Condo's negotiation had been ineffectual. (French.) July 1 , 1380. 51. 38. It. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfmgham; intelligence about Lenox, who dill rifts in favour, hut “ whole weak calk may haply hurft with the abundance of ftrong liquor poured into it;” and about Morton, who is in great perplexity, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, July 19 , 1580. ” " 52. 39. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing- liam; about the reftoration of the Lds. John and Claud. Hamilton; Morton's proceedings and de¬ mands; red refs for piracies, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, July 19, 1580. 53 . 40. A note of commiflions given to Geo. Douglas, going from the Scottiflr court to that of France. July 20 , 1580. 55 . 41 . The E. of Morton, to R. Bowes; concerning a “ plait (plot) to be laid. (Orig.) St. Andrews, July 29 , 13 SO. ‘ 5G. 42 . James VI. K. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth ; con¬ cerning the Iiamiltons. (Orig.) St. Andrews, July 31, 1580. yr~ 43. Mr. Archibald.to R. Bowes? intel¬ ligence about Morton, &c. July 31, 1580. 58. 44 . R. Bowes, to the abbot of Dumfermling (Robt. Pitcairn See 7 of State); about redrefs for at¬ tempts. Berwick, Aug. 1 , I580. 58. b. 4 . 3 . It. Bowes, to See 7 ’Walfmgham ; about the E. of Morton. Aug. 2, 1580. 59 . b. 46. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walling- ham; Morton likely to he reconciled with Lenox; and other news, (an extract.) Aug. 2 , 15 so. Co. 47- Sec 7 Walfmgham, to R. Bowes; about the means of fecuring the intered of the E. of Morton. Oatlands, Aug. 10 , 1580. Cl. 48. A note of fome prifoners taken at Bouchain. (French.) 02 . 49. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Secy Walfing- ham; about Morton’s and Lenox’s intended recon¬ ciliation; the king's motions, &c. Aug. 10 , 1580. 62. 50. R. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfmgham; reports a com¬ munication made to Morton; Drunrw hefiel Ready in Q. Elizabeth's cauie; the kings motions, (an cx- trafi.) 1 63. 51. R. Bowes, to See 7 Walfingham ; Morton yields to Lenox, and the French party prevails. Auguft 22 , 1580. ' ^ 63. 52 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfmg¬ ham; various news from Scotland; Morton ftill pro- fed'es himfelf favourable to the Englifli party ; Lenox very defirous to have Dumbarton in his hands, See. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 22 , 1580. 64. 53. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; Drumwhell'el contents to furrender Dumbarton to Lenox, who flints the port of Edinb. for a day, See. Aug. 27 , 15 SO. ’ " 66. 54. Secy Walfmgham? to R. Bowes; about Q. Elizabeth’s intention to fend him (Bowes) and lord Scroopc to the IL of Scots, to negociate about the Iiamiltons, See. defiresliim to perfuade Drumwhelfel not to furrender Dumbarton. Aug. 26, 1580. 6?. 55. Q. Elizabeth, to James vi; credential in favour of Mr. Bowes. Aug. si, 1580. 07 . 56. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and See 7 Walfing¬ ham; reports his having written to the abbot of Dumfermling about the matters he and Ld. Scroopc would fhortly have to negociate: alio a fclicdulc of tlioi'c matte part of the 69 - Aug. 31, 1580. 67 . h. 57 . Sec 7 Walfmgham, to R. Bowes; directions for cautioning the K. of Scots againft Lenox, and other- wife counteracting him. Aug. 51, 1580. 67 . h. 5S. Sec 7 Walfingham, to R. Bowes; qualifying the directions given in the above: a dcfpondiug podfeript. Oatlands, Sept. 1 , 1580. 68. b. 59 . Sec 7 Walfmgham, to R. Bo preceding article. Sept. 1 , 1 . 5 so. 60 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing¬ ham; about, his fpeedy journey into Scotland ; :uid the many changes talked of in the minidry of Scot¬ land. Sept. 6, 1530. * 69 . b. Cl. Sec 7 Walfingham, to R. Bowes ; directing fome keen rein on ft ranees to he made to the L. of Scots about Lenox, before Ld Scroopc is lent down. Sept, to 1580. 70. 62 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfing¬ ham; reports his firft negotiation with the R and Council of Scotland, wherein they decline to order Lenox to withdraw during the demanded audience: and fome fubfequent tranlactions. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 13, 1580. 71 . 63 A deliberation of Q. Elizabeth’s Council, lor directing C AL IGUL A, C. VI. 117 direfting R. Bowes concerning his negociation againft Lenox. Richmond, Sept. 18, 1580. 73 . 64 . Sir John Forfter, to Sec y Walfingham; con¬ cerning Lenox’s high favour; and fome affairs on the borders. Sept. 16 , 1580. 74 . 65. R. Bowes, to Sec* Walfmgham; about, fome Scottilh affairs: the names m cypher. Ediub. Sept. 20 , 1580. 74 . b. 66 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Secy Walling- liam; reports the If. of Scotland’s repeated refufal to caufe Lenox to abfent himfelf from the council on Bowcs's delivering his melfage; about. Drumwhdfcl, the borders, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 20 , 1580. 75. 67 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sccy Walfmg¬ ham; the audience in the ablence of Lenox Hill re- fufed; about piracies, changes in the offices, the borders, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 25, 1 580. 78. 68. R. Bowes, to I.d. Bitrlei'gh andSec 7 Walfmg¬ ham ; reports that Lenox profdfes to be well dif- pofed towards Q. Elizabeth; a convcrfation with Rob. Melvin, in which a match between the K. of Scots and fome Englifh lady is mentioned, 8 c c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 27 , 1580. 81 . 69 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfmg¬ ham; the lieutenancy of the eafi and middle marches offered to Angus; fome preachers inveigh bitterly againft Papifts; another interview with Melvin, 8 cc. (Orig.) Edinb. Ocf. 1 , 1580. 83. 70 . A note in Bowes’s hand, about Lenox. 84. b. 71. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 1, Walfmg¬ ham ; various intelligence about an affembly, Lenox, Monburneau, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 6, 1580. 85. 72. R. Bowes, to Sec y Walfmgham; various in¬ telligence; the If. of Scotland very defirous to be married in England, (an extract.) Oft. 7, 1580. 87 . 73. Ld. Burleigh and See? Walfmgham? to 11. Bowes ; inftructions for him to make fome ftrong re- numftranccs concerning Lenox, See. and then to leave Edinburgh; alfo concerning Morton, See. Oct. 7 , 1370k 87. 74 . R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walfmg¬ ham ; reports his having executed his inftfn&ions contained in the above. (Orig.) Berwick, Oct. 18 , 1580. 89 . 75. R. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh and Sec 7 Walling- ham ; Alex. Hume to be lent from Scotland to Q. Elizabeth; the E. of Lenox’s confident language, See. (Orig.) Stretlam, Ott. 24, 1380. 93 . 76 . Lift of the 24 gentlemen of the king's chamber, and of the 6 extraordinary, (iuclofed in the above.) 94. 77. James Vi, to Q. Elizabeth; credential in favour ot Alex. Hume. Holyrood-houfc, Oct. 25 , 1580. ‘ 9 4 . b. 7S. Claud Hamilton, to Q. Elizabeth ; foljeiting her protection in his, and his brother’s behalf. (Orig.) Alnwick, Oct. 27 , 1580. 95 . 79- The A bp. of Glafgow, to.at Rome ; on feveral affairs, chiefly relating t 6 the Catholic in- tereft in Scotland ; he intimates a fufpicion that the Bp. of Rofs is aflifted by England. (French.) Oct. &i, 1580. “ 90. 80 . Notes of the things to be faid to Alex. Ilume by the Ld. Treafurcr (Burleigh) and Seer Willing¬ ham. (Orig. in Burleigh’s hand) Nov. 7 , 1580 . 97 ? 81 . ......... to the Abp. of Glafgow, Q. Mary's ambatfador in France; concerning the Catholic in- tereft in Scotland. (French.) Rome, Nov. 8, 1530. 99- 82 . Poftils made to the heads of the melfage pro¬ pounded by Mr. Alex. Ilume. Nov. 22 , 1580. 100 . 83. The fum of Mr. Alex. Hume’s? credit, deli¬ vered to Q. Elizabeth at Richmond. Nov. 22 , 1580. 100. b. 84. Q. Elizabeth, to James VI ; ckpoftulatihg con¬ cerning his behaviour to Mr. Bowes: fent by Alex. Hume. Richmond, Dec. 1 , 1580. icf 2 . 85. Memorandums concerning the nobility, and fome men of note in Scotland. Dec. 7 and 25, 1580. 102 . b. 86. Q. Elizabeth’s iuftruftions to Mr. Tho. Ran¬ dolph going into Scotland, on the apprehending of the E. ot Morton. (Orig. countcrfigned by Walfmg¬ ham.) Jan. 6, 1580-1. 104 . 87 . A private memorial for Mr. Randolph, in- ftrufting him about fome fccret objects. 106 . 88. Tho. Randolph, to the Ld. Prefident; reports Ids negociations with the K. of Scotland, in favour of Morton, againft Lenox and the Catholic interelt; advifes the ftrengthening of the borders, See. Edinb. Jan. 22 , 1580-1. 107 . 89- Sec 7 Walfmgham, to Mr. T. Randolph ; ac¬ quainting him with Q. Elizabeth’s intentions con¬ cerning Morton and Lenox, See. (Orig. partly cypher.) Whitehall, Feb. s, 1580-1. J 1 10 . 90. Several notes of things to be laid againft d'Aubigny (Lenox) to prove his abiding the king, the nobility, and the Hate of Scotland, (inclofed m the above letter.) Feb; S-, 1580-1. m. 91 . Robt. Bowes, to See 7 Walfmgham? intel¬ ligence chiefly from Randolph, and concerning Lenox and Morton. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 7 , 1530-1. 113 . 92. Notes in Ld. Burleigh’s hand; about fome orders to be propofed to the queen concerning the borders. Feb. 1580-1. 114 . 93. The intention of the Q. of England; and | her offers to the K. of Scotland, his noblemen and good counfello-rs: fent to Th. Randolph, under Ed. Burleigh s hand, at the time the army was fent to re¬ main upon the borders : oltenlibly, againft the Papifts. Feb. 17 , 1580-1. n 5 . 94 . Heads of a letter to the lords of Scotland, about Lenox, Morton, &c. Feb. 18 , 1580-1. 119 . 95 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec 7 Walfmgham ; about a convention in Scotland; a confederacy of fome lords, Lenox, Morton, the forces on the borders, (an cxtrach) Feb. 24, 1580-1. 120 . 96 . Extracts from letters of Randolph and Bowes, touching the E. of Angus, from Jan. 7 to March 29 , 158-0-1. 122 . 97. A lift of noblemen and others, friends and allies to the E. of Morton. jog. b. 98. Memoirs of certain heads to be communicated to Q. Eliz. in Morton's behalf. 122 . b. 09 . Heads of a letter to be fent by the K. of Scots to Q. Elizabeth; conciliatory. 124 . 100. A lift of fome alterations intended to have been made in the K. of Scots’ houfe. 125 . 101 . A brief difeourfe of the negociation of Tho. Randolph, efq. with the IL and the council of Scot¬ land, from his going down in Jan. to his return to Berwick about the middle of March 1580-1 ; Ld. Boyd charged with treachery againft Angus. 126 . 102 . The dealings of Mr. Randolph, with the E. of Angus. March 1 , 1580-1. 135. 103. An abftraft of the caufes of the decays of tenancies and fervices upon the borders; taken out II h of f 15 CALIGULA, C. VI. VII. ■of the certificates; and remedies to amend them. 1580-1. log. 104. All ah i tract of the mufters of liorfetnen and footmen on the borders. 1580, feq. 141 . 105. Rob. Bowes, to Sec’’ Walfingham; Angus in¬ tends to take refuge in England, (an extract.) May l(i, 1581. 143 . 10 0. Ed. Burleigh or Sec* Walfingham, probably to Lenox ; conciliatory. (French.) 1581. 144 .' 107 . The fum of all the conferences between the E. of Morton, and John Drury and Walter Bal- canqual, on the day of the earl’s execution; con¬ taining his declarations about Darnley's death, and many other points. June‘ 2 , 15 s 1 . 145 . 108 . Archil). Douglas, to Seer Walfingham? vin¬ dicating himfelf agaiuft the charge of having con¬ tributed towards the death of Darnley. July < 21 , 1581. " 151. loo. Extracts from letters of Ld. Scroope, to Ed. Burleigh; about the ft ate of the borders; and ionic intelligence from Scotland. Aug. 12 and is, ijsi. 154. 110 . Name* of the lords and lairds dwelling on the welt marches of Scotland, and of their marriages and alliances. Aug. 12 , 1581. 154. b. 111. Advices to be given to the K. of Scotland on the part of Q. Elizabeth, for the eltabliiliment of his efitate. Sept. 4, 1581. 155 . 112 . Copy of a letter from Paris; containing an account of fome negotiations thereby G. Douglas, and copies of letters to him from the K. and Q. of Scots and the E. of Lenox. Sept. 8. James VI; his proclamation on his late eman¬ cipation, enjoining, peace and obedience. • Perth, July 30, 1683. ‘223. tpo. Robt. Bowes,' to 'Sec y Walfmgham ; reports the K.. of Scotland's proceedings; Arran likely to be recalled ; mmifters lummrmed to appear before the king, &c. July 3i, 1583. ’ 223. b. 200 . Q. Catherine, of Medicis, to Q. Elizabeth ; prolefling* friend/hip, and wifhing that Q. Elizabeth would marry. (French.) Monceaulx, July 20, 15S3. 224. 201 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfmgham; about the proclamation VI 1 . 198'. Cowrie's fuhmiflion; the I/s. defire to gain Mari’; his partiality to Q. Eliz. feemingly abated; Fintry well received: reports at large.au audience in which the king is explicit on his late conduct and future intentions ; Smallet to be lent up, &e. (two letters, molt of the names in cypher, Orig.) St. Johnfton, July Si, 1583. 225. 202 . Q. Elizabeth's infractions to Sec* Walfing- ham, lent to the h v of Scotland, (a draught, with many interlineations and additions in the* hand of Burleigh.) Aug. 3, 1583. 229 . 203. Sir John Fprfter, ,to Sec y Walfmgham ? com? municates a report tlfcit the K. of Scotland meant to marry a Spanilh princels; about Lenox, and James Stewart now E. of Arran ; Hamilton’s party banilhed. (Orig,) Alnwick, Aug. 6, 1581. 233. 204. Q. Elizabeth, to the Iv. of Scotland; (harply reproving, him for his late conduct, and breach of promife to her. Aug. 7, 158.3. 234. 205. Robt Bowes, to See? Walfmgham r the K. of Scots takes very unfavourable comics; Arran at court; lie affects to court the minii’ters; and other news. Aug. 7, 1583. 235. 20 C. A French ambalfador (Main ifierc?) to Sec y Walfmgham, concerning the treaty with Q. Mary (French.) London, Aug. 8, 1583. 230. 207 . A memorial of the chief matters committed to the charge of fir Francis Walfmgham, lent to the K. of Scotland, (in Burleigh's band.) Aug. 10 , 1583. 237 . 208 . A paper on the unfavourable ftate of affairs in Scotland ; and fome advice in confequence. (laid to be in the hand of Arehd. Douglas, and falfely dated Aug. 15, 1583. it is probably of A 0 1581.) 23Q. 209. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfmgham; reports an audience of the IC. of Scots; concerning his anfwer to Q. Elizabeth's letter VII. 204 , Sec. (Orig.) St. Andrews, Aug. 17 , 1583. 240 . 210. Notes of feme orders, for the better and more quiet rule of tpc borders in time to come. Aug. 19 , 1583 . 211. 211. A note of objections againth Lenox and Arran, expretfed in the common declaration pirbliihed after the action at Ruthven. Sept. 3 , 1585 ? 212. ; £ 12 . Sir Fra. Walfmgham; to the K. of Leieefter; gives a very unfavourable reprgfeutation of the l'tatc of affairs in Scotland.- (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 5, 1583 . _ , • • . , ‘ . 243 .’ 215. The ainballadors oGQ. Elizabeth in Scotland (\\ allingham and Bowes?) to her majetiv ; reporting their conference with the IE of Scots.concerning the late alterations in that realm, and an outrage com¬ mitted by the Scots in the middle march. St. Johu- iton, Sept. 11, 1583 . . '244.. 214. Sir Fra. Walfmgham, to the E. of Leicefter? lent by Mr. Alhby, who is inli'rueted toreprefenl I he ftate of'affairs. St. Jolinlton, Sept. 11, 1-5 88 .' 245. 215 . James VI; his proclamation accounting for liis late proceedings,"and manitcliing' his gracious purpofes. ; (an extract of the fame on the hack.) Falkland, Sept 21 , 1583, - 240 . -Mi. . ..to Mary Q. of,Scuts : uffiring h< r that her Jon is bent to follow the. advice of Guile; that he means to fend the writer to Fram e; hut that he is in great want of money. (French. dcVyphered.) Sept. 26, 1583. A 2 - 17 : 217 . Refolution taken by Sec y Wallinghanl in a con¬ ference with Ed. Scroope and lir John EoiTter, for the flay of the fpoils and murders committed in the weft and middle marches of England. Sept. 1583. 248 . 218 . Sir lien. Widdlington, to Ed. Burleigh; re¬ porting feveral occurrences of no great moment in Scotland; Lenox is inlpcCted to contrive a marriage with France. (Orig.) Berwick, Oct. 10 , 1581. 249 . 2 1 !). Ed. Scroope, to the lords of the Privy Council; about fettling the grievances on the borders. (Orig.) Carlille, Oef 23, i 588'. 250 . 220 . Extracts out of the IE of Scotland's procla¬ mations of Oct. 24 and ;; 1 , 1583. 251 . ' 221 . James Vl; his proclamation concerning cer¬ tain • pe'rfons lie had ordered into ward. Stirling, OCt.-24, 1583. 251 . b. 222 . Ed. Scroope, to See y Walfmgham; vindicating himfelf from a charge of remifsneis in the defence ot the borders. (Orig.) Carlille, Oft. 25, 15 83. 262. 228. James Yl; liis proclamation touching his remilhon for the action of'Ruthven. Stirling, Oct. :;o, 1583. '• 253. 224. Lady Eernilmrft, to the Q. of Scots: about a correfpondenec the is intirumental in earning un between the Q. and her foil : great protetiiuns <, loyalty, See. (decyphered. vid. i\. 24 .) Ecrnihurlt, Oct. 22 , Nov. 4, 15 83. 251. 225. James VI; a commiflion granted by him to certain minifters to deal with his rebels, Jlolvrood- •lioule, Nov. 23, 1583. ' 255. 226 . James VI; the fubftance of fome fpeeches of his to Ld. Tullufhy, &e. concerning the rebels out of the realm. Nov. 25, 158S. 255 . b. 227 . Lady Eernihurl't, to the Q. of Scots; acquaints her of the young 1). of Lenox being arrived in Scotland ; the clergy ci v out 'againft him, Sec. (decy - phered.) Eernihurl't, Nov. 25, 1583. 2 5 ij. 228. A licence under the privy feal, permitting Mr. J. Colvill to depait out of Scotland, but not either to England dr Ireland, Holyrood-houie, Dec. 3, 1583. ' * 256.* 229- John Colvill, to.a remonftrance concerning CALIGULA, C. VII. VIII. 125 concerning the treatment lie had met with, and craving fome redrefs. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 8, 1583. 257. 230. An a61. of the afiembly to condemn the enter- prizers at Ruthven who fhall not fubmit themfelves: figned by the K. and many lords, billiops, &c. Holy- rood-ho life, Dec. 7 , 1583. 259 . 231. A. Hay, to lady Loughleven; about the banilhinent and remilTion of feveral lords, and others, concerned in the a6t of Ruthven, or otherwife ob¬ noxious. Dec. 12 , 1583. 259 . b. 232. The examination of Ld. Henry Howard, taken by lord Ilunfdon, concerning feme intelligence he was lufpe6led to have had with the Q. of Scots. {Orig. figned by Howard.) Dec. 11 , 1583. 260 233. Henry III. K. of France; his inftructions to M. de Mauvifiere, lent ambaffador into Scotland upon the late alterations. (French.) St. Germain-en- l'aye, Dec. 12 , 1583. 2(52. '2 )4. The fubftance of a difpatch of the K. of Scots to Ld. Ilunfdon; Arran’s and Col. Stewart’s opinions; the king’s defire to be well with Q. Elizabeth, &c. Dec. 20, 1583. 264. 235. Notes of the milbehaviour of the K. of Scots’ undutiful fubjeCts, endangering his eftate : fublcribed with the king's own hand. (vid. IX. 21 .) Dec. 7 , 15S3. 204. b. 236. John Keith, to Q. Elizabeth; reports a con¬ ference he bad with the K. of Scots-- about his un- thankfulnefs and breach of promife; and other mat¬ ters. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 1 , 1583-4. 266. 237. Henry Howard; a declaration by him .about fome correspondences of the Q. of Scots. (Orig. ' figned by Howard, and counterligned ltobt. lleaie.) Jan. 1583-4. 269- 238. A general bond fuhfcribed by the king and nobility of Scotland, after the enterpnze at Ruthven. The names here tranferibed are James R. Angus, Huntley, and Cowrie. Jan. 1583-4. 271 . •23<>. Robt. Bowes, to Secy Walfingham; about two Englilhmen concealed at Fernilmiit; Huntley and Maitland will: to be reconciled willi the Hamil- tons; many Scots repair to Rochelle, ike. Feb. 5 , 1582-S. 272. 240. Robt. Bowes, to Sec* Walfingham; the two Englilhmen at Fernihurft brought to Huntley; more Englilhmen come into Scotland, Xc. Alfo various in¬ telligence about the Scottiih nobility: leemingly a feparate paper. Feb. 13, 15 82-3. 272 . b. 241 . James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; profelfing great fricndlhip and deference: lent by Col. Stewart. Feb. 21 , 1582-3. 274 . 242. Robt. Bowes, to Sec* Walling-ham; reports the examination of Andrew Melyn afaciious preacher, who fled to Berwick; and about the retreat of feve¬ ral of the Scottiih nobility. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 24, 1583-4. 275 . 243. John Colvill, to.about various con¬ cerns of the Scottiih nobility ; withes for the rdtitu- tion of the Ilamiltons, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. March IS, 1583-4. 276 . - 44 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec? Walfingham ; about an aflembly of the borderers called by the K. of Scots at Edinburgh; Marr and Glamis “lufpected to have come to Glafgow ; the K. of Scotland intends to lend a fplendid embalfy to England; Ld. and lir John Seaton laid to be returning, See. (Orig.) Berwick, March 15, 1583-4. 277 . 245 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham ? various intelligence from Scotland; about the intended em- baily; fome account of lir Andrew Keith; much about Gowrie, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, March 15, 1583-4. 278. 246. Robt. Bowes, to Secy Walfingham ? about the various practices of the Scottiih nobility to obtain their reftoration; Gowrie fufpects a Spani 111 army coming to Scotland ; various reports about Q. Elizabeth's mea- fures; lir Andrew Keith writes to him, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, March 20 , 1583-4. 280 . 247. Robt. Bowes, to Scc y Walfingham; various intelligence about the Scottiih nobility, and their endeavours for reftoration. (Orig-.) Berwick, March 20,1583-4. 281. b. 248. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham; the Scottiih embalfy delayed; Seaton is daily cxpc 6 ted; and other intelligence from Scotland. (Orig.) Berwick, March 24 , 1583-4. 282 . 249 . A paper of intelligence concerning Fernihurft, Gowrie, Bothvvell, Mauviliere, the Q. of Scots, &c» (perhaps part of a letter from W’ 111 . Fowler to Secy Walfingham.) 1583. 283. Caligula , C. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 312. 1 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec-y Walfingham; informs him of the report at Edinb. that Marr and Glamis were returned out of Ireland; the lords Claud, and John Hamilton alfo faid to be returned ; the K. revokes all grants; fir John Seaton correlponds with the K. (Orig.) Berwick, March 29 , 1504 . 1 . 2 . Robt. Bowes, to lir Fr. Walfingham; about fome enterpnze preparing at the court of Scotland, (the names in cypher.) March 9 . 1584. 2 . 3. Sir John Forficr, to Secy Walfingham; reports the declarations of the nobility afiembled at St. Job niton; the king arms. Alnwick, April 2 , 15 84. 2. b. 4 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec>’ Walfingham ; reports the various 1 oca lures taken againfithe difeontented lords, who are faid to be met at St. Johnlton; the E. of Morton leaves court much difeontented; rumours of French troops coming; Seaton’s practices abroad; &c. (Orig.) Berwick, April 5, 1584 3. 5. Robt. Bowes, to Secy Walfingham; the K. of Scotland proceeds with feverity againft thofe con¬ cerned in the action at Ruthven ; few men enroll in his fervice; Seaton faid to be at Rouen with the Bp. ofllofs, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, April 10 , 1584. 5. 6. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham ? inclofes fome letters; is defiled to plead in favour of the peti¬ tions of certain perfons who are folicitous for the prefervation of religion, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, April 10 , 1584. " 6. 7 . Robt. Bowes, to Scc y Walfingham ; Angus and others about to depart Scotland; conventions both fpiritual and temporal reiirained ; Seaton reported to be dead; money coming from France; about fe¬ veral of the nobility; two Englilhmen failed for France with packets; watch ftill kept at Edinburgh; defires relief in a caufe in which he is involved, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, April 15, 15 84. 7 . 8. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham ; Gowrie faid to have been apprehended at Dundee by Col. Stewart; the court in great joy. (Orig.) Berwick, April 19 , 1584. " 9- 9 . Robt. Bowes, to Scc y Walfingham; Gowrie brought to Holyrood-houfe; Marr with 100 men en¬ tered the town of Stirling. (Orig.) Berwick, April 20,1584. 9. b. 10 . The effect of a petition to Q. Elizabeth, de¬ livered by Win. Colvill in the names of Angus, K k Marr. CALIGULA, C. VIII. 126 Marr, Glamis, kc. defiling her majefly to fend flips and forces in fupport of the good caufe. April 20 , 15S4. 10 - 11 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec? Walfingham; reports •what previous anfwer he had given to the above pe¬ tition. (Orig.) Berwick, April 2:3, 1.584. H- 12 . llobt. Bowes, to Secv Walfingham; Angus, Marr, Glamis, &c. lei/e Stirling cattle; proceedings of thele and other difalfected lords; the K. propofes to proceed in perfon againft: them; levies forces, kc. (Orig.) Berwick, April 23, 1584. ic. 13 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham; the K. marches towards Stirling, which is abandoned by the lords; Bothwell ordered to his houfe; Gowrie betrays the late plot, kc. (Orig.) Berwick, April 26 , 1584. l3 -L 14 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. W. Davifon; directions for the employment of the £. 2,000 fent to fir John Forfter, among the lords aifembled at Stirling. April 25, 1584. 14. 1 . 3 . Sir John Border, to See* Walfingham; Both¬ well and Cefsford are forbid the court; Ld. Cowden- knows and the chamberlain of Kelfo committed to pril’on. Alnwick, April 26 , 1584. 14. b. 16 . The carls of Angus and Marr, to Ld. Burleigh? apprizing him of their having fought ihelter in Eng¬ land ; and craving Q. Elizabeth's protection. (Orig.) Berwick, April 29, 1584. 15. 17 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec* Walfingham; on the caules of the failure of the late attempt at Stirling, kc. (Orig.) Berwick, April 30, 1584. 15. * 1 8. Ld. Scroope, to Seer Walfingham; the E. of Morton and Ld. 1 ferries with to be reconciled with the K. and the Grahams. Carlifle, April 29 , 1584. 16 . b. 19 . A brief declaration of the innocence of Angus, Marr, Glamis, kc. prefented to Q. Elizabeth. April, 1584. 17- 20 . A fupplication to Q. Elizabeth, from the diftrelfcd noblemen of Scotland. 1584. 17 .* 21 . An anfwer of the diftrelfcd lords of Scotland, to the matters they are charged with. April, 1584. 18. 22 . The opinion of fome perfon of note concern¬ ing ScottiHi affairs: prefented to my Ld. Secretary. April, 1584. 22 . 2 . 3 . The form of certain devices ufed by Arran and fir Robt. Melvill again It Gowrie. April 30 , 1584. 23. 24 . The manner and form of the examination and death of Wm. E. of Gowrie, on the 3d of May, 1584. * 24 . b. 25. The manner and form of the examination and death of Wm. E. of Gowrie, on the third of May, 1584. (This account isfomewhat different from the above.) 26 . A French letter deciphered ; about the defeat of the late plot againft the K. of Scots, (probably from Arran or Melvill, to the Q. of Scots.) May 2 , 1584. 80, 27 . Ld. Scroope, to Sec y Walfingham : about a narrow el cape of the lord of Balgwhen, on the borders. May 2 , 1584. 30. 28. Q. Elizabeth's inftruftions to Robt. Beale, Efq; font to the Q. of Scots, to negoeiate a treaty. Greenwich, May 4, 1584. 81 . 29 . Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham; report s the unfavourable ftate of the court of Scotland; perilous ftate of fevcral lords of the late alfociation. (Orig.) Berwick, May 9 , 1584. 33. , 30 . Robt.. Bowes, to Sec- Walfingham; reports the executions of Gowrie and feveral others, and the rigorous proceedings of the Seottilh king and council. Berwick, May 13, 1584. 34 . 31. Lord Burleigh? to the earls of Angus and Marr; anfwer to YIll. 16 . Q. Elizabeth willies they would name Coh ill to come to her in their name. May 11,1584. 34 . b. 32. Wm. Davifon. to Scc y Walfingham ; about the furrender of the caftle of Edinburgh demanded by the king; proceedings againft the difalfected lords. (Orig.) Berwick, May 11 , 1584. 35. 33. Mary Q. of Scots, to Geo. Douglas; com¬ mending his loyalty towards her and her Ion. May 12, 15S4. 36. 34. John Colvill, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence about the two brethren (Hamiltons? 1 whom he met at Widdrington, and the refugee lords, Ac. M!iy 12,1584. 36. b. 35. Wm. Davifon, to Sec* Walfingham; about a parliament to be held at Edinb. and various arrange¬ ments made at that court; alio proceedings againft the difaffeCted lords. May 14 , 1584. 3 7- 36. Names of fuch of the nobility and others of Scotland as are at prefent diftrelfcd, ot whom fome arc without and fome within the realm. 1584. 3a. 37 . Reafons for her majefty (Q. Elizabeth) for- hearing to deliver up the Seottilh noblemen, accord¬ ing to the king’s requeft. May 17,1584. 3s. b. 38. Sir John Fortier, to Scc y Walfingham; Seaton and Bcrnihurft arrived in Scotland ; a parliament to meet for the delivery of Edinb. caftle, kc. May 27 . 1584. 39. b. 39 . Secs'Walfingham ? to Wm. Davifon ; about the detention of the French ambalfador going to Scot¬ land ; Ld. Ilunfdon’s opinion that Arran may be gained. May 22 , 15 84. 39. b. 40. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham ; concern¬ ing the caftle of Edinb. the diftrelfcd lords; cautions him concerning Archd. Douglas. (Orig.) Berwick, May 23, 1584. 41. 41 . Wm. Davifon, to Seer Walfingham; the open¬ ing of the parliament at Edinb. intercellions made for the difaftccled lords, and practices againft them; various news. P. S. The parliament ended. (Orig.) Berwick, May 23, 1584. 42. 42 . I.d. Scroope, to See y Walfingham; about the leisure of the laird ofMaugerton; the lords Morton and 1 lerries c.xcufe themlelves from joining the: king; concerning the borders, &c. (Orig.) Carlille, May 24, 1584. . 43. 43. Inftntcticms given by the diftrelfcd lords to John Coh ill, lent to Q. Elizabeth. May 21 , 15 .--;. 44. 44. Win. Davifon, to 3cc y 'Walfingham; about Seottilh affairs; ful'peels Q. Mary to have much in¬ fluence. (an extract.) .May .28, 1584. 44. b. 45 . A negoeiation with the Q. of Scots; eon lilting chiefly of her own declarations, made feemingly to the E. of Shrewibury and Mr. Beale. May 1584. 45. 46 . lien. Widdrington, to Ld. Burleigh; intelli¬ gence from the court of Scotland, chiefly concerning the clergy. (Orig.) Berwick, May 28 , 1584 43 47 . Wm. Davifon, to Seer Walfingham; concern¬ ing the aCts of the late parliament in Scotland, chiefly againft the church, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, May 27 , 1584. 50. 48. Mary Q. of Scots, to the E. of Huntley ; ac¬ knowledges his loyalty. June 6, 1584. 51. 49. James VI, to the fugitive minilters of the church; ftimmons them to return to Scotland, folcmnly CALIGULA, C. VIII. folemnly promifmg them protection. Falkland, June 9, 1584. 5 < 2 . 50. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfino-ham; represents the proceedings of the court of Scotland as “ extreme and intolerable;” many particulars concerning- the clergy and nobility. (Orig\) Edinb. June 10 , 15 84. 5 .- 3 . 5 1 . Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham ; reports his reception at Edinb. and his conferences with the king at Falkland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 10 , 1584 . 54 . 52. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham; Hating his realbns for judging that the K. and court of Scotland are governed by Q. Mary. (Orig.) Edinb. June 10 , 1584. 57 . 53 . Confiderations concerning various matters ai ding out of the Q. of Scots demands ; and offers de¬ livered to the E. of Shrewfbury and R. Reale. (in Burleigh’s hand.) June 12 , 1584. 59 . 54 . Wm. Davifon, to Scc y Walfingham; Lindfay and Dumfermling, after being difeharged, are again ordered to be apprehended ; Ja. Lawlon and other minifters charged with heretical and feditious doc¬ trines; the Bp. of St. Andrews perfecutes good men; Seaton expected, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. June 15, 1584. 6l. 55 . Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham ; Lindfay apparently reconciled to Arran ; Col. Stewart much favoured ; he looks to be captain of Edinb. cattle; Seaton expected with many papifts; and other news. (Orig.) Edinb. June 23, 1584. 62 . 56. Seer Walfingham, to Wm. Davifon; inftruct- ing him to diffuade the K. of Scotland from his late violent and bloody courfcs. June 22 , 1584 . 63 . 5 7- Mm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham; reports his conferences with the Seer of Scotland, Arran; and various other matters. (Orig.) Edinb. June 23, 1584. G 4 . 58. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham ; advifes to deal lefs openly, and make fome appearance of fair weather. (Orig.) Edinb. June 26 , 1584. 66. 59 . Wm. Davifon, to Scc y Walfingham; Arran and Crawford again at variance; the elergv greatly difeontented; Arran and Hamilton faid Vo be re¬ conciled ; la Fontaine arrived from France (Orig.) Edinb. July 4 , 15841 G 7 . 60. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y M-'alfingliam; Arran’s progrefs to the borders, where lie orders letters to be intercepted; D. craves aliilianec from the queen; Col. Stewart much abufed by Ballandine, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July 5 , 1584. 67 . # 61 . James VI; his commitfion appointing the E. of Arran to meet Ed. Hunfdon on the borders. Falkland, July 10 , 1584. 68. 62 . Ld. Scroope, to Seer Walfingham ; two letters on border matters; the K. of Scotland's diflike of his clergy, &c. July 13 and 14 , 1584. 69 . 63. Wm. Davifon, to Sec* M'alfingbam ; the report of the P. of Orange's affaffmation arrived in .Scot¬ land; la Fontaine flays at Leith, but has fent up a packet of letters; James Sheene a jefuit Cbiinte- nanced ; a report fpread at court of a confpiraey again ft the L. and Arran; and various other news. (Orig.) Edinb. July, 1584. 70 . 64. James VI, to Ld. Hunfdon; profelfes great confidence in him, and invites him to come to bis court. Falkland, July 26, 1584. 70 , 65. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham; lie makes all-the fair weather be can ; gets in favour with Ar¬ ran, who begins to be fufpe&ed by his party ; la Fontaine no doubt an emillary from'France and the Pope; 65. (probably Arran) profefics, himfelf well.in¬ clined towards England, See. (Orig. a great part in cypher.) July 27 , 1584. 74 . 66 . Sec r Walfingham, to Ld. Hunfdon; apprizes him of fomc particulars which leave room to i’ufpect that Arran’s friendly profeffions are not fincere. July 29, 1584. 76 . 67 . John Colvill, to Sec* Walfingham? about his endeavours to conciliate matters. (Orig.) New- cartle, July 31, 1584. 77 . 68. Wm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham ; about the fur render of Edinb. cattle ; proposes fome fteps to¬ wards conciliating matters; Arran goes fecretly to meet fir John Selby, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. July, 1584. 7 8 ' 69. Sec* Walfingham, to Win. Davifon; acquaints him with a report that the two Ilamiltons hoped to recover the king's favour, (an extract.) Aug. 2 , 1584. ' 79 . 70 . Ld. J. Hamilton, to fome Scottilh lord of Q. Elizabeth’s party; acquainting him with the If. of Sc. having efcaped from the hands of Angus, and fome of the confequences of that event. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 4 , 1583. so. 71- Wm. Davifon, to Sec r Walfingham; fome jea- loufies rifen in Scotland on account of certain piac- l i-ces between one Drummond and the E. of Craw- lord; ftri'ct watch kept at Edinb. and various prac¬ tices among the nobility, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 4 , 1,584. ' ' si. 72 . Ld. Hunfdon, to See y Walfingham ; a report of a confpiraey by the Se. lords in England, again ft the h. and Arran. Berwick, Aug. 7 . 1584. 83 . 73. M'm. Davifon, to Sec y Walfingham; Arran tikes poffeffion of Edinb. caftle,and lends fome news; defires leave to return. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 8, 83. b. 74. Secy Walfingham, to Ld. Hunfdon; fome in- firurlions about keeping upon good terms with Scot¬ land, andjparticularly with Arrafi. Aug. 12 , 1584 . 84 . .75. See y Walfingham, to Wm. Davifon; the Q; cannot conicalt to his return; concerning the Sc, clergy fled to England; Ilobt. Nugent gone to Ire¬ land to gather intelligence about the attempts of papifts, See. Aug, I3,'i584. $ 4 . 76 . Ld. Hunfdon, toSec y Walfingham; reports his conference with Arran and the Scottilh commiflioners on the general affairs of Scotland. Aug. 14 , 1584 . 85 . 77. Sec y M'alfingbam, to M'm. Davifon; the Q. lias.granted him lbme favour.' Aug. 13 , 1 584. 88. 7 8. Wm. Davifon, to Sec* M'alfingbam; Arran takes up bis abode in Edinb. caftle, and concern¬ ing -the jewels in it; the mailer of Marr complains to the K. about the violent ieizure of Edinb. caftle; Arran lipids very fpecious language to Davifon ; his lady active in making repairs in the caftle, and other- wife meddling; minifters ordered out of the king¬ dom; and various other intelligence. (Qrm ) Edinb. Aug. 15 , 1584. ' sy. 79- Mm. Davifon, to Scc y M'alfingbam; the king- endeavours to appeafe Marr ; Col. Stewart jealous of Arran ; a report of a marriage between the K. and Mrs. Era. Howard; about two Englilhmen in the north of Scotland, Sec. (Grig.) Edinb. Aim. 17 , j 584. & al¬ so. Ld. Huufdon, to Sec? M'alfingbam ; about lbme Scots gone into Ireland; and the caution he had given to Arran to proceed warily in the affair of the late confpiraey; the matter of. Glands denies having fiiared in it, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 19, 1584. 92 .' 8 1 . Lifts of the perfons forfeited, and of the acts made in the parliament of Scotland, Aug. 12 , 1584 . 93 . 82 . Notes CALIGULA, C. VIII. 128 82 . Notes touching the reformation of the bor¬ ders; with draughts of acts of parliament to that effect. 15S4. 94. b. 8.5. Wm. Davifon, to Set' Walfingham ; concern¬ ing the Scots gone to Ireland, and Nugent's going thither to oblcrve them. (Grig.) Ediub. Aug. 24 , 15S4. Ob. 8 1 . Wm. Davifon, to Sec ,jr Walfingham; the K. comes to Edinb.; cruel treatment of the widow of Cowrie; the laird of Sutherland and one Hamilton fined; rapacity of Arran's wife; Arran defires the K. to diveft himfelf of all cares upon him; the mafter of Gray (a papii'i) to be lent ambalfador to Q. Eli/. P. S. lnteliigenee about church affairs; Arran and his wife molt obnoxious. (Grig.) Edinb. Aug. 24 . J 584. 97. 8 . 3 . Scc T Walfingham, to I-d. Ilunfdon ; with a palfport for the mailer of Cray; M'Gnell's infurrec- tion in Inland traced to Arrau ; exculpates the fu¬ gitive lords from the charge of the late confpiracy. Aug. 23, 1384. 99. 1). 80. Ed. Hunfdon, to Sec 7 Walfingham; aiifwer to the above. (Grig.) Berwick, Aug. 20 , 1384. 100 . 87 . Q. Elizabeth, to Ed. Hunfdon; in behalf of the Scottilh noblemen retired into England. Aug. 29 , 1384. 100. b. 88. The earls of Angus and Marr, and the mafter of Glam is, to the E. of Leicefter; foliciting Q. Elizabeth's further mediation. (Grig.) Newcuftle, Aug. 20 , 13S4. 101 . 89. Ed. Hunfdon, to Q. Elizabeth ; notwithftand- ing his urgent mediation with Arran in the queen's name, the Sc. fugitive lords are attainted by parlia¬ ment. (Grig.) Berwick, Sept. 2 , 1384. 102 . b. 90. Q. Elizabeth, to Ld. Hunfdon; directing him to perfift in his interceflion in favour of the fugitive lords. Sept. 158 1 . 103. 91 . Wm. Davifon. to See 7 Walfingham ; reports his return from Scotland; Arran frill profeftes friend- iliip; Argyle dies ; Athol and Hume confined; Ar¬ ran's extortions, &e. (Grig.) Berwick, Sept. 17 , 1584. 104. 92 . Minutes of letters, &c. touching the matter of the ailbeiation ; the fubltance of a letter written by the D. of Lenox, to Geo. Douglas in France; alfo letters from fir 11. Cobham, ambalfador in France, Mr. Bowes, &c. I58i, 2 , and 3. 105. 93. Marv Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth : thanks her for. having removed her to a better habitation; hut complains heavily of being debarred all corrc- fpondence with the French ambalfador. (Grig. French.) Tutbury, Sept,. 29 , 1584. 107 . 94. Extracts out of three letters from Mary Q. of Scots, two to the mafter of Gray, and one to the K. her fon ; in which the fpeaks freely of Q. Elizabeth's artifices, and conjures her fon not to feparatc his in- tereft from hers. (French.) Oct. and Jan. 1584-5. 108. 95 . Lord Ilunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh; informs him of the falfe reports in Scotland, that the E. of Shrews¬ bury had been lent to the Tower, and Hunfdon's fer- vant, Armourer, had been executed : Arran and Col. Stewart at variance; fends two fufpicious letters. Berwick, Get. 1 , 1584. 108 . b. 96 . Reply to the anfwers given by Arran to the articles which Ld. Ilunfdon propofed to him. Get. 15S4. CO. 97 . Q. Elizabeth, to the K. of Scots; in behalf of the fugitive lords. Oct. 3, 1584. 11 fi¬ gs. Q. Elizabeth, to the lords Hamilton; wiihing to promote an agreement between them and the earls of Angus and Marr: lent by H. Andeilbfi. Oatlnnds, Oct. (), 1584. 1 ir¬ on. Q. Elizabeth, to the earls of Align* ami Marr; pro felling her earnefi delire to lave them; fen t by Colvill. GCt. f>, 1584. 1 17^ b. 100 . Sir Ralph Sadler, to See y Walfingham : with a letter from (J. Mary to the minitiers of France, complaining that the had been wronged in her dowry. Get. 8, 158 4. ' 118. 101. James VI, to See 7 Walfingham; recommend¬ ing the mafter of Gray. Holyrood-houfe, Oct. 14 r584. 118. b. 102 . James VI; his com million to the mafter of Gray, lent ambalfador to Q. Eliz. llolyrood-houfe. Oft. 14 , 1584. 1 19 - 103. Articles from the E. of Arran, to Ld. Ilunf¬ don; brought by C'utlib. Armourer. Get. 14 , 1584. 1 i 9 . 1 ). 104- Ld. Ilunfdon, to the E. of Arran ; remon- ftrates agaiuft delays, and tlpeeially about lending fuch a perfon as Gray to Q. Elizabeth. Berwick, Get. 13, 1584. l-i. 105. Ld. Ilunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh; the mafter of Gray at length arrived at Berwick ; purport of his eommifiion, &c. (Grig.) Berwick, Get. 19 , 1384. 122. ion. Ld. Hunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh; about Gray’s million ; he is not to n .0 . .m with Walfingham, whom the K. milirnlE; d,Hikes the number of Scots at Bt r\» ick; the K. mu cl . d by v arious rcpoi ts and intiignes; delncs II 1 •.n1 1 1 *> 11 to come to him. (Grig.) Berwick, Get. 19 , 1 .3. 4. l -3- 107 . Ld. Seroope, loSev 7 \V .dlingham ; Ld. John- lion foreiblv prevented from entering in the pvo- voltlhip of Dumfries, granted him by the Ii. Car- lifle. Get. 20 , 1584. 1-5. 10S. Ld. Burleigh, fo Sec’’ Walfingham ; about repelling l'omeattacks on the borders. Weliminiter, Get. 21 , 15 84. 125. 109 . II. Carmichael, to Seer Wallinglmii ? an nb- feure letter on fume matter* relating to the Seoltilh embalfy. (Grig.) London, Get. 21 , 1 584. 12 U. b. 110 . Ld. John Hamilton’s anfwcr to certain ar¬ ticles (VIII. 98 .) propofed to him by Mr. Hen. Anderfon, at Q. Elizabeth's command. Get. 29 , 1534. 1-7. b. 111. John Colvill, to See 7 Wallhfgham : about tire reconciliation of the Hamilton:. New caftlc, Get. 29 , 1584. 11 c. Ld. Ilunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh; remonfirat- ing agaiuft an order iteeived from Walfingham to let the fugitive birds relirle in Holy Illand, and tlie great number of Scots in N'ewealile. (Grig.) Ncv- ealtle, Gel. 20 , 1384. 1-9- 113 . The heads of A. B. Ins meffivge, to l>c de¬ livered to the K. of Sen on the.;part of Q. Elizabeth; lharplv cenfuring his conduct about the fugitive lords; and declaring her refolution to have no far¬ ther dealings with him. Non'. 1 , 1584. I3u. 114 . Sec 7 Walfingham,to John Colvill ; about Ed. Claud. Hamilton's backwardnefs to be reconciled. Nov. 4, 1584. 13 -• 115 . Sec 7 Wallingliam,:to. Ed. Hunfdon ; abpuL the fugitive lords repairing to Holy llland, and their djverfity of opinions on Scottilh aft airs. .London, Nov. 7 ', 1584. 11 G. J. Colvill, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about Ld. Claud. Hamilton's ftubbornnefs, Hating the manner of it. (Orig.) Nov. S, 1584. >35. 117 Mary Q. of Scots; her offers upon the effect of CALIGULA, C. VIII. i 29 of her liberty : propounded by her fecretary Naue. (a draught.) Nov. 1584. 136. 11 8. Objections again ft the offers of the Q. of Scots: with fome anfwers. Nov. 1584. 1 .*38. 11 9 . A difeuftion, whether it be fitteft for Q. Eli¬ zabeth to accept or reject the offers of the Q. of Scots? Nov. 1584. 139- 1 co. Reafons to induce her majefty (Q. Eliz.) to proceed in the treaty with the Q. of Scots. Nov. 1584. * 142. 121 . A difeuftion, what courfe were fit to betaken with the Q. of Scots; either to be enlarged, or not ? Nov. 1584. 143. 122 . The F,. of Angus, to Ld. Burleigh? expref- fing his gratitude for many benefits. (Grig.) New¬ castle, Nov. 13,-1584. 146. 123. A proclamation fummoning nine minifters of •the diocefe of St. Andrews to appear before the K. and council of Scotland, to receive inftrufilions about his majefty’s pleafure: figned Alex. Hay, de¬ puty clerk of tlie council. Holyrood-houfe, Nov. 21, 1584. 147- 12 1. James VI, to Ld. Leicefter or Burleigh? prof tiling great regard and confidence. (Orig.) Holyrood-houfe. Nov. 23 , 1584. 150. 1 25. Copy of a letter lent by the K. of Scots, to the provoft and bailiff of Edinburgh, to be figned by them, and lent to their minifters; calling upon them to conform with his majefty’s will. 1584. 15 1 . (N° 126 . is accidentally omitted.) 127 . An anonymous but feemingly original paper addrefied to Ld.with various intelligence about Arch. Douglas’s practices; an imputation brought by Dullield, a preacher, againft the E. of. A....... and anlwers of the E; about Howel a prieft, &c. The writer was probably a lpy of Bur- leiah. London, Nov. 23, 1584. 152. 128 . Sir John Forfter, to Sec y Walfingham; Fer- nihurft made warden and keeper of Liddifdale; Ar¬ ran panick-ftruck. Nov. 29 , 1584. 155. b. 129 . Ld. Burleigh? to Ld. Hunfdon; reports the mafter of Gray's firft audience of Q. Elizabeth, wherein he demands the furrender of the fugitive lords. 15S4. 156. 130. The notes prefented by the mafter of Gray, drawn forth of his general inftructions, and given to Scc y Walfingham, to be advifed upon by whom it ftiall pleafc her highnefs (Q. Eliz.) to appoint. Nov. 1584. 157- 131 . The lords of council’s anfwers to certain notes propounded by the mafter of Gray. Dec. 1584. 158. b. 132. Certain propofitions and requefts of the maf¬ ter of Gray. 1584. _ 159 . b. 133. The manner of proceedings with the mafter of Gray and Naue; the heads of the motions to be made unto her majefty. 1584. 1 G 0 . b. 134. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Arran; profeffmg how much ilie withes to maintain a good harmony with the It. of Scots. Dec. 21 , 1584. 161 . 135. Sec r Walfingham? to the wardens of the marches; with orders from Q. Elizabeth about the pacification of the borders. Dec. 1584. 161 . b. 136. Mary Q. of Scots, to the mafter of Gray; charging him to promote a good underftanding be¬ tween her and her fon. (French.) Wingfield, Dec. 14 , 1584. 163 . 137. Notes, that the mafter of Gray hath been privy lo fome late practices againft her majefty (Q. Eliz.) in favour of the Scottilli queen. 1584. I63.b. 138.Naue, to Sec r Walfingham; concern¬ ing thenegociations with the Q. of Scots. (French.) Dec. 26 , 1584. 165. 139 . A brief note of all the treaties that have palled for the Scottilli queen’s enlargement, and the fevcral caufes why they took no effect: out of a note in Burleigh’s hand. Dec. 20, 1584. 166 . 140 . James VI, to Ld. Leicefter? notifying his having font fir Lewis Bellenden to Q. Eliz. to ac¬ quaint her with the late pradices againft his life (Orig.) Holyrood-houfe, Feb. 16, 1584-5. 168 . 141 . The earls of Angus and Marr, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; reinonfixating againft her order for their re¬ moval. (Orig.) Newcafttle, Jan. 13, 1584-5. 169 . 142. John Colvill, to.about the re¬ moval of the fugitive noblemen. (Orig.) New- caftle, Jan. 30, 1584-5. 170 . 143. John Colvill, to Sec T Walfingham; about the removal of the lords; fome news out of Scotland ; Arcliib. Douglas to befent up ; Arran in great power, & c. (Orig.) Feb. 1 , 1584-5. 171 . 144 . John Colvill, to lord.about fome ar¬ rangements concerning the removal of the Scots from Newcaftle; various news out of Scotland ; John Barton placed upon the feftions; Arran’s om¬ nipotence; his wife made lady comptroller. (Orig.) Feb. 1 , 1584-5. ' 172 . 145. Mary Q. of Scots, to Ld. Burleigh; requeft- ing fome indulgences ; and complaining that her correfpondence with her fon is impeded, and that Q. Eliz. does not deign to give her any anfwers. (Orig. French.) Tutbury, Feb. 6, 1584-5. 173. b. 146. John Colvill, to lord.remonftrating againft the immediate removal of the Scottilli noble¬ men; various intelligence about Glamis, Claud. Hamilton, &c. (Orig. not figned, perhaps imperfed.) Feb. 9 , 1584-5. 174. 147- James VI; his proclamation for recalling Angus M'Oneil, with his power out of Ireland. Holyrood-houfe, Feb. 10 . 1584-5. 175 . 148. James VI, to Q. Elizabeth ; credential in fa¬ vour of fir Lewis Bellenden, fent ambafiador. Holy¬ rood-houfe, Feb. 16 , 1584-5. 17 6 . 149. James VI, to See 7 Walfingham ; recommend¬ ing fir L. Bellenden. (Orig.) Holyrood-houje, Feb. 16 , 1584-5. 177- 150. James VI, to Ld. Burleigh; recommending fir L. Bellenden. (Orig.) Holyrood-houfe, Feb. 10 , 1584-5. " " 178. 1 . 51 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Ld. Burleigh; requeft- ing him to befriend her in the treaty then on foot; anil defiring fome indulgences. (Orig. French.) Tutbury, March 2, 1584-5. 179 . b. 152. Sec 1 ' AValfinghain, to Angus, Marr, and Gla¬ mis ; fignifying- the queen’s order that A. Rellock, J. Keir, and T. Hewme be lent up to aniwer to a charge exhibited againft them by the K. of Scots. March 5, 1584-5. 180 . b. 153. Angus, Marr, and Glamis, to Q. Elizabeth; folemnly denying the charge of an attempt againft their king; and calling for a trial. (Orig.) Nor¬ wich, March 10 , 1584-5. 181 . 154. Ld. Seroope, to Sec 1 ' Walfingham; the E. of Morton ordered to furrender his places, and appear before the K. of Scots; he obeys the firft order, but not the latter. March 10 , 1584-5. 182 . 155. Sir Hen. Widdrington, to Sect Walfingham; Bothwel! has left the court of Sc. in difeontent, hav¬ ing been refufed Coldingham. March 12 . 1584-5. 182. b. 156 . The Li 13° CALIGULA, C. VIII. i.ifi. The E. ot'Morton, to Ld. Arbroath; (fo noted, hut. improperly) concerning Arran's ill ulage of the E. of Morton, and the opprethons of the former, (an original paper, hut not figned, perhaps meant for one of Q. Elizabeth's niinifters.) March 18 , 1584-5. 183. i.»7. An anonymous paper, hut feemingly an ori¬ ginal, on the ftate of parties in Scotland. 184. 1.58. Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham; Robert Maxwell commits an outrage again it the John Rons upon the borders. April 7, 1585. isd. ]5«). Sir lien. Widdrington, to Seer Walfingham; various intelligence concerning the Sc. K’s proceed¬ ings againft his nobility; the earldom of Morton granted to the young D. of Lenox. April 9 , 1585. 180 '. idO. Q. Elizabeth's inftruetions to Mr. Edward Wotton, to be fent to the K. of Sc. April 1585. 187 . ldi. Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham ; the trou¬ bles on the Scottifh fide of the borders keep eacreat¬ ing. April 27, 1585. 189 . 1 02 . Ed. Seroope, to Seer Walfingham ; the Jolm- ftons make reprifals upon the Maxwells on the bor¬ ders. May i, 1585. 190. j 103. Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham; carl Mor- | ton commits depredations on the borders. May 8 , ' 1585. 191 . 104. Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham ; in anfwer to fome orders from court, concerning his proceed¬ ings with the Jolinftons,&c. May 13 , 15S5. 191 . 105. Ed. Seroope, to Sec r Walfingham; lord Max¬ well plunders fome lands of the Johnfitons. May 28,1585. 192. b. 100 . Edw. Wotton, to Sec y Walfingham; reports an audience of the king of Scots. (Orig.) Edinb. May 30, 1585. 193 . 10 7- Edw. Wotton, to Sec y Walfingham ; private intelligence upon fome conferences held. (Orig. fi veral names in cypher, and molt of them blotted out.) Edinb. June 1 , 15S5. 195 . 108 . Edw. Wotton, to Secr Walfingham ; further conferences. N. 15. Some memorandums of letters from Wotton are interfperfed on the preceding pages. (Orig. the names ltruck out.) Edinb. June 9 , 1585. 189. 1 O 9 . Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham; an account that Mr. Davie Maxwell had very- near taken by fur- prize the caltle of Eoughmaben belonging to the Jolinftons. Carlifie, June 13, 1585. 201 . 170 . Speeches between the E. Bothwell and fir Win. Stewart; about the enmity between the former and Arran, &c. June 14, 1585. 201 . 171 . Earl Bothwell, to the K. of Scots: with the above paper. Leith, June 14. 1585. 201 . 172 . Earl Bothwell, to the malter of Gray; about his eonverlations with fir Win. Stewart, and the K. of Scots difpofition towards him. (Orig.) Leith, June 14, 1585. 203. 173. Ld. John (ton, to Ld. Seroope ; requefting his aid againft the Maxwells. Loughmaben, June 15 , -1585. 204 . 174 . Robt- Cowevill ? to fir John Forfter; about tlie Danilh ambalfadors in Scotland having ottered to ranfiom the Orkneys and Shetland. June 22 , 1585. 205. 175. Sec 5, Maitland, to Sec y Walfingham; expref- fing his earnelt defire for concord between England and Scotland. (Orig.) Dumfermling, June 26 , 1585. 206 . 17 C. Ld. Seroope, to Sec 1 Walfingham; about the warfare between the Job nitons and Maxwells. Car¬ lifie, July 4 , 1585. 007 - 177- A draught of inftruetions for the Ld. Prdi- dent of the north (Hunfilon.D Ld. Ewers and John Herbert, Efq. tor concluding a league offenfive and defentive with Scotland. July, 1585 . o 08 178 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Ld. Prefident and Ld. Ewers; fent by l)r. Herbert, with a commifiion, and the above inftruftions. July, 1585. 209 . 1 >. I/O. A confideration had by the Q’s majeftv (Eliz.) upon certain articles of the league intended between her and the K. of Scots. July, 1585 . 210 . 180 . Edw. Wotton, to Sec y Walfingham? report¬ ing an audience he had from the IE of Scots, con¬ cerning the above, confiderations of Q. Elizabeth. July, 1585. < 2 iq. b 181. James VI; his fpeecli to the fiates concern¬ ing a league in matters of religion with England. July, 1585. "o j | 182 . Articles of a treaty to be made between the Q. of England and the K. of Scotland, for a more ftraight league than hath been h retoforc between any of the princes their progeni • s. July, 1585 . 183. James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; approving of the late treaty : with a P. S. iu his own hand, defirino* the queen to fufpend her judgment of him till the Jball be informed by himlelf. (Orig.) Falkland July 9 , 1585. ‘ 2 ! 5 / 184.Caftelncau, to James vi; on depart¬ ing from his embafiy in England; profefling his king's defire to prei'erve harmony. (Orig. French.) London, July 21 , 1 585. q j 185. Ed. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham ; two letters of intelligence concerning fome dealings between Morton and Arran, and fome diforders on the bor¬ ders. Carlifie, July 29 and 30, 1585. 217 . ISO. An aft of the ftates of Scotland ; authorizing the K. to form an alliance Avitli the Q. of England, in oppofition to the popifii confederacy called the “ Holy League.” St. Andrews, July 30 , 1585. 219 . 187- Edw. Wotton, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence; Arran in confinement, hut the 1E is unwilling to give him up to Q. Eliz.; the Bp. of St. Andrews preaches iu favour of the alliance with England, See. (a copy in the hand-writing of fir Robt. Cotton.) Aug. 2 , 1585. 220 . 188 . Angus, Marr, and Glamis, to Sec y Wallin o - - ham; defiring a conference with him before they write to the queen, they having heard of Arran's confinement. (Orig.) London, Aug. 5 , 1585. 220 . b. 18 <). Ld. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence about the feuds between the Maxwells and the Jolinftons, and the king's behaviour therein. Car¬ lifie, Aug. 12 , 1585. 221 . 190 . Juowne? to Arch. Douglas; two letters : the iilit written plainly, profefling himlelf acidified to England, dated Stirling, Aug. 14, 1585: and the fe- cond, being, when received, a llieet of clean paper, on Avhich the writing was brought out bv fome liquid; this treats of fome machinations againft Arran, and the writers inclination to lerve the Scottilh fugi¬ tives. 222 . 191 . The E. of Arran’s inftruetions to the malter of Gray; concerning the league, and the baniihed lords. Aug. 1585 i 224 . 192 . Ld. Seroope, to Sec y Walfingham ; Morton's proceedings againft the Jolinftons on the W. marches. See. Carlifie, Aug 21 , 1585. 225 . 193 . Heads of inftruftions given to Capt. Bruce, for * 3 * CALIGULA, C. VIII. for G. (Mr. of Gray?) by A. (Archd. Douglas?) dis¬ approving of the courfe of things. Aug. 20 , 1585. 22 6. 194. A letter written in white ink from A. to G. reporting various news from London, about Q. Eliza¬ beth's 2. 21 ° ] 1 . Margaret countefs of Lenox and Angus, to fir Win. Cecil Sec* of hate; defiring him to juftify her and her lord to Q. Eliz. concerning fome fa lie reports fpread againft them. (Orig.) Shlathvr? Oct. 2 , ] 562. 00 15. The heads whereupon the noblemen of Scot¬ land were aecufed of a defign to feize the king and c-arry him to Loughleven, and of luborning two luftians to allallinatc him: and the aufwers. 1 . 082 . 23. 10 . Declaration of the nobility of Scotland, of the canfes that moved them to repair to the kin<>-’s prefence, and to remain with him. Stirling, 1582 . 17 . Q. Elizabeth's inftru6lions to Win. Davifon, fent into Scotland. (Orig. countcrfigncd by Wal- lingham.) Dec. 1582. * 3 ]. i 8. Extracts from the book of border matters, from 157!) to 1588. go. ’ i«). An original letter to Ld. Leicefter, fubferibed, “he that.departed from V. L. at Oatlands;” report¬ ing the hate of the court, and country of Scotland ; an agreement between Lenox and Arran. Edinb’ March 20 , 1582-3. 30 defpondency ; profcflrons of hncerity, Sec. Work - fop, July 25, 1583. " 4f - 26. Q. Elizabetli, to the E. of Shrewsbury; rea- lons tor not fending fj r Walter Mildmay to neyoc j lt ,. with the Q. of Scots. Aug. G, 15 * 3 . - 7 - A difeourfe concerning the hate of the Low C ountries upon the death of the Bn of Orange - the latter part by iir Walter Mildmay. 1584 . 47 . 28 . The negociation of the E. of Shrewfhurv, fir Halt Mildmay, and Mr. Beale, with the Q. of Scots; conhhing of their inhru&ions, dated April G, and May 24, 1583; and ieveral letters from them to Q. Eliz. and Seer Walfingham, from April to July I 5 sg ; allb a conference between Robt. Bowes and the h. of Sc. concerning the Laid queen. May 1 . 50 . " 20 . Heads of matters concerning the borders* lent by the Privy Council to the feveral wardens of the marches: and anfwcrs of Ld. Scroope, lir John Selby, and fir John Forhcr. July and Auo-. 1583. 30. Extracts out of letters feeming-ly of an En- glifh ambailador in Scotland (Davifon ?) concern¬ ing the king's efcape, and new arrangements. July 1583. ‘ 31 . Secy Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; la¬ ments the earl's indifference in the caufe of the fu¬ gitive lords. (Orig.) York, Sept# 30, U 83 . 75 . 32. Seey Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; with an offer fecmingly from the Scottilh fugitives. (Orig.) Durham, Sept. 22 , ]5S3. ‘ 70 . 33. Tbo. Fowler, to the E. of Leicefter f obfeure intelligence, and advice concerning rebels and pa- pil'ts. (Orig. the name torn away.) Caw Ike ? Sept. 17 , 1583. 7 ~ 34. A Declaration of Mary Q. of Scots, touching her right to the fucccflion of the crown of England*; to be prefented to Q. Elizabeth, and with her per -+ million to the lords and commons in the next parlia¬ ment of England. Sheffield, Jan. J 5,1580-1. Tranf- latcd from the French, and copied July 23 , 1583 . 78. 35. Minute of a letter to be fent from Q. Eliza¬ beth, or one of her minifters, to Ld. Scroope; about the levy of fome forces in the north. Richmond 06t. 22, 158S. 8 ,/ 3G. A lift of the Scott if b noblemen; with the ad¬ dition of lbme letters, probably charaffceriitick. 1583 . 20 . I.d. Scroope s anfwcrs to certain articles fent liini by the Lds. ot the Privy Council, touching re¬ liefs for fpoils on the borders. July, 1583 . 40 . 2 . 1 . Minutes of letters from Cuthb. Armorer, the b. of Sc. and the E. of Arran, to Ld. Ilunfdon ; and notes of the mifbehaviour of the king’s undutiful fubjefis. (vid. viii. 235 .) Dee. 1583.' 42 . 22 .. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y Walfingham ? about 1 the return of Lenox; Manningvillc’s"intelligence fent to France, See. (decyphered.) April 12 , 1583 . 43 . -Complaints of the middle march men of Eno-- l.ind, againft the oppoftte Scots. Aug. 30, 1583 . 44 ? 21 . Lady Ecru ihurft, to Mary Q. of Scots; caufes of her tardinds in anl'wering; news about Arran, l.lie parliament, &c» (decyphered. vid. vii. 224 .) ho\. 4, 1583. 4 1, The E. of Shrewfbury ? to Q. Elizabeth ; the latter part of a letter concerning the Q. of Scotland's 37 . A note of certain fpoils committed upon the W. marches of England, by the Scots, from July iy to Aug. 6, 1583. g' 2 . 58. Complaints of the middle march men of Eng¬ land, againft the oppoftte Scots, (part of IX. 23.) Aug. 30, 1583. gg. 5«). Ld. Scroope, to Scc y Walfingham ; depreda¬ tions committed by the Scots on the borders. (Orig.) Carlifle, 061. G, 1583. S 4 . 40. Allegations againft the furmifed title of the Q. of Sc. or the favourers of the fame. 1584. 85 . 41 . A 11 affociation for the defence of Q. Elizabeth, (vid. ix. 54 .) Nov. 7 , 1584. 92 . 42. X. Card, of Como, to Dr. W. Parry ; fignify- ing the Pope’s plenary indulgence and remiftion. Rome. Jan. 30, 1584. 93 . 43. The matter of Gray, to Sec y Walfingham; va¬ rious intelligence and advice about K. James’s difpo- fition ; the Scottilh fugitives; jealoufies in the court of Scotland. (Orig.) Ilolyrood-houle, Jan. 24 , 1584-5. 95 . 44. Q. Elizabeth’s inftru&ions to Wm. Davifon, M m fent CALIGULA, C. IX. *34 fent to the K. of Scotland. (Orig.) April 30, 1584. 96. 45 Mary Q. of Scots, to Q. Elizabeth; craving her favour, and fome anlwer to her various lctteis ihrough la Motte. (probably a tranllation from the French.) Sheffield, Jan. lb, 1584-5. 99. 46 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Ed. Burleigh ; defiring him to befriend her in her applications to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; the afks for 16 horfes, and certain drugs, (a tranllation of VIII. 151.) March < 2 , 1584-5. 100. 47 . The difeourfe found about the Seottifh jefuit taken on the feas in his n ay to Scotland ; being the plan of a confpiracy to reltore popery in England and Scotland, dethrone Q. Elizabeth, and fet up Q. Mary. Sept. 4 , 1584. j 01 ; 48 . Q. Elizabeth, to the K. of Scots ; credential in favour of an ambaffador (probably Davifon) and cautioning him again It any change in religion. (Orig.) Weftminfter, April 26, 1584. 107- 49 . A rough draught of the above, corrected by Burleigh. April ‘26, 'i584. 108 . 50 . Arch. Douglas ? to the E. of Angus; afiign- ino- his reafons for not furrendering to abide his trial for the charge of being concerned in Darnley s murder. 1584? 10G * 51 . The fum of a late a& of parliament in Scot¬ land : the firft article declares it treafon to fay that the K. hath not abfolutc power. 1584. 1 1 !• 5 ' 2 . An Englilh fugitive in Scotland, to Mary Q. of Scots ; acquainting her with his favourable re¬ ception ; and various news about tliofe ot her part y : all'o to fome friend concerning Ms dangerous litua- tion. March, 1584 1 1 “■ ,53. A paper, entitled, “The dangers that may cn- fne by tlie oath of affociation, if it be not qualified by an aCt of parliament.” 1584. 114 - 54 . The atfociation for the defence of Q. Eliza¬ beth: protefted, fworn, and fuhlcribed by the doc¬ tors and proctors ot the arches, "1) ' Bart Cleaik, decano tunc dc arcubus.” (vid. IX. 41.) Eov. 7 . 1 19- 1 o84. 5 . 5 . The heads of the league that is to be made be¬ tween her majefty (Q. Eliz.) and the K. of Scots. June 7 , 1585. l20 ‘ 56. Janies VI, to the E. of Leieefter; recommend¬ ing the bearer. ' (Orig.) Linlithgow, Dee. < 20 , 15 85. 57 . John E. of Morton (a Maxwell) his (appli¬ cation to K. James for remillion of his treipaifes on the borders, and offers of what he is willing to do by way of expiation. 1585. 58. Informations againft the E. of Arran. 1585. : 1 . Adam Melvin, minilier of Scotland, to J.Caftollo, miniiter of the French church in London ; touching the Archbp. of St. Andrews. (Latin.) Berwick, Eeb. ‘23, 1583-4. 12(j * Go. Articles concerning the difeiplinc ot the church of Scotland, agreed upon at Holyrood-houfe, Eeb. 17 , 1585-6. 127> 61. Memorial concerning a treaty with Scotland ; and copies of letters to the matter ot Gray and Mr. Randolph on the fuhjeft. June and July, 1586. 6a. Edw. Wot ton, to Ld. Burleigh? about prefeuts of horfes and hounds fent to the K. of Scots. (Orig.) Edinb. June 13, 1585. 13 °- G3. The fubftance of fuch directions as Mr. Wot- ton received, as well by inttruCtions as by letters, for his negociation in Scotland ; from April to Oct. 15S5. 1 131. 64 . The fubftance of the contents ot Mr. Wotton s feveral letters, from May to Oct. 15 85. 134. 65 . Sec 5 ’ Walfingham, to the E. of Leieefter ; con¬ cerning fome negociations on Scottilh affairs: among others with the K. of Navarre, and the Almain princes. (Orig.) London, Sept. 29, 138.5. 138. 66. The matter of Gray, to Archil). Douglas ; de¬ firing him to promote his intereft at the Lnglilh court. (Orig.) May 31, 1585. 139- 67 . The matter of Gray, to Q. Elizabeth ; about, her fuppofed interference in an attempt of Maxwell. (Orig.) Seottifh court, April 29 , 1585. 140. 68. Archil). Douglas, to Sec y Walfingham; about fome letter lent by Q. Mary to her fun. Jan. 29, 1586. J 4l- 69. Sir Roger Afli ton, to Sec 7 Walfingham; intel¬ ligence from Scotland; Morton goes to mal>; a French ambaffador arrived; the king heady in the religion, but requires to be lupported, &c. Jan. 17 , 1586. 14 -- 70 . Th. Fowler, to the E. ot Leieefter; intelli¬ gence concerning Bcthc? Frances Howard, Lewis de Pace, Sec. Jan. 22, 1585-6. 14S - 71 . James vr, to Q. Elizabeth; urgent in behalf of his mother. Holyrood-houfe, Jan. ‘26, 1586-7. 144. 72 . The original of the above, all in I*. James 9 own hand. Jan. 26 , 1586-7. 14<) . 73 . The matter of Gray, to See 7 Walfingham; about fome troops he oilers to levy to ferve under Leieefter, Sec. (Orig.) Holyrood-houfe, Eeb. 12 , 15S6. 14S - 74 . Sec 7 Davifon; a difeourfe fent by him (being then prilbner in the Tower) to See 7 W alfingham; containing a luminary report ot what palled between Q. Elizabeth and him in the caufe of the Q. ot Scots, from the ftgning of the warrant to the time ot his reftraint. Eeb. 20, 1586-7- 14 T 75 . The lords of the Privy Council of England* to the carl of Kent; with the eominillion for tin- exe¬ cution of the Q. of Scots. Greenwich, Eeb. ?, 1586-7. 15C - 76 . Sir John Eorftcr, to Sec 7 Walfingham; ac¬ quainting him that he had ordered the inhabitant* within his wardenry to arm. Alnwick, Icb. 2 t>, 1586-7- 77 . Arch. Douglas, to See' Walfingham; report* a conference betwixt the (IT?) ambaffador, and hr Geo. Carey. March 6, 1 586-7: I58 * 78 . An account of the funeral of the Q. of Scots at Peterborough, Aug. 1 , 1587. 79 . Q. Elizabeth, to James VI : dilavowiug her having caufed the execution of the Q. of Scot'. Feb. 1*4, 1586-7. lGl ' 80. An account of the execution of the Q. of Scots. The original was figned by the earls of Kent and Shrcwfbury, and feveral other perfons preient: and add relied to the Privy Council. (N. B. A con¬ tradiction in the dates.) l’otheringay cable, reb. 8, 1586-7. 16 * 3 * 81 . Ld. Scroope, to Sec 7 Walfingham ; reports the manner in which the K. of Scots received the news of his mother’s execution ; he purpofes to leave Scotland ; appoints Maxwell warden ot the W . mar¬ ches, &c. (Orig.) Carlifle, Feb. 21 , 1586-7. 16 C. 82 Ld. Scroope, to See 7 Walfingham ; reports his having made fome warlike preparations upon the “ 0 news CALIGULA, C. IX. *35 news of Q. Mary’s execution. (Orig.) Carlifle, I’eb. 14, 1586-7- 167- 83. J. Wolley, to the E. of Leicefter; acquaints him with the rebukeQ. Elizabeth gave to her coun¬ cil for their concealing from her their proceedings in the caufe of the Q. of Scots. (Orig.) Feb. 1586-7. 168. 84. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Leicefter; about fome troops to be levied in Scotland by the mafter of Gray, to ierve under Leicefter. (Orig.) Lon¬ don, Feb. 7, 1585-6. 169 . 8.5. Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Leicefter; ac¬ quaints him that he is lent to treat for a league with Scotland, but without money. (Orig.) Lon¬ don, Feb. 6, 1585-6. 170 . 86. An epigram againft Q. Elizabeth for the mur¬ der of the Q. of Scots, (inclofcd in the following- article.) March 6, 1587. 171 . 87- Robert Carvyle, to Sec y Walfingham; the K. of Scots declines as yet to receive an Englilh am- baffador: but is likely to be reconciled to Q. Eliza¬ beth. (Orig.) Berwick, March 6 , 1587. 171 .* 88. Sir lien. Widdrington, to See 7 Walfingham; about a meeting agreed upon at Fowlder. (N. B. A contradiction in the dates.) March 10 , 1586-7 ? 172. 89 . Sir John Forfter, to Sec. y Walfingham; Wm. Ker of Ancrum attempts an inroad, (an extract.) March 18 , 1586-7 ? 17 s.* 90. Tho. Philips, to See 7 'Walfingham; fome obfcure information concerning a (Fr.r) ambaflador lending a packet by one Foley into Scotland. London, March 19 , 1586. 173 . 91. A flicet much Rained; being part of a letter probably in the hand of the mailer of Gray. 173 . * 92. Articles concerning the dilcipline of the church of Scotland, (another copy of IX. 60 .) Feb. 17, 1585-6. 174 . 93 . Lift of earls in Scotland, their ages, and how affected. Aprils, 1586. 175 . 94 . See 7 Walfingham, to Tho. Randolph ; inftruc- tions how to proceed with the K. of Scots. April 2 , 15 86. 175 . b. 95. Tho. Randolph, to See 7 Walfingham; reports his having concluded a league with Scotland. April 2 , 1586. 176 . 96. Remembrances delivered by the lord Secretary of Scotland (fir John Maitland) to Tho. Mills, at his departing to the court of England. April 2 , 1586. 177 . 97. Anfwers, and Tho. Randolph’s opinion, con¬ cerning the above remembrances. April 5 , 1586. 177-b.’ 98. Q. Elizabeth, to James VI; in behalf of Mr. Arch. Douglas. April 6 , 1586. 178 . 99- The mailer of Gray’s fpcech to Tho. Mills; about enlilting men, and various matters relating- to the Catholicks, a French ambaflador, &c. April 10 , 15S6. 179 . 100 . Sec 7 Walfingham, to the mafter of Gray; complains of uncandid behaviour in the Sec 7 of Scot¬ land. April 15, 15S6. 180 . 101 . Secy Walfingham, to Tho. Randolph; about the league; inftruCtions to labour againft the con¬ tinuance of Col. Stewart and Arran in Scotland, Sec. April 13 , 1586. 180 . 102 . Q. Elizabeth's warrant for the diet of the Q. of Scots to be paid to fir Amias Paulet. Greenwich, April 23, 1586. 181 . 1Q3. Q.-Elizabeth, to Tho. Randolph; urging-the expulfion of Capt. James Stewart, late E. of Arran, and Col. Stewart out of Scotland; about the king's penfion ; the delivery of the murderers of Ld. Rufl'el, Sec. April 23, 1586. 182 . 104 . Sec 7 "Walfingham,- to the Sec 7 of Scotland (lir John Maitland) conciliatory : by Mills. April 28, 1586. 184. 105 . Q. Elizabeth, to Tho. Randolph; another copy of the greateft part of lx. 103 . April 28 , 1586. 185. 106 . Sec 7 Maitland, to Sec 7 Walfingham; thanks him for having- fpoken favourably of him as to the reports lately fpread againft him. (Orig.) Holy- rood-houfe, April 3 , 1586. 137 . 107 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about Maitland's remembrances let up by Mills (vid. IX. 96 .) fufpicions about Col. and Capt. Stewart's continuing- in Scotland, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. April 5, 1586. 188. 108 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about the impediments laid in the way of the league; the caule of Capt. J a. Stewart loitering on the weft coall, See. (Orig.) Edinb. April 11 , 1586. I8p. 109 . Arclul. Douglas, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about a caufe in chancery relating to Arthur Reynolds. (Orig.) London, April 12 , 1586. 190 . 110 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Walfingham; con¬ cerning an embafly to be lent from Scotland to Denmark; Arran’s abode in Scotland; the league, See. (Orig.) Edinb. April 25, 1586. 191 . 111 . Tho. Randolph, to See 7 Walfingham; con¬ cerning the fufpicions entertained on account of Capt. Ja. Stewart's delay in quitting the kingdom; and the mifliking- that has taken place between the K. and the clergy on account of the Abp. of St. Andrews’ excommunication, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. April 22 . 1586. 193 . lie. Arch. Douglas, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about bis return into Scotland, and the diltractecl Hate of that court. (Orig.) Berwick, April 25, 15 86. 195 . 113 . Tho. Randolph, to Ld. Burleigh; about the return of Arch. Douglas; the difpofition of the king, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. April 25, 1586. 196 114. Arch. Douglas, to See 7 Walfingham; reports his reception at Edinb. particularly his conferences with the mafter of Gray. (Orig.) Edinb. April 29 , 1586. * 197 . 115. Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Walfingham; about the king's mode of {pending his time; Arch. Douglas’s arrival and pupofe, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. April 30, 1586. 199 . 116 . Extracts out of Arch. Douglas's and the mafter of Gray’s letters of May 5, <>, 1 1 , 1586. 200 . 117 . Articles to be inferted in the league : referred to in Mills’remembrance, (vid. IX. 96 .) 1586. 201 . 11 8. James VI; bis fpcech to the ftates concerning a league in religion with England. 1586 . 201 . b. 119 . Arch. Douglas, to Sec 7 Walfingham; reports his firit audience of the K. of Scots; the uneafy Rate of the mafter of Gray, Sec. Edinb. May 6, 15S6. 203. 120 . Ld. Scroope, to Sec 7 Walfingham; reports an inroad on the borders. Carlifle, May 6 , 1586. 207 . b. 121. RequeAs of Tho. Randolph, to which he de¬ fires to have anfwers by the K. of Scots Sec 7 . The anfwers arc here added. May 9 , 1586. 207 . * b. 122 . Arch. Douglas, to Sec 7 Walfingham; reports conferences with Sec 7 Maitland and the K. of Scots. Edinb. May ll, 1586. 208 . 123. Tho. Mills, to Sec y Walfingham; reports fome CALIGULA, C. IX. 136 fome money having hern paid in Scotland, and the meeting of a general afiembly. Berwick, May 1 2 , 1586. 209. 1 - 4 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfnigham; on va¬ rious topic's of negociation: efpeeially on the effect, of a letter of Q. Elizabeth to the K. of Scots, delivered b) Randolph, &c. Edinb. May 1 >, 1586. 209 . b. iArch. Douglas, to Scc y Walfnigham; reports a conference with perfons appointed by Secy Mait¬ land, about the mutual affairs of England and Scot¬ land. Edinb. May 18 , 1580. 212 . l-G. r l ho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfingham ; giving fome account of one Peter French, an agent for the French and Papifts. May 18 , 15 80'. gi 4 . 127 . Tho. Randolph to See* Walfnigham ; about a meeting of oommiflioners to be held at Berwick, June loth (James's birth day) for ratifying the league- May Cl, 158V. ‘214. 1 ' 28 . Tho. Randolph, to Ld. Scroope; with a lift of s perfons, chiefly Carrs, who were thought guilty of the murder of Ld. Rulfcl, and were to be fur- rendered prifoners at Carliflc. May 21 , 12580'. ‘214. b. l-l). Sec? W'alfmgham, to the mafter of Gray; acquaints him that a change in the E. of Leiccfter’s lit nation in the Low Countries, will prevent his (Gray's) being employed under him; and about the pen lion to the Scottilh king. May 24, 158(5. 215. 1 .', 0 . Sec y Walfnigham, to Tho. Randolph; about the mafter of Gray's difappointment in not being- employed under Leicefter; the king's penfion ; the delivery of the Carrs, &c. May 24, " 1586 . 215 . b. 1 . 11 . Tho. Randolph, to Seer Walfnigham; tJie K. o( Scotland delircs the Englilh Privy Council to prevent the Scottilh coins being counterfeited in England; about Rulfel’s murderers to be i’urrcuder- fd; the French amhaifador remoniirates againi't levies in Scotland for Flanders.; Q. Mary’s friends exert themfclves, See. Edinb. May 28 , 158(5. < 217 . 1 :i‘ 2 . Arch. Douglas, to Scc y Walfingham; eom- lains ot Scc y .Maitland's unfair dealings; charges im alfo with deceiving the king, See. (Grig.) Edinb. May 27 , 158 G. * 2 18. 1 Sec y Mail land, to See y Walfmgbam ; the K. of Scots much dileoiitcnted at Q. Elia!" not fulfilling her engagement s; and other grievances. (Orig.) Ilolyrood-houfe, May 1 6, i58(i. 220 . 1 3 4 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y W’alfmgham ; about an indii’polilion of the K. of Scots, and his proceedings; Capt. James Stewart gone to Ireland; the K. defircs wo ekers, and fome horfes, Sec. Edinb. May 7 , 1580'. £21. 115. Arch. Douglas, to Ld. Burleigh; about the h. ot Scots favourable difpofition towards England ; reports conferences, and various intelligence con¬ cerning the ftate of Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 9 , 1 580. ^ 222 . i ."56. Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfmgbam : a con¬ vention to be held at St. Andrews; on border matters; a fray prevented. (Orig.) Berwick, June 0, 1 .> 80 '. 224. 137. Arch. Douglas, to Ld. Burleigh, (a copy of i\. 1 35.) June 9 , 158G. " 225. 188 . Arch. Douglas, to Sec y W’alfmgham; reports the practices of the French amhaifador and others to delay his trial; an intended convention at Cowpar; the mafter ot Gray’s great difappointment; hcavv complaints againft' Maitland, See. Edinb. June 9 , 1586. £26. 139- Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfingham ; about the negotiations, chiefly concerning the borders; a combat between the Collingwoods and the Bournes ■See. Berwick, June 10. 1586 . 227. b. i 10. ’lb". Randolph, to Se< Wa ighain; in- clofing- a letter of intelligence from Arch. Douglas, who is likely to he fecrctaiy; about the late combat; and the coining of the commillioners to Berwick. Berwick, June 10, 15 86. 229. 111 . Tho Randolph, to the Scc y of Scotland (Maitland) about the meeting of the commillioners, which he earneftly willies may not be delayed. Ber¬ wick, June 15, 1586. * 230. 142. James VI, to Tho. Randolph; affures him that the delay in the meeting of the eommifiioncrs is not occafioned by any change of mind in him. Falkland, June 16 , 1586. 230. b. 143. Arch. Douglas, to Tho. Randolph; reports an audience he had of the king favourable to Eng¬ land; and about a meeting of the eommifiioncrs. Falkland, June 16 , 1586 . 230 . b. 144 . Arch. Douglas, to Tho. Randolph ; the K. of Scotland defines that Randolph and Sec* Maitland would fettle fome points previous to the meeting of the commillioners, efpeeially about the men to be delivered. Falkland, June 16 , 1586. 23i. b. 145. Arch. Douglas, to Sec y Walfingham; reports various manoeuvres in the.Scottilh court, to delay the league, See. Falkland, June 17 , 1586. 232. b. 14(5. Lilt of the eommifiioncrs appointed by the Q. of England for confirming the league with Scot¬ land ; and of thru train ot knights, el quires, gentle¬ men, &c. met at Berwick, June 19 , 1586. 234. 147 . Arch. Douglas, to Tho. Randolph, concern¬ ing the delay of the Scot i;:h eommifiioncrs; the men to be furrendered, iSre. Edinb. June in, 1586. 285. 148. The mafter of Gray, to Tho. Randolph; defires that Q. Elizabeth may alk leave of the K. of Se for him (Gray) to eiiiiit men for Flanders. Dumfermling, June 19, 1586. 235. b. l i p. Names of the Scottilh eommifiioncrs and their attendants who came to Berwick. They had ap¬ pointed to meet on the 19 th of June, 1586. 236. 150 Arch. Douglas, to Tho. Randolph; acquaints him of his coming to him by the king's order. Edinb. June 20, 1586. 236. b. 15 1 . See 1 ' Walfingham, to the eommifiioncrs at Berwick; about the delay of the meeting. June 20 , 1586. 236. b. 1 52. The Scottilh commillioners, to Tho. Randolph; defiring a palsport; and lignifying that they propofic being at Berw ick on the 26 th of June. Edinb. June 21, 1586. 236. * 153. Arch. Douglas, to Sec ! Walfingham; about the levies of the mafter of Gray ; fome French affairs, See. June-23, 1586. 237 . 154. Mary (J. of Scots, to Anth v Babington; ex- prefiing frieiullhip ; ami defiring him to deliver to the bearer any packets he may have for her. Chart- ley, June 25, 15 86. 238. 155. Anth y Babington, to Q. Marv; reports the fteps that are taking for promoting the C’utholick and her cauie; and the plan of a conlpiracy. J uly, 1 ,>so. 238. 156. Antlfi Babington, to Mr. Naue, Sec 1 ' to Q. Mary; defining his opinion of one Robt.. Poolcv. 2 to. 157 . Anth y Babington, to Q. Mary; one Mawd betrays their plot; but he hill hopes to fuceeed. X. B. This is liis lalt letter to Q. Mary. London, Aug. 3, 1586. 24b: 158. The Privy Council, to Englilh eommifiioners at Berwick; directing them to proceed againft> tir Cuthbert CALIGULA, C. IX. 1 37 Cuthbert Collingwood, for difobeying the orders he had received not to go out againft the Bournes. June 26, 1.586. 241. 159. Arch. Douglas, to Sec y Walfingham; about (Bay's going into the Low Countries; Maitland Hill endeavours to impede the league, &e. Dumfermling, June 27, 1586. " 241. bT 160 . Sce y Walfingham, to Tho. Randolph; con¬ cerning the delays in the league. June 28 , 15 86. 242. 161 . Sec y Walfingham, to Arch. Douglas; about the furrender of the Carrs, Sec. June 28 , 1586. 242. b. 162 . A paper entitled, “ Mr. Mills' inftructions to the It. of.Scots feemingly fome directions from Mr. Randolph to Mills, on his going to the king. June 29, 1586. " 242. * 168 . Archil). Douglas, to Tho. Randolph; about the 9 th art. of the intended league. June 30, 1586. 243. 164. The matter of Gray, to Sec y Walfingham; giving an account of dc Valle (d’Efneval ?) the Trench ambalfador lately come, and his fccretarics: Courcelles one of them. (Orig.) ilolyrood-houfe, Jan. 29 , 1585-6. * 244. 1 6 . 5 . The mafter of Gray, to Sec y Walfingham; fig- nifyiiig the I(. of Scotland's great delire that the 9 th art. may be omitted in the league; about his expe¬ dition into the Low Countries, &c. (Orig.) Dum¬ fermling, June 30, 1586. 2-t" 5 - 166 . The commifiioners at Berwick, to the lords of council; report Arch. Douglas being come from the Iv. of Scots to apologize for the delay of the Sc. commifiioners. (Orig.) Berwick, June 24 , 1586. 246. 167 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfingham; about the delay of the Sc. commifiioners; wonders at Both well being- one of them; and a ludicrous at¬ tempt to alarm him. (Orig.) Berwick, June 22 , 1586. 047 . Hi8. The commifiioners at Berwick, to Sec y Wal¬ fingham; inclofing ix. 149 .'and fignifying that Life-conducts had been granted to the Sc. com- inifiioncrs. (Orig.) Berwick, June 22 , 1586. 248 . 160 . Arch. Douglas, to Scc y Walfingham; fome intelligence; the convention at Cowpar did not take place. (Orig.) Falkland, June 11 , 15 . 86 . 249 . 170 . Tho. Randolph, to Sec y Walfingham; about fome change in the wording of the league; and the entertainment of the Sc. commifiioners: a P. S. tol. 252, concerning complaints againtt lir J. Fortier, (Orig.) Berwick, June 13 , 15.86. 250 .' 171 . An anonymous paper, with various intel¬ ligence about the K. of Scotland’s difpofition, the league, Sec. (feemingly in Mills’s hand.) June 12 , .1586. 25 lt 172 . 1ho. Mills, to Tho. Randolph; reports his proceedings in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. June 10 , 1586. 253. 173. 1 ho. Randolph, to Sec y - Walfingham; about the many impediments to the league; the kiim-'s marriage, &c. (Orig.) . Berwick, June 10 , 1586 . 255. 174 . Q. Elizabeth, to James vi; concerning the intended league, (a draught in Burleigh's hand.) June, 1586. 256. 175. Sec r Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; urges 1 the neceflity to ufe tome pecuniary arguments in order to bring about the league. (Orig.) Barn- Elnics, June 3 , 1586. 257 . 176 . The Scottifh commifiioners at Berwick, to Scc y Walfingham; recommending the caufe of one Adam Foulerton Burges. (Orig.) Berwick, July 6, 1580. 257.* 177- A 11 anonymous letter to the Q. of Scots, aferibed in the indorfement to Tho. Morgan: lie profefies his great devotion to her caufe; i’peaks of one X letio an Eng’hlhman to liliom he prom ifes, in her name, a prebend in St. Quintin; the E. of Arun¬ del and his family favourable to her caufe; urges her to write to the Pope; mentions occurrences in France; laments the league between England and Scotland ; and infills on the neceflity of conveying K. James out of Scotland; about the E. of Weilmorland, Abing¬ don, Ballard, Mendoza, See. July 4, 1586. 258. 178. An anonymous letter (probably from Q. Mary) directed “ to our good neighbour and friend John Gifford, Efq.” exhorting him to pcrlcvcre in the caufe. 261 . b. 179. A note containing the alterations made in reducing the articles agreed upon between Q. Elizabeth and l>. James into the form of a league, (the 9 th art. omitted.) July 5, 1586. 262 . 180 . Proclamation made by the commifiioners of England and Scotland, touching the hay of the borders. Berwick, July 5, 1586. 2G3. 18 1 . Notes of certain articles meet to be prefently condefccnded to betwixt the commifiioners, for the better confcrvation of the league. July 5 , 1586. 263. b. 182 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Charles Paget and Don Bern, de Mendoza; Die continues their penfions; hath written to Ld. Claud. Hamilton, Sec. Chartley, July 6, 1586. 265. 183. A fliort letter figned Curl, probably in the name of Q. Mary ; promifing the continuance of her favour. 265. b. 1S4. Mary Q. of Scots, to Don Bern, de Mendoza, Span ilh amballador in France; allures him of her confidence in his leadinefs to i'erve her; and defires fome money may be reimburfed to Paget, Arundel, and Morgan. (French.) Chartley, July 2 , 1586 . 265. b. 18.5. Nauc, to Fulgcam ; about the character of Morgan, Nc. Chartley, June 30, 1586. 266. 1 86. A report of Mr. Randolph’s journey into Scotland, Feb. 1586. and his negotiations down to the meeting of the commifiioners in June 1586 . dated July 8 , 1586. 267 . 1 87 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Anth 7 Babington ; con¬ cerning the plot of effecting her efcape ; the reftora- tion of the Catholic religion, . Part of a treaty between lien. VII. and James III. K. of Scotland, (vid. Ryiner XII. p. 285.) the firlt part wanting. (Latin.) London, July 3, l4S(i. 281. ioG. Tho. Randolph, to Sec 7 Wallingham ; reports his gracious diliniflion by the K. of Scots; the Carrs refufe to furrender to England; about Ld. Claud. Hamilton, the matter of Ofay, dec. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. l, I58G. 286 . if)7. A proclamation againftthe Carrs and others (inclofed in the above.) Berwick, Aug. l. 1586. 28G. # 198 . Sir John Fortier, to Sec 7 Walfmgham ; com¬ plains of having been “ very fore put at” by the E. of Rutland and Mr. Randolph, especially on ac¬ count of the death of Ld. Ituffel, and a defign to take Ilarbottle cattle from him. (Orig.) Alnwick, Aug. 8. 1586. 287. 199 . Ld. Scroopc, to See 7 Walfmgham; about a tedrels denied for an attempt on the Graimes of Elk ; a plot formed by him for feizing tome of the principal aflailants, which is effectually executed by captain Cafe and lieutenant Baxter; delires thanks may be fent to thefetwo officers. (Orig.) Carlifle, Aug. 14, 158G. 288. 200 . Ld. Scroope, to See 7 Walfmgham ; Ld. Max¬ well demands captain Cafe, which Ld. Scroope rc- fufes. Carlifle, Aug. 21 , 1586. 289. 201 . Arch. Douglas, to Sec 7 Walfmgham; various intelligence ; James Stewart, late Arran, is to embark ai Leith for France, &c. Berwick. Ang. 24? 1586. 28-. French.) Si. Germain, Nov. 1 , 1586. 449 .*’ 250. Q. Elizabeth's proclamation, for declarino- the fentencc lately given again ft the Q, of Scots! (printed.) Richmond, Dec.^, 1586. 450 . i 251. Sir Am. Paulet, to Sec y Walfingham ? about the interceflions made for the Q. of Scots; and defires fupplies of men and flores. (Orig.) Fotherino-av Dec. 9 , 1586. “ 451 . ’ 252. Sir Hen. Widdrington, to Sec y Walfingham; reports the movements in Scotland in confequence of Q. Mary's condemnation ; the K. is urged on by the nobility. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 7 , 1586. 452 . 253. Ld. Scroope, to Sec y Walfingham; various intelligenceabout the great convention in Scotland; one Ingleby fled to Maxwell, See. (Orig.) Carlille. Dec. 17 , 1586. 453 . 254. Sec y Walfingham, to.about fecur- ing and difpofmg of fome of Babington's confpirators. (Orig.) Barnes, Dec. 2.5, 1586. 454 . 255. Sec y ■Walfingham, to Mr. Philips? with fome letters to decypher. (Orig.) Barn-Elmes, Oct. 50 , •1586. 454.* 256. See 7 Walfingham, to Mr. Philips? with a letter from the K. of Spain to decypher. (Orig.) Court, Nov. 31 , 1585. lie. 455. 257. Sec 7 Davifon, to Mr. Philips; with lome “ ticket to make Englifh of.” (Orig.) Dec. 11 . 455. b. 258. See T Walfingham, to.demanding the reafon why the coffer with the Q. of Scots ac¬ counts had not yet been feat down. (Orig.) Barn- Elmes, Dec. 18 , 1586. 455 .* b. 259. Sec y Walfingham, to.has fatisfied the bearer; and concerning a “party” to be employ¬ ed in Scotland. (Orig.) Barnes, Dec. 23 , 1586. 456. 260 . Sec 7 Walfingham, to.about Tyrrell a Jefuit writing againfl him and the E. of Lcicefti r. (Orig.) Work, March 17 , 1587? 457 . 261 . Notes concerning the Q. of Scots political intrigues; font to Arch. Douglas. 457 . b. 262 . A note out of a waftc paper of the Q. of Scots own hand, concerning the prerogative of fovereigns : and a rough draught of part of a letter. (French.) 457 . * b. 263. Tho. Harrifon (Sec y , as lie faith, to fir Fr. Walfingham) his voluntary confefiion; taxing fir Francis, and Philips, Maude, &c. with having con • trived the confpiracy for which the Q. of Scots had been put to death. 1587. 458. 264. Epitaphs and elegies for the Q. of Scots. (Latin.) 460 . 265. A declaration of Mary Q. of Scots, afierting her innocence. 1587. 462 . 26 G. A fketch of the place where the Q. of Scots was tried; by Burleigh. 463 . 267 . A true narrative of the execution of Mary Q. of Scots, by R. W. Feb. 8 , 1586-7. 465 . 268. Anfwers to the objections againfl Mr. Da- vifoil's conduct in the caufe of the late Scottifh queen. 470 . 269- The caufes moving Q. Elizabeth to fign the warrant for the Q. of Scotland's execution; being taken out ottlic record of an information againfl Mr. Davifon. 47 j. 270 . A paper entitled “ what means may be de¬ viled for the continuance and fafety of religion, the Q s. majefty, and the iiatc of this‘realm, if the Sc. queen be fuffered to live.” 470. 271 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Am. Paulet; thanks him for his faithfulnefs; and directs him to upbraid Q. Mary his prifoner. 1586. 473 . 272 . Q. Elizabeth's inllruCtions to Ld. Buckhnrfl. &c. (another copy of IX. 238.) Nov. 1586. 474 . 273. Caufes that lliould move the Q. of England to be beneficial to the K. of Scotland. 476 . 274. The contents of a difcourfe made by Mr. Walter Lindfay ofBalgas; rep refen ting the progrefs oflierefy (Calvinifrn) in Scotland, &c. (printed in Spaoifli.) 477 . 275. The prefentHate of Scotland; with the par¬ ticular difpofitions of the king, nobility, and com¬ mons. (by a proteflant.) 478 . 276. The 140 C A L I G UL A, C. IX. D. I. 270 . The addlefs of the lords and commons of England for the execution of the Q. of Scots : with ;l lift of peers, See. and notes in Mr. Attorney Pop- ham’s hand. 481. C 77 . Two letters to Sec y Walfingham, from one of liis fpies in Scotland. 1586. 4 S 3 . 278. An inftrument to he fubferihed by the Q. of England, of certain promifes to the K. of Scotland, (viz. of a penfion and fueceihon to the crown.) 484. 279. The dangerous alteration likely to enfue both in England and Scotland in cafe the execution of the Q. of Scots be ftayed; and coniideration of the perils if the be executed. 1586 ? 485. 280 . Memorial of Scottifh ambalfadors (Keith ? Sec.) in behalf of Q. Mary. 1586. 487- 281. Reafons in favour of the Q. of Scots; taken out of the French memoirs : and anfwers thereto. 488. 282 . A fragment of a letter of intelligence, about the league with Scotland. 1586. 400. 28 :;. The Engliih commillioners at Berwick, to See y Walfmgham; report their lirlt conference with the Scottifh commillioners. (Grig.) Berwick, June 2 f), 15S6. 492. 284. Capita foederis arctioris amicitire inter Eliza¬ bethan! Awglhe Reg*" 1 ct JacohumVl. Sector, regem. (vid. llymer XV. p. 808 .) Berwick, 5 Julii, i >86. 493. 285. A paper entitled, “ That the proceedings againlt the Sc. queen were juft and lawful, as well by the common law as civil law.” 15S6. 494. 286 . Minutes of the various documents produced at the trial of the Q. of Scots. 1586. 495. 287. Collodions of the feveral crimes wherewith the Q. of Sc. was chargeable. 504. 288 . A difculfion of the queftion, whether it be behoovefull for the Q. of England to puttheScottilh queen to death, or to keep her in prilbn ? 511. Caligula, D. T. N. B. This volume and the next (Calig. D. II.) which had been much damaged by the tire m 1781, have until now been kept in cafes in loofe /beets. Many articles have bv this means been loft, and the whole was thrown into thegreateft difordcr. What remains has now been arranged, and the original paging has been prei’erved, a few Ihcets excepted, whofe proper places it has been impoilible to afeertain. This is mentioned in order to ac¬ count for the deficiencies that occur. J. P. 1794. Codex chavtaccus, in folio, con flans foliis 439. 1. A latin treatife, entitled “ Detedio Mariffi.” 3. 2 . A contrail between Q. Elizabeth and the no¬ bility of Scotland, againlt an invaiion of the French. N. B. The names fubferibed are in Wallingham's hand. May, 1560. 29 . r.. The Emp. Rudolph II, to John D. of Auftria, governor of the Low Countries. (Latin.) Vienna, bet. 4, 1577- 82. 4. Mary Q. of Scots; her letters patent for a meeting at \ 01 k. Perth, Aug. 24, 1562. 32; b. 5. Various uoems in Latin ; laid to be by Bucha¬ nan. 34. b. 6. A difeourfe plainly proving that as well the fentence of death lately given againlt the Q. of Scots, as alfo the execution of the fame, were ho¬ nourable, uecclfary, and lawful. March, 1587. 40. 7 . Henry de Lorraine (D. de Guile) to the exe¬ cutors and council of the late Q. of Scots; recom¬ mends Naue, (French.) 061. 16 , 1587. 88. 8. lien, de Lorraine (D. de Guile) to the Abp. of Glafgow ; an extract in favour of Naue. (French.) Joigny, 061 16 , 1587 . 88 . b. !>. Mary Q. of Scots; a general difeharge in fa¬ vour of Naue. (French.) Tut bury, Sept 29 , 1585. 89. 10 . Marv Q. of Scots, to the 1). de Guife : recom¬ mending Naue and Curl; a Hun t extract. (French. - ) 89 . b. 11 . Curl: a declaration of his concerning certain letters and papers. Aug. 6. 1 .S 87 . (The five preced¬ ing articles are certified bv Naue to he true c< >pies from the originals. Paris, March 2 , 1605.) 89. b. 12 . 'Flic heads of Q. Eliz.’s fperches to Arch. Douglas, touching her milliking the K. of Scotland's actions, (drawn l>v Burleigh, and in his See' Mai- nard's hand.) Dee. J587. 91 . 13. Roger Alton, to Sec y Walfingham; about the Sc. king's intended marriage, and attempts on the borders. (0-rig.) Aug. 19 , 1587. 93 . 13. b. James vi; his commifiion to Carmichael, Home, and Young, to treat concerning the borders. Ilolyrood-houfc, Jan. is, 1587. 93 . 14 . T.d. Ilunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh ; cautions about the K. of Sc. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 23 , 1587. 96 . 15. Notes, faid to lie in Arch. Douglas’s hand, and fent to Ld. Burleigh; concerning which advice is to be craved. March 25. 1587. 98. 16 . Complaints of the middle marches, fincc the treaty of Berwick. 1587- 100 . 17 . James vi, to Q. Elizabeth; expoftulates about his mother's treatment, &c. Holyrood-houfe, Jan. 26, 1586. 102. IS. -James VI, to his ambafliidor in England ; about his mother's lentence. 102 . c. 19 . Sir Simon Mufgrave, to the E. of I.eieeftcr; concerning outrages on the borders. (Orig.) Eden- hall, Nov. 16 , 1587- 104. 20 . Ld. Ilunfdon, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence from Scotland, and the borders. Berwick, Oct. 18, 1587- 105. 21 . Notes out of Hunfdon's and Alton's letters of Oct. 18, 1587- 106. 22 . The juftice clerk (fir Lewis Bcllcnden) to Arch. Douglas; about the affairs between England and Scotland. Ilolyrood-houfc, Oct. 24, 1587- 107- 23. James VI; liis inftruetions to Mr. Carmichael fent to the Ld. Chamberlain (Ilunfdon.) March 10 , 1537. 115. 24. Ilenrv III. K. of Fr. to Comedies : about the corn!lift of the K. of Scots u ithrclpeft to his mother (Orig. French, counterligned Brulart.) Paris, March 14, 1587- HO- 25. Brulart (Sec r to the Fr. K.) to Courcelles ; about remittance of money; and adviliug him t<» continue his ferviees in Scotland. (French.) Paris. March 17 , 1587. 1 17- 26 . An account of the trial of Mary Q. of Scots 1 18. 27 . A fragment of a paper, entitled “Paradoxes." (the 2d. Paradox relates to liberty of conlcience.) 127 . 28. Mons. de Chateauneuf, to Courcelles; about the accufation brought againlt himfelf by Stafford and Moody. (French.) London, Feb. 7 , 1587. 128. 29 . A frag- CALIGULA, D. I. 141 29 - A fragment relating to a meeting of Engli/h and Scottifh commiflioners at Berwick? Feb. 12 , 1587- 129- 30. Matters propofed by Englilli commiflioners, to which they require the aflent of the Scottiili com¬ miflioners in writing. Feb. 22 , 15 87- 130. 3 1 . Articles of an agreement on border matters. Feb. 24, 1587- 132. 32. A note of what Ld. Iiunfdon fliould write to the K. of Scots, (from Burleigh.) Feb. 3 , 1587. 1 32. b. 33 . James VI; his inftruftions to Carmichael, (another copy of I. 23.) March 10 , 1587. 1 33. 34 . Sec r Walfingham ; juftifying the execution of the Q. of Scots: font to the chancellor of Scotland, for the ufe of the K. of Scots. March, 1587. 135. 35 . Sir A. Paulet, D. Drury, and R. Beale, to fir Rich. Knightly, one of the Lieuts. of the county of Norfolk; fummoning him to a county meeting. (Orig.) Fotheringay, Feb. 1 , 1587. 139 . 36. Henry III. K. of Fr. to C’ourcelles ; commend¬ ing the con'du 6 t of the K. of Sc. with regard to his mother. (French, countertigned Brulart.) Paris, Feb. 1 , 1587- 140 . 37- Henry ill. K. of Fr. to Courcelles ; on the fame fubjeft as the above. (French.) Paris, Dec. 24, 1580. 14J. 38. Counfcllors cflablilhed at the laft parliament in Scotland. 1587. 142 . 39 . A fummary of Q. Elizabeth’s difeourfe with Mr. Arch. Douglas, concerning certain offers of the K. of Scots. 1587. 144 . 40. The Bp. of Dumblane (Will. Chifliolm, after¬ wards Bp. of Vaifon) his embafly into Scotland, from Philip of Spain and Pope Sixtus V. 1587. 153 . 41 . A charge againft the E. of Huntley for fend¬ ing letters into Spain, of which he was cleared, whereupon followed the brig of Dee; the licit road of the abbey of Holyrood-houfe; the daughter of the E. of Murray; the road of Falkland; the fecond road of the abbey; the Spanilh blanks; a tumult in Edinb. Dec. 17 , 1597; the death of the E. ot Huntley 1576; and a lift of nobility. N. B. This appears to be a fet of hiftorical tracts, all copied by the fame hand. i 5; > 42. Q. Elizabeth’s inflrudions to Mr. Robt. Carey, fent to the K. of Scots, July 16 , 1588. 159 . 43. Mr. Robt. Bowes‘s account of the £. 2 , 000 , fent into Scotland in July, and of/. 3,000 fent in Sept. 1588. ‘ ° 1 63. 44 . Inflru6tions of the Englilh miniftry to Mr. Rich. Wigmore, fent into Scotland. June, 158 S. 164. 45. Material points contained in the letters of the earls of Huntley and Morton, Claud. Hamilton, and Robt. Bruce, fent in cypher to the K. of Spain and the D. of Parma. Jan. 24, 1588. 172 . 46. Q. Elizabeth's inftru&ions to Mr. Bowes, fent to Ld. Hunfdon and others, in the abfence of the K. of Sc. in Denmark. Dec. 1589. 173 . 47 . Heads of inftru&ions to an Englifli ambafla- dor in Scotland, (fomc in Cecil’s hand ?) Dec 1 1589- 175 / 47. b. Special points of a proclamation at Edinb. the day after the king’s embarking. Oct. 22, 1589 . 177 . 48. Names of the well-affedted nobilitv in Scot¬ land. Sept. 1589 . " 179 . 49 . James VI; his inftrudlions to his commiflion¬ ers fent into Denmark for concluding the marriage with the K. of Denmark's filter. June, 1589. 181 . 50. Articles of indictment again It the earls of Huntley, Bothwell, and Crawford. May 24 , 1589. 1 83. 51 . Particulars concerning the prefent Bate of the nobility in Scotland ; with Iketches of their defeents in the margin. April 10 , 1589. 186 . 52. Articles of indidhnent againft Huntley, &c. (another copy of I. 50. with an additional paragraph.) May 24 , 1589. 191 . 53 . The E. of Bothwell, to the D. of Parma; about the ftate of Scotland. March 17 , 1589. 192 . 54. Bothwcll's inftru&ions to fome perfon he had fent to the D. of Parma. March 17 , 1589. 192 . b. 54. b. R. Douglas, to Arch. Douglas, ambalfador from Scotland. Edinb. March 8, 1589. 195 . 55. The earls of Huntley and Morton, and Ld. Claud. Hamilton, to the L. of Spain; in the name of the catholic gentlemen of Scotland. (French.) Edinb. Jan. 24 , 1589. 199 . 56. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Suffex. (Orig. a finall fragment.) Ely place, Dec. 2 , 1587. 200 . 57. Dr. Fletcher dean of Peterborough, to the E. of Suffex? with thanks, and felicitations for further favour. (Orig.) Oatlands, Sept 3, 1587. 201 . 58. Sec y Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; about negociations on Scottiili affairs. (Orig.) Savoy, Jan. 23, 1587. 202 . 59- Ld. Iiunfdon, to.intelligence from Scotland. (Orig.?) Berwick, Nov. 25, 1587. 203. 60 . Wm. Stewart, to James VI; recommending the laird of Lady land. (Orig.) Stein, Nov. 13, 1587 . 204. b. 61 . Ld. Scroope, to Scc y Walfingham? intelligence on Scottiili affairs. (Orig.) Carlifle, Nov. 15, 1587. 205. 62 . Sir Hen. Widdrington, to Sec y Walfingham ; concerning the charges brought againft the mafter ot Gray. (Orig.) Berwick, May 12 , 1587. 206 . 63. Arch. Douglas, to.intelligence concerning Scottiili aflairs. (Orig.) London, Sept. 5, 1587- 208 . 64 . The E. of Marr, to.advertifements concerning the Scottifh parliament. (Orig.) July 17, 1587. 210 . 64. l>. Brulart, to Courcelles ; on the death of the Q. ot Scots. (French.) Paris, March 20 , 1587 . 214. 65. Henry III. K. of Fr. to Courcelles ; concern¬ ing the Scottiili king’s conduct with regard to his mother. (Orig. French, counterfigned Brulart.) Paris, March 28 $ 1587. " 21 s. 66. Henry III. K. of Fr. to Courcelles; reprobat¬ ing Q. Elizabeth’s cruelty with regard to the Q. of Scuts. (Orig. French, counterfigned Brulart) Paris, June 11 , 1587 . 219 . 67 . Brulart, to Courcelles; urging that the K. of Scots ought to revenge his mother’s death. (Orig. French.) Paris, June 11 , 1587. 219 . b. 68. Henry ill. K. of Fr. to Courcelles; concern¬ ing Q. Mary’s death ; and intelligence about the K. of Navarre, &c. (Orig. French, counterfigned Bru¬ lart.) Paris, March 14, 1587. 220 . 69- Henry in. K. of Fr, to Courcelles; recom¬ mending an alliance between Scotland and France as mole advantageous to Scotland. (Orio-. French, counterfigned Brulart.) Paris, April 13 , 1587. 222 . 70 . Henry m. K. of Fr. to Courcelles; about fir O o Fr. CALIGULA, D. I. * 4.2 TV. Drake's expedition, Sec. (Orig. French, coun- terfigned Brulart.) Paris, July 17 , 15S?. -24. 71 . Propofitions made in the council of Scotland concern in «• the due adminifiration of laws; the latter part of the paper being entitled “Regies pour le Roy etfon pays." April, 1587. 225. 70 . Ld. Burleigh, to.on fomcanfwerfe made by the IF of Scotland to certain reprefen tatioiis from Q. i’Jizal). (a rough draught in Cecil's, own hand.) April 5 *, 1588 . 22 b. 73 . Q. Elizabeth, to her ambaffador in France; about Q. Mary’s confinement in Lochleven. (a draught in Ld. Burleigh's hand.) 1567- 232. 74 . Wm. Afheby, to Scc y Walfingham ; the IF of Sc. declares himfelf fatisfied of Q. Eliz.’s innocence concerning his mother’s death; about penfions, &e* (Orig.) Ldinb. Aug. 8, 1588. 2.3(3. 75 IVni. Aflicby, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence, and nearly to the fame purport as the above. (Orig,) Edinb. Aug. (>, 1588. #37. 7 ( 5 . h' 111 , Afiieby, to Sec y Walfingham ; a Spaniili Blip wrecked in Ireland and others in Norway; in¬ telligence about the Scottilh court, and the popifli faction. (Orig.) Edinb. 061. 13, 1588. 2:39- 77 . Wm. Allieby, to Sec Y Walfingham; the IF of Sc. is fenfible of fume neglect; reconciles all parties in his realm, cCc. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 36, 1588. 241. 78 . Wm. Afheby, to Sec 1 ' Walfingham ; the Scots difeontented with England; news about Spaniards laved from fiiipwreek in Ireland ; Iluntley fub* mits to the king, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. (i, 1588. 243. 79- Roger A ho n, to John Iludfon his brother; the IF <>t' Sc; well difpofed towards England; a Spa- nifh fliip blown up among the ifics. (Orig.) Edinb. March s, 158S< 245. 80 . R. Alton, to J. Iludfon ; intelligence; Fowler comes to Edinb. &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 1 3, 1588. 246. 81. Wm. Allieby, to Sec y Walfingham; Huntley reconciled to the L. and church; Bothwell contu¬ macious ; GOO Spaniards land in the M eft, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 30, 1588. 247 . S 2 . R. Afion, to J. Iludfon; intelligence about a convention in Scotland ; an emifiary arrives from the D. of Parma in the Spaniih intereft. (Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 1 , 1588. 249. 83 . Sir lien. Widdrington, to Sec 1 ' Walfingham; intelligence about the court of Scotland; 1 hint Ic y in great favour; the lhipwrccked Spaniards, Sec. (Orig.) Berwick, Dec. 29 , 1588. 25 1 . 84 . Wm. Afiiehy, to Scc y Walfingham; demands of the K. of Sc. and various intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 10 , 158 , 8. 252. 85. W. Alhebv, to Q. Elizabeth; giving a very favourable account of the IF of Scots. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 7, 1588. 254. 8(3. Robt. Bowes, to Scc y 'Walfingham; about the Spaniih fliips on the coaft of Scotland ; money re¬ mitted into Scotland, See. (Orig.) Berwick, Sept. 4Q, 1588. 255. 87 . Wm. Afiiehy, to Sec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence about a convention, the Spaniih lliips, &t\ (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 19 , 1588. 257. 88. Ld. Hunfdon, to Sec y Walfingham; cautions the Scc y aguinlt the K. of Scots lincerity; the D. de .Ouil'e defeated, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan, 17 , 1587-8. 258. 89 . Confulerations of the prefent ftate of the bor¬ ders, according to their feveral members. Sept, GO, 1588. ' 259 . 90 . Win. Aflicby, to Sce y Walfingham [ intelli¬ gence from Scotland ; the IF and the church arc but ill obeyed; the IF well affeCled to England, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 15, 1588-9. 260 . 91 . Wm. Afheby, to Sec y Walfingham; about the I« . of Sc. intended marriage ; the Spaniards in Scot¬ land, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 8, 1588-9. 262 . 92. Robt. Bowes, to 5ec y Walfingham; intelli¬ gence; a proclamation againft the Papifts; a con¬ vention, &c. (Orig.) . Berwick, May 25, 1588. 264. 93. Robt. Bowes, to Sce y Walfingham; reports a converiatibn with Carmichael, concerning favours p.roper to be bellowed by Q. Eliz. on tlic IF of Sc. (Orig.) Berwick, July 9 , 1588. £ 6 o. 94. Wm. Afheby, to Sec y Walfingham ; reports the. offers both he, in the queen’s name, and the Spaniards made to the IF of Sc. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug.' 3, 1 5SS. . 268 . 95. M'm. Fowler, to SecL Walfingham ; various in¬ telligence from Scotland, about the Spaniards there, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 17, 15S8-9. 269 . 96. Sir Robt. Sidney, to Sec y Walfingham ; reports his arrival at Edinb. and the ftate of affairs there. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug 30, 1588. 270 . 97 . Sir Robt. Sidney, to Sec y Walfingham '; about the peniion the IF of Sc. experts. (Orig.) Had¬ dington, Aug. 28, 1588. 271. 98 . Sir Robt. Sidney, to Sec y Walfingham; reports a plot to kill the chancellor of Scotlaaid (Maitland) and other intelligence. (Orig.) Berwick, Aug. 27 , 1588. 272 . 99 . Sir Robt. Sidney, to Sec y Walfingham ; reports an audience he had of the IF of Scots. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 1 , 1588. 274 .' 100 . Sir Robt. Sidney, to Sec r Walfingham ; re-* ports his conference with Carmichael, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 2, 1588. 275. 101 . R. Alton, to J. Iludfon; the IF of Sc. well difpofed towards England. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 13, 1588. 277. 102 . Wm. Aflicby, to Scc y Walfingham; about money matters, &c. (Orig.) Berwick, July 9» 1588. ’ 278* 10 . 1 . J. Iludfon, to Sec y Walfingham; news from Scotland. (Orig.) Saturday, 1588. . 279- 104 . R. Alton, to J. Iludfon; Rate of affairs in Scotlaaid. 1588 . 230 . 105. Francis Dacre, to Sec y Walfingham; com¬ plains of great outrages on his tenants. i^Ong.) July 25, 1588. 281. 100 . A note of intelligence about Q. Anne's'vov age from Denmark. Oct. i 1 , 1589. 282 . 107 . Copy of a letter, with intelligence from Scot¬ land. Nov" 13, 1588. 283 108 . Wm. Aflicby, to Sec y Walfingham; about his repair to court; the IF favourable, See. (Orig.) Berwick, July 21 , 1588. 284. 109. Sir lien. Widdrington, to Ld. Hunfdon r a Spaniih fliip arrives in the Frith; fume occurrences at court in conlequence of it, Sec. (Orig ) Ber¬ wick, Aug. 11 , 1588. 285. 110 . John Selby, to Sec y Walfingham ; reports an inroad -on the borders. (Orig.) Berwick, O 6 F 6, 1588. e8C * 111 . Advertilements from the borders, where the IF of CALIGULA, D. I. i+3 K. of Sc. propoles to come. Carlifle, June 13, 1588. <287. lie. Sec y Walfingham, to Mr. Aflieby; directing liiin to negociate with the K. of Sc. in favour of the United States. Greenwich. 061. * 29 , 15 8*8. 888 . 113 . Intelligence from Scotland; many lords, &c f unite to refill the Spaniards and Papifts. May, 1 588. ‘289- 114. Wm. Afhcby, to Sec y Walfingham; about Q. Elizabeths bounty to the K. of Sc. (Orig.) Aug. 30, 1588. S<)1. 115 . James vi, to Sec r Walfingham ; recommends the cafe of the bearer. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 13, •1588. -293. 116. Francis Dacre, to Sec r Walfingham; about affairs of the borders. (Orig.) Carlifle, July > 25 , 1588. 293 . 117 . A letter of intelligence from Scotland, about negociations. * 294 . 118 . Wm. Afhcby, to See 7 Walfingham ; about his reception in Scotland; Courcelles departed without taking leave, See. (Orig.) Edinb. July 20 , 1588. ‘296. l in. Sec r Walfingham, to Mr. Afhcby concern¬ ing the ncgociation in favour of the United States. Nov.. 1588. . < 297 . 120 . Win. Aflichy, to Sec y Walfingham; various intelligence. Edinb. Sept. 8 , 1588. 299 . 121 . Sir Wm. Keith, to Sec y Walfingham; about the matches propofed for the K. of Scots. (Orig.) 6 c. court, March is, 1588. 300. 122 . R. Alton? to Sec y Walfingham; intelligence about Huntley, fir John Seton, See. (Orig. the name blotted out.) 301 . 12 S. Sir Hen. Widdrington, to Sec y Walfingham; the northern lords incline to aid the Spaniards. (Orig.) Berwick, June 20 , 1588. 802 . 124 . Wm. Afhcby, to Sec y Walfingham; a large iSpanilh fhip arrived at the Iflc of Ella. (Orig!) Edinb. Sept. 23, 1588. 303 . 125. : W in. Aflieby., to Sec r Walfingham; fir Robt. Sidney wc-ll received with his “ legion of angels;” Carmichael fent to the well borders to fuppreis dil- fentions, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 12 , 1588. 304 . 126 . W. Fowler, to Soc y Walfingham; thanks for his good offices, and lbme intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. March 15, 1588. 305 . 1 -7 - Q. Elizabeth ; her fafie-eonduet. for the E. of Crawford, and Ld. Sancker. (Orig.) Greenwich, M. 14, 1500. ‘ ' 306 . 128 . Tilt E. of Bothwell, to David Douglas E. of Angus, his fathcr-in-Iaw, ambaffiidor in England; in favour of John Dune, whole fhip had been pillaged in Southampton. (Orig.) Leith, Sept. 19 , 1 . 388 . 307. 129. Sir John Forefter, to Sec y Walfingham; about border matters, Sec. (Orig.) Alnwick, Dec. 16 , 1588. 3Q8. 130. Wm. Afhcby, to Sec y Walfingham ; the K. of Sc. teems dilpoled to act againlt the Spaniards on his coalt, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. s, 1588 ., 3 , 09 . 131. Wm. Aflieby, to Sec y Walfingham; various I intelligence; fir Robert Sidney coming to Edinburgh. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 26 , 1588. 310 . 132. Wm. Afhcby, to Sec y Walfingham; fir R. Sidney is impatiently expected with his “ aurum potabile;” about the Spanilii fleet; the djlpofltions ot the h. and lords of Scotland, &c. (Orif ) Edinb Aug.' 22 , 1588. 0 31 r. 133. Wm. Aflieby, to Sec y Walfingham; intel¬ ligence ; he hath notified the coming down of fir Rt. Sidney, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 1 8, 1588. 313. 1 34. W. Fowler, to Sec y Walfingham; reports fufpicious motions of Bothwell, Huntley &c. (Orig.) April 8 , 1589. 314. 135. James VT, to Sec y Walfingham; thanks him for his affection. (Orig.) Ilolyrood-houfc, March 24, 1588. 315 . 136. Arch. Douglas, to See 5 Walfingham; con- fulting him on fome matters rcibeCting his conduct; and about fome fliips detained. (Orig.) July 26 , 1588. 316. 137. Arch. Douglas? to.laments the en¬ mity of his two uncles, which is detrimental to the kings fervice. (Orig.?) July l, 158S. 317 - 138. Arch. Douglas, to Sec y Walfingham; about the northern faction; a palsport for Hepburn, Smeaton, See. (Orig.) June 7 . 3 is. 139 . Arch. Douglas, to Sec y Walfingham; about; his negociations, and news from Scotland. (Orig.) July s, 1588. • 319 . 140 . A paper of intelligence from Berwick ; about fome intercourfe between Ld. and lady Bothwell, Capt. Carcv and’others. June 28, 1588. 320 . 141. Stephen Ellis, to Sec y Walfingham ; intel¬ ligence from the borders. (Orig.) Carlille, Nov. 19 , 1-588. 3ai. 142. Wm. Aflieby, to Sec y Walfingham; in com¬ mendation of Patrick Maurice, fent with this letter. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 1 , 1588. 329. 143. .... Atkinfon? to Sec y Walfingham ; giving- thanks for favours ; and fonlc intelligence about the It. of Sc. Sec. (Orig.) Cannongate, July, 158S. 323. 144. Intelligence from Berwick; doubts about the king of Sc. reports of the Spaniards coming; Bothwell kills fir Wm. Stewart. Aug. 1 , 1588. 324 . 145. Robt. Carey, to the chancellor of Scotland and Mr. Carmichael; notifying to both, that owing to an accident, he cannot come to Scotland with the £. 2,000 he was to have brought. 061. 27 , 1588. 385. 146 . A\ ni. Afhcby, to Sec y Walfingham; reports his having notified the approach of the Spanifh fleet; Frenchmen lent out of Scotland ; fir Wm. Stewart's murder, &c., (Orig.) Edinb. July ,'30-, 1588. 326. 147. Scc y Walfingham, to Wm Aflieby; inftruc- tionS about the affairs of the United Provinces, Sec. Savoy, 061. 80 , 1588. # 327 . 148. John Selby, to Scc y Walfingham; reports an inroad on the' borders.. (Orig.) Berwick, OCt. 9 , 1388. 328. 149. Wm. Aflieby, to Sec y Walfingham; the Chancellor and Ld Weems well drfpoled; about, a Spanifh fhip. ,(Prig.) Edinb, Sept. 26 , 1588. 329 . 150. Janies VI, to Scc y Walfingham; recommend¬ ing James Bunnantine. (Orig.) Holyrood-houi'e, March 14 , 1588. 330 . 15 i. Sec y Walfingham, to Wm. Aflieby; reproving him for having made offers to the K. of Sc. for which lie was not authorized, (a draught.) Aug. 22 , 1588. S31. 152. John Selby, to Scc y Walfingham; intel¬ ligence about- the Scottifh K.; L. Maxwell, See. (Orig.) Berwick, May 5, 1588. 333. 153. Robt. Bowes, to Sec y ’Walfingham ; intel¬ ligence about /the K. and lords of Scotland; the Spaniards, See. (Orig.) Berwick, May 8, 158S. 334. 154. Wm. Aflieby, to Scc y Walfingham; ex¬ culpates 144 CALIGULA, D. I. culpates himfelf for the offers he made without au¬ thority. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. ic, 1588. 335. 155 .Fowler, to Sec/ Wallin gham about money matters. (Orig-.) Edinb. Eeb. 15, 1588. 33 6. 156 . Robt. Carvil, to Sec y Walfingham; about fome Englilh fugitives. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 16 , 1588. 337- 157. Sec y Walfingham? to fir Robt. Sydney; about the death of the Ld Steward (Leiceiter) Affieby's unwarranted offers in Scotland, See. Sept. 7, 1588. 338. 158. James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; tenders his heft fervices, and defires commifiioners may be fent to “ perfett llis fatisfa&ion.” Edinb. Aug. l, 1588. 340. 1.50. Sir Hen. Widdrington, to Sec y Walfingham ; the K. of Sc. comes to the borders; holds a diet at Halidon-liill. (Orig.) Berwick, April 30, 1588. 341. 160. Q. Elizabeth, to the Chancellor of Scotland; thanks him for his good offices with the king, (a draught.) Aug. 15, 1588. 343. 161. Intelligence about the death of one, J. Fletcher; Ld. Hcrries; Ld. Bothwell's affray at Leith, (a fragment.) 344. 162 . James VI; his fafe-conduct in favour ot fir Robt. Sidney. Edinb. Aug. 25, 1588. 345. 165. Wm. Affieby, to Sec y Walfingham; thanks him for his mediation ; and about money matters. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept, l, 1588. 346. 164. Notes of Lome requifitions for lands, timber, &c. made by Arch. Douglas the Sc. ambalfador 1588. S47. 165. Intelligence, &e< a copy of I. 161 . (Qu. whether Forelter’s hand.) 348. 166 . Wm. Affieby, to Sec y Walfingham; reports his firft audience; Monf. Clermont d'Amboife arrived on the welt coaft. (Orig.) Edinb. July 25, 1588. 34Q. 167 . Q. Elizabeth, to James VI; in confequcnce of the defeat of the Spaniffi Armada; defiling him to refill the Spaniards on his coalt. (a minute.) Aug. 14, 15 88. S50. 168 . W 111 . Affiebv, to Sec y Walfingham; various intelligence ; the K. purfues Bothwell and the con¬ federate earls; about fafe-condu&s for the Spaniards, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. April 10 , 1589- 35 1 . 169 . Peltalurge? to the mafter of Gray; intel¬ ligence, and cautions about his affairs. April 11 , 353. 170 . lien. I.to the Ld. Treafurer (Burleigh) intelligence of the commotions in Scotland in con- lcquence of the confederacy. (Orig.) I5 8f). 354. 171 . Wm. Affieby, to Scc y Walfingham; intel¬ ligence about Bothwell's motions; the king's iteadi- nefs in the protellant caufe; Huntley taken; the confederates dilperfe, See. (Orig.) Edinb. May 4, 1589. 356. 172 . Robt. Bowes, to Burleigh and Walfingham ; about, fitting out lhips to fetch the K. and Q. of Se. from Copenhagen; a convention; the confe¬ deracy, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. March 16, 1589. 357. 173. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; Bothwell's projects ; propofes an intelligence with the D. of Parma; &c. (Orig.) Edinb. March 24, 1589. 359. 174. Robt. Bowes, to Burleigh and Walfingham; intelligence about negociutions, and divers perfons in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. March 20 , 1589. 361. 175. .... . Fowler, to Sec y Walfingham; about Bothwell’s motions, and the king's mealures to refill; him. (Orig.) Edinb. April 7 , 1589- 363. 176 . J. Gray, to.the h’. of Sc. rei'olved to break the confederacy; orders for collecting troops. (Orig.) April 11 , 1589. 364. 177- James Murray, to See y Walfingham; f'olicits his mediation to be reinflated in fome office. (Orig.) Oct. c, 15S9. 365. 178. M’ 111 . Affieby, to Ld. Burleigh; about Q. Anne’s voyage; file is driven oil the coalt of Norway. (Orig.) Edinb. Sept. 15, 1589. 366. 179. Wm. Affieby, to Ld. Burleigh; the K. of Sc. thinks himfelf craftily drawn into the match with Denmark; cautions again ft Bothwell. iOrig.) Edinb. Aug 16 , 1589. 367 . 180 . Wm. Affieby, toLd. Burleigh; a new faction againft the chancellor of Scotland ; about the con¬ federate lords, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 22 , 1589. 368. isi. Wm. Affieby, to Ld. Burleigh; about the K. of Sc. marriage ; he is difappointed as to the princefs of Denmark's portion; the Ks motions, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. July 31, 1589. 36y. 182 . Arch. Douglas, to Ld. Burleigh ? about a declaration touching the proceedings againft the Q. of Scots. (Orig.) J uly 1 , 1589- S 71 . 183. The mafter of Gray, to Ld. Burleigh; in¬ trigues among the Scottiffi nobility. (Orig.) Edinb. June 16, 1589. 372. 184. F. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; the’mafter of Gray and the Chancellor at variance; the former obnoxious to the king ; Cockburn comes down with falfe reports; the rebel lords find favour, Sec. (Orig.) June 22 , 15S9- 374. 185. Wm. Aflieby, to Ld. Burleigh; the K. and the Chancellor favourable to England, but none of the nobility. (Orig.) Edinb. June 28, 1589; 376. 186 . Wm. Affieby, to Ld. Burleigh; Sir Geo. Belton with lhips arrived at Leith; fome of,the crew abided; the matter of Gray's artful condubl, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. June 8, 1589- 377- 187 . T; Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; about the !<. s marriage; the mafter of Gray confers with the Chancellor, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. June 7 , 1589- 379- 188 . The mafter of Gray, to Ld. Burleigh; about the flay of the match, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. June'5, 1589- 381. 189 . The mafter of Gray, to Ld. Burleigh; about the rebel lords; the marriage; his own vindication, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. June 4, 1589- 332. 190 . T. Fowler, to Ld. - Burleigh; a tumult at Edinb. about the marriage being delayed; the Englilh unpopular. (Orig.) Edinb. 28, 1589- 325. 101 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; about the trial of fome rebel lords; the K. cl i 1 poled to pardon fome. (Orig.) Edinb. May 26, 1589* 387. 192 . The aflizc and indictments of Huntley, Craw¬ ford, Bothwell, Sec. 1589. 388. 193 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; folieitations of the rebel lords for pardon. (Orig. lent by J. Selby.) Edinb. May 11 , 1589- 38 9- 194 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; intrigues in the court of Sc. (Orig.) Edinb. May 4, i5sy. 392. 195 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; proceedings in the court of Sc. (Orig.) Edinb. May 10 , I58y. S93. 190 . T. Fowler, to the Englilh ambalfador in Scot¬ land; intelligence about the Scottiffi nobility; Hunt- lev, CALIGULA, D. I. II. ley, Gray, &c. Iludfon arrived. (Orig.) Edinb. April 30, 1589- 395 . 197 . T. Fowler, to the Englilh ambalTador; the K. purfucs Huntley, who furrendcrs; about the id’s proceedings with the lords, &c. (Orig.) Strabogy, April 2 S, 1589. 390. 198 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; a long letter on the occurrences in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. March 28, 1589- 399- 199 . T. Ileneage vicechamberlain, to Sec y Wal¬ fingham ; reports a converlation lie had with Q. Eliza¬ beth about the affairs of Scotland. (Orig.) Clieliea, April 5, 1589- 401. 200 . Win. Afheby, to Sec 7 Walfingham; intel¬ ligence about the rebel lords; the king's proceed¬ ings, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. April 24, 1589- 402. 201 . T. Fowler, to the Englilh ambalTador; pro¬ ceedings of the court againlt the rebel lords, etc. (Orig.) Aberdeen, April 22 , 15 SO- 404. 202 . Win. Ailieby, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about tlie rebellion; Li 11 dfay's charges againII the Chancellor. (Orig.) Edinb. April 21 , 1589. 405. 203. T. Fowler, to the Englilh ambalTador; intel¬ ligence concerning Spaniards, &c. April 19 , 1589. 407- 204 . T. Fowler, to Win. A/hebv ; intelligence con¬ cerning his motions ; thole of the Scottilh nobility. (Orig.) St. John lion, April 14, 1589- 408. 205. J. Gray, to the mailer of Gray ; advice about Tome concerns with Ld. Ilume; intelligence, Sec. (Orig.) April 13, 1589- 409- 200 '. Wm. Afheby, to lord Burleigh; intelligence about Id James's going to Norway, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 30, 1589- 41 1 207 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh ; cautions con¬ cerning Fowler. (Orig.) Oct. 22 , 1589. 412. 208 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the friendly profefiions of the Scottilh miniftry, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 7 , 1589. 413 ! 200 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the E. of Bothwell’s favourable difpofitions, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Nov. 7 , 1589. 415 . 210 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the Q. of Scotland having been driven into Norway ; the king's intended voyage, &c. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 18 , 1589. 410 . 211 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; about the queen of Sc.'s voyage; finifter omens. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 8, 1589. 418 . 212 . T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the Sc. king’s marriage ; court intrigues, See. (Ori»\) Edinb. May 14 , 1589- " 420 . 21 :;. T. Fowler, to Sec 7 Walfingham; intrigues and venality of the Scottilh nobility, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. March 26 , 1589. ” 422 . -it. T. Fowler, to Ld. Burleigh; complains of the ambailador Afheby. (Orig.) Edinb. Oct. 31, l 589. 423. 215. M m. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; chiefly about the king’s lenity towards the rebellious lords. (Orig.) Edinb. June 28 , 1589. 426’. .2it). Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; about the dilaffeCted lords, Sec. (Orig.) Edinb. April 2 , 158 Q. 428. -1 (• Ld. John Hamilton, to Sec 7 Walfingham; thanks for good advice; and credential. (Orig.) Hamilton, June 12 , 1589. 43 a 2 18 . George Tollye, to Ld. Hunfdon; reports Various intrigues and feuds among the Scottilh noblemen. (Orig.) Nov. 17 , 1589. 431 . * 4-5 219 . The E. of Shrewfbury, to the E. of SulTex; defiring advice concerning his charge of Mary Q. of Sc. (Orig.) Wingfield, Sept. 18, 1589 ? " 432. 220. Francis Dacre, to Q. Elizabeth; exculpating himfelf for having left court, Sec. (Orig.) Croglm? Sept. 17, 1589 - " 433. 221 . The junto (or fecret council) Lenox, Hamil¬ ton, Bothwcll, See. to Q. Elizabeth; thanks for friendly meffages; and profefiions of devotednefs. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. e, 1589 - 90 . 434 . 222 . James VI, to hi.s council; order for fliips to be lent over to him, Sec. Copenhagen, March 4, 1589-90. 435 . 223. A proclamation of the council of Scotland, for all perfons to render an account of their faith. Edinb. March 6 , 1539 - 90 . 439 . 224. The fecret council of Scotland, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; about the prefervation of amity, and the prepa¬ rations of the Spaniards. (Orig.) ’ Edinb. Jan. 3 1 , 1589-90. 43 ~ ’ 225. James VI, to his council; left on his going to Norway. Leith, Get. 22 , 1589 . 4 4 q. 220 . T. Fowler, to Sce y Walfingham ; intelligence about fomc Scottilh noblemen who are to attend the marriage; Maxwell, Dacres, &c. Whittingham, Sept. 20, 1589. 443 . 227 . Huntley’s proteftation to the minifters, pro- fefiing loyalty to the king, hut a diflike to the chan¬ cellor and others. May 1 . 589 . 444 . 228 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; about Hunt- ley, Sec. (Orig.) May 11 , 1589 . 445 . 229 . Wm. Afheby, to Ld. Burleigh; about the de- appointed to fetch the queen from Copeii- (Orig.) Edinb. Ocl. 15, 1589. 440 . 230. Wm. Ailieby. to Scc y Walfingham; about the match; an inlurrection at Edinb. the king’s feeble authority. (Orig.) Edinb. May 29 . 1589° 447 . 231. Vi m. Ailieby, to Scc y Walfingham ; about the voyage of the Q. of Sc. (Orig.) Edinb, Oct. 11 1589. 448.’ 232. Wm. Afheby, to Sec 7 Walfingham; the K. of Sc. calls a convention to propole the "match. (Orig.) Edinb. July 31, 1589- 449 . 233. John Colvil, to Afheby; acquaints him with the return of tome of the deputies from Denmark. (Orig.) Aberdeen, July 22, 1589 . 451. 234. Nine fragments, the true places of which could not be afeertained, confifting of 14 leaves. 452. Caligula , D. II. This reftored paper volume in folio confifis now of 453 leaves. 1 . James 11 ; his inftnu’Hons to Wm. Commenda- tor of Pittcnweem, and Mr. John Skeen, ambalfadors to Denmark and Germany; with marginal notes in Burleigh's hand. Holyrood-houfe, July 9 , 1590 . 30. 2 . Oblervations on the inftruftions of the ambaf- fadors of Scotland to Denmark and Germany, &c. all in Burleigh’s hand : all'o mifcellaneous observa¬ tions concerning Scotland. July? 17 , 1590 . 34 . 3. Anne Q. of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth; thanks for kindnefs to one flie had recommended. (6rig.Fr.) Holyrood-houfe, Nov. 6 , 1590 . 40 , 4. An agreement between Henry VII, and Arch. E. of Angus. Nov. 10, 1491 . 43 . 5. A combination of divers of the nobility of Scot¬ land, for removing of certain officers about the kiig. 1591. 44. pp 6. .4 lift t4-6 CALIGULA, D. II. 6. A lift of the nobility of Scotland, Papifts and Pro- teltants, difcontcntcd and well affected. 1591. 45. 7 . A monitory bill fet on the K. of Scots chamber door. Jan. 1591 . 46. 8. Inqucft upon Barbara Napier, called before the K. in the Tolbooth. June 7 , 1591. 47. 9 . Proclamation againft the E. of Bothwell, upon his efcape. Edinb. June 2 : 1 , 1591 . 50. 10. James VI; his proclamation againft the earl of Bothwell and Ld. llume. Edinb. July 28, 1591 . 11. James VI; his proclamation againft the earl of Bothwell and Ld. Hume. Edinb. Aug. 5, 1591 . 12 . An engagement of the lords and gentlemen of theeaft march, to ferve againft Bothwell and Hume. Edinb. Aug. 5, 1591 . 58. 13. The hate of the frontiers of England and Scot¬ land, as to the families. Aug. 7 , 1591 . 53. b. 14 . The cafe of fir liobt Kcr the young Ld. of Cefs- ford, for killing of Wm. Kcr of Ancram. Aug. 12 , 1591- 54. b. 15. Advertifements, how the Hate rules in Scot¬ land. Sept, so, 1591 . 56 . 16 . Robert Scott's examination about Bothwell, before the king, Lenox, &c. Oet. 20 , 1591. 5 S. 17 . James Hudlon’s report, upon his return out of Scotland. Dec. 31, 1591 . 59 . is. Robert: Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh ; intelligence from Scotland. Afke, Dec. 31, 1591 . 60 . 19- AbltraCis of letters, and notes on Scottifli affairs (in Burleigh's hand) from J V[>ril to Dee. 1591 . 62. 20 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to the Ld. treafurcr Bur¬ leigh ; concerning the franchifes, and further rcquelts of the borough of Barnard Cattle; with a ftatement of the fame on the part of the laid borough. (Orig.) Morefields, Dec. 6. 1591 . " 65. 21 . Notes concerning Scotland (in Burleigh's hand.) from Feb. 4 . to June 11 , 1391 . 07. 22. Q. Elizabeth, to James VI; conciliatory. Nov. 26 , 1592 . 69 " 23. Robert Bowes; bis inftnictions to Geo. Nichol- fon to report to the Ld. Treafurcr the prefentftate of, and occurrences in Scotland. Edinb. Nov. 4 , 1592 . 70. 24. A note of fuel 1 things as Geo. Nicholfon is to hie tor from the Ld. Treafurcr, for the inltrue'.ion of R. Bowes. Nov. 1592 . 76 . 25 . The pitiful ftate of her majefty’s tenants ad¬ joining to Liddifdale. May, 1592 . * 77 . 20 . An a£t of the Scotti/h parliament, againft thofe who fhall be attainted of treafon. July 7 , 1592 . 79 . 27- Libellous verfes eaft into the pulpit rn the great church, againft the minifters in Edinburgh. Oet. 24, 1592. 7j). b. 28 . Prefent ftate of the nobility in chiefly with relpect to their religion. 1592 . Scotland, July l, 80. 29 . Occurrences in Scotland. Nov. qs, 1592 . 82 . 30 . A difconrfe of the late and prefent ill guided ftate of Scotland. Dec.- 1592 . 83 . 3 1 . A memorial of various things committed to the report of Chrift. Sheperdfon. Jan. 29 , 1592 . 85 . 32. Inftru&ions to Mr. Locke. Feb. 10 , 1592 . 86 . 33. George Kcr’s confeflion, concerning Angus, Ivrol, &c. Feb. 10 , 1592 . 8 & b ; 84. Fin try (David Graham of) his depofitions, Feb. 13 and 14 , 1592 . 87 . 85. Robert Bowes‘s account of George Ker, See. Feb. 14, 1592. 88. b. 86. A general aflociatiofi of the nobility of Scotland, to their king. Aberdeen, March, 1592 . 90 . 37 . Robt. Bowes to I.d. Burleigh ; intelligence about a journey of the king, &c. Edinb. Feb. 21 , 1592. * 93 . 88. A declaration of the F. of Bothwcll's, anfwer- ing the calumnies unjuftlv thrown out againft him. Feb. 7 , 1592 . ' ’ " 93 . b. 89. A proclamation againft Huntley, Angus, Errol, jefuits, feminary prielts, fxc. March 5, 1592 . 97 . 40. Note of the queen's eaftlcs on the weft borders. March 7 , 1592. 93 . 41. An act of caution, againft the fugitive lords. Aberdeen, March is. 1592 . pp. • 12 . A paper of intelligence, notifying the evil in¬ tentions of fume of the Scotti/h lords, who had a, deflgn lo induce the !>'. to join with Spain, &e. (the laft leaf wanting.) 1592 . too. 43. R. Aflieton, to the Englifli ambaffadov in Scotland; various intelligence about Scoltilh a/fairs. (Orig. the end wanting.) Edinb. Dec. 10 , 159 c, 1 05. 44. A memorial in favour of I.d. Burroughs, lent as her majefty's ambailudor in Scotland ; with a few notes by Ld. Burleigh. 1592 . 10 ,s. 45. A general allocation of the nobility of Scot¬ land, to the king, (another copy of II. 80.) March, 1592 . 110 . 46. Robt. Bowes? to Q. Elizabeth; intelligence from Scotland, with marginal notes and interlinea¬ tions in Burleigh's hand. (imperfedt.) 1592 . in. 47 . Anne Q. of Scotland, to Q. Elizabeth; coropli- mental. (Orig. French.) llolvrood-houfe, June 6, 1593. * ns. 48. Breviate of inftrudlions to the E. of Hunting¬ don. Feb. 23, 159S. 120 . 49- Obfervatious upon the inftruflions, fent w ith a commilfton to the E. of Huntingdon. Feb. 1593, 122. b. 50. Articles about the Engli/h borders, (imperfect.) 51. Obfervations (by Mr. Bowes?) concerning the border articles. 1426. 52. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. July 16 , 1 128 . 58. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intglligencf*- (Orig.) Edinb. July 14, 159 '. 130. 54. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence; (Orig.) Edinb. J uly 7 , 1593 . 132 . 55 . Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence, with a lift of the nobility prelent, at the court of Scot¬ land. (Orig.) Edinb. July 10 , 159 s. 184. 56. Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence. (Orig.) Eclinb. Sept, to, 1593, 187- 57 . Articles gathered out of the report made at large to the king, by Mr. Robt. Bowes. 138. * 58. The E. of Huntingdon, to I.d. Scroope; about border matters. Sept. 26, 1598. 139 . 59 . Certain tilings' to be delivered by Mr. Locke, to the E. Bothwell. (Orig. “ Hunfdon" fubferibed at the bottom.) Aug, 23, 1593. 142. 60. a. Robt Bowes; a paper of intelligence from him. Edinb. Oct. 4 , 1593. 144 . 60 . b. Robt. CALIGULA, D. II. *47 HO. b. Robt. Rowes, to Ld. Burleigh; reports con¬ ferences with James VI. Edinb. J uly 30, 1 . 593 . 140'. Gi.a. E. Both well’s inftruftions to Mr. Hen. Locke. Aug. 5 , 1593 . m 61. b. Inftruftions for Ld. Zoucli for treating with Certain lords and others in Scotland. Dec. 20 , 1593 . 151. 62 . a. Inftruftions for Ld. Zoucli. Dec. go, 1593 . 155. 62 . b. Conference between the K of Scotland and Ld. Zoucli. Dec. 159 s. 169 . 63. a. Robt. Bowes? inftruftions to Geo. Nicholfon, fent to the Ld. Treafurer. Edinb. Oct. 4 , 1593 . 182. 63. b. Janies VI ; his warrant for arrefting a fhip of one James Kelar a merchant of London, being in the port of Prefton. Edinb. Oft. 11 , 1593 . " 187 . 64. C ertaiii petitions and conelufions, confidered upon by the commillioners for the kirk, barons, and burghers. Edinb. Oft. 6, 1593 . 187 . b. 65. Scottilh commiffioners on the borders, to .about redrefs. Jedburgh, Oft. 17 , 188. b. 66 . James VI ; bis anfwers to the heads propoled to him by the commiffioners, &e. Oft. 20 , 1593 . 189 . 67 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Mills; ordering a fearcli among Randolph's papers. Outlands, July 29 , 1593 . !9°. 68. Catalogue of the nobility of Scotland, well or ill affected to the amity with England. Jan. 12 , 1592. 191 . 69 . The chief Proteftants and Papifts of the realm of Scotland, (imperfect.) 1593 . 194 . 70. Q. Elizabeth; her commiffion to the Ld. Lieut., of the north (Huntingdon.) Weftm. Feb. 23 . 1593 : and alfo inftruftions to the lame iigned by the Privy Council, March 7 , 1592-3. 199 . 71. A paper entitled, “ Border laws.” 204 . 72 . Inftruftions to fir Robt. Melvil and Alex. Hume, com mi ill oners for his majeity at the general affembly of articles. Edinb. May 8, 1594 . C gio. 73. Names of the earls, lords, bi/hops, abbots, priors, barons, and burgeffes called to the parliament begun at Edinb. May 30, 1594 . 210 . b. 74. Form of prince Henry’s baptifm. Aim-. 30 1594 . ' In. 75. Inftruftions to Robt. Bowes, Q. Elizabeth's anibaifador in Scotland. 1594 . qxq. 76. James VI; his proclamation again ft the earls of Angus, Huntley, and Errol. Edinb. March 9 , !594. 213 . 7 7- A memorial for the E. of Suffex, being fent to the chriitening of P. Henry. Aug. 1594 . 216 . 78. Inftruftions to Robt. Melvil, &c. (another copy of II. 72 .) May 8 , 1594. 219 . 79. Conditions propounded to Alex. Ld. Hume S enera l all'embly of the kirk, convened at Edinb. the.day of May 1594 . 219 . b. so. The dangers which, through impunity of ex¬ communicate Papifts. are imminent to the true reli¬ gion ; with remedies to the fame. Edinb May 1 1 1594 ‘ .. 220 / Si. James VI; a declaration of his intentions to the mini iters at Edinb. May 29 , 1594 . 221 . b. 82 . Anfwers to the king's articles, by the Prefby- tery of Edinb. May, 1594 . o, 2£ . „ 0 8 ., 3 ' ^i ames of the earls > &c - (another copy of II. 73.) May 30 , 1594 . ‘4s. b. 84. Notes of fume petitions uttered by his ma- jefty to the E. of Suffex, to be delivered to Q. Eli¬ zabeth. 1594 ? 003 . 85. Notes of intelligence from Scotland. Aim* 8 1594. 223.%.’ 86. James VI, to Robt. Bowes; exprcffing his in¬ dulgence for J. Colvill ; and about Irilh 'matters. Holyrood-houfe, March 1 , 1594 . 221 . 87 . Ch. de Lorraine Guife, to James VI; compli- mental. (Orig. French.) Rhcims, July 15 , 1504 . 226 . 88. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Suffex; directing him-uot to proceed to Scotland, if Pr. Henry be chrmened before he could arrive. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, Aug. 28, 1594. 007 . 89. ^ Robt. Bowes; his infirm lions to Chrift. Stc- phenfon, for intelligence to be given to the Ld. 1 realurer, of the occurrences in Scotland. Edinb. Sept. 15 , 1594 . 220 . 90 . James VI; bis anfwerto Ld. Zoucli, anent the actions be craves his majeity to ent er in again!} the Papift lords. Edinb. April 1 , 1594 . 253 . 91 . The earls of Angus, Huntley, See. to the ma- giftrates ot New Aberdeen ; demanding the releafe of three ftrangers. July 19 , 1594 . 234 . 92. James VI; bis proclamation for the defence of the kingdom, (printed.) Jan. 1595 . 235 . 93. A. Cockburne (Juftiee Clerk) to Ld. Bur¬ leigh? bidding fume papers. (Orig.) London, Aug. 8, 1594. 236 . 94. James VI; bis licence to Geo. Chalmers to re¬ pair to the E. of Huntley. Holyrood-houfe, .March 4 , 1595. 037 . 95. Sir Win. Bowes, to Ixl. Burleigh; concerning the middle marches. Newcaftle, Nov. 29 , 1595 . 338. 96. Robt. Bowes ; a paper on various affairs relat¬ ing to Scotland, under the heads of, 1 . David Black ; 2 . the borders; 3. the baptifm; 4. the carls of Angus, Huntley, and Errol; 5. the caufe of the minifters; 6. the laird of Buccleugh. .(Orig.) Edinb. Dec. 14 , 1596 . 240 . 97- Inftruftions to Mr. John Prefton, Mr. Edw. Bruce, and Mr. Wm. Oliphaut, commillioners for the h. of Sc. to the fynod of Lothian, to be convened at Leith, Fell. 1 , 1596 . 246 . 98. Inftruftions to Patrick Murray, to be propofed to the Prefbytery of Aberdeen. * 247 . ' 99. The fum of a letter that came from Aber¬ deen. 248 . 100 . Objeftions againft the fubfeription that is ob¬ truded upon the minifters of Scotland. 249 . 101 . A treaty between England and Scotland, on border mutters; together with the colmr.iIkons of Q. Eliz. and James VI. to their plenipotentiaries. ’(a copy of 11 . 197-) Carlifle, Jan. s. 1597. 256 . 102 . Sir Wm. Bowess advice for executing the commiffion appointed to enquire into the breach of the peace, and the murder of Ld. liuffei. Oct. 6, 1585. 262. 103. Sir Wm. Bowcs’s declaration againft Edmund Afhfield, an Englilh favourer of Popery, who made his cfcapcin Bowes's coach. (Orig.) 265 . H)4. Offers made by the Englilh conmiiffioners to tliofe of Scotland. Jan. 1596 . 266 . 105. Anfwers of the Scpttifh commiffioners to the above offers. Feb. 1 , 1596 . 267 . 106 . The Englilh commiffioners in the north, to Ld. Burleigh j report their proceedings. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 24, 1596 . 268 . 107 . The Englilh commiffioners, to Ld. Burleigh; abovt 148 CALIGULA, D. II. about their negotiations. (Orig.) Berwick, Jan. 19 , 1596. 269. 108 . Ld. Burleigh, to the Englifli commiffioners ; iattractions. Court, Feb. '25, 1596'. 271 . 109 . The Englilh am ballad or in Scotland, to .lames VI ; about three lhips detained, &c. Edinb. July 5, 1599- 2 72. 110. Wanting. 111 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Robt. Bowes his uncle; intelligence about trei’patles, &c. Carlitie, .April 16 . 274. 1 12 . Robert Bowes, to fir Wm. Bowes his nephew; in favour of Ld. Wedderburn. and Mr. (I. Young; and about his father's will. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 24, 1596. 275 . 11 ;;. Robt. Bowes, to the Bp. of Durham and the other commitfioners; intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 21 , 1596. 276. 114. Robt. Bowes, to fir Wm. his nephew; about public and their private affairs. (Orig.) Edinb. Jan. 18, 1596. 278- 115 . Ralph Ewres, to fir Wm. Bowes; about a mortgage, &c. (Orig.) Feb. 22 , 1596 . 279 . 116 . Ralph Ewres, to fir Wm. Bowes. (Orig.) London, Feb. 28 , 1596 . 280 . 117 . Ralph Eure, to fir Wm. Bowes. (Orig.) Hexham, Feb. 17 , 1596. 282. 118 . Geo. Hume, to fir Wm. Bowes; intelligence from Scotland. (Orig.) Wedderburn, Feb. 20 , 1 . 596 . 284. 119 . Anfwers to the qneftions propounded by the lords of the council; concerning border affairs. 120 . Sir Wm. Bowes's anfwers to the feveral heads of the Bp. of Durham's letters. March 2 :, 1596 . 287. 121 . Ld. Burleigh, to the commi(Turners of the borders; infiructions; fir Wm. Bowes ordered to court • Feb. 25, 1596 . 288 . 122 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to fir Robt. Cecil; about border affairs. Berwick, Feb. 10 , 1596 . 289 . 12 ;!. Sir Will. Bowes, to fir Robt. Cecil; about 'trefpafies 011 the borders. Jan. 20, 1596 . 290 . 124 . A minute for fonie inflruelions concerning border caufes. Falkland, Nov. 19 , 1596 '. 292 . 125. Offers in writing, made by the Englifli coni¬ miffioners; with anfwers to the fame, and examina¬ tion of the laid anfwers. Feb. 9 , 1596. 294. 126 . The Rp. of Durham, See. to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Berwick, Feb. 2 , 1596 . 295 . 127 . Sir W 111 . Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Berwick, Jan. 31, 159 G. 297 . 128 . The Englifh commiflioners in the north, to Ld. Burleigh ; on border matters. Berwick, Jan. 24, 1596. 298 . 120 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to R. Bowes his uncle; various intelligence. 1596. 299 . 180 . The Englilh commiffioners in the north, to Ixl. Burleigh ; touching an invalion made by Robt. iier. Berwick, Jan. 19 , 1596 . 301. i n. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; about bor¬ der matters: the offers, &c. II. 125 . are here referred to. (Orig.) Berwick, Feb. 11 , 1596. 303. 132. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Berwick, Feb. 0 , 1596 . 304. 188 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Berwick, Feb. i, 1596 , 305. 184. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Berwick, Jan. 20 , 1596 . 80 . 7 . 185. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh; on border matters. Auckland, Nov. 28 , 1596 . 308. 18 , 6 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to fir Robt. Cecil; (a rough draught of II. 122 .) Feb. 10 , 1596 '. 309 . 1 . 87 . Certain points concerning w hich the Englilh conimilfiouers in the north requeft directions from the council. 310. 1 38. Confidcrations concerning her majefry's fer- vice in Scotland and the borders. March 12 , 1596 . 18 , 9 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Robt. Bowes; about Scottiih affairs. (Orig.) Berwick. Feb. 6, 1496 . 2,1 \. 140 . Robt. Bowes, to fir Wm. Bowes; commends bis conduct, and fends him intelligence. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 1 , 1596 . 217 . 141 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Robt. Bowes ; about the proceedings of the commiflioners on the borders. Chillingham, June 20, 1596 ; 319. 142 . Robt. W 111 . and Jno. Elliot, to Ld. Eure; report the order they had received to abftain from all violence. Lariftood, June 8, 15.06. 321. 143. An indent figned by the commiflioners of Scotland, for border matters ; with tlic names of the pledges demanded by Scotland. Weltford, near Norbam, June 25, 1597 . 322. 144 . Breviate of the bills called for, and filed by the commiffioners of England and Scotland, from th ; 1 It to the 19 th of Feb. 1596 . 323. 145. Q. Elizabeth, to the wardens; orders to exe¬ cute the treaty. Greenwich, June 7 , 1597 . 325. 146 . Offers of the Elliots, to the Englilh wardens of the middle march. 326. 147 . Offers of the Englilh commiflioners, &e. (another copy of 11 . 125 .) l’eb. 9 , 1596 . 826 .* 148 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ed. Scroopc; about, the delivery of pledges. June 17 , 1597- 328. 149 . Alex, and Geo. Ilumc; a paper concerning the delivery of pledges. Weft ford near Norbam, .1 unc 25, 1597- 329. 150. Sir Wm. Bowes, to fir Robt. Cecil ; concern¬ ing pledges. Bradley. June 29 , 1597 . 880 . 151. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Mr. Secretary (Cecil ;) about the border treaty. Berwick, June 24, 1597- ? 33 !. 1 . 12 . The commiflioners in the north, to See 4 Cecil; negotiation concerning the borders. Ldittb. June 22 , 1597 - ' 33s ; 1 . 12 ,. The commiffioners of Scotland's anb.ver to the accufation of Buecleugh. April 28 , 1507 . 884. 15 1 . A bvcvialr of fpeeehes, to be delivered to the K. of Sc. by fir Wm. Bowes; drawn out of Mr. Se¬ cretary's and the queen's infiructions. 8 36. 155. The commiflioners of Scotland lor the bor¬ ders, to the commiffioners of England; a complaint againft Ld. Scroopc. 887 . 156 . Sir Wm. and Robt. Bowes, to Ld. Eure; about Fernihurft, Celsford, kc. Edinb. June 14, 1597- 157 . Rcquifitions to be prefented by the Englilh ambalfadors, Robt. Bowes, ixe. to the it. of Scuts. 840. 158 . Q. Elizabeth, to Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes; infiructions for a peremptory demand of red refs. (Orig.) Gceenwich, June 7 , 1597- 341. 159 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Wm. Bowes, inftrudUpns. April 26 , 1597- 8 - 43 * 160. R. Alton, CALIGULA, D. Ii. 149 160. R. Alton, to the Englilh ambaffador; about the pledges. Falkland, June 37 , 1597 . 345. 161 . Q. Elizabeth's commiflion, and inftru&ions to her conuninioners upon the borders. Weftni. 0£t. 2 , 1596 . 347. 162 . Motions handled betwixt the commiffioners of both tides, (in fir Wm. Howes's hand.) 356. 1 63. Sir Win. Bowes, to Ed. Burleigh; in Favour of the borough of Barnard Cattle, (coni'. II. 20 .) 358. 1 64. Sir Robt. and fir Win. Bowes, to Ed. Burleigh; about the bill exhibited againft Buccleugh; and va¬ rious trefpalTes on the borders. April 28, 1597. 359. 1 65. The Bp. of Durham and fir Wm. Bowes, to Ed; Burleigh ; on border matters. Carlifle, April 20, 1597. 361. 166 . Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes, to fir Robt. Carey; about pledges, and the execution of the treaty. Edinb. June 16 , 1597 . 363. 167 . Robt. Cecil, to Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes; directions about the treaty. Greenwich, June 7 , 1597- 364. 168 . Sir'Wm. Bowes; his project for the fpeedy and late liuiihing of the treaty. Carlille, April .jo, 1597- * 366. 169 . Billsupon the laird of Buccleugh; teftified by the commifiioners. April, 1595 and 7 . 367. 170 . The Bp. of Durham, See. to Tho. Charlton and fix more bailiffs, &c. luminous. (Orig.) Car¬ lille, April 16 , 1597. " 368. 171 . The Bp. of Dunkeld, to fir Wm. Bowes; in behalf of a pedlar. (Orig.) Edinb. May 14 , 1397 . 369 . 172. Geo. Nicolfon, to fir Wm. Bowes; reports ]iis having executed certain orders. (Orig.) Edinb. April 22 , 1597 . 3 70 . 173 . Sir Robt. Carey, to fir Wm. Bowes; about pledges* and Cefsford. (Orig.) Berwick, June 2 , 1597- " 372. 174 . Ld. Scroope, to Robt. Bowes; rcfpccting of¬ fences committed on the borders, &c. (Orig.) Car¬ lille, June 11 , 1597. 374 . 175 . Sir Robt. Carey, to Robt. Bowes; defines in- Rru6tions about trade and the treaty. (Orig.) Ber¬ wick, June 13, 1597- 376 . 176 . Ra. Eure, to Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes ; about Buccleugh, Fernihurlt, Sec. (Orig.) Hexham, June 9, 1597- " 378. 177- Ld. Scroope, to fir Wm. Bowes his brother- in-law; refpefting pledges, &c. (Orig.) Carlille, June 18 , 1597 . 380 178 . Ra. Grave, to fir Wm. Bowes; about the affairs of the commiflion. (Orig.) Chillingh. June 26, 1597- 382. 179- A paper in fir Wm. Bowess band ; about bis negociations in Scotland. Edinb. June 20 , 1597 . 384. 180 . Charges againft fome perfon on the borders. 385. 181 . John Carey, to fir Wm. Bowes; about. Cefs- ford's proceedings. (Orig.) Berwick, June 4, 1597. 386. 182 . The Scottilb commifiioners, to tliofe of Eng¬ land ; charging Ld. Scroope with an outrage. 388. 1 S3. Sir Robt. Carey, to fir Wm. Bowes ; refpe&ing pledges and an inroad. (Orig.) Berwick, June 4 , 1597- 389- 184. Ed. Scroope, to fir Wm Bowes; about the treaty. (Orig.) Carlifle, June 2 r 1597 . 400 . 185. Robt. Bowes,to fir Wm. Bowes; about their negociatipn. (Orig.) Edinb. May 2 , 1597 . 402. 186. James VI; bis proclamation for convening a. convention and aflembly at Perth ; and queftions to be refolvcd at the faid convention. Feb. 28? 1597 . 404. 187 . Sir Robt. Cecil (Sec*) to fir Wm. Bowes; about complaints of the IE of Sc. (Orig.) White¬ hall, Jan. 7 , 1597 . 406;/ 188. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports his proceedings with the K. of Scots. Edinb. Feb. l, 1597 . 408. 189. James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; profefiingfriendly intentions, (vid. Rymer, XVI. 322.) July, 1597. 411. i 00 . Ra. Eure, to fir Wm. Bowes; various pro¬ ceedings about petitions, Sec. (Orig.) London, Mays. 1597 . 412. 191 . A rotigb draught of a memorial. June 9 , 1597: 414. 192. James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; profefiing great regard. (Orig. vid. Rymer, XVI. 338.) Falkland, July 30, 1598. ’ 417- 193 . James VI, to Q. Elizabeth; thanks for fa¬ vours ; and intelligence about Spanifli armaments. (Orig. vid. Rymer, XVI. 336.) June, 1598 . 420. 191 . Sir Hen. Harris (or Norris) to fir Wm. Cecil (Scc r ) various intelligence from abroad. (Orig. in¬ termixed with cyphers.) June 19 , I 069 . 422. 195 . Robt. Bowes, to the Bp. of Durham ; about his negociations. April 29 , 1597 . 424. 196 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth; reports the proceedings and negociations of the commifiioners and himfelf. Edinb. May 11 . 1597 . 428. 197 . The treaty of Carlifle, together .with Q. Eliza¬ beth's and James Vlth's commifiions for the purpofe, dated Oct. 2 , 1596, and Jan. 8, 1597. (a duplicate of II. 101 . certified by the commifiioners.) Carlifle, May 5, 1597- 431. 198 . The laird of Johnftone, to the Sc. commif¬ fioners; aifigning his reafons for not repairing to Carlifle, according to his 1'ummons. Loughmaben, April 20 , 1597- 436. 199. The Englifli commifiioners, to tliofe of Scot¬ land; concerning the conclufion of the treaty. (Orig.) May 2 , 1597 . 439 . 200 . Robt. Bowes, to Ed. Burleigh ; about new hills prefented by the Sc. commifiioners. Edinb. May 11,1597- 443. 201 . Robt. Bowes, to Sec r Cecil; about bis nc- gociation with the K. of Sc. Edinb. May 11 , 1597 . 443. b. 202 . Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth ; on their negociations in Scotland. 1597 . 445. 203 . Robt. and fir Wm. Bowes, to Sec y Cecil; a report of their proceedings. Edinb. Junes, 1597. 447 . 204. Sir Win. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth; an ample report of his negociation in Scotland. (Orig.) Edinb. May 31, 1599- 451. 205 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to the E. of Angus; refpefting fome murders on the borders. (Orig.) Edinb. June ll, 1599. 455. 206 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth, (copy of 11 . 204 .) May si, 1599. 45 7. 207 . Q. Eliz. to James VI; againft Ld. Cefsford, July 1 , 1599? 469- 208 . Wanting. Q q 209- Q «5° CALIGULA, D. II. Ill 20 . 0 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to fir Wm. Bowes her ambaifador in Scotland. Greenwich, April 2a, 1599- 470. 2 ) 0 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to See y Cecil; reports his negotiations. Edinb. May 31, 1599- 477. 2 11. A general affociation, voluntarily made by his majefty's good fubjects, for prefervation of his highnels, and purfuit of his undoubted light to the crowns of England and Ireland. 1599. 481. 212 . The Englrih commiHioners, to fir Wm. Bowes; on border matters. (Orig.) Aukland, July 29 , lO'OQ. 485. 213. The governor of Berwick, to the Ed. Trea- furer; a report. July 25, KiOG. 48(3- 214 . The Englilh commillioners, to the Bp. of Durham. Berwick, July 4, 1(300. 490. 215. Inftructions for intelligence concerning a country, its people, and prince. 492. 2 Hi. The Englilh commiffioners, to fir 'Wm. Bowes? (copy of it. 212 . one ilieet wanting.) Aukland, July 29 , 1000. 493. 217 . Sir Robt. Cecil, to the governor of Berwick. July 29 , 1000 . 490. 218 . Sir Wm. Bowes? to the Ld. Treafurer. Bradley, Sept. 4, 1000. ' 4.9.7. 21 ;). Sir Wm. Bowes, to the governor of Berwick. Bradley, July 19 , lOOO. 498. 220 . jsiir John Carey, W. Selby, and R. Mufgrave, to the governor of Berwick. Berwick, July 9 , 1000 . 499. 221 . Sir P. Willoughby, governor of Berwick, to fir Wm. Bowes. Grimfthorp, July 50,' 16OO. 5oo. 222 . Sir Wm. Bowes, to the Bp. of Durham. Aug. 22 , 16 OO. 501. 225. The Ld. Treafurer (T.. Buckliurft, afterwards E. of Dorfet) to fir Wm. Bowes. Aug. 1 . 1600 . 503. 22 1 . The E. of Marr and.Bruce, abbot of Kinl'ofs, to Mr. Secretary. April 29 , 1601 . 504 . 225. Q. Eliz. to James Yl ; thanks liim for intel¬ ligence about Spain. Feb. 3, 1 O 01 . 500 . 220 . James VI, to Q. Elizabeth ; credentials in fa¬ vour of Marr and Kinlofs. (Orig.) Holyrodd- lioufe, Feb. 18 , 1 G 01 . 508. 227 . A fragment in latin, expreffing friendlhip. Jan. 22 ,■’i004. 511 . 228 . Notes of fome orders, for the better rule of the. borders. 5 15. 229 . A paper concerning the meeting of commif¬ fioners on the borders. 516. 250 . Tho. Parry, to the E. of Suffolk ; two frag¬ ments. Paris, Eeb. 5, 1603. 517 . 251 . Ld. BoUiwell's confelTion before he died in Denmark. Sept. 1603. 519 . 252. Proceedings of the general alTembly in Scot¬ land. 1005. 520 . 233. Catalogue of fuch of the Scottilh nation as are penfiouers at Rome. 1003. 580. Of the following articles the true places in the volume could not be afcertalned. a. Wm. Burleigh, to Ld.on border mat¬ ters, the ftate of religion, and a treaty. (Orig.) From court, May 21, 1597 . * 53 1 . b. The commiffioners on the borders, to fir Wm. Bowes; on border matters. May 6, 1597. 5S3. c. Cecil ? to the commiffioners ? on border matters. July ll, 1G0D. 535. d. J wo letters ligned J. Bahnerino, and dated Bruntilland, Sept.. i.«_and. June 28 . e. A dii’cuffion of divers points between'England and Scotland. ,s,38. f. An account of a fearch made at Aukland about England's fttpreinacy over Scotland. 540 . g. Sir Wm. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth ; a!>out bis negoeiartions. (Qu. Whether this is not part of ir. 40.) 542, h. Ten fragments. 547 . Caligula, D. III. This volume was marked on the back CaJig. E. X in. but it appears to he a great part of Calig. 1). ill. which was luppofed to have been loft. C’odex etf charts eeus et membran. in folio, conftans foliis lOO. 1 . A charter of Heiirv ill. confirmed by fonic of his fubjects; bv which he engages to affil't Raimond D. of Touloufe in a concern at Rome; and alto againft the K. of France. (Latin,on vellum.) 1 . 2 . A treaty of peace between Henry 11 f. and Lewis IX. IE of IT. by which the latter furrenders to the former, all bis rights in the diocei’es of Limoges, Cahors, and Perigueux; and Henry renounces all his claims on Normandy, Anjou, Tourraine, Ac. N. P. This is an original alteration of the laid treaty by 1 5 of the lords of Henry 's privy council, whole leafs were appendant, b.ut are now moft of them deftroyed. Ii contains one claul'e more tinu is in Rymer, (French, on vellum, vid. Rym. l. 088.) London, July 12 , 1259. 2 . 3. A patent of Edw ard 11 ; confirming former pa¬ tents here recited, by which Emericus de Frifcom- baldi and his affociates, merchants of Florence, are conltitiited receivers in Aquitain, Anjou, Ac. (Lat. on vellum.) Weftm. May 20, 1308. 3. 4 . A declaration of Jehan Loncle, yifeount of Gifors; certifying bis having received the perfon of fir Simon de Macy,and holding him in clofe cuftody, by virtue of a warrant of Phil. IV. K. of Fr. here re¬ cited. (Fr. and Lat. on veil.) Gifors, May 20, 1314. ’ 4. 5. A declaration of Lewis X. K. of Fr. profefiing his intention to obfiwve all former treaties with Eng¬ land. (Lat. on veil. vid. Rym. III. 521 .) Paris, June 15, 1315. 4. 0. Rauf Ballet de Draiton, to Edward II ; report¬ ing that Gafconv was not invaded: and to Hugh Le Defpencer; wilhingtliat Edward would come over to receive homage, Ac. (Fr. on veil.) St. Mi lion, Dec. 0, 1323. 5. 7 .to Edward II, and to a friend; con¬ cerning certain attempts of the French on St. Sa- cerdos, Ac. (Fr. on vpll.) Sabiere. 0. 8 . An order of Edward II, to R. de Ballet and others, to affiit Iienrv de Cantuar' in the buiinei's 011 which he is going into Gafcony. (Lat. on veil.) Jan. 27, 1324. 0 . !». Edward II; his commillion to II. Ballet and Ada de Lymbergh, to quell the troubles that had aril’en between his fubjects at Bayonne, and the Nor¬ mans. (Lat. on vi 11.) Briftol, Feb. 1 , 1324- 7 . 10. Edward II; his order to Henry de Cantuar’, to take directions from the treafurer and chancellor, and to proceed without delay into Galcony. On the back is a recommendation to Alfonfus de Ilpania. (Lat. on veil.) Briltol, Feb. l. 1324. 7- 11 . Arnaud CALIGULA, D. III. 151 11 . Arimul Guillaume tie Manlion, to Edward II; reports the defence he made at the church of Lencoat aguinft the attempts, of the vilcount tie Mcrt'un, and forte my de Garrcfbuke, &c. and lequdting ibme reward. (Fr. veil.) 1324. 8. 12 . Another copy of the above. g. 13. Edward II, to Charles IV. K. of Fr.; reqiiefting him to fufpend the proceedings againftthe Senefchal of Gal eon)-. (Fr. on veil.) 1324 . 10 . 1 4. The Senefchal ofGa 1 cony (Ada de Lymbcrgh ?) to Edward II; complaining of the encroachments of the French in Galcony. (Fr. o.u veil.) Blaye, Dee. 8» 1A5.4-? 11 . 15. A petition of Bernard de Trenqualeon, to Edward II; for red refs again.ft the French king. (Fr. on veil.) I£ 24 .. 42 . 16 . Advice concerning the defence and govern¬ ment of Gafcony. (Fr. on veil.) 1324. , 13. ] 7- An indenture of a treaty of copunerce between England . 113 d Flanders; perhaps, made by virtue of the full power of the magiftrjites of Bruges. (Fr. on 4 membranes; the fir It wanting, rid llym. iv. 147 .) 14. 18 . 1 he form of the homage rendered by Edward III. to 1 hilip vi. It. of IT. at Amiens. (Fr. \ id. Ilyin. IV. 477-) Eltliam, March 90, l:\8i. 48. 10 . Copies of eight letters and narratives, on Edward III. letting up his claim to the crown of France. (Fr. four membranes.) 1340. - 20 . 20 . Philip vi. K. of Fr. his commifiion for Wm.de Montagu, and others his retainers, to arm in Scotland. (Fr. on veil.) \ incennes, June 2 , 1342. 24 . 21 . Edward Ill; bis grant of Bergerac, and the right of coinage, to Henry E. of Lancaller. ( Eat. on veil. vid. llvm. v. 5 (>g.) Calais, June 11 , 1347 . 25. 22 . A truce between England and France. (Fr. on veil, with l'eals. vid. Rym. V. 649.) G uil'nes, Nov. 18, 1348. ^ 26. 23 . A petition of three cities in Flaqders, to Edward ill; for a ftaple of wool. (Fr. Qu. whether the grant in llym. V. 611. be in confequen.ee of this?) 1348 ? 28. 24. Articles of a treaty of alliance propofed on the part of the D. of Brabant and his towns, to Edward III. (Fr.) 29 . 25. A furvey of a part of Gafcony ; in the manner of Doomfduy-book. (F r.) 30. 26 . An indenture of a treaty between Edward III. and the E. of Flanders; by which the latter is to claim Artois, Lille, Douay, &c. from the Fr. king; and if he cannot quietly keep pofi'effion of Nevers and Ilethel, Edward is to pay him 40,000 crowns in gold per ann'. (Fr. on veil.)* 1348? 31 . 27 . The magitirates of Amiens, to the D. of Lan- cafter; icmonfiratjng agaiufr the feizurc of ^ lliip be¬ longing to, one of their townfmen. (Fr.) Amiens, DCC. 4, 1354. 82 . 28 . Robt. l'raire? to fonic Engliih nobleman or prince; intelligence from France concerning the battle ofPoicticrs, &c. (Fr. on veil.) O 61 . 8 , 1356? 33. 29 . Eleven articles, all relating to tranfactions and ncgociations between Edward in. and Philip of Navarre, during the imprifonment of Charles II. K. of Navarre, Philip's brother. (Fr. moftjy on vellum.) Art. 10 . urn lifts of 14 letters between the K. of Na¬ varre and Edit arc! III. the D. of Lancafter, See . 135 Q. 35. . 30. WiRiam Truffell, to the prince of Wales; re- qu;efting the payment of fonie arrears, and for liorfes. (Er. on veil.) Celtres, 1359? 54. 31. John K. of Fr.; his full powers to Charles tlie Dauphin to-treat with Edward Pr. of Wales. (Fr. on veil, with the privy feal appendant.) April 1 , 1339 . . j.4. 32. An account of the receipt of Robt. Thorlev, treahirer of Calais. (Lat. on veil.) 1 360 ? 55 *. 33. The preliminaries of the treaty of Bretjgny, on the part of France. (Fr. 5 membranes.) 1360. 56, 34. Part of the treaty of Bretigqy. (Fr. on veil, very defeftive.) M : ay S, i 860 . 62 . 35. The treafy of Bretigny, with Edward III. d's ratification. 1360, 63. 36. A declaration of Bernard de Troy, a Gafcon gentleman, that he was the perfon who took K. John at the battle of Poicfiers. (Lat; on veil.) London, July i,. 1 361- 74 . 37 . Articles to be propofed by the mardiail Bo.uci- quent, to the prince of Wales; and aufwers to the lame, ;(I'i. on veil.) 75 . 38. An inquihtion concerning the hate of certain lands and lordlhips in Brittany; certified by two notaries. (Fr. veil.) April 2 ], 1361. " 76 . 39 . Edward III; his permillion to Job. de Ypres, a French hoftage, to ahfent himfelf from London. (I-r. on veil, vid Rym. \'i. 824.) Wellm. J une 4 , 1361. 77 . 40. Edward ill: his charter for the adventurers for wine in Gafcony. Wellm. July 1 5, 1 868. 7 S. 41 . Things given in charge by Edw. ill. to Lam¬ bert, to he reprefen led to the D. of Brittany, his foil inlaw. (Fr. on veil.) Jan. 1365. * 82 . 42. Edward III; his inhruciions to Wm. de Aide- burgh and Robt. de Wykford, lent to Edw. Le De- l’pencer and Job. de Bromwich into Lombardy, after lhe death of the D. of Clarence. (IT. on veil.) Dec. 1369- 83 . 43. Tlie a6l of parliament for K. Edward III. affuming the title of K. of France, (vid. Rym. VI. 621 .) June 3, 1369; 84 44. The oath of fealty of II. Knolles, A. de Buxhill, T. Grantzon, and J. de Burgh, lieutenants in the French war, to ferve the king (Edw. III.) with- fidelity and vigour. (IT. on veil, with four l'eals.) Wellm. July 5, 1370 . 85. 45. A prorogation of abftinence between Edward III. and Charles V. K. of Fr. (Fr. on veil, vid Rym. VI. 68S.) Weftm. April 27 , 137 1 . 86. 46. Edward III; his inftruciions to N. Dngworth, J. Faftolf, and T. Durant, lent to the K. of Cafiile. (Fr. on veil. conf. the palfport in Rym. VII. 33.) Wellm. Fch. l, 1374. 87 . 47. A truce for 40 years between England and France, figned Pileus Arcliicp. Ravennas, and Guil. Arehiep. Rothomag. probably not confirmed, not being entered in iiymer. (l’r. 011 veil.) Bruges, Jan. 21, 1375. 8 9 . 48. Hen. lc Scroope, to Edward III; fent by the Bp. of Serb, who is charged with matters of a fccret nature. (Fr. on veil.) June 14. 92 . 49. Hen. le Scroope, to Wm. ofWykham, Bp. of Winchefter; defiring him to afiift the Bp. of Serfi in his commifiion. (Fr.) Guifnes, June 1 3. 92 . 50. Obferyations concerning a negociation be- t\yeen the D. of Lancafter, the E. of A run del, See. with the Bp. of Mantles. 93 . 5). A note of what. K. Edward III. faid to one he calls CALIGULA, D. III. 152 calls his “ beau cdUfin,” towards bringing about, a peace. 94. 52 . The Arclibps. of Ravenna and Rouen; their requifition for the meeting of a congreis. (Lat. on veil.) Bruges, May 7 , 1278 . 94; 55 . Articles, demands, and offers for a treaty between Richard 11 . and John D. of Brittany, his brother-in-law. Qu. whether the preliminaries to the treaty of 1379? (Fr. on veil, live copies.) 93. 54 . Richard II; his proclamation for quelling Wat Tyler's infurrection. (Lat. on veil.) Chelms¬ ford, July 5, 1381. 100. 55 . Jehan de Neuville, to Richard II; about the 'election of Bernard de Requieres to the Archbk. of Bourdeaux ; and an intention of the Ld. of Badaffol to become a fubject of K. Richard. (Fr.) Bourdeaux, Nov. 22 , 1382? 101. 56. Le Capital, to Richard II; interceding for Reg. Foulcaut dean of St. Melion, detained in prifon. (Fr.) Bourdeaux, Nov *27, 1382? 10 a. 57 . Jehan de Neuville, to Richard II; recommend¬ ing Bernard Salomon for the Abbey of Ste. Croix al Bourdeaux. (Fr.) Bourdeaux,. 29 , 1382? 103. 38. Challenges: 1. of Henry II. K. of Caftile, to Edward P. of Wales. St. Dominic de Calade, Feb. 28. with an anfwcr, and a reply. 1366. 2 . Of Edward 111, to Philip de Valois, (vid. Rym. V. 198.) Chvn, near Tournay, July 26. with Philip’s anfwcr. St. Antoine, July 30, 1340: and 3. A propofal ot Richard II. for an arbitration concerning the claim upon the French crown ; addreffed to John h. ot Caftile. (vid. Rym. vil. 407.) Weftm. Sept. 8, 1383. 104. 59- The Archbp. of Rouen, to Richard II; recom¬ mending peace. (Fr.) Calais, Nov. 8, 1383. 106 . 60 . A report of the Archbp. of Bourdeaux. Win. ]o Seroopc, and Pelegrin de Fabo (Fau) concerning I he fuceeffion to the kingdom of Navarre by virtue of certain letters of Charles II. (Lat. on veil, de¬ fective.) St. Sevoir, May 20 , 1383. 1 07- 61 . Gafton Comte de Foix ; his promife not to mo left the fubjects ofK. Richard 11 . (Fr. on veil, with a leal. vid. Rym VII. 613.) Curteys, April 6, 1389. 108. 62 . Richard II; his inftructions to the Bp. of Durham, &c. going commiihoners to a eongrefs at Calais. (Fr. on veil, two copies.) Weftm. April 28, 1390 . 109 . 63. The magiftrates of Calais, to Richard II; re- monftrating about their privileges as a ftaple. (Fr. on veil.) April, 1393. 1 10. 64 . Richard 11 ; his charter cftablidling the ftaple tit Calais. (Lat. on veil.) Weftm. April 22 , 1393. 111. 63. Prorogations of the truce of Lculingham : 1. by the kings of England and France; being, as it feems, anew treaty, (vid. Rym. vil. 74 s. Leuling- hum, April 28 , 1393. fol. 112 . 2 . by John D. of Berry and Phil. D. of Burgundy, (two copies.) Lcu- lingh. April 28 , 1393. fol. 1 13. And 3. by Robert III. K. of Scotland. Edinb. Dec. 16 , 1393. fol. 113. .(all in Fr. and on veil.) dCh Charles VI. K. of Fr.; his confirmation of the treaty of marriage between Richard II. and Ifabella his daughter. (Fr. and Lat. on 3 membranes, vid. Rym. VII. 813.) Par. March 1 1 , 1396. 116. 67 . The magiftrates of Calais, obfervations on the charter granted them by Richard II. (Fr. on veil.) 1896? 119. 68 . 'flic tnagiflrates of Calais, requeft the punctual execution of their charter lor t he ftaple, ami former privileges. (Fr. on veil.) 1 : 107 . 120 . 69 . Roger Walden treafurer of Calais; his peti¬ tion to Richard II. to order his accounts to he leltlcd, and that allowance be made for foine ltores Jolt and wafted. (Fr. on veil.) The order for the purpofe is written above. 120 . 70 . The magiftrates of Bourdeaux, to Richard II; interceding for Rotgerin dean of St. Melion, who was detained in prifon for having ferved an anti- Popc. (Fr. on veil.) Bourdeaux, Nov. 20 . 120 . 71 . Til. de Felton, to Richard II? requeuing him to lupport his claim to fome of the property of the Ct. deSt. Pol. (Fr.) Sancerrc. Nov. 26 . 121 . 72 . The count de Foix, to Richard II; requelling that the “ Baillicde Labour” be fecurCd to Arguillm. de Marfan. (Fr.) Marian, Nov. 11 . 122 . 73. A governor in Gafconv, to Richard II;requelt- ing a fupplv of men and money; and propoling feveral regulations. (Fr.) Bourdeaux, April 17 . 123. 74. An account of a negociation M. Thum had with the emperor, at Pi fa. 124 . 7 5. A note concerning preliminaries for a con¬ ference at Calais. 12 . 3 . 76 . An account of a convcrfation the writer over¬ heard between the count de Foix and the K. of Navarre (Charles 111 ?) the former having by the Fr. king been appointed lieutenant of Languedoc. 126. 7 7 . A remonftrance of the city of Bourdeaux, con¬ cerning the currency of F.ngliili money. 127 . 78. Correcti‘mes et addiiiones contents in coin- miffionib. pei - nuncios patris nol’tri regis, a Tranche rege impctratce. (on veil.) If this be of the time of Hen. iv. its date is 1407 . 128. 7 . 0 . A petition of the city of Bourdeaux, to Henry IV; for a confirmation of their privileges, Sec. (Fr. on veil.) 1401 . 12 . 0 . 80 . The E. of Dorfet, to the Privy Council; de¬ filing a fupplv of provilions for Harfleur. (Fr.) Harfleur, April 14 , 140 s. 130. Si. Hugh Lutrell, John Croft, and 3 more, Englifii ambaffadors, to the I), of Burgundy and the council of France; concerning a treaty for the releale of pri- foners. (Lat.) Calais, Dee. 4, 1403. 131. 82. llenrv IV, to his Privy Council; dirediing them to appoint a place for a conference between his and the French ambaffadors. (Fr. On veil.) Abing¬ don, Dec. 29, 1403. 132. 83. Hugh Lutrell, &c. to Henry IV; concerning the place of their meeting the four Flemifh deputies- 84. Copies of fevcu letters lie tween the Engliih ambaffadors (Hugh Lutrell, See.) and the Flemilli deputies, of Dee. 24 and 29 , 1403. Jan. 2 , 6, 10 , . .. 1404. 134. 85. The Englifii ambaffadors’ (Hugh Lutrell. Sec.) two letters to Henry IV. (Fr.) Jan. 10 , and Feb. 27 , 1404. 138. 86. Some advice concerning a treaty between Henry IV. and Charles III. K. of Navarre. (Fr.) 1404. 140. 87 . A lift of barons and gentlemen of Bourdeaux, and of the men they raile. 1404-3. 1 41. 88. William VI. of Bavaria carl of Ilainaut. to Henry IV; rem on I (rating concerning the leisure of a fiiip. (Fr.) Hague, Jan. is, 1406. 142. 89 . Charles VI. K. of Fr.; his proclamation concern¬ ing C ALIGULA, D. III. —VI. *53 ing the trade between France and Flanders, and par¬ ticularly the fifheries. (Fr. on veil.) Par. Sept. 22 , 1406. , 143. 00 . Henry IV; inftruftions to-fir Richd. Alton, &c. lent to treat with ambafladors ofthe K. of France, the D. of Burgundy, &c. (Lat.) Wei tin. Nov. 18 , 1406. ] 44. 01. Win. IIoo, John Urban, See. Englifh ambaf- fadors, to Henry IV; on their negociations. (Fr.) Calais, Get. 28, 1406. 145. 02 . Henry IV, to his Privy Council ; referring to them a difpatch from the ambafladors at Calais. (Fr.) Hertford, Nov. 1 , 1406 . 146 . 0 .:. Henry IV, to Wm. Count of Ilainaut; credential for lir Wm. Sturney, fent to him as ambaflador.- (Fr. on veil.) Feb. 18, 1407. 147 . 04. Five letters of lir Richd. Alton, See. ambaf- fadors at Calais, to Henry IV. and the Privy Council. (Fr.) April 22 , June 46, Sept. 3, D°, Nov. 7 , 1407 . 148. 05. An account ofthe receipt and expenditure of Robt. Thorley, treafurcr of Calais, from March 5 , 1406, to July 7, 1407. 152. 96 . John. 1). of Burgundy; his proclamation againit depredations. (Fr. on veil.) Lille, June 12 , 1411. 133. 07- An order of Council concerning feveral points of government ofthe king’s foreign dominions. (Fr. on veil.) Windfor, Aug. 20 , 1412 . 154 . 98. Hugh Stafford, to the E. of March and Ulfter; reports his having executed his orders; and deiires Clifford may be lent over to him. Dun front, Dec. 99. The duchefs of Bourbon, to the E. of War¬ wick ; defiling a fafc-condurit for Michael Dupre. (Fr.) Molins, March 6. 156 . 100 . The duchefs of Bourbon, to the K. of England ? deliring afafe-conducf for M. Dupre. (Fr.) Molins, March 6. 157 . 101 . The D. of Burgundy, to the K. of England? profelling regard. (Fr.) Troyes, March 27 . 158. 102 . . ..to the Bp. of Durham, Chanc. in¬ forming him of a fray between fir John Howard and fir Tho. Kcrdefton. Erpingham, July 10 . 159 . 103. A 1 i ft ofthe French lords who were at the treaty of Calais; diftinguilhing thole that were hoftages ; alfo fome particulars of the treaty ; and a guarantee on the back. 1 G 0 . Caligula, D. IV. Fragments of divers papers relating to the affairs ofthe Englilh dominions in France; chiefly in French, and ofthe time of Henry IV. K. of England. This MS. coiififted originally of 150 leaves, of which only 70 are now left, and thefe fo much burnt and de¬ faced as hardly to be of any ufe. Caligula, D. V. Several fragments, partly on vellum and partly on . paper; being the remains of a volume -which 'ori¬ ginally coniilted of 219 leaves, relating to the tranl- :icl ions between England and France in the reigns of lien. v. and VI. Among thefe is an original dcclara- )ion of Henry VI. and his 'council, of the innocence <.f Richard I). of York, and others. The remainder .of thefe fragments can hardly lie: of any ufe. Caligula, D. VL Codex chartaceus, in folio, nuper reftauratus, conftans foliis 347 . 1 . De termino, pro querelis inter Anglia? et Franciaj reges pendentilnis, per arbitros dccidendis, prolon- gando. temp. Edw. iv. Sc Lud. XI. (vid. Rymer xir. 52 .) March 13, 1478 . ]. 2 . Prorogationis termini pro litibus per arbitros finiendis, ratificatio. (vid. Rym. xil. 61 .) June 0 , 1478 . . 3. Apunftamentum de treugis per feptennium du- raturis. (vid. Rym. Xll. 17.) Aug. 29, 1475. 7. b. 4. Apunctanientum de amicitia cum confaoguineo Fran cite, & de matrimonio. (vid. Rym. XII. 19.) Aug. 29 , 1475. * 14 . i). • h. B. I lie four preceding articles are a fet, to which the following general title is preflxed: “ Dclcrminatio trium annorum, pro litibus componendis.” 5. Charles Vlir. Iv. of Fr.; his oath of confirma¬ tion of the treaty of Eitaples. (Fr. vid. Rym. xil. 505.) Dec. 6, 1492 . ] o_ 6. A paper entitled, “ Requefta capitaneorum Henrico (vii) regi Anglite 1493 ;” being certain points propofed by the lords, hates, councellors, and captains, for union, peace, and amity betwixt the kings oi England and France. Nov. h. s Hen. VII. IS. 7. Henry vii; fes inftruftions baillees a Richemont roy (1 armes de Clarcnceaulx, do ee qu'il aura a dire au roy de France (Charles V 1 H.) (Grig, figned by- Henry at full length.) Shene, Aug. 14 , 1494 . is. 8 . Henry VII; fes inftruftions 4 Richemont roy d armes, Sic. de ee qu il aura dire au roy de France 1 . (Cli. VIII.) (Grig.) Greenwich, Dec. 20 / 1404 . oq. 9 . Hen. Vii; autres inftru&ions a Richemont, &c- (Grig.) Shene, Marchs, 1495. 00 10 . Avertiffement a part, a Richemont, de cc ciu'il aura h dire en fecret au roy de France. < 25 . n. Hen. VII; avertiffement a Richemont, de ce qu’il remonfrrera au cardinal de St. Malo. o 0 ’ 12 . lwo fragments of inftru6tions to Richmond herald. . 0 _ 13. La depofition de Bernard de Vuignolcs, touchant une eonfpiration contre le roy Henry VIil Rouen, March 14, 1495 . so 14. Confirniatio tra&atus (inter Hen. vii. Sc End. XII.) contrafpolianiaritima, Sc pro depraxlatori- bus eoereendis. (vid. Lewis's connterpuft in Rym. XII. 690 .) Aug. 23 , 1498. ' is. A claufc of the treaty of marriage between Lewis XII. and Anne of Britanny. 1498. ss. 16 . Lewis XII. L. of I r.; his declaration of the de¬ livery of certain writings by Dr. Tli. Routhale, Englilh ambaflador, relating to l he ratification of a peace. (Grig. French, figned Routhale and Rober- tet.) Paris, June 17 , 1499- 1 40 . 17 . lleponle dorin.ee par le roy Louis (xil.) de France, fur la credence a lui deelairie par Matthieu Bacqiiier, efeuier du roy (Hen. VII.) 1502 . 42 . 18 . Lewis XII; his conditions for the marriage of his daughter Claude, to Charles • of Luxemburg /aftciwards Charles y.) N. B. This marriage never took place. Blois, Sept. 22, 1504 . 70. 19 . Henry. \ II, to Margaret of Savoy governefs of the Netherlands, and to the iicqr dejjcrghes; about R r feme 1 5 + CALIGULA, D. VI. fome mercantile affairs. (Fr.) Greenwich, May, 1507. 72. 20. Refponfa fafta per conciliarios regis Anglia;, acl querelas mercatorum Britannia;. (a fragment.) 1507- 74. 21 . Traclatus pacis et amicitice inter Hen. vm. ct Lud. xn. (a fragment, vid. llym. XII. 'ill.) March 23, 1510. 75. 22 . Traclatus pacis inter Hen. mil ct Lud. mi. miffus Julio II. Pont. Rom. ut ah ipfo conlirmetur. (vid. Rym. XII. 289.) Nov. 23, 1510. 76. 23. A fragment of the lame treaty. 8:3. 24. Lud. XII; Litene ejufdem mi file Bononienfihus, quibus eofdcm in fuam proteCtionem recepit. Ro- maine, June 30, 1 5 11 . 86. 24. b. Lucas de Ren .... to.intelligence about a truce, &c. Landau, Feb. 20, 1513. s?. b. 2.5. Joan Pierducx; his report of the Hate of the French navy. (French.) 1512 . 88 . 2 G. Examination of 13. Puchier; about armaments at Dieppe. (French.) March S, 1513. 90 . 27- lien. VIII; his patent appointing John Coke- fon his water bailiff at Calais. .(Latin.) Wcliin. ! May 21 ? 1513. 91 . 28 . Catherine (of Aragon) Q. of England, to Wolfey; about the king's progrcls from Calais; the difmilfal of Frances de Cafferys, See. (Orig.) 15 1 3 ? 92. 29. Catherine (of Aragon) Q. of England, to Wolfey; defires frequent intelligence. (Orig.) Aug. 13, 1513? " <» 3 . 30. Catherine (of Aragon) Q. of England to Wolfey; congratulating him on the king's i'ucccffes. (Orig. probably after the battle of the fpurs.) Aug. 25, 1513? 94 . 31.to lien. VIII; defiring leave to come over and vindicate himfelf againi't certain falfc afper- fions. (Orig. French.) Marchienncs, Sept. 14 , 1513. 9 . 5 . 32 . An account of payments made to the king by the city of Tournay, in confcquencc of an engage¬ ment; dated Sept. 23 , 1513 . (French.) 9G. 33. Hen. VIII; his grant of an annuity of 200 flor. a year to John de Eufy, out of the revenues of Tournay; dated Oft. 20 , 151:3: alfo an appointment of Allart Bentinck, receiver of the contributions of Tournay. Nov. 30, 1513. 98 . 34 . Ld. Edward Howard, lord admiral, to lien. VIII ; his report of naval proceedings. 1513. 101. 35. Ld. Th. Howard, lord admiral, to Wolfey: on naval affairs. (Orig.) 1513? 102 . 35. h. T. Howard (Ld. Surrey) two letters, lit to Hen. vm. and 2d to the Privy Council; on naval expeditions. 1514 ? 102 . 36'. F.dw. Schymlhin? to.intelligence on naval affairs. 1513? 107 . 37. Trcugarum cum regibus An glue etAragonum, ratificatio regis Francorum. (vid. Rym. XIH. 395.) March 14 , 1514 . * in. 38. A treaty, fupplemental to the above, between the molt Chriltian and Catholic kings. (Fr. a frag¬ ment.) 115. 39- Louis of Orleans and Tho. Bolder, to Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rym. XIII. 399 .) Canterb. March 16 , 1514 . . 117 . 40. Hen. VIII, to Ld. Fauconberg; advice, and orders about the defence of Gullies. (Orig. Fr.) Eltham, May 5 , 1514 . 1 is. 41 . A fragment of a letter, feenbngly in the hand of Hen. vm, and probably to Wolley then Bp. of Lincoln ; about, a treaty of amity and marriage with France. 1514 ? 119 . 42. Traclatus pacis et amicitice inter Hen. vm. et Ludov. XII. (vid Rym. Mil. 413.) Lond. Aug. 7 , J 514. ’ 120 . 43. An obligation of Lewis XII. to pay Hen. VIII. one million of crowns; figned by Henry. (Lat. vid. Rym. XIII. 428.) Aug. 7 , 1511 . 128 . 44. Lewis I). of Orleans, to Q. Mary of France; profelling her lnilbaud's delire to Ice her. and recom¬ mending a merchant iu London. (Orig. French.) Canterb. Aug. lG, 1 . 514 . j 57 . 45. Lewis MI. to Wolfey; requefiing his good offices. (Orig. all in the king's hand.) 1 5 id 1 38. 46. Lewis XU, to Wolfey ; defiling that Ids queen might be lent, over without delay. (Orig. French.} Eftampes, Sept. 2 , 1514 . 140 . 47. Lewis XII, to Wolfey : about, preparations l<>r his queen's journey. (Orig. French.) Sept. 1 . 514 . 141. 48. Lewis 1). of Orleans, t<> Mary Q. of Fr. ; .de¬ firing her lo batten her journey. (Orig. French.) Eftampes, Sept. 2 , 1514 . " 142.' 49- Lewis 1). of Orleans, to Wolfey; credential. (Orig. French.) Eftampes, Sept. 4, 15 14. 142 . b. 50 . Mary the French Q. to Wolfey; remonltrat- ing again ft the difeharge of all her lervants, particu¬ larly mother Guilford. Oft. 12, 1514. 143. 5 1. Ldw. Poynings, to Hen. VIII; a certificate in favour pfP. dc Bryonnc. .(Orig. French.) Tournay, Nov. 8, 1514. 144 . 52. Mary the French Q. to Hen. Mil; in favour of Wncent Knight. (Orig. French.) Paris, Nov. 17 , 1514. ' ] 45. 53. Lewis XII, to Hen. Mil; expreffes his fatisfac¬ tion on his marriage; commends the D. of Suffolk, See. (Orig. French.) Paris. Dec. 28 , 1514 . 146 . 54 . Twenty-three original letters from Charles D. of Suffolk, to Hen. Mil; between the months of Oct. 1.514 and March 1515, whilft Ik* was amballador in France. The lalt fix have no dates, but they are molt probably of the above period. 147 .' 55. Three original letters from Thomas marquis of Dorfet, to Wolfey; reporting his negociations in France. Nov. 9 , 20 , and 22 , 15 14 . 188 . 56. Nineteen original letters from the If. of Suffolk, the man), of Dorfet and Wo reciter, Dr. Weft and Wingfield, jointly and lcparatclv, to lien. MIL and Wolfey; reporting their negociations in France, where they were all in public characters, front Auguft 1 5 1 4, to July 15 1 5. 194 . 51. Henry Mil; his in-ftr notions to fir Rd. Wing¬ field, to he declared to the French king. (Orig. fign¬ ed at the beginning and end.) 151.5 ? 256- 53. Mary the French queen, to Henry VIII; fit e original letters on her marriage with Suffolk. 1.515 242. 59 . Mary the French queen, lo Wolfey; thanks him for his friendly letter to Suffolk. (Grig.) Pari-. March 22, 1515. 254. 60 . Mary the French queen, to Wolfey ; defiring a preferment for Dr. Denton. (Orig.) Paris, is, 1515. 255 . 61 . Francis I, to lien. Mil; two letters about Q. Mary’s marriage to Suffolk. (French. Orig. all iu the king’s hand.) 1515. 256. 62. Claude queen of Francis I, to Hen. VIII; complimental, on Wingfield's embaffy. (Orig Fr.) Coigny, March 9 , 1515? 260 . 63. Traftatus pacis et amicitite inter Hen. VM. Sc Franc. CALIGULA, D. VI. VII. *55 & Franc. I. .(vid. Rym. XIII. 476 .) Lond. April d, 1515. 9.6-1. 1)4. A rough draught of a letter, probably from Wolfcy, to Mary theFr. queen, on the death of her liuflband, Lewis XII. 1515? < 208 . 65. The chancery of Britanny, to lien. VIII; in behalf of two merchants who had been moldted. (French.) Nantes, May 15, 1515. 269- 66. Matters to be communicated by Wolfcy, and Suffolk, to Hen. VIII. on the part of Francis I; chiefly concerning the Fr. Q. dowager, and Tournay. (French.) 1515? 270 . 66. b. Worcefter, to Card. Wolfcy; intelligence about Francis I. his proceedings in Italy. (Orig.) Tournay, Nov. 25, 1515? 275 . 67 . Intelligence from a fpy in France. (French.) Amboife, Dec. 20 , 15 16 ? 274 . 68. Treaty between Maximilian the Emperor, Charles K. of Spain, and Francis 1 . K. of France. (French.) Cam bray, March 11 , 1516 . 275 . 69 . Intelligence about a French fpy. (French.) March 81, 1516. 277 . 70 . Francis I, to the marq. de Palvefin his ambaf- fador at Rome; about preparations for war in Italy. (Orig. French.) Lyons, March, 1516 ? 278 . 71 . A French officer, to Mountjoy ; concerning an archer who had fled from Tournay. (Orig. French.) Montaigne, Sept. 22 , 151 6. 280 . 72 . Dan. de Mars, to Poynings; intelligence. (Orig. French.) 06t. 13, 15 16 . 28 1 . 73. Richard Sampfon, Wolfey’s vicar at Tournay; eleven original letters to Wolfcy, reporting his pro¬ ceedings at Tournay from Nov. 1514 , to Feb. 1517 . 282. 74. R. Jaregan, R. Sampfon. and R. Whettlehill, to lien. Vlil; intelligence about the French king s motions and intentions. Tournay, July 4 . 15 16? 297 . 75. Lord Mountjoy, &c. to Wolfcy; three original letters of intelligence from Tournay; dated! July 12 , Sept.and Dec. 8, 1516 ? 299 . 70. Inftru&ions devifed by my lord chamberlain, Mr. Jerningham, and others of the king's council, at Tournay. Jan. 24, 1517 . 303. 77- J. le Serlier, to Wolfev ; great profeffions, and about a reimburfement. (Orig. Latin.) Tournay, Feb. 1517- 309 . 78. J. le Serlier, to Wolfcy; about the purchafe of linen, &c. (Orig. French.) Tournay, May 5 , 1517. 310. 79., . . • to Jerningham, deputy of Calais; intelligence. (French.) May 2 , 1517 . 312 . 80 . Intelligence from a fpy at Rouen, to Wolfcy. (French.) June and July, 1517 . 313. si. Henry VIII; his commiffion to’Wingfield and others, for fettling fume differences in' Picardy. (Latin.) London, Aug. 26 , 15 17 . 317 " 81 . a. Franrfs i; his commiffion to. Fayette and others, for fettling Tome differences in "Picardy. (French.) Molins, Oft. 29 , 1517 . 323. 82 . 'Flic French commiffioners at Boulogne, to the Englifli commiffioners at Calais. (Orig. French.) 1 Boulogne, ....... 17 , 1 5 17 . 325 . 8.;. David Bridgman, to Wolfey; recommending fome gentleman in the fervice. * (Orig. French,) Tournay, Sept. 12 , 1517 . gofo, 84. _ Intelligence from France, (French.) April 1 , 1522 r 327 . 85. Loys . ..to the Doyen, de Tournay (Wolfcy?) about a negociation. (Orig. French.) March 16 . 3 ^J 9 a 86 . An account of expenfes attending the tranf- portation of the king’s artillery from Bethune to Lifie. (French,) 330 . 87 . Some fea officer, to Henry VIII; giving an ac¬ count of a naval engagement. . 337 . 88 . A note concerning fome French prifoners at Tournay. (French.) 339 . 89 . A fragment of a letter, probably from Wolfey. May 16 . 340 . 90 . W. Le Mothe ? to.intelligence. (Orig. French.) Paris. 341 . 91 - News brought out of France by Yfelffain, purfuivant. 342. 92 . Intelligence about the bands of Lanfquenets coming into Flanders. (French.) 343 . 93. Depofitions of fome emiffary concerning the French king’s,motions. 344 . 94. Intelligence from France. (French, a frag¬ ment.) 3.4(j. Caligula, I). VII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 244. 1 . Stephen (de Panchef) Bp. of Paris; bis in- ftructions to John Gobelin and another, for nego- ciating with Card. Wolfey, concerning an alliance, and a marriage between the Dauphin and princefs Mary. (Orig. Latin.) April 8, 1518. 1 . 2 . Francis I; his proclamation for enforcing the acceptance of the Concordat in Dauphin-6. (French.) Amboife, April 12 , 1518 . 4 . 3. Stephen Bp. of Paris, to Card. Wolfey; about an alliance. (Orig. Latin.) Amboife, May 14 , 1518. 7 . 4. Articles of a treaty for a marriage between the dauphin Francis, foil to Francis I. and princefs Mary. A draught figned by Hen. VIII: with a ratification ligued by \\ obey and Villcroy. (Latin, cqnf. Rym. Xili. 632 and 642.) Weftm. July 9 , 15 1 8s s. 5.Bp. of. ..to P. VannCs, fecre- tary to V ollby; exhorting him-to life his endeavours towards bringing about a peace. - : {Orig. Latin.) July 15, 1518. 17 . 6. Stephen Bp. of Paris, to .Curd. Wolfey;. con¬ cerning an alliance.. .(Orig. LaL). Andegay, July- 25, 1518. 19 / 7 . Francis I; bis grajfct of a penliOn of 12,000 livresto Card. Wolfey, upon the.revenues of Tournay. (Latin, vid. Rym. XIII. 610 .) Andegav. July .8 1 , 15 . 1 ( 3 . / .. , 20 . 5. Francis I, to Card. Wolfey; Tent by his am- halfadors, Bonnivet, Chaudenier, and Villeroy, (Oliig. French, vid. the commiffion. in Rym. XIII. oil.) Angers, July 31, 1 ^ 18 . " 21 . 9- Intelligence from France, about an embally coming over. (Fr.) July, 15is. 22 . 10 . A. Boherus, to Card. Wolfey ; recommending his nephew. (Origi Latin.) Paris, Aug. 11 ? 15 is. . .. .; 93 . ■ 11 . Francis I, to Card. Wolfey ; acquainting him of his having difpatched his ambaffadors, (Orig-. French.) Angers, Aug. si, 1518. . 24. 12 . Steph. Bp. of Paris, &e. to Card. Wolfey; about a treaty for the reltitution of Tournay., (Orig. Latin.) Boulogne, Sept. 28 , 1518. 25. 13. Tra&atus pro depredationibus coercendis. (conf. Rym. XIII. 649 .) Lond. Odt. 4, 15 18. 26 . 14. Two C A L I G ITL A, D, VII. 14. Two papers tinned J. 'I liuvianville and J. Kni¬ fe-II ; concernin'’; a plot to fci/e ihc perfon of Uicliard do la Pole. (-Ong. Fr.) Nov. 1518? 31. 1.5. 'i'lie 1’. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning the plot again ft Richard de la Pole. (Orig.) .To uni ay, Nov. l <>, 15 is? 33. Kj. The F. of Worcefter, Ac. to Card. Wolfey; report their paifage from Dover to Calais, and dctire fome initruCiions concerning Tournay. (Orig.) Calais, Nov. 21 , 1 .5 1 y. S i. 17 . The E. of Worcefter, & c. to Card. Wolfey; report lheir piogrefs from Calais. (Orig.) Boulogne, Nov. 23. 1.5is." 3 ft, 15. The F. of Worcefter, Ac. to Card. Wolfey ; report their farther progrefs, Ac. (Orig.) Mon- treuil, Nov. 30, 1518. SS. if). The F. of WorCcftcr, Ac. to Card. Wolfey; report their progrefs to Amiens. (a fragment.) Dec, 15 18 . 40. 20. The F. of Worcefter, Ac. to Card. Wolfey ; •report their progrefs to Paris and Senlis, and recep¬ tion at Court. X. B. There are fome contradictions in the dates. (Orig.) Sen Its, Dee. 8, 1513. 41. 21 . The Bp. of! Fly, to Card. Jolley; reports the progrefs and licit audience of the embalfy in France. (Orig.)- Sen I is. Dee. 8, 1518. 44.' - 22 . The F. of .Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey: about a mutiny at Tournay; Richard de la Pole, Ac. (Orig.) Tournay, Dee. o, 1.51.8 47. 25. The F. of Worcefter, Ac! to Card. Wolfey; a full report of their reception at St. Denis, and Paris. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 15, 1518. .48. 24. The F. of Worcefter. Ac. to Card. Wolfey; report their negotiations about fatisfaCt'ion for de¬ predations; Tounuty ; hoftages; Sec. (Orig.; Paris, Dec. 18 , J 5.18i . .54. 2.5. The Bp. of Fly, to Card. Wolfey; reports the • atniimcc.s he had at Put is. (Orig. ) Paris, Dec. i s. . 15:1:8. ' . 57. gft. The F. of Worcefter, to Card: ‘Wolfey ; about the fur render .'of Tournay. (Orig.) Clermont, Dee. 1518. 4 ■ ! . (jo. 27 . A treat v'-between England and France, for llruring Fngland againft any-attempts from Scot- l.ind. 1 (fuperferihed by Henry \ III. the end wanting.) 1518 : ‘ “ hi- 2 sFrancis T;. liN 'confirmation of the treaty of Oct. gj'.as far-as relates to Spain.. (French, 2 copies.) 1-odS. 07. ■ 2 p. Prancrs I, to Car'd. Wolfey; declining two points required of him. (Orig. Fr. all in Francis’s hand.) 1-518? ft'9". 30 . The E. of Worcefter, See. to Card. Wolfey ; about lioftagdSj and- the furrender of Tournay. (a fragment.) -ifiiT.-- 70. 3V. Henry Vlll;' his i'nftruetions to his ambaftadors in France for the furrender of' a traitor named Blaunche Rofe. (a rough 'draught cor reefed.) 1,518. ■ ' 1; .?'l; 52. The Bp. ' of Ely, to Card. Wolley; intelli¬ gence; requeits a lupply of money. : XOrig.) Paris; Jan. 7 , 1519 . 73. d.5;’ Part of the treaty concerning hoftages, and for thy furrender of Tournay, Mortaigne, Ac. ( Orig. I,at. ligned Francoys, and the Englifli am balladons : «dlb ia. copy of the Tame.) Paris, Jan. 12 , 1519 . 75 . 54 . An artitr, to Card. Wolfey; about fume pic¬ tures to Ire fent-Jimi. (Latin.) Paris, Jan. 1 - 2 , Jaiy. 7&. 85. The K. -of Worcefter, See. to lien. VIII ; report their Inn ing obtained hoftages, Sec. ((Frig.) Paris, Jan; 14, 15 19 . so. 3d. The prince de Eigne? to the governor of Tournay; about the furrender of .Mortaigne. (Orig. Ft.) Mortaigne, Jan. 29 , I5iip. 82 . 87 . Card. Wolfey's inftructions about the furrender of Mortaigne. (a rough draught in his own hand.) 1519. ■ 83. 38. La Yifte and LIuraut; their warrant for lum- moning Win. de la Fontaine. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, Feb. 1, 1 . 519 . 8-4. 39- Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. "Wolfey; about fa- tisfaction for depredations. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. 2 , 1519- 85. 40 . Francis I, to Card. "Wolfey ; on the emperor's death ; and requefung his good offices. (Orig. Fr.) Paris. Feb. 9, 1519 . 87 . 41 . Sir .Tho. Boleyn, to Hen. Vlii; intelligence about the election of an emperor. Ac. Paris, l’cb. 9 , 1519- 88 . 42. The F. of Worcefter, Ac. t.o Hen. vni; report the furrender of Tournay, Mortaigne, and St. Amand. (Orig.) Tournay, Feb. 11 , i. 3 i: 90 . 48. Poyniugs? to Card. Wolfey; an account of the furrender of Tournay. Tournay, Feb. 12 , 1 . 519 . 91. 44. Sir Tho. Bob y.i, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence about the French king's del ire-to become emperor, Ac. (Orig.) Paris, l.'eb. 28 , 1 . 51 . 9 . 93 . 45. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Curd.;Wolfey ; various in¬ telligence from.- France. (Orig.) Paris, March 5, 15 10. 95. 40. Sir Tho. Boleyn,.to Card. Wolfey : various in¬ telligence about audiences ; the Card, ol Sion’s artful conduct. lOrig.) Paris. March II. 1.5 Vf). 90 . • 17 . Sir Tho. Bole) u, to Card. Wolfey; the French queen taken ill at Pont de Neuilly; a conferenec w ith tile great matter, in which the laid nralter pro- mjfes the Fr. king's inlereft to Wolfey, towards ob¬ taining the Papal chair. (Orig.) Paris, March 14 , 1519- 98. 48. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Henry VIII; reports an audience from Francis 1. concerning the election to the empire, towards which Francis is promifed Henry’s .ihtcrvlt. .. (Orig.) Paris, March 14, 1519. 100 . -ill. I.a.Yilic; his declaration concerning the feizure of fome lhips by la Fontaine. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, March. 18. 15 19 . . . 101. 50. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about de¬ predations, Ac. (Orig.) Paris, March i!\ 1 . 519 . ‘i02. 51 . Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. "Wolfey; reports a conference w ilh the grand main r about the interview, Ac. (Orig.) Paris, 'March 21 , 1 . 519 . 104 . 52. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey : various in¬ telligence about, the election to the empire, Ac. (Orig.) Sf. Germain, March 2 d, 1 . 319 . 10 . 5 . 58. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience-from the Duche’fs of Angoulcme. (Orig.) Poilfv, March 28 . 15 if). lod. 54. Sir Tho. Boleyn,.io Card. Wolfey ; reports an audience from the Dfs. of Ang-mleme. (Orig. 1 Blois, April 4, 1"519- ' 107 . 55. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about pre¬ fen ts" received ; and varibus'intelligenec concerning the election, Ac. (Orig-;) Poilfv, April 9 , 1 . 519 . 108. 5 ft. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; mentions a procclftoir; about the election, Ac. (Orig.) Poitly. April lb, 1519- 1 10. 57 . Sir CALIGULA, D. VII. l 57 57 . Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfe} - ; about the election ; a treaty with the Swifs, &c. (Grig.) Poiify, May .5, 1519- us. .os. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfe} - ; about fome concerns of Engliih merchants, See. (Orig.) Poilly, Alay 6, 1519- 114 - . 09 . A. deCroy, and Wairniekatt? Spanifli plenipo- lentiarics at Montpellier, to Henry VIII; acquaint¬ ing him that nothing- had as yet been concluded. (two duplicates, both Orig.,) Pefenas, Alay 14 , i,5Ip. 11G- fio. Sir Tho. Boleyn. to Card. Wolfey ; various in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Poilly, Alay 20 , 15 19. 11 8. Gi. Wiugfield, to Bryan Tuke, Treafurer of the chamber; about fome mifrakes in a laic-coiklucf. (Orig.) Calais, May 22 , 1519 . 120 . 62 . Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; Henry 1>. of Orleans chriftened; and refpedting prefents. (Orig - .) Poilly, June 7 , 1519- 121 . 63. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about the depredations in Sept, and Oct. lalt; the election, &c: (Orig.) Poilly, June id, 15 19 . 123. G 4 . Card. Wolfey; his inllrudlions to fir Tho. Bo¬ leyn? concerning a treaty for fatisfaction for Fon- Iaines depredations, See. (a draught corrected by the Card.) June 28, 1519 . 125 . G 5 . Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; Charles V. chofen emperor, &c. (Orig.) Poilly, July 4 , 1519 . 140. GG. From a fpy in France, refpe&ing the motions of fome diips, and the unhappy Hate of France. July 13, 15 19. 141. 67 . The prince dc Ligne, to Card. Wolfey ; about his furrender of Mortaigne. (Orig.) Ligne, July 15 , 15 if). " 1 42." 68. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; refpeeting Charles vth’s election; depredations at fca; intelli¬ gence, Sec. (Orig.) Mclun, Aug. 14, 1519 . 143. 60. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; various in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Blois, Sept. G, 1519 . 1 48. 70 . Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about a legate (Campcjo) being arrived from England, Sec. (Orig.) Blois, Sept. 24, 1519 . 150. 71 : Intelligence from France; the election of the emperor caufes much uneafinefs; diftraCted ltate of the kingdom. (French.) Sept. 28, 1 5 19 . 152. 72 . Henry VIII, to Francis I; credential in favour of fir Tho. Boleyn. (Orig. French.) Greenwich, Oct. 2 , 1519 . ' 155. 73. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey ; various in¬ telligence; a contagion. (Orig.) Blois, Oct. 15 , 1 . 519 . 156. 74 . Bonnivet, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the ap¬ proaching interview. (Orig. IT.) Amboile, Oct. 28, 1519- 157. 75. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about the approaching interview ; Albany, &c. (Orig.) Blois, Nov. 16 , 1519- 158. 76. Francis 1 , to Card. Wolfey; expreffing friend- JJiip. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, Now 19 , 1519 . 1 (jo. 7 7. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; about the fati-Taction for Fontaine's depredations; tile late elec¬ tion of the emperor; the meeting, &c. (Orig.) Blois, Dec. 5, 1519 . 1 G 1 . 78. Names of the hoftages to he lent over by Francis 1 ; figued by himfelf. (Orig. Fr.) Blois, Dec. 10 , 1519 . * 163. 78. b. Sir Tho, Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; concern¬ ing the late election ; fatisfaction for depredations, &c. (Orig.) Blois* Dec. 11 , 1559. , 164 . 79. Francis I, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning an agreement made by the people of Tournay t o furren¬ der that place to the emperor. (Orig. Fr.) 1519. 1G5. 80 . Francis I: articles concerning the intended interview, fent over by the Badly de Caen. (Orig. Fr.) Lufignan, Jan. 10 , 1520. 1 GG. 81. Francis I, to Card. Wolfey; about the inter¬ view. (Orig. Fr.) Coignac, Jan. 23, 1520. 168. 82 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Hen. VIII; reports his eroding from Dover to Calais. (Orig.) Calais, Feb. 4 , 1520 . ^ 169 . 83. Bonnivet,, to Card. Wolfey; refpeeting the in¬ tended interview. (Orig. Fr.) Coignac, Feb. 20 ? 1520. 170 . 8 t. Bonnivet, to Card. Wolfey; profclVmg his hearty willies for peace. (Orig. Fr.) Coignac, Feb. 21 , 1520. 17 j. 85. Francis I, to La Battye, or the Bailly de Caen ; about the interview. (Orig. Fr.) Coignac, Feb. 27 . 1520. v 172 . 86. Francis 1 , to Card. Wolfey; concerning the interview. (Orig. Fr.) Angouleine, March 13th, 1520. 173 . 87- Articles about the intended interview. (Orig. Fr. tig-ned by Francis I.) Chateauneuf, March 13, 1520. 174 . 86 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Hen. vni; great pro fefiions of friendlhij) on the part of Francis I. (Orig.) Coignac, March, 1520. 170 '. 89- Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports his audiences, particularly as to the interview. (Orig.) Coignac, March 8, 1520 . 177 . 90. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience, chiefly about the interview. (Orig.) Angouleme, March is, 1520. 180 . 91 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Henry "nil; about the delivery of a fword; the interview, See. (Orig.) March 16 , 1520. isi. 92 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Henry vni; concerning regulations for the interview. (Orig.) Paris, March 19 ? 1520. ' 182. 93. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. 'Wolfey; about the ratification of treaties, and the interview, &c. (Orig.) Chatclleraut, March 24 , 1520 . is t. 94. Sir Edward Belknap? to Card. Wolfey; about the preparations at Gnines. (Orig.) March 26, 1520. 186 95 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports, an interview with Robertet. (Orig.) Chatclleraut, March 26 , 1520 . 137 . 96. Bonnivet, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the in¬ terview. (Orig. Fr.) Chateaabeuf March, 1520, 188. 97- A fragment about arrangements for the in¬ terview. March, 1520. 190 . 9S. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; reports a conference - about the interview. (Orig.) lilois, April 7 , 1520 . 191 . 99- Francis I, to Card. Wolfey; defiring to ac¬ celerate the interview on account of the Q’s preg¬ nancy. (Orig. Fr.) April 7 , 1520. 195 . 100. Bonnivet, to Card. Wolfey; defiring to ac¬ celerate the interview. (Orig. Fr.) April 7 , 1 . 520 . 196. 101 . Bonnivet, to Card. Wolfey; about accelerat¬ ing the interview. (Orig. Fr.) Blois, April 8, J520. 197. 102 . A paper ligned Wingfield; being corifidera- tions and allegations concerning the interview, See. (Orig.) April? 1520. 199 . S f 103. Sir *5» CALIGULA, D. VII. VIII. 10.;. Sir Rd. Wingfield. to C ard. Wolfey; about Ionic inipicions entertained in France of a treaty be¬ tween England and Spain. (Grig.) Blois, April 9 , 1520. 201 . 104 . The lip. of Ely and others, to Card. Wolfev; about the preparations at Gnines. (Grig.) April 10, 1520. 202. 10 . 3 . Card. Wolfey, to Bonnivct; an Acer toliis let¬ ter of April 8 tli. (a draught corrected by Wolfey.) April. 1.320. ’ 20 ’;:. 100 . Si r ltd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; about tervi a A tnd g untlet, &c. Alois, April 18 , 152". 210 . 107 . The marfhal de Chairilion, to the E. of Wor- ecTtcr: concerning the interview. (Grig. Fr.) April 2.3, 1.320. 2 11. 108 .to Hen. \ 111 ; about preparations fur the interview. (Grig.) Calais, April 2G, 1.320. 2 12. 1 <>«». Sir ltd. Wingfield, to lien, vui; about fome couriers lent from Paris, and the interview. (Grig.) Paris, May 7 , i.32o. 215. 110 . Sir ltd. Wingfield, to Hen. VIII; reipecting the interview. (Grig.) Crcvc-coeur, May 14, 1 . 320 . 21 (J. 111. Sir Xith-i;'.^ to Card. Wolfey; about the preparations at Guines. (Grig.) Gnines, Mar 18, 1520. 218. J 12 .to lien, vill; about the prepa¬ rations for t lie interview. (Grig.) Calais, May if), 1520. . 21C). 1 1 . 5 . The marlbal de Chaftillon, to the E. of Wor- cefter; about preparations for the tournaments at Ardres. (Fr. 2 letters.) Ardrcs, May 20 and 24 , 1.320. ” 221. 114 . Francis I, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the interview; contradicts the reports of his making arma¬ ments. (Orig. Fr.) Montreuil, May 24 , 1520. 223. 11 . 3 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; about the inten icw. (Orig.) Montreuil, .May 25, 1520. 224. i Hi. Francis I; bis proclamation for order during the ma ting. (French.) Montreuil, May 2 O', 1 . 320 . 225. 117 . Francis I, to Card. Wolfey; about his fuf- imcnts; the ; rrival of the empei qi in England ; and the interview. (Grig. Fr.) Mon¬ treuil, .May 27 , 1520. 226 . 1 iy. Hen. vi 11 ; 1 1 is order to fir Adrian Fortefeuc, to attend Q. Catherine to Guines. (Grig.) May ? 1.320. 227 . : if). Certain points of ceremonial, at the meeting at Ardres. May? 1 . 320 . 22 s. 120 . Directions about lodgings and accommoda¬ tions, probably for Card. Wolfey, at Guines. (in \\ olfey s hand.) May: 1 . 3 go. 229 . 121 . Inltrnciions about the meeting, (a rough draught in Wolfey''s hand.) May? 1520 . 230 . 122 . The Lds. of the Council, to Hen. Yin ; con- 2 'i'a; u!aiinp him on Ins fplcndid inter) iew with Fran- < ; ah 1 h daught r, &c. Jim 1 ? 1520 . 231. 12 .). Norfolk, and feveral other Lds. of the Coun¬ cil. In Card. Wolfey; reporting the •reception given to lime French gentlemen in England. (Grig.) J ul\ 2, 1520. ' ' 233. 124 . Sir I’d. Minefield, to Hen. Vlll ; mention¬ ing 1 be Freni h kin * fati f;u Ron at Rochi po vourablc reports concerning Henry's kindnels for him. (Orig.) Poifiy, July 19 , 1520. 235. 125. Sir Rd. Wingfield* to Hen. \ III; reports audiences from Francis t, and the DA. of Angou- lemc, in which they both exprciV great cordiality; the intended interview of Hu. with the emperor mentioned. (Orig.) Abbeville, July, 1520 . 2 ::o\ 120. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ ports an audience in which Francis 1 . cxprcifics great cordiality, but mentions king Henry's in I rvie\ with Charles V. Poilly. July, 1 . 127 . Anackn t b chamber of the payment of 078,900 erm\ ns of gold, due from Francis I. to Henry VIII. (Eat.) 1520? 241. Caligula, D.YIIL ( dex chart 5 , in folio .' : j'. i- Sir Rd. J ic. Carew, to ( ard. Wolfey; relpettii is b< tween the emperor and Francis I; and containing other in¬ telligence. (Grig.) Romorantin, Jan. 8, j. 52 i. 1 . 2. lien. \ III; his infirm ;ions to Fiiz william and il to 1 French kino-, d at both 1521 . 5 ° 3. Sir Wm. Fit/wiiliam, and fir Rd. Jerninghain, 1 ■ 1 ■ 1 about 1 cis's in¬ fairs 8c c. (Grig.) Romorantin, Feb. o, 1 . 321 . 9 . 4 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; reports the I). of Lime burg's arrival at the French court ; cou it d< Marche il® emperor, 8cc. (Orig.) Romorantin, Feb. is, 1521. 13. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliai to Cai of Lun el Navarre; about la Marche, &c. (Grig.) llomo- rantin, Fib. 22 , 1521 . ‘ 1 . 3 . <>• Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; reports a conference with Bonnivct about Scoitilli affairs; the K, of N kingdom See. (Orio-.) Romorantin, Feb. 27 , 1.321. 17 . 7. Sir Wm. Fitzuilliam, to Card. Wolfey; reports a converfatiou with Bonnivet about afi'airs of the em¬ pire. Spain, &c. (Grig.) Romorantin, Feb. 28 , 1521. 19 . 5. Sir Wm. Fitzv. illiam, to Card. Wolfey; reports leveral conferences, and various intelligence. (Grig.) Nancy, March 21 , 1521. ' 21 . 9 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfev; reports conferences about Seottilh alfairs. (Orig.)" Saullhrd, March 29 , 1521 . oj, 10 . Henry VIII; his commmion to Wolfey for the releafe and exchange of French hoftages/ (Lat.) April 4 , 1521. 07 . : i. Sir. Wm. Fitz w illiam, to Caril. Wolfey; Nafi 1 moves in the Low Countries; France arms, See. (Grig.) Troyes, April 23, 1 . 521 . 29 . 12 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; about warlike preparations; the report of Buckingham be¬ ing apprehended, &c. (Grig.) Mont-Armyne, April 29 , 1521. 5o. 13. A depofition concerning the force of the French navy. (Fr.) Calais, May 1 , 1 . 321 . 32 . 14. Sir Win. Fii/wil'.ium, to Card. Woil'cy ; reports Francis's friendly exp , di- : l'l »r:u-g ■' arms, &c. (Grig.) Michenn. l'F.\ cijuc. May 7 , 1.321. 33 . 15 . Francis I, to the 1 leecor of Men:/ ; concerning his differences villi Charles V. (Lai.) Chatillon fur Seine, May 11 . 1521 . 35 . id. Sir Wm. Fil/villiam, to Card. Wolfev; con¬ cerning the difference between Francis 1 . and the emperor; CALIGULA, D. VIII. *59 emperor; warlike preparations, &c. (Orig.) Chat- tillon, May 14, 1521. 36. 17 . Card. Wolfey, to Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam and fir Rd. Jerningham; about the king’s indifpofition; Buckingham’s arraignment, &c. (Orig.) Weft- minftcr, May 20, 1521. 38. 18 . Francis I, to the elector of Mentz: concern¬ ing his differences with Charles V. (Lat.) Ro- morantin, May 20, 1521. 39. 19 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the temper of the French*court. (2 letters, both Orig.) Dijon, May 24, 1521. 4o. 20. Francis I, to fome German cleftor or prince; fequefting his fupport at the diet of Worms. (Lat.) ( Blois, May? 27 , 1521. 43. 21 . Sir Rd. Wingfield? to fir Wm. Fitzwilliam? about the emperor's difpofition towards Francis; the diet of Worms, &c. Worms, May 29 , 1521. 44. 22 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning the truce, and warlike prepara¬ tions ; with a rough draught of another letter to the fame purport. (Orig.) Dijon, May 29 , 1 521. 46 . 23. Francis I, to Henry VIII; concerning an illnefs of the latter. (Orig. all in Francis’s hand.) May? 1521. 51. 24 . Francis I; his inftruftions to the fieur de la Baftie, his ambaffador in England; in anfwer to what Jerningham had reprefented to him on the part of Hen. viii. (French.) 1521. 52. 25. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to fir Wm. Fitzwilliam; refpefting the emperor’s difpofition as to peace. (Orig.) Maeftricht, June 12 , 1521 . 58. 26 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to fir R. Jerningham; concerning his negotiations with the emperor to¬ wards a peace. (Orig.) Bruffels, June 15, 1521. 60. 27 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; a rough draught of a letter on the truce ; feemingiy in confequence of Wingfield’s let¬ ter to them of May 29 . June, 1521. 61 . 28 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; about a truce between the emperor and Francis I. (Orig.) D'Argilly, July 2 , 1521. 66. 29 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the negotiation for a truce between the emperor and Francis I. (Orig.) July 13, 1521. 69 . teen different difpatches, moftly in cypher : fome of them decyphered, their dates being as follows : Troyes, D° D° D° Pontfeverger, Atenye, Chateau perfe, Montague, N. D. de Lyons, Oct. 1 Halencourt, Oft. l 7 . And four fragments not dated. Aug. 30, 1521. Sept.. 10. Sept. 11 . decyph. Sept. 13. decyph. Sept. 29» Oct. 4. oa. 7. oa. 9 . decyph. decyph. 89- 36. A note refpefting fome apparel in a cheft. Oct. 14, 1521. ^ 115. 37. Card. Wolfey, to Francis I; exhorting him not to proceed to battle with the emperor's troops. (Fr.) Calais, Oft. 20, 1521. 116. 3S. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; about the French king’s difpofition, &c. St. Ellier, Oft. 21 , 1521. 117 . 39 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; reports his endeavours to perfuade Francis to accept peace. St. Ellier, Oa. 23, 1 521. 119 . 40. Memorial to be given to the E. of Worcefter and the Bp. of Ely, by Card. Wolfey; being inftruc- tions for their negociations with Francis 1 . about England’s mediation, (a rough draught in Wolfey"s hand, and alfo a fair copy.) 061 1521. 121 . 41 . The E. of Worcefier, the Bp. of Ely, and fir Wm. Fitzwiljiam,to Card. Wolfey; report their jour j nev from Calais to court, and their firft negociations there. (Orig.) Oct. 27 , 1521 . 125 . 42 . The E. of Worcefier, See. to the Lds. of Council; the French king unwilling to confent to a truce. (Orig.) Marquet, Oa. 27, 1521. ISO. 43. Francis I, to Card. Wolfey ; on his fending his chancellor to Calais. (Orig. all in his own hand.) Oft? 1521. . 131. 44. Three rough draughts in Wolfey’s hand; about his negociations at Calais. Oft. 1521 . 132. 45. Conventa in confilio regis Chriftianiffimi: being a ftaLenient of the French forces, exhibited in a council at Calais, before Card. Wolfey. (a fragment.) Oft. 1521. ^ 135. 46. Francis I; his proclamation agreeing to the congrels at Calais. (French.) Oft. 1521 . 136. 47 . Articles claimed by the-French king, of the emperor; chiefly in confequence of the treaty of Noyon : probably to be exhibited at the congrefs at Calais. 138. 30. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card.Wolfey; Bonnivct goes to Guyenne; Q. Mary and Suffolk's affairs fettled. (Orig. partly cypher.) Comcre, July 28 , 1521. *71. 31. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; eight fragments of rough draughts of their letters, the dates of which can hardly he afeertained, but all probably of the months of June and July 1521. 72.* 32. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; about the truce, and the French king's preparations. (Orig.) Aug. 2 , 1521. 84. 33. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; concern¬ ing a report of the Cardinal's coming to Cak.is to meet the emperor. (Orig.) Aweton, Aug. 6, 152 1 . 86. 34. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; about the French king’s levy of forces. (Orig. partly cypher.) Caftel deTwyefe, Aug. 24 , 1521 . 87 . 35. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; four- 48. Five draughts of letters between Hen. VIII, and Card. Wolfey ; probably during the Cardinal’s nego¬ ciations at Calais. Oct. 1521. 143. 4<). The E. of Worcefter, Sec. to Card. Wolfey; refpefting the aftions of Francis I. in the Low Coun¬ tries. (Orig.) Sandemoone, Nov. 1 , 1521. 163. - 50. The E. of Worcefter, See. to Card Wolfey; Francis I. peremptorily refuies accepting the articles propofed by England. (Orig.) Amiens, Nov. 10 , 1521. 166 . 51 . Henry VIII, to bis ambaftadors in France: probably in anfwer to the above letter. Nov? 1521. 168 . 52 . The E. of Worcefter, &c. to Card. Wolfey; report their negociations at the French court for a truce. (Orig.) Amiens, Nov. 14 , 1521. 170 . 53 . The E. of Worcefter, &c. to Card. Wolfey; report their negociations for the neutrality of lady Margaret's lands. Amiens, Nov. 18, 1521. 174. 54. Francis I, to Henry VIII; credential. (Orig. Fr. all in his own hand.) 1521. 176 . 55. Louife i6o CALIGULA, D. VIII. IX. • r > >. Louitc Dls. ot Angouleme, to lien, vm: commending Jerningham. "(Orig. IV.) 1.521. 177. Lotiiic Dfs. of Angouleme, to Card. Wolfcv; •declaring the king her ion's great fricndiliip for hiin. (Orig. I-V.) 1521. 1?s ■'» 7 . Intelligence about the deplorable hate of France: addreifed to Card. Wolfey. (Fr.) 1521? 1 7 . 0 . 58 . Francis I, to Meflrs. de la Baftie and Poillot, Ins ainbailadors in England; very felicitous for j-cacc, and an alliance. (IV. a ct>p'\ with rubrics ^ ‘ 180 . ■>!). Reponfe an Roy ties chretien de la part de 1 clu en Roy des Romanis. (S copies.) 1521? is,,. • ■ Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card Wolfey ; about llie election ot a Pope, and Francis the firt’i’s prepa¬ rations. Jan. 1 . 522 ? j (l - ,; i- Sir Fitzwilliam? to Card. Wolfey; about Albany's going to Scotland; money matters, See. t Ong. not ligned, partly in cypher, but decyphered.) St. Germain, Jan. on tii. Sir Tho. C'heyne, to lint, nil; about the war in Italy, (two Origs. of the fame tenor.) St. Ger- snain, Feb. 41. i a a a. G17 Gb. Sil I ho. C heyuo, to (. an!, Wolfcv; various ot a s from Italy, ■ iiiij.s hopped coming to I iuy. laml. (Orig.) St. Germain, March 2, iaye. city Go. Charles I), de Vrndonir; his pafsport for Cto. Hay, fervant to Albany, going to Middleburg. (Orig. I t. ) La Fere, March a, l Use. o 2 o. 70. The E. of Surrey? to Card. Wolfey; reports tile burning of many rallies, and other miiitarv npc- .. . I" Handers. Blangy. ig, mg eaii ' 'i- it.to Card, Wolfey; reports an audienec from the king of Fr. (Orig.) Paris April 1C? 1522. ’ 2 „„ 71 . Sir Tit. C'heyne? to Card. Wolfey; reports his and Ciarcneietix's proeeetlings. (Orig.) j. vons May 28 , 1 -22 ? ' , ’ 72 . Sir Tiin. C'heyne, to Can!. Wolfey; reports audiences from Francis I. and the Dfs. of Angouleme tua (Orig.. Emigres, .May gp, 1522. ' 72. A i n ueh it a officer, to.aliout Fumcis s warlike preparations. (Fr.) gt, 74. .\ few articles ot intelligeneo from Flanders concerning natal preparations; aiidrdled to Card.’ W obey. Portfmouth, April 22. 231 74. Some officer, vimlieating himfelf from certain charges ot the duke dcVendohie. (Fr.) 242. 70 llie mugiftrutes of Guineas, to Bonniyet; rc- j) it ten ting tire dtitruction of tile roads bv the 14’ lit Caligula, if. JX. Codex chartaecus, i„ folio, content foliis 222 , 1 . Francis 1 , t„ lire Oi's of Angouleme?- about the miln.iit proceedings 111 the Milanefe. (l’r gfo. ... ment.) ] 52.i. A treaty of peace and friendiliip brine, n Henry tm, and the lady regent of FfoUe- pretending Margaret of Savoy, (tv.pi! .. the oneiignecl Henry, the other lirinon mid Joannes Joaelnn.) More, Aug. 14 , 1424 . 5 . Iraflatus pan's ct aimcili* inter Anglimn ct. Franctam. (ligned at the top by Hen. vm vid hym. mv. ns.; .More, Aug. a!,, Etc;. 4 Traftatus Obligati,mis profolatione peeuniarum (hgmd by Card. Wolfcv. vid. Rvm. XIV.Vm , Mo „ Aug. 30, 152.5. ' ' ' “L a Tr.nit.tn, qualificationis pro comprehenfiouc regis Seotoruin. (ligned by Wolfitv, lirinon. and .1 Joaelnn. vid. Rym. XIV. 7 .) More, Aug. 50 , G. The laft leaf of a treaty for keeping the ll.'ot' Albanv or" ot Scotland. (ligned bv fivcr.d of the i’uigliih council, vid. Rym. \ IV. 75 ', SO, 152,5. ' ‘ ’ 7. A let of ratifications of treaties, all written in one hand, and authe,it,rated by the ii g „ati,rc of Caul. H olley. 1 hey arc as follows: Dax l.uduvicre, conlirmatid traftatus pacis (vid. Rym. XIV. 77 .) Sept. 2 . 5 , 1524 Ejui'dem, confirmatio obligatioois pro folu- tionib. tacicndis. (vid. Rvm. MV. 7 n ) w 2.5, 1525. ' 1 Franeifeus 1 . Utter* confirmatori* pacts, (rr. vid. Rvm. XIV. 1 i:s.) Dec. o 7) 152 5 . 1 be. Ludovico?, obligatio de traefatibus per- rmplendis. (vid. Hym. XIV. 82.) Sept. 24 . i.,”i I'jutdem, Obligatio denovis litcris obli-^torni per regem conficiendis. (vid. Rvm. xi'v so ) Sept. 24, 1525. 1 'raneifei l. obligatio pro folutione pecunia- r " n - (vnl. Rym. XIV. 124 ,., March 1 ; , .< Die. Ludovico: obligatio, &c. ncarh a Iran- Icript ot the above. ' l: . 8 . llrnum. to de Saigncs, Freneli amballador in Scotland ; lieiiiy mg the .. of the treats of -More, ami tile eonipiehcnlion of Scollat.il I t. 1 Loudon, Sept. 1625 . 4 The lady regent of France; her confirmation ot the treaty-ot More, ligned by man.v ofthc ian-.-liii, council. (Lai. vid. Hym. xtv. 77 ., Sept. 25 , ( 42 . 5 . 10 . Charles de Vendon.e; his obligation for the execution ot the treaty of More. (Fat. vid. Hvn XIV. 03.) Lyons, Sept. 20 , 1525 . 7, ..I 1 ' taeUigence from France,.cerningtheun- t llhngnel. ot the cities to enter into the oblirations ftipulated by the treaty of More. (Fr.) Oct? 152 a. 82. 12 . Prorogation of the term for fending j n t], r connrmation.s of Francis I. and the Freneli i-iti cs ( , r ' the treaty of More. (Eat. figned bv Wolfcv and Brmon.) Oct. 20 , 1752 . 5 . ‘ y . 1 . 1 . llrnum and Joachin, probablv to a Scottilh amballador in London ; propoling thc'coiliprehcnlion of Scotland. (Lat.) London, Nov. 3 , ; . g,,. 11 . Minutes of Hie commiflion fot Fitzwilliam and I aylor going .ambatedots to France. 152 s7 15. Commillion CALIGUL A, D. IX. 161 1 ,'.. CommifTioti of Fitzwilliam and Taylor, going ambalfadors to France. 1525. 88. ifi. Card. Wolfey, to Fitzwilliam and Taylor; in- flru&ions for negotiating a peace. 1525. 93 . 17 . The Bp. of Bath (Jo. Clerk) Sir Wm. Fitzwil¬ liam, and I)r. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; report audiences from the lady Regent. (Orig.) Lyons, Dec. 16 , 1525. 97- 18 . Fitzwilliam and Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ port an audience from the L y Regent. (Orig.) Lyons, Dec, 24, 1525. 101 . 19 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence from Italy. (Orig.) Poifiy, Dec. 24, 1525. 103. 20 . The city of Paris; their obligation for the ex¬ ecution of the treaty of More. (Lat. not in Rymer.) 1525. * 105. 21 . A fragment, giving an account of the attempts of the king of Navarre (lien, n?) and the prince of Orange (Philibert de Chalons ?) to effect their efcape; the former fuccefsful, th ■ latter not. 1525. 107 . 22 . Henry VIII; his orders for the ceremonial to be obferved at the ratification of the treaty between England and France. 1525. 108. 23. Copies of letters from Francis I. and the L y Regent, to the Dfs. of Savoy: and an anfwer from the latter to the regent. (IT.) 1525. Hi. 2 1 . Momoirc du contrat de marriage de la foeur du roy de Portugal a I'Empereur. 1525. 112 . 2'). A declamation on the blellin >s of peace, by :he Pp. of Vence (probably Vannes) delivered before the L y Regent the day the took her oatli for the per¬ formance of the treaties. (Lat.) 1525. 1 14. 2 b. Joachim to Tho. FArch (Lark) in London; ahout. the alacrity of the French in arming: probably after the battle of Pavia. (Italian.) 1525. 116 . 27 . A juridical difeuflion, whether a woman may he regent in France ; and concerning the duty of re¬ deeming the king. (Lat. figned llanybal.) 1525. 120 . 28 . Intelligence from France; fix articles, two of them duplicates. (Fr.) 1525 ? 124 . 2 p. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, and Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; report an audience from the L y Regent. (Orig.) Vienne, Jan. 12 , 1626. 136. 30 . Card. Wolfey, to Fitzwilliam and Taylor; concerning the Italian league. (Orig. a fragment.) Lltham, Jan. J7, 1526. 138. 31 .Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; on the treafurer’s (Fitzwilliam) leaving France; and intelligence. (Orig.) Lyons, Jan. 17 , 1526. 139 . 52. A paper figned Loyfe and llobertet; being preliminaries for the Italian (or Iloly) league. (Fr.) St. Jult fur l’Vonnc, Jan. 18 , 1526. 141. 33. Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; communicates the report, of a peace between the Emperor and Francis 1 . (Orig.) Lyons, Jan. 28, 1526. 145. 54 . Dr. '1 aylor, to Mr. Lark and others, attendants on Wolfey; giving fome account of the antiquities of Vienne. (Orig. Lat.) Lyons, Jan. 31, 1526 . 146. 85. Dc Crammont, and 3 others, to de Vaux ; aligning their rcafons for not meeting him accord¬ ing to orders. (Orig. Fr.) Lufarchc, Feb. 9 , 1526? 149. 5. I rani is I. to dc \ aux ; infirudfions concern¬ ing the Italian league, and the continuance of the war. (IT.) St. Germain, Feb. 17 , 1526. 150. 57 Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports the journey of the L y Regent from Lyons, and fome con¬ ferences. (Orig.) llomiii en Poitiers, Feb. 28, 1526. 153. 38. A let of abftracls of letters from Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; dated, Poitiers, Feb. 28. Coignac, May 2 . Bayonne, March 19 . 10 . Montmarchant, April 3 . 21 . Bourdeaux, - 7 . Angouleme, June 12 . . 13. July 17- . —- 21 . Amboife, Aug. 4. . r 20. Alfo Henry VIII. and Card. Wolfey’s inftrudiions to the ambalfadors in France; and “Capitula foederis Italic!;” (all in one hand.) 155. 89 . Henry VIII; his inftrudUons to fir Tho. Cheyne, going ambalfador to France. (Orig. figned by Henry.) March, 1526. 164. 40 . Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports the arrival of Francis I. at Bayonne. (Orig.) Bayonne, March 18 , 1526. 171 . 41. Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience from Francis I. (Orig.) Bayonne, March 19 , 1526. 172. 42 . Francis I, to Card. Wolfev, hv the Sr. de Var.x; credential. (Orig. Fr. all in Francis's own head.) March, 1526. 174. 4 ‘a Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports the pro- cell' 'ms made 011 Francis's return; and a long- audience. (Orig.) Montmar chant, April 4, 1526. 175. 44. Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports his con¬ ferences, &c. (Orig.) Bourdeaux, April 8, 1526. 178. 45. Sir Tho. Cheyne, to Hen. V 111 : reports an audience from Francis I. (Orig.) Bourdeaux, April 12, 1526. 179. 46 . Sir Tho. Cheyne, and Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience from Francis I. &c. (Orig.) Bourdeaux, April 13, 1526. 180 . 47- Sir Tho. Cheyne, and Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; report an audience from Francis I. &c. (Orig.) Bourdeaux, April 14 , 1526. 182 . 4S. Card. Wolfey, to Taylor and Cheyne; con¬ cerning the arreft of a dependant of Joachim (Orig.) Richmond, April 16 , 1526. 183. 49 . Cheyne and Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; on the Rate of Francis's affairs after his releafe; he refutes to deliver Burgundy to the Emperor. (Orig.) Bour¬ deaux, April 21 , 1526. 185. 50. Cheyne and Taylor, to Card. Wolfey ; report an audience from Francis r. &c. (Orig.) Coignac, May 1 , 1526 . 187 . 51 . Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; about the con¬ firmation of treaties. (Orig) Coignac, May 2, 1526. IS9. 52. Card. Wolfey, to Taylor and Cheyne; intel¬ ligence, and infiructions ahout ratifications and ne¬ gotiations. (Orig.) Weitm. May 4, 1526. 190 . 58. Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Taylor; inftru&ions concerning the ratification of treaties by Francis!. I (Orig.) Weitm. May 10, 1526. 200. b. 54. A conference between the French king's council, and the Emperor’s ambalfadors, about the ratification and execution of the treaty of Madrid ; with an anfwer from the viceroy of Naples, 011 c of the ambalfadors. (Fr.) Coignac, May 10 , 1526. 201 . 55 . Sir. Tho. Cheyne, to Henry VIII; reports an audience from Francis I. &c. (Orig.) Coignac, May 21 , 1526. 215. T t 56. Garth CALIGULA, D. IX—E. I. 162 . 56 . Card. Wo Hey, to Taylor and Chcyne; ac¬ knowledging prefents of miller to king Henry, and himfelf. (Orig.) Richmond, May 22 , 1526. 216 . 57 . Francis I, to Moret and de Vaux; mentioning a fall he had from his horfe. (Orig. Fr.) Angou- lcme, June 9 , 1 526. 21 8. 58. Dr. Taylor, to Card Wolfey; on the affairs of Italy: and that Francis has had a fall from his horfe. (Orig.) Angouleme, June 12 , 1526. 2if). Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfcv; about prefents; the Italian league; the detention of the viceroy of Naples, &c. (Orig.) Angouleme, June 16 , 1526. fio. Dr. Taylor, to J. Joachin : about the dowry of Mary the French queen. (Orig. Lat.) Angou¬ leme, June 17 , 1526. QQ4. 61 . Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey ; about the con¬ firmation of the Italian league. (Orig.) Angou¬ leme, June 18 , 1526. 225. 62 . Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Taylor; inftruetions n i’pectiug confirmations, and negotiations. (Orig.) Weltm. July 16 , 1526. 226 . 63. Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience from Francis 1 . See. Ichingham arrived from England. (Orig.) Amboile, July 28, 1526. 64. J. Clerk, (Bp. of Batli) to Card. Wolfey; re¬ ports bis arrival at Orleans. (Orig.) Orleans, Aug. 10 , 1526. 235. 65. Dr. Tavlor, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the detention of fume Venetian ambalfadors ; fleets in the Mediterranean; affairs of Italy. (Orig.) Amboife, Aug. 20, 1526. 236. 66. J. Clerk. (Bp. of Bath) to Card. Wolfey; re¬ ports his negociations for peace. (Orig.) Amboife, Aug. 21 , 1526. 237- 67 . J. Clerk, (Bp. of Bath) to Card. Wolfey ; news from Italy, and negociations. (Orig.) Amboife, Sept. 13, 1526. 244. 68. Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; Sanga arrives from Rome; about the Pope's bull for the college. (Orig.) Amboife, Sept. 13, 1526. 248. 69 . Francis I, to Monf. de Vaux; inftruetions and intelligence. (Fr.) Cliambort, Sept. 20 , 1526 . 249 . 70 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; the French court moves towards Paris for the funeral of the late queen; and other news. (Orig.) Orleans, Sept. 27 , 1526. 250. 71 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence about the victory of the Turks, the intuits on the Pope, affairs of Italy, See. (Orig.) Paris, Oct. 5, 1 526. 72 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; Francis I. dif- pofed to aid the Pope. (Orig.) Paris, Oct. 10, 1526. 254. 73 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; a poftcript about the affairs of Italy. (Orig.) Paris, Oct. 14 , 1526 . 74 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey ; the Bp. of Wor- cefter (Jerom de Gbimice) arrives from Rome; an ambaffador from Spain to England releafed. (Orig.) Paris. Oct. 23, 1526. 256, 75 . Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports his having furrendered Calais to the chamberlain; requefts the payment of arrears, See. (Orig.) Calais, Oct. 31 , 1526. 258. 76 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; about prefents of liorfes, dogs, and horns, to the French king. (Orig. a fragment.) Marcufis, Nov. 3, 1526. 260. 7 7- Dr. Taylor, to Card. Wolfey ; on Francis's re¬ ceiving the order of the garter. (Orig.) Paris, Nov. 13, 1526 . 261 . 78. Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey; about the prelent of two liorfes to the Dfs. of Angouleme; ncgocia- tions, and news. (Orig.) St. Germain, Nov. 2 . 1 , 1526. " 262. 7!). Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey ; about his nego¬ ciations with Francis I. for peace. (Orig. the end wanting.) Nov. 1526. 268 . 80. The Bp. of Worccfter. to Can'. Wolfcv;- con¬ cerning the preliminaries for peace. (Orig. Lat. cliiefly in cypher.) Poiify, Dee. 1 1 . 1526. 27 - 1 . 81 . A latin paper, containing opinions concerning the releafe of the French princes, and the peace. Dec. 11 , 1526. 27 7. 82 . Bp. Clerk, to Card. Wolfey ; ftates his opinions concerning the negociations for peace. (Orig.) Poiify, Dee. 12 , 1526. 279- 83. The Bp. of Bath, and the E. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; report their conferences towards a peace. (Orig.) Poiify, Dec. 12 , 1526. 284. 84. The Bp. of Bath, and fir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; report conferences towards a peace; princefs Mary is offered to Francis i. Poiify, Dec. 25, 1526. 2!) 2 . S5. Declaration of J. B. Confalloniere; about the fale of lome jewels to Henry VIII, See. 1526. . 01 . 86. Francis I; his anfwers to the articles offered to him for peace with the Emperor. (Orig. Fr.) 1526 . 303. 87 . A ffatement and certain eftimates of troops and ammunition. (French.) 308. 88. Lord Berners, to Card. Wolfey ; about a cer¬ tain Frenchman who had been deprived of a penlion. Calais, March 25. 316. 89. Joh. Brino.to Card. Wolfey; requelting him to lign an iuftrument in favour of Ant. Cava- lerino. (Orig. Lat.) Weftm. Oft. 15. 318. 90 . Articles of peace propofed by Francis I. to the Emperor; with fome marginal notes, feemingly in the hand of Henry VIII. X. B. This paper may be of the year 1525. (Fr.) 3 19 . 91 . Francis I, to Card Wolfey; credential. (Orig. Fr.) 3ai * Caligula , D. X. 216 Fragments which appear to have belonged to this volume, and among which are feveral original letters of Fiancis I. the Dfs of Angouleme, See. all which are too much damaged to be either arranged or defcribecl with any accuracy; thole that have- dates, are all of the years 1527 and 1528. Caligula , D. XI. 39 Fragments of letters, See. all feemingly of the year 1529 , too much damaged to he ot any uls. This and the foregoing article are prefei ved in a cafe. Caligula, D. NIL Dcfideratur. Caligula , E. L Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 160 . 1 . Catherine of Aragon Q. ol England, to Claude Q. of France. 1- 2. Francis 1 ; two original letters to Hen. VIII. 2 . 3 . Francis CALIGULA, E. I. II. 163 .' 3 . Francis I, thirteen original letters to Card. "VV’olfey. 4 . 4 . Francis I. to the connetable de .Bourbon ; or¬ dering him to proceed again ft Galeazzo Vifconti. (Orig. Fr.) Lyons, March <24. 17 . 5 . The Dfs. of Angouleme: one letter to the Em¬ peror, one to Hen. VIII, and three to Card. Wolley. (all Orig. Fr.) 18. 6. Bonnivet, to Henry VIII, Wolfey, See. (four originals. Fr.) 23. 7 . A rough draught of a letter to the commifiion- ers at Calais, in Card. Wolfey’s hand. 27 . 8. Twenty art icles in Englifh(twelve being original letters) feverally figned by the magi ft rates of Calais, John Dudley, Barnaby Fitzpatrick, Simon IIe)n . . . Hugh Pole, William.Arthur Lille, Peter Meawtys, Richard Tate, Florence Volufene, &c. The two laft are “ overtures to Fr. ambalfadors ; and an agreement for the keeping of the caftle of Guines.” 28. 9. A French account of the fortifications of Bou¬ logne; and a drawing of that town, and its adjacent works. 56. 10 . “The order how the king’s battail llialle pro- feede.” 38. 11 . Twenty-eight original letters; ligned, Arigny. Grammont, See. Pacollet. de Bordes. de la Guiche. Planis. Bouton. la Chaux. Tavernier. Byron. Montmorency? Thurvianville. Du bus. Morette. de Villebre. The lignatures of fome of them are dubious. 59 . 11. b. Paulus Parmen 1 * M T Ge u * or u min*" m , to Henry VIII. (Orig-. Lat.) Ex Pontis ara. Idib. Jan uar. 79 . 12 . Forty-four fragments in French, being mis¬ cellaneous papers, molt of them too much mutilated to be diftin6tly made out. N. B. At fol. 122 , 127 , 132, and 140 , are four Englifii fragments. 80 . 13. Three original latin letters to Card. Wolfey, figned Bellanis (de Bellay) de Prato, and Ber¬ nard. 142. 14 . Abbreviations quorundam articulorum in di- verfis traCtatibus. 145. 15. A draught of a commiffion of Henry VIII, to treat with the French king. (Latin.) 147 . 16. A Summary of news extracted from letters. (Italian.) March 20, 1529. 149. 16. b. A paper of intelligence from France; Al¬ bany going to Scotland. 1.321 or 1523. 149 . b. 17 . A Statement of the number of men for ten Clips equipped on the coaft of Normandy. (French.) 150. 18 . A lift of artillery and ammunition. (French.) 151. 19 . A lift of the captains of Calais, from 38 to 49 Ed. III. 152. 20 * Notes of divers treaties, from i486 to 1569 . 153. Caligula , E. II. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 21 8, fimul cum fuperiore eompactus. 1. Henry VIII, to Francis I; in anfwer to letters received by Tarbe. (French, a draught corrected by Henry.) 1526 ? 1 . 2 . Henry VIII; his inftruftions to .cor¬ rected by himfelf. a. 3. Henry VIII; his instructions to his ambalfadors 4. 1 Frai 4 . Francis I ; five original letters to Henry VIII. three to Card. Wolfey, and one (a copy) to de Vaux. ’ 5 . 5 . Louila Dfs. of Angouleme; two letters to the freafurer of Calais. (Orig. Fr.) n. 6 . Henry II. K. of Navarre, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Fr.) 15 7- Card. Wolfey, to the Dfs. of Angouleme. (Fr. copy-) 14 . 8 . Fourteen rough draughts of letters and inftruc¬ tions; in Card. Wolfey’s hand. 15 . 9- Seventeen original difpatchcs from tlie council of Tournay, on matters of that garrifon : ligned by the E. of Worcefier, Ld. Mount joy, Sir R. jeniiu<>'- ham, and many others. * 09 . 10 . Nine original dilpatches from Ld. Mount jov; on the affairs of the garrifon of Tournay. 60 . 11 . Eight original dilpatches from Sir Rd. Jcr- ningham; on the affairs of the garrifon of Tour¬ nay- go. 12 . The council of Calais, to Card. Wolfey; re- prefenting the decayed condition of that garrifon. (Orig.) * ° 98 . IS. Two original letters from firWm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfey; dated Guines, Sept. 2 , and oa 23. 10 O. t 14. Five original letters from fir Rd. Wingfield; all from Calais. 102 . 15. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Bryan Tuke. (Orig. a fragment.) Calais, Jan. 14 , 15 19 - 20 . no? 16. Twelve original difpatchcs from fir Wm. Sandys; from Calais, Guines, Newmanbridge, &c. 111 . 17 . Five original letters from Dr. Richd. Samp- fon, to Card. Wolfey; on the affairs of the bilhop- rick ot Tournay, See. Tournay. 130 . 18 . A letter figned Edward Howard (the Ld. Admiral) and a paper marked on the back “to the king, from my Lu. Admiral.” 139 . 18 . b. A paper from the E. of Warwick (Beau¬ champ?) to a bilhop of Winchefter (Beaufort?) Hat¬ ing feveral requisites for Calais. (Fr.) 142 . b. 19 . Richd. Lee, to Ld. Cromwell. (Orig.) Calais, Sept. 26 . 143 / 20 . John Cheyne, to.(Orig.) Guines, Nov- , 44 . 21 . John Waller, to. (Orig.) Jemie- ville? Sept. 6 . " , 45 . 22 . Thirteen fragments in Englifh, fome of them rough draughts, but all of them too much mutilated to be made out distinctly. , 45 . 23. Sixteen papers in French, molt of them original letters from the Card, of Lorrain, Montmorency? Bunnivet, de Bellay, Marillac, de Tavernier, la Guiche, &c. 24 . Seven papers in latin; fome of them original letters. 186 . 25. An Italian paper; being an anfwer to a me¬ morial; without either date or fignature. 195 . 26. Three accounts of expenfes in France. N. B. Penfions paid to French minifters. 197 . 27 . Francis I ; his commiftion to W. Bolley a Rubiculis (Rougemont) and Job. Joachin* de Paf- fano, to treat with Cuthbert Bp. of London and fir Wm. Fitzwilliam. (Latin.) 200 . 28 . Traits de neutrality entre le duchy de Bour¬ gogne et la Franche Comty, fait entre Francois ir. et Charles V. 205 . Caligula, 1 64 C A L I G U L A, E. III. IV. Caligula, E. III. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 345. 1. Lewis Ml, to Henry VIII; on the peace with Spain. (Orig. Fr.) Blois, l 2 , 1514? 2 . 2 . Card. Wolfey, to Hen. t ill; various intelligence. (Orig.) Weft in. Feb. 24. 3. ... Card. Wolfev, to the duke of Norfolk ; inftrue- tions. (Orig.) Greenw. April n. 4. 4. Four rough draughts in Card. Wolfey 'shand. ft. flight original difpatches from fir Win. Sandys; chiefly from Calais and Gnines. 12 . G. Eleven original difpatches from fir Rd. Wing¬ field ; from Calais, Sec. 25. 7. Seven original difpatches from John Berners, and council, from Calais, &e. 41. 8. Fifteen Englilh original letters; figned, Southampton,&e. (Fitzwilliam) T. Durefme, (Cuthb. Tunftall) J. Bathoniens. Ep. (J. Clerk) J. T. mafter of the Rolls. Win. Fitzwilliam. Rd. Jerningham. J. Wallop. W. Paget. The names of the reft are effaced. 4ft. o. Thirteen articles in Englilh; being fragments of letters and draughts, without either names or dates. 74. 10. Fifteen articles in French; being fragments of letters and draughts, without either names or dates. 3 03. 11. A fragment of a treaty. (Latin.) 133. 12 . A long memoir in French; hating the reafons why the writer (whole name does not appear) fled lo Paris,and joined the fluke du Maine (Qu. Maycnnc?) The leaves do not follow regularly, and there ap¬ pear to be fome deficiencies. 135. 13. An ample narrative in French, figned do Neufville; fecminglv an apology for his conduct during the reign of Henry l\\ of France. The luc- ceflic in of leaves is not regular, and there are pro¬ bably fome deficiencies. 15ft. Caligula, E. IV. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 3iG. i. Dr. Edm. Bonner, to Henry VIII; Card. Poole ordered fiom the French court to Avignon, Sec. (Orig.) Sens, March 28 , 1538. i. The Marllml de Caftillon, to the Lord Privy Seal (Cromwell) in favour of Bernard, a French merchant. (Orig. l'r.) Chell’ea, Sept. 30, 1538. 8. Dr. Edm. Bonner, to Ilenrv VIII; thanking him for the Bpk. of London. (Orig.) Oct. n, 153S. 4. •!. Dr. Edw. Carne, to the Lord Privy Seal; reports his having executed a commiliion. (Orig.) Com- piegne, Oct. 17, 1538. G. 5. Roehepot, to the Lord Privy Seal; in favour of Si. Martin, a French trader. (Orig. Fr.) Abbeville, Oct. 22, 1638? 7 . G. Dr. Edm. Bonner (afterwards Bp. of London) to the Ld. Privy Seal; reports the motions of t lie French king, and the L f Regent. (Orig.) St. Quintin, Oct. 25, 1 553. " 8. 7 . Dr. Edm. Bonner, to Henry VIII; intelligence from the French court. (Orig.) Paris, Nov. 30, 1588. 10 . s.to lord Lille; on the congrefs at Niie. (Orig.) 1538. 11 . ft. Card, du Bellav, lo an Englilh ambalfador ; commending the conduct of lbme young men. (Orig. IT.) Fontainebleau, Feb. 11 , 1538-ft. j.s. 10. 'Elio. Barnaby, to the Privy Seal; about pre¬ parations making at Paris for the reception of the Emperor. (Orig.) Paris, Sept. 5, 1 53ft. 14 . 11 . Wm. Swerder, Lo the Abp. of Canterbury (Cranmer) about the Emperor's pallage through France, &c. (Orig.) Paris, Nov. 10 , 1539 . ig. 12 . Ld. Lille, to the Privy Seal; intelligence. (Orig.) Calais, Nov. 153ft? its. 13 . Tho. Barnaby, to Mr. Wryfley (Qu. whether Wriothefley:) various intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 13, 153 ft. lft. 14 . A paper 011 the Lmperor's paflage through France, Sec. the name cut away. Paris, Dec. 30 , 153ft. 21. 15. Edmund Side and Wm. Honning, about the Emperor's pallage through France. Dec. 153ft. 22 . Jii. Tho.to Ld. Lille; intelligence about the Emperor. (Orig.) Bruges.G, 153ft. 29. 17- The Archbp. of Milan, to.Briari; defir- ing him to obtain fome decifion from id: king of England. (Orig. Ital.) Fontana bella, Feb. ft, 15 3 ft-40, " 30. 18 . Nic. Caron, to the See y of Caftillon; about d . 1 ; affairs. >rig. 1 I 15,39-40. 32. io. Intelligence concerning the fortifications of Ardres. April lG, 1.540. 38. 20 . Henry t ill, to Ld. Lille; ordering him over from Calais. April 17 , 1540 . 34 . • 21 . Wm. Howard, to Henry viil ; reports a con¬ ference with the French king's council, about the property of Cofwade and Cow bridge near Calais. (Orig.) Chatelleraut, June ft, 1 . 540 . 3G. 22. Henry VIII, to fir John "Wallop; inftructions, efpeeially about Blanche Role. (Orig.) Wind for, Aug. 20, 1540. 3ft. 23. Henry viil; in ft ructions to his ambalfador at Paris concerning Blanche Role, a traitor, See. 1540. 40. 24. Sir John Wallop ; extracts from lbme letters of his to Henry viil. and the duke of Norfolk. 1540? 42. 25.to Henry viil; about the enlarge¬ ment of fome Englilh merchants at Dieppe. Bou¬ logne, April 1, 1543. 44. 2G. The Privy Council, to.» ordering him to come from France. (Orig.) April ft, 154.’.? 27 .to Henry VIII; a report froni France. April 14 ,1543. 47 . 28 . Henry VIII, to the Privy Council; inftru&ions about treating with a French ambalfador. Wclung- hanger, 1 , 1543. 51. 2 ft. Henry VIII, to Q. Catharine Parr; with news from France : partly in bis own hand. Before Bou¬ logne, Sept, 8, 1544. 55. 30. A journal of Henry VJIIth's expedition in France, (vid. Rym. XV. 52.) 1544. 57 . 31 .to Henry VIII ; intelligence. Calais, Dec. 2 , 1545. 6 ft. 32. Four rough draughts of letters to Henry viil. Nov. 30. Dee. 2 . 22 . 2 ft, 1545. 71 . 33. Twenty-four letters of inftructions from Henry VIII. and the Privy Council, to Mr. Wm. Paget am¬ balfador in France; probably all originals, thole of the council being ligned, but the iiguaturc ot the king CALIGULA, E. IV. V. 16 5 king at the top being burnt away. The years in which feveral of them were written cannot be afeer- tained, but they appear all to be between 1542, and 1545. The five lalt perhaps are of a later date. 87. 04. John Lille, to Mr. Paget. April 23, 1 540'. 148. 35.to Mr. Petrie. Calais, May 8, 1546. 149 . 36. Eight letters of inftructions from Henry VIII, to Ld. Lille, Mr. Paget, &c. ambafladors in Prance; probably all originals, the names burnt away, but dated May y. 20 . 22 . 23. 25. 26. June 2 , and 6, 1546. 151. 37 . Traelatus Compenfis fuper redditioneBoloniai poit 0 H 0 annos: all’o a fragment of the fame. (vid. Ilyin. XV. 93 .) Campcn, June 7 , 1546. 17 ]. 38. Commiflio ad intcrelfendum iuramento regis Francorum. (vid. llym. XV. 149 .) Greenwich, April, 1547. 186. 39 . Sir John Wallop, to.about the ftatc of Calais, &c. (Orig.) Guincs, Fob. 28, 1548. 188. 40. Rough draughts of three letters to Dr. Wot- ton. April 16 , and July 22 , 1548. the third without date. 190 . 41. Lord Cobham, to the duke of Somerfet; va¬ rious intelligence; wilhan inclofure in Trench, being a copy of a letter from the council of Calais, to Monf. de Rochepot. (Orig.) Calais, Sept. 14 , 1548. 198 . 42 . Copies of letters to and from the council ; froih the 7 to the 20 Feb. one of them an original in cypher, with akeyfol. 210 . 1549 . 201 . 43. Rough draught of a letter to Dr. Wot ton. March 30, 1549. 213 . 44 . Dr. Wotton, to the duke of Somerfet; various intelligence. Paris, July 23, 1549 . 215 . 45. Dr. Wotton, to the duke of Somerfet; concern¬ ing red refs to a Portuguele ainbalfador, and about the French fending troops into Scotland, (partly cypher.) 1-549? 218. 46. V.to lord.about the fur- render of Boulogne. Feb. 1549 . 220 . 47 . The treaty of peace between Edward vi, and Jleury II. Jv. of Fr. for the furrender of Boulogne. (Lat. vid. Rym. XV. 211 .) In Agio medio, inter lloloniam & Doultray. March 24 , 1550. 226 . 48. Henry 11 ; his eommiiTion to Rochepot, &c. for taking pofleflion of Boulogne. (Two Origs. Fr. attefred by de Montmorency and Colligny. \ id. llym. XV. 220 .) Paris, March 30, 1550. " 239 . 49- Sir John Mafon, to the lords of council; about the releafe of French prifoners at Jerfey; the mer¬ chants of Orleans, &c. (Orig.) Poilfy, Aug. 26 , 1550. 243. 50. Edward VI; his commifiaon to Grif. R. llode, and \V m. Cooke, to treat with French com- miflioners about putting a ftop to piracies. (Lat. figned by the Lds. of council.) Alio a copy of the fame. Wcftm. Dec. 22 , 1550 . 245 . 51. Inftructions of the lords of council, to the marquis of. for treating with French com- miflioners. Greenwich, May 20 , 1551 . 250 . 52. Inftructions ot the lords of council, to the marquis ot.about the payment of 8,000 crowns; alio inftruHions to Hr Win! Pickering, and lir Hen. Sidney; and further inltrudions to the nunquis, &c. (lliefe four articles area let of co¬ pies hy the fame hand.) June, 1551. 256 . 53. Edward VI; further inftructions to his com- miffioner, treating with the French : two articles. (Orig. ligned by the K. and the Lds. of council.) 264. 54. Edward vi; inftructions about regulating fome affairs at Calais. (Orig. the end wanting.) 274 . 55. Edward Vl; inftructions refpeefingthe furrender of Boulogne. (Orig. the end wanting.) 275 . 56. Inftru 6 tions to commiflioners fent to infpecl the ftate of the king’s dominions in France, parti¬ cularly Calais. (a rough draught.) 1551 . 276 . 57. Mary Q. ot Hungary? to Edward VI; two fragments. (Orig. only the firft figned.) OH. 22 , 1551. and Jan. 3 , 1551-2. 278 . 5S. An account of monies paid by warrants, in the years 1550 and 1-551. 280. 59. Barnaby Fitzpatrick; four letters to Edward VI ; about the Fr. king’s progrefs in Lorrain. (Orig.) Nancy, April 15. Licftorft, May .... Auv Oct. 12 , 1552. 284 . 60 . Ld. W. Mountjov, to Wolfcv; three letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Tournay, May»5f8 1 . Oct. 29 . < 290 . 61 . A draught of a letter on the aff airs of Lorrain. June 21 , 1552 . 095 . 62 . Minutes of orders to be fent by the council; chiefly concerning Calais. (Orig. figned T. Ely Cane. Winchcfter, and 4 more.) Combes,.8. 299. 63. Northumberland (John Dudley E. of) to .on French affairs. (Orig.) Dec. 5 , 1552. 303. __ 64. A report of fome miniffer or agent from Francer chiefly on Scottilh affairs, (a fragment.) 305. 65 . The council of Calais, to the Privy Council; about the trade of that town. (Orig.) Calais, Dec. 9 ! 307 . 66. Ld. llobt? Cecil; orders to commiflioners con¬ cerning regulations at Calais. (Orig.) 209 . (i l Wni - • - ..to Wolfey? on French affairs. (Orig.) Calais, 22 . 31] n 6s. Francis.to the Privy Seal; reports the Fr. K. advancing to St. Omers. (Orig.) April 16 . 31 2 . 69 . A regulation for the importation of divers' goods into Calais, (a fragment.) 314 ., 70 . Some articles of agreement concerning troops to be lent to the Low Countries, (a fragment.) 315. 71 . Titles of feveral treaties, commiffions, &c! during the reign of Edward Vl. 31 g Caligula, E. Y. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftansfol. 219 . 1 . Copies of two inftructions to fome ambaflador in France : the latter dated Feb. 1552 - 3 . 1 . 2 . Minutes of a letter from the Privy Council? to the council of Calais. Sept. 14 , 1558. 9 . 3. Two letters from a minifter abroad, to Q.Marv. (Origs.) the former dated June, 1554 . 11 ! 4 . A eommiiTion for ambafladors to France: Pao-et one of them. (Lat.) 1555» ^ j. Journal of Ld. Paget s journey to a congrefs at Marke near Calais. May and 'June, 1555 . 21 . 0. Lift of officers fent to the Englifli army in France; and the charges attending them: alfo a rough copy of the fame in French. ' so . ^ u 7. Opinion v in cypher and no .1 Amboiie, April 18 y in cypher, but ex 18 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftru&ions to her ambaffador in France ; chiefly about Scottiili affairs. 1559 . 60 . 14 . De Vendome, to Q. Elizabeth; credential, and inflruetions to an agent. Qn. Whether Anthony due dc Vendome, afterwards K. of Navarre, father to Henry IV? (Orig. Fr.) 1559. 63. 15. An account of charges attending royal ob¬ loquies* ’ 65. 16 . Edward Came, to Q. Elizabeth ; intelligence from Rome : alfo extrads out of feme other letters from him. (Orig.) 1559. 69 . 17 . A paper of intelligence out of France, (a frag¬ ment.) 7 2 . is. Three letters from fir Nic. Throckmorton, to Sec’’ Cecil; one of them wholly in cypher and not explained, the other two dated and Paris, July 19 , 1560. parti’ plained. so. 19 . Sir Nic. Throckmorton, to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.) Paris, .... 26. 87 . 20 . Sir Nic. Throckmorton, to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig.) Abbeville, .... 11 . 94 . 21 . A confirmation of the treaty of Chatcau-Cam- brefis, by the French plenipotentiaries. (Latin.) 1560. 100. 22 . Three rough draughts of papers concerning the treaty of Chateau-Cambrefis. The lull entitled “ The anfwer unto the proteltation of the French king's amhailfador.” 1560. 101 . 25. An addition to Q. Elizabeth's anfwer to the French ambaffadors proteltation. (Latin.) May 10 , 1560. 107 ." 24 . A paper containing much intelligence con¬ cerning France, Scotland, &c. 1560? 108 . Cecil, to Ed. Paget; exhorting him to exert himfelf. (Orig. but not figned.) Oct. 10 , 1560. " 113. 26 . Charles IX. king of France; his fafe-condud for repairing to the council of Poiily. (French.) St. Germain, July 25, 1561. 114 . 27 . An order of council for railing troops, pro- vifions, &c. in Normandy, See. 1 16. 28 . A ftatement of the pay of troops at Newport and Dieppe. 11 8. 29 . Three fragments of intelligence, about Q. Mary's going to Scotland : lhe is here fometimes cal¬ led “ Reine Blanche." (French.) 1561. 119 . 30 . A paper figned Beauvoir la None, to Cecil? reprefenting the want of forces for the expedition of llontleur. Feb. 7 , 1562. 122. 31 . Sir N. Throckmorton, to fir Tho. Chaloner, reqm- 146. refident in Spain ; intelligence concerning the French court. (Orig.) Paris, April 14 . 124 . 32. Copy of a letter in Spanifli, laid to be from the D. d’Aiba. 1562 . jog, 33 . Q. Elizabeth ; her rcinonfiranee concerning ic tyrannies praetifed by the French court againlt the people of Normandy. (French.) Sept. 1562 . 128. 84. An anfwer of a governor in Normandy (per¬ haps of Havre?) to articles relating to liberty of confidence. (French.) 1562. 131 . 85. Two papers on the furrender of Havre d? (irace; both originals, and figned V. de Chartres, See. 56. Guido Cavalcanti; two papers concerning his fervices. (Orig. Ital.) The former a letter dated London, July 10 , 1568. 159 . 87 . An ordinance of Philip king of Spain : fequence of the breach of privileges by England re- fpe 6 ting his fubje&s in Flanders. (Fr.) Brullells, Dec. 7 , 1563. , 42 / 38. Doar.to the F.. of Warwick; fitions for aid in Normandy. Dieppe, Jan. 11 . 39- Eight papers figned Warwick ; being orders for difeipline, See. at Havre do Grace: and two others not figned. April and May, 156 . 1 . 14 s. 40. A paper figned F. Knollys; concerning the troops in Normandy, and their maintenance. 153 . 41 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftnidtions to the E. of M ar¬ wick her lieutenant general in Normandy ; and alfo to the faid earl, and the council and officers of Havre de Grace. 1563 ? 160 . 42. A treaty between England and France; with the confirmations of both parties, (two copies, vid. Rym. XV. 640.) Troyes, April 11, 1564. 172 and 176. 43. A treaty between England and France, (a fragment, vid. Rym. XV. 644.) Alfo a letter from the French king, (two copies.) Troyes, April 1 % 1564. 186. 44. A difeufiion concerning Q. Elizabeth's claim for the refutation of the towns in Picardy, bv virtue 1 of the treaty of Chateau-Cambrefis. 195 . 45. Inftrudions to Englifh ambaffadors fent to France to treat concerning fome points relative to the treaty of Chateau-Cambrefis. March, 1566. 205 . 46. A paper figned Aubelpine; being anfwers to fome remonitranees made by an Englilh ambaifador for injuries done to Englifh l'ubjects. 215 . 47 . A French paper; feemingly apian of a league ifor the defence of religion. 21 6. Caligula, E. Vi. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans, foliis 399 . 1 . Q. Elizabeth; herconnuiflion to fir Tho. Smith. See. to demand poficllion of Calais. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) Weftm. March 26 , 1567 . 1 . 2 . Copy of ail inltrumcnt, declaring the manner of the demand of the town of Calais, made by fir '1 bo. Smith, &c. See. 1567- 3. Sir Tho. Smith, and fir Henry Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; an ample report of their proceedings in- France. (Orig.) Paris, May 3, 1567- 10 . A memorial to the French king, concerning Aug. 5, 1567- 21 . Elizabeth; reports his for certain piracies. 1567. 25. 6. Paiquie: red refs for certain piracies. 5. Sir Henry Norris, to Q. negociation for fatisfadion (Orig.) Compiegne, Aug. 7, CALIGULA, E. VI. 167 6. Pafquiers and Rollcte? to Q. Elizabeth; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Fr.) London, OH. 8, 1567.25. 6. 1). Fr. E. of Bedford; his paffport for M. de Lignerolles, returning- from Scotland to France. (Orig.) Berwick, .... 27, 1567. 26. 7 . Etat des finances du roi de France pour l’annde 1567. 27 . a. 8. Q. Elizabeth; her inftruHions, probably to Smith and Norris, (a draught corrected by Cecil.) 1567- 28. 9 . Sir Hen. Norris, to Sec 7 Cecil; intelligence from France, &c. Paris, Feb. 9, 1568. 31. 10 . A remonftrance of a French ambaffador, exhi¬ bited to Q. Elizabeth ; about lioftile proceedings on the part of England. (Fr.) Feb. 1568. 32. 11 . Q. Elizabeth; a meffage delivered by her to the French ambaffador. March 3. 1568. 34. 12 . Note of a letter of Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Norris; about a complaint of a French ambaffador. March 15, 1568. 38. 13. A remonftrance to Q. Elizabeth, concerning her interference in the troubles of France. (Fr.) July 24,1568. 3Q. 14 . Chaftillon, to Q. Elizabeth; recommending Cavaigne. (Orig. Fr.) llochelle, Sept. 14 , 1568. 45. 15. Louis de Bourbon (prince of Condi-) cre¬ dential in favour of Cavaigne. (Orig. Fr.) llochelle, Sept. 15, 1568. 44. 16. Sir lien. Norris's meffage, declared to the French king bv order of Q. Elizabeth. (French, two copies.) Sept. 1568. 46. 17 . Scc y Cecil, to Ld. Leicefter; about the affairs of France. (Orig.) Savoy, Oct. 1 8, 1568. 56. 18 . Q. Catherine de Medicis, to Q. Elizabeth; credential in favour of la Motte. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, Oct. 1568. 58. 19 . Jehanne (Q. of Navarre) to Q. Elizabeth; on the deplorable ffate of the proteffants in France. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle, Oct. 1568. 59 . 20. Sir Hen. Norris, to See 7 Cecil: intelligence from France. (Orig. partly cypher.) Dee. 14 , 1568. 60. 21 . Debt Motte Fenelon, to Sec 7 Cecil: defiring an exemption of duty on his wine. (Orig. Fr.) London, Jan. 5, 1569- 62 . 22. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Norris ; inftructions to communicate to the French king her fuccelfes in the north. Jan. 5, 1569. 63. 23. Q. Elizabeth; inftruHfons to her ambaffador in France (fir II. Norris?) (a rough draught cor¬ rected by Cecil.) Feb. 21 , 1569 . 66. 24. Q. Elizabeth’s inftructions to fir Hen. Norris, (a draught in Cecil’s hand.) March 22 , 1569- 74. 25. An ordinance of Charles ix. K. of France, for the protection of Englilh traders. (Fr.) April 2 , 1569- 78. 26 . Sir Hen. Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; a long difpatch, partly in cypher. (Orig.) Metz, April 18 , 1569- 80. 27 . Sir Hen. Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; another difpatch. (Orig.) Verdun, April 28, 1569. 84. 28. Hen. dc Bourbon, to See 7 Cecil: compli- mental. (Orig. Fr.) Archiac, June 5, 1569 . 86. 29 . Chaftillon, to Sec y Cecil; intelligence from the army of the princes. (Orig. Fr.) Angouleme, .1 une 6. 1569- 86. * 30 . Henry (de Bourbon) to Sec y Cecil; requefting a fupply of money. (Orig. Fr.) Archiac, June 6, 1569- 87- 31. The Vidame of Chartres, to See 7 Cecil; ob- fervations on recent events. (Orig. Lat.) June 12 , 1569- 88. 32. An inventory of jewels and trinkets belonging to the Q. of Navarre, the prince 6f Condf-, and the admiral, which were mortgaged to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Fr. figned Pelletier.) Rochelle, June 12 , 1569, 90. 33. Sir Hen. Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; a difpatch; the death of Deux Pont mentioned. (Orig.) Or¬ leans, June 19 , 1569. 92 . 34. Sir Hen. Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; a difpatch. (Orig.) Orleans, July 4, 1569- 93. 55. Henry de Bourbon, to See 7 Cecil; and to Ld. Leicefter; thanking them for good offices. (both Orig. Fr.) Camp at Varaignes, July 4, 1569. 94. 36. Henry de Bourbon, to Q. Elizabeth; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Fr.) July 5, 1569 . 95. 37 . Chaftillon, to the E. of Pembroke; thanks for good offices, and requefting the continuance of them. (Orig. Fr.) Bufferolles? July 6, 1569 . 96. 38. Chaftillon, to Sec y Cecil? requefting the con¬ tinuance of his good offices. (Orig. Fr.) Bufferolles, July 6, 1569. 97- 39. Jehanne (Q. of Navarre) to Q. Elizabeth; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle, July 19 , 1569. 98. * 40. Sir Hen. Norris, to Sec y Cecil ? intelligence from France. (Orig. partly cypher.) Orleans, July 23, 1569. 1 98. 41 . Jehanne (Q. of Navarre) to Q. Elizabeth; requefting a free paffage through her kingdom in favour of Mr. Judies. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. 8, 1569. 99. 42. Cardinal de Chaftillon, to Sec r Cecil ; two letters reprefenting the want of aid, and concerning fome merchants. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. . . .and 10 , 1569 , 100 . 43. The Vidame of Chartres, to Sec y Cecil; two letters. (Orig. Fr. and Lat.) Sept. 18 , and £6, 1509. 102. 44. The Card, dc Chaftillon, to Sec 7 Cecil; defil¬ ing iafe-conduHs. (Orig. Fr.) Shene, Oct. 3, 1569 . 104. 45. Q. Catherine (de Medicis) to Q. Elizabeth; notifying the victory of Montcontour. (Orig. I* r.) Pleffis les Tours, Oct. 8, 1569 . 105. 46 . Charles the IX. king of France, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; on the duke d‘ Anjou's victory at Montcon¬ tour. (Orig. 1T.) Pleffis les Tours, OH. 8, 1569. 106. 47 . The Vidame of Chartres, to.. on private affairs; a remittance of wine. (Orig. Fr.) Hanouart, OH. 14, 1569- 10 7* 48 . The Card, de Chaftillon; his full powers to Cavagne. (Orig. Fr.) Sheene, OCt. 17 , 1569- 108 . 49- The Vidame of Chartres, to.about the remittance of wine. (Orig. Fr.) OH. 18, 1569. 109- 50. Charles IX. K. of France, to the Englilh am¬ baffador at his court; complaining of outrages com¬ mitted by Englilhmen on his fubjeHs. (Orig. Fr.) t'i t .I - \ .1.. o 1 \iir\ 1 in St. Jean d’Angely, Nov. 3, 1569- no. 51 . The Vidame of Chartres, to.claims a fum detained by the means of Madme. de Stafford. (Orig. Fr.) Nov. 1569- m. 52 . De la Motte Fenelon, to Q. Elizabeth; de¬ mands CALIGULA, E. VI. j 68 fnands redrefs fertile violation of a paifport. (Orig. Fr.) London, Dec. 2 , i5Gy. 112 . 58. Dc la Motte Fenelon, to.on the violation of a paifport. (Orig. It.) London, Dec. 2, 1569- 113. 54 . The Vidame of Chartres, to Q. Elizabeth; a petition concerning the entry of a cargo of v ine. (Orig. Fr.) Auborne (Holborn) Dec. 8, 1569. 114. 55. The Vidame of Chartres, to.con¬ cerning an exemption from the v ine duty. (Orig. IT.) Auborne, Dec. 8, 1569. 11 . 5 . 56. Sir Hen. Norris, to Q. Elizabeth; a difpatch on various matters, (Orig.) Niort, Dec. 10 , 1 . 069 . 116 . 56 . b. The Vidame of Chartres, to.thanks for intcredhon with the queen. Dec. 24, 1569. 119. 56. c. The Vidame of Chartres; a ftatement of facts concerning fome eftates of his family : add relied to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Fr. not ligned.) 1569. ICO. 57 .to La Motte; concerning* the depredations of the Englilh. (Orig. Fr.) ltouen, .... 13, 1569- * 122. 58. The Vidame of Chartres, to.defir¬ ing his intercelfion with Q. Eliz. and another letter to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Fr.) 1569 . 123. 59 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Norris; inftructions. (adraught, corrected by Cecil.) 1569 . 125. 60 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Norris; two fets of inftructions concerning the mediation of the French court in favour of Mary Q. of Scots, (a draught.) 1569? * 127 . 61 . The Card, de C'haftillon, to Scc y Cecil; re¬ queuing leave l" purehafe provifions for the army of the princes. (Orig*. Fr.) Sheene, Jan. 3, 1570 . 133. 62 . The Vidame of Chartres, to See y Cecil; on his private concerns. (Orig. Fr.) Jan. 4, 1570 . l.u. 6:3. The Card, de C'haftillon, to Sec y Cecil; com¬ municates news from the army of the princes. (Orig. Fr.) Jan. 1070 . 1 . 35 . 64 . Articles pour l'obfervation de Fedit de pacifi¬ cation, octroy (•s par Charles ix. (Fr.) St. Germain des pres, Nov. 4, 1570 . 136 . 65. A fragment of articles of a pacification. (Fr.) 144. 66. A paper confilting of a communication of the amhalfadovs of the German princes to Charles l\. and Charles's anlwer: the latter dated Dee. 24, 1570 . 145 . 67- Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Smith; inftructions concerning the duke of Anjou's offer of marriage. (Orig. conf. Veip. F. VI. pafiim.) Jan. 25, 1571 - 2 . 149- 68. Rough draught of a letter of intelligence, faid to be to lir Tho. Smith, (a fragment./. Paris, Feb. 26, 1573- 155. 69 . Q. Elizabeth ; her fafe-conduet for the duke d'Alencon. Greenwich, March 16 , 1573. 158. 70. S. Beacon? to Ld. Leicefter; fome intelligence about the French fleet. (Orig.) Falmouth, April 27 , 1573. 160 . 7 1 . Ralph Lane, to Ld. Leicester; on naval matters. (Orig.) London, May 4, 1573. 162 . 72 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Q. mother of France; on the propolal of a marriage with the D. d'Alencon. (Fr.) Greenwich, May 21 , 15 , 73 . 164 . 73. Q. Elizabeth, to the D. d’Alencon ; on his in¬ tended vilit, and propofal of marriage. (Fr.) May 21 , 1575 . i66.“ 74. Q. Elizabeth, to the D. d’Anjou; on his elec¬ tion to the crown of Poland. (Fr.) 1573 . 167 . 75. Extrait d’aueuns articles tires de la minute de 1 edit et pacifications. (N. 13. The four preceding articles are a let of copies written by the fame hand.) 168. 76. Lang.to Ld. Leicefter; profcUing his devotion to the queen and himfelf. (Orig. Fr.) London, J une, 1 573. 171 . 7 7. Q. Llizaheth's inftructions to .. .. Ilorfev, Efq. fent to the Fr. king. June, 1573 . * 173 , 78. Queltions and anfwers, concerning the pro- poled marriage of Q. Elizabeth with the D. d'Alencon. IV 1 -) Sept. 1573. 1 S 7 - 7,6. Anfwers to Marlhal Gondy dc Retz, concern¬ ing ihr propoleil marriage of Q. Elizabeth with the 1). d’Alencon. Sept. 157 .;. iyy. y() .. ..to the F. of Leicefter; compli- mental. (Orig. Fr.) Nancy, Nov. 1573 . lyi. hi. Henry I). d Anjou (at this time king of Poland) to Q. Llizubcth ; dcliring her l’afe-comluet for his lliips palling into Poland. (Ori«* \'v) Orleans, 1573. ° ]!rJ . 82 . Upwards of thirty original letters from Va¬ lentine Dale, to Ld. Leicefter, &c. of v arious dates throughout the year 1573 , and ionic of i574-and-5. with l'everal Italian inclofurcs and notes containing a variety of intelligence from the continent. They tire till" much mutilated, and the names and dates of many are wanting. l£)S. 83. Two papers entitled, “ inftructions to the marlhal Danville. (Fr.) Montpellier, Jan. 15 , U74. 074 . 83. b. A declaration of the diet of Poland, re¬ nouncing their allegiance to Ilenrv D. d'Aniou. (Lat.) 1574 . ‘ 276 . 84. Iho. Willis, to Ld. Leicefter; intelligence, about French affairs. (Orig.) Jan. 15, 1574. 269. 85. Lang.to Ld. Leicefter; mentions in a P. S. an intention for a general mnUiicrc of the pro- teitants in France. (Orig. Fr.) Feb. 6, 1574 . 270 . 86. Jac. Mannuei, to Ld. Leicefter; intelligence about certain domeiiics of M. dc Mercv, Ac. (Orig. I till, two letters.) Paris, March 20 and 23 , 1574 . 277 . 87 . La Motte Fenelon. to Ld. Leicefter; the death of Charles IX. mentioned. (Orig. Fr.) London. Aug. io, 1574. ' 2 S 1 . 88. Charles de Montmorency, to Ld. Leicefter; concerning the releale of Marlhal de Montmoreiicv. (Orig. 1*T.) Sept. 8, 1574. 283 *. 89- Henrv ill. king of France, to Ld. Leicefter; profelfmg friendlhip. (Orig. Fr.) Lyons, Oct. 5, 1574. ' ' " 285. 90 . MongOumery, to Ld. Leicefter; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Fr.) llochelle, Oct. 8, 1574 . 286 . 91 . La Motte Fenelon, to Ld. Leicefter; with a prefent from the Q. of Scotland to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Fr.) London, Nov. 7 , 1574 . 288. 92 . IL (Lord) North, to Ld. Leicefter: intelli¬ gence from the French court. (Orig) Paris, Nov. 16, 1574. ” 2y0. 93. Acerbo Vellutelli, to Ld. Leicefter; on private concerns. (Orig. Ital.) London, Nov. 12 , 1574 292 . 94. Some lady, to Q. Elizabeth; offers her fcr- vices, and thanks Iter for favours. Nov. 24 , 1574 ? 294 . 95 . Jac. MatiUuci, to fir Fr. Walftngham ; intel¬ ligence CALIGULA, E. VI. VII. 169 ligence from France. (Orig.Ital.) Lyons, Nov. 27 , 1574. -96. 9 G. Articles of an agreement, feemingly concern¬ ing a donidtic. (Ital.) 1574? 298. 97 . Ileniy III. K. of France, and the Q. mother; about the reception they gave to Ld. North at Lyons. (Fr.) Lyons, Jan. 24, 1575. 299 . fis. A fragment of a letter to Q. Eliz. on French affairs. Jan. 28? 1575. 301. 99 . Francois (D. d'Alencon) to fir Tho. Smith; complimental. (Orig. Fr.)' Nov. 29 , 1575. 303. 100 . Montmorency, to fir Tho. Smith; compli¬ mental. (Orig. Fr.) Poitiers, Dec. 3, 1575. 304. 101 . lien. III. K. of Fr. to fir Tho. Smith, (a few lines Orig. Fr.) Paris, Dec. lG, 1575. 305. 102 . Ilenry ill, to Q. Elizabeth ; defiring redrefs for fome merchants. (Orig. Fr.) Dec. 1 5,75. 306. 103. Lang.? two fragments, in one of which he dciircs leave to export three geldings. 1575. 30?. 104 . Acerbo Vcllutclli; three letters to Ld. Lei- ccfter. (Orig. Ital. much mutilated.) Jan. 27 , Hi, aiid 30, 1575. 309- 105 . T. Earl of Suffex, to Ld. Leicefter ; on French affairs. (Orig.) April 7 , 1576 . 315. 106 . A trafl, entitled, “ Police ct difeipline eccle- fiaftique pour le reglement des eglifes de Gucrnfe, Gerle, Sark, ct Origni, comme el 1c a £t6 faite au fynode tenu a Guernfe, le 18 de Juin, 1576 .” 324. 107 . A paper of intelligence from Tournay. Nov. 20 ; and Antwerp, Nov. 22 , 1576 . 317 . 108 . Sir A Pawlet, to Ld. Leicefter; three fmall fragments. (Orig.) Paris, Nov. 24, and Dec. S, and 23, 1576 . S 19 . 109 . The plat of the place of affembly of the Fr. king, with the three eftates. Dee. 0, 1576 . 339. 110 . Seventeen letters from Valent. Dale, to Ld. Leicefter; and fome papers without fignatures writ¬ ten in the courie oftheyear 1576. (much mutilated.) 340. 111 . A paper entitled “ Harangue du roy," pro- bably the fpeeehheld by Henry III. to the allembly, on his acceffion, in the year 1576. 377- 112 . A paper entitled, “ L’ambaffadeur de France a la majelte de la Reyne d’Angleterre;” concerning the execution of the treaty of Fornam Caftle ; the treatment of the Q. of Scots, &c. 381. 11 S. Q.Elizabeth's inftructions to her ambaffador in France. 386. 114 . Sir Francis Walfingham; a fragment, dated Morret, April 1 . 392 . 115 . Babeaud, to Ld. Leicefter; a fragment of a letter about plots of poil’oning. London, March 27 . 393. 11 6. Articles: about mercantile privileges. 395. 117 . Three letters of intelligence, in Italian; two from Antwerp. 396 . Caligula , E. VII. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 390 . 1 . Sir Amyas Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter? reports the fudden departure of Monfteur (the I). d’Anjou) from Paris. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. 1577 . 1 . 2 . Rielul. Spencer, to.intelligence from France. (Orig. Lat.) Par. Dec. 24 , 1577 . 2 . 3 . Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter; various intelligence; Don John's armaments, &c. (Orig.) Par. Oct. 30, 1577 . 3. 4. Brulart (Chanc. of Fr.) a declaration concern¬ ing redrefs for the capture of iliips. (an Englilh tranflation.) Par. Nov. 14 , 1577. 5. 5. John.to the E. of Leicefter; acquaints him that Monf. Perdillan is to be lent into England by the proteftants, See. (Orig.) Rochelle, Oft. 28, 1577? 6. 6. Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Warwick; intel¬ ligence from France. (Orig.) Poictiers, Oct. 5, 1577. 6. 7. Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence. (Orig.) Poictiers, 06t. 6, 1577. 10 . 8. Sir A. Pawlet, to Sec y Walfingham? a variety of intelligence concerning the fufpicious proceedings of the French, and other powers ; about Don John, Mansfield, the Guifes, See. alfo about Scottifh affairs, &c. (Orig.) Paris, 1577. 12 . 9 . A letter from a lady; defining the perfon it is written to, to a {fill her in recovering ibmc plate, trinkets, See. which the had lent to Col. Winborne. (Orig. Fr.) Forges, Sept. 18 . 14. 10. A letter (probably from Walfingham) to fir A. Pawlet; intelligence. 11 , 1577- 15. 11 . Sir A. Pawlet, to Q. Elizabeth; an ample report of events in France; the taking of la Chariti and Ifi’oire; preparations, &c. (Orig.) Tours, June 12 , 1577. 16. ] 2 . A ten days journal, of the proceedings of the fleets of the French king, and the princes. Gi. 13. Tho. Copley, to Ld.ftates his reafons for accepting the rank of baron from the French king. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 5, 1577- 23. 14 . Sir A. Pawlet, to Ld.intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. 4. 25. 15. A letter not figneri, but probably from fir A. Pawlet, to Walfingham; intelligence from France. Biois, April, 1577. 26 . 16 . A rough draught of a Spanilh letter. Sept. 5, 1577. " 30. 17 . Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter; about, warlike preparations in France. (Orig.) Poibtievs. July 19, 1577. 31. 18 . Sir Fran. Walfingham, to the F. of Lcieeftei; acquaints him with the furrender of la (barite; and other intelligence from France. (Orig.) Lon¬ don, May 20 , 1577. 33. 19 . Henry III. K. of France, to the municipal officers of Paris and other cities; ordering them to arm againft the Huguenots. (French.) Biois, Jan. 3, 1577* 35. 20 . Sir Fran. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; communicates French news: two letters. (Orig.) Strateford, July 25, and 26, 1577. 37. 21 . Th.to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the proceedings of the princes in the fouth of France. ^Orig.) Rochelle, Sept. 7, 1577. 41. 22 . A paper in Burleigh’s hand; being a propolal for a melfage to be lent to France. 43. 23. Certain points of lir Amyas Pawlet’s inftruc- tions. 1577- 45. 24. InftructionB for fir A. Pawlet; appointed am- baffador to the French king. 1577. 49 . 25. Sir A. Pawlet, to fir Fran. Walfingham? in¬ telligence about the war in France. Poictiers, July 19, 1577. 53. 26. Sir Fran. Walfingham to the E. of Leicefter; French news. (Orig.) At Court, July 4 , 1577- 55. 27 . Sir A. Pawlet; four letters of intelligence from France, probably all to the E. of Leicefter. X x (Orig.) I/O CALIGULA, E. VII. (Orig.) Blois, April... Par. March 25, 1 J 7 7 . and March 10 , 757 . 3 . 57 . ‘2 3 . Henry 111 . K. of France, to Q. Elizabeth; a requifilion to return lame lhips ieized by the Englifh. 03 . 20 . Sir A. Pawlct, to the E. of Leicefter; re- prelents the wretched ftate of France; and lends Ibme intelligence. (jy. :o. Articles to be obferved, and the oath to be taken, by the knights of the order of the Holy Ghoft, militated in 1578. (French.) Paris, Oct. « 5 , 1577 . 68 . 31. A ratification of fomc powers delegated to the princes bv the city of Rochelle. (Orig. Fr. on veil inn, ligned by a great number ot the members of the municipality.) Rochelle, Sept. 10 , I5G8. 7 < 2 . 3'2. Ld. Burleigh, to Ld.concerning Monlieur's offer of marriage to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. a final 1 fragment.) Sheene, Aug. 6 , 157 s. 74 . 33 . Statutes of the order of the Holy Ghoft. 1578. ' 7(j. ■74. Sir A. Paw let, to hr Fra. Walhngham; intel¬ ligence about tlu- releafe of foine EngUflunen, and Monlieur's preparations, &c. (Orig.) ‘Paris, Oct. 1 ;i. ♦577. 94 . 55. Copy of a letter from Geneva ; chiefly on the proceedings of the Swils. inclofed in the above. 1577. 95 . 5(i. Sir A. Pawlet, to Sir Fra. Walhngham; various intelligence about French affairs. gg. 57 . Sir A. Pawlet, to Ld. Leicefter; two letters on French affairs, chiefly about Monficur. (Orig.) Paris, July 20 , and Feb.... 1578 . 100 . ■38. R. Lloyd, to the E. of Leicefter; various in¬ telligence from the French court. (Orig.) Paris, Jan. 18 , 1579- ' 108 . 59 . Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters, one of thanks, and both containing intelli¬ gence; alio about mules to be lent over. (Orig.) Feb. 9, and Jan. l i, 1578 . ' 105 . 40. Articles of an accommodation between France and Spain. (Fr.) 1578. 108 . 41. A rough draught of a paper on the affairs of France, and the Low Countries. no. 4 ‘2 .to the E. of Leicefter; about redeem¬ ing the crown of Navarre mortgaged to Q. Eliza¬ beth, &c» (Orig.) Charter-houl'e, July 26 , 1578 . 112 . 43 . A letter of intelligence from France; probablv from hr A. Pawlet, to hr Fr. Walling-ham. Paris, .... 5. 114 . 4 4. Sir A. Pawlet. to the E. of Leicefter; on French affairs, and ionic private matters. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 6, 1573. ny. 45. A rem on ft ranee of the hates of Normandy, agaiuft the Taille. (Fr.) Rouen, Nov. 19 , 157 s: 119 . 46. Sir Fra. Walhngham, to the E. of Leiec-fter; about Fr. and Spanith affairs, and a fuit of V Shrew !'- bury. (Orig.) Richmd. Nov. 11 , 1573 . 121 . 47- Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter: live letters on Fr. Spanish, and other affairs. (Orig.) I’aris, Aug. 5, 25 , May 23, 27, 1578. and Aug.'g 123 . 48 1 . Edmund A orke, to Arthur Atv ; about great and France. (Orig.) 131. 49 . De A ilgicr, to the E. of Leicefter; requefting i'uue favour. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, Sept. 1579 . 135 .' naval preparations in Spain ; l i uernfey, Aug. 7. • Sir A. Puvffl, to the E. of Leicefter; thanks; aud about the 1 ). of Northumberland. (Ori.o-.'J Paris, June 18 , 1579 - 1 51 . The municipality of Rochelle, to the E. of Leicefter: dcfiriirg him to procure the remillion of a debt they owed to the citv of London. (Orff-. Pi. > Rot h< lie, D.v. e6, i >79, ' ' iL,. |,. Aloniicur ( Francis D.d'Anjou ) to the E. of Leicefter ; thanking him for his good offers with Q. Eli/, and* defiling leave to come to her court. 15s. b. 5.3. Sir A. Pawlet, to the E. of Leicefter; various intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, April 11, 1579. 1.79. 5 1. Sir Fra. Walhngham, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning the queen's marriage with Monficur. (Orig.) At court, July 1 55 . W .to ... . armaments. (Orig.) June...i 580 . 142. 56 . Sir IF. Cobh am, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters with intelligence from France. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 9 , and Nov. .7, 1580 . ' 14.3. ’ 57- Three letters, in which the writer deferibes his reception, and fcvcral feu (is at the French court. . 1530. 140 . . concerning the Spanith 1 :. Feb. 1580 58. French ftanzas; being a challenge tb a tour¬ nament. ' 5f>. II. Lloyd, to the 1.. of Leicefter; news from France. (Orig.) March 15, 1579 . 158 . 60. Sir E. Stafford : to the E. of Leicefter; a re¬ port. (Orig.) Angiers, Jan. 1579. 155. 61 . Sir 11. Loblutm, to the 1.. of Leicefter; on his ucgocialioiis in France. (Orig. ) Paris, Jan. 20, 15 79: . 156. 62 . Sir II. Cobham? to the E. of Leicefter; various intdiigcncc about the motions of Alnnliour &<■*. ', 57 . 6 :’«. R. Lloyd, to the F.. of Leicefter; about war¬ like! reparations in Spain and France. (Orig.) Paris, March 12 , 15 79- 159 . 64. W. 11 ... . to.Lwo letters, the laft not ligned; various intelligence, especially copeeniing Monficur. May 18, 1530. 1 (jo. 65. A paper of intelligence from France. 166 . 66. H. prince of Conde, to lien. Ill; cxpreffvc of loyalty, (probably a tranllation from the French.) La Fere, A lay 22 , 1580. 167 . 67 . R. Lloyd, to the E. of Leicefter; news from France. (Orig.) May 31, 15S0. 169 . 6S. A French anonymous letter, probably to Leicefter; news from France. Paris, June 8, 1580. 171. 69- AVaad, to fir Fra. Walfingham ; various in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Paris, Jan. :io> 1580, 173 . 70. Sir. II. Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, June 15 , ami March 12 , 1580. 175 . 71 . Sir E. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter; ac¬ quaints him with an audience he had of the Fr. king. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. S, 15so. 179 . 7‘2. Sir II. Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter. (a frag¬ ment.) Paris, Feb. 8, 1580. iso. 7 5. Particulars of Stafford's audience. Feb. 1580. 181. 74 . Intelligence from France. July, 1580. 182. 75 . Sir H. Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters, one containing intelligence, and the other on Leicefter s return to court. (Orig.) Paris, J une 9 , 1580. and March 13, 1681 - 2 ? 184. 76. R. Llovd, CALIGULA, L. VII. J 7 T 76. II. Lloyd, to the E. of Leicefter; occurrences in France. (Orig.) Paris, March 6, 1580. 1 88- 77 . Sir II. Cobliam, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Paris, March 27, 1580. 190 . 7S. G. Hopton, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence from Swilfcrlaiul, France, &c. (Orig.) Paris, March 27 , 1579. 192 . 79 . Anne Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence from France; propofals for an accommoda¬ tion. (Orig.) May 13, 1580. 194. 80 . Henry ill ; his commilfion, approving of the marriage of the 1). d’Anjou, with Q. Eliz. (an Englifh tranflation.) St. Germain, Feb. 28, 1581. 196 . 81 . A conference between the French amhafTador Mauvifieres,and the E. of Leicefter; concerning the queen's marriage with the D. d*Anjou. Nov. 10 . 198 . 82 . Sir II. Cobham, to fir Fra. Walfingham; in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Paris, Sept. 22, 1581. 199- 83. Sir II. Cobham, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, Sept. 22, 1581. ~ 201. 84 .to Mr. Herle; intelligence from France. 203 . 85. A letter figned A. Jamais, hut endorfed John Gilpin, to Mr. Win. Herle; intelligence. (Orig.) May 7 , 1581. 204. 86. Antli. Bacon, to the E. of Leicefter ; acquaints him with his arrival at Geneva, See. (Orig. If.) Geneva, Nov. 24, 1581. 205. 87 . Sir FI. Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter ; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Paris, June 15, 1581. 207 . 85 .to the 1). d'Anjou; a letter of thanks. (Ital.) June 15, 1581. 209- 89. A paper endorfed, “ Heads of the treafurer's difcourle : ’ on French affairs. 211 . 90 . Sir II. Cobham, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence. Paris, March 28, 1582. 212 . 91 . An account of the debt of the Low Countries to Q. Elizabeth. July, 1582. 214. 92 . A note of the forces of France; taken by David Perryn. May, 1582. 216 . 93 . A report on the ftate of the French court, See. (imperfect.) 1583. 217 . 94 . Sir II. Cobham, to fir Fra. Walfingham; about Scottifh affairs ; d'Aubigny penfioned by France, (a decypher.) March 11 , 1582. 221 . 95 . Sir II. Cobham, to fir Fra. Walfingham ; about Scottifh affairs, (partly in cypher.) Paris, Feb. 15 , 1583. 223. 96 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter; inter¬ ceding for one Trcfham, See. (Orig.) Paris, OH. 20, 1583. 226. 97 . Henry III; inftruHions to Mauvifieres about Scottifh affairs. (French.) St. Germain, Dec. 2 , 1583. 228. 98 . The E. of Derby, fir E. Stafford, Clarcncieux, and Somerfct heralds; their ftatement concerning a ceremonial at the inveftiture of Henry in. with the order of the garter. 1584-5. 230. 99 . The journey of Hen. E. of Derby, &c. into France to invelt Hen. III. with the order of the garter. Jan. 1584-5. 231 . 100 . An account of the ceremony on invefting Hen. III. with the order of the garter, i 5S4-5. 239 . 101 . A declaration of the cleHor of Cologne, granting liberty of eonfcience to his fubjedts. Bonn, Jan. 1584. 243. 102 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence. May 23, 1584. 245. 103.Lopez, to the E. of Leicefter; on private concerns. (Orig. Ital.) From court, April 16, 1535. 247. 104. Henry (K. of Navarre) to the E. of Leicef¬ ter ; fomc cautioiis, and profefiions of attainment to the queen. (Orig. lr.) Sept. 13, 1584. 249 . 105. Sir E. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence. Paris. 250 . 106 . Henry IIT, (K. of France) his acceptance of the order of the garter. Paris, ... 12 , 1585. 252. 107 . A paper containing much intelligence on the civil war in France. (French.) 254. 108 . A French fonftet, on the ftate of affairs in France in 1585. 256. 109. Sir Ed. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter; in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Paris, Jan. 1585. 258. 110 . The electors of Saxony and Brandcnburgh, and 6 other German princes, to Henry K. of Na¬ varre; on afi’aits of religion. (Latl) March 1 , 1586. 260. 111. Copies of four letters from the deputies of the bates of the United Provinces, to the king of Navarre, the P. of Conde, Monf. de Chaiiillon, and Vic. de Turenne: alfo inftrudtions to the faid de¬ puties. (French.) Paris, March, 1585. 268 . 112 . Henry K. of Navarre? to the E. of Leicef¬ ter; great profefiions of affedtion, and about a pre¬ lent of two hawks. (Orig. Fr. but without fig- fta&ure,) Henry addrelies the letter to “His good Ld. and Father;” and fubferibes himfelf “ Votre Lien humble Sohn,” See. Sedan, Aug. 13. 270 . 1 13. Intelligence from tome lpy, perhaps fent by lie Fra. Walfingham into France, 1536? £ 74 . 114 . Sir Fra. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter whilft in the Low Countries; recommending a phy- fieian. (Orig.) Greenwich, July s, 1586. 275 . 115 . Henry (K. of Nav.) to fir Fra. Walfing- ham; thanking him for good offices. (Orig. Fr.) Caftelgeloux, Feb. 26 , 1585. 277- 116 .to Mr. Wm. Herle; concerning private affairs. (Orig. Fr.) April 23. 278. 117 . Henry (Iv. of Nav.) to fir Fra. Walfingham 4 credential for Bufanval. (Orig. Fr.) Montauban. Jan. 23, 1586. ' l 18 d. 1 is. La Noue, to Stafford ; various news from Ge¬ neva, the Low Countries, Sec. (Orig. Fr.) Geneva, April 16, 15 86. 281. 119 . A requifition to the council, to releafe fome fliips, and their cargoes of corn; with a lift of the laid lliips. July. 282 . 120 . Antli.to the E. of Leicefter; a let¬ ter of civility. (Orig'. Fr.) Utrecht, Dec. 12 ; 286. 12 1. Dioguo Befell.to the E. of Leicefter; credential. (Orig. Ital.) Dordrecht, Sept. 30, 1587. 287. 122 . • Sir Fra.' Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter. (Orig. a fragment.) July's^, 1587. 288. 123. J. Woliey,. to the E. of Leicefter; chiefly ou private concerns. (Orig.) April 4, 1587. 290 . 1 >24 .to the E. of Leicefter; defiling his good offices with the admiral. (Orig. Fr.) July, 1587. 292 . 125 . A paper entitled, “ French occurrences.” Aug. 1587- 294 . 126 . Advertifcments out of Spain, and from Paris. Sept. 23, 1587. 296. b. 127 Henry CALIGULA, E. VII. VIII. ■ i-7- Henry (K. of Navarre) to the E. of Leices¬ ter; credential for Bufanval. (Orig. Fr.) 298 . 128. A French fong entitled, L'eclio de France." 1*587. 299 . 129 . Balwood, to James VI. K. of Scotland? with an apology for Q. -Mary his mother? againtl Bucha¬ nan. (Orig, Fr.) Feb. 18 , 1.588-9. '- 01 . 130 . .Ta. Grey? to John Thomfon; Soliciting his vote for an election in parliament. (Orig.) Tuthill, Sept. 1588. 30 * 2 . 131. Sir Fr. Walling-ham, to the E. of Lcicefter : a note. (Orig.) June 28, 1588. 504 . 182. Ant. Perczius, to James VI? about coining into his kingdom; and Tho. Parry, to Perczius; en¬ couraging-him thereto. (Latin.) Canterb. Feb. 2 . 8 . 306. 128- Sir F. Stafford, to the F. of Lcicefter; two letters of intelligence. Paris, Feb. 1,5 and 26 ', 1 . 5 s. 1 34.to Q. Elizabeth? complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Dieppe, Oct. 19 , 1589- 31 1 . 135. Henry iv, to Ld. Burleigh; recommending the ft cur dc Beauvoir. (Orig. Fr.) Frelhe I'elguillon, Aug. 19 , 1589- " 318. 18(5. The fentence of the Sorbonne againit L. Henry IV. (Fat. vid. Rym. XVI. 32.) Jan 4 , 1389-90. ” 314 . 13 7 - Oaths of aceeftion of Henry IV. and of alle¬ giance of the French nobility. (Fr. vid. ltym. xvi. 1 . 9 .) St. Cloud, Aug. 2, 15 , 89 . 31 ( 5 . 188. An abridged defeription of France. (French.) 319. 139 . Ph. de Marnicx, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; reports the taking of Melun by Henry IV. (Orig. Fr.) Melun, 1590 . ” * 341 . 140. The 1). de Montpcnlier, to Q. Elizabeth ; complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Dieppe, Sept. 2 . 5 , 1590 343 . b. 141 . Abft rafts of Several letters from and to France, from July to Dec. 1590 . *244. 142. Remembrance of the French king's requefts to Q. Elizabeth ; alio the writer's Suit to Ld. and realbns for keeping ihips on the coaftt. Feb. 2.5, 1590. 345 . 142. Ahftract of a letter from the P. of Navarre, Pr. of Conty? to Moniieur Cheau-Martin. Na- varreux, Dec. 1 , 1590 . 343 . 144. Henry (P. of C’onde?) to Q. Elizabeth ; de- firing a Succour of troops. (Orig. Fr.) Dec. 14 . 1590. 349 / 14.5. Francois de Bourbon (Pr. of Conty) to Q. Elizabeth ; defiring a Supply of powder. (Orig. Fr.) Avrauches, Dec. 27 , 1590 . ° 350 . 14 ( 1 . Sir l r. Drake, to Henry dc Bourbon, prince dc Dombcs; acquainting him with the orders lie had for afliiting Brittany. (Lat. vid. llym. xvi. 8 . 5 .) Nov. 13, 1590. ‘ 350 . b. 147- Henry de Bourbon, to fir Fr. Drake; about the motions of the Spaniards. (Orig. Lat. vid. Rvm. XVI. 86.) Dec. 14, 1590. 351 . i ts. Particulars of a contract for Supplies to be lent to the French king. March, 1591 . 353 . b. 149 - Henry IV, to Sir Fd. Stafford ; complimental. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 154 .) Chartres, March 4 15 9 2 - 355. 150. A paper touching an ofrenfive league. 1591 . 356. 151. Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; conjuring her to fend him fuccour. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 96.) Buhy, May 21, 1.591. ' * s ' ds ' 152 . Henry iv, to Q. Elizabeth; acquaints her with his having taken Louviers, and other military opera- tions, &c. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 98.) ' Budelv, June 13, 1.591. ” ’ 13 ... 1 [cnr\ dc la lour, to Q. Elizabeth; exprel- fmg his regret that Luton the Fngliih ambailador h;ul letl them. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rvui. XVI. 99.) Gilbrs, June 18, 1 , 59 !. ‘ 36i.'b. l x. Henry 15 , to Q. Elizabeth; on Cnton's hav- ing left him. (Orig. Fr. v id. Rym. xvi. 99.) Gilbrs, June 19, 1.591. 1 . 5 . 5 . Marihal Biron, 1o Q. Elizabeth; on his ap¬ pointment to a command in Brittain. (Ori*>\ Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 100.) Gilbrs, June 19, 1.591. x,4. ' 1 •'(>. Henry IV; hisanlwers to lb me queftions pro- pofed to him on the part of'Q. Klizabelli, concerning tlie fueeour the was to fend into Britlanv. (Ori-G IT. vid. Rymer XVI. 92.) Cbarlres, March i,'1,591.' 36 7. 1.57. Francois de Bourbon Pr. of C'ontv, to Q. Elizabeth; about Supplies of ammunition.' (Orig. Fr. vid. Rymer XVI. 8.5.) Conltans, Nov. 9, 3 70. 158 . Henry IV; bis inftruCtions to M. de la Tour, lent through Germany into England. (Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 36 .) Feb. 4 , 1390. 372 . 1 59. Ph. de Marnicx, to fir Fra. Walfingham; intelligence. (Orig. IT.) Bray, April 20,'1590.’ 160. Henry iv, to IrrT.d. Stafford; Complimental; and about the motions of the Spaniards. (Orio-. I T. vid. Rym. XVI. 6 1.) Rozcnav, May 6, 1590. *379. 161. Sir Roger Williams; advice from France, (vid. Rym. xvi. 8 ( 5 .) Nov. 20, 1.590. 380. t 1 d2. A dilcourle on the (rate of France; by fir Jo. Norreys. 1.590. ’ 383.' 168. Henry i\, to Q. Elizabeth ; on his fncceftcs. (Orig. Fr.) May 1, 1592. 330*. b. * ! 04 . Q. Elizabeth, to Henry iv ; credential in favour qt Fdm. Yorke; and inl'truciions to the Said Fdm. Yorke. (Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 89.) Jan. 20, i.5yo. 38?. 16.5. Abft raft of Henry ivth's let 1 c r to Monf: Beauvoir, his ambailador in Log-land; concerning the fuccour to be lent into Britlanv. ( French.*) March 4 , 1 . 590 . ‘ ' *, )0 _ Caligula, E. VIII. Codex chartacens, in folio, conltans foliis 590. 1 . Extracts of two letters, the one from Henry iv. on Ins iuc, ( lies againit Favannes and Loup-chamo-'. (Fr.) Aug. 10, 1.591. 2. The D. de May emit?, to Monf. de St. Paul; charging him to batten to his afliliance. (Fr.) Ab¬ beville, March 10, 1591 ? 8. Beauvoir de la None the French ambailador, to fir H. Luton Fngliih ambailador; a friendly letter. (Orig. l’r.) J.ondon, March 16, 1594. ' 4. 4. Alex. I arnefe, to.directing him to come to his alii Stance with Some horie. (Ital.) St. Remi. March 13 , 1592 . 5 q 5. Beauvoir de la None, to fir H. Unton; two letters, chiftly on private concerns. (Orig. Fr.) London, Sept 9 ? and 27 , 1591 . q. 6. Two letters to Henry IV; one from Fumieres, and the other from Boilliere; on military affairs! (Fr.) Corbie, March 25 , 1391 . 9 . 7 - Henry CALIGULA, E. VIII. 7 . Henry IV, to fir H. Unton; on his appointment to the French embaffy. (Orig. Fr.) Noyon, Aug. 1.5, 1591 . 10 - 8.to fir II. Union; friendly, and ex¬ horting him to he zealous in the French king's caufe. (Orig. Fr.) 1 i • 9 . Ch. dc Bourbon (Ct. of Soiffons) to fir II. Unton ; requeuing he would come to him. (Orig. Fr.) St. Lever, Dec. 22, 1591. 13. 10. Sir II. Unton, to fir Ilobt. Cecil; chiefly on private concerns ; laments the death of chancellor Hatton, and his heavy debts. Dec. ig, i’5gi. 14. 11. Sir H. Unton, to the Privy Council; reports the pofture of the French king’s affairs, who folicits alliflance. Dec. 1591. 16. 12 . Ld. Treafurer Burleigh, to fir II. Unton ; four¬ teen original letters of inftruFtions in his negocia- tions in France; dated March 18 . Aug. 3, la, 22. Sept. 2 , ... 13, 20 , 24. Oct. 12 , 15, cp. Dec. l, and 4 , 1591 . IS- 13 . A difeourfe of Monf. de Mornay, on the pofture of the Fr. king’s affairs, after having been worfted in Brittany. 46. 14 . A difeourfe on the military operations in France. (Fr.) Aug. 3, 1591 . 4.9. 15 . The college of cardinals, to the city of Paris; on the death of Gregory XIV. (Lat.) Oct. l O', 1591. 50. 16 . An account of a tliarp conference between Henry IV, and the cardinal dc Vendome. (French.) July 5, 1591 . 52. 1 7 . Articles offered by the city of Chartres to Henry iv. 1591. 54. 18. Some cautions, and advertifoments, from a fecretary, to prince Cafimir (Latin.) 56. 19 . A paper of advice to a perfon (perhaps Henry If. of Nav.) how to conduct himlelf at court. (Fr.) 57 . 20 . A 11 expolition of the motives why Q. F.liz. will not fend more forces into Normandy, (vid. Ilyin. XVI. 14.9.) Nova 1592 . 62 . 21 . A treaty between England and France, for fending over auxiliaries. 65. 22 . Q. Elizabeth’s inft ruff ions to fir Hen. Unton, fent ambaffador to the French king; together with his letters of credence in French: and allb certain points taken out of the treaties with France, and to be given to lir H. Unton. (vid. Rym. \V 1 . 103.) Greenwich, July 24 , 1591 . 69 . 28. Henry IV, to treafurer Burleigh; an apology for fending Ld. Grimltonft on a journey. (Fr. vid. Rym. XVL 100.) Dieppe, June i9,1591- 75. 2 1 . Notes of the incidents relating to the F.. of Eifex's .expedition into Normandy; with their dates. 76. b. 2 >. A declaration of the caufes moving Q-Eliz. to fend for her forces out of Normandy. 1592 . 78. 26 . Hacquevillc, to Q. Elizabeth; news about the liege of Gournay, &c. and foliciting a further fupply of 2,000 men. (Orig. Fr. vid. Rym. XVI. 124.) Gournay, Oct. 4, 159L 81. b: 27 . A ftatement of the conduct of the war in Brittany. (French.) 83. 28 . Inftructions for Th. Grove, one of the fix waiters of her majefty’s navy; lent with certain pin¬ naces to ferve in the river Seine, (vid. Rym. x\ I. 187.) Nov» 87 . 29 A memorial for fir Tho. Leighton, fent by her iiu' jeft) lo aliiit the E. of Elfex before Rouen, (vid. Rym. XVI.*178.) Dec. i 2, 1591; 89. 30. A note of fome papers relating to the French treaty. 9 c. b. 31. Infiruftions for fir Roger Williams, lent to affift in the defence of Dieppe. 1591. 93. 32. Dc Paillo; his account of the proceedings of the French king; and an humble requeft for fome fupplies. (Fr. vid. Rym. xvr. 157 .) Mar. 16, 1592 : 97- 33. Inftrufilions to Burnham, for concluding fome forces from the: Low Countries into Normandy, (vid. Rym. xvi. lGi.) May, 1592 . * 104 . 34. Obligationcs inter oraturcs regis Chriftianifis. et ednfiliarios regime. 106 . 3.5. Anfwcr given to Monf. Saney and the French ambaffador, upon a remonftrance delivered by then! from the French king. 110. 36. Ten original letters of inftru&ions and advice, from fir IL Cecil, to fir H. Unton; dated Dec. 6. Oct. 3 . Sept. 3. 24 . 20 . Aug. 28. 22 . 5 . March 14 and Aug. 1 l. 1591. Ill. 3 7 . Extracts of fome points out of the treafurer (Burleigh's) letter of July 27 , 1591. 181. 88. Two extracts concerning the Englifli forces in France. 133 . 39 . Copy of certain articles of treaties with France; figned Burghley. 137. 40 . Inftructions to Mr. Edm. Yorke, fent to the French king, (copied by two hands; a part in the middle wanting, vid. Rym. XVI. 89 .) Richmond, Jan. 30, 1590 - 1 . 139 . 41 . Three original letters of inftru&ions and advice from the Ld. treafurer Burleigh, to lir H. Unton; dated Feb. 5 . 12. and 19. 1.591-2. 143 . 42. Q. Elizabeth, to lir II. Unton ; declaring her intention to aflilt the French king with 1,600 men. (Orig.) Wcftm. Feb. 19, 1591-2. 149 . 43. 'fhe prince de Dombes, to the treafurer Bur¬ leigh ; requelting the continuance of his good offices. (Orig. Fr.) 151. 44. Sir Chr. Hatton, chancellor, to fir If. Unton; on his (Unton’s) illncl’s. (Orig.) London, Sept: 5,1591. 152. 45. The Lds. of the Privy Council, to the E. of Elfex ? reproving him for mifconduct in the army: (Orig.) Sept. 25, 1591. 155. 46 . Sir Chr. Hatton, to fir H. Unton; friendly, and containing fome intelligence. (Orig.) London, Sept. 18 , 1591. 157- 47 . Five original letters from the E. of Elfex, to fir II. Unton; containing intelligence; dated March 5 . 9 .Sept; 6, 1591 . and I’eh. 19 , 1592. 159 48. Ld. Cobhani, to lir II. Unton: intelligence. (Orig.) Cowdrey, Aug. 18, 5591. 169 . 4<). Ld. Hunfdon, to fir H. Unton; friendly- (Orig.) Whitehall, March 1 5, 1591 - 2 ? 171 . 50. The E. of Ld’ex, to fir II. Union; on the liegd of Rouen, &c. (Orig.) Feb. 12 , 1591 - 2 . 173 . 51. Ld. Buckluirft, to lir II. Unton; two letters on private concerns. (Orig.) March 8, and 10 , 1591 - 2 . 175. 52. j. Fortefeuc, lo fir IUnion; three letters, chiefly about chan ill 1 Hatton’s jdecith. (Orig.; Aug. 26 . Dee. 1 , and 2 , 1591- 1 79- 53 . Sir II. Unton, to Q. Elizabeth; intelligence from the French army ; and about chancellor Hat¬ ton’s death. Nov. 20 , 1591. 184. 51 . A report on the conduct of the war in France, especially about the liege of Rouen; complaining of the French king. 1591. 136. 55. Sir Yy *74 CALIGULA, E. VIII 5.3. Sir II. Unton, to Lcl. trealurer Burleigh ; on the ftate of affairs in France. Noyon, Oct. 23. 1591. 188 . 56 . Sir II. Unton, to Q. Elizabeth; an ample re¬ port of the affairs in France. Oct. 28 , 159 1. lv)0. 57. Inftruftions to fir II. Unton, fent ambaffador to France. (Orig. figned bv Q. Eliz. and Bur¬ leigh. vid. Rym. xvi. 103 .and above VIII. 09.) Green¬ wich, July 24 . 1.391. 194. • 3 y. The Eds. Burleigh, C’ohham, and Ilunfdon, to fir 11 . Unton, and fir Tho. Leighton; directing them to urge the return of the E. of Effex. (Orig. vid. Rym. XVI. 147.) Whitehall Dec. 23 , J.391. 1 Q 8 , 59 . Sir II. Unton, to the Ld. chancellor; report¬ ing his motions. Oft. 13, 1591 . 200 . 60. Notes of fomc matters to be reprefented to tlic Fr. king; probably by lir II. Unton. 201. Of. Ld. Burleigh, to lir II. Unton; two original let ters of advice and inftruftions. (vid. Rym. xvi. 141 , anil 143 .) Dec. 0 , and 15 , 1.591. 202. 02. Rough draughts of two letters from fir H. Unton; one to the Ld. chancellor. Oct. 1, 1.591. 200 . 0:>. The chief points of the contract between the I>. ot I'ranee, and the princes of Germany. (Ifal. conf, Rym. xvi. 1 8 1 .) 1592 - 3 . * 207 . 04 . Beauvoir la Nouc, to fir II. Unton; on private concerns. (Orig.Fr.) London, Feb. 24, 1592. 209 05 . A let ter of intelligence from Paris. (French.) 210. 00 . Part of a letter, giving notice of fupplics of men and money being lent. (French.) 211. 07. Articles accordes par Mels, de Beauvoir et de lleaux, et Mels, le Grand Trelbrier, 1 admiral d'Angletcre, et le chain be lan. (Orig. vid. Rym. XVI. 102.) Greenwich, June 25, 1591. 212. 68. Two bills of charges for tnuifports, See. 1591 . 214 . (><). An indenture, witneffmg the plate that had been delivered out of the jewel office to fir II. Union. • (Orig.) July £ 5 , 1591 . 21 0 . 70. Four papers of cyphers. 2is. 71. Information given by John Chamberlavn; concerning cuftoms to be paid on provilions. 1591. 222 . 72. A fragment of a cypher. 224. 73 . A warrant for the payment of fir II. Unton’s diet and extraordinaries. July 22 , 1592? 220 . 74. Sir II. Unton’s challenge to the young D. de Guile, (vid. Rym. XVI. 118 .) 1591 . * 227. 75. Queen Elizabeth, to fir II. Unton ; Rightly re¬ proving him, and permitting him to return. (Orig. vid. Rym. xvi. 157 -) Weitm. March 10 , 1591-2. 229. 70. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; expoftulatory, on the Pr. de Dombes endeavouring to lead the Engliih forces out of Brittany. (Fr.) Aug. 1591. 231 . 77. Q. Elizabeth, to fir II. Unton; two original let¬ ters of orders to make remonftranees to the Fr. king; and reprimanding him for mifeonduft. (vid. Rym. XVI. 117, and 122.) Chicheltcr, Aug. 22, and Sut¬ ton, Sept. 20, 1591 . 233 . 78 . Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; expoftulatory, on the conduct of the war. (Fr. vid. llym. XVI. 111.) Aug. 17, 1591. 237. 79 Sir Chr. Hatton, to fir II. Unton; concerning the queen's reprimand in her letter of Sept. 20 . (Orig.) London, Get. 4, 1591. 239 . 80 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir II. Unton; declaring her purpofe not to give any further aid to the Fr. king. (Orig.) Weitm. Dec. 0, 1501. 241 ? si. Q. Elizabeth, to the Pr. of Anhalt; on the death of the elector of Saxony, and the r.cg-c of Rouen. (Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 138.) Weftm Dec. 3 , 1591. - 243. 82. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV ; expoftulatory, on the treatment of her troops. (Fr.) Dec. 12 , 1591 . 245. 53. Q. Elizabeth, to the Pr. of Anhalt; on the death of the elector of Saxony, and the war in France. (Lat. vid. Rym. xvi. i.jo.) Richmond, Oft. 22 , 1591 . “ 247. 54. Rough draughts and copies of forty letters from fir 11. Unton ; To Ld. Burleigh, Dec. 31, 1591. D° D° 3, D° D° D° 21, D" Sir R. Cecil, D° 22, IP Ld. Burleigh, D° 25, 1)° Q. Elizabeth, D° 26, IP Ld. Burleigh, D° 26, IP D° D° 20, IP Sir R. Cecil, D° 20, D a Ld. Burleigh, D° 29, D° F. ol : D° 4, D° Sir R. Cecil, I)° 29, D° Sir J. Norris, March 3, 1591-2. Ld. Burleigh, D° 5, D° D° D° 3, D° Ld. Howard, D° 9, IP Sir R. Cecil, D° 15, D° Ld. Burleigh, 1)° 1,3, D° D° D° 17, D“ D° D° 19. D° Sir Th. Ileneacrc, 1 )° 15, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° *9, D 8 SirTh. llcnragc, D° 20, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° 20, D° E. of Effex, 1)° 20, D° Ld. Bueklnirft, IP 20, D* Ld. Burleigh, JP D° I)° D° 23, D° Mr. Grimfton, Aug. 2, 1591. Ld. Burleigh, D° 3, D 8 Sir Chr. Ilatton, D° ' 3, D ? Mr. For tele ue, IP 3, IP Ld. Burleigh, D° 15, l) 8 Sir R. Cecil, D° 3, D 8 D“ D° 17, D 8 Sir Chr. Ilatton, D° 17, IP Ld. Burleigh, D“ 17, IP D° D 8 17, D° I)° D° 24, D 8 Mr. G rimfton, D° 28, D* 8 . 3 . Sir Th. Hencage, to lir II. Unton; intelligence. (Orig.) Feb. 20, 1591-2. 320 . SO. Sir H. Unton, to Ld. Burleigh, (a rough draught.) Aug. 31 , 1.391. 322. 87 . Sir. Th. llcnmge, to fir II. Unton. (Orig. a fragment.) Feb. 19 , 1.391-2. 324 . 88 . Sir II. Unton, t" Ld. Effex and Mr. vice cham¬ berlain. (rough draughts.) Feb. 1, 1591-2. 326 . 89 . Extracts from certain intercepted letters from Englilli fugitives. July, 159 1. 330 . 90. A paper of intelligence ; probably from fir IT. Unton. 3S2. 91 . Sir II. Unton, to fir R. Cecil, (a copy or draught.) Oily. Feb. l, 1 . 59 1-2- 334. 92. Advertil’ements from divers places, for fir H. Unton. 336 . 93. Advertifements of the D. of Parma's over¬ throw at the liege of the fort againft Nimegucn. 337. 94 . Notes- C ALIGUL A, E. VIII. 94. Notes of intelligence about the D. of Parma, &c. 338. 9.5. Hough draughts and copies of fixteen letters from Sir H. Unton. To Ixl. Burleigh, Eeb. 16, 1591-2. Sir R. Cecil, D" 8, D° The Vice Chamb . I)° 8, D° E. of Efiex, D° 8, D° Sir R. Cecil, D° 13, D° E. of Efiex, IP 13, D° Q. Elizabeth, D° 16, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° 16, D° D° D° 20, D° D° D° 23, D° The E. of Efiex, D° 24, D° Sir R. Cecil, IP 24, D" Q. Elizabeth, D° 28, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° 2S, D° Sir R. Cecil, D° 28, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° 24, D° 9G. Sir Kobt. Cecil, to fir II. Unton ; three original letters of intelligence and advice, dated May 4, and Feb. 12 and 19 , 1592 . 369 . 97. Hough draughts and copies of ten letters from fir II. Unton. To Ld. Burleigh, May 7 , 1592 . D° D’ B , D” D’ D" 10 , D° D° D° n, D’ D° D" 1 , D° D° 1)’ 11 , D’ D" I)* Ki, I)” D° D’ 24, D" D° June 12 , D° Sir R. Cecil, D° 12 , D” 375 . Sir ,T. Norrisyto fir II. Unton ; concerning the London, March 8, 1 591 - 2 , 39 < 2 . 99- Sir J. Norris; a difeourfe of the ftate of France. 394. 100 . A memorandum of the ftate of the army in France. 39 6. 101 . Sir J. Norris, to fir II. Unton; concerning the Englifii troops in France. (Orig.) Feb. 1591 - 2 . 398. 102 . Grimfton, to fir H. Unton; news from the army. Aug. 6, 1591 . 400 . 103. Copy of an order of the privy feal for the charges ol her majefty's ambaffador in France. March 12 , 15 79, and accounts in confequence therc- °h . 402 . 104. Abftracl of a letter of Q. Elizabeth, to be communicated to the Fr. king. Aug. 22 , 1591 . 404. .10.7.• ■ . to the Fr. ambaffador in London; friendly. (Fr.) Dieppe, March 20 , 1591 - 2 . 406 . 10 G. An account of the Fr. king's debt to Q. Eli¬ zabeth. (vid. Hym. XVI. 88 .) 1590 . 407 . 107 . A remembrance of the Fr. king’s requefrs, to be moved to her majefty. (vid. Hym. XVI. 43 .) Chartres, Feb. 25, 1596 . * 409 108 . Notes of the artillery and ftores loaded in three vetfels. 4 1 , 109 . Sir II. Unton, to Mr. Grimfton; defirino- him to liaften the fending away the Fr. kind's com firmation of an agreement. Dieppe, Aug. 2. 1591. 413. 110 . Sir II. Unton, to Ld. Cobham; thanks and intelligence. Aug. 4 , 1591 . 415 . U 1 . Intelligence from the camp. Aug. 1591 . 417 . • *75 112 . Articles of capitulation of the town o' Noyon. Aug. 17 , 1591. 4 ig. 113. Rough draughts of fourteen letters of fir II. Unton. .0 Ld. Burleigh, Aug. 23, Sir R. Cecil, Sept. 7, IP J. Stanhope, D° 7, D 9 Ld. Burleigh, 1)° 7, D° 1)° D° 13, D° Sir R. Cecil, D° .... IP Ld. Burleigh, D° 18, IP D° D° 27, IP Sir Chr. Hatton, D° 27 , d* Lds. of Council, D° 18, IP Sir Chr. Hatton, IP 13, D” D° Oft. 1, IP Q. Elizabctli, D° .... IP Ld. Burleigh, D° 1, IP Memoir of matters relating to . . prefented to Q. Elizabeth by the ficurs de Beauvoir and Saucy, by order of their King. (Fr.) 1500 ? 448. 1 15. Account of films due bv the Fr. king to Q. Elizabeth. (Fr. vid. Rym. xvi. 88 .) 453 . 116 . A memorial of fir John Worrey, concerning’ certain points relating to the auxiliaries, wherein, her majefty’s refolution is to be known. 1591 . 455 . 117 . A declaration of her majefty's monthly charges in Brittany. 1592 . 456 . b. 118 . A French letter to Q. Elizabeth, defiling the loan of two cannon. (Orig. the fubfcriptioii cut away.) 459. 119 . An account of Q. Elizabeth’s dilburfements, both in money lent to the Fr. king, and for the pay of her troops in Brittany and Normandy. 400 . 120 . Henry IV ; his ordinance for laying a duty on Ihipping for the equipment of a licet. ^Fr. with a tarif for the fame in Englifii.) 4 ^ 4 . 121 . Beauvoir la None, to.about the relcafe ot a French fiiip carried into Brifiol. (Orh>-. Fr.) Uxbridge, Nov. 11 , 1592 . 470 ? 122 . A fiatement of accounts between England and France ; and caufcs of complaint on the part of England. (Fr. vid. Rym.xvi. 194 .) I-’cb. is, 1592 - 3 . 471. 123 . Divers caufcs to move her majefty to mil¬ like of the employment of her men and money in franco. Ibis is the above article in Englifii, as it is printed in Rymcr, ubi fup. Feb. is, 1592 - 3 . 474 . 124. A 11 addition to the former introductions (in- ftruclions) of fir John Norris lent into Brittany, (vid. Rym. XVI. 173 .) Sept 20, 1592 . 483 . b. 125. Journal of the operations of the Englifii forces in France. 1591 . 48y . 126 . Contents of the letters fent to fir John Norris in 1592 and 1593, being employed in France; and collections out of letters lent from fir J. Norris, from Oct. 28 , 1592 , to June 17 , 1593 . 491 . 127 . A treaty between England and France, con¬ cerning the farther fuccours to be given to the Jr. king. (Lat. vid. Rym. xvi. 151 .) 1591 . 499 . 12 s. Ld. Burleigh, to fir II. Unton; five Ori<>\ letters of inftruCtion and advice. May 9 , 15 , ... 29 and June 9 , 1592 . , ’ 501 .’ 129 . The Eds. of the Council, to fir II. Unton- orders to demand the reftitution of the ordnance and ammunition lent for the liege of Rouen. (OrhO May 21 , 1 . 592 . 511 . 130. Ld. Howard (Ld. admiral) to fir II. Unton; two original letters, exprefling great cordiality towards the Fr. king and Unton ; and about indem¬ nification CALIGUL K. VIII. j; nifieaticn to fome merchant-. March 4, and Feb. 14, 159 <2. ' 51.'). 131. I.d. Howard, to captain Fern.of her nvi- jefty’s Daw : a warrant for bringing - over llr II. Unton. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 6, lope. .317- 132. Ld. Buckluirfr, to fir II. Unton; about the tale of a horfe. (Orig.) March 27, 1 392. 5ip. ■ 55. Sir Th. 1 Jcneagc, 1 o fir IT. Unton; three original letters, chiefly on private concerns. March co, 2 , and May 5; 1 , 392 . 52 1 . i.i:. Etwell Smith, to fir II. Unton: about the rnnittam c of money, ftraggling loldiers, &e. (Orig.) Dieppe, April 5, 1 . 392 . 527 . i .)5. The French ambaffador (B. dc la Xoue) to fir II. TAlton: two letters on private concerns. (Orig. but without fig-natures.) Loud. May (i, and 11,1592. " " 529 . in g the fiege oi Rouen, whi< 1 1 ’• F.l ■ turn Orig. IT. vid. Ilyin. XVI. I 1592-5. j 74 . ’ 155. Biron. lo Q. Fh/ubelh; incloling a letter from Hen. IV. (Orig. Fr.) May 28 , 1592 . 57 (j. I )/:. Henry dc Bourbon (IT. of Conde; to Ld. Burleigh; two letters imploring fuccour. '(hie. IT.) May 27 and 26, 1 . 392 . . 37 s? 157. Rough draughts of five letters of Sir H. Unton; four to Ld. Burleigh, of Dec. i! 1 . 20 , 4 , and 10 . and one to Ftwcll Smith, of Dec. 15 / 1591 . 582 . Caligula, K. IX. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conflans foliis 583. 1 . A thort hat emeu t of an overcharge in the pay of fir J. X orris's bands. 1 . 39 . 5 . 1 . 1>. J - Henry IW to fir II. Unton; inclofing letters to the queen, and letiers from the dukes of Parma and Mavenue, which hud been intercepted. (Orig. IT.) Rouen, March 28 , 1592. 533. 15 7- Chritiiau, prince of Anhalt, to Q. F.liz.; com¬ plains of ihe treatment of himfclf and Ids troops by the French. (Fr.) June 10 . 1592; 554 . 15k. Cliriliian, prince of Anhalt, to fir II. Unton; incloling the above. June, 1 . 392 . 3 / 0 . 139 . Intelligence from the French army. (Fr.) 140. Beauvoir de la Xoue, to fir II Unton; two letters on private concerns. (Orig, FT.) London, May 20 , 1 . 392 , and Dee 12 , 1 . 391 . 538. 141 . Intelligence from the camp before Xovon. (Fr.) Aug. 12 , 1 . 391 . 541 . 142 . Anfwors of the French king to fume queries propofed In Q. Fhzabeth, concerning the tranfporta- tion and maintenance ot her auxiliaries. MT.) . 34 : 1 . 14.). Tlie Fr. king's ratification of the treatv of June 25. (Fr.) Xovon, Aug. 10 , 1 . 391 . 545 . 144. An extract of the infmictions given to Mous. dc Reaux. (Fr.) June 4 , 1391 . 547 . 145. The treaty concluded b\ .Mons. de Turennc "it'll the prince of Anhalt for a body of Reiters. (Fr.) Heidelberg, April 24 , 1 . 391 . 549 . 1 46. Two papers of claufes demanded for the Reiters. (Fr.) one of them dated La Motte, Dee. 11 , 1591 . 557 . 147 . Charles de Lorraine (1). dc Mayennc) to Guyonneiies; orders to join him. (Fr. vid. Ilyin. XVI. 199.) Xovon, .March 2 1, 1 592 -:;. 561. 148. A report of the defeat in Brittany. (Fr.) June... 1 . 392 . " 562. 1)9. A rough draught of a letter, probably from dr II. Union, to the vicomte deTurcnne; cxpofrula- tory. ;Fr.) Lond. May 1 1 r 1 . 392 . . 394 . 150. Articles propofed by the Colonels and Reiters uf the German army; w ith the anf'wers of the Fr. K. t Fr. \ id. llym. XVf. 182 .) Rouen, Jan. 1 , 392 - 5 . 566. 2. 'Fhe French king's inftrurtions for the Vklame of Chartres, eoueerning his cm bally into England. (Fr.) Chartres, March 9, 1595 . 2. I A contract made with M. dc Xoele (Xoue) I’or j alluring the payment of fuel) funis of money as her j majefry dilburfed in the IT. IL’s behalf. April 1593.' n. A colh e ' ■ 1 ■ 1 f the f< rv ires done by fn | Norris in Brittany, from A ril In ItliTo .. 5 A bre\' tie of tlie full 1 :ngth of her ma | forces employed for Britt.my, upon mufter taken at Avoine in Maine. June J 1 . 395 . 19 . 6. Xew articles lo enlaigo the truce in Brittany. Sept. 11 , 1 . 392 . 2 / 7 . A conjectural difeourfe eoueerning an ofl'ci !o be marie by the Fr. king to the (Jutholies fora peaei. on Ids eouforming. 1 . 39 ... 27 . 8 - -V further contrary eoniideiation ; on the fame) fubject as the above. ,;o. 9 . Iiifrruetions for fir Tb. Wilkes, being fent. h\ her majefry to the Fr. king. July 14 , 159.3. i ( -'. Heads of the difeourfe the Fr. king made unto fir I'll. Wilkes; in anlwcr lo the mailer of his conver- fion. Aug. 15, 1593 . 42 . 11 . A perfualive difeourfe, written by the Fr. am- bailador and M. Montmartin, to tlie eftates and de¬ puties of Britt ny ; touejiing honourabl fav urs re ■ ccived from her majefty: and the neccffity of fur¬ rendering Peiupole and t’rehae unto her majefrv, as well for her feeurity of expenfc, as fora retreat, of her forces: fent to the Lds. of her majefry Vs Priv\ Council. (Fr.) Quintton, Mareli 10 , 1 . 395 . 51 .' 12. Anfwcrs of tile Fr. king to the articles pro¬ pounded in her inaieiiy's name by fir Th. Wilkes. 'Fr.) Mel tm. Aug. 29, 15 < . 59. 15. Lift of the deputies of the league for a con¬ ference. 15})5. 65. b. 14 . The French ambaffador T (Beauvoir) notes to the Council upon the French kings anlwcr: brought by Mr. Wilkes. (Fr.) Sept r 159 .:. 66. 151. Articles fripulated between the vicomte dc ! Turcnne. the princes of the empire, and the l‘r. of Anhalt. (Fr. vid. Rym. XVI. 1 y 1 .) Jan. 1592 - 3 . 568. 152 . An account of charges for the maintenance of the Fr. of Anhalt's troops. (Fr.) 570. 153. Articles fripulated between Mefs. dc Sancy, Salignac, and Rothieres, and the Colonels and licit- maftres of the Fr. of Anhalt’s army. (Fr. vid. Rym. XVI. 180.) Jan. 1592 - 3 . 572. J54. Beauvoir de la None, to Hcnrv i\ '; concern- 1.3. Adanfan? Gov. of Calais,.to the Ld. Admiral ; acquaints him with the levies of the enemies, and his means of defence . (Orig. Fr.) Calais, Xov. o. 1593. 67. 1 6. Sir Rob!. Sidney (ambaffador in France) to Ld. Bgrleigh; reports eonveriations with the Fr. king, and the hate of. affairs in France. 1 eh. 1 . 3 , 1593. 69- 17- Q. Elizabeth's unfwer to the deputies of Brit¬ tany. A larch 17 , 1593 . 78. 18 . A collection of Q. Elizabeth's letters to fir J. Norris, CALIGULA, E. IX. *77 Norris, and of his amVers to them, directed to the Ld. Treafurer: from Dec. 1593, to March 20, 1593 - 4 . 82. if). A league offenfive and defenfive between the Fr. king and Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) Melun, Aug. 29 , 1593. 20 . A remonfirance from the three ftates of Brit¬ tany to Q. Elizabeth, again ft her withdrawing her troops. (Fr.) Rennes,' O® 25, 1593 . 88. 21 . A memoir of the requefts of the Rates of Brit¬ tany, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the fecurity of that province. 1593 . 89 . 22 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftructions to fir Robt. Sidney, fent, ambaffador to France. 1593 . 93 . b 23. Harangue faite an roy par M. de Fedeau, an noin des Lgliles retonneesde France; avec lareponle defamajefig, du 12 Dec. 1393 . go. 24. Montmurtin, to Q. Elizabeth; offering his fervices. (Orig. Fr.) Bcaucaire, May 22 , " 1593 . 102 . 2 .'. Ilcnry rv; Ids infiruclions to M. de Morlans on his cm bally to Q. Eliz. (French, a copy authenti¬ cated by the f giiatures of Beauvoir de la Noue, B. de Morland, and the Yidame de Chartres.) Dreux, June 20 , 1593. 105 . 29. Henry IV; inftruHions to M. de Mouy, fent to Q. Elizabeth. (Fr. with rubrics in Burleigh’s hand.) St. Denis, Aug. 3, 1 . 393 . 119 . 27 . Articles agreed upon by M. d’Aumont Gov. in Brittany, and iir J. Norris, Gen. of the Englifh forces in that province. (Fr. figned Norris.) Pem- poul, Sept, 19, 1593. 104 . 28. St. Luc, to Q. Elizabeth; on fome military tranfactions in Brittany. (Orig. Fr.) Pemnoul Sept. 25, 1593 . 127 . 29 . Henry IV, to Beauvoir; concerning his con- verlion. (Fr.) May i(j, 1593 . 1 G 8 . 30. Henry de la Tour (D. de Bouillon) to Ld. Burleigh; on affairs of religion, and requefting advice. (Orig. Fr.) 061. 1593. 130 . 31. Beauvoir dc la Noue, to Ld. Burleigh; inclof- ing a letter from M. dlncarville. (Orig. Fr.) 1 [ac- quenay, 06t. 5, 1 593. * 130 . 32. Sir Jh. Wilkes, to Ld. Burleigh; reporting a conyerfation with the Fr. king, touching fome c a ides of his converfion, &c. Melun, Aug. 17 ) 1593 . 134 . 33. Q. Elizabeth's bond of amity with Henry iv. (Fr.) Windfor, 061. 18 , 1593 . 138. 8 1 . Some reprefentations to Q. Elizabeth, in behalf of Henry IV. 9 35. The contents of a letter from marflial d’Au- mout, to Henry IV. 1593 . 140 . :'-9. Henry IV; his bond of amity with Q, Eliza¬ beth. (Fr.) Melun, Aug. 29 , 1593 . 141 . 37 . Inftru&ions given to fir Roger Williams, hav¬ ing charge over certain bands now remaining at Dieppe. Aug. 24, 1593 . 143. 8K. Articles of matters to be required in the next treaty with the Fr. king, and the Rates of Brittany ; chiefly about the furrender of the Ille of Brehac.’ Feb. 28 , 1593-4. ]45> *9- Q- Elizabeth, to fir J. Norris; concerning the ill-treatment of the Englifh troops in Brittanv. (Orig.) Richmond. Nov. 14 , 1 , 393 . “ 149 , to. AhRract ot the ancient cuftoms and fubfidies P a, d d>tlie king at the town ofPempoul. Sept. 1 , 3 . 1593. ^ 150. 41 . The bond of confederation of the Fr. king with Q. Elizabeth. (Fr. vid. IX. 30 .) Melun, Au°-. 29 , 1593. . ’ 152?' 42. Inflruaions pour M. le commandeur de Wanton, sen allant en Angleterre. Rennes, Oct 24, 1593. . 153 . 43. Chev. de.to Q. Elizabeth; reports the prog reft of the royal army in Picardy. (Orig. Fr.) Dieppe, Jan. 9 , 1593-4. 155° 44. Divers caufes to move her majefiy to miflike of the employment of the men and money in France, &c. (vid. VIII. 12s. and Rym. xvi. 194.) Feb is* 1592-3. 159 / 45. A memorial fent by the marfhal d’Aumont, to tlie Fr. ambaffador in England;, reprefen tin o- the difficulties of the. war in" Brittany. (Orig. Fr.) Loue? June 29, 1593. ig 4 49. Four letters of fir Robt. Sidney, the lufi feem- ingly an original, to Mr. Edmonds. Loud. Dec. 4 , 1593, and Dieppe, Jan. 11 , 9 , and 12 , 1 . 393 - 4 . 1 G8. 47- 'Jbe Lds. of Council, to Mr. TI 10 . Edmonds? an order to afiifi in bringing back the Engliili troops under the command of Sir Edw. Brooke. Windlor, Oct. 24, 1593. i 7 o. ’ 1 48. Copies of 22 letters to Mr.Tho. Ed. (probably Edmonds) then in France. From Ld. Burleigh, Theobalds, Dec. 5 , 1593 . Sir H. Unton, Loud. May 17 , and 06t. eg, D“ J. Stanhope, Windfor, ’ 061. 24 r PL„ \\■: I I .. . 1 \n 1 ... Tho. Wilkes. D° D° D° D° D° D° Batterfea, Windfor, D° 11 , D° 19 , 28, N ov. 9, Croydon, May, 15 , Windfor, Nov. 14 , ^ Lond. Jan. 19 , and 20 , 1593 - 4 . D" D" D° D° D° D° D° Lond. Feb. 12 , D° Ld. Burleigh, Windfor, oa. 20, D° Sir 11. Unton, D° Nov. 19 , D* Sir R. Cecil, oa. g, I s T ov. 13, Dec. 4, D° Tho. Wilkes, Lond. April, D* D° Windfor, Sept. 20 and 23, D° Ld. Burleigh, D° oa. 5, D® 170. b. 49 . Ditpute entre M. du Pleflis et FEveque d’Eyreux, touchant plulieurs pallages du livre du dit Sr. du Plefiis. May, 1900 . 185 . 50. Copies of three letters to Mr. Tho. Ed. (Ed¬ monds) from Ld. Howard, Dover, Nov. 5 ; Ld. Burleigh, "Windfor, Sept. 5, 1593 ; and one without a name. 191 . 51- Notes and minutes of feveral letters to Ld. Burleigh, and trom the queen to hr J. Norris, Sec. on French afiairs. 1594 . 193 . 52. A remembrance to fir Hen. Norris, to be im¬ parted to his brother; iliewing the caufe of fome Ray made in the execution of the former difpatch. May 12 , 1594 . 195 53. Minutes of feveral letters to and from the queen, the treafurer. See. on French affairs. 1594 . 197- 54 . T. Edmonds, to Rr Robt. Cecil ? reports his having returned to the 1-r. king the orders of St. Michael, which he bad conferred on fir Nicli. CliRord, and fir Arith. Shirley. Camp at Lan, June 4; 1594. 201. b. 55. A lifi of the officers of the field, and of tile bands in Brittany; together with their monthly en¬ tertainments. Oct. 21 , 1594 . 206 . 5(5. A letter figned Martin Frobiflier; to Ld. reports the taking of the fort of Croydon near Brefi. (probably not an original.) Croydon, Nov. 8, 1594 . 211 . Z z 57 . A note CALIGULA, E. IX. 178 57 . A note in Ld. Burleigh’s hand, of the money lent to the Fr. king by Q. Elizabeth. - 1 J - ' 5 - 58 . Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; exculpating him- felf concerning fomc charges the Q. had brought againft him. (Orig. Fr.) St. Germain, Nov. 1 4, 1594. 4* - 1 -* 59 . A memorial of divers things delivered to Mons. Beauvoir, in an Ever to certain proportions made by him to her inajefty. 1594 . w ‘213. 60 . Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; amicably informs her of his recovery from an illneis, and ot lome luc- celfes in his military affairs (Orig. Fr.) Fontain- bleau, April 18 , 1595. -14. 61 . Marihal d'Aumont, to Q. Elizabeth; com- plains of fir J. Norris. (Orig. Fr.) Guingamp, Aug. 2 , 1595 . A 216. 02 . Articles of matters to be granted by the Fr. king and the hates of Brittany to the queen’s 111 a- jdiv, and the governors of her forces in Brittany; together with "the above article, IX. 38. March, 1593-4. 21 7. 63. Q. Elizabeth's inftrucHons to Oliver St. John, appointed to go to M. Sardeac, governor of Brcft. Jan. - 21 . ' 22 2. 64 . Sir John Norris's inftructions for fir Hen. Norris, to clear him at court of various charges brought againft him. Pempoul, April 4 , 1594 . 226. 6.5. Henry iv, to Ld. Burleigh; requefting the continuation of his good offices, (Orig. Fr.) Paris, April 7, 1394. 234. 66. Con fid orations of the Fr. king’s demands, by his letters brought by Mons. Loveny. 1595. 235. 67 . Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; an explanatory letter concerning the Engliih troops in France. Nonefuch, Oct. 9, 1595. 240. 68. Q. Elizabeth, to Air. Edmonds; in anfwer to a letter from the Fr. king to la Fontaine; explanatory as to tome late mifunderftanding. Nonluch, 061. 3, 1595. 243 -.n> 69 . Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to fir Hen. Unton, fent ambalfador to the Fr. king. Dec. 16 , 1595 . 251. 70 . Charges et fubfidcs infupportables, torts, griefs, See. (pie fouffrent les fujets du roy de France, leurs commerce et vaitleaux, en Angleterre. 1595. 2 , 59 . 71 . Notes of lev era I letters by Ld. Burleigh. 1595 . 2G3 * lj - 72 . Queen Elizabeth, to the I), of Parma? fora patlport for fir Th. ’Wilkes, whom Hie fends to treat with him. (Orig. Fr.) Greenwich, Sept. 11 , 1594 . 266. 73 . Q. Elizabeth, to the marfhal d'Aumont; defir- ino- that two cannon lbe had fent into Brittany might he”reftored. (Orig. Fr.) Weitminfter, May 13, 1594 . 267. 74 . Q. Elizabeth's commiffion to fir J. Norris, di- rc 6 tin<>Tome regulations as to the number and difpoii- lion of her troops in Brittany. July 7 , 1594 . 269 . 75 . Tho. Edmonds, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence from the French court. (Orig.) St. Quintin, Nov. 30, 1594. 270. 76 . Henry IV, to James VI. If. of Scotland ; on the birth of prince Henry. (Fr.) Paris, Sept. 1594 . 77. Henry IV; his proclamation, confirming the privileges of the Seottiih merchants in France. (Fr.) Paris, Oct. 26, 1594. 273. 78 . Henry IV, to James VI. E. of Sc.; thanks for his congratulations on the profperous ftate of his affairs. (Fr.) St. Germain, Nov. 7 , 1594. 274. 79 . The plot of the caftle of Croydon off Breft; by fir J. Norris. Ocl. 5 , 1594 . 276 . 80 . Inftrufilions to fir J. Norris, returned into Brittany, to take charge of the forces there. (Fr.) Paris, Oct. 15, 1594 . 277 . 81 . Walter Orme, to the Ld. treafitrer, the ad¬ miral, and the French ambalfador in London ; con¬ cerning certain tolls and duties improperly laid on Engliih merchandize in Normandy and Picardy. (Fr.) Paris, Oct. 15, 1594 . 281 . 82 . An imperfect copy of Henry IVtil's proclama¬ tion IX. 77 . (Fr.) Oct. 26, 1594 . 284. 83. W. B. (Ld. Burleigh) to fir Henry Unton ; in¬ ftructions and advice. Jan. 23, 1594-5. 285. 84. Sir II. Unton, to Ld. Burleigh; two original difpatches, on various French affairs. Coucy, Jan. 17 , and March 17, 1595. 287. 8.5. Lettre dc Mons. le due de Moyne (fie) au roy d'El’pagne; touchant les guerre-s civiles de France; faite par Mons. le prefident Jeannin. (Orig. lignccl Charles de Lorraine.) Soilfons, April 26 , 1 . 595 . 293 . 86. Henry de la Tour (1). de Bouillon) to Ld. Burleigh; defiling his good oliices with Q. Elizabeth at the prefent pacification. (Orig. Fr.) Sedan, Oct. 25, 1595. 333. 87 . Henry iv; a remonftrance concerning fome matters propofed by lir H. Unton. (Orig. Fr.) Folembrai, Jan. 22, 1596- 335. 88. Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; regretting the death of fir II. Luton; and refpeCting the matters propofed by him before his death. (Orig. Fr.) La- fere, 1596 . S3 8. 89. An offenfive treaty; by which England en¬ gages to fend 2000 men to the afliftance of the French king. (Lat.) Greenwich, May 16 , 1596 . 340. go. Sommaire des chofes principals traiffes entre les ambaffadeurs du roy trfes Chretien, et aucuns du confeil privd de fa majcltfi la Reiue d’Angleterre. (the preliminary liegociations to the above treaty.) 1596- 342. 91 . A difeourfe of the voyage of.chief ambalfador from her majefty to the French king, to llouen in Normandy; the king's entry into that city during his lordlhip’s reiidence there; and the prnl’pcct of the performance of his bulinel’s, and late return. Oct. 1596 . 350. 92 . Extrafils out of treaties, concerning flopping and trade. 354. 93 . Henry iv, to Q. Elizabeth ; jullifying himfelf. (Orig. Fr.) Blois, May 31 . 355. 94 . Henry IV, to the I), de Bouillon ; on the return of the latter from England, and refpeCting the war in Normandy. (Fr.) Monceaux. Sept. 7, 1396 . 358. i) 5 . Commiffion for the E. of Eifex, when lie went to fuecour Calais. April 13, 1596. 362. 96. Extrafils of various treaties between England and France. 367. 97 . A narrative of the inveftraent of Henry IV. with the order of the garter, (a draught, probably by Ld. Shrewsbury.) Sept. 1596 . 375. 98 . InftruCtions to fir Anth r Mildmay, fent am- baffador to the Fr. king; Mons. de Reaux being come ambalfador from the laid king. 1596 . 381. 99 . Henry ivth’s oath for the performance of the late treaties. (Lat.) Rouen, Oct. 1596 . SS9- 100 . Part of a letter from Henry iv, to the preacher Mons. de la Fontaine; on the ftate of his affairs. Jan. 15, 1597. s 9 1 - 101. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; two expoftulatory letters. (Fr.) May 5, and April 10 , 1597 . 398. 102 . An CALIGULA, E. IX. '79 102 . Ail anfwer made to the French ambaffador’s proportions for a fupply of 4000 men. (Fr.) 1 . 597 . 400. b. ion. Sir Anlli 5 ' Mildmay, to Henry IV; concern¬ ing a fupply of men, and a claim of reimburfements. (Fr.) July 16 , 1597- 402. 104 . Inftruftions in form of a letter, to fir Anth r Mildmay; fent by Mr. Edmonds. Wcftm. May G, 1.597. 403. 105. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; cxpoftulating. Jan. 4, 15Q7-8 ? J 409 . 10 O. Sir ltobl. Cecil, to Ld. Burleigh- concerning the frate of affairs in France. (Orig.) Dover, Feb. 14, 1597-8? " * 411. 107 . A letter of intelligence, concerning Fr. trea¬ ties with the Emperor, the Swifs, See. (Fr.) Paris, March 8, 1597 -s? 412 . 108 . Notes of intelligence, out of divers letters. 414. 109. Sir Robt. Cecil, to Ld. Burleigh; intelli¬ gence about the l r. king treating for peace, See. (Orig.) Dieppe, Feb. 20 , 1597-8 ? 415. 110 . Helene de la Valette, to Q. Elizabeth; on count Mansfeld’s motions on the French frontiers. (Orig.) 1597 . 4lG. 111. Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; in commenda¬ tion of fir Anth y Mildmay, who had leave to return. (Orig. Fr.) Amitfhs, Aug. 18 , 1597 . 4 18. 112 . A declaration delivered by M. de Reaux, to her majefty, from the Fr. king; touching the recovery of Calais and Amiens. (Fr.) June 3, 1597 . 421 . 11 3 . Initrudlions of the fieur Chalignv, fent from the reformed church of France to her majefty. ( Fr.) Sept. 1 . 597 . 433. 114 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir R. Cecil ? and. about their negociations with the French king. Weftm. March 17 , 1597-8. 435. 115. The fubftance of the laft conference which Mr. Sec y Cecil had with the king’s council at Nantes. 1597. 439. llG. The benefits of peace with Spain. 1597 - 8 . 443. 117 . Offres faites par les etats generaux des Pro¬ vinces Unies, au Roy de France, pour Fobfcrvation de la liguc, et continuation de la guerre. 444 . 11 S. Memoire d’aucuns princ-ipaux points propofes i NI. de Cecil, par les etats des Provinces Unies. Angers, April G, 1598. 445 . 119. Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; exprefling great friendihip and gratitude. (Orig. Fr.) Rouen,'Oct. 25, 1597 . 451 . 120. Henry IV, to Mr. Fountain; on the ftate of his affairs, particularly his treaty with Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) St. Germain, May 5 , 1597 . 452 . 121 . A memorial for an inftru6tion to R. C. J. II. and T. W. (fir R. Cecil, J. Herbert, and Tho. Wilkes.) on negociations with the Fr. king. 1597 . 454 . 122 . Sir Robt. Cecil, to Ld. Burleigh; expreffing anxiety for his father’s health; and his thoughts on the profpecl of a peace. (Orig.) Dover, Feb. iG, 1597-8. 4 G 2 . 123. A treaty of peace between Spain, France, and Savoy. (Fr.) July 12, 1598. 4 G 4 . 124. Inftru&ions to fir Robt. Cecil ambaffador, John Herbert, and Tho. Wilkes, commilhoners to the Fr. king. 15 . 97 ? 484 . 125. Certain articles between the Q. of England and the If. of France, touching maritime caufes. .(Lat.) April 10, 1599 - 492. l»G. Minutes of a letter from Q. Eliz. to the Fr. K - J>dy 1509 . and refpefting Sir Hen. Nevill’s propofition to the Fr. king’s council. 1599 . 495 . 127 . A complaint ot Englilh merchants, concern¬ ing lbme reftraints laid upon the woollen trade by the French. 1599 . 497. 12 s. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; defil ing that the place of the next conference be fixed at a town near her coafts. (Fr.) Richmond, Dec. 24 , 1 . 599 . 499- 129 . The ftate of the French king’s commiflion for maritime caufes. 50 i. 130. Propolitions made by fir Hen. Nevill to the Fr. king, concerning the maintenance of the auxili¬ aries. (Fr.) May 31, 1599 . 505. 131. Henry 1 v th's two anfwers to fir Hen. Nevill’s propofitions. (Fr.) 1599 . 506 . b. 132. Sir lien. N evill, to Mr. Villcroy’; concerning his propolitions. (Fr.) Paris, June G, 1599 . 508 . b.° 133. Mons. de Villeroy’s anfwer to the above. (Fr.) Du Boi.s, June 8, 1599- 509 . b. 134. Q. Elizabeth, to Henry IV; defiling an ex¬ planation concerning his conduct. (French. ) 1599 . 513. 135. Inftructions for Mr. Tho. Edmonds, going to the French king. 1599 . 514 . 13G. Minutes of letters from the D. de Bouillon and Henry iv, to Q. Eliz. 520 . b. 137. Mr. Edmonds notes for Tho. Parry; con¬ cerning the treaty of Blois, Sec. * 521 138. Two papers of articles propofed for a treaty regulating the trade and navigation; and two papers ot aid vers to the laid articles. Nov. 1598 . and Jan l5 M- 525. 139 . Henry iv, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the affairs ot the Low Countries. (Orig. Fr.) Fon- tainbleau, Sept. 3, 1598 . 530 . b. 140. The Archd. Albert, and Philip 11 . If. of Spain ; their proclamations and letters on the marriage of the Infanta Ilabella, daughter of Philip, with the above Archduke; and the donation of Burgundy, &c. to the new married couple. (Fr. near one half burnt.) May, logg. 531 . 141 . A fragment, of complaints of Englilh mer¬ chants trading in France. 540 . 142 . Rcplique a la reponfe donate aux articles propoles par 1 ambaffadeur de France, touchant le reglenient de la navigation, (this is one of the pa¬ pers in 1X0,3 8.) Jan. 15 , 1598 - 9 . 549 . 143. Reponfe de 1’ambaffadeur d’Angleterre, aux repliques des commiffaires de S. M. tr&s Chretien ne. 55i. 144. Reponfe de l’ambaffadeur d’Angletcrre, aux plaintes prefent^es au rov ties Chretien, par le pro- cureur Syndic des etats de Normandie, contre le traitement qu'ils difent recevoir eivAngleterre. 553 . 145. The 1‘peech of Henry IV, on his infilling on the palling of an edict in favour of the proteftants. (Fr. the fame in Englilh printed.) Jan. 5 , 1599 . 555. 146. The Englilh ambaffador, to Henry iv ■ de¬ lving his anfwer to certain points previous to his meeting the deputies of the all'embly at Boulogne. 561. 147. The formal’proceedings in a matter of re- prifal, in the admiralty at Rouen. (Fr.) April, l6o °- 563. ? us. A ftatement of duties fucceffively laid in France, from 1581, to 1 G 00 . sag. 149. Inftruftions to.going ambaffador to the French king. w 577 . CALIGULA, E. X. 180 Caligula, E. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 410. 1. Two fets of queries propofed by an Englifli ambalfador in Trance (fir II. Nc-vill?) to the queen's minifters. -• < 1 . A dilpateh from tlie Englifli ambalfador in France (fir II. Nevill?) reporting an audience con¬ cerning the D. de Bouillon. Jan. 4, 1602 . 9. 3. Anfwcrs to a reply of the Fr. ambafiadors. (Lat. a rough draught much corrected.) Jan. l 8. 13. 4 . Q. Elizabeth, to Ilenry IV; two original letters afking redrefs, and promiiing the fame, and to abide bv the treatv of Blois. (l'r.) Weltm. Jan. 28 , l non. 16.* Sir lien. Nevill, to fir Robt. Cecil? defiring inliructions concerning a treaty about to be con¬ cluded. (Orig.) Rochefler, Jan. ip, lOoo. 21 . 6. Part of a letter of inftructions, on an intended treaty. 7 . An cxtra 6 t out of the regifters of the Fr. prim council, concerning the woollen trade; tranflated into Englifli. (printed.) April, lboo. 2 . 1 . 8. A ftatement of exactions and grievances fuf- tained bv the merchants at Bourdeaux and Rochelles. 24. 9 . A remonftranee of the merchants of Bourdeaux on the Rate of their commerce with England. (French.) ^ - (i - 10 . Ilenry IV; his inftruetions to Mcfs. de Boif- fife and de Beaumont ; concerning the commerce between England and France. (Fr.) Paris, Dec. 11 , 1601 . 28 - 11 . Minutes pf letters from the French king, to Q. Eliz ; and the marlluil de Biron, to fir Robt. Cecil. 16 . 01 . . 30, 12 . Ilotman. to fir Tho. Parry ; about a book font to James I. (Orig. Fr.) 1603. 3i. 13 . Cath. de Parthcnay, to Q. Elizabeth ; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Fr.) 31. b. 14 . Part of a letter exprefling gratitude. 33. 1 . 3 . Anl’wers of the French ambalfador, to the c\- pofltion of Englifli commiflioners concerning trade. (Fr.) . ; u ‘ if,. A paper on the commerce, feemingly of the llanfeatic towns, with England. (Lat.) 1003. 30. 17 . The magiftrates of I.ubeck, to Englifli eom- miftioners at Bremen ; demanding redrefs for a fliip that had been wrecked and plundered in England. (Lat.) Dec. 1602 . ;; 8. 18 . Rough draughts of feveral letters of fir Tho. Parry. 40 - ip. Part of a French paper, containing intelli¬ gence concerning Henry IV, Rofny, &e. * 51. CO. Rough draughts and copies of letters, fome, and perhaps all, from fir T. Parry, to Ed. Cecil. ,3 3. ci. William.to the Englifli ambalfador at Paris (fir Tho. Parry) about the receipt of fome monies at Rouen. (Orig.) Rouen, May 4, 1003. 104. 02 . William Sedlcv, to fir Tho. Parry. (Orig.) Dieppe, May 7 , 1003. 106. 23 . Hercules Weir, to fir Tho. Parry", gives notice of an intended journey of the Fr. king. (Orig.) 10 s. 24 . Hen. Bromley, to fir Tho. Parry; intelligence. (Orig.) Aug. no. 25 . Sir Oliver Cromwell, to fir Tho. Pairy ; thanks him for kindnefs to liis foil. (Orig.) M ilton, Dee. 1 , 1603. 112.. 26 . Lewis Evans, to fir Tho. Parry; defiring to borrow money. 061 ; 15. 1 14. 27. Rough draughts of fir Tho. Parry's letters to Ld. Cecil. 11 6. 28 . Franc. Ecrcaro, to fir Tho. Parry ; has not ob¬ tained the intelligence wan ted. (Ital.j 1003. 134. 29 . Tljie arabafladors of the elector palatine, Fred. IV; their reply to the anfwcrs of the French king, concerning the D. de Bouillon. (Fr.) 1603. 136. 30 . A letter concerning a late confpiracy to afi’ai- finate Hen iv. (Fr. copy of x. 107 .) ifio3. 138; 31. Sir Tho. Parry, to the E. of Saliihury. yi rough draught.) Paris, July 7 , 1003 . 140 . 32 . Heads of an agreement between Englifli and Fr. commiflioners concerning trade. (IT.) 1602 . 142. 33. Simon Thelonl, to Dr. Dun ; commiflioncr at Bremen; news from England. (Orig.) Oel. 22 , KJ02. r 144. 34 . Propofals made by her majefty’s eoimniflioncr-,. on commercial matters ; with anfwcrs of the Fr. com¬ miflioners to the fame. 1602. ^ 146. 35. Simon Theloal, to Dr. Dun; news from Fug- land. (Orig.) Lond. Oet. 8, 1602 . 14S. 06 . Ilenry IV, to the D. de Bouillon; about the charges brought againil him. (fr.) loutainhleau, Nov. 18 , 1602 . I- 50 - 37 . A treaty between Henry iv, and the Helvetic Body. (Fr.) Jan 31, 1602. >52. 38. Ld. Cecil, to fir Tho. Parry ; about Ld. Cob- ham’s confpiracy : treaties with Spain, &c. (Orig.) Winchester, Sept. 27 , 1603. 156. . 39 . Ld. Cecil, to fir Tho. Parry; Ld. Cobham, fir IV. Raleigh, &c. &c. tried and convicted. (Orig.) Wilton, Dee. l, 1603. 158. 40 . Ric.to fir Tho. Parry; a letter of thanks, and offer of ferviees. (Orig.) London, May 5, 1603. « # . 162 . 51 . Ric. Rolfe, to fir Tho. Parry; defires pardon for fome omiflion, and to be further employed. (Orig.) London, July 18, 1603 . 163. 42 . Lawrence Hookes, to fir Tho. Parry ; accounts for his ion not going over to him after the queen's death. (Orig.) March 27 , 1603. 165. 4 ;$.to fir Tho. Parry; expreliing friciul- fliip ; the v liter iigns himfelf coulin.” (Orig,) Load. May 20, 16'03. . •..* 44 . Sir Tho. Parry, to the warden of All Souls; concerning Mr. Williams' and Mr. Sonybank's ab- fence. I l, ’T 45 . Tho. Kuyvett, to fir Th. Parry; claims a debt, in very liarfli language. (Orig.) lOoJ. 1 7<>J 4 (i. Richd. Bell, to fir Th. Parry; petitions for re¬ lief. (Orig.) 1 7 47 . J. Battilte de Go.to M. de St. Sau- veur; appoints him for an audience of the king. (Orig. Fr.) Loutainhleau, May 27, 1603 . 173 . 48 . Edw. Greville, to fir Tho. Parry ; on private concerns. (Orig.) Loud. May 28, 160 ... 174 . 46 . Wm. Sedley, to fir Th. Parry; on fome favour received.' (Orig.) Rouen, May 4, 1603. 176 . 50 . Rough draughts of letters ot fir Hi. Parry. 1604 . 179- 5 i. l)e Soull v Anjorrant, to fir Th. Parry; about a collection to be made for the proteftant churches m England. (Orig. Fr.) Winchefter, Oft. is, 1603. 190 . 52 , Janies CALIGULA, E. X. 52. James I, to fir Til. Parry; declaring; his inten¬ tion to cultivate the friendfhip of France. (Orig.) Towcefter? April 15, 1603. 191 . 53 . Rofny? to fir Til. Parry; about red refs for the in juries reciprocally committed on merchants. (Orig. Fr.) Nov. 6, 1603. 193 ' 54. James r, to fir Tho. Parry; with a letter for the Fr. king ; and defiring that du Tour and not de Beaumont might be continued Fr. ambafiador. Bur¬ leigh, April 25, 1603. 194. 55. Janies I, to (David Lindfay) the Archbp. of Glafgow, ambafiador in France; defiring him to aflift young Livingfton in the recovery of his inheritance in France. (Orig. Fr.) Iiolyrood-houfe, April 3, 1603. " 196 . 56. Thomas.to Girault de la Caflagne, butler to Beaumont the French ambafiador; advifing him not to leave his prefent employment, Ac. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, Aug. 27 , IGOS. 198 . 57 . James I, to Mons. de Vi try; thanking him for fome hawks. (Orig. Fr.) Weflminfter, March 31, 1603. 199- 58. De Soully Aniorrant, to.intimating a report that K. James would not receive any deputies from Geneva. (Orig.) 1603. 201 . 59 . Ld. Cecil, to fir Tho. Parry ; about the king's arrival, and an audience of the deputies of the Low Countries. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 25, 1603. 202 . 60 . Ld. Cecil, to fir Th. Parry; about Rofny’s arrival; an accident on the Dover road; luccour to be fent to the Low Countries, &c. (Orig.) Ivy- bridge, June 10 , 1603. 204. 61 . Henry de la Tour (D. de Bouillon) to M. Jocquet, at the Englifh ambaflador’s; explaining fome points of his conduit. (Orig. Fr.) Sedan, Nov. is, 1603 ? 206. 62 . De Pleffen, to fir Th. Parry; concerning the D. de Bouillon. (Orig. Fr.) May 17 , 1603. 208. 63. Ld. Cecil, to fir Th. Parry ? about Ld. Cob- ham's confpiracy, Ac. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Aug. 4, 1603. 209 . 64. Ld. Cecil, to fir Th. Parry; news from court about the reception of ambaffadors; Ld. Cob- ham's confpiracy, &c. (Orig.) Baling, Sept 1 , 1603. 213. 65. Ld. Cranborn (R. Cecil) to fir Th. Parry; concerning the relcafe of fome merchants goods ; a conteft between Parry and Villeroy, Ac. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 23 , 1604 . 215 . 66. Ld. Cecil, to fir Th. Parry; on the king’s de¬ fire of preferving peace and fricndfhip with the Fr. king; his arrival at Burleigh; queen Elizabeth’s funeral, Ac. (Orig.) Whitehall, April 22 , lfios. 217 . 67 . Ilotman, to fir Th. Parry; in praile of the Bafilieon Doron ; and concerning a French tranfla- tionofit. (Orig.) Villiers St. Paul, 1603 . 219 . 68. Theod. Beza, to Hr Th. Parry; congratulatory on K. James’s acceffion in England. (Orig. Fr. the lignature torn away.) 1003. 221 . 69- David Drummond, to fir Tho. Parry; news from court. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, .... 5 , 160 . 3 . 70. Ilotman, to fir Tho. Parry ; with a fpecimen of his tranflation of the Bafilieon Doron. (Orig.) July 18, 1603. 223. 7 1 . Henry de Rohan, to fir Th. Parry ; exprefling great regard and affection. (Orig. Fr.) 224 . 72 . Th. Wilfon, to fir Th. Parry; news about the trial of the confpirators; a feaft in comme¬ moration of the king's delivery from the Cowries. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Aug. 5, 1603. 225. 73. A memoir of the Englifh ambafiador to the Fr. king; demanding redrefs on three points, one of which is the recall of the jefuits. (Fr.) Dec. 9 , 1603. 227 . 74. A Spanifh edict, granting privileges to the Britifh fubjefits in Spain. (Spanifh.) Vallodolid, May 21 , 1603. 229 . 75. Hotmail, to fir Tho. Parry; on his tranflation. (Orig. Fr.) 1603. “ 230 . 76.to fir Th. Parry ; intelligence from court. Greenwich, May 25, 1608 . 201 . 77. Ilotman, to fir Th. Parry; concerning a tranf¬ lation of the Bafilieon Doron by 011 c Gordon and his wife. (Fr.) 1603. 233. 78. Humphrey Shelton, to Dr. Davifon, in the college of Cambray ; intelligence about Englifh ca¬ tholics. Aug. 28 , 1602 . 234 . 79. Sir Robt. Cecil, to fir Th. Parry; about K. James’s coming to England. (Orig.) ” March 2 .:, 1603. 236. 80 . James I, to fir Th. Parry ; dirc&ing him to folicit in favour of Ld. Wemys. (Orig.) Burleigh, April 25, 1603 . 238 . 81 . James I, to Henry IV; .notifying his accef¬ fion. (Fr.) York, April 15, 1603. 240 . 82 . Colville, to.feeret intelligence about priefts coming from.Spain, Ac. Paris, Oct. 23, 1603 . 242. 83. The marflial de Bouillon: to Henry IV; implor¬ ing mercy. (Fr.) 1602 . 243 . 84. James I, to Henry IV; in favour of J. Ander- fon. (Fr) June 17 , 1603. 245 . 85. Inftruciions to . ..and the redtor of St. Martin’s, upon the late plot againft the king ; excul¬ pating the priefts, and throwing the whole blame upon the jefuits. (a rough draught.) 247 . 86. Part of a letter to Mr. St. Sauveur; mention¬ ing a number of jews who have fled into France from the Spanifh inquifition. 249 . 87. P. Cotton (a jefuit) to Madlle. de Claren- fal ; on his favourable profpeets at court. (Fr. the fame at X. 125 .) Paris, June 10 , 1603. 250 . 88. Hotmail, to fir Tho. Parry; intelligence* con¬ cerning the confpiracy in England. (Orig. Fr.) 25 1 . 89- D. Drummond, to fir Tho. Parry; about the king's journey into England; a fhip carried into Calais, Ac. (Orig.) Calais, April 21 , 1603. 252 . 90.to fir Th. Parry; offering his fervices. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, July 17 , 1603. 253 . 91. Rofny? to fir Th. Parry; on the audience he had from the king. (Orig. Fr.) Bafingftoke, Aug.' 21 , 1603. 255 . 9-- Articles of intelligence from various parts, for fir Iho. Parry; probably copied out of gazettes. (Fr.) July and Aug*. 1603. 257 . 93. I). Chriftoval, to fir Th. Parry; intelligence (Ital.) “ °25 9 . 94. J Owen a prieft, to II. Owen his brother; fe- cret intelligence. 1 OO 8 . 260 . 95. Beaumont, to fir Th. Parry; with a letter in- clofed; and about his provifion of wine. (Orig. Fr.) Salifbury, Dec. 10 , 1603. 262 . 96. A French letter without name, date, or direc¬ tion ; on private concerns. 264 . 97- Anthony.to fir Th. Parry; various intelligence. Rochelle, May 1 , iGos. 265 . 3 A 98 . Note 1 82 C A L I G U L A, E. X. 98. Note about a plot to furrender Jerfey and Guernfey to France. 1603. 2G6, 09 . Fatoillat? to fir Griffin Markham ; two letters of intelligence from France; a great inundation at Rofnv's caffie near Mantes, where the court was in fomc danger. (Orig. Ital.) Paris, Aug. - 29 , and July 9, 1003. 100 . Henry de Rohan, to fir Th. Parry; profeffing great reipect for the king, and Parry. (Orig. Fr.) Frefnav, May 9, H30& <2 “°- 101 . '.to Mr. Cardinal; about a treaty with Spain. May25, 1603. 27 ' • 102 . Articles of intelligence from France. 273. 103 . Saint Sauveur, to.two letters of intelligence from the French court. (Orig. Fr. partly°in cypher.) Fontainbleau, Oct. 0 and 29 , 1603 2 ' 4 ' 104 . Dudley Carleton. to fir Th. Parry; intelli¬ gence from the court at. Windfor; a quarrel between the Eds. Southampton and Gray, See. (Orig. 1 Windfor, July :J, 1603. 27 '• ]0 j.Melville, to fir Th. Parry; intelli¬ gence from court; the Scottiih lords lent hack; a French hoy aecufed of treafon. (Orig.) Farnham caftle, Aug. 12 , 1603. 279- 10 6. Colville, to.with a letter for Rome inclofed. (Orig.) 2a0 - 107 . A French letter, on a confpiracy againft tire life of Henry IV. (Fr. the fame as x. 30.) 160 . 1 . 108 . De Soully Anjorrant, to fir Th. Parry ; news from court. (Orig. i’r.) Kingfton. Aug. 11 , 1603. 284. 109 . Genevieve Pctall, to fir Th. Parry; with a trail fiat ion of the Bafilicon Doron. (Orig. l’r.) 1603. 28G - 110. Saint. Sauveur, to.news from the French court. (Orig. Fr. partly in cypher.) Fon- tainbl. Nov. 7 , 1603. 287> 111 . Colville, to.intelligence from France. (Orig.) Oft. 22 . 28 9- 1 is. Henrv IV; his edit'd for the eftahlilhment of the jefuits in France. (Fr.) Sept. I 60 . 1 . 2 3. 293. 114 . Henry IV, to Mr. Myron; an order for ap¬ prehending liobt. Ballet, an Englifhman. (Fr.) Dy ves, Sept. 13, 1603. 294 . H 5 . Jo. Davifon, to father Parfons, a jefuit at Rome; intelligence about the confpirators in Eng¬ land ; the recall of the jefuits in France, &c. (Orig.) Dec. 29 , 1603. ~99. 116 Three papers of intelligence from Italy. (Ital.) _ 2 » 7 - . 117 . Henry IV; his edi 6 t, founding the college of la Fleche. (Fr.) Rouen, Sept 1603 . 301. 118. Conditions annexed to the foundation of la Fleche. (Fr.) 1603. 303. 119 . Moral inltrucfions of the elector Palatine to his fon. 3(J - 5 - 1 co. A letter of fevere reprehenfion from Rofny, probably to the count, de Soiffons. (Fr.) 30 7 . ! 31 . An ecclefiaftical indulgence, in favour of thofe who fhall relieve three priefts carried off by the Eng- lilh. (Fr.) March, 1603. 309- 122 . A fatirical caution againft Gouticr, Fronton, and Cotton, three jeluits: addreffed to Henry IV. (Fr. partly in verle.) 1603 . 310 . 123. A pafquinade againft fcveral of the French court. (Fr. verfe.) 1603. S 11 . 124 . Tho. Hunter, to ATr. Mans? intelligence about fomc pirates in the Mediterranean* Leghorn. Get. 1603 . 313. 12 .!. P. Cotton, to Madlle. dc Clarcncal. (copy of X. 87 .) June 10 , 1603. 314. 126 . Jo. Davifon, to l)r. Perfe (Percy-) about the motions of Mr. Middleton, and fomc monks, &r. (Orig.) Paris, . 14, 1603. [315. 127 . Intelligence concerning a late attempt upon Geneva. (Fr.) Oct. 160 . 8 . 01 ?. 128 . Tho. Gray, to Mr. Colville; intelligence on religious matters. (Eng. Fr. and Lai.) Ilouen, Nov. 11 , 1603 . 318. 129 . T. Fiterbert? and R. Verftegan, to Mr. Col¬ ville. Oct. 22 . 319 . h. 1 30. Four papers of intelligence from Italy. (Ital.) Aug. and Sept. 1,603. 32 1 . 131 . Copy of a letter ligned Pircels (but. in the docket fail! to he i’rom M. de Loigne) and addreffed to Mods. Jolv the procurcur du rny; containing various intelligence, chiefly about intrigues at Metz by perfons ftyling tliemfclvcs Soholes. (Fr.) Sept. 12 , 160 , 8 . * ' 329. 132 . Jo. Davifon, to Dr. Perfe; intelligence about the Englifh confpirators and priefts. (Orig.) Dec. 29, 1603. 330. 133. IV’m. Critton, lo Vfim. Martins, both jefuits; an order for the payment of money. (It.) Avignon, Oct. 26 , Ki03. 331. 134 . Wm. Perfons (Parfons) to Dr. Davifon; in¬ telligence refpecling fevcral jefuits, Sec. Rome, .Aug. 25,1603. 332. 135. Advertifcmcnts concerning a peace with Spain. 1603. 334. 136 . Hotmail, to fit Tho. Parry: about his tranl- lation of the Bafilicon Doron. (Orig. Fr.) 835. 137 . Noies about treaties of commerce with France. 1603.. . 336. 1 is. ! |ti Pl< fib to Hotm in ? 41 b out t] tr^nfiat of the Bafilicon Doron. (Fr.) Saumur, Oct. 2 . 2 . 1603. 387- i; ). Jo. Monteth, t . P ; re] having overtaken Ed. Spencer al. lihcim:.. (Orig. Eat.)' Sen 1 is, Oct. 29, 1603. 828 . 140 . B. (riovanin, to tir Th 0 . Parry: offering the fervit > of coui cue* li, . mg. the grand D.ot 1 uicanv into England. (Orig. ital.) Rouen, Aug. 29 : 1603. 32.9. 141 . Dudley Carleton, to fir Tho. Parry; news from court; the approaching coronation; the plague, &c. (Orig.) Lond. June 28, 160 . 8 . , 241 . 142 . S. A. Fanden, to fir Tin. Parry; about his health, and the pirates in the Mediterranean. (Orig. conf. Hunter's letter X. 124.) Florence, Sept. 20 , 160 : 3 . on- 143 . James I; copies of letters of his, chiefly of thanks for congratulations. (Fr.) To the 1). de Guile, . 1603. the Fr. king, Sept. 20, D° Mens, dc Rohan D° 24, D° 1) de Lorraine, June 24, D° 1). dc Mavenue, D° 24, lr the Fr. king, D° 26, D” D. de Lorraine, D° D° D° 14 -!. James I; his commiffion to fir Th. Parry, to treat with French commiflioners about the regulation of trade. 1603. . 352. 145 . James I, to the Fr. king; May 18 , i603:1*o the CALIGULA, E. X. XI. *83 the prefident Harlay ? and to the prince of Condb, March 4, 1603-4. (Fr.) 354.’ 146 . Articles concerning; depredations: delivered by the Englifh ambalfador to the French kind's council. (Fr.) 3.57 147. T. Wilfon, to fir Tlio. Parry; intelligence from England. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 22, 16 03 . 359. 148 . Rough draughts of letters of fir Tho. Parry. 1604 and 5 . 3^ L ’ 149. Articles of intelligence from France and Italy. 1603. S 8 t>. 1 . 50 . Ld. Cecil, to fir Tho. Parry; about fir AntlP Stan den s reports from Italy, and inftrubtions in con- fequence thereof. (Orig.) Hampton, Jan. 24, 1603 - 4 . S88 . 1 . 51 . A letter figned R. E. (lome prieft) about re¬ ligious matters. (Orig.) Rome, May 18, 1603. 392. 1 . 52 . A paper concerning the quarrel between Mens, dc Rolhy, and the count de Soilfons. (Fr ) 1603 . 394. 153 . llobt. Spencer, to fir Tho. Parry; about an appointment of Th. Ferries. (Orig.) Rheinis, 06 t. 18 , 1603 . . . Sgg. .1.54. Henry Bromley, to fir Tho. Parry; taxes him with neglett (Orig.) Greenwich, May 17, 1603 . 393 . 1 . 55 . Ric. (Bancroft, Bp. of) London, to fir Tho. Parry ; defin ing him to advance £. 20. to fome perfon at Paris. (Orig.) Fulham, Nov. 7, 1603. 400. 156 . Ldw. Greville, to fir Tho. Parry; on private concerns. (Orig.) Aug. 8 , 1603. 402. 1.57. Hugh Miller, to Sir Tho. Parry; defining he will give leave to his fon to come over. (Orig.) Weftminfter, March 30, 1603. 404. 158 . Ld. Cecil? to fir Tho. Parry? about an omifiion in a letter from James I, to Henry IV; Rofny s ncgociatiou, &c. (Orig. but neither figned' dated, or directed.) 1603. 406. 1.59. Henry IV, to the elector Palatine? concernino- the D. dc Bouillon. (Fr.) Monceaux, July 7, 160:° 408 . 160. Articles of intelligence from Germany. (Fr.) 410. b. 161. Henry IV, to Anton. Peres; defiring him to cometo him. Fontainbl. April 30 , 1595. 411. 162. Sebaftian Zarne, to Anton. Peres-’about private concerns. (Fr.) Fontainbl. Nov. 1603. 412. 163 . A French paper endorfed “ Mercuriale dc Mons. de Rofny.” 1603. 4jo 164 . A letter concerning a confpiracy to poifon Henry IV. (Fr.) Chambery, Sept. 1603. 415. Caligula , E. XL Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 340. 1. Accord pour l'Evcchb de Strafbourg; du 22 ™' Nov. 1604 . O 2. Rough draughts of letters from fir Tho. Parry 1604. e r‘ 3 . James I, to M. de Rofny; recommending Ld ycmvs to his favour. (Orig. Fr.) Hainpton-ct. Jan, 13, 1603 - 4 . 3G 4 . Ld. Cranbourn, to fir Tho. Parry; concernino- a treaty. (Orig.) Whitehall .Aug. 25, 1604. 38 ° Ld. Cecil, to lir lho. Parry; demanding an explanation; ; alfo intelligence- and inftj-ii&ions. (Orig.) W hitehall, April 14 , 1 604.' 40. L , X w aCTs °! letters from the grand mafter of Malta (Martin de Garzez) concerning the pirates in the Mediterranean. (Fr.) March, 1604. ‘ 43. 7. Advice from Malta, concerning the pirates. (Fr.) 1604. 45 ' 8. Memoirs relating to an edia for an affcmbly m rranee on affairs of religion. (Fr) Obi 00 1604 . v ' 9. Du Pleffis to count de la Val; on religious queitions. (1-r.) Boumoy, Nov. 19, 1604. ^50. 10 Ld. Cranbourn, to fir Tho. Pam ? three letters ot intelligence and mftruetions. (Orm-) lw 0, Sept. 25, and Feb. 14, 1603. ° 5 \? 1 1. James 1, to the count de Soiflons; on the death h atI F (hichcl.s of Lorrain, lifter to Henry iv (Orig. Fr.) Wcftm; March 4, l Ca is. James 1, to Hen. IV; concerning the woollen trade. (Fr.) C2> 13 . Part of a letter from fome Englifh, to a French mmilter; defiling that M. de Vitry might be fuff bred to continue fome time longer with K. James. (Fr.) 64. 14 . James J. to whom one lie calls cotifin; four let¬ ters containing great profefiions of friend)!,ip April 8,21, June, 19, Aug, 20, i6c4. F f j (J . 15 . James I, to Henry IV; concerning the woollen trade, (fr.) M dim. Dec. 24, 1130$. ?0 16 . James 1 to Henry IV; exprefiing great cordia¬ lity. (Fr.) Weftm. Dec. 28, 1604. rJX \ Ja ?5 {' t0 ' ' ' • ■ • • llis coul ”D profefiions of regard. (Fr.) Weftm. Dec. 19, 1604. 73i is. A note of certain propofals concerning the merchants trading in France. ~ 4 in. James Perrier, to fir Tlio. Parry ; recommend¬ ing hmifelt to his favour. (Orig.) Home, Jan 16 1604 - 5 . • } ,*• °“ e " (»!«* Mints) to Dr. Davifon, (dnectcd to Colings) on the unfavourable profpebt for the catholic religion in England. (Orig.) Mans l eb. 7, 1604-5. ‘ ’ 21. James I, to Henry IV; another cony of the letter .XI. 15 . Dec. 24 , 1604. 78 22. Henry (de Bouillon?) to James I; exureftino- gratitude and refpebt. ukh. 1 80 3 Jt> Tlm - 'Ulfon, to fir Robt. Cecil; various in- telligenee. (Orig.) Bayonne. Felt is, ms- 4 f 81. " 4 . J he mimes of is new cardinals; and fome 1- rench latineal s cries on that otcafion. 1604. S3 1J ' Cjmftable, to D. Bagihaw; intdlh, concerning the pnefem England. Kinefton f tn „ 1604 . 84 . 26. A fmnll fragment, in Italian. S5 27 . A eo])y of the French fatirical verfes, XI. 04. _ 86 . 28 . Extracttof a letter from Rochelle, concerning nts againft the proteflaiits. April u , .-»■ T1 >- Gray, to John Colville; intelligence con- ceinmg the F-nghlh catholics abroad (Orig-) Rouen, Nov. n - ■ . 88 . o0. Another copy of the indulgence X. 121. 1 Cos. 89. 31 . Aleflaudro Rovida, to fir Tho. Parry; about t’lt 1 v°T erCe ri/ ,Ul ° ffc ™ s hls fe »ices fw ftaly. (Ital.) Paris, 06 f. 13, 1604. g] 32 . Crcllwell, a jefuit in Spain, to . 1604. (,-Lat.; . , 93 . o 3 . Another copy of XI. 28 . 1604. 95. 34. The 184 CALIGULA, E. XI, 34 . The D. de Bouillon, to Ilenry IV; two letters in vindication of himfclf. (Fr.) Sedan, Oct. 1604. 96. 33 . Copy of a letter from Rome, with various in¬ telligence concerning the Spaniih ambatl'ador. Sec. (Fv.) 1604. 100 ' Extrafts of feveral letters from Patrick Stichcll. a Scot, to divers perlons at Rome. 1604 . 102 . 37 . .Tames Ferrier, to fir Tho. Parry; about father Parlbns having incurred blame fioni tile 1 ope. (Orig.) Rome, April 6, 1604. 104- 38 ~ Ld. Cecil, to fir Tho. Parry: about an Englifh Blip feized In' the.and carried into Marfcilles. (Orig.) Hampt.-ct. Jan. 11 , 1603-4. 100 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn ; onhisne- gociatinns in France concerning commerce, and inteUmence from the Fr. court. March 4 , 1004 -a. 108. 40. The D. of Lenox, to Ld. Cranbourn; reports his proceedings at the French court. 1 604-3. 112 . 41 . Lord Cranbourn, to fir Tho. Parry ? infmiclions and advice. Greenwich, March 23, 1604-3. 114. 42 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn; on the merchants caufe; and various intelligence concern- in"- the Fr. confpivators, &c. Paris, Dec. 2 , 1604. 116. 43 . The D. of Lenox, to Ld. Saliibury; reports his reception at Paris, and various intelligence. Paris, 1604-5. }*<>■ 44 . The D. of Lenox, to James I; reports his lirfi audicnee at court. Paris, Jan. 8, 1004-5. 122. li. 45 . James 1 , to the Q. of France (Mary de Mcdicis) ; credential fur the D. oi Lenox. 1604. 12 S. b. 46 . The I.ds. of Council, to fir Tho. Parry; touching a leisure of Engliih cloths at Rouen. Whitehall, Dec, 10 , 1604. ia *“ 47 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn? four letters ; being- ample difpatches Concerning various tranfac- tions and perfons at the Fr. court and clfewhcre. Paris, OCt. 3, Aug. 11 , June IS, May 15, 1004. 123. 48 . James I, to feme French prnteftants ; contain¬ ing congratulations and profeihons of friendlhip. (Fr.) Royiton, March 6, 1604-3. 167 . 40 . Sil Tho. Parry, to fir Henry Bromley, (a rough draught.) May 31, 1604. 50 . .A treaty between England. France, «tc. in the lime ofQ. Elizabeth, and probably of Charles the IX. K. of France, (notiil Rymer : another copy ot XII. 07.) 1 ‘ L 51 . Rough draughts of four letters from fir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn and Salifbufy. 1605 . 176 . 52 . A paper endorfed, “ Les gentilhommes Alle- mamls, an roy Henry IV. 1605. 187- 53 . Extract of a letter from a valet de cliambre of the Emperor, to a friend of his in France;_ containing intelligence from the Emperor's court. (Fr.) Prague, April Te, 1605.' w - 54 . Another copy of the “ Lettre des gentilhommes Allcniands.” XI. 52. 1605. 198. 55 . A paper endorfed, L affemblbe faite pai les miniftres des trois provinces a Ablon." March 16; 1605. “° 2 - 56 . Count Maurice (dc Nafiau) and the marlhal dc Bouillon, to the deputies of the reformed churches ill Prince,' affembled at Chatelleraut. (Fr.) 160.5. 204. 57 . • Plainte’ faite au roy, pour les rentes de la milfoil de ville de Paris. 1605. 206. 58 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn; two dif¬ patches. Paris, April 3, and 10 , 1605. 2 lu. 59. A brief of the exactions and wrongs which the merchants undergo at Bourdeaux. 1605. 213 . 60. Henry It', to James I; on the D. of Lenox coming over as ambailador. (Fr.) Paris, March 6, 1()0.5. - 18 * (ii. Extracts out of fome treaties, on the affadina¬ tion of Henry IV, and the Hate ot I ranee in conle- quence thereof. 1612 . -PJ- 62. Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn. Paris, Feb. 8, 1604-5. -~7- 63 . Ld. Cranbourn, to fir Tho Parry. \\ hitehall, F’eb. 20 , l 604-5. e -b- G 4 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn; two dif¬ patches. Paris, March 4, and 17 , 1G04-5. 23o. 65. Ld. Cranbourn, to iir Tho Parry. Greenwich, March 23, 1604-5. 234. GG. Sir Tho. Parry, to.part ot a letter. 23G. 67 . De Nautonier, to.about a perlon poifefled, and the exorcifm performed upon him. (Fr.) Venes, Jan. 14, 1G05. 237- GS. James I, to the prince.in favour ot the merchants. (Fr.) AVeftm. Feb. 15, 1604-5. ‘239- GO. James Creiton, to J. Creiton at Avignon; in¬ telligence. Loud. Feb. 14, 1604-5. 241 . 70 . A note concerning the election ot a Pope. March 15, 1605. - 4 ~- 71 . Extracts of letters from Heidelberg; intelli¬ gence. April, 1G05. '-4 3. 72 . Satirical verfes on Pope Leo. XI. and father Cotton. (Lat. and Fr.) 1605. -44. 73 . A Latin fragment concerning the jefuits. 245. 74 . A lift of towns taken by the Huguenots of upper Hungary. 1605. £46. 7 . 5 . Extract, of a letter from Heidelberg, touching Gray a Scotchman. (Fr.) Feb. 21 , 1605. 24?. 7G. Satirical verfes on the jefuits, entitled, “ in Pvramidtm.” 77 . Names and humorous characters of the prin¬ cipal perfons of the French court. This paper is en¬ dorfed “ Les unis de Mre. Guillaume. iMars, 1605 . ’ 249- 78 . Sir Tho. Parry : to.about Ld. Norris his nephew's i^difpofition; the commercial treaty, Xe. 79 . James I, to Henry IV; a humorous friendly letter. (Fr.) 80. Henry IV, to James I; on his recalling dc Beaumont. (Fr.) Blois, Sept. 27 , iGOy. u.jd. 81. Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn? two clil- patches. Paris, Sept. 10 , and- 1605. 257- 82. Lord Cranbourn? to Mr. de Villerov; excufing himfelf for an omiffion in etiquette. Sept. 13, 1005. 263. 83 . Q. Anne of England, to Q. Mary (de Medicis) of France; aligning the reafon tor not having yet lent her over her portrait. Aug. 27 , 1 605. 260 . 84 . Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld. Cranbourn; intelligence. Paris, Sept. 22, 1605. 267 * 85 . A French to an Englifh minifter (perhaps ViUeroy to Ld. Cranbourn) on renewing their cor- refpondence. (Fr.) Fontainbl. May 27 , 1605. 269- 86. Sir Tho. Parry, to Ld Cranbourn; intelligence. Paris, July 5, 1605. 87. A letter CALIGULA, E. XL XII. *85 87 . A letter concerning a commercial treaty, and private concerns, (perhaps from Sir T. Parry.) 273. 88. De Neufville (Villeroy) to Ld. Cranborn ; in anfwer to XL 82 . (Orig. IT.) Chaftelier, Oct. 8, 1 GO 0 . 275. 89- James I, to Henry IV; on the latter having granted “ main levee” on the Englilh cloths feizcd in France. (Fr.) Greenwich, April 13 . 1G05. 90 . Bourbonne, to.thanks, and offers of fervice. (Orig. Fr.) Nancy, April 10, 1 Goa. 278 . 91 . Henry IV. and Q. Mary de Medicis, to James I; two letters on tile coming over of the D. of Lenox. (Fr.) March, 1605. 28 1 . 92 . An agreement between fir Tho. Parry, and Dan. Dun, for an indemnification of £. 100 . to be paid to Bened. Webb, a clothier. April 28. 283. 93 . An account of films due to England by the French king. Aug. 18 , 1613. 284. 94 . Ja. Dodona, to Ld. Northampton; requeu¬ ing certain patents, &c. (Ital.) London, Aug. 8. 886 . 9.5. Remarks on an intended commercial treaty. (Fr.) 288. 96. Heads and remarks concerning a treaty: three fragments. 292 . 97 . Grievances pretended by the French to have been offered to their merchants in England; and anfwers thereto: two papers. (Fr.) 298 . 98. A fchedule of the aCls from 11 Ed. hi. to 43 Eliz. concerning drapery. 304. 99. John Finet, to the E. of Northampton; in¬ telligence concerning a fray in the Limoulin, the Jefuits, &c. (Orig.) 3 icy 100 . A native of Brabant, to James I; various fecret intelligence about a marriage contract with a Spanifli princefs; and giving an account of himfelf. (Fr.) 312. 101 . The treaty of alliance between James 1 . and Lewis XIII; with the full powers, as printed in Rymcr XVI. 694. (Lat.) Loud. Aug. 19 , 1610 . 317. 102 . Samuel.to.concerning a traitor, Jean Maurice, flopped in Swifferland. (Orig. Fr.) Morges, Sept. 28, 1 G 12 . 334 . 103. Intelligence about a Mr. Seymour in the Low Countries. May 20 , lGiS. 335. 104. Two copies oflatin verfes; one of them ad- d ref fed to Prefident Jeanin? and the other entitled “ Felicitas Gall he.” 337 . Caligula , E. XII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 4 G 9 . 1 . A capitulation of fome town or diftriCt, ceded by Spain to the States General. (Fr.) 2 . 2 . The E. of Warwick’s order for a muffler at New¬ port. (Orig.) Newport, Nov. 30, 15G3. 3 . 3. An order about ftrangers, &c. evacuating a cer¬ tain town. (Fr.) " 5 . 4. Q. Elizabeth’s inftruCtions to her ambaffador in France (SirN. Throckmorton?) (partly in cypher.) Weftm. Feb. 28 , 1559 . 6. 5. Twelve articles to be confidercd, concerning a treaty with France. s. G. Names of French commiffioners, and of thofe in their train. J0 7. InftruCtions to fir Anth r Mildmay, going to France. 1596 ? ‘ 8. The fpcccli to be ufed by the E. of Derby to the Fr. king, and the queen his mother, on offering the order of the garter. (Ital.) 15G4? 15 , 9. Two papers (fecmingly fragments) on the com¬ plaints of the Englilh merchants; and the anfwers made thereto by the French merchants. 17 . 10 . A difeuffion on the inexpediency of Q. Eliza¬ beth’s marrying Monfieur. 25 . 1 ]. A fragment of an angry letter. 33 . 12 . The grand Turk, to the king of Navarre; of¬ fering to aflifthim again ft Spain. (Fr. a fragment.) 35. 13. A letter from an Englilh ambafiador in France, with various intelligence. 1576 ? 3G. 14 . A Placart of the king of Spain, concerning the Englilh cloths imported in Flanders. (Fr.) Bruffels, June 15, 1570 . 37 . 15. Q. Elizabeth, to her ambaffador in France; inftruCtions. (another copy of XII. 4.) Weftm. Feb. 28, 1559 . 39 . 16. Q. Elizabeth's inftruCtions, and intelligence to her ambafiador in Scotland (perhaps Randolph?) (a rough draught, partly in Cecil’s hand.) 1565 ? 43. 17 . Rough draught of a difpatcli from fir Thoi Parry. 1 G 03 . 47 . IS. Some account of the conftitution and functions of the parliament of Paris. 4 ;}. 19 . Lefiey, Bp. of Rofs, to.mentions James Vlth’s flight from Sterling. (Lat.) Dieppe, 1579? 51 .’ 20 . A rough draught of a difpatcli from fir Tho. Parry. 52 . 21. La Noue, to Sec r Walfingham; 011 his being releafed. (Fr.) Paris, Oct. 1 . 55 . 22 . Rough draughts by fir Tho. Parry. 5G. 23. A French letter, (chiefly in cypher.) 60 . 24 . A fcheme of inftruCtions to an Englilh ambaf¬ fador in France ; and a rough draught of lpeeches in consequence of them, in Italian. 15 G 4 . G 2 . 25. Articles of intelligence, chiefly from Germany. 64. 2 G. Reply of the Englilh commiffioners to the anfwers of the Fr. ambafiador concerning the com¬ mercial treaty. 66. 3 B 27 . A paper CALIGULA, E. XII. i $7 reigns of Henry HI. and IV. (I' 1 -) April 8, lfiog. aai. \ o-eographical and political account of Fiance i being*merely the names of provinces, towns, offices, families, &c. 75 . James I; his co’mmiflion to fir Tho. Parry, to -treat in France about commercial affairs. (Lat.) Greenwich, June 1 , H>03. 341. 76 . Heads of an alliance. 34(5. 77 . A lift of documents, proving the injuftice of I he decilions of 'French courts concerning an Englilh ihip feized. 1611. 348 - 78 . A reply to the French ambalfador's allegations, concerning the complaints of the French merchants. lGl 1. 330 ‘ 70 Henry IV, to Q. Elizabeth; requefting fuccour towards reducing Rouen. (Fr.) Rouen, March 18, 1592 - 354 ' 80 . An explication of the names in the book called “ Lettre myftiquc.” 3M - si Tho. Edmond's declaration concerning tile feiznic of an Englilh ihip; and an anfwcr thereto. (Fr.) March, 1811 . J57 - S3. Contract for' the marriage of tile dauphin Francis, with Mary queen of Scotland, (hr. im- perfea.) 1553. 36 ~ 83 . Rough draughts of letters of fir Tho. Parry. 1003. ‘ 3 ^ 0 ' 84 . Latin verfes on the duke d'Alenfon. (cu¬ rious inftanccs of alliteration.) 371 . 85 . A legal difeuffion, perliaps an “ arret,” con¬ cerning the'property and emoluments of an advocate o-eneral in the Parliament of Paris. (Fr.) 373. 86. Articles propofed by the deputies of the pro- teftauts in France. 1573? 3S1 - 37 . A colleaion of the laft fpeeclres of Francis D. de Guile (alfalfinated before Orleans) to his wile, fun, and brethren. Feb. 1563. 38s - 8?. Uemonftrances concerning the execution of the edict of pacification of Touloule ; with the king's anl'wers thereto. 1503? ss 0- 89. A fragment, concerning the claims of the family of Chatillon on the inheritance of the ad¬ miral de Coligni. (Lat.) 1573? 397 . 90 . Prince Caftmir's remarks on the articles of a treaty between France and certain German princes. (Fr.) 399. 91 . A memorial from the ambaftador of the K. of Navarre, to the French king. (Fr.) 403. 92 . Some complaints and propofals, in behalf of the merchants trading in France. 407 . 93 . Latin verfes, in which Q. Catherine de Mcdicis, is compared to the worft female character in hiltory : probably after the malfacre of St. Barthdemy. 157 $. 409. 94. Illuftriffini viri G. Coligni Fr. admiralis, carmen funebre. 1572. 410. 95 . A farcaftic epitaph for Charles IX ; and an epigram again ft Catherine de Mcdicis. 1572. 4 12 . gfj. A paper on the maftacre of St. Barthclcmy ; and feme altrological or gnoftical diagrams. 41 3. 97 . Articles demanded by tbc French merchants trading in England. (Fr.) 41 5. 98 . A devife laid to be by Ilcnrv? D. de Guife to cut off the Houle of Valois, and to make himfejf K. of France; with divers articles for the execution of the plot. (Fr. a fragVnent.) 417 . 99 . Articles of pacification propofed to Ilenry m. by the proteftants of France. (Fr.) 420 . 100 . Copies and extracts of Letters of Theod. Beza, prince Cafimir, and the magiftrates of Geneva. (Fr. and Lat.) 1585. 4SG. lot. A memorial concerning church property. (Fr.) 443* 102 . Hotmail, to fir Tho. Parry; with the works of his father. (Fr.) 448. 103. Rough draught in Englilh of the treaty between Jlcnry IV. and James I. (printed in Latin and French, in Rvm. XVI. 045, and (553.) here dated Paris, Feb. 24, 1 (50(5. 450\ 10 i. Articles propofed by deputies of the province of Normandy, in favour of the French merchants trading in England. 4(58. 388 CLAUDIUS, A. I.—III. Claudius, A. I. Codex membran. in 4to. ex foliis cdnftans l.-u. fed ex his defidcrantur fol. 33 et 38. Sec. Mil. et xiv. l. Breviloquium vita;, virtutum, et obitus B. AA'il- fridi, epifcopi et eonfelforis; a act ore ITidegoda, rogatu Odonls arcbiep. Cantuar. carmine ficxa- met.ro confcriptum. Praxfigitur Odonis epiftola, de tranftatione ipfius reliquiarum intra ambitum ecelefia; metropolitan®. -• Lucii Papa; epiftola, ad prioremet canonicos de Keieiworth; in qua ipfis indulget, ut cum clerici ant facerdotcs fuarum eccleiiarum parocbialium decedant, aut eafdem dimittant, eas in manibus retinere, et ad proprios uius refervare, liceat. Mill. Kal. Nov. ;u . 3. Regis Scotia;, ad R. (Robertum Gemeticenfom ?) arcliicp. Cantuar. epiftola; in qua ipfius requirit conlilium et auxiliuin in fubftituendo el. conleerando arcbiep. eccleiiie Sei. Andrea-, loco Turgoti nupcr mortui. 34 . b. 4 . Pafchalis II. Pap®, ad Ilenricum I. Anglia- 1{. epiftola; in qua queritur quod fed is apoftolica'' nuncii yel epiftola-, prater juti'um regia- majcliatis, “ nullain in poteftate ejus fufccptioncm aut aditum promcren- tur." 34. b. r>. Gelafii P. ad arcbiepifeopos, epifcopos, et abbates per (ialliam epiftola; de controverfia inter ilium et Imperatorem, qui llomam veniens ilium egredi cpegit- 35. (i. Gregorii P. ad Terdelvachum regem Hibernia-, et clerum univerfum, proceres, omnefque clu iliianos in Hibernia habitantes; ut obcdientiam et. revercn- tiam Roma 11 a- ecelefia?, cujus auctoritatem extollit, exhibere reminifcantur. 35 . 7. Anaftafii (IV?) Papa’, ad Theobaldum arcbiep. Cantuar. epiftola; in qua monel ut ill os, qwi priorem S. Trinitatis Cantuar. et capellanos illius, duofque monachos detinuere ne llomam adirent, publice ex- communicatos denunciet; et ut pnedicti liberentur quo iter fuuin proiequantur. 33 . 8. Calixti II. P. ad Ilenricum v. imperatorem epiftola; tie elebtionibus epifcoporum, et abbatum Teutonici regni. g*^, (, D- Ilenrici (v?) imperatoris declaratio, in qua cedit ab inveftitura per annulum et baculum; et pollicetur fe, (jure a principio hujus difcordia- Ro¬ mano; eeclelia- erant ablata, reftituturum. 33 . |,. io. N. (Nicolaus ?) Wigornenfis ecelefia; prior, et fratrum conventus, ad W. (Will. Corboyl?) Doro- bernenfium metropolitam; ut illos protegerc relit; et ut pro ipfis a rege obtineat liberam et canonicam, depaftore, elebtionem. 3 g ’ n. N. ad eundcm epiftola, pro libera elebtione epifcopi Wintonienlis. 12 . AM (Will. Corboyl?) arcbiep. Cantuar. ad priorem et conventum S. Maria- AVigornenlis eeelcfi®, epiftola refponforia. gq, b. 1 Kdmeri monacbi epiftola ad fratres AVigor- nenles, in qua hortatur illos ad concordiam. 30'. b. ^ 11 .. Papa; epiftola, de fuprema poteftate Romanic ecelefia-; et. quod non liceat grayiora ec- elelia- negotia definire, inconfulto pontifice. 37 . i.j. Palchalis II. Papa, ad Regent Ilenricum 1 , epiftola; de elebtione arcbiep. Eboracenfis ; etutille ab ecelefia fua fequeftratus revocetur. 37 . b. Hi. Ejufdem, ad arcbiepifeopos, epifcopos, et abbates Anglia-epiftola; ut Anfelmum, S. Sab® ab- battm, quern vicarium fuum conftituit, et ad II. Petri eleemolynam colligendam in Angliam mifit, reve- renter fufeipiant. 37 . b 1 7- Ejufdem, ad Cantuarienfis ecelefia; filios epiftola; in qua Roft'enlis epifcopi ad iftam fedciu tranfiationem, ipio inconfulto et infeio tactam, pra-iumi non debuilfe, monet. 37 b 18 . A ita S. Ambrofii Mediolanenfis epifcopi. 39 . 19- Invcntio SS. martyrum, Gervalii et Protalii. 41 . 20 . Inventio corporis S. Nazarii martyris. 44 . 21 . A ita S. Hieronymi prefbvteri. 43 . 22 . A ita S. liilarii, Pictavieufis epifcopi, a fervo dims Fortunatoprelbytero, deindeepifeopo, compolita. 53. 23. Ejufdem Fortunati, ad Pafcenti um pa pam epiftola. Item epiftola S. liilarii. 3 <| |,. ’ 24. S. liilarii, in depofitione lane-tie memoriie I). Honorati epifcopi, fermo. qj 23 . Ldie 11 us, de nativitate Sea.-. l)ei genitricis, -'Iaria’; adferiptusSco. Hieronymo. 7 ]. 20 . C onyerlio, tt \ irile et magnum certamen vene- rabilis Maria- /Egyptiaca-. 74 |,. 27 . Aita Sei Martial is : incondite a librario ex- fcripta. 8 o. 28 . \ ita Sei. Johannis, aehiepifeopi Alexandrini et eonfelforis; a Lcontio epil'copo Ncopoleos in infula C ypnorum, feripta: latino reddita, et. inferipta P Nieolao. 95 ' 2 n. Bed® prelbyteri, de vita Sei. Cuthberti, ad Ead- fridum epifeopum, pra-fatio. ] 03 . b. 30. Ejufdem, miracula Sei. C’utbberti. I 24 .b. Claudius, A. II. Codex membran. in 4to. conl’tans ex foliis lot Sec. xv. 1 . Fiber feftialis; continens fermones, five liomi- lias, luper pneeipuis anni feftis: compofitus per fratrem Johanncm Mirk us, eanonieuni regularem monalterii de Lullhul. Incipit enim a prima domi¬ nion' adventus. (Anglicc.) L 2 . Modus pronuntiand® magna- fententheexrom- munieationis, quatcr in anno. (Angliee.) 12 . 8 . b. 8. “ Propter prelbiterum paroehialem inftitu- endum, vevlus. 1 Angliee.) Incip. “ God ftyill liyni fi-lf, as vrytten \vc fvnde. That wlienne the hlynde ledeth thc’blynde, In to the dyche thc\ fallen boo, l or they ne fen wharc by to go.” Ad finem hie adjieitur colophon “ Explicit trac- “ ta!us ( l lli dieitur Pars oculi, de Latino in Anglieum tranllatus per Iratrem Jo. Mircus eanonieuni de ‘‘ Lullefliul.” ^37 4. Indiculus feftorum, ab omnibus operibus tc- nendoruni, per conftitutioncni Ricardi Arundel, Cantuar. arcbiep. ] 5 o |,.' t .5. Quales ritus et fefiivitates pontifices Romani fuistemporibus in eceleliam induxerint. (Angliee.) 133. b. Claudius, A. III. Codex membran. in 4 to. folior. 1 48. Sec. xr. 1 . fragment urn ex quodani Evangeliorum libro ayullum, qui quondam pertinuit Eeelelite Chrilti Cantuari®; in quo tragmento habentur. (a.) Privilegia cidem ccclefue (rogante iElfrico arcbiep.) conceila, ab Aethelredo rege A. D 100 O. (Latine, et hide Saxoniee.) j. (b.) Liter® patentes regis Edwardi Conf. ad Sti- gandum arcliicp. Cantuar. Haroldum comitem, AVulfricum CLAUDIUS, A. III.—'VI. 18 g Wulfricum abbatem, Ofweardum, ct alios pro- ceres in Cantia miflffi: in quibus confirmat pofleflioncm praediorum in Mejifeham eidem ecclelice. (Saxonice.) _ 4. b. (c.) Confirmatio donationis terrarum in Nipan- V rune, quas dedit eidem ecclefiae Canutus vex, per Aelfgyfam Edwardi regis niatrem. (Saxon.) (d.) Teftimonium ALthelnotlii archiepifcopi, de terris in Dobimepepliam, quas ipfe emit; ct poftea duiti viveret eidem ecclefiae dedit. (Saxon.) 5 - (e.) Teftimonium Theorcdi de terris in Hoppleje, quas ipfe dedit eidem eeclefuc. (Saxon.) 5 . (f.) Charta It. Edwardi Conf. de terris in Cepr- ham: confirmans infuper eidem eeclefuc om- nes terras quas ante contulerant reges, epifcopi, comites, magnates, &c. Sequuntur earundem terrarum liomina, ex quibus qiuedam erala. (Saxon.) 5 - b. o. Bonifacii IV. Papa?, ad iEthelbertum R. An- o-lor. cpiftola; de ejufdem ecclc-fuc fundatione. 3 Kal. Mart. (314. ‘ 6 . 3 . Sergii Papa?, ad univerfos epifcopos per Bri- tclnniam conftitutos, epiftola?, fragmentum. o. b. 4 . PiCtura S. Dunftani arehicp. Cantuar. in cathedra fedentis; columba in aurem dextram r oft rum immittente; et tribus monachis fub pedes, more fupplicantium, proftratis. 7- 5 . Fragmentum libri cujufdam Pontificaiis, in quo extat “ Brdo Confecrationis” (ut ibi dicitur) live coronationis regis et regina?, tempore rEthelredi regis. 7. b. 6 . Ordo confecrationis five coronationis regis, cum benedictione regime abepifeopo: feriptus circa tempora Henrici l. 17. 7 . Synodalia decreta, fafta fub Aethelredo rege, archiprsefulum Aelfealri et Aewulftani hortatu, in loco Eanbam appellato; de reformatione ecclelia? ct rcip. Prawn ilfa eft precatio poetica per profopo- preiam in nomine libri. (Saxonice.) 30. 8 . Conftitutiones Sapientum; intit. Be Fitrena Cepabnepann. (Saxon.) 33. b. 9 . Fragmentum alterius libri Pontificaiis, in quo continents; ordo de facris ordinibus bene- dicendis; modus de confecratione ecclefiarum; de benedicendis latte, rnelle, agno pafchali, pane, poniis, aliifque; ordo benedicendi live conle- crandi moniales. 37. 10 . Fragmentum aliud ejufdem libri Pontificaiis quern in hoc codice defignavimus, No. 5. de ordi- natione monachi, confecratione abbatis, virginis, &c. 85 - 11. Fragmentum alterum illius Pontificaiis No. 9, infigniti; quo continentur collects in dominicis, etpraecipuis anni feftis, &c. 104. 12 . Benedi&iones in Scorum feftivitatibus, per anni circulum, dicendte ab epilcopo. 135. Claudius , A. IV. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans fol. 2 iG. Sec. XIV. 1. Tr aft at us de calendario ct computo acclefi- aftico ; incerti auftoris. i- 2 . Statuta collegii Regime Oxon. fundatie a Roberto de Eglesfield, excellentiflimas Philipjue, Edwardi III. regime, clerieo. •'•7- 3. Compilatio decretorum Gratiani. 81. 4 . De locis facris civitatis Jerufalem; et.de reli- quiis qu£& illic in eccleliis fcrvanlur: uniea pagina. 188. 5. Alexandri III. Papie epiftoke, ad archiepif- copos Cantuar. et Eborac. et epifcopos Exonien- fem, et Wigornenfem ; de variis cafibus jure ca- tionico non decifis, de quibus erat coniultus. 189. Claudius, A. V. Codex membran. in 4 to. folior. 199 , fol. 43, 40, et 47, ex parte muribus corrofa; Sec, xiv. 1 . Chronicon Petriburgenfc; ab anno 65 t, quo tempore monafterium de Burgo S. Petri a Peada rege Merciorum fundatum erat, ad An. 1308. Continet preeter notationem return in Anglia gefta- rum, feriem abbatum monalterii ejufdem, et pri¬ orum ecclefiiB Spaldingenfis in comitatu Lincol- nienfi: compofitum, ut jamdiu autumnavit cl. Jofephus Sparke, per Johannem de haleto, abbatem Petriburgenfem, et Bobertum Bolton, monachum forfan Spaldingia?. (vid. I lilt. Angl. Sciiptores varii, Lond. 1723 .) J - 2 . Gul. Malmelburienfis monachus, de geftisPon- tificum Anglorum. 45. 3 . Vita Aldhelmi epifcopi (Schireburn. A. 705.) ab eodem Gulielmo compofita. 128 . b. 4 . Genealogia Henrici II. regis Anglorum : uniea pagina. 13S. 5 . Vita S. Erkenwaldi, Londonia; Epifcopi. 135. 0. X r ita Sea? Wenefreda? virginis et martyris ; per Elerium Britannum monachum An. 660, ut Jame- fius annotavit, vel potius per Robertum Salopien- fem An. 1140 , ut vir quidam eruditus melius docet. 138. 7 . Miracula ejufdem Wenefreda?; quae etiarn Pafiio in fine nuncupatin'. 141. 8. Vita S. Neoti abbatis, per Gul. abbatem Crovlandenfem, A. 11 so. ut idem annotavit. 141 . b. 9 . Vita S. Wlftani epifcopi et confefforis, per Senatum Bravonium monachum Wigorn. A. 1170 . vel potius per YVillielmum monachum Wigorn. ut ex cpiftola ad finem vita? patet. 160 . b. Claudius , A. VI. Codex membran. in 4to. folior. 286 . See. XtV. 1. Chartularium monafterii de Boxgrave in comi¬ tatu Sulfexite, fundati a Roberto de Hay a. 1 . 2 . Ivonis, Carnotenfis epifcopi, fermoues in ce- lebrioribus anni feftis liabiti, viz. 153. (a.) De Adventu Domini. 153 (b.) De Nativitate Domini. 154. (c.) De Circumcifione Domini. 157. (d.) De Epipliania Domini. 158. (e.) In Purificatione S. Marian 159. (ft) In Septuagefima. 100 . (g.) In capite Jejunii, ad pcenitentes, 162 . (h.) In Quadragefima. 103. (i.) In Aununciatione S. Maria?. 165. (k.) In Dominica in palmis. 1 G 7 . (1.) In die Cuena? Domini. 108 (m.) In Paftcha Domini. _ 169 . (n.) In Alcenfione Domini. 170. (o.) De Pentecofte. 1 71. 3. Ejufdem cpiftola? CCLIII. 172. 4 . Marbodi epifcopi, ad ancillam Clirifti Age- noridem, epiftola para?netica. 282. 5. Guil. Pontil. monachus, ad G. Sci. Launomeri monachum, epiftola? dute ; cum una ad clauftrales ejufdem fratres. 287 - 3 C Claudius , CLAUDIUS, A. VII.— XI. 190 Claudius, A. VII. Defideratur. Claudius, A. VIII. Codex partim membran. partim chartac. in 4 to. folior, '213. 1 . The chronicle of K. Henry v. ]. 2 . Compilationeg de fundatione, dedicatione, libertate, dignitate, et privileges, ex bulbs papali- bus, reliquiis ianCtorum, et indulgentiis Abbatise Weftmonafterienfis; collect® ex vetultiffimis monu- mentis: per fiat. Ric. Sporley, monach. Weftm. A 0 1450. * ig. 5. De abbatibus ejufdem ecclefi®, viz. ab Orbri- thoad Joliannem Eftney : per Joliannem Felix mona- chum. 34 . 4 . Nomina abbatum ecclefi® Weftmonafterienfis, ab Orbritho ad Georgium Norwich: unicapagi'na. " 66 . 5. The names of the deans and prebendaries in- italled at ilie erection of the college of Weftminfter A. 1). 3o (JO, and fince that time, viz. to the year 1620 . G9. G ; The creation of Ilenrv D. of York, fecond fon ofK. Henry VII. A. D. 1494 . 71 . 7 . Excerpta ex regiftro prioratus de Bredona in com. Leicester. 73. 8. Charta Saxonica Ethelredi regis; concella Leofwiuo duci de Southampton, Illodbroke et llreod- burn ; cum interlineari verfione latina per J. Jofceli- num. Item, Edwardi R. ct Conf. confirmatio fundationis abbatice de Coventre, per Leofricum comitem, et Godgyvam, uxorem fuam. (Sax. et Lat.) 74 . y. Refponfio abbatis Bangor’ ad Auguftinum monachum, poftulantem illius fubje&ionem ad ec- clefiam Romanam: dicitur fuifle exfcripta ex libro antiquiffimo manufcripto Petri Moften generofi. (lingua Wallica.) 7 G. 10 . Excerptum ex hifforia Britannica de archi- epifcopis Menevenfibus qui pallium non geftarunt, et tamen epileopos Walli® confecrabant. (Wallice. 1 eripturn circa temp. Hen. VI.) 70 . b. 11. Collectanea de monaftcrio Wigorniai; ubi niulta occurunt de regibus, benefaCtoribus illius, et epifeopis; ex chartis antiquis excerpta. so 12 . Collectanea de fundatione abbatite de Theo- kelbury, ad annum 1083. gg. 13. Excerpta ex regiftro prioratus ecclcfue Chrifti de Twinham. ]Q 3 14 . Excerpta ex libro chartamm in on after ii S. Salvatoris de Bermundefey, juxta London, per fra- trerh W. de Prefton, A. D. 1*363. no. 15. Excerpta ex hiftoria Elienfis Infill®. 119 . 16. Excerpta ex vita S. Sexburg® abbatiffie. 126. b. 17. Excerpta ex libro de chartis abbati® de Eynelham, five Egnefhain, in comitatu Oxoni®. 18. Excerpta ex martyrologio abbatiie dc Evcf- ham f in com. Wigornia?. * j 37 ly. I.xccrpta ex libro chartarum prioratus B. Mariie Magdalen® de BreCton five Lunda, orclinis S. Benedict!, Eboracenfis dicecefeos. 137. b. £0. Inftrumentum fubfidii cleri Eboracenfis dicecefeos, 11 . lien. Yin. concefli. 142. 21. Job. Fortefcue, de dominio regali et politico ; ad Ii. Iienricum vi. (Anglice). 172. . .... .1.,..^,, ... uu. iiniu.iiini or di. Albans, for making t lie tomb of Humphry D. of Gloucefter; and for,perpetual maffes, &c. ' 19.3. 23 . TraCiatus de mifl’a; explicans partes illius, et modum celebrandi. Sec. xiv. jgs. 24. Brevis Catechifmus, eujus initium. “ Qme flint vincula in quibus dominus ligavit hominem ■’ tanquam furiofum, ne iret in dampnationem ? R. “ prawepta decalogi, confilia evangelica.” 203. b. 2o. Officia ecciefia', verfibus hexametris expofita, ad Fulconem epilcopum Londinenfem, a quodam ftudiofo Paiifiis A. C. 1204, ut patet ex verfibus in fine. Incip. -Anglia quo fidget, quo gaudent preefule claro Loiidonia, cpto Parifius ferutante fophiam " Florebat ftudium, balls aurea, fulgidc Fulco “ Finn® juititiie, myftcriu fufeipe claro “Ecclefiffl.” ‘ 204 . b. 26 . Conftitutioncs W. de Cantilupo epifeopi Wi- gorn. in fancta lynodo fua in calhedruli eeelelia pro¬ mulgate Jul. 26 1240 . ,j 6 g. q £?. I clta ferianda ex loto, in epifeopatu Wi°*or nienli; ab, operibus niulicrum tantum ; in omnibus prteterqiiam in carucis. 216 . Claudius, A. IX. Defideratur. Claudius, A. X. Codex membran. in 4 to. confians ex folds 112 . See. xiv. 1 . Epithalamium B. Mari® Virginis, ad honorem fponfi caieftis et fponf®; verfibus elegiaeis, per Joliannem de Garlandia, f. Gallandia. Incip. “ Quas virtutes celebravit dudum relegate “ Prius mors indueitur dominari late Ci Nec patent juftiei® greffus efiugate.” 1 . 2 . De virtutibus gratuitis, politieis, et natura- libus. . Incip. “ Virtutes gratuit® pluunt donativa “ Celum fapit caritas hylaris tuiva (fie) \ enit recto vertice l'pcs confortativa.” 6 . 5 . 3 . De triumphis ecclcfi®, libris octo, melrice : ubi agitur de Philippo rege Gallia- ct comite Tliolofte, de eruce iuicipieudu contra Saracenos, de pere°'rina- tione regis Philippi, de R. Ricardi ultra mare gelt is, de igne mantis .Etna-, de bellis civilibus temp. R. Johannis, de bellis ecclefiie contra Albigenles h'ccreticos, aliifque quamplurimis mifti generis. Incip. prol. *• Gaudia fuceumbunt lacrimis, rifufqne “■ dolori. (’edit dum bellis gratia, pacis obit, “ Plangite eompafii cunCti quos con f >ru. “p." laccr fob 07 . Claudius , A. XI. Codex membran. in 4 to. folior. i03. Sec. XIV. Epiftohe integral B. Anfelmi; h. e. dum curam prioris gefiit, dum erat abbas de Bccco, et qua; fcript® erant pol’t ejus eoniecrationem in Archiep. Cantuarienfem, numero 416. Liber olim erat Job. de GrandiflbnoEp. Exonienli, ut ipfe, in folio poll ti- tulos et argumenta, propria man 11 annotavit: poftea habuit r Inomas (Cranmerj Cantuarienlis: erat etiam liber collegii de Maidftone. Inline, et extra ordinem apponitur epiftola Anfelmi ad Urbanum II. Papam. ♦ Claudius-,. Claudius, A. XII. Codex membran. in 4to. folior. 194 . Iliftoria Normannorum. Ilanc eruditus qui- dam recentioris a?vi, in prima pagina, Dudoni om- nino tribuendam effe eenfet, ex quo fere omnia Gul. Gemeticenfem ufque ad Ricardum II. exfcripfifle fatis cognitum. Cum And. Duchefne colledtio fcrip- torum Normannicorum, ubi iitius Dudonis hilloria inferitur, ad man us non lit, nil certi liac in re aflerere aufim. Sec. XI. i- Notandum i° quod ifta Normannorum Iliftoria ‘ fcripta fuerit a Dudone decano Sei. Quintini; fed ‘ eo pretiofior videri debet ifte codex, quod in eo non ‘ leguntur ruftica ilia carmina qu« Dudonis opus ‘ apud Duchefnium contaminant. Notandum 2°. ‘ Riftoriam illam non efl'e fufiorem quam apud Gul. ‘ Gemeticenfem, qui perduxit hiltoricum fuum opus ufque ad Gulielmum Conqueftorem et iilios ejus; cum Dudo fuum tantummodo perduxerit ad Ricar¬ dum I. ducem Normannor. i. e. ad An. 996 '-” Hasc- nuper annotavit eruditifs. de la Rile. 2. jMarb.odffii, de lapidibus pretiofis, poemation, Evaco nonnunquam adfcriptum. Incip. “ Evax rex Arabum legitur fcriplifle Neroni “ Quotfpecies lapidum, qua? nomina, quique “ colores.” 75 b. fi. Regiftrum lioftlaria?, five monafterii S. Ed- mundi de Bury, compilatum per frat. Andream Af- ton, de divcrlis evidentiis, A. D. I42G. Multahis- torica ejufdem generis fequuntur in hoc libro, ferie continua, viz. 81. b. llubrica 8. De inftitutionibus ecclefiafticorum or- dinum. 130. 9. Dcclaratiojuftitia? regis Anglia? ad Wal- i. 142. b. 10. Quomodo ducatus Aquitania? et Nor- munniee eft ad leges Anglia; devolutus. 144. b. 11 . Quomodo dominium Hibernia: eft ad regem Anglia? devolution. 145. b. 12 . De juftitia regis Anglia; ad regnum Scotia?. 147. b. 18. De tribus Magis, five regibus Colon is, longaet fabulola narratio; ubi de popu- lis Indite et Nubia?, de fedtis Chriftia- norum in oriente, et litibus religionis illic ufitatis, agitur. 153 . 4. Di&aminum, duo folia, metrice, cum fcholiis. See. XIV. 913. Incip. Poeniteas cito pecator cum lit miferator “ Judex, et autem htec quinque tcrenda tibi; “ Spes venue, cor contritum, confeflio culpte, “ Pama fatisfaciens, etfuga nequitias.” Claudius, A. XIII. Codex membran. in 4to. folior. 279 . Regiftrum chartarum de maneriis, redditibus, &c. Jobannis de Woodford, olim de AH)by Eolville in comitatu Leiceftrienii: ubi qutedam de iplius fami- lia, infignibus gentilitiis, geftis fub rege Edwardo III. et longjuvitate pradiguntur ; cum obfervationi- bus ad indenturas et evidentias. (Anglice.) 2 . Explanatio quarundam rerum in ejus vita omilfarum, qua? continentur in illius epiftolis. 8 3. Colledio epiftolarum Thom® Cantuarienlis, et aliorum, libris V. in quibus Iliftoria rerum geftarum ab exilio ejus ad mortem continetur. lGL Claudius, B. III. Codex membran. in folio, conllans foliis 211 . 1 . Regiftrum chartarum, compromilTorum, com- pofitionum et prtvfentationum ecclefue S. Petri Eboracenlis; a tempore 11 Henrici 1 . ad temp us Eduardi III. h. e. ad annum 1338. 1 2 . Nomina prasbendarum ejufdem cathedralis- ecclefue, et polfeilionum, nec non eccleliarum qua; ad prsebendarios pertinent; aliaque id genus. 164 . 3. Nota inftrumentorum qua; tangunt libertates et privilegia totius ecclelite Anglican®; prajeipue enim qua; ad decanum et capitulum Eboracenles pertinent. 206 '. Claudius , B. IV. Codex membran. in folio, conllans ex foliis 15 ad ealeem lacero. Sec. XI. Liber Genefeos, ca?tera?que Iliftoria; facr®, ex- cerpta partim ex Pentateucho Moifis et libro Jofua?, et partim ex Jofepbo; Saxon ice : cum figuris et brevibus fcholiis et annotationibus, partim Latinis partim Saxonieis, ex Beda aliilque. Hun'c librum ab Aelfrico defloratore, /Ethehvardo aldermanno de- dicatum fuiife conllat ex codice Bodleian® Bibli¬ otheca; Laudino E. 19 . Folium primum, in quo extabat pars prior cpiiiola? nuncupatoria? Aelfrici ad Aethelwardum, liodie delideratur; led integram banc prffifationem cdiciit Vir Rev. II. Wharton in Auctario I lift. Dogm, J. Lifer ii, p. 380. De codice ifto pr®clariftimo, paulo ante conquiii- tionem Anglite exarato, fuliusegit Cl. Smith in hujus Bibliothec® Iliftoria, prtemilfa iplius Catalogo, p. XXXV. Claudius, B. V. Codex membran. in folio, conllans ex foliis 131. Sec. VII. Claudius, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 4to. folior. 41. Jacobi Nicholai de Dacia poema, in honorem Adamari de Valence, quondam comitis Pembrochi®, icriptum A. D. 1363. Jacobus ifte profiteturfefuiife fcholareni nobilis domina? Mari® de Sco Paulo comi- 192 CLAUDIUS, B. VI.—X. “ tiflimi Paper, et in patfiarehio Scae ecclefire Ro- “ im.na: reconditus. l)ci gratias, amen." In marline ad linem, D. Robert us Cotton, ille autem, vclquis- piam fub ejus nomine, annotavit. “ Vixit Papa “ Sergius anno Chr. 690 ; et fextum fuit iftud generale “ concilium anno 681 . Sic apparet librum in 10 “ anno poft concilium feriptum fuifi’e.” Claudius , B. VI. Codex membran. in folio, conftans fol. 200 . Sec. xiii. Hiftoria, five regiftrum magnum, chartarum ab- batise Abbcndonenlis, capitc mutilum : cum confti- lutionibus qua; ad receptioncm abbatum, ct guberna- I tionem ejufdem coenobii fpcctant. In hoc pnecla- riflimo Codicc plurimec extant charter donationum ter- rarum a Cad walla ad Ricardum I. quarum ferfc lingula mm metee five termini immediate fequuntur, Saxonice feripta:, litcris tainen Normanno-Saxonicis. Prasfigitur hiftoria de converfione regis Lucii ad fidem Chriftianam, et de adventu Saxonum in JBri- tanniam. Claudius, B. VII. Codex chartac. et membran. in folio, conftans fol. 2S7. 1 . Excerptum ex breviario chronicorum Thomm Rudborn, monachi Wintonienlis, de Matilda, lilia Malcolmi regis Scotorum ct Margarita* lbroris £d- gari Atheling, uxore R. Henrici I, refellens menda- cium quod ipfa maledixerat frudtui ventris fui. j. 2 . Chronica ab A 0 .5 R. Stephani ( 1140 ) ad an¬ num 3 R. Johannis ( 1201 ) Multa hie habentur qute apud Rogerum de Iloveden, et Walterum Coventri- enfem occurrunt. 2 . 3. Hiftoria Turpini archiep. Rhemenfis ecclefite, de famofiffimo rege Carolo magno. (floruit ille Tur- pinus A. D. 830.) cum appendice de morte Tur¬ pini. Sequuntur fabulofce qmedam et mendaces narrationes. jga. 4. Fabulofa narratiuncula de Nubianis, Scotis, et Cornubianis caudatis, a Julio Cscfare miflis ad ex- pugnandam Hifpaniam. 203 . b. 5 . Genealogia regum Fran corum, a Meroveo. 203. b. 6 . Genealogia regum Anglia:, a Rollone N'orman- no, ad R. Edward, i. o 03 [, 7 . De longitudine et latitudine Anglia:; de qua- tuor callibus, i. c. viis publicise de 32 comitatibus; de appellationibus legum quibus reguntur; de duo- bus archiepifcopatibus, et 14 epilcopatibus Anglia ;; et de numero hidarum. 204 . 8. ^ Prelbyteri Johannis epiftola, ad Emanuelem P ofAxluv Gubernatorem. 204 . b. 9. Nomina epifeoporum Anglia:, ab Auguftino per fexcentos annos aut circiter, fub l’uis tabulis ; an- nexis hiftoriis de iilclem. oog_ [, 10 . Excerpta quaedam recentiora ex hiftoria Alex- andri Effebienfts, et Eulogio; libro ita appellato cu- juldam monachi Cantuarienlis: continet prophetias cum illarum explicationibus, foluta et ligata oratione. 210 . 11 . Prophetia Sibylla et Merlini, de Albania et Anglia, et de illarum eveutibus. 213 . b. 1 C. Sibylla de eventibus regnorum, ct eorum re¬ gum, ante flnem mundi. 1 2I3i 13. Hiftoria Daretis, de grteco tranflata in lati- num, a Corn. Nepote. 214 . 14 . Prophetia Sibylla’ Sapientis, qme veniebat de partibus orientalibus audirc fapientiam Salomonis. 219. 15. Liber Merlini Ambrofii, genere Romani, de Britannico fermone, in Latinum tranftatus, quern Gaufridus Monumetenfis edidit, et 1). Alexandra Lincolnienfi direxit.; cum interpretatione margi- nali et interlineari. Pra*mittitur Icon regis Vortm-crnl et Merlini. ^ 00 j 16 . Prophetia Merlini Silveftris. 231 . 17. De mirabilibus Britannia:. > 232 . is. Aftronomica qmedam. de curfu planetarum, tarn profa oratione. quam ftricla, cum figuris. 233 . Claudius, B. VIII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans fol. 254 . Sec. xiv. Pcntateuchus Samarilanus; a reverendiflimo D. Jac. Ulierio Archiep. Armachano, Bibliotheca: Cottoni¬ an a: datus. Cujus inferiptionem, propria ipfius manu exaratam, hie apponcrc omnino placet: “ PEN TATEl’ CIIU M SAM A R IT. V N U M, A “ decent Tribuum reliquiis, poft regni Ilraelitiei “ excidimn, primo acceptum, et DOSITHEO Santa- “ ritarum Pfeudopropheta, temporibus Apoftolorum, •• poftca intcrpolatum; ab Ecclcliafticis Scriptoribus “ (Eufcbio, Diodoro, Hicronymo, Cyrillo, Procopio, Ancfpero, Georgio Chronographo) identidem ci¬ tatum; atqtic a Cuthaus hodicrnis demum re- “ demptum : BIBLIOTHECAE COTTON1ANAE “ (qua* amiciftimi Domini fumma humanitatefemper “ mihi patuit) L. M. D. “ Jacobus Ufterius Armadfianus “ Hibernia: primas.” Infra. “ Ex Librarii notatione ad calcent Gene- “ feos colligimus, exemplar hoc fexcentis fi- “ cl is (h. e. libris Anglicanis 7 5) empturn “ fuifle, rnenfe Rabie, anni 792 . regni If- “ maclis, circa Marti uni, viz. menfem anni “ serse notira Chrifiianie 1 . 390 . Ja. Armachanus. Claudius, B. IX. Codex membran. in fol. conftans fol. 30.3. See. xvi. 1 . Chronicorum Ilelinandi, monachi ordinis Ci.s- tercienlis, pars prima; a creationc* mundi ad tem¬ pura Darii Nolhi, ct Archelai: libris lcxdecim. 1 . 2 . Nomina Scor. marly rum, confelforum, et vir- ginum, quorum corpora in metropolitan ecclciiq Cantuarienfi fepeliuntur. og 3i |,_ 3 . Nomina Scor. confelforum quiefeentium in monafterio apoftolorum Petri et Pauli, atquc S. Auguftini extra muros C'antuariax oj(j. b. 4. Hiftoria vita: et regni Ricardi II, regis Ang¬ lia: ; feripta a quodam monacho Evdhamenli. Claudius, B. X. Codex membran. in folio, conftans fol. 67 . An exemplification of an award made by Philip ir. K. ot Spain, in a caufe between John de la Torre of the one part, and Diego dc Amefega the king’s at¬ torney CLAUDIUS, C. I.— IV. 193 tornev of the other part; on an appeal from a former judgment: with curious illuminations on the two lirft pages, in the former of which is a portrait of K. Philip. (Spaniih.) 1584. Claudius , C. I. Codex chartac. male habitus, in folio oblongo, conftans foliis 307, pneter indicem, cpii conftal cx foliis 44. A volume of colleftanea out of various charters, regifters, and inftruments, relating to many noble families in England ; with an ample alphabetical in¬ dex at the beginning: all written by Mr. 11 encage, of whole widow iir llobt. Cotton purchafed it. Claudius , C. II. Codex cliartaccus, in fob conftans ex foliis 275 . 1 . A table of the Englifh counties mentioned in this book. 1 . 1. b. Conftabularii de feodo fuper ward. Dovor. de diverlis Baroniis. An. 40 Hen. III. per Rob. AV’aleraund. 2 , 2 . Compotus dc cornagiis Northumbriic redditus ad Scaccarium, A 0 49 Hen. III. per Rob. cic I 11 - lula, vice-comitem. 2. 3. Quinque portus, et eorum membra; cum fervitiis regi debitis de portubus prcedictis annuatim, cum neceffe fuerit. < 2 . b. 4 . Initium chart® R. Johannis, de libertatc Ec~ clefts?. 3. 5. Nomina baronum et militum; collecta ex ro- tulis de feodis militum, vel de feutagio, folutis R. Ricardo I; quemadmodum habentur in libro rubco, penes rememoratorem regis in Scaccario aftervato. 3. b. 0. Auxilia concefta regibus Henrico III. et Ed- wardo I. 13 . b. 7 . Nomina eorum qui tenent 20 libratas terras de rege in capite, per fingulos comitatus Anglia-, qui II. Henrico III. adelfe erant obftricti, per illius man- datum live literas ad vicc-eomites refpectivc, in Vaf- conia, contra regem C aft el la, pugnaturi; anno ejuf- dem regis 38, Chrifti vero 1253. 14 . b. 8. Nomina illorum qui habent 15 libratas terra*, et. tenent per lcrvitiuin militare, et milites non funt; anno 40 lien. III. Chrifti vero 1256: literis regis ad vicc-eomites pralixis. < 20 . b. 9. Summonitio baronum, aliorumque, ad expe- ditionem contra Lcwellinum principcm Wallis?; A° 5 Edwardi I. Chrifti vero 1270 . 34 . 10 . Nomina eorum quorum fervitia D. rex attor- navit Edmuiulo fratri fuo, facienda in partibus Weft- Wallia?, per 40 dies. 43 . b. 11 . Nomina militum, ct aliorum hominum ad arma, in Cancellaria retornatorum; A° 17 Edwardi II. Chrifti 1324. 44. b. 12 . Nomina eorum qui habent 20 libratas terra?, feu redditus, vel amplius; A“ 25 Edwardi I. Chrifti 1297 . 04. 13. Nomina habentium 40 libratas terra? in com. Lin coin is?; A 0 28 Edwardi I. Chrifti 1299 . 78 . b. 14 . Nomina militum et aliorum ad arma in com. Eflex et Hertford; A" 15 Edwardi II. Chrifti 1322 . 80. 15. Nomina habentium 40 libratas terra* in com. Ebor. A° 28 Edwardi I. Chrifti 1299 . 83 . 10 . Nomina tenentium in com. Lincoln, Buck¬ ingham, Northumbr. Suftfex et Surrey. t< 5 . 17. Ees noms de ccux qui demorreront eu le fer- vice le roy Edward 1. a Dumfennlin en El'coce. 89 . 18. Nomina militum habentium feoda de D. rege Henrico III. 91. b. 19. Milites qui venerunt. ad excrcitum regis apud Munguincri, temp. R. Hen. III. yT. 20. Nomina militum civium ct burgenftum, veni- entium ad Parliaincntum tentuni apud Weiiminfter die 12 Febr. A 0 27 Hen. vi. 94 . 21. An alphabet of fovereigns of all times and parts of the world ; with their arms tricked. 98. 22. An alphabet of the noble families of England ; with theii* arms tricked* 102. 23. Carmen cui titulus “ Sibylla Ilippocratis." ClaudiuSj C. IIL Codex chartac. in fol. conltaffs fol. 278. The names and arms of fuch as have been ad¬ vanced to the order of knighthood in the reigns of Henry vii. and \ ill. Edward vi. Mary, Elizabeth, and James I. Of thole of the laii reign the names only arc given, and not the arms : an index is added at the end. Claudius r C’. IV. Codex chartac. in fol. conftans fol. 200 . Tranferiptum (utaitelenchus) de diverlis rebus, ex libro rubco in Scaccario cxiftente. Ilunc, parum accurate, ediditCl. Ilearne, fub titulo “ Liber Niger Scaccarii.” 1 . Tabula comitatuum Anglia*, de quibus in hoc volumine lit mentio. i. 2. Prafatio (ut videtur) ad librum rubeum, in quo genealogia R. Hen. II. dcducitur ab Adamo, lilii (lie ait feriptor.) Dei vivi. 2. 3 . l)e Scutagiis impofttis temporibus RR. Hen- rici ll. Ilicardi I. et Johannis: opufculum per Alex- andrum archidiac. Salop, ex munimentis in Scaccario A° 1230 compilation, ut ipfe in procemio allcvcrat. Talcm cnim Alcxandrum, hoc anno ar- chidic. Salop, in faltis Eecl. Angl. nondum rc- peri. 3. 4. Feoda de comitatu Cestrienfi, fecundum inqui- fitionem lactam per Alauum la Zouch, tunc Juftici- arium. 50. 5 . Ccrtilicationes facta* dc feodis militum, tempore regis llenrici 11. per prelates ct baroncs, pratextu mandati regis cjulclem : annotati alibi in hoc libro fol. 23 , et 47. 51 . 0 . De Suylingis comitatus Ivantia?, ct qui eas tenent; cx valde Vcteri libro, lide digno. 153 . b. 7. Inquifitioncs facia* tempore R. Johannis, annis regni 12 et 13, in quolibet comitatu (Dunclm. ex¬ cept.) de fervitiis militum et aliorum qui de co tenent in capite. 158. 8 . Inquilitiones dc honoribus efcaetis, alidiis ipfius. ? 68 . 9 . Lanfranei Dorobernenfis eccleli® antiftitis, ad dile&iffimos fratres fuos, Ilenrieum priorem,’ ct c®teros, epiftola; de confuetudinibus lui ordinis,’tum feftis diebus, turn aliis temporibus obfervandis ; aliil- que ad ftatum regimenque monachorum fpe&antibus. 168 . 10. De donatione et munificentia Ludovici re»is Francorum erga Ecclefiam Chrifti Cantuarienfem, quern prior etconventus in liiam receperunt fraterni- tatem : literis a Ricardo archiep. Cantuar, ct Alano priore, et conventualibus fratribus, ad iplum datis. 197 . Claudius, C. VII. Defideratur. Claudius, C. VIII. Codex chart, in folio, conftans foliis ::og. An alphabetical index of the heirs of the noble families of England, from the reign of Edward 1 to that of Q. Elizabeth; feemingly compiled from the rolls in the Tower of London. Claudius, C. IX. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 200, pr®ter 6 chartac. ad calccni. Sec. xm. 1. Chronicon, ab orbe condito, ad annum Chrifti 11 71 •' 1. 2. Gtilielmi, monachi Malmefburienfis, dc gefris RR. Anglorum, libri V. ^ 3 . ' Conipoftlio inter Edwardum I. regem Ano-lia\ et magnates Scoti®; five fubmiflio fafta ipfi*tan- quanf lupremo domino Scoti®. 20 Edw. 1. i2 3 . b. , N inner us ecclefiarum parochialium, villanun, reodorum militarium, et comitatuum in Anglia, liar et qua articulo fuperiore indicantur, promifeue tra- duntur - 203. 1). NERO, A. I, 201 Aero, A. I. Codex membran. in Svo. conftalis foliis 1 S 4 . olim, ut. videtur, Lcclefue Wigornienhs; variis tern- poribus, partiin Saxonice partim Latine, ferip- tus. 1. Canuti regis leges ecclefiafticce. .Saxonice. Sec. xi. l. 23 . Benedidio Cerevifim, 109. 24. Allegoria de Nabugodonofore, Babylonia, et Ilieroiblymis. l° 9 - 2.5. Ratio divinorum otfi riorum, a die Septnageli- niaj, ufque ad diem Palchalcm. l10. 2 6 . Be Seobpitan. (de Sapientibus.) 112. 27. Sermo Lupi ad Anglos, quando Dani maxi- rae perfecuti funt eos. A. D. 1014. Saxonice. 1 is. 2 . Ejufdcm leges civilcs. Saxonice. 14 . 3. Eadgari. regis leges ecclefiaft. et civilcs. Sax¬ onice; aliena manu feripta:. 41. 4. Capita legum regis Aelfredi, (et lute.) Sax¬ onice. 44 - 5. Adnotatio de Romjej-eor, five de denario S. Petri folvendo. Saxonice. 47 . (j. Ofticium jufti Judicis. Saxonice. 47 - 7. Locus ex Bromptoni hiftoria Jorevallenfi, de lc- gibus Aelfredi regis : mauu J. Jofcelini. 49 . b. g. Leges Aelfredi regis. Saxonice. Dcficiente veteri exemplari, illud lupplcre fua manu, ufque ad cap. 99, tentavit J. Jofcelinus: c inter a dclidcran- tur. 50 - 9. Conftituliones qutedam, Saxonice, aliena manu; qiutruin rubrical: Be cyninje. Be cyntbome. Be cynefcole. Be _ coplum. Be faccpba. Begehabebum mannum. Be abbobum. Be munecan. Be myneeenan. Be ppeortan et be nunnan. Be laepebum mannum. Be pubepan. Be cupicean. Be eallum cpipcenum mannum (Homilia.) Plura luijus argumenti infra art. 19 , 21 , et 32, re- pe rias. 7 1 • 10. Be epiprenbome. (videtur rife fenno Lupi epilcopi.) 77 . b. 11. Nota (recentiori manu) de fedis biereticq- jum; ex Auguftino: deque Bafilide hseretico, qui 365 cselos die dicebat, qui numerus compleditur in voce ABU A SAX. 84 . b. 12. Be gobcunbpe papnunge. (de divinis ad- monitionibus, homilia.) 85 . 13 . R. Aetbelftani leges. Saxonice. 87 . b. 14. R. Ladmundi leges. Saxonice. Exordium nempe legum Ladmundi. 88 . b. 1.5. Fragmentum legum Eadgari regis. (capite mutilum.) Saxonice. 8 9 - 10 '. Leges qurn dam iE their edi regis. A 0 Dom. in- carn. 1008. Saxonice. 90. 17. Bejpibe 7 be niunbe. (de pace et de tut el a ) 95 . b. is. Be cypic jpibe (de pace ecclcfue) A° 1014, uti notatur manu J. Jofcelini: calce niutila eft lime conltitutio. 96 . b. 19. De epifeopis (nempe conftitutiones, de alio exemplari fcriptie, nunc cum iis quin art. 9 , pri¬ ced unt compadaj.) Saxonice. 100. 20. De clericorum veftitu, Sec. ex Carthaginenfis concil. canon, deferiptum. 101 . b. 21. Conftitutiones: De finodo. De epifeopis. (ddideratur rubrica) Be pacepban. Be abbobum. Be munecuin. Be jepepan. (de comitibus.) Haic ad art. 9, pertinere videntur. 102. 22. Termini Pafchales ab A 0 1100 ad An. 1115. 108 . b. 28 . Hymnus de S. Dunftano: manu J. Jofcelini. 118. 29. IIcp ip gyt pibrlic pajtnung, See. (Sermo nempe parameticus ad Dei eultum, Lupo epilcopo, ut autumnavit Wanleius, auctore.) 118. b. 30. Be angol pitena gepebneppe. (lc. conltitutio .Ltbelredi It. circa A. D. 10OS.) idem quod art. Hi. 119. b. 31. Adnotatio de Dei diledionc. Saxonice. 122. b. 32. Be hepenheum eymnje, et be eojvSlicum eymnge, (de regno eoelcfti atq. terreftri.) Hmc it idem ad art. fuperiorem 9 , referas. 1 23 . 33. Tabula Pafehalis, cum die Pafclne et Luna l iplius diei; abA° 1100, ad A m 1 156 . 123 . b. 34. De feptem faeramentis, cum decern pneceptis ; ubi fecundum omittitur, etdeeimusin duas dividitur partes. 124 - k. 35. Significatio fuftlationis, cruris, undionis, See. in baptifmo. 124 . b. 36 . Exordia quorundam liymnorum (ut videtur.) Incip. “ Cantate perfeda benedicat nos Irinitas Sea.” Item “ Nos precibus matris falvet fapientia patris.” 1 - 4, k- 37 . De Veneratione. Exhortationes nempe de ofticio paftoris et praedicatoris. 1-6. b. 38 . Verba Lzechielis prophet a?, de paftoribus non rede agentibus. 12 9 - 39 . De paftorc, et pimdicatore. 1S0 - 40. De clericis, live ecclefiafticis gradibus. 131 . 41. Lxcerptioues D. Lgberti Eboracenfis arcliiep. e didis et canonibuslkndorum patrum concinnatm. Hu jus lilni partem priorem (fe ufque ad fob 155 . b.) edidit 11 . Spelmanus in Coneilior. tom 1. p. 208- 275. Multa in fine de excommunicatione, pani- tentia, &c. extant, qua- liuic libello tribuenda elle rx vubricis cod. .MS. S. Benedidi Cantab, quas laud. Spelmanus edidit. (Tom 1. concil. p. 278.) conjicere licet. 131 . b. 42. Qualiter quarta feria in capite jejunii circa pamitentes agatur : ubi fenno ad populum, et tie in¬ ti oducendo pcenitente in ecclefia. * 72 . 43. Ilymnus ad Chriftum; notulis muficis infigni- tns 1/6. 44. Qualiter apud orientales provinces Gennanue atq lie Saxonim pro diveriis crimiuibus pccnitentne obfervatur modus. 1/0 - 45 . Dejejunio quatuor temporum. 177. 46 . Pieces aliquot. Incip. “ Omnipotens Sem- piterne Deus qui terrenis coiporibus, Sec. ’ Aliaque de jejuniis, &c. 1/8. b.^ 47. Numerus librorum canonicorum V. Qt N. Teftamenti. 18a 48. De ordinatione ab limretico fada. 1 8 1. 49. Quiedam de ordinatione facerdotali; ex decre- to Llaviani Papm. 181 ' ' 3 ]? Nero, 2 C 2 N E R O, A. II.—V. Nero, A. II. Codex membran. in svo. folior. ios. diverts temp-nous mauibufque cleicrijitus; prcefigitur ti- t:iiv:s elegant cr depidus, prolapiieq. Cottonian® infignibus gentilitiisarnatus. i. Calendarium antiquum, cum additametito de epa.'iis, coneurrentibus, ct atate lun®. (Uteris Sax¬ on icis.) i, ■J. Hymn us dc vicloriis R. Acthditani. (Lit. Sax.) 8 . b. 3 - Gratia regis jEthelftani. .(Lit. Sax.),, q b. ■I -■ IIyminis ;al S. .Dmilbipu.n urehiqx notulis muficidibus iniignitusj (L,it, Sax,) jj, .1. Hyinmisad S. /Ethclbertum, martyrem. notu¬ lis numcuiibus iulignitus.' (Lit.',Sax.) " li.lj. n. I'ii (jiiidam lennbnes, ct tractates de i ar¬ gument;;; a baractcre Longobardico.) Sec. N il[. (a.) J)e o|HTii>us mifmc-f.rdk- ct pravipuc de : ) ip. “ Ifai propheta dicit ill< V;, bi : mogil is agrum ad agrum.’’ 12. m Deut i de ibus Gcrixim et Lbal. Indp. " ordane t ran I’m ilium ulum. : >. 1 allegoriea de parabola divilis ct • • ■ ■ iproj ri< >rum liumimim. Ineip. " llic Divis populus Judai- cus intdligitui'.” og. (d.) Coiiidho lidci ieciuidmn S. Auguftinum, contra haireticos. Ineip. “ Credit us in ununi vemm Deum Pattern ct Filium ct Spin, bcm. »■><) (c.) ' De litera. Ineip. “ Litcra quid eft ? elemen- tum voeis arliculati.” ,‘;i.b. (t'.'i Breve chronicon de temporibus niundi. Ineip. “ Ab exordio niundi uique ad diluvium an in fun t duo imlia duccnii quadraginta ct ‘‘ ■ ' o. Et mox, •• Sunt in fuinma ab exordio niundi uiquead prdentia tempora anni 3q2sC Unde hoc chrosieon A. D. 72 p. ieriptnm fuiii'c judi re licet. SG.'b. ' ' ' * nrei (Chryf6 neponderajitibus. i (h.) Seiitentia S. 'Mienmyini, dc iluobus augdis unicuique homini k uentibu . Ineip. “ Uni- '• caique autem homini duo adfiftunt ano-eli.'” " 35. (i.) “ Cantuum ct curfuum ecclcfiafti corum origo.” rarietati’bus < - fertini in Britannia et Gallia; ut habetur in Spelni. Cone. T. I. p. 1 7 ( 3 . 3,5. b. 1 ' • n nibus p torum. (h 1 h I j in remunerati ibus jufi >rum. 40. (m. ) Scntenlia de odo principalrbus vltiis. 40. b. (n.) Sententia S. Hieronynn, de ele 1 pauperibus. Ineip. “ Nee nos negamus cuuctis pauj. ribus, i tiam Jud - narit nis.” 41. b. (o. ) Dc charitatc. Ineip. “ Dns. dicit in Fvan- gelium majorem cantatem nemo habet.” 43. 7 - De miraculis S. Cutliberti. Initium defid era- tur. Sec. XII. 8. Brevis relatio de S. Cutliberto, et quomodo corpus ejus Dunclmum venit: cum excerpt is, dc vita et miraculis ejuidem Cutliberti. g 5 . Aero, A. III. Codex membran. in 8vo. folior. 1C7. Sec. XII ct xv. I-ibt-r vencrabilis .Elrt-di abbatis Eievallis, de inlmutis inclufarum. Sec. xii. ], -• VitaS. Simeonis monachi. 43.0 3 . \ ita S. Marin® virginis. 50, b 4. Adhortationes fanctorum patruni, perfeclio- nefque mouathoj-uin! qua., de Grace in L,.di;uin tranluilit B. Jeronymus prelbytcr. 33. b. o. Liber B. Augwftini, de gaudio eRdorum, et de lupplicio damnatorum. - 4 0. Ejuidem liber de igne purgatorio. §2. 7. “ De diz comanclemenz en la lei: de dufze articles de la tci: de fet facrernenz.” b. I. Statuta. dclinitoria, edita in capitulo generali ordmi.s S. Bcmedirii nigrornm m'onachoruin, tento Northamptonue A. 1 ). 1444 . Sec. XV. 90. b. !J. D’e modo admittendi monachum.(Lafc etAngl.) 131 . 10. Forma de miffis cclcbrandis. 13g> II. A compendious form of daily confeflion. 13 d. b. 1 '■ ! Ihitutorum ordinis Cartiuificnlis, pro no\ieiis ejulclemf ordinis. ]30 1.:. D;!:, :!;:.tio collccrarum ecclefue. 1 50. b. } y '.-.qquomodo ag itur': cum ru- bueis de minis in diebusfeliis cclebrandis. 1.57. b. 13 Quomodo pronunclantur leriiones in* online Carthulianorum: modei nis nudicis notulis diftinede. i(A. b. id. duramentugi eujullibet in ordinem Carthu- fiaftorum admiffi. 17. C1 ra 1 1re ante et poft prandium, et cecnani, apud cofdeni. j67. b. A tro, A. IV, Codex membran. in svo. foliur. 137. See. XIV. 1. Chronic® Laudancnles, a BruLo uique ad annum C. 1 33 8. ubi de prima eonftructione eccleli® Lau- danenlis. <2 ‘4. Erojdietia aquil® ; cum explicatione. (13. 3 . Prnphetia Mcrlini vatis; ct ejus expofitio fecun- dum Mag. Galfridum Arturi. g 5 , 4. Chronica dc primis iucolis Ilyberni®, et de rebus 14 'i t a in 111 ■ 1 -; de Fiomams impeiatoribus; de ("gibus I'l iianuH'is ct Saxoiiieis ad coronationem R. Ed ward i l. cum variis picluris. Initium deliderutnr. 77 . .'). lormukc cpritolarum i’ub nomine imperatoris Frideriei, ail Papam, cardinales, aliolque conlcript®, a magiftro Petro de Vincis. * \ j d. Formulae ali® exleript® a diflamine magiftri Ric.' de Pofis. ^ jofj 7 . De quantitate fvllabarum et pedum; de divi- iiouibus t'ententiarum ; et de part ibus ct diftinCiioni- bus oration is. 1 55 -Vito, A. V. Codex membran. in svo. folior. ns. Sec. xHi. 1 - Liber de crcaturis; verfibus Galiicanis, per Philippum de Thaun : in quo agitur de 12 iignis zodiaci, de anno, dc diebus lcptiman®, de mendlji de lunationibus, de faltu lun®, dc variis lun® pbafi- bus, deque aliis ad computum eccleliaitieum lpeetan- trbus. ] 2. Befdarius; quem idem Philippus de Thaua fecit, in laude ct memoria regime Angli® Aciidls (five Adeliz®) uxoris R. Henrici I. Liber iile Beftiarius dicitur, quia imprimis de beftiis loquitur, quas nimirum auctor allegorice interpretatur, verlibus quoque quoque Gallicanis. Liber olim erat S. Maria; de Holm-cult ram. 41 . 3 . Vita S. Thomas Cautuarieniis; per Herebertum de Botham, ejus difcipuhun. 83 . Nero, A. VI. C'odcx membran. in 8vo. folior. 197. See. XIV. 1. Dc Saxonum adventu in Ang'liam. 1. 2. Nomina regum Anglia?, ab Aethelftano ad 11 . Edwardum II. 2. 3 . Nomina comitatuum Anglice. 2. 4. Devariis regnis, in qua* Anglia dividebatur. 3 . 5 . Chronica regum Anglorum, ab Aelli primo rege Auitraliinr. Saxonum, ad primum annum II. Henrici IV. (A. 1 ). 1400 .) 3 . b. “ Ordinance pur la garde dc la citO de Loundres:” quod nempe loco majoris cuftodiretur per regein, vicecomites, et alderrnannos, thcl’aurarhmi, ct barones Scaccarii; tempore R. Edwardi I. 6 \ 9 . 7. Juramentum prurftandum per regem in corona- tione fua. 83 . 8 . Juramentum majoris ct ballivorurn, vice-comi- tum ct bedeilorum civitatis London. Gallice. 88 . b. 9. “ Lafuggefrion ct la peigfte des fieus ct ordures ays en les rues de Loud res." 85 . b. 10. “ La nouvclle chartre dc la cit 6 de Loundres, par le roi Edward.’ 87. b. 11. line ordonnance pour lc recouvrement de dettes dans la cour d'un vifeomte. 94 . b. 12. Quatuor alia’ chart® de libertatibus, privikgiis, ct liberis c-.n 1 uciiidi;id»u.> civitatis Lo.i«!..n : qnarum prima i’ermone Gallicano profertur, c®ter® Latino: concefi® per regem Edwardum III. 101. 13 . Propriciatesnarrationum: h. e. quomodo brevia debent formari. 109. 14. De antiquifluna confuetudine habita et ufitata in civitate London: viz. de his qua? per tenentes terminum vit® vel annorum atlixa funt abfquefpeciali licentia domini fundi, an remanere debeant domino l'oli. 114. b. 15. De halimotis bis in anno habendis dc pifea- toribus. 117. id. “ Ordeignaunces faitz en le temps que Gregori dc Rokelle feut Main .” A° 18 Edw. 1. ut nempe emantur et vendantiir pilces in certis locis. 119. 17. “ L’ ordinance des rcyes, et de lur felon de pefeher en Temife.” 123. 18. “ Ordeignaunces de le fenefchal le roi, faitz fur le meftier de j>efl’oners.” A® 1 8 Edw. I. 1 24 . 19. Les cultumes de la rue del pobnt de Loundres.” co. Les cuftumes que appendent a Billyngges- gate: a Iron age. 127. ci. Les Cullumes a Wolcherche hage chiche. 22. Cultumc de la pefage'parla balance. 23 . “ Le prys le roi le vin.” 24 . “ La euftume de etlawage.” 25. “ Les cuftumes que appendent an menu? mefter en lamarche de Loundres.” 131. 20’. “ Les ordeignaunces coment la citb de Loun¬ dres dcit eftre gye.” 133 . 27. Excerpla ex Magna? Chart® capitulo 20 , et ex fcatut. Weftmonaft. cap. 6s, dc privilegiis Tamili®. 151 . 28. Placita coron® coram Ilenrico de Stantone et fociis Tiiis, jufticiariis I). regis itinerantibus: apud Turrim London. A" 1 4 Edw. 154 . 29. Placita tenta coram Johannc de Prefton majore civil. London, et ejufdcm civit. aldcrmannis et vice comitibus A" 7 Edw. III. 154 - 30 . La copie des roulcs de Olerou, et des juge- mens du major.” i 56 i 31 . Eclulia in regia nicnlu, ui tailor, in folenni fefto apponenda. (Anglice.) it> 3 . b. 32 . Conluetudines qua} ad ripam regin® London, pertinent. 1 0 . 4 . 33 . Magna Charta de libertatibus Angli®, per ft. Edwardum. (Gallice.) 107. . 34 . Proelamatio Nicolai Brembre, majoris Loudon, ex parte R. Ricardi de libertatibus. 175. b. 35 . “ De la gardemote; avec les inquifitions fur les points cle wardemote; ct de la charge ile ceux qui feront en Penquefte. ” 1 8 1. SO. Le ferment en franc-plege, le ferment des conellables, &c. i 85 . S7. Proelamatio de pretio viftualium. (Gallice.) I87. b. 38 . Articuli inquifitionum in curia domiuorum pr®diorum. 190. 39. Two Englilli poems : lit. “ The ordre of folys fur cuorc be gonne.” 2d. “ Whan eharyte ys chofyn w l ftats to ftornlc.” 193. b. Nero, A. VII. Codex membran. in 8 vo. folior. 157. Sec. xu. 1. Epiftol® venerabilis archiep. Cantuar. Lan- franci, ad varios mill®. 2. Epitaphium Lanfranci: item pr®fcriptiones, “ Si vis vermiculum, et lazorium fa cere.” 40 . 3 . Liber epiltolarum Dni. Anfelmi, cum frater diet, et poftquam factus fuit abbas Bcccenfis. 41. 4 . Frater Ilcnricus monachus de Saltcrcia, de purgatorio, See. ad D. Hcnricum abbatem dc Sartis. Vixit audtor temp. R. Stephani. 113. 5. Tractatus de Ecclefia Dei, in lingua et cliarac- teribus Ilibcrnicis: libellus pier unique chartaceus. 132 . : NERO, A. IX.—XIII. 2 C4 aliilque controverfiis tunc temporis agitatis. Sec. Wl. 2 . C. Fauiti dcprecatoria ad Dcmn pro regia (Lud. XII.) falute, A” 1505 . carmen clegiacum. 24 . 3 . Clironicon de gefiis ac nominibus regum Anglia 1 et Briton uni, &c. compilatimi ex libro eui titulus Brutus, ex Beda aliilq. ad A. D. 1278 . Sec. XIII. 25 . 4 . Regula', inftitutiohes, et res gefta fratrum mi- norum in Anglia. 75 . 5 . l)e modo, die, et bora apparitionis Dorhini in forma feraphica B. Francifco; et impreffione facro- rum ftigrnatuiti. 92 . 0 . Martyrium quinque fratrum minorum apud Marocbium : de quibus in vita B. Antonii. 94 . 7 . Marty ri urn trium fratrum minorum de Armenia majori. Qfi. b. 8 . Martyrium quatuor fratrum minorum apud ci¬ vil item Tana, cumfcrie facri martyrii. Aliena manu. 98 . b. n. De loeis fratrum minorum et pnedicatorum ill Tartaria. r'oo. b. 10 . Nomina generalium miniftrorum ordinis fratrum minorum, et miniftrorum generalium Anglo- rum. 102. Nero, A. X. Codex membran. in svo. conftans exfoliis 140 . 1. O ratio Jufli de Juftis, de laudibus Johann is Chedevortenfis: in qua Britanniam ejus patriam quoque laudat. See. XVI. l. 2. Epiftola ejufdcm ad eundem .T. Ched worth arehidiac. Lincoln, qui tunc erat Pad us: data ex Verona, lGJulii 1408 . 34 .b. 3. A poem in old Englilb on religious and moral fubjccts; with foine paintings rudely executed. Sec. xv. Begins, “ Pcrlc plefaunte to prynces pave “ To claulx elos in gode footer “ Outc le wyent I hardely faye “ Ne proved I never her preciospere.” 37 . 4 . Traftatulus milcellaneus, ubi inter alia, de afflh’lione Dei, h. e. quibus de caufis Deus nos affligit ; de eruditione Cbrilti, h. c. quomodo Cbriftus nos erudit; de gaudio, de contritione, de confefiione, aliilque capitulis tlieologicis. 127. 5. Meditationes quasdam pice S. Bernard!. Incip. “ Multi multa lciunt, et iemetipfosnefeiunt/’ i:)o. 0 . Epitapliium Ranulphi abbatis de Ramefey. 140. Nero, A. XL Codex membran. in svo. folior. 143 . 1. Charta charitatis: five decretum Stepbani abbatis, et fratrum luoruni: de regulis ab abbatibus et monachis ordinis Cillercienfis obfervandis. See. XIII. 1. 2. Iliftoria famofiffimi R. Caroli magni: perTur- pinum. s. 3 . De miraculis beati et glorioli apoftoli Jacobi, frati is S. Johannis evangelifta 1 . Pnefigitur argumen- tum Calixti II. Papa. 38. 4 . Epiftola Calixti II. Papa*, ad Cluniacenfes, &c. de fide et auftoritate miraculorum in hoc codice contentorum. 59. b. 5. Epiftola Innocentii Papa, ad univerfos c celeb re filios; de auctoritate liujus libri. Oi.b. O'. Teftimonium Emerici cancellarii, deeodem. 02. 7 - Ordinatio Gregorii Papa, de recipiendis S. Jacobi peregrinis etegenis. (,-j. 8. Gefta Normannorum ducum; per Gul. Gcnic- ticenfem. (,j. 9. Tra&atus •). A paper figned Ilaftjngs; concerning- the maintenance ot the amity, and iucreafe of trade with Portugah 174. b. 70. Minutes of letters from Portugal. 1569. 176. Copy of a letter from the Council, to Mr. Chriltmals ; directing- him to ftate his Ioffes by the Portuguefe, that reprisals may be ordered. Sept '’.3 1570. 2-1 J 72 . Anton. Luys, and And. Home, two Portu¬ guefe; their offer of fome lands, ike. on the coaft of Ethiopia: brought by Mr. Winter. (Orig. Port.) Pond. April 26, 1567. i 78 . 78 . Articles of a treaty between Q. Elizabeth and the K of Portugal. (Lat.) Feb. 1571. 181t 74. Articles propofed on the part of Q, Elizabeth fora treaty of peace with the K. of Spain; at the mediation of Fr. Giraldi. (Lat.) 1571. j 83 75 . Treaty of peace between Q. Elizabeth, and Sebaltian K. ot Portugal. (Lat.) Feb. 2, 1571-0 184 . 76. Anfwer to certain articles propofed by fir Fr Cn-aldi, in the name of the K. of Portugal f a draught in Cecil's hand.) Feb. 1571-2. a ]87 . . 7 ~- Sebaftian If. of Portugal, to fir Fr. Giraldi ■ inltructions about his negociations. Dec. 1571. i 8 y. * , s. Subfiance of the artic les and agreement to be treated upon. (Ital.) Dec.- 27, 15? 1. igg. b. 79. The declaration of certain merchants, con¬ cerning the trade of Portugal. Dec. 29, 1571. 190. so. An anfwer of Q. Elizabeth’s council, to the de¬ mands of the Portuguefe ambaff-idor. (Latin and Enghfh, in Cecil’s hand:) May 2, 1.374. lg8< Si. Articles of a treaty of commerce, Ac. between England and J orfugal. (a draught, chiefly in Cecil's hand.) April, 1574. " |L 82. Three articles concerning ncgociations with i ortugal: being papers of Fr. Giraldi. 1,574. o 03 . 88 The effea of the grant required by the mer¬ chants trading into Spain and Portugal. 1574. 203 . b. - t 84 ‘, Th * , W . ilfon > t0 .about Stewkley s intended expedition againft Ireland. (Orig.) June ’ 1578, 206 . 85 . IT. Giraldi; two letters to. rhipflv compl,mental. (Oi%- Ital.) Dec. 15,' 1V73, and dnlycii, t 57S . eokb SC An oration made unto K. Henry of Portuo-al bv the council and aflifmnfa of the city of Lilian’ after the deceafe of K. Sebaftian in Africa. ,s 7 g. goy. 87 . Benedetto Spinola, to.to°-ether with B'iXrv° f ? U g um ' nhl S f into Baibaij. (Ital. Ong.) London, Ott. 20. 1575. 91 . Iteafons drawn by Th. Pullifon, alderman andothersagainft the incorporation for trad in. . to Spain an d 1 ortugal, m behalf of the merchants’ rc- fttaincd from the laid trade. „„ 0 92 . Q. Elizabeth’s commiflion to fir Fr. \Valtiim-- couV Giraldi - (Lat) - Fr 9 rimM a f iai1 K - ofPortu S' al ; his commiflion to fir 1 1. Giraldi lo neg-ociate a peace in England. ( p,„l ) Evora, June 10, 1573. 7 g 94. Remembrances which the If. 0 f p 0 it,...-,i makes unto his people. 0 ^ 95 . “ A chapter of that which is done in the part rt- ment of Portugal until the 12 of May 1379.” *“24 T -if' “T 0rat i° n nlade b - v the >ralTof the ci w L.llxm to the nobility and clergy, after the reccint of a letter from Philip li. K. of Spain.” 3 |, 9 7. A fentence pronounc ed againft Pet. Dalcafon treafnrer to Sebaftian late K. of Portugal. 224. b ‘ ’ 98 Philip u. K. of Spain, to the city of Lifbou • on the death ot It. Sebaftian. Madrid, March 14’ 99 . Defcent of the kings of Portugal f rom Hemy of Bullion. Sec XII. to 1580 . 10°. The Archbp. of Lifbon and others, Xer- nors of Portugal, to Q. Elizabeth; on tire “death "Iso ” ry ng ' (ltaL) A1,ucria . Feb. 19 , 230 . mil *°f ’ V.complimental. (Di g. Ital.) Charterhoufe, Oft. 8, 1570. 214. b. the'p 7 t0 T‘ L two letter's on 1576 tU§al tlade * ( Qrl S-) Land. Get. 1 o, and 11, 215 . and ““merce between and 5 flr F, w , 7 tU f al> cm,clllded hy Fr. Giraldi, and hr Ij. Walfingham. (Lat.) Odt. 29, 1570. 217. - 30 . 101. Q. Elizabeth's anfwer to the above. 'Heflin- Aprll 4 , 1580 . n”o l" 102. Inftructions from Q. Elizabeth to her'ambaf- fador m Portugal, isso. 4 T b to SebaXu'™* ° f tlK ki “ gS ° f P01tU£aI from Jo'"'" r. 104 . Iiiftruffions from Q. Elizabeth to her'aT ballador m 1 ortugal; on the contefted fucceflion to te crown after the death of Henry, (inperfta ) 1 05 . Articles offered by Philip n. E. of Spa in’to the Portuguefe. isso? sssi h ° ipe. Ruy. Lopez, to the E. of Leicefter? T the g 77 o ,7 77 P r e T dc T° the of Portu¬ gal. (Ung.Ital.) London, Sept, u, isso? 233 107. Offers of the K. of Spain to the Portuguefe onh,., claiming that crown 1 communicated in ah-tteT from Ahnena of March 23, i5so? tn n S r T 1 T 1 T!’ y ’ pretcnder ‘0 the crown of Portugal to Q. Elizabeth; requeiung her aid againft the h of Spam. 1580 . 0 o.'~ 109. Intelligence concerning the ftate of aftijr/in 1 Ortugal: in a letter from Aliueira, of May y, i5 80 . „ 238 . 110. A report of Tho. Howard, of the ftate of the Spamih marine, f annouth, June 1, isso. "jg b 111. Acerbo Velutclli, to the Ii. ofLeicefterTnews fiom Portugal. (Ital.) London, Aug. 17, i5so. 240 . p n pe f -° f T telli o ence out of Portugal. (Spamfh.) Badajoz, Aug. 29, 1 580 . 240. b. 113 . Dr.Wilfon, to Ld. Leicefter? various intel¬ ligence, fome from Portugal. Sept. 3 , 1580 . 24] 114 Ruy Lopez, to Mr. Herle; concerning- the defcent ol the kings ot Portugal. COrio- [1,1 't i 5S0 . a v rtan; Join:, to sXlan. * **” ° f P ° rtu£ ' al p’, 16 ' , D °n Antonio pretender to the crown of T°‘ 7 ” al > T Elizabeth; exprefling thanks for her oenehG, lamenting Ins misfortunes; and recom- m ending* $o8 KERO, B. I. II. mending- his fens andfervants to her protection, fore¬ boding the approach of death. Paris, Aug. 23, 1595. 3 11 ‘246. b. 117 . A Traci on the fucceflion to the crown of Portugal. (Port.) 24 '- 118 . Jfcuy. Lopez, to Don Antonio; reports the favourable difpofition of Q. Elizabeth towards him (Antonio.) (Ital.) Richmond, Oct. 9 , 1581. 2.51. lip. Acerbo Vellutclli, to.earheftly re- c|uefting the fulfilling of feme promife. (Ital.) London, Aug. S, 1581. 25 -- I 120 . The manner of I>. Philip taking his oath tor , the crown of Portugal, at Tomar, April 16 , 1581. 253. 121 . Dioguo Botelho, to Ld. Leicefter? (Portu- guefer) Sept. 8 , 1582. 259. 122 . A printed form of a palfport to be given by D. Botelho, who appears to be an agent of Don An¬ tonio at Middleburg. (Port.) Oct. 23, 1584. 262 . 123 . Horatio Palavieino, to fir Fr. Walfingham? notifying the arrival of one Rugicro, a favourer of l)on Antonio. (Ital.) Loud. Sept. 20 , 1585. 263. b. 124 . A memorial of what the ambafiador of Don Antonio fliall have to treat with Ld. Leicefter. (Fi.) 1586? CC6 - 125 . Ruy. Lopez, to Ld. Leicefter? on the affairs of Don Antonio, and his Ion Emanuel; their dif- treifes, &c. (Ital.) Sept. 24, 1586. 267 . b. 126 . Dioguo Botelho, to Ld. Leicefter; defiling the promiied fupply towards railing troops; about nego- ciations for peace, &c. (Ital.) Dordrecht, Sept. 12 , 15S7- 127 . A note of the prefents lent by the L. of Por¬ tugal, the Catholic K. anil the Grand Turk, to the Xarif Muley I lame t. (Fr.) 272 . 12 s. The purport of the grant required by the merchants trading into Spain and Portugal. 275. 129 . Q. Elizabeth, to Don Antonio; alluring bin of the continuance of her fricndlliip: lent by Don Chriltopher, one of his funs. (Ital.) Richmond, Nov. 12 , 159-t. 276 . 1 : 10 . Don Chriftopher of Portugal, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; on the death of Don Antonio his father; im¬ ploring her further protection of himfelt and his brother Emanuel. (Orig. lr.) Paris, Sept. 12 , i.>95. 278. l.Ti. Dioguo Botelho, to Q. Elizabeth; on the death of Don An tonio. (Orig. Port.) Paris, Nov. 20, 1595. 280. 18 2 . Don Emanuel ot Portugal, to Q. Elizabeth fignifving his intention to remove to Holland. (Orig. Fr.) 1596 . 281 128 . Don Chriftopher, to Q. Elizabeth; requeuing the continuance of her protection. (Orig. Fr.) 1 . 34 . Don Emanuel, to Q. Elizabeth; thanks for fome favour. (Orig. Fr.) Dieppe, Nov. 2 . 283. 135 . The note of prefents, I. 127 . in Englifh. 285. 186. Adefcription of the wealth and fruitfulnefs of the kingdom ot Portugal; by John Rymer; ad- drelied to Q. Elizabeth. 286. 137 . Ld. Burleigh, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning a large diamond left by Don Antonio in pledge with fome merchants. (Orig.) 1582? 295 . 138. A petition of the Englifh merchants trading into Spain and Portugal, to the D. ot Dorfet; con cerning the proper maimer of certifying their goods with the earl's opinion, and reference to Dun and Edmunds, dated Sept. 1 , 1604 . 296 . Nero, B.IL Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians foliis 318. 1 . The titles of two treaties between Ric. II. and the Teutonic order of Pruffia. 1388 and 9. 4. 2 . Two preambles to treaties. (Eat.) 8. 8. Two notes of papers concerning the trade with Pruffia. 1344 and 1386. li.b. 4 . An oration made by the agents of Conrad dr Zolner, grand matter of Pruffia, to Richard ll; con¬ cerning fome Pruflian iliips detained in England. (Lat.) 1587 ? 12 * 5 . A treaty between the ambafladors of England d Pruffia; confirmed by Richard II. (Lat.) Weflm. Oct. 22 , 1389. 14 - 6. Grievances laid by the Englifh merchants to the charge of thole of Eltland, and other places of the Hanfe League, particularly Pruffia. (French and Latin.) 1405. 20 . 7 . Titles of Rate papers between England and Pruffia. 1405—1411. 24. 8. A treaty between Englifh and Pruflian commif- fioners of Sept. 29 , 1403. An anfwer of the Englifh council to fome complaints of the Pruflian commif- fioners, Loud. Oft. 5, 1403. And a fhort treaty of intercourfe between the two above-mentioned parties. Lond. Oct. 3, 1403. (Lat.) 25. Commercial grievances laid before K. Henry IV. by the magiftrates of Stralfund. June 23, 1404. (Lat.) 10. Articles of complaint, exhibited by the Pruf- fian agents to Henry IV; with the anfwers thereto, delivered by Englifh commiffioners at the Hague. (Lat.) 1404? W- 11 . A cert ificate of the water bailiff of Dartmouth, of the releafe of a lhip of Danzig by virtue of a patent of Henry IV. (Fr. and Lat.) June 12 , 1405. 33 * 12 . Articles of complaint delivered by the grand mafter of Pruffia to the Englifli ambafladors; with their anfwers to the fame. (Lat.) 1405? 34. 13. Henry iv, to Conrad de Jungingen, grand mafter of the Teutonic order; exprefling a defire to_ maintain harmony and the mutual intercomle of their fubjefts; with the anfwer to the lame; dated Marienburg, July 16. (Lat.) 1404 . 40 . 14 . Articles of complaint exhibited by Englifh commiffioners at the Hague: alfo complaints on the part of the Pruflians. 41 . b. 15 . A treaty between Henry IV, and the grand mafter of Pruffia. (Lat.) Marienburg, Oct. 8, 1405. 43 - 16 . A treaty between Henry iv, and the Hanfe Towns; with the king’s inftruCtions to his commii- fioners for concluding both the above treaties, (cont. liyin. vill. 396 . Lat.) Weftm. May 13, 1405. 45. 17 . The Englifli commiffioners, to tbofc of the Hanfe towns? about a place of meeting for their ne- gociations. (Lat.) Danzig, Aug. 28 , 1405. 49 . 18 . A bill of the lading of a lhip of the Gives Tharbacen” (fie) taken by the Englifli. 1400 . 50. 19 . An atteftation of the magiftrates of Brekele- velde of a feizure made by Englifh Iliips on a vefiel belonging to Riga. (Lat.) Oft. 4, 1408. 52. 20. Minute of proclamations made in England, for enforcing the obfervance of the treaty with the Hanfe towns. 1406 . 5j - 21 . The Englifli commiffioners, Efturmy and Kvno’ton, to Rupert K. of the Romans; referring the J a tveatv NERO, B. It: 209 treaty with Pruflia to his decifion : with a ftatemcnt of the grievances alledged, and atteftations of the fame. Hague, 06t. 20 , 1407 . (Lat.) 56. <2 a. The Pruffian commiflioners, and the magiftrates of Bruges ns referees, to the Englifli commiflioners; concerning the eftimates of the damages claimed; together with a fehedule of the laid damages. (Lat.) 1406. GO. 23 . Eleven letters relating to the ncgociations with Pruflia and the Ilanfe; carried on in Holland. (Lat.) 65. (a.) The EYiglifh to the Pruffian and Ilanfeatic commiflioners. London, .Tune 20 , 1406. (b.) The Ilanfeatic, to the Englifli commiflioners. Dortrecht, Aug. 17 . 1406. (c.) Henry l V, to the Pruffian commiflioners. June 26, 1406? (d.) Henry IV, to the Pruffian and Ilanfeatic com- miffioners. Nov. 2, 1407 . (c.) Henry IV, to Conrad de Jungingen Grand Matter of Pruflia. Feb. 14 , 1407 . (f.) The commander of Elbing, to Wm. Efturmy, Englifli commiflioncr. 1407 . (g.) The aldermen, &c. of the Ilanfe, then at Bruges, to bin. Efturmy. May 10 , 1407 . (h.) The commiflioners of the Ilanfe, to Wm. Efturmy. Amfterd. July l, 1407 . (i.) Henry IV, to the commiflioners of the Ilanfe. Weftm. Pel). 24, 1407 . (k.) Henry IV, to Ulric de Jungingen. Weftm. March 7 , 1408-9? (1.) Henry IV, to the magiftrates of Hamburgh. 24. A fummary of the report of Efturmy and Kyngton, concerning the embaily to Pruflia and the Ilanfe. 70 . 25. The articles of red refs claimed by the Livo¬ nians, fubjeets of the Grand Matter; and of fome of lhe Ilanfe towns. (Lat. perhaps part of the preced¬ ing-article.) 71 . b. 26 . Henry IV, to Ulric de Jungingen, (Lat.) Weftm. March 26, 1408. 73 . 27. Henry IV, to the magiftrates of Lubec and Hamburgh. (Lat.) March 2 6, 1408. 74 . 28. Henry IV, to Wm. Efturmy, and John Kyng¬ ton. (Lat) Weftm. July 22 , 1407 . 75 . 29 . Henry IV; his commiffion, and inftru&ions to Efturmy and Kyngton (Lat.) Weftm. July 22 and 26 , 1407 . 75. b. so. Ulric dc Jungingen, to Henry IV. (Lat.) Marienburgh, Sept. 22 , 1408 . 77 . si. The Magiftrates of Hamburgh, to Henry iv- (Lat.) 061. 6, 1408. 78 . 32. A new treaty between Henry IV, and Ulric de Jungingen, Grand Matter. (Lat.) London, Dec. 4 . 1409- 79. b. 33. A bill of the damages fuftained by the people of Riga, through the feizure of three of their fhips by the Englifli. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) 84 . 34. Title of a ftate paper between England and Pruflia. 1437. 91 . 35. Henry VI; liis warrant for a payment to Dr. V m. Clvnt, who had been lent into Poland. (Fr.) Weftm. Oct. 6 , 1429 . 92 , 36. Cafimir IV. K. of Poland, to Henry VI; noti¬ fying his profperous ftate; and about the feizure of a Danzig lhip at Lynn. (Lat.) Pyttikow, Jan_ 1456. 94. S7- The magiftrates of Danzig, to Henry VIII; re- prefenting the oppreflions they fuftain from the K. of Denmark; demanding fome privileges for their fliips; and promifing to protecl the Englifli fhips. (Lat.) Danzig, April 24 , 1523. 98 . 38. Sigifmund I. K. of Poland, to Henry VIII; in¬ terceding for John Molenbecke of Danzig, who had been confined in England on fufpicion of favouring hcrefy. (Orig. Lat.) Danzig, May 1 5, 1526. 100 . 39 . Chriftophcr de Schydlovyeen, chahcellor of Poland, to Card. Wolfey; foliciting his favour, and fending intelligence concerning the affairs of Hun¬ gary after the battle of Mohacz, &c. (Orig-. Lat.) Cracow, Jan 29 , 1527 . 101 . 40. Chr. dc Schydlovyeen, to Henry viii; congra¬ tulating-himfelf that the king had kindly accepted a prefent of falcons. (Orig. Lat.) Cracow, Jan. 30 , 1527. 102. 41 . Sigifmund I. K. of Poland, to Henry VIII ; fo¬ liciting his fupport in the affairs of Hungary. (Orig. Lat.) Cracow, May 7 , 1527 . * 103. 42. Chr. de Schydlovyeen, to Henry VIII ; com- plimental. (Orig. Lat.) Cracow, May 15, 1528. 103. b. 43. Nic. Radzivil, to Edward VI; in behalf of Albert Bifliop. (Orig. Lat.) Vilna, July 24 , 1551 . 105. 44. Sigifmund Auguftus K of Poland, to Q. Marv; requefting a reftitution of goods to Laur. Tentzel, a merchant of Danzig. (Orig. Lat.) Kniflin, Nov. 4 , 1553. 106 . 45. Bona, Q. Dowager of Poland, to Q. Mary; congratulating her on her marriage. (Orig. Lat.) Warfaw, July 8, 1554. „ 108 . 46. Sigifmund Aug. K. of Poland, to Q. Elizabeth; apologizing for lome reftraint put upon Englifli fhips at Danzig. (Orig. Lat.) Kniflin, July 13, 1567. 112 . 47 . Sigifmund Aug. K. of Poland,to Q. Elizabeth; on the fame fubjed. (Orig. Lat.) Kniflin, March 3 , 1568. 115 . 48. A minute of the above letter; but the date is Elbing, March 13. 116 . 49 . The magiftrates of Danzig, to Q. Elizabeth; juftifying themlelvcs concerning certain complaints made againft them by Wm. John, and Th. Martin, Englifh fubje&s. (Lat.) Danzig, March 10 , 1568. 1 17. 50 . Sigifmund Aug. K. of Poland, to Q. Elizabeth; touching the claims of the Martins. (Orig. Lat.) Kniflin, Aprils27, 1568. 121 . 51 . The magiftrates of Danzig, to Q. Elizabeth; on the claims of the Martins. (Orig. Lat.) Danzig, Nov. 8, 1568. - 123 . 52. The fenate of Poland, to theEmp. Maximilian II ; on the flight of their king, Henry de Valois. (Lat.) Cracow, June 21 , 1574 . 125 . 53. Five letters of Henry de Valois, to the fenate of Poland, the Bp. of Cracow, and other Polifli lords ; on his withdrawing from them. (Lat.) Cracow, June 18 , 1574. 128. 54. Stephen Bathor, IC. of Poland, to Henry III. K. of IT. (late K. of Poland) conciliatory, and defiling him to give orders about the effects and debts he had left behind in Poland. (Lat.) Cracow, May 29 , 1576. 132. 55. A narrative of the proceedings in Poland fince the death of Sigifm. Auguftus; concerning the elec¬ tion of a king. (Lat.) 157 s. 135 . 56. The Palatine and Caftellan of Sedomir, to .by Conrad Breflaufky, deputed by the proteftaiits in Poland into France. (Orig. Lat.) Stobnicia, June 10 , 1573. 137 . 3 II 57. The 2 10 NERO, B. II. .=>7. The magiftrates of Danzig, to the fen ale of Poland; a vindication of themfelves. (Lat.) 1577 . 139. 58. Articles of an agreement between the Iv. of Poland, and the city of Danzig: publilhed at Ma- rienburg, Dec. 12 , 1577 . 144 . b. 50. A league between Amurath III. emperor of the'lurks, and Stephen h. of Poland; with an ora¬ tion of the Turkiih ainbaifador to the Iv. of Poland. 15 7 7. 146. 60 . A tranfeript of a convention between Q. Elizabeth and the city of Elbing: with various obfer- vations, attefted by the magiftrates of the fa id city, Nov. eo, 1581 ; and tranfmitted to the queen at the requelt of Dr. John Rogers, her orator. (Lat.) 155. 61 . The magiftrates of Elbing, l,o Q. Elizabeth; reporting the proceedings of a commiftion on com¬ mercial affairs agai nil Danzig. (Lat.) Nov. 14 , 1584. 1 f)0. 02 . Q. Elizahcth, to Stephen Iv. of Poland, (more probably to Albert Frederick D. of Pr-allia) ; deliring him to confirm her treaty with Elbing. (Lat.) Greenwich, Jan. 16, 1584 - 5 . 19s. 6 . 1 . The I). of Pruftia, (Albert. Frederick ; or Geo. Frederick, the adminiftrator in his name) about the confirmation of the* treaty with Filling, and feem- in.glv an anfwer to the above. (Lat.) Konigfberg, April 6, 1585. " 197 . 64. Sigiftnund III. whilft heir to the crowns of Sweden and Poland, to Q. Elizabeth ; recommend¬ ing John a Bcltzegk. (Orig. Lat.) Stekcburgh, Aug. 23, 15 86. 199. 65. Sigiftnund III, to Q. Elizabeth ; requefting her to protect .loach. Schccl, lent by him by lea to Spain. (Lat.) Wadften, May 22 , 1587. 201. 66. John, K. of Sweden, to Q. Elizabeth; re¬ queuing her to prote c t Olaus Wcrine, a'lea captain, going to Spain. (Lat.) Wadften, May 1 , 1587 . 203. 67 . Chriitopher Parching-ins, (Parkins) to fir Er. •’ . ; . : v ious ii iligence ; bli ■ affairs in Poland. (Lat.) Elbing, 158.9. 205. 68. A minute of a letter from l)r. Parkins, to fir Er. Walfingham, of May 16 , 1589. 207 . The magiftrates of Elbing, to Q. Elizabeth; rrqucliing her to maintain the regulations made by former agreements. (Lat.) Elbing, Sept. 6, 1589. 208. 70 . Sigiftnund Ill. L. of Poland, to Amurath III. Sultan : Hating the friendflup entertained by their mutual pfetleceffors ; and wifliing to continue the fame. (Lat.) Warliiw, April 6, 1590. 210 . ?i. Q. Elizabeth, to Sigiftnund. ill. K. of Poland; in anfwer to his letter concerning a fliip caft awav at Harwich. (Eat.) Greenwich, July 28, 1590 . 212 . 72 . Sigiftnund III, to Q. Elizabeth; two letters in behalf of Hen. Franklvn ; and requefting that John llaus may be permitted to purchaie and export, free from ctiftom, 1200 pieces of cloth. (Lat.) V aiftiw, Aug. 12 and Oct. 13, 1590 . 214 . b. 7 5. The magiftrates of Elbing, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the eitabliilunent of an Englifh factorv, in which they are oppoied by Danzig and others. (Orig. Lat.) Elbing, Oct. 30, 1591. 218. Sigiftnund it;, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the-factory at Elbing, See. (Orig. Lat.) Warfaw, Jan. 20 , 1591 . 219 . 75. Contents of Q. Elizabeth's letters to the K. of that country (a.) Q. Elizabeth', to Poland and the fenate of Elbing and Lubeck; written by Dr. Parkins. Dec. 1591 . 220 . 76 . The fenate of Elbing, to Q. Elizabeth; con¬ cerning the eftabliihment of the fattory. (Lat.) Elbing, Dec. 23, 1592 . <> 24 . 7 7 . Job. Lanioikki, chancellor of Poland, to Q. Elizabefh ; requefting her to protect Sigiftnund Jla 1 Loi r, Pr. ui Traulylvania, agai 11 ft the opprellions of the Turk. (Orig. Lat.) Zamoici, Oei. 11 , 159 .;. 226. 73 . Sigiftnund Bathori, Pr. of Tranfylvania, to hr Er. Wallingliam ; recommending Stephen Kaka¬ dus, lent by him to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Lai.) Sept. 8 . 1595. ° 007. 79 . A lit of ip letters on the privileges of the Englilh in Poland; and other matters relating to 228. the K. of Poland. (Lat.) March 12 , 1594 - 5 . (h ) Dr. Parkins, to the Chancellor and Yiec-cli. of Poland. (Lat.) Cracow, March 20 , 1595 . (e.) I)r. Parkins, to the Vice-ch. (Lat.) Cra¬ cow, April < 1 , 1595 . (d.) Dr. Paikins, to the principal Secretary and Referendary. (Lat.) April 10 , 1595 . ’I nd, to Q. E izabeth. (Lat) Scolcolm, July 20, 1594. (f.) Dav. Pope of Danzig, to.(Lat.) March 16, 1594 . (g.) Anfwer to the above. (Lat.) (h.) Dr. Parkins to the Vice-ch. (Lat.) C’ra- Elbing, 2, 1595. 7, D° 7, D" 3, D“ ), I)" (<| ) The Dutch deputies, to Q. Elizabeth. (IT.) (r.) Dr. Parkins, to the Vice-ch. of Poland. (Lat.) Elbing, May 28, 1595. (s.) Q. Elizabeth, to the Ii. of Poland; a draught by Dr. Parkins. (Lat.) Greenwich, July 15 , 15Q5. cow, April 1 , 1595 . (i.) Dr. Pai : - to the merchants at April 21, 1595 (k.) Dr . Parkins to fir Robt. Cecil, J ulv 1 (1) D° to D° I)°" - (in.) D’ to D° I)° 1 (".) D° to D° Nov. 1 . ( 0 .) I)° to 1)° D° 1! II ’■) ... D° to D° Dec. 80 . l)r. Parkins; his relation of the things that happened in in', million to the king of Poland. 1595 . 258. 8 1 . Mahomet in. Sultan, to the chancellor of Po¬ land ; concerning too endeavours of the Spaniards to draw that kingdom into their ink-reft. (ItaL) Feb. 10 , 1596. 266. 82 . An oration of a Pulilli ambaflador, to Q. Elizabeth. Greenwich, July 26 , 1597- And an 1 to tb • rnin th< privih ges of Englitlimen in Poland. (Lat.) 268 . 83. A feverc cenl'ure of the Polilh ambaffadars oration. (Lat.) 274 . 3 :. An anfwer of the Privy Council, to an oration lyn, I from jigiftmind III. Ii. of Poland, which he delivered July 25, 1397 . Aug. 13, 1597- 277 . 85. Mahon; t ill. Sultan, to Sigiftnund in ; on the accelfion of the latter to the crown of Sweden ; and an intended war ia Hungary. 1597 . 282 . 86. Dr. Parkins, to fir Itobt. Cecil; minutes of two letters of Sept. 11 , 1597 , and May 29 , 1598. 284. S7. InftruClious of Q. Elizabeth, to Geo. Carcw: exhibited by him to the fenate of Danzig. (Lat.) Aug. 10 , 1598. 286. SS. Mr. NERO, B. II. III. 27 1 us. Mr. Carpw, to fir Robt. Cecil. 'Danzig, Aug. 12 , and Elbing, Oct. 20, 1598. 280. b. 8 Q. A convention between the fenattf of Elbing, and the Englifh factory ; upon certain articles pro¬ moted by Mr. Carew. (Lat.) Nov. 0, 1598. 287 . b. 90. The fen ate of Elbing, to Q. Elizabeth; con¬ ciliatory. (’Lat.) Elbing, Nov. 9, 1598. 288. 91 . The fen ate of Danzig, to Q. Elizabeth; a tefli- monial in favour of Carew. (Lat.) Nov. 10, 1598. 288. 92 . An anfwer of the If. of Poland, to Geo. Carew. (Lat.) 1598. 288. b. Job. Zamoifki, Chanc. of Poland, to Mr. Carew; conciliatory. (Lat.) Zamofcy. Prid. Id. Nov. 1598- 289. 94 . Q. Elizabeth's inflructions to Geo. Carew, Efq. fent into Poland. 1599. 290 . 95 . Geo. Carew's ? report of his ncgociations with the I). of Urunfwic, the If. of Poland, and the cities of Danzig and Elbing. (Lat.) 1599. 292 . b. 90 . The chancellor of Poland, to fir Robt. Cecil, to Q. Elizabeth, and, to the E. of Eflex. Zamofcy, J une 20 , l GOO. 302 . 97 . Thefenate of Elbing, to Q. Elizabeth. June as, 1 G 00 . 304. 98. Matthew Pifcontius, See 7 to the K. of Poland, to fir Robt. Cecil. (Lat.) Zamofcy, 12 Cal. .July, 1 G 00 . 305 . 99 . Dr. Parkins, to fir Ilobt. Cecil; concerning Sigifmund Batliori. Weftm. Aug. 25, iGoo. 30G. 100 . Q. Elizabeth, to the chancellor of Poland; concerning Sigifmund Bathori’s deiire to refide in England. (Lat.) Oakland, Sept. 8, lfloo. 307 . 101. Sir Robt. Cecil, to the chancellor of Poland j on the fame iubjcct. (Lat.) Sept. 9, 1G00. 308 . Nero, B. III. Codex cliartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 382 . 1 . Titles of two Rate papers between England and Denmark. 1364 and 6 . 7 . 2 . A treaty between Henry IV, and Eric X. If. of Denmark, -.) iIelfinb. Prid. Non. Sept. 1)° (i.) (Orig.) Copenli. Od. 13, D° (k.) Copenli. Nov. 27, D (1.) (Orig.) Nvburg, Dec. 3, D° (m.) Copenli. -Tan. 26 , 1566 . 71 . Frederic II, to Mr. Foxall; concerning the pur chafe of a fhip. (an extract) Feb. 16 , 1566. 7 G. Frederic II, to Q. Flizabeih; live letters, chieflv concerning red refs of grievances. (Lat.) J 185. . (a.) Copenhagen, June 4 , 1566 . (b.) 1>° " 06t. 18, D° (c.) D° Feb. 17, 1567. (d.) Frederickfl). March 3 , D° (e.) D" I>° in, D° 7 :;. Heads, of divers matters relating to the con¬ cerns between England and Denmark, fccniingU n - prefented by the Danilh miniltry to Fnglifli ambai- fadors. (Lat.) 1571? 1 -L ■ 74 . Frederic II: a declaration on the part of his council concerning cuftoms paid in Denmark on En‘diill goods. (Orig. Lat.) Cronenburg, Aug. 18, 201 . 15,2. 75 . Q. Elizabeth's infpeximus and confirmation of fevcral treaties of peace and commerce between England and Denmark in the times of Edward IV. and Henry VI1T. (Lat.) Wcftminlier, Feb. 12 , 15 7 6 . 20S. 76 . Frederic II, to Q. Elizabeth; by an ambafla- dor he was fending to Scotland ; on fmne hoiiilc pre¬ parations made by the Scots. (Lat.) Coldinga, Jan. 10 , 1578. . ~-9' 77 . Minutes of two letters from the K- of Den¬ mark, to Q. Elizabeth ; complaining of the piratical practices of fome of her fubjects. (Lat.) f c .b- 1577 , and F.cb. 27 , 1579- .- 35 - b - 78 . Q. Elizabeth, to Frederic II; in anfwcr to the complaints about piracies, with a reejueft that he ■would grant certain privileges to Engliih merchants. (Lat.) Weftm. May 20, 1 .570- 237. 78 . b. Frederic 11, to Q. Elizabeth; two letters concerning grievances. Ffiderikih. .1 une 10 and 28: and a minute of an anfwcr of the queen, dated Dec. 22, 1579. (Lat.) 238. 7 !). Q. Elizabeth's initrudions to Ld. Willoughby, deputed to flic K. of Denmark, on fending him over the order of the Garter; about grievances, &c. June 4, 1582. 244. 80 . The effect of the patent granted by Frederic 11 . to the Engliih merchants trading to Mufeovy. June 24, 15S2. 247 . 81. Frederic II. or rather his council's agreement -with the Eughlli ambatVador, concerning the manner of liis receiving the Garter. (Lat. Orig.) Cro- nenb. Aug. 11 , 1582. 250. 82 . Frederic 11 : two pail ports for Ld. Willoughby, on his return. (Orig. Germ.) Cronenb. Aug. 19 , 1582. 252. 83 . An abftracl of the privileges granted by the K. of Denmark to the Engliih merchants trading in Mufeovy; taken out of his letters patent of June 22 , 1582.’ 255. 84. Anfw.er of Frederic IT, to John Herbert, am- baifador frOm Q. Elizabeth ; concerning the naviga¬ tion and trade in the North Seas, ike. (Lat.) June 22, 1583. 257 . 85. A convention between Engliih and Danilh commiflioners, concerning the Mufe.oiy trade; re¬ citing patents both of Frederic II. and Q. Elizabeth. (Lat.) Haderfieben, June 22 , 1583. 258. b. 86. The patent of Frederic II. concerning the Mufeovy trade; recited in the above convention. (Lat.) Iladerileben, June 22 , 1583. 263. 87 . A paper entitled, “ An elucidation annexed unto the treaty which was agreed on by Mr. Her¬ bert:'’ being a declaration of Q. Elizabeth on the fubjed of the trade to Mufeovy. (Lat.) Weftm. Oct. 12 , 1583. 263. 88. Inftrudions for Tito. Bodley, fent to the h. of Denmark. April 17 , 1585. 271 . 89. Frederic 11 , to Q. Elizabeth; demanding re- drefs for grievances complained of by the Iilhcrmen of Iceland. (Lat.) Frederikib. May 4, 1585. 275. 90 . An a6t to be el'tablifiled by the Queen's coun¬ cil, for redreifmg the grievances complained of by the Iceland iilhcrmen. July 15 , 1585. 27 s. 91 . Frederic II, to fome minifter or agent of Q. Elizabeth; returning thanks for fome hounds fent him over bv the Queen. (Grig. Lat.) Warn burgh, Sept. 4 , 1585. _ • 282, 92 . Two pedigrees of the royal family of Den¬ mark ; and one of the electors of Saxony. , 283. b. 93 . Minute, of a letter from the Ik of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth ; complaining of piracies. March 31, 1586. 285. 04 . Frederic II, to Q. Elizabeth; and -Marcus Hefs, to Frederic ; concerning a complaint of the laid lid’s. (Lat.) Copenhag. April 16, 1586. 285. b. 95 . Hen. Ramelius, Danilh amhalfador; hating the purport, of his embalfy, which was to mediate a. peace between England and Spain. (Lat.). May 8, 1586. G8G - 96 . Ld. Burleigh’s and the Council's anfwcr to the Danilh amhalfador, on the prnpofed mediation with Spain. (Lat.) May 15, 1586. 292 . 97 . A letter, probably to Ld. Burleigh; defiling him to ufe his intereft in favour of one Bulius, who had been impril’oncd at Utrecht. (Lat.) 061. 1586. .‘> 01 .. 98 . A minute of a letter from Abel Bc-rncr, the Dimilli amhalfador. to lir Francis Wullingham; con¬ cerning tolls. Septc 6, 1586. ''92. 99 . Frederic II, to Q. Elizabeth ; receding his mediation for a peace with Spain, with a P.S. con¬ cerning a plot againft her .life. (Orig. Lat.) A 11 - derfehovia, 061. 28, 1586. 305. 100 . A collodion of treaties, between fevcral princes and provinces of the Low Countries, and the kings of Denmark ; relating to tin* trade in the Eaft parts, and the navigation through the Sound. Com¬ piled by Leonard Cafenbroelc. (Fr.) 1587. 308. 101 . Minute of a letter from the K. of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth; demanding red refs tor a piracy. Aug. 16 , 1587- 314 * 102 . Frederic II, to Q. Elizabeth; complaints about piracies. (Lat.) 1587- 3i5. 102 . Daniel Rogers, to lir Fr. Walfingbam? A report of his negotiations in Denmark. (Orig.) Stade, Jan. 5, 1587- 32 °- 103 . Frederic II, to Q. Elizabeth ; about a nego- ciation for re-eftablilhing the fadory of merchant ad¬ venturers at Hamburgh. (Orig. Lat.) Hadefllcben, Feb. 28 , 1588. °25. 104 . A draught of a letter to be fent from Q. Eli¬ zabeth to the h. of Denmark; in behalt ot the mer¬ chants trading in the Eaft parts. April, 15S8. 327. /I I 105, Q. 2 14 NERO, B. Ilf.— IV. 105. Q. Elizabeth's full powers tn Daniel Rogers. t<> negociate in Denmark concerning the trade in the Baltic. (Lat.) Green\\ich, June is, loss. S' 28 . 1 Ofj. Infmictions to Dan. Rogers, and Mr. Jenkinfon, lent to Embden, to treat with the h'. of Denmark's eommiilioners concerning the trade in the Baltic. June, 1.588. 8; jq m' ; . A memorial for Mr. Tho. Bod Icy, font bv Q. Elizabeth to the K. of Denmark. Aug. n, 1 . 588 . .533. 108 . A draught of inftniciions for Mr. Dan. Rogers, on the death of Frederic it. 1 , 588 . 335 . b. io(). An aniVer of the Danith miniftrv to Dan. Rogers, concerning the filberies on the coaft of Ice¬ land. (Lat.) Copenhagen, July 21 , 1 , 5 . 88 . 1 10 . A report of the ncgociations between the Englilh and Daniil) enmmiflioners, about the navhra- tnm in^ the XortR Seas, ike. (Lat.) Hamburgh, in. The complaints of the merchants, touching the tolls, ike. and tile treaties thereupon. (Lat) 33.Q. 1 is. A lift of the fenators and coutifellors of the h. of Denmark. Julv 10 , 1 . 588 . 343 I 113 . A memorial or oration of Dr. Dan. Rogers, j on the death of Frederic 11 . and the aeccflion of j C hriftiaii i\'. probably add relied to, the fenate of Denmark. (Lat.) Copcnli. July i.o r ^. 588 . 344 . 114 . An expolition of the complaints of the Danifh fuhjeels, for injuries fultained from Englilh fuhjeels; drawn up by Dr. Geo. Sehomaker: with anlwcrs to each article by the Englilh eommiilioners. (Lat.) Feb. 1580. 35 ‘> 11 . 5 . An anfwer to the complaints exhibited by Dr. Geo. Sehomaker, to the Englilh eommiilioners (Lat.) 1.588. 3.58. J ifi. A fpecification of the grievances complained of by feveral Danilh fuhjects, of loifcs fultained by the depredations of the Englilh. (Lat.) i.>s<). 3t)4. 1 17- A declaration of the reafons why the Englilh •Blips lei zed fome Ihips laden with corn and ft ores, on their voyage from Norway to Lilbon. (Lat.) June 3°, 1580. 3 a a. 1 18. An order of the Privy Council, to the Englilh commifiioners; lor examining into and determining the Danilli caui'es. (Orig.) Oatluuds, Aim- <’o 1.5 80. ^ “ 0 374.’ 1 JO. Xic. Cragius, Danilli ambalfador, to Q. Eliza- beih; in aniwer to her requifition, to Rate how far he was fatislied villi the deeiiions of the Danilli caufes. (Lat.) 1.5 80 - 377 . Kero , II. IV. Codex ehartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 333 . 1 . Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth ; in anfwer to her letter brought him by Chril- toph. Perkins, pro felling himfelf very folicitous to maintain a ft rid amity with her. (Lat.) Anderi- choven, June 21 , 1 590. 4 . 2. Chriltian IV; his palfport granted to Henrv Alberts, to carry horfes into France, (an Englilh Iranflation from the Latin.) Colding, July 15 , 1590. 6 S. Minutes ot feven letters of the K. and Q. mo¬ ther of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth; chiefly recom¬ mendatory. 1500. ' - 4. Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian IV ; on the v arious chum for redrefs in tile Danilli caufes. ( J at . l-eeted draught.) Greenwich, July ye, i 5 90 . , . A fair copy of the above letter. „„ p re The beginning „f an anfwra ofthe Qs council to JNic. Lragius, Daniil! ambatliulor. (Lat.) ,. VM ’ ■13. i). ' A memorandum of a Danilli lhip (the WhaU -1 taken by Englilh pirates. . ;jl «. An account, of the fums paid to tile fcvcral nro- pnetors of the Daniil, lhip the Whale: extracted out ot tite regifter of the commiflioners for fettlino- Da- njfli caufes. 1507 and 8 . ^ j, , q \ r S!: r A an Iv > t0 ( 2 - Elizabeth: concerning a toll at. llellinghoru complained of by Chr. Perkin. (Grig. '-at. leak'd; not tigned by the K. but l,v hfs utors, iNic. baas, Pet. -Munek, and Geo. llofen- kiantz.) Coldingen, July 24 , 1 . 390 . -, A . Iettet probably from Dr. Perkins, to fir Fr " allmgham; concerning the reftraints laid on Fnv- hllnnei, lulling on the ec.aft of Iceland, contrary to a treaty between lien. VII. and John of Denin alfo on complaints made by the llanfc Towns. Loud Del. 13, I.590. 4() n. Dr. Perkins, to the chancellor of Denmark • concerning the Danilli caufes. (Lat.) Loudon’ Dec. to, mol. ’ it. Chriftian IV. to Q. Elizabeth; recommendin'.- to her favour William I). of Ilrunfwie Lmiebur” 'ihole father Otho had lately died in Eim-lamD efpecially that he might fueei-ed to a peelion enjoyed’ by John L. of Fridland. (Lat.) Copenha,.- i t,' s " a ..b.’ 13. -Minutes of two letters from the K. of Dt-u- mark, to Q. Elizabeth. June 7 and Dec. 8, loot. 4 7. ir.' 14. Chriftian IV, to Q. Elizabeth; p,-moiling re- drels for certain exactions on account of tolls com¬ plained of by Dr. Perkins, &c. (Oris-. Lat ) Copcnli. July 4 , 1391 . 5 , 15. Minutes of ftate papers, chiefly relating to the Danilli caules. 1592 . 10 . John \ anforden and 6 ’others, proprietors of the Danilli lhip the Whale, to the Privy Council? loliciting fpcedy ledrefs. 1592 ? ^6. 17 . Chriltian lv, to (X Elizabeth; a credence in favour of Dr. Paul Knibbius. (Lat.) Anderfchov. July 31 , 1592 . 5y . is. Dr. Knibbius, to Q. Elizabeth; with a paper. Rating the purport of his million, being the com¬ plaints of Danilh luhjeCls for injuries; aiid iblicitiu"- a continuance of friendlhip. 1,592. 59. b.° 10 . Chriftian IV: his inftruCtions to Dr. Knibbius (Lat.) Okt. 1592 . G o / 20 . Minutes of three letters from the K. of Den¬ mark, to Q. Elizabeth. April and May, 15 . 93 . 67 . 2 1 . Chriftian IV, to Q. Elizabeth; two letters, about claims for redrefs for Engliihmen fifldngon the coaft of Iceland. (Lat.) Copenh. May 20 . and July 8 , 1595. “ -j 22 . Chriltian IV, to Q. Elizabeth; recommending Job. Mykerke, who was d dim us- of entering into her j fervice. (Lat.) Copenh. June 30 , 1597 . 31 . 2 . 3 . Articles propofed by the Danilh ambafladors, to Q. Elizabeth ; concerning their mediation between her anti Spain, and the freedom of intercourse in the interim. (Lat.) 1597 . 84 24. Articles propofed by the Danilh ambafladors, to thy Englilh commiflioners; concerning the freedom ot navigation. Lend. Sept. 18, 1597- with an an¬ fwer of the faid commiflioners. (Lat.) 3 . 5 . 25. zYnfwers NERO, B. IV. 21 K < 25 . AnAvers of the Privy Council to the articles exhibited by the Danilli atnbafladors, IV. 13.: alfo nnfwers to the fame, enumerating the goods and pores prohibited to be imported into Spain. (Lat.) Sept. 1597- 86 ' < 2 o. A paper containing the prohibition of the fiflieries on the coafts of Iceland and Noiway; ex¬ hibited by .1. Herbert, to the Englilh commiflioners. (Lat.) Sept, l 6, 1.397. 88 - 17 . Chriftian IV, to Q. Elizabeth; two letters, l. complimental on Dr. Parkins's embalfy; and 0 . on his fending over Dr. N. Cragius. Eriderichtb. Nov. 15, 1598. (Lat.) 9t. <>s. Q. Elizabeth’s conimiffioners, to ,T. Herbert, Jul. Ciefar, and others; concerning the Danith caufes. (Lat.) Wcftm. Jan. 3, 1598-9- 9-- C9. “ Brevis ct perfpicua commemoratio caufarum quas, nomine mercatorum Danicorum fpoliatorum, hac legatione fua agere habet Nic. Cragius; cum refponfis commifiariorum." 1599- 94. 30. A memorial of a Danilli ambafl'ador (probably N. Crag.) to the Englilh privy council, or couimil- lioners on the Danilli caufes. (Lat.) 10 ~- 3 i. An anfwer to N. Crag, concerning the Danilli caufes; and eight other papers on the fame lubjett. (Lat.) 1 599. 103 *- 32 . A memorial of an agent of N. Crag, to the Englilh commilfioners; fubmitting certain things to them confideration before they pronounce upon tour of the Danilli caufes. (Lat.) Feb. 4. Non. Feb. 1.399. 121 . 33. A memorial (perhaps of N. Crag.) to the Privy Council; being an ample representation concerning the Danifli caul’es. (Lat.) 1.598 ? 1-3. 34. An anfwer to the Danilli ambafl'ador concern¬ ing feveral of the Danilli caufes; figned Ro. Cecil, but faid to have been returned from Denmark be- caufe the queen’s name was not fubferibed thereto. (Lat.) 1596? 142. 35. A rough draught of an anfwer, probably to the memorial iv. 33. " (Lat. the beginning wanting.) 1598? 148. 56. An anfwer on the part of Q. Elizabeth, to a remonftrance of N. Crag, concerning the Danilli caufes. (Lat.) Richmond, March, 1599 . 161 . 37 . A 11 anfwer 011 the part of the Privy Council, to the above remonftrance of N. Crag. (Lat.) 1598. D-- 38 . A ftatement, by way ot petition, of grievances filfiained by divers Englilhmen from the Danes, and for which no redrefs had been obtained, two copies. (-Lat.) 1598-9- 174 . b. 39 . The complaints of the Englilh merchants; ex¬ hibited by thcriifelves before the commiflioners for Danilli caufes. 1598. 178. b. 40 . Certain notes concerning the tolls in the Sound of Denmark. 18 1 . 41. “ De mercatorum gravaminibus in Orefundo. 182. 42 . “ Dcinjuriis a fubditis Ser mi regis Dania:, nof- tris hominibus illatis.” 1598. 186. 43 . “ Reponfum confiliariorum Seim* regin re An¬ glia;, ad ea qua: a Ser mi regis Dania; legato D. Nic. Cragio proponebantur, A. D. 1598.” (part ot it a copy of IV, 37-.) 18 9- 44 . Reponfum quod dari juflit Ser n "” rex Dania; ad ultcriora Ser m * Angliie regiua; legatorum poftulat.a.” (Orig. ligncd and fealed.) Iiaffiiia;, 6 Id. Quint. 1.598. *93. 4 .;,. tf Reponfum commiflariorum Scr rai regis Dania;, ad ea qua; Ser ma! regina; Angliie legatus, Baro. Edw. Zucheus, per Chrift. Parchingiuni, propofuit.” 1598- 195. 46 . Inftructions for Ld. Zorich and Dr. Parkins, to he fent to the K. of Denmark. 1 59$. 204 . 47 . An anfwer made to Ld. Zouch and Dr. Par¬ kins, by the K. of Denmark’s commiflioners; con¬ cerning the arteft of the merchants goods. (Lat.) 1598. 211. 48. Charles prince of Sweden (afterwards Charles IX.) to Q. Elizabeth; on reftoring fome Englilh ihips detained at Dantzig; and difelaiming the reports that lie meant to ufurp the crowns of Sweden and Poland. (Lat.) Orebroa, 3 Non. Oct. 159$; 215 . 49 . A decree of Frederick II. K. of Denmark f touching the declaration, or fpecification of the lading of merchandizes to pafs through his cuftom towns. Schandcrburgh, Oft. 4, 15<)$. 216. 50. Propolitions of the merchants of England, de¬ livered to the K. of Denmark's commiflioners. (Lat.) Oct. 1598. 216. b. 51 . A copy of the anfwer of Chriftian IV. (vid. IV. 44.) 1598- 219 . b. 52 An oration addreffed to Q. Elizabeth, by the Danifli ambafl'ador N. Cragius; on his commercial negociations; prefaced by a complimental letter, and verfts in praife of her erudition. (Lat.) 15Q8. 223. 33. The commiflion of Dr. Herbert, Dr. Ctefar, and others, to examine into the Danifli caufes : ligncd by the Eds. of Council. Whitehall, Dec. 18 , 1 . 39 a. and exhibited in the court of Arches, Dec. 20 , 159 $. 931. 54. Poftulata legati Ser™ regis Dania?, Nic. Cragii, coneernentia caufas mercatorum Danicorum ab An- glis fpoliatorum : cui adduntur reponfa Serm* regina; Anglia; commiflariorum. 1598 . 233. 55. Nic. Cragius, to fir Robt. Cecil; two letters, on fending an oration (probably IV. 52.) and 011 the permiflion demanded by the K. of Denmark to pur- chafe fome artillery. (Lat.) London, Dec. £6, ,1598. and March I, 1599- 235. 56. Minute of a letter of the K. of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth; for redrefs of grievances. March 22 , 1598 - 9 ? 23?. 57 . A fet of queries concerning thO commercial laws and cultoms in England; exhibited by VaiV- lielius, on the part of the Danilli ambafl'ador, to- the Englilh commiflioners. Jan. 11 , 1598 . (Lat. a du¬ plicate of IV. 3 1. N° 2.) £39- 58. A part of Dr. N. Cragius’s reprefentation, con¬ cerning the filherics 011 the coafts of Iceland and Norway; with the anfwer of the Englilh commif¬ lioners to the fame. (Lat. the latter dated April is, 1599.) 24b. 59 . Nic. Cragius, to fir Robt. Cecil; on his ap¬ proaching departure from England. (Lat.) Loud. Prid. Id. Apr. 1599- 244. 60 . Minute of a letter from N. Crag-itis, to the Ld. Steward of Denmark; reporting his negociations concerning the lilheries and the tolls. April 17 , 1399. 244. b. 61 . A duplicate of Q. Elizabeth’s anfwer to N. Crag. IV. 36. but dated Greenw. April 1599- (Lat. a draught ligne'd by the Englilh commiflioners.) . 245. 62 . Notes of complaints of Danes for injuries re¬ ceived from the Englilh. Jan. 1599 . 363. 63. Three fentences of the Englilh commiflioners in the caufes of And. Oftnanfon, J. Paulfon, and Pet. Hunt, 2l6 NERO, B. IV. ilunt, Daniili captains. (Lat.) Feb. Ilacjs-ii. Md fit. Nic. Crasfms, to fir Robt. Cecil; foliating fpeedy anfwcrs from the council. (Lat.) Lomlon. 4 Id. Apr. 1599. 074 . ’ G5. A triplicate of IV. 30 . Grcenw. April, 1.599. 275 . GO. Chriftian iv, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the Danifh caufes. (Lat. two copies.) Copenh. July 24, 1599 . ogp. 67. Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian iv; in anfwer to the above ; fent by Steph. Lefurc. (Lat) Sept. 1 . 509 . 292 . HR. Chriftian IV, to Q. Elizabeth: two letters in anfwer to the above. (Lat.) Copenh. Oct. 30 . and Nov. 1 , 1 . 599 . 29 . 5 . 09 - The Danifh to the Englilh privv council; in anfwer to IV. (> 7 . (Lat.) Copenh. Nov. 1 , 1599 . 29 G. i>. 70 . Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian IV; in anfwer to iv. (is. (Lat.) Richmond, Dec. 20, 1.599. 29s. 71 . A duplicate of the reprcfcntaliou and anfwer IV. 58. 3oo. 72. Nic. Cragius, to Q. Elizabeth; breviates of the Danifh caul’es, being 1.5 in number: with an- fwers to the fame. (Lat.) 1599 . 30 : 3 . I>. 73 . Duplicates of iv. 07, Os. N° 1 . 99 . and OS. N° 2 . alfo a triplicate of G 8 . 317 . 74. ‘‘ Things confiderable at this prefent concern¬ ing Denmarc.” a meeting being about to be held at Embdcn. Nov. 1599 . 3 29 . 75. Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian IV; two letters, 1 . previous to the meeting at Embdcn. Richmond, March 9 , 1 G 00 .: and 2 . concerning the reftraints offered upon the fifhcrics. Richm. Eel (Lat.) ■n. (Lat.) Oatlamls, 8 . Q. Llizabcth s commiflion, appointing Ld. Eure, fir J. Herbert, and Dr. Dan. Dun, to treat with Da- mfh commiilioners at Bremen. Aug. 29, 1602 . 9 - ( hriftiau IV; bis commiflion appointing Man- dropi.ts Parlbergius, Arnold Iluiiibid, amf Jonas Cluiifius, io treat with the Lngiilh commilkoners at Bremen. (Lat.) Copenh. Sept. 10, 44. 10 . Inftruetions to Ld. Eure, and the two other commiilioners, lent to Bremen ; Skph. Lefurc being added to the number as an aniiiant. iGoj. 49 .° 11. Q. Elizabeth ; four letters of recommendation in behalf of her commiilioners going to Bremen ; l. to Otlio D. of Brmiiv, ic Limcni>. ilarburg. Oai- lands. Aug. ".(),! Go j. 2 . in the Archbp. of Bremen ; 4 . to the magi Urates ni' Bremen: and 4. to the ma¬ gi ft rates of Staden: the lime laft dated Oatlands Aug. 27, 1602. (Lat.) <;i . 12 . A declaration of the grievances the com¬ pany of Eaftland merchanls lu’iiaincd in the Sound of Denmark; and their recpiefts for red refs thereof’ t" be handled in the treaty appointed at Bremen’ Aug. 1G02. ' ; 10 The requcA brief. 1G02. of ll:e Eaftland merchants . I Goo. 330 . Aero, B- V. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 334. i- Queen Elizabeth's infpeximus of a treaty con- eluded between Henry VII. K. of England and John h. of Denmark. Copenh. Jan. 20, 1 190. (vid. Rym. xii. 381 .) the infpeximus is dated March 8 1, 1600. (Lat.) 4.1). 2. Q. Elizabeth's infpeximus of a I realx between Henry VIII. h. of England and Chriitiern K. of Denmark. June no, 1523 . (vid. Rym. XIII. 798.) I he infpex. is of March 31 , 1G00. 10. 3 . The Daniili commiflioners at Embdcn, to Q. Elizabeth ; lignifving their appointment, and arrival at Embdcn ; and remonftrating that no Englilh eom- hiiflioners had yet arrived. (Lat.) Embdcn, May s, 1600. ' ic. 4 . Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark; Concerning delays that, had taken place in the ne¬ gotiations at Embdcn; anti fubfequent grievances. (Lat.) April, 1602 . o t5 . •>. Q. Elizabeth, to Steph. Lefeuuer (Lefurc) her agent in Denmark; initruCting him concerning a dif¬ ference that had arilen between Charles prince (after¬ wards K.) of Sweden and the K. of Denmark. Green¬ wich, May 15 , 1 G 02 . 27 . G. Chriftian IV. to Q. Elizabeth ; in anfwer to v. 4. (Lat.) Cronenburg, May 29 , 1 G 02 . 2 . 3 . 7. Q. Elizabeth, to Chriftian IV; concerning the commiilioners whom Die meant to fend to fettle ail differences between them. (Lat.) Greenwich, July- 15 ; 1602 . • 36 .” 14 . A brief fiat cm cut of a quarrel between Mate. 11 ell ius, and Hen. Sue kl’ord, about lbine outrage at Qa. (Laf.) C ' 7< ;. i n. A hreviate of the lots of the five fliips of Hull that were taken by Danes in May 1599, at Ward- bo uic. " -7 ni. A remonftrance concerning the tolls called “ Lalt-Gelt,',' the tooth penny, &c. ligned Laur. Tomfon. 17 . An account fccmingly of Anns claimed l»y Danifh individuals. 79 . b. 1.8. Breviates of the claims of fevcral Danes for indemnifications.! go. b. 1 . 9 . A remonftrance of the Eaftland merchants, again!! the Lalt-Gelt, 100 th penny, &c. 89 . b. 20 . An account of the cxceffive eufloms paid in the Sound. , jq _ ei. Mr. C aufrtp ^ note of tolls m Denmark. 91 . 22. Sonic clank.-, oi treat .. between England and Denmark, concerning the navigation in the North Sea-;. (Lat.) ' 91 .!,. 23. A feverc invective againlt the Danes, proved from hiitQry. (Lat.) 94. 24 . A colleftion.-of judicial authorities, concern¬ ing the freedom of navigation and commerce. (Lat.) ' 97., 25. Four notes of the English to the Danifh com- millioners at Bremen, on their arrival. (Lat) 1602 ; 101. 26 . Nine articles, being reciprocal letters of the Englilh and Danifh commiftionns at Bremen; from the 1.3 to the 21 of Oct. 1002 . (Lat.) io 0 . 27 . TI 10 . Styles, to Mr. Sheppcrd ; concerning the ftubbornnels of the Danes in the negotiations at Bre¬ men. Stadc, Oct. 21 , l-G 03 . 127 . 28 . Grievances again ft the K. of Denmark; ad- drefied to the Lds. ani ballad drs at Bremen, by Hen, Sheppcrd. Oct, 22, 1602 . 128 . 29 . A duplicate of Styles's letter, V; 27 . 129 . b. 30. A note of kcrieys and clothes taken out of the God's Grace of Hull, in Oct. 1598, and detained by the K. of Denmark. 130 . b. 31. Six papers that puffed between the Englifh and NERO, B. V. VI. 21 7 and Danifli commiflioners at Bremen; from 061. 23, to Nov. 3, 16 ' 02 . (Lat.) 131. 32. Sir Robt. Cecil, to the Englith commiflioners at Bremen ; inltructing - them concerning a difference that, had arifen between the count and the town of Embden. Richmond, 06L 29 , 1602 . 152 .. 33. Chriftian IV, to Q. Elizabeth; Rating the com¬ plaints of fome of his fubjeclts concerning piracies committed on them by Englith men, See. (Lat.) Copenh. Aug. 4, 1602 . 1.53.1). 34. An anfwer to the complaints ftated in the above letter. 1602 . 155 . 35. Seventeen papers which palled between the Englith and Danifli commiilioners at Bremen, in the month of Nov. 1602 . 15 S. 3G. Minutes of fome of the proceedings of the commilfioners at Bremen. Nov. 1G02. 137. 37 . A draught of areccfs between the Englith and Danilli commiilioners at Bremen. (Lat.) 1002 . igi. 3S. Chriftian IV, to the Englith commiflioners at Bremen: credence of his commiilioners fent to meet them. (Lat.) Copenh. Sept. 10 , 1602 . 193 . b. 3g. The Lords of Council, to the Englilh commif¬ lioners at Bremen; lignitying certain fteps taken in England concerning the intercourfe with Denmark; and about their negociations concerning the trade with Germany. Whitehall, Jan. 5 , 1602 - 3 . ig t. 40. The Englilh, to the Danilli commiflioners at Bremen ; defiring them to procure a ftandard or tarif of weights and meafurcs. (Lat. a draught.) Eel). 1 " 1603. ^ igG.'’ 41 . “ Receflus colloquii Bremenfis.” two counter¬ parts. Nov. 2G, 1602 . !( J7 42. The Englilh commiflioners at Bremen, to the lords of council: a report of their proceedings with the Danifli and Imperial commiflioners. Bremen, Dec. l, 1602 . 200. 5 43. The Englilh commiflioners at Bremen, to the lords of council; concerning the credence of the Imperial commiflioners (Baron Minquilz, See.) the affairs of Embden, Sec. Bremen, Dec. 1 , nine. 209 . 44 . A rough draught of v. 42 . Dec. 1 , 1602 . 211 . 45. Chriftian iv, to the E. of Salifbury (Roht. Cecil) recommending the concerns of Wim Ellcnct. (Lat.) Colmar, Aug. 17 , 1 G 11 . 034. 46. Tin and lien. Ilardcaftle’s libel, for Danifli lpoils : addrefied to the Englilh commiflioners at Bre¬ men. (Lat.) 1602 ? 035 . 47- The lords of council, to the Englilh commif- fioners at Bremen. Jan. 5 , 1 G 02 - 3 . 04 ]_ 48. A duplicate of the letter of theLds. of council, v. 39 . Jan. 5 , 1 G 02 - 3 . o 41 4Q. An anfwer to fome queftions propofed on the part of the Danifli commiflioners, concernin'* - oiracies. (Lat.) 043 . 50. The Englilh commiflioners at Bremen P to the prince of Sweden; concerning a propofal of their repairing to a congrefs for fettling certain differences between Sweden and Denmark. Feb. 1603 ? 2 46 . b. 51. A remembrance of the Eaftland merchants, to Mr. Rich. Lewis, armourer; for his vovan-e' now appointed to Bremen and Denmark. Eeb° 1603 ? 247. 52. The Englilh commiflioners, to the late Danifli commiflioners at Bremen, and to the Danilli council; a duplicate, with fome additions, of v. 40 . (Lat.) Bremen, Feb. 12 , 1603 . 248 . h. 5S. Remembrances for Mr. Alex. Covert, fent by the Englilh commiflioners to the late Daniil; com¬ miflioners at Bremen, with the precedin'*- letter Eeb. 1 603. " o j 0 54. The late Danifli. to the Englith commiflioners at Bremen ; acknowledging the receipt of v. 52. and fignifying- that they had not opened the lame, the fuperfeription being to the council as well as to themfelves. (Lat.) Copenh. April 12 , 1603 . 251. 55 . Heads of matters concerning which the h. of Denmark is to he required to give ample inJtrudflions to the ambalfadors he intends to fend to Eno-Jund. J une, 1603. 56. Chriflian IV, to James I. IP. of England ; two letters in commendation of the E. of Rutland and Wm. Conftable, whom James had fent to Chriflian on an embafly. (Lat.) Cronenburg, July 10 . 1603. 'oj~ 5 7 . Pofttilala mercatorum Anglorum, legatis regis Dania* exhibita; cui adduntur regis Dan he reljioida. Nov. 16.03. 20 ']. b. 58. Refppnfum Chriftiani IV, comiti Rutlandije Jacobi I. legato datum. (Lat.) Croncnb. Julv 16, 1603. 26S. 5g. “Ada commiflarior, Ser" 1 regis Dania*, in ne- gotio de Lappia.” Valda-, April 6, 1C03. ' 273 . GO. “ Sententia, commifiar. majeflatis Dania’, in negotio dearce Livonia, Sonnenbiirg.” Valda, April 6, 10*03. 285. 61 . “ A6k commiflarior. regia Maj. Dania, in caula de vecfigali ex mereibus a Dania emptis exigi inceptis.” Valda, April 6, 1603. 295 ? 62 . “ Acta commiflarior. regis Dania, in negotio de jure trium coronarum.” Valda, April 6, 1603. 301. 63. “ Sententia commiflarior. regis Sttecia in pra- fatis quatuor caufis feu litibus; 1 . de Lappia; 2 . de arce Sonnenbiirg; 3 . de vefrtigali; and 4 . de jure trium coronarum.” Elakfobek, April:G, 1603. 303 . b. 64 . Chriftian iv, to James 1 ; a credence in favour of Dr. Jonas Charifius. '(Drig. Lati) Eriderichfl). Jan. 4 , 1612 . ' . 324 . 65 . flic Eolith privy council or commiflioners? to Q. Elizabeth ; in anfwer to three letters of hcr’s, con¬ cerning privileges, &c. (Lat.) 305 . 66. I lio. Smith, to 1 the Englith commiflioners at Bremen? inclofing a letter from tiie K. of Denmark ; and mentioning fome matters which .the Ld. Trea- furer delires them to take into contidcralion. (Ori- - ) June. 00 %/ 67 . The magiftrates of Belgium in Norway, to James I; reprcfenling certain grievances. (Lat.) Berghcn, Jan. 12 , 1609 . 330 . 6s. I lift ructions for Mr. D. Fletcher, employed by the company of Eaftland merchants to treat with Dr. Charifius about the removal of the trade to the town of Crimpc, by the mediation of John Rolt. 333 . Nero, D. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conflans foliis 454 . 1 . Anton. Laudus (a Florentine, probably a jewel¬ ler) to Henry VIII; offering for tale a head-drefs which he values at £. 870 . (Lat.) 1533. 1 . 2 . A letter of intelligence from Milan : Barbarofla’s fleet fliipwrecked ; Doria’s fleet in Sicily ; the Mila- nele well dilpofed towards the Emperor; the caufc about the duchy of Camarino not decided, &c. (Lat.) Jan. 7 , 1538. 3 . 3. Tho. (Ld.) Cromwell (privy feal) to Henry VIII; -laments his inability to attend the K. on uc- S K count NERO, B. VI. 2l8 count of a fever; reports what, infmifc’tions and let¬ ters he had written to Sadler, Vaughan, Ld« Here*- ford, &c. during his confinement, and what intelli¬ gence he had received from abroad, chiefly con¬ cerning the Turks. April 23, 1539. 5. 4 . A paper containing articles of enquiry concern¬ ing the affairs of Italy, the Turks, See. (Italian.) 1343. 7. 3, Sir Edward Came, to Q. Elizabeth ; reporting that the Pope refutes to let him come away from Rome. (Orig.) Home, April 1 . 1559 . 9 . 6. A fragment of a letter, containing fevere invec¬ tives againlt the Caraffa family, a fatyrical epitaph for Pope Paul IV. (,!. P. Caraffa) tome intelligence about Venice, &c. (Ital. and Lat.) Home, Aug. go. 133<). ll. 7 . John Eaftcourt and Hie. Pokkclonde, to J. duke of Bedford. and the Bp. of Durham, chancellor; re¬ porting their arrival at Calais, and iirft negociations with the ambaffidors of Genoa, fume of the Flemifh hates, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Calais, June 27 , I30(i? 12 . s. Hie. Moryfon, to Tim. "Winter, archdeacon of l ork, foil to Card. Wolfey ; on a medical confulta- lion ; contradicting a report of the Pope's death, &e. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, Aug. 19 . 13. ft. h. James I, to fome agent at Paris; in ani'wer 1 o certain communications the laid agent had re¬ ceived from thi' Pope, through his ambaffador at Paris, from which, and from this anl’wcr, there ap¬ pears to have been much mutual regard between I hem. (Lat.) about the beginning of James's reign. 15 . 10 . An ex trail of a letter from a duke of Mantua; (lefcribing the pullage of the Po by the allied army. (Lat.) Calal Major, Oct. 2. iy. 11 . Florentius Volufenus, to Jo. Starchc; acquaint¬ ing him that Sadoletus had procured him an appoint¬ ment to a profelforlliip at Carpcntras; alfo fome news, (Orig. Lat.) Lyons, XI. Cal. Dec. go, 12 . An chiles Vicecomes, to Card. Wolfey ; recom¬ mending the concerns of Mr. Daniel, agoklfmith of Dalle. (Lat.) no. i:i. A paper of intelligence concerning the war between the Emperor, &c. and France. (It.) i 5 21 ? 1 t. The King (Henry VIII?) to John (Zapolfki, K. of Hungary), promiling his protection. (Ital.) 24 . 13. lliehard abbot of Winchclcomb (Winchcomb) to Card. Wolfey ; congratulating him on his nomina¬ tion to the Abk. of \ ork ; and about fome monaltic preferment. (Orig.) Winchcomb. 15 u. gj. lG. De Morctte, to Card. Wolfey; ex prefling the Pope’s fatisfaetion at the peace lately concluded be¬ tween England and France. (Orig. Fr.) Home, Aug. y. ' 26 . ’ lG. b. Gregorio Cafalis, to Mr. RulTcll, Eng]iff ambafiador at Home ; giving intelligence about the creation of cardinals, his partiality for England, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Home, May 2 . 27 . ? 17 . A rough draught of a letter, probably from Wolfey, to Mr. St.concerning the king’s di- vorce. 28 . 18 . Initructions concerning what D. Pedro de Burgos hath to fay to the Infant (Don Ferdinand?) from the D. de Bourbon, about the war in Italy; Milanlurrendtred. (Spanilh) 1524 ? 29 . iy. A. elefiV. Car lj ‘ de Hoffs (Aloyfius de Rubeis) to Henry X III; notifying his promotion. (Lat. ) Rome, July 1 , 1317 ? r>o. 20 . And. Ammonius, to Card. Wolfey : expreffng his apprehenfioms that the Pope will join France, un- lcfs Henry t ill, can bring the Swifs to afftt him. (Orig. Lat.) Weftminfter, July 29 . 31 . 21 . Jacobus Giflenus Thalaffus, to.repre- feutiug his ferviees as a private agent, and thefcanti- nel's of his recompence ; and foliciting fome addi¬ tional allowance. (Orig. Lat.) so. 22 . A rough draught of part of a letter, perhaps from Wolfey, to fome Engliih agent in Italy; about the indignities offered to count Galeazo by the French; and a league to be formed between Henry vili. the Emperor, and the Swifs, to drive the French out of Italy, See. 34 . 23. Stephen Archbp. of Sens, to Card. Wolfey; figni tying the Dfs. of Angoulcmc's great l'atisfaction at the happy meeting between her foil. Francis I. and Henry vm. (Orig. Lat.) June 2G. 35. 24 . Card. Wolfey, to the patron of Enff&m abbey ; exhorting him to name a fit perfon to be abbot thereof, and recommending l)r. Chandellor. (A rough draught.) 30 ’. 2 ». A memorial of Mr. Pace ; concerning the fub- fidies he is inftruded to pay to the Swifs; and other matters relating to the league againlt the French. (A fragment, Latin.) 30 . 2 G. A paper entitled, “ The caufes and affairs be¬ tween the Emperor and his allies, againlt the French king and his;” touching their refpeCtive claims upon Milan. S7 . 27 . Extracts from letters of the marquis of Man¬ tua, to his refident with the Emperor; relating to the motions of the Swifs, and other affairs of Italy" ( Lat.) Off 18 and 17 . * 46 . 28 . A note of the Pope's monthly expenfes to¬ wards the war, the boric and nav\ excepted ; amount¬ ing to 519,400 florins. (Lat.) 47 . 2 y. L . . . . Card.a poftfeript to a letter, fignifving that. Francis 1. would probably not abide by the terms on which he had been ideated by the Emperor; and that the Pope had engaged And. Doria, and s galleys, for the defence of his coal'ts againlt the infidels. (Lat.) 1526. 43 . 30. Intelligence concerning the war in Italy ; fac¬ ed fes of the 1). of Milan ; motions of the Swifs, Sec. declared by the chancellor upon lcticrs from Pavia of March 29 and 30. 49 . 31. Hogue de Xoraygue? to Henry vm. fome intelligence from the D. fie Bourbon ; and advifing ; that the king might have his will with the king of j France, the latter being in great ftreights. (Orff. Fr.) Marth 10 , 1 3 . " 51 . i 32. Charles (D. de Bourbon) to the count de Pon- thieyre; lignifying his having entered into the ler- vicc of the Emperor. (Orig. Fr.) Genoa, Jan. 18 , 1323? 30 . 33. Tho. Theobald, to the Ld. Privy Seal (T. Crom¬ well); with various intelligence from Ilungarv, (in - many, but efpecially Italy; the Pope's (Paul III.) views for the aggrandizement of his l’on, &c. (Orig.) Padua, Nov. 12 , 1538. 54 . 34. Alex. Alefius, to T. Cromwell, privy feal ; in¬ telligence on the affairs of religion in Germany; the impreffion the reformation in England produced on the Catholics there, See. (Orig. Lat.) Wirtemberg, i^sg. 56 . 35. “ Proceffus judicialis regni Polonhe, in caufa fua cum SkaiVewio habita, circa contractual quodam fuper NERO, JB. VI. 219 i’ujKr bladum, Jo. Poutoys mercatore Anglo Elbin- genfi flipped it an dum.” 1 ^ 379 . 58 . 30'. Henry VIII, to.his ambatfhdor with the Emperor; concerning his divorce from 1 Q. Cathe¬ rine. (a corrected draught.) 1534 . 85 . 37 . Certain articles which the duke of Tufeany was to grant to the.towards pacifying the city of riorence : chiefly for an amnefty. (Ital.) 94. 38. RadolpheParfley, to.intelligence from Italy. (Grig, partly cypher.) Pavia, Aug. 4 . 15CJG. gG- 3D- Marino Grimani, doge of Venice, to James I; credent ial in favour of Charles Scaramelli, fccretary to the Republic; (Orig. Ital. 011 vellum.) Venice, June 25', 1603. 97 40 . A paper of intelligence from Confiantinople and Rome. (Ital.) 98 . 41 . Minutes ot letters from feveral doges of Venice, to Henry Vill. (Lat.) 1512 — 1522 . 100 . 42. A paper of intelligence from Venice. (Ital.) May 14 , about 1532. 101 . 43. Greg. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfcy; intelligence concerning the Turks in Hungary. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, July 9, 1529 . 10:3. 44. Extracts from a letter of Dav. de Taxis, to a pofnnafter; concerning the Venetians. (Lat.) Ve¬ rona, Dec. 21 , 1521 . 105 . 45. A depofition again{1 one Fra. Antonio, for va¬ rious mifdemeanours. (Ital.) Rome, Sept. 8, 1532 . 106 . -16. Sebaft. Juflinianus (Venetian refident) to Card. Wolfey; concerning a truce between the Em¬ peror and the Venetians, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Lam¬ beth, Aug. 16, 1518 . 103. 47 . The bifliop of Pola, to.chiefly concerning the Pope's requeft that the Venetians would mediate towards a peace between him and the Emperor; abb intelligence of the archduke being chofen K. of Hungary. (Lat.) HO. 48. A complimentary fpeech of certain deputies of the Ring, lent to receive the Venetian ambaflador. 112 . 49 . Ric. Moryfon, to Scc y Cromwell; compli- mental; with thanks, and intelligence of the Empe¬ ror's vifit at Rome, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Venice April 12 , 1536? n3 / 50 . Minutes of fome treaties and commiffions. 15 15k I j - 51. Extraft out of a letter from Rag-nfa, to Har- rig-lio Salvagho; intelligence concerning Llie Turk. (Ital.) Nov. 23. nu. 52. Renoldus Polus, to Ilenry VIII ; reporting his arrival anil reception at Padua, whither tile king’had lent him to prolccute his ftudies. (Orig. Lat.’)"' Pa¬ dua, 5 Cal. Maj. a j ls _ 53 . Tho. Theobold, to the Archbp. of Canterbury (Cramner?) intelligence about Ferdinand, K. o'f Hungary and Bohemia, the court of I’errara, and fome private proceedings of Mr. (Reginald) Pole, and his dependants. Padua. " 120 .' 54 . Tho. Wynter, to Ld. Cromwell; on his arrival at Padua with R. Pole; the difficulties attending their firft fettlement, Sc. (Orig. La't.) Padua’ April 7. ,22. 55. Extracts from letters of the Prothonot 1- Cafa¬ lis ; concerning a capitulation between the Pope and the Venetians, an infurredtion at Florence, Sc. (Lat.) Venice. i‘M 50. Another cxtraS relating to the Pope's wifli that Milan be ceded to the duke of Ang-oulefme, fome ne¬ gotiations of Gregory (Cafalis?) Sc. April 10 . 120 . 57. A lift of cardinals ; with a fatirical badge and motto to each. (Ital.) ,o 7 58. Tho. Theobold, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Crom- well) ; '■'. idling for leave to remain longer abroad ; ^ligcncc about the probable converfion of the Elector Palatine,&c. (Orig.) Padua, Dec. 12 . 123 . 59. Rich. Moryfon, to T. Cromwell; wifhino- to return to England, but fubmitting wholly to°the plealure of Cromwell his patron. (OriV Lat.) Venice, Prid. Cal. Mart. 0 130 60. Tho. Theobold, to the Privy Seal (Cromwell); various intelligence concerning the Pope, the Em¬ peror, the I ink, &c. (Orig.) Padua, Oct. 1 . 132 . O' 1 . Edm. Harvel, to Tho. Starkey; on private af¬ fairs; Pole is preparing a book to be'font to the kirn-* intelligence about the Turks, &c. (Orig.) Venice, Dec. 27 , 1535. ' , 34 .’ !>-■ Cafalis, lo (Tho.) D. of Norfolk (here called Dux >,epholcie); various intelligence con¬ cerning the Turks, the fleet of And. Doria, See. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, Aug. 16 , 1533 . 135 . 03. Andrew Gritti, doge of Venice, probably to l Mails; concerning the commerce of the Venetians with England, (an Engiitli tranllation.) Venice Sept. 8 , 1532. 138 / 6 ' 4 . John Baptifta, to Tho. Starkey; concerning’ drugs to be procured at Venice, and a medical com fultation for R. Pole. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, July 29 , 140. 6 . 5 . Joan. Friar, to Dr. Th. Starkey; two friendly letters rejoicing on his patron (R. Pole ?) being pro¬ moted to abilhoprick ; about a competition of doctors at Padua, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, Oct. 20 . and Dec. 24. j 4Qm GO. Ric. Moryfon, to Dr. Tho. Starkey; amicable, defiling to hear from him, and giving fome intelli¬ gence concerning Barbaroffa, &c. (Olio-. Lat.) Padua, 7 Cal. NoV. ° 144 . 67. Hen. Cole, to Ric. Moryfon; defiling intel¬ ligence concerning R. Pole who is indifpofed ; and communicating fome news. (Orig.) Padua, Sept. 3 v. 145. GR. Tho. Moryfon, to Th. Cromwell; highly coni- plimental, probably on Cromwell's appointment to the fee ret ary (hip. (Orig. Lat.) Padua. 6 Cal. Nm- Padua, 6 Cal. Nov. 146. 09. Tho. Theobald, to the Archbp. of Canterbury (Cra inner:) fome intelligence concerning Poles great influence, and about his own pecuniary con¬ cerns. (Orig.) Chaldere, Aug. 1 6, 1536 ? " 148 . 70. Bernardin Sandro, to Dr. Starkey; various in¬ telligence, concerning a mortality at Venice, the 1 111 ks, Bai barolla, See, (Orig. Ital.) Venice, April 13, 1535. j 4 9 71 . Minutes of a letter from E. Harvel; concern¬ ing the Turks, the Venetians, the Emperor, &c. Venice, June 29 . 151 . 72. G. Lilius, to Dr. Starkey; amicable. (Olio-. Lat.) Padua, Sept. 6. 150 ? 73. Edm. Harvel, to Dr. Starkey; amicable, and fome intelligence. (Orig.) 353 . 74. R. Moryfon, to Dr. Starkey; two letters, chiefly on literary fubjefts. (Lat.) 154 . 75. G. Lilius, to Dr. Starkey; three familiar let¬ ters. (Orig. Lat.) Ven. 10 Cal. Nov. 10 Cal. Dec. and 4 Cal. Jan. 357 . 76 . Edm. 2 20 N E R 0, B. VI. 70 . Edm. Ilarvel, to Dr. Starkcv; amicable, and fume intelligence. (Oris; - .) A' 1 June 18, 1531. Ki2. 77 . Thu. Winter, to T. Cromwell; on pecuniary matters. (Orig. Eat,.), YemJuly 14. 10:!. 78 . Edm. Ilarvel, to T. Cromwell; intelligenceof the ret 1 I arbaroflk from CtRaro; intrigues of the rreneh at Venice, &f. (Grig.) Venice, Aug. 24, 1559. 1(3,3 ‘ 70 . Jo. Camprufius, to Dr. Starkey; on literary fubjeets. (Orig. Lat.) Venire, J line l G,-1553. Kid. 80 . Publication of a league between the Pope and the Emperor. (ItaL) Bologna, I el). 27, i.->:>3. K’,. 8 1. lien. Cole, to l)r. Starkey ; amicable, and tome intelligence concerning the Emocmrs progrels in Italy." (Orig.) Padua,-1530. lf i8. s- 2 . A paper of intelligence concerning the Turk. (ItaL) ‘ “ lG(J - 83 . The 1). d'.Uva, then viceroy of Naples, to the .Pope (Paul IV. » : ex populating with him concerning his unfriendh proceedings towards b. Philip bis mai¬ ler ; and exhorting him to enter into a league with the tame, ran Engliih Iranflulioii.) Naples, Aug. 21, i . ,? o. s i. A Venetian ambatfailor, to the bing ; claiming iudemiiiliealion from the keeper of the Marfhalfca priibn for having buffered a prifoner to efcape who bad robbed fume Venetian merchants. (ItaL) 174. 8 . 5 . A paper of intelligence from Prague (where the elector of Saxony viiited the Emperor) and from liome and Naples. 1581. DG. SG. Copy of a familiar and commercial letter to Sig. Bartbolomeo. (ltal.) *78- 87 . A paper of intelligence from Rome, Naples, Malta, Spain, &r. 15S‘2. 18 °- 88. An ordinance of the Pope, concerning here¬ tics. l82- 89. The grievances of the Engliih merchants trad¬ ing t„ Venice, by reaibn of the heavy impofitious laid upon them, &c. 184 - 90 . Another copy ot the duke d Ah a s letter to the Pope. (vid. VI. 83.) 18G - <)i. J.J. to the Archbp. of Spalatro in London; recommending the hearer, a diocefan of the arehhpk. of Canterbury. (Orig. ltal.) Venice, Ech. 2*2, 1 G 12 . 1 89- 92 . A letter of intelligence from Rome; the Pope creates a cardinal; Laurence D.ot l rhino, his nephew, is wounded by a gun, &c. (Lat.) RK- 03 . The fentence of Nic. FUofte, clerk to M. de Villeroy, fecretary of Rate, for treafon. (l’r.) 192. 94 . The fynod of the provinces of Orleans and Berrv, to the deputies of the proteftant ehurehes re- fidino-with the king of France; touching the con- feilion of their faith, and fomc of their proceedings. (Fr.) Chatilionfur Loire. March 13, lGO-i. 193. 93 . A note of intelligence, of an Engliih ambaf- fador having arrived at Genoa from Rome, and hav¬ ing notilied to the fenate the king's acccilion. (ltal.) Oct. 13, 1G03: 1( J4. 9 G. Georgio Bafta (general of the Emperor) to on fomc particulars ol the war in lran- fylvauia. (ltal.) July 22 , iGo;3. i!)5. 97 . A letter of various intelligence on the war in Hungary, (ltal.) Gratz, Sept, l, 1603. 19 G. 98 . A paper relating to an attempt to he made upon Geneva bv the forces of Savoy, but in the name of the K. of Spain. (Fr.) 1G03. 198. 99 . Alonzo Fazibault. to.intelligence, partly commercial. (Spanilh.) Rouen, Oft. 20 , 1 G 03 . 199. 100 . Tho. Hunts, to Mr. Minis; intelligence about fome lliips, feemingly pirates, in the Mediter¬ ranean. Leghorn, Sept 14, 1G03. 201 . 101 . Alonzo Fazibault; another letter of intel¬ ligence. (Span.) Roan, Oft. 22 , 1G03. 202 . 102 . A letter of intelligence, concerning the war in llungarv. (ltal.) Ghigneli, Aug. 10 , 1G03. 203. 103; A copy of VI. 95 . 204. 104. A paper of intelligence concerning the war ill Hungary. 205. 103 . Copies of letters of intelligence from Venice, Rome, Antwerp, and Cologn. (ltal.) 1596. 20 G. 10 G. Three letters of various intelligence. (ltal.) Rome, Feb. 3. July is. and Nov. lG, 1.596. 208 . 107 . Claudio Aurigo, to.intelligence about And. Doria. (Grig. ltal.) Genoa, June 1 , 159G. ® IS * 108. Abatement of P. de Lug, of fome proceed¬ ings relating to Thomas Sovico, an Engliih foldier ; with a note of the laid Sovico at the end. (Span.) Berghes, Oft. 1 . 1588. 109 . Jacomo Marente, to Dr. Oeliins (Hawkins.-) at Venice; detircs intelligence ; and fends lome news about Trcmouillc, the Engliih fleet, &c. in return. (Orig. ItaL) Genoa, Aug. 17 , 1596. 217 . HO. Mare Ant. Micea, to Horatio Palavi/zino in London; fome news about the Engliih at Corunna, and in Portugal, &c. (Orig. ltal.) Efeurial, June 9 , 1589- 218 - ill. A fecretary to the marquis de CVralvi, to .an account of an attack upon Puerto de Laco (in Gallicia:) (Spanilh) Corunna, May o, 221 . 112 . Valerius Dochanus (aSpaniard) to Dr. Skein; intelligence, feemingly about attempts to he made in Scotland, the French king’s affaffmation, &c. (Lat.) Dunkirk, Aug. 20 , 1589- 113 . An Italian letter dated from the Tc London; defiling to have an opportunity t< municate fome intelligence concerning Countries; probably from Metleeovcn to Si (Walfingham r) Andra Van Mettecoven, to Y cr of c uni¬ tin' Low Valche. 223. lclie a fecre- let- 230. taw in London; offering to give private intelligence on 8 points here ftated. (Orig. ltal.) 225 *. 115 . Horatio Palavicini, to fir Fr. Walfingham; with an eftimate of the expenfe for I lie maintenance of 8000 horfe and 4000 toot. (Orig. ltal.) London, March 23, 1587. ~- (i - 1 iG. Two papers relating to a negotiation between Englith and Spanilh plenipotentiaries for a ceflation of arms. (Lat.) June 14 and 1 3, J 588. 227. h. 117 . Fran” de II.to Juan do Guzman and Don Rodrigo Nino Gallo; two Spanilh ters of intelligence. March 14 and . . . 1 89- H8. Jn. Baptifta Gudrd, to Don Al° de Luzon in London ; a Spanilh Orig. letter. Efeurial, J uiie G, 1589- SS “* 119 . A. Van Mettecoven, to See y Walfingham 7 offering ferviees. (Orig. ltal.) London, 1.-8G. Hjj. 120 . And. de Loo, to.representing the 1) of Parma's defirc to conclude a peace with Eng¬ land. (ltal.) Brugges, March 30 , 1588 . 234 . 121 Q. Elizabeth, to the doge of Genoa ; recom¬ mending Aug. Gratiigna, a Genoefe merchant. (Hal. a minute.) Richmond, Dec 4, 1586. 240. 122 . Auguftino Grafiigna, to Q. Elizabeth; re- queftinga letter of recommendation ot the tenor ot the above. (Orig. ltal.) - n 123. Verfes NERO, B. VI. 221 123. Verfes on the political ft ate of Europe about the end of the With century; chiefly fa lyrical againft Pliilip ft, of Spain; 54 franzas of « verfes each, and fume appear to he wanting. (Italian, in the Venetian dialect.) 246 . , 124 . Q. Elizabeth’s commiffion to the E. of Hunt¬ ingdon, Ed. Evers, and I)r. Herbert, to negociate a league with the K. of Scotland. (Lat. two rough draughts.) o 5 o. 125. Clio. Sovico, to.intelligence about troops fent from Flanders into Italy. (Orig. Ital.) Milan, Nov. 20 , 1587. " 259. I 2 (i. An account of the preparations made in Spain of fhips, loldiers, and ammunitions. (Spanilh.) 1588. 260. •1-7. Gio. Sovico, to.intelligence about troops difpatched from Spain to Scotland. Ital.) Milan, Jan. 3, 1537 - 8 . (Orig. 261. telligcnce. (Orig. Fr.) Caftelgeloux? Dec. 128. A lift of the principal officers in the Spanifli fleet. 262 . ico. Intelligence of the unexpected promotion of Dr. Win. Allan, an Englishman, to the rank of car¬ dinal. (Ital.) g6 4 . 130. An account of llie provinces of the Low Countries ceded by Philip If. and afterwards by Philip ill. to the infanta Ilabella and the Archd. Albert; and alfo of the principal officers, knights, See. in the fame. (French.) 267 . lai. A lilt.of French officers and nobility. 276 . 132. Du Bartas (Gull, tic Saluftc) to Bacon, at Bourdcaux ; familiar. (Orig. Fr.) Montauban, Sept. 12,158-. 077 . 133. Memoires pour le fait des monnoyes que lc roy de Navarre pent eftablir, taut aux terres dc fon obeiffance que do fon gouvmiemvnt. (Guienne.) (impeif.) 278 . 134 . Nicolas Brunynck, to counfellor Wefien- heck ; concerning fbme fcqucflg made by a Mr. Horft to his excellency (the Pr. of Orange?) Sec. (Orig, It.) Swelmen, July 1 , 1572 . 281 . 135. Articles de la paix accoVdez entre le roy (Ilenry iv.) ct M. de Mayenne. 282 . 136. ^ An account of money received and paid bv fome Frenchman. 284 .' 13?. Memoranda of commiffions fent to one “Guillaume” by J. Bacon. 285 . 138. Nic. Brunynck, to counf. Welfenbcck; fa¬ miliar. (Orig. Fr.) Hcllcnrade, July 25 , 1572 . 286. 139. Efiuek? to Moms, dc Bacon; profefling friendlhip, and imparting fome familiar intelligence! (Orig. Fr.) Montauban, July 22 , 1590. 288 . 140. A note to Mr. Campacncs, concerning a fuc- cefs of the Genevans againft the Savoyards. (Fr.) Aug. 28 , 1591 . ‘ 289. 141 . An order of de Vicofc, to lend fir Anth. Bacon, in behalf of the K. of Navarre, 100 crowns; with fir Anthony’s promifforv note, and Codere’s receipt for the re-payment of the fame. (Orig. Fr.) Montauban, Dec. 5 and 7 , 1588. and April 13 , 1589. 290 . 142 . A receipt ot Vachicr, for fome money re¬ ceived from Bacon. (Orig. Fr.) Aug. 21 , 1586. 291 . 1 43. A receipt for 80 crowns paid by M.du Vaure at Montauban. (Fr. not fighed.) 292 . 144. A note concerning fome money to be paid l»y Mr. Peacock, an Eno-lilh merchant: Mr. Bacon is mentioned in it. (Fr.) 293 . 145. D. (du Pin) to Bacon; a note with fome in- Ardres. (Fr.) 1585. ; ■ 294. 1 1G. L. d’Ancau, to Bacon; familiar; and about fome works of his. (Orig. Fr.) July 12 , 1586 . 295 . 147 . Du Pin, to Bacon; fome news; the Q; of Scotland's execution, He. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle, March 22 , 1587. ao6. 148. Du. Gueretj to Bacon ? friendly. (Orig. Fr.) ^97- 149. La Madecayne ? to Bacon ; concerning fome money tranfaclion between Mr. dc Loufon and AI ad"' de Lavardin. (Orig. Fr.) Negrot, April 21 , 1533 . 098. Ho. Du Pin, to Bacon; concerning fomC money to be paid him by Al. de Buzenval. (Orig. Pi.) Roehefl, Sept. 24 , 1586. 299 . 15 1 . I. Berauld, to Bacon; domcfcic intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. 9 , 1590. " 300 . 152. Du Pin, to Bacon; news about the motion* of troops, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Seglhs? OCt. 19 , 1535 , SOI. 155. Vachicr, to Bacon; on domcltic concerns. (Orig. Fr.) OCR 12 , 1590 . S0 2 . i '4. Du Pin, to Bacon; on the motions of the K. (of Navarre) his matter. (Orig. Fr.) May 7 . 1537 ! 303. 155 . Two money accounts. (Fr.) 304. 150. A memorial of Char. Mcdekerkc; concerning the expenfes likely to be incurred by the euterprizc onD. (Dunkirk?) (Fr.) J 0 6. 1 . 07 . A paflport of .Alex, duke of Parma, in favour of Adrian Loots and other merchants. (Orig. IT.) Bruflels, Feb. 12 , 1588. 807 .b. 15S. De Coevre? to an Engliffi ambaffiulor; adver- tifing him of fome lee ret practices of lervants of Mauvifiere, French amhaffiidor in England, in fpread- ing popilh books, &c. in the kingdom. (Orm- Er ) 1583. 10. 159. Martha! dc l’Aubefpine, French ambaffiidor in England, to Scc y Wallingliam; wifliing- to main¬ tain a good harmony between the two crowns; de¬ firing a temporary releaie of Deftrappes; and recom¬ mending redreis to fome merchants. . (Orig. Fr.) London, April 23, 1587. 311 . 160 . Jchan Gcntil, to Sec y Walfingham; with a folemn proteftation of his innocence as to certain practices, laid to his charges againft the earl of Lei- cefter and the Pr. of Orange. (Orig. Fr.) from the prilun of Hafenberch in Utrecht, March 24 , 1587,3 12 . 161 . Omitted. 162 . A letter figned {^; planning a fecret corre- fpondence, profeffingto be for the fervice of his or her majelty. (Orig. Fr.) London. June 31, 1588 . 316 . 163. An account of the manner in which Joan Garnac eloped from her father in England in men’s clothes, and was received in.aiiunnerv at Bourdeaux. (*>•) ' 317. 164. A plot for furprifimg fome fea-port town in the Low Countries. 319 . 16 .>. An anonymous letter concerning fome fecret negociations of Mons. dc Guitry, relating fccmingly to the K. of Navarre. (Ft.). Nov. 29 , 1584 . 322 . 166 . Martin Blavoet, toSec y AEulfingham ; lament¬ ing the recall of ltufiell from Flufliing; and impart¬ ing fome intelligence concerning the difpofal of the enemy's troops. (Orig. Fr.) Flufhing, Nov. 21 , 15 8 S. 303 . 167 . Remembrances for John de Louvain and others; being a plot for feizing a caftle; probably 3 L 324. 1C8. A 222 N E R O, B. VI. 168. A difeourfe of Mons. de Buzenval ; dating the dangers menaced by the ambition of Philip ii. (Fr.) 1585. 325 - lOp. A note, probably to Waldngham ; concern¬ ing the fecrecy to be oblerved in their communica¬ tions. (Fr.) ’ S2S - 170 . C* Maurice de Naffau, to Mr. Steven, Soft to Walfingham r with the depofitions of certain prifoners at Enchuvfen, relating to Col. Sonnoy. (Orig. Ir.) Hague, March 25, 1588. 331 • 171 . C' William de Naffau, to Q. Elizabeth; ex¬ plaining a tranfaftion relating to demoifelle Lucretia de Affetati, and M. John Cobham; feemingly an elopement. (Fr.) Weftm ? March 16 , 1570. 332. 172 . lnftrueiions for count Maurice de Nallau, as governor of Holland, Zeland, and Frifeland. (Fr.) 173 . Du Pleflis, to.Bacon ; concerning the pavment of fome money to him and to his mother. (Ojig. Fr.) Bergerac, July l, 1587- 337- 174 .to M. Mandiceat; about the fale of a liorfe, and the care to be taken thereof, (probably a fiction.) (Fr.) Montauban, March 18 , 1588. 338. 175 . Moyens qu'on peut tenir fur le reftablilfement de la cour de parlemcnt jadis leant k Thles. ( r lhou- loufer) 341- 17 G. Memoire dtt difeours qtie Cabarrot fit M. Bourdin, touchant Mr. de Bacon. 344. 177 . A letter to John Naue, Sec* to the Q. of Scotland, from a brother; on fome concerns between the faid queen and Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) Man- ningville? March 8. 348. 178 . D'Efneval, to fir Hen. Widrington, governor of Berwick ; defiring him to forward a parcel of let¬ ters. (Orig. Fr.) Falkland, July 2G, 1586. 349- 179 . Courcelles, to M. de Chateatmeuf, Fr. am- baffador in England; protefting his innocence as to a confpiracy againft Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) 352. 180 . Courcelles, to M. de Chateauneuf; concern¬ ing the K. of Scotland's councils refpefting the im¬ pending execution of his mother, &c. (Fr.) lalk- land, 061. 30, 1586. 353. 181 .to M.de Chateauneuf; various in¬ telligence from Scotland; the king hath fent to ne- gociate a marriage with Denmark, (lr.) Edinb. July 11 , 1 5S8 r 355 . 182 . An examination of Andreas van Mcdicoyer : concerning Stanley's conduct, and other fufpicious proceedings in the Low Countries : with an inti¬ mation to the council concerning the fame. (Fr.) 358. 183 . Mary Q. of Scots, to Card. Mondenis; ex- prefiing fome good hopes as to the catholic faith. (Orig. Fr.) Chartley, June 80j 1586. 3G0. 184 . Ilefolution of the Bates of Brabant; concern¬ ing the return of Col. Morgan’s regiment to Eng¬ land. Antwerp, March 7 , 1585. with the colonel’s anfwer to the fame. (Fr.) 36 1 . 185 . Catherine of Medicis, to the E. of Stafford, Engliih ambalfador in France; credential in favour of Pynart; and defiling to cultivate a good under¬ hand ing with Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Er.) Fontain- bleau, July 23, 1584. 362. 186 . Mary Q. of Scots, to.Grey; on the date of her affairs: fecret; but communicated to the minidry of Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) 364. 187 . A theological difcuffion ; on the lawfulnefs of felf-tlefence, the criminality of homicide, &c. (Lat.) 366. 188. Informations given by Bertrand Combis, of the 1). of Parma's endeavours to perfuade him toat- tempt the lives of Q. Elizabeth and the K. of Na* varre ; and various other plots and tranfaftions. (Fr.) 368. 189. Lambert d’Aneau, to.Bacon? con¬ cerning his work on the XII minor prophets. (Orig. Fr.) Orleans, May 10 , 1585. 371 . 190 . A letter to a brother, on fome domeftic af¬ fairs. (Fr.) 372 . 191 . M- de Tnrcnne and du Pin, to M. de Glateux, chancellor of Navarre; concerning a victory gained by the K. of Navarre. (It.) 374. 192 . It. Lemacon, to.chiefly on domeftic affairs. (Orig. Fr.) London, Feb. 18 , 1583. 375 . 193 . A French familiar letter, faid to be to M. le Maidrc, fervant to the count of Montgomery. 376. 194. T. Bcrauld, to.on domcdic con¬ cerns. (Orig. Fr.) London, July. 8, 1589. 378. 195 .to Mr. D. Ilume ? on fome Scottifli affairs. (Fr.) 379- 196 . Henry K. of Navarre, to M. du Pleffis, his ambadador in England; directing him to advance fome money to Bacon. (Orig. Fr.) Ilochelle, Sept. 23, 1586. 3SO. 197 . A fcheme for the attack and devadation of Flanders ; alto for an invadon of Italy. (Er. and Ital.) 381. 198. Articles of fecret intelligence; among the red of a confpiracy againft Q. Elizabeth. (Ital. Lat. and Fr.) 382. 199 . Henry K. of Navarre, to.Bacon ; con- ! cerning the money to be advanced him by du Pleffis. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. 23, 1586. 383. 200 . La Mottc de Pordicu, to Capt. Berney; in- elofing letter's from Odend. (Orig. Fr.) Bruges, Oct. 22 , 1588. 384. <201 .to a king; tendering his bed fer- vices. 385. 202 . T. Bcrauld, to.two letters on do- medic concerns. (Orig. Fr.) London, Sept. 4, and Aug. 16, 1586. 386. 203. A paper of intelligence concerning the prince of Parma; being part of a' memoir fent to the am- baflador Unton. (Fr.) April 28. 388. 204. An extract of a letter from Genoa ; concern¬ ing Malta, the Turk, Philip lid’s ill health, &c. (Ital.) Aug. 380. 205 . M. d’Efneval, Fr. ambaffador in Scotland, to Mary Q. of Scots; acquaints her that the king had received with kindnefs the enquiries the had made after him ; and that his (the king’s) portrait was pre¬ paring for her. (Fr.) 3yo. 206 . E. Sclvin, to.intelligence concerning fome military operations about Rochelle, See. (Grig. Fr.) Aug. 15, 1589- 391. 207 . A datement relating to a law-fuit between Ant. Bacon, and Code-re a French merchant, concern¬ ing the fale of fome corn. (Fr.) 1587. 395. 208 . A paffport of marfhal Matignon, in favour of Francis Chafy, cdok to Bacon. (Orig. Fr.) Bonoch, Feb. 5, 1589* 39 s. 209 . A paper entitled, “ Abdraft of DanevaPs (d’Efneval’s) letter from Courcelles.” (Fr.) 399. 210. Mary Q. of Scots? to the Bp. of Glafgow; concerning her treatment. (Fr. a fragment.) 400 . 211 . Rauffal? to.defiring to fee him. (Orig. Fr.) Be wig ? Aug. 30, 1584. 401. 212 . Henry IV. K. of France; his declaration con¬ cerning 22 3 NERO, B. VI. VII. corning the receipt of his ctiftoms, &c. (Fr) Char- tres, Feb. 22, 1591. 402 213. A letter of civility to Bacon. (Fr.) Bor¬ deaux, April si, 1584. 403 ~ ^ \ A lettei of intelligence from A .nice : one of the officers of the republic publicly beheaded &c (Fr.) Feb. 19, 1483. 4 0 y. . -’■?• Andr - dc Mctecoven, to Sec'Walfmgham; intelligence about individuals, viz. an carl, Thomas Hamman, &c. (Orig.Ital.) London, Oft. l s. 409 . 210 . Andr. Martinnego (probably the above Me- tecoven) to Sec' Willingham; fecret intelligence concerning Hamman (perhaps a fictitious name.) (On#. Ital.) London, Nov. 19 . 4lL | 3 2 17. De Caftelneau, to Sec’' tValfingham; com¬ plaining- of his treatment in Francb by the Liqueurs etc. (Grig, hr.) Rouen, June 19 , 1 . 50 s. 41 21 s. Du Pin, to Sec' Walfhigham; notifying that tlcnry lo ot Navarre had appointed du Fay to'come o\ ci to Q. Elizabeth; with tome news; and lament - mg the ntelefs flay of Bacon at Montauban. (Orig. hr.) (_haltelgeloufe, Feb. at, lass. 413 , 1 ,. n s ;V",",V *" Sct ' w alfingham; with letters ot Madme. de Mauvihere ; the pardon of one Thibaut ■ ami lamenting the atlaflination of the Pr. of Oraimc’ (Ong. Fr.) 1 584. 4 , 5 -; - ,J0 ' : ■ ■ • • • to Sec' Walfinghamr intelligence concerning the Spanilh armada; the great pfepara- tions of the 1 r. of Parma, See. (Orig. Fr. the name ettacect.) ltoiien, July 17, isss. 4ie . uai. Apapcrof intelligence from Madrid. (Spanilh.) 19. . . . 1467 . * 41? / 222 . A iimilar paper. (Italian.) 410 , 223 . Mcmoire It -Wonfeig. de Walfmgham, du mojui que out ufe Henry liorey et Jchan Bailleur ■ touchant certains Jefuites ct autres individus a Paris! 423. 224. La None, to Monf L . . . . ami Sec' Walfing- ham ; two ongmal letters relating to his private con- ‘ ITT’ the B' , i i, ' c,ltl « 11 ' i he experiences from the Jefuits; 1 r lnal ™S^ ot his daughter with Her 1 7 i !s " ’ &C ' ,4Si - and Heidelberg, Aug 42 9 Nero, B. VII. Codex chartaceus, membranis nonnullis paffirn lMeitw in folio, folior. 276 . 1 . Henry VI. K. of England, to Fr. Fofeari cW of Wmce ; recommending a good underftandmo* b- WeTm WyT“ ,hC k "' ,SbtS ° f Rh0de? - CLHt•) 2 . Henry VI. of England, to Fr. Fofeari; reconw mending tome Enghfi, knights of Rhodes, t0 li^ht agamft tile lurks, who had taken 1 Cnnftanti- wi, Srai ’ ^ t - ^ „ B “ F' lcde l? cc as ligiis, qui fc font offert a fvir lc tf!ieO T , '?V ant cn Fombardie come dautpavs." ((aid to be ot the time ot Edward III.) , \ .4. JohnGahaz Vifconti D. of Milan («ho lilies to Tim V' C?m H’ Virt y t ™ n >” ) to Richard II? in anfwer totlm kmgs demand of redrefs for an Englitl, Hup h./edby fume merchants of Placentia; with a re- uince to the Privy Council, figned Percv. (Oiig. Lat.; lavia, May 3 , 139 Q. v . 5. A duke of Milan, to a king of England; requefi- Thi hV rrr ° r a b °° k ° n d i™mt,io„ »h il, lu had heard exilled in England, mi.-h, he fent him, tu free him from a diforder which he afrribi d to witchcraft. (Lat.) Pavia. e b Mil. Th , ree lottcts or notes from Galeaz Vifconti of Milan, to Edward III; recommending folllt imliii- duals, and oflermg. to fend a falcon. ; LatA Pavia m '?. A «g- 2A 1371 ,and Aug. i u , . . ’ alio a fragment not intelligible. f ' 7. A fragment of a letter, fcemingly from a i hief magiftrate at Florence, to a king of England- on fome commercial affairs. (Lat.) , j . 8. The magiftrates of Florence, to Edward ill • interceding in favour of a mercantile company called Socetas Bardorum.” (Lat.) flor. Jam 224 Buzcnval, to Sec' Walfingham; revealing a liZth “ToVr *\ ScottfHrtan, te alfafTihate Q. Eli- ARDctn. (Gng. Fr.) London, July 11 . 434i 22 fi. Buzcnval, to Sec' Walfingham; various i„- &c' Se ^iT , rrV "T the Ligue, K ' (ting, hi.) London, May 31 , 1588 . 435. 227 . Do Villiei-s, to Sec' Walfingham; various in- iJSil) T7 ' (ung. Itai.) Milan, April 9, I 5 S 8 . 440 Engliih diip thatVterTd Zt l\ZrT reUpM - (Fmtuguefe.)’ Lilbon, 44 I. 231 . La Noue, to Monfr 1 , concerns. (Orig. Fr.) Ofl. 28 ,'i. 586 .' ° sr^“*x*sar™ 447 . of F, A | ICt f CT ’ obliterated, to the privy council -England; cbniefirniijg fome mercantile affairs 4 ». Henry VI, to Franc. Fofeari doge of Venice f Iti on ^ly recommcndmg the concerns ofFr. de Dormo Caftnpolle ot Irevifo, who had been injured in his patiimony by tire artifices of a mother-in-law. (Lat ) Weftm. Dec. 20 , 1439 . 4 p . 1 !: IIc nry IV? to his treafiuer and council; order¬ ing them to prevent the circulation of certain coins Jmra 24 l 3 'g 9 ? CnetKm melchauts ' («•>•) Chpefion, 12 . Anthon. Bernbo, to Henry iv; requefting him to caufi- red,tut,„„ to be made of a fun, of 750 ,h,eats he (Bimbo) had lent to the duke of Norfolk, on the laid duke s going to the Holy Land. (Orig. Lat. fealed.) Venice, May l, 1404 . 5 13. Henry IV? to the fenate of Venice; reqneftinn- afnpply of cordage. (Lat.) Aug. 10 , 1403 ? 5 . h.” 14. Michael Steno doge of Venice, to IL Henry iv- interceding for the payment of the 1). of Norfolk’s’ debt to Ant. Eembo. (Lat.) May 1, 1403. 0 . ■ l n J ) h 11 ! 1 or breve of P"P olfey ; concerning certain Venetian fliips detained at South¬ ampton. (Lat.) Chifton, Nov. 23, 1522. 25. 25. The emperor Charles V. to the republic of Venice ; endeavouring to draw them from the French alliance. (Lat.) 1522. - 6 ‘ cfi. Henry vill. his inftmcUons to Rich. Pace, fent to Venice. Aug. 1522. 27 . Card. Wolfry, to Mr. Pace; concerning his ucgociations at Venice. March, 1523. 34. op. Hieronymus Adurnus, imperial arnbaflador at Venice, to the bifhop of Pace (Badajoz) imperial ambaffador in England ; concerning a treaty be¬ tween the Emperor and the Venetians, agamft France, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, Jan. 3, 1523. 38. oq \ commiffion of Henrv VIII, to Richard Pace ; to fettle all differences between him, the Emperor, and the republic of Venice. (Lat. a corre&ed draught) March 12 , 1522. • 4a 30 Charles v, to Q. Catherine of Aragon his aunt; credential in behalf of Charles Winchsfel ( Wingfield.) (Orig. figned, “ ^ o el Key , Span ill i.) Ghent, Jan. 8 , 1522. 41 - 3 !. Edicts made at Venice, for the regulation of commerce, chiefly of currants ; reftraining the traftick of Itrangers. 1524, 1536, 1602 . 32 . A long paper, feemingly a contract; with feveral regulations touching the equipment of tour gallics to' be fent. from Venice to England. (Ital.) Jan. 14, 1529. . ,53 ' 33 . Ric. Pace, to Card. Volley; reports tiie ac¬ commodation of a difference between the Venetians and the viceroy of Naples, &e, (Orig.) Venice. May 14 , 1526 ? * _ 7 °' 34 . An extract of a letter to Mr. Tuke; hgnitymg that the D. of Bourbon was within ten miles ot^tlie Ei each king. Feb. 1525. 35 . Minutes of tvanfa&ions in Italy, in Sept. Oct and Nov. 1526. ^ < S. . 36 . 'Fhc pruthonotary John Cafalis, to Card. W ol¬ fey • live letters containing various intelligence (Orig. Lat.) Venice, Dec. 28, Nov. 17, 1527- April 27 V 528 . June 3, and June 23, 1529* T9- 3 - Franc Georgius, a Minorite, to Henrv VIII. ; profeffing his devotednefs, and recommending h.m- felf to the king's favour. (Orig. Lat.) V emce, Dec. 4, 1531. ' 38 . Mat .hew King, to Th. Cromwell; reports the raifing of the liege of Corou by Andrew Doria. (Orig.) Venice, Oct. l, 1533. 91. 39 . Eclnl. Harvel, to Tho. Starkey ; about private concerns and money matters, and fome public trail! - actions in Italy, See.'the clamours in Italy againft the king s proceedings in matters ot religion : two letters. (Ong.) Venice, 3 Cal. Feb. 15 34, and June 15, 153,<- 92. 40 . Bernardin Sandro, to Tho. Starkey; various intelligence, chiefly domeftic, about the creation oi cardinals, &c. The writer was probably connefted with Pole. (Orig. Ital.) Padua, June 15, 1535. 95. 41. Antonio Duodo, to See* Cromwell; thanks for his appointment as conful at Venice. (Orig. Ital.) Venice, Sept. 10 , 1535. 96. 42 . Bern. Sandra, to Tho. Starkey; intelligence about Pole’s manner of living, the gaieties ot \ eniee, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Venice, Oct. l, 1535. 15.55. 97- b. 43 . Michael Thr.to Dr. Starkey; on do¬ meftic concerns. (Orig.) Venice, April 12, 1535 98. 44 . Bern. Sandro, to Dr. Starkey ; intelligence public and domeftic. (Orig. Ital.) . \ en. Nov. 14, 1535. 09- 45 . Edmund Harvel, to l)r. Starkey. (Orig.) Venice, Jan. 18 , 1535. 4 G. Bern. Sandro, to Dr. Starkey. (Orig. Ital.) Ven. Aug. 19, 1535. 10 '• 47 . Edm. Harvel, to Dr. Starkey. (Orig.) Ven. April 7, 1535. *°2. 48 . Bern. 'Sandro, to Dr. Starkey; two letters. (Olio-. Ital.) Veil. Oct. 21 , and Dec. 23, 1555. v ° 105. 49 . Edm. Harvel, to Dr. Starkey; fix letters. (Orig.) Ven. Feb. 5, Dee. G, April 21 and 12 , May 5 and 2 ( 1 , 1535. 50 . Bern. Sandro, to Dr. Starkey. (Orig. Ital.) Ven. March 15, 1536. 1 1 L 51. l’r. Torcllo da Fano, Cafalis' agent, to Tho. Cromwell? various intelligence concerning the Im- perialifts and French in Italy, the Turks, &c. (Ong. Ital.) Ven. March 23, 1536. l13 - 32 . Edm. Harvel, to Dr. Starkey ; two letters con¬ cerning Mr. Pole; intelligence, Ac. (Orig.) Ve¬ nice, April 12 and March 1 , 1536. H5. 55 . Edm, Harvel, to the Privy Seal (Th. Crom¬ well) ; three letters containing various intelligence, chiefly public. Orig.) Ven. May 2 , 1538, Nov. 2 , 1537 , and Dec. 13, 1538. J1 '- 54 . Pietro Aretinn, to Tho. Cromwell; recom¬ mending a young man. (Orig. Ital.) \ emce, Dec. 20 , 1539- K3 ‘ 55 . Peter V antics, to the Lords ot Council: intel- lio-ence concerning the liege of Parma, the D. ot Ferrara, &c. with an Italian paper of udvertiiemcuts inclofed. (Orig.) Venice, Sept. 23 , 1551. 1-5. 56. Peter Va nncs, to the Lords of Council; news concerning the Turks, Mirandola, See. (Ong.) Ve¬ nice, Dec° 20 , 155 1 . _ ] -9- 5 - Peter Vannes, to the Lords ol Council; news ; with an Italian paper of intelligence concerning the ftate of Parma, inclofed, (Orig.) Venice March 21, 1551. 58 Copv of an Italian letter from Africa, con¬ cerning the Turks ; probably inclofed in one of Vannes’s letters. Aug. 1551. u 59 , Pet. Vannes, to the Lords of Council; Jour NERO, B. VII. VIJI. 225 letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Ferrara, Feb. 1 7, 1551 . Venice, Feb. 11 , Sept. 8, and Dec. 7, 1552. 139. 60 . A letter, not figned nor dated, but probably from P. Vannes, to the Council; concerning feme Englilh cloths unduly lei zed and cut by order of the proveditori of Venice. 14 9- 61 . An account of the ftate of England ; by Gio. Michicl, a Venetian ambaflador, returned from thence in the year-155 7 . 150. 62 . Leo. Guinigi? to Pet. Vannes; intelligence from Rome, concerning the Turks, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Venice, Sept. 15, 1559- 15 T 63. A paper of intelligence, concerning Poland, the Turks, Sec. (Ital.)" Venice, June 13, 1573. 161 . 64 . Don J. Guzman de Silva, to the E. of Leiref* ter; exhorting him to feek recreation hi the lports of the' field ; and recommending himfelf to his favour. (Orig. Ital.) Venice, June 26 , 1574. ld4. 65 . Tho. Parkins, to fir liobt. Cecil; about fome concern relating to Venice, undertaken by Ottavio Negri), See. (Orig.) London, March 1 , 1595-6. 166 . 66. Marinus Grimano, doge of Venice, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; requeiting her to grant a protection to fevc- ral Hi ins that were bringing corn from Holland. (Orio-. Ital. on vellum.) Venice, Aug. 21 , 1596 . v 3 168. 67 . Th. Ld. Buckhurft, Ld. prefident of the coun¬ cil, to the officers of the cultoms at Briltol; order¬ ing them to clear no 11bps for the Levant but Inch as belong to the privileged company. (Orig.) Lon¬ don, Aug, 8, 1600 . lG 9‘ 68. Q. Elizabeth, to Marino Grimano, doge of Venice; concerning fome Englifh fhips detained by the Venetians. (Lat. two copies.) Richmond, Feb/cs, 1600 - 1 . 17 1 . 69 . Mar. Grimano, doge of Venice, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; complaining of depredations committed by Englifh fubjefts on Venetian veifels. Ven. July 8, 1600 . 17 ^- 70 . Gio. Ft. dc Soria, to Tho. Villon ; various in¬ telligence concerning public affairs in Italy, See. (Itak) Sept. 8, 1608 . 17 7. 71 . Certain points concerning trade, propofed by fir Hen. Wotton at Venice. 1 604. 1 79. 72 . A paper of various advertifements; being an abftraft of de Soria’s letter VII. 70 . 180. 73 . A proclamation of the pregadi of Venice, for the protection of the perfon of IT. Paulo, a Servite monk, whofe life had been attempted. (Ital.) Oct. 27 , 1607. 18 K 74 . Tho. Wynter, to T. Cromwell; on domeftic matters, his expenles, intelligence, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Padua, Oft. 4. 182 . 75 . Rob. Ililarius, to fome ecclefiaftical peifon, though the letter be direfted to Sigr. Claudio, mer¬ chant at Venice; mcloling a catalogue, and fome obfeure intelligence. (Orig. Ital.) London, Dec. 4 , 1612. ^ 76 . Dudley Carleton, to James I; four letters, chiefly about fome plot of the Jefuits againft the king’s perfon (Orig.) Venice, Jan. 5, 15, Feb. 19, and Jan. 8, 1512 - 13 . 185. 77 . A breviate of certain articles of profit accru¬ ing from the trade into the Mediterranean. 194 . 78 . A fummary of certain general topics, to be ad¬ verted to by ambaffadors. (Ital.) 1.95. 79 . Two catalogues of books relating to a contro- verfy between Pope Paul V. and the republic of ^ e- nice. (the one printed, the other MS.) 197- 80. Reafons to induce the republic of V enice to pardon Ward and his company. 200 . 81. A paper concerning the plot againft the king s perfon mentioned in Dudley Carleton s letters, figned Gio. Vicenzo Gaetano. (Ital.) 202 . 82 . The Sec y of Florence, to Montecuculi ; con¬ cerning fome omiflion in a ceremonial. (Ital.) 1604. 204 . 83. An abftraft of certain demands made by fn Stephen Lelieur, to Ferdinand great duke of 1 uf- cany; concerning the ihip Mayflower; with the duke’s anfwers. 16 O 8 . 2oG - 84. Propositions or requefts ot the merchants in¬ tending to trade into Turkey. 16 O 8 . 85 . Complaints of the owners ot the fliip Ma- tliewes-farm, attacked by a Tufcan fliip. 1 60S. 2 1 0. 86 . A report concerning the lot’s ot the fliip May¬ flower. (vid. VII. 83 .) 1608. sn. 87 . Another paper concerning the ftdp May¬ flower. - 1 83. The ftate of the caufe concerning the Matthew- farm. - 14 - 89. The ftate of the caufe concerning the Thomas and William Bonaventure, and the Triumph. 21 5. 90. Q-ueftions conceming the legality ot laying an embargo 011 foreign fhips, Sec. 218 . 91 . The complaint of Rich d Cockayne, owner of the fliip Royal Merchant. 21 9- 92 . A rough draught of a paper, concerning the freedom of trade and navigation. (Lat.) 221 . 93 . A remonftrance of lir Stephen Lelieur, to the D. of Tufcanv ; concerning the four iliips, the Mer¬ chant Royal, the May-flower, the Matthew and John, and the Thomas and William Bonaventure. 1608 . 94 . Notes concerning the above fhips. 225 . 95 . A fair copy of VII. 83. ~-7- 96 . Complaints of the owners of the Thomas and William Bonaventure ; four articles. 229 . 97 . Divers memorials of fir Steph. Leftcur, to the D. of Florence; anfwers ot the duke: and other papers relating to the abovementioned four lhips. Nero, B. VIII. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 68. ]. The czar I wan IV. Vafliliewitch, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; tiefiring her to permit fome of his merchants to purchafe fevcral articles of jewelry, See. in her domi¬ nions. (A fragment with a teal, German, ot a pe¬ culiar dialeft.) Mofcow, April 10 , 1567 . 2 . A writing on vellum in the M ufcovite tongue. 2 . 8. Philip and Mary, to czar Waflilie (probably the above Iwaniv.) in favour of mutual commercial intercourfe. (Lat.) Veftin. April, 1557- 4 . John (Iwan IV.) Vaffelwiteh, czar of Mufcovy, to Q. Elizabeth; Rating the conduft of, and the re¬ ception he had given to her ambaflador (Tho. Ran¬ dolph) and her mellengers ; and concluding with a notification that he had granted certain privileges to the Eno-lifli merchants in his dominions. \ oloydaye, June 20 , 1569. 4 ‘ 5 . The fellowfbip of merchant adventurers, to the Lords of Council; reprefenting various fafts relating to their traffick in different parts of the world. 6. s M 6. Tlie NERO, B. VIII. IX. fi. The anlVer of. Wm. and Geo. Bond and John Foxall, to a bill of complaint exhibited againft them by the governor* of the commonalty of the merchant adventurers for the difeovcry of lauds : two articles. 7. b. 7. The replicat ion of the governors of the mer¬ chant adventurers, to the anfwcrs of Wm. and Geo. Fond and John Foxall, and thole partners trading to the Naive; w ith the oath of the freemen of the laid company annexed. 1 j. 8. John (Ivan IV.) WalTdgcvitz, to Q. Elizabeth ; concerning fonie remonftrances of hcr's for grievances complained of by her merchants. Schlcbode, 1562 . 1 6. b. !). Two notes of fpeeches held by the em|)eror of Kuli:;i. to Daniel Silvcfter; complaining of limic un- Fiemlly an Avers from Q. Elizabeth, Nov. 29, 157.5, and Jan. <20, 1.576; v/ith Silvcfter's reply; and afar- ther aidwer from the emperor. ir, b. 10 . Theodore (Fedor I.) Ivnnovitz, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; concerning certain mifdcmeanors of one Je- rom Horl’cy ; the goods of one Win. Trumbull, &<•. Mofkow, Jan. 1 . 59 c. oj, 11 . Boris Fcdcrowitz Goodcmonc, mailer of the horfe, &c. to Theodore Iwanowitz, to Q. Elizabeth; notifies ihe birth of a princefs; and < . | • whin that a good underftanding might be maintained be-* tween the two hates ; with a lilt of pvel'cnts to the queen and her ambatfador. Molkov, Jan. 1 . 59 c. 22 . b. 12 . Lord Burleigh, to Boris Fcdcrowitz; recom¬ mending John Merrick, li nt as the queen’s agent to fuperintend the Englifli trafiick ; and rc-queiiino- feme red refs. Green— 1 ' - ^ r - . Engli 111 trafiick : and reque nwich, May, 1592 . 18 . Another copy of viir. 11 . 0 , 5 , i t. The privilege granted by the czar Boris Fede- row itz? to the Englifli merchants, fir John Hart and his company. Mofkow, Dec. 1598. o(;. 15. CD Elizabeth’s inltrudtions to fir Jerome Bowes; lent to the Czar to’ negociatc a treaty; with an addition of June 19 , 1.588. ' 29 . Hi. Q. Elizabeth's iul’tructions to fir Richard Lee; funt to the emperor of Rullia. June, lO'OO. 32 . 17 . Minute from Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor of Mufcovy. Sept. 17 . 1600 . 33 . is. A particular declaration of the entertainment and ufage of John Merick at Mofkow, being fent by Q. Elizabeth with letters to the emperor of Itutlia. 1C0S. • 3.5. 19 . The Grand Mafter of the Ilofpitallers of Je- rufulem, (James dc Midi?) to the If. of England (Henry VIl.) ; credential in favour of William Dan- nay, turcupulary. (Grig. Lat.) Rhodes, Oct. 6 , 1458. ‘ ' 38. N r * 20 —28 omitted. 29. German us, patriarch of Jerufalcm, to a king of England, (Henry VII?) foliciting his protection. (Greek and Latin, the latter with a leal.) Aug. 21 . 39 . b. 30. Q. Elizabeth, to the Grand Turk, and to Muirapha Beg, abafliav ; in favour of Win. llarbrome and fome merchants. (Lat.) Get. 25, 1599 . 41 . 31 . A paper in Turkifli. 41 . b. 32. The guardian of the convent of Jerufalcm, to Mary Q. of England ; reprefen ting the deplorable Irate of the chriltians in the Holy Land, and crav¬ ing her protection. (Orig. Ital.) * Venice, Julv 14 , 1554. “ 43 . 33. A paper in Turkifli. 44 . b. 34 . A Turkifli bafhaw, and fultin A mu rat III. t0 , Q - mgabeth; defiling- to be on friendly terms • and tin; bdte,; tenHyin* hi, having giv™ licence 0 V n nhlli lull|vcts to tvolti- k in his dominions. ( Latin veriions.; Conftantin. March la, 1373. 4 - ‘ 3 f.-A h ® of thc Turkey merchants, and their rc- (]ue!i torn loan from the queen. m »S h draught of a letter from Q. Elizabeth Otne brand b,g„,or,' exhorting him to pretail on' the king of Morocco to fulfil Iris promil'eofa fuldidv to l)m, Antonio, expelled by Philip II. from the Umm'c of I ortugal. (m Ceeils hand.) uytri 48 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Barton, her agent at Con. ttantmop.e; approving of his proceeding; in avertiim- heltveen the Grand Turk and'Poland Oft.. 1, 1390 . ' 50 : 18 . I.d. liurleigh, to Mr. Barton ; Inclofing feveral letteix from the queen to the Grand Signior, the La ilia w', . 149 . Gi. An order of Priw Council, concerning the for¬ feiture of ammunition carried by the Ealterlings to the enemy. Nonfuch, July 27 , 158<). 1 ,50. G ‘ 2 . Minutes of fevcral letters from the fenatc of Hamburgh, &c. to Q. Elizabeth, and the Ld. Trea¬ furer, 1591 and 2. 155. G;5. The magiftrates of Hamburgh, to Q. Elizabeth; touching Hie caufe of Leake and Sodden. (Eat.) Aug. 1 . 592 . 157. G i. Minutes of letters from the fenatc and agents of Hamburgh, to the Englilh miniftry. l. 592 and;l. 1.58. G', 5 . Superferiplion of a letter to the emperor Ru¬ dolph II. 159 . GG. The negociation of Dr. Parkins with the Em¬ peror at Prague. July, 1598 . I 6 ’ 0 . 07 . The emperor Rudolph II. toQ. Elizabeth; about. Jbmc goods feized by Englilh I’ubjeets. (Lat.) Prague, Aug. 2 G, 1 . 593 . ' ' I GG. (is. The lenate of Hamburgh, to the Ld. Treafurer; deliring that due punilhment may be inflicted on fome malefactors. (Lat.) April 4 , 1594 . 1 G 7 . G9. A minute of a letter from the fen ate of Ham¬ burgh, to Q. Elizabeth. May 5, 1595 . iGS. 70 . Rudolph II, to Q. Elizabeth; touching the Ilanfe towns,&c. Prague, July 13 , 1595 . 169 . 71 . Dr. Parkins, to the Ld. Treafurer; concerning a letter of the Emperor. London, Nov. 12 , 1595 . 170. b. 72 . Q. Elizabeth's anlwer to the Emperor’s letter IX. 70 . (Lat. printed.) Riclimd. Nov. 8, 1595 . 171 . 7 ;',. Dr. Parkins, to fir Robt. Cecil, and the Ld. Treafurer; three letters concerning the Ilanfe: with two letters of his to the faid Iluni'e. 1391 . (Lat.) Oft. 17 and 27 , 1595. 1 73. 74 . A paper concerning the Ilanfe; and of the arrelt of Hamburgh goods. 179 . 75. Rudolph II; his patent creating Tho. earl of Arundel a count of the empire. (Lat.) Prague, Dec. 14, iig5. 181 . 7 G. Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor Rudolph II; ac¬ knowledging the honour conferred on the E. of Arundel. (Lat.) Richmd. March IS, 1595 - 6 . 184. 77 . Rudolph II, to Q. Elizabeth; anfwer to the "above. (Lat.) Prague, Aug. 5 , 1596 '. ihG. b. 78. Q. Elizabeth, to Rudolph II; recommending the E. of Arundel. (Lat.) Weltin. Feb. io, 1579 -so. 18 7. b. 79. Minute of a letter from Rudolph it, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth; concerning a lhip, Aug. 4 , 1 . 597 . iso. SO. The magiftrates of Slade, to the governors of the company of the merchant adventurer*; concern¬ ing- their trade. (Lat.) Feb. 3, 1G01. 100. si. Reinerus Langius, to fir Robt. Cecil, and John \V heeler, See 7 to the Englilh merchants adventurers at Middlcburgh; complimental, and on lbme com¬ mercial affairs. (Lat.) Stadc, Eeb.3 and 4 , 1 G 01 . 195. b. 82 . The magiftrates of Stade, to the Secretary ? concerning fome competition between them and the town of Lubeck, at the imperial court. (Lat.) July ■5} JGoh 200 . 8:3. Mr. Lorres, to the Ld. Treafurer; reports that Stade wiflies to renew a contract with the Eno-lilh company. (Lat.) May 11 ., 139 G. 201 . 34. The magiftrates of Stade, to James I; on his accdlion. (Lat.) July 17 , 1 G 00 . < 202 . 8.5. The magiftrates of Stade, to fir Robt. Cecil; cautioning him concerning the jealoufv of the Han- featie league, on account of their intercourle with England. (Lat) Aug. 2 . 5 , lG04. 204 . 8G. A paper entitled “ Stade to be admitted rather than Hamburgh readmitted the place of the mer¬ chants refideiiee.” 205 . 87 . Andreas Cardinalis Bathori, to Q. Elizabeth ; three lettei's, conciliatory, and 011 the affairs of Tran- filvania. (Lat.) Helfpergcn. Sept. 1593. Schmu- lem, July 10 , 1594, and Heilpcrg, June 1 , 1595 . 20G. 88. Steph. Bathori, to fir Wm. Cecil; on his af¬ fairs, and thofe of Tranlylvania (Lat) Halfpcrg, June 1 , 1595 . 208 . b. 89- Q. Elizabeth, to And. and Stepli. Bathori; la¬ menting the unhappy ltate of their family, and of Tranlylvania. (Lat.) Greenwich, July 14 , 1595 . 210. b. Nero, B. X. Codex ehartaceus, in folio, conftans folds 38r. 1 . A repertory of various grants made in different reigns, from Henry ill. to Q. Mary, concerning trade; chiefly to the Hauleatic towns. 2 . 2. An infpeximus and confirmation of Q. Eliza¬ beth, of all the grants, treaties, &c. of her prede- celfors, from Henry ill. to Edward VI. to and with the Ilanfeatie towns, Aug. 5 , 1.5 80 . 14 . 3 . Another infpeximus of Q. Elizabeth, of fimilar treaties and grants, from the reign of Edward IV. to that of Q. Mary, Aug. 5, 1580. 187 . 4 . An infpeximus of Edward III. of a confirmation of Edward II. of the charter granted by Henry III. to the German merchants in London, March 14 , 1327 . 370 . 5. A charter of Edward III. limiting the cuftom on worfted, taken from the German merchants in London, Jan. 20 , iS4o. 372 . 6. Compofitiones inter prtefidcs, pnetores, ct cornu- nitatem civitatis London, et mereatores de II an fa in eadem civitate conimorantes. May 2 , 1474 . 374 . 7 . A decree given by the lord mayor and aldermen of London, again ft the Ealterlings, Dec. 2 , 1578 . 380. Nero, 229 NERO, Nero, B. XI. Cotlex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 402. • 1 . A circumftantial account of the perfon, family, court, forces, revenues, tloniinions, &c. of Mahomet III. Ottoman emperor, 1595—1603. l- <2 A dilfertation tending' to prove that chriftian princes wrong themfelves and their honour, when they hold peace and amity with the great Turk : written the 6 th of Jan. 1604 , in a molt filthy dungeon in Conftantinople. (conf. XI. 76.) 17- s. Eleven notes, hills or memorandums, in Arabic and Hebrew. 62 . 4 . Two friendly letters from the grand Turk to an Englifh fovereign, probably James i. (Engliih tranf- lations.) 72 - 5 . A menacing letter from the grand Turk (Aclimet I.) to the emperor (Rudolph II.) Conftantinople, 1604. 74 - 6 . The oath of the grand Turk Zolman, (Ofman 1 ?) to Ecthlem Gabor prince of Tranfylvania. Con¬ ftantinople, June 30, 1620 . 75. 7 . The grand Turk (Soliman II ?) to Q. Elizabeth; tendering nis alliance, Conftantinople, 1565. 76. 8. A letter in Arabic 9 . The grand Turk (Mahomet III?) to Q. Eliz.; tendering his alliance againlt the fultan of Alphrangi (the K. of France?) An Engliih tranilation, with the Arabioin Latin characters. 1602 . 77 . b. 79- 10 . An eftimate of the charges of a chriftian am- tiafiador at Conftantinople, by them (the Turks) called Beackclls. 84. 11 . The number of foldiers continually attending upon Beglerbegs the governors of provinces, and Sanguaci the petty captains maintained by the fame provinces. ®7. 12 . The revenue of the Grand Signior. 87. b. 13 . Rough draughts of a feries of 25 letters from Henry Lello the queen's ambaftador at Conftantinople, to the governors of the Levant company, in the years 1600, 1601 , 1602, and 1603. 96. 14. Reafons wherefore certain able merchants fhould be of the new corporation to Tripoli, Venice, 8 cc.; delivered in October, 1591 . 114. 15 . Certain articles exhibited to the Ld. Trea- furcr, againlt the partiality of fume few who feck to keep the trade of Turkey and Italy to themlelvcs. 115. 16 . Names of the perfons to be entered in her rna- jefty's grant, for the Turkey and Venice trade 116 . 17 . A lift of the Beglerbegs, in the year 1 59 1 • 11 7- 18 . Some account of fultan Amu rath III. and of his government: a rough draught. 11 9- 19 . A petition of the Levant merchants, to the Ld. Treafurer; to procure them a charter of incor¬ poration. i- 0 - 20 . Minute of letters to be written in the queen's name to the grand Turk, &c. to demand protection of commerce; and to recommend Edw. Barton her ambaftador. 121 • 21 . Notes to inform the Ld. Treafurer of certain abides committed in the houfe of the Englifh agent at Conftantinople, Jan. 19 , 1591. 1*3. 22 . Diftribution of prefents at Conftantinople, by Mr. Barton. 124. 23. Things to be provided for Mr. Barton, ambaf- fador at Conftantinople; and of the fervants to be al¬ lowed him, 1592. 125. B. XI 24. “ The commodities grown, and which here* “ alter may grow by refideney of her majefty's am* “ balfador at Conftantinople; with the dilcommo- “ dities by his non-refideney.” 126 . 25. An account of Monf. de Lancomye. ambaftador of the late If. of France (Henry III.) in Turkey, hav¬ ing been delivered prifoner to the Engliih ambaftador, at that time agent to the reigning K. of France. Oct. 1592 . 127 . b. 26 . AbftraCt of a letter from Mr. Barton, to the Ld. Treafurer; concerning the ftate of the Ottoman court, &c. 061.2, 1592." 123 . 27 . Henry IV. If. of France, to Mr. Barton ; con¬ cerning thel'eizure of Lancolino. (Lancomye?) Camp atAramps? Sept. 3 1 , 1592. 130. 28. Edward Barton, to the Ld. Treafurer? touching the care taken to keep the Florentines from the trade of cloth in the Levant. J uly 1 6, 1592 . 1 3 1 . 29. Extracts from two letters of Mr. Barton, of Aug. 26 , and Sept. 9 , 1592 . 135 . 30. A letter of intelligence from Mr. Barton : de- cyphcred. i36. 31. James T, to the emperor of Abvfiinia; propofing a friendly intereourfe, and recommending Robert Junius. (Lat.) 138. 32. A note of the provinces allotted to certain Beg¬ lerbegs; and of certain fortified towns, on the fron¬ tiers of Tranfylvania. 1 39 . 33. A continuation of the feries of Henry Lello's letters to the Levant company, XI. 13. being 20 in number, and of the years 1603, 4 , 5, 6, and 7 , 140. 34 . “ A brief note or remembrance of Inch Bafhaws “and chief viceroys that governed under the great “Turk during my (Edw. Barton’s?) employment “ with him, as Q. Elizabeth's and if. James’s ambaf- “fador; and the caufes of their deaths and deprivc- “ ments,” from 1597- 155. 35. Henry IV? If. of England, to the emperor of Abyftinia; extolling his intention ofafliftingin relcu¬ ing the holy fepulehre from the hands of the infidels, and recommending John Arclibp. of the Eaft and /Ethiopia* (Lat.) 1404 ? 172 . 36 . Henry IV, to Themurbeo (Timurbeg, or Tamer¬ lane) ; acceding to Timur's offer of a free commercial intereourfe between their mutual fubjefts propofed by Arclibp. John; and congratulating him on his vidlory over Bajazeth. (Lat.) 1404. J 172 . 37 . Henry iv, to (Janus?) king of Cyprus and Armenia; alfo to Michael Steno doge of Venice; friendly and complimental. A note is here added that fimilar letters were lent to theEmpr. ofTrebizond, and the K. of Georgia. (Lat.) 173 . 38. A deed of Emanuel II. Palceologus Empr. of the Eaft; acknowledging the receipt of 3000 marks which Henry IV. had prefented him with, to pay a debt. (Lat. with a feal.) London, Feb. 3, 1400 . 174 . S9. Henry IV, to Mirada, the i '011 of Tamerlan; and alfo to the Empr. Emanuel II ; friendly and com¬ plimental. (Lat.) 1404? 175. 40. Henry IV ; his circular letter of recommenda¬ tion in favour of John Arclibp. of the Eaft. (Lat.) London, Eeb. 12 , 1404. 175 . 41 . A correfpondence between Sultan Amuratli III. and Muftapha Beg his bafliaw, on one part, and Q. Elizabeth on the other; propofing a commercial intereourfe and treaties :—alfo a letter from Mr. Sec T Wyll’on, to Wm. Harbrowne, merchant in Turkey, who had brought on this correfpondence : the year of the Heg. is 937 , but it is erroneous. (Lat.) 1579. 177. 3 N 42 . A 2*20 NERO, B. XI. 4 2 . A patent of Q. Elizabeth for the cftablifhment ot the Turkey company ; granting an exclufive pri¬ vilege for 7 years to Edward Olborn alderman, and Ilich. Stapers merchant. May, i.58'2. 43. An account of Conftantinople 1584. (Italian.) Mr. An 182. the year 184. 44. Minutes of two letters from Q. Elizabeth ; l, to Carton, commending his ferviees; Oatlands, ;. 22 , 1 590 : and 2 d. to the grand Turk, accepting the protection he had offered her lubjetts; Aug. < 2 , 1590, corrected by Cecil. ipo. 4 ■>. Charges of Edm. Collins, and other merchants at Aleppo and Tripoly, in 1.587, 8, and 9 > i~ 61 . Another copy of the account of baffiaws, See. IX. 34. 220 . 62 .1 lie Grand Signior (Mahomet III.) to Henry iv. I., ot France; concerning l'ome depredations com¬ mitted by the Englifh and the corfairs of Barbarv, under pretence of being allies of and protected by the Porte. (French, two copies.) Aug. 15 , 1603 . 241 . ,J -'.1° f |r Edward Hoby; with an account of Muftapha Aga, lately arrived as Turkifli ambaflador; and alfo of a prince of Mol¬ davia lately arrived, &c. Strand, Aug. 1607 . 24 , 5 . 64. Suwell Syndler, ambaifador in Turkey, to the Ed. Ireafurer (Suffolk?); three reports concerning the affairs of Turkey, efpccially the commerce! (Gtig.) Pera, Aug. 30 , Dec. 19 , 1612 , and April U, 1613. oJ 8 . 64. Relazione della prefa di Selcucia in Caramania. (Printed.) Florence, 1613 . o 5 q Cfi Conftance Benet, to Tho. Dingle, a commander of Rhodes; intelligence about lbme motions of Rd. Shrewlburv againft certain rebels. (Englifli.) and a P. S. about the death of a grand niafter. fltal ) Berwick, 061. 23. 262 67 Extra6ts out of letters of intelligence from Conltantinople, and Napoli di Romania. (Italian two papers.) 2C3 / 68. Fran coy s le Rouge, to king.intelli¬ gence of armaments going on in Turkey. (Orio-. Fr.) Venice, May si. 26 ~t* 69 . A papei- of intelligence from Conftantinople. (Spanifh.; 26 j,. 70. A fragment, (Ital.) and two papers of ex- trat-ts out ot letters from Corona diitl Conllantinonle (Lat.) o 7I . ’ 71 . Murat Rey, captain of Algiers, to Richard Staper; recommending Muftapha'Aga. (Lat. ver- fion.) Algier. Prid. Cal. Nov. ' 076 . 72. An account of the invafion of Huno-ary by Soliman II. 1521. (Lat.) s 073 / 73. A confideration of the trade into Turkey. 2S0. 74. The grand vizir Demis Bafliaw, to James i • defiring him to mediate a peace with the emperor Rudolph 11 . (An Ital. vcrfion.) Conltantinople Sept. 1606. 75. Q. Elizabeth, to Muftapha Beg; one of the letters of art. xt. 41 . 061. 25 , 1579 . 283 . 76 . A declaration of fomc prifoner in the tower concerning a plot he had entered into with an ambaf¬ fador at Conltantinople. (Qu. whether the author of the above art. X 1 . e.) 0 g _5 77. Sultan Selim II, to the ele6tors of the kingdom of Poland; recommending them to chufe Henry I). of Anjou. (Ital.) 1573 . ,jgg 78. The names and order of the viceroys of Tur¬ key, as they lit in the court. 2 . 90 . 79. The Rate of the trade of Turkey and Venice. 80 . Copy of a Spanifh letter of intelligence, fent from Tunis to the captain of San Sebaflian. 294 . 81 . A petition from the merchants trading to Bar¬ bary, to the earl of Leicefter; concerning their grant for an exclufive trade. 1574 ? 296 . 82 . Edmund Hogan, to Q. Elizabeth; reporting his arrival and fu ll negotiations at Morocco. (Orio-.) Morocco, June 11 , 1 . 577 . ' 297 . 83. An account of imports in London from Bar¬ bary and Portugal, in 1574 , 5, and 6. 298 . b. 84. Ch. Parkins, to Ld.in doling two forms of letters from Q. Elizabeth, one to the K. of Morocco, and the other to the K. of Fez ; and advifing about the Rile and form of the queen’s title. July 1 , 1597 . 300 . ’ 85. Mulley Sleydan (Sidan) king of Morocco, to James I; concerning an embargo 011 Englitli goods. July 11 , 1609. 302 . 86. A Ratement of the advantages and difad van¬ tages of the Levant trade. so 4 . b. 87. A letter orpaffport of Mulley Sidan, in fa¬ vour NERO, B. XI.—C. I. 231 Vour of Ben Remeghe, whom lie hath lent into Eu¬ rope to difpofe of fome fugars. (An Englifli verfion.) Aug. Hii.). 306- 88. Auguftinus de Augufiinis, to.an am¬ ple report of occurrences at the emperor’s court then m Italy, &c. Alexandria, March 22, 1532. 308. 38 . b. Edward II. K. of Engl, to Dolgicto, Iv. of Tartary; accepting his friendlhip. (Lat.) North. 061 . lG. 3l ' 2 - 80 . Q. Elizabeth, to Shach Chodabenda, emperor of Perfia; demanding commercial privileges for fome of her fiihjefts. (Lat.) Weftm. June 10 , 1579. Two copies. 313 * 90. Two papers, Ruffian. 3] b- 91 . Two papers, Arabic. 318 - 92. A paper, Ruffian. 3 -°- 93 . InRruClions of the governors of the Levant company, Wm. Garrard and Rowland Hayward, to one of their ambaffadors or agents. Loiul. April 18, 15G7. 3 ‘ 21, 94 . A note of one year’s apparel for an apprentice in ltuffia and Perfia. 329, 9 , 5 . A meffage from the emperor ot Mufcovv rivan Bafdowitz) to Q. Elizabeth, delivered by An tiff Jenkinfon ; requiring her to join him againlt the Poles. Nov. 1567- 33 ‘ 2 - 96 . Tho. Barnefter and.Duckett, to the Council; concerning their proceedings in Perfia to¬ wards procuring freedom ot trade. Valaday, June 25, 1569- 333, 97 . A requeft of the Ruffian ambaffador, to the Sec r of State; concerning the manner of writing the letters to his matter. May 6, 1570. 33o. 98. The emperor of Ruffia (Foedor Iwanowitz) to Q. Elizabeth; by Dr. Giles Fletcher, her ambaf¬ fador: chiefly concerning trade. Mufcow, 1589- 3'37- 99 . Various requefts of the Ruffian ambaffadors, concerning trade. 33 ^* 100 . Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor of Ruffia; (Ivan Bafdowitz) promifing to receive him hotj/icubly in cafe he ihould he driven from his dominions. IJampt. C l May is, 1570 . 341. 101 . The emperor of Ruffia, to Q. Elizabeth ; demanding protection for fome of his merchants. 1553? 343 - 102 . A treaty of alliance between Q. Elizabeth and the emperor of Ruffia. May, 1570. 34 j. 103. The emperor ot Rutlia, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning certain Englifli merchants in his domi¬ nions. Oct. 24, 1570. 34 7- 104 . Inftruttions of Q. Elizabeth, to Dan. Sil- vcller, font to the emperor of Ruffia. May, 157 ' 349- 105 . Notes of two converfations the emperor of Ruffia had with Dan. Silvefter at Mofcow, Nov. ey, 1 j 76 , and Jan. 29 , 1576-7 ; concerning merchants. 353. 106. Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor of Ruffia; in¬ viting him to her dominions. (Lat.) Greenwich, June 8, 1583. 355 - 107 . Q. Elizabeth, to Sultan Murad Chan (Amu- rath III.); concerning the releafe ot fome captives and goods. (Lat.) Eond. Oct. 7 , 1585. 357- b. 108 . A note of the improper behaviour of Richard Rclph, one of the company's apprentices in Ruffia; with a letter from him to two of his “ lewd” compa¬ nions at Cafan: dated ltofe I (land, Aug. 12 , 1584. 359. b. 109 . A difeourfeof tlic fecond and third employ¬ ment of fir Jerom Horfey, fent by Q. Elizabeth to the Emp. of Ruffia, in the years 1585 and 1589, with feveral letters relating thereto. 3G3 - 1 10 . Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor of Ruffia (Foedor or Theodor Bafdowitz) condoling with him on the death of his father, excufing fome offence given by her ambaffador Jcr. Bowes ; williing to continue m peace and amity,&c. (Lat.) Lond. June 9, 1585. 375. 111. Sultan Amurath II. (HI.) to Q. Elizabeth; defiring peace, and reprefenting the ftate ot his affairs, efpecially with regard to Poland. (Eat. verfion.) Conltple. June 12 , 159 O. 37 7 - 112 . Boris Foederowitz, Emp. of Ruffia, to Q. Elizabeth; in commendation of Dr. Ridley, (an Englifli verfion, with the leal of the original affixed to it.) 1599. 379 - 113 . A difcuffion on the trade into the Baltic and Ruffia. 382 ‘ 114 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Emp. of Ruffia; on com¬ mercial affairs, and the protection ot her fubjeCts . fent by Mr. Tho. Randolph. (Lat.) V imlfor, Sept. 16 , 1568-. 385 * 115 . The Emp. of Ruffia, to Q. Elizabeth ; thank- in"- her for the offer of fending him over a young lady &tv (an Englifli verlion.) Mofkow, April, 1603? 116 . Inftru&ions of Q. Elizabeth, to Dan. Silvef¬ ter; fent into Ruffia. (a rough draught.) 393. 117 . Do6tor Tim. Willis's relation of his journey in ltuffia. 40 °* Nero, B. XII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans fol. 361. A feries of letters from Mr. Edward Barton, during his refidenceas Englifli ambaffador at Conftantinople, in the years 1593 , 1591 , 1595, and 1596. This appears to have been an official copy book, in which there arc many blanks which were probably cyphers in the originals ; fome are filled up by a different hand : molt of the letters appear to have been addreffedto the Ld. treafurcr Burleigh. Nero, C. I. Codex membran. in folio, conftans ex foliis 264. 1 . “ Modus quomodo parliamentum regis Anglia?, “ et Anglorum fuorum, tenebatur, temporibus regis “ Edwardi filii Ethelrcdi regis, qtii modus recitaius “ fuit per diferetiores regni, coram Willelmo duce “ Normannic, conqueltore et rege Anglia?, ipfo “ conqueftore hoc pnecipiente, et pe r ipium appro- “ bat us, etfuis temporibus, ct temporibus fuccefforunl “ fuorum, regum Anglia?, ulitatus. 1 . 2. “ Annotatio quis fit fenefchallus Anglia?, et quid “ ejus officium.” 4 - 3 . An alphabetical index to the antient flatutes, (French.) (u 4 . A record of the court of common pleas, in which Tho. Wvnter was refufed for incapacity, and John. Weft was admitted in the office of prothonotary; quoted as a precedent in a fubfoquent conteited ap¬ pointment. (Latin.) 42. b. 5 . Statuta regum Anglia?, ab A® 1 Edwardi III. ad annum 1 Ricardi III. (Gallice ct Latine.) 44. Nero, 2 3 2 nero, c. ii. in. Ne?o, C. IT. Codex lnembian. in folio eon flans fol'iis 128 , Pra'figuntiir ha?c: “Prefentem librum ordinavit, " et fcribi fecit, rcver" 10 ’ in Chrifto pater ct u dominus frater Nicolaus, cardinalis Ara- gonia*;quem compilavit rx diverlis regiftris, “ex libris cameras apofroliea*, ct ex aliis “ ctiam libris etcronicis diverlis, cum magna “ diligentia et labored' Elcnchus contcntoruin, fatis prolixe cotifedus, et antiqua manu deferiptus. n 1. Infeudatio reg-ni Sicilia?, per Clcmcntem iv. Papam, Carolo, S. Luclovici regis Francko filio (lie.) A 0 1 265, facta • fuit enim is Carolus frater, non iilius Lutlovici IX, 8i -• M°dus faciendi liomagium domino Papa? de regno Sicilia*, quando confcrtur regi. ] t) . 3. Trat-tatus de jurifdirtione ct titulis ecclefia? fuper regnuni Apulia et Sicilia*, 20> 4. Litera Caroli I. regis Sicilia*, milia Gregorio ix. Papa ; fuper folutione cenfus pro regno Sicilia*. < 28 . a. Forma confirmations fada? per Dm Bonifacium (vill.) Papam, fuper traftatu pacis inter Dims. Ca- iolum comitem Alenfonenfem, ct Robcrtum ducem Calabria*, ex una parte, ct R. Fredericum de Arao-on ex altera; fuper infula et regno Sicilia*, et jure (mod liabet eccleiia in eodem. C. Refponfio D. Bonifacii Papa: VIII. fafla D. Ca¬ ro 10 regi Sicilia:; fuper fucceffione difii regni. 39 . 7. Litera quam D. Carolus rex Sicilia: mifit IX de¬ menti Papa* iv i fuper dilations folutionis cenfus ,leblt '- _ _ 3 9 . b. 8. Infcmlaliofaela per D. Bonifacium Papain VIII de regno Sardinia et Corfice, 111. principi D. Jaeobo regi Aragonite. 4 , 0 . Donatio fada per regem Jobannem. Innocentio I apa* ill. de toto regno Anglia, et infula Hibernia*. Londomis, d. 3 Odob. 1213 . 4 - 10 . Forma homagii quod fecit dictus rex Anglia:; et quod debent facere Dim. Papa* et facro tea. ecclidc. Romana, omne.s et fmguli reges Anglia?. 43 . 11 . De Danclaye, live lege Danorum; et denario B ' Pctr '* 48. b. 1 -■ De valore diverfanun monetarum. 49 . Ki. Statutum D. Nicolai P. IV, de divifione fruc- tuuin, redd it uu met proventuum eccleiia inter Papam et card inales. U. Inflrumentum donationis facta cardinalibus per D. Bcnedidum Papam xn. A. D. i .;., 4 , demedietate omnium Cenloum, vilitationum et denariorum S Pe- tn ' . 51 . 15. Re\ocatio fada per D. Gregorium P. x de eleemofyna Ribaldorum, See. ' 5 o id. Privilegia imperatorum et regum, concclfa eccleiia; h. e. Conftantini Imp. Papa Svlveliro • Luclovici Imp. tempore Papa Pafchalis, fuper re-’ galibus B. Petro conceffis; et IlenriciL imperatoris. 53. 17. Dc denario B. Petri in Francia. *c.s, priu- cipes, fenatores Romani, archiep, aliique. ” Vd.b. 23 . De mirabilibus Roma. go 24 . Dc ordiuationibus et geftis paparum, circa ftatum ecclefiafticum, 94 25. Dc* deferiptione Italia, ex hiftolia eccleli- !;lbra - 99. b. 26. De locis fanftis terra* Jeru&lem. jot. 27 . Xninina epifeoporum et patriareharum Jerofo-* lomytanorum. 110 b as. De divifione orbis. mb 29. De defignatione locorum totius univerfi fe- cundum li. Ambrofiuihi mb 30. De ortu, operibus, morteet fepultura illuft ium virorum, qiu m facra fcriptnra commemorantur. 112. ? V ( . I,e M*<’ h "Wrto : cjufque arbor generationis, qm defeendit de itirpe Hyfinaelis. , 2S -Vera, C. lit. Codex partim ftiembran. partim ehartac. in folio conftans fob 223. Nicolaus Upton, ecclefiar. catlied. Sarum et el Jen (is canonic us, de arm is et pertinentibus ad otli- cium nublare; quatuor libris, viz. (in pergamena.) 1 . (a.) De officio militari. j ^ (b.) De beilo jnfto, ct ejus fpcciebus. 20 . b. (c.) Dc coloribus in armis depiftis, et eorum no- imitate ac differentia. (d.) De diverbs fignis in armis depidis. 36 . r) D.'^ nr j a ecclefiaftica Anglia?, a quodam monaclio Rottenfi lcripta; abA° 185. ad An. rs 77 . (in charta.) 72. 3. Charta? quamplurima? originales regum, natum et aliorum. de fundationibus et donationibus monaftenorum ; aliifque ; viz. (a.) Charta Rogeri conftabularii Cedria?, confir- mans omnes donationes, concefliones et eonfir- mationes ecclefia? et monafterii B. Maria? de Nortona. (vid. Dugd. Monaft. T. 11 . p. 13 . 5 .) 170 . (b.) Chart a regis Henrici II. de fundatione mo- nalterii de Brodeflcga, Rotbouiagii. 172 . (e.) Charta regis Stepliani, data abbati et mona- ehis monafterii de Bcllewas (Bildewas) A” 1 139 . (extat in Dugd. Monaft. T. I. p. 779 .) 172 . b. (d.) Conventio, et fjnalis jiax et concordia, inter Ranulfum (de Melehincs ?) comitem Ceftriie, ct Robertum (de Bellomonte ?) comitem Lc<>tc- ceftrite, facta corani Roberto 11 , epifeopo Lin- colnia?. (Ext. in Aug. Vincentii “errors in Brooke s Catai. of nobility, p. 301 .) 173 . (e.) Ordinatio Nicholai prioris et conventus mo- nafrrni S. Trinitatis (Corp. Chrifti) London de miffis celebrandis pro mag-iftro 'Flmnia Youn<^ curia? Cantuar. officiali, A 0 1368 . 174 . & (f.) A letter from Hugh Le Defpencer, to John Inge his vifeourit in Glamorganfhire; approvin<»- of various proceedings of the latter touching his eitates, and giving fonie further orders! (I-rencli.) Ciceftr. March 21 . 273 . (g.) Nomina diverforum locorum qua? in hiftoriis Saxonicis occurrunt. collecfa per J 0 J 1 . Jofccli- nuni. N. B. Loco non luo apponitur ha*c col- le 6 tio. (h.) Charta; NERO, C. III. 2 33 (h.) Chart® quatuor, fo. Oclonis abhatis Sci. Mar¬ tini de Bello, tie tern's eoncefiis Willmo. Nicho- lao et Gaufrcdo de Bromham, et Ofmundo filio VElwrici Foreftarii. iso. (i.) Chavta R. Ilenrici II. de confirmandis tcrris, pofieflionibus, et libertatibus monafterii S. Mar¬ tini de Bello. iso. b. (k.) Conceflio ecclefl® de Toteham canonicis S. Trinitatis London, per Simonem (St. Liz?) com item Northampton i®. iso. b. ( 1 .) Chavta Jofcclini caitellani de Arundel (re¬ gin® Adclizaj fratris) de eeclcfia de Budinca- tona, data monachis B. Pancratii. 181 . (m.) Breve Nigelli cpifeopi Llicnlis et baronum de Scaccario, vicecomiti de Glouceftria, pro nio- nachis de Bordefleia. isi. j (n.) Charta (Hamelini Plantagenet ?) comitis I Warren, arehidiacono Surrey ; ul prior et ea- ! nonici S. Mari® de Suwrch (Suthwcrc) in pace teneant capellam de Niiidegat. isi. (o.) Charta (Lanfranci?) archiep. Cantuar. con- finnans eeclefiam omnium fandtonim de Gra¬ ven©, monachis regularibus S. Mari® de Suth- werca. 1 s 1. (p.) Conceflio R. Cic.eftri® efpifeopi, Brunkino de Halting, ut darct decimam de dominio fuo de terra quam tenet in marifeo de Pevenelell, cc- clefi® S. Martini de Bello. 181 . b. (q.) Charta Odonis abbatis et conventus S. Mar¬ tini de Bello, Nicholao lilio Aldtvini Pahneri, de tcrris in Bromham, ab iplis tenendis. 181 . 1 ). (r.) Cyrographum 0 ilberti de Ilifing; concedens monachis de Lewes dimidium loccagium in Le 61 un ; A 0 11G1. 182. (s.) Charta Reginaldi de Warrena, vicecomiti de Lewis, et baronibus comitatus; de reddita bur- genfibus Lewicnlibus mercatoria gliilda pro annuo redditu. iy<2. (t.) Charta Ricardi I. regis, comiti David et luere- dibus ejus; de Gumceftria, tcrris in Nafington, et in Jarewell apud Waltham. 1194. isb. rectorem Feel, dc Withekot ac'lorem, et Fbcob. reaorem Led. dc Pikewc- 11 , de obventi- ombus ratione fcpultur® debitis. iso. (ss.) Conceflio terrarum in Mare we, fa&aper pri- orem et capitulum domus hofpitalis in Anglia, u illclmo Capcllano, pro annuo redditu dinndi® mare® : cum conditionc. A. 118.5. 135. (tt.) Conventio inter Ldwardnm, /ilium Ailbri&i de Sudwerke, elThomam de Sudwerkc, de tcrris ib. vcnditis. 130 . b. (uud Lcgatum Criftin®. uxoris Rodbcrti, ccclcli® S. Mari® de Suthwerca. jy ( ;. |j (xx.) \ crediflum \\ idonis, aliorumque hominum de Stowa in comitatu Kantii, de h®rcdibus et terns Roberti de Scalario. j 8 - (yv.) Conventio inter priorcm de Sudwerke, et Ric. de Stow, de ®dificanda domo in ulum prioris.' 187 . (zz.) Lrcve Ricardi cpifeopi Londinenfis, de ap- .proprianda ccclclia dc Burgcltede abbati ct» conventui de Stratford Langthorne com. Ellcx per Gualtcruin de Bella Valle, obvenientibus, et lalario aflignatis vicario. j y - (aaa.) Regiftrum ehartarmn ecclefi® Elicnfis, et ubi eiant lepolit®, accurate deferiptum. Sec. xm. 187 . b. (bbb.) Notula hbrorum Saxonicorum qui ad ma- nus J. Jofcclini venerunt. 1Q1> (ccc.) Catalogus audtorum qui feripferunt hifto- nam gentis Anglorum, et ubi extant; per Jo. Jofcelinum. ]yi ^ (ddd.) Ilelaxatio debiti cuidam J ud®o; cum fub- lcriptione Ilebraica. ]yG> 3 O (eee.) Re- *34 NERO, C. III.—VI. , 1; . , feodi uni as miiitjs in HanfirM. quam fecit. Ilugodc Bufcy, priori dc Lcues, iub variis eondilionibus. bbatiaa tie Pultime in ' c , m c< Itricnfi, p< r Robertum pincernam Ra- nulphi comitis Ceftrhv, A. D. H 58 (Ext. in Dugd. Monaft. T. I. p, 891 ) 1 9 7 - (os-o-.) Charta Robcrti dc l)cna et uxoris ejus Si- hvll.c. in qua ronccdit priori S. Panerutii Latis- aquenfis eccleiiam dc Vvaldrcna, cum tcrris cl dccimis, ct dccimajn dc Calvintona. i!) 7 - Chilli.': ( ompofitio int r priorem et convent un de Novo loco in dioeceti Wintouienfi. ct Johannem dc Arundel, rectorem Eccl. de Walda, dc penfi- onc 12 nnucarum eidem lectori folvcndu. l 97 - b. (iii.) Li ter re patentes 11 . Edtvardi II; de confir- i extra, por¬ ta j cpilcopi London ; cum indice bcneiaCto- rum et terrarum ejufdem. H) 3 . (kkk.') Chart:: Lull a chi dc Merch, de fnndatione ... ... n i pu< ( d . n, de ordine dc Apeltuna. 207. ( 111 .) Charta comitis Gifeherti, de terra de Derc- renduna Eccl. S. Maria? deSudwercha, ct dcci- ma de Cupefald. 20 “- (mmm.) A French letter, without name or date, in which the writer exhorts a friend to exert himfelf cheerfully in the i'ervice of a fuperior; and in¬ forms him of fume mercantile tranfactions efpe- cially concerning cloths. 208. (nnu.) Charta lloberli de Briis, tilii Ifabelke de lima, in qua dat. monachis dc Wardona, terrain dc Sterth in com. Huntcndonia\ 208 . > Carmei in lamhun Gulielmi, &c. (an fragmentum ?) 208> B. 4. Rcgiitrum diplomatum, chartarum, et literarum, de rebus'"! liter Angliamct Scotiam gelt is, atemporihus II. Ricardi I. ad tempora R. Ilcnrici V. in archivis Weftmonafterii. -° 9 - j. Traciatus de Pfalmo quinquagefimo. (majoris operis fragmentum) fee. MI. 218 . Nero. C. IV. Codex membran. in i’olio, conftans fol. 122 . Sec. Mil. III. m colh >, qi hiftoif.c V. cl N. lcliamcnli iiluliranckc, inlerviuiit. 1. 2. Calendavium. 20. Pfaltcrium latinv.m. cum verfionc Gallica. 20. CauiicaM. \ cl. cl Nov. Tcliam. (cum verllone Gallica:) (a.) “ Conlitchor lib: Domiiie qum iratus eft niihi." 103 . b. (hi) u Ego dixi in dimidio dierummeorum : vadam ad portas iutcri. ’ 104. (c. ) " Exultavif cormeumin Domino, et exultation eft cor meum in Domino mco. ’ 104. b. (d.) ‘ ! Canlcmus Domino, gloriole enim magnifi¬ cat us eft, cquum ct afccnl’orcm dejecit in mare.” 105 . (c.) “ Domiiie autlivi auditioncm tuani, ettimui.” 105 . b. (f.) “ Auditc cteli quae loquor. audiat terra verba orismei.” 100. b. (g.) “ Benedic.ite omnia opera Domini Domino. 108 . b. (h.) ,£ Tc Dcum laudamus ; te Doininura coni!le¬ mur.” 109. (i.) “ Bencdichis Dominus Deus Ifrael, quia viflli¬ cit et fecit redemptioncm plebis fua?. ” lop. b. (k.) " Magnificat aninia mea Dominuni.” 110. ( 1 .) “ Nunc dimittis fervum tuum Domine.” 110. 5 . 1 - >1 >gi 1“ Gloii 1 excelf s Deo,” oratiodo- minicaiis, fymbolum apoftolicum ct Alhanalianum. (cum verfionc Gallica.) 110. 0. Litania; in qua angeli et fantti invocantur : cum orationibus ct collectis ad earn pertinentibus. 112. 7. Orationcs varite; fell, confeffio peccatorum, ad virginem Mariam, ad S. Michaelem Archauge- lum, S. Swithinum, aliofque fandlos. 111. 8. Oratio qua frequenter repetita valet contra cerium mtinerum pfalmorum. 119. 9. Quccfitio : i. e. oratio S. Auguftini. 120. b. 10. Oratiuucukc quatuor. (cum verfionc Gallica.) 122. At 7 ‘o, C. V. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 281. See. XI. 1. Nota de pcenitentia Hiklebrandi P. (Grcgorii N il.) dum in extremis ageret. 1. b. 2. Chronica chronicarum: vcl potiits tractatulus varii, dc ratione computandi cyclum pafchalcm, &c. viz. (a.) Magnus cyclus pafchalis ajungentor : .\XXIl or annorum; in cujus fccundo anno, juxta Diony- fium, natus ell Dominus. 3. (b.) Alia emendatio annorum incarnation is,, juxta Jcronimum, Cailioxlorum ct Orofium. 11. b. (c.) Tertia emendatio annorum incarnation is, fecundum martirologium ct pafiiones paparum, el decretales epiftpjise, See. 13. (d.) Brevis chronologia lanctorum, paparum, See. 1 0. b. (e.) Tabulae 28 cyclorum deccnnovenalium; mag¬ num cyclum Dionylianum nempe complcctens. 17 . b. 5. Mariani Seoti chronica clara. Exemplar per- pul' lrrum ct cmendatum, ubi plura extant qua? in edititis (Bal’d. I 55 !i,et apud Piftoriumiurerinn Germ. Sc ript.) fruftra qua-runtur. 25. 4. Tabula pafchalis, cum cyclis, 158 . b. Bartholom. de Cotton, monachi Norwicenfis, hiftoria Anglicanu; feu liber fecund us, de regibus Anglis, Dacis et Normannis. ad A™ 1298. 1G0. (i. Ejufdem tra&atus tie archiepifeopis et cpifcopis Anglorum, liber tertius. 252 . 7. Grcgorii Papa epiftola, ad epifeopos Londinen- fem et Elicnfcm; in ([ua continetur caufa fecuncte combuftionis ccclelia? Norwicenfis: data apud “Urbem a ternam." 8 Idus Alartii, Pontif. A° primo. 279 . Nero, C. Yl. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 180 . Prima pars Granarii Jobannis de Loco frumenti. (i. e. Wheathamftcad) olirn abbatis monafterii S. Al- bani; de hiitoriis et biRoriographis. Pertingit ad literam L. " Lapides pretioli. " Pars altera extat in cqdicc Tiberius D. \. mine iucendio pene confeftus. Nero, NERO, C. VII.;—IX. 2 3S Nero ., C. VII. Codex membran. in folio, conflans foliis %. 0 . Paflio S. Eleutlierii, et Anthize inatris ejus. 43. 7 . Vita et paflio S. Tdphegi archicp. Cantuar. ct martyris; per Ofbernum monachum Cantuaricufem. 45 . 8. Vita S. llrfmari, cpifcopi ct confciforis. 57. !)■ \ ita et paflio S. Bonifacii, epiicopi ct niartyris. 59. b. in. Paflio S. Symphorofai, cum feptem filiis ( frag¬ ment inn.) _ 0 ” 1 1 • Vita S. Dunftani arcbiep. Cantuar. per Ada- larduin, Blandinienfis coenobii monachum qui illam mlcribit S. iElphego ejufdem Eccl. arcbiep. 7c. b. 12. Vita S. Anfelmi Cantuar. arcbiep. verfibus hex- ametris. Xncip. « Tange Syon citharam fub amen® carmine vocis, “ Ortus ah occalu fol deducatur ad ortum.” 77 . b. 13 . Amialcs monafterii de Thomey, in infula Elicnfi ab A” 901 , ad An. 1421 . vaiiis manibus fcripti, 79. 1 4 . Reddituale, ct dcfcriptio terraram ad abbatiam a. l’ctn de Ilurgo pertincntium. Sec. xv. si. 1.1. Breve ehronicon. a Chrifto nato, ad annum 1141 . See. XII. 2 , 5 . Nero, C. VIII. Cpdex membran. in tolio, conflans foliis 334. Sec. xiv. 1. Liber de compotis diveiforum reddituum in garderoba l-egis. Iucinit. ab A" 4 R. Ldiv 11 ct continuatur ad An. 1 I 11 . Edw. III. iuclulive. 1. -• dpcalia et veiU'liamenta auri et argentb re- ccpia per iiidenturaiu de I). Roberto deTanton nuper cuitode ganlembie R. Edvanli ,11. apud Wywlriniv, 31 Jubi A 0 regis prredieti octavo. 319. ". Conipotns do tb nariis 1 ; intis liivcrlis piagnatibus Ctaln,, de piuliitn. de quibus tenentur relponclcrc Dno. regi: 8 Ltl v. nr. 4. Denarii debit; per regem diverfis. s Echv. ill. 326 . Nero, ( . IX. Codex membran. in lolio, conflans fob 228. 1. Necrologium, lint obituarium vctuftiiin fcgiim arelnepdcopor. epdcopoit abbatum, faomlctum, mo- naenoriini, liioniaiium, alioriimqnc Anglorum el Nor- rnaunoi Lilli, per iingailos anni menles difpofitum, Omn pertinebatad ecelefiam Cautuarienfun. Sec. 2. Fiagmentuni obituarii, five calendarii emortu- abs : eontiiiet enim Mum partem ineufimii Septembris etuctobns, integrum Novcnibreni, et partem De- ceinbns. ' Sec. XI. 17 3. Nomina fratrum et fororum Dionvfuimm S An- I . >■ nborumque qui in iftam focietitem cram iv- . 20 . b. _ *■ Keg'ftrum cliartanun magiftri etfratmm militic reniph in Anglia: contincns literas regks, p-mtiti- II les, epifcopales, de terns, privilegiis et juribns in VViibijrgham et Carleton. Sec. XVJ. „„ 5. Regiftrum ebartarum fratrum fanctie domus hof- pitalis Jeruialem, de terris in Cbipcnham. Alheley, et Silveiiey; et de earundem redditibus, libertatibus, &C ' 28 . 6 Lidynture betivpen II. Ilenrv viii. and Edv North, Eiq. treafiiver of the court of amnncnPiihms • about t ie exchange of the manors of Iladenhain and Codyngton m the county of Buckim-lnn, fo, lands ui the counties of Suffolk and Cambi-idm-- dated Dec. 4 , 1.540. with the- -king's diploma, dated Weftm. Jan. 29, 1540-1. l48 7. Inftruments concerning the patronages of cer tain churches, viz. (a.) Of Si. Michael's in M'ood Street, London- 1 granted by Win. Burnell to fir Edw. North! 155 . b. (b.) Of Afbley in the county of Cambridge: granted by J. de Vere E. of Oxford to the fame. 15? (c.) Of Mol ton in the county of Suffolk; granted by the Abp. of Cahterb. to the fame. ' 1,17. (d.) Of ChePerton in the county of Huntingdon’• granted by It. Andrew and M. Turner, to the famt - 157 . b. 8. Diplomats regis Henrici Viii. de domo ct ec- clefia monafterii de Eyneftiam five Egnefham, in comitatu Oxon, eidem D. Edw. North datis. 1,53. 9 - Valores diveiforum maneriorum rertoriarum, &c in com. Oxon. Olouceft. et Buckingb. cum diplo- matibus regiis eifdem conceftis. lf j 0 _ 10. Forma et modus qui obfervari debet in coro - natione regis; cum nomini-bus officiariorum pririei- palium in die coronationis regis : deeft initiuni; videtur feriptus tempore 11. llenriei \ J. l l. The manner of making of knights, after the cuftom of England, in time of peace, and at the coronation; that is, knights* of the Bath. lfis. b. 12. The ordinance of a King, when lie fhall go to bis proceftioti. 13 . Coronatio regis Henrici VI. ];o.' 14. The marriage of Charles the bold D. of Bur¬ gundy with the princefs Margaret, fitter to K. Ed¬ ward IV. June is, 1,467; and of her reception in Flanders. l 7 3. h. 1 ■’>. Traftatus polemicus ( de carne ct faiignine Chrifti: queni, ctli parum accurate, edidit End. Cellotius. 179 16. Litene procuratprife el libelli prions ct capituli eeel. Cantuar. ct Ric. de Feringhes ejul’dem eccl. archidiaconi, de controvertia circa jurifdictionem, ad quern nimiruin pertinehat, vacante fede. Uhi multa.praiclara de biltoria totius procelfus. 1^3. 1 7 - Regular qua’dain ordiriatae in capitulo gene- rali, A. I). 1353 , Benediciintuum, nti \ idetur; de oliiciis et miftis in diebus beneftnStorum, qui illic no- minantur, anniverfariis celebrandis. (uniea pagina.) * 194 . 18 . Libellus, qui “ Philomela” vocatur: five me- ditatio Job. de Iloveden, clerici Alionora*, rc- ginai Anglia^ inatris regis Ed ward i; de nativitate, paftione, et refurrecUobe 1 ). Salvatoris; edita. 195. 19. Qunidecim gaudja Virgjnip gloriofe: edi,ta ab eodem. " 207. b. 20. Ejufdem Nero, C. XI). 236 NERO, C. IX— XIII. 10. Ejufdem cantica 50; five meditatio in linno- rem 1). Salvatoris. “° 8 - < 2 i. Ejufdem meditatio “ Cythara dicta: de Sal¬ vatoris redolentiffima paffione. 2iG. b. 22 . Ejufdem so falutationes B. Virginia; quibus inferitur memoria dominica; paffionis. -- *■ b. 23 . Ejufdem Laus de B. Virginc, qua: Viola" 24 . Ejufdem ‘•Lyra;'' extollcns 13. Virginem. <224. 25. Ejufdem canticuiix amoris. -- 1 - Poftremi octo tractatus, a N° nempe IS, verfibus metri c is pan g u ntur. Aero, C. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 1 12. See. XVI. 1. Queen Jane (Seymour) to the Ld. Privy Seal (Cromwell) notifying the birth of a prince (Ed¬ ward Vi.) (Orig) iealed, but not ilgned.) Hamp- ton-eourt. Oct. 12 , 1.537. K h - 2. A report of Tho. Rutland, and five other me¬ dical men ; concerning the queen s extreme illnels. (Orig.) llampton-courl, Oct. 17 , 1337- -• 3 . Rich. (Jrelham, to the Ld. Privy Seal? propof- jnjr that a folenm dirge and mali'es lliould be laid in St) Paul's, in prefence of the mayor, aldermen, and commoners, for the foul of the late Q. Jane. (Orig.) Lond. Nov. 8, 1337- 2 - 4 . Prince Edward: a. to Ilenry VIII. Hatfield, Sept. 27 . b. to the queen (Catherine Parr.) c. to Henry Vlll. Hartford, Jan. 10 . (Orig. the firlt and laft Lat. the 'id Englifli.) 3 * . 5 . A rough draught of a letter from Henry V III, to prince Edward. (Lat.) b. 11 . Prince Edward, to his uncle the U. of Somerfet. (Orig. Lat.) Hunfdon, Nov. 8. 7 - 7 . King Edward VI, the diary of his reign; writ¬ ten with his own hand. 3. b. 8. The names of the whole council; w ith then divilion into feveral cominifiions and charges. 79- g. Certain articles deviled and delivered by the king's majefty, for the quicker, better, and more or¬ derly difpalch of matters, by his majefry's privy council. Jan. 13, 1552. S'- 10. The reafons and caufes why it is now molt nc- ceffary to have a mart in England. 35. 11 . The difeommoditics and lets to the mart to be kc[)t in England. $7- i<3. Articles defired by Richard 1). of V ork for the government of France, when he received the fame by indenture. 18 Hen. VI. .91- b. 13 . An ordinance of h. Edward vi. about reform¬ ing the rules of the order of the garter. 14 . The fame in latin. 102 . 15 . A tract concerning the governance ot the realm eeelefialtieal and temporal. The 9 lal't articles (from N° 7 ) are all in 1C Edward VItil’s own hand¬ writing. 10 7- Aero, C. XT. Codex chartaceus, in fol. conftans foliis 433. The fecond volume of Fabian’s chronicle of Eng¬ land and France; from Richard I. to the beginning of the reign of Henry vn. not differing much from Kaftan’s edition: Lond. 1533. Codex partim chartac. partim membran. in folio, conftans foliis is«. polt fol. 15<;. extat libellus membran. in ito. foliis <24. 1. Regiftrum ehartarum hofpitalis de Burton S. I.azari de Jerufalcm, in Anglia, i. c. in Agio Leicel- treufi: cum evidentiis et bullis papalihus ad idem hofpitah fpedantibus : collegium et ordinatum A. 1). 1404. 2. 2 . Regiftrum ehartarum quarundam cantariarum in ecck-fia parochiali de Wallhale, in com. Staffor- denfi, fundatarum ; cum multis aliis chartis, ad do¬ minium et eccleliam ii'tam pertinentibus. 1 U). Regiftrum ehartarum domiui Henrici de Bray de Ilariefton in com. Northamptonienfi. Piunnit- tuntur brevis deferiptio numdi, ctqua’dani de comita- tilnis, epifeopatibus, et regibus Anglia*. i5(i. 4 . The lives and mart)rdoms of St. Wolfade, and St. Ruffin, put to death by their father Wulfere K. of Mercia, for having embraced the chrifiian faith; in old Englilh vcrlc; much damaged. N. Ik The monafterv of Stone in Slaffordfhirc was founded in honour of tilde two martyrs. 81. Nero, D. f. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 200. Sec. xill. Liber admoduni pravlarus, et Cummacum eura et diligentia verlandus. 1. Iliftoria de Oft a primo et feeundo : cum figuris in i’umma pagina per Mattlneum Paiilienlem, qui hunc librum camobio S. Albani dono eontuliife fertur in rubrieis. (vid. Wm. Watts, edit. Matthau Parifienfis, ad calceni.) 1 - 2. Qualitcr non complacuit B. Albauo alibi morari, nifi ubi paffus eft. 25 . b. De inventione et tranfiatione S. Albani; et dc rege Offa, fundatore eeelefia* Sei. Albani. 27. 4. V r ita* abbatum ecelefue S. Albani, per cundem Mattlneum Parificnfcm. (vid. VVa 11 s ut iupra fol. 85 et. feq. qui in editione Ilia h 5. b. 1:;. Nomina regum chriftianonun qui regnaverunt in Anglia: ' lfio'. b.' 14. Refponfioncs magiftri Laurentii tie See. Albano pro comite Cantin’ Hnberto dc Burgh, contra quern movit dominus rex graviflimas quail'd ones. 167. 15 . Figure clephaiitis invedi in Align am. 168. b. Hi. Inlignia qua'dam gbntilitia depida. 170. 17. Nolubu qiucdain dc leodis in. Anglia, eorum- que tenentibus. 17 h 1 8 . “ La iteule 1 ‘uth quele les fee res et les noneynes “ Lv. Ihcis dc N.re. l)amc des Pres, pres dc Sent “ Alban,'deyvount vivre. 17J. J 9 - Placita apiul fandum Albanum ct la Barnet, coram \\. .luge et W. tie Lcycclier jufticiariis : ubi babel ur tabula firrnarum pci tincntiuni ad abbatem ct monachos Sci. Albani. 1.114? 17.3. co. Tabula itincraria ab urbe Loudinum, ad Nea- pclin, ct cxlrcmitatem Apulia?. 182. b. -!• Stemina profapia? Tbonue comitis Sabaudias, Alienora? regime Anglia 1 , (Ilenrici III. uxori.) avun- culi - 183 . b. 22. Avis del meat jo • ct fchpinata quiedam cofmo- grapbiea. i 8 4. *. 28. Schema Britannia 1 , cum quatuor viis. (vid. Goughii Topograph. Brit. T. 1. p. 9. et li»-. 2.) 1 80 . b. 24 . Statuta hofpitalis de -Sco. Juliano, a Micbaele abbate Sci. Albani, ordinata. (vid. Mat. Parilienfis, Edit Watliana, p. 247 and.) 107. 2 . 5 . C hart re fundationis hofpitalis Sci. Juliani, juxta Scm. Albanum. jgo. 2fi. Confuetudines (et) regulre monialium B. Ma¬ ria 1 dc Sopwell, ab antiquo ulitata, ct per 1 ). Michac- lcm abbatem Sci. Albani renovat:c. (Gallice, idio- mate N ormannico. vid. Wats ubi fupra, p. 201 ) 1388 . 193. 27. Articuli obfervandi inter fratrcs profeffos do- j mfts Sei. Juliani. jng. 0 28. Churtarum quarundam ad monaft. Sci. Albani : fpedantinm,' apographa. jgj 2<>. Dc quodam demoniaco mundato ct liberato per lignum crueis. 2.0. Chartre Jobannis abbatis Sci. Albani; Innocen- tiiPapa?; aliaq. parvi momenti. 190. b. 8i. “ Magna cartaregis Johannis, quam rex Hen* “ rio ! s ln - juravit. iterum tenere in aula Weitmonaf- “ (J t bita eft fenteutia in infradores.” 197. b. 32 . Notulre qua’dam. 193. Kero, D. It. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 306 . 1. Cnronicon ab orbe condrto ad obitum regis Ed ward i 1. h. c. ad annum 1307 , a monaclio quodaln Roftenli confcriptum : cum figuris nonmillis, rudiori manu depiclis, in margine. 2. 2. ( ommendatio lamcntabilis in tranfitu magni regis Edwardi iv. fecundum J.ohanncm tie Londo- 111:1 i cum commendationibus lamcntabilibus comitum ctbuiomim, regum, Margaretre reginre, prrefulum, milituin, clcricoritm et laicormn. 2199. Chronica? monachi Roffenlis fupra laudatre (il. 1.) continuatio ad an. 1377. Scriplit quidam ncotericus banc die continuatiortem Ran. Higdeni Polychron. fed neque reperitur in editibpe Galcana; ct mull is quoquo numerls dilfert a vcrfione Treviiiana, qilam Caxton A° 1482 publici jrifls fecit'. 20 8 .' 4 . C hronica Jobannis■ t?c Oxenedcs 'mohaclii S. Benedidi dc HuhnO; ab acl'ventii Horlre''et Ilengifti in Britannitlm, Ji‘d A. 129’b. niultis de funda- tioneet dotationc iftius'moiialtdii prteiViifiis. 214. 2 . nironrcoumonafterii' l (fe'Beiio; ab inCarnatibne Domini ad-'Am 1206 . . - : j, 6 . I ragmentum veteris notitia? epifeoporum ; in- feribitur, “ Cronica llofjqnlis Lectio-.” 033. 7. Brevicula feries et iucceliio regum Angliw, ab .ELbelberto ad-Edw. I. (Galliccv) ‘ . isjgs! b. s. Brevis deferiptio regni iScot.k?. 239. b. I).- CienealogiayEtbclwulli regis. • Item de confiniis cpilcopatuuug.notula. ; . 0 . 10. De cccleliisifimdatis ante .adventum Normau- norum in Anglian). 240. !i. 11. De mirainibas Anglia?. - 241. b. 12. Nomina regum in Britannia majori. regnan- tium, ante nativitatem. Chrilti, ad R. Ricardum 11. 243 . 18. Nomina, archicpifcpporum- et, epifeoporum Anglia. 244. b. 14. De lafbundacton et ordonnance de l'ordre et compagnie dc.larjartier. .1 ... 24.7. 1 5 . De la creaciom et ftmnd&cfon defe lieraulx (d’armes.) 249. b. 1 6 . Les droiz ct largdl'es appartenant et dauncien- nete accouftumez anx l'oik d’annes, felon l’ufancedu Angleterre. . . .2.5 y b. 17 . La forme et marnere comment Pappellant et defendant doivent plaider devantde condlable et nia- r.elcbal. : , : 2^2. 18. L’ordonnanccde faire jdulies' et tournois. 233. ; 19 - Les droiz appartenans aux rois d’armes, et lieraulx, en leur abfence, en la it dejouftes aplailaunce. 254 '. b. 20. L'ordonnance et maniere de cr(‘er et faire nou- veaulx chlres du baing -ou temps de paix, felon la couftume de Angleterre. 2 . 54 . 21. Lefties fidiees dc Phcicbus, divers rois. fou- dans, princes,,&c. 255. .b. 22. Compilation de dive lies fentences, fur la crainte dc Dieu, ct diverfes vert us,. vices, &c. 2.37. b. 23. Conffitutiones Robcrti (Grolled) epileopi Lin- colnienlis, reetoribus pccleliaruin, vieariis, et facenlo- tibus parochialibus ejuldeni dioccefeos, directa’. 261. 24 . Walter us monachus.Gilbunieniis, de geftis R. Edwardi III. , 272. 2 . 5 . A11 index to> a. large hiftorical work, feemingly the above chronicle II. 1. 292.' 26. A fragment of a hiftory of the expedition of Edward the Black Prince, to aliift Peter the cruel, K. of Caftile, againft Henry furnamed the baltard. 301 . Nero , D. III. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 238 . 1. Regiftrum cbartaruln et munimentorum hofpi- talis S. Leonardi Eboracenlis. 1. 2. Quadani varii generis, ad abbatiam de Evediam pertinent ia. 242. 3 . Breves hiftorica? narrationes dc rebus Anglicis; abfquealiquo ordine temporis collehtas. Palfim. 4. Circuitio antiquarum bundarum foreftia? de Feckenham. 245 . b. 3 P 5 . Verfus 2"8 NERO, D. Ill—VIII ,5. Vcrfus fuper campanas infculpti: item tie quatuor terriporibus anni, See. 246 . 6 . “ De quotlam crafle pifce, viz. a Crafpeys, qui applicuit apud Dengemar." Donationes hie haben- tur omnium hujus generis pifeium (fturgioues nempe, balens, See.) monafterio de Bello. 248 . 7. Donatio Johannis abbatis tic Evdliam, tenemen- ti cujufdam, cum curtilagio, ejuldem abbatis. 249 - Nero , D. IV. Codex membranaeeus in folio, conftans foliis 25 S. Sec. vin et ix. T.iber prsclariffimus, elcganlilYimis charafteribus, ct curiofiftimis pro iftius feculi arte picturis ct deli¬ neation i bu.s ornatus : continet enim. Quatuor Evangelia, verfionis vulgats; cum inter- lineari verfione Dano-Saxonica, prsfationibus Hie- ronimi, Eufebii, See. De hujus codicis feriptoribus, cum quoad S. tex- tum, turn quoad interlineatam verfionejn et delinca- tiones, pluribus pridem feripferunt clodifT. viri Job. Seldenus, Tho. Marefchallus, Tho. Smithius in fua hujus bibliothecae hiftoria et fynopfi p. XXXIII. et non minus praeclare II. Wanleius in catalogo libror. ieptcntrionalium. p. 250 . Nero , D. V. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 393 , 1. Mappa terra habitabilis. l. 2. Flores biftoriarum: five hiftoria ab orbe condito ad an. 1251 . per Mattharam dc Pariiio, monachum S. Alban i. 2. 3. Qusedam gefta de rege Arthur© ; ubi non pauca do S. Dubricio. 393. Nero , D. VI. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 94 . i. Les noms des feigneurs tie Moubray trouv6s a Wcftminfter en les tirucies ? 2. 1. a. Dc pace Francis et Anglia:: being a collection of muniments relating to various mutual conceftiom, compacts, &c. between England and France in the reign of Edward ill. (French.) 4, 2. A letter of K. Edward III ; touching the difputes between him and the IT. of France, concerning the property of Belleville, Ponticu, Guides, Calais, &c.. (Fr.) Weftm. Feb. l, 1366 . 29. 3 . Donatio principals Acquitania?, fadta per regem Edwardum Ill, Edwartlo principi WalLiaj filio i'uo : aliaque adcandem pertinentia. "Weftm. July 19, 1362 . 3 L- 4 . Tradlatus Cartonenfis, ex parte R. Francis Jo¬ hannis; live de pace Francis et Anglia. 36 - 3 . Relaxatio facta per Alphonfum (X, R. CaftMlis) R.. I lifpannis, regi Anglia Hen. Hi de Vafconia. Toledo, 10 Cal. Maji 1292 . sice Hifp. A. D. 1254 '. aliaque act eantlem fpeclantia. 56 . b. 6. Dc treugis inter reges Anglia et Scotis, apud Berwick fuper Twede. (Gallice.) 061 . 3 , 1357. 6 i.b. 7. Proceftus factus ad coronationem regis Ricardi 11: ubi de officiis fenelcalli, conltabularii, mareicalli, See. 65 . 8 . Solemnitas coronationis regis Ricardi IL 70. 9 . Modus tenendi Parliamentum. 72. 10. Dc exequiis regalibus, cum ipfosex hoc fecuh* migrare contigerit. b. 11. Chronica bona et compendiofa de regibus Anglis tantum, a Noe ufque in nunc diem ; b. e. ad coronationem It. Ricardi II. 1377. 76. 12. Modus facicndi duellum coram regc. (Gallice) 13 . Liters R. Ricardi II conftituentes Tho. tie Bro- therton com. Nottingham, marefeailum Anglis, A° 1386 . 85 . 14 . Ufages que Thomas de Brotherton filz au roy (Edw. 1.) clamoit a ufer per Foffice marefchallie. (partim Latine partim Gallice.) S3. 15 . Officium marefcalli tempore pacis. (partim Eat. partim Gallice). sii. 16. Eftatutz, ordenances et cuft nines, faitez ciftre le roy Richard II. et Jehan due dc Lancalter, Thomas comte d’Efiex, et autres feigneurs comtes barons, ba¬ ronets et fages chevaliers, a Du refine 17 Juyl Fan du regne neolifme. 1385 . ’ s«j. 17. Les ordenances dc les tvois batailles, ct dc les deux eles du bataillc du roy Richard ll. a lbn pre¬ mier voyage cn Efeoce, fan de Ion regne neolifme. 91. b. is. An account of IT. Edward I. his journey into Scotland A. 1296; and of the Parliament he held 011 his return at Berwick. (Fr.) 9.3. b# Nero, E>. VII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 157. Catalogus benefadtorum, et omnium eonun qui in plenam fraternitatem monalterii S. Albani ufque ad An. 146 . 3 . recepti erant: cum compendiariis hiftoriis eorundem, ct pidturis. Nero, D. VIII. Codex membran. in folio, foliis conftans 347. 1. Galfredi Monumetheniis, primum arehidiac. turn epifeopi Afaphenlis, hiftoria de regibus major is Britannia', ad Ilobertum comitem Claudio-Ceftris ; quam ipie Galfrcdus de Britannico in latinum l’er- monem traiiftulit: libri XI. I laud parum diftert ub editionc Afeenfiana 1508 . libri quoque alia ratione dividuntuF. 3 . 2. Exccrptiones delibroGildsfapientis, qtiem coni- pofuit, de pi imis- babitatoribus- Britannis, et de exci- dio cjus. Sic inferibitui’ in rubrica: eft enim revera, Nenniihiftoria Britonnum,cui ftibjungiturtraetalulus de mirabilibus Britannis, qus funfe XXI. (conf. Tib. E. VIII. Calig. A. VIII. et Vitel. A. xill. 6 . 3 . . 3 .. Dudo congregationis S. Quintini decanus, de moribus et aclis primorura Norman nis due uni. (extat in Ducbefne hift. Norman, fc rip to rib.) 72. 4 .. WiL CaLcuIL Genieticeniis monachi, hi ft or is Xormannor. Hbri V. VI. vu. et VIII. band accurate deferipti (extant in praTato Duchel’ne, et in Camdcni Anglica, Hibernica, Normannica, &c.) 135 . b. 5 .. Vita Afexandri Magni R. Macedonum. 160. 6 .. Ejufdem cpiftola ad Ariftotelem magiiiruin, dc fitu I’ndis. 169. 7. Numenis et nomina librorum venerabilis Beds prefbyteri. i 74 . b. 8 . Qusdam prophetis Merlini Sylvcftris, dc regno Anglorum. 175. 9. Sil. Giraldi Cambrcnfis, Cambria deferiptio, ad Ilubcrtum Cant, archicp. inferipta: plura defunt qus habentus NERO, D. VIII.—E. I. habcntur in eclitione Camdenniana; plura etiam hie reperiuntur qua: in laudata editione ddiderantur. 170 . 10. Difputatio inter clerjeum et militem, fuper po- teiiate commifla preelatis, eccldiafticis, atque princi- pibus terraruni. 183 . 11. Dc originc gigantum in infula Albion oliin habilantium ; et de nomine ejufdem infulEe, qua: nunc Anglia dicitur. 186'. i<2. Delongitudine et latitudine Anglia:; ct quod in ea XXXll comitatus, II archiepifcopatus, ct XIV rpifeopatus eontiuentur. 187 * 13 . llanulphi Higdeni, monachi Ceftrenfis, Polv- chronieon, libri VU. ad annum ricmpe 1376. cum indice alphabctico. 188. 14. Tradatulus qui inferibitur “ Marianus Libro tertio de monalterio Coleeftrenli et ejus tundatore.” Cum figuris ecclefiar. el nomiuibus abbatum, ab Hu- gone Eborac'cnli abbate primo, ad Thomam Marlhall abbatem triedimum. 345 . Nero, D. IX. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 114 . 1. Lcs haultes, vertueufes prouefies, jouftes, et tournois de fire Jell an de Saint re, chevalier: autre- ment, d'une dame des belles couliues de France, et du chevalier de Saintre. 1. G. l)cs tres loyalles amours, et ties piteufes fins de mefiire Floridan chevalier, et de la tres belle et bonne demoifelle Eluyde. Ces deux Homans font dedi^s & Jehan d'Anjou due de Calabre et de Lorraine. II s'y trouvent plufieures peinturcs. (vkk Montfaucon Bibb MSS. vol. I. p. 31 .) 109. Nero, D. X. Codex partim chartaceus, partim membran. in folio, conftans fol. GOG. quorum 6 , vacui. 1. Gelafii Cyziceni common lari us de rebus geftis in fan6^0 concilio Xiceno. Verlio latina, diverfa ab ilia <|iiam, ex interpretatione Rob. Balforei, lucem vidit Lutetia?, 1599 . Fcrtur in elencho contentorum banc ex Vaticano codice exfcripfiife H. Cuffius. (in charta.) 1. G. Series impreffa, ex nnmmis imperatorum, a Claudio Gothico, ad Julianum imperatorem: in qua eorum genealogite, et prsecipue Conftantini Maximi, eontiuentur. Hanc tabulam An gel us Breventanus A. 1.590, Sixto V. pontifice inferipferat. 101. 3 . Chronica: incerti anthoris, fragmentum : ab anno nempe 1287 ad An. 1323 . Perperam inferibitur chronica Kic. Triveti. (in membranis.) 107. 4. Adas de Merimouth continuatio Xic. Triveti chronica:; ab A 0 1323 ad A11. 1.346 inclufive. (parum concordat cum editione Ant. Ilallib) 114. 5. Meta: inter comitatus Huntingdon, Northamp¬ ton, et Cautebrigc, compertie per inquiiitionem faditam apud Huntingdon, A° 1244. 140. 0 . Inquilitioncs de praxliis inhundredo de Norman- croffe, in com. Huntingdon. 140 . b. 7. Matriculus domini epifeopi Lincolniay de om¬ nibus eccletiis in archidiaconatu Leiceftriie, A. 1 ). 1 220. Scquuntur ultima taxatio ecclefiar uni, circa euiutem annum, denarii S. Petri, et penfiones. 143 . 8 . Taxatio 1 ‘piritualium bonorum et tcmpornlium ahbatis et convent its Leicellrcnlis, per Oliverum Lincoln. Epifcop. A° 1292. 157. b. 239 9. Valor ecclefiarum in archidiaconatu Derbv: cum taxatione bonorum temporalium prioris et con* ventus de Repyndun, plioris de Grcleley, prioris de Tuttebury, et aliorum abbatum, &c. 16'g. 10. Regiftrum decimarum omnium ecclefiarum in archidiac. Northampton; cum decimis bonorum, tani fpiritualium quam temporalium, omnium reli- gioforum in dicto archidiaconatu, ac penfionum pro quid us restores ecclefia: lblvcre debent. 173. b. l 1. Taxatio folutionis integru; decima: abbatum et pripruin, et omnium ecclefiarum infra dccanatum Co¬ ventry ct de Ardeiia. 193, 12. Expenfie qua: folent fieri apud London, a col- le&ore. 19,-,. (j, 13 . Modus feribendi acquietantiam pro ecclefia. 195 . b. 14. Modus feribendi literam fufpenfionis pro non folutionc. 195, ]j_ 1.5. Participatio feodorum militum de Rdgero Qiiinci, quondam comite Winton. laeta apud S. Neoturn, in vigilia S. Trinitatis, A. I). 1277, inter cohieredes ejufdem hiereditatis. 196. 16. Fragmentum cujufdani chronici dc rebus An¬ glicise unica pagina comprehenliim. 201. Nero, D. XI. Codex chartaceus in folio longiori, conftans foliis 213 . Andrew of AVyntown, canon of St. Andrews, and prior of St. Serbs ynche in Loch Levyn; his origi¬ nate chronicle of Scotland, in nine books : old Scotch verte. This copy begins about the middle of the eighth chapter of the fir it book, and breaks off at the beginning of the 2 . 5 th chapter of the ninth book. A full account of this MS. as alfo of the royal MS. 17 1 ). XX. and of the Harleian 6909, bcii'm- other copies of the fame work, are to be found in David Macpherfons edition of this author. London, 1 795. Nero, E. I. Codex membraneus, in folio crafliori, conftans foliis 428 . cujus pars longe maxima feripta fuit A. D. circitcr 1000. l. Vita S. Ofwaldi, Eborac. archiep. tempore /Elfrici Cantuar. archiep. ut propria manu illic annotavit D. Ufterius ArmachanuSf 1. -• -S. Egwini Wigorn. epife. per Brithwal- dum Wigorn. monach. A" 731. 22. 3- -S. Swithini, Winton epife. per Lantfre- dum, Winton. monach. A° 980 . cum libcllo dc mi- raculis, et hymno in honorem illius. 33. 4. -five de virtutibus S. Andrew, apoftol. per Gulielm. Malmefburiens. 51. b. 5 . Paflio S. Martina: virginis, Kal. Januar. 5 S. 6. Vita et miracula S. Batilii epifeopi, per Amphi- lochium cpilc. Iconii. 59. b. 7 . Paftio S. Gencvefte virginis. 6s. 8 . - S. Theogenis martyris. 72. 9 . -S. Luciani martyris. VI Idus. Jan. 73. b. 10. -SS. martyrum Juliani et Bafililfu:. 75. b. 11. Vita S. Hilarii, epifeopi ct confefforis. 83 . b. 12. Paflio S. Felicis martyris. 19 Kal. Feb. 86 . b. 13 . - alii S. Felicis preibyteri. codem die. 87. b. 14 . Paflio NERO, E. I. "2 4 o li. Paflio S. M'arcclli Papa?, is Kal. Feb. 88 . ii. Vita vel viliu S. Furfei. i? Kal. Feb. 91 . Ki.-S. Sulpicii epifeopi. Hi Kal. Feb. 95 . b. 17 . Prologus SS. Geminorum et S. Dclidcrii epif- cypi et martyris, urbis Lingonica?. 90. b. 1 s. Pfeufippi, Eleuftppi et Mcleulippi paffiones. 97 . ' 19 . Pafliones S. Sebaftiani martyris, et comitum ejus, qui paili iunt Roma’. 1.1 Ival. Feb. 100 . 20.-S. Agnetis virginis. 12 Kal. Feb. 112 . .21.-SS. Martyrum, Fru6tuofi, epifeopi, Au- g'urii, et Fulogii, diaconorum tjui paili funt Turra- come. 12 Kal. Feb. 114 . b. — S. Patrocli martyris. 1 15 . b. 23. - - S. Vinccntii martyris. 117 . 24. -S. Potiti martyris. 119 . b. 2.5. — Si. Afcla? martyris. 122 . 20. — SS. jBabyla? et trium puerorum. 128 . 27. - S. Poly carpi. 125. b. 28. -SS. Leucii, Tyrfi, et Galcnici 128. 29. Vita S. Brigida? virginis. 184. b. 80. Purificatio P. Virginis, cum fermonibus, 13P. Auguitini et Ambruiii de eadem. 140. 31. Paflio S. Tryphonis. 142. 32. -S. Agatha?, virginis et martyris. 14 O. 33. Vita S. Amandi, epil’c. ct confefloris. 147-b. 34. PalTio S. Valentini martyris. 151. 35. --— S. Juliana', virg. et mart. 153. 30. Actus Theophili qui Chriftum negavit et re- c 11 per IV it. 155. 3 7. Vita S. Albini epifeopi. 158. 38. Pafliones SS. Perpetua? ct Felicitatis. ICO. 39. -XL militum. martyrum. 163. 40. Vita S. Giegorii Papa?. 165. 41. Confeflio S. Patricii epifeopi. 1 O 7 . b. 4 2. PalTio S. Theodolite virginis. 173. 43'. Vita S. AIaria? JEgyptiaca?. 177. 44. Guthlaci anachoreta?, per Felicem mo- nachum Croilandenfem. 183. 45. — S. Ambrofii, Mediolanens. epifeopi. 194 . 40. Pafliones S. Eleutherii, epife. et Anthia? matris ejns. 200. 47. — S. Gcorgii martyris. 201. b. 48. - S. Marci evangeli it a-. 203. b. 49. -S. Vitalis. 204. b. r,o. -S. Jacobi apoftoli. 205. b. .3 1. -S. Philippi apoftoli. 206. 52. - P. Pancratii martyris. 207/. .33. —— Nerei ct Achillei. 207 . b. 54. Refcripta Marcelli, Nereo nempe et Achilleo. 209 .1). 55. De obitu Pctronclla?, paflio Felieula 1 . (defidc- rantui qua'dam.) 210 . 50. Pafliones Euticctis, Victorini> et Maronis. ax*?. 57. Pafliones Domitilla?, Euphrofyna?, Theodora' \ irginis, et Sulpitii ac Serviliani fponforum. 211 . 5 8. -S. Torpetis martyris. 212. 59. llelatio paltoris prelbyteri titulo S. Potentiana?, ad 'l imotheum pretbyterum. 214. 00. Vita S. Germani. 214. b. 61 . Paflio S. Cononis martyris. 221. b. 02. - SS. Alarcellini et Petri. 222. 08. —-- S. Herafini, epife. Antiochenlis. 223. b. 04. PalTio S. Ponifacii martyris. 226. 05. Vita S. Medardi. 227 . b. GO. Pafliones SS. Primi et Feliciani. 228. b. 07- - S. Gethulii martyris. 230. b. 08. -SS. Martyrum, Balilidis, Tripodis et Mandalis. SSl.b. 69 . -S. Symphorofte,uxoris B. Gethulii, cum VII tiliis. 232. 70.-SS. Martvrum Viti.Modefti, et C’refcen- tia?. 2S3. 71. Scrmo S. Auguftini in natale S. Johannis Pap- tifta?. 235. b. 72 . Alius ejufdem. 236. 73. Pafliones SS. Johannis et Pauli. “30.1). 74. - S. Petri apoftoli. 238. b. 7 5 . - 7 — S. Pauli apoftoli. 242,1). 70. -SS. Procelfi et Martiniani. 240. b. 77. - S. Felicitatis cum vil filiis. 247. b. 78.-SS. Rufina 1 et Secundae. 248. b. 79- Vita S. Praxedis virginis. (defiderantur quie- dam.) 249. b. 30.-S. Wanclregifiliconfefforis. (poftfol. 254 defunt multa.) 250 . 81. Paflio S. Apollinaris martyris. 255. 82. -*- S. Jacobi apoftoli. 258. 83. Vita feptem dormientium. 259 . 84. Paflio S. Pantaleonis. 268. b. S5. -SS. Simplicii, Fauftini etBeatr ieis. 206. 86. - S. Felicis. 266. b. 87. - S. Stephani martyris. 267. 88. -S. Cafliani. 2/0. 89- - SS. Sixti, Laurentiiet Hippolyti. 273 . 90. - S. Donati epifeopi. 279- 91. Vita S. Gaugcrici, epife. et confels. 2S1. b. 92. Paflio S. Eupli, Levita? ct martyris. 283. b. 93. --S. Eufcbii martyris. 284. b. 94. Epiftola S. Hierohymi ad Paulum et Eufto- chiuni, deallumptionc 1!. Alar i a* virginis. 28.3. 94 . a. Paflio S. Agapiti. 202 .b. 90 .--— S. Symphoriani martyris. G 94 . 9G. Vita S. Audocni, epife. et eonfefforis. 295 . 97 . Paflio S. Bartholonnei apoftoli. 297 .b. 98 . -S. Genefii. 300 . 99 . Vita S. Auguitini, epife. in provincia Africana. 301. b. 100 . -S. Savina? virginis. 3-H. b. 31.3. 101. Paflio S. Seraphiu\ 313. b. 102. A'ila S. Berlini abbatis. 31.5. b. 103. Paflio S’. Adriani martyris. 3 1 7 . b. 104. Scrmo de nati\ itatr S. Maria-. 322. b. 105. Vita S. Audomari epifeopi. 324. 106 . Paflio S. Jacincti martyris. 327. b. 107- -S. Cornelii martyris.. 328. 108. - S. Cypriani martyris. 328. b. 109- -S. Euphcmi'j?. 329 . b. 110. -SS. Lueiie ct Germiniani. 332. 111. Vita S. Landberti epifeopi. 335. b. 1 12. Paflio S. Alattluei apoftoli. 339- b. 1 IS. -SS. Mauritii, Exlupcrii, Candidi, Vic- ris, fociorumque eorutn. 343. b. 114. - S. Firmini epifeopi. 345. b. 115. - S. Cypriani. 348. 11 0. Paflio NERO ] 16 . Paffio S. Juftinite virginis. 349. 117 .-et acta SS. Cofmre et Damiani. 351. b. J l s. Dedicatio ec cleft® Michaelis archangdi 353. b. 119 . Vita B. Iiieronymi, prcfbyteri. 354 . b. 120 . Dc ccclcfia omnium lanCtorum qu® olim Pan theon didta. 357. 120 . a. Miracula B. Leonis Pap®. 357. b. 121 . Natale S. Nicolai pontificis ; cum notulis mu- ficis. 359-1). 122 . Vita S. Frithefwith®, filial Didani regia Oxi- nefordi®. 862. 123. -B. Davidis, archicp. Menevenfis, per Bicem'archum monaclmm. 364. 124. - S. Margaret® Antiochene. 368. b. 125. -S. Bcnedicti ct Scholaftic®. 372. 126. Exaltatio S. Crucis. 373. 127- Actus S. Sylveftri Papa*. 374. 128. Paffio S. Columb® virginis. 386. 129- Chart® conceffie monafteriis de Weftburv Brcdime, etWigornia, tempore Bcrnulphi, Oft®, Ccu- l'edi, aliorumquc regum Merciorum (partim Saxonice partim Latine) fragmentum cujufdam chartarum Wi- gornienlis cccleli® regiltri : extant hie chart®, fed plurimis in locis difcrepantes, in Cod. Cottoniano, Tib. A. 13, 1756. 3S7. 130. Leges five conftitutiones Eadgari regis, quas occalione graviftim® peftis per totum regnum ftatuit obfervandas : (Saxonice) folia bina ex libro quodam pocnitentiali avulfa. 39 * 1 . 131. Vita Ven. Bed® prefbyteri, per Cuthbertum. 394. 132. Paffiones SS. Petri, Andreas, Pauli et Dionyfii, martyr. 395. 133. - S. Peregrini, epife. antifliodiorenlis. 395. b. 134. Vita B. Frameliildis matris S. Auftrobertie. 396. b. 135. Paffio S. Torpetis, martyris. 39 s. 136. - S. Diofcori, martyris. 400 . 137 . Vita S. Potentian®, virginis. 401 . 138. - S. Dunftani, arcliiep. et confelforis. 401. b. 139. —--S. Adclberti, regis, per Olbertum Cla- renfem, moUach. Weltmon. A" 1 136. a.rc\. 409 . b. 140 . -S. Germanie pifeopi. coup. 411 . 141 . Paffiones SS. Macchab®orum. 414 . b. 142. VitaS. Atlielwoldi, epife. et confelforis, per Wolftanum Winton. monaclmm. 415 . [>. 143. Paffio S. Felicis martyris. 422 . b. 144. - SS. Spei, Fidei, et Charitatis. 423 . b. 145. -- S. Stephani martyris. 426 . Nero , E. II. Codex membran. in folio craffiori, conftans foliis 487- Sec. XIV. Lcs chroniques de France; depuis Priam roy de Trove, jufqu’ au couronement du roy Charles VI, 1 388. A fplendid MS. with many illuminations : it has been much damaged and contracted by lire, and is mutilated at the cud. E. I.—VIII. 4 +1 Nero, E. lit. Codex membran. in folio, conltans foliis 303. Sec. XV. Lcs anciennes croniques de Flandres ; depuis Sal- Varde feigneur de Rouffillon et comte de Dijon, 721 . jufqu A Philippe due de Bourgogne, mort 1404. Nero, E. IV. Codex membran. in folio, conftans fol. 169 . Sec. XVI. Opus hiftoricum et geographicum; cujus libri quin- que integri funt; de lex to enim fupereft tantum pri- mum capitulum, etpars fecundi. Angli® regis infignia primam decorant paginam. Nero, Ei V. Codex membran. in folio, conltans foliis 192 . Sec. XV. 1. Ordinationes, ftatuta, conftitutiones, decreta, et alia aCta et gelta in gcnerali Conftantienfi concilio, pr®lidente Papa Johanne XXIII. recolledta, vifa, et ordinata per prothonotarios, notarios, et feribas ad id per eundem Puparn, ipfo approbante concilio, depu- tatos. 1 . 2 . On go et procelfus gentis Scotorum ; ac de fu- perioritate regum Anglia* fuper regnum illud. Liber ei'at olim Humphredi D. Glouceftri®; ficut ille pro- pria manu in line teftatus eft. “ C’eftt livre eft a moy “ Ilomfrey due dc Glouceftre, lequel J’achetay des “ executeurs maiftre Thomas Polton, feu eveque de “ Wurceltre.” 191 . Nero, E. VI. Codex membran. in folio craffiori, conftans foliis 467 . Sec. xv. 1. Rcgiftrum munimentorum ct evidentiarum, ca- merarum, prteceptoriarum, platearum et locorum prioratus hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem in Anglia ; inceptum A. 1). 1442 . tempore fratris Roberti Bo- tiller, prioris diCti hofpitalis, A 0 fecundo. 1 . 2 . Nomina magiftrorum quondam templi in An¬ glia. 466. 3. Nomina magnorum magiftrorum quondam tem¬ pli Salomonis. 466 . 4. Nomina magiftrorum hofpitalis Jerufalem. 466. b. 5. Nominapriorum hofpitalis S. Johannis Jerufalem in Anglia. 467. b, Nero, E. VII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 173 . Sec. XV. Regiftrum chartarum prioratits de Walfinghain* in agro Norfolcienfu Nero, E. VIII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans fol. 83. Liber Anthymnorum in totum annum; cum notis mulicis : mutilus tarn initio quam line. 3 Q Gctlba, 24- G A L B A, A. I.— B. I. Galba, A. T. II. III. £ IV. Defiderantur. Calba, A. V. Codex membvan. in Svo minori, conftans liodie fulii's 35. igneet made re nimium corruptus. Pfalterium Davidis, charadteribus Ilibernieis ve- tuftiffimis : dicitur fuifle liber Ofwini regis. Calba, A. VI. Defideratul'.—Niii hue pertineat codex qni liodie Calig. A. XIV. iniignitur. Galba, A. A II. Codex membran. in 8vo. minori, continens folia 54. Igne et madore corruptus. i. Defcriptio totius orbis, fadla quondam aprinci- pibus Romanis ; cum exccrptis e libris Solini, et na- turali hiltoria Plinii. :. Brevis defcriptio Terra? Sandfce. is- 3. Defcriptio quarundam gentium, viz. Indorum, Seytliarum, Ac. deinde labulobe narrationes dc Cy- noeephalis, Satyris, Cyclopibus, &c. 2G. 4. Iliftoria brevis et luccineta ab orbe condito ad mortem II. Guliclmi I. et paulo ultra, i. c. ad An. iuyo. 31. Galba, A. VIII. Defideratur. Calba, A. IX. X. Two Arabic MSS. in Svo. much mutilated; in a cal'e. The one is laid to be a Koran; the other a book of prayers. Calba, A. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. Defiderantur. Calba, A. XV. Fragments of a paper MS. in 8vo. in a cafe: faid to contain the annals ot \\ inton. Calba, A. XVI. $ XVII. Defiderantur. Calba, A. XVIII. Codex membran. in Svo. minori, conftans foliis GOO. Sec. VIII. l. Calendarium vetuftum, cum figuris fignorum zodiaci in initio menlium. Dies fefti fandtorum la- tinis verfibus exprimuntur ; pnefigitur imago Chritti fedentis in folio, quern circumdant evangeliftie et prophetic. Imago altera, fere cadem, fcquitur inde, oum chore virginum et martyrum. G. 2 . Regulie explanantes XIV 1 ” lunam pafchalem. 15. 3 . Regula? fecund® lame, in temp, quadra- gefinue. 15. b. 4 . Regulie minores, ad inveniendam feriam kalen- darum. IG. 5 . Regulce majorcs, ad inveniendam lunam in kalendis. 16 . G. Argumentum ad inveniendum quotus tit annus incarnationis Domini: ex quo eonjiccre licet kalen- darium lioc deferiptum faille, A. D. 703. 1 G. b. 7- Ad inveniendas indictiones, bill’cxtuni. feriam Januarii menfis, epactas, annum decennovcnalem, an¬ num cycli lunaris, et concurrentes. 17 . S. Tabulte cyclovum lunariorum. 18. b. Hsec omnia feripta funt charabteribus Saxonicis. 9. Oratio ad crucem: fed adeo eraditur ut vix legi poflit. G 2 . 10 . Orationes queedam ad Dcum et Chriftum ; ad canonicas boras, pro defun 6 tis, &c. 2 S. 11 . Xotulaj quo die Carolus imperator, Pipinus rex, Bernardiis R. Woradus dux, et Himildruda comititfa, obierunt, et eelebrandi funt. 28. 12 . “ Origo prophetm Davidis regis, pfalmorum, numerus CL.” 30. b. 15. Pi-.efatio Sci. Hicronymi in pfalmorum libro. 32. 14. Vcrfuslii literis capitalibus deferibuntur. . 33 . b. “ Jura fuperna Dei qme funt, qu-ieunque requiris, “ Lector in hoe libro poteris gaudere repertis. “ Tu vigil arte turn menti mandare memento, “ Pafcere ut his animam poflis vitalibus el'cis.” 15. Pfalterium, de tranilatione I.XX. interpretum; emendata a Seo. Ilieronymo prelbytero, in novo. 34. b. 1 G. Pfalmus Davidis, cum pugnavit cum Goliath. 1 G2. b. 17- Cantica Veteris et Novi T.eftamenti. ids. 18. Ilymni: viz. Te Drum laudamus, et Gloria in exceltis Deo. Hie vero dicitur “ Hymn us in die do- minico ad MS.” (fcil. Matutinas.) 1 71- 19 . Oratio Dominica, fvmbolum tidei Sci. Atlia- nafii Alexandrini,cum quibufdam orationibus. 172 .b. 20 . Colleda; compofitie cx pfalmis; charadleribu? Saxonicis. 178. 21 . Gnecorum litanice. 200. 22 . Oratio Dominica, tine Doxologia in fine. 200 . 23. Symbol uni apoftoloruni. 200 . b. 24 . Trilagium: quatuor luce Gncce, fed Saxonicis cbavaclcribus. Pfalterium hoc olim regis /EthelRani fuitfe peculium leriplit quidam neotericus in tolicj primo fupervacaneo. 200 . b. Galba, A. XIX. XX. XXI. liodie defiderantur. Calba, B. I. This manufeript was formerly marked Vefpafian. F. XI. but this evidently is its proper place. The articles are here numbered, and not tho pages. Codex chartaceus, in folio, fchedis conftans 167- 1 . “La credence donn^e Mons. Tho. de Percy par Mons. de Lane, et les autres SS. mclfagers du roy. Bruges, le 14 Dec. 1374 :” 2 . Engelb. comes de Marka, to Edward m ; in behalf G A L B A, B. T. *4. behalf of Conrad Schoimveder and others, who had pecuniary concerns in England. (Lat.) Cologne, April 30. 3. Articles agreed upon for the marriage of Ed¬ mund Earl of Cambridge, with Margaret, the heirefs of Flanders. (Fr. conf. ltym. VI. 445.) Aug. j, 1364. 4 . “ Les chofes que les Meffrs. lien. Leferop, gouverneur de Calais, et Tho. de Uvedale, cheva¬ liers, diront parmy leur credence au comte de Flan- dres:” concerning the above marriage. (Fr.) Jan. A 0 R. 39 . 1364-5? 5. A provifionarv agreement between Edw. III. and the D. of Flanders ; concerning the intended mar¬ riage. (Fr. an indenture.) Nov.. 21 ,-1365. 6. Wolt. de Yfendairn and Hen. de Ghemen, to Sim. Burley; defiring to be informed whether the K. had been offended at fome delay of theirs. N. B. They were fubjeds of the D. of Guelders and Zutphen. (Lat.) Nimeguen, Aug. 23 , 1372 ? 7. The city of Amfterdam, to Edward III; in be- halt of Otho Broecberch, mailer of one of their diips. (Lat. a fragment.) May 11 . 8. Aubrs (Albertus?) count of Ilainault, Holland, and Zeland, to Edward III; complimental, and thanking him for greyhounds. (Fr.) Hague, Sept. 2 . 9- Aubi's (Albertus?) count of Ilainault, Holland, and Zeland, to Edward III; about the fucceffion to Ilainault, See. which Edward claimed by right of his queen Philippa. (Fr. Orig. which once had a feal.) Hague, Aug. 24 , 1361. 10 . A treaty of alliance between Edward III, and the 1). of Flanders. (Lewis III.) (Fr.) May 2 6, 13G7- 11 . The magiftrates of Dordrecht, to Edward III; about the woolftaple. (Lat.) 1360 ? 12 . A treaty of friendlhip and alliance between Edward III, and the count of Flanders. (Lewis in.) (Fr.) Tower of London, Dec. 10 , 1348 . 13 . Gerlac 1 . count of NafTau, to Edward ill; renouncing his promiled fealty, upon payment of a loan. (Lat.) April 23, 1341. 14. Jo. abbot, of St. Mary Middieburg, to Ed¬ ward III ; defiling his mediation in the quarrel be¬ tween Margaret countefs of Ilainault, and William V. her ion. (Lat.) Aug. 24 . 15. John (the intrepid) D. of Burgundy ; his pro¬ clamation for freedom of trade in favour of the Eno-- Iilh merchants in Flanders. (See a counterpart of Hen. iv. in Rym. VIII. 088.) (Fr.) Lille, June 12 , 141 1. 16 . Richard II, to Albert, 1). of Bavaria and count of Flanders; reprefenting the turbulent fpirit of his (Richard’s) nobles. (Lat.) 17. Balthazar, marquis of Meifien, to Edward III; thanking him for favours fhewn to Albert de Praga, his (Balthazars) chaplain; and recommending him to his further protection. (Lat.) Wizzenfels, Nov. 11 . 18 . Will. Stokes, to the Privy Council; givin«- intelligence of fome mifdemeanours concerning the exportation of wool and Ikins, &c. (Fr.) Middle- burgh, May 25 . 19 . Articles for the continuation and prefervation of a treaty of friendlhip between England and Flan¬ ders. (Lat.) 12 H. IV. 1411 ? 20 . Henry iv; his inflrufiions to Tlio. Picworth and others, commilfaries, to treat for a truce with Flanders. (Lat.) Leicefter, Nov. 29 , 1410 . 21 . Inftruftions of Henry Iv, to the Bp. of St- David’s, the E. of Arundel, and others; fent to treat ( with the D. of Burgundy for the marriage of the Pr. ol \\ ales with the daughter of the laid duke. (Fr* cout. Rym. \ III. 099.) Rothorhithc, Sept. 1 , 1411 .' 22 Some further articles of inftructions concern¬ ing the lall-mentioned treaty. (Fr.) 1411 . 23. The magiftrates of the four members of Flan- ders, to Henry iv ; remonftrating about the feizure ot feveral of their Blips in defiance of a truce (Fr ) May 5, 1411 ? v . • 24. The magiftrates and merchants of the ftaple at Calais, to Henry IV? requefting that lie will inlrruet Ins ambafladors to moderate the claims of the Dfs. of Burgundy for rellitution of damages. (Fr.) May i 1 25 . Tho. Picworth and John Catryk, to Hen. iv; reporting their negociations with the commiflioners ot Burgundy for the continuation of a truce; in winch indemnification for damages is chiefly infilled upon. (Lat.) Calais, May 11 , 1410 ? 2 fi. A fchedule of fome preliminary articles towards a treaty between England and Flanders; chiefly about indemnification, (hr.) Calais, Nov. is, 1409 . 27 . Merchants trading to Flanders, to Henry IV; remonftrating about infringements of a truce V Fr ) 1409? ^ ' 28 . Articles concerning which it is required that inftructions be given to Tho. Picworth and the other commiflioners at Calais; addrelfcd to the Privy Council. (Fr.) 1409 ? J 29 . Another article to the fame purport. 1409 ? 30. Henry IV, to his commiflaries at Calais; in- ftruftions about their proceedings, with the ratifica¬ tion of a truce. (IT.) Nov. 18 , 1409 . 31. An agreement of the commiflaries of Bur¬ gundy, to certain preliminary articles towards a truce with England. (Fr.) Calais, March 12 , 140 C? 32. A report to Henry IV. of the manner of the aflembly of his ambafTadors and the commiflioners of the Dfs. of Burgundy, and of the matters treated by them. Calais, March 6, 1406? 3;). Sir Rich. Alton, See. commiflioners at Calais, to Henry iv; iuclofing the above report. (Fr.) Ca¬ lais, March 15, 1406 ? 34. Sir Rich. Alton, Sc c. to the Privy Council • reporting their negociations. (Fr.) Calais, June 4 1400? ’ 35. Inftru&'ions of Henry IV, to fir Rich. Afton See. commiflioners at Calais) (Fr.) 1406 ? 36. Nic. de Ryfsheton, to fir Rich. Afton; ac¬ quainting him of a French and Spanilh fleet comin<»- again!! England ; and reprefenting the neceffity of providing for the defence of Calais. (Fr.) Calais 061. 14. 1404. * , 37 . Sir Tho. Swynford and Nic. de Ryfsheton, Englifh ambafladors, to John de Hangcfto, Ld of 1 leuguevilla, and G. Boifratier, French ambafladors; about a meeting. (Lat.) Calais, 061. 20 , 1404 . Alio two previous letters of the Fr. to the Englifh ambafladors on the fame fubject; the fir it Lat. Par. 061. 13, and the fecond IT. Mon trend, Oct. 20 1404. ~ * 38. Sir Tho. Swynford and Nic. de Ryfsheton, to the Bp. of Chartres, Hangefto, and Boifratier; defil¬ ing to poftpone the meeting. (Lat.) Calais, Oef. 21 , 1 4-04. On the back are the names of perfons by whom letters had been fent to the king and council. 39. Sir Tho. Swynford and Nic. de Ryfsheton, to Henry iv; reporting the correfpondence they had with the Fr. ambafladors. (Lat.) Calais, 061.22, 1404. 40. Nic. Ryfsheton, to the Bp. of Cambray; ac¬ quainting 2244- G A L B A, B. I, quainting him with having reported to the king the conference they had at Leulingham, and that the kino- had named other ambatladors of higher rank. (Lat.) Coventry, Nov. 2, 1404. 4 1. Nic. Ryfsheton, to Margaret, Dfs. of Bur¬ gundy, and to the four members of the countv of Fhmdcrs; about his report to the king, and advifing about the future treaty. (Lai.) Coventry, Nov. 2, 1404. 42 . Inftruetions of Henry IV, to the Bp. of Bangor, Ld. Camois, and others; lent to treat with the com- mitlioners of the Dfs. of Burgundy,^ and the tour members of Flanders; and alfo ot trance. (Lat.) Coventry, Nov. 12 and 16 , 1404. 4 ,'i. Commiffion and fafe-coiiduH tor the am bail a- dors lent to treat with the commiffoners of the Dls. of Burgundy. (Fr.) 1404. 44 . John Croft and Nic. de Ryfsheton, Englifli ambatladors, to the Privy Council; reporting that, at the Dfs. of Burgundy's requeft, they were to treat without the intervention of the four members ot Flanders. (Lat.) Calais. Sept. 20, 1404, 4 . r >. Sir Tim. Swynburn, Sir John Croft, and Nic. Rvsfheton ; four letters; the lit and 2d and fourth to the 1 >fs. of Bui gundy, dated Calais Sept. 30, ()ct. 3, and Sept 26 th,'and the 3d. to the magiftrates of the four members of Flanders, viz. G hent, Bruges, Ypres, and the Frank territory ; dated Calais, Oct. 1, 1404. 4 ( 1 . Nic. de Ryfsheton, to the Abp. of Canter¬ bury ? (Th. Fitz-Alan, chanc.) reports the negocia- tions, the French armaments, &c. (Lat.) Calais, Oct. G, 1404. 47 . One of the Englilh ambaffadors at Calais, to the Abp. of Canterbury; about feveral concerns both relating to the amhaily and to himielf: and on the fame Iheet and in intervals of the above letter, are copied i, a letter from the Englilh to the French ambatladors of Oct. 7 ; and s, one from the Fr. to the Englilh ambaffadors, dated Paris, Sept. 27, 1404 ? 48 . (a) The Dfs. of Burgundy, Margaret of Flan¬ ders r to the Englilh ambaffadors; anlwer to their letter of Sept. 28 . (Fr. part of I. 4.5.) Arras, Oct. 6, 1404. (b.) Croft and Ryfsheton, to Henry IV ; reporting- naval armaments. (Lat.) (c.) The Dfs. of Burgundy, to John Urban ; con¬ cerning regulations tor trade, &c* (1-r.) Arras, .1 line 7 - (d.) Swynford and Ryfsheton, to the French ain- baffadors. (Lat.) ‘ Calais, Oct. 8, 1404. 40 . J. Croft, and N. Ryfsheton, to Henry IV ; report their negociations with France and Burgundy. (Lat.) Calais, 061 . 11 , 1404. . 50 . The magiftrates of the four members of Flan¬ ders, to the Englilh ambaffadors; report their having forwarded letters to the Dfs. of Burgundy. (Lat.) Bruges, Aug. si, 1404 . 51 . The Englilh ambaffadors, Swynborn, & e. to the Privy Council; a report. (Lat.) Calais, Aug. 31, 1404. 52 . The Englilh ambaffadors, Swynborn, &e. to the Burgundian comm iff oners at Calais; concerning pre¬ liminaries. (Fr.) London, April 29 , 15,05? 53. (a.) The Englilh ambaffadors, to the four mem¬ bers of Flanders. (Lat.) Calais, Aug. 23, 1404. (b.) The Englilh ambaffadors, to the Dfs. ol Bur¬ gundy. (Lat.) 1404. (c.) The Englilh ambaffadors, to the “ Grand Con- leR” of France. (Lat.) Calais, Sept, l, 1404 . 54 . (a.) A poftfeript of a letter to the Privy Council, probably from the Englilh ambaffadors; lhewing how holtile the French are. (Lat.) 1404 ? (b.) The French, to theEfiglifli ambaffadors. (Lat.)' Paris, Sept. 1 (c.) The French, to the Englifli ambaffadors. Ano¬ ther copy of the above. (d.) T. Swynford and N. Ryfsheton, to Henry IV; cautions about the French. (Lat.) Calais, Sept. 19 , 1404. I 55. John Croft and N. Ryfsheton, to the Pm y 1 Council; a report oftlu irnegociation with Burguudv. (Lat.) Calais, Sept. 19 , 1104 . 5 G. Th. Swynford and N. de Ryfsheton, to llenrv IV ; a report of the ftatc of their negotiation, and in¬ timating fulpicions concerning France. (Lat.-) Ca¬ lais, Sept. 26 , 1404. 57 . Nic. de Ryfsheton, to Henry iv ; folk iting the- payment of his ftipend. (Lat.) London, July 21 , 1405. 58. Nic. de Ryfsheton and John Utlian. to the four members of Flanders. (Lat.) London, July 20, 1405. 59. The .Bp. of Bangor (Rich. Young) Sir Rich.. Alton. &c. to the Privy Council. (Lat.) Calais, April 7 , 140.5. Go. The Bp. of Bangor (Rich. Young' Sir Rich. Alton, &c. to the Privy Council. (Lat.) March SO, 1 405 ? 61 . The Bp. of Bangor, to Henry iv ; intelligence. (Lat.) London, Aug. 2 , 1405? 62 . The Bp. of Bangor, Alton. &r. to Henry iv ; on their negociations. (Lat.) Calais, March 30, 1405. G3. A propofal made to Henry IV. for a loan in fa¬ vour of Adolphus count of Owes and Marka, for which he is to become a valliil. (eonf. I. 71 .) 1404 ? 04. Nic. de Ryfsheton, to the Ld. Privy St al (John Langley) on his negociations. (Lat.) Calais, Dec. 1, 1404? G,5. Henry IV ; his commiffon appointing fir Th. Swynford, f:r Wm. Lyle, and Nic. de Ryfsheton, his ambaffadors, to receive anfvers from Hangcfto, and the other French ambaffadors (vid. Rym. \ lll. 668. Lat.) Lciceftcr, Aug. 5, 1404 . OG. Margaret, Dfs. of Burgundy, to the. Englifli ambaffadors; notifying her having named commif- lioners, and deliring a fafe-conduet for them. (Fr.) Arras, July G, 1404. G 7 . Henry IV; his commillion toTh. Sw-ynborn, J. Croft, Win. Lyle, Th. Swynford, and RyFlieton, to treat with the four members of Flanders. (Lat.) Wcftm. July 22 , 1404. ( 38 . “ Petitio nupef facia pro parte Brugenfium." Calais, March 14, 1403-4 ? (39. The Dfs. of Burgundy ? to N. de Rilsheton, See. ■ about the meeting for a treaty. (Fr. a fragment.) 2 May, 1405? 1 70 . The magiftrates of the four members of Flan¬ ders, to the Englifli ambaffadors ; about the treaty. - (Lat.) Bruges, Feb. 25 , 1404? 71 . llenrv IV, to Adolphus count of Cleves ; about ’ a propofed loan or iuhlidy, and the feudal ferviccs ' of the latter. (Lat. a rough draught.) (conf. art. 63.). 72 . Hugh Luttrell, John Croft, See. to Ilcnry IV ; about their negociations with the four members ot • Flanders. (Lat.) Calais, Jan, 4. 73 . Reynold, D. of Juliets and Guelders ; a decla¬ ration of his friendftiip for Adolphus, count of Cleves. (Lat.) Oct. 1 1 , 1402 . 74 . The Dfs. of Burgundy ; an order and decla- ’ ration concerning fome ihips detained at Newport. ’ (Fr.) Arras, May 14 and lG, 1404 . 75 . Nic. G A L B A, B. I. 75. Nic. de Ryfsheton. to the Privv Council ; con¬ cerning- the negociations with Flanders and France. (Lat.) Canterh. June 12. 1404? 76 '. The magiftrates of the Four members of Flan¬ ders, to the Englifh amballadors ; about continuing the negociations. (Lat.) June 14, 1404. 77. Nic. dcR\fsheton to Henry IV; concerning the treaty, and defiring the king’s atfurance of no hofti- litics being committed pending tlie negociation. (Lat.) London, June 2.5, 1404? 78. The magiftrates of the four members of Flan¬ ders, to the magiftrates of the town and the ftaple merchants at Calais ; concerning reports offome hof- tile attempts. (Lat.) Bruges, June 17 , 1404. 79 . The magiftrates of the four members of Flan¬ ders, to the Englith ambafiadors; 011 the fame fubjcdt. (Lat.) Bruges, June 17 , 1404. 80 . Henry it’, to fome of his ambafladors ; mention¬ ing two alternatives for making an alliance with the count of Cleves. (Fr.) Nottingham, June 11 , 1404 . 81 . Sir Rich. Afton, to the 1). of Burgundy (John the intrepid;) dilavowing certain holtile attempts, &c. (Fr.) Calais, March 1 8, 1403-4. 82 . John 1). of Burgundy, to Henry IV. and his fons; renouncing his alliance with them, being there¬ to compelled by Charles vi. K. of Fr. his liege lord. (Fr.) Auxere, Aug. 23, 1412 . 83. Inftruftions given to Englifh ambafiadors con¬ cerning a treaty with the D. of Guelders. 84. Ilenry IV, to William D. ofJuliers and Guel- dcrs; on his acceflion. (Lat.) 06t. 3, 1399. 85. Henry IV, to Aufers (Albert?) count of Ilainault; complimental. (Fr.) Wcftm. Feb. 16 , 1400? 86. Henry IV, to Wm. D. ofJuliers; complimental. (Lat.) Wcftm. May 20 , 1400? 87- Inftrudtions of Hen. IV, to Wm. Ifendem, lir Roger Siglem, and Wm. Fen by archdeacon of the Eaft Riding, lent into Germany and Holland; chiefly refpedting a marriage. (Lat.) Weftm. Feb. 21 , 1400 . 88 . Inftnidtions of Henry IV, to lir Roger Siglem, Robt. Waterton, &c. lent to the D. of Guelders ; to eftublilh good harmony. (Lat.) Weftm. April 14 , 1401. 8p. Cocntzo de Vifichenich, to Henry IV; notify¬ ing the den lift' of Will. IX. 1). of Guelders, and the fueeeflion of Rainold IV, See. (Lat.) March 4, 1402 . 90 . J. (de Bottlelham) Bp. of Rochefter, Wm. Heron, and two more, to the Privy Council; about fome Flemilh ihips captured by the Engliih. (Lat.) Calais, July is, 1402 . 91 . The four members of Flanders, to Englifh am¬ bafiadors; concerning a treaty, two letters. (Lat. imperfect.) Bruges, May 9 and 6. 92 . The ambafiadors of the D. of Burgundy, to Engliih ambafiadors; on various concerns. (Fr.) Bruges, May 4. 93. The ambafiadors of the D. of Burgundy, to Engliih ambafiadors ; fignifying that the French king- had ordered a fufpenfion of the proclamation of the treaty between England and Burgundy. (Fr.) Calais, June 14 . 94. John E. of Somerfet (fon to John of Gaunt) to the Privy Council ; concerning the execution of the commercial treaty with Burgundy. (Fr.) Calais, June 15. 95. Sir Tho. Swvnborne, and two others, to the magiftrates of Bruges; propofing to renew a former treaty. (Lat.) Loud. May 7, 1404? 96 . Ric. Bp. ol" Bangor, Afton, and Ryfsheton, to the Privy Council; a report about theft negociations. (Lat.) Calais, May 10 , 1405? 97. Ric. Bp. of Bangor, Afton, and Ryfsheton, to Henry IV : a report about their negociations. (Lat.) Calais, May 4, 1405 ? 98. Ric. Bj). of Bangor, Afton, and Ryfsheton? to the Privy Council. (Lat. a Fragment.) 99- (a.) The Engliih, to French ambafiadors. (Lat.) Calais, May 6, 1405? (b.) The French, to Englifh ambafiadors. (Lat.) Paris, April .30, 1405 ? (c.) The French, to xnglifh ambafiadors (Fr.) Arras, March 15, 1405? (d.) Nic. de Ryfsheton, to the French ambafia¬ dors; anfwer to the laftt article. (Lat.) 1405? (e.) The other Englifh ambafiadors, to the French ambafiadors. (Lat.) Calais, March 31, 1405? 100 . W. Heron, T. Rampfton, and W. tie Ryftshc- ton, to the Privy Council; a report, and referring to the Bp. of Bath; their co-ainbalfador, for further in¬ telligence about Calais, Sc c. (Lat.) Calais, June 29. 101 . Henry IV; an anfwer to the D. of Burgundy, about a truce with France. (Lat.) Aug. 17 . 102 . A deed of Joh. de Bordili, about the allot¬ ment of a toll called “ Bordonagium.’ (Lat.) 103. The D. of Burgundy, to Henry IV? defiling the reftitution of fome goods feized at fea. (Fr.) Hefdin, April 28 . 104. Wm. Efturmy and J. Kyngton, to J. Fry, be¬ ing with the Ld. Privy Seal; defiring he will procure them the payment of arrears. (Lat.) Dort, June, 1402? 105. Theod. Potter Sec y to the D. of Holland ; an information about the feizure of a fhip. 106 . Nic. de Ryfsheton, T. Pikworth, and R. Oldyngton, to the ambafiadors of Burgundy and Flanders; on their negociations. Calais, May 3. 107 . The K. of England (Henry IV?) his order to fir Tho. Burton, and fir Nic. Montgommery, to bring the dukes of Bourbon and Orleans before his council in London. (Fr.) June 8, 1407 ? 108. William IX. D. of Guelders, to the Englifh privy council; demanding the reltitution of fome goods fhipwrecked. (Lat.) Salt Bomel, Sept. 4 . 109 .count of Flanders, to fir Nic. Tamworth Capt. of Calais; apologizes for not having fent fooner a letter or power for treating with England. (Fr.) Ghent, April 28 . 110 . Henry IV; an order lo his chancellor, to ifiiie a new letter of marque in favour of John de Waghen, who had been injured by fome Flemings, (conf. Rym. VIII. 733 . Fr. a draught.) May 7 , 1412. 111 . Henry IV? his fafe-condutt for commifiioncrs from Burgundy, and their retinues, 100 in number. 112 . The Bp. of Worcefter and the E. of Somerlet, to the Privy Council; about complaints of griev¬ ances ; with a felledule of a treaty incloled. (conf. Rym. viii. 25S.) (Lat.) Dort, June 18 , 1402? 113. William VI. count of Ilainault, to Henry IV; fent by Theodoric Potter, who is to folicit fome in¬ demnification. (Lat.) Hague, May 1 . 114 . William VI. count of Ilainault, to Henry IV; about, the feizure of a fhip. (Fr.) Hague, June 6. 115. William VI. count of Ilainault, to Henry IV; about grievances. (Lat.) Quefnoi, Oct. 30 . 116 . Ilenry the IV, to the four members of Flanders; defiling the continuance of the treaty with them dur¬ ing his going to quell the troubles in Guienne. (Fr.) Weftm. May 16 , 1412 . 3 R 117- The 246 G A L B A, B. I. ] 17- The Bp. of Liege, to a K. of England, recom¬ mending- Ren. de Schannhorft. (Lat.) Feb. ' 20 . 1 is. The magi ft rates of Schiedam, to a h'. of Eng¬ land; demanding rcltitution for Barthol. Kokus. (Lat.) April 26 . lif). The magistrates of Dort, to the fame K; in favour of the fame. (Lat.) 120 . A duke of Guelders (William) to a K. of Eng¬ land (Ric. II.) recommending duke Swanneburn? (Lat.) l’alkenberg, June 2 , 0 . 121 . The council of the D. of Burgundy, to the 1). of Gloucefter governor of the realm ; exhibiting complaints of the four members of Flanders concern¬ ing fome damages at fea. (IV.) Ghent, .May 22 , 1420 ? 122. The magifrates of the four members of Flan¬ ders, to the 1). of Gloucefter governor of the realm ; about naval damages. (Fr.) Ghent, May 2 .!, 14 , 1420 ? 128. The D. of Burgundy, to fir Wm. Bardolf, Ac. F.ng-li lli ambalfadors at Calais; concerning damages at fea. (Fr.) Ypres, Sept. 24 , 1420 ? 124 . The council of the 1). of Burgundv, to fir Wm. Bardolf governor of Calais; about the red rets of attempts. Ghent, Oct. 31, 1420 ? 12.3. The Lieut. Ac. of the company of the mer¬ chants of the ftaple at Calais, to Whittington, mayor of the ftaple; about their trade with Amiierdam, and fome trefpatfes. (Fr.) Calais, Oct. 24 , 1420 ? 12 d. The four members of Flanders, to fir Wm. Bardolf; concerning a meeting for the redrefs of attempts. (Fr.) Ghent, Oct. 31, 1420 ? 127 . The Lieut. &c. of the ftaple at Calais, to M hittington, mayor of the ftaple; about their trade with Amiierdam,Ac. (Fr.) Calais, Nov. 7 , 1420 ? 128 . Sir Wm. Bardolf, to the 1). of Gloucefter; iuclofmg fome of the above letters. (Fr.) Calais, Nov. 18 , 1420? 120 . Philip (the good) D. of Burgundy, to the bailiffs ot Newport and Fumes ; about the rcltitution of Englifli iliips. (Fr.) Ghent, 1420 ? 1 00. The four members of Flanders, to Ilenry V; about the prorogation of a truce. (Fr.) March 24 , 141 s. 131. Jlcnry v, to the 1). of Bedford; about the prorogation of a truce with Flanders. Vernon, April 28, 14 18? 1 ‘> 2 . Henry v, to the four members of Flanders; in aniwer to l. 130. about the prorogation. (Fr.) Vernon, April 20, 1418. 133. Initrurlions to ftr Wm. Bardolf and others, commiftioncrs to treat of the prorogation with Flan¬ ders. (Lat.) Weftm. June 1 , 1419 . 134. Other inftruCtions to the fame. (Lat.) 1419 . 13.3. “ Dcclarationes intentionis regis (Hen. V.) “ concernentcs negocium provilionis inter Angliam " et partes Flandrite.” March 21 , 141 b. 180. An indenture of a treaty between England and Flanders. (Orig. Lat. with foals.) Calais, Oct. 12 , 1 4 1 Ci. 137- Ifenry V, to his Privy Council; defiring them to inform him how John of Bavaria (brother to Wm. vi- ( I. of Hainault) Bp. of Liege, had conducted himfelf toward England. Camp before Rouen, Get. 21, 1417- 138. Hen. Beaufort, bifhop of Winchefter, to the Bp. of Durham, Chanc. about the reititution of a (hip of Bruges detained at Plymouth. (Fr.) Bruges, Sept. 4, 1417. 139 . Henry v? his warrant to the Exchequer, to pay certain expenfes due to John Henvnghain, lent into Flanders. (Fr.) 140 . II. Bp. of Winchefter, to (Th. Langley) Bp. of Durham, Chanc. defiring to he informed whether Bog. Salvavn was to hold the office of treafurer of Calais, (i’r.) Bruges, Sept 4 , 141 7- 141 . John (the intrepid) 1). of Burgundv; his confirmation of the truce concluded with England. (Lat.) Amiens, Aug. 17 , 14 17 . 142 . Ilenrv V. his inftmetions to fir Wm. Sturmy and Richd. Leyat, lent to Jacob.ea countds and heirefs of Hainault, Ac. (Lat.) Weftm. March 1418. 143. The four members of Flanders, to Henry . . . ; remonfttrating again ft the lei 2 ure of fome of their iliips. (Fr.) Ghent, May 9 . 144 and 14 . 3 . The Count de Charrolois (afterwards Philip the good D. of Burgundy) to the D. of Bed¬ ford ; about the commerce in the ports of Flanders, and the infraction of former treaties. (Fr. two letters.) Ghent, May 2 . 3 , and July (i, 141.5? 14b and 147 . The four members of Flanders, to the D. of Bedford; on the fame fubjeets. (Fr. two let¬ ters.) \ pres, July 15, and Ghent, Aug. 50 . 141 5? 148. The count de Charrolois, to the D. of Bed¬ ford ; complaining of grievances. (Fr.) Ghcni, Sept. 1 , 141.3 ? 149 . The four members of Flanders, to the D. of Bedford; complaining of grievances. (Fr.) Ghent, Sept. ], 141 . 5 ? 150. John D. of Bedford, to the count tic Char¬ rolois; in anfwer to a letter of his of Aug. 20 , com¬ plaining of grievances; a fimilar letter alfo to the four members of Flanders. (Fr. a draught) Weftm. Nov. 8 , 1415? 1.31. Inftructions of Henry VI, to Wm. Unton and Edw. Grymdton, fent to the Dis. of Burgundy. (Orig. figned T. I vent.) Weftm. March 17 , 1449 . 152 . Inftructions of Henry VI, to J. Ed. Duddeley and T. Kent, fent to the Dfs. of Burgundy, (coni', llym. XI. 233.) Weftm. July 30 , 144 . 0 . 15 . 8 . Henry vi, to the Bp. ofTournay; complain¬ ing of the detention of Tho. Chapman, an F.nglilh ecelefiafttic going to Rome. (Fr.) Kenington, Aug. 27, 1442. 154. Ifabella of Portugal, Dfs. of Burgundy; her ordinance concerning the filherics on the coaft of Flanders. (Fr.) Sept. 29 , 1439 . 155. The magiftrates of Dort, to Henry VI; com¬ plaining of grievances. (Eat.) June 3, 1 138. 156. Henry VI, to Jacqueline Cfs. of Holland; ex- prefling his with to preferve a good underftanding with her. (Fr.) Decemb. 14, 1434. 157 . Henry VI; a proclamation in anfwer to a letter from Philip D. of Burgundy, complaining of divers injuries. (a draught, but ligned by feveral of the council.) (Fr.) Weftm. March 17 : 1435. 158. Henry VI, to Jaqucline Cfs. of Holland; re¬ commending concord; is pleated at her good recep¬ tion of his former letter, I. 156. (Fr.) Welim. March 29 , UJ;>. 159 . Henry VI; commiflion to his ambafladors, fent to treat with Burgundy for a truce, (ligned by the council.) June 28, 1434. 16 0. Henry VI; a circular letter to the cities of Holland and Zealand: to the fame purport as I. 156. (Fr.) Dec. 14 , 1434. 161. Henry VI, to the city of Ghent; notifying his intention of being crowned in England, (fr- figned by the council.) Weftm. Oct. 18 , 1429 . 16 2. InftruEtion? GAI.BA, B. I.—III. 247 lG' 2 . Infi ructions for the commilTioners who were to ratify the prorogation of truce between England and Burgundy, concluded at Bayeux, March 27 , 1428 ; and of thole who were fent. to Calais, to treat for the reparation of certain attempts againft the faid truce. Berney, June 1 , 1429- i(> 3 . Win. Camden, herald; his certificate of the arms of Robert Hampfon of London. 061. io, 1 G 02 . 164 . Edward IV; his order to the Privy Seal, fora warrant to be made out for a patent guaranteeing the dominions of Charles D. of Burgundy as his vufial. (Fr.) Weftm. Aug. 14, 1467- 1G.3. Edward iv; another, order to the fame pur¬ port. 'Windfor, July 17 , 14 G 7 . lGG. Edward iv; another order for a patent ap¬ pointing Ld. Haltings, &c. his ambafiadors to treat with the D.of Burgundy. (Eat.) Lichfield, May 14 , 1473. Hi 7 . Notes of the years of certain embaflies, from 1402 to 140 . 3 : collected probably for the arrangement of the contents of this volume. Galba, B. II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians fol. 135. cum fuperiore fimul compadlus. 1 . A treaty of commerce between England and Burgundy, with the full powers and ratifications of Ilcnry vil. and Philip Arehd. of Auftria, D. of Bur¬ gundy. (Lat. vid. Ilym. XII. 713.) May 18, 1499 . 1 . 2 . Another copy of the fame, fomewhat diffe¬ rent. 7. 3 . Copies of letters between Henry All, and the Bp. of llochefter, & c. concerning the above treaty. March and April, 1499- 13. 4. Inftrudions of Henry A ll, to Ch. Somerfet vice- chamberlain, and Wm. Warham, mailer of the Rolls; to be/hewed to (Philip) king of the Romans; pro- felling an earneft defire to enter into a dole alliance. (Orig. alfo a draught of the fame, defective.) 1502? 19. 5. Inftrudicns of Henry VII, to one Wildfire; to be ilicwn to Mefiire Charles, an agent in Flanders; particularly for obtaining intelligence concerning rebels. (Orig. Fr.) 1502. 26 . G. An agreement for afubfidy to be paid by ilenrv VII. to the Emperor, for lighting againft the Turks; with Henry’s commifiion to Somerfet and Warham for the purpole. (Lat. vid. Ilym. XIII. 10.) Antwerp, June 20, 1502. 28. 7 . A claufe in a treaty of intercourfe between Henry All, and the Emp. Maximilian. (Lat. a fragment: vid. Rym. XIII. 13.) July iy, 1502. 30. 8. Henry a h ; his ratification of the treaty of amity with the Emp. Maximilian ; with the treaty itlelf. (Lat. vid. Rym XIII. 22 .) Aug. 14 , 1502. 31. 9 . Two fragments of the fame treaty. 40. 10 . Another copy of the claufe II. 7 . 49- b. 11 . Several confirmations of treaties betAveen Henry VII, and the Emperor. 52. 12 . A letter from Englifh commilTioners with the K. of the Romans (probably Somerfet and Warham) reporting their negociations, and defiring inftructious. 1502. 56. 13 . Inftrudtions of Henry VII, to his commilTioners with the K. of the Romans, (defective.) 1502. 62 . 14. Henry A ll; his inftrudions concerning cau¬ tions to be given to Richard de la Pole E. of Suffolk. 15. Twenty-feven fragments, too defective to be deferibed. 74 . X. B. Whether the following articles belonged to this volume cannot be afeertained. 1 G. A difpatch from Englifli eommiffrs. with the K. of the Romans, reporting feveral conferences, Feb. 1503. 101 . 17 . Two papers concerning a ncgociation. (Lat.) 113 . 18 . Rough draughts of two reports from the Low Countries. 11 q . 19 . Henry ah. to Tho. Wolfey: about his mar¬ riage with tiic Dfs. of Savoy. (Orig.) Nov. 7 , 1504 ? 125. 20. Henry VII, to Tho. Wolfey; inftrudions con¬ cerning the treaties of marriage between the Arehd. Charles and princefs Mary; and his own with Margt. of Auftria, Dfs. of Savoy. (Orig. Lat.) 1500? 128. 21 . A fragment of a letter addreffed to a Lady; probably in the hand of Henry VII, and perhaps to the Dfs. of Savoy. (Fr.) 132 . 22. Three leaves of fragments; very imperfect. 133. Galba, B. IIL Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians foliis 342 . 1 . Th. Spindly, to Lewis Morcton ; remonitrating againft the Emperor’s exorbitant demands. (Fr.) Malines, Jan. 9 , 1512-13. 1 . , 2. A contract between Th. Spindly, and Hans Po- penruyter; about the cafting of feme guns. Jan. 9 , 1510- 3. 3 . Minutes of two letters from Spindly, to Henry A r lll; with intelligence, and about the cafting df foine guns : alfo the draught of an anlwerto one of thofe letters: all in Wolley’s hand. 1510 . 4. 4. Spindly, to Henry VIII; four letters of intelli¬ gence. One of them partly in cypher. (Orig. Fr. and Eng.) Jan. 26, March 28, July 24 , and Aug. 8, 1512. 7 . 5. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII ; recom¬ mending C. Ugochoni, a Florentine refiding in Lon¬ don. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffells, May 18, I5i2. 12. b. G. Wm. Knight, to Wolfey (Bp. of Lincoln) ; dif- fuading the marriage between Charles of Auftria, and princefs Mary. (Orig.) Malines, May 2, 1514. 13 . 7. Henry VIII, to the emperor Maximilian; urging him to exert himfelf in defence of the Pope. (Lat.) Greenwich, May 8 . 1512. 15. 8 . Margt. Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilcnry A'HI ; requefting that he will order his ihips to pro ted the fhheries of the Hollanders, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Brullds, Aug. 11, 1512 . 16. 9 . Margt. Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; requefting the reftitution of two veliels belonging to Alph. de Lalo. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, April 20 , 15IS. 17 . 10. Spindly, to Henry \ HI; intelligence chiefly from Italy. (Orig.) Fr.) Bruffels, Nov. 3 , 1512. is. 11. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; in behalf of Jaquet Berenghiers a merchant. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, Sept. 20, 1512. 19 -b. 12. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; de- firing the reftitution of a/hip.' (Orig. Fr.) Malines, December 7, 1512. 20. 13. Henry VIII; his commifiion to E. Ponyngs, J. Yonge, T. Boleyn, and R. Wyngfield, to treat with 24§ G A L B A, B. III. with the Emperor. ( Lat. vid. Rym. XIII. 344.) Weftm. Dec. 20 , 1512. 21 . 14. Maximilian (the Emperor); his commiflion to the Dfs. of Savoy, to treat with the Englith com- miffioners. (Lat.) 22 . b. 15. Henry VIII; his ratification of a treaty, pro¬ bably of the 5 th of April. (Lat.) Weftm. May 3 , 1513. as” b. 16 . Copies of forty-two letters from Ponvngs, &c. to Ilenry v 111 ; reporting their negoeiations with the Emperor, the Dls. of Savoy, &c. towards the treaty of April 5, 1513. Of various dates, from April to Nov. 15 12 . N. B. They mult have nego- eiated before their commiflion of Dec. 20 th was if- l'ued. 25. 17- Henry vill; his infmictions to commifiioners in Flanders, (defective) Nov. 1512? 54 . is. Henry vill; further infiructions, refufing to fublidize the Swifs. 1.513? 50. 19- J. Flowr? to Henry vill; defil ing a fafe- conduct for a Ihip. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. oi, 1513. 0*3. 20 . Francois de Taxis, to Henry Mil til's Privy Council; about two additional pofts laid on between Malines and Calais. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 4 . 1513. " 63. b. 21 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Wolfey; defining direc¬ tions about imprelts, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 16, 1513. 64. 22 . Spindly, to Henry VIII; intelligence from Italy ; the death of Pope Jul. II. &c. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, March 9 , 1513. 66 . b. 23 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry VIII; about the reftitution of two veffels belonging to Alph. de Lalo. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, March 20,15 13 . 66. 24. Spindly, to Henry vill; cautioning him to take care of his perfon ; and about fupplanting Chievres. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, March 1 8, 15 13 . 67 . 25. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry vm; re¬ commending J. de Corf to be placed in the fcrvice of princefs Mary. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, March 22 , 1513. ’ 67 . b. 26. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Frederick Ct. Palatine; thanking him for kind offers; and about the hire of troops. (Fr.) Malines, April 2 , 1513 . 68. 27- The treaty for the defence of the church. (Lat. vid. Rym. XIII. 354.) Malines, April 5 , 1513 . 69. 28. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; re¬ commending Steph. de Brixia vicar of the order of Carmelites, who was coming to England on a vilita- tion. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, April 10 , 15is. 74. 29 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to the cardinal of England ? contradicting the fall'e reports of the French, of a truce between them and the K. of Ara¬ gon. N. B. Wolfey was not Card, at this Time. (Lat.) Bruffels, April 30, 1513. 74 .b. 30. Jan. Faucquet de Sauntonier, to.re¬ ports various motions of the French on the borders of Artois. (Orig. Fr.) May 4, 1513. 75 . Si. Richard de Thyrkyll, to Henry vill; reports his proceedings; i’olicits protection again ft Clifford, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, May 11 , 1513. 75 . b. 32. The emperor Maximilian, to the Dfs. of Savoy; defil ing her to urge Henry vill. to begin the war with France, and to make the two firlt payments of the fubfidv. (Fr.) May 12 , 1513 . ' 70. 33. Jero. Frefeobaldi, to Spindly? acquaints him to Henry vill Ilfs Colic. (Orig. Fr.) of his having fent off fome tranfports. (Ol io-. Fi 1 Antweip, May 14 , 15 13. 7(j. h. 34. Henry vill, to Ponvngs? and Wingfield; about, matters of the army in Flanders, &c. (a'rough draught in Wolfey's hand.) Mav, 151 . 3 . 35. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry vm ; ac* knowledges the receipt of a letter. (Ori»-. Fr.) Bruffels, May is, 1518. '" 73 . |,/ 36. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry VIII; con¬ cerning Adrian de la Cofte's claim for indemnifica¬ tion. (Orig. Fr.) BrulTclls, June 3, 1513 . 70 . 37. Wingfield, to Wolfey; about the motions of the troops, Sec. (Orig.) Bruflells, June 4 , ]. 3 i 3 . 80. 38. Anth. Bruflet, to an Englifli general; rep re¬ lenting his lervices againtt. the French ; and requett- ing the grant of a certain eftate. (Orig. Fr.) < I rave¬ lines, June 4, 1513. ' hi. 39 . Margaret Dfs. of Sav council; in favour of de la Bruffells, June S, 151 3. 40 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry vm ; thanks for prefents; and profell’es her zeal in the common cauie. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfells, June 5 , 15 J 8 . 82 . 41 . Wingfield, to Ilenry Mil; reports the victory of Novara. (Orig.) Bruchfal in Suabia June 15 1513. 83. ? 42. Wingfield, to Ilenry \ in; about a new con¬ federacy, See. (Orig.) Bruchfal, June 26 . 1 . 513 . 85 . 43. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII ; lent by Spindly. (Orig. Fr.) Oudenardc, Aug. 7 , 1513 . 86. b. 44. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Hemy vill; con¬ gratulates him on the victory of Guinegate. (Orig. Fr.) Lille, Aug. iy, 1513 . 37. 4 5. Spindly, to Ilenry VIII ; about a requeft of the K. of Aragon, and intelligence. (Orig. the end wanting.) Lifle, Aug. 25, 1 513. gs. 46. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry MU; ac¬ knowledging the receipt of two letters. (Orig. Fr.) Oudenarde, Aug. 11 , 1513. ' yy. 47. The treaty for refuming the offenfive war againtt Lewis xn. and folemnizing the marriage be¬ tween prince Charles and Pfs. Mary. (Lat. vidMlvin. XIII. 379.) Lille, Oct. 15. 1513. ” yo. 48. Charles prince of Caftille, to princefs Marv: credential : he add relies her “ ma bonne comp and figns himfelf “ Vie. bon Marv.' Dec. is, 15 13. 49. A rough draught of fome i ing a treaty with the Emperor. 1513? ipagnc, Orig.) Malines, 93. iftrudions concerri- (in \\ alley's hand.) 94. 50. Eighteen original letters from Spinellv, to Henry VIII; all of the year 1513. 96 . 51. An order for the payment of wages to Ld Ferrers, and others, (a rough draught iu Wollev’s hand.) j ' (i 52 . Charles de Crov, to Ilenry vm ; demanding to be indemnified for damages done bv the EnHiili troops on his eftates. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Eclf •' , 1514? 1.3 7 .’ 53. Charles prince of C'attille, to Henry vni; for an indemnification to P.Mertens, a merchant of Dor¬ drecht. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, March s, 1514 . 13 s. 54 . Spindly,-to Henry vill; intelligence; fiipphes demanded of the Fr. king, by Albany, forgoing into Scotland. (Orig.) Antwerp, March ” 19 , 15 1 j ? ” 59 . 55 . J. de Berghes, to Wolfey, &c\; exprefling con¬ fidence and friend Ihip. (Orig. Fr.) Berghes, March 31, 1514 ? 141. 56. Charles ' 56. Charles prince of Caftile, to Ilenry VIII ; con¬ cerning a treaty with France. (Orig. Fr.) April, 1514. ‘ 142. 57 . I)r. Win. Knight, to Wolfey; intelligence ; and in behalf of John Newington a kinfman, who had been defrauded by Rich. Thyrkylk (Orig.) M alines, April 3, 1514. 143. 58. Ric. Win ton. (Fox Bp. of’Winchefter) to Wol¬ fey. (a fragment.) Ether, April 17 , 1514.' 145. . 59 . Wolfey and the Bp. of Winchefter, to Ger. de Plan is? president of the council of the prince of Caftile ; excufcs on account of a letter that was not duly forwarded. (Orig. Lat.) London, Aug. 12 , 1514. 146. 60 . A paper of items, concerning the affairs of Flanders, G nines, Tournay, &c. 146. b. 61 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Wolfey; compli- mental. (Orig. Lat.) Bruffels, Dec. 23, 1514. 147- 62 . Twelve original letters of intelligence from Spinellv, to Henry VIII. (written in the year 1514.) 148. 63. Twenty-fevcn original letters from Wingfield, Knight, Spindly, and fome from Ponyngs and Knight, to Ilenry VIII; &c. (written in the year 1514. ) 174. 64. Anfwers of Englilli commifiioners, to fome ob- fervations offered in a ncgociation for a treaty of commerce with the Emperor and Spain. (Lat.) 1515? 219 . 65. A paper relating to a treaty concerning Gucl- dres, Sec. figned Simon de Reyfchach, chancellor of Fricfiand. "(Lat.) 1515? " 225. 66. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Wolfey ; creden¬ tial. (Orig. Lat.) Bruffels, Jan. 10 , 1515. 226 . b. 67 . Henry VIII, to a French miniftcr; on the death of Lewis XII. and fending over Suffolk, &c. to the queen his filter. (Orig. Fr.) Eltham, Jan. 14 , 1515. 68 . A treaty of peace between Henry VIII, and Charles prince of Caftile. (Lat.) Bruffels, Jan. 24, 1515. 228. 69 . Charles prince of Caftile, to.recom¬ mending fome perfons lent over. (Orig. Fr.) Bruf¬ fels, Feb. 14, 1515. 231. 70 . Ponyngs and Knight, to the Lds. of the king’s council; concerning a treaty. (Orig.) Bruges, May 24, 1515? 232. 71 . Spindly; a report concerning the king’s do¬ minions in France. 234. 72 . Spindly, to Henry VIII ; intelligence; with a paper cnclofed of fuch matters as fir Edw. Ponyngs ihewed to Spindly. (Orig.) May, 1515. 236. 75 . Wingfield, to Henry VIII; intelligence. (Orig.) Bruffels, May si, 1515 ? 239 . 74. Ponyngs and Knight, to Henry VIII; intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 28 , 1515? 240. b. 75 . Ponyngs and Knight, to Henry VIII ; intelli¬ gence. (Orig. chiefly in cypher.) June 9 , 1515? 241. 76. Ponyngs and Knight, to Ilenry VIII ; about Albany’s proceedings in Scotland, See. (Orig.) Bruffels, Aug. 27 , 1515. 243. 7 7. Ponyngs and Knight, to Henry VIII ; in cy¬ pher: and to.intelligence. 1515? 244. 78. Henry VIII, to his commifiioners in Flanders, (a rough draught corrected by Wolfey.) July, 1 5 15 . 248. 79 . Yongc, Boleyn, and Wingfield, to Henry vm. (repeated in the fet of copies, III. 16 .) Bruffels- Aug. 24, 1512. 256. b. 80 . Two papers of intelligence from Flanders, 81 . Nine original letters of intelligence, from Dr. Cuthb. Tunfhd; dated July 9, 21 . Aug. 2 . Sept. 1.3. Oct. 20 . and Dec. 16 , 20 , 21 , and 26, 1515. 259 . 82 . Twenty-two original letters of intelligence, from Spindly to Ilenry VIII. and Wolfey. (written in the year 15 15.) 276 . 83. Nine original letters of intelligence, from Rich. Sampfon to Wolfey. (written in the year 1515.) ’ 320. 84. Henry VIII; his inftmdlions to his ambafi'adors with the Emperor, (a draught in Wolfey‘s hand.) 334. 85. Henry VIII; his infiruetions to his ambafi’adors with the Emperor; diredting them by all means to promote concord, (a draught.) 336. 86. A paper of depofitions, concerning a plot in Gueldres. 339 . b. 87 - A petition of Frederick Flcrfehem, to the Em¬ peror; claiming fome wages, &c. due to his lale uncle. 340 . 88. Jacques de Horn (Imperial ambaffador) to Henry vm ; on bis leaving the Englifh court. (Orig. Fr.) Dover, March 29 . 341 . 89- The Bp. of Burg.to Wolfey ; about the refutation of a fliip. (Orig. Lat.) Malines, June 20 . 342. 90 . A fragment of a Spanilh letter. (Orig.) Grave¬ lines, June 3 . 342. b. Galba , B. IV. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conltans foliis 209 . 1 . Card. Wolfey, to the king's commifiioners in Flanders; diredting them in their ncgociation con¬ cerning the king’s mediation between the Emperor and France, (a draught in Wolfey’s hand.) 1 . 2 . Win. de Barris, to Card. Wolfey? intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) Berghes, Sept. 2 . i.b. 3. De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey ; offers his ferviecs, particularly to fupply the king with harnefs, accou¬ trements, arms, Sec. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, Jan. 6, 1520. £. 4 . Spinellv, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence. (Orig. chiefly in cypher.) 3 . 5. Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Cuthb. Tunftal; about the peace between the Emperor and the French king; Henry agrees to give the Emperor 10,000 florins. 5. 6. Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII; with letters and news he had received from Flanders. (Orig.) 6. b. 7 . Tradfatus pacis et amicitia; inter Henricum vm. Anglia* regem, et Maximilianum Imp. elect, et Jo- hannem et Carolum Hifp* et Flandrite reges. 1 5 1 6. 7 . 8. De Berghes, to Card. Wolfey ; exculpating John Hewlter, a governor againft whom there bad been a complaint. (Orig. IT.) Berghes, Jan. 14 , 1516 . 10 . b. 9 . Spindly, to.a fragment, (partly in cypher.) 11 . 10 . Wm. Knight, to Card.Wolfey; advifes, in cafe the war with France were to be continued, that the Swils may by all means be retained, Sec. (Orig.) Jan. 5. *’ 12 . 11 . The treaty of amity and intercourfe between Henry VIII. and (Charles) Pr. of Caftile. (Lat. vid. Rym. XIII. 539.) Bruffels, Jan. 24, 1516. 14 . 3 S 12 . Melchior 1 G A L B A, B. IV. 2 5° l '2. Melchior Langleu: rig/Lat. intelligence. (Orig- to Card. Wolfey ; fccret ) Brulfels, Jan. 21 , 1 5 1 f>? 18. l 3. A copy of a letter of intelligence from Flan¬ ders. “ " iy. 14. Eight original letters of intelligence from Spi¬ ndly in Flanders, to Ilenry t ill, and Card. Wolfey. Jan! 9- Feb. '2.8. 4. 14. 2.3.. .\ . March 18, 13. A° 1516. 20 . 15. Punyngs and Tunftal, to Ilenry VIII; report their audiences of condolence on the death of the K. of Aragon ; and concerning the renewal of treaties. (Orig.) Brutfels, March 14, 1 5 1 O'. 38. K3. Spindly, to Henry Vlll; intelligence. (Orig.) Brullels, March 17 , 1516 . 40. 17 . The Bp. of Helva (Alba) to Card. Wolfey; acquaints him with his favourable reception by Charles IE of Spain on the death of K. Ferdinand. (Orig. Lat.) Brull'cls, March 22 , 15 1(3. 42. is. Francis Taxis, to fir Bryan Tueke poftinafter in England ; reporting the motions of the Emperor in Lombardy. (Orig. Lat.) Brulfels, March 23, 15lG. 43. b. 19 . Ponyngsand Tunftal,to Ilenry VIII; concern¬ ing the renewal of treaties with Spain- (Orig. a frag- nient.) 1510. 44. 20 . Spindly, to Ilenry VIII; intelligence. (Orig.) Malines, March 27 , 15lG. 45. 21 . Charles Ii. of C altile, to Ilenry vm ; in behalf of J. de Hale a merchant. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, -March 28 , 1516. 4(3. 22 . Ponyngs and Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey ; about the renewal of treaties, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, April 10, 1516. 47 . c:3. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence, See. (Orig.) Brulfels, April 11 , 15K3. 49 . 24 . An Italian letter on the Emperor's proceedings in Lombardy. (Orig.) April 9 , 15lG. 50. 25. Ponyngsand Tunftal, to Ilenry Mil; a long- report, of their negociations, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, May 25, 1516 . " 51. 2(3. Spindly, to Ilenry VIII ; about commotions in Sicily and Spain, and other intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, Mays, 1510. 58. 27 . Charles IE of Caftile, to Henry VIII; in behalf of Jacques Semel, a phyfician. (Orig. Fr.) Mid- dleburg, May 23, 151 G. 61 . 28 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Henry Till, and Card. Wolfey; two letters in behalf of a fervant of the Card, de Gurce. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, June 3, 15 1 G. G2. 29 . Spindly, to Ilenry VIII, and Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Arras, May 18 , and Antwerp, May 27 , i5 i6. 63. 30. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Henry vm; report their conferences with the lord Chievres, and the chancellor of Brabant, See. (Orig.) Brulfels, JuneG, 1510. G 7 . 81 . Margaret Dls. of Savoy, to Ilenry vm; re¬ commending that Leon. Frifcobaldi may be rcim- burfed. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, June 6, 15 16 . 72 . b. 32. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 4 , 15lG. 73. 33. l)e Haufen (See y to Card, de Gurce) to Card. Wolfey ; requeuing that Gerard Stalfart might be allowed to tranl’adt the affairs of the Card, de Gurce in England. (Orig. Lat.) Brulfels, June 4 , I5H3. 73. b. 34. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; report many articles of their negociations with lord Chievres, &c. (Orig.) Louvain, June 12 , 15 lG. 74 . 85. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry vm; com¬ mending the fervices of L. Frifcobaldi to the Em¬ peror. (Orig. Fr.) Louvain, J tine 10 , 151(3. 7 ( 3 . _ 3G. I unftal and 'Wingfield, to Ilenry VIII. and C aid. W olley ; three difpatehes on their negociations. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 2 . 3 , 28, and 29 , 151G. 77 . 37. Intelligence from a fpy in Holland : pirates taken by Iifelftein executed. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, June 18 , 1516. 83 . 1 )/ 38. 1 unftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports fome intel¬ ligence he had received from a ft ranger, about a go¬ vernor, &c. (Orig.) Louvain, June 15, 151 ( 3 . so. 89 . Charles IE of Caftile, to Henry yiii ; credential. (Orig. Fr.) Louvain,June 15, 15 lG. 8(3. b. 40 . Intelligence from a fpy in Flanders. (French.) Malines, June 10 , 1 . 51 G. 87 . 41 . Jaques de Celbecke; his receipt for Go florins paiil him by Spindly, for two journeys of enquiries on the bufinefs of the Blanche-rofe. (Orig. Fr.) Brul' fels, June 21 , 15 lG. ys. , 2 . Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of in¬ telligence; the former with a P. S. (Orig-.) Bruf- lels, June 23. and July 1 , 151 G. sy. 43. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Ilenry vm ; report conferences with lord Chievres and the chancellor. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 4 , 1.516. 94 . 44 . Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orim) Brulfels, July 5 , 15 16 . 90 . 45. Ilenry VIII; in fir unions to his coinmilfioncrs in Flanders, (a draught corrected by Wolfey.) 9 s. 40. Charles IE of Caftile, to Card. Wolfey; in behalf of J. Semel. (Orig. Lat) Brulfels, J id v 10 , 1516. 104. b. 47 . Spindly, to Card. Wolfey : intelligence, and a receipt of Bernard Stecher for a bill of exchange for 48,000 florins. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 12 , 1.5 lG. 105. 48. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Ilenry Till; report their negociations and intelligence. (Orig.) Bmf- fels, July 12 , 1516. 107 . 49. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 14 , 1 5 1 6. 109 . 50. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports conferences with Ld. Berghes, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, July jo, 151G. 110 . 5 1 . Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ commending HefHin. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, July lG, 1 5 1 6. 1 1 i. b. 52 . The magiftrates of Antwerp, to Card. Wolfey; foliciting red refs for J. Crul and J. dc Haze, mer¬ chants. (Orig. Fr.) Jidy 18 , 151(3. 112 . 53. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; report their negociations; the diet of Nuyon agreed upon, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 18, 15 16 . us. 54. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 19 , 151(3. no. 55. A French note to the IE of the Romans ; fent by a Mait re d’Hotel. a doubtful Teting- hen? July 20 , 1502. 117 . b. 5G. Tunftal and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; report a conference with Ld. Chievres and the chancellor. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 23, 15lG. 11 8. 57 . Tunftal, to fome perlbn about the chancellor of Brabant; concerning an interview with the laid chancellor. (Orig.) Brulfels, July, 15 16 . 122 . 58. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; two letters of in¬ telligence. 2 5 i G A L B A, B. IV. V. telligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, July ‘27 and 26 , 1.5 1 6. 122 . 1 ). 59 . Tunftal, to Card. Wo 1 fey; intelligence; Ld. Chievres and the chancellor departed for Noyon. (Orig.) Bruflels, July 27, 1.516. 125. 60 . A promifibry deed of Charles K. of Cal tile, to reimburfe afuin lent him by Henry VIII. (I'r.) Bruf_ fels, Aug. 1516. 126 . 61. A deed of fecurity by fix of the nobility of the Low Countries, for the payment of the above loan. (Fr.) 1516. 128. 62 . Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug. 4 and 6, 1516. 130. 63. Jo. Bthus. Ticionens. colncs Decian. and de Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning a fum of money to be paid them by L. Frifcobaldi. (Orig. Lat.) London, Aug. 5, 1516. 133. b. 64. Jehan de le Sauch, to Card. Wolfey ; about re¬ ceiving the money of the above loan. (Orig. Fr.) Loud. Aug. 10 , 1516 . 134. 65. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence received from Noyon, Sec. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug. 10 , 15 1 6. 136. 66. Tunflal, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug. 13, 1516. 139. (>7. Tunflal and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; report a conference with the treafurcr Felynger ; and intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug 13, 1516 . 140 . 68. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; two letters of in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug. 15 and 14 , i.)i6. 143. 60. Charles K. of Caflile, to Card. Wolfey ; in be¬ half of Alary de Nivelle. (Orig. IT.) Bruflels, Aug. 24, 1516. 146. 70. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence. (Orig.) Auguft 26 and 30, 1516. 147. 71. Tunflal and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; report a conference with Ld. Chievres and the chancellor, See. (Orig.) Bruflels, Aug. 3i, 1516. 151. 72.to Card. Wolfey ? intelligence; and offering fervices. (Orig. Fr.) Bcrghes, Sept, l, 1516. " 155. 73. Charles K. of C’aftile? to Henry VIII ; inpraife of Card. Wolfey. (Fr.) 156. 74. Tunflal and Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; about their negociations. (Orig.) Bruflels, Sept, l, 1516. 157. 75. Card. Wolfey, to the Dfs. of Savoy ; about a conference lie had with Hefdin. (Fr.) London, Sept. 2, 1516. 160 . 76 . Tunflal, to Card. Wolfey ; about the K. of Caflile's departure for Spain, See. (Orig.) Bruflels, Sept. 4 , 1 5 1 6. 161 . 7 7. Card. Wolfey, to Tunflal and Wingfield ; con¬ cerning their negociations. (a draught) Sept 1516. 162 . 78. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; cre¬ dential. (Orig. Fr.) Bruflels, Sept. 11 , 1516 . 16 'S.b. 70- Tunflal, to Henry VIII ; intelligence about a plot of the French for retaking Tournay. (Orig.) Bruflels, Sept. 1 3, 1516. 164 . so. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of in¬ telligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Sept. 14 and 13, 1516 . 1 65. s l. Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to the Emperor's am- balfudors in London; about the receipt of money, See. (Fr.) Bruflels, Sept. 12 , 1516. 167 . S2. Jer. Frefeobaldi, to Mountjoy governor of Tournay; about the death of his nephew in London. (Orig. Fr.) Bruges, Sept. 12 *, 15 16 . 168. 88. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; (Orig. cypher, with the decypher.) Bruflels, Sept. 17 , 15 16 . 109 . 84. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence. (Orig.' Bruflels, Sept. 9, 1 5 16 . 17 1 - S5. Tunflal, to Card. Wolfe}’; intelligence; the K. of Caflile is not to go into Spain, See. (Orig.; Bruflels, Sept. 20 , 1516. 17 . 8 . 86- Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters in cy¬ pher, one of them deciphered. (Orig.) Brufiels, Sept. 20 and 27 , 1516 . 175 . 87- Tunflal, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning the mo¬ tions of the French about Calais, Sec. (Orig.) Bruflels, Sept. 27 , 1516 . 178. 85. Tunflal, to Card. Wolfey; the K. of Caflile is to arm againft Guilders, See. (Orig.) Bruflels, Oct. 4, 1516. 1 79- 89- Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Oct. 4, 1516. isi. 90. A letter figned “ Alamire,” and fome mufical notes, to Card. Wolfey ? fecret intelligence about Richard de. (Orig. Lat.) 182 . 91 . Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Oft. 7 , 15 16 . 184. b. 92. Tunflal, to Henry VIII ; two long reports of his proceedings. (Orig.) Bruflels, OH. 16 and 26, 1516. " 185. 93. Jacobus Vil.to the Card, of Sion ; com¬ municates i'cveral incidents; and about money mat¬ ters : the writer appears to have been a fervant of the cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Bruflels, Nov. 4, 1 5 16 . 195 . 94. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence, fome in cypher. (Orig.) Bruflels, Oft. SO, 1 5 1 6. 197 . 95 . Tunflal, to Henry vm. and Card. Wolfey ; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Bruflels, Nov. 9 , 1516. " 198 . 96- Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to an ambaflaclor of Aragon. Mens, Nov. 1 6 ? 1516. 200 . 97- Margaret Dfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; on the return of the Card, of Sion. (Orig.) Bruflels, Nov. 16 ? 1516. 200 .il. 98. Titles of treaties, See. between Henry VIII. the Emperor, and the K. of Caflile. 201 . 99- The league between England, the Emperor, and Spain, “ pro defenfione ecclcfue," &c. with the full powers and confirmations, (vid. Ilym. XIII. 556.) Lond. Oct. 29 , 1516 . 201 . b. Galba , B. V. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 397 . 1. Form of the pledge to be given by the earls of Oxford, Arundel, Sec. and feveral towns, for the ful¬ filling of the marriage contract between P. Charles of Caflile and Pis. Mary daughter of Hen. vill; con¬ cluded Dec. 21 , 1507- (Lat. a correfted draught, conf. Ilym. XI11. 177.) 1. 2. Henry VIII: inflruftions to his plenipotentiaries (Tunflal and Knight?) concerning an article in a league of mutual afliftance with Caflile. (a draught correfted by Wolfey. conf. Ilym. XIII. 533.) 1516; 5. 3. Henry VIII : bis inflruftions to A. B. to learn from the archduchefs certain particulars about the meeting of the Emperor, the prince of Caflile, and herfelf at Calais ; where the intended marriage be¬ tween the laid prince and princefs Mary was to be celebrated, (conf. Ilyin. XIII. 381.) 15IS? 10. 4 . Bern. Steelier, chief agent of the houfe of Fug- ger 2 5 2 G A L B A, B. V. ger at Antwerp, to Card. Wolfey ; requesting the re* Fmburfement of 6,000 florins which his principals had advanced to lir Rob. Wingfield at Auglburg. (Orig, Lat.) Antwerp, Jan. 8, 1 . 517 . 13* . 5 . Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; intelligence about negociations between the Emperor and the French king, kc. (Orig. partly in cypher.) Bruffiels, Jan. 11 , 1 . 51 O- 17 : with a latin note incloled, containing ar¬ ticles of intelligence concerning preparations of the French. 15 - 0. Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; further intelligence. (Orig. part cypher.) Brufl'els, Jan. 16, 15 16 - 1 7- 17- 7 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports his having delivered 10,000 crowns to the Emperor; an interview with the ambatfador of Aragon, kc. (Orig. partly in cvphcr.) Brulfels, Jan. l i, 1 . 517 . IS. 8. The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Card* Wolfey; report money having been paid by France to the Emperor ; the Emperor's motions, &c. (Ori".) Tournay, Jan. 18 , 1517- 19 . b. 9 . Th. Spinelly, toHenry \‘III; various intelligence about the Emperor's coming into the Low Countries, &c. (Orig. part cypher.) Brulfels, Jan. ‘20, 1 . 517 . 20. 10 . Dr. Win. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience from the K. of C'aftile, and the Arelults. alfo a melfagefrom the Emperor. (Orig.) Brulfels, Jan. 29, 1.517- 22 . 11 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry VIII ; about their going to meet the Emperor at Lou¬ vain, kc. (Orig.) Tournay, Jan. 24, 1 5 17 . 23. 12 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to the E. of Worcefter; about the earl's meeting with the Emperor, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, Jan. 23. 1317 . 24. b. 13. The Emperor Maximilian, to the Archduchefs; defiling her to fend for the E. of Worcefter to Brulfels, and thence to Louvain. (Fr.) Duren, Jan. 18 , 1317 . 14 . Margaret Archdfs. of. Savoy, to Henry VIII; on the death of the Emperor her father. (Orig. Er.) Malines, Jan. 23, 1318-19. £6. 15 . Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence about the Imperial court. (Orig. cypher) Brulfels, Jan. 26 , 1516-17. 27 . 16 . Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII ; intelligence about. Verona being put iuto the hands of the Bp. of Trent, and tranfadtions at the Imperial court. (Orig. part cypher.) Brulfels, Jan. 29 , 1516-7- 28. 17 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry viii ; report audiences from the K. of C’aftile and the Archdfs. and inclofe a latin letter from the Emperor. (Orig.) Brulfels, Jan. 29, 15 17- 29- 18 . Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; various intelli¬ gence about the Imperial court, the affairs of Italy, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, Feb. 1 , 1516 - 17 . 33 . 19 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry VIII ; two let¬ ters of intelligence concerning the journey of the Em¬ peror in the Low Countries, kc. (Orig.) Malines, Jan. 28 , and Maftricht, Jan. 20, 1517 . 35. 20 . Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the Emperor and the king of Caftilc. (Orig. cypher.) Brulfels, Jan. 29 , 1517 . 37 . b. 21 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry VIII ; reports the motions of the Emperor, kc. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 1 , 1517 . 38. ’ 22 . Jacob Fugger, to Wingfield? requefting the payment of 6000 flor. (Orig. Ital.) Augfb. Jan. 3, 1317- 39 . b. 2 S. The E. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; the Emperor promifes to perform what the Card, of Sion had promifed in Feb. 2 . 1.517. 24. Sir Ri name, &c. (Orig.) Malines, . V ingfield, to Henry VIII; an ample report of the tranfadions at the Imperial court. (Olio-.) Malines, Feb. 3 , 1 . 517 . .7 2 . 5 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Card. Volley; an ample report of an audience from the Emperor; a conference with the Card, of Sion, kc. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 3, 1517 . ’ 26 . The emperor Maximilian, to Card. Wolfey : defin ing him to prevail upon Henry VIII to co-operate with him in diffuading the Pope from diffolving the council of Lateran. (Orig. Lat. figned only by'otii- cers of ft ate, unlefs an obl'cure character be the Em¬ peror’s monogram.) Malines, Feb. 3 , 1517 . 27 . The Card, of Sion, to Card. Wolfey; about the repeated furrenders of Verona, and other tranfadions in Italy, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Malines, Feb. 4 , 1 . 317 . 52 . 28 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry viii; about the difpofition of the Imperial and C’af- til-ian courts, efpecially concerning the breaking off of the match with princefs Maiy, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 8, 1517 . ” 29 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry viii; report a conference with the Card, of Sion, con¬ cerning the Pope, matters of Italy, kc. (Ori<>- 1 Malines, Feb. 9 , 1517 . ” 56 30. The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; report that they fhall, according to order, make Sir Robt. Wingfield privy to all their proceed¬ ings ; and informing him that they have not the book that had been framed for the preparations at Calais for receiving the Emperor, &c. (Orig.) Malines Feb. 8, 15 17 . 58 . 31 . Sii Robt. V ingfield, to Card. Wolfev; reports audiences from the Emperor, conferences with the Card, of Sion, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 8. 1517 . 60 . 52. Dr. Wm. Knight and Thomas Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; with a requeft from Ld. Chievres and others, that fome indemnity might be given to the prince of Cymaye for the damages committed on his lands during the war. (Orig.) Brulfels, Feb ]•’ 151 7- 63.’ 33. The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry viii ; two difpatchcs reporting their negociations: the latter alfo figned by Wingfield. (Orig.) Ma¬ lines, Feb. 12 , 1517 . * 64 . 34. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry viii; about the Em¬ peror offering to refign the empire in favour of Henry. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 12 , 1517 . 70 . 35. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; pro- fefling his zeal for the King’s fervice. (Orig.) Ma¬ lines, Feb. i£, 1517 . ° 74 . 36. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; on the Em¬ peror’s offered refignation, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 13, 1517. 75 . 37- Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; about the Em¬ peror’s in ter co uric with France. (Orig. part cypher.) Brufl'els, Feb. is, 15 17 . ' 7 7 . 38. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; about the 6000 fl. due to the Fuggers, and 2000 nobles given to the Emperor by the Card, of Sion. (Orig. ; Malines, Feb. 13, 1517 . 79 . 39- Tho. Spinelly ; three original papers, the firft and laft not ligned, probably fragments: the fecond a letter to Henry VIII, with intelligence, dated Ma¬ lines, Feb. 13, 1517 . si. 40 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey: expofino- the G A L B A, B. V.' 2 5 the Emperor’s artful proceedings, See. (Orig.) Bruf- fels, Feb. 16 , 1517. 87. 41 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Card. Wo 1 fey ; the Emperor fwears to the treaty of Noyon ; the Card, of Sion not to be relied on, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 13, 1517- 91. 42 . Dr. Win. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; about the Emperor's negociatious with France. (Orig.) Bruf¬ fels, Feb: 19, 1517 . 92 . 43 . The E. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning fome matters to be propofed by the dean of Tournay (do Crequv) with the dean's letter inclofed. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 23, 1517. 95. 44 . The E. of Worcefter and Dr. Tunftal, to Henry viii; report the ftate of the King’s aft airs in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 24, 1517- 95. 45. Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; intelligence con¬ cerning the peace between the Emperor and Venice, and the grant of money from the ftates of Brabant to the Emperor. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. 25, 1517 . 98. 46 . The E. of.Worcefter and Cuthbert Tunftal, to Henry VIII; a report of their negociations about ra¬ tifying the London League of 0-.) W ,jj,„ ; May 22, 1517. 0 ’ 104. 1 he E. of Worcefter, Tunftal, and Wingfield, to Henry VIII; a report of their procccdin<>-s. (Orm > Malines, May 22, 1517. & 03^ 10 5 . Tho. Spindly, to Henry vm; various intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Ghent, May 25, 1517. 242. 106. The Empr. Maximilian; his receipts for 10,000 and 6,000 florins, borrowed of Henry \ ill; and orders to Jacob Villinger of Antwerp to pay them. (Lat.) Lire, May 25, 1517. 245. 107. The E. of Worcefter, Tunftal, and Wingfield, to Henry vm; a report of their proceedings. (Ol io-.) Antwerp, May 28 , 15 17. 246. 108. The Card, of Sion, to Card. Wolfey; about the Emperor's loan of G,000 florins. (Orig. Lat.) Malines, May 29, 1517. 247. h. 109. Tho. Spindly, to Henry Mil; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Ghent, Mav 29 and June 1, 1517 - _ * 248 . 110. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henrv vni; a report of bis proceedings : the E. of Worcefter and Wingfield arc to leave the court of the K. of Caftilc, Sec. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 7, 1517. 2 5» 111. The E. of Worcefter, Tunftal, and Wingfield, to Henry MU; about the Emperor's loan of 10,000 florins. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 31, 15 ] 7. 255. nc. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry vm ; on his quilting his (ration ; about his claims for money, Sec. (Orig.) Bruft'els, June 5, 1517. 2.56. 1 “ Fra '. I1C ” (Te) perhaps the Card, de Gurce, to Card. Wolfe}’; complimentul, after the confirma¬ tion of the treaty. (Orig. Lat.) Ghent, June 1 •; 131 7 - 2 . 58 .’ 114. Hio. Spindly, to Card. Wolfev; concerning an alliance with the Swifs cantons; and fome monev matters. (Orig.) Louvain, June 14, 1517. 259." 1 15 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henrv VIII ; recommending the prince of t’himay. (Orig. Fr. Ghent, June 14, 1517. ’ "201. 116. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey; on lending over Xic. Thierv" and others, who appear to have been detained. (Orig. Lat.) Bruf- fels, June 17, 1519. 261. b. 117 - Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. W olfey ; concern in rr a bond to be taken of the K. of Caftilc's fubjeds ; in behalf of Spindly ; and intelligence. (Orig.) Bruf- lels, June 23 , 1517. g go. 118. Jacob de Boniftis, to fir R. Wingfield; com- plimental; and with various intelligence concerning the war in Italy, See. (Orig. Lat.) Antwerp, July l $ l 7 < 26s. H 9 - De Ilefdin. GALBA, B. V. 2 55 11 q. De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; demanding an interview. (Qrig. Fr.) Lond. June 27 , 1 5 19 . 264. 120 . An agreement between Henry VIII, and the K. of Caftile, to pay the Swifs 30,000 ilorins a year to keep them in their intereft: confirmed July 5, 1517- (Lat. vid. Ilyin. XIII. 509-) " 2(55. 121 . A further confirmation of the fame; with a recital of the claufe in the treaty of London referring thereto. London, July 5, 15 17 . 267 . 122 . Charles K. of Caftile, to Henry VIII ; requeu¬ ing fuccour againft the I). of Cueklers. (Orig. Fr.) Middleburg, July 6, 1517- 268. 123. Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey; orders from Henry VIII. about a marriage of Ld. Devon (hire; cautions refpetfting the Card, of Sion; and commu¬ nications with the ambafladors of the K. of Caftile. (Orig. two letters.) Oking, July 9 and 6, 151 8. 269 . 124. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry VIII ; intelligence about, the K. of Caftile’s going for Spain, the affairs of Guelders, &c. (Orig.) Middleburg, Jtdy 9 , 1517. 271 . 125. De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey; defiling to have fpeedily the king’s letters to the K. his mailer; and offering to fhew the Card, his own letters. (Orig. Fr.) Lond. July 12 , 1519 . 272 . 1 2d. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry VIII; intelligence of the promotion of the Card, dc Croy, the war in Holland, &c. (Orig.) Middleburg, July 13 , 1517 . 27 s. 127 . A bond of Phil, of Cleves, D. of Ravenftein, and feveral other princes and noblemen, for the re¬ payment of 100,000 florins lent by Hen. VIII. to the K. of Caftile. (Lat.) Middleburg, July is, 1517 . 128 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Th. Spindly ; defiring that the chancellor will not come to Bruftels, as he (Tun- i'tal) is going to Louvain. (Orig.) Bruifels, July 16 , 1517- 276. b. 129 . Charles K. of Caftile; his bond for the 100,000 florins borrowed of Henry Viir. (Lat.) July 18 , 1517- 277. 130. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Ilenry vm. and Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Mid¬ dleburg, Jtdy 24, 1517 . 279 . 151. De Gaure, to Card. Wolfey; alluring him of M. de Chievres’ delire to maintain amity be¬ tween Hen. VIII. and his mafter. (Orig. Fr.) Mid¬ dleburg, July 27 , 1517 . 282 . b. 132. De Crov (Chievres) to Card. Wolfey; pro- feflitig- his zeal for the maintenance of amity between their two mafters; and about a penlion. (Orig. Fr.) Middle!). July 2G, 1517. 133. Eddrien de Croy? to Card. Wolfey; report¬ ing that the Arehdfs. agreed to make lorne arma¬ ments againft France. (Orig. Fr.) Bruftels, July. 2S4. 1.34. Ri. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; concerning his conduct at the Emperor's election. "(Orig.) Malines, July 27, 1519- 285. 135. B. Steelier, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning the G,ooc florins lent by Fugger of Augfburg to fir Robt. Wingfield. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, JuTy 29 , 1517 . 287- 136. Th. Spindly, to Henry vm; intelligence about Guelders, the K. of Cal'tile’s going to Spain, See. (Orig.) Bruges, July 29 , 1517. 2 S 9 . ’ 137. Cuthb. lunftal, to Ilenry viiij concerning a loan made by the K. of Caftile, &c. (Ori«\) Mic'l- dleb. July 28, 1517. ^ 291 . 138 . B. Steelier, to fir Robt, Wingfield; concern¬ ing the 6,000 florins lent him by Fugger. (Orig. Fr.) Antw. July 29 , 1517 . 093 . 150 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry VIII; intelligence from Maftr. Germain, a beneficed prieft of Tournay, about armaments in France, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. July 30, 1517 . ' 204. 140. Cuthb. Tunftal and Th. Spindly, to Henry VIII; report the friendly profeifions of the K. of Caf¬ tile, who approves of Spinelly as ambafiador to his court. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 4 , 1517 . 295 . 141 . Charles K. of Caftile, to Henry vm ; a letter of thanks and friendly profelfions.” (Orig. Fr.) Middleb. Aug. 6 , 1517 - 296 . b. 142. Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Card, of Aragon’s coming to England, See. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 7 , 1517 . 297 . 143. Margaret Arehdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey; thanks for his good offices. (Orig. Fr.) Cam- bray, Aug. 7 , 15 19 . " 298 . b. 144. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry VIJI; about re¬ covering two guns, and other things, laved from the wreck of an Englifli fiiip. (Orig.) Middleb. Aim 17,1517. ^ 299 . * 145. The E. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning Riclid. de la Pole. (Orig.) Tournay, Aug. 14 , 1517. 300. b. 146 . Tb. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the cardinals of Aragon, and Hadryan of St. George ; the D. of L T rbino’sfuccedes againft the Pope, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 17 , 1517 . 301 . 147. De Luxembourg, to the Chanc. of Tournay; recommending the fonof a fervant of his for the firft vacant prebend. (Orig. Fr.) Aug. 24 , 1517 . 303 . 148. De Croy (Chievres) to Card. Wolfey; about the fpecie in which the loan is to be paid. (Orig. Fr.) Middleb. Aug. 19 , 1517 . 303. b. 149- Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; about the delivery of the inftrument of the late* treaty ; the count Palatine's hidden departure from Court, &e. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 26 , 1517 . 304 . 150. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; about, lorne letters from the Card, of Sion, See. ' (Orig.) Wenham-hall, Aug. 19 , 1517 . • -> 5 . b. 15 1 . Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; intelligence about the I). of Albany, Guelders, the K. of Caftile’s going for Spain, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 17 , 15 l 7. 306. 152. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; con¬ cern ing his loan from the l uggers. (Orig.)” Wcn- ham-hall, Aug. 1 8, 1 . 017 . ' 307 . h. 153. Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about Guelders ; the Emperor delircs the K. of C'aft. not to proceed to Spain by lea, &c. (Orig.) Mid¬ dleb. Aug. 28 , 1517- 308 . 154 . Charles, li. of Spain, to Card. Wolfey; de¬ firing redrefs in favour ofJac. Semel. (Orig. Lat.) Middleb. Aug. 27 , 1 . 017 . 309 . b. 155. David B. Dymries, to Ilenry vm ; fends him 8 liorles bought for him. a ninth having been de¬ tained by an accident. (Orig.) Henfden, Aug. 28 , 1517. ^ sii.’ 156. Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; various intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 28 , 1517 . 312 . 157 . Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the reports they had received of the fatal effe&s of the fweating ficknefs, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. Aug. 31 , 1517. . 31 5~. b. 1.58. Cuthb. Tunftal and Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; about the K. of Caftile’s going to embark for Spain, &c, (Orig.) Middleb. Sept. 4 , 151 7 . 316. 159 . Tho. G A L B A, B. V * 5 ° 1, 3 f). Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Mkldleb. Sept. 7, 1517. 320 . 160 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey ; the K. of Caftilc is embarked ; intelligence out of France, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. Sept. 8, 1517 . 821 . 161 . Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; various in¬ telligence about the D. d'Alba; the K. of Spain’s applications to electors, &c. (The end wanting.) Antwerp. S 2 S. 16c. Cuthb. Tunftal, to Henry VIII; reports his audiences from the archduchefs, and other proceed¬ ings lince the K. of Caftile's departure from the Low Countries. (Orig.) Calais, Sept. 17 , 1517 . 325. 1(33. Richd. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey, on his return from Paris; concerning lbme payment relating to the Bpk. ofTournay. (Orig.) Bruges, Dec. 15, 1 0 19- * 328. 164 . De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey ; notifying the arrival of the Bp. of Lire, and .1. de la Saudi, with courteous mefiages from the K. of Caftile. (Orig. Fr.) Loud. Sept. 12 , 151 . 330. i(3.‘». Rich. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; refunding fome affairs of the Bpk. of Tournay. (Lat.) Bruges, Sept. 24, 1519. 331. 166 . Charles K. of Caftile, to the archduchefs and council; on his arrival in Spain. (Fr. a frag¬ ment.) St. Vincent, 06L 1, 1517. 332. 107 . De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey; complains of neglecl. (Orig. Fr.) Liege, Nov. 1 8, 15 . 333. 168 . Henry Vlll ; inflrudions to his ambaffadors in the Low Countries. (A draught correded by Wol¬ fey.) 1517? 334. Hi!). Lud. Maroton, to the Card, of Sion; pro- fcfifmg his attachment to the K. of England, and about bis (the Card s.) going to the Emperor. (Orig. Lat.) Jan. 18. 33G. 170. ... de Ligne, to Henry VIII; excufmg him- fdf for having delivered the town of Mortaigne to the archduchefs. (Orig. Fr.) Valenciennes, Feb. 8, 15 18. 33 7- 171 . Margaret archduchefs of Savoy, to Henry viii. and Caul. Wolfey ; on the death of the emperor Maximilian. (Orig. Fr. two letters.) Malines, Feb. 7 , and Jan. 2 ::, 1518-19. 838. 172 . .Tuques dc Caeftre, to.credential. Ru- nibeke? July 20, 1518. 339. 17.',. Margaret, Arclulfs. to Henry VIII. and Card. Wolfey; one letter to the former, and two to the latter, on the count de Horn's going ambaifador to England. (Orig. Lat. andFr.) Malines, March 22 , and Feb. 22, 1518-19 339- b. 174 . The Bp. of Helva (Alba) to Card. Wolfey; about fome reft but ion to be made by lord Suffolk, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Bruges, Nov. 22 , 1518. 341. l 75 . A note of fome things to be reported to Card. Wolfey. (Fr.) 342. 170 .Thuvianville, to Card. Wolfey? Re¬ ports Monf. de Ligne fortifying Mortaigne. (Orig. Fr.) Dec. 8, 15is. 342. b. 177 . De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey? two French letters, fcarcely legible. Malines, Feb. 10 . 343. 178 . Henry viii ; inftruftions to his ambaffadors in the Low Countries, concerning the confirmation of a treaty. 15 17 ? 344. 179. Henry VIII, to the Archduchefs; about the confirmation of a treaty. 1517? 348 . 180 . Henry VIII; inftruftions to his ambaffadors in the Low Countries. (A rough draught, in the hand writing of Card. Wolfey.) 354. 181. Henry VIII; inftru&ions to his ambaffadors about a treaty for fecuringthe Swifs, and a marriage between the K. of Caftile and a French prineefs. July. 356. 182 . Henry VIII: inftruftions to his ambaffadors in the Low Countries. 364 . 183. Johanna the Q. and Charles K. of Caftile; their confirmation of a treaty. (Lat.) 3 G 7 . 184. Henry viii ; inftru&ionsto his ambafladors in the Low Countries. (A draught, corrected by Wol¬ fey.) “ 369- 185. De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; folicits a letter from Henry viii. to the king his matter, and one to the archduchefs ; about Mortaigne, &c. (Orig. Fr.) London, 06t. 3 , 1519 . 376 18G. Margaret, Archdfs. to Henry Vlll; con¬ ciliatory ; and with intelligence of the king her ne¬ phew’s fuccefies in Germany. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, May 7, 1519? " 377- J87- De Ilefdin, to Card. Wolfey; complains of fome misfortune, and folicits relief. (Orig. Fr.) Iluy, May 18. 378 . 188 . Margaret, Archdfs. to Henry viii ; thanks for friendly meffages; and acquainting him with the death of the grand matter of France. (Orig. Fr.) Brufiels, May 21 , 1519 . 379 . 18 !). De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; about Mor¬ taigne ; the election to the empire, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Brufiels, May 1 8, 1519. 380. 190. Henry VIII; his commiflion to Tho. (Ruthal) Bp. of Durham, Tunftal, Pace, and More, to treat with the commifiioners of the emperor Charles v. (Lat. a draught.) Greenwich, April 8, 1519 . 38 1 . 191 . .T. de Berghes, to Card. Wolfey ; acquaints him with his having been appointed ambaifador to Henry VIII; but his being unable to undertake the journey on account of his health. (Orig. Fr.) Berghes, March 26 , 1519 . 382. 192 . De C'roy, to Henry VIII; complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Rocke, April 8, 1 5 1 9- 382. b 193 . De Berghes, to Card. r olfey; concerning the releafe of Nic. Terry, a priioner in his town of Berghes, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 2G. 383. 194. De Berghes, to Card. Wolfey ; recommendnig Monf. de Horn, and lamenting his not being able to come to England on account of his health. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Feb. 25, i5iy? 383. b. 195 . Richd. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; two let¬ ters of intelligence. (Orig.) Ghent, Feb. 27 , and Bruges, Sept. 19 , 1 5 1 9- 384. 196 . De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; fent by the admiral and the fieur de Beures, who have come to England with a comruiflion. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Feb. 10 . 387. 197 . Richd. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; about fome clerical matters relating to Tournay, &c. (Orig.) Tournay, Nov. G, 1519- 389- 198 . De Berghes, to Henry Vlll; recommending his fon. (Orig. Fr.) Brufiels, Nov. 7 , 1519- 390. b. 199 . Richd. Pace, to Henry viii; reports an au¬ dience he liad of the Archduchefs. (Orig. a frag¬ ment.) 3 9 *• 200 . Two fragments; the firft in Wolfey s hand ; the fecond, infiruttions of Henry V I'll, to his ambat- fadors in the Low Countries. 1519. 392 . b. Galba, G A L B A, B. VL 2 57 Galba, B. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 249 . J. Charles It. of Caltile, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ commending de Lachaulx, whom he had lent over to Henry vm. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, Feb. n, 1517. 2. 2. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey; complains of his having taxed her with hav¬ ing faid fomething to his prejudice; hopes he will earneftly co-operate with her for the advantage of the Emperor and the K. bis matter. (Orig. Fr. conf. vm. 51 .) Malines, Feb. 18, 1524 - 5 ? 3. 3 . John Hackett, to Card. Wolfey; concerning fome Englith heretical books burnt in Brabant; deli¬ berations in the councils of the Low Countries about affi fling the Emperor againft the Turks ; and various intelligence. (Orig. conr. IX. is and 19.) Ma¬ lines, Feb. 20, 152 ( 5 - 7 - 4. 4 . Charles, It. of Caftile, to Henry VIII ; recom¬ mending his ambailador de Lachaulx. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, Feb. 11, 1517? 5 . b. 5 . De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; recommending the fon of Brequeface, maitre d'hotel to the Arch- duchefs, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Feb. 23 , 1519? 6 . ( 5 . Copy of a letter figned “ De Luxembourg,” to the archduchefs of Savoy; containing a detail of an encounter with fome “ French Spaniards,” near St. Michel in the Boulonois. (Fr.) Jan. 20, 1517? s. 7 . J. de Lalaing, to Card. Wolfey? announcing the death of the emperor Maximilian. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 23 , i 5 ig. 8 . b. 8 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; lamenting the caufe of difpleafure given him by de Praet, the Emperor's ambalfador. (Olio-. Fr. coni', vm. 52.) Bruffels, March 4, 1524-5. ° 9. 0. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; about a propofal for allowing the king of Caltile to laud cither in the Ifle of Wight, or at Southampton. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, March 10, 1520? 9. b. 10. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; marvels at his filence, and fends des Hares, her fecrctarv, to clear up any mifunderltanding there might, be between them. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, March 7, 1524 - 5 ? J0 . ’ 11. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; reports a Conciliatory audience from the archduchefs, and his negociation concerning the reftitution of a lhip, & c . (Orig.) Malines, March 13, 1524 - 5 ? 11. 12. Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII ; various intelli¬ gence, chiefly from Italy. (Orig. Fr.) Malines March 22, 1522? I3> ’ J 3 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol- ley ; mentioning the ambalfadors the K of Spain liad named for England, among whom Monf. de Berghes is prevented from coming bv indifpofition ; 'yith many friendly expreffions. " (Orig. IT.) Ma¬ lines, March 2 ( 3 , 1517? * ]4 14. Lachaulx, to Card. Wolfey ; thanking him for his good treatment. (Orig. Fr.) Plemuc : March 29, I0I7? 14 . b.’ 1-). 111. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; various intel¬ ligence from Italy, France, See. (Orig.) Brulfels April 4 , 151 ( 5 ? 15 ’ 1;. Jaques de Hornes, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for kind treatment. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, April 8 15 • 16. b. ’ 16. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henry vui; in behalf of count de Faulkemberghes. (Orig; Fr.) Malines, Aprils, 15 18. ° 16. 18 . Wm. Knight, to ... . intelligence concerning the war in Italy ; alfo aboutafpy taken on the borders of Plainault. (Orig.) Antwerp,' April 15, 1518. 17. in. Th. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 18 and 24, 1516 . lg 20. Edw. Ponyngs, to Card. Wolfey; the K. of Spain requefts Henry vnith's votes at an election of knights of the Golden Fleece, and likewife that, lie will name a reprefentative; alfo about the Fr. king's double dealings. (Orig.) Brulfels, April 24, 1516? 21. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfev; various intel¬ ligence about the Emperor, &c. (Orig.) Malines, April 25 , 1516 ? 03. * 22. Th. Spinelly, to Henry vui; intelligence about the Emperor, the affairs of Italy, See. (Olio-.) Brulfels, April 27, 1 5 1 6 . o( 5 . 23 . Heads of Inftrudions of Henry vm; about fome payments in the Low Countries to the Luggers at Angfburg. ^g 7 24 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card; Wolfey ; about the confirmation of a treaty. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 27 1 51 7 ? si. 2.5. Th. Spindly, to Henry VIII; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, May 4, and Donav, May x. . .. 1516 . 3o'. ’ 2 ( 5 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol- ley ; thanks him for good offices ; and exhorts him to peril ft in promoting the friendfhip between the Emperor and the K. his matter. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent May 10, 1520 ? 3G. ] 3 * 27. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry vm; requeuing him to wait for the K of Spain’s (the Em¬ peror's?) arrival, who is about to embark. (Olio-. Fr.) Ghent, May 16, 1520? ° 37. 28 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol¬ fey; acquaints him of fome cannoneers fent by the Emperor, whom file here calls her nephew; and is felicitous for the continuance of friendfhip. (OnV. Fr.) Ghent, May 11, 1.520? 37. 29. Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; profelfes his zeal in the king's fervice, and gives intelligence about Spain, See. (Orig.) Arras, .May 20, 1516? ss. 30 . Sire Guyot de Ileulle, to Ilenry vm ; com- plimental. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, May 21,’15is? 40 . 31 . Tho. Spinelly, to Ilenry VIII; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 1 and 4, 1516? 41 . 32 . THo. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Louvain, June, 1516? 44. 33 . Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; intelligence. (Orig.) Ghent, June 7, J 5 17. 40. 34 . \\ m. Knight, to Card. Wolfey ; about fome Daniih Ihips in Zeland ; a Danilh herald and doftor returned from England ; and a war between Denmark and the Eafterlings. (Orig.) Malines, June 1.5, 151S - 48 . 35 . Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; about the re¬ payment of £. 8000 at Antwerp, and intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 9, 1510 ? 50. .16. JI10. Spinelly, to Henry vui; intelligence, chiefly from Italy.' (Orig.) Bruff. June S,*i 5 i 6 . 51 . 37. Ch. de Croy, to Ilenry vm; requefts fome in¬ demnification for lofles fuftained by the fieges of 3 U Therouanne £ 5 S G AL B A, B. VI. Therouannc and Tournay. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, June 15. 53. .38. Cutlib. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports fome communication with father Nicholas, the Pope's commiffary, about the Pope’s accdhon to a league. The cardinals of Senes, Saules, and St. George, practife againft; the life of the Pope. (Orig.) Ghent, June 17 , 1517 . 54. 39- Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; acquaints him with the arrival of Fcrd. brother to the K. of Caltile, who had been driven on the coaft of Ireland; about treating with the Swils; for money, &c. (Orig. conf. t il. 32.) Client, June 18 , 1518? 50. 40 . Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; about the re¬ covery of money from the Fuggers ; and fome nego- ciations between the chancellor of Brabant, and Nic. dc Neufville a French agent. (Orig.) Brulfels, June 22, 1510? 57. 41 . An order of Francis I. K. of France, to Anth. Spinolle. to come to Lyons. (Fr.) Aix, Jan. 28. 58. b. 42. Cutlib. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports the K. of Caftile’s arrangements with the hates previous to his departure for Spain, Scc. (Orig.) Ghent, June ID, 1517. *" 5D. 43. Charles K. of Caftile, to Card. Wolfey; cre¬ dential in favour of the Aud : encier. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, June 27 , 1517 . (j 0 . b. 44 . Jeh. do Alva Marq. de Soula? to Card. Wolfey; about an affair he had cntrulted to fir Itiehd. Wing- ficld. (Orig. Spanilli.) Brulfels, J une 25. Ci. 45. Margaret, Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; credential in favour of W 111 . des Banes. (Orig. Fr.) Mons, June 29 , 1 5 . fii. b. 40 . J. dc Berghes, to Henry VIII; in praifeofTho. Spinelly, and profelfmg his own regard. (Orig. Fr.) Berghes, J une 29 . o' 1 . b. 47 . Cutlib. Tunftal, to Ilenry vm; intelligence about the 1). of (j udder’s invalion of Holland; pre¬ parations of the French, Sec. (Orig.) Bruges, J ulv 2,1517. " 62.' 48. Tlio. Dorfet and Tho. Spinelly, to Card Wol¬ fey; intelligence about the Venetians refilling an ac¬ commodation, the French marching 5 ,000 Swils to¬ wards Flanders, &c. (Orig.) Ampton, July 6'. 03. 49- Cutlib. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; concern in<>• a report that Hen. \ ill. was treating undcr-hand with France, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, July 23. G 4 . 50. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; reports the effect the news had of a treaty between England and France, &c. (Orig,) Bruges, July 26, 1518. 65 . 51. Cli. de Groy, to Card. Wolfey ; folicits his aid for obtaining fome indemnification for damages fuilained by the king’s army. (Orig. Fr.) Middleb. Jul y 27 . ’ 66 . 52. Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; about the treaty between the Emperor and France, and various articles of advice and intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfels July 29 , 15 17 ? 3 C)~. ’ 53. De Lanoy, to Card. Wolfey; lias executed a commiffion about three courfcrs. (Orig. IT.) Ghent Aug. 6. ' 69 54. II. de Croy, to Card. Wolfey; conciliatory; in prait'e of Spinelly, See. (Olig. Fr.) Middleb’ Aug. 6, 1517.? ~ 0 45 . tlio. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligem (Orig.) Brulfels, Aug. 17 , 15 i-p 56. Charles (de Bourbon?) to Monf dela Fayetl blames him for commencing lioftilities before Ti rouanne was victualled. (Fr.) Laffuirc, Aug. 24 . 71. b. 57 . Tli. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; the Archdfs. recovers her lands in Burgundy by the treaty of Noyon; affairs of Gueldcrs, &c. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 4 , 1516. 7 o. 58. Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; the ftates of the Low Countries called; the earl of Wvnnenborge challenges K. Charles, &c. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 19,1517? 73 . 59. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; recommending Mich. Sandrin dean of Wratiflaw going to England from the Card, of Sion. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Sept. 20 , 1520. 73 . b. 60 . Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey ; princefs Louife of France dead; and various other intelligence from France, See. (Orig.) Malines, Sept. 29 , 15 1 7 . 74. 61 . De Lanoy, to fome officers at Mons ; concern¬ ing a report of the plague having broken out at Mons. (Orig.) Bins? Sept. 29 , 15 ? 74 . b. 62. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; three letters, 1 . earneftly diffuading a treaty with France; 2 . about the imprisonment of llobt. Elviftie at Bruges; and 3. about count Felix and the D. of Bourbon's inva- fiou of France. (Orig.) Bruffels, Oct. 8, 10 , 1581, and Ofit. 22 , 1523 ? 73 . 63. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; thanks for his friendly proieffums, lent her by Hefdin and Sauch. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, Oct. 23 . 79 . 64. \\ m. Knight and Riehd. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; mentions a letter fent from Dunbar to the D. of Albany, in which it is laid that Henry VIII. intends to give princefs Mary to the K. of Scots, &c. (Orig.) Malines, OFt. 23, 15is? so. 65. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henry Vili; thanks him for a kind letter by Helilin ; and requefts the continuation of his favour towards the h. her nephew. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, Oct. 24 , 1 5 ? 81. 66. Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; reports intel¬ ligence he had obtained of the bad Hate of the l'r. king’s affairs on account of the enmity of the Swils. (Orig.) Antwerp, Oct. 25 , 1515 ? 82. 67 . Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; reports the enmity the Archdfs. has conceived againft the ;im- baffadors of Aragon; Almire ’.s going into France, See. (Orig.) Bruffels, Dec. 14,1517? 83 . 68. Cutlib. Tunftal and Wm. Knight, to Henry VIII; report their negociations with the prince of Caftile, Ed. Chicvrcs, and tile Chancellor, concern¬ ing the confirmation of the treaty of London, See. (Orig.) Bruffels, Dec. 17 , 1516? 85. 69- Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; returning a letter of Henry vm. and profefling that llie and the K. her nephew will truft the king without any pledge. (Orig. Fr.) 15 . 89 . 70. Margaret Archdfs of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; upon the death of Pope Leo x. affures him of the Emperor’s readineis to ferve him in the election. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, Dec. 17 , 1521. 89- b. 71 . Card. Wolfey, to Cuthb. Tunftal; defiring him to procure accurate intelligence about the treaty between the Emperor and France. (a draught) 1516? 90 . 72 . Cuthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey : about his negociations with Chicvrcs, Sec. concerning the in¬ tended treaty at Cambrav, Sec. (Orig. end wanting.) 1516? * 9 s. 73 . Bryan Tooke, to Card. Wolfey; about the comprehenlion of the D. of Gueldcrs in a treaty; claims of the Archdfs.; Monf. de Yen dome, Sec. (Orig.) 94 . 74 . Inftructions G A L B A, B. VI. 259 74. In ft met ions to ambafi'rulors in the Low Conn- trie;; (Knight, &c.) to prefent the treaty of Noyoil, &c. (Five draughts in the hand of, or corroded by Wo 1 ley.) 15 id? 96. 75 . ]>e He III in, to Card. Wolfey; fends him his inflru&ions. (Orig. Fr.) London. 108 . 7 c>. Chariest", to Card. Wolfey; exprefling great confidence. (Orig. Fr.) 108 . b. 77 . A. lift of great perfonages, who probably ap¬ peared at a tilt. 109 . 76 . De Heltlin, to Card. Wolfey ; wilhing to clear up fume doubts, and to ingratiate himfelf. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, Jan. 6. 110 . 77 . Cuthb. Tunlial, to Ilenry VIII; reports his ncgociations about the confirmation, iS:c. a con¬ ference with the Archill's. (Orig. in cypher, with the decypher.) Brulfels, Jan. ) 1 , 1.51 7 ? 112 . 78 . Henry Yin ; inliruclions to Lancafter K. at arms, fent to the Archills, of Savoy, on the election of Charles V. as K. of the Romans, (a draught in Wolfey s hand-writing) 1319. liG. 79 . An extract out of a cypher, probably of Tun- ftal, to Wolfey; reporting the peace concluded be¬ tween the Emperor and the K. of France. 1517 ? 117 . 80. An eftimate of the French Ihip Marie de Granville,taken by the Englilh. (Fr.) 118. 81. A note of liiftruftions, about a lawfuit. (Fr.) Aug. 4. n'9. 82 . J. de Lignc, to Ilenry VIII; profeffinghis duty, and cautioning him againlt Hue de Mellun a fecret enemy, who he fays had been the chief abettor of Perkin Warbeck. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, 1 3 10 . 120 . 83. Jaques Pierin, to Henry VHI; a letter, fcarcely intelligible, on the ufurpations of the Pope, (Sec. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, Dec. 19 , 20 , 21 , and 23. 131. 84. Ilenry VHI; his iuftruciions to fome ambaf- Fadors then at Hagenaw, to treat with the Emperor about the impolicy of the treaty of Noyon, &c. (a draught.) 1317.- 123. 85. Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; about an ap¬ plication to the Pope concerning an election ; an in¬ tended marriage between the Q. of Aragon and a marquis, &c. (Orig. cypher.) Brulfels, Jan. 28. 128. 80. Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; in behalf of the ambalfadors of Sienna; about ,the Emperor's pro- fufe liberality to his chancellor, &c. (Orig.) Lon¬ don, June lG, 1519? 131. 87- Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; concerning his going to the Swifs; the emperor Charles V. fends Ed. Beauraine to the Pope; about fome ihips detain¬ ed, &c. (Orig.) Maiines, June 29, 1623. 131 . 88 . Th. Spindly, to Henry VIII; reports the Em¬ peror's retreat to Trent; urges Henry to counteract the ncgociations of the Emperor and the K. of Call, with France, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, May 6, 1517? 132. 89. A memorial of the Archdfs. of Savoy, to be pr.efented to Henry VHI; about profecuting the war againft France and Gudders; and of the Englilh auxiliaries that will be necelfary. (Fr.) 135. 90 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; remonftrating againlt an intended pur chafe of corn in the Low Countries for the city of London. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 1520. 137 . 91 . Charles A'; his commifiion to de Bcrghes, and 4 more, to treat about his intended vifit to the Englilh court. (Lat.) Burgos, Feb. 25, 1520 . 138. 92. II. de Croy, to Card. Wolfey; notifying the above commifiion. (Orig. Lat.) Burgos, Feb. 26, 1520. 140. 93. Henry VIII, to Charles V; defiring him to poftponc his viiit to England, (a rough draught in Wolfey’s hand.) March, 1 522. 141. 94. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Ilenry Vlir; complimental; and thanking him for his good re¬ ception of count de Home. 1 (Orig. Fr ; ) Malines, April 10 , loi . 143. 95. The treaty of commerce between Henry vm, and Charles V. (Lat. vicl. Rym. XIII. 714.) London, April 11 , 1520. 144. 96 . Confirmation of the above treaty between Henry VIII. and Charles V. (Lat.) London, April 20, 1520. . 148. 97- De Lalaing, to Card. Wolfey; the Archdfs. fends de Barres back to him, and defires fome “ fpeedy “remedy;” (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels. 157 . 98. Sir Richd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ veying fome orders from Ilenry VIII. concerning the meeting the Emperor at Canterbury. (Orig.) Canterb. May 10? 1522. 158. 99- Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; about Charles Vtil's return from Spain, and intended vifit to Ilenry VIII. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, May 16 , 1519 . 158. b. 100 . De Lalaing, to Card. Wolfey ; thanks him for his kindneis, and about the reception of the K. of Caftile in the kingdom of Aragon. (Orig Fr.) Malines, May 20 , 1518? .169- 101 . Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; eight letters of intelligence, concerning the Emperor's motions, the cardinal's penfion and Bpk. in Spain, and various other lubjeCts. June 4, Ghent, June 8, 28. (1 s r) 19, 27 , 28, July l and 6, 1520. lGO. 102 . De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for a prefent; and about his having recovered Mortaigne, from Monfr. de Ligne. (Orig. Fr.) Gravelines, July 15 , 1520. 170 . b. 103. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey ; invites him to come over to him that he may lay open all iiis affairs to him. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, July 20, 1521. 179 . 104 . Card. Wolfey to the Marquis.on fome concerns chiefly referred to Spinelly. (Lat.) Ca¬ lais, July, 1520. 179 . b. 105. Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters concerning the Emperor's motions, the ftate of his dominions, revenue, &c. and various other intelli¬ gence. Ghent and Bruges, July 28 and 27 , 1520. 180. 10 O. Ph. flaneton (audienciary) to Spinelly? de¬ filing him to haften Card. Wolfey’s coming over. (Orig. Fr.) Dunkirk, July 29 , 1520 . 138. b. 108. Adr. de Croy, to Card. Wolfey; defiring him to haften over the king’s army ; Monfr. de Bour¬ bon bent upon an enterprize. (Orig. Fr.) Tournay, Aug. 3, 1523? " 189 . 109 . Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters* of intelligence from the court of Charles v. about the bulls of Wolfey’s bifhopricks, &c. (Orig.) Ghent, Aug. 6, 1520. 190 . 110 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; wilhing for an interview in order to explain matters. (Orig. Fr.) Bruges, Saturday, Aug. 9 , 152 1 . 196 . N. B. Aug. 9 , fell on a Saturday in 1522. 111 . Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; a fragment, chiefly on the affairs of Italy. (Orig.) Brulfels, Aug. 17 , 1520. 198 . 112 . A. du Prat and J. de Silva, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning 2 bo G A L B A, B. VI. VII. concerning their commilfum to meet him at Calais. (Orig. Fr.) Calais, Aug. , 2 - 6 , 1 ) 21 . 199 . 113. Henry vili; his commifiion to Cuthb. Tun- llal as ambalfr. to the Emperor. (Lat.) Load. Sept. 1, 1 . 520 . 200. 114 . Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the insurrections in Spain. (Orig. the end wanting.) Sept. 1 . 520 . , 201 . 11.5. Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; preparations for the Emperor's coronation; and intelligence. (Orig. the end wanting.) Sept. 12 ? 1520. 20 s. I Hi. Th. de Bregilles, to Card. Wolfey; remind¬ ing him of fume letters he was to give him for the Archdfs. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfds, Sept. 2 . 205. 117 . Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the troubles in Spain, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, Sept. 15, 1520. 206 . II 8. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey ; recommending the dean of Wratifiaw lent to England by the Card, of Sion. (Orig. Lat.) Malines, Sept. 20 , 1 . 520 . 20 S. b. 1 10. Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey; reports the King- having lig-ned difpatches for the Emperor, and other tranfa&ions. (Orig.) Sept. 21 , 1522 ? 210. 120 . Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the court of Charles v. and Spain, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, Sept. 23 , 1520 . 212 . 121 . A French letter of thanks, and credential in favour of count de Poyntyeure. (Orig.) 061. 5 . 215. 122 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wol- fey ; about the neutrality of the county of Burgundy. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, Sept. 23, 1 5 . 215. b. 123. Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence ai.out Scotland, G udders, Ac. (Orig.) Antwerp, Oct. 7 . £ 16 . 124. Marie de Luxembourg, to Card. Wolfey; thanks him for having interceded in her behalf with the Archdfs. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, 061. 1. 217 , 12 . 3 . 1 110 . Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intimates feme complaint of Cuthbt. Tun Hal's treatment; and a Iks a recommendation 1o the Pope in favour of his brother Leonardo. (Orig.) Maeflricht, Oct. 20 , 1)20. 218. b. 126 . Sir Ptichd. Wingfield and Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; report the Emperor's motions again ft the French. (Orig.) Ath. Oct. 21 , 1521 ? 219 . 217- Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; various in¬ telligence from the Emperor's court, Spain, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, Sept. 12 , 1520. 220 . 128 . Henry VIII ; his confirmation of the treaty of London of April 11, 1520. (vid. VI. 06 .) 223. 129 . II. de Croy, to Spindly? laments the tick- nefs in England; and knows nothing of Albany's going to Scotland. (Orig. Fr.) 224. h. 130. A treaty between Henry vm, and Charles V. concerning an intended meeting at Sandwich and Canterbury. May, 1522 ? 225 . 131. A treaty of peace between Henry vii, and Philip archduke of Auftriu. (Lat. vid. Rvm. xn. 578.) London, Feb. 24 , 1495 - 6 . 231 . 132. Confirmation of the above treaty. (Lat. vid. Ilyin. XII. 713 .) Calais, May 18 , 1599. 239. 133. An article in the treaty of 1495, and another in a treaty of July 28 , 1502 . * (Lat. vid. Rym. xiu 13 .) * 242. ' 134. Confirmation of a treaty of peace between Henry VIII, and the emperor Maximilian. ( 15 - 13 . 135. A convention between Henry \ in, and Maxi¬ milian, for commercial intercourfe. (Lat.) Brulfels Jan. 24, 15 1 ,)? 244 . b.’ 136. A treaty of peace between Henry vm, and Charles Pr. of Caftile. (Lat.) Brulfels, Jan. 24 1015 ^ 246. 137. The oath taken by the plenipotentiary of the Catholic Ii. and the Q. of Caftile, in confirma¬ tion of a treaty with Henry VIII. Oct. 3, 151.3. 247. N. B. Thefeven laft articles are a let of copies written by the fame hand. Ga/ba, B. ATI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans folii.s 379 . 1 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; fent by fir Riclid. Wingfield, whom the defired to come over; expreffing great confidence, and wifliino- to he advifed by the Cardinal. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent* Jan. 10 , 1522. ° o 2 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; ex pidling-great confidence; and about a papal elec¬ tion. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, Jan. 20 , 1521 - 2 . * 2 . b. 3. Sir Itobl. \\ ingfield, to Card. \Y olfev; acquaints him with his, and Dr. Wm. Knight's) arrival at. Brulfels. (Orig.) Brulfels, Feb. 8, 1521 - 2 . 3 . -4. Sir Robt. A\ ingfield anti Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; report an audience thev had from the Emperor and the Archdfs. (Orig.) Brulfels Feb 11,1521-2. ’ 4 _ 5. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports feme particulars of his audience from the* Emperor, efpecially about the papal election, and about a grant of£ 40 a year to himfelf. (Orig.) Brulfels,^Feb. 11,1521-2. 6 6. Camilio de Diaccto, to James Beaton ? about the bulls of the Archbk. of St. Andrews, Ac. (Ong. Fr.) Antwerp, Feb. 13 , 1521 - 2 . 7 . 7. l)r. Wm. Knight, to Card Wolfev; reports anfwers to Wolfey s complaints brought by Hefdin, of the Englifh army having been ill treated in the Low Countries, &c. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. in, 1521-2. 8 ; 8 . Sir Robt. Wingfield and Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence from Italy, and the'Emperor's court. (Orig.) Brulfels, Feb. 24 , 1.322. 10 . 9. Sir Robt. Wingfield and Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; mention a tilt at the Emperors court, and conferences with the provolt of'Callel, the Chancellor, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, March 3, 152 1 - 2 . 11 . 10 . Gerardus de Plenie la Roche, to Card. Wol¬ fey; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Lat.) Malines, March 10 , 152 1 . 12 ’ 11 . Charles V, to Henry Vili; agrees to delay his journey to England. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, March 20, 1521. ' N. Ik Charles came to England in 1520 and 1522 . 12 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence about fome troops gathering in Cleves, whom the Fr. king is to take into his pay. (Orig.) Malines, March 31, 1522 . “ l4 ’ 13- A letter of protection of Charles v. in favour of the lordihips of Fiennes and Leanne in the Boulon- nois, belonging to count de Gavre. (IT.) Brulfels, April 1 , 1521 . 15i 5 14. Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence of the Emperor’s (Maximilian's) motions in Italy, &ic. (Orig.) Brulfels, April 4, 1516. ig. 15. Charles V, to Henry VIII ; afiigning his rea- fons for a further delay of his viiit to England. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, April 12 , 1521 . is. b° 16. Tho. 2bi GALBA, B. VII. i : Tho SpincUv, to Henry VIII ; concerning the war in Italy and Navarre ; the I). of Uudders peaceable dil'pofition, Ac. the treaty of Noyon propofol. (Ong. two letters.) Bruflels, April 14 ami lb, 1516. 20. i- Cnthb. Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience of leave from the Arehdfs. at which a con¬ ference was had concerning a treaty of amity wit the Emperor, See. (Ong. cypher.) Mal.nes, April ‘"’is" John He,ford, to Henry, nil; acquainting- him thatthe Emperor had palled by Plymouth. (Ong.) Plymouth, May 23, 1520. ’■ Sir Rd. Wingfield and Tli. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; report various intelligence and egoe,at,ons with the Emperor, &e. (Ong.) Bruflels, June^O, "lo Henry vm; his infmiftions to fir R. Wingfield, covet 1 v 1 n r the a, iVi to 1 g 1 . to the Emperors memorial f Card. Wolfey to be feat m.,, ,o ireal nr a peace. (A draught corrected by Wolfey.) July- o t Sir Rd. Wingfield and Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; report the Fr. king’s declaration of enmity towards the Emperor; theEmperor reqmres Wing¬ field to conic ovi to England and mleUigence about theSw it’s. See. (Ong.) Bruflels, June**, 15*1- 3S. no A memorial of certain remonfirances, rations and arguments made by the Emperor, relating to the proceedings of the French: mcloted in the above lettci. 1521. „s Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; reports con¬ fer, aces with the Emperor and the Archdls. about the propofed alliance agarnft France; and fends m- telligence concerning the motions ot the armies (Orig.) Bruflels, June 25, 1521, with a P. S. ot June 26. „ Three rough draughts ot letters from Card. WoRey to Ham'y v... ; whilft he (Wolfey) was m the Low Countries, mediating between the tmpeor and the Fr. K. Aug. 1521. 4 - .15 Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII; on the iubject of his negociations at Calais. (A fair copy, but nei¬ ther dated nor figned.) Aug. 1521. 4a. < 16 . Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII; on the fame fubjea : two draughts corrected by Wolfey ; the for¬ mer dated Calais, Sept. 4, the latter a fragment. 1521 07 Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII; on the fame fabjeft ; a marriage between Ch. V and 1 Is. Mary mentioned. (A fair copy, neither dated nor ligned.) 1521. . 28. Tho. Spinelly? to Card. Wolfey? intelligence concerning the war in Spain, and the deliberations at the Emperor's court, (the end wanting.) July, 15.1. oq sir Rd. Wingfield and Spinelly, to Card. Wol- fey; about their negociations at the Emperor s court, the Cardinal's coming over; and intelligence con¬ cerning the war. (the end wanting.) im-i. ^ b - so. A paper figned Wingfield and Tho. Spinel y ; and entitled “ News lliewed to us. the Chancellor be¬ ing prefect, and the Governor of Brefle marftal of Bourgogne,'' chiefly concerning the 1 ope, and the at fairs of Italy. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 13,1521. 62. 31 Sir Rd. Wingfield and Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; four difpatchcs on tin ir negociations. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 1is, (notfigned by Spinelly) lS the end of the lait wanting,and probably the 17. (Ong. 32 . Ferdinand (Arclld. afterwards Emperor) to Henry vui; thanks for the king’s congratulations on his arrival in the Low Countries, and his intentions of wood entertainment had he landed in Fno'Iantl. (Ong. conf. VI- 39.) Bruges, July is, 15m - 33 . Sir Rd. Wingfield and Tin Spinelly, to Can!. Wolfey; intelligence from the Emperor s court; inane German princes come in to his aiiiliance. (Ong.) Ghent. July i», 1521 . . ,‘. 4 '.. With a latin paper iuclofed entitled N ova ex Italia. 34 . Charles V, to Henry VIII; thanks for his friendly mcll’ages bv Wingfield ; and ahoul 11 o!!e', s coming over. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, July 20 , 1521. 35 Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the an- fwer ilenrv VIII. gave to Montpezat and Labbatic, the French amhaffadoito their requilitions concern- jug the war with the Emperor. (Orig.) II mdfor, July 20 , 1521. 36 . Tli. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey : concerning the illtcndcdmeeting at < alais, and inlriligenee; Nava; re retaken. (Orig.) Ghent, July 21 , 1521. so. ' 37 . Sir Rd. M inglield, to Card. Wolfey ; about the meeting at Calais ;~ the king of Denmark at the Em- eror 1 * court; with a P. S. (Orig.) Ghent, July 2, 1521. S “' 38 . Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; about his negotiations previous lo the meeting at Calais, Ac. (Orig.) Ghent July 2 , 4521. s4 - SO. Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey ; about the meeting at Calais, and intelligence from Italy. (Oiig.) Ghent, July23, 1521 8,J - 40 . Rich'd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey, at Calais ; the king propofes to make ready 5 or 0,000 archers, to ferve as occalion may require. (Orig.) Wmdfor, July 28, 1521. . ® 7 ' 41 J Jongla and J. de la Souch, Imperial ambai- fador's in England, to Card. Wolfey; claiming Hie pel-full of Greg, de Pifcarro, a murderer. (Orig. ti.) Bond. July 31, 1531. _ 88 ' 42 . IT. de Raiffe la Hargerie, to the Bp. of Baycux ; concerning fome points relating to a truce to be ton- fidered at )he meeting at Calais. The writer appears to have been a Fr. miiillier. (Fr.) Malines, July 1 , 1521. W ' 41 Th. Spinelly, to Card.Wolfey; various intel¬ ligence concerning the motions of the Emperor, the armies in Italy. Ac) (Orig.) Ghent, Aug. 4, 1521. go 44 Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; containing Henry's mfirufthms concerning the cardinals nego¬ ciations at Calais. (Orig.) Okinge, Aug. ,, W--- 45 . Charles v, h, Card. Wolfey ; profeflmg a great define to cltahliih a firm alliance with England. (Orig. Fr.) Bruges, Aug. 7* 4 I, : Tho. Spinellv, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence from Italy, Ac. (Orig.) Bruges. Aug. 9, tn<21. 9/. 47 Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; eommumca- tions and inftruakms from Henry VIII. (Ong-) Guilford, Aug. 24, 152 i. 48i Card. Wolfev, to Henry vm; advice con¬ cerning the fecurily of the narrow leas, the difficul¬ ties of his negociation, and the preielltation ot tile king's book againft Luther to the lope. (Ong-) Bruges, Augut't 24, Ioni¬ an A Latin paper, figned by the Arehdfs .Mar- warct and Card. Wolfey. entitled, Articuh fub S bene placito S’” D. N. concept,, pro art-hurt foedere inler luam S'™ Ceiaream, et regent Anglue et Fran- "eundo. (Orig.) Bruges, Aug. 25, 1521. 3 y; 50. Richd. 262 galba, B. VII. 50. R id id. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; anfwer to Wolfey’s letter to the king of Aug. A; with aifur- ances of the king’s approbation. (0ri«O Guil¬ ford, Aug. 29 , 1 5 21 . 3 j , o 5 1 . Sir Rd. Wingfield and Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence of the taking of'Moufon; pro- grefs of the Imperialifts in Italy, in Navarre, Nc (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 31 , 1521 . 1 j , 3 . 52. Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfev; two letters direeling him to advife the P.mperor, from Hen. vnr. to take 10 inftcad of 6 thoufaiul men into Spain, and by no means to expofe his perfon in the wars. (Orio *) Guilford, Sept. 3 , and Oking, Sept. 11 , 1 . 121 . 1 ill. 5 3 . Wm. Knight, Th. More, and two others, to Card. Wolfey; report their conferences with the de¬ puties of the Ilanfc, about redrefs of grievances (Orig.) Bruges, Sept, is, 1 . 523 ? " Us> 34. Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; with the kind’s anfwers to 3 letters from the Card, on a variety of mat¬ ters relating to the leas, Scotland, Ireland, &c. (Orig.) Windfor, Oct. 4 , 1521 . n t,_ 5.y. Sir Rd. H ingfield and Tho. Spindly, to Card W oHev; two letters of intelligence concerning the war m the Low Countries, Spain, Sec. and various other matters. (Orig.) Mous, O& 4 and 8, 1321 . 121 . 56. Richd. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; the king’s advice to be given to the Emperor; affairs of ItaTv, See. (Orig.) Windfor, Oct. 15 , 1521 . 12 . 3 '' 5~. Sir Rd. Wingfield and Th. Spindly, to Card. M oliey; two letters of intelligence: the emperor will not hear of the terms of the propofed truce; the de¬ predations of the French, Sec. (Orig.) Valen¬ ciennes, Oct. 19 , and Cultrey, Oct. 2 . 3 , / 521 . 125 . 5S. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence from the Emperor's court ; about the victual¬ ling’ °f Tournay, &c. Coin tray, 0&. 2 . 3 , 1321 . 129 . ;T- Dockwray, fir Tli. Boleyn, and fir Rd (>8. Ilenry Viil; hi to treat with the conn peror, the li. of Fr. & Fond. July 29, 1321 eommilTion to C ard. Wolfrv, illioners of flic Pope, tlie Ein- ( Fat. \ id. Rym. xm. 730.) 3 52 . on. Some preliminary articles of ihe treaty nfi I.nys, bc-tM 11 the lN,j,» th- Emjnw. Em-!nrd‘ and I-ranee. (Fr.) 1321 . 7°. Charles v, to Card. Wolfey ; thanks fo! hi, f, 1 " aml n commending fome concerns of the K of ifitngarv. (Ong. hr. with a feal.j Oudenarde AOV. -3, I.5S1. , | ■ ;i. Sir ltfc-hd. Wingfield, to Card. Wollhr - u ; ( ], m S t0 be mailed. (Orig.) Oudenarde, S’ov 1521 - . im.’ '®; Sir Rd. Wingfield and '111. Spindly, to Caul. Holley; three dilpatehes on their neguciulions and intelligence (tom Italy. (Orig.) Oudenarde, N,’„’ 23, 24, and 25. 1.521. ' , -, IS. Charles v, to Card Wolfe, ; intimates his having written to Rome in the cardinal's behalf. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, Dee. 28, 1421. Ido. h. ' 74. Sir Rd. Wingfield and Th. Spindly; intelli- genee from Italy, Tournay, Sc. : 12 letters; in one thnn ail ex trad out of a letter from Milan to the I'.mpcror. (Orig.) Oudenarde, ls T ov. 29 , 30 , Dec. i T d. n, 12 , 14. Ghent, Dee. is, in, -3,’and 2 d’ lad. J6l. 75. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; on M- Secretary's return. (Orig.) Ghent, Dec. 20 i.v-i’ M ingfield ; two letters, one to the lords of council fa copy) and the other to Card. Wolfey; about their iiegoeiations with the Emperor, who re'fufes to accede to a truce. (Orig.) Courtray, Oct. 25 and 2 d, 1521 . ISO. with the king's (Orig.) Wind- Go. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey confultations on divers affairs, See. for, Oct. 11 , 1321. (ii. Dockwray, Boleyn, and Wingfield, to Card. ” olk T i dirre letters on their negotiations. (Orio ) Oudenarde, Oa 29 and so, and Nov. 2 , 1521 . 135 , G 2 . Dockwray and Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey ; ne¬ gotiations concerning the truce; the Emperor willino- tojtccede, ifFontarabie bereftored, &c. (Orig.) Ou° denarde, Nov. 1 1 , 1521 . 14 , d Charles to C aril. Wolfey ; two letters con¬ cerning the trace. (Orig. Er.) Oudenarde, Nov. u and 10 , 1521. ]43 . ni. Dockwray, Bol.yn, and fir Rd. Wingfield, to C aid. W olfey ; about their negociations with the Em- perur concerning the truce, Sec. (Orig.) Oude nardc, Nov. lfi, 1521 . ]45 70. Cha. Naffau, to Card. Wolfey; recommend¬ ing an Englifh gentleman who wiflit'd to enter info the king's l'crvicc. (Orig. Er.) Ghent, Dec. 27 152 L ( 175.11/ 11 . Charles V ; his inftruetions to fome ecclefiaftic about a negotiation with Henry vm. ami Card. Wol- fcy. (Pr.) Ghent, Dec. 3 . 0 , 155l J7( j. 7S. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports that the Arclulfs. is very defirous to have an inter¬ view with him (the Card.) (Orig.) 1521 ? 178 . b. 79- Henry a m, to his ambafladors at Worms: a long difpatch, being inft nations concerning their ne¬ gociations. (A draught, the end wanting.) 1.521. I 79. so. The treaty of Calais between Henry vm. and Charles V. againft Francis l. (Fat.) 1321. 200. ' 8\. Sir Rd. Wingfield and Th. Spindly, to Card Wolfey ; report fome negotiations between theEmpc- ror's and the French minifters ; a propofal for a Hurt¬ ing between the Archdfs. and the Dfs. of Angou- leme. (Orig.) Ghent, Jan. 1 , 1322 . 207 . 82 . DeBcrghes, to Card. Wolfey; fent by a per- fon dilpatched by the Emperor and the ArehdlT (Wingfield?) concerning the reftitution of fome lauds in Burgundy to til© Archdfs. (Orig. Er.) Ghent Jan. 1322. 007 . jj. 8.5. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; fome intelligence obtained from the ambalfador of Milan; an inroad towards Pennine, Sec. (Olio-.) Ghent. Jan. 3, 1522-3. 208 65. Sir Rd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; various intelligence from the Emperor’s court, Italy, Sec. (Orig.) Oudenarde, Nov. is, 1521 . ' 147 . 00 . (. harlcs V, to C aid. V olfev ; exprefiing thanks and confidence. (Orig. Fr.) Oudenarde, Nov. 20 1521 . 149. 67. Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; reports au- iliemx , from the Einprmr and the Ardidfsf and in¬ telligence ; the Emperor belieges Touraav. (Orio-) Oudenarde, Nov. 20 , 1521 , 150 84. Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence concerning the Fr. king’s extortions, the Pope’s elec¬ tion, Milan, Sec. Dr. Knight going to the Swifs, &c. (Orig.) Ghent, Jan. 15, 1322. o| 0 . 85. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; reports thefurrender of Rhodes, and other intelligence from Rome, Spain, &c. (Orig.) Malincs, Jan. 15 , 1522 - 3 . 214 . 8G. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports an audience from the Archdfs, wherein fome falfe G A L B A, B. VII. 263 falfe intelligence received in England is explained. (Orig.) Mal'mes, Jan. 19 , 1522-3. . 216 . 87 .to Card. Wolfey; with a nar¬ rative of the conferences at Calais, which the writer relates in the form of a dialogue. (Orig. Lat.) Bruff Jan. 20 . 1522. 21 8. 88. A treaty between Henry VIII, and Charles V ; concerning the value of money, and the price of wool. (Lat.) Calais, Jan. 17 , 1522-3. 219 . 89 . Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the papal election, naval affairs, the affairs of Spain, fee. (Orig. a long difpatch.) Bruffels, Jan. 22 , 1522. 227. 90 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Malines, Jan. 28, and Feb. 5, 1522-3. 233. 91 . Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig. chiefly cypher.) Bruffels, Feb. 6 and 10 , 1521-2. 237 . 92 . Margaret Archdls. of Savoy, to the Eng- lifli ambaffadors; mentioning a report of the French king's death; Fontarabia certainly taken. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Feb. 12 , 1522-3. 242. b. 93 . Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the reftitution of lands in Burgundy; the Emperor’s in¬ tention to land in England, &c. (Orig.) Bruffels, Feb. 14, 1521-2. 243. 94. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig.) Malines, Feb. is and 21 , 1522-3. 245. 95 . Sir Robt. Wingfield and Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; report an audience from the Archdls. and intelligence. (Orig.) Bruffels, Feb. 26 , 1521-2. 249. 96. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; intel¬ ligence from France; about the ltates of the Low Countries, fee. (Orig.) Malines, March 4, 1522-3. 251. 9(5. a. Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; reports his negociations and intelligence. (Orig. two letters.) Bruffels, March 17 and 20 , 1521-2. 253 . 97. Charles v, to Card. Wolfey ; great profefiions of friendlhip and confidence. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, March 21 , 1522. 259 . 98. A paper, in the hand of Spinelly, entitled, “ News fhewed to us (by) the chancellor, in the pre¬ fence of my lady.” March or April, 1.522. 2(50. 99. Two draughts, in Wolfey's hand ; being in- flructions to the Eng'l'ifh ambaffadors at the Imperial court, concerning the Emperor’s intended vifit to England. March? 1522. 2 (j 2 . 100 . Card. Wolfey, to Ilenry VIII; concerning the Emperor's intended vifit. (A draught.) March, 1522. 204. 101 . Articles preliminary to the treaty of Windfor, between Charles V. and Ilenry vm. (Lat.) 1 . 322 . 2(58. 102 . Modi concepti pro firmiori unione inter fer. Rcgem, et Imperat. (Orig. ligned by Hen. VIII.) 1022 . 270 . 103 . Charles V; his confirmation of a treaty, dated June 19 , 1522. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) 273 . , 104 . Charles de Croy prince of Chimay, and J. de Luxemburg Ld. of Fiennes; their lblemn gua¬ ranties of the treaty of marriage between the kings of England and Caftile. (Orig. Lat. vid. Rym. xm. 176 .) 1508. 274 . 105 . Sir llobt. Wingfield and Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; report their negociations, and intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 1 , 1522 . 275 . 10(5. Ponyngs, Yonge, Boleyn and Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; report the exchange of a treaty. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 10 , 152 . 278 . 107- Sir Robt. Wingfield and Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; report an invafion of the French near Grave- lines. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 18, 1522. 279 . 10 s. “ News from Italy fhewed to us (Wingfield and Spinelly) by the chancellor,” inclofed in theabove. (in Spinelly’s hand.) April 18 , 1522. 280 . 109 . Sir Robt.Wingfield and Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; report audiences from the Emperor, and in telligence from Italy. {Orig.) Bruffels, April 24, 1522. 281. 110. Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Emperor's vifit to Fngland, the affairs of Italy, fee. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 12, 1522. 283 . 111 . Sir Rt. Wingfield and Th. Spindly, to Card- Wolfey; three letters of intelligence, chiefly from Italy. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 12, 14, and 17, 1.322 2S4. 112 . Th. Spinelly, to Bryan Tookc; complains of being ncgle&ed, and intelligence chiefly from Italy, See. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 24, 1522. 288. 113 . Charles v, to Card. Wolfey; expreffing his forrow that he cannot accompliili his intended vifit to England; and concerning a miftake m the delivery of a former meffage. (Orig. Fr.) April, 1522. 290 . 114 . Sir Robt. Wingfield and Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence from Italy. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 20, 1522. 291 . b. 1 15. Charles V, to the treafurer of Calais ; defiring the releale of two Englifhmen in his fervice. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, April 27 , 1522. 292 ° 11(5. Sir Robt. Wingfield and Th. Spinelly; intel¬ ligence about the Emperor, and from Italy. (Orig.) ’Bruffels, May 2 , 1522. 293 . 11 7 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; reports his brother fir Richd. Wingfield's arrival; and re- quefts leave to return. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 5, 1522. 294 . 118. Sir Richd. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ ports his firft audience from the Emperor, concerning the Emperor’s intended vifit to England. (Orig.) Ghent, May 10 , 1522. 295 . 119 . Sir llobt. and fir Richd. Wingfield, and Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence, with a paper inclofed in Spinelly’s hand, entitled “ news out of Italy.” (Orig.) Ghent, May 10, 1522. 297 . 120 . Sir llobt,. and fir Richd. Wingfield, and Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; about the Emperor’s re¬ tinue on his vifit; and intelligence. (Orig.) Bruges, May 15, 1522. 300. 121 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; three letters alluding to meffages lent, by the ambaf¬ fadors ; and complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Vierfi'ele, July 2(5, and Hague, Aug. 10 and is, 1522. 301 . 122 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; reports his own prog-refs to Calais, Dunkirk, &c. (Orig.) Bruges, Aug. 20 , 1522. 302. 123. Jacobus de Bannifis, to the Archdfs.; with in¬ telligence out of Italy. (Lat. a copy, probably in Wingfield’s hand.) Trent. Aug. 24, 1 522. 303. 124. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence from the Archdfs.’s court. (Orig.) Barow, Aug. 25, 1522. S04. 125 . Floris count dc Bcuren, to Card. Wolfey; laments his being difabled by indifpofition from ren¬ dering any fervices. (Orig. Fr.) St. Omers, Aug. 2(5, 1522 . ' 305. 126 . A paper in Spinelly’s hand, addreffed to Henry 264 G A L B A, B. VII. VIII. !<( 1 iv VIII ; on the fecurit' and government of the Low Countries, during the Emperor's abfence. 1522. 306. 1 27 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for icveral kind letters and melVages, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Berghes, Sept. 1 , 1522. 308. 128 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henry VIII; to the lame purport. (Orig. Fr.) Berghcs, Sept. 1 , 15C2. 309. 12.9. Charles V; his proclamation in behalf of thole who lhall bring provifions into liis and the Englilli camp in Picardy. (Fr.) Bcrghen-op-zoom, Sept. 1 , 1322. ' ' 310 . 130. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; a feries of ele\ en 01 : d difpati Berghcs Sept. 1 , and Antwe rp, Sept. 6. 9. 11. 13 . 16. 19. 22. 27. SO. and 06h 4 , 1522. si 1. ,1 31 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Ilenrv VIII; credential in favour of Joh. de la Sauch. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, Oft. 7 , 1522. :’. 84 . b. 132. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; two difpatehes. (Orig.) Antwerp, Oft. 7, and 14 , 1522. 335. 133. De IIefdin, to Card. Wolfey; on the fepara¬ tion of the Englilli and Imperial armies in Flanders. (Orig Fr.) Lille, Oft. 16 , 1522. 338. l.u. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; three difpatehes. (Orig.) Malines, Orl. 20 , 23 , and 27 , 1322. 339. 133. I)e Hefdin, to Henry VIII; reports his having conveyed the Fnglilh artillery from Lille to Antwerp. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Oft. 27 , 1322. 343. b. 13(5. Sir Ilobt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey : four di les. Orig.) (rnent, <)ft. 30. Nov. _ ). i )ec. 2 , 4, and o, 1322. 346. 13 7 - Margaret Archdfs of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; acquaints him with the (hath of Pope Leo. X. and defires him to tell her whether Ihe lhall apply to the Emperor in his behalf. (Orig. Fr.) Oudenarde, Dec. 13, 1321. 353.'b. 138 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; a dif- patch. (Orig.) Ghent, Dec. 25, 1521. 354. 1 Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; profefiions of regard, and of her wiih to fee him placed in the papal chair. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, Dec. 27 , 1521. 354. b. 1 10 . Sir llcbt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey: a dis¬ patch. (Orig.) Ghent, Dec. 29 , 1322. 333 . 141 . Confirmation of the treaty of Windfor, bc- tw■ecu lien. t ill, and Charles V. (Lai.) 1322. . 37 . 142 . A fehedule of treaties and ratifications be¬ tween Hen. viii. and Ch. V. 1322. 359 . b. 1 43. Card. Wolfey. to Henry VIII; reports the com¬ munications lie bad from the Emperor's court. Sec. (a draught corrected by Wolfey.) 1322 ? 360 . Sir Richd. Jcmingham, to Francis I? about a pacification with the K. of the Romans. (Fr.) 1322? 367 . 1 Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; various in¬ telligence. (Orig. chiefly in cypher.) Jan. 1522. 370 . 141 i. Card. Wolfey, to (Tunftal) Bp. of London and Bn an Tookc; ordering them to come to the king, who is delirous of confulting them concerning the late truce, which he does not quite approve, See. (Orig.) 1522. 373. 117 . A minute of fpeeches that palled between the Archdfs. and the Fnglilh ambaffadors, upon a l'uf- picion conceived and declared by Card. Wo I lev. that t be pro v oftof Ut ht . lined in favour of th Fr< nch. (Orig. Fr. figned by Margt.) 575 . Galba, D. VIII. Codex diari.u mis, in folio, eonltans 1 oliis 22 . 5 . 1. Charles V, to Henry Mil; font by fir Robt. ^ ingfield whom lie had prevailed upon to come over °n fome particu tr ..... 5. 1 .. : 9, 1522 : ' o. 2 . Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; intelli¬ gence, about Richd. de la Pole, anil fame levies to be made in his favour, &c. (Orig.) Malines,.!:'.-?. 12, 1522-3. " ’ ' ' n T ■ ' . to the I d. Priv j S a 1 Tunftal Bp. of Lond.) touching a p< -eaty with Margt. whether ihe be bound to r. ft ore goods taken by her fubjeeis: the plague in London at this time. (Orig.) Stepney, 152 . 4 . 4 . Minutes of fume tranfaeiions in the council uf the Archdfs. of Savoy. (Fr.) Malines, 1 eh. 19 , 1023 . 6 . • 1 • Tho. Spindly, to Card. WollVy ; intelligence. ‘ h*i y. Biuffc Is, Jan. 28, 152 2 . ‘ iq, 6. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card Wolfey: twodif- patches with intelligence, anil touching his own pro¬ ceedings. (Orig.) Malines, Fd>. 24 and 28 , 1522 - 8 . 12 . 7 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; about Du Praet's mifbehaviour in England, where be was am- batfador. (Orig.) Bruffels, March 5, 152 s. 15 . 8. Sir Ilobt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; five dif- patches with various intelligence. (Orig.) Malines, March 22 , 27 , 31, April 12 and 10 , 1525. 19 . 9- Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfej ntelli a fpy (| ' Richd. de la Pole taken, &c. (< )rig. Ai t- werp,' April 13 , 1523. 2 s. 10. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfev; about fomc intercouri'e between the Scots and the people ot Middleburg. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, April 13, 1523. 29 . 11 . Margaret. Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; about a propolal from the Pope fur a general pacifi¬ cation. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, April 18 , 1523. 30. 12. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey : reprefenting the nccdlity of a peace, or a truce. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, April 15, 1522. 32 . 13. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; a Sec r of the 1). of Albany hopped in Flanders; overtures for peace on the part- of France, &c. (Orig.) Malines, April 18 , 1523. 34 - 14 . A ftatement of the charges of waggons and lymoners for the army in Flanders: incloied in the following letter. 35 . 1>. 15. Sir Wm. Fit;'william and fir Robert Wingfn id, to Card. Wolley ; i < 00 Lull intending lo attack thelf of Lorraiu ; the Hate of tin- French frontiers, &c. Dr. hnigh.t gone. (Orig.) Malines, May 5, 1523. 36. 16 . Sir Robt. and Richd. Wingfield, and Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey : intelligence from Italy ; the defeat of the French at la Bicoquc, &c. (Orig.) Ghent, May 2 , 1522 . 38. 17 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; two letl< ft of intelligence about Albany's fecivtary, Crifiicrn the fugitive K. of Denmark, &c. (Orig.) Malinis, June 12 and 4 , 15.23. 39 . 18 . Charles V, to Card. Wolley ; credential in fa¬ vour oflome ambaffadors. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, July 23, 1522? 41. iy. Collar t le Mahieu and 4 more, to Henry vm; xequefting requefting a licence or fafe-condu 6 l. 20 . Charles V ; a licence for Collart le Mahieu, &c. to trade ; with a pad'port by Floris count de Buren, in confequcnce thereof. (French.) Bruffels, July 31, and Aug. 2 , 1523. 43 / 21 . Floris count de Buren, to Henry VIII; cre¬ dential in favour of de Hefdin. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, Aug. 13 , 1523. 45 . 22. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; two letters* concerning his audience from the Archdls. on his re¬ turn from Bade; Bourbon’s coming over ; Bart. Tate’s requilitions for waggons, &c. (Orig.) Bruffels, Aug. 20 and 23, 1523. 40. 23. Dr. V> m. Knight, to Mr. Tate ; about procur¬ ing horles and waggons. (Orig.) Bruffels, Aug. 31 , 1523. " 49 . 24 . Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; about Bourbon’s coining over, and divers military pre¬ parations. (Orig.) Bruffels, Aug. 20 , 1523 / 50 . 25. Do llefdin, to Card. Wolfey; about military preparations in Flanders; Francis I. does not go to Italy, &c. (Orig. IT.) Bruffels, Sept. 3, 1523. 51. 20. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey ; about mi¬ litary preparations in the Low Countries ; Monf de Buren gone to Gravelines to meet the 1). of Suffolk : count Felix on the borders of Lorrain. (Orig.) Bruf¬ fels, Sept. 4 , 1523. 52 . 27 . Sir Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey; with the king's thanks for his meafures; and about the mili¬ tary affairs in Flanders. (Orig.) Oking, Sept. 5, 1523* 54 , 28. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; a re¬ port of his negotiations with the Archdfs. &c. about the conduct of the war. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 6 , 1523. 56 . 29 . Toys de Praet, to Card. Wolfey; communi¬ cating his letters and intelligence from the Low Coun¬ tries, and offering half a year's penfion ; two letters. (Orig. Fr.) London, Sept. 8 and 11 , 1523. 57. 30. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; reports his application to the Archdfs. for promoting the arma¬ ments, &c. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 11 , 1523 . 59. 3 1 ■ Sir I ho. More, to Card. Wolfey ; two letters, containing inftru&ions,and intelligence from the king, concerning the war in the Low Countries, &c. the K. refolves upon the fiege of Boulogne, See. (Orig.) Oking, Sept. 12 , and Guilford, Sept. 13 , 1523 . 61 . 32. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; three dif- patches on the affairs ot the Low Countries and Spain. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 14 , and Malines, Nov. 13 , and Sept. 28 , 1523. 05 . ’ .33. Sir Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey; reports the kings opinions and directions concerning the war in the Low Countries, See. (Orig.) Abingdon, Sepl. «o 1523. ’ k 70 / 34. Barth. late, to Card. Wolfey; about his fup- ply of waggons and lymoniers. (Orig.) Bruo- es Sept. 20 , 1523. ’ 35. Sir lticlid. Wingfield and Tho. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the war in Italy; the Swifs grant troops to the Pope and Emperor. (Orig.) Bruffels, Sept. 22 , 1522. 77 . 36. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey ; about the iupplies of the army. (Orig. Fr.) Ma¬ lines, Sept, so, 1523 . 79- Count de Buren (Floris) to the Emperor’s am- baliador in England; about the progrefs of the allied army on tile French frontiers, and further prepara¬ tions. (Fr.) Camp at Cappy, 061. 23 , 1523 . 80. 3S. Dr. Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; about mo¬ ney to be paid to the D. of Bourbon, for the enter¬ taining of 10,000 Lanfkenets led by Ct, Felix. (&c ) (Orig. two letters.) Malines, Od. 30 and 19 , 152 . 3 . 82. 39. A ftatement of arms, armour, and ammunition to be provided for the army; figned de Hefdin. (Fr.) 1523. . 40. Sir Tho. More, to Card. Wolfey ; reporting the kings fatisfa&ion at his (Wolfey’s) good adminiftra- tion. (Orig.) Woodftock, 061. r.o, 1523 . 87 . 4 1 . De Hefdin, to an Englifh ambaffador (Knio-ht'O defiling him to ufe his interelt that he may have a fair opportunity of clearing himfelf from fume afper- fions. (Orig. Fr.) Liege, Nov. is, 1523 . so. 42 . A memorial of certain tilings to be reprefented to the king by de Hefdin, on the part of the Archdfs (Orig. Fr. figned Margt.) Nov. 30, 1523 . 90 .' 4.8. A ftatement of the artillery, ammunition, Sec that will be neceffary for the next campaign ; bv the count de Buren ; figned de Hefdin. 1523 . 9 3 . 44. Charles V, to Henry VIII; recommend in a bufinefs which was to be ftated to him bv Wolfey and his (Charles’s) ambafi’adors. (Orig. * Fr.) 1503 96. b. 4 . 5 . Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey • recommending the count de Penthievre who conies’ to England on the partof the D. de Bourbon. (Ord-. Fr.) Malines, Dec. 9 , 152 s. g 7 f‘ 46. Jo. Hannart, to Card. Wolfey; about a meet¬ ing to be held at Nuremberg concerning the af¬ fairs of the K. of Denmark ; and defil ing that an E 11 - glifh plenipotentiary might be fent over. (Orm. Lat ) Malines, Dec. 22 , 1523. 47. Baptifta de Taffis poft-mafter, to Henry vnr. and Card. Wolfey; two letters concerning the arrears due on account of the poft at Calais. (Orio-. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 1 , 1524. & gg/ 48. Di. W m. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; concern in o* the conduct of the war ; tlie Card, of Liege blames de Buren for having penetrated too far into France. (Orig.) Bruffels, Jan. 13 , 1524. mi. 4f). Dr. Wm. Knight, to fir Bryan Tooke; Wolfey and the Archdfs. reciprocally charge each other with backwardnefs in the profecuition of the war; ‘“ the Great Mary of Denmark” offered to be fold to Henry VIII. (Orig.) Jan. 1524 . 103 . 50. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; two letters, recommending the claims of fome mer¬ chants ; and credentials in favour of de Buren, Lau¬ rens, and de la Saudi. (Orig. Fr.) Malines, Jan. 20 , and Feb. 4 , 1524. 105 5 ’ 51. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; exculpates herfelf concerning fome delays in the af¬ fair ot a veil'd, and complains of coolnefs on his part, &c. (Orig. Fl-.) Bruffels, Feb. 12 , 1524-5. 106 . 52. Margaret Archdfs. of Savoy, to Henry vm; in anfwer to his complaints about 270 G A L B A, B. X. 19- S. Vaughan, to Henry vm; concerning the bringing over of Tindal: lent w ith an addition to See 7 Cromwell. Barow, Jan. 26 , 1530-1. 42 . 20 . Tho. Legh, to Sec y Cromwell? about a ne- gociation with Bremen; and the Emperor having- put forth an ordinance for taxing the clergy of the Low Countries. (Orig.) Antwerp, Feb. 9 . 1534 - 5 . 44. 21 . Charles D. of Guelders, to Henry IV. K. of France; expoltulating about bis having been de¬ ceived in the matter of a comprehention. (Fr. a decypher.) Carnew, June 25, 1534 . 45 . 22 . The fentence of the “fcoute” of the town of Barrow, againft Hen. Johnfon, aliasTrappe,for having fpoken injurioufly of the K. of England. Sept. 15. 1534. 47 . 23 . X. Olahus (Scc r to the K. of Hungary) to the Q. of Hungary; profeffing his duty and gratitude for kind treatment. (Orig. Lat.) S. Audomar, Sept. 25, 1534. 47 . b. 24 . Tho. Leigh, to S. Vaughan? about the death of Mr. Ilackett, and theftate of his affairs. (Orig.) Antwerp, Nov. 6, 1534. 48 . 25. S. Vaughan, to Scc Y Cromwell; about marts to be held at Barrow, and fome debts of the late Mr. Hackett. (Orig.) Bruffels, Dec. 13 , 1534 49 . 26. S. Vaughan, to Sec 7 Cromwell; refpeQing the claims of Bernardo de highly upon the late Mr. Hac¬ kett; an emiffary of the Emperor arrived at Galloway, See. (Orig.) Antwerp, Dee. 24, 1534. 52. 27 . The Archbp. of Palermo, to Sec 7 Cromwell; about the late Air. Hackett’s affairs. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, Dec. 31 , 1534. 54 . 28. Another copy of the fecond fet of inftru&ions inX. 6. (Fr.) 35 . 29 . JehSm de Tohar, (a magiftrate of Gravelines) to S. Vaughan? about two Engliihmcn detained in his town for having fold books of Al. Luther. (Ori<>-. •Fr.) March 24 , 1535. 57 . b? 30. Wm. Lock, to Henry VIII; various intelli¬ gence concerning negociations with France. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 20 , 1535. 58. 31. Antonio Drumaldi, to Sec 7 Cromwell ? refpeCT- >ng_ fome demands of his; and intelligence about the taking of Goletta, the meeting of the two queens at Cambray, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Antwerp, Auguft 24 , 153j. 59 . 32. Thomas Poyntz, to his brother John Poyntz; intelligence about Tindal. (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 25, 1535. GO. 33. Robt. Flegge, to Sec 7 Cromwell; reports in what manner he forwarded two letters from Crom¬ well, the one to the marquis of Barrow, and the other to the A bp. of Palermo. (Orig.) Antwerp, Sept. 22 , 1535. 6 tJ . 34. A. letter, not figned, but feeniingly in the hand-writing of Robt. Flegge, perhaps to Sec 7 Crom¬ well; reporting a fermon preached by a fryar, in which he denied the legality of Henry Yin’s marriage with Ann Boleyn, and the fryar’s recantation on the interference of the writer. 63 . 35. R. N. to Sec 7 Cromwell; various intelligence concerning the court ot Bruffels, and fome motions ©t the German princes. March 25 . 65 . 36. Thornton, to Ld.intelligence concern¬ ing tome errands to Rome, the Emperor's affairs, &c. (Orig. defective.) This appears to relate to affairs in Scotland. Antwerp, May 24 , 1536. 67 . 37 . S. Vaughan, to.intelligence from the court of Bruffels. (Orig.) May 29 , 1536 . 68. 38. A propofal or ordinance of the Q. of Ilungarv, for a truce between the Emperor, &e. (Fr.) St. Onu r,' July 30 , 1537 . y 39. An ordinance of the Q. of Hungary, relating to a truce with France. (Fr.) St. Omer, July so, i537. 70 . 40 . Robt. Conflable, to lord.expreffes his diffatisfa&ion with Roger Gray, and fends intelli¬ gence about the Empr.the Pope’ Ac. (Orig.) 70 . h. 41. Inftructions of the Q. of Hungary, to AI. Geo. Defplechem; lent to M. de Bures, admiral, to deli¬ berate with him concerning fome outrages committed by the Englilh on imperial veffels. (Fr.) Nov 50 1536. 71 / 42. John Coke, to Sec 7 Cromwell; reports the million of Griffith Aphowell from Scotland ; the re- fnlal he receives; and his imprifonment. (Orig.) Antwerp, Dec. 9 . 72 . 43 . Mary Q. of Hungary, to the Englilh ambaffr. (S. Vaughan?) in behalf of a Flemilh’captain who had been molefted by fome Englilh mariners. (Orig. Fr. figned and lealed.) Bruffels, May 26, 1537 . 72. b. 44 . G 10 . Battifta Fcrrar, to.intelligence about an alliance in Italy againlt the Turks, (brio-. Ital.) Antwerp, March 1 , 1538. 73 ? 45 . John Over, to John Demock Drapp his brother; about fome bargain for gun-powder and arquebufes; intelligence, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp AI arch 16, 1538. 74 . 46 . J. Villanuova, to.(aSpaniffi letter.) Louvain, June 14 , 1538. 76 . 47 . Fra. Hieron. Dazambuto, to Hernando Vil¬ lanuova. (Orig. Spanilh.) Louv. June 12 , 1538. 77. b. 48. Fra. A. de Sanmiiian, to Alelch. Alvarez de Bofmediana, in the Sorbonne at Paris. (Orig. Spanilh.) Louvain, June 22 , 15:j,s. 73 . _ 49. Gio. Batt to Gail. Poni his abfetice to the Ld. Py. Seal; intelligence about private negociations at Bruffels. (Orig. Hal.) Biuf- iels, July 22 , 1538. 79 . 50. Tho. Tebold, to the Abp. of Canterbury? (Cranmer) intelligence about the meeting at Cam- bray, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 31, 1535? 81 . 51. Wm. Locke, to Henry VIII. and Ld. about the woollen trade; and other intelligence. (Orig. two letters.) Antwerp, Aug. 7 , 15 53 . " 82 . 52. Gio. Batt. Fcrrar, to Guil. Ponizo; intel¬ ligence about the war againlt the Turks, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Bruffels, Sept. 7 , 1533. 34 . 53. J. Floris de Egmonda comes de Buren) to Sec 7 Cromwell, and to Henry vni; the former com- plimcntal; the latter recommending Michael Merca¬ tor. (Orig. Lat.) Bruffels, 061 . 1 . 5 , 1533. 86. h. 54. Edw. Carne, to Ld. Cromwell? reports his going towards ’Bruffels to meet the Q of Hungary, who was returning from an interview with the French king. (Orig.) Valentia, Oct. 25, 1538. S 9 . 55. Two papers of intelligence from Antwerp, of the 8th and 1 7 th of Alai eh, 1539 - 40 ? 90 . 56. John Matbn, to Ld. Cromwell? complains of impediments during His journey, and reports fome matters concerning the Fr. king and the Empr. (Orig.) Ghent, April 2 . 94 . 57 . Two papers of intelligence from Antwerp, of the 16 and . . . of April, 1539. 95. 58. Wm. Claye, to.intelligence about Card. GALB A, B. X. i Card. Pole, See. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 10 , 1539. 96. 50. Nine papers of intelligence from Antwerp, of April li, . . ., 19, 19, 23, . . , May li and 26 , and July 2 , 1539- 97. Go. Tho. Teboldc, to the Archbp. of Canterbury (Cranmer) about private concerns ; his vitit to fome friends at Louvain, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 31, 1539. 61. Three articles of advice from Antwerp, of •Sept. . 1 . 23 and 18, 1539. 104. 62 . John Aborough of Calais, to Ld. Cromwell? intelligence about Ihipping. &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, March 3. 106. 6.3. Articles of intelligence, from Antwerp, March 13, 16 , 17 , and 18 ; Venice, Feb. 24, and Rome, Teb. < 26 , 1540 ? 107 . 64. Dr. Pate's paffport going Ambaffr. to the Empr. figned Th. Cromwell. Lond. April 9, 1540? 108. b. 65. Thirteen leaves, containing articles of intel¬ ligence, chiefly from Antwerp; probably extracted out. of difpatches, moftly in Englilli, but fome in Latin. 1540. 109. 66. Tho. Wrottefiey, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Crom¬ well) apologizes for having been Hack in writing; and fends fome intelligence. (Orig) Bruffels, Dec. 18. ' 122. 67 . Parker, to.various intelligence, chiefly concerning the Empr's. proceedings. (Orig.) Bruffels, April 14 , 1540? 124 . 68. Anthon. Spinulla, to Henry Till ? reprefenting his great neceff.ties, and requeiiing a reimburfement due to him. (Orig. Fr.) July 2. 126. 69 . T. Wrottefiey, S. Vaughan, and Edw. Came, to Henry VIII; report their return from Compiegne, and the motions of the Fr. K. and the Q. of Hungary after their interview. (Orig.) Valenciennes, 0«ft. 25, 1541 ? 127. 70. Charles v, to Henry VIII; on difmiffing fome of Henry 's troops. (Orig. Fr. all in Charles's hand.) 129 . 71 . Charles v, to Henry VIII; recommending Raphael Billon an Engliliunan, who is quitting his ftrvice. (Orig. Fr.) Bourgues, May 10 , i .5(24 ? 130. b. 78. ( s ,. and Henry vill. for concluding a treaty of peace and intercourfe; alio ratifications of the treaty. 1542 . 131 . 73. Charles V, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Ruffel) cre¬ dential in favour of Fr. Vanderdelft and Euftace Chappius, lent ambaifadurs to England. (Orig. Fr.) Rruifels, Nov. 26 , 1544. ^ 136 . 74. A treaty of peace between Henry vm. and Charles V. (Lat. an Orig. iigned by Henry.) 1543 . 137 . 75. A treaty between England and the Emperor. 1 45. 76 “Articles pai.'cs fur le Traite fufdit, par le Sr. 163 . 77 . TheLds. of the ouncil, to theambaflrs. m the Low Countries; wiih a book concerning an affair between Mr. Forman and one Petwell, to be Communicated to the Lady Regent. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, June 22 , 1545. * 165. 78. Jhc Lds. of the Privy Council, to the “ corn- million ers lor the diet;' 1 concerning divers points oi theii ncgociations at Calais. (Orig.) Hartford, June 24 , 1545 . inn 79. Articuli, damna, et gravamina quos Ma ,u Anglia; fubditi pad! hint, contra diverfos tractatus iiiter reges Angliseet I operator <•' quos or tores R. Henrici vill. Ctes. Ma tU conjmiuariis dant et exhibent. Bruxel, Apr. 6 , 1545. 159 . 80 . Ad rt-fpondendum articulis s, miflis ad Dorn. Jalparem Duchi, et per Johannem Moys vifitatis: being a declaration made by Ducliie and others at Antwerp. 173 81 . Refponfa ad gcr.cralia gravamina, per regis Anglin; commiffarios propofita. 175 . 82. Extraetus ex libro juris Thdonei D ni nofrri principis (Carlaris) apud Antverpiam. 179 . 83. Refponfa ad articulo.s 25 et 26 gravaminum. N. B. This is aifo at the end of x. 81 . 1 84. Querela: particulares aliquot fubditofum regis Anglia; a commilfariis prarf. regis ad comm if/'' CYcf. Ma“’ pro dieta Caleti et Gravclingas tenenda, menfe Maij 1 545, tranfinilfe. j g j. 85. Refponfa Cefarece majeftatis deputatuum, ad querelas particulars per Reg. Anglia; deputatos ex- hibitas. i 8 5 . SO. Alia? querela? particulars, fubditorum regis Anglia;, Commifs l “ Caftareis exhibita;. 1 S 7 . 87- Refponfa Commiffarior. Carfaris, ad querelas particulares per CommilP* regis Ana-lice, die 4 Julii. exhibitas. per CommilP regis Anglia:, die 4 Julij, 192.‘ 88 . Ccfarea; Ma u * commiffarior. refponfa, gene- ralibus qucrclis oratorum Ser. Anglia; regis, fub com- pendio redadfa. Burburgi, 16 Julij 1545. ’ 194 . 89- Refponfa commiffarior. Scr. regis Ano-licc ad gravamina exhibita per Ccfarea: Ma‘" commiffarios. 198. 90. Probationes gravaminum, per regis Ano-li® commiffarios exhibitarum. 91 . Quoad querelas exhibitas per mercatores ffa- pulce. 206 . 92 . Quantum atlinet ad refponfa data ad gcnerales querelas commiffarionim Ccfarea; Va*' 1 . Burburgi 16 Julij 1545. 207 / 93 . Quercia; mercatorum extraneorum, ut. Jar.u- enfium, Sec. de gravaminibus qu«e a vicecomitibus, See. civitatis Londinenfs f'uut perpem. Item relponia colle&orum contrarotulator. et fupervifor. portus Lon- dinenfis, ad eafdem querelas. oqs. 94 . The Lds. of Privy Council, to the Commiffrs. for the diet at Calais, viz. the Bp. of Weftminfter (Th. Thirleby) Sir Win. Petrc, Sir Ed. Vaughan, & c . allowing them to refide at Gravelines; alfo about Jafp. Douche’s aflair, &c. (Orig.) St. James, May 18, 1545. 210 / 95 . The Lds. of Privy Council, to the Commiffrs. for the diet at Calais ; about information to be given concerning the cuftoms paid in the port of London ; the king permits them to remove from Gravelincs, Sec. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 2 , 1545. 212 . 96. The eommiffioners at the diet, to Flenry vill; report their proceedings. Burborough, July 16 , 154 . 5 ' 214. 97. A copy of the letter of the Privy Council, x. 78. June 24 , 1545. * £ i 5 98. Copies of three difpatches from the commif- fioners at the diet, to Henry Vill. (the dates,omitted.) 1545. , 217i 99- The Bp. of Weflm. and fir Wm. Petrc, to Mr. Wotton; concerning their proceedings at the diet. Burborough, June 27 , 1545. 225 . 100 . A GALBA, B. X. XI. 7 2 100. A proteiuition of the Bp. of Winchefter (Gardiner?) concerning a fubtidy. (Lat.) 227- 101 . Depolitions of divers pcrfons, concerning the port duties levied in the port of London on the fub- jects of the Emperor. (Lat.) Antwerp, July 21 , 1545 , and July 00, 1546? 228. 102 . Gonfiderations exhibited by the imperial corri- rnillioners concerning an exchequer procefs; this pa¬ per is entitled “ In ncgocio Jocalium." i>45. 230. 10 o Replicatio commas. Crus. Ma“’ ad refponfum commifs. II. Anglia?, fuper fexto articulo particu- larium (jucrelarum, exhibitum. July, 1545. 232. 104. Les extorcions ct domages que lcs marchans Efpagnols out rccu des Anglois, &c. July, 1545. 105. Articuli quos Civs. Ma" s traclatui cum Ser. i rege Anglia? novillimc celcbrato, adjici ctinferi cupit. ■ Nov. 12 , 1545. 236 . J loti. Some articles concerning the negotiations at Burburg. (Lat.) 237- 107- A paper on divers articles of the negotiations at Burburg; confiding of obfervations and anlwers. (Lat.) Antwerp, Nov. 28 , 1545. 238. 108. The Engliih eommiiEoners in Flanders, to .report fome conferences with chancellor Nigri and Scippcrus, relating to the diet of Burburg. Antwerp, Nov. 31, 1545. 245. 109 . An anfwer to an article of complaint of the ftaple merchants at Calais, concerning the exporta¬ tion of coin. • 244. 110 . A declaration of what merchants Grangers pay for their eockcts; confiding of divers reports on the fubje6t of cuftoms. 245. 111 . Gravamina per oratores Ciefaris, oratoribus regis Anglia? exhibita Burburgiie. 255. 1 12 . Quercia? gencralcs fubditorum Ca?farea?Maj’“ (Fr.) 1545. 257. 11 t. Damna et gravamina qua'dam, qure regis Anglia: oratores, Ca?s. Ma £i ’ oratoribus cxbibuerunt. Bruxella?, die 6 Aprilis, 1545. (a copy of X. 79 .) 267 . 114 . Another tranfeript of the “ querels partieu- lares,” &c. X. 84. hut containing more than twice as many cafes as the former. 270 . 115 . Another tranfeript of the ££ Rcfponfa com¬ mifs. 1L Anglia 1 .” X. 8«). fomewhat, but not much dif¬ ferent. 277- 116 Rcfponfa mercatorum dapulre, ad querelas contra eos propodtas. 283. 1 it. Aucuncs des querelles proposes par les fujets de 1‘Envpcreur, contre aucuns griefs que leur lout ete inferez en Angleterre. 283. b. lie Rcfponfa commilfariorum regis Anglia?, ad querelas partieulares, exhibitas per magnif. dom. eonmiitfarios CaTarea? Maj t: ‘ inter alia, d 39. A liR.of the German princes who were to ap¬ pear, or fend their deputies, to Smalkalden. 1554 . 169. 40. The names of fuch German “ captains” as are penfioners to It. Philip. 171- 41. A letter of jollification, and offers of refpeCt to Q. Mary? (French.) 172 . 42. Articles propofed on the part of the Emperor for a pacification with France. (Fr.) 174 . ’ 43. A paper addrefied to Q. Mary? concernino- the negociations for peace, intimating certain thino^s to be propofed by the Bp. of Norwich to the Em- peror. 175 . 44. A declaration of the privileges granted by the marquis of Bcrghen to the Englilh merchants. (Lat.) Antwerp, May 5 , 1555 . 178- 45 . The emperor Ferdinand, to Q. Elizabeth; four letters; the firft, credential in favour of count de HelffenRain ; the fecond and third thanking her for her kindnefs to the faid count; and the fourth re¬ commending the baron de Stibing. (Lat.) Aimf- burg, Jan. 24, Mar oh 29 , April 28, and May 8 , 1 :> 59 . 196 . 46. Q. Elizabeth’s fafe-conduct, in favour of fir Tho. Challoner, fent by her to the Emperor. (Lat ) London, Nov. 26 , 1558. 204 . 47. Count Helfienftain, to Q. Elizabeth; inform¬ ing her that he had difpatched her friendly letters to 4 A the G A L B A, B. XI. 2 74 the Emperor; and declaring his (the Empr.'s) defire to cultivate a good underftanding with her. (Grig. Lat.) Bruflels, May 9, 1559. ' 207 . 48. Notes of the privileges granted to Embden; and the inveftiturc of Edzard in the earldom of Eaft Frief¬ land, and of three younger counts of Eaft Friefland in the faid earldom. (Lat.) 210 . 49. A pedigree of the ele&ors Palatine, from 1410 to 1559, inclofed in the following article. 212 . 50. Vitus Polantus J. V. I). counfellor to the elector Palatine, to lien. Killigrew, or fir William Ce¬ cil; on the demife of Otlio Henry, Elect. Palat. and the fucceflion to the electorate. (Orig. Lat.) Feb. 15, 1559. 213. 51. Chrift. Mundt (Mont.) to fir Win. Cecil; re¬ ports an interview between the 1). of Wirtembcrg, and the Guiles, at Savernc. (Orig. Lat) Stralb. Feb. 24, 1562. 216 . . 52 . Sir Tho. Challoner, to Q. Elizabeth ; a report of various tranfacrions at the Imperial court. (Orig. much obliterated.) Auglh. Jan. 2, 1558-9- 218 . 53. A brief difeourfe ofW. Erie’s expedition into the land of Holftein ; addreffed to the Lds. of Coun¬ cil. April 5, 1559 . 224 . 54. Chrift. Mundt, to Q. Elizabeth ; reports his ncgocialions with divers German princes. (Orig. Lat.) Feb. 1562? 228 . 55. The Empr. Ferdinand, to Q. Elizabeth; two letters : the firft congratulating her on her acceflion ; and the fecond concerning an attack of the I). of Mufcovy on Livonia. (Orig. Lat.) Auglburg, Jan. 3, and Aug. 17 , 1559- 234. 56. Extract of a letter from Frederic III. Ele<5t. Palat. to Q. Elizabeth; interceding in behalf of the princcfs of Cond£, and the pvoteftants in France. (Fr.) Heidelberg, Dec. 7 , 1560. 240. 57 . Chrift. Mundt, to the fecretary (Cecil ?) about an intended marriage between the Landgrave of Hefle Caffe l and a Swedilh princefs ; the D. of Wirtem- berg defires to confult him concerning an anfwer to the Emperor, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Stralb. March 16 , 1564. 241. 58. Frederic III. elector Palatine, to the K. of Fr. (Charles IX.) and the Q. mother (Cath. de Medicis) vindicating himfclf againft feveral imputations of the Fr. ambalfadors concerning affairs of religion. (Fr.) Heidelberg, Jan. 19 and 23, 1568. 243. 59 . Q. Elizabeth, to George John count Palatine ; acknowledging the receipt of a letter from him, and referring him to C. Mundt. (Lat.) Marche, 1567 - 8 ? 247 . 60. Frederic III, Eleft. Pal. to Q. Elizabeth; cre¬ dential in favour of J. Tremellius. (Lat.) Ileidelb. Feb. 12 , 1568. 248. b. 61 . The Eirpr. Ferdinand, to Q. Elizabeth; con¬ cerning a match he had propofed between the queen and his fon the Archd. Charles. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, Feb. 11 , 1560 . 250 . 62 . “ Summa legationis comitis de Ilelflenftaine.” Jan. 1560. 253 . 63. A draught of a letter in the hand writing of Cecil, and probably from him to the D. of Holftein ; exprefling his wifli that the queen would marry. Sept. 17, ,1560? 257 . 64. Adamus Tracigerus, Chanc. of Holftein, to Sec y Cecil; intelligence about the invafion of Livo¬ nia by the Mufcovites, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Hamb. OcL 17 , 1560. 258. 65. Q. Elizabeth, to Edzard II. count of Eaft Friefland ; credential in favour of William Hfrle. (Orig. Lat.) Weftminlt. March 18 , 1562-3. 260 . 66. Edzard II. Ct. ot L. Fried.; his deed by which he grants to his wife the revenues of the diocefes of Berham and Norden. (Lat.) Aurich, March 26, 1563. 2C2. 67 . A paper addrefleel to fir Thomas Grefliam, bv Rich. Cloughe his fervant; concerning the trade of the merchant adventurers in the Netherlands. 264 . 68. Minutes of two letters, the lft from the em¬ peror Maximilian, and the other from John de Af- femburg, to Q. Elizabeth ; defiring leave to export 6000 “ pannos” or cloths. May 17 ., and June io, 1566. 280. 69- John William I). of Saxe Weimar? to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; recommending Philip Spigel, an officer. (Lat.) Coburg, June 8, 1566. 282 . 70. The emperor Maximilian II, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning certain privileges granted by former kings of England to Cologn, Lubeck, &c. and which bad been infringed in the reign of Edward VI. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, May 10 , 1567 . 284 . 71 . The emperor Maximilian II to Q. Elizabeth; cre¬ dential in favour of count Stolbergand the S’ de Mai- deghen (Lat.) Prague, March 1 , 1567. 288 . 72 . Minutes of letters between Albert and Albert Fred, dukes of Pruflla, and Q. Elizabeth. 1567 and 1568 . 290 . 73. Q. Elizabeth's inftruflions to Hen. Killigrew, lent to Frederic count Palatine. Hampton-court, June 26, 1568. 294 . 74. Themagiftrates ofWefel, to Q. Elizabeth; in¬ terceding in favour of Laurence Tucking, who had beenmoleffed. (Orig. Fr.) June 28, 1567 . 299- 7 5 . T. earl of Suflex, to Q. Elizabeth ; report/liis proceedings with the Emperor, to whom he took the order of the garter. (Orig.) Vienna, Aug. 27 , 1567. 300. 76 . Wolfgang count palatine of Deuxpont, to Q. Elizabeth ; demanding pecuniary aid towards thefup- port of the French refugees. (Orig. Lat.) Stralburg, Oct. 20 , 1568. 303. 77- John margrave of Brandenburg, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; ftrongly recommending the Pr. of Comle, and the Fr. proteftants, to her protection. (Orig. German.) Cuftrin, Feb. 24, 1568. 305. 78. Wolfgang count Pal. of Deuxpont, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth; concerning'the aid to be given to the Fr. proteftants. (Orig. Lat.) Meifenheim, Dec. 12 , 1568. 307 . 79. J. Junius (counfellor to the Elc<5h Palat.) to Q. Elizabeth, two letters, concerning aid demanded by the Eledt. Palat. particularly a ioan of 300,000 crowns, (the firft Lat. and the fecond Italian) 1568 ? 309- 80 . The rough draught of Q. Eliz. inftrudt. to Killigrew, XI. 73. corrected by Cecil. 1568. 311. 81 . A paper concerning a confederacy between England and the German princes for the defence of religion ; drawn up on the part of the Ele6t. Palatine. (Lat.) Ileidelb. April 14 , 1569. 316. 82 . “ Refponfi quod Ele6h Palatini confiliarii, aliorumque Elector. N principum legati Erfurdi^e con- gregati, in caufa ferenifs™* Reg* Anglia;, dederunt.” Erfurdia?, Sept. 10 , 1569 . 319. 83. The fame in German, an authenticated copy. 323. 84. John Cafimir count Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth; affigning the reafons for having detained Killigrew; and G A L B A, B. XI, 2 ?3 and abfait the protcflaut league. (Orig. Lat.) Die- poliValcl, Aug. 7, 15(50. 329 8 '-. Frederic III. Eleft. Pal. to Q. Elizabeth; ex- prelTing his iirm attachment to her, and to the com¬ mon caule. (Orig Lat.) Ileidelb. April 17 , 1569 . 331. Theod. Weierus, an agent of Wolfgang count Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth ; concerning his matter's expedition into France. And the fame, to Cecil? inclofing the above for his approbation. (Lat. the lalt Orig.) 333 . ^ 87. II. Killigrcw? to the Ele&. Palat? flating Q. Elizabeth's anfwers to the propofals of Junius, XI. 79 . Two articles. (Lat.) 1569? 341 . 88. John Albert I), of Mecklenburg, to Sec 7 Cecil; defiring him to obtain from Q. Elizabeth fafe-conducts for three of his fhips coming from Lilhon. (Orig. Lat.) Swerin, April 8 , i56y. 344 . 89. Joan. Stur .... to.on his domeftic af¬ fairs. (Orig. Lat.) Aug. Feb. 28 , 1573 . 346 . 90. A decree of the Emperor; concerning a par¬ tition among the three brothers, counts of Embden. (Lat.) Spire, Odt. 26, 1570 . 347 . 91 . Frederic III. Elect. Palat. to Sec 7 Cecil? thank¬ ing him for a confidential letter, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Heidelberg, Feb. 11 , 1572 . 349. 92 . The Empr. Maximilian II, to Q. Elizabeth, notifying his determination to lubdue certain pirates' who infetted the feas. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, Dec. 28, 1571. 351 . 93 . Bernh. Botzhornius ? to fir Anth. Cook, defiring his intereft that he might fucceed to the late C’hritt. Mont, as Englilh agent in the empire. (Orig. Lat.) Strafb. Feb. 24, 1573. 353 , 94 . Wolfa .... to ... . defiring a remittance of 10,000 hides of oxen on account of the brethren Uvidii of Nurimberg. (Orig. Lat.) Spire, March 3, 15 75. 3 56. 95 . Frederic Iir. Elea. Pal. to lord Burleigh; thank¬ ing him for his attittance to Pet. Dathenus ; and re¬ commending Wm. de Melleville to his kindnefs. (Lat.) Altzey, July 23, 1574. 358 . 96. Cafimir count Palatine, to lord Burleigh; to the fame purport. Altzey, July 23 , 1574 . “ 359 . 97. The Empr. Maximilian II, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the pirates in the North Seas. (Ori<>\ Lat.) Eberfdorff, May 23, 1572 . 3 Gi° 98. Sir Philip Sidney, to Sec 7 Walfingham ? re¬ ports his firft audience from the emperor Rudolph II. the Emprefs dowager, and a queen of France ; and gives an account of the whole Imperial family. (Orig.) Heidelb. May s, 1572 ? 363 . N. B. This date mutt be a miftake, fmee Maxim. II. died in 1576 . 99. Frederic Iir. Elea. Palat. to_acknowledges the receipt of his letter from Paris; and fends him fomeintelligence from England. (Orig. Lat.) Heidelb Feb. 11 , 1572 . 3 (j 5. 100 . Chriftopher margrave of Baden ; his procla¬ mation authorizing Tho. van Harderfleben to feize any goods of Q. Elizabeth, in revenge for the inju¬ ries he had fullered in England. Rodemchren, June 28 , 1571 . 366 . 101 .to the E. of Leicetter; intelligence about the motions of the Palatine princes, particularly count Cafimir. (Orig. Fr.) London, 17, 1,573. 369. 102 . Sir Phil. Sidney to the E. of Leicetter his uncle ; intelligence about the Imperial court, the proteftants in France, the Poles, &c. (Orig.) Vienna Nov. - 27 , 1574. 37a 103. The demands of the emperor Rudolph II. at a parliament held at Prague. Jan. 1579 . 872 . 104. A decree of the Emperor, concerning the partition between the counts of Embden. {Lat f Julv SO, 1576 V 374 / 105 - Gl0 a Sein, count of Wittgcnftein, to the E. of Leicetter; thanks him for civilities; and fends bun fome hawks. (Orig. Lat.) Cologn, Aim- .1 1574. 0 Jl. 375 . 106 . Q. Elizabeth, to Terence Lenaughe ; alfuring him that lhe did not mean to moleft the Iritti. (Lat.) Greenwich, June 3 , 1574 . S 77 . 107 . Guiflain de Fyennes, to the E. of Leicetter; a letter of thanks for civilities. (Orig. Fr.) Cologn, MM7, !574. * 379 . 108. Frederic III. Ele6h Pal; his bond concerning the reltifution of 50,000 crowns borrowed of Q. Eli¬ zabeth. (Orig. Lat.) Heidelb. June 23 , 1575 . 381 . 109. I ho. Wilkes, to the E. of Leicetter; various intelligence about the princes Palatine, of Orano-e Conde, &c. (Orig.) Strafburg, Aug. 29 , 1575. 382. 110 . Q. Elizabeth, to the magittrates of Coloo- n - defiring them to give fecurity for fome of her loans! (Lat.) Windfor, Nov. 5, 1575. S 84 . * 1 l 1 . Otho duke of Brunfwic Ilarburg, to lord Burleigh; thanks for good offices. (Lat.) Harburo- April 4, 1575. 3S6 0 ' 112 . Sir Phil. Sidney, to Sec y Walfingham; re¬ ports his conferences with the princes Palatine on the death of the ele&or Frederick III; and the difpoli- tions of the Emperor and the German princes. Heidelb. March 22 , 1576 . 337 . 1 13. Another copy of the Imperial decree con- cerning the counts of Embden, XI. 104 . 389 . 11 4. Conventiones inter fer. reginam Anolke et Job. Cafnnirum comitem Palat. Rheni; concemcntes certam pecunke fummam, quam dictus comes petit fibi mutuo dari a di&a regina. 391 , 115. George John count Palatine, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Cattellet, Aug. 26 , 1581 - 393. 116 . Q. Elizabeth's inftru&ionsto fir Horatio Pal- lavicino. Feb. 1585. 3 g 4- 117 . Cafimir count Palat. to Sec 7 Walfingham; about the appointment of a profettor of laws, and the affairs of France. (Orig Fr.) Heidelberg, May, 1589. 400 . 118 . Cafimir count Palat. to Q. Elizabeth; re¬ commending the two fons of Palandt lord of Wa- chendorff, who were to be fent to England for their education. (Orig. Lat.) Heidelberg, Nov. 29 , 1589- 401 . 119 . Lewis D. of Wirtemberg Teck, to Q, Eliza¬ beth ; thanks for her condolence on his father's death, and concerning the confettion of Augfburg, and the fupport of it, in anfwer to Bell’s communi¬ cations. (Orig. Lat.) Stutgard, Dec. 23, 1577 . 404. 120 . Auguftus ele&or of Saxony, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; concerning the fupport of the Augfburg con- fefiion, in anfwer to the queen’s communication, by Robt. Bell. (Orig. Lat.) Dipoldfwalden, Nov. «, I5 77. 408. 121 . The E. of Leicetter, to Cafimir count Pala¬ tine; recommending his nephew fir Philip Sidney. (Lat. a draught.) Weftminft. Feb. 20 , 1576 - 7 . 412 . 122 . The E. of Leicetter, to Cafimir count Pala¬ tine; exprefling much friendfhip, and defire to ferve him. (Lat. a draught.) Weflm. 0&. 31, 1577 . 413 . 12 s. The 2 7 6 GALBA, B. XI. XII. 123 . The emperor Rudolph II, to John count of F.aft Friefland; concerning the partition between him and his brother Edzard. (Eat.) Prague, Nov. £4, 1578. 4U - 124. Cafimir count Palatine; his acknowledg¬ ment of having received an order of Q. Elizabeth for j£. 20,000. (Ft.) Lautern, April 20 , 157S. 416. 125 . The emperor Rudolph II, to Ct. Cafimir; concerning adifpute between the count and a brother of his. (Lat.) Prague, June 19, 1579- 417- 12 6. Count Cafimir; his deputation to fir Phil. Sidney to be his proxy at the next inftallation of the Kts. of the Garter at Windfor. (Orig. Er.) Feb. 12 , 15 79- 41 ;°' 127 . Count Cafimir, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning the affairs of the prince of Conde. (Orig. Fr.) Neuftadt, Oct 2 , 1579- 42 *• 12 S. The emperor Rudolph II, to John count of Faft Friefland ; concerning his diipute with his bro¬ ther Edzard. (Lat.) Prague, June 25, 1580. 423. i op. Chriftoph. Hodlefdon, to the 1.. of Leiceftei . various intelligence about two Newcaftle fhips feized at Embden ; and certain proceedings of the Ilante towns, ami German princes. (Orig.) Embden, May, 1580. 425 - 130 . The magittrates of Cologn ; their full poweis to John Ofenbruck, to tranfaft in England the buli- nefs of Melch. a Mulhem. (Orig. Lat.) Dec.^4, 1581. 427 ‘ 131 . A catalogue of all the princes ot the Empire Living in the year 1582. 43t) - Galba, B. XII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 256. 1. Edward VI? inftru&ions to Dr. Wotton, fent to refide with the Emperor and the regent of the Low- Countries, on the Bp. of London and fir Fr. Bryan being recalled. This relates, among other things, to an alliance againft France and Scotland. 3. 2 . Edward vi? a letter of recal to ..... . Englilh ambaffador with the Emperor, on fir Richd. Mafon being fent to relieve him. 10 - S." Four reports of the Englilh ambaffadors at. the Imperial court, tothe Lords of Council and the D. of Northumberland? on their negociations with the Emperor and the Bp. of Arras, about an alliance: the ambaffadors appear to have been the treafurer (fir Th. Cheyne) the Bp. of Weftm inker, and fir Phil. Hobby. “ Bruffcls, Nov. 10 , 25, 1549. U- 4 . Sir Phil. Hobby, to the D. of Somerfct; two letters, the firft on the corps of artillery, and the fe- C ond concerning fome negociations with the Em¬ peror. Jan. 15 and 19 , 1548-9? 16- 5 . The D. of Somerfet, to fir Ph. Hobby; about a paffage demanded of the Emperor for 2000 men. Jan. 26, 1548-9? ~°- 6 . Sir Ph. Hobby, to the D. of Somerfct; various intelligence from the Emperor’s court. Augfb. Jnne 13, 1548. 21 • 7 . The Emperor Charles V ; his proclamation con¬ cerning various regulations, and the contributions of his dominions in the Low Countries. (Fr.) Augfb. June 16 , 1548. 22 - S. T. Chamberlain, to fir "W m. Paget ; a report ot his negociations in Flanders. (Orig.) Brufiels, July 24, 1548. 28 - ^ 9 . An agreement between the commifiioncrs of England and the Q. dowager of Hungary, concern¬ ing the trade of the Englilh merchants with Ant¬ werp. (Lat.) Malines, Aug. 20 , 1548. 32 . 10 . The D. of Somerfet, to the Englilh ambaffador at.concerning an offer of the K. of Den¬ mark to mediate a peace between England and France. Sion, 061. 4, 1548. 33. 1 1 . Sir Phil. Hobby, to the Lds. of Council; two difpatches. Brullels, March 13 and 23, 1549- 35. 12 . The Lords of Council, to.intel¬ ligence about the war in Scotland, &c. (a rough draught.) 38. 1 3. The Lords of Council, to the comptroller of the houfehold (fir Wra. Paget) ambaffador with the Emperor; informing him of fome Frenchmen, under tie Termes, having landed in Scotland. (Orig,) Richmond. June 17, 1549- 40. 14 . Sir Wm. Paget, to the D. of Somerfet; reports his endeavours to bring the Emperor into an alliance againft France. Brullels, June 30, 1549- 41. 15 . The Lds. of Council, to fir Wm. Paget; in- kruCtions about his negociations with the Emperor againft France; lady Mary's marriage; and various intelligence. (Orig.) Richmond, July 4, 1549. 42. 16 . The triumphant and “joyful income,” given and granted unto the dukedom of Brabant, by the lords of the land; and confirmed by the emperor Charles V, and by his foil Philip K. of Spain folemnly fworn. July 5, 1549- 46. 17 . A brief of the principal articles which the emperor Charles v, and prince Philip his Ion, iwore to obferve for the behoof of their Subjects of Brabant, and the provinces and towns thereto united; being called “ the joyous entry.” Louvain, July 5, 1549 . 70. 18 . “The oath made by the emperor Charles V, and king Philip, at the invoking and accepting of him in the Low Countries, contained in the book of the privileges, intituled “ dor Glide incompft.” which is to"lay “ the joyful entry day, &c.” 1549. 19 . Sir Wm. Paget and fir Phil. Hobby, to the D. of Somerfet; three long difpatches. Aloft, July 12 . Bruges, July 22 and 24, 1549- "4. 20 . Inflations to fir Wm. Paget, fent to the Em¬ peror. 1549- 90. 21 . Sir Wm. Paget, to Mr. Sec 7 Petre; various intelligence concerning a treaty with France, (the end wanting.) 1549' 91- 22 . Sir Wm. Paget and fir Phil. Hobby, to the D. of Somerfet; copies of four long dilpatches con¬ cerning their negociations with the Emperor and his minifters. (without dates.) 1549- 92, 23 . Sir Phil. Hobby, to the D. of Somerfet; in commendation ot fir W m. Paget, who returns to England. 11 24. The D. of Somerfet, to the ambaffadors with the Emperor (Paget and Hobby) directing them to caution the Emperor about fome practices of the French with the princes about the Elbe and Wcl’cr. Greenwich, May 5, 1549- 1 1 *■ 25 . The ambaffadors with the Emperor, to Ld. Ruf- fel? report the Emperor being kill alive, but very infirm. lii.b. 26. The D. of Somerfet, to fir Phil. Hobby ; ap¬ prizing him of various practices concerning the I Tench. Aug. Is, 1549. 1 1 1 . b. 27 . The D. of Somerfet, to fir Phil. Hobby; in- clofing an account of Ld. Ruficl s fuccelles in the Weft. Aug. 23, 1549- 1 1; • ,J - 2 S. The 2 77 GALEA, B. XII: 28 ., The D. of Somerfet, to fir Phil. Hobby;' two letters of intelligence concerning the rebellion in the Well. Aug. 24 and Sept, i, 1549- 114 . b. 29 . The Lds. of Council, to fir Phil. Hobby ; con- tradi&ing a report of a peace between England and France. Dec. 31, 1549- >17- 30. The Lds. of Council, to fir Phil. Hobby; ap¬ prizing him of commiflioners having been named for negotiating a peace between England and France. Jan. 16, 1549-50. 117 -b. si. Sir Th. Cheney and fir Phil. Hobby, to the Lords of Council: the original of the two firft dis¬ patches ill XII. 3. Nov. 10 and 25, 1549- 119. 32 . Confiderations to be weighed touching the aid demanded by the Emperor by force of a treaty with the late king (Hen. Yin.) (a fragment.) 126 . 33 . Relponfa mercatorum ftapulie, ad querelas con¬ tra eos propofitas. i-7- 34 . Querela? majoris et. focietatis ftapute villas Callcfienlis. 128. 35 . Relponfa Comniiffarior. Ca’s. Ma t,s ad querelas majoris et focietatis ftapuhe Callefienfis. 129 . 36 . Sir Phil. Hobby, to the Lds. of Council; re¬ ports an audience he had of the Emperor to notify the peace lately concluded between England and France, and about his diet. (Orig.) Brulfels, March 29 , 1550. 130. 37 . Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lords of Council; five difpatches with intelligence, and about his minif- terial proceedings with the queen of Hungary. (Orig.) Brulfels, Dec. 22 , 1550. Bruges, Jan. 5 and 18. and Brulfels, Feb. is, and 19 , 155 1 or 2 . 132. 38. Inftructions to fir Phil. Hobby, fent to the Lady Regent in the Low Countries, (ligned by the Lords of Council.) Feb. 1551. 154. 39. Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lords of Council; intelligence about the French, &c. (Orig.) Brul¬ fels, Aug. 22 , 1 55 1 . 1 56. 40 . A proclamation of the Emperor Charles V; forbidding his fubje&s in the Low Countries from .holding any commerce with the French. (Fr.) Brul- Tels, Sept. 24, 1551. 159. 41 . A petition of Englifh merchants to the Em¬ peror, concerning the execution ot Ionic cxifting treaties ; and extrafls out of two treaties of 1495 and 1510. (Fr. and Lat.) Oct. 10 , 1551. 160 . 42 . Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lds. of Council and Scc y Cecil; three minilterial difpatches. (Orig.) Brulfels, Dec. 2 , 6, and 4, 1551. 163. 43. A key to the cypher for Dymmock, Sec. 170 . b. 44 . Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lords of Council; fix minilterial difpatches. (Orig.) Brulfels, Dec. 5 , 6, 7 , 17 . Bruges, Dec. 29 , J551. and Jan. 8, 1552. 171. 45 . Tho. C rclliam, mercer; his account of the fums of money that have been received and paid at Ant¬ werp, on account of his majefty, from March the 1 ft, to July the 27 th, 1552 . 185. 4 G. A lift of bills drawn in London, for the ufe of his majefty. 1 86. 47 . A fragment of an account; probably part of XII. 45. 188. 48. Tho. Grefliam, to the D. of Northumberland; a letter, and a paper, with various intelligence about the Emperor, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 10 , 1552. 159- 49. Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lords of Council; a report of bis negociations touching two iliips; fame powder confifcated, Sec. (Orig.) July 1 4, 1552. 192 . 50. J. Smith, to the D. of Somerfet (or Northum¬ berland) reports Chamberlaine’s and his own negocia¬ tions concerning levies of men ; intelligence ot the Emperor's practices with the Swils, See. Brulfels, July 19 . 195. 51 . A propofal of a Capt. Joolfe, to raife fome men. (Fr.) 1 97- 52. A p aft port of the Q. of Hungary, for trail Im¬ porting 2 12 barrels of gunpowder from Antwerp to England. (Fr.) Brullels, Aug. 3, 1552. 198 . 53 . Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lds. of Council; two minilterial difpatches. (Orig.) Brulfels, Aug. 4 and 10, 1552. . 1 99- 54. A memorial (or inftru&ion) given to Tho. Grelham, lent abroad for the purpofe of negotiating fome loans. (A draught.) Aug. 11, 15.52. 205. 55. Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lds. of Council; intelligence of the Q. of Hungary's Hidden departure for Maeftricht, &c. (Orig.) Brulfels, Aug. 2d, 1552. '-207- 56. Tho. Grefliam, to the D. of Northumberland ; about the negociations for money, the Emperor's motions, &c. Aug. 21 , 1552. 209. 57 . Tho. Chamberlaine, to the D. of Northumber¬ land ; concerning the Emperor’s proceedings, See. (Orig.) Brutl'cls, Dec. 14, 1552. 213. 58. Tho. Chamberlaine, to the Lds. of Council ; a minilterial difpatch, contradicting fome reports about the French, Sec. (Orig.) Brulfels, Sept. 30 , 1552. 21 - 6 : 59. Inftruflions to fir Richd. Moryfin and to Dr. Wotton, ambailadors with the Emperor. 221 . 60 . Minutes of things to be conlidcred, and quel- tions to be refolved, with anfwers thereto, concerning the affairs of England with the Emperor. 227 . 61 . inltruftions to fir ltd. Moryfin, nmhall'ador with the Emperor; ligned by the Lds. of the Council. Sept. 24, 1552. 230. 62 . The Lds. of Council, to fir Richd. Moryfin ; two difpatches, inclofing in the firft the above in- Itrudtions (XI I. Cl.) and the fecond concerning fome reports relating to the defigns of the French upon Ca¬ lais, communicated by Tho. Stukclye. (Orig;) Wind- for, Sept. 24, 1552. 234. 63. Copies of a let. of minifterial difpatches, as follow : The Lds. of Council, to the Conimts. with the Emp. (the Bp. of Norwich, Sec.) May 5, 1553. 2S6. The Commrs. to the Council. Brulfels, May 7, and 14. Tho. Chamberlaine. to the Council ; touching the eftate and government of the Low Countries af¬ ter the Emperor’s death; The Commrs. to the Council. May 26 and June 4. The Coimnrs. in France (Wotton, Pickering, See.) to the Council. May 1 . The Coimnrs. in Flanders, to the Council. June 9 . The Council, to the Commrs. in Flanders. July 1. The Council, to Phil. Hobby. July 3, and 8. The Council, to the Commrs. in Flanders, in the name of Q. Jane. July 11 . Q. Jane, to the Commrs. in Flanders. July 12 . The Commrs. in Flanders, to the Council. July 15 , 17 , and 29 . The Council, to the Commrs. in Flanders; recal¬ ling fir Phi. Hobby, and Tho. Moryfin. Aug. 5. 64 . The Bp. of Arras to the Englifh commiflioners r 1 4B in 278 G A L B A, B. XII. C in anfwer to a meflage they fent him by James Wingfield; and prom i ling to'meet them at the ap¬ pointed time. (Orig. Lat.) Oravdines, June 6, i555 - ‘204. do. The Bp. of Arras, to the Englifh com million ers? acquaints them M'ith his arrival, and of his expecting foon the other imperial Commrs. and about feme pre¬ vious fieps towards their negotiations. (Orig. l'r.) Gravelines, May, is, 1555. < 255 . dji. Inftrudions for Mr. Tho. Grefham, being fent as the queen’s factor into Flanders. < 25 G. Gulba, C. I. Fodex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 238 . 1. Minutes ot Q. Elizabeth’s inftru&ions to Tho. Gielham, to repair to Antwerp, and liquidate fome debts. Dec. 1558, and March 5, 1558-g. 2 . 2 . Q. Elizabeth; her commiffion to Ld. Effing¬ ham and Dr. Nic. Wotton, to treat with the plenipo¬ tentiaries of Philip ii. about the confirmation of for¬ mer treaties. (Orig. Lat.) London, Dec. 1558 . 3 . 3. Dr. X. Wotton, to fir Wm. Cecil? a difpatch. (Orig.) Bruffels, Jan. 9 , 1558-9. 4 . 4 . W. Howard (E. of Effingham) Th. Bp. of Ely, and Dr. N. Wotton, to Q. Elizabeth; a long difpatch! Chateau-Cambrefis, Feb. 14 , 1558-9 12 . 5. Q. Elizabeth; her inftructions to Effingham, Ely, and Wotton, fent to the congrefs of Chateau- Cambrefis. (Orig. figned by the Q. at the top, and by many lords of council at the end.) Feb. go 155S-9* 1 2 0 * 6. Q. Elizabeth; her inftrudtfons to fir Tho. Clial- loner, fent to the Emperor. 1558 . 27 . 7- Q. Elizabeth; inftruchons to Ld. Cobham, fent to the K. of Spain. Nov. 23, 1558. 28 . 8. Ld. Cobham and Dr. Wotton, to Q. Elizabeth; a difpatch abridged. 1558 . 2a . b. ’ 9. Q. Elizabeth ; her commiffion to Ld. Moun- tagu and fir 1 ho. Chamberlaine, to confirm former treaties with the K. of Spain. Weftm. Jan. 1559 -do. 30. 10 . Q. Elizabeth; inftrutlions to her cominif- fioners on being fent to Spain, together with a memo¬ rial tor their better inftruction. Jan. 23 , 1539 - 00 . 31. 11 . Minutes of letters from fir Tho. Challoner, to Q. Elizabeth; from Aug. 3, 1559 , to Jan. 29 , 1559-Go. 39 . 12 . Q. Elizabeth's inftruftions to fir Tho. Challoner, to relide as her ambaflador with the Catholic king in his Low Countries. July 1 7 , 1559 . 44 . 13. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Th. Challoner; inltruftions Dec. 25, 1559 . 45 . 14 . A draught of an Italian letter to the king of Spain; relating to Q. Elizabeth’s affairs. 1558 ? 47 . > ’• Sm Th. Challoner, to Scti Cecil? reports the little confidence that can be placed in the K of Spain, and Mons. d’Arras, &c. (Grig.) Client Aug. 3 , 1559 . ° 50 .’ iG. Sir Th. Challoner, to Q. Elizabeth; a lono- difpgteh. (Orig.) Ghent, Aug. 3 , 1559 . 51 .^ 17 . The magi ft rates of Middleburgh, to Q Eliza¬ beth; requefting the releafe of Dirrick, an orphan of their town. (Orig. Fr.) Aug. 19 , 1559 . 57 . 1 ::. Philip ii; his in ft mci ions to Margaret duchefs ot Paima, as governed of the Low Countries. (Fr ) 1 559- ' . 19. Philip II; his infiruftions to the baron de L':w- laymout, governor of Namur. (Fr.) Ghent, W-v 15, 1559 . 20 . Phil ip II; his particular infiruCtions to Maiga- ret Dls. of Parma; touching her regenev. N.B. The name ot “C liarles" is figned at the head of this pautw. (Fr.) Aug. s, 1559 . 21 . Abttraet ot the order given hy the K of Spain, for the government of the Low Countries. i.> 5 j, 32. I he Lds. of Council, to fir Th. Chaiioner; concerning fome complaints of certain peifous in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Wellm. May 29 , 15 G 3 . 91. 33. A petition to Q. Elizabeth, craving that the people ot the Low Countries may be exempted from certain duties. ” 34 . Another limilar petition, in Latin. 94 . 3j. Q. Elizabeth, to fir I h. Challoner? acquaint¬ ing him with the tranfatiions between her and France. (Orig.) Greenwich, July 16 , 1563 . 95 . 30. Articles by Mons. d'Affonville, Jliewn to the Queen's highnefs, and the Privy Council; 011 behalf of the people ot the Low Countries. 13 G 3 . 99 . 37 . Anfwcrs of the Queen and Privy Couneil, to the above articles. 15G3. “ io~. 38. Various papers, being draughts of anfwcrs to the fame articles. (Some corrected by Cecil.) 15G3. 1 1 7 . 39. A ftatement, with a lift, of the fcvcral articles of traffic between England and the Low Countries. 1503. “ tSe.* 4-0. A G A L B A, C. II. 2 79 40 . A fea.per touching; the controvcrfy between England ancl the Low Countries, concerning trade. & U‘2. 4 1. A petition of the merchants adventurers, to the Ld.Treafurer; concerning their trade with the Low Countries. 14(i ' 42 . An alphabetical table of the “ wares and mer¬ chandizes out of the Low Countries.” 147. 44 . Three tables of cuftoms paid in the port of London, (the laft in French.) I4 9- 44 . A iuftificat.ion of the court of admiralty, con¬ cerning the commercial controversy with the Low Countries. 15 “' 4 . 5 . A table of fuch goods as may not pals this realm without the queen’s leave, and of luch as may be exported without leave. 154 - 4 <>. A claul'e of a treaty, for the freedom of com¬ merce between England and the Low Countries. 155. 47 . An anfwer concerning a benevolence raifed at Margate by the Trinity Houfe. 156 - 4S. Sir ffm. Cecil; fohte orders about preparations at Dunkirk. (Orig. Ital.) Bruflbls, Nov. 17. 1463. 40 . Notes of divers things which the people of the Low Countries fuffer to be imported and exported in this country, contrary to treaty. 15s - . 30 . 'flic firft and laft complaints of the Englilh merchants, fa draught correSed by Cecil.) 1363. 161. 51 . A memorial of Mons. d Aflonville, concern¬ ing the complaints of the people of the Low Coun¬ tries. (Spanifh.) 1563. 1 di¬ sc. John Mafon, to.intelligence. (Orig.) Wind for, Sept. 12 , 1563. 172 . 53. A petition of Englifh merchants, to the Dfs. of Parma; for leave to land tome cloths in the port of Antwerp. 15G3. 173 - 54 . Margaret Dfs of Parma; her proclamation prohibiting the importation of cloth at Antwerp, on account of the fufpicion of the plague in London, Bruflels, Jan 27 , 1563-4. 1 75. b. and inftru&ions. (Orig.) Windfor, March if), 1563-4. 19<5 - 65. John Shceres, to Sec T Cecil; intelligence con¬ cerning his negociations. (Orig.) Brutfeis, March 29, 1564-5. ^ !99- 66. Margaret Dfs of Parma, to Q. Elizabeth; about the negociations tor a treaty of commerce. (Orig. Fr.) Brutfeis, April 16 , 1564-5. cos. b. 67 . A. Conte dc Fcria, to fir Tho. Challoncr; a Spanifh letter, very defective. April 25. 205. 6s. An Italian complimental letter. Modena, May 1 , 1564. -°7- 69 . Abftra&s of letters from fir Tho. Challoner; and copies of other papers on the treaty ot com¬ merce. 1564. ~ 09 - 70 . A paper on the tranfporting of wool into the ports of Flanders. - 11 • 71 . An agreement fettling the mode of proceed¬ ing in the negociations for a treaty of commerce. (Orig. Lat. figned Margaita.) Nov. so, 1564. 213. 72 . A petition of feveral merchants, to . . . . . . . . concerning their trade to St- Sebaftian in Spain. St. Sebaftian, Jan. 10 , 1564-5. 214 . 73 . A proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, concerning the trade with the Spanifh fubjeds. (printed.) Weftm. Dec. 29 , 1564. 21 6- b. 74 . A note of port duties paid by Englifh fhips in Flemilh harbours. 21 '• 75 . Minutes of letters from fir Tho. Challoner, and the D fs of Parma. 1 56 4 . - 18 • 76 . A fragment of an Englifh letter, from fomc Spaniard. Jan. 6, 1564-5. 21 9- 77 . Second inftru&ions for Mr. Sheeres, fent to the Dfs. of Parma. 2 -°- 78 . Tables of cufloms paid in the ports of Eng¬ land ; alfo accounts of receipts. 22 3. 79 . Twelve fragments, very imperfect. 227 . Galba , C. II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conflans foliis 429- 55 . Another petition of the Englifh merchants to the Dfs. of Parma, on the fubjeCt of the importation of cloths at Antwerp. 1 7 7- 56. A Spanifh letter, without, fignatureor direction, on fomc commercial matters. Madrid, Feb. 7, 1564-5. 179. 57 . Minutes of three Hate papers, on the commerce with the Low Countries. 1563. ISO. 58 . Q. Elizabeth's inllru&ions to John Sheeres, fent to the Dfs. of Parma. 1 565. 181 • 59 . A proclamation of Philip II; permitting Eng¬ lifh merchants to frequent the market of Bruges. (Fr.) Bruflels, Jan. So, 1564-5. 188. 60 . A commifiion of Q. Elizabeth; naming de¬ puties for treating about the commerce with the Low Countries. (Lat.) Weftm. March 6, 1564-5. 190 . 61 . A commifiion of Philip II; naming deputies for the fame purpofe. (Lat.) Bruflels, Feb. 28 , 1564-5. 191. 62 . Margaret Dfs. of Parma, to Q. Elizabeth; conciliatory. (Orig. Fr.; Bruflels, March 29, 1564-5. 192 . b. 63 . Donna Yfabcl Maldonado, to Q. Elizabeth ; thanks and compliments. (Orig. Spaniili.) March 20, 15G4-5. 64 . Sir Wm. Cecil, to.a letter of advice 1 . “ A memorial for things appertaining to the colloquy,” being notes in Cecils hand. 1565. 2 . 2. “ A colleftion of certain reafons which may he ufed in the queftion of the entercourfes” to Antwerp. 1565. 4 - 3 . “ A memorial of the matters to be intreated, at the colloquy to be holden at Bruges, betwixt the conmiifli oners of her Majefty, Ed. Montague, Dr. Wotton, and Mr. Haddon, and the commiftioners of the K. of Spain.” This is followed, at fol. 30, by a paper entitled, “ anfwers to the articles. Weftm. March 11 , 1564-5. 18 - 4 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Challoncr? concern¬ ing the feizure of Englifh fhips, &c. in Spain. (Orig.) Windfor, March 20, 1563. 35 - 5 . “ Generalia gravamina per mercatores, fer. re- o-iure Anglias fubditos, in conventu Brugenfi, Ill. Regia: Maj. Catholics commiflariis, exhibita.” March 28, 1565? 3tj - 6. “ Juftificationes gravaminum per mercatores Anglife primo loco datorum.” 43. 7 . “ Notre quaadam rerum traclatarum quinto die Julii, 1565.” 5 ‘ 3 * s. “ Refponfto legatorum regis Cathol. ad articu- los nomine fer. reginai ab ejus oratoribus exhibi- tis.” 1565. 56 - 9 . “ Replicatio s8o G A L B A, C. II. r . t'lawium ici. regina; Anghas, ad relponfionem oratorum regis Cathol. ad quofclam articulos, iG Augufti datam. 1 . 565 . 5 8 in. An expofition of the merchants of Bifcay and Guipufcoa, refidmg at Bruges, to the cominHTioners of Lug-land and Spain. (Lat.) 5f) n. “ Rcfiitutioues quin fuhditis regis Cathol. ab A 1500 ad A" 1504 in Anglia fuemiit dec,eta et „ 61 . “ R 4>onfum fer regime ad ccrtos articulos | lcgatis Cathol. regis, exhibitum 3 Sept.” os. 13 • ” Refponfa legatorum fer. regime Anglue ad bcJTatonim ”' Cat ° r ' Ct fubditor * regis Cathol. tertio 64 . 14. “Brevis ac fuccinfta cnarratio gravaminum dcqmhus plcnque ex incolis Com. Hollandia-con- querunUu-fe ah Aflglis ledi, prasterque folitum gravari: commiffarns Regue Ma- exhibit® Bragis.” os. 15 . “Rcfponfa mercatorum (Input® Anglia- apud cos ab incoIisC ;™- fCT - Kcs * Al ’ s,il {J d 17 . "Articuli quidam in quibns fer. Anodise Rc„- ingratram fer. Reg" Cathol. ejufdem fuhditis gratfi- hcatura, part,,,, tie jure fuo aliquid remittcre, pmlin, dam F- "° n S ravabitur: ct rcfponfa ad qme- r . If" ,“cm' 1S eo ! um "wotatio qua! legati Reg 1 - '.ailiol. fibi expom petierunt a clar. Anglia; le-at'is pro majore elucidatione fcripti ab illia, sa Julg ex- 11 11 /■ o "«• exhibit ” mma P ofleriorum probation!,m per Anglos ' 7 7- “ Summa controverfise inter Flandros ct An- ° S ‘ t , 84. Ct r'i ,‘v‘- at " ta de /' l . libus oonqueruntur rex Cathol. et ubdm ipfius mfeuons Germania-; prom„l„ata et pubhcata per fer. reginam Anglia nunc rlgiian- tem. April j 1 , 1 . 565 . 0 (JQ Tt'il. “ Ad T' Khs fu P er fiatut ° s per fer. Angle m f r r >mi ;' g “c S ’ per ier ' re *' is UufcoL fubditos propolitas, relponfio. t( .j 92. Brevis expofitio certorum argumcntorum fbitT e i , o-’” U “ Bur S CDfl C "b“qui„ q„od 24. Aliud exemplar articuli, 11 . 17 . 05. “Refponfio legatorum regis Cathol. ad art i- C„ OS nomine fer. Reg* Anglia A, elm or. ribus home, ” nCCn °? 'Rcplieatio ad hanc Uefpon- 101 • •uyv-uaui ‘cgue, et regime 117 . Anglia'. I 3S. La qua? oratores regis Cathol. cl Rcg"» An„'i-e Ef “ 'bo-fnmi.ui ea inte. ipfbs corf- o-sti r l q„,hillilsLi 11 in Anglia Q atis, finis tandem lmponatur. Il)f , 50. AiHeriptum ad articuli,,,, proximo fuperiorem- TOa Cum «»*«*«.» ‘or- regis Cathol. riponho,™: 37 " &itionesquibus Reg"* Anglia, legati refp , . ‘u-is ad gravam,,,;, regis Cathol. ora,,,,'has poitiemo exhibita, eonfinnant.” 38. “Rcfponfa legatorum Reg- Anglia-, „d ii u 1 -,,, gl , , Cathol. regis, exhibilun,.” p'" 1 * 50 . “Gr,oa,,,in,, AupHqqoil 1 ,rc:,.s,.| f ub _ d,t, Cat!,, regas ie m Augli., cib affectos eouque- CaU ‘ ;U gravaminum/ a 6 Brevis eorum anotalio qua- legati regis Ca¬ thol. f,b, expom pet,eraut, 1, clarils. Anglia- oratorihus porno (he) major, elucidatione fcripti, ah iilis Junn exhibita,” ~ 100 . A.orV- “,. C, '‘ ncraIla gravamina per mercatores regni Anglue lecundo tlata et propoiita.” I07 es. “ Refponfio legator, regis Cathol. ad querelas oratorum ler. regime Anglia;. ]f)g -[)■ “ Alii articuli grav Tieg. Cathol legati primos Anglia;.” 30. -■ Querela: mercatorum fer. Reg. Anglise fubdi- torum, tertio exhibita;.” j J( ,. 31. - llelationes quibus pofieriores mercatorum Angha: querela-, lecundo loco data: nitunlur." 114 . qU!s Proponoot mercatores dc- canus ct fuppolit, commiinitatis nautarum civitalis ivaminum prieter eos q U o s s exhibucrunt lcgatis Ucgat 109 . ,, , , 11 ./"“'in-a nones regis Cathol. lcgatis exhibitoruin.” , - 4 41 . “Apoftila- oratorum Anglia-, adfcriptmn Lf. m^fS£” at0reSreSiS C “ th0L tradi ‘-> t 42. A notary's atteftation of a commifliou In Q. Ebgabefh to fir Richd. Read, and thc°L'rs ■' Hewictk, and Mowfe, to enquire into the 1585 * a " S'ru'uuucs. Loud. j„K- up, 1 GO , n tt I'd. Montague X. M’otton, and Walter Haddo a I, - u ; a K 'P'"3 "f their proceeding at rt,o colloquy at Bruges. (Orig.) Bruges, Aug. o. 4 1 Margaret Dfs. of Parma, to Q. Elizabeth - de- Eade "n' ‘'‘i- ;’ V ., a P ,r:,c - V com „,ittefl hv Vfn, - k ’ (Oxg-I’t-) Braffls. Aug. e, I5fe. ' lu5i . 45 . Matters whereupon » itnetlis were examined hv andMowfe 6 qUr ™ 5 COmmimon t0 lbs. ilcwick 4,. Q. 1-Jizabeth, to her cominifiioners at L'riivc, - di u x‘v “l,.7;/ "*■-" i -“ ■ * ‘ 45. Th, commiflioners at Bruges, to the torrkrf Au“ l/ ,'Is 5 P^ et li„B»- (Vug., Brugrs, ° ’ I b.i. 49 . “Rcfj.oufio legatorum regis Cathol. ad arti- < u.os nonn,,,. ler. Reg- Anglia-, ab ejus oratorihus, exhibitos, facta 17 Aug. 1505 .” Jy . 50 “Direetorium probation,,,n per legates re-in e Angha?. £8 Augufti 1 .S 6 J." fj" at artiCfeS rt ' lati “S to ‘be ncguciatioiis . , 199. „. t 7 a / d ™f 1 dr:lU = ht ot'port of the above articles, 202. 53 . “Articuli in quibus oratores regis Cathol poem qua-dan, dufolita, urgent iniqua, et couditi- ones non ferendas exxgunt. ’ , j. 54 . A ftatement of fhets and confiderations, eon- cernmg tl, f .traffic of Rnglill, cloths. 1505. 005. 55. Rclponfum GALBA, C. II. 281 5.5. Refponfum fer. regime, ad certos articulos, Iegatis Cath. regis exhibitum 3 tio Sept. 208. 56. A paper addrefied hv the merchants adven¬ turers? to the lords of Privy Council; concerning the wool-trade in the Low Countries. 209. 57. Montague, Wotton, and Haddo, to the lords of Council; two difpatches. (Orig.) Bruges, Sept. 4 and 9, 1565. 21 i. 58. The merchants adventurers, to the Privy Council; touching the carrying of Englilh com¬ modities. 214. 59. Traftatus in Brugenfi civitate, inter Eliza- betham reginam, et Philippum regem Hifpanke. Sept. 20, 1565. 216. 60. Montague, Wotton, and Haddo, to the Privy Council; a difpatch. (Orig.) Bruges, Sept. 24, 1565. 219. 61. Abft rafts of four Pate papers; concerning the colloquy at Bruges. Sept. 1565. 220. 62. A proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, declaring the prorogation of the treaty of Bruges. (printed.) Weftm. Oft. 16, 156.5. 220. b. 63. A fimilar proclamation of the K. of Spain. (Fr.) Antwerp, Oft. 20, 1565. 221. 64. Summary of the things remaining in queftion ! betwixt the commiflioners at Bruges. 222. 65. A memorial addrefied to the lords of the Privy Council; concerning the inconveniencies that may enfue by equality of cuftom. 232. 66. Articuli quibus apparet quoufque Reg"* Anglia;, in querelis cum fubditis inferioris Germanise, de fuo jurerecefiit. Jan. 1565-6. 239. 67- Lifts of wares that may be exported out of England. 243. 68. Sonic confulcrations on the articles of the late treaty, and of new inl'truftions concerning the fame. (Lat.) 247. 69. “A brief of fo much of the intercourfe of 1499, as concerns the merchants adventurers; with their opinion touching the fame. March 12, 1565-6.” 249. 70. A paper of articles relating to the treaty; with obfervations thereon. 251. 71. A licence of Q. Elizabeth, to William Treforer, a mufical inftrument maker, to buy and export allies and old ihoes. Weftm. March 13, 1560. 253. 72. A remonftrancc of the Spanifii commifiioners, and an aiifwrr of She Englilh commifiioners, concern¬ ing an arid le in the treaty of Bruges. (Lat.) 255. 73. A juridical difeufiion concerning the domi¬ nion of the fra, &c. alio about fome articles in a treaty. (Lat. three fragments.) 256. 74. Margaret Dls. of Parma: three letters or pro¬ clamations, concerning the reftraining of apoftacy and infurreftions in the Low Countries. (Fr.) Bruficls, Jan. 4, 19, and 26, 1566-7. 259. 75. A petition of the proteftants at Antwerp, to flic magili rates, for admitting aminifter; with a lliort letter at the end. (Fr.) Jan. 1566-7. 262. 76- An oath of count d Egmont, as governor of Flanders, Artois, fcc. (Fr.) l'eh. 18, 1566-7. 263. b. 77. Placart of Philip II, touching the purchafe of faltpetre and gunpowder. (Fr.) Brufiels, March 25, 1560-7. 265. 78. Q. Elizabeth's inftruftions to Ld. Montague, Wotton, and Haddo, lent to treat with the ambaf- fadors of the K. of Spain, at Bruges. Greenwich, March 26, 1566. 79- Q. Eliz. to her commifiioners in Flanders ? fome inftruftions. April 28, 1566. 278. 80. “Exemplum libelli fupplicis Chriftianonim in Germania inferiore, propter veram religionem aftlic- torum; imperatori in comitiis Auguftanis exhibiti.** 1566. " o 79 . 81. “ Refponfum ad petitiones D. Glafion Epi. Aquilie ” do rebus plerumque Gallicis et Scoticis. 287- S2. Veftigal pondagii, rat re, veftigal pannorum, &c. a commifs"’ Reg"* Anglias promulgati. 297. 83. “Premiere requete prefentde par les nobles des Pays Bas, a madame la gouvernante, et k ceux de foil eonfeil, le 5 Avril 1566-7.” with fome papers, and a confederation relating to it. 299. 84. A placart againft libels, for Utrecht and Hol¬ land. (Dutch.) May l, 1566. 303. 85. Primi articuli conventionum, per fer. Reg"* Anglias oratores, exhibiti. May 26, 1566. 305. 86. Certain new complaints by them of Flanders. (Lat.) gig. 87. Refponfio ad legatos fer. Reg"* fuper 4 arti¬ culos, de pondagio, pannis, &c. 320. 88. A proclamation of the K. of Spain, concerning the opprefllons fuffered by his fubjefts, the merchants Hading in England, (an Englilh tranflation.) Bruf- fcls, Mayas, 1564. 322. 89- Jo. Mann, to Sec y Cecil? a difpatch, report¬ ing an audience he had from the K. of Spain (Orig.) Madrid, May 19, 1566. 304. 90. Articuius exhibitus per legatum fer. Reg"* Anglice ; et refponfio fer. Reg. Cathol. 327. 91. Jo. Mann, to Sec r Cecil? reports a conference. (Orig.) Madrid, May 20, 1566? 32s. 92. “ Extrafts out of Mr. J0. Mann’s letters, during his legation in Spain, 1566 and 1567.” 329° 93. Proteftationes Belgarum circa articulos de pon¬ dagio, pannis, lanis, Sec. per legatos Anglia: promul¬ gate, die 6 Maii 1566. (conf. 11. 90.) 331. 94. “Gemma fupputatio einptionis centum pan- norum ordinariormn, qualis plerumque fieri 1‘olet Londini, &c.” May, 1566. 95. Brevis inftrurrio qua negociatores extranei eommercium lanaruin in regno Angliae tranfigere folent. Item, refponfiones mutuse legatorum tarn An- glias quam Hifp. ad articlos jampridem exhibitos. 1 566. 334. 96. Articles of a treaty of commerce between England and the Low Countries, with marginal ob¬ fervations. (Lat.) May 21, 1.566? K. B. This paper had a title, but it is burnt. 33s. 97. Another fet of articles, exhibited by the Spanifii commifiioners; with marginal obfervations by the Englilh commifiioners. (Lat.) 344. b. 98. “ Conventionum articuli circa veftigal in. Anglia folutum, et depredationes utrinqueperpetratas, per regis Cathol. oratores, 1 Junii exhibiti; cum fer. regime orator, ad eofdem apoftillis.” 355. 99. Articles of a treaty of commerce between England and the Low Countries, (a draught, cor¬ rected in fome places.) June 1, 1566. 33s. 100. Q. Elizabeth, to lord Montague, &c.; inftruc- tions concerning their negociations, 365. 101. “ Refponfio fer. Reg n * Angliae oratorum, ad aflecuratorum Antverpienlium querelas fecundo loco datas.” 367. 102. Direftorium pofterior probationum per fer. Reg"* Anglise oratores, in fecundo Congrelfu Bru¬ genfi exhibitarum. 368 4C 103. Q. iS GALBA, C. II. III. 103 . Q. Elizabeth, to her comnii ill oners at Bruges; inftru 6 tions. Greenwich, June y, 1566 . 377- 104 . Articuli ex omnibus convcntjonum arti- culis, ultro citroque exhibitis, decerpti; cum apoftillis noftris (fer. Rcg Uie oratorum) ad eofdem.” 379- 105 . An ample difeuflion or negociation on the treaty of commerc e between F.ngland and the Low Countries. Q y Whether this does not belong to the preceding article ? 392. ioO. Q. Elizabeth, to her commilYioners in Flan¬ ders; in ft ructions. 4*23. 107 . u Conclufio receflus colloquii Brugcnfis, Cl Junii 1 566. ? 426. 108 . The merchants adventurers, to the Privy Council; complaining of exactions of the toll-gather¬ ers in the Low Countries. 4C8. Galba , C. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 372 . 1 . Articles granted by the count of Mansfeld. and the magi !i rates of P.mifels, for the public worfliip of the protefiants in the faicl town, (Flemiih.) Aug. 25, 1 500'. 5. C. A paper add refled to madame (the Dfs. of Par¬ ma) repr*. Anting the nccelfty ot fomc indulgence to the proinfants. (French.) 1566? 5. b. N. If '1 be tv.o above papers are in the margins entitled “ Kcmonfiranees du contede Horn, ct de Mons. F Admiral;" i.e. FAmoral comte 1 dT.gmont. 3 . F.xtraits du difeours ct remonftrances par ceux tie la religion; exhibes aux Gra. (Fr.) 1500? 8. 4 . A report from Valenciennes, laid to be to the Admiral (Amoral Ct. Lgmont.) concerning the ftate of that town with regard to the protefiants; and re¬ queuing his interference in their favour. (French.) Valenc. Sept. 1 , 1500. 14. 5. Charles de Revel and Ghiflam de Fiennes, to the Dfs. of Parma; requefling her to depute the Ad¬ miral (Amoral Ct. Egmont?) or fome other lord to Valenciennes, to regulate certain matters of religion. (Fr.) Valenc. Sept. 4 , i5GG. 15. b. 0. A letter (perhaps from Revel and Fiennes) to the count dT’.gmont; reprefenting the ftate ot Va¬ lenciennes with regard to religion; and requefling his good advice and fupport. (Fr.) Valenc. Sept. 4 , 15(30. 16. 7 . Ch. de Revel and G. de Fiennes, to the Dfs. of Parma ; requefling her to fend fomc lord to Valen¬ ciennes to regulate matters. (Fr.) Valenc. Sept. 16 , 1560. 18 . S. Ch. de Revel and G. de Fiennes, to Mons. de Koirearmes; requefling his afliftance as to the affairs . f V; : im< ■ Fr.) Val :n< .Sept, 21 , 1 566. lit. 9 . A confirmation of the people of Valenciennes of a certain contract they had entered into with their Government. (Fr.) Valenc. Sept. i56G. 20. 10 . Ch. de Revel, and G. de Fiennes, to count de Ilorn, admiral : concerning the affairs of Valen¬ ciennes. (Fr.) Valcn. Sept. 4, 1560. 22. 11 . A declaration of toleration of religion at Tour- nay. (Fr.) Sept. 8, 1566. 23. 12 . P. de Xoircarmes, to Mons. d'Audrignies; concerning his coming to fettle the affairs of Valen¬ ciennes. (Fr.) Cam bray, Sept. 21 , 1566. 24 . b. 13 . “ Reponfe aux articles que ceux du confiftoire de la nouvelle religion de la ville de Valenciennes out exlnbc, pour la pacification des tr 1 ditte ville, a Monleig' de Koirearmes. Oct. 4, i •■(;. 25 . 1 4. L/A moral | cotaite) d ■' t Mel d Aurignics et de Lumbres: in anfwer to their intel¬ ligence of fome machinations againfl him. (Orig. Fr.) Sottingen, Oct. 5 , 1506. 29 . 15. The people of Valenciennes, to the Dfs. of Parma; jullh'ying tliemfelves againfl a charge of rebellion. (Fr.) Oct. 1560. " 30. 10 . A letter, fcemingly from fome eommiifioners font to fettle the affairs of Valenciennes. (Fr.) OH. 1566. 32 . b. 17 . The fubftance of petitions prefented by the protefiants of Valenciennes, to the Dfs. of Parma and the minifler; on their, town being hefeged, and they declared rebels. (Fr.) 061. 15(30. 33. 18 . Fxtraft of a letter from the DPs. of Parma, to count de Iloochflrate; concerning his going to London to relieve the Pr. of Orange, whilft the Pr. goes to regulate fome afiairs in his government. (Fr.) Oct.'s, 1566. 33.b. if). Duplique du S r Koirearmes, aux articles pre- fent6s par 1 la n mvelle religion Valenciennes. (Fr.) Oc t. 1566 . 34. 20. ] 1 porting the fteps t for >. (Fr.) 061. 1 1566. 35. 21 . A placart by KTr. dc Xoircanues, governor of Iiainault, for dif.:vming the inhabitants of Valen¬ ciennes, &c. (Fr-) Jan. 4 , 1566-7. 35. 22 . Some condi; ions oftered by M. de Xoircarmes to the people of Valenciennes ; and their anfwers. (Fr.) 36. 23. Ch. de Revel and G. de Fiennes, to the Pr. of Orange; report their endeavours for fettling the re¬ ligious worfliip of the proteflants at Valenciennes. (Fr.) Valenc. Sept. (3, 1566. 3 7- h. 24. A plan of an agreement for fettling the affairs of Valenciennes, propofed by M. do Noircarnms and the deputies of the protelionts in the fliid town. (Fr.) Oct. 14, 1566. 38. 25. The proteflants of Antwerp, to the count de Iloochflrate, governor of that town; defiring him to forward a petition they have drawn up for the king. (Fr.) Oct. 17 , 1566. 40. b. 26. P. de Xoircarmes, it Mefs" d'Audrignies ct de Lumbres; concerning the final fettlement of the agreement relating to Valenciennes. (Fr.) Qucf- noy, OCl. 29 , 1566. 41. b. 27 . A remonftrance from the proteflants of Ant¬ werp, to the count de Iloochflrate, and the magif- rates of their town. (Flem.) Xov. 7 , 15G6. 42. 28. Remonftrances and proceedings of fome depu¬ ties of Louvain. (Flem.) Nov. 13, 1566 . 43. 29 . A remonftrance to fomc ftate or council, againfl certain military oppreffions. (Flem.) Nov. 15, 1566. 44. 30. A petition of the three ftates of Braba the Dfs. of Savoy; defiring to be alfembled to deli¬ berate concerning their religious diifentions. (Mem.) and the mi iteof th< Dfs s. anfwer. (Fr.) N v . and 19 , 15(36. 46. 31 . A placart of T. Philip ; fummonhg a meeting of deputies of the ftates at Brufl’els. (Flem.) i'rui- fcls, Nov. 20 , 1566. 48. 32 . The magiftrates of Valenciennes ; certifying the good fervices rendered by Mcfl'rs. d'Audrignies and de Lumbres, in quelling the difturbances i:i their town. (Fr.) Aug? 1566, 49. I 33 . The G A L B A, C. III. 283 33 . The Magistrates of Antwerp, to the Pr. of Orange? report their having refuted licence to cer¬ tain proteftants (Bellerine, Scc.) to preach in their city. (IT.) Nov. 23, 1566 . 51. 3 4. An ordinance of the Pr. of Orange, governor of Holland, concerning a place of worihip for the proteftants. (Flem.) Utrecht, Nov. 28 , 1366. 33. 35. An addrefs to the States of Brabant. (Flem.) Nov. 28, 1566. 54 . 36. The deputies of the ftates of Brabant, to the Dfs. of Parma; on the troubles in their province. (Flem.) 1566. 55. 37 . A draught of a letter to the Dfs. of Parma; reporting fome troubles concerning the affairs of re¬ ligion. (probably at Valenciennes.) (Fr.) 1566. 56. 38. A commiffion or inftruchon for deputies of Antwerp, to an affembly of the States Gen 1 . (Flem.) Dec. 1 , 1566. 58. 39- The magiftrates of Antwerp, to the Pr. of Orange; two letters concerning proteftant preachers (Corranus or Bellerine, See.) the Second is another copy of III. 33. (Fr.) Antwerp, Dec. 1 , and Nov. 23, 1566. 61 . 40. 'She magistrates of Malines, to the Dfs. of Parma; concerning proteftant preachers, (French.) Malines, Dec. 17 , 1566. 63. 41. Some articles concerning the leave granted to proteftant preachers, (Fr.) 67 . b. 42. Margaret Dfs. of Parma, to the magiftrates of Antwerp; touching the exercife of the proteftant re¬ ligion, which (he orders them to reltrain. (Fr.) Bruffels, Dec. 4, 1566. 68. 43. The magiftrates of Antwerp, to the Dfs. of Parma; reporting their proceedings towards restrain¬ ing the proteftants. (Fr.) Dec. 15 G 6 . 70 . 44. The Pr. of Orange, to the magiftrates of Ant¬ werp; approving of their reafons for prohibiting Bel- lerine’s preaching. (Fr.) Utrecht, Dec. 6, 1 566. 73. b. 45. The magiftrates (or Senate) of Antwerp, to their deputies at Bruftels ; touching the preaching of Corranus or Bellerine. (Flem.) Dec. 2 , 1566 . 74 . 46 . An an fiver to the above. (Flem.) Dec. 10 , 1566 . 76 . 47 . Margaret Dfs. of Parma, to the Ct. de Ilooch- ftrate, and the magiftrates of Antwerp; concerning Bellerine the preacher. (Fr.) Brulfels, Dec. 17 , 1566. 77 , 48. A paper addreffed to the magiftrates of Ant¬ werp; touching fome regulations (moderatie) on affairs of religion. (Flem.) 78 . 49- A lift of national regiments in the Low Coun¬ tries, and of their monthly pay. (Fr.) 1566. 79 . 50. “ Difcours contre les persecutions, placarts, meme moderations, concu A 0 1566. aux Pays Bas.” (IT) ’ 82 . 5 1 . A petition of the catholics of Antwerp, to their governor and magiftrates; defiring vigorous mea¬ sures ^may be purfued for reftoring matters upon their old footing. (Fr.) 1566. S8. 52. “ Avertiflbmens du Pr. d’Oraoge anx habi- tans des Pays Bas: pro lege rege et grege.” 1568 ? 89. 53. A let of propositions, with anfwers, relating to the religious affairs of Antwerp, by which the catholics appear to require force. (Fr.) 1566 . alfo lifts of the favourers of the proteftants, their minis¬ ters, &c. q L 54. A placart of the count dc Hoochftrate; againft the admiifion of Strollers into Antwerp. 1 566? 95 . 55. A remonftrance of the people of Brabant, de¬ firing that they may be ruled according to their privileges; chiefly touching matters of religion. 1566. go. 56. A letter to the Dfs. of Savoy ; requeuing that the proteftants may not be opprelfed. (Fr.) Jan. 20 , 1567. 98 . 57 . Some inhabitants of Antwerp, to the prince of Orange; thanking him for good offices, See. (Flem.) 1566? 99- 58. A paper on the privileges of Brabant; being a letter probably addrelfcd to the magiftrates of Ant¬ werp, by their deputies. 1 566. 100 . 50. The duke d’Alva, to Card. Granvelle; exhort¬ ing him to enforce a ftridt difeipline in the church. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, March 11 , 1567 - 8 . 102 . 60 . A placart of IC. Philip, fummoning divers pro-* teftants (defaulters on a former citation) to appear before his commiflioners at Antwerp. (Fr.) April 13, 1567-8. 103 . 61 . The Pr. of Orange, to the D. d’Alva; com¬ plimenting him on his arrival in the Low Countries; and cautioning him againft falfe afperfions concern¬ ing himfelf (the prince.) (Fr:) Dillenburg, Sept. 8, 1567. 10 G. 62 . Margaret Dfs. of Parma, to the magiftrates of Antwerp; concerning a citadel to be built there. June 28 , 1567 . and a petition, and anfwer on the fubject. (Fr.) 107 . 63. The magiftrates of Antwerp, to the Dfs. of Parana; promiiing to watch the motions of their citizens; and about the arms they are to be allowed: with marginal anfwers, or orders. (Fr.) Antwerp, July'8, 1567. 110 . 64. A remonftrance to the Dfs. of Parma; con¬ cerning the building of a citadel at Antwerp. (Fr.) June, 1567. 111 . 65. The D. d’Alva, to the count deNuenar? con¬ cerning Ct. de Horn. (Spanilh.) Louvain, Aug. 22 , 1567. 1 12. b. 66. “ Remonftrance au roy, ct juftification de la requete des nobles, touchant le fait dela religion dans les Pays Bas.” 1567 . 113 . 67 . An inhabitant of Tournay, to bis brother at Wefel; mentioning feveral iuftances of cruelties of the Spaniards. (Fr.) 123 . 6S. The D. d’Alva, to the magiftrates of Antwerp; notifying the refignation of the Dfs. of Parma, and his appointment in her room. (Fr.) Bruffels, Dec. 31, 1567. 124. b. 69 . Articles fecmingly drawn up by the mal¬ content, nobles in the Low Countries, on calling in the Archd. Matthias: with marginal anfwers. (Fr.) 1577. ISO. 70 . The D. d’Alva and tlie Dfs. of Parma, to the magiftrates of Antwerp ; explaining and palliating a rigorous edidt. (Fr. two letters.) Bruftels, Sept, id and 1 1 , 1567 . 133. 71. A remonftrance of the people of Antwerp, con¬ cerning a general pardon, and articles demanded. (Fr.) 1567. 134. 72 . K. Philip, to the city of Antwerp; authorizing the D. d’Alva as governor until his arrival. (Fr.) Madrid, 06t. IS, 1567. 135 . 73. A petition of the proteftants of Antwerp, td the Ct. de Iloochftrate; requeftingthe Dfs; of Parma might be induced to come to that city, to quell the troubles therein. (Fr.) 1567 ? ' I36.b. 74 . A lift G A L B A, C. III. 25 + 74 . A li(l of the new council. (Q. whether the “ tribunal des troubles?’') Dec. 30, 1567- K>7-b. 7.5. Precis des horribles points et articles, conclus par le due d'Albe dans fon nouveau conleil de douze. Sept. 18 , 1568. 138. 76 . Minutes of 18 letters from Mr. Man at Ma¬ drid, to the Queen, the Lds. of Council, and Sec y Cecil; chiefly concerning the D. d’Alva ; from March 25, to Nov. 14, 1567- " 140. 77 . J. Junius, to Sec y Cecil? recommending Corn, de Vos, a Belgian refugee. (Orig. Lat.) Lond. Jan. 5, 1569-70? 147. 78. The fum of that which was declared, to the Spanifli am ballad or by the Ld. Admiral and Hr Wm. Cecil, touching the 1>. d’Alva’s rigorous proceeding, and about the trade with the Low Countries. (Engl, and Lat.) Jan. 8, 1568-9? 14S. 79. A remembrance of the Ld. Mayor and other merchants of London, touching the arreft of the merchants born within the obedience of K. Philip. Jail. 8, 1568-9? I5l.b. 80 . A Latin and French verfion of a letter from Hier. Curidis, detained in England; and an interpre¬ tation of the true meaning of a palliige in a Spaniih letter of the D. d’Alva. viz. “ grand cs e pequehos.” 153. 81. An cxpoftulation of fome Lords of the Coun¬ cil, with Don Guerau d’Efpes, Spaniih ambaflador; concerning fome improper expreflions in his letters to the D. d'Alva. (a draught corrected by Cecil.) Jan. is, l.568-9- 154. 82 . Don Guerau d’Efpes, to the Lords of Council; explaining the expreflions above complained of. (Orig. Spaniih.). Lond. Jan. 16, 1569- 155. S3. Minutes of matters to treat of with d’Affonville. (in Cecil’s hand.) Jan. 29. 1568-9. 156. 84. An ample ftatenient of certain fads concerning Spaniih lhips impeding the navigation of the En- glilli, and the negoeiations thereupon; and on the above affair of the expreflions. (out. of a copy in the Ld. Treafurer’s hand-writing.) Jan. is, 1568 - 9 . 157 . 85. A copy of the golden hull, granted by the emperor Charles IV. (French.) 1349- 162 . 86. “ Confederation, ou confpiration des princes, centre les reformes, prejectee comnie on penfe par les Card 1 de Lorraine et Granvelle.” 164 . 87 - “ Compromis des nobles” proteflans. (Fr. et Flemilh.) 165. b. 88. “ Moyen pour remettre FEmpire en Fanciennc grandeur;.et pour reduire les affaires des Pays lias.” 170 . b. 89. Lettres clofesaux commis de Hollande, pour annoter les biens des fufpects, ou notes de rebellion.” Jan. 1568-9. 173. b. 90. “ Extrait de ccrtaine onlonnancc faite par le due d'Albc, touchant les officiers des eomtes prifon- ‘niers.” Jan. i5(i8-9. 174 . b. 91 . Don Guerau d’Efpes, to the D. d’Alva; com¬ plaining of his treatment by the Engliili council. (Orig. Spanifli.) London, Jan. 10 . 1568-9- 176 . 92 . Two letters from K. Philip II, to his cities and nobles; undone from the D. d’lniantalgo, to the king; all concerning the imprifomnent of prince Charles. Jan. 1568. 178. 93 . Abatement of a negociation relating to a Spaniih ambaflador. (d’Efpes ?) in the lame hand as, ami perhaps a part of III. 84. 179. 94 . A declaration of Don Guerau d’Efpes, in juf- tification of the D d’Alva. (Spaniih.) 180 . 95 . Minutes fecmingly of ihe Privy Council, n 96. lufrnietior.s of Q. Elizabeth, to the n.-rqub-, of Winehefter, and other privy couiiteilo:^ apj.oiinVd commiflioners to inquire into the eauies rei.iring t-» the arreft of Spaniih fubjeets. AVeitm. lAb. 29 , i.u"-:. 1 84. 97- J. d’Aflbnville, to Q. Elizabeth; about an au¬ dience he wilhed for, and deliring a pafspoit 1 " fbi.d to the D. d'Alva for further orders. (Er.) Loud. Feb. 5 , 1568. 186 . 98. The marquis of AVinchcfn r and fir Fr. Miid- may, to.about an arrangement of form: pecuniary matters relating to the j.rebeud of Silt-.m, &c. in Bucks. (Orig.) Feb. 10 , 1568 - 9 ? i>y. 99- D'Aflbnville's anfwcr to fir Win. Cecil and fir Fr. Mildmay; being the matters h: had to declare from the 1C. his maker, and the D. d’Alva. IVb. 22 , 1568. 188.. 100. A difeufliou on d’Aflbnville’s above de, I:>ra¬ tion. (a draught corrected Ly Cecil.) 1508. 189 . 101 . A licence concerning navigation. (Spaniih, a fragment.) Nov. 29 . 193. b. 102 . IC. Philip If, to Well gang count palatine ; concerning the affairs of the Netherlands. (Er.) May 5, 1568. 195 . 103. A report from the crown lav vers at Iln; lib is, to the I). d’Alva ; concerning the trial of count d'Egmont. (Fr.) Brufibls, Mays, 1568 . 200 . b. 104. The folieitor of count d’Egn o :t., to tho D. d'Alva; requebing a delay in the trial of the Count; with d'Alva s content. (Fr.) Brufibls, May 8, 1568. 202. 105. An inflrument of the fifcnl, demanding fome proceeding againfl the count d'Egmont; with the I). d’Ah a s order for its be in >• com mi ted to the count, and a minute of its having been ferved. (Er.) Brufibls, May 12 , 1568. 203. 106 . A refeript of the D. d’Alva, by which count d’Egmont is declared contumacious. (Fr.) Bruflels, May 14 , 1568. 204. 107 . The folieitor of com 1 IT iont, to d'Alva; certifying the proceedings againfl the count, requeuing delay, and that the count might not l.e declared contumacious. (Fr.) 1568. 205 . 108 . An order of the D. d’Ah refufii to Ct d'Egmont. the privilege of a knight oi the golden fleece on his trial. (Fr.) May 1 8. 1568. 209 . 109 . A petition of the bates of Brabant, to the D. d’Alva, in favour of count d’Egmont. 1568. 210. b. 110 . The fcntence of count d'Egmont. ;Er. Juna 4, 1568. -I 1 -. 111 . Count d'Egmont's letter to K. Philip, after having heard his fcntence read; requebing the kings companion upon his wife and children. (1 r > Bru;- fels, June 5, 1568. 214 . 112 . The titles of ten papers, relating to counts d'Egmont’s trial. 1568. 215 . 113 . The fcntence of count Horn. (Fr.) Bruflels, June 4, 1 . 56 s. - 16 . 114 . A placart of the magibrates .of Antwerp, prohibiting all manner of commerce with the rebels of the king. (Flern.) July 23, 156 s. 2 18. 115 . Guzman de Silva. Sp. ambaflador in England, to lord Burleigh? exculing Engliili fuhjebts going into the Spaniih fervice. (Orig. Lat.) July 5 , ire s. 222. b. 116 . Jo. Scheyfin, chancellor of Brabant, to lord Leiceber; concerning a law-luit of Edward Soul..- worth} - , G A L B A, C. III. IV. G A L B A, C. III. IV. 285 ■worthy, recommended to him from England. (Orig. Lat.) Briiffels, Aug. 6, 1568. 223. 117 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to Q. Elizabeth; noti¬ fying his having taken up arms. (Orig. Fr.) Ro- merfdorf, Aug. 22 , 1568. 224. ns. Note of certain things demanded by the Spanilh Ambr. of the Engliih court. (Lat.) Sept. 1, 1568. <2<25 - 119 . Don Guerau d’Efpes, Sp. Amb. to lord Bur¬ leigh ; remonflrating againft fome piracies com¬ mitted by Engliih fubjects. (Orig. Lat.) Sept. 27, 1568. G2(3 ’ 120 . Guzman de Silva, to Q. Elizabeth; remon- rating againft the countenance given in England lo the rebels of the Low Countries. (Orig. Span.) ^ J uly 14, 1568. 227-b. 121 . omitted. 122 . Minutes, feemingly of a difpatch of a Spamlh ambaffador. (Lat. and Engl.) 228. 123. Complaints of Engliih merchants, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; concerning tolls exacted of them in the Low Countries. (Lat.) 124 . A note about the price of pepper: and a French original letter of the 1). d’Alva, to Q. El iza¬ beth ; defiring her to protect fome Spanilh fubjeCts arrived in an Engliih port with money for his army. Chateau Cambrefis, Dec. l, 1568. 230. b. 125. Articles of inftru&ions for fervice to he done by John Barnes and three others, merchants and citi¬ zens of London. 23 K 126 . Copies and minutes of various letters of the Privy Council, on navy matters ; chiefly relating to Spanilh and Flemilh lh'ips : with an anlwer to one of them. 1568 and 9- 233 * 127 . An ordinance of the D. d’Alva, concerning fome abufes praCtifed by the notaries, &c. (Fr.) Antwerp, Jan. 29, 1568. 243. 128 . A fummary of the intolerant decrees of the council of Trent. (Fr.) 245. 129 . Motives of certain conceffions made to thepro- teftants at Antwerp, at a late pacilieat ion. (Fr.) 248. 130 . A requifition of D. Boffi and A. Monica, cap¬ tain and purler of the lhip Cornara; deliring the owners of certain goods on board of her to take them out, the queen having ordered the laid lhip on fome other fervice. Lond. March 10 , 1569. 249 . 131 . A commiffion of the prince of Orange, autho¬ rizing H. van Tlittnieh, and J. Buninga, to wage ■war againft the 1). d’Alva. . Straelborche, Feb. 21 , 1569- 250. 132 . Copies and minutes of various letters, orders, See. from the Council, relating to the flopping in the Engliih harbours: continued in the articles III. 137 . 139. 144. 146. A 0 1569- 251. 133 . A lift of the Frenchmen, Flemings, and Wal¬ loons in the town of Rye, March 18 ; with a letter from the mayor of Rye, inclofmg the fame. March SO, 1569-70. 258. 134. The D. d’Alva, to Q. Elizabeth; credential in favour of the marquis de Cetona. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. 1569- 260 . 135. An article of inftruCtions of K. Philip, to his ambaffador in England. (Spanilh.) March 19 , 1568-9? 26l. 136. W. Cobham, to the Lds. of Council; fignify- ing his having delivered the order for the oaths to be taken by the ftrangers at Rye and Winehelfea. (Orig.) Cobham, April 2 , 1569 . 262 . 137 . A continuation of the copies, minutes, &c. III. 132. 2-63- 138. Louis de Nalfau, to Ld. Leicefter? notifying his brother the P. of Orange being gone into Ger¬ many ; and credential in favour of the Sr. de Lum- bres. (Orig. Fr.) XainCtes, Oct. 17 , 1569- 296 . 139 . A continuation of HI. 137 . 297 . 1 40. A ftatement of Ioffes fuflained by a company of Engliih merchants. 302. 141 . An order of Council to the magiftrates and officers of cuftoms at the ports, not to admit any goods of Spanilh fubjeCts: lent by Wm. Ewers. Jan; 1569. 303. 142. The Spanilh ambaffador's requfefts of the Council, concerning the fecurity of Spanilh flops. Dec. 1569? 304. 143 . A paper requiring the inftrudtions of the Council concerning the fliips feized in the Engliih harbours : with fome corrections by Burleigh. 305. 144. A continuation of III. 139. 3o6. 145 . Q. Elizabeth, to K. Philip II: concerning the Marqs. de Cetona's emhaffy. (Lat.) Windfor, Dec. 20 , 1569. 307. 146 . A continuation of III. 144. 310. 147 . Chiappino Vitclli (Marqs. de Cetona) to Ld. Burleigh? requefting a palfport. (Orig. Ital.) Gol- bruch, Dec. 4, 1569. 312. 148. A proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, in anfwer to one of the K. of Spain; juftifying her conduct with regard to the Low Countries, &c. 313. 149 . Articles of complaint concerning naval mat¬ ters, feemingly exhibited by a Spanilh ambaffador. (Lat.) 319- 150. The fum of a proclamation made in Flanders by the I). d’Alva, concerning piracies committed by the Engliih. April, 1569- 320. 151. A paper, feemingly of complaints, and of anfwers, which however do not correfpond with the grievances. (Lat.) 322. 152. Articles of redrefs propofed by Mr. Caval¬ canti on the part of Spain. (Ital.) July 7 , 1569- 325. 153. Q. Elizabeth, to I\. Philip II; expoftulating about the 1). d’Alva’s conduct to her fubjeCts, &c< (Lat.) Llampton, Jan. 18 , 1569-70. 327 . 154 . The defence of count d’Egmont. (Fr.) 1568. 328. 155 . A paper entitled “ Utrum princcps Auraicaj (fic) profugorum ex Belgia contra Albanum, ac vero' etiam Hifpaniam poffit fufeipere.” 367. Galha , C. IV. Codex ehartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 399- 1 . Jo. Fitzwilliams, to Sec y Cecil; three difpatclies concerning the affairs of the Low Countries, the ne- gociations between England and the D. d’Alva, &c. Antwerp, Jan. 27 . Feb. 11 . and Jan. 4, 1570. 4. 2 . A proclamation of the Pr. of Orange, as ftadt- holder. (Dutch.) April 22 , 1570. 10 . 3. Wm. de Naffau, Pr. of Orange, to Wefenbecke ; granting him leave of abfence. (Orig. Fr.) Arn- ftadt, May 11 , 1570 . 12 . 4 . A dutch letter; figned Dierek Cater, aud di¬ rected to ... . Weefbeeck. May 22 , 1570 . 15. 5 . The Pr. of Orange; two letters or proclamations of his, touching contributions. (Dutch.) 1570. 17 . 6. Peter Dathenus and Pet. Aloftanus, dutch pro- teftant minifters at Heidelberg, to the protellant clergy at Embdeu ; about an Imperial diet to be held 4 D at sS6 GALEA, C. IV. at Spiers, and matters of religion in Holland. (Apo¬ logia Belgar.) (Dutch.) lleklclb. June 15 , 1570. 21. 7 . InftruHions of the Pr. of Orange, for raili ng contributions. (Dutch.) 1570. *" <22. s. An order of the Privy Council, concerning two (hips which were fitting out for India or Guinea" 24. 9 . Copies and minutes of orders, letters, &e. of the Privy Council; concerning the cultoms, fhipping, &c. in different ports. 1570. 25. 10. The Pr. of Orange; his reqnifition to give all poffiI>le aflifiance to Jacob van Wefenbecke/ who is employed in his fervice ; and inftruHions to the laid J. v. Wefenbecke. (Orig. Dutch.) Dillenborch, July 1, 1570. 37. 11. Laurens Jaeobfon, to Dirric Cater, at Cologn; on matters of religion in Holland ; referring to the letters, III. 4 and 6 . (Orig. Dutch.) Embden, July 7, 157 °. 39. 12 . Coornhert, to.touching the “ Apo¬ logia Edgar.” (Dutch.) Embden, July 19, 1570. 41. 1. 0 ,. Another Dutch letter, on the fame fubjeH. Embden, July 19, 1570. 43. 14 . A proclamation about papal indulgences granted in the Low Countries. (Flemith.) Brutfels, July 20 , 1570 . 45. 15 . A journal of Wefenbecke’s ncgociation as commiflarv to the P. of Or. with a paper, entitled, “ touchant les viiles ct collcctes.” (Fr.) July, 1570 . 40. Hi. J. van Wefenbecke ; concerning divers enter¬ prises upon towns and cullies. (Dutch.) July, 1570 . 49 . 17. Job. KnifF; his declaration concerning a papal i'ricr relating to indulgences. (Lat.) Groening. Aug. l, 1570. 53. is. Wm. Pr. of Orange; his reqnifition for afli fi¬ ance to be given to de Wefenbecke. (Orig. PI.) Dillenberch, Aug. 9, 1570. 33. if). InftruHions to Mr. J. dc Wefenbecke; with a paper of heads or memoranda. (Orig. Dutch, figned Win. dc Naflau) Dillcnb. Aug. 9. 1570. "50. 20. 'hi. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; an anfwcr to one of his letters; and giving him fur¬ ther infiructi011s. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Aug. 22, 1-5 70 . " 58. 21. h m. Pr. of ( uHii ins toj.d W becke: an extract. (Dutch.) Dillenb. Aug. 9, 1570. Go. 2C. Wm. Pr. of Orange; a power of attorney or procuration tor J. de \Y eicnbeckc (Dutch.) Dillenb. Aug. 9 , 1570 . gi. 2.;. M m. Pr. of Orange ; an addrefs to the Belgians for contributions. (Dutch.) Dillenb. Aug. 9, 1 - 570 . G 2 . 24 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to Wefenbecke; concern¬ ing the furrender of certain towns. (Orig. Fr.) Dil¬ lcnb. Aug. 30 , 1570. g 3 . b. 25 . A report to the council, of Englifh /hips ar- refted in the Spanilh dominions, and reprifals. (a fragment.) G4. -o. Minutes of letters to Q. Eliz. and Sec y Cecil, chiefly from Hen. Cobham ; concerning the affairs of the Low Countries, See. Aug. 28 . 06 t. 15 , 1570. 65. 27. InftruHions to Hen. Cobham, of fuch matters as he hath to dedatc to the K. of Spain. March to, 1570 . 28. A declaration of Wefenbecke, Cater, and Coorn- hei t, about lome proceedings of .Mens, de Dolhain. (Dutch.) Sept. 12, 1570 . -.3 2.1). Wefenbecke and Cater, touching Mons. Dol- bain. Sept. 13, 1570. - 4 =0. Win. Pr.of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; con¬ cerning the furrender of various towns in Holland ;()ng. Fr. all in the prince's hand.) Dillenb. Sept." 12, ] 570. _ ! 7 ci. :'-i. Wm. Pr.of Orange; inftruHions to J. de We- ienbecke ; concerning the furrender of towns. (Orio- Fr.) Sept. 26, 1570. 77T 32 Wm. Pr of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke ; fent him by R. Cant, with fome further inftructions. (Orig. Er.) Dillenb. Sept 27, 1570, 78 53 . Wm. Pr. of Orange; his commiffion to Joed Dies, to ftrve again ft the D. d'Alva. (Dutch.) Dillenb. Sept. 28 , 1570. ~ () 1 34 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to Wefenbecke; fent by deDniyueii, with inftruHions. (Orig. Er.) Dillenb Oft. 11, 1570. ‘ 79 . b.* 35 . 'Wm. Pr.of Orange; inftruHions to Godfrey de Haeftricht, &c.; concerning the occupying of lome Dutch towns. (Orig. Dutch.) Dillcnb. Oct 11 157a 80 . 36 . \\ m. Pr. of Orange; an agreement for the purchafe of 1000 arquebule fhot. (Dutch) OH »o 157 °- _ 82 .' 3 ?. Wm. Pr. of Orange; four letters to Wefen¬ becke, on the prelent occurrences. (Orio-. jp r ) Dillenb. OH. 22, 22, 30 , and 26, 1570. 90 / 38 . J. van Wefenbecke, to certain commiflioners at Wefel. (Dutch.) Dec. SO, 1570. 39 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to Wefenbecke ; on the prefent occurrences. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Oct. si 1570, 93/ 40 . A Dutch paper, inferibed, “The great inun¬ dation in the Netherlands. Nov. 1, 1570.” 95. 4 1. A Dutch paper. g 7 42 . Two papers of Wefenbecke, addreflfid to the committee at Weill. (Dutch. ) Wefel, Nov 7 -uid 5 , 15 70 . ' \ )Sm 43. M m. Pr. of Orange, to Wefenbecke; inftruc¬ tions and intelligence (Orig. Er.) Dillenb. Nov. 5, lo 7 °. 101. 44 - J- de Wefenbecke, to.(Dutch.) Wefel Nov. 10. and Dec. 1.570. J04- 4 5. Three Dutch papers, concerning an attempt to feizc Amfterdam. Nov. 11, 1570. 105. 46. Wm. Pr, of Natfau, to J. dc Wefenbecke- fent by Mons. J. Eafins, with inllruHions. (Orig! Er.) Dillenb. Nov. 13, 1570. 107. b. " 47 . Wm. Pr. of Natfau; inftructions to J. Batins, Wm. count van Berth, &t. (Dutch.) Dillenb! Nov. 13 , 1570 . 108. 48 . A Dutch paper. Nov. 17, 1570. no. 49 - Win. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke ; two letters ; the one incloling various papers, and the other with intelligence, &c. (Orig. Er.) Dillenb. Nov. 15 and 1 8 , 1570. *" 111. 50 . Win. Pr. of Orange; a commiliion? (Dutch.) Dillenb. Nov. 24, 1570. 113. 51. Mm. Pr. of Orange; Inftructions? (Dutch.) Dillcnb. Nov. 24 , 15 70 . ' 1 j 4. 52. Wm. Pr. of Orange ; an ordinance ? (Dutch.) Dillenb. Nov. 24, 1570. 115. 53 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; two letters of intelligence; inftructions, and about the 2§7 GALBA, C. IV. the pur chafe of arms. (Grig. Fr.) Dillenb. Nov. 23, and 24, 1570. 1 1 6 . 54. Win. Pr. of Orange ; inftrufeions concerning fome towns taken. (Dutch.) Dillenb. Nov. 24, 1570. 1 18. 55. A deposition of Franz Volcherts Coornhert, concerning certain fums of money received by A. v. Dolhain for the ranfonr of lliips. (Dutch.) Nov. 24, 1570. 120 . 5b. Win. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke ; two letters of intelligence, intrusion's, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Nov. 27 and 25, 1570 . 121 . 57 . Two Dutch papers. Nov. 28, 1570. 123. 58. Adrien van den Hooneldirchem? to. (Dutch.) Nov. 28 , 1570 . 12.5. 50. Cornelis voon Muynaert? to Dame Dirich Volchaert? at San ten. (Dutch.) Nov. 28, 1570 . 126. 60 . A Dutch paper. Embden, Nov. SO, 1570- 128 . 61 . A Dutch paper. Dec. 1 , 1570 . 129 . 61 . a. A Dutch paper. Dec. 1 , 1570 . 130. 62 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke ; in¬ telligence and inftruClions. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Dec. 3,1570. 131. 63. A Dutch paper. Dee. 4, 1570. 132. 64. A Dutch paper. Wefel, Dec. 4, 1570. 135. 65. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; a letter lent by de Virieu, with iniiruStions; and another letter of intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Dec. 4 and 6, 1570. 134. 66. A Dutch paper. Wefel, Dec. 7, 1570 . 137 . 67. Wm. Pr. of Orange; his inftru&ions to de Virieu. (Fr.) Dec. 9, 1570. 138. 68. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to Mons. Batins; an order for the payment of money. (Dutch.) Dillenb. Dec. 4, 1570 . 140. 60. Win. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; in¬ telligence about enterprizes upon towns. (Orii>-. Fr.) Dillenb. Dee. 8, 1570 . " 143 . 70 . J. de Wefenbecke, to the carl of March ; certi¬ fying the good difpofition of the Pr. of Orange. (Orig. Fr.) Wefel, Dec. 14, 1570 . 145 . 71. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Dec. 14, 1570. 146 . 72. Three Dutch papers, on money matters. Dec. 15 , 1570. 148 . 75 . J. dc Wefenbecke, to the Pr. of Orange? re¬ ports the fr.rprize of a town, and various other mat¬ ters. (Orig. Fr.) Wefel, Dec. 15 , 1570. 150. 74 . A Dutch paper. Wefel, Dec. 15, 1570. 151. 75 . 1 he Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; in- . (Orig Fr.) Freydenberch, Dec. 16 , 1570 . 1 . 52 . 76. Dicrick S..ellnich, to count de Berghes; two letters of congratulation, and intelligence about the war. (Orig. Fr.) Wefel, Dec. 17 and 18, 1570. 153 . 77. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. dc Wefenbecke; in¬ telligence. (Orig. Fr.) Freydenb. Dec. 20, 1570. 155 . 78 . A Dutch paper. Dec. 22, 1570. 156 . b. 79 . Nicollas Brunynek, to counfellor Wefenbecke; directing him to tend intelligence to the Pr. of Orange, (Orig. Fr.) Siegen, Dec. 24, 1570. 157. , 8 ?.to J. de Wefenbecke. (Dutch.) Wefel, Dec. 24, 1570. !5g_ 81 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke ; ac¬ knowledging the receipt of letters, and giving in¬ telligence. (Orig. Fr.) Siegen, Dec. 24, 1570. 159 . 82 . Two orders of council, to fome commiihoncr in the Low Countries; about red refs to be demanded for injuries committed in the Spanifh dominions. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Dec. 23 and 24, 1570. 161. 83. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; in¬ telligence. Dillen. Dec. 28 , 1570 . 1 63. 84. A deliberation on a proportion of the D. d’Alva ? (Dutch.) 1570. 164 . 85. Inftrufrions of the Spanifh government in the Low Countries, concerning the form of abjuring herefy, and giving abfolution. (Lat.) 1570 . 170 . 86. A Dutch paper; probably a fragment. 171 • b. 87 . A paper of intelligence concerning a negoela¬ tion for peace, a marriage between the prince of Na¬ varre and Mad me Marguerite, the Fr. king’s lifter, &e. 1570. 172. 88. “ Declaration fur la convocation dcs aflcmbfees dcs eftats gcner.iux et particulars dcs Provinces Unics des Pais Bas.” 174. 89. Wm. Pr. of Orange, to .T. de Wefenbecke; in¬ telligence. (Fr.) Dillenb. Jan. 8. 1571 . 178. 90 .to the town of Haga. (Dutch.) Jan. 17,1571- 179- 91 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; intelligence. (Fr.) Dillenb. Jan. 3, 1571 . 180 . 92 . J. de Wefenbecke, to.about contribu¬ tions. Orig. Fr.) Jan. 6, 1571- 180 . b. 93. Q. Elizabeth, to the D. d’Alva; fignifving her having ordered Guereau d’Efpes out of the kingdom. (Fr.) Weftm. Jan. 4, 1570 . 1 8 1 . 94. A funnnons of the Bp. of Antwerp to a fynod at the faid place. (Lat.) Jan. 19 , 1571. 182 . 95. Wm. Pr. of Orange; a proclamation for raif- ing money. (Dutch.) Jan. 19 , 1571. 183. 96 . Q. Elizabeth, to K. Philip II; cxpoftulating* about fome ill treatment of her fuhjefils; by II. Cob- ham. (Lat.) Greenw. March 20, 1571 ? 184 . 97 . K. Philip II, to Q. Elizabeth; anfwer to the above. (Orig. Lat.) Elcurial, June 4, 1571 . 185. 98. Three orders of Privy Council, concerning cuftoms. June 16 , 1571. 187 99 . The ways how to annoy the K. of Spain, and to provide for the reflitution of wrongs, (a difeourfe by Mr. Higgins.) June, 1571 . 1S9- 100 . Q. Elizabeth, to K. Philip II; cxpoftulating concerning d'Efpes, See. (Lat.) "Weftm. Dee. 16 , 1571 . 1Q3. 101. A meffage from the Fr. ambaffador at Bruf- fels, to the Fr. king; concerning the deliverance of the Q. of Scots, by the pra&ices of the D. d’Alva; fent by de Cochard. 1571. 19 7. 102 . Minutes of orders, letters, &e. of the Ad¬ miralty and Privy Council ? concerning affairs of cuftoms, &c. at the ports. April, 1571. Nov. 1572 . 203. 103. Wm. Pr. of Orange; inftru6tions to J. de Wefenbecke. (Fr.) 061. 10 , 1571 . 2 is. 104. A tarif for contributions, for expelling the Spaniards. (Fr.) 1571. 221. 105 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; three letters of intelligence, See. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. Jan. 5, March 6 and 20, 1572. 226 . 106 . The inhabitants of Flufhing, to Q. Elizabeth; juftitying their refiftance to the D. d’Alva. (Orig. Lat.) April 2 , 1572. 229 . 107 . Mons. 288 GALE A, C. IV, 107 . Mons. tie Zwevcghem ; his petition to Q. Elizabeth for reftitution, and future fecurity: with marginal minutes by Cecil. April 10 , 1572. 2:30. 108 . Anfwer to what M. do Zveveghcni delivered to the Council, and alfo in writing to the Queen, on the 19 th of April, 1572 . (It. a rough draught.) 2:3.3, 100 . Win. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbeeke ; in- fiructions, See. (Grig. It.) Dillenb. April 25, 1572 . 235. 110. A Dutch note concerning Zwevcghem ; and a French one promifing to reward certain ferviees ; the latter of Jan. 10 , 1572 . 256 . 111 . The D. d'Alva, to Q. Elizabeth; with a con¬ ciliatory anfwer from the king his matter. (Orig. Fr.) Bruflels, June 22 , U 72 . 238. 112 . Wm. Pr. of Orange, to J. de Wefenbecke; two letters of inftruCHons. (Orig. Fr.) Dillenb. May 9 , and 30, 1572. " ooy 113 . h. Philip II, to Q. Elizabeth; thanl 126 . Capitulation between fir Humphry Gilbart, and the Govr. and borrowmen of Elulliing. (Fr.) July 15, 1572 . 286. 127 . The Eds. of Council, to Humph. Gilbart; and a memorial to Capt. Pickman ; concernino- the fervice in the Low Countries. 1572 . o 87 . 12 S. A brief note, the better how to underhand the charts and draught of Harlem. oy 129 . A lift of troops to be, or that mav be fupplied, ns contingents, by German princes. ' 292 / 130. A rough draught; being an account of ionic about /inckzee ^probably the 293. military operation liege of it.) 1572. i ll. Carmen ad Balavos, vetufto in marmore re- Pertum. Q(J4 h 'j 52 - p -. f]e Finofe; hh difeourfe, addreifed pro¬ bably to fome Englilh minilter, 011 the origin and progrels of the revolution in the Low Countries (Orig. Fr.) 15 72. 133 . lilies ol letters to the Q. and fir. Win. Cecil from the town of Fluihing and the Pr. of Orange! May 27, June 7, and Dec. 24, 1.372. 3 q 8 134 . An anfwer of Mons. de la Motte, to fome inftru 6 lions of the Fr. of Orange. 1572. 3 oy> 135 . A lift of towns and diftriefs in the Low Countries, mortgaged to the Ct. of Montbeliard and the States. 1.372. 810 136 . An account of the maflacre of St. Bartholo¬ mew, fent to the Pr. of Orange. (Fr.) 1.372. 31 1. 1.//. Wm. count de la Marck; his remonftrance concerning the management and difeipline of the fleet of the Pr. of Orange: addreifed to Q. Eliz. and her Council. (Orig. Fr.) 1572. 3,3. 138. Wm. count de la Marck, to Q. Elizabeth- notifying the taking of Brill; and requeftim- aid’ (Ong. Lat.) 1572. ° 31 . 139 . A ftatement concerning the affairs of the Pr. of Orange ; feeni i ugly add relied to fome Eno-liffi m i- niftcr. (Fr) 1572. ” 1(J 140. Six letters of intelligence to the D. d’Alva (Spanilh.) Lend. Jan. 30 , 14, Feb. 4, 16, ly and 23 , 1 .S 73 . 319. 141. It. Philip 11, to the D. d'Alva; recommend¬ ing Roldan Turnoz, an Englilh catholic. (Orio- Spaniffi) Madrid, Feb. 4. 1.373. 3’tT' 142 . K. Philip II, or rather his council at Ant¬ werp; a proclamation forbidding all intercourfe with the king’s enemies. Feb. 28, 1573. o 30 143 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Attorney Gen. fent in the time of the colloquy at Bruges; concernin'-- fome commercial points. 3 34 ° 144. Rcquifitions of the Spaniffi commifiiouers; and articles propoftd by them at the colloquy at Bruges. (Lat.) March 7, 1573. 335 145 . I wo anfvers of the Englifli commiffioners to the Spanilh rcquifitions. (Eat.) March 9, and h; 15/3, 340 . 146 . A reply of 1 lie Spanilh commiffioners, to the abo\ e anfwers; and eleven other reciprocal anfvers and replies, complaints of merchants, tve. all relatin'* to the fame colloquy. (Lat.) March 19, April 2T 1573 ' 344 . 147. Draught of a letter of intelligence, to flic D. d'Alva. (Spaniffi.) Lund. April 7, 1573. 3,57. 148 . Edw. Cheffer, to.thanks for having procured him money; and deffring further imprefrs for naval purposes. (Orig.) May 23 , 1573. 3,5s. 149. "VI m. Pr. of Orange? a complimental letter fent to fome Englilh minilter, by Mr. Ilcrle. (Orio- Fr.) Delffer, May, 1573. " 359? 150. Draught of a letter of intelligence, to the D. d’Alva. (Spaniffi.) London, June 9, 1573. 3 Go. 15 1. W m. Herle's account of certain difeourfes he had w ith tlie Pr. of Orange, touching the flate of the Low Countries. (Orig!) Loud. June 11, 1573 362 . 152 . Job. Sturmius, to.complimental. (Orig. Lat.) Strafburgh. June 14, 1573. 370. 153. S. Jewks, to M m. Herle: intelligence about the G A L B A, C IV. V. 2F9 the war in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Delft, July ll, 1573 . 371 . 154. A djfcuffion of the queftion “Utrum princeps Auraioc (lie) profugorum tuitionem contra Albanian, ac vero etiam regem II.poffit fufciperc -(Lat.) 374 . 155. A copy of latin veifes, in the perfon of Belgia 380 . 15(5. A draught of a letter from Cecil, to Antonio de Guaras ; being an ample difeufiion of the nego- ciations between England and Spain, (a great part in Cecil’s own hand). 38 1. 157. A fet of items about the fale of lbme effects by Spanilh commifiioners. 385 . 158 . Titles of ftate papers relating to the Low Countries. 1573 . 386 . I 5 f). The D. d’Alva, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the treaty figned by Ant. de Guaras. (Orig. IT.) Kimeguen, April 15 , 1573 . 386 . b. 160. Treaty between England and Spain. (Fr. printed.) 1573 . 388 . 161. “ Negociations des Anglois pour pouvoir ufer la riviere de Schelde vers Anvers.” May 25 , 1573. 390 . 162. “ Ratificatio articulorum concluforum inter D. de Burghhy & dueem de Alva,” die 10 Martii: item regis catholiei die 8 Julii. 1573 . 892. 163. Articles for a loan demanded by the States General of Q. Elizabe.th. (Lat.) 396 . 164. The D. d’Alva, to Q. Elizabeth; mentions his not having lately received any letters from Spain. (Orig. Fr.) Kimeguen, .Line 17, 1573 . 397. 1 ). 16.3. K. Philip II, to Q. Elizabeth ; notifying the recall of the 1 ). d’Alva, and the appointment of L. de Requezens to fucceed him (Orig. Fr.) Madrid, O61. 19, 1573 . S 98 . b. Calba , C. V. Codex cbartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 387 . I. Wm. Pr. of Orange? to ... . complimcntal : font by a conluh ntial perfon, to whom he appeals for intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) Flulhing, Jan. 4 , 1574 - 5 ? 1. e. Ph. de Croy, to the F.arl of Lcicdler? thanking- him for lbme dogs. (Orig. Er.) Ilcverles, Feb. 7, 1574 . 2 . 3 . Piero Spindly, to. ... about a freret to make cuirafles ball-proof. (Orig. Ital.). Antwerp, Feb. 20 , 1574 . 3. 4 . Accrbo Vellutelli, to .... pzoiefling great de- votednefs, ike. (Orig. Ital.) Loud. March 10, 1575. 4 . 5 . Chiappino Vitelli, to live Earl of Lcicdler; re¬ commending J-Ved. Zuchari the painter. (Orig. Ital.) Antwerp, March 15, 1574 . 5. G. Four letters of intelligence to the commendator of Caiiile (Requezens.) (Spanilh.) London, March 22, 15 , April 5 , and 19, 15 74 . 5. b. 7. “ Requefts exhibited by the commifiioners of the Low Countries,” April 25. 10. 8 . A letter of intelligence to Requezens. (Spanilh) London, May 3 , 1574 . 12. 9 . “ Refponfum aliud oratorum Belgarum, ad que¬ relas mercatorum Anglorum.” May 13, 1574. 14. 10 “ Replicatio cemmifs. regime Anglia?, ad rer fponfumoratorum Belganim.” May 1 8 . 1574. i G. II . Five reciprocal papers or notes on the above negociation. (Lat.) May T 8 and S 3 , 1574. 17. 12. “ DifciuTus adtorum per Dm. Suevmgham:” this relates to the aid given by England to the rebels in the Low Countries. May 23, 1574 . 21 . 13. “ Refponfum ad difeurfuin mifl'um 23 May.” May 28, 1574. 24. 14 . A proteft of the Bclgic commiflioners t and a declaration about the flopping- of the Engiifh com- millioners, the latter dated July G, 1574.(Lat.) 28 . b. 1 . 3 . Four letters of intelligence to Requezens. (Spa- nidi.) London, .May 10 , 17 , and June 1 , 1574 . 31 . Id. A fhort letter by the fame perfon who wrote the above, to the K. of Spain. (Spanilh.) London, July 20, 1574. 36 . 17 . Roclio Bonetti, to the E. of Leieefier; com¬ plaining of fume relations who had dripped him of his private property. (Orig. Ital.) Antwerp, Aug. 9 , 1574 . ’ 57 . 18 . Roger Ed wardes, to I.d. Burleigh; intelligence about the war in Holland, ike. (Orig ?) Lond. Au«-. 23, 15 74. 38° 19- Rocho Bonetti, to the E. of Leieefter; intel¬ ligence from Italy, and the Low Countries. (Orig. Ital.) Antwerp, Aug. 19 , 1574. 39 . 20 . Don Bernardino de Mendoza, to the E. of Lei- cefle'r. (Spanilh.) Aug. 20 , 1574 . 40. 21. Minutes of four letters from Flanders. 1574 . 41. 22 . “ Conclufio colloquii inter Elizab. & Phil. II. habiti Lnndini, de compeiu’atione bonorum arrefio- rum.” Briltnlii, Aug. 21, 1574. 42. 23. E. Philip II, to Ilequezens ; inftruding him to temporize with England, &c. (an Engljih tranlla- tion.) Madrid, Sept. 2, 1574. 46 . 24. Ch. de Peifot, to.three letters of news, concerning the fupplie.s lent into Leyden, and other military operations in .Holland. N. B. This Boifot was not the admiral. (Orig. Fr.) Middleburgh, Oet. 4 , 7, and Nov. 10 , 1574. 46 . b. 25 . D. Bernardino de Mcndoca, to the E. of Leiccller ; ex prefling his willies for friendlhip with England ; anti commending Dr. Wilfon. (Orig. Lat.) Brullels, Dec. G, 1574 . 50 . 26 . Tho. Wilfon, to Ld. Burleigh ? reports his ne¬ gotiations at Brullels, about the tree pullage of mer¬ chants, and the rebels. (Orig.) Brullels, Dec. 11 , 1574. 51. 27 . Q. Elizabeth; her commifilon authorizing A. L\ C. 1). E. F. to inquire into tin; undue feizure made by private perfons, of Spanilh vetills, and goods ar- relied. A° 16 regni. I57t or 5 . 52 . 08 . Matters to be conlidered relating to the revolt in Holland and Zealand, Jan. 12 , 1575 . st 29 . “ To be anfwercd of them of Holland being properly an anfwer of the Er.g'.ilh mini ft ry to the ap¬ plication of the Hollanders for aid. Jan. 15, 1575 , 62. 30. “ Anfwers to be given to the Hollanders.” Jan. 1 6, 157 5. 66. 31. “The fum of the opinion of the council upon the requeft of the Hollanders, and upon confideration had of the meflages and negbcial ions of Sir Henry Cobh am in Spain. and.Corbet, with the com- miflkmers at Antwerp.” Jan. 16, 1575. 67. 32. “ Confideration of the cafe of the Hollanders,’’ Jan. 20, 1575k 72 . 33 “Tilings to be confidercd if the Q. Majefly /hall intend to aid the Hollanders, in cafe that Die cannot procure the accord betwixt the K. of Spain and them.” Jan. 21 , 1575. 76 . 34. Tho. Wilkes, to Q. Elizabeth; intelligence concerning the behaviour of lhe Hollanders to the E. 4 E of o galba, C. V. ot Leicefter, and the military proceedings in Holland, (the beginning wanting.) 1587. 79 . • 3 ' 5 ' ? !l ?. or '£' naI draught of “ the fum of the opi- m *n, frc.” v. 31 . (in Lord Burleigh's hand writing.) da . 16 1575. 84. '■'IK “ Complaints of the merchants of England" trading in the Low Countries. 1375 . 8S. 37 . “ The fum of the fpeech that palled between Civ iiipagny and her .M ajeftv ; ' the former remon- flrating againfther countenancing the Belgian rebels. Jan. 12 , 1 . 575 . " 0 q 1 38. An anfwer of the Hollanders tothePrivv Coun¬ cil, on lome propofals made to them. (Lat.) Feb. 26, 1575. 94 . 39 . Chiappino Vitelli, to the E. of Leicefter ; fent by Capt. Roca, who polfelfcs the fee ret of tempering Teel fo as to make it ball proof. (Orig. Ital.) Ant¬ werp, Feb. 14, 1575. 97 . 40. P. count de Mansfelt, to Leicefter; defiring fome hounds. (Orig. Pr.) Prague, March 3 , 1575 . 98. 41. Pietro Dimetrio (a refugee from Flanders) to .requeuing his protection againft the people of Briftol. (Orig. Ital.) Briftol, April 21 , 1575 . 09. 42. Tho. Willon, to Ld. Burleigh ? about fending over a Neapolitan liorlc, and fomc gofs-liawks ; alio about the K.. of Spain’s offers of peace. (Orig.) Bruges, March 22 , 1574 . “ joq. ’ 43. “ Difcours du provifeur Iffivre, touchant la guerre qui fe doit fairc par mer aux Pays Bas. avec autres concernantaulfi la guerre de terre.” April 15 ' 5 - 101 . 44. “ Rcplicatio ad ea qua? Ill. Dom. confiliarii re¬ gime majeitatis refponderunt ad feriptum (legator. Reg. Cath.) 7 menfis Maii datum.” 1575 . 109 . 45. “ Refponfum Confiliarior. ad feriptum et. arti- culos exhibitos regime Ma" per D. dc Boifchot, le- gat. Reg. Cath. 20 May, 1575 . 111 . 46 . Monf. des Bofchot, to Q. Elizabeth ; requeuing explicit anfwer,s to certain points. (IT.) May si, 113 . b. 47 . “ Refponfum Confiliarior. ad feriptum I). Bof- chotti ad reginam.” May 31 , 1575 . 116 . b. 48. “ Refponfum Confiliarior. ad articulos per D- Bofchot, derebellibus ejiciendis, 7 Maii, 1 . 575 .” 1 is. 49. Monf. de Bofchot, to the Lds. of Council. (Fr.) London, May 7 , 1575. io 0- 50. “ Refponfum Confdiar. ad feriptum Bofehotti,” May 15 , 15 75. 123 |j_ 5 1. “The amhaflador of the Low Countries his requefis touching pelts. (IV.) April 2.5, 1575 . 127 . 52. e Relponfum ad id quod requirit legatus de pel- libus exportandis. 15 May 1575 . ' 128 . 53 . “ A declaration made by MefT. Ch. and L. de Bofchot to Q. Elizabeth; ’ in vindication of the go¬ vernment of Zealand. (Fr.) Middleb. May 28, 1575. 129 . 54. ^ Inflruflions for Dan. Rogers, clifpatchcd to the Pr. of Orange by her majetly's order. Junes, 1575 . 140 . 55. Ph. de Cray, to the E. ofSuffex; about a pre¬ rent of a dog. (Orig.fr.) Brufiels, June 16 , 1574 . 143. 5G. Another copy ot the inftrinftions to D. Rogers (V. 54 .) Junes, 1 575 . 57 . Inttruaions for Sir Humphry Gilbert in the Lore Countries; tent by Capt. Pickn.an. 1575 . 146. b. 58. Another copy of the inftmfiions to D. Rogers. (V. 54. and 56.) June 8, 1575 . j^q 59. An abbreviate of Dan. Rogers’ journey into Holland and Zealand. 1575 . 153 . h Go. The commendator of Caftile (Requezens) to Q. Elizabeth; concerning tliipping; a letter to be lent to the Spaniili admiral P. Menendez. (Fr.) June, 15 75. , . „ 159. 61. Dan. Rogers, to the Pr. of Orange ; a memo¬ rial of complaints of fcvcral merchants. V Lat ) J ulv 1 «, 1575 . ^ 1G ,, : 6". Indruflions intended for Sir Tho. Randolph but tince given to Mr. Robt. Corbet, fent abuut Oct! 29 , to the commendator. Oft. 21 , 1575 . , - 0 6 . 1 . A confideration of the difficulties that may and arc likely to enfueupon the not aiding and minlltering of the Pr. of Orange, the Rates of Holland, &o. ()Jt! 17, 1575. 64. Xnftruaions for John Hafiings, to he fent into Holland to the Pr. of Orange. Oit. 29 , 1575 . i 8 o. 65. Another copy of the infiruffions for Mr Cor¬ bet. (V. 62.) Oct. 29, 1575 . oqo 66. Another copy of the infrruftions for John Haft- ings. (V. 64.) Oi5t. 29 , 1575 . ,v 0 l j, 67. Minutes of various intelligence from Antwerp and Paris. Nov. 1.575. 20s 1 68. A paper ot various intelligence concerning the Turks, Italy, France, &c. Nov. 1575 . < 209 . 69 . Tho. Copley, to Q. Elizabeth; juflifyin® him- fclf concerning the charges of having endeavoured to inveigle fome of her fubjects into the Spuni/h fervice, and of having ali'uined a greater Rate than belongs to him. (Orig.) Antwerp, Nov. 1 », 1 . 77 . 5 . n n n 70 . Minute of an anfwer of Q. Elizabeth to the Hollanders. 1575 . °i° h 7 1 . Gafpar Schen ? to Tho. Greftiam ; about fome commiftions, and private concerns. (Ori<>- It-iH Bruffels, Dec. 13, 1576 . o,./' 72 . Poftulata of the Spani/h amhaflador as to the receiving the Belgian rebels in England, according to the tenor of a letter oi'K. Philip of Nov "5 15 - 4 ’ (Fr.) 1575. 215 ." 73. Tin*. Wilfon, to the citizens of Fluibing; /harplv reprehending them for having impeded the‘merchant adventurers in their navigation up the Scheld to Ant¬ werp. (Lat.) Dunkirk, March 27 , 1575 . 210 . 74. Notes of ftate papers, concerning navy affairs, and Holland. 1575 . 216 . 1 ).' 75. A confultation touching the colloquy of the commidioners tor the K. ot Spain, and the deputies for the Prince of Orange. (Fr.) 1575 . 217 . 76. Infiruflions given to the deputies of the Pr. of Orange, lent to Breda to negociate a peace. (1 r. the end wanting.) 1575 . non 77. “ Bref difcours des chofes advenues au o-ou- vernement du grand commandeur de Caftille, julqu'a la venue de don Jean d Autriche,” ending in 1 . 575 , 224 . 78. Rob. Beale, to Ld. Burleigh? reporting fome negociations relating to Ld. Oxford ; intelligence, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. June 5, 1576 . gj alfo fome intelligence. (Orig. Ital.) Bruges, Dec. 5, 1576. 339 , 118 . Reply of the fiates general of the Low Countries, to Don John's anfwer to their petition- ami acceptance of the fame. (Fr.) Luxemburg! Dec. 6, 1576 . 330 b 119 . The fiates g-enelal of the Low Countries, to D. John of Aultria ; an expoftulation occafioned by fome intercepted letters, (two copies.) Bruflek Dec. 8, 1576 . 33 „ ’ 120 . Tho. Wilfon, to the E. of Leicefier; various intelligence. (Orig.) Brufiels, Dec. 6, 157 G. 336 . 121 . Benedetto Spinola, to the E. of Leicefier; earneftly 292 G A L B A, C. VI. P. I. earncfily foliating the rcimburfement of a loan. (Orig. Ital.) London, Dec. 8 , 1570 . 337 - 122. Dan. Rogers, to the E. of Leicefter; noti¬ fying the arrival of Swcveghem, and the ftizure of Rowlcs the Spanilh governor of Weft Erielland. (Orig.) Gravefend, Dec. 12, 1576. 338 . 12.;. A fet of letters, entitled, “ Negociation of Mnnx Swevcghem ambafladorof the eftates of Bra¬ bant, Flanders, &c. in England. (Fr.) Dec. 1.576. 339 . 124 . InftrucHons given to F.dw. Ilorfey, Efq. fent to Don John of Auflria. Dec. 14, 1576. 349.. 12.S. Ben” Spinola. to the E. of Leicefter : ftrongly Teprefenting his urgent lieceflities. (Orig. Ital.) Loud. Dec. 15 , 1576. 3 . 33 . 126. Q. Elizabeth; her conun i Hi on appointing the .Eds. Burleigh, Leicefter, and Siiifex, and Sec 1 ' Wal¬ ling-ham, to treat, with Swcveghem. (Orig.) FI amp t. Ct. Dec. 25, 1576. " " 354. 1 >7. Two papers of intelligence from Marche en *F; n ine, where lion John was then i t tiding, (the iirft is a copy of part of the fecond.) Dec. 29, 1576. 355. 128. Tho. Wilfon to the F. of Leicdlcr; two re¬ ports of his nenociations in the Low Countries. Bruflel 27 ant >, . 1576 . 1C'' 1 . A difcoiufe made by the lord Champignv, touching the troubles in the Low Countries. Dec. 1576 . 362 . iso. A paper on the powers and proceedings of P. John of Aultria in the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1576 . S 65 . 131 . “ Avis du roy d'Efpagne pour D. Juan d'Au- ftria, fur les affaires ties Pays Bas.” 1576. S69. 1 32 . Avertilfement pour M. de Laflinghien, fur la venue ile D. Jean d'Aufl. 1576. 371. 133 . A memorial for Pan. Rogers, to deal with the Pr. of Orange and duke Cafunir. (Orig. figned by Q. Elizabeth and Fra. Vullingham.) 1576. 372. 134 . A paper concerning the reftoration of peace in the Low Countries, icentiugly in behalf of the States General. (Fr.) 1576. 37 a. 13 . 3 . M. dc ( hampigny, to the commeudator (Re- cjuezens) on the troubles of the Low Countries. J an. 1576. 379 . 136 . A brief of intercourfc bad between the fove- Teigns of England and the dukes of Burgundy, from Edw. 11. to Q. Elizabeth. ' 331, 137 . A j>ropofition to the States, touching the pay of the Engiifh companies. (Fr.) 1576. 387 .' Chiba, C. VL Parti. Codex chRrta'ceus, in folio) conftans foliis 17c. 1. Minutes of Rate p.apers from the Low Countries. !W, ]. 2. Q. Elizabeth’s infirucrions fent to Dan. Rogers, being at jnClent in Germany with the D. of Saxony. July 3 p, 1577. s. 3. 'I he K. of-Spain's warrant in favour of fr Tho. Stucklc of England, taken into his fcrvice. Vynera, March o', 1577. ' 5. v - Avis dcs :;lf‘ Jos ctats de Brabant, loudjant les tumbles. Jan. 14, 1577 . y. Pcclaratron dcs Fiats Gen. touchantFelargilfe- mt'iit du Sr. dc Baricr.iont. Jan. \ 6 } 1577. 11. 6. The bond of tile Sfates General at Erufiels, for £• 20,000, borrowed of Q. Elizab. (Lat.) BrufiVls, Jan. 19, 1577 - 13.’ 7 . Comfniflion of the Rates general of the Low Countries to Swcveghem, to negoeiate a loan in Eng¬ land. (Fr.) Brutfels, Dee. 4, 1576. 16. In 3. Certain conditions which the Pr. of Orange propofes, for the making of a further amity betwixt the realm of England, and the countries of Holland and Zealand. 1576. 1H . 9 - A Compliment;:! letter to Q. Elizabeth. (Lat. ) Bmlfels, Feb. 1377. oq. 10. Sommaire du rapport de M. de Swcveghem touchant fori ambaiiaded’Angleterre; fait en l’aTfem- bRedes Etats Generaux a Bruxelles, le 15 Jan. 1,577. 11. Iliftru 61 ions for Mr. Leighton, to be fent to the Rates of the Low Countries, and to Don John, to procure an abftinence from war. Dee. 21, 1377. 12. A memorial for Mr. Tho. Leighton; fent to the States, and the Pr. of Orange. 03. 13. A Spanifh letter, prob bly to 1 )on John : on tho affairs of Naples and Flanders. Jan. 28, 1577. 30. 14 . Notes in Cecil’s hand, concerning England's intevf< ring in the affairs of the Low Counti 1 , 1577. Bs . 15. Copies of 7 letters from Don John, to the K. of Spain. (Fr.) April 7 , March, 2.3, & c . 1 . 377 . 33 . 16. In ft rued ions dcs Etats Generaux, aux deputes vers Don Jean d’Autriche, April 29, 1577. 43. 17 . The E. of Leicefter, to Mud ,,,s Charlotte de Bourbon princefs of Orange; offering his thanks for having been chofen godfather to her child. (IV.) Greenwich, May 8, 1577 . 43. is. The E. of Leicefter, to the Pr. of Orange; two letters on the fame fubject. (Fr.) Greenwich, May 8 , and 12 , 1577. 45 . b 19. Extract of that which was propounded to the prince of Orange, and the Rates of Holland m.-i Zealand, by the deputies of the Stales General, dec-in 1 - ificati ... D. John! . ■ : 20 . Anfwer to the above propofols. June 4 . 2577 . 21. A remnnft ranee of tlie States General, to the Pr. of Orange ; concerning the pacification : and aufu ; r to the lame, (the two preceding articles'in French.) May 23 , and June 4, 15 77. 49. 22. .to a count of Fricfhnd ; about fend¬ ing him fomc horfes. (Lat) S3-. Ci rtafin notes c< ncerni ‘ the Pr. of Orange. and the proyfn in May, 1577 - 30/ 21. A paper of various intelligence from the Low Countries. June 1, 1577. 3$ 2 ';. Ri Joint ions dcs Fiats Ceu. fur le.; fopt points de S. A. (Don Juan) propofos par Meffrs. de Raj,! ng- hien ct Crobbendoncq. Julv 1, 1577.' ^y. 26. A Spaniih letter of intelligence to 'Don John; by the fame hand as vi. P. 1. 17, July 7, 1577. o' 1. ' 27. Memoire pour communique;- aux etats par charge de S. A. (Don Juan) avec fo; repose; c-i marge, (two copies.) July 7, 1577- 63 . ; A cowu Ron of tbd Pr:. ing Wefenbecke to receive monies. (Orig. Dutch.) Dillenborch, July 31, 1.577. 67. 2.9. A remonftrance of the magiiirates of Ghent, to the magiftrates of Bruges. (Flemifh.) 1.577. 68 . 30. The “ notables :: of Ghent, to count Roeulx; about 293 O A L B A, C. VI. P. I. about reftoring tranquillity : wbhanotcon the back, hating that this letter had been lent tothemagiftnit.es from Brulfels. (Fr.) Ghent, 061. lb, 1577 . 72i 31. Dan. Rogers, to the F. of Leicefter r two re¬ ports of bis negotiations with the Pr. of Orange; and intelligence. (Orig.) Horn, July 20, and Enek- huylen, J uly 2(5, : 157 7." 73. .‘52. A letter of intelligence about D. Juan’s lab¬ ility, &c. Brulfels, July 2 b, 1577. 77 b. 33. “ Efcript cle ce qui eft advenu prmcipalement en la ville d’Anvers, depuis la retraite de Don Juan a Namur.” Aug. 12 , 1577. 78. 34. Propofals made by Don Juan to the States Gen. towards a pacification : with marginal anlwers by the States. (Fr.) Aug. 12 , 1577. 81. 35. “ Jidiilication du laiftftement et fequeftration d’aucuns feigneurs du conleil d’etat, et autres, aux Pays lias.” Sept.'4, 1-577- 84. 3li. The citizens and “ notables” of Brulfels, to the deputies of the States General; reprobating the trcacheiy of the Spaniards. (Fr.) Sept. 4, 1577. 87. 3.7. A letter of welcome to fome nobleman. Q y whether Pr. C’alimir? (l'r.) from court, Sept. 19, 1577. 89. 38. A paper of conceftions of Don Juan, to the States General. (Fr.) Sept. 1 1, 1577. 90. 39. The hates general of the Low Countries, to D. Juan; urging him to fullil his promiles. (Fr.) Brulfels, Se.pt. 15, 1577. 91 . b. 40. InllruHions de ce que les deputes des Etats Gen. auront a traitter a Namur. Sept. 25, 1577. 92. 41. A paper of intelligence of certain hoftile pro¬ ceedings in the Low Countries, whilft the deputies of the hates were at Namur. 06t. 1577 . 93. 42 . Don Juan, to the States General; reprehending their refractory fpirit. (Fr.) Namur, Oct. 2 , 1577 . 93. b. 43. Ifni. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; intel" ligcp.ee of D. Juan’s motions, &c. (Orig.) Bruftels? dct. 5 , 1577 . . 94 . 44. Tb.c emperor Rudolph, to Don Juan; notify¬ ing the ch ape of archduke Matthias from Vienna. (Lat.) Vienna, 06t. 4, 1577. 95. 45. Win. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; various intelligence from the Low Countries; a report that Archd. Matthias is to come and take upon him the government. (Orig.) Brulfels, Oct. 10 , 1577 . 95. b. 4(5. J. dc llelfele, to count de Reux, Govr. of Flanders; lending a lift of priloners at Ghent, and various news; Matthias is arrived. Antwerp, Oct. 30, 1577- ♦ 9b. 47 . Two deputies of the hates general of the Low Countries in England, Ad. de Meetkerke and Cli. Ph. de.to the faid hates; various intelligence from the Engliih court. (Fr.) Windfor, Oct. 19, 1577. 9B. 48. Win. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; various intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, Oct. 20 , 1577 . 99- h. 49. The citizens of Brulfels and Antwerp, to the States General, defil ing them to call in the prince of Orange as governor of Brabant: with an anth er on the margin in which the States agree to this requeft, provided the Pr. will accede to the pacification of Ghent. (Fr.) Oct. 22 , 1577 . 100 . b. 50. 1 lie States General, to Don Juan ; expoftulat- ing on his conduct, (Fr. Brulfels, Oct. 24 , 1577 . 101 . 5 1. The Archd. Matthias, to the States General; notifying his arrival at Lire. (Fr.) Lire, Nov. 1 , 1577- 102 . b. 52. Don Juan, to the States General; notifying to them the efcape of Archd. Matthias from Vienna, &c. (Fr.) Luxemburg, Oct. 24, 1577. 103. b. 53. Francis D. d’ Alencon, to the States General; promifiug them his fupport. (Fr.) La Fere, OH. 25, 1577. 104 . 54. The manner of the imprifonment of the D. of Aj-fchot, &c. at Ghent. 'Lat.) 061.28,1577.105. 55. N. Ileller, to the States General; reports the vindictive fpirit of Don Juan, who is arrived at Auglburg to borrow money of the Fuggers, &c. (Fr.) Auglburg, Oct. 29 , 1577 . 109 . 56. Wm. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter ; reports the imprifonment of the D. of Arlchot and others: alfo various intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, 061. so, I5 ?7. ill. 57 . J. de llelfele, to count de Reux; part of VI. p. 1 . 4b. (Fr.) 061. lb, 1577- 112 . 58. Don Juan, to the States General; taxing them with dilloyalty. (Fr.) Namur, Oct. 2 , 1577 . 112 . h. 59 . Minutes by Ld. Burleigh, in his own hand, concerning the affairs of the Low Countries. Dec. 15 ?7. i]3. bo. A declaration or manifefto of the States Ge¬ neral, juftifying their conduct. (Fr.) Brulfels, Dec. 10 , 1577. 118 . 61 . An admonition to the Low Countries, how to govern themlelves. (Fr.) 1577 . 120 . <32. Articles agreed to by Archd. Matthias, on ac¬ cepting from the Hates the government of the Low Countries. 1577 . iqq. <33. “ Bref difeours, en forme de remontrance, faite par les bourgeois de Bruxelles, addrelfee aux Etats; afin qu’ils ayent a pourvoir fur le gouvernement de ces pays, d’un ehef prudent et experiments.” 1577 . 12 s. b 4 . “ Difeours fur les affaires prefentes des Pays Bas, depuis le partement de S. A. ;\ Namur.” 1577 . 134. r 65. Heads of a treaty of pacification betwixt the K. of Spain and the Belgians. (Fr.) 1577 . 13 s. 6b. lnftru6tions for the deputies, fent by the States General to Don Juan. 1577 . 139 . <37. A ferious remonftrance to the people to take authority again!! ufurpers ; prefented by the people of Brulfels. Sept. 12 , 1577 . 140 . 68. “ Antidotes fur certains points des lettres de Don Juan; par lefquelles il tache de faire trouver mauvalies tout.es les actions des Etats Gen* k ceux qui lie connolffent la pure verit6.” 1577 . 146 . 69 . Mr. Corbet’s cypher from the E. of Leicefter. 147. b. 70 . A vindication of the States General, againft fome acculations of Don Juan, (feeiningly a part of VI- P- f- 68.) 1577- 148. 71. Three letters (or communications) of deputies of the States General, to the K. of Spain ; in vindica¬ tion of the condu 6 l of the laid Hates. (Fr.) 1577 151. 72 . An account of what palled at Bruges, for the acceptation of the Archd. Matthias. (Flem.) Ott. 15 77- i5b. 73. A petition of Mons. de Haurech, in the name of the States, to Q. Elizabeth, to aid in defence of the Low Countries againft the French. (Fr.) 1577 . 158- 4 F 74 . The G A L B A, C. VI. P. I!. 294 74 . The fame in EngTiih, with Q. Elizabeth s j anfwer. 1 6 1 • 75 . InRruftions pour M. Robt. Barnet., avocat au confeil cTArtois, envoys par les magiftfats d Arras vers les Etats Gen*. 1577. J<33. 76 . Plufieurs remontrances fur les troubles prefens ; avec avertilfemens du ehemin qu'on y doit prendre. 1577. ’ 166. 77 . A report of commifiioners aflembted to eon- flder of a general pacification in the Low Countries. N. B. The commiflioners of Holland and the Pr. of Orange are here mentioned. (Fr.) 1577. 172- 78. The marquis de Hantrech, to Q. Elizabeth; interceding in favour ofWm. Teulier, a native of Tournay, who was under fentened of death for clip¬ ping coin. (Fr.) 1577 . 178 . b. Ga/ba, C. VI. Part IT. Codex cbartaceus, in folio, conftatrs foliis S 70 . i. A ftatenrent of the receipt of the feveral pro¬ vinces of the Netherlands, from January 1 , to Oft. 1 . 157 ?. * 2 . , 2 . A report of officers and troops that were with D. Juan, Jan. 26 , 1578. 4. 3. A lift of the regiments, both of infantry and cavalry in the Low Countries, and of their monthly pay. Jan. 1578. 5. 4 . Articuli circa pecunicc fumma per generalcs inferibns Germania* regis catholici i rat ns, mutuo petita, a fer. Elizabeths regina Anglia 5 . Jan. 1578 . 7 . . 5 . Articuli pro ftiftehtatioiie militum qui in auxi- lium Ratuuin mittentur. 7 . b. 6. Articuli pro feederibus obfervandrs, et mutua amicilia prafftanda, et pace confervanda inter regi- nam et ftatus inferioris Germania*. N. B. The three above treatifes appear to have been negotiated by the marquis de Havre and Ad. Meetkerck. 8. b. 7 . A deliberation of the Rates of Artois, concern¬ ing the railing of money for the maintenance of troops. Ih? accepting archduke Matthias for governor, Sec. with the archduke's acceptance of their con¬ tingent, and the regulations agreed on by them: the laft figned at Antwerp, Feb. 25, 1 . 578 . 11 . 8. A deliberation of the Rates'of Ilainault, concern-* ing the impolition of fome taxes for defraying the ex¬ igences of the war; and the opinion of the “ chambre de.s aides/’ about accepting their offer. (Fr.) March 4, 1578. 20. <). The Archd. Matthias’s acceptance of the above Contributions, voted by the Rates of Ilainault. (Fr.) Antwerp, March 6, 1578 . 25 . 10 . The Archd. Matthias, to Q. Elizabeth; pro- pofmg mutual hannony. (Lat.) Antw. March 21 , 1578- 28. 11 . The Pr. of Orange’s anfwer to feveral points propofed by Mr. Davilbn. (Fr.) April, 1578 . 29 . 12 . InRruftions of Pr. John Cafimir, to Matthieu de Caruni ; of matters he had to reprefent to the Pi. of Orange and the States; with their anl'wers to the fame. (Fr.) Antwerp, May 5, 1578 . 33. 13. A difeourfe of the delegates of Archd. Mat¬ thias, held at tlie diet of Worms. (Ital.) May 7 , 1578. 36. 14. Minutes of intelligence received by letters from Antwerp. June 15 , 1 5 7 8. 56. 15. Minutes ol propolals made by Air. Davifon to tKe States General. May 20 , 1578 ,' 57 . b. 16 . A ipeecli of the Emperor’s ambafladors, to the Rates general of the Low Countries. (Lat.) June, 1578 . 58 . 17. A fumtnary of the articles propofed by Mr. Davifon, to the States General, May 20 : with the anfwers of the Rates. (Fr.j May 2 . 0 , 1578. 63 . 18. <). Elizabeth, to Mr. Davifon; inilrufting him to remonftrate againft a propofed agreement between the States General and the French. (Ori<>\) Green¬ wich, May 22 , 1578. " . Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Lcicefter; con¬ cerning the Rate of affairs in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 6, 1578. 67 . N"* 20 — 28 . omitted. 29 . II. Cobham, and Fr. Walfingham, to theE. of Lcicefter; ou the fame fubjcct. (Orig.) Antwerp, July, 6, 1578 . w (j S . 30. Anfwer of the States General, to Q. Elizabeth’s ambafiadors. (Fr.) Antwerp, July s, 1578. 70 . 31. Fr. Walfingham, to theE. of Leicefier; with the anlwer of the States; and about the Rate of affairs in the Low Countries: two letters. (Orio-.) Antw. July 14 , and 19 , 1 . 578 . 74. 32 . Anfwer of the States, to Scvfiid Preyner the Emperor's am baffador. (Lat.) Antw. July 21 , 1573 . 78. 33. Fr. Walfingham. to the E. of Lcicefter; intel¬ ligence from the Low Countries: two letters. (Orig.) Antwerp, July 23 , and 29 , 1578 . 34. The Pr. of Orange, to the States ; foliciting the releafeofthe billiops of Ypres and Bruges. (Fr.) July 15 78. 83 ’ 35. A Spanrlli letter, (a copy, without date, Rgna- turc, or direction.) '^ 4 . 36. The Pr. of Orange, to thole of Ghent. (Flcm.) Antwerp, July 24 , 1579 . 85. 37. W. Davifon, to the E. of LciceRer? re¬ porting an engagement; and the rejniMe of the Spaniards, Sec. (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 2 , 1578 . 87. 88. Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefier; about negociatiiins; (Orig*. Yn p, Aug. 3 , 1578. 88. 39 . W. Davifon, to the E. of LeiceRcr? fequel of the military operations and negociations: two let¬ ters. (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 8, and 17 , 1578. 88. b. 40. Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Lcicefter? thanks tor good advice, and intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 13, l.5 7Si Qo. 41 . Wm. Davifon, to theE. of Lcicefter? intel¬ ligence ; progrels of Pr. Cafimir; infurreftion at Va¬ lenciennes, Sec. (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. 24 , 157 8. 92. 42. Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leieefter? laments the treacherous dealings in England ; about negotia¬ tions, tS:e. (Orig.) Louvain. Aug. 88, 1578. y3. 43. A declaration of Don Juan, Rating that the K. of Spain had agreed to name arbitrators for fettling the troubles of the Low Countries, and that he (D. Juan) was to he excufcd from interfering. Camp of Jauffe, Aug. 29 , 1578 . 94 . 44. Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; about loans of money, (l-'r. j Richmond, Ocl. 14, 1578 . 95 . 4.5. Extrait du regilfrc criminel de la vilit? d’Arras, du os Oft. 1578 : beii ; : ■ linft Bertowe, Mordagn ?, ( l* ig< ,. .i .1 .... for fed i ious practices. 97- 46. Confirmation of tlie Council of Artois of the fentence of the magi it rates of Arms airninR Joffe, who had appealed to the laid council. O. .. 25 , 15 . 78 . 101 . 47. A paper GALBA, C. VI. P. IL 4 9$ 47. A paper of! intelligence concerning the affairs of the Low Countries. Nov. 2, 1 . 778 . 108. 48. The States of the Low Countries; their bond for a fum borrowed of Q. Elizabeth. (Lat.) Ant¬ werp, Nov. 3, 1..7 7 8. 104. 4 (). Wm. Davifon, to the F.. of Leiceffer ? intelli¬ gence about the troubles at Client, and the reft of the ■Netherlands. (Grig.) Antwerp, Nov. 1 . 17 s. 1.05. 50 . Roger Will ins, to the E. of Leiceffer; intelli¬ gence from the Low Countries. (Orig.) Antwerp, Nov. 8, 1578- 106. 51 . Tho. Wilfon. to the E. of Leiceffer? news from court concerning France, Scotland, and the Low Countries. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. 9 , 157 s. 108. 52 . A paper of intelligence received by letters from Bruges. Nov. 2 , 1578. 108 . b. 53 . A fummary of the remonftrances made bv Mr. Davifon, in the name of Q. Elizabeth, to Pr. Cafimir; concerning his conduct at Ghent. (Fr.) Ghent, Nov. 10, 1578. 109 . 54 . Pr. Cafimir, to Q. Elizabeth; complaining of the above remonffranc.es of Davifon. (Fr.) Nov. 14 , 1578 . no. 55. A paper relating to the fum of £. 50,000, lent by Q. Elizabeth in the year 1578 to Brabant anil "Flanders. no. b. 50. An agreement of fonie perfons of authority in the Low Countries, to fupply a certain number of iliips againlt the Spaniards. (Fr.) Aug. 1 , 1578. 112. 57 . Extrafis from feveral letters of Pr. Cafimir, to Q. Elizabeth, &c. by which lie defires to have the whole loan of £. 20 , 000 , lent him. (Fr.) April, 1578. 1 13. 5S. An account of monies paid out of the Pr. of Orange's treafury. which are to lie rcimburfed by the States General; with an order on the margin for the liquidation of the fame, dated Nov. if), 1580. (Fr.) 114. 59 . A memorial or in ft ruCtions, fee 4 ni. 11 g.ly of En- glilli ambaffadovs in the Low Countries, to Mr. Som¬ mers ; concerning matters to be rep relented to the queen and council. 1578. 11 G. GO. Points pour etre propofes par les deputes dcs etats dcs Pays Has, a Fafi’embl^e qni fc tiendra pour moyenner unc paix cut re la M. Catholiqqe, et les Etats ‘Gen* Jufdits. 118 . b. •fii. A deliberation on the means of reftqring peace to the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1578. 120 . G 2 . Inffru&ions of them.of ;GKent, to treat upon the rebate of their prilbncrs, demanded by Arelul. Matthias and.the Pr. of Orange, (alnioli obliterated.) 1578. 122. G3. Minutes of ltate papers relating to the Low •Countries. ,15,78. 1 . 27 . •G4. An abftraft of Q. Elizabeth's proceedings, touching the loan of monies -to the States General in 157,7 and 15 78. 129. b. G5. Another paper, on the treaty touching the laid loan. 1578. 131. ’ 06. A note of the fums lent by Q. Elizabeth to "the'States General. 1578 . 133. G 7 . Notes of the intcrcff growing upon the fums due by the Q. to Spinola and Pallavicino ; alfo of the bonds of the Stales and foyne towns of the Lqw C ountries, for their loans. 1578 . 13G. G 8 . “ R.ationes.quibus offendilur •nujlo.niti fupda- mento recufationem folutionis duarum obligationum Gherardi Bieboom civis Colonienffs, per Reg” Eliza- betham. A° 1578 . lignataruni, fub pretextu non ex- peijitiefcr. fine majeftatis folutione de fuo crcdito per. ftafns Belgii.” 1,3,8. GO. A memorial for Mr. Davifon to confer with the Pr. of Orange : with the prince's anlVers. 157 s. 14 1 .. 70. Certain requefts of duke Cafimir ; propofeil unto I). Rogers, for to declare them further unto her majeffy. 1578 . 141 . b. 71 . Memorials for Mr. Rogers, to her majeffy's ambaffiicior to the Pr. of Grange; and a particular one for himfelf. 1578 . t 43 . 72 . Inftructions for an anfwer to be made to duke Cafimir’s requefi. (conf. VI. p. II. 53 and 54.) 1578. 1,45. b, 73 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftm&ions to Dan. Rogers, being lent to the fiates of the Low Countries. March lp, 1577 - 8 . (Orig.) 152. 74. A note of things of importance palled in Flaufiers in the year 1578 . 1 55. 75. Articles propos'd by Mr. Davidfon to the States General; with the anfwers of the States. May 20 , 1-378, 165. 7 G. A ftatement concerning a loan of £. 17 , 121 . 4 . borrowed by Q. Elizabeth from Pallavicino and Spi- nola. 1578 . 1 G 7 . 77. Q. Elizabeth's inftru&ions to Lil. Cobham, and Sir Fr. Walfingham, fent to the ftates of the Low Countries. June 12 , 1578 . 169 . 7S. InftrufHons to Mr. Killigrew, fir G. Carip, and others, fent to explore the Low Countries.’ June, 1578. 171 . 79. Air. Killigrew's report, in confequencc of the above. 1578. 171 . b. 80 . The fubftance of a fpeech delivered to the am- balfador of the Emperor relating to the queen s con; iluft; with the laid ambafl'ador’s anfwer. 173 . 81. A catalogue of the forces of the States Ge-* ncral. 174 . 82 . Names of the noblemen and towns in the Low Countries devoted to Don Juan. 1578 . 1 74 . b. 83. The report of Sir Geo. C'arie, &c. upon the inftruftions, VI. p. II. 78. 1578. 175 . 84. The fubftance of the queen’s ambaffadors ne- gociations with the Pr. of Orange, and others, de¬ puted by the ltates of the Low Countries. 17 G. b. 85. Ld. Cobham and fir Fr. Walfingham, to Q. Elizabeth; reporting .their ncgociations .with the States General. Antwerp, July G, 1578. 180 . SG. A report of the ftate of the Low Countries, explored by virtue of initrut bavine; yet fent him any letters; the I). is preifed to fign a book of concord ; intelligence of the unhappy ftate of the Low Countries. (Orig. Er.) Antwerp, Odt. 24, 1579 . 339. 223 . Antonio del Corro, to Mr. Attey? defiling his intereft with Ld. Leicefter in a promotion of biihops. (Orig. Spanilh.) Oxford, Nov. 22, 1.579. 340 . 224 . Mr. Davifon? to Ld. Leicefter? concerning the duke d'AFncon's arrival at Mon.s, and the per¬ plexity of the States how to a6t in confequence thereof. July, 1578. 341. 22.3. A note of agenda with regard to the loans to the States General, Sec.; fignci! Fra. V.'allin. l'.ador from the Q. is arrived at Elufhing, See. (Orig.) Bruges, April 2, 1582 . 201. 70.Gilpin, to the E. of Leicefter; various new , about the Pi. of Orange's health, the military proceedings, Ac. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 9, 158 c. 202. so. a. Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leicefter: two letters of intelligence, concerning the war in which lie is to have a command, Ac. (Orig.) April 11 , and 14, 158 . 204. 80. b. Wm. Ilcrlc, to the E. of Leicefter; various intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 14, 1582 . 207. 81 . A lift of the council of finances appointed by the D. d’Anjou, April 13 , 1582 . 208 . b. 82. Papers of intelligence from Antwerp ; all feem- ingly from Mr. Herle, though none fignecl, except the luft. April 14, 21,22, 1582 . 209. S3. A letter on the prince of Orange’s recovery, and the military proceedings. Antwerp, April 22, 1582 . 84 .Gilpin, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 21, 1582 . 216 . b. 85 . Wm. Hole, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, April 25 , 1582 . 217. 86. Names of the governors and officers of the pro¬ vinces and towns in the Low Countries, at the time in the hands of the Spaniards. April 25 , 1582 . 218. 87 - Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leicefter; clears Mr. Tho. North from a fufpicion of popery; and intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Ghent, May 11, 1582 . 221. 8 . 8 . The E. of Leicefter ? to the D. d'Anjou? re¬ commencing Mr. North. (Fr.) Greenwich, May 12, 1582 . 222 . 89- The magiftrates of Antwerp ; concerning the intereft claimed hy Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. l-'r.) May 18, 1582. 224.* 90. Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leicefter ; juftifying himfelf and Mr. North, againft; fome afperfioiis* of Mr. Norris. (Orig.) May 20, 1582 . 225 . gi. Wm. Herle, to the E. of Leicefter; a long let¬ ter of intelligence. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 20 , 1582. 227 . 92. Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leicefter ; about Norris's and North's enmity; and intelligence. (Orig.) May 24, 1582. 231. 93. Draughts of a fecne on the lftel, and the caftle of Brunckhtirft. 232. b. 94 . Tho. Doyley, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning the quarrel between general Norreys, and Meft'rs. North and Cotton. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 28, 1582. 233. 95 . Lambert Crol, an agent to Mdf. Maxim, and Edw. Seheyft'uc; three letters, 1 . to the laid Scheyft'ucs, 2 , to Mr. Candilh, and 3 to the E. of Leicefter; all relating to his vain endeavours to recover from Mr. Candilh a l’um of 900 ilor. he had borrowed from the father of the faid Sciieyftues. (IT. and Lat.) Loud. July 1 , and 6, 1582. 235. 96. A letter of intelligence, probably to Ld. Lei¬ cefter ; chiefly concerning North and Cotton, who appear to have quarrelled; the war in Flanders, the affairs of Italy, France, Ac. (Orig.) Antwerp, June 12 , 1 5S2. ' 237 . 97- Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; fig— nifying the queen’s delire that fpeedy mcafures he taken for the relief or recovery of Slavs. (Orig.) Court, Aug. 2, 1582. 238. b. 98. The fieurs Scheyffucs, to.defiring him to lolieit the payment of the 900 fl. due to them by Can¬ dilh. (Orig. Fr.) Sept . 20 , 1582. 239 . 99- Erich von Manderfcheid, to Mr. Herle ; defiring him to prevail on the queen to intercede with the D. d'Anjou in favour of a family (Battenburch) in G ud¬ ders : two letters. (Orig. German.) Elulhing, Oct. 21, and 23, 1582. 240. 100 . Era. Morgan, to con fin Curl; concerning fome qommiflions, and diout military operations in Elan, ders. (Orig.) Antwerp, Nov. l, 1582. 242. 101 . Duke Cafimir, to fome perfon at Q. Elizabeth's court whom he ftiles “his lather;" requefiing him to difpofe tlie Q. to interfere in a negociation of confe- quence. (Orig. IT.) Lantern, Dec. 5, 1582. 243. 102 . Some Englilh miniftcr, to the Pr. of Orange; alluring him of the queen's purpofe to reduce the power of Spain. (Fr.) 1582. 244 . 103. Articles of intelligence, chiefly from Italv. (Italian.) 1582. 244. b. 104 . Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leicefter ; in com¬ mendation of Monfigr. Rocca Taliato; and intelli¬ gence from Poland. (Orig.) March 7, 1582-3 ? 246. 105. Articles of accord between Monfieur, and the ftatcs of the Low Countries. (Fr.) Tciuemonde, March 18 , 1583. 248. 106 . J. van Heedc, bailiff of Sluys, to Mr. Ilcrlc ; demanding the payment of 10 I. 10 s. ient him. (Orig. IT.) Sluys, June 21 , 1583. 252. 107 . The States of Zealand, to the E. of Leicefter? recommending Joach. Ortell, whom they fend over as their agent. (Orig. IT.) Middleburg, June 21 , 1583. 252. b. 108 . Th.to the E. of Leicefter? various intelligence. (Orig.) Middleburg, Sept. 4 , 1583. 253. 109 . A long letter of intelligence from fome perfon in an Englilh country town, Dee. 6, 1583. 254. 110 . J. Norreys, to Mr. Herle; intelligence about religion in France, the Pr. of Parma's conduct, Ac. (Orig.) Elulhing, Sept. 13, 1583. 258. 111. Vine, de Sene, agent to D. Cafimir, to. 4 II lamenting 302 G A L B A, C. VII. VIII. lamenting his want of fuccefs in his nogociations in behalf of his m after. (Orig, Fr.) Lon cl ? Oct. 14, 1583 . 259 - lie. A funimarv of matters contained in a letter dated Culloinc, (in Ld. Burleigh's hand.) July 15 , 1585 . 260. 1 13 . F.vcrard cleReidt, Lieut, to the Pr. of Orange, to Mr. Ilerlc ; defiling him to greet D. Rogers in his name. (O rig. Fr.) Leu warden, Jan. l, 1535 . 264 . 1 14 . The Pr. of Orange's anth ers to certain articles prelcnled to him by Mr. Dyer, in the name of Q. Elizabeth ; with a copy of the fame. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, March 3 , 1584 . ‘- 65 . 115. A memoir fent by the Pr. of Orange, to fir Fr. Wallingham. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, March 3 , 1584 . 270 . 116. A paper of obfervations on the conduct of the Belgians in calling in the French, and other princes; and concluding that England was their only refuge. (Lat.) 278 . l 17. Francis Guyon, to the Pr. of Orange ; pro- : _ his great zeal in the prince’s fervice. N. B. This was Balthazar Gerard his allaliin. (Fr.) Delft, March 6 , 1584 . 281 . 118. J. Ortell, to the F. of Lciccftcr; with a pre¬ fect of Rheniih wine from the Pr. of Orange and the States; and intelligence. (Orig.) Lond. May 25 , 1584 . 282 . lit). A paper of intelligence, about the liege of Ghent bv the Pr. of Parma, &c. Bruges, May “-o, 1584 . ” 283 . 120. “Advice to make an army in Brabant.” (Fr.) May, 1584 . ‘ 285 . 121. A difeufiion concerning the protection to be given bv the queen to the countries of Holland and Zealand. Oet. 10 , 1584 . 286 . 122. Certain heads to prove that the troubles birred up betwixt the h. of Spain and her majcTry, have ori¬ ginally proceeded from the laid king. 291. 12 : 3 . Certain points objected by the K. of Spain and his minifters againfr her majciiv ; and charging her and her minifters with divers injuries. 294. b. 124. A difeourfe of a Brabanter how to aid the af¬ flicted people of l he Low Countries againftthc IL of Spain. May, 1584 . 296 . 125. Robert count de la Mark, to his uncle the D. dc Montpenlier; exprelling duty, and recommend¬ ing the daughters of the late Pr. of Orange. (Orig. Fr.) Sedan, Aug. 16, 1584 . 500 . 126. Francoife de Bourbon, Dts. of Bouillon, to the J). de Montpenfierhei brotlur: on the afiaflinatiouof the Pr. of Orange, her brother in law ; declaring that lbe would lake care of his daughters. (Orig. Fr.) Sedan, Aug. 16, 15 S 4 . 500 . b. 127. Francoife do B< mb >11, Dls. ol Bouillon; her inftruftions for Mons. C i\ iile, lent by her to Q. Eli¬ zabeth. (Fr.) Aug. 1 (). 1584 . 301 . 128 . Maurice de Nailau, Pr. of Orange, to the E. of Lei eel ter ; vequefting ids friendihip. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, Aug. 30, 1584. 302. 129 . Fr. de Civille, to the E. of Leicefter; defiring an order that forne arms lie had brought over for the queen, See. and which had been hopped at Rye, might be rcltored. (Orig. Fr.) Rye, Sept. 2 , 1584. 303. 130 . A draught of a Fiench complimcntal letter, perhaps to the Dfs. of Bouillon. 303 . b. 1 . 31 . Sir Fr. Wallingham. to the E. of Leieefter ; about the affairs of Holland, Barnevelt blamed; all’o about France, See. (Orig.) Sept. 15, 1584. 304. 132 . Guil. Bar-del’e, to an ainbaffador (Mr. Ilerlc r) on the ftate of affairs in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Amitcrd. Sept. 24, 15S4. 305. b. 16:3. Maurice Pr. of Orange, to J. Garbrand, vice admiral on the Ems ? a caution about fome neglect in the naval fcrvicc. (Lat.) Delft, Sept. 21 , 1584 . 306. 1.34. Intelligence concerning the proceedings of the Spaniards, after the taking of Ghent. (Lat.) Oct. 10 , 1584. 307. 155. Guil. Bardcfe, to Mr. Iierle ? the Dutch mean to fend deputies to France to offer themfelves to the king, Sec. (Orig. Fr.) Nov. 20 , 1584. 308. 136. Infiruetions of the States General, to deputies lent to offer to lubmit to the French king. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. 3, I5S4. 309 . 137 . Articles offered by the States General to the French king, to take upon him the government and protection of their provinces. (Fr.) Hague, Dee. 3, 1584. * 303 . 158. A memorial requeuing the French king to. take upon him the lovereignty of the Low Coun tries, in the fame manner as Charles V. had held then/; with fome further articles to be granted them. (Fr.) Dec. 1584. 331 . 1 59 . A lift of the deputies of the different provinces. 1584. 336. 140 . A juridical treatife entitled “ Quod omnia conventio, (piantumvis jurata, intelligitur rebus i u eodem ftatu pyrmanentibus, non autem dlis mutatis.’’ S3 7 . 141 . Another treatife entitled “ Qiioufque princeps obligetur ex paCto fuo.” 34.3. 1 42. A few queftions and anfwers, T>n the propriety of the queen aiding the Dutch. (Lat.) 353 . 1 4 . 3 . A ncgociation between the elector of Co- logn ? and the count of Meurs, about fome garril'ons, tolls, &c. (Fr.) " 355 . 144 . The names of the D. of Cleve’s counfdlors, and the ftate of his family. 3 , 33 . 145. A lilt ot the dole-walled towns in the Low Countries. 353 , 146 . Mr. Herbert. tofirFr. "Walling-ham; touching an enterprizc of the Spaniards upon Embden. 153 4 . 359- b. Galha, C. VIII. Codex ehartaceus, in folio, conftans folds 41 2. 1 .to Mr. Ilerlc ; about the forwarding of fome letters, and the purchafe of 3 hol ies for the queen. (Orig. Fr.) Harlingen, Jan. 4, 1585. 2 . 2 . Mr. Davilon, to die F. of Leicefter; reports a conference he had v.lih l'ome Dutch deputies on the earFs going over. (Orig.) Jan. 12 , 158.5. 4 . 3. The mugiftritcs of Enklniylcn, to the Engli/h ambafl'adors Hei &c. with a prefent of three la¬ bels ? (Orig. Dutch.) Jan. 12 , 1585. 6. 4 . The magiftrates of Horn, to Mr. iferle ; recom¬ mending themfelves ; and concerning the transfer of the Englilh factory from Antwerp to thdr town. (Orig. Fr.) Jan. 18 , 1585. , 8. 5 . A proclamation of the magittrates of Leyden, againft l’ome libels by one Vandcn Bergc. injurious to the memory of the late Pr. ot Orange, and others. (Dutch, printed.) Jan. 18 , 1585. 10 . 6. Mons. de Meetkerke prefid' of Flanders, to Mons.de Gryfle, reprefenting the dephn able ltatc of the Low Countries; and declaring his whole confi¬ dence G A L B A, C. VIII. 303 deuce to be in the aid of France. (Fr. an extract.) Delft, Jan. 22 , 1585. 1 L 7 . An Avers to certain proportions of Mons. Or- tell, concerning trade. Jan. 25, 1585. 13. 8 . lien. v. Hyemans, to Mr. Merle; about 3 pieces of cloth offered him for fale. ‘(Orig. Dutch.) 1585. lG. 0 . Guil. Bardefe, to Mr. Ilerle; on the diftracled Bate of affairs. (Orig. Fr.) Amfterd. Feb. 1 , 1585 . 18. 10 . The E. of Leicefter, to the Lords of Council; in an Aver to a letter of their’s, figni lying the queen’s difapprohation of his undertaking the government of the United Provinces, (notfigned.) Hague, Feb. 8 , 15S5. 20. 11 . Fred. Schwartz de Ruiffmgen, to Mr. Merle; regrets his being prevented feeing him, by his going from Delft with the Elect. ofCologn. (Orig. ltal.) Utrecht, Feh. 9 , 1585. 22. 12 . Q. Elizabeth s inftrudlions to fir Tho. Hen- cage, fcnt to declare her difapprohation of the F. of Leieefter's appointment to, and his acceptance of the government of the United Provinces. Feb. 10 , 1^85. 24. 13 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftruftions to the E. of Leicef- ter; reproving and recalling him: lent by Meneage. Feb. 10 , 1 585. eg. 14 . Em eft (of Bavaria) Eleftor of Cologn, to Mr. Merle; lamenting hi- not having feen him at Delft. (Orig. Lat.) Utrecht, Feb. 10 , 1 585. 31. 15 . Mr. Davifon, to Mr. Merle? on the queen's difapprohation >f Ld. Leieefter's conduct. (Orig.) London, Feb. 17 , 1585. 33. lG. Mr. Davifon, to ibim-.•dutch minilter? fignify- ing the queen's intention to fupport the opprelfed people of the Netherlands. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, March 10 , 1585. 34 . 17 . The magiftrates of Enkhuyfen, to ]\fr. Merle; alledging the abfencc of their penlioner for not writ¬ ing to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. IT.) Feb. is, 1585. 35. 18. Tho. Dygges, to the E. of Leicefter; reporting his endeavours about muftcring troops. (Orig.) Feb. 22 , 1586. 37 . 10 . Articles to be published before a muftcr, and to be obferved at it. 38. 20 . The order of exercifc required by the mufter- mafter for the better l'atisfaction of his Excellency (Ld. Leicefter.) 39 . 21 . Tho. Digges (mufter-mafter) to the E. of Lei¬ cefter; a report of the ft ate of I he bands ; and defiring warrants for beftowing of the men. (Orig.) Utrecht, Feb. 24, 15sG. 41 . 22 . 11. Goodere, to the E. of Leicefter; about money for the payment of troops. (Orig.) Eeb. 25, 1585. " 43. 23. C. Howard, to the E. of Leicefter; about na¬ val difpofitions : Email lliips to be font upon the coaft of Holland. (Orig. Fr.) Court, Feb. 26, 1585. 44. 24. Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence from court, and about the queen's diflatisfac- tion, &c. (Orig.) London? Feb. 28 , 1585. 4G. 25 . The magiftrates of Amfterdam, to Q. Elizabeth; thanking her and imploring her further protec¬ tion of their religion. (Lat.) Eeb. 23, 1585. 47 . 26. J. van Veke (quarter-mafter?) to Mr. Merle; intelligence. (Dutch. ) Hague, March 4 , 1585. 49. 27 . Col. Schenk; intelligence about ail attack on Werle, & c. March 4, 1 5 85. 51 . 28. The E. of Leicefter, to the K. of Scots; reve¬ rential, and exhorting him. Harlem, March 5 , 1585. 53. 29 . Roger Williams, to the E. of Leicefter; ad¬ vice and intelligence concerning the profecution of the war. (Orig.) Berghes, March 5, 1585. 55. 30. Col. Th. Morgan, to the F. of Leicefter; com¬ plains of hard ufage of the F.nglifh troops : the Scots preferred. (Orig.) Antwerp, March 5, 1585. 57 . 31. Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; in com¬ mendation of Mons. Gride their agent; and profef- fing friendlhip. Greenwich, March 1 3, 1585. 59 . 32 . Sir Fr. W'alfmgham, to.concerning the reloafe of Pedre de Cuhiave, &c. (Spanifh.) Greenwich, March 15, 1585. Go. 33 . Barth. Buys Grvphius, to Mr. Merle; concern¬ ing the di drafted ltate of Holland. (Fr.) Hague, March 20, 1585. 61 . 34 . Sir. Fr. WaHingham, to the E. of Leicefter; three letters of advice, and intelligence about the queen, &c. (Orig.) Court, March 20 , 21 , and 2 S, 1585. 63. 35. The States General, to the E. of Leicefter; declaring their intention to offer the fovereignty of their provinces to Q. Elizabeth; and requeiting fpeedy aid, particularly for Antwerp. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, April 21 , 1585. 68. 30. Extract out of a letter of intelligence, con¬ cerning operations for the relief of Antwerp. Mid- dleburg, May 31, 1585. 70 . 37 . llaufe Salyfinny, to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ ports bis proceedings; Capt. Marten’s confinement at Lillo, for having a counterfeit dye of the Brabant dollar, &e. (Orig.) Antwerp, May 31, 1585. 72 . 38. Jacques Roifell, to the E. of Leicefter; offer¬ ing his advice and fervices in the negot iation between Q. Elizabeth and the Slates. (Orig. Fr.) Middle!;. June 5, 1585. 74 . 39 . Capt. R. Salyfbury, to the E. of Leicefter; about Capt. Caslield's releafe, the offer of a piece of tapeftry, remittances, &c. (Orig.) Middleb. June G, 1585. 76 . 40. Articles offered by the States General, to Q. Elizabeth; on their tendering to her the fovereignty of their provinces. (Fr.) Hague, June 4 , 1585. 77 . 41 . J. Ortell, to the E. of Leicefter; fends him “ II Speculo delle navigation - !and earneftly deft res aid for Antwerp. (Orig. ltal.) London, June 8, 1585. 83. 41. a. Confulerations for the ordering of an army in the Low Countries; laid to be f rom Mr. Digges to the E. of Leicefter. June 13, 1585. 85. 42 . Anftver of the deputies of the States, to the propofals made by queen Elizabeth’s council. (Fr.) July 5, 1585. 87 . 43 The States General, to Q. FJizabeth; con¬ cerning their offer of fovereignty. (Fr.) July 14 , 1585. 90. 44 . Q. Elizabeth, to the magiftrates of Antwerp ; promifing to fend them relief. (Lai.) Greenwich, July 10 , 1585. 94 . 45. Reafons for Q. Elizabeth to affent to the aid¬ ing of the States, (a draught in Burleigh’s hand.) July 13, 1585. 96 . 46 . A fummary of the anfwers brought by Mr. Davifon from the States General. July is, 1585. 1Q0. 47- Mr. Vice-chamberlain; (Meneage?) his notes touching the treaty with the eommiftaries of the States. July 13, 1585. 102 . 4 8 Lift 3 C 4 G A L B A C. VIII -IS. Lift of officers retained in the E. of Leicefter’s fen - ice. (Orig. fig-ned II. Goodere.) Jan. 12 , 158.5. 10 G. 49 . Lifts of the E. of Leicefter’s houfehold fer- vants anti guard; and a copy of the oath given them. Hull ling, July 21 , 1585. 107 . 50. Minutes of letters of ftatc, relating to the affairs of Holland, i.385. 1 13 . .3 1 . Certain points, concerning which the States General with to know queen Elizabeth's pleafure. 1585. 117 . b- 52. Abfrract of the E. of Leiecftcr's initruefions as Q. Elizabeth's lieutenant general in the Low Countries. Dec. 1585. 119 . b. 5-3. Q. Elizabeth's commiilion, empowering certain members of her privy council to treat with the de¬ puties ol the States Genera! for the aid to be given them. (Eat.) Xonciiich, July 29 , 158.5. 121 . •3-1. The effect of the particular eonnniffions given to the deputies of the States. July .31, 1585. 123 . •3.5. Articles of the treaty provilional for Antwerp. Aug. 2 , 15 85. 120 . 5G. IVaix de la !e\Tr. irimfportation, ct paye, de 4,000 ibldats: aver ! eeircScn des prineipaux ofli- cicrs. 127 . 57 . Minutes of hate papers, concerning the Dutch affairs. 1.3 85. 127 . b. 58. Projet 011 f.rmulaire de traite fur l'aide, du- rant la guerre. Aug. 10 , 158.5. 129 . 59. \ 1 ■ l between the commilfaries of Q. Elizabeth, and thole of the States General, by which the former was to fend 5,000 foot and 1,000 Horfe, in head of 1,000 foot and 400 horfe to the aid of the latter (Lai.) Sept. 2, 1585. 134 . 00 . Notes for the amendment and explaining of the contract made between Q. Elizabeth and the l nited Provinces. Nonefuch, Aug. 10 , 1585. 135. Ol A 1.to the E. of Leiceher - intelligence of the furreuder of Antwerp: about Geneva, Italy, &c. 1 ; Er.) Colngn, Aug. ].:. 1585. 139 . 02 . J. Junio. to the E. of Leiceher; laments his not having had an opportunity of paying his refpeets to him. ( )r 2 . i 1 1. Lond m, Aug. - 5 , 1 585. in. 63. Projet ou form ilai l< 1 fur l'aide de la reine Eliz. aux ctals des Provinces Unies, durant la guerre. Nonefuch, Aug. is, 158.3. 143. 04. Another copy of vni. 59. Sept. 2, 1585. 149 . 05. Maxim, de Hornes, to the L. of Leiceher; com- plimcnlal, and ddirmg tiie command of a company. (Orig. Fr.) Oltend, Sept. 17 , 158.5. 150 . 00 . A petition of Ilonn. Rodeidmvgs, to the E. of L( iceher; defiri * that he may reimburfe himfelf for a him due to him l\v the States General by exporting certain goods; with the acknowledgment of the debt by the hates annexed, in Er. and Dutch. (Orig. Ital.) Hague, Sept. 1 . 0 , 1 . 38 . 3 . 150 ° 07 . A fentence of the admiralty court at Rouen, concerning an indemnity due to one of their citizens me pr< p rt 5 -o' his feized by forne people of Elufhing. (Er.) Aug. 30, 15S5. 153 . 08. The cohfent of Zealand and Fluhiing, to receive Mr. Stanley as their governor, and lord Leiceher as their general. (Fr.) Sept. 22 , 1585. hjo. 69 . Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leiceher; reports fomc negociations about the cautionary towns, the auxiliaries, &e. (Orig.) Hague, Sept. 24 , 158 . 3 . 103. 70. J. Valehe. to fir Fr. Walfingham; about forne concerns of the hates of Zealand, ((b ig. IT. partly obliterated.) London, Sept. 23, 153 . 3 . uj<;. 7]• Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leiceher: fignifymg to him that the queen forbids his proceed¬ ing in his preparations until flic has lpokcn with him. (Orig.) Court, Sept. 20, 153 . 3 . ios. 72. X. de Caftelneam to the E. of Leieehej; thanks him for favours, and elpeeially for the pixi'ent of two horfes. (Orig. Fr.) Sept. 1585. 170 . 73. Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leiceher; the cau¬ tionary towns delivered to him. (Orig.) Prill, 061. 5, 1585. " 172 / 74. J. Junio de Lung, to the E. of Leiceher; con¬ gratulatory ; concerning forne properly of his at Antwerp; alfo recommending his fun. (Orig. Ital.) Delft, Oct. (j, 15 85. ^ i 7 .;. 75. Mr. Davifon, to the F. ofLcicelier; reports his journey to take polfehion of fevera! places: fume Englifh companies in a very dilbrdcrly bate. (Orig.) Middleburg, 06t. 13 , 1580 . ' 1 - 76 . Maurice de Nallau, Pr. of Orange, to Mr. Da¬ vifon : defiring him to befriend him with the queen. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Oct. 13, 1585. 170 ’. b. 7 7. W il. Lewis Ct. of Xaffau Dillenburg (brother- in-law to Maurice) to the E. of Leiceher; requeft- ing his friendihip. (Orig. l’r.) Hague, Oel. u, 1585. j -- 78. Mr. Davifon, to the la. oi Leiceiier; a report about till, rawnds nr' the ft. ilohc/nloca going to the fleet, ite. (Grig.) l'luiliing, G«. eo, 1 5S5. 178. 79 . Louife de Coligny (Prls. dowager of Orange) and Maurice Pr. of Orange, to the E. of Leiceher? conc< rning the : fairs of th : . Xaffau. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Oet. 14 , 1585. igo. so. Confirmation of a treaty between England and the United Provinces. (Er.) Hague, Oct 2 1585. ‘ Sl.^'Um. Lilly; his eoufcfiion, and denial of forne charges. (Orig.) OH. 22 , 1585. is 5 . 82. Louife de Coligny, to the E. of Leiceher, and !<>.recommending herlelf and t lie Xafl'au fa¬ mily : two letters. (Orig. Fr.) ElclV:n«>-ue, Oef. mq 1585. ’ , 8 7 . S 3 . Maurice Ct. of Xaffau, to Mr, Davifon ; defil¬ ing his favour with Q. Elizabeth. ^Fr.) Hague, Oet. 25, 1585. l S<). 1). 84 . The oath taken by the magi lira les and people of the Brill. (Fr.) Oet! 1585. 190 . 85. Projeft of an aft for affociating the Stales G’c- neral into the league between France and England. (Er.) 1585. lyi. b. 86 . PI 1 . de Marnix de St. Aldgonde, to prefidt. de Mcetkerkc; on the hate of affairs, particularly at Antwerp. (Fr.) Antwerp, 061. 21 , 1585. 19 s. 87- Allowances given to the F.. of Warwick, I.ieut. General at Newhaven (Newport) and otl there. Oct. 26 , 1585. 202 . h. 8S. Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leiceher; two let¬ ters of intelligence. Flulhing, Nov. 23 and 11 , 158 . 3 . 204. 89. d ho. Doyle, to the E. of Leiceher; re ports his unlucky journey from Gravelinc.s to Calais, and til treatment at Dunkirk. (Orig.) Calais, Nov. 12 , 1585. 206. 90 . Tho. Doyle, to the E. of Leiceher; reports the arrival of a pilot and a young Spaniard from England at Calais. (Orig.) Nov. 14 . 1535 . 20 s. 91 . Tho. Wilford, to the E. of 1. iceher; reports the G A L B A, c. vnr. 305 the ftate of Eluihing and Ramekins. (Orig.) Nov. 23, 1585. 209. 92 . Tho. Doyley, to the E. of Leicefter; reports the taking pofi’effion of Flafliing ; fame incidents at fiege Nimegtfen; and other military oc¬ currences. (Orig.) Eluihing Nov. 23, 1585. 211 . 93 . Sir Phil. Sydney, to the E. of Leicefter ; on the fame fuhjedt as the preceding article. (Orig.) Flufli- ii|g, Nov. 22, 1585. 213. 94 . Inftruclions for the E. of Leicefter. Nov. 1585. 215. 95 . Reafons why her majefty fliould rather accept the title of protector than that of fovereign of the United Provinces. 1585. 216 . gfi. Inftruftions for Richard Iiarlfton, treafurer of the forces in the Low Countries. 21 6. 1). 97 . Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter? on vari¬ ous points of negociation, and intelligence about a confpiracy againft the queen’s life. (Orig.) Elulh- ing, Nov. 11 , 1 5S5 217 . 98 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter ? profel- fing friendlhip and good willies. (Orig.) Dee. 6, 1585. 220. 99 . Nic. Carenzone, to Mr. Davifon? defiring him to recommend him to the E. of Leicefter as a mercan¬ tile agent; with a propofal concerning a duty on corn. (Orig. Ital.) Lond. Dec. 12 , 1585. 221 . 100 . W. H. a paper of advice addreffed to Q. Eli¬ zabeth. Lond. Dec. 20 , 1585. 222 . 101 . A lift of many perfons at and about Calais, moft of whom are faid to be “ fure” (well affected.) 224. 102 . J. Ortell, to the E. of Leicefter; congratula- tory on the earl's going governor to the Low Coun¬ tries. (Orig.) Lond. Sept. 21 , 1585. 228. 103 . D.his opinion touching the payment of the garriions ot Eluihing and Brill. Dec. 27 , 1585. 231. b. 104 . The States of Zealand, to Davifon or Sydney ? rejoicing on the coming over of the E. of Leicefter ; and wilhing to be recommended to the queen's favour (Orig. Fi\) Middleburgh, Dec. 30, 1585. 235 . b. 105 . Lord Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence, advice, and inftructions. 1 wo letters. (Orig.) Greenwich, Dec. 26 , and 27 , 1585. 235 . 106 . A paper of intelligence about the motions of troops at Antwerp. Dec. 30, 1585. 240. 107 . C. Howard (admiral) to the E. of Leicefter ; intelligence about Spanilh armaments, &c. (Orig.) Court, Dec. 27 , 1585. 243. 108 . A project about the payment of the army, 1585. 245. 109 . A paper entitled “ Republica recreata ill. Dorn. Gubermitori Gen. fives ac fubditi qui ftant pro re- ligione Exc. ejus humiliter retulerunt.” 1585. 248. 110 . Otho D. of Brunfwic Ilarburg, to the E. of Leicefter; complimental. (I.at.) Harburg, Sept. 15 85. 252. 111 . Fra. Nedham, to Corffur Grabbe (probably at Copenhagen) recommending a mefi’enger lent by the Q. to Denmark. (Orig. Germ.) Greenw. A]>iil 28, 1585. 253. 112 . Bart. Ric .... to fir Tho. Bod ley; compli- mcntal ; and concerning Dr. Winfen. (Orig. Eat.) Brunfwic, Aug. 1585. 255. 1 13. The heads of two German letters from Julius D. of Brunfwic (Wolfenb.) to Q. Elizabeth; pro- poring a free commercial iutercourfe between their mutual fubje&s. (Lat. fent by lir Th. Bodley.) 257 . 114 . Julius D. of Brunfwic, to Q. Elizabeth; an apology for fir Tho. Bodley. (Orig. Lat.) Wolfenb* Aug.' 21 , 1585. 259- 115 . A method propofed for keeping books, to pre¬ vent the queen being abufed by treasurers or mer¬ chants. 261 . 1 16. Two papers figned Tho. Digges ; containing, under various heads, feveral obfervations on the ahufes practiced by mufter-mafters, paymafters, au¬ ditors, &c. 1585. 263. 117 . Two papers of intelligence by the fame hand (Nic. Carenfo?) the one to Mr. Wolley, latin fec y to the Q. and the other to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning Scotland, Italy, the Low Countries, &c. (Ital.) 1585. 267 . 118 . Another copy of the confirmation, vill. so. herecalled “Ampliation;” and “ Agreation desEtats Gcnx.delacceptationprecedcnte." Feb. 13 , 1585-6? 270 . 119- Qucftions propofed to the preachers of Nor- dcn. (Lat.) 1585. 272 . 120 . The people of Dordrecht, to the States Ge¬ neral ; concerning the fovereignty offered to the Q. of England. (Fr.) 1585. 274 . 121 . A difeufiion concerning certain charges brought againft Win. de Bloys, lurnamed Treflong, Lt. admiral of Zealand. (Fr.) 279 . 122 . A fragment, being part of the inftru&ions in the fubfequent art. VIII. 124 . 285. 123 . A difeourfe concerning the affairs of the Low Countries, addrefi’ed to E. B. Efq. friend and fervant to the fair and virtuous lady the countefs of Calen- berglie. 1585. 287. 124. Inftrutftions, pour les deputez (du prince d'Orange ?) pour traitter d une paix Breda. 1575 293.’ 12 . 3 . A brief colle&ion of all the generals who commanded Englifh armies and fleets, from William the Conq. to A 0 27 Eliz. gathered from Holiinllied's chronicle. 298 . 126 . Heads of regulations concerning the mufters of the army. 1585. 304. 127 . Two accounts of caft iron /hipped in London and Rochefter, by Mr. Ortell; in all 230 tons; from 1583 to 1585. 3o6. 128 . A proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, for the tranf- portation of victuals and other neceifaries to the army abroad. 15 85. 309 . 129 . Orders to be obferved by the Engli/h garri- fon at Brill, under lir Tho. Cecil. 15 85. 310 . b. 130. The agreements and differences between the 4 treaties of the ftates of the Low Countries with Q. Elizabeth, the K. of France, and Monfieur. 3 12 . 131 . A difeourfe on the advantages of permitting lieenles for trade; with obfervations thereon. (Fr.) 319. 132. A paper of propofals, concerning the govern¬ ment of Oltend ; and anfwers thereto. (Fr.) 1585. 328. 133. Military ordinances concerning the mufters of the troops in the fervice of the States General-. (Fr.) N. B. to be propofed to Q. Elizabeth. 329 . 134. A ftatement of the diftribution of the Dutch troops in and about Holland. (Fr.) 1585. 339 . 135. A remembrance to the ambaffador, concern¬ ing the accounts and conduct of the military trea- furers. 1585. 343. 136. Specification of the nobles and towns of Brabant, itill adhering to the union. (Fr.) 1585. 345. 1S7. A fragment on the two following heads: l 41 Quant 306 GALBA, C. VIII. IX. Quant l’etabliffement tie Fauthorite ; and 2 . Quant aux moyens pour fournir lcs fraix de la guerre. 347- 138. Etat ties moyens de la Hollantle pour les dc- pences de la guerre. 1585. 348. 139. Another ftatement of the contributions of Holland, and the other provinces. 1583. 350. 140. A fragment concerning the necefiity and lawfulnefs of the war. 353. 141. A general ftatement of the means the United Provinces have for carrying on the war, and bring¬ ing it to a conclufion : with notes by Burleigh. 354. 142. Oath of the governor of Brill. (Fr.) Aug. 10, 1585. 358. 143. Q. Elizabeth, to the count of Ilohcnloc; en¬ couraging him and the States after the lofs of Ant¬ werp. (Fr.) Wimbleton, Aug. 25, i585. 359. 144. Along letter from Antwerp, wherein the hate of the Low Countries is circumftantially delcribed. (i'h) Oft. 24, 1585. * 360. 145. Mi - . Davifori, to St. Aldegarde, and otlier of¬ ficers of Antwerp; exhorting them to perfeverance. (Fr.) Hague, 1585. ' 3i38. 146. A lift of the deputies to the States General. May 27, and 3, 1585. 369- 147. Extra61 from a letter of intelligence from Embden. (Fr.) Nov. 10 , 1585. 373. 148. Two ftates of duties, on articles of confump- tion in the United Provinces. 1585. 375. 149. Articles delivered by lome deputies of the States to the elector of Cologn, relating to a dif¬ ference between him and count Adolph, de Nevers. (Fr.) 1585. 377. i 50. A memoir for an amicable accommodation of fomc differences between the elector of Cologn, and the count de Meurs. (Fr.) 1585. 381. 151. An anfwer of the States General to fome propofuls made on the part of Q. Elizabeth, concern¬ ing the victualling of Brulfels, &c. (Fr.) March 3, 1585. 383. 152; Articles of agreement between the Pr. of Parma, and the magiftrates of Bruifels. (Fr.) March 13, 1585. 387. 1'53. The Pr. of Parma, to the magiitrates of Brulfels; exhorting them to deferve well of their lo- vereign. (Fr.) Beures, March 10 , 1585. 393. 154. Henry in. K. of Fr. to the deputies of the States General; credential in favour of Defpraneaulx. (Fr.) Paris, Jan 14, 1585. 395 . 155. The deputies of the States in France, to the States General; a report of their journey to Abbeville, and firft conferences with Defpraneaulx. (Fr.) Abbeville, March 19 , 1585. 395 . 156. Articles agreed upon between Q. Elizabeth and the marquis de Hauerech, on the part of the States General. (Lat.) 1585. 399. 157 . A 11 extract of the regiltcrs of the States Ge¬ neral; being the report of the deputies fent into France, and refolutions thereupon. (Fr.) April 9 , 1.-85. 401. 158. A lhatement of troops in the fervice of the States General. 404. 15«). The titles agreed to be given to the Pr. of Orange. (Dutch.) 407 . 160 . The appointment of Maurice Pr. of Orange, *-■ governor of Holland and Zealand, by the ftates of thole provinces: alio init met ions to the prince in the fail! office. (Fr.) Nov. 1 , 1595 . 409 . Galba, C. IX. Codex chariaceus, in folio, confians foliis 390 . I . An affignment of 200,000 fl. per month to the E. of Leiceftcr, by the States General, for the profe- cution of the war; with the affeftinent of the lame on the feveval provinces. 1586. , . 3 . 2; Omitted. 3. An affidavit of feveral inhabitants of the town of Ypres, certifying that the laid town had proniifed to indemnify the holtagtis given up at their furreuder. Leyden, Jan. 3, 15S6. 13 . 4. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leiceftcr; a long let¬ ter on the affairs of the Low Countries: with a du¬ plicate. (Orig.) Greenwich, Jan. 12 , 1585. 15 . 5. Tho. Cotton, to the E. of Leiceftcr; intelli¬ gence concerning the war. (Orig.) Antwerp, Jan. 17, 1580-1. 00 . 6. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence and advice. (Orig) Greenw. Jan. 17 , 1536 . 24. 7 . Maxim, de Hornes, to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of Mods, de Lucres, who offers to religu his government of Offend. (Orig. Fr. with a duplicate.) Hague, Jan. 18 , 1586. 2 6. 8. Nic. Carenzone, to Mr. YVotton ; a letter of in¬ telligence concerning Dickfon s going to Scotland, &e. (Orig. Ital.) Jan. 21 , 15 86. 29 . 9 . Nic. Carenzone, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence concerning the E. of Arundel, &c. (Orig. Ital.) London, Jan. 1586. 31 . 10. Extracts of certain advices given (to Spain) for an enterprife againit the ftate of England. 33 . II . Obfervatiohs out of the treaty for the aid given by England to the States General in 1585. 38. b. 12 . Ilor. Palavicino, to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of one Jer. Nevcnard, who had apeniion grant¬ ed him. (Orig. Ital.) Frankfort, Jan. 30, i586‘. 41 . b. 13. An eftimate of tile charges of her majeftys forces to be employed in the Low Countries. 42 . b. 14. Sir Ph. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; offer¬ ing to do fome effectual fervices at Steenberg, Gra¬ velines, &c. (Orig.) Berghes, Feb. 2 , 1586. 44. 15. The diploma of the States General, appointing the E. of Leicefter governor of the United Provinces. (Lat.) Plague, Feb. 1 , 15S0. 46 . 16 . The form of a warrant of the E. of Leicefter, for the pay of the E. of Eifex as colonel gen. of ca¬ valry, the lums left blank. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 1 , 1586. 48. 1 7- Commifiion of the States General, to the E. of Leicefter; fpecifying his powers. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 1, 1586. 51. 18 . A patent of the States General; about allow¬ ances to be made to the E. of Leicefter. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 1 , 1586. 54 . 19 . Sir Ph. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; defiring fome regulations may be made about the quartering of his troops. (Orig.) Berghes, Feb 2 , I5s6. 56. 20 . Englebert Doyenbrugh, to fir Ph. Sidney; inclofing a difeourfe concerning the Govt, of the Low Countries, and flatting his own defeent. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, Feb. 3, 1 586. 58. 2r. The difeourfe inclofed in the preceding article. (Fr.) 1586. Go. 22 . Remembrance for Mr. Davifon : from the E. of Leicefter. Feb. 4, 1586. 68. 23. Nic. Carenzone, to Mr. Herle; giving him fome G A L B A, C. IX, 3°7 fome cautions about papers. &c. and defiling intelli¬ gence about a legacy. (Orig. Ital.) Feb. 6 , 1586 . 70. 24. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter ; concern¬ ing the queen's difiatisfa&ion at his acceptance of the government of the Low Countries, &c. (Orig.) Weftm. Feb. 7, 1585-6. 71 . • 25 . Sir John C'onvayc, to the E. of Leicefter ; in¬ telligence on military affairs, Sec. (Orig.) Oftend, Feb. 9 , 15S6. ‘ ' 73 . 26 . Nic. Carenzone, to Mr. Herlc? concerning fome tranfactions of Mauvifiere relating to Scotland; the E. of Leicefter s recal talked of, &c. (Ital.) London? Feb. 4 , 1586. 75 . 27 . A grant of the States General of certain con¬ tributions, to the E. of Leicefter. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 1 , 1586. 77 . 28 . Tho. Dudley, to the E. of Leicefter; about the queen’s refentment againft him (the earl.) (Orig.) Leieefter-houfe, Feb. 11 , 1586. 7 y. 29- The magiftrates of Grave, to the E. of Leicef¬ ter; congratulating him on his arrival; and folicit- ing his prote&ion. (Orig. Dutch.) Grave, Feb. 13, 1586. 80. 30. A demand of the pay, &c. of the garrifon of Oftend. (Fr.) Feb. 13, 1586. 81. Si. Mr. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; along report of his proceedings on his arrival in London. (Orig.) London, Feb. 17 , 1586. 82. 02 . R. Williams, to the E. of Leicefter ; intelli¬ gence concerning the fervice. (Orig.) Berghes, Feb. 17 , 1586. 85. 33 . A difeourfe addrefied to the E. of Leicefter, on the art of government; feverely cenfuring the count of Hohenloe. (Fr.) Middleb. Feb. 15,^1586. 88 . 34. Sir. Ph. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence about the fervice. (Orig.) Flulhing, Feb. 19, 1586. 93 . 35 . J. Norreys, to the E. of Leicefter; recom¬ mending Tpme perfons; and defiling inftruCtions. (Orig.) Utrecht, Feb. 16 , 1586. 95 . 36. Wm. Knowllis, to the E. of Leicefter; reports difeontents at Oftend for want of pay, and intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Flulhing, Feb. 23, 1586. 96 . 37. Nic. Carenzone, to Mr. Herle; alluding to fome very feeret, intelligence to be communicated by Wolley. (Orig. Ital.) Feb. 23, 1586. 98 . b.’ 38. Wm. Knollys, to the E. of Leicefter; reports an expectation of Oftend being befieged by La Motte, &c. (Orig.) Flulliing, Feb. 25 , 158G. 99 . 39 . Sir Ph. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; about the pay of a regiment. (Orig.) Berghes, Feb. 2 . 5 , 1586. 101 . 40. Dedric Sonnoy, to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning his commiflions for furveying feveral forti¬ fied towns. (Orig. Fr.) Campen, Feb. 26, 1586. 102 . 41 . J. Norrcj’s, to the E. of Leicefter; recom¬ mending- a caiife of “ fire Henry Borck,” a knight of St. John of Malta. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht, Feb. 26 , 1586. 1 03. 42. A lift of duties raifed in the Low Countries on articles of cohfumption. (Fr.) Feb. 1586 . 105 . 43 . A ftatement of the contributions granted to the E. of Leicefter, by the States General, for the months of February and March, 1586. (Fr.) 107 . 44 . Robt. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; a report about mutters; and requiring pay for the troops. (Orig.) Berghen, March 1 , 1586/ 108 . 45 . The deputies of the States General, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; propoling to increafe their army, and requeft- ing of her to ac'complifli fully her engagements. (Orig. Fr.) March 2,1586? no 46 . Tho Cecil, to the E. of Leicefter; rfeafons fer his not bringing his cornets to join the earl. (Orig.) Brill, March 6 , 1586. 112 . 47 . A. Warwick, to.a letter of pious exhor¬ tation. (Orig.) March 6, 1586. 11 s. 48. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; about the queen’s difplfeafuie, Sec. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 6 , 1585-6. 113 . 49 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; anfwers to feveral articles of the earl’s letters. (Orig-.) Greenwich, March 6, 1585-6. 116 . 50. Roger Williams, to the E. of Leicefter: reports his intending to march with l’ome troops to Utrecht. (Orig.) Berghes, March 6 , 1586. 119 . 51 . Tho. Sherlev, to the E. of Leicefter; about the queen’s difpleafure, the pay of the army, &c. (Orig.) Court, March 7 , 1586. 120 . 52. A rough draught of Ld. Burleigh ; being a dil'coUrfe concerning certain propofals made by Andreas de Loo on the part of the Pr. of Parma. March 9 , 1586. 122 . 53. Wm. Knollys, to the E. of Leicefter; reports the enemy’s inarching towards Oftend; defiles ltores, Sec. (Orig.) Flulhing, March 12 , 1586. 126. 54. Tho. Sherlev, to the E. of Leicefter; a long- original letter of intelligence from court. March 14, 1586. 128 . 55. Tho. Cecil to the E. of Leicefter; notifies his going to England ; and laments the want of pay of the army. (Orig.) Brill, March 17 , 1585-6. 132 . 56. J. Galthorp, to.defiring intelligence about one Jaques Reygout, who owes him 4,000 FI or. (Fr.) March 18 , 1586? 134 . 57 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; about an appointment in Ireland ; alfo intelligence ,and advice. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 21 , 1586 . 135. 58. Tho. Sherlev, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence from court.* (Orig.) March 2 i) 1585-6. 136. 59 . Sir. Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence from court, Scotlahd, See. (Orig.) March 24, 1585-6. 137 . 60 . Col Balfour, to the E. of Leicefter ; complain¬ ing ot want of pay. (Orig.) Berghen, March 24, 1586. 139 . 61.Winihemius, to fir Tho. Bodley: con¬ cerning the queen’s proclamation, juftifving- the aid lhe gives to the United Provinces ; his going- to Paris; intelligence, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Frankfort; March 25, 1586. i4i, 62 . C. Howard, to fir Ph. Sidney; on various naval affairs at Flulhing, Sec. (Orig.) Court, March 30, 1586. 145 , 63. W . Zohlpi, to S f de Bufquov treafurer to the Cathol. King; an intercepted letter on various fnb- jecls; with fome cyphers. (Orig. Er.) March si, 1586. ‘ i47. 64. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter ; various intelligence and advice. (Orig.) March 3 1 . 1586. 149. 65 Tho. Vavafour, to the E. of Leicefter; report¬ ing his proceedings at Court. (Orig.) Court. March 31, 1586. ' 15S. 66. A ftatement of the contributions, granted bv the States General to tilt E. of Leicefter, for the months G A L B A, C. IX. 30S months of February, March, and April, l a86. (IT .) j 165. 67 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; in¬ telligence from court, about the queen’s clifpofition, &c. (Orig.) Court, April l, 1586 . 15 7- 08. Otho D. of Brunfwic. Luneb. Harb. to fir Tho. Bodley ; congratulates him on his arrival in Eng¬ land ; and recommends a bulinefs he had charged him with. (Orig. Lat.) Marburg, April 1 , 1536. 1G1. 69 . Lord Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter ; ac¬ quaints him with the queen’s change of refolution concerning the powers to be given to the earl, Sec. (Orig.) Greenwich, April 1 , 1586. 163. 70. A ftatement of the contributions of Holland for fix months. (Fr.) April 1 , 1586. 165. 71 . Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Leiceltcr; expoftu- latintr with him, and fignitying her intention con¬ cerning the powers he is to alfume. Greenwich, April 1 , 1586. 167 . 72 . Minutes of hate papers, concerning the E. of Leicefter. 1586. 169- 73 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; in¬ telligence and advice concerning Scotland, See. (Orig.) Court, April 11, 1586. 172. 74 . .Winthemius, to fir Tho. Bodley ; com¬ plimentary, and forae intelligence. (Orig. Lat.) Paris, April 18, 1586. 175 . 75 . Minutes of fome papers or tranfaftions agreed lip on at Laegen, April 19 , 1586. (Fr.) 1 7 7. 76 . Notes of directions concerning provitions; figned by his excellency (E. Leicefter r) April 21 , 15SG. (Fr.) 173 . 77 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter: intelligence, advice, &c. (Orig.) Court, April 21 , 1586. 1 79. 78 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States of Zealand ; appriz¬ ing them that the enemy meant to befiege Oitend. (Fr.) April 22 , 15S6. 183. 79 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to fir Pli. Sidney; inclof- ing the above. (Orig.) Greenwich, April 22 , 1586. 185. 80 . Minutes of tranfadlions agreed upon at. Lan- gen, April 24, 1586. 187- 81 . Notes or minutes of difpatches figned by his Exc. at Zuylen, April 24, 1586. 188. 82 . A memorial of the E. of Leiccfter's requeft: with the anfwers of the Privy Council. April 24 , 1586. 189. 83 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; two difpatches. (Orig.) Court, April 25, and 26 , 1586. 191 . 84 . Bonav. van Oncle, to Mr. Merle; defiling to know when he means to come to Amfterdam. (Orig. Fr.) Amiterd. April 27 , 1586. 195. 85. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Davifon; inftructions concerning his negociations with the Council ot State refpetting her title: a fecond letter on the back. Greenwich, April 27 , 1586. 197. 86. A note of the towns in the 17 provinces, which as yet the enemy hath not. April 30, 1586. 198 . 87 . Wm. Knollys, to Mr. Atye; about the defence of Oitend. (Orig.) Oitend, April 30, 1586. 199 . 88. Minutes of ftate papers relating to the Low Countries. 1686 . 200 . 89 . Job. van Bronckhorft, to the E. of Leicefter; a petition deliring the E. to inforce his lafeguard. (Fr.) Ofterholt ? April, 1586. 208. 90 . A copy of the fafeguard referred to, inclofed in the above. (Dutch.) Utrecht, April 17 , i.5SGT 209 . 91. An account of the revenues of Holland and Zealand, farmed out for fix months, from March 1 , 1536. (Fr.) . 211 . 92 . The. Council of State of the United Provinces, to Q. Elizabeth; urging the neceility of the E. of* Leiccfter's aif&ming the title of governor. (Orig Lat.) Utrecht, May 1 , 1586. 215. 93. A fmall fragment concerning Scotland. May 2, 1586? 218. 94. Mr. Palmer’s collation of monies of England and Flanders. May 2 , 1586. 21 8. b. 95. A profitable plot for the payment of the queen’s forces in the Low Countries. 219 . b. 96 . Articles of prohibition of traffic into the Spa- nifh Netherlands. 1586. 221 . b. 97- Mr. Heneage, to I.d. Burleigh; concerning I.d. Leicefter’s government. May 13, 1586. 225 . 98. Carlos Conde de Mansfeld, to the Pr. of Par¬ ma ; intelligence about the war, Set. (Orig. Spaniih.) Reck, May 4, 1586. 22 G. 99- Articles for explanation of fome doubtful points in the contract between Q. Elizabeth and the States General, fet clown bv the Mufter .Matter General; with the anfwers o'f the Hates. May 4 , 1586. 228 . 100 . A brief computation of an army to be kept in the Low Countries. 1586. 228 . b. 101 . A memorial for Lord Buckhurfl ; about the defence of the Low Countries, March 14 , 1586. 230. b. 102 . Memoire cle toutes les entrees que ccux tl’An- vers out annuellement. 231. b. 103. Memoirc cle la quantite cle hie tpfil convimt avoir par lemaine a Anvers. 232. b. 104. A rate for the entertainment of lances, light, horfe, and foot bauds, in the Low Countries. 1586. 105. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; the queen inflexible in her ditiike of the carl’s alfumcd title. (Orig.) Court, May 14, 1586. 236. 106 . Edzard ll. count of F.aft Fricfland, to the E. of Leicefter ; defiring a fpeedy anl’wcr concerning fome flopping on the Ems. (German.) Auricb, May 12 , 1586. 237 . 107 . Two articles concerning the allowance of 15 non-effectives per company ; with anfwers by the Council of State. (Fr.) 239 . 108 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter ; on the queen's clifpofition, &c. (Orig.) Court, May 20, 1586. 241. 109 . Edward Dyer, to the E. of Leicefter; ftating reafons why the earl fliould not fight. (Orig.) Court, May 22 , 15 86. 243. 110 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter ; intelligence. (Orig.) Court, May 23, 1586. 245. 111 . Sir Fr..Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning offers of peace received from Spain, ice. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 24, 1536. 24 0. 112 . Wm. Baerclefen, to Air. Merle r complimcntal, See (Orig. Fr.) Leuwarden, May 24, 1586. 247 . 113. Extracts out of clivers letters from the E. of Leicefter, from Feb. 1 , to'May 25, 1586. 248. 114. Sir Fra. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; about the queen's inflexibility ; the mafter of Grave coming over for employment. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 26, 1586. ' 25!. 115. J. Garbrant, to Mr. Merle: about fome fol- cliers G A L B A, C. IX. diets who had left a man of war. (Orig. Dutch.) From a man of war, June 2 , 1586. <258. 116 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter j the queen better difpofed; about the pay of the troops; re¬ mittances, &c. (Orig.) June 8, 1586. 256. 117 . Inftruflions of the magiftrates of Utrecht, to two deputies; offering to fell the bells of fome of their abbeys for the purchafe of fupplies; and defir¬ ing that, the fortifications of the Vart may be kept in good order. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht, June 10 , 1586. 258. ns. Lord Burleigh, to the E. of Lcicefier; dis¬ approves of fomc iilver coins ftruck at Amftenlam; —Mr. Atye to be lent over. (Orig.) Weftm. June 10, 1586. 260. 119 . J- Garbrant, to Air. Ilerle? about releafmg one Beernt van Dueren, a featuring man. (Orig. Dutch.) From a man of War, June 10 , 1586. 262 . 120 . Y\ m. Davilon, to the E. of Leicefter; apolo¬ gizes lor a long lilence ; and juftifies himfclf concern¬ ing fome-charges. (Orig.) London, July 2 , 1 586. 263. 121 . The council of fta te of the United Provinces, toQ. Elizabeth ; remonftrating againft Mr. lien ease’s meffage to depriv e tlie F.. of Leicefter of his autho¬ rity. (Orig. Lat.) Arnheim, June 11 , 1 586. 264 . 122 . J. Garbrant, to Air. Ilerle? concerning the moving of fome fhips. (Orig. Dutch) From a man of War, June 12 , 1586. 265. 123 . Ld. Burleigh,, to the E. of Leicefter; about remittances, coins, See. (Orig.) June 10 , 1586 . 26 ' 7 . 124 . C. Howard, to the E. of Leicefter; about tranfports for troops, and other naval affairs. (Ori<>-.) Court, June 8, 1586. 270 . 12 .). Ld. Burleigh and fir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; recommending an indemnification to Iticlid. Tomfon, a feafaring man. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, June 21 , 1586. 272 . 126 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; the queen orders Ld. Burleigh’s Ion to go to the States, i‘dread of Mr. Atye; Die is better reconciled to the earls action, &c. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 20 , 1 5 8 6. o~ 1 127 . A Dutch patriot, to fome lord of the Englilli court.; advice about terminating the war. (l’r.) Hague, June 29 , 1586 . <276. 12 s. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; contradicts the report of an offer of peace; about the mailer ot Grave; and in doling letters from the queen to fome Dutch towns. 2 letters. (Ori<>-.) Court, June 30 and 31, 1586. 2 S 0 129 . J. Garbrant, to Air. Ilerle; four letters, with an inclofure on naval matters, See. (Orig. Dutch.) June i and 16 , 1586. 283 ' 130 . Sir J. Conway, to Ld. Burleigh? about the defence of Oftend. (Orig.) Offend,'Feb. 17 , 1586 . 291 . 131. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; directions from the queen. (Orig.) Court, Julv 9 ’ 158 6 . oqn’ ] 32. A brief of the perils and remedies concerniinr the Low Countries. .Inly 9 , 1330 . 294 ° 133. Minutes of ftate papers, concerning the Low Countries. 1586. *■ 097 134. The hates of Utrecht; offering the fove- rcignty of their province to Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Leicefter. (four papers, Dutch.) June 10 »o • July 10 , 1580. g gg ’ 135. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter- a longdifpatch on various matters. (Orig.) -Barn-elms July 1 1,1588. ‘ 30 „/ 130. Bartlielemy Kieffelt, to Mr. Ilerle ? compli- mental on Ilerle s arrival in England ; and conlainino- fomc intelligence. (Orig. French.) Hague, Julv 14 iuS( j 305. 1 The confcfiions of Sam. Whitheadand Peter Stabotll; who had confpircd to furrender a town. (Oftend p) July 16 , 1586. sofl.' 13S. Note ofa patent for the pay of Reiters. July I 7 , la 86 . 308.’ „ 1 39. Confideratitms touching the ftate of the Low Countries ; to be laid before Q. Elizabeth. July is 3 a 86 - spg. 1 40. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; a loin.- difpatch. (Orig.) Richmond, July 21 , 1580 . 315 . Ul. A note of Ld. Leicefter, and a placart of the magiftrates of Utrecht; about fome perfons banifhed from that town. (Fr.) July 21 , 142. K. Philip 11 , to Frederic K. of Denmark; complaining of his rebellious fubje&s in the Nether- lands; and of England's bad neighbourhood. (German.) Eleurial, July 22 , 1586 . yjy. 143 An account of ecclefiaftical cftablifhments, with their revenues, in the diocefe of Utrecht? ( Fr.) 322. 144. Propofals for fome reform in the monadic eftabhfiiments in Utrecht. (Fr.) 3 , J4 145. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter • recommending a lVrvaiit of his to be continued as a victualler. (Orig.) Court, July so, 1586 . sqq. 146; The ftate of Utrecht, civil and ecclefiaftical. (Lngli 111 and Dutch.) July, 1586, 327 . 147. Jean de Ryfwic's report of the ftate of Thiel and the means of its defence. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht Aug. 1 , 1586. 148. Articles of agreement between the deputies Ot 0 Elizabeth, and thole of the States General fu¬ tile defence of Antwerp. (Fr.) Aug. 2 ? 1536 . 335. 149. Aprojeft of a treaty between the fame ; con¬ cerning the aid to be given during tile war. (Fr.) 341. b. l.)0. Traftatus ultimus fuper afliftentiu 5,000 pedi- tum, et 1,000 equitum. 330 p 151. An ampliation (confirmation) of the above treaty. (Fr.) Hague, Oft. 2 , 1586. 352 . b. 1 .> 2 . Abliract of the receipts and payments of the government in the l nited Provinces, from April 9 to the KSth of Auguft, 1586. 357 153. H he aft of the States General for the enter¬ tainment of bis Ex' (Leicefter) (Fr.) The fame in Dutch on vellum. Hague, Aug. 9 , 1586 . 159 . 254. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter. two letters. (Orig.) Bum-elms, Aug. 15 , and 15 * 6 - . 363. 155. Phil, count of Ilolienloe, to Q. Elizabeth; requeliing a paffport for fome artillery. (Oriu-. Er.) Gcrtrudenbergh, Aug. 17 , 1 J 86 . * 365 . b. 156. Articles propofed by Mr. Wilkes to the council of ftate; with their Anfwers. (Er) Utrecht Sept. 3, 1586. 3B6 . 157 . Lord Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter - a lono- difpatch. (Orig.) Strand, Aug. is, lose. 374 ° 158. A remonftrance to the E. of Leicefter in be¬ half of Paul Buys, who had been confined by the magiftrates of Utrecht. (Fr.) Aug. 18 , 15SG. ’ 377 . 159. Jacob Herwaerden, to the dates of Utrecht? about fcveral perfons banifhed. (Fr.) Utrecht Aug 18, 1586. ’sea 5 ' * K 160 . A 10 GALBA, C. X. l6n. A hearing of the magiftrates of Utrecht be¬ fore the E. of Leicefter and his council, concerning the banifhment of feme perfons. (I'r.) 383. mi. Jehan de Warck, to Mr. Ilerlc ; upon the affairs of the Low Countries in general. (Orig. Fr.) 1586. 387 ' ,62. Jehan de Warck, to Mr. Herle? chiefly com- plimental. (Orig. Fr.) Aug. 27, 1586. 330. Galba , C. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 372. 1. Another copy of the propofals of Mr. M ilkes ; and anfwers thereto, (ix. 156.) 2. 2 . An account of the contributions granted by the Stales < inieral to the E. of Leicefter for eight months, from till' 10 th of Jan. with a ftatement of the ex¬ penditure thereof. (Fr.) 1386. to. Ld. Burleigh, to.about Q. Elisabeth's irrel’olution concerning the removal of Mary Q. of Scots, Sept. 10 , 1586. !6. 4 . A . . • • Lordey, to the E. of Leicefter; repre- fenlhvr the great danger of Wefel from the enemy. (Olios'Fr.) Sept. 1 1, 1586. >8. . 5 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; about Spanifh Ships arrived at Breft; Mary Q. of Scots re¬ moval to Fotheringav ; a confpiraey, &c. (Orig.) Windfor, Sept. 15, 1516. 13. 6 .Gilpin, to the E. of I.cicefier; intelli¬ gence; proceedings of the council of ltate about farming the wine duty; the difpofltions of feveral of the' provinces. (Orig.) Utrecht, Sept. 20 , 1586. ® 1- 7 . A petition of the wife, children, and relations of Paul Buys, to the E. of Leicefter; requeuing his releafe from confinement. (ItaL) Sept. 21, 1586. 23. s The relations of P. Buys, to the magiftrates of Utrecht; in behalf of the fame. (Dutch.) Sept, el, 1586. - 4 ' o T Ortell, to the E. of Leicefter ; a report of Ins proceedings, and vindication of himlclr. (Orig.) London, Sept. 22 , 1586. - b - 10 . Abftrad of the extraordinary charges paid by ti ie ft a tes to the general, over and above their monthly contribution of 000,000 Bor. Sept. 1586. 28.^ 11 . Ahftraft of the number of men in the pay of the ftates; with an eftimate of their monthly charges. Sept. 15 86. S0 ‘ ic. Abftrad of monies iffued to the general in fix months, over and above their monthly contributions. Sept. 1596. 3 “’ 13 . Abftrad of fuch impofitions as the ftates have kept in their hands, towards defraying extraordi¬ naries. Sept. 1586. 34 - 14 Eftimate of the garrifons in tile United Pro¬ vinces and of the means to fuiiain them. Sept. 1586. 36. is Lord Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; ac¬ quaints him with her majclty s permiflion fur him to mime over; concerning the government ot the pro- i inees, and the Englith army meanwhile, StC. (Orig.) Weltin’. Nov. 4, 1516. 4a 16 W Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; diredions and intelligence; the Q. laments the death of fir Ph. Sidney, See. two letters. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. 4 and 5, 1586. 4! ' 17 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Leicefter; direc¬ tions for flaying Dutch commiffioners; and about fir Ph. Sidney's will, and heavy debts. (Orig.) Nov. 6? 1586. 44. is. J. Wolley, to Ld. Leicefter; compli mental.; wilding the earl in England. (Orig.) Court, Oct. l. 1586. 47. 19 . Ld. Burleigh, to Ld. Leicefter; intelligence of Cavendifti and Wilkes going over to Holland, See. (Orig.) Windfor, 06t. l, 1586. 49 . * 20 . Two accounts of monies imprefted by the E. of Leicefter for the fervice of the ftates, from Oct. 11 . 1585, to oa. 4, 1587- 52. 21 . Another copy of the confirmation (amplia¬ tion) IX. 151. Hague, Oa. 2, 1586. 55. 22 . The ftates of Utrecht, to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of Ghylbrecht van Cocnerden, a magiftrate of Leufden, who had been flandered. (Orig. Dutch.) Oa. 7 , 1586. 57 . 23 . John Peyton, to the E. of Leicefter; about the fickly ftate of i'ome companies; news from Antwerp, &c. * (Orig.) Bergen-op-Zoom, Oct. 11 , 1580'. 59 . 24 . Choedert van Balen, to the count of llohenloe; apprizing him of the 1). of Parma's preparations to re¬ lieve Zutphen. (Orig. Dutch.) Locliem, Oet. 12 , 1586. hi. 25 . Sir T. Ileneage, to the E. of Leicefter; direc¬ tions from the queen ; laments the hurt laid to have been received by Ids nephew, &c. (Orig.) Court, Oa. 13, 1586. 03.' 26 . Sir Wm, Pelham Ld. Marfhall, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence from the army; about mutters, quarters, &c.; and defiling orders. Three letters. (Orig.) Camp before Zutphen, Oet. 15 and 17 , and Deventer, 06t. 19 , 1586. 65. 27 . Wm. Stanley, to the E. of Leicefter; reports the repulfe of a tally made by the garrifon of Zul- phen. (Orig.) Camp before Zutphen, Oet. 20 , 1586. 7K 28. Barthol. Clerk, to the E. of Leicefter; about delaying the commiflioners intended for England; laments fir Ph. Sidney's death; reports having pro¬ cured copies of the French treaties with the ftates. (Orig.) Hague, Oct. 22 , 15 86. 75. 29 . Sir Ph. Sidney, to Wm. Davifon ; about having received the Zealand regiment; count llohenloe caufes a remon ft ranee to be made; Pr. Maurice favourable; Paul Buys infidious. (Orig.) Fluihing, Feb. 24 , 1586. 1 30 . Ld. Burleigh and fir Fr. Walfingham, to the F„ of Leicefter; acquainting him that lho. \\ ilkes had been appointed trealurer at the army inftead of fir Tho. Shirley; and orders about the monies lent. (Orig.) Richmond, Oct. 28, 1586. 77- 31 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftructions to Mr. Wilkes, lent, a Ihcond time to the ftates of the United Provinces. (Orig.) Ofl. 1580. 7<>. 32. Mr. Wilkes’s journal of the proceedings of the a-oveminent of the United Provinces, from the be¬ ginning of November 1586, to the end of June 1587- 83 ' 33 . Tho. Grefham, to the D. of Northumberland; various intelligence about duke Maurice's intention of going into Hungary, the armies, the Turks, &c. ( Olig. the beginning wanting.) Antwerp, Aug. 2 1 , 105. 34 .Chamberlayn, to the Lords of Council ; an apologv for himfelf, and intelligence ot the Em¬ perors motions, Sc. (Orig.) Bruffelsr Sept, i°, 1552. 35 Articles of a treaty between the Hollanders and the G A L B A, C. X. 3T1 the French king; exhibited to the E. of Leicefter, Nov. 4, 1586. 110 . S6. A challenge of fir Edw. Norris, to count IIo- henloe; with anfwers thereto. (Fr.) Nov. 1586 . 112 . 37. A difcourfe concerning the fituation, fortifica¬ tions, and importance of the town of Bcrgen-op-Zoom, by J. de RylVick. (Fr.) Nov. 10 , 1586. 114 . 38. Defcription of the government of the United Provinces. (Fr.) Nov. 15 , 1586. 124 . 39. A regulation of the earl of Leicefter for the military fervice of the United Provinces, to be ob- ferved during his abfence in England. (Fr.) Hague, Nov. 18, 1586. 12(j. 40. A petition of Juan Joppen Vander Lucht, to the E. of Leicefter ; Eoliciting pardon for an offence for which he was confined at Rotterdam. (Ital.) Alfo a requifition of Don Manoel of Portugal, to the magiftrates of Rotterdam ; in favour of the laid Vander Lucht. (Portuguefe.) And a marginal mi- nute of the laid magiftrates, referring thecaufe to the E. of Leicefter. (Dutch.) July, 1586 . 135 . 41. A difcourfe concerning the couife that feemeth heft to be taken in the affairs of the Low Countries. Non. 1586. 139. 42 . Sums of money paid to fir Tho. Shirley, fince the 1 ft of February, 1586. ’ 142 . 43. A lift of captains in the fervice of the E. of Leicefter, and the United Provinces. (Fr.) 144 . 44. An account of the pay of the Governors of towns and other officers of the United States. (Fr.) 148. 45. A lift of towns in the Low Countries, both in the hands of the E. of Leicefter and in thofeofthe enemy. (Fr.) Nov. 15S6? 151 . ^ 46 . A lift of iliips of war in the fervice of the United Provinces, and of the expenfe attending them. Nov. 1586? 153 , 47 . .T. Valchc, W. van Zuylen, and J. Ortcll, to the admiralty of Zealand ; concerning ib me complaints of Wm. Colfton, a merchant of Brifiol. (Orig. Dutch.) Lond. Dec. 19 , 1586. 157. 48. Nic. Carcnzoni; remembrances of his concern¬ ing certain duties and matters of trade. (Ital.) 1585 . 159 . 49. An ordinance of the States General, concern¬ ing the revenues they grant to the E. of Leicefter. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 1 , 1586. 161 . 57. A project or formulary of a treaty of aid during the war. (Fr.) Nonefuch, Aug. 10, 1585. 201 . 58. Four reciprocal confirmations of the above treaty. (Two Latin and two French.) 1585 and 6. 212 . 59 . A plan of Bergen-op-Zoom. 225 . 60. Tho. Brune, victualler; his propofal for fur- nilhing a garrifon or army with all kinds of pfovifions. 226. 61 . The fum of a declaration exhibited to the E. of Leicefter by certain gentlemen of Brabant. 1586? 228. 62 . The Portuguefe ambafiador, to the E. of Leicefter ; defiring the eftablithment of a Portuguefe admiralty at Willemftadt. (Fr.) 230 . 63. Lift of the companies that follow the count of Hohenloe. 232. 64 . Maurice marquis of Bergen-op-Zoom, and other nobles and towns of Brabant, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning their admiflion into the union. (Fr.) 23S. 65. Mons. Civilles' memorial to the E. of Leicefter; being a plan for ftarving the Spaniih Low Countries, they being already in great want. (Fr.) 235. 66. Memoranda of feme matters relating to Holland, 1o be rcprelented by Mr. Killigrew to the E. of Leicefter. (Fr.) 237. 67 . Plan of a fort. 239. 68. Wm. Milward’s petition to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of the merchant adventurers at Embden. 240. 69 . A paper of news from the court of the Pr. of Parma, at Brufiels. (Fr.) 241. 70. A lift of colonels and lieut. colonels in the fervice of the E. of Leicefter. (Fr.) 242. 71 . Plan of a fort fimilar to that at X. 67 .— 244 . b. 72. Eftimate of the garrifons in the United Pro¬ vinces, and of the charges attending them. 245. 73. A plan of the city of Utrecht. 249 . 74. The E. of Leicefter’s demands for hermajefty's fervice in Holland. 250. 75. Wm. Pr. of Orange ; his order to Wm. de Trdlong to treat with fome towns for the equipment of iliips. (Fr. and Dutch.) Antwerp, July 3, 1578 . 252. 50. The E. of Leicefter's infiructions to the Council of State; with Ld. Burleigh’s marginal notes. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 10 , 1586. 163 . 51. An account of theprodud of licences for im¬ portation of goods into various towns of the United Provinces, for the year 1586. 170 , 52. Anfwers of the E. of Leicefter, to fome re- monftrances of the ftates of Holland and Zealand. (Dutch and Fr.) 184> 53 . A lift of towns in the provinces of Utrecht, Overylfel, and Guelders. I 8 7 , ’ 54 . Notes of arguments relating to t ran factions between the queen and afynod ; and other matters of government of the United Provinces. isg. b. 55 . Fred. Schwartz de Ruiffingen, to fir Fr. Wal- fingham; intelligence on the affairs of the Low Countries and Germany ; the D. d’Alefon mentioned. (Orig. Fr.) 157 ... igo. 56. Articles of the treaty between England and the United Provinces, for the defence of Antwerp. (Fr.) Nonefuch, Aug. 2 , 15 S5. 103 . 76 . A Dutch paper concerning armaments againft the Spaniards. 1578 . 256. 77. Minutes of points relating to the United Pro¬ vinces, concerning which information is to be ob¬ tained. 258. 78. A brief note of the government in Friefiand. 260 . 79- Articles in the contract, concerning the autho¬ rity of the governor general (Leicefter.) 264 . 80. Articles prefen ted by Mr. Wilkes to the States General, touching their violating the E. of Leicefter’s authority. 1586. 266. 81 . Certain charges againft the treafurer with the army in the Low Countries. 273 . S 2 . Articles exhibited by Ld. Leicefter to the Privy Council, for her majefty's fervice in the Low Countries; with the mutter mailer's obfervations thereupon. 275 . 83. A brief note of abufes reformed by the E. of Leicefter, lincehis government in the Low Countries. 275. b. 84. Articles G A L B A, C. X. XI. 312 84 . Articles of an agreement between the Pr. of Parma? and Monfr. la Motte, for a furrender. 85. The captains (magiftrates) of the city of Utrecht, to the L. of Leicefter; hating the caufes of their proceedings againlt Paul Buys. (Fr.) ‘279- 86. A ftatement of the fervices rendered by fieur de Bruges, and his requeft for a regiment. (Fr.) 287- 87. The confefiion of Samuel Whithead, of a plot to furprize Newport. 288. 88. A paper of intelligence concerning the Pr. of Parma, and the hate of the Spanilli Low Countries. 290 . 89. Baron de Crahange's petition to the L. of Leicefter; for pay for his company and himfelf; and for repairs at Norden. (Ital.) 292 . 90 . A paper of advertifements, againh Stanyhurh of Dunkirk. " 294 . 91 . Apologie de Francois Vander.Seigr. de Ryhove, par lui meme compofee; de 1 Etat de Flandres. 1585 and 1586. 296- 92 . A lliort paper on the authority conferred on the E. of Leicefter. (Lat.) 328. 93 . A letter of recommendation to the L. ot Leicefter, in favour of Bonaventure van Oncle. (Orig. Fr. figned by fix, probably deputies, ot the hates.) 330. 94 . Articles prayed for of her majefty, by the ma¬ gi hrates and inhabitants of Flulliing. 331. 95. Inftrudtions for commiflioners of muhers. Feb. 1580. 332. 9 O. Declaration of Q. Elizabeth's intentions to have the hates of the Low Countries conform to the cuhoms of the country. 1 58... 337. 97 . The fum of Mr. Chancellor's fpeech (a fyitema- tical arrangement.) 339. 98 . Wm. Crciton's confehions, concerning plots in favour of the Q. of Scots, &c. 339. b. 99 . Names of the principal officers in the United Provinces, with their entertainment. 341. 100 . Daniel de Burggrave, to Mr. Ilerle ; con¬ cerning the authority given to the E. ot Leicefter; and intelligence about the War. (Orig. Lr.) Arn- heim, Aug. 20, 1586. 343. 101 . The E. of Leiceher's oath as governor ot the United Provinces. (Lat.) 1586. 345. 102 . Mons. de Ombrugge’s three difeourfes, con¬ cerning the government of the Low Countries. (Fr.) S47. 103 . Summa capita earum rcrum qua; traftari folent in concilio linantiarum (ut voeant) leu dominionum pfincipis harum ditionum Bclgii. 370. Galba , C. XI. Codex chartaecus, in folio, conhans foliis 357- 1 . The firft 60 leaves, which appear to have been chiefly accounts of the armies in the Low Countries, are fo much damaged by lire as to be perfectly ufckis. 2 . Lord Buckliurft, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the L. of Leicefter’s imprudent letters to his depen¬ dents in Holland; commends Vi i Ikes, Sec. June 28, 1587. 61. 3 . Tho. James, to the E. of Leicefter: intelligence of various movements in Flanders. (Orig.) Oitend, Jan. 29 , 1587. 03. 4 . . . . Fcmin, to the L. of Leicefter; reports the treacherous furrender of the caftle of Wan we. (Orig. Fr.) Bergues, Jan. 28, 15 87- 65. 5. Guil. de Blois, dit deTreflong, to the L. of Lei¬ cefter; defil ing fome relief after a long impriibnment in Zealand, anil leave to return to his country. (Orig. Ital.) London, Jan. 27 , 1 587. 70 . 6. Jo. Ilotman, to the L. of Leicefter ; reports various tranfactions at Utrecht, and other intelligence. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 7 , 1587 72 . 7. . . . Feniin, to the L. of Leicefter; requeuing fome promotion, and his pay. (Orig. Lr.) Bergues, Jan. 9 , 1587. 74 . 8. Stcph. leSieur? to the L. of Leicefter; on the fitate of affairs in the United Provinces; and various intelligence. (Orig.) Middleburg, Jan. j , 1587 . 76. 9 . W. Ilerle, to the L. of Leicefter? concerning his being fent to Holland ; and intelligence. (Orig.) Temple Bar, Jan. 5 , 1587. 78. 10 . Nic. Errington, to Mr. Atye; foliciting pay for men and officers; and concerning military ar¬ rangements. (Orig.) Jan. 9 , 1586-7- 79. 1 1. Confiderations of the matters incident to the treaty of peace. (A draught in Ld. Burleigh’s hand.) Jan. 10 , 1587- 81. 12 . Fred. Gencbelli, to the L. of Leicefter; repre- feuting the delay of the ftates in fatisfying fome de¬ mands of his as poftmaiter. (Orig. Ital.) Delft, Jan. 10 , 1587. 83. 13 . The States Gen. to Ld. Burleigh? about an offer made by Q. Elizabeth towards a peace v illi Spain. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, Feb. 14 , 1587- 84. 14 . A ftatement of the contributions granted by the States Gen. to the L. of Leicefter, from Jan, 1 i, 1586 , to Jan. 10 , 1 587; of the expenditure thereof, and of the debt incurred. (Fr.) 87 . 1.5. Walter Waller, to the L. of Leicefter ; reports the changes in the government of the United Pro¬ vinces iincc the earl's departure. (Orig.) Delft, Feb. 24, 1587- / 93. 16 . G. dePeruerincq (Prounincq) of Deventer, to the L. of Leicefter; informs him of P. Buys having ofcaped from prilbn; and urges the ncceflity of the ! earl’s return. (Orig. Ital.) Utrecht, Jan. 20 , 1587. 95. 17 . The Council of State's initruciions to Mr. Ortell, fent to England. Delft. Jan. 16, 1588 : 97- 18 . Jo. Ilotman, to the L. of Leicefter; reports the ftate of affairs in the Low Countries, both civil and military. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 16 , 15 . 37 . 99. 19 . Jo. Ilotman, to the L. of Leicelier; reports the ill treatment he meets with; and other intelli¬ gence. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 29 , 1587- 101 . 20 . Rog. Williams, to fir Fr. Walfingham; reports ‘ fufpicions of treachery in the Dutch; Sluys beiieged. (Orig.) Sluys, June 29, 1587- 102 . 21 . ... Conway, to the L. of Leicefter? about the flege of Oitend ; the neceflities of the troops, &c. (Orig.) Flulhing, Jan. 31, 1586-7. 104 . 22 . Confiderations concerning Oftend, and her majefty’s forces there, Jan. 15 87. 105. 23 . Mr. Beale's opinions concerning the E. of Lei- cefter's placart for the United Provinces. 107 . 24 . ... Conway, to the L. of Leicefter? on the ftate of the forces in Flanders, Sec. (Orig.) Middle¬ burg, 1586-7. J1 "- 25 . “ La Garnifon qui pourroit ctre envoy^e dedans Burch, par le bon plailir de Ion Exce. ’ 119 . 26 . An oration of the deputies of the States Gen. to Q. Elizabeth. (Lr.) Greenwich, Jan. 26 , 1586-7. 122 . 27 . The G A L B A, C. XL 3 T 3 27 . The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; diffuad- ing her from the treaty of peace. (Fr.) 1537 .’ 125 . 28. Mr. Bodley, to the States General; concerning the imprifonment of Valfeur, fee’’ to fir Wm. Ruffel, govr. of Flulhing. (Fr.) 1587- 130. 29 . A paper of advice, concerning Valfeur. (Fr.) 131. 30. The clergy of Guelders and Zutpheri, to Q. Elizabeth; exprefling their alarm at the furrender of Deventer, by York and Stanley; and requeftingaid. (Lat.) Arnheiin. 1587- 132. 31 .to the E. of Lcicefter; reports his endeavours to vindicate the earl with the Queen, (the end wanting.) 1586? 133. 32. Anfwers to the calumnies publiflied againft her majefty by the king of Spain and his minifters. 135. 33. Confiderations touching fome articles of in- ftrufctions, for not treating with the States General. Feb. 1587- " 143. 34. An order for retraining the Dutch merchants from tranfporting gold and filver. 1587. 144. 35. Lord Willoughby; his patent as commander in chief of the Engliih Forces in the Low Countries; alfo his commiflion for the faid office. (Lat.) Green¬ wich, Dec. 24, 1587- 149, 152. 3(5. Wm. van Beveren and others, receivers of revenues in Holland, to the E. of Leicefter. (Dutch.) 157. 37 . An eftimate of the expenfes of the war for the year 1587; drawn up in the prefence of the Engliih ambaffador (Merle, or Davilbn?) the Pr. of Orange, Ct. Hohenloe, and others. (Fr.) 159 . 38. Obfervations on a report of Mr. Wilkes, touch¬ ing the affairs of Holland. 167 . 39 . A lift of Dutch ffiips, their captains, and tonnage. 169 . 40. Another copy in Dutch of part of the eftimate, XI. 37. 1587- 171. 41 . R. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; reports his having marched into Delfshaven with fome troops, (Orig.) Delfsll. 1587- 175 . 42 . A petition of certain foldiers in London, to Q. Elizabeth, for fpeedy relief. 177 . b. 43. A memorial of de Grunevelt governor of Sluys, to the E. of Leicefter; requefting relief for his garri- fon. (Fr.) 178 . 44. A petition of French merchants, to the E. of Leicefter; to fuffer fix veffels laden with corn to fail from Flulhing for Calais: fome notes on military affairs on the back. (Fr.) July 8. 180. 45. A plan for the diftribution of £. 126 , 000 , for the payment of the army. 182 . 46. A remonftrance of the burghers of Bonunel, to the E. of Leicefter; againft the exportation of pro- vifions. (Fr.) 184. 47 . An eftimate of the employment of j£. 30,000, for railing and paying troops. 186 . 48. The captains of the old regiment of Zealand, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning the pay of their foldiers. (I tal.) 188. 49. A paper concerning the improper conduct of capt. Lambertes; addrelled to the E. of Leicefter. 190. 50. Notes of fome tranfadtions between Mr. Praytes (the writer) Dr. Doyley, who complains oflirJohn Norris, Mr. Dyges, and others; addrelled to Ld. Leicefter. June 24. 194. 51. A report of fome proceedings between the writer (an agent of Leicefter) and the magiltrates of Delft, the States General, Sec. (Fr,) 199 ; 52. A dil'courfe on the probability of Spain in¬ vading England, and the meafures proper to be taken in confequence. (Fr.) 1587 . 201 . 53. Articles of war for the difeipline of fome German regiments in the fervice of the United Pro¬ vinces. (German.) Imperfedt. 206 . 54. The examination of Richd. Hooper, charged with having Ihot.alfo of Hen. Pitten, his wife, and others, as witneffes. (Orig.) Oftcnd, Aug. 29 , 1587. " 209 . 55. An article of a treaty between England and Hamburg, concerning the woollen trade, 1567 ; the fame privileges being granted to Stade. 1587. (Lat.) 21 h 56. A paper containing reafons againft treating for peace. “jo. 57 . Account betwixt the E. of Leicefter, and lir Tho. Shirley, trealurer of the army. 1587. 215 . 58. J. Hotrnan, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about P. Buys, the army, &c. (Orig.) Hague, Feb. 1 , 1587. * 59 . Articles upon which theStates General craveher majefty’s prefent redrels and refolution. 1587 . 2 18. 60* Ch. Neufville, to the Pr. of Parma; concern* ing lome ffiips that may be fccured after the taking of Dunkirk. (Fr.) 1587. 222 . 61 . James Spenfer (provoft marfhal) to the E. of Leicefter; acquaints him with an attempt on the part ot the itates to refeue Mons. Ryngolte, his prifoner. (Orig.) Utrecht, Feb. 3 , 1587. 223 . 62 . The clergy of Deventer, See. to the E. of Leicefter; credential in favour of two deputies. (Lat.) Campen, Feb. 1 , 1587. 225 . 63. The States General, to the E. of Leicefter; complaining, and expoftulating. (Fr.) Hague, Feb! 4, 15 87- 226. * 64. Cornel. Corne; his depofltion concerning fome fpeeches injurious to the E. of Leicefter, fpoken by Pauli, penfioner of Dort, and Almondo. Feb 4 1586*7. 234. 65. Inftrudtions of the E. of Lcicefter? to fec r Junius, fent into the Low Countries. (Fr.) Green¬ wich, May 2, 1587. 235 . 66. The States General, to queen Elizabeth; re¬ quefting her to lend them £. 60 , 000 , and to increafe the number of her auxiliaries to 10,000 foot, and 2,000 horfe. (Fr.) Feb. 5 , 1587. 238 . 67 . J. Wolley, to the E. of Leicefter; reports a converfation he had with the Q. concemino- the earl. (Orig.) Court, Feb. 9 , 1586-7. * 242 . 68. The points of the letter of the States, XI. 63 . Feb. 4, 1587. 244 . 69 . The States General to Q. Elizabeth; commu¬ nicating fome important intelligence they had ob¬ tained by the capture of a Danilh gentleman, who had been fent by his king to the D. of Parma. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 8. 1587. 246 . 70 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; juftifving fome fpeeches he had held to the Queen, which had offended the earl; two letters. (Orig.) Feb. 7 , 1586-7. ' 252. 7 J. J. Hotmail, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about counts Maurice and Hohenloe, &c. °(Fr.) Hague, Feb. 27 , 1587. 72. John Wotton, to the E. of Leicefter; about finding one Tho. Williams. (Orig.) Utrecht, Feb. 28, 13... 256. 4 L 73. Col. 3 i 4 G A L B A, C. XI. 73. Col. Tho. Morgan, to the E. of Leicefter; hating the c laims he has to advancement; intelli¬ gence about the war; inelofimg feme regulations, and the oath he adininiitered to the officers and fbldiers. (Orig.) Eergen-op-Zoom, Feb. 10, 1387-8? '2-58. 74. Fra. Littleton, to the E. of Leicefter? com¬ plaining of injurious treatment from the States, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Oftcnd, Eeb. 10 , 1387. 2 ffl. 73.Trello, to the E. of Leicefter; credential for Combes; and earneftly defiring the earl’s fpeedy return. (Orig. Ital.) Utrecht, Eeb. is, 1587. 262. 76. J. Hotmail, to Q. Elizabeth; conjuring her to periilt in fupporting thecaufe of the United Provinces, and the true religion. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Feb. 15, 1587. " 263. 77- Sir Ph. Sidney, to the E. of Leicefter; in fa¬ vour of the baron de Greange, who was to have a German regiment. (Orig.) Rotterdam, Feb. 12 , 1586. 265. 78. Le Calvart, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about James Williams, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Delft. Feb. 28, 15S7. 267. 79- J- Ilotman, to the E. of Leicefter; reports his meufures to vindicate the earl concerning the lot’s of Deventer, &c. (Orig.) Hague, Feb. 9 , 1587. 268. so. Julian Clareage, to the E. of Leicefter; com¬ plains of perfecutiou after the earl’s departure. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht, Feb. 12 , 1587. 270 . 81 . Col. Tho. Morgan, to the E. of Leicefter; about \ 01 k and Stanley, the traitors who furrendered Deventer, &c. (Orig.) Bergen-op-Zoom, Feb. 14, 15S7. 272. S 2 . . . . Femin, to the E. of Leicefter; defiring the carl’s return. (Orig.) Hague, Feb. 1 6, 1387. 274 . 83. A memorial of Mr. Ortell; remonftrating againft a peace, and concerning the belt mode of continuing the war. (Fr.) 276 . 84. Adrianus Saravia, to the E. of Leicefter; on the conficrnation occalioned by the furrender of De¬ venter, See. (Orig. Lat.) Leyden, Feb. 5 , 1587 . 278. 85. Jan. Adr. Cant, to the E. of Leicefter; about fending him fome wine; wiihing alfo his return. (Orig. Fr.) Dort, Feb. 16 , 1587. 279 . 86. (i. de Peruerincq (Prounincq) of Deventer, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence. (Orig. Ital.) Feb. 17 , 1587. 280. 8?. J. Holman to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence, and urging his return, &e. (Orig.) Feb. 28, 1587. 281. S 8 . Arnolt de Grunevelt; his receipt for 6,000 flor. imprefted to the garrifon of Slavs, (a duplicate.) Feb. 21 , 15 87. 283. 89 . A brief of the treaties of Breda, Ghent, and Cologn ; laid to be by Mr. D. Lewens. (Lat.) 285. 90 . L. II. to Mons. 1 Audiencier; news, (Fr.) March 31, 1 3S7- 298. 91. An anfver of the ftates of Holland and Weft Frictland, to a letter or remonftrance of the people of Utrecht, of March 7 , 1587. (Fr.) 299 . 92. The States General, to the deputies of Guelders and l treeht, in anfwer to a letter of the latter, of Feb. 24, 1j87: and an extract of the refolutions of the i State.-, General touching a propofal of a peace. Nov. i 24, 1586. 304. 98. An extract or notes concerning the victualling and paying of troops in Flanders. 1587. sop. 94. J. Norris to the E. of Leicefter; about the pay and regulations .ot the troops. (Orig.) Utrecht, March 18 , 1586 - 7 . 310 . 95. The E. of Leicefter’s appointment of Arthur Atyc as his agent with the States General. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 1 3, 1587. 311 . 96 '. The council of Guelders and Zutphen, See. to the E. of Leicefter; their remonftrance againft the irregularities committed by the troops. (Fr.) I5S7. Sis. 97- Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; about the queen’s diflatisfadlion; and intelligence concerning France, Scotland, &c. (Orig.) Court Aprils, 1587- 98. A project of the ordinary charges to be fuftain- ed by the States General. 317 . 99. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; two difpatchcs. (Orig.) Court, April 10 and 6, 1587 . 319. 100 . Dan. de Burchgrave, to the E. of Leicefter- various intelligence, chiefly from and concerning Holland. (Orig. Ital.) London, April 3 , 1587. 325 .° 101 . Sir. Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter» two difpatchcs. (Orig.) Court, April 14 and 17 ’ 158 7. 326 102 . Dan. de Burchgrave, to the F.. of Leicefter; intelligence concerning Holland. .(Orig. Ital.) Lon¬ don, April 12 , 1587- 329 . 103. Sir Fra. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter. (Orig.) Court, April 8 , 1587. 331 . 104 . Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter. (Ori«\) April 16, 1587- 333 . 105 . Edm. Palmer, to.on the ftate of the country of Spain. (Orig.) St. John de Luz, April 20, 1587- " 335 . 106 . Ld. Buekhurft, to the ftates or council of Hol¬ land ; after the furrender of Deventer. (Fr.) Ha 1587, * 298. 123. A memorial of what paffed in the Council of State, States Gen. and Council of War, touching the relief of Sluys. (Fr.) Aug. 1587. 299 . 124 . A declaration of Wm. Henderfon, of the fur- prize of the Spaniards that no relief had been given by the fleet to the garrifo-n of Sluys. Aug. 1587- 305. 4 M 3 i8 GALBA, D. II. Galba, D. II. Codex cl lartaceus, in folio, foliis conftans 347* l. A project for inftrudHons to the queen's com- miflioners (fir James Croft, &c.) who are to be fent into the Low Countries, to treat concerning - a peace (adraught in Ld. Burleigh's hand.) Sept, i? 1.587. 3. I . Sir Roger Williams, to the E. of Leieefter; con¬ cerning fome reward for himfelf, and the earl's in tend t at court. (Orig.) London, Sept l, 1587. 4. 3. O. de Prounincq of Deventer, to the E. of Leiceftcr; about the motion of fome troops, the ap¬ pointment of magifiratrs at Utrecht, -,) •Brill, Sept. 10 , 158 7 . 27 . 15. The D. of Parma; his fafeguard for Englilh ambalfadors coming to treat for a peace. (Orig? Fr. fealed and figned.) Brufiels, Sept 21 . 1 . 587 . ° 29 . 1 6. '1 he debtor of Cologn (Geb. Truehfefs?) to the E. of Leieefter; credential, two letters. (Orig. Fr.) Zuylcn, Sept. 22 , and Honflardyk, Sept. 27 , lay?, 30 . 17 . The E. of Leieefter, to Ld. Burleigh; a long letter of intelligence, juftifying himfelf, &c. (OriO Utrecht, Sept. 30, 1587. 34 ’ is. Certain matters to be regarded for the ad¬ vancement ot her majefty’s lervice in the Low Countries; figned Tho. Digges. Sept. 1580 ? 37 . 19 . A petition ot the governor and captains of Bcrgen-op-Zoom, to the Privy Council; in anl'wer to certain articles delivered byoneWyat. (Orig.) Sent. 24, 1589. ° 40 . 20 . An ordinance of the ftates of Zealand: con¬ cerning the pay and difeipline of the garrilon of Flufiling. (Fr.) 1580. 43. 21 . A remon ft ranee of the magiftrates of Flu filing, to the queen and council; concerning the difeipline ot their garrilon. (Fr.) l’lufiiing, Sept. 29 , 15 S 9 . 44 . 22 . Contributions yielded by tliofe of the Low Countries, towards the charges of the war. .jo - . 23. A 11 fivers to certain articles fent from Brill, con¬ cerning the new orders for the garrilon. Or;. !589. 4 g_ 2 t. Anfwers to the articles fent from Oftend, con¬ cerning tlie new orders. Obt. 17 , 15S9. 49 25. The reafons of the captains of Oftend for dif- approving of the orders lately lent them : with a note .of the d; (pence of the private lbldicrs entertainment (Orig.) 1580. 5 , ' 2 d. Reafons afiigned hv the garrilon of Prill again ft the orders fent them by the Council. (Oriu.) ? 5 .s 9 . 54. 27 . The captains of Oftend, their remonftranees and apology to the Council. (Orig.) Oltend, Oth 20 , I5SC)- 55. b. 28. The E. of Leiceftcr, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the proceedings of the ftates, &c. (Orig.) Utrecht Oct. 30, 1587- " 5? / 29 . Martin Frobifiier, to the E. of Leieefter; ap¬ prizing him of divers matters concerning the fifips on the l lemifii coaft. (Orig.) Sept. 17 , 1587 . 59 . 30. Sir Wm. Rufiell, to the E. of Leieefter; intel¬ ligence about Campvcre and Zirickzee. (Orig - .) Flulliing, Sept. 1 - 8 , 1587. uo. 31. R. Byngham, to the E. of Leiceftcr; intelli¬ gence concerning the motions of the Spaniards in Flanders, &c. (Orig.) Bergen-op-Zoom, Sept. 17 , !587. 61. 32. I’lor. de Grunevelt, to the E. of Leiceftcr; de¬ manding pay for his lbldicrs. (Orig. Fr.) Dotecum, Sept. Hi, 1587. (j'l. 33 . The lb of Leieefter; his letter and rcmon- ftranec to the States General, on his return to the Low Countries. The lame at I. 62 . (Fr.) Dort, Sept. 9 and d, 1587- 03 . 34 . Tho. Leighton, to the E. of Leiceftcr; intel¬ ligence about Spanilli armaments, fuppofed to lie intended for Scotland. (Orig.) Gucmley, Sept. is 1587. ^ G9-’ 35. Am hr. Wide, to the E. of Leieefter; forward¬ ing a letter. (Orig. Fr.) Aix-la-Chap. Sept. iy, 1587- 70 . ’ 36. Fr. Ye re, to the E. of Leieefter; forwarding a letter, and lbme intelligence concerning himfelf. (Orig.) Arnheim, Sept. 19 , 1587 ° 71 . 37. Queen Elizabeth, to the States General; a de¬ claration of what lhe had ordered the E. of Lcieefici to lay before them, which lie had omitted to do. Sept. 20 , 1587. 72 . 33. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leieefter; in¬ telligence from court, about Spanilli preparations, See. (Orig.) London, Sept. 21 , 1587. 78 . 39 . Count Maurice de Nalfau.to the E. of Leieefici; intelligence from Antwerp; a great galleon fitting out. there, See. (Orig. Fr.) Lillo, Sept. 22 , 1587 . ° 80 . 40. G nil. Moftart, to the E. of Leiceftcr; forward¬ ing two letters; and about the reports of peace, See. (Orig. Fr.) Atkmacr, Sept. 22, 1 587. 82 . 41. A. Molemers, to the E. of Leiceftcr: intelli¬ gence G ALBA, D. II. 319 genre about public affairs at the Hague, the motions of Ct. Maurice, Hohenloe, &c. (Orig Fr.) Hague, Sept. < 22 , 1587. 84. 42 . Lord Willoughby, to the F, ofLeicefter; de*-- firing bis permifiion to accept of a challenge of the marquis (del Guafto?) to fight to the number of be¬ tween 200 and 300 lauuces. (Orig.) Bergen-op- Zoom, Sept. 23, 1587. 85. 43. Pet. Plancius, to Jac. Bafilio; intelligence concerning an emillary from Antwerp; the Pr. of Parma bent upon the liege of Berghen, &c. (Orig. Hutch.) Amfterd. Sept. 26 , 1587. 86 . 44. Sir John Conway, to the E. of Leicefter; lament¬ ing the ill conduct of the States, which inclines the E. to relign the government, &c. (Orig.) Sept. 26 , 1587- 87- 45. An Englilh tranflation of Plancius’s letter I. 43. Sept. 26 , 1587. 8 f). 46. Tho. Burgh, to the E. ofLeicefter; concerning fome regulations, and the pay of the troops. (Orig.) Prill, Sept. 29 , 1587- 90 . 47 . The confeiTion of Juan Cortex, aSpanifh cmif- farv. (Spanilh and Englilh.) Sept, is, 1587. 91 . ■48. ('. Pcrfevall, to the E. ofLeicefter; reporting 1587. 150. 79- The principal points contained in a book lately exhibited to Ld. Burleigh? by James Digges, con¬ cerning the expences of the army : alfo two papers 011 the reimburfements due to England by the States. 06t. 1588. 153. 80 . Q. Elizabeth’s commiffion to Ld. Willoughby, to take the command of her forces in the Low Countries. (Lat.) Weftm. 061. 22, 1 585. 159 . (N. B. The above date is erroneous; in Rym. xvr. 15, it is Nov. 10 , 1587.) 81 . An abftra6t of the E. of Leicefter’s declaration of fuch points as the Ld. Buckhurft is charged with; together with the feveral anfwers of the laid Ld. B. thereunto. 1587. 163. b. 82 . Minutes G A L B A, D. II, 320 82 . Minutes of letters ancl memorials of Mr. Killi- grew ; and of the inftmetions given by the States Gen. to their deputies lent into England. Sept. 1587- Feb. 1587-S 165. 83. Q. Elizabeth, to the captains of the garrifon of Campvere; profelfing kindnefs towards them and then-town. (Fr.) Greenwich, Feb. 14 , 1387-8. 167 . 84. A brief.account of money to be demanded by fir Tho. Shirley's executors. 168 . 8.5. Sir John Conway, to the E. of Leiceftcr ; in¬ telligence about the war. (Grig.) Oftend, Nov. 1/2, 1.587, " 170. 8 G. Guil. Louis de Nall an, to Q. Elizabeth; re¬ probating fome injurious reports concerning himfelf. (Orig. Fr.) Leuwarden, Nov. 4 , 1.587. 172 . 87 . The Council of State of the United Provinces, to the E. of Leiceftcr ; lamenting the queen's remilf- nels in affifting them; and on the ftate of affairs in their country. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, April 8, 1587. 173 . 88. Tho. Wilkes, to the E. of Derby ; touching the treaty of peace with the 1). of Parma. Nov. 27 , 1587 . 175. 89. The E. of Leiceftcr, to Ld. Burleigh ; a queru- lo is letter, with fome account of his proceedings. (Orig.) Nov. 6, 1587. 170 ’. 90. Sir Fra. Walfingham, to the E. of Leiceftcr; •about his (the earl’s) return; the negociations for peace, &c. (Orig.) London, Nov. 12 , 1587. 178 . 91. The order of the eftablilhment and alteration of religion in the Low Countries, from the pacifica¬ tion of Ghent, until Nov. 20 , 1587. 179 . 92 . Tho. Burgh, to Ld. Burleigh; about the ftores, &c. requifite for the garrifon of Brill. (Orig.) Brill. Nov. 24 , 1587. 182 . 93. Articles of intelligence from Antwerp, Nov. 10, 1587- ~ 184. 94. The order of the States Gen. empowering the Council of State toad during the abfenee of the of Leicefter: alfo the earl’s confirmation and reftiic- tion of the fame. (Fr.) NoV. 24 , 1.587. 18 G. 95 . A paper of confiderations on the war, and the negociations for peace with Spain. Nov. 37 ? i . 5 S 7 . 193. 9 ff The F. of Lcicefier, to Mr. Atye his fecretary ; wondering that tlie ftates hare not feat a deputy to him. (Orig.) Nov. 20, 1587. 19 G. 97- A lift of guards, officers, &c. of a houfehold (qu. whether the E. of Lcicefter's ?) Nov. 1587 . 198 . 9S. Another copy of Q. Elizabeth's commiffion to Ld. Willoughby, 11 . 80. Nov. 10 , 1.587. Q 04 . 99. Ld. Willoughby, to Ld. Burleigh ? wrfhing to decline the appointment to the Low Countries, kc. (Orig.) Flu thing, Nov. is, 1587 . 210 . 100 . SirWm. Reed, to the E. of Leiceftcr; con¬ cerning the ammunitions and ftores at Bergen--op- Znoni ; with an abitrad. (Orig.) Bergcn-op-Zoom, Dec. G, 1587. 2 in. 101 . Anne dc Croy, Dfs. of Aremberg, to one the calls her “ Dcmi-Coeur:” an affedionate'letter. (Orio-. Er.) Barbenlbn, Dec. 2 , 158?. 214 ? 102 . An abftracl of the payments made to the E. of Leictiter for his entertainment. i. 3 SG and 7 . 21 G. 10.-5. An ad of the States of Holland and Zealand, m anfwer to the E. of Lciceftcr’s requeft for enter¬ tainment- (Orig. Fr.) Delft. Dec. s, 1587. 2 is. hh. The E. of Leiceftcr, to Mr. Atye; orders about his proceedings with the ftates ; and enduring their unfair dealings, &c. (Orig.) Dec. 3 , 1587 . 219. 105. Count Ilohcnloc's anfwer to a point of the E. of Lcicefter's remonltrance concerning him. (Fr.) Delft. Dec. 3, 1587. " 221 . 10 G. The E. of Leiceftcr, to Mr. Atve; directions concerning his dealing with the States, P.B. &c. (Orig.) Dec. 4, 1587. 237 . 107 . An anfwer of the deputies of Friefland, to the propofal of peace made to them. (Eat.) Leuwar¬ den Dec. G, 1587. 039 . 108 . An anfwer of the States Gen. to Mr. Herbert; on lm propolal of peace. (Orig. Fr.) Delft. Dec. 2 G, 1587. 241. loo. The E. of Leiceftcr; his expoftulation with the States Gen. before his final departure from the Low Countries. (Fr.) Fluffing, Dee. G, 1587 243 . 1 ) 0 . The magiftrates of Oftend, to the E. of Lei- cefter ; concerning the refradorinefs of Capt. Iloddie, relating to the diltribution of wine in the garrifon of Oftend. (Fr.) Dec. 7 , 1587. " 247 . 111 . 'Flic Slates Gen. to fir Tho. Norris, Englifli ambalfador; on a variety of fubjeCts concerning ne- gociation. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. 2 , 1588. 249 . 112 . A return of Mr. Robt. Ardern, of moneys re¬ ceived and iffued by him to the troops in Flanders. 1S87. ‘ 253. b. 1 1 s. Sir Robt. Sydney, to the E. of Leiceftcr; con¬ cerning l’ome prifoner furrendered by the Prineefs of Orange ; intelligence about Ct. Maurice, See. (Orig.) Fluilnng, Dec. 10 , 1587. 2G3. 114 . The demand of the E. of Leiceftcr for bis en¬ tertainment ; exhibited to the ftates. Dec. 2 and 8, 1587. (Fr.) 265. 115. Sir Wm. Reed, to the E. of Leiceftcr; on the ftate ot Bergen, and tire fconces belonging thereto ; and intelligence. (Orig.) Bergen-op-Zoom, Dec. IT, 1587- " 267 . 1 iG. Arth. Atve's fpeech to the States Gen. touch¬ ing the E. of Lcicefter's entertainment; figned A. Atye, and Gilpin. Delft. December 19 , 1587 2 G 9 . 1 17 . Sir Wm. Rullell, to the E. of I -ei'eefter; count Maurice intends to change the garril’ons; the L. is defiled to prevent it at Terveeren, See. (Orig.) Fluihing, Dec. 20 , 1537 . 273 . 118 . Sir lit. Sydney, to tin* E. of Leiceftcr ; reports a converfation he had with Ct. llohenloe, concerning a book the latter had publilhcd, in which were fome things that, might affect the earl. (Orig.) Fluihing, Dec. 20 , 1587. 274 . 119 . David Cabreth, to fir Fr. Waifingham ; two letters of intelligence from Flanders, theD. of Parma's preparations to invade England, See. (Orig.) Ca¬ lais, Dec. 22 and S3, 1587- 275 . 120 . The 1). of Parma's paffport for the Engliff commiffioncFs. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, Dec. 22 , 1537 . 277. b. 121 .Lefceur, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence, chiefly about, the interview between fir Robt. Sydney, and Ct. llohenloe. (Orig.) Fluffing, Dec. 22, 1587. 278. 122 . An account of the entertainment of the E. of Leicefter, offered on the part of the ftates, but not accepted, (iconf.lt. 11 G.) Dec. 15 - 2 G, 1537 . 230. 123. Sir Wm. Ruflel, to the L. of Leicefter ; intel¬ ligence; an Engliff leminary prielt taken, See. (Orig.) Flttfiling, Dee. 27 , 1587. 284. 124 . An act of the States Gen. for the entertain¬ ment of the L. of Leicefter; refilled by Mr. Atye. (Orig. Fr.) Delft. Dec. 15 - 2 G, 1587. 285. 125. An order of the States Gen. to fir Tho. Shir- lev, to ilfue £. 1200 fieri, to the L. of Leicefter, in full for G A L B A, D. II. III. 3 ?/ for his entertainment. Delft. Dee. GO, 1.587. and the earl’s receipt for the fame, calling- it “ in part of his faid entertainment.'’ March O', 1587-8. 287- 120 . SirRobt. Sydney, to the E. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence, concerning the preparations of the Spaniards, St. Aldcgonde, C't. Ilohenloe, &c. (Orig.) 1’lufh- ing, Dec. 31, 1387. 280 . 127 . Inftruftions for the commiffionCrs fent to Of- tend : (a rough draught in Ld. Burleigh’s hand.) Jan. 1587-8. 290. 130. Objcftions concerning the fums laid out by the E. of Leicefter. 1587- 305. b. 181 . A requifition of the baron dc Ilohenfaxen, to the E. of Leicefter, for the payment of the garrifons in Guelders, See. and reimburfements to himlelf. (It.) 1587- 30G. 132. Q. Elizabeth, to the D. of Parma; profeffing great regard ami confidence ; and demanding the fame of him. (Ital. a rough draught, no doubt in the queen’s own hand.) 1587 ? 308. 1 33. Articles touching fir Ed. Norris’s government of Oftend. (It.) 1587. 309- 134. A note of certain points wherewith the ftates are charged by fir Ed. Norris. 1587.' 318. 135. A companion of the articles delivered by An¬ drew de Loo (to the D. Parma) and the mftmetions given him by the queen's council. March 5, 1587-8. 315. 180. Alefiamlro Citolini, to.defiring a church preferment. (Orig. Ital.) London, Jan. 20, 1574 . 317. 1 . 37 . An ah ft raft of the fums paid to the E. of Lei¬ cefter on account of his entertainment. 15SG and 7 . 318. 138. A petition of deputies of the States of Iwief- Iand, to Q. Elizabeth ; defiring her acceptance of the fovereignty over their province. (Orig. Lat.) 1587. 319. ISP. The deputies of the clergy of five of the United Provinces, to Q. Elizabeth; thanking her for her paft protection ; and cautioning her againrt the con- clulion of a peace with the enemies of God. (Orig. IT.) 1587- 321. 140. An abftraft of the fums paid to the E. of Lei¬ cefter for his entertainment. 15S0 ami 7 . 325 . 141 . A note of the number of fiiips the ftates ought to equip for the queen, according to treaty. (IT.) 1587- 327 . 142. Articles propofed on the part of his Catholic majefty to the ltatcs of Holland. (Ital.) 1587. 329 . 148. SirRobt. Sydney's obfervations on fome ar¬ ticles relative to the garnfon of Flufiiing, on his lirft coming thither.— (conf. II. 145 .) 15S7. 3 . 31 . 144 . Doubts and difficulties concerning the ac¬ counts of the Engiilh troops in the Low Countries ; propofed by the commifiarv of mufters, (Ja. Dices') (IT.) 1587. ‘ ^33 2. 145. Articles propofed by the States Gen. to fir Robt. Sydney, on his taking the govt, of Flufirino- and Rammekins—(conf. II. 14 . 8 .) (IT.) 1 . 587 . 8 . 15 ° 140. The appointment of count Maurice of Naffiiu as governor of Holland and Zealand. (Dutch.) Hague, Nov. 14, 1585. 388. 147- A hill of exchange in favour of Mr. Fitz- williani. (Ital.) Sept. 14 , 1500. 339 . 148. A rough account of the receipts and pay¬ ments ot a trealurer of the army. 1580 and 7 . 34 1 . Galba, D. IIL Codex Chartac : in folio, foliis conftans 309. 1 . Sir Win. Ruftell, to the E. of Leicefter; reports the dangers he apprehends for his town. (Orig.) Flufiiing, Jan. 2 , 1587-8. 3 . 2. A memoir for Mr. Ortcll, deputed by the Slates Gen. to Q. Elizabeth, the E. of Leicefter, and the Council, concerning the Englifli troops, &e. (IT.) Delft. Jail. 16 , 1.588. 5 . 5. The States Gen. to the E. of Leicefter ; requeft- ing him to countenance the deputies they fend con¬ cerning the propolal of peace. (Orig. Fr.) Delft. Jan. 14 , 1.588. 7 . 4. The States Gen. to fir Fra, Walfinghani ; recom¬ mending Mr. Ortcll to his favour. (Orig. Er.) Delft. Jan. 10 , 1588. s. 5. The Council of State of Holland, to Mr. Ortcll; with a memorial. (Fr.) Hague, Jan. 19 , 1588 . 9 . 6. Sir Fra. Walfingliam, to the F. of Leicefter; intelligence about lhips, Scotland, the D. of Parma, Sec. (Orig.) London, Jan. 21 , 1587-8. 10 . 7- C. Perciflal ferjeant major of Harlingen, to Mr. Lovell at the Hague; dcliring intelligence, and rc- prefenting the difaffeftion of the people againit the Engiilh. Harlingen, Jan. 30, 1587. 12 . 8. Mr. Bod ley's reply to the anfwer of the States to his propofitions. (IT.) Hague, Jan. 25 , 1588 - 9 . 9 . Anfwer of the States Gen. to fome articles of Mr. Bodlcy. (Er.) l’cb. 25, 1589. 15 . 10 . The fum of the articles propofed by the Flulh- ingers in the time of the E. of Leicefter. (IT.) Sept. lGand 23, 1587. 17 . 11 . Inftruftions of the E. of Leicefter to ftr Noel de Caron; fent by the E. to the K. of Denmark. (Fr.) 1587 ? ] 9 . 12 . Inftruftions of the E. of Leicefter to ftr Noel dc Caron ; fent to the States Gen. (conf. ill. 29 .) (IT.) Greenwich, Feb. 4 , 1587. 22 . 13 . Noel dc Caron, to the E. of Leicefter; a report of his proceedings with, and of the dilpofition of the ftates. (Orig. IT.) Delft. Feb. 28, 1587 . 20 . 14 . Jo. de Barnes, to the E. of Leicefter; defiring him to intercede for his pardon. (Orig.) Oftenf Feb. 1 , 1588. ^ o S / 15. Paul and Marcel Vax, to the E. of Leicefter ; foliciting favour, and fending a brace of hawks. (Orig. Er.) Bergen-op-Zoom, Feb. 5 , 1588 , 30 . 10 . Sir W 111 . Ruftell, to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning the danger of an attack, the difaflfeftion of the people, Sec. (Orig.) Flufiiing, Feb. 6, 1587-8 ? 32 . 17 . Gilpin, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about the Irate of affairs in the Low Countries. (Orim) Delft. Feb. 16 , 1588. 34 . 18 . Sir Wm. Ruftell, to Sir John Conway; appriz¬ ing him ot an intended attack upon his town. (Oftend.) (Orig.) Flufiiing, Feb. 7 , 1587-8. 30. 10 . G. de Prounincq of Deventer, to the F. of Leicefter ; defiling the Continuance of his protection. (Orig. Ital.) Utrecht, Feb. 7 , 1588-9 ? 38 . 20 . Sir-Win. Ruftell, to Mr. Killigrcw; about the fecurity of Campvcre,' &c. (Orig.) l imbing, Feb. 8. 1587-8. 40 . 21 . Sir Win. Ruftell, to the E. of Leicefter; Tcrvere (Campvcre) holdcth for her majefty, and refufes a garrifon from count Maurice. (Orig.) Flufiiing, Feh. 8 , 1588. ° 42 . 4 N 22 . The 3 22 G A L B A, D. HE. 22. The captains of Campvere, to the F. of Leieef- ter; report their having refufetl admilhon to fume horfe fent by Ct. Maurice. (Orig. IT.) Campvere. Feb. 19 , i .2 88. 44. 2 3. Sir John Conway, to the K. of Leict fter; in tel ligence. (Orig.) Oftend, Feb. i i, 1587-8. 4'0. 24. Sir Win. Ruft'ell, to the E. of Leicefrer; about Tervere perfifting in its loyalty. (Orig.) Flufliinu-. Feb. 12, la 8 7-8. ' " " 48. 24. Charles Jin his, to the E. of Leiccfter; aiTur- ing liim of the loyalty of Utrecht, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht, Feb. 13 , 1087 - 8 . 5 o. 20 .(1 AHcliers, to l lie 1’. of Leicefrer; about the garrifons of Fluthing, Tervere, See. and defiling to be employed in the artillery. (Orig. Fr.) Fliilh- ing, Feb. 17 , 1588. 52 . 27 . Sir \\ m. Ruftell, to the E. of Leicefrer; the people of Armcnuc? have thruft out the horfe fent them by Ct. Maurice; the wholeilland of Weleheren : ma y. (Orig. limbing. Feb. 29 , 15S7-S.- 54. 28 . Sir Robt. Sidney, to fiv John C onway; ap¬ prizes him of preparations againft lus town (Oitend.) (Orig.) Fluthing, Feb. 6, 1588. 5 ( 3 . 29 . The IT of Leiccfter to Mens. Barnevdt; fent at the tame time with Caron; and defiring meafures may he t .ken for his return. (Fr.) Greenwich, Feb. 1.587- 58. 30. Andrea Doria. to Philip II; reports the exer¬ tions in Italy for railing ihi-es, &c. (Orig. Spanith. part cypher.) March 11 , 1.588. . 59 . 31. A paper entitled, Mifeellanea : being a com¬ pilation of paifages and arguments deferiptive of the Low Countries. (Lat. and IT.) (jo. 32. The eommiOioncrs in Flanders, to the lords of council, (a rough draught.) March 14, 15S8. 74 . .1 '. A brief difeourfe how all things have gone in Friefland fince the year 1588. March 18, 1589. 77. 34. II. hilligrew, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; a report of his proceedings in the Low Countries, and the ftate of affairs there. (Orig.) Hague, April 2 , 15-88. 93. 35. Minutes of Irate papers relating to the Low Countries. 1587 and 8. 94 . 3!i.de Olivares, to the It. of Spain (Philip 11 .) a difpatch in cypher (deeyphered) in which the Ar¬ mada is mentioned. (Spanith-.) Rome, March 2 , 1588. 104 . 87 . Articles agreed upon by Henry Coxc, victualler of Fluthing and Oftend. April, 1588. 107 . 38. A memorial concerning fome articles relating to the eftabliihment and functions of the Council of State of the United Provinces. (IT.) April 12 , 15 88. *39- Certain notes taken out of the journal of Lc mickhurit, touching fome of his proeecdin his ’ ~ ’. n ib all} ■ in Holland. gs during April, 1588. 113 . 40 . A placart of the States General, on the rcfig- nation of the F. of Leicelter. (Fr.) Hague, April 12 , 1588. 117 .' 41. Fd. Burleigh, to Tho. Bodlev; concerning the fiege of Gertruydenburg. (Orig.) Weftm. April 13, 1588. ” 120 . 42 . A petition to Q. Elizabeth, and divers papers, reprcfeuling the claims of capt. Geo. Wibrants Barn- ftra to fome reward.—-N. B. He had lerved as a private cmiliary, and had been inftrnmental in leeur- ingLd. Latimer, and other eonfpirators. (IT.) 1588. 122. 43 . Li dich Fngclftadt, to the F. of Leicefrer; hat¬ ing the dangers lie had incurred in Frielland ; fem-t intelligence concerning the dciigns ot the enemies; :j ud tv.o memoirs on the aifairs of the Low Cm.!:, trie.. (Fr.) April and May, 1588. 129 . 44 . Inftrucfions tor the conftitution and powers of the couik of the United Pro\ in April 12 , 1588. 137 . 4-5. Tlie F. of Leicefrer, to the States General; perluading them to fend deputies to Ofrein! to join in the negotiations for peace, &e. (IT.) April: M2. 40. Sir Fr. Walfingham, toTho. Bodlcy; informing- him that I.d. Lurleigh would fend him the anfwer of ilio Council to Mr. OrtelFs propolitions. (Orig.) London, April 2 , 15S8. 145 . 47- A paper containing propofals of Q. Elizabeth concerning the coniiitution of the council of ftate in the United Provinces. (Q y Whether this be the paper mentioned in the preceding article?) April, 1588. 143. 48. Obfervations on certain inftruftions relating to governors, and the council of ftate in the Low Countries. 15 88. 140. 4.0. A difeourfe concerning the government of the E. of Leicelter. (IT.) 1588. 151 . 50. II. hilligrew, to the F. of Leiceftcr; complain¬ ing ot his ill ftate ot Health, and fome intelligence. (Orig.) Flufhing, May 9, 1588. "iG 0 . 5 1. A brief of Hr Martin Schenck’s remonftrances to the queen (in Ld. Burleigh's hand.) May 15 ? 1588. i(53. 52. Inftrucfions given by the States General to the Council of Slate, fent over by Ld. Willougiibv, and to be referred to fome civilian. May 14 , 1588.” 1 r;. 5 . 53 . An abftraet of certain proceedings concerning the gavrifon of Gertruydenburg. 1588. 163 . 54 . The deputies of the States General, to Q. Elizabeth; remo ultra ling about the feizure of fome lhips; and requefting that her auxiliaries miuht be i n readinefs. ( Fr.) ^ 1 G 9 . 5 . 5 . Certain points neceflary to be confidcrcd in calc her majeft v ihould make a new treaty with the Slates General; a paper tigned Bart. Clerk and Robt. Beale: alfo a letter from Clerk, tolir Fr. Wallingham? May 26 , 1588. 170 . 5(3. Another copy of the chief part of Fngclftadt s memorials. I 1 J. 43.' April and May, 1588. 175 . 57. Sir J. Conway, to the F. of Leiccfter; on the affairs of Oftend. (Orig.) Oftend, June 1 ,. 1588. 181. 55. J. \ ander Aa, to the F. of Leiccfter; concern¬ ing Mr. Fdw. Dyer's falutary proceedings at Utrecht. (Orig. Fr.) Utrecht, June 2 , i588. 132 . 59. Sir J. Conway, to the F. of Leiceftcr ; ftaling his meafures for it lengthening Oltcnd. (Orig.) Oftend, Jan. 3 , 1588. 135 . Go. A note ot fome tranfaclions between count Maurice and Ld. Willoughby, relating to Gertrr.v- denburg. (in Ld. Burleigh's hand.) June, 1 . 53 s. 185. Gi. Sir Ed. Norris, to the F. of Leicefter; intel¬ ligence concerning Oftend, the States General, Ac (Orig.) Oftend, June 10 , 1588. 137 . (52. A memorial of divers matters to he confidcieu in the treaty of peace betwixt Q. Elizabeth and the h. of Spain, (by Ld. Burleigh.) June 11 , 1588 . 2 39 . G3. Propofitions of the States General concernin'*- the G A L B A, D. III. the prefen t ft ate of the Low Countries; delivered to fir John Norris. Hague, Dec. 2 , 1588. i.Ql. b. 64 . Tho. Webbr, to the E. of Leiceftcr; intelli¬ gence concerning ionic private matters between him- felf, Ld. Willoughby, and fir Tho. Morgan ; alio on public tranfaflions at Utrecht, count Maurice, &c. (Orig.) Dort, June 1 7, 1588. 199 . 65. Sir Tho. Morgan, to fir Th. Shirley? reports his proceedings, and complains of lord Willoughby; for Ld. Leicester's information. June 20 , 1588. 201 . 66. J. de Granvelle, general, to the E. of Leiceftcr? concerning the exchange or rafifom offome prifoners of rank; Mons. deTliouraife, See. (Orig. Fr.) Bour- bourg, June 29, 15'88. 203 . 67 . Sir Tho. Morgan, to fir Fr. Walfingham? about his proceedings; the complaints of Col. Skincke, &c. (Orig.) Hague, June 25, 15S8. 204. 6S. Extracts from a letter from Grimaldi, to Fer¬ nando Lopez ; Bruflels, June 30: and from one to St. Am and, chancellor of Brabant; Bruflels, July 3, 1588: both concerning the negociations for peace, and both intercepted. 205. 69 . Confutations offered by Ld. Willoughby, on the inftruftions of the States General to the Council of State. (Fr.) June? 1588. 207 . 70 . Ext raffs from letters written at Bruflels, June c and 30, 1588, on the peace. 21 1 . 71 . Chr. Blount, to the E. of Leiceftcr; in vindi¬ cation of himfclf; alfo about Ld. Willoughby's pro¬ ceedings, See. (Orig.) June, 1588. 213. 72 . Mr. Beale's obfervations upon the inftrufiions of the States General to the Council of State, June, 1588. 215. 73 . Dan. di Burchgrave, to the E. of Leiceftcr; various news from Holland; the States are to fend over to treat with the E. about his arrears. (Orig. ltal.) Alderlbrouc, July is, 1588. 219 . 74 . Sir Tho. llcneagc, to Ld. Leicefter? about, the D. of Parma's menace to invade England, &c. (Orig.) Court, July 17 , 1588. 221 . 75. Articles demanded by the garrifon of Gertruy- denhurg; with the anfwers of the count of Naflau, and Lord Willoughby. (French and Englifli.) July 27 , 15 88. 222 . 76 . Obfervations on the part of the Queen, on the inftruefions of the States General to the Council of State. (Fr. the end wanting.) 1588. 228 . 77- A paper ftating divers fcrviccs rendered to the E. of Leiceftcr. July, 1588. 230. 78. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter ? court intelligence. (Orig.) Court, Aug. 6, 1588. 232. 79- Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; an order about the troops. (Orig.) Court, Aug. 6, 15S8. £33. so. Adrian de Saravia, to fir Amias Powlet govr. ofJerl'ey; requefting his protection again ft the per- fecutions of the magiltrates of Leyden. (Orig. Fr.) Tattenhill in Staftordlh. Sept. 20 , 1588. ' 235 . 81. Inftruftions for fir John Norris, of fucli mat¬ ters as he hath to deal in with the ftates of the Low Countries. Oft. 6, 1588. 237 . 82. Adr. Saravia’s juftification of himfclf againft the magiltrates of Leyden. (Fr.) Oft. 6, 1588. 240. 83. A memorial of things to he communicated by fir John Norris to the States General, given by the Lords of Council. Oft. 7 , 15S8. . 243. 84. Caufes which hinder the fettling of the ac¬ counts in the Low Countries, from Oft. 12 , 1537 , to Oct. 11 , I58S. 244 . 85. Mr. Ortell, to the ftates and council of Zea¬ land; concerning the lending over of Capt. Adrian Mcninck; with obfervations thereon. (Fr.) London, Oft. 16 , 1 5S8. 245. 86 . Another copy of fir John Norris's inftruefions. III. 81. (imperfect.) Oft. 6, 1588. 246 . 87- The heads of inftruftions to fir John Norris. 1588. 256. b. SS. A brief difeourfe on the importance of the citv and country of Groningen, and on the heft means of obtaining poffeffion of them. (Fr.) Oct. 80 , 1588. 257- 89. The count de Newnenham (Newenar) to Q Elizabeth; about, fome traniaftions at Utrecht, re¬ lating to Prounincq of Deventer and others, which the queen had complained of. (Fr.) Utrecht, Nov. 5,1588. Q62. 90 . Jlor. Palavieini, to Tho. Bodley; in behalf of M. de Teligni, and concerning other prifoners. (Orig. Ital.) Nov. 8 , 1588. 264 . 91 . Remembrances for the prefent aftiftant in council, to deal with the ftates in matters of mutters : authenticated by fir Fr. Waiting-ham. Nov. 15 , 1588 . 266. 92. Points whereupon the States General are to be written to by the Council of State? relating to the forces. Nov. 15 , 1588. og 7> 93. Q. Elizabeth, to the ftates of the United Pro¬ vinces; notifying her having recalled Mr. Killigrcw, and lent Mr. Bodley in his room. (Fr.) Nov. 16 , 1 588. " 071 .’ 94. Q. Elizabeth ; her warrant to fir Tho. Shirley for the payment of Mr. Bodley's diet. Greenwich, Nov. 16 , 1568. o 7 2 . 95. Q. Elizabeth ; her letter of rccal of Killigrcw- from the Low Countries. Nov. 16 , 1588. 273 . 96. Another copy of the warrant. III. 94 . Nov. 16 , 1588. 074 . 97. Q. Elizabeth; a fimilar letter to ill. 93 . per¬ haps to the council of ftate. Nov. 16 , 1588. 275 . 98. Q. Elizabeth; her firft inftruftions to Mr. Bodley. (Orig.) Nov. 20 , 1588. 276 . 99. Catalogue of memorials, letters, and writings delivered to Mr. Bodley before his departure for the Low Countries. 1588. 279 . 100 . Memorial for Tho. Bodley, concerning cer¬ tain requefts propofed by Ortell; 'iigned by Burleigh and Walfingham. Nov. 23, 1588. ' 280 . 101. Q. Elizabeth’s pafl’port for Tho. Bodlov. (Orig.) Someii’et Houfe, Nov. 20 , 1588. 2 S 3 * 102 . A cypher for Kir. Bodley. Nov. 28, 1588. 284. 103. An addition to Kir. Bodley' 's pafl’port, III. 101 ; figned WaHingh. Nov.es, 15S8. 285. 104. Another copy of the memorial, III. 100 . Nov. 23, 1588. 286. 105. Mons. Ortell's complaints againft the Englifli. March 13, 1588. 291 . 106 . Certain points contained in a letter of the States to the Council of April 13, 1588; delivered bv Kir. Ortell, with the Council's anfwer by way of apoftille. 294 . b. 107 . A difeourfe touching the trade of the United Provinces into Spain. (Fr.) 1588. 295 . b. 108 . The means how to levy 1,000 horfe. 1588. 297 . b. 109- Minutes 32 + G A L B A, D. III. IV. 100. Minutes of ft ate papers, including extracts of proportions made to Spain. 1.588. 297- b. 110 . Proportions oftlie States General concerning the prefent ft ate of their countries, delivered to fir John Norris. Hague, Dec. 2, 1588. 302. 111 . The above proportions, in French. Dec. 2 , 1588. 3iG. 112 . Sir Fra. Walfingham, to Ml\ Bodley; in behalf of Adr. Saravia. (Orig.) Green w. Dec. 6, 1588. 319- 113. Extract of a refolution of the magiftrates of Utrecht, for the relcafe of Col. Clacrhagen. (Fr.) Utrecht, Dec. G, 1588. 320. ill. Advice from fr Ed. Stafford, of the a fla fit na¬ tion of the 1). de Guife. and the imprifonmeut of the Card, de Guife, and others. Dec. 15,1588. 321. i 15. Q. Elizabeth, to count de Newnenham (Newenar) in an Aver to his letter III. 89- (Fr.) Greenwich, Dec. 18 , 1588. 322. I io. A note addefled to Baron dc Nor.vis (fr John NonU 1 : in favour of perfons baniihed from Leyden. (Fr.) Dec. 21 , 1588. 323. I I 7- Geret Ahraham, and Jan van Maeftricht, ap- pointed eommillioners for the garril’on of Gertruv- denburg; articles exhibited In - them concerning their conduct. (Orig.) Gertruydenb. Jan. G, 15 89. 324. lis. Q. Elizabeth's latter commiflion to Ld. Wil¬ loughby for the Low Countries. Dec. 24, 1588. 325. 119 . Sir Fra. "Waif nghani, to Mr. Bod ley ; con¬ cerning Capt. Scheniehc's (Shenck ?) offer of fcrvicc. (Orig.) Richmond, Dec. 27 , 158S. 331. 1 JO. The proportions III. 110. in Dutch. (Orig.) Dec. 2 , 1588. 332. 121 . Points which the count de Mocurs requires Col. Clacrhagen to atfent to, although he had com¬ batted them before the magiftrates of Utrecht, (two papers, Fr.) Dec. 1588. 338. 122 . A memorial of the perfons banidied from Ley¬ den, to Ld. Willoughby and Mr. JtiUigrew ; fating their cafe. Dee. 1588. 342. 12 . 3 . A copy of the confirmation of the privileges of the eitv of Levdcn liv John 1). of Brabant, when he married JaeOlnea the heirels of Holland. (Fr.) Hague, April 20 , 1418. 344 . 1 24 . A paper in favour of the perfons baniihed from Leyden; feemingly from the Luglilh ambalfador. (Fr.) Dee. 1588. 345. 125. A difeourfc, containing a propofal of articles for an intimate union between England and the United Provinces. (Fr.) 1587 ? 347. 12 G. A fummary account of the fate and govern¬ ment of the United Provinces, with a project for re¬ medying the inconveniencics attending the lame. 15 87, or 1588. " 349- 127 . A project, and three other papers, relating to a reflation of arms with Spain. (Fr. and Lat.) May, 1588. 353 " 128 . The D. of Parma’s anfwc-r, touching the mat¬ ter of a libel and a papal bull; extracted out of a letter of Mr. D. Dale to the queen, of July 12 , 1588. 3 G 0 . 129 . Philip II; his commiflion to the D. of Parma to treat concerning a peace. (Fr.) St. Laurent le Royal. (Lieurial r) April 17 , 1588. 3 GI. 130. A lilt of the noblemen and others as arc in iny lord Admiral's lodgings? made at Delft. 1588 . 3G3. 131. IlelTcl Aifma, to Q. Elizabeth; foliciting in- demnifeation for infult.s and damages fuftained on account of his loyalty. (Orig. Fr.) 1583. 364 . 132. Teclincke’s articles for the order of mufters ; apoftilled by Ld. Willoughby ? (Fr.) 1538, or i/isp. .' 66 . 133. Remembrances for her majefly's council, touching the affairs of mufters; to be'imparted to the Sates. 1588, or 1589- 36 [). Galba , D. IV. C’odex chartaceus, in folio, conflans foliis 32 !. 1. Walhourg countefs dc Nucnar (Nrwenui , : ) !o fir I ra. W allingham ? about the proceedings agaiuli Prounincq of Deventer and Clacrhagen. (Origa IT.) Utrecht, Jan. 3 , 15 89 . “ ° 3 . 2 . Tho. Bodley’s; two declarations to the States Gen. in confequencc of his inftruftions. (Fr. hotli flgned.) Jail. 4 , 1588-9. 5 . 5 . The magiftrates of Utrecht, to Mr. Bodley or lir J. Norris; declaring that the releafe of Deventer and Clacrhagen depends on Ct. Newenar, and not on them. (Fr.) Utrecht, Jan. 4-15, 1589 . 9 . 4 - The captains of Gertmydenburg to fir John Norris; propofmg fome articles (an Engliff tranfla- tion, and the original Dutch) Gertruydenb. Jan. a !j89. io. ’ 5 . The Dutch original of Abraham's and Macf- tricht’s vindication. D. III. 117 . Jan. G, 1589 . 12 . G. Points and articles exhibited by the officer of the mufters of the Q. of England (Ja. Diggcs) to the Council of State. (Fr.) Hague, Jan. is, 1589 . 14 . 7 . Mr. Bodley*s oath when lie took his feat as CounceHor of State in the United Provinces. (Fr ) Jan. 13, 1589- j-/ 8. Mr. Bodley r to fir Fra. Walfingham ; reporting a conference with . . . . Bus . . ., and the afleCtion of fome Hollanders for France. Jan. 16 , 1589 - 90 ? iG. 9. Mr. Bodley; two memorials to the States Gen. Council of State, iii anfwer to a reply of theirs (Fr. both I concerning Mr. Ortell's demands. (Fr. both figned.) Hague, Jan. 25, 1588 - 9 . " 17 . 10 . Mr. Bodley ; two other fimilar memorials. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 22 , 1588 - 9 . * 4 . 11 .* • tf) fir Fra. Walfingham; reports of various tranfaetions civil and military, chietlv con¬ cerning the Dutch and French. Antwerp, Jan. o.-, !589. as.* 13. Doubts and difficulties concerning the ac¬ counts of the Fnglilh troops in the Low Countries, which the officer of mufters (Ja. Digges) detires may be fettled by the general and the Council of State. (Fr.) Jan. 25, 1589- 09 . 14. The States Gen. anfwer to Mr. Bodley\s me¬ morial of Jan. 24,concerning Col. Sehenck, the exiles of Leyden, the prifoners at "Utrecht, Preiidt. Avfma, See. (I-T.) Jan. 25, 1589- “so/ 15. Air. Bodley, to fir Fra. Walfingham; a report of his negotiations, with the reciprocal memorials en- clofed. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. so, 15 89. 32 . iG. A memorial, feemingly from Mr. Bodley to the States General; concerning the confutation of the Council of State; and the (hare the queen’s councellor is to have in it. (Fr.) Feb. 22 , 1539 . 34 . 17 . A petition in the name of feveral perfons in Fridland, who folicit her majefly's protection againii oppreffions ; Jan. b, 158& : and an anfwer to the fume by the lord governor and deputies. Feb. 3 . i 5 ap. 41. is. The G A L B A, D. IV. 32 S 18 . The States of Friefland, to Q. Elizabeth; touch¬ ing the affair of Ayfma. (Fr.) Leuwarden, Feb. 14 , 1589. 43. 19 . Q. Elizabeth, to Tho. Bod ley ; with enclo- fures to the city of Dort, &c. and directions in confe- c|uence of the iofs of Gertruydenb. (Orig.) Weftm. April 26 , 1389. 47. 20. The States General, to Mr. Bodley ; two anfwers to the memorials he laid before them the 4th of Feb. (Fr.) Feb. 7 , 1389. 49 . 21 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; a report of the bate of Holland; complains of Barnevelt, . &c. (Orig.) Hague, Feb. 20 , 1388-9. 35. 22 . Ld. Willoughby’s anfwcr to a placart of the States General, concerning Gertruydenburg. (Fr.) Feb. 21 , 1589. 37 . 23. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to M. de Barnevelt; re¬ commending a perl'on tent to bring away fome com¬ panies. (Orig. Fr.) London, Feb. 28, 1589. G9. 24 . Another copy of the memorial, iv. lG. (Fr.) Feb. 22, 1589. 71. 25. Ld. Willoughby’s declaration of the order to be obf< rved, or rather of the meafurcs to be taken during his abfence. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 24, 1589. 73. 2G. Orders of the Council of State concerning nnilters. (Fr.) Feb. 28 ? 1589 ? 75 . 27 . The bates of Friefland, to Mr. Bodley; con- gratulating him on .his arrival in Holland, and re- quelling to be on good terms with him. (Orig. Lat.) Leuward. Feb. 28 , 1589. 76 . 28. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley; recom¬ mending a perfon lent to halien the bands that are to go to Portugal, &c. (Orig.) Fob. 28, 1589. 77. 29 . Dr. Jo. Lobertius, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; no¬ tifying the death of Sturmius. (Orig. Fr.) Stratburg, March 7 , 1589- 78 . b. 50. The bates of Friefland, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; defil ing him to countenance them againftfome oppo¬ nents. (Orig. Lat.) Leuwarden, Feb. 28 , 1589 . 79 . 31. Halide Ayfma, to fir Fr. Walfingham ? re¬ commending Mons. d’Ubtenhove, late grand bailiff ofVprcs. (Orig. Fr.) Leuwarden, March 11 , 1589 . 80. 32. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mons. Caron; an ex- pobulatory memoir. (Fr.) March 28, 1589. 81 . 33. The captains of the garrifon of Gertruyden¬ burg, to Ld. Willoughby ; about their pay: a draught corrected by his lordtliip. (Fr.) Gertruydenb. March c, 1589. ’ ' 85. 34. 'fhe captains of the garrifon of Gertruyden¬ burg, in anfwerto fome coinmillioners of Ct. Maurice and the States ; concerning contributions railed by them. (Fr.) Gertruydenb. March 4, 1589. 87 . 35. Report of the above comm iftioners, to the Coun¬ cil of State. (Fr.) March G, 1589. 88. 36. A placart of the States General, touching mutters. (Fr.) Hague, March s, 15S9. 91 . 37 . Refolutions and elucidations on the above pla¬ cart, agreed upon between the deputies of the States, and Janies Digges ’commilfary of mutters. (Fr.) London, Aug* 18, 1589- 93 . 3 8. An Englith trantlation of the placart, IV. 30. March s, 1589. 95. 39 . Another authenticated copy of the placart, iv. 36. March 8 , 1589- ” 97 / 40 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about count Maurice's attempt upon Gertruydenb. Hague, March 9. 1589- 101 . 41. Ph. de M. St Aldegonde, to hr Fr. Walfing¬ ham ; touching a voyage propofed by him to Don Antonio, for the Q. and K. of Navarre. (Orig. Fr.) Soubourg, March 9, 1589 . 10 s. 42. A ftatement of the auxiliaries fome German electors and princes have agreed to give to the K. of Navarre. (Fr.) Nov. 10 ', 1589- 10 G. 43 . Lord Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about Ct. Maurice’s attempt upon Gertruydenb. (Orig.) Weftm. March 16 , 1589. 107 . 44 . A memorial of Dutch deputies, to the Queen’s Council ; touching red refs for fome damages done to their merchants, and the deficiencies in"the En- glilh auxiliaries. (Fr.) 1589 . 109 . 45. Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; touching the attempt on Gertruydenburg. (Fr.) March itL 1589. in. 40. Mr. Bodley ? to Ld. Burleigh ; touching the attempt on Gertruydenb. Hague, March is, 1589 . 113. 47- Sir. Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley; in com¬ mendation ot Mons. Caron the bearer. (OriO Sething lane, March 27 , 1589. 115 . 48. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; in anfwer to Bodley s letter of March 9 , IV. 40. (Orig.) Weftm. March 28 , 1589. 1]7 . 49 . Tho. Burgh, to Lord Burleigh ? touching the attempt on Gertruydenb. &c. (Orig.) Brill, March 29, 1589- 119 . 50. The magibrates of Flulhing, to fir Fr. Wal¬ fingham? about the bate of their town; profeffino- great loyalty to the,queen. (Fr.) Flufliine, March S1 ’ I589 ' 121 . 5 1 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the pro- grds of the bege of Gertruydenb. Hague, March 31, 1589. ' 123. 52. John Combes, to the States; reprefenting his long and dangerous fervices, and claiming reward, (trj London, March, 1589. 125 . ■ 33 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports Ct. Maurices retreat from Gertruydenb. fome pra&ices between Schenck and the Spaniards, See. April 1 , l5S0 ' 127 .’ 54 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; a report about Gertruydenb. &c. Hague, April 7 , 1539 . 123 . 55 . r Jlie magiftrates of Flulhing. to til- Fr. Wal- fingham ? defiring him to provide "for the fecurity of their town. (Orig. Fr.) Flulhing, April 3 , issn. 130. .56. Mr. Bodley, to the States General; a memorial remonftraling about the affairs of Gertruydenb. (Fr ) Hague, April 4 , 1589. ' I3 o, 5 7-. D !'- Junius de .lunges, to fir Fr. Walfingham? reprefenting his neeeffities; and recommending M Otho, a young Sileiian. (Orig. Ital.) Eoerheim' April 7 , 1589. 134 _ 58. Gilpin, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about the af¬ fairs ol Gertruydenb. the progrefs of the war, (vc (Orig.) Hague, April 5 , 1539. 133 . 59. A breviate of the mufters taken at Bero-en-on- Zoom, Aprils, 1589. 137 fio. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; the original of IV. 54 . April 7 , 1589. J 38 . 61 . Joofe d'AIblas receiver general of the town of i.rdi, Ins certificate ot the imprefts he hath made to the garrifon of the faid town. (Fr.) April 8, 1589 . , 62 . In function to M. de Caron, con corn i ic- 1, the affair of Thierry Sunni,y, late governor of North Holland. (F.) London, April s, 1339 . 142 . 63. ilio. Bodley, to Ld, Burleigh ; about his mgo- 4 O ciations 326 C, A L B A, D. IV. nations with the States. (Oiig.) Hague, April 10 , 1589. 144 - 04. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Wooldie; with letters to fir J. >;orris, hr Fr. Drake, &c. indoled ; about his own ill health, &c. (Orig.) April 10, 1589. 145. 00 . Ld. Willoughby's warrant for the payment of the troops. London, April 8, 1589. 147- O'i. Articles agreed upon between the D. of Parma, and the inhabitants of Gertruvdenb. (a rough draught of a tranftation.) April 10 , 1589. 148. (>-. Q. Elizabeth, to the town of Gertruvdenb. cx- pofrulating, and referring them to Mr. Bodley. (Fr.) Wethn. April l *2, 1589- 13 °* 08. Valhe, to the Council of State; reprefenting his htuation. (Dutch and Englith.) April 1 2 , 1589. 09. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley; charging him repeatedly to treat with the States about the affair of Gertruvdenb. (Orig.) Weftm. April 1 2 , 1589. 154. 70 . Mr. Bodley, to hr Fr. Walfingham; about liis unfatifactory negociations. (Orig.) Hague, April 15, 1589- 1 5 b. 71 . The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; jufrity- ing their conduct in the affair of Gertruyder.h. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, April 18 , 15 8Q. 158. 72 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about his nego¬ tiations. (Orig.) Hague, April 22 , 15S<). 16 U 75 . Ld. Willoughby, to Ld. Burleigh ; Col. Sonnoy is left in his government; about Utrecht, the pro¬ ceedings of the States, &c. (Orig.) Hague, April 25, 1589- ,G ' 2 - 74 . A confuleration of certain points in the treaty, to be enlarged or altered in cafe her majelly make a new treaty with the States: by Bar. Clerk, and Bob. Beale. April, 1589- 1( i3. 75 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley; orders; and about the lewd placart of the States. (Orig.) Barn-elms, April 27 , 1589- *71. 79 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence concerning the war, &c. (duplicates, the fecond the original.) Hague, April 29 , 1589. 1 ~ 77 . Ld. Burleigh, to hr John Conway; about, a project to furrender Oftend to the States, (in Ld. B--s hand, blit not ligned.) April: 1589. 1 77. 78 . Placart of the States General; touching the town of Gertruvdenb. fold to the D. of Parma by hr Anth. Wingfield and the reft of the garrilbn. April 17, 1589- 181 - 79 . Noel de Caron’s report to the States General of Q. Elizabeth’s difeontents. (Fr.) April 27 , 1589. 187. 80 . A report on the part of Q. Elizabeth (perhaps by Caron) to the count de Xeuwenar; concerning 1 lie affairs of Utrecht: with the count's apoftilles. (Fr.) May 3, 1589. 189- 81. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; orders to deal with the States about the lurrender of Oftend, for the relcafe of hr John Wingfield and family, &c. (Orig.) W eftm. May 1 , 1589: with a copy of the fame. 191 . 82 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; a propofal to abandon Oftend; news from BruiVels, &e. (Orig.) Weftm. May 5, 1589. J 95. 8 : 1 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley; about the lur¬ render of Oftend to the States. (Orig.) Weftm. May 3, 15 89. > ( JG. 84 . Another copy of the report, IV. 80. May 3, 1589- 1D7. 85. Sir John Norris and hr Fr. Drake, to the Privy Council; an account of their expedition to the Groyne. (Orig.) Groyne, May 7 , 1589. 199. 36 . An abler adt of hi Martin Sc hem k's peli the Council of State. May 9, 15«9. 202 . 87. Mr. Bodley. to hr Fr. Walfingham, and to Ld. Burleigh; recommending Mr. Loozeii and Mr. Valch. (two draughts.) Hague, May 8, 1589- 204 . S8. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley : directing him to procure a fpeedv ani’wer concerning the allair of Ol- tend. (Orig.) Weftm. May 8, 1589. 206 . 89 . A declaration of the States General to Mr. Bodley, of their grateful acceptance of (J. Elizabeth's offer to lend over a perl’on of rank to treat with them,. (Fr.) Hague, May 21 , 1589- 207 . 90 . The States General; their anlwer to a report of Mous. Caron, perhaps IV. 79- (Fr.) Hague, May 10 , 1589- 208 . 91 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; about the new ambatfr. to be font to Holland, the unfavourable proceedings of the States, their weaknel's, Sec. (Orig.) Hague, May 1 l, 1589- 215 . 92 . The States General, to the E. of Leieefter; re¬ commending their am bills. Egmout, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, May 13, 1589. 217 . 93 . Mr. Bodley s propolition to the States General concerning Oftend. (Fr.) Hague, May 14 , 1589- 218. 94 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; on his negotia¬ tion touching Oliond. May 15, I 089 . 220 . 95 . Count Maurice of Nalfau, to the Privy Coun¬ cil ; about the affair of Gcrtruydcnb. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, May 17 , 1589. 222 . 90 . Q. Elizabeth, to Tho. Bodley; about fome difortlers in the garrifon of Bcrghen. (Orig.) Weftm. May 18 , 1589. 224. 97 . Sir Fr. Walfingham. to Tho. Bodley ; about the disturbances at Bcrghen, &c. (Orig.) Barn-elms, May 23, 15 89- 22(5. 98 . A declaration of the States General; on a me¬ morial of Tho. Bodley touching Oftend, and the levy of feme troops in lieu of thide lent into Portugal with fir John Norris. (Fr.) Hague, May 28, 1589- 228. 99 . Tho. Bodley, to the Privy Council; two dif- patclies;the lit about the placart of the States againlt Ld. Willoughby; and the 2 d concerning the mutiny at Bcrghen, lady Kent, Oftend, Sec. (Orig.) Bcrghen, May 28 , 1589- 229- 100 . The original of the declaration, It'. 9 s. May- 28, 1589. 234. 101 . Propofitions (or rather queries) delivered to the States General. May 29, 1589- 230'. 102 . Ld. Buckluirft, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning feme propofitions he made to the States; intelligence. Sec. (Orig.) May? 1589. 241 . 10 :'.. A report on fome credential from Q. Eliza¬ beth, to count Lewis of Nalfau, govr. of Frieflaiul T and relating to Caron's negotiation. (Dutch.) May 30, 1589. • 243. 104 . Mons. de Cavaignes, to Mr. de Hewlcn : con¬ cerning his iutereelfion with the Lds. ot Council in favour of a captain Treylen : (Orig. Ir.) Green¬ wich, July 15, 1569? 244. 105 . A ftatement of the produce of certain tolls ami licences in fome towns of South Holland, from Jan. 1 to May 31, 1589. (Fr.) 246 . 106 . A declaration of the States General, upon a remonftrance on the part of Q- Elizabeth, laid before them by Mons. Caron. (Dutch.) Hague, May 10 , 1589- ' £ ' 54 " 107 . The articles of the peace between the K. of Poland G A L B A, D. IV. V. Poland (Sigifmund III.) and the Archcl. Maximilian. (Lat.) Bendzini (Witzcn.) 1 589. 260 . 108 . Noel de Caron; report of his negociations with the States General, the counts Maurice and "W illiam Lewis de Naffau, and Neuwenar. (Orig. Fr.) June 15, 1589. *202. 109. Count William Lewis de Naffau; his repre- fcntation to Q. Elizabeth concerning the affair of Prefidt. Ayfma. (Orig. and copy, French.) Leu- warden, June 5, 1589. 207 . 110 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence; A dr. Yaffeur, fec y to fir W. Rulfell, apprehended at Flulhing, &e. June 10 , 1589. 271 . 111 Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; requeu¬ ing that Dr. Junius might be continued their agent in Germany. (Fr.) We (tin. June 10 , 1539 . 273 . 112 . A requifition of the States General, and alfo an order of the Council of State ; both concerning the pay of the garrifon of Flufliing. (Fr.) Hague, June 13, 1589- < 275 . 1 1 3. Certain general heads to be treated on be¬ tween Q. Elizabeth and the States General. Junc 13 , 1589. 277 . 114 . Notes for the amendment and explaining of the contract between Q. Elizabeth and the United Provinces, of Aug. 10 , 1585. June 10 , 1589. 279 . 115. Mr. Bod ley's proportions to the Council of State; touching their charges againflLd. Wiiioughby. (Fr.) Hague, June 17 , 1589. 287 . 11 G. The Lds. of Council, to Tho. Bodley; in- ftruftions on the affairs on which the States had lent Commilfrs. to the Queen, about the troops, Ld. Wil¬ loughby, &c. (Orig. Whitehall, June 19 , 1539 . 117 . Gilpin, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about Col. Schenck’s fruitlefs attempt to refeue Blyenbeck, count Maurice’s motions, &c. (Orig.) Hague, June 19 , 1589- 291 . 118 . Mr. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; intelli¬ gence about the war, Caron's negociations, &c. (Orig.) Hague, June 20 , 1589. 292 . 11 9- Noel de Caron, to fir Fr. Walfingham; a re¬ port of his negociations concerning the prifoners at Utrecht ; the affairs of Friefland, of Leyden, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, June 24, 1589. 293 . 120 . A lift of the arms and entertainment of a com¬ pany of foot in the fervice of the States, agreed to by the Council of State. (Fr.) June 21 , 1589 . 29 G. 121 . The fentence of the magiftrates of Dort upon the child of lir John Wingfield. (Dutch.) June 15 , 1589. 098 . . !*«• Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Hr. Bodley; direc¬ tions about his negociations concerning the captains, l.d. Willoughby, Sc. (Orig.) Nonefuch, June "o' 300. 1 -' 1 ■ Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; concern¬ ing his negociations; Barnevelt's unfavourable dil'po- lition, &c. * (Orig.) Hague, June ad, iso. 301 . 1 at. The confute of the D. of Brunfwick, to the States General; remonftrating againll the detention otCapt. Menninck. (Fr. tranil.) Julius Fredenfta.lt June C8, 1589. 303 . •la.-,. Produce of tolls and licences in South Hol¬ land, from Jan. 1 to June 31, 1589. 304 . (-*(■ A project of “ the only means whereby her majdiv’s forces in the Low Countries ihall herein- forced and continued iirong, Sec." June, 1589. SJS. 127 . The States General’s anfwer to Mr. Bodley on the affair of Gertruydenb. demanding fome ipecific 327 objection to their placart. (Fr.) Hague, June 16 , 1589- 314. 128 . A paper with the fame title, but not quite fimilar in the contents, with IV. 114 . June, 1589 . 315. ] 29 . A difeourfe, confifting of obfervations on fome articles of the inftructions for the conftitution of the Council of State. (Fr.) June, 1589. 323. Galba, D. V. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 338i 1. Tho. Bodley, to the Lords of Council; a report of his negociations with the States General. (Orig.) Hague, July 9 , 1589. 3 . 2 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley ; about the expedition to Portugal, and the fupply of the troops in lieu of thole fent thither. (Orig.) Nonefuch, July 4 , 1589. 6. 3. Tho. Bodley, to the States General; requiring anfwers to fome of his propofitions, or additional de¬ puties to be fent to England. (Fr.) Hague, Julv 4 , 1589. " s . 4. Some points concerning which it. is thought meet to enter into conference between the Queen and the States General: preiented by Mr. Bodley. (Fr ) July 4 , 1589. 9 . 5. I ho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; on the condu6t of the States and of their deputies in Eng¬ land, the caufe of Valfeur a prifoner, &c. (Orig.) Hague, July 9 , 1589. To. 6 . An ext raft of the regifter of the Council of State touching Vaffeur. (Fr.) July 4 , 15 S 9 . 13 . 7. The fentence of banifiiment of the magiftrates of Utrecht againft P. of Deventer. (Dutch and Engliih.) Utrecht, July 11 , 1589. 15 . 8 . A note of the pay of a company of infantry of 150 men, and of a company of Scots of 150 . (Fr.) IS July, 1589. 17 . 9- 1 h. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; about Yaf¬ feur, See. July 15 , 1589. 18. 10 . Anfwer of the States General, to Ld. Wil¬ loughby's declaration, touching the inilruftions of the Council of State. (Fr.) J uly 20 , 1589- 19 . 11 . The deputies of the States, to Ld. Burleigh; anfwer to the complaints of the Low Countries, touching fir Rich. Law ion. (Orig. Fr.) London, July 20 , 1589. 25 . 12 . Sir Martin Schenck, to Mr. Bodley; in praife of the Engliih troops under his command. (Orig. Fr.) Camp near Rees, J uly 3 1 , 1 5 8 9 . 2 7 '. 13. Ih. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; on his ne¬ gotiations with the States about appointments to com¬ panies, See. (Orig.) Hague, July 23, 1589. 29 . 14. An order for the manner of payment of the weekly imprefts to the Engliih forces in the Low Countries : alfo an ordinance about the dead pays. Nonefuch, July 27 , 15S9. si. 15. The Council of State, to fir John Conway; requiring him to detach fome companies from the garrifon of Oft end, to aft againft the Spaniards, who were attempting to invade Holland. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, July 27 , 1589. 34 . 10. Another copy of the order, v. ] 4 : with two additional orders to Geo. Thoreiby commiffr. of mufters at Brill, of Jan. 4, and May 15 , 15 S 9 - 36. 17 . A third copy of the lame order, (v. 14.) July 27, 1589. 40 .' IS. Inftruftions 3 2 8 G A L B A, D. V. is. Inftriu'iions of the Council, to fir Robt. Sidney; font to take charge ot Elulhing. July ‘-7, 1589. 42. if). Sir I’r. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley ; about. Barnevelts unfriendly difpofition; inftructions, and intelligence. (Orig.) Xoneluch, July 1 589- 52. 20 . “ Deduction des rations par montre quo le fee ours de fa Myte neft pas eom- plet, a caufe des abus et fraudes qui fe commettent.' with marginal notes in Ld. Burleigh’s hand. July :>l, 1.589. " -54. 21 . A remonftrance of the Dutch deputies ? to the Privy Council ; touching the damages luftaincd by their merchants, and the completing of the Englilh auxiliaries. (1 r.) London? Aug. 2, I58f). 58. 22 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham, and to Ld. his Burleigh; two letters of intelligence, and concern¬ ing his negotiations. Hague, Aug. 2, 1589. Go. 2S. Q. l'Jizabeth, to fir Fr. Ye re; appointing him to the command of fome companies lent to re¬ place thole which had been difpatehed to Portugal. Nonefuch, Aug. 2 , 15 89. 03. 24. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley ; notifying the fending over of fome troops with fir Fr. Yere; alto about the Dutch deputies, See. (Orig.) Nonefuch, Aug. 2, 15 89- G5. 25. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to fir Martin Schcnek ; congratulating him on Ids fuccefles. (Orig. Fr.) Nonefuch, Aug. 3, 1589. 07. 2 G. Anfwers made to certain articles contained in a remonftrance delivered to the Council by the depu¬ ties of the States. (of V. 21.) Aug. 5, 1589- 00. 27 . The Privy Council, to Mr. Bodley ; touching fome repairs to he made at Oftend. (Orig.) Ely Place, Aug. so, 1589. 73. 28 . Sir John Conway, to lord Burleigh ; about the ifiuing of victuals {o the troops, &c. (Orig.) Oftend, Aug. 7, 1589. 75. 29. Tho. Bodley, five difpatches, viz. l to fir Fr. Walfingham ; of Aug. 9. 2 to Ld. Burleigh of Aug. 14. 3, 4, and 5 to See’’ Wallingham, of Aug. 20, 12 , and 15, 1589- 77. 30 . The ftates of Frieftand, to Q. Elizabeth ; con¬ cerning the affair of Prefidt. Ayfma, and other pri¬ soners, See. Leuwarden, Aug. 20 , 1589. 84. 31 . The ftates of Fried and, their act or decree, directed to fome magiftrate of the province, for ac¬ cepting the E. of Leieefter as governor. Leuward. Oct. 23, 1586 ; alfo copies of 13 other papers on the Tame fubject, of 1586, 7 , and 8. 88. 32. A note of provifions required by fir Robt. Sid¬ ney quarterly. Aug. 22 , 1589- 98. 33 . A paper touching the trade into Spain and Por¬ tugal. Aug. 1589. 99- 34 . Directions to Mr. Bodley ; concerning unif¬ iers. &C. Aug. 1589. 100 . 35. An anfwer of the deputies of the States, to the Privv Council; concerning the traffic of the Low Countries into Spain. (Fr.) London, Sept. 14-2.5, 1589. 103. 36. The Lords of Council, to fir Tho. Morgan ; no¬ tifying the appointment of Tho. Wyatt as mutter mafter at Bcrgen-op-Zoom. (Orig.) Oatlands, Aug. 2*3, 1589- 1 106. 3~ G. de Prqunincq of Deventer, to fir Fr. Wal¬ fingham ? encloling his anfwer to the charges of the deputies of the States, vid. V. 41 . (Orig. Fr.) Lon¬ don, Aug. 24, 1589. " 108. 38. Sir Robt. Sidney, to Q. Elizabeth ; concerning the town of Flutliing. (Fr.) Aug. I58Q. ioy. • o. 1 be orocr of the month !5 pay to tlie captains, officers, and foldiers. ~ 11 .-,. 40 . 1 lie States General, to Q. F.iizabcth : ftalin™ cer¬ tain articles of complaint enneen’iag their trade, the deficiencies < t 1 he auxiliary troo • ant th ii w ant of pay. (Fr.) Hague, Aug. 10 , 1 . 539 . 117 . 4 !. Anfwer ot G. de Prounineq of Deventer, to the charges of the deputies of the Slates, vid V. 87 . (Fr.) Aug. 24 ? 1.589. 119 .I). 42. Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; two dif¬ patches, chiefly about the arm}-. Schenck's death; the fortifications of Oftend, Scc. Aug. 26, and Sept. 10 , 1.589. 121 . 43 . Tho. Bodley, tu the States General; requiring them to give immediate orders for the repairs of Oftend. (Fr.) Hague, Sept. 10 , 1589 . 124 . 44. Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; a difpatch concerning his negotiations. Sept. 15, 1589. 125 . 45 . A lilt of the Englilh forces in the Low Coun¬ tries. lei). 27 , 1.588, v, ith the alterations made fine© that time. (Fr.) Sept. 16 , l, 5 Sy. 126 . 46 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports the great preparations of the Spav.Lnls at lea; the 1). of Parma's difcontcut. Sept. 20 , j. 589 . 127 . 47 . Alex. d«- Fcrguarioti governor of Morlaix, to fir Fr. Wallingham ; defiling leave to purvluie in England a certain number of arms. (Orig. Fr.) Morlaix, Sept. 20 , 1.589. 12 s. 48. Another copy of the anfwer of the deputies, V. 35. Sept. 25, 1589- 130. 49- The governor and captains of the garriftm of Bcrgen-op-Zoom. to Q. Elizabeth ; in anfwer to cer¬ tain articles delivered to them by one Wyatt, about the mufters and pay of the troops. Sept. 24 , 1589. 132. 50. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley; infrac¬ tions about Groninghcn, and the lbvercignty of l'rief- land offered to the queen. (Orig.) Oatlands, Sept. 2.5, 1589. 134. .5 1 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh and fir Fr. Wal¬ lin gliam ; two difpatches. Sept. 27 and 28, 1589- 136. 52. A lift of the companies that came out of Por¬ tugal in Sept. 1.589. 140. .53. A lift of the commilfaries appointed in OH. 1589. 141. 54 . State of the garrifons of the frontier towns. Oct. 1 , 1589- (Dutch.) 143. 55. Ld. Buckhurlt, to the Lords of Council; juf- tifying his conduct with regard to levy of fome fol¬ diers in Sullex, for Dieppe. Lewes, Oct. 3, 1589. 149. 56 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; con¬ cerning the fortifications of Oftend, &c. Hague, Oct. 7 , 1589. 151. 57 . An anfwer of the States General, concerning, the fortifications of Oftend. (Fr.) Oct. y, 1589- 152. 58 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; con¬ cerning the affairs of Groninghcn and Fricfe, &c. Hague, Oct. 10 , 1589. 154, 59 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Tho. Bodley ; con¬ cerning the hard uf'agc Bodley had met with in tlie affair of Yatfeur, 5cc. (Orig.) Richmond, Oct. 19 , 1589- 156. Go. Tho. Bodlev, to the ftates of Zealand; com¬ plaining concerning Vatfeur's affair, ike. (Jr.) Hague," OH. 30, 1589. 158. 61 . Complaints of the merchants of tlie Nether¬ lands, touching exactions of officers in England : given G A L B A, D. V. 329 in by the deputies of the States in England, and re¬ ferred to fir Walter Mildmay and Dr. Aubrey. (Fr.) oa. 1589. lGo - 62 . Anfwers to the complaints of the {kippers and merchants of the Low Countries. Oa. 1589- 1 69- b. < 53 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; on the affairs of Groninghen and Friefe. Oft. SO, 1589- 174. a. 04 . The States of Zealand, to the Council of State; on the affair of Valfcur. (Fr.) Middleburgli, Oct. 31 , 1589- l ~ 5 - 65 . The heads of Ld. Buckburft's inftruaions, fent to the Low Countries. Nov. 1589 - 177 - 66. The States Gen. to James VI. K. of Sc.juftify- ing themfelves concerning fome complaints brought againft them by col. Win. Steward ; (Lat.) Hague, Nov. 12 , 1590. 180 . 67 . John Skene, Scottifh ambaffador in Holland, to the States Gen. Bating the complaints of col. Stew¬ ard. (Lat.) Nov. 1590 . 182 . 08. Baldwin de Mcetkerke, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; intelligence concerning the affairs of the French king. (Orig. Fr.) Saumur, Nov. 9 , 1589- 184. 09 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham and Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches. Nov. 12 , 1589- 186 . 70 . The Lords of Council, to Mr. Bodley ; con¬ cerning the repairs of Oftend. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. T 2 , 1589- 188. 71 . The States Gen. to fir John Maitland of Thirl- ftanc, chancellor of Scotland ; concerning the caufe of col. Steward. (Lat.) Hague, Nov. 12 , 1589- 190. 72. A declaration of the States Gen. concerning the caufe of col. Steward. (Lat.) Hague, Nov. 12 , 15S9. 193. 74. Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; con¬ cerning Valfcur, who is releafed; Oftend, &c. (Orig.) Hague, Dec. 18 , 1589- 204 . 75. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh and fir Fr. Walfingham; two draughts of letters almoft oblite¬ rated. Nov. 24, 1589. 20 6. 76 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Bodley; intelli¬ gence and inltruFtions : two letters. (Orig.) Somcrlet lioufe, Nov. 28, and Nonefuch, July 1589. 208. 77. Q. Elizabeth's liccnfe to Ld. Burrough, tore- turn to England for his health. Somerlet houfe, Dec. 1 , 1589. 212 . 78 . The Lds of Council, to fir John Conway and fir Tho. Morgan ; ordering the removal of capt. Meetkerke's company from Oftend to Bergen-op- Zoom. Richmond, Dec. 7 , 1589. 213 . 79 . The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley; touch¬ ing the rates of money in Holland and Zealand. (Orig.) Richmond, Dec. 8, 1589- 215. 80. The magiftrates of Bergen-op-Zoom, to Mr. Bodley; about fomc differences with the officers of the ganifon. (Orig. Fr.) Berghen, Dec. 11 , 1589. 216 . 81 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about Valfeur, Groninghen, &c. Dec. 1 8, 1589 . 219 . 82 . Tho. Bodley, his proportion to the States Gen. concerning the fortifications of Oftend. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. 18 , 1589- 220. 83. Anfwer of the States Gen. to Mr. Bodley's propoiition, II. 82. (Orig. Fr.) Dec. 28, 1589. 222 . 84. Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; reports the intention of the magiftrates of Utrecht to depole their four minifters. Dec. Cl. 1589. 224 . 85. Tho. Bodley, to the States Gen. concerning the fortifications of Oftend. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. 25, 1589. 225. 80. Tho. Bodley, to the Lords of Council; report¬ ing his negociatious concerning Oftend, See. (Orig.) Hague, Dec. 2 6, 1589. 227 . 87 . A return of the mufters of the queen’s forces in the Low Countries. Dec. 28, 1589. 229 . 88. Tho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; about the fortifications of Oftend, and in the ifland of Biervliet. Dec. 26 , 1589. 231 . 89 . Tho. Bodley, to the Lords of Council ; about the repairs of Oltend, &c. Hague, Dec. 20 , 1589. 232. 90. Tho. Bodley, to the States Gen. a reply to an anfwer of theirs, reprefenting their authority as limit¬ ed, and himfelf as invefted with high powers. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. si, 1589. 234. 91 . Sir Fra. Vere; a report concerning the ftate of Berghen. 1589. 2S5. 92. A paper, or order, concerning the contribu¬ tions to be levied at Berghen. (Fr.) 1589 or 1590 . 239. 93. A petition of the Dicgraveand Hogeheemrades of Rynlant, to the Council of State; concerning their privileges—againft the magiftrates of Leyden. (Fr.) 1589 or 1590 . ' 240 . 94. An account of the number of {hips, and other matters relating to the Dutch navy. 1590 . 242. 95. Inftru&ion for executing the placart of the E. of Leiceiter of 1587, for the navigation of the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1589 or 1590. 243. 96. A difeourfe {hewing why Oftend is in fo wretch¬ ed a ftate of defence. (Fr.) 1589 or 1590 . 240. 97- Points to be propofed to the States Gen. con¬ cerning fupplies for repairs, &c. Nov. 15, 1589. 248 . 98. Remembrances of Mr. James Digges, for Mr. Bodley, to folicit the Lords of the Privy Council for letters to the States, concerning the mufters. 1589 . 252. 99- Rcafons of the articles propofed to the States Gen. upon the placart relating to Ld. Leicefter? 1589. 254. 100 . A lift of the contributions paid by the coun¬ try (plat pays) monthly. 1589- * 256. 101 . A memoir for Mr. Bodley; concerning col. Sonnoy. (Fr.) 15S9- 258. ] 02 . Order of pay of a company of lances in the queen's fervice. 1589. 260 . 103. Extra# out of the examination of Tho. Hull, a prifoner for treafon. 1589. 262 . 104. An order for the manner of the payment of the weekly imprefts to be made to her majefty’s forces in the Low Countries; with fome other directions for the mufters. 1589- 264 . 105. A petition.of the proteftants of the confeilion of Aug {burg, to the magiftrates of Utrecht, for a place of worfiiip. 1589. 208. 100 . Memoranda concerning Gertruydenburo-. 1589- 269 ? 107 . A memorial of the agent of the United Pro¬ vinces, to the Privy Council; concerning mufters. (Fr.) 1589. 270. 108 . Q. Elizabeth, to Ld. Willoughby; concern¬ ing Gertruydenb. 1589? 274 . 109 . A delaration on the part of Q. Elizabeth, con¬ cerning her participation in the government of the Low Countries. 275 . 4 P 110 . A 33 « G A L B A, D. V—'VII. no. A note of the pay ot’a company of foot in her majefty Yfei vice. loSf). ' 276 . in. A report made by the fifeal to the Council of State, of the confeflion of’Adrien V affair, a pfifoncr. 1-589. C7S. i ic. An ordinance of-Q. Elizabeth, concerning-tin- affair of mufters. 1589. 283. l 13. Requcfts of Mons. Ortell, concerning mufters, by him fuppoled to have remained unanfwercd. 1589 . 288. 114. Articles touching the weekly imprefts to he made to the troops in the Low Countries. (Orig. figned by the Lds. of Council.) 1.589. 290 I 11 . 5 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; rc- monftrating againft their conduct. (Fr.) Q 92 . l lG. Lord \\ illoughby’s propofitions to the States on the part of her majefty, reproving them for their diffentions among themfeives, Sec. ^ 295 . 117 . A memorial to the States General concerning capt. Edmund Banafter. (Dutch.) 1589. 298 . 1 18 . A draught of inftruefions for count Maurice deNaii.m, as governor, captain general, and admiral of Holland, Zealand, and Friefland. (Dutch.) 1.589. 300. 119 . Memoranda for Mr. Bodley, figned by fir Fr. Walfmgham. 1589? " 302. 120 . A Irate of the garrifons in ( Judders and Over- \ ffei, at the charge of the States General. 1589? 304. id. “Declaration fur la convocation et affemhl^es des Etats Generaux et particulars ;” being a paper relative to the conflitution of the States. 1589 . 30(5. 12 c. “ A right and apt defeription of the eftate of the United Provinces, about 1539 .” 310. 123. Adifcourfe by fir Tho. Wilkes, on the Rate of the Low Countries. 1589. 317 . 124 . Q. E.lizabeth, to the States General; touch¬ ing fir John Conway's return on account of his health. (Fr.) 1589 or 1 . 590 . 325. 1-5. A draught, of an cxpoftulatory letter from Q. Elizabeth to the States General. 1589 or 1590. 327 . 12 G. An abridged account of the Rate of Holland and Zealand. 1589? 329. 127 . Difcourfes, 1 . On the afliftance to be given to Portugal and the Nether¬ lands. 38 1 . 2. On the means to reduce the provinces, now divided, to union. 333. 3. On errors in government : but N.B. mifmformcd. 335. Golba, D. VI. Defideratur. Galba, D. VII. Codex chariaceus, in folio, eonftans foliis 33G. 1 . “ The effeft of a motion made to me (Bodlcy?) by a principal perfon of the States,” concerning the affairs between England and the United Provinces. 1590 . 2 . 2 . An act of oblivion or indemnity of the prince of Orange, in favour of thole of Campvere. (Fr.) 1590. 3 . 3. Realbns why the captains and officers of the hands in the I.ow Countries have difobeyed the orders fent over for the dil'tribution of the wecklv im- prefls. ' 4 . 4 . Two ordinances for mufters of the Englilh troop* hi the Low Countries, (printed.) London 1590 . , ’ 5. 5. A propofal made by the Pope (Sixtus V?) to the king ot Spain, by means of count d'Olivares, con¬ cerning I he affairs of France; with an anlwer, and other papers relative to the lame bufinefs, addrelled to D. Bernardino de Mendoza. (Spanilh.) 1590 . 8 . G. Form of the oath to he taken by the protefiant clergy in the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1690 . 12 . h. 7. The clergy of Weft lTjefland, to Q. Elizabeth} congratulatory on her victory over the Spanilh ar¬ mada, and recommending Herman Reiuieehcr one of their brethren. (Orig. Lat. figned by a great num¬ ber of the minifters.) Jan. 1590. ' ' 13 / 8-_ Queen Elizabeth's inftruetions to hr John Nor¬ ris, fent into the Low Countries. Jan. 2 , 1590 . u. .9; “ Mr- Beal's oppohtion againft inftru&ions,*’ of fome one lent, to negoeiate with the States General. 1590. ^ jp. 10 . An an Aver of the States General to Mr. Bodlcy touching Oftend. (Orig. IT.) Hague, Jan 4 1590. O]/ 11 . Minutes of Rate papers. Jan. 1 — 21 , 1590 . 23 . 12 . Tho. Bodlev, to the States G eneral; a re- monftrance concerning the defence of the frontier towns, particularly Oftend, &c. (IT.) Hague, Jan. 11 , 1590 . 13. A copy of the an Aver of the States, vn. 10 . Jan. 4 , 1590 . 25 . b. i i- Tho. Bodlcy, to Ed. Burleigh; a report of his ucgociations. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 14, 1590 . 20 . 15 . Tho. Bodlcy, to hr IT. Walhugham; reports a conference with Mons. Brus and the States, on the affairs of the Liw Countries; intelligence, &c. with a fupplcment of Jan. 12 ? (Orig.) Jan. G, 1590 . si. lG. Sir Fr. Walhugham, to Mr. Bodley; about the negociations in Holland, See. (Orig.) Rich¬ mond, Jan. 15 , 1590 . 33. b. 1 7- 1 ho. Bodley, to hr Fr. Walhugham; on his ne¬ gociations with Brus, See. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 16 ', 1590. ' 34 . b. 18 . The Lords of Council, to Mr. Bodley; defir¬ ing a return of the auxiliaries in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Richmond, Jan. 4 , 1590. 3 . 5 . b. 19 . The States General, to the Privy Council; about a priviledge demanded in favour of Babington and Bromcley, to import eloathing into ITufhing/&c. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Feb. 23, 1590 . " 37 . 20 . A fummary of the articles agreed between the amhalfadors of Spain, and the league of France. (Fr.) Paris, Jan. 11 , 1590 . 39 . 21 . Objections againft the trade of the Low- Countries with Spain, addrefied to the queen, feom- ingly on the part of the Privy Council. Jan. si, 1590 . 40 . 22 . An extract out of a letter from Wefel. complain-, ing of the expofed Rate of that country. (IT.) JTb. 1,1590. ‘ ‘ 4 4. h. 23. Sir John Norris’s inftruetions at his fecond going into the Low Countries. Lambeth, I-’eb. 1 s,. 1590. 43 . 24. A mean how her majefty may have a lieut. gen. in the Low Countries without increafe of her prelent charge. Feb. 1590 . 5 ]. 25 . Minutes of ftate papers, from Feb. to June, 1590. 5 o. b. ’ 2 G. An obfervation of divers things to he attended to by the States General in their an Avers to the Em¬ peror’s commillioners lent to move them to a peace with the IL of Spain. Feb. 20? 1590 . 5 . 1 . 27 . Minutes G A L B A, D. Vlf. 27. Minutes of ftate papers. Feb. 1590 . 02 . 28. A note of the contributions yielded by the church, in the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1590. 63 . 29. Minutes of letters written by the provinces and certain towns of the Low Countries, upon the remonftrances made on the E. of Leicefter's laft com¬ ing forth of Holland. Feb. 1390. 64. SO. Minutes of ftate papers. March, 1590. 60. 31. A remohftrance of the Council of State, to the States General; touching the infiru&ions, &c. (Fr.) Feb. 20, 1389 ? Os. 32. Summary notes upon the ftate and govenment of the United Provinces, by Mr. Gilpin. Feb. 28 , 1390 . 71. 33 . The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley; concern¬ ing a duty the States intend to lay on cloths im¬ ported at Middleburgh. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 1, 1589 - 90 . 70 . b. 34 . Minutes of two ftate papers. March and OCt. 1590. 78. 35 . Confiderations and refolutions touching the affairs of the Low Countries. March 14, 1589 - 90 . 79 . 30 . Sir Edmund Uvedale's opinion for the pay¬ ment of the foldiers in the Low Countries. June 1, 15 Q 0 . 84 . 37. Henry IV. K. of Fr. to the D. of Longueville; notifying a victory, and givingfome directions. (Fr.) Rafny near Mons, March 14, 1590. 80. b. 38 . The Lds. of Council; their inftruCtions to Mr. Bodley. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 15, 1589 - 90 . 87 . 39 - Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley; inftruftions about his negotiations. (Orig.) Weftm. Alarch 15 , 1590 . 90. 40 . Another copy of Ilenry IVths letter, vii. 37. Alarch 14, 1.590. 91. 41. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; concern¬ ing the complaints of merchants. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, March 24, 1590 . 92. 42. The Lords of Council, to Air. Bodley; againft drawing more troops out of the garrifon of Oftcnd. (Orig.) Greenwich, April 7, 1590 . 93 . b. 43 . Tho. Dudley's proportion and complaint to the States. (Fr.) Hague, April 13 , 1590. 95. 44. A certificate of the mufters taken at Duiibourg, April 15, 1590 . 98. 45 . Tho. Bodley, to the Lds. of Council, fir Fr. "Walling-ham, and Ld. Burleigh; 3 letters on his negotiations, and intelligence (the latter original.) Hague, April 18, 1590. 99. 40 . An anfwerof the States General to arequilition of Q. Elizabeth to arm their fleet. (Fr.) Hague, April 21, 1590. 103 . 47. Minute of a letter of count Win. de Naffau, to the Queen; about Groninghen. April 20 , 1590. 103 . b. 48 . Louifede Coligny, to Q. Elizabeth; profeffing great veneration ; lent by fir Fr. Vere. (Orig. Fr.) 103 . b. 49 - Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; a difpatch about Groninghen, mufters, Sec. (Orig.) Hague, April 28 , 1590. 104. 50 . Apoftilles on the part of Q. Elizabeth to the remonftrances of capt. Bornftra. April 29, 1590. 108. . 51 . The States General, to the Privy Council; pro- fefting their devotion to the Queen, and about the auxiliaries. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, April 30 , 1590. 109. 52 . Minutes and copies of letters and meffuges be¬ tween Ld. Willoughby and lir John Scot,' in a quarrel between them. 1590. in. 53 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about capt. Bornftra’s demands. (Orig.) Court, May 1, 1590. 1 13 . b. 54 . The Lds. of Council, to Air. Bodley; about a lhip at Horn, which they require may he feized and fold. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 11, 1590. 114. 55 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about capt. Bomftra’s affair, &c. May 9, 1390. 114. b. 50 . The depofitidn of Pfeter Ilenrickfim, concern¬ ing the (44) Dutch flips that ferved in Portugal. N. B. He was vice admiral to the laid ihips. Aiay 11, 1590 . i 15. 57. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; concerning Groninghen. (Orig.) Court, May 11, 1590 . 1 1G. b. 58 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; about the mi* litary tranfadtions in Guelderland. Aiay 12, 1590. 1 17 . 59 - Q. Elizabeth, to Air. Bodley ? authorizing him to treat with thole of Groninghen. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, Aiay 12, 1590 . 1 is. Oo. A declaration of Q. Elizabeth againft thofe who feek to low diffention between her and the States General. (Fr.) Greenwich, May 27, 1590. 119. 61. A proclamation of Q. Elizabeth, concerning the traffic between the Low Countries and Spain ; ftgned Burleigh. Aiay, 1590. 120. 62. The K. of Spain (Philip II.) to Don Wm. dc St. Clement, his ambalfador with the Emperor; two let¬ ters of inftructions on various matters, (conf. VII. 134.) (Fr.) Aranjuez, Aiay 16, 1590. 122. 63 . P. Vanderdoes, to the admiralty of Rotterdam; reporting count Mansfield's attack upon the fort of Noordam. (Fr.) Before Noordam, Aiay 14, 1390. 124 . 04 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; Groninghen hath expelled the Spanilh lieut. governor. Hague, Aiay 17, 1590 . 125 .' b. 05 . Philip If, to St. Clement; inftructions about negociations with the United Provinces, See. with his anfwer to Kevenhuller inclofed. (conf. vii. 134.) (Fr.) Aranjuez, May 16, 1590. 12O. 00 . The Lds. of Council, to Air. Bodley; about the trade between the Low Countries and Spain, See. (Orig.) Greenwich, Aiay 8 , 1590. 128 . 67. Ld. Burleigh, to Air. Bodley; acquainting him that not Ld. Buckhurft, but Air. Wilkes, was to come over to treat with the ftates concerning the conduct of St. Aldegonde, Sec. with a P. S. (Orig.) Strand, Aiay 20, 1590 . 129. 08 . Inftruftions to Tho. Wilkes, fent to treat with the States General. Aiay 20 , 1590. 131 . 69. The original of Q. Elizabeth’s declaration, VII. 60 . on vellum. Aiay 27, 1590 . 14 1. b. 70 . An addition of the Privy Council, to Air. Wilkes’s inftructions. Aiay 28 , 1590. 143 . 71. Tho. Bodley ; draughts of four letters; l to Ld. Buckhurft of Aiay 30 ; 2 to the Council; and 3 and 4 to Ld. Burleigh; the latter of Aiay 31 , 1590 . 146 . 72. Tho. Bodley; a draught in his hand-writing, intitled, “ confiderations upon the notes fent unto me by the Lds. of Council, touching the explanation of the contract,” &c. June, 1590. 148 . 73 . A remonftrance of the Council of State, to the States General; concerning its powers. (Fr.) Aiay, 1590. 150 . 74. Tho. G A L B A, D. VII. 33 2 74 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; a report of his | proceedings. (Orig.) June 13 , 1590 . 151 . 7.5. 'l he Grand Seignior (Selim II.) to the rebellious Marfeillois; in favour of the French king. (Lat.) 1590 . 134 . 70. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; defiling two friends of his may lie fent over with the next dif- patchcs. June 1590 . 154 . b. 77. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about his (Bod- Icy \s) negociat ions. (Orig.) Greeniweh, June is, 15 ! o. 155 . 78 . 'Flic States General, to the Privy Council; about the traftic with Spain. (Fr.) Hague, Aug. 18, 1590 . 155 . b. 79 . Memoranda for Mr. Wilkes, for forming his letter to *the Queen. (Fr.) June, 1590 . 150 . 80. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley ; direfting him to co-operate with Mr. Wilkes. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 18, 1590 . 15 7 - Sl. A fragment of fome notes, probably for a dif- pateh from Holland. 1590 . 157 - b. 82. Ileder Baifa Beglierbeg, Turkilh general in Circece, to Q. Elizabeth; notifying a peace concluded with Poland. (Lat.) Silis, June 26 , 1590 . 1 . 38 . b. 83 . Ld. Burleigh, to Wilkes and Bodley; concern¬ ing St. Aldegonde, who had come to England. (Orig.) Court, July 6 , 1590 . 159 - b. 84 . A project of a declaration to be published by the States General; againft thofe who feck to foment ditlentions between them and the Q. of England. (Fr.) July, 1590 . 160. 85 . Certain points propofed by the States General, to Mr. Wilkes; and his anfwers thereto. (Fr.) July, 1590 . 162 . 86 . Brief demands (on the ftate of the Low Countries) made by Mr. Tom Ion, to Evert Monkhoven of Antwerp; and his anfwers thereto. July, 1590. 163 . 87. Tho. Bodley, to Ed. Burleigh; thanks for patronage; about his and Mr. Wilkes's negociat ions, and intelligence. (Orig.) Hague, July 9, 1.590. 165. 8 R. Certain points propofed by Wilkes and Bodley, to the States; and their anfwers thereto. (Fr.) July is, 1590 . 168. 89 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports a con¬ ference with Mons. de Buis, &c. (Orig.) Hague, July 14 , 1590 . 172. 90. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; lamenting the delays of the States, Sec. (Orig.) Court, July 16, 1590. 171. 91. The names of the deputies of the States Gene¬ ral. July 17, 1590. 175 . 92. Tho. Wilkes and Tho. Bodley, to the Lds. of Council; about the rcleafe of fome goods feized by fir MartinFrobilher. Hague, July 18, 1590. 176. b. 93 . Tho. Wilkes and Tho. Bodley; a draught of a long difpatch concerning their negociat ions. July 18 , 1590 . 177.’ 94 . Articles propofed to the States General by Wilkes and Bodley ; and their anfwers thereto. (Fr.) Hague, July 20, 1.590. 1 8 1. 95 . Q. Elizabeth, to Wilkes and Bodley ; about fome complaints of col. Sonnoy againft the States and count Maurice. (Orig.) Greenwich, July 20, 1590. 187 . b. 96. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burley; about St. Alde¬ gonde. July 21, 1590. 188 . b. 97. A report of the judges of the admiralty, to the Privy Council; concerning the 44 Dutch fhips employed iu Portugal. Doctors Commons, June 20, 1 590. 189. 98 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Slates General and count Maurice ; recommending the caule of three captains who ferved at Cam pee re. (two originals.) Green¬ wich, July 22, 1.59O. 191. 9.9. Tho. Bodley, to the States General; acquaint¬ ing them that St. Aldegonde had juitiiied himlelf to the queen. (Fr.) July 23 , 1.590. 192. b. too. Q. Elizabeth, to Wilkes and Bodley ; about, the three captains who ferved at Campvcre. (Orig.) Greenwich, July 32 , 1590. 193. 101. The Lds. of Council, to Wilkes and Bod¬ ley ; concerning the 44 Dutch fhips. Greenwich, June 24 , 1590. 195. 102. Tho. Wilkes and Tho. Bodley; a memorial to the States, in anfwer to an act of theirs of Aug. 1, St. N. (Fr.) Hague, July 25 , Aug. .5, 1590. 196. 103 . Articles exhibited to the States General, by Wilkes.and Bodley, July 27 , 1590 . (Fr.) with the declaration of the Hates that they would fend depu¬ ties to England, 199. 104. Tho. Wilkes and Tho. Bodley, to the Lds. of Council; concerning their negociations with the States. Hague, July 29, 1590. 203. 10 . 5 . Tho. Bodley to Ld. Burleigh; on the fame negociations. July 29, 1590 . 200'. 106. Articles exhibited to the States General, hv Wilkes and Bodley ; with their anfwers thereto. (Fr.) July 30 , 1590 . 208 . 107. “ Inftruftion et charge des deputes des princes eledtcurs et etats des cercles d’outre Khin, Weftphalie, et Balfe Saxe, aux etats des provinces unies.” Aug. 1590 . 212. 108. A refolution of the States General, to refer the articles of Wilkes and Bodley, VII. 106. to their eonftituents. (Fr.) Aug. l, 1590. 215 . l Of). Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; a report of the difpofition of the States, &c. Hague, Aug. 6, 1590 . 2 14 . 110. A return of amuftertaken before Nimeguen. Aug. 8, 1590. 217. 111. Ld. Burleigh, to Wilkes and Bodley ; recom¬ mending Richard Allen to have the firlt vacancy as commiilioner of mutters. (Orig.) Oatlands, Aug. 7, 15 f) 0 . 218 . b. 112. The Lds. of Council to Wilkes and Bodley : notifying that fir Edw. Norris had been fent to lit- perfede fir J. Conway at Oftend. (Orig.) Oatlands, Aug. li, 1590. 219. 1 13 . Points to be refolved for the effecting of the contributions that may be given by the inhabitants of the “ Frank," for the benefit of them at Zealand, Oftend, Sec. Aug. 1590. 220. 114. A note concerning the traffic between Holland and Spain; probably on the part, of Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) Aug. 21, 1590. 223 . 115 . A memoir concerning the road between Oftend and Newport. (Fr.) Aug. 23 , 1590. 224. ] 16. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; recommend¬ ing Lt. Throckmorton for promotion ; and reporting the ftate of Dunkirk, (two originals). Hague, Aug. 23, 1590. 226. 117. Minutes of ftate papers. July 1520. 228. b. 118. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports l’ecret intelligence he had obtained of fome practices againft her majefty’s perfon. Aug. 27, 1590. 229. 119. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley ; anfwers to VII. 116 and 11S. (Orig.) Sept. 7, 1390. 230 . 120. Q. G A L B A, D. Vlf. i'i ICO. Q. Elizabeth, to Wilkes and Bodley; clire 6 t- jng them to urge the hates to fome enterprize. j (Orig.) Wind for, Sept. 10, 1590 . 231 . 121. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; three letters: l. recommending capt. Allen; and 2, and 3 , urg¬ ing fome enterprize. (Orig.) Windfor, Sept. 1 0, 8 and 15 , 1590 . 232 . 122. J. Baron de Merode, to lady Morgan at Oftend; complimental. (Fr.) Liege, Sept, i 8 , and Nov. 10, 1590 , 234 . 123. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the proceedings of the States, fome enterprize, &c. Hague, Sept. 21 , 1590 . 235 . 124. Queftions about the ftrength and defence of Dunkirk? with anfwers. Sept. 21, 1590. 237. 125. Queen Elizabeth, to the States General; in favour of Paul Buys. (Fr.) 061 . 6 , 1590 . 239 - 126. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about his ne- gociations. (two letters) 06 t. 7 and 8 , 1590. 240 . 127. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; two letters concerning col. Steward, See. (Orig.) Windfor, 061 . 8 and 9 , 1590 . 241. b. 128. An abftra 6 l of fir Tho. Shirley's accounts for the forces. 061 . 12, 1586 — 061 . 11, 1590. 243 . 129. Minutes of hate papers. Aug. Sept, and 061 . 1590 . 246 . b. ISO. A difeourfe given to her Majefty by col. Son- noy ; concerning the importance of Groninghen, and the means of getting pofieffion of it. (Fr.) 249 - 131. Col. Diedric Sonnoy, to Q. Elizabeth ; con¬ cerning bis particular caufes with the States. (Orig. Fr.) London, Nov. 24, 1590 . 251 . 132 . Minutes of ftate papers. Nov. and Dec. 1590 . 225 . 133 . Articles exhibited to the States by Wilkes and Bodley. Aug. 4 , 1590 ; with their anfwers to the fame of 061 . 15 , 1590. (Fr.) 256 . 134 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; inclofing let¬ ters from the K. of Spain to his am ballad or, inter¬ cepted in Germany: probably VII. 62 and 65 . Hague, Oct. 28, 1590. " 259. b. 135 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; intelligence about an unfucceisful attempt on Dunkirk, &c. Hague, 061 . 28 , 1590. 260. 136. John Cafimir count Palatine, to the States General; acquainting them that the conclufions for compelling reftitution to the empire are altered ; and that, the emperor is refolved to mediate a final peace. (Fr.) Heidelberg, 061 . 30 , 1590 262. 137. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports his proceedings towards carrying on vigorous meafures, &c. Nov. 3 , 1590. 266 . 13 S. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; in anfwer to VIl. 134 and 135 . (Orig.) Strand, Nov. ) 2 , 1590. 267. 139 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about the caule of col. Steward, See. Hague, Nov. 12, 1590. 268 . 140. An anfwer of the States, to Mr. Skenes’s pro¬ portions concerning col. Steward. (Lat.) Hague, Nov. 12, 1590. 269 . 141. Count d’Olivarez, to J. Bapt. de Taxis; and Jofeph de Acuna, to the 1 ). of Parma ; on the affairs of Spain, and fome private concerns : probably inter¬ cepted letters. Rome, 06 t. 29, and Turin, Nov. 27, 1590 . 279 - 142. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about an at¬ tempt on fome town, See. Nov. 19, 1590. 280. b. 143 . Col. D. Sonnoy, to Q. Elizabeth; a copy of VII. 131 . (Fr.) Lond. Nov. 24 . 1590. 282 . 144. A cypher. 284 . b. 145 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; with an an-* fwer from the States to proportions of his, and of Mr. Wilkes. Dec. 7, 1590. 285 . 146. Jos. de Acuna, to don Bernard in tic Mendoca; the D. de Terra Nova, to the D. of Parma ; and the D. de Side, to J. B. de Taxis; with various intelli¬ gence from Italy : probably intercepted letters. (Fr.) Turin, Nov. 26, Rome, Nov. 2, 1590. 286. 147 . W. Davifon, to Q. Elizabeth; craving her mercy, and a return of favour. N. B. This letter is faid not to have been accepted by the Q. (A cor- re 6 ied draught.) London, Dec. 7 , 1590 . 289 - 148. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; on the matter of Berglien; lady Morgan, and her father Merode, fufpe 6 ted of treachery, &c. Dec. 14, 1590. 291. 149. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley ; recommending Ld. Willoughby’s caufe touching the ranfom of Mar* tin de la Faille" (Orig.) Richmond, Dec. 16, 1590 . 292 . 150 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; expof- tulatlng about their tardinefs ; urging them to pro* vide for the fafety of Oftend. (Fr.) Richmond, Dec. 21, 1590 . 293. 151 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley ; inftru 6 tions in confequence of the above. (Orig.) Richmond, Dec. 22, 1590. 294. 152 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; anfwers to feveral letters. (Orig.) Dec. 24 , 1590. 296. 153 . Q. Elizabeth’s orders for reforming divers abufes in the diftribution of impress payments and ap¬ parel to the foldicrs in the Low Countries. Dec. 20. 1590 . 297 - 154. Marflial Blron, to the Council of State; de¬ firing them to forbid all traffic between their pro¬ vinces and certain rebellious towns in Normandy. (Fr.) Camp de Gueton, Dec. 26, 1590. 30 1. 155 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; about bis un- fuccefsful negociations, intelligence about peace, See. Hague, Dec. 29, 1590 . S 02 . 156. An ordinance for the mufter of the Engliih troops in the Low Countries. 1590 . 303 . 157. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; in anfwer to VII. 148 . (Orig.) Dec. 30 , 1590. 307 -b. 158 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; about their new edi 6 t concerning the importation of Engliih cloths into their provinces. (Lat.) 309. 159. A difeourfe on the aid to be given by the United Provinces towards the war. *1590. 310 . 160. An order of Q. Elizabeth for the repairs of Oftend. 1590 . 312 . 161. A ftatement of the grievances fuftained by the Engliih troops in the Low Counties, by the hard ufage of the States, and inhumanity of the inhabi¬ tants. SIS. 1G2. Lord Willoughby's oath to the States Gene¬ ral. (Fr.) 316 . 163 . Anfwers of the Privy Council to a remon- ftrance delivered to them by the deputies of the States, (a draught, corre&ed by Burleigh.) 317. 164. A bond of Q. Elizabeth, for the reimburfe- ment of 200,000 dollars borrowed of the city of Co- logn. (Orig. Lat. on velum.) Greenwich, June 2 , & 1576 \ 321 . 165. A note of certain queftions to be anfwered concerning the ftate of the Low Countries. 32 S. 1 66 . A lift of the forces her majefty is charged with in the Low Countries; with a project of fir Fr. Vere, concerning them. 1590. 4Q 167. 326 . Con- 334 - GAL B A, D. VII. VIII. ]f> 7 . Confiderations propofed by Lord Willoughby, conc erning the project of initruclions for the council of ltate: (Fr.) 328 . 1G8. L C'oninus, to.about fome meafurcs for the repairs of Zutphen. (Fr.) 333 . IC<). Lifts of feveral deputies to the ftates, and other magiiirates in the United Provinces. 334 . Galha , D. VII r. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans folirs 296. 1. Hittorical notes concerning Gudders and Zut- phen. o. 2. The English officers in garrifon at Brill: their articles laid before the Privy Council; and the Councils anfwer. 3. 3 . A note how the £. 2.5,700 may be employed to the advancement of the fervice. 1591? " 4. 4 . A paper, entitled “The divifion of the army as ft is to march.” 1591? 6 . 5 . The States General, to the Emperor (Maxim. II.) offering to reftore ail that the empire demands, but requiring the Spaniards to do the like ; and defiring not to be forced to a limulated peace. (Fr.) Hague, Jan. 1, 1591 . 9. 0 . The States General, to count Cafimir and the Prince Elector Palatine; to the fame purport as the lait Art. (French and German.) Hague, Jan. 1, 1591 . 12. 7 . Col. D. Sonnoy, to the States General; on the rewards he claims for his fervices. (French.) London, Jan. 1.591. 17. 8 . The letter of the States, to the Emperor; (vm. 5.) in German. Jan. 1, 1591. 20. 9. Q. Elizabeth, to the Council of State; in fa¬ vour of tir John Norris, (l’r.) Richmond, Jan. 6 , 1.590-1. 04. 10. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley ; by fir J. Norris, fent to take charge of fome troops, to be led againJt the Spaniards in Brittanny. Richmond, Jan. G, , 1590 - 1 . ' 24. b. 11. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two reports of his negotiations, &c. Hague, Jan. 14 and iG, 1590 - 1 . 25. 12. Sir Robt. Sidney, to Ld. Burleigh; concern¬ ing an enterprize on the town of Flulliing. (Orig.) Hulliing, Jan. 28 , 1591 . 30. 13 . Tho. Bodley. to Ld. Burleigh; on divers mat¬ ters ; application of the French leaguers for provifions to be lent them into Picardy, &c. Jan. 23, 1590-1 : 41 . b. 14 . Lord Burleigh and Ld. Howard, to Mr. Bod- ley; oh fir John Norris’s commiflion. (v. vm. io.) &c. (Orig.) Strand, Jan. 25 , 1590-1. 42. 15 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning the forces to be draughted for Brittanny. Hague, Leb. l' 590 -i. ' “ 44. id. Sir John Norris, to the States General; about the forces' to be draughted, and the nomination of the -captains. Feb. 1591. 45. b. 17. Lho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reporting a conference between the Imperial ambaffador and the States, about peace. Hague, Leb. 2, 1591. 4G. 1 8 . An aniwer of the Privy Council, to the depu¬ ties ot the States; concerning the refutation of fhips, and the traffic with Spain. Teh. 3, 1591. 49. 19. Minutes of Rate papers. Feb. 11, 1591. Jan. 13 , 1591 - 2 . ' 53. b. 20. The appointment of Noel de Caron, as agent of the States General with her majeftv. (FrA Hague, May 15, 1591. “ 5 q. 21. lho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about the forces to be font to Brittanny. Hague, Feb. 3, 1591, 57 . 22. Articles propofed by fir John Norris, to the States. (Fr.) Fcd. 16, 1591. 53. 23. The Council of State, to the States General; concerning the draughts propofed by tir John Norris. (Dutch.) Hague, Feb. 8 , 1591. * 59. 24. A French copy of the anfwcr to the States; (VIII. 18 .) with fome addition. Feb. 1591. Go. 25 . Sir J. Norris, to Mr. Bodley; on his (fir John's) letting out for England. (Orig.) Fluihing, Leb. 8 , 1590-1. 6 Lb. 2G. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; commending hr J. Norris's difereet. behaviour, efpeciallv towards hr Fra. Vcre, about the draughts for Brittanny, &c. Hague, Feb. 9, 1590-1. ' G2. 27. Sir John Norris’s commiflion, to capt. Anth r Wingfield; to take charge of the companies, to he draughted from Breda and Berghen. Middleburo-h, Leb. 8 , 1590-1. 63 . b/ 28 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Robt. Sidney; about hr J. Norris’s proceedings. Hague, Leb. 9"; 1590-1. 64. b. 29. AntlL Wingfield, to Mr. Bodley; about the validity of fir J. Norris's commiflion. (Orig.) Mid- dleburgh, Feb. 10, 1590-1. 65. 30 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; with an anfwer from the States, and intelligence. Hague, Feb. 11, 1590-1. 65. b. 31 . Tho. Bodley, to capt. Lambert; about fome murmurs concerning the draughting of the troops. Hague, Feb. 12, 1590-1. 06. 32 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States; on fending over fir John Norris a fecond time. (Fr.) Leb. 1591. GG. b. 33. Lord Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; on fir J. Nor¬ ris’s fecond commiflion; the Emperor’s endeavours towards a peace, &c. (Orig.) Strand, Feb. 13, 1590-1. 67. 34 . AntlL Wingfield; an order to feveral Cap¬ tains, about the draughts. Middleb. Feb. 18, 1590-1. 67. b. 35 . Q. Elizabeth, to the States General or Coun¬ cil of State; to the fame purport as VIII. 32 . (Fr.) Feb. 1591 .’ G 8 . SG. Tho. Bodley, to capt. A. Wingfield; advifing him about the draughts. Hague, Leb. 14, 1590-1. 08 . b. 38 . An anfwer of the States General, to fir John Norris’s propofitions for draughts. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 11, 1591. 09. 39. The Council of State, to Q. Elizabeth; remon- frrating again ft the intended draughts of troops. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 15, 159 L 72. 40. The States General; their requifition to fir John Norris, to make a favourable reprefentation of their remo 11ftranees about the draughts, to her majefty. (Fr.) Hague, Feb. 14, 1591. 74 . 41. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; defiring further inftructions about the draughts, See. fir J. Norris being gone to England. Hague, Feb. 15, 1591 . 75. 42. Capt. Oliver Lambert, to Mr. Bodley; in an¬ fwer to Mil. 3 1. (Orig.) Duifbourg, Feb. 14, 1590-1. 70 . 43. Tho. 335 G A L B A, D. VIII. 43. Tho. Bodlcy, to Mr. Ken net; about flopping the “ lendings” to, and “ calling” certain companies. Feb. is, 1591. 76. b. 44. A protefl of the States General, againfl fir J. Xorris’s orders for marching fome companies, not- vithflanding their remonftrances. (Fr.) Feb. 16, 1591. 77. 45. Tho. Bodley, to capt. Audlev; to the fame purport as VIII. 43. Hague, Feb. 1 8, 1590-1. 78. 46. Tho. Bodley, to fir Robt. Sidney; about fome meafures he is doubtful of, and intelligence. Hague, Feb. 19, 15 . 90 - 1 . 78. b. 47. 'fhc Council of State, to the States General; about the intended draught of troops. (Dutch.) Hague, Feb. is, 1591. 79. 48 . Two papers of proportions concerning Flufh- ing, with aniwers by Ld. Burleigh. (Fr.) Feb. 1591. 80 . 49 - Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about the ne- gociations of the imperial ambafiiidors for peace, and thole of the Dutch deputies in London. (Orig. two letters.) Weflm. Feb. 22 and 23 , 1590 - 1 . 82. 50 . Tho. Bodley, to fir Tho. Morgan; diffuading the “ calling” of certain companies. Hague, Feb. 23 , 1590 - 1 . 85 . 5 1. Notes made upon the complaints lately ex¬ hibited by the deputies of the States againfl fir John Hawkins, fir Mart. Frobilher, &c. 1591. 86 . 52 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; notifying the fecond inftructions to fir J. Norris, about the troops to be lent to Brittanny. (Orig.) Weflm. Feb. 25, 23 , 1590 - 1 . gg. 53 . Ld. Burleigh, to the bailiffs of Harwich; or¬ dering them to forward the above with all fpecd. (Orig.) Weflm.’Feb. 25 , 1590-1. 89. b. 54 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley; inflru 6 lions a- bout the negoeiations faid to be carrying on for peace, &c. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 1, 1590-1. 90 . 55 . The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley; about a demand Ld. V illoughby had upon the States Gene¬ ral. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 2, 1590-1. 93. b. 56 . Sir Tho. Morgan, to Mr. Bodley; including a letter from capt. Wingfield, and about imprelts. (Orig. Fr.) Bergen-op-Zoom, March 2, 1591. 94. 57. Iho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about the flay of the companies, the negoeiations for peace, &c. March 10, 1590-1. . 95. 58 Capt. Lambert, to Mr. Bodley; complains of want of money; intelligence. (Orig.) Duilbourg, March 12, 1590-]. 97° 59. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about his nego- ciations, intelligence, See. Hague, March 16, 1590^1. 98 . Go. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; inflru 6 l ions and intelligence about Oflend, Ac. (two originals.) Court, March 9 and 21, 1590-1. ioo. 61. I ho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports how the States fland affected with regard to Oflend, the con¬ tributions, Sc c. Hague, March 23, 1590-1. 102. 62. Count. Maurice de Naffau, to Q. Elizabeth; about the readinefs of the Dutch to co-operate in the fervice; and the ftatc of Oflend, which is faid not to require any further fupplies. (Orig. IT.) Hague March 25, 1591. ' 104. 63 . Iho. Bodley, to fir Fr. Walfrngham ? about dilcontcnts in the States, &c. N. B.Wilkes men¬ tioned. March 28, 1590. 105. 64 . Three accounts, entitled, “ Mr. Brown's ob- fervations upon the payment of her majefly's forces.” 106. 65 . Tho. Bodlcy, to the Lds. of Council, and to Ld. Burleigh; about Ld. Willoughby’s claims upon the States, the hate of Oflend, Sec. Hao-ue April 3, 15 91 - . ° ’ 107 . 1 ). 66 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley ; intelligence that Oflend will certainly be befieged. (Orig") Court, April 9, 1591 . no. b. 67. Tho. Ferrers, deputy of the merchants adven¬ turers, to Mr. Bodley; defiling him to obtain fome anfwer from the States concerning their placart touching the woollen trade. (Orig.) Middlcburgh, Feb. u, 1591. 11 j. b. 68 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two letters of intelligence about the army, &c. Hague, April 14 and 17, 1591 . no. 69. Tho. Bodley, to M. Barnevelt; about Sonnoy’s claims. (Fr.) Hague, April 22, 1591. 113. b. 70 . The Council of State, to Q. Elizabeth; con¬ cerning the fupplies demanded for Oflend. (Fr.) Hague, April 28 , 1591. j ]5 . 71 . J ho. Bodlcy. to fir Fdw. Norris, govr. of Oftend; about the demand of three companies by the Council of State. Hague, April 30 , 1591. 117. 72 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reporting fome military operations. Mays, 1591. 117. b. 73. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley? about an at¬ tempt upon Dunkirk. (Orig.) May 7, 1591. ns. 74 . Minutes of hate papers. April and June, 1591. 118. b. 75 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Council of State; con¬ cerning the reinforcement of Oflend: anfwer to vnr. 70. (Fr.) Theobalds, May 11, 1591. 119. 7 6 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodlcy; charges againfl the States. (Orig.) Theobalds, May 12, 1591. 120. 77 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports military proceedings. Hague, May 14, 1591. 192. 78 . The States General, to the Privy Council; in behalf of Ilerm. Roodenburg arrefled in London, though belonging to their embally. (Fr.) Hao-ue May 15, 1591. 223/ 79 - Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; concerning the above Roodenburg. Hague, May 16, 1591. 124. b. 80. Sir Fdw. Norris, to Mr. Bodley; anfwer to VIII. 71. (Orig. Fr.) Oflend, May 16, 1591. iqs. 81. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the fur- prize of the fort of Zutpheu by fir Fr. Vere. Hao-ue May 17, 1591 . i25°b. 82. The Lds. of Council, to Air. Bodley; notify¬ ing the entrance of the Spanifh fleet into the narrow feas. (Orig.) Theobalds, May 17, 1591. 126. 83 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports the proceedings of fir Fr. Vere before Zutphen. Ilao-ue, May 21, 1591. 126. b. 84 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about ammuni- tions fent by fome Dutch to the Spaniards, and the French leaguers. (Orig.) Wcftm. May 21,1591. 127. 80. Tho. Bodley ? to Ld. Burleigh; reports the furrender of Zutphen. 1 07. 86 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; direfling him to ufe his heft endeavours to obtain certain pa¬ pers brought out of Spain by fome Englilhmen; and incloling a Spanillr letter of J. Snorvden, one of the Englilhmen. Weflm. May 21, and London, Mayas, 1591. 137. b. 87 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about Sonnoy's bufinefs. (Orig.) Court, May as, 1591. 13s. 83 . Terms G A L B A : d. vnr. 33 ^ 88 . Terms granted by count Maurice to the town of Zutphen. (IT.) May 30 , 1591 . 129. 89. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; fix difpatches of June 1 , 5 , ... 6 , 10 and 12, 1591. 130 . 90. The Lds. of Council to Mr. Bodley; requiring the States to fupply fome thips to affift in intercepting a Spanilh Welt India fleet. • (Orig.) Greenwich, June IS, 1.591. 138 . 91. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about the above requefred fujjply, and the motions of the army. (Orig.) Court, June lfi, 1591. 139 . 92 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; concerning fir Tho. Morgan's removal of Mr. Chamberlain from the officeofprovoft marlhal of Bergen-op-Zoom. (Orig.) Strand, June 1 s, 1591. 139. b. 93 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches. June 22 and 28 , 1.591. 140 . 94 . A placart of the States General about their traffic wel'tward. (Fr.) Hague, July 3, 1591. 142 . 95. The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley; about the charges brought by the States againft fir Edward Norris. (Orig.) Greenwich, July 11, 1091. 148 . 9 ( 5 . Tho. Bodley, to I d. Burleigh and the Lords of Council; three difpatches, July 11, 13, and 1?, 1591. 149 . 97. Q. Elizabeth, to count Maurice dc Xalfau; encouraging him in the fervice, &c. (Fr.) July 24 , 1591. 153 . b. 98 . Mr. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about the affift- ance of fhips, See. Arnhcim, July 23 , 1591 - 154 . 99. la.. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; on divers mat¬ ter, fir Ed Norris, See. (Orig.) Greenwich, July 2.5, 1591. 155 . 100. Tho. Bodlcv. to Ld. Burleigh; with fome in¬ tercepted letters of Valfeur, See. Arnhcim, July 24 , 1591. 156 . 101. Le Vafleur, to.intelligence and di¬ rections; an intercepted letter. (Fr.) Nimeguen, July 27, 1591 . 157 - 102. A note of the places of mufter for the troops in Englilli pay: intercepted. (Fr.) July 28 , 1591. 153 . 103. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches. Hague, July 31 , 1591. 158 . b. 104. Le Valfeur, to Mons.de Taffis; intelligence about the motions of the army. (Fr.) Nimeguen, July 28 , 1591. 160. 10.5. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; three dif¬ patches. Aug. 8, 10, and 19, 1591. 161. 106. I.d. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; about the charges againft fir Edward Norris, ike. (Orig.) Court at. Chiehelter, Aug. 23 , 1591 . 166. 107. Depolitions of Picric Cortclienc, prifoner at Middleburg, concerning the contributions railed at Oftend upon the " Frank;” and fome intrigues towards bringing about a truce u ith the D. of Parma. (Fr.) Aug 22, 1591 . 167. 108. An obfervation of divers things meet for the States General to conlidcr in their anfwcr to the Emperor's coinmillioners. fent to move them to a peace with Spain, (from Ld. Burleigh.) Sept. 1591. 173 . 109. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches. ■Aug. 31 , 1391. " 176. 110. T !io. Burgh, to Mr. Bodley; about com¬ plaints of the States concerning the victualling of fome companies at the charge of the country. (Orig.) Brill, Sept. 3 , 1591. ' 179. 111. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches. Hague, Sept. 9 and 19, 1591. 179. b. 112. Tho. Bodley, to fir Edward Norris; with the charges of the States againft him. Sept. 19, 1591. 181 . b. l IS. The States General, to fir Ed. Norris ; accept¬ ing his declaration that he would abltain from all ille¬ gal proceedings. (Fr.) Sept. 20, 1591. 182. 1 14 . SirEchv. Norris, to Mr. Bodley ; acknowledg¬ ing the receipt of the two preceding articles. (Orig.) Oftend, Sept. 21, 1591 . 183. 1 15 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; two difpatches. Sept. 30 , 1591 . ” 183 . b. 116. Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; in fa¬ vour of Paul Buys. Oft. 1591. 185 . b. 117. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; various intel¬ ligence about the army, &c. Oct. 4, 1591 . 186. 1 1 8 . Sir Edw. Norris, to the States General; about his juliification. (Fr.) Oftend, 061 . 6 , 1591. 187- 119. Confiderations had touching the form of a placart. concerning the traffic, &c.; prefented to Q. Elizabeth by Mons. Caron, Sept. SO, 1591—noted Oct. 7, 1591 . 188. 120. The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley ; object¬ ing to the above intended placart, ike. (Orig.) Oatlands, Oft. 7, 1591. 190. 121. The States General, to the imperial deputies at Cologne; repeating their declaration that they would not treat for peace. (Fr.) Hague, Oft. y, 1591 . 190. b. 122. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; two difpatches. (Orig.) Weftm. Oct. 8 and 21, 1591. 191. 123 . Tho. Ferrers, deputy of the merchant adven¬ turers, to Mr. Bodley; againft a placart of the States concerning the trade of the company. Middleb. Oft. 19 , J 591 . " 193 . 124 . The imperial deputies, to the States General; about peace, and for palfports. (Dutch.) Cologne Oft. 24, J591. 194. 1 2 . 5 . Col. D. Sonnoy, to Mr .Bodley; concerning his caufe with the States, which he offers to fubmit to ar¬ bitration. (Orig. Fr.) London, Oft, 23 , 1591.191. 126. The imperial deputies, to the States General; demanding letters of fnfe-conduct. (Fr.) Cologne, Oft. 24 , 1591. 197. 127. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports his ne- gociation concerning the amendment of the intended placart, the affair of Oftend, Sec. Oft. 27, 1591. 198. 129. Baron de Reydt's receipt for fome letters of the States, ike. which lie promiies to keep till the re¬ turn of the imperial deputies. (Fr.) Cologne, Oft. 29, 1591 - 199 - b. 130 . Tho. Bodlcv, to Ld. Burleigh; exprefling his uncafinefs at a report he had received that he had in¬ curred difpleafure on account of thegovr. of Oftend’s affair. Hague, Oft. 29, 1591. 200. 13 i. The States General, to Baron de Rlieede (Rcydt) to the fame purport as vm. 121, and pro¬ bably incloling the fame. (Fr.) Hague, Oft. 11, 1591. 201. 132 . A Dutch copy of VIH. 129. Oft. G9, 1591. 202. 133 . Heads of a rem on ft ranee of the Council of State, to the States General; concerning the previ- fion to be made for the profecution of the war. (Fr.) Nov. 1591. 203 . 134 . Draught of a letter Mr. Bodley offered to write to the imperial ambafliulors. Nov. 1591. 203 . 135 . Mr. Bodley, to the company of merchant adventurers; G A. L B A, D. VIII, 337 adventurers; acquainting them that the States had referred their requeft to the provinces. Hague, Nov. S, 159]. cio. b. 136. Mr. Bod ley, to Ld. Burleigh; about fome money owing to certain poor people of Flulhing. Nov. 3 , 1591. 211. 137. The fuhftance of what the Council of State demandeth of the States General, by their propolition of Nov. 5, 159 1. 212. 138 . Tho. Bodlev, to Ld. Burleigh; with fome in¬ tercepted letters from the college of Cardinals to the 1 ). of Parma, &e. upon the Pope's death. Hague, Nov. G, 1591. 212. b. 139. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodlev; direfling him to urge the States to haften the embarkation of fome troops for France, &c. (Orig.) Strand, Nov. 9, 1591 . 213 . 140. The States' letter to the Imperial deputies, VIII. 121. (Dutch.) 061 . 9 , 1391 . 214 . 141. Inftruftions of the eleflor of Cologn, Bp. of Liege (Ernelt of Bavaria) to ambatfadors lent by him to the States General. (Fr.) Liege, Nov. 9, 1591. 216 . 142. The deputies of the States General remaining at the Hague, to the Imperial ambalfadors at Cologn; notifying the receipt of their letter of Oct. 24 , and proinifing to lay it before the iirft meeting of the States. (Fr.) Nov. 9, 1591. 222. b. 143 . Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodlev; inftruftions about 1000 auxiliaries to be lent from the Low Countries to the alii fiance of the French king, &c. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. 9, 1391. 223 . 144 . A memorial for the manner of levying 1000 foldiers to be tranfported out of the Low Countries to Dieppe. Nov. 9, 1391. 225 . 145 . Tho. Bodlev, to Ld. Burleigh; defiling leave to return. Hague, Nov. 10, 1591. 226. i 46. Art. VIII. 142, in Dutch. Nov. 9, 1591 . 226 . b. 147. Tho. Bodlev, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning the proceedings of the Imperial ambalfadors, and the difpolition of the States refpefting the propofed peace. Hague, Nov. 11, 1591. 227. 148. Wratiflas Burgrave and Baron de Dona, to Mr. Bodlev? complimcntal, and courting favour. (Lat.) Hague, Nov. 30 , 1591. 228. 149. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; informing him of various letters from count Cafimir, cautioning the Dutch againft the Imperial ambalfadors. Hague, Nov. 16, 1591. 228 . b. 150 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; direfling him to act in favour of the merchants adventurers. (Orig.) Court, Nov. 18, 1591 . 229. 151. Tho. Bodley, to Mons. Barnevelt; defiling a fpeedy ani'wer in Sonnoy's bulinefs. Nov. 15 , 1591. 229. 152 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports his pro¬ ceedings concerning the levying of troops for France. Hague, Nov. 20, 1591. 230. 153 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; anfwers to Bod ley’s letters, of Nov. 3 , (VIli. 136 ,) about the cre¬ ditors of FIulliing; of Nov. 6 , (vill. 138 ,) about the intercepted letters of the cardinals; and of Nov. 11, (VIII. 147 ,). concerning the Imperial ambalfadors. (Orig.) Whitehall, Nov. 20, 1591 . 231 . 154 . Tho. Bodley's propolition to the Council of State, and certain deputies of the States; concerning the levy of men for France. (Fr. a draught.) Nov. 19, 1591. 232 . b. 155 . Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodley; commending his proceedings about the feven companies to be fent to Dieppe. (Orig.) Court, Nov. 26, 1591. 233 . 1 56 . The emperor Rudolph II, to the magi lira U s of the city of.concerning his endeavours to bring about apeace. (Lat.) Prague, Nov. 22, 1591. 234 . 157. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports .a letter from count Cafimir to the States, for peace; which the deputies, then left at the Hague, are in¬ clined to lupprefs. Nov. 24, 1591. 236 . 158 . Tho. Ferrers, to Mr. Bodley; urging the fuit of the merchants adventurers. Middleb. Nov. 24 , 1591. 237 . 159. Count Cafimir, to the Emperor; concerning the fteps taken towards bringing on a pacification. (Fr.) Heidelb. Nov. 24 , 1591. 238 . 160 . Tho. Bodley, to the States General; concern¬ ing the caufe of the merchants adventurers. Nov. 25 , 1591. 239 . 161. Count Cafimir to the States Ge.ie a'; con¬ cerning the propofed pacification, (a French tranlla- tion from the German.) Heidelb. Oft. 31 , 1591. 240 . 162. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about Spanilh levies in Germany, the Bp. of Leige's embafly to the States, and recommending Midi. Dormar for a company; two letters. Hague, Nov. 28 and 30 , 1591. " 243 . b. 16:',. The Imperial ambalfadors, to the States Ge¬ neral ; urging them to fome explicit anfwer to their propofals. (FL) Brulfels, Dec. 5 , 1591. 245 . 164. The edntribution of the Frank of Bruges. Dec. 1591. 245 .b. 165. A fummary ftatemeut of the extraordinary levies for the fervice of 1591. (Fr.) Decreed in the Council of State, Dec. 3 , 1591. 246 . 166. The letter of the Imperial ambalfadors, vm. 163. in German. Dec. 3, 1591. 247. 1G7. An abftraft of fome articles exhibited by M. Caron to the Privy Council, concerning fir Edw. Norris’s conduft; with anfwers of the Council. (Fr.) Dec. 7, 1591. 248 . 168. Tho. Bodley, to Mr. Ferrers; acknowledging the receipt of feveral letters fent him by Ferrers, and in general about the caufe of the merchants adven¬ turers. Hague, Dec. 7 , 1591 . 250 . b. 169 . Noel de Caron, lo the Privy Council; con¬ cerning vm. 1G7. (Orig. Fr.) London, Dec. 9, 1591 - 251 . 170. An account of the difburfements of the con¬ tributions received by order of fir Edward Norris. Dec. 1591. 251 . b. 171. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning the fuit of one Winter, a letter from the Emperor’s ambalfadors, &e. (two letters.) Hague, Dec. 10 and 11, 1591. 252 . 172. A receipt of the Greffier Aerlfen, for fome letters for the States brought him from Brulfels, (Dutch and Fr.) Dec. 12 , 1591. 255 . 173 . Sir Edw. Norris, to Mr. Bodley; thanking him for his friendlhip, &c. (Orig.) Oltend, Dec. 1591. 256 . 174. Tho. Bodley, to fir Edw. Norris; expoftula- tory about fir Edward's fui'picions. Dec. 15 , 1591. 256. b. 175. The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bodley and fir Fr. Vere ; directing them to order Tho. Wiate to come over and juftify his conduft, (Orig.) Whitehall, Dee. 15 , 1591 . 257. 176. Q. Elizabeth, to Mr. Bodley; exprelfmg her 4 R approbation G A L B A, D. VIII. IX. 38 approbation of his conduct. (Orig.) Weftm. Dei - . 1 . 0 , 1591. 25 s. 177. The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Bod ley; Bating that the 7 companies lent into Normandy were very deficient, with orders about the fidelity of mufters. (Orig.) Whitehall, Dec. 19, 1591. 260 . 178. An order of the Privy Council, to the go¬ vernors of the cautionary towns; about taking ac¬ curate mufters. Whitehall, Dec. 19, 1591. 261. I 7 f). The emperor Rudolph ll, to count Cafimir; about the propofed pacification. (Fr.) Prague, Dec. 20, 1.591. 262. iso. J. Lodingius, agent of count Cafimir; his rc- queft to fee 1 ' A alien, not. to produce the count’s let¬ ter to the States but in the abfence of the Imperial ambalfadors. (Lat.) Hague, Dec. 22, 1591.262. b. isi. Ld. Burleigh, to Mr. Bodlcy; blaming the deficiencies in the 7 companies fent into Normandy. (Orig.) Weftm. Dec. 21, 1591. 205 . 182. Tho. Bodlcy,, to Ld. Burleigh; about the peace, the creditors at Fiufhing, his return, Sec. Hague, Dec. 22, 1591. 264. 1 88 . A requeft on the part of the D. of Cleves (John William) for free palfage of fome of his fubjeits through Offend. (Fr.) Dec. 80, 1591. 26.5. b. isi. Tho. Bodlcy, to Ld. Burleigh; reports count Calimir’s further endeavours towards a peace, See. Dec. 31 , 1591. 2G6. 185 . Adifcourfe or remonfirance, on the contribu¬ tions levied in the diftrift of*Offend. (Fr.) 269. 186. A fiatement of fadls concerning the convey¬ ance of ammunition from Holland into France, Spain, See. 1591. 272. 1 S 7 . A memorial of the deputies of the States Ge¬ neral, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the leizure of fome Dutch illips. (Fr.) 1391. 273. 188 . The names of the companies that are ap¬ pointed for France. 275. 189. A memorial of the merchants and inhabitants of Zealand, to the States of that Province ; concern¬ ing the injuries they fuftaiii from the Englilh. (Fr.) 1391. ' 276. 190. An extract of the refolutions taken for the fafeguard of the fea for 1591; being a note of the Blips to be equipped by each province. (Fr. and Dutch.) 280. 191. Reafons why the convoy, licence money, and other new and extraordinary impofitions, fliould not he exacted of the merchants adventurers, by the States General. 1591. 284 . 192. A remonfirance of the Englifh merchants again ft a decree of the States General, concerning the woollen trade. (Lat.) 1591. 285 . 19.8. Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; concern¬ ing the complaints of the Englifh merchants. (Lat.) 2S8. 194. A fiatement of the difference in her Majcfry’s charges in the Low Countries, according to two dif¬ ferent eftablifhments. 1591. 239. Galba, D. IX. Codex chartaceuSj-in folio, conftans foliis 350. 1. The names of, and films iflued to, thirty-one captains in garrifon at Bergen-op-Zoom, who came over with his excellency (Ld. Leicefter?) 1587 . 1. 2. Warrants for money iffued to certain captains. June 9 , 10, and 11 , 1 387 . 2, 8 . Anthony Jcnkiufbn, 1 <> < 0 - Elizabeth: pmpoling I a voyage of difeovery to C.illiay bv tin- math !i-a” May si, 1565 . ” ' ‘ ' 4 . Ld. Burleigh, to.about negotiations j for peace, in which duke Cafimir was much concerned, j (Orig.) Wcltm. Jan. 18, 1591-2. (j. 5. The Council of State of Holland, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; concerning the mifdemcanors of fir Ed. Norris, tor which he ought to be accountable to them. Hague, Jan. 23, 1592-3. g. 6 . 1 ho. Bodlcy. - to Ld. Burleigh? intelligence about, negotiations for peace. Hague, Jan. 22 1 591-2. 10. 7 . Sir Edw. Norris, to Tho. Bodlcy; defiling him to obtain from the States money for his entertain¬ ment. and arrears. (Orig.) Oftend, Feb. 2. 12. l>. 8 . fho. Bodlcy, to Ld. Burleigh; about negotia¬ tions of the Imperial ambaftador, and other commif- fiouers for peace. Hague, 15.92. 1 3. 9. Tho. Bodlcy ? to Ld. Burleigh; about the pro- fecution of the war, and various military preparations, (the end wanting.) 1592. 10. The Council of State of the United Provinces, to the States General; urging them to make provi- fion for the campaign of the year 1592. 1 6 . 1 1. Sommaire de cc one les deputes dc Zclandc ont remontre a Mcffrs. du Conleil d'Etat., touchant la ganiifon de Vlitlingue. j 12. A11 ordinance of the frates of Zealand; concern¬ ing various abulcs in the pay of the Englilh garrifon atFlufhing. " ig. 13 . Ott. Hen. von d cm By land Baron de Reidt, &c. to the States General; defiling a fafe-eonducl for himfelf and other Imperial commillioners, to open a negotiation for peace. (Fr.) Antwerp, Jan. 1 1591-2? ' tg. 14 . Tho. Bodlcy, to Ld. Burleigh; thanks," and a bout his negocialions concerning the pay of the army, Sec. Hague, Jan 10. 20. 13 . Sir Edw. Norris's infiructions to Maillard Maer- tins, his fcc y , of certain tilings lie is to represent to the States General; concerning fafeguards. Olicnd, 1 eh. 27, 1592.' together with an anl’wer from the States, of March 17, 1592? (both Fr.) 22. 16. The merchants adventurers, to Tho. Bodlcy; requefting him to protect their intends with the States General. Middlcburg, March 15, 1.391-2. 23 . b. 17. Another letter to the fame purport. London, March 16, 1591-2. 28. h. 18. A warrant with inftruflions to fir Tho. Flood, appointed paymatler to the forces in the Low Countries. 24. 19. Sir Thomas Shirley’s patent as treafurer of the army in the Low Countries. Weftm. Feb. 27, 1597. 20. Ld. Burleigh, to Tho. Bodlcy; about the ne¬ gotiations with Byland, ami the other Imperial am- baffadors, concerning peace, &c. (Orig.) At court, Feb. 24 , 1592.' 29. 21. Q. Elizabeth, to Tho. Bodlcy; about reftoring T. Chamberlain to the provofrfhip of Bergen-op-Zoom. (Orig.) Weftm. Feb. 24 , 1591-2. 30. 22. A note of turns contributed by feveral towns in Holland, in Jan. Fob. and March, 1502. 81. 28. Tho. Bodlcy, to Ld. Burleigh; the province of Gueldcrs likely to contribute to the States; the negotiations of the Imperial ambalfadors, mufters, Sc e. Hague, Feb. 25 , 1591- 2 . 32. 24 . Tho. Bodlcy. to Ld. Burleigh; reports his meafures G A LB A, D. IX. 339 mcafures to counteract Mons. By land ; about fupplies, j Sec. (end wanting.) 1 59 '’- 33 - <15. Tho. Bod ley, to fir Edw. Norris ; about his en¬ tertainment, and arrears, &c. a corrected draught. Feb. l. 34 . 26. Bartolius Ractt ... to Tho. Bodley; compli- mental, and with fome intelligence. (Orig. Lat.) Brunfw. Dec. l, 1585 . 35 . 27. lien. Vmn. Holt, to.afeOut fome con¬ cerns between the merchants adventurers and the Ilanfe Towns. (Orig. lat.; the beginning wanting.) Ihnbden, March 28 , 1585 . 37 - 28. Sir Ed. Norris, to the States General; applies for money, &c. (Fr. orig.) Oticr.d, Feb. 13 . 39 - 29 . Fred. William D. of Saxc-Altcmburg, admini- ftralor of the electorate (if Saxony, In Q. Elizabeth ; in behalf of Jerom Schwarz, a young Saxon who had been circumvented and imprifoned in London. (Lat.) Torgaw, March 6 , 1590 ’. 40 . 80 . Chriflian I. elector of Saxony, to Q. Elizabeth; lexprefiing his defire to conciliate fome commercial differences. (Lat.) Waltheim, Aug. 12, 1591 . 48 . Si. Fred. William, adminiftrator of Saxony, to Q. Elizabeth; exprelling his delire to be upon the beft terms ’with the queen, and commending Criftoph. Barking her refident. (Lat.) July 29 , 1593 . 45 . 3C. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh? about fome ne¬ gotiations in Germany ; and intelligence. (Orig.) Lubec, May si, 1585 . 46 . 33 . A latin fragment, much ftained. 47 . 34 . C’hriftian l. elect, of Saxony, to Q. Elizabeth; recommending a concern of count Hohenloh, con¬ cerning fon di tui’o mc( s among the garrifon of Gertruydenburg. (Lat.) Hidden, XVI. cal. Feb. 1589 - 48 . 35 Edzard II. count of Eaft Eriefland, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; reprefenting fome differences between him and the Di.lch, protefiing that he does not favour the Spaniards, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Aurich, June 15 , 1587 . 50 . 3G. Chriflian I. elect, of Sax. to Q. Elizabeth ; in anlwcr to a melfage from the Q. brought him by fir lior. Palavicino, declaring his fteadinefs in the pro- teltant caufe. (Lat.) Drelden, June 5 , 1590 . 54 . 37 . A vindication of count Edzard againft fome charges brought againft him by Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Leiccftcr, and faid to have been delivered by Mr. IIcrle. (Lat.) Embden, May 29, 15 86 . 56 . 38. Eight leaves in the fame baud, and on the fame fubject as the preceding article, but the order of the not well afeertained. GO. 89. A paper concerning the mode of fecuring the count of Eaft Eriefland to the intcrcft of England, (perhaps from Leicefter to Herle.) 1586 * 68 . 40 . An agent of duke Cafimir, to Q. Elizabeth ; reprefenting divers matters in behalf of his mafter, and endeavouring to excite her to profecute the war with vigour. (IT.) Hague, May 20 , 15 SS. 09 . 41. The magiftrat.es of Cologn, to Q. Elizabeth ; requefting the reftitution of certain goods belonging to fome of their citizens, and taken on board a Por- tuguefe Eaft India (hip by fir Fr. Drake. (Orig. Lat.) July 29, 15 S 7 . “ 73 . 42. A petition of Hen. van. Ambaeh of Gueldres, to Ld. Leicefter? defiring a captain's commifiion over 40 or 50 men to be raifed by liimfelf. (Fr.) 1587 - 74 . 48, Lcs articles conclus et arretes entre Monf. le comte Edzard d'Oft Frife, et ie fieur Herle, atnbafla- deur de S. M. d'Angleterre et de S. Ex. (a rough draught imperf.) 76. 44. John Renghaus, to Mr. Ilorle ; requefting fome commercial advantages ; alfo conveying fomd intelligence. (Orig. Er.) From the river Ems. June 29 , 1586 . ? 7 . 45. A proclamation of the Empr. Rudolph ll. againft count Witgenltein and others, who had committed fome acts of violence againft the chapter of Stralburg. (German.) Prague, July 15 , 1585 . 79. 46. William [Icrle or llcrle, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence from Eaft Friefland. Two letters. (Orig.) Embden, Dec. 20, 1586 , and July 15 , 1587 . 8 1. 47 . Hor. Palavicino, to the E. of Leicefter; reports his voyage from Enekhuyfen to Bremen, the rumours of the emperor's death, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Bremen, March 19, 1585 -G. " 85 . 48 . W. Earle ? to the count of Oldenburg ; noti¬ fying tlie treaty of neutrality between the Q. of England and count Edzard, and requefting him to prohibit all fupplies to the enemy out of his territo¬ ries. (Germ.) Embdm, June 10, 1586 . 86. 49. Edzard II. Ct. of Eaft Eriefland, to Q. Eliza¬ beth; concerning a law-fuit between him and II. Manuinga and Thcod. Sonnov, in which he defires her to interfere. (Lat.) Aurich, Sept. 1, 1586 . 88 . 50 . Ileffel Nyfma (Ayfma?) prefident of Frit Hand, to Mr. Herle; concerning provitions in the neighbour¬ hood of Groningen. (Low Dutch.) May is, 1586 . 89 . 51 . The E. of Leicefler? to John Ct. of Eaft Fricf- land (brother to Edzard II.?) informing him that he had apprized the queen with the matter the count wiihed to impart to her. Stickhufcn, April 25 , i 585 . 90 . 52 . ... Walker? to Ld. Burleigh ; about the muf- ters of the Englilh forces in the Low Countries. Hague, Jan. 10, 1591-2. 91. 53 . ... Walker? to Mr. Gilpin; about fome arti¬ cles between England and the States, &c. Jan. 19, 1591 - 2 . 92. b. 54 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Bur leigh; reports Byland the Imperial am ballad or's arrival; about the mufterof troops, and intelligence of Ct. Cafnnir’s death, &c. 1592 . 93. 55 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wolfev ; reports feveral converfations between liimfelf and the Calais poftmalter, and feveral French ofticers and cmiifarieS; alfo about fome military cxeurtions, and priloners ta¬ ken. (Orig.) Guifnes, May 26. 94. 56 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; intelligence about the Imperial ambaflador, the affairs of France, &e. Hague, March 1 5 , 1591-2. 96. 57. Memoires fur la guerre prefentc entre laReine d’Angleterre et le Rov Philippe, &c. faites par Hum- fre Bradley gentilhomme Brabancon. March 9, 1591-2. 98. 58 . The Lds. of Council, to Tho. Bodley ; inftruc- tions about the complaints of the States againft lir Edw. Norris. Whitehall, March 25 , 1592. 113. 59. Ld. Burleigh, to Tho. Bodley; directions about the Imperial ambaflador, the war, and fir Edw. Norris. (Orig.) March 25 , 1592. 11 3 . b. 60. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports count Maurice's intention to beliege Gertruydenburg, dif- contents in Brabant, See. Hague, March 17, 1592-3. 114. 61. Ld. Burleigh, to Tho. Bodley ; about fir Fn I Vtre 34° GALBA, D. IX. Vcre coming over to Holland with inftructions. {Orig.) At court, March 19, 1592-3. 114. b. 62. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about the fiege Of Gertruy den burg, the mufter of the troops, &c. Hague, March 22, 1592-3. 115. 6S. Tho. Bod ley, to Ld. Burleigh; three difpatches about the Imperial ambaifador, military affairs, Hr Edw. Norris, &c. Hague, March 27, April 1 and 8, 159 2 . 117. 64. Tho. Bodley, to the merchants adventurers in London ; acquaints them with the effe 6 t of their ap¬ plication to the States. Hague, April 8 , 1592. 122. b. 65 . Ld. Burleigh, to Tho. Bodlev ; directing him to fol ieit the States in favour of col. Sidney. (Orig.) At court, April 3 , 1592. 123. 66 . Tho. Ferrers, deputy of the merchants adven¬ turers at Midd leburg-, to Tho. Bodlev ; about the ne¬ gotiations with the States concerning their focietv. Middleb. Aprils, 1592 . " 123. b. 67. Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; a difpatch— Zealand refufes to pay its quota at the rate propofed ; conferences with Barney el t, &c. Hague, April 7, 1592, 124. 68. The States General, to the Imperial ambafiadors; declaring that they cannot enter into a pacification on account of their league with France and England. (Fr.) Hague, April 7, 1592. "125. 69. Sir Edw. Norris, to Tho. Bodley ; about the hardlhips of the ferviec ; his demands from, and ac¬ counts with, the States. (Orig.) Offend, 1592.128. 70 . A paper relating to the garrifon of l’lulhing, &c. feemingly a lift of officers. 129. 71 . Lord Burleigh, to Tho. Bodlev; directions and advice concerning the Imperial ambaftadors, and other negociations. (Orig.) Wefim. April 10, 1592. 130 . 72 . A requifttion in favour of the merchants adven¬ turers; perhaps from Q. Elizabeth to the States General, (h-at.) 132. 73 . “ The contents of the States letter to her ma- jefty, dated April 14, 1592. with the anfwers of the merchants adventurers to the particulars of the fame." 133 . 74 . “ Points et articles que S. Ex. a accord^ au gouverneur garnifon et ville de Steenwick.” July 4. 1592. 154. 75 . The merchants adventurers in London, to Tho. Bodley; about the cloth trade in the United Provinces. London, July 4, 1592. 155. 76 . Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports plans of expeditions toward Coeworden, Grolle, &c. Hague, July 4 , 1592 . 155 . b. 77 . The Lds. of the Pi ivy Council, to the officers of two bands in garrifon at Oftend ; ordering two com¬ panies that were abroad, to march into that town. (Orig.) Greenw. July 9, 1592. 150'. 78 . Differential points referred by the merchants adventurers, to the States General; about ££ Tara- ment." 157. 79 - The Lds. of Council, to fir Edw. Norris or Mr. Bodley ; about the defence of Oftend. (Orig.) Greenw. July9, 1592. 153. 8 (). Tho. Ferrers, deputy of the merchants adven- i turers at Middleburg, to Mr. Bodlev? thanks for kindnefs, and requefting him to procure fume ex¬ emptions. (Orig.) Middleb. June 10 . 158 . b. 81. The merchants adventurers at Middleburg, to Tho. Bodley; about his negociations in their behalf. Middleb. April 14, 1592. 159. 52. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; in an- Iwer to fome requifitions of hers in favour of the mer¬ chants adventurers. (Fr.) Hague, April 4, 1592. 1 6. Janies VI. K. of Sc. to the States General; ex- prefling his alarm at the practices of the Spaniards in Scotland, and calling upon them to join him in de¬ feating them. (Fr.) Holy-rood H. Jan. 15, 1594-5. 16. 7. James VI. K. of Sc. his inftru 6 tions to the com¬ mander of Pettynweme, fent to the States General. (Fr.) Exhibited Feb. 14 , 1595 . 17. 21. Rudolph 11. Empr. to the United States; touch¬ ing a peace. (Lat.) Prague, March 20, 1595. 40. 22. Q. Elizabeth, to Ct. Maurice de Naffau, and to the States General; two letters concerning her former application in favour of col. Morgan. Weftm. March 23 , 1594-5. 47 . 23 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Bodley ; a letter aL rrioft obliterated. At court, March 1594-5. 49. 24. A draught, and two copies, of a letter, concern¬ ing tlie debt to fir Ilor. Palavicino ; probably from Q. Elizabeth, to the States General. (Fr.) April 1 1595 . 51. 25 . The States General to the Lords of the Privy Council; communicating their anfwer to fir Tho. Bodley’s proportions. (Fr.) Hague, April 20, 1595. 53 . 2G. Sir Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence. Hague, 1595. “ " 27. The anfwer of the States General to fir Tho. Bodley’s proportion fur reftitution; with a copy of the fame. (Fr.) April 19, 1595. 55. 28. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth ; with their anfwer to fir Tho. Bodley’s propofition. (Fr.) Hague, April 21, 1595. G2. 29. Sir Tho. Bodley, to lord Burleigh; about the 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4 T anfwer G ALBA, D. XI. 346 anfwer of the States General, &c. Hague, April ‘23, 1595 . ^4. 30 . Sir Tho. Bodlev, to fir Robt. Cecil ? about the placarts of the Dutch, relating to their coin. Hague, Sept. 28, 1595. bb- Si. The States or Council oi Holland, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; about the debt to fir Hor. Balavicino. (It.) Hague, April 20 , 1095 . b?- 82 . Copies and minutes of divers fiatc papers, chiefly relating to the reftitution. 69 . 8 3. A brief of a conference with count Maurice, by ionic deputies of the king (of Spain : ■ and of cer¬ tain comi'-h rations thereupon. April 14, 1395- 73. 84 . A note of the forces in the Low Countries. May 21 , 139 . 3 . 74. b. 8 . 3 . A memorial of conferences, concerning the Low Country eaufes. 1593. 73. b. so. Sums of money delivered out of the t re a fury for the fcrvice of the Low Countries, at the beginning of the uars. July 28 , 1895. 76 . b. 87 . The names of the captains that have ferved in the Low Countries and Trance, iince the beginning of the wars. 77. 88. A lift of her majefiv "s forces in the Low Coun¬ tries this 7 th of Feb. I 595 . 79- 8 1 . Raifi'us de la part de S. Mai. eontre les allega¬ tions . “ Mcmoires touchant le gouverncment du pais de Hollande.” 242. ^ 97 . Draught of a flatement of the alliance between England and the United Protinees. 246. 98 . A letter difelifting the policy that ought to in¬ fluence the Spanilli government in "the Low Countries, (Fr.) 053. 99 . “ A difeourfe upon the wars to be now made;” figned Phil.de Marnix: this article relates to Eng¬ land and Holland. 257, Galba, D. XII. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 330. 1. Sir 1 ho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports con¬ ferences with Barnevelt and the States General, about the'war. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 4, 1595-6. 1. 2. Sir Tho. Bodley, to prince Maurice of Orano-e? profefling great refpcct and regard. Jan. 1595-6?° 5 . _ 3 . Several captains in garrifon at Oftend, to fir 1 ho. Bodley; defiring him to countenance their peti¬ tion to the States, concerning fome calumnies uttered againft them. (Orig.) Offend, Jan. 5, 1.595-6. 6 . 4 . Sir I ho. Bodley, to fir Edward Norris; concern¬ ing fome cl larges of treafon brought againft him (Norris.) (Iwo letters.) Hague, Jan. 9 and 12, 1595 - 6 . 7 . 5 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Bodley; defiling in¬ formation concerning fome Englilh "gone over to the Spaniards, the conduct of Pr. Ilohenloh, Philip William Pr. of Orange, &c. (Orig.) From Court, Jan. is, 1595 - 6 . 9. 6 . Sir Edw. Norris, to fir Tho. Bodley; about the calumnies fpread aguinlt him. (Orig.) Oftcnd, Jan. 20 , 1595 - 6 . 10. 7 . Sir Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; reports a conference with Barnevelt about the profecution of the war; alfo anfwers about Ilohenloh, Phil. William, &c. Hague, Jan. 25 , 1595-6. 13. 8 . Sir Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh ; reports a de¬ putation to him from the States General. Hague, Jan. 1595 J 6 . \ 7 . 9 . Sir Edw. Norris, to fir Tho. Bodley; about the calumnies fpread againft him. (Orig : .) Jan. 26 , 1595 - 6 . 19 . 10. Sir Tho. Bodley, to fir Edw. Norris; advifino- him about the calumnies reported concerning him. Hague, Feb. 5 , 1595-6. 21. 11. Sir Tho. Bodley, to Pr. Maurice? about the malicious reports re'fpecling fir Edw. Norris ; and in¬ telligence concerning the war. Hague, Feb. 14, 1595-6. 22. 12. The Lords of Council, and Ld. Burleigh, to fir Tho. Bodley; by fir Francis Vcrc, fent back to Holland by the queen. • (two original letters.) Richm. and Lond. Feb. 18, 1595-6. 23 . 13 . Sir Tho. Bodley; a memorial to the States General, urgently prefling the object of his negocia- tion. (Fr.) Hague, March 8 , 1.595-6. 25. 14 . Sir Tho. Bodley, to Ld. Burleigh; about his negociation. Hague, March 21, 1595-6. 27. 15 . Sir Tho. Bodley, to fir Robt. Cecil; about, his negociation. Hague" March 22 , 1595-6. so. 16. Sir Tho. Bodlev, to Ld. Burleigh; about his negociation, &c. Hague, March 24, 1395-6. 31. 17. Sir Tho. Bodley; a metnorial to the States General. (Fr. two copies.) Hague, March si, 1596 . S 3 . 18. Extra# out of a letter from Mr. Secretary I'fir 34-S GAL BA, D. XII. (fir Robt. Cecil) to fir Tho. Bod ley : charging him to urge on the negotiation. April 2, 1.596. 39. 19 1 i States General, to Q. Elizabeth; reprefent- ing the neecliitous hale of their ^flairs, particularly the enormous cxpence they arc at lor the defence (it Oiiernl. (It.) 40. 20. A return of the Englifli troops in garrifon at Olicncl. 42. -i- Mr. Ilay.s; his plot for a commfflary general for mufters in Ireland. ' 42. b. A proportion prefented by Mr. Geo. Gilpin, to the .States General, for lending over deputies to Q. Elizabeth. (It. q copies.) June 1, 1596V 4:5. 25 . An anfwer of the States General to the above proportion. (Fr.) Hague, June 15 , 1590. 4 . 3 . 24 . The Lords of Council, to the E. of Efiex and Ed. II oward ; various direel ions about the operations atfea. (Orig.) Greenwich, Aug. 7, 1596. 40 '. 25 . Directions how far every man’s office in the army doth extend. ’ 4y. 20. Sir Tho. Bodlev, to one called Leoninus; friendly and coinpiimcntal. (Lat.) Lond. Oct. 9, 1590. 52. 27. The Queen's Privy Council, to the deputies of the States General; anfwer to their proportions. (Fr.) 00 . u, 1.396. 54. 25 . The deputies of the States, to the Lds. of Coun¬ cil; reply to lbme propofals. (Fr. two copies.) Oet. 14 , 1590. 61. 29 - The deputies of the States General, to the Lords of Council; a reply to their proportions. (Fr.) Lond. Oct. 14, 1596. (j4. so. A memorial of the laft negociation between the Queen's Privy Council and the deputies of the States General. (Fr. figned Robert Cecil; and an Englilh transition.) 07. 51 . The States General, to the Lords of Council; on breaking off the laft negociation. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, OCt. si, 1590 . 71. 52 . An EngliOi ambaffador at the Hague (Geo. Gilpin .-) to the States General; remonftrating againft their lukewarmnefs towards England. (Fr.) 72. 53 . The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; notify¬ ing their acceffion to the offeniive and defenfive league. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Nov. 5, 1596. 73. 5 4 . AbtiraCts ot ftate papers, concerning the affairs of the Low Countries. 1590'. 75. 33 . Q. Elizabeth's ratification of a treaty between the French king, and the United Provinces.’ Jan. 13, 1596 - 7 . 77 . b. ’ 36 . A parley concerning the trade and navigation in the Baltic. 79. 1,. 57 - Al> it rafts of ftate papers, concerning the affairs of the Low Countries. 1596-7. 80. b. 38 . A note to Mons. Bourdelet, counfellor to the Q. of England ; reminding him of his promife to in¬ tercede for (livers perfons baniffied from Leyden. 83. 39. Notes of lbme practices of Roman Catholics in England. (Fr.) 83 . b. 40 . A dilculhon concerning traffic, efpecially in proviiions, between the United States and theSpanilh provinces. g« 41. A brief account of the fucceffive governors, and ot the form of government of the Low Countries. 85 . 42. Some regulations concerning the mufters of the Englifli troops in the Low Countries. 87. 43. A memorial or journal of fir Tho. Bodlcy's ne¬ gotiations in the Low Countries, from March to OCtoher 1596 . 88 . ],. 44. Demands of the merchants ft rangers, touching package, carriage, and porterage; with the aniwers of the packers, and the reply of the merchants. 1596. 95 . 45. A fragment of an article fimilar to the preccd- mg one. i 4(l - ^ memorial tor an inftruetion to R. C. (Iloht. Cecil) J. II. and T. \Y. fent into France to treat about a general pacification. 105. 47. Inlrructions for Air. Barkley, of what he fliall fay to 1 1 ic Q. ot England on the part of the prince of Orange. 115. 48. Memorial of an Englifli ambaffiidor (Geo. Gilpin r) to the States General; exhorting them to join the league between England and France atrainli Spain. (Fr.) " n 7 . 49 - A b fir a cis of ftate papers relating to the tranfac- tions between England anil the Low Countries. 1597. 118 . ^ 50. Sir Robt. Sidney, governor of Flufiling, to Q. Elizabeth ; reports the lialcofthat fortrds, and of the cattle of Ramekins. (Orig.) Flufhing, May 12 , i397. 130. .3 1 . a. Sigifmund ill. If. of Poland, to the States General; credential in favour of Paul a Dtiulyn. (Lat.) AVarfaw, May 19 , 1 . 397 . 134 . 5 J - b. “ A prayer made by Q. Elizabeth for the prof- perous fuccels of the journey begun.” 15.(17. 134. b. 52 . Confiderations for the provifmn of victuals for 9,200 men for one month. July 11, 1.397. 155 . 53. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; concern¬ ing a difference between them and the States of Zealand. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, July 13, 1597. 136 . 54. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; refuting to take upon them any part of Palavicini s debt. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Sept. 13, 1597. 137. 55 . W. Davifon, to fir Robt. Cecil; Rating tlie cir cum fiances of Q. Elizabeth's debt to fir Horatio Palavicino. Nov. 21, 1597. 159, 56 . The States General, to Q. Elizabeth ; in con¬ fluence of an alternative propoied to them by the Irench king. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Nov. 1597. 144. 5 7- Q. Elizabeth, to the States General; in com¬ mendation of their forces that went with the E. of Efiex to the coaft of Spain. (Orig. Fr.) Nov. 23, 15 97 . 145, 58. Sir Robt. Sydney, to Q. Elizabeth; advifing her to command her merchants to refide at Flufiiiug. (Orig.) Flufiiiug, Dec. 31 , 1597. 14 IL 59. Hildebrand, Roltcman, and Jacob Van Clove, deputies from Groningen, to tir Iloht. Cecil; two let¬ ters, defiling to he ipeedily difpatclied. (Orig. Lat.) Lond. Jan. 6 and 8, 1598 . " 148. 60. A copy of the instrument by which Philip 11, K. of Spain made over the Netherlands to the In¬ fanta of Spain, and the Archduke Albert of Aultria. (Fr.) Madrid, March 5, 1598. 1.70. 61. An anfwer of three of Q. Elizabeth's coun- fellors, to the States General; concerning the propo¬ rtions of peace on the part of the I rench king. March 1598. 25-. 62. Q. Elizabeth's inftructions to fir Francis A'ere, lent, to the States General; to be communicated to Mr. Gilpin. June 7, 1598. 139. 63 . Directions to fir Francis A'ere. June 1598. 167. 64 . A. G A L B A, D. XII 349 64 . A memorial of fir Fr. Yere, and Geo. Gilpin, to the States General; concerning the Fr. king’s pro- pol’als. (Fr.) Hague, Julie 29, 1598. 169. Go. The preface added to the States’ ratification of the treaty. (Fr.) June 29, 1598 . 173. 66 '. Sir Robt. Cecil, to L< 1 . Burleigh ; concerning the oilers of the States. (Olio-.) From court, July 23 , 1598 . 174 . 67. A brief of the fir ft offer of the States General, to Q. Elizabeth. July 1598 . 176. 68 . The offer of the States for continuance of the war; augmented from the firft offer. (Fr.) July 25 , 1598 . 177 - b. 69 - Confiderations of the caufe of peace to be had with Spain, or the war to be continued. (Two copies, the firft imperfeCt.) July 1598 . 179. b. 70. Confiderations for the peace now in fpeech. July 1598 . 185 . 71. Certain reafons to be ufed by Mr. Gilpin unto the States General, for obtaining a fpecial act from them of the acknowledgment of a debt of £.800,000 to her majefty, according to the sd article of the laft treaty. July 1598 . 192 . 72. Confiderations upon the offers of the States. July 1598 . 195. 73. Treaty between Q. Elizabeth, and the States General. Aug. 6 , 1598 . 196. 74 . Eftablilhment of the garrifons of the cau¬ tionary towns of Flufhing and Brill; with the appoint¬ ment of a counlellor on. the part of her majefty, in the States General. Aug. 18, 1598 . 202. 75. The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; re- monftrating againft fome articles of the late treaty, but yet ratifying the fame. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, Sept. 20, 1598 . 204 . 76. The project of the obligation of the States, as it was demanded. (Fr.) Nov. 9, 1598 . 205 . 77. Quedions to be moved to the commiflioncrs of the States, about peace. (A fragment.) 1598 . 206. 78 . a. Henry iv. Iv. of France ; his anfwer to a re- monftrance of the catholics, concerning the eftablifli- ment of their religion. 207. 78 . b. Extracts out of two letters, one from the admiral of the States General lying with fome men of war near the Sound, dated Elfineur, Oe(. 10 ; and the other dated Amfterdam, OCt, 12, 1598 ; both con¬ cerning Sigifmond 1 C. of Sweden, and duke Charles his uncle. (French.) 207. b. 79. Offers fit for the States to ufe to Q. Elizabeth, to keep her from making peace with the 1 C. of Spain: alfo a negociation in France, and articles concerning a treaty of peace ; at the end of which is added a note of fuch fums of money as fir Tho. Shirley hath re¬ ceived out of the exchequer, for the fervice of the Low Countries, from Feb. 1, 1586 , to Sept. 20, 1596. 209. 80. Memoirs and inftruclions concerning things to be repreferrted to Q. Elizabeth, on the part of the States General. (Fr.) 215. 8 1. Offers fit for the States to ufe to her majefty, to keep her from making peace with Spain. June 3 , 1596 . 216 . b. 82. Q. Elizabeth’s indru&ions to fir Robt. Sydney, fent to the States General, about a reimburlcment. 1598 . 218 . 83 . Offers of the States General to Q. Elizabeth, for a treaty of mutual defence. (Fr.) 1598 . 225 . 84 . Obfervations on the offers of the States, and the propofed treaty in general (the end wanting.) 228 . 85 . The project or minute of an obligation, for aCts obligatory for fums of money agreed on by treaties, and thole now required of the States General. (Eat.) 230 . 86 . A paper concerning the levy of troops for Holland. " 234 . 87. A note on fixing the place' of rcfidence of Englifli merchants in Holland. 1598? 235 . 88 . Memorial or fpeech of the ambaffadors of the States General, to Q. Elizabeth, to perfuade her to perfevere in the war for the defence of the Low Countries. (Fr.) 1598. 236 . 89 - Abstracts of date papers relating to the tranfac- tions between England and the Low Countries. 1 5 gs. 245 . 90. An Fnglifh commander.to the States General, about the profecution of the war, and de¬ manding more forces. (Fr. end wanting.) 251. 91. State of the provinces ceded by the king of Spain to the Infanta Ifabella and the Archduke Albert; as alfo of the United Provinces: a report of fome Englifli minifter or agent. 252. 92 . AbdraCts of ft ate papers relating to the tranf- a6tions between England and the Low Countries. 1599 . 260 . 93. A brief difcoitrfe on the means of reducing, and containing by tea, the rebels of Holland and Zealand. (Spanilh.) 264. 94 . Sir Robt. Sydney’s difeourfe concerning the peace with Spain. Flufhing, Dec. 26, 1599 - 269. 95 . Lid of the deputies from the United Provinces, coming to Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) 273. 96 . A cypher, with directions for ufing it. (Fr.) 274. 97 . Geo. Gilpin, to fir Robt. Cecil; two letters concerning his negotiations in Holland, and intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. 12 and 19, 1600. OS. Geo. Gilpin, to fir Robt. Cecil ? on the trade with the Low Countries, peace, &c. Hague, March 1600 . " 280 . 99 . The States General, to Q. Elizabeth; on the motions of the armies in Wed Flanders. (Orig. Fr.) Odend, July 3 , 16OO. 283 . 100. A proclamation of the States General for railing money. Hague, June 13 , 1600. 285 . 101. Means for arriving at a good peace. (Fr. a draught.) June 1600 . 286 . 102. Q. Elizabeth, to one of her minifters abroad ; indruCtions. Greenwich, July 19, 1600. 287. 103 . AbftraCis of date papers, relating to the tranf- aCtions between England and the Low Countries. 1600. 288 . 104 . Afummary of the ordinary charges which the date of war will amount to, repartiated on the re- fpeCtive provinces. 1600. 293. 105 . An ad’efiinent of dims paid by feveral United Provinces for the maintenance of their troops. (Q r whether part of the above?) 297. 106. A propofal for regulating the contributions of the Provinces for the dipport of the aimy. 1600. 298. 107. ExtraCt out of the examination of Thomas Hull, a prifoner for treafon. soo. 108. Reafons wherefore the merchants, not being of the United but of the Spanilh provinces, refident 4 U in / GALEA, D. XII. XIII. 35° in London, do make difficulty to accomplifh the Queen’s privy feal of Feb. 1G01. 301 . lOf). The States General, to fir Robt. Cecil; re¬ commending Mods. Schoonctfalle, tlieiragent. (Orig. Fr.) Hague, May 10, 1601 . 303 . lio. Sir Robt. Sydney; remembrances to her ma- jcftv, concerning her cautionary town of Flufliing. FlulJiing, Aug. s, 1602. 304 . in. H. Aero, to fir Robt.. Cecil? intelligence from a beiieged town, probably Oftend. (Orig.) Aug. 10, 1601 . 310 . 112. Sir Fr. Vere, to fir Robt. Cecil; on the hate of the armies in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Mid- dleburg, Sept. 3, 1601. sil. 113 . The E. of Northumberland, to fir Robt. Cecil; intelligence concerning the liege of Oftend. (Orig.) Oftend, Sept, s, 1G01. 313 . b. 1 14 . Abftrafls of hate papers relating to the tranf- aftions between England and the Low Countries. 1601 . 314 . 1 15 . A tariff of the prices of provifions in Holland, compared with the lame in England. 318 . l lG. Inhructions to Mr. Geo. Buck, fent to hr Fr. Vere to allilt him in his negotiations; drawn by hr Robt. Cecil. (Two copies, the latter more ample, and authenticated by Mr. Buck.) Aug. 19, 1601. 322 . b. 117. The Council of Zealand's anfwcrto propofals made by Robt. Manic!, on the part of Q. Elizabeth. (Lat.) Middleburg, . 23 , 1602. 323 . 118 . The principal points to be propofed on the part of the States General towards the continuation of a treaty of peace. (Fr.) 1607. 329 . Galba, D. XIII. Codex chartac : in folio, conftans foliis 268 , 1. Q. Elizabeth, to Frederic iv. Eledl. Palatine; in commendation of Philip de Hoghenfax, his agent. (Lat.) Woodhock, July 29 , 1574 . 1. 2 . Geo. Mich. Lingcllhcim, to hr Hen. Saville, then at Padua; on literary matters, particularly the loan of mathematical books. (Orig. German.) Stralburg. Jan. 29 , 1583 . 2. 3. Wm. Harley ? report of a private difeourfe be bad with count Edzavd, touching the hate of his country. (Lat.) Aug. 1 7 , 1584 . 4. 4. John Herbert, to fir Fr. Walfmgham ; a report of his negociations in Poland, from Aug. 10 to the date of this letter: the original of one of the articles in the following let. Elbing, Nov. 6 , 1584 . 6 . 5. 21 leaves of fragments relating to J. Herbert’s negociations in Poland. (Englilli and Latin, very detective.) 13 . 6 . Edzavd II. count of Eah Friefland, to Wm- llarley : in anfwcr to various propofals on the part of Q. Elizabeth. (Germ.) Friedeburgh, Dec. 7, 1584 . 34 . 7. A paper in Dutch, almoft obliterated, dated Sunday, Dec. 23 , 1584 ? as. 8. Q. Elizabeth, to the magistrates of Elbing; concerning the Englilli merchants who had taken refuge there from Danzig. (Lat.) Greenwich, Jan. 16 , 1585 . 39. 9. John Herbert's negociations in Poland, concern¬ ing the fettlement of the Eah merchants at. Elbing; comprizing his credentials, commiffion, and various memorials, from July 6 , 1583 , to Jan. 7, 1585 . Dated ■ v-uuu III-, 41. the end. 10- Q. Elizabeth, to the Palatines, Src. of Poland ■ concern mo ionic mifeonduft of the citizens of Dan-’ Z 'S toward. Engliih and Elbing merchants , I a t 1 Greenwich, Jan. 1585. V - s ' ; i t. Q. Elizabeth, to Geo. Fred, elchior of Bnin- 1 thanking him for the refuge he had given at Elbing to the Engliih merchants who hint been mnieited at Danzig. (Eat.) Greenwich, Jan. 1585 . . 79 _ ft. Julius, D. of Brunfwick : a circular letter ofliis to the electors of Saxony and Bralidenburgh, ami the Lamlgras e of Heile ; in confeqnence of a nieffage from J. Elizabeth by fir Tho. Bodley, calling upon them to join in refifting the incroachments "of the Pope (German.) Henrickfladt, May 22, 1535. 13. Gebhard II. (Tmchfefs)Eleft. of Cologne? to the E. of Lcicelter; expreflilig liis thanks for the alliitance of Q. Elizalieth, and the earl, who had lately retaken for him the town of Nuts. (Ori.r I -oh Honilerdyek, May 23, 1585. 14. Intelligence concerning a battle between the troops of the debtor of Cologne and the Spaniards, between Arnheini and Niineguen : and about the price of wine. (Lat.) July.". 1555. 84 15 . Vitus Winfliemius J. U. D. to fir Tho. Bodley ; with a lettei from 0 tho duke of Birmfwick Eunt bore* ■ and defiring an interview. (Orig. Lat.) Bmnl'wick’ Aug*. 4 , 1585 ? " S3 ’ Hi. Johan de E'ili.... to fir Tho. Bodley; pro- miting to co-operate in his negiviatinn at the court of BmnlVick. (Orig. Lat.) ‘ WolfenbutteJ, Aug. 5 158 o. gg. ’ 1 7 . _ A difeourfe, touching the troubles in Germany. 1585 ? 18. A lift of the chapter of Cologne. (N. B. Geb¬ hard Truclifefs was fiill elector.) 89. 19 . R. Conftable ? to fir Fr. Walfingham ' three letters, on a purchafe of faltpetre, amt intelligence from Germany, Holland, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Embden, April 7 ; Hamburgh, April 22, 1590 90. 20. William iv. Landgrave of Hefte Cafl'cl, to Q. Elizabeth ; pro felling his zeal for the proteftant reli¬ gion. (Orig. Lat.) Callel, May 12, 1390. 94. 21 - II. Eng?Uiroem, to Jellis de Vifcher; five let¬ ters, reporting his. feveral journeys, and fome bargains he had made for faltpetre, &c. (Orig. Low German.) Embden, April 7; Stade, April 22;' Lubeck, May 1 and 15 ; and Hamburgh, May 21, 1590. 96. 22. Characters of many of the princes of Gcrmanv. (Lat.) ,05. 23 . Heads of tire iuftruftions given to M. Segtir, fent to the princes of Germany; ami anfwers to'this legation. 1590 ? 107. 24 . “ Memoires conccrnans les entrecours fails par cidevant pour les pays de pardeca, et d’Anglcterrcf’ being a fiatement of the feven commercial treaties and negociations between England and the Low Countries, from the year 1495, to Q. Elizabeth's reign. 103. 25 . John Cafimir, count Palatine, to Q. Elizalieth ; in anfwer to her application for bis interference in favour of her merchants trading to Stade. (Orif. Lat.) Heidelberg, July 27, 1591. 116. 26. William D.of Brunfwick Lum burgh, to Q. Eli¬ zabeth ; applies for the penfion the Q. bad granted to his uncle John (Enno 11.) count of E. Friefland. (Orig. Fr.) Ilarburgh, Dec. 23, 1591. 117. 2:. Oth«- G A L B A, D. XIII. 3Si 27. Otho, D. of Bruufwick Lun. to Q. Eliza both; requesting the penfion the Q. had granted to John (En.no II.) count of Eaft Frieftand, for his fon William, nephew to the late count. (Orig. Lat.) Ilarburgh, Dec. 24 , 1591 . 1 19 - 28 . The magiftrates of Hamburgh, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning a feizure made in England by Geo. Jackins (Leek?) of foiuc goods belonging to fome of their towni'men. (Orig. Lat.) Aug. 24 , 1592. 120. 29. Philip Lewis, count Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth; in anl’wer to her letter concerning the administration and the hate of religion in the electorate. (Orig. Lat.) Neuburgh, Dec. 13 , l$ 02 . i£ 3 . 30 . Q. Elizabeth, to the emperor Rudolph II. de¬ claring that flie had not prompted the Turks to war. (Lat. ligncd by the Q.) London, April 2? 1593. 126. 31 . Phil. Edw.and Oelric Fugger, to Q. Elizabeth ; requeuing the restitution of fome goods they had Hupped on board a Spanifh veflel. (Orig. Lat.) Augfburgh, April 15 , 1393 . 128. 32 . Erneft D.of Rrunfwick Lun. to Q. Elizabeth, in anfwer to her letter concerning the war of the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Zell, Aug. 7 , 1593 . 133 . 33 . Frederic IV. Eleft. Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth; explaining a difference fublifting between him and bis kinfman, Philip Lewis, count Palatine of Neu¬ burgh, in which Hie interfered. (Orig. Lat.) Heidel¬ berg, Aug. 18, 1593 . 134 . 34 . Louifa Juliana, a princefs of Orange, to Q. Elizabeth; on her marriage with Fred. IV. Eleft:. Pa¬ latine. (Orig. Fr.) Heidelberg, Sept. 1593 . 139 - 35 . George Frederick margrave of Brandenburg Anfpach, adminiftrator of Prufiia, to Q. Elizabeth; defiring her to intercede with the Turk to abate of his rigorous demands upon Sigifmund Bathori prince or TvanfylYania. (Orig. German.) Erlang, Oft. 30 , 1593 . 140 . 36 . A fummary of the propofals made by the em¬ peror Rodolph II. to the diet of Ratifbonne, concern¬ ing the TurkiSh war. June 2 , 1594 . 143 . 37 - Frederick IV. Elect. Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth; intelligence about the diet, the Turkifli war, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Heidelberg, ... 1594 . 146 . 38 . An advice in what fort her majefty and the French king may proceed to deal with the princes of Germany about the late league; by Mr. Beale ? Sept. 22 . 148 . 39 - Rcafons fet down by the committees in London, touching the removing of the companies authority from Stade to Middleburg. London, Feb. 4 , 1595. 158 . 40 . Q. Elizabeth, to Fred. IV. Elect. Palatine; complimental and credential. (Lat.) Greenwich, July .... 1596. 159. 41 . Frederick IV. Eleft Palat. to Q. Elizabeth; complimental, and wifiring her to Hand godmother to his new-born fon. ■ (Orig. Lat.) Am berg, Sept. 18 , 1506 . ]g 0 . 42. Charles D. of Sudermania (afterwards Charles IX. K. of Sweden,) to queen Elizabeth; vindicating himielf agninit faille afperlions. (Orig. Lat.) Ni^ coping, July 6, 1597 . 162. 4:;. The magiftrates of Embden, to Q. Elizabeth; defiring to keep the Englith merchants adventurers’ notwithllanding the Imperial mandate. (Lat.) Oft. ». i-W. 164 . 44 . The magiftrates of Groningen, to the Privy Council ? offering to receive the merchants adven¬ turers banitiled from Stade. Oft. 30, 1597. 165. 45 . John Adolph, D. of Holfteiu Gottorp and Bp. of Lubeck, to Q. Elizabeth; blaming the Imperial mandate for the expulsion of the Englith merchants. (Orig. Lat.) Gottorp, Dec. 1, 1597 . 166. 46. Otho, D. of Bruufwick Lun. to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the Imperial mandate for the prolcription of fome Englith merchants from Stade. (Orig. Lat.) Ilarburgh, Dec. 21, 1597 ; 168. 47 - Information concerning the Imperial mandate for the profeription of Englith merchants. 1597 . (Latin.) This paper is of a later date than 1610. 169. 48 . Abftraft of various letters, chiefly between Q. Elizabeth and feveral German princes, from 1589 to 1597 . 172. 49 . B. Bindinckhaufen de Wallmeroden, (an agent to fome German Pr.) to Ld. Cecil? two letters de¬ filing to be difpatched. (Orig. Fr.) London, May 1598 - ’ 176. 50 . Q. Elizabeth, to Joachim Frederick, eleftor of Brandenburg; congratulating him on the marriage of his daughter with the K. of Denmark. (Orig. Lat. with a teal.) Greenwich, June 2, 1598. 178. 51 . A difeourfe upon the prefent occation of trans¬ ferring the trade which had been at Stade into the United Provinces. 1598 . 179 52 . The magiftrates of Embden, to Q. Elizabeth ; concerning commercial matters, and the treaty with the Hanleatic Towns. (Orig. Lat.) Nov. 10,, 1.599. 181 . 53 . The 4 principal points of the edict made in France, touching the Englifli cloths; with their feve¬ ral anlwers. (A rough draught, or rather notes.) April 21, 1600. 182. 54 . The magiftrates of Stade, to Ld. Cecil; on the return of the Englith merchants into their city. (Orig. Lat.) Feb. 3 , 1601. is i. 55 . The emperor Rudolph II. his credence to the town of Stade in favour of baron de Munckwitz. (Engl, tranfl.) Prague, Nov. 3 , 1601. 186. 56 . The magiftrates of Lubeck, to the Englith commiflioners; complaining of the feizure of one of their fliips by the Englith. (Lat.) Dec. 19, 1601. 187 . 57. The merchants adventurers reafons for riot ac¬ cepting the decree or laft anfwer of the fenate of Hamburgh, given them for a “vale.” 188 . 5 8 . The emperor Rudolph ir. his letters patent to all the ftates of the empire, to affift baron Munckwitz in the execution of the mandate againft the Engl, merchants adventurers. (Engl, trantl.) Prague, 1602. 189 - 59. Notes of materials to be dollected for the treaty with the Hans Towns. 192. 60. The Englifli to the Imperial commiflioners; concerning the means of accelerating the meeting, (A corrected draught.) 1602. 193. 61. Wolfgang William, count Palatine of Neuburgh, to Q. Elizabeth ; congratulating her on the new year. (Lat.) Neuburgh, Jan. 10, 1602. 195. 62. The Imperial ambaffador’s propofitions to the fenate of Stade. Feb. 5, 1552 . 196. 63 . Extraft out of a letter from Otho D. of Bruns¬ wick, to baron de Munckwitz ; remonstrating againft: the Imperial mandate. Ilarburgh, l’eb. 7, "1602. 19 S. 64. A petition of the Engliih merchants at Stade, to the emperor's commiflioners, requesting indulgence. Feb. 10, 1602. 199. 65 . Extraft out of the anfwer of the magiftrates of Stade G A L B A, D. XIII. E. I. 35 2 Static unto the expofitions of the baron de Munck- v. itz, the emperor's commiflioner : delivered Feb. iO, 1602 . 200 . (iO. The refeript, by which the baron de Alunck- witz fufpendod hie execution of the Imperial man¬ date, concerning the Englilh merchants at Static. (Lat.) and the lame in Englilh. Feb. it, 1002. 211. (',7. Reph of the fenateof Static, to the refolution of the emperor’s conimilhoners, upon their anfwer afore delivered to his propofitions. (Englilh tranfl.) Feb. 11, 1602 . 221. 68 . F.xtraft of a letter from the Bp. of Bremen (John Fred. D. of Ilolftein Got.) to baron Munck- Avit 7 ; ren ion fii.’ting again ft the Imperial mandate. Yerden, Feb. 26, 1C02. 223. fit). Otho, 1 ). of Brunfwick Lun. to Q. Elizabeth : acquanting her with foine proceedings at Static, in confcquence of the Imperial mandate. (Lat.) Ilar- burgh. Feb. 28 , 1602. 224 . 70 . The Lds. Buekburft and Cecil's appointment of two merchants of each of the chief companies in London, as connniiliouers for the caufes of lirangers employments, and the exportation of coin. Sack- ville honfe, March 20, 1602. 227. 71. Two papers, being journals of the conferences at Bremen; the latter defective. (Lat.) March. 1602 . 22 Q. 72. The empetor Rudolph II. to Otho, D. of Brunf¬ wick, and the magiftrates of Slade; about the intended treaty between England and the Hans Towns. (Tranfl. from the German.) Prague, Aug. 3 , and July 31 , 1602. 24 fi. 73. The emperor Rudolph II. his commiflion to the Bp. of Lubcck to act at the congrefs of Bremen. (Tranfl. from the Germ.) Prague, Aug. 3, 1602. 247. 74 . 'i’he emperor Rudolph II. to the baron de Munck- witz; ratifying a reeds the latter publiflied at Stade; and appointing him a commiflioncr for the congrefs at Bremen. (Tranfl. from the Germ.) Prague, Aug. 3 , 1602 . 248 . 73. The magiftrates of Stade, to Stephen Ldieur? concerning the meeting to be held at Bremen for a treaty. (Lat.) Aug. 21, 1602. 240 . 76 . The magi Orates of I.ubcck, to baron Munck- v, itz; concerning a congrefs for a treaty between England and the Hans Towns. (An Englilh tranfl. from the Germ.) Aug. 22, 1602. 230 . 7 7 - 'Fbe Englilh commiflioners, to Otho, D. of Brunfwick Lun. a letter of acknowledgment. (Lat.) Bremen, Sept. 26, 1602 . 251 . 78 . The Englilh commiflioners (Ra. Eure, Jo. Herbert, Han. Dun, Steph. Lelieur,) to lir Robt. Ce¬ cil; defil ing a letter from the queen to the Imperial commiflioners, and acknowledging the receipt of a packet. Bremen, Oci. 1, 1602. 252 . 79. Otho, D. of Brunfwick Lun. to Englilh coni¬ milhoners; concerning a congrefs to beheld. (Orig. Lat. 1 Hai burgh, 061 . 7 - 2 . 54 . so. Elir'enfried de Munekwitz, to Dr. Dun, one of tiie Englilh commiflioners; acquainting him that the Bp. of Lubcck objected to Bremen for the in¬ tended meeting. (Lat.) Hamb. Oci. 27, 1602. 255 . Si. Otho, D. of Brunfwick Lun. to the Englilh coni¬ milhoners; about the place of the intended meeting. (Lat) Harburgh, 061 . 29, >2 2 ■, 82. r Ilie Englilh? commiflioners, to the magiftrates of Stade, acknowledging the receipt of a friendly let¬ ter. (Lat.) Bremen, Oct. 30. 1602. 257. 83 . A note of the perfons who came into this city (Bremen?) on the part of the I lanfe. 1602. 253. 84 - Ehrenfricd baron de Munekwitz (Imperial counfcllor of appellation,) to Q. Elizabeth; Rating his eonduCt with regard to the Imperial edicts con¬ cerning the Englilh merchants. Two copies. (Lat.) Bremen, Nov. 19, 1602. 259. 85 . The Bp. of Lubcck, (John Frederic D. of Hol¬ bein Gott.) to baron Munekwitz ; acquainting him that he had declined the emperor's commiflion. (tranfl. from the Germ.) Gottorp, Nov. 26, ifio2. 264. 8fi. The Englilh commiflioners, to D. Otho of Brunfwick Luncburgh; acknowledging his letter of Oct. 29, and about the meeting. (Lat.) Bremen Nov. 1 Go 2. 2 o’5. 87 . Steph. Lelieur, to the other Englilh coniniil- fioners at Bremen; three original letters, about baron Munckwitz's friendly condutt, and his going to Prague. Hamburgh, Dec. 26, 28 , and 31, 1602. 2 66 . Galba , E. 1. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 443. 1. The Englilh commiflioners at Bremen (Lord Ra. Eure, J. Hcibelt, and Dan. Dun,) to the Lords of Council ; reporting their firft conferences with the Imperial eommilfaries (count. Schaumburg acting by proxy, and baron Munekwitz.) Bremen, March 27 1G03. 1/ 2. The Englilh commiflioners, to the Danilh com- miflioners; deliring anfwers concerning" various points relating to the navigation in the Baltic and North Seas, the filheries, &c. (Lat.) Bremen, Feb. 12, 1G03. 5. S. A paper of intelligence from Hungary and Vienna. (Ital.) Grate, Sept. 1, 1603. 7. 4 . James I. to the D. of Wirtemherg ; two letters. 1 , thanks for congratulations on his acceflion ; and 2d, notifying his having named the D. a knight of the garter. (IT.).Aug. 9, and Winchefter, Sept. 24, 1603 . 9. 5 . The commiflioners at Bremen, to fee 5, Cecil ; two reports of their proceedings in their negociations. Bremen, Jan. 3 and 19, 1602-3. n. fi. A draught of a letter from the commiflioners at Bucmcn, to fcc r Cecil; partly only minutes. Feb. lobS. 15 . 7. Notes of Dr. Burnhurft's and Dr. Kraflingius’s declarations on their coming to Bremen from the Hans Towns; with anfwers. (Lat.) March 2 , 1603. 21. 8. Notes about the powers of delegates, whether they may a6t by proxy ; this probably relates to Ct. Schaumburg. (Lat.) March 4, 1003. 22. 9 . Three rough draughts or minutes of prelimina¬ ries at. the opening of the congrefs at Bremen. (Lat.) March 11 and 19, 1603. 04. 10. A requifrtion exhibited at the congrefs of Bre¬ men by the Englilh commiflioners, claiming the pri¬ vilege of free navigation flipulatcd in the treaty of 1416; alfo a Jecond rough draught, perhaps of the fame inftrument. (Lat.) March 19, 160s. 28. 11. Draught of a complimcntal letter of the Eng¬ lilh commiflioners, to fome German prince. (Lat.) March 1603. 32 . 12. Mercatorum Hanfeaticorum molimina qua?dam, quihus pretium pannorum emptorum, ahfque caulii fufficienti, primo contraclu diminui folet. March 1603 . S 4 . 13 . The Englilh commiflioners at Bremen, to the Privy G A L B A, E. I. 353 Privy Council; an ample report of their proceedings. (A corrected draught.) March 27, 1603 . 35 . 14 . The Lords of Council, to the commiffioners at Bremen; notifying the death of Q. Elizabeth, and acceffion of James I. Whitehall, March 28 , 1G03. 45 . 15 . A minute of a motion of Dr. Weighe in the congrefs of Bremen, to proceed in their deliberations notwithftanding the demife of Q. Elizabeth. (Lat.) April 8 , 1008. 47 - 10. A conclufion offered by the Englifli commif¬ fioners to the congrefs at Bremen. April li, 1603 . (Lat. a rough draught.) 48 . 17. Heads delivered in by the merchants adven¬ turers, as infiru&ions towards forming an aniwer to the Hanfe. (Lai.) April 11, 1003 . 50 . is. Articles of immunities propofed to be granted to the Ilanfeatic Towns, at the congrefs of Bremen. (Lat.) April iG, 1603 . 52 . 19. Capita qmedam declarationis, five potius ob- jectionis, com mils'' Cies. Matis. adverfus mercatores Anglia?. March if), 1603 . 54 . 20. The Englifh commilfioners notification of the death of Q. Elizabeth, at the congrefs at Bremen. (Lat.) April, 1603 . *” G 4 . 21. Memoranda concerning the negociations at Bremen. 1603 . 65 . 22. The emperor Rudolph II; his anfwer to fome reprelentations made to him by Mr. Steph. Lefieui on the part of James I. relating to the caufe between the merchants adventurers and the Hanfeatic Towns. (Grig. Lat.) Prague, 0 < 5 t. 7, 1603 . G7. 23 . James I, to the emperor Rudolph II ; notifying his acceffion; about, the congrefs at Bremen; and cre¬ dential in favour of Steph Lefieur. (Lat.) Green¬ wich, June 25 , 1603 . 61 ). 24 . Steph. Lefieur, and Rudolph II; four reciprocal letters between them, on the affair of the merchants adventurers with the Hanfe. (Lat.) Sept. 30 , Oct. 7, 0 , and 13 , 1603 . 76. 25 . A minute of a tranfaction in the congrefs of Bremen, concerning Dr. Burnhurffs deputation from the Hanfeatic Towns. (Lat.) Feb. 21, 1603 . 75. 26 . The Englilli commiffioners, to Otho duke of Brunfwick ; certifying the queen's good health, and about the arrival of the other commiffioners. (Lat. not lent.) Bremen, Eeb. 11, 1603. 76 . 27. The Englilli commiffioners, to the Lords of Council; about a recefs in the Danifli negociation, &c. (A corrected draught.) Eeb. 1603 . 7'© 4 . * 59 . 58 . A drfcourfe on tlie woollen trade of England, by Mr. Needham. July, njo 4 . * 63 . 59. Frederick II. K. of Denmark, to Q. Elizabeth; credentials in favour of Dr. hnopperhis agent. (Lat.) Nienburg, Nov. 4 , 1504 . 167. Go. James I, to tbe K.of Denmark; in favour of the merchants of Hull. (Lat.) 1604 . 1G8. Gi. James I, to Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark ; on lending the E. of Rutland to hand proxy as god¬ father, and with the order of the garter. (Lat.) 1 G 04 . 1 72 . Certain articles exhibited bv the Ilanfe Towns, to the Lds. Commillioners in London. Aug. 10, 1 G 04 . 174 . 68. The deputies of the Hanfe Towns, to James I; concerning their privileges; with a fupplement, de- hring the ufe of the Steelyard. (Lat.) Lubeck, March 14, iGOi. 17s. 64. The dcjjuties of the Hanfe Towns, to the par¬ liament; hating their privileges. (Lat.) Lubeck, March, 1604 . 187 . The deputies of the Ilanfe Towns, to James I; credential in favour of their agents. Aprils, 1 G 04 . 189 . 66 . The deputies of the Ilanfe Towns; their corn- million to their agents. (Lat.) Lubeck, April 4 , 1604 . 191 . 67. The Eng'li/li commillioners in London; their nnfwcr to the proportions of the agents of the Hanfea- lie Towns of Aug. 6 . (Lat.) Aug. 22 , 160 1. 195. 68. Proportions of the agents of the Hanfe Towns, to the Lds. Commillioners in London. Two copies. (Lat.) London, Aug. 8 , 1604 . 200. 69 . The refolution of the Mini hers and Council, upon the proportions of the Ilanfe. Two copies. Aug. 11, 1604 . 211 . 70. A declaration of Ionic articles delivered by the agents of the Hanle, to the Lords Commillioners. (Lat.) Auguft 17 , 1604 . 219. 71. The Lords Commillioners’ anfwer to the pro¬ portions of the Ilanleati.c agents, of Aug. 22. (Lat.) Aug. £ 4 , 1604 . 221. 72. A fragment of the Lords Commillioners anfwer to the proportions of the Hanfeatic agents. (Lat.) 1 G 04 . 223 . 7 ;. The heads of the articles, I. 62; with anfwers to fomeofthem. (Lat. and Engl.) Aug. 1 604 . 224 . 74. Memoranda on the Hanfeatic caufe. (Lat.) 1604. 227. 75. Notes on duties delivered to Mr. Ingram of the euhomhoufe: probably by the Hanfeatic agents. 1604 . 232. 76. A brief account of the Ilanleatic league. (Lat.) 1604 . 235 . 77. A commiflion of James I, to the E. of Dorfet, &c. for treating with the Hanfe : a draught, different from I. 55 . (Lat.) 1604. 240. 78 . A paper eonliliir.g of 8 articles, docketed, “The lah writing delivered by the Hanfe." (Lat.) 1604, 245 . 79 - A lilt of the Hanfeatic Towns. 247 80. Names of the agents of the Hanfe; s in nunv her. " 249. 81. A brief of the Hanfeatic caufe. 250. 82. A brief of the anfwers given to the Hanfeatic agents when they had their farewell: appioved by tbe Privy Council at Hampton Court. 1604. 253. 83 . Notes of privileges granted to the Hanfe by Englilh fovereigns. 256. 84 . James I, to tbe States General; propofing a commrilion for fettling the accounts between them: lent, by Caron, whom he commends. ( 1 'r. i Hampton Court, Sept. 29, 1604. o i5s / 85 . Albert and Ifabella; their commilbon to the D. d’Aremberg, J. Richardot. and L. Verrevken, to negociate a peace with England. (Fr.) lhuflels, April 12, 1604 . 260. 86 . Sir Tho. Studder, to the E. of Northampton, privy leal; intelligence from the Low Countries. (Orig.) Brulfels, Oct. 25, 1612. 262. 87. The magiftrates of liuihing, to the Englilh judges of the admiralty; remonbra! ing again ft their lenience concerning the Hi ip of ’Fine. Penning, a burgher of theirs. (Orig. Fr.) Flulhing, Oct. 18, 1614. 266. 88 . The Privy Council, to Mr. Winwood; inftruc¬ tions concerning Englilh mariners, &c. March 7, 1604 . 268. ’ 89 - N. de Caron; abatement of his, concerning the fecurity of the Englilh navigation. (Orig. Fr. ) April 10, 1604. " " ‘ 270. 90 . Raphe Winwood, to Ld. Cecil? or Northamp¬ ton; concerning the complaints of the Dutch mer¬ chants for want of refutation, Hague, J une 3 , 1 605 . 272. 91. The States General, to the E. of Northampton ; requelling tbe king’s further fupport notwithlhmding bis peace with Spain. (Orig. IT.) Hague, Nov. 23 , 1604 . ‘ 274. 92. A difeourfe on the neccllity of expelling the Spaniards out of the Low Couuiries, and the means of eife 5 ting it. Jan. 19, 1604 - 5 ? 276. 93. Albert and Ifabella; another copy of their commiflion to the D. d'Aremberg, 1 . 85 . Sept. 12, 1604 . " 278 . 94 . A paper figned Jn° de Yep. Condeftable, a Spanilh agent; authorizing Englilh merchants to convey German goods into Spain. (Lat.) London, Sept. 2, 1604 . 280.’ 95. R. Win wood's propofition.s made to the States General; defiling the repeal of their pl&cart on the woollen trade* (Fr.) Jan. 6 , 1 608 - 4 ? 284 . 96. The States General, to the Privy Council ; re- mpnftrating again ft the detention of one ol‘ their Spanilli prizes. (Fr.) Hague, March Hi, 1605. 286 ". 97. The States General, to James I; to the fame purport. (Fr.) Hague. March 16, 1605. 287. 98. The E. of Sal i Iburv (R. Cecil lee. of Hate) to Mr. Winwood; bating the proportions oi' the Arch¬ duke’s nmbafladors. May 14, 1605 . 288. 99. A project for trafHck at Antwerp, propounded to Mons. Caron. 1605 . 290. 100. The E. of Salisbury, to Mr. W inwood ; eon- corning an engagement that happened oil’ Dover. between G A L B A, E. I. 35S between the Spaniards and Dutch, &c. June 28 , 1605 . 292. 101. Janies l, to Archd. Albert; two credentials, the one in favour of the E. of Hertford, fent to ratify the treaty; and the other in favour of fir Tho. Ed¬ monds, as refident. (Fr.) Greenwich, April 9, 1605. -94. 102. Janies I; his inftrucfions to fir Tho. Edmunds, fent to Archd. Albert. April 1 605 . 296. 1 03 . N otcs of two points propofed by fome Englifli minifters in a treaty. April 1606? 300 . 104. The D. de Medina Sidonia, to.notify¬ ing his meafures for preventing outrages ; probably concerning Engliih fubjc&s. (Fr.) St. Lucar, Nov. 26, 1606. ' 301 . 105 . Humphry Covert, to the D. of Dorfet; againft the uniting of tiie States with the French king, when the Spaniards were driven into Dover road. July 7, 1605 . 303 . 10G. An Imperial decree concerning the Englifli merchants at Stade. (Lat.) Prague, Sept. 29, 1607. 305 . 107. A proclamation of the States General; con¬ cerning the herring fifhery. Hague, July 19, 1606. 307 . 10s. A ceffation of arms between the States Gene¬ ral and the Archd. Albert. Bruffels and Hague, April 24 , 1607. 308 . 109. Three printed inftruments relating to the tranfa&ions between Spain and the United Provinces. (Dutch.) Nov. 11, 1606_and 16O8- sio. 110. Reafons which ought to move the States to publiih the placart of commerce required by the merchants adventurers at Middleburg. 316 . 111. A difeourfe, fhewing that it is not fit to re¬ train the Netherland merchants from tranfporting Englifli beer in their fliips. 1607. 3 is. 112. The merchants allegations for a toleration to ftrain broad cloths: with anlwers to the fume by B. W. April 5, 1605 . 320 . b. 113. A paper againft the demolition of the fortifi¬ cations of the forts of Brill, called Clay burgh and Newenort, propofed by the States. 1610. 322 . 114. The fenate of Stade, to the governor and alfiftants of the merchants adventurers ; requeuing them to remain in their town. March 25 , 1611. S 26 . 115 . H. Vcre? to the E. of Northampton; reports fome negociations between the deputies of the States General and the commiilioners of the Archd. con¬ cerning a pacification: (Orig.) Hague, Aug. 16, 1608 . 328 . 116. The board of finances of Bruffels ; their order for the entry of fome Englifli cloths. (Fr.) Brufiels, Sept. 4, 1612. 330 . 117. The form of a bill of lale for a fhip, and of divers other mercantile deeds. SS2. 11S. The Emperor’s refeript to the magiftrates of Static, for detaining the merchants adventurers and their effects. Prague, May 29, 1610. 342 . 119. Defignatio quorundam articu'lorum qui, pro focictatc Anglican ova, offeri et dari a fenatu Stadenfi pofie videntur. 1610.' 344 . 126. Vincent Muller, agent of the fenate of Hamburgh, to the Emperor; requelling that the Englifli merchants might be allowed to continue in their town. (Lat.) 1610. 350 . 121. The elet : iors and princes in the Imperial court; their rcmonftrancc to the Emperor concerning the merchants adventurers. (Lat.) Prague; July 30 , 1610 . 352 . 122. A memorial for private information concern¬ ing the laid merchants. (Lat.) 1610. 354 . 123. An Imperial decree, againft the merchants ad¬ venturers at Stade. (Lat.) Prague, Nov. 18. 1610. 356 . 124. An Imperial decree, granting fome indul¬ gence to the Englifh merchants at Stade. (Lat.) Prague, Sept. 29, 1607? ' 358 . 125. Another copy of the Imperial decree, I. 123 . Nov. 18, 16 JO. 359 . 1 26 . Probable reafons for the decay of the woollen trade; delivered by the mayor and company of mer¬ chants of the ftaple. May 13 , 1622. 362 . 127. Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark, to fir Arthur Chicheftcr, lord deputy of Ireland ; defiring leave to raife 200 Irifhmen for his fervice. (Orig. Lat.) June 10, 1012. 364 . 128. Anfwers to three points concerning the wool¬ len trade, propofed to the merchants of the ftaple by fir John Suckling, &e. his majelty's commiilioners. S6$. 129. The board of finances at Brufiels; their order to fend away a quantity of cloth imported beyond the amount limited in a pafiport. (Fr.) Brufiels, July 12, 1612 . 370 . 130 . Wm. Trumbull, to the E. of Salifbury ? about the endeavours of the Archduke to remove the Englifli ftaple from Middlebuvgh into his provinces. (Orig.) Brufiels, J une 2, 1 6 1 3 ? 3 71 • 131 .to James I; about certain reftraints impofed upon Englifli cloths by Archd. Albert; July 22, 1612. 371 ). 132 . Wm. Trumbull, to the E. of Salifbury ? re¬ porting fome proceedings of his with the government at Brairds concerning the woollen trade. 1612?; 375 . 133 . A paper lemon ft rating againft Archd. Albert's proceedings concerning the woollen trade. 1612 . 377 - 134 . Sir Tho. Lake, to the E; of Northampton ; inclofing part of a letter from the king’s agent at Brufiels (probably Trumbull) concerning the wool¬ len trade. (Orig.) Court at Kirkby, July 31 , 1612. 381 . 135 . An order of the exchequer at Bruffels, for re¬ turning Englifli cloths. Brufs. July 24 , 1612. 382 . 136 . A difeourfe concerning the benefit the Netherlands derive from the trade of Englifli cloths. 1612 . 383 . 137 . Advertifements from the Englifli merchants trading into the Low Countries. Antwerp, Sept. 5, 1612. ^ 93 . 138 . Short declarations of the exports and imports ; at Dunkirk, from May 1 to Oct. 30 , 1611. 394. 139. A letter concerning the reftraints on the woollen trade in the Netherlands. Bruffels, Sept. 5 , 1612. 396 ; 140. Wm. Trumbull, to the E. of Salifbury ? on the- reftraints on the woollen trade. (Orig.) Brufiels, March, 18, 1612. 398 . 141 . Amordinance of Archd. Albert, touching the woollen trade. Brufiels, April 13 , 1012. 399 - b. 142. An affidavit of two Englifh fhippers, of their having failed firaight from Dover to Newport. April "19, 1612. 400 . 143. SirTho. Studder, to the E. of Northampton : various intelligence concerning Don Pedro, count de Oliva, Ac. (Orig.) Bruffels, Nov. 6 . 1612. 401 . 144. SirTho. Lake, to the L. of Northampton : direction.: GALBA, F. I.— IV. S ' 6 dilutions from the kina;, concerning the woollen trade in the Low Countries. (Orig.) Court at Bever. Kent? Aug. 0 , Uii‘ 2 . 403. 14.3. V, m. Trumbull, to the E. of Salillmry ? on the woollen trade. (Orig.) Brufl'els, Sept. 2 , I 6 i 2 . 405. 140. A remonfirance made to the Arclid. Albert bv the Lnglifh agent (Trumbull?) touching the banillmicnt of the Englifh cloths, (l’r.) Sept. 5 , l 6 1 ‘2. 4 07. 147. Vv'm Trumbull, to the E. of Salifburyr in- eloiing a packet of lii Tho. St udder, and concern¬ ing the woollen trade. (Orig.) Brufl'els, Nov. 2 G, 161 2. " 409- 148. Another copy of the order, I. 135. July ‘24, 1612. ' 410. 140 . J. Peyton, to fir Ilobt. Cotton ; ineloiing the plotte (plan) of Coeworden, and with various news concerning the count Palatine.Xc. (Orig.) Hague, Oct. 13, 1612 . 412. 1.30. Wm. Trumbull, to James I; reports his ne- gociations concerning the woollen trade, and fome intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfcls, Sept. 4, 1612. 414. 15 1 . Sir Tho. Studder, to the E. of Northampton ; various intelligence. (Orig.) Brulfcls, Dec. 19 , 1612 . 417 . 152. A Latin paper concerning the trade to India; laid to have been lent to the commithoncrs for the Indies. April 3, 1613. 42o. 153. Another to the fame purport: (a draught.) April 5 , K513. 422. 1 . 54 . A third paper, with an Englifh tranflation, on the fame fubjeet; viz. acontroverfy between England and Holland concerning the trade to India. April 5, 1013. 424. 155 . A commiffion of the fenate of Stade, to their agents at the Englith court: two copies. (Lat.) Stade, Feb. 8, 1614. 42s. 156. James I; his commiffion to fir Tho. Lake, See. to treat with the agents of Stade. Weftm. April 8, 1614. 432. 14". Confiderations offered to the king by the merchants adventurers, on the prefent negociation with Stade. 1014. 434. 158. Privileges to he granted by the Empefor to the Englith company trading within the empire. June 10 , t0i4. 436. 159 . Privileges to be granted by the fenate of Stade, to the Englith companv there, intending to trade. 437- 160 . A paper on the caufes of the decay of the woollen trade, and the remedies propoled : addreffed to the king, probably by the merchants adventurers, (the end wanting.) 442. Galba , E. II. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 222. Kegiftrum cartarum abbati® S. Benedifti de Hulmo, in comitatu Norfolcienl’i: cum indicibus locuplctioribus tarn donatorum quam terrarum. Galba , E. 111. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 193 . 1 . C'hronicon regum Anglia? ab A° 178 , ad corona- tionem regis Johannis ; feriptum i quodam monacho Ecclefne Chrifti Cantuarienfis. 1 . 2 . Catalogus bencfaelorum I’cclefia? Chrifti Can- tuarienfis, ab A 0 10.-32 temp, feilicet Edwardi Confcf- l'oris, ad annum 1130; et quo tempore fiunt pro ibis commemorationes. 3 1 . .‘i. Breve chronicon a Cnuto; li. c. ab anno 103,7 ad annum 1286. 33. b. 4 . “ Des revs dr Engleterrcbeing abriefhif- tory of the kings of England, from the times of the Heptarchy, to K. John. (In old French.) 43. 5. “ Quatorfc merveiiles i out e ad Engleterrc.” 51 . b. 6. Carta Thoma? Arehiep. Cantuarienfis, in qua perfonas, pertinentias, et proventus, libertates ct dig- nitates Ecclefne Cantuarienfis, fub Dei protectione, et curias Romanic, et fua ponit. 54. 7 . Caufa exilii et martyrii B. Tlionue martyris et pontilieis Cantuarienfis. 56. 8. De provinciis five eomitatibus XXXIV in quos Anglia diftin&a eft, et de epileopatibus in iil'dem. 39- 9 . Nomina archiepifcoporum Cantuarienftum, ab Augufrino, ad fratrem Johannem Peccbam. 60 . 10 . I’inalis concordia inter Bonifacium, archicpo- cum Cantuarienfem, et Rogerium, priorem, ct con- ventum Eeeleliie Chrifti Cantuar. fa Ha apud Weft- monafteiium A° 4:’- Hen. III. ( 1259 .) eorain Hugone de Bigod juftitiario Anglia-; de privileges et innnu- nitatibus eorundem. 6 1 . 11 . Carta libertatum Anglia:, conceffa per regem Johannem inprato Runningmcdc, die XV Junii 1215. 71 . b. 12 . Bulla Innocentii III. Papa?, confirmans cartam R. Johannis, qua liberam electionem prelatoruni con- ceftit: datam London. XV'Januarii 15 16 . 79 . 13. Liber de terris dominicalibus (cum carundem terrariis five limitibus) pertinentibus ad monafteiium de Pratis, Leiceftriie. 81. b. 14 . Ilecepta et exitus, five computus gardcrobie Alienor® regina?, uxoris regis Edwardi 1 . 172 . Galba, E. IV. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 244. Sect. XIV. I. Regiftrum five memoriale Henrici prioris mo- nafterii Chrifti Cantuarienlis ; in quo habentur plu- rima promifeue ad iftud monafterium lpeclantia; varii quoque loci communes de confcientia, phy- fiognomia, deque multis aliis eapitibus facri et phi- lofopliici argumenti. Tabula contentorum lie fere fe habetur. 1. Nomina fummorum pontificum a S. Petro ad Benedictum XII. L 2 . Nomina regum Anglia? a Guliclmo I. ad Ed- wardum III. 1 • 3. Juramcntum regis Anglia- die coronationis fua-. 1 . b. 4 . Nomina Archiepifeopor. Cantuariens. ab Au¬ guftino, ufque ad Walterum (Reynolds) quondam epifeopum Wigornienfcm. (A. 1313.) Lb. 5 . Staurum dimilfum in archiepifcopatu Cantuari® in diverlis maneriis, poft tranllationem Dni lloberti de Kylwardeby, A° 1278 . 2. b. 6. Taxatio temporalium arebiepifeopatus Cantuar. in dioeceft Cantuar. A° 1292 . 3. b. 7 . Taxatio temporalium ct fpiritualium totius prioratus Eccie Cantuar. fecundcm verum valo¬ rem. 4 - 8. Taxatio 357 G A L B A, E. IV. 8. Taxatio temporalium abbatis S. Auguftini C'an- tuarienlis. 6. p. Taxatio temporalium prioris S. Gregorii Can- tuaruv, et omnium aliorum religioforum in civitate etdiceceli Cantuar. 6. b. io. Taxatio fecundum verum valorem omnium eccleliarum in civitate et dicecdi Cantuarke. 8. b; n. Taxatio fecundum verum valorem omnium cccleiiarum in decanatibus cxemptis. 11. b. 12 . Taxatio ecclcfianim appropriatarum Ecclefia; Chrifti Cantuariffl, 12 . 13. Taxatio ecclcfianim appropriatarum abbati S. Auguftini et omnibus aliis religiofis in civitate et dioeceli Cantuaria;. 12 . 14. Taxatio omnium bonorum ccclefiafticorum in tota provincia Cantuar. ct Eborac. fecundum verum valorem. 13. b. 15. Nomina omnium domorum rcligiofarum in t'ota dioecefi et provincia C'antuaricnfi. 14. b. 1(5. Pcrambulatio Icucatc de Tonebrigg. 17 . b. 17 . Perambulatio foreftte Elfex. IS. b. 18 . l)c aflifa pontis Roflenlis. 20 . ip. Dc quodam prifone prioratus capto apud Roft’am, et reftituto libertati ecclefia; Cantuaricnfi. A 0 1290 . 20 . b. 20 . Dc quodam prifone capto pro homicidio infra curiam prioratus Cantuar. facto. 21 . 21 . Dc quodam prifone capto pro homicidio facto infra Berthonam prioratus Cantuar. et per ballivos ci- vitatis Cantuar. abdu&o, etlibcrtati ecclefite Cantuar. reftituto. 21 . 22 . De reftitutione thelonei capti per ballivos de Sandwico apud Lyden, de uno patfagiario ibidem ap¬ plicants. 21. b. 28 . De certa menfura archa; Noe. 21 . b. 2^. Dc certa menfura unius Letiea?. 21 . b. 23. De certo numero unius Legionis. 21 . b. . 26 . Tranfcriptum domus Dei, de quinque portubus et membris fuis, et de fervitio regi debito. 22 . 27 . Nova carta libertatumquinqueportuum, confir- matarum temp. R. Edw. I. 22 . 28. Nova carta Baronum de Sandwico; de cufto- dia orphanorum et pupillorum, et bonorum luorum, infra portum pncdi&um. 22 . b. 29 . Nova carta quinque portuum, ad auxilium ha¬ bendum pronavibus fuis fuitinendis. 23. 80 . Confirmatio cartarum quinque portuum, tem¬ pore R. Edw. 11 . 23. 31. De confuetudine curia; de Sehipweye. 23. b. 32. De aflifa panis et cerevifas. 23. b. 33. Qua!iter ct quare piflores et braciatrices debent fubire judicium pilloriie ct tumberell. 24 . 34 . Nomina comitatuum ct epifeopatuum Anglia; et Warlike. 24 . b. 35 . Forma profeflionis epifeoporum et abbatum, fetle Cantuar. plena et vacante. 25. 36. I'eodum illius qui intronizare debet fuffraga- neos Cantuaria; provincia?, tarn fede plena quam vacante. 25. b. 37- Jura debita ecclefia; Cantuarke poll mortem cujuflibct archiepifcopi et luflraganei provincia; Cantuar. tain fede plena quam vacante. 25 . b. 38. De vacationibus archiepifcopatus Cantuar. a tempore conqueltus ; et quo tempore regum vacabat ecclefia Cantuarienlis. 25. b. 39 . Forma eligendi priorem Cantuar. 26 . 40 . Officium fenefchalli auhe hofpitum ecclefia; Cantuarienlis faciendum; cum ejufdem feodo pro hujufmodi officio; 26 . b. 41 . Officium portarii exterioris curia; faciendum; cum ejufdem feodo. > 27 . 42. Officium portarii cimltefii Ccclefia; Cantuar. faciendum, cum ejufdem feodo. 27 . b. 48. Certa; et antique liberatiohe9 cefcvifia; ad collaCiones famuloruln. 28. 44. Certa et antiqua aflifa ponderum et meufura- rum candelamm in facriftaria. 28. 45. Afiila antiqua menfuramm candelarum. 28. 46. Liberatio antiqua candelarum in facriftaria; 28. 47- Certa et antiqua aflifa ponderum numcrorum ct menfurarum in celario et granario. 28 ; b. 4S. De pondere moncta;, et menfurarum gallonis et buflelli. 28 . b. 49- De pondere et menfura vitri. 28. b. 50 . De menfura muflelli de plattre. 28 . b. 51 . De pondere et menfura diverforum mercimo- niolum. 29 . 52. Forma degradandi clericutm 29 . 53. De vineis et vinis prioris et coiwcntus in Francia. 29 . b. 54. Dc vinea et vinis eorundUm apud Scum Bri- cium. so. 55. Certa menfura de vinis Francia;. so. 56. Tranfcriptum libri qui dicitur, Domus domini regis, dc maneriis prioratus. 30. 57 . Nomina maneriorum totius prioi-atus, in qui- bufeunque comitatibus dieecefis hundredis ct decana- tibus exiftunt. 32 . b. 58. Terra; pertinentes ad marifeos de Clyve et Oftrelond, qui funt ad lirmam. S3. 59 . Sumirne totales tehninorutn redditus pcnlio- num et lirmarum, tarn in thefauro quam in maneriis, per annum in denariis recipiendse. S3, b. Go. Summee totales gallinarum, ovorum, vomerum, acrarum feminatarum, molendinorum et de eorundem firmis, et metecorn. S3, b. 61 . Penfiones ecclcfianim de Cantuar. Londini et alibi. 34. 62 . Penfiones ecclefiarum, item redditus, pertinentes adcameram prioris. 34 . 63. Feodum comitis Glovernite die intronizationis vel confccrationis Archiep. Cantuar. pro officio fe¬ nefchalli et pincernarii faciendo. S4. b. 64. Exennia debita archiepifeopo, ad natalcm et pafeham, de quibuldam maneriis conventus; cum eorundem expenfis et diftributionibus. 85. 65. Inventarium in camera et flabulo prioris Cantuar. die ele&ionis prioris Henrici. A 0 1 285. 35. b. 66. Data et memoranda diverforum, ab anno erea- tionis mundi. S6. 67 . I.efti et hundredi, cum villatis totius Cantia;; et feoda militum infra eadem. 37 . 68. Expofitio ufagii Cantice quod dicitui- Gavelate. 45. 69- Certa menfura torticiorum et candelarum in camera prioris. 45. 69. Leges et confuetudines comitatus Cantia; ante conquellum et poll. 45 . b. 71. Expofitio verborum Anglicorum antiquorum. 46. b. 72. Qualiter homagium etfidelitatesfunt capiendie : item forma; homagii faciendi archiep. et priori. 47 . b. 4 Y 73. Ordinatio G A L B A, E. IV, 358 73. Ordinatio pnepofiturae et collegii de AVyng- ham 48. b. *■4. Ordinatio ecclefi® collegiat® dc Olecumbe. 52. 75 Obligatio regis Johannis pro regnia Angli® et Hiberni®, domille marc is folvpndis annuatim ecclefi® Homa.’. 52 . 1). 76. Carta R. Jqhannis dc libera eleftione conccfia ecclefi® Anglican®; cum ejufdcm cart® confirma- tionc per Innocent. III. et Gregorium IX. 53. 7 7. Carta R. Johannis dc patronatu ecclcfia’ ct epilcopatus Roffenlis reftituto Archiep. Cantuar. 53. b. 781 . Articuli Riper quibus debent, fieri extenta ma- nerii. 54 . 76. Narratiuncula de fententia regis Franci® ad- verRis Johannem regem Anglia*, Lugduni, A* 1216 , promulgata. " " 54. b. 80 . Carta magna R. lienric i III. de libertatibus; cum invocatione, imprecatione, conllrmationc ponli- lieali, &c. Riper eadem. 55. 81 . Cart® Sei Thom® de libertatibus ecclefi® Can¬ tuar. iervandis. 58. b. 82 . Statuta regis Edwardi I. dc finibus obfervandis. "Weitin. April 2 , 1209 . 59 . b. bf. Statutum regis Edwardi II. de yftrionibus et nunciis, et numero ferculorum (Gallice.) 1315. 60 . 84. Articuli luper quibus inquirendum eft in vifi- tationibus prelatorum. 61 . 85. Magna carta dc forefta. G 5 . b. 86 . Statuta I), ltoberti de Winchelfea archiep. Cantaur. in prima vifitatione Ria. 129 s. G 7 . S7- Litera D. Walteri (Reynolds) archiep. Cantuar. de fiatutis pr®decelforis fui obfervandis. 70 . b. 88 . Dc fervitio in octabam apoftolor. Petri et Pauli, vigiliam tranllationis Sei Thom®, &c. item in fefro commemorationis animarum. 71 . 89. Dc duobus fratribus aflignatis ad mifiam 13. Mari®, ultra numcrum confuetum. 71 . b. 90. De epiftola et evangelio legendis in feftis prin- cipalibus. 71 . b. 91 . De fc-ftis oblation is et conception^ B. Mari® in perpetuum obfervandis. 71 . b. 92 . De epiftola et evangelio legendis in feftis fe- cundariis. 7 o. 93 . De 2 torticiis magni altaris providendis. 72 . 94 . De petitionibti*; elerieorum uoviciorum et or- dinandorum in capitulo faeiendis. 72 . 95 . Ordinationes fact® per capitulum, de euftodia temporalium ct.aliis. 73 . 96 . De euftodia prifonum in prioratu Ecel. Chrifti Cantuar. 74. b. 97. Dc 4 clcricis aflignatis ad mifiam B. Mari®. 75. os. Litera capituli Cantuarienfis detribus miflis et aliis bcncficiis in perpetuum eoneellis dno regi Ed- warclo 1 . 75 , 9 ". Litera R. Ed ward i 1 . dc 3000 rnarcis perdona- tis priori et convcntui Eeel. Chrifti Cantuar. 7 . 5 . b. 100 . Ordinatio capituli de feiiivitate Corporis Chrifti. 75. b. 101 . Xumerus acrarum cujuflibet manerii priora- tus lcininatarurn per annum, ct liimma molendinorum ct firmarum molcndinoruin. el de metccorn. 7 g. 102 . De Confeientia. 103. De Phifonomia. 79. 79- b. 104. De prelatis qui relinqunt ecclcftas fuas prop¬ ter perfecutioncm hominum. so b. 105 . Regul® de ftilo roman 0 . gj j, Cnnftitutio Tbcobaldi archiep. & capituli. de fugitivis ct eject is tie monatierio. gj. b. 107 . Demodoet menfura eomedendi ct bibendi. 82. 10 s. Vigiuti figna ver® amieiti®. 82 . b. ^ 109. Conftitutioncs regis Ilenriei II. pro quibus B. Thomas fuit niartyrizatus. 110 . De generibus areuarum: item de calce faci- enda. ill. Rcgul® generates bcllorunn S3, b. 84. 1 ] r: ^ c . bob us tauris ct vaccSs eligendis in menfe Martii; aliaque dc re veterinarin. g 4 . b. 1 13. Signamortifcra in hornine infirmo, feenndum Galienum. 86. b. 1 14. Dc effeftu audiendi mi flam in die. 8 G. b. 115. Ordinatio capituli de eantaria fix preflrvtc- roruni in capella clcmofinar. cum Waltcri archiep. conftrmatione Riper eadem. § 7 ^ 116 . Qualitur fervitium fieri debet per totum an¬ num in eadem capella. 87 }, 11 7 . Feodum comitis Glouceftri® et heredum Rio¬ rum, in intronizatione archiep. Cantuar. 89 . h. 118. Dc affignatione ecclefi® dc Wcftclive Ru'd a elemofmaria conventus. q 0 . 119 . Arbitrium Jo. de Fortcfcuc & aliorum jufti- ciar. dc 50 ibl. redditus de Elfyngfpytyll. < )0 . 120 . De adventu Antcchrifti. yi 121 . Dc quatuor modis quibus Antcchriftus dcci- pict populum : ct de iplius fequacibus. Mativificrc) concernin'.’; I he Q wen s i ijiv'Mj.’.c, c\c. (Fr.) London, June i, :ind Hi nml» i.js i. 1 . 3 . 1 4. A paper of directions, in Burleigh's hand. '24.1). 14. Minutes t>f two date papers. July 20 and 4, to so.” ' 25. Infhuctions lor ]\Ir. Middlcmore, to be lent to tlic Fr. lung and Mous.,d'Anjou. 1 . 3 so. 26 . 16. liaiy >F (D. d'Anjou) to Ld. Burleigh ; thanks t'r good offices; ami recommending the marfhal de c otle his agent. (Grig, i r.) Bourdcaux, March 20, 1581. ‘ 36. 17. Henry m. K. of Fr. to Ld. Burleigh; thanks for good offices in the propofecl marriage; and re- eoni!ileading l.e prince Daidphin, &c.l»is umbatiudois. (Orig. 1 r.) Paris, March . 3 . i .3s i. 36. h. 18 . John Sonicr, to Ld. Burleigh; reports nego¬ tiations in Fiance concerning the marriage. (Orig.) Paris, July ii, 158 1 . 43 . 1 S'. Francois de Bourhon (Pr. of Conti ?) liis at- ted :tion that Q. Liiz oetli hail declared her refolu- tion not to marry the i\ d'Anjou, before a mutual explanation between them, (lr.) 44. b. 20 . Sir Hen. Cobhain. to dr Fr. Walfiagham, and f.o. Burl, g!i; two ditpalehes concerning the ne- gocialions or the marriage. (Orig.) Paris, July 12 , 1581. " “45. 2 1. J. Some;-, to Ld. Bui h igh; touching the above negoeiation (Orig.) Paris, July IS, 1581 . 5 G. b. ‘ 22 . Sir It’ ll. C obham, to dr Fr. Walfingham; con¬ cerning a diljmte between two earls; dome affairs of Dauphine: demands of the Marq. d'Albufe, &c. (Orig.) Paris, July GO, 1581. 53. go. Notes of Air. Beale, of things to be refulvcd upon in the league. (Lat. and Eng.) 1 . 3 s 1 . 54. b. 24 . Sir lien. Cohham, to fir Fr. Walfingham; in¬ telligence received from Ld. Hamilton on Scot'tHh affairs; the Fr. IF diipofed to affili Don Antonio. &c. (Orig.) Paris, July 20 , 15S1. 55 . 23. Pinart, t<> Cobhain? fignifying the Q. lhother's order that good accommodations Jliould be prepared for whoever ihould be lent from England. (Orig. Fr.) Matir des Fofies, July 22 , 1 58 1 . ;>(>. b. 26 . Sir Hen. Cohham, to dr Fr. Walfingham ; two letters, the iird repOiting a conference with the Q. mother, and intelligence; and'the 2d 011 dr Francis's intended journey into France, and more intelligence. (Orig.) Paris. July 22 and 25, 15S1. . 37 . 27 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; reports hisjourncy, incloies the above, See. (Orig.) Boulogne, July 27 , 1581. 5 p. • 28 . InfiruCtions to fir Fr. Walfingham, on his be¬ ing lent into France. July GG, 1581. GO. 2 p, Second inlfructions to fir Fr. Walfingham; alfo certain later degrees of proceedings, if the for¬ mer cannot take place. July, 1581. Go. b. an. Inffrurtions for a league between the queen and the Fr. king; alio matters to be conlidered if there Jhall be a league. 1581. G8. b. .41. Six articles of reafons, allegations. See. to be ul'ed in lir Fr. Walfingham's negociations in France. 581. 72 . 31. Wallingham, Cohham, and Somer, to Ld. Bur¬ leigh; a difputcli concerning their negociations. (©rig.) Paris, Aug. GO, 158 ]. " 7G. 32. A memorial, tigned Walfingham and Cohham, of Inch things-as Mr. Somer is to communicate unto Monficur. (Orig.) Par. Aug. 14 , 1581. 78 . 5.4. A private memorial of fir Fr. WalfinMiam, to Mr. Somer. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 14, 1581? ho. 54. Mr. Somer s report of his negoeiation with the I). d'Anjou. Aug. 17 and is. 1.3,31. hi . 4.3. Sir Hen. Cobhain, to Ld. Burleigh ; inclofing the above report; and various intelligence conccrn- ing the 1). (l'Anjou's progrefs in 1 he Low Count i ics • Scottilh affairs, &c. Pari-., Aug. 21 , 1.381. a. 3 . 4ii. Anhwwsto certain points propofedou I he part of the Fr. king, to be exhibited to the laid king by the Englilhambatlhdors. Aug. 24, i.3hi. Istij .4 7- Two notes of things to he refolved hv the queen, touching, iff, the I'eeret. and 2 d, the often five league; with obfervations by Ld. Burleigh. 15 si_ 87. 48. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to I.d. Burleigh; two dis¬ patches on his negociations. (Orig.) Pan-, Au«>-. G 3 , 1581. y i j 3 6- Another copy of the Gd number in vi. 37 . 1 .5 s 1 . 6 3 . b. 40 . Walfingham, Cohham, and Somer, to Ld. Bur¬ leigh ; report their negociations concerning a league with France, without a marriage. (Oiig.) Paris, All: ,63 3 1.to Mons. Dubais? about his (ihe writers) i IlneW, and Pome obi’oure language r:‘fpeeti:i>>’ his ferfices; perhaps a fervant of the D. d'Anjou. (Orig. Fr.) Greenwich, Aug. 27 , 151 > 1 . ho. 42 . A fcheme for tranfmitting money into France. 66. b. 43. ,T. Somer, to Ld. Burleigh ; juftifying himfelf touching Pome objc6tions taken to his conduit wliilft with the D. d’Anjou. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 28 , 1 , 3 s 1 . 67- 44. Sir Fr. Wallingham. to Ld. Burleigh; two difpatches about his negociations. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 28, 15S1. p8. 45 . Walfingham, Cohham, and Somer, to Ld. Burleigh; concerning their negociations. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 28, 1581. 101 . 46. Francois (D. d'Anjou) to fir Fr. Walfingham; profclfmghis de voted nefs to the queen, and about his luccefs in the Low Countries. (Orig. Fr.) Cafteau Cambrefis, -Vug. Gp, 15 8 1 . iog. 47- Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; on his negociations. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 31, 1581. 104 . 48. Sir lien. Cohham, to Ld. Burleigh; various intelligence. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 5 1 , 1 58 1 . 10 G. 46. Minutes of Hate papers. July, Aug. and Sept. 1581. 10 s. 50 . Ld. Burleigh, to one or all the ambaffadors at Paris, cone erning their negociations fora league ; the affairs of Portugal, &c. Sept. 2 , 1 .58 1 . loy. 51. Francois I). d'Anjou; his bond for the repav- mentof funis borrowed of Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) St. Vallery, Oct. 13,1581. 1 13. .32. A note of the funis lent to the 1). d'Anjou. 1581. 114. .33. J). Tliaulteleri'ile : Mr Mons. Dubes dcPreaux; concerning private affairs ot the D. d'Anjou, Marchmout, &e. (Orig. Fr.) PaiF, Sept. 10 , 1581. 54. “ A difcouiTe of her majefty's proceedings between (with Monfieur and the two kings of France his brothers, Charles IX. and Hen. 111 . by Mr. Wilkes; and the faid Mr. Wilkes’s letter to Ld. Burleigh, touching the above dilcourie. Brainf 01 d. Sept. iG, 1583. 1*8. 55 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to fir Fr. Walfingham; a long Galea, e. vr. 361 Jonjr di(patch on tlic ftate of tile French court Paris, Oct. > 1 , uai ., ]( - K 5G. Sir Ed. Stafford, lo Q. Elizabeth; about a let¬ ter of her's which he lent to Monhcur; and intel¬ ligence. Paris, Oct 27, 1 - 583 . ]5]- 37. Sir Ed. Stafford, lo Q. Elizabeth; along dif- ]jatch, reporting an audience lie had of the queen mother, &c. Paris, Nov. 7 , 1583. i t j8. Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Ft Y\ alhngham ; a 1 oi> > diipatch. Pans, Nov. 17 . 15S3. lGl. M). Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; about a re¬ port of A1 piicrani being lent ovei to her majeftv for money for Monticur. Paris, Nov. 19 , 1533 . j' 07 . Go. Sir Ed. Stafford, to fir Fr. Walfingham; va¬ rious intelligence. Paris, Nov. '23, 1583 . ids. dt Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. I lizabeth; various in¬ telligence. Paris, l)cc. ], 1583. 172 . 6 ‘ 2 . Sir Ld. Stafford, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; va¬ rious intelligence. Paris, Dec.], 1 . 583 . 176 . d.',. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; intelligence, ehidly about Monfieur. Paris, Dec. lo, 1 . 583 . 17 s. da. A letter in the nante of hr Fr. Walfingham, to hr Ed. Stafford ; cautioning him concerning lord Paget and Ch. Arundel: allb a private letter of Staf¬ ford to fir Francis, on the fame fubjeft. 1 38:5. 1 s ]. d.5. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth ; with a let¬ ter from Monhcur to her majeft) ; and intelligence. Paris, Dec. 2 d, 1383. ' . dd. Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Fr. Walfingham ; va¬ rious intelligence. Paris, Dec. 26 , 1583. 136. G7. Sir Ed. Stafford, to l.d. Burleigh ; inclohng coj.ies of his letters to the queen and hr Francis YVal- tfingham. Paris, Jan. 8 , 1583-4. it'p. b. ds. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; cautioning her againft foine evil-minded peiffon : the beginnino- wanting. Paris, Jan. 8 , 1583-4. ° iqu.^ do. Sir Ed. Stafford, to l.d. Burleigh; defirino- lhat thanks might be returned to the K. and Q. mo” ihei of France; about Monfieur, Sec. Baris, Jan. 18 1583-4. ]g 4> 70. Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Fr. Walfingham; about Don Antonio, &c. Paris, Jail- 30, 1583-4. 195 . 71. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; with a let¬ ter from Monhcur to her; intelligence. iijG. 72. Sir Ed. Stafford, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; intel¬ ligence. Paris, Feb. 21 , 1583-4. jgs. / 3 . S 11 I’,d. Stafford, to l.d. Burleigh ; a note, en¬ closing a copy of the above. Paris, F v eb. 21 , 1585 - 4 . 200 . 74 . Sii 1 cl. Stafford, to Q. F.lizahcth; reports a viht to Monfieur, Nc. Paris, April 2 , 1584 . 205. 75 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Er. Walfifigham and lord Burleigh; two letters of intelligence; the for- mcr ineloled in the latter. Paris, April d, 1584 . 207 . 7d. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; reports an audience of I lie queen mother on the aff airs of Spain, Sec. Paris, April 14, 1384 . <209. • 77 1 ^ rc - ) ? rt [ onic h'rvant of Stafford, concern¬ ing the I). d Anjou's dangerous illnels. 1584. 212. 7S. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Ed. BiMcigh ; about Mon- heur'.; illnefs, and its effects at court. Paris, April is, 1584. - a 1<: 79. Sir I d. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth ; on M 011 - heui s illnels; enclofing feme of the above papers 214. so. Sir Erl. Stafford, to hr Fr. Walling-ham; nearly the fame as Vi. 78 . Paris, April i?,v 1584 . 215. «i. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; a long dif- patch on his negociations. Paris, May 1 , j. 584 . 216. 82 . Sir F.d. Stafford, to Ld Burleigh ; juftifying 1 umfell m home things that had been difliked, See. Paris, May 7 , 1584. 022 . 83 Sir Ed. Stafford, to Hr Fr.'Walfingham ; about Ld. Paget, See. Paris, May 30 , 1584 . 224 . 84. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Ld. Burleigh; intelli¬ gence. Paris, June 3, 1584 . ' 85. Sir Horace Palavicino, to Ld. Burleigh; hg- nitying and lamenting hr Ed. Stafford's extreme paf- fmn for play. (Orig. Ilal.) Paris, June 9 , 1584 . 229 . Sfi. Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Fr. Walfingham ■ on his attending the funeral of Monfieur, &c. Paris, June 15 , 1584. ’ 2 92. Sir Ed. Stafford, to hr Fr. Walfingham ; two difpatches touching his negociations. Par. July 26 and 29, 1584. 24 q 93. Robt. Cecil, to hr Fr. TV alhngham ; reports the intrigues of the Guifes; touching the K. of Na- varre s title to the crown; enumerates the friends of Navarre, Sec. Paris, Sept. 28, 1584 . 252 . 94. Sir Ed. Stafford, to fir Fr. Walfingham; four difpatches. Paris, Oct. 26 .Nov. 7 , 1584 and Jan. 2 , 15S4-5. < 2 55 95. A French paper, on the queen’s infilling on the lbcuring ot Rouen, Dieppe, and Aure, See. ' 2 65. 96. Robt. Cecil ? to Q. Elizabeth; reports his journey and reception in France. 15 S 5 . 271 . 97. Francois de.to.thanks him for r.iN protection in England, and recommends his fa¬ mily to him. (Orig. Fr.) Erankendal, OH. 22 , 1585. 278. b. 98. Dupin, to.thanks for favours, and crav- 4 L i 11 o- G A L B A, E. VI. 362 • ni*; his further protection for the church. (Orig.Fr.) Xerue, Nov. 8, 1585. 279 . !)<). A note of fpoils committed hy the French upon the Englilh, and of reftitutions made bv the Engliili, from 1560 to 1586. '280. mo. Henry K. of Navarre, to Ld. Ihirlcigh; cx- I 101 ling him to perfevere in protecting the church. (Orig. Fr.) Nov. 8, 1585. ‘283. 101 . A memorial prefented to the Fr. king, in fa¬ vour of Michel le Qtiefnc, his wards, and others, concerning a ihip of their's plundered hy the Enghth. (Fr.) 1585. " ‘2S4. 10 c. Ilenry de Bourbon (Pr. of Conde), to Ld. Burleigh ; recommending Villefaifon, whom he had lent to the queen. (Orig. Fr.) Guernfey, Xov. co, 1585. ‘285. b. 103. Henry K. of Navarre, to Ld. Burleigh; re¬ commending Buzenval; thanking for good offices to de G-nytry, and reprefenting the machinations of Spain and the Guiles. (Three originals, Fr.) Mon- 1, tuban, Jan. C3, Caftelgeloux, Feb. ‘2 7 , 1580, and Bragcrac, April co, 1585. 286. 104. Sir Ed. Stafford, to the Privv Council; re¬ ports a conference with French mininers concerning the red refs of grievances. (Orig.) Paris, June C4, 1.580. " '28 7. 105 . An anfwcrof fir Fd. Stafford, to articles pro¬ pounded at the above conference. 289. lOd. Cleans propofed in the French king's coun¬ cil, in the prefence of the Englilh ambaifador, to prevent the piracies committed by the Englifh. (French.) June, 1586. 297 . 107 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to Monf. Brulart, Fr. fec y of hate; requeuing a more explicit anfwer from the king. (Fr.) 1580. 300. 108 . Inftruflions to Mr. Fdwartl WottOn, fent to France. (A draught, corrected by Burleigh.) Sept. 29, 15 86. 302. 109 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to hr Ed. Stafford ; ac¬ quainting him with the proceedings in the caufe of the Q. of Scots. (Orig.) Barn-eims, Oct. 27 , 158(3. 309. ii(i. Sir Ed. Stafford's cypher for his corrcfpon- dcnce with Ld. Burleigh. J 46 . 117 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to Q. Elizabeth; reports a private interview with the IV. king. Paris, Eeh. <25, 1587. v 350. 118 . Sir Ed. Stafford, to Ld. Burleigh; about, his interview with the K. Paris, Feb. 26 , 1587. 355. 1 19 . Sir Fr. Walfingham’s cypher for his cor- refpondence with fir Ed. Stafford. 1588. 357 . 120 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to hr Ed. Stafford; directions and intelligence. (Five originals.) St. James’s, Sept. 8 and 30, Oct. 20 , 19 , and Greenwich, Nov. 10 , 1588. 3(15. 121 . Q. Elizabeth, to hr Ed. Stafford ; inftru6l- ing him to remonftrate againft. the l’r. K. withdraw¬ ing His ambatlador, Monf de Cluteau-neuf. (Orig.) Somerfet-lioufe, Nov. 25, 15 88. 369 . ice. Sir Fr. Walhngham, to hr Ed. Stafford ; directions and intelligence. (Seven originals.) Sa¬ voy, Nov. 28. Greenwich, Dec. 10 . Court, Dec. 10 , 1588. Richmond, Jan. 3, 1588-9- London, Dec. co, 24 , and 29, 1588. 370 . 123. Sir Ed. Stafford, to Henry III. IC. of Fr. ; dignifying that he had a letter from the queen to de¬ liver to his majefty, and feveral things to impart, to him. (Fr.) Jan. 1589- 376 . 124. Henry III. K. of Fr. to hr Ed. Stafford; de¬ filing him to fend Q. Elizabeth's letter, and about the corn trade. (Two originals.) Blois, Jan. 23 , and Feb. 6, 1589. 377- b. 125. Sir Fr. Walhngham, to fir Ed. Stafford ; reafons for not lending an ambaifador to condole with the Fr. K. on the death of his mother; the Fr. am¬ baifador has leave to depart; intelligence from Scot¬ land, the Low Coun tries, iSrc. (Orig.) Richmond, Jan. 28, 1588-9. 379 . 126 . Beauvoir la None and de Frefne, to hr Fr. Walfingham; defiring the difpatch of lir I lor. Pala- vicino might be expedited ; and intelligence. (Orig. Fr.) London, Feb. 8, 1589. 380. 127 . Beauvoir la None, to Q. Elizabeth; urging an intended negociation in Germany. (Orig. Fr.) London, Feb. 9, 1589- S80. b. 1 10 . Buzenval : the Fr. ambatlador, to Q. Elizabeth ; in behalf of the Q. of Scots. (Fr.) London, Oct. is, 1586. 312. ill. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to hr I'd. Stafford; giving an account of Mallard, a German, who had been in England. (Orig.) Richmond, Oct. 30, 158(3. 313. b. M2. 'Fhe declaration of a conference with the French ambaifador at ihc lord treafurer’s houfe, con¬ cerning a plot againft the queen's life. Jan. 12 , 1586-7. 315. 113 . Notes concerning a treaty with France. S31-. 114 . Extracts from the regifters of the French council of hate, concerning depredations of the Englifh. 158(3 and 7 . 338. 1 15. Henry III. K. of Fr. ; his commiffion to the 1). de Joycufc and otliers, to treat with fir Edward Station!, concerning the deprecations of the Englilh. Paris, . • 345. 123. Henry III. Fr. Iv. to hr Ed. Stafford ; defiring him to thank the Q. for her intended abidance, &c. (Two 01 i ginals, Fr.) Tours, March 22 , and Rref- fiure, Aprils, 1589. 38 1 129 . Journal of the march and operations of lord Willoughby, with the queen's forces in France. 1589- 387. a. 130. The Privy Council, to the French ambatfa- dor (de Buys?) hating the reafons why the queen cannot give the Fr. K. the aid he expects. (Fr.) June 14, 1589- 587. 131. Buhy, to Q. Elizabeth; on declining home offer of her’s. (Orig. Fr.) London, June 28 . 1539 . 389. 132 . Henry III. Fr. K. to Monf. de Buzenval; ou his pro grid’s in Normandy, Picardy, ^ce. (Orig. Fi.j Dieppe, Aug. 27 , 1589- 389. b. 1 S3. Inltructions for lord Willoughby, fent with forces into France. 1539 . 592 . 134. A G A L B A, E. VI.—IX. 363 134 . A luminary of the principal points reprefent- cd to the Privy Council, hv Monf. Beauvoir, IT. ambaflador. (Fr.) Aug. 3, .1589. 401. i;; 5 . Minute of a letter of thcFr. K. II. IV. to Q. Elizabeth. Aug. <23. 1539- (VI. 137.) 402. 13 g. Themagiftrates of Geneva, to Q. Elizabeth; reprefentingtheir dangers from the 1). of Savoy and the League, and craving a lupply of money. (IT.) Geneva, Aug. 23, 1589. 405. 137 . Henry IV. K. of IT. to Q. Elizabeth ; crc- tlcntial in favour of Beauvoir, 011 the death of Ilen- rv 111 . (Orig. IT.) Camp de Pont St. Pierre, Aug. 23, 1539 . 407 ‘ 138 omitted. 139 . Beauvoir la None, to fir IT. Walfingliam?; feme preliminaries concerning his negotiations. (Orig. Er.) London, Sept. 17 - 27 , 1589- 408. 140 . Itogier de Bellegarde, to Q. Elizabeth; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Ir.) Seal is, Sept. 19, 1589? 409. 14 1 . Henry IV. IT. K. to Q. Elizabeth ; on his fuecofs before Paris; commending Ld. Willoughby and the Engliih. (Orig. IT) 1589- 4 11 . 142 . A letter on the rebellion in France. Paris, April 17 , 1589. 411.*. 143 . Ld. Willoughby, to Q. Elizabeth; on the military operations in France. (Orig.) Dieppe, Odl.2, 1589. 412. b. 144 . Beauvoir la Nolle, to fir Fr. Walfingliam; ill-iking a paflbort for M. de Tiiel, and deiiring an jnlerview pm ious to his audience irom the Q. (Orig. IT.) London, 16-26 Oct. 1589- 413. 145 . Henrv de Bourbon (Pr. of Condi) to Q. Elizabeth; a'letter of thanks. (Orig. IT.) 413. b. 146 . An account of military operations in France, t>y the Pr. of Conti and others. 414. 147 . Daiimont, to Q. Elizabeth; thanks, and offers of ferviee. (Orig. Fr.) Dieppe, Odt. 2 ], 15 89. 415. b. 148 . Q. Elizabeth's commillion to fir Hor. Palavi- cinor to treat with German princes for aid to the Fr. K. 1589- 416. 149 . Peauvoir la Noue and de Fre file, to fir Fr. Walfingliam ; hating the terms of the league the Fr. K. offers to any fovereign who may be difpoled to aflift him, &c. (Orig. Fr.) 1589- 418. 150 . A memoir concerning German auxiliaries, to he confidered by the French ambaffador. (Fr.) 1589. 419. 151 . A memorial of things to he done and con- fidered concerning the affairs of France. 1589. 42 1 . Galba, E. VII. Codex membran. in folio, contincns folia 206. I. Chronicon breve, a Chriflo nato ad annum 1364. 4. II. Eulogium: ita appcllatur ab auctore monacho, qui rogatu i’ui prioris opus hoc conlcriplit, inquinque Lbros divifum, quorum : 16. 1 . Continet in fe mundi creationem et cjus ini- tium feriatim fub compendio, ufque ad Chrifti 11 a- tivitatem, ct in ejus afeenfione terminatur. 2. Continet apoftolorum pnedicationem; mar- tyrum occifionem; qui poft Petrum Papas fue- rint, et de eorum geftis pitecipuis, annorum nu- merolitate, perfecutione, &c. S. Docet Italia? primam habitationem, et Roma.* creationem; qui imperatores Pagani et Chriltiani fuerint, cum eorum geftis pnecipuis, bonis et mails. 4. Oftcndit mundi divifionem, et qute pars eft liabi tabilis, et qu« non. 5. Oftcndit Britannia? habitationem primam, cum ejufdem regibus poft Brutum fuccedentibus: terminatur hoc opus A 0 1 . 867 , fub Edw. III. et ab alio continuatur ad annum 1413. Quis aiuffor ad hue incertum eft: vftletur fuiffe monachus Cantuarienfis, ut quidam vir dotius inde, nonablque verifimilitudine, conjetiatur, quod S. Thoniam Cantuarienfem patronum l’uum ap- pcllaverit. Cajus, in libro de Antiq. Cant. Ninianum autio- rem libri, qui vocatur Eulogium, appellat. Galba , E. VIII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans ex foliis I4S. Incendio non parum la?fus. Sec. XV. 1. Verfes on the kings of England, from William the Conq. to Henry VI. 2 . 2 . Fabulofa narratio de tribus magis qui Cliriftum adorarunt; five de tribus regibus Colonienfibus ; ca- pitulis XLV. comprehenfa. 3 . 3. Hiftory of the kings of Britain, from Brutus to Ilenry VI. 29 . Galba, E. IX. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 111 . 1 . The romance of Twain and Gawain. See War- ton’s Hift. of Poetry, T. III. p. 108. 1 . Begin. “ Almyghti God that made mankyn, “ He ichilde his grandes out of fyn, “ & mayntene him al might and mavne, “ That herkeud Iwaine & Gawayne.” 2 . The Procys of the Sevyn Sages. 22 . b. Begin. “ Lordyngs that here likes to dwell, “ Leves zowr fpeche, & heres this fpcll.” 3. A poem. 45. b. Begin. “ Al es hot a fantum that with fare “ Us behoves ilkaday heven make us zare.” 4. Prophecies of Merlin. 4 6. Begin. “ Herkenes fpeches of manikyn thinges, “ Of gret feriys, & of mani kinges.” 5. Narratigi 0 A LBA, E. IX.—XII. 3 6 4 /’■ ^arratio de Dno Dcnario (lir Penny). See Ti arton, ubi lup. p. q.s. ' 47. b. (>. Verles on the battle of Ilalidou Ilill. 40. -on the battle of Banoeburn. 49. b. ,s - ~~ “ How Edward the kirn* - came in Bra- band, “ And toke homage of all the land.” Acd other A (Ties concerning Edward III. his wars ' . : 1 b} \\ arton to Laurence Minot. V. ubi lilpra, ]). loj. p f. Evaugelium Nichodemi. 54. b. 10. A poem. (j 4 Begin. “ Here M ill I tell a fliort tretice, “ Made of the levyn dedly vice.” ) i. De ix niodis faciendi elemofmam. G7. b. 1 -• he diverfis moilis ealtigalionis. And various other verfes 011 religious fuojedts. G8. i. 1 '. Stimulus confeientim (the pricke of con- leienee) : aleribed by \\ a L m to Richard Ilampole. See Hi ft. of Poet. T. 1. p. fish. 73. Galba , E. X. Codex membi-an. in folio, conftans foliis 144 . i. Calcndarium. ]_ -• Computus, varia-que notula?, de pofleffionibus. Abbatiai de llamefeia.- item forma conl’ecrationis libri Pfalmorum. 3. Inquifitio quam fecit Gnilielmus abbas de Ra¬ in efei a de tenements militum fuorum, ex mandato domini regis: cum multis aliis ad eandem abbatiam Ipeetantibus. jj 4. Sylloge epiftolarum Pontificum, Regum quorun- d;un Angliie, et Archiepifcopor. 36 . 3 . Regifirum capituli ecclefuc B. Petri Eborac. cle aeiis et geftis jurifdictoncm arehiepifcopalem eon- cernentibus, tt 6 Jan. 1397 . § 8 . ^ I*. Onlines celebrati in ecclefia parochiali Sci Michaelis m Berclrido Ebor. per Olwaldum Candida! cake epifeopum, cceldue Eboracenlis futfraganeum. A° 139 b’. nG.b. 7. Regiftrum capituli cccl. cathedralis Eborac. de a.-tis et geftis jurifdielionem arebiepileopalem eon- cernentibus, a is Jan. isGG. , 18 ' 8. Onlines celebrati in ceel. conventuali fratrmn minor. Ebor. per Olwaldum Cai-diclaj Cake Enifc 17 die Martii, 139 G. 9. Onlines celebrali in ecclcka conventuali fratrmn priedicatorum, per Guliclmum Dromoreufem erufeo- pum, ecelefue Eboraeenfis fufl’raganeum. Alia ejufmodi regiftra et ordincs pnliiui in hoc co- dice continentur. Galba, E. XL Codex membran. in folio, conftans iViliis 15 ;,. J. Iliftoria Britannia, per Galfridum Monumeten- lem. 1 liftoria Ilverofolymitana, abbreviata : in qua ct.am ag.tur de Arabibus, Mahumede, Tureomamiis, Allamnis; item de diverfis arboril is, animalibus et la- pulibuspretiolis, in partibus orientalibus; de feriptura Dyndami ad Ale xandrum regem; de Bi • l tilque alns ad orientem et .Egyptum ipeetantibus- capituhs 98 . ‘ ' ‘ oy. . 1 . Gefta Alexandri regis Macedonum; cum Rn- nianorum hiftoria contemporanea. ] 11 4. Iliftoria Romanorum, mortuo Alexandre, l 25 . Martini, ordinis p di ... >- U i l tentiarii et capellaiii, Clironicon. et Pap® paini- 129. Galba , E. XII. Codex cliartaceus, in tolio verfo, conftans foliis 434 . Iliftoria de Romanis pontificibus, de Auguftis, de¬ que Anglia! regibus feculo decimo tei tio. Galba, E. XIII. Codex membran. in fol. min. in capfula. The remains of a medical MS. laid to be lien, de Mundaville’s practice of furgery. (partly Latin and partly Dutch.) Of HO, A. I.—XI.--—C. IX. s 6 5 Otho, A. I.—XI; Defiderantur. Otho, A. XIl Codex chartaceus in 4to. conftans foliis 36. A fieri us Menevenfis de rebus geftis ab Aelfredo rege: calce mutilus. K. B. This cannot be the MS. that was originally in the Cottonian Library under the above re¬ ference, and which is laid to have been tiled by Archbp. Parker; lincethat appears to have been of an ancient date, in Saxon letters, and on vel¬ lum ; whereas this is of a modern hand, and on paper. Otho, A. XIII.—XVIII. Defiderantur. Otho, B. I. $ II. Defiderantur Otho, B. III. Fragmenta chartacea, nipyxide afi'ervata. Annales: ubi multa de Anglia et Scotia. The volume deferibed by Smith under the above reference is laid by Galley to liave been written oil vellum: it may therefore be doubted whether this was a part of it. This fragment is too much da¬ maged to be of any Life. A tranfeript of the articles 7 , 8, and 9 of this vol. as deferibed in Dr. Smith's Catal. has been purchafed by the trufiees of the Brit. Muf. in the year 1793 . See the Catal. of Additions to the Library, N° 5444. Othoi B. IV. # V. Defiderantur. Otho, B. VL Fragmenta 18 membranacea, in pixide afi’ervata. Reliquia: pretiofiftimte vetuftifiimi et quondam fplendidillimi exemplaris libri Genefeos, de quo fufe egerunt Cl. Smith in Catalog'd lnijus Bibliotheca; imprefib, et feriptor praifaticunculte ad binas Tabulas ./Eneas, fragmenta XXI. lnijus codicis exhibentes; v. Vctufta Monumcnta qute Societas Antiquarioruui Londini, fumptu luo, endenda euravit, 1747 . There mull have been more fragments faved than thefc 18 , for none of thofe engraved in the two above mentioned plates are here to be met with. Thefe however are all that were found in the year 1796. Otho, B. VII.—XIII. Defiderantur. Otho, B. XIV. Codex partim mein bran, et partim cliartac. iii folio min. conftans foliis 273. 1. Regifirum privilegiorum et tefrarum monaftcrii de Shene: continet eiiim; (a.) Pertinentia ad monallerium B. Maiitc de Lyra in Normannia, in diccceli Uerford (He¬ reford) ubi etiam enumerantur polfefiionespri- oratuum de Wareham, de Carefbroke, &c. 3. (b.) PolTefliones prioratus de 11 ay ling, olim per- tinens ad abbatiam Sci Petri de Genii tico. 53 . (c.) Pertinentia ad abbatem et conventum de Gandavo, in Grenewich et Lcvefham. 68. (d.) Pofiefiiones monafterii de Shene: 87. b. (e.J Scriptura’ et munimenta qute olini pertine- bant ad abbatem Sci Ebrulphi, et priorem de Ware ejus procuratorem generalem in Anglia; et nunc pertinentes ad domum de Jhu de Bethleem de Shene. 100 . 2 . Regiftrum monafterii de Pipewelle, in comiti Northampton. 146 '. 3. Chronica brevis ab Augullini adventu in An- g'liam, ad tempora R. Henrici VIII. in charta. 200. 4. Exeerpta ex hiftoria Henrici Huntingdonenfis : cum aliis ad hilloriam Angliie fpeftantibus. in charta. 230. 5. Regum antiquorum diplomata, concefifa mo- nalterio de Ramfeye, cum aliis eidem pertinentibus in com. Huntingdon. 253. N.B. This MS. which had long been milling in the Cottonian Library, was met with at Mn Egerton's a bookfeller, in the year 1787 , and. purchafed by the trultees of the Britifii Mufeum Though marked Otho, B. XIV, it may poflibly have been Otho, B. I. Otho, B. XV. Defideratur. Otho, C. I. A folio Volume on vellum, once confifting of 290 leaves, but now fo much burnt and contracted as to render the binding of it impracticable: it is pre- ferved in a cafe. Its contents are, The beft part of the four gofpels; the four dia¬ logues of St. Gregory; and fome other articles in Saxon. Otho t C. II.—VIII. Defiderantur. Otho, C. IX; Codex chartaceus, in folio, nuper reftitutus, conftans foliis 144 . 1 . The grand mafter of Rhodes (Emery d’Amboife) to Henry vill; on Henry's accefiion; the Turks in Egypt, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Oft. 1 , 1510 ? 1 . 2 . A father guardian in Paleltine, to Fryar John de S. Martino; concerning applications to be made to Henry VIII. for contributions towards the fupportand fecurity of the holy places. (Lat.) 3 . 3. The grand mafter of Rhodes (Em. d’Amboife) to Henry vill; acquainting him that he had paid due regard to his recommendations in favour of Win. Wefton and Rich. Nevill, two Englilli knights. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Oft. 10 , 15 10 . 4 . b. 5 A 4. The :65 OTHO, C. IX. 4. The grand maficr of Rhodes (Em. d'Amboife), to Henry vill; two letters, requefiing the continua¬ tion of the king's protection; and mentioning the Rate of the rear againlt the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, May 10 , 1 o 11 . " 5 . . 5 . The lieutenant and council of the grand mafter of Rhodes, to Pope Julius If; reprefenting the hoitile preparations of the infidels; and demanding effectual aid, particularly that Fahricius do Carretto might haftento their relief, with fome ffiips. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Feb. 2 , 1512 . 8. (>. The grand mafter of Rhodes (Guy de Blanchc- lort'. to Henry VIII; reprefenting the pregrets and exceffes of the Turks, and ibiiciting aid. (Orig. Lat.) Burgo-novo, April 10 , >5 13. 10 . 7. The lieut. and council of the grand mafter of Rhodes, to Henry vm ; fignifying that they lliould detain the two Engliffi knights, '1 ho. Newport and Tho. Sheffield, to ferve againlt the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Nov. 15, 1513. it. 8. Fabricins de Caretto, to Henry VIII ; notify¬ ing Ids election to the mafterfhip of Rhodes, and re¬ commending himte If to his protection. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Dec. 16 , 1513. " 12 . 9. fabr. de Carretto, to Henry vill; in anfwcr to a recommendation of Richard Nevil to a com- mandeiy. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Jan. 5, 1514. 13. 10 . Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry VIII; intelli¬ gence about. Soliman's unfuccefsful expedition againlt the Sophi of Perfia. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Feb. 2G, 1514. 14 . 11 . Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry nil; intelli¬ gence about Soliman, and the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Jan. 10 , 1515. 12 . Fabr. de Caretto, to Henry vni; on the fame fubjeft. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Jan. 13 , 1515 . 18. 1 3. Extract out of a letter of intelligence from Rhodes. (Lat.) Jan. 30, 1515 . go. 14 . Henry vm, to J. Rapt. Jultiniano, Engliffi conful at Chios; reproving him for not having ob¬ viated a new duty on Engliffi merchants. (Lat.) April 20 , 15 15. ' o i. 15. Fabr. de Carretto, grand mafter, to Henry Vill; acquainting him that he had given a commandery to Clement. (Weft?) (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, June .1515. 21. b. lfi. Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry vill; intelligence about the armament (chiefly naval) of the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, July 16 , 151 . 5 . 22 . 17 . Fabr.. de Carretto, to Henry vill; defiring to detain V m. Darrel, an Engliffi knight, and turcupu- lary of the order. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Nov. 12 , 1515. 03 18. Fabr.de Carretto, to Henry VIII; defiring to detain Tho. Docray, an Engliffi knight, See. (Orffi Lat.) Rhodes, Nov. 12 , 15 15. 04 ° ID. a. Fabr. dc Carretto, to the Lords of the Privy Council, in commendation of Wm. Darrel. (Lat.) Rhodes, Nov. 12 , 1515? ^ 25 . i!).b. Henry VIII, to Fabr. de Carretto; recom¬ mending Jo. Rawibn, an Engliffi knight. (Lat.) Greenwich, 1515 ? oq 20. Wm. Darrel, to Henry VIII; concerning a quarrel between him and Rich.' Nevill. (Olio-. Lat 'l Rhodes, Dee. !), 15 15. 27 . 21 . Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry vm.; reports great naval armaments making by the Turks. (Orffi. Lat.) Rhodes, Dec. 21 , 1515 . 07 . b? 22. Fabr.de Carretto, to Henry VIII; about the war between the Turks and the Perfians, & c . Lat.) Rhodes, April 15Hr. 23. Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry Vm ; reports (Orig. 28 . yietory againlt the Turks; the taking of Aleppo (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Och is, 15 19 . ’^ . ® 4 - 7 h ,"; Newport, baillif (JBajiilius) ofAqi.il™ to Lard. "olfejw ■ intelligence concerning the war agamlt the Turks. (Two orig. letters, Lat.) Rhodes Jan. 8, 1 j 17 , and no date. ‘ 3 , ’ Wisalau8.de Ta.guardian of the holy plaees m Paled line, to Henry VIII; thanks for cmi- tnbutions. (Orig. Lat.) Jmiiirlcin, July e.,. isi 7 . S3 b. ar r . Tho. Newport, to Wolfey?: intelligence con¬ cern,ng the war m Egypt. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes reb. 10 , 1517 . „ 0 ’ 27 . Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry vm ; intelligence on the maritime operations of the Turks. fOrio- Lat.) Rhodes, Aug. 19 , 1 . 517 . ^ - 4 ^ r 2 r/, W f'- I ? arKe1, Tha Newport, and the other Englrin knights, to Henry \ III; concerning ffimr matters relating to John Rawibn. (Ori«- B T it t Rhodes, Aug. so, 1.517. V “■ /C 3!). Fabr. de Carretto, to Henry Vlfi; about tile preparations ol Soliman in Egypt, the fleet he lent to Conltantmople, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, Sept. 23 1517. . i 7 35. b. oO. Philip \ Hirers de bide Adam, grand matter of the order of Rhodes, to Card. Wolfey; apprizing him ot tlie Turks having taken Belgrade, See. 'Orb--. Lat.) Rhodes, Nov. 4, 1 . 521 . v S q°' 31. P. l .de Lille Adam, to Henry vril; fignifies Ins apprehenfion of an attack from the Turks. V Orio- Lat.) Rhodes, March 19 , 1522 . oV 3 32. P. V. de Lrfle Adam, to Card, Wolfey • in¬ forms him ot the near approach of the Turks,’and deniesfupphes. (Orig. Lat.) Rhodes, June 17 , 1522 . 37 . b. 33. P. V. de Li fie Adam, to Henry' vill; about his preparations for defence againlt the Turks (Ori<-- not figned. Lat.) Rhodes, June 17 , 1522 . 33 ? 34. Nicholas Roberts, to the E. of Surrey; con¬ cerning fome promotion in the order; and an account of the liege and furrender of Rhodes. (Ori«- t Medina, May 15 , 1523. 35. P. V. de Li fie Adam, to Card. Wolfey; ac¬ quainting him of his journev towards Rome, after the furrender of Rhodes. (Orig. Lat.) Medina, Muv 20 I52S ‘ 42. 3(i. A fragment, addreffed to Henry Gould, con¬ taining fome intelligence concerning the furrender of Rhodes. (Orig. Lat.) 1523. 43> 37. P. V. de Lille Adam, to Card. Wolfey; ap¬ prizing him with the motive of his journey, anil re¬ commending the order. (Orig. Lat.) Marfeillcs Aug. 1525. 44 ' 38. Georgius, a prieft of Rhodes, to Lille Adam? propofing a iecret attempt upon that illand. (Lat.) lo25. 45 . 39 . P. V. de Li fie Adam, to Card. Wolfey; about a commandery, and the affairs of the order; alfo im¬ ploring aid. (Two orig. Lat.) Viterbo, Jan. 13 and Feb. 23, 1527 . 47 . 40. P. V. de Liflc Adam, to Henry mi ; mentions his journey to the Emperor in Spain, and other pro¬ ceedings in the affairs of the order. (Two Orig. Lat.) Viterbo, Feb. 25, and Cometto, June 23 , !527. 49 . 41. P. V. de Lille Adam, to the deputy of Calais; deli ring 67 O T H O, C. IX. X. defiling him to forward a meflenger to the king. (Orig. Fr.) Malta,.25. 51. 42. P. V. de Lille Adam, to Card. Wolfey; by Ambrofe Layton a knight; credential, and fome in¬ telligence. (Two Orig. Fr.) Madrid, Jan. 28, 1529? 52. 43. P. V. dc Lille Adam, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning the appropriation of the commandery of Sainplbrd to the cardinals new college. (Orig. Fr.) Arles, July 8. 55. 44. Didie'r de St. .Taillc, grand mafter, to. On his election. (Orig. Lat.) Vienne in Dauphine, May 18 , 1536. 54. 45. Charles V ; his donation of the ifland of Malta to the order. (Lat.) 1530. 56. 46. A Greek letter, probably to Henry VIII; the date burnt. 57* 47. Minutes of the proceedings ofthe chapter of the order of Malta: containing examinations of feveral knights, concerning the mifdemeanors of Clement Weft, an Englifh knight, in having, in defiance of the regulations, borne a badge with the king's arms, and having been otherwife contumacious; for which he had been ftript ofthe grand crofs, deprived ofthe office of turcupulary, and imprifoned. The atteftation of this infirument, which was lent back to the duke of Norfolk, who had remonftrated in favour of Weft, is dated March 7 , .1534. 58. 48. William Tyrrell, to the Lord of St. John ; about Clement V eft's degradation, and the progrefs of the Turks. (Orig.) Malta, Ott. 1534 . 7 5. 4!). A letter in Tyrrell's hand, to Ur. Mabulfton, prior of St. John's, on the fubject of the above, and probably of nearly the fame date. 1534. 77. 50. Pierrin del Pont, grand matter, to Henry VIII; on his election. (Orig. Lat.) Malta, April 15 , 1535. 78. 51. P. del Pont, to.a letter of thanks. (Orig. Lat.) Malta, April 15 , 1535. 79 . 52. P. del Pont, to Henry VIII; recommends the order, and fends intelligence concerning the war between the Turks and Perfians, and Barbarafl’a’s flight to Tunis. (Orig. Lat.) Malta, Aug. 18 , 1535. 80. 53. Papers of intelligence, and extracts out of let¬ ters, concerning the Turks and Perfians. (Italian.) .... March .... 82 . 54. Defid. de St. Jalha, grand mafter, to Henry vin; bn his eledtion. (Orig. Lat.) Touloufe, Jan. 28 , 1536. 89. 55. An appointment of the order of Malta to the commandery of Shingey, vacant by the death of Ed. Hylles. (A fragment, Lat. Orig.) Montfrin, April <25, 1536. go. 56. Defid. de St. Jalha, to Henry VIII ? on his re¬ pairing to Malta. (Orig. Lat.) Vienne, May 17 , 1,536. gi, 5 7- Jacques Pellormin, prior of Acquitain, to Henry vin ; announces the death of Defid. de Jalha, and the eleftion of John Ilomedes as grand mafter. (Orig. Lat.) Malta, Nov. 4 , 1536. 92 . 58. J. Ilomedes, to Henry VIII; on his ele6tion. (Orig. Lat.) Cafpe, Jan. 23 . 1337 . 93. 59 . Wm. Wefton, to Iris nephew fir Tho. Dingle? acquainting him that hpexpedted to be recommended to a commandery. (Orig. Fr.) Soutton, Sept. 7 , •1-537. 94 . 60 . The mafter of the hofpital of St. John of Jeru- falem, to Ld. Cromwell? complimental. (Orig. Ital.) Malta, Oft. 10 , 153S. " 95 . 61 . J. Ilomedes, to Ld. Cromwell? about the com¬ mandery of Shingey, which had been improperly held by Tho. Dingle. (Orig. Lat.) Malta, May 6, 1538. 96. 62. A corrcfpondcnce with and concerning the ReHor of Cattaro. 1539- 97. 63. A commiffion of the grand mafter of Malta, to enquire into fome improvements made in the com¬ mandery of Temple Bever. (Orig. Lat.) Aug. 18 , 1539. 101 . 64. An Englifh knight to the turcupulary of Malta; two letters of intelligence from Medina and Corfu. 102 . 65. Clement Weft; 25 letters to Henry VIII, lord Cromwell, and others; chiefly of intelligence con¬ cerning the war againft the Turks, and Barbaroifa : from March 1535, to Nov. 1339 . 105. Otho, C, X. Codex chartaccus, in folio, incendio mutilus, conftans foliis 267 . 1. A defence of a book, written by an anonymous author, in which are let forth the teftimonies both of the fathers, and of more modern ecclefiaftical writers in favour ofthe divorce between Henry VIII. and Q. Catherine. (Latin.) A few leaves wanting at the beginning. 2 . 2 . Henry vm, to the Archbp. of Canterbury (T. Cranmer) ; licenfing him to examine and finally de¬ termine the matrimonial caule between him and Q. Catherine. (Two copies, not exa 6 tly alike.) 1532. 159. 3. John (Stokefley) Bp. of London, to Ld. for five doctors to be chofen on each fide, to afiift in determining the king's matrimonial caufe. Jan. 8 , 161 . 4 . And. Ofiander, to the Archbp. of Canterbury; the magiftrates of Nuremberg have prohibited his (Ofiander’s) book “ de inceftis nuptiis ;” a victory of the Turks; a comet, and two blazing ftars in the hea¬ vens ; and about the reformation. Nuremberg, Jan. 24. 162 . 5 . Tho. Bedyll, to fee 7 Cromwell; intelligence about the beginning and progrefs of the procefs in the matter ofthe divorce; Q. Cath. contumacious. (Orig. two letters.) Dunftable, May 10 and 17 , 1532’ 164. b. 6. Th. Cranmer (Archbp. of Cantcrb.), to fec y Cromwell; acquaints him that he had nearly brought the matter of the divorce to an iflue. (Orig.) Dunftable, May 17 , 1532. 166 . 7 . Th. Bedyll, to fec y Cromwell; two letters con¬ cerning the procefs on the divorce; the latter con¬ cerning the confutations of the Univerfities. (Ori¬ ginals.) Dunftable, May 23, and Sept. 1 , 1532. 166 . b. 8. Arguments to perfuade Q. Catherine to forego the title of queen, and accept that of dowager. (The beginning wanting.) 1533. 168 . 9 . Steph. (Gardiner) Bp. of Wiftcbefler, to fec y Cromwell; reports his caufing the oath concerning the fucceffion to be taken in his diocefe. (Orig.) Wincliefter, May 5, 1534 ? 171 . 10 . Sir Anthony Browne; his affidavit that lie thought the marriage between the K. and the dowa¬ ger lawful; and about various fteps and reports con¬ cerning OTHO, C. X. 368 corning Lady Mary's fucceffion. (Orig\) Weftm. June 14, 1.5.37. 172. 11 . Francis B . , . . ; his affidavit to the fame pur¬ port as the preceding ai l. (The beginning wanting.) 12 . Q. Catherine (the dowager), to fcc r Crom¬ well? on her defire to fee her daughter. 176 . 1 : 5 . Sir Th. Vaux, to the duke of Norfolk ; reports Q- Catherine's protection againA relinqui/hing the title of queen. (Orig.) Ampthill, April 18 , 1533 . 14 .Fitzwilliam, to fec T Cromwell; Agnify- ing the king s pleafure that Q. Catherine may keep her Maundv privately, or if publicly, as princefs dowager. (Orig.) Richmond, ... 1533 . 178 . b. l .i. Articles drawn out of feriptures, councils, and fathers, to prove that it is not lawful for a man to marry two filters, and hence for a woman to marry two brothers. (Two articles.) 179 / 16 . Eruditi cujtifdam refponfiO pro regis defen- hone ad libellum RoAenfis Epifcopi. i 82 . 17 . Two reports of lord Mountjoy, &c. upon cer¬ tain aftieles delivered unto them to declare to the princefs dowager on the king's behalf.—N. Ik The winds “princefs dowager" were blotted out in two places in the firft report, by the ladv herfelf, as is declared in the fecbnd report. Ampthill, July .... and 14 , 1333. 199 . 13. Anfwcr of the h. and Council to certain mef- fages and requefts made in behalf of the princefs dowager; delivered to her by fir Edmund Bedyng- fielc?; with her reply. June 12 , 1533? 20 O. 19 . Edward Baynton, to the Treafurcr (Ld. Sur¬ rey: ) ; declaring that only one perl’on, named Mark, will confefs any thing againA Queen Anne. (Orig.) Greenwich, .... 1536. 209 . 20 . Ld. Sulfex and others of the Privy Council, to Henry ym ; report an audience of the princefs dowager, in which lhe perfifts in her refufal of that title, and of the terms offered her. (Orig.) Dec. 19 , 1534. ' q\Q. - 1 • Tho. Bcdyll, to fee/ Cromwell; reports that the fervants of the princefs dowager perfift in calling her queen, and that fhe refufes to go from Bugden. (Orig.) Bugden, 06t. 10 , 1534? *" 213 . 22 . Sir Edm. Bcdyngfield, to fee 7 Cromwell? reports that, the emperors ambaifador had held conferences with the princefs dowager at Kimbolton, the comino- of Mr.M i Hough by, See. (Orig.) Jan. 5, 1536. 21 . 5 ° 23. The will of the princefs dowager, in Englilh and French.153G. 216 . 24 . Anne Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for a ricli prefen t; congratulates him and the king on their having Heaped the fweating licknels, See. (Orig. a fragment.) 21 s. 25. A letter on the princefs dowager’s funeral, and the fecuring her jewels, plate, &c. 'i 53 G. 219 . b. 26 . Sir Richard Rich, folicitor general, to Henry vni; concerning the adminiltration of the princefs dowager's effe&s. (Orig.) Kimbolton, Jan. 19 , 27 . Hem E. of Northumberland, to fee 7 Crom¬ well ; folemnly denying a pre-contra# with Q. Anne Boleyn. (Orig.) Newington Green, May 13 . 1530 . 221 . 28. M m. Kingfton, to fee 7 Cromwell; four letters, reporting Q. Anne Bolevn's behaviour in prifon. 1536. 22° Ardibp. Crairter, to Henry VIII; condoling W| lh him, and comforting him outlie lcore of Q. Anne Boleyn's milconduCt. May, 1536 . .. . 225 . SO. Q. Anne Boleyn. to Henry VIII; alfertin«- lie innocence, (publiflied by Burnet.) nog. 31. Margt. Bryan, to Ld. Cromwell; for cloaths for Lady Elizabeth, and defining to know how the is to be Ailed. (Orig.) o 30 . 32. Lady Elizabeth, to Q. Catherine Parr; a letter of thanks and compliment. (Orig. Ilal.) July 31 , 1544r 231. 33. Lady Elizabeth, to Q. Catherine Parr; ex- pretfing duty and regard. (Orig.) Windfor, July 31, 1544? £31. b. 34. Aii order for an enquiry into the king's pre¬ tended marriage with Anne of Cleves. 1540 . 232 . 35. Henry VIII; his commilTion to hear and give lentence in the caufe of Anne of Cleves. 1540 . 236. 36. Anne of Cleves, to Tier brother; defiring him not to differ with the king on her account. 1540 . 24(7. 37 . Henry VI 11 ; his declaration, and queftions to be afked of r iho. Cromwell, concerning his marriage with Anne ot Cleves. (Orig. all in Henry's hand.) -1540. 241. 38. Ld. Cromwell, to Henry VIII; on his difgrace, and being fentto the Tower, .... 1540. 242 . 59 . Queftions to be afked of Ld. Cromwell. (Copy of a part of X. 37 .) 1540. 246 . 40. The commiihoners in the caufe of Anne of Cleves, to Henry VIII; acquainting him that fhe fully acquiclced in his determination. (Two originals.) ...1540. 247 . b. 41 . The Lds. of Council, to Wm. Paget, ambaf- iador at Paris; concerning the offences of Q. Ca¬ therine Howard, (Orig.) W’el'tm. Nov. 1541 . 250 . 42 . A conference between lady Mary and the Emperor's ambafiadors, upon her reconciliation with the king. 253 . 43. Examination of Dame Anne Ilufe ; about her vifiting lady Mary, and Ailing her “princefs” after Aie had been denied that title. 254 . 44. InAmdions for propofals to be made to ladv Mary, about her conduct with regard to the kind's fupremacy, See. (A fragment.) 257 . 45. M' 111 . Fitzwilliam ? to.concerning lady Mary, her fervants having been fearched, Sec. Hatfield,. 05 g 46. Lady Mary, to the Privy Seal (Ld. Cromwell ?) thanking him for kindnelfes. (Orig.) Weftm. 259 . 47 . Nir. (Shaxlon) Bp. of Salifbury, to fee 7 Crom¬ well? exhorting him to perfevere in promoting the reformation liatwithAanding the queen’s (Anne Bo¬ leyn's) milconduet. (Orig.) Remefburv, May 23 , 1536? 260 . 48. Lady Mary, to Henry VIII; begging for- givenefsand reconciliation. (Orig,) Ilunl’don, June 10, 1536? 261. 49- Lady Marv, to fee 7 Cromwell; fent with the above letter to the king ; defires not to be compelled in her confcience, Sec. (Orig.) Hunfdon, June io, 1536? 262. 50. Lady Mary, to fee 7 Cromwell; thanking him for good otliees, and fending him a letter to the king. (Orig.) 263. 5 1. Lady Mary, to Henry VIII; three fubmifiive letters. (Orig.) Hunfdon, June, 1536? 264 . 52 . Lady Mary, to fee 7 Cromwell; thanks for good offices, and with a prefent. 267 . It is not unlikely that Bp. Burnet had accels to this MS. when he compiled his hiftory of the Re¬ formation. The laft articles are much damaged; and fome appear to be wanting. Otho. ■E. VIII. 369 OTHO, C. XI.—XVI.- Otlw, C. XI.—XVI. Defiderantur. Otho, D. I. # II. Defiderantur. Otho , D. III. The remains of a MS. on vellum, in frnall folio, once confuting of 257 leaves; now burnt to a cruft. A chartulary of the monaftery of St. Albans. Otho, D. IV. What remains of this once valuable paper manu- fcript, which confifted of ‘257 leaves, of which only 184 arc now' remaining, is as follows: I. Extracts from feveral regifters of monafteries, charters, and rolls, concerning ancient Englifli fami¬ lies; with fome pedigrees, and many arms tricked: the two laft leaves contain indexes of names not accu¬ rately a lowering to the work. This article confifted formerly of 108 leaves: what is left appears to be from fl 58 to 102 . 1 . ‘ 2 . A tract, entitled, “ Epitome hiftorise Rogeri Hoveduni;” but properly a compendious hiftory of Scotland, from K. Ewain, who died A° 74 1 , to 1270 , extracted from the chronicle of Mailrofs. 4 b. b. 3 . The pedigrees of Chalons, Bollock, Egerton ; and other genealogical notes. 61 . 4. Extenta feodorum quaj fuerunt Hugonis de Courteney nupercomitis Devon. 70 . b. 5 . Nomina nobilium ad quos Papa Calixtus ferip- lit ut terras Eccl. Landavenli abrcptas reftituerent. 72. b. 6. Excerpta ex magna hiltoria Britannia; Annori- cana*. 73 . 7 . Amies dcs chevaliers qui furent al tourncment fait, a Donftaple, 1333. 92 . 8. Excerpta ex duobus regiftris monaftcrii de Furnefia: preceded by a metrical account of the chronicle of Furnefs. 98 . 9 . Excerpta ex regiftro Ramefienfis ccenobii. 114 . 10 . Excerpta ex annalibus Eccl. D. Auguflini extra muros civitatis Cantuarienfis: item ex chro¬ nica Rogeri de Wendover, &c. 119 . II . Wanting. 12 . Pedigree of Gilbert count dc Brionia. 12 s. 13. A calendar of various charters for holding markets, &c. from 1 Joh. to 15 Edw. I. ics. b. 14. The pedigree of Chalons. 139 . 15. Extracts from rolls of charters of the time of Edw. IN. 142 , 16 - The oaths of the K. of arms, herald, and pur¬ suivant. 178 . i 7 . A proclamation concerning the office of arms, 10 Eliz. printed. 180 . b. 18 . The original of cities (a corrected draught.) 183. Otho, D. V. VI. <$• VII. Defiderantur. Otho , D. VIII. The remains of a MS. on vellum, in final I folio, which once confifted of 2 G 7 leaves, now burnt to a cruft, and preferred in a cafe. It contains the lives of many faints, feveral hiftorical tracts, chronicles, See. Otho, D. IX. X. $ XI. Defiderantur. Otho, E. I. # II. Defiderantur. Otho , E. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, incendio liefus ; nunc couftans ex foliis 101 . Copies of charters, patents, &c. to the corporations ot Spanifti, Portugal, and Ruffia merchants ; alfo to the merchants adventurers, the city of Exeter, See. from the time of Henry vm. to Janies I. Otho, E. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, incendio laffius, nunc conftans ex foliis 213 , cum codice fuperiore finiul compaclus. Copies and corrected draughts of a feries of letters of intelligence from Paris to Q. Elizabeth, Ld. Lciceftcr, Lord Burleigh, but chiefly to fir Fr. AVal- ftngham, in the years 1 58 land 1582: being probably the copy hook of the di (patches of fir Henry Cobham, during his embafiy in France. Otho, E. V. $ VI. Defiderantur. Otho, E. VII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, incendio laffius, folio- rum nunc 327 . Divers warrants (fome of them originals) ac¬ counts, reports, letters, and other papers, relating to the ordnance, navy, and victualling offices : alfo parts of treaties on faltpeter, ihip-building, fift 1 cries, the dominion of the leas, &c. from the time of Edward vi. to James 1 . Otho, E. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, incendio Iccfus, conftans foliis 355. 1 . Two fmall fragments, concerning pirates. 1 . 2 . A breviate of divers charges againft fir Rich. Hawkins, vice adml. of the county of Devon, for the rcleafe of feveral pirates. 3. 3. Inftrutfions from fome trading company to 5 B John 37 ° O T H O, E. VIII John Guv, for making a fcttlement m Newfound¬ land. 4. An account of frorcs, &c. on hoard a Ihip (probably the Swallow, bound to Alexandria) and a petition for other matters neceflary therein. 7. .5. A fragment, of the draught 01 ' a letter from a commander of a fquadron going- fouthward, in which he reports his ]>rogrefs as far as Ferrol: two of the ifliips Mere named the Dreadnought, and the St. j Audrews; and fir Walter Raleigh is mentioned as j having the command of the latter. 9 . j G. Sir Hugh Willoughby* voyage for the difcovery , of Cathay, in 1553. 10 . 7 . Sir John Hawkins's voyage to the coafr of Guinea (a corrected draught.) f Hi. 8. Sir Martin l-’robifiicr's voyage for the difcovery of apaifage towards Cathay, in the year 157 - 1 : written by Michael Lock. 4L 9 . Tho. Homes, to Mr. Atyc, fee y to Ld. Leicefter; concerning fomc ihips. (Grig.) Hampton, Jan. 5 , 1591 . 54. 10 . A brief declaration of the itlands lying on the north tide of America, and the principal towns on the inain land under the king of Spain. 50. 11 . An abitract- of fir IT. Drake's voyage in 1577- 58. 12 . Advice concerning traffic in the Eafl Indies; a fragment. ho. 13. A 11 affidavit, of the niafter of a bark called our | Lady of. . . . which had been captured in the South ' Seas by pirates; containing a variety of information ( concerning the faid pirates. 61 . { 14 . II. Gylbertc, to the L. of Sulfex; about the delay of his voyage. (Grig, a fragment.) Grene- m aye, Sept. ‘23, 1578. GG. 15. Journal of the Ihips George and William, Arth. Pelt and Ch. Jackman, commanders, which failed May 21 , 1580, from London, on a voyage for the dif¬ covery of a padage to Cathay by the North Seas. N. L. The William did not return with the George. 67. 16 . Some dire&ions for a voyage to Cathay by the North Seas, figned John Dee: with a l’mall chart. May 15, 1580. 77. 17 . The E. of Shrewsbury, to the L. of Leicefter; concerning the equipping of a iliip for Martin Fro- bifiicr. (Grig.) 80. 18 . Edward Fenton, to Martin Frobiflier, and Mr. At ye ; concerning the equipment of a blip for Mr. Jo. Hawkins, (Grig.) Lond. Ott. 3 1 , 1581. 81 . 19 . John Barker, to the E. of Leicefter; recom¬ mending a perfon to undertake a voy age. (Oiig.) Briftol, Nov. 23, 1581. " 82. 20 . A fchedule of ftorcs for a Ihip. S3. 21 . Minutes of an agreement for fitting out two blips, the galleon “Ughtred,” and the bark “ Haf- tinges.” 84. 2 - 2 . Martin Frobiflier, to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ ports an agreement he lias made with Mr. Oughtred ; and about payments of money. (Grig.) Get. 1 , 1581. 8G. ■ 2 .;. Xuftriictions for capt. Frobiflier going on a voyage in the galeon Edward Bonavcnture. 15 8 1 . 87 . <2 4. A note of merchandize to he taken 011 the above voyage. 93 . 25. The E. of Shrcwfbury, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters concerning an adventure of 2 or 3 Ihips to the Eaft Indi-.r., &c. (Oi ig.) Sheffield, Sept. 2 - 1 , :md Get. 2 G, 1 5fi:. ' CG. Eva. Drake, to the E. of Leicefter; 1 -fieri 11 g to join in an adventure with his lordlhip and Mr. iTo- hiflier, aiid to provide a ihip for the purpole. (Orig.) Plymouth, Get. 14 , 1 . 5 s 1 . 97 . 27 . Two. notes of ftorcs required for a Iliip: the firft figned II. Ughtred and Martin Frobiflier; and the l'econd M. Erohilhcr, E. Fenton, &c. 98 . 28 . The E. ofShrcwiburv; to the E. of Leicefter; about the fum he is willingfo rifk upon an adventure. (Orig.) Shelfield, Nov. 3, 1581. 100 . 29 . IT. Drake, to the E. of Leicefter: concerning an adventure, and a balk returned from Tereera. (Orig.) Plymouth, Nov. 7 , 1581. 101 . 30. Fimas. Fernandes, to Mr. Frobiflier; about the provifions and ftorcs of a iliip: (Orig.) 102 . 31. The E. of Shrew Ibury, to the E. of Leicefter; about his adventure in halt a 'ihip, to go on a voyage with Mr. Frobiflier. (Orig.) Sheffield, Nov. 15 , 1581. 103 . 32. Minutes of inftnietions for the equipment of a fliip to be lent out under fir IT. Drake; and two notes’ of Ihares in the Adventure. 104 . 33. Infirufrions fot an expedition to Cathay by the North Seas, in the veliels llie Aide, the Gabriele, and the Michael: ligned Martin Eurbulhcr. June 1 , 1578. 107 . 34. Roll. Jolly, to Mr. Atye; about the equipment of the bark Talbot. Nov. 2 .;, isai. 11 :. 35. II. Ughtred. Gr. I'm.-m Aldr. kc. to the E. of Leicefter; concerning prejwrations for a voyage. (Orig.) Neltlyc, April 22 , 1582. 114 . 3 G. Tlie inventory of the iliip Elizabeth; figned Ed. Fenton, W. Hawkins, and L. Ward! April 8 1 , 1582. llo. 37 . A proportion of ftorcs, &c. for felting forth the galeon Ughtred. 117 . 38. Articles of agreement between the E. of Shrewlbury on one part, and II. Ughtred and M. Frobiflier on the other, concerning the fitting out the galley Ughtred. (Two articles, the lit Grig.) 1 5S2? 1 i‘y. 39. II. Ughtred, to the E. of Leicefter : reports the fitting out of his fliip; commends hiscliaplain. (Grig.) , Nett lye, May 1 , 15 82. 121 . 40. Four notes of ftorcs and provifions for fliips. 122 . 41. II. Ughtred, to the E. of Leicefter? recom¬ mending Mr. Hawkins for the command of an enler- prizc, and Mr. Carlyle to be joined to him. (Orig.) Nettlye, March 17 , 1581. 12 b. 42 . Inftrn 6 lions to Edw. Fenton, lent on a voyage to China; figned W. Burghicy, R. Eeyeetier, Ft. Walfmgham. (Grig, the firft part wanting.) 127. 43. Ed. Fenton, to Ed. Enceftcr? about prenajra- tions for a voyage, and fume infinualions again ft Hawkins and Carlyle. (Orig.) Nettlye, April 22 , 15S2. ‘ ' H29. 44. John Walker, to the F. of Leicefter; requefiing that he may be allowed to hold a living during his voyage to India. (Orig.) Southampton, April 22 , 1582. 180. 45. Myles Evans, to the E. of Leicefter; reports his progrefs on a voyage. (Oiig.; Lai. 35° N.E. St. Vinecnne 50 leagues. June 13, 15 .- 2 . 131. 46 . John Banniftcr, to the E. of Leicefter; reports his voyage as far as the Canar:c.-> : recommends his family. 37i O T H O, E. VIII. family ; ami cautions the E. a gain ft infidious pcrfons. | June 1.5. 132. 47. John Walker, to the E. of Lcicefter; reports fome circumftanccs of the voyage ; commends capt. Ward. (Orig.) Lat. :)5, June 14, 1582. 133. 48. Edw. Fenton, to the E. of Leicefter; reprefents his ill ftate of health, Sec. (Orig.) 134. 4f). Part of a journal of a flop commanded by Fenton, going towards the S. Sea. 15S2. 135. 30. Lift of the crews (all but. the mariners) on board the galleon, and the Edward Bonaventure. 136'. 31. Ditto on board the galleon Leicefter, and bark Frances. 1 37- 32. Ditto on board the Edward Bonaventure and the bark Elizabeth. 138. 53. Minutes taken on hoard the galleon Leicefter, concerning the coulies to be fleered. 1.382. 139 . 54. The nature of every fervice on board his ma- jefty’s fhips. 143. 55. An account of a country between 35° and 45° lat. fit for a fettlemcnt. 145. 56. The end of a letter figned Tho. Buck; followed by propofals for certain regulations touching the ar¬ tificers on board his majefty's fhips. 146 . 57 . Minutes of fome regulations concerning the navy: in Cecil’s hand. 147- 59. A petition of Rich. Biiliop and Wil. Woll- man, in behalf of themfclvcs and others living in piracy, requeuing to be allowed to return to their fubmiiiion: with fome minutes on the fubjeCL 148. 59 . Part of an agreement concerning the fitting out of a fliip under Mr. Bollingham and Gilbert llorfel_ 149 . 60 . A note of certain defects in the inftrudlions and preparations for capt. Carlifle's voyage to China, &c. to be fupplied. 150. 61 . Inftruftions for intelligence to be procured concerning the eoaft of Brazil: a fleet gone for the ftreights of Gibraltar, &p. j 5 1 . 62 . Intelligence concerning a fleet on the coaft of South America; a note of diftances on the faid coaft; and a diagram. 152. 63. Two notes of intelligence concerning a Spanilh fleet, and a fliip. 1 55. 64. Edw. Fenton, to the E. of Lcicefter ; reporting his tranfadlions; and an engagement lie had near St. Vincents on the coaft of Brafil. Downs, June 29 , 1583. 157- 6.5. A confultation about the courfe to be fteered hy a ihip; figned Luke Ward, and John Walker. 1 G 0 . 66. Another account of Edw. Fenton's expedition. VIII. 64. 162 . 67 . Peter Jeffery’s fhort journal of Fenton's expe¬ dition. VIII. 64. 163. 68. A project concerning a force to be employed againft pirates. (a fragment.) 165 . 69 . Confultations, propofals, reports, &c. relating to the proceedings of an Englilh expedition, going towards the ftreights of Magellan,: in all 11 frag¬ ments; fome figned Ed. Fenton, Wm. Han kins, R. Maddox, &c. probably the Leicefter, &c. underEdw. Fenton. 1582? 166 . 70. Journal of the voyage of the Leicefter, Frances and Elizabeth, to the coaft of S. America: a rough draught, by Walker the chaplain. 177 . 71 . Another journal of the fame voyage, by Wm. Ilawkins. * 201 . 72 . An account of fir Fr. Drake's expedition againft Bayonne and Vigo, St. Domingo, Cartha- gena, See. 1585. 206. 73 . Another account of t he fame expedition. 212 . 74 . A propofal for a voyage for the difeovery of a N. W. paifage. 216 . 75 .Smyth, to.offering his fervices for a voyage. (Orig.) Briftol, Nov. 30. 217 . 76. Short notes concerning the Molucca Iilands, and the Dutch E. Ind. Comp. 2 is. 77- Tho. Leighton, to the E. of Lcicefter; requeu¬ ing his protection in a In it concerning his fliip. (Orig.) Guernley, May 2 . 5 . 219 . 78. An affidavit concerning the purloining of fome goods out of a fliip, by one capt. Button. 220. 79- An account of thecfcape of fir Hen. Middleton from Mocha, and of his fubfequent voyage and pro¬ ceedings ; addrelfed to Ld. Chicheftcr deputy of Ireland. 1611 . 221 . 80 . Nic. Downton’s account of his voyage in the Pepper Corn, in the Eaft Indies, under the command of fir Hen. Middleton; addrelfed to Ld. Leicefter. 1613. 223. hi. Edw. Brawnd, to capt. John Smith, adml. of New England; reporting the arrival ofieveral fhips from Dartmouth at Sequine? and Manehegin? a lift of his own crew, &e. '215. 82 . A note of goods imported from the Amazones. 63. Regulations for fitting out two fliips. 228 . 84. Charges againft capt. Argali and lieut. Tur¬ ner, for fome encroachments on French property; and their defence. 229 . 8 . 5 . A defeription of many parts of the Eaft Indies, with a view to commerce. 23 1 . 86. Orders given in eonfcqucnce of a complaint of the Imperial ambaffiidor, of a piracy committed by an Englilh on a Spanish fliip. Dec. 1552. 241 . 87 . A commiffion for an enquiry into the conduct of Raylegh and Bodnam. 243 . 88. A paffport of the Council for fome eommif- fioner lent to treat about reitoration of goods. Nov. 24, 1567. 245. 89- The E. of Lincoln’s (Ld. High Adml.) ap¬ pointment of Halftocke, efq; as his deputy for the profecution of pirates: Q. Eliz. commiffion to Ld. Lincoln is here recited. Feb. 7 , 1573. 246. 90 . An order of Council againft pirates. (Orig.) Weftm. March 11 , 1568. 249 . 91 . Two petitions from various pcrfons, probably merchants, to Ld. Leicefter, begging he will procure the queen's interference concerning a fliip feized at port St. Mary in Spain. (Orig.) Ghefter, Oth 30, and Nov. 4, 1574 . 250 . 92 . Some regulations concerning pirates. 252. 93 . Inftruftions to fome fca officer fent out after Hamilton, Twitley, and other pirates. 253. 94 . Divers commiffions, inftructions, and orders, for the reftraining of pirates, See. 1576 . 257 . 95. A commiffion of Q. Elizabeth, for reftraining piracies on the coaft of Scotland, (Fr.) Weftm. June 5, 1583. 272 . 96 . Three rough draughts of inftructions on mari¬ time affairs : corrected by Cecil. 274 . 97. The articles agreed upon between the queen's commiffioners and the French ambalfadors, for mat¬ ters of navigation. (Lat.) Weftm. 277 . 98 . Henry IV. king of Fiance: an ordonnance againft 372 OTHO, E. Vill. IX. againft: all manner of bollilitics at feu. (Orig. It.) Fdntainblerfu, April 12 , 15<;;i. -7!)- PD. A clecree about, a fhi|J, concerning which an Italian fa&or had made lbmc application. 280. ion. Two orders of Council concerning pirates. Feb. l GO-ti 28 1 . ini. A decree of James I. againft French pirates : feeminglv at the inftance of the Spanilh ambatfador. (Lat.) London, Nov. lG 10 . 282 . 102 . Alt order of James I. for taking pofi’ctiion of the iliip Pear!, as foon as it fhall arrive in the* Thames. io.i. Yjllctc Gonden, to Monf. dc Bilcaulx, Jr. ambaffador in England; requefltfig the refmration of a IV. Iliip taken by a pirate. Forge, July 8. 284. 104 . James I; two commillions for trying caufes of piracy.-and other mifdcmeanors on the high lias. (Lat.) Wefrm. July ip, lGo?. -85. 105. I)i\*ers fragments, containing juridical opi¬ nions concerning piracies and other robberies, (moftly in Latin.) 2 pi. 10(5. An add refs of fome pirate, to a king of Eng¬ land ; fetting forth wiiat ferviccs he had rendered lo the Englifli navy. ‘2pp. 107 . A difeourfe concerning the origin and pro¬ ceedings of pirates, and the means of reft raining them. SOI. 1 os. Fourfragments concerning proceedings againft pirates. ' . 117 . 1 op. A remonftranee of a Spanifli and'; fin dor, con¬ cerning a caufc before the court of Admirai y. 322. 110 . A lift of perfons to meet at the Middle Tem¬ ple hall, probably as a court to try maritime caufes. 3,24. 111 . Two papers, representing feme violence com¬ mitted by capt. Button. 325. 11 c. Hum. Jobfon; a lift of fhips, and offer to bring over the pirates on the coaft of Ireland ; three fragments, ad cl relied to fir liobt. Cotton. 327 . 1 j :. Examination of Xic. Davies, concerning the plunder of ibmc Iliip ; taken before, and figned by, Wm. llathon. 330 ) 114 . Examination of John Jennings, a pirate, be¬ fore the court of admiralty. 33 2. 1 15. Two Fr. letters; the id to the king, elaim- inglbm" rcd.vi’s from Ballet and Cole; and the ed ligned La Dodcric, to the E. of Nottingham, con¬ cerning Rohinfon a pirate, dated Loud. May 21 , 1610 . ' 337 . 11(5. Two examinations concerning pirates, taken before the E. of Northampton ; the fccond, ligned James Harris, probably the perfon examined. 35p. 1 I 7 . A fragment of a French order of council; and a ftatement of iome mifdemeanors at fea, by one ThomafTm, and others. (French.) 346 . 1 is. Five fragments concerning admiralty caufes. 350. Otho, E. IX. Codex ehartacdus, in folio, incendio Itcfus, con- ftans foliis 417 . 1. A lilt of admirals, eaft and weft of the river Thames, and of high admirals, from 48 Hen. ill. to 27 Eliz. with dates of their patents. 1. 2 . Notes concerning the jurifditfion of the I.d. high admiral, (chiefly Latin.) 7. m. vindicating the fovercignlv of againft .Monf. Regnier Giintbald, Alice of admiral of the laid leas, on 3 . A declar'd the narrow leas who alfuim *1 the the pail of Fran 4. 1 wo fragnHMN on a flairs fit the admiraltv: the fccond nj ptari lo be a part of i\. e. 17 . - v puper in "id or Norman French, on the jurif- dietign of the high admiral. ' j (_>. ( 1 . A waiTunt of the duke of Exeter (John or Henry Holland ), Ed. high admiral, for apprehend¬ ing l’evcral p< rlons to he tried before a court of-admi¬ ralty. (Latin.) limp. Hen. 51. .j; 7 . Fou 1 fragments on maritime affairs. ee. 8 . l.iI. (iuldeflard, lo fcc y Cromwell; about iv- fiiI u 1 ion to be made lo lome .Spaniards, Me. at Dour. (Orig.) Aug. 21 . 2 ( 5 . f. r l ho. Audlev, I.d. Chancellor, to the Ld. Privv Seal; about c aptures of French veffeLs, &c. (Orig.’) Bercchrofe: Julv.ii. < ."uehing his eondurt con¬ cerning fome fea affairs; two let tars. (Orig .) 4 j. 20 . “The names of the flops and matters, v iih the number of foldiers as mariner.'., which be appointed to be an army royal.” 21 . T. Batcock, to IN Cromwell? reports a Spa¬ nifli armament fitting out m Bifeav. (Ori-xi March 0, 1535. " “ 5 i.b. 22 . A ftatement of payments made by John Dance, bv virtue of the king's warrants, arid for the ufe of the navy, from 1513 . ,- )£ . 23. A fet of receipts of Wm. Gonlon, forfums re¬ ceived by him from Tho. Cromwell, treafurer of the king's jewels, for equipping certain fhips. 1534 , 1535. 24. Minutes of an indenture between the queen and Ed. Bacihe, for victualling certain fhips; and notes of demands in confequence thereof. jy. 25. Accounts of fevcral fliips. vi&uals, ftores, arms, See. for 59 . 20 . A lift of divers fliips, their portage, anil where they lay. 04 . 27 . A ftatement of fome abufes in the keeping and ordering of the king's fhips. (JG. 28. Nie. Kirkeham and others, to tlie Eds. of Council • OTHO, E. IX. 373 Council; concerning vidtuals provided by them in the weft parts. 67- 29 . Wm. Fitzwilliam earl of Southampton, and William Paulet Ld. St. John, to the Lds. of Coun¬ cil ; a report of their proceedings in and about the Hie of Wight, concerning foreign fliips attempting to export corn. (Orig.) Portfmouth, March. 69. 30. A lift of harbours in England and Wales. 76. 31. The names of all the harbours, creeks, and roads in Anglefey, Caernarvon, and Merionethfhire. 77. 32. John Daw trey, to Mr. Waley, the king’s “ au- iner;” about victualling and loading afhip. (Orig.) Portfmouth, May li. 78. b. 33. The charge of wages for divers of the king's fliips arrived in Ireland; with notes concerning them in Cecil’s hand. 1551. 79. 34. Edward VI; his proclamation for the reftora- tion of all French prizes. Weftminfter, 061. 26 , 1546. 81. 35. Edw. VI; his proclamation againft mariners and foldiers leaving the king’s lhips without licence. Ilayes, Sept. 30, 1547 . 82 . 36. An account of wages and vi6luals for feveral fliips, for the fummer and winter feafons. 83.* 37 . Q. Mary’s order for equipping certain fliips* for bringing back Philip her hulband from Flanders. Greenwich, Feb. 15, 1556. 84. 38. An order to fir John Clare, to fcour the North Seas for the lecurity of the Dantzick fleet: temp. Phil. & Mar. 85. 39. An order of Council for the good ordering of the Cinq ports during the vacancy of the office of warden. (A draught, corre6ted by Cecil.) 87. 40. An order of the admiralty, for putting the navy into better condition. Sept. 24, 1555. 88. 41. An order for an embargo to be laid on the fhip- ping. Court, Feb. 1557. 89 . 42 . An indenture between Q. Elizabeth, and Ed. Baefhe, efq. furveyor general of her majefty’s vi6luals for the fcas: for the laft part turn to fol. 106 . 90 . 43. A lift of fliips, with their tonnage, and num¬ bers of their crews. 94. : 44. An account of charges in a dock-yard. 95 . 45. An account of the charges of the Bonaventure and Antelope for two months. 96 . 46. Q. Elizabeth’s order to the magiftrates of Sand¬ wich, to fupport Tho. Smith, to whom flie hath farmed her cuftoms. Itycot, Sept. 8, 1571 . 97 . 47 . An eftimate of callyvers and mufkets, for fur- nilhing the queen’s navy. 98 . 48. An eftimate of wages for feveral fliips of the royal navy. 100 . 49- Certain articles concerning the navy, to be reprefented to the queen as fit to be amended.' 103 . 50. An eftimate of wages and vittuals for 1,900 men. (Orig.) fignecl by three navy officers. 105. 51. The remainder of Ed. Baefhe’s indenture. IX. 42. 106. 52. Four accounts of navy expences; two of them ligned Benj. Tonfon, and the laft W. Wynter, Wm. Holftock, B. Tonfon, and E. Winter. 110 . 53 . Q. Elizabeth’s patent, conftituting Benj. T 011 - fon and John Hawkins, joint treafurers of the marine. Weftm. Nov. 1 8, 1579 . 115 . 54. Statements of receipts and payments on ac¬ count of the navy, from 1578 to 1584, being the lums total of each year. 119 . b. 55. An order of Q. Elizabeth, for preventing failors from going abroad. Greenwich, June 9th, 1574. 122. b. 56. Two lifts of fliips of different harbours. 123 . 57 . Four papers of officers of the Navy board ; concerning the tonnage, expences, &c. of fliips. 125 . 58. Account of John Crooke, of Southampton, for the tranlportation of the prince of Conde. 1585. IS2. b. 59. An eftimate of charges for keeping her majeft.v's fliips at Chatham. iss. 60 . John Errington, mayor of Southampton j two letters to IT. Mills, fee* to fir Fr. Wallingham ; and an account about a Rochelle fliip. 1585. 138. 61 . A certificate of the number of fliips and their crews, belonging to the Cinq ports and their mem¬ bers. 1587. 142. 62 . A table of the number of fliips in the realm. 1588; 144. 63. Forms of oaths of officers and foldiers. 144 . b. 04. Tho. Jenner, to I.d. Burleigh? recommending an expedition againft Spain. (Orig.) Plymouth, Feb. 4, 1587. " ' * 145 . 65. Howard, Ld. admiral, to the Ld. Burleigh and the E. of Leicefter ; reports the ltate and difpo- fition of his own fliips, and the armaments of the Spa¬ niards : two letters. (Orig.) Feb. 23 and .... 1587. 146 . 66. Sir Fr. Drake, to Ld. Burleigh? a fliort report of his expedition to Cadiz. (Orig.) April 27 , 1587. ' 150 / 67 . Tho. Jenner, to.; reports a fuccefsful expedition againft Spain: perhaps the fame as the above mentioned. (Orig.) 151. 68. Inftru&ions to the Ld. Admiral for returning to fea. Dec. 15 , 1587 . 153 .° 69 . The Ld. High Admiral’s inftru 6 Hons to Ld. Henry Seymour, to ferve in the narrow feas. 155 . b. 70 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftru&ions to the Ld. Admiral, for returning to fea. (Lat.) Aug. 1588. 157 . b. 71 . The Ld. Admiral’s commiffions, fent to the feas* with certain of her majefty’s navy. (Lat.) Dec. 16 , 1587. i(5o.’ 72. The manner how the river Thames fhall be kept allured againft any attempt, of the gallyes, by the care and good regard of fir Henry Palmer, who is appointed to the charge of that fervice.” 162 . b. 73. Sir Fr. Drake, to Ld. Burleigh; two letters, reporting fome naval proceedings; an overture he made for exchange of prifoners, Ac. and complaints of the mifeondudt of one Borroughs. (Orig.) Cape Saker? May 17 and 21 , 1587. " 164 . 74 . Ld. Howard, high admiral, to.; reports fome fuccefies againft the Spaniards, and defires a iupply of lhips. On board the Ark, July 22 , 1588 . 165. b. 75. Q. Elizabeth’s order to the Ld. Lieutenants td** arm their counties, under the infpebtion of fir John Norris. (Orig.) Greenwich, April 6, 1588. 166 . 76 . An account of fees, and other navy charges : ligned W. Winter. 1 ( 57 . 77. Ld. Howard, to Ld. Burleigh; reports Ld. Hen. Seymour and fir Fr. Drake having joined him, and his purpofe of failing forthwith to watch the Spaniards. Plymouth, May 23, 15S8. 168 . b. 78. Sir Fr. Wallingham, to the mayor and aider- men of London ; two letters, fignifying her majef¬ ty’s pleaiure, that the poor French refugees be ex- 5 C empted. 74 OTHO, E. IX. emptied from the payment of the fubfidy. Green¬ wich, Aug. 11 and '2(5, 1588. 169- 79. An account of navy cxpences for the year 1588. 170. 80. A lift of fliips and pinnaces, and of their crews; and an account of their charges for one month. 172 . 81 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the F. of Suflex, capt. of the town of Portfmouth ; en joining the execution of fir John Norris's orders for the defence of the coafts; about the preparations of the enemy, &e. three letters. (Orig.)’ Richmond, July 24, Savoy, July 30, and .... Aug. 7, 1588. 173. 82 . Lift of the ill i ps fitted out. in 1388, again ft the Spanifh armada. 175. 83. Another lift of fliips, with their crews and commanders. 17 7. 84. Ed. Radelyffe, to the E. of Suflex; acquaints him with the queen’s vifit to the camp. (Orig.) Burntwood, Aug. 10 , 1588? ISO. b. 85. Notes of regulations for railing men in the different counties. May 13, 1574. 181 . 86. A lift of fliips. 183. 87. Q. Elizabeth's private meditations upon the expedition lent to the generals of the army at Ply¬ mouth. 183. b. 88. Ld. Howard, to Ld. Burleigh? reports a trip he took at lea, and being driven back by contrary winds: two letters (Orig.) July the Gth and 13th, 1588. 184. 89. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; two let¬ ters, with the news he had received concerning the armada, and relative to the orders given for the de¬ fence of the coafts of Norfolk and Suffolk. (Orig.) July 23 and Aug. l, 1588. 185. b. 90 . The mayor of Plymouth, to the Council ; in¬ telligence about the two fleets. 1 8 7 . 91 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; four let¬ ters, with intelligence concerning the Englilli fleets, and the Spanifli armada. (Orig.) July 26 , and Aug. 13, 15, 1588. 187 . b. 92 . £> An eftimate of the charges of her majefty’s army prepared again ft the Spaniards, from Nov. 1 It, 1587, to Sept. 31 , 1588; together with the charges of coafters, Ike." 191 . 93. A fliort account of the Spanifli armada, and of the officers on hoard of it. (Spanifli.) 214 . 94. Regulations for the approving of mariners. 216. 95 . A ftatement of the number of men fuppofed to he remaining in certain fliircs, and what number of them may be fpared in the fifhing and other fca ler- vices. 219 . 96 . The number of matters, mariners, and fiflier- men, belonging to every lhirc throughout the realm. 1583. 221. 97 . A note of money dilburfed by fir Fr. Drake and others, by his order, for the fervice, until the ffirftt of April, 1589- 222 . 98. Some orders (called here fubferiptions) for the difpofal of troops ; and two accounts for the railing- of troops, both Englilli and foreign. 1589. 228. 99- Sir Fr. Walfingham, to.; an account of lir Fr. Drake's defeent at Lilbon. (Orig.) June 29, 1589. 230. 100 . Various notes of agenda, and deliberations, in Cecil's hand, concerning troops ; and an account of one month’s imprett to 1000 , and to 8000 men, for 3 months. 1590 . 232. 101 . A report of her majefty’s fliipwrights, of the fiate of five fliips. Feb. 1 4, 1590 . 241 . 102 . Q. Elizabeth’s warrant, to the treafurer of the Exchequer; tor the payment of £. 8 , 973 . iqj. \od. per annum, to the trcal'urers of the navy, for the keeping of her Ihips in harbour. Greenwich, March 13, 1590. 0 , 0 . l° 3 - brief of the fcveral proportions of provi- fions received out of every county for the lcrvice. 246. 104 . An eftimate of the charge of her majeltv’s " liole army, navy, and fevcral merchant lliips and hoys, for three months. 1589. 250. 105 . An eftimate tor the proportion of victuals to be provided for 2,484 men. 054 . 106 . An eftimate of the charge of three great flv boats, for the carriage of victuals', for ten weeks. 253 . 107 . An eftimate of wages for 12 of her majefty’s fliips and 2 pinnaces, for 4 months. < 256 . 108 . An eftimate of the charge of two months victuals, to be provided in the weft eountrv, for 825 men. " 057 . 109 . A fet of regulations for the victualling, and other matters relating to the government of her ma- jeftvs lldpS. Ojy I 10 . (). Elizabeth's two warrants for Bluing money for the fervice of the navy.and Jan. 16 , i589. * 260 . 111 . A certificate of the fliips and veflols in the ports of Ell'ex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Kent, and Suflex. 262 . 112 . A furvey of all the fliips and barks belonging to Pool, May 1 , 1591 ; with ibme remarks, whether a like furvey might be made in all the ports and creeks of England. 26 s. 113. Sir Martin Frobi flier, to Ld. Burleigh; feme advice about intercepting a Spanifli fleet. (Orig.) 266 . 114 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Martin Frobifher; com¬ mending his zeal and diligence. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. 14 , 1594. " " 267 . 115 . Apropofal for the taxes to be levied for the charge of finifliing the caitle newly built at Ply¬ mouth. 268 . 116 . An ordinary courfefor failing at a certainty, by winds that are conftant. 270 " II 7 . An eftimate for fitting out the Swiftfure and the Crane, for 4 months. 271 . 118 . A declaration in what manner the fuin of £■ 17,842. 18 s . 10*/. applied to the i'ervice of the navy, hath been or is to be expended. 1594 . 273 *. 1 19- A lift of Englifb Ihips. 278 . 120 . A fragment, concerning fome rates or pre¬ miums to be allowed to certain fliips. 279 . 121 . Two warrants of Q. Elizabeth ; 1 . for a re¬ ward to be given to Richard Chapman, aiiiip builder; and 2 . another copy of l.\. 102 . 280 . 122 . “ A memorial concerning the vovage to be made with the navy under the charge of the E. of Lflcx, and the I.d. Admiral; out of a copv in my lord treafurer \s own hand.” * 284 . 123. Q. Elizabeth's commiffion appointing the E. of Hertford lieutenant general; with a fpceilication of the powers thereby vetted in him. (Lat.) 292 . 124 . Q. Elizabeth; an order enjoining all manner of aid to be given to the E. of JLcieeiter. her lieut- general in the Low Countries. 294 . b. 125. Q. Elizabeth ; a commiffion appointing the E. of Ell’ex and Ld. Howard of Effingham, captains and generals of her forces, to ferve again!! the Spa¬ niards in Brittanny. (Lat. ) 296 . 126 . An account of an armament making ready at Cadiz o T H O, E. IX. X. 375 Cadiz under the command of Don Lewis : probably for America. 298 . 127 . An apology of fome commander for his con¬ duct : addrefled to the Lds. of Council. 299 . 128 . The E. of Efiex, to Ld. Burleigh; about his difpofitions concerning the army. (Orig.) Ply¬ mouth, April 30. 304. 129. The E. of Efiex ; his apology for his proceed¬ ings at Cadiz. 306. 130. Two accounts of a Spanifli armament. (Spa- niih.) 1390 . 309- b. 131. Inftruftions for the E. of Efiex, and the Ld. admiral (Howard) how to ufe themfelves for execu¬ ting the commiffion given to them from her ma- jelty. 313. 132 . The E. of Efiex and Ld. Howard, to. fome account ot their expedition towards Cadiz; all’o a letter, figned G. Due, on the fame fubjett. 1596 . 319. 133. A return of the number of men in eight re¬ giments, diftinguilhing the companies in each. 321 . 134. Q. Elizabeth, live letters to Efiex and How¬ ard; forbidding their intended expedition to Cadiz; about the ordering of her troops; a ftrong letter of thanks, and one of expoftulation. Greenwich, May 16 , 17 , and 21 , 1396 . 322 . 135. Inftruftions to fir Ferd. George, and 3 more, fent commiflioners to Plymouth, to prevent abufes in the allotment of the prizes made at Cadiz. 326 . 136. Q. Elizabeth's orders to the generals, to re¬ turn fucli forces as were drawn out of the Low Countries thither again. 333 , 137. Sir \V. Raleigh, to fec y Walfingham ; reports the ftate of the Ihips under his command, after the ex¬ pedition to Cadiz. (Orig.) Plymouth, Aug. 6, I5 9 6 * 334. b. 138. Q. Elizabeth, to the two Lds. Generals- warmly thanking them for their fervices: probably after the expedition to Cadiz. 1596 ? 335. 139 . The Lds. of Council, to the Lds. Admirals; about the difpolal of the army after its return from Cadiz. Aug. 10 , 1 596. 335 . b. 1 40. The Lds. of Council, to the Ld. Admiral; directions about the fleet. Aug. 11 , and 13 , ugfl! 337. 141. Ld. Burleigh, or fec y Walfingham? to Carey; about an attempt of fir Anth. Atliley to impofe on the queen. Greenw. Aug. 26 , 1596 . 341. b. 142 . An account of navy charges; figned Howard and W. Borough. 343 143. The E. of Efiex and Ld. Howard’s inftruc- tions to. the navy, on going out on their expedition. 344. 144. Notes on the ftate and difpolal of the fleet. 15, 3. A trad, entitled, “ Onemeafure of wine and one meafure of corn lhall be throughout the whole realm according to king’s ltandard.” 14. 4. A repertory and notes, concerning regulations about weights, coins, bad money, bullion, proportions and alloy in coins, exchange, See. relating to cur¬ rency. 19 . 5. Tvf» O T H O, E. X. XI. 37 6 5 . Two papers touching the neceflity of exchange among merchants; by Grefham. 43. 6 . A paper of Ld. Chanc. Audley, on the exchange in Henry VIII th's time. (Orig.) 47. 7 . Five papers concerning an increafe of wealth by means of the exchange ; and other matters relating thereto. 48, 8 . Two patents, one of them called Ld. Burleigh's, and the other of James I. concerning exchange. 54 . 9 . Mr. Stanley’s opinion concerning the exchange of money. 1563. do. 10 . A treatife on the difeafe of the body politic of the Englilh commonwealth, in the proportion be¬ tween money and landed property. 64 . 11. A treatife of tripartite exchange, according to the effential parts of traffick. 79- 12. A treatife on foreign trade. 101 . 13 . An ample difeourfe of the practice of the exchange of all countries, with the differences between natural exchange and merchants exchange. 107 . 14. A note of articles ready, or to be provided, for exportation by the Virginia company. 120 . 15 . A rough draught of a paper relating to fir John E. appointment to a coni'ulage in Italy ? and the terms on which he took it. 121 . 16 . A note on ecclefiaftical and lecular jurifdiction. 123. 17 . Ten queftions relating to exchange; and an- fwers thereto. ]24 - 18 . A differtation on matters of exchange; ad- dreffed to fome peer. 12 9- 19 . A treatife on cuftoms and fubfulies ; and herein alfo on merchandife, money, and exchange. 138. 20. Confidcrations for the rd'traint of tranfporting gold out of the realm; and alfo for the minters and coiners thereof. 144 - 21 . A fyftematical difcuffion on the improvement of the finances in England. 146. b. 22 . Arguments againft certain alterations propofed in the ftandard of coins. *48. 23 . A propofal for bringing filver into the king¬ dom, by means of changing its proportion to gold. 151. 24. A petition for a change in the ftandard, towards bringing in bullion, and preventing its exportation; alfo a ftatement on that fubject. 152. 25 . A difeourfe for flaying moneys in the realm. (Fr.) ' 155 - 26 . Extracts out of Domefday book, P. Gregorius, Tho. Thomafnis, &c. concerning coins ; with a fyfte¬ matical table of reference at the beginning. 161 . 27 . Notes on Saxon and Englilh coins. 171. 28. Notes relating to the mint, and the officers thereof; with references to records. 174. 29 . Abftrad of an indenture made between Henry Mil. and Martin Bowes, concerning coinage. 184. so. An indenture between Edward VI. and Martin Pirri, for a coinage. lg 6. 31 . Articles concerning the abufes and deceits committed by the mafter workers of the queen’s mint. 1 9 1 • 32. Proper and notable inft ruCtions for thole who will be mailer or warden, or any othei minifter with¬ in the king's mint. *98. 33 . A way to increafe the king's revenue by ad¬ vancing of the coin. 1 G 10 . 234.1). S4. A difeuflion on the differences between the coins of England and Scotland. 241. 35 . Two papers, botli entitled, i; A project for Ireland;" relating to a mint in that kingdom. 248. 36. Hayes’s difeourfe for the ftandard of Ireland. 260. 37- The opinion of fir Richard Martyn touching the bate Irilh moneys ; another hand wrote under this title, “ A falfe and foolifh account.” 271 . 38. “ Draught of a patent for coynage," for the Low Countries, by the E. of Lcicefter; with a few notes at the end relating thereto, in French. (Lat.) 39 . Patent of William the rich, D. of Juliers, Cleves, See. to his mint mafter. (Lat.) 061. 20, 1572. 284. 40 . An abflraCt of the ordinances of France, relat¬ ing to the mint, and the government thereof. (Fr.) 28 7- 41 . Tables of proportions between the coins of England, and tliofe of F'ranee and Germany. 297 . 42 . A table of the levcral coins of gold to be made after the fevcral ftandards; with tome French and Latin notes on the fubjeft of ftandards. 290- 43. Mr. Palmer's note, on the valuation of coins current. 301. b. 44. Concordances of the value of French crowns with Englilh pounds. 302. 45. Sir Rich. Martyn, mafter of the mint, to I.d. Burleigh; touching l'mall coins to be made of copper. (Orig.) 303. 46 . Another paper concerning fmall coins; ad- dreffed to Mr. Wickliff and Mr. Humfrey. 304. 47 . Another difcuffion on the fame fubjeCt. 306. 48 . A note of the fevcral copper coins ufed in dif¬ ferent countries. s 12 . b. 49 . Humphrey Covert, to the E. of Dorfct; (hew¬ ing the neceflity of a copper coinage. (Orig.) 5 13 . 50 . Edw. Hays, on the neceflity of fmall money. 314* 51. A treatife on copper coin. 31 8 52 . Gerard Malynes, to the Lds. of Council; de- flring to be allowed to proceed in his contract with Ld. Harrington for the coining of farthing tokens. S£5. 53. A paper (hewing the convenience of fmall moneys. 327. 54 . The duke of Lenox’s (Stuart) offer and excep¬ tions touching the farthing tokens. 328. b. 55 . An order for the coining of black money. 329 . 56 . Obje£lions to the ifl’uing of fmall money in copper; and anfwers thereto. 331. 57 Hen. Rodenburgo, to Q. Elizabeth; a propofal for raifing money. (Orig. Ital.) 333. 58. Heads of a project, by Tho. Ilarrifon ; and alfo a book or treatife concerning the mint: two papers. 343. 59. An account of moneys paid to the treafurer of the mint. 346. 0(Ao, E. XI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, ignis flrage femidelctus ; Eoliis conllans 417 . 1 . Collections about levying men for the fervice of war; out of ancient records. (Lat.) much burnt. 1 . 2 . An order of Henry VIII. for the levy of troops. (Orig?) ‘ 20 . 3 . William (Warham, A op. of) Canterbury, to Card. Wolfev ; propofing a proclamation, prohibiting perfons 7 1 O T H O, E. XI.—‘XIII. perfons who poffefied any “harnefs” to part with it without the king's leave. (Grig.) Nov. <28. 4. A table relating to the different cathedrals ; the purport of it uncertain. 30. • r >. An account oi' the fupplv of men yielded by different perfons in the reign of Henry viil. certified by fir Robt. Cotton. 32. 6. Ten warrants for mutters; all of them probably of Henry viil. fomc originals, add relied to lir Adrian I’orteleue : l’everal much burnt. 40 . 7. An account offome pay matter of the army; of wages, impretts, Sec. paid to divers officers and others who have fubferihed their names, temp. II. vm. 48. 5. A navy account. Gi. 9. A lift of generals and other officers ferving in France. / 69. 10 . Five fragments, too much damaged to be of vfe : the fourth is an original order of Privy Council to the mayor of London, for array. Jan. 7 , 1557 . 71 . 11 . Inftructions to I be Ld. lieutenant of Bedford, for beacons, mutters, &c. 70 . 12 . Seven fragments concerning mutters: much burnt. 78 . 1 3. An order of council to the IherifFs and juftices along the fea coaft, for muttering and being in readi- nefs againft the coining of the Spanilh navy: and two other fragments of orders: (Orig.) May 29 , lo?4. 90. 14. Inftru&ions to Ld. lieutenants for mutters. 95 . 1.3. A committion of Q. Elizabeth, for the increafe of horfes, geldings, and mares. (Lat.) 100 . lG. Five fragments concerning mutters: the third an original order of Council. 102 . 17 . Four papers of orders and inttrutf ions con¬ cerning mutters : three of them draughts eorre&ed bv Cecil. I12 18 . A tabic of the fupply of men by different counties. 133 _ 19 . Two fragments of inttru&ions concerning mutters, temp. Eliz. 135 . 20 . Inftru&ions and fchedules about mutters, beacons, &c. with corrections by Cecil. 139 . b. 21 . Ten fragments of orders, inttrudions, and other papers relating to mutters; the lft and 5 th be¬ ing original orders of Council: all much damaged. 148. 22 . An account of monies paid out of the queen's exchequer in Ireland and the Low Countries, in the year 1588. igi. 23. Tho. (Cowper Bp. of) Winchefter, to the E. ofSuficx Ld. Lieut, of Hants; concerning the mutters in his diocefe. (Orig.) Jan. 25 and 27 , 1587 - 8 . 196. _ 24. Fragments of a table, an account, and an ori¬ ginal order of Council, touching mutters. 19 s. b. 25. Three commiffioners of Q. Elizabeth, to Lei- cctter, &C;-concerning mutters. 1588 and 1585. 202 . 26 . Fragments of a table, and of two accounts, re¬ lating to muftirs. o j 2> ) x 27 . An account of men and arms fent into the Low Countries, and how much thereof are returned. I 087 — 1595 . 2 18 . 28. A fchedule of the ttate of the county of Devon ; figned “ W. Bathou.” (Orig.) 1592» 220 . 29 . A rate for the way of paying 3000 foldicrs. 222 30. Tho. Rafkerville, to the Lds. of Council j con¬ cerning the ttate of the ports and creeks in the county of Cornwall. (Orig.) Plymouth, Aug. 5 * 1 . 593 . 224. Si. Fragments of a letter for the defence of the Iflc of Wight, of a proclamation for the prices of pro- vifions (printed), and of rules and words of command for the exerciZing of troops, 22 £ 32. A note of the number of men fupplied by the diocefe of Coventry and Litchfield: on vellum, much burnt, and ahnott ufelels. ’ 231 33. Five fragments; two of them original orders of Council touching armaments; the fiVft order is dated Jan. 1612 ; the other is of Jan. 1 G 05 . 234 . 34 . A ftatclnCnt of the forces of all the different, counties of England and Wales ; with ttnall maps of each, alphabetically arranged. 2 'io. 35. A collection of various orders of the Privy. Council, letters, accounts, See. 44 in number; relatin'*- to the ttate of the fea port towns, their fortifications and chiefly tbofc of Portfmouth: many of them ori¬ ginals, but all lb much mutilated as to be almott ufelefs. 29 , _ 3G. A tract on the duties of a mutter-matter, and the qualifications required in him. 347 . 37. A tract, apparently confitting of feveral arti¬ cles, on the evolutions and difciplineof, and the requi- tttes for an army. 35 j 38. A difeourfe on the defence of a country, tlie conduct of a fleet and army, Sec. the name of Walter Raleigh appears at the end of this tra6t. see. 39. Part of a traft, or report, on the defence of the coaft about Portfmouth. 3 - 3> 40. Atreatife concerning the intended Spanifh in- valion, and the means of refitting it. 379 . 41 . A propofal for forming and training a laro-e body of harquebufers for her majefty's fen-ice. 392 ! 42. A paper on the raffing and difeipline of troops. 398. 43. A traft, figned Edmund York ; concerning the marffiailing the city of London into a true form of difeipline. 400 44. A paper faid to be from Mr. Lane, to Q. Eliza¬ beth ; concerning the difeipline of an army, the diftribution of captures, &c. Dec. 26, 1589 . 405 . 45. A fragment on military affairs, the true contents of which cannot be made out without more pains than they feem to deferve. 410 . 46. (Geo. Bridges?) Ld. Chandos, to Hen. E. of Manchefter, Ld. Privy heal; complaining of an oppreffiye tax-gatherer in his parilh of Harefield. N. B. his brother “George” is mentioned in a P.S. (Orig.) Harefield, Jan. 15 , i63S. 415 . 47 . A petition of Caffandra Benfon, to the Privy Seal, for relief in her great neceffities. 417 . b. Otlio, E. XII. # XIII. Defiderantur. 7 » V I T E L L I U S, A. I. If. VUdlius , A. I. Codex me mbran. in quarto, male habitus, coriftans ex foliis, ' 222 . Sec. XV. ). An antient calendar, in Englilh, villi leveral cycles and tables of the riling of the fun, and its me¬ ridian altitude; with diagrams for (he phafes of the moon, and an account ot leveral eelipfes ot the fun and moon, from the year l v.3(>, to the year 1462. i. 2 . Traetatulus de eompofitione cylindri (quod yo- catur “ Florilegium Victoris") cum tabulis altitudinis folis ad omnes boras, in London. Oxon. ct. Eborac. ruin initio fignorum, cl cum tabulis dcclinationis folis. 2l * De fabriea et ufu cujufdam inftrumcnti, quern •• Curforem” appellat auetor, in obfervandaaltitudinc folis. '- 3 4 S. * 7 8 - b- 4 . Verfus de Algorifmo. 25. b. . 5 . The names of the mairis and fchrevis, in the cilv of London, in the times of Ld\\ r . 111. llieh. II. Hen. IV, V, and VI; with the prices of corn, and fe- veral remarkable notices of hiltary happening in thcfe reigns. -~- (i. Liber chartarum monafrerii 13. Marine t irginis de Cumba in Com. Wans icenfi. Erat ordinis Cifter- cienfium. 3C ~* 7 . Tractatus fratris Roberti de Kihvardeby de or- dine pnedicatorum, qui dc ortu fcicntiarnm intitu- latur. 173 - 8. Tradtatus de tempore. 2oq. 9 . Traftatus de relationibns* 214 . b. Vitcllius , A. II. Codex membran. in 4to. male habitus, conftans fo- liis 156. 1 . Dc R. iEtbelbcrto, ejufque progenie. 3 . • 2 . Notationes de fanctis qui in Anglica patria rc- quielcunt. 4 - b. 3 . Diplomata, chart® donationum, & privilcgia, concefia ccclefi® S. Auguftini Cantuari®, per R. iEthelbertum, Auguftinum Anglorum Apotlolum, Ronifaeium, Adeodatum, Agathonem, Johanuem, Ca- lixtum, Irmocentium II. Lucium, cS: Eugenium, PR. item Henricum Wintoni® Epifcopum, &c. 6 . b. 4 . Conftitutiones concilii generalis Laterancnfis, fiib Innocentlo III. P. 20 . 3 . Conftitutiones Ottonis; fob 28 : Ottoboni: fol. . 3.3 ; Oxonienfes, edit® per Stephanum (Langton), Archiep. Cantuar. A. 1). 122 :; fol; 48: Johaimis Pe- r-lium (Peckham), Archicp. Cantuar. fol. 53. b: Stephani de Langeton, Archiep. Cantuar. de modo dccimandi; fol. 62. b: Simonis Mepham, Cant. Ar¬ chiep. edit® in concilio London, A. D. 1328; fol. 63 . b : Bonifacii, Cant. Archiep. edit® apud Lameth, A. D. 1261; fol. 65. b. 6 . Excommunicationes latte in fefto tranllationis S. Thom® martyris, per Johannem Stratford, Archiep. Cantuar. in eeclefia Cantuar. A. D. 1341. 73. 7 . Conftitutiones Simonis (Mepham), Cantuar. Archiep. A. 1). 1328. 75. b. 8 . - Johannis de Stratford, Cant. Archiep. A. D. 1342. 75 . b. 9 -ejufdem; publicatte London, 1342: • 82. b. 10 ’ Coniiitutiones edit®, ct nondum public®*® fc. Walicri Reynold. Archiep. I 800 . 8;:. b. 11 . CoufrltutiO Benedidti Papa?, fuper procura io- nibus vilitantium. 86. b. 12 . Coniiitutiones Tliomte Arundel, Archiep. Can- tuar; edit® Oxon. 89 . 13. -five ftatuta q 11 ted am concilii provincial Ebofacentis. 94 . 14 . Referipta Stephani regis, Walteri Giflanl Eborac. Archicp. 8c Roberti prioris & eonventus S. OiValdi; de patronatu quarinidam Ecclefiarum. 99 . 15. Ordinatio I). Walteri Gray, Archiep. Lbor. de cccleiiis de Tykhill, South-kirkeby, .Sc ltothewell. 1>9. 1). 16 . Charlie Reginaldi filii Petri de eeclefia de Wyvertliorp, ct dc ; npropriatione medictatis eeclefia; dc Mckefburg Archidiac. Ebor. &c. 100 . b. 17- Ordinatio fuper his qua? fuut invenienda in ecclefiis per prtebeiularios leu linnarios, ct per vi ca¬ rgos et parochianos. 102 . b. 18 . Copia creat.ionis officialium, cum cuftodia jurif- diciionis firm a? in ccclciia Eboracenfi. 102 . lx 19- Copia ereationis procurationis firma?ad venden 4 * das decimas. ' 1 - 03 . 20 . Series ct fucceiiio Archiep. Eborac. ;i D. \val- tcro Gray,'ad Willclmum la Zouche; h. e. ab A* 1216 . ad an. 1342. 3 03. 21 . i : ivilegium Papa- Celcfiini eeclefia; Eborac. indultum, fuper juribus, lii>ertati!;us, confuetudinibu.s, et alii--, in diclam ecclefiam contingentibus. 104 . 22 . Taxatio dignitalum, pr vbeudarmn, i vicaria- rum in cccl. Eboracenfi. 105 . 23. Cliarla Guliclmi Baftardi, conqiucTiori-; Aughux in qua terrain liberam canonicis ecoL Eborac. ad hofpitalitatcm faciendum tribuit. 10 G. 24. Inquifitio inter R. Henricum III. et decanum & capitulum Hofpitalis Sci. Leonardi. joG 25. Conftitutio Guliclmi Archiep. Eborac. de ar- boiibus ct herbis in coemcleriis, ct alia depcculio ejul- dem capituli. 167 . 26 . Confirmatio compofitionis fuper vifitatione de¬ cani et capituli Eborac. fact®, A. D. 1328. 108 . 27 . Conftitutiones, five falubria ftatuta q 11 ®dam, concilii province® l'.boracenfis ; cum form is pronun- ciandi cxcommunicationem. 110 . 28 . Statuta et confuctudines in metropolitan® cc- clelia cathcdrali Eborac; II5. •29. Statuta edila per Rogerum, decanum cccl. ca- thedralis Eborac. ctcap it ulc.m. A. D. 1221 . 116 . 30. Statuta edita per Sev.-all. decanum, ct cap it. Eborac. A" 1252: ct per Waltcrum Gray, Archicp. Ebor. conlirmata. 117 . 31. Yari® chart®, bull® ct acta juridica, de pr®- fentationibus, obligationibus, convcntioi’.ibus, ordi- nationibus, ct cjufmodi n 1 iis, ad decanum . t capilulum ecclefi® Eboraccnlis fpeCtantibus : ubi piura dc ec¬ clefiis de Pickering: qmcre liujus libelli partem aliam infra lub N° 39. 116 . 82 . Compofitio inter liofpitale Sci. Petri, et capitu¬ lum, fuper decimis Sci. Laurentii dc \V alingatc. 128. 83. Ordinatio de Componenda lite inter Stephanum priorem ct convcntum de Pontefracto, et decanum et capit. Eccl. S. Petri Eborac. de eeclefia de Ledeliiam et.capella de Farburne. 128 . 84. Chart® Galfridi, filii Petri, comitis Efl’cx, fuper jure luo quod liabuit in capella dc Drayton. 12 s. b. 35. De archidiaconatu Cleveland; et de colla¬ tions illius. 129 . , 86. Inititu- 3G. Iiiftitutiones Joannis Thorelby, Archiep. Ebor. A. I). 1357, iuper terrarum confervationc. (Galilee.) 130. b. 37. Fefta dnplicia in men fa canonicorum. 131. 58. Menfuratio terras. 131. b. 39. Chart®, &c. Ha?C fane omnia pertinent ad nnmerum fuperiorem 31. In nltimis hujus codicis fchedis habentur, trafta- tulus de officio fiib-thefaurarii in ecclef a Eboracenti; item conftitutiones nonnull® ; ftatutuna de capis poll mortem l’olvendis, aliaque: fed h®c omnia online adeo pr®poftero compinguntur, ut fingulos articulos accurate defcribere vix lieeat. 13 1 . b. Vitellius, A. III. Codex membranaceus, in 4t'o. male habitus, coni tans foliis 120 . 1 . Ivonis, Carnotenfis Epifcopi, Panormia: finis delideratur. Extat inter Scriptures Francicos Du- chefnii, tom. IV. p. 217- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ■ 2. Odonis de Doura Uecreta minora. ill. Vitellius, A. IV. Codex bombycinus, in 4 to. continens folia 174. Liber Mohatnmedis Abugiafaris Ben Giorair. con¬ tinens hiftoriam propheticam ad tempora V hamme- dis Pfeudo-pvopnet®: de quotuor tomis fecund us. Arabice. Vitellius, A. V, VI, # VII. Defiderantur. Vitellius, A. VIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. male habitus, in capfula aflervatus. 1. The firft leaf of an old calendar. 2 . Two leaves, being fragments of a letter of Ste¬ phen Langton, archbifhop of Canterbury, concern¬ ing the right of ele&ing to the bifhoprick of Coven¬ try. (Lat.) 1223. 3 . Gulielmi Gemeticenfis hilloria, de primo ad- ventu Normannorum in Normannia, et de eorum geftis ad It. Hen. II. 4 . Arbitrium fa&um inter Ilubertum, Archiep. Cantuar. et priorem et conventum Cantuarienlis ec- clefi®, de ®dificatione ecclef® apud Lamheth, A 0 It. Johann is 2 do . 5 . Compofitio inter Edmimdum Archiep. Cantuar. et priorem et conventum Ecclef® Chrifti Cantuar. fuper advocationibus ecclef arum, de maneriis, &c. A 0 1237. 6 . Compoftio inter priorem et capitulum ecclef® Cantuarienlis et cpifcopum London, et quofdaiii alios epifeopos fuffraganeos iftius ecclef®, fuper ufu et exercitatione jurifdi&ionis met ropolitic® fed is Can- tuarienfis, dicta lede vacante. A" 1278. 7 . Compoftio inter Bonifacium Archiep. Cantuar. ct Ricardum de Clare comitem Glouceftri®, de qui- bufdam confuetudinibus A fervitiis, Ac. A 0 42 Hen. III. 8. Compoftio inter abbatem et conventum mo- nafterii S. Auguftini Cantuar. et priorem et capitu¬ lum Eccl. Chrifti, Cantuari®, fuper quibufdam terris redditibus, tenements, juribus variis, Ac. A° 1287. g. Annales a Chrifto nato ad annum 11 GO, a quo- dam monacho dc Lacock. In fine codicis plura defiderantur.' 1. Annales ab incarnato Chrifto ad An. 132.3, per monachmn quendam monafterii S. Auguftini Can- tuarienfis. i • 2 . Le Brut, ou Hiftoire des Rois d'Angletcrrc; tra- duite on vers Francois, par Robt. Wacc, ct contimu'c depuis fol. 114. b. par un autre, jUfqu a Henry III. V. la Diflert. de l‘Abb6 de la Rue. 19. 3. Verficuli metrici, dc C’oncilio qvlodam circa ma- trimonium clericorum. 137. Incip. “ Timor liovus Angli® partes pererravit, “ Clericos prelbitcros omnes exitavit, “ Quos bonis Ecclef® fortuna ditavit, “ Omnes utcitati lint, lie Papa mandavit.” 4. Partic des clironiques de Pierre de Langtoft} depuis le teftament . De feptem miranilis manufictis: deduobus vev- licibus nuunli : d<’ diebus .Egyptiaeis; ovdo (ihro- iimi Calliolieni’ini in circulo anni legciidorum. 39. b. 6. De vocibus litcrurum, quomodo formantur. 41. 1). ?. Gil da:, pcriliflimi x i ri, lil kt de compote, de mnndo, planetis, lieliis, tonitruo, fulminibus, ven- ti\ oceani aftu, flumine, terra; motu, monte .'Etna, aliilquephylioiogicn : cum pradatiouc ad Babanuin monaeluim, quani edidit Ull'erius in epili. ilibernicar. Svlloge, Dnblini. ib. c. p. 55. 43. 8. Alphabeta Runica 1 ria ; cum his verbis, Runicis lileris, Pax vobileum et fains pax. - ’ 02 . 9. Calemlarium vetus. 02 . b. in. Verfus de eonftellalionibus, ct ventis. 09 . ii. Ivalemlari tun alind, cujus (mines dies nomini¬ bus fiinctorum fignantur. 09. b. i :. Fpiltola Cummiari, direct a Scgieno abbati. de dilputationc Inna?. Edidit Ulierius in Epift. 11 i- bern. fvll. p. 24. 76. 1.3. Epifiola Fed® prclbytcri apologetic^, eo quod infiim.’laretur a quibui’dam de ®. laid ms feeuli non recte fenfifle. 80 . 14. Libcllus de compute; cum re ■< lis ad invenien¬ dum annum, iudiaiones, cpaela .ctatem lun®, See. 15. Libellus alius de eodem argument®. 98. 10 . Verfus Scrlonis Paiifiacenfis, ad Muriel faiiCti- monialem virginem Deo dicalam, de capta Bnjocen- 1mm civitate ; ejufdem invectio in Gilbertuir abbati m Cadomi ; item verfus ad Odonem Bajocenlcm epifeo- pum, cum aliis. 106. 17 . Verfus rhythmici Godefridi prim is Eccl. S. Svlthini Wintonienfis, de moribus et vita inftituenda. ill. is. Vita S. Mari® TEgyptiacre, per Hildebertum; verfibus. . 114 . 19. Ejufdem cpifcopi verfus de XII. plagis /Egypti, See. 119. b. 20 . Marbodi verfus de laude caftitatis, de diffiia- fione mundame cupiditatis, See. 120 . 21 . Verfus de XII. Imperatoribus Romanorum ; de longitudine regni, et finibus eorum : item invectio in quendam abbatem monachalem dominant fibi fur- ripcrc volentem, cum alii-. 121 . 22 . Inveedo Giralonis Britonis in monachos, ver¬ fibus rhythmicis : Marbodi verfus de VII. primis die- bus, de X plagis .'Egypti, dc muliere mala et bona: aliaque plura. 124. 28 . Verfus 11ugonis Sotavagin®, cantoris et archi- diaconi Eccl. Sci. Petri Eboraci. 130 . 2 1 . Verfus Anguftini canonici. 132. b. 2 .'». Pccnitentiale antiquum, ex variis canonibus, item ex poenitentiali Romano, Theodori, et Bed® collegium. 133. 26 . Oratio dominica Normanno-Saxonice. isi. b. 27 . Narratio fabulofa de quodam epilcopo, qni celebrate.] us divinum officium, ex vultu cognovit quinarn digni client, quinam indigni, ad communi- candum. 182. b. Vih’Ilius, A. XIII. Codex membranaceus, in 4to. folds conftans 100 . 1 . Effigies regum A 11 gli® & S. Edward® rege et c’onfcflbre. ad R. Edwardum I. cum brevieuii. narra- tionibus. cluirafleribus turn aurcis turn c®rulcis ferijr- tis, de iifdcm, Gallice. In tabula regis Jobannis pietura monaelii, illi ealieein veneuo mixtuni oft’e- rentis, aliis monachis adftantibus, exhibetur. 2 . 2 . Decreta Vtlliclmi conqiuvftoris Anglia-, et leguin mutationes et emendationcs quas in Anglia fecit. 0 . Leges Sci. Edwardi regis, quas in Anglia tennit, et quas Willielmus, lucres et cognatus fit us, poftea confinnavit. 7 . 4 . Dcfcriptio genealogi® duenm Normanfiornm, a Rollonc primo duce, ad R. Stephan urn ; ct quomodo S. Edwardus Gulielniuni conftituit lurredem. 17 . 5 . Liber chartarum abbati® de Certefeyc in coini- tatu Surrienfi, cum hiftoria fundationis per Frit hen- waldum provinci® Surreianorum fubreguluni; in quo exhibentur cart® q.ua-dam, quaruni mcl® live termini Saxoniee, vel potius Normanno-Saxonice, exarantur. 19. 0 . Exceptioncs Simonis dc primis fundamentis Abbendoni®; de abbati Inis Abbendoni®, qu® vel bona (jiucve mala feeerunt: opus lane hiitorieum ubi plura de primordiis, prioribufque regibus Britan¬ nia. 82 . 7 . Index hymnorum in variis feftis anni decanta- torum. 87 . 8. Miiiellanca, de alfuniptione P. Mari® Virgin is, Xabuchodonolbre, Alexandra mac no, octo partibus dominie®, de teinptationibus, variis liquoribus et eorundem per mixtioneni coinpolilione, tune Baby- loniea, Antioeliia, regibus Saxonicis, aliilque. 87 . b. !'. Breve ehroniconab Adamo, ad tempura R. Ca- nuti. «8. b. 10 . Frngmentum liiftori® Trojan®, ex Darete Phrygio, aliilque. 90 . 11. Nennii hiftoria Britonnum, & cap, 2 . editionis Galean®. Exemplar antiquum et nitidum. 90 . b. 12 . De niirabilibus Walli®. 98 . b. ViteUius, A. XIV. Codex membr. in 4to. conftans foliis 59 . 1. Pubji.i Fa 11 ft i Andrelini I’orolivicnfis, poet® Iau- reati, de Neapolitana Fornovicnfique victoria, ad Carolum Mil. Reg. Chriliianiffimuni, liber carmi- nuni. e. 2 . Ejufdem ad Petrum Coardum, primum Fran- ci® pr®lidem, in mortem Caroli regis, deploratio; metrice. 47 . 3. Ejufdem ad Guidoncm Rupifortem, Franei® cancellarium, de morte regis Carol!, epiftola ; me¬ trice. 51 . b. 4. Ejufdem iu K. Carolum epitapliia tria. 58. 1 itellias, A. XV. Codex membran. in 4to. foliis conftans 20G. 1. Notul® de nuinero paroehiarum, villarum, feo- dorumque militum in Anglia; et de expugnatione Caleti peril. Edwardum III. Folio rejeCtaneo verfo. 2 . Flores ex libra foliloquiorum D. Anguftini Ilip- ponenfis Epilc. leleCli, et Saxoniee verli, per Aelfrc- dum regem. Tractatus ifte quondam fuit ccclcli® B. Mari® de Suwika, lit patet ex fob 2 . literis Nor- manno-Saxonicis, poll conqu®flum feriptus. 1 . 3. Pfeudo-Evangelium Nicodemi, Saxoniee. ca¬ pita mutilum; cujus exemplaris variantes le&iones apographo V I T E L L I U S, A. XVI.— XX. 381 apographo fuo, cx codice Cantabrigienfi defcripto, at- texuit Cl. Junius, lit videre eft pag. 96—Ex tat ad calcem Heptateuchi a Thwaitefio editi. 57. 4 . Dialogus inter Saturnum et Salomonem ; Saxo- nice. 83 . b. 5 . Fragmentum de SS. Jefu Chrifti martyribus ; Saxonice. 90. b. 6. Lcgenda de S. Chriftoplioro m arty re; Saxonice; capite et calce mutila. 91. 7. Defcriptio fabulofa Orientis, et monftrorum qua; ibi nafcuntur; cum figuris male delineatis; capite et calce mutila: baud diverfa ab ilia (Latinis ex- ceptis quae in hoc codice defunt) quam exhibet codex qui infcribitur. Tib. B. V. 51. 95. 8 . Alcxandri ad Ariftotelem de fitu India;, &c. epiftola; Saxonice. J 04 . 9. Tra&atus poeticus, quo defcriptavidentur bclla qua; Beowulfus quidam Dan us, ex regia Scyldingo- rum ftirpe ortus, geflit contra Sued® regulos.—Munc Cl. Wanleius “ Poefeos Anglo-Saxonic® egregium exemplum,” nuncupavit. 129. 10. Fragmentum poeticum biftorice Judith® et Holofernis, Dano-Saxonice, ante conqureftum fcrip- tum : quod dcfcripfit Cl. Junius; e cujus apographo illud typis edidit Edw. Thwaitcfius ad calcem Hep¬ tateuchi. 199. Vitellius, A. XVI. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. foliis conftans 213 . 1. A chronicle of England, containing the remark¬ able paffages of what happened; together with the mayors and Iheriffs of London, from A° 1215 to A 0 1509 . 2 . 2. The will of Robert Thomas, who died A 0 1532. 209. b. 3 . The names of divers lords, knights, and gentle¬ men, fiain fince the good D. of Gloucelter was mur- thered at the Parliament held at Bury 144G. 210. Vitellius, A. XVII. Codex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 16G. 1. Annales Wintonienfis monafterii, it Chrifto nato, ad annum 11 86 . 1. 2. Nomina archiepifcoporum, & fuorum fuffraga- neorum, qui venerunt ad quoddam concilium. 16. b. 3 . Vcrfus dc quodam monftro ; et aliis. 17. 4. Innocentii 11, P. epiftola ad Ilenricum Winto- nienlem epifeopum, in qua illi facultatem concedit monachorum B. Petri Weftmonafterii querimonias. audicndi, et debitam eisjuftitiam exhibendi. 17. b. 5. Epiftola Olberti de Clara in vita B. Regis Ed- wardi. 1 ). Alberico Oltienfi epifcopo et Romans: ec- clefne legato “ praemilla.'’ (lie.) 17. b. 6. Epiftola Olberti de Clara ad D. Henricum V intonienfem epifeopum, apoltolic® fedis legatum, clc canonizando lanbto R. Edwardo : cum epiftolis Henrici epife. Winton : & R. Stephani ad Innocen- tium papamdc eodem argumento; cum ejus refponforia ad abbatem et fratres S. Petri Weftmonafterii. 19. b. 7. Verfus dc paflione Domini. 23. b. 8 . Olberti de Clara epiftola;: inter quas eminet (fol. 60. b.) ilia ad D. Adelidem Berckingcnlis Coeno- bii abbatiflam, de armatura caftitatis.—Interferuntur. (a) Joh. Eucicii verfus contra legiftas et decre- tiftas indiferetos. fol. 26. ( b ) Verficuli moralis ac interdum fatyricl argu- menti, in marginibus folior. 163 . b. & 164 . 9 - Hymm ad B. Mariam Virginem. 1G4. b. Vitellius, A. XVIII, Codex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 238 . t. Calendarium. 2. 2. Liber colleclarum et mifiarum in variis feftis anni, et. pro variis occalionibus; viz. pro regibus et principibus, pro lalute vivorum, pro pace, pro amico confitente, & quamplurimis ejufmodi. 10. b. 3 . Exorcifnnis Palis. 198. b. 4 . Benedictiones vari® in feftis diebus fan 6 torum ; et quoque fuper iter agentibus, fuper enfem, et fuper recenter accinctum enfe, in tempore peftilentia;, pro infirmo, de defunftis, et aliis: libellus 199. 5 . Sermo ad pccnitcntes. 223. b. 6 . Exorcilinus olei infirmorum, chrifmalis olei, olei catechumenorum, & Palis, cum benedidtionc ejufdem, aliifque, 227. Vitellius, A. XIX. Codex membran. in 4to. foliis conftans 114. 1. Vita et miracula S. Cuthbcrti Lindisfarnenlis epifeopi, per venerabilem Bedam prefbyterum, ad Eadfridum epifeopum : charabtere antiquo, qui valde aftinis eft Saxonico. 1. 2. Verficuli canticis duo, notulis muficis infigniti. 89 . 3 . Liber de miraculis Sci. Cuthberti epifeopi, per cundem Bedam : verfibus hexametris. 89. b. Vitellius, A. XX, Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 245 . 1. Hiftoria Anglia; a Bruto ad annum 1348 : ubi etiatn (fol. 43) origo Scotorum, et feries regum corun- dcm. 1. 2. Bernardi epiftola ad Etigenium papam, 57. 3. Petri Blefenfis, archidiaconi Bathonienlis, epiftola ad clericos de capella D. Regis, explicans quanta fit miferia curialium. 4. Vita Warmundi Regis occidentalium Anglorum. 07 . 5. Expofitio vocabulorum veteri jure Anglicano ufitatorqm. 70. b. G. Fragmenta quffidam hiftorica, de S. Edwardo, Eadgaro, Rollonc, et aliisducibus Normanni®, de Gu* lielmo Conquseftqre, de pnerogativis eccl. Cantuar. et de B. Wulftano epife. Vigorn. 71. 7. Nomina abbatum qui aliquando rexerunt eccl. Sci. Albani, a ‘Willegodo, ad Johannem XXIII. abba¬ tem. 74. 8. Epiftola R. de Dunelmo monachi de Kilchou. de obitu et fcpultura Malcolmi R. Scotor. 75. b. 9. Nomina epifeoporum Lindisfarn. eccl. ab Ay- dan o, ad Walterum fuccefi'orem Nicolai. 7G. 10. De quibufdam ecclefiis collatis ecclefi® de Tinmouth. 7G. b. 11. Chronica excerpta e magnis chronicis Sci Al¬ bani, & conqueftu Anglite, ufque ad An. 1246 . 77. 12. Chronica ;\ Chrifto nato (pnemiftis quibufdam 5 F. de 3 r 3 ■V I T E L L I U S, B. I. II. de creatione mundi, &e.) ad An. 1347. c* fpeculo hifto- J'iali ethiftoria aurea, fatis confufe, colleCta. 13 Q. b. ] 3 . Excerpta de clironicis quie Rogerus de Ilove- den compilavit. 133 . 14. Defcriptio ecclefuc S. Sophia; Conftantinopoli. 24 * 2 . l n. Miracula SS. patrum qui in ecclefia Hagul- ftadienfi requiefcunt. 242 . I). 16. Compcndiaria defcriptio Britannia;, quoad fitum. 245 . 17. rrophclia de duratione ftirpis regis Guliel- ini I. verfibus. 245 . is. An old grant of If. Edward ... of the keeping of the hundred of C'helmere and Dawning, to Randolph Pepperking his fore Iter. 245 . b. J Itdlius, B. L Delideratur. Vitellius, B. IE CodeX chartaccus. in folio, conftans foliis 209 . 1. A fragment of a letter to K. Henry VIII, from fome cardinal; giving him intelligence from Italy; Bologna taken by the Impcrialifts,&c. (Eat.) 3 . b. 2. F. Card, of Pavia (Francifcus Alidolius) to Henry VIII ; ftrongly recommending Jerom Bonifius. (Orig. Lat.) Milan, July 15 , 1509 . 4 . 3 . The Card, of Aragon (Aloyiius) to Henry VIII; congratulating him on his marriage with Catharine of Aragon. (Orig. Lat.) Naples, July 28, 150 Q. 5 . 4 . F. Card, of Pavia, to Henry VIII; congratulating him on his marriage, fee. (Orig. Lat.) Milan, Aug. 5 , 1509 . 5 . b. 5 . Card. S. Chrvfogoni (Adrian de Caftello Bp. of Bath) to Henry t ill: congratulating him on his mar¬ riage, and offering fcrvices. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, Aug. 3 , 150 . 0 . C. (i. Chrift. Fiiher, perhaps to Fiflier Bp. ofRochefter; requrlting bis further favour and protection. (Orig.) Bacano, Sept. 12, 1509. 7. 7. P. Card. Regions (Petrus Ifualles, Gov. of Rome) to Henry VIll; reports his having executed Henry’s orders about the Minorites, and a concern of the Bp. of Worcester; alfo in prail'e of Chrift. Fiiher. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 8 , 1509 . 8 . h. 8 . The 5 Cardinals of the Conciliabulum fum- moned at Pifa again ft Julius II. to Henry viii; fuggeft- ing the neeetfity of their proceeding to fome ftrong meafures, and referring for particulars to Ja. Montero their agent. (Orig. Lat.) Pavia, Nov. 25 , 15 10. 9. b. 9. Henry VIII; his commiilion appointing Silvefter (Gigles) Bp. of Worcelter, &c. to attend the council of Lateran fummoned by Pope Julius II. (Lat.) 151 1. 10. b. 10 . Four of the 5 Cardinals fubferibed to II. 8, to Henry VIII ; in reply to the anfwer brought them by Muutero. (Orig. Eat.) Milan, April 2, 1 . 5 11. li.b* 11. B. Card. S. C'rucis (Caravaial) one of the .5 in 11. 8 , to Henry viii ; on the fame concerns. (Orig. Lat.) Milan, April 11, 1511. 12. 12. A league between Pope Julius II, Ferdinand the catholic K. of Spain, and the republic of Venice, for the recovery of Bologna to tin* Holy See. (Lat.) Rome, Oct. 4, and confirmed in the conliiiory Oct. 8, 1511 . ^ 13 . 13. Henry Mil, to Card. Bam bridge? about the league with the Emp. and the K. of Spain, prnpoft-d by the Pope; the Bp. of Worcester's concerns at. Rome ; P. Gryff, a collector, recommended hv the Pope, fee. (a corrected draught* ly 14 . Rich. Jem in glum to Henry viii.; about railimr fome Lanlqueiu ts ; intelligence concerning thcSwifs^ &c. (Orig.) Milan, Jan. 13, 1512. oq 15 . Pope Julius ll, to Henry mu ; defiring him to pwt a (iop to a contloverly between the Archbp. of Canterb. (W. Warham) and the Bp. of Wincheftcr (R. Fox). (Lat. on vellum.) Rome, March 13, 1512 . no l(>. Extracts from various letters of Buffet at Pa¬ via, the Gov. of Modena, and Paul Gumtucy at Man¬ tua; with intelligence. (Lat.) June ... 1512. 23. 17. Franc, de Brifcia, Bp. of Famagufta, to Henry VIII. and Q. Catharine; with feveraf relics, lent by means of Pet..de Sylva, a monk. (Orig. Lat.) Rome 0 ( 5 t. 8 , 15 12 . ' ' 30 . b.’ 1 8 . Card....... to Henry viii; various news from Italy; Gurce’s negociation for peace: Brefeia deli¬ vered to the Spaniards, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Jerni Nov. 23 , 1512 . .J , ’ 19. Chriftoph. Bambridge, Archhp. of York, Card, of England, to Henry viii; about Roger Pan ter, Wm Fortier, and Ranald Chamber, whom he had taken into his fervice, and wiio afterwards went to Rich, de la Pole, on which account he had them confined! (Orig.) Rome, Jan. 31, 1513. 00 20. The Pope’s (Jul. Hr) bull of indulgences in favour of all the fubjeeis of Henry yiii, who fluid ierve againft Lewis XII. (Lat.) Rome, March 15 1 5. 34 . 21. Julius Card, de Medicis (afterwards Clement VII.) to Henry Mil ; dignifying the promotion of himfelf and three others to the Cardinal’s hat, and tendering his ferviees. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 30 , 1513 . 35 b 22. Count Carbenus, Imp. Ambaff. at Rome? to Henry vm ; giving a full account of the election of Leo X. to the papal chair. March ... 1513. 23 . The Bp. of Worceftcr (Silv. Gigles) to Tho. Wolfey, almoner; in anfwer to ieverafrequefts con¬ cerning an exemption of fix chaplains, a licence for Wolfey to hold leveral benefices, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May... 1513 . ° 40. 24 . The Gov. of Vercelli, to the D. of Savoy ; liv¬ ing an account of the defeat of the French by°the Swifs at Novara. (Fr.) Vercelli, June 6, 1513. ‘41. 25 . Card. Bambridge, to Henry yiii ; two letters reporting the battle of Novara, and the fubfequent events; a bull againft fehifmatics, &c. (Orig.) Rome, June 10 and 25 , 1513 . 4 o_ "fi. Tlie Conclave, to Henry vm; notifying the eleftion of Leo x. (Lat.) Home, July is, 151:;. 4 G. b. 27. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Henry VIII; intelli¬ gence about the war in Lombardv, and the fubmil- fion and reconciliation of two fcliifmatic cardinals. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Ju. . 27, 151.3. 47. 28. Maximilian Sforza, 1 ). of Milan, to Hcnrv nil; credential in favour of his fecretary. (Oriir. Lat.) Milan, Aug. 20, 1513 . °4p. 29 . Card. Bambridge, to Henry yiii ; about a breve to be delivered him by the Card, of Senegaliia, the purport not mentioned. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 12. 1513 . 4 i 0 . 30 . Card. Bambridge and the Bp. of Worcefter (Silv. Gigles) to Henry \ III ; apprizing liim of tlie reports Ipread in Italy about the Scott.iih invafion ; their VlTELLlOSj B. II. their fuit for the Pope's cenfure againft the K. of Sc. &c. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 17, 1513 . 50. 31 . Card. Bambridge, toTho. Wolfey, almoner and dean of York; congratulating him on the king’s victory ; and about the Bp. of Moray’s promotion to Bourges, having vacated Cottingham. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 1 7, 1513 . 51. b. 32 . The D. of Milan, to Henry VIII ; congratulating him on his victory, and reporting the ftate of his own affairs. (Orig. Lat.) Milan, 06 t. 11, 1513. 52 . b. 33 . M. Bp. of Prenefte, Card, of Senegaljia (Vige- l ius) to Henry VIII ; thanks for a letter. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, 06 t. 14, 151 3 . 53. 34 . Pope Leo X, to Henry VIII; a licence for bu¬ rying the corpfe of James IV. of Scotland, in St. Paul’s cathedral. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. 29, 1513. 54 . 35 . Pope Leo X. to Henry VIII, exhorting him to perfift in the war. (Lat.) Rome, Dec. 7, 1513 . 57. 3 G. M. Card, of Senegallia, to Henry VIII, defiring his order for remitting fome depofit demanded by Card. Bambridge. (Orig. Latin.) Rome, Dec. 20, 1513 . 57. b. 37 - Articles of a league between Pope Leo x. and the Helvetic Body. (Lat.) . 1513 . 59. 38 . Father Simon de Pruffia, Commiff. Gen. of the order of Minorites, to Dr. Nic. Weft, dean of Wind- for; admitting him to participate in all the preroga¬ tives of the order. (Lat.) Southampton, Jan. 25 , 1514 . 6 S. 39 - Jul. Card, de Media's (afterwards Clement VII.) to Henry VIII ; complimental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 8 , 15 14. 64. b. 40. A mandate of the Pope (Leo X.) concerning the adminiltration of Commendams. (Lat.) Rome, Feb. 6 , 1514 . 65 . b. 41. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey, Bp. elect of Lincoln; congratulatory, and about the annates of liis fee, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 11, 1514. 66 . 42 . Pet. Gryphus, Bp. of Forli, to Henry VIII ; news about negociations for peace; the election of a Grand Matter of Malta, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 12, 1515 . 67. b. 43 . Leo X, to Henry VIII ; with a prefent of a con- fecrated fword and a cap of maintenance (v.Rvm.XHI. 393 .) (Lat.) Rome, March 1, 1514. 69. 44 . Leo X. to Henry VIII ; foliciting a contribution for redeeming Gtmdifalvus, and fome relations of his, out of captivity in Africa. (Lat.) Rome, Marchi 30 , 1514 . 70. 45. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey ; about the annates of the Bpk. of Lincoln, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 4, 1514 . ' 71. 46. '1 lie 1 ). of Milan, to Henry vill; concerning the Hate of his affairs; the truce between France and Spain, kc. Orig. Lat.) Milan, March 29, 15 14. 74. 47. The Marquis of Mantua, to Henry vm ; with a prefent of 4 horfes. (Orig. Lat.) Mantua, March 28 , 1514 . 75. 48 . Jul. Card, de Medicis, to Henry vm; compli¬ mental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 9, 15 14. 76. 49 - Poly do re Virgil? to Wolfey; about his endea¬ vours to obtain the cardinal’s hat for Wolfey. (Orig. Lat.) May 21, 15 14. 76° 50. Card. Bambridge, to Henry vm; intelligence; the practices of the French at Rome. (Orig.) Rome, May 20, 1514 . 77. 51 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Henry VIII; intel¬ ligence of the Pope having lent the Bp. of Tricarico to the K. of France, and to Henry. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 20, 1514. 78. b. 52 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey ; defiling his intereft for a promotion, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 17, 15 14. ’ 79. 53 . A difeourfe held by Jo. Tailor, doctor of laws, to the convocation of the clejgy. June, 1514 . 80. 54. A paper concerning fome bufinefs of an eccle- fiaftical meeting, and defil ing that the fame might be prorogued to a cooler feafon. (Lat.) July l, 1514 . 82 . 55. Card, de Medicis, to Henry VIII; on the death ot Card. Bambridge. (Orig. Lat,) Rome, April 14, 1514 . 82 . b. 56. Leo X, to Henry VIII, and Wolfey; alfo the lower hoitfc of convocation, to the Pope ; concerning ecclefiaftical fubfidies towards carrying on wars. (A fet of papers. Lat.) Aug. 16, 1514,' Aug. 18, and Nov. 25 , 1515 . 83. 5 *. Leo X, to Henry VIII ; approving of the execu¬ tors named by Card. Bambridge, viz. 1 L Pace and W. Burbank. (Lat.) Rome, Aug. 17, 1514. 89. 58 . F. Card, of Sorcnto (Fr. Remolinus, Gov. of Rome) to Henry vm ; recommending the two ex¬ ecutors of Card. Bambridge. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 22, 1514 . " ' 89* 59. A report from Rome, concerning the Pope’s reception of certain letters from the Bps. of Win- chefter and Lincoln, relating- to negociations for peace, &c. 1514. 90. 60. The Bp. of Worcefter, to the Bps. of Winchefter and Lincoln ; concerning peace, the brief for tithes and fubfidies, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 26, 1514 . 98. 61. Wm. Burbank, to Henry VIII; about the con- feflion ot Rainald, a prieft, who was laid to have poifoned Card. Bambridge. (Orig.) Florence, Aug. 28 , 1514 . 94 .br 62. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfcv ; concerning Rainald’s confeftions, who had deftroyed himfelf, and whom the Bp. rcprelents as infane; alfo, political in¬ telligence. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 31, 1 514 . 95. 63. Wm. Burbank, to Henry VIII; concerning the death of Card. Bambridge, Rainald’s confeftions^ See. (Orig.) Florence, Aug. 28, 1514. 97. 64 . Rich. Pace, to Wolfey; about bulls to be ob¬ tained for Wolfey, and the effects of the late Card. Bambridge, which the Bp. of Worcefter endeavours to feize. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 13, 1514. 99. 65 . The Card, of Sorento, to Wolfey; about the property of Card. Bambridge, and in commendation of Rich. Pace. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 15, 1514. 100 . b. 66 . The Bp. of V’orcefter, to Wolfey, Arch bp. of York; recommending Fr. dc Portmariis.' (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 15 , 1514 . 101/ 67. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Wolfey; entreating his intereft to he continued in an office; alfo in favour of Polyd. Virgil. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 19, 1514> l’oi- b. 68 . Rich. Pace, to Henry vill; about the proceed¬ ings againft the Bp. of W'orcefter, on account of the fulpicion ot his having contrived the poifoning of Card. Bambridge. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 25, 1*514. 102 . 69. Card, de Medicis, to Henry vill; reports the confirmation of the promotion of Wolfey to York, and of Wm. Atwater to Lincoln, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 24, 1514 . ^04. b. 70 . And. Ammonias, (Latin fecretary to Hen. vm.) to Wolfey; with a letter from the Bp. of Worcefter; and about the liifpieions againft the laid Bp. (Oriy. Lat.) Weftra. Sept. 25 , 1514. 10.0° 7 1. The 3^4 V I T E L L I U S, B. II. 71 . The Bp. of Worceftcr, to Wolfey, and the Bp. of Lincoln ; on their promotions, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Borne, Oft. 13 , 1514 . loii'b. 72 . Julian (probably a Card.) to Hen. VIII ; thank¬ ing him for a prefent of two horfes. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Oft, SO, 15 14 . 10G. 73 . Leo X, to Henry VIII ; requeuing the appoint¬ ment of a colleftor in England in favour of Card. S. Chryfogoni. (Lat.) Borne, Oft. 31 , 1514. 107. 74 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey; about the propofed marriage and alliance with France. (Lat.) Borne. 1514. 1 os. 75 . The college of Cardinals, to Wolfey; recom¬ mending Card. S. Chrylogoni. (Orig. Lat.) Borne, Dec. 1, 1514. ' “ 110. 70. Card. S. Chrylogoni, to Wolfey; about the colleetorlhip. (Orig. Lat.) Borne, Dec. 2, 1514. 111. 77 - Card. S. March (Domin. Grimanus) to Henry vill; in favour of Card. S. Chrylogoni, and Polydore, his deputy in the col left orfhip’. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 3 , 1514. 111. h. 73 . Win. Shragger, to Wolfey ; in praife of the Bp. of Worceftcr, and complaining of lb me unfair pro¬ ceedings towards himftlf. (Orig. Lat.) Borne, Dec. 2, 1514. " 11 a. 79 - The Bp. of Worceftcr, to Henry VIII; concern¬ ing the calumnies fpread againft him. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 2, 1514. 113. SO. Card. S. Chrylogoni, to Wolfey; about the col¬ led orlhip of Bath in favour of Polydore. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 5 , 1514. 114. si. R. Bp. of Oftia, Card. S. George (Ralph de Riariis) to Wolfey; recommending the affair of Card. Chryfogoni and Polydore. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 2, 15 14 . * 114. b. 82. D. Card. S. Marci, to Wolfey; on the lame fubjeft. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 3 , 1514 . 115. b. S 3 . Leonard. Spinellus, to Wolfey; notifies his arrival at Rome; lblicits the continuation of his (Wolfey’s) favour; and about Cottingham priory. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 2, 1514 . i id! 84 . If. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Henry Vlll; about a victory of the If. of Poland over the Mufcovites ; the death of Lewis XII, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. id, 1515 . 117. 85 . .\ paper on the political ft ate of Italy, the danger it is ex poled to from the •Lurks, the import¬ ance of the K. of England's aid, &c. ( Lat.) iis. sd. Rich. Pace, to Wolfey, and others? about Lome papers (fclieduhe) found at the feet of Renaldus, a plicit, which Pace declares he cauled to be put there. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 2, 1515. 120. b. 87 - Card.de Medicis, to Henry vm ; about lbme in¬ dulgences for reftoring the cattle of Norhaiu? (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 3, 1515 . 121° 88 . The Bp. of Worceftcr, to Henry vm ; about the bull of indulgences for the reftoration of N01- ham ? (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 3 , 1515. 121. b. 89 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey; on the fub- jrot of the above, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 5 , 15 15 . ! 22 . 90. Polydore - to the Bp. of Worcefter? various intelligence from England. (Orig. Lat.) Lond. March 3 , 1515. ] o 3 _ 91. a. A note, cautioning the king againft Poly¬ dore. (Lat.) J2G. b. 91, b. Tho. Colinan, to Wolfey; about the ftate of Lombardy after the death of Lewis XII. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Feb. id. 1515 . 139, )> t 92 . A paper on various ccclcfmftical affairs; and iome intelligence, probably from Polydore to the Bp. ot W orcefter, or Card. Clin fogoni. (Lat.) London? March 2, 1.515. ' j. 2 - 93. Card. S. Chryfogoni; his deed, promidng not to remove Andrew Ammon from the office of fub- colleftor in England. (Lat.) Rome, March 2d, 13l . 5 \ 130 . b. !»4. r Fhe Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey? about the Popes approbation of Amman to fuceecd Polydore as lub-collector. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 29, 1515. 131 . 95. Henry VIII, to Maxim. D. ofMilan ; credential. (Orig. Lat.) Greenwich, March 14, 1515. 133. 9 d. Leo X, to Henry VIII; about Henry's difap- probation of the appointment of a certain nuntio (Lat. a fragment.) Rome, April 22, 1515. 133. 97 . A dif patch from the Bp. of Worcefter, on va- I nous t ran loft ions at Rome, and intelligence: a cypher, decyphcred by Ammon. (Lat.) 134. 98 . Henry VIII, to the niagiftrates of Genoa; de- liring them to repeal the duties exacted from theEng- lilh traders at Chios. (Lat not ligned.) Rich¬ mond, April 20, 1515 . i39. 99 . 'l’he Bj). of Worcefter, to Wolfey; about the Pope’s recalling a legate (the A bp. of St. Andrew’s) in Scotland : an election of cardinals, Sic. (Orh>\ Lat.) Rome, April 25, 1515. 0 , 100. Jehan le \ can, fec r to Andrew de Burgo, to the 1 )fs. of Savoy; reporting the late tranfactiona in Lombardy, (two originals, Fr.) Milan, May 20 and 35,-15 15 . ! 41 . 101. The niagiftrates of Genoa, to Henry vni; about the refutation of prizes. (Orig. Lat) Genoa* June 1, 1515 . 144 * 101. Card, de Medicis, to Henry vm; defil ing his aid in the affairs of Hungary. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 16, 1515 . ’ 144. ]j * 102. The Bp. of WofCefter, to Henry vill; about the colle&orlhip, the Bp. of Moray, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 12, 1515 . ” " ] l5 . 10.3. The fec r to Andw. de Burgo, to the Dfs. of Milan; on the tran factions in Lombardy, (an extract.) Milan, June ic, 1515. 146 / 104. Lud. Canoffa Ens. to Wolfey; about deliver¬ ing .a pope's brief to the A lip. of St. Andrew's, See. (Orig. Lat.) Ainbafia, June 17, 1515. 147. b. 105 . Part of a letter from Rome, on the Pope's diffi- culty in granting fonie demand of Henry; the tithe for iubfidy againft the Turks; the cardinal’s title of St. Cecilia promifed to Wolfey. (Lat.) June. 148. * 1 06 . Henry Vill, to the marquis of Mantua; com- plimental. (Lat. not ligned.) Greenwich, June 24, 13 L 5 . 149. 107. Card, de Medicis, to Wolfev ; acknowledging feveral kind letters from the king, concerning the r<> caU of the Archbp. of St. Andrew's, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Roipe, June 28 , 1 5 1 5 . ) 49, )> 108. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Wolfey; reports a long conference with the pope, about the cardinalfhip, the affairs between .England and Prance, See. (Eat.) 1515 - 150 . 109 . A paper of inftruftions, probably from Wolfev, to the Bp. ot \\ orcefter. (a rough draught, imperfect, perhaps in Wolfey s hand.) 1515. " 150/ no. A paper of intelligence about the affairs of Italy and I ranee; perhaps to Wolfey. (Fr. im- perfeCt.) 1515. 15 6 . il l. Henry VIII, to Leo X; recommending Rich. Nevill to be promoted in the order of Rhodes. (Eat. imperfect.) Greenwich, July 22, 1515. 157. 112 . Lc» 385 V I T E L L I U S, B. II. nr. 1J2. Leo X; his bull appointing Dr. N. Weft to the Bpk. of Ely. (Lat.) Rome, 6 Cal. Aug. 1515 . 1 . 58 . 11 3 . HeCtorde Vic<£, to Wolfey ? intelligence from Lombardy, &c. (Orig. Fr.) 15 1 . 5 . 159 . 114 . The Bp. ofWorcefter, to Wolfey; about aid craved from the king again ft the Turks, who were invading Hungary and Dalmatia; Wolfcy’s promo¬ tion to be a cardinal, Ac. (Orig. Lat. end wanting.) Rome, 1515. 16o. 115. And. Ammon, to Wolfey; on the dangers that threaten Italy from the Turks and Swifs. (Orig. Lat.) London? Oct. 1515 . 162. 116. Leo X, to Henry VIII; recommending Polydork Verginius (tic) for the colle&orthip. (Lat.) Rome, Aug. 30 , 15 15. 164. 117. Card, de Medic is, to Henry Vlll; in favour of Polydore, who had been caft into prifon. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Sept. 3 , 1515 . 165 . 1 18 . .!o. Pcnnatus, to Card. Wolfey; on his (WoL fey's) election to the dignity of cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, 1515 . ■ 1 GO- 119. Card, de Medicis, to Henry VIII; on Wolfey s promotion to be a cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Sept. 15 , 1515 . 167. 120. Card, de Gurce (Matthaus Langius) to Henry viii; profeffing his delire of doing him fervice; al¬ luding to the election of Wolfey? (Orig. Lat.) Infpruk, Sept. 22, 1515 . 167. b. 121. Leon. Spinelli, to Card. Wolfey; congratu¬ lating him on his promotion. (Orig. Lat.) Oct. 2, 1515 . 168 . 122. ^ A promifiory engagement of Michael dc Al- batis, fec y to the D. of Milan, to pay to Card. Wolfey 10,000 ducats a year. (Orig. Lat.) Oct. 20, 1515. 168. b. 123 . Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. of Worcefter; thanks for his fervices, and intelligence. (A rough draught, probably in Wolfey’s hand.) Oct. 1515 . 169. 124. A note of letters written by the king and Card. Wolfey, on the promotion of the latter. 1.5 15 . 1 70 . b. 125. The Bp. ofWorcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a- bout fending over the cardinal's hat, bull, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Viterbo, Oct. 7, 15 15. 171. 126. R. Bp. of Oftia, Card, of St. George* to Card. Wolfey; on his promotion. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Oct. 28, 15 15 . 172. b. 127. Extracts from two difpatches from the Bp. of Worcefter; on public affairs. (Lat.) Viterbo, Oct. 1 7 , and Rome, Nov. 6, 1515 . 173. 128. A. Car.to Card. Wolfey; in vindi¬ cation of Card. S. Chryfogoni, who had been afperfed. (Orig. Lat.) Viterbo, Nov. s, 15 15 . 177. 129. Card.to Card. Wolfey; acknow¬ ledging Wolfey’s letter of thanks for his election. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, the nones of Nov. 1515. 177 . b. 130 . The Bp. ofWorcefter; a difpatch on various matters; fent in cypher. (Lat.) Florence, Nov. 27, 1515 . i 78. 131. Card.to Card. Wolfey; acknow¬ ledging Wolfey \s letter on his election. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Nov. 28, 1515 . 180. b. 132 . Card. ..to Henry VIII; on Wolfey 's election. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Nov. 28 , 15 15. 182 . 133 . The Bp. ofWorcefter; a difpatch on Various public matters. (Lat.) Nov. 1515. iss. 134 . Tho. Colrnan, to Card. Wolfey; a contume¬ lious letter again ft the Emperor, the French, Spaniards, and Scots. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, 1515 . 185 . 135 . Simon dc Taxis, to.various intel¬ ligence about the Swifs, the war in Italy, Ac. (Ital.) Defc. 10, 1515 . 187 . 136 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; va¬ rious intelligence. (Lat.) Rome, 1515? 190. 137. Leo X, to Card. Wolfey; the bull of the car¬ dinal’s election. (Lat. imperfect.) Dec. 1515 . 192. 138 . Leo x, to Henry VIII? on the coming of Francis I. to Bologna; the Rate of affairs in Italy, Ac. (Lat.) Bologna, Dec. 14, 1515 . 193. 139. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey; on t he fubjeCl of the above letter. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Dec. 14, 15 15 . 1 Q 5 . 140. Galcnzzo Vifconti, to Henry VIII; a long let¬ ter on the public events, cfpcciuily concerning Milan and the Swifs. (Orig. Lat.) Conftanee, Dec. 17, 1515 . " 197. 141. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; 011 th e coining of I'nincis I. to Bologna. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Dec. 17, 1 5 15. 200. b. 142 . Gal. Vifconti, to Henry \ III ; on the affair? of Milan. (Orig. Lat.) Conftanee, Dec. 27, 1515 . 4oi. 143 . Card. Wolfey ? to the Bp. ofWorcefter? com¬ mending his proceedings. (A rough draught, probably in Wolfey's hand.) Wcftm. Dec. 3 , 15 15 . 202. b.' 144 . The Bp. ofWorcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a long difpatch on public affairs* (Lat.) Bologhi, Dec. 18, 1515 . 203 . 145 . Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. ofWorcefter? (part of a rough draught.) Dec. 30 , 1515 . 209. b. VUellius, B. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftaris foliis 262. ]. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey;'pro- felling his devotednefs ; and about the Turks, and the affairs of Lombardy. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Jan. i s, 1516 . 1. 2. The Bp. OfWorcefter, to Card. Wolfe} - ; a long difpatch, chiefly on public affairs. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Jan. 19, 15 16 . 2. 3 . Gal. Vifconti, to Henry VIII; profeffes bis great truft in the king's protection. (Orig. Lat.) Conftanee Jan. 27 , 1516 . 6 . ’ 4 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; declar¬ ing the Pope's ‘confidence in the king. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Jan. 29, 1516. 6. b. 5. The Bp. ofWorcefter; a long difpatch on public affairs: fent in cypher. (Lat.) Jan. 19, 1516. s. 6. Card. S. Maria in Porticu (Bernard. Tarlatus) to Card. Wolfey; complimental, and in prail'e of the Bp. ofWorcefter. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, Jan. 29, 1516 . 11. 7..to Card. Wolfey ; profeffing gra¬ titude and devotednefs. (Orig. Lat.) Lugd. Feb. io, 1516 . 12. 8 . Gal. Vifconti, to Henry VIII ; req.uefting to be relieved by a fum of money. (Orig. Lat.) TurgaV, Feb. 11, 1516 . 13 . b. 9.to Card, de Medicis, legate at Bologna; about the war in Lombardy. (Orig. Ital. partly in cypher.) Lyons, March 18 , 1516. 14. 10. Paulo Gigli, to.a fragment, fcarcely legible. (Orig. Ital.) Rome. 16. 11. Rich. Pace, to.about the furrender of 5 F a cattle 86 VITELLIUS, B. III. a, cattle to the Emperor, Sec. (Q r whether Bergamo.) (Orig.) March 31 , 1516 . 1 7 . 12. The writer of III. 7 , to Card. Wolfey ; relating the report he made to the Pope, &c. of his reception in England, and of the king's and the cardinal's friendly difpolition. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 30 , 15 16 . 10 -h. 13 . Gal. Vilconti, to the Card, of Sion ; mention¬ ing the contents of divers letters on his affairs with the French. (Orig. Ital.) Lodi, April 6. 20. 14 . Paulo Gigli r to And. Ammon? (Orig. Ital. a fragment, fcarcely legible.) Rome, April 20. 21. 15 . Henry VIII, to Leo X; two letters: l. on the progrefs of the French in Milan. (Fr.) March 23 : and 2. defil ing him to believe the Bp. of Worcetter in what he lhall deliver in the name of Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Lai. on vel.) Eltham, April 20, 1516. 23 . 16 '. Fr. Sforza, 1 ). of Bari, to Henry VIII; a letter of thanks. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, April is, 1516. 2.5. 17 - Rich. Pace, to W m. Burbank Prothonot. Apoftol. various intelligence on the affairs of Lombardy, See. (Orig. with many cyphers.) Bergamo, April 23 .' 26. 19 . Francis Sforza, D. of Bari, to Henry VIII; thanks for his fupport. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, May 11 , 1516 . 30 . b. 10 . Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey ; intel¬ ligence on the war in Lombardy. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May ii, I 5 i 6 ‘. 31 . *20. A narrative on the war in Lombardy; from Trent. 1516 . 32 . 21.to And. Ammon; on the affairs of Lombardy, Sec. (Lat.) 34 . 22. A narrative, concerning the war in Lombardy. (Fr.) 35 . 23 . A note, concerning fome movements in Lom¬ bardy. (Lat.) Verona, June 16, 1516 . 42 . 24 . Gal. Vifconti, to.on the ftate of affairs in Lombardy. Zuric, June 6 , 1516 . 42 . b. 25 . Jo. Bapt. Spinelli, and M. Ammon Cohmma, to the Card, of Sion ; requiring fpeedy fupplies of money, arms, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Verona, June 4, 1516 .“ ^ 43 . 26 . J. B. Spinelli, toll. C::rd. of Sion; on money matters, and intelligence. . ol V orcetter, to Card. W olfey; about lome application concerning Tonrnay; reprefenting his own necefiities, See. (Orig. Lat) Rome, July 19, 1516 . (j -j. 37. An Italian letter, probably from the Bp. of Worcefter. Rome, Aug. 27, 1516. 70. 38 . Melchior Languti,. to Card. Wolfey ; cravin* favour, and offering fervices. (Orig. Lat.) Rome* ! Aug. 25, 15 16 . 7.2. 39. Henry Vlil, to Laur. de Mcdicis 1 ). of Urbino ; recommending “ Johannes Anglicus appellatus.” (Orig. Lat.) Wiiulfor, Aug. 28, 1.51 6 . 73. 40 . B. Egs Sabinen. Car. S. Crueis (Caravnial) to Henry VIII; craving bis protection againft fome ma¬ chinations of the Spaniards; intelligence coacerninw a war between the Turks end Pcrlians, Ac. (Orica Lat.) Rome, Sept. 13, 15 16. 74. 41. Boult. C'ollis, to.on Tome domcltic affairs. (Lat.) Rome, Sept. 27, 1516 . 75. 42. The Bp. of Worcetter, to Card. Wo!lev; con¬ cerning the ajtlm i: .iftvati'on of Ton max. ami the ico-aic- lhip, both which Wolfey demanded. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 27, 1516 . “ 79. 43 . The Bp. of Worcefter ? to Card. Wolfey; re¬ ports his audience from the Pope, concerning the alliance between France and Spain, txc. allb intelli¬ gence of the defection of the Sv,iff, &c. (Lut.) Rome, 061 . 4, 1 516 . 7 3. 44 . Alex, de Neronibus, to Card. Wolfey; craving fome contributions for the hotpital of the Holy Ghoft, ox er which he prelides. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Oct. 20, 1516 , 81. b.’ 4 . 5 . Tho. Colman, to Card. Wolfey ; two letters on tlie llate of affairs in Lombardy, and at Rome. May 1, and Oct. 14, 1 5 16. qo. 46 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence a- bout the peace between France and Spain; the D. of Bari to be 1 ). of Milan, &c. (imperfect.) 84. 47. Some queftions propofed to Card. Wolfey concerning the king's plealure, relating chiefly to the Vifcontis. (Lat.) 85. 49. Leo X, to Henry VIII; a fragment. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. 19, 1516. ss. 50 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning the intended league between Henry and Charles (v.) de llubeis recommended as coad¬ jutor of Tonrnay, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 22, 1516 . 8.9, . 5 1. Papers in Latin and Italian, and fome in cypher, probably of the Bp. of Worcefter. Rome, Nov. 22, 1 5 1 6. go. * 52 . Extra6ts from letters of the Bp. of Worcefter on public affairs in Italy. Dec. 13 and as, 15 j 9’ 95 . 53 . Laur. de Medicis, D. of UrI )ino, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for favour. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 21, 1516. ij 7. i, 54 . Laur. de Medicis, D. of Urbino, to llenrv t in • thanks for favour. (Qiig. Lat. ) Rome, Dec. 21! 1516 . gy 55 . Leo X, to Card. Wolfey; empowering him to decide fome caufe, (Lat a fragment.) Rome, Dec. 26 , 1516 . ‘ 09. 56 . Card. S. Chryfogoni, Lo Can!. Woliix ; fome V I T E L L I U S, B. Iii. 8 ? news. (Orig. Lat; a fragment.) Rome, Dec. 24 , 1516 . 99 -b. 57 . The lip. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; on various public concerns, and liis private neceffity. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 23 , 1516 . loo. 58 . Leo X, to Henry VIII ; concerning the war of the Turks. (Lat.) Rome, Jan. 4 , 1517 - 103 . 59. Henry VIII, to the Bp. of Worcefter; inftruc- tions concerning the Bpk. of Tournay. Jan. 1517. 105. Go. Card, de Medicis, to Card. Wolfey; on the Turkifh war, the annates of Lincoln, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 11, 1517. 109. 61. The College of Cardinals, to Henry VIII ; de¬ manding his aid againft the Turks. (Lat.) Rome, Jan. 8 , 1517 . 111 . 62. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Henry VIII; a long report of his negotiations concerning Tournay, &c (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 8 , 1517. 112. b. 63 . Subftance of a letter from the Bp. of Worcefter, on the affair of Tournay, and various public con¬ cerns. 1517 - 117 - 64. Card, de Medicis, to Ilenry VIII ; a letter of thanks, and concerning the affair of Tournay. (v. Ilyin. XIII. 604 .) (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 7, 1517 . 119. b. 65 . Subftance of letters from the Bp. of Worcefter, on various public matters. Feb. 1517. 120 . 66 . Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey; on the affair of Tournay, and about fome promotions at Rome. (Two originals, Lat.) Rome, Feb. 23 , and March 21, 1517 . 124 . 67. Subftance of letters from the Bp. of Wor¬ cefter, on public affairs. March 28 and 30 , 1517 . 126 . b. 68 . An inftrument containing certain powers granted to Wm. Abp. of Camterb. and Robt. Bp. of St. David’s. 128 . 69. Ennius Bp. of Veroli, to Henry Mil; declar¬ ing how much the Swifs are addicted to him. (Orig. Lat.) Zuric, March 29, 1517. 132 . 70. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Henry VIII; intel¬ ligence concerning the duchy of Urbino, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March Si, and April 1, 1517. 133 . 71. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey; on the Turkifh war, the D. de Bari, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 9 , 1517 - 136 . 72. Lancel. Coly .... treafurer of York, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the ftrife at Urbino. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, April 1, 1517. 137. b. 73 . The oath of Silv. Darius, a collector of the Holy See, taken before Card. Wolfey in chancery. 1S8. 74 . Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey; about the war between the Turks and the Sultan of Egypt, the affair of Urbino, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 23 , 1517 - 139. 75. Card.to Card. Wolfey; compli- mental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 25 , 1517 . 140 . 76. The Card, of Bologna (Achilles Graffus) to Henry VIII; promifing his aid in the affair of Tournay, (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 25, 1517. 140 . b. 7 7 - Card. ..to Henry VIII j to the fame purport. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 25 , 1517. 141. 78 . The Card, of Bologna, to Card. Wolfey ; pro- miling his aid in the affair of Tournay. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 25, 1517. ^ Hi. 79 - B Card. S. Crucis, to Card. Wolfey; re- monftrating againft a recommendation of Q. Ca¬ tharine of Aragon, by which he was to be deprived of fome benefices. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 28, 1517 . 142 . b. so. Card. S. Chryfogoni, to Card. Wolfey; news about the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 13 , 1517 . ^ 143 . .81. Leo X, to Henry vill; about two prifoners de¬ tained invalid St. Angelo. (Lat.) Rome, May 19, 1517 - 144 . S 3 . Henry VIIT, to Alfonfo D. of Ferrara; inter¬ ceding in favour of Gal. Bofehettns. (Lat.) Rich¬ mond, May 24 , 1517 . 145 . 83. Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. of Worcefter? intel¬ ligence about the Turks, the practices of the French in Scotland, See. (Lat.) 146. 84 . Card. S. Chryfogoni, to the Bp. of Worcefter; concerning a plot to poifon the Pope, for which two cardinals were apprehended, &c. (Orig. La!.) Rome, May 23 , 1517. 148 . 85 . OCtav. l’regoftis, governor or doge, and the council or feliatc of Genoa, to Ilenry vill; con¬ cerning the duties laid 011 in the ifiand of Chios. (Orig. Lat.) Genoa, Aug. 26, 1517. 149. 86 . Tlie Arclibp. of Pifa, anil three others, to Henry VIII ; concerning the detention of the Card. St. George, by order of the Pope. (Two letters, one duplicate. Lat. the laft is in Ilyin. XIII. 590 .) Rome, May 31, and June 5 , 1517. 150. 87. Subftance of a letter from the Bp. of Worces¬ ter, on the adminiftration of Tournay, concerning the caules of the Cards. Saul of Sienna, and St. George, &c. June 12, 1517. 153. 88 . Leo X, to Henry VIII; demanding his aid. (Lat.) Rome, June 20/ 1517. (v. Rym. xm. 593.) 156 . 89 . Henry VIII ; his letters patent, confirming Card. Wolfey in the adminiftration of the Bpk. of Bath, held before by the Card. S. Chryfogoni, who had been impeached for trealon. ‘ 157. 90. A fragment of fome patent of Henry VIII, figned T. Carlis. Ebor, and dated Eltham, J une 24’ 151 ~- 158 . .to Card. Wolfey; concerning an alliance. (Orig. Lat.) Bruges, June 25, 1517! 15 Q. 92 . An Italian letter, probably from the Bp. of Worcefter. Rome, June 27, 1517. iQq 93 . Jo. Card, of Sienna (Job. Piccolomini), to Henry vill; notifying his election to the dignity of cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, July 3, 1517. 161. b. 94. Jo. Bapt. Card. Pallavicirii, to Hen. vill; no¬ tifying his eleClion. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, July 7. 15 17 - 162 . 95 . Card. F. Algidius? to Card. Wolfey ; on his election. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, July 10, 1517 162 . b. 96. Card.to Card. Wolfey; on his elec¬ tion. (Orig; Lat.) Rome, July 20, 1517. 163. 97 - Leo X, to the Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield ; about the collecting of fome tithes. (Lat.) Rome! Aug. 24, 1517- 1 G 4 . 98 . Leo X, to the Bp. of Exeter; oil the lame Sub¬ ject. (Lat.) Rome, Aug. 24, 1517 .—N. B. The two above articles are counterfigned “ Beinbus.” 165 . 90 - Leo X, to the Bp. of Winchefter; on the fame fubjedt. (Lat.) Aug. 24 , 1517. 166 . 100. Alfonfo da Efte, to Henry vm: concerning Jo- 83 V I T E L L t U S, B. III. Jo. Galeazzo Bofclictti. (conf. III. S2.) (Grig. Lat.) Ferrara, Aug. 30 , 1.5 17 . l$ 7 . 101. A long Italian le t rev, probably from the Bp. of Worcefter, fcarcely legible. Sept. ? 9 , 15 17 . lGy. 102. The Bp. of Worcefter, to.; oh various public affairs. 174 . 103 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to C^rd. Wolfey; on the cardinal’s private affairs. (Grig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. lG, 1517. 17G. 104. Alfonfo da Eire, to Ilenry Mil; complimen- tal, and with a prefent of a lute. (v. Rym. XIII. GOO. Orig. Lat.) Ferrara, Get. 15 , 1.517. 1 77 - b. 10.5. Francifcus Gonzaga, marquis of Maptua, to Ilenry VIII; complimental; about his Ion's educa¬ tion, &c. (v. llym. XIII. GOl. Grig. Lat.) Man¬ tua, Oct. 17, 13 17 . 178 . 10G. Leo x, to the Archbp. of Canterbury ; about a fubfidy to be railed on the Englilli clergy, for the relief of the Holy See. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. G, 1.517. 178 . b. 107. The Card, of Aragon, to Card. Wolley; al¬ ledging that an epidemical difordcr in England luid prevented his coming over. (Orig. Lat.) Calais, 1517 . " 179 . b. 108 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a long difpatch, partly in cypher. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 8 , 1517. iso. 10(1. The Bp. of Worcefter; fubltance of one, and the whole of another letter of his to Card. Wolfey, on public affairs. (Lat.) Nov. 18, 1517. 185 . b. 110. Subftance of a letter from the Card. St. Ma¬ ria; in Portion, legate in France; on the public af¬ fairs in France, the Turkilh war, &c. (Ital.) Paris, Dec. 10, 1517 . 188 . 111. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; on public affairs. (Lat.) Dec. 10, 1517. igo. 112. Comes Ticionenlis (ftc), to Card. Wolfey; on the emperor's motions, and his intention to invade Africa, See. (Orig. Lat.) Linntz (ftc), Dec. 24, 1517. 192 . 113 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning an holpital; a certain bilhop, Lcglinen. alias Thomas, See. (Orig.) Rome, Jan. 7, 1513 . 19G. 114 . Extracts from letters of Card. Campeius, on various public affairs. Feb. 1, 1518 . 197. 115. Leo X, to Henry VIII; reprefenting the ne- eefiity of arming again ft the Turks, See. (Lat.) Feb. 15 , 15 18. 199. 116. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the hofpital of St. Thomas. (Orig.) Rome, Jan. 7, 15 18. 200. 117.to Card. Wolfey; in favour of Ra¬ ft agli a, a merchant of Ragufa. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March lG, 1518 . 201. 118. The Card, of Aragon, to Henry VIII; com- plimcntal. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 20, 1518 . 201 . b. 1 ip. The vice-chancellor of Rome, to Rich. Pace ; icjoicing at the afturanees of friendtliip he brings from Henry VIII. and Wolfey. (Orig. Ital.) Rome, March 20,'1 5 18. 202. 120. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the Pope ; having named four legates, among whom Card. Cam¬ peius, for England. (Orig.) Abingdon? March 27, 1518 . 203 . 121. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Rich. Pace ; along difpatch on public affairs. (Orig. Ital. partly cy¬ pher.) Rome, April 10, 1518 . 204. 122. The college of cardinals, to Card. Wolfey; requefting him to procure from the king the potfeftion of the coadjutorlhip of Tournav for Card. St. Cle¬ ment. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 10, 15is. 209. 125. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Rich. Pace? with fome Pope’s bulls', and intelligence. (Lat.) 210. .to Henry mu ; complimental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 11, 1518 . 211. 125 . Laur. dc Medicis, D. ofUrbino, to Henry Vlij; credential in favour of one Hadrian. (Orig! Lat.) Ambafia, May 19, 1518 . an. b. 12G. The Bp. of M'orceftcr, to Card. Wolfey ; a difpatch, chiefly in cypher. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 20, 151s.’ ’ 212/ 127. Tile Card, of Aragon, to Henry vni; com- pli mental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Mav 25, 15 is. 216. b. 128 . Card. Campeius, to Henry VU1 ; notifies his biingingthe Pope's bull for Wolfey’s joint legatelhip. (Orig. Lat.) Palizia, May 28 , J5is. 217 . 129. The Bp. of 'Worcefter. to Card. Wolfey; about the Pope's great defire to bring about, a general peace, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 13 , 1518. 21s. b. 180. Die bull oj' Pope Leo X, appointing Card. Wolfey bis legated Latere. (Lat.) Rome, lG Cab June, 15 18 . o j 131. Jo. Grygge, Protonot. Apofrol. to Ilenrv VIII; giving an account of bimlelf, and fome intelligence concerning the war, and the Turks. (Orig.~Lat.) Rome, June 15 , 15 is. 220, b. 132 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; account¬ ing for fome delay in his journey, and recommending L. and Ph. Frilcobaldi. (Orig. I.at.) Calais, June 29, 1518 . 221. 133 . Card, dc Medicis, to Card. Wolfey ; about the removal of Hadrian Card. S. Cliryfogoni from the college. (Lat. v. Rym. XIII. G07.) Rome, July 5 , 1518 . * 222., 1.54. The prefidents and other prefers of the re¬ gular canons of St. Auguftin at Leicefter, to Card. Wolfey: craving his favour and protection: about the time-of his founding his college. (Orig. Lat.) St. Alary's, Leicefter, lG Cal. July. 15 18 . 223 . 135. A declaration of Hcnrv VIJI. of his readinefs to agree to a truce of five years, recommended by the Pope. (Imperf. Lat.) 225. 1 5 G. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; on various public affairs. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 13, 1518. 22G. 157 . Card. Colonna, to Hen. vill; complimental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 24 , 1518 . 227. b. 158 . The Bp. of Worcelter, to Henry vill. and to Card. Wolley; two difpatches. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 27, 1518 . 228. 139 - A paper containing divers articles of intelli¬ gence, about the French, Spaniards, See. 233 . 140 . A paper on the war with the Turks. (Lat.) 234 . 141. The treaty of peace between England and France. (Lat. v. Rym. XIII. G 5 G.) London, OFt. 2 , 1518 . ’ 237 . 142. A project of a crufude againft the Turks. (Lat.) 15 18.' 250. 143 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfcv ; con¬ cerning the Turkilh war, See. (Orig. Lat.) ’ Rome, Nov. 9, 1518 . 258 . 144 . Franc. Gonzaga, iffarquis of Mantua, to Hen¬ ry \ lli; about an intended prefent of fome horfes, . of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; ex- p felling his gratitude for the application made for his promotion to the dignity of cardinal, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 3 , '1520. 45 . 24 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 14, 1520 . 47. 25 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Henry \ III ; thanks for his recommendation. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 14, 1520. 48 . 26 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence, and about the loan he folicits. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 13, 1520 ; 48 . b. 27. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; about fome indulgences delired by the king; the arrival of the Imperial ambalfador at Rome, &c. (Orig. JLat.) Rome, April 15 , 1520. 50 . 28. W. Duke de Croy, to Card. Wolfey; about a meeting between his l'overcign (Charles V.) and Henry VIII. (Orig. Lat.) Corona (Cronftadt?) April 29, 1520 ; " 50. b. 29. Card. CampeiuSj to Card. Wolfey; about the nomination of nuncios, and the Turkilh war. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 2, 1520 . 51 . 30 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; inti¬ mating the Pope's difpleafure at not hearing often from England ; about a jubilee ; the nuncio to be fent, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 4, 1520 . 52 . 31 . Card, de Medicis, to Card. Wolfey ; recom¬ mending the Bp. of Alculo, fent nuncio to England. (Orig. Lat.) Florence, May 5 , 1520 . 5 s. t>. 32 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey ; mention¬ ing leveral things fent over ; the departure of the Bp. of Alculo for England, and fome news. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 15 , 1520 . 55. 33 . Card. Campeius and the Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; acknowledging the receipt of letters, and their having communicated the contents to the Pope. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 2S, 1520 . 56 . 34 . Hier. Pothelinus, to Leo X ; reporting that the Bp. of Vefprim (Pet. Berizlo) had been flain by the Turks, and defiring aid. (Orig'. Lat.) Se- gina, May 30 , 1520 . 57. S5. Ilicr. Pothelinus, to a Card.; with a more detailed account of the death of the above Bp. and about two Turkilh gallics that had entered Pouzzoli. (Lat.) Rome, June 10, 1520 . 57. b. 36 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Henry VIII ; about the Turkilh war. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 4 ; 1520 . 58 . j 5 G 37 - Card. 39° V I T E L L 1 U S, B. IV. 37. Card. Campeius and the Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; about the Turkifh war. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 4, 1.5“ 20 . Go. S8. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; about a negociation for a continuation of peace, prepara¬ tions of the Turks, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 22, 1520. 62. 39. Laur. de Gone.to Card. Wolfey? de- firing to procure the king's intereft for his brother being made a cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Ghent, Aug. 2 , 1520. G3. 40. Ilyppol. Card, of Ferrara (Efte), to Card. Wolfey; complimcntal. (Orig. Lat.) Ferrara, Aug. 6, 1520. 64. 4 1 . Gcr. de Plenie, D. de la Roche, to. Bating his endeavours to re (to re fome Ioffes in Flan¬ ders. (Orig. Lat.) London, Aug. ifi, 1520. 64. b. 42. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; extolling the king’s magnificence at the meetings with the Fr. K. and the Emperor; Wolfey\s election to the Bpk. of Badajoz; his (Campeius’s) with to be named protestor of the German nation, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 22 , 1520. 65. 43. The Bj>. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; re¬ ports the Pope’s dangerous illnefs, which prevented his nomination of cardinals. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 3, 1520. 67 . 44.to Card. Wolfey ; interceding for fome perfon, (Orig. Lat.) London, Sept. 9 , .1520. 68 . 45. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey ; congra¬ tulates him on his return from France, and fends him fome intelligence. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 15, 1520 . 68. b. 46. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; about his own difappointment, & c. (Orig. Lat. partly in cypher.) Rome, Sept. 26, 1520. 69 . b. 47 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; on the re¬ ports he lias received from England, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 11 , 1520. 71. 48. Card. Campeius, to Ilenrv vili; congratulat¬ ing him on the fame he had acquired. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 11 , 1520 . 72 . b. 49. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; about fome negociation at Rome concerning the public tranquillity. v Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 23, 1520. 50 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; intelli- o-ence about the Turks, the infurrection of one Ga- zcle, uc. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 19 , 1521 . 79- 51 . The liibftance of letters of intelligence from the Bp. of Worcefter, from Florence. Jan. 1521. 80. 52. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey ; compli- mental; about fome application of his own; the Bpk. of Badajoz, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 3, 1521. S3. 53 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Rich. Pace; about a little work againft M. Luther; fome things defired by Pace obtained from the Pope, See. (Ital.) Rome, March 28, 1521. 84. 54 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; congra¬ tulates him on a nomination to the Bpk. of Lincoln ; about Luther’s “peftiferous hilfes,” &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 29 , 1521. 85. 55. Card. Campeius, to Henry VIII; extolling his nomination of J. Longland? to the Bpk. of Lincoln. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 29 , 1521. 86. 56. A report fromRome. April, 1521 . 87. 57 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; about his own pecuniary ncceftities, and defiring to be “ fur- rogated” to a bilhoprick. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 10 , 1521. " s 165. b. 58 . Sir J. Ruffell, to Henry VIII; about his pre¬ cautions and dangers in conveying lomc money, an audience of the fils, of Savoy, Bourbon's progrefs, &c. (Orig.) Turin, Aug. 9 , 1524 . To‘ 6 . ? 59 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfev ; about the negociations at Rome for a truce. (Orig.) Rome Aug. 22 , 1524 . 167 . 60. Hier. Auditor Camera?, to Card. Wolfey; about the tranlmitting of fome papal inltruments, anil com- plimental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 23 , 1524. 169 . 61 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; a long difpatch, chiefly concerning the invaiion of France, and the king's going over. (Orig.) At the liege of Mar¬ feilles, Aug. 26 , 1524 . 170. 62 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; chiefly on Bourbon's expedition. Rome, Aug. yi, 1524 . (An extract.) & ’ 177 / 63. A paper, probably from Card. Wolfey, to R. Pace and fir J. Ruffell; giving them notice of 10,000 crowns lent them by Mr. Wefton, Turcupulary of the order of St. John, and about Bourbon’s expedition 1524. ,7 8. 64 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey ; the ori¬ ginal of vi. 62 . Aug. 31, 1524. ' iso. 65. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; reports his arrival at the camp of Bourbon, and the mcafures he had taken for a proper valuation of the money he had brought. (Orig.) Camp before Marfeilles, Aug. 31 , j 524. 131 . 66. The D. de Bourbon, to Ilenrv Mil? concern¬ ing a report of the Fr. king intending to invade Ita¬ ly ; deliring him to advance his army, See. (Orig. l’r.) Camp before Marfeilles, Aug. 31 , 1 . 324 . j 82 . 67 . Card. Wolfey, to Mr. Sec’’ (Pace) ; a Jong dif¬ patch, with various intelligence and initruCtions. More, Aug. 31 , 1524. " 133 . 68. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; a report of the progrefs of the D.de Bourbon. (Orig.) Camp be¬ fore Marfeilles, Aug. 31, 1524. 193 . 69- Rich. Pace, to the viceroy of Naples (Lannoy); about fome terms of the treaty between England and the Emperor. (Lat.) Camp before Marfeilles, Aug. si, 1524. iy(j° 70 . Don Hugo de Moncada, to.; intelli¬ gence, chiefly about lhips. (Lat.) Subiaco, Sept. 9 , 1524. 197 . 71 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; various intelligence on the negociations at Rome, See. (Orig.) Rome, Sept. 12 , 1524 . igg. 72 . Francis Sforza D. of Milan, to Henry MU; congratulating VITELLIUS, B. VII. 397 congratulating him on his having gained the afeen- dency in Scotland ; anrl on Bourbon’s expedition. (Orig. Lat.) Pizleonis, Sept. 15 , 1524 . 200 . b. 73. The D. de Bourbon, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning his expedition into France, and dcliring aid. (Orig. Fr.) Camp before Marfeilies, Sept. 19 , 1524 . 201. 74. Card. Campeius, to Hemyvili; requefting the fucceffion to the Bpk. of Salilbury. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, 061. 1 , 1524 . 0 202 . 75. I he Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey ; about the negociations at Rome for a truce, &c. (Orig.) Rome, 06t. 2 , 1 . 524 . 203. 76 . The D. de Bourbon, to Henry VIII, or Card. Wolfey; upon his retreat out of Provence. (Orig. Fr.) Nice, 061, s, 1524 . 204 . b. 77. Melchior Lang, to Henry vm; acquaints him that the Turks are fitting out a fleet, &e. (Orig. Lat.) London, Oct. 5, 1524. 203 ° 78. Ch. de Lannoy, to Lady Margaret of Savoy ; various intelligence about Bourbon's retreat, the Abp. of Capua's negociations in France, &c. (Fr.) Afte, 061. 8, 1524 . 206 . 79- The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; about Bourbon's retreat, negociations for a truce, and other tranfa6tions. (Orig.) Rome, 06t. 10 , 1524 . 208 . SO. Sir J. Rulfell, to Card. Wolfey; reports his having met Mr. Welton at Viterbo, and the ftatc in which he had left the army before Marfcilles. (Orm.) Rome, 06f. jo, 1524 . 211 . si. Monf. de Lannoy, to Monf. de Praet, Impe¬ rial ambafiador in England ; about the ltate of affairs in Lombardy; the Fr. king refufes the truce, refolves to march into Italy, meafures taken, &c. (Fr) Afte, 061. 14, 1524. 213 . 82 . Rich. Pace, to Henry vill; various intelligence, tlie rr. king arrived at Turin, a caution againit John Joachim. (Orig.) Brixia, Oft. 22 , 1524 . 213 . 83. A paper, figned Charles (de Bourbon) and Adrian de Croy ; being inltruclions to M. Chafteau to negociate with the Engliili ambalfador (Pace?) about a fubfidy for an invalion of France. (Orio- Fr.) Pavia, Oa. 22 , 1524 . 217 °’ 84. Sir J. Rulfell, to Card. Wolfey; about divers negociations at. Rome, and monies remitted ((),-;„■ 1 Rome, 061. 24 , 1524 v a ' J 219 . as. Ch.de Lannoy, to the Emperor; on various matters chiefly relating to the war in Lombardy (It.) Cremona, Oct. 28, 1524 . on0 J ' 86 . Rich Pace to Card. Wolfey ; by M. Beaury who comes to England m ins way to Spain. fOritr h Mantua, Nov. 2 , 15 24. ^ or,?, 87. Rich. Pace to Henry vm ; various intelligence about the war m Lombardy ; the Fr. K. funimom Pa- yia, w.fl.es to bring about an accommodation, & c (Orig.) Mantua, Nov. 2 , 1524 . 88 Rich. Pace to Card. Wolfey; two lettere, about lome underhand negociations, &c fOHoO Mantua, Nov. 9 and 10 , 1524 . ’ ' 004 ' 80 . Ch. de Lannoy. to Lady Margaret of SafoF various intelligence. (Fr.) Nov. 13 , 1334 . 236 .’ . The of Batli, to Card. Wolfey; various intelligence; the Datary s million to NIiian • nn.o- ciations tor a truce,&c. (Orig.) Rome, Nov. “ 9 , hi. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about the'pr kmg s proceedings in the Milaneie. (Ori<>- ) Min tua, Nov. 10 , 1504 v au " 32. Rich. Pace, to Ilenry vm; on the military ope¬ rations of the French againft Pavia, Sec. (Orio-.) Mantua. NoV. 19 , 1524. 2 31 93. A paper on the repulfc of the French before Pavia. (Lat.) Nov. 1524 . 333 94. The Pope (Clement VII.), to James V. K. 0 f oc. ; congratulating him on hisaifuming tile o-overn- ment and recommending a peaceful difpofition (Lat.) Rome, Nov. sg, 1524 . . 053 . b. 9.5. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; about the fr. king s propofing to fend Albany into Naples ■ the Pope's dilemma, &c. Rome, Nov. 25 , 1524 . 235 . , 96 - K'ch. Pace, to Henry VIII. and to Card Wol- iey ; about various intrigues of the Pope, See. (Two origs.) Verona, Nov. 27 , 1524 . 239 97. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; on his be¬ ing nominated to the Bpk. of Salilbury. (Ori.r I at 5 Vienna, Nov. 29 , 1524 . ' 3 24I 98. Sir J. Rulfell, to Card. Wolfey; concerning the money fent over by Wefton. (Orfo ) Rome Dec. 5, 1524 . v 0 ‘ " ' ’ 00 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; a long ddpatch on various fubjefts. (Orig.) Rome, Dec. 5 ’ 1 ' )24, . 244 . too. Rich. Pace, to Henry VIII; a report ofne»n- ciations between the Pope and Bourbon, &c (Orio- > front, Dec. 6, 1524. 23 , 101 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence ; the Fr. king continues the ficge of Pavia itill threatens to fend Albany to Naples, Sic. (Orio- S Rome, Dec. 12 , 1524. v 034 ^ 102 . Sir J. Rulfell, to Card. Wolfey; about money matters. (Orig.) Rome, Dec. 12 , 152*. 250 . 103. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; various intelli¬ gence concerning the war and negociations in Lom¬ bardy, &c. (Orig.) Trent, Dec. 24 , 1524 . 230 . b. 104 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; about Albany s complaint al Rome, concernino the impd- lonmcnt of St. Andrews and Aberdeen; operations 111 Lombardy; negociations, &c. (conf. VI. 6.1 (Orig.) Rome, Dec. 20 , 1524 . 357 105. Sir J. Rulfell, to Card. Wolfey ; about money matters. (Orig.) Rome, Dec. 27 , 1524 . 201 . b 106 . Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. of Bath; inftruc- tions, intelligence, See. a long difpatch, on religious matters, See. 1524 . ;7 (j0 Vitellius, B. VII. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 221 . 1 . Card. Wolfey, to the Bp. of Bath ; chiefly about money matters, the fupplies to be fent bv the Em¬ peror to lus army, the fum in the hands of'fir J Ruf. lell, & c. 2 . The D. de Bourbon, to Henry VIII; about the war m the Milaneie, the French before Pavia, the caufe ot his retreat out of Provence ; advifes an in- vafion from England. (Orig. Fr.) Trent, Jan. 5 lo25. 4. 3 . The Bilhop of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; a long dilpatch on the operations of the armies' in Lom- bardy, Albany's progrefs towards Naples, negocia- t‘ons with the Pope, See. (Orig.) Rome, Jan 7 1520 . ’ 7 . 4. The Bilhop of Bath, to Card. Wolfey ; the nro- thonotary de Cafalis font to England by {he Pope to exude his treaty with France; Albany's prom-el's- motions in Lombardy, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, Jan. 11 ,’ 5. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence; the r.uich perfift in the fiege of Tavia, on Calalis's mif- 5 I liou. 39 s V I T E L L I U S, B. VII. fion. (Orig. a fragment) Trent, Jan. 16 , 1525. 17. b. 6 . Ch. tie Lannoy, to Lady Margt. of Savoy; various intelligence on the Pope s treaty with France, the jealoufy of the Venetians concerning the Empe¬ ror's defigns upon Milan. (Fr.) Lodi, Jan. 17, 1525. 18. 7 . A report of the contents of fome intercepted letters, cauling fufpicions againft de Pract; alfo the fubftance of a difpatch from Card. Wolfey to the Bp. of Bath (Q T whether Vitek B. VI. 106 ?) pro¬ bably a paper lent by fome foreign ambafiador to his fovereign. (Lat.) 20 - 8 . The D. de Bourbon, to Henry VIII? notifying his being appointed the Emperor's lieutenant general in LomCardy. (Orig. Fr.) Genua? Jan. 1 8, 1525. 26 . b. 9 . Articles of intelligence, chiefly relating to the D. de Bourbon. (Fr.) 1525. 27. 10. Rich. Pace, to Henry VIII ; intelligence about the Pope's endeavours to bring the Venetians to join in his league with France ; theftateof the Emperors a rmVl & C \ By the clofe of this letter, it appears to have ’been written to Wolfey. Jan. 26 , 1525. 28. 11. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; about Alba¬ ny's progrefs towards Naples, and the unprepaied Rate of 'that kingdom. (Oiig.) Rome, Jan. so, 1525. 12 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; on the Rate of affairs in Lombardy: Bourbon, and Lannoy, prepare for vigorous operations. (Orig.) Rome, Jan. 31, 1525. 30 - 13 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about his going to negociate with the Venetians, the Pope’s league with the French, &c. (Orig.) Trent, Feb. l, 1525. 33. 14 . Ch. de Lannoy, to Monf. de Pract; various intelligence concerning the army in Lombardy, &c. (Fr.) Camp at Ghifterni, Feb. l, 1525. 34. 1 , 5 . Rich. Pace, to Ilenry vIII; about his going to Venice. (Orig.) Trent, Feb. 2 , 1525. 35. 16 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey, and to Henry vui; on his reception and negot iation at Venice. Two origs.) Venice, Feb. lOand 8 , 1525. 37. 17 . Ch. de Lannoy, to Monf. de Praet; intelligence concerning the motions ot the army in Lombardy, &c. (Fr.) Camp near Pavia, Feb. io, 1525. 42. 18 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; two long difpatches on the Rate ot affairs in Italy, and parti¬ cularly his negociations with the Pope; Albany's progrefs towards Naples. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 13 and 14, 1525. 43 - in. The 1). de Bourbon, to the Bp. of Bath, or fir J. Ruifell; about bis going to meet Henry VIII. (Orig.) Camp de la Motlie, Feb. 13, 1525. 53. b. 20 . Sir J. Ruifell, to Card. Wolfey ; on money matters, and an account ot fome trench troops of Albany’s corps, which lie met at Civita Cafteliana. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 13, 1525. 54 . 2 1. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; about the ope¬ rations near Pavia, See. (Orig.) \ enice, Feb. 15, 1525. 5C - 22 . James v. K. of Sc. to Pope Clement vii; requeRing that a penfion claimed from the Bp. of Dunkelcl may be remitted. (Orig.) Edinb. Feb. 16 , 1524-5. 38 - 23 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about the Pope's conduit refpecting the Venetians, the per¬ plexity of the latter, Sec. alfo a paper of intelligence from the army, of the fame date. (Orig.) Venice, Feb. 22 , 1525. 24 . An account of the battle of Pavia, from Monf. dc Franfbourg, to the Arclid. Ferdinand. (Fr.) The battle was fought Feb. 24, 1525. 6i. 25. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey ; on the effects of the battle of Pavia, &c. a long difpatch. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 28 , 1525. 66. 26. Jno. Card. Cibo, to Card. Wolfey; compli- mental; fent by Cav. Cafalis. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 2 , 1525. 72. 27 . Card. Wolfey, to Mr. Sec y (Pace); intelli¬ gence and infirudtions about the negociations at Ve¬ nice, Sec. Bridewell, March 5, 1524-5. 75. 28. The D. de Bourbon, to Henry VIII; on the victory of F’avia. (Orig. Fr.) Milan, March 10 , 1525.' 76. b. 29 . Sir J. Ruffell, to Henry VIII; on the D. de Bourbon's difpofition, and the battle of Pavia. (Orig. Lat.) Milan, March 11 , 1525. 77- 30. A narrative of the battle of Pavia, (Lat.) 1525. 80 . 31 . The Marq. ofPefcara, to Henry VIII; chielly complimental; fent by Calalis. (Orig. Ital.) Milan, March 22, 1525. 82. b. 32 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; defires leave to return on account of his health ; news about the Fr. king’s imprifonment at Pizzigitone ; the D. of Alba¬ ny’s motions, &c. (Orig.) Venice, March ie, 1525. 83. S3. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; a long difpatch about the Rate of affairs, chiefly at Rome. (Orig.) Rome, March 19> 1525. 84. 34 . Ch. 1). de Bourbon, to Card, de Medicis, and count Palvefin ; about the fafety of the Pope’s do¬ minions. (Two origs. Fr.) Milan, March 24, 1525. 92. 35. A treaty of alliance between the Pope, the Emperor, and the K. ol England. (Lat.) Rome, April 1 , 1525. 95. SG. A paper, containing various intelligence con¬ cerning fome practices of the viceroy. (Lat. the end wanting.) 1525, 100. 37 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; along difpatch, on his negociations with the l.mperoi s ambaffadors at Rome; money paid to them, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, April 6, 1525. 102 . 38. Rich, Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about, railing fome money to be paid to the Imperial ambaffadors ; Louil'e of Savoy's application to Milan, Sec. (Orig.) Venice, April 7 , 1525. 107 . 39. Adr. de Croy, to Henry VIII ; concerning the caufe of the Emperors lending him to Milan, which he hath declared to Ruffell. (Orig. Fr.) Milan, April 24, 1525. 1U - 40 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; on M. dc Bewrayn’s (the ambafiador from the Emperor) nego¬ tiation with the Pope towards the pacification ot Italy ; on money matters, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, April 25, 1525. 112 . 41 . Sir J. Ruffell, to Henry VIII; about Louife of Savoy’s negociations with the Emperor for the re 1 calc of her fon ; the league between the Pope, the Empe¬ ror, and the Florentines; and other intelligence. (Orig.) Milan, April 25, 1525. 116. 42 . Card. Campcius, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence about the Turks and Poles, infurredtions in Ger¬ many, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Buda, April 26, 1525. 1 18 . 43 . Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey ; about the French king and other prifoners. (Orig.) Milan, May li, 1525. U9- 44 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey ; a long difpatch V I T E L L I U S, B. VIT. 399 difpatch on his negociations with the Pope, concern¬ ing the affairs of France, &c. (Orig.) Rome, May 14, 1525. 133. 45. Fra.to Card. Wolfey ; compli- mental. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 13, 1525. 133. 46. Sir J. Ruffell, to Henry VIII; intelligence; the French king removed to Genoa, and faid to be in¬ tended for Naples ; fome Swifs offer their fervices to the Emperor and England, &c. (Orig.) Milan, May 16, 1525. 134. 47. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey : fome intel¬ ligence concerning negociations of the Emperor, the Fr. king, and himfelf, with the Pope; alfo exhorting him to promote peace. (Orig.) Rome, May 23, 1525. 135. 48. James v. K. of Sc. to Pope Clement VII; de¬ firing him to difcountenance the proceedings of fome monks againft his (the king’s) authority. (Lat.) Edinb. May 25, 1525. 139. 49. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; intelligencecon- cemingtheD. de Bourbon, ambaffador from France to the Emperor,&c. (Orig.) Milan, May 26, 1535. 141. 50. Rich. Pace, to the fame; about money paid to the Emperor’s ambaffadors, the removal of the Fr. king, See. (Orig.) Venice, June 3, 1525. 143. 51. Hippolyto de Nobili, to Card. Wolfey ; giving an account of his voyage from Gravefend to Ry Ca¬ mera (Rye?) (Ital.) lly Camera. 1525. 144. 52. Ch. de Lannoy, to Henry VIII, and Card. Wol¬ fey ; about the removal of the Fr. king to Spain, See. (Two origs. Fr.) Port a Jennes, June 8, 1525. 146. 53. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; about the dif- pofition of Bourbon towards the king, negociations, Sec. (Orig.) Milan, June 11 , 1525. 149. 54. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; reports the Fr. king having failed from Genoa; the Pope difl’a- tisfied with the Imperialifts, and perplexed about Luther's proceedings, &c. (Orig.) Rome, June 14, 3525. 151. 55 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about negocia¬ tions at Venice; the viceroy cannot obtain the fum he wants, Sec. (Orig. partly cypher.) Venice, June 14, 1525. 155. 56. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence, chiefly about M. de Bourbon, the Swifs, &c. (Orig.) Milan, June 17 , 1525. 157 . 57 . Ilippolyto de Nobili, to Henry VIII ; with an account of the continuation of his voyage from Ry Camera to Jarrifea (Jerfey ?) (Ital. Porto di Jarrifea.) June 18, 1525. 158. 58. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; about the Fr. king’s voyage ; his promifes to the knights of Rhodes, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, June 20 , 1525. 160 . 59 . Hippolyto de Nobili, to Henry VIII; an ac¬ count of his voyage, fimilar to that of VII. 51. (Ital.) Porto di Ry Camera. 1525. 163. 60 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; a long dif¬ patch, on his negociations with the Pope, who is in great dread of the Emperor, See. (Orig.) Rome, June 22 , 1525. 165. 6 1 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about money paid by the Venetians to the Imperialifts, Sec. (Orig.) Venice, June 22 , 1525. 170 . 62 . Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence, chiefly about the D. de Bourbon, and money obtained from the Venetians. (Orig.) Milan, June 24, 1525. 171 . 63. Ric. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; reports the arrival at Venice of the Bp. of Bayeux from the mother of the Fr. king, to delire the Seignory to mediate for the releafe of her fon. (Orig.) Venice, June 28, 1525. 172 . b. 64. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence, concerning M. de Bourbon ; the Fr. K. arrives at Barcelona, Sec. (Orig.) Milan, July 7 , 1525. 173. 65. Ch. D. de Bourbon, to Henry VIII; acquaints him that the Emperor hath fent for him, and pi t felfcs his defire to do fervice to the K. (Orig. Lat. j Mi¬ lan, July 6, 1525. 174 . 66. The Bp. of Bath to Card. Wolfey; about his negociations with the Pope; exprefling the king's dif- approbation of the Emperor, and readinds to treat with France, Sec. Rome, July. 1525. 175. 67 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about the Fr. king’s arrival at Barcelona, the matter between the Emperor and the Venetians, Sec. (Orig.) Venice, July 12 , 1525. " 176 . b. 68. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; about Monf. de Bourbon preparing to go to Spain; the viceroy’s behaviour towards him, &c. (Orig.) Navarre, July 13, 1525. 177 . 69 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Venetians, from Spain; the practices of fome fryars, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, July 28 , 1525. 178. 70. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; about divers reports refpeCting a propofecl marriage for prineefs Mary, and various matters concerning the Emperor, Monf. de Bourbon, &c. (Twoorigs.) Milan, July 30, and Aug. 1 , 1525. 180 . 71 . The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; the Pope greatly perplexed about the report of a truce between the Emperor and the Fr. king. (Orig.) Rome, Aug. 12 , 1525. 182 . 72. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the report of a truce between the Emperor and the Fr. king, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Bologna, Aug. 18, 1525. 183. 73. The Bp. of Bath, to Cardinal Wolfey; about the report of a truce between the Emperor and the Fr. king, and divers matters concerning the Pope, &c. (Orig.) Rome, Aug. 26 , 1525. 184. 74. The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; reporting the Pope's declaration concerning his treaties with Venice, and other powers of Italy, &c. (Orig. cy¬ pher ; with the decypher interlined, and alfo on a fe- parate paper.) Rome, Sept. 7 , 1525. 1 8 7 . 75. Articles of intelligence from Italy; perhaps from Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey. (Lat.) Rome. 1525. 193. 76. A letter relating to a negociation between fome Englilh commiflioners, and the Fr. king’s mother, about her ion’s releafe; to which are added, “ Capi- tula qure nunc cancellar. conficit fuper Italian rebus, ea ad pontificem miffurus.” 195 . 77- The Bp. of Bath, to Card. Wolfey; concern¬ ing negociations relating to the Fr. king’s releafe, the Emperor's affairs in Italy, Sec. 06t. 25, 1525. 199 . 78. The Bp. of W'orcefter (Jerome de Ghinuce) to Card. Wolfey; reports his having executed various commifiions. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 7 , 1525. 205. 79- Gregor. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; the biihop of Bath fets out for England, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 7 , 1525. 205. b. 80 . A paper concerning various affairs relating to Italy, the Fr. king, &c, (Lat.) 1525? 206 . 81 . The College of Cardinals, to Card.Wolfev ; ex¬ tolling the king's, and his own merits with the church; and 400 V I T E L L I U S, B. VII.-—VIII. and requefling him to perfevere in his zeal for the fame. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. 14, 1.525. 210 . 82 . Card. Campeius, to Cardinal Wolfe}'; various intelligence concerning the affairs of Rome, the Em¬ peror, &c. (Orig. Lat.j Rome, Nov. 17 , 1525. 214 . 83. A paper of various intelligence from Italy. (Lat.) 2 1 5*. 84. F. Count of Mantua (Fred. II, afterwards Duke?) to Henry \ III ; complimental, and with a prefent of feme hawks. (Orig. Ital.) Mantua, Nov- 25 , 1525. 218 . b. 85. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the Emperor's affairs in Italy, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Dec. 23, 1525. 219 . VitclUus, B. VIII. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans folils 1 G 6 . 1. Card. Campeius to Card. Wolfey; reports the K. of Navarre's efcape from Pavia, and a peace which is laid to have been concluded between the Emperor and the Fr. king ; all’o about a peace between the Pope and the Emperor. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 3, 1562 . 2 . 2 . Jer. (de Ghinucc) Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfev; two letters of intelligence, concerning ne- gociations about peace between the Emperor, France, and the Pope. (Orig. Lat. a great part cypher.) Rome, Jan. 4 and 8, 152G. 3 . b. 3. Card. Campeius, to the Bp. of Worcefter; re¬ ports the conditions of the peace concluded between the Emperor and the Fr. king. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 10 , 1526. 5. 4 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence, about peace between the Em¬ peror, the I). of Milan, and the Fr. K. See. (Orig. Lat. great part in cypher.) N. B. They are nearly duplicates. Rome, Jan. 12 , 1520. 6. 5 . The Bp. of Worcefter, and Sir Greg. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; report their having communicated to the Pope Wolfey's propolal for a league. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 13, 1526. 8. G. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; two letters. (Orig. Lat. chiefly in cypher.) Rome, Jan. 1 7 and 25, 1520. 9. 7 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey : various intel¬ ligence about tire Emperor's treaty with France, the Swifs, the Venetians, Turk, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Jan. 30, 1526. 1 1. 8. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence about negociations at Rome. (Orig. Lat. chiefly in cypher.) Rome, Feb. 7, 1526. 12 . g. The Bp. of Worcefter and Sir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; various intelligence about the peace between the Emperor, and the Fr. K. (See. (Two origs. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 7 , 152G. 13. 10 . An extract from a letter concerning a nego- ciation with the Pope. (Lat.) Feb. 1526. 15. b. 11 . The Bp. of Worcefter, and Sir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence from Hungary; the Turk threatens to befiege Buda, &e. (Ong. Lat.) Rome, Feb. ll, 1526. 16 . 12 . The D. d'Urbino, to Card. Wolfey; offering his thanks for having been comprized in the treaty between England anil France. (Orig. Ital.) Vero¬ na, Feb. 14, 1526. 16. b. 13 . The fubftance of a letter of intelligence, con¬ cerning the peace between the Emperor and the Fr. Ii. and the affairs of Italy. 1526. 17. 14 . The Bp. of Worcefter and fir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; on a negotiation with the Pope, and the affairs of Hungary. (Two origs. Lat. the firft in cypher, wants the end.) Rome, Feb. 25, 1526 . 18. 15. Jo. Matthew, Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfev; ftgnifying the Pope's confidence in the aid of the h of England in the prefent dangerous times, undid* fending him the prothonoP Gambara as his nuncio. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 27 , 1526. 19 . b. 16 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Lat. in cypher, not deciphered.) Rome, March 4 > 1526. oq_ 1 7 . The Bp. of Worcefter, and Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the Emperor, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 5, 1526. 21 . 18. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, March 6, 1526. 21 . b. 19. The fubftance of letters from the profhonot/ Cafalis, from Venice; intelligence concerning the Emperor, See. March 28 and 23 , 1526. 22 . 20 . Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the treaty between the Emperor and the Er. K. &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 15 , 1526. 24 . 21 . The Bp. of Worcefter to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence, chiefly on Fr. affairs. (Orig. Lat. cypli.) Rome, April 21 , 1526 . <23. 22 . A fragment of a Pope's brief. (Lat. on vel¬ lum.) Rome, April 23, 1526. 27 . 23. Pope Clement VII, to Henry \ III ; urging him to exert himfelf againlt the infidels, who are threaten¬ ing Hungary. (Lat.) Rome, April 23, 1526. 28 . 24. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; about Hungary, and feme matters communicated to the Pope. (Two origs. Lat.) Rome, April 25 , and May 2 , 1526. 29 . 25. The Bp. of Worcefter, and Cafalis, to Card- Wolfey ; two clifpatches in cypher. Rome, May 2 and 3, 1526. 30. 26. Jo. Mat. Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfey* thanks for kindnefs to himfelf and Gambara; and about teachers, and books for the college of cardinals, &e. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 4, 1526. 33. 27. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; four difpatches in cypher ; the third figned alfo by Cafalis, the 4th has no lignature. Rome, May 5 and 6, 1526. 35. 28. The decyphers of two letters of the Bp. of Worcefter; of May 6 and 2 , 1526. 39 . 29 . The Bp. of Worcefter, and Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey ; about a bull for Ipfwich, and divers things required by the Card, for his college, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May G, 1526. 40 . 30. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey ; about the invafion of Hungary threatened by the Turk, an in- furre&ionat Milan, Lannoy fent ambalfador to France, Moncada to command in Italy, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome,‘May 13 , 1526 . 42 . 31. A letter, chiefly on the concerns of the Empe¬ ror with the Fr. F.: probably the decypher of a let¬ ter of the Bp. of Worcefter. 1526. 43. 32. The Bp. of Worcefter; 1 . a cypher; 2 . a letter to Wolfey, on the hull for Ipfwich. the college, &c. Rome, May 16 ; 3. a letter to the fame, ligned alfo by Cafalis, fame date ; and 4 a cypher. 1556. 44 . 33 . A letter to Card. Wolfey; on a negociation with the Pope, touching a league; probably the de¬ cypher of a letter of the Bp. of Worcefter. 1 526. 47 . 34 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a cy¬ pher. Rome, May 18 , 1526. 49. 35. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning the Archbp. of St. Andrews, news from Mi¬ lan, Sec. (Orig. Eat.) Rome, May 25 , 1526. 50. 36. The VITELLIUS, B. VIII 401 30. Tlx* Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; chiefly on the affairs of the Fr. K. 1 . the de'eyphcr, and 2 . the orig. cypher. Rome, May GO, 1520. 52 . 37 . Tlie Bp. of Worcefter, to Card, Wolfey; chiefly Concerning the Abp. of St. Andrews. (Orig. cypher and decypher. Lat.) Alfo another cypher, and a fetter, all of the fame date. Rome, May 28, 1526. 55 . b. 38. A French fragment, fecmingly from the D. dc Bourbon; concerning the Spaniards and Venetians in the Milanefe. 58. b. 3f). Pope Clement VII, probably to Gambara, his nuncio in England; concerning the negociations for peace, Sec. (Two letters. Lat.) The 2d dated Rome, June 5, 1520 . 59. 40 . Ubertus Gambara, to Card. Wolfey; reprefen t- ing the difficulties wherein the Pope is involved re- fpccting theTurks and theSpaniards. (Orig. Lat.) 02 . 41. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; 1 . a cypher; 2 . a letter concerning the Abp. of St. An¬ drews, the college; and 3. a copy. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 1 and 2 , 1526. ^ 04 . 42 . Ubertus de Gambara, to Card. Wolfey; re¬ joicing at the treaty with France. (Orig/Lat.) Lond. June 5, 1526 . 00. 43. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; two cyphers. Rome, June 5 and 15 , 1526 . 60. b. 44 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; on the offers of peace made by Moncada to the Pope. (A decypher, Lat. and the orig. cypher.) Rome, June is, 1520. 68. 45. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; 1 . a decypher of the following N”3; 2. d° of the following 4 ; 3. a cypher, of June.; 4 . a d° of June 20 , 1520: all concerning the negociations carrying- on at Rome. 70 . 46. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; about an infurreHion at Milan, and the profpeH of a frefli war in Lombardy. (Lat. probably a decypher.) Rome, June 22 , 1526 . si. 47 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; 1 . re¬ ports 6,000 Swifs being come into Milan ; June 22 ; 2 . concerning the perplexed fttate of the Pope, on account of the i inks ; V olfey’s college, the infurrec- tion at Milan, See. fignetl alfo by Cafalis, June 22 ; 3. a cypher, June 15; 4. a d°, end wanting. (All origs.) 1520. 83. 4S. A paper of intelligence, on the motions of troops in Lombardy, &c. (Lat.) S 9 . 49- The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; 1 . on the motions of troops in Lombardy, See. Rome, July 7 ; 2. a cypher, not figned; July 3 , 1526 . 90 . 50. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence concerning the motions of the armies. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, July 8 and 14 , 1526 . 92 . 51. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; 1 . on a motion of the D. d'Urbino, July 1 1 ; 2 . a long dif- patch, chiefly in cypher, figned alfo by Cafalis, July !4 ; 3. on the military operations in Lombardy; this, though figned, appears a copy; 4 . partly on the mo¬ tions in Lombardy, and partly cypher, July 14 , 1526 . 93. b. 52. A fragment of a papal brief; on vellum. Rome, July 19 , 1526. ]01 53. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; on the motions in Lombardy. (Orig. Lat.) Rome July 21 , 1520. “ 101 . b. * 54. Art icles of a treaty between Fr. Sforza, and the D. de Bourbon. June 24, 1526. 102 . 55. Hugo de Moncada ? to the Emperor; a report of his progrefs to Rome, and of the fttate of affairs there. (Lat.) 152 O. 103 . 50. A paper of intelligence concerning the mo¬ tions in Lombardy; perhaps from the I). d’Urbino, general of the Confederates. (Lat.) 1 . 326 . 10 . 3 . b. 57 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a long dilpatch, chiefly cypher. Rome, Aug. 15 , 1520. 100 . 58. The Bifliop of Worcefter and Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence of the Turks having taken Bel¬ grade. (Oiig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 4 , 1520. 108 . b. 59 . Part of a bull for the foundation and endow¬ ment of a church, to be dedicated to St. Peter and Paul? probably a leaf of a book. (Lat. on vellum.) A note at the bottom, “ vid. Ufsher religion of the ancient Irifh. 12 i.” 10 g Go. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; chiefly cypher. Rome, Aug. 17 , 1526 . * ' 110 01 . M. Dat. ...... to Card. Wolfey; thanks for his interference, both in the public, and lus own private concerns. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Aug. 21 , 1520. 112 . 62 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfev ; 1 . con¬ cerning the bull for Wolfey’s college, See. ‘Aug. 21 ; 2 . a cypher, Aug. 21 ; 3 . a difpatch, chiefly cypher, Aug. 30; 4. a ditto, Sept. 11 , 1526 . * 113 . G3. The Bp. of Worcefter and Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey ; a note flgnifying the taking of Rome bv the Imperialifts. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 20 , 1520 . 118. b. 64. A truce between the Pope and Moncada; two copies. (Lat.) Cartel St. Angelo, Sept. 21 , 152 G. 119 . 05. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; a dif¬ patch, chiefly in cypher. Rome, Sept. 5 , 1526 . 121 . 00. Ubertus de Gambara, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ juring him to fend fome aid to the Hungarians. (Orig. Lat.) London, Sept. 6, 1520. " 123 . 07- Copies of two letters from Barthol. Berzeri and Co. at Antwerp; about the progrefs of the Turks in Hungary. (Lat.) Aug. 26 and ... . 1526 . 124 . 6s. A difpatch from Rome ; on the Pope’s anxiety concerning the progrefs of the Turks; the takiim 0 f Rome by the Imperialifts; the Bp. of Worcefter (lift- patched to England. This is probably a tranfeript of a difpatch of fir G. Cafalis, which may have been written Sept. 22 , 1526. 1(J6 _ 69 . A fragment of a pope s brief; on vellum. 1526 . 128. 70. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; con¬ cerning the affairs of Hungary, the taking of Rome, &c. (Two difpatches, the laftt chiefly in cypher, want¬ ing the end, but with the decypher‘on another iheet.) Rome, Sept. 23, 1526 . 12g> 71. The Bp. of Verona, to Henry vm; compli- mental; lent by the Bp. of Worcefter. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Sept. 24 , 1526 . *33 ^ 72 . An account of the furprize of Rome by the Imperialifts (Columncfi.) (Lat.) Sept. 1526 . 135 . 73 ' . t0 Card. Wolfey; two letters on tne affairs of the Pope, of Hungary, the Fr. kin<>-, tte. being communications from the King. (Ori»\j I he latter dated Ampthill, OH. 11 , 1526 . 137 . b. 74. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; rejoices in the king’s refolution to aftift againft the Turks ; about the Viceroy’s approaching with a fleet, the affairs of Lombardy, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, OH. 22 , 1526 . 140. 75. The Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfev; thanks for the afturanees of protection received by F B San- ga, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, OH. 22 ? 152 G. ‘ 141 . 70. Along letter of intelligence, concerning the aflaiis of Italy, but chiefly of Rome; probably from fir Greg. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey. (Lat.) 1526. 143. 5 R 77 . A 402 VITELLIUS, B. VIII* IX. 77. A paper on the affairs of the Pope; his treaty with Moncada, &c. perhaps from Curd. Campeius. (Lat.) 15Q6. 14 7- h. 78 . Card. Campeius, to Card. AY olfev: chiefly thanks for promifes of fupport. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 7, 15*26. 148 - 70 . A long letter, and two extracts, on the affairs oftiie Pope; probably from Hr G. Calalis, to Gam- bara. (Lat.) 15*26. 149. 80 . A fragment of a Pope's brief; on vellum. (Lat.) Nov. s, 15*26. ,55 - 81 . Three letters, or extracts, on the affairs ot the Pope; probably from Sir G. Calalis, to Gambara. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. 10 ? 1526. 156. 82 . Extracts from a letter from Paul Cafalis, to fir Greg, his brother; on an intended creation ot Car¬ dinals, and various family trunludions at Rome. (Lat.) Rome, Nov. 15, 1526. 16*- 88. Card. Campeius, to Card. YVolfey ; two letters on the affairs of Italy; the king's authority as me¬ diator. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 6 and ui, 1526. 163. 84 . A letter on the affairs of Italy ; probably from fir G. (Tilalis. Rome, Nov. 07? 1 526. *65. 8.5. A paper of intelligence, concerning the Empe¬ ror's fleet and armv : tent to fir G. Cafalis. 15*26. 167. 86. Eight copies or extracts of letters, on the affairs of Italy'; probably from tir G. Cafalis, in the month of Dec. 15*26. 1 69. 87. A relation of Mount joy, K. at Arms, concern¬ ing a tournament to be given by Fr. 1). do Valois, and othcis, in honour of the coming ol Mary, lifter to llenry VIII. Ofct. 15 1-4. 1S6. 1 itellius, B. IX. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 223. l. Sir Greg. Cafalis, perhaps to Gambara, nuncio in England ; veprefenting the hard terms offered to the Pope by the vicero\ of Naples, and M. de Bourbon ; the outrages eonunilted by the Germans, here ftiled Lutherans, in Italy, &c. (Two letters, Lat.) Rome, Jan. l-t'27- e - c. Card. Campeius, to Card. YVolfey; on the de¬ plorable Irate of Italy, owing to the arrival of Ger¬ man troops and a fleet, under the Viceroy. (Two copies, both figned; Lat) Rome, Jan. l and :j, . 15*27- 6 . Articles of a truce, propofed between the Pope and the Vieerox ; comprehending the Fr. king and Venice. (Lat.) Jan.? 1527- 8 - 4 . Articles of a peace propofed by the Viceroy ; Rut which the Pope would not accede to. (Lat.) Jan.? 15*27. 9- 5 . Articles demanded by the Viceroy, towards con¬ cluding a convention with the Pope. (Lat.) Jan. 15*27. 11- 6 . The elector of Mentz (Albert of Brandenburg?) to llenrx VIII; inveighing bitterly againft the Lu¬ therans, and extolling the king's book againft them. (Orig. Lat.) Afchattenburg, Jan. 3, 15*27. 13. 7 . Lx trad from a letter of fir G. Cafalis, to his brother, the prothonatory ; on the hard terms pro¬ pofed to the Pope by the Viceroy; about money to be paid by Boutins, &e. (Lat.) Jan. 5,15*27. 13. b. S. Another extract; Cafalis reports a conference be had with Luutree at Bologna, and tome intelli¬ gence. (Lat.) Bologna, Jan. 5 , 1527. 14. 9. Two extracts ; Cafalis reports intelligence con¬ cerning the war in Lombardy. (Lat.) Rome, I’eb. 16, 15*27. 15. 10. Pet. Pifanus, Proc. ord. to the Doge of Ve¬ nice? great thanks; and intelligence about Lautrec Sec. (Orig. Ital.) Bologna, Jan. 6, 1527. 17 . 11 . A letter of intelligence from Rome; on the hard propofals made to the Pope by the Viceroy, the Viceroy's hoftile proceedings, &c. (Lat.) 1 . 527 . 18. ic. Ubcrtus de Gambara, to Card. Wolfey; on French affairs; the IT. king's readinefs to conclude the marriage with princefs -Mary. (Orig. Lat.) Jan. 13. A letter of intelligence from Rome; on the hard conditions offered to the Pope by the Emperor and the Viceroy. (Lat.) Jan. 31, 15 * 27 . 22 . 1 t. Sir G. Cafalis; ext rads from two of his letters, perhaps to Gambara, with intelligence concerning the affairs of Italy, France, and Rome. Jan. 81 , amt Feb. 5, 1527 . ' 27 . 15. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence concerning the Pope's concerns; he has received a fupply of money from France, See. (Orig. Lat.) Sa¬ vona, Feb. 1 , 1527 . 26 . 16 . Sir G. Cafalis: extracts from two of his letters, on the affairs of Italy. (Lat.) Feb. 5 , 1527 . 27 . 17- Extracts from two letters, on the war between the Pope and the Imperialifts; and concerning a truce: probably from Cafalis. (Lat.) l'eb. 6 and 7 , 1527. * 32 . is. The College of Cardinals, to Card. Wolfey • thanking him fur his interference with the king in favour of the church, and greatly extolling the me¬ rits of the king in its defence. (Lat.) Koine, Feb. 9, 1527. 36. 19. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for affuramces of favour from himlelf (Wolfey) and the king; cautioning him againft the »\ il reports of cer¬ tain maliciousperfons, and communicating news con¬ cerning the war in Italy, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 7 , 1527 . * 38. 20. Jo. Bap. Sanga, to Cardinal Wolfey; about tranfniiliing a papal brief for Wolfey's eollege at Ox¬ ford. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 10 , 1527 . 41. 21 . A letter on the affairs of Italy, chiefly concern¬ ing the Pope; ex prefling the v idler's great gratitude for the promifes of fupport given him by I he king and Wolfey; probably from Cafalis. (Lat.) 1 . 527 . 42. 2 * 2 . Sir Rob. Jemingham, to Card. Wolfey; reports fomc fucccfl'es towards Naples. (Orig.) Afculi, Feb. 10 , 1 . 5 * 27 . 45. b. 23. The Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfey; expref- fing the thanks of the Pope and the Cardinals for the promifes of fupport from England ; about the bull for Wolfey's college, &e. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 10, 1527. 46. 24. Sir J. Ruffell and fir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wol¬ fey; reporting Rufl'cll's arrival and reception at Rome; the futisffUrtion of the Pope on receiving fume relief from England; negotiations with the Viceroy. Sec. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 11 , 1527 . 47 25. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey; about foim fault in the Pope's bull for Wolfey's college, certifx ing that it was not owing to the neglect of Cafalis. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 12 , 1527 . 50. 26 . Alph. 1). of Ferrara, to Matthew de Cafclla ? exculpating himlelf with the Pope, and about l'ome negotiations with the Iinperialilis. (Two lettci-. Lat.) Ferrara, Feb. 14 , 15*2 7. 51. 27 . A letter on the affairs of Italy, chiefly con¬ cerning V I T E L L I U S, B. IX. 4°3 cerning ncgociations for a truce ; probably from Ca- falis. (Lat. the end wanting.) Feb. 21 , [ 527 . 28. Sir Robt. Jerningham to Card. Wolfey; concern¬ ing fome mcafures concerted between him and Monf. tie Lautrec. (Orig.) Langane, Feb. 22 , 1 . 527 . 57. 29 . Two extracts from letters of Sir G. Cafalis ; on the concerns of the Pope, Sec. (Lat.) Feb. 23 and 2 6, 1527 . 59. 80 . SirG. Cafalis and fir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; report ncgociations with the Viceroy and the Pope, towards the conclufion of a truce, Sec. (Orig.) Rome, Feb. 24, 1527 . 6j. 31. Sir G. Cafalis to fir J. Ruffed ; requeuing to fend certain papers to Venice by a melfenger juftdii- patched by the Venetian Ambalf. (Fr.) Rome, Feb. 2 G, 1527 . 63. 32. A long letter of intelligence, on the affairs of the Pope, and of Italy in general; perhaps from Ca¬ falis. (Lat.) Feb. 26 , 1527 . 64. 33. Two extracts from letters of Sir G. Cafalis ; various intelligence. (Lat.) Feb. 26 and 27 , 1527 . 71 . 34 .to Henry VIII; extolling his great merits in the defence of the church. Poiffy, March 14 , 1527 . 74. 35. Sir J. Ruffell and fir J. Cafalis, to Card. Wol- fcv ; two letters concerning their ncgociations with the Pope, &c. (Orig.) Rome, March 20 and 29 , 1527 . 75. 36. A copy of the capitulation between the Pope and the Viceroy. (Lat.) March 29 , 1527. 81 . 37 . Sir J. Ruffell and fir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; about money to be railed in order to induce the Lanfquenets to retire, See. (Orig.) Rome, April 1, 1527- 85. 38. Pope Clement VII, to James V, If. of Sc. de¬ filing him to allow of the removal of James Melvil out of the kingdom of Scotland, for having occa- fioned fome fcandal and diffenfions in it. (Lat.) Rome, April 8, 1527 . 87 . 39 . Extracts from a letter of fir J ? Cafalis ; con¬ cerning the truce in Italy. (Lat.) Rome, April 1 & 2, 1527. 88. 40 . Card. Campeius, to Henry VIII; extolling his work againft Luther. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 10, 1527 . 89. 41 . Extracts from a letter of fir G. Cafalis; on the truce. (Lat.) April 13, 1327 . go. 42. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; on the dif¬ ficulty of getting the Germans to evacuate Bologna, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 13, 1527 . 91 . 43. Sir G. Cafalis and fir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wol¬ fey; about the impediments to the truce, and other affairs of Italy. (Orig) Rproe, April 16 , 1527 . 92 . 44. Extracts from a letter of fir G. Cafalis; intel¬ ligence from Rome. (Lat.) April, 25, 1527 . 93 . 45. a. The draught of a new capitulation for the pacification of Europe: fubferibed byD. C'api and D. Venorius, on the part of the Pope? and Ruffell and Cafalis on the part of England. (Lat.) Rome, April 25, 1527. 95. 45, b. Sir J. Ruffell and fir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; on the above capitulation, here incloled. (Orig.) Rome, April 26 , 1527. 97 . 46, a. Extracts from a letter of Florentinus; intel¬ ligence from Rome. (Lat.) April 27 , 1527 . 98 . 46, b. Sir J. Ruffell and fir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; on the new capitulation. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 26 , 1527 . 100 . 47- Card. Campeius, to Card Wolfey; on the im¬ pediments to the peace in Italy, See.' (Orig. Lut.) Rome, April 28, 1 . 527 . ” 101 . 4S. 1 he Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfey ; in com¬ mendation of fir J. Ruffell, whom the Pope has commillioned to reprefent his difficulties to the king. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 29 , 1527 .' 102 . h. 49. Sir G. Cafalis, to lir J. Ruffell ? a variety of in¬ telligence concerning an infurredtion at Florence, Bourbon’s motions, See. (Orig. Fr.) Rome, May 2 , j 527. io3. 50. Sir J. Ruffell, to Card. Wolfey ; reports the commiffion lie has received from the Pope for Henry viii. and Francis I. and concerning the laid Pope's heavy complaints to other courts, &c. (Orig.) Savona, May 11 , 1527 . 105 . 51. A letter reprefenting the Pope's deplorable hate, and defiring that relief might fpeedily be font into Cartel St. Angelo. (Lat.) Caft. St. Angelo, May 12 , 1527 . 106 . 52. Extract from a letter of intelligence from Rome. (Lat.) May 16 , 1527 . " 107 . 53. An account of the taking of Rome by the im- perialifts, and of fome negociations fubfequent thereto. (Fr.) Junes, 1527 T 108 . 54. Pope Clement VII, to Card. Wolfey; fignify- ing that he had deputed Cafalis to reprefent hi.s de¬ plorable ftateto Henry vm. (Lat.) Call. St. Ang. June 6, 1527. lll.b? 55. A. Card. Farnefe, to Card Wolfey; on the de¬ plorable ft ate of the Holy See : lent by Cafalis. (Orig. Lat.) Caft. St. Ang. June 6, 1527. 112 . 56.to Card. Wolfey; imploring his aid for the church. (Orig. Lat.) * Caft. St. Ang. June 7 , 1527. 1 12 . h. 5 7- Laur. Card. SS. Quatuor (Puccius) to Card. Wolfey; on the fame fubject. (Orig. Lat.) Cart. St. Ang. 1527 . * 113 . .58. P. Card. S. Euftachii (Paul de Cadis) to Card. Wollcy ; on the fame fubjeft. (Orig. Lat.) Cart. St. Ang. June 7 , 1527. ' 114 . 59 . Be. Card. Ravcnnas (Bened. de Accoltis) to Card. Wolfey; on the fame fubjeft. (Orig. Lat.) Caft. St. Ang. June 7, 1527 . 114 . b. 60 . N. Gaddus Card. I'irmanus, to Card. Wolfey; expreffing great regard. Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Call. St. Ang. June 7 , 1527 . 115 . 61 . L. Card. Campeius, to Card. Wolfey; on the public and his private calamities. (Orig. Lat.) Cart. St. Ang. June 7 , 1527 . 115 . b. 62. The Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfey; on the calamitous Hate of affairs at Rome. N. B. The above 7 articles were lent by Cafalis. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 8, 1527 . ‘ ]i(j_ 63. R. Bp. of St. David's? (Rich. Rawlins?) to the Abp. of Canterbury (Warham) ; about his contri¬ buting towards a fum paid by the Abp. for all the copies of the tranllation of the New Tell, printed abroad. Hopne, in Suff. June 14 , 1527 . 117 . 64. Articles of a truce propofed by the Emperor to the Pope, through the Abp. of Capua, lately lent, by the latter to the former. (Lat.) 1527 . * 119 . 65. Pope Clement vii; to the Emperor Charles V; a long conciliatory cpirtlc. (Lat.) Rome, June 14 ’ i526. ‘ jog.’ 66. A paper on certain conditions propofed for the liberation of the Pope. (Lat.) July? 1526. 127 . 66. A commiffion to John Cocks, Canon of Salif- bury, the Archdeacon of London, and .Milo Spencer, LL. D. 404 V I T E L L I U S, B. IX. X. LL.D. Canon of York, to try a certain eeelefiaftical caufe. (Lat.) July 27, 1027 . 12 s. 67 . The bull of Clement vn. concerning the elec¬ tion of a future Pope, in cafe the prefent lhould die before his releafe; w ith I he promulgation at the end in MS. (Lat. printed.) Call. St. Ang. July, 1527 . 152. OS. Card.to Card. Wolfey ; on the cala¬ mitous ft ate of Home, and craving fpeedv afiiftaticc ; referring to Cafalis. (Orig. Lat.) Venice, July 0 , 1527. 135 . Op. Her. Card. Gonzaga, to Card. Wolfey; noti¬ fying his being named a cardinal. (Orig. Lat.) Mantua, July 8, 1527 . isG.b. 7". L. Card, de Bourbon, to Card. Wolfey; on the infu!ts offered to the Pope. (Orig. Lat.) Paris, July 71. A paper, concerning the conduct the Pope means to hold with regard to Lautrec, the Venetians, &e. (Fr.) 1,727. ' 158. " 72 . The emperor Charles v, to Card. Salviati; on the late events at Home, which lie di la vows. (Lat.) Valladolid, July 2 s, 1 . 127 . 139 . 75. A paper of requeHs to Henry vm. and Card. Wolfey ; to prevail on Lautrec to fly to the relief of Home, and to bring about *he relloration of liimini, Sienna, ,S:c. to the Pope. (LatA 1527 . 141 . b. 74. -And. Doria, to Lautrec; on the dangerous Hate of f ieu< i (Lat.) From the gallics at Chiavari, 75. A. de Carpi, to a 1 elation ; laments the de¬ plorable ft ate ot Home; and reports his journey to the Fr. court, and with to come on to Lngland. (Lat.) Paris, Aug. lG, 1527 . 144 . 7G.to Ilenry vni; propofmgmeafures for the deliverance of the Pope, by the conclufion of a peace between the Emperor and France. 1 . 327 . 147 . 77.Ciilino, to the D. of Milan: intelli¬ gence concerning the Spaniih court. (Ital. chiefly in cypher.) Hiofeco, Sept. 4 , 1 . 327 . 149 .' 7S. Hobt. Bp. of Dunkeld, to llic Pope; concern¬ ing a difpute . iating to flic revenues of that See, and a conteft with James Creichton. (Lat.) 153 . 79. Three letters in cypher, laid to be from Card. Salviati, to M. Chriftotano. (ital.) Paris, Sept. 10 , 22, and ... l, 327 . l. 5 . 3 . 80 . The magiftrates of Ilagufa, to Card. Wolfey; recommending the caufe of Orfatti, one of their citizens, who had been imprilbncd in England. (Lat.) Hagufa, Sept. 20 , 1.327. 1 . 5 s. b. 81 . A paper wholly in cypher, laid to be from Caul. Salviati at Paris. 159 . 82 . A French commander (Lautrec;) to the Fr. Ling; reporting the Hate of the army and proceed¬ ings of the Venetians, the D. of Milan, 8 cc. (Fr.) Ochobiano, Sept. 21 , 1527 . ifjo. 83. Intelligence from Rome, lent by Card. Tri- vulcio to Lautrec. (Lat.) Oct. 7 , 1527 . 102 . 84. Intelligence from Lombardy, extracted from a letter of Calalis. (Lat.) Placentia. 06t. 13, 1527 . 1G4. 8 . 3 . Sir. G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; reports the Hate of affairs in Lombardy, the Swifs join the French iSic. (Orig. Lat.) Pavia, 061. 1.5, 1527 . i 6 ‘ 5 , sG. The Bp. of Verona, to Card. Wolfey; about the Bull for Wolfey"s college, &c. (Orig. Lat. Home, Nov. 9 , 1527 . 1 G 8 . 87 . A copy of the convention by which the 1). of Ferrara accedes to the league againft the Emperor. (.Lat) Fejrara, Nov. 15 , 1527 . J 170 . ss. Sir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; reports that a negociation between the Pope and the Imperialifts had been broken off linee the arrival of Lautrec in Italy, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Parma, Nov. 21 ;. 1527 . is 2 . 89- Articles of a treaty propofed by Card. WolleV t<> tne Fr. king, for the defence of the church againlt the Turks and Lutherans (Imperialifts). (Lat.) lj "~- 183. 90 . Alphonfus I. D. of Ferrara, and Card. II\ r. 1 . 0 - ; ‘" s brother, to 1 lenry vni; cred■>■ C ard. V olley, to Mons. de Lautrec ; congra¬ tulating him on his I needles, and credential in favour of Hr Jo. Ruflcll. (Fr.) Wcftm. Dec. 31 , 1 . 527 . 201 . 9 i. Pope Clement Vll, to Card. Wolfey; lignify- ing his (kli'.a .ance ; a.:d exprcfVmg his acknowledg¬ ments tor the mealu res taken by England and France through the intcrpofition ofWolfev. t Lat.) Orvieli Dec. 14 , 1527 . " o 0 ,/ 95. Card. Wolfey, to fir G. Cafalis; on the ac- ceflion of the D. of Ferrara to the league ; anil ex- p refling much folieitude for fomc point Count Guido Hangon was to apply for: probably the divorce (Lat.) More, Dee. 1527 . 205 . 9. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; three dif- I atehes, containing various intelligence concernino* the war, the negociations for peace, the hulls for crofting cathedrals, a commiilion in the caufe of the divorce, &c. (Orig. Lat. the laft in cypher, but de- cyphered.) Rome, Junes, 4 and 5 , " 1529 . 139. 48 . Sir G. Cafalis, and P. Vannes, to Card. Wol¬ fey; two diipatchcs on tiiepolture of affairs at Rome, an audience from the Pope concerning the coni mil* fioncr, his perplexity, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 6 , 1529 . 14 - 49- Sir G. Cafalis, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence received from And. Doria, ot the Emperof’s arming and victualling fevcral lliips. See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 6, 1529 . ° 50. Afummary of intelligence from Genoa, about the Emperor's coming into Italy, 3cc. (Ital.) June 7 and 8, 1529. ' 155 . b. 5 1 . B. Card, of Ravenna (Ben. de Accolti) to Card. \\ olfey ; prolelling great regard, and a defil e of doing him fen-ice. (Orig. Lat. Rome, June 7 , 1529 ! 156. 52. Sir G r. Cafalis, and P. Vannes, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; on their negociations ; the Pope much preju¬ diced again ft the allies, & t \ (Orig. Lat. part cypher, but dccyphercd.) Rome, June is, 1529 . 157 . 53 . Her. Card, of Mantua, to.; intelli¬ gence of And. Doria having failed from Genoa to fetch the Emperor. (Orig. Ital.) Mantua, June 13, 1529 - 162. 54. Extract from a letter of the Pope’s treafiirer at, Placentia, giving an account of an action near Pa¬ via, in which the French were worfted. (Lat.) June 22, 1529. 162. b. 55. Henry VIII, to Dr. Bennet, Hr G. Cafalis, and P. Vannes; intelligence, and inltruftions concerning the divorce. (Orig. figned at the beginning.) Bride? well, June 23, 1529 . ](j 5 56. Steph. Gardiner, to the ambafladors at Rome; cautioning them to prevent the intended advocation of the caufe of the divorce ; and advifing them to procure the difpatch of the bulls for Wolfey*s college at Oxford. (Orig.) Wcftm. June 25 , 1529 . 166 . 57 . Card. Wolfey, to P. Vannes; directing- him to im pet rate new bulls for his college, thofe brought by Gardiner being defective. (Orig.) Wcftm. June 25, 1529. 167 . 58. Silv. Darius, to Card. Wolfey; reports bis ar¬ rival at Rome from England ; the Pope continues much indifpoled; his intercourfe with the ambafla¬ dors, Sanga, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, June 27 and 29 , 1329. 168 . 59 . Card. Wolfey. to the ambafladors at Rome; about the advocation of the king’s caufe. (Orig.) Wcftm. June 22 , 1529 . jfj, 1532. 205. 86. The Bp. of Worcefter, Bennet, and G. Cafalis, to Hen. VIII; on the above fubject. (Grig. Lat.) Rome, July 13, 15S2, 210 . 87. Ber. Bocrius, Prothonot. Apcus. to. (Grig. Lat.) Genoa, June 30 , 1532. 211 . b. 88. AY. Bennet. and fir G. Cafalis; a report of tbs proceedings in the coulifton at Rome. (Grig. cy - pher, decyplured.) Rome, July 15, 1552. 212 . 89 . Minutes of letters concerning an expedition againlt the Turks. (Lat.) Sept. 1532. 216 . 90 . Two letters of intelligence, figned A. A laid 1 9 V I T E L L I U S, B. XIII. XIV, 4 i 3 to be Aug. Auguftinus ; perhaps to T. Cromwell. (Lat.) Bologna, 061 . 12, and 14 , 1532 . 217. 91 . Ilenry VIII; promifing to tranflate Card. B. d'Accolti from Coventry and Lichfield, to Ely, whenever the latter biflioprick fliall become vacant. (Lat.) Calais, Nov. 2, 1532. 219 . b. 92. Paulus Parmcnfis Minor. Gnalis, to Ilenry VIII; notifying his having, at the king's recommendation, named John de la Haey Commits. Gen. of the order in England. (Orig. Lat.) Paris, 061 . 26 , 1532. 220. b. 93. Sir Gr. Cafalis, to Henry VIII; various intelli- ligence about proceedings of the Pope, armaments of the Emperor, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Compiegne, Nov. 16, 1532. 221. 94 . Aug. Auguftinus, to T. Cromwell ? various in¬ telligence. (Two origs. Lat.) Bologna, Dec. 24, and 7 , 1532. 225. 95 . Henry VIII; his inftru 6 tions to fir Tho. Elliot, fent to the Pope, touching the divorce; at the end a fragment in Latin, concerning information to be taken. Sept. 1532. 228 . 96 . Articles to be declared to.fecretary, by Maifter.touching the divorce. 1532. 234. 97. A. Auguftinus? to T. Cromwell; tender of fer- vic-e, and intelligence about the Turks, &c. (Orig. I tab) 236 . Vitellius, B. XIV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 305. 1. 'l'he leaves of nearly the firfthalf of this volume are fo much damaged by fire, that few of the articles can be of any ufe. 2 . Sir Gr. Cafalis, to T. Cromwell; intelligence about the Emperor, the Pope, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Bo¬ logna, 06t. 21, 1535. " 148. 3 .to Reginald Pole; informing him of fome converfation the writer's brother bad with one Ari Pol concerning him, &c. (Ital.) 1535. 153. 4. Pet. Paul Vergerus, Ambaff. from pope Paul III; his declaration, probably to the K. of Hungary, con¬ cerning the faid king’s attending a general council to be called at Mantua. (Probably a tranflation.) Prague, Nov. 30 , 1535. 154 . 5. Jo. Mafon, to Dr. Starkey; an account of a voyage in the Mediterranean. (Orig.) Naples, 17 Cal. Dec. 1535. 157 . 6. Ro. Ituardine? to T. Cromwell; intelligence about the war in Italy. Dec. 26, 1535 . lG 1 . 7 . Sir G. Cafalis, to Henry vill; reports a con¬ ference with the pope Paul ill, about the king's mar¬ riage. (A tranflation.) Rome, Eeb. 20 , 1535? 162 . 8. Extracts from letters of Cafalis; chiefly con¬ cerning the expedition preparing againlt Algiers. (Lat. and a fragment, Ital.) 1535. 166 . 9 . A fragment concerning the finding of one J. B. de Salvago de Janua, &c.; certain allufions to the Pope’s fupremaey, by fome monk. conf. XIV. 18. (Lat.) 1535. 170 . 10 . Sir G. Cafalis, to.Wallop, Ambatf. at Paris ; intelligence about the Emperor’s coming to Rome, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Rome, April 8, 1536. 171 . 11 . Ant. Bonvifius, and Ant. Grimaldi, toT. Crom¬ well ; two fragments of intelligence, chiefly about the war in Barbary and Lombardy: 1 . (Lat.) Lyons, April 7? and 2 . (Orig. Ital.) Genoa. April 11 , 1536. 173. 12. Rich- Pate, to Henry VIII ; chiefly in cypher, with the deevpher following; concerning the legiti¬ mation of flic king's daughter; alfo about the enter¬ tainment of the Emperor at Rome, &c. (Two arti¬ cles. Orig.) Rome, April 12 , 1 536. 177 , 13. Rich. Pate and fir G. Cafalis, to Henry VIII; on their negociations at Rome. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, April 18 , 1536. 189- 14 . Extracts from letters of Bonvisius and Cafalis, from Rome. April, 1536. 192. 15. The French anibaffadors at Rome, to the French king ; reporting an interview between the Emperor and the Pope, and the Emperor’s declaration con¬ cerning peace with France. (A tranflalion.) Rome, April 19 , 1536. 196 . 16 . Sir G. Cafalis, to T. Cromwell; intelligence about troops colledting in Lombardy,' Ike. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 6, 1536. 208 . 17- Rich. Pate, to Ld. Lyle, deputy of Calais; in¬ telligence concerning an interview between the Em¬ peror and the Card, of Lorrain, the troops colled! ing in Lombardy, &c. (Orig.) Lucca, May 12 , 1536. 2TO. 18. The fame monk who wrote XIV. 9 , to Jan. Bap. Salvago, in London ; about fome pevfccutions. (An Italian dialect, mixed with Latin.) Calais, May 1 9, 1536. si 2. 19 . Ant. Grimaldi? to T. Cranmer; concerning the armaments in Lombardy, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Ge¬ noa, May 23, 1536. * 213 .' 20 . Sir G. Cafalis, to Henry VIII; reports the lan¬ guage the Pope held to him on being informed of Q. Ann (Boleyn’s) imprifonment; on the Bp. of Ro- chefter’s (Fillier) being made cardinal, See. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, May 27 , 1536. 215 . 21. A cypher, perhaps belonging to the preceding- article. o ] g. 22 . Some Frenchman, dependant on T. Cromwell, to the faid Cromwell; reporting that the wax tapers about Q. Catherine's tomb had been lighted of their own accord the day before Q. Ann was beheaded; &c. (Lr.) June, 1536. 2 . 20 . b. 23. Card. Campeius, to Marc. Ant. Campeius, his brother; inftruttions on his fending him lo Eng¬ land on fome public and private concerns of his own. (Orig. Ital.) Rome, June 6, 1536. 222 . 24. The writer of xiv. 9 . and is. to T. Cromwell; foliciting his releafefrom his impiilonment at Calais. (Orig. Ital.) Calais, June' 7 , 1536. 224 . 25. Ant. Grimaldi, to T. Cromwell; about, the mo¬ tions of the Imperialifts and the French. (Orig. Ital.) Genoa, June 13, 1536. 226 . 26. Jo. Harwell, to Air. Starkey; rejoicing at fome events in England concerning the king’s marriages; and intelligence from Italy. (Orig. dire6ted to T. Cromwell.) Venice ? June 1 5, 1536. 228. 27 . Rich. Pate, Ambatf. with the Emperor, to Henry VIII; various intelligence about the Emperor’s mo¬ tions, his march to Nice, and thence to Genoa, Ike. (Orig.) Gcane, (Genoa) 061. 18 , 1536. 229 . 28. Sir Gr. Cafalis, to Rich. Pate; reports his bro¬ ther's death, and claims fome property his faid brother had left in France. (Orig. Lat.) Rome, Nov. 2 , 1536. 231. 29 . A letter of intelligence from Rome; a bull is preparing for the excommunication of Henri t ill; the Pope and cardinals irritated at the execution of the Bp. of Rochefter; about the motions of tliQ Emperor, the princes of Italy, See. (Ital.) Rome, Jan. 15, 1536. 235. to Ilenry Mil; tendering his re- 5 N fpecfc 30. 4 i + V I T E L L I U S, B. XIV.—XVIII fpeet and fervices. (Lat.) Rome, Feb. 13, 1520. 3 1 . A pafquinade again ft the Emperor, in the form of a pafi'port for Rome, notwithftancling his “ Latro- ciniis, Rubariis, Adulteriis, Inceftis, Luteranilrnis.’’ (Lat.) Rome, Feb. 28, 1536. 238. 32. Ant. Grimaldi, to T. Cromwell; intelligence about the Emperor. (Orig\ Ital.) Genoa, March 2, 153(5. 239. 33. Ant. Guidot? to T. Cromwell; offering to bring over fomc (ilk weavers from Medina. (Orig. Ital.) Naples, March 20 , 1536. 241. 34 . Extracts from Mr. Pate's letters of intelligence, to Iicmy VIII. June and July, 1536 . 243. . 35 . A letter to T. Cromwell; about l'ome nego¬ tiations of the Emperor and the K. of France? con¬ cerning Naples, See. (Ital.) 245. 36. Frater Nicolaus, to Henry VIII. and T. Crom¬ well; begging that he might retain a certain bene¬ fice. (Two origs. Lat.) July 18 , 1537. 247- 37- Two ext rafts from letters of intelligence from fir Gr. Cafalis. (Lat.) 1537. 251. 38. Giero. Giano, to Guido his brother; intelli¬ gence. (Orig. Ital.) Rome, Nov. 25, 1537. 255. 39. Card. Campcius, to Marc. Ant. Campeggio his brother, in London ; exculpating himfelf as to the king’s charges again ft him, and giving intel¬ ligence. (Orig. Ital.) Rome, Jan. 27 , 1537. 259 . 40 . A decypher of a letter of intelligence from the marquis d’Aguiliar. (Spani(h) 1537. 261 . 41 . Extracts from letters of intelligence from Rome. (Lat. fragments.) 1537 and 8. 263. 42 . Two papers of intelligence from Rome. (Ital. with Engdilh tranilations and additions.) 15S7 or 8. 266. 43 . Quid us Jannetus, to.; intelligence from Italy. (Lat.) April: 153S? 271 . 44. A paper containing various intelligence from Italy. (Lat.) 1538? 278. 45. Jac. Giflerius Thalafiius, to T. Cromwell; re¬ ports his proceedings in a commifiion on fome eccle- iiaftical matters. (Lat. Orig.) In the palace of the A bp. of Canterbury, May 16 , 1588 ? 275 . 46. Nic. Kraccrus, to T. Cromwell, Privy Seal; in¬ telligence from Germany, about the Turks, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Loud. Aug 24 , 15S8. 276 . 47 . A letter to T. Cromwell ? concerning a prefent of horles delivered to the Dauphin, See. (Ital.) April, 1540? 277 . 48. Erafmus Rot. to T. Cromwell; thanking him for a prefent of teenty angels, and about a pendon. (Orig. Lat.) Bade, March 1 5, 1536. 278 . b. Hi. A paper of intelligence, about a meeting of the Pope and the Emperor at Nice. 1538. 279 . 50 . An Italian letter; about the fitting out or re¬ pairing of a (hip. Nov. 24, 1538. 281. 51. Rich. Sea.to Rich. Morrifon; intelli¬ gence, fome of it literary. Venice, Nov. 15, 1538. 283. 52. A paper of intelligence from Italy ; about the D. d'Urbino s death, See. (Italian.) 1588. 285. 5 3 .to T. Cromwell; much adulation and thanks. (Ital.) Venice, Dec. 1539- 287. 54 . Guidus Jannettus, to T. Cromwell; intelli¬ gence about the Pope, the duchy of Urbino, Sec. C-h ig. Lat.) Rome, Feb. 5, 1539. 289. 55. Intelligence from Italy, and articles of religion from Germany. (Lat.) 1540. 291 . 50 . Intelligence from Italy; the Venetians have made an agreement, with the Turks, about Barbarofla &c. (Lat.) June 25 , 1540 . 295 / 5 7- A fragment of a draught, concerning Card Pole, and Henry VIII. (Lat.) o (J7 / 58. A paper of intelligence about the Turks, & c . the hand-writing fimilar to that of Harwell, vid. XH.2G ^ 59 . Divers accounts of travelling expenfes, Sc c, 300. Vit dlius, B. XV. XVI. -. Lat.) 1515. 1 gg Q 31 . ..to Henry VIII; reports his and R. Pace's arrival at Infpruck, and their favourable re¬ ception by the Card of Sion. (Lat.) Infpruck, Nov. 2 , 1515. 199 . b. 32. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; reports the dif- pofition of the Card, of Sion, and the probability of gaining the Swifs. (Orig. a great part cypher, de¬ ciphered.) Infpruck, Nov. 16 , 1515 . 200 . 33. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry vui; two dif¬ patches. (Orig.) .Nov. and Infpruck, Nov. 19, 15 15. 201. L) cypher, decyphered.) Kemp ton, Nov. 20 , 1515 . 204. 35. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry YNI ; on his ne¬ gociations with the Swifs, &c. (Orig.) Meiningen in Suabia, Nov. 26 , 1515 . 20 G. 36. The Pope’s legate in Swificrland, to Henry VIII; profefiing devotednefs, and in commendation ot Pace. (Orig. Eat.) Zuric, Dec. 3, 1515. 210 . 37. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry VIII; three difpatches. (Orig.) Kempten, Nov. 29 , and Fricfingen, Dee. 5 and 7 , 1515. 211 . 58. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; concerning the negociations in Swifterland. Zuric, Dec. 8, 151.51 215. 39. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey ; two difpatches. (Orig.) Frielingen, Dec. 10 , and In¬ fpruck, Dec. 14 , 1515. 217 . 40. Rich. Pace; a long report of the ftate of affairs in Swilferland. Dec. 1515 . 222 . 41. The emperor Maximilian, to Card. Wolfey; recommending hisambafiador to England (Titionus.) (Orig. Eat.) Landeck, Dec. 15 , 1515 . 226 . 42. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Henry vui; about the negociations. (Orig.) Uberlingen, Dec. 21 , 1515 . 230. 43. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; recommend¬ ing Melchior.lent to the king by the Card, of Sion. (Orig.) Uberlingen, Dec. 22 , 151 5 . 231 . b. 44. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Kan i I burg in Suabia, Dec. 26 , 1515 . 232. 45 . The Card, of Sion, Wingfield, and Pace, lo Card. Wolfey; a representation "of fome fadts con¬ cerning the Swifs. (Lat.) Auglburg, Dee. 27 , 1515 . 234. 46. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Bibrae, Dec. 29 , 1515. 235 . 47 . A paper of various intelligence, concerning operations of the French on the coaft of Normandy Sec. (Ir.) 236. * 48. Iniiructions to fome perfons fent to England to report the ftate of affairs in Lombardy, to com-’ mend the Card, of Sion, blame Rich. Pace for fa- vouring the Vifcontis, &c. N. B. After the taking ot Milan by Francis I. 23s ViteUius, B. XIX. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis S 83 . 1 . ..... to Card. Wolfey; about letters to be lent to the Pope and cardinals, concerning the Card, ot Sion. (Orig. Lat.) London, 151 6. ° 1 . 2 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; for a fafe-condu6fc tor a perfon to be difpatched by the Emperor. (Orig.) 3 ‘... to Card. Wolfey; congratulating him on his promotion to the rank of cardinal. (Orig. Lat ) Ravenfpurgh, Jari. 8, 1516 . ° o. b. 4 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Conftance, Jan. 31 , 1516. 3 . 5 . . ... . . to Card. W olfey ; intelligence ; the Em¬ peror faid to be arrived at Calais. (Olio- Lat ) Dover,. 18 , 15 16 . tions 34. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about ne° - ocia- >ns with the Card, of Sion, the Swifs, Sec. (Orig. 416 V I T E L L I U S, B. XIX. commending Pace. (Orig. Pat.) Zuric, Jan. 22 , I lo 16 . 8. 8. Rich. Paco ; a fragment containing fomc intel¬ ligence about the Emperor. (Qrrg.) I'eh. 1.3 16 . g. g. Minutes of letters from Mr. Pace. Feb. 1.3 1 6. 11. in. The Card, of Sion ? to Card. Wolfey; on pub¬ lic affairs. (Two origs. Eat) Conltance, \'al Mon¬ tis Actaberyr l ei), lo, 1516. l .3. 11. A fragment; intelligence about the Swifs and French, &c. (Lat.) Potnoy? Feb. 14, 1516. 19- b. 12 . A letter concerning the Card, of Sion’s inten¬ tions towards promoting the fervice againft the French. Loanee? Feb. 26, 15 16. 20. 13. The emperor Maximilian, to Card. Wolfey; profefiing friendfhip. (Orig. Lat.) Maran, Feh. 1516. " 22. 14. Ah ft rad of a letter from the Card, of Sion, to Card. Wo]fey. Trent, March 2 , 1516 . 2:3. 15. The emperor Maxim, to Ilenry VIII; defiling him to countenance the Card, of Sion. (Orig. l r. thr whole in the Emperor's hand.) March 4, 1516. 2 6. 16 . Rich. Pace, to.; intelligence. Trent, March 4, 1516. 27 . 17 . The emperor Maximilian, to Card. Wolfe\ ; recommending Jo. de Hefdine, lent over to be his joint amball’ador with Barth. Titionus, count Decian. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, March 7 , 15 id. -9- 18 . Ric. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; on the war in Italy. March 7 , 1516 . 30. 10 . Sir Roht. Wingfield, to Ilenry YH1; three cli(- patches. (Orig;) Trent, March 7 and 27 , and de Cofta, April 4 , 1516 . 33 . 20 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig. cypher, clccyphercd) Landau, Apr. 6 and s, 1516. * 40. 21 . Sir R. Wingfield; to Ilenry VTII; intelligence. (Orig.) Vul Ganionica, April 10 , 1516. 44. 22 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Abin . ... April 4, 1 . 316 . 46. 23. Sir It. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; two dif- patchcs. (Orig.) Trent, April 25, and ... April 16 , 1516. “ 49. 24. The emperor Maximilian, to Ilenry VIII; a friendly note. (Orig. Lat.) Valle Solis, April is, 1516. " 52. b. 25. Fr. Sforza D. of Bari, to Card Wolfey; thank¬ ing him for his and the king's protection. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, April 19, 1516. 53. 26 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey, and Ilenrv Vlll. (Three origs.) Trent, April ... 22 and es, 1516. 54. 27 . A fchedule of fums which Ilenrv VIII. is re¬ quired to pay to the marquis of Brandenburgh and others, towards the carrying on the war in Italy. (Lat.) 59. b. 2S. Sir It. Wingfield, to Henry VIII ; intelligence- (Orig.) Trent, May 11 , 15 16 . 60 . 29- Fr. D. of Bari, to Card. Wolfey ; lamenting the ill l’ucceiVes in Italy, and profefiing his confidence in Henry and the Card. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, May 1 1 , 1516. 6i;b 30. Some Swifs magifiratcs to Henry VIII; in com¬ mendation of It. Pace. (Lat.) Trent, May, 1516. 62 . Si. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Trent, May 12 . i.. 1 o'. 63. 3 2 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry \ ill; a long dil- patcli. (Orig.) Trent, May 1 3, 1 o 1 O'. Go. 55. The emperor Maximilian, to and Ilenry Yin. to Card. Wolfey; defiring remittances of monev. (Two prigs. Lat.) Trent, May 15, 1519 . 6 y. 54. Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII; three dif- patches. Trent, May 17 , 19 , and 21 , 151 6. 70 . 55. Fr. D. of Bari, to Henry vni; credential in favour of Argellenfis. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, Ma\ 21 , 1516. " 7 s. 56. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; a report of the Emperor's motions in Lombardv. (Orig. cypher, de¬ ciphered.) Trent, May 25 , 1516. * 70. 57. Fr. D. of Bari, to Card. Wolfey; promifingto Perform w hat R. Paccliiall have promifed in his name. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, May 2:3, 15 16 . si. 58. C a rd. Wol fey, to Rich. Pace; lamenting the Emperor's untowardnefs, commending the firmnefs ot tl)c Swifs, inftructions to continue to treat with them. Sic. May 27 , 15 16 . 62 . 39. The Card, of Sion? to Card. Wolfey; ob- fcurely alluding to fome requeft. (Lat.) Antwerp, May 29 , 1516. 86. 40 . Card. Wolfey, to Rich. Pace; chiefly about his (Pace’s) ncgociations with the Swifs towards the cx- pulfion ot the Fr. out ot Milan, and about money matters. 1516 . yy. 4 1 .to Rich. Pace; about ncgociations with the Swifs. (Orig. Lat.) Turgaw, June 2 , 151 6. 93. 42. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence; mentions the Emperor’s intention to relign the Im¬ perial crown to Henry VIII. (Orig. cypher, de- cyphered.) 1516 . 95 . 43. Count Galeazzo Vifconti? to Ilenrv VIII; concerning the conduct of the Card, of Sion, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Zuric, June 2 , 1516 . 97 . 44. C't. Galeazzo Vifconti? to Card. Wolfey; about money matters, and his proceedings. (Lat.) 1516. 98 . 45. Sir Robt. Wingfield, to Ilenry VIII; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Trent, June, 3 , is 16 . 99 . 46 . Rich. Pace, to And. Ammon, Latin fec y to Henry Vlll; a letter of civility, and fomc intelligence about Milan. (Orig. Lat.) Augfbufg? June 5? 1516. 102 . 47 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the affairs of Italy, and his endeavours with the Swifs. (Orig.) Auglburg? 15 16 . 104 . 48. Gal. Vifconti, to hisfon Anehifcs; intelligence of what palled at a diet of the Swifs at Baden, Wingfield. 293 . 118 . A rough draught of a letter to Wingfield. Sept. 1516 . ^294. ill. Card, dc Gurce, to Henry VIII; tendering his refpect and fcrvices. (Orig. Lat.) Augfb. Oct. 1 , 1516 . 295 . b. 1 15. A fragment of a let ter, concerning the Em¬ peror’s affairs, &c, Augfburg. Oct. 12 , 1516 . 296 . 116 . B. Titionus count Decan. to Card. Wolfe}- ; defiring .to know whether the lum of 20,000 crowns, part of a remittance, was meant as a prefent to the Emperor. (Orig. Lat.) London, 1 .5 1 6. 297 . b. 117 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; along dif¬ patch. (Orig.) Zuric, Oct. 22 , 15 16 . 298 . 11 R. IT. Sforza, D. of Bari, to Card. Wolfey; thanking him for countenancing his agent Argilenfis. conf. XIX. 35. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, Oct. 29 , 1516 . 306- 119 . Articles between the Emperor and the King of England, figned by the Card, of Sion. (Lat.) Nov. 2 , 15 16 . 30 7 . 120 . The form of an oath to lie taken by the Card, of Sion and count Titionus, in confirmation of a treaty between the Emperor and Henry VIII. (Lat. a draught.) 1 5 1 6. 310. 121 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII. Ilagenau, Nov. 3, 151 6. 3 12 . 122 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; Turgaw, Nov. 7 , 1516. 317. 123. Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII; two dif- patches. Aberlingen, Nov. 9, and Stein, Nov. 11 , 1516. 319. 124 . Rich. Pace, to fir R. Wingfield; reports the practices of the ha hard of Savoy with the Swifs. Turgaw, Nov. 18, 1516. 323. 125. A b ft rafts of letters from Mr. Pace. Nov. 1516. 325. 126 . Intelligence of the taking of Milan from the French. (Fr.) Nov. 25 , 15 iu. 328. 127. Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII. and to Card. Wolfey. Hagenau, Nov. 28 and 30 , 1516. 829. 12s. The Card, of Sion? to Capt. Tho. Lark, ai» attendant of Card. Wolfey; apprizes him of his jour¬ ney to Spire, in his way to the Low countries, and about preparations. (Lat.) Dec. 5, 15 16. 388 . 129. Sir R. Wingfield ; a paper and a letter to Card. Wolfey. Hagenau, Dec. 8 , 1516. 334. 1.80. Rich. Pace, to fir It. Wingfield, and to Card. Wollev. Turgaw, Oft. 8 , 1516 . 3 S 8 . 131 . Sir R_ Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey. Augf¬ burg, Oct. 12, f 5 1 6 . S4?2. 132 . The Card, of Sicm, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Lat. part cypher.) Agnon, Dec. 1516 . ” 344. 1 . 33 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII; two dif- patches. Hagenau, Dec. 11 and 1.3, 15 16 . 846 . 184 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey. (Cypher de- cyphcred.) Dec. 15 , 1516. * * 351. 135 . Card. Wolfey, to fir R. Wingfield. Dec. " 353. 136 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII. Ilagenau, Dec. 16, 1516 . 3,5.3. 1 . 37 . The Emperor Maximilian, to Henry VIII ; credential in favour of the Card, of Sion. (IT. the whole in Maximilian’s hand.) Augfburg, Sept. 27, 151 6- " 3 j 6 . b. 138 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfe}-. Ilage- nau, Dec. 27, 1516 . 189. Henry VIII ; inftruftions to Ins ambaffador with the Emperor (Wingfield?) reprehending part of his conduct. 1516. 360. 140. A draught, in Wolfey’s hand, of a letter to Rich. Pace, and another perhaps to Wingfield. 8O7. 141 . The article of the eomprehenfion of the Swifs in I he league between the Emperor, the Pope, Henry VIH, and the K. of Aragon. (Lat.) 15 16 . 369. 142. Rich. Pace, to Henry VIII. (A fragment of a rough draught. Lat.) 1316. 371. 14 3 . A paper, being feerningly a fummary offer- vices rendered, or to be rendered, by the Card, of Sion, chiefly refpefting the Swifs Cantons. (Lat.) 1316 . ’ .373. 144. Seven articles, two of them with many cy¬ phers, being papers and letters of the Card, of Sion : they are all much mutilated, and fcarcelv intel¬ ligible. (Latin.) .374. VitdUus , B. XX. Codex ehartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 290 . The whole of this volume has been fo much da¬ maged by fire, that few of the articles can be of anv material ufe. The following is the leaft imperfect ac¬ count that can be given of them, conlifting chiefly of fuch writers names, and dates, as could he afeer- tained. 1 . A fragment of the key to Rich. Pace's cypher. 2 . Rich. Pace. (Cypher decyphered.) 5 , 3. A fragment, in Henry VHlth’s hand writing. 9 . 4. Eight pages of fragments, in Wolfey’s hand: two of them rough draughts. g. b. 5 . Five leaves of extrafts and fragments. 14 . 6. The Card, of Sion, to Card. Wolfey. (Partly cypher, Lat.) Duren, Jan. 17 , 15 17. 19 . 7 . A letter to Rich. Pace. 22 . 9. Sir V I T E L L I U S, B. XX. 419 8 . Sir Rich. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey. Treves, Jan. (5, 1 . 517 . ' 24. 9 . The Emperor Maximilian. (Lat.) Duren, Jan. 18, 151?. 2 G. 10 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey and Ilenry VIII. Duren, Jan. 17, 1517- 27 . 11. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey. Turgaw, Jan. 19, 1517- 31. 12 . The Card, of Sion, and Anchifcs Vifconti; two art. (Lat.) Turgaw, Feb. . . and 12 , 1517 . 36. 13. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; three articles. 38. 14 . The Emperor Maximilian, to Henry vm. (Lat.) April 9 , 1517 . 47 . 15. Rich. Pace. Conftance, May 16 , 1517 . 48. 16 . Extracts from letters of Galeazzo Vifconti. (Lat.) Trent, May 20 , 1517 . 52. 17 . Rich Pace, to Card. Wolfey. Conftance, May 23, 1517- 54. 18 . The Chancellor of the city of.(Lat.) Mentz, July 10 , 1517 . 57 . ig. Rich. Pace. Conftance, July 11 , 1517 . 58. 20 .to Henry VIII. (Lat.) Cologn, July 13, 1517 . 59 . b.‘ 21 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey ; three letters. Conftance, July 27 , Aug. 4 and 14 , 1517 . 60 . 22 . The Card, of Sion, to Card. Wolfey ; two letters, (Lat.) Scliwitz, Aug. 17 , 1 5 17 . 65. 23. Lud. Maroton. (Lat.) Rute, Aug. 29 , 15 17 . 68. b. 24. A paper, relating to fome treaty between Hen¬ ry VIII. and the Swifts. (Lat.) 1517 . 69 . 25. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; three letters. Conftance, Sept. 19 , and Oft. 6, 1517 . 71 . 26 . L. Maroton. Viterbo, Nov. 3, 1517 . 76 . 27 . Sir R. Wingfield, to Henry VIII. Bonn, Nov. 13, 1517. 77 . 28 . The Emperor Maximilian, to Card. Wolfey ; thanking him for his good offices in maintaining the alliance with the king. (Orig. Lat.) Lintz, Jan. 1 , 1518. 79 . 29 . Wm. Knight, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about tire Emperor’s health, &c. (Orig.) Wells, in Auftria, Jan. 14 , 1518. 80 . 30. An agreement for count Faukenbergh, ferving in the armies of Henry vm. (Fr.) 151 8. 82 . 31. A letter to Card. Wolfey; concerning the Em¬ peror’s negociations. (Lat.) 1518. 84 . 32. Count Titionus, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Lat.) Augfburg, Feb, 21 , 15 18. v 86. b. 33. The Emperor Maximilian, to Henry vni; about an expedition againft the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Infpruek, April 24, 15 is. 88. 34. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey. June 24 ? 1518. 89. 35. A defen five alliance between the Emperor and the kings of England, France, and Spain ; a cor¬ rected draught, but figned by Henry vm, and a great number of his counfellors. (v. Rym. XIII. 624 .) (Lat.) London, Oct. 2 , 151 8. gi. 36. The Emperor Max. to Card. Wolfey; about a treaty with the Swifs, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Ympfr, Oft. 25, 1518. 103. 37 . The Card, of Sion, to Card. Wolfey; thank¬ ing for a penfion of 1000 nobles granted him by Henry VIII. (Orig. Lat.) Turgaw, Dec. 20 , 1518 . 106 . b. 38. Three rough draughts, in the hand of Woift-y; one of them addrelfed to fir Edw. Ponygs. 107 . 39. Henry Vlll; his commiflion to Rich. Pace lent to the debtors after the death of the Emperor Max. (Lat.) London, May 20 , I5iy. ill. 40. A draught, in Wolfey's hand? about fome dif- turbance in London. 112 . 41. L. Frilcobaldi, to Ant. Cavalari; about a loan of 60,000 fl. Trent, May 22 , 1519 . 11 3. 42 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; feven letters, about the time of the election to the Empire. Co¬ logn, May so, June 3, on the Rhine? June 9 , 10 . Mentz, June 11 , 12 , 1519 . 114 . 43. Albert of Brandenburgh, debtor of Mentz; about the approaching deftion to the empire. (Orig. Lat.) Frankfort, June 13, 1519 . 137 . 44. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; three letters. Mentz, June 14, 15, 20, 1519 . * iss. 45. Frederick III. EleCt. of Saxony, to Henry v hi ; about the deftion. (Orig. Lat.) Erankf. June 16 , 15 19. 144. b. 46 . Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; about the elec¬ tion. Mentz, June 24, 1519 . 145 . 47 . Seven German deftors and princes, to Rich. Pace; notifying the election of Charles V. as K. of the Romans. (Orig. Lat.) Hoel't, June 28, 1519 146. b 48. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey; five letters Mentz, June 28 , 21 , 22 . Erankf. July 3 . Mentz, July 4 , 1519- 147 .’ 49. A draught, in Wolfey’s hand, being direc¬ tions to the king’s ambafladors at the diet. 1519 . 153. 50. Some German prince, to Henry vni. (Lat.) Mentz, July 4 , 1519- 134 . 51. Rich. Pace, to Card. W r olfey ; before the elec¬ tion. June, 1519 . ” J 55 . 52. A draught, in Wolfey’s hand; direftions to the ambalfador at the diet. 1519 . 157 . 53. A paper of intelligence, concerning fome ar¬ maments of the Cts. of Cl eves, Juliers, See. (Fr.) Antwerp, April 10 , 1520 . 153 . 54. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; profdfing his defire to gratify Henry vm, and the Card. (Olio*. Fr. the,whole in Charles's hand.) Worms, April 23 , 1520. 158. b.’ 55. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfey. Cologn, July 8, 1520. " 159 .- 56. Laur. Starben, to Card. Wolfey ; intelligence. (Orig. Lat.) Nuremberg, Sept. 15/1520. 1G1. 57. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; about conferring on him the Bpk. of H el vie (Elvas). (Orig. Eat.) Lobania, Oft. 6, 1520. 262 . lx 58. Cuthbert. Tunftall, to Card. Wolfey ; three let¬ ters, about the Emperor’s coronation, &c. Luke (Liege), Oft. 12 . Cologn, Nov. 6. D°. 1520 . 163 . 59. Sir Th. Spindly, to Card. W'olfey; intelli¬ gence. (Part cypher, decyphered.) Cologn, Nov. 7 , 1520. ! 7I . 60 . Cuthb. Tunftall, to Card. Wolfey; about fome concern of B. Tuke’s. Cologn, Nov. 8, 1520 . 175 . 61 . A lift of German Princes, and their forces. 177. 62 . Cuthb. Tunftall, to Card. Wolfey; two letters. —N. B. The fir ft wants the end, and the fecond E in a different hand from the other. Nov. 20 ? Worms, Dec. 17 , 1520. 178 . 181. b. 64. A 63. Draughts, in Wolfey’s hand. 420 V I T E L L I U S, B. XX. XXI. 64 . A fragment of a treaty ■with the Emperor’s ambaffadors. 182 . 65. Sir T. Spinellv, to Card. Wolfey; a fragment. 1521? " 184. 66. Abftraft of letters from Dr. Turnflall, to Hen¬ ry vill; a long article, tolerably perfect. 185. 6 7 . A memorial of fome regulations concerning the Empire; made at a diet at Worms. Jan. 6, 132 1 . 194. 68. Sir T. Spinellv; along letter in cypher, not deci phered. Worms, Jan. 24, 1521. 196 . 69 . Cuthb. Tunftall, to Card. Wolfey; eight, let¬ ters, about Luther, &c. moil part in ci pher. Worms, Jan. 29 , Feb. 9 , 16 , March 6 , d° d" d° 22 . 1521 . 201 . 70 . A draught of a letter, to Henry vm ; about an intended marriage. (Q y of the Emperor r) March, 1521. 222 . 71. Sir Th. Spindly, to Card. Wolfey; two letters. Worms, April 11 and 20 , 1521 . 224 . 72. Charles v? to the Prevoft do Paris; about Robt. de la Marche, (l'r.) Worms, April 28 , 1521 . 231. 73 . Sir R. Wingfield, ami Sir Tb. Spinellv, to Card. Wolfey. Mentz, June 1 , 1521 . 232 . 74. Sir R. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; Mentz, Junes, 1.521. 034 . 75. Srvi val draughts, in Card. Wolfey’s hand ; fomc of them being inllru&ions to Wingfield. 236. 76. A French letter, addrelfcd to Monf. le Trefo- rier. 243 . 77 . Draughts, in Card. "Wolfey’s hand; inftruftions to Dr. Knight, Ambalf. in France. 243. b. 78 . Vitus Sutor, Imperial Ambalf. in Swiiferland, to the Emperor; intelligence. (Lat.) Zuric, Nov. SO, 1521. 246. 79- A memorial, given by Card. Wolfey to Ld. Sf. John, and lirTho.; a draught in the cardi¬ nals hand. 248. 80 . Card. Wolfey. to Henry vm, thortlv after the Coronation of Charles V. A draught. 1521. 251 . 81 . The Deputies of the Swifs Cantons, at a diet to Card. Wolfey. (Lat.) Zuric, March, 1522 . 254. 82 . Card. Wolfey, to Henry VIII ; a draught. 255 . 83. A paper, touching the interview between the Emperor and the Fr. king. (Fr.) 1522. 256 . 84. The Bp. of Strafburg, and others, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. I,at.) Turgaw, Feb. 5, 1522. 256-b. 8.5. The Helvetic Diet; an anfwer to Dr. Knight. (Copy and Orig. Lat.) Zuric, March 13, 1522 . 86. A fragment, much defaced. (Lat.) 259 . S7. Jae. Banifius, to Charles v ; intelligence from Italy. (Orig. Lat.) Trent, June 3, 1522. 260 . 88. The Bp. of Vcrulam, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. Lat.) Conftanc.e, Aug. 4, 1522. 261 ; 89- Ld. Henry Morley, to Card. Wolfey; four let¬ ters, on being lent with the order of the Garter to the Archd. Don Ferdinand (brother to Ch. v.) Nu¬ remberg, Oer. and Nov. 1522. 262. 90 . Archd. Ferdinand, to Henry VIII ; credential in favour of II. de Emenchurt, lent, to alk affiftancc again fi the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Nuremberg, Nov. 20, 1522. 267- b. 91- A draught of a letter; probably from Wolfey, to Mr. Deputy. 268 1 ) 2 . Archd. Ferdinand, to Henry VIII ; thanks for aid promifed. (Orig. Lat.) Infpruck, April 5. 268. b. 93. Charles v? to Henry VIII ; notifying fome fa¬ vour received at Prague. (Fr.) June 1 , 1522 . 269 . 94. Some decifions concerning a caufe between Charles v, and Henry vm. (Lat.) 1 . 522 . 209 . b. 95. Archd. Ferdinand ; bis commiilion appointing Geo. de Alo.Baron de Conryne, his proxy lor his inftallation at-Windfor. (Lat.) Brifae. 271 ." 96 . Frederick Elect, and John D. of Saxony to Henry vm. (Orig. Lat.) Altenburg, May 3 , i.5ee. 97- Henry VIII ; his commiilion to Dr. Wm. KniMit fentto induce the Emperor to join him again It the French. (Lat.) June 23, 1523. " o- s 98 . Dr. Henry Knight, to Henry VIII; a report. (Orig.) Ilaufen near Spire, July 26 , 1523 . 2so. 99. Charles V; jnftructions to.to treat with Denmark, Sec. (Lat.) Valladolid, Aug. 1523 . 283 . 100 . Two fragments of Archd. I’erd. P Nuremb- Oft. 21 . Ncui'radt, in Auftria, Oft. 27 , 1523. 286. 101 . Charles de Lannoy,-to the Emperor's Chan¬ cellor, Monf. Grant. (Orig. Fr.) Infpruck, May 31- 287. 102 . Two fragments. (Lat.) Nuremb. Nov. 9 , and Dec. 9 ; and one fragment. (German.) Aug. 1522. 288. J it dims, B. XXL Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 215 . 1 . Intelligence about a treaty between the Empe, ror and the Fr. king. &c. (Lat.) Jan. 31 , 1526. 2 . 2 . Two papers of intelligence; about the K. of Hungary’s (Ferdinand) retreat, the diet of Spire See. (Fr.) Feb. 14 , and Aug. 11 , 1526 . 3 / 3. Sir John Wallop, to Card. Wolfey; feven letters of intelligence. Cologn, Nov. 17 , Oft. 8 , 16 , Nov. 3, 30, Sept. 30. Bingen, Dec. 16 , 1526. 5 . 4 . Her. Ringa (Rincus, vid. xxr. 11 .) to Henry \ III; reports having executed fome orders, and in¬ telligence. Cologn, Dec. 20 , 1526 . 1 ;. 5. A paper of intelligence, about meetings of German princes, the Turks, See. (Lat. and a'final! addition in Englifh.) 1526. j 3 6. An account, entitled “ Summa prefidii in co- mitiis Conftanticntibus collefta, ad iter faciendum Romani, atque ad confequendam coronam Ca-fariam, atquc ad alia commoda, atq. res Romani Imperii. " 17. b. 7 . Sir John Wallop, to Henry vm ; tlnce letters of intelligence, concerning the coronation of Ferdinand at Prague, &c. Augfb. Jan. 12 ; Cologn, March 2 ; and Prague, March 12 , 1527. 27 . 8. Ferdinand K. of Hungary, to Card. Woifcv; defiling him to prevail on Henry \ in, to lend his aid againlt the Turks. (Orig. Lat.) Breflaw, May 5 , 1327- 30 . 9 . Sir J. Wallop, to Henry VIII ? and to a friend ; two letters of intelligence about the K. of Huimarv. Vienna, July 11 , 1527 . 10. Charles v ; bis inveftiture of Count Enno with Eaft Friefland. (Lat.) Spire, Sept. 24 , 1528. S3. 11. Herm. Rincus, to Henry VIII; intelligence. (Lat.) Cologn, 6 Cal. Dec. 1527 . ° 3 s. 12 . A paper of intelligence, concerning the K. of Hungary, See. 1527 . 40 . IS. Herm. V I T E L L I U S, B. XXI. 42 1 13. Ilerm. Hinge (Rincus) to Henry vui; intel¬ ligence. (Lat.) C'ologn, 3 Itlus Feb. 1328. 41. 14. Ilerm. Hinge (Rincus) to Card. Wo]fey; in¬ telligence. (Lat.) Cologn, 4 Nones 06t. 1528. 43. 15. Ferdinand K. of Hungary, to Henry Vlli. and Card. Wolfey; credentials in favour of Ch. of Bui- gundy, lord of Breda and Louregham. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, Dee. 7, 1528, and Inlpruck, Jan. 15, 1529 . 45. 16 . A narrative of the defection of one Catzianer, a Stirian leader, and of the defeat of his corps by the Turks in confequence of it. (Lat.) 1529. 49. 17 . The emperor Sigifmund ; his charter of liber¬ ties to the Eaft Frifians. (Lat.) Conftance, Sept. 30, 1417. 50. 18.to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Emperor's health, the Rate of religion, &c. Ra- tifbonne, March 14, 1530. 54. 19 . Henry VIII; his inftru&ions to.Ellis, fent to the Emperor. Oft. 7- 56. 20 . A brief remembrance of certain points to be de¬ termined by the King, relating to fome treat)'; in¬ cluding a marriage between the Infant and the King’s daughter. 57 . 21 . a. A paper, in Henry Vllitlfs hand-writing; about fome lettlement to be made by the Emperor in Italy; perhaps a fragment of the inftru&ions to hr Th. Wyat. (XXI. art. 72 .) GO. 21 . b. A.A.to T. Cromwell; intelli¬ gence. (Lat.) Ratisbonne, March 21 , 1532. 61 . 22 . The Imperial commiffaries, to the Englilli commiffaries at Calais; deliririg anfwers to fome points before they repair to them. (Lat.) Dunkirk, May 26, 1532. G3. 23. The writer of XXI. 1 8 , to Card. Wolfey ; intel¬ ligence from Germany. Ratifbonne, Aug. 11 , 1532. 64 ^ 24. “ New tidings how the fokliers of the Spaniards and Venetians would have fold the Emperor’s and the King's majefties to the Turk ; tranflated out of the (high) Dutch.” 68. 25. A circular letter of Henry VIII, to Erneft D, of Brunfwic, Wolfgang Pr. of Anhalt, Philip D. of Brunfwic, Philip landgrave of Hefie, William and Lewis, dukes of Bavaria; and another letter, to Wolf¬ gang Pr. Anhalt: being credentials in favour of Dr. Nic. Hawkins, archdeacon of Ely, fent Am half, to the Emperor. (Lat.) Greenwich, Sept. 27 and 30, 1532. 74. 20. Henry VIII, to Charles V. and to the K. of Hungary ; credentials in favour of Dr. Hawkins, fent to replace Dr. T. Cranmer. (Orig. Fr.) Greenwich, 061. 1 and 2, 1532. 78 . 27 . Tho. Cranmer, to Henry VIII ; intelligence about the Emperor’s motions, &c. Villach, 061. 20 , 1532. 79. 28 . A.A.to T. Cromwell ? fome expoftulation, and intelligence. (Lat.) 1532. S2. 29 . Queen Mary; inftru&ions to Rich. Shelley, fent to the K. of Hungary, at the time of her pro¬ jected marriage. (Fr.) London. 1553 ? 84. 30 .to Ilenry VIII; concerning a nego- ciatipn with the D. of Saxony, and intelligence re¬ ceived from Germany. Lond. March is, 153. 86. 31 . Gervais Warin, to Henry VIII ; about a league among the German princes againft Ferdinand K. of the Romans, a treaty between the laid K. and the Turk, &c. Soleure, May 17 , 1533. 87. 32. Laur. Jacobrius ? toT. Cromwell; profefiions of devotednefs, and intelligence about a ne jociation m Germany, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) ex Norico (Nu¬ remberg) Sept. 6 , 1533. 91 . 33. Nic. Ifeyth, to T. Cromwell; reports bis hav¬ ing acquitted himfelf of his orders with fome Ger¬ man princes. Nuremberg, Majch 31, 1534 ? 93 . 34 . An Imperial edi 6 I, about fome ceremonial. (Lat. imperfedt.) 95 . 35. Henry VIII, to the Abp. of Bremen; in behalf of Cr. Wollwevcr, an Engliihman, imprifoned at Bre¬ men. (Lat.) Greenwich, Feb. 10 , 1535. 97 . 36. Henry VIII, to the magiiirates of Lubeek ; in behalf of Win. Gylbank, a matter of a Uiip. (Lat. a corrected draught.) Richmond, May 24 , 1534 . 98. 37 . A letter of intelligence from Hamburgh. May 25. (Q* from Dr. Lees ?) 99 . 38. Henry VIII, to Hen. C’t. Ilogen and Vroic Rlmfen ; thanking him for his other of fervices. (Orig. Lat.) Hampton-court, June 3, 1534 . 1 op, 39 . ^ Henry t in, to the magiftrates of Bremen, and Nuremberg, Laur. Stayber, the magiftrates of .- :t »d the duke of Middle! urg : live letters, all very defective. (Lat.) Greenwich, March 17 , 23, d° 25 and .. . 1535. 102 . * 40. Fred. 11 . Ct. Palatine 1). of Bavaria (afterwards Ele&or) to Henry VIII; defiling that favour nuiv be ihewn to Chriftieru K. of Denmark, his father-in-law. (Lat.) Heidelberg, Sept. 30 , 1535. 108 . 41. Henry VIII, to the Count PalaLine. (Lat. a fragment.) Hampton-Ct. 061.4, 1535. 109 . 42. Robt. Bar (Dr. Barnes?) toT. Cromwell; abou t bis negociutions with the Elect. Palatine, and news Wittemberg, Oct. 6, 1535 . no. 43. Hubert Leodius Sec T to the Ct. Palatine, to 1. Cromwell? wilhing a good underhand ing might be cultivated between their two mailers. (Lat.) Newmark, 061. 11 , 1535 . 112 . b. 44. Robt. Bar, to T. Cromwell; about negotiations in Gennany. Gotha. ns. 45. Jac. Giflerus Thalaflius, to.; negoc ations. (Lat.) Heidelb. May 6, 1535. 114 . 46. Robt. Bar, to T. Cromwell; two letters on his negotiations with German Hates. Hamburgh, Aug. 24 and 22, 1535. lit;. 47 . A flatement relating to the fucceflton to the dukedom of Gueldres. 113 . 48. Part of the King’s inftrurtions to the E. of Wiltfhire; with an anfwer of the Emperor. 121 . 49 . Hans de Gerftenberg and Hier. Wideman, to . (Lat.) 1536. 125 . 50.to the Earl of Wiltfhire. Berne, March 12 , 1536. 126 ^ 51. Edm. Bonner and Rich. Caundyfhe, to Henry VIII. (Lat.) Hamburgh, March is, 1536. 127 . 52. A league between Henry vui. and the duke of Gueldres. Jan. 23, 1536. 12 a. 53. Tho. Theabold, to T. Cromwell; giving fome account of an earthquake at Carftadt: perhaps Carl- ftadt. 153.. 132. b. 54. Tho. Cromwell, to Chriftopher Mount and Th. Paynell; inftru6tions to demand an anfwer from the D.of Cleves, concerning the King’s offer of marriage; and about the affairs of Germany. London, March 10 , 1540? “ 133 . 55. Edm. Bonner, to Tho. Sherley; on private con¬ cerns. Hamburgh, Feb. 17 , 1536. 136 . 56. E. Bonner and R. Caundyfhe, to T. Cromwell? (Orig. Lat.) Hamburgh, Feb. 22, 1536. 137 . 5 P 57 . II. 422 V I T E L L I U S, B. XXI. C. I. 57- R. Caundyfhc, to T. Cromwell? about naval ftores procured by him. (Grig.) llamb. l’eb. 25, 1536. 138. 58. T. Theabold, to.; about the purfuit of a delinquent, &c. Auglb. March. 13.Q. 59 . T. Theabold, to.; about his travels, See. Fran ... 1 41. 60 . George D. of Saxony, to Henry VIII ; about a German verfion of Henry's book againlt Luther. (Grig. Lat.) Drelden, March 16 , 1527 . 146 . 61. T. Cromwell, to C. Mount and T. Paynell; about their negotiations with the princes evangelical, See. London, March 22 , 1540? 1 47- 62. Henry VIII; his infiruCfions to Mr. Paget, fent to the princes of Germany. 152. 63. Edw. Fox, to T. Cromwell; about the inftruc- tions to Paget. 155. b. 64 . Bernhardus a Mela, to T. Cromwell? defiring fome fruity perlbn may be fent to him to communicate with; and giving fome intelligence on Danilli affairs, Nc. (Grig. Lat.) Lubeek, Sept. 28 , 1536. 156. 65. A corrected draught of a letter of Henry vill, to a German prince; fent to Cromwell, by T. WrioUl- ley and l 3 . Cannes. (Lat. a fragment.) Ihunpton- court, Feb. 25, 1537 . 157. 66. Henry V 111 , 0 . To. Frederick elector of Saxony ; credential in favour of Chriftoph. Mount. (Lat.) Hampton-court, Feb. 25, 1537 . 158. 67 . A memorial of inftructions from Ld. Cromwell, to Chrift. Mount. . 537 . 159 . 68. Jo. yEpinus, to T. Cromwell; about one Adam .confined in the Low countries, leemingly on account of religion. (Grig. Lat.) Hamburgh, April 2 :>, 1536. 161. 69. Win. Clifton, to T. Cromwell? (Grig.) Frankfort, May 11 . iGS. 70 . A report of the proceedings of Ld. Hereford, Ileth, and Dr. Barnes, in Germany. 164. 71 . Five fragments of Latin letters : 1 . Calais, Feb. 27 , 1559 ; 2 . Nuremberg, March 17 ; 3. Frankfort, April 5 , 1539; 4. Laur. Staiberus, Camerftain in Franconia, April 2 , 1537; and 5 . Fr. Burguatus and Geo. :i Bcineburg, London, Aug. 5 , 1538. 166. 72 . In ft ructions to firTho. Wyatt. and Phil. Ilobby; fent to the Emperor's court. 170 . 73. Stepli. a Hafcbenpcrg, to.; about fome lhips (Grig. Lat.) Dol.? April 12 , 1539 . 177 . 74. Nic. Wotton and Rich. Bcrde, to Ld. Crom¬ well; a report of their negociations with the D. of Cleves, about the K. ’s marriage, G udders, &c. (Grig.) Cleves, May 3, 1539. i 78 . 75 . Nic Wotton, to Henry vill; a report of fome negociations between the D. of Cleves, the eleCtor of Saxony, and other German princes; alfo fome ac¬ count of Lady Anne of Cleves. (Orig.) Duren, Aug. 11 , 1539- 186. 76 . Fragments of intelligence from Germany, about the 1). of Cleves ; alfo of fome things required by Ld. Sands, a Gov. in the Englilli polieflions in Picardy. 189 . 7 7- Two fragments, Englilli, and one in Latin, dated April 28 , 1540; directed to SirT. Wyatt. 192 . 78 . Henry VIII, to Mr. Pate? inftructions about negociations with the Emperor. Get. 1540? 196 . 79 . Two fragments, about the Pope's calling a council. 198 . 80 . Henry VIII, to Mr. Wotton; about bis nego- eiatious with the D. of Cleves, concerning Guelders. 201. 81. Obfervations upon fome articles offered to Henry VIII. by the elector of Saxony, and the lund- giavc of lleife, touching the affairs of religion. 204. 82 . An ahftvcr of fome German evangelical princes to a meflage delivered to them by Englilh ambaf- fad ors from the kin g. " a0 ^ 83 . Nine fragments, much mutilated: 1. Latin: 2. InfiruCfions of Henry vin. Get. 25 , 1559: 3. F ;i t. Bade, Sept. 25 : 4. Henry Vllf. Wcftin. Jan. 00, 1545: 5 . A lift of names, perhaps of favourers of the refor¬ mation in Germany : 6. Nic. \\ ottOfi, to Henry vm. Cleves, June 13, 1541 : 7. Various intelligence from Germany: 8 . Divers articles to be confidered of, concerning affairs on the con linen t: 9. M inutes of a tew letters from Germany concerning the Emperor's forces, 8 cc. ' ' o 0 n Vi tellius, C. I. C odex chartaceus, in folio, foliis conftans 502 1 . Ordinances made by John Alcock) Bp. of 'Woreoffer, Antli. (Widevile) F Fivers, 8 c c. for the government of the town of ; wllniry. April 10 1 478 . ' 7 / 2 . Remembrances for t " king’s grace, of things tojie put in execution aching the government of the marches of Wales, propoled by ommitlioners. temp Hen. vm. ’ 14 3. 1 he names of knights and efquires appointed bv the king in the marches of Wales, to give attendance with their retainers to al'lift the king's commiilioners at Ludlow; with the fees allowed them, temp Hen. vm. 15 .b! 4. 1 lie oath and infiru&ions for, the counfellors appointed to attend upon the perion of the princefs Mary, fent to rdide in Wales, and commiffioners 111 the parts of W ales, and the marches thereof; v, i:li two fragments of fimilar inftruClions. 17 Hen. VIII. 1526. o-:. 5. Inftrudlions to the princeffes council, made July 20 , 18 Ben. VIII. (imperfect.) 1527. 36. (i. Minutes of divers laws, regulations, and aCts of parliament made for the government of Wales, from K. Hen. IV. to 35 Hen. vm. 38 - 7 - A brief of the effects devifed for Wales, i. e. for its government, temp. II. vm. 59 . 8 . Inftructions given by the king (Hen. vm.') to fir Wm. Sydney chamberlain, and iir John Corn¬ wallis Reward to prince Edward. 65 . 9 . Water Devereux, to.his nephew, re- monftrating againlt Wellhmcn being compelled to appear before the courts in Weltminfler. * (Grig.) Charteley. 67 . b. 10 . Q. Elizabeth's infiruCfions to fir Henry Sidney, prefident, and the council of the principality and marches of Wales. 89. 11 . Q. Elizabeth’s orders for the direction and re¬ formation of her court in the marches of W ales. 109 . 12 . Inftructions of the Lds. of Council, to fir lien. Sidney, the Bp. of Worccficr, and others, appointed eommifiioners for examining and refbnning certain diforders in the principality of Wales, temp..Eli/ 1 IS. 13. Q. Elizabeth's infinietions to Ilenrv E. of Pembroke, prefident, ami her council for Wales: figned Pembrock. Win* ,or, Sept. 1.5, 1586. 1 2 .1 . 14. Q. Elizabeth; inftructions to Eduard Jon! Zouch, prefident, and her council for Wales. 1 < trig.) Greenwich, July 7 , 1602 . 1 •<,. 15. James V I T E L L I U S, C. I.—III. 42 15. Janies I; his inftrudlions to Edw. Ld. Zouch, prefident, and the council for Wales. Salifbury, Aug. 26, 1603. 162 '. I 16 . The cafe debated ; whether the. lord prefident and council of the marches of Wales have authority over the four Englifli /hires or not ? 190 . 17 . Notes out of the king’s fpeech, concerning the caufe of the four /hires. igo. 18 . Hiftorical arguments from records, concerning the juril'di&ion of the lord prefident and council of the marches over the four Engli/h counties. 194 . 19- A trad/, /hewing that the counties of Glou- cefter, Hereford, and Salop, are no parcel of Wales, or of the marches thereof. 196 . 20 . Reafons to prove, that the three Engli/h counties were, fince theftatute of 27 Hen. vin. e. 26 . no longer to be reputed part of the marches of Wales. 200 . ' 21 . Statute of the 20 Hen. VI. c. 5. concerning the three counties. 202 . 22 . Reafons again ft the proofs offered for the up¬ holding of the jurifdidtion of Ld. prefident, &e. over the four Engli/h counties. 203 . 23. Reafons delivered to his majeftys council, againft the council in the marches. * 205 . 24. The effedfc of the firft argument of the king’s folicitor Genl. in maintaining the jurifdiction of the council of the marches over the four /hires. 209 . 25 . Reafons againft the exemption of the four /hires from the government of Wales. 222 . 2(3. Reafons why the bill preferred for explanation of the ftat. of 34 and 35 I len. VIII. relating to the four /hires, ought not to be pafted. 226. 27 . On the queftion, to whom it appertaineth to reform default of juftice in the marches of Wales : with other papers and draughts relating- thereto, without titles. 227 . 28 . The ftate of the caufe concerning the Ld. prefident and council of the marches. 233. £9- Some further proof that the counties of Glou- cefter and Hereford are in the marches of Wales. 237 . 30. On the general queftion, whether, if the council of the marches exceed their authority, the bench may examine and reform it? 238. 31. On the queftion, what grounds, places, and counties are intended by the words, “ marches of the fame,” in the ftatute of 34 and 35 Hen. vin. commonly called The Ordinance of "Wales. 240 . 32 . On the inexpediency of exempting the coun¬ ties of Gloucefter, Hereford, Monmouth, and Salop from the government of the council in the princi¬ pality of Wales. 252 . 33. A catalogue of the prefidents of the council of Wales, from 14 Edw. IV. to 44 Eliz. 255. b. 34. The effedt of a confutation between the At¬ torney Genl. on one part, and fir John Crook ferjeant at law, and lir Fra. Bacon on the other part, concern¬ ing (he matters in queftion between the King’s Bench and the Ld. prefident of Wales. 256. 35. Collections out of books received from the E. of Salifbury, touching Wales. 257 . 36. Some reafons for exempting the four Enp-li/h counties from the jurifdidtion of the council of Wales. 257 . b. . 37 . Memorial for the E. of Salifbury, touching the four counties. 258 , b. 38. An abftradtof fome fuits for caufes of the four Engli/h counties before the Ld. prefident and council, previous to the ftatute of the ordinance of Wales. N. B. The 5 laft articles are in one hand. 259 . b. 39- Abftra6ts of Q. Elizabeth's ihltrudtions for the North: (afragment.) Aug. 10, 1599. 26 1 . b. 40 . Abftradt of James ilt’s inftructions for Wales, penned for the Lord Eure. Aug. 23, 1607 . 262 . 41 . The principal inhabitants of the four counties, to Herbert Croft; Tho. Cornwall, to James Scuda¬ more ; and Ra. Ld. Eure, to Ld. ... all on the conteft concerning the jurifdidtion of Wales. 1607 . 269 . 42. Q. Mary's patent, appointing Gilb. Bourne, Bp. of Bath, prefident of Wales. Odh 28, 155 8. 273 . 43. The opinion of Sir James Dyer and other judges, touching the jurifdidtion of the county pa¬ latine of Chefter, and the controverfy between the fame, and the prefident and council of Walts : pre- fented to the queen, Feb. 10 , 1568; 275 . Vitellim, C. II; Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans Foliis 457 . Abftradt if m releviorum diverforum tenentium D. Regis in capite, et abler, in diveriis et feperalibus com. Anglia;; temporibus RR. Edwardorum I. II. ill. Ric. II. Henricor. iv. v. vi. et Edwardi iv. coram Baronibus de fcaecario domini regis, apud Weftmona- fterium, cognitis et oneratis : cum indice ad calcem. N.B. This book is a copy of the ancient abftradt of the reliefs paid by the king's tenants in capite during the above reigns. An original of this abftradt; is in the treafurer's remembrancer’s office; it is written on a roll of vellum, about the time of Henry v. and includes only part of that reign. Vitellius, C. III. Codex membran. in fob min. coiiftans folds 137 . 1. Chronologia ab Adamo ufque ad Chriftum natuni, circulis genealogicis comprehenfa, et adnota- tiunculis hiftoricis illuftrata. Sec. XIII. 1 . 2 . Rubric® libri Macri de virtiitibus herbaruni, cum nominibus quarundam ex iis. Saxonicd. 6. b. 3. “ Herbarium Apulei Platonici; quod accepitab Efcolapio, et a Chirone centauro magiliro A chillis :" cui pnemifta funt capitula, Latind et Saxonicd, cunt hoc titulo, literis nunc pene deletis; “ Incipiuiit capi¬ tula libri medicinal is (cum remediis) ad verti- ginem, et ad pectoris dolorem.” Saxonicd. 7 . b. Ext at in Bibl. Bodl. codex huic perfimilis; fed ob imagines YEfculapii, Platonis, Chiron is, &c. et omnium herbaruni de quarum virtutibus trac- tatur, qme in eo codice defidefantur, nofter multo ornatior et pretiofior omnino evadit. 4. Medicina ex quadrupedibus, Saxonicd; five Tradtatus Idparto cuidam regi dEgyptiaco adferip- tus; cum figuris qua; (cum illis in Apuleii Herbario) ad elegantiflimum etantiquiffimum exemplar videntur delineata; et depidta;. - j 5. Remedia et incantamenta qua;dam contra dolo- res quofdam corporis ; 1111 a cum, tradtatulo de minis: manibus recentionibus exarantui. 8 0 . 6. Aur.Ambr. Macrobii llicodo/ii, Saturnaliorum liber primus, et pars fecundi, eleganter (in Gallia ut videtur) exaratus. See. X. 8° 7. Pnefcriptiones qimlam 1). Will. Padda?i et GuiJ. Harvtei, clarils. .Medicorum, pro D. Rob Cottono. 135 Vitellius. 424 V I T E L L I U S, C, IV.—VIII. Vitellius, C. IV. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans folds 135. 1 . De pace Francis et Anglia?; continet autem liber varia inftrumenta et traCtatus de ilia re, iub tempore R. Edwardi III. et etiam de donatione prin- cipatus Aquitania? facta per Eclw. ill. Edwardo filio fuo, cum inftrumento de reforto terrarum regi refer- vato; aliaque plerumque Gallice. 1- 2 . Tractatus Cartonenfis, cx parte regis Francia? Johannis; plerumq. Gallice. 52. 3 . Relaxatio fa&a per regem Hifpanire regi Anglia: de Vafconia. 8S - 4 . De Treugis Scotia?, capti-s A 0 135 7, apud Berwi- cum fuperTwedam. 05. b. 5 . ProceiTus fact us ad coronationcm II. Ricardi II. h. e. de fervitiis dominorum ad coronationem. 101 . C. De coronatione regis Ricardi II. 110 . 7 . Modus tenendi Parliamentum. 113. S. Chronica bona et eompendiofa de regibus An- glorum, a Noe ufque ad R. Ricardum 11 . in qua agitur de coronatione RR. Anglia-, a rege Alfredo, ad ilium regem. 1 «). De exequiis regalibus, cum ipfos reges ex hoc feculo migrare contigerit. 1 - 8 . b. 1 o. De certamine fingulari coram conltabulario et marelcallo Anglia?. (Gallice.) I 2 p. 11 . De officio Marefcalli. (Lat. et Gal.) 132. b. Vitellius , C. V. Defideratur. Vitellius , C. VI. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans folris 24G. Nomina feoffatorum monafterii de Melfa vel Meaux ; locorum, terrarum, tenementorum et reddi- tuum eidem monaflerio pertinentium ; cum tenoribus abbreviatis ebartarum, feoffamentorum, conlirmatio- num, relaxationum, quietaclamationum et eleambio¬ rum ejufdem: fequitur tabula capituloruwi, fed parum luculenta. Monaflerium illud in comitatu Eboracenfi fitum erat; olim monachorum ordinis Ciitertii. Vitellius, C. VII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, foliis conftans 340. 1 . John Dee's account of his life; add refled to two commiffioners, fent to him by the queen : written by himfelf in the year 1592 . l. 2 . Perfpe&iva; five de arte menfurandi cum cir- cino et regula: audtore Job. Dee. 14. 3 . Of famous and rich difeoveries of the great Alia’s foutherly and eafterly coafts, of the Oriental and Scythian ocean, CafpianSea, &c. of the reforma¬ tion of the Afiatical topography, and of the Septen¬ trional I (lands, that they appertain to the crown of the Britiih empire; by John Dee: written in the year 1577 . Opus imperfeCtum ct mutilum, quod fane dolendugi eft: incipit enim a capite lexto. 25. 4 . Job. Dee, Lon d men (is. de trigono cireinoque anologico; opufculum mathematicum et mechani- CUm. 0(jy 5 . Job. Dec, de fpeculis comburcntibus: item de coni recti atque rectanguli fecrione ilia qua* parabola ab antiquis appellabatur: aliaque geomctrica. 279 . <>■ A fragment of a fupplical ion of John Dee to the Queen, for the prefervation of ancient writings and monuments. 310 . 7. Several letters and papers between John Dee and Roger Edwards, on theological lubjects. 311 . 3 . Robert Thorn's letter to K. Henry vuitlfs am- bafliidor in Spain, A 0 1527; about the difeovery of new lands, and retaining thole already dhoovered; wherein is alfo mentioned the project of dividing the whole world between the kings of Spain and Portugal. 324. Vitellius, C. VIII. Codex membran. in folio min. foliis conllans 195 . 1 . Daretis Phrygii de hello Trojano, fragmen- tum. 1 . 2 . Qua-dam chronica de Anglia, plenimque de rebus eccldiaftiris in eodem regno: definil in initiis fucecfliocis It. Ilenriei I. circa quod teuipus videtuf feripta. 1 . ]). 3 . Petri Abielardi verbis clegiaci ad Aftralabum •filium; de moribus ct vita j)ia ct proba. Sequitur tabula capitulorum libri cujuidam ad hiitoriam Gra?- cia? fpeftantem. is. 4. De eo quod unoquoque die faciendum efl ut res falva? fint, tarn quoad Dcum, quam quoad mundum. Item de tribus anni diebus A£«yptiacis. Saxonice. 20 . 5. Epiftola? Ada? de Marifco de ordinc minorum, ad varios pvelatos, abbatiflis, &c. de fide* oratione, ahifque, ejufmodi argument! : inleruntur fol. 55, verfi- culi quidam Galliei, dialogum referentes inter corpus et fpiritum. 94 . 1 11 cip. “ Si cum ioe fo en un lit “ Oi la vois de un elprit “ Ke fuft danipne.’’ G. Laus S. Pauli, quinometro (vers, hexametris) feripta, Damal’o epilcopo : ad liuem verlus chartula adglutinatur qua. leribitur, literis majuieulis, “ Epil- toke Pauli de maim Beda-ex quo conjieere licet traditum faille, librmn queudam epillolar. 1). Pauli, veil. Bedam exfcripfiife, cujus luce, et quatuOr lequen- tia folia, omnia literis Saxonicis valde antiquis exarata, pars fuilfe. 83. 7 . Epiftola S. Ilieronymi ad Damafum, de Pon- tifice Alelcbifedeco. Charaftere Saxonieo. 83. b. 8. Excerpta ex S. Ilieronymo de S. Paulo apotiolo. ejulque epiftolis, et de generibus interpretandi; h. c. de allcgoria, tropologia, Nc. el ex ejufdem tractatu in epiftolam ad Galatas. Eodem cbaraclerc. 85. 9 . Liber de ordinatione dictioimm artificiijfa, coui- muui, et naturali, per magifli um Boucompagnum: praifigitur ejufdem TcUamcnlum, an “ Summa dicta- minis,’’ vel pratum eloquentia ? 88. 10 . Summa magitui Bernardi, qute vocatur, modus rhetoriciis dieemli. 1 , t ho duchy of Cornwall, and the earldom of Cheiler; and their ancient revenues. 220 . jo. Notes touching the prince of Wales, fince 1 Hen. VII. 251. 31. The cafe betw een prince Henry and fir John ileale, lerjeant ai law, and others; by feire facias brought by the king into chancery. £53. ntellius , C. XI. Cortex ch 0 taceus, in folio, conftans foliis S 75 . 1 . TraQatus de matrimonio inter Ricardum II. et ifabellam filiam regis Francis. (Inftructiones po- tius, Gal) Ledcs, July 8, 1396. 3. I Tratlatus de matrimonio inter .Mariam filiam due is Britannia', et AJpboiifum tilium Henrici R. Caftella? et Lconis. 4 5. inter Henricum priu- c'ipeni W alii a? filium lien. iv. et Catherinam filiam regis Francia 1 . 4 }■, 4 - --— inter I.udovicum in. clcCtorcm Palatinum, filium Ruperti regis Poinanor. et Rlanehiam filiam IIcnrieilV.il. A 11 glue : cum variis ad id pertinentibus. ' 5 . 5- ---inter Edmundum co- mitem Cantii, It. Edw. I. filium. et Lnriam filiam 1). Yernabonis vicecomitis, et ducis Mcdiolani ami- tam. ;; 0 . 6 . Inductions of Henry VII, to Francis Martin and others, to be declared to the old queen of Na¬ ples, and the young Q. her daughter; with their re¬ port on the fcveral articles. 34 . 7. lnftruftions of K. Ferdinand of Spain, to Hr. de la Puebla, about the marriage of his daughter with prince Arthur. (Spanifh.) 47 . 8 . Tractates matrimonii inter Artlnmtm principem M alliic, et Katin rinam filiam Eerdinandi ; cum ori- ginali commiflione regis et regime Ilifpania?. 54 . 9--inter Jacobum IV. R. Sco¬ tia?, et Margaritam filiam R. J bmvici vn: item inter eundem Jacobum, tune temporis principem primo^e- nitum Scotia?, et Ceciliam fiiiam R. Edwardi iv. Anglia?. 1474 . 70 . 10 . C'ommiffio ad contrahendum matrimonium inter Arthurum principem Wallhe, et Catherinam filiam regis et regime Hifponior: item rcnunciationcs, et alia ad hoc matrimonium pertinentia. 92 . 11 . Various articles on the arrival, reception, and entertainment of prineefs Catherine in England ; aifo certain notes taken out of the entertainment of Ca¬ therine dowager. 112 . b. 12. Articuli matrimonii inter Henricum VII. et Margarilam filiam JMaximiliani imperatoris. 127. 13. Orders for the wardrobe and ftables of the prineefs of Caftile, again it the folemnixation of her marriage. 1507 . 145 . 14 . Divers papers touching the reception of Q. .Mary, wife of Louis XII. among which are a lift of perfons ordered to attend her, figneil by the king, and an original letter of the Queen to Monfieur. 155. 15. Traftatus matrimonii inter I.udovicum XII. regem Francia?, et Mariam Henrici Mil. fororem, 1513. cum nonnullis epiftolis autographis. io'j. lb. - inter Eraneifcum del- phinum Francia 1 , et Mariam filiam Henrici vm. 1518. (Original, figned by the K. and many of the council.) " 1 pp. 17 . A report from Card. Wolfey, touching his ne- gociations with the Emperor at Bruges: a rough draught in his own hand. Aug. 15, 152 1 . 191 . 18 . Tractatus matrimonii inter Carolum V. impe- ratorem, et Mariam filiam R. Henrici VIII; fub- fcripfitT.Carlis.Ebor. June 16 , 1522 . 193 . 19 . Certain notes and memorials of things touch¬ ing the king's marriage with Anne of Cleves: with the treaty refpebling it; the order for her reception, &c. an. 20 . Tractatus matrimonii inter Edwardum princi¬ pem, et Mariam reginam Scotia-, A° 1546. (Orig.) 225. 21. Divers papers, inftruftions, letters, k c. (fomeof them originals) rt Iatingtothepropofalsofmaitiagebe- tween Q.Elizabeth, and the archduke Charles, brothn 427 V I T E L L I U S, C. XI.—XVI. to the emperor Maxim. II. in 156.5, 6, and 7 : among which is a difcourfe of the Archbp. of Canterbury, for allowance of that marriage, as to the matter of religion. 228. 22 . Articles or notes concerning Q. Elizabeth’s marriage with the D. of Anjou. 1581. 296 . 23. Tranfcripts of various papers touching the marriage of Lewis XIII. K. of France, with Anne of Auftria, infanta of Spain. 297 . 24. Tra&atus matrimonii inter Philippum princi- pem Hifpanke, dein IV. regem, et Elizabetham foro- rem R. Lud. XIII. 341 . 25. Abftra6t of fomefpecial articles contained in fuch contracts of marriage as have been made be¬ tween the daughters of France, &c. and other princes. (a) Between Claude, the daughter of llenry II. and Charles D. of Lorrain. A 0 1558. (b) - Elizabeth, daughter of Henry II. and Philip II. K. of Spain. A 0 1559. (c) - Ifabella, daughter of the emperor , Maximilian, and Charles IX. (d) - Elizabeth the elded; daughter of France, and the prince of Spain. 1612 . 363. 26 . Trabtatus matrimonialis inter Fredericum Com. Palat. et Elizabetham filiam Jacobi I. S68. 27- Abdraft of the anfwer of the Q. regent of France, to a memorial of dr The. Edmonds, concern¬ ing the treaty of marriage between.and prin- cei's Chrilline. 372. 28. Hiftorical notes concerning the jointure and dowry of queens, &c. 374 . 29 . -concerning marriages of dif¬ ferent religions. 375. Vitellius , C. XII. Codex membran. in folio, condans foliis 290 . 1 . Tripartita hidoria eccledaftica; tranflata de Gnecoin Latinum ah Epiphanio, ex tribus au&oribus Giu’cis, Sozomeno, Thcodoreto, etSocrate: cumprab- fatione Cadiodori. 1 . 2 . Martyrologium Romanum. 114 . 3. Tra61atus de vita et padione B. Thomas, archi- prrefulis Cantuar. et martyris; item de geftis poft martyrium. 158. 4. De indulgentia apud adidum. 229. 5. Coronatio regis Edwardi II. pod conqueftum. 231. 6. La maniere comment le roy fera couronn£. 232. 7 . Vita S mi Edwardi, R. Anglorum et confedoris; edita a viro venerabili Ailredo, abbate Rievallis. 236 . 8. Yitaet padio S. Thoms, Cantuar. Archiep. et martyris. 255. 9 . Vita S mi Eadmundi, Cantuar. Archiep. 280 . b. Vitellius, C. XIII. Codex membran. in folio, condans foliis 3 10 . Seft. XV. A poem in old Englilh verfe, containing direc¬ tions for a pilgrimage to Jerulalem; in which are va¬ rious dialogues between the Pilgrim, Grace-Dieu, Sapience, Charity, and other virtues. It appears to have been written in French, by a monk of Calais, and tranflated into Englilh about the year 1426 . At flie head are thefe verfes; “ Qui peregrinaris per hunc librum docearis, “ Quaj bona vel dubia fit fugienda via.” “ O worldly folk awyfe yow be tymes “ Wych in thys lyff ben but a pylgrymage, “ Lyk draungerys far fro yowr contre “ Unfranchyfed and voyde of lybertie.” Vitellius, C. XIV. Codex membran. in fol. min. incendio nimium cor- rUgatus et corruptus, foliis condans 210 . 1 . Sermo Roberti Groftefte epifeopi Lincolnienfis, habitus coram Innocentio IV. papa, et cardinalibus, aptid Ltigduniim. 2 . Notabilia excerpta ex epidolis ejufdem Roberti. 3. Traclatus ejufdem de oculo naturali et morali, aliaque plura. 4. --de modo confitcndi. 5. -do decern pra'ceptis Dei, qui etiam Mandata Lincolnienlia nuncupatin'. 6. Traclatus fratris Malachicc, ordinis minorum, et provincial Hibernia:; dc veneno, i. e. doleptem pec- catis mortalibus. 7. - Parifienfis, de Prabciulis auro (ut ibi dicitur in fine) pretiofior, ut patet intuenti. 8. -docens homines quoinodo deberent prab¬ dicate. 9--—- Willehni de Sanfto-amore, de pericidis novidimorum temporum ; ex lcripturis divirfis ex- cerptus, et in capitula certa digedus. 10 . - extrablus de libro S. Augudini de ci- vitate Dei, de omnibus diet is poetarum quae Auguf- tinus tangit, cum quadam explanatione ; five potius abbreviatio iftius libri. 11 . - qui vocatur Convertimini,” ;\ primis verbis, “convertimini ad me in toto cordefive fermones Roberti Lincolnienfis. 12 . Bonus Podillator fuper librum Ecclefiaden. Vitellius, C. XV. Is codex, loco fuo olim amotus, nunc titulo “Fauf- tina C. V.” infignitur. Vitellius, C. XVI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, incendio la:fus, foliis condans 538. cujus contenta leriatim deferibere baud opera: pretium duximus. H;ec autem emi¬ nent. 1 . A difcourfe concerning marriages and divorces, in 4 chapters; wherein the queftion about the lega¬ lity of marriage after divorcement for adultery, is fully dated. v i. 2 . Notes, draughts, repertories, and various other fragments relating to treaties of marriage, chiefly of Sovereigns and princes. 73 . 128 . 146 . 3. Mifcellaneous papers relating to the cafe of Ro¬ bert Earl of Effex, and Frances Howard, daughter of the E. of Suffolk; with various rough draughts and notes concerning divorces, not perhaps relating im¬ mediately to this cafe; ubi de did’olutione matri¬ monii ratione impotentiiu fufe agitur. 77 — 127 . 4. Traflatus matrimonialis inter Mariam Anglise reginam, et Philippum. 1553- 134.309. 5. Troetatus 42 V I T E L L I U S, C. XVI.—D. XX. 5. Traft at us inatrimonialis inter Carolum I. (tunc temp. Wallia; principcm) ct Criftinam filiam Hen. IV. Galliie regis. 14U. 403. 6 . A fragment of an original letter of Lewis XII. K. of Fr. to Monf. de Wintonne (Card, Wolfey?) French. > 45 . 7 . Traftatus inatrimonialis inter lien. VII. regem, ct Margaritam duciflam Sabaudia;. 130. b. 168 . 8. -—-■- inter Mariam filiam Ilenrici VII. et Carolum Hifpan. regem. 131. b. 233. 246. g. - inter Henricum VIII. et Annam Clivenfem: with feveral other papers re¬ lating to that marriage. 237'- 249. 264. 275. 10 . - inter comitem Pala- tinum, et Mariam filiam II. Ilenrici vm. 287 . 11 . -inter principem Ed- wardum, et Mariam reginam Scotia*. 238. 12 . -inter Ludovieum delphinum, et eandem reginam Scotia*. 302. 13. A difeuffion of the queftion of the degree of confanguinitv that precludes marriage. (Lat. a draught, confifting of feveral parts.) 206 . 14 . Lady Elizabeth’s anfwer to fir Thomas Pope, fent by Q. Mary, to know how her grace liked the motion of marriage made by the K. ot Sweden s meffenger. A 0 1558. 533. 15. Inquifition of what is next to be done in the matter of the requeft of Archd. Charles. 1567 . 339. 16 . Divers papers, relating to the intended mar¬ riage between Q. Elizabeth, and the D. of Anjou. 345. 351. 357. 380, &C. 17 . Forme de la celebration du marriage de la reine d'Angletcrre avec M. le due d’Anjou, et les pouvoirs et commiflions fur le fait, A° 1581 ; faid to have been among the Q. of Scots papers : alfo fome other articles relating to the fame marriage. 366. 18 . Trafts on marriages, fome in Italian; among others, one between Hen. prince of Wales, and the infanta of Savoy. 383. 19 . Confiderations on the match propofed between Elizabeth, daughter of James 1 . and the prince’ of Piedmont. 394. 534. 20 . Articles of the treaty of marriage between Fre¬ derick count Palatine, and Elizabeth daughter of James I. S5 b. 2 1. Confiderations about the necGllity of Q. Eliza¬ beth’s marrying. 342. 22 . Various papers, on the marriage of Edward Seymor E. of Hertford, with lady Catherine Grey. 15*60. 412. 458. 516 . 522. 23 . Part of a difeourfe of fir Walter Raleigh, touching the marriage of prince Henry, with the eldeft daughter of the D. of Savoy ; and the marriage of the lady Elizabeth, with the prince of Piedmont.— N B. The fir ft part of this difeourfe is in Vitel. C. xvil. 7 . 528. 24 . A rough draught of a proportion for a treaty of marriage between Charles Pr. of Wales, and the fecond daughter of the K. of Spain. 1615. 532 J itelUus , C. XVII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, male habitus, conftans foliis 440. 1 . lx ames of the treafurers, chancellors, keepers of the great feal of England, and keepers of the rolls ; with hil’torical remarks concerning the fame; alfo of fume creations. 1 . 2. A repertory of letters, inftruftions, and other matters of Hate, as were in the Paper-houfe in the time ot Q. Elizabeth; among which are a warrant and other matters concerning the othcc of keeper of the feal, and fome Spanifh notes. 50. 3. C’atalogus cancellariorum, marefcallorum An¬ glia: a conqueftu ad An. 1 . 077 . thefaurariorum, juf- ticiariorum torelue, capitalium pincernarum Anglia;, & conftabulariorum turris London. 114 . 4 . Conftabularii caftri Dobris, Tho. Talboto col. leftore, A° 1583 ; ubi plura alia ex rotulis. 281 . 5 . Proreges Hibernia*, a temp. R. Ilenrici 11 . ad An. 22 Elizab. 313 . 6. Account of Margaret countefs of Richmond and Derby, mother of Henry VII. 329 . 7- A political difeourfe, by way of difpute, about the happieft marriage foi prince Henry; written bv fir W. Raleigh, A 0 1611 . The fequel of this is in Vitel. C. XVI. 23. 333. 8. A brief relation of the arraignment of the carls of Effex and Southampton. 1601 . 339. 9. Several mifcellaneous papers, relating to the troubles of the E. of Effex; with an account of his behaviour at his death: a difeourfe in verfe at his death. 1576 . fol. 380. 341 . 10 . Manner of the death of Sir Philip Sydney ; by Geo. Gitfard. 382. 11 . Manner of the death of the D. of Norfolk. June 2 , 1572 . 38S. 12 . Proceedings againft fir Tho. Monfon, at Guild¬ hall. Dec. 4, 1615. 390 . 13. A letter to the lords of council, about Ld. chief jultice Cook's anfwer to articles objefted againft him. 392 . 14 . Proceedings againft Richard Wcfton, arraigned at Guildhall, for the poifoning of lir Tho. Overbury. Nov. 19 , 1615. 396”. 1 5. Concerning the judgment pronounced by fir Tho. Richardfon againft lir Fra. Mitchell? and fir Francis’s obfervations on the cafe : a fragment. 43S. 16 . A fliort. defence of Sir Walter Raleigh, writ¬ ten by himfelf. upon his return from his voyage to Guiana. 439. ViteUius , D. I. Defuleratur. ViteUius , D. II. Folia chartacea, in 4to. 120 circiter, omnia nenipe hujus codicis qua fuperfunt, qua cum ordine legi- timo difponi vix poftint, in capfula alfervantur. Matthau Parifienfis Iliftoria; Anglorum pars, & con- quifitione ufque ad regnum Johannis. ViteUius, D. III. IV. V. VI. Defiderantur. ViteUius, D. VII. Folia chartacea, in 4to. 100 circiter, in capfula after- vata, qua; cum omnino ordine careant, deferibere baud erit opera; pretium. 7 itel/ius, D. VIII—XX. Defiderantur. ViteUius, V I T E L L I U S, E. r.—X. 429 Vitellius , E. I. IT. III. IV. Defiderantur. Vitellius, E. V. Codex chartaccus, in folio, incendio comiptus, coii- ftans foliis 270 . 1. Giraldi Canibrenfis, de jure et ftatu Menevenfis Ecclelia\ fragmenta; in varias partes codieis, dif- traetis paginis : initium ct finis extant fol. 2G—3G ; partes autem nonnullas intermedia} fol. 1 — 7 . 1 . 2 . Ejufdem tradtatus de illaudabilibus Wallia\ 1 s. 3 . Ejufdem retra&ationes. 24. 4. Catalogus librorum ab ipfo compofrtorum. 24. b. 5. Carmina nonnulla clegiaca, epigrammatica, Sec. ejufdem, ni fallor, Giraldi: inter bos quoque carmen Magri.Symonis de fraxino, Giraldo traufmiifum. 37 . G. Mr. Jones’s anfwcr to Mr. Tate's queftions, about the Druids, and other Britiih antiquities. 42 . 7 . Tranfcripta ex rotulis Pipa?, annis 1 et 2 Ken. Jl. de computis redditis in comitatibus et civi- tatibus Anglin:; cum novisplacitis et conventionibus. 50. 8. Tranfcripta ex libro in Scaccario de diverlis inquifitionibus ex officio captis tempore R. Edw. I. in quibus continentur nornina feodorum militarium, et baroniarum Anglia?. Gs. 9 . Excerpta ex quodam antiquo regiftro prioris de ^Tynemouth, remanentc apud comitem Northum¬ bria, de baroniis & feodis. 110 . 10 . Nomina epifeoporum in Somerfet, ab A 0 70 ^, ad Job. de Harewell temp. Edwardi III. in Vafconia canccUarium ; cum brevi rerum geftarum narratione. 1 23. 11 . Donationes quatuor RR. Eadredi, Eadgari, ct Edwardi, manfarum, See. diverlis eccleliis; tciminis Saxopice deferiptis. ies. b. 12 . Catalogus epifeoporum Bathonienfmm etWel- lenfium. 134. b. 13. Scholics and other notes out of fir Thomas de la Moore’s life of K. Edward II. 127 . b. 14 . Appendix liiftorke Hibernia}, ab A° 13 G 9 ad An. 1433. 128. b. 15. Chronica Glaftonicc Gulielmi Malmefljurienlis, collecla pa - Laur. Noel, nbi oocurrit charta S. Pa- tritii epifeopi. The laft G articles were tranl’cribed by Fr. Thynnc, A° 1592 . 131. b. 16 . Epifrola Bonifacii Archiep. Cantuar. ad Ilen- ricum R. Anglia:; quod epifeopus IlofTcnfis omnia temporalia, (jure in epilcopatu luo obtinet, teneat a fede Cantuarfenfi. 148. 17 . Litera R. Henrici III, de corde patris fui ad monafterium Fontis-ebrardi deferendo, ut illic lepc- lietur. 149 . 18 . Leges regis Edwardi Confdforis. 150 . 19- Leges Canuti regis. 139 . 20 . Leges ct confuetudines quas WilleLmus rex, cum, populo Anglorum, concefiit tenendas: ciedem fcil. quas Edwardus rex fervavit in Anglorum regno. lGl. b. 21 . Charta R. Henrici I. de libertatibus, quam con- cellit S. Ecclefiffl etpopnlo Anglorum. iGG. 22 . Charta It. Joliannis de iifdem. 1 G 7 . b. 23. Charta R. Henrici III. de iifdem. 175 . .24. Collectanea brevia de variis regnis Saxonum, de archiepifeopis Cantuar. et Eborac. et dc eomita- tibus et epifeopatibus Angliiu. 1 75 . b. 25. Leges et inftitutiones regis Canuti qu:e vo- cantur Danclaye. 177 . b. 2 G. Leges (puedam Anglia}: Gallice. 1 « 7 . 27 . Bulla Alexandri iv. et Innocentii paparum, de juribus Ciliercientis ordinis ebrfiervaudi*. 193 . 28. Donationes quiedam R1L Etbelredi ct Eadgari. 210. 29 . Chronica excerpla de medulla diverfarum clironiearum; per Hen. de Marlcburgh. 197 . 30. Vila et mors R. Edwardi II. Gallice ; conferipta a Th. dc la Moore, Latine verl'a, ct a Laur N'oelo tranfcripta. 2 G 1 . Vitellius, E. VI. Codex chartaccus, in folio, male habitus, conftans foliis JG 2 . 1. Excerpta qugsdam ex chronicis Ilollandia*. 2 . 2 . Clironiearum Ilollandenlium libri decern; a prima gentis origine ad An. 1470 : prannittuntur prologi ties ; i. Cujufdam devoti; 2 . Job. Beck ; 3 . Eratris Joh. Gherbrandi de Lcydis: capitis decimi pars maxima dcfidcratur. 4 . Vitellius, V. VII. VIII. # IX. Defiderantur. I it cl!itis, E. X. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, male habitus, conftans foliis 242. ]. Iliftoirc de Loys due d'Orleans, frere tie Charles VI: 011 plutot annalcs de France et dc Bourgogne depuis 1407 jufqu it 1424 j fragment ties inutile. 3 . 2. Lcs rues de Paris, cn vers. G2. 3. De lege Salica, ct n\afeulo Francornm regno ; carmen clegiacmn, Philippi Valciii, 01101 dam Franco- rum regis iiivibtilfuni, ftatiue equeftri appcnfuin. 72. 4. Buchanani quidam verfus de Aula; cum ver- fione Anglicana. 79. b. 5 . Forfmikfc notariorum. 79. G. Rupert us Rom. rex, ct Ludovieus III. filius ejufdem, Elect. Palat. ad Hcnricum IV. R. Anglia.'; de morte Blanca} filhc Henrici, el Ludoviei uxore. Hei- delberk, i4et4Jimii, 1409. 80 . b. 7. Epiftola Alexandri Papa 1 , contra quendam Tho- mam elcctum in fedem Cantuar. per fimoniam; feripta Roma?, Dee. 2. Apoftol. A u 1 : led vidcturclfc fuppofititia, et plane irriforia. S 3 . 8. Liter® quamplurimcn It. Edwardi III. ad Papain, comites; epifeopos, abbates, See. ct exteros principes; etaliorum, viz. Ifabdke regin a, Philippi lilii K. Gal¬ lia, Caroli R. Erancia, See. (Gallice.) S5. 9. Fragments of notes, Sic. fearedv intelligible. 1V1. b. 10. Quomodo reges et principes eecldiam dc- fenfare debent: ex k-gibus Impelialibus, deeretis Apoi- tolicis, &c. 119. 11. Litcra Gilbcrti Stone, eanecllarii Epifc. TVi- gorn. ad Archiep. Cantuar. uti etiam academia* Oxon. ad R. Henricuni, et aliornm. 121. 12. Colloquium inter It. Cafaris-burgi (Cherbourg) pra'fulein, et citbicularium fuum, de rebus aulicis ful> initio regni Edw. IV. 1 34 . o R 13 . Sermon 43 ° V I T E L L I U S, E. X.—XIV. 1:3. Sermon made at the beginning of a Parliament about A 0 1 488, on thefe words: “In uno corpore " multa membra liabemus; omniaautem membra non 11 eundem aetum liabent.” 1 39- 14. Oratio habita in capitulo Roffenfi, in eleftione priows. 143. 15. Sermo habitus in vifilatione monialium apud StekQ’wold in dioeceti Lincoln, in ha-c verba: “ Eranl ‘ mulieres afpieientes a longe, inter quas erat Maria “ Magdalena.’’ 152 . 10. Sermo in inftallatione cujufdam, “ Ingrefius angelus ad e;un dixit, ave :” circa An. 1481. 157- b. 17 . Two fpeeches or fermons in parliament: l. on tlie words, “ Audite infulie, et attendite populi de : longe:’’ and 2 . “ Lucerna corporis tui elt oculus ■ tuus.” temp. Edw. V. et Itic. ill. 1G2. and 171 . 18 . Dialogue between the underltanding and faith, by lir John rortefeue. 176 '. 19 . Conlirmatio privilegiomm monafterii Lewes in Corn. Suflex, per Hadulphum Epifc. Ciceftrenfem, A* 1121. 182. 20 . The Bible of Engliib policy; exhorting all England to keep the narrow lea environ: in old Englifh verfe. 184. 21 . A poem in the form of a dialogue between Pallas and the Queen of Fame, Skelton and Occupa¬ tion, with ftanzas to the countels of Surrey, hulv Elizabeth. L y Myrryel, U Dakers, &c. II' this be Skelton’s, it is not in the edition of his works: per¬ haps it is a part of his “ Crown of Glory.’’ 200 . 22 . Inftitula et ftatuta collegii Jcfu dr. Rotheram, dicec. Eborac. fundati perThomam Archiep. Eborac. 218. 23 . Figura; feretrorum Gregorii prioris de Brid- linton, etGeorgii Ripley. 227 . 24 Epiftola R. Ilenrici VI. ad concilium Bafi- lccnfe; et alia ejufmodi. 228 . 25. Prophetia Thomas de Aflfeldon; in old Englilh verfe. 232. 26 . Bartholomaji tra£latus de Tyranno. 235. Vitellius , E. XI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 272 , quorum 0 membranacei. ]. Johannis de Fordun, Scotorum hiftoria, ad An- 1303: nuilta enim defiderantur, prasfertim totus lib. vi. et VII ra ‘ pars: inferuntur ad ealeem membranulai lex, fragnientum ejufdem biftorice continentes; fed adeolacerce et corrugatse ut prorfus inutiles forent. l. 2 . Proceftus compctitorum jegni Scotia;, tempore Ed ward i I. R. Anglia', concordat proceflus ifte cum rotulo magno Scotia in arebivis turris London, ut fob 220 , annotavit D. Rob. Cotton. 171 . s. Compendium hiftoricum de regibus Anglia?, ab A° 920 ad 10. Pfalmus Davidis extra numerum cum pugnavit cum Golia; aliena maim fcriptus, cum interlineari verfione Saxonica. 141 . 4 . Oratio ad Deum; ejufmodi literis. capitalibus fcriptus, quibus exarata funt duo folia priora hujus codicis. 141. b. 5. C’anfica Sacra veteris et novi Teftamenti, et Ilymni : foil. Cantica Ffaite, Ezechia?, Anna* vidua;, Exodii (Mofis) Abbacu, Deuteronomii, Trium Pue- rorum, Zacharia?, Sea?. Maria?; hymna admatutinos, vefpertinum, et diebus Dominicis. Literis, ut aiunt, uncialibus, cum interlineari verfione Saxonica. 142. 6. Fragmcntum ex quodam Pfallerio Latino pul- cberrime, literis minufculis, circa adventum Norman- norum, cum interlinear! verfione Saxonica, fcripto, avulfum: in quo habentur; hymntis alter ad ma¬ tutinos diebus Dominicis; Fides catholica; Oratio Eugcnii Toletani Fpi.; Confefiio ad Dominum; Oratio ad crucem ; et quatuor alia; orationes itidem ad cru- cem vel de cruce. N. B. Numeri duo priores tan- tum verfione Saxonica gaudent. 135. Vefpafiamts , A. II. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 157. 1. Calendarium Roger! Bacon, extrattum b tabulis Toletanis, A° 1297. figuris Saracenicis. 2 . 2 . Malta compoti; five verfus de compoto: cum obfervationibus marginalibus & tabulis, et earundem do6trinis. 11 . 3. Aliud calendarium. 19 . 4. Dodlrina tabularum ; five de formatione tabula? Dionylii & Bedie; verfibus. 25. b. 5. Liber de menfura circuli, et ejus feblione per chordam, de invenienda longitudine et latitudine regionum el ftellarum, deafeenfione fobs, de compoto Arabum et Perfarum, See. 27 . G. Dcfcriptio cujufdam inftrumenti, cujus ufus eft in metiendis ftellarum curlibus, per llodolfum Bru- genfem, Ilermanni fecundi difcipulum: cui adneftitur trarfatulus “ de difpolitione altrolabii,” quern fatetur feriptor fe, didtante Abrahamo magiftro luo egregio, confcripfifle. 35. 7 . Chronicon ab orbe condito ad annum 130S : ubi quamplurima de rebus Anglicis habentur. 41. Codex membran. in 4to. foliis conftans 163. Curfur o World : a poem of the liiftorical paflages of the Old and New Tdrament, with & mixture of fevcral fabulous traditions; tranllated out of French into old Fnglilh, in different metres, and written at. different times, and by different hands: “ Man yhernes rimes for to here “ And romans red in maner fere “ Of Alifaunder y c conquerour, “ Of July Cefar y* emparour, “ Of Grece and Troy y e ftrang ftryf “ Thete many thofand lefts y e lyf.” Ve/pafeamts, A. IV. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 19 s. Chartularium monafterii et ecclefite S. JohanniS de parco Helagh in Cdmitatu Fboracenfi, jufl'u Petri Lieudayl, qui erat vicefimus fecundus prior, circa An. 1498, collegium: praynittitur brevis hiftoria pri- orum ufque ad iftum Petrum. Vefpafiamts, A. V. Codex cliartaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis 202 . I. Colleftanea ex diverfis antiquis hiftoricisAngli- canis, per Guliehnum Lambardum : viz. ( 1 .) The names of the perfons who put in their claims to do fervice at the coronation of K. Edward VI. 1 . ( 2 .) The manner, form, and ufage of Gilbert de Strogel, marfhal of England, in the exercife of that office at the coronation of K. Henry 11 . 9 . (3.) The ufage of Thomas of Brotherton in the office of mirfhalfie. lfi. ( 4 .) Fxcerpta ex libro Gervafii Tilberienfis. ma- rdcalli Arelatenfis regni; D. Ottoni IV. Impe- ratori dedicato; cui titulum indidit, Otia Im- pcrialia. 14 . ( 5 .)-ex libro Alfredi BeverJacenfis, de geftis regum Britonum, Anglorum, et Nonnannorum. 17 . (6.) -ex chronicis abbatim de Furneis, qute chronicis Gulielmi Newbrigenfis annedluntur. 19- ( 7 .) -ex chronicis Thoma; Rudborn, Win- tonienfis monachi. 19 . b. (8.) -ex annalibus Dorobernenfibus, Hove- 434 V E S P A S I A N U S, A. V. VI, deno, chronica Roffenfi, et ex chronicis Wigor- nienfibus; ex Caio, ex chronica Teukefburienfi, et hiftoria Johannis Rowfe alias Rofli. 22 . ( 9 .) Excerpta ex libro de perambulationibus foreft- arum. 31 . ( 10 .) --ex chronicis Symeonis Dunelmenfis. 33. ( 11 .) -ex prima parte fpeculi hiftorialis Ric. de Cirenceftria. 36 . ( 12 .)-ex chronicisabbatia? S. 'VVerbnrg£e in Celtria, per Rog. de Ceftria. 38. (13.) Tefiamentum Byrhtrici, ex textu Roffenfi. Saxon ice. 41 . (14.) Excerpta ex encomio Emma regina?, quod fcriptum erat ilia vivente. 42 . ( 15 .) - ex compendio brevi Johannis Pyk, qui claruit. fub Henrico I. 42 . b. (iff) -cx chronico Th. Walfingham, quiti- tulum indidit Hypodigma Neuftrire. 43 . ( 1 7-)-cx annalibus ecclefia? Sci. Auguftini Cantuarienfis. 47 . b. (is.) - cx chronico Roffenfi, cujus amffor Edmundus de Iladenham ; qui ul'que ad ffnem R. Edwardi I. hiftoriam deduxit. 53. (19.) ——-ex libro antique cui titulis, Textus de ecclefia ltoflenfi, per Enaulphum epifeopum. 5 7. ( 20 .) -ex libro de vetuftate ecclefia Britan- nicto. ( 21 .)-ex libro cenfuali dc Dubri, renovato per Stephanum de Pencheiier, conftabularium Dovoria. A* 22 Edw. I. 67 . ( 22 .)-ex commentario quodam, cui titulus eft, De Doverenfis caftelli initiis. G8. (-3.) - ex libris M'il. Malmcfburire, de regi¬ bus Agglorum* 72 . ( 24 .) Of watch to be kept nightly by the fea coaft, in time of Avar. 77 . ( 2 , 5 .) Excerpta cx libro vetufto. ecclefia? Chrifti Cantuarienfis. so. b. ( 26 .) - cx Wil. Darclli itinerario, de rebus ac monimentis per totam Cantianorum provin- ciam gelt is, ah A. M. 2855 : et ex ejufdein libro cui titulus, *' C’aitra in C'ampo Cantiano,” ab antiquo edita, nobilium opeac diligentia. 88. b. II. Gcfta epifeoporum Tfm di sfarnenfium et Du- nelmenfium, a tempore S. OiValdi regis, ufque ad Hugonem epilcopum ; dc communi libraria mona- chorumDimelmenfium, vcl potius cx Symeone Duncl- menli collecta, per Laur. Noellum : cum aliis curiofif- fimis analetrtis de ecclefia S. Auguftini Cantuarienfis, ex hiftoriis Thoma? Sprott et Nicolai Spina?, et ex Saxonicis monimentis dc Wigomienfi, aliifque ecclefiis et monafteriis ; aliiique rebus ex chronico Gregorii Caerquent monachi Glonceftria?. I hi pafiiin Sax¬ onies : go_ (l.) Donatio quarundam terrarum ecclefia? Vi- gornienfi, per .'Etlielredum ealdormannum, et /Etheltledain uxorem fuam. 147 . b. (-•)-terrarum BerhtAVulfo regi per Athu- num Ep. Wigornicns. A. D. 848, in loco qui di- eitur a?r Elen : termini hie inodo Saxonice de- feribuntur. 149 . b. • 3.) Conventio inter A’thelredum et fEthelfledam cx una parte, et Werferthum epilcopum ex al¬ tera, A. D. 904. 152 . b. (4.) Donatio 10 caffatoruni in Tjietungcun Eccl. ; Wigoin. per Eanbcrhtum Regulum Ilpicciopum: j termini lequuntur Saxonicb. 158 . b. ( 5 .) Carta vcnditioms terrarum in vico Ltmdonit ub. vocatur Ceolmunbm 3 eeha 5 a per ] Jur | lr ‘ t .: (lum li. Merciorum, A. 1). *57 ■ term Saxon. , ‘ , 1 * ( \ r • b. ' ''L rr'ff Cfr ‘° J ^ anS - j n Tnnbinjrun monaftevio y Cl.fta, per Oflam R. Merciorum el Aid, v ,lum lubiegulum Huicciorum: term. feq. Saxon, lGi. ( 7 )Conceffio 20 caffat. a^r Eaprune miniftro fide! Ofredo, per rEthelbaldum It. Merciorum : term' ieq. Saxon. ltjz.b.' ( 8 .) Donati 0 terrarum Eccl. Wigomienfi, per etlielredum ducem Mcrcior. A 0 880. ios. b. ( 9 .) De terris Wigfrithi. k; 4 (10.) Donatio X manent. in Ilpiccepubu Eccles \\ igorn. per Berhtwulfum It. Mercior. A. I). 841! 165. (n.) Judicium curia? comitatus (ut videtur) dc terris .Ethelredi ealdormanni, A° 8 yG. log. (12.) Donatio terrarum per jEthelredum Ealdorm A° 883 . j>., 0 3 -) ——---- a-r Auptan Eccl. Wigorn. per etlielftanum R. A 0 928. 174 ( 14 .) Scriptum WerferthiEp.de terris at Soppan- bypi S , &c. A 0 888. J- .- ], ( 15 .) Carta Ofwaldi Arcliiep. dc terris a?r b rroce dimiflis jEthelwcrdo militi, A* 984. i7(; fi (160 Donatio I manfiuar HeopmropbvEthelnotho nnniltro, per Ofwoldum Epm. A 0 9G3. 177. ( 17 .) Dimiffio 1 nianf. air Cubbanhjiyce, rElfrico nnniltro l'uo, per Ofwold. Ep. A” 963, 177. b. ( ls )-;-7 1 manf.et dimid. arUprunecEtliel- rcardo fideli, per eundem, A° 988 . 178. (19.) —--20 hid. air Cumrur.e, &c. JEtliel- maro, &c. per Ofwald. Archiep. A 0 943. 17s. b. (20.) Conceftio 1 manf. a?r peoyecan yElfweardo fid. per Ol’waldum. A 0 9G8. 179. (21.1 Donatio 5 manf. air Eobeprune Wulfeah.fid. per Olwaldum. A° 987 . 179. b. Sequuntur et aliarum terrarum termini Saxonice, excerpti, non minus ac preefati, de regiftro chartarum ecclefia? Wigomenfis, cujus exem¬ plar in hac bibliotheca inferibitur, Tib. A. 13. Vefpafianus , A. VI. Codex membran. in 4to. confians foliis 189. 1. Genealogia regum Francis;, a Pharamundo ad Philippum audacem, quo regnante deferipta erat. Gal lice. ]. b. 2 . Liber de Francis, et geftis veterum regum Francis;; b Lalino in Gallicum tranflatus, et comiti Pi6tav. et Tolofa? inferiptus; in fine mutilus. 5 . 3. Index temporum, quibus fundata erant mo- nafteria Ciftercienliuin monachor. ab A 0 1098 ad An. 1247. 54. b. 4. Catalogus epifeoporum Dunelmenfium, Gul. de Karifepho (Kairlepbo) 1080 , ad Walterum Skirlaw, qui obiit 140G. 59 , b. 5. Index priorum ecclefia; Dunelmenfis, ab Ald- wyno ad Jobannem Guynburgb, intra idem interval- lum proxime nicmoratum. 60 . b. G. Cbronicon de ftatu Lindisfarnenfis, tt Dunel- menfis ecclefia?, ab A 0 635 ad An. 11 .5 1 ; au6fore Turgoto. Defunt tria capita ab initio : liber quo(|ue deiinit in cap. 104 , 02 . 7. Regiftruin V VESPASIANUS, A. VI.—XIII. 435 7 . Regiftrum chartarum ecclefias Elienfis ; h. e. pri- oi is et monachorum ibi Deo fervientium: cum indi- culo ad calcem. 9 2 - 8. Hiftoria apparitionis Guidonis A 0 1323, Alefti. Ci vitas ilia 24 milliaribus dillat ab Avenione. In- feribitur, “ Spiritus Guidonis.” 138. 9. De purgatorio S. Patricii. 150. b. 10 . Miracula Symonis Montisfortis, comitis Lei- ceftrire; cum oratione ad ilium in fine A* 1265. 168. Vefpafianus , A. VII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 105. 1. Liber Gulielmi, nati in Normannia, feriptus tempore Philippi regis Francis, et Johannis R. Anglia, quando Anglia facris erat interdicta, ut dicit auCtor in proccmio, de natura et indole beftiarum: lub quarum involucris pelfimos mores hominum iftius svi, et prasfertim curialium utriufqne regni, perftringit: metriee, veteri lingua Gallicana, cum figuris. 2. 2 . Liber vifionum S. Pauli j cum figuris, metriee, in eadem lingua. 32. 3 . Iliftoria fabulofa de quodam equite, appellato Ipomedon ; auftore, ut apparet in ultima pagina, Hu- gone de Ho tel an de : metriee, in eadem lingua. 37. 4 . Nomina dominorum qui interfuerunt concordis initffi apud Calcium ; uti et index terrarum et caftel- lorum, qus rex Anglire, vi iitius trafctatus, vendicat in Francia. Gallice. 104. b. Vefpafianus , A. VIII. Codex membranaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis 43; totus charaCtcribus aureis Sec. X. exaratus. 1 . Privilegium k rege Eadgaro Novo Monaftcrio (Clericis eliminatis) ecclefia; Wintonienlis concef- fum : titulus vero aujo^ti fic fe habet: “ Eadgarus rex hoc privilegium Novo edidit “ Monafterio, ac omnipotenti Domino, ejufque “ genitrici Maris, ejus laudans magnalia, “ conceflit.” In fine “ Anno incarnationis Dominies DCCCCLXVI. “ feripta eft hujus privilegii fyngrapha, his “ teftibus confentientibus, quorum inferius “ nomina caraxantur.” Poll regem, fignaculum crucis et nomen appofuit Dunftanus Dorob. ecclcfis Archiep. deinde duo regis filii, conjux, avia, Eboracenfis Eccl. Archiep. epif- copi Wintonienlis, Londinenfis, et alii: poft epilcopos, abbates ; poftremo magnates, h. e. duces, comites, mi- lites. l. 2 . Donatio terrarum eidem monafterio, per eundem regem, iifdem atteftationibus munita. 34. 3. Charta regis Henrici 1. in qua concedit. ecclefis Wintonienfi et monachis, libertatem vici extra por- tam borealem ejufdem civitatis. 37. b. 4. Aliud exemplar donationis VIII. 2 . 39. Prasmittitur imago Dei, folio, angelis circum- dato, fedente; et regis fefe coram fubfter- nentis, &c. his verfibus, pagina adverfa, ap- pofitis, aureis literis capitalibus. “ Sic celfo refidet folio qui condidit aftra, “ Rex venerans-Eadgar pronus adorat eum.” Vcfpqfianus , A. IX. Codex partim membran. partim chartac. in 4to. conftans fob 187. l. Hilperici Calculator-ire artis rudimenta, uti in prrefatione appellat auCtor, exBeda aliifquedeprompta; h. e. de computo ecclefiaftico, &c. fequuntur calen- darium, tabulce terminomm pafehalium, See. l. 2 . Computus D.Garlandi, Bedam imitantis. 32.b. 3. Excerpta quiedam, de manerio de Wefton in com. Huntingd. exFlor. Wigorn. ex libro Domclday; de preediis comitum, aliorumque qui Gulielmum I. comltati funt, per fingulos comitatus; de comitibus fub temp. R. ltic. II. eorumque geftis ; ex ehronico de parva Dunmowe in com. Eifexhe; ex ehronico Job. de Everfden ; charta Erkenwaldi epifcopi pro- vineije Eaft-Saxonum, de fundatione conventus moni- alium qui Berecinga9 appellatur, (h. c. Barking) et de terris eidem datis ab Hoedelfyda, pa rente Sebbi R. Eaft-Saxonum, in monafterio de Beddenhaam. Epi¬ tome aliarum chartarum Saxonicarum, de donation i- bus terrarum, &c. H®c omnia excerpta lunt Johannis Jofcelini. 75- 76. 106. 1 18. 136. 142. 143. 144. 4. Hiftoria rerum Anglicarum, incipiens bello quod Angli gelferunt in Scotia 28 Edw. I. ad an. 1300. ubi de luperioritate regis Angli re in Scotos agitur: infertis literis Bonifacii ad ilium regem pro Seotis, cum epiftola refponforia magnatum Anglice ad papam. Praefigitur titulus recens “ ContinuatioWal- teri monachi Gilburnenfis.” 156. 5. Fabula excerpta ex vita B.Auguftini, de quodam milite poenam mortis fubeunte, quia decimas folvere recufavit. 133. 6. De morte Gerardi, Eboracenfis archiepifcopi. 185. 7 . De Malcolmo, Chriftianiflimo rege Scotorum. 186. Vefpafianus, A. X. Codex membran. in 4to. longiori, foliis conftans 52. 1. Alani Anti-Claudianus. 1- 2 . Brutus: poema fic inferiptum, ad Hugoncm Epifcop. Dunelmenf. Incip. “ Confuluitmea Clio mihi dare femen arenre, “ Deque labore meo fteriles nafeuntur avenre.’ Cieteri verfus, qui poema efticiunt, funt elegiaci. 44. b. 3. Surnma argumentorum Anti-Claudiani. 51. b. Vefpafianus , A. XI. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 172. Epiltolre magiftri Petri de Vineis, de geftis Fride- lici II. quondam imperatoris et regis Romanorum. Vefpafianus , A. XII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 136. Johannis Roffi Warvicenfis hiftoria, Bruto ad tempora regis Henrici VII. viz. ad nativitatem prin* cipis Arthuri. A” i486. Vefpafianus , A. XIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 147. 1 . Liber infularum Archipelagi, editus per prefby- terum Chryftophorum de Bondelmontibus de Iloren- tia, quern mifit ^ Rhodi Romam D. Jordano cardi- nali deUrfinis. A 0 1320 : cumdelineat. topograph, l. 2 . Liber S. Hieronymi prefbyteri, de viris illuftri* bus, k tempore apoftoli Peti i, ufque ad femetipfum. 3. Liber 436 VESPASIANUS, A. XIII.—XVIII. 3 . Liber Gennadii epifcopi, de viris illuflribus, cjuem fcripfit poit B. Hieronymum. Gs. b. 4 . Liber Ifidori Ilifpalienfis epifcopi, de viris illuf- tnbus. g 0 5. Ordo de vctcri Teftamento, quern fan&a Ro¬ man a Catholica fufcipit ethonorat ccclelia. CsEter® partes, rubrica fignata?, Decretal is in urbe Roma ab Ilorniifda papa editi, defunt. 9 S. 6 . Hiftoria Turpini, Archiep. Genuenfis, de famo- fiflimo rege Karolo. g 4 . 7. Nonnulla de confecratione ecclefia?, See. (an Ivonis Carnotenfisr) de fanCto Michaeli, ejufquefelti folennitate ; de S. Pelagio ; et hiftoria Gothorum Ro¬ mano rum, et diverforum hnperatorum, regum, et pontificum. H 5 . b. S. \ ita Tyrii Apollonii regis. 132 . Vefpafianus, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 179 , 1 . Calendarium, in quo fancti Wallici pracipue memorantur. 1 2 . Vocabularium Latino-Wallicum. 7 , 5 . De fitu Breclieniauc, ubi multa dc Brachano, ejufque prole. 10 . b. 4. Vitas fan&orum Wallenfium, numero XVI. cu- jus nomina recenfcntur in tabula libello prsfixa, et in catalogo Smithiano. 12 . b. 5 - De fan&o Auguftino Cantuarienfi, et ejus in infula Tanaton adventu ; cum interrogation!bus ejuf- dem Gregorio papa?, propofitis, et hujus refponfioni- bus : item de ejus fociis et cooperatoribus. 104 . 6 . Epiftola fratris G. abbatis Weftmonafterii, in tjua per modum dialogi diflerit de proceflione Spiritus Sanai k Patre et Filio. 107 . 7. Qu®dam narrationcs fabulof® de miraculis, uti appellantur, in Britannia fadis. 109 . s. Altercatio inter Urbanum et Clementem, de jure ad papalem dignitatem ; verfibus. j 11 . b. 9* Epiftola? Alcuini Levita*, i. e. Diaconi, qui illic in quibufdam epiftolis nuncupatur Albinus ; cum ver¬ fibus in fine. j j 3 10 . Verfus ejufdem in laudem B. Wlftani epifcopi. 14G. b. ti. Synodus congregata in Cclichitb, A 0 816; extat in Spelm. Concil. Angl. t. I. p. 327 . 147 . 12 . Alcuini epiftola ad jEtlielhardum Archiep. cum verfibus ad eundem. 152 . 13. Ejufdem ad eundem altera. 153 . b. 14 . Alim epiftola* Alcuini, et aliorum. 155 . 15 . Epiftola Pauli 1 . papa* ad Etberhtum Archiep. et Eadberhtum, fiiium regis. igi. JG. Alia? epiftol.e Alcuini. 161 . b. 17 . Can ones iynodi habit® apud Ilerutford, it I hcodoro Dorobern. epifeopo, aliifque. 170 . is. Epiftola Leon is III. papa?, mifia ad Coenulfum rrgeni Merciorum, omncfque diledos epifeopos atque duces. ]?2> 19. Synod us fub Odone, Archiep. Cantuar. fub rege ,Ll mundo, i. e. Edmundo, cui agnomen ferreo latere; una cum canonibus. 173 . b. 20 . De adiva vita et contemplativa. 1 75 . b. 21 . Emftola omnium epifeoporum ct facerdotum totius Britannia? inluhe, ad Papain, fcil. Leonem. 176 . 22 . Ej'iftola ad \\ lliranum,metropolitan® Londonia? ecclefi® pontificum digniflimum. 177 , Vefpafianus, A. XV. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 130 , quorum priores laceri. Epiftol® S. dementis, Analcdi, Euarifti, ct alio¬ rum epifeoporum Roma?. Vefpafianus, A. XVI. Codex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 198 . 1 . Calendarium, cum tabulis pafchalibus. 1 . 2 . De provinciis et locis, quibus Apoftoli prccdica- Verunt, et ubi ;\ vita difeefferunt. 8 b 3 De Anna et Emeria; hac matre Elifabeth®, ilia B. Maria?. 8 . b . 4. Commendatio Britannia?, et de mirabilibus ejus. 9. 5. Verfus Nicolai Manuacutii, ad incorrupta pon¬ tificum nomina confervanda. ] h 6 . Nomina epifeoporum Wintonia?. 13 . ]j 7- Nomina Archiep. Cantuaria?, ct quamdiu \ ixere in arclnepifcopatu. l4 8 . De quatuor generalibus conciliis. 14 . b. 9- Epiftola Ilonorii papa?, ad univerfos abbates Cif- tercienfis ordinis, de eledione fui in pontificem ; data Perufii. ’ j _ 10 . Epiftola Gregorii papa:, a d eofdem, de l'ui eledione; data Anagni®. j 5t 11 . Epiftola Gregorii papa?, ad univerfos Chrifti fideles; in qua illos hortatur ad facrum bellum contra Saracenos, treugarum et feederum violatorcs. ig. 12 . Epiftola Gregorii papte, ad S. Nicolai in Car- cerc Tulliano Cardinalem, in qua concedit ut ciuaf- dam pecunias moderatas exigat a monafteriis ordinis Ciftercienfis. 1(i 13 . Epiftola duorum Cardinalium quos Papa audi- tores et proyifores conftituebat de quadant lite orta inter Ciltercienfes, ex detentione cujufdam abbatis capitulo generali relinquenda. 17 ’ 14. Annales monafterii de Waverlie, ab incarna- tione Chrifti ad An. 1291 . gl> Vefpafianus, A. XVII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 2 . 5 . L’ordre et train que ung prince ou chief de guerre doibt tenir qui veult conquefter ung pays, ou pall'cr ou traverfer le pays des ennemys: compoft* par noble et puifl'ant feigneur Robert de Balzac, See. avec fi¬ gures; les annes du roy d’Angleterre (Henry Vll. ) i la tetc. Vefpafianus, A. XVIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 167 . 1. Hiftoria Anglorum contcxta ab Henrico Hun- tendunenli archidiacono, A° 1145 , ab adventu Saxo- num in Britanniam, ad mortem R. Henrici II. pra?- iniflis multis de fitu Britannia?, delaude Hibernia?, ct de Romanis imperatoribus. j 2 . Ejufdem exordium, five computatio temporum diverforum, ab initio mundi, lecundum anti qui Him am rerum feriem, <\ tempore Phaleg. G 2 . b. 3 . Alpliabetum Runicunt. 67 . b. 4 . Ailredi Rievallenfis hiftoria, de vita moribus ct morte Davidis R. Scotia;; praemifla ejufdem ad R. Henricum II. fuper lamentatione Davidis epiftola; deinde de genealogia Henrici regis, ct de regibus Saxonum ct Nonnannorum. G8. 5. Narratio V E S P A S I A N U S, A. XVIII.—XXIII. 43 7 5 . Narratio tie quodain in reg’ione Nordhamhum- brorum ad vitam fufcitato. S 3 , b. 6. Epiftola Ric. (an Rob.) Archiep. Cantuar. ad R. Ed ward urn I; contra Joh. dc la Cade, vice-com. et cfcheatorem coin. Lincoln, qui quofdain miniftros ab abbatia de Bardency amoverat: 87 - 7. Inquifitio tempore Edwardi I. de mercato S. Ivonis. 87 - b. s. Nonnulla de iniula Elienli, et abbatia de Rame¬ fey. 88. 9. Liter® Innocentii IV? pap®, ad Archiep. Can¬ tu a r. et Innocentium feriptorem fuum in Anglia, de provifione canonicatus Lincoluienfis ecclefi®, pro ne- potc fuo. 90. 10. Refponfuin Roberti (Grofthead?) epifeopi Lin- colnienfis, ad eafdem. 91. 1 i. Quadain chart® dc poffeflionibus abbati® d e Ramefey. 92 . 12. Bulla Bonifacii P. ad clericos, direcla, quod non folvant collectas ant tallias, &c. laicis, abfque au&oritate fedis apoftolic®. 102. is. Ejufdem bulla, de religiolls ordinibus mendi- cantibus in electionibus cohibendis. 102. b. 14. Ejufdem bulla, de fopiendis litibus inter clerum fecularem et regularem. 103 . 15 . Liter® proccrum aliOrumque regni Angli® ad Tapani (Alex. IV.) contra epifeopum Wintonienfem ele&um, “ qui turbavit terrain et concuflit regnum.” 44 Hen. III. 105. b. id. Liter® R. Henrici III. (A 0 regni 48 .) ad uni- verfam communitatem comit. Cantabr. ut armati Londonium compareant pro defenfione contra alieni- genas. 107. b. 17. Aliud breve ad Euftathium de Baylliol ; de codem argumento. 108 . 18 . Epiftola Eccl. Chrifti Cantuar. ad epifeopos aliofque clericos provinci® Cantuar. de litibus cum E. de Abyndon, tunc archiepifcopo fuo, agitatis. 108 . b. 19. Nomina abbatiarum et prioratuum ordinis Be- nedidtini aliorumquc, in Anglia, per fmgulas dio> cefes. 111. b. 20. Nonnulla de longitudine et latitudine, nec lion de comitatibus et epifeopatibus Angli®. 112. b. 21. Defcriptio fenis. 113. 22. Nomina abbatummonaftcrii de Ramefey: fe- quitur, intcrjectis foliis, amplior de quibufdam abbati- bus hiftoria. 113. b. 23 . Liter® qu®dam abbatis de Ramefey, ad varios. 147 . 24 . Notitia ecclefiarum orbis Chriftiani. 153 . 25 . Nomina abbatiarum, prioratuum et caftello- rum in (ingulfs diosceiibus Angli®. 157. 2(i. Excerptiones qu®dam de hiftoria Normanno- nim, ad R. 1 lenricum I. 1 62. 27. Verfusrhythiniei contra monachos; alii cum notulis nmficis. 108 . b. 28. Prologus in hiftoriam Britonnum; aliudque fragmentum. 170. b. I efpafiamis , A. XIX. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans foliis 121. 1. Libcllus quorundam infignium operum B. .Ethelwoldi epifeopi; in quo multadeeccleiia Elienfi, et privilegiis ejufdem habentur. o. 2. Iliftori® Elienfis liber tertius, de temporibus duoruin epifeoporum Hervei et NigellL In fine ap- ponitur index Epifcopor. Elienfium ab Hcrveo ad Robertum de Oxford. 29. b. 8 . Goli® rhythmici vel'fus, de nniiimo, prelatis, monachis, veneranda jufiicia Roman® curi®, facer- dotibus, &c. 55. 4 . Arbitrium inter epifeopum Elienfem, et priorem et conventum ejufdem loci. oi. 5 . Index tenementorum ecclefi® Elienfis. 76. 6 . L.piftola R. Henrici (vi.) ad priorem et con¬ ventum Eccl. Elienfis; de adminiftrationc* illius ec¬ clefi®, per papam concclfa Ludovico Rotomagculi Archiep. j 04. 7 . De vita et geftis gloriofi Guliehni, duci.s Xor- mannor. et regis Anglo rum; extra&a ex quodam libro anti quo monafterii S. Stephani de Cadomo, cujus monafterii fundator quondam ex Lit it. Tribus pieturis de paflione Chrifti dccoratur ifie codex. 104. Vefpafianils , A. XX. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 26 . The ftatut.es and ordinances of the moft noble order of St. George, named the Garter; explained, declared, and renewed by K. Henry VIII. This MS. once belonged to fir Kenelm Digby. Vefpafianus, A. XXI. Deftdcratur. Vefpafianus , A. XXII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 128 . 1. Clnonicon ab origine mundi ad A. D. 743. 1. b. 2. Chronicon ab incarnatione Chrifti ad An. 1361 . quo fuccefiiones Archiep. Cantuar. et Epifcopor. Roftenlium adnotantur. s. 3 . Hiftoria difeordi® inter R. Henricum II. et Thomarn, Archiep. Cantuar. per Radulphum de Diceto. 37. 4. Homili® qu®dam Saxonich. 54. 5. Regiftrum chartarum ecclefi® S. Andre® .Rof- fenfis : in variis libri partibus hie illic deferiptum rc- perias hoc chartularium. 63 , 12s, &c. 6 . Nonnulla hiftorica de eadem ecclefia: viz. dc placito inter Lanfrancum Archiep. et Odonem Bajo- cenfem Epifc. de terris olim abreptis, ope Lanfranci Eccl. Roffenfi reftitutis; de Gandulfo epifeopo qui Roffenfe caftrum extruxit; dc confuetudinibus ab Archiep. Cantuar. conceffis Ep. Roffenfi. 120. 7. De variis regnis in Anglia tempore Saxonum. 123 . b. 8 . Nomina archiepifcoporum Cantuarienfium, Epifcopor. RofFentium, Londonenfium, et c®tero- rum in Anglia. 1 o 4 _ 6 . 9 - Nomina regum Kcntenfium, Weft-Saxonum, Elfexi®, Northanumbrorum, et Merciorum. 126. b. Vefpafianus , A. XXIII. Codex, membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis U 5 r 1 ■ Hiftoria de regibus majoris Britanni®, qu® nunc dicitur Angli®; per Galfridum Monumetenfem. 1. 2. Breves expofitiones decern mandatorum, fecun- dum magiftrum Pliilippum quondam abbatem de Leyceftria ; in old Englifii. 107. 5 T Vefpafianus. 4-^8 VESPASIANUS, A. XXIV. XXV. Vefpa/lamiSj A. XXIV. Codex chartac. in 4 to. conftans foliis 194. Colleftanea quibns infcribitur titultis, “ Computus ecclelite Sci. Petri tic Burgo.” Vcfpafianus, A. XX V. Codex chartac. nonnullis membranis paflim infertis, conftans foliis 21*2. quondam pcculium Hen. SaSuH; ex dono Johis. Anf’tis Arm. l . “ Verfus vii. Pfalmorum poenitenti®, cum lc- taniis, &c.” (printed.) j. 2. “ Tlie biflioppe of Gloceftur s (J. Brooke) ex¬ hortation to Thomas Craner:" i. e. his addrefs to the Archbp. as one of the commils rs appointed by the Queen for his examination. ' js. 3 . A diary (by fome citizen of London r) in the times of lien. Ml. and VIII. 33. 4. Short extracts, in Latin, from St. Gregory. 47. 5. An old long or rhimes: Beg. “ Fyll the cuppe Phylyppe & let us dry nke a drame.” " 47 (i. Prophecies, by Marlion of Siiidon, a hermit of France; in Englifh profe. 47. b. 7. Some verfes: Beg. “ When all his fowghte that may be fownde.” 49 . b. 8 . A poem, with this rubric : Lerne this leffon in welthe & woo, “ 1 o doo as y" woldefte be doone untoo.” 49. b. 9 . Another poem: Beg. “ So longe may a droppe fall “ Y’ it may perfe a ftone.” 50. 1 ). 10. A difeourfe of certain miracles and figns which appeared at Montpellier the 5th of May 1573, fore- boding the day of judgment; fent by don Francifco de Mcndofa; with this note at the end, “ laf'tly printed in Londone, by Thomas Lafte att London-wall att y* figne of the blake Ilorfe.” ’ 51 _ 11. Names of Chrift, with illuftrations in Latin. 52 . b. 12. “ A fermon of pfon Hyberdyne, w ch he made att the comandment of certain theves aft r they had robbed hym befyd Hartlerowe in Hanfhyer.” ‘ 53. 13. J. . 5 . Vita S. Edwardi regis Anglia; et confefforis, rum miraculis ejufdem. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, confians foliis 18.;, i • Excerpta qusedam ex S. Auguftino. 2. 2. Enchiridion Sexti Pythagorici, cum prolo cr o Ruffini prefbyteri. ° Libri Cafiiodori, de inttitutionibus diviuarum le&ionum pars: de Octateucho vide XIII. 8 . ubi in¬ teger habetur. 0 4. Expofitiones allegoric;:? quorundam propriorum vocabulorum Biblia?, fccundum I lido: uni. 10. b. 5. Ven. Beda? prefbyteri liber, de naturis rerum. 22. b. G. Apocalypfis Goliae: Incip. “ A tauro torrida lampede citilii, “ Fundente jacula ferventis radii.” conf. Tit. A. XX. 35 . 2G. b. 7 - Ilieronymi liber, de Viris illuftribus. 31. 8 . Liber Cafiiodori fenatoris, de iuftitutionibus di- vinarum le6tionum. 40. b. 9 . Liber procemiorum S. Ifidori epifeopi, de ordine librorum S. Scriptural. 53. 10. Catalogus illuftrium virorum, i\ Gennadio Maf- lilienfi epifeopo, poft Hieronymum, confcriptus. 57. b. n . Liber Ifidori Hifpalienfis epifeopi, de Viris il¬ luftribus. gg b 12. Decretalis epiftola, de recipiendis et non reci- piendis libris; a Gelafio papa, cum LXX epifeopis eruditis, confcripta. 05, IS. Retra&ationes Sci. Auguftini epifeopi. 67. 14 : Yf rl ) ls Bildeberti epifeopi, in quafdam hifiorias veteris Teftamenti, prefertim libros Gcncfeos. 82. 15 . Homilia? quaxlam piae, aucToris incerti ; deeft enim initium : videntur lcriptie tempore interdict* fub R. Johanne. 34. iG. Liber qui dicitur Similitudinarium ; ordine al- phabetieo. 39. b. 17. Difticha Catonis. iio. b. 18. Excerpta ex Ovidio, Horatio, et Juvenali. 112. 19 . Figures notarum, cum illarum ufibus in codi- cibus antiquis. 115 ],. 20 . \ erfus mifcellanei de variis argumenti 1 i.i.b. 21. Verfus de tropis et figuris, cum verfibus rh\ th- micis. " 1 is. b. 22. Verfus Ilieronymi ct Damaf.i pap;e, de niobi- litate mentis. 120. 23. De prelato et populo, fimilitudo vaccse et vi- tuli. 122. 24 . De moribus feemime, auro. ct ambitione; de vita ct gcltis Sci. Stephani; de hermaphroditic; de utiiitate VESPASIANUS, B. XIII.— XIX. 441 titilitate confeftionis; de fervore placencli Deo ; de ti- inore fpe et amore; de confeftionc, &c.; de beatifiima virgine Maria; de Phoenice: de differentiis ; de af- fuinptione B. Maria;; dc mifcra conditione hominis; deque aliis multis arguments. 120. 25 . Excerptiones de Seneca, alphabetice ; et fen- tcntiie aliorum philofophorum : Incip. “ Alienum eft omne quicquid obtando venit, “Amor animi arbitrio fumitur non ponitur.” 127. b. 26. Verfus rhythmici fecundum Thomam de Wyta ; compoiiti de domino Edwardo Anglorum rege. 130 . b. 27 - Verfus de guerra R. Johannis. 130. b. 28. Sententia; feptem fapientilm, vcrfibus explicata?. 131 . b. 29. Verfus de equo pontificis, aliifque nullius pretii, nee digni qul memorentur. 132, Vefpqfianius, B. XIV. Codex membran. in 4to. longiori, conftans foliis 113. 1. Le lay de Launval chevalier de Arthur roy de Bretagne, en vers. See an old Engliih tranllation of this romance in Calig. A. II. j 2. Iliftoire abreg-^e du royaume d'Angleterre, de- puis Egbert jufqu a Richard 1. 8 . b. 3 . Verfus Latini rhythmici, de excidio Troja;. a-rtXt r. j g 4. Les fables d Efope en vers, excinduntur enim hie duo folia. ]Q 5. Vita et paflio S. Thoma; martyris Archiep. Can- tuar. a diverfis audoribus excerpta, per quendam mo- nachum de Ercftiam; ad Ilcnricum abbatem Croy- landise. Inferitur catalogus eruditorum Beati Thomiu. 33 . 6. La vie de St. Thomas archeveque de Canteiberv en vers : par P. Langtoft? g 5% p, 7 . Nomina archiepifcoporum Cantuarietifium et Lboracenfium, et Epifcopor.Dunelmenfium. ns. Vefpnfianus, B. XV. Codex chartaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis ie6. '. Tituli variorum recordorum ih turre Londinenfi repoutorum, temp. Edw. nr. 2. De coronation R. Ricardi II; decerpta ex libro Oarteni regis atmorum. 2 3. Excerpta ex libro moriafterii de Egnefham in eomitatu Oxon. 4 . '*• ~~ ex chronico monafterii Evefhamenfis in com. VV igorn. praicipue de geftis abbatum. 17. cx J'fgiftro chartarum monafterii Weft- monafterienhs. tK ’ ex veteri Bbro civitatis London. 24. " ex regiftris epifeopi London. 25. 8 * -- ex Lelando. ^ Q ~ 7 ~ cx llbro monafterii monialium de Clerk- enwell in London. de jl° The P ro g™y and defeent of the earl of Aran- 45 . .-j,*!, c T , " of the counts of Ga- rine ab Smrey, and Rich. Beauchamp E. of Warwick. . .... 45 . b. 1 * I he genealpgy of the lord Berkley. 47. 13 . \ it£B epifeoporum Elienfium. 49 . 14 ‘tS' XC ^ r,;>ta cx . rc S iftro monafterii de Colne in com. Ellexienft; ubi niulta de Veeris comitibus Ox- 0111a;. 56 . 15 . Genealogia comitum Lancaftria;. 95. 16. Excerpta ex regiftro monafterii de Balking. 96° 17 ' ex regiftris Archiep. Cantuarienfis. 100. ~ ex inquifitionibus captis temporibus R. Edtvatdi iv. 1 lt , 5 ' 9 - ex inquifitionibus captis Edwardo III. regnante, pro Eflex. 126 Vefpafianvs, B. XVI. Coclex membran. in folio major!, tonftans foliis gi. 1. A fragment, in verfe, upon the fall. 1. 2. A ballad, on the death of Wm. de la Pole D. of olliTolk; Begin. “ I,, blie moiieth of May when gfafte growes “ grene, “ Ilagruunt in her tlowres withfwetc fauvo'ur, “ J ac Napes wold over the fee a mariner to “ ben, V ith his clogi Sc his cliovn to feke more trefoilr.” j ^ 3. A poem again ft the Lollards. cgin. To lie that can be Criftes clerk, and know t “ the knottes of his crede, “ Now may fe a wonder worke, of hard happes to take good heede.” 2. b. ♦ i A ballad upon the vifit made by the K. and Q. to St. Paul s, A° 1458. Begins “ W ban chantd is chofen with ftates to ftonde 4 bteillad and Ikill without diftaunce, “ T h j n '' Talhe ma J' be exiled out of this londe And God oure gide to have the gouvern.- ‘ aunce.' 5 4 r proclamation of one who calls him- lelt King of all kings, Lord of all lords, cofyn to your Cnft.” dated 1416. 5 6. The bredth and length of an acre of land. a. b. of li r w °d P!erct -Plowman, with tire vifions of Do W ell. Do Better, and Do Belt; differing much troin the printed copies, but notfo much from Calio-. A. XI. Ihbl. Reg. la. B. 17, and Bibl. Hall. 237G. G? 1 efpaftalius, B. XVII. Codex chartae. in 4to. majori, conftans foliis 134. lliftoria de geftis R. Henrici VIII, annis 1 ] 10 et is regm fui. ’ ’ Vefpnfianus, B. XVIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. niajoli, conftans foliis 230 Sec. xi. Lebtionarram, live varia ex evangeliis attts apoitolorum, et epiftolis, in feftis diebus : Grace Vefpnfianus, B. XIX. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, foliis conftans 232. ^ 1. Gervafii Dorobcrnenfis traftatus de combuf- tione et reparation ecclefia; Cantuarienlis. 1. 2.. Imaginatio Gervafii contra R. abbatem S. Au- gultmi quafi in confiftorio papaj Alexandri. 24. b. 5 U 3 - Imaginatio VESPASIAN 3 . Imaginatio caufte quafi pro abbate. - 8 . b. 4. Chronica Gervafii, ab A. H 36 ; praniiflis paucis tie r'ege Ilenrico i. atl obitum R. Ricardi I. so. b. .5. Nomina Arcbicp: Cantuaricnlium, ab Auguftino ufque atl Ric. Bancroft. 23 - 2 . b. J cfpajianm, B. XX. Codex membran, in 4 to. majori, conftans Coliis 287 - 1. Johannes Gofcelinus monachus Cantuarienfis, tie vita et virtutibus, feu fignis B. Auguftini; libello contra 6 liori. J- 2 . Ejufdem liber amplior de adventu beatiiT. An- glorum apoftoli, Auguftini, fociorumque ejus in Bri- tanniam ; et tic ipfius virtutibus. 26 . s. De miraculls ejufdem, alter liber. 6i. 4 . Sermo in feftivitate S. Auguftini. 86 . 5. De tranflatione ejufdem, et fociorum ejus, libri duo; quorum primus eft Jofcciini ; in lecundo eon- tincntur vita et miracula S. Lctardi epifcopi. 94 . ii. Vita Deo di Ice tar Virginia Mildritha?, per eun- dem; cum lectionibus. 143 . 7. Textus translation is et inftitutionis monafterii B. Mildritha*; cnm atteftationc miraculorum. 166. 8. RelatioVen. Bedte, de fandtiflimo Chrifti confef- fore Laurentino, Anglorum archiepifcopo. 198. 9. De adventu B. Melliti Anglor. arebiepifcopi in Britanniam, et ejus virtutibus. 204 . 10. Aliud elogium live hiftoriola de S. Mellito. 212 . 1 1. De Sco. Jufto archiepifcopo. 215 . 12. De Sco. Horiorio archiepifcopo. 21s. is. De Sco. Deus-deditarchiepifcopo. £21. 14. De adventu B. Theotlori Archiep. in Angliam ; et tie fynodo ab eodem habita. 223 . 13 . De adventu B. Adrian! abbatis in Angliam, Cl ufque virtutibus. 234 . 16. Tranllatio ejufdem per Scotlandum. 242 . b. i 7. Relatio de ordinatione S. Auguftini, et de ipfius qua-ftionibus, ad B. Gregorium: ad lincm apponitur epitaphium S. Auguftini. 232 . is. Libellus contra inanes S. virginis Mildrithee ufurpatorcs, per Jofcelinum. 262. 19. Confirmatio S. Edwardi regis et confeiforis, facta monafterio S. Petri et Pauli, qUod hortatu B. Auguftini rex JElhelberth a fiindamento conltituit, fub orientali nmro civitatis Dorobeiniie. 277. 20. Privilcgium jEthelbcrti regis priini Anglorum gentis Clirfftianifiimi, A" 1 ). 60 . 5 . 278 . 21. Aliud privilegium ejufdem. 278. b. 22. Privilegia Bonifacii, Adeodati, Agathonis bina, et Calixti II. PP. 280. 23. Narratio mirabilis de fententia excommunica- tiunis B. Auguftini, et qualiter refufeitavit duos mor- tuos. 286 . Vefpafianus, B. XXI. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, conftans foliis 252 . Compendium morale, per Rogerum de V altbarn ; five de virtuolis dictis et fact is exemplaribus antiquo¬ rum. Continet inftitutionem principis, quomodo po- pulum regere, et fe gercre oporteat, petitis ex liiltoriis regum Anglia exemplis. S, B. XX.—XXVI. J tfpafianus, B. XXII. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, conftans foliis 102. De oflicio et munere Admiralli; cum exemplis litc- ramin ad rent nauticam fpe&antium : partim Gullied partim La tine. Pradigitur calendariuni. Vefpafianus, B. XXIII. Codex membran. in 4to. longiori, conftans foliis 126. 1. Liber Architrenii de potentia laboris et ingenii, ct impotentia delidia. per Johannem de Hanvilla, ver- fibus hexametris: dicitur ille frater Johann is deEig- hant. o # 2. Ovidii de vctula, tres libri. 53. 3 . Opufenlum ProbsB, uxoris*Adelphi, cxccrptum de Virgil o, ad Teftamentiun vetus et novum: h. e. Cento VirgilianusProbte Falconi®. 77. b. 4. Alanus dc planctu natune ; partim metrice, par¬ tim profaice. 34, 5. /Efopi tabula; verlibus elegiacis. 110. b. 6. Excidiuin frqjanum ; verlibus iifdem. lis.b. 7 - AEnigmata Sympholii; verfibili hexametris. 123 . Vefpafianus, B. XXIV. Codex membran. in 4to. majori, conftans foliis 77. Regiftrum chartarum abbatia de Evelbam in comi- tatu Wigorriienfi: in quo funt quadain (termini fed. ten-arum) Saxonicd feripta, aliaque qua antiquitatem redolent, liujus codicis pars potiflima circa tempora. Henrioi II. regis leripta videtur. Vefpafam/s, B. XXV. Codex meifibran.in 4 to. conftans foliis 146 . 1. Julius Solinus, de mirabilibus mundi: in fine, “ explicit Jul. Solinus, Itudio et diligentia Domini “ Tlaeodofii, invictiffimi principis.” 1. 2. Liber Periegefis. i. e. de litu terra, Prifciani, grammatici urbis Roma, Cafarienfis docloris, ver¬ libus : Incip. “ Natura genitor, qua mundum continet 0111- nem, Annue rex cadi, pofitum telluris etunda “ In quas imperium mortalium ipfe dedifti.” 78. 3 . Hiftoria Trojanorum Daretis Phrygii, deGraco tranllata in latinum a Cornelio Nepote. 98. b. 4. Verfus quidam, adferipti B. Hieronymo. 117. .5. De Sibyllis, una cumverfibus propheticis de die judicii. 117. b. 6. Verfus de mutabil it ate-mentis humana, fragili- tate vita, aliifque. 123 . 7. De Britannia et ejus mirabilibus: inferibitur Gilda. ’ 1Q6. b. 8. Dc fignis venturis ante finem mundi. 144 . 9. De feptem miraculis mundi. 144 . b. Vefpafianus, B. XX\ I. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 64 . Tra&atus Odonis, abbatis Morimundenfis, de Ana- leciis I’emarii; ubi de myftcrio fancla Tiinitatis, mul- tifquc aliis argumentis theologicis et philnfophicis: feriptus per tempora S. Bernardi Clarevallenlis ab¬ batis, cujus obitus ibi metnoratur, quail nondiu antca accidifl’et. , Vefpajian, VESPASIAN, C. I. 443 Vefpqfian , C. I. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 313 . 1. Ferdinand K. of Aragon, to Henry VIII; thank¬ ing him for iooo fclc6t archers lent him, and declar¬ ing tliat he is refulved to take the command of his army. (Grig. Lat.) Seville, April 20, 151 1. 19. 2. Ferdinand K. of Aragon, to Henry VIII; profefling great friendlliip. (Orig. Lat.) Burgos, Jan. 3 , 1512. 3 . The Lnglifh ambaifadors in Spain, Dr. Wm. Knight and lir John Stile, to Henry vni; fixtecn difpatchcs, all in cypher, of which there is a key at fol. 47. Jan—Dec. 1512. '24. 4. The Knglilh ambaifadors (their names not fub- feribed) to Henry Vlll; reporta conference they had with the K. of Aragon concerning a treaty of lub- fidy, &c. 1513 ? 72. 5. Henry VIII, to his ambaifadors in Spain; in- ftruHions and intelligence. (A draught, probably a fragment, in Wolfey’s hand.) 1513 ? 7 5. 0 .to the marquis of Dorfel ? chiefly complimental. (Lat. with aIhort Spanifh addition.) Camp near Pampeluna, Aug. 1, 1512? 7 6. 7. Ferdinand K. of Ar. to the marquis of Dorfet; about the war in Navarre, ike. (Orig. Spanrlh.) Burgos, Aug. 2, 1512. 77. 8. Dr. Knight, to Wolfey; two difpatches about the affairs of Navarre, negociations, See. (Orig.) Fontarabia, Aug. 5, St. Sebaftian, Oct. 4, 1512 ? 79. 9 . Sir John Stile, to Wolfey, then Bp. of Durham ; concerning negociations, &c. Medina del Campo, Feb. 27, 1512 ? 87. b. 10. Omitted. 11. Dr. Knight, to Henry vm; about the K. of Aragon's truce with France, the reftoration of the It. of Navarre, ike. (Orig) Valladolid, May 12, 1513 . 86 . 12. Dr. Knight and fir John Stile, to Henry vm ; about a propofed treaty of fublidy, without which K. Ferd. will not continue the war. Valladolid, June 17 , 1513 . 88 . 13 . A Treaty between Spain, the Emperor, and England. (Orig. Eat. figned by the Spanilh pleni¬ potentiaries.) Lille, 061 . 17, 15 13 . 91. 14 . Ferdinand K. of Ar. to Henry VIII; credential in favour of the Bp. of Trinopoli (l)rinawar in Hun¬ gary.) (Orig. Lat.) Ventofdla, May 2, 1515. 92. 15. I). Lud. Canoz de Vilarague, to Ilenry VIII; on the K. of Aragon fending over Dr. Defco’riaca a phyfician. (Orig. Lat.) Burgos, July 21, 1515. 92 . b. 16. Bern, (de Mefa) Bp. of Drinawar, to Wolfey Abp. of York; deliring an interview. (Orig. Lat.) Lond. Aug. 14, 1515 . 93. 17. Henry v ill; a fafe-conduct in favour of don John of Aragon, and another, font by K. Ferdinand to the Pr. of Caftile. (Orig. Lat.) Greenvv. Jan. 17, 1514 . 94. 1 s. The form of an oath taken by the Bp. of Drina¬ war, confirming a treaty between K. Ferdinand and Johanna Q. of Caftile, and Henry VIII. (Lat.) 061 . S, 1515. 95. 19. J. Tayler, an oration held by him to the Spanilh ambaifadors in the prefence of the K. of England and his nobility. (Lat.) March9 ? 1515 . 98. 20. The Bp. of Siguenza, to Henry VIII; mentioning how he came to be appointed to his Bpk. in the room of Bern. Carvaiala fchifmatic; and defil ing the king to intercede with Charles V. to maintain him in the fame. (Orig. Lat.) Majoretti, April 8, 1 5 16. 101. 21. Ferdinand K. of Ar. to Henry Vin ; profefling great friendlliip, anti credential in favour of the Bp. “ Funcnfis” (Ilelva?) (Lat.) Xarayzelo, Dec. 30 . 1516 . 103 . 22. The Bp. of Ilelva, to Card. Wolfey ; requeuing that a fuin, allowed to the K. of Spain, be paid without delay to Mr. Aron the faid king's treafurer. (Orig. Lat.) London, Aug. 10, 1517. 109. 23. Sir Th. Spindly, to Ilenry VIII ; reporting a voyage with the K. of Spain; fome account of the country about Villa Viciofa, of the court of Spain, &c. (Orig. part cypher.) St. Vincent in Afturias, Sept. 29, 1517 . 111. 24. Charles V, to Margaret of Savoy; about the motions of his army. ( Fr. copy of part of a letter.) St. Vincent, Oct 1,1517. 113. b. 25 . The Bp. of Ilelva, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence, inclofmg the preceding article, deliring a pay¬ ment, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Sexfenchis? Oct. 27, 1517. 115 . 26 . Sir Tho. Spindly : 1. to Card. Wolfey ; Bezzar- ryll, 061 . 3 1, 1517: 2. to Henry vm; Valladolid, Jan. 7, 1518 : 3 . to Card. Wolfey; Valladolid, Jan 6, and Feb. 9, 1518 . {\ g,’ 27. Sir John Stile, to Ilenry vill; intelligence from the court ot Spain: the beginning wanting. Valladolid, Feb. 11, 1518 . 125. 28 . Sir Tho. Spindly, to Henry vm. March. . .. and Aranda, April 2, 151 8 . 127. 29 . De Hefdin, to Card. Wolfey; foliciting fome reward for his endeavours to recover the town of Mortaigne from the Pr. of Ligne. (Orig. Fr.) Ma- lignes, April 16, 15 1 8 . 134. b. 30 . Sir Tho. Spinelly: 1. to Card. Wolfey; Bar¬ celona, April 13 : 2 . and 3 . to Henry VIII; Aranda, April 18, and Calatayud in Aragon, May s, 1518 . (l. and 3 . Orig. 2. a copy.) 13G. 31 . Ch. de Croy and J. le S . .to Card. Wolfey ; thanks for having obtained lo-ie favour for them from the king. (Orig. Lat.) Saragoca, May 11, 1518 . ’ 145 . b. 32 . The Englilh ambaifadors in Spain (Armagh and Berners?) to Card. Wolfey; acquaint him with a report received from France that there are dilfenlions in England. Saragoca, May 12, 15 18. 146 . 33 . John (Kite) Abp. of Armagh and J. Lord Berners, to Henry VIII; report their lirft audience of Charles V. (Orig.) Almafana, May 12 , 15 18. 147. 34 . Lord Berners, to.intelligence about negociations for the reltitution of Navarre, & c. May, 1518 . 151. 35 . Cuthbert Tunftal, to Card. Wolfey ; acquaints him with the arrival of the Spanilh ambafladors at Oxford (one of them the provolt of Callel) defires fome inftru&ions how to treat them, and fends lbme intelligence from Spain obtained from them. (Orig.) Oxford, May 1 8 , 1518 . 152. 36 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; two dif¬ patches. (Orig.) Saragoca, May 20 and 25 , 151 8 . 154 . 37. A paper of intelligence from Rome, by letters of the Card, de Medicis, of May 20 : in the hand of Spinelly. 1518 '. 161. 38 . Notes of intelligence from Spain and the Low countries. 163. 39 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII. and Card. Wolfey. (Two originals.) Saragoca, June 8 , 15 1 8 . 164. 40 . The 444 VESPASIAN, C. I. 40 . The Abp. of Armagh and lord Berners, to Card. Wolfey ; various intelligence from the court of Spain. (Orig.) Saragoca. June 14 , 1518 . 167 . 41. The Abp. of Armagh, to Card. Wolfey; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Saragoca, June Cl, 1518. 169. 42 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Henry vm. Saragoca, June Cl (a copy), and June 30. (Orig.) 1518. 17 l. 43. The Englifli arnbaffadors in Spain (Armagh and Berners?) to Hen. VIII; defcribe feafts at Sara¬ goca. July 2, 1518. 17 7- 44. The Abp. of Armagh and Ld. Berners, to Henry VIII; report divers matters given them in charge by the Catholic king. (Orig.) Saragoca, July 12 , 1518. " 178. 45 . Ld. Berners, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Spanilli court. Saragoca, July 26 , 15 1 8. 181. 46. The Abp. of Armagh, to Henry VIII; a friendly meifage from the Catholic K.; about a report of a marriage between the Dauphin and princefs Mary, the affairs of Navarre, &c. (Orig.) Saragoca, Aug. 1 6 , 1518. ' 182. 47. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey ; credential in fa¬ vour of the Bp. of llclva. (Orig. Lat.) Saragoca, Aug. 1(5, 1518. 18(5. 48. Sir Tho. Spinelly: l. to Henry VIII, Saragoca, Aug. 16; 2 . to Card. Wolfey, ibid. cad. die; 3. to Henry VIII, ibid. Sept. 7. (O.Lyu.ds.) 1518. 187- . 'i; ■ Henry vill; in anfwer to the •'; .'. mape, and the Emperor, y • : l'r. ) S.-.ragoca, Dee i:\ 1518. 193. d. Berners, to Henry . . :ir negociations, &c. (Orig.) Saragoca, Sept. 17 , 1518. 194. 51. Sir Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig.) Saragoca, Sept. 18 , 1518. 195 . b. 52. Ld. Berners, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the K. Cath. Sept, is, 151 8. 196 . 53. Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Henry VIII; two dif- patches. (Orig.) Saragoca, Sept. 18 , and 061. 4, 1518. " 197. 54. Ld. Berners, to Card.Wolfey; intelligence a- bout the court of Spain. Sarag. Oct. 8, 15 18 . 203. 55. Sir Tho. Spinelly : 1 . and G. to Henry VI11, Saragoca, Oer. 16, I5is, and Jan. go, 1518-19; 3 . to Card. Wolfey, 061 . 16 , 1618 ; 4. to Henry VIII, ibid. Oct. 31 , 1518; 5. to Card. Wolfey, ibid, eadem die; 6. to Henry VIII, ibid. Nov. 1 s, 1518. 204. 56. The Abp. of Armagh and Ld. Berners, to Henry VIII; about K Charles's preparations in Naples againff the Turks, &c. (Orig.) Saragoca, Nov. 20 , 1518. 222. 57 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig.) Saragoca, X ov. 29 , : 51 8. 224. 58. The Abp. of Armagh, to Card. Wolfey ; about an anfwer from the Spaniih council, and intelligence. (Orig.) Saragoca, Dec. 6, 1518 . 226 . 59 . The Abp. of Armagh, Ld. Berners, and Tho. Spinelly, to Henry vni; a long dilpateh touching the negociations about the treaty, fc c. (Orig.) Saragoca, Sept. 17 , 1518. * " 228 . 60 . The Abp. of Armagh, to Card. Wolfey; on the above fwbje6c. i^Orig.) Sarag. Sept. 17 , 1518. 232. Cl. Sii 1 ho. Spinelly, to Bryan Tuke; intelligence about the proceedings of the arnbaffadors, &c. (Orig.) Saragoca, Jan. 10 , 1518-19- 235. 62 . Charles v, to Henry VIII; notifying the death of his grandfather Maximilian. (Orig. Fr.) Mont* ferrat, Feb. 6 , 1519. ysa 63 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; on the above death; and foliciting Henry v I mil's inteicft towards the election to the empire. (Orig. Lat.) Montferrat, Feb. 6 , 1519. 040.' 64 . Charles V, to Henry VIII; defiring him to fa¬ vour his (Charles's) election to the empire. (Orig. Fr.) Barcelona, Feb. 22, 1519. 243? 65. Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; about the fame elcftion. (Orig. Lat.) Barcel. Feb. 22, 1519. 244. 66 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; four dif- patches. (Orig.) Barcelona, Feb. 24 , March 9, 20, and 21, 1519. 247/ 67. Charles V, to Henry VIII. and to Card. Wolfev ; two credentials in favour of Claud, de Botton, Ld! Corbaron. (Orig. Lat.) Barcelona, April 2, and 6 , 1519 . 268 - 68 . Charles V, to Henry \ III ; Rating that the Pope oppofes his, and favours the French king's election to the empire. (Orig. Fr.) Barcelona, April 20, 1519. 270. 69. Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card Wolfey. (Orig.) Barcelona, April 22, 1519. ‘ 07?. 70 . Laur. dc Gorrevod governor of Brcfcia, to Henry VJII ; complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Barcel. May 26 , 15 19. 273. b. 71 . Sir Th. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey; 1. Barce¬ lona, June 16: 2. end wanting. (Orig.) 1519. 274. 72. The Bp. of Siguenza, to Henry VIII; compli¬ mental. Barcelona, June 30 , 1519. * 282. 73 . Charles V, to Henry VIII ; notifying his elec¬ tion as king of the Romans, and thanking Henry for his co-operation in the fame. (Orig. Fr.) Barcelona, July 7, 15 19. 284. * 74 . Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. chiefly cypher.) Barcelona, July 15, 1519. 285. 75 . Abftracts of letters from fir Tho. Spinelly, written in cypher. 06 t 30 , and Nov. 21, 1519. 290'. 76. Ch. de Croy, to Card. Wolfey, by J. de Sault, whom he recommends; profeffing liis deflre to maintain good harmony between their two matters. (Orig. Lat.) Barcelona, Aug. 17, 1519. 291. b. 77 - Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card Wolfey. (A copy or decypher.) Molyndery, Dec. 11, 1519. 292. b. 78 . Charles V; his commiffon to the lord of Berghes, and others, for fettling the poft in England, and making preparations for his interview with Henry VIII. (Lat.) Burgos, Feb. 25, 1520. 294. 79 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; recommending the above commiffoners. (Orig. Lat.) Burgos, Feb. 25 , 1520 . ’ 297 . 80. Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig.) Ponferrat, March 19, 1519-20. * 298. 81. Henry VIII; his commiffon to Tho. (Ruthal) Bp. of Durham, and others, for preparing for the in¬ terview with Charles v. (Lat.) Greenwich, April 8 , 1520 . 300. 82. Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey. (Orig. with the decypher.) Corunna, May 3 , 1520 . S02. 83 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; acquaints bin/’ with his being detained by contrary winds, and re¬ queuing the interview may take place notwithftand- ing any impediment. (Orig. Lat.) May 4, 1520. 306 . 84 . The convention between Charles V. and Henry VIII. at their interview. (Lat.) The original counterpart 44? VESPASIAN, C. 1. II. counterpart of Charles, dated Calais, July 14 , 1520 . 307 . 85 . News out of Spain, cxtrailed out of a letter of Sir Tho> Spindly, dated Valladolid, Sept. 12, 1520. 311 . f vfpafian , C. 1I» Codex chart aceus, in folio, conftanS roliis 382 . i .to Henry VIII; the writer exprefles j his fatisfadtion at the union between the Emperor and llenrv, auguring that Spain will aflift effectually to¬ wards Henry's fuecetfes in France, See. (Orig. Spa- nilli.) Victoria (St. Andero), April 27, 1522 . 2. 2. Charles V, to Henry VIII; requeuing that the Sr. Buleux may have free paffage through his do¬ minions. (Orig. Fr.) St. Andero, July 26 ’, 1522 . 4 . 3 . Fr. Alvarus Oforio, to Card. Wolfey; noti¬ fies his arrival at Anthona (Southampton), and de- fires to know when he may have audience from the king, being ti nt by the Pope to bring about a peace between the Emperor and France. (Orig. Eat.) Windonio (Wincheitcr), July 1, 1522 . 4 . b. 4. Ger. dc Plenic, Ed. of la Roche, to Card. Wolfey; reports the death of fir Tho. Spindly. (Orig. Eat.) Valladolid, Aug. 31 , 1522 . 5 . 5. Charles V, to his ambalfadors in England; in- ftruelions of what they are to communicate concern¬ ing the negoeiat ions between Erance and the Pope, &c. (Fr.) Valladolid, Sept, 8 , 1522. 7. G. S. Bp. of Pace and Helve (Badajoz and Elvas) and Louis de Praet, to Card. Wolfey ; about tome iliips lent out to cruize. (Orig. Lat.) Loud. Sept. 13 , 1522 . 13 . b. 7. Henry V 1 TI; his inftrudtions to fir Tho. Bolcyn and Dr. Richard Sainpfon, feat amhatfadors to the Emperor; (a draught, with fome additions by Wol- fey) : alfo a rough draught of part of the fame, in Wolfey’s hand. Sept, or 061 . 1522. 14. s. Sir Tho. Boleyn and Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; five orig. difpatches, on their journey to, and reception at the court of the Emperor; 1. Ply¬ mouth, 061 . 2; 2. Earedo, Oct. iG; 3. Valladolid, Nov. 2 ; 4. Valladolid, Nov. 2. (this to Henry vili.) and 5 . Valladolid, Nov. 11, 1522. 25. 9 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey ; thanks for a letter by the ambalfadors, and exprefling much regard and confidence. (Orig. Fr.) Valladolid, Nov. 11, 1522. 39 . b. 10. A rough draught, in Card. Wolfey's hand, of infiru 6 lions to Boleyn and Sampfon ; alfo a fairer copy of part of the fame, likewife corrected by Wol¬ fey ; fent by Rouge-croix. Nov. 1522 ? 40 . 1 1. Sir Tho. Boleyn and Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; an orig. difpatch. Valladolid, Dec. 3 , 1522 . 54. 12. Inftruclions to Dr. William Knight, the king’s ambaflador with Lady Margaret; touching certain matters to he negociated with the D. de Bourbon. 1523 . 58 . 13 . Inftrudtions of fuch things as fir John Ruffell hath, to be laid and done with the D. de Bourbon, on the king's behalf. 1523 . 6 ‘G. 14. Card. Wolfey, to fir Tho. Boleyn and Dr. Samp¬ fon ; a long difpatch of inltructions and intelligence. 1523 . 70. 15 . Sir Tho. Boleyn and Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; two difpatches. (Orig.) Valladolid, Jan. 14 , Feb, t», 1523 . 78. id. Sir Tho. Boleyn, to Henry VIII; two orig. difpatches. Valladolid, Jan. 14, Feb. G, 152 S. 82 . 17. Charles V, to Henry VIII; thanking him for the kind meifages lent him. (Orig. Fr.) Valladolid, Feb. 9, 1523 . " 93 . 18 . Charles v, to Card. Wolfey; thanks for his friendlhip, and laments his indifpofition. (Orig. Fr.) Valladolid, Feb. 10, 1523 . 93 . b. 19. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; about a pen- lion granted Wolfey on the Abk. of Toledo, and concerning his own (Sampfon’s) preferment. (Orig.) Valladolid, March 7, 1523 . 94 . 20 . Sir Tho. Boleyn and Df. Sampfon, to Henry VIII; intelligence. (Orig.) Valladolid, March 8 , 1523 . 95 . 21. Charles V; i 11ft 11161 ions to his ambalfadors in England. Valladolid, March 8 , 1523 . 97 . 22. Sir Tho. Boleyn and Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; three original difpatches. Valladolid, March 8 , 9, and IS, 1523 . 106. 23. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; two dif¬ patches on fir Tho* Boleyn's return to England. (Orig.) Valladolid, March 23 , and May 4, 1523 . 117 - 24 . Henry Vili; four commiflions to Dr. Sampfon and fir Rich. Jerningham ; thefirft to bring over the 1 ). de Bourbon ; the 2 d, 3 d, and 4 th, to treat with the Emperor about the invalion of France. (Lat.) Loud. May iG, 17, 1 7 , and .. . 1523 . N. B. Tl - laft was never l'ealed nor lent. 125 . 25 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; two original difpatches. Valladolid, May 17 , 1523 . 181. 26 . Csefar Ecramolei, to Henry VIII; apprizing him of a prelentfent him by the Emperor, of horfes, mules, &c. (Orig. Lat.) Valladolid, May 18, 1523 . 133 . 27. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; an original difpatch. Valladolid, May 19, 1523 . 134 . 28. A commifiion of Ilenry VIII, to Dr. Sampfon, fir R. Jerningham, and others; enjoining them not to recede, in their truce with the Emperor, from the an¬ nual payment of 183,305 crowns, ltipulatcd by a former treaty. (Lat.) London, May 19, 1523 » 13 G. 29. Inftru 61 ions of Charles V, to Monf. de Bcau- rainc; touching fuch matters as are to he treated upon with Monf. de Bourbon; and alfo of fuch things as he hath to do in England. Valladolid, May 28, 1523 . 138 . 30 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; two original difpatches. Valladolid, June 10 and 22, 1523 . 140 . 51. Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Henry VIII. and Card. Wolfey ; report Jcrninghanvs arrival, his lirft audiences, &c. two original difpatches. VaU ladolid, July 3 , 1523 . 143 . 32 . Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jer¬ ningham; inltructions, inclofing copies of Beauraine’s intlrudtions. Weitminitcr, July 3 , 1523 . 156 . 83 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; an original difpatch. Valladolid, June 26, 1523 . 164. 34 . J. du Chattel, to Monf. de Praet, imperial ambaflador in England; reports what he had done in the charge given him by Madame (Margt.) to meet the D. de Bourbon ; alfo intelligence about the Fr. king's army, &c. (Er.) Bourg en Brefle, Aug. 19, 1523 . 163 . 35 . J. l’Allemand, chancellor in Spain, to Lady Margaret; intelligence about the Emperor; the French repelled in Catalonia, &c. (Fr.) Vallado¬ lid, Aug. 12 , 1523 . 16G. 6 . Card. X 44- 6 VESPASIAN, C. II. 80 . Card. Wolfey, to I)r. Sampfon and Hr II. Jer¬ ningham; complaining of not having received anv letters from them, which, confideting the negoeia- tions carrying on with Bourbon, caui'es great per¬ plexity, &c. Weft mi niter, Aug. 10, 1523 . " 107. •"< 7 • Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; about the Card.’s penfion, the Emperor’s motions, Sec. two orig. difpatches. Valladolid, Aug. 15 and 16, 152 ,‘J. 169. . 13 . Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Ilenry Vlil ; an orig. difpatch concerning the Emperor's hit iilaerion at the h. of Denmark’s reception in Eng¬ land, the laid Emperor’s motions, Sec. Valladolid, Aug. 17, 1523 . 173. 30 . Copy of part of a letter to Card. Wolfey; about the negociation with Bourbon. 1523. 175. b. 40 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; an orig. dif¬ patch; pait cypher. Valladolid, Aug. 17, 1323. 176. 41. Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey ; a long original difpatch. Valladolid, Aug. 17 , 1523 . 177. 42 . Chariest', to Ilenry VIII. and Card. Wolfey; two original letters, all in Charles’s hand, concerning Beaurailie’s negociation, &c. (Fr.) Valladolid, Aug. IS, 1 5 2 3 . 1 80 . 43 . Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; iucloling the Emperor's two letters, 11. 42; c.'d intelligence. (Orig.) Burgos, Aug. 22, 1323. 188 . 44 . Card. V olfey, to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jer¬ ningham ; intelligence about the negociation with Bourbon, the formidable army lent into France, &c. Hampton-court, Aug. 30, 1323 . igp. 43. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; about the Card.’s penfion upon Palencia. (Orig.) Corunna, Oct. 3, 1 . 523 . 193. 4A Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey ; various intelligence; an original difpatch. Corunna, Oft. 5, 1323 . 195, 47. Sir R. Jerningbam, to the carl of Surrey; in¬ telligence, chiefly about the D. de Bourbon, Vhofe negociations had been difeovered by the Fr. kin", See. (Orig.) Corunna, Oct. 2, 1323. igg. 48 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; about his penfion. (Orig.) Toledo, Dec. e, 1523 . 200. 49 - Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jer¬ ningham ; a long difpatch concerning Bourbon, the army in France, See. Wcftm. Nov. (J, 1523. 202. 30. Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; a long original difpatch. Pampeluna, Nov. 12, 1523 . 20 (j. 51 . Card. Wolfe} - , to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jer¬ ningham; a long difpatch. Weftm. Dec. 4, 1523. 218 . 52 . Charles v, to Card. Wolfey ; alluring him that he had written to Rome in favour of his election to the popedom. (Orig. Fr. all in the Emperor's hand.) Pampeluna, Dec. 16, 1523 . 22G. 53 . Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; a long original difpatch concerning the election to the popedom, the war in Italy, Sec. Pam¬ peluna, Dec. 18, 1523 . * Qog. 54 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; concerning fome overtures of peace between the Emperor and the Fr. king, See. (Two original difpatches.) Pampe¬ luna, Dec. 19 and 20, 1523. 236 ’. 55 . Henry VIII; his iecret inftruftions to his am- balfadors in Spain, for certain intelligence to be ob¬ tained, and matters to be communicated by them. 5 ~' J ' 240 . —>(). Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jcr- ningham ; a long difpatch concerning the profecution ot the war, Sec. Hampton-court, Jan. 14, 1524. 247. 57 . Sir R. Jerningham, to Card. Wolfey; intelli¬ gence from the Spaniih army. (Orig.) “ Victoria Jan. 14, 1524 . 1 „ 34 7 58 Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jerningham ; three ori¬ ginal difpatches concerning their negociations, &e. 1. to Card. Volley, Jan. 13 ; 2. a breviate of the preceding letter, addrclled to Ilenry vm ; 5 . another breviate of the lame letter, addrell’ed to the cardinal. Pampeluna, Jan. 18, 1524. o ( ; 0 . 59 - C aid. W ollev, to the ambafladors in Spain: a long difpatch. Greenwich, Jan. 24, 1524. 274. (>o. Dr. Sampfon and lir R. Jerningbam, to Card. Wolfey; three original difpatches; 1. Victoria, Jan. 2(i, double; 2. Ibid, cadem die; 3. Ibid. March 4 ! 524 . 284 .’ Gi. Charles v, to Henry VIII ; fent by fir R. Jer¬ ningbam ; exhorting Henrv to perlift in bis exertions againfr the Fr. K. (Orig. Fr. all in Charles’s hand.) Burgos, March 23, 1524. 289. G2. Card. W olfey, to Dr. Sampfon and fir R. Jer¬ ningham ; a long difpatch. Weftm. March 25, 1.524. 290. G3. An anfwer of Charles Y, to tlie Englifii am- bafiadors ; about Bourbon’s appointment in Italy, and the conduit of the war. (French.) March 1524, 303 . G 4 . Charles V, to Monf. de Praet, nmbaffador in England; inftruftions, Sec. (Fr.) Burgos, March 20 , 1524 . 1 305 . 05. Dr. Sampfon, to Card W ollev ; two original difpatches. Burgos, April 10 and 19, 1524. 308. 00 . Charles V, to Henry vm. and to Card. Wol- ley ; two originals, in favour of Monf. de Coieweres? all in Charles’s hand. Burgos, May 21, 1524. 319. 07 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; a long ori¬ ginal difpatch. Burgos, May 22, 1524 . 321. 08 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey ; recommending perfeverance in their common eaufe. (Orig. all in Charles's hand.) March 24, 1524. S32. O9. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence from Italy. (Orig.) Burgos, May 23 , 1.524. 333. 70. Card. Wolfey, to Dr. Sampfon; a long dif¬ patch. Weftm. June 4, 1524 . 340. 71 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; two long ori¬ ginal difpatches. Burgos, June ;;o and Sept. 18, 1524 . 34O. 72. Card. W olfey, to Dr. Sampfon; two dif¬ patches. At the More, Sep. GO, and Oft. . . . 1524. 357 - 73 . Dr. Sampfon, to Card. W'olfcy; a long ori¬ ginal difpatch. Valladolid, Oft. 30, 1524. 370. 74 . Charles V, to Card. Wolfey; complimental. (Orig. Fr. all in Charles’s hand.) Valladolid, March s, 1524 . 379. 75. Charles V, to Lady Margaret of Savoy; on various matters relating to the defence of the Low countries. (A decypher, Fr.) Madrid, March 28, 15 . 380 . Yefpajian. VESPASIAN, C. lit. 447 Vefpafian, C. HI. Cndr-X chartaceus, in folio, conllans foliis 306 . J. Card. Wnlfi'Y, to Dr. Sampfon ; a long difpatch conrorn'rag Bourbon, do Praet, who is fufpecred of difaffcclion, tlio \iar in Italy, &c. Feb. 13 , 1535 . 3 . 3. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; on the news of the viflovv of Pavia reaching Madrid. (Two' ori¬ ginal difpatches.) Madrid, March 15 and 22 , 1525 . ip. Henry VI 11; his comniiffion to Cuthbcrt (Tun- flal) Bp. of London, hr Huh. Wingfield, and Dl. Sampfon, to treat with the Pope, the Emperor, and other princes, about the invafion of France. Lend. March 26 , 1525 . 28 ‘ Alio to deliver princefs Mary to the emperor Charles v. of the fame date. S3 - Alfo to treat for a peace or truce with the Empe¬ ror and the Fr. K. of the fame date. 34 . b, Alfo to trim!aril money matters with the Emperor; of the fame date. b- N. B. Thefe four articles, in Latin, have been in¬ accurately copied. 4 . Henry VIII; his intlrudtions to the Bp. of Lon¬ don and hr IS. Wingfield, lent ambaffadors to the Emperor. March 30 , 1525 . ~b- 5. Card. Wo!lev, to the Bp. of London and fir lid. Winofiold; two d’ifpatches. Weftm. April 3 and 7 , 1525 ° _ 6. The three ambaffadors in Spain (tiie Bp. of London, Wingfield, and Sampfon), to Card. 'Vol¬ ley ; report their firft audience from the Emperor, who owns himfelf fomewhat diffatisfied with Wolfey, &c. (Orig.) Toledo, June 2, 1525 , 55. 7. Sir lid. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; on the Emperor's complaints againft Wolfey. (Orig.) 1 <>- ledo, June 2, 1525 . 58 - 8. The 13 p. of London, to Card. Wolfey ; on the Emperor’s difiatisfa&ion, &c. (Orig.) Toledo, Junes, 1525 . 6o - 9. Charles v ; his declaration to the Portuguefe ambafi'adors, upon the deferring of the anfwer touch¬ ing his marriage with a daughter of the K. ot Por¬ tugal. (Fr.) 1525 . G2. 10. Ilenry VIII; his commiffion to his three am- bafiadors in Spain ; authorizing them to revoke the treaty of marriage between Charles V. and the prin¬ cefs Mary. (Lat.) Lond. July 6, 1525 . 60 . 11. The three ambaffadors in Spain, to Henry VIII; two original difpatches. Toledo, July 9 and 10 , 1525 . 72 - 12. The Bp. of London and Dr. Sampfon, to Ilenry V III ; report the death of fir R. Wingfield; offers made for the veleafe ot the French king, See. (Orig.) Toledo, July 28 , 1525 . 78 . 13 The Bp. of London, to Card. Wolfey; two original difpatches, Toledo, Aug. 10 and 1 1, 1525 . ° 82 . 14. The two ambaffadors in Spain, to Henry VIII; a lon°' original difpatch. lolcdo, Aug. 1 1 , 1525 . ° ° 86 . 15 . The two ambaffadors in Spain, to Henry VIII; defiring a fpeedy anfwer for the Emperor. (Orig.) Toledo, Aug. 14 , 1525 . 10 °- 16. The Bp. of London, to Card. Wolfey; apolo¬ gizing for certain words he had written to Bryan Tuke, which had difpleafed the king ; on his nego- ciations, &c. (Orig.) Toledo, Dec. 2, 1525 . ioi. 17. The Bp. of London, to Ilenry VIII; apolo¬ gizing as above: a copy incloied in the preceding letter. Toledo, Dec. 2, 1525 . 105 . 18. The two ambaffadors in Spain, to Ilenry VIII; a verv long orig. difpatch. Toledo, Dec. 2, 1525 . 107 - 19. The treaty of peace between the French kin^ and his mother, and Henry VIII. (Fr.) Publifhed at Lyons, Sept. 22, 1525 . 128- 20. Dr. Sampfon, to Card. Wolfey ; two orig. dif¬ patches. Madrid, April 1 , 1525 . 12 9 - 21. The three ambaffadors in Spain, to Henry Vill. and to Card. Wolfey; two orig. difpatches. Toledo, June 16 and 20, 1525 . 13 $. 22. The Bp. of London and fir R. Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey and Henry VIII; two orig. difpatches, written in their way to Spain. S. Hampton, April 10, and llibadio, April 30 , 1525 . 23. Henry vill; a commiffion to the three ambaf¬ fadors in Spain, to treat with Charles V. about the in¬ vafion of France. Lond. March 26, 1525 . 150 . Alfo to treat with the Pope, See. for the reftoration of peace; of the fame date. 15Q - Alfo to treat with Charles V. about mutual aid ; of the fame date. 153 . Alfo to treat with Charles V. about the recovery of the crown of France; of the fame date. 154 . b. 24. The three ambaffadors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; acknowledging the receipt of a box, with com- miflions, inftruttions, &c. (Orig.) S. Hampton, April 7, 1525 . 157 - 25 . The three ambaffadors in Spain, to Ilenry VIII; two long orig. difpatches, the firft not figned. lo- ledo, June 2, and July 8 , 1525 . 158 . 26. A declaration to the ftates of Spain (Cortes) concerning the propoied marriage of Charles V. with princefs Mary. (Orig. Spanilh.) rp '°^ K T,, "° Q Toledo, June 3 , 184 . 27. The three ambaffadors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; an original difpatch. T. oledo, July 8 , 1525 . 1 88 . 28 . The preamble and concluding claufe of a truce between Charles V, Henry VIII, and Francis I. (It.) Toledo, Aug. 11, 1525 . ! 9 i. 29. The French counterpart of the truce with Eng¬ land and Spain. (Fr.) Toledo, Aug. 11, 1525 . 192. 30 . Another form of a truce between Charles V, Henry VIII, and Francis I, and Madame the regent. (Fr.) Aug. 11, 1525 . J 94 . 31. Charles V ; a declaration relating to his treaties with England, his marriage, &c. (Fr.) 1525 . 196. 32. Henry VIII ; inftru&ions to the Bp. of Lon¬ don ? about the negociations for a peace with France. Stony-Stratford, Sept. 8 , 1525 . 201. 33. Dr. Edward Lee, almoner, fent to replace fir Rd. Wingfield, Dr. Sampfon being alfo recalled: 1. to Card. Wolfey, Bourdeaux, Dec. 2, 1525 ; 2. to Henry VIII. ibid. ead. die; 3 , and 4 . to Card. Wol¬ fey, Toledo, Jan. 26 , 1526 . (Four originals.) 210. 34. The three ambaffadms in Spain (the Bp. of London, Sampfon, and Lee) to Henry VIII; along orig. difpatch : the marriage between Charles V. and princefs Mary broken oft - , peace with France, Sec. Toledo, Jan. 26, 1525 . 214 . 35. The Bp. of London and Dr. Sampfon, to Henry VIII; report an audience ot Francis I. about nego¬ tiating a peace. (Orig.) Madrid, Jan. 28 , 1525 . 3 222 . 36. Dr. Edw. Lee ; twelve original letters to Henry Vill, and Card. Wolfey; Seville, March 12, d°, 21, April 44-8 VESPASIAN, C. ITT, IV. April 15 , tl°, d°, 20, May 1, la, d", d", and 21, 152B 223 . Henry VIII : his com million tn the Bp. of Lon- • hm. Wingfield, and Sampfon, empowering them to an . ,u, l marriage contract between Charles v. and prineeis Alary. (Lat.) London, July 6 , 1520 '. '250. 08 . l)r. Ldw. Lee. to Henry VIII. and Card. Vol- , y J h'ur original dilpatches. Cranada, Sent. 4, 7 d°, and 14, i.v_6. C5i 30 . An anfwer of the \Spanilh niiniitry to a remon- ftranceot the Engiiih am balladors. (Fr.) Sept. 2, ]3 - h - _ 2 08 . 40 . Jelian L'AUcmand (chancellor of Spain) to (an! V ollev; about liis penfmns on Paleneia and i"ledo, &e. lent by don Inigo de Mendoca, the Spa- mih Arnbafi'. (Grig. Fr.) Granada, Sept. 17, 1020. 271. b. 41 . I)r. Edw. Lee, to llenrv vnr. and Card. Wol- ley; eight original letters. Granada, Sept. 8 , 80, d°, < 1 , 06 t. 24 , d°, Nov. l ; and a fragment. 1520. 2 72 . b. u . 4 “- Sil ' Wingfield, to Card. Wolfey; about ■ He 11eatment don Inigo de Mendoca received from the French. (Grig.) Calais, Nov. 14, 152b. 282. b. 43. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry VIII; an original dif- pateb. Granada, Nov. 1, 1526. < 284 . 44. C bnrles v, to Card. Wolfey ; complimental, in anfwer to a letter from the Card, by Dr. Lee. (Orig. Fr.) Granada, Nov. 30 , 1526 . 280 . b. 4 5 . Dr. I’d ward Lee, to Henry VIII; an orig. dif- pateii. Granada, Dec. 2 , 1520 . * <237. 40 . An anfwer of the Spanitli miniftry to a remou- ftranee ot Dr. Lee. (Fr.) Nov. 29, 1520. 288 . . 47. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry vnr. and Card. Wol- ivv ; five original dilpatches. Granada. Dec.- 1 d° 4 ,l " I2 > , - ,2e - Wi.’ 48 . 1 lie Bp. of Worcefter (Hier. de Ghinuce) to Card W obey; two original letters of intelligence. (Lat.) Poilly, Dec. 24, 1520 . Cj 0 3. VeJjH Jam, C. IV. Coclex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 339. 1. The Bp. of Worcefter (Ilier. de Ghinuce) to Card. Wolfey ; reports his arrival in Spain, his con¬ jectures about negoeiations between Spain and France . Dr. Edw. Lee, l<> Card. Volfcy? an orig. dif- patch, on the Bp. of Worcclter's arrival and firi'i pro¬ ceedings, and various intelligence about the fpice trade, See. Medina del eampo, Jan. 20, 1527. 3 4 . The Bp. ofWorcefter, to Card. Wolfey; reports his fir ft audience of the Emperor, See. (Orm. Lat.) Valladolid, Jan, 31 , 1527. 0 q 5. Abftrafls of letters from the Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, of Jan. 31, 1527. Two articles. 8. O'. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey • a du¬ plicate of IV. 4. Jan. Si, 1527. ’ ]8 7. Di. Edw. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; on the ne^o- ciations with the Emperor: two orig. difpatches ; Llic firit a joint diipatch between the Bp. of Worcefter and Lee. Valladolid, Jan. 31, 1527. <20 S. D. Ill. de Mendoca, to Card. Wolfey? in fa- i-cmr ot Pet. Hiipanus, who claims feme l'edrefs. (Ong, Lat.) lob. 4, 1527. 26 _ b T'VO abftracTs of letters from the Bp of AV er felTs, “ ft api>airs t0 be a c °P.v- Valiadolic, ill. Charles V ; his amendment of fome articles of the intended treaty with Fram e. (Fr.) i 5 „ 7 . 3 , 11. The lip, of Worcefter and Dr. I.et', to Card y>Hey; an ong. diipatch. Valladolid. Leo. h,) 12 Henry VIII; his ereilentisls, ; n form of a dc- i laia , n favour of the lip. of Woteefter and D r St y 1 ;le V e y ttf! of mediator between [ 7ror a.1t franeisl: with the lln.peror's an- f«er. (Lat.) Jan. and Pel). 1527. 1 ,,j IT Dun In. tie Mendoca. to Card. Wolfev; itteltd- mg letters from htdy Margaret. (Orig. Lat.) Fib. ’ 39 . b. it. the two anthafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol- ‘ J .’ a ™P- V " t ‘hei r chfpatch, on the profpect of a frcili inptorc between the Emperor and France, & c , (.'cb. 15 . Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry VIII. and Card Wnl- eyt fevcnorig. letters of intelligence. Valladolid ID). 2a, March 7, d", d°, d“, d", d*. 1527. 43 , 10. file two anthalladors in Spain, to Card Wol- ley; an ong. diipatch. Vallad. March 7, 1527. 52 . 17 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey • conies lions 7lT-h tW ° 0t |US dil l Xllches ’ on tlie negocia- tions, which were now critical; both of March 7 , , The . two ambatradors in Spain, to Card. WoL an ong. chfpatch. Vallad. March 7, J527. 6 C. 19 - Dr. Edw. I.ee, to Henry vm. and Card. Wot- icy . three orig. letters of intelligence. Sec. Valla- dohd, March 7. 25 , and d", 1527. eg. b 20. iThe two anibaifadors in Spain, to Card. Wol- ley; an ong. diipatch. Vallad. March 25, 1527. 21 Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry vm. and Card. Wol- Bd, fOUr o° nS ' eM ™. Vallad - Marcl ' 29 , d', April 22. 1 lie two anibaifadors in Spain, to Card. Wol- • >,, 0l,t * Irnee between the Pope and tlie Vice- roy (Lannoy?) & c . (Orig.) A'allad. April 0, 87. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. A\ olfev; reports a con¬ ference with J. Allcmand, the chancellor, who gives great cautions again# the French. (Orig. cypher, with the decypher.) Vallad. April s, 1527. 8S . 24. D. In. de Mendoca, to Card. Wolfey: defirino- an audience tor \t 111. de Bancs, fent over by 1 / Margaret. (Orig. Lat.) London, April l], 1527. 90. b. 25 . D. In. de Mcndofa, to Bryan Take; defirino- a tate-eondud for his return. (Orig. Lat.) April 1 a, 1 j-i. 9]. b. 20. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. Wolfey : about tlie car- (Inial s pennons in Spain and at Toumay. (Oriv ) Valladolid, April 15, 1.507. " yc 27 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; an extiact: the Emperor appeared muchdillatisfied, &e (Lat.) April is, 1527. 04 . 28 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; an original diipatch. (Lat.) Vallad. April IB, 1507, 98. 29. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry VIII; intelligence about tlie affairs in Spain. (Orig.) Vallad. April 17, 1507. 99 . 30. The two ambaffadors in Spain, to Card. Wol- fey; VESPASIAN, C. IV. 449 fey ; about an an Aver from the Emperor, See. (Orig.) Valladolid, April 17, 1527. ion. Si. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; three orig. dis¬ patches ; the '_d in cypher, with a decypher. " Val¬ ladolid, April 17, 20, and May 6, 1527. 108. b. 32 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; two letters of intelligence. (Orig. Lat.) Valladolid, May 7, 1527 . 114. . 33 . 1 ). In. de Mendoza, to Card. Wolfey; two orig. letters, about a lliip feized in the Thames, and fir fafe-conducts for an ambatfador coming from Spain, and for himfelf. (Lat.) May 8 , and Calais, May 19, 1527. 115. 34 . The two ambafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol- fey; an orig. difpatch. Vallad. May 23 , 1527. 11 6 . 35 . Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry Vlli; an original dif- patch ; the Emprefs delivered of a foil ; about late conducts for the Bp. of Tarbes and fir It. Poyntz, See. Vallad. May 23 , 1527. lib. 3 d. Henry VIII; more ample powers to his two ambafladors in Spain, to negotiate a peace between the Emperor and France. (Lat. a draught.) June? 120 . 37. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. Wolfey ; four orig. let¬ ters, Vallad. June 5 , d°, 29 and 5 , 1527. "126. 38 . Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry VIII; an orig. difpatch. Vallad. June 5 , 1527. ' 14^. 39 . The two ambafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; an orig. difpatch, the end wanting. July? 1527 * 145 . 40 . A note from Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; about fome profecution intended againft the Abp. of Toledo, probably for Wolfey’s penfion. (Orig. cypher, deci ¬ phered.) Vallad. July 4 , 1529 . 153. 41 . Dr. Ed. Lee, to llenvy vm. and Card. Wolfey; four orig. letters. Vallad/June 16, 27, d°, and 14 I527 ‘ 154 . 42 . A Spanifh letter, figned Garay, and dated Paris, July 15, 1527 . " 161. 43 . The two ambafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; a long orig. difpatch, on the arrival of the Bp. ot Tarbes and fir Pr. Poyntz. July 17, 1527. i6'2. . 44 . Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry vm ; about the firft au¬ dience ot the Bp. of Tarbes and fir F. Poyntz, 8 c c. (Orig.) Valladolid, July 17, 1527. * 170. 45 . The three ambafladors in Spain (the Bp. of V oreelier, Lee, and Poyntz) to Henry vm. and Card. Wolfey. (Three orig. letters.) Valladolid, July . . ei and 22, 1527. 174 . 46 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey ; a fhort orig. ; and alfo an abftraft of a letter of his to Card. Wolfey. (Lat.) Valladolid, July 30 and 31, 1527. 179 . 47. An Jib ft raft of a letter of the three ambafladors to Card. V olfey. (Lat.) July 31, 1527. isi. > 48 . The three ambafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; an orig. difpatch, with a French note from J. 1 ’AlIemand to them annexed, declaring the Empe¬ ror's good Mull. Valladolid, July 31, 1527. 183. 49. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; 1 ’AlIemand M illies the cardinal M'ould come to Spain. (Ori<>- ) Aug. 3 , 1627 . 186. f). 5C1. Dr. Ed. Lee and fir Fr. Poyntz, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; an original difpatch. Valladolid, Au<>- 23 1507. O > ^ 188 . 5 1. Card. Wolfey, to the ambafladors in Spain- iidvice and inftruftions. (Lat.) Paris, Aug 1527.’ 194 . 52 . Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry VIII ; concerning the | negotiations, a rumour about the queen, &c. (Orig.) Valladolid, Aug. 23, 1527. lyg, 53 . . ..... Gilino, to an Englifh ambafiad r in Sf»ain? various intelligence; the greateft part in cy¬ pher, not decyphered. (Ital.) Parcdos, Sept. 15, 1537. 199. 54 . An anfwer given by order of the Emperor to certain articles exhibited to his Maty in the name of Card. Wolley, bv the lub-colleftor Silv. Darius. (Lat. the orig. in French is further on, at IV. 77.) Madrid, Sept.-27, 1528 . 204. 55 . Dr. Ed. Lee and fir Fr. Poyntz, to Henry vm ; on the terms offered by the Emperor; be demands the abfolute renunciation of Milan, &c. (Grig.) Palencia, Sept. 27, 1527. coo. 56 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; au orig. letter. (Lat.) Burgos, Oft. 24, 1527. 207 b. 57 . The three ambafladors in Spain, to Card. Wol¬ fey ; an orig. difpatch. Burgos, Oft. 34, 1527. 208. 58 . Dr. Edw. Lee and fir Fr. Poyntz, to Henry \IH; two orig. difpatches. Burgos, Oct 24 , and 26', 15£7 ‘ 212 . . 59. llicBp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; the Emperor much difiatisfied, &c. (Oriir,) Burgos, Oft. 27, 1.527. 214. 60. Sir Fr. Poyntz, to Card. Wolfey; reports a conference M’ith J. 1 Allemand, who remonftrates greatly againft the alliance between England and France. (Orig.) Bayonne, Oft. 31, 1527. eiG. 61. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence about the Emperor's motions; the Pope releafed, See. (Orig.) Burgos, Nov. is, 1527 * 218 . 62. D. In. de Mendoca, to Card. Wolfey ; recom¬ mending the caufe of Pet. Hifpanus : differently fum¬ ed from his former letters. (Lat.) 219. b. 6s - Eic Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; about their negotiations M-jth the Empe¬ ror, &c. (Orig. cypher, with the decypher.) Bur¬ gos, Dec. 26, 1527. 220. 64. C harles V, to D. In. de Mendoza Bp. of Bur¬ gos ; inftruftions about remonftrances to be made to Henry vm. concerning his having joined France. (Fr.) Burgos, Feb. 6 , 1528 . 225. 65 . Charles V, to his ambafiador in France; re¬ monftrances about the renewal of the war. (Oriw Fr.) Burgos, Feb. 11, 1528 . 226? 66 . Intelligence from the court of the Emperor arrived at Bayonne. Feb. 11, 1528. 229. 67. Clarencieux, to Card. Wolfey; he, and Guy- enne the Fr. king at arms, have declared war to the Emperor; confequences thereof. (Orig.) Bayonne Feb. 18, 1528 . ‘ 231. ’ 6s. Intelligence from the court of the Emperor at Bayonne. Feb. 28, 1528 . 233. 69 - Bryan Tukc, to Card. Wolfey; various intel¬ ligence concerning the King,' the public affairs abroad, &c. (Orig.) Ilunfdoii, June eo, 1528. 237. 70. Dr. Ed. Lee, to Henry VIII; with an anfwer from the Emperor. (Orig.) Valladolid, July o 8 1528, 239. b. ' 7 i. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to ... . advice concerning the conduft with the Emperor* (Orig.) 1528 . 24 b-’ 72 . The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolley. (an orig. difpatch, cypher, with a decy- pher.) Valladolid, July 28, 1528 . 243 _ 73 . Terms granted by Charles V, to Andrew Dona and the Genoefe; and Doria’s proceedings. 1523. 251 . 6 Y 74 . Extraa VESPASIAN, C. IV. 45 ° 74. Extrafis of letters front Silv. Darius, dated . Madrid, Aug 1 2 and 17 , 1528 . - 53 . | 75. Di. Edw. Lee, to Henry VliI ; intelligence about the Emperor's going into Italy, Ac. (Orig. cypher, with a decypher.) Valladolid, Dec. 5 , 1528 . * 1 255 . 76. Charles V, to Henry VIII; exhorting him to contribute to the re-eftablifhment of the order ot St. John of Jerafalem. (Orig. Lat.) Madrid, Sept. 12, 1528 . 25C - 77. The original of the anfwer of Charles V. tv. 54 . (Fr.) Sept. 2 ?, 1528 . Q> 57 - 78. Silv. Darius, to Card. Wolfey ; reporting that he can get, no anfwer from the Emperor to what lie had propofed on the part, of the Card. &c. (Orig. Lat.) Madrid, Sept. 27, 1528 . & 59 - 79. Dr. Ed. Lee, to.about the Emperor's anfwer to Silv. Darius concerning peace, Ac cypher, decyphered.) Oft. 15 , 1528 . The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. (Orig. 2dO. b. 80 . Wolfey ; about the refutation of fume Spaniih fhips, Ac. (Orig.) Valladolid, Oct. 1G, 1528 . 261. 81 . I)r. Ed. Lee, to Henry VIII. and.two original difpatches, in cypher, decyphered. \ allado- lid, Oct. Id, and d B , 1528 . -d 2 . 82. T. Batcock, to.intelligence about one Schcrk come from Ireland, perhaps from Delmond, and the Irith nobility, Ac. (Orig.) In the Rcndrc. 06 t. 26, 1528 . 264 . 83. Silv. Darius, to Card. Wolfey; a long original difpateh, concerning the anfwer he experts from the Emperor. (Orig. Eat.) Bayonne, Nov. 5 , 1528 . 2 65 . 84 . The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfev; two original letters, in cypher, decyphered. Valladolid, Nov is, and Dec. 5 , 1528 . 276. 85 . Charles V, to Henry fill; alluring him, that he had written to Rome tor Wolfey s election to the popedom, Ac. (Orig. Fr. all in Charles’s hand.) Pampeluna, Dec. 12, 1523 ? 278. 86 . Silv. Darius, to Charles v ; a reply to an anfwer of Charles 011 fume affair of Card. Wolfey’s. (Lat.) 279 - 87. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; about the cmilfary of Defmond, Ac. (Oiig. cypher, decyphered.) Valladolid, Dec. 25 , 1528 . 285 . b. 88 . The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; an original letter. (Eat.) Burgos, Dec. 27, 1528 . 286 . 89 . The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; intelligence. (Orig.) Vallad. Feb. 9 , 1528 . 287 - 90. Dr. Lee, to Henry VIII; about the fervant of the E. of Defmond who brought hawks and hounds to the Emperor; the Emperor's journey into Italy, Ac. (Orig.) Valladolid, l i b. 9. 1526 ? 288 . 9 .. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. YVnlfcv; about fume merchant lilips claimed by Spain,* Ac. (Orig.) Valladolid, l ib. 9, 1528 . 289 - b. c-e. Dr Lee, to.about the King’s marriage. (Orig. cypher, decyphered.) Valladolid, Feb. 12, 1529 ? 290. b. 93. The Bp. of Worcefter, to Card. Wolfey; two origs. cliieflv in cypher, not decyphered. Vallado¬ lid, Feb. 12, and 15 , 1529 . ‘ 291. 94. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; two original letters, chiefly in cypher, decyphered. Valladolid, Feb. 17 and 19, 1529. 292. 95. A paper figned “Franc® dello Sconos;” being a fort of declaration of the Empi ror bow much he in¬ clines'towards peace. (Lat.) Toledo, l’eb. 20, 1.129. 294 . 96. Dr. Edw. Lee, t<> Card. Wolicv ; an original letter in cypher, decyphered. Saragoca, April 19. 1529 . 296 . 97. Charles v; his infmielipns to Oonzalo Fer¬ nandez, lent to the E. of Delmond. (Spaniih.) Toledo, Feb. 24 , 1529. 297. 98. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wollcy ; an original difpateh in cypher, decyphered. Saragoca, April 5, 1529. 299. 99. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry Till; an original dif- patch in cypher, decyphered. Saragoca, April 5 , 1529. * 305 : 100. Rich. Cop, to.about fome claim for redrels. (Orig.) St. Lucar? April 11, 1529. 307. b 101. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; a long original difpateh, chiefly in cypher, decyphered. Saragoca, April 20, 1529. 309. 102. A feheduleof fomeitate papers between Eng¬ land and Spain. 3 16. 1 os. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; an original letter. Saragoca, April 20, 1529. 317. 104. Abftrafts of letters of the Bp. of Worcefter, to “ Nic. itulticus,” from Saragoca, April 2 1 and 23 , 1529 . 3 is. 105 . The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; two original letters, and a note. Saratroca, April 23 and 24 , 152 Q. 319. b. 106. An affidavit of the Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, before a notary, of certain words touching the King fpoken by Nic. Pemotti.und which they engage to anfwer. (Lat.) April 24 , 1529. 322 . 107. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry VIII. and Card. Wol¬ fey ; an original difpateh, chiefly in cypher, decy¬ phered. Valladolid, May 51 , 1529 . 323 . 108. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Henry VIII; two original difpatches, the lull not figned; the firft dated Valladolid, May 31 , 1525 . 32.5. 109. Extract out of a letter from the Bp. of Wor¬ cefter, dated Valladolid, May Si, 1529. 327 . 110. The Bp. of Worcefter and l)r. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; an original letter in cypher, decyphered. Valladolid, June 12, 1529. 328 . 1 11. diaries v ; his commiftion to Lady Margaret of Savoy, to treat for a peace with the eountefs of Angouleiine mother to Francis I. (Fr.) Saragoca, April 8 , 1529 . 329. 112. Dr. Edw. Lee, to Henry VIII. and Card Wol¬ fey ; three original notes. Vallad. June 12, and July 4 ," 1529 . S 30 . b. 113 . A paper chiefly in cypher, not decyphered; faid to be a duplicate of a letter from the Bp. of Wor¬ cefter, of July 22 , 1529 - 332 . 114 . Dr. Ed. Lee, to Card. Wolfey; on the Bp. of Worcefter's coming away, Ac. (Orig. two letters.) Valladolid, Aug. 19 and 23 , 1529 . 334 . 115 . A rough draught of a letter, add re fil'd to Mr. Stenyns. 337 . 116. The Bp. of Worcefter and Dr. Lee, to Carol. Wolfey; an original letter in cypher, decyphered. Valladolid, Dec. 17, 1529 . 539 . h. I 'efpajian , C. *\ • Codex chartaceus, in folio, coniians foliis 189 . An office book ; containing copies of letters and memorials that palled between Charles Cornwallis, Englilf VESPASIAN, C. V. Vf. 45 1 English ambaffador in Spain, and the Spaniih mi- nifters, &c. viz. the dukede Lerma, Andrea del Prada i'ec y of ftale, count de Villa longa, &c. Some of the letters are merely complimental, others recommend the concerns of individuals, and moll ot the papers relate to commercial matters. Two letters from the faid Englilh ambaffador, the one to the Council, and the other to the king of Denmark, in behalf of one Michael Huaffe (fol. 107.) are in Latin; all the others are in Spaniih. They are of the years 1605 , 6 , 7 , and 8 . Vefpajian, C. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 397. 1. A hate of the government of Spain in the year 1577 ; containing an account of the councils, audien- cias, the viceroyalties, archbilhopricks, bifliopricks, and priories, the nobility, kingdoms,' cities, army, navy, &c. with a table of contents at the beginning. (Spaniih.) 6 . 2. A ilatementof the pay of the houfehold, and the civil and military eftablilhment of the king of Spain ; with a table of contents at the beginning. (Spaniih.) 36 . 3 . A Hate of the government of Spain in the year 1577, different from VI. 1. and not including the army and navy; with a table of contents. (Spaniih.) 50 . 4 . A ftatement of the revenues of the king of Spain, A° 1577 . (Spaniih.) 67. 5 . A ftatement of the revenue which the king of Spain receives from India, Naples, Sicily, Milan, Sardinia, Majorca, Flanders, &c. A 0 1577. (Spaniih.) 84 . 6 . A lift of the harbours in Spain and Portugal, lpecifying what numbef of Ihips fome of them fupply, the greater part being mentioned only as fiihing towns. A" 1577 . (Spaniih.) 90. 7. A ftatement of the land forces in Spain, andalfo of the gallies maintained by the king of Spain. A 0 1577 - (Spaniih.) 98. 8 . A ftatement of the Spaniih forces in Naples and Sardinia. A 0 1 5 7 7 - 104. 9. A ftatement of the Spaniih forces in Sicily. A° 1577. (Spaniih.) 110. 10. A ftatement of the Spamlh forces in Milan. A° 1577 . (Spaniih.) 116 . ] 1. An account of the Spaniih civil and ecclefiaftical eftablilhment in India; with a table of contents. A 0 1577 - (Span i Hi.) 122. 12. A tra 6 l on the finances of Spain ; with a table of contents. A 0 1577 - (Spaniih.) 132 . 13. A fchcdule or order of the K. of Spain (Philip II.) ilfued A“ 1575 , concerning certain grievances lie had fuftainedin thcaftientos or contradtshehad entered into with the Gcnocfc and others. (Spaniih.) 142. 14 . A memorial of the Genoefe, in anfwer to the above fchedule. (Spaniih.) 137. 15. A memorial prefented by the Genoefe to the king of Spain, hating their rights upon the decree of his majefty ofl 577 ? again!! them. (Spaniih.) 165 . 16. An account of the dominions belonging to the Spaniih monarchy, their revenues, &c. by. Tiepoli, on his return from Spain, A“ 1577. (Italian.) 188 . 17. A lift of the Archbps. bilhops, and nobility of Spain, with their refpe&ive incomes. 198. 18. A memorandum concerning the revenues of the king and nobility of Spain, 203. 19 - A ftatement of the revenues and expenditure of the K. of Spain. 207. b. 20. A memorandum concern!> finances. the Spaniih 208 . b. 2h A memorial of the revenue and the charges of the It. of Spain. A" 1561. 209. --•A view ol the ftate of Spain, collected by Wm, Lylleftone, and dedicated to Dr. Dalle mafter of the requefts to Q. Elizabeth. A 0 1582 . 211. 23. A note of the king of Spain’s rente and re¬ venues, taken out of his auditor's books. The total 12 , 900,000 ducats. 227. 24 . An account of the ftrong places and forces in Catalonia. (Italian.) 031, 25 . An account of the Spaniih forces, and their*’ pay ; alfo the charges of the civil eftablilhment, of the ihipping, Sec. (A draught.) 234. 26. An ordinance of Philip II. K. of Spain, con¬ cerning the titles to be given both in fpeech and writing, and the privilege of hearing a coronet on the coats of arms. (Spaniih, printed.; St. Lorenzo, OCt. 8 , 1586 . < 2 44> 27. A report concerning the king of Spain, the Spaniih court, and the general ftate of that monarchy, by Francefco Vendramino, on his return from his embafty in Spain. A 0 159.;. (Italian.) 25 o. 28 . The ftate of the kingdom of Spain; beino- an account ot the revenues of the crown, the nobility and the higher clergy, & c. o 5(J \ ’ 29. An award of Henry II. K. of England, as arbi¬ trator in a contelt concerning fomc frontier caftjes between Alphonfus VIII. K. of Caftile, and Sancho vi! K. of Navarre. (Lat.) o 7 o 30 . Titles of ftate papers relating to the tranfac- tions between England and Caftile (perhaps taken out of the Gafcon roll) in the reigns of llenry in. 276. Edward I. 280^ Edward HI. 285 . Richard II. 289. Henry v. 297. Edward IV. 303 . Richard ill 306. 31 . Henry Vll, to John Wiltelhire comptroller of Calais; ordering him to communicate with the Lady Margaret of Savoy concerning a meeting at Calais, to fettle a marriage between the prince of Caftile and his daughter Mary. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 24. 309 . 32 . Titles of ftate papers between Henry vm. and Ferdinand the Catholick. 313. 33 . A Spaniih paper, entitled, “ Articles of the Bp. of Palentia ambaffador from Henry K. of Ara¬ gon/’ " 3o 8 . 34 . The title of a treaty between Edw. iv. and John K. of Aragon. 332. 35 . Henry VII; his mftrueHons to James Bray- brooke, Francis Marlin, and John Stile, fent ambaf- fadors to It. Ferdinand the Cath. alfo anfwers of the ambaffadors to various heads of inftructions. 105. 338 . 36. A treaty between Henry VIII. and Ferdinand the Cath. concerning the war to be Carried on againft France. (Lat.) 1512? 375. 37. Titles of ftate papers between Henry vm. and the emperor Maximilian and Ferd. the Cath. 3,32 and 384 . 38 . A patent of the prior of the monaftery of St. Mary of Guadalupe, admitting Catharine of Aragon 1 queen of England into the fraternity of the laid monaftery 45 2 V E SPASI AN, C. VI. VII. monaftery. (Spanilli, oil vellum.) May 2 5 , 1514 . 384 . b. 30 . A ftatement of the revenues of the orders of Santjago, Calatrava, anti Alcantara. ‘> 85 - 40. A lift of the Abps, bifhops, ami nobility ot .Spain, with their revenues, and nt the Spanilli am- . baft'udors in di\ ers countries, with their annual allow¬ ances ; alfo notes of the Spanilli forces, navy, har¬ bours, exports, &c; 391 * 4 t. A ftatement of the revenues and expenditure of the king of Spain, fnnilar to, but not the fame as VI. 19. 3 9b. t cfpqfian, C. VII, Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 487 - I. A printed tra&, entitled, “ Confiderations ne- ceflaires fur ml traicte de paix avee l’Efpagnol." 1587 . 3 - G. Edward IV; his infpeximus and confirmation of a treat\ between Richard II. and John It. of Portugal, concluded at Vindfor, May 9, 1 :> 8 ( 5 . 1 his inipexi- inus being dated Weftminltcr, May 11, 1 47 1 - (Eat.) 15 . 3. Charles v. (before lie was emperor) bis oath confirming a treaty with Henry VIII. concluded April 19, 15 1 ( 5 : (Grig. Fr.) 23 - 4. A letter in cypher, a finall part deciphered; being a difpatch of "an Englifli ambaifador in Spain. Toledo, March. 5. Charles V, to Henry VIli; concerning his in¬ tended voyage, and hopes ot a lpeedy interview with Henry. (Grig. Er.) Corunna, April 29, 1520 . 84 . 6 . A paper of intelligence from Spain, faid to be from the Conftable; chiefly touching the rebellion of John de Padilla. 1521 . 35 - 7. Charles V, to Henry VIII ; by the Bp. of London (C. Tunftal) and Dr. Sampfon, on their being re¬ called; in commendation or them. (Grig. Fr.) 'lo- ledo, Jan. G4, 152ft. 38. 8 . Charles V; his anfwer to the cartel font him by the Er. king. (conf. IV. ( 57 .) (Spanilli.) March? 15 G 8 . 39 - !). The Bp. of Worceftcr, to Card. olfey; about the Emperor's oppofition to the king’s divorce ; the death of the Pope's orator. (Eat.) Valladolid, Feb. 12 , 1529? 40. 10. Henry VIII, to Lewis (D. de Beja) brother to the K. of Portugal; ftrongly recommending Don Diego Roiz Pinto and his brethren. (Lat.) Greenw. Sept 25, 1532. 41. II. Tli. Batcock, to Win. Prat merchant of Lon¬ don ; intelligence brought him by 011c Billon, about the Emperor's motions, &c. (Grig.) In the Rendre, July 13 , 1583 . 42 . ig. A Spanilli paper, relating to fome operations before Barcelona. 1533 . 43 . 13. Denys Han vs, to Win. Caftelyn in London; on commercial affairs. (Grig.) Calcs, July 2, i§ 84 . 45 . 14. Th. Batcock, to Th. Cromwell; intelligence about lhips fitted out by Spain. (Grig.) In the Rendre, Dec. 13 , 1534 . 46 . 15. A ftatement of fads, and a charter relating to the privileges ofEnglifli merchants trading into Spain. 48 . iG. A charter of Henry vnt, granting certain pri¬ vileges to the Englilh merchants trading into Spain; dated Weftminltcr, Sept. 1, 1531 : and ieveral other inftruments relating thereto. 54 . 17 - Wm. Pepwcll, to Th. Cromwell; intelligence about the Emperor's preparations againlt Barbaroft'a ; two Iriih emillaries, &c. (Grig.) Cadiz, Nov. ei, 1534 . Ga. 18. Th. Batcock, to Tli. Cromwell; intelligence of naval armaments in Spain, kc. (Two originals.) I11 the Rendre, May 3, and June 22, 1535 . 64 . 19 . Intelligence from the Emperor's army againlt France. (Fr.) July 5 , 153 G. G 8 . go. Th. Batcock, to the Ed. Privy Seal (Cromwell) intelligence about the practices of the Turks, the motions of the Emperor, an allowance of corn to himl'clf, &c. (Grig.) I11 the Rendre, April 8 , 1537 - G 9 . 21. Henry till; his inftrudions to Phil. Iloby, font with orders to fir Tho. Wvat ambaifador in the Emperor’s court; a rough draught with many cor¬ rections, and ieveral paflages in Henry's own band. Get. 10 ? 1538 ? 71. 2C. John Ratlef, to T. Cromwell; concerning his endeavours in the King's l’crvice. (Grig. Spanilli.) Toledo, Nov. 29, 1538 . 85 . G 3 . Rich. Ah bis, to the Ed. P 1 ' Seal (Cromwell) reports the evil difpolition of the Spaniards towards England, &c. (Grig.) Cadiz, Sept. e;>, 1538 . 87. G 4 . Charles \ ; bis eonuniftion to bis filter Mary, dowager Q. of Hungary, to treat with the plenipo¬ tentiaries of Henry Vlll, about the renewal of treaties and marriages. (Fr.) Barcelona, July GG, 1538 . 89. G 5 . Tho. Perry, to Rich. Pield, merchant in Lon¬ don; a ftatement of the matters relating to his accu- fation for having maintained that Henry vill. was no heretic, and of the proceedings thereupon in the in— quifition at the caftle of Try ana, where he was put to the rack. 1539. 91. b. GG. A ftatement of certain articles relating to the. navigation and trade between England and the Low countries, which the Spaniards pretend to have been agreed upon at Bourbourg and Calais, A° 1545 , but not duly obferved. 96 . 27. Requefts of the Spanilli ambafi’ador, relating to the commercial intercourfe between England and the Low countries. 97 - 28 . A brief declaration of the grievances the mer¬ chants of the Low countries complain of, touching their commerce with England. 98. 29. Requefts of the Spanilli ? ambaifador, concern¬ ing the intercourfe between England anu the Low countries. 99 . 30 . Sir Thomas C’haloner’s cypher. 99 - b. 31. Privilege granted by Henry VIII. touching the commerce into Spain, confirmed by the Emperor; alfo a privilege of the I), of Medina Sidonia. 100. 32. A duplicate of Tho. Perry's ftatement of bio perfecution; addreffed to Ralph Vane gentleman to the Ed. Privy Seal. 102. S 3 . A memorial offuch anfwers as the vifet. Mon¬ tague and iir Tho. Chamberlain made to fomc objec¬ tions that may be offered to them on the part of Spain. Jan. 155 Q. J 07 . 34. Inftruftions of the charge committed to the vifet. Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, lent by Q. Elizabeth to the K. of Spain; a draught in Cecil s hand. Jan. 1559. 10 9 - 35. Articles meet to be declared to K. Philip II. on Q. Elizabeth’s behalf: a draught in Cecil's hand. 1559. 115 - 36 Minutes of letters from lord Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, during their embally in Spain. 15 GO. ieo - 37 Lord VESPASIAN, C. VII. 453 37 . Lord Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, to Q. Elizabeth; a long report of their negotiations. (Orig.) Toledo, June 20, 1 560 . 127. 38 . Sir Tho. Chamberlain, to Q. Elizabeth ; an ori¬ ginal difpateh. Toledo, Nov. 3 , 1 5 GO. 133 . 30.(Englilh ambaffador in France) to fir Tho. Chamberlain; various intelligence. Orleans, Nov. 21, 1560 . 136 . 40 . Q. Elizabeth, to fir Tho. Chamberlain; inftruc- tions. Dec. 13 , 1560 . 130 ; b. 41. Sir Tho. Chamberlain, to Q. Elizabeth; an original difpateh. Toledo, Feb. 11, 1560 . 141. 42 . The fubftance of a long letter from Q. Eliza¬ beth, to Ld. Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, of April is, 1560 . 145 . 43 . Tranfcripts of feveral Spanilh Irate papers, confifting of orders and powers given by K. Philip II. to his fon, concerning the government of Spain dur¬ ing his (Philip's) abfence; copied out or a book belonging to 1 ). Diego Samiento de Alcuha Spanilh ambaffador in England, who lent it to lir Robert Cotton in the year i 6 i 5 . 153 . 44 . A treaty for the marriage of princefs Mary (dau. to lien, viil.) with Philip count Palatine, brother of the elector Otho Henry, uy.vp. 1535 ? 177 - 45 . The .treaty of marriage between queen Mary and Philip of Spain; with two copies of the Queen’s ratification. (A draught.) Weftmr. March, 1553 - 4 . 183 . 4 G. Articles agreed to by Philip II. on his marriage with Q. Mary, concerning the government of. her dominions. 1553 . 192. 47 - Hen. Ratcliff, to the E. of Suffex his father; inclofing a letter from Q. Mary, Sec. (Orig.) Court, Dec. 23 , 1555 . 196. 48 . Q. Mary’s inftruHions to the E. of Bedford and Lil. Fitzwaters, font to the prince of Spain (Philip U.) about the marriage. 1553 . 198. 49. John Maffon, to Pet. Yannc Englifii ambaf- fador at Venice; about his (Vanne's) recall; the re¬ cantation of Clieke, Carew, and others, See. (Orig.) Loud. OH. 12, 1 . 550 ’. 200. 50 . A11 account of the K. of Spain's revenues and expenditures. 1500 . 202. 5 1. Q. Elizabeth, to Ld. Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, ambaffadors in Spain; a long difpateh, the end in Cecil’s hand. May 10, 1500 . 204 . 52 . Ld. Montague and fir Tho. Chamberlain, to Q. Elizabeth; a long original difpateh. Toledo, May . 19 , 1560 . <210. 53 . An account of the revenue and expenditure of the K. of Spain. 1 50 1. 216. b. 54 . Philip II, to Q. Elizabeth; complaining of the feizure of divers turns, perfons, flaps, and goods be¬ longing to Spain. (Orig. Lat.) Madrid, July 20, 1 569. 218 . 55 . Minutes of letters from and to fir Tho. C'halo- ner. 1562 and 3 . 219. 56 . Tho. Mafon, to fir Tho. Chaloner; about fomc complaints of the latter. (Orig.) London, May 10, 1562 . « 2 < 20 . 57. Minute of letters from fir Tho. Chaloner, to Q. Elizabeth, of June 0, lo, 12, and 14, 1562 : and on the back, articles of intelligence from Spain, by another hand. 221. 58 . Sir Tho. Chaloner, to Q. Elizabeth; an origi¬ nal difpateh. Madrid, Sept. 2 , 1561 . 222. 59. Wm. Cecil, to.various intelligence about the affairs of France, the Low countries Sec. (Orig.) OH. 11, 1562 . 224 . 60. Sir Nic. Wotton, to fir Tho. Chaloner ; intel¬ ligence from court. (Orig.) London, Oct. 13 , 1562 . 227. 61. Sir Tho. Chaloner, to Q. Elizabeth; an origi¬ nal difpateh. Madrid, OH. 14, 1562. 228. 62. Philip II; his order concerning the flopping goods in foreign bottoms. (Spanilh.) Madrid, May 31 , 1563 . 233 . 63 . Sir Tho. Chaloner, to Q. Elizabeth; an origi¬ nal difpateh. Madrid, OH. 24, 1562 . 236 . 64 . A lift of perfons releafed, abfentees, and peni¬ tents, in the inquifition of Seville. 061 . 28, 1562 . 238 . 65 . Sir Tho. Chaloner; his remonftrance to Phi¬ lip II. about fome goods of his, feized at Bilboa. (Lat.) 240 . 66 . Sir Tho. Chaloner, to Q. Elizabeth ; two ori¬ ginal difpatches. Madrid, Nov. 16 , and OH. 19, 1562 . 242 . 67. Sir Tho. Chaloner, to Wm. Cecil? an original difpateh. Madrid, Nov. 16, 1562. 248 . G 8 . A fummary of a remonftrance made by the Engl ill) ambalfador lo the Iv. of Spain. (Spanilh.) Nov. 27, 1562 . 251 . 69. Sir Tho. Chaloner? to Q. Elizabeth ; a longj difpateh, not figned. Madrid, Dec. 20, 1562 . 253. 70. A rehearfal of certain matters declared by the Spanilh ambatfador to the lords of the Queen’s coun¬ cil, touching fome infringement of his privileges; and of their anfwer thereto. Jan. 7, 1562 . 258 . 71. Minutes of ftatc papers, chiefly letters from Madrid, of the year 1562. 261. 72. Philip 11; his order for the reftitution of fome Englilh perfons and effects, feized at Seville. (Orig* Spanilh.) Madrid, Feb. 3 , 1562 . 266 . 73. The Lords of Council, to lir Tho. Chaloner; concerning fome outrage committed by the Bp. of Aquila (the Spanilh ambailiidor) in the queen’s houfe, which he inhabited. (Orig.) Weftmiuftcr, Jan. 9 , 1562 - 3 . 267. 74. A proteffation of D. Louis de Requefens, that the K. of Spain ought to have precedency before the K. of France. (Spanilh.) 1562 . 271. 75 . A relation of a conference held between D. Alvaro dc Quadra, Spanilh ambaiVador in England, and the lords of the Privy Council; concerning an outrage committed in the faid ambalfador’s houfe. (Spanilh.) Jan. 7, 1563 . * 272. 76. A Spanilh paper, addrefled to the K. of Spain, concerning the releafe of lbme Englilh Ihips. 277. 77 - Philip II, to Q. Elizabeth; credential in fa - 4 vour of D. Guz. a Sylva, who is ordered to remon- firate againft an outrage committed by Capt. Tho. Stucle in the port of Bayonne. (Orig. Lat.) Jan. 23 , 1564 . ' . 279. 78 . Minutes of letters from Madrid, of the year 1563 . 2 S 0 . 79 - A meffage from the K. of Spain, to the Eos- bill ambafiador; concerning an affray in the Spanilh ambaffador’s houle in London. (Spanilh.) 281. 80. Minutes of letters from and to Madrid, of the year 1563 and 4 . 232. 81. Q. Elizabeth, to firTlio. Chaloner; an original difpateh. Weftm. May 1, 1563 . <237. 82. Q. Elizabeth, to Philip II; remonftrating againft the feizure of Englilh merchants and Ihips. (Lat.) Windfor, March 17, 1563-4? 289 . 5 Z S 3 . Q. VESPASIAN, C. VII. 454 * 8 . Q. Elizabeth's inftruftions to John Man, dean of (j louccfter, lent ambalfador into Spain, (Orig.) Greenwich, I'd). ‘20, 1505 - 0 . 2y I. 84 . Articles exhibited to the K. of Spain, by Mr. Man. on his firlt coming; witli the king's anfwer to .the I ft art. (Lat.) i 500 . 293 . k.i. Jo. Man. to Q. Elizabeth; reports his having delivered her letters to the K. of Spain, ixc. (Orig.) Madrid, May 18, 1500 . 7 - SO. 1 he Knglilli ambaffador in Spain (Man?), to the h. of Spain ; claiming the privilege of having an Knglilli cha plain. (Spanith.) 2yy. 8 7 - A petition of the Knglilli merchants detained in Spain, to the I.', of Spain; and a letter from Q. Elizabeth, to the laid king, in their behalf. (Lat.) 1 lie latter dated Greenwich, l’el). 17, 1505 - 0 . 30 i. S 8 . a. Three draughts of letters, and one cypher, not deci phered; probably from Mr. Man to his fecrc- tary lent to Kngland. June? 1500 . SGS. 88 , h. A palfport for poft-horfes to lie fapplied to f * oil 1 '. Chapman, from Madrid to Bilboa. (Orig. SpaniiJi.) Madrid, Dec. <27, 1507 . 308 . 8 '). Minutes of feveral letters between Q. Kliza¬ beth, the K. of Spain, the 1 ). of Parma, but mohiy between the queen's ininifters, and Andreas de Loo ; being an abi'rract of the laid A. de Loo’s 11 e- goeintions with the 1 ). of Parma for a peace between the Queen and the K. of Spain. 1 3 s(i, 7, 8 . 310 . 90 . A paper in Cecil's hand, indorfed, “ A pri¬ vate confultation of the Q. Majeiiy with the Ld. keeper, K. of Leieelter, &e." relating to infrrudions to he given to iir II. Norris, lent into Spain. March 14 , 1569-70? 326 . lit. Infmutions to fir Hen. Cobham, fent into Spain; geopies. July, 1575. 328 . !)-. Q. Klizabeth, to Philip II ; conciliatory. (Spa- nifli.) llampton-court, Dee. gy, 1576. 34 g. yj. Inftruelions to fir J0I111 Smith, fent into Spain. Nov. 15 , 1570 '. 843 . 04 . Sir John Smith, to fir Fr. M’alfinghain ; a long- report from.Spain, not. ligned. Pel). 5, 1570-7. 35 1 . 95 . Sir John Smith's memorial to the king C'atlio- lick. (Lat.) 1570 ? 354. y 6 .Kfcovedo, to the K. of Spain ; about railing money in the Low countries. (Spanilh.) Antwerp, .March 27, 1577. 355. 97 - Don John ofAufiria; eoj)ies of three letters from him: 1. to Ant. Perez, fcc y to the king of Spain, April 7, 1577 ; 2 - and 3 . to the K. of Spain, Louvain, April 7. 1577 . 357. OS.Lfcovcdo, to the K. of Spain ; four letters, the laft without the name: 1. and g. April 0 , and 8 : 3 . Antwerp, April ly ; 4. Antwerp, April 0 , 1577. 35 <). b. 99 . Jo. Barker, to the E. of Lciccfter; about com¬ mercial matters; the purchale of pipe ftaves, being the draught of a conlultation upon certain (pielrions relating to a treaty of peace with Spain. Eeb. 25, 158 7-8. ° 12. 5 . liilrruclions for the E. of Dcrbv, &c. commif- lioners tor negociating a peace with Spain. (A draught in Cecil's hand.) Jan. 1588. ]«. G. An anlwcr of the Spanifli eonnni,honors, to a re¬ ply of the Queen's commiilioners. (Lat.) June ;o 15 SS ’ Ji56, 22. 7. A al. Dale, to the E. of Lcieefter; two original letters; the negociations almoft at a l'taud. Bour- bourg, June 27 and 21, 1588 . 24 8 . Sir James Croft, to the E. of Lcieefter; con¬ cerning the negociations. (Orig.) Bourbourg, June 17 , 15 SS. s 2g> 9. The E. of Derby, to the E. of Lcieefter r a friendly letter. (Orig.) Bourbourg, June 17, 1588. SO. 10. Vnl. Dale, to the E. of Lcieefter; tru ft in g Ld Ilarry Seymour will be able to keep the Spanidf fleet in the Low countries from coming out. (C)ri«>-.) Bourbourg, June 17, 1588 . 11. Nine letters from the Q.s commiilioners in 1 landers, to the Q. and the Lds. of council 5 con¬ cerning their negociations, Olicnd, March 1 8 anil 19 , April (j, ie, 17, 2(i, May 5 , 9, and is, 1588 . 35. 12 . .Two projects lor a cellation of arms; the one by the Englilli, and the other by the Spanilh Commrs. (Lat. and Er.) May 28 , 1588. 6o _ ’ 1 8 . Eight letters from the Q.s commiilioners to the Lds. of council; on their negociations. -May 24 2 ft, June l, 4, 7, 8, 21, and'27, 1588. gv_ ’ 14 . An account of the fhips, ordnance, and flora at Dunkirk. June 18, 1588 . - 5 1 14. A lilt of places which fee 1 'Gamier faid trere not under the commandment of her Majcfty to keep during the ceifation of arms. 1588 . ' ~g r 10 . A fchcdulc of the Spanilh commiilioners of Juno 14 ; and one of tile Eliglith commiilioners, of f une 15 , 1588 . . s ^ 17 - “ Poftulata legatorum regime Anglin:." Uour- bourg, June 17 - 28 , 1588 . 80 is. “ Replicatio legator, regina: Anglia; ad refpon- bonem factam per legates regis Cath. ad poftulata dictorum legator, regime Angl.” Bourbourg, June co- July l, 1568 , 81 _ if). Itdponfio legator, regis Catllol. ad poftulata legator. Ang. June 28, 1588. 8 3 . 20. The s S; 45 6 VESPASIAN, C. VIII, 20 . The quintuplicatc of the Spanilh commiffioners, and lexi uplicate of the Eng. commiffioners, touching the ceffiition of arms. June 3 and 4, 1 588. 8.5. 2 1. “ Questions upon feven articles for the peace.” June 10, 1.588. 89. 22 . The belt conditions for a peace.” June io> 1.588. 08. 2 :). Sir Fra. Walfingliam, to the I’. ofLeiccfter; direfling him to examine Colonna, a pritoner. (Orig.) Court, May .5, 1.588. 95. 24. A lil'r of the tlii])s, their crews and equipment, under the command of the D. of Medina Sidonia. May l, 1588. 97- 2.5. Rough memoranda, out of treaties con¬ cluded at Coldgn and Bruifels. (Fat.) 98. 26 . The E. of Derby, to the K. of I .cicefter ; noti¬ fying- his arrival at Oftend, and inclofmg an inter¬ cepted letter from one Tho. Worthington, proba¬ bly a prieft, to Mr. Jo. Smith; dated Ofrend, Feb. 2 ?. (Orig.) Ofrend, Feb. 28, 1587-8. 100. 27 . Q. Elizabeth ; her commifiion to treat with the Spanilh deputies: the Englifli comm iff oners arc not named here. (Lat.) Jan. 1588. 103. 28. Q. Elizabeth's fafe-condufl for the IE of Spain's cominiilioners. (Lat.) 15S8. lOG. 29 . The 1). of Parma's fafe-condufl for Q. Eliza¬ beth's cominiilioners. (Lat.) Ghent, Jan. 25, 1588. 108. 30 . •• The beginning of a fnmmary of the aftions of the Queen's commiffioners, for a project of recefs.” 158S. 109. Si. l)r. Val. Dale, to the E. of Lc-iccftcr? con¬ cerning- the negociations at Bourhourg. Jan. 1588. 1 10. 32 . The ftile of the Queen’s commiffioners for mak¬ ing out their fafe-condufl. 1588. 1 15. 88. Doubts to he refolved by the lords of council, ■concerningthe treaty with Spain. 1588. 11 G 84. Inliruflions for the Q.’s commiifioners at the treaty. Dec. 1587. 117 . 35. A proportion of two months victuals for the garrifon of Flufliing. i si. b. 36. A fummary report of the proceedings between the Lnglilli and Spanilh eommitlioners at Bourhourg-. 1 588. 133. . 37 . A conjecture, whereby it appears that the]), of Parma doth determine very fliortly to invade Eng¬ land. 1588. 146. 38. A paper of the Englifli commiflioncrs; con¬ cerning- their demands,partly concerning the Q.'s loan to the ftates of the Low countries. 149 . 39 . Conftderations, on the propriety of making- peace with Spain. 155. 40. Dr. Val. Dale, to Q. Elizabeth; a report of his proceedings. July 22 , 1588. 165. 41 . Notes of the infufficiency of the anfwer of the Spanilh eommitlioners, to the reply of the Englilh eommitlioners. June 26, 1588. 171 . 42. Propofitions of the Englifli, with the anfwcrs of the Spanilh eommitlioners. (IT.) July 1588. 173. 43. Four letters of the Queen's commiffioners, to the Eds. of council, &c. on their negociations. July 5, d°, 12 and 26, 15S8. 174. 4-4. Points in variance between the K. of Spain and the Rates of the Low countries, concerning religion : l'eemingly the beginning of a treaty. 18 1 . 45. Obfcrvations upon Dr. Dale's report of the proceedings of the Englifli commiffioners at Bour¬ hourg ; in which feveral omiilions and in il rep refen ta- tions are pointed out. 1588. joo. • 16 . Dr. Dale’s report of words fpoken hv the I). of Parma and Richardot, at the colloquv at Bour¬ hourg-, on the coming forth of the Armada; and the queen's obfcrvations thereupon. 1588. 202 . 47 . The number of the companies, both of horle and foot, reported by Gamier to he in wa«-es with the Duke of Parma. Two copies, l.jys. 203 . 4S. A relation of the Spanith Armada, which tie- parted fYo 111 Lilhon, Ma\ 30, 15SS. 20 . 5 . 49- 1 he number of the L. of Spain's fliipping- in the Netherlands. 1588. 205 . b. 50. Mr. Hunter, to.about his imprifon- ment as a fpy, and intelligence eoneerning a Spanidi fleet, Spain to treat with England, the king’s commiflion being inferted in the inftrument. Alay 20, 1600. 38 p. S 9 . A paper exhibited by the Englifh to the Spa- nifh commiflioners; concerning fome alterations in the ftile of their public inftruments. (Lat.) Alay 21-June 2, 1600. 395. 90. Archd. Albert and the infanta Ifabel; their commiflion to Richardot, and Vereyken (audiencier) to treat with the Englifh commiflioners. (IT.) Bruf- lels, May 23 , 1600. 395. 91 . Four Spanilli commiflioners; a remonftranee concerning fome informalities in the negociations. (Lat.) Boulogue, June 1, 1600. 397. 92 . The marquis d’Ayamonte, to James I; con¬ gratulating him on his acceflion to the crown of Engltod. (Orig. Lat.) Ayamonte, June, 1603. 399 . Vcfpajian, C. IX. Codex chartac. in fol. folior. 688. An Official Copy Book. 1. Inftru&ions for the earl of Nottingham, Ld. high admiral of England, employed by his Majefty for taking the oath of the K. of Spain (Philip 11.) for the obfervance of tlie peace. 1. 2. Inflruftions to fir Ch. Cornwallis, fent ambafl'a- dor to the K. of Spain. 1605. 3. A ferics of letters from Sir Ch. Cornwallis, in the year 1605, during his embalfy in Spain. 10. b. (1.) To Ld. Cranborne, lcc y of date. The Groyne, Apr. 16. 10. h. (2.) To Ld. Northampton, warden of the Ciuque- ports. The Groyne, Apr. 18. 11. b. ( 3 .) To Ld. Cranborne. The Groyne, Apr. 20. 13 . b. (4.) To Ld. Northampton. Valladolid, Alay 29. 15 . ( 5 .) To theP y Council. Valladolid, May 31. lG.b. ( 6 .) To Ld. Ellefmere, Ld. chancellor. Vallad. June 1. so. b. (7.) To Ld. Cranborne. Vallad. June l. 31. b. (8.) To Ld. Cranborne. Vallad. June 2. 33 b. (9.) To Ld. Cranborne. Vallad. June 6 . 38 . b. (10.) To the Lds. of Council. A T allad. July 9. S9*. b. (11.) To James r. Vallad. July 9. 41. (12.) To Ld. Northampton. Vallad. July 9. 43. b. ( 13 .) To Ld. Cranborne. ATallad. J uly g. 44. h. (14.) To fir Henry AVotton, Ambaifi at A'cnice. Vallad. July io. 49. b. (1 5 .) To the Lds of Council. Vallad. July 15. 47 . b. (16.) To Ld. Cranborne, now E. of Salifbury. Vallad. July 17. 51. (17.) To Ld. Cranborne, now E. of Salifbury. . 52 . b. (18.) To Ld. Northampton. Vallad. July 27. 55. b. (19.) To Ld. Salifbury. ATdlad. July 28 . 57. b. 6 A (20.) To VESPASIAN, C. IX. 45 8 (20.) To the Lds. of Council. Vallacl. July 28. 62 . ( 21 .) To fir Tho. Parry, Ambaff. in France. Val¬ lacl. Aug - . 5 . 67 - (22.) To the Lds. of Council. Vallad. Aug. 7 . 67 . b. ( 23 .) To the Lds. of Council. Vallad. Aug. is. 71 . ( 24 .) To Ld. Sali(bury. Vallad. Aug. 18 . 73 . ( 25 .) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. Aug. 21 . 76 . b. ( 26 .) To Ld. Suffolk, Ld. chamberlain. . 78 . b. (27.) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. Aug. 24 . 79 - (28.) To Ld. Nottingham, Ld. high admiral. Sept. 20. 82. (29.) To Ld. Salifbury.;. . 83 . ( 30 .) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. Sept. 4 . 86 . ( 32 .) To the Lds. of Council; inclofing a memo¬ rial to the K. of Spain, in behalf of the Englifh merchants trading into Spain. Vallad. Sept. 6 . 90 . 94 . b. ( 83 .) To the E. of Salifbury. Vallad. Sept 8 . 100. b. ( 34 .) To the E. of Southampton. Vallad. 103 . ( 35 .) To fir Geo. Bucke. Vallad. 104. (. 36 .) To the Lds. of Council. Vallad. 106. (37.) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. Sept. 15 . 109. ( 38 .) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. 111. (39.) To the Lds. of council. Vallad. Sept. 15 . 113 . ( 40 .) TotheD.de Lerma: a memorial. 116. b. 4 . A feries of letters to fir Ch. Cornwallis ; written in the year 1605 . 118. b. [l.] From the Lds. of Council. Grcenw. May 31 . 1 18 . b. [2.] From Ld. Northampton. 120 . [ 3 .] From Ld. Salifbury. London, June 20. 122. [4.] From Sir Th. Parry, Ambaff. in France. 127. b. [ 5 .] From Ld. Effingham. 12s. [ 6 .] From Ld. Suffolk. 128. b. [7.] From Ld. Nottingh, Ilampt. Ct. July 24 . 129. b. [ 8 .] From fir Tho. Parry. iso. [9.] From Ld. Salifbury. Theobald's 1 3 1. [10.] From fir Tho. Edmunds, ltefid. at Bruffcls. Bruffels, Aug. 22. 1 G 3 . [11.] From Ld. Northampton. 136 . [12.] From fir II. Wotton, Rcfid. at Venice. 144 . b. 5. (40. b.) Sir Ch. Cornwallis, to fir Hen. Wotton. Aug.? 1605 . 146 . 6. A difcourfe upon the citation, by order of the Gov. of Milan, written by the D. de Sella. July 1, 1605 . 148 . 7. iis. j Ld. Salilbury, to fir Ch. Cornwallis. Sept. 12 . 1605 . ' 152 . b. 8 . A letter or difcourfe of K. James I. concerning the unlawful affembly lately held by the minifters of Scotland; lent into Spain by Ld. Salifbury. 161. b. 9. A proportion made by Mr. Winwood, to the hates of the Low countries ; touching the tranfpOrta- tion of the Spaniards (who arrived for fuccour at Dover) into Flanders, dated July 1 : with the anlwer from tlie ftates, dated Aug. 2, 1605. (French.) 167. 10. [14.] Sir Tho, Edmund, to fir Ch. Corn¬ wallis. Sept. 22, 1605. 173. 11. Continuation of the feries of letters from fir, Ch. Cornwallis of the year 1605. 176. b. (41.) To Ld. Salifbury. Valladol. OCh 1 8 . 176.I). ( 42 .) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. 173. b. (43.) To Ld. Northampton. Vallad. 134. ( 44 .) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. 133. ( 45 .) To Ld. Salifbury. ijjo. ( 46 .) To Tho. Wotton, prefident of tho Spanifh company of merchants in London. Vallad. 191. b. (47.) To Ld. Salifbury. Vallad. 193. l, ( 48 .) To the Lds. of Council. Vallad. 195. b. (49.) To the merchants and faftors of Lifbon. 203. ( 50 .) To Ld. Suffolk. Vallad. 005. ( 51 .) To Ld. Salifbury. 12. Continuation of the feries of letters to fir Ch. Cornwallis. 1605 . oqq. |, [ 15 .] From the Lds. of Council. Greenwich, May 2S - 209. b. [16.] From Sir Win. Waad, clerk of the council. 210. b. [17.] From Walter Matthew, mayor of Plymouth. Sept. 26. “ ( 21 ), [18.] From Sir Tho. Edmund. 001.21. au.b. [19.] From Ld. Nottingham. OCt. 216. b. [20.] From the D.de Lerma. Ferdefillas, Nov. 21. 219. b. 13 . A difcourfe delivered by fir Ch. Cornwallis to the D. de Lerma. <_oq 14 . ( 52 .) Sir Ch. Cornw. to the Lds. of Council. ( 53 .) Sir Ch. Cornw. to Ld. Salifbury. 226. 15 . A difcourfe and relation made unto Walter Hawkfworth fee* to fir Ch. Cornw. of the conference had between the 1 ). de Lerma, the conde de Villa longa, and his lordfliip (fir Ch.) concerning the two projects of alliance or penfion for the reducing the Low countries unto obedience. 227. 16. Continuation of fir Ch. Cornwallis’s corref- pondence. 1605 . 033, ( 54 .) A letter to Ld. Suffolk 233 . b. ( 55 .) - to Ld. Ellefmere. 234. b. ( 56 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 235. [16.]-from Ld. Salifbury. Oft. 24. 236 .b. [ 17 .] - from Ld. Salifbury; on the gun¬ powder plot. Nov. 9. 240 - 17 - The letter to lord Mounteagle, to caution him againft going to the Houfe of Lords on the dav of the intended gunpowder plot. Nov. s. 246. b. 18. (57.) Sir Ch. Cornwallis to the E. of Salil¬ bury. £47. 19. Reafons given to prove the performance of things treated of, and offered by the K. of Spain, to be both honourable and fafe unto him. 249. b. 20. The propofitions of the I). of Lerma and count of Villa longa, upon the feveral conferences had with them ; concerning a more ftreight league and amity between the kings of Great Britain and Spain. 21. Continuation of fir Ch. Cornwallis's corref- pondence. 1605 . 255. ( 58 .) A letter to the E. of Salifbury 255 . [18.] - from the Dfs. of Feria. 258 . (59.)-to the Dfs. of Feria. Dec. 258 . b. (Go.) A 459 (6o.) A letter to Dr. Crefwell. Dec. 23. 259. (Cl.) - to the D. rle Lerma. 260 . [i9-] - from the D. de Lerma. 260 . ( 62 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 260 . b. [ 20 .] - from fir Tho. Parry. Nov. 27 . 263. [ 21 .] - from Ld. Northampton. 061. 3. 263. b. (63.) - to Ld. Northampton. 265 . (64.) - to fir H. Wotton. 266. (63.) -• to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 20-31, 1606 . 266. b. 22 . The names of fuch prifoners as were delivered out of the K. of Spain’s gallies at Lifbon and St. Lucar, at the interceflion of fir Ch. Cornwallis. 1606 . 269 . 23 . Continuation of fir Charles Cornwallis' s cor- refpondenee. 269 . b. 1605. [ 22 .] A letter from Ld. Salifbury. 061. 12 . 269 . b. [ 23 .] - from I\. James 1 . 061. s. 270 . (66.) -- to K. James r. 271 . b. (67.) —-- to Ld. Salifbury. 273 . b. 1 606. [ 24 .] -- from the D. de Lerma. Jan. 22 . 278 . (68.) -- to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 27 . 278 . [25.] --- from fir Th. Edmunds. 280 . b. 24. Certain reafons given by fir Ch. Cornwallis to divers councillors of llate and others in the Spanifh court, to perfuadethe delivery of certain traitors taken in Flanders, and mentioned in the above letter from fir Th. Edmunds. . (N° 25 .) 053 25. Continuation of fir Ch. Cornwallis’s corref- pondence. 1606 . o 8( j ( 69 .) A letter to Ld. Salifbury. 286 . (70.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 12 . 294 . b. [ 26 .] ■- from Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 3 . 295 . f 2 '-] -- from Mr. Hawkfworth. 296 . (7i0 - to Ld. Salifbury. SOS. ( 72 .) to Mr. Hawkfworth. 304 . ( 73 .) - to the Lds. of Council. 304 . b. (74.) • to fir Tho. Edmund. 306 . b. [-?•] from fir Tho. Edmund. 308. (<5.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 309 . b. ( 76 .) -- to fir Tho. Edmund. 3io. b. (77.) -- to L'd. Salifbury. 3 H f (78.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 316. b. , 26 . The caufes of Win. Squire and Tho. Taylor, Englifh fa 6 tors, being detained prifoners at Lifbon. 320. 27 . (79.) Sir Ch. Cornwallis, to the D. de Lerma concerning the above complaints; with reafons de¬ luded unto the Hates in Spain to obtain red refs. 322. b. T Cl, Cornwallis, to Ld. Salifbury. Valladolid, March-28, 1606 . 305 so. A lift of the officers of the houfeholcl to the K of Spain. 1606. 329 b 30. Continuatlmr of the feries of letters from and to fir Ch. Cornwallis. 1606 . ( 81 .) A letter to Ld. Salifbury. Yallad. Aprils, 332. ( 82 .) - to the Lds. of Council. 333. h\ from fir II. Wotton. March 11 . 335 . (83.) - to fir FI. Wotton. 336 ( 84 .) - t0 Lfl Salifbury. 337 ’ . N, C. IX. (85.) A letter to fir Geo. Carew ambaffador in France. S38. (85.) -- to Ld. Salifbury. 339- (87.) -to Ld. Salifbury. Apri 30. 342. (88.) - to the Lds. of Council. 343. [29.] - from fir Tho. Edmund. 344. (89.) - to the Lds. of Council. Madrid. 347 . b. [30.] - from Ld. Salifbury. March 26 . 350. b. [31.] - from the D. of Lennox March 6. 351. b. [32.] from Ld. Nottingham. March 22 . 352. [33.] -- from Ld. Nottingham. May. 3 53. [34.] -- from Ld. Southampton. 353. [35.] from Ld. Suffolk,&c. April. 353.b. [36.] —-- from Ld. Salifbury 355. [37.] - from Ld. Suffolk. 356. [38.] - from lady Suffolk. 357 . [39-] from the Lds. of Council, with cer- tain propofitions from his Majefty. March 17 . 358. (90.) to Ld. Salifbury. Madrid, June 3 . 364. b. (91.) - to Ld. Salifbury. June 30. 374 . ( 92 .) -- to Ld. Northampton. 376 . b. (93.) - to Ld. Northampton. 380 . b. (94.) - to Ld. Suffolk. 381 . b. (95.) - to the Countefs of Suffolk. 382 . ( 96 .) - to Ld. Nottingham. 383 . (97.) - to Ld. Suffolk. 384 . (98.) - to Ld. Northampton. ss6. (99-) - to fir Tho. Edmunds. 387. b. 31. Reafons to prove that the alliance with Eng¬ land, concerning the Low countries in dowry, is both honourable and profitable for Spain: feiit to Ld. Salifbury, May 29 , 1606. 390 ." 32. Continuation of the feries of letters from and to fir Ch. Cornwallis. 16 O 6 and 1607 . 1606. ( 100 .) A letter to Ld. Salitbury. 393. ( 101 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 402. b. (, 02 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 410. b. (103.) -- to the D. de Lerma. 413. b. (104.) — to Ld. Salifbury. June 20 . 4 i 4 .b. (105.) — to fii Walter Cope. 421. (106.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 422. b. (107.) - to Ld. Northampton. July 5 . 426 . (108.) -- to the Lds. of Council. 428. b. ( 109 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 435. (no.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 438. b. ( 111 .)- to fir Tho. Edmunds. 442. ( 112 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. July 9 . 444. (113.) - to feet Prada. 444 . b. [40.] - from fir Tho. Edmunds. June 22 . 445. (114.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 450. (115.) --- to fir Tho. Edmunds. 451. (U6.) — to Ld. Salifbury. 453. b. (11?.) - to fir Hen. Wotton. July. 459. b. [41.] A 460 VESPASIAN, C. IX.—X. [ 41 .] A letter from the Lds. of Council. Dec. 31. l6o 5. 460. b. [42.] - — from Ld.Salilburv. June 25, 1606. 461. b. [43.] - - from the Lds. of Council. July9‘ 466. [44.] - — from Ld. Salilbury. July 12. 469- b. [45.] - — from Enw. Knife chancellor of Denmark. .(Lat.) Copenh. June. 477- [46.] —■—— from Laur. Krufe viceroy of Nor¬ way. (Lat.) 478. [ 47 .] - from Ld. Salilbury, with a paper of complaints, called an “ Introduction.” Aug. 17 . 479- b. [48.] - from fir Hen. Wotton. Sept. 2 . 491. b. (ns.) - to fir Hen. Wotton. Sept. 29 . 493. ( 119 .) - to the Lds. of Council in Spain. 495. b. ( 120 .) —- to the K. of Spain, a memorial in behalf of the Fnglilh merchants. Aug. 50 1 . ( 121 .) - to Don Ped. de Caftillc viceroy of Portugal. 505. (joo ) - to Ld. Salilbury. 507. ( 123 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. Sept. 12. 514. ( 124 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. Sept. 17 . 520. 33 . A ftatement of the grievances of the Britifh fubje&s in Spain. 524. 34 . A project for yearly contributions for the maintenance of his Majefty's wars. 526. b. 3.5. Continuation of the feries of letters from fir Ch. Cornwallis. 1606 . (125.) A letter to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 6- 527. ( 126 .) - to Ld. Suffolk. 534 . b. ( 127 .) - to Ld. Northampton. 535. b. ( 128 .) - to fir Tho. Edmunds. Sept. 9 . 536. b. ( 129 .) - to the Lds. of Council. Sept. so. 537- b. ( 130 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 548. ( 131 .) *- to Ld. Salifbury. 551. b. ( 132 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. 558. (i33.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Oct. 28. 560. ( 134 .) - to Ld. Northampton. 566. ( 135 .) - to the Lds. of Council. Nov. 3 . 571. b. ( 1 36.) --to the Lds. of Council. Nov. 21 . 576. ( 137 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. Nov. 16 . 585. (1 ss.) - to Ld. Salilbury. Nov. 20 . 593. ( 139 .) - to the D. de Lerma, with fome ar¬ ticles in jultification otthe letter. 594. ( 140 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. Dec. 21 . 597 .b. ( 141 .) ——-to the Lds. of Council. 599 . ( 142 .)-to the Lds. of Council. C 01 . 36. A d'. fruition, whether his majefty of Spain lhall proceed with the alliance with England, moved from themielvcs, or with that of France folicited by others? 603. 37 . Continuation of the feries of letters from and to lir Ch. Cornwallis. 1606. and 1607 . (143.) A letter to Ld. Northampton. Dec. i«i 607 . b. (144.) - to the Lds. of Council. (ion. h (i 45 .) - to Ld. Salifbuiy. 61.2 (146.) - to the Lds. of Council. 6 13 . (147.) - to Ld. Salilbury. 616 (i48.) - to Ld.Salifbury. Nov.28. 621 .b ( 149 .) - to fir Tho. Edmunds. 626. ( 150 .) - to fir Geo. Carew. Jan. 10 , IG 07 . 627 . b. ( 1 3 1 .) - to the Lds. of Council. 628 . b. ( 1 52.) - to the Lds. of Council. Jan. M. 629 . 1). (153.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 633. b. (154.) - to Ld. Northampton. 642. (155.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 6 . 37 . b. ( 1 J6-) - to Ld. Salilbury. Feb. 6. 660 . b. ( 157 .)-to Ld. Salifbury. 663. ( 1 58.)-to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 8. 666. b. ( 159 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. Jan. 9 . 668. b. [49-] - from Levin Munke fcc y to lord Salilbury. Jan. 10 . 672 . b. ( 160 .)-to the confclfor of the K. of Spain. Feb. 27 . 076. ( 161 .) -to K. James I. March 7 . C 79 . ( 162 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. 680. b (163.) - to fir Geo. Carew. 685 J efpajian, C. X. Codex chart, in fol. folior. 34S. An Official Copy Book. 1 . A difeourfe of the ftate of Spain, written by fir Ch. Cornwallis, ambaffador at that court, about the beginning of the year 1607 . 1 . 2 . A feries of letters from and to fir Ch. Cornwallis. 1607'* 35. [ 1 .] A letter from Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 6. 35. ( 1 .) -- to Ld. Northampton. March 28. 41. (2.) - to the Lds. of Council. March 3 1 . 43. ( 3 .)-to Ld. Salifbury. March si. 48. b. ( 4 .)-to Ld. Salifbury. 52 . ( 3 .) to Ld. Suffolk. April 3. 53. b. (6.)-to Ld. Effingham. 35 . ( 7 .) -to the Lds. of Council. April 8 . 55. b (8.) - to Lei. Salilbury. 59 . b. ( 9 .)-to the Abp. of Canterbury 61 . b. ( 10 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. April 19 . 62. ( 11 .) - to the Lds. of Council. April 19 . 68 . ( 12 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. April 2 S. 66- (13.) - to Ld. Salilbury. May s. 66* b. (14.) — —- to the Lds. of Council. Mav 24 . 72 . b. (15.) - to the D. de Lerma. 79- [2-] — —- from Ld. Salifbury. April 20. 81. [3.] — - from Ld. Carew. April 1 13. 85. (IS.) — - to Ld. Salilbury. May 2t i. 85. b. [4.] — from Ld. Northampton. April 10 . 90. ( 17 .) A VESPASIAN, C. X, (. 17 .) A letter to the council of itate of Spain. June 6 . 93 . b. (18.) - to Ld. Northampton. May 29 . 95. b. (19-) - to Ld. Salifbury. June 7 98. b. (TO.) - to Ld. Salifbury. June 14 . 102 . b. (31.) - - to the Lds. of Council. 107 . b. (33.) - - to Ld. Salifbifrv. June 27 1 12. b. (33.) - - to the Lds. of Council. June 27 . 114. b. [5.] - -from the D. de Lerma. (Span.) June IS. 1 18. b. [6.] - - from fec r Prada. (Span.) June 25. 1U). (34.) - - to the D. de Lerma. 120 . b. (85.) - - to fec y Prada. 120. b. 9-1 - - from the D. de Lerma. (Span.) July 14. 1 24. b. (36.) - to the Lds. of Council. July 10 , 124. b. (27.) - to Ld. Salisbury. July 10 . 129 . b. (28.) - to I.d. Salifbury. July 25. 134. CSS.) -- to K. James I. July 23. 138. b. (30.) -- to Ld. Suffolk. July 23. 141. b. (31.) - to Ld. Northampton. July 23. 142. b. ( 32 .) - to Ld. Northampton. Aug. 5. 144. b. J" 8 -l - from Ld. Salifbury. July 15. l4G.b. [9.] - from Ld. Salifbury. July 15. 150. b. (33.) --— to Ld. Salifbury. Aug. 6. I5l.b. (34.) - to the Lds. of Council. Aug. G. 158. b. (35.) - to I.d. Salifbury. Aug. 24. 164 . (36.) - to the Lds. of Council. Aug. 24 . 1G5. ( 37 .)-to Ld. Northampton. Sept. 9 . lGG.b. (38.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Sept. 19 . 168 . ( 39 .) - to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 10 . 171 . ( 40 .) - to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 18 . 174. 3. “ A difeourfe written by fir C'h. Cornwallis, to prove that a conjunction by alliance of England and Spain, is the moft. honourable and profitablcft courie for both tile monarchies, efpccially for Spain." iso. b. 4. Continuation of the feries of fir Ch. Cornwallis’s corrcfpondence. 1607 . 1S g_ ( 41 .). A letter to the Lds. of Council. 061. G. 189. (42.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Oct. 7 . 193 . b. [ 10 .] - from Ld. Salifbury. Sept 27 . 195 .b. ( 43 .) - to the Lds. of Council. 061.14. 203. (44.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 06t. 14 . 208. b. (45.) - to the Lds. of Council. 061. 18 . 212 . (4G.)-to Ld. Salifbury. 061.18. 220 . ( 47 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 061.21. 222 . (48.) - to Ld. Salifbury. 06t. 22 . 225 . ( 49 .) - 7 — to Ld. Salifbury. Oct. 05 . - 226 . b. (50.) —- to Ld. Salifbury.. 061.28. 227 . b. ( 51 .) to the Lds. of Council. Nov. 2 . 229 . (52.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Nov. 2 . 232. 5 •. !'• James I, to the K. of Spain; about grievances fuftained by his fubje6ts in Spain. (Lat) delivered by fir Ch. Cornwallis. Oct. 20 , 1 G 07 . 233 . 461 G. Continuation of the feries of fir Ch. Corn¬ wallis’s corrcfpondence, 1 G 07 and 1 GO 8 . 235. b. (53.) A letter to the Lds. of Council. Nov. 11 . 1607 ' 235. b. ( 54 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. Nov. 11 . 239 . (5o.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Nov. ig. 241 . b. (5G.) to Ld. Salifbury. Nov. 24 . 243 . b. ( 57 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. Dec. 2 . 24 s. b. (58.) - to the Lds. of Council. Dec. lG. ( 59 .)-- — td Ld. Salifbury. Dec. 16 . 25 G. (60.) --- to the Lds. of C ouncil. Dec. 30 * 259. (61.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Dec. so. 263 . (62.) - to the Lds. of Council. Jan. 9 - 1608. 2G>. (63.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 9 . 271 b (64.) - — to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 3 . 272 . [n.] - from Ld. Salifbury. Nov. is, 1607 . 273. b. [12.]- fiom the Lds. of Council. Nov. 4 . 278 . b. (65.) - — to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 13 , 1608. 280. b. (66.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. is. 2 S 2 . b. [13.] - from Ld. Dennye. 286 . [14.] - from Ld. Salifbury. Nov. 24 , 1 G 07 . 286. b. [15.] - - from K. James I. Nov. 14 . 287 . b. (67-) - to the Lds. of Council. Feb. G, 1 G 08 . 288. b. (68.) -- to Ld. Northampton. Nov. 1 s, 1607 . 293. b. ( 69 .) - to Ld. Suffolk. Nov. is, 1607 , 294. b. [ 16 .] - from certain prifoners releafed. 295 . (70.) - to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 21 , 1 GO 8 . 29G. (71.) - to Ld. Salifbury. March 5 . 297 . b. (72.) - to Ld. Northampton. March 5. 302. (73.) - to Ld. Northampton. March 15 . 305. (74.) - to the Ld. Chamberl. (Suffolk) March is. 309 . b. (75.) -* to Ld. Salifbury, March 18 . 312 . [ 17 .] - from Ld. Salifbury. Feb. G. 31G. (76.) - to Ld. Salifbury. March 31 . 319 . 5 . ( 77 .) - to Ld. Northampton. March 27 . 332. (78.) -— to the Lds. of Council. March 27 . 323. b. (79.) - to the K. of Spain. April 22 . 332 . (so.) - to the K. of Spain. J34. b. [ 18 -] - from Ld. Northampton. March 5 . r -1 „ . S37 - b - L 1 9 -J - from Ld. Salifbury. Marc hr. 340. b. [ 20 .] -f rom lord Dunbar. March 2 . 342 . (3i.) - to the Ld. treafurer of Denmark (E. Krufe.) (Latin.) 549 , b. ( 82 .) - to the privy council of Denmark. (Lat.) 343. b, (^8.) .—»—toCh. Groos, hi? grandfon. 344 .b. 6 B Vefpafian, 462 VESPASIAN, C. XI. I efptjian, C. XT. Codex chart, in fol. folior 405. An Official Copy Book. 1 . Sir Oli. Cornwallis anti fir Nath. Bacon, knights of the lhire for Norfolk, to the Ltl. chancellor Llirimere; their appointment ot collectors tor the receipt of the I5ths and loths. Sept. 12 , 1(310. 2. < 2 . Mons. Barrault, to fir Ch. Cornwallis; recom¬ mending his foil baron de Blagnel. (It.) Jan. 8, 1 G 10 . -• N. B. Tliefc two articles ought to have been inferted at the end of the vol. s. A feries of letters from and to fir Ch. Cornwallis during his embaffy in Spain. 1608 . 4. (i.) A letter to the Lds. of Council. April 2 , 1 (308. 4 - — to Ld. Salilbury. April 2 . 5. — to the Lds. of Council. April 1 9- 6. — to the Lds. of Council. April 3 0 . 12 . b. — to Ld. Salilbury. April 19- 16 . b. — to Ld. Northampton. April 26. 20 . — from the Lds. of Council. May 8. 23. b. — to the Lds. of Council. May 12 . (•3-) ( 3 .) <*•) ( 5 .) ( 6 .) [>•] (VO (S.) (S-) ( 10 .) ( 11 .) ( 12 .) (13.) (14.) ( 15 .) (16.) [ 2-1 (17.) (IS.) (19.) ( 20 ) ( 21 .) ( 22 .) (23.) (24.) (25.) [3-] [4-] [ 3-1 to the Lds. of Council. to Ld. Salilbury. June 9 . to the Lds. of Council. to Ld. Salilbury. May 12 . 29 . b. to Ld. Northampton. May 11 . 32. to the Lds. of Council. May 1 7 . 33. b. to Ld. Salilbury. June 2 . 35. b. to fir Walter Cope. June 4. 37. to the Lds. of Council. June 4. 37. b. June 9- 39. b. 41. b. June [8. 43. b. -— from Ld. Salilbury. April 27 . 47* b. —- to Ld. Northampton. June i5. 48. b. --— to Ld. Northampton. June 3. 49- b. - to the Lds. of Council. June3. 50. - to Ld. Salilbury. June 7 . 52. b. - to the Lds. of Council. June 7- 54. - to the Spanilh fee 1- of ftate. J une 7 . 57. - to the K. of Spain. 61. - to the Lds. of Council. July 16 . 62. b. - to Ld. Salilbury. July 16 . 65. - from the Lds. of Council. J une 2 . 66 . - from Ld. Salilbury. May 19 . 67 . -from Ld. Salilbury. May 31. 72 . 4. Principal heads of the league to be concluded between his Majefty and the United States. 76 . 5 . Continuation of lir Ch. Cornwallis's corref- pondence. ( 26 .) A letter to the Lds. of Council. July 20 , 1608 . 7(3. b. ( 27 .) A letter to the Ld. Trcafiirer. (Sahib.) July 20 , 1608 . 79 . b." ( 28 .)-to Ld. Northampton. July 20 . Si.b. ( 29 .) - to the Lds. of Council. Aug. 6 . s'i. 1). (30.) — (31.) Nil [<■•■] r Seville. (32.) - to Ld. Salilbury. Aug. 6. 87 . b. from Tlio. Ncvilbn merchant at Aug to the Lds. of Council. Aug 0. b. to Mr. Davies Merchant at Seville. I , [?.] - ■ from the fcc y of fir Ch. \ Cornwallis. J [8.] - ■ from Ld. Northampton. July 6. 100 . (34.) - ■ to Ld. Northampton. July 20 . 104. [!>•] ^ - from Ld. Salilbury. June 30. 109 . [10.] - from Ld. Salilbury. June 1 . 113. - to Ld. Salilbury. Aug. 20. 11 3. b. [11.] -- ■ from Lev. Munke clerk of the lignet. . b. from Ld. Salilbury. July 29 . liG.b. to Ld. Salilbury. Sept. 7 . 119 . to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 7 (38.) - to fec y Prada. Sept. 15. (39.) - to Don Rod. Calderon. Sent. ] ( 40 .) - to the D. de Lerma. Sept. 15. 12 : 1 . ( 41 .) A memorial concerning the impofition of I he millions, &c. in Portugal. 130. 1>. ( 42 .) A memorial touching fome exactions upon the merchants in the Canaries. 132. b. ( 43 .) A letter to the D. de Lerma. Sept. 24. i3S.b. (44.) - to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 30. 134. 1). ( 45 .) - to Ld. Salilbury. Sept. 30. 138. ( 46 .) A memorial again It a Spanilh placart. 140. ( 47 .) A letter to fcc y Prada. June. 142 . [ 13 .j-from fee* Prada. July 12 . I43.b. ( 48 .) - to Mr. Nevifon. Oft. 14. 145. (49.)-to Ld. Northampton. ( 50 .) - to the Lds. of Council. (51.) [14.] (52.) (53.) [15.] [1C.] (54.) 146. Oft. 16 . 148. b. to Ld. Salilbury. Oft. 16 . 156. from K. James I. Aug. 8. l GO. b. to Ld. Dunbar. Oct. 16 . 161 . to the D. de Lerma. 161 . b. from the Lds. of Council. June 20 . 163. b. from the Lds. of Council. to the Lds. of Council. (55.) —- to Ld. Salilbury. Nov. 7 . ( 56 .)-to the D. de Lerma. ( 57 .) A memorial to the K. ol Spain. (58.) A letter to the Spanilh fec y of ftate, ( 59 .) - to the Lds. of Council. June 28. 164. b. Nov. 7 . 165 . b. 171. 176 . ( 00 .) (61.) Dec. 9 . 179. Dec. 10 . 182. to Ld. Salilbury. Dec, 10 . 18S. b. to the Ld. Privy Seal (Northampt.) 195. (02.) A VESPASIAN, C. XI. 4 6 3 (6S.) A letter to the Ld. Chamberlain (Suffolk.) Dec. 9 , 1608. 107. b. (630 - — to lady Bath, lis After. Dec. 9. 198. b. (64.) - — to Ld. Salifbury. Dec. 9 . 199. (630 - - to the Lds. of Council. Dec. 2 g~ 201 . b. (66.) - — to Ld. Salifbury. Dec. 29 . 204. b. (67.) - — to Ld. Salifbury Jan. 13 1GO8-9. 206. b. (68.)- — to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 28. 208. 1). (60.) — to Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 18 . 209 (70.) — -to the K. of Spain. 210. (71) - - to Ld. Salifbury Jan. 21 212. (72.) - — to Ld. Dunbar. Jan. 20. 213. (73.) - -to Ld. Salifbury. J an. 2 1 . 21 3. b. (74.) - to the Lds. of Council. Jail. 20. ‘ 214 . [ 17 .]-from Ld; Salifbury. Jan. 1 . 218 . 6. Abftraft of the ftate of the treaty of Spain with the United Provinces. 222 b. 7 . A declaration of Tho. Ilenryfon contradicting the afperfion that fir Charles Cornwallis was a pen- lione-r of Spain. Feb. 21 ? 1609 . 225 . 8. Continuation of fir Ch. Cornwallis’s corref- pondence. 225. b. (75.) A memorial to the K. of Spain. 225. b. (76.) A letter to the Lds of Council. Feb. 3 , 1609 . 226. b. (77.) to the Ld. Admiral (Effingham.) Feb. 3. 229 . (78.) - to the Lds. of Council. Feb. 5. (790 - to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 5. 235 b. (80.) -to Ld. Salifbury. Feb. 11 . 238. (SI.) - to Ld. Northampton. Feb. 3 . 239 . b. (82.) - to the conftable of Caftile. 240 . b. (83.) - to the Lds. of Council. Feb. 11 . 243. (84.) - to the K. of Spain. 245. [18.] - from Ld. Salifbury. Jan. 27 . 246. b. [19.] from Ld. Northampton. 249. 9 . K. James I, to the If. of Spain; in favour of Air. Ad. '1 iiibault. (Lat.) Jan 28 , 1609 . 250. 10 . Continuation of fir Ch. Cornwallis’; > corref- pondence. 252. (85.) A letter to Ld. Northampton. March 3 , 1609 . 252. (86.) - to Henry P. of Wales. March 4 . 256. (87.) -- to Ld. Salifbury. 257 . b. (88). - to the D. de Lerma. 265. b. (89.) - to the merchants of Seville. S66. b. (90.) to Ld. Northampton. March 25 . 268. ( 91 .) - to Ld.Salifbury. March 25 . 269 b. (go.) - to Lev. Munke. March 25. 272 . (93.) to the Lds. of Council. March 25 . 275 . [ 20 .]'-— from Ld. Salifbuiy. Feb. 22 . 280 .b. (94.)-to K. James I. April. 7 . 286 . ( 95 .) - to the P. of Wales. April 7 . 289 . (96.) - t—> to Ld. Salifbuiy. April 8. 292 . (97.) A letter to Ld.Salifbury. April 13, IG 09 . 294 . (98.) - to the Lds. of Council. April 13 . 295. (99.) -— to Ld. Salifbilry. April 20 . 300. b. ( 100 .) -— to Ld. Salifbuiy. April 26 . 302 . (lOi.) -to the ambaffadorofSavoy. 306.b. ( 102 .) — to the Lds. of Council. May 10 , 311. ( 103 .) - to Ld.Salifbury. May 11 . 313. b. (104.) to Ld. Salifbuiy. May 10 . 315 . (105.) to Ld.Salifbury. May 20. 319 . ( 106 .) - to the Lds. of Council. May 27 . 321. b. ( 107 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. 323. b. ( 108 .) -• to Ld. Salifbury. June 1 . 325 . ( 109 .) to the Lds. of Council. June 2 . 326. b. ( 110 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. June 3 . 328 . (11 1 .) to the Lds. of Council. June 10 . 330. ( 112 .) to the Spanilh council of war. 332. b. (113.) to the Lds. of Council. June 28 . 333. b. ( 114 .) - to the conftable of Caftile. 337 . ( 115 .) —-— to the D. de Lerma. 338. ( 116 .) A memorial in the caufe of Sardinia. 340 . (l 17.) A letter to Ld. Salifbury. July l. 341 . ( 1 18.) to the Lds. of Council. July 1 . 542.” b. [ 21 .] - from Henry P. of Wales. May 24 . 344. [ 22 .] from Ld.Salifbury. Junes. 344 .b. 1 i. L. James 1 . to the K. of Spain; on the recall of fir Ch. Cornwallis, and on the prefentation of his book; two letters. (Lat.) 348- 12 . Continuation of fir Ch. Cormvallis s corref- pondence. 349 _ [23.] A letter from Ld. Salifbury. June 12 . 349 . b. [ 24 .] from Ld. Northampton. June 11 . 350. b. ( 1 19-) ——- to the K. of Spain. 353 . ( 120 .) A memorial againft Don Lewis de Cala- t0 ^ ne - 357. b. ( 121 .) A letter to the Lds. of Council. July ig. 360. b. ( 122 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. July 12 . 364 . (123.) - to Ld. Salifbury. July 21 . 366. b. ( 124 .) - to the Lds. of Council. July 20 . 369. ( 125 .) —-- to LcT. Northampton. 371 . b. ( 126 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. Aug. 7. 374. ( 127 .) - to Lev. Munke. Aug. 7. S75. (128.)-to Ld.Salifbury. 376. b. [ 25 .] - from Ld. Northampton. July 18 . 380. b. ( 129 .) - to Ld. Salifbury. Aug. 19 . sss. (130.) --—• to the Lds. of Council. Aug. ig. 386. ( 1 3 1 .) to Ld. Northampton. Sept. 7 . 390 . b. (i32.j to the Lds. of Council. Sept. 11 . S 92 . b. (i33.) to Ld. Salifbuiy. Sept. 11 . 398.b. (134.) - to the Lds. of Council; with an account 46+ VESPASIAN, C. XI. XII. account of the K. of Spain's proceedings againft tlie Mori fees* Sept 17 . 399- b. ( 13 . 5 .) A letter to Ld. Saliffiury. Sept. 17 . 402. ^ I3G.) - to Ld.Salifbury. Nov. 13. 402. b. 13 . Philip III. K. of Spain, to K. James I; upon the departure of iir Ch. Cornwallis. (Lat.) Madrid, Nov. 14 , 1 G 09 . 403. 14 . [ 26 .] The E. of Northampton Privy Seal, to fir Ch. Cornwallis. Sept 1 8, 1610 . 403. b. ( 137 .) Sir Ch. Cornwallis, to Ld. Northampton; anfwer to the above. Downam in Eilex, Sept. 20, 1 G 10 . 404. b. t cfpcifian , C. XJI. Codex ciiartac. membranis nonnullis infertis, in tolio, confians foliis 28G. 1 . Forty full length portraits of kings and queens of Oviedo, Leon, and C'attile, from Froila II, to Joan the mother or Charles V ; laid to lie taken from the royal hail dc los Alca^ares at Segovia; drawn in pencil, and diiperfed throughout this volume. 2. A treaty of alliance’between Alphonfus X. If of Caftilc, and Henry III. E. of England, by which the former furrenders all his claims upon Gaicony to the latter. (Lat.) Toledo X. Cal. May 1292 , of the Spanish agra, anfwering to A. I). 1262 . 39 . S. A contraft; between Edward I. E. of England, and Peter III. then infant of Aragon, for the mar¬ riage of the elde ft daughter of the former with the eld eft fon of the latter, (vid. Ilyin. II. 14 .) (Lat.) Corduba, 7 Id. Oct. 1273. 45. 4 . An agreement between Edward I. K. of England, and Alphonfus III. K. of Aragon, by which the for¬ mer engages to obtain Tie Pope’s licence for the mar¬ riage of the latter with Eleanor his daughter, and to promote the conehdion of that marriage, (vid. Kyra. II. 349.) (Lat.) Oleron, July 28, 1287- 45. b. 5 . An infpeximus of Jafbertus, Bp. of Valentia, of an indenture of Alphonfus, the eldelt fon of Peter III. K. of Aragon, Bern. Alrp. of Toledo, and the laid Jaf¬ bertus liimfelf, on one part, and John tie Vefci, in the name of Eleanor, daughter of Edw. 1 . on the other part; affigning certain towns as pledges of the dowry of the laid Eleanor. Dated Ofca, 8 Cal. Sept. 1282 . 'l ilt- connniliion of Peter III. authoriz¬ ing the above pcrlons to agree to this affignment, dated Port Fangos, June 1 , 1280 , is recited in this indenture. (Lat.) 4G. G. A procefs of contumacy ilfued by Pope John XXII. againft Michael tie Cefaria, general of the order of Minorites, 'William Okam, a monk of the fairl order, and others, who were charged with lierely and various iniquitous practices, and had lied from the jurildiction of the apoftolical court. (Lat.) Avignon, 8 Id. June, 1328. 47 . b. 7 . The ftates of the Agenois (iubjefts of England) to Charles IV. K. of France; comp.dining of certain outrages committed by his officers, and lending cer¬ tain deputies to demand redrefs. (Lat.) May 4 , 1324. 48. b. 8. A negociation between the commiffioners of Edward II. and Alphonfus XI. K. of Caftilc, con¬ cerning the conditions of the intended marriages between the latter and Eleanor, daughter of the former, and between Edward the eldelt i ’011 of the former, and Eleanor filter of Alphonfus. (Lat.) Valladolid, May 22 , 1325. 49. 9 . A truce between Edward III. and John E. of Fr. on one part, and Peter K. of Cult, on the other part; chiefly relating to the mutual depredations committed in the Bay of Bifeav. (IT.) London Aug. 1 , 1351. (vid. Kvm. v. 717 .) 59 / 10 . Edward Ill; his order directed to the 1). of Lancafter, for the due obfervance of the above truce, (vid. Kym. V. 720 .) (Lat.) 1351. 59 . b. 11 . Confirmation of a treaty of peace and alliance between Edward III. and Peter the cruel E. ofCaf- tile. (Lat.) (vid. Kvm. vi. 3G9.) London, June 22 , 1362. " no. 12 . Tin* 1 eommiffions of Edward IH. foT the 1 delivery and due obfervance of the above treatv. (vid. Kym. VI. 402.) (Lat.) Wcftm. Feb. 8, ami March 1, 13G2-3. Cvi. 13. Inftruftions given to certain Engliih mcll'cii- gers lent into Spain to demand aid againft the French king in Guyenne, by virtue of an exifting treaty ; probably when Alphonfus XI. was a minor, about the year 1328. (French.) 64 . 14 . A duplicate of XII. 2 . <} 0 '. 15. Another ceffion of Gafcony bv Alphonfus X. to Edward, the eldelt fon of Edward I. (vid. Kvm. 1 . 531.) (Lat.) Burdos (lie) Nov. l, 1254. GG. b. 16. Duplicates of the articles XII. 11 and 12. 67. b. 17- Triplicates of the fame articles. 74 . 18 . Peter It. of Caftilc ; bis engagement to pay to Edward the Black Prince 500,000 florins, in confi- deration of his affiihurcc againft the count de Trafta- mara. (Lat.) Libornia near Bourdcaux, Sept. 23, 1306 . 84. 19 . Peter IV. E, of Aragon, to Edward III; claiming tilt reftitution of a lhip of Majorca, leized by Ionic? Engliih vellcls, and indemnification for the lolfes thereby fuflained. (Lat.) Barcelona, Aug. 15 , J374. ' 91 . 20 . A note of four Spanifli veflels (caraques) feized by the Englifli in the years 1873, 4, and G; alfo a bill of the damages claimed. (IT.) 99. 21 . In ft ructions of a queen of Caftilc, in the name of the E. her ion, for fettling certain difputcs with England about navigation ; probably Q. Catherine during the minority of her fon John II. 100 . 22 . Two certificates of John I. king, Don Martin infant, and fevcral grandees of Aragon ; attel'ting a claufe in the will of Charles II. E. of Navarre, by which he directs that the K. of England lhalt return Cherbourg to Charles III. his fon. Montilfon, Sept. 7 . 1389. 101 . 23. Inftmotions of Kichard II. to commiflioncrs fent to negociate a peace with Henry III. K. of Caf¬ tilc. (French.) 1391 . 10 . 5 . 24. The Bp. of Bourdcaux (Pope’s nuncio) to Ri¬ chard II? concerning the reftitution of fhipfc; and re¬ porting the iuccedes of the E. of Caftilc. Barce¬ lona, Oft. 3. 10 G. 25. Inftruftions of John D. of Lancafter, to the Bp. of Aqucs and others, to treat with llenry in. K. of Caftilc. (French.) 107 . 26. Richard II; his eommiffion to the Bp. ofBour- deaux, and others, to treat with Henry III. IE of Caf¬ tilc. (IT.) Weitm. Jan. 13, 1391 . 108 . 27 . The purport of a letter to be written by Hen¬ ry IV. to his brother-in-law Henry III. E. of Caftilc, towards the conclufion of a treaty. (Lat.) Agreed upon at a council at Eltham. 1402 . 111 . 28. An article limilur to the preceding, but not a duplicate. ill. b. 29 . Inftruftions given by Henry IV. to Th. Swyn- byrne and John Seurniynfcre, to treat with the court of Cal tile. (IT.) Ltacefteg Nov. 29 , 1411 . 117- 30 . Inftruftions S P A S I A N, 30. InftruCtions of Henry iv, to John de Samora, of the things he had to propofc to his lifter Catherine, Q. of Caftile, and her ion John II. (Lat.) Lam¬ beth, Sept. 26 , 1411 . i i s. 31. Ilenry iv, to Q. Catherine of Caftile his filter; about maritime affairs. Aug. 8. 118 . 32 . Inltrudions fnnilar to, and nearly a duplicate of XII. 29. 119. S 3 . Catherine Q. of Caftile, to Henry IV. her brother; exprefting great friendlhip, and in anfwer to XII. SI. (Fr.) Cordelillas, April 17 , 1411? 120 . 34. Ilenry IV, to John II. Iv. of Caftile his nephew; concerning the appointment of new commiftioncrs for the ratification of a truce. 1 411 ? 120 . 35 . Ilenry IV, to Don Ferdinand, brother to Hen¬ ry hi. K. of Caftile; on the fame fubjeCt as the pre¬ ceding art. (Lat.) 1411 ? 121 . 30. Inftructions of Ilenry IV, to the Bp. of Bour- deaux, and feveral others, fent to the K. and Q. Dowager of Caftile, to treat for a peace. (Fr.) Jan. 1313. 121 . b. 37 . Inltruetions of Henry v, to Dr. John Kenit and John Baeton, fent to Ferdinand I. It. of Aragon, to treat for a peace. (Lat.) Southampton, July 28, 1415. 123. 38. Ilenry V, to Martin IL of Aragon; on fend¬ ing John Sturmefterto receive a payment of 300,000 livres? due by virtue of a treaty. (Lat.) Weftm. Nov. 3, 1414, and OCt. l, 1415. 124. 39. Inftruciions on the part of Henry V, to John Seynt, mayor of Bourdeaux, 1o treat with the K. of Caftile (John II.) (Lat.) Dec. 15 , 141 G. 125. 40 . An Englilh agent in Spain; giving an account of fome French gallies being arrived on the coalt of Valencia. (Orig. but. the name torn away.) Va¬ lencia, July 23 , 1417 ? ■ 127. 41 . An order of Ilenry V, to a ftate officer, to fettle the claims of John Hull for his embally in Spain. Camp near Falaife, Feb. 10 , 141 8. 127 . b. 42. A credence on the part of Henry v, to treat with Alphonfus V. If. of Aragon. (Lat.) June, 1421. 128. b. 43 . John I, K. of Portugal, to Ilenry V; creden¬ tial in favour of John Naalq. Dalmadaa, font to treat concerning fome matters relating to Lilbon. (Orig. Spanilh.) Liibon, July 25, 1413? 129 ? 44. A fragment of fome order or proclamation, of one of the Johns K. of Caftile. (Spanifh.) 132 . 45. An order of Henry V, under the privy feal, di¬ recting Tho. Langley Bp. of Durham, chancellor, to ifiue patents for the fecurity of the Spanilh fiiips fre¬ quenting the Englifli ports. (Fr.) Sept. 24 , 1418 . 135. 4G. An order under the privy feal (temp. Hen. VI.) for a commiftion to be made out under the great feal for the appointment of Tho. (Polton) Bp. of Here¬ ford, and others, to treat with the K of Aragon fLat.) July, 1430. 135 .’ 47. Anfwers given by the council of Henry VI, to the ambaffiulors of Alphonfus V. K. of Aragon, and John I. and Blanca II. K. and Q. of Navarre. (Lat.) July 20, 1430 . 136. 48. An order of Henry VI, under the privy feal, for a commiftion to be made out appointing Wm. (Alnewick) Bp. of Norwich, and others, to treat : with the commiftioncrs of John II. K. of Caftile. (Lat.) Weftm. Nov. 6, 1430 . 136. ' 49 . Three articles, being different claufes of an¬ fwers of the Englilh privy council, to propolals of the ambaffadors of Aragon and Navarre. ^S 2 . jog. __ 50. Henry iv, to Don Ferdinand, uncle to John II. K. of Caftile; defiring him to fee to the delivery of a letter to the faid king. (Lat.) * Weftm. Feb. 14 1412 - 141. 5 1 . Henry VI, to John II. K. of Caftile; on trairf- mitting to him fafe-condufts for a bilhop, a knight, a doctor, and others, to be fent by John into Er,<>? land. (Lat. a rough draught.) 1435. 141 ? 52. A treaty of peace and alliance between Ed¬ ward iv. and Henry iv. K. of Caftile: Edward's commiftion to his ambaffadors is dated Penley, Auo-. G, 14 GG. (Lat.) 149. 53 . A Spanifh paper, feemingly an affidavit made at Bi I boa, Aug. iG? 1466. 15Si 54 . A requifition of the Caftilian ambaffadors in England, to releafe one John Yicotys, confined for having infulted them. (Lat.) 14GG? 163. 55 . A licence granted by Edward iv. to the mer¬ chants of Bifeay, to trade in England (Lat.) Weftm. June, 1474; and a reciprocal licence in favour of Englilh merchants trading in Bifeay (Spanilh) with an atteftation of a notary. Sept. G, 1474 ; 164 . 5G. A Spanilh paper, being a treaty between the ftates of Guipufeoaand England ; reciting the powers granted for that purpofe to the faid ftates by Fer¬ dinand and Ifabella. UTarraga ? Oct. 20 , 1481 . 1 68 . 57 . Ferdinand the Catholic, to Edward iv ; au¬ thorizing the above treaty. (Spanilh.) Barcelona, Sept. 16 , 1481. 170 58. The ftates of Bifeay, to the Englilh privy council; in behalf of John Sancius, who claimed re- drefs for fome damages. (Lat.) Garnica, Aug. is 0 1584. 17 s. 59 . Ferdinand the Catholic: an order relating to the intercourfe with England. (Orig. Spanilh.) Me¬ dina, July 28 , 1584. ] 7 5. 60 . A Spanifh paper, including an account of funis of money. 1493. 177 , ,61. The contract of marriage between Arthur Pr. of Wales, and Catharine of Aragon. (Lat.) Oct. L 14 b7. 1 84. G 2 . Catharine of Aragon; her commiftion to Ro- deric Gondifalvus de Puebla, to conclude a mar¬ riage between her and Pr. Arthur. (Lat.) Seville, Dec. 20 , 1499. 191 . 63. Ferdinand and Ifabella; their confent to the marriage of Pr. Arthur and Catherine, and promife to fend her over, and pay her portion. (Lat.) Gra¬ nada, OCt 2 , 1500. £ 04 . 64. Catherine of Aragon, whofigns herfelfPrincefs of Wales, probably to prince Arthur. (Orig. Spanilh. all in her own hand.) 1501 ? ° 007 . * G5. Prince Arthur ; his patent for the fettlement to be made in favour of Catherine of Aragon. (Lat.) London, Nov. 14 , 1501. 210 . 66. The contract between Henry vil, and Ferdi¬ nand and Ifabella, for the marriage of Henry Pr. of Wales, with Catherine of Aragon? (Lat. imperfeCt.) Sept. 24, 1502. * o 18 ; 67 . Ferdinand the Cath. to Ilenry vn; in favour of fome merchants of Burgos. (Orig. Spanilh.) Madrid, Nov. 26 , 1503. 03 K 68. Ferdinand the Cath. to Henry VII; notify in o- the death of Ifabella his wife, and that lie was by her will appointed adminiftrator of her dominions. (Orig. Spanilh.) Medina del campo, Nov. 2 6, 1504. 233. 69 . A narrative of IC Philip of Caftile, aud Joan *6 C hi^ .66 V E S P A S I A N, C. XII. XIII. his qu( cn, b( ing < h n 1; ftorm into Wejmoi and of their (mtcrtaiv.mcnt'by Henry \ II. at Wind for, when Philip was imcftcil with the order of the Garter. 150.)-O'. ' <2;3f5 - 70 . A treaty of peace, amity, and commerce, be¬ tween Ilenry VII. and Philip K. of Caftilc, and love- leicrn of the Low countries ; reciting feveral previous commiftions, and other inftruments; the laft ratifica¬ tion dated Weftm. May 15, 1506. (An original counterpart ligned by K. Henry, with a filken firing for the teal. Lat.) -44. 71. A treaty of amity between 1 Ienry VII. and Phi¬ lip K. of Caltile. (Lat.) Windfor, Feb. 9, \505-6. 7C. A treaty between Ilenry vir. and the emperor Maximilian I.and his grandfon Charles; with fome fubfequent inftruments for the promulgation of the fame. (Lat.) 1507 -' 2,5 4 . 73. A treaty bv which Ilenry VII. binds himfclf to obferve the former treaties of 149-5 and 1.506, with Spain and the Low countries. 265. 74. An original counterpart of the treaty, XII. 71 . figned by Ilenry VII ; with a filken ft ring for the leal, but dated It i chin on d, May IS, 1506; with an ori¬ ginal patent conlirming the fame, of the* fame date. (I.at.) ' *#*• It. 75 . A folemn engagement of Flor. de Egmond, to contribute all in his ^ower towards the oblervance of a treaty of marriage concluded between Ilenry VII. and Philip It. of Caftilc, March 20 , 1505. This engage¬ ment was 1‘w'orn to before three notaries, and feveral witnefles, at Valladolid, July 13 , 1506. (Lat.) 268. b. 76 . Thomas Ifaac (Toy fon dor Herald); his ftate- ment of the tranfattion of his having delivered the jewel called “ La riche fleur de lis” to Henry Vll. as a pledge for 50,000 crow ns, which Ilenry was to lend to the" emperor Maximilian; and of his having re¬ ceived the laid 50,o0o crowns. (Lat.) 270 . 77 . A treaty for the marriage of Charles Pr. of Spain (fmee Charles V.) to Mary daughter of Henry VII. 1506? 273. 78. Three inftruments, by which Ferdinand the Catholic, and Joan and Catherine his daughters, re¬ nounce all claim to the 20,000 crowns given as a marriage portion to Catherine, when Hie married Henry VIII. (Lat.) June 9,1.509. 275. 79 . A commilhon of Ferdinand the Cath. appoint¬ ing G uter Gomez dc Fucufalida his ambalfador with Henry VIII ; with pow ers to renew all former treaties. (Lat.) Valladolid, May 11 , 1509- 2S4. 80. A draught of a letter from a fon of an emperor, to a king whom he calls his uncle. (I’r.) 286 . I efpafian, C. XITT. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 452. 1 . Powers given by James 1 . K. of England, and Philip III. K. of Spain, towards concluding a treaty between them; comprising thofe of the archduke Albert, and of Ilabella. Weftm. May 19 , 1604 , Val¬ ladolid, Oct. l, 1603 ; and a fubdelegation by Jn° de Valefco, commendator of Caftilc, ot May 15, 1604 . 2 . James I, to Archd. Albert; expreffing his fatis- faftion at the peace lately concluded. (Fr.) Weftm. Aug. 20 , 1604. 7. 3 . The archduke Albert and Ilabella; their reafons a^ainlt certain propolals for dilarming Ibips, and for trading to Antwerp : offered on the part of James 1 . (Fr.) 1605. 9. 4 . Anfwers to the reafons in the above article. 1605. 10 . 5. An original paper; fccmingly a liatement of the magiltratcs of St. l.ucar, concerning ftmu- trclpafs committed in that harbour. (Spanilli.) Xov. *_o, 1606 . 14 . 6. Count de Villa Mcdiana, to fome Englilh mi- nifters ; remonftrating again!! the levies of men made by Dutch emiflaries in London. (Fr.) London, March 2 , 1605 . jij. 7 . James I; his ratification of the trrnly with Spain, ot Aug. lS, 1604 . (Lat.) Greenwich,\\I;ucli 2 , 1604-5. 21 . 8. Some confederations offered by the adventurers in a voyage to the Eaft Indies by the Cape of Good Hope, to be attended to in the treaty with Spain. 1604. * 23 . 9. A note of certain things granted bv the K. of Spain, in favour of the Britilh fubjeets trading in his kingdoms. 1604 . 25. 10 . A duplicate of the powers of Philip III, to the conftable of Caftilc. XIII. 1 . (Spanilli.) Valladolid, 06t. 1 , 1603. 27 . 11 . Three communications between the Privy Council and the Crown lawyers; concerning the renewal of the charter of the company of Spanilli merchants. Jan. and Feb. 1604-5. 29 . 12 . A capitulation between Philip III. It. of Spain, and James I. (A tranflation from the Latin into Spa- nifii.) London, July 24, 1604. 33 . 13. An account of the feaft of the canonization of St. Ifidoms, and others, celebrated at Madrid, June 19 , 1622 . (Spanilli, printed.) 45 . 14. Reafons for the trade into the Eaft and Welc Indies, by the merchants of England, gathered for the treaty between his Majeftys commi!lioiiers and thofe of the K. of Spain and the Archduke. July, 1604 . 47 . 15. Inftmflions for the commiffioncrs appointed by Janies I. to negociate a peace with Spain. 1604 . 53. 16 . Complaints offered in England: 1 . by the Spanilli ambalfador; and 2 . by the States General. 63. 17 . Articles delivered hv the Spanilli ambalfador, concerning a treaty between England and Prance. (Italian.) 65. 18 . The conftable of Caftilc, J. dc Vclafco ; his delegation of bis full powers to treat w ith England to count dc Villa Mcdiana and Alex. Robida. (Spa- nilli;) a duplicate of the 2d part of XIII. 1 . l'ergues. May 15, 1604 . 69 . 19 . Faults committed in the writing of the ratifi¬ cation of the treaty. 73 . 20 . Certain points conftderable in the peace be¬ tween England and Spain, which might abide mil- contrruction. 75. 21 . James I ; his ratification on oath of the treatv with Spain, Aug. 18 , 1604 ; with feveral attefttations by the king's minifters, Aug. 19 , 1604. (Lat.) 79- 22 . James I; his inftruftions to the eommifiioners for the treaty with Spain, not to conclude on any point without having previoully apprized him of it. Weftm. May 22 , 1604 . 81 . 23. Don Luis Fafardo, to.; a letter of in¬ telligence? (Spanilli.) Jan. 30, 1605. 83. 24. Articles concerning a treaty of commerce, feemingly with Spain; with apoftills. (Lat.) 1604 . 85. 25. Draught of a preamble to a treaty, between England and Spain; probable that of Aug. 18 , 1604 . (Lat.) ' 87 EG. CiL 467 V E S P A S I A N, C. XIII- 26 . Ch. T). d’Aremberg, to James I ; about the reftitution of fome Sugars and other goods, belonging to Englill) fubjefts, and Seized by veflelsof Dunkirk. (Orig. Fr.) Brufiels, Jan. 4, 1604. 90. 27 . Another rough draught of XIII. 24. Di¬ es. Preamble to a commilfion for treating with 'Spanifli commiflioners. May 17 , 1604. 93. 29 . A note of fuch matters as the Englifli mer¬ chants trading in Spain and Portugal do offer to the consideration of the Privy Council, to be considered of in the treaty of amity with Spain ; alfo, the hum¬ ble requeft of the Said merchants for provision againft the nioleftation of the Inquifition. 1604. 95. SO. Two articles of a treaty, fpecifying the king¬ doms and States comprehended in the lame. (Lat.) 1604 . 10K 31 . Articles of a treaty with Spain; concerning the immunity of British Subjects refpcCting the Inqui¬ fition. (Lat.) 10S - 32 . Articles of the fame treaty with Spain; concern¬ ing liberty of conscience. (Span, and Lat.) 105. 33. Articles of the fame treaty ; concerning the free importation of German goods into England, and thence into Spain. (Lat.) 107- 34 . Three articles of the fame treaty ; concerning the decorum to be obferved by English mariners in matters of religion. (Spanilh.) 108 . S3. Notes, chiefly concerning the prices of various articles of trade in Spain. 109- 36 . A duplicate of XIII. 33 . ill. 37 . A treaty of alliance between the K. of Spain, and the republic of the Valais. (Fr.) 1604. 113. 38 . An article concerning the cautionary towns; fetit by fir Rob. Cecil to fir Dan. Dun. (Englifli and Lat.) June 8, 1604. 114. 39 . Duplicates of XIII. 33. and 34. 120. 40 . A preamble to a treaty between England and Spain. 122. 41 . A duplicate of XIII. 30. with an additional claufe. (Lat.) 124 . 42. Articles for the treaty exhibited by the com¬ missioners of the K. of Spain and the Archduke. (Lat.) June 29 , 1604. 126. 43. Reafons for the maintenance of his Majefty’s charter granted to the merchants trading into Spain. 135. 44 . A petition delivered by the merchants trading into Spain, to the Lords of Council. 140. 45 . Confiderations touching the peace. 145 . 46 . A minute of articles in former treaties; con¬ cerning the free intercourfe in all countries. (Lat.) 152. 47 . Reafons which Should induce England to go to war with Spain. 154 . 48 . Difcourfe upon the King’s necefiity to make peace or keep war with Spain; addrefied to Ld. Henry Howard. June, 160 S. 158. 49 . A difcourfe whether it be Sit for England to make peace with Spain; figned Ro. Cotton Bruce. 160 5. 160 . 50 . Confiderations touching the peace. 163 . 51 . Projeds touching the treaty of peace with Spain. 165. 52. A note, or privileges granted to the Englifli merchants by foreign princes. 16 ?. 53. An abftra6t of the charter granted by James I. to the merchants trading into Spain. May 31 , 1605 . 169. 54. Minute of the articles of a treaty between two crowns. 1 / 2 . 55. The treaty between England and Spain, of Aug. 18, 1604; together with the commission of James 1 . to his plenipotentiary, dated Weftm. May 19 , L 604 . * 1/4. 56. Jofeph Crefwell, ajefuit, to the E. of Salisbury ; urging him to promote the union of England with the church of Rome. Valladolid, June 20 , 1605. 207 . 57- Don Alonzo de Velafco, to.recom¬ mending a petition of one Erancefco Colli. (Orig. Hal.) April 16 , 1611 . 209- 58. Ferd. de Boisfliot, Ambaff. of the Arch¬ duke in London, to chancellor Prats; and a circu¬ lar letter to the governors and magistrates of the towns of the Low countries ; defiring that the E. of Elfex and Ld. Hen. Howaid, who were gone abroad to fight a duel, might be arrefted. (Fr. two origi¬ nals.) Lond. Sept. 8, 16 13. 211 . 59 . James I, to Philip III. K. of Spain and to the D. de Lenna; thanks for the good reception of Sir John Digby, and requesting that count de Gondo- mar be continued in his embafly in England. (Lat two letters.) Greenw. Jan. 18 , 1 G 18 - 19 . 215 . 60. A deliberation in council, “ Whether, as the terms now are betwixt England and Spain, it were not fit to banish all the commodities of Spain?” Jan. 19 , 1625-6. 217 . 61 . A collection of the main points contained in the intercepted difpatch of the count de Onale, Spa- nifli Ambalf. at Vienna: the beginning wanting. July, 1620 . 220 . 62 . An anfwer of the K. of Spain, to a petition of the Englifli merchants at St. Lucar, concerning their privileges ; with other papers relating thereto : the beginning wanting. July, 1620 . 224. 63. The manner of the camp of the king of Por¬ tugal ; being an account of the expedition of K. Se- baftian againSt the emperor of Morocco, and of the fatal battle of Alcazar, in which Sebastian was flain : two articles, with an additional note of the flain. Aug. 4, 1578. 240. 64. A remembrance concerning an intended treaty between Henry VIII. and the Emperor, for the mar¬ riage of the infant of Spain with princefs Mary ; aid againft the Turks, &c. 244 . 65. An account of a voyage of the Emperor from Savonna to Barcelona. (French.) April 28. 246. 66. Sir Tho. Spinelly, to Card. Wolfey? intelli¬ gence. 247 . 67 . A declaration of fome Englifli ambafladors, to commiffioners of Charles V; about matters of reli¬ gion. 249 . 68. A fragment of a letter, probably from Spinelly; concerning a marriage between princefs Mary and John K. of Hungary. (Lat. cypher, decyphered.) 251. 69 . Inachus Mendoza, to Sil. Darius; about an interview with Wolfey. (Orig. Lat.) 252. 70 . A petition of three monks, claiming reftitution of money and goods extorted from them by one Ri¬ chard, the captain of a Ship who had brought them from Lisbon to England. (Orig. Lat.) 253. 71 . A duplicate of XIII. 68. 255. 72 . Wm. Pepwell, to Tho. Cromwell; intelligence about fome English prisoners in Spain, the Pope at Marleilles, the Emperor, &c. (Orig.) St. Lucar, Nov. 15. 257. 73 . John Briertonne, to Tho. VTiothefley, clerk of the council; reports the journey of bis matter, an Englifli VESPASIAN, C. XIII. +6S Englifh ajnbaffador, tliiv.UL.-1) France; vivid fearchat i * «Grig ■ I olid, , . ■ 258. 74. A |i.v( i' of intelligence about the Emperor, &c. (French.’) 2G0. 75. The junta and procuradores of the provinces of Guiputcoa. Afairias, ike. to IJciirv vm ; concern¬ ing a peace concluded w ith the Englifh ambaffadors. (Grig. Sp.) Guelaria, July 22 , 1574? 261. 76. M in. Pepwell, to Henry \'IIT; intelligence about the Ehipcror, Barbarofia, .‘vc. (Grig.) St. Lucar, Dec. 26 . 262 . 77- Sir Tho. Spindly, to Card. M'olfey : intelli¬ gence about the Emperor, from Flanders, Italy, See. (Orig.) Ampton, July 4. 263. 78. Henry to Charles V; exprefTing friend- fliip and confidence. (Fr.) 0.65. 7!). A key to a cypher. 268 . 80. A d. elaration of the merchants of the ftaple, to Q. Elizabeth’s council. Aug. 14, 1564: with an an Acer thereto. 269 . 8 1 . Articles of a commercial treaty between Eng¬ land and Spain, touching the intercourle with the Low countries. (Three papers, Eat.) 1564. 073 . 82 . A deliberation between the council of Spain and the Engliih ambaifadors, concerning the affairs of Flanders. (Spanifh.) Sept. 09 . 077 . S Two official informations made by the council ot the new kingdom of Granada in India, concerning the ferviees of Martin Polo of Carthagena, (Orig. Sp.) Santa fe, May and July, 1593 . 278 . : !. R. (Robert Devereux) Earl of Efifex, to fec r Davilbn ; about his endeavours to reft ore him (Davi- lbn) to the queen’s favour : probably after the death of Mary Q. of Sc. (Orig.) Windfor, Oct. 2 . 288. 8 . 3 . Sir Walt. Raleigh, to fir ltobt. Cecil; intelli¬ gence concerning the expedition to Cadiz. July 7 . 290 . 86. Robt. Beale and Tho. Edmondes, to Mons. Riehardot; expoitulating about a conference which had been broken off. (Orig. Fr.) Loud. May 3, 1601 . 291 . 87 - Capt. Win. Martin, to "Win. Earle; intelligence about the motions of the 1). of Parma. 294 . 88. Capt. Mm. Martin, to his father; requeuing him to exert himfclf towards obtaining his pardom (Orig.) Ghent, Oct. 27 . 296 . 89- Minutes of intelligence from Spain. 297 . 90 . A journal of ionic Spanilh agent in London. (Spani/li.) 299 . 91 . Mm. llerle, to II. M'ilfon ; concerning the banifhincnt of one Guenas, who was iufpected of fomenting fedition in England. 301 . 92. A calendar of the nobility of Spain. 303. <)•». Reafons for continuing a governor in Spain for the Engliih merchants trading thither. 30.3. 94 . A difeourfe concerning the peace with Spain, and the retaining the Netherlands in fociety and pro¬ tection. S 07 . 95. Sir Francis M’alfingliam, to Lck Burleigh? in¬ telligence about the appointment of a vice chancellor ike. (Orig.) The M erke ? April 15 , 1587. 3 is. 96. Information from M’m. Davis, of live feveral confuls that have been made by the Spaniards linee 1603, the year of Q. Elizabeth's death, contrary to the privileges of the nation. 3 ) 4 . 97 . Caufes of the troubles of her Majefty's fubjeeis in Italy, Sicily, and Malt#. * 316 . 98 . An order of Council, fettling the mode of trad¬ ing to the iilaud of Guernlev with Engiilh goods for the return of Spanifh goods. * “ 3 j |S . 99 . 1 ) Jn. dc Mendoza, to the Emperor; about fen dug the lip. of M’orccfter and Dr. Lee out of Flanders. (Orig. Sp.) Gravelines, une 3. 320. 100 . A fragment of a letter to the Emperor, defir¬ ing a fafe-conduct for one John Curlon. J 22 . 101. A Spanifli ordinance, concerning the levy of certain taxes and duties. (Eat. two copies.) 323. 102. Tho. Mafon, to Dr. Tho. Starkey at Padua ; an account of his obfervations in Spain. ’, Ovi<>-. [_ ladolid, July 3 , 1534? ° 5 o~ 104. A paper of intelligence from Spain, concern¬ ing tlie conftable, &c. ( Fr.) ‘ 104. Card. M olfey, to Dr. Sampfon; concerning bis pen lion on the biihoprieks of Pace and Palentia. M'eftm. Dec. 5 . 33 j 105 . J. FAllemand, to Card. Wolftev; concerning his laid penfions. (Orig. Fr.) Madrid, Feb. 08. 333. 106 . A lift of the nobles, as well Spaniards as Italians, who went with the Emperor to Tunis. 334 . 107. A brief difeuflion, feemingly about Henry VIIIth’sTcruples concerning bis marriage. (Lat.) S35. 108. A ft heme for the diftribution of 4,000 florins, being her Majefty's yearly alms to the Engliih in the Low countries ; with a form of the royal warrant for that bounty: the diftributors were Arrias Montanus and fir Fr. Englefield. 1370. 335. 109 . A paper of intelligence concerning the vi¬ gorous preparations of the Spanifh king, nobility, clergy, ike. againft the Low countries, England, and France. 110. John Hutton, to Mr. M'riotlieflcy; concern¬ ing bis endeavours to obtain the refutation of a ihip, ike. (Orig.) Feb. 6 . 340. ’ 111. A long polemical difeuflion of ftomc Englifli catholic (probably a Jefuit) concerning the reforma¬ tion in England; from “Jefusdel Monte,” a con¬ vent in Spain. 340 . 1 12. Demands to be made by her Majefty's com- 111 i dinners in the treaty of peace'between her and the K. of Spain. 3-0. 113 . A political and moral difeourfe, by Ynigo Yvanes tie Santa Cruz. (Spanifli.) ’ 373. 114. A difeourfe concerning the Spanifli Armada, addreffed to Ld. Burleigh and fir Fr. M'ailingham! (Italian.) " 389. 1 15. Sir Ch. Cornwallis ? to the Ld. admiral (Not¬ tingham) on various commercial affairs in Spain, See. 393 . 116 . Inftruftions to commiftioncrs negociating a peace between England, France, and Spain. (A part of a corrected draught.) 3 ^ 3 . 1 17. Artieles of alliance between Spain and the republic of the Valais. (Fr.) 399 . 118. Reafons for and againft a permillion for trad¬ ing with the Indies. 4 01 119. Lift of noblemen and others who accompanied the lord admiral into Spain. 403. 120. Alonzo de Velaftco, Spanifli ambaffador in England, to.concerning the toleration of catholic priefts in England. (Sp,) London, June IS, 1612. 40 j. 121 . Flie bill of Mr. Man’s expenfes on a journey to Spain. 1 407 . 122 . Succeflion of kings of England and Spain, fyuchronologically arranged, 403 . 12 s. A VESPASIAN, C. XIII. XIV. 46$ 1 03 . A memorandum how to leave paper, in a hook on Spain. 409. ] ‘ 24 . An account of the dreffes and draperies of the portraits of the kings of Spain in the royal hall at Se¬ govia. (Sp.) ' 410 . 1 25 . Arguments to prove that the troubles between England and Spain originated with the IX. of Spain. (A draught in Cecil’s hand.) 414 . 126 . An account of the fuperior councils and tri¬ bunals in Spain, Portugal, and the Indies. 4 lb. 127. A rough draught of a letter on fome eccle- fiaftical affairs. 435 . 12s. Names and political ftate of the provinces ceded by Philip II. to Albert and Ifabella. 437 . 129. Minutes of fevcral charters and privileges granted to the Englilh merchants trading in Spain; with matters offered by them to the conlideration of the Privy Council, towards a treaty. 449 . Vefpajian , C, XIV. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 636. 1. Admiralli Angliantemporib. Edw. 1 .11. et III. 1. 2. A fragment of an opinion on a caufe pending before the admiralty court. 3 . S. A treatife on Englilh and Scottith Hiips trading into France. 4. ■ 4. References to cafes of advowfons of church livings. 6 . 5 . De mercatoribus alienigcms. 7 - 6 . A protection againft unjuft tolls and exac¬ tions. 7. 7. A declaration of the proceedings between Mr. Wni. Turner and Gerard Malynes; concerning the allmn works in tlic north: addrelfed to the E. of Dorfet. H. T. S. S. A repertory of cafes relating to ambaffadors. 11. 9. A paffport of 0 . Elizabeth in favour of fir Hen. Unton, going ambaflador to France. (Grig.) July 2 , I 5 QI. 14 . 10. Tho. Wilton juft ice of peace, to fcc y . touching the arreit of'a fervant of the Spanifli arn- baffador ; with the Sp&nilh ambatfador’s letter, and an order of council thereupon. (Grig.) Whitehall, Sept. 23 , 1624. 15 . 11. An account of the Bp. ofWinchefter’s (Sleph. Gardiner) charges for his laft journey into France; ending Sept. 28 , 1539: IS. 12. Sir Tho. Wyatt's account of expenfes on his embafly in France. 1538 . 19. 13. Various papers (moftly draughts) of obferva- tions on a rcmonftrance of the Daniih ambaffador againft the Englilh filhingoff Iceland andWardhoufe. 1599 . 21 . 14 . Vadia allocata diverfis ambafliatoribus; tem¬ porib. diverforum regum. 30 . 15 . Pope Gregory, to the Archbp. of Canterbury; concerning appeals to Rome. (Lat.) 33 . 16. Notes concerning appeals. 34. 17. The giving of armorials no way hurtful to the commonwealth. 35 . 18. An original writing of Richard earl of Cam¬ bridge, being afubmifiion to K. Henry v. (onvellum.) 39 . 19. Articles againft Edmund D. of Somerfet. (on vellum.) 40 . cn. Articles charged againft Michael de la Pole. 10 Ilic. II. (Grig. French, on vellum,) 43. 21. De camera regis, collcCtanea. . 53 . 22. The yearly charge within the office of the treafurer of the Queen’s chamber. 55. 23 . Henry VIII ; reproving the city of London for not providing horfes for the carriage of his wine and provifion. 64. b. 24 . A memorial of certain infltructions and orders to hr Peter Carew and three others, for things to be done in the tower of London. Sept. 16, 1572. 65 . 25 . Remembrances for an ambaflador’s placing 4 and paftime, Sec. the faid ambaifador being admiral of France. 1546. 67. 26. The rewards given to the ladies at the chriften- ing of the Dauphin's child. 76. b. 27. Excerpta, de regum ceremoniis. 77. 28 . Ceremony of entertaining my lady Motrell; in a letter from Wm. Pemzoy, to the Ld. mayor of London. Aug. 24. " ” 79. 29. Orders for the reception of Q. Catherine- (imperfeCt.) si. 30 . Lodgings at Hampton-court, ufed to be ap¬ pointed by the gentleman ufficr. temp. Hen. vm. 90 . 3 1. The ordinary accuftomcd to be lodged within the Kings majefty’s houfe. 92. 32 . Warrant of K. Janies I, to Hen. E.of Northamp¬ ton, keeper of the privy feal; appointing fir Lewis Lewkenor mafter of the ceremonies to ambaffadors. (on vellum.) Wcftm. Sept. 10, 1619. 94. 33 . The duty of the clerk of the market, appointed by the hoard of green cloth. 93. 34 . The tee of the clerk of the crown for an in¬ dictment. Q5. # 35 . Fcedera et ligae cum principibus tranfmarinis, et eorum ftipendia. 90. 36 . Conftabularii Anglia & temp. Gul. I. ad 24 Edw. III. 97. 3 7 - Exemplificatio Lit. Pat. Ric. nr. conftituens Rad. Afsheton vice-confiabularium. Coventry, OCt. 24 , 1483 . 100. 38 . Conftabularii turns Londinenfis, ab A 0 2 Ric. 1. ad An. 1 Hen. IV. 101. 39 . Expenfa Jacobi R. Scotia, domini tic Tutvill ctT 7 aliorum militum de partibus tranfmarinis, pri- fonariorum domini regis in turri Lond. s Hen. v. (in membrana.) 103. 40 . Articles and ordinances made by K. Henrv viir for fir Tho. Lovell and fir Richard Cholmlev, all the yeomen of his guards, and the foldiers that at¬ tend in the tower. 1509. io6. 41. Proceedings in a fuit in the exchequer, be¬ tween the gentleman porter, and Hemyng, rcfpeCtino- certain houfes 011 the ditch tide by the poltern of the tower. 107. 42. Collections on proceedings for contempt. 108. 43 . Coronatores comitatuum, et de eorum officio. 109. 44 . Account of corruptions in the courts of juf- ticc. no. 45 . Sacramentum R. lien. II. in coronatione ejus. 1185 . 112. 46 . De officiariis domus domini Edwardi regis, qui fervierunt in die coronationis cjufdem; et de libertatibus eifdem officiariis pertinentibus. 11.3. 6 D 47. Two 47 ° VESPASIAN, C. XIV. 47 . Two original warrants of Edw. II. refpefting bis coronation. (Lat. on vellum.) 116. 48 . An original warrant of lien. VI. appointing Humphry I). of Gloucefter fteward at the corona¬ tion. (Lat. on vellum.) 1430 . 11s. 49. An original warrant of Rich. II. on a petition of the widow of hr John Dimmock, defiring the fees due to her late hufband, as champion at the corona¬ tion. (IT. on vellum.) 119. .so. An original warrant of Henrv VI. to the keeper of the wardrobe; for equipping a horfe for hr Ph. Dimmock, champion at the next coronation. (Fr. on vellum.) 1430 . 119. 3 1. Things to be provided for the creation of the prince of ’d ales (Henry) for his principality, duke¬ dom, and earldom. 1603. 120. 51 . Neceffaries to be provided by the maftcr of the jewel-houfe, the day of the King and Queen's coronation. 121. 53 . Coronatio regis, et forma ejus juramenti, ex llot. clauf. 1 Edw. II. 122. 54 . The manner of the attendance of the judges at the coronation of queen Anne (Bolcvn) as reported by fir John Spelman, one of the number. 124. 55 . Collectanea de coronationibus variorum regum. 1 ‘ 25 . 5 ( 1 . Epiftolaj varia? Alcxandri III. Papa?, ad Archiep. et Epifc. Anglia?, de coronatione lilii Hen. II. A° Ji 70 . 127. 5 7 - Ilenrici I. carta, qua in coronation© fua cccle- fiam liberum reddit, ir.alas conflictudincs regni au- fert, Eccl. Cuituar. monachis liberiates regiafque cOnfuetudines confirmat; ex libro cartar. Archiep. C’antuar. 129. 58 . Coronatio regis Ricardi 1. ut deferibitur in chronii is Joh. Cations, monachi Weihnon. ccenobii, quern Leylandus antiquarius vocat Joh. Tiberium vel Sever. 130. 59. Coronatio regis Ilenrici ill. 132. 60. Exccrpta ex rotulo ferviciofufti factorum domino R. Hen.lv. die coronationis fua.*, per domi¬ nos magnates et alios ligeos fuos. 133. 61. An account of the coronation of Eleanor Q. of Henry III. 44]. 62. A hrict abftraft of the King's commiffion for fees in the courts. Oct. 8, 1G10. 144. Go. Cuftodes regni, ab A° 1190 ad An. 3 Hen. A". 145 . 64. Sir Tho. Audley cuftos figilli, to Mr. Crom¬ well, then with the king at. Calais. (Orig.) Oft. 15, 15 . 149 . 65 . Collections concerning the authority of a P10- fe&or. " 150 . 66 . Notes of defeent of inheritance. 151. 6 ;. Dower of ladies, in what lands reftrained. 132. 68 . Notes of orders for feeding, eloathing, and relieving certain number of poor at Wcftminftcr, Windfor, and London: temp. Hen. HI. 153. 69 - A eommillion for the trial of felons. 1576. 154 . - 70. ColleC i.ms concerning felony and felons. 157. 71. Daniel Dun's opinion on the petition of the felt-makers. 150. 72. C olleCtions concerning lccuritics or pledges for fidelity and good behaviour. 162. 73 . Forms of oaths of homage and fealty. (IT. and Englifh: on vellum.) ' 162. b. 74 . Form of forfeiture to the King 1G3. 75. Collections relating to forfeitures of offices. H4. 76 . Notes of two cafes of forgery. jq- 77 - Calcs of pci Ions killing theinfclves. ids. 78 . Reafons again ft the palling of fines of infor¬ mations in fee-farms: this relates to fume oflicr held by Ld. Morlcy. 7Q. John Young, to the Ld. Privy Seal (E. of Northampt.) touching a grant applied for bv I.d. Morlcy. (Orig.) July 20, 1613. 170 . 80. Papers concerning the better recovers- of fines from offenders: thefe relate to -Ld. Morlcy.' 171. 81. Original order for the funeral of Joan fecond wife to Ileftry IA\ with the ceremonial. 15 Hen. vt. 1 75 . 82. Epitaphs on fir Oliver St. John, 168O; Oliver Nidi. St. John, 1500 ? and BolVille, or BolVell, prior of Norwich. S 3 . Notes rcfpe&ing funerals. 179. 84 . Epitaphs defigned for lir Era.'U'alfinghaiii and fir Phil. Sidney. ig ( ,_ 85 . The manner of the laic funeral exequies for the French king (Char. IX.) at St. Paul's cathedral, London ; and a brief declaration of the charges of the diet thereat. ' j y j S 6 - Notes towards compiling* epitaphs for fir Phi¬ lip Sidney and fecretary Walfingham. ia.>. 87 . The manner of the funeral of prince Henrv. 16 ! 2 . 187 ( SS. Epitaphs on Mary Billing, and Albert Arclid. of Auftria. xsu. 89. Epitaph to the memory' of James I. his Queen, and Charles (Henry r)I J r. of Wales, by EdmundScorv • with other epitaphs on K. James. 190, 90. The funeral of Mrs. Ann Ofborn, widow of Peter Ofborn, Efq. remembrancer of the exchequer. Feb. 28 , 1615 . (on vellum.) 1 91 . Carmen votivum in laudem Maria? Scotor. re- gina*. R. Jacobo 1. cjufque uxovi et progenie, dica- tum ab Edmundo Maria 15 . Anglo Britauno. 197, 92. Notes concerning homicide. 200. 93 . Dr. John Clerk, to Card. \\ olfcv ; reports how well the king had received the cardinal's dilpatchc* and niell’ages, &c\ (Orig.) Woodl'toe'k, April 27. ■20 J. 94. Two warrants of Q. Elizabeth, creating the earls of Huntingdon and Lciceiter knights of the Garter. (Orig.) 1570 and 1572. 203. 95. A warrant of Q. Elizabeth, dilpenfing wilh the attendance of a certain knight, of the Garter at a chapter of the order. (Orig.) April 6, 205 . 96. A confutation of the opinion, that Jionnu> and titles of dignity are hereditaments: alfo, the dif¬ ference between the laws of the land, and the rules and cuftoms of honour, concerning the peers ant! nobility of the kingdom: by Rich. St. George, No:- rov. 20;. 97. Certain reafons that the profeffors of the com¬ mon laws ought not to be excluded from practiling in cafes of honour. 2119 98 . Notes relating to the royal houfehokl. 211. 99 - Huberti (Gualteri) Archiep. Cauluar. mndiii- catio inimoderali ntimcri minilirorum in Eccl. Cl rii't: Cant uar. I 2 f> 3 . 1 100. Notes relating to the houfehold. 215. 101. An order of the Privy Council, for railing- annually- 471 VESPASIAN, C. XIV. annually 10,000 marks, for defraying the expenfes of the houfehold. (Orig.) temp. Hen. VI. 21 8 . 102. A brief of the ftatute of E 1 tham, for the go¬ vernment of the king's houfehold. 2is. 103 . A warrant of Henry vm, for the ifi'ue of money for livery coats for the yeomen of the guards, grooms, pages, and others of the houfehold. Wind- for, June 10, 1526 . 241. b. 104 . The patent of Edward IV, creating his elded Ion duke of Cornwall. 14G9. 243 . 105 . Names of perfons to whom a commiffion had been directed to inquire after concealmefils, Sec. in Sa¬ lop, Ileref. Glouc. and Wigorn. 17 Hen. VIII. 243. b. 106. Mcnfale, i. e. expenfes for the King’s table, for June, July, Aug. and Sept. 1470: alfo, notes of annual allowances for the Queen, Pr. of Wales, Sec. (on vellum.) 244 . 107. Liveries with the King, the Queen, the Princes, and the'whole houfehold at Greenwich, in Nov. A° 12 Hen. VIII. i. e. a lilt of the perfons at court, with the total of their expenfes. 245 . b. 108 Perfons attending upon lady Mary and lady Elizabeth, daughters of Henry vm. 246 . 109 - The nialfe (i. e. totals) of the houfehold; with the increafe of new fees and wages, temp. Hen. VIII. 247. 110. Orders for the King's privy chamber. 249 - 111. Remembrances unto the Queen's grace, of matters that be needful for her to know. 252. 112. Orders for attendance when the King goeth to dinner, ■walk, hunt, &c. 2 . 5 S. 113. Orders for the King’s and Queen's outer chambers, 253 . b. 114. Certain ordinances concerning the good order of perfons in the King’s privy chamber. 237. 1 15 . An order of Henry vm, for the E. of Wor- celler, his chamberlain; and for the due execution of that office. 265. 116. Orders for the board of green doth. 268. 117. Immunity granted by K, John to the Abp. of Canterb. to hold ailizes, Nc. and oilier grants and notes on immunities. 270. 1 is. A grant of many immunities and privileges, to John (iednev, alderman of London. (Orig. Lat. on vellum; fuperferibed It. p. probably Henry vi. A 0 20 regni.) “ 272. b. 119. A grant of immunities, to AuguRine 1 c valcis de Wexebrug, whom the king Riles ” DileCtus vallettus lioRer.” 14 Edw. ill. 273. 120. A grant of immunities. See. to fir Edmund Hampden. Jan. 25 , 35 Hen. vi? (Lat. on vellum.) 274. b. 121. A grant of immunities, See. to Guido Sennet. 24 lien. VIII. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) 275. 122. A11 exemption granted to ‘William (Hayworth) Bp. of Litclilield and Coventry, from attending par¬ liament, on account of his age and infirmities. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) 17 lien. VI. 277. 123. A grant of immunities to John Carpenter, late feevetary to the city of London. (Orig. Lat. on vellum.) 18 Hen. vi. o 7 -_ 124. A grant of immunities to Thomas Havill, of Oxford, brewer. (Lat. on vellum.) 36 Hen. vi. 125 . A grant'of immunities to John Cotton, Efq. 277 - b. 126. A note of the denization of Nic. de Stute- Villc. 27 ft 127. A note ot an order for leprous perfons being removed from the highways. 22 Edw. III. 279. 128. Divers orders refpe6ting the Jews. 280. 129. Notes of orders refpedting ulury. ' 282! 130 . Quffiftiones juris civilis. 2 S 3 . 131. Liter* juftitiariorum itinerantium. 287. 1S2. Juftitiarii Hibernia*, et alibi. 288 . 133 . Capitals juftitiarii de Banco. 289. 134 . Barones Scaccarii. 291. 135 . Capitals juftitiarii coram rege. 293. 136 . Juftitiarii Anglise. 297. 137. Ricardi l. liter*, quihus abfolvit Hubcrtum (Gualter) Archiep. Cantuar. a cuftodia regni, et pi lubftituit Gaufridum fil. Petri. 298. 138 . The original order of council, that flieriffs fliall not have the charge of the ju Rices . of alTizes diet, but that the judges be allowed it out of her Ma- jefty's coffers. Feb. 21, 1373. 299. 139 . A difeuflion, that reafons are as well to be ufed by lawyers in their pleadings as authorities. 300; 140 . The common law of the land, in cafes of granting protections at fea, Rated, Sec. 302. 141 . The Run of the commiffion for reformation of officers towards both laws. 1594. 316. 142. Notes concerning law jurifdi&ions; leges fundamentals ; canon law. si7. 143 . InRru&ions to the E. of Bedford, Lieut, of the counties of Devon, Cornwall, and the city of Exeter. 1577. 320. 144 . Notes concerning the King's children. 326 . 145 . Draught of a patent for liberties. 327. 146 . A note on licences granted for croffing the fea (transfretare.) 329. 147 - De auftoritate loeumtenentis Anglise, vel cuRodis : temp. Hen. VIII. 330. i ts. Orders for the redrefs of the cuflom-houfe, and its officers. 33 j. 149. An original letter of council; touching the affize of bread in London. March 20, 1573. 3S8. 150 . Report of fir Hen. Yelverton, folicitor-gene- ral; concerning encroachments upon waftc grounds granted to the city of London, &c. with the cafes of Ld. Dacre and Lord Paget. April 19, 1614. 340. 1 5 1. On the government, of the city of London, and the dignity of the aldermen. 34]. 152 . The private opinion of Sir Rob. Jhonfion, concerning the common fewers, Sec. in and about London. April 20, 1605. 344. 153 . Inftru&ions to fir Fr. Knolles, and other com- miffioners, for provifion of corn. March 20, 1573. 346 . 154 . Notes on privileges granted to the city of London. 347. 155 . A note of books of the common law of this land, not publilhed. 349. 156 . On the origin of the common law. 351. 137 . Archeion : or, of the high courts of jufiice in England. 353. 158 . On the common law of England, and the jurifdidtion of the chancellor. 355. 159. Wm. Sebright, town-clerk of London; his anfwcr refpedling his figning a legality to a deed brought to him by a notary public. 1599 . 357 160. De canellis vicis et ward is, notul*. 338 161. Rex Hen. Ill, diiclainat jus futun in matri- monio inter Matildam fororem Rio. de Rofs et Gulf. de VESPASIAN, C. XIV. 472 de Percie: aliaq. notula de II. de Nevill. O'Job. 359 . 16a. Notes concerning fines for the marriage of heireffes. 360 . 163 . “ That Marcfcallus Anglia’, or his lieutenant, Was that marihal which was joint judge in the laid court.” 302 . 164. “ That the marihal is joint judge with the fteward in curia Marefchalcia; hofpitii regis.” 38 . 5 . 1O.5. Draught of a letter from the Privy Council, to the E. Marihal; about difplacing fir W'm. Dethick. 393 . 106 . The names and arms of the earls marfhals of England; collected by Fr. Thynne, in 1597. (Im¬ perfect.) " 395 . 167. An account of the office of fteward of the houlehold. (A draught.) 399 - 1 Os. Another fragment; concerning the office of earl marllial. 400 . 169. Copy of a grant of earl marihal, to George Talbot carl of Shrewlbury, by queen Elizabeth. 1573 . 404 . 1 70 . An order of the commiffioncrs for the office of earl marihal, refpe&ing tradefmen intermeddling with the mavfhalling of arms, kc. (printed.) 1618. 409. 171. Grant of Henry 111. of the office of E. mar¬ llial, to W. (Walter Marihal) E. of Pembroke. Nov. 5 , 1242 . 410 . 172. Another copy of XIV. 1 70. 4 11. 173 . Another copy of XIV. 90 . 412. 174 . Concerning the power of the marfliaFs court. 414 . 175 . A warrant, appointing feveral king’s phyfi- cians. 32 Hen. VI. 415 . i 7 6 . The mealure of a perch of land. 4 16. 177 . The reafon of the merchants in Spain main: taining their aer, reftraining corn Ihips to return com¬ modities; bullion, fait, and oranges excepted: ad- drelled to the E. of Leicefter. 41 8 . 178. A cafe between the merchants adventurers and interlopers. 419. 179 - A licence of Q. Elizabeth, for tranfporting 1000lb. of bullion into Ruffia. (Grig.) May 20, 1582 . 420 . b. ISO. Queftions about the King’s power, in laying eufloms on goods, &c. 421. 181. Notes of rewards given to king's melfengers. temp. Edw. I. and III. and Hen. III. 422. 182. Commiffions, and notes; concerning officers offending, examined, and punilhed. temp. Hen. III. 423 . 183 . The oaths of various officers of Rate, and others of law, revenue, the houlehold, &c. 425 . 184 . Articles for the ordering of the manrede of this the King’s realm, and for the good advancement of juftice, and prefervation of the common weal of the fame. 439. 185 . Oath of the ferjeant of the frunaige. 44 1. 186. -of a clerk in the office of privy feal. (Fra. Mylles. 39 Eliz.) 443. 187 - The oath of the counfcllors, with inRruftions to the counfcllors of the King’s daughter (Mary) and coinmiffioners of Wales, temp. Hen. \ III. 444. 188. Notes concerning violators of the peace. 446 . 189 - An order of council, againft fortifying cables in M ales. (Orig. on vellum.) Weftnn Aug. 17, 1460 ? 446 . b. 190. Notes concerning juRiccs of peace. 443. 191. Sentence againft Win. Fitzofbert, for rebel¬ lion. 1 195 . 192. Order for feizing the Knights Templers, and their polfeffions. 1 Edw. II. 450. 193. Proceedings againft Henry Percv, E. of Northumberland, in the Star chamber. I60G. 451. 194. Notes of proceedings'againit feveral of the nobility. 4-,,, 195 . Notes concerning officers offending, how ex¬ amined and punilhed. " 455. 196 . Collections relating to petitions to the King, or to whom he appointeth. 458. 197 - An opinion and decree of juftice Yelvcrton, in the court of exchequer, in a caufe between Ro¬ bert Calvyn and R. and N. Smith; concerning a meffuage in Shoreditch. May 7, 160s. 459. 19s. An order of council for tlie poRs between London and the borders of Scotland. (Orig.) Jan 14 , 1583 - 4 . ° 467. 199. A difeourfe of the prerogative royal, againft authorizing men to judge by dilcretion and not by law. 469. 200. Notes to prove that the prerogative may be reRrained. 4'- t 201. Notes refpefting the prerogative. 478. 202. A11 ouler of the K. (Hen. vi.) in council, for reRoving John Nevill to his poffelfions. Aug. 27 1460 . ” 47> f 203 . A royal licence, in favour of tlie merchants of Newcaftlc, to export wool. (Orig.) March 26. 7 Hen. 477 204 . Continuation of XIV. 201 . 47s. 205 . An account of Tho. Weldon, cofferer of the houfehold ; containing the charges of Q. Elizabeth’s progrels into Suffolk. 1561. 431. 206. Notes concerning royal prohibitions to buy or fell lands. 490. 207. Notes on the purpreRures of foreRs. 491. 208. Records and charters of the privileges of the tower of London; compiled by Walter Darrel, Reward of the Queen's court there. Sept. 30, 15S7. 492 . 209. An order of Henry vi, for providing writers and books for copying the Red book of the Excheqr. and other books. 1446 . 499-. 210. An account of the records in the King’s trea- fury, Weftininfter. 4 g 7 . 211. A feheme propofed for the better prefervation of the records in the Tower and Rolls chapel ; with proper directions for lot ting and placing them. 507. 212. The nature of fueh records in the Exchequer as Chriltopher Vernon hath voluntarily begun to fort. 508 . 213. Notes, concerning the. records of the King’s court; when to be moved. 510. 214. Divers warrants, orders, and other writings concerning proceedings againft rebels; feveral of them originals on vellum, temp. Hen. VI. &c. 51 1. 215 . A letter from I’erdinando lord Strange, the Bp. of Chefter, and 6 others, to lit IT. Wallingham ; affigning reafons why the eccleliaftical commiffion cannot well be executed in Chelliire, according to the inftru&ions. (Orig.) IMav 22, 1588 . 526. 216. Chriftopher Goodman’s proteftation of obe¬ dience to the Queen. Apr. 23 , 1571 . 528 . 217. Jo. (Whitegift) Archbp. of Canterbury, to Q. Elizabeth ; touching the objections made to the fubfeription of the book of Common Prayer. Lam¬ beth, April 24 , 1584 . 529 . VESPASIAN, C. XIV.—XVI, 473 eis. Jo. (Aylmer, Bp. of) London, to Ld. Suffix ; againft; Bullen and Bullingham’s being made bilbops. London, Feb. i, 1579 - 530 . 219. Tho. (Cowper, Bp. of) Lincoln; bis order for exercifes in preaching, and appointing four mode¬ rators in HertfordJhire. Oct. 26, 1574 . 531 . 220. Notes concerning rewards for fervices. 535 . 221. Copy of a letter written by order of Q. Eli- beth to the mayor of London, in defence of the E. of Leicefter. 1585 . 536 . 222. Notes of punifliments for railing falfe ru¬ mours. 537 - 223 . The yearly and ordinary expenfes of the Sa¬ voy ; with the revenue, certain and ordinary. 538 . 224. Q. Elizabeth’s warrant, appointing Wm. Da- vifon fecretary of ftate. (Lat) Dec. 12, 1586 . 539 . 225 . Lord Bacon’s fpccch in the Star-chamber, •againft feditious books and libels. 540 . 226. Notes concerning furrenders and feizures. 542 . 227 . Notes of proceedings on fcandalum magna- tum. 546 . 228. Notes concerning a proceeding in the Star- chamber. 547 - 229. Notes relating to tournaments. 553 . 230 . A paper for the better government of the army, and againft perfons abfenting after gayge of battayle, and going oft from battayle. 554 . 231 . Rules for government, and how a prince may behave therein. 559. 232 . Eight fovercign things which do make princes, lords, and others to live juftly, and be beloved of their people. 560 . 233 . A true relation of all things that happened betwixt my Lord General, colonel Cheeke, and my- fclf (Tho. Dutton.) Grig. Sept. 20, 1 6 10. 562 *. 234 . The manner how the defendants do anfwer the Prince's highnefs challenge; being a lift of names. 568 . 235 . Of combats, in Mr. Carter’s houfe. May 22, 1601. (a draught.) 569 * 236 . The ordinances that belong in gayging of battayle, made by qwarrcll, after the confutations made by king Philip of France. 570. 237 . Account of the writ of fuperfedeas ; with two original writs, the one of Edw. IV. and the other of Den. Vi? 571. 238 . A licence for the exportation of corn, ligned T. Buckurft (Ld. treafurcr.) 1601. 574. 2.39. An account of conferences had with D. Lopes, a rebel in confinement. 57G. 240 . The effect of a petition and a declaration of V, m. \\ atfon, who appears to have been taken up for treafon. 579, 241. A paper, ligned Ed. de Barney, giving lifts, and feme account of the Spanifli, Wclih, and'Sco’t- tilh factions. 580. 242. A warrant lor pulling down the E. of North¬ umberland's banner at Windfor. 1569. 5S3. ^ 243. C. (Ch. Nevill E. of) Weftmorland, to the E. of I.eicelier; requefting him to intercede with the Queen for his pardon, (Grig.) Antwerp, May 4, 15 79 . 584 . 244 . An order of Q. Mary, to the magiftrates o Newcaltle, to fit out 4 or 5 Iliips for the apprehenfio of r iho. Stafford’s Iliips coming from Searborou°h and thofc of other traitors. April 27, 1557. Alike oi tler fent to Hull. 585. 245 . Notes relating to tenants in capite. 588 . 246 . Notes concerning treafure trove. 589. 247. Notes concerning fwans. 590. 248 . Lift of the German electors, and a few princes. 591 . 249. Collodions relating to wards and liveries. 592 . 250 . Notes relating to wine, and the vintners at Oxford. 593; 251 . Notes relating to the univerftties. 594. 252 . Notes on rating the prices of victuals. 595. 253 . A11 alphabetical index of the general heads of the contents of this book. 596. 254. Notes relating to watchmen. 598. 255 . Draught of a letter to the E. of Bedford (Fra. Ruftell) concerning wines. March 8 , 1558 . 599 . 256 . Lifts of perfons, in Dutch; feemingly the al¬ lotment of lodgings to the E. of Elfex and his fuite, when he went to the Hague. Dec. 26 , 1585 . 601. 257. An account of the leagues and confederacies between England and foreign Princes. 611. Vtfpafian , C. XV. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 61. Regiftrum chartarum prioratus de Ronton, in agio Stafford enfi. Vefpajian , C. XVI. Codex partim membran. partim chartac. in folio, confians fol. 160 . 1. A mufter roll of military tenants at Berwick; fpecifying the times of their fervices, and the wa°-es to be paid them. (Lat. on vellum.) A 0 5 Ediw 1. 1277? j. 2. A mufter roll for the towns of Roxburgh, Edin¬ burgh, and Linlithgow. (Lat. on vellum.) 1277? 9. 3 . A mufter roll of the horfes belonging to the military tenants mentioned in the two preceding rolls, and at Perth and Dundee; fpecifying their prices. (Lat. on vellum.) 1277? 13. 4. A rent roll of divers royal farms, duties, See. at Berwick, and in Scotland. (Lat. on vellum.) 1277- 20. 5 . Copy of an inftrument, in which Gharlemain re¬ commends the reftoration of feveral Scottiih mona- freries in Germany. (Latin.) Between A 0 800 and 8 1 4 . 21 6 . A lift of the nobility and gentry of Scotland who did homage to Edw. 1. 24 Edw. I. 1296. 22. 7 . An indenture of the treaty between the com- miflioners of Edw. ill. and Robert the Reward, and the nobility of Scotland, for the releafe of K David Bruce: with a lift of the hoftages. (vid. Rym. VI. 46.) (French, on vellum.) Berwick, Od. 3, 1357. 27. s. De Davide Bruys rege, ejufque captivitate in Anglia. 13 . . . 34. 9 - A rough draught of a part of the hiftory of Scotland, beginning with Rob. II. and down to about 1454 . (French, laid to be in fee* Naue’s hand. 41. 10. Edward iv : his infpeximus of the truce con- hided with Scotland at Newcalile, Dec. 12, 1465. (vid. Rym. XI. 557 and 558 .) (Lat.) Weftminfter* June 1, 1466? 11. A contrad for a marriage between James G D eldeft < VESPASIAN, C. XVI.-D. III. 474 iel: and Greg. Hereinita, to .... Varadi, Dec. 28 ; on the affairs of K. John of Hungary. 28. b. l• P. Bp. *'■' Vefprin, to pope Leo X; on the death of h. 'R ladillaus \ 11 . and the fatal conlcquences of it to himfelf. Lat.) Yelprin, March 26, 1516. 107 . 64. Eric count ofllomi and Brockhufen, to Henry VIII: Anting, that, in behalf of the caufc of his two nephews, he would join in a war againlt Sweden. (Orig. Lat.) Stoltzcnaw, March 10 , 15 >0. 108. 8. Liters imperatorum, padla, renunciationes; omnia ad hanc controvcrflam lpcdiantia. 78 . 9 . Rationes qnibus probatur ducatus Julis-Clivice, See. feuda elfc mafculina et non feeminina. 96 - 10 . Demonftratio quare feuda Juliacenfia-Clivla, &c. femper unita manere, neutiquam vero dividi debean t. jqj ik PrstenCones Saxonies in ducatibus Julis- Clivice; et earum refutatio. 104 . 12 . Deduetio petitorii contra eledtorem et principes Saxonite, VESPASIAN, F. II. III. 485 Saxonia*, Julirc-Cliviaj ct Montium poffeffionis com- munionem, Ipreto judicii ordine, affeftantes. 136. 13 . De fucceffione Jnlio-Clivienfi, ampliflima dif- eeptatio. 172 . 14. A copy of the act of appeal, IT. 1. with copies of eight inltrumcnts; being confirmations of privi¬ leges, compacts, &c. referred to in the faid aft. (Fr.) 223. Vefpq/ianus , F. III. Codex chartac. in fol. folior. 117 . The papers in this volume, very few excepted, are originals. 1 . A charter of K. William I; giving a manfion in Norfolk called Walton, to the monaftery of St. Pan- eras at Lewes. (Lat.) 1 . 2 . A charter of Hen. l; granting divers immu¬ nities to the monaftery of St. Pancras at Lewes. (Lat.) l.b. 3. A memorandum concerning the furrender of Brelt; probably in the reign of Richard II. (Fr.) 3. 4. An order for apprehending lady Spencer and her children, who had fled. 6 Henry IV. (Fr.) 4. 5. A letter from Hen. v? to his fon; recommend¬ ing John Farringdon his attorney general. (Fr.) 4. 6. A petition of Tho. Hille; a fervant of the Queen’s, for a corrody in the abbey of Malmefbury; laid to be of 9 Hen. V. 5. 7 . A memorandum, faid to be in Hen. Vtil’s own hand, concerning the detention of the duke of Orleans at Pontefract, and the cuftody of other prisoners. 5 . 8. A letter from the high admiral (Tho. Beaufort duke of Exeter and earl of Dorfet) to the biihop of Durham chancellor (Tho. Langley) concerning the defence of the northern marches, and the cuftody of the prifoners. (Fr.) 5 . 9. A letter from Rich. D. of York (E. of Cam¬ bridge) to h. IJen. V; imploring forgivenels: pro¬ bably of the year 1415, when Richard was beheaded: feemingly an autograph. 7 . 10 . A memorandum of fome church preferment given by li. Henry; probably Henry VI. the name at the head. (Lat.) 7 . b. 11 . An order of privy feal for the payment of money for lances and bows, lent into Normandy. (Lat.) July 7 , A° regni will. Hen. VI. 1440. 7 . h 12 . An order figned H. Cardinal of England (Q 1 whether Card. Beaufort?) to take 2300 marks out of his coder. London, March 12 . 8 . 13. A petition of RauIf Ciomwell, to the King, to ft ay proceedings againlt him in the court of ex¬ chequer during his ahfence abroad on the king’s fervice. Signed H. (Humphry) Gloucellcr, H. Car¬ dinal, and fix Archbps, and biihops ; probably in the time of Hen. Vl. (Fr.) " 9 . 14 . An order of Rich. D. of York (father to Eclw. IV.) to his receiver in Yorldhire, to pay John Lang¬ ley or bearer, £. 6 . 14. 4 . The whole in the duke's hand. 9 . l.j. A letter figned E. Marche (Edw. iv.) and E. Rutlande, to their fa!her (Rich. 1). of York); thanking him Ft green gowns lent, them, requeuing fome fine bonnets, and .complaining of the beha- yioi : . urday in the Eafler week. . 9 . iii. An order for the repayment of 100 marks to the biflvop.ot' Aberdeen and James Shaw: it is figned at the beginning and end by a king’s monogram. 9. b. 17 . An application of Rich. I). of Gloucefter (Q r whether Ric. Ill ?) for a loan of £. 100 . 10 . 18 . Queen Anne wife to James I. recommending lord Roxburg. 11 . 19 . Elizabeth queen of Bohemia; thanking the nobleman to whom the letter is written, for his good offices. Heidelberg, Nov. 30. 11 . 20 . Henry prince of Wales, to his father James 1 ; with a lift of fome perfons to be made knights of the Bath, and requeuing leave to go to Chatham with the D. of Brunfwick. 11 . b. 21 . Queen Mary of England; her inftruftions to the Ld. privy feal, to obey the king (Philip.) 12 . 22 . Queen Mary’s proclamation againft Tho. Wyat’s attempts to create a difturbance. 12 . 23. A warrant of Philip and Mary, conflituting three perfons to the care and management of the revenue. April 12 , 3 and 4 Ph. and M. ( 1557 .) 12 . 24. A letter from Q. Mary to Philip, before their marriage. (French.) London, April 20 , 1554. 12 . b. 25. Q. Elizabeth, to.thanks for good offices. Brocket-hall, Oft. 28 , 1558. 13. 26. Cardinal Reginald (Pole) to Q. Elizabeth; re¬ queuing her to hear his chaplain, the dean of W 01 - cefter, in his behalf. Lambeth, Nov. 14 , 155 s. 13 . 27 . Q. Eliz. thanks a perfon who feems to have had fome high office in Ireland (Q y whether fir Hen. Wallop?) for his faithful fervices. Richmd. Feb. 24. A 0 Regni 25. (1583.) 13. b. 2S. Q. Eliz. to one flic calls “ Ma Coufine” (Q y whether Mary Q. of Scots?) profeffing her regard and affeftion. (Fr.) i3. b. 29 . Q. Eliz. a memorandum containing fome ad¬ vice, the purport of which is unintelligible. 14 . so. James I. part of a letter. 14 . b. 31. Q. Catherine (of Aragon) to Hen. VIII; after the battle of Floddcn-field. Sept. 1513. 15 . 32. Anne Boleyn, to a church patron (Q y whether Cranmer Archbp. of Canterbury?) requeuing the living of Saudridge for mailer Barlow. 15. b. 33. Anne Boleyn, as queen, recommending the caufe of Thomas Dudley, Elq. 16 . 34. Jane (Seymour) Queen ; a warrant for two bucks out of the forelt of Havering, to the gentlemen of the king's chapel. Hampton-court, 1537. 16. 35. Queen Catherine (Parr) probably to princefs, afterwards Q. Eliz. of whole hand-writing this appears to be a copy. (Latin.) Hanworth, Sept. 20 . 16 . b. 36. Q. Catherine (Parr) as regent, requeuing that Hen. Webbe might he favoured in his claim to the lands of the nunnery of Holly well. Hampton-court, July 23. A°H. VII 1 .W). (1344.) 17 . 37. Margaret filter fo lien. vm. to a friend (per¬ haps Wolfey) [requdting his intereft with the King. 17. 38. Mary (the French Q.) wife of Lewis XII; re¬ commending John Williams .to beafoldier at Calais. London, March 30. 17 . b. S9- Mary the French Q- to Hen. VIII; defining him to fend for her fpeedily. Paris, March 6. 17. b. 40. Prince Edward (afterwards Ed. VI.) to the Q. his mother-in-law; probably Cath. Parr. (Lat.) Ilunfdon, May 24 . is. 41. Mary, princels (afterwards queen) to Cromwell, recommending fir Rice Mauncell to his favour. 18. 6 H 42 . lien: 3-86 VESPASIAN, F. III. 42 . lien. Richemond. probably the natural fon of lien. VIII. to his godfather; a complimental letter. 18 . b. 48 . A paflport of Edward VI. for three ambafladors who were returning home; Weftmr. March 8 , l Edw. vi. ( 1547 .) counterfigned by Somerfet and nine privy counfellors. 19. 44 . Edward VI til's proclamation to arm againft the infurgent Ivctt. Weftmr. Aug. 1, 3 Ed. vi. (1.549.) 19 . b. 4 3. Mary (the queen) of England; a complimen¬ tal letter. 19. b. 46 . Elizabeth (princefs, afterwards queen.) to Edw. vi. with her picture. Hatfield, May 15 . 20. 47. Philip and Mary, to pope Marcellus II; re¬ commending Xic. Hethe, to the Archhilhopk. of \ ork. (Eat.) Hampton-court, May 5 , 1 555 . <20. b. 48 . Mary (the French Q.) to Hen. VIII; thanks for his protection. Paris, Nov. 13. (1514.) 21. 49 - Francis I. K. of France, to.fignifving his intention to come to Amiens to meet cardinal York (Wolfev?) (Fr.) Pavia, July 7. (1.524?) 21 . h. 50 . Louife (mother to Francis 1. K. of Fr.) to the archdeacon, hy Buckingham, an Engliih amhaf.'.idov ; complimental. (Fr.) " 22, 51. Claude (Q. to Francis I.) to Hen. VIII; com- plimental. (Fr.) Romorentin, Feb. 15 . 23 . 52 . Francis and Henry II. fons to Francis 1, to Henry vni; after their releafe from Spain. (Fr.) Congnac, Auguft, 15 S 0 . 24. 53 . Henry (ir. or III. of France) requeuing the perfon the letter is addreffed to, to Hand °*odfather to his newborn fon. (Fr.) <24. b. 54 . a. John VI. F). of Britanny, requefting the re¬ leafe of fume pilgrims taken on board a veil'd. Nantz, Dec. ( 141 ( 5 .) 25. b. 54 . b. John D. of Britanny (perhaps John V.) to .complimental, and recommending John de Bavalan. (Fr.) Vannes, Feb. 16. ' 25. 55. Francis u. D. of Britanny; complimental. (Fr.) Nantz, Sept. 28, 1475 . " 26. b. 56 . Philip count de Charolois, in the name of his father (John 1 ). of Burgundy) requefting of the K. of England the releafe of fome merchants. (Fr.) Ghent, Auguft 29, 3 II. V. (1415.) 27. 57. Philip 1 ). of Burgundy, father to Charles the hold; credentials of ambafladors (probably to Hen. v.) (Fr.) Arras, June 15. ” 27. b. 5 8 . Charles (vi?) king of France, to Hen. iv t ? credentials of ambafladors. (Fr.) Troyes, April 13. 28 . 59. Charles VII. Iv. of France; ordering that the revenues which churches in the pofleffiou of Hen. VI. hold in his dominions, fliould be paid. (Fr.) Feb. 60. Charles D. of Orleans, father to Lewis XII; a lift of perfons for whom he defires fafe-conduds. temp. Hen. 6. (Fr.) 29. b. 61. Minutes of an agreement between the K. of France (Lewis XI.) and Engli/h ambafladors, con¬ cerning the ranlbm of Margaret daughter of the K. of Sicily (queen to Hen. VI.) figned by Lewis. (Fr.) Oft. 5 , 1475 . Q 62. Charles (VII.) as regent of France; a pro¬ clamation enjoining the peace of the realm. (Fr.) between 1418 and 1422. 63 . C buries D. ot Guiennc (and of Berry) brother lo Lewis X.; an engagement in behalf of the K. and him fell’ to all ill Hen. vi. Q. Margaret, and Edw. prince of W ales, ngainit Edw. IV. and approving the mar- riage ot Edw. P. of V ales u ith Anne daughter of the earl of Marwick. (Fr.) Angers? July 30, 1462. 32 . 64. Charles the vm. K. of France, ratifying the treaty made at Eftaples with Henry vil. of England (Fr.) ( 1492 .) ‘ 3,3. (to. Lewis (xii r) h. of France, to Mons. d’York (probably W oll’ey) defil ing fome intelli gence of king Hen. \ in. and of his (Lewis’s) wife Mary. (Fr.) Etampes, Sep. 5, 1514? ‘33. b. 66. A ilmrt invocation ; “ God five prince Arthur, &c.” perhaps written by Hen. vm. 34. ’ (» 7 . Henry \ HI: his warrant confirming John M ellv in the office of bowbearer in the to reft of Gawtres, com. York. Greenwich, April 2. 34. 68. Henry VIII, to Wolfey; intimating the queen's pregnancy, and afligning his reafons for not withing to come to London : the whole letter in the K’s hand! 84 . b. K 6, j- A note figned York: “ My lord, Saturday is the day, let four great barrels of powder come “ away." This appears to be the hand-writing of C harles I. when young*. 70 . Arabella Seymour (Stuart); foliciting theper- )<'.n the writes to, to ufe his intereft with lord N orthampton to intercede for her with the King. 35. 7 1. James I, to Blake; about his difputes with the puritans. 3 72 . James (iv : ) king of Scotland, to Henry VIII; complimental. Holyrood-houfe, June 11 . sc. 73 . Margaret (Q. of Scotland) to Wolfey ; re¬ quefting his aid. " sc. 74 . James v. king of Scotland, to Hen. Vlll; in behalf ot the Archbp. of Glafgow. 36. b. 75 . James v. h. of Scotland, and his mother Mar¬ garet; credentials; perhaps to Lewis XII. (Fr.) Edinb. Feb. 20. 37. 76. Ilenrv Darnley, to Q. Mary, then in France; exprefiive ot duty and gratitude. Templc-newlon, March 24 , 1554 . 37. b. 7 7 . Mary Q. of Scots, to a female friend, probable ot the Howard family; during her confinement. (Fr.) Sept. 13 . 38 . 78 . James (VI. of Scot. I ft of Eng.) to Q. Eliz. requefting her to difcountenancc and proceed againft the confpirators (Bothwcll, &c.) Edinb. Julv 5. 1 * 592 . 38 . b. 79. Henry III. king of Caftile, to Hen. IV K. of England. (Spanifli.) 1402. 39. 80. John II. h. of Caftile, during his minority, to Hen. IV; a fragment, counterfigned by his mother Catherine daughter to John of Gaunt, queen regenl. (Spanifli.) Segovia, July 8, 1412. ay. b. 81. Alphonfus V. king of Aragon, to Hen. VI. 1 1.at. partly defated.) Sept. 2 . 144 1. 40 . 82 . Catherine Q. regent of Caftile, to Hen. iv. her brother; complimental and credential. (Spanifli.) Valladolid, July 5 , 1412 . 40. 83 . Ferdinand of Aragon, Naples, &c. (the Ca¬ tholic) to Hen. Vlll; credential. (Lat.) Logroni, Sept. 3 , 15 12. 40. b. 84 . Philip duke of Burgundy; an order to fome nobleman to join John of Pintervillc his ambaflador to Hen. VI. king of England. (Fr.) Brufiels, Dec. 29, J 435 . 41. 85 . Charles (Q r whether the bold?) to his father; credential. (Fr.) Malines, Dec. 18. 41. b. 86. Charles VESPASIAN, F. III. 487 86. Charles (Vr) to an uncle; ratifying a treaty. (Fr.) Malines, April 20. 42 . 87. Philip (II.) K. of Spain, to Alexander Farnefe duke of Parma, governor of the Netherlands; re¬ commending- Jacob Ficq, a German, to a company. (Spanifh.) San Lorenzo (Efcurial.) Aug. 28 , 1590 . 42. b. S 8 . A Spanifli paper, with a feal but no fig nature; dated Pardos, Saturday. 43. 89. Wolfgang count palatine of Deuxponts, to Q. Eliz. congratulating her on her peace with France, and afligning his reafons for not fending his eldeft fon to her court. (Lat.) Newburg, Oct. 20, 1 564. 44 . go. J. Cafimir (fon to Fred. III. elector Palatine) to Q. Eliz. afligning reafons for not coming to her court. (Fr.) Caifel, Jul,y 30 , 1568 . 45 . 91. Frederic (V. eleftor Pal. If. of Bohemia) to fome Englifli earl; congratulatory on the King’s (James I.) and his family's healths, and mentioning the fate arrival of his wife (Elizabeth.) (Lat.) Heidelberg, Aug. 10, 1613. 45 . b. 92 . Philip (ill. K. of Spain) to Oneill and Odoneill? on his father's death. (Lat.) Divi Laurentii (Efcurial.) Oct. 31 , 1598 . 46 . 93 . Philippa Q. of Portugal, to Hen. IV. her brother ; requefting that he would remit the fine im- pofed on the earl of Arundel for leave to marry. (Fr.) JLifbon, Nov. 4. about 1405 . 47. 94 . John III. king of Portugal, to Q. Mary of ... . complimental. (Portuguefe.) Lifbon, Aug. 4 , 1528 . 47 . 95 . Mary infanta of Portugal, daughter of K. Emanuel, to Q. Mary of England; congratulatory. (Lat.) Litbon, 19 Cal. 06 t. 1553 . 48. 96 . A Portuguefe letter. 49. m 97. Ch. Emanuel (I. D. of Savoy.) requefting a friend at a queen’s court (probably Q. Eliz.) to folicit her majefty to Hand godmother to his newborn daughter. (Fr.) May 4, 1599. 49. b. 98 . Ifabella de Aragonia, widow to Frederic K. of Naples, who ligns herfelf “ InfelicilTima,” to a queen; imploring her afliftance for herfelf and her foils Ferdi¬ nand and Alphonfus. (Lat.) Ferrara, XI. Cal. April, 1515 . 50. 99 . Laurcntius de Medicis (probably to the 111a- gili rates of Florence) interceding in behalf of Lau¬ rence Jacopo. (Ital.) Florence, Sept. 5, 1475. 51. 100. Cofmo 1. duke of Florence, to Hen. VIII. of England, in behalf of Florentius Diacetus, a Flo¬ rentine. (Lat.) Florence, June 8 , 1545 . 5i.b. 101. Cofmo I, probably to Edw. vi. of England; thanking him for an award concerning corn. (Lat.) Florence, July 14, 1551. 5 C. 102. Eleonora de Toledo (wife to Cofmo I.) duchefs of Florence, to queen Mary; credential, and mentioning a marriage. (Spanifh.) Flor. May 15, 1554 . 5 o. b. 103 . Cofmo I. duke of Florence, to queen Eliza¬ beth; requefting her protection of the Tufcan fub- jeCts in England. (Ital.) Flor. Aug. 13, 1560? 53. 104 . Ferdinand I. Card, and duke of Tulcany, to Q. Eliz. in behalf of Antonio Velluti, a merchant who had been taken, and ill treated by the Eno-lifh. (Italian.) Florence, Feb. 20, 1587 . °54. 105 . Ferdinand I. D. of Tufc. to Q. Eliz. claiming fome feizures made by Englifli fliips off Leghorn. (Ital.) Florence, Aug. 15, 1590. 55. 106. Ferdinand T. I). of Tufc. to fome private per- fons; requefting their intcrefl with queen Eliz. for I the recovery of fome feizures. (Ital.) Flor 06 t 13 , 100 !. 56 . ’ 107 . Henry ir. K. of Navarre, to Hen. vm; in behalf of Michel Sardara his fubjeCt, who had a law- fuit in England. (Fr.) Paris, June 16, 1528. 57. 108. Margaret Q. of Navarre, wife to Hen. iv. K. of Fr. to Card. Wolfey; complimental, and apprizing him of her pregnancy. (Fr.) 1528? 57. b. 109. Charles III. D. of Savoy, to Card. Wolfey; in behalf of Vincent Aymard,' who had a certain claim. (Fr.) Turin, May 5. .53. 110. Emanuel Philibert D. of Savoy, to Q. Marv of England; complimental. Bruffels, May 4, 155.1. 58 . b. 1 1 1 - Henrie (qu. Henrieta?) dc Savoyc; about the ranfom of an Englifli prifoner. (Er.) * 59. 11 c. Maximilian I. Emp. to his daughter Margaret governels of the Low countries; informing her, that as foon as 10,000 fl. fliall be paid at Treves, he will come to her. (Fr.) A copy from a cypher. Dec 4 , 1618 . 60 . b.* 113. Maximilian (I. Emp. ?) to a king, whom he ftdes bis fon; perhaps Philip king of Spain ; compli¬ mental. (Fr.) 6l 11 4 . Margaret governefs of the Low countries, probably to Hen. VIII; complimental. (French.’! Ghent, Jan. 12. q } ' 115. Mary (probably daughter of Charles V.) to Q. Mary of England ; on the conclufton of the marriage between Philip and the Queen. (Fr.) Bruffels Feb 19. ( 1554 ?) 61. b. ’ 116. Charles (Vr) to Card. Wolfey; expreffive of regard. (Fr.) Bruffels, June 30 . * 62. 117. Eleonor. (probably filler to Charles v. widow of I*rancis I.) to Q. Mary ot England; congratu¬ lating her on her fupprefling a rebellion. (Er) 1553 ? 62. b. 118. Ferdinand K. of the Romans, afterwards em¬ peror, to Q. Mary of Engand ; congratulating lier on her intended marriage. (Fr.) Vienna, Feb. 7 4554 ? g 3 1 19 - Mary Q. of Bohemia and Hungary, filler of Charles V. to Mary of England; ciedential. (Spa¬ nifli.) Vienna, Aug. 23, 1554. 63 . b. 120. Ferdinand I. emperor, to Q. Eliz. in favour of the Roman catholics in England. (Lat.) Pref- burg, Sept. 24 , 1563 . q 4 _ 121. Maximilian ir. emperor, to Q. Eliz. compli¬ mental, and about religion. (Spanifli.) Vienna Juiy 19. Q5 ’- 122. Rudolph II. emperor, to Q. Eliz. compli¬ mental. (Latin.) Prague, July 20, 1593. 66 . A. 123. Mathias, afterwards emperor, to Q. Eliz. afk- ing a loan of £. 20,000. He had at this time a com¬ mand in the Netherlands : Cafimir Palat. mentioned. (Lat.) Antwerp, May 5, 1578. 66 . B. 124. Albert Card, brother to Rudolph n. (governor of the Netherlands) to Capt. de Aguilar de Alvarado; an order about troops. (Spanifli.) Sercamp, Sept. 10’ 1597 * 66 . B. b. 125 . Andrew Card, of Auflria (grandfon to Char. V.) to Q. Eliz. complimental. (Fr.) Gewiler in Alfatia, March 20, 1600. q 7 126. Mary queen of Bohemia. (Spanifh. conf. nr. 63 . b.) Vienna, April 27, 1554 ? 68 . ^ 127. Catherine de Medicis (widow of Hen. II. of France) to Q. Eliz. acquainting her of the pacifica¬ tion of the kingdom under her fon Francis 11.__ N. B. She was then regent. (Fr.) 1568. 69. 128. Henry, and Henry de Bourbon (probably Hen. 488 VESPASIAN, F. III. Hen. III. and IV.) to a relation ; requcfting his aid in favour of the proteftants alter a battle. (French.) Xaintes, Oct. 1 569 . GO. b. 129. Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark, to James I ; claiming fatisfaction for the feizure of a lliip. (Lat.) Ilaffnia’, 2.; Martii, 1604. 70. 130 . “'Anna Suecne Princeps" ('lifter of Sigif- mond) to Q. Eliz. recommending Henry Eranklein, an Englilhman, M ho had been in her brother's la- vice. (Lat.) Upfal, Dec. 17, 1590. 71. 131 . Charles ( 1 ). of Sudermania, regent, and afterwards Char. I\. K. of Sweden) to an l.nglilh en¬ voy in Sweden ; concerning lome dilputes with Q. Eliz. (Lat) Ex caftris, Sept. 14 , 1308 . 71. b. 13 '2. Sigifmund l. K. of Sweden and III. of Poland, to Q. Eliz. demanding fatista 6 tion for the feizure of a lhip. (Latin.) Stockholm, April 30 , 1394. 72 . 133 . Chriftiern (or Chriftian II. K. of Denmark and Sweden, then dethroned) to Card. Wolfey; cre¬ dentials for Melchior Herman. (Lat.) lirulfcls, Aug. 13 , 1523 . 7-1- 134. r.lizabcth (or If::holla Q. of Denmark, wife to Chriftian II. and filter to Char. V.) to Hen. A ill ; demanding fatisfaction for the feizure of a lhip. (Lat.) Copenhagen, March 4, 1518 . 7 4 . b. 135 . Chriftian ill. K. of Denmark, to Edward VI. declaring his friendly dilpofition, and granting feme privileges to Englilh lliips. (Latin.) Hatfniic, 061 . 21 , 1351 . 75 . 136 . Chriftian III. K. of Denmark; fome order. (Daniili.) 1544. 75 . b. 137 . Chreftienne (probably daughter to Chriftian II. K. of Denmark) to Q. Eliz. congratulating her on a victory, perhaps over the Spanilh Armada. (Er.) EruHels, Eeb. 18, 1589 ? 76 . 138 . Frederic II. K. of Denmark, to Q. Eliz. tel¬ ling her of his application to fevered German princes, concerning the Reformation, and of the anfwcrs of fome of them. (Latin.) Warnburg, Sept. 4 , 1585 . 139. Anna Catherina Q. of Denmark (wife to Chriiiian IA\) to Q. Eiiz. in anl’wer to Elizabeth’s congratulations on her marriage. (Lat.) Copenh. July 10, 1598 . 78 . 140. Frederic (HI.) elector Palatine, to Q. Eliz. lamenting the executions of the counts Egmont and Horn, and recommending his fon John Calimir. (Er.) Heidelberg, July 12, 156 s. 79. 14 !. Georgius Johannes (count palatine D. of Ba¬ varia, of the branch of Ycldentz) to Q. Elizabeth ; credential. (Lat.) Lutzelftain, 5 Id. Eeb. i'w;s. 7 i'. b. 142. Frederic (IV.) elector palatine, to Q. Eliz. in¬ viting her to fend a niiuifter to the diet at Ratilbonne. (Eat.) Heidelberg, prid. Kal. Eeb. 1594 . 80. 143 . Francis (probably the 1 ). d'Alancon) to the count de Subbeis (Soubile ?) requeuing his good of¬ fices towards his marriage with Q. Eliz. (French. ) Abuicon, March 3 . si. 1 : i. i Vtncis II. K. o{ Fr; n •. at d Mary < : his wife, to queen Eliz. credentials. (Er.) Paris, May 12, 1559. 82. 1 15 . Charles (IX. K. of France?) to his finer Cqu. Avhether Eliz. queen of Spain?) concerning a peace between the latter, and Q. Eliz. of England. ( Er.) 16 ( 58 ? 83 . 146 . Henry (III. K. of France, whilft D. d'Aniou 1 to Q. Eliz. exprehive of friendlhip. (Fr.) Paris. July 20, 1572 ? 83 . h. 147 . Francis (D. d'Alancon?) to a Count: thar.k¬ ood offices. (Fr.) Mont. . .. ing him for bis April go, 1578. 143. Henry (iv. K. of France ■■ t, ( ). Eliz. re.: (Er.) Fere (in Champagne) July 0. i58.o : s-a b. 14 ’• Marydc Medicis (wife of Hen. IV. ..f Fia.na lo Q. Eliz. ( xpreliive ,,f iVicmlfl,i;>. ( Fi ] ,, Eeb. 7, 1603. (Q. Eliz. died March 24.) s;,. 150.. Catherine (filler to lien. iv. of Fiance, afl< j- wards' married to the I). of Lorrain) to Q, E!iz.’th,u:h- mg her for a picture. (French.) Pan. April 1 7 . via J S 3 , h. 15 '. Ludovicos (II.) rex Hunguii:,-. ! . Hen. vni ; g his affil n< jainft 1 Ruda, June 21, 1526. " 152. Johannes (de Hen. A'lll; credential. 1528. Zapolia) rex Ilungavhv, to (Lat.) Tharnow, M;/ * SO. b. 153 . Ferdinand (I. emperor) to Q. Mr.rv of Fug- land; on h r maniage, and credential. (Fr.) Vi¬ enna, March 12, 1555? ' l . 7 !. Mary Q. of Hungary (widow of Lev. is II. and Idicr to Char, V.) to the commiliary general of the. fting ti 1 Uther 1 diau of the convent of Ghent might not bclient away into England. (Lat.) Ex moutibus Ilanonie. (Mons) Dec. 29, 1532. s - g 155 . Eliz. Q. dowager of France (widow of Char. I'- and daughter to Maxim. 11.) to Q. Eliz, : 1 iwer to ha condolence on Maximilian's death. Prague, April G, 1577. J 5 i;. George Jchan (count palatine D. of Bavaria, of the line of Ycldentz) to the eail of I.ciccTter; re¬ commending his fon George Gulhmts. (French.) Pfalzbourg, July 7, 1582 . gn 157 - Frederic William (D. of Saxe Altenburg, adminiftrator of the clcdtorute of Saxonv during the minority of Chriiiian li.) to Q. F.ii/. demanding re- It itulion of tome merchandize lazed from a daxon fubjeet. (Lat.) Kal. Oct. 1595 . 90. Albert of Brandcnburgh (grand mafter of the Teutonic order in Prufiia) to Henry vni; credential. (Lat.) Koniglbcrg, Sept. 8, 1521 . <11. 159 . Albert of Brandcnburgh to Q. Eliz. lending her 10 falcons. (Lat.) Koniglbcrg, Oet. 7, \5V,6. 91. .b 160. The elector of Cologne (Gel.'hard II. Truc-hfcis de Wuldbitrg, who had married Aguvs de Mansfield. idioen from his electorate) to lord Burleigh; good offices with Q. Eliz. (Frenc h. ;> Itrecht, .May 7, 1587 . q->. 161 . Ei 'n- ( 11 . 1). of Brunfwiek Lunehurg-. of ihe 1 I hi . .. : f | ii expreffive of/duty and frinidffiip. N. Ik Eric had been in the Spayilli fa vice. (Spa nidi.) Euvavs, (Antwerp?) Jan. 7, 1563. 03. 1 - < ■ 1 . : am. of tlie H o br.tiv line) to Mr. Bod ley ? recommcndatorv. t |.al. Ilarburg, Sept, 7 , 1585 . 9 b. 163 . Sophia of Bruuf. Luneb. (wife to Geo Fred margrave of Bramlcnb. Anfpach j to Q. Eliz. recom¬ mending Dr. Pcifecr, and fending a prcfiait of an amber cup. (Lat.) Anipach, VII. nona Junif 15 9 -i. U> 4 . Ernelt duke of Brunfwick Luneburg, to Q Eli/, in favour of Wm. Lubbing, ainachauu (Lat.' Cell Luneb. March 7, 1594. 05. 165 . Chriftopher D. of Wu r tan bag, to Q. Eliz. recommending his refident, and fending her lbm- books. (Lat.) Stutgard, Dec. 28 , 1560 . go. 166. Frederic D. of Wurtemberg, (firft coufin to Chriltopher VESPASIAN, F. Ill—V. 489 Chriftopher. ( 111 . 96 ) to queen Eliz. notifying that lie had fucceeded to, and taken polfellion of Montbel- liard. (Fr.) Stutgard, Aug. 17, 1593. 96. b. 167 . Frederic D. of Wurtcmberg (vid. III. 96 . b.) to Q. Eliz. requeuing an exemption of duties for 1000 pieces of cloth he had ordered to be bought in England. (Fr.) Montbelliard, Feb. 20, 1594. 97. 168 . Philip (the magnanimous) landgrave of Heft'e Call'd, to Q. Eliz. apprizing her that he had per¬ mitted the free exportation of the arms lhe had pur- chafed in his dominions. (Lat.) Call'd, Sept, 20 , 1560. 97. b. 169 . Mauritius landgrave of Llcfte Caffel, to Q. Eliz. concerning the Irilli affairs, and fome applica¬ tion from Scotland. (Lat.) Cafiel, Jan. 6, 1599 . 98. 170 . William (iv.) D. of Bavaria, to Hen. VIH ; recommending Wolfgang It 1 chart, who had perfected an “ opusmuiicale.” (Lat.) Munich, prid. Id. Jan 11 1516 . 99. 171 . Philip II. D. of Pomerania, to Q. Eliz. ex- ireflive of great regard and admiration. (Latin.) Lx arcc paterna Bardenfi (Bardt near Strallund) May 19, 1594. 10 °- 172 . Bogiflaus XIII. D. of Pomerania, to Q. Eliz. thanks for her protection of one of his fubie&s, and further intercefiion for the fame. (Latin.) Bardt, May 18, 1594. 10 K 173 . John Albert (I.) D. of Mecklenburg, to queen Eliz. defiring pafsports for three lllips he had fitted out for Liibon. (Lat.) Swerin, VI. idus Aprilis, 1569. 10a ; 174 . Erarde (Eberhard) de la Mark, D. of Bouil¬ lon, biihop of Liege; a palfport for Thomas Killing- worth, fteward to Edmund l). of Suffolk. (Fr.) LIuy, March 15, 1506. 102 . 175 . Frederic (de Wriefberg) biihop of Wurtzburg, to Q. Eliz. recommending Cafpar Seder, a moneyer. (Lat.) Wurtzburg, Sept. 4, 1560. 103, 176 '. Charles D. of G udders and Juliers, to lieu. \ III ; credential. (Lat.) Aniheim, Nov. 6, l.Vi.-,. 103. b. 17 ;. William I). of Juliers and Cleves (brother to Anne of' Cleves) to Hen. vm ; credential. N. B. lirm v married Anne in 1540. (Lat.) Dulfeldorp, Sept. 4, 15 :■•«). 104. 17 s. William D. of Juliers, to Q. Eliz. in anfwer lo her recommendation of Dr. Walter Bailie. (Lat.) Hamboeh, VII. Id. Sept. 1568. 104. h. 179 . Anue 1 horn countefs of Oldenburg and Del- aienhorft, and married to Enno II. count of Eaft I’rief- laud) to Q- Eliz. confentingto a purchafe of arms in her territories; ligned il Anna Mynhant. (Lat.) Aug. 5, 1559. ' .105. 180. John count and prince of Eaft Friefland, to fome Englilli ftatefman. , per haps I ^eicefter; cr eden- tial. (L Ex arce Gn thana, Feb. 21 , 1570. a 06. 181 . William I. of N aflau , proh ably to lord Lei- ceftcr ; notify ing the birth of a ion (Hen. I Ted.) (Fr.) Deli'L Ian . 31, 1584 . N. 13. Lie was aflaf- iinated at Delft the 10 th of July following. 107 . 182 . Chriftopliorus A. B. (Archiep. Bremenfis. dux Brunfw.) to Curd. Woll’ey; recommending J. Reync- king. (Lat.) Vordi, Jan. 1 , 1528. 107 . b. 183. Johannes Langnoverus and five others, per¬ haps merchants and magiftrates at Aug (burg, to queen Elizabeth; concerning fome miners, and a trade of metals. (Lat.) Augfburg, April 21 , 1572 . 108. 184. William duke of Mantua, to queen Mary; credential. (Ital.) Mantua, July 8, 1554. 109 . 1 S 5 . Margaret duchefs of Mantua (widow of Fred. II,) to queen Mary : notifying the marriage of her daughter Ifabel to Ferdinand Francis marquis of Pel- cara. (Ital.) Mantua, OCL 5, 1553. 109 . b. 186. Anne marchionefs of Montfcrrat, to queen Mary; congratulatory on her marriage. (Ital.) Mantua, July 7 , 1553. 1 10 . JS 7 . The Duke of Urbino (Francis Mary I?) to Hen. t ill; exculpating himfclf for fome omifiion at Rome. (Lat.) Rimini, Feb^S, 151G. 110 . b. 188 . The doge and fenate of Genoa, to queen Elizabeth; requefting the relcafe of a iliip loaded with corn. (Latin.) Genoa, March 29 , 1597, ill. 189- Demetrius imperator et magnus dux totius Rufi’ue; a pafiport in favour of Oliver Lifi'et, an Engliih merchant. (Lat.) Mofcow, Dec. 28, 1605. 1 13. Vefpnfian, E. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 1SS. 1. - A collection of fiatutes, charters, afiizcs, See. re¬ lating to the forefts; written by Gregory Thomas. (Lat.) ' 1 . 2 . A lift of the chief juftices in Eyre north and fouth of Trent, from 2 Hen. III. to 37 Hen. VIII. 64. 3. Notes of inquifitions, Sec. relating to forefts. 66 . 4 . An anfwer to the certificate made by the officers of the foreft of Pcwfiiam and BlackmoiV; touching the ftate thereof. 68. 5. Q. Elizabeth's grant of Sulthay, to fir Walter Mildmay. (Lat.) Gorhambury, Aug. 3, 1571, 70 . G. Grants and ordinances relating to forefts, by James I. Henry III. and Edw. I. and II. (Lat.) 72 . 7 . riacita foreftie in com. Efiex. A 0 17 Edw. II. item ordinationcs, See. temporibus Edw. III. Ric. IJ. Hen. V. 7 . rhe act of the diet of Poland, declaring 1 1 n-i 1 election of Henry of Anjou to the crown of their kingdom. (Lat.) Warlaw, May 1 6, 157 ;. 1 - 1 :>i. Pofudata nobilitatis qme cvaiigelicam r. ii gionem in Polonium proiitenlur, ad Chril'f" regis le¬ gates; cum iftorum refponlionibus. Duo apogra- pha. isG. 23. Summa eorum qua illuftribus Dnis. ex Polonia in Gallium, ad cleCtam regiam Ma'<™ prolieilcentihus exponenda cenfuerunt, nobiles omnium ordinum ho¬ mines, exereendie pietatis caula, in Helvetia et Ger¬ mania exulantes. , g g 33 . The fori 11 of a letter which the priefts in Ruffia put. into the coffins of the dead, enjoining St. Peter to give the dcceafed a free paffage into heaven. (A trailflation from the Rufs into Lat.) isq. b. 34 . A paper of articles leeminglv relative to tlie religionifts in France ; perhaps alio in Poland. (I at a fragment r) 190 .' 35 . Ad onlines Polonia legati Turci, de re Ms ele&ionem propolita. 3 G. Names of the ambafladors lent by the diet of Poland lo Henry their king elect, and to the French king. (Ch. IX.) iqc. 57 . Francis 1). d'Alencon, to the fiates of the Low countries alfembled at Brufiels; ex populating about fome neglect. (Fr.) Blois, Jan. 15, 1377. ° 194. 38. Articles extraits des reponfts faites par le Roy (Charles ix.) au cahierg 43. Francis I). _ d'Alencon, to the municipality and parliament of Paris ; complaining of calumnies and recommending peace. (Fr.) Salignac, Feb 19 ’ 1576. 214.* 44. Capitulation cnt.re M. le prince de Condo et fes affocics, et le due Jehan Cafimir comte Palatin; prefentee au roy par les deputes du Hit Catimir ui Mars, 15 76. " gu. 45. Aii account of a converfiition between Henry brother to Charles ix. (afterwards Hen. ill.) and Monf. de Nemours ; the latter endeavouring to perfuade the. former to retire into Lorrain, on account of the dan¬ gers apprehended from the religious diffenfions. (Fr.) Oct. 18 , 157 s. 46. Autres articles prefent(5s par le roy de Navarre a Monfcigneur; le fupplianl les vouloir” joi-idre au\ precedens, pour etre pareillement i 11 fere’s a 11 cabin, envoye a Meff. les deputes. gg.o. 47. Autres articles pr< s j r It oy < eonjointemeiiL avec Monfieur. Vif , r w, March 1576. gj 7 . 48. A remon It ranee of the deputies of duke Cafi¬ mir, to the king (Clia. ix. 1 upon his uiifatisfuCdojy aufwer to the eahiers. (Fr.) 157 G. ggyj 40. A rough 49 . A rough draught of a paper on the affairs of re¬ ligion in France. (Lat.) 230. 50. An aclvertifement for a profeffor of mathema¬ tics upon the foundation of Pet. Ramus at Paris. (Lat. and Fr. printed.) 232. 51. Another remontlrance of the deputies of duke Cafimir to the Fr. king. (Fr.) Paris, Mar. 15, 157G. 2S3. 52. Rcquete du frerc du roy, du roy dc Navarre, du prince de Cond6, du marefhal d’AmpviUe, et d’autres de la religion reformec et catholique, au roy. 1576. 237- 53. Fragments relating to the negociations for peace at Paris in the year 1576. (Fr. partly rough draughts, and fomcduplicates.) 253. 54. An extradt from certain edi61s made in France from the year 1562 to 1577, in favour of the re¬ formed religion. 291 . 55. A paper entitled “ Articuli pro comitiis regni publici,” being on the means the If. of Scotland hath to carry on the war. 1577- 295 . 56. Hiftoria Caroli IX. Francorum regis. 296 . 57 . The names of thofe councellors who have the management of the king’s (of France) chief affairs; and their difpolitions, as it is conceived. 304. 58 . A difeourfe touching a treaty between France and the Low countries, and the expediency of the former undertaking the prote&ion of the latter. (Lat.) 15 84. 306. 59 . A letter figned 13. hi. on the motives of the ’ preparations for war then carrying on in France. (Fr.) Paris, March 15, 15S4. 314. 60 . Copies of fcveral letters from D. Bernardin dc Mcndoca, to the 1). of Parma and the Ii. of Spain. (Spanilh.) Paris, April, 1589- 320. 61 . The connniffion of Henry ill. If. of Fr. to Beauvoir la None and Canayes, lent ambalfadors to Q. Elizabeth and James VI. K. of Sc. (Fr.) Camp tie Dieppe, 061. 20 , 1589- 329. 62. Infhudtions of the ambalfador of the If. of Denmark (Breida llanzow) to the French king; and his negotiations. (Lat.) 330. 63. Inftructions que lc roy d’Efpagne a envoye a Don Bernardin de Mcndoca, et autres fes agents en France, pour s’emparer de l‘6tat. 1590 . 332. 6t. That which his llolinefs hath propounded unto his majefty (the If. of Spain) by the count d'Olivarez, touching the French caufe. 1590. 335. 65. Anfwer of the If. of Spain to the above; and inftrudlions of the fame to Don Bern, de Mcndoca, J. Bat. de Taxis, and J. de Moreo, on the affairs of France. Jan. 1590. 337. 66. A long letter 011 the diftrafted ftate of affairs in France; t<> (bine nobleman of high confequence. (Fr.) 341 . 67 . The great, high and worthy deeds of arms done by Alex. Farnefe duke of Parma, lent by the If. of Spain to the fuccours of the ligueurs, rebels to the king. 1590. 347. G8. The contract of marriage between Henry D. of Lorrain, and Catherine lifter to Henry IV. K. of France. Nancy, July 13, 1598. 353. 69 . Names of the princes, princeffes, counts, &c. who were prefent at the coronation of the French king (Hen. IV.) at Chartres. Feb. 27 , 1594 . 359 . 70 . An oratio* made to the D. de Mayenne, in the court of Parliament, for the eflablithment of the crown and government of France, in favour of the infanta of Spain. IT.) June 30, 1593. 360. 72. Propofals made by J. B. Teiffier, at a general affembly of the Rates, in favour of the infanta of Spain. (Fr.) May 29 , 1593. 374. 73. Intercepted letters from the D. de Seffe, to the Archd. of Aufiria, the king of Spain, the 1). de Feria, and the count de Fuentes, from Rome; alfo from Jn. de Zero conftable to the count de Fuentes, from Milan: received from Mr. Gilpin. 1594 . 377- 74. Charles Guife 1). de Mayenne, to the K. of Spain; on the ftate of affairs in France. (Fr.) Bruf- fels, Sept. 1594 . 393 . 75. Articles trails entre Monf. de Schomberg de¬ pute dc fa majelre (Hen. IV.) et Melf. les deputes dcs eglifes reformees. July, 1597. 395. 76. L’Union et ferment envoy6 par l’ordonnance de l’aflemblde generale des eglifes reform 6es de France, a Lodun ; etligne par tons les leigneurs, gou- verncurs, villes, &c. d’icelles, lelquelles lignatures out etc rapport6es a ladite alVemblec le 20 Juiu, 1597 . 397- 77- Henry IV. (K. of Fr.) to the Hates general of the United Provinces, ratifying two treaties con¬ cluded in his name by the 1). de Bouillon; and cre¬ dential in favour of Bufenval. (Fr.) Rouen, Jan. 11, 1597. 398. 7S. Extract from the regiIters of the parliament of Paris ; being an edict of the king (Henry iv.) in be¬ half of his proteltant fubjefts. (Fr.) May 2 , 1598 . S99- 79- Articles of peace between the kings of France and Spain, and the duke of Savoy, concluded at Ver- vins, May 2 , 1598. With fome papers relating thereto. (Fr.) 403. 80 . “ Rifpofta all’ informazione di Francia dell Morillo e Vande;” being a ditcufiion of certain pro¬ pofols received from France concerning matters of re¬ ligion : addreffed to the Pope. 4 1S. 81 . A treaty between Henry IV. K. of Fr. and Charles Emanuel D. of Savoy, touching the mar- quifate ofSaluces; concluded under the mediation of the Pope, and in confequence of the peace of Ver- vins. (Fr.) Paris, Feb. 27 , 1600 . 424 . 82 . The manner of paying duties at Rouen for merchandizes brought thither; alfo at Nantes, Ro¬ chelle, Bourdeaux, St. John de Luce, Sec. with ob- fervations thereupon; and a petition of Englilli mer¬ chants relating to the fame. 427 . 83. A petition of the Englilli merchants trading into France, to Q. Elizabeth; complaining of certain new duties exacted from them in 1581 and 1582. (Fr.) 434. 84. Articles, en forme dc phi into, prefentes par M. l’ambatfadeur de l’ranee, a la rev me d'Angleterre eta ton con lei 1; avec la repoule faitc aux dits articles par les marchans Anglois. 435 . 85. A paper of intelligence concerning Mad. de Jouare, daughter bf M. de Montpenlier, whom Fer- rand a phylician was endeavouring to perfuade to marry the marquis du Maine, without her father's content. 449 . 86. Copy of a letter from M. Ant. Viraque, to the Queen mother ; blaming all lenity towards the Pm- teftants : from Saluces, intercepted by the Protcftants on the confines of Savoy. (Fr.) 450. 87 . Notes of public tranfactions in France, during the civil wars. 453. 88. A memorial of the Englilli merchants trading into France, to Q. Elizabeth and Hex council: Hating the 492 VESPASIAN, F. V. VI. the ne\v r duties laid on bv the Fr. king ; with various papers relating thereto. (Fr.) 457. S9. Poftulata pro pace Gallicarum ecclefiarum. 500. 90 . Caroli IX. Valefii Tumulus: lncip. “Contemp- “ tor fuperum, ftex regum, dedecus orbis.” Item. Philalethei Barrhifiaftes in Catherinajyi Mediccam cpigramma. 502. 91 . Dc Huguenotis per Galliam occtfis 1572, menfe Augufti 24; carmen Renaldo C'lentino ab- bate de Flavigny authore: item ad eundem refpon- fum mordaciilimum, 500. Vefpaftan, F. VI. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 297 . 1 . Sir Fr. Walfingham ? to Ld. Burleigh? giving an account of an interview he had with the Q. of Navarre, concerning the propofed marriage between the prince of Navarre; and lady Margaret, daughter to Hen. II. K. of Fr. &c. Blois, March 29 , 1572 . 4. b. 2 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; various in¬ telligence concerningthe Fr. ambalfador’s endeavours to eltablifli amity bewteen England aijd France, his ditfuading Montgomery from going to Rochelle, .To. (Orig.) March 27 , 1572 . s. 0.to fir Fr. Walfingham? about the in¬ tended match between Q. Elizabeth and the I). d'Anjou;&c. 1572. 11 . 4. Ld. Leicefter, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about his confirming a treaty with France, and recovering a youth that had run away from him. (C)rio-. the be¬ ginning wanting.) April 1 , 1572. 11 . b. 5. Q. Elizabeth, to fir Fr. Walfingham and fir Tho. Smith; inftmetions about their negotiations for a treaty, Sec. Weftm. April 2 , 1572 . 12 . G. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh ? intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Blois, April 3, 1572 . J5. 7 . Sir Th. Smith, to Ld. Burleigh; expreffing his great alarm at the Queen's illnefis, and his defire to be recailed. (Orig.) Blois, 1572 . io. 8. Henry 1). d’Anjou, (afterwards Hen. in,) to Q. Elizabeth; expreffing his devotednefs. (Orig. Fr.) 1572? lG. b. 9 . Jehannc Q. of Navarre, to Q. Elizabeth; on the conclufion of the marriage between her fon and princefs Margaret. {Orig. Fr.) Blois. April 5 , 1572 . 17 . b. 10 . Sir Tho. Smith and fir Fr. Walfingham, to Q. Elizabeth; on their negotiations. Blois, April 3 , 1572 . 10- 11 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; intel¬ ligence. April 4 , 1572 . ^ < 21 . 12 .Chaftillon {qu. Gafpard de Coligni ?) to Q. Elizabeth ; recommending a payment due to fine count de Mansfelt. (Orig. Fr.) Chaftillon, April 7 , 1572. ’ 13. Charles IX. If. of Fr. to Q. Elizabeth; con- ecming aclaufe in the treaty of Blois relating to re¬ ligion. (Orig. Fr.) April 19 , 1572 . < 25 . b. 14. The deft-olive treaty between Charles IX. and Q Elizabeth, concluded at Blois, April 19 , 1572 . (Lat.) 26 . 15 . Q. Elizabeth; her confirmation of the treaty ot Blois, extending it to Henry III. K. of France. (Lat.) St. James, April G, 1575 . 47 . lG. Q. Elizabeth, to Charles ix. If. of Fr. explain¬ ing an article in the treaty of Blois, concerning hoftilities againft Scotland. (Lat.) 1572 . 4 .§. 17- Francis 1). d'Alcncon, to Q. Elizabeth ; cun* gratulating the parties on the treaty of Blois. ('0-rig, Fr.) Blois, April 20 , 1572 . 48 . b? 18 . Volrad count de Mansfelt, to Ld. Burleigh r recommending two agents lie was lending over to Q. Elizabeth. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, April 25 , 1572 . 49- 19 . Ld. Burleigh, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about the late treaty, and Come affairs of the Low countries. (Orig.) Weft mi 11 ft. April 23, 1572 . 49 . b. 20 . Sir Fr. W alfingham, to Ld. Burleigh ; concern¬ ing his neceffitous eircumftances, the Scottifli articles in the treaty of Blois, &c. (Orig.) Blois, April 22 1572. ' 50. 21 . Sir Tho. Smith, to Ld. Burleigh? inclofing a paper relating to the treaty propofed by the French cabinet; and about a French tranflation of the faid treaty. (Orig.) Blois, April 22 , 1572. 52 . 22 . a. Guido Cavalcanti, to Ld. Burleigh ? fignifv- ing that he is coming over to report the proceedings concerning the league, alfo that he brings a portrait of the 1). d'Anjou. (Orig. Ital.) Blois, April 22 , IS 72 . 52. b. 22 . 1). Sir Tho. Smith, to Ld. Burleigh? various in¬ telligence, and on private matters. (Orig.) Blois, April 22 , 1572 . 23. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; about the affairs of Flanders, See. (Orig.) Blois, April 22 . 1572 . 5 G. 24 . a. Ld. Leicefter, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about recovering the youth who had fled from him. (Orig.) Court, April 28, 1572 . 57. 24 . b. Sir Tho. Smith, or fir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; two letters not figned, containing various intelligence concerning the treaty, Flanders, &c. Paris, May 9 and 21 , 1572 . " 59 . 25. Charles IX. K. of Fr. to Mons. la Mothe Fene- ton ambafliulor in England; explaining the motive of fending du Croc into Scotland, See. (Fr.) Cham- bord, May 10 , 1572 . Gi. 2G. Q. Elizabeth, to Charles IX; declaiing that flic underftands that religion is to make no exception in the defen five league. 1572. 6 2. 27 . Ld. Leicefter, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; concern¬ ing the youth who had lied from him. (Orig.) May 22,1572. 62.1, 28. Ld. Burleigh, to fir Fr. Walfingham, or fir Tho. Smith; laments his own ill health; about merchants caufes, and various intelligence. (Orig.) St. James's, May 21 , 1572 . G3. 29 . Iuftruelions for the E. of Lincoln, font, ain- batfador into France. St. James's, May 25, 1572 . G 4 . 30.Chaftillon, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; ap¬ prizing him that he had lent difpatehes to Q. Eliza¬ beth and the Lds. Leicefter and Burleigh. (Orig. Ft.) Chaftillon, May 27 , 1572 . 7 .-. 31. Q. Elizabeth's commiflion, appointing the E. of Lincoln, fir Tho. Smith, and Mr. Walfingham, her plenipotentiaries for ratifying the treaty of Biois. (Lat.) St. James’s, May 21 , 1572 . 70 . 32. The E. of Leicefter, to Mr. Walfingham; re¬ commending fir Ph. Sidney, and about the ruuaw.iv youth. (Orig.) Court, May 20, 1572 . 70 . l/ 33 . The form of Q. Elizabeth's oath and-ratification of the treaty of Blois. so. 34 . Catherine de Medicijj, to Q. Elizabeth, lent bv Montmorency; recommending the match between VESPASIAN, F. VI. 493 F.liz. and llcr foil the D. d'Alcnfrin. (Orig. Ft) June 5 , 15?2. 35 . The D. 'i. Ld. Burleigh, to Fr. Walfingham. fOrFO Weiim. Dec. 11, 1.572. ‘ Jt y^ 110. Sir Tho. Smith, to Fr. Walfingham ; various intelligence. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Dec. 1 1 I o 72 . 196. 1 1 1. A French letter; earneftlv defiling that a iliip might be kept in waiting at St. Valery. Dec. 11. 197 -* 112. Draughts of is letters, probably all from lr. Walfingham, to Burleigh. Smith, and Leicefter Paris, Dec. is, d°, d°, 22, d u . d°, d°, 2 5 , , .» 1 ^ 72 , Jau. 2, 11, 1373. 198 .* b/ , ] 13 . Inftruftions to the E. of Worcefter ; fent to I iance concerning the marriage, affairs of commerce. &c. Ilampton-court, Jan. 11, j 572-3. 220. 114. Certain things to be remembered by the E. of Worcefter, during his ftay in France, 1572-8. 2 26. 115 . Sir J ho. Smith, to Fr. Walfingham ; (peaks of a great dilemma, about Dr. Dale's going to F rance. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Jan. 11, 15:2-3. 228. 116. The E. of Leicefter, to Fr. Walfingham; about Dr. Dale’s going to France. (Orig.) Jan. 12, 1372 ' 3 ' , 229. 117. Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Burleigh; a drauo-lit. Paris, Jan. 13, 1572-3. 030. 118. Sir Tho. Smith, to Fr. Walfingham; intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Ilampton-court, Jan. 13, 1572-3. 231 . 119. I.d. Burleigh, to Fr. Walfingham; about fome libels, &c. (Orig.) Jan. 14, 1572-3. 232. 120. Ld. Burleigh, to Fr. Walfingham. (OriO Weftm. Jan. 12, 1572-3. 233. 121. File E. ot Leicefter, to Fr. Walfingham. (Two originals.) Jan. is and 29, 1572 - 3 . 284. 122. Fr. Walfingham; four letters and draughts of letters, to Ld. Leicefter, Burleigh, and Sir T. Smith. Paris, Jan. 20, 21, 20, 24 , i'. 572 - 3 . 237. 123 . Sir Tho. Smith, to Fr. Walfingham; various intelligence and initiations. (Orig.) SomerfeL- lioufc, Jan. 29, 1572 - 3 . ° 043. 124 . Ld. Burleigh, to Fr. Walfingham ; various in¬ telligence and initruetions. (Orig.) Somerfet-houfe, 1572 - 3 . ^ _ 045. 125 . It. Walfingham; letters and draughts of let¬ ters, to Leicefter, Burleigh, and Smith. 'Paris, Feb. 5 , d°, d°, d° 6 , d°, .. ., ic, Blois, March s, 1572-8. 247 . 126. Charles IX. I\. of Fr. to Q. Elizabeth ; a Latin tranftation of VI. 13. April 19, 1572. 260. 127. Heads of the treaty of Blois. (Lat.) 261 . 128. Charles IX, to Ld. Burleigh ; recommending Montmorency aud his other ambafiadors. (Orig.) Chambort, May 12, 1572. .361A 12Q. Ad Ser mam Anglite reginam Elizabctham, pro Chriftiauorum defenlione oratio.” 263. Vcfpafiaa, VESPASIAN, F. VII, 495 Vefpafian, F. VII. Codex et me mb ran. et chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 1(21. 1. Rotulus de tnunitionibus caftrorum Scotia;: be¬ ing a table, or tariff, of the pay of certain chiefs and their men on the borders of Scotland. (Lat. on vellum.) ey Edw. ill. 1355 . l. 2. Orders for the government of Scotland, given by the K. of England (Edw. I.?) before his depar¬ ture, by the advice of the good people of Scotland, (if. on vellum.) 1206? ‘ 3 . 3 . Treaty for the delivery of David Bruce K. of Scotland, by Edw. III. (IT. an incorrect copy, on vellum, vid. Ilyin. V. 300 .) W'eftminft. 06 t. 5 , 1354 . 4 . Hugh le Defpencer, to John Jugge. his vifeount (Iherilf?) of Glamorgan; about the payment of di¬ vers lums; acquaints him that the K. (Edw. II.) had hefieged Berwick, but had been obliged to leave it in order to repel an inroad of the Scots ; gives orders for the defence of his caftles, &c. (Er. on vellum.) Newcaftle, Sept. 21, 1319. 5 . 5 . Archibald de Douglas, to Edward III ; about poftponing the day of a truce between himfelf and lord Percy. (Lat. on vellum.) Bcntille in Galwy- dia (Galloway) Aug. l, 1332 ? 6 '. 6 . Edward III ? to fonic commander at fea ; order¬ ing him to do all the damage he can to the Scots. (Er. on vellum.) Rockingham, Aug. 25 , 1332 ? 6 . 7. On the wars concerning the fuperiority of Eng¬ land over Scotland ; being a ftatement.of the juliiee, neceflity, utility, &c. of thofe wars: feemingly com¬ municated to the Pope in confequence of fome tranf- aelions in the Parliament at York. 6 Edw. III. (Lat. on vellum ; the beginning wanting.) 1332 ? 7 - b. 8. Inin actions d'Ecoife, et lettres envoy^es pour garder It s treves: bring inftruhions for a truce or agreement between England and Scotland, feem- jngly in confequence of the treaty of Lenlingham concluded between England and France. Jan. 26, 1384 . (vid. Rvni. VII. 418 . IT. on vellum.) 1384 ? 9 . 9 . Two letters ; the fir ft concerning the great pre¬ parations made by France in favour of David Bruce, dated York, June 10: and the fecond containing a journal of Edw. III. nis expedition as far as Aber¬ deen. (Lat. on vellum.) Pontefract, Aug. 2, 1336 . 10. b. to. A lift of foldiers in the pay of Edw. ill. at Ber¬ wick, A° XII. 1338 ? 12. b. 11. An hiftorical deduction, concerning the inde¬ pendence of the lings of Scotland; addrelfcd to a king of England (Edw. II.) (Fr. on vellum.) 1:101? 14 . b. 12. A fhort ftatement of the claim of the Scots to independence ; with an appeal to the Pope. (IT. on vellum.) isoi? 16. 13. James of Douglas, warden of the Marches, to Richard II ; juftifying the taking of Berwick by the Scots, alledging the hoftilities previoufly committed by the Englifli: probably after the truce of Ayton. (vid. Rym. VII. 434 . Original.) Edinb. July 2 6 , 3 384 ?' 17. b. 14. Henry iv. apprizes his council of a defeat of the Scots ; of their return upon Carlifle, and threats of coming in great force : he charges the council to obviate this danger. (IT.) Hareburgh (llarbo- rough?) June so, 1402. 18. b. 1 . 5 . Henry IV; inftructions to Ralph E. of Weft- morland, to treat for the ranfom of Murdoc of Fife, eldclt fon to the duke of Albany. (IT.) June 18, 1402 . 19 - id. Hell. IV; inftructions for a negociation for a truce, from which eventually the Welch were to be excluded. (Fr. a fragment.) June 18, 1402 ? 20. 17. Hen. iv? concerning a general truce with Scotland. (Fr. a fragment.) June 18, 1402 ? 21. 18. Geo. Dunbar, E. of March, to Hen. iv; com¬ plains of the D. of Rothfay, lbu of K. Robert ill. having married a fecond wife, after being previoufly married to his daughter; and offers to come over to Henry. (Original.) Dunbar, Feb. 18 , 1400. 22 . 19. The E. of Northumberland (Hen. Hotfpui ?) to the Privy Council; requiring payment for his, and his foil’s fervices. (Orig. Fr.) Newcaftle, May 30 , 1403 . 03. 20. Henry iv, to his Privy Council; notifies his having feized feveral of the E. of Northumberland's caftles. (Orig. Fr.) Warkworth, July 2, . 1403 . 24 . 21. The E. of Northumberland, to Hen. iv; re¬ quiring money for himfelf and his ion. (Orig. Fr.) June 2 G, 1403 . 25 . 22. Robt. Stuart D. of Albany (brother to Robt. ill. IE of Sc.) to Hen. iv. of Engl, requires reftitu- tiqn of a iliip taken by the Englilli. (Orig. Lat.) Stirling, Jan 10, 1405. 26. 23 . Henry VI; inftrmTions of his council to his ambafiadQrsjto treat with Scott i lh ambaifadors for the releafe of James I. (Lat.) Feb. 1423 . 27. 24 . Richard II ; inftruftious to his ambaifadors to treat with the Scots, concerning fome attempts againft a late truce. (Fr. on vellum.) YY'eftminfter, May 27, 1390 ? 29. 25 . Richard ii; inftru 61 ions for a treaty with Scot¬ land. N. B. The king and nobility of Scotland are here required to do homage to England. (Fr. on vellum.) Feb. 11, 1394? 30. 26. A treaty between England, Scotland, France, Caftile, Portugal, &c. (Lat. and Fr. on vellum.) Edinb. Jan. 3, 1384 . 31. 27. Richard. II; inftru&ions to G. Heron and J. Mitford, lent to treat with Robert III. K. of Sc. (conf. Rym. VII. 675 . Er. on vellum.) Dec. 1390? 33 . 28. Robert II. TC. of Sc. to Richard II. K. of Eng. about fettling a place for commillioners to meet at, in order to treat concerning a truce. (Fr. on vellum.) Edinb. Nov. 26, 1380 ? 33. 29. James Douglas, 2d E. of Douglas and E. of Marr, to Rich. 11 ? about John Mercer, a Scottilh lul- ject, having been detained by the E. of Northum¬ berland ; demanding his releafe, and that he may be tried at the next law-day of the Marches. (Fr.) Nov. 1G, 1384 ? 34. 30 . Robert II, to Rich. II ; about the place of meet¬ ing for commillioners, and various outrages againft the truce. (Fr. on vellum.) Edinb. Jan. 7. 35. 31 . Robert III, to the 1 >. of Lancafter; notifies his acceptance of-his comprehenfion in the treatv of Lenlingham ; and defires a fafe-condu 6 t for his am - balfadors to come and ratify the lame: Heron and Mitford mentioned, (conf. Rym. VII. 710. 714. IT. on vellum.) Edinb. June 28 , 1392 ? 30. 32 . Robert III. K. of Sc. to Richard II; about a meeting for fettling a truce, (conf. Rym. VII. p. 710. FT. on vellum.) Edinb. May 25, 1392. 36. S 3 . Robert III. to Rich. II. on the fame fubjeuneil of Ireland, to fir lien. Lad el) h ; dircci ions concerning a parlev be was to hold jointly with Ld. Kildare. (Orm 1 ‘Feb 10 1568 . - lu > s.->. I lie E. of Clanricarde, to the J.d. Chamber¬ lain; earnedly fuing for monev from tlie Oueen. (Orig.) Weftm. Dec. 17 , 1579 . , l - 86 . Notes concerning the office of marflial of Ireland. n _ 87 . Hough draught ot a lellcr from Paris to the L. of Salifburv ; dated July .3, njo. 3 . , ]f> 8n. Sir Hen. Radclyff’ to his brother the E. of Sufi'ex ; regrets his hav ing been prevented by ftek- nels from attending a commiffion for the trani'porta- tion of grain; mentions a report that people were to be reftrained in the ufe of pewter and bral's, Sec. (Orig.) Xov. 7 , 1576. 125 ." 8 «t. Ld. Burleigh, to Ld. Sufi’ex; acquaints him in " bat manner lie tiles the Buxton waters, &c. (Ori»-.) Buxton, July si, 1377 . s , „7 90. Wm. Ilonning, to Ld. Sufi'ex ; various news about appointments to offices in England; alfo about public affairs in Fiance, and a difference between the council and the jufticea about a commitment. (Orig.) Nov. 1560 . jon. 91 . Ed. (Griudal) Bp. of London, to Ld. Sufi'ex; rcqiieftiug him to interfere in favour of John White whom be (Ld. S.) bad prefen ted to the vicarage of Ilcnham, and whom his purifliioners wanted to de¬ prive for not having read the articles in due time. (Orig.) Loud. Off. 13, 157 . 8 . jjg 92. Ld. Tho. Howard, to Ld. Sufi'ex ; about fup- ph ing armour aqd weapoi Dorfetfiiire. (Orig.) Bindon, Oct.fi, 1 . 372 . j j.;. 98 . W.to Ld. Sufi’ex (prefulent of the council in the North ) ad\ifing him coi appointment of a commiffion for the affairs of the North. (()rig.) Ilelanglu*, Au 1 2, 1568. 135 . 94. Cha. Weduefter, to.on tranfmitting fome public accounts. (Orig.) Doi t. 158;. u’ 7 . 95 . Sir Edw. Stafford, to Ld. Sufi'ex (Ld. cham¬ berlain) about the prince of Condo's coming to England. (Orig.) Calais, June 2+. 1580 . 12s. 96. Vincent Miindy, a collector; his receipt for /\ 2(j. 15 . paid him by the E. of Sufi'ex. as his ailelfed taxation for a fubfidy. April 7, 2.- 1 Ion. vm. jau. 97. Anthonip Machado, a jefuit. miiiionary, to Claud. Aquaviva, the general of lii.s order; icports an unhappy difference between the king of Agra and the million, Ac. (A tranllation from the Portuguefe.) Agra, April 9, 161 5. 141. 93 . Giofephe VESPASIAN, F. XU. 5°3 9 R. Giofephe di Caftro, another jefuit, to Claud. Aqnaviva; on the fame fubjett. Agra, April 10, lG 15 . " 143 . 99 - J. Herbert, to.reports his proceed¬ ing-sin behalf of the Englifh merchants at Elbing, &c. (Orig.) Elbing, Jan. 7, 1584 . 145 . 100.Hereford, to Ed. Suflex; compli- mcnlal, and defiring frequent letters. (Orig.) Green¬ wich, July 4, 1500 . 147. 101. Adam (Loftus) Arehbp. of Dublin, to I.d. Sulfex; about Dr Volpes’ reftitution to the arch¬ deaconry of (ilcndelaugh, having been deprived In- one Ball; and defil ing to be fupported againft the laid Ball. (Orig.) St. Sepulchre, Nov. 23, 1577. 149 . 102. W. Honning, to I.d. Suflex (Ld. Lieut.) wi/lj- ing to obtain a buck out of my Lord's park for a friend ; the L. of Salop, dead, &c. (Orig.) Hampton- court, DM. ('), 15GO. 151. 103 . Sir II. Sydney, to Ld. Suflex his brother; friendly and complimental. (Orig.) Galloway, Sept. 19, 157 G. 153! 104.Wincheftcr, to Ld. Suflex; in behalf of Oliver Sutton. (Orig.) Court, July 12, 1557. 105 . A rough draught of a letter to lord Strange and the Bp. of Chefter; concerning an ecclefiaftical cmnmiflion at Chelter. July 8, 1588 . 157 . 106. The Lds. of Council, to the dean of Durham; about a leafe which Godfrey Wilfon hath of Dr. Bellamy's prebend. July 10, 1588 . 159. 107. Henry Adaile? to the Ld. Privy Seal (E. of Northampton?) a report concerning the flate of the poov-houfe of Gay wood near Lyme. (Orig.) April 9 , 1G0Q. V 101. 108. Rob. Cecil, to the E. of Elfcx and the lord Admiral going to Calais; encouraging them by the coufidcratiou of the Queen's piety and virtues. 163 . 109. J. A. Grev, to Ld. Suflex; cjqirefling uneafi- nels at a ferviee he is lent upon. (Orig.) London, June 29, 1580 . 1 1G4. 110. Sir lien. Radclyff, to Ld. Suflex; concern¬ ing the French ambailador in London. (Orig.) Court, June 24, 1590. 166. 119. Val. Dale, to the E. of Suflex; intelligence from the French court. (Orig.) Par. Dec. 8 , 1573. 183 . 120. II. (Earl of) Huntingdon, to Ld. Sulfex; on divers perfonal matters. (Orig.) Bilhopthorp, Aprils, 1577. 185 . 121. Tho. (Cowper) Bp. of Wincheftcr, to Ld. Suflex; touching the apprehending of one Tho. Crofs, and his examination here i'ncloled. (Orig.) June 14 , 15 SG. 187 - 122. Matthew (Parker) Abp. of Canterbury, to Ld. Suflex; lending lifts of Lent preachers for the Queen tochufe. (Orig.) Lambeth, Jan. 9, 1573. 189 - 123 . Wm. Powlct marquis, and Robt. Horne Bp. ot Wincheftcr, to Sir Hen. Radclyff, Capt. of Portl- mouth ; charging him to examine the many ft rangers who re fort into the kingdom under pretence of liberty of cdnfcience. (Orig.) Oft. 29, 1572. 191. 124. Ed 111. (Grindal) Abp. of Canterbury, to the Lds. of Council; defiling them to be the means of his being let at liberty, and reftored to the queen's favour. (Orig.) Lambeth, March 30 , 1580 . 192. J 25. A Portugucfe paper ftgned by a viceroy of India (Matthias D'Alboquerque) and others; much obliterated. 194. 1 26. Draughts of two French letters from fome noblemen at Q. Elizabeth’s court, to fome French prince or nobleman; containing fome intelligence, and referring for more to Stafford and Monf. d. 15. An order of Henry IV, to his council, to re¬ port to him Vliat allowance it may be proper to make to Richard d’Evervyk (D. of York) who was to ac¬ company bis daughter Philippa to Denmark. (Fr.) Hertford, July 8 . 14. 16 . Prince Henry, to Henry IV. his father; two letters, thelirft credential for fome of his little coun¬ cil whom he lent in coniequenee of the king's order; tlie feeond defiring reinforcements that lie might cope with Rees Gcthyu anil other rebels in Hereford¬ shire. (Fr.) Kenilworth, Sept. 4 ,. . . . and Hereford, Jan. 27, 1405 . 15. 17. Mathatbias f F. of Northumberland?) {-> Hen¬ ry i\ : retjuefting to be exeufed attending in the king's council. (Fr.) Warkworth, Jan. 1 j. 1405 Id* 18 . IMathatbi s (E. of Northumberland'! proba¬ bly to K. Richard I! : declaring that unlefs be is >«akl certain fums due lo him by the K. lie and his fon v ill not be al le to rc ntler the icm 1 equii d of (Fr.) Ilelawc, June 20'. i;,. if). Thomas dc Lancafier.licut.of Ireland, to I lie Privy Council; concerning l'oine redrcl's de¬ manded by John Uemyngton amerebant of London, who had been lpoilcd of fome Gleets at Galwav. (Fr.) Kihnanmn, Sept. 5 . j fj. . . . Ite ? ft retary to the kip _ 11 rylV.) to the Privy Council? deliring the cm cud u of an order for U10 payment of 100I. due lw him fir Hilary . (Fr.) Worct Iter, May 3 . MiK,. 21. W ■ ) id his affillanct in fome concei n rt la-ting to th ch Troubriggc. (Fr.) 1406 . 17. 22. J. Bp. of Rocheller, to.about refilu- tion el limed by John i luln n, of a hip whirl had been l'eized at Calais. (Lat.) TrottcfGef, Dec. 15. 17 . 23 . William de Beauchamp, to K. Henry rc; in behalf of one Alhby a ibldier, who had been taken by the rebels in the weir, ike. (Fr.) Hereford, Allg. 23. ]<). 24. Le fire de Lefpre ct de Rozav gov. of Bour- deaux, to.friendly, and recommending r Gal- liartde Marrabcn. (Fr.) Bnurdeaux, Aug. 20. 19. 25 . Thomas F. ofArunc.l and Surrey, to his un¬ cle (Thwii, againit the king's coming thither. Hatfield, lcb.,23. 61. 86. Margaret (). of Scotland, to her father Henry ' ^ > thanks for his kindncls, anil eouccrnin°‘ her re¬ ception in Scotland. 1503? ° Gi. b. 87- A requifition for a protection to be granted to Nie.Rigby; iigned II.(Percy) Northumberland, and dated Weftm. Jan. 26 , 14S6. qq 88. D°, for a protection in favour ofW. Taftard; figned Giles Daubnev Lt. Gen. of the marches of Calais. Weftm. Feb. 17 , 14S7. 68 •so. Henry \ Ilf. to Card. Wolfey; acknowledging his Cervices, and enjoining him to ufe fome recrea¬ tion : the whole in the King’s hand. 71 . 90 . Henry Vlll; an order to examine into fome matters relating to the Bp. of Wihcheiter (St. Gar¬ diner) and Morris his receiver. Greenwich, the 20 day ol the 27 year of his reign.— 1536 . 71 . 6. 91. Catherine of Aragon, Henry VIIItil’s queen, to prineels Mary her daughter; on her own ftate, and adyifing her to pay attention to her Latin and fair writing. Obonc (Holbourn?) 70 . 92. Anne Boleyn, to Card. Wolfey; thanking him for Ins fervices, and promifing ever to acknowledge tnem : fhortly before her marriage with Henry vni. '• Margan t Q. ofSc. to lord Dacre: defiring him to proteect Vyteng (fie) feut upon fome buliiiel’s: a fmall note at the bottom, defiring fome lady to re¬ member her in her prayers. Jau. 21 . " 74 . 94. Mary, widow of llie I). of Richmond, natural Ion to Henry viii, to th< D. 6fi Norfolk 1; 1 1 equefting his aid in a luit to the king to have juftice done her refpefting her maintenance. ‘ 75 . ' '■ Wjftiam (W: 1 < hi p. of Canl 1 to the Privy Seal; r< n order in favour of a poor prieft; with a luminous underneath for fcveral perfons to appear in the Star Chamber. 75 . b. 96 . Thomas (Cranmer) cleft of Canterbury, to | Th. Cromwell; defiling him to favour Mr. Newman. Weltm. Feb. 8. 7i3> 97- Card. Wolfey, to Tho. Cromwell; defiring him very urgently to come to him without delay] having matters of .confequence to communicate to him : after the cardinal's digracc? Eiher, Saturday. 76. , 98. William (Warham) Abp. of Canterbury, to Card. Wolfey; requefting him to favour the widow- lady Bulltrode in an exchequer luit brought againit her. Knol.Jan. 9 . ° 7 ~. 99. A warrant of Henry viii, to fir Hugh Conway trealurerol C alai.s, to pay £. 200 to Thomas Deacon, to be expended in the repairs of Ruylbank. Green¬ wich, Maich 12 , loll. ~ g 100 . 1. duke ot N orfolk, to fome minifter at court* referring him to the bearer for information on the hate ol affairs in the north, and defiring him to befriend liim with the king. Carliile, Feb. 24 . 78 . b. 101 . E. duchefs of Norfolk, to Mr. fecretary (Cromwell?) defiling him to procure her 1'ome've- niloii, as none was lent her finee her lord's difpleafure ; all'o about fome interference with her liulband. Redburn, Aug. 23. 7 y. 102 . Tho. (Cranmer) Abp. of Canterbury, to fee 5 ' Cromwell: thanking him for having procured the malterlhip ot Michael houfe in Cambridge, Nc. Knolle, Jan. is. 73 | ; 103. Charles (Brandon D. of) Suffolk, to Ilcnry VIII; exprelliug much contrition at his having offended the king, complains of Wolfey. ftc. probably about the time of his marriage with Q. Marv, HenrvA filter. Mottryll, April 22 . “ go. 104 : Catherine (the 4th wife of Charles Brandon D. of) VESPASIAN, F. XIII. 5°7 D. of) Suffolk, to lady ..... thanking her for wine and a clog, and complimental. From Ld. Schomf- bere’s houfe in Yorkihire. 80 . b. 105. T. carl of Surrey, to Card. Wolfey; acquaints hi in that 26 victuallers had been feen failing towards Scotland ; trufting that fome fuccefles would foon be gained over the Scots, See. ; intelligence that the queen of Sc. had coinc away, and left the young king at Stirling, &c. Newcaftle, April n. 81. 106. (lien. Fitz-Allen F. of) Arundel, to the king's almoner (Wolfey); profeffmg friendfliip, and fencliug him fome venifon. Donnelly, May 20. 82 . 107. Catherine Arundel (wife to the above) to Wolfey ? thanking him for his good offices in a caufe between her, ancl the old marchionefs of Dorfet. K. B. Lady Arundel was daughter to a Marq. of Dorfet. Donnelly, Off. 8 . 82. b. 108. (Hen. Percy earl of) Northumberland, to Ld. Cromwell; requeuing fome arrears of a ftipend allowed him for the wardenry of the Eaft and Middle Marches of England towards Scotland. Newington green, March 30 . 83 . 109. Catherine Northumberland (widow of the above earl) to lord Cromwejl? defiling his intereft for the recoverv of the herbage of the park of Cation. Catton, 061 . 20. 83 . b. I 10. Rauf (Nevill E. of) Weftmorland, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Cromwell?) fhewing why he could not grant the living of Brancepeth to Dr. Bellafvfe recom- mended by the privy feal. Brancepeth, March 20. 84 . 111. Rauf Weftmorland and Henry (Clifford E. of) Cumberland, to fome one at court; fignifying that they had executed the king's commillion. Naworth, May 17. 84 . b. 112. (John Yere 4 th E. of) Oxinford and four others, to Card. Wolfey; fignifying that they had quelled the inftirreetion in Effex and Suffolk. Hen- ingham, May 1 1 . 85 . 118. (George or Francis Talbot E. of) Shrewfbury, to Th. Cromwell ; defiring that Edw. Dyer afervaut of his might not be obliged to come to court for knighthood. Wynfield, 061 . 11 . 86 . 114 . John ( 5 th E. of) Oxford, to Ld. Cromwell? denying fome charges brought againft him by the abbot of Woburn. July 22 . 86 . b. 115 . A. Oxvnford (probably Anne the widow of John 4 th E. of Oxford) to my lord’s grace; concern¬ ing the delivery of fome plate, See. bequeathed by the late earl. 87. i 16. Margaret (PlantagenetCtfs.of) Salifbury,dau. of Geo. D. of Clarence, niece to Edward IV. and wife to fir Rich. Pole, to a lady ; concerning the intended marriage of her (the ladies) daughter. Worcefter, Aug. 20. 88 . II 7. Dorothy Derby (wife of Edward E. of Derby) to Ld. Cromwell? defiling him to caufe juftice to he done toTh. Bradlhaw, in a conteft about the living of Stockport in Chefliire, which had been prefen ted to him. July Q. 88 . b. 118. Edward (Stanley E. of) Derby, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Cromwell?) about a difpute between the king’s tenants of Sutton and Wyncle, and his (the earl’s) tenants of Bolley in Chefliire; particularly complaining of one Edm. Savage. Lathom, April 25 . 89. 119. Henry(Bourchier E. of) Effex, to Ld. defn ing an aniVer to f •; ic fuit of his. Bafe, March 1. 89 . b. 120. Thomas (Manners E. of) Rutland, to Mr. Wrefcley; for lbme arrears due to Capt. Skevington, and about the repairs of Nottingham caftlc. Fother- ingay, Aug. 29. 89 . h. 121. Ely nor (Ctfs. of) Rutland (wife to the above Thomas) to lady Lille ; thanks her for a prefent of wine and herrings, and about her (lady Lille's) delire to have her daughter Mrs. Ballet to be a maid to ihc queen. At Court, Feb. 17. 90. 122. Thomas (Grey marquis of) Dorfet, to Card. Wolfey; incloling a letter on fome affairs relating to Leicelterfliirc. Loud. July 12. 91 . 123 . Cecyl (mother to the above marqfs. of) Dorfet, to Th. Cromwell; defiling bedding, See. to be font her. Bed well. 9 1 • 124. Geo. (Haftings E. of) Huntingdon, to Tho* Cromwell; dcliring him to continue to favour a fer- vant of his. J uly 5 . 91. b. 125 . John (Bourchier E. of) Bath, to Ld. Crom¬ well? excufing himfelffor not coining to parliament. Scowaye, April 1. 93. 126. Henry (Radcliff Vifc.) Fitzwalter? to Ld. Cromwell? mentions bis having referred a certain caufe to his council, and defires to know whether he fliall attend parliament. Southport, April 14. 95 . 127. Hen. (Courteney Marq. of) Exeter, to fec r Cromwell; requeuing him to promote the fuit of a relation of Iris wife, to become priorefs of Wintncy. Horfley, April 7. 97 - 128 . Hen. (Somerfet Marq. of) Worcefter and Walter Devereux Ld. Ferrers, to the Ld. Pi ivy Seal; certifying that there were no dBorders in the marches of Wales. Wigmore, May 24 . 98 . 129. Elizabeth (wife of Charles or Hen. E. and Marq. of) Worcefter, to Tho. Cromwell; cautioning him as to certain malicious reports fpread by T. and II. Stradling againft her lord. Greenwich, June 17. 98 . b. 130 . John (Bourchier? E. of) Bath, to Ld. Crom¬ well ? complaining of his late father's unjuft will, and his mother-in-law's malice. Dorneford, May 3 . 99. 131 . Th. (Boleyn E. of) Wiltfhire, to Ld. Crom¬ well? fending him his collar and his belt George to be returned to his chaplain. Hewer. 100. 132. Robert ( Rate 1 iff e E. of) Suffex, to the Ld. Privy Seal (Cromwell) folic itrng the ftewardfliip of the houfehold. Ely place, Holbourn, Aug. 1. 101. 133 . Robeit E. of Suffex, to Mr. fec y .... fending him a patent for an annuity of 20 nobles. Wodch. Feb. 27. 101. b. 184 . Mary (Ctfs. of) Suffex (wife to the above) to lady Lyell (Lille) requefting her to procure an in- creafe of pay to one Edward Scroclet? 102. 135 . Hen. (Grey Marq. of) Dorfet, to fee 5, . in favour of the priorefs of Nuneton, who hud been aggrieved by her neighbours. Afteley, Aug. 31, 102. b. 1 . 36 . Margaret (widow of Thomas and mother of the above Hen. Marq. of) Dorfet, to lord.com¬ plaining heavily of her foil’s undutifulnefs, who withheld her property from her. 103 . 137 . Edward (Seymour E. of) Hertford, to the Ld. Privy Seal; thanks him for news concerning the D. of Cleves, and the IT. king’s good refolutions. Wollfall, July 17. 104. 138 . G. of Kyldare, to Ld.in favour of John Wulf, to whom fome ftuff was to be delivered, which had been withheld by order of the D. of Nor¬ folk. At the . . . Nov. 20. 104. b. 13 Q. J. Ormond Rofs, to the Ld. Privy Seal, re¬ queuing 50 S VESPASIAN, F. XIII. queuing- him to befriend the prior and monaftcrv of Fowerlying in Ireland. 105 - ] !o. Tho. Cromwell (mailer of the Rolls and fec y oi' irate) to fir Tho. Audlcy, chancellor ; defiring him to hafren the printing of a proclamation : with the chancellor's anlwer at the bottom. From the Rolls, Nov. 11, 1533 . b : 141 . Henry Montagu, to Mr. Secretary (Crom¬ well?) deliring his protection on the death oi his father-in-law, lord Bergevenny-Euridge : this letter is alio figned by two of the Nevills. Q y whether the above Montagu was Henry Poole, Ed. M.who married a daughter of Geo. Nevill Ld. Berg r but this does not perfectly agree with the pedigrees. 10G. l G. (lord) Talbot, to the almoner (Wolfcy r) about fome wine and gown-cloth procured lor him. Calais, Mav If). 1 ° 6 * b * 143 . Walter (lord) Ilungcrford, to Ld.• • • • about a caui’c between Edward Blackdon and his ap¬ prentices. Ferleigh, July l. 10 ~- 144 . Ilenry (Pole Ld.) Montague, to Ld. . . . ... . thanks for kindneffes ; reports Lcl. llaftings being ill, u hich prevents his mother (the counteis ot Salifbury) from going to Warbliugton. Amtill, Sept. 107 - h. 14 . 5 . Jehang (fome French prince?) to Card. Vol- fev; requefting the difpatch of a metVengcr. (Fr.) St. Sauveurde Dive? July 2 . 108 - 14fi. George (Bulien vifeount) Rochford, to L. Ilenry YIII; reports the arrival of the admiral ot France at Canterbury and his intended progrels to¬ wards London. Canterb. Nov. 14 . 108. b. 147. Anne (probably v. ife to the aboyeVifc.) Roch¬ ford, to lady Wingfield ; profeiling friendfliip. 109. 148. Jane (widow of the above Vifc.) Rochford, to fec y (Cromwell ?) defiling fome fluff and plate of her late hulband, for her fubiiftence. i° 9 - h. 140. Rich. Ld. Latimer and Wm. Ld. Conyers, to Henry VIII; a report of their proceedings as com- miffioners for the N.andW. ridings ot \ orklhire. Snapc, April 28 . 110 - 150. Henry (Radcliff Ld.) Fitzwauter, to Ld. ;.concerning fome contelt between the Bp. of Norwich and one Rich. Watfon. Norwich, March 7 . 110. b. 15 1. Arthur (Plantagenet Vifc.) Life, to Ld. Cromwell ? intelligence about Dr. Latimer's preaching in favour of papacy, and concerning the ftate of the borders in his parts. Calais, Feb. 27. 111 • 150. John of Audlcy, to Ld. Cromwell ?^ craving his advice in a delicate emergency. Fandereys Marche? Jan. 24 . in - b * 153. George (Brooke Ld.) Cobham, to I.d. Crom¬ well ; inclofing an examination of one Robt. Stretyn, charged with' uttering feditious language; allb re¬ porting that the mayor of Rochefter luffereth corn to be exported. Cobham-hall, May 9. 112. 154. Two notes: figned, 1. Anne Margaret Berge- venny ; and 2 . Anne Mattry was ? 112. 155. Thomas (Weft Ld.) Lawarr, to a phvfician ; concernin' 1 ' the lllncls ot lu . lifter Catheiine. July 112. b. 1 .- c. Herre Scrop (Q y whether II. I.d. Scroop of ; . or Mafham?) to.about an exchange of ■ manors h the king. Langley, Apr. 16. 113. John Zouchc, to Henry VIII; concerning a an inheritance. Jan. 10. 113 . b. 158. Mary Zouch, toiler coufin Henry Fitz Allan of Arundel, chamberlain to lien. VIII ? beleeching title l- him to intercede with Card. Wolfcy, that flie and her filters may obtain l’ome employment at court, they being left deftitute. Notwcll, OH. 8 . 114. 159. Tho. (Ld.) Wentworth, to Ld. Cromwell : reporting James Crawford of IplVich to be an evil difpofed perfon. 114. b. 1G0. William (Ld.) Sandys (Ld. chamberlain), to fec y Cromwell? lignitying the king’s approbation of his fervices in fending intelligence. Weftm. Jam 28 , 1533 . " " 115 . 1GI. John Ilufe (Ld. IIuifey) to fome command¬ ing officer or magiftrate at Lincoln ; apprizing hint of an iniurreclion in Lindiav, and ordering certain precautions to betaken. Sleaford, OH. 3. 11G. 1G2. Henry (Ld.) Stafford (fon to theD. of Buck¬ ingham), to Mr. Wryllev; thanking him for good offices. March 26 . 11G. b. lGS. Thomas Ilarowdou (J. Yaux Ld. liarwe- don) his appointment of Rich. Button furveyor of his manor or' Newington Lucye in Kent. May 9, 1534 . " 117. 1 G 4 . Francis (Ld.) llaftings (afterwards E. of Huntingdon) to Ld. Cromwell? requeuing the grant, of an abbev, naming Burton lavthe. Stoke, lib. 20. 117. b. 1G5. John (Ilourcbicr Ld.) Berners (Lieut of Ca¬ lais) to Henry \' 111; reports the E. of Angus being arrived at Boulogne from Scotland. Calais, March 2 G. ns. lGG. Thomas Scrope, to Tho. Cromwell - defiling him to write to I.d. Conyers not to moleii his game. Bolton-caftle. May 15 . 11 8 . b. 1G7. Thomas (Stanley Ld.) Monteagle, to Ld. Cromwell ? in anfwer to fome complaints brought againl't him for oppreiling his neighbours. Hornebv- caftle, March 11. 119”. 1 Hr. John (Ld.) Lumley, to Ld. Cromwell ? thanks for kiftdnefs, &c. 119. b. 1 G<). (Thomas Ld.) Burgh to Ld. Cromwell? re¬ queuing to be exempted from coming to Parliament. Edefton, March 30. 120. 170. John lord Dudley, to.offering an cxcufe for the non-payment of a turn, and tendering fecurity. "Weftm. May 11. 120. b. 171. Edward (Ld.) Dudley, to Card. Wolfev; ftating the circumltances of a robbery committed on John Mofeley, a tenant of his. Dudley Britton. Jan. 24 . 121 . 172. W.Mountjoy, to Card. Wolfcy; about the pay of the garrilbn and the fortifications of Tournay. Tournay, June 4 . 122. 173. Henry.to fec y Cromwell? about a fait between him and lbme of his tenants. Parat. OH. 122 . 174. Chriftophcr (Ld.) Conyers, to Lord. thanking him for the fricndlhip flicwn his Ion. Skel¬ ton, May 24 . 123 . 175. Anne Conyers (widow to the above) to Ld. .appointed guardian to her eldeli fon ; de¬ filing him to I hew favour to her, and her younger chil¬ dren. Skelton. July 10. 123 . 17G. Walter Devercux (Ld. Ferrers) to the Ld. pre- fident of the Prince's council in Wales; remonitrating againft certain fubpamas iffued in Wales. Char.te- ley, Jan. 9. 124 . 177. a. Anne Barkelcy (widow of Thomas 5th Ld. Berkley) to Tho. Cromwell? concerning fome mat¬ ters relating to her jointure. May. 125. b. 177. b. William Saint John, to Ld. Cromwell ? re¬ ports the good dilpolitions made by the lord admiral VESPASIAN, F. XIII. 5°9 on tlie coaft; and about the election of a knight of the fhire. Poytfmouth, March Q. 126. 178. Tho. (Ld.) D’Arcy, to Henry All I: intelligence about the Scots. Temple Newfon, May 21. 127. 170. D- (Doufabella) DArcy (wife to the above.) to her hulbaiul; reprefenting the danger tlic and their family are in, and deli ring him to come to their re¬ lief. Gaytforth, June i: 3 . ] s 2 7. b. 180. Tho. (Ld.) D’Arcy, to a captain ; ordering - him to come to him. Nov. ih. 128. 181. The Lds. of Council, to Henry \'lll; congra¬ tulating - him on his profperous journey to Calais, &c. Wcltm. June 13 , 1519? 129. 182. The council of Ireland, to.certify¬ ing the good conduit of the bearer of the letter. Dublin, May 22. 130 . 183 . John (Ncvil Ld.) Latimer, to the Ld. Privy Seal; declining the requeft of letting him liave his houfc in the w Chart.ufyes” church-yard. Wyke in Worcelrcr/li. Sept. 30 . 13 1. 184 . The Lds. of Council, to Henry VIII; congra¬ tulatory on his profpcritv ; report a icarch they had canted to be made in London, and an apprehenfion of a plague breaking out. U’clim. Oct. 14, 1 o 1 9 ? 131 . b. 18 . 5 . The Lds. of Council, to fome magiftrate; re¬ ferring to his court the cafe of a debt claimed of Mrs. Johnfon. Greenwich, June 25 , 1. 546 . 132 . 186. Divers lords, to Ilenry VIII; certifying that there is a great fcarcity of money in Kent. Canter¬ bury, Mays. 133. b. I 87. Divers lords, to Card. Wolfey ; defiring di- redtions concerning the manner in which princefs Alary is to keep her Chrillmas. Teoxbury, Nov. 28. 134 . 188. Margaret Douglas, to Ld.agreeing to retrench her houfchold as much as lie fhall direct. 134 . b. 18 !’. IVm. Ld. Sandys and four others, to Card. "W ollcy, by lir \\ m. Skcvington, lent to report the ltalc of their garrilons, &c. Guilhcs, Jan. 13. 133. 190 . Sir Thomas More, to Card. Wol fey ?- figni- fying that the king had figued certain bills for fir l^ich. ingfield. Oking, Sept. 1. 136. b. 191. Francis Bryan, to.declaring his dc- fire to obey punctually the king's orders. ' Dec. 16. 137 . 192 . William Fitzwilliam, to Card. Wol fey ? re¬ ports that the foul weather prevented his failing; re- monftrates that all the fiiip.s were not collecTed,’&c. Downs, July 29. !3 7 . b. 193. T. Hemas? Capt. Lieut, to Ld. Cromwell; re¬ ports his having lent away to Normandy the Fran- cifean monks, w ho had refufed to take the oaths re¬ quired by the king. Guernfey, Sept. 20. 1.3 8 . 194 . Henry v ..to fee 5, Cromwell ? reconi- mending the fuit of one Stourton. Greenwich, M;iy . ls " 139. 195 . John Dudley, to Ld. Lifle his father; about the purchale of a horfe. j 4 L 196 . Sir Tho. Defmond, to Henry vill; reports his proceedings, andthofeoftheearl of Defmond his eoulin againft certain rebels. Croflaync, Feb. 12. 141. 197 . Robert (Ld.) Courfon, to Card. Wolfev, con¬ cerning the conditions on which he is willino-'to <> - ive up his houfe to the Card. April 30. ° ] 5 s. 198. Mabell (lady) Southampton and 9 other la- dic.s, to Henry vill; ex prefling their admiration of his Imps, and thanking him for the good entertain¬ ment. they had received on board of them. Portf- mouth, Aug. 4. 143. 199 . Odonnell, to Henry VIII; in exculpation of his conduft. Dongall, Jan. 12, 1414. 144. b. 200. Agnes duchefs of Norfolk ; her receipt for £. 13 . 6 . paid her by Ld. lien. Fitzwater. March 19, 1536 . 147. 201. J. Ruflell, to Card. Wolfey ; fignifying that he had reported to the king the cardinal's examina¬ tion of Philips and Yyucs. Windfor, Feb. 20. 1 . 50 . 202. Tho. Arundel, to Tho. Cromwell; defiring the dilpatch of a bill. 153. 203. Tho. Cheyne, to.about fome intended proceedings of one Haflylwood, &c - . 061 . 26. 1.53. b. 204 . Tho. Cromwell, to Stephen Gardiner; with minutes of inftruCtions to be laid before the king. Loud. June 18: with Gardiner's anlwer at the bot¬ tom, dated Hampton-court. 154. 205. John (J'ilhcr Bp. of?) Roeheftcr, to fce r Cromwell; reprefenting his ill ftate of health, and deliring to he exeuled attendance. Roeheftcr, Jan. 28 . 1.54.I). 206 . Edmund Bonner, to Ld.defiring the bearer, a metfenger, may be difpatehed with fpeed. Compiegne, Nov. 2. 135. 205. Rich. Pace, to Card. Wolfev ; reports the fa¬ vourable difpofition of the Swifs towards the king. Middlehaim, June is. 1,-35. 208 . Sir R. ’Wingfield, to Card. 'Wolfev ; reports that the neighbours of Calais feem difpofed to hofti- lities. Calais, Jan. 20. * 150. 209. Elizabeth Cromwell (wife of Gregory Ion to Thomas Cromwell) to Henry vm ; craving favour and alii fiance, notvithftandiug the demerits of her father-in-law. 157 _ 210. 'William (afterwards Ld.) Paget, to. thanks for kindneis obtained from Mr. Cofferer, and about lome property. Draiton. 157. b. 21 1. John (Ld.) Mordaunt, to.about the payment of a debt to the king. 153. 212. William Pet re, to.reports the quiet furrender of-Butley abbey. Butley, March 1. 158. b. 2 1 • - - David Cecil (grandfather to Ld. Burleigh) to fcc y Cromwell; concerning an obligation one Me- rynge brings againft him, which he declares to be a forgery. Stanford, April 8. 159. 214. David Cecil, to fee* Cromwell; on his (Ce¬ cil) being appointed iheriff of Northamptonfh. Stanford, June 28 . 159. y, 2 io. Bryan Luke, to fec r .about an action concerning wool. Hampton-court, Nov. 24, 1,514. 160. Jho. V\ iat, to Ld.recommends Tli. Cbamberleyne, his fervant, to fome favour. 1 Go. b. 217. Tho. Henneage, to.direding him and fir Fr. Bryan to come to the king. Oteland. 10T. 218. r \. Dalby and 9 others (commifiioners) to Card.Wolfey ? with an account of their expenfes. 162. 219. A paper in Edward vith's hand-writing, in- titled “ Certain pointes of waighty matters to be im¬ mediately concluded on by my Council.” Jan. is 1551 ‘ 171. 220. Lady (afterwards queen) Elizabeth, to the Lds. of Council; concerning fome landed property and dealings with one Smith. Hatfield, Mav Si 1553 . ' ’ 221. Henry (Grey duke of) Suffolk, to Edward l J’ hl SW comphmental. (Lat.) Cambridge, May 22, .. 174 . 6.0 222. An 5 so VESPASIAN, F. XIII,— XVII. 2 '2. .\n ovi ; ina! : 1 ; nt >>; Edward VI. of the third pent < i i ii vend lrruoi-in 1 uTclihirc and Humpjhire, to John tlluljell) lari of 1 cdford ; alio the wal'd lli ip of Henn 1 rent hard. (Lai.) 177. CCS. Lady (afterwards queen) Mary, to. defiling hi' i fierer.ee in helm If of .Mrs. Colie. hoi mother’s old tenant, for the farm of Rvibr.itfgg Court, April 15 . 262. cci. Mary the French queen, to Card. Wo'fcy ? rujiu liing him to do her favour with her mother lieu. VIII. Paris? Jan. 10, 15 15 . 202. b. 225 . Lady (afterwards Q.) Mary, to fee 5 ’ Cromwell ; . Sir Lo. Knyvcton, Aug. Vincent. W111. v ‘- lo - '!■ el\crUin. G. Carew. WiUm Camden, ton Ld.. I) lie i . : nd Tha J 1 o' :!, to fir Robt. Cotton; notes about the loan of MSS. ssu : 1 ifia . ; . X. l . Deliberatin'. 1 efp/J/anus, F. XV. Vcfpafuuui. s\ ]’. XVI. Codex eharlaccus, in folio,confitams foliis 4 fJ. i } 1 'anu . V. XVII. 2. A merchant's account book (journal) from Sept. 1, 1G1 5 , to Jan 3 i, 1G1G-7. 03 . Codex rnembran. in folio, foliis conftans 320. Regift rum chartaruin monaiterii Sei. Paneratii de I.ewes, a Wilielmo de Warenna Surregiai enmite, ct Gundrada uxore l’ua, A° 1078, fundati. Fol 9, fic ieribiiur li Robt us Auncell quondam prior dc Lewes me fieri fecit A. I). 1 144.” Hoc codice, infignioris not ay olim Com. Dorlet, dein V. Cl. Kdw. I-ufi pe- eulium, vir de antiquitalilms Anglicanis "uptime meritus Mat. Hutton, S. T. P. Bibli'otlieeam Cotto- niancm lueupletavit. A houlehold account, probably kept by the wife of tome merchant in London, from March 25 , 1594, to March 25 , 1595 ; with marginal notes of who dined and flipped with the fiumilv. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 111, cum fuperiore iimul compact us. l. A diary of public events from. May 1509 , to Dec. 1521 . 1. Titus, TITUS, A. I.—VI. Titus, A. I. Codex et membran. ct chartac. in 4 to. eonftans foliis 151 . 1. Hiftom Elicnfis in Hi I a 1 et ecclefm? port S. Ethelredam : liber fecundus, ;i temp, fcil.' It. Edgar', ad R. Edwardum confeftbfem. Subjunguntur charts quamplurimu? regum Saxonum et Anglorum, pontifi- cum, epifeoporum, &c. fundatione ejufdem mona- fterii ad R. Stephamim. l. 2 . Chronica abbatnm et epifeoporum Elicnfis mo- naiterii ot eeelefia?, a Britbnoto abbate primo, ad mor¬ tem Philippi Morgan, A 0 1433 . 03 . Titus, A. II. C’odcx membran. in 4 to. foliis eonftans id. 1. Iliftoria? eeelefia? Dunelmenfis liber, qui ha?c fpceiatim continet: (a.) Do ftatu Lindisfarnenfis; i. e. Dunelmenfis ccclcfia?, per Vcn. id-dam prelbyterum; ct de geltis epifeoporum Dunclmenliunu ab A 0 635 ad An. 1131 , per Turgotium monaehum Dujiei- menfcni; in quo inleritur chronica Cuthberti Girvenfis monachi, de morte Bedie; fc..ad an¬ num 733 . i_ (b.) Gaufricli, fucrifitic de Coldingbam, liber, de fratu eeclefae Dunelmenfis, qui incipit ab obitu Gulielmi E]>i. de S. Barbara A° 1131, ad clec- tionem 1 ). Morgan! (R. Johannisfratris) A 0 1213. Subjungitur brevis narratio de Sco. Cuthbej-to. 68 ... (c.) Robertus Grayftpnus Dunelmenfis, dc Ponti- licibus Durefmuv, ab A° 1213 ad An. 1343. 8G. (d.) Demiracul.is Sci. Cuthberti. 127. (c.) Gulielmus Chambers, de modbus Ricardi de Bury Dpi. Dunehnenlis, cjui lupremum obiil diem A 0 1245 . 130. Prannittitur huic libro elenclnis enpitum, qui enimvero ordine nimis pnrpoftcro exferibitur. 2. De ortu cl vita B. patris Cuthberti libellus, dc Scotieis, i. e. Ilibcrnicis auCtoribus collettus. i.h. 3. Ejufdem vita, veifibus hexametris rhythmicis. 148 . 4. Regiftmm breve de ftatu eeelefia? Dunelmenfis, ab A° 635 ad tempora Galfridi epifeopi. 153, 5 . Relatio brevis de Sco. Cuthberto, et quomodo corpus ejus Dunelmum venerit: exccrpta de vita et miraculis S. Cuthberti. 158. 6 . Breviarinm Chronica? Ilagulftadienfis eeelefia?, vulgariter Hexham, ab A 0 074 ad temp. Hen. I. regis: vix duas paginas continet. 1C0. b. TtfKvA.ni. Codex membran. in 4 to. conltans foliis G4. 1. Conftt’dcrationes et liga? inita? et renovata? inter jeges Caftelke et Legionis, eorumq. proenratores, et leges Fran cite; annis 1368 , I 36 y, 1381 , 13 S 6 , 1391 1395 , 1396 . o. ’ 2. Confcederationes facia? inter R. Fran cue, et Ro- bertum II. R. Scotia? ; annis 1371, 1390. 22. 3 . Confcederationes facia? inter Owcnum principem Wallia?, et regem Francia?; annis 1404 et 1403: praimittuntur procurationes Oweni oratoribus fuis data:. „„ b 4 . Jiiranicntum Carols VI. It. Francis, de obfei- vandis confederatinnibus, dudum inter patreni fuuni, ci llobertum II. U. Sonia: initis: datum A° 148.-;. 38 . 5 . Ratificatin regis Scoticc, de fubfidiis fibi per regem praftandis. A 0 1483. 3 S. b. 0 . Qnietantia? regis Seotiie, pro pecuniis fubfidiariis fibi folutis. 3 g jj 7 . Litene Ilenrici III. et JohannisII. RR. Caftella?, quibus eonlirmantligas etconi'tt'derationes inter ipfos, et reges Franck, eorumquc ha?redes. Annis 1394* 140 8 ’ - 43 . 8 . Rcquete dcs trois ordres du chichi de Nor¬ mandie, an roy (Henry VI.) $vec articles. 52. 9 . Reponfe du roi k la fufdite requete. 55. 10. Lettres du meme roy, aux viUes de Paris, Rouen, et uutres. 57. b. 11 • ~ --ct du due de G loucefter, aux ambafiadeurs de France et de Normandie. 60. ^ ~ * -- t-- r- ^ (Ipj magiftrats dc Paris; Londres, le 1 6 Jan. 61 1- des ambafiadeiHs de France, au dit rov: Portlmoutb, le 25 Janv. ei. b. Titus, A. IV. Codex: membran. in 8 vo. eonftans foliis 123. Sec. xi. 1. Regular monacliorum eximii patris beatiflimi, Benedicti abbatis; Latine et Saxoniee: hanc regulam Cl. Junius, in pnefatione ad ejufdem glofiarium Gotbicum, quantivis elle pretii affirmat. 2. 2. Capitula mimero l.xxn. qua? abbates et monachi, in communi confilio, a regularibus inviolabiliter coa¬ ler van decreverunt, in domo palatii Aquifgrani 6 Id. Julii, A. I). 917. imperlo vero giorioftimi Lodovici 107 . 3 . “ Memorise qualiter in mouafterio converfari “ debemus.” j j j 4 . “ Ludovicus imperator, de feftivitatibus anni.” 11 7 . b. 5 . Quomodo a monachis dies quadragefimales funt obfervandee: Latine, et inde verfio Gallica live Normanno-Gallica; maim reccntiori. I lie codex, pneclarus ct elegantcr feriptus, quondam luit peculium Tho. Alleni Oxonienfis. 11 s. Titus, A. V. Codex chartaceus, in 4 t.o. eonftans foliis 294. Colle&anea varii generis, pneeipue de familiis nobi- libus Anglia*., ex variis rotulis et libris antiquis. Tom. 11. pneligitur imliculus alpliabeticus literam A. tantummodo coinpledlens. Titus, A. VI. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. eonftans foliis 451. i . Collectanea? ejufdem argiunenti, Tom. VI. cum indice alphabetico. j -■ . . --*--— Tom. III. nirfus cum indice. 142> 3. -—■———— -Tom. v. cum indice. e g lt Titus, TITUS, A. VII.—XIV. Titus, A. VII. Codex chartaceus, in 4to. c oil ft an s foliis 04 fi. i. Colleelanea ejufdem argumenti quod V. ct VI. Tom. I\'. cum indice. 1. Tom. I. 107 . Titus, A. VIII. Codex membran. in 4t.o. conftans foliis 147 . 1. Sulcardus monachus, depiima conltiuctione et dedi ationc ceclcfue Weftmonaftcrienfis, ct dc privi- legiis ejiil'dcm. i. 2 . Privilcgia for'nr Wintonienfis. Go. b. 3 . Chart a magna 11 . Ilenrici III. de libertatibus Anglia 1 2 . 1225 . 63 . b. 4. Charta ejufclem de forefta. 65. b. 5 . Vita S. Edmuudt regis, per Olbertum de Clare priorem Wcftmonafterii. A 0 1 156 . Titus , A. XIII. Codex membran. ct chart, in 4to. conftans foliis l. Chronicon Anglia’, a liruto ad R. F.dwardum III. cm*troy. , -• Additamenta chronicorum Profpcri Aquitaniei, ex antiquo MS. codicc pratertim de rebus Anglicis! ab A 46 G, ad An. 1 33 ;>, per Guil. Eambardum tran- ieripta. A 0 i.»G6. 3 . De jure luperioritatis regum Angliic in reg- nmn Scotia: ex annalibus priuratus S. Marne iiuni- ingdon. ,, b 4. Goweri poema, de populari tumultu et rebel- bone, A 0 4 Itie. II. mutilum. 104. j 5 . Confuctudines Anglia in rebus ecclefiaftieis, 1 qua: proponebantur Thomai Becket. 137. I 6 . Conftitutiones quas conftiLuit Ilenricus rex in 1 X orinamua. 67. Titus, A. IX. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 128. Eadmeri Cantuarienfts monachi, hiftoria novorum, five fui loculi, in Anglia. Ex hoe exemplari ca qua* tvpis mandavit Cl. Seldcnus A 0 1623, tranfumebantur. Titus , A. X. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. conftans foliis iso. 2. Tracial us de faeramentis in generc: per Mel- chiorem a Caltro; ineeptus Cordubie, 1585 . 79. Titus, A. XL Codex chartaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis S69. Traetatus varii £ penu fcholafricorum deprompti. 1. De fponfalibus et matrimonio. 1. 2. De dcledtatione in0rota. De fpcciebus lux nine, fornicatione. raptu, adul- teno, incettu, laeniegio, et peeeato contra naturam. 109 . 4. De reftitutionc ; per Didacum Alvarez a Corduba Soc. Jefu. 158 G. 135. Titus, A. XI L Codex chart., in 4to. conftans foliis Gi. 1. Ordonnances dcla cit 6 dc Geneve. 1589 . (In prime.) . i. 2. Ordonnances faites par les feigneurs, fyndics, et couleil de la cite de Geneve. 35 . ]. Traetatus, vel potius lyllogc majoris operis, de imperio, intellcciu, voluutate, bonitate et inalitki aftuum humanorum. 1. 7 - Exccrptum dc dccimis. ‘ j4 8 - Suffragan eqrum xxvi. let les in Anglia, ex fta- tuto 3 1 lieu. Ylli. 1534 . 144. .0. Deereta concilii Londinenfis fub Anfelmo Arehiep. Cantuar. ;3 lien. 1. 1 102. i.jfi. 10. A note of the time the fee of Rome continued at Avignon, viz. 1302 —1377. 11. A note concerning the decree of Simon J aim - ham Abp. of Canterb. againlt pluralities. 141* 12. The names of the priefts, officers to the king, and judges of the law, temp. Edw. ill. a Eir. 1. 150 . 13 . De cpifeopis Cambrenfilms fedi Cant.uaricnfi fub. R. Henrico I. fubjectis. 1,54. 1 4 . De jurifdictioneecclefiaftica arcbiepilcopi Can- tuarienfis. 154. b. 15 . Exccrptum de cxcommunicatione contra im- pugnantes libcrtates eccleliie. 1.50. 16. Dc dccrctalibus. 1 7. 17. A note of the firlt Parliament or council of ftate aifemhlcd at Salilbury, 14 Hen. 1. 15.3. is. A limit note of the divifion of the province of Canterbury into pariflies, A. 1 ). G.»o. Kio. b. 19. A note on the lupport of the jurildietion of the court of arches, by Simon Sudbury Abp. of Canterb. 1G1. 20. A note on the vifitation of Vm. Courtney A]>b. of Canterb. and of the oppofition thereto made by the Bp. of Exeter. 1384 . 1G1. 2 1. A note on the prerogatives of the metropolitan church of Canterb. 1494 . 1 0 . 5 . 22. Lyra dccachorda; five cento Iloratianus: poema in cxccrandam proditionem pulvcrariam. l GG. b. 23 . Carmen perfonatum. i. c. Profopopoeia Baft- Iica, feu poema de tranllationc corporis Maria: regi¬ me Scotor. a Petriburgo W eltmonafterium A" 1G12, per E. B. A. (Edm. Bolton Armig.) 178. 24 . A ftatute of Henry \ ill, for a retinue of men at arms to be chofen out of the nobility. (Original ? an indenture on vellum.) is 5 . b. Titus, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 80 . Chronicon Tho. Vibes; aljtcr chronicon Saliibmi- cniis TITUS, A. XV.—XIX, enfis monafterii, ab ad vent u conqueftoris A° 10G6, ad 18 Edw. I. ia89. Extat inter rerum Anglicarum Scriptores XX. Galei Tom 11. p.. 2 J: ubi enim chronicon ufquead annum 1304 pertingit. Titus, A. XV. Codex chartaceus, in 4to. conftans foliis 304 . Prima pars di&ionarii Saxonico-Latini, nempe lit or a A ad literam E inchdive: collegium ex "lotfariis, legibus, ct verfionibus Evangeliorum, regula S. Hcnedifli, paftorali S. Gregorii, homiliis TEliTici, et aliis feriptis Saxonicis; ct per Job. Jofcelinum et Job. Parkcrum (Matth®i filium ut videtur) ferip- tum. Titus, A. XVI. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. foliis conftans S 08 . Superiors codicis pars altera, continens voces Sax- ouicas a lit. Vad lit. Z iucluiive. Titus, A. XVII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 50 . Le facre, couronnement, triomphe, et entree Paris tie madame Claude de France, title de Louis XII. roy de France, et de Anne heritiere de Bretagne, epoufe de Francois 1 . R. de France; et de fon regne: avec figures. Titus, A. XVIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 84 . 1. De poenis canonicis; quomodo facerdos fe debet habere erga iibi confitentem. l. 2. Ordo officiorum dominicalium. 6 '. S. Contra malos fccleliafticomm mores; verfus rbythmici. 7 . b. 4. De ortu et vita S. Wilfridi. 11. 5 . Hiftoria Britonum, per Galfridum Monumctlien- fem compilata. 13 . o. Dialogus inter corpus et fpiritum; rhythmice. 82 . b. Titus, A. XIX. Codex chartaceus, in 4 to. conftans foliis 15 G. 1. Symeon Dunelmenfis, de fucceflione pontifi- cum Eboracenfium. 3 . 2. De civitate et epifeopis Lincolni®. 4 . 3 . Verfus rhytlnnici, de origine et ftatu ecclefi® Eboracenfis: ubi multa interieruntur de adventu Anglorum in Britanniam. 6 . 4. De montibus, ecclefiis, et reliquiis urbis Roma;. 11 . b. 5 . Narrationes quondam de nobili regc Artburo; qualiter coniirmatus fait in fide, de ejus morte, et de illius corporis inventione. iG. 0 . Tractatus de Sco. Jofepho de Arimath®a ; ex- trachis de libro quodam, quem invenit Theodotius imperator in Jcrul'ulem, in pnetorio Pilati. is. 5 r S 7 . Exccrpta ex aliis libris, de duodecim diicipulis apoitolorum Philippi et Jacobi ; et de Glafttonia. 19 . b. 8 . Turpinus arcliicp. Rhcmeniis, de geftis Caroli magni, regis Francoruni. 24 . 9 - Exccrpta quiedam theologica ex Chrvfoftomo, quare Evangelifta non dixit “ In prineipioerat filius, fed verbum de magno Dei nomine, &c. 43 . b. 10. Xotulae breves, quo tempore Hugo de Giim- fton, et Johannes Birdeftall erant abbates de Ifirk- ftall. 47 -b. 11. De tribus regibus, uti appellantur, Colonienti- bus, regi cuidam Danorum apparentibus, fabulofa narratio. Item de Barnaba, Thebanorum legione, &c. 48 . 12. Mifcellte obfervationes de arithmetica, de cura caftrorum, de modo feminandi terrain arabilem, de ceconomia, &c. 50 . 18. Vita S. Thurftani Archiep. Eborac. partim oratione foluta, partim ligata, per Ilugonem de Pon- tefraeto monachuin, et Galfridum b. S. Ejufdem difputatio, de Divite et Lazaro. G7. p. Gul. Mapes, de punitione peccati; fc. quomodo Deus deftruxit mundum per diluvium Noe: rhyth- micis verfibus. 67. b. 10. Golias, de contemptu mundi: rhytlnnicis ver¬ fibus. * G 8 . 11 . Quomodo comes Gloveruiae fuerit occifus apud Strivelin, et Angli vieti. 68. ic. Probse, uxoris Adelphi proconfulis, Cento Vir- gilianus. 6p. 1 >. Invocatio (irivvciiva; c.mjra francium. 7$ 1 l. Rhvtlmms de bello Scotia;, ubi David R ru8 crat captus. 8a h 15 . Rhythmus dc bello deCTcfiy. et Neville-Crofs. 86 . 1(1. \ erfus de conditionibas monacliorum. sg. 17. Verfus de proprielatilms (|uorundam anima- Imm, ut de afino, cane, columbis, falcone. leone, &c. 8 G. b. 18. Verfus dePapa, Ctefare, eloquio, parafito, mu- licre nolnli, nmheribus in geiiere; de tloribus. iiuc- tibus, et arboribus. y - p l». Difputatio inter Anglum et Eiancimi; met rice. „ 98 . 20. Verfus dc bello Trojano. ,,(> ci.-mifcelianeide f amore, pavone,&c. 104. -Gualonis Britanni, qui floruit A 0 1 1G0 contra monachos. 23 . -de moderato ftudio. 24. -de dienatalis Domini. 2 . 5 . -ad avarum promilforem. ;, n - -— r a<1 r.omam, ad regent, et ad Rufunt i nullius valoris, ut 1 et cicteri. 27. Iliftoria Mabumeti ; verfibus. 10.5. 108 . 109. 109 . b. 109 . b. 111. b. bu: 28. Verfus quid 1m de vocal ulis quibufdam, q U fola quantitate fyllabarum difienml. 29. lloberti Dalton, exhortatio ad Anglos; verfi- ;s. 30 . Com cedi a Babionis; verfibus. 31 . Comoedia (ieta 1 : verfibus. 32 . Pamphili liber; verfibus. 33. Expanfio rofarum Virgilii. 84 . Decretum inter gemclh 12 G. b. 129. 13 . 5 . 141 . b. 151 . verfibus. I 5 i.b. 35. Apocalvpfis Oolite; verfibus. (couf. Vefp B XIII. 26. b.) ' l53 / 30 . Verfus de S. Sufanna. 155. j*. 37. —-—contra muliercs. ]5g_ 38 . -Baltoni, contra papain, cardinales, reges, 150 b. 39 . -Guliclmi Mapes, de monachis. 1G0. h. 40 . Difputatio inter corpus et animam. 1G3. 41 . Mapes, de miferiis mundi. 1G4. b. 42. Ejufdem verfus, de convocatione ifacerdotum, et eorum concubinis. 1^,5. 43 . De Norfoleienfium moribus; feu deferiptio Norfolehe, per queudam monaehum Petroburgen- fern; rhythmice. 105. b. 44. Defcriptionis iftins impugnatio; rhythmice. 16G. 45 . De Chrifto et ecclefia ; rhythmice. 1G8. h. 46 . De Maria virgine, per Mapem; rhythmice. 1 G>). b. 47. De curialitate in diteta; rhythmice. 175. Titus, A. XXL C’odex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 90. Uteris magnis quadrat is exaratus. 1. Mariale ; five liber hymnorum rhythmicorum ad S. virginem Mariam, intermixtis Pfalmorum varies verficulis, quos in honorem virginis fuperftitiofiffinuw. atlCtor Trzoanpoxfyi. Ineip. “ J it erit tanquam lignum quod plantatuiu “ clt cecus (fccus) decurfus aquarum, “ quod fructum fuum dabit in tempore fuo. “ Av S TITUS, A. XXI.—XXVI. “ Ave porta paradifi, “ Lignum vita;, quod amifi, “ Per te mihi jam duclefcit, “ F.t falutis frucius crefcit. tEJna cum litania B. Maria; virginis, i. 2. Pl'almi quidam. 46. 3. Hymni ad virginem Mariam; cum notulis mu- ficis. 90 . b. 4 . Fragmentum veteris Gallicanre pocfcos, dc quo- dam cquite men fa; rotunda; regis Arthuri. Incip. “ Ja dife avait en la courte le rais Artur “ onorabille, “ Une cgevaler vailant dc la ronde tabil, “ Ki efors avar mine de tut curtafy, “ Kar repris ne fu ungis de nul villainie.” 94 . b. Titus, A. XXII. Codex, membran. in 4to. conflans foliis 382 . Biblia Latina, vulgaris tranflationis; pramiittitur prologus; accedit ad ealcem vocum Hcbraicarum in- terpretatio. Titus , A. XXIII. Codex cliartac. in 4to. foliorum 57. “ Of knighthood and bataila poem in old Englifli : Beg. “ Som tyme it was the gyfe among the wife “ To rede and writegoode and myghti thinges.” Titus, A. XXIV. Codex chartac. in 4to. folior. 25 G. I. Chronica brevis de ortu, vita, ac geftis nobilibus reverendi 1 ). Willelmi de Wykham, olim epifcopi Wintonienfis. 2. a. Ejufdem teliamentum, quod dieitur ultima voluntas. 5 3 . De ejufdem ortu, vita, et obitu ; metriee. n. Incip. “ Omnia cum nequeam Willelmi fcribere “ gelt a, “ Pauea brevi calamo fcribere nitar ego.” 4. Collocutiones feptem, de laudibus nobilis antif- titis V iHelmi de \\ ykham, ducentorum fundatoris dericorum ; ad inlignem dominum Thomam de Be- kyngtona, Wellenfem et Bathonienfem pontificem. 15 . 5. De provincia de Mangy; ex libro Marci Pauli Vencti. (Gallice, unica pagina.) 64. (i. Excerpta quasdam de rege Solomone, Dario, Ulyffe, etvEnea. 6 5- 7. De regibus Trojanis. (Gallice.) 67. 8. De regibus Italia?, quando iEneas appulit, et Francise a Pharamondo; et de genealogia regum An- glorum, a RolloneNormanno, ad regem J ohannem line terra. (Gallice.) 72 . 9 . Several copies of verfes, molt of them of a fa¬ ded argument, made either in queen Mary’s or at the beginning of queen Elizabeth's reign. 79. 10. Arehbp. Cranmer’s confeflion, before his death. 87. # 11. Verfes on death, byR. E. Begin. ,l O catife corps that long liaft felt “ The prefent pangs of death.” 90. b. 12. Quidam verfus Latini, varii argument!; aliaque philofophica, &c. qj. 13 . Modus pneliciendi five ordinandi militCm in- clyti et heroiei ordiuis equitum iinmaculatte virginis. 102 . 14 . Qusedam collectanea de Suffolk, Norfolk, D01- fetia, et Cantio. 115. 15 . A dcfcription of the county of Nottingham. 1 17 . 16. Collectanea de Cantio, Dorfetia, comitatihus Somerfettenfi, Wiltonienfi, Ilantonienfi, Leiceltrienfi, Lincolnienfi, Glouceftrienfi, etOxonienfi; et de Cor- nubia. 130, 17. Collectanea de Carolo magno, ex Eginharto 140 . 18 . Quod focmina non poteft elfe caput ecclefias 144 . 19. Anfwcrs to various queftions concerning the mafs. J50> 20. Fragmentum traCtatus cujufdam, parum, nili librum fecundum qui intitulatur “ De rebus eccle- fiafticis,” continens. 168. 21. A collection, on relicks, confeftion, contempt of the world, celiln -y of the clergy, the life of t e Chriltian man, &c. probably written about ti e end of the reign of Henry vm. ‘ iss. 22. A difeourfe on the text in Job vil. “ Militia eft vita hominis fuper terrain.” 045. Titus, A. XXV. Codex et chartac. et membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 138 . Intitulatur “ Annales monafterii de Buellio in Hi¬ bernia.” continet enirn: 1. Breve chronicon, ab orbe condito ad Chriftum natum, et hide poft tempora S. Patricii fufius, de rebus eecldiajricis Ilibernieoium. (Partini Latine partim Hibernice.) 1. 2. The manner of feekyng and offeryng, and alfo of the heryng and tranilacions of the three holy kings of C’olcyn. 35. 3 . \ ia nova diverfarum regionum proprietatum declarativa, difpolitio terra* fanCht 1 , per Ludolphum, qui Palffiftinam adiit A. 1). 1336 , et per quinquennium ibi mo rat u's eft. 71. 4. \ erfus quidam Latini, exefis et evanefeentibus cliaraCteribus. (in charta.) 93. 5. Hiftoria de regibus vetuftis Britannorum, i\ rege Arthuro ad Cadwalladrum. 105° 6. Formula obligationum, acquietantiarum & tef- tamentorum, See. (Latine et Gallice.) 117. Titus, A. XXVI. Codex chartaccus, in 4to. conftans foliis 293. 1. Hymns and longs, in old French and provin¬ cial Italian; fome with notes. o, 2. Le virtu de Lofmaryno, molto utile a. tutte in- fennitade ; lequalc l'ono 35 , fegondo li dottori di me- dicina. Five leaves at the end appear to have been cut out. 9. 3 . A compilation, or exlraCfs, concerning naval ar¬ chitecture; with many diagrams and figures. (Italian.) 27. b. 4. Index alphabeticus herbarum, cum fynonymis. 61. 5. Verfus TITUS, A. XXVI.—-B. I. 5. Verfus tie plantis, fub diftin&is fe&ionibus: prsemittitur indiculus. ® Inch,. “ Herbarum quafdam difturus carmine vires, “ Herbarum matrem dedit Arthcmifia no- “ men.” Explicit, traftans de Scabiofa. “ Languores pecudum to!lit dinmendo ve- “ nenum, “ Potata novies fit de languenti botii fpes.” fj. Tractatulus de pulfibus. \Q 7 • 7. The life of St. Alexis; in old Englilh verfe. ] 45 . s. Merita liiiflse j in old Englilh verfe. 154 . , 154s. 121. 12. A proclamation, to caufe the chaunters, priefis and others to repair to their fevend countries, there to receive their penfions. Weltm. May 14,154s. 2.;. 13 . A proclamation of pardon for the king's liib- jecls in Cornwall, for murdering of William Boddve gent. Weftm. May 17, )' 54 S. oj, ’ 14. A reftraint on the exportation of leather and Fait hides. Weftm. June l, 1548 . 07. 15 . A proclamation adjourning a Michmas. term on account of the plague, ilartfield, Sept. 6 , 154s. 29. 16. Two proclamations reftraining the exportation of corn and victuals. 061 8 , 154 S, and Jan is ‘ 549 . ' 3l / 17. A proclamation for the new coin of gold and (ilvcr. Weftm. Jan. 24 , 1549. 35. 18. A proclamation commanding all captains and foldiers that have received any wages, to depart to¬ wards Ireland. April 27, 1551 . 3? _ 19 - A proclamation for the reformation of quarrels and other like abufes in the church. 3 p. ’ 20. The proclamation of the death of E. 1 Ienrv vnr, and of the acc'efliou of his ton Edward VI. Weftm. Feb. 1, 1547 . 41. B. Letters and State Papers in the time of Ed¬ ward VI. 21. A letter of the Privy Council, fent with a new commiflion of the peace for the county of Norfolk. Tower of Lond. Feb. 12, 154 . 45. 22 . Princefs Elizabeth? to Edward VI. her bro¬ ther. Richmond, July 16. 47. 23 . A letter, to a lord; the wider of which de¬ claims having in any wife fomented the variance be¬ tween the D. of Somerfet and the E. of Warwick. York, Feb. 17, 1550 . 43. 24 . An order of the Council at London ; counter¬ manding the levy of forces againft the I). of Somerfet, he being no longer dangerous. Lond. Oct. 11, 1549. 50 . 25 . Ilcnrv (Ratcliff earl of) Suffex, to his wife; no¬ tifying Henry villth's death, and the ftate of the re¬ gency. (Orig.) Ely-place, Jam 3 1, 1547 . 51 . 26. The Privy Council, to the E. of Suffex, and other juftiees of the peace for the county of Nor¬ folk: the original of II. 21. Feb. 12 , 154 . 53 . 27. The Privy Council remaining in London, to Edward VI; deprecating the king's difpleafurc, and remonftrating againft the D. of Somerfet. (Orig.) 061 . 1549 . 55 . 28. J. (Dudley E. of) Warwick, to I.d. Paget; cautioning him to be vigilant in certain matters hq hath now in hand. (Orig.) Green w. Jan. 22, 1550 . 57. 29. H. (Howard F. of) Surrey, (beheaded the year after) to fir Wm. Paget, fcc y of ftate, about fome re¬ wards to ftrangers, and certain ollices he had given, to two fervants of his at Boulogne, fome of which had been objected to. (Orig.) July 14 , 1546 . 58 . 30 . Rough TITUS, B, II. S 2 r so. Rough draughts of two letters from the Coun¬ cil, to Mr. Moryiine; by, and chiefly in favour of his l'ervant Wefton. Sept. 8 , 1552 . 60. 3 1. Minutes of letters to be fent from the K. or Coun¬ cil, to Ld. Winchelter and Mr. Wyat, then with the Emperor. 1552 ? 6 a. 32 . A panegyric of Edward VI, by fome perfon who had written a treatife ou medicine. (Lut.) 04 . 33 . A lift of things necefikry to be had for the duke and dutchefs of Somerfet, and fir Rauf Vane. 66 . 34 . A lift of the prifoners remaining in the Tower, i 551 ? 67.* 3 . 3 . Notes of perfons murdered in the Tow'er, Sec. by Richard III. 68 . 36 . Minutes of.the reception of Mr. Rochefter, fir IT. Inglefeld, and Mr. W'algrave, officers to lady Marv, fent with a meffage to her from the council, probably on matters of religion. 68 . * 37. A lift of the D. of Norfolk’s peers.’ 72. 38 . A lift of peers, faid to have been fent for by Edward VI. 73 . 3 (). A rcmonftrance of the Council, to Edward VI; againft lending forces abroad, Sec. Ecb. 1, 1551. 74 . 40 . Sir Phil. Ilobby, to the D. of Somerfet; vari¬ ous intelligence about the Emperor, the elector of Saxony, &c. (Orig.) Auglburgh, July 17, 1548 . 76. 41. Orders of the juftices of Cornwall, for the re¬ gulation of the prices of provilions at their markets. Sept. 1551 . 81. 42 . Sir Phil. Ilobby, to the D. of Somerfet; an official difpatch, chiefly about the duke of Saxony, then a prifoner. (Orig.) Augfh. July 9, 1548 . 82 . 43 . “ Publicatio ac dimiffio convcntus Anguftini, die 29 Junii, 1548 :” probably an inclofure in the preceding letter. 85 . 44 . he E. of Suflc.x and others, commiffioners for enforcing the third payment of the relief on all ma¬ nors, &c. granted to the king by parliament; their warrant for divers perfons appearing before them at Aldborough, to receive orders concerning the above. (Orig. with feals.) Jan. 22, 1551 . 8 S. 45 . An order of Edward vi. to the Arclibp. of York; concerning a general vilitation the king meant to hold all over the kingdom. (Orig. Lat.) May 4 , 1547. 89. 46 . Edward vi, to the E. of Sulfex ; ordering him to find two horles and demi-lances for the defence of the north. (Orig.) Weftm. May 6 , 1548 . 90. 47. A minute of a confultation of the council, for the prefervation of the honour and furety of the K. and his realm, againft the attempts of the Fr. king and the Pope: luperfcribed, “Mr. Paget, A 0 1546 , in Auguft.” gi. 48 . A paper in titled, “ Common places of ftate, de¬ livered to K. Edw. vi. by Win. Thomas, clerk of the council, in his own hand.” 96. 49 - The commiffion of Edward VI, to his council, in confcquence of his father’s will. 1547. 104. C. Letters and Papers of State in the reign of Q. Mary. 50. Q. Mary, to the Bp. of Winclieftcr, (Gardiner) the E. of Arundel, and Ld. Paget; defiring them to endeavour to procure the interelt of the French court, towards tli'.' election of Card. Pole to the papacy. (Orig. I bmplon-court, May 30 , 15 ’ 5 " 5 . 113 . 51 . K. Philip and Q. Mary; their commiffion to the magiftrates of fome county, directing and em¬ powering them to preferve the peace of the fame. (Orig.) Weftm. March 26 , 1555. iij. 52 . An order of K. Philip and Q. Mary, to the fiierift'and juftices of the county of Norfolk, for the good government of the fame. (Orig.) March 26, 1555 . ll6 53. A11 order of Q. Mary, for tlie good treatment of the Emperor’s fiiips in her ports. (Ori<>-. with blanks.) Feb. 1553 - 4 . 119. 54. Q. Mary, to the Iheriff and juftices of Nor¬ folk; an order for quelling feditious and rebellious pradices. (Orig.) St. James’s, May 23, 1554. 11 9 .* 55 . A warrant of Q. Mary, granting an acre of wood in Lewiffiam to the freers of Greenwich. (Orig.) Weftm. Feb. 1, 1557. 121. 56 . Q. Mary, to the E. of Sulfex; ordering him to raife forces againft the rebels. (Orig.) Weftm. Jan. 30 , 1554 . joo_ 57. Q. Mary, to K. Philip, to whom lhe was at this time betrothed; affectionate and fuhmiffive. (Fr. a corrected draught, all in her own hand.) 1554. 1 24 . 53. K. Philip, to Q. Mary; recommending a pe¬ tition ot the Hanfe towns, prefented to him. (Orig. Lat.) Bruffels, 3 Non. Dec. 1555 . 129. b. 59. A paffport of K. Philijj, in favour of Mr. Pa¬ get. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, May 11, 1 . 356 . 130 . 60. K. Philip, to the Englilh council; concerning fome negociation with Savoy, and the elotli trade in Flanders. (Orig. Lat.) ‘Ghent, Nov. i, 1556. 131 . 61. K. Philip, to the Englilh council; fubmitting to them a petition ot Minali, a merchant, concern¬ ing an infurance. (Orig. Lat.) Bruffels, May 9, J 556. 133 .'b. 62 . Omitted. 63. K. Philip, to the Englilh council j in anfwer to feveral ot their letters ; about Q. Mary having fent to the Pope for Card. Pole, the hoftile proceedings of the Scots, Sec. (Orig. Lat.) Cambray, Aug. 7, 1557 . 136. 64. Ferdinand brother of Charles V, to Q. Mary; concerning her marriage with his nephew. (Fr. all in his hand.) OCt. 28. 138. 65 . Charles v, to Q. Mary; fix original letters, five of them in his own hand, on her marriage with his foil. (IT) 140. 66 . The I). de Fryas, to Q. Mary; complimcntal. (Orig. Span.) Burgos, Sept. 2 . 14 s. 67. The duke de Medina Sidonia, to Q. Mary; congratulatory on her marriage. (Orig. Span.) San Lucar, April 20, 1554. 150. .Payuga : to Q. Mary; compli¬ mcntal. (Portuguefe.) Lifbon, Sept. 16. 152. 69. Chriftina dutchefs of Lorrain (wife of Francis) to Q. Mary; congratulating her on her victories, probably againft her rebels. (Orig. Fr. all iu her hand.) 134. 70. Anne of Lorrain (perhaps filter of Francis) to Q. Mary; acquainting her that lhe had held a daugh¬ ter of Monf. d’Egmont at the font in her name. (Orig Fr. all in her hand.) Bruffels, Jan. 7. 155. 71. The Privy Council, to fome miniltcr with the queen ; informing him of an audience demanded by the French amballador. (A draught.) July 29, 1557. 156 . 72. CL Marv. to the Ld. Treafurer (Marq. of Win- 6 R c heller. 522 TITUS, E. II. chefter) about the grant of fome lands to fir Edm. Peckam. (Orig.) Farnham, July 4 . 157. 73. A minute of a letter from certain attendants on prin cel's Elizabeth, to a lord of the Queen's Coun¬ cil ; giving reafons for the princefs s not coming, and lamenting the rebellious practices then prevailing. 159 . 74 . The Privy Council, to Mr. Toope ; Charging him to acquaint princefs Elizabeth how certain traitors have abided her natne. (A minute, figned.) Elthain, July ' 0 , 15 . 5 ( 5 . 159 .* 75. John (Hopton Bp. of) Norwich, to Ed. Sulfex ; j about fome mifeonduct in the curate of Old Boken- ham ; the report of the queen's delivery of a prince, &c. (Orig.) Norwich, May 3 , 1555 . 1G0. 7G. The fpeech the I). of Northumberland made on the lcaffold before his execution. Aug. 22, 1555 . 162. 77. A paper of intelligence, concerning the prac¬ tices of Dudley, and various public and private tranfaCtions in France. 155 G. 162 . 7s. Inftructions of Card. Pole, to Mr. Thomas Gold well, lent to Q. Mary. 170- | 79. Directions of Q. Mary, to bet Privy Council; concerning the adminiftration. Aug. 29, 1555 . 17G. SO. A remembrance of Card. Pole, addrefled to Q. Mary ; concerning certain things ihe had ordered him to lay before her. 177 - 81. A note of fuch plate as was given to the Em- peror's ambalfador. Sept. 24 , 1354 . 178 . 82. A warrant of the E. of Suffex, jufticc in oyer foutfi of Trent, for all the officers of the foreft of Rockingham in Northampt. to appear before him at Brygftoekc. March 23 , 1 555 . 17s. 83 . A fragment of a key to a cypher. 178. b. 84 . A warrant of the E. of Sulfex, about felling fome timber out. of the foreft of Barncwood in Ox- fordlhire. (Orig.) Dec. 1, 1555 . 179.* 85. Inftructions of If. Philip and Q. Mary, to the earlof Bedford, appointed lieutenant ofDorfet, Devon, and Cornwall. March 17, 1557. ISO. 86 . An examination of divers perfons in York¬ shire, concerning a report there fpread of the queen's being pregnant. 182 . D. Papers relating to Q. Elizabeth ; moft of them originals, figned by her. S~. Thehorofcope of Q. Elizabeth. (Lat.) 1 s7. b. 88 . Q. Elizabeth’s recommendation of Stephen llerenden, to becleikand fpender of ltomney marih. (Orig.) Nonefuch, May 27, 15 S 7 . 1 S 8 . 89 . Q. Elizabeth's patent, appointing Robert Bell chief baron of the exchequer. 1577. 189. 90. A warrant of Q. Elizabeth ; concerning the reverfion of the manor of Pcnkridge to l’ulk Gre- ville, on his payment of a certain lum into her ex¬ chequer. (Orig.) 1582 . 190. 91. Q. Elizabeth, to the magiftrates of Hamburgh; recommending William Herle. (Orig. Lat.) Wcftm. March IS, 1562 - 3 . 193 . 92. Q. Elizabeth, to the K. of Scots ; in favour of Win. Nichols, whofe lhip had been feized in the Iflc of Mull. Richmond, Oct. 1581 . 195 . b. 95. Q. Elizabeth, to John h. of Sweden ; in fa¬ vour of Chriftopher Thornton, a mailer of a lhip. (Lat*) Richm. July 9, 1584 . 197. 94. Q. Elizabeth, to the K. of Scots; recommend¬ ing Rkilit. Melvill to his favour. (Weliin.) March 15, 1578. J99. 9 ‘>. Q. Elizabeth, to the K. of France (Charles IX.) credentials in favour of Ld. Ilunfdou and lir I ho. Smith, lent over with the order of the garter. (Fr.) Richm. 1564. 200 96 . Q. Elizabeth, to the D. de Montpenfier; ac¬ quainting him in what manner live daughters of the lately alMinated prince of Orange, had been dil- pofed of. (Orig. Fr.) Hampton-court, Oct. is, 1 ' jS4 - 201. b. 97 . Q. Elizabeth, to the Marq. of Win chefter and the E. of Sulfex, lieutenants of the county of South¬ ampton; directing them to prepare the power of their county again It an invafion. Greenwich, June 18, 1588 . Q 03 . E. Letters from Various Perfons, to Q. Elizabeth; touching foreign affairs. 98 . Rich. W indebauk, deputy, and two other of-* fleers of the caftle of Guifnes, to Q. Eliz. profefl.big their loyalty, and jullitying Ld. Grey 'Wilton their governor. (Orig.) Guifnes, July 25. 206. 99 - rho. At ilkes, to Q. Eliz. with an account of lomc difpatehes feized in the Low countries from a Daniili melfcnger, returning from the 1 ). of Milan. (Orig.) Hague, Jan. i<>, 1586. 207. 100. Philip Howard (E. of) Arundel, to Q. Eliz. lamenting the lofs of her favour, and juftifving him- iclt: this letter he wrote when he propoled to leave the kingdom, vid. Camden Annul. Eliz. (Imperfect ) 1584 . <209 / 101. A petition ol Giofcffo Lupo a muftcian, to Q. Eliz. for an increafe of wages. (Ital.) 210. 102. Minutes of letters from Charles D. of Sudcr- mania, and John K. of Sweden, toQ. Eliz. in favour ot mailers of Ihips. Jan. and Aug. 1590. 211. 108. The marquis de Havre, to Q. Eliz. in favour of J.de la Faille, a merchant of Antwerp ; with a peti¬ tion of the lame la Faille. (IT.) <212. 104. Sir Ilor? Pallavicini, to Q. Eliz. reports an audit nee her ambalfador had in France. (Ital .) Aug. 20 , 1588 . 214 ^ 105 . Ifabeau de la Touclie, to Q. Eliz. on domeliic concerns. (Orig. Fr.) Canfort, Nov. 17, 1575. 215 .* 106. Gli fratelli Balfani, muftcians to Q. Eliz. to the Q. requefting the payment of the wages of their brother Edward. (Ital.) Qiy. l (> 7 - G. Marti uyt and J. Fuys, to Q. Eliz. offering a feheme for railing money on new born infants, u certain multiple whereof lliall be returned to them at a certain period ; with a calculation. (Fr.) 218. F. Letters and Papers of State in the time of Q. Elizabeth. 108. An intercepted letter from R. Hopkins, to Card. Allen at Rome ; containing various public and private intelligence. Antwerp, 'Jan. 8 , 1594. 224. 109/I he examination of Antli. Brakenbury, by the governor and council of Dunkirk : he was an Eugliih lbldier, going to the army of Lcicefter. uco. 110. Rough draught of a letter from Cecil, to .concerning lir Edw. Kelly's proceedings and merits, and the means of bringing him over. Theo¬ bald's. 2-27. 111. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Ld. Sulfex, the queen s chamberlain; two letters concerning the queen's in¬ tended marriage with ihe 1 ). d'Anjou. (Orig.) Paris. Aug. 26 , and Fere en Tartenois, Aug. 5 , 1581 . 229. 112 . Ld. Burleigh, to Ld. Suifcx ; two letters, on various TITUS, B. ir. 523 various fubje&s. (Originals.) Theobald’s, Sept. 27, 1575 , and July 21, 1 o? 7 - 233 . M3. The Marq. of Winchefter, to the E. ofSuftex and the juliiees of Southampton ; charging them to watch the landing places. (Orig.) Tid worth, May 31 , 1586 . 236 . 114. Edw. Fleetwood, paftor of Wigan, to Ed. Burleigh r touching the ftate of Laucaihire. (Orig.) Wigan, Sept. 7 , 1587 . 238 . 115.. to the Lords of Council ; report¬ ing the feflions of jail delivery at Newcafde. (A draught.) Caiwood, Aug. 7, 1569 . 240 . 116. A furvey of the green and ditches of the eaftle of Winchdter ; and a grant of the fame to the corporation of Winchdter. Wincheftcr, Jan. 31 , 1570 , aud May 4 , 1559 -. 242 . 117. A conunitlion for holding a fdfion at Bedford. 061 . 28 , 1591 . 246 . 1 is. A libellous letter againft fome of Q. Eliza¬ beth's counfellors, out of Scotland. May 30 . 247 . 119. A declaration of Q. Elizabeth, concerning her government, to be made in the Star chamber. Nov. 28, 1573 . (A draught in Burleigh's hand.) 248 . 120. A paper, fuperfcrrbed “ Mallvifier, Dec. 27, 1579 being a minute of fome negociation between Q. Eliz. and a French ambaflador. 253 . id. A difeourfe addrefled to Q. Elizabeth; con¬ cerning her marriage ; Feb. 10 , 1563. 255 . 122. An order reftraining the exportation of horfes. 259 . 1 23 . A paper, (hewing “ that the limitation of the “ fucceftion of the crown ihould be for the Queen’s “ fafety.” 260. 124. A fchedule of publications in defence of the proceedings of the Queen with regard to Scotland, France, and Spain. 262. 125 . Sommaire deduction de la dehte qui par S. M. d’Angletcrre et dTrlande eft dcuc au feu Seig. de Grenenbrocck. 264. 1 c 6 . Ordonnances de la Rcyne tonchant l’ordre que S. M. vault etre garde en fa maifon, pour la paix d’icclie. 266. 127. Six original letters of the Privy Council, to the E. of Suftex ; being orders for various purpolcs, notices, &c. Grecnw. June 30 , May 5, 1553. April 25 , 1587 ; ()atlands, June is, 1554; Grecnw. June 21 and 20 , 1569 - 269. 128. Harry (Parker Ld.) Morley, to his lady > about Ld. Burleigh's unfair treatment of him, &c. (Orig.) Bruges, May 11, 1571. 282. 129. Tho. Cecil, to the E. of Suftcx; claiming fome recompcncc for his ferviecs againft the rebels in the north. (Orig.) Burleigh, Dec. 26, 1570. 284 . 1:10. Tobias Matthew dean of Durham, to Mr. IT. Myiles attendant on fir Fr. Walfingham ; concerning his fucceftion to the bilhoprick of Durham. (Orig.) Durham, Nov. 23 , 1587 - 286 . 131 . The Eds. Burleigh, Suftcx, and Leicester, to Ld. Norrvs; appointing him to come to them at the Star chamber. (Orig.) Hampton-court, Feb. 17. 1577 . 288 . 132 . Ld. Morley, to his lady: a copy of II. 128 . 290 . 183 . Latir. Welbc? to Wm. Mertcs; domeftic. May 7, 1571 . eg 1. 134 . Th. Wintour, to Ilobt. Catefby; domeftic. (Orig.) 06 t. 12. " -290, 135 .to Roht. Catelhy ; domeftic. (Orig.) 294. 136 .to fir Robt. Dudley, at Leg¬ horn; admonifiling: him to return to his loyally. Richmond, July 30 . 296. 137. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Suftcx ; about fome concerns of Ld. Oxford, &c. (Orig.) July 15 , 1574 . 298 . 138 . A letter, not figned, to the E. of Suftex ; noti¬ fying the death of an earl of Eftex ? and requefting that feveral oftices he held in S. Wales might be con¬ tinued to his infant foil. 300 . 139 . Matthew (Parker) Archbp. of Canterbury, to Ld. Suftcx? thanks for good offices with the queen. (Orig.) Lambeth, Oft. 7. 302 . 140 . Edmund (Brugges Ld.) Cliandos, to the E. of Suftcx ; requefting that the armour of the county of Gloucefter might be returned. (Orig.) Sudley, Jan. 13, 1570. 302 . * 111. Mary Sidney (filter to the E. of Leicefter) to the E. of Suftex ; aligning her reafons (viz. the want of an apartment) for not attending on the queen. (Orig.) 304 . 142 . Philip (lord) Wharton, to the E. of Suftex ; exculpating himfelf. (Orig. Lat.) Cambridge, Dec. 5 . 306 * 143 . Mary (wife to Henry lft E. of) Southampton, to the E. of Suftex; defiling to obtain fome enlarge¬ ment for her hutband, who is much indifpofcd. (Orig.) Lond. July 16. 308 . 144 . Th. (D. of) Norfolk, to the E. of Suftcx ; concerning an anl'wer to be made to an archduke. (Orig.) Norwich, Dec. 18 , 1567 - 309 . 145 . Win. Alhby, to lir Fr. Walfingham; declar¬ ing the K. of Scotland to be well afteded to the queen, See. (Orig.) Edinb. Aug. 16, 1588 . 3 11. 146. (Tho. E. of) Suftex, to fir Fr. Walfingham; about the fedition lie was quelling, ami wilhing that fome caufes he had with his wife, might be put off to the next term: not lent. (Orig.) Portfmouth, June 19, 1576 . 313 . 147. Tob. Matthew (dean of Durham) to lir Fr. Walfingham ; two letters, thanking him for his kind interference in favour of the chapter. (Orig.) Durh. Dec. 23 , 1587 , and Feb. 26 , 1587 - 8 . 315 . 1 48 . William Ruflell, to the E. of Suftex; thanks for his friendlliip. (Orig.) Paris, Jan. 2 , 1576. 317. 149 - H. Wriotheflcy Southampton (the -rft earl of 2 . - that name) to the E. of Suftex his brother-in-law; thanks for apprizing him of the queen’s good opinion of him. (Orig.) Tichlield, Sept. 27, 1574. 319. 150 . Tho. (Ld.) Fitzwatcr (afterwards E. of Suftex) to the earl Henry his father; concerning the grant¬ ing of tome leafes, and intelligence from court. (Orig.) London, May 16, 1550 . 321 . 151 . R. (carl of) Leicefter, to Ld. Suftex; con¬ cerning the queen’s going to his (Sulfex’s) houfe. (Orig.) July 30 , 1577 - 323 . 152 . W. Cecil, to Ld. Suftcx; intelligence of the death of Ld. Zoueh; Ld. Shrewfbury’s dangerous ill- nets; French affairs &c. (Orig.) Grecnw. June 22, 1569 - 324 . 153 . W. (Ld.) Sandys, fir Wm. Kingfmill, and fir Ric. Norton, to Ld. Suftex; touching the examina¬ tion of one Fonkleroy, about a matter between W. Peake and G. Paulctt. (Orig.) Affizes at Winton. Aug. 19 , 1590 . 326 . 154. R. (E. of) Leicefter, to Ld. Suftex ambaflador with the Emperor; touching the mifconduCt of fir Geo. Stanley, whom Suftex had recommended to him. (Orig.) Court, Jan. 21. 328 . 155 . Tho. TITUS, B. II. 5 H 155. Tho. Wriothefley clianccllor, to the E. of] Suficx ; about a boat arrived at Barnehani. (Orig.) j Ely-place, July 6, before 1547 ? 3.If). 150. Anne (lady) "Wharton, to the F.. of Suffex; j about a fum due to her, and her coulin Robt. Bowes, j by virtue of her late hulhand's will. (Orig.) Ileley, | Oct. 1 ' 2 , 1573. 332. 157. Tho. Trefham prior of S. John of Jerufalenn j to the E. of Suffex; in behalf of John Houghton, woodward in Northampton who had been charged with fome mifeondudt. (Orig.) St. Johns, Jan. 5, 1557. 334. 158. W. Cecil, to Ld. Suffex; a juftification again ft evil reports. (Orig.) Green w. May 27 , 15G9. S3G. 150 . Hen. ( fit E. of) Southampton, to the E. of Suffex ; defiling to be fairly dealt with in fome con¬ cern. (Orig.) London, Feb. 15, 1571. 538. ldo. T. I). of) Norfolk, to the E. of Sufl’ex ; about a young woman who died fuddenly in his houfe. (Orig. j Rcnynghall, Aug. 8 1 , 15G5? 340. 1 G 1 . M. (eountels of) Southampton, to the E. of Suffex; about her going to court to fue for her 1ml- band. (Orig.) 342. 162 . Helena (marchionefs of) Northampton, to the E. of Suficx ; lamenting forrowfully her difgrace with the queen, and craving him to procure her leave to return to court. (Orig.) Whitefryers, Oct. 19 , 1576 ■ 344. 163. Sir Amy as Paulet, to fee 5- Walfingham ; con- foling him 011 the death of his daughter Mary. Guiiimallet? July lG, 1580. 345. ifi-i. Anth y Montaigne, to the E. of Suffex ; re- quefting a fpeedy decilion in lbme l’uit he hath. (Orig.) June 17,1574. 347. 165 . Henry (Ld.) Berkeley, to the E. of Suficx; dcliring to be afeertained whether in fact his filter, lady Ormond, he ill treated by herhufband. (Orig.) Bcrkley-calUe, May £6, 156'4. 349- 1 G(). Anne (lady) 'Wharton, to the E. of Suficx ; lending a deed of conveyance of her late hulband, alfo about his will, &c. (Orig.) Ilelaughe, July 12 , 1572. . 55 1. 1 G 7 . T. (Saekville Ld.) Bucklnirft, to the E. of Suffex ; requefting to know when the Q. is likely to come to Lewes, and to his houfe. (Orig.) July 4 , 1577. 353. 1 G 8 . W. (Walter Devcreux E. of) Elfex, to the E. of Sufi ex ; dcliring fielh fupplies of grain, &c. (Orig.) Carickfergus, Dec. 1 , 15 73. 355. lG’i. Win. (Ld.) Burleigh, to the E. of Suffex ; about the l’uit of the latter for Newhall. (Orig.) March 29 , 1574. 357 . 170 . Sir Win. Cecil, to fir Tho. Smith ambafiador in France; jul'tifving himfclf concerning tome im- ' luted neglect, and defiring he will make over one of 1 is feerelaries to his fuccellbr. (Orig.) Grcenw. April 1 , 15GG. 359. 17 ). Sir I’r. Walfingham, to the E. of Suffex ; in- elofing an examination of l’uiue perfons detected. (Orig.) Loud. March 11 , 1574. 361. 17 * 2 . Tub. Matthew, to Francis Mvlles ; in anfwer to letters concerning the promotion to the fee of Durham, depending between the Bp. of Sarum and himfclf (Orig.) Durham, April 11,1588. 862. 1 78 . llic. and Gcr. Lowther, to the D. of Norfolk ; intelligence about border affairs. (Orig.) Carlille, Julv 28 , 15G9. 364. 174 . M. S. (lady Southampton) to Ld. frating the eircumfianees of a difference between her and her lord. March 21 , 1579. . .66. 175. Roger Alford, to the Ld.Treafurer (Burleigh ; observations on various events of the times. (Orig - Hitchani, Oct. 4, 157s. 870. 17 G. i ho. Randolph, to Ld.various intel¬ ligence. (Ong.) Edinb. Dec. is. 1570 . ;; 7 . 1/7. Crio. Bat. Rainuindo and CL v. F. (Palla- vi('ino) to lir Hen. Saville; about books thev v, ere to lend him, and other private concerns. (Orig. Ital.; Rome, April 22, and Pa... May 9 , 1582. ;. 7 S. 178 . Charles v. (emperor) to the marquis of Win- chefter; on fending over an embally to treat about the marriage of his fon with Q. Mary. (Orig. Fr.) Bruffels, Dec. 21 , 1553 . - sso. 179. Pietro Bizzari, to Ld. Burleigh; various in¬ telligence, chiefly from Rome. (Orig. ltal.) Augf- burgh, Oct. 20 , ” 1573 . 3 b?. 180 . AntoniS Ycfcovo, to the grand duke of Tufeany : on lending him his Ions to be in hisfervice. (Ital.) Segna? April, 1596 . 332 . 181 . J. C'afimir (D. Palatine) to Q. Elizabeth? complimcntal on his return to Germany. (Fr.) Sonbernonr July 12 , 157 G. 384 . 18 2 . The duke d’Alba, to the College of cardinals; rem on ft rating againlt the conduct of the Pope to¬ wards the K. of Spain his maker. (Ital.) Naples, Aug. 21 , 1559 . 384. 4 b. 183. Marie de Brimen ? to the E. of Leiccftcr; de¬ filing him to obtain fome red refs for Ioffes file had fuftained. (Orig. Fr.) Delft, June in. 1588. 385 . 1S4. Frederic IV. elector Palatine, to Q. Elizabeth ; notifying the death of his uncle John Cafimir; and declaring that he means to adhere firmly to the pro- teflant caufe. (Orig. Fr.) Heidelberg, Feb. 6, 1592 . 386. 185. Edward (lord) Wind for, to the E. of Suffex ; eight original letters, and eleven inelofures, contain¬ ing various intelligence relating to the public affairs of Europe : the letters are dated, Venice, July 5, 1574 . Nov. 14 ,- Warwickfh. Nov. 12 , 15 G 5 . Venice, July 25 , 1574. Feb. 14, - St. Thomas, Sept. 5 ,- Venice, May 2 , -—— April 1 7 ,- Some of tliefe letters, and all the inelofures, are in Italian ; the left are in Englifh. nss. 186 . Win. Davifon, to Ld. Burleigh; intelligence about the war in the Low countries. (Orig.) .Ant¬ werp, Aug. 8, 1 578 . 415. 1 87 . Dr. Yal. Dale, to the E. of Suffex ; intelligence from France about the affairs of religion, the K. of Poland, itc. (Orig.) Paris, June 80 , 1573 : with an inclofurc of the fame date. 415. ' ■ 188 . Win. Brook Ld.) Cohham, to the E. of Sull’ex . intelligence on the affairs of the Low countne- (Orig.) Antwerp, Aug. lG. 417- 1S9. Will; Dunning: to the E. of Suffex; various intelligence from court, and from abroad. (Ong. Greenw. July 25 , 15 G 0 . 419 190 . Sir I’r. Walfingham, to the E. of Suficx; intel¬ ligence of the taking of Cambray, of Vile, de Tu:- rene, See. (Orig.) Paris, Aug. 20 , 158 1. 421. 191 . V . (Ed.) Burleigh, to the E. of Suffex ; con¬ cerning a conference the queen had with the Fr. ambafiador, and the Pr. of Conde. (Orig.) Noncfuch, June, 1580. 423. 192. An TITUS, B, II. III. 525 192 . An agreement between D. John, and the Hates of the Low countries. (Fr.) 425. 193 . Q. Elizabeth’s inftru&ions to S.fent into the Netherlands to comfort thofe who have re¬ ceived difcouragement by the lofs of Antwerp, to countera6t die practices of St. Aldegonde, & c. (Orig.) 42(5. 194 . Dr. Val. Dale, to the E. of Suffex; intelligence from France; about the Poles, &c. (Orig.) Paris? Sept. 18 , 1573. 430. 195 . W. (E. of) Worcefter, to theE. of Suffex ; on domeftic concerns. (Orig.) Dover, Jan. 22 , 1572 . 431. 196 . Dr. Y. Dale, to the E. of Suffex ; three letters of intelligence about Rochelle, &c. with two papers of occurrences inclofed. (Orig.) Moret, May 31, Paris, July 7 and 23, 1573. 433. 197 . Sir Geo. Carey, to Ed. Suffex ; contradicting a report of fome inl'urreCtion 011 account of the dearth of corn. (Orig.) From the Park, June 8, 1586. 439. 19 s. Tho. Wilfon, to the E. of Suffex ; intelligence from court; the Pr. of Conde to be fent back into Germany. (Orig.) June 28, 1580. 441 . 199 . A paper concerning an examination, and another of intelligence concerning lliips, Sec. The latter of Augult, 1587. 443. 200 . Hen. Radclyff, to the E. of Suffex; intel¬ ligence from France; the K. of Fr. hath prohibited the preaching of the gofpel, Sec. (Orig.) Portfmouth, Jan. 15, 1576. 447. 201 . Edw. (Ld.) Clynton Ld admiral, to the E. of Suffex; two letters of intelligence, the Q. dowager of Scotland dead, Sec. (Orig.) Court, June 17 , and July 13, 15G0. 449- 202 . Francis Rufshe, to the E. of Suffex intel¬ ligence touching the war in Italy, France, Sec. (Orig.) Arks, Aug. 15, 1591 ? * 454. 203. Sir Wm. Cecil, to Ld. Suffex, two letters, the latter as Ld. Burleigh; intelligence from France, the Low countries, Sec. (Orig.) The laft dated Aug. 7, 1577. 45o' 204. Ld. Burleigh, to fir lien. Unton ambaffador in France; concerning his ncgociations, and intel¬ ligence. (Orig.) Whitehall, Dec. 12 , 1591 . 459- 205. Ihe fubl'tance of Mr. Edward Horfey’s inftruc¬ tions, given him Dec. 14, 157 G, being fent to Don John of Auftria. 459- ** 20 G. Memoranda concerning the fending of D. Wilfon into the Low countries, and lir John Smith into Spain ; alio of Horfey’s million. 40 1 . 207 . Inftru6tions given to Mr. Robt. Beale. (Im¬ perfect) April 21, 1576 . 464 . 208 . A memorial or inftruCtions concerning fome illips detained at Fluffing. 465. 209 . ...... to fir James Croft; intelligence out of France, Sec. London, 1564. 466. 210 . A difeourfe fent out of the Low countries, to Mr. fec r Wall. May 4. 472. 211 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to Mr. Tho. Bodley com- m iff oner in the Low countries; with the queen's licence for lord Broughe's return to England. (Orig.) London, Dec. 3, 1589- " 473. 212 . Short accounts of Darmftadt, Benfliem, and Straff urg. (Lat.) 474. 213 . Juan Chambre, to the mafter of Gray at Edinburgh; intelligence concerning affairs in Italy, Sec. (Orig.) IIan warp ? Aug. 6, 1589- 476. 214. Mons. de Syinye, to Mons. de Mauvifiere; a rough draught; a queen often mentioned, perhaps Mary Q. of Sc. (Fr.) 477- 215. An account of a pafquinade at Rome, con¬ cerning the Spanilh armada. (Lat.) Nov. 26 , 1588. 479- 216 . Francois D. d’Alencon? to Q. Elizabeth? (Fr.) • " 481. 217 . Francois D. d’Alenjjon, to Mons. de Mar- chaumont; concerning his marriage with Q. Elizabeth, Sec. (Fr.) Etampes, July 16 , 1582. 482. 218 . Some obfervations on the affairs of Spain, the interference of England in the affairs of the Low countries, &c. (Ital.) 484. 219 . A memorandum of the magiftrates and men of note at Bremen. 1602 . 486. 220 . lluedoluns Kuens? to Don Sofeg. (lord Suf- fex); complimcntal. (Orig. Lat.) Vienna, Sept. 9, 1577- 488. 221 . Abltraft of the inftruflions of Mons. Famars v ; with marginal minutes in the hand of lord Suffex. (Fr.) Feb. 21 , 1576 . 490 , Titus, B. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans fol. 281. 1 . A letter of James I, to the magiftrates of Southampton ; with orders for the regulation of ale- houles and victualling houfes. Weflm. March 3, 1607 . 1 . 2 . The Lds. of Council, to the fame magiftrates ; with a new draught of the above orders. Whitehall, April 3, 1608 . 4 . 3. An order of the Queen’s Council, for an exaCt account of all the inns, alehoufes, and taverns in the kingdom, towards levying a tax upon them for the repairs of Dover harbour. (Orig.) Richmd. July 20 , 1577. 6. 4. An order for the regulation of alehoufes. 1 G 08 . 7 . 5 . An order of Privy Council, for a return con¬ cerning the alehoufes iu different counties. Feb. 19 , 1608 . 9 . 6. Three letters of the Privy Council, and a paper of directions concerning alehoufes. Greenwich, June 30, Feb. 19 , April 3 , 1608 . 11 . 7 . Ludovicus Haug, to the E. of Leiceffer; with a petition to the queen for fome relief in his and his afl'oeiates working the mines at Kef wick. (Orig. Lat.) 18. 8. A paper of regulations, and a petition to the queen; concerning the making and melting of tin. 22. 9 . Three papers concerning fuits made for privi¬ leges for melting tin. 28. 10 . An indenture between Q. Elizabeth and John Steinberg a German, eftablifhing a corporation for the working of mines. Aug. 10 , 1561 . 33. 11 . An inventory offuch fluff as was in a houfe in the Savoy, when the mafter entered upon the fame. 45. 12 . A report of the attorney and folicitor general, concerning a caufe between the Bp. of Exeter, fir Tho. Temple and Mr. Frere, touching the manor of Water Eaton. 4G. is. A paper concerning certain fines levied in the king’s bench. 48. 14 . An arbitration concerning the granting of leales by certain prebendaries of Durham. 49, 6S J5. An 5 20 TITUS, B. III. lo. An opinion of council, concerning ;i grant in rcvcrfion of copyholds, made by a leffee who is only dominus pro tempore in a manor. 5 1 . 1(5. The cafe of the forfeiture of the lands which came to \\ illiam Goodwyn, after his attainder for be¬ ing reconciled by a prieft. July 30, 1573. 53, 17 . The brief of Ralph Starkey, touching his dif- inherifon. (Printed.) 55t 18. A paper in Cecil's hand, intitled, “That it “ is nedcfull to contynew y e execution of y e ft te ag f “ recufants.” 56. b: 19 . A note of the penalties of reconcilers. 5 7. < 20 . An information touching the recufants in Lan- cathire. Feb. 158<). 58. ei. A note of proceedings againft papifts in Effex. 1578. 60. 22 . A note of perfons committed for papiftry in Norf. Suif. Cambr. and Etfex. 1578. 61 . ■ 2 .;. A brief of Roger Plumpton’s information con¬ cerning certain recufants in Berks. 63. 24. The effect of the frat. A 0 5 (Eiiz?) touching the tender and refuful of the oath. 65. 25. An order taken by the Lords, touching the re¬ cufants in Norfolk, &c. Aug. ' 2 < 2 , 1578 . 66. 26 . Penalties againft reconcilers, perlons recon¬ ciled, aiders, and comforters. 68. ■ 27 . An order of Council, to the Ld. Licnts. of the county of Southampton ; to prevent the landing of Jefuits and ferninary priefts. Greenw. May 25, 1586. 70. 2S. A caut ion againft the corruption of clerks of the peace and allizc, of town-clerks, and of re- gi Iters. 71 . 20 . The Ld. Lieut, and juftices of Hamplhire, to the Lds. of Council; concerning the recufants there. Winchcfter, July 3, 1583. 73. ;;o. The Lds. of Council, to the juftices of Corn- m all; touching the milconduct of Ilcnry Cadar vicar of Leilwithiel, and articles againft him. March, 1584. 31. The Lds. of Council, to fir Henry Radcliff, Capt. of Portfmotith; orders concerning Spanilh and mcrcliant l!ii])s in that harbour. (Three originals.) Jan. 28, Dec. 28, Jan. 15 , 1571 . 79- 52. Ric. Wrothe, to fir Hen. Radcliff; concerning a piece of land claimed hv the latter as belonging to Portlinouth. (Grig.) Barmeley, Feb. 5, 1571 . 85. 85. The lords Burleigh and Howard, to the E. of Suffex; directions for preventing fome mifcliief in¬ tended to be done at Portlinouth. (Orig.) Court. Feb. 28 , 1591 . 87 . 84. The Lds. of Council, to fir Hen. Radcliff; touching the fortifications at Portfmouth. Sept. 20 , 1572. 89- 35 . The E. of Lciccfter, to fir II. Radcliff; an order for lecuring all French and Spanilh lhips that have or may come into Portfmouth, &c. (Orig.) J an. 22 . 91 . 56. Ld. Burleigh, to fir H. Radcliff; acknowledg¬ ing the Spanilh news the latter had fent him, &c. (Orig.) Nonefuch, July l, 15 80 . 92 . 87. InltruCtions for Minis the queen's Lieut, at Portfmouth, for works to he carried on at that place. 95. 38. Sir Hen. Radcliff, to the E. of Suffex his brother; remonftrating againft the appointment of one man at Portfmouth to receive and lodge all Grangers. (Orig.) Portfm. Aug. 2 , 1577 . 97. 39 . An order of Privy Council, to the Ld. Lieuts. of Ilampfliirc, to mile fifty men foi the works at Portfmouth. (Orig.) Aug. 15, 1585 . 99 . 40 . Four papers relating to the remittance of money to Portfmouth, for the payment of the la¬ bourers, &C. 1593 , 1584, and 158.3. loi. 41. Five letters of fir Hen. Radcliff, to Ld. Sullcx his brother; concerning lhips at Portfmouth. (Orig.) Portliu. Oct. 25, 15 , 19 , Feb. 24 . and Oct. 16 , 1577 . 107 . 42. An order of Council, to Ld. Suffex: for leaving 200 pioneers at Portfmouth. (Orig.) Greenw. Feb. 23, la80. 116 . 45 . ..... to Muns; concerning the fortifications at Portfm. Court, May 16 , 1585. 119 . 41 . The Marq. of Winchefter, to the E. of Suffex ; concerning the difpofal of 2,000 men fent to garrifon Portlinouth. (Orig.) Aberfton, Aug. sf l5f)o. 120 . 45.to Muns ; about the works at Portf¬ mouth. Court, March 19 , 1585. 122 . 46 . An. order of fir Hen. Radcliff, and receipt of lien. Stile; concerning fome ordnance and {‘tores 1573: allb an order concerning two pieces of ord¬ nance, by Ld. Sullcx. 1583. 123 ., 47 - A hill of charges of Vincent, on his coming to London. j < \ } 48. A letter, perhaps from Ld. Suffex, to fome officer at Portfmouth; about the examination of fome caufes by the latter, and fir Rich. Norton. Court, March 29 , 1584. 125 . 49- A letter, thanking the peifoii to whom it is written for his alacrity in carrying on the works at Portfmouth? Court, March 29 , 1584. 126 . 50.to Muns ; touching the fortifications at Portfmouth. Court, March 29 . 1584. 127 . 51. Another copy of III. 46. 12 s. 52. A letter to Mr. F. L. V. Cotton; direding him to receive£. 100 . 129 . 53. F. C. (Fr. Cotton?) to T.d. Burleigh; defirim>- orders about the payment of the labourers at Portf¬ mouth. jso. 54. A note and a letter to Muns ; concerning im¬ plements fent down lor the armory at Portfmouth. Court, l’eb. 1583. 131 . 55 . Copies of four letters, probably from Ld. Sullcx, to the mayor of Portfmouth and others; chiefly about labourers, f^ourt, Feb. 27 , 26 , 27 , 27 , 1583 . ' 133. 56. a. A letter (from Ld. Suffex?) to Mr. White; about the delivery of £. 100 to Mr. Fr. Cotton. Court, March I 9 , 1583. 133 . 56. b. Statement of a demand of the bilhop of Co¬ ventry. ofX 145. s.v. from government; and an award of the court of exchequer allowing the fame. 139 . 57 . A valuation of the livings in the feveral biihop- ricks in England, with the tenths that every one of them payeth. “ ] 40 . 58. A valuation of the feveral deanries in England, with the tenths each of them payeth. 144 . 59 . A note of the precedency of the Archbps. and Bi/hops. 143 . 60 . The names of the privileged towns in Eng¬ land. 145. fi. 61 . The number of churches in every Ihire, as they are in the hook of firft fruits. 146 . 62 . The nobility of England, according to their authorities and degrees. 147 . 63. Officers of the court of revenues, with their fees. 1 48. 64 . A T I T U S, B. III. IV 527 64. A collection of the queen's offices in her courts of Weftminfrer; of her houfehold ; of the captains and foldiers having charge of the bulwarks, cattles, and fortreifes, together with the fcveral officers of her houfes, parks, chafes, and forefts: fpecifying the fees of each of them. 154. 65. An account of the debts owing by the queen, and of the payments thereof: the latter in the hand of Ld. Burleigh. Jan. 1565. 201. b. 66. A lift of officers of royal forefts, chafes, &c. and their fees. 21 G. 67 . A table of fines, iffues, and amerciaments, in fcveral courts. 2 1 8. 68. Payments and allowances out of the court of exchequer. 2 19¬ 60 . Perpetuities, annuities and penliohs granted by the late queen. 227. 70 . Iler majefty’s general charge, in total funis, as well of her courts and great officers, as of many others her inferior officers and lervants. 239- 71 . Officers and lervants appertaining to her ma- jefty’s houfehold, with their fcveral fees and allow¬ ances, and her majefty’s largefs tofome of them. 240. 72 . Tables of the annual payments to divers offi¬ cers of the queen’s houfehold : among others the gunners (vibrcllatores) of the Tower. (Lat.) 246. 7 :;. Officers in her liighneffes court, with their fees and allowances. 256. 74. Feoda, per diem et per annum; being a table of fees of feveral public officers. 264. 75. Officers in the court of exchequer, cuftom- houfe, dutchy of Laneafter, court of wards, liril fruits, county of Chcfter, &c. with their feveral fees and allowances. 272 . 76 . A note of films paid out of the exchequer, to feveral public offices and officers, on the 5th of Jan. 1549. 28 J. Titus, B. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans fol. 347. 1 . A treatife entitled, “ A reconciliation made be¬ tween the King and his fubjects, touching the de¬ mand of his right in old debts, and lands quietly en¬ joyed time out of mind, &c.” 1 . 2 . The oath of the chancellor of the exchequer; with a note of what oaths of other officers of the exchequer are to be found in the Liber ruber Scac- earii. 18 . b. s. Table of contents of a book on the exchequer, and the railing of money. 19 . 4 . A lift of the treafurers of England, from the con- queft to Edward VI. with the dates of their patents. 20. 5. Notes about feveral officers of the exchequer, from the time of Henry in. 83 . 6. Minutes and copies of orders relating to feveral officers and affairs of the exchequer, from Henry III, to Edward IV. 36 7- An abftraft of fome original, relating to the duties of the officers of the exchequer: the begin¬ ning wanting. 48 . S. A collection out of the books and records of the exchequer, touching the places and authorities of the chancellor and under-treafurer of that court. 5$. 9 . Three articles on the uniting of the court of augmentations and of lirft fruits and tenths, to the ex¬ chequer. 60 . 10. Touching accounts taken by auditors, and levying of the queen's debts due thereupon. 66. 11. What things ought to be certified yearly in the exchequer, out of the chancery. 68. 12 . Accounts of monies raifed for the defence of the kingdom, from A 0 1012 to 1280 . (Saxon, Lat. and Eng.) Imperfect. 75 . 18. An order or patent of Henry III, concerning the mode of proceeding- in the exchequer. 77 . 14 . An account of the receipts and payments at the exchequer for one year, 15 19 and 1520 ; laid be¬ fore Henry VIII. by John Sutton, fub-treafurer. 79 . 15. Extracts from a record iii the exchequer; concerning the appointment and office of the trea- furer of the fame. (Lat. two copies.) 82 . 16 . An account of aids granted by parliament to Edward in. " 17 . A petition delivered in parliament, by the com¬ mons of England, again ft the profile grants of crown lands, &c. 89 . 18 . Cafe of the abbot of Ram lay and others, ex¬ hibited in the exchequer, i36o, 1456. (IT. and Lat.) 91. 19 . Notes about contributions to the kings of Spain, Eranee, and England. 94 . 20 . Various notes about abatements, improvements, payments, &c. of the revenue. - 96 . 21 . An aft of parliament for the refumption of cer¬ tain offices, 3 Hen vil; and another for making void certain leal'es in Wales, 11 Hen. vn. 101 . 22 . Concerning the office of a fuperviforof eftates, &c - 105. 23. Thomas Denys, to Card. Wolfey; {eliciting 1. the office of under-treafurer. July 21 . 107 . 24 . A letter, probably from the Ld. Treafurer, to Mr. Goftwyk; concerning a lum of £. 16,082. 16 . 8. to be railed on perfons who be now reduced to po¬ verty. Oft. 22 , 1536. 106 . 25. An acknowledgment of Tho. Woley the king's elymofvner, of having received from lady Marg. Pole jt 1000, for the king's cwry. May 25 , 1509 . 108. 26 . A remembrance of the treafurer of the cham¬ ber, to Mr. Cromwell; concerning the manner of his giving in his accounts. 110 . 27 . Articles touching the king’s revenues, to be put in execution by the furveyors general. 112 . 28. Articles agreed upon by the king and the no¬ blemen in parliament alfembled; concerning the in¬ heritance and tenures of lands. (Orig. with the fig- natures ot Henry VIII. and many noblemen.) Nov. S, 1530. j i4. 29 . A letter of the K. to a bifiiop ; for an aid againft his enemies. (A rough draught, probably of a circu¬ lar letter.) 120 . 30. An anfwer to certain articles propounded for diminifiiing the charges, and the l’af'e aufwering. the revenue of the crown, &c. 1555 . 122 . 31. Afhort account of the revenue of the crawn } A" 4 Mar. 1556 and 7 . 125 . 32. A paper concerning the crown lands, and other parts of the royal revenue. 1556 and 7 . 127 . 33. A warrant of Q. Mary? for the Marq. of Win- chefter Ld. treafurer, to deliver certain jewels in the Tower, to Affabell Partridge a jeweller, to be new fet, Greenw. July 25 , 1554 . 130 . b. 34. A warrant of Q. Mary, for compenfations to the T I T U S, B. IV. ci8 the officers of the augmentation office. May 4, 1553. 131. 35. An account of a fubfidy granted to queen Eli¬ zabeth bv the nobility. 1559- 13d. 30. A declaration of Tho. Hare, Efq. clerk to the Ed. treafurer, of the receipts and payments of the exchequer, from Miclimas. 1507, to Eafter 1568. 134. 37 . Inconveniences as well to the queen, as to the tenants of her dutchy in the county of Norfolk, grow¬ ing by means of a leafe made out of the dutchy court of the green wax of the exchequer. 145. 38. Certain orders to be obferved in the working of the king's mines in England, undertaken by Joa¬ chim Hochftetera German. (Fr.) 147 . 30. An account of exchequer revenues. 1570- 150. 40 . Another account of the receipt of the exche¬ quer, from Miclimas. 1585, to Eafter 1580, in Ed. Burleigh’s hand. 154. 41 . An order of the Marq. of Winchefter, to the queen’s auditors and receivers ot lands in Bedfordfh. and Bucks; directing them to take fureties from bai¬ liffs and collectors. (Orig.) June 2G, 1567. 155. 42. Notes, feemingly of iffiies from the exchequer, in the times of Mary, Eliz. and James I. 15 7. 43. A commiffion of Q. Elizabeth, for Nic. Cul- verwell, Th. Allen, and John Barnes; granting them privileges for the wine and fait trade. 1508. 158. 44 . A comparifon between the prices of foreign and Engliih pins. 1G0. 45. An eftimate made by Tho. Smith, of all the filver and gold, &c. brought and landed at the queen's warehoufe at Deptford. 1586. 1 G 1 . 46. A paper concerning the office of under-trea- furerin the exchequer. 163. 47 . A certificate of Hen. E. of Kent; concerning the loan given by the county of Bedford, and paid March id, 1 588, to the queen's collector. 164. 48. Notes concerning things relative to, and im¬ provements to be made in the expenditure of the pub¬ lic money. 165 . 49 . A collection of the queen’s reckonings. 167 . 50. A breviatc opening the abufespraCtifed by pur¬ veyors and tranfporters of corn, See. and how the fame may hereafter be reformed. 1593. 169 . 51. A collection of appointments, warrants for fees, and augmentations thereof; duties, oaths, &c. of divers officers of the exchequer. , 170 . 52. A treatife concerning the office of computa¬ tions for alienations; with the name of William Eamberd, 1590 , prefixed, but dated Feb. 30, 1595. 184. 53 . An apology for the objections to diminutions of the profits of the great leal of England. May 15, 1 . 595 . 203. b. 54. Motives for which the fines upon writs of en¬ try of lands (not holden in chief) maybe defired in leafe, and concerning poft fines. 206 . 55 . A note from fome account of Robert Dowe collector of the tonnage and poundage in Eondon ; concerning certain dues on merchandizes imported from China on account of the E. of Leicefter and others? (Eat.) 1582. 208 . 56. Q. Elizabeth, to the magiftrates of Augfburg; on a concern of Dan. Hochfteter, who with others had undertaken the copper mines in England. (Lat.) Hampton-court, Jan. 1577 . 209 . 57 . II. (E. of) Pembroke, to the E. of Suflex; pre- fident of the council at York; concerning fome tref- palfes in the queen’s chafe of Cranborn. (Orig.) Ranrefbury, Jan. 22 , 1570 . 210 . 58. Two exchequer accounts. (Fragments, the lat¬ ter of A 0 1558.) 212 . 59 . Matter of abufes, public and private. 214 . 60 . Total charge of the queen's great wardrobe* for one year. 215 . 61 . A declaration of the ftate of the chamber and city of London, &c. 217 . 62 . Two papers, concerning the ftatute of mort¬ main, corporations, and halls. 221 . 68. A table of commodities flipped, and fubfidics paid thereon. 1570 . 225 . 64. An account of the falaries of feveral keepers of royal parks, palaces, &c. in various counties. 65. A rough draught of obfervations, concerning abufes in the ollice of tellers. 229- b. 06. An account of payments to fir Tho. Smytlie, fir Tho. Robye, and Hugh Fitzwilliams, ambafiadors. 23 d; 67 . An account, feemingly of fome fees. 231. 6S. Concerning the duty called Aurum Regina*. 69- A deliberation of the Privy Council, addretfed to the King; concerning the increafe of his revenue. 70 . Notes concerning the improvement of the king’s copyholds. 236. 71 . Notes of things executed by way of abate¬ ment, and increafe of the king’s revenue. 237 . 72 . A note of milholding the (domain) lands that are prayed in leafe. 238. 73. John Crotall's memorial to the King, offering to improve the domain ; with a revife of articles pro- poled by him. 240. 74 . Minutes for a commiffion to Rauf Bowes anti others, for inquiring into the bate of Brauncepeth foreft, 8cc. 242 . 75. Confidcrations touching his majefry’s prefent revenue in lands. 244 - 76 . The true caufe and remedy of a dangerous confumption in his majefty's revenue; by an exche¬ quer man. 246. 77 . An account of fome inquiries and fearches made concerning the royal manors, &c. 250. 78. Rcafons why Mr. Binglcy and Mr. Watfon ihould not intermeddle any more with the payment of bills of exchange, or old debts. 25 1 . 79 . Imperfections in the order made for dilfolving the office of the clcrkfhip of the trealury, and w ar¬ rants, 8cc. 1670. 158. 80 . The return ofRic. Bennett, petty conftable of Ilugcnden, to the warrant of the high conftable of Dclborowe; concerning the fupplv of carriages. May 21 , 1613. 255. 81 . An abftraft of a furvey of the border lauds. Dec. 10 , 1604. 256. 82 . The rate of licences and pardons of aliena¬ tions, and of writs of covenants finable. 257 . 83. An eftimate of the queen's yearly revenue and expenditure, on an average of five years. £58 84 - A paper on the improvements of forefts, parks, and chafes. 268. 85. Reafons for a project and petition for ftarch and ftarch-makers. 269 86. A paper T I T U S, B. IV. V. 5 2 9 K(). A paper figneil Gerfon Wilsforde, and inti tied “ An order for the reformation of his Majefty's ac¬ counts, and the more fpeedy gathering of Ins revenues, as alfo to prevent all hecdlcfs exhauftment.” Aug. 22 , 1G04. . ®7l. S7. Two licences for the exportation of fcalve- flvius. 1005, and 1 O 10 . 272 . 88. Propbfals of Thomas Gariyn, for the improve¬ ment of the revenue: with an order of James L there- iipon. 2 ?3. 80. A petition of John Dackombe, to the Lords of the Treafury ; conecrning his ollicc of Purveyor of the prince’s lands. 274. 90 . An eftimate of the king’s yearly charge for his civil lilt, and foriiv garrifons, 275 . 91 . A fhort (lyftematic) view of all fuch courfes as have been prai'-iif-d, and are now projected, for the iiipply and uipport of lbvercigo Majeliy in want and extremity. 27 ( 3 . 92 . A report of Aaron Rathbornc, fupervifor of the manor of Brancepeth. Nov. 17 , 1609 . 277. 90 . A note of feveral parks within the dutchy of Laucaltcr, granted by leafe. 278 . 94 . Will. Camden, 1 o.aflerting that there had never been any difiinclion between the Ld. trea- iurcrof Iji^land, anil the treaturer of the exchequer; (A draught.) £80. b. 95. A 11 a b ft rack of the receipts and payments of James lord Have, gentleman of his Majefty's robes, from Feb. O', 1607 , to March 2.5, 1(313. 281. 90'. An abliratt of a furvey of the border lands. 284. 97. Remembrances on lord Ilaye’s account. 2S5. 98. A prqjeft for the planting, increafe, and pre- ' creation of the woods. 289- b. 90 . A ttatement of alnifcs, concerning his Ma¬ yfly’s woods. S 91 . ico. The tt.bftance of Gayer’s book, concerning the "tin caufes. 293. 101 . IIow to repair the king’s eftate, and to con- j tinue it repaired. 297 . 102 . De terris ct pofteffionibus coronas. 298 . 108 . How the king may have a yearly revenue in a fubfidy of tonnage and poundage, amounting to one-third of the wares imported. 300. 104 . A propofal to the Lords of Council; con¬ cerning the reduction of the eftahlillunents and fees of furveyors, collectors, &c. (vide infra IV. 109 .) 1 ( 312 . 317. 103 . Concerning lands, whereof the reverfion is in his Mnjefty expectant, upon eltates in tail. 319 . 106 . Memoranda lmw certificates of grants of lands may be obtained; 320. 107- Itogcr E. of Rutland, to James I; claiming the foie government of the forelt of Sherwood, which the E. of Shrewlbury attempted to take from him. 321. 103 . Gilbert Talbot (E. of) Shrewlbury, to fir Tho. Lake; concerning the above difpute with the E. of Rnt.laml. Sheffield lodge, June 24, 1609 . 322. 109 . Rcbt. Wall, to the E. of Northampton, Ld. privy leal; concerning the reduction of. fees and ; hires: to the fame purport as l\'. 104 . July 12 , i(i!2. 323. 1 1 ). An abttraet of all his Majefty’s expenfes for one half year, ending March 25, 1612 ; drawn out by Ldw. Wardour, clerk of the pells. 32G. 111 . Divers things which fhoukl be done and reformed in the exchequer. 330. 112 . A fhort view of fuch courfes as the kings of England haveufed to r.iifc money, men, or provilions; gathered out of ancient records. 333. 113. A ttatemem of the manner in which Parlia¬ ment granted jf. 30,000 to K. Edward the Hid, by an affeHiuent of £.5. Hi. per pariII 1 . 1372 . 335. 114 . “ A commifiinn of Charles I, for levying mo- “ ncys for the K. of Subfidy-men, after the rate ot “ i8.v. 4 (/. per pound in goods, and the whole for “ lands.” Sept. 1 G 26 . 338. 115 . 1 nftrudliqns to tiie commitfioners for the above levy of money. 341. Titus , B. V* C'odex chartaccus, in folio, conftaus foliis 420. 1 . lien. E. of Northampton, to the Privy Coun¬ cil ? hating the manner in which treaties were for¬ merly made, the difeommoditics in fwerving there¬ from, and the heft means to red refs them. 1 . 2. An order of Henry III, for the levy of armed men a; air ii Lie well in Pr. ofWalcg. (Lat.) Here¬ ford, July 2G, 1231. 4. 8. An older ot Ric hard II, for the levy of men in Norfolk and SutFolk. (i’r.) V. dim. Sept. £3, 1.386. 5. 4. An order of Henry IV, for the levy of men- (Lat. a draught.) St. Alban's, April 4, 146 . 5 . G. 5. Memorandum of fuch things as he needful Ld. Someriet have with him. 7 . G. A certificate of the general mutters of the coun¬ ties of Northumbd. Cumberid. Wcllmoreld. the city of Carlide, and thcBpk. of Durham, taken by Fran¬ cis E. of Bedford. c}<5t. 2 S, 1565. 8. b. 7 . Collectanea, concerning feveral levies of mo¬ ney, men, and victuals, by feveral of the kings of England. (A draught, cancelled.) 10 . 8. Abftinentia guerrarum inter Angliam ctScotiam- 5 Ed. IV. £2. 9 . An account of the payment of troops, and other charges, temp. Hen. VII. £3. 10 . A brief ftatement of the king’s (Hen. VIII. ?) army in Flanders, its artillery, captains, &c. 24. 11 . Copies of feven letters, the firft and laft defec¬ tive ; being part of the eorrelj ondence between W Paget comptroller, and Phil. Hobby then commif- fioner with the Emperor in Flanders, the Ld. pro¬ testor Somerfet, and the Pijvy Council. June and July, 1549- 25. ia. The ftatutes of Berwick wholly let forth. 36 . 13. A ditcourfe conecrning. war; addidled to K Edward VI. 39 . 14. Inttruftibns for thejcqmm Winners for general mutters and tunning of all jmmm r of pci Tons able for the wars, to lei ve as v ell on horfeback as on foot. (A draught, ,cQi;rec;cd by Cecil.; 1578. 33 . 15. A plan of a 72. 16. Inttructions by the Privy Council, forthe.com- miifioners of mutters, temp. hliz. 73 . 17 . Fran. Barrington and live others, magiftrales or deputy lieu Imams of I'.llex, to the E. ot Sutt’ex, Ld. Lieut, of the county; concerning the levy of forces. (Orig.) Chelmsford, OCt. 5, iGi5. 7 5 . 18 . The Privy Council, to the E. of Sutfex ; or¬ dering him to enforce the levy of troops, and of their accoutrements, in the county ot Elfcx. (Orig.) White¬ hall, June 26 , 1615. 77. IQ. The Marq. of Winchelter, to the F,. of Suiiex; concerning an order he had fent to Mr. Paget and 6 T Mr. TITUS, B. V, $3° Mr. Wo ft, for the embarkation of troops at South¬ ampton. (Orig.) Baling, Aug. 4, 1565. 79- go. The Privy Council, to the E. of Sulfex prefi- dont of the North: concerning a commiffion for mufters. (Orig.) Grecmv. June 25, 1369* Si. 2 1 . The Privy Council, to the E. of Sulfex ; giving him power over the forces in the county of Southt. jointly with the Marq. of Winclicfter. (Orig.) Oat- ■|ands‘Aug. 16, 1390. 80. 22 . Wm. Dethick, Garter K. of arms, to the earl of Etfex ; recommending Robt. Trefwell, blue- mantle officer of arms, fent to attend his perfon. (Orig.) Office of arms, April 13, 1396 . 85. 2 . 1 . An account of the officers aqd forces at Ca¬ lais. 87. 24 . A lift of officers in Gueklres, given by l.d- Willoughby to lir John Norris. S8. 23. The Privy Council, to the juftices of South¬ ampton ; concerning the forces to be allotted for the Hies of Jcrl'cy and Guernfey. Grcenw. June 29 , 1385. ’ 89- 26. Abftrafl of a letter from the Council, to the lords \\ inchefter and Suffex ; and l.d. Winchefter's orders in conlequence thereof, relating to the defence of the coaft. Aug. 2 , and Sept. 1 , 1386. 91 . 27 . Fra. Barrington and four others, magiftrates of Effex, to the E. of Sulfex ; two letters concerning armaments. (Orig.) Chelmsford, Sept. 3 , 1613 , and Lond. Ott. 4 , 16 15. 93 . 28. A commiffion of Q. Elizabeth to fir John Fof- tcr and three others, to inquire into the conduct of lir Val. Brown, treafurer and victualler of the town of Berwick. March 15, 1574 . 97 . 29 - Anfwers to points propounded by the French Commiilioners, concerning the lupply ot forces. Aug. 23, 1581. 99 . 30. Fra. Drake and Geo. Carey (probably com- miiiioncrs at Plymouth) to the Privy Council; de- firing orders for certain regulations at Plymouth in the abfence of the tlect. (Origt) July 21 , 1595 . 101 . 3 1 . The marquis of Winchefter, to the E. of Sul¬ fex ; touching the trained bands of Ilampfhire re¬ quired by the Council for the defence of Jcrfey and Guernfey. (Orig.) Baling, Aug. 20 , 1590 . 103. 32. The E. of Suffix, to fir Wm. Kingfinill; fora note of the order of Council concerning the above armament. Portfmoutli. Aug. 21 , 1590 . 105 . S3. The E. of Sulfex, to the Marq. of Wmchefter; in anfwerto V. 31. Aug. 22, 1590 . 106 . 34. Q. Elizabeth, to Ld. Chanc. Ilatton Lieut, of the counties of Middlefex and Northampton ; directing him to array the forces in his counties again!! a foreign invufion. (Orig.) Grcenw. June 18 , 1588. 108 . 35. A note of powder and match at Winchester and Southampton. no. 36. The Lds. of the Council, to the Marq. of Winchefter and Ed. Sulfex ; concerning the cloathing and accoutrements of troops, and the ammunition in their county ; two letters. Richmd. Jan. 14 , 1588 , and Noneiuch, Aug. 31, 1585. 111 . 7 . The difrribution of the lervice for the commif- fioners for the mufters of horfemen. 115 . 38. Orders concerning the office of ordnance- chiefly relating to itores. July 27 , 1595 . 117 / 39. Part of a dilfcrlation on the array of tire country, bchigintitled “ cap. is:” the end wanting. 121 . 40. A paper (feemingly a Iketch of an a& of Par¬ liament) for the augmentation of the navy. 129 . 41. A fragment, concerning war, and the fupport thereof. " is,. 42. The carls of Northumb. and Weflmoreld. and the vifeount. of York ? to the D. of Glouccfter, guardian of the kingdom, and the Privy Council; about the array of fome forces in Yoi klhire. (Fr.j York, Jan. 18 . 43 . A memorandum of rolls of Parliament, ayainft the nation lighting the king's wars in France and Normandy, temp. Ric. II. lien. iv. andv. 133 . 44 . Notes of Inch as were bound to bear arms and find men. temp. Edw. 1 . and II. 135 . 45 . Note of the ordnance in the different forts on the coaft. , 3 q. 46 . A brief declaration of the accounts of Rich. Iludlefton, Efq. her Majefty's treafurer in the Low countries. 1587. 142 . 47 . An order of Privy Council, to certain com- miffioners ; concerning the defence of Calais. 144 . 48. A requifition of Henry VII, for a loan of mo¬ ney for the war again ft Scotland. (Orig.) Weftm. Dec. 1 . 145 . 49 . Letters patent of Henry vril, empowering the city of London to give feeurity to the Fucrgers lor a loan of CO, 000 ducats. (Lat.) Aug. 1546. 146 . 50. A note of papers touching benevolences. 1545 . 51. A private memorial of Q. Elizabeth, to Wm. IIcrle ; concerning a loan of money abroad. (Orig. in Cecil’s hand.) 1581 ? probably 1561 . 150 . 52 . The Privy Council, to the Ld. Lieutenants, to chancellor Hatton, and to J. Thompfon, Efq. collector in the county of Bedford ; live letters ; con¬ cerning loans of money. (Originals.) 1588 and 1589. 151 . 53. Q. Elizabeth, to Wm. Herle; about a loan ne- gociaied by him at Hamburgh. (Orig.) Jan. 2 , 1561. 161. 54. A paper, concerning an invitation for a loan by privy feals. 194 . 53. The names of thofe who had privy feals, and had not paid or lent anything: two copies. Dec. 12 , 1612 . ” 165 . 56. James I, to the Ld. of Sulfex Lieut, of Effex; concerning a loan by privy l'eals. (Orig.) Weftm. 061.31, 1612 . " * ° 171 . 57 . A commiffion of the Privy Council, a kino-’s letter, and a lift of perlons to w hom privy feals had been iffued for a loan. 1604 . 174. 58. The city of We&miniter, to the King; tender¬ ing a benevolence. ig 3 . 59 . Anthony Gwydot's project for introducing filk weaving into England, temp. Hen. vm. i85. 60. Ld. Chanc. T. Audley, to the Ld. Privy Seal; concerning fome requifites in the cloth manufacture. (Orig.) Terling, Sept. 23. 187- 61 . Notification of a project for raffing a loan of 4 or 5 hundred thouland pounds for 7 years, without intereft. 189 . 62. A project of an office for patents for new in¬ ventions. ] go. 63. A llatement, concerning the fale of his Ma- jefty’s woods. 190 . 64 . A detail of various arts R. R. offers to intro¬ duce in England, anti which he had attained in his ten years travels in Turkey. 194. G5. A project for remedying certain abufes in the paper trade and manufactory. 196 . 66- A Titus, b, v. 531 66 . A project concerning the preparing grey coney /kins, lamb /kins, and mort /kins, before they arc ex¬ ported. , 98 . o'7. Reafons for the furtherance of a corporation for the prefervation of ancient monuments and re¬ cords. Another copy in Fauft. E. V. 67 . 200. Gs. Edmund Bolton, to the E. of Northampton Ed. privy feal; projects for railing money, &c. March U, Kill. " 201. 69. A project for fair and uniform buildings in and about London. 20.“}. 70 . A project for coining copper money, for Ire¬ land. Feb. 1621. " 203. 71 . A difeuffion concerning the juftice of a war with Spain, the means and manner of carrying it on, and probability of its duration. 207. 72 . A regulation, by which clerks are to be al¬ lowed to the commiffioners of the Rar chamber and chancery, in the remote counties. 208. 73 . A petition, probably from Parliament, to Q. Elizabeth; requeuing her to fettle the fucceflion to the crown : with a difeuflion thereupon. 209. 7 -J-. John Iveyincr s projects about the foreign and coal trade, coin, &c. add relied to Q. Elizabeth. 221. . 75 . John Keymers projects concerning the trade with Portugal; add refled to Q. Elizabeth. 235. 76. Sub.Rance of a perpetual contract of commerce, or holy united fociety of knighthood, to be made between all princes of the world. 240. 77 - Reafons why Wel/h linens, called cottons, fliould not be tied to one certain length, breadth, or weight. 24 ’, 2 . 78 . A furvey of the benefits which come to the ftatc by colouring 0/ the wool and cloth made in Suffolk. 244> 79 - Tho. Walker, to the Ld. Privy Seal (North¬ ampton) concerning the abides in commons. (Orig.) Heningham park, March 13 , 1600 . 246. 80. Obfcrv ations concerning the making and na¬ ture of ftarcli. 24g . 81. Reafons to induce his Majefty to confirm the office of mefiirage. 232. S2. The fubftanee of a petition for the inrolment of apprentices indentures. <253. 83 . Offers made unto the king by the French un¬ dertakers, for the tranfmutatioii of iron into Reel. 255 . 84 . Reafons why the bailiffs of Great Yarmouth are petitioners to be the affay-mafters of all lead made in England and Wales. 257 . 85 . Allowances craved by the inquifitor of the Rewards and bailiffs of royal manors. 258. 86. Reafons for maintaining a fuit in which Mr. T ref well, who had a grant of a moiety of all wafies done in the kings foreRs, parks, &c. was concerned. 260 . 87 . Gaivin Smith's petitions, and projefl for cleanf- ln S and keeping clean the ditches of tile city of Lon- don; three articles. “ 2C2 88 . A Ratemcnt of reafons, and a petition to the Jung ; concerning the converting copyhold into free¬ hold tenures. n nr 206 . 89 . A propofal of Mr. Poulton, to print the ftatutes at Jaige; with obfervations thereon; two articles. 36 $.' 90. A final I traS on the abides in the eccleftafiical courts; addrefied to the king. 273 . 9 1. A bieviate of what was proved before a com¬ mittee, in maintenance of the charter of the Din- makers. 92. Articles concerning the hill for ffieermen and tullers, and of the corporations within the city of .London. D ;£ g OS. Proceedings touching the farm of fivect wines let to fir John Swinton. og 0 * 94 . Reafons to prove the neceffity of an examiner in the court ot exchequer, as well as in all other courts. 2go 05 . A propofal for remedying the undue confump- tion of fleih ill Lent. „ s3 ‘ !Ki. _ Articles to he inquired upon touching the queen s commillion of concealed lands. Oct. y, 15 S 2. 284 . 97 . A colleflion of divers things whereby profit may aide to a clerk of the peace, in any iliire. 286. 9 S A paper concerning fome reformation in his majefty s houfehold. 2sg 99 . A paper concerning the proportion between money and com in the kingdom. 2 y, too. A paper ihewing the advantage of cultivating the dyers thd'de for the cloth manufactory in England 292. '01 A propofal for laying a duty on lead outward hound, 111 order to obviate fome deceitful practices. , * 93 . 102. A remonftrance againft the praflice of build¬ ing- cottages without a due proportion of land, in de¬ fiance ot an aft of Parliament of 31 Eliz. sgs. 103 . Memoranda, and a petition of Otlio is icholfon; concerning the practice of “ Affartare 1. e. denfas fdvaseradicare.” (Three articles.) 297. 104 . The (fate of the fuit for the office of curfitor to be procured for the king's bench. 302 105 . A petition in behalf of the company of the pin-makers in London. 304 108. A ftatement of the fuperfluous conffimption of wheat, milk, and clieefe. 3UJ 107. A paper concerning the king's claim to certain lands lett by the lea in Lincolnfliire and Cambridee- flllre ' 307 . 108. Certain notes concerning wade grounds, foreRs, parks, and chaces. 308 109. A propofal for granting certain privileges in trade to aliens, with a ftatement of the benefits°to be derived from it. 3Qg 110. Reafons agaiuft a new duty intended to be impoied upon baize. 3 j 1 111. Reafons for appointing a furveyor of the exe¬ cutions and eftreuts for outlaws. 312 112. A project to remedy fome abufes in the cloth manufactory, owing to the prohibition of hot-preffing. S 14 ? 113 . Rich. Brown s information concern in fome inconveniencies in Rarch-making. ° 315. 1 14 . Concerning certain abules in the paper ma¬ nufactory, and the remedies thereof. 3 17. 115 . Propofitions from the felt-makers, to fuch as /hall depofit a Rock of money for taking in of their wares. Sl9 . 11 6 . A projeCl of the company of felt-makers in London, to raife a Rock for taking all the wares they make into their own hands. ^ 3Q0 J 117. The Rate of the felt-makers cafe; with fome propofitions to remedy the mifehiefs they now endure. 321 . 118 . A S3 2 TITUS, B. V. VI l ) y. A dialogue between a haberdafher and a felt- maker. ii(). Rea Tons why retailers, vintners, and /hop- keepers (honld not be admitted to trade as merchants into the parts beyond teas. 3 -°* iuo. Ilow the penfion of Taunton of £. 400 paid in the crown bv live bithops, may be redeemed with¬ out: lots to the king. 3 - 7 * i j i. Remembrance for his majefty touching houfehold caufes. 3 ~- ) - i The project of Gavin Smith, for cleanfmg the Fleet ditch. 33 °- i : i. A project for the farming of old worn cables and other ropes. 1 g i. A note of the yearly produce and charge of the lalt-works at Portfey. 334 - i A petition of the falters and brewers, to have certain lands and tenements deviled to them, eon- iirmed to them by act of Parliament. 335. igo. A propoful for making certain allum-works more profitable to the revenue. 337-h. correction to be erected in Winchedcr, and the de¬ mands and duties of the guardian tliereof. ioy. 14b. Reafons for convening copy-hold into free¬ hold. (Part of V'. 88 .) 413. 1-17. Confiderations olh i d concerning the fale of ludlion, exchange, Ac. .414. 148 . Daniel Dun, to fir .1 nl. Caiar: touching Dr. Manning, and a cafe of coidpinn v. (Grig.) 161 i. 415. 140. Geflfry 1-igge, to Ld. Northampton privy fcal; concerning the foundation of St. Nicholas’* llofpital. 417. 1 50. Reafons for Q. Elizabeth to.affent to the aid¬ ing the States. July 13, 1585. 410. h. 151. Regulations concerning the woollen trade. 4 ' 20 . Titus , B. VI. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis 25 1 . ic 7 . A comparifon between Mr. Ingram s project for allum, and one which was lately prefented. 338. 128. An offer touching allum-works. 340. 120 Two ftatements concerning the allum bufi- nefs; alfo another copy of v. 128. 342. 150 . A paper concerning the removal of certain annoyances in the Thames. 347- 15 1 . Win. Abdye’s propofitions for making indigo and neale in the kingdom. 350. 132. A paper concerning the obfervance of lent, towards the prefervation of cattle. 352. 155 . A rough draught of a propofal for appointing commiflioners for letting forth the bounds of farms and manors in the 111c ol Fly, Ac. 354. 154 . A proportion of wire to be made of lGO tons of Ofinond iron: four papers. 355. 15 .-,. Offers made by the French undertakers for tranfmuting iron into i'tccl: another copy of V. 83. 359. 13 ( 5 . A brief of divers abufes committed among brewers; and propofals for the red refs of them. 361. 137 . A projeft for raifing money, by the grant of pardons for certain trcfpall'es l'pecilied in three litis; w ith the fubftance of a proclamation for that purpofe. 377. 138 . A lift of forefls andcliacesin feveral counties, referved and to be improved. 385. 15|). A flatement of the cufloms and values of goods exported and imported, from Chriftmas 161 a t o C li ri ft mas l G15. 387. 140 . A memorial touching the patent for making fait.; lately granted to Chrift. Erchard and Hen. Tatt¬ nall’. “ ' 388 - 141 . The inconvenicncics that /hall enfue if the pre-emption of tin /hall be drawn into the hands of private men. 38 9- 142 . A fcheme for the increafe of the navy to act againft Spain. 390. 143 . Quell ions to be piopofed to the matter of the Rolls ami Mr. Ingram, concerning the contract for tin ; and other papers concerning the pre-emption of tin, Ac. 391. 144. Gerard Maliny's difeourfe for reducing the laws of England into order. 404. 145 . Articles touching the ufe of the lioufe of 1. A rough draught of a letter from the Rp. of Worccttcr (Ghinuec) and the Almoner, toucliing their negot iation for the reieafe of the two foils of the French king, then hof'.pys Madrid. (Lat.) i. 2. A paper infilled, “Dr. Ta\ ler’s legation into Franct 15 ■ 1 iatt< rs r< luting to the church ami monaiicry Si. Filer at Vienne in Dauphine. (Lat.) s. 5 . A paper of notes concerning the earlier bi/hops of Vienne. (Lai.) 5 . 4. A paper relating to the hilioryof Henry 11. K. of Navarre, 1 c (Lat.) Jan. 5 , 1526 - 7 . 0 . 5 . Another paper relating to the hiftovv of Vienne. (Lat-) \ 7. 6. “ Epigramma de Mauro Servo a domino crude- “ liter tractato” duo exemplaria, alter prolixior prime. 8. b. 7 . An account of fume journey in the interior parts of France: molt of the preceding articles appear to be colledtanca by the fame hand. (Lat.) 1526. io. 8. Summa praeipuorum arliculorum in tractatihus paeis et feederum inter reges Anginc et Fiancia 1 , die Augufti 15 14, et 1 5 1 5 : in Cecil s hand. 17 . 9 . Articuli eonvenlionis inter Elizabethan! Angl. Regin. et Phillipum Reg. Gath. 1564. SO. 10 . Articuli t racial us pacL ird: r papam, Crcfarem, et reges Anglia 1 , ITancke, et Hilpaniax Lond. Oct. 2 , 1518. 21. 11 . Articuli variorum traHatuum paeis; annormn neni])C, 1532 , 1546 , 155!), 1513, 1504, et 1560 . 22. h. ic. Colleiliionsoi.it of the hectics betwixt Franco and England, from Edward III. to. 1600 . 24 . 13 . Notes concerning li dies wilh France, from 15(>2 to 1572; and of the legations lint into France, and from thence, from 1571 to 15s 1 . 25. 14 . Notes about traufactions in France, from 1561 to 1596. 29 . 15. A journal of various matters c oncerning the armies fent into Normandy. 1591 . 30. in. Note com rnii >ustranf lions with the Ilanfe Towns. 32. 17 . A paper infilled. " Dr. Roger's fearch,” being a repertory of various tranfaeiions relating to com¬ merce betw een England and l!< igia, Irom 45 II. 111 . to 9 H- v - 3 7- 18 . A TITUS, B. VI. 533 18. A ffiort repertory of ftate papers, between the emperor Maximilian and Henry Vlli; chiefly con¬ cerning the marriage of Archd. Charles with princefs Mary. 40. 19- Articulitraflatus pads inter Henricum VII. et Pliilippum Burgundian ducem ; et Henricum VIFI. et Carolum V, &C. 1495, 1499, 1505, 1520, 1529, 1543. 20. Rough notes concerning negociations between England and the Emperor. 43. 21. A paper concerning a claim to the value of certain cloths, &c. arrelted at Antwerp and Bruges. Aug. 3 , 1559 . 45. 22. Notes concerning negociations in Germany; agents fent, &c. 46. 23 . Q. Elizabeth, to the prince of Orange, and to the deputies of Holland and Zealand; on the offer made her of the fovereignty of thofe provinces. (Fr. and Lat.) March 28 , 1575 . 47. 24. Ex trails from the negociations of the Low countries, fijice the year 1575 to 1579. 48. 25 . Memoranda of the bonds of the ftates of the Low countries to Q. Elizabeth. 1579 and 1578. 56 . 26 . A letter from Efcovado, to the K. of Spain; April 9, 1577 ; and three papers concerning the pri¬ vileges of Brabant, &c. (Fr. Lat. and Eng.) 57. 27. A memorial of treaties with the ftates of the Low countries, in 1585 and 6. 59. 28. Memoranda concerning negociations with the Low countries 157 t>— 1589 - 62. 29. Heads of various papers relating to negocia¬ tions with, and aft airs of the Low countries, viz. (a.) Negociations of the commiffioners of the States, 1585 . (b.) Difpatchof fir John Norris, 1585 . (c.) Dilpatchaud negociation of Mr. Davifon, 1585. (d.) Difpatch of the E. of Leicefter, 1585. (c.) Sir Tho. Ileneage's negociation. (f.) Matters concerning the cautionary towns, 1586 . (g.) Military fervices during the E. of Leicefter’s government. (h.) Political matters during the E. of Leicefter's government. (i.) Matters concerning treafurer’s accounts, muf- ters, victualling. (k.) Matters between theE. of Leicefter, Ld. Buck- hurft, fir John Norris, &e. ( 1 .) Lord Buckhurft’s negociation; the proceed¬ ings of the States again ft the E.of Leicefter in the matter of peace, 1587 . 66 . so. Notes out of the letters of lord Leicefter: in Cecil's hand. 15 85 and 6 . 84. 31 . A memorial of accidents (incidents) in the Low countries. 1571 —1596. 87. 52. The effe ct of certain writings and publications, touching the Low countries, &c. 97 . 5 3 . Petitions of the States Gen. to her Majefty, by their letters of March 24 . P3_ 34 . Extracts from Ld. Buckhurft’s letter'of April 13, 1587. joi. 35. Notes concerning ftate papers between Eng¬ land and the Low countries. 1569 and 1575. 103. 36 . “Memoire pour Mous. le confeiller Bodley;” explaining a plan for the defence of Oftcnd? Dunkirk, Aug. 23 , 1590 . 104 . 37. “ The inoft weighty, fecrct, and laft inftruc- " tions given by Philip II. K. of Spain, to his fon Philip ill; teaching him how to govern himfelfand “ llis kingdoms, after the deccafe of his faid father.” 106 . 38 . Heads of a treaty between Q. Elizabeth, and Sebaftian K. of Portugal. (Lat.) Lond. Feb. 2, I57h 10S. 39. Minutes of letters from Q. Elizabeth, to Adolphus D. of Holftein Gottorp, 1559; Frederic 11. It. of Denmark, Dorothea his mother, 1.559 to 156S ; and to Guftavus I. and Eric XIV. kings of Sweden’ from 1559 to 1567 - 114. 40 . A letter figned, J. regina Bofnas et duciffa Barbanias, to.requeftinghim to mediate for the releai’e of her hufband from his imprifonment in Turkey. (Lat.) 113. 41 . Note of a letter from John Zamoilki Chanc. of Poland, to Q. Elizabeth. 0 < 5 t. 7, 1538. 119. 42 . An account of the officers of the Ottoman court. 2 20. 43. A defeription of England, prefented to the Grand Seignior; a narration of the eftate and govern¬ ment of K. Henry VIII; the French ambaffador’s ob¬ jections again ft.refidence at Conftantinople, and the Englifh ambaffador’s anfwer thereto : all thefe by the fame hand. jo^ j, fervice done to her majefty and to the Englilh merchants, by ten years rclidence in Turkey. 123 . 45. A ffiort account of an irruption into Northum¬ berland by the Scots. j o 5 . 46. A breviate of certain leagues and confederacies between the kings of France and Scotland, from 1327 to 1549 . joe. 47 - Notes concerning various treaties between England, the K. of Scots, the D. of Britanny, France, Burgundy, and the Hanfe Towns, in the time of Edw. IV - t 1=7. 48 v Notes concerning treaties with Scotland, and affairs of the borders. 1533—1568. 129 . 49 . Minutes of letters from Ct. dc la Marck, the regent of Scotland, the States Gen. and the Pr. of Orange, to Q. Eliz. alfo fome to the Ld. treafurer. 1571 — 1589 . 133 50 . A brief eftimate of her majefty’s charges in the Low countries, for one year. ] 34. 51 . Minutes of a great number of letters and ftate papers ; chiefly relating to the Low countries, 1589 ; others relating to France, 1558 — 1589 . 134. b.’ 52 . Minutes of many mifcellaneous ftate papers, in the time of Q. Elizabeth. ] 4 s> 1 5 S. Contents of feveral letters from duke Charles of Sudermania, the fenate of Hamburgh, the K. of Denmark, &c. 1591. " 54 . Formulas uled by the kings of England in not granting the petitions of the commons in parliament. 161. 55 . Heads, probably of fome book, touching the manner of holding parliaments and convocations, their privileges, &c. 162/ 56 . Concerning the manner of the king’s affentino- or difienting in Parliament. 166° 57. A table concerning the king’s prerogative, and the rights of the fubjedh 167. b. 58 . Lift of various petitions prefented by Parlia¬ ment, See. to Edward I. and III. jgg t 59. Extracts from fome roll of pleas of the crown, temp. Edw. in. 172.” 6 U 60. A 534 TITUS, B. VI. VII. Go. A note of the fpeech ufcd by the Ld. keeper of the great feal, (fir Nic. Bacon) to fir Robt. Bell, when he was fworn chief baron of the exchequer. 173 . 61. An alphabetical lift of faints, with the days of their feftivals. . 175 . 60. “A book of notes taken out of lettersfome of them being ample extracts front Rate papers in the time of Q. Elizabeth. 177 - 63 . Anfwers to 16 articles contained in a roll mi- niftered by My Id. ofSarum. 212. G 4 . A project, “ How the king's majefty may ga¬ ther a great treafure, without felling or abating any part of his revenue.” 21S. 65 . A fet of rough memoranda, feemingly the agenda of fome minifter, beginning A® 1 581 . 216. 66 . A catalogue of Saxon coins, from Alfred to Harold. 239. 67. A note of the names of fuch books and calen¬ ders as are made of the records in the Tower. 241 . 68 . A drawing of a Roman infeription. 244 . b. 69. Several tables of cyphers: fome French and others Englilh. 245 . 70 . Copy of a letter from the E. of Salifbury, to the E. of Northampton, privy feal; profeiling good wiflies. Bath, May 17, 1612. 251 . b. Titus, B. VII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 495. 1. A letter figned Robert Zinzan, (but docketed R. Alexander) to the earl of Leicefter; reporting his having delivered the queen’s prefent of horles to the K. of Scots. (Orig.) Edinburgh, June 13 , 1585 . 2. 2. Ld. Burleigh, to the E. of Leicefter; a note in his own hand. Weftm. Nov. 4 , 1572. 4. 3 . Wm. Waad, to the E. of Leicefter; craving his protection in a caule with Mr. Herle. (Orig.) "Flo¬ rence, Nov. 9, 15 78 . 6 . 4 . Henry (the firft E. of) Southampton, to the Ld. Trcafurer, Ld. Chamberlain, and the E. of Leicefter; craving their intcrceftion with the queen for fome more liberty. (Orig.) Tower, July 26, 1572. 8 . 5 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning a malicious libel again ft the earl, written by one Morgan, at Paris. (Orig.) Barnclms, Sept. 29, 1584 . 10. 6 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning feveral individuals to be promoted, &c. (Orig.) Whitehall, April 1, 1570. 12. 7. Robert Glover, Somerfct herald, to the E. of Leicefter; vindicating himfelf from the charge of popery- " i 4 . 8. Wm. Davifon, to the E. of Leicefter; intelli¬ gence about troubles in Artois and Ilainault, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, Jan. 25 , 1378 . iG. 9 - Tho. Randolph, to the E. of Leicefter; thanking him for the favour fliewn fir Fr. Walfingham; and interceding for a fcholar of Magdalen college, who was confined for preaching on the exercife of pro¬ phecy. (Orig.) London, Aug. 28 , 157s. is. 10. Sir Iho. Leighton, to the E. of Leicefter ; vin¬ dicating himfelf againfi the falfe aflertrons of cer¬ tain traitors. (Orig.) Jerley, Aug.- 1 1, 1580. 20. 1!. Jo. lie hie, (a preacher) to the E. of Leicefter; thanking him for protection, and profeiling his great zeal for the church. (Orig.) Nov. 25, 15S1. 22. 12. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; two letters, the firft intimating fome violent attempt upon her majefty; the fecond about fome ordnance to be lent to the army. (Orig.) Barnclms, Dec. 24 1586 , and Richmd. July 23 , 1588 . 04 ’ is. Tho. Cotton, (father to fir Robt. r) to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about a duke’s coming. I'QHhc D. of Parma?) (Orig.) Ghent, Jan. 17, 157s. 28 . ‘ 14 . Sir Tho. Wilkes, to the E. of Leicefter; com¬ plaining of his poverty, and the queen’s difpleafure towards him. (Orig.) London, July 12, 1584. so. 15 . Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter* two letters, the firft apprifing him that the queen had referred a fuit ot his about an exchange, to the Ld treasurer; and the fecond about fir Walt. Mildmay’s dealings with the queen concerning the fame. (OriO Court, March 4 , 1587 - 8 ? and June 8 , 1588. 32. 16. Giulio Borgarucci, to the E. of Leicefter; with mg to appeal to the queen from the Abp. of Can¬ terbury, in an affair of matrimony. (Orig.) Bruges Dec. 4,15 76 . 3V 1 "• Tho. Morgan, to the E. of Leicefter; thanks for his recommendation to the prince (of Orano-e?) and complains of ill triage from Col. Norris. (Orm\) Amfterdam, June 2, 1581 . S g_ 18. Sir Edw. Stafford, to the E. of Leicefter, then 111 the low Countries ; laments not having any let¬ ter from him, &c. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 26, 1581. 40 . 19. Johannes Still, to the E. of Leicefter; thanks him fora favour obtained through his means. (Orm. Lat.) Feb. 20, 1576. 42 °' 20 . Wm. Herle, to theE. of Leicefter; exprefiing gratitude, but lamenting his not being favourably treated; alio about Mr. North's going to mafs, &c. (Orig.) Antwerp, March is,* 1582 . 44. 21. Fr. Tregian, to theE. of Leicefter; difavow¬ ing the malicious alperfion for which he was in con¬ finement. (Orig.) Marfhalfea, Oct. 20, 1577. 46. 22. Alfonfo Ferrabofco, to the E. of Leicefter; la¬ ments the inquilition having feized his property in Italy, and trufts the Q. wilf indemnify him, and re¬ ward him for his fervices. (Orig. Ital.) London, Odt. 23 , 1564 . 23 . \ fabeau de la Touche, to the F.. of Leicefter; thanks for affiftance, and implores relief in her uro-ent neceflity: ihe appears to have been a French refugee. (Two originals, Fr.) Sion, June 8 , and Canfort, Sept. 3 , 1574 . 50 . 24. Phil. deCToy (D. d'Arfhot) to the E. of Lei- cefter; reminding him of lbme dogs he was to fend him. (Orig. Fr.) Brufiels, July 1, 1574. 54. 25 . W. Herle, to the E. of Leicefter, then in the Low countries; various news of appointments at court, and defiling a recommendation to the Ld. treafurer. (Orig.) Temple-bar, Sept. 8 , 1587. 57. 26. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; four letters of orders and intelligence. (Orra.) Court, May 23 , 1587 , Lond. Sept. 2, Richmd. July 20, and Barnclms, Nov. 5, 1586 . 59/ 27. Sir Tho. Scott, to the E. of Leicefter; on fend ¬ ing over his fon with 39 men and horles. (Orig.) Scots-hall, March 2, 1595-6. 67. 28 . Francis Littleton, to the E. of Leicefter; about one John Ranfiehaving mifufed apafsport, and defir* ing reinforcements. (Orig.) Oftend, Jan. 24, 1586 - 7 . 69 . 29. John Shelton, to the E. of Leicefter; com¬ plaining of the treatment of the burghers of Arnlieim. (Orig.) A mam (fie) Sept. 2 , 1587 . 70. 30 . Raft'e Boifeville, to the E. of Leicefter; defir¬ ing: TITUS, B. VII. 535 mg fome aid for himfelf and Iris company. (Orig.) Oftend, Sept. 28, 1587. 72. Si. A letter to the E. of Leicefter, not figned; concerning divers charges again ft Pyper Martin, a fergt. major, Eccloe, Blundcville, &c. for treafonable pra<5tices. Oftend, 1587- 74. 32. Tho. Digges, to the E. of Leicefter; complain¬ ing of the oppofition he met. with in taking the muf- ters. (Orig.) Feb. 21 , 1585-6. 75. 33. The Bates of South Holland, to the E. of Lci- cefter; anfwering that Capt. Bout was at lea. (Orig. Dutch.) Rotterdam, July 22, 1587. 77- 34. Jo. North, to the E. of Leicefter; explaining the caufe of a fray he had had with a fervant of the E. ofElfex, for which he had been confined. (Orig.) Dordrecht, Dec. 1 , 1587. 79. 35. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; recommending a fervant of his, who had been ap¬ pointed water bailiff at Flufliing. (Orig.) Court, June, 22, 1586. 81. 36. A memorial of Peter Obin merchant of Wefel, to the E. of Leicefter; concerning fome goods de¬ tained at Amfterdam. (Fr.) With a copy of the order of the admiralty of North Holland thereto re¬ lating, dated Amfterdam, 061. 10, 1586. (Dutch.) 83. 37 . T. Heneagc, to the E. of Leicefter; requefting that a proper lodging might be appointed for him and his retinue, near the earl. (Orig.) Flulhing, March 3, 1585-6. 86. 3S. Edm. Hunt (auditor) to the E. of Leicefter; exceptions againft lir John Norris for mal-pra&ices in money matters. (Orig.) Loud. Aug. 10, 1587- 88 . ST). John Brown, to the E. of Leicefter; about the motions of the army; a prpfent of horfes intended for the queen, &c. (Orig.) Mali lies, May l, 15S0. 90. 40. Sir John Conway, to the E. of Leicefter; de¬ ft ring fpeedy fupplies and orders. (Orig.) Doit? Sept. 28, 1587. 92 . 41. Sir Wm. Ruflel, to the E. of Leicefter; recom¬ mending Davifon for his fervices. (Orig.) Flufliing, Sept. 19, 1587. 94^ 42 . Tho. Bafton (an Englifli bookfellerat Leyden) his petition to the E. of Leicefter for licence to print certain books. 96 . 43. Sir Wm. Stanley, to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ commending a lieutenant, who had been feverely wounded. (Orig.) Deventer, Jan. 8, 1586-7. 98 . 44. Sir Fr. Walfingham, to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of two captains, Wingfield and Randolph. (Orig.) Barnelms, Dec. 24 , 1586. 100 . 45. Geo. Woodward, to the E. of Leicefter; craving red refs in a claim he had on one Tho. Biewnes for cloths delivered to him. (Orig.) Utrecht, Sept. 26 , 1587. 102 . 46 . Tho. Lovall’s memorial to the E. of Leicefter ; for an allowance for having lerved as fergeant-major at the Brill. 104. 47 . A warrant of the E. of Leicefter, for a fum to he paid to Capt. William Twydye. Hague, July si, I5s6‘. 106 . b. 48. Sir Wm. Ruflel, to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ lating the particulars of an infurre&ion at Flufliing. (Orig.) Flufliing, Sept. IS, 1587. 108. 49 . Giofeph de Caftro, a miffionary at Agra, to Claudio Aquaviva general of the Jefuits at Rome; reporting the pcrfecutions fuftained by the chriftians. (Orig. Ital.) Agra, April' 10 , 1615 . 112 . 50. Francois (D. d’Anjou) to fir Fr. Walfingham; profeffing his devotednefs to the qneen; flievdng the vanity of the boafts of the Spaniards, See. (Fr.) Chaf- teau Cambrefis, Aug. 29 , 1581. ‘ 114 . 51. Tho. Shelley a Jefuit? to his coufm Tho. Finch, in Spain; lamenting the deplorable ftate of England, refpe&ing religion, &c. (A French tranflation.) St. Omer, 1604 . j ] f,. 52. Antonio Machado a miffionary at Agra, to Cl. Aquaviva gen. of the Jefuits ; concerning the ftate of the million. (Orig. Portuguele?) Agra, April 9 , i6i5. 118 . 53. Marchefe Guil. Ces. Malafpinada Madrignano, to count Alefs. Striggio, ambaifador from the D. of Mantua at Milan; declaiming all participation in the confpiracy at Parma. (Ital.) Mantua, April 13, 1612 . 120 , 54. A memorial of a French ambaifador in London, demanding the releafe of a mafter of a lliip, the re- ftoration of fome goods, the fuppreffion of libels againft the queen mother, &c. (Fr.) 122 . 55 . A Spanilh paper, indorfed “ the fale of the Eli¬ zabeth.” 124 , 56. Jehan le Rowlfe, to father Ammon; inclofing a difpenfation of Pope Leo, in favour of Wm. Ed- waye, ftiled a canon of Byllington. (The letter Fr. the inclofure Lat.) Calais, 06t. 24. 126 . 57 . Gafparin de Gafin, to.petitioning to have his livery reftored him, or to have 50 I. in lieu of it. (Orig. Ital.) 129 . 58. A declaration, that in a treaty then negociat- ing, the United Provinces were to be declared free and independent of the K. of Spain and the Archd. of Auftria. (Fr.) Hague, Dec. 24 , 1607 . 131 . 59. Pietro Lupo a mufieian, to.defiring an advance of a quarter's wages. (Orig, Ital.) 132 . 60. Jofeph de Caftro, to father Jof. Baudo at Milan; concerning the perl'ecutions at Agra; nearly of the fame tenor as VII. 49- (Orig. Ital.) Agra, April 10, 1615. 133 , 61 . Francois (D. d’Anjou) to M. de Mauvifiere; defiring that he will fend him frequent accounts of Q. Elizabeth. (Fr.) Angers, Feb. 28 , 135 . 62 . A petition from the wife of Leonard Forilfen, a boatman of Dordrecht, to the E. of Leicefter; for his releafe. (Ital.) 136 . 63. R. (E. of Leicefter) to Maurice Vifconti; pro- feffing friendfliip. (Orig. Ital.) Court, Jan. 14 ,. 1578. 138 64. A letter, probably from a fec r of ftate, to the 11. of Sweden; requefting him to prote6t two fliips fitted out by London merchants. (Lat.) London, April 24, 1577- 139 . 65. G. V. Pinello, to.about feveral books lent, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Padua, March, 21 , 1590 . 140. 66. A paper of various advice, concerning mili¬ tary and naval preparations in Italy. (Ital.) April 28 , 1602 . 141 . 67 . Copy of a letter from fome Englifliman, (the E. of Suflex?) to Mr. de Semyer; concerning the queen's propofed marriage, and other public affairs; faid to have been written by the queen’s order, but notfent. (Fr. mixed with Italian.) 1580? 142 . 6S. Dubourg, to the E. of Suflex; regrets not find¬ ing him at court, and profeffing friendfliip on the part of his highnefs, (the D. d’Anjou?) (Orig. Fr.) Lon¬ don. 144 . 69 . P. Semyer, to the E. of Suflex ; concerning a propofed arrangement in matters of religion, probably in S3 6 TITUS, B. VII. hi the propofed marriage with d’Anjou. Miers, Jan. 24, 1580. (Ong. Fr.) 146. 70. Marchio de Dominis, to Marcantonio Arci- vefcovo, (Q y di Spallatro?) in London; chiefly on do- meltic concerns, and news. (Orig. Ital.) Venice, March 23, 1 6 1 5. 1 48. 71. Fra. Maria Gondi, to.complaining of the hard treatment of his relations, and wilhing to be employed in the fervice of Q. Elizabeth. (Oris;. Ital.) loo. 72. Cafp. de Honberg ? to John Dee; thanks for favour, and a recommendation. (Orig. Lat.) Lufko, Oct. 3, 1588. ' 151. 73. E. llert (Q y Hertford?) to Mons. Ribault; about paftimes, hunting, &c. (Orig. Fr.) London? 152. b. 74. Geffrey Fenton, to Mons. Wrothe ; defiring to borrow money, Sec, (Fr. and Eng.) 153 . 75. A fragment of a letter, defiring the remiffion of a penalty. (Orig. Ital.) 154. b. 76. Piet. Lupo mufician, to the E. of Leicefter; offering to return to his fervice at court. (Orig. Ital.) Rochefter, March is, 1578. 155. 77. Charles IX. K. of France, to the E. of Lei- ce'fter? concerning the Queen’s marriage with his brother d’Alenfon. (Orig. Fr.) St. Germain en Faye, Feb. 20 , 1574 . 157 . 78. Cefare Nobili, to Wm. Aerl (Ilerle) reprefent- ing his defperate fituation; and defiling to borrow 4 or 5 angels. (Orig. Ital.) 159 . 79. Gul. Ogellus A. M. to the Archbp. of Spalla¬ tro; requefting pecuniary afliftance. (Orig. Lat.) 160 . 80 . Cornelius Oragyll, to a I.d. lieutenant of Ire¬ land ; defiring to be protected againlt the oppreffions of the E. of Kildare. njo. Ri. Rich. Montagu, to the Archbp. of Spallatro at the Savoy ; concerning a ftipend to a reader in the college of Ely ? (Orig. Lat) Oa. 15. i 63 . 82 . P. della Ravoria, to the Archbp. of Spallatro; acquainting him that he had received fome indem¬ nity from the Rates of Holland. (Orig. Ital.) Lon¬ don, Nov. 8 , 1618. 1 g 5 ' .to fir Fr. Walfingham; various in¬ telligence about the Emperor, and the German princes. (Orig. Ital. and Lat.) Cologn? Aug. 15 , 1576 . 167 . 84. S. F.to the Abp. of Spallatro; acquaints him with a confpiracy again 11 the Rate of Venice contrived by the Spanifh ambalfador Offuna, &c. (Orig. Ital.) Vicenza, May 24, 161 8. 169 . 8.5. A Spanilli paper of intelligence; concerning the Spanifh forces in Naples, the Q. of Spain’s entry Madrid, Mays, 1565. at Medina del campo, Sec. 86. Jacobus Villatus, inquifitor Gen. at Avignon, to F. Avgidius C’haylTius, a provincial of the order of Bernardinos in France ; acquitting him of divers falfe charges ofherefy, &c. brought againft him. (Orig. Lat.) Avignon, Aug. 21 , 1621 . 170 s 87 . Perrot de Mefieres, to an EngliJh ambalfador at Paris; touching his verlion of the Plalms into Italian, and private concerns. (Orig. Fr.) Sedan oa. 7 , ices. 174 / 88. An order of Philip n. K. of Spain, to the go¬ vernors ot hi-, maritime provinces ; not to fuffer cer- fain I iench lhips that had molefted the Portugucze at Madeira, to enter his harbours. (Spanilli.) Of- motier, Jan. 13 , 1506 . j~(j * 0 . Bart 0 Compngni, to Pet. Vanni, Englilli am- baflador at Paris; intelligence from England, prin- ccfs Elizabeth removed out of the Tower to Wood- Rock, Wm. Thomas executed at Tvburn. (O r j (r Ital.) Antwerp, May 26 , 1554 . ' 178 *' 90. Agoftino da SeRo, to P. Vanni; about remit¬ tances of money, Mr. Mafon, Sec. (Orig. Ital ) Lyons, Dec. 23, 1550. 0 }S0 / 91. A bill, feemingly ofcxpenccs at an inn at Paf- faw. (Germ.) I82> 92 . A note ot wages allowed to certain domeftics, perhaps mulicians. (Fr.) 184- 93. Two French letters, the firR ligned Bray; ob- feure, and of no confequence. * j §5 94. 1). Bernardino de Mendoza, to the E. of Lei- ceftcr; demanding an audience from the Queen. (Orig. Spanilh.) London, Jan. 14 , 1579 . I 87 . 95. Two papers of intelligence. Venice, March 6, and Rome, Feb. 27 , 1574. probably lent over bv lord Wind for. (Ital.) ' 1S gf 96. A credence fent. by the prefident of Burgundv, to Madame (Margaret of Auftria?) being intellio-ence about Mons. de Bourbon. (Fr.) 1523 ? °J93. 97. Jo. Statilius, ambalfador from Jo. (Zapollki) h. of Hungary, at Paris, to Tho. Cromwell; recom¬ mending P. de Baba, fent by the faid king to En--- land. (Orig. Eat.) Paris, June 27 , 1539 . 195 ! 98 . Edward lord Windfor, to the E. of Sulfex; two letters containing various public aud private intel¬ ligence: the ift Ital. Venice, Nov. 27 , 1574 , and the 2d Englilh, Siena, June 30, 1569 . 197 . 99. Copies or extracts of 12 letters of intelli¬ gence from Rome, Naples, Palermo, Venice, Vi¬ enna, and Antwerp, fent by Ld. Windfor: all in Italian, and of 15 74 . o 00i 100. Don Gomez (count de Ferria?) to the Ld. Admiral (Clinton ?) recommendingCapt.Tho. Eftude, (Orig. Span.) St. James’s, July 8, 1558 . 212 . 101. Copies or extrafts of 6 letters of intelligence from Rome, Venice, Vienna, and Antwerp : fent over by Ld. Windier. (Ital.) April and May, 1574 . 214 . 102. Mich, de Caftelnau de Mauvifiere, to the E. of Sulfex; concerning fome wine taken on board French lhips, a part ot which he delired might be delivered to him. (Orig. Fr.) London, Jan. 5 , 1577. ooo < 108 . Copies of 8 letters of intelligence from Rome, Venice, and Vienna; lent by Ld. Windfor. (Ital.) June, 1574. 224 . 104. Rocho Bonetti, to the E. of Leicefter; de¬ filing a palfport, that lie may come to England to vindicate his character, Sec. (Orig. Ital.) Antwerp, Oa. 16, 1574. 228. 105. I r co Giraldi (ambalfador from Portugal) to the E. ol Sulfex ; two letters, defiring audiences from the Queen. (Orig. Ital.) Charter-houfe, June 17 , and May 4 , 1577 . 030 . 106 . Alfonfo Eerrabofco, to the E. of Sulfex; jufii- fving himfelf on an imputation of an affaflinatipn- (Orig. Ital.) Oct. 13, 1567. 234 . 107 . Fra co Giraldi, tihe E. of Sulfex; three let¬ ters of inquiry about the Queen’s health!! and com¬ plaining of fome ill treatment from the lervants of the E. of Surrey. (Orig. Ital.) Charter-houfe, April 24 , and so, 1578, and Cafal, March 10 , 1574 . 2 SC. 108 . Olivier conte de Arco, to the E. of Sulfex ? complimental. (Orig. Ital.) Padua, May 13 , 1574 . 242. 109 . Francois (I). d'Alcnyon) to the E. of Sulfex ; recommending' TITUS, B. VII. 537 recommending the D. tie Montmorency, fent on an embafly to Q. Elizabeth by Charles IX. K. of Fr. (Orig. Fr.) Chambort, May 12, 1572. 243 . b. 110. De Mongoumery, to the E. of Suflex ; re- prefenling the ineflicac.y of his means for his naval enterprize. (Orig. Fr.) Iload at Bellifle, April 22, 1573. 244. 111. C'h. Phil, de Croy (Marq. of Havre, fon to Phil. D. d’Arfchot) to the E. of Suflex; urging him to co-operate towards obtaining feme fuecour for his country. (Orig. Fr.) Brufi’els, Jan. 25 , 1578. 246 . 112. Phil, de Croy (D. d’Arfchot) to the E. of Suflex ; thanking him for Ionic dogs, which he had fent to the Emperor. (Orig. Fr .) 1 Beaumont, Oct. SO, 1571. 248. 113 . Charles de Montmorency, to the E. of Suf- fex; complimcntal. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle, April 19 , 1577 . 250 . 114. C. de Mongoumerv, to the E. of Suflex ; thanks and compliments; regrets the delays in his embarkation. (Orig. Fr.) Plymouth, April 3, 1573. 1 15 . Catherine de Medicis (Q. dowager of France) to the E. of Suflex; recommending Montmorency. (Orig. Fr.) Chambort, May 12, 1572. 254 . n 6 . Phil, de Croy, to the E. of Suflex; thanks for dogs. (Orig. Fr.) Antwerp, March 25 , 1574. 255. 117. Albertus Lefcouecz a Lefcouecz, to the E. of Suflex ; compliments, and offers of fervices. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, June 23, 1572. 257 . 118. Languillier, to the E. of Suflex; compli¬ mcntal. (Orig. Fr.) London, Sept. 30 , 1573. 259. 1 in. Ol. contc de Arco, to the E. of Suflex ; com- plimental, and wilhing to know whether he had re¬ ceived a prelent fent him. (Orig. Ital.) Venice Nov. 17, 1571. 261. 120. Eight papers of intelligence from Venice, Antwerp, Rome, and Vienna; lent by Ld. Windfor ? (Ital.) 1574. 263 . 121. V ilium Tons, to the E. of Suflex; reporting the progrefs he has made in fome work (probably a painting) and deli ring an advance of/. 25 . (Ori°- Ital.) Aug. 28 , 1579 . ° 273°' 122. Francois de Halewyn ; hating the expedi¬ ency of a fublidy to the hales of the Low countries. (Orig. Er.) Kinghon, Dec. 21,1576. 275. 123. A pafiport of the magi Urates of. in Moravia, in favour of Don Lazarus de Melcheti a Perfian. (Lat.) March 25 , 1590. 277/ 124. A paper of inquiries, concerning the de- feendautsof Wm. and Robert Rolin, who ferved in 1147, when William de Lon.. took Lilbon from the Moors. (Fr.) o- 8t 125 . A difeourfe of fome knight of Rhodes, fo- liciting aid againh the Turks. (Lat.) 280. 126. Philippus Maria (D. of Milan) count of Pa¬ via? to John 1 ). of Bedford regent of France ; recom¬ mending the family of Zanini, merchants: and declar¬ ing why Philip calls himfelf “ Anglus,” and the D. of Bedford, “ his brother,” does not appear. (Lat.) Milan, July 6 , 1419. 281. b. 127. Carolus Danzaius; his fpeech to the fenate of Poland afl'embled at Cracow, on king Henry (in. of France) leaving that kingdom. (Lat.) Cracow, June 22, 1574. 282 . 3 128. The oath of Charles V. (then K. of Cahile) to obferve the treaty of Nov. 29, 1516, between him, the emperor Maximilian, and Henry vm. 284. 129. A. K. (Andrew Kingefiuus) a Greek billiop? to a billiop of Durham (Pilkington) concerning three brethren who were ftudying at Oxford, See. (Greek.) 1564 . 285 . ] 30 . Henry de Bourbon (Pr. of Conde) to the E. | of Suflex; complimental, and exprefling great dc- votednels to the queen. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle, May 10 , 1577 . 288 . 131. Languillier, to the E. of Suflex ; earneWy requefting bis advice and protection, being in great diftrefs: he calls himfelf a relation. (Orig. Fr.) London, 061 . 11, 1573. 290. 132 .van Alfloot, to the E. of Suflex ; con¬ cerning a bargain for certain paintings or patterns the? E. wanted. (Orig. Ital.) London, Jan. 15, 1577. 292. 133 . Anglcfe Odone, to the E. of Leicefter; de¬ firing 25 foldicrs may be ordered on a certain fcrvice. (Orig. Ital.) Jan. 1 5 * 86 . 294. 134. Aloyfms dc \ chne, Capt. to the magiftrated .about fome horfes loft. In piano Cal’- tegniarii, May 10, 1425 . 294. b. 135 . Humfredus Bluet, to.ftating the me¬ dical treatment of a young lady. (Orig. Lat.) 295. 136 . A power of attorney from one Oliver Vail der \\ inck at Stade, to V illis \ ifeker in London. (Orig. German.) Stade, Feb. 28, 1591-2. 296. 137. A paper of intelligence, about preparations and ftores collefting in Germany, See. 300. 138 . The flates of the Low countries, to the E. of Suflex; defiring immediate fuccour both of men and money. (Orig. Fr.) Brufi'els, Jan. 9, 157s. 301. 139. The E. of Suflex, to.appointing to, come to his houle to meet fec y Cecil; and directing him to bring the Emperor’s letters. (Orig. Ital.) Court, July 19, 1565. 303. 1 40 . The E. of Shrewfbury, to the E. of Suflex; fome requeft about Ld. Wharton, and a marriage. (Orig.) Sheflield-caltle, Oft. Si, 1572 . 305 . 141. T. (vifeount) Fitzwauter, to the E. of Suflex: bis father; alluring him of the queen’s (Mary) gra¬ cious acceptance of his profeflions of duty, and of lady Elizabeth s thanks for good offices; alfofomenews from abroad. (Orig.) Court, July 7, 1555. 307. 142 . Thomas Stafford a youth, to the E. of Suflex; craving his protection in his education. (Orig. Lat.) Feb. 309. 143 . Alfonfo Fcrrabofco, to the E. of Suflex; complaining heavily of the delay in acquitting him ot the crime of aflaflination laid to his charge. (Orio\ Ital.) London, Dec. 29, 1567 . 311? 144 . Fra co Giraldi, to the E. of Suflex ; about the earls ill health, and an accident he himfelf had met with. (Two originals, Ital.) Charter-houfe, .March 29, and Nov. 1, 1574. 313 145 . M. de Cafltelnau, to the E. of Suflex; ap¬ prizing him of the queen’s gracious reception of Capt. Bourg, who had come with di(patches to her from the D. d’Alen^on, &c. (Orig. Fr.) Lond March 8, 15 so. 317 ' 146. Henry If. of Navarre (afterwards IV. ofFr.) to the E. of Suflex; reprefenting his difficulties, and requefting fuccour from the queen. (Orig. Fr.) L-ve¬ to urs, April 13, 1580 . ‘ 31 * g> 147 . Henry de Bourbon (Pr. of C’ond 6 ) to the E. of Suflex; requefting fuccour from the queen. (Orii>\ Fr.) Rochelle, June 12, 1577. s i 1 o"" 148 . Ph. de Croy, to the E. of Suflex; compli- mental, and about a dog for his lady lent bv D i -1- nardin de Mendoca (Orig. Fr.) Brullels, July 1, 1 . 574 . 322 . 6 X 149. Julio TITUS, B. VII. S3* Julio 1 Capt. Orli C < I copy. ; > -• , to.offeri ing. Orig. I 11. i !!. de Ilalcwyn, to the E. of Suifex; on fending him a lcticr from the duke d'Arfchot, pro- :. ■ - ■ 7 ■ 327 . 1 M. dc Caftelnau, to the E. of Suifex ; fends a r lady Suffex; hopes the Q. will relent from her averiion to matii- ... London, Juk iJof. Lupo mufician, to the K. of Suifex; a petition for preferment. (Orig. Ital.) 331 . 154. M. dc Caftelnau, to the E. of Suifex; great piofdlions of devotednefs to the queen and him. 1 1 IS, 1 0. 333. I 1: i. vig. Ital: Paris, () 6 L 27,157 >, and London, j March 1, 1575. 862. 172. P. Scmvcr, (agent to the D. d'Anjou) to the F. of Suffex ; hoping good news will foim arrive from ihe queen concerning the marriage. (Orig. Fr.) Paris, ... 27 , 1579 - ' 366 . 17s. Fra. ( Jiraldi, to the E. of Si flex : qut fti 12 an audience from the Q. (Orig. Ital.) Charter- houfe, Sept. 22, 1576. 308 . 174 . M. de Caftelnau, to the E. of Suifex; com¬ municating various matters, concerning the marriage, the Ilugonots, and the Pr. of Conde i;i France. X:c. (Orig. Fr.) Lond. June 27, 15 S 0 . 370. 1 75 . Ch. de Montmorency, to the E. of Suifex: in¬ telligence about the Turks, and the hoftilities in France. (Orig. Fr.) Strallnirgh, Oct. 4, 1373. 372. 176. Ch. Phil, de C'roy, to the E. of Suifex; about the aid expected from England, referring to the prior of Famars, &.c. (Orig. Fr.) Brulfels, Jan. 24, 1 .*»7y. 177 - Francois (D. d’Anjou) to the E. of Suifex; wilhing to haften his marriage with the queen. (Orj<_r. Fr.) St. Germain eti laye, Feb. 20. i 78. Ch. d 1 Montn 1 E. wilhing him to haften a bulinefs. (Orig. Fr.) Lon- don, Jan. 31 , 1575 . 377, 179 - Geffrey Fenton, to Rich. Wrothe a genii. E. of Suffex; defirii the fervice in the Low countries', &c. (Orig. Fr.) London, Sept. 1572. 373. iso. M. de Calliac, (a female) to the E. of Suifex ; requefting a greyhound for the K. of France. (Orig. Fr.) Bolougne, Dec. 7. 379. 181. Fraco Giraldi, to the F.. of Suffex ; requofiing an audience. (Orig. Fr.) Lond. Feb. 25, 157.3. 58 1. 1S2. Wjd. Tons, to the E. of Suifex: acquainting him that the patterns for tapeftry he had made were rcatly, and requefting payment. (Orig. Ital.) 383 . 1 S 3 . D. Bernardin dc Mcndoca, to tlu* E. of Suf- fex ; defiring a patfport, &c. (Orig. Spanilli.) Lond. July 25 , 1574 . 385 . 184. FI.Chai to 1 h of ! complimental; and recommending Willbn,' returning from an embafly. (Orig. Fr.) BruSi'cls, July 6 , 157 7 * 387 . 185 . Ch. de Montmorency, to the E. of Suffex; complimental. (Orig. Fr.) Rochelle. June 8 , 1577. 389 . 1S6. Fra c0 Giraldi, to tlie E. 6f Suifex ; defiling an audience. (Orig. Ital.) Cliarterh. April 1, 1/.77. 391 - 187. Hen. dc Bourbon (Pr. of Conde) to the F. of Suifex; concerning the fuccour liC party expects from England. (Orig. Fr.) Straihurgh, Aug. 7, 1575 . ' 393 . 188. Ch. de Montmorency, to the E.of Suffex; two letters, one thanking her for her aid. and the fceouri on fome fucceffes in Languedoc. (Orig. Fr.) Ageu, Oft. is, 1577 , and Strafburgh, Aug. 27, 1575 . 395. 189 . Hen. de Bourbon (Pr. of Conde) to the K. of Suffex; three letters, chiefly of thanks and intelli¬ gence; alfo requefting a fupply of money. (Orig. Fr.) Strafburgh, Oct. 4 , and 2 8 , 157 x and Coigu;»e, Aug. lG, 1576. .'.99. 190. Guil. de Naffau (IV. df* Orange) to the J'- T I T U S, B. VII. VIII. of Suffex ; fhewing the neceffity for England to aflift their caufe, and referring to Famars. (Orig. Fr.) Ghent, Jan. u, 1578 . ' '" 405 . 191. Henry (K. of Navarre) to the E. ofSuffex; acquainting him that the negociations for peace were broke off, and that the papifts were more outrageous than ever, (Orig. Fr.) N.erac, March 2. 407. 192 . Phil, de Croy, to the F. of Suffex; about a dog. (Orig. Fr.) ileverle, Feb. 7, I 5 ' 74 . 409. 193. Antonio de Caftilla? to the F. ofSuffex ; re- quefrs an audience from the queen, being juft ar¬ rived from the K of Portugal. (Orig. ltal.) London, Nov. 24 , 15 79 - 411. 194 . Thomas Morgan, to James I; fating the fer- vices'he had rendered to the late Q. of Scots his mo¬ ther; (Orig. a long letter.) Dover, June 14 , 1GO8. 414 . 195 . Some minifter of James I, to.con¬ cerning an anfwerto be made to the Pope’s nuncio, and divers other ftate affairs: the end wanting. 420. 19G. Fra. Michell, to the E. of Arundel E. mar- flial; claiming relief, and rewards which had been bequeathed him by the late king, James 1. (Orig.) March 26, 1,628. 422 . 197. Tobias Matthew (dean of Durham) to Fr. Mylles; three letters, chiefly concerning preferment. (Orig.) The tirli letter imperfect, the fecond dated Diirefme, Jan. 9, and Dec. 23 , 1087. 424. 198. An order mudo by the King, touching thofe gifts and recompences which his majefty grantethto liis fubjefts and fervants. 428. 1 99 . The benchers of Lincoln's Inn ; their anfwer to the iuit of fir Cha. Cornwallis, to build a houfe in the fields near the laid inn: addreffed to the Privy Seal and lord Chamberlain. (Orig.). Lincoln's Inn, Oft. 20 , 1 G 13 . 430 . 200. The Lds. of Council, to the E. of North¬ ampton; fignifying to him that his ihare of the fub- fidy ainountcth to £.20. (Orig.) Court, July 7, 1G06. 432 . 201. James I, to the D. of Savoy ; defiring drift friendfhip, and credential. (Fr.) Hampton-court, Jan. 13, 1603-4. 434 . 202. A petition of Olyvicr Picquet a French mer¬ chant, to James I; requefting to be indemnified for the goods, &c. taken from him by an Englifli pirate. (Fr.) 433. 203 . S. Ilcnry, to James 1; advice concerning a match. (Orig.) Richmond, July 29 , 1612. 437. 204. Inftruftions to the gentlemen that are to fearch fir Edw. Coke's papers. 439 . 205 . A pardon granted by James I. to Francis Vif- count St. Alban's ? for all felonies, offences of pre- munire, &c. Oft. 7, A 0 regni 19. 441. 20G. James I, to the Univerfity of Cambridge; concerning their eleftion of a chancellor. June, 164 2. 442 . • 207. James I, to the dates of the realm; concern¬ ing the removal of the E. of Southampton out of the Tower. Ilolyrood-houfe, April 1, 16OS. 444. 208 . The peers of the realm, to the fiieriff and juf- tices of Southampton, directing them to proclaim K. James I. (perhaps circular.) Whitehall, March 25 , 1603 . 44G. 209. Wm. lord Roos, to lord.and to fir David Murray; intelligence concerning the E. of Tyrone, the Pope, &t\ (Orig.) Sienna, Nov. 6 , 1613 , and Florence, Nov. 25 , 1612. 448. 210. Tho. Corke fervant to fir Edw. Wynton, to. largain tor iome 4 5 :. about fome pub- Tho. Philippes, Efq. touching wood. Lydncv, .May 25 , 1600. 211. Herbert Croft, to-Ldi . . lie impofitions. (Orig?) 4.5G. 212. Jane Nevill, to the Chanc. of the exchequer >. defiring that her hufband may not be allowed to de¬ part the kingdom. Greeniteed, Sept. 1, iGi2. 458. 213 . T. (lord) Arundel, to the vifeount Rocbefler; fignifying his intention to remain fome time at Sien¬ na, &c. (Orig.) 460. 214. Tho. Frith, to the Archbp. ofSpalatro; about fome clerical matters relating to Hlewortli, See. (Lat.) Windlor, Feb. 10, 16J8. 462.’ 215. R. C. to James Milles? advifing him as to bis conduft and (Indies, and intelligence. (Ori<>\) Dec. 12. 464. 216. Sir Robt. Manfell, to the E. of Somerfet ; with a tender of a burgefs’s place for the city of Ro* chefter. (Orig.) Chanon Roe, Feb. 23 , 16is. 466. 217. Copies of three letters; concerning popifli plots; the fecond from Geo. Blackwell, archprieii to the Catholic clergy in England. 468. 218. I ho. Caftle, to James Milles; court and law news. (Orig.) Nov. 19, 1616. 470. 219. Ferd. Ilowe, to Ld.concerning the favour intended to be fliewn to fir John Hawkins. (Orig.) Plymouth, March 17, 1612. 470. 220. Sir Tho. Roe, to Mr. fcc y Calvert; the greateft part cypher. ConftP k July 11-21, 1623. 474 .- 221. J. Caftle, to.relates the executions of Mrs. Tumor and ftr Gervafe Iielwillb lieutenant of the Tower, convifted for the murder of Overburv ( Ori g 0 477“ 222. II. E. of Northampton; three letters to fir G. Ilclwilfe; and one a note of the latter; concerning fir Tho. Overbury. 1615. 479° 223 . An expoftulatory letter; faid to be fir Tho. Overbury’s 4S4 . 224. ISotes of fome tranfaftions relating to the E. of Somerfet. 48 g 225 . Notes concerning the countefs of Suffolk, the Ld. treafurer, &c. in the Overbury bufinefs. (Two articles.) 488 . 226. Doubts touching the recufants in Ilampfiiire. Jan. 4 , 1581 . *492. 227. A letter from the Council ? to the lady Mary; cxcuiing the commitment of l)oft. Mallet her chap¬ lain. (A draught.) Greenwich, May 6, 1551. 494. Titus , B. VIII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 373. 1. Inftiuftiqns given by ,Q. Elizabeth, to Henry earl ot Pembroke, lord prefident of Wales, in the year 1586 . 1# 2. Reafons againft the exemption of the four (hires marches from the government of Wales; drawn by the E. of Salilbury. 4 ~ 3 . _ A fyftematical paper on the controveuffy between the juftices of his majefty’s Bench, and the council in the marches. 4 s. b 4 . A difeufiion whether it be convenient to exempt the counties of Gloucefter, Worcefter, Hereford, Mon¬ mouth, and Salop from the government of the'coun¬ cil in the principality of Wales. 50. 5 . Ld. Gerard (Capt. of the Ifle of Man) to .Capa. Molyneux deputy, the paymaftcr, and other oflicers of the 54° TITUS, B. VIII. thefaid ifle; cliar- in --them to cxecute juftice again ft certain delinquents. (Orig.) Gerards Bromley, Dec. 18 , l 604 . 5 -• 6 . The indiament of Robt. Garfon tor a murder; -and a writ for an inquiry concerning his efcape. 1604 and .5. 54> 7. Robt. Molyneux and four others, to Ld. Gerard; concerning Garfon s efcape. (Orig.) Rutlicn, Dec. 12, i(j 04 . 55 - 8 . Examinations concerning the efcape of Garfon ; and eight other papers, on the confinement and profecution of thefaid Gallon, and other delinquents. 56 . p. The cafe for the Ifle of Man, among the three ladies, daughters and heirs of Eerdinando late earl of Derby. 65 • 10. A paper of requifites for the ilies of Jerfey and Gumilev, demanded of the King’s Privy Council. (IT.) ‘ 6s * 11. A warrant of Q. Elizabeth, to the woodwarden of the county of Southampton; for wood to be de¬ livered for the ifle ot Jerfey. (Orig.) Greenwich, March 27 , 1574 . G 9 - 12. Sir Wm. Kingfmill, to the E. of Suffex; with the mutter books ol the forces in J erl'ey and Guernfey. (Orig.) Side-mountain, Aug. 23 , 1590 . 70. 13. The Eds. of Council, to the Marq. of TV in- chefter and the E. of EiVex ; touching the muttering of trained bands for Jcrley and Guernley. Oatlands, Aug. 18, 1590 . 72 . 14. A relation upon certain articles concerning a commifiion delivered by the kings commandment to John Lemperour, &c. touching the government of the ille of Jerfey : temp Hen. VIII. 73 . 15. An inqiiilition concerning the ancient cuftoms of the ifle of Guernfey : from an efcheatroll, A 0 33 lien. III. 79 . 16. J. Popham and T. Egcrton attorney and foli- citor Genl. to the Lds. of Council; approving of the o-i ant of the ifle of Alderney to Mr. Chamberlayne. 85 . 17. A narrative of the principal naval expeditions of Englilh fleets, beginning with that againft the Spanifli armada in 158 S, down to 1603 : the be¬ ginning wanting. 87 - IS. Minutes of a fet of regulations and orders for the furvev, payment, and management of the navy. 148 . 10. A journal of fir Walter Raleighs u laftr voyage to the Weft Indies: laid to be written in his •own hand. 153 - 20. A report, perhaps to Cecil, of defenfive prepa¬ rations making in Portugal, on the apprehenfion of an attack from ’iir Fr. Drake. Lilbon, June 13 , 1595 . 167 . 21. A declaration of Matthew Watkins, of the lofs of a Swcdiih lhip off Dartmouth. Aug. 1 1 , 1590 . 169 . 22. A journal of Capt. Edward Fenton's voyage in 1582 . 1 7 !• 23. The abufes of the office of the navy, and the means to avoid them hereafter. 21 s. 24. Two papers, feemingly heads of an intended publication, the latter being for the preface: both in iir W. Raleigh’s hand-writing. 217. 25. A projeft for making a dry-dock at Chatham, and bringing the king’s ltores thither. 1611. 220. 26. Fra. Corli a miflionary in the Eaft Indies, to father Claudio Aquaviva provolt of the company of Jefus, and to Raffael Corfi his fallur at Florence; about the perfecutions of the million, and his inability to relieve the wants of the latter. (Two originals?) Agmir, in the Mogul eountiy, Feb. 26, and March (', l 6 l 5 . 221 . 27. A letter on the date of the affairs of the Euro¬ peans in the Mogul country: the end wanting. 1615? " 225 . 28. King Abenarip, to the aleayd Alv Abenzufian Gov. of the province of Duquc. in Arabia: command¬ ing him to write the life of Jacob A 1 mane or: with the alcayde’s anfwer, and the life. A° 110 Hegira*, A. D. 729. 227* 29. The book of the iflands of the Archipelago, by Chriftopher Bondelmonte of Florence, pried; lent by him to Card. Jordan de Urlinis at Rome. 1420. 235 . 30 . Fra. Corfi, to Giofeph Baudo a Jefuit at Milan ; on the perfecution of the miffion in India, &e. Agra, April 10, 1615 . 259. 31. A remembrance and note of fir Francis Drake's voyage made to and from tile Weft Indies; begun Sepl. 14, 1585 , from Plymouth. 241. 32 . Anthony Marlow’s account of a voyage to the Eaft Indies in the Hector of London, from July 1607 to June 16O8: the voyage is laid to have begun the 12th of March 1606, whence this journal appears to be incorrcft. 212. 33 . An examination and feutence of Rafe Giave^ for diforderly behaviour. 1582 . 270. 34 . Declaration of Capt. Ruflell, of two Spanifli fliips having come to Bellifle. Aug. 12, 1590. 272. S 5 . Pedigree of Edmund Woodftokc earl of Kent; and concerning the defeent of the manor of Caldcot in Huntingd. in that family. 273 . 36. Arms and defeents of fome noble families, made out by York herald, &c. 276 . 37. Confiderations for, and likewife Latin epitaphs of Iir Fr. Wulliugham, and fir Ph. Sidney. 279 - 38 . Arms and defeents of noble families: part of VIII. 36. ‘-282. 39. The arms of Parr marquis of Northampton, which, with live other coats, were given by Wm. Dethick garter, to Parr an embroiderer ofCumbcrland. 284 . 40. A defeent of fome Britifh or Wellh family , alfo one of the forelters of Salop. 285 . 41. The arms and fome defeents of various fa¬ milies, extracted out of the Liber ruber in Scaecario. 287 . 42. Inventoire de plufieurs armoirics et armes des* nobles, empereurs, rois, princes, dues, contcs, barons etautres nobles. 288. 43 . Defeent of the Butlers, earls of Ormond. 301 . 44. Divers arms and defeents; anil two patfages- of fcripture concerning monuments and arms. S02. 45. The precedence ofhismajcftv’s proceffion from the Tower to Whitehall. March 15 , 16OS. 304 . 46. The feveral monuments of the Tenderings and Howards in Stoke church. 306 . 47. A brief of fome claim of property, in which John Claver was paintiff. 207. 48. Two papers concerning the manor of Caldcot, vid. VIII. 35. 308. 49. Hiftorieal verfes on the Saxon kings in Eng¬ land ; tranferibed out. of the cloifter windows of Peterborough church, by Geo. Rainer. 3 10. 50. TITUS, B. VIII.—X. 54 r 50 .Due, to Tho. E. of Northumberland; complimental, on his creation. (Fr.) 312. 51 . Tiic will of Charles Pylkington. (Lat.) Wirk- fop, July 3 , 1484 . 314. . 32 . The bonds of tliofe who engaged to affift lord Haftings. 310. 53 . A note of charts, inftruments, models, &c. made by Edw. Wright for the prince. 318 . 54 . A Latin paper obfcurely alluding to the conduct of the E. (qu. Win. Parr Marq.) of Northampton, with regard to the Q. of Scots: and a note again ft adultery. 320 . 55 . Miraculum Maria? Magdalena?, de liheratione Caroli 11. regis Sicilia? e carcerc Barcinonis; ex Aurca rofa Sylvcftri Prieralis. 321. >d Excerpt a b martyrologio fecundum ufum Eccl. Aberdonenfis. 323 . 57. De origine Godwini comitis, et ejus moribus. 328 . 58 . The errors of Barth. Legatt, burnt in Smith- held, March 10, lfii 1 : and the letter to Ld. Mount- eagle, that difcovered the gunpowder plot. Oct, Titus, B. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 4is. 1. A feries of letters written to Q. Elizabeth and the lords of her Privy Council, concerning the ftate ot Ireland, by lir Henry Sidney lord deputy gene¬ ral of that kingdom, from September 1575 to 1578: 20 , 1(505 59. A fchedule of divers papers, chiefly relating to public affairs, in the beginning of the 1 7th cen¬ tury. 334 . do. An epigram of Theod. Beza, on the defeat of the Spanifh armada, in eight languages: printed on vellum. 336. di. Notes of mifiakesin the catalogue of the earls of Albemarle, probably committed by Mr. York. 337 . d2. Lift of knights of the garter? to A 0 1588. 343 . d 3 . The will of Mr. Wm. Noye. (Lat.) June 3 , ® 34 - 344 . d 4 . A note of citizens knighted by Q. Elizabeth. 345 . G 5 . Examples of fpeeches uttered in the names of countries or churches; and various other notes on ccclefiaftical affairs: 6 articles. 34G. dd. A lilt of founders of many churches and reli¬ gious houles in England. 355. d?. A memorandum of the bauqueting-houfe at Whitehall having been burnt Jan. 12, 1 6 1 b. SGi. 6s. Collections concerning Hannibal. (Lat. and Greek.) SG2. dp. An hiitorical note on the granting of Magna ■Charta. 363. 70 . Collections of the ftate of France in 1540. 365 . 71. Notes concerning the towns of Weft Mailing, Mereworth, &c. 1579. 367.’ 72. Ordines militum ecclefiafticorum et fecularium qui in or be chriftianDceleberrimi habentur. (Printed.) 369 . 73 . Nicolas Wall r to.complaining of heavy misfortunes, and craving protection: he had .applied to be reltored in the mafterfliip of Eton. {Grig.) 371. Many of the above hiftorical notes are faid, in Smith s catalogue, to be by Camden. Titus, B. IX. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 212. Acts of Parliament palled at Dublin, from the time ot h. Henry IV. to A 0 13 Eliz. with an imperfect table of contents at the end. being probably lir Henry’s copy-book. 2. An inquifition taken before Arthur Chichefler, Efq; and others, at Carrickfergus ; concerning fome royal domain in the ifle of Raghlins. (Lat.) Jan 3 1604 . * 171/ 3 . A difeourfe of Richard Hadfor, concernino- the divilion of Ireland, its inhabitants, laws, means of better government, &c. j 74 4. A petition of Tho. and Edw. Hayes, to the Kin<>- - flicwing the advantages of bafe money and exchanges in Ireland. 160G. 18 q 5. Tim. Ridgeway,to Ld. Northampton; concern¬ ing (lifcontents in Ireland. (Grig?) Treafury, near Dublin, Jan. 3i, 16 ’ 07 . I8L 6 . Arthur Chichefter, to Ld. Northampton ; on the (latent Ireland, lbme fugitives, and private concerns. (Grig.) Duhlir.-caftle, Feb. 7, 1607. | 8S> * 7. The examination of John Bealing lockfmith touching a filver mine in Ireland. March 23, 1607* 1 87 . 8. Tho. Ridgeway, to Ld. Northampton; endea¬ vouring to ingratiate himfelf. Dublin, 061 . 15, h,'08. 189. 9. Arthur Chichefler, to Ld. Northampton; on various public affairs in Ireland. (Two originals ) Dublin-caftle, Feb. 5, i608,and Oa. 31, i6iof* 191. 10. Jo. Davys, to Ld. Northampton ? reporting the progrefs made in the plantation of Ulfter. (On'o-) Dublin, Nov. 8, 1610. v 197' >>■ Si 1 ' hich. Moryfon's account conceinino- the cede of fokliers in Munfter, from Eafier 1609 to” fan isio. 201. 1 a. Arthur Chichefler, to Ld. Northampton; on various tranfactions in Ireland. (Two ori.dnala ) Dublin, Jan. 29, teio, and no date. 0 203 _ 13 . Ant. Garlande, to Ld. Northampton; inclofing a calc concerning chantry lands in Ireland. {OrbO Dublin, July 6, 1811. ' V s0 “' ; 14. Ioby Caulfield, to Ld. Northampton? aro- u _ mg why lie thould not fin-render certain abbey lands to the Londoners. (Orig.) Dublin, Sept, is, 161a. 209. 13 . Arthur Chichefler, to the Lord Deputy on various public affairs in Ireland. (Fourletters the 3 firlt originals.) Dublin, Oft. 30, Nov. 2, Dec y' 1012, and May 21, 161 s. j,, ’ )G. The lords of Parliament in Ireland, as they were maifballed in May 1613. (Two copies.) 219. 17. Dr. T. Ryves, to fir Dan. Dunn in DoSors Commons; relating what happened in the Irifli lloufc of Commons on tile choice of fir John Davies into the office of Speaker. .(Orig.) May 29, 1613. 222. 18. Arthur Chichefter, to Ld. Northampton - on various public affairs in Ireland; complains of de¬ traction, &c. (Orig.) Dublin-caftle, Aug. 14 , 16 ]g. 224. , A ,’ etter to L i™t- Stratford; and a report of -Mat. Mullmeux a pilot, concerning tlie feizure of the Fail India fliip the Peppercorn, at Waterford and the iofs ot the Debtor, taken by the Portuguefe Cork, OCt. 15 , 1613. ® 2g 6 Y 20. Sir TITUS, B. X. XI 54.2 20 . Sir Rich. Moryfon vice-prefident of Munfier, to Ld. Northampton; vindicating himiclf, and about three Eaft India fiiips put into Cork. (Orig.) Cork, Oet. 17, iC 1 ‘ 3 . 230 . SI. Sir Rich. Moryfon, to the Ld. Deputy and eommifiioners; in anl’wer to feveral orders received from them. Cork, OeL li, iGiS. 2S2. 22. Hold. Wahli mayor of Waterford, to fir R. Moryfon; reporting the imprifonment of a failor of the fliip Peppercorn. Waterford, Oft. 13 , 1 6 1 3 . 234 . 23 . The examination of Share MThelomv Odo- nelly; concerning a prieft preaching ledition: taken before hr Toby Caulfield. Oft. 22, 1 G1 9 ? 236 . 24. Ch. Cornwaleys, to Ld. Northampton; on various public (parliamentary) affairs. (Two origi¬ nals.) Dublin, Oct. 22 , and Nov. 4 , 1G1 3 . 233 . 2 . 5 . Arthur Chichefter, to the Privy Council; con¬ cerning fortifications at \\ aterford, Limerick, Ac. (Orig.) Dublin, Nov. 15 , 1 G 13 . 242 . 26. The Irifli, to the Englifli Privy Council; re¬ porting 4 ftrange fpcech held to them by fir James Cioghe. (Orig.) Dublin, Nov. 24 , 161s. 245 . 27. Arthur Chichefter, to Ld. Northampton; on public affairs, Goghc's fpeech, his own repair to England, &c. (Two originals.) Dublin, Feb. 6 and 21 , 1613 - 14 . 24 7 - 2 5. A depofition of Ownhy O'Mulryan, before fir Dom. Sarffeldc; concerning the king of Spain, the Pope, See. Cork, March 3 , 1613 . 251 . 29 . Arthur Chichefter, to Ld. Northampton; on the death of the Ld. vifeount Butler, Ac. (Orig.) Dublin, Dec. 31 , 1613 . 253 . 30 . James I, to the Ld. deputy Arthur Chichefter; concerning the diltribution and plantation of lands in Wexford. Bever-caftle, Aug. 6 , 1615. 235 . 3 J. A difeourfe on the prefent ftate of Ireland. 1614. 257. 32 . The lords Commiffrs. for the office of earl marlhal of England, to the lords juft ices of Ireland; touching the precedency of Ld. Kerry before Ld. Slane. Jan. 1615. 261. 33. A propofal for the tranfplantation of the fuper- fluous multitudes of poor people in England, into Ireland. 16 1 9 - 263 . 34. A confultation for the defence of Ireland, by appointment of his majeftty. Dec. 29 , 16 ' 2 S. 267 . 35 . The order of precedence of certain officers, Koblemen, Ac. in Ireland. 279. 36 . A remembrance and a project for the northern plantations in Ireland: the latter figned Hugh Wer- rall, but probably both by the fame. 281 . 37. The titles or heads of afts to be propounded in the next Parliament. 285 . 58 . Notes upon the aft of Parliament 2 Eliz. con¬ cerning going to church; or, advice given to the eatholicks of Munftcr, by Win. Mede recorder of Cork. 1611. 288 . 39. Certain afts to be prepared for the next Par¬ liament of Ireland. 291. 40 . Petition of certain lords of Parliament in Ire¬ land to the Lord Deputy; complaining of abates in the returns to Parliament. 293. 41. Petition of the rccufant members of the lower Houle in Ireland, to lord Chichefter Ld. deputy; defiring copies of the commiffion for holding of the Parliament, warrant for erefting of new boroughs, and returns, 295 . 42. A difeourfe, feemingly intended to excite the I ri ih to rebellion againft England, partly addrefled to count “ Hugo Neilan," after fome action at Portmore (Lat.) ' 43 . Arguments to prove that the I Hand of Raughlin is a parcel of the kingdom of Ireland, and not of Scotland: two copies, fome what different. 208. 44. Another paper containing proofs that Raughlin is a part of Ireland. S04. 45. A long defence of fome militaiy officer in Ire¬ land, employed in an expedition againft Tyrone and Odonell. 1600, 1, and 2. ’ so6. 46. A propofal to the Ld. Deputy and Council in Ireland, for raffing a benevolence. 1604? 352. 47 . Declaration of fome I villi peers, that they will not come to Parliament until certain abides in the Commons are redrefled. May, iGiS. 353. 48 . Certain reculant lords in Ireland, to the Ld. deputy Chichefter; defiring agents might be lent to England to folieit red refs from the King, rdpeciing theabufes in the Commons. May, I 6 i 3 . 355. 49. Speeches in the Star chamber, concerning the affairs of Ireland, temp. Eliz. 357. 50 . Iteafons whereby his Majeftyand the lords, Ac. may be moved to permit that Poyning's aft may in part be difpenfed with, in the next Parliament. 37 G. 5 1 . Sir Arthur Chichefter's petition to James I; remonftrating againft the withholding of a confidcr- able part of his appointments. 373 . 5 2. A fummary difeourfe, proving that the lands Defile and Delmond belonged of right to the crown of England. 1G12. 379. 53 . Notes of ancient records and rolls for the lord of Kierry. 381 . 54 . Pedigrees of the barons of Kierry and Slane. 389 . 55. The cafe of the lands of the Knifhelaghs aval Moroghes, Ac. in the county of Wexford. 161 i. 393 . 50 . A letter to lord Northampton, containing fome propofals concerning Ireland. 395. 57. Certain notes and obfervations touching the deducing and planting of colonies; relating to Ire¬ land. 5 tJ7. 58 . Sir Thomas Ridgway, a vindication of hiinfelf, having been in fome public office (a clianeellorihip?) 405 . 59 - Notes concerning the appropriation of the ille of Raughlin to Ireland ; by Camden. 407. 60. Notes of grants made by Ulliek E. of Clan- rickard. 409. 61. The preamble of a patent of James I. feemingly for creating the order of baronets. 411. Titus, B. XI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conflans foliis . 500 . 1. A petition of Richard de Burgh E. of Lifter, to the King (Edward II? ) rcqueftting t<» be confirmed in divers franchilcs, domains, Ac. in l liter, Conaught, and other parts of Ireland : referred to Parliament A" 6 regis. 1213? (Fr. on vellum.) l. 2. A bill exhibited by John Mellon Lieut, of Ire¬ land, and Itic. Melford Bp. of Salilbury treafurer, againft John Taaf, who had intruded himfelt into a prebend in St. Patrick’s church, Dublin. (Orig. Fr. on vellum.) 20 Ric. II. 3. A report of a Governor and the Council of Ire¬ land, of the ftate of that country during a rebellion of TITUS, B. XI, 5+J of Defmond Macmurgh, &c. (Fr.) temp. Ric. II? 3 . 4 . Points of the mifgovernances Chriftopher Ber- nevale lias done to the king- and his people in Ire¬ land, being the king's officer in the laid land. (Vel.) 4 . 5. Points for the fafeguard of Ireland, demanded by the earl marihal. (Fr. vellum.) 5. 6 . A royal letter to fame officer in Ireland ; com¬ mending his conduct, and defiring that lbrne dif¬ ferences between him and the call of March and Ulfter might be accommodated. (Lat. vellum.) 5. b. 7. An indenture between the King, and Efmond (Edmund Moiiimerr) E. of March, ftipulating cer¬ tain conditions on which the latter was to go to Ire¬ land. (Fr. vellum.) 5 . b. 8 . Several Engliih fpiritual and temporal lords, to the King (Richard II.) on his arrival in Ireland; ex¬ tolling his conduct, and profelling loyalty. (Fr. vellum.) 6 . 9. The King (Rich. Hr) to the mayor and com¬ mons of Dublin; fignitying his having named the E. of March governor of Ireland, the A bp. of Dublin chancellor, or the E. of Ormond to govern ad interim. .(Fr. vellum.) ( 3 . b. 10. The King (Rich. II?) to the E. of Ormond ; ac¬ quainting him that he had appointed him Ld. juftice of Ireland. (Fr. vellum.) (j. b. i ]. Advices of the earls of Arundel, Warwick, and - Northumberland, touching certain articles propound¬ ed to the council by the E. of Kent in behalf of the E. of March on his going to Ireland : they relate to the eltates of the E. of March. (Fr. vellum.) 7 - 12. The D. of York (Edmund) regent in England, to a bilhop ; demanding of him £. 1,000 to be lent to the king (Ric. II.) in Ireland. (Fr. vellum.) 1399 ? 7 - 13 . The Eds. of Council, to king Richard II. in Ireland; remonftrating againit holding the next Par¬ liament at Nottingham. (Fr. vellum.) 1399 ? 7 -h. 14 . Richard II, to the Privy Council in Ireland ; to the fame purport as XI. 9 - (Fr. vellum.) 7. b. 15 . Another tranfeript of XI. 8. 8. in. A reprefentation to the K. (Ric. II.) probably by fome lrilh Privy Counfellors; Concerning the manner of proceeding againft the lrilh rebels. (Fr. vellum.) Loudon. 8 . h. 1 7 . Richard II, to the bilhop of Meath (Alexander Balfcot) telling him that he cxcufed him from the office of chancellor, to which he appointed Robt. Walby'Abp. of Dublin. (Fr. vellum.) 1395 . 9. 18 . Richard II, to the D. of Gloucefter; difpenfing with his going to Ireland. (Fr. vellum.) Wiudfor, July 23 , A 0 It. 16. 1392 ? 9. 19 . An indenture between the King (Hen. IV.) anil Thomas of Lancaller, here called fon to the king; concerning the appointment and pay of the latter as governor of Ireland. (Fr. vellum.) Weftm. March 8 , 1408 ? 9 . b. 20. The Eds. of Council in England, to the K. (Ric. II.) then probably in Ireland ; about the hold¬ ing of a Parliament, remittances, See. (Fr. vellum.) 10. 21 . Henry VI; in anfwer to fome articles requefted of him by the Parliament of Ireland: a fragment. (Vellum.) Weftm. March 24 , 1442 ? ll.b. 22. Another tranfeript of XI. 6 . ll.b. £3. A remonftrance to K. Henry VI, diewing the expediency of appointing the E. of Ormond Ld. lieutenant of Ireland. 1442 . 12. 2-1. Remembrances concerning the adminiftration of juftice in Ireland. (Fr. vellum.) 13 . 25 . Articles which Giles Thorndon treafurcr of Ireland, declarcth unto the king's Council, of divers things requiring red refs. (Vellum,) 14 . 26 . An indenture between Richard duke of \ ork anil Henry O’Neil;*, li ipulating the terms of an accom¬ modation, in which the latter promifesto fupport the former in his potfeffion of Ulfter. (Lat. on vellum.) Drogheda, Aug. 27, 1449. 15 . 27- An indenture between Fdward IV, and Garrat (Girald Fitzgerald?) F.of Kildare, fripulating fome terms on which the latter is to act in Ireland as de¬ puty to Richard D. of York. (Orig. on vellum.) Aug. 12, erroneoully dated A 0 coEdw. IV. probably of 14 78 . .15. b. 28 . Draught of an indenture between the King (Ric. ll.) and Tho. I). of Gloucefter, liipulating the conditions on which the latter accepted the Ld. lieu¬ tenancy of Ireland. 1 S 93 ? 16. b. 29 . l lie E. of Ormond, to the King (Hen. IV.) de¬ filing tha orders might be given for the government of Ireland, the Ld. deputy fir Stephen le Scroop having luddenly withdrawn from thence. (Fr.) Wa¬ terford, March 18. 17. h. 30 . Sir John Talbot (afterwards E. of Shrewsbury) to the D. of Bedford regent of England ; concerning troubles in Ireland. (Fr.) Balfenhale, July 11, 1417 . 18 . 31 . The E. of Ormond, to the King; to the fame purport as XI. 29. March 18. 18 . b. 32 . Tho. Crariley, Ahp. of Dublin, chancellor of Ireland, and others, to the King (Hen. IV.) ftating the evil confequences of the want of remittances to the D. of Lancalter, See. (Fr.) La Maas, Aug. 20. ' 19. 33 . Points which Roger Mortimer E. of March, anil his council, require for the “voyage” and fecu- rity of Ireland. (Fr.) 19. b. • 34 . An account of fome lands and tenements in the town of Karig Magriffin, and the burgage of .belonging to the houfe of St. Th.in London. 20. 35 . Patricius Rogerus Capitaneus de Fearnay, to fome Ld. lieutenant in Ireland ; defiring redrels for 1 70 cows ltolen from him. (Lat.) Aug. Si. temp. Eliz. 20. b. 36 . Sir John Stanley and the earls of Ormond and Kildare, to the Lds of Council; concerning the priorlhip of the hofpital of St. John in Ireland. (Fr.) Catherlagh, Jan. 26 . 20. b. S7. Lift of perfons who came in to the D. of York in Ireland, 1449; and a bill of fare on the back. (Fr.) 2i. 38 . Th. D. of Lancafter, to.concerning fome fliipping. (Fr. a fragment.) Wincheliea, May 29. " 21/ 39 - Lift of knights made at Symondefwode in Obeynfcontre ? and of the Iriflimen and their prefents in kyne to the D. of York: with two memoranda. 1449 . 21. 40. Matthew abbot of St. Mary Dublin, to the E. of Ormond ; advifmg him to obtain a provifo for his lands, &c. Feb. 18. 21. b. 41. The D. of York and council, to the King (Hen. VI.) concerning certain palfports demanded by the K. of France. (Fr. a draught.) Weftm. March 18 . 21 . h. 42 . Tho. TITUS, E. XI. 544 - Cerni 46 . 4 -. Thu. D. of Lancaftcr, to Ilunry iv. his father; con fern ine; his own irate in Ireland, and in behalf of fir Steph. Scroop. (Fr. on vellum.) Drogheda, l’eb. -i t 1 he Irifh, to the Englilli Privv Council: dc- hriny- remittances may he i'ent to thc’E. of Ormond, Ld. i-1- 'it. (On vellum.) Drogheda, April 25. 22. b. 1 1. Sir John Talbot, to the I). of Bedford ; com- pla.v.u ;• ot want of monc \ to pa\ the troops, &c. (Fr.) Xaas, Oct. 24 . o£, b. 4 Inirruetions given by the King (Ric. Ill ?) to J°!m Efrrcte, to be ilicwu to the carl of Kildare ; con- g his continuance in the office of deputy. 23. hi' hard II, to the 1 ). of York and the council °' England ; on the l’tatc of affairs in Ireland. / Tr.) Dublin, Feb. 1. 23 ' b. 47. James Ormond, to Ld. Ormond chamberlain to the Queen ; chiefly on domeftie affairs. 24. 4 S. The King (Henry vi. : ) to the E. of Ormond ; ordering him to come to him to Kenilworth with the queen s mother and corrfbrt. May is. 24. b. 4 !i. Wm. and F.lice Botillcr, to tlieE. of Ormond ; requeuing the office of fteward of one of his manors for a near relation of theirs. Caftelnock, April 20. 25. (1 1 .. of K. (Kildare) to the E. of Ormond > vindicating himfelf again ft charges for which he was committed toward. Dublin, Feb. 11. o 5> t Bill. White, to the E. of Ormond; ftating tli. i bis deputy in Ireland meant to encroach upon his revenues, ^;c. Waterford, April 12. 25. b. ■ ’John Sutton lord of Dudley, to.repro¬ bating a report fpread that their friendfliip was to be interrupted. c q 53 . Marjory Martin, to the E. of Ormond ; thanks tor kindneffes, and on domeftie affairs: lhe was his kinfwoman. Q6 b. 54 . A grant of K. John, of certain lands in Ireland, (3 eantreds) to Miles l'itzhenry. Wintenburen, iSov. 28 , 1200. o- 55 ‘ 4 IJ P- of Exeter, to king John; and a char¬ ter of K. John touching a grant of lands in Ireland, to Allan and Thomas Galway. 1213, and 1209. 29. " 4 ;. Nomina magnatum Ilibernite 5 llen.nl; and a fliort pedigree of the Courcys. 31. 47. A confirmation of Hen. Ill, of certain lands in Ireland, given to Henry Aldithlegh, by Hu Mi de Lacy E. of Uliter. 1231. ° 33. 58 . Two grants of lands in Ireland, to Rich, de Burgh 28 Hen. in, and to Maurice E. of Kildare 35 Ldw. in. 35. Ext rafts from records* touching divers grants m Ireland by John, Hen. in, and Edw. ill: alfo copy ol the patent of Iiemv VIII. for the title of Ld. Cahtr to Tho. Butler. ’ J6 - do. A grant of Edward the black prince of Wales ot the lands ot Deflic and Defmond to John Eitz Thomas. (Lat.) Bermonclfey, Nov. 7, 1366. 40. di. An lit count ot the partition ot the effates of Wm. MariIlial E. of Pembroke in Ireland, between his After s ions and daughters. (Lat.) Woodftock % 3 , 1247 - 4 „ ’ G2. Extracts out of the Seoti-ehronicon and the chionicle ot Mclrofs, touching the property of the Weftern i(lands. (Lat.) 44 63 . A grant of Edward 1, of the cuftody of the baronv ot ()Halve, which formerly belongecfto Mau¬ rice Fitzgerald, to Thomas de Cluno. 1272. 4 6 . 64 . Copies of five deeds, out of the regifters of the priories of Triltennaghe aud Kilhixi. " 48 . 65 An inquifitiou taken upon a writ of 6 Edw. I; touching the lands held by John Byfet at his de- ceale. 50 . 66. An inquifition taken A” 10 Edw. 1. on the lands ot which John Eitz Thomas died poffeffed. 53. 67. An extent of the lands held bv Roo-er de Mor¬ timer A* 11 Edw. 1. " = 5.5 68. Memoranda concerning the lands held by Nic. lord Howth. 14 Edw. I. and 1 Edw. n. 57/ G9. A royal mandate, direftecl to the chancellor of Ireland ; enjoining the obfervance of two atts of par¬ liament in that kingdom, A° 17 Edw. 1. 39 70 . Xotes from tile pleas of the crown, touching the Carcw family. , V ■ A grant of Juliana de Cogaii of feveral manors to John lutz Thomas. 3 Edw. II. gj ,, ‘.?•'- p r 4 nt °* ^ alter f,t ' Lacy of certain fiefs, to Galtnd de Conitantyn. 38 Edw. 1. ^ 73 Notes concerning the barony of Naas, and the families of la lloehe, Moliun, &c. ^ 74 . Royal mandates, and reports thereon, touching the feudal Cervices due to the Carews by the Barry? \ aleneias, Fee. ’ 60 . 75 . A giant of John Tuit ? to the priory ofTrif- tennaghe; and a note of a claim of the laid priory 25 Edw. I. 1 68 . 76 . An order of Edward I, to Rich. E. of Ulfter * concerning the time at which he is to appear with his’ retainers. 25 Edw. I. ~ 0 77 . An account of efeheators in Ireland. 34 Edw. 1. 78 . A pardon to John Eitz Thomas, for intrufion on certain lands. 4 Edw. II. „ 4 79 . An extent of rents and Cervices, due by lands in the barony of Overke. 7 Edw. 11. ' 7(5 _ 80. Edw. II, to Rich. E. of Ulfter and Ni^el D. of Erchre? credential, s Edw. II. 0 80 si. Grant of the earldom of Kildare, to John Eitz Thomas. 9 Edw. II. g2> 82. Grant of the forfeited lands of Hugh Byfet in the ille of Raghery, to John de Atve. °2 Edw. 11. 84 . b. S 3 . A11 inquifition on the lands of Thomas fon and heir to Rich, de Clare. 14 Edw. 11. 84 . A patent creating James de Butler earl of Or¬ mond. 2 Edw. in. 85 . — 88 . Omitted. 89. The appointment of William Eitz Aldhelm, to govern in Ireland, 27 Hen. II; and his grant of lands to the church of St. Thomas the martvr in Dublin. " q 0 90 . Briefs of royal grants to the families of Co^an, Fitzgerald, Carew, &c. go. 91. Account of the receipt of Robt. Power trea- furer of Ireland, for three years and three months, be¬ ginning A 0 1 Edw. in. ^ g 4> 92. Notes of inquifitions, touching the grants and lands of the Carews. 93 . A note concerning jufticiaries in Ireland, and a grant ot L liter by K. John to Hugo de Lacy. 99. 94 . The E. of Defmond’s entail, 16 Edw. nr. and his feoffment 21 Hen. vm. 101. 95 . The King’s letters patent, exempting the trea¬ sury ot Ireland from the jurifdiftion of the lords jufticcs. 31 Edw. III. jo4. 96 . A patent, reftoring certain eftates to Walter de Bermyngham, which had been forfeited by the at¬ tainder and execution of his father William. 17 Edw. III. 106. 97 ■ Notes of certain lands appertaining to the earl of Delinond. 107, 96 . A T I T U S, B. XI. 5+5 08 . A royal mandate for reducing the number of barons of the exchequer in Ireland, and ordering the -chancellor of the laid exchequer to act. in the capa¬ city both of chancellor and one of the barons. 29 Edw. III. 109. 99. An order concerning the court of exchequer in Ireland, 30 Edw. ill. and notes of property, &c. 111. 100 . A ilatute for the government of Ireland, 31 Edw. III. confirmed 17 Ric. II. 112. 101. A grant of Edw. III. of fame revenue in Ire¬ land. 34 Edw. III. 119. 102. All entail of the manor of Ilyncoae, to the Conveys. 34 Edw. III. 121. 103 . Notes about admiffions to eftates, attainders, &c. in Ireland. 123 . 104 . Inquifitiones poft mortem Gualteri de Bir¬ mingham. 35 Edw. III. 125 . 105 . Exemplification of the patent creating James Butler earl of Ormond. G Edw. III. 127. 1 on. The ftatute of Kilkenny, for the government of Ireland, 40 Edw. III. when Lionel duke of Cla¬ rence was chief governor there. (Er.) 129. 107. A writ of '■ Diem elaufit extremum” to the dedicator of Ireland, touching the eftates of Milo de Courcy. 46 Edw. ill. 131. 108. Notes concerning the eftates of Aymer de Athol, the Conveys, de Burghs, & c .temp. Edw. III. and 13 Hen. III. " 133. 109. A charter, aligning a dowry to Marg. de Burgherfli out of the barony of Shine, held l>\ her late liulband. 4 G Edw. Hi. (Er.) 135 . no. Notes touching divers perfons in Ireland, viz. the la Roches, Stapletons, Prelions, Gunions, Roeh.orts, Barrys, Conveys, &c. 13 ?. 111. Names of perfons to whom fummons had been lent, to the parliament of Ireland. 48 Edw. HI. 139. 112. A final concord relating to the E. of Ormond; and other title deeds of property in Ireland, temp. Edw. in. 141. H 3 . A lift of lordihips, manors, and lands, which belonged to the Butlers, temp. Edw. 1. and II. 145 . 114. Inquifition concerning the lands of Steph. de Macev. 1 Ric. II. 147. 1 15 . A receipt of Emma Fitz John, for money re¬ ceived from Edmund Butler. 1 Edw. in. (Er.) 148 . 11G. Notes of jail deliveries in Ireland, temp. Edw. I. II. and Ric. II. 149 - 117. Richard II, to his uncle the D. of York ; de- firing his advice concerning the affairs of Ireland. (IT.) Dublin, Feb. 1, 139 • 151 . 118. The Lords of Parliament in England, to K. Richard II. in Ireland ; congratulating him on his fucceffes againft the rebels. (Er.) 153. 119. Notes out of records, concerning the affairs of Ireland, temp. Job.—Eliz. 155 . 120. A writ of Rich. II, for an inquifition to be taken of the lands held by Wm. de la Roche Ld. of Tillaglilardye at his death; with an inquifition thereon, and a defeent. (Eat.) 15 Ric. II. 1392. 158 . 121. Rich. II, to his uncle the D. of Gloueefter ; difebarging him from the government of Ireland, (l'r.) Wind for, July 23 , 1.893. 1 G 0 . 122. An infpeximus of Q. Elizabeth, of an inqui¬ fition made in the reign of Rich. II. touching the lands that belonged to Leonard Carew. (Lat.) 1G2. 123 . A licence of Ric. II, to Wm. lord de Courcy, to be owner of a lhip. 20 Ric. II. ni l. 124 . Richard 11, to the Bp. of Meath (Alex. Bal- fcot) difeharging him from the office of chancellor of Ireland. (Er.) Windfor, July 23. 1 G 6 . 125 . Articles indented and agreed upon between If. Richard 11. and Tho. D. of Gloueefter, when the If. purpofed to fend the latter Ld. Lieut, into Ireland. (Fr.) ilia. 126. A grant of the cafile of Carelagh, to Tho. D. of Surrey, by the if. 22 Ric. 11; and an inquifition touching a fiiheiy held by the citizens of Limerick, of Maurice Fitz Gerald. 2 Edw. II. 171. 127. The ftory of K. Richard II. going to Ireland, See. a corrected tranflation of part of the French poem in the Ilarl. library, N° 1319. 175. 128. An indenture between If. Henry IV, and his ion Thomas of Lancafter, Ld. Lieut, of Ireland. (Er.) 1408. 181. 129. Iliftorical notes out of Irilli records. 185 . 180. A deed of Patrick de Courcy, transferring his lands in Ryncone, Kinfale, &c. to his foil Nicolas de Courcy. (Lat.) 7 lien. v. 188. 18 1. A deed of James Barry Vile, de Buttevant, granting lands in Cork to John Stapleton. (Lat.) 7 Hen. V. 190. 132 . An infpeximus of pleadings touching the manor of Kylllkycr, between Clniltophcr Plunket, and others. (Lat.) 3 Hen. vi. 192. 133 . A writ to fummon a jury concerning certain lands in Kcnteftou, in controverly between Chriltoph Plunket, and Roolic B.llew. 10 Hen. vi. iyo. ] 84 . A fchedulc of fiatutes enacted in a Parliament held at Dublin, A 0 10 Hen. VI. 19s. 135 . Hiftorical notes out of Irifli records. 200. I 3 G. Two entails of certain lands unto the fons and heirs male of fir Chriltoph. Plunket. 2 Hen. VI. 205. 137 - Iliftorical notes out of Irifli records. 209. 138 . Articles which Giles Thornton, treafurer of Ireland, declared to the king’s council, touching va¬ rious diforders in Ireland. 20 Hen. VL 211. 139 - The deed by which it is fuppofed that the lands of ICnockmoane were anciently entailed. 32 Hen. VI. " 213. 140. A deed delivered hv the lord of Cahir to cominiflioiiers to be perilled, concerning lhe lands of Knockmoanc. 35 Hen. VIII. 214. b. 141. A grant made by Robt. Fitz GeffToy Cogan of his lands in Munftcr, to James Fitz Gerald earl of Delmoiul. 17 Hen. vi. 215. b. 142. A deed by which Robt. Fitz Gerald Cogan appoints Maurice Starke and Jacob Gauls his bailiffs and attornies. 17 Hen. VI. 217. 148 . A relcafe of Maurice Fitz John Roche, Ld. of Eerniov, unto Robt. Fitz Geoffry Cogan, of cer¬ tain lands in Munftcr. G Hen. IV. 21 8 . 144 . A patent creating Robert Rarnewall baron Trimleffon. 2 Edw. iv. 221. 145 . Hiftorical notes out of Irifli records. 223 . 146 . Four royal grants to the Butler family, chiefly relating to the lordlliip of Donboyne. 7 Edw. iv. 7 Hen. V. and 31 Hen. t in. 226. 147 - A patent conferring the manor and barciny of Rathtonth on Robt. Bold; (two copies.) s Edw. IV. 227. 148 . A deed of James Ld. Courcy of fome lands in Ryncoue, to Ilorick M‘Melmorv, a phyfician. 15 Edw. IV. 1473 . " * 230 . 149. Six deeds relating to property, chiefly of the Butler family. 1 Ric. I. 11 Edw. II. 4 -i Hen. vi. 232 . 6 Z 150. Richard TITUS, B. XI. 546 150 . Richard II. to the Bp. of Meath and the council of Ireland; fignifying the E. of Ormond be¬ ing appointed Ld. juftice of Ireland. (Fr.) 284 . 1.11. Richard 11, to the mayor and commons of Dublin; lignifyiug the election of the E. of Ormond, to be lord juftice of Ireland. (Fr.) 236 . 152 . Two deeds, one of the liberties claimed by the prior of Trifirinagh, in the lord ft 1 ip of Kilbiri; ; and a grant of Geoffry de Genevill to his tenants (magnates) in Meath, of certain jurifdietions. ( Lat.) o; 38 . 133 . Iliftorical and juridical notes, collected by fir Tho. Lee, chief juftice of Ireland. 16O8. 240 . 154. Richard 11 , to the earl of Ormond; on ap¬ pointing him Ed. juftice of Ireland. (Fr.) 242 . 1 . 55 . A petition of Win. de Courcy and Marg. his wife; requeuing the confirmation of a grant of/. 100 per aim. (Fr.) 244 . 156. A grant of Henry VIII, of the lord Ill ip of Ba- byngannan, &c. to the Butlers. 29 lieu. VIII. 245 . 1.57. A deed of Roht. de Mancleville, and other evidences, out of the hook of extents of the earl of Ormond (Butler.) 3 1 Kdw. I. 246. 15 5. Iliftorical notes relating to Ireland. 252 . 159. A ftatute or ordinance, concerning the go¬ vernment. of Ireland during the lieutenancy of the D. of Clarence: the beginning wanting. (Fr.) 258 . i 1 io. An indenture between Edward IV. andGirald E. of Kildare; when the latter was appointed lord juf- tice of Ireland. 1481 . 26 ' 0 . 161. The will of fir Chriftopher Plunket A 0 2 Ed¬ ward i IV. 262. 102. Notes out of ancient records in the Tower; relating to Ireland: alio Iliftorical notes out of the red hook in the exchequer of Dublin. 264. ] G.;. A note of fuch records as are produced bv the rr.rl of Ormond (Butler) for the maintenance of his liberty of Tipperary. 2 69 . ] 64 . Iliftorical notes, chiefly obits of eminent perfons in Ireland; extracted out of the ledger of the monaftcry of Port S. Mary de Dunbrothy. 271. 1 05 . Names of the founders and benefactors of the abbey of Trifternath in Meath. 275. 100. Iliftorical notes concerning Ireland, extract¬ ed from Iloveden : alfo of the creation of noblemen in thefaid kingdom. 278. 107. Edmond Perfon, to the E. of Ormond; com¬ plaining of the devaluation committed on his eltates in Ireland, on account of liis loyalty. (Orig.) Kil¬ kenny, Sept. 28 . 288 . 108. A petition to the king, from Richard de Burgh E. of Uliter; concerning his lands and fran- cliifes. (Fr.) 289 . 169. Nomina Arcliiepor & Epifcopor. ecclefiac Dublin; ex nigro libro cccl. S. Trinitatis Dublin. ‘ 29 >. I 170. Iliftorical notes, extracted out of the red i book in the exchequer in Ireland. 293. i 171. A grant of certain lands in Ireland, from 1 Humphry de Bohun, to Gilbert his brother. 295. 172. Names of the higher clergy in Ireland. 297. 173 . A deed of Gerald Ld. Courcy, whereby John Fitz-llobert Mvaghe is freed from the office of port- revc of Kinfale. 155 Q. 299. 174 . A grant of divers lands, &c. in Ireland, from Patrick de Courcy, to Nicolas his fon. (Fr.) .temp. Hen. VI. 301. 175. Demands for the fafeguard of Ireland, made by Tho. Plant nd D. f Lan< ter. (Fr.) temp. Hen. iv. 303. 176- An entail of lands upon the Ions of Richard and Simon de Carrew. 3 Ric. 11. ,;o5. 177. A note of ferviccs and rents due bv tenants (knight's fees) in Ireland. ‘ 307. 178 . A grant ol the lands called BalanicHlianlah, by Hugo de Lacy, io the monaftcry of Meilifont (Latin and Englilh.) ‘ 309. 1 7 9 - An indenture, being an agreement of terms of accommodation between James Fitz Gar, carl of "id. and Patrick 1 it ; ! •_ mint ot his, who appears to have been at ftrife with him. 9 Hen. V. ;n j iso. A note of knights fees in Ireland. 1 Edw. 11. si:». 1st. A fragment of a ftatute or ordinance; con¬ cerning th< government of Ireland. (Fr.) 182 . An order concerning the ad mini ft ration of lands forfeited to the crown in Ireland, ten j. 3 17. 183 . The clivillon of the lands of Gilbert de Clare, E. of Glouccftcr, in Ireland, between his three lifters. 319- 184 . A rental of the biflioprick of Liirnore, the manor of Lifmore excepted. 1 S 5 . A ffiort topographical account of Ireland. 326. 186 . Apat( nl of Henry \ 11, reftt ring firiThomas Or¬ mond to his blood and inheritance, the petition of the laid i. Ormond for that purpol’e being recited in the fame. 1 Hen. vn. ;;e8 187 - An allize held at Duighill, concerning the loidlhip of Kerry, adjudged to Edmund Fitzmorris. 1 . Hen. VII. 330. 18 5. An account of the voyage of fir Richard Eggccombe into Ireland, being' li nt thither bv K. lieu. vn. of his proceedings there, and his return. U88. is’!). Lift of thole who fworc allegiance to Hemv \ II, in Ireland; by fir Rich. Eggccombe. 1488 . 190. Divers recognizances entered into, and oaths of allegiance taken in Ireland. 1488, &c\ 341. 191 . A grant of Henry VII, of the manor of Ar- dumlghu, iSre. to James Ormond. 11 Hen. yii. 343. 192. Wat. Abbot of St. Mary befide Dunelin, to the E. of ()rmond; about a pailiament to be h 1 Ireland, and rei 11 nding fonu r< gulations in the coin. (Orig.) " 35 q if)3. A draught of a letter from fome counfcllors, to the King (lieu. 1411 .) touching the ncceflUv of the earl of Surrey's returning to England on account of his health: corrected by Wolfcy. 1,21. 351. 191. Articles agreed upon between Francis I K. of Fr. and James Fitzjohncarl ofDefmond; for making war againft Henry VIII. 1523: extracted l'romTiiloEs hiftory. 195 . The creation of lord Pierce Butler earl of Ofi’ory. 1527 . 3,3. 196 . Bryan I like, to Peter Vaunts, fcc r to Card, i: : chiefly concerning the fweatu which had viiited his familv. (Orig.) °Pori 7 ; and a grant of the manor of llofelare, to Rowland Scurlock, phyfician to the queen. Jan. 29 , 1558. 471. 24(i. T he title of Philip I fame, to be fteward of tlie manor of Ballynier and Roflare; notwithftand- ing the queen's grant thereof to IL Skurloek. 473. 247- A petit ion of Dr. Rowl. Skurloek, to the Q. concerning the two above named manors. 474. 2 t 8 . Q. Mary, to the L. of Sufiex; inftructions and intelligence concerning Ireland. (Two original articles.) April 20 , and June l, 1558. 477. 249. (The L. of) Pembroke (Herbert) to the E. of SuiUx in Ireland ; recommending Oliver Sutton. (Orig.) Bainard-caftle, July 12 , 1557 . 481. 250. II. Sydney, to the E. ofSufl'ex; recommend¬ ing Geo. Ilonell. (Orig.) March 13 , 1557- 483. 25 1 . Q. Mary, to the E. of Suilex; inftructions and intelligence. (Two originals.) Aug. G, 1558, and Sept. 24, 1558. .435. 252. The clergy and inhabitants of Kinfale, to Q. Man - ; recommending Patrick Roche for the vacant fee of Cork and Cloy 11 c. (Orig.) 489. 253. Q. Mary, to the Ld. dep y Fitzwaiter; granting liberties, leafes, Sec. to the town of Waterford. (Orig.) June 1 3, 15.55. 49 R 254 . A petition of the earl of Kildare for grants, with the opinion of the attorney-general thereupon. 493. 255 . A petition of Rich. Aylmer of the Lyons, for protection again ft robbers who inf eft his lands. 497- 25G. Q. Mary to the Ld.dep* I’itzwalter; ordering him to red refs the grievances complained of by the above R. Aylmer. (Orig.) Jan. 22 , 1357. 498. Titus, B. XII. Codex chartaccus, in folio, conftans foliis GGG. 1 . A ftatement of the feveral fervices performed in Ireland, See. by John Denton clerk, during the go¬ vernments of Ld. Suilex, lir Nic. Arnold, and lir IIenry Sidnty; alfo fe\ ral proj< Is fi 1 tin improve¬ ment ol’tliat country. -j. 2. The E. of Tyrones anfwer to the articles pie- feribed to him by the Ld. Lieutenant and his allii't- ants. Dec. 22, 1591. n ... A relation ol tin* I.oid Deputy's fetting forth for Kinfale, where the Spaniards had lauded (too 1. when Ch. Blount Ld. ..Moan!joy was Ld. Deputy.) 13 . 4 . Abflrafts of commillions of Q. Elizabeth, foi the furveying and difpofing of efeheated lands, 25, 27, 28, and 36 Eliz. and the fubmiflion of Shane O'Xeile, 4 Eliz. «i. 5 . A project for the divifioot and plantation of fe¬ veral final! territories efeheated in the county of Wexford, amounting in all to GG, 800 acres. 23. G. Edward (lord) Windfor, to the E. of Suilex, Ld. Lieut, deliring him to appoint him his deputy in the office of the penfioners. (Orig.) Earn ham cat¬ tle, Aug. 8 . " 25. 7. Petitions of the clergy of Ireland, to be ex¬ hibited to her majeity. q 7. 8 . A declaration that the Hie of Ranchlins ( R;;th- lin) hath been, for the fpacc of two or three hundred years, pofi'eficd by the Cland - and otl er Scots iubjccts; and is now claimed by Geo. Crawford, by- virtue of the rights here hated. . 9. Limits of the countries to he under fir Hen. Dockwray, and lir Mat. Morgan, in the north of Ireland. : ; 0 _ to. A note of fucli lands, yearly rents, compofi- tions, and cafualtics, as have been received and ad¬ vanced (incieafed) to her majeliv, by hr lien. Sid¬ ney. " ’ 32 . 11. A brief of certain notes, concerning hei ma- j city's profits in Ireland; delivered to fir IT. Wal- lingham by Rowland Cowycke. 34 . b. 12. A collection faid to have been compiled out of hr Er. Walfmgham's notes, confitling of, (a.) The Ld. Deputies anfwer to certain points de¬ livered to him, touching the caufes of the charges. 43. (b.) My Ld. Chamberlain's (Ld. Sufiex) opinion touching the hate of Defmond's rebellion. 1573. 45 . (c.) A note of certain articles delivered to the E. of Defmond, by the Lds. of Council in Eng¬ land. 46 . (d.) Conhdcrations of the lervice to be done by the Ld. Deputy in Munlier, and the E. of El- fex in Uliter. 1574 . 48 . (c.) Mr. Clualoncr's notes of certain inconveni- encies in Ireland; with his remedies thereof. 50 . b. (f.) A mean bow her majefty’s revenue in Ire¬ land may be levied and incieafed without ar¬ rearage. 53 . • 13 . A plot for the better inhabiting of Clandeboy, Sec. in Ireland ; with notes. 55 . 14. A note of the great lofie.s fuftained, and the good fervices perf’oimcd, by the poor inhabitants of Knockfergus. 57. 15. Plots for the government and reformation of Ireland, out of hr Er. Walfmgham's notes: among tiiel’e are Patrick Sherlock’s and Anth. Powar's fell ernes. 62. 16 . Tho. (earl of) Ormond, to the E. of Sufiex; reprefenting the good fervices of the inhabitants of Waterford, 54-9 TITUS, B. XIL Waterford, and the difordered ftate of Ireland. (Orig.) The Karyk, Sept. 24 . 74. 17. Tlie charter granted hv Thomas E. of Ormond, to the burgeffes of Carrick. (Lat.) Waterford, July 12, 1500 . 76. is.to the baron of Upper Offory; touch¬ ing the conduct of the Ld. Chancellor of Ireland to¬ wards him. May 23 , 1690. 78. 19. Orders to be obferved in the diflribution and plantation of the dedicated lands in the county of Wexford. 80 . 20. Notes concerning various regulations in Ire¬ land ; alio letters patent for the trcai'urer/hip of Ire¬ land, enjoining the Ld. juftice not to intermeddle in that office, 31 Edw. ill.’ 82 . 21. Mr. Saxey's difeourfe of the caufe of the dif- orders in Muniter, with his opinion for reformation. Dec. I 5 ys. 84 . 22. Tho. (E. of) Ormond, to the Ld. Lieut, in be¬ half of Patrick llicard. a maimed foldicr; with the faid Patrick’s own petition. (Orig.) Kilkenny, Jan. 6 • 94 . | 23 . A declaration of the prefent ftate of the Eng- lith pale of Ireland, and of the caufes which have | brought the fame to extreme diftrefs. 97. 2 t. Part of a letter in anfwer to a complaint of the E. of Defmond. 10~ 25 . An order of Q. Elizabeth, touching ecclefiafti- cal matters in Ireland. March, 1579. 109. 2 ( 5 . A difeourfe for the reformation of Uliter bv colonies. 1598 . 11 j > 27. Opinion touching the eftabliffiment of the go¬ vernment of I reland. 1 f7. 28. Notes of certain a&ions whereby the Engliih of the realm of Ireland have been much impovernii < 1 , and the Irilh greatly benefited. j 1 y. ’ 29. Concerning the better order of her majefty’s treafureand revenue in Ireland. 131. 80. II. Miden (Hugh Brady Bp. of Meath) to the E. of Sulfex ; reprefentmg the wretched ftate of Ire¬ land. (Orig.) Dublin, April 4. 135, 31 . Defccnt of Donoghe O’Connor. 137. S2. Petitions of Gerald E. of Kildare, and the Countefs his wife, to the queen : and anfwers there- t0 - 138 . 38 . 0 - Elizabeths warrant for granting divers lands, manors, &c. in Ireland, to Richard de la Hide. (Orig.) 140. 34 . A project ffiewing fome eaufes of the pride and prefent ftrength of the Irilh.; and how they may be weakened, and the Engliih ftrengtheued. 141. 35 . Ad. (Adam Loftus Abp. of) Armagh, to the E. of Sulfex, Ld. Lieut, in behalf of one Bathe? who claims fome lands. (Orig.) 147. Sfi. IT Miden (Bp. of Meath) to the E. of Sulfex; profeffing his devotednefs ; and intelligence about an expedition to Dundalk, outrages in Ireland, See. the Abp. of Dublin fent for home. (Ori»-.) Dublin April 27. aJ 1 49 . ’ 37 - Notes of the Archbp. of Dublin; offering to relign his Abpk. and the Chancellorffiip, for a Bilhopk. in England, or a penfion. 15], 38 . rho. (E. ot) Ormond to the Ld. Lieut, about a complaint of the men of Rofs, and his coming to him. (Orig.) Kilkenny, March 7. 152. 39. Initructions for fir Hen. Sydney, to be com¬ municated to her majefty's council in Ireland. (A draught in Cecil’s hand.) ]54 * 40. Notes and difeourfes, chiefly touching the pro¬ vince of Mu after: alfo fir Peter Carew’s title to the territory of Cork; out of fir Fr. Walfingham’s notes. 158 . 41 . Orders taken by the Ld. Deputy and Coun¬ cil, for the reformation of diforders committed in Ld. Power’s country. Waterford, Nov. 28 , 1558 . 167. b. 42 . The effeft of fir John Pcrrot’s, fir Wm. Ger- rard’s, and Ruifel’s plots and difeourfes, of the difor¬ ders of Ireland, and the remedies thereto. 169. 43. Collections touching coins and liveries in lie- land; out of fir Francis Walfingham’s books. 171. 44. Directions concerning ecclefiaftical affairs in Ireland. 1 85 . 45. Trails taken out of fir Fr. Walfingham’s books: (a.) Certain territories to be made into a fliire, and to be called the county of Cavan. 194. (b.) Indenture between K. Hen. VI. and the D. of York, Ld. Gov. of Ireland. 196. (c.) The difference between the Connaught for¬ merly anfwered by the Kellies; and the compofi- 1 tion lately made with them. iyo. b. (d.) Lift of the Bilhopricks in Ireland. 194. (c.) 1 he offer of Hugh M c Phelemy and others, gentlemen of the North of Ireland, to Capt. Wm. Piers, for the expulfion of the Scots. Sept. 3 , 1578. ] 98> (f.) A table of fuch matters relating to Ireland, as are contained in the book B 199. 46. Sir Fr. Walfingham's anfwer to Donoghe O Connor’s complaints againlt fir Richard Bingham. 202. 47- A note of things (papers) neceffary to be de¬ livered to fir John Perrott. " 205. 48 . A letter to the E. of Sulfex, figned E. W: and a paper, intituled, “ I lie detection of the errors where¬ by the Queen and the Government of Ireland were hitherto deceived, and the faithful fubje&s abided.” 207. 49 . An order of Q. Elizabeth, for Man rice Obrien to be confecrated bifhop of Killaloe. 1570. 212 50 . An order of Q. Elizabeth, for not removing public officers in Ireland, but upon due evidence of their mifeonduct. n 13 _ 5 1. A note of refervations, chiefly of horfemen, made upon grants of Leix, for the fervice of the queen, and the defence of the realm of Ireland. 215 . 52 . Charges neceffary for the fervice in Ireland, laid doivn by fir John Perrott. 004. 53 . Orders to be obferved by fir Nidi. Mai by, for the government of Connaught. 22G. 54 . Matters whereby fir Rich. Bingham hath found the Ld. deputy difeourteous to him, and therein a hinderer to her majefty’s fervice 237. 55. References to a plan of the fortifications be¬ gun at Duncannon. 241, 5 G. Orders agreed upon by fir Hen. Sidney and the council of Ireland, to remedy the diforders and grievances complained of in that kingdom. 243. 57. A devile for the perpetual reformation of the borderers of Kildare. 24s. 58 . A proclamation by the Ld. deputy and Coun¬ cil, for the reformation of diforders in the county of 251 ; d letters fent to Ire-, land by Coilman, as neceffary to be remembered, 253 , 7 A 60. Queftiofts Wexford. 59. Notes of orders TITUS, B. XII. Go. Queftions concerning the E. of Defmond, to be confidered by the E. ol'Suficx. 255. Gi. Note-'from the Ld. Chancellor of Ireland, to be confidered of. 157 . 62 . Infitnicliom for fir Valentine Brown, con¬ cerning the allotment of lands in Munftcr. 259. 0 ;. Orders to be observed by the lord juftice, council, and others in Ireland. (A draught, cor¬ rected by Cecil.) £64. 64 . A paper of advice, concerning the difpofal of the troops and garrifons in Ireland. 268 . 6.3. A proportion preferibed for the victualling of garrifons in Ireland. 270 . 66. A petition of Peter Hall, to the Ld. Juftice! for money due for victualling his horfemen. 273. 67 . Declaration of Oliver Euftace the civilian, againft the Bp. of Dublin, and others. (An original, lignedTho. Bo when.) 277 . 68. A declaration, or account of fums received for lines, recognizances, &c. to A* 17, regni. 279- 69- Of the company that came to Lanfkertan; and another depofition of Oliver Euftace. (Original, figned by lix perfons.) 28 1 . 70 . Complaints of Daw try, againft fir ’Ien. Bag- nail and others. 283. ?!. A long paper on the manner of victualling; with the auditors accounts. 285. 72 . The riling out with the “ Bonnaght and Suren,” duchy the Irifhmen in the fevcral provinces. 299. 73. Knights fervices due to her majefty, upon every general bufting proclaimed. 315. b. 74. A plot of the E. of Efiex, for planting Clan- neboy with Englilli inhabitants. 316 . 75 . The captains and commiflioners for muftera in the l'evcral baronies of the Englilli pale. 317. 76. A note, in what lliires men may moft conveni¬ ently be levied for Ireland. 32J. 77 . Touching the revenues of Ireland, both an¬ cient and prefent. 322. 7 S. Caufes of the decay of the revenue in the late years, and devices for augmenting the fame. 328. 79. A paper touching cetfe and victualling. 33G. 80 . A note of an agreement palled between the < Ant. of the pale, with Laney and Green, for victual¬ ling: end other papers relating to victualling. 340 . si. Difcourfes and devices touching the ill ftatc ;>ntl reformation of Ireland: from fir IT. Walling- liam's hooks; containing the following aiticlcs : (a.) Chancellor Gerrard’s notes for the reforma¬ tion of the broken ftate of Ireland. 345. (h.) ltulfdr.s difeourfe of the prelcnt ftate of Ire¬ land, and the way to reform the fame. 347 . b. (e.) Sir John Perrott, touching the reformation of Ireland. 35.5. (d.) Mr. Tremayne's difeourfe, whether it he better to govern Ireland after the lrilh manner, or to reduce it to the Englilli government. 357 . (e.) Mr. Tremayne’s difeourfe touching grants to he made of lands to the Irilli lords, and of the glynes and routes to the Scots. 361. (f.) Notes of certain actions whereby the Irilli have been enriched, and the Englilli empo- verillicd. . 36 1 . b. (g.) Petitions of the clergy of Ireland. 364 . I> (h.) Speeches delivered by fir Fr. Walfingliam, to her majefty; touching the difeafed ftate of Ire- laiul. ' ‘ 365. 82. An account of a lecond journey made by the Ld. Lieutenant into the counties of Meath and Offal v. 36 ( 1 . 83 . Orders on the government of Ireland, when the E. ot March was governor : temp. Ric. 11 ? (IT on vellum.) see.’ 84 . Various papers touching the charges of the ftatc, and the filings of the fevcral baronies, in Ireland; and other things concerning the revenue. 360. 85 . lnfrritctions to fir W111. Drury, Ed. juftice of Ireland, and Win. Gerrard, chancellor of the filme 1578 . 57 ~. 86 . A rough draught of a royal letter for Ireland. 39.5. 87 . A paper addreffed to my Ld. chancellor, in a provincial dialect: probably Scottilli. s 8 G\ S 8 . A commiflion of oyer and terminer for pirates in Ireland : temp. Eliz. ’ 89 . A paper concerning the inftruCtions given for palling faculties in Ireland. 333. 90 . Certain refervations to her majefty upon fur- renders and compositions of lands in Ireland, from June 1384 to June 1585 . 390. 91. Inftructions of the Privy Council, tofirWm. V inter ; having charge given him of certain flaps. S 9 l. 92. Inftruflions to Mr. Edmund Tremayne, fentto the Ld. deputy of Ireland, by the Ld. treafurer. 396. 93 . A religious and eafy courfe offered for the tranfplantation into Ireland of the fuperfluous poor people of England; and means for the provifion of them. 399- 94. A brief declaration of the queen’s revenue Ireland. (Eat.) 402. 95. A draught of a letter to Mr. deputy. fignitying the king's order to deliver fome wool; temp. Hen. vm ? 96 . A note of fuel) heavy burdens as are laid upon, her majefty s fubjects in Ireland. 404. 97 - Of the length, breadth, and fituation of Ireland; and how it came to England : temp. Hen. 11. 406. 98 . Account of the forces which conquered Ire¬ land; lent thither at divers times. 409. j 99 . Effect of the ftatutes of Kilkenny; how Ire¬ land was reduced, &c. the divilion of Leinftcr unto the live daughters of the E. marlhall. 411. 100. Two fragments, on the forces in Ireland. 417. 101. A ftatement of the forces in Ireland. 419. 102. A note of ruins (decays) in Ireland. 422. 103 . The fees of all the officers in Ireland. 424. 104. A note of the port-corne incident to the ftate of Ireland. 4 ^g 105. An account of the Weft part of Ireland, called Muniter. 403. {,. 106. Fees due for all forts of things that pafs the great leal in Ireland. 430. 107. A fragment on lrilh affairs; “How Ireland may he civilized.” 431. 108. A lift of officers in Ireland, and their al¬ lowances. 43 4> 109. Various papers concerning the E. of Efiex's proceedings, chiefly in Ulfter; his plots for the re¬ formation of that country; anlwers thereto, &e. from fir IT. Waltingham’s papers. 437. 110. A TITUS, B. XII, 5 ?* no. A difcourfe how, upon the extinguifliing of tlic rebellion, the province of .Munfter may be kept from any revolt hereafter; with three tables of the governor's fortifications and forces in the faid province. 400. in. The depths, anchorages, &c. of the harbours in Ireland. 475. 1 1 ‘2. Directions for conducting men railed in Corn¬ wall, to Ireland: figned Ro. Cccill. 477. 11:5. Papers touching Ireland, and the reformation thereof, out of fir Fr. Walfingham's notes ; viz. (a.) A breviate of the conqueft of Ireland, of its decay, and how it may be reformed. 4 S0. (b.) A brief of the evils which have occafioned the decay of Ireland. -183. b. (c.) Sir Nich. Malbv's plot for the government of Ireland. Sept.. 26 , 1.379. 484. b. (d.) Devife for the reformation of Ireland, by Thomas W. P. 485 . b. (e.) A. IPs. opinion for the reformation of Ireland. 486 . ( 1 .) Mr. St. Leger’s notes for the government of Ireland. 48 6 . b. (g.) Devife for the reformation of Munfter. 487 . (h.) Devife for the reformation of Ireland, by John UTshcr of Dublin, alderman. ~ 488 . (i.) Articles for the reformation of the Munfter coin and livery. Aug. 1578. 489. b. (k.) Directions for reformation of abufes in Ire¬ land. 490. b. ( 1 .) Places fit for garrifons in Ireland. 491. 114. Iteafons for a mint in Ireland. 492. 11.3. 1 lie ftate of his majefty’s revenue (in Ireland) both certain and cafual. 4y5. 116. The reafons that Florence Maccarty al- ledgcth to prove that the carl of Clancare’s lands ought to defeend to Ellen his wife, and her heirs. 496 . 1 J 7 . The bonnaght, and rifings out, throughout Ireland : from fir l’r. Walfingham's papers. 497. 118. Things to be enquired for the perfcCt under- funding of the ftate of Ireland. 51G. 119. Sir II. Danvers, to Mr. Ate; with an inclofed draught of a paper touching an action with Tv rone, and the Spaniards. (Orig.) ’517. 120. The caufes why the E. of Tyrone will not come to Dundalk fo toon as the Ed. general and the commiffioners do requeft him : with anfwers. 520. 121. The Ld. chancellor of Ireland, to fec y Wal- fingham ; touching cede. .503. 122. David Shigane, to.craving relief in confideration of his numerous and moll diltrefl'ed fa¬ mily. 5 o- 128. InfttruClions to fir lien. Sidney, Ld. deputy ot Ireland, figned by Q. Elizabeth, at Litchfield. Aug. 2, 15 .. 529. 124 . Articles for the making of cefles for Ireland. 535 . 125 . A plat of Inchewhyne. .538. 12C. An inftrument appointing John Rinde fur- veyor of the tranfports to Ireland, for life. 53a. 127 . Reafons againft three feveral petitions of the E. of Thomond: draughts. 54] 128. Arms blazoned, and fome tricked, of the no- j bihty, and of certain gentlemen of Ireland ; alpha- 1 betically arranged. - - 0 - ‘ 59 ;^. ofa difcourfe on Iriih affairs ; faid to be ! in fir Phil, Sidney’s own hand. .557 j 130 . A dilcourfe, (hewing how to make Ireland bear its own charges. 1594. 55 y 131 . The form ofa court in Ireland. 501. 1 32 . Errors and defaults committed in Ireland of late years. 5773. 133 . Confiderations how moft effefiually to annoy “■Tyrone: delivered to the Q. by an old Capt, 567 - 134 . A difcourfe touching tile flute of Ireland- (ImperfeSat the end.) 66g , 135 . A petition touching the offices of auditors of tile wars and of the revenues. 573. 1 .Iff. State of the lord liourke's caufe, touching the lands ot Arnold Coibie. J 74 _ 137 . Q. Elizabeth's warrant, appointing fir Geo. t-arew mailer general of the ordnance iii Ireland. 57 6- 138 . A project for the overthrow of the rebellion in Ireland. (A draught decayed.) 573. 139 . A breviate of the getting of Ireland by Enghihmen; and ot the decay of the fame. osg. 140. Reafons for annexing Thomond to tile reft ot the province of Munfter. 588 . 141 . Reafons for the Iriih fuits. 5go _ 14 - 2 . Tlie prefent ftate of Ireland, and the Ld. deputy’s (Chiclieiier) opinion concerning the fame. 594 . 143 . Orders to be obferved liy fir Nich. Malby for the government of Connaught. jg 8 143 Orders of Q. Elizabeth for the lord juffice council, and others of Ireland, for the ordering- of the eftablithmentthereunto annexed. 0oI 144 . Certain confiderations concerning the ftate of Ireland. 617. 1 45 . Matters touching the province of Connaught. 621. 146 . 1 lie efficient and accidental impediments to the civility ot Ireland. 62S 147 . Lord treasurer Burleigh, to the Ld. deputy, touching the trial and pardon of the E. of Tyrone! 625 . 148 Directions to fir John Peachy, touching Ire¬ land. temp. lien. VIII. ‘ MB. Captains cafliiered in Ireland by the Ld reiSli ® nd the prefcnt ftatu of Ilchl " d touching the K IO ’ 6 ‘ 28 . Ireland °" C ” ° f Colmcil ““lining mufters for ' -t-t 63a 1 ■ 1. the confeflion of Rice O'Toole wife to Facgge MTIcughe. Feb. 23 , ,580. ’ 034 152 . Orders propofed for Ireland. 030 153 . Draught ofa letter; the fubjeft obfeure 6S7 the'cUcfl. prefent ftateof Connau s ht; by 6 S 9 . 155 . A note of the principal men in Ireland, and their habitations. e 156 . Tile names of fome Iriih fugitives. 648. 157 . Warrants for victualling Ireland, and for the privy purfe. ’ 650 . 158 . The eftablifliment of Ireland, and orders re¬ lating thereto. 651 159 . Sir John Ilellew, to the E. of Suffix; com- plammg ot feveral injuries received from the jM’.M ahons. q 54 I CO. Arguments proving that the county of Wex- turd ougfit to be exempted from cede. 655. 101 , Such parcels of land as the baron of Don- gannofc titus, b. xir. xm SS 2 pan jinn taketh to be within Tyrone, and to have been granted to his grandfather Cone O'Neile. 650 . >62. A paper, entitled, “ her majeliy's common '• place ' (Q. Eliz.) " ' 658. ld.t. The ancient eftate of the biflioprieks of'Derrv, Raphoe, and Clogher. OGo. ifi4. The prclent eftate of the primacy of Armagh, and of the biflioprieks of Derry, Rapho, Clogher, and Kilmorc; and concerning the* churches and lchools in the fame. " 002 . Titus, B. XIII. Codex chartaceus, in fol. conftans foliis 579 . i. A collection of various things concerning in- ftructions to he made out for the earl of Sufl’ex, Ld. Lieut. of Ireland': by fir Win. Cecil. 1559 and 15 AO. 3. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliatn, deputy of Ireland, to Shane O Xcilc, Ion to the E. of Tyrone; agreeing to name commiflioners on the part of the queen to meet thofe of ()'Xcilc, concerning the mafia ere of fome men of the latter. (Grig. Lat.) Thomas-court, Feb. 23, 1559 - 60 . " 5. 3. Sir 'William Fitzwilliam, to the E. of Sulfcx ; re¬ porting various tranfaetions in Ireland touching O’Xeile, &c. (Orig.) Drcdunughr March 1 . 5 , 1.5.59- fiOt ' O'. 4 . B. Hampton, to the E. of Sufl’ex; intelligence about liegociations with Scotland, and matters at court. (Orig.) Greenwich, June 29 , 1560. 10 . 5. The Eds. of Council, to the E. of JEfiex; re¬ commending Gilbert Gerrard the attorney general. (Orig.) Greenw. July 24, 1560. 11 . (i. The Eds. of Council, to the E. of Effex; noti¬ fying that a treaty had been concluded between the queen's commiflioners in Scotland and France (Orig.) Greenw. July 12 , 1560 . 11 . b. 7 . Xotes concerning Irifli affairs, and of the pei- fons in pay in Ireland. 12 . s. Xotes of the principal matters concluded between the queen’s commiflioners, and the French, in Scot¬ land. July 6 , 1 .3GO. 14 . b. «). R. Dudley, to the E. of Sulfcx, then in Scot¬ land? enmplimcntal, and about hobbys and gallo¬ ways for the queen. (Orig.) Windfor, Sept. 7 . 13 . 10 . Four letters from the Privy Council, to the E. of Sufl'ex Ed. Eicut. on various matters of govern¬ ment in Ireland. (Orig.) Aug. 4 and 17 , Dec. 28, and Sept. 28 , 1560. 15 . b. 1 1 . Articles indented between the E. of Sufl’ex and Sorlc Enyc M t'onell, in behalf of James M'Conell; louel'iing the demife of fome lands to the latter. (On vellum.) Sept. 2 , 15GO. 19 . 12 . Sir lien. Rudely if, to the E. of Sufl’ex ; reports how he had executed what the earl had charged him with. (Orig.) Chara Row (London) Dec .\ 1560. 20 . 15. Depofition ot Donell M‘Vicars; concerning a contention between Xeil M'Eice and Eifagh MTcdowc. (Orig. (igneil J. Chalonerand X. Sha¬ ron.) Jail. 13, 1 300. 23 . 14. John Chaloncr, to the E. of Sufl’ex ; a report concerning mines, &c. (Orig.) Dublin, April 1, 1561. 25. 15. Geo. Stanley, to the E. of Sufl'ex; chiefly domel'tic intelligence. (Orig.) Try me, Feb. 28, 1560- 1. 07 . lG. Notes of inftruCtions for the E. of Sufl’ex, by Wm Cecil. 15G1. 20 * 1 7 - Sir Wm. Cff, to tlie E. of Suflex,- on Oil.cui matters m lrchml. (Orig.) Dublin. Mtm-h 3 1 , 15 G 1 ■ , 19 - Si ! c e< il. - 1 the E ol Suflex - with two I’: 11 ‘'"E, f ® rtl,e 1 ration of two earl Mae til, v Dot Mulkcry, ami O’DonelK. of Ti.vonimh (Ori,,') Savoy, May so, 1461. 'f- TliyoagitlratesofYonghill, to the I.,l. ,leputv .iml council; complaining of the violences of James l'ltz John, a Lieut, ot Defmond. (Orig.) June 1501 . at Seventeen original letters offiM* Cecil, to the E or suliexi on various public and private affairs; tile Vales ami () Dirndls; onion, for denying a patllige *7 , m , of A' 1 ) i «'ic lady Catherine (Kelly?) with t ill,! hi the ot Hertford; alto concerning bifhops, tlie la. ot Ormond, &c. June in, July 15,05, A,;,,. - 1 ' -■'*> eiK Sept. 17, OS. 7, Xov. l,’o, A Dec. do, 14, 18, 1701, and Jan. 7 , 15 G 1 - 2 . je. 24 . Draught of a letter from the Council in Ire¬ land, to the ]■„ ot Etlex; with a proclamation con¬ cerning the com 111 Ireland, tu be publilhed. 71. 23 . A draught of a Intin letter, feemingly from the Liighlli r to the Irith Council, or to tome Irifh noblemen, concerning a pacification. Arbraken Xov. 7, 1563 . ... 7 e 1. A memorandum of 1 be Ld. I.ieut. and Council ot Ireland agreeing that the old and new council book, be brought over to England. Kilmanau, Jan 14 , 1561 . 25 . Notes for infirudiuns for the E. of Sufl'ex bv Cecil. May 5, lsijo. ’ J cb. Tbetowiil'men of Dundalk, to tlie E. of Sufl'ex - complaining ot the depredations of the rebels (OriA Nov. :jo, 1.51,' -r i 0 . 27. All order, probably of the Irilh Council, for | deleting what had become of eight lacks of grain, &c. (A draught.) Arbrakcn, Xov. 4, I 5 G 2 . 73.' 2S. Inftru&ions given to Willm. Pyers by the Ld. Eieut. of Ireland, being lent to Ld. Pers. M c Connel. (A draught.) Dec. 10, 1562. 79.’ 29. Piers (Butler Ld.) Caliir, to the E. of Suflex; complaining ot the outrages committed upon his people by the E. of Ormond and the Butlers. (Ori<>\) Cahir, ()6b. 1 1, 15 G 3 . ."'0. A. (Adam Eoltus Archhp. of) Armagh, to tlie E. ot Sufl'ex ; wi;h ;i book (or account) of ceflable lands had from Plunkct. (Orig.) Termonfenghan Oct. 18. " g3 ’ 1. Articles demanded by Teige M'Morghe Obrien, of the E. of Thomond ; with the earl's aiii’wer. I11- chiquin, Xov. 17 and 19, 1563 . 85 . 82. It. (Robert Ilornc, Bp. of) Winton, to the E. of Suflex; recommending the bearer, and liguil'ving that he had removed the earl's brother Egvemont from his houle, on account of the plague. (Orig.) Waltham, Dec. 2 7 , 1563 . yn 3 . 3 . Queen Elizabeth, to the E. of Suflex ; concern¬ ing various promotions in Ireland, both in church and flute: alio touching the tcud.s between Ormond and Delmoiid, a demand of Shane O'Xeile, &c. (Orig.) Windfor, Jail. 17, 1564 . 91. 34. Sir W m. t ceil, to the E. of Suflex ; recom¬ mending a luit of Wm. Lychc. Wincllor, Jan. 50. 1565 - 4 . 93. 35. State of the garrifon when fir Xic. Arnold was firft Ld.jultiee in Ireland fTwo copies.) 95. 36 . The TITUS, B. XIII. 553 36 . The Ld. Lieut. (Suffex) ami council of Ire¬ land, to the E. of Kildare and fir Henry Radcliff; fnftruftions to parley with the Moors, “ O’Mores." (Orig.) Killmay-nam, Feb. 4 , 1563 - 4 . 97. 37 . Sir Wm. Cecil, to the E. of Suffex; defiring him to act with vigour againit the rebels and pirates. Windfor, March 3 , 1563 - 4 . 99. 3 'S. Articles for her Majefty to cowfider of, con¬ cerning- Ireland. 1563 . lOO. 39 . The Ld. Lieut, and council of Ireland, to fir Hen. Radcliff; touching the profeeution of the O" Mo res, or a parley with them. (Orig.) Kil- mayiiam, April 15 , 1564 . joc. 40 . Sir Ilobt. Dudley, to the E. of Suffex; figni- fying the'queen’s leave for his return to England. (Orig.) Windfor, April 23 , 1564. J04. 41. II. (Hugh Curwin Abp. of) Dublin, chancel¬ lor, to the If of Suffex ; diffuading the erecting St. Patrick's in Dublin into an univerfity. (Orig.) Dublin, June 21, 1564 . 10O. 42 . Directions to theflicriffs and juft ices of Ireland, for the eftabliflnncnt of watches 111 that kingdom. July 21, 1564 . °ios. 43 . Q. Elizabeth’s patent creating Donald Mac- earthy More earl of Claneare and baron Valentia; with M'Cartliy’s oath of allegiance. (Lut.) June 24 , 1565 . no. 44. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to the E. of Suffex; four letters- on his proceedings in Offalyc, See. (Orig.) Thomas-court, Nov. 22 and 23 , 1564 , and Jan. 7 and 17, 1564 - 5 . 112. n 45. Ad. (Adam Loftus Abp. of) Armagh, to the E. of S11 Hex ; apprizing him of a letter lent to court by the lord juftice, in which many exceptions are hated concerning the management of affairs in Ire¬ land. (Orig.) Dublin, Jan. 31 , 1564-5. 119. 46 . Sir Wm. Fitz William, to the E. of Suffex : four¬ teen original letters, on public matters, all either lrom Thomas-court, Dublin, or Glalfenhall, Feb. 3, Jan. 3 i, Feb. 1 1, April 1, 13, d°, 24 , Aug. *24, Mav 13 , 16, 13, 30 , July 12 and 19, 1565. 1*21.' 47. Sir Robt. Dudley, to the E. of Suffex; re¬ commending Francis Challoner. (Orig.) At court, Aug. 21, 1565 . " 144 ‘’ 43. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to Mr. fecretary (Cecil?) copy of an official letter on the war with the Oreil- lies, &c. Thomas-court, Aug. 23 , 1565. 146. 4 !). Sir William Fitzwilliam, to a lady; on fome public and domeftic. concerns. (Orig.) ” Leffenball, Aug. 24 , 1565 . ° 150 ’ 50 . Inftractions to fir Henry Sidney, made Ld. deputy of Ireland after the E. of Sullex. (Two co¬ pies.) 0 £t. 5 , 15 Bj. 51 ■.Clanryckarcl, to the E. of Surry? reporting the devafiations committed by the O'Neiles, fee. in Connaught, See. (Orig.) lialloughreugb, Oei. In, 156 a. " 52 . Sir William Fitzwilliam, to the E. of Suffex; two original letters, on public affairs. Thomas- court, Oct. 10, and Dublin, Odt. gs, 15G5. 1 - ,. 55 . Ad. (Loftus Abp. of) Armagh, to tile E. of Suffex; acquainting him of his coming to England for his health, and the ftate of affairs in Ireland O Neile’s motions, &c. (Orig.) Hethfelde ? Sept. 3 , 15(16. ihq. 5 l - A licenfe of the Privy Council, for fir Hen. Eaddyft's continuing in England until a cattle he hath beiore the lords be decided. W'effm. Oct. is, 1565. 161. 55 . Sir lien. Fitzwillksi, to the E. of Suffex ; con- coining 0 ‘Neile’s proceedings, &c. (Orig.) Lef- fenhall, Nov. 28 , 1 565 . 1 l63 56 ^ II. Miden (Hugh Brady Bp. of Meath) to the E. of Suffex; apologizes for not repaying him fome money; recommends Walter Hope, and lends fome news. (Orig.) Ardbrachan, Jan. 23 , 1565. 165 . 57. Sir Wm. Cecil, to the Marq. of Winchefler; on various matters, remittances into Ireland, &c. (Orig.) Fotheringav CafUe, July 1566 . 167. 58 . An account of the garrifons in Ireland efia- blillied in 1567. " l6y 59. The fubmiffion of Garret E. of Defmond, at Ho ward-place. July 12, 4568 . j 70. 60. Sir Wm. Eitzwilliam, to the E. of Suffex ; Irifh intelligence, about Defmond, Tyrlolenno, Surlev- boy, See. (Orig.) St. Fulcher’s, Feb. 12, 1570-L 171 . 6 1. A deed reftoring the E. 'of Kildare, and his brothers and lifters, to their blood. 1570. 173. 62. Sir Hen Sidney, to the E. of Suffex; compli- mental. (Orig.) Dublin, Dec. 21, 1570. 174. 68 . A commiffion of the Ld. deputy (II. Sidney) to Ytav certain hulks and to provide cellars, vaults, See. for the goods detained. Dublin, Feb. 15, 1.570! 176. 64 . T. (Earl of) Suffex, to fir Hen. Sidney; re¬ commending a concern of Hugh Pore, a fervant of his. (Orig.) From court, March 22, 1570-1. 173. 65 . Ihe Hate ot Ireland, March 31 , 1571. iso. 66 . Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam, to the E. of Suffex * two letters, chiefly on private concerns : 1. exprefies his gratitude to Ld. Burleigh ; 2. laments his want of money. (Orig.) St. Fulcher, Aug. 21, 1571 ; and Dublin, March 2, 1573. 181 67. Covenants between the Queen and Chatter- ton, for Orrerie or Oharlons country, the Fufe and the Galloglas land in Ulfter. 1573. ]8 - 68 . A commiffion for the levying of men to be fent into Ireland. (A draught.) Jan. 24, 1573-4. 187. 69 . An order of council for the paffing of the new levies into Ireland. (A draught.) Jan. 2 6 , 1573 - 4 . 70 A commiflion to the Ihcriffs of feveral coun- ties, tor men to he mufiered, to he fent into Ireland (A draught.) June, 1574. 190. b. , T 7 ';, Sir ' r,n - Fitzwilliam, to the Ld. chamberlain (Ld. buffox urging the ueceffity of a fpeedy fupplv °t ," : ‘ U or »>*•"'•.'•; »n the troubles in tile counties Feb 11-T 4 J 'I ?1>Craiv ' **'• (°rig-) Dublin, 7 ' 1 . A .levif,- lor the garrifon in Irclaml, witli thr conirnt ot fir Hen. Sidney lord preiideut of Wale. Oct. 30 . 1574 . ■ , !|3 ' 75. A copy Ilf a feoffment made by Gerald E. of Ddmom , teftifiod under tile Ld. deputy and conn- oil s hands, which appears to have been made 7 weeks after the combination. 1.574. Jy3 74 . Sir Wm Fitzwilliam lord deputy, to the E. of Leicetiec< on matters of revenue in Ireland. (Orio ) Dublin, Nov. 17, 1574. iyy . . ‘ ']■ Hen. Sidney’s plot (or propofal) for the adminiftration of Ireland. 1575. ‘ 201 76 . Infirueiions, fent by Nic. Mai bye, to the E. of Eflex then engaged in the reduction of the province ot Ulfter. April li, 1575. 203 77 . Sir Ra. and fn Nic. Bagenall, to the earls of Mannck and Leicefter; recommending a caufe of Tyrlough Lcnough O Neile. (Orig.) Dynghame in Uttaley, ISov. 24 , 1575. gog. 77 . Inftru&ions of the Ld. deputy and council, to 7 B fl r T I T U S, B. XIII. 554 lir \Vi!li;ivn Prnric, |ivefidfi 1 1, unci the council of Mun- lier. Dublin. June' 20 , 1576. 208. 7 s. A roval mandate for the promotion of Maurice Obrien to th.■ hilhopriek of Killaloe. Ilampton- eourt, Jan. 30, 1576. 216 . 70. A letter from fome of the queen’s minifters, to James Eilzmorvis; concerning his reltoration to his e;Jtlcs, etc. in Ireland; and a protection demanded by him. Court, Aug. 11, 1 5?b. '217- so.to fome of the Queen's minifters ; requeiiing indulgence, and to be reftored to his rights. (Orig.) Dublin, Sept. 29- 1576. 218 8 1 . Sir Win. Gerrard ebaneellor of Ireland, to Q. Elizabeth and the earl of Lcicelter: three letters, on the a Hairs of Ireland, and the ncreflity of a reform. (Orig. the Hi not lignecl.) Dublin, 06t. 15, Nov. 10 and i.», 1576 . 21 9 . 8‘2. Sir lien. Sidney, to the E. of Suffix ; concilia¬ tory. (.Orig.) Dundalk, I’eb. 4 , 1 . 37 b. 224. s.3. Edmund (Grindal Abp. of Canterbury ?) to I Adam (Loftus Abp. of) Dublin, authorifing him to hold the chancellor1 i 1 i|>, acanonicale, anil a prebend, m ith his Archbpk. May 10, 1.-77. 220 . 84 . jof. Coble, to llicE. of Lcieefter; about the Ed. prefident’s (fir II. Sidney’s) expedition into Kerry; DiTmond'* conduct, &c. (Orig.) Limerick, Oet. 4 , 1.3 77. 228. ■ Lcieefter or Cecil, lo the Abp. of Dublin; al¬ luring him of the queen's unabated favour. March 21, 1576-7. 280. 8b. A note of livings in Meath, which, coming by devolution to the crown, were granted by the Ed. deputy. 1577. 2:52. 87. W. Gerrard (chancellor of Ireland) to the E. of Leieelter; concerning the detaining of palfen- gers coming from Ireland, Ac. (Orig.) Feb. 24, 1577-3. " 233. 88. A new eftablilhment for the diets and enter¬ tainments of the lord juftice, chief officers, and others in her majcity's pay in Ireland. 1 . 578 . 236. •s'). The queen's inl'tnnftions to fir Wm. Drury. Tab juftice, and Wm. Gerrard, lord chancellor of Ireland. May, 1578. 242. no. The combination of Garrnt E. of Defmond, attainted for high treafon. July is, 157 s. 248. <)l. Sir lien. Sidney, to the E. of Leieelter; wiflt- inglhat Philip (his fim) might not go to ferve hi Flanders. (Orig.) Dublin, Aug. 1 , 157S. 250. fe 2 . N. Bagenal, to the E. of Leieelter; in behalf of the E. of Delinoiul. (Orig..) Dublin, Aug. 1578. J23'2. a:': B. (Bernard baron of) Upper Ofl'orv. to the E. of Liicciier; about finding over gofshawks to Eng- lanil. (Orig.) Dublin, Aug. 7 , J578. 254. f) t. The contents of letters patent to Geo. Aek- worth, LED. and llobt. Garvey, for eeclefiaftical ju- rifdietion in Ireland. Dec. 20 , 1578. 25b. 05 . A note delivered by Robt. Garvy, concerning the authority of the governor of Ireland to grant commiffions, dilpcnl'ations, and faculties r xv i11 1 an- fuers to objections made by certain bithops. 1 . 37 , 3 . 258. f)b. Touching the iultruetions delivered for palling faculties in Ireland; and a note of Inch profits as came to the queen by the execution of the conmtif- lion for faculties. 1 . 377 . 20'3. !,'7- Ed. Leieelter? to the Lds. juftice and chan¬ cellor of Ireland., in behalf of the biihop of Otl’ory. Richmond, Jan. 22 , 1578 -y. 264 . !) 3 - -Sir m. Drury. Ld. juftice, to the E. of Sufi'ex ; p retelling his zeal in the queen's fervice; and on the ltateof Ireland. (Orig.) Dublin, Eeh. 11, 1578-9. 265 . 09 . A royal mandate for the appointment of chief juft ices of the common pleas and the queen's bench in Ireland. 1579. 267. 100. A ftatement of the garrifons in Ireland, June 5 , 157 !): two articles. 269. 101. Sir Nic. Malbye's opinion touching the go¬ vernment of Ireland (foreign invalions onlv ex¬ cepted.) Sept. 26 , 157 !). ‘2S8. 102. Sir Wm. Pelham, to the E. of Suflex and the ; E. of Lcieefter; two letters, both concerning the dil- | pleafure her Majelty hath conceived a«-ainft him. Orig. Dublin, Dec. 29, 1579 . 285. 108. B. (Ld. ot) Upper Ofl’orv, to the E. of Lci- eificr; deli ring his interferenee between him and the E. of Ormond. (Orig.) Dublin, l’eh. 9, 1579-80. 289 . 104. Sir Wm. Pelham, to the E. of Lcieefter; ac¬ counting tin his conduft in the fervice. (Orig.) Clonncll, Eeh. 16, ).'-79-80. <29). 10.3 An order of Q. Elizabeth to fir Nic. Malbyc; for tin- better government of the province of Con¬ naught. WiTtm. March 3 1, 1579. 094. 106 . Ld. Burleigh, to Ciiaue. Hatton: with his remarks on a petition of Sir William Eitzwilliam. (Orig.) Weitm. July 20, 1.379. 097. 107. Sir Nic. Malhye, to the E. of Leieelter; con¬ cerning fome eaul'es relating to Mr. Edward Culaek. (Orig.) Navan, Jan. 20, 1579. 300. 108 . An ordet ot the queen for the levy of 100 men in the county of Bedford, to he lent againft the rebels in Ireland. 1580 . 302. 109. The E. of Lcieefter, to the E. of Kildare; af- furing him of the fricndlbip of the Ld. chancellor. May 23 , 15 SO. 303 . 110. Sir Nic. Malhye, to the E. of Lcieefter; about the fttatc of Connaught and Muniter. (Orig.) Ath- lone, May 26 , 1580 . 304 . 111. A. (Ld.) Grey, Ed. deputy, to Q. Elizabeth; reports the ft ate in which he found Ireland. (Orig.) Dublin, Aug. 12, 1580 . 305 . 1 12. X. Bagrnall, to the E. of Lcieefter; reports a peace having been made with Tarlough Lcnough, and proceedings againft Baltinglafs and other trai¬ tors. (Orig.) Dublin, Oet. 3 , 15801 307. 118. Rich. Birkened, to the E. of Lcieefter; con¬ cerning his appearance before him in a caufe between himlelr and Mi. Ireland. (Orig.) Chefor, Oet. 13, 1580 . 309 . 1 14. Rich. Phil pot, to the E. of Lcieefter; reports the hoflilities in Muniter. and rcqucTts that he may have a command. (Orig.) Cork, Nov. l, 1580. 311 . 115. Riel). Bingham, (a C’apt.) to the E. of Lei- celter; intelligence about. the arrival of a fltip with men prefl’ed, kc. (Orig.) Smerieke Bo.id, Nov. 8 , 1580 . 8 13 . 1 16. Rich. Bingham, to Mr. Ralph Lane, at court; intelligence of naval and military operations. (Orig. hut both names blotted out.) Smerieke Road, Nov. 1 1 , 1580 . 315 . 117 - Rich. Bingham, to the E. of Leiccftiv; of the lame tenor as the laft article. (Orig.) Smerieke Road, Nov. 11, 1580 . 317. 118. Sir Hen. Wallop to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ porting tome advantages obtained againft the fol¬ lowers titus, b. xirr, 555 lowers of Clanrickard, and other hoftilities. (Orig.) Dublin, Jan. * 26 , 1 . 580 - 1 . 319. 119. Sir Wm. Mai bye; an account of his expedi¬ tion again ft the Scots in Ireland. March G, 1580 . 320 . T20. Interrogatories miniftered to the E. of Kil¬ dare, Jan. 20, 1 . 580 : with his anfwers thereto. 327. 121. K. John's charter of the liberties and pri¬ vileges of the city of Dublin. (Lat.) July s, 1215. 331 . 122. Mr. Bathe's opinion for divers things neceflary for her majefty’s better lcrvice in Ireland. July 16, 15 S 0 . 333 . 123. Sir Nic. Malbye, to the E. of Leicefter; hat¬ ing his fcrvices in Connaught. (Orig. the beginning wanting.) Dublin, Sept. 20, 158 1. 335 .^ 124. The E. of Leicefter ? to the Archbp. of Dub¬ lin, (Adam Lol’tus) fignifying that he was to con¬ tinue in the office of chancellor. Court, June 28, 1581 . * 337 . 12 . 5 . Sir Nic V.dbye, to the E. of Leicefter; a re¬ port of his fcrvices, and intelligence. (Orig.) Dub¬ lin, Sept. 21 , 1 . 581 . 338 . 1 20 . Obfervations of the Ld. Deputy (Grey) and Council, on certain petitions of the mayor and cor¬ poration of the city of Dublin. July 18, 1581 . 341 . 127. Sir Nic. Malbye, to the E. of Leicefter; no¬ tifies his being ordered by the deputy and council to repair to England, about the affairs of Ireland. (Orig.) Dublin, Nov. 24 , 1541 . 342 . 128. Sir lien. Wallop, to the E. of Leicefter; re¬ commends Capt. Deering; and on the caufes of the troubles in Ireland. (Orig.) Dublin, May 27, 1582 . 344 . 129. Sir Nic. Malbye, to the E. of Leicefter; in be¬ half of Sir Lucas Dillon. (Orfg.) Dublin, Sept. 10 , 1582 . " 340 . 1 30 . An eftimate of a fubfidy or import in the ports of Ireland. 1582 . 348 . 131 . Sir Warham St. Leger, to the E. of Leicef¬ ter? reports a treafonable difeouric of one Tho. M'Rorie M'Craghe, and other things touching the ftate of Ireland. (Orig.) Cork, Dec. 21, 1582 . 350 . 132 . Sir Henry Wallop, to the F.. of Leicefter; touching the ftate of Ireland, and his management of the treaturv, at which the Q. had expreffed fome dif¬ lat isf aid ion; alfo about the D. of Ormond. (Orig.) Dublin, Dec. 2G, . 1582 . 352 . 133. A note of intelligence out of Munfter, and the rebels there. March 23 , 1582 . 354. 134 . Sir Hen. Wallop, to the E. of Leicefter? on the proceedings of the Ld. Lieut. &c. with a paper on the affairs of Munfter. (Orig.) April 4 and 10, 1583 . 335 . 135 - Sir Warh. St. Leger, to the E. of Leicefter; intelligence about the E. of Defmoud's ftubbornnefs, on fome defeats of government, &c. (Orig.) Cork, April 26, 1583 . 359. 13 G. Q. Elizabeth, to the Lds. jufticcs in Ireland; directing them to reftore to Thcrelaghe Obrien the lands he had furreudered to the crown. 'Greenw. June 26 , 1583 . 3GO. IB7. Sir Warh. St. Leger, to the E. of Leicefter; on the affairs of Ireland; reafons again ft protections; errors of the E. of Ormond, &c. (Oiig.) Cork, 1J uly i 2 , 1583 . ^ 362 . U 8 . Sir Nic. Malbye, to the E. of Leicefter; in behalf of Pet. Carcw. (Orig.) Dublin, Sept. 18 , 1 583 . 364. 139. Sir Warh. St. Leger, to the E. of Leicefter; accounting for his not having put his hand to a re¬ port of the Ld. general of Munfter. (Orig.) Dub¬ lin, 0 ( 51 . 19 , 1583 . 366 . 140 . Ad. (Loftus Abp. of) Dublin Clianc. to the E. of Leicefter; concerning the affairs of Munfter, and his own. (Orig.) Dublin, Sept. 2, 1583. 368. 141 . Sir Nic. Malbye, to the E. of Leicefter; vari¬ ous intelligence concerning the commands given of the counties of Maryborough and Philipltowne, See. (Orig.) Dublin, Sept. 15 , 1583 . 370. 142 . A commiffion of Q. Elizabeth, to fir Hen. Wallop, and four more; for the furvey of the rebels lands in Ireland. (Lat.) Jan. 1583 .' 372. 143 . Geffrey Fenton, to the E. of Leicefter; de- firing to be fupported in the cuftody of the Bifhopk. of Meath. (Orig.) Dublin, March 7, 1583 . 374. 144. A new cftablifhment for the government, of the province of Connaught. (A draught correcled by Cecil.) April 12, 1584 . • 376. 145 . An order of Q. Elizabeth, to flic Abp. of Dub¬ lin, See. for reftoring fome forfeited lands to the wife of John Cuffack. (Orig.) Richmond, Eeb. 11, 1584. 379 . 1 16 . The names of the lords of the parliament holdenat Dublin, April 25, 1585 . 381. 147 . Q. Elizabeth's order for admitting Robert Gardiner chief juftice of Ireland. Greenw. 1585. 383 . 148 . Q Elizabeth's warrant to the lord deputy, for f.T,ug turrepders of men's ,eftates of inheritance in Ireland, and regranting the fame to be held of her majefty. Nov. 1585 . 38 5. 149. A commiffion of Q. Elizabeth, for exam in in o- the accounts of the vice-trcafurer, the receiver iivial, the mailer of the ordnance, See. in Ireland, llichni. Dec. 13 , 1585 . 387. 150 . Sir Hen. Wallop, to the E. of Leicefter; on the earl's going to the Low countries; and concern¬ ing his own ltate. (Orig.) Dublin, March 15 , 1585. 389 . 151 . The examination of the lady Mores Bulting- bifbc- taken before the chancellor Gerrard, touching Ld. Upper Offory. Dec. 22, 158 . 6 .' 391.' . 152 . The patent for the dennization of Sorleboy M c Connell. (Lat.) June is, 1580 . 394.' 153 . An indenture between the Ld. council, and Sorleboy. June 18, 15 sG. 154 . A divifion of the province of Connaught into counties, and of the counties into baronies, with notes of the cables, &c. therein. 1586 . 399. 155 . Q. Elizabeth, to fome of her councellors in Ireland; reproving them for being at variance with the deputy and among thcmfclves, and charging them to reftore harmony. Greenw. March 13 , lSSG-f 402 . 156 . Ad. Dublin Cane, to the E. of Leicefter; con¬ cerning a difagreement between the lord deputy and Mr. Murfhul. (Orig.) Dublin, May 22, 158 7. 404. 157. Inftrubrions of the Lds. of Council in Eng¬ land, to fir Valentine Brown; touching certain con- troverlics between the freeholders and undertakers of c fell cate d lands in Munfter. 1587 . 406. 158 . The lords and chieftains of the province of Connaught, to the Lds. of the queen’s council; iu commendation of the government of fir Rich. Bino¬ ham, deputy and 395 . TITUS, B. XIII 55 6 ham, and requefting that lie might he continued. Sept. 14 , 1.5 87 - 411 . 1 39 . A warrant of the Ld. deputy and council of Ireland, for the delivery of Sligoe and other caftles, feigniorics, &c. to Donnogh O'Connor. Dublin, May 6, 7 5 88. 413 .' 160. Sir R. Bingham, to the Ld. deputy (firJ. Pcrrott) offering veafons for not furrendering the caftle of Sligoe, according to the above warrant : alfo another letter from the fame, and fome juft ices, to the fame purport. Athlone, May 1 3 , 1588 . 414 . 161. Another warrant of the Ld. deputy and coun¬ cil, for the delivery of Sligoe to 1 ). O’Connor. Dub¬ lin, May - 24 , 1588 . 418 . 162. Sir R. Bingham: to D. O'Connor? fignify- ing that the lands of Sligoe fliould be delivered to him. Athlone, May 2s, 1588. 4 1-0. 163 . Sir It. Bingham, to the deputy and council; fignifying that the lands of Sligoe, but not the caftle, ihould be delivered to O'Connor. Athlone, May 28 , 15 88 . 420. 104. Sir R. Bingham, to fir Fr. Walfingham ; rc- prefenting that 1 ). O'Connor was not the lawful heir to Sligoe, &c. (Orig.) Athlone, June 20 , 1 . 588 . 421 . 1 65 . The E. of Suffex, to the E. of Ormond ; con¬ cerning the purchafe of Mr. Cornwallis of a tene¬ ment, &c. of the executors of Ld. Southampton. (Orig.) Portfmouth, Aug. 14 , 1588 . 423. ■ (id. A brief declaration touching the Rate of the Sligoe lands. June, 1588 . 405. Hi7. Two papers, concerning the claims of Faghna Oft'erallboy and his fon Iricll Offerall on one part, and of Kedagh Offerall on the other part, of cer¬ tain governments in the county of Longford. 427. 168. Heads of matters, tending to a pacification, propounded to the E. of Tyrone, and his particular agreement to the fame. Aug. 17, 15.94. 431. 1 09 . Inftrufitions of Q. Elizabeth, for the reftora- tion of lands in Munlter, elcheated by the rebellion of the E. of Defmond. Nov. iG, 1594. 432. 170. The E. of Tyrone's fubmiffion, prefen ted by him to the Ld. deputy and council on his knees. Auguft 17, 1594. 434. 171. A brief ultimate of the charge of tire Ld. de¬ puty and chief officers of the army in Ireland for 91 days from April 1, 1590. 439. 172. A declaration of an account of fir lien. Wal- I lop for one year. (Lat.) 1393 and 4. 439. 173. The difference between the office of the lands of Sir Donold O’Connor Sligoe, found June 13, l.'.ss, by the efeheator of Connaught, and the office nf the fame lands, found by Hr Rich, liingham, &c. Aug. 12, 1588 . " 441. 174. Sir Wm. Fitzwilliam Ld. deputy, to fec y M aliingham ; touching an agreement between fir Rich. Bingham, and iir Edw. Denny, for the refign- ing of the government of Connaught, to the laid lir Edward. (Orig.) Ballyfliannon, Now 24, 1588 . 443 . 1 7 . 5 . An account of the fums paid into the exche¬ quer, for the tonnage granted for the repair of Dover haven, from the making of the lfatute in 1581 , to March 5, 15 88 . 445. l 7 G. '1 he inftrument and articles of peace, with the Bourkesand Flaherties, &c. made in the court-houfe of Galway, June 28 , 1589 . 44G. 177 - A declaration of the extraordinary charges Bingham. A° 1588 and 1589 . 440. 17s. Sir .Rich. Bingham's anfwers to the 43 flan- derous articles delivered to the Ld. deputy at Galway in Nov. 1595. ' 43 j 1 79 . Sir Rich. Bingham's anfwcrs to the flanderous articles exhibited again!! him by Leman, to the Ld. deputy at Galway, Nov. ,;o, 1595. 434. ’ iso. 1 lie fubmiliion of Hugh Odonnel, now chief of his name, to the queen. Oct. is, 159,5. 46(i. isi. of Hugh earl of Tyrone, to the queen. Oeh is, 13.95. 4(i - 1S2. A bull of pope Clement the vm. nominatin'* Bugcnius Ilegan to the deanery of Coreagn'u (Oi ig. Lat. on vellum, with the leaden bull.) Tuf- culi, 1596 . 4 Gb. IS:.-. A project to make tile earl of Tyrone not on • . ,l ■oofr loyal lubjcct, but alio .1 nu>ii profitable fer- vantto her inajeiTy. (Signed Rafe Lane) May GO 15 9 G. 4 < 5 <>. IS!. Oliver Oge Fench. inavor Galway, to the Ld. deputy r intelligence about the rebels in Con¬ naught. Galway, Jan. 19, 1.596. 4 -o 18 . 5 . Sir Rich. Bingham, to iir Robt. Gardiner, chief jiifrice ot Ireland; on the prog-refs of the rebel - lion in Ireland, Rating the four joiirnies that loft that land; alio on his own concerns. (Orig.) BeaumarL, Jan. 20, 1596 - 7 . ° 475 18G. The Ld. deputy (firVfm. Ruffell) and the council of Ireland, to the council in England; two difpatches on the Rate of Connaught, Dublinj Jan. 20 ami 14, 1596 - 7 - ' 477. 187 - Jo. Norrevs and fir Geo. Bourcher, to the Ld. deputy and council; 011 their treating with the earl (Tyrone) touching the exchange of pledges. Dun¬ dalk, Jan. 23 , 1596. ° 433. 188. Sir Jo. Norris (Prefid.) fir G. Bourchier and fir Cleft. Fenton; on their negotiations with the E. of Tyrone. Dondalk, Jan. 22, 159G-7. 4S4. 1S9. a. The Ld. deputy (Ruftell) and council of Ireland, to the council in England ; on fome neo-oci- ations with the earl (Tyrone) ana other affairs re¬ lating to the rebellion. Dublin, Jan. 26, 1596-7. 485 . 189 . b. Clanrickard, totheLd. deputy? reports the rebels having invaded the province of Clanrickard. Lough'Iteogh, Jan. nf 1596. 433. 189 . e. Sir Rich. Bingham, to fir Robt. Gardiner chief juftice of Ireland; on the fpoils committed by the rebels in Connaught. (Orig. ) Beaumaris, Jan. -•b 1396 - 7 . ' ' 489. 190. Infiruetions to Capt. Warren, lint to the K. ofTyrone. March 9, 159G. 494. >9 1. C olleei.ou.sof ibme things to be noted fince the Ld. Pidident’s and Mr. fivi- tar\ s going to Dun¬ dalk, to treat with the rebels of T liter. (Orig.) Signal by Sir W. Rullell and the ■.•nunc:I JuIvV. 1 J 96 . 493 . 192. The Ld. deputy, to the E. ofTyrone; up¬ braiding him for his treacherous conduct. 407. 193. A warrant of the council of England, tbi a provifion ot powder and ammunition foi the city of Limerick. Greenwich, May 11, 1597. 490. 194. The means how to keep the province of Man- fier from being able to raiie any power: exhibited by fir Nicholas Brown, to the Ld. treafijier. 1597. 501 . 195 . The fubftance of the, E. of Tyrone's letter to the K. of Spain. 1597. 511. 19 G. A Titus, b. xnr. c. f. 557 if»o'. A ftimn . >ort of 1 I (Ireland.) debated in council, Nov. 5 , l > 97 - 512 . l 97. Ld. Burgh’s (Ld. deputy) iiiltruci ions to Francis Michel 1 his fec y ; concerning- the general Bate of Ireland ; and a letter from the fame to the queen, on the fame fu bj eft : both written in his extreme ticknels, and which he did not live to fign. Oct. 1597. 5 1 (i. 193. Divers papers, entitled, “ Tyrone’s book ot grievances.” 520 . 199. Orders for the march of the army to Black- Vater; and an account of the defeat or the rebels there. Aug. u, 1598 . 524 . coo. A warrant of the council of England, direfling Mr. Darrell and Mr. Jollcs, to provide victuals for Ireland. Whitehall, Dec. 17, 1598 . 526 . coi. Journal of the Ld. lieutenant’s (E. ofEflcx) proceedings in Munfter, from May 21 to July 1 , 1599 . (Two articles.) 528 . Coe. The E. of ElVcx, to the lords of Council; a report of his proceedings on his arrival in Ireland, and about the difplaeing of lord Southampton. (Orig.) Dublin, July 11, 1 . 599 . 559 . 203 . Journal of the Ld. Lieut's, proceedings, from Aug. 281.0 Sept. 8 , 159 . 9 - 54 1 . 204. Q. Elizabeth, to the E. of Ell'cx ; in anfwcr to Lis letter containing his journal, animadverting upon his conduft. (Orig.) Nonl’uch, Sept. 17, 1599 . 544 . co a. A commitlion of Q. Elizabeth, for inquiry into the abides of the treafurers in Ireland. Rich¬ mond, March 10, 1599 - 1600 . 546 . 206. The opinion of Cupt. John Baynam, touching the cliftrefl’ed Bate of Ireland. 548 . 207. James Fitz Thomas, titular E. ofDefmond, to the K. of Spain; in behalf of Capt. Andrew Roche, who had defer ted the queen's party. March 13, 1599 - 1600 . 552 . 208. A copy of the queen’s patent, pardoning the Itoches, and other rebels. (Lat.) Dublin, July 23 , 1599. 553 . 209. The Bate of Ireland at the arrival of the E. of Ell’cx in April 1599 , touching the rebels. 554 . 210. CommiBion of the Council of Ireland, ap¬ pointing fir Warham St. Lcgcr and lir Henry Power, of the Council of Munlter, and to command the forces there. Dublin, Sept. 22 , 1599 - 557. 2 11 . Pope Clement VIII ; his indulgence to the rebels of Ireland. (Lat.) Rome, April 1 8 , 1600. 560 . 2ic. T.d. Mountjov, to Q. Elizabeth; concerning the ad airs of Ireland, the E. of Ormond's parley, Sec. (Orig.) April 2, 1600. 561 . 213. Article XHI. 211. (Printed.) 563. 214. I.d. BuckhurB, and other Privy Coimfcllors, to the officers of the cultoms at Brifiol; ordering them to infpeer victuals lent over into Ireland. (Orig.) April 25 , 1600. 565 . 215. Copies of intercepted letters from Tyrone. » 6 uo. '567. 2 lti. Q. Flizabelli's letters patent for the creation and rdl.iration of James Fitzgerald earl of Def- moud. (Lat.) Oatlands, Oft. 1, 1600. 56 . 9 . 217. A brief efrimate of the charges of the army, and of the Irate of the exchange in Ireland, from April 1 to Dec. 31 , 1601. 571. 2 i 8 . The eonfeffion of James Fitz Thomas Gerald, made to lir Geo. Carew Prelidt. of Munfter. June y, i 601 . 573 . 2 iy. An indulgence of pope Clement the VIII, to thole who lhall go to St. Gobent’s church in Cork, 1001 . 575 . 220. The Lds. of Council, to Mr. Roht. Cotton; charging him to fupply 011c man and horlc. (Orig.) Oct. 14 , 1601. ‘ 570. 22J. Articles of agreement between Ld. deputy Mountjoy helieging hingfale, and don John del Aguila, governor of the Spaniards there helieged. Jan. 12, 1602. 578> Til us, C. L Codex chartae. nonihi'llas eontmen's membranas, in folio, folior. 532 . A. “ The antiquity, authority, and fuccelfron of the high Reward, conBable, and marffial of England, tL and juril’dicton uf the court military:” being a collection of various trafts made by fcveral learned anti". Richard IT. creating Thomas (Mowbray) E. of Nottingham, earl marllial. (Lat.) Weltin. Jan. 12, 1386 . 116. 12. Les ufages que Thomas de Brotherton, fils an roy, clamoyt a ufer par Pollice mareffialfie: with notes at the end. July 17, 1385 ? 11 6 . 10. A feries of records relating to the office of earl marffial; from 1242 to 1344 . J 25 . 14 . Plaeita aula? I). Leonelli cuBddis Anglia? (et marefchalli r) de caul’a inter priorem de Bultleham (hodie Billiam) et ejufdein conventum. (Orig. in pergamena.) Caverffiam, May 6 , 1347 . 137. 15. Reafons that the court of marffialfea may fitly hold pleas of all manner of trclpall'es, as well upon tlie cafe as others. 137. h- 16. A continuation of the feries of records touch¬ ing the office of marffial; from 1349 to the end of Edw. III. 1377 - 138. 17. Continuation of the fame feries; from 5 Ric. II. (' 1380 ) to 1 Edw. IV. ( 1460 .) J4(j. 1 s. The office of marffial given by Edw. I v. to Tho. Bourcher, in the nonage of John D. of Norfolk. U6l. 162. 7 C 19 - A T ] T U S, C. I.—TV. SS« 10 . A letter of Hr Robert Cotton, touching the office of marilial. Nov. 5 , l< 5 o*J. 169. •20. Continuation of the records, touching the E. nuirlhal: mifcellaneous. 172. 21. The manner, form, and ufage of Gilbert de Strigul, marlhal of England, in the exercifing of that office.'! I lie coronation of IE Henry 11 . with other matters relating to the jurii’diction, &c. of the laid marthal. 17 - 3 . h. 1 2'2. Continuation of the records touching the E. marihai, here intituled, “ Oblervationes qiuedam ex “ placitisabftra&se.” is*2. ' 23 . Eour iuftruments, two of Richard II. one of John D. of Bedford, and one of Elizabeth eountefs of Salifburv, relating to caufes before the court of the high conftable and marlhal. (Eat. and IT. on vellum.) 187 - ■ 24 . Two patents of Q. Elizabeth, granting tire <■ < of £. marlhal to George E. of Shrewibury, Jan. '2, 1.372; and in eommiflion to lord Buckhurlt and the earls of Nottingham and Worcclter. Dec. 26 , 1602. 191. ■2.3. A commiffion of K. James I, to the EE. of Suf¬ folk, Worcefter, and others, to exercife the office of E. marlhal of England. 1614 . 197. A collection of papers on duels, combats. lawful ‘26. A brief hiftorical differtation on duels; by R. Cotton, loop. 201. 27. Seven tracts on the antiquity, ufe, and cere¬ mony of lawful combats in England; by Davies, Whitlock, Holland, Agard, and others. 205 . 28. A challenge for a duel between Henry Inglofe, Efq; and fir John Tiptoft, Knt. to he fought before the duke of Bedford, high conftable. (Fr.) 1415 . 229. 29. Five writs relating to combats before the con¬ ftable and marlhal. 230 . 30 . A lift of patents relating to the office of marlhal; from 27 Edw. II r. to 8 Hen. VI. 232 . 31 . Ten original iuftruments, being chiefly royal mandates of Henry vi. feveralof them figned by him; concerning lifts and combats. 234 . 32 . Notes of certain turns to he put in form, and then to be concluded hv the whole council, touching the regulation of duels: in the hand-writing of K. James I. 238 . b. 33 . A treatife on duels, in two hooks. 239. 34 . A collection of notes, papers, &c. on duels, (chiefly French.) 346. 35 . What manner of duels they ufe in Italy; and why they hold it not fit to anfwer a challenge. (Ital.) 370 . b. 36 . Forme di pace fatte da diverfi; being cam- prom ifes of quarrels. 374. S 7 - Duello foil'd,” being a treatife in which the lawfulnefs of duels is difputcd according to the ru les of honour and right reafon. 393. 38 . Two papers on meafures taken againft duels. 402 . 39. Of a lye; how it ought to be dealt in by an E. marlhal. 404 . 40. Notts of the laws in Spain for preventing Angle combats. 407. 41 . Notes out of the D. of Bullion's difeourfe, touching the lye and the blow. 408 . 42. '1 hrcc queftions propofed to the count d’Ango- fciola (bar Allied from Parma and living in Savoy) in matter of duel. (Italian.) 409. 43. Placcart dcs Archidues centre les delis ct duels. (Printed.) Bruxelles, 1610. 413. 44. A paper concerning laws againlt duels. 4 16. C. Trails on the office of arms, &c. 45. Of the authorities and power that the pro volt, marlhal, and his lieutenant have in the Jurilclir;ion of the artillery. * 420. 46. A new ordnance for the office, and due at¬ tendance of the knight marlhal. 42s 47. A printed paper concerning a libel againlt Fabian baron a Dhona (Dawn.) 4S. De la droitc ordonnance du gaige dc bataiIE-, partout le Iioyaume de France. 434 4(>. A onnfideratinn of the office and dutv of the heralds in England (two copies) with an order among them for the 1 ). of Buckingham to bear the arms of Thomas of Wooditock. 13 Edw. IV. 44 1. 50 . A tract of Francis Thynne, Lancaftcr, on herald ry. 454. 51 . lleafonsfor revoking certain arms; and allbon the reformation of the office of arms. 464. 52. Caufes of the diforders in the office of arms, and how they may he reformed. 467. 53. Rules for the reformation of the office of arms. 471 . 54 . An order of K. James I. againft improper bearings. 492. b. 55. Matters concerning heralds, and the trial of arms ; and of court military. 493. 56 . Two orders concerning the arms borne by fir Rowland Hayward. 500. 57. An examination and cenfure of Geo. Rotheram and Wm. Dethick, for having uttered a fa He pedigree at the inftance of the E. of Kent, Ld. Burleigh, and Ld. Effingham, being commiffioners for the office of E. marlhal. 50s. 58 . L’Acle entre Mons. Jean Lovell & Thomas Seig. de Morlaix devant la Com* du connetable a Neufchaftell fur Tyne, le 20 Aout, 1595. 509. Titus, C, II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians fob 403 . Index rotulorum patentium qui reponuntur in turri Londinenfi, a 3 Johannis, ad 51 Edward 111. Titus, C. III. Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians foliis 293 . Index alter rotulorum, a 1 Ric. II. ad 23 Edw. IV. Titus, C. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, confians foliis 512. 1. “Certain humble petitions, to he obtained by “ the king's afient, before any regular and juft order “ can he let down for the fuppreffion of duellos and “ challenges.” l. 2. Collectanea under the running titles “ Menda- “ cium, provocatio, leges civiles, jus naturee, &c. " all relating to duels. 3 . 3 . A tract in 4 to. under the heads of £i lye, injury, “ blows, provocation, and latisfaCtion. 111 4. A TITUS, C. IV.—'VII. 559 4 . A letter of thanks from count tie Cartigrtano, to the earl of Northampton ; on his leaving England. (Orig. Ital.) Gravefend, Jan. 13, ids'. 131. 5 . Continuation of the above Colleclanea, under the heads “ provocatio, rencontre, precedcntes, pcna delle prove, ferite, fatisfa&io, honos non in noftra poteftate, regis poteftas;” and many others, all on the fubjedt of duels. 131 • 6 . A treat.ife againft duels, written by, or in the name of, K. James I. 422. 7 . A difeourfe concerning duels: anonymous. 460. S. Francis Cottington, to Ld. Northampton? on the laws of duels in Spain. (Orig.) Lond. Sept. 12, 1613. 503 - 0. Sir John Finct, to the E. of Northampton (Ld. privy feal) on the practice of duelling in France. (Orig.) Paris, Feb. 19 , 1609 - 10 . 504. 10 . The earl of Northumberland's challenge fent unto fir Francis Veere j. with an account of the pro¬ ceedings thereupon. 5 10 . Titus, C. V. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 204. 1 . Colle&ions out of ancient records and parlia¬ ment rolls, concerning the baronage of England, their rights and privileges of peerage, trial, fcandalum magnatum, procel's againft them in courts of law and chancery, &c. 2 . Writs of futnmons to parliament, directed to the bifhops, abbots, and barons, with their feveral names, qualities, and titles; and the like to the Jhe- riffsand burroughs, and barons of the Cinque ports; alfo other fummons to the barons and knights to ap¬ pear and ferve the king in his wars, or for other great affairs of the government, beginning A 0 49 Hen. III. and ending A° 2 lien. VI 11 . From the dole rolls. 44. b. Titus, C. VI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conflans foliis 600 . t. A colled ion of letters of Ld. Henry Howard, afterwards earl of Northampton, to Q. Elizabeth, lord Burleigh, fir Robt. Cotton, and others; with fome anfwers of lord Burleigh: molt of them originals, l. 2. Copies of three letters, and an original one of the E. of Effiex (Devereux) alfo part of the draught of a letter, without names or date. fol. 146 . b. 145 . 3 . Mountjoy (Ld.) to.. complaining of negleft. (Orig.) Dublin, April 28 . 149. 4. Sir Robert Cecil, to Ld. Henry Howard ; chiefly on domeftic affairs. (Orig.) 150 . 5 . Copies of letters from Scotland: this paper is fjgned “ WSmray oft' Gofperle.” 152 . 0. K. .lamer. I. to the E. of Northampton ; firlt commending his fervices, and then upbraiding him tor fpeaking againft the union in parliament. (Orig.) 156 . 7. Original letters, to the E. of Northampton ; from —1. Wicchamici Oxonienfes; 2 . Chriftian IV. K of Denmark; 3 . Hen. Robinfon Bp. of Carlifle; 4 . Cultos et. focii cohegii B. Maria: Winton in Oxon. 5. Wicchamici Oxonienfes; 6 . Hen. Yelvertori; 7. Salilbury; 8 . Tho. Lacke; 0. Jacobus de Somere; 10. Will. Alhebold, D. D.; with an oration of Dr. Byng, held at Cambridge. 157 . 8 . The vice-chancellor and convocation of Cam¬ bridge, to K. James I; on their having eledted the E. of Northampton chancellor, which the king ap¬ pears to have dilliked. (Orig. Lat.) June. 171 - 9. Fragments of fpeeches, alfo verfes, on the death of Mary Q. of Scots, See. all probably by the E. of Northampton. l? 2 - 10. Several common places on the inftitution,power, and rights of kings, anti maxims of government; written by Henry earl of Northampton. 182. 11. Several aphorifms of morality and policy ; ar¬ guments for and againft war; ftriclures againft Ra¬ leigh and Cobliam; alfo againft the Lutherans and Lollards. 314 . 12. A fpeech in the houfc of peers at the palling of the bill of recognition of the lawful right of K. Janies I. to the crown of England. 415 . 13 . A fpeech at a committee, about the union be¬ tween England and Scotland. 422 . 14 . Draughts and minutes of feveral other fpeeches in parliament.; on the union, complaints of merchants againft Spain, fupplies, &c. (fome in Latin;) perhaps delivered at the univerfity of Cambridge. 434 . 15. Peculiar offices and forms of prayers and de¬ votion. 528 . N. B. The greateft part of this volume appears to have been written by the E. of Northampton, Ld. privy feal, warden of the Cinque ports, and chancellor of Cambridge ; and was probably his book of Colleclanea. Titus, C. VII. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 245 . 1. A fragment on the Spaniffi marriage, alliance, and councils. 3 . 2. Ch. Davers, to fir Robt. Cecil; juftifyinghim- felf. 6 . 3 . Roger Williams, hiftorical notes de bcllo Bel-’ gico, about Flufhing, Requefens, See. 6 . b. 4 . Lift of perfons attainted A° Eliz. 9 - b. 5. Lift of prifoners in the Tower, under fir Owen Hopton, Lieut. 10. 6 . Pope Pius IV, to Q. Elizabeth ; exhorting her to be reconciled to the church of Rome. (Lat.) Rome, May 5 , 1560 . 11. 7. The fentence of the Star chamber againft the E. of Hertford. 11. b. 8 . Heads of a fpeech of fir Walt. Mildmay in par¬ liament, concerning the opprellions of Rome, the finances, Sec. Feb. 1575. 11. b. 9. A difeourfe of the queen’s marriage with the D. d’Anjou; drawn out, as is thought, by the lord keeper. 1570. 12. 10. Articles or conditions annexed to the rank of count of the empire ; taken out of a letter of count Arundel. 14 . b. 11. An extradl from a letter concerning an earl; probably Tyrone. 15 . 12. Ld. Burleigh, to Ld.intelligence, chiefly from Scotland. (Orig.) Farnham, Aug. 11, 1591 . 16 . 13 . Declaration of Valentine Thomas, a fentenced criminal, that the K. of Scots had attempted to pre¬ vail upon him to take away the queen’s life. 1598 . 17 - 1 4 . Sir Robt. Bowes, to Q. Elizabeth ; on the above affair, See. May 31, 1599. 17. 15 . James 5&o T I T U S, C. VII. 1 . 3 . James vi. L\ of Sc. to Q. Elizabeth; vindi¬ cating himfelf. Falkland, July i/.ps. 19. lb. A note concerning lomc niifunderfiaiidiiig with the ff. of Denmark. June 9 , 1398 . 19. h. 17. Divers letters and papers, concerning charges brought a gain ft fir Edward Coke, chief juft ice. l 6 l 6 ’. OQ_ ] 8 . The opinion of doftors of law; concerning re- prifals. ' n~ 19 - Jim. I.d. Ellcfmere, chancellor, to James I; deli ring his difmifiion, deeming himl'elf lhpcramni- ated. 1 ( 5 12. «_>q_ ■ Jan ■ ■ !. to fii Ed* Col e : diiVh; irging him Crom the office ot chief julticc of common pleas. Nov. 1.5, 161b. 30- 2 1 . Copies of a letter from, and of one lo, the lip. of Glafgow, amhalfador of Mary Q. of Scots at the French court. (Fr. and Engliih.) Oct. and Nov. 158 °. 5 .,. b . 5 1, A note of the fervices performed by fir Arth Ch.ichcltcr, as Ld. deputy of Ireland. 1G04. 5.,. Notes ot tome public proceedings; and of the death of Q. Elizabeth. 5b. 11. Cuffe, to Mr. fecrelary, after his condemna¬ tion ; and lome hiltorical notes. 5 7 . Of the proceedings againft the pretended ca- liol,as - ay. b. :s. (J. Elizabeth, to Hen. Jv K. of Fr. on Iiis apottatizing. (hr.) Nov. 12, 1593. (ji. h. 59 . An account of the deatli and funeral of Henry prince ot Wales. Nov. 1012 . A " 0, ‘; : llH ' Emperor defins Cord. Pole not to come to England. 1 0 . 0. 1 ■ or rue execution ot the E. lex. Feb. 23, lboo. G& Ng:, ; examination of Oiffc: the confeflion of the E. 01 Elicx ; lift of perfons indidted. lboo. 69. / i> 4 i’VH?- 0l t 0t an ambalfatlor at Paris (Ealph W mwood) concerning the I), de Bouillon l bo i. 70. . y J I'’ % rf 5 e ii' -I an' - a to fr ; at Jus lait audience. JnncB, 1.377. ~j h . ; s * 1 A - co1 , 1 ■ ‘ 1 ft » that 1 1 n men defired of the king, for the good of the F v oh 46 . A draught of th ■ of naturalizat dene elector Palatine. (Eat.) . 1 ■ • ■' n °t e on the coilu ien< em Titus, TITUS, C. X.—XV. Titm, C. X. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans folds 138 . 1. A grant of K. Edvard IV. of tlip manors of Overhall, Netherhall, Silvcfters-hal!, and others, in Suffolk and Elfcx, to Anne the wife of fir W m. Bourg- chier, and filter to Q. Elizabeth the king s wife. (Lai) Weftm. Feb. 1 4 , 1479 - 3 - 2. Notes and copies of feveral bonds of the I.ds. Effex and Dacres, &e. 4 . 3 . Proceedings in a caufe between J. Ilankin, and T. Peacock. 5. 4 . A grant of Edward IV. of a free warren, to Richard de Cropliall; May 6 , 1400 : alfo an inqui- fition concerning lands at Lantefey. 1533 . 6 . 5 . A rent roll of the manors of Acton trulfel, and Bednal, belonging to John E. of Oxford. 7 . ( 1 . Notes of indentures of fir James Bafkerville, relating to his marriage contract; alfo of bonds of the E. of Elfex. 137*2. 11. 7. The charges paid by the E. of Elfex for his in- ftallation at Windfor. June 18, 1572. 15 . 8 . Names of thofe who met at barriers at White¬ hall, June 14, 1572. i(j. 9. Account of tenures in Mr. Bofville’s office. 17. 10. Three law papers; 1. a fine and recovery, con¬ cerning various eltates ; 2 . and 3 . relating to cltates of the earl of Elfex. 23 . 11. Rent roll of the manor of Monkton. 27. 12. Mifcellancous notes of bonds, recognizances, covenants, and other law inftruments, alio of royal grants, rents, &c. many of them relating to the E. of Elfex. 30 . 13 . A lift of monafteries in England, according to the counties. 37. 14 . A note of funis paid by different countries to «the order of Sti John of Jeraialeni. 40 . 15. Lifis of names, probably of monafteries. 41 . it!. A lit:of priories, monafteries, and nunneries in Scotland. 44. 17. Genealogies of feveral Irilh families, and feme papers on the Rate of Ireland. 4(3. b. 1 8 . A memorial of the manner and charge of the government of Ireland, from 1 Mary, 1553 , to 1602. 65 . 19. Bulla dementis VII. eoneefia R. Ilenrieo VIII. de fecundis nuptiis contrahendis, conitante nullitatc primi matrimonii. 10 Kal. Jan. 1527 . 73 . 20. Iliftorica qufedam de regina Elizabetha. 74. 21. Minutes of a memorial of fir Wm. Cecil, on Q. Elizabeth's coming to the crown. 77. b. 22. A journal of the chief tranfafiions in the reign of Q, Elizabeth. 23 . Various notes, papers, and documents relatino- to the tranfa&ions in the reign of Q. Elizabeth. 105 . 2 1. An account of fubfidies given by the fubje&s, from the time of Edward III. to James J* 135. Titus, C. XI. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 112. Hifioria RR. Henrici vm. et Edwaidi VI. et rc- ginaiMari;e; per Erancifcum Godwinum, cpilcopum llcrcfordenfem. Titus, C. XII. Codex cliartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 195. 1. A rem on ft ranee to the Pope, and all Chriitian Princes, fetting forth the claim of Mary Q. of Sc. to the crown of England, after the death of Mary Q. of England. (French.) K 2. The ftatutes of Berwick. 5^ 3 . A treatife on the defence of tlie borders. 63. 4 . A topographical and military account of the Rate of the marches; with illuminated drawings of fome caftlcs, &c. (A fragment.) ° 7 e. 5 . Copy of a difpatcli on Scottiili affairs, without name or date. g 3 j d.to Q- Mary of Sc. about fome negotia¬ tions with fir Hen. Englefield, the duke d’Alba, &c. rp, June 1. 1569. 98 . 7. Proceedings of the eommiiVioncrs at York and London, concerning Q. Mary’s affairs, with the full powers ol d divers papers pro¬ duced before them. 1568 and 1569. j 11. s. Giraldi Cambrenfis inftitutionum principis, epitome. j 8 J 2 9. Exccrpta ex epitome hiftoriae Rogeri Walden. 183 . 10. Exccrpta ex libro Bernewellenfi. 190. b. 11. Pnufules Wintonienfii ecclcfne cathedralis. 194 . 12. A few defeents of the Foliet and MortimeF families ]y 3> Titus,. C, XIII. Codex chart, in fol. conftans foliis 1 1. cum fupe- riore fimul eonipatius. Q- Elizabeth’s new eftabliihment and order for Ber¬ wick. and other holds on thceaft. borders. (Original, ligned by Q. Eliz. aud counterfigned Fr. Walfmgham.) June 20, 1576. Titus , C. XIV. Codex chartac. in 4 to. conftans foliis 158. Monita ethica et civilia : eollectore Abdulwahabo filio Achmedis. Liber Arabicus. Titus, C. XV. Fragmcntum papyraccum, et quatuor folia char- tacea, in folio. 1. Fragmcntum, latino, litcris majufeulis, fee. vil. vcl vm. in cliarta iEgyptiaca feriptum. 2. Fragmenta quatuor antiquiffima, S. Script urse. Uteris majufeulis argentcis exarata, in cliarta pur- purei coloris, argento oh vetuftate evanido ; coiiti- nentia quatuor periochas Evangeliorum SS. Matthau etJohannis; quarum: (l.) Incrpiti v. 57. cap. XXVI. S. Matthau, et in v 65 . ejuIUem capitis definit. (2.) Incipit TITUS, C. XV.—D. IV. 5 6 ' (2.) Incipit <1 v. 2 6. cap. XXVII. et definit v. 34 . ejufdem. ( 3 .) Incipit a v. 2 . cap. XIV. S. Johan, et definit v. 10. ( 4 .) Incipit &v. 15 . cap. XV. et definit v. 22. Veneranda nomina IHXOT2, 0EOS, KTPIOI, TIOS, XflTHP, aureis cliara&eribus defcribuntur: horum tria prima quidem per compendia, uti in codicibus Alexandrino etBeza2 obfervatur. Titus , C. XVI. Codex mem bran, in 4 to. conftans foliis 132 . Sir John Maundevil's Travels. (In old Englilh.) Titus , C. XVII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 46 . Iliftoria Britonum, per Galfridum Monumethen- fem. Titus, C, XVIII. Libellus chartac. in 4 to. folior 29 - cum fuperiore codicc fimul compactus. A difcourfe concerning the match propofed be¬ tween queen Elizabeth and the D. d’Anjou : on a la¬ bel at the beginning, Henry Howard earl of North¬ ampton is faid to be the author of this tradt. Titus, C, XIX. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans foliis 1 43 . A manual of devotion. Titus, C. XX. Codex membran. in 4 tq. min. conftans foliis 44 . De ftatu hominum poft mortem. Titus , D. I. Codex membran. in 8 vo. conftans foliis 84 . XXXVII articles of John Wickliflr’ in which he in¬ veighs againft the errors, and the ecclcliaftics, of thofe times. (In old Englilh.) Titus, D. II. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans foliis 73 . Leges Ilowelis Dha, feu “ boni;” lingua Wallica. In fine reperiuntur, cliaracteribus exefis et obfolef- centibus, hcec verba; “ Anus permilfione divinaAffa- venlis Eccie. minifter humilis.” Ille certefuit Anianus, aut prior (1249—1267.) aut polterior (12GS— 1293 .) Titus, D. III. Codex membran. in 8 vo. foliis conftans 151. 1. Defcriptio arae Noir, fecundum Alin fern, Jofe- phum, Auguftinum, et Strabum ; cum variis figuris. 3. 2. Computatio annorum et retatum mundi. 5. 3 . A plan and defeription of a temple; probably of Jerufaleiii. 7 * b. 4 . Chronica ab orbe condito, cum tabulis genea-* logicis; continens hiftoriam facram ad tempora Chrifti. g 5. Narrationes de Sco. Petro, Philippo, Jacobo, et Johanne. ,.}g. b. 6 . A drawing of the candleftick in the holy tabernacle, with a myftical account of its feveral parts. 64. 7 . Computatio annorum Chrifti, et B. Virginis, quod 14 annorum fuitquando concepit, et quod vixit 63 annis, &c. 64. },. 8 . Verfus rhythmici, defitu paradifi. 65 . 9 . Commemoratio de Enocho et Elia; tarn profa quam verfibus. 65. b. 10. De fituterrte fan 61 ie, et via filiorum Hraclis; fecundum Theodoretum. , 68 . b. 11. Defcriptio locorum fanctorum juxta Jerufa- lcm. 73 . 12. De genealogia B. Virginis, et Elizabctha?; et de nominibus, ortu, et aftibus patrum prineipalium novi Teftamenti, puta, S. Johannis Baptiftie, apofto- lorum, &c. partim profa, partim verfibus, per Gode- fridum Viterbienfem. 74. b. 13 . Verfus quod lignum S. crucis natum fuit in paradifo ; fecundum Athanaliimi. 88 . b. 14. Verfus quod xxx denarii, quibus venditus eft Chriftus, fabrieati funt tempore Nini, regis Aflyriorum. 90 . 15 . Iliftorica queedam dc Pompeio, OOaviano, Tj'- berio, aliifque Romanis imperatoribus, ad Antoninum pium; partim profaice, partim metrice. 91. b. 16. Teftimonia prophetarum, fuper fingula opera Chrifti. ipi. 1 7 -' De prophetis et patribus veteris Teftamenti; de origine eorum, &c. fecundum Ifidorum. 120. b. 18. De origine, vita, et morte patrum novi Tefta- menti. ' io 3 . b. 19 . De feptem mirabilibus mundi. 126. 20. Chronica de Appollonio, rege Tyri, tempore Seleuci Antioehi; verfibus. 127. 21. Liber Metbodii, epifeopi ecclefias Patarorum, et martyris Chrifti, de principio et fine feculi; de IIebra. s o et Graico fermone in Latinum tranflatus. 138. 22. Verfus de Gog et Magog; et iuclufione tri- buum inter montes. 142. 23 . De Sibyllis, earum nominibus, patria, et aefi- bus, diebus Alexandri magni. 143 . 24. Verfus de Conrado II. imperatore. 147. b. Titus, D. IV. Codex et membran. et chart, in 8 vo. foliorum 139. 1 . In fufeepti diadematis diem Hcnrici VIII. et Catherine 64 . TITUS, D. IV.—XII. Catherine regime cjus, carmen gratulatorium Thoime More Londincnfis. l. 2. Ejufdem in fubitum imbrem, qui in pompa rc- gis ac regime largiter obortus, nec l'olem abftulit, nec duravit, carmen. 11. 3 . Ejufdem ad regem, de aureo feculo per cum rc- deunte; item, de fpefraculis equeitribus per cum editis; epigrammata. 12. 4. Ejufdem de rofa utraque in unum florem coali- ta, epigramma. 13 . 5 . Hiftoria brevis a Bruto ad tempora R. Edwardi confefforis ; in charta. 1 . 5 . 6 . Traclatus philofopbicus, de naturae principiis, de potei'tate lationum ca’lcftium in mentem et mores, aliHque: auetor videtur efl'e Athelardus. 75 . Titus , D. V. Codex membran. in Svo. conftans foliis 98 . Tra 61 atus de oblatione jugis facrificii; feriptus circa tempora R. Ilcnrici 5 '. in quo multa continen- tur contra novum tranfubtantiationis dogma, et de Antichrifto. (Anglice.) Titus, D. VI. Codex chartac. in 8 vo. folior. 13 S. Efcripturas y orden de particion y de rcfidencia civil ct criminal, con una inftrucion particular a los ferivanos del reyno : fecho por Diego de Ribera, ferivano delnumero dc Granada. A. I). 15G9. Titus, 1 ). VII. Codex membran. in 8vo. conftans foliis 1G2. 1. Inventarium reliquiarum qua; habentur in mo- nafterio Glaftonienfi. 1. 2. Computus ecclefiafticus, antiqua manu feriptus, eumtabulis et fchematibus. 12. 3. Prophetia five vifio S. Thonia- Cantuarienfis, quam B. \ irgo ipfi in fonuiio l'uggeftit, de ampulla olei qua ungeudi erant reges Anglia 1 . 20. 4. Prophetia; aliorum, de Ibrtuna Anglia, dc rege Scotorum, &c. tarn verfibus quam profa. 27. 5. l)e Jofepho ab Arimathea. 29. b. b. Prophetia Merlini, vatis Anglia?. so. 7. Chronica Beluacenfis, ab orbe condito ad tem¬ pora Friderici 11 imperatoris; ex diverbs hiftoriogra- phis abbreviata. sg. S. Chronica Anglia 5 , ab ingreffu Saxonum ad 23 An. R. Edwardi ill. 94. b. 9. Quredam de regc Aluredo, etde Papa Gregorio. 1 03 . 10. Chronica Paparum ; viz. a Petro Apoftolo feu capite ecclefne incipiendo, uique ad tempora Boni- facii VIII. 103. 1 1. Tractatus de mirabilibus Anglia 5 . in. i'-. Ililtoria Jerofolymitana, per Jacobum de Vi- triaco. 114. Titus, D. VIII. Codex chartac. in Svo. foliis conftans 7S. Hiftoria: Polydori Virgilii de regibus Anglia 5 , et corum geftis, compendium. Titus, D. IX. Codex membran. in Svo. conftans foliis 88 . Leges Howclis Dha. i. c. boni: lingua Wallica. Titus, D. X. Codex chartac. in Svo. conftans foliis 194. 1. Anglia 5 deferiptio ct hiftoria, a Bruto, ad mortem R. Ilcnrici VIII. L 2. Colledliones Johannis Balei, propria manu feripta?, de religiofis ordinibus, prafertim Cannelitis, de antiquitatibus Anglicanis, aliifque multipliers argument!, ex variis libris defumptte. 101. Titus, D. XI.' Codex membran. in Svo. contincns folia 54 . 1. Tlioma archicpifcopi Cantuarienfis epiftola; quadam; viz. (a.) Dike ad R. Ilenricum II. 1. (b.) Epiftola epifcoporuin Cantuarienfis provincial ad Thomam. s. (c.)-Thomas Archiep. Cautuar. ad Gil bertum epifeopum Londinenfem. 12. (d.) - ejufdem, ad epifeopos Cantuarienfis provincia 5 . 17. b. (e.) - altera ejufdem, ad eofdcm. 33 . ( 1 -) - ejufdem, ad omnes epifeopos Anglia;. 36 . (g.) - ejufdem, ad quofdam timoratos Dei, cum rex vetuiflet litcras a Papa aut Tlioma mid as a quoquam recipi, fub poena capitali. 38 . 2. Walteri Hilton, de imagine peccati, epiftola ad quendam amicum fuum. 40. Titus, D. XII. Codex membran. in Svo. folior. 93 . fol. 83 , 84 , 87 , ct 88 , chartacei. 1. Genealogie des rois de France. * c. 2. Chronica Britonum, Saxonum, et Normanno- rum, a Bruto ad R. Henri cum II. 3 3 . Comitatus et epifeopatus Anglia.*; quot abbatias et prioratus in illis, ct cujus ordinis live inftituti ; et caftclla. 38 . 4 . Brevis epilogus de opere lex dicrum in creatione mundi; de feptem mundi ietatibus; ac de cliro- nicis qudrundam quae in iifdem astatibus luccefierunt. 43 . 5 . Deliberations et expoies des trois <*tats ,du royaume de France Fan 1356 , lorfque le roy Jean fut fait prifonnier. 58 . G. Conliderations, par forme dc narratif, des maux advenus a la France, de joye prefente et advenir, &c. 73 . 7. Verfns prophetici rhythmici cujufdam monachi de Bridlington; cum expofitionibus roarginalibus. 81 . 8 . A tetiaftich, prophefying the dcftruction of Reves abbey, in Yorklliire (fic.) with a note. 93 . b. Tit in, TITUS, £>, Jtlir. —XI5t. 565 Titus, D. XIII. Codex chartac. in Qvo. continens folia 117. Collcfilanea ex antiquis rotulis et libris dc pncdiis et teiTis datis, permutatis, et venditis; ct de litibus inde ortis. Titus, D. XIV. Defideratur. Titus, D. XV. Codex membran. in 8 vo. conftans foliis 59 - fol. 58 ct 5 rivy t ouncil, to tl ( ■ of the council of the norib ; approving of their con- duel, and giving them furl her orders concevnin<>-in- furreflious in thole parts. June 4 , 2, July 13, May 20, Aug. 14, and July 23 , I0G9. * 111. i 1. Abftracls of the infmiclions for the Councils of the north and of the ma les ; the forn cr dated Aug. 10, 1.399, and the latter Aug. 23, 1007. (fob 129. 130 . 128 . mi. 127. !■ 3. \ ith 1 ... 1 ',1 notes of their differences. 129. b. ic. A petition of the mayor and corporation of ^ ork, to Ii. James 1. concerning the privilege of having a fword borne before the mayor; referred by the king to the earl marflial’s court,* June 20, jgok. (Orig.) ,33. 13 . A brief in ft rue; ion for the earl of Huntingdon, pfeli'dent < the council in he uorth. in c ommiflion \v ith him. ((h ig. 1 . n< Commence. “ l r n moyne de Sal tereie “ Kn eferit ccft unte enveie “ A abbe de Sarti et od falud l)is vous dit il qe dit mci fud .' 5 Domitianus, V. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 175. 12 . Carmen fatyricum, in monaclios. 157. 13 . Cognatio et genealogia Brychain, unde Bre- cliinia diCta eft pars Demetia* 15 7. b. Domitianus, II. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 14 S. 1. Chronica qua?dam brevis fratris Johan. Somour, ordinis S. Francifci deconventu. villa Briggewatcl'. I. 2. Liber de litu, inftitutionc, privilegiis etpoffef- fionibus, earumque limitibus, ecclefia Sci. Alartini de Bello, a R. Willielmo et ab aliis datis. 7 - 3 . Breve chronicon de regibus Britonum et An¬ glorum, ad ternpora R. Edwardi I. ubi agitur de ho- magioregis Scotia?, eidem regi praftito. iso. 4. Brevis hiftoria regum Britonum et. Anglorum, It. c. a Bruto ad depofitionem R, Edwardi II. partim Gallice, partim Latinc. 141. ]. EpiftolaBadulphi Archiep. Cantuar; Calixto tr Pap- mu..1 quci =sa tfa jnjar;a fib; et k kb t antuai 1 . lllata, m cojiienalione aR-hiepifcopi. et eaufis ecclefia? Eboracenfis. -• Atteftatio R. \\ illiclmi F. de primatu Cantuarien- lis ecclefia ; cum fubferiptionibus epifeoporum et abbatum. 13 3. Profeffio Thom a 1 1, Eboracenfis Archiep. quam fecit Lanfranco C antuar. archiepifcopo. 14. 4. Concilia Lanfranci, quibus interfuit Thomas. ! 4 . De Girardo, qui fucccffit Thoirue Eboracenfi, ac t'jus profeftione ; et de eontmverlia ilia inter archie- pifcopos Cantuarienies et Eboracenfes agitata, uftiue ad reftitutionem Thurftani per Calixtum II. 14. b. 6. Giraldi Cambrenfis lex dialog!, dcclcctione fua mieclem Meneveniem, de moribus cleri Wallitu, etdq iplius laboribus propter ecclefia 1 fua? dignitatem et jura contra eeeleliam Cantuarier.fem. Seri bit auetor tertia perfona, ut de fe fecurius et eonfidentius*, ablquq Uefa modeftia, loquatur. o; _ Domitianus, III. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans fol. 252 . 1. Chronica de regibus Anglia? fucccfiive reg- nantibus, k tempore Bruti, ufque ad A. D. isoi. au 6 tore Petro de Icham monacho Cantuar. 1. 2. Regiftrum chartarum monafterii Radingenfis, de fundatione, ratificationibus, et indulgentiis rcgalibus, pontificalibus, epifeopalibus, terris, poffeflionibus, libertatibus, aliifque ad idem monafterium pertinen- tibus: in quo occurrunt multa de Eeon-minfter. Pramittuntur formula? juramenti quibus obltringun- tur lenefcliallus, fubfenefchallus five elericus icae- rarii, aliique officiarii abbatia?de Rading, et prioratus de Leon-minfter. " ss. Domitianus VL Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans ex foliis 208 . Ars tabeUionatus, d< a [ rt< Not irias qua confiftit in a 6 lis curiaruny proedhbus judieum, delinitionibus litium, aliifque, ieeundum formam Romana curia ; live fumma dietaminis. compofita per Thomam «lj Capua, Rom? na (c< 1 < i e ca dinalem. in:' / opus Archiep. Cantuarienli Johannes Bononienlis, uili dieamus duos libros horum audorum elfe confulbs. Domitianus , VII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 79. 1. InitialV. Evangeliorum, ante 500 eireitcr anno* feripta. ' j t. Nwi ram. D0A4ITIANUS, VII.—IX. 5~S 2. Nomina benefa&orum Dunelmenfis ecclefi®, fc. return vel ducum, regin a rum et abbatilfarum, anae.horitarum, abbatum, prefbyterorum, diaconorum, elcricorum, et inonachorum ; literis aureis et argenteis circa tempora Adfredi regis, fed pofteris temporibus jion tanta cura et methodo confcripta. Inferuntur etiam qusdam antiqus convcntiones inter Sci. Cutli- berti conventual aliofque facta?; hilque vetuftis ad- ditre funt aliie membran®, in quibus continuantur nomina benefadtorum ejufdem ecclefi® ufque ad dif- folutionem ejus, regnante llenrico VIII. vid. VVanleii Cod. Saxon. Catal. p. 249 . 12. Domitianus t VIII. Codex membran. in 4to. condans foliis 173. 1. Iliftoria regum Saxonum. 1 - 2. Nomina antiquorum archiepifcoporum Cantua- rienfium, et Eboraeenfium, item Dunelmenfium epif- coporum: ubi de portatione corporis Sci. Cuthberti, cjns rcipiic in Ceaftrc per 11 5 anuos, etdeinde tranfla- tibne ad Dunelmum. 8. b. 3 . Nomina comitatuum Anglia?. 9 - 4. De fucceffione com it uni Northumbrenfium poft Eiricum, ultimum regem. 9 - 5. Epiftola Pafchalis II. P. ad It. Henri cum I; fuper invedituris. 10. 0. Epiftola N . . Papa?, ad Ilenricum imperatorem ; in qua concedit illi electiunes epifeoporum et abba¬ tum Teutonic’! regni. 11, b. 7. Forma renunciationis invediturarum per annu- lum etbaculum facia 1 , per Ilenricum imperatorem, in qua concedit canonicam fieri eleftionein et liberam conl'ecrationem. 12. 8. Juramentum quod epifeopi prsdabant Romano pontifici. 12. 9. Verfus quidam rhythmici, continentes querelam animie pocnitentis, liynmos ad Deum, et profeibonem ftdei orthodox®. 12. b. 10. Compendium hiftori®, a turri Babylonica, et divifione terra, ad Ludovicum imperatorem, filium Caroli magni. 15 . 11. Chronicon Saxonico-Latinum k Chrifto nato, fere ad mortem Edwardi R. et Conf. cum pnvfatione Saxonica, ex initio Hid. Eccles. Red a: ddumpta. Multa commentitia inferuntur in hoc codice & mo- nacho quodam (ut. videtur) Eccl. Chi. Cantuari®. Hie eft iile codex quem deferibere opera pretium dux it Fr. Junius E. V. cuius diferepantes lettioncs diligcntiilime notavit in chroniei fui Saxonici imo margiue, vir Clar. Edm. Gibfonus. 29. 12. Epidola Roberti abbatis Montis S. Micliaelis, ad Rogerum abbatem Reccenfem; de cbronicis Eufebii Ca?farienfis, continuatis per S. Hieronymum, aliolque. 70. 13. Ejufdem Roberti annales de rebus Roraanorum, Francorum, et Anglorum, ab A* 1158, ad An. 1179. Minime concordant cum illis ejufdem au&oris annali- bus, quas Pidorius, in ipfius Germ, feriptorum edi- tionc, typis evulgavit. 70. b. 14. Liber imperfeSus, qui olim confrabat IV. libris, ut ex titulo pod argumentum operis patet; quorum primus, continebat, Leges Anglicas in Latinum tranflatas. Sola? vero jam occurrunt leges Cnuti, et eapitula legum R.Alfridi, cum X. praceptis Mofaicis, legum judicialium epitome, concilii Ilierofolymitani epidola, et initiis illarum legum. Ca-tcri tres libri deliderantur; viz. 2. “Qusdam feripta temporis uodri necefl'aria;” 3 . dc ftatuet agendis caufarum ; et 4. de furto et partibus ejus. 94. 1.1. Ilcnrici lJuntingdonienfis, epidola ad Gualte- rum; de contemptu mundi. Exit, in Dachem Spici- legio, tom. 8 . p. 178. 1 10. 1 ( 3 . Fragmentum charta? R. Hen. I. de libertatihus Anglis. 11 8 . 17. Cantreds Wallis. 119. 18. Hidoria? de ducibus Norman norum ct regibus Anglorum, fragmentum, fc. a Rollone ad It. Ed- wardum II. 121. 19. Not® breves quo tempore pralia quse.dam, regnante R. Edwardo Ilf. inita fuerint; et quando pedilentia, et alia memorabilia acciderint. 124. 20. Notula quando cantreds five centuri® Wallis primo inceperint. 124. b. 21. Liber dc prima fundatione inonaderii Sci. Petri Glouceftri®, lub Ofrico fub-regul'o, de licentia regis Ethelredi; ubi de Kyneburga aliifque abbatillis qua? ecclefiam primo, deinde de clericis cpii poft ipfas eandem rexerant, de abbatibus, b. e. a Serlone primo abbate A 0 1072, ad Walterum Fronceftre abbatem vi- cefimum, A 0 1381 . 125. b. 22. Donationes omnium bonorum monaderii Sci. Petri Gloucedris, tain temporalium quam fpiritua- lium ; ordine alphabetico. 144. b. 23 . Scutum Dei triangulum ; explicans myderiuni San&s et individusTrinitatis. 161. 24. Qusdam alphabeta literarum, in modum cy- phrarum. 162. 25. Calendarium. 168. Domitianus, IX. Codex membran. in 4 to. condans foliis 10s. 1. S. Aidhelmi, abbatis Malmciburieniis, epiftola adllcahli idum; contraScotorum artes, quos tanquam fciolos perftringit. 3. 2. Chaldsorum (itaappellantur) liters; funt vero Runic®. s. 3 . Epiftola Dionyfii exigui, ad Bonifacium primi- cerum Notariorum. Sec, fere VIII. feripta. 8 . 4. Fragmenta duo: ( 1 .) Ex quodam libro canonum ecclefiadicorum. Saxonice: et, 9 . (2.) Dc S. Auguftino, ex Beda, ut videtur, de- fumptum. 10. 5. Alphabeta Runica bina (i\ Wanleio D. Hickefil gratia deferipta) cum explicatione Latina nominum veterum Run arum. 10. 6 ‘. Voces Saxonies Latine reddits. 10. b. 7. Verfus quidam technici de calemlario, cum hiftorieis obfei vationibus marginalibus. 11. 8 . Reguls ad inveniendum terminum pafchalem, literas dominicales, bidextum, et numerum aureum. 12. b. 9 . Catalogus regum Anglia?, R. Ina ad R. Ed- wardum 1; et quot annos finguli regnarunt. 13. b. 10. Experientia optima pro miuutione fanguinis. 14 . 11. Vcrfus rhythmicide regibus Anglorum. 14. b. 12. Verfus prognoftiei de die S. Pauli, See. et de indulgentia quam concedit Clemens P. v. pro recita- tione quarundam prccuna : cum aliis riiythmicis'ino- nachalibus. 15. is. Revelatio B. Ilildegardis. 16. 14 . Prophetia, rbyllimicis verfibus exarata, cujuf- dain canon ici regulars (Johannis de Bridlington) “ fecund um opinionem vulgi, qui A b rib us infirmatus ed,” ut iple auctor dicit in initio prophetia?: cum 7 G prolix* 574 DOMITI ANUS, IX.—XIV. prolixa expofitione tie rebus in ifta prophetia, pricdic- tis i'ub IIR. Edw. II. it HI. hie in Anglia et in Francia accidentibus. Is qui commentarios feripfit, cos inferibit Humfrcdode Bohun, comiti de Hereford, &c. et conftabulario Anglia?. 17. lo. Nomina regis illius qui fanctam crucem inve- niet, fecund uni diverfas prophetias authenticas. S 3 . 1 ( 5 . Nota dc bora et minuto, quando natus erat R. Edwardus IV. 83 . b. 17. Liters? congratulatorise Pii IV. P. ad Edw. IV. R. Angl. de ipfius ad coronam fucceffione. 11 Kal. Apr. 14 ( 31 . 84 . 18. The names of the lordflrips, with the Bageons belonging to the D. of York. 84 . b. i if). Enchiridion ad Lauren t i um ; continens inftitu- tiones philolbplfue et theologia*. S 5 . Domitianm , X. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 209 . 1. De ha?redibus Scotia?. l- t. Consentiones inter reges Anglia? et Scotia 1 . 1. b. De divifione orbis inter tres filios Noie. 4. 4 . De filiis Woden regis. 1 • 5. De divifione regni Anglia? in varia regna, fub primis regibus Saxonieis. 4 . b. a. Chronicula quredam, extra £1 a ex hiftoriis Bri¬ ton um. 7. Alius tra&atulus de chronicis, ab A* 854 ad An. ] 327. 8 . b. 8 . Chronique depuis Brut jufqua Edward III. 12 . 9. Placita qua?dam in curia regis A° 21 Hen. HI. 90 . 10. Regiftrum chartarum ecelefire Roffenfis de ter- ris, maneriis et prrefentationibus ecclefiarum, de li- bertatibus, privilegiis, deciiuis, redditibus, aliilquead eandem ecclefiam fpectantibus. 91 - Domitianus, XI. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 180 . I. La vie S. Edmund le rey; en vers: imparfait vers la fin. )• e. Vie de S. Thomas de Canterbury ; en vers: im¬ parfait au commencement. 25. 3. La Gcnele de noftre dame feinte Marie; en vers. 43 . b. 4. L'Atfumptione de noftre dame feinte Marie; en vers. 80 . b. .5. L'Evangcl tranflate de Latin en Franceys; en vers. 87. G. La vie dc feinte Lucie vivgine; en vers. 91. 7. La vie la Marie Magdalene; en vers. 92. 8 . La vie feinte Margarete ; en vers. 95 . 9. La vie feinte Marthe ; en vers. 97 . 10. La vie feinte Elizabeth, la fille le roy de Ungarie; en vers. 99 . II. La vie feinte Criltine virgine; en vers. 101. b. 12. La vie feinte Juliane virgine; en vers. 102. b. 13 . La vie feinte Angneys; en vers. 103 . b. 14. La vie feinte Agace virgine; en vers. 105 . b. 15. Liber formularum dc modo eleriionis; caulis quibus electio poteft impediri; de inftallatione ab¬ batis; de modo praefentaudi ad ecclefias; de libellis procuratoriis; aliifque in ufum monalierii B. Maria; Helluni in urbe Rothomago: cum literis abbatis et 1 unvcntus ejufdem monalierii ad varies, et aliomm ad illos. )G. De cxequiis et fepultura Ymerii, deeimi octavi abbatis monafterii B. Maria? de Becco, A" U04: et de eleftione et b(n< li&ii n • fu< elft ris Gil eberti, et de geltis ipfius. 153. Domitianus , XII. Codex et membran. et. chartac. in 4to. conftans foliis I5G. 1. Chronica de gente Anglorum, k Brute ad R. Edwardum III. ^ , 2. Chronica de Kirkftall, a Bruto ad An. 10 Hen. v - 55 . 3 . Sermo Ivonis Carnotenfis epifeopi, de facra- mentis dedicationis eccleliie, ad nuper baptizatos. 139. Domitianus, XIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 145. I. Chronieon Wintonienfis monafterii, a nativitatc Chrifti ad An. 1277. 1. |,. Chroni n Ri .. monachi \\ into- nienfis.de reln'.s tempore R. Ri .rdi 1. et de geflis ipfius in Pal:-A.),; ad Robertum, ohm illius eedeliie ■'■ r ' n, qui fe ... 3 . Liber John unis D.iacoui, de fan 6 Us fanflorum, ad Alexandrum P. gg. 4. Nicolai Manuacutii verfus, ad incorrupta no- mina ] ■ ifi i, in quibus feries Ulo- rum continctur. 90. b. 5. Dc reliquiis ecclefia? Lateranenfis, et de quatuof fandtoruin altaribus. 97. R (). De Siby’.Iis, cum verfibus de extremo die, et refu rredtio ne. 102. 7. Quare reges unguntur. in capite, in peetore, &c. et de infcriptionil us in c A 0 1043 ad An. 1079: per eundem ut vide¬ tur Laur. Nowellum. 49 - 10. Chronica Hibernire, uhi de primis illius regi¬ bus ct incolis. Dcinde, incipit ah An. 948 , et delimit in An. 1507. Cum compendiaria regionis delcrip- tione, aliifque ad iltam infulam fpettantibus. 57. b. 11. Gcnealogire Butleriorum et Darciortim, comi- tum Ultonire, Kildarire, et Burgenfium; live familire de Bourke. 91 . 12. An abbreviate of the getting of Ireland, and of the decay of the fame. 93 . 13 . Varire mappre chorographicre Ilibernire, Scotire, Anglire et Wallire; quarum dice qure Angliam de- leribunt, Saxonicis characterilms a laudato ut videtur Laur. Nowello exarantur: additis quibufdam obfer- vationibus hiftoricis. 99 - 14. Excerpta b Giraldo de topographia Wallire, aliifque. 123 . b. 15 . Bernardi Andrea; Tholofatis, poeta; laureati, regii hifioriographi, de vita atque geltis R. Henrici vii. nonnulla metrice. 12G. 16. De la creacion des heraulx, et ce que au dit office appartient. 229. 17. La fondacion de l’ordre du Jartier. 23 G. 1 8 . La fondacion de l'ordre des chevaliers del Bathe. 243 . 19. Verfes ill praife of It. Henry VII. made in his time. 248 . b. Cleopatra, CLEOPATRA, A. I.— XIf. 576 Cleopatra, A. I. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. laccrus et male habi¬ tus, conftaus foliis 212. 1. Liber dc geftis regum Britonum, a Bmto ufque ad annum 1298. 3. 2. Fragmenta qutedam de gei'tis RR. Ed ward i II. et hi. 208. b. Cleopatra, A. II. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. foliis conftaus GO. Vita S. Modvenna?, virginis Ilibernictr, per Gal- fridum Edys, Burtonenfem monachum. Cleopatra, A. III. Codex membran. in Svo. madore lsefus, conftaus foliis l 17. 1. Gloflarium Latino-Saxonicum, ufque ad li¬ teral]! P. 5. 2. Oloflarium aliud Latino-Saxonicum ; deavibus, 1. 76, de textrinaiibus, f. 77. b, de liominc et parti- bus fjus, f. ? 8 , de igite, f. 80 , de alea, f. 80. b, de plaultris et parti bus ejus, f. 80. b, de lectulo, f. 81, de 1 ignis, f. si. b. de herb is terra 1 , f. 82. b, de fuibus, f. 88, dc metallis, f. 88. b, de frugibus, f. 83 . b, no- mina fee. ord. literarum, f. 84 , dc domibus, f. 86 , de menfa, f. 86. 70. Hoc Oloflarium (quod ab illo /Elfrici non adco alienum eft) una cum prascedenti, exlraftum videtur ex quodam libro Latino, Saxonica interlineata ver- lione infignito. S- Oloflarium Latino-Saxonicum, ex quodam libro dc vitis fanetorum, live hymnario, ut videtur, de- fumptum; cujus rubricse nomina tantummodo pro- phetarum et lanctorum referunt. 92. Cleopatra, A. IV. Codex chartac. in 4to. foliis conftans 12G. Colleftanea qirnlam Gul. Camdeni, quibus ufus eft in illultranda Britannia fua. Cleopatra, A. V. Codex membran. in 4to. min. conftans foliis 195. Li\rc on 1 on traitte ties X commandements, des articles de la foi, des revelations de St. Jean, d'ap- prend re a mourir, des vertus, de l’oraifon dominicale, et autres lujets de religion : “ compile et parfait par un treic de l'ordrc des preefehoirs, a l a requefte du roy de France Phelippe, Fan 1279.” Cleopatra , A. VI. Codex membran. in svo. conftans foliis 106. 1. Grammatics latina, ebaractere Saxonico; fee fere IX exarata. n ' 2. Qua-ftioncs de grammaticalibus, etvmologicis, * c ’ cum refponfiombus, eodeui charavtere. $?. b. | Vcrfus de Gregorio magno pool dice, eodem enaracterc : lequuntur alia grammaticalia. 47 . 4 . C roniques (de) London, depuis fan 44 Hen in jufqu’a 1 an 17 Edw. in. Cleopatra, A. VII. Codex membran. in 4lo. min. conftans foliis 162. 1. ClironSbon breve, k Chrifto nato ad A. C. 1062. “*,.Anniiles monafterii de Theoklberv ; biftoria feil. Angiia*, a R. Edwardo Confeii: ufque ad annum ! 203 . 7 3 . Regiftrum monafterii de Theoklbery; conti- nens chartas donationum, et confirmationum terra- runi. Gs 4 . Liber Albrici, de computo Lunax 104. Cleopatra, A. VIII. Codex membran. in svo. conftans fol. S3. 1. Verfus dc quodam Benedicdo P. per anti- phrafin. „ 2. Libri tres Bernardi Morlanenlis, monaebi Cluni- acenfts, de contemptu mundi, verlibus rhythmicis * ad Petrum abbatem Cluniaeenfium. In tine verfus en com min ci de Symone, abbate Lboracenli, et do comite W ulnotlio. 0 1 3 . Vcrfus rhythmici Magiftri Ilildeberti: Incip “ Pergama flere volo fato Danais data fok>, “ Solo capta dolo capta redafta folo.” 56. 4 . Poema de feemina infantem luum comedere k zelotypo marito coact a: Incip. “ Conquentur fterilem per multos Flavius Affrain, C( Annos et medice confulit artis opem.” 59. An alphabetical index, to what work docs not appear. C3i Cleopatra, A. IX. Codex bombyeinus, in 4 to. conftans foliis 65\ Poema Perfice. Cleopatra, A. X. Codex membran. in 4to. min. conftans foliis 97. Longitudo ct latitudo quarundam regionum et urbium. 0 ] 2. Liber chronologicus et aftronomicus, continens tabulas annorum CJiriiti, Alexantlri, cScc. declina- tuuus lolis, afeenfionum lignorum, rnedii curfus nla- netarum, &c. ■ Cleopatra, A. XL Codfx chartac. in 4 to. min. folior. 14. cum fuperiore fimul compact us. Rccit lie lVxpnlition en Ecoffe l'an 1547, ct de h battaille de Mullelbenf; par lefieur Berteville: decile au roy Edward Vi. Codex membran. in 4to. min. conftans foliis 140. 1. Chronicon Hgnrici de Silegrarc, in quo ha; continentur: 1 (a.) D (a.) De primo adventu Anglorum in Angliam. l. (b.) De clivifione Anglite in feptem regna. I. b. (c.) De regibus Anglorum, ad regem Henrrcum III. Nomina pontificum Cantuavienfis ecclefne. 45 . b. 3 . Defcriptio Angliffi per comitatus. 46 . 4 . De domibus religiofis in iifdem comitatibus con- tentis. 46 . b. 5 . “ De Gulielmo baftardo, rege Anglia', et tribus filiis cjusvcrfus GaTlicani, 5 Q. 6 . “ Philomela,” verfus rhythmici perJohannem Hovedenuin, capellanum Alianorte regin re matris R. Edwardi I. i.e. Canticum pium de planftu animse, fub iftius avis nomine. 67 - 7. Poenitentiale ; five de variis poenitentia; generi- bus pro variis criminibus infligenda;; aliifque con- generis argumenti. Liber rogatu cujul’dam Stephani, cui infcribitur, compofitus. 76 . Cleopatra , A. XIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans folds 177 - ]. Traflatus de regimine priucipum, five de vita principis pie et prudenter ordinanda; per quendam religiofuni, ad 11 . Henrium VI: interferuntur quredam precum formula;. l. 2. Officia matutina et aliis horis dicenda. fcil: (a.) De S. Trinitate diebus Dominicis. 132 . (b.) De nomine Jefu, die Lunre. 137 - b. (c.) De Sancto Spiritu, die Martis. 141 . (d.) De paffione Domini, die Martis et Mercurii. 145 . (e.) De fapientia, die Jovis. 152 . b. (f.) De compaffione B. Marite in fabbatis. 158 . 3 . Oratio ad B. virgin era Mariam, in quacunque neceffitate firma fide dicenda; cum aliis ad eandem oration ibus. 167 . 4. Orationes ad B. Johanncm, prioremde Bridling- tona. 174 . Cleopatra, A. XIV. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 108. 1. Bernardi Sylveftris cofmographia, profo-me- trice; in qua de multis rebus phyficis agitur. i. 2. Verfus rhythmici, de fandla Margareta. 27. 3 . Aphorifrai medicinre, incerti au&oris. 27. b. 4 . Vita fanHa; Margareta;. (metrice.) 5 . Leges Ilowelis Dha. (Wallice.) Verfus quibus infcribitur titulus, 6 . generis humani.' 31 . b. Imperia Cleopatra , A. XV. Codex cliartac. in 8 vo. qui continet folia 45 . prreter titulum. A treatife concerning fuits in Chancery by fub- pcena; found among the books of fir Edward Saun¬ ders, late chief juftice of England. Cleopatra , A. XVI. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. foliis conftans 193 . 1. De necelfariis obfervantiis Scaccarii, in duobus Jibris, per inodum dialogi inter magifmim et difei- pulum; in queis multa curiofa et oblervatu digniffima continentur; puta de Danegeldo, libro judiciario, de auro regime, &c. Liber lcriptus videtur a Gervalio Tilburienfi. 1. 2. Additamenta alii auctoris, de moneta. 38 . 3 . De compofitione moneta; et menfurarum tem¬ pore R. Edwardi 1. Gallice: cum aliis ejufdein argu¬ menti collecianeis. 46; 4 . Breve R. Henrici v. anno regni 8 vo. ad can- cellarium Scaccarii, quod in ltilo figilli, vice “ Fran- cire,” hxc verba, “ lucres regni Francite,” infculpi faciat. 49. b. 5. A ftatute ordering the king's officers to appoint proper clerks. 2 lien. VI. &c. 49 . b. 6 . Affaium auri, factum apud Weftmonaft. A° 23 Edw. Iir. 50 . 7. Allocationes pro monetagio five coinagio, in tlitre Londinenfi. 5j. 8 . Variagenera et valores auri et argenti. 53. 9 - Leges R. Edwardi, vel potius It. Guliclmi con- quefloris. 54. 10. Fragmcnta de placitis curiarum, et de modo eas tenendi; maiiu neoterica. go. 11. Annales ab A 0 28 Edw. 1. (1299) ad An. 41 Edw. III. (1367) nempe per Ilobertum de Reading, monachum Sci- Petri Weftmonaft. ad An. 1325 , cum continuatione per Adamum Merimouth ad annum 1345 , et inde per Johannem de R. monachum Weft¬ monaft. ad annum 1367 . 67. Cleopatra , B. I; Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis i 8 S. 1. Hiftoria belli facri, k morte Baldewini puerq Latinorum regis feptimi, i. e. ab A 0 1184, ad Iliero- folymas ^ Saracenis captas. 1. 2. Vita B. Edmundi, Cantuarienfis archiepifcopi; per Rob. Richium. 24. 3 . Vita S. Gileberti de Sempringham, per quen¬ dam fratrem illius ordinis, Fluberto Archiep. Can- tuar. inlcripta: cum epiftolis et referiptis quorundam epifeoporum, et induitis paparum, ad confirmanda coenobii Sempringhamenlls privilegia. 33 . 4 . Verfus rhythmici in laudem R. Henrici V. ubi multa habentur contra Lollardos. 173. 5 . Fragmentum vita; Chrifti, per cardinalem Bona-^ venturam. 179. 6 . Prophetia reperta A° 1394 , Valentia; in Hif- pania, de confummatione feculi per ignem A 0 1500. 182 . b. 7. Legendade ampullaolei facri, a B. virgine Maria Thoma; Cantuarienfi data, qua reges Anglia; ungi debent. " y82. b. 8 . Queftiones de cyclo luna;, &ct cum folutioni- bus. i 83 . 9 . Epiftola Luciferi ad papam et pnelatos, tempore, ut videtur, R. Ricardi II. feripta. 183 . b. Cleopatra , B. II. Codex et membran. et chartac. in 4 to. conftaris foliis 232 . 1. Epiftola prelbyteri Johannis ad Fridericum im peratorem. (Gallice.) 1. 7 H 2. Liber V. . CLEOPATRA, B. II.—IX. j. Liber grammaticalis cle differentiis verborum, Tullio falfo infcriptus. 1 -• b. Dclinitiones philofophics et theologies. 31 . 4 Malitationes B. llcrnardi, i'uperboras canonicas. 37 . L>. ycrfu*> rhyihmici dc Galtrido, Archiep. Eborac- iilio naturali K. Ilenrici II. item, epitaphium puen ctr.id’d mi. 3 ‘ , ‘ i De ivgibus Anglia?, a R. Altredo ad R. Ilcnri- ciun v. ^ ‘ 7. Dc epifeopis et epifeopatibos Anglia 1 , et de l'undatione diverforum monafteriorum. 45 * Inveciiva; rbvtbmica? contra monachos, et alios religi(ilb\ tempore H. Ricardi II, cum dcrenfione Wicleviitarum: partim Latino partim Anglice. * 59 . f). Ddinitiones virtutum ct vitiorum. < 5 o. io. Snivn’.um peifeetionis ftatus fratrum mino- rum. 7l ' i i. Vila et miracula beats Clara virginis. 109 - l-i. Vita S. Bcrnardini, fratris minoris. 128. b. i ;j. Vita S- Antonii de Padua. 156. 14. Vita I.iulovici epifeopi, et confefforis Caroli regis Sicilia-. 18/ ' i ,3. Vfail ri de Wykcwane, abbatis de A\ mchcomb, ric:qeilila Ipiritualia’et temporalia; uifa cum ejufdem \ nereundem, conltitutionibus et ordina- 1 n 1 c; Cleopatra , B. III. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. foliis conftans 133 . 1. Ailredi Rievallenfis hiftoria Anglia?, ad R. Hen- ricum II. -• 2. Calendavium vet us, cum tabulis, et tractatu de computo ecclelialtico. 36 . Regulie de mode et obfervantia equeftris ordinis pauper uni commilitonum S. civitatis llicrololymi- t:inve, inltiluti ab Hugone Treeis A’ 1I2S. ftabilits ct deferipfa? per Joliannem Michaelenfem, jufiu concilii, ac llcrnardi abbatis Clarevallis. 70 . 4 . Staluta aurei velleris, per Philippum ducem Burgundis. Infulis A® 1431 . (Gallice.) 80. .I. Verfus Nigclli Wircker, monachi Cantuarienfis, continentes prseepta moralia. 112. 0. TracL’.tus ejufdem, ad Willielmum epifeopum Elienfem, Anglia eaneellarium, in quo invehitur in eorruptos leculi mores, et lpeciatim in curiales et otiieiales clericos. 113 . b. Cleopatra , B. IV. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans foliis 137 . 1. lit miens Huntingdonenfis, de imagine mundi, duobus libris, in quorum pofteriore prscipue agit de rutionc temporum dt computo ecclelialtico. 2. b. 2. Bum e chronicon, a creatione muiidi ad llenri- rum v. imperatorem. 1110. 22. 3 . Brevis diiceptatio de Istitia fpirituali, &c. 29 . b. 4 . Chronicon Sariiburienfis ecclefis, ab orbe eon- dito ad An. 1 337 . 31 . Chronicon aliud, i\ Chrilto nato ad annum 1397 . 43 . 6 - Inquilitiones facia? A" 6 Ed. I. (1278) in qui- Ims agit ur de teodis militailbus, lervitiis, et honoribus incondtatu Lincolnienti. ]q« Cleopatra, B. V. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 248. 1. Iliftoria Britonum, k Bruto ad tempora R, Ri¬ cardi 1. CJVallice.) | 2. Leges Howelli boni, principis Wallis. (Wal- li cc -) 163. 3 . Iliftoris Trojanorum fragmentum. (Wallice.) 223. Cleopatra, B. VE Codex membran in 4 to. conftans foliis 24s. . Opufculum Galfridi Vifawf, de arte di&andi; <[uod intitulatur, Nova Poetria: verfibus hexa- metris. j 2. Liber mifcellaneus profo-metrice, de eodem ar¬ gument: annon qusdam Petri Blefenfis hie fub- jungantur, qusrendum. 3]. 3 . Anti-CJaudianus magiftri Alani de Anti-Rufmo Poema. S7 . 4 . Enchiridion magiftri Alani, quod intitulatur, Planfilus nature? : profo-metrice. 154. !i; Ailredus Rievallenfis, dc Ml. abuftonibus clauf- tralium. ltj ~ 6 . Oratio Dominica; falutatio Maris; fymbolum apoftolicum: veteri lingua Anglicana. 201. b. 7 - Anfelmi Elucidarium, five compendium theolo- gicujn, per modum dialogi. 202. 8 . rraCtatulus de natura epiftolaris ditlamuiis. 230 . 9 . Tradlatulus de aritlimetica, live de arte alsro- riftica. aai 241 . b. 10. Ai’s rhythmicandi. Cleopatra, B. VII. Codex chartac. in 4 to. ex foliis conftans 33. E. Darcy’s itinerary through part of France. Cleopatra, B. VIII. Codex chartac. in 4 to. conftans fol. 30 . cum fupe- riore fimul compaclus. Magnus Gruberus, de origine Rlieni fluminis, ejuf- que eurfu, locis in ripis ejufdem infignioribus, fiuvi- iftjue in eundem influentibus. Franeifeo k Bova- diglia epifeopo Caurienfi (in Hifp.) A° 1333, inferi- bitur hie libellus. Cleopatra, B. IX. Codex membr. in 4to. folior 70. cum duobus fupe- rioribus fimul compabtus. 1. De ludo Schaccio, vulgo ebefle, Galliee; cum figuris tabularum. Item verfus nollnulli de eodem ludo. 4. Incip. “ Seiguors un poi mentendez “ Ki Ids gius de eichcs amez."- 2. Yerfti CLEOPATRA, B. IX.—C. III. 579 2. Verfus rhythmici de rebus mifcellis. 10 . b. 3. Quasftiones arithmetic® ; cum refponfionibus. 17. b. 4 . Ypocras : h. e. Ilippocratis liber phyfiognomi- cus, de fignificationibus tonitrum, et dierum. 21. b. . 5 . Supputatio Efdne, et argumentum Jofephi, de dienatalis Domini, quoto die feptimanai accidit. i. e. predicrtiones de eventibus, prout dies natalis incidit in fmgulos dies feptiinan®. - 25 . b. G. De oblationibus regis, et regime Anglia? diebus feftis. 20 '. 7. Liber de ratione temporis, five dc computo, una cum calendario. 26. Cleopatra,. B. X. Codex membran. in 4 to. foliis conftans 128. 1. Trait 6 du gouvernement des princes. 2 . 2. Diftindlio temporis, a mundi principio, ufque ad fincm : five de feptem mundi aitatibus. 115 . b. 3 . Les caufes pourquoy les Pfeaumes et certains cantiques furent fais et compoRs. 11G. Cleopatra, B. XT. Codex chartac. in 4 to. madore luifus, conftans foliis 92 . 1. Res ab iEgyptiis quondam hieroglyphicis ferip- tae. 2 . 2. Fabii vi< 5 toris enumeratio XIIII. urbis Rom® re- gionum. 10. 3 . Phtedri Cofmographia, 23 . 4 . —--Rhetorica. 78 . b. Cleopatra, B. XII. Ctxlex membr. in 4 to. folior. 53 . cum fuperiore fimul compactus. 1 . Petri de Vineis, qui Frederico II. Imp. fuit & fecretis, epiftoke: libri V. pars, fcil. ab Epifh LXII. ufque ad finem, et liber VI. integer. 4. 2. Breve R. Ricavdi II. de aflifa capienda. June 17, 1397 . 44 . 3. Friderici II. Imp. epiftoke 4 , ad Ilenricum III. Anglia; regem. 45 . 4. Prrccepta quadam de frilo quern Romana fervat ecclefia. 52 . b. Liber Henrico Frcdeiico principi Walliae, ab Hen¬ rico Dethick, diucccfeos Carliol. Cancell, dono datus. Cleopatra, B. XIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. min. conftans foliis 157 . 1. Homilia in die judicii. (Saxonice.) 2. 2 . --— Dominica II. poft Pafcham. (Saxonice.) 8 . . 3 . Liber catholicorum fermonum in Anno : primus fermo, de initio creatin'®, quando volveris. (Saxo¬ nice.) 13. 4. De dedicatione ecclefi®. (Saxonice.) 31 . 3 . Le 6 tio fecundum Lucam. “ Ego mittam pro- mifi'um palris,” et de Bifcop. Iladum. (Sax.) 38 . G. Dominica ante Rogationcm. (Saxon.) 44 . Accurate et pulchre confcript® funt homili® fupe- riores, paulb ante conqmeiUim Anglian 7 . Promiflio regis ; five juramentum regum Ano-lo- Saxomun tempore coronationes. Saxonice. Exit! in Ilickefii prefrmt. ad Gram. Anglo-Sax. ;,e>. 8 . Pagina unica homili® qu® in aliis codicibus iu- fa ibitur “ Dominica V. poft octabas Pafclue. (Saxon.) 57 . b. 9 . Conchifio homili® cujufdnm. (Saxomc®.) 58. 10. Oratio, et fymbolum apoftolicum. (Saxonice.) 58 . 11. Vita B. Dunftani, Archiep. Cantuarienfis. 59. Primo hujufee tract at us folio habentur fcquentes ad- notatiuncul®, viz. “ Hunc librum, cujus auCfor, ut apparebit lectori, “ elaruit tempore ipfius Dunftani, de quo agitur, “ reperi inter veteres libros Msos. Monafn Au- “ guftinenfis Cantuari® A. 1 ). 15 G 5 , menfe Au- “ gufti. “Joan. Joffelinus/' Ibi hunc ipfum “ librum a Gul. Malmefbnrienfi repertum die, “ex libro cjufdem de antiquitate Glaltonienfis “ Monaft. apparct. “ Ja. Ufierius.” 12. Hymn us de converfione Saxonum; cum 110- tulis muficis. y() ], 18. Compilatio five chronicon de regno et geftis Britonum et Anglorum, ad An. 1805. yi. Cleopatra, B. XI\’. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 172. 1. Calendar! um. L 2. Pfalterium, cum canticis nonnull is, precationes, et Litania. 1- Plurimis pieturis adornatur ifte codex. Cleopatra, C. I. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 15 G. 1. Poemata varia mifeellanea, prtefertim de aro-u- mentis hiftoricis ex S. feripturis pet it is ; forte Ililde- berti Ccenomanenfis. j. 2. Regiftrum chartarum, compofitionum, finium, See. fpec’tantium ad terras monafterii Burgi S. Petri: pars prima. 1 3 q m Cleopatra, C. IL Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans ex foliis 170. 1. Regiftrum chartarum monafterii Burgi S. Petri: pars altera. j _ 2. Orationes qu®dam; inter quas oratio fuperfti- tiofa ad B. Mariam, angelos, et fanttos ; et oratio de S. Johanne Evangelifta. 1G5. 3 . Verfus dc amaritudine praTentis vita?, et hor- ribili judicii timore. 1G7. b. 4. Fragmentum de qualitatibus glorificati cor¬ poris. " 170. b. Cleopatra, C. III. Codex chartac. in 4 to, conftans ex foliis 402. Collections of Mr. Francis Thynue; containing: 1. Notes of arms and monumental inferiptions in feveral churches in Bedfordfllire, Weftminfter Abbey, kc. fol. 1 . b. 55 . 67. 94 . 95 . 103 . 15 G. 198 . b. 204 - 213 . b. 2. Notes out of an Englifh chronicle. 2 S. 3. -.concerning Wells in Spmerfetlhire. 33. b. 4. Notes CLEOPATRA, C. III. IV 5 S 0 4. Notes concerning the biihops of Wells. 40 . I 5. -concerning Tcwkfbury abbey, its foun¬ dation, and abbots. 44 . 0 ‘. Hiftorical notes out of the year books, fob 46 . 66 . 87 . b. 95 . i 07 . 266 . 342 . 351 . 7. Several parts of Leland's itinerary, copied. f. 67. b. 179. b. 199. b. 8 . A copy of the foundation of the priory of Co¬ ventry. 86 . b. 9. Exfcripta ex chronicis Thoma Rudborn 1110- naclii \\ inton. lien, de Huntingdon, aliorumque. f. 112 . b. 158 . 182 . 1 ). 209 . 236 . 10. Names and arms of the abbots of St. Auguf- tine,and Abps. of Canterbury. 194. 11. Nomina cardinalium Anglorum. 197. 12. De fundatoribiis, et fundatione abbatia de Theoklbery. 220. 13 . Exfcripta & chronicis ecclefue Lichfeldenfis. 240 . 14. - c chronico Thom® Chefterton. 257. b. 15 . - e chronic© de Dunmow, per Nic. de Bromfield, ejufdcm monalterii canonicum. 291. 16. -- e chronico abbatia de Novoburgo. SOI. 1 7.-e chronico abbati® de Tinterne in "VVallia. 303 . b. 18. Tilulus illorum de Vernon, et de Genevil, ad t< rra 5 et tene me nta Lacei irum. S 04 . b. 19. F.xcerptum c chronico abbatia; de Lanthony A Wallia. 307. b. -c chronico abbatia; de Wigmore- 308 . 21. - —-& chronico abbatia; de Lanthony juxta Gloucefter. 313 . b. 22. --—- c chronico dc Bridlington, per Thomam Pickering, 3 1 8 . 2 '. De epifeopis Hereford i®. 319. b. 24. Qua'dain lpectantia ad familiam Laceiorum, et abbatiam de Stanlaw in comitatu Cd'trienfi. 325 . 25 . Chronicon abbatia; de Stanlaw. 328 . 26. Fundatio monafrerii de Luffeld in agro N ortliamptonienfi. 34.3. 27. I)e eomitibus Sarum. 352 . 28 . -*-Pcmbrochi®. 354 . 1 ). 29 - ——— Albermarla. 357 . b. 30 . Sunimi Angli® julticiarii. 358 . b. 31 . Comites Glouccltri®. 363 . 32 . - Somerleti® ct Dorfeti®. 364 b. 33 . — Suffolci®. 366 . 34 . —--"Warwick 369 - b. Nomina iliorum, qui ad honoris titulos 8 ; of- ficia, temp. UR. Ricardi III. Hen. VII. et VIII. Ed¬ ward i VI. Philippi et Mari®, et Elizabeth®, promoti erant. 374. 395 . 36 . De ecclelia Roffenfi excerpta. 390. Cleopatra, C. IV. C odex chartac. in 4 to. foliis conftans 224. fob 1.3 et 16 mem bran. ). De fundatione ecclefue Eboracenfis. et primis archiepifcopis. 4. 2 Archiepifcoporum Eboracenfium hiftoriola, a S. Paulino ad Willielmum Both, Archiep. LXII. rhytli- mice. o' b. \\ iltndum ; t,c recuperatione palln j>er S. Egbertum ; de ciuila tranllutionis et mutationis regni Anglorum ; dc adventu duels Normannorum, et coronatione ejufdcm ; de rcfm matione ecclefue dignitatum et pia'bcndai um, per Phomam archiepilcopum; de fen- tentia pro libertate ecclefue obtenta, per Thurfranum ; de lulirnguneis et provincia ecclelia? Eboracenfis; de adventu Scotorum in Britannia; nomina quorun- dam fuffraganeorum etprofcfforum, i. e. de fubjectione lua fedi Eboraccnli: verfibus elcgiacis. ’ 1.3. 4 . Bulla Innocentii 11. P. epifeopis Scotia; in genere. 19. b. 5 . Bulla Adriani IV. P. omnibus epifeopis Scotia; in fpeeie. 20 . 6 . Bulla C'alixti III. P. eifdcm; quod obediant metropolitan© fuo, Eboracenfi archiepifcopo. 20. b. 7 . Litera C'alixti III. P. ad regem Scotia;; quod ipfe et epilcopi pareant Eboracenfi Archiep. metropo litano luo. o 0 [j s. Litera Alexandri III. P. ad Rogerum, Eboracen- Idn Archiep. in qua inferitur recognitio regis Scotia* iuper lubje&ione cpifeoporum Scotorum Eborac. ecclelia;. „, 9 . A fragment of a hiftorv of Henry v. from the battle of Azincourt 1417 to the end of that, reion 1422. (partly in verfe.) 00 m i°. Nomina majorum et. vicecomitum London, ab A° 1419, ad 22 Hen. VI. 1444 ; cum narrationibus rerum memorabilium qua; ilto intervallo accidebant: Anglice; plura metrice. ;;i _ 11. De tranflatione S. Dunftani, Cantuarienfis archiepifcopi. 9,, 12. De pnelio inter Anglos et Scotos, in quibus virtutes DouglaUiorum et Perciorum celebrantur; verfibus Anglicanis. 94. IS. Verfes on the vanity of wordly affairs; con- fifting of 12 ftanzas of 8 lines each. 99.' 14 . Verfes in praife of women. 7]. 15 . Proplietia quadam Hermerici Aquila, de Francis, &c. 70. p 16. Nomina fan&orum inventorum apud Glaftyno-- bury, ubi dc Arvirago et Jolepho Arimath®enli. 79. b. 17. Proplietia Johannis de Beflagorio. 80 . b. is. Proplietia Merlini, profa et verfibus ; cum ex- pofitione de Sexto Hibernia, et aliis ejufmodi. 85. 19. Proplietia S. Johannis de Bridlingtona: verfibus liexametris. 97 20. Proplietia Johannis de Rupe feifia. 110. 21. De vita hominis, in undecim feptenariis coin- pleta. i 12 .b. 22. De proprietatibus terra Anglican®; verfibus. 1 13 . 23 . Nunierus ecclefiarum parochialium, villarum, feodorum militarium, et comitatuum in Anglia. 1 13. 24 . Proplietia de antiqui nominis Britannia reno- vatione. 113. fi. 25 . Vifio B. Mari® fatta Th0111a Cantuarienfi; de oleo, quo reges Anglia erant ungendi. 114. I 26 . Revelatio S. Edwardi regis et confelToris. 114. 27. Proplietia deafino. 114. b. 28 . Proplietia regia® Auftri, in tempore Salomonis; j item ad cognofceudum Sextum Hiberni®; et alia j ejufmodi ex Merlino, See. 11,-,. | 29. De cometis; quid fint, et quid fignilicent, fe- cundum varias opiniones; cum variis exferiptis ex Cicerone, Augultino, Jofepho, &c. 123. b. so. Ordo qualiter Romanus pontifex epud Pafiii- CLEOPATRA, C. IV.—VI $8t cam S. Petri apoftoli debeat ordinari ad benedicendum impcratorem. 131. b. 3 1. Epiftola II. (lien. Chicheleyr) archiepifcopi Cantuarienfis, ad Martinum (V?) P. in qua fe et Hum¬ ph redum duceni Glouccitruc tuetur contra quoiun- dam columnias, quafi eflent “ impeditores praecipui “ ecclefia; libertatis in Anglia.” 13 9. 32 . Epiftola apologetica Johannis (Thorefby) Ebo- racenfis, Anglia- cancellarii, ad Gul. Swan jurifcon- fultum, qui turn Roma agebat. 140. b. 33. Epiftola Thoma; Swan, ad confanguineum fuum Gulielmum Swan, fcripta Oxonii in aula Graca. 142. b. 34 . Epiftola fratrum hofpitalis S. Thomas martyris do urbe, ad archiepifcopum Canturienfem; Romas fcripta. 143 ‘ 35. Epiftola apologetica, Romam miffa, 144. b. 36. Epiftola Sigifmundi imperatoris ad Papain, in qua Jacobum de Sirck, Ilerbipolenfts et Trajeflenfis ecclefiarum praspofitum, fuum lcgatum conftituit: data Senis, A° 1452. Cum aliis ad concilium Bafi- lcenfe fpeflautibus; et de falvis conduclibus. 145. b. 37 . Literas qutedam ex Anglia, per quofdam epif- copos et alios, miflas ad Gul. Swan, et alios Romas, de rebus eccleliafticis fub tempore R. Henrici VI. 147 - 38. Literas paparum Martini V. Eugerii IV. alio- rumque, ad illos, alrbfque, deconcilio Baiileenfi. 1 7 1 - 39 . Copia literas bullatte, quam D. papa Benediftus mi fit ad partes illas de Cathay, in qua fides noftra continetur: ita titulus fe habet, fed deeft ilia fidei explicatio. 188 - 40 . Memoria explicandomm in Anglia, pro D. Blafio, advocato conftftoriali. 190. 41 . Epiftola R. Henrici VI. ad MartinumV. papam; de canonizatione S. Ofmundi, Sarum cpifcopi. 20 ti. b. 42 . Epiftola II. (Hen. Chicheley?) Arcbiep. Can- tuar. praslatorum, et totius cleri iftius prorincias; de canonizatione ejufclem. 207- 43. Refcriptum Bonifacii IX? Papas, in qua dif- penfatcum Jobanne Seynder fuper defedtu natalium, ut ad facros ordincs, et beneficia ecclefiaftica promo- veatur. d. 7 , April A 0 Pont. 1 5°. (1404 ?) 2 10 . 44 . Epiftola ad Papain, de obfervatione diei domi¬ nies;, quam in provincial! fynodo ftatuebat fho. Fitz-Alan Archiep. Cantuar. contra barbitonfores. 211 . 45. Epiftola Johannis (Stafford?) Bathonienfis et "Wcllenfis cpifcopi, ad Papam; de ecclefiaparochiali de Northadabney (Northcadbury ?) quam Elizabetha domina de Betehaux (Boteraux ?) commutavit et erexit in collegiatam. 211 . b. 40. Litera ad Papam, ut vellet confirmare dona- tionem advocationis ecclefne S. Sampfonis, ac areas terras, et, manerii de Crickelade, fattam ecclefia; Sarum, per Gualterum de Ilungerford. 212 . b. 47 . Li Ier;e fupplices prioris et capituli ecclefne S. Petri et Pauli de Bath, ad Papam, ut vellet approbare nppropriationem ecclefite parochialis de Oliveftan, Wigornimfis dioecefis, in comitatu Glouceftrias, data; illis per 'i’homam, epil’copum Wigornienfem. 213 . b. 48. Epiftola Papa-.ad Carolum Francorum ngem; c.e contentione etdileordiafufeitatainter Del- phiuuin Vicnnenfcm, primogenitum ejus, et principem Auraicenfem; ut vellet providere ne terris ecclefia; nocnat. 214 . 40 . Epiftola? qu;edam de rebus Venetis, Mediola- m-nfibus, \c. 214. b. 50 . Epiftola Papa;.ad cardinalem Anglia:, quod R. 1 leuricus illius ope et confilio in fuis magnis et arduis negotiis indigeret, qua de caufa ilium ab ofticio legation is abfolvit. 216. b. 51 . Epiftola; duas Papte.ad R. Henricum fuper eadem re.. . 217 . 52 Epiftola Papas.ad epifeopum Oflienfem, ut aftiftat magiftro et fratribus ordinis B. -Marias de domo Theutonicorum Jerofolymitan. in partibus Livonias conftitutis, ill bello, ii contingat, contra Bo- liemos. 222 . 53. Epiftola Papa;.ad Ludovicum ducem Bavaria;, deexterminandis Bohemis hasretieis. 222. b. 54. Epiftola Papa;.ad ducem Mediolani, de provifione ecclefia; Albigavenfis. 223. b. 55. De prasceptoria domus S. Crucis hofpitalis S. Johannis, concella Auguftino de Rubeis clerico Pa- pienli, ad inftantiam Philippi Maria; ducis Mediolani. 223 . h. This collection of letters, much more numerous than could here fte fpecilied, appears to have been compiled by the above-mentioned William Swan, a licentiate in laws, who is alfo ftiled “ litcrarum “ apoftolicarum abbreviator, etferiptorin Romana Cleopatra , C. \ . Codex cliartac. in 4to. conftans foliis 109 . 1 . Inftitutio et itatuta hofpitalis de Savoy, per executores teftamenti R. Henrici VII. A 0 1523 . 2 . 2 . Names of the captains who went into France A 0 5 Henry VIII. ( 1 513.) with the bearings in their ftandards; with the names alfo of the French pri- foners taken at “ Tirwyn” that year. 59 . 3. Diarium geftoruin A® 5 R. Henrici VIII. in Gallia, per Johannem Taylerum Parliamentoruni clericum. 64 . * 4. Leonardi Aretini oratio in liypocritas. 96 . 5. Ejufdemeifagogicon moralis philofophias. I02.b. 6. Lapi Cafteliunculi (Lapi de Caftellione) dia- logus, de curiiE commodis. 112. 7 . Ejufdem verfio vita; Periclis; cum prtefatione. 141 . b. S. Leonardi Aretini oratio in Nebulonem male- dicum. 150. 9 . Antonii Tudertini confolatio ad cardinalem Capuanum, in obitum fratris. 162 . b. 10 . Collufii (Lini Colucii Salutati?) epiftola; ad Malateftam dominum Pelaurias, Petruin Turcum, etPaflium. 182. b. 11 . Lapi Cafteliunculi prefatio in verlionem La- tinam vita; Themiftoclis. 185. 12 . Titus Quintus Flameus? ad Rupertum. 187-b. 13. Proccmium in vitam Dionis. 188 . b. 14 . Demonadtis vita, ex Luciano, per eundetn La* pum Cafteliunculum in Latinum converfa. 189. b. Cleopatra, C. VI. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 201 . 1 . Regula fandiimonialium ordinis S. Jacobi; Normanno-Saxonice verfa ex Latino, opere Simonis de Gandavo, cpifcopi Sarilburienlis. S. 2 . Hymnus in l’olennitate S. Etheldredse, ad vcl- peras; aliaque. 198. 3 . Veteres ligura; cypbrarum arithmeticarum. I99.b. 4. Preces qua-dam. 200. b. 7 I Cleopatra, S8a CLEOPATRA, C. VII.—XI. Cleopatra, C. VII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans fol. 217. 1. Statutum de tenentibus, terram fuam vendenti- bus, tenendam de capitalibus clominis feodorum im¬ mediate. 1. 2. Expolitio cujufdam ufagii in comitatu Kantii cpii dicitur gavelate (gavelkind.) 1. b. 3 . Expolitio quorundam verborum Anglicorum, fcil. antiquomm. o, 4 . Capita vetera de placitis corona:. 3 . . 5 . Capita nova de eodem argumento, tempore Edwardi regis. 4. b. 6 ‘. Capitula de ftatutis R. Edwardi 1. 7. 7. Capitula de tonfura monetax g. 8. Nomina comitatuum et epifeopatuum Anglia: et Wallis?. io. 9 - Qtialiter bomagia et. fidelitates fint facienda?. 10 . b. 10. Capitula vifusfranci plegii. li.b. 11. Charts R. Johann is facta Papa? et ecclefia? Ro¬ manos, de tributo mille marcarum. 12. b. 12. Aflifapanis et cerevifia?, ordinataper concilium Edwardi R. anno cjufdcm prime. 14 . 13. Hiftoriola de refignatione prioratus ecclefia? Chriiti Cantuarienlis, per quendam Thomam tunc priorem, qui, exuto habitu nigro, habitum album C iftertienfem iuduebat; et de controveriiis inde ortis, A 0 1284 . 15 . b. 14. Nota de his qui elrgunt imperatorem. 17. b. 15 . Statutum de religions, editum A° 35 R. Edw. 1. 18 . b. if). Ordenaunces faites a Londres 5 Edw. II. touchant 1 ’eirat de feon houftal et de fcon realme: cum ordinationibus fadtis virtute ejufdem commif- lionis; qua? ordinationes publicatie erant in cceme- terio S. Pauli London, perl). Simonem Epifc. Sarilbu- rienfem, A 0 131 1. <21. 17. Charts et laftum marifeorum de Romeny A 0 1237; cum ordinationibus, &c. ad eos pertinentibus. 3 ( 3 . is. De wardiscaftri Dovorenfis. 49. in. ( liarta libertatum quinque portuum, per R. Edwardum. 33 20. C liarta R. Edwardi I. de cuftodia orphanorum portus dc Sandwich ; aliaque de quinque portubus. 55 . 21. Regiftrum conventus Sea? Maria: de Merton in comitatu Suriiie. jg 22. Vita S. Albani. 202. 2.1. Exemplar bulla? P. Julii II. ad R. Henricum \ II. pro expeditione contra Turcum. 209. 24. Refponlio R. Ilenrici vii. ad breve fummi pon‘ificis. W'oodftock, Sept. 8 , 1507. 212. b. Cleopatra , C. VIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis lGs. 1. Aurelii Prudentii Pfycbomachia; exemplar an¬ tiquum. iconibus biltot'icispallim illuftratum. Margin© Jibri, ad imamquamque iconem, habetur explicatio ejus Latino, lileris rubris grandioribus, et Saxonice, liU-ris quidem nigris, fed tamen vetuftis. 1. 2. Modus tenendi fynodos in Anglia, antiquiflimis temporibus. 3. Collectio canonum, in qua multa ex fynodis antiquis et decretalibus PP. Romanorum, aliifqms defnmuntur. ..L Cleopatra, C. IX. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis lGJ. 1. lliltoria de geftis et actibus illuftris It. Aim-lice Ricardi I. et de recuperatione Aeon et aliaruin ciyitatum; item dc obitu R. Ilenrici n.et fucceflione Ricardi filii cjus. Tliis hiftorv is a tranlcript of Roger de Iloveden, partly verbatim, as printed iu Saviles Rerum Anglicarum leriptores, p. 374 c t l'eq. ^ x 2. Lamentationes Matheoluli, verfibusrhythmicisr five liber de moribus, in cpto invehitur in nmlieres, in relig’iofos, pra?fules, medicos, judices, advocatos, burgenfes, agricolas, &c. (j 4 ^ erfus Stapulenfts ad Engelramum pra?fulem; ut patet ex praefationc. uj Cleopatra , C. X. Codex et membran. et chartac. in 4to. foliis conftans 1G0. 1. Clironicon Radulphi Nigri, ab orbe condito ufque ad captionem R. Ricardi I. Hujus chronici auCtorem efle Radulphum Nigrum, patet ex fol. 5o. b. ubi cartersejus opera recenfentur. 2. Prophetic Merlini, b Britannica lingua in Latinam convcrfa:, per Galfridum Monumethenfem, una cum cpiltola cjuftlem ad Alexandrum Epifc. Lincoln. Male dividuntur a bibliopego. 55. b. and G(i. 3. Orders and rules about the choice of a mayor, and other matters relating to the city of Norwich: made about the time of I». Henry v. * 59. 4. Chronicon breve de regibus Saxonicis et An- glicis, ill or unique geftis. Inlcrferuntur fparfiin qua - dam, et in line continua lerie multa adduntur de antiquitatibus Glaftonia’, qua: fere omnia ex GuiL. Malmelburienii exferibuntur. vixit auetor A° 1259. 71. 5. De miraculis Sea:. Dei genitricis etperpetuce vir- ginis Maria?. lu0 (j. Epiftola? prefbyteri Johannis in India (ita fe habet intcriptio) in quibus multa habentur de ejus 1 egno. dc mulicribus Am azonib us, et de limplicibus viris Bragmanis. 14 7 7. Defcriptio locorum. 155 b. 8. Prophetia? de Anti-Chrifto, fecundum fratrem Columbinum. 9. Fragmentum de fpeciebus olei, in ufum unci ion i* ecclefiaftica:. 150. Cleopatra , C. XL Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 122. 1. Liber Anfclmi, qui dicitur Apologeticum : An- felmi apologeticum hoc, ut notat 1 ). L'llcrius Ar- machanus, habetui tomo tertio operuni editorum, titulo libri de ftmilitudinibus. 2. 2. Multa? fabulofte narrationes de apparilionibus. 49. 3. De facultatibus ct virtutibus human is 7a 4. De CLEOPATRA, D. I.—IX. 5^3 4. De ®dificatione claullri muralis; et de vita fratrum clauftralium ordinanda. 78 . 5 . Sermo fuper textum: “ Column® aure® fuper bafes argenteas.” 106. Cleopatra, D. I. Codex membr. in 4to. majori, conftans ex foliis 199 - 1. Vitruvii dearchiteftura, libri decem. l. b. 2. Flavii Vegetii, illuftris viri, epitome rei mili- taris ; libris quatuor. 83 . 3 . Caii Julii Solini Polvbiftor. Ad finem fcribitur: “ Julius Solinus explicit feliciter, ftudio et diligentia domini Theodolii, invi6tiffimi principis.” Cleopatra, D. If. Codex membran. in 4to. majori, conftans foliis 338 . 1. Chronicon k Brutoad annum 1 346 . 2 . 2. Annotationes chartarum monafterii de Gife- burn. At the beginning of this MS. is a painting of a lea-fight. Cleopatra, D. III. Codex membran. in 4to. majori, conltans foliis 202. 1. Chronicon monafterii de Hales; continens gefta Britannorum et Saxonum, a Bruto ad annum 1314 . l. 2. Tabula; chronologic® et pafchales, k Chrifto nato ad annum 1295 . 59. 3 . Chronique d'Angleterre, depuis Brutus jufqu’au roi Edward III. 74. 4. Prophetia de imperatore, et regibus Angli® et Franci®. 1 84 . 5 . l)u trepas du roi Edward III; et du courone- ment du roi Richard II. 185. 6. Chart® pertinentes ad monafterium de Selby: et in his, breve R. Ilicardi II. ad abbatem de Selby, ut exequias eelebret R. Edw. III. et de coronatione Ric. II. I 85 .b. 7 - De ornamentisecclefi®, qu® pertinent ad reftores, et qu® ad parochianos, in provinciis Cantuarienli et Eboracenfi. 191. 8. De Rogero de Mowbray, et Nigello de Albcneyo, eorunique familiis. 192. 9. Breve R. Ricardi II. ad abbatem de Selby, ut perfonaliter Parliamento interfit; cum literis procura- tionis iftius abbatis, aliaque ad eundem abbatem per- tinentia. 195. b. 10. Litera Caroli VI. R. Franci®, ad Ricardum II. Angli® regem ; cum iftius refponfo. 202. 11. Litera It. Ricardi 11. ad P. Bonifacium XI. + 203 . b. Cleopatra, D. IV. Codex membran. in 4to. maj. conftans foliis 222. L hronicon Glaftenburienfe, k coronatione R. Gulielmi I. ad Ann. 1 S 88 . (i 3 ltic.II.) Pars pofterior hifitori® Ranulphi Higden, qu® definit anno 1 Edw. III. fed product a ad 15 Ric. II. ut annotavit G. Buck, fol. 138 . b. Cleopatra, D. V. Codex membran. in 4to. maj. conftans foliis 183 . j. Silv. Giraldi Cambrenfis, opera varia: viz. 4a.) De mirabilibus Hiberni®: liber qui in editis lopographia Hiberni® nuncupatur. 2. (b.) Expugnatio Hiberni®. 32 . b. (c.) Symbolum ele< 5 torum, five cjufdem ad va- rios epiftol®. 98 . (d.) De deferiptione mundi. 133 . b. 2. Anonymi vita Alexandri magni, cum cjufdem epiftolis ad Dindymum. 105 . b. Cleopatra, D. VI. Codex membran. in 4 to. maj. conftans foliis 219. Tranfcriptum conceflionumtcrrarum, relaxationum, aliarumque chartarum in Ceftria, Lancaftria, et Mac¬ clesfield. In his mult® chart® pnecipuc pertinentes ad Robertum de Monte-alto, in comitatibus de Flint et Ceftria contincntur. Cleopatra, D.VII. Codex membran. in 4 to. maj. conftans foliis I92. 1. Ordo novum regem in Anglia conftitueudi; cum precibus et c®remoniis. Vide plura in fine libri; male enhn disjunguntur per bibliopegum. 2. 2. Kalendarium continens nomina fanetorum. 5 . b. 3 . Tractatus de tribus regibus Coloni®. 12. 4. Chroniques depuis Brutusjufqu’d Pan 6 Edw. m. avec preface touchant les premiers habitans de Bre¬ tagne. 7 6 . 3 . Lamentation of our Lady S. Mary; and alfo the words fpoken between her foil Jefus, and hcrfelf, in time of his paflion. (In old Englifh.) 183 . G. A fhorttreatife about the benefit of tribulation ; with veifes. 187. b. Cleopatra, D. VIII. Codex membran. in 4 to maj. conftans foliis 134 . 1. Qu®dam narratio de nobili rege Arthuro. 2. 2. De origine gigantum in infula Albion olim ha- bitantium ; et de nomine inful®. 3 . Compendium de Britannia, et epifeopatibus Angli®. 5. Galfridi Monumethenfis hiftoria de geftis Bri- tonum. s. Narrationes qu®dam fabulofte de vifionibus et miraculis. 109. 6 . Qu®dam de virtutibus et vitiis. Infcribitur hoc fragmentum, “ Lincolnienfis in dittis ; bona exempla.” 126. 584 CLEOPATRA, D. IX.—E. I. 5. Compendium de archiepifcopts Cantuaricnfi- bus, a S. Auguftino ad Johannem do Stratford. G<). 0 . Thonue Chefterfcld canoniei Lichfeldieulis, hif- tovia deepifcopis Coventrientibus et Lichfeldienfibus, a prima fundatiune ecclefia;, ad An. 134-7 ; cum con- tinuatione, alia manu, ad annum 1388 . vid. Wharton, pnef. p. 36 . 71 - b. 7. Breve clironicon per annos digeftum, a R. Guli- elmo I. ad Ann. IS 14 . ? 7 . 8 . Fragments, with orders and letters, touching the civil wars, and the caufes thereof, in the reign of Ed¬ ward II. (Eat. and French.) 81. 9. Speculum R. Edwardi III. five traftatus de gubernatione regni fecundum jufticiam ; per Simo- nem Iflip archiepifcopum Cantuarienfem. (In charta.) 87 . 10. A poem in old Englilh, on the life, miracles, and tranllation of Si. Thomas of Canterbury. 113. 11. -—— on the miracles of the bleifed virgin Alary. 144. b. I .!.--on the life of St. Cecily. 130. b. 13 . --- on the life of Pope Gregory 11. 153. b. Cleopatra , E- I. Codex chartaceus, in folio, quamplurimis membranis infertis, conftans to 1 iis '291; cui prahigitur fequens titulus. “ The Rate of the church of Great Britain, from “ the firft jilantation of religion, unto the mo ft happy “ reign of king James; with all other occurrences be- “ tween the fee of Rome, and the fovereigns of this “ realm : collected out of public records. li Popes bulls and breves. “ Original inftruetions, and other letters of Rate. Ancient hiftories of the kingdom. *• Regiiters of religious houfes. “ THE FIRST VOLVME. Ending with the entrance of king Edward the third.” Spcciatim enim continet hie codex. :. A brief difeourfe on the antiquity of the chrif- tian religion in this illand. 2. 2. De primis ecclefiarum chriftianarum in Gallia, Anglia, et Mil jernia tundatoribus; fragmentum ex quodam MS. circa An. 720, exarato. 5. 3. On the antiquity of the chriftian religion in this illand. Signed Dieu m Agarde, and dated Xov. 29, W 04 . s!’ 4. A paper on the famefubjed by William Dethick. h:<) 4 . * n. b. , ----— by Willm. Camden. 12. -by Willm. Hakewill. 14. 7. Profclliomim antiquorum Anglia* epifeoporum, viz. ih rewini epife. Lichfeldieulis, Eadulphi Ebora- cenii*, Denebcrti Wicciorum epifeopi, Retliimi Le- goraceniis, multorumque aliorum, antequam con- fecrarentur, formula*, de canonica obedientia archie- pifeopis Cantuar. pra-lianda. Item privilegia ab Ilonorio Papa Feel. Chrilti Cantuarienii concelfa, fol. 3 i. b. (In membranis.) jg. b. S. Gregorii Papa-, ad jEtlielbertum regem. Ber¬ th am reginam Anglia*, et I). Augufrinum; epifiohe gratulatoriie, de converlione populi Anglieani ad fidem ehriltianam. 37, b. 9 - Epiftola: S. Gregorii Papa; I. et aliorum Romas pontificum, ad archiepifcopos Cantuarienfes, reges nonnullos Anglia*, et varies Britannia; cfpifcopos. (In membranis.) 33. 10. Xarratio de Thoma Eboracenfi Archiep. qui noluit profellionem faeere Lanfraneo Cantuarienii, et ejus fuccefforibus. (In membr.) 45. b. 11. Generate concilium regni Anglorum, dejure et primatu Dorobernenfis ecclefia?. A 0 1072. (In membr.) 47 12. Epiftola* Lanfranci, et Alexandri Papas. (In membr.) 48 . b. 13 . Concilium totius Anglia; regionis, anni 1073. (In membr.) 5] 14. Epiftola Pafealis et Alexandri PP. Anfelmi et aliorum; item petitio elerieorum Eboracenfium, et profellio 1 lioma* Ebor. Archiep. (In membr.) 32. lo. Refponfum abbatis Bangor ad Auguftiminx monachum, petentem lubjedtionem Romans; eeeleliie. W allice et Anglice, ex antiquilfimo, uti dicitur, codice MS. lG. Colleftanea de primis Saxonicis regibus ad fidem Chrilti eonveriis, et fucceiforibus; eurumque ecclefia; Cantuarienii donationibus. :> 7. 17. Refcriptum Conltantini P. ad Brightwa.ldum Britanniarum primatem, de juribus ecclefia; Cantuar. ct mouachorum in integrum ab onmi invalione confervandis. (Chara6teribus Saxonicis; in perga- mena.) g,_> 18. Tranfcripta variarum chartarum RR. Sax- onum, ab Eadbrigbto (Edberto Kant ice regc) A. 741, ad Agelredum (Ethelrcdum IJ.) A° 980 , donationuin priccipue ad ecclefiam Dorobernenfem, concelfarum ; ex libro chartarum archiepifcopatus Cantuar. 08 . 19. Oratio R. Eadgari ad clertim Anglia;, ad re- formandos eorum mores: ex libro Ailredi Rieval- lenlis. si. 20. Chart® donationum regum et regin arum Sax- onum, et aliorum, ab A 0 99.3 ufqtie ad annum 1030 : tranfcripta; ex laudato libro Cantuar. ecclefia;. S 3 . 2». Trank-riptum charta- Edwardi Confcfi'oris de epifeopatu Exonienfis eeeleliie: ex autographo in eadem ecclefia. ‘ gi. 22. Charts et ordinationes It. Willielmi 1. ad com- pelcendos mores cleiieorum ; item de privilcgiis abba- tia; Sei. Martini de Bello, aliifque eeeleliis, concefiis. 92 . 23. Dc ortu, vita, et promotione Anfelmi abbatis Beeeenfis, et litibus inter ilium et RR. Willielmum et Henricum agitatis. 93. 24. Excerpta qutedam de eodem Anfelmo, aliifque rebus ecelelialtieis in Anglia, ab A' 1 io<) ad An. 1 lGi. 98 . b. 25. Fragmentum de arehiepifeopis Mcnevenfibus qui non l'unt uli pallio: ex biftoria Bi'itanuiea, Bri- tannice feripta. 99. b. 20. TYanfcriptuni eh;.r!;u fuiulationis monalrcrii dc Radingia per Ilcni ieum J. anno foil, regni. 20. 100. 27. Colle&anea dc rebus eccleliahieis in Anglia, et pnecipue tie litibus inter Plcnricum II. ct Thomaiu Becketuni, ufque ad annum 1195. 102. 28 . Bulla originalis Alexandri III. Papa;, de fubli- diis in orientc contra Saracenos mittciulis : Monte- pellulani data. (In inembrana.) i 1.;. 29. Tranfcripta cpiftolarum chiarum foil. Alexandri III. et dementis ill. PP. 1 u, 30 . Char?* CLEOPATRA, E. I II. 58 $ 30. Charta originalis Lucii III. Papa’, tie non im- pcdiendaabbatis de Saltereia libera elecfione. A° 1 184 . Cum fubi'criptionibus cardinalium. (In membranis.) 116. 31. Bulla originalis Eugenii III. Pap®, in qua monafterium S. Maria; cle Saltereia fub B. Petri pro- teClione fufcipit. (In membrana.) 11 8 . 32. ColleCtaneorum -cle rebus ecclcliafticis in Ang¬ lia, continuatio, annis 1190—1201. 120. 33. Liters; Innocentii III. Papa', ad Philippum II. R. Francis, ut vellet amicitias et lirma feeders vers pacis cum rege Othone facere, &c. A° 1202. (In membrana.) 34. ColleCtionis nuper laudats continuatio, ab A 0 1202 ad An. 1204. 1S0 * 35. De litibus ortis cle ele 6 tione archiepifcopi Can- fuarienfis poft obitum Iluberti, inter regem Johan- nem ct monachos. (I11 membranis.) 184 . 36. Notuls cl us, cle carta quadam confiCta, et cle itinere regis Johannis in Pictaviam. 147 - b. 37. Bulla originalis Innocentii Paps III. cle fub- jc&ione regnorum Anglia; et Hibernia; fedi Romans 'X R. Johanne concefla. (Inmembr.) 1213. ) 4 y. 38 . R. Johannis charts, patronatum epifeopatus Roffenfis, et cuftodiam omnium clericorum capti- vorum Archiep. Cantuar. concedentes. 1216. 1 50 . 39. Bulla Innocentii Paps III. pro rege Johanne, contra barones. (Inmembr.) 1216. 15 1. 40. Collectionis fupradifits continuatio, ab A 0 1215 acl An. 1244 . 153, 41. V aria ad querelas Innocentii Paps IV. contra imperatorem, et gravamina ecclefis prsfertim in Anglia, aliaque in concilio Lugdunenfi A° 1245 . gefta, fpe&antia. (In membran.) 1 79 - 42. Innocentii IV. bulla, de pace in ecclefia concilio Lugdunenfi reftituenda; data in ilto concilio VI Kal. Aug. 1244. (Inmembr.) 180.* 43 . ColleCtionis continuatio, ab A 0 1249 ad An. 1254 . 182 - 44. Innocentii IV. bulla acl Iienricum III. R. Anglis, •continens difpenfationem cle matrimonio cum Johanna •regina Caltells, in quarta confanguinitatis linea ip- fum contingente, contrahendo: data in ecclefia 13 . Stephani Senonenfis Anno 1250 r (In luembr.) 185 . 45 . Bulla originalis Alcxandri IV. Paps, acl Edmun- dum R. Sicilis, iilium R. Anglis, cle iftius regni do- nationibus et conceflionibus. V Id. Aprilis, 1255. (In membran.) 186. 46 . Chartuhe dure IL Ilcnrici III. anni 1255 . Col¬ lectionis nempe continuatio. 1 S 7 - 47. Bulla indulgcntis Paps Alexandri IV. acl Henrieum III. (In membr.) 1256. 189 . 48. Apographon lndls Alexandri IV. contra re- bellatores in Hibernia. 1254. 190. 49. Henricus III. ad cardinalem Sci. Georgii ad velum aureum, qusrens quod monachi Elienfes, abfque regali liccntia, antiltitem eligerint. (In membr.) 1257. 19 1. b. 50. Bulla Alexandri IV. ad Iienricum III. quod concefiio ilia regni Sicilis refeindetur, nifi condi- tiones implcrentur : data Auagnis, A° 1258 . 193 . 51 . Collectionis continuatio, ab A 0 1258 ad An. 1263 . 194 . 52. Urbani IV. Paps bulla de cafiatione provi- fionum quos magnates Anglis apud Oxoniam fece- runt. (In membr.) 1263 . 198 . 53 . Urbani IV. concellio Archiepo. Cantuar. cle dif- ponendis oblationibus acl pios ulus, et ad sdificandam domum apud Lamhith. Apographon. 1262, vel Sj 199 - 54 . Alexandri IV. bulla, abfolvens Iienricum III. de juramento quodam magnatibus pi'sfiito. (Inmembr.) 126I. 199. 55 . Collectionis continuatio. ab A 0 1264 ad An. 1273 . 199 . b. 56 . Bulla Nicolai Paps III. mifia Edwardo I, in quaexigit centum annuum mille marcarum pro reg¬ no Anglis. (Inmembr.) 1277. 211. 57. Collectionis continuatio, ab anno 1276 ad an¬ num 1291. 212. 58 . Tranfumptum bulls Nicolai IV. Paps, ad IL Edwardum I. in quo ilium ad bellum contra Saracenos gerendum excitat. 224. 59. Bulla originalis Nicolai Paps IV. ad R. Ed- wardum I. in qua ilium monet ne libertates et jura ecclefis invadat. (Inmembr.) 1291. 226 . 60. Colledtionis continuatio, ab A® 1293 acl an¬ num 1 305 . 226. b. 61. Tranfumptum bulls Innocentii V. de ca- nonizatione B. Edwardi regis Anglis. (Inmembr.) Latcran, 4 Kal. Junii, 1276. 242. 62. Tranfumptum bulls Urbani IV. Paps, qua confirmavit fententiam regum Anglis et Francorum, et quorundam epilcopor. et baronum, occalione quo- rundam ordinationum apud Oxoniam. (In membr.) 1264 . 243 . 63 . Clementis P. V. eoncefiio ftipendii cujufdam regins Margarits Anglis, ex decimis in eodem regno recipiendis. Apograph. Burdegal. 1305 . 243 . b. 64. Bulla Clementis V. annullans concelTiones om- nes foreftarum aliarumque rerum, a rege Edwardo 1 . buronibus, et aliis proceribus faClas. (In membr.) Lugduni, 4 Kal. Jan. 1306‘i 246. 65 . ColleCtionis continuatio, ab A® 1306 ad An. 1308. 247 . b. 66 . Clemens P. V. ad epifeopum Wigomienfem, e])i(lola quodam liquore contaminata. (Inmembr.) 1309. 255 . 67. ColleCtionis continuatio, ab A® 1310 ad An. 1324 . 256 . 68. Placita coram rege Edwardo II. apud Ebor. Wigan, &c. A° 1324, ubi liabetur breve acl Job. de Stratford. 270. 69 - Fragmenta, notuls, et charta Johannis XXII, Paps, quorum argumenta eruere, cum lint mu tils, ct liquore quodam inquinats, vix opers pretium videtur. 284 . Cleopatra , IL II. Codex chartaceus, in folio, membranis nonnullis iniertis, conitans foliis 365 . “ The ft ate of the Church of Great Britain, &c. “THE SECOND VOLVME;” Being a continuation of the collection in the preced¬ ing volume, beginning with the reign of Edward III and ending with the reign of Henry V. 1. ColleCtionis de rebus ecclefiatticis Anglis con¬ tinuatio, ab A® 1327 ad A11. 1333 . 3 . 2. Johannis XXII. P. quietaneia pro mille et quin- 2'entis mareis, pro cenfu unius anni et dimidii regni Anglis et tens Ilibernis, reccptis. (Inmembr.) Avenioni, 3 Non. Jnlii, 1332 . 15 . 7 K 3 . Vi (Ratio CLEOPATRA, E. II. 3 . Vifitat-io libera capell® regis infra cafirum A’, mdel'orc, p er Xicol . 1 5o- Tit. Sc®, crueis in Jerafalem prefbr. cardi¬ nalis, ail eundem. Rom®, die aa Nov. 1591. isi. 40 . a. Epi. presthi. et diaeoni Eccl. Rom. cardi- ■ ■ ; ■ - on- l: T! iRing that he will enfor hei ing< : <4 their orch r. April I .. 46 - petition of John Lov. e Bp. of St. Afiiph for licence to make his will. 7, 7 IV • ()! " ! , vel potius narratio, de u eccleiia Roman® et Graca. 1444. y4 48 . Orders of Henry vi, addreffed to certain pneits at Coventry ; directing them to prevent the preaching of herefy in their town. 1446. O'. A re< antation o' 1 lob 1 Bn Ion a , ral opinions lie had delivered, eipecially about theper- cjuifitcs of lights. &c. given to the cathedral of Coventry at burials. March 13 , 1446. ph . 50 . An order of the king to .... . to repeal a prohi¬ bition ot a citation of the ordinary of the paribn of ! Netherden, who had incurred cenfure. 1443. <,3. 5i. A petition of Wra. Strcte, a monk of Glafion- hury, for leave to remove from his abbev. 1449. 30 . Henry vi, to Andrew Hills and others at Rome; charging them to prevent the Pope from naming to the vacant Bpk. of Rochefter. 06 t. 26, 1434 . G3. Si. Concilium privatum Henrici vi. ad Papam ■ Eugenium iv. de epifeopatu Wigorn.Tho. Bourchicr, I non enim Tho. Bronu, tradendo. 08. 3 2. Heniicus vi, ad cardinalem Sci. Angcli, confilii j Lalil. prasfi den tern : quarens de dilatione quadam in ^ concilio. die 12 Feb. 1435. Gs. 33. An order to the cuftom-houfe officers of South¬ ampton, to learcli carefully all Grangers that ihall arrive there; and feme notes. July is, 1430. 09. 3 4. Memoranda de reformandis in confilio generali Bafileenfi, pro commodo ecclefne Anglican®. 0 1430. 70. 35 . A congb d’elire for the biftioprick of Ely; Thomas Snow recommended, but he does not appear in the lift of biffiops. 1430 . 70 36. Henricus VI, ad Papam Eugenium IV; de pace inter ipfum regem, et regem Franci® componenda. Weftm. die 3 i Julii, 1437. 74 37. A petition of John Spencer, a monk, to be re- ' ftored from the outlawry he had incurred for accept- ! ingof a provifor: the grant figned by K. Hen. vi ! Jan. 8 , 1438. 74 | 38. Heni icus VI, ad Ric. Archiep. Dublinenfem: ! pro Waltcro Shiryngton, utveniam fe abfentandi a | 94 . . 52 . A petition Ip ; Coventry, defiling to be authorized to reprefs im¬ morality at Chelter. July 2, 1448. 94 5 An ord of t King, to the tr<. fur< r and barons ot the exchequer, to l'urceafe certain liiits they were wont to ifi'ue againft Wm. de la Bane. Oct. 12 1451 . c)7. 54 . The King's Council, to Pope Calixtus Hr; about filling up the bifhoprick of Exeter: George NcviH named. (Orig. Lat.) Dee. 4, 145G. " io 0 . 55. A certificate that the abbot of Grimfby had taken his oaths. Sept. 27, 1457. 7 oi 5 (j. A few fcattered notes in this and the three following numbered leaves. J0 „ 57. Oratiuncula ordinata ut diceretur in convoca- tione cleri, die 19 Aprilis, 118.3, pro Ed\ ardo v : non tamen eft dicta hoc tempore. 10() * 58 . F. Cardh lis Senen ico Vli; facri confiftoi ii confii nationem r J patu Norwicenie figniiicans. 1 .\ut<»Jr.) 1 7 d. 1.5 Junii, 1499 . 59 - Propofitiones in c< ioi , tempora Ric. in. vel Hen. vii 1 , 7 Go. Capita orationis lega'i R. Hcniiei vn. ad Papam, poft matrimonium cum IA • bt . ... filia Kl- wardi IV. 1 486 . G i. Bullaoriginalis Innocenlii VIII. Pap:v m 3- ut fun homi :ida*, { . | de mandato CLEOPATRA, E. III. IV. 5*9 regis extrahi poffint. Rom®, Id. Augufti, 1487 . 134 . 62 . Henry Vir; mandate to the abbefs and nuns of Wylton, to admit Anicia Prefton as a nun, whom he names by virtue of a royal prerogative at the coronation of a queen, the K. meaning to marry Mar¬ garet of Aultria. (Lat.) Aug. 16 , 1308 . 135 . 63 . Litera archiepifcopi Cantuar. pro Johanne Vynherftet Nich. Overay de com. Cant, pro variis cxceffibus incarceratis. Magherfield, die 16 Junii. 135 . b. 64 . Ilenry VII; his order for the reftitutioii of temporalities to The. Langton Bp. of Winchefter. (Orig. ligned by the king.) Kenehvorth, June 25 , 1403 . ' 136 . 65 . Hen. VII ; his order for the reftitution of tem¬ poralities to Tho. Dunfter abbot of St. Auguftin, Canterb. Weftm. March 25 , 1508 . 137. 66- Alcxandri VI. Pap® bulla, vel a 6 tus confoede- rationis inter ilium, Maximilianum imperatorem, J erdinandum et Elizabetham Hifpan. R.et Regin. et tandem Henricum vil. Angl. R. contra Carolum VIII. Franci® regeifi. (Tranfumptum in pergamena.) die I ■8 Julii, 1406 . 138 . 67 . F. Card. Senenfis, ad Henricum VII ; de negotiis a Jo. Giglio regis oratore apud pontificem traCtatis, &c. (Autogr.) Rom®, die 10 Junii, 1407 . 142 . 68 . Alexandri VI. Pap®, bulla originalis difpenfa- tionis pro nuptiis inter Arthurum Walli® principem, et Catherinam de Ar'agonia. Rom®, Id. Feb. 1497. 144 . 69 - Jo. Card. Perufinus, ad Henricum VII; in lau- dem Jo. Giglis, eique fucceflionem in epilcopatu Wi- gornienfi optans. (Orig.) Rom®,die .... Junii, 1407 . 144 . b. 70. Alexandri VI. Pap® bulla originalis, confirmans bullain Innocentii VIII. difpenfatiouis de matrimonio inter R. Henricum VII. et Elizabetham, quarto con- fan guinitatis gradu conjundti, Rom®, 6 Kal. Apr. i486 datam. Rom®, 12 Kal. Jan. 1498. 147 . 71 . Henry VII, to the Bp. of Winchefter ; fignify- ing that Jerfey and Guernfey had, by a Pope’s bull, been feparated from the fee of C’outance, and an¬ nexed to that of Winchefter. (Orig. ftgned by the king.) Langley, 06 t. 25 , 1499 . 147. b. 72. Alexandri VI. bulla originalis, rogatum regis Franei® de pecunia ei a rege Angli® debita, audio- fitate pontifica corroborans. Rom®, Prid. Id. Junii, 1500 . 149. 73 . The contents of the King’s letters to the Pope, concerning pfovifions to be made for refilling the Turk. 1501. 1 30 . 74 . The articles of the Pope's bull for a holy Ju¬ bilee, to lie diftrilnited in England by Win. Butts, ftudent at Cambridge; alfo of the bull of dilpenfa- tion refpeding limony, ufury, &c. 157. b. 75. Julii II. Pap® bulla originalis, fub ftgillo, de canonizationc regis Iienrici VI. Rom®, 13 Kal. Junii, 1504 . l 6 l. 76. Iladrianus Card. Sci. Chryfogoni, ad Henricum VII; de variis rebus in curia Romana tractatis. (Au¬ tograph.) Rom®, die 4 Jan. 1504 . 162. 77 . Forma dandi pallium. (In perg. quondam figillo munita.) 170. 78 . Thomas Alcock, epilcopi Wigornienfis vicarius, ad abbatem de Parlhore; de ofticiis proR. Henrico VII. celebrandis. Wigorm die 28 Nov. 1504 . 171. 7!). Polydorus Caftellenfis, ad epifeopum Albanens. Card. S. Georgii, D. Pap® Cancel, de rebus quibuf- dam JDnum. Bothe, Rieard. Bowier, aliaque eccle- fiam in Anglia fpe&antibus. (Autogr.) Lond. die 7 Aprilis, 1507 . 173, so. J11. de Nonnia, ad amicum; de licentia h. reo-e Angliai data, ut alumina ex partibus infidelium ad- vecta, in regno fuo vendantur. Bononi®, Dee 10 1507 . 174. 81. Jerom Bonvix, to Henry vill; intelligence concerning the war in Italy, &c. (Orig.) Rome, April 30 , 1509 . 175. Cleopatra , E. IV. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 410 . A volume of Papers and Letters (moll of them ori¬ ginals) relating to Monafteries, and the diftblution of them in the time of Henry vm. viz. 1. Tho. Cromwell (vicar Gem) to the Bp of Lan- daff; about preaching. (Orig.) From the Rolls, Jan. 7. 7 2. A letter, commanding biihops, chancellors, &c. to a more itrict obfervanee of the king’s injunctions. 8 . 3 . John Lawrence, to.againft father Foreft a monk of Greenwich, and his faction. (Orig.) Richmond. g p 4. Win. Peytoo, to . . . .: an original letter. (Lat.) S. b. 5 . Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; defiring that Dr. Lee and himfelf may be commiffaries for vifiting the monafteries in the north of England. 10. G. Articuli regite inquifitionis, in monafticam vi- tarn agentes : with additions in Layton's hand. 11. 7 . General injunflions to be given in all mona- fteries. 0 j 8 . Thom® Solmes, Olythienfis cauonici, epiftola ad Th. Cromwell; qua petit h. vita monaftica dimitti. 9 . Order for the Charter-houfe in London. 26. 10. Roland Hill, to T. Cromwell; about the elec¬ tion of an abbot of Malm/bury. (Orig.) Malmf- bury, June 18. 27 11. Ric. Lyft's 5 original letters, to T, Cromwell and Anne Boleyn; againft his brethren of Greenwich monaftery. 2 8 . 12. Narratio de originali fundatione hofpitalis divi Johannis Jerufalem. 3^ 13 . Tho. Chapman warden of the “ Friers-minors in London,” to Mr. Newell; offering the refigiiation of his houfe to Cromwell. 33. 14. John abbot of “ Feverlham,” to T. Cromu'ell ? /hewing the eftate of that houfe, and the lervices he has rendered ; and hoping itill to continue there. (Orig.) Feverlham, March 16, 1535 . S4. 15. John abbot of “ Leicefter,” to.defirino- to be excufed the letting out the farm of Yngword^ feye. (Orig.) April 19. 34. b. 16. Jafper Fyloll’s inftruflion for the Charter- houfe. Sept. 5, 1535 . 35. 17. Wm. Brooke and B. Burgoyn, to the father confeffar of Syon ; thanking him for his good in- ftrudlion. (Orig.) Charter-houfe, Lond. March 153 7 - S8. b. 18. John Fitz-James, to T. Cromwell; telling him that the abbot of Glaftonbury defires to be freed from 4 of the injunctions of the laft vifitation. (Oricr.) Bedliehe, Sept. 2. 39. 19. Roland Taylor Bp. of Coventry and Lichfield, 7 L and 59° CLEOPATRA, E. IV. and Tho. Bedvll. to T. Cromw ell; telling him that the Lrancifcans of Richmond utterly refuted to lubmit to the articles font to them. (Grig.) June 15. 40. • 20 . Tho. D. of Norfolk, founder of the priory of “Newbury,” to T. Cromwell; about electing a prior. (Orig.) Kpnningtou, April 12 , 1537. 41. h. ■ 21 . John Llphyn, commendatory of Welbcck, to '1. Cromwell; about electing an abbot of “ Weftder- ham. (Orig.) Welbeck, Nov. 2 . 42. b. < 22 . Tho. Legh and Wm. Pet re, to T. Cromwell- giving an account of their vifitation of “ St. Alban s, and their arguments to bring the monks to furrender. (Orig.) St. Alban’s, Dec. 10 . 43. 23. Tho. Cromwell, to.againfta papiftical faction in a certain town; and ordering two priefis, Minfterley and Richard Ion, to be lent up priloners from thcncc. (Orig.) Sutton, July 17- 44. > 2 -i. Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; defiring to be appointed vifitor in York diocefe, and Blitheman to be his registrar; and that Dr. Lee may at the fame time vifit Huntingdon, Lincolulhire, and Chclhirc. (Orig.) 45. 25. Edmund abbot of York, to Card. Wolfey ; Offering him 300 marks if he will not apply the priory of “ Romcburgh,” belonging to bis abbey, to the ufc of his college and fchool at Ipfwieh. (Orig.) York, Sept. 20 . 47 . ■if). Ant. Sawnder, to T. Cromwell; about his preaching again ft popery to tile monks of Winch- combe, &c. (Orig.) Winchcoinbe, Nov. 2. 47-1). 27 . Robt. Sylveftcr prior of Gifburne, and Trif- trani Tclhe, to T. Cromwell: about electing a prior at “ Whitby." OCt. 8, 1533. 48. 2 3. John Longland Bp. of Lincoln, to T. Crom¬ well; about admitting fir John Blakyt a canon of Newfted befidcs Stamford, cliofen by lord Rutland the founder; the houfc being Avithout a prior, upon a refignation. (Orig.) Wooburn, Jan. 10 . 48. b. 29 . Orders for the monaftery of “ Hidecorrected by Cromwell’s own hand. 49 . 30. Edw ard Chamberlayn, founder of the priory of “ I x. ford” in Suffolk, to T. Cromwell; about chufing a prior. (Orig.) Kynbalton, Jan. 13. 50. 31. Xic. Shaxtou, who had refigned the Billiopk. < ( f Saruin for not fiibferibing the fix articles, to T. Cromwell; defiring him to intercede with the king for his liberty, and a pention. (Orig.) Cliewe, Nov. 9 . 50. b. 32. Wm. Dinham, to T. Cromwell; complaining of the remi fin el’s of religious perfons ami juft ices in Devoniliire, in carrying on the reformation, (Orig.) Lvffton in Devonfli. 1557 . 51. 35. Wm. prior of li Bridlington,” to T. Crom- well; {hewing that Gilbert de Gaunt is the founder of his monaftery, and not the king. (Orig.) Oct. 23. 34. Tho. Legh, to T. Cromwell; againft the li- cenfing of the heads of monaitcries, to go forth on their neceffary bull net's; and cautioning him to beware whom he fern >to the two univerfities. (Orig.) Wil¬ ton, Sept. 3. 53. b. :35. Andrew Bond, to the Charter-1 loufe monks; about obit-: and apologizing for leaving the habit. ( Oi%.) Aug. «. ' «4.1). 3G. Margaret Vernon, to T. Cromwell; offering to furrender her monaftery. 55. 37 . Elis Price commifiary general for the.dioeefe of St. Alaph, to T Cromwell; about removing the image of Darvel garden. (Orig.) North Wales, \pril G, 15 37 55. b. 5s. Wm. Burton abbot of St. Auguftine, Briftol and five others, to T. Cromwell; concerning the be¬ haviour and preaching of Latomer and Huberdvn at Briftol. (Orig.) ' 39. John abbot of Crovland, to.with a prefent of a fifli. (Orig.) March 25 . 57 . b. 40. Tho. Legh, to T. Cromwell; about electing an abbot of “ Rufforts.” 57. b. 41. Thom® Legh autograplion, conftituens D. Vincentabbatem monafterii de Abbatefbury. 57 . b. 42. Nic. Shaxtou Bp. of Salifbitry, to T. Crom¬ well ; defending his inhibition of Roger London a monk of Reading, from preaching: and concerning the privileges of the town of Salisbury. (Orig. 1 ) Ramefbury, March 21 . ’ 43 . Draught of a letter in anf’wer to the above, by Mr. Morifon. 02 . 44 . Copy of a letter to feme monaftery; pro- miling proteelion, notwithfianding the voluntary fur- render of others. (38. 45 . An abfiraet of the prophecies of Elizabeth Bar¬ ton, the holy maid of Kent. 75 . 46. Tho. prior of Chrift’s church Canterbury, bis account of the fame Lliz. Barton. 79 . 47 - An apology of the monks of Chrift’s church, tor their having been concerned in the tranlaCtions refpecting the holy maid of Kent. si. 48. A draught of a letter from fome lady, to Ilenry Vlll; apologizing for the fameeaule; and de¬ firing the king's intercefiion for reconciling her to her hulband. § 2 . 49. Roland Lee and Tho. Bctlyll commiflaries, to .their account of the holy maid of Kent. (Orig.) Canterbury, Dec. 10 . 83 . b. 50. An inventory of Eliz. Barton’s goods. S 4 . 51. Wm. Havvkherft monk of St. Auftin’s, de¬ livering up two letters w hich John Derings wrote to Eliz. Barton. 34 . b. 52. Mrs. Amadas, her prophecies. 84. * 58. Dio. Cromwell, to Either Bp. of Roehefter; about his encouraging the maid of Kent. (A draught in his own hand.) S 3 . * 54 . llobcii abbot of Wooburn; his declaration concerning certain charges againft him. 89 . 55 . The abbot and convent of Wooburn; their original i'ubmillion to the king, and defire for the con¬ tinuance of his protection. 9 ( 3 . 5 G. The brethren of the “ Charter-houfe in thelft* of Axholm” to.complaining of their prior, who had refigned the houfe at London, con¬ veyed away tlie goods and money, &e. (Orig.) 15 Kal. Jun. 97 . 57 . The w arden of the “ Grey-fryars in London,” to T. Cromwell; for licence to change his habit. 98, 58. J. Mufard monk of “ Worcefter,” his account of the decay of that monaftery, and complaint againft the abbot. 99 . 59 . J.Rulfel, to.giving an account of the execution of the abbot and. two monks of Glaften- bury, for robbing that church. (Orig.) Wells, Nov. iG. 99-b. GO. The abbot of “ Brerwem,” to.defil ing protection againft the ilieritL, who profecutes him for {topping one of his monks from going away pri¬ vately to London. (Orig.) Brewern, April 9 , 100 . Gl. Rich. Vowel prior of “ Walfingham.” to ... . againft CLEOPATR E. IV. 59 * again ft encouraging complaints, as being deftru&ive of difeipline. (Orig.) Sept. 22 . 101 . 62 . Tho. D. of Norfolk, and 11. Townthend, to reporting that Anth. Brown, fometime a fryer at Greenwich, had been condemned at Nor¬ wich for denying the king's fiipremacy. 102 . 63. Inquifttio de haeretica (i. e. Calviniftica) opi- nione Alicke Fonge. July 6, 1337- 103. b. (U. Tho. Legh, to T. Cromwell; fignifying that he and Dr. Layton had vifited the ArchbpAof York. (Orig.) York, Jan. 13, 1535. 104. 65. G? Borthwyck, to.recommending an informer againft religious perlons. (Orig.) London, Aug. 24. 10G - 66. Will. Barlow prior of “ Haverfordweft,” to T. Cromwell; complaining of the difeouragements lie, and other proteftants had met with, in the dioeefe of St. David. (Orig.) 107 . 67. Tho. Bedyll, to T. Cromwell? giving an ac¬ count of the vifttation of “ Sion lioufe.” (Orig.) Sion, Dec. 17 . 10 ->- 68. Tho. Dorfet curate of St. Mary's Lotlibury, to the mayor of London and others; concerning Dr. Croukehorn’s vifion of the Trinity and virgin Mary ; of Lambett’s condemnation at Lambeth for oppos¬ ing prayers to faints; of the Bp. of London's juris¬ diction; the Bp. of Worcelter’s fermon ; the king's propofing an aft of parliament againft idlemls. (Orig.) March 13, 1537. no. 69 . Crimes charged on the monks of “ Fumes” and “Salley.” lli.b. 70 . The parfon of Holford, to.; the monks of “ Athelney” ready to capitulate for the furrender of their lioufe. (Orig.) Holtord, Nov. 2 . 11 3. 71 . Rich. Layton and Tho. Legh, to T. Cromwell; fliewing the crimes and private rclignation of the ab¬ bot of “ Fountains;” and recommending a fucceffor to him. (Orig.) Richmond, Jan. 20. 114. 72 . Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; reporting the abominable crimes committed in monaftcries. (Orig.) York, Jan. 13. 115. b. 73 . Tho. prior of “ Badmyn,” (Bodmyn) to Mr. Lock; complains that his canons refufe to live up to the rules let them by the vilitor. (Orig.) Badmyn, May 28 , 116 . 74 . John Fofter, to-. . about his marriage, and having put away Ills wife. (Orig.) June 18 . 116 . b. 75 . Win. Barlow Bp. of St. David's, to.tel¬ ling of the refort to the tapers of “ Haverford and Cardigan,” and other relicks, and defiring to have the fee trandated to Kermerddyn. (Orig.) Kennerddyn, March 31. 1 G- 7 6. Examination of Tho. Horne prior of Cardigan and others, touching the ljiftory of the taper and virgin Mary of “ Cardigan.” 1 is. 77 . John ap Rice, his account of the mif-rule of “Bury Abbey.” (Orig.) Bury, Nov. 5. lSO.b. 78. Wm. Barlow's recantation of proteftantifm. (Orig.) 121- 79 . Rich. Wharton, to T. Cromwell; requeuing that the Calthropes, founders of “ Ingham” abbey, in Norfolk, may have the preference in purchafing it. (Orig.) Nov. 7 , 1537. I 22 - 80 . Cliriftopher Levy ns, to T. Cromwell; about the prior of “ Chrift’s church Canterbury,” his cor- refpondence with the Bp. of Rome, fraudulently con¬ veying away the treafure of the lioufe, and murdering fome of the monks. (Orig.) 124. 81 . Tho. Tyrrel, to.reports that the vicar of MendiUliam had brought home his wife and chil¬ dren, which was molt abominable to the lay-people in the neighbourhood. (Orig.) June 12 . 124. b. 82 . Rich. Layton, to.that one Biftiop, of Sion abbey, had debauched a wife ami a nun. (Orig.) Sion, Dec. 12 . Printed in Fuller's Church Hiftory. 125: 83. Indictment of Robert Vans, parfon of Over- Wallop; that lie being no prielt preached; that they tread God under feet who refute the new doctrine; alfo againft lights before images, and prayers to faints; likewile for being married: with his defence. 1534. " 126. 84. Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; about his fur- iounding “ Launden” (Lavenden) abbey, and catch¬ ing the abbot's concubine. (Orig.) 127 . 85. Indictment of James Cofyn clerk, forfpeaking againft popilli tenets in the church of fryers preachers atWincheftcr. (Lat.) ’ 127 . b. 86. Rich. Martlial, prior of the fryers preachers at .(lies beyond fea, for denying the king's fupremacy. 128. 87. Robt. Dali vyl of Roy Iron, his prophecy. 1537. ' 1 28. b. 88. Father Apparition, to John Darby monk of the Charter-houfe. (Orig.) June 27 , 1534. 129 . 89 . John Ld. Mordaunf s account of his confefiion to father Foreft. Feb. 2 S, 1538. iso. 90 . Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; reports his vi- fitation of feveral monafteries, and the great lewdnefs and dilorders he found in them. 131. 91 . John Laurence, to.fliewing that hi¬ ther Foreft of Greenwich, oppofes the king’s mea¬ sures. (Orig.) Richmond, Nov. 30, 1537. 132. b. 92 . Roger Hurl ton monk of Greenwich, to. inveighing againft father Foreft. (Orig.) Nov. 30, 1537. 133. 93 . Rich. Pollard, to.giving an account of the execution of the abbot and two monks of Glaftonbury. (Orig.) Wells, Nov. 16 . 133. b. 94 . John Bale, to.complaining of his fuf- ferings and imprifonment for preaching againft po- pery. (Orig.) 134 . 95 . John Bartelet, to T. Cromwell; reports hiin- felf and others having caught the prior of Clutched- fryers in bed with his concubine. (Orig.) 134. b. 96 . Thomas, prior of Chriit's church Canterb. to T. Cromwell; offering him and his fon Gregory a penfion of £. 20 a year, upon their relign’rag their penfion of £ 10 a year, &c. (Orig.) Canterb. Oct. 15. “ 133. 97 . Tho. Legh, toT. Cromwell; reporting that the abbot of Rievaux” will not own the Jurifdidlion of the vifitors; and that he leads a fcandalous life. (Orig.) Sept. 1 . 136. b. 98. H. Latymer abbot of Worcefter, to. recommending two monks. (Orig.) 139 . 99 . John Hylfey prior to the fryers preachers at Briftol, (lince A” 1536 Bp. of Ilochefter) to Card. Wplfey; againft Latymer’s preaching. (Orig.) Brif¬ tol, May 2. 140. 100 . Sir Tho. Dyngley's anfwer, to fir Ambrofe Cave’s pofitions ; about the privileges of the knights of St. John of Jerufalem. it). 101 . Roger abbot of “ Furneys,” offers T. Crom¬ well to increafe his penfion of £.4 a year, to /. 6. 1 8. and to pay him £. 10 ready, money, if he will be the irAeans of preferving three of the abbey's farms againft the 592 CLEOPATRA, E. IV. '.lie importunities of the E. of Cumberland. (Orig.) June 12. 142. b. 102. II. L. Wlgorn (Latvmer) to.with a prophecy inelofed. (Orig.) Oft. ry. 142. * 10:;. John Fitzwairen, to T. Cromwell; defiring to have the preference in buying the (tuff of the “ Black fryers at Sarum;” and that Mr. Goodale may have that of the “ Grey fryers.” (Orig.) Dornc- ford, Aug. 20. 146. 104. Tho. Burgh of Gaynfburgh, to.defil¬ ing that fir Tho. Royfe may be lent thither again to preach. (Orig.) April 7. 140 . b. 105 . Crimina comperta in variis monaftcriis. 147. 106. liic. Bcerlev monk of Perfhore, to T. Crom¬ well; defiring to he difmified; and Ihewing the vices of the monks. (Orig.) 161. 107. Henry abbot of Warden, his reafons for re- figning; viz. the wickedneis and ignorance of the monks. 1 63 . 108. Henry t ill; his inftruftions for knowing the yearly income of all monafferies, collegiate churches, &c. in England. (Orig. on vellum, figned by the king.) Alfo a commiihon for the fame purpofe, dated Jan. .‘ 30 , 1535 . 167. 109. -V difeourfe on the deftruftion of monaficries. 110. A paper concerning the increafe of the royal efrate. " j 74. 111. Wm. E. of Southampton, to T. Cromwell; propofing candidates for knights of the ihire for Sur¬ rey and Suffolk, and for members for lome boroughs; alfo about a defigned invalion, and the behaviour of lady Salifbury. (Orig.) March 14. 176. 112. Rate Sadleyer, to.about chitting a member of parliament. (Orig.) London, Nov. 1. 178 . 1 13 . A propofal for granting to the king the firft fruits of all ecclefiaftical benefices. 179. 1 14. A draught for an aft of parliament for keeping hofpitality at. the place of the diffolvcd abbies; and that no biihop have above 1,000 marks a year; that all monks, canons, and nuns be clofely confined to their abbies, and have 40 s. a year, beficles viftnals. and abbotsthat governors be appointed to each ho Life, with a falary of 1,000 marks a year to keep hofpitality, if the revenues will anfwer; and that the reft ot the revenues be applied for the defence of the realm, mending highways, &c. j gg. 1 15 . Form of the king’s letter, for taking the fur- render of the monafterics. ° ]QO. 1 16. Tho. lord Atidley chancellor, to.three letters; defiling to have the ditfolved monaflery of “St.Johns of Colchefter," in exchange for other lands; adding that the king promoted his marriage, and made him a baron, and yet he has no more tlfan £. SOOayear. (Orig.) ” j,j . 3 117. Tho. lord And ley chancellor, to .four letters, offering to purchafe Walden abbey,” & c ( Ori o0 197. US. Tho. Bedyll, to.two letters, com¬ mending the monks of Ramfey. (Orig.) Ranffey, Jan. 13 and 15. " c 20 -j 119 . Ric. Cromwell, to T. Cromwell his uncle; reports his going to Cambridge, Ely, and Ramfcv and that he found the fryer of Ely ffoward. (Ori-O Ramfey, Oft. 15. ‘ 204. b. 120. Wm. Pane, to T. Cromwell; fignifyino-that the abbot of “ Peterborough,” offered V year's rent ot the abbey to the king, and £. 300 to Cromwell, to have it fpared. (Orig.) Horton, March is, 1.537. 205 . 121. Penfions afiigned to the monks of “ St. ,\n- drew's m Northampton;” and an, account of their dinolution. 1538 . (Two papers.) .jog. 122. John Stockefley Bp. 0 f London, to . . about difpofing of the revenues of the ditfolved ab¬ bies, 6c c. Two letters. (Orig.) 20;. b. 123 . Edm. Lnyglitlv and three other commif- tumers, to 1. Cromwell- in behalf of the nuns of • Catelby. (Orig.) Catefby, May 12. 200. 124. Humphrey Stafford, to T. Cromwell; be-s the priory <>f - lynfhead m Northampton fibre,” and VV orlpnng m Somerfetfliire.” (Orig.) Bletlierweke. 2 ° 9 . b. 12j. Ihe king s commiflioners, to. . j n jj e half of the mms of “ Polefworth" in Warwick)],ire (Ung.) Maxftock near Coventry, July es, 1537. 210. b. 12B. A tlepofition that Wat. Mackrel abbot of •Herhng*. imported that the monks fmuoo-lc the goods ot the abbey. (Orig.) JIarch ea, ijao-T 211. 127 . Tli. Cramner Abp. of Canterbury, to . : fignifying that lie hopes to peHiiade the abbot of the ! “Charter-houfi in the Iileof Axholro” tofurrender j (Orig.) Fourde, March 2. 2 , 0 128. Richard Devereux to.concerning tliv tin render of leveral poor abbies. (Orio- ) j : n coIn - "kie. b.' t eg cy.rge Gifford, to T. Crowell? in favour- of Wolitrop abbey. ' (Orig.) 1537. 213 130 . Wm. abbot of “ Kennelworth,” to T. Crom¬ well- in behalf of bis manor or cell of Broke. (Orio- 4 June 17, 1536 . ’ v 0] J ' J Fra " cis y avc ' s account of tile diffolution ot Leicefter abbey." (Orig.) Aug. u 9 , 153? 215 . b. 1 32 . John Beaumount, to.fends a prefent of £. 20, defiring to farm “ Gracedew abbey ” ((5 Welleiborougb, Dec. 27. “' 215. 133. John Smyth’s account of the fmugo-lino- of the goods of the priory of “ Laund.” (Olio-? witli- coke, Dec. 22, 1538 . 0 21G. b 134 . Tho. Bedyll, to.recommends the priory of the “ Charter-houfe in London,” and in- clnfes a lift of the monks dead or dying in Newgate (Orig.) London, June 14 , 1537 . ” ^17 " 1 . 35 . Robeit Southwell, to ...... givin 0 - an ac¬ count of the goods of “ Box ley” abbey, particular¬ ly a piece of St. Andrew's finger put'to pledge for £. 40 . (Orig.) Northampton, March 3. 218. 13 G. Tho. Bedyll and two other commiflioners - their report of the furrender of “ Langdon, Eolkftone, and Dover” abbeys. (Orig.) Canterb. Nov. 1 o’. 219. b. 137 . Cli. Ely ot, to T. Cromwell; thanks him for recommending him to the king; affirms his proteftant principles; and begs forfomc oftlie dili'olved lands, of which be offers Cromwell the iirit year's rent. (Orio*.) 220. b. 138 . Rich. Grefhaml.d. mayor of London, petitions h. Henry VIII. to have “St. Mary's, St. Bartholo¬ mew s, and St. Thomas's hofpitals,” and the new ab¬ bey on “ Tower-hill, invelted in the mayor and al¬ dermen, for the ufe of the poor. ‘ 222. 1:9. John Stokefley's Bp. of London, and Rich. Pollard's accounts of the diffolution of “ Readino’’ abbey, and of the relicks there. (Two original?.) Reading, Sept, is and 15. 0 2 23.* 140. John Bp. of London ; four letters for the dif- folutiou CLEOPATRA, E. IV. 59.5 folutipji of the nunnery of “ Godftow;” and one of Catli. Bulkcley, abbefs, again ft it. (Orig.) 1537. 225 . 141. Tho. Legh, to T. Cromwell; fjgnifying that the monks in divers places delire to be dilinilfed. (Orig.) Ely, Nov. 1, 1537 . 229. ] 42. A report of commiflionei\s,ofthe treafure found in the abbey of “ St. Edmundlbury.” 229. b. 1 43 . Rich. Southwell, to.recommending Mr. Beltney. (Orig.) March 20, 1536 . 230 .' 1 44 . Rich. Southwell; his account of the fequeftra- tion of “ Walfingham” abbey. (Orig.) July 25, 1536 . 231 . 145 . An account of the demolifliing of “Lewes” abbey: faid to be in Rich. Moryfon’s hand: alfo a note figned Hen. Polited. March 24, 1538 . 232 . 146. Tho. lord Lawurr, to T. Cromwell; defiring that “ Boxgrave” abbey may be fpared, or elfe that he may have the preference of the farm of it; the latter of which was granted him. (Orig.) March 25 . 234 . 147. John Gage and Ric. Layton; their account of the ditfolution of “ Battel” abbey. (Orig.) May 148. Rich. Strete’s inventory of the goods and lands of “ Calwich” abbey. (Orig.) 236 . 149 - John lip. of London; his report, of the furren- dcr of “ Kyme, Noncotton, Irforthe, Foffe, and Hevenyngs,” in Lineolnlhire; and of “Bowvale, and Newftcd,” in Nottinghamlhire. (Orig.) Oxon. July 27 . 237 . 150 . Sir Wm. Baflett’s report that he had removed the images of “ St. Anne of Buxton, and St. Mud wen of Burton upon Trent,” and had Unit up Buxton Wells. (Orig.) 238 . 15 1. Edward Lee Archbp. of York, to T. Cromwell? reports that he had given order not to alienate the goods of abbies under £. goo a year rent; defires to have “ St. Ofwald’s and Hexham fpared;” has fup- preffed preachers of novelties. (Orig.) Cawode, April 23 , 1536 . 239. 152 . Arthur Darcy propofes to breed horfes in the grounds of “ Gervays” abbey; and Rich. Bcllyfeys demoliihes the faid abbey. (Two originals.) 240. 153 . An alignment of an annuity of 1 00 .marks to Wm. Thryfke abbot of “ Fountain,” upon his re- fignation. (Orig. Lat.) Jan. 19, 1535 - 6 . 241. b. 154 . Report of commifltoners, of the difiblution of “ Hampole, St. Ofualds, Pontefract, Fountain, St. Mary’s in York, Nonapleton, and Selby” abbies. (Orig.) Dec. 8 , 1537 . Alfo of “ Wyerefope, Moncke- breton, St. Andrew’s at York, Byland, Ryvaille, Kyrkeham and Ellerton, Tykhill, Doncaltcr, Ponte¬ fract,” &c. (Orig.) Dee. 15, 1537. 242. 155 . Petition of tlie inhabitants of “ Ilolm-Col- tram, ’ defiring their church might be preferred. (Orig.) 243 . b. 156 . Report of the furrender of “ Furnes and Whalley” abbeys. (Orig.) April 6 . 244. 157. An order of the vifitors, to father Coppinger eonfefibr of Sion, to endeavour to remove the feru- plcs of two monks of the Charter-houfe of Bewnall. (Orig.) Aug. 31, 1537. 247. 158 . Rich. Devereux? reports the furrender of “ Bridgnorth, Atherfton, Neweaftle-under-line, Lich¬ field, Shrew (bury,” and other abbies. (Orig.) Aug. 13 . " < 248 . 1 59 . Rich. Layton, to T. Cromwell; with feveral relicks: the prior of Maiden-Bradley hath licence to keep a whore, and hath fix children. (Orig.) 249. 160. Rich. Devereux ? reports that divers goods am. lands of monafteries are iecurcd ; “ Aderfimn and IVneveh abbies fmuggied their goods. (Ori- ) Gloucefier, .May 23. " 250. 161. Rich. Devereux; reports the furrender of mules about Briltol, Gloucefier, &c. alfo the de¬ baucheries and villauies of the monks. (Orig.) 251. 162 Report of the furrender of “ Gloucefier” ab¬ bey. (Orig.) July 28 , 1538 . 252. b. 16.3. A lift of fome fryars who defire to change their habits. 1538 . 053, Uii. The commiiTioncrs of the weft parts, to the l.d. privy leal (f. Cromwell) report that the monaf- terv of “ Hales” had furrendered in good order. (Orig.) Glouc.Jan. 4. 254 . 160. \\ in. Pel re, reports the furrender of “ F.vef- ham abbey. (Orig.) Lanthonyc, March i?. 255. 166. 1 lie nuns of Styxwolcfis petition, to have the penlwm of £.34 a year charged 011 them, remitted. (Orig.) Jan. 8 , 1537 - 8 . ' 255. b. 167. Roland Lee, Bp. of Cov. and Licbf. defires o me the cathedral at Coventry converted into a collegiate church. (Orig.) Wigmore, Jan. 12. 256 . b. 168 . Tho. Arundell, petitions to have “ Cliffe” alihey lpared, for which 1,000 marks are offered to the king. (Orig.) St. Colombo in Cornwall. 257 . IBs. P. Edgcombe, founder of the priory of “ Tot- ncls, ' aud nunnery of Com worthy;” defires to nave them fpared, or to have the temporalities there- 01 (° ri S 0 258 . 1 70 . Iiieh. Zouche, founder of the abbey of “ Sta- verdel;" defires to have it reftored. (Orig.) 239. b. 171 . Wm. Harlow Bp. Of St. David's; tells of the rudenefs and l'uperftition of the Welch: defires to have his fee removed to Karmardvn. (Ori ■■ ; I ant- fly, Aug. 1 a. ■ = ' 260 . 1 72. \V m. Barlow, about feizing the charter of St. David s, its elicits of money, and plate; his profecut- mg a canon, who compelled his fervant to marry his whore. (Orig.) St. David's, April 5, 1537. 262. 17a. Rich. Devereux; reports the furrender of many monafteries: mentions the ear of Maicus and other relicks. (Orig.) 20s 1 7 1. Hush Latimer lip. of Worccfter, to T. Crom¬ well ; thanking him for promoting good men - re¬ commends the prior of “Great Malvern" to him who ofters the king 500 marks, and Cromwell 2 ou lhat Ins houfe mayfiand, not for preferving monkery but religion and learning. (Orig.) Dec. 13. 2G4. . 175 . Report of the furrender of “ Twynham " a richabbey. Orig.) Cliriit Ch. Dec. 2. 267. b. 1 76. An account of the penfions of the monks of Iungfwood” m \\ i 1 tillire. 28s _ 177. Nicolas abbot, of “ Roy Alien” Oxon. toT. V romwcll; offering him £. 100 to have his abbey pie- lerved, or converted into a college. (Orig.) '209. ( 78 . John Matthew late prior of “ Cokesford ” petitions fur a penfion of 20 a year. (Old.*'!) 209 . b. 179 . Jane Mellyndyne priorefs and the fillers of “ Legbome,“ petition to have their houfe preft-rved CP ri gf-? ! 270. b.' 180. i l'.e names of all the parfonages to be impro¬ priated unto Cardinal College Oxford. 273. 181. A lilt of founders of abbies. 275. 182 . Animus valor omnium inonafteriorum fuppref- ' forum, 594 CLEOPATRA, E. IV. V. forum, a letter s.) Fold, Jan. gi, amt Sept. 101 l-l. Two draughts of an ad of Pa:liameut. about the fame; corrected with the king's own hand. 103. 15 . Cranmcri litcra* ad Olianihrun, propria maim feriptre; contra polygamiaui. Lambeth, Sept. 27. 1 11. 16 . Argumenta ad probandum quod matrimonium eft facramentum. hj. 17. Dc pumitentia : traClatus quatuor. 115. 18. De Sacramentorum ufu : paginaunica. 122. b. if). A treatile of K. Henry VIII; again ft auricular confdliou, and priefts marrying: in his own hand. 20. Defence of auricular confeftion : with the king’s objections on the margin, in his own hand. 125 . 21. A fragment of a letter, intimating that the king is inclined to leftore popery. 128. b. 22. A declaration for pilgrimages, by 4 bifliops ami one abbot. (Orig.) * 129. lc 23 . Ihfhop Latimer’s arguments againft purgatorv, with the king’s anfwers: both in their own hamL 130. 24 . Defence of communion in onr kind; bcincr part of the king’s anf’wer to the German orators! (The whole is at v. 215.) 134. 25. Another; corrected by the hifliop of Durham (Tunfial.) * ‘ i4o. 26. Defence of eommunion in both kinds. 15G. 27. Pallavicini Cannelita* cpitiola ad lien, nil; pietatem propriam defciulcns. (Autogr.) Kal. Sep- tembris, 1535 . uy \j 28. De Euchariftia: traClatus quatuor. 1G0. 29. Tho. Crumwell (fie.) to llcmy vnr. about a proclamation againft the man Eye ' o! punts, Mc- lanCthon’s reflection on the biffin;.'-.. the king’s m.tr- 1 iage n itii Anne of Cl ves,.• uigelic it 1539 . 1 ?- 2 . 30 . Germania: oratoium lit'-nr ad llenricum vnr j contra comimmionem in wna tantum ipccic, mil As priv atas, CLEOPATRA, E. V. privatas, et facerdotum matrimonii proliibitionem. 1538. 173. 31. Earundem literanim fumma: epifcopi Dunel- meniis (Tunftal) propria manu fcripta. (Item fol. 256.) G 09 . S 2 . Abp. Cranmer, to.; that the bifhops declined anfwcring'the German orator’s letter, having- heard that the king would do it himfelf; that tlie orators were ill provided with lodgings; that the ab¬ ides of Tutbury and Rocheller may be fupprefled, and recommending- l’r. Baflet to have the leafe of one of them. (Orig.) Lambeth, Aug. 23. 212 . 33. The Bp. of Winchefter (Ste. Gardiner) ambaf- fador in France ; his reafons againft the articles pre¬ fen ted to the K. of England by the princes of Ger¬ many. 1536. 213. 34 . Iienrici vm. refponfio ad literas oratorum Germania (v. 30.) reperiendas; feu potius earundem confutatio. 215. 35. l-’rid. Myconii, epiftola ad T. Cromwcllum ; pe- tens licentiam abeundi in Germaniam, caufans ad- verfam valetudinem, &c. (Autogr.) 1538. 227 . 36 . A copy of fuch things as Martin Luther, Phil- MclanCthon, with certain cities and princes of Ger¬ many, their adherents, have admitted : not men¬ tioned by Sleidan. 1539. 229 . 37 . Erafmi Sarcerii liter® ad Henricum Vlll: pro¬ mittens novum exemplar ipfius methodi in prrecipuos feriptur® locos, etpoftillam in evangelia et epiitolas. 230. 38. Conclufions made at the diet of Spiers. A 0 1529. 232. 39- A letter from the princes of Germany, to the King; defiring an union in matters of religion, and offering to fend lome of their divines to confer with thole of England thereon. 1 540. 235. 40. Phil. MelanCthonis liter® ad Hen. VIII : ei emendationem religionis commendantes. (Autogr.) Francof. die 26 Martii, 15S9. 239 . 41. Ejufdem ad eundem epiftola; Francifcum Gcr- manorum principum legatum laudans. (Autogr.) Franc of. die 10 Aprilis, 1539. 242. 42 . Ejufdem ad eundem epiftola: contra inutiles ceremonias, pro facerdotum nuptiis, &c. (Autogr.) Francof. Kal. April. 1539 . 244. 43. Poftremarum literarum fummarium. £52. 44 . A book of ceremonies, to be ufed in the church of England. 259. 45. An order taken for preaching, and bidding of the beads, in all fermons. 286 . 46. Henry VIII ; his injunction to the bifhops in favour of ceremonies, and againft priefts marrying. (Orig. with the king’s name flumped on it.) 1537 . 290 . •?7. Abp. Cranmer, to.; thanking him for promoting God's word ; againft keeping the abro¬ gated holidays, and in behalf of Wm. Gronnow. (Orig.) Ford, Aug. 28. 292 . 48. Edward Lee Abp. of York, to.about his dealing with preachers of novelties. (Orig.) C’awod, Jan. 24. 293. 49- Richard Sampfon Bp. of Chichefter; his in¬ junctions to his clergy to comply with the king's di¬ rections in religious affairs, and to pray for him and prince Edward. 294 . 50 . Richard Sampfon Bp. of Chichefter, to Mr. Welles ; to forbear linging any part of the fervice in the Englilh tongue, or any other innovations, until the king’s pleafure be known. (Orig.) London, Aug. 21 . * 296 . 595 51 . Richard Sampfon Bp. of Chichefter, to T. Cromwell ; attelting his fincerity in the reformation. (Orig.) London, Sept. 4, 1538 or 9. 298. 52 Richard Sampfon, Bp. of Chichefter, to T. Cromwell E. of Effcx; to prove that the bifhop of Durham and the late Bp. or London had prefled him to flick clofc to the old ceremonies. (Orig.) Tower, J une 7. 300 . 53. T. Crum well (fic) his letter, fent along with the king's injunctions for uniformity ; requiring a difcreet ufe thereof. (Orig.) The Rolls, Jan. 7. 302 . 54 . A proclamation againft calling one another papilt or heretic, and alio againft reading the Bible in Englifh aloud in churches in the time of the mafs ; but allowing the congregation to read it to thein- felves: corrected with the king’s hand. 303 . 55 . Aii aCt of Parliament: 1. for tranfubftantia- tion ; 2. againft communion in both kinds; 3 . againft priefts marriages; 4 . for vows of chaftity; 5 . for private maffes; and 6. for auricular confeflion. This alfo is corrected with the king’s hand. 313. 56 . A proclamation, againft having the feripture and other books iu Englifh. June, 1535 . 321. 57. Richard Grafton, to T. Cromwell? defiling that others may be inliil Ped for three years from printing the Bible in Englifh, until helhall have fold his edition of 1500 copies; or, that all curates and popifli monafteries may be obliged to buy them. 1537 . 325 . 58 . Citation of Fran. Regnanlte, for printing the Englilh Bible at Paris. Dec. 17, 15 S 8 . 326. 59 - Francis I. K. of Fr. his licence to Rich. Graf¬ ton and Edw. Whitchurch to print the Englifh Bible at Paris. S 26 . b. 60. Directions for reading the Bible in Englifh. S27. 61. Ric. Grafton, to T. Cromwell; about his edi¬ tion of the Englilh Bible, and complaining that James Nicholfon of South walk had publilhed the New Teftament in Englifh, with Coverdale’s name to it, without his leave. (Orig.) Paris, Dec. 1. 329. 62. Abp. Cranmer, to T. Cromwell; thanks for his having obtained the king's licence to fell and read the Englifh Bible. (Orig.) Ford, Aug. 13 , 1537. S29. b. 63 . Richard Grafton, to T. Cromwell; thanking him for obtaining the king's leave to publilh the Bible in Englifh ; defining him alfo to get a pi ivy leal for it. (Orig.) London, Aug. 28 , 1537 . 330 . . 64 . Q. Anne Boleyn, to T. Cromwell; in behalf of Ilic. Herman, who had been expelled by the late car¬ dinal from the fellowfhip and freedom of the Englilh houfe at Antwerp, for having promoted the publilli- ing of the New Teftament in Englifh. (Orig.) Greenwich, May 14. 336 . b. 65 . A proclamation for the Bible in Englifh to be had in every church. 1541. 337. 66 . Provinci® Cantuarienfis fynodi decretum con¬ tra libros fufpeClre doClrin®; ut S. feriptura in lin- guam vulgarem transferatur; contraque laicorum contentiones de articulis ficlei et S. fcriptur®. Dec. 19, 1534 . 339. b. 67. A proclamation (corrected with the king’s own hand) againft importing or printing, without licence, books in the Englifh tongue ; againft anabaptifts and facramentaries; againft difputing about the facra- ment, neglecting of ceremonies, and marriage of priefts. 341. 68 . A proclamation that anabaptifts, facramenta- rles, and other hereticks, depart the realm- 357 . 69 - An CLEOPATRA, E. V. VI. 596 f> 0 . An account of the examination of five perfons foi licrclV. before fome billiops at Lambetb, and the dcfco;.-, of proof. (Orig.) Nov. l 1. 359 - 70. Cuthbcrt Tunftal lip. of Durham; againft a b * ,'k ceiled " Ort.us aniline ; M forthat it is againft the aft of fuco lfion. fOrig.) Stockton, July 7, 3 G 0 . 71. Kiel'.. Nix lip. of Norwich, to.; reprefenting that he cannot prevent the reading of erroneous books in his dioeefe. (Orig.) Ilopne, May i t, 1 530 . 300 . # 7a. Three farcaftical letters againft feveral men at Briftol, for imprifoning a curate. 361 . 73. Robert Ridley ; pointing out faults in Timbal's tranflation of the N. Tclianient. i.> 37 . 362 . b. 74. II. Latimer, againft Mr. Coots, for preaching popifh doctrines. (Orig.) 363 . 75. Rich. Brown ; againft Latimer's preaching at Briftol. (Orig.) 363 . b. 76. Win. Drury; about fir John Gale* who is in his cuftody for refilling to jvubliJJv to his parifliioncrs fuch artieks as were fet forth by the king; and alio for fpeald ;g againft popifh tenets. (Orig.) April 3 , 1 . 537 . 3 ( > 4 . 77. Depofttions againft feveral, for preaching againft popifli tenets. 363 . 7s. Defence of tranfubftantialon, againft John Lambert: two articles. 367 . 79. Account of Mr. Hicrome’s recantation fer- mon, about juliification, and the power of the ma- giftrate; in a letter from lien. Dowes, to Gregory Crum well. (Orig.) Stepneth, April 1.337. 374 . 80. Robert Syngleton's eenfure of Dr. Cot t v's fer- 111011, preached at the Charter-houfe on Eafter-dav, 1538 , in defence of popery. 376. 81. John Valey clerk at Colehefter; againft auri¬ cular confeilion. 377 - b. 82. A note, figued Henry Fitz Wauter, bating the opinion of Robt. Walton, concerning grace. 378 . s i. John Si K’kely l!ji. of London, to T. Crom¬ well ; eoiiei ruing the examinations of John A’a ley or Falev, John Coole, and other ditfenters at Colchef- ter. * May 21. S?S.* 8 i. Order tor burning John Hooper Bp. of GIou- ecl'tcr, at Gloucefter. temp. Maria;. 380 . S 3 . Ojiinion of the clergy in the north parts, in favour of nine popifh articles. 381 . • R Bp. of (< nlry and Lichfield, to.; reports that the Wcllh are quiet; de¬ li: ing a eomniillioii to repair Wigmore caftle; that the prior of Woodhoufe hath ditlipated the goods thereof, and thrown oft' his habit. (Orig.) Wig- niore, Jan. 1 . 3 . 382 . 87. The Bp. of St. David's (Wm. Barlow) and one Talley, acen.cd of preaching proteftant doctrines. 1536 . 383 . Cleopatra, E. VI. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 393 . A eolleciion of Tracts and Papers, touching the power > 4 ' the King in Ecclefiaftical Councils; the duties of Liihops and Priefts; the rights of the Church of England againft the claims of the Popes, tl.Ar provifors, appeals, &c. The particu¬ lars of which are as follows : \. De poteftate regia;" being the latter part of . ; De differ* nt ia reg ire poteftatis, .See." publifhed by K. Henry VIILth’s authority A° 1554 . l. ( olleftanea fatis coj iofig 56. 48 . J Fiflier? Bp. of Roeheftcr, to Dr. Steward chancellor of Winehefter; fignifying that James Cofyn, prior of the! fryers preachers at Wincheller, had been fet at liberty, and had leave granted him to preach. (Orig.) April 24, 1535 . 257. b. 49 . Nir. Shaxton Bp. ofSalifbuiy, to fec y Crom¬ well; declaring himfelf willing to co-operate in the caufe of the king's fupremaev. (Orig.) Mortlake J line 4. J 535 ? “ 258 ’ 50 . Roht. (Sherburn) Bp. of Chichefter; fignify¬ ing his having proclaimed the king's fupremacy, both in the pulpit, and by injunctions in his diocefe. (Orig.) Selfey, June 28. 258. b. 5 }- •/ ..ambaflador of Henry A in, to James V. K. of Scots ; being Henry’s declaration cot/ceming* lus iupuwnacy. 259° 52 . John (Longland) Bp. of Lincoln, to fee y Cromwell; reports his having fet forth the king’s ti¬ tle of fupreme head of the church in his diocefe. (Orig.) Wooburn, June 25 . 26 o. b.' 53. Willm. Overbury, to.concerning the king’s fupremacy. 06 1. 54 . A paper again ft tlie payment of annates to Rome. 282 55 . Articles of a treaty between the princes, elec- tors, and nobles of Germany ; chiefly on matters of religion. (Lat.) 5 fi. The ambaffadors of the proteflant princes of Germany, In Henry VIU; on their confederacy al- liance with Henry, See. (Lat.) 57 - John Frederick cleftor of Saxony, and Philip tlie magnanimous landgrave of Fleftia, to Henry \ III ; Hating their reafons for not obeying the Em¬ peror’s luminous to a council or cone-refs. fOiio- Lat.) 7 Cal. April 1537. 233? 58 . Anfwcrs of tlie above Eleaor and Landgrave, to certain points propofed to them bv Chriftoph Montanus and Tho. Panellus (He) ambaffadors from Henry VIII. (Orig. Lat.) Frankfort, April 4 , 1539 . 285. 59 . Articles to be propofed to Henry vm. on the part of the German proteflant princes. ‘(Lat.) 291. 60. The petitions of the duke of Saxon v and land¬ grave of Ileftia, to Henry VIII : with the anfwcrs of the king’s ambalfadors to the fame. 1536. 292. 61. The Elecior of Saxony’s anfwer, to a fummons of the Pope and Emperor to a general council. (Lat ) 1533 . 097. 62. The act of confederacy between the German proteflant princes and Hates. 1536. 299. 63 . A confultation among the German proteflant princes ; and their decree for the conl'ervation of the true doctrine of the gofpcl. 1535. o 03 _ 64 . The anfwer of the Germans aftembled at Smal- kald, to Pet. Paul Ycrgerius the Bp. of Rome's am- balfador. 1536 . In the hand of Ric. Morifon. 304. 65 . An EngTifh tranflation of iv\ 57. 306. 7 N 66 . Collec- 9 8 CLEOPATRA, E. VI. F. I. 66. Collectanea ox epiftolis Leonis olim Pont. Rom. tie indictione concilii. 30S - 67 . Part of a paper, feemingly a declaration of the German princes, againft the council to he held at Mantua. (Lat.) In Morifon's hand. 310. 6S. Rio. Morifon, to Ld.concerning the publication of the king's anfwer, touching the coun¬ cil of Mantua. (Orig.) 311. 69. Propofitions to be laid before the king’s coun¬ cil, concerning the reformation, and renouncing the Pope’s authority : with refolutions concerning the fame. 1533. 313. 70 . Things necefiary to be remembered before the breaking of the Parliament; concerning the power of councils. 318. 71 . By what authority, and how, general councils may be called. 319- 7 2 . A part of a fermon or exhortation in defence of Henry viii. 320. 73 . Til. D. of Norfolk and Geo. Bolcyn Ld. Rochford, to fec y Cromwell; fignitying the king's defire that MelanCthon might be prevented from go¬ ing into France, Sec. (Orig.) 324. 74. Philip Melancthon. to Henry \ III ; again ft the Pope’s fupremacy. (Orig. Lat.) May 12 , 1.538. 326. 75. Raynold Pole, to Henry Mil; concerning a book on the king’s title which Pole had written, and on the king’s ordering him over. (Orig.) Venice, July 15. 328. 76 . Infrructions of R. Pole, concerning things' to be /hewn to the king’s grace, refpecting his book and his opinions. SS4. 77- Raynold Pole, to the bi/hop of Durham (Cuthbt. Tunltal) in anfwer to the bi/hop's letter hereafter, VI. 85. (Orig.) Padua, Aug. J, 1536. 337. 78 . R. cardinal legate (Pole) to the Ld. privy feal (T. Cromwell) profefling his .duty and affection to¬ wards the king; concerning his promotion to the cardinalihip, See. (Orig.) Cam bray, May 2, 1537- 349- 7". Mr. Starkey, to R. Pole; advifing and ex- pnitulating with him, concerning the opinions and conduct of the latter. (Five letters.) 1535 and 6. 354. j 80 . Raynold Pole, to Henry t ill; touching his ' opinions. 361. : 81. Mr. Starke}’, to R. Pole; touching the opi¬ nions of the latter. Jan. 16, 1557' 36:1. 82 . Mr. Starkey's laft letter in anfwer to Mr. Pole; and after Mr. Pole had written to the king. (A cor¬ rected draught.) 365. S3. Mr. Starkey, to the Ld. Privy Seal; after the k : ng had vault'd Sl.ukey to write to Mr. Pole. 370. 84. Mi> haorrhi'ickmorton, to the Ld. Privy Seal; about Card. Pol. Liege, Aug. 20 , 1537. 3?2. s >. The b:ifm[ >>t Durham, to Mr. Pole; concern¬ ing the hook of I he latter on the king's title, See. I \ igl g t.) London, July 13, 1516. 375, 86. Joiii: Legh parfon of the Tower, to the Lords of Council: reporting the communications he had had \Ath Pole at Rome. (Orig.) Tower. 380. 87. Proicer of an act for eftablifhing the king’s fu- prem.:-”}, .me preventing foreign priefts railing monev in England 382. ss. Rich. Gibbon's complaint to the chamberlain ■ ' North V ales; concerning money railed by priefts contrary to law. 385. 89 - Thomas Gybfon, to.with a collection of prophecies, conlifting of Mil articles, diewing that I». Henry VIII. lhall win the holy crofs. "jab. Cleopatra , I\ I. Codex chartac. in folio, ex foliis conftans 455. Collebtauea de poteftate ccclefiaftica; viz. 1. A difeourfe /hewing what jurifdiftiftn the clergy hath heretofore lawfully ufed, ’and may lawfullv ul'c in the realm of England. ‘ j 2. A brief treatife of oaths exacted by ordinaries and ecclefiaftical courts, to anfwer generally to all Inch articles or interrogatories as pleafeth them to propound ; and of their forced and conftrained oaths, ex officio, wherein is proved that the fame are unlaw¬ ful- 50 . 3. Another treatife of oaths in ecclefiaftical courts. 70 . 4 . Inftru&ions for the lord privy feal (Cromwell) about the bi/hop of Lincoln ami his archdeacon ; concerning their demands for procurations, lynodaK probates of teftaments, inftallations, eke. 84. 5 . Short tracts concerning (a.) appeals ; (b.) re¬ formation of the court of audience; (c.) an increalb of the number of proctors in the court of arches. 86 . 6 . Three papers, viz. (a.) an addrefs to the king for his alien t to ecclefiaftical laws; (b.) on provincial conftitutions; and (c.) on thcjurifdiction of prelates in ecclefiaftical matters. ytj. 7 . Petition of the judges and advocates, profefi'ors of the civil law, prefcnteci to the Archbp. of Canter¬ bury, about the prohibitions font from the temporal judges, incafesof mere ecclefiaftical and civil cog¬ nizance. 107. 8 . Collections and inferences concerning matters of prohibition, and confultations not unfit to be thought upon, for the better prefervation of her ma- jefty's juril'diction ecclefiaftical. 109. 9. Three papers concerning prohibitions : (ascer¬ tain points offered by the hilhops, to the lords and judges touching the granting prohibitions; (b.) heads of feveral queftions touching prohibitions; (c.) an extract out of the Flores hiltoriarum, being a lenience againlt all tranigrelfors of the liberties of the church of England, See. 112. 10. Prefaces to the anfwers of the judges of the court of common pleas, to the objections and argu¬ ments made in behalf of the Abp. of Canterbury againft prohibitions. 116.” 11. The grounds of the prohibitions to the high commiflion ; and the anfwers thereto. 128. 12. A declaration of the true grounds of the pro¬ hibitions to the high commifiiondrs ; with anfwers to the objections. 138. 13 . A difeourfe touching the expofnion offtatutes concerning ecclefiaftical eae.fi s. whether the fame be¬ long to the judges of the realm, or to the interpre¬ tation of the civilians and canonifts. 1 50. 14. A declaration of a queftion. whether, if tithes in kind be not divided ai d fet foi 1 an anion ma\ be brought in any of the king's courts at W'cftmin- fter, by the party grieveik for treble damages, upon the ftatute of 2 Edw. vi. cap. 13 . 15. Proofs touching the recovery of the treble \., lue in the fpu’itual court. 16. ’I he CLEOPATRA, F. I. It. 599 i 6. The chief proofs fele&ed, and alfo an anfwer to feveral points touching the modus deciinandi, and i’uits commenced thereupon. 185. 17 . Concerning the three a 6 ts of Parliament of 27 and 32 lien. VIII. and 2 Edw. VI. relating to eccle- liaflics and ecclefiaftical affairs. 210 . 18 . Papers about prohibitions out of the temporal courts, and in what cafes grantable, and in what not. 215. ip. Copia chart® R. /Ethelberti, concefl® monaf- terio S. Petri in Dorobernia ex Ilarpsfieldo : plane fuppofititia. 247- b. 20. Nomina archicpifeoporum Cantuarienlium, ab Auguftinoad Johannem Whitgift. 248. 21 . Cantuarienfis fedis privilegia et prarogativa. Exit, in Antiq. Britann. 253. 22 . Original letter of Archbp. Cranmer, to lord Cromwell; containing a vindication ofhimfelt for tiling the Ityle of “ totius Angliae primus,” and his fo , lbon vifiting Winton diocefe, againft the complaints of Stephen Gardiner bifhop of Winton. 2 G 0 . 23 . Q use dam de poteftate archicpifcopi Cantuari¬ enfis, quonfque jure extendi poffit. 20 ‘ 2 . 24 . Declaratio regis, quod jus vifitandi cancel- 1,uium et univerfitatem Oxon. pcrtinet ad archie- pifcopum Cantuarienfem et eccleliam fuarn, et non ad ipfum regem. 265 . 25 . Collegia ex regiftro archiepifcoporum Cantuar. per Thomam Gale L.L.D. et cancellarium Matth®i Archiep. Cantuar. A° 1570 . 267 . 26 . Extra&a alia ex regiftris Archiep. Cantuari- enfium, de juribus et confuetudinibus ecclefi® Can¬ tuar. 275. 27 . Beneficia pertinentia ad collationem et pr®- fentationem archicpifcopi Cantuarienfis. 340. 28. Patronatus omnium beneficiorum ecclefiafti- corum in djcecefi Roffenfi, etad quos fpeclat. 344. 29 . Table of fees to be taken in the office of rcgif- ter of RoChefter. 345. b. 30 . Tax® difpenfationum per D. Archiep. Can- tuarienfem ooncedendarum. 348. 31 . Brief propofals of the ancient form of church government, that is, of the cxercife of eccleftafti- cal authority, by the chancellor of Norwich. 355. 32. Collcftanea D. Danielis Dun, equitis et legum doctoris ; de exeeutoribus teftamentariis ; de execu- toribus legitimis, i. e. ordinariis; et de exeeutoribus dativis, i. e. adminiftratoribus. 35 9 . Cleopatra , F. II. Codex chartac. in folio, confrans foliis 478 . Collectanea de poteftate ecclefiaftica; viz. 1. A difconrfe concerning caufes of ecclefiaftical cognizance, acknowledged and confirmed by acts of parliament; wherein the ecclefiaftical jurifdiCtion is let foith, with an ample and perfpicuous decla¬ ration of the king's fupremacy. In eight chap¬ ters. i. 2. A cafe in Parliament, 4 Ja. I. about the bifhops iii'uing out ecclefiaftical procefs in their own names. 87 . 3. Charta R. Edwardi I. continens articulos cleri ile gravaminibus ecclefire Anglican® in Parliamento apud Lincolniam: cum refponfionibus. 38 . 4. Charta R. Edwardi IV. deimmunitatibus cleri. 39 . 5 . Juramentum regis, tempore coronationis. 42. b. 6 . Copia brevis regii lummonitionis ad comparen- dum in Parliamento. 43. 7. Copia brevis regii, pro conVocatione. 43 . b. S. Recognizance made by the bifhops to the crown. 44 . 9. A plot, how the caufes of dilapidations between the prelates may be compounded, without long and open fuit. 49. 10. Catalogus convocationum, ab anno 1296, fub Roberto de AVinchelfea, Archiep. Cantuar. ad ann. 1580 , fubEdinundo Grindallo. 52. 11. Statuta et ordinationes ab cpifcopis obfer- vand®. 54. 12. Decreta a cardinali Polo, legato Pap®, edita A 0 1555 . ' ' 7 o. 13 . Conftitutiones ali® ecclefiaftic®. 92. 14 . An abftraft of all caufes belonging to the cc- clefiaftical court. " 117. 15 . Orders to be putin execution in the province of Canterbury, by the ordinaries and their officers. 1 1 9. b. 16. A memorial of fome principal matters to be confidered by the lords of the privy council, and the bifhops, in fome caufes ecclefiaftical. igo. 17. An anfwer of Archbp Bancroft, to the petition of the doctors and advocates of the civil law, in be¬ half of their profeffion, which then fuffered by the encroachment of the common lawyers, and efpecially by prohibitions. 121. 18. Orders for cathedral churches. 123. 19. A petition to the convocation, to move the queen about forgiving all lapfes and irregularities. 123 . b. 20. A paper againft: the vifitation of the Archbp. of Canterbury, as “ apoftolic® fedis legatus,” &c. 124. 21. De officio archidiaconi. 128. 22. A letter from John (Longland ?) Bp. of Lin¬ coln, to Ld. Cromwell; concerning the king’s orders about vilitations; deli res certain powers in his dio¬ cefe, and fends a prefent. (Orig.) Wooburn, 061 . 9 . ISO. 23 . Copy of a commiffion of vifitation, granted by the general commiffion of the lord Cromwell, temp, lien. VIII. 131. 24. The ecelcfiaftical commiffion, grafited to the high commiffioncrs for ecclefiaftical caufes by Q. Eliz. A° regni 1 8 ; and of the court of commiflions. 139 . 25 . The ecclefiaftical commiffion, A 0 2 Jac. I. 159. 26. About the limitations of judges ecclefiaftical, and the court of high commiffion, &c. 171. 27. Of the court of arches, and its jurifdidion. 172. 28 . Wiiim. (Warham) Abp. of Canterbury, to Card. Wolfey; in vindication of the rights of his fee. (Orig.) Croydon, March 17. J 73 . 29. Notes out of the regiftry of the court of arches; concerning executors and adminiftrators. 174. 30 . About a deputy judge of the arches; with Abp. Abbot's letter of confent. 1 75 . 31 . Formula literarum patentium, ad conftituendum judicem euri® de arcubus. 179 - 32. De adminiftratione bonorum decedentium ab inteltato. iss. 33 . Notes 6oo CLEOPATRA, F. II. 53. Notes of the court of delegates, of the court of audience ar-•! faculties, and of the court of the bidiop of London. jgj. 54. Complaints ami grievances again ft the ecele- fiaftical courts, and their officers. " jjji. 35 . A draught of an aft for due obfervation of t he great charter of England. sA Aitie'vs put up by the Commons, A° 3 Jac. I. Cor the reformation of certain abufes in the eeclefi- aftical ftate and court. 194. r.7. A declaration, that canons and conftitutions . : not the law of th 19 G. i n of the council of Scotland, u] . ■ dift very oi the popifli powd< r plot m Eng- 197. b. '/). A draught of an act for the better direction of ills. 40 , . ricall. jgg, 1 c;.-i(copo London, con cello A° iCbO: cx rtgji!;•;) I). Pcckham (fie) arclliepifcopi Cantuar. et tie coadiutoribus. 200. 4 -- 01 the canons made for reformation in mat¬ ters eccldiaftical, i.r-iand 150,;. o 01 ■ ta. W him. (V. .onam 1 Abp. of Canterbury, to Card. Wo!fey; in defence of the rights of the court of ■ 1!. Older* agreed upon by the bifliops of the pro¬ vince ot C an lei ! uiry. and inch as arc under them, to be obferved tor the better executing of the laws clrabliilied, ami avoiding of various offences. 204. 4 o- Certain points widled to he ordered and amend¬ ed in the government eccldiaftical. 20.5. 46 . Notes taken of a parley betwixt an Englifli- man and a Scot, concerning the power and junfdic- tion of bidiops. 2 0 G. 47 . A paper again(l the oath “ ex officio merof’or any other general oath. 207. 4 S. C’onfidcrations, whether a fcvcral commiihon • Hent for | afllng faculties within the realm of Ireland. 2 og I't. Varia, de ernfuris ecclefiafucis, excomnumi- cationc, kc> 209. b 50 . De crimiue Baratriaj. 222. b. is temporibus ma ' ' id 1 ( . que pr< 1 1 . . j * ■ ; ■ 1 • ■. ligiofis. An order ol the I.ds. of Council, concerning a pen- in the church of Milton-grange, in the coun t v oi Bedford. (Orig.) Soiiierfet-houfe, Feb. 28, US4 ‘ 226 . b. ’ 54 . Rcafons For licences to marry. 22s. o.j. Reafons for the a 6 t againft the commiifary’s court every three weeks. 22 ^ 56 . Grievances of the ltate, againft eccldiaftical proceedings. „ ., ^ •' n °te of divers inceftuous and unlawful marriages, made by licence, by vagrant minifters, in lawlds peculiars. * 2so 55. A arious papers, on grievances againft eccldi- attical jurifdiCtion, and motions for reformation; with :m anfwer to f< veral points complained of. 2 13. 59 . louehing the bill againft exacting exceftive fees by eccldiaftical judges. ojo. GO. Papers concerning tithes. 240. b. O'1. Papers about reformation in caufes eccldi- aiiical: viz rcgiiters of chriftenings, burial* and marriages, the fees of chancellors and officials 5 , & c , 242 . liiics' Rcaf °' ls f ° T not offcr!n S a bil1 againft pl ura - . „ , 240. I). 03. The mads of a traft on the power of Parlia- '"(•nt m eerkhaftical cafes; printed by Tho. lJcrth- at xl. 1J. 1 I. 04 . Petition of the clergy in convocation, againft the intended hill concerning pluralities. .jri 7 . ), caufes A Hft ofcom!i,iUees ' concerning eccldiaftical 248 . li , rictico' fl &°- den Cantuaricnf ' 9 Provincial, contra 07 . Confidcratiom why the fpirituat jurifdiSion lliould he abrogated and repealed, or at leaft re¬ formed: written in K. Hen. vm.th's time. 2 . 50 . OS. '1 hat ccclcftaiticaljuriftliClioiisalways belono-ecl to kings and their judges. * ,,N 09 . A fum of the petitions offered to the tipper, hy the clerks ot the lower lioufe of convoeatinn. 256, b. 70 A petition Of the commons to Hie king, for a Ithdlai if ( . id 1 . . on certain points. “ ’ 71 . A treat lie concerning minifters, excommuni- cation, commutation of penance, ami dilpenlhtions. 2.58. 72 . An art, 1 Eliz. concerning the temporalities of ' I0 P S ‘ 20'2. 73 . A project for the increafe of the number of preachers. 74. A device for reformation of the miniftrv. 206. 7 5. Remembrances for the ftflion of Parliament atter the powder treafon. ,.,- 3 76. Orders for the better increafe of learning in the interior minifters. AN 275 . 77. Dangerous pofitions about ecclefiaftical power. 2 7 6 . b. laiifihq > fl . tute ot the ! ~ s 80 . Archlip. Edm. Clrimlafs letter of excufe to the I.ds. ot the Privy Council, for his not having fup- prefled thole c:\crciles within his province. ^ 280 . M. Arguments in behalf of degraded, deprived ami filenced minifters. ngj so. Several papers on the king's power in ccele- tiairical caufes, and efpccially to rd'orm tin- abufes of prohibitions. og ^ 8.4. A large number of papers concerning prohibi¬ tions, where they lay and where not, and upon what pretences they have been granted ; wild a lift offudi prohibitions, and an oiiginal petition of the pro¬ curators of the court of arches, fol. 343 . 301 . 84. More papers concerning the right and title to tithes, prohibitions, and other eccldiaftical matters. 398. 85. Indices fen ten t.i a rum latarum in curia audi- entios, et in curia de arcubus London, in caufts dc- cimarum. }l , 0 86. Certain needfary conliderations concerning the eccldiaftical courts of this realm : with fomc pa^ pers on prohibitions. 4:>J- 87. Rcafons 87 - Reafons again ft a bill for cofts in a prohibi¬ tion : fevcral articles. 440 . b. 88 . A difcourfe on the ftatutc of pnemunire anti prohibition; how far forth they may be extended againft ecclefiaftical jurifdiction. 450 . SO- A note of grievances praciifed in the court of king's bench, whereby the writ “ l)e excommunicato capiendo,” and the proceedings thereupon, are often avoided. 465 . 90. The lord Cook's (fir Edward Coke) arguments touching Rocheftcr’s cafe upon the fratute, 23 Hen. vni. c. 0 - that none ought to be called out of their diocefe, to anfwer before the Archbp. of Canterbury in the court of arches or audience. 467 . Cleopatra , F. III. Codex chartac. pluri bus membranis infertis, in folio ; folior. 178. A collcdlion of detached articles, being a< 51 s of the Privy Council, decrees, ordinances, l’ummons, and other documents, relating to public affairs, both at home and abroad : In the time of K. Richard 11. 1. - Henry IV. 9 . - ——-Henry V. Cleopatra , F. IV. Codex chartac. quamplurimis membranis infertis, in folio; folior. 128 . A collection, fimilar to the preceding, of the a6ls of Council, in the reign of If. Henry VI. A 0 A° A 0 A° A° A° A° 7 A 0 8 A° 9 -fob 1. 39. 48 . 52 . A 0 10 A 0 11 A 0 12 A 0 13 A° 14 A* 15 A* 16 A 0 17 A 0 19 A colle6tion of various Papers, chiefly relating to the revenue of the Crown, made by fir Robert Cot¬ ton for his Majefty’s fervice, in time (as is exprefied m the title) of extremity. 1. An anfwer to fucli motives as were offered by certain military men, to prince Henry, to incite him to affect; arms more than peace: made at his com¬ mand by fir Robert Cotton, A 0 1609. 1. 2 Means to repair the king’s eftate : collected by hr Robert Cotton, for the earl of Northampton. A a l6l2 ‘ 51 . 3 . Alignment made by K. Henry vr. of the profits of wards, reliefs, vacancies of church livings, Ac. to certain perions, for payment of the king's fervants, A° 1452 . 0 6 „ * 4 . A licence granted by Q. Elizabeth, to rajfemo- nev in the ports of London and Ipfwich, towards building and repairing the exchequer. G 2 . b. 5 . A difcourfe touching the courfes ufed by the kino-s of England in railing money for the defence °t the realm ; viz. by power of prerogative, by grant of 1 arliamcnt, by imppfition of tonnage and pound¬ age ; alfo for conclufion of peace, for fuppreflion of herelies and defence of the church, for pay ing of the king's debts, for increaling of the treafure of the realm, and for provifion of the king’s houfchold by purveyors. 63 / «'A tab,e ot ■ thc means t0 re P air king’s eftate. JN. R. I arts of this fyfiematical table are in other places in this volume. 7. A memorial of moft of the funis taken by the kings of England, upoh urgent occafions. ”79. ... Account of the committees for repair of the kin" s eftate, and railing of monies, under thefe four heads : (a.) Difinherifon of the king, by concealments and detainers of his right. (b.) Revenue revealed, but not improved. (c.) Tenures, with their incidents and other cafu- alties. (d.) New projefts. 9 . Several otlier courfes, how to repair the kind's revenue; as by a pardon project, fee-farming all the Cleopatra, Codex chartac. nonnullis membranis infertis, in folio; folior. 198. A continuation of the above colle&ion of acls of Council, in the reign of Henry vi. Boa CLEOPATRA, F. VI. VII. li. A fumniary collection of all fuel) fublidies, clilines, fifteenths, reliefs, eontrilnitions, taxes, gifts, grants, loans, benevolences, and payments (by what name foe\ < i t hey ha\ e been callt d) as have b( en exacted and levied of the fubje&s of this realm of England fince the Conqueft down to A 8 1.598; out of records and hiftorie.s: with a great number of ori¬ ginal papers hereto appertaining, among which we find : ' 144. (a,) A commiffion for raifing a fubfuly by a poll- tax. 2 Ric. It. 160 . fb.) Money granted by the convocation, out of regiiters. 161 . (c.) Summa taxationis cleri Angliae. Cl7- b. (d.) A rate of the fifteenth, throughout England. temp. Jac. I. 244. (e.) Deciime cleri, A° 4 Hen. VIII. 2.55. (f.) An indenture, and another inftrument, relating to the fublidy of cloth. 49 and 46 Edw. III. 364. (g.) A commiffion to rate the fubfuly of the nobi¬ lity. ic Edw. III. 270. (h) A fubfidy granted by the Lords alone, upon conditions; and to be ratified after by Parlia¬ ment. 14 Edw. IV. 271 . (i.) A coinmillion for improvement of a fubfidy rated, and to afiefs fuch as by negligence or fa¬ vour were omitted. 276 . (k.) Among the many original commiflions and other inftruments that here follow, are feveral figned by the kings; viz. fol. 294 , Hen. VI. 298, do. 309, Edw. IV. 313 and 314, Hen. VII. 316, 356, 359, 362, 364, and 365, Hen. VIII. 372, Mary. 278 . 1 e. Inftruclions to commiflioners for levying of an aid for making prince Henry a knight, A° 1609; with the rate of the compofition in the county of Hun¬ tingdon. 398. 13. A bond of Francis D. d’Anjou, for the pay¬ ment, of ,£.30,000 fterling, lent him by Q. Elizabeth. (French.) Weftm. Dec. 1 7, 1581. 401 . 14 . A warrant of James I, ordering the E. of Northampton to pay ,£.500 into the exchequer, being his aflefled loan. (Orig.) IVcftm. July co, 1604. 405. i.-,. Of loans upon pawns of jewels of the crown : feveral originals. 412. 16 . Of monies borrowed of feveral German princes and cities, in queen Elizabeth’s time. 426. Cleopatra , F. VIE Codex chart, iu folio, conftans foliis 294 . Collectanea de precedentia regum Anglia?, Francise, et Hifpania\ 1 . Picccdcntia, fuper regem Ilifpania?, in difeepta- tione habita in concilio Baiileenf), A° 1434. 1 . 2 . -- fuper regem Gallia? et aliorum, in difeep- tatione habita in concilio Conltantienfi : item tractatu- lus etepiftola? varite. 15. 5 . Nobiliffima difeeptatio fuper dignitate ctmagni- tudine regnovum Britannici et Gallici, habita in con¬ cilio Conltantienfi. Opufculum imprefium Lovanii. 1 . 517 . 43. 4. Difcorfo fopra la precedenza tra Spagna e Fran- cia : con trc lettcre. 69- 5 . Difccptatio inter legatos Francia? et Hifpaniaj, de precedcntia in concilio Tridentino. 81. 6. De dignitate regum rcgnorumque Hifpaniie; auctore Jac. Valdefio. Opus Granata? A* 1602 , im- prclfum ; cum epiftola Job. Donne, ad Robtum. Cot¬ ton. de eodem libro. 83. FAUST! N A, A- T.—IV. Fat/Jiinu , A. 3 . Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 38;'-. Regiftrum chartarum monaiterii S. Auguftini extra muros Cantuarise; de privilegiis, terris, redditibus, aliifque ad idem monaftcrium fpciftanti bus. Fauftina, A. II. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans ex foliis 174 . 1. halcndarium, quod appellatur opufculum tcr- tium; compofttum a fratre Johanne Somur, ordinis minorum, A. 1 ). 15 ko, ad infiantiam Johanna? princi¬ pal a; \\ aline, mq.tris II. llicardi II. ad meridiem univer- litatis Oxon ; in quo agitde Algorilmo, de bilfexiis, de cyclis folaribus, &c. 1 . 2 . Catalogus regum Auftralium Saxonum; et de- inde ab Egbritho I. (Egberto) Anglorum monarcha ad R. Edwardum I. 13 . 3. Stcmma Saxonum regum, a Wogano. 21 . b. 4. Catalogus regum Saxonum, a Cerdico ad Eg- bertum ; unica pagina. 22 . b. 5 . Series epifeoporum Scirbonenfium, et regum ejuf- dem ecclefia: fundatorum et benefactorum ; cum re- giftroterrarum, maneriorum, reddituum, homagiorum fervitiorum, aliorumque ad abbatiam de Shiiborn in comitatu Dorfettenfi pertinentium. 23. 6. Conftitutiones ordinis S. Bcnetlidi facia? Abing- donia? A. D. 1279, et Oxonia? A. D. 1249 , conlir- mata? in capitulo generali A. L). 1387. 93. 7 . Heraclidis Cyprii, Paradifus; five de vitisfanc- torum patrum, ccenobitarum, et anachoretarum; ad Laufum pra?pofitum palatii. 93 . Fauftina, A. III. Codex membran. in 4to. conftan foliis 35G. 1 . Regiftrum chartarum regalium et pontifiealium, privilegiorum, compolitionum et cont’cederationum epifeoporum et abbatum cccltlia?, B. Petri YVeitmona- lterienfis; ibi plura liabentur Saxonica, literis N 01 - manno-Saxonicis. Inferuntur capitula (a.) Cartarum regibus Anglia? concelfamm. 4 . (b.) Privilegiorum pontifiealium. 149- (c.) Compolitionum, c 0 nfeederationum, cartarum epifeoporum, et abbatum diverforum. 2J8. Prjemittitur, Sulcardi, monachi Weftmonafterienfis, prologus de conltru&ione Weftmonafterii; ad abba- tem Vitalem. 11. Faiiflina, A. IV. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis r5l. 1 . C’harta? aliquot, continentes procelfus et placita de terris ad monafterium S. Ncoti in com. Ilunting- donienfi pertinentibus ; cujus fundator erat Ricardus Clare, comes Glovernia? (Gloucelter) de cujus prole illic ad fin cm agitur. 2 . b. 2 . Statutum de moderandis operariorum ctfervien- tium, qua? ab illis exigebantur, lalariis. (Latine et Gallice.) ^ 14 3 . Expofiti ) FAUSTINA, A. IV.—VIII. 3 . Expofitio vocabulorum qua occurrunt in legi- bus forenfibus Anglia;. 19. 4 . Regiftrum chartarum rcgum, pontificum, epif- coporum, baronum, judicum, &e. de privileges, li- bertatibus, beneficiis ecclcliadieis, terris, prsediis, bonis, aliifque, ad monafterium S. Neoti pertinen- tibus. 20. b. Fan (Una, A. V. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 105 . 1 . Epidola cancellarii academia; Oxo’nienfis, coc- tufque magidrorum, regentium, et fcholariorum ftu- dentium in eadem, ad Johannem XXII Papam; ut cnntlem favorem, quo miper profecutus ell Parifienfes, illis indulgere vdrt; foil, ut doclores in philofophia et tlieologia ad beneficia ecclefiailica promoveantur: fcriptaA. I), i :> 22 . -lltam academiam hie Parifiend an- tiquiorem efTe afierunt. 2. 2. Epidola (ut aiunt) circularis cujufdam archie- pifeopi Cantuar. ad prclatos clerumque provineiie Cantuarienlis; ut Lineolnuc conveniant, regi opera laturi, tempore R. Edwardi II. <1110 Scoti cum exer- citu Angliam invalili'ent, et omnia illic ferro et igne vaftaflent. 2. b. 3 . Pctitiones et fupplicationes abbatum, priorum, ecclefiarum cathedralium, decanorum, archidiacono- 111m, eapitulorum, et cleri provincial Cantuar. quas porrigunt indanti congregations apud Lincolniam. 3 . 4. Petitio a cleroCantuarienfis provincial, Riper re- medio contra Scotos. inimicos regis et regni. 4. 5. Epiftola Johannis xxn. Papie, ad do 6 loves et fcholares academia; Oxonienfis, ut conditutiones, k Clemente v. in Vienncnli concilio dabilitas, accipere velint. s. 6 . Sermo quod feptem vitia capitalia adimulent hominem peccatorem leptem generibus lapidum; in quo quasdam fatyrice interferuntur contra magnates xegni, temporibus Ed ward i ir. 5. b. 7 - Sermo de afrenfione Domini, in base verba: “ Eamushinc.” J0I1. I4i 9. 8 . Sermo de omnibus fan 61 is, in ham verba: “ Ta¬ llinn ed regnum codorutn.” Luc. 18. 9. b. 9. Rieardi Hampoyle heremitse, de em.endatione vita;, li bell us. 12. 10. Liber de exordio atque procurfu Dunelmenfis ceded a?; Ik c. prafulem, ec- < it ha: ttorfcnfis, contra pros ifionem Papa; ortis ■ vel l>otms, It.ltona v.tm cl-rftonim illius Hamm,is’- j u ytia multe cunofa de geftis iftius feculi narrantur. AnT.pVm / W et Continoatcr ad An. 24 Edw. III. ( 1850 .) 2. Implement a quo: in maneriis, poll obitum cu- juflibct epifeopi (fc. Roffenfis) demittuntur. 100. b. 3. Quffi pertinent ad archidiaconutn Canluarien- leni, ratione intbronizationis epifeoporum totius pro- vinei® Cantuarienfis. Faujiina , B. VI. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis icp. 1. Hiftoria five vita Meriadoci regis Cambria?. 2. 2. l)e oi'tu Valuuanii (fie) nepotis Arturi. 23. 3 . Annales, Chrifto nato ad annum 977. 4.]. 4 • Epoch® qua?dam celebriores, ut ab orbe con- ciito ad urbem Roma? eonditam, &c. et qumdam me¬ morabilia, temporibus luis uotata, ad tempera R. Ri- cardi II. (1377.) C U 5 . Nomina regum Saxouum et Anglorum, quot annos regnarunt, et ubi fepulli funt, ;Y R. Alfredo ad R. Ricardum II. b. (>. Annales de rebus pra?cipue Anglicis, ab A* lOGO ad An. 1374 : per Wiilm. de Scliepieved, mo- nachum abbati® de Crokyfden in com. Staffordienli. 69 . 7 . Nomina monachorum abbati® de Crokyfden, co ordine quo dumum iftam intraverunt. 9 c. Fus epiftol® Bonifacii v, ad Juftum Cantuar. .Archiep. (tjuns intcgia habetur apudGuil. Malmelbur. libro de vitis pontilicum Anglor. nrimo, fol. ii2 ;: . edit. Savilian®) nempe ad confiinuLionem potellatis et juris eceleli® Dorobemenfis. g4, 9. Epiftol® I Ionorii I. Pap®, ad Ilonorium Ar¬ chiep. Cantuar.de jure et primatu ejufdem fedis fupra oinnes ecclefias Britannicas. Extat in libro. et fol. nuper laudatis. 94. b. 10 . Pars privileg’d ;\ Pafebali II. P. Henrico V. imperatori conceffi, de jurifdielione epifeopatuuin et abhatiamni; (piod integrum habetur apud Guil. Malmellnir. lib. 3 de gcliis RR. Anglorum, fob 94. b. edit. Savilian®. 9,5. 1 i. Reconcilialio inter regem Angli® Henric\un r. et Papain Pafchalcm lj. aliieque ejufdem Pafehalis conceftiones. Ext. fol. 94. libri nuper laudati. 95. 12. Pars epiftol® Sergii I. Pap®, ad epifeopos An¬ gli® : de Bertualdi Archiep. Cantuar. Tlicodori fuc- celforis, a Roma, cum facro pallio ac venerabili ufu dalmatic® demandati, admillione. Ext. apud Gill. Malmcfb. de vitis pontif. fol. 113*. 96, 15. Ejufdem Sergii epiftola ad Etlielredum, Al- fridum, etAdulfum regib us Angli® de eodem Beit- ualdo. Exit, libro et fob nuper laudatis. gg. 14 . Epiftola Pafehalis II. P. ad Anfelmum Archiep. Cantuar. de primatu et juribus ejufdem ecclefi®. 96 . b. 15 . Epiftola FAUSTINA, B. VI.—IX. 607 15. Epiftola Vitaliani Pap®, ad Theodorum Archiep. Dorobern. de eodcm argumento. Ext. apucl Gul. Malmefb. de vitis pontif. fol. 1 13 *. 97 . 16 . -Gregorii II. P. ad omnes epifcopos An- glia 3 , de Tatwino Archiep. Dorob. ad il'tam fedem promoto. Ext. in eodeni libro, fol. 115*. b. 97 . 17. -Leonisill. P. ad Athelardum Dorobern. Archiep. dejuribuset privilegiis ejulclem fedis. Ext: ibid. fol. 1 id*. 97-b. 18 . Memorabile factum, de Papa Eonnofo exconr municaturo It. Edwarduin, nil! reftitiieret epifcopis deftitutas parochias epifcoporum : cum ejufdem epif¬ tola ad omnes epifcopos.Anglia?, ut Archiep. Can- tuar. canonieis dilpofitionibiis obediant. Ext. epiftola ibid, eodem folio. 98 . 19. Ecelcfie, terra?, et. domus, qua? pertinent ad jus et polfeflioncm Cantuar. ecclefi®, in ciritate Lun- donia. 100. 20. De Edwardintunc, terra monachorum ecclefi® Chrifti Cantuar. 100. b. 21. Calendarium ; cum obituario monachorum be- nefactorum, &c. cujufdam monafterii. 101. 22. Contemplations of Walter Hilton, an anchoret, in verfe; with many paintings reprefenting monks, nuns, trees, and various myftic matters. 107. b. Fauftina , B, VII. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 133 . 1. Nomina Romanorum Pontilicum, a Petro, ad Urbanum V. l. 2 . - LXXII difcipulorum Chrifti. 3. b. 3 . -- archiepifcoporum Cantuar. ab Augul- tino, ad Gul. de Witlefey. 4. 4. -epifcoporum Roma?, qui pallia dede- runt archiepifcopis Cantuar. 4. b. 5 . —- epifcoporum RofFenfium, Londinenfi- urn, Ciceftrenfium, Wintonienftum, Sarilburienfium, Bathonienlium, Exonienfium, Ceftrenfmm, Lincolni- entium, Elienfium, Nonviccnlium, Wigornienfium, 1 lerefordenftum, Eboracenlium, Dunelmenfium. 4.b. d.-archiepifcopatuum et cpifcopatuum in Hibernia. 9. b. 7. Epifcopi fub Romano pontifice, qui non funt in alterius provincia conftituti. 10. 8. De ecclefiis in civitateRomana, qua? patriarchates ilicuntur, aftignatis feptcm epifcopis cardinalibus; et de titulis cardinalium prefbyterorum XXVIII et dia- conorum XIV'. 10. 9. Notitiaecclefiarum per univerfum orbem. 10. b. 10. De confuetudinibus Romana? ecclefta?. 13 . b. n. De cardinalibus epifcopis, prdbyteris, et dia- conis ; et de illorum officiis et muneribus. 14. 12. Ecclefi® canonicorum regularium Roma?, mo- nafteria monachorum et monialium, ccemeteria, loca faneta, palatia, porta?, theatra, pontes, arcus trium¬ ph ales, montes, therm®, indulgentia? ad ftationes, ftationes et rogationes ab initio feptuagefim® ufque . ad odabas Pafch®. 14. b. 13 . Chronicon facrum, ab orde condito; in quo continetur feries regum Jud®orum et facerdotum, ad excidium Ilierofolymorum. 18. 14. Dynaftia? Aftyriorum, Sicyoniorum, .Egyptio- rum, aliorumque Grecise, Aft®, et Afric® regnorum. Item reges Latinorum, et conlules Romani. 15 . Series annorum, fecundum LXX. interpreturn tranilationem, primorum patrum generationes, cum colledancis ejufdem facri argumenti e facra fcriptura petitis. 26. b. 16. Dc regionibus mundi. 34. 17 - Nomina abbatiarum ordinis Ciftercienftum, numero CCCLXVltl. et k quo tempore fundat® erant; i. e. ab A 0 1114 ad An. 1190 poftea continuatur ail annum 1234. so. 18 . Series regum Britannorum et Anglorum, ad R. Ilenricum I. 40. b. 19. De caftramentatione filiorum Ifrael in deferto ; de operibus fex dierum; tabul® genealogic®. patrum veteris teftamenti ufque ad Chriftum et apoftolos, im- peratorum Romanorum, etpontificum, regum Angli® etFranci®, &c. 41. 20. Regiftrum honoris Richmondi®: ubi fpecia- tim contincntur. (a.) Genealogia comitum Richemund poft con- qu®ftum Angli®: cum pidura Gulielmi I. regis, dantis terras et villas qu® nuper fuerunt comitis Edwini in Eboraclliire, nepoti fuo Alano, Britan- ni® comiti. 72. (b.) Terr® et villa?, cum carucatis terr®, et longi- tudine ac latitudine earundem villarum infra Richmundfliire, qu® quondam fuerunt Edwini comitis. Ex libro Domefday in thelauraria D. regis. 73. FaiijUna, B. VIII. Codex membran. in folio ; conftans foliis QG5. 1. Calendarium: in cujus margine dies obitus quorundam virorum illuftrium notantur. 2 . 2. Regiftrum liber® capell®regi® S. Stephani, infra palatium Weftmonallerii. 8 . 3 . Vita Thom® Archiep. Cantuar. per E. 111011a- •hum Evelhamcnfem, ad Ilenricum, abbatem Croy- landi®. 54^ 4. De operibus pietatis ab Hugone, Ceftrenfi comite, geftis, ab A° 6 Gid. Rufi (1093) pr®cipue in tundatione et dotatione eccleti® et monafterii Sc® Werburg®, in civitate Ceftria; quam poftea alii auxerunt. 122. 5 . Charta fundationis abbati® de Combermere, per Ilugonem Malbane; cum literis exemplificationis A 0 ' 5 Edw. IV. 124. b. 6. Qu®dam de prole Hugonis comitis, et de abba- tia de Burton. 107. 7 . Regiftrum chartarum abbati® Malmelburienfis; cum tabula capitum in fine, capite mutila. 128. 8 . Nomina fundatorum monafterii de Malmefburie. 205 . b. 6o8 FAUSTINA, B. VIII.—C. II, 4 . Vcrfus rhythmici, in quibus defletur mors Ili- cardi epifcopi, qui ciefiis erat oclavO Junii A. I). 1405 , ad S. Stephan i altaris titulum. 242 . b. incip. “ Quis meo capiti dabit cffundere, “ Etfonte lacrimas multum futfundcre, “ Per dies nodtefque aquas dec!ucere, “ Detleriti mortem pnfcfulis.” Faii/iina , C. I. Codex membran. in folio; conftans foliis 123 . 1. Regiftrum ebartarum convcntus canonicorum S. Maria; de Huntendonia. 2 . 2. Verfns quidam Ricemarclii. Incip. lieu quia nos etas duxit in iuo “ Tempore, quo miuitat lcria potelias “ Pellere jttre iuo l*ite legentes.” 66 . 3 . M. Tul. Ciceronis, fomnium Scipionis: cum expofitione Macrobii Ambrofii Theodolii. 07 . 4 . Iliitoricum et cbronologicum compendium de fex tetatibus mundi, ab Adamo ad Lconem impera- torem. 93 . 5 * Admonitio S. Benedifti abbatis, ad monachos. 94 . Faujlina , C. II. Codex cliartac. in folio; conftans foliis l~ 8 . 1. Index rerunr maxime memorabilium in libro rubro in Scaccarid, 3 . 2. A difeourfe touching the reformation of the laws ofEitgland. 5 . 3 . Index inftrumentorum in veteri quodam libro cOntcntorum de Quinque portubus. 23 . 4 . Collections out of the civil and canon laws; concerning churchmen who defame princes. 26'. 5 . Nicolo Francefchi, to Q. Elizabeth; offering a project for railing money upon ufury. (Ital.) 28. G. The policy and government of the dutchy of Florence, under Laurence de Medicis. (Ital.) 2 je6ts may compound for leeurity of their eftates. u• extirpandis, inquirendis, .Sir. nil. 24. Liter* vari* regi*, ad univerfitatem Oxonien- fem : item bull*, &c. jfjo. Litera tranfmifla ad curiam Romanam, fuper peftifera doctrina Wickliffi. 171. b. 26. Articuli concerncntes reformationem univer- filis eccleli*; editi ]>er univerfitatem Oxon. 17.;. 27. Liter* teftimoniales vari*, aliaque: Item al- pliabe turn gr*cum, f. 181. b. j 7;). b 28. A paper concerning the burgeffes of the uni- verfity, and what maybe antwered in cafe their ri n of the queftton, whether the title , f a I, ..... " n Wl 1 a , n e r ” ldom > " btcredi >.■- ■ - ' arils be levered from the heirs nude, and be transferred by ail heir general into another family. 12. 8. -\ ole, concerning the baronies of billions, mul fome calcs of law, chiefly of treafou. Therafeof Anthonj Felton a dl With- pole of Suffplk, gentlemen, about prceedeuee. 21. ! 0 . l.dward VI.til’s commjffion to his mu le T'd- patont^f f0 "’ C d ° Ub0U "■° rds in ,?« bumJ!°if C t r 0 , im c UCe c tl>ekni S ,rts - ritircns, and I : , I r, "Vi b T fe ni ST 03008 ’ tG Elicit the klll 8 to abohili the degree of Baronets. 24. .• Several infrances of preeedenev in the houfe ot peers; and other notes. “ (1 , ^ 14 - Quefiion between the heirs male of the \ ©linger funs of barons, and the heirs male of knights, hated at a marlhal's court at A\ r hi tehall •March 1 8 , 1G15. 15 . Reafons for the place and precedence of the lerjeants at law. nr •.(I. i d- Baronets fiuts to king James I. about their .and tneir wives dignity and precedence. 17 . The call- of the lord Rons, before the com- m ill loners of the lord marlhal. April 27, iGio. 29. 18. An index to this volume. -1 Fm//Unit, C. IX. Codex clrartareus, in folio, conflans foliis ,u. cu fuperiore fimul conqiaetus. 1 Genealogi* quaru Anglia, pafiim. fob 4 . 2 G, 50 . h, 41 . 2 . Cancellarii Angli*. Jp ■ 5 . Cuftodes rotulorum. , ^ 4 . Admiral I i Angli*. ,,, Brevis adnotat.io conceflionum ohieiorum et t tulorum honoris, temp. Henriei vm. G. Adnotalioncs r ehartis anno > lAlw. 11 . r. < . '• A fmall difcouife about n dm Irelai viHly, without eonquelt in hlooddied, or uolali charge: addrelfed to Q. Elizabeth. 8 . Breve chronieon Angli*, nil A 11 . I. 3 GG. adnot; Cones Scilicet ex libris “ bonds" et “ H.iyio. "• Bwve chronieon Hib< 1 ni*, ex IJ Mai burgenfi defumptum: ab anno 10,51 ad An. 137 ' 10 . Xotul* chronologic*, do temporibin regm Saxonum in Anglia. l : u aft in , FAUSTINA, C. X.—E. I Faufina, C. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 205 . Libei" efcaetarum, ab A 0 l Edwardi III. ad annum 10 Henrici V. Fauftina, C. XI. Codex chartaceus, in folio, conftans foliis 183 . l. Summonitiones parliamentorum, ab A 0 24 Ed¬ wardi I. all An. 2 1 llicardi II. ] - e. Exemplar libri eenlualis, vulgo Domefday, A 0 20 11 . Gulielmi I. ( 1086 ) compofiti. cum tabula comi- tatuum in fine. Eratolim liber Jofephi Holland. 67 - Fauftina, C. XII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 202. De regulis confuetidinibus et regimine mona- chorum ; de elettionibus abbatum ; dc abbatis, pra?- centoris, facrilfte, caiterorunique officiis ; aliifique ad mores et. obfervantias monachorum ordinis S. Bene- didli fpectantibus. Liber principiu et fine mutilus; qui olini ad priorem et convention monal'terii S. Au- guftini Cantuariie pertinebat. Fauftina, I). I. Codex chartac. in 4 to. folior. 14 . Collections about the order of the Garter; being the “ Statutes of the order,” put forth at a chapter thereof held at Weftminfter, March 17 (7 Ed. VI.) 1352. Fauftina, D. II. Codex chart.'in 8 vo. min. folior. 80. cum fuperiore fimul compa&us. Qiucftiones philofophic®, dua? in vefpcriis comiti- orum, et alia? duo: in ilie comitiorum Cantabrjgise ventilata?; refpondente D. Blois. Faufina , D. HI. Codex membran. in Sv'o. min. conftans foliis 234 . Statuta omnia edita tempore R. Edwardi III. per annos quinquaginta. Fauf ina, D. IV. Codex membran. in 121110. conftans foliis 83 . 1. Stationes ecclefiarum urbis Roma;; cum indul- gentiis earundem per totum annum. 2. b. 2. The rule and the lift? of the brethren minors. 10. 3 . The teftament of St. Francis. 25. 4 . A prayer written on marble in St. John Late- ran’s church, which, if laid daily, procures 80,000 years of pardon. S 3 , b. 5. Of the poverty of the friars minors. 34. O’. Articles made by pope Clement, to be obferved by the brethren; and other articles made in the ge- neral chapter called Barcynode. 42. 611 7. Nine perfections brought by St. Francis to one of his brothers. 51. 8 . A note upon the Vth chapter of the rule of the Francifcans. 56 / I). Articles by which a religious man ftiall he known, as St. Barnardine faith. 62 . 10. The A, B, C, of St. Bonaventufe; or the fife of a religious man. 65. 11. Orationes fan&i Gregorii. 71 b 12. Prayers to the Trinity, to a guardian angel, See. 74 . b.’ 13 . Orationes ante et poft conmiunionem. so. b. Faufina, D. V. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 66 . A rough draught of feveral rules and orders to be obferved by the lord deputy, judges, and other of¬ ficers in the kingdom of Ireland, made by Q. Eli¬ zabeth. Faufina, D. VI. Codex chartac. in folio, conftans foliis 145 . cum fuperiore fimul compacius. Treatife of prohibitions, “ modus decimandi,” See. with the arguments, pro and con, between the lord Archbp. of Canterbury, and fir Edward Cooke, Ed. chief juftice of the common pleas, and the reft of the judges ecclefiaftical and temporal; collected by the faid fir Edward Cooke, temp. Jac. I. Fauf ina, E. I. Codex chartac. membranis quibufdam infertis, in folio, conftans foliis 259. A collection of papers, patents of arms, and other do¬ cuments relating to heraldry, made by Mr. Cam¬ den : among which we notice in particular, 1. Patent of arms granted by fir Gilbert Dethick, garter K. at. Arms, to fir Walter Milchnay. io. 2. Diploma originale 11 . Ricardi II. de conftitu- eiulo five incorporando collegio heraldorum; auClori- tate Parliamenti. Weftm. March 2, 1578. 23. 3 . Copia diplomalis RR. Philippi et Maria?, de eodem collegio. 1 lampton-cou]t, Julv is, 1.3.3.-,. 4 . Certain ordinances made by Richard D. of Gloucciter, high conliable of England, with the high marlhal of the lame, for the reforma/tion of the office of arms. <> 8 . 5 . Patent of arms of Ld. vifeount Rochefter. Greenwich, May 9, 1611. 30, 6 . The fize of ftandards, banners, guidones, bane- rolls, and penons, let down by the conftable and marfhal. 30. 7. Diploma conftituens D. Gilbertum Dethick, militem, principalem regem armorum titulo gar- terium; cum aliis diplomatibus ejulclem araaimenti. 31 . 8 . Contents, or a draught of a book intitled, “ Agon Ilpoicus,” by Edmd. Bolton; and other trifling articles. ^ 9. Declaration of the quarrels between the E. of Northumberland and fir Francis Vere; and between fir Hatton Cheike and fir Thomas Dutton : alfo two other articles. q-. 10. Confide- 61 2 F A U S T I N A, E. I.—V. 10. Confiderations in the choice of titles of ho¬ nour; and fome other papers. 74. 11. Entennents appertaining to garter principal king at arms. 80. 12. The hard and diftreffed ftate of the office at arms. July 1590 . 81. 1.). Complaints of the officers of armsagainft Wil¬ liam J'cnfon and Raphe Brookes: and other papers, relating to disputes in the office. 101. 14. ()atlls adininilterecl to heralds, who are fworn to lecreey. 120. & 136 . 15. Giving of arms no way hurtful to the com¬ monweal : written by Robert Glover, Somerfet he¬ rald, 1587 - 138 . lfj. Rules made at a chapter held in Derby place, Eeb. 20, 15G4, there enacted, eftablillicd, and ordain¬ ed by the officers of arms. 147. 17. An original order of council, and a petition relating to heraldry, temp. lien. VI. the former is ligned H. Gloucelier, J. Ebor. Cane. Sec. 1G0. b. 18 . If. James I ft’s grant to Mr. Camden, to give arms, and to exercife his office. 1 GO.i. 164. 17. 20 . Reafons that the profdfors of the common law arc not to be excluded from prabbling in cafes of honour. 21. The ftate of the office of 171. 183 . 22. A brief rehearfal of the caufes of the prefent diforder of the office of arms, and how the fame may be reformed. 192. & 239. 23 . Orders made by Thomas I). of Norfolk, for the regulating of the office of arms. Feb. 4, 15 G 5 . 243 . &. 254 . 24. The oaths of a king of arms, herald, and pur- fuivant. 255 . This volume of collectanea contains, befnles the above articles, a number of papers and draughts relating to diilcnlions and abides in the office of arms; and alio petitions exhibited to the cum¬ in iffaries of the cal l marlhal, &e. Tuuftina, E. II. Codex chartaceus. membranis quibufdam infertis, in folio, folior 271. 1. j\I ifcellaneouspedigrees, and various gcnealogi- eal notes, concerning many noble families in Eugland : w ith an alphabetical index, fol.G. but not referring ac¬ curately to theie collectanea. 1. 2. An alphabetical index of names of the gentle¬ men of Kent, in the time of K. lien. VII. 21G. 3. An alphabetical lift of arms granted fince A 0 10 Eliz. 223 . 4 . Of the antiquity and duty of Heralds, and the fevcral officers relating thereto. (On vellum.) 242 . 5. Regia' majeftatis genealogia Britannica vera; eolleeta et fclecta a Johanne Davide, medico Sencnfi, ex libro quodam Britanniec compofito, et nunc in Anglicum fermonem converla. 250. G. The genealogy of the kings of England fince the conqueft, and how their ilfue has. been matched. 266 . J'(tuft inn, IT HI. Codex chartac. in folio; conlians foliis 22. Names of gentlemen in Devonlhirc and Cornwall, with their arms, in alphabetical older. .\;f, ul [ alphabetical lift of names with reference'.. 1'utfjiina , E. IV. Codex chartac. in folio min. conftans foliis 105. 1. Genealogies of fcveral families. 1. Nc. 2. C olleeianea ex rotulis patentibus et elaufis, et efcaetis, it breyibus regiis, de variis rebus Angli- eis et Ilibernicis, Gallieis quoque et Nurmannicis. 2 . See. 3 . Juftieiarii Anglite. Item Conftabularii. 4. 4 . Admiralli Anglia*. 4 q 5. Conftabularii turns London. 50 G. Camcrarii Anglia*. <; 0 7. Prinias appellationes Baronum. C6. 8. Epifcopi Elienfes. jqj. Faijlina , E. V. Codex chartac. in fol. conftans foliis 17s. cum penul- timo fimul compabtus. Tracts on Englifli antiquities: 1. Of tlie antiquity of the laws of England by Wm. llakewill, &c. ^ 2. Of linglc combat. 4. 3 . Of the antiquity of terms for the adminifiration ofjuftice; alfo of cities : byjof. Holland. 6 . 4. Of the dimenfions of lands in England., 9 . & too. 5 . Of the antiquity, See. of fibres. iG. G. Of the office and privilege of heralds. 2J. 7. 01 the hnufes of the inns of court and chancers. 29'. 8 . What knights were made by Abbots, in the time of K. Henry l. or before. 40. 9. The diver lily of the names of this ifiand. 45. 10. Of the antiquity and fignification of the word “ fterling-money.'’ jo. & sj. 11. Of forefts. (ii. 12. A project propofed to the queen, for tlie crebi- ingof a library, and an academy for the finely of an¬ tiquity: 67. 13 . Of the antiquity of arms in England. 71. 14. Of the antiquity of the name of Duke. 82. Sc 52 . 15. On the etymology, antiquity, and privileges of caftles and towns in England. 88 . iG. Ofparifhes. 99. 17. Of the antiquity, and ceremonies of funerals in England. 108. is. Of tombs, monuments, and epitaphs; and fome epitaphs gathered by John Stow. 121. 19. Of mottos of arms; by feveral learned anti¬ quaries and heralds. 149. & 165 . 20. Of the antiquity of the office of chancellor of England. 1G4. Faujtina , I FAUSTINA, E. VI.— F. X. 61; Faujiina, E. VI. Is now marked Tiberius, B. IX. Faufiina , E. VII. Codex chartac. in folio; conftans foliis 122. 1. Accounts of charges, payments, wages, and en¬ tertainments ot the officers and others, of Bulleyn, Cal ice, and Ncwhaven (Newport) in the times of Henry VIII. and Edward VI. ?• 2. Capitanei Califia?. Alfo petitions from officers at Calais. 3. Device for the fortification of Calais, A 0 24 Hen. VIII. 32> 4. Ordinances and decrees for the country of Guifncs, made by the king's commiffioners in open court, held there Feb. I, A" 20 Hen. VIII. 40. An order is here inferted for profit on wool to be raifed at. Calais for the repair of the fortifica¬ tions of that town; dated July 17 - 15 Hen. VIII. fol. 41 . 5. Pay of the garrifon, council and other officers of Calais, with regulations for the government of that place. 75 . C. A lift of men of note who had to attend on Ii. Hen. VIII. A 0 1544 . 106 * 7 . Eight papers, relating chiefly to Calais, among which are originals of Henry VIII. Edmund Howard, and Richard (Fox?) bifiiop of Winchefter. Services done by John Dymocke. 109. Faufiina , E. VIII. $ IX. Codices chartacei, in 4 to. folior. 221 ct 133 . Commentarii de hiftoria et rebus Britannicis, col- le£li per Francifcum Thynne; in quibus multaquoque continentur de familiis nobilium, ct prrefertim de comitibus Huntingdonias et Lincolnias, et ducibus Norfolcire: tomi duo. Faujiina, F. I. II. $ III. Codices chartacei, in folio; foliorum 287 , 25 o, et 216. Gulielmi Camdeni, annales rerum Anglicarum et Hibernicarum, propria manu feripti.. Pauca delunt, qute pertinent ad annos 1587 , 159 Faujiina , F. IV. $ V. Codices chartacei, in folio; folior. 265 et 120. limul compact! Gul. Camdeni annales, ab A® 1558 ad An. 15 S 2 . Faujiina , F. VI. # VII. Codices chartacei, in folio; folior. 122 et 166. firnul compa 6 ti. Gul. Camdeni annales, ab A® 1589 ad An. 1603 . Faujiina , F. VIII. $ IX. Codices chartacei, in folio; folior. 135 , et 129 - limul compadli. Gul. Camdeni annales, ab A° 1589 ad An. 1603 . Faufiina , F. X. Codex chartaceus, in folio; conftans foliis 242 . Gul. Camdeni annalium, fragmenta varia. j 7 R APPENDIX. [ 61 + ] A P P E N D I X. Appendix L Codex membran. in folio; conftans foliis 137 . Homilite Origenis fuper vetus teftamentum. Ita fe habet vetus titulus: led in hoc codice continentur tantum homilite in libros Gcneleos, Exodi, et ufque ad Warn homiliam Levitici, qua: elt de vendiflonc domonnn et redemption]bus. Erat liber Thomtc Barlow, Epifc. Lincoln, 1G72. Appendix II. Codex chartac. in folio; conftans foliis 98 . Regiftrum curiarum tentarum apud Warelev in comitatu Elfexia?, prope Berking, a tempore 11 . Ri- cardi III. cum rcddituali ejufdem manerii, quod olim pertinebat ad abbatiffam et moniales monafterii de Berking - . Nuper V. Cl. Johannis Evelyni Armig. liber, quem, ab illo acceptum, Biblioth. Cottoniame dedit D. Gale. Appendix III. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 86 . Liber, “ Apotheoa gratia:in qua omnis anima quod needle habet inveniet. h. e. Evangelium S. .Matthau, cum glofla interlineari et commentariis. Appendix IV. Codex membran. in fol. min. conftans foliis 124 . ;. Guido, de arte di&andi epiftolas. c. u. Iter Johannis Maundevill. 59. 3 . Prophetia Merlini lilveltris. 102. b. 4 . Ric. de Aungervile, cognominati de Bury, D11- fielm. Epilc. Philobiblion: completum in manerio de Aukeland, d. 24 Jan. 1344. 103. 5 . Provinciate catholicorum chriftianerum viro- rnm; lump turn de regiftro I). Ilanibaldi Epifc. Tuf- tulanenfis, cardinalis, A. D. 1343 . 120. Appendix V. Codex membran. in folio; conftans foliis 394. Sec. XIV. La bible hyftofiaus; ou les hyftoires efcolaftrcs de Pierre le mangeur (Comeftor) traduite par Guy- art des Moulins chanoine d'Aire, de l'evechc de Terouanne; depuis 1291 jufqu'a 1294. Celivre, ecrit en lettres “ de forme,” fur trois co- lonnes, eft enrichi de plufieures miniatures et let- ties “ tourneures;” les fominaires font en rouge. Appendix VI. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 196. 1. Tradatus in quo fignorum Rellarumque vires ct urime, licet non viile, cum agritudinis iiatura. et ex- itu morbi, continetur judicium; audore Gulielmo, natione, uti ferihit, Anglico, profeflione medico, tunc autem cive Marfilienfe. 0 2. \ pocras, medicus etmagifter optimus, de aftro- nomia; continet aftrologica judicia de morbis. 5. 3. Ariftoteles de feientia ipfius aftronomite: f JC mentitur titulus; liber enim eft plane altrologieus. s. 4. Ejufdem? liber de nativitatibus. u. b. 5 . Ejufdem ? liber de eledionibus. j 3< 6 . Commentum fuper prasdidum librum. 20. b. 7 . Expofitio ad literam fuperioris traftatus. 23. b. 8. Sex tabula: de afpedu planetar uni, fecundum Albertum. 3] 9 - Aftronomia, fecundum Judseos, et libros eoruYn: ubi de feientia nativitatum fecundum horas diei ct nodis; et de manlionibus lunax 31. b. 10. Albumafaris flores, dejudiciis aftrorum. 45. 11. Jacobi Alkindi (Alquindi) liber, de imprelTioni- bus aeris. 3 i |, 12. Ejufdem liber de theorica planetarum. 63. b. 13. Azerchelis, canones ct reguke dc eclipfibus- 70 . 14 . Ejufdem liber, de asquationibus planetarum. 77 . b. 15 . Liber Haly, de tempore fecundum planetam quemlibet, in quolibet ligno. 73. b. 16 . Alfraganus, de nativitatibus. 80 . 17. MefehalltE (Malfahallacli) liber, de nativitati¬ bus. 97 . b. 18. Alkindi aftrologi, judicia; ex tranflatione Roberti de Kctene. 109. 19. Aubueli, liber in judiciis nativitatum; quem Plato Tiburtinus ex Arabico fumplit A* Arabum 530 , et Alexandri 1447, in civitate Barkelona, 163 . Appendix VII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 145 . Sec. tiv. Various poems, chiefly theological, of Thomas Afheburn a carmelite friar. Appendix appendix, 6i 5 Appendix VIII. Codex membran. in 4to. conftans foliis 1 12. 1. John Lydgate's life of the virgin Mary; in verle. 2. 2. Memoranda for the ufe of travellers in the Salt. 108. b. Appendix IX. Codex membran. in folio min. conftans foliis 39 - Fundatio et credtio coenobii S. Petri Gloucef- triae in ecclefiam cathedralem, per It. Henricum VIII. cum chartis donationum terrarum. Appendix X. Codex chartac. membranis quibufdam infertis, in folio; folior. lG 4 . Formula? brevium, epiftolarum, et variorum inftru- mentorum juris. Appendix XI. Codex membran. in 4 to. maj. folior 29. Confirmatio chartarum, qua? illic recitantur, de libertatibus, privilegiis, et confuetudinibus civitatis London, per R. Rieardum II. Appendix XII. Codex membran. in folio, folior. 25 . cum fupcriorc fimul compaclus. Proceflus de approprianda ecclefia de Stradcbroke pra?polito feu magiftro et capellanis collegii leu ec- clelis? de Wyngiield, in dia?cefi Norwicenfi. Appendix XIII. Codex membran. in folio; conftans ex foliis 113. 1. Liber S. Ambrolii, de officiis. 2. b. 2. Gemma animse, de divinis officiis. 62. 3 . Verfus IIildebcrti Cenomanenfis epifeopi, deex- planatione miffte: aliique verfus. 106. 4 . Homilia de regula B. Auguftini; ad monachos iftius inftituti. ill. 5 . Orationes ad B. Mariam Magdalenam. 112. b. G. Ilymnus ad B. Mariam virginem, Gallice: cum orationibus ad eandem. H 3 . Appendix XIVj Codex membran. in 8vo. min. folior. 164. Breviarium, cum officiis, in conventu monialium de Sion habitis. Appendix XV. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, conftans foliis 449 . Liber antiquus, et optima? nota?, de Brevibus. Olim ad 1 ). Edw. Cokum, fummum banci regii juliieiarinm, pertinebat. Appendix XVI. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 4G7. Statuta antiqua Anglia?, fcilicet a Magna Charta, ufque ad 20 Hen. vi. Prasmittuntur tabula? capita- lorum fatis ampla?. Appendix XVII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 139. Regiftrum chartarum terrarum et reddituiun, olim pertinentium ad Rogerum filium Briani de Throck- ing. Pra?mittitur elenchus chartarum. Appendix XVIII. Codex membran. in 4 to. majori, conftans foliis 40. Gregorius Turonenfts, dc virtutihus et miraculis B. Martini confdforis. Appendix XIX Codex membr. in folio, male habitus, conftans folis 6 s. cumluperiorc fimul conipadtus. Liber teftainentorum et chartarum, de dimiffioni- bus terrarum, pradertim temp. Henriee VI. Appendix XX. Li bell us membran. in folio, folior. 8 . cum duobus fuperioribus fimul compa&us. Hugo dc Folietto, prior S. Laurentii in pago Am- bianenfi, de ordinatione clauftri materialis, et de duodeciin abufiouibus clauftri. Appendix XXI. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 223. Regiftrum chartarum monafterii S. Johannis Bap tifta? de Stoke juxta Clare, in comitatu Sufiolciic. Appendix XXII. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 52 . Periocha; epiftolarum, leFtarum in diehus Domitiicis et feltis fandtorum. Appendix XXIII. Codex membran. in folio, conftans foliis 276 . Ledtiones in feltis diehus fandtorum. Appendix XXIV. Codex membran. in 4 to. conftans foliis 257 - Tradlatus morales, de feptem capitalibus vitiis, et de peccato lingtue. Appendix, 6i6 APPENDIX. Appendix XXV. Codex merabran. in svo. inaj. conftans foliis 46 . Sec. Xiv. Collectio ftatutorum Anglia*, Tub Ilenrico. III. et RR. Kd ward is. (Partiiil Latine partim Gallice.) Appendix XXVI. Codex membran. in 121110. folior, 223 . 1. S. Auguftinus de do&rina Cbrifliana; cum ex- cerptis c quibufdam libris ejufdem, 2. 2. S. Ambrofius, de ofHciis. 1G8. 3 . S. Gregorius, inmoralibus. Gli.b. 4 . S. Auguftinus, fuper epiftolam Johannis, Xc. 2 ] 6 . b. X. B. The four articles which in Smith’s printed catalogue are inferted after the preceding num¬ ber, have, by mifrakc, been placed among the do¬ nations, and aredefcribed in Mr. Avfcough’s ca¬ talogue as follows : N° 5007. John Dee. A quantity of folio paper books of his own writing, confiding of many parts of his Liber my ftcriorum, and conferences with angels. Thefe papers arc now bound in 3 volumes. X° 3009 . An hifiorical account, concerning the proceedings about-herely and fchifm, under K. Edw. VI. and the penal laws made again It popiflt rccuiants and feparatilts under Q. Elizabeth. X° 3010 . 1. Concerning the petitions nfually made by the fpeaker of the houfe of commons for freedom of acccfs unto her majefty, for liberty of ljieech i;i the houie, and for freedom from arrefts, See. -3. Concerning the citizens and burgeffes in Parliament, who they ought to be. Appendix XXVII. Codex chavtac. memhranisquibufdamprsllxisi in folio, conftans foliis 192. 1. Bonifacii VIII. P. bulla, afl'erens regnum Scotia; nullo modo fubje&um regno Anglia', fed feuduni elfc ecclefim Romanic. A° 1 299. vid. Rym. II. 844. 1. 2. Edwardi I. R. Angl. cpiltola ad Papain, de ip- fius jure ad regnum Scotia'. A° 1301. vid. Rym. 11. 883 . 3 3 . Johannis XXII. P. bulla, concedens decimam proventmim ecclefiaftieorum in lex annos, in fub- iidium Lena fan cl a. Avenion. vii. Kal. Auo*. An Pontif 16, ( 1333 .) - 4 . Bcncdiaus xi. Papa; ad.. de taeeffibm unperatoris contra confeederantes cum ipl'o : de deei- mi. See. Aven. Id. Nov. 1338. vid. Rym. v. 8 s. s. ). Jonannis XXIII? bulla, concedens fratribus B. -Maria' de monte Carmeli exemptionem a jurifdiclionc epifcopali. Aven. 3 Id. Mart. A° Pontif. 1. (1410?) • 10. 6 . pilhdium Anglicanum, de primatu regio: dif- fertatio polemica, temp. 11. Jac. I. feripta. ° 11 . 7. jo. Ant. Muil’atdkc, Car..Ij v. oraloris apud 1 nni. Max. tuppmaiin contra divortium It. Henrici vm. (tranfumptum) Vitcrbi. 1528 . o 3 8. Tiro. Smithius, deGraca- lingua; pronunciation,” ad Stepli. Gardincrum lipifij. Win Ion. - 1 9 . Ordinum fuederatonun, ac nominatim IIol- Ian. uoct V, dtfnfnr, orthudoxia, ;’i Sibrandi Lubberti et ahorum mjiinis vindicate. , i(i in. KOaixs ; foil, traftatulus Job. Car- pentm, do catholicornrp opinionibus in ecelefiam contta veram fidem, introduflis. ' 10s ’ n. John Lydgate’s liege and deltmaion of Thebes ■ book I. and part ut the 2d. i g. A poem confining of lfi ftanzas of 7 lines each m honour pf the virgin Alary. ,.., ’ Beg. '• Thou that arte callyd gioric of Ifraell, “ F° r thattjoye ntofte fovereyne ot rcnoim." 1 a Minutes of examinations taken cflnoemino-. the maiT,ages of prince Arthu, and I,. Henry VIII. n ith Catherine of Aragon. (A fragment.) 14 . I wo fragments, being anfwers to certain opi¬ nions, here called LlatK touching the fubjedion of woman to man ; with a view to tile quefiinn, vbc- tlicr women tbould be allowed to reign. (.Much mu¬ tilated. J 158. 1,7. Capituia opeiis eujiifiiam, de exemntione ele-' nconmi de potellate Papali. 18e Appendix XXVIII. Codex ebartae. in folio, cunliaus foliis ipn. MmreVi-i 0 //,. 0 " ““ ^ ** b - v 0. The wages of 21 lllips f„ r a month, to keep the wSr«Md h ;^ fou,h ” ids - “ d 3. Infiruftions given to fir Wm. Fitzwilliam for or- dciing ot the kings flops and victuals at Portf- mouth. 9 - 4. A letter from fir Rich. Palflied, to Card. AVol- cy ; concerning the king’s calks; and alfo a lift of lueh (hips as have conveyed away the king’s calks. II. 5. Account of the yearly fees of tire deputy and other officers at Calais; with a note of their retinue. 13 . h. An inventory of divers tilings remaining in the king s ftorehoufe at Dover. , ,, 7 . A device for footmen and arquebufers. 17. 8 A rate of the wages of the captains, deputies- lol.liiTs &C. for the new forts at Gravdiml, the Downs, Dover, &c. , n() 9 . A note of the films paid nut of the exchequer, lo the late ].. ot I.,» clier. fir Tin;. .Nlicrl- y ami All! Hultton, tor a campaign in the Low countries. 27 in. Certain jewels of the king’s higlun-fs, which lie trutted and enclnfcd vitllin a fair ifi-Ik of wood- and other lifts of roval jewels. ’ 1 1. Account of jewels delivered by the kirn-, to T Cromwell, and returned by him. ‘ rUJ 12. An account ot new year’s gifts given to the prince (Edward.) 1339. ^ -c, 13 . An account ol’ viduals, &c. prefented tolhe princefs (Maryr) chiefly by abbots. 1324. 42. 1 1. A11 inventory of the remainders of lilks and velvets, probably belonging to the royal wardrobe. 46 . 13 . An abridgment touching the money, plate ftufli ftore, and paymentsat St. John’s. ’’ * 44 .’ 16. An lfi. An inventory ot the furniture of fome royal palaces. 54 ‘ 17. An eftimate foV 7 weeks work to be clone at Hampton-court. 1540 . 65 . 18. A bill of wages to workmen in the king's gar¬ den, at the freer Auflyn's in London. 1540 . 68 . 19. An eftimate of coftsfor gilding and graving of liarnefs for the king. 1544 . 69 - 20. Charges of the king’s armory. 73 . ci. An eftimate of the expenfes of the king's houfehold for one year. 1539 and 40 . 76 . 22. A rental of fome royal domains, by John Bab- liam and Oliver Franklyn. 1540 . ?«• 23. Fees and annuities out of the queen’s lands granted by Henry VIII. to lady Anne (Boleyn?) Q. of England. 82, 24 . The manner of the ceremony of the coronation of Q. Mary. W- 25. A lift of nobility, bifhops, knights, See. who probably attended fome public ceremony. 26. Rewards given to the atnbafiadors of Saxony and Cleves, and others of the queen strain who came with her to England. (Q. Anne of Cleves r) 104 . 27. A note of money in the hands of Roger Ar¬ my ce receiver at Glafton. 1539 - 1 Q 6 - 28 . A lift of penfions allowed to abbots and priors of furrend'ered monafteries. 29. An account of fines offered for abbey lands. 117. ‘ 30. An account of grants to fir Win. Compton, (afterwards E. of Northampton.) temp. Jac. J. 1 IS. 31. Accounts of the monies John Goftwick trea- furer had in hand when the E. ofEffex (T. Cromwell) was apprehended, and of l’ums fince paid by him. 1540 . 125 - 32. A letter, probably to T. Cromwell; defil ing a licence to export corn, cloth, &c. 33. Three inflrudtions of the council, to the com- miftioners, for the fale of the Carrick goods at Lea- dfenhall. 1603 . 131 . 34. Rentals ofthe eftates of Stoneley, Ramfey, St. Neot's, and fome other monafteries in Huntingdon- lliire. 13 6 - 35 . A rental of fome eftates in Berkfhire; with fome grants between private perfons in various coun¬ ties. (A fragment, on vellum.) 149 - S 6 . An inventory of the goods and chattels of Rich. Termer, in the manor of Eftone, and elfewhere. 37. An inventory of all the moveables and im¬ moveables pertaining to fir Adrian Fofkewe’s houfe, and at his lodgings befides the Blackfryars in Lon¬ don. 171 . 38. Dr. James Chambers, to It. Charles I; in an- fwerto a letter of the judges, concerning attornies, clerks, patentees., &c. Richmond, 06 t, 24, 1634 . 185 . Paper fragments, preferred in a cafe. Part of a work on the hiltory of modern times. Paper fragments, preferred, in a cafe. Part of a work on the hiflorv of England. Appendix XXXil. Paper fragments, preferred in a cafe. 1. Notes out of chartularies; perhaps part of Vi tel. F. VIII. 2. -— from rolls. 3 . Fragments relating to martiage contracts. Appendix XXXIII. Paper fragments, preferved in a cafe. Vafious catalogues of printed books. Appendix XXXIV. Fragmenta chartacea, in capfula affervata. 1. Collcftanea juridica. 2 . Exeerpta qiuedam ex hidoricis. Appendix XXXV. Membranse qmedam folutce, capfula aflervatte; Magri. Albini epiftolse; feriptura adeo evanida ut prater Sibyllam leget nemo. Appendix XXIX. Paper fragments, too much damaged to be accurately arranged, preferved in a cafe. 1. Fragments, many of them originals, chiefly re¬ lating to Scotland. 6i8 APPENDIX. Appendix XXXVIII. Paper fragments, in a cafe. A repertory of charters and fiefs : alfo genealogi¬ cal notes. Appendix XXXIX. Paper fragments, in a cafe. Hiftorical, poetical, &c. Appendix XL. Paper fragments, in a cafe; many of them of letters to Henry VIII. Card. Wolfey, &c. Appendix XLI. Paper fragments of fome geographical and hiftori- tal collectanea, in a cafe. Appendix XLII. Fragmenta chartacea, hiftoriei cujufdam operis, in capliila. Appendix XLIII. Fragments on vellum, of fome Saxon work, in a cale. Appendix XLIV. ^Fragments on vellum, of fome Saxon work, in a Appendix XLV. A cafe containing various fragments. i. ChronicaArchiep. Eborac. fragmentum ; folior. 8. . _ monafterii 13 . Augultini apud Can- tuar. fragm. folior. io. r ta n 3. Hiftorias pontificuin Romanor. fragm. folior. 17. 4. Fragments of 3 original letters, two to Wolfev and one to T. Cromwell; 4 leaves. * ’ 5. A fragment of an old Englifh poem; 26 leaves. Monacll -° r - B. Benediai, de efu carniuin; 7 . Opufculi dramatici fragmentum; fol. 7. 8. Traflatus cujufdamjuridici, fragmentum ; fol. e. 9- Carminis cujufdam fragmentum ; fol. 5. p^ s °^ h ni*::: ce; afra ^ nt - leaves Vari ° US fra g ments . Latin and Engliih; 24 12. Regiftn chartarum fragmentum. 13 . Notes of MSS. lent out by fir Th. Cotton- catalogues of boons, and other fragments, of no finis. L Great Tu n'-ce Hanfard, Printer, ruftilc, Lincoln's-lnn Fields. I N D E X. The References in this Index are made to the volumes of the MSS. and to the pages in each volume: a few injlancts excepted, where the volumes could not be paged: in thefe injlances the references are to the numbers of the articles. Aa, (J. vandcr) Galba, D. iii. 182. Abaelardi, (Pet.) verfus elegiaci, Vitel. C. viii. 18. Abba, (Teftament of) Aoo. ii. 64. Abbas, (Shaw) Nero, B. viii. 67. Abbate, (Mich.) Vitel. B. iii. 45. Abbatis orditiatio, Tib. B. viii. 103 b. Abbatiflte bcivdi&io, Tib. B. viii. 115 b. Abbies, vid. Monalteria. Abbis, (Rich.) Vesp. C. vii.87. Abbonis Floriacenfis, Vita S. Edmundi Re¬ gis, Tib. B. ii. 1. :fU> Abbonis, Sententia de difF. circuli et fpha:ras, Vitel. A. xii. 5. Abdulwahabi, fil. Achmedis, Monita ethica. Tit. C. xiv. Abdyes, (Wm.) Propofal for making In¬ digo, Tit. B. v. 350. Abenarip, (King of Arabia) Tit. B. viii. 227. Abendonenfis Abbatix Hiftoria, Claud. C. ix. 102. Vitel. A. xiii. 82. Chronicon, Tib. B. i. 113 b. Regift. Chartar. Claud. B. vi. C.ix.185. Varia, Jul.A. ix. 164 b. C. ii. 335. vii. 305. D. ii. 162. Aug. ii. 38, 39. Claud, c. ix. 177, b. 180, 182, 183, b. 184, 188, 189, 194. Abenryac, (Jac.) Nero, B. xi. 212. Aborough, (John) Galba, B. x. io6. Aboujaffar, vid. Mohammed. Abraham, (Geret) Galba, D. iii. 324. iv. 12. Abubcor, vid. Ibun. Abufcs, public and private. Tit. B. iv. 214. Abyllinia, (quasdam de) Nero B. xi. 138. Accolti, (Bened. de) Card. Ravennas, Vi¬ tel. B. ix. 114 b. xi. 156. Accounts (Books of Merchants) Vest. F. xvi. xvii. 63. Achmet, i. Turk. Emp. Nero, B. xi. 74. Ackworth, (Geo.) LLD. Tit. B.xiii. 256. Aeon, (Monaft. B. Thomx de) Regift. terr. Tib. C. v. 156. Ada publica, Jul. E. iii. Acuna, (Jofeph de) Galba, D. vii. 279- 286. Adailc, (Hen.) Vesp. F. xii. 161. Adalardi, Blandinienfis coenobii monachi, VitaS. Dunftani, Nero, C. vii. 72 b. Adamus Patriarcha, Tie. A. iii. 41. dc ipfius state et prole. Cal. A. xv. 135 b. Adarni de Marifco, Ord. Min. Epiftola:, Vitel. C. viii. 24. Adami Murimuthenfis, Continuatio Triveti Chronica:, Nero, D. x. 114. Claud. E. viii. 237. Cleop. A.xvi.67. Adanfan? Cal. E. ix. 67. Adelardi Bathon. Dialogus, Galba, E. iv. 214. Adelredus, vid. Ailredus. Admirals of England, Otho, E. ix. 1. Vesp. C.xiv. 1. Faust. C. ix. 19. E. iv. 49. Admirals, (Duties of) Vesp. B. xxii. (Lord High) Jurifdi&ion and Orders, Otho,E. ix. 7, 19,155 b. 160. Admiralty caufes, Otho, E. viii. 322, 3 * 2 4’ 33 z * 339. 350- Mifcell. concerning, Otho, E. ix. paflim. Vesp. C. xiv. 3. F. ix. 189. Adolphus de Bourgogne, Galba, B. viii. 115. Adolphus. D. of Holftein Gottorp, Nero, B. iii. Adolphus, Ct. of Cleves, Galba, B. i. 63. Adornus, (Ant. et Geo.) Doge of Genoa, Vesp. F. i. 92, 95. Adrianus, (B.) Abbas, Vesp. B. xx. 234, 242 b. Adriani Capitula Canonum, Claud. E. v. 2 39- Adrianus, iii. P. Nero, C. ii. 76. Adrianus, iv. P. Bulla, Cleop. C. iv. 20. Epift. Tib. B. iv. 211 b. Adrianus, vi. P. Vitel. B. v. 32 b. 92, 145, 146, 195, 196. Adrianus and Rithaius, Queftions and anfwers between them, Jul. A. ii. 137 b. Adurnus (Hier.) Nero, B. vii. 38. Vitel. B. v. 70. Aigelric (...) Aug. ii. 70. ^Egidius, (or Gilles) of Britanny, Jul. B. vi. 45, 48, 54. iEgidius, (F.) Card. Vitel. B. iii. 162 b, ALldhelmi, (S.) Epifc. Vita &c. Faust. B. iv. 139, 148 b. jElfbelmus, Tib. B. v. 75. Allfnothi manumiflio, Tib. B. v. 76. Ailfrici, Abbatis Malmelbur. Liber Feftivalis, Jul. E. vii. Homilise, Vesp. D. xiv. 1 b. de temporibus, Calig. A. xv. 140. dollar. Lat. Sax. Ju l. A. ii 119 b. Vi¬ tel. C. ix. 203. Faust. A.x. 92 b. Gram. Sax. Jul. A. ii. 9. Faust. A. x.3, Colloquia, Ti b. A. iii. 58 b. Epiftola:, Tib. A. iii. 103. Excufatio Cal. A. xiv. 111 b. iElfrici Epifc. Teftamentum, Aug. ii. 85. iElfftan, Abbot ofCh. Ch. Canterb. a deed, Aug.u. 90. uElphegi, (Sci.) Paflio, Nero, C. vii. 45, -lEpinus, (Jo.) Vitel. B. xxi. 161. Aerflen, (Greftier) Galba, D. viii. 255. iEfopi Fabul®, Lat. Vesp. B. xxiii. 110 b. Gall. Vesp. B. xiv, 19. Aiflwein (Reinh. d’) Galba, D. i. 21. /Ethelardus de Computo, Cal. A. xv. 140. Asthelherd, Abp. of Cant. Charter, Aug. ii. 55. Asthelnoth, Abp. of Cant. Tib. B. iv. 86. jEthehvoldi Opera quxdam, Vesp. A. xix. 2. Vita, Cal. A. viii. 121. de confuetudine Monachor. Tib. A. iii. 171. A fra: (Sea:) Vita, Tit. D. xvi. 1 13. Agacx (Sea:) Vita, Dom. xi. 105 b. Agarde (Arth.) Jul. C. iii. 54b. de libroDomefday, Vitel. C. ix. 223, 229. Agen, (States of) Vesp. C. xii. 48 b. Aglionby (Edward) Cal. B. III. 213, 217. Aguila (D. Joh. del’) Proclam, in Ireland, Jul. F. vi. 196. Surrender of Kinfale, Tit. B. xiii. 578. Aguillar, (Marquis d’) Vitel. B.xiv. 261. Aids, vid. Sublidies. Ailredus, (f. Adelredus, f. Aluredus, f. Eal- redus) Abbas Ricvallenfis, de gellie DavidisR. Scotor. Jul. A.xi. 1. Vesp. A. xviii. 68. B. xi. 106. Vita, R. Edwardi Confefs. Vitel. C. xii. 236. Excerpta de Regibus Saxon. JuL. C. ii. 32. de Inllitutis inclufarum, Nero, A. iii. 1. Hift. Anglix, Cleop. B. iii. 2. de xii. abufionibus clauftral. Cleop. B. vi. 187. Aimundi Hamburgenfis, Hift. Append. xxxvii. 2. Alani de Infulis, Anti-CIaudianus, Vesp. A.x. 1, 51b. Tit. D. xx. 138. Cleop. B. vi. 87. de planftu Naturx, Vesp. B. xxiii. 84. Cleop. B. vi. 154. Summa de Prxdicatione, Vesp. D. xiii. 66 b. Alba, (D. d’) vid. Toledo. Alba, alias Helva, (Bp. of) vid. Badajoz. Albani, (Sci.) Abbatiie. Regift. Chartar. Jul. D. iii. 1. Tib. E. vi. Claud. D. i. 170. Nero, D. i. 148. Otho. B. iii. Abbates, Jul. D. vii. 115 b. Claud. E. iv. 98. Nero,D. i. 30, 165b. Vitel. A. xx. 74. 7T INDEX. Monachi, J u l. D. vii, 112b. Benefaflores, Nero,D. vii. Tit. B. i. 80. Conftitutiones, Claud. E. iv. 24:, 368. Privilegia, Nero, D. i. 157. Carta:, Nero, D.i. 195-196 b. Varia de pofleflionibus, &c. Claud. A. viii. 195. E. iv. 307, 337, 342-343. 346, 349, 350 b. 359, Nero, D. i. 175. Monall. N.D. des Pres, juxta, Nero, D. *• *73- Albani, (S.) Vita et Paflio, Jul. D. iii. 125. vii. 128 b. Claud. E. iv. 34, 47, 334 b. Nero, C. vii. 1. Cleop. C. vii. 202. Faust. B. iv. 1. Miracula, Claud. E. iv. 59 Nero, D. i. 25 b. Faust. B. iv. 19. Inventio & tranflatio, Nero, D. i. 27. Albany, (Duke of) vid. Stuart. Albatis, (Mich, de) Secretary to the D. of Milan. Promifl'ory engagement to Wol- fey, Vitel. B. ii. 168 b. Albeney, (Fam.) JuL.B.xii. 308 b. Cleop. D. iii. 192. Albemarle, (Miltakes in the Catal. of the Earls of) Tit. B. viii. 337. Albert, Archd. of Aullria, Lett. &c. Galba, E. i. 260, 278, 308, 399 b. Vesp. C. viii. 267, 273, 276, 281,289,313,319,589, 395. xiii.9,10. Epitaph. Vesp. C. xiv. 189. F. iii. 66 b. Albert Fred. D. of Pruffia, Galba, B. xi. 290. Nero, B. ii. 197. Albert of Brandenb. Grand Mailer, and aftervv. D. of Pruflia, Vesp. F.iii.gi, 91 b. Albert de Brandenb. Elett. of Mentz, Vi¬ tel. B. ix. 13. xx. 137. Albert, Count of Hainault, Galba, B. i. 8. 9. Albini, (Hugo de) E. of Arundel, defeent. Tib. C. viii.4. Albinus, vid. Alcuinus. Alblas, (Joofled’) Galba, D. iv. 140b. Alboquerque, (Mat. d’) Vesp. F. xii. 194. Albricus, de computo Lunas, Cleop. A. vii. 104. Albumazar, de judiciis allror. Append, vi. 45 - Alcantara, (Order of) its revenues, Vesp. C.vi. 3S5. Alcock, (John) Bp. of Worcetler, Vitel. C. i. 7. Alcoranus, Tib. A. 1. Alcuini, (Flacci) vcl Albini, Capitula Theo- logica, Vesp. D. vi. 38b. Epillola:, Vesp. A. xiv. 113, 152—15 3 b. 155,161b. Faust. B. iv. 189-190b. 192. Append, xxxv. Vcrfus, Vesp. A. xiv. 146 b. Aldegonde, (St.) vid. Marnix. Alderney, (lHe of) granted to Mr. Cham- berlayne. Tit. B. viii. 85. Aldhelmi,Epifc. Schireborn. Vita, Claud. A. v. 128 b. Aldhelmus, (S.) Abbas Malmelbur. Verfus de vita Monachor. Ca l. A. xi. 278. Epiil. contra Scotor. artes, Dom. ix. 3. Aldithlegh, (Hen.) Grant to, Tit. B. xi. 33. Alehoufes, (Orders, &c. concerning) Tit. B. iii. 1,4, 6, 7, 9, 11. Alen5on, (D. d’) vid. Valois. Alefius, (Alex.) Nero, B. vi. 56. Alexander Farnefe, D. of Parma, Governor of the Low countries. Lett. Sec. Cal. E. viii. 5 b. 337-338. Galba, C. vi. P. 2, 321. viii. 387, 393. D. i. 247. ii. 29, 277 b. iii. 360. Vesp. C. vii. 377, 40S, 442, 449, 480, 484,485. viii. 108, 146. F. v. 347. Alexander Farnefe Card. vid. Paul hi. Alexander (Robert) Galba, C. v. 268. Alexander (Robert) alias Zinzan, Tit. B. vii. 2. Alexandri magni vita, Nero, D. viii. 160. Cleop. D. v. 165 b. Gella, Galba, E. xi. 111. de litu India:, Nero, D. viii. 169. Vitel. A. xv, 104. Alexandri, P. Bulla, Nero, C. iii. 184. Epiil. Vitel. E. x. 83. Alexandri, III. P. Bullas, Auo.ii. 116, 125, 136. Cleop. E. i. 113. Epiil. ad Cler. Anglic. Claud. A. iv. 189. Vesp. C.xiv. 127. Epiftolas, Vitel. E. xiii. 4. Cleop. C. iv. 21. E. i. 114. Faust. B. i. 1, 6, 205. Alexandri, IV. P. Bullas, Cleop. E. i. 186, 189, 190, 199. Alexandri VI. P Cal. E. xii. 187. Cleop. E. xii. 138, 144, 147, 149. Alexandria: Epifcopor. Nomina, Tib. B. v. 19 b. Alexis, (S.) Vita, Vesp. D. Lx. 225. Faust. B. iv. 178 b. in Englilli Verfe, Tit. A. xxvi. 145. Aleyn, (John) TiT. B. i. 404. Alfgetus de Wintonia, Conventio cum Capit. Wigorn. Vesp. E. iv. 207. Alford, (Roger) Tit. B.ii. 370. Alfred, K. of England. Laws, Claud. D. ii. 5. Nero, A. i. 44, 49 b. 50. Tit. A. xxvii. 104 b. Saxon verfion of Augullin’s Soliloq. Vi¬ tel. A. xv. i, of S. Gregory de Cu¬ ra Pallor. Tib. B. xi. Mifcell. Claud. D. ii. 8. Tit. D. vii. 103. Algorifmo, (Verfus de) Vitel. A. i. 25 b. Aiidofius, (Franc.) Card, of Pavia, Vitel. B. ii. 4, ;b. Alienations, (Computations and licences of) Tit. B. iv. 184, 257. Aliens, Tit. B. v. 309. Allan, (Dr. Wm.) made Cardinal, Nero, B. vi. 264. Allegoria de Nebucodonofor, Sec. Nero, A. i. 109. Allemand, (J. 1') Chancellor in Spain Vesp. C. ii. 166. iii. 271, b. xiii. 333. Allen, (Tho.) Jul. C. v. 18 i b. 199 b. Allen, (Dr.) Cal. C. viii. 285 b. Alliballer, (Guil.) Carm. Jul. C. v. 10. Allum works, and trade, Vesp. C. xiv. 8. TlT ' B ' v ;..337 b - 338. 34°* 34z- Ci.eop. E. iii. 174. Almangor (Jacob) his life. Tit. B. viii. 227. Alncwick, (Excerpta ex Chron. Monall. de) Vitel. E. xiv. 261. Alphabarius, de divifione fcieniiar. Vesp. B. x. z 4 . Alphabetaria, Vitel. A. xii. 41 b. Tit. D. xviii. 1 b. xxvii. 55 b. Dom. viii. 162. ix. 8, 10. Faust. C. vii. 181 b. Alollanus, (Pet.) Galba, C. iv. 21. Alphonfus III. K. of Aragon, Vesp. C. xii. 45 b - 4 6 - Alphonfus V. K. of Aragon, Vesp. F. iii. 40. Alphonfus X. K. of Caflille, Nero, D. vi. 56 b. Vesp. C. xii. 39, 66, 66 b. Alphonfus XI. K. of Caftille, Vesp. C. xii. 49. Alphonfus V. K. of Portugal, Nero, B. i. 49. Alphonfus, a Pr. of Callile. Treaty of mar. Vitel. C. xi. 4b. Alquindi, (Jac.) Aflrologica. Append, vi. 53 b- 63 b ' Alfloot, (van) Tit.B. vii. 292. Alvarez, (Didacus) a Corduba, de reftitu- tione, Ti t. A. xi. 135. Alvarus, (Em.) Nero, B. i. 160. Alward, (Tho.) Vitel. B. xii. 173. Amadas, (Mrs.) Prophecies, Cleop. E iv 84*. Amandi, (Prater) Speculum humanre falva- tionis, Vesp. E. i. 100. Amazones, (Goods imported from the) Otho, E. viii. 227. Ambach, (Hen. van.) Galba, D. ix. 74. Ambafladors, (Privileges of) Jul. F. vi. 77 b - >77- Mile. Cal. B.v. 263. Vesp.C. xiv. n, 30, 67. Tit.B. iv. 230. Ambletufe, (Plans of) Auc. i. Vol. i. 59. Vol. ii. 8, 68, 73. Amboif'e, (Emery d’) Grand mailer of Rhodes, Otho, C. ix. 1, 4 b, 5. Ambrofius, (S.) Mediolan. Epifc. de gradibus virtutum, J ul. B. vii. 8. Vita, Claud. A. i. 39. de Otficiis, Append, xiii. 2 b. xxvi. 168. Amclarius de ecclefialt. Officiis, Vesp. D, xv. 102. America, (Spanilh ifle? and towns in) Otho, E. viii. 56. (Commoditiesof) Jul. F. vi. 220. Amelega, (Diegodc) Claud. B. x. Amiens, (Siege of) Auc. i. Vol. ii. 86. (Magillrates of) Cal. D. iii. 32. (Bilhopof) vid. Pelleve. Ammonius, (And.) Nero, B. vi. 31. Vitee. B. ii. 105, 130b. i6z. Amphibali, (S.) Vita, Paflio, Miracula, &c. Claud. E. iv. 34, 71, 334 b. 378. Ne fo, C. vii. 1. Faust. B. iv. 39 b. Ampulla olei facri, Ci.eop. B. i. 1S2 b. C. iv. 1 14. Faust. B. ix. 240. Amllerdam, (Lett. &c. concerning the City of) Galba, B. i. 7. C. iv. 105. viii. 47. Amurath 111. Turk. Emp. Nero, B. ii. 146. viii. 45. xi. 119, 177, 377. his Sultana, Nero, B. viii. 57b. Amycc, (Roger) Receiver at Glallon, Ap¬ pend. xxviii. 109. Anabaptills & Sacramentaries, Cleop. E. v. 34'.357- Analefli Epiil. Vesp. A. xv. Anaflafii IV. P. Epiil. ad Theobald. Arch. Cantuar. Clau d. A. i. 35. Andreas, (Bern.) Tholofati. Comment. Idi(lor. Jul. A. iii. 3. iv Dom. xviii. 126. Andrelini (Pub. Fault.) Forolivienfis, Car-* mina, Vitel. A. xiv. 2, 47, 51 b. 58, Andrew, Card, of Aullria, Vesp. F. iii. 67. Andrews, (Abp. of St.) vid. Beaton. Aneau, (Lambert d’) Nero, B. vi. 295, 37 1 • Anglefey, Nero, C. iii. 186* Anglefey, (C.) Jul. C. iii. 170. Anglus, (Phylarch.) Jul. C. v. 226. Argus, (E. of) vid. Dougla:. Anhalt, vid. Chriftian. Animalium, (dd rotate) Nero, A. xii. 147 [?. (dc natura) Vesp. E. x. 59 b. Anjorrant, (dc Soully) Cal. E. x. igo, zoi, 2S4, Anjou, (D. d’) vid. Valois. Aniflow, (John) Cal. B.\i. 22. Anna Catherina, Wife to Chriftian IV. K. of Denmark, Vesp. F. iii. 7S. Annabe'la, Wife to Robert III. K. of Scot¬ land, Vesp. F. \ ii. 38, 39. Annales, vid. Chronica. Anne, Q. of Hen. VIII. vid. Eoleyn. INDEX. Anne of Britanny. Commemoration on her death, Vesp. B. iii. Anne of Britanny, Wife to Fr. I. K. of Fr. Coronation, Tit. A. xvii. Anne of Cleves, Otho, C. x. 232, 236, 240, 241, 246, 247 b. Vitel. C. xi. 2n.xvi.237.TiT. B. i.409. Append. xxviii. 104. Anne of Denmark, Q^toja. I. Cal. D. i. 282. ii. 42,118. E. xi. 265. Vesp.F. iii. 11. Anne, Countefs of E. Fricfland, Vesp. F. 111. 105. Anne of Lorrain, Tit. B. ii. 155. Anne, Marchionefs of Montferrat, Vesp. F. iii. no. Anne, Siller to Sigifmund, K. of Sweden, Vesp. F.iii. 71. Anfelmus, (B.) Archiep. Cantuar. Opera Varia, Claud. E. i. 35-96 b. Vesp. E. iv. 206. De ortu et promotione, Cleop. E. i. 95, 98 b. Elucidarium, Cleop. B. vi. 202. , Epiftolx, Claud. A. xi. Nero, A. vii. 41. Liber Apologeticus, Cleop. C. xi. 2. Vita, Nero, C. vii. 77 b. Anthisc, (Sea;.) Pailio, Nero, C. vii. 43. Antiquities, in England, Jul. F. vi. 287. Tit. B. v. 200. Faust. E. v. Scotland, Jul. F. vi. 280. & inde paflim. Wales, Jul.F. vi. 281*, 288. Mifcell. Jul. F. xi. 276. Tit. F.xiv. 66 b. (Prints of) Jul. F. xi. 276. Aug. iii. 40, &c. vid. Rome, Runic. Antonio (Don) Pretender to the crown of Portugal, Nero, B. i. 235, 237, 246 b. viii. 48, 54. Galba, C. vii. 134. D. ii. no. Vesp. C. vii. 381, 388, 412. Antonii Tudertini Confolatio, Cleop. C. v. 162 b. Antichrilio, (de) V esp. D. ii. 8. E. vii. 123. Cleop. C. x. 156. Antiochia; Epifcopor. nomina, Tib. B. v ; 19 b. Antwerp, (Magillrates of) Galba, B. iv. 112. C. iii. no, 218. vi. P. i. 100 b. vii. 159, 167, 172, 177 b. 224. (Intelligence from) Galba, B. x. 95, 97, 104, 107, 109. C. vii. 209. viii. 240. D. ii. 184. (Synod at) Galba, C. iv. 182. (Protfefiants at) Galba, C. iii. 40 b. 42, 51, 61, 70, 74, 76, 78, 88, 91, 136 b. 248. (Mifcell.) Galba, C. iii. 58,68.99, 134. vi. P. i. 78. P. ii. 307. viii. 70, 126. ix. 231 b. 232 b. 335. x. 193. Vid. Trade with the Netherlands. Apofloli, (de eorum difcipulis) Tit. A. xix. 19 b. (de provinciis quibus prasdicaverunt) Vesp. A. xvi. 8 b. Faust. A. viii. 39- Apoflolic chamber. Cal. D. vii. 241. Apothecaries, (Bill concerning) Tit. F. iv. 301. Appledore flream, (Chart of) Auc. i. vol. i. 63. Apprentices, Tit. B. v. 253. Ap Rice, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 120 b. vi. 254. Aplley, (Nic.) Tit.B. i. 73, Vi Kki .V14 Apulei Platonici Herbarium, Vitel. C. iii. 7 b. Aquila;Prophetbe, Nero, A. iv. 63. Vesp. E. vii. 129. Aquileia, (nomina Patriarchar.) Vitel. F. xvi. 133. Aquino, vid. Thomas. Aquitania, (Var. de) Jul. C. iv. 271. E. i. paflim. iv. 133. Nero, D. vi. 31. Vitel. C. iv. 1. Ara-cceli, (C. Card.) Vitel. B. vi. 96 b. Arabic MSs. Sc Lett. Nero, B. xi. 77 b. 318. Galba, A. ix. x. Aragon, (Aloyfius Card.de) Vitel. B. ii. 5. iii. 179 b. 201 b. 216 b. Arafca, (Fr. Ferlinus de) Cleop. E. ii. 114. Archipelago, (Iflands of) Vesp. A. xiii. 1. Tit. B. viii. 235. Architecture, (Naval) Tit. A. xxvi. 27 b. Arco, (Oliv. Conte de) Tit. B. vii. 242, 261. Archer, (Sy.) Jul. C. iii. 194. Arches, (JurifdiCtion of the court of) Cleop. F. i. 86. ii. 172, 174, 175, 1 79 ' 4 zo - Arculphus, de Hierofolymis, Tib. D. v. 3. Ardagh Barony, (Chart of) Auo. i. vol. ii. 25. Ardern, (Rob 1 ) Galba, D. ii. 253 b. Ardres, (Plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 74. (Fortifications of) Cal. E. iv. 33. Aremberg (Ch. Due d’) Vesp. C. xiii. 90. vid. Croy. Aremorici (Gul.) Chronicon, Vesp. D. iv. 2. Aretino, (Pietro) Nero, B. vii. 123. (Leon.) Cleop. C. v. 96, 102 b. 150. Argali, (Capt.) Charges again!! him, Otho, E. viii. 229. Argentini (Joh.) ACtus Academ. Jut. F. vii. 165. Argyle, vid. Campbell. Arigny, Cal. E. i. 59. Ariobeke, (Adr. de) Jul. C. v. 81 b. 92 b. 204 b. Arithmetical TraCts, Jul. D. vii. 132. Cleop. B. vi. 234. ix. 17 b. Ariftoteles, de Phyfiognomia, Jul. D. viii. 126. Ethica, Jul.F. vii. 47. Armada, (Spanilh) Jul. E. ii. 67. F. vi. 60 b. Otho, E. ix. 175, 183 b. 187 b. 214. xi. 376. Vesp. C. viii. 205. xiii. 389. aPafquinadeconcerningit, Tit. B. ii. 479. Epigram thereon, Tit. B. viii. 336. Armagh, (Abp. of) vid. Kite, Loftus. (Donatus.) Vesp. F. xii. 5. Armington, vid. Arrington. Armory, (King’s) Append, xxviii. 69, 73. Armourer, (Cuthbert) Cal. C. ix. 42. Arms, (Coats of, and defeents) Jul. C. vii. 135, 229, 264. F. vi. 291 b. Tib. D. ii. 58, 63. E. viii. 132. Nero, D. i. 170. Tit. B. viii. 276, 282, 285, 287, 288, 302. Banners and fupporters, Tib. E. viii. 155, 180 b. 194, 214b. Arms, of Englilh families, vid. Nobility, of the nobility in Ireland, Tit. B. xii. 550. (fundries concerning) Faust* C. viii. 1, 3' 4- Arms, (Office of) vid. Heralds. Armes des Chcv. qui furent a Dunflable, Otho, D. iv. 92. Army, (Gov' of the) Vesp. C. xiv. 554. (fundries concerning it) Galba, D. i. 117, 126, 128. ii. 341. iii. 297 b. viii. 6, 275. xii. 48, 13;. Army Accounts, Otho, E.xi. 48, 222,351. Vesp. F. ix. 224. Tit. B. v. 23. vid. Military Affairs. (Pay of) Vesp. F. vii. 12 b. Armies, (drawings of) Aug. iii. 1-10. Arnulfus, (Abbas Bonai-vallis) de operibus fex dierum, Claud. E. i. 12 b. de fex verbis domini in cruce, Claud. E. i. 26. Arran, (E. of) vid. Hamilton, Stuart. Arras, (City of) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 163, I', ii. 97. Arras, (Bp. of) Galba, B. xi. 49. xii. 254, 255. Arrington (Nic.) Cal. C. iii. 539. iv. 14, 28. v. 31 b. 130, 132, 137, 157. vi. 2,6,8. Galba, C. xi. 79. Arrington (Wm.) Cal. C. iv. 54. Arfchott, (D. of) vid. Croy. Artillery, Otho. E. ix. 389 b. Artois, Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 11,307. Vesp. C. viii. 261. Arthur, (King) Life, Vitel. C. ix. 152. Tit. A. xix. 16. (Mifcel. concerning) Cal. A. x. 200 b. Nero, D. v. 393. Cleop. D. viii. 2. Epitaph, Jul. C. vi. 102 b. Arthur, (Pr.) fon to Hen. VII. his chriflen- ing, Jul. B. xii. 19 b. Prayer for him, Vesp. F. iii. 34. created P. of Wales, Jul. B. xii. 56 b. concerning his marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 47, 54' 9 2 - Vesp. C. xii. 184, 191, 204,210. Append, xxvii, 133. Articles, (Lords of) Cal. B. iii. 222. Artillery, Aug. i. vol. ii. 50. Otho, E. ix. 3S9 b. Arundel, (F.) Jul. C. iii. 108, 112 b. 130 b. 154 b. Arundel, (Joh. de) Nero, C. iii. 197 b. Arundel, (Tho.) Archiep. Cantuar. Con- ftitut. Vitel. A. ii. 89. Arundel, (Th.) Vesp. F. xiii. 153, 308. Cleop. E. iv. 257. Arundel, (firlt E. of) defeent, Vesp. B. xv. 45- Arundel, (E. of) vid. Fitz-AIlan, Howard. Afaph, (St.) Valuation of the tythes of the diocefe, Vitel. C. x. 105 b. (Bp. of) vid. Barlow. Afceticus, (TraCtatus) Jul. A. ix. 2, 16. Alhby, (Wm.) Lett. Jul. F. vi. 20,99. Cal. D. i. 236, 237, 239, 241, 243, 247, 252, 254, 257, 260, 262, 268, 278, 284, 291, 296, 299, 303, 304, 309. 310, 311, 313, 322, 326, 329, 335* 34 6 » 349> 35»» 35 6 ' 3^6, 367, 368, 369, 376, 377, 402, 405, 41 1, 412, 413, 415, 416, 418, 426, 428, 445, 446, 447, 448, 449. Tit. B. ii. 3 1 Alhebold, (Will.) Tit. C. vi. 157. Afheburn, (Tho.) Poems, Append, vii. Affifield, (SirEdw.) Jul. F. vi. 133. Aihley church, Cambridgelhire, Nero, C. ix. 157. Aihley, (Sir Anthony) Otho, E. ix. 341 b. Aikew, (Robert) concerning his rebellion. Cal. B. i. 143. Affaium auri, Cleop. A. xvi. 50. Aflarts, (Collection concerning) Faust. C. ii. 69. Afleldon, (Thom.de) Prophecies, Vitel. E. x. 232. Afleliers, (. . . d’) Galba, D. iii. 52. Affemburg, (J. d’) Galba, B. xi. 280. I N D E X. Aflerii Meneveniis, Annales, Vitel. E. xiv. 554. de geftis ab Alfredo rege, Otho, A. xii. Afsheton, (Rad.) Vice-Conltab. conflitutus, Vesp. C. xiv. 100. Afliento, Vesp. C. vi. 142, 157. Aflifium, (de Indulgcntia apud) Vitel. C. xii. 229. Aflizes of Bread, &c. Jul. D. ii. 148. vii. 127. Nero, A. xii. 1 50 b. Vitel. F. xii. 1S2 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 338. Cleop. C. vii. 14. Aflbnville, (J. d’) Galba, C. i. 99, 165. iii. 156, 186, i88» Aflyriorum, &c. RR. Dynaftia:, Faust. B. vii. zi. ARon, (qua:dam de manerio de) Vitel. C. ix. 201. ARon, (Sir Richard) Cal. D. iii. 148. Galba, B. i. 33, 34, 81. ARon, (Rog.) Lett. Jul. C. iii. 75. Cal. B. viii. 188. C. iii. 563. vii. 15. viii. 286, 289 b. 291. ix. 142. D. i. 93, 106, 245, 246, 249, 277, 280, 301. D. ii. 103, 345. ARon, (W.) Jul. C. iii. 86b. ARrologica, Vesp. E. vii. 132. DoM.xiii. 141 b. Append, vi. paflim. Aflronomica, Tib. B. v. i, 32, 34 b. 51 b. C. i. 1. Claud. B. vii. 233. Vitel. A. i. 21, 24 b. 25 b. xii. 69. Vesp. A. ii. 27, 35. Tit. D. xviii. 10. Athelardus, Calig. A. xv. 140. Tit. D. iv. 75. Athol, (Aymerde) Tit. B. xi. 133. Atkinfon, (....) Cal. D. i. 323. Atorno, (Antomoto) Vitel. B. vi. 161. Attainders, A 0 13 Eliz. Tit. C. vii. 9 b. Attica, (George de) Bp. of Landaff, Cal. B. vi. 273. Attye, (Arthur) Galba, C. xi. 3 i i. D. ii. 269. Atye, (Johnde) Tit. B. xi. 84 b. Aubeney, (Giles Ld. d') Vesp. F. xiii. 68 ." Aubefpinc, (Marlhal dc 1') French ambaf- iador, Cal. B. viii. 171. E. v. 215. Nero, B. vi. 311. Galba, D. i. 186. Aubigny, (. ..) Jul. C. iii. 123. Audeley, (John of) Vesp. F. xiii. 111 b. At . (Tho.Lord) Chancellor, Cal. 11. vii. 129. Otho, E. ix. 28. x. 47. Vesp. C. xiv. 149. Tit. B. i. 84, 144*, 346, 360, 379, 398. v. 187. xi. 417, 425, 429. Cleop. E. iv. 193, 197. Auditors, (Accounts of) Tit. B. iv. 66. Augmentation, (Court of) Tit. B. iv. 60, 131. Augfburg, (Meetings at) Nero, B. ix. 83. Tit. B. ii. 85. AuguRin (St.) fort, near Galway, (Plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 34. AuguRin, Bp. ofAfloe, Nero, B. iii. 28. AuguRin, (Fukerus) Vesp. F. i. iS. AuguRini, (MonaR.) Cautuar, vid. Canter¬ bury. Auguftini MonaR. LeiceRria:, Vitel. B. iii. 223. AuguRini, (S.) Archiep. Cantuar. Vita, Nero, C. vii. 9. Vesp. B. xx. i. Varia de eodem, Vesp, B. XX. 26,61, 86, 94, 252, 2S6. AuguRini Canonici, Verfus, Vitel. A. xii. ijiIJ. AuguRinis, (AuguRinus de) Nero, B. xi. 308. Galba, B. x. 8. Vitel. B. xiii. 217, 223, 236. Tit.B. i. 365. Augullinorum Canonicor. Capitula, Vesp. D. i. 41 b. 63. Statuta, Vesp. F. ix. 22. AuguRinus, (Scus.) de Do&rina ChriRiana, Append, xxvi. 2. fuper EpiR. Johannis, Append, xxvi. 216 b. contra Manichsos, Claud. E. i. i. de gaudio Eleftorum, Nero, A. iii. 74. de igne Purgatorio, Nero, A. iii. 82. Flores ex libro Soliloquior. Vitel. A. xv. 1. Extrafta cx libro dc civitate Dei, Vitel. C. xiv. 10. de vifitat. tegrotor. Vesp. D. xxiii. 1. Sermones, Nero, E. i. 235 b. 236. de apparitione Hieronymi, Vesp. E. i. 253. Excerpta, Vesp. A. ix. 183. B. xiii. 2. de illius adventu in Angliam, Vesp. A. xiv. 104. Oratio, Nero, C. iv. 120 b. de virtutibus Pfalmor. Jul. D. vii. 7 b. de Aflumptione B. Virginis, Cal. A. i. 250. de ipfo, ex Beda, Dom. ix. 10. Retradlationes, Vesp. B. xiii. 67. AuguRus, Elector of Saxony, Galba, B. xi. 408. Aumont, (Marlhal d’) Cal. E. ix. 124, 140, 164, 216. Aungerville (Ric.) de Bury, Ep. Dunelm. Philobiblion, Append, iv. 103. Auriga, vid. Charetier. Aurigo, (Claudio) Nero, B. vi. 213. Aurum Regina:, Tit. B. iv. 232. Avignon, (PapalSee at) Tit. A. xiii. 148. Ayala, (Pet. de) SpaniRi ambafl'ador in Scot¬ land, Cal. B. v. 72. Ayamontc, (Marq. de) Vesp. C. viii. 399. Aylmer, (Joh.) Bp. of London, Vesp. C. xiv. 330. Aylmer, (Rich.) Tit. B. xi-. 497. Aymouth, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol. i. 60, Ayfcough, (Edw.) Jul. C. iii. 202. Ayfma, (HeRel) Galba, D. iii. 364. iy 30, 43, 80. ix. 89. Ayton, (Treaty of) Cal. B. v. 72. B. Babeaud, (....) Cal. E. vi. 393. Babington, (Anthony) Jul. F. vi. 37, 240. Cal. B. v. 164. C. ix. 238, 240, 293. Bacanceld, (Council at) Claud. D. ii. 25, 25 b. 28. Bacon, (Sir Anthony) Cal. F.. vii. 205. Nero, B. vi. 290, 291, 293-303, 337, 371, 380, 383, 395, 398,403,413 b. Bacon, (Sir Fr.) Ld. Verulam, concerning the Union, Jul. F. vi. 62 b. concerning the Naturalization of Scots, Tit. F. iv. 36. on Revenue, Cleop. F. vi. 118. his Pardon, Tit. B. vii. 441. Speech againR Libels, Vesp. C. xiv. 540. Letters, Jul. C. iii. 30, 71 b. Tit. F. iv. 328. Bacon, (J.) Nero, B. vi. 285. Bacon, (Sir Nich.) Vesp. F. ix. 17 b. Tit. B. vi. 173. Bacon, (Roger) Opera varia, Jul. D. v. 70. Tib. C. v. 1, 49, 120. Calendar, Vesp. A. ii. 2. Excerpta, Jul. F. vii. 173. Mifcell. Jul. D. v. 150, 156, 157, 158, 162, 164. Badajoz vel Pace, & Elvas, Alba vel Helve, (S.Bp. of) Galba, B. iv. 42. v. 341, N esp. C. i. 109, 115. ii. 13 b. Badanoth, (TeRament of) Aug. ii. 42. Baddefley, (Hill, of) in verfe, Jul. F. vi. 296. Badger, (Wm.) Vesp. F. ix. 270. Baelhe, (Edw.) Otho, E. iv. 38, 90. 106. Bagenall, (Sir Ra. & Sir Nic.) Tit.B. xiii. ao6, 252, 307. Bainbrigg, (Reginald) Account of Anti¬ quities, Jul. F. vi. 300, 329, 330, 33 1, Bajazeth II. Turk. Emp. Cal. E. xii. 187. Baker, (Aug.) Jul. C. iii. 187. Baker, (Matthew) Otho. E. ix. 357. Bakers—de poena piRoris, brafiatoris, & la- nii, Nero, A. xii. 152 b. Balaniteflianlah (Lands of) granted, Tit. B. xi. 309. Balbus, (Hier.) Vesp. F. i. 49, 64. Bale, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 134. Balen, (Chccdert van) Galea, C. x. 61. Baleus, (Joh.) de Religiofis Ordinib. Tit. D. x. 101. Balfour, (Sir Ja.) Cal. C. iv. 6. Balfour, (Col.) Galba, C. ix. 139. Baliol, vid. John. BalliRiannon, (Battle of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 38. Balmerino, (Ld.) vid. ElphinRon. Balmcrino, (J.) Cal. D. ii. 536. Balnanes, (Hen.) Cal. B. ix. So, 82. x. 38. Balthazar, Marq. of Mcifl'cn, Galba, B. i. 17. Balthazar, Pope’s Nuncioin Scotland, Cal. B. i. 297. vi. 109. viii. 317. Baltic, (Navigation of) Galba, D. xii. 79 b- Balwood, (....) Cal. E. vii. 301. Balye. (la) Fr. ambafl'ador in Scotland, Cal. B. vi. 104. Balzac, (Robert de) Ordre pour la conduite d’une arn'ee, Vesp. A. xvii. Bamborough, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 2. Bambridge, ^Chriflopher) Abp. of York, and Card, of England, Vitel. B. ii. 33, 42, 49, 50, 51 b. 77. on his death, Vitel. B. ii. 82 b. 94 b. 95* 97* loi - Bambridge, (Philip) Cai.. C. vii. 4. Ban of the Empire, Nero, B ix. 2. Bancroft, (Ric.) Bp. of London, and Abp. of Cant. Cal. E. x. 400. Cleop. F. ii. 121. Bangor, (Taxat. Temporal. Epifcop.) Vi¬ tel. C. x. iii. Bangor, (Abbatis de) refp. ad Auguitin. Claud. A. viii. 76. Banifler, (John) Otho, E. viii. 132. Bannerets of England, their names and arms. Cal. A. xviii. s. Bannilis, (Jac. de) Galba, B. vii. 303. Vitel. B. v. 61. xx. 260. Bannockburn, (Battle of) apoem, Galba, E. ix. 49 b. Banqueting Houfe, Whitehall, burnt. Tit. B. viii. 361. Baptifmo, (Quiedam de) Nero. A. i. 124b. Baptifta, (John) Nero, B. vi. 140. Bar, (Robert) Nero, B. iii. 112. Bar, an Barnes? (Robert) Vitel. B. xxi. 110, 113,116. Barattise, (decrimine) Cleop. F.ii. 222 b. Barbon, (J. de) Cal. B. vi. 448. Barchen, (. . . de) Galba, D. ii. 143. Barclay, (....) Cal. E. xii. 124. INDEX. Barcynode, (Chapter of) Faust. D. iv. 42. Bardcfe, (Gui!.) G a lb a, C. Y'ii. 305 b. 308. viii. 18. ix. 247. Bardney, (Alibat. S. Ofwaldi.de) Vest. A. xviii. 87. Rcgift. Cart. Vesp. K. v x. Bardolph, (Wm. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 31. Bardolph, (SirWm.) Galba B.i. 128, 133, *34- Bari, (D. of) vid. Sforza. Bari, (S.Abp.of) Vitel. 13.v, 149,150,183. Barker, ( John) Or ho, E. viii. 82. Vesp. C. vii. 362, 371. Barker, (Rob ) Jul. C. iii. 69 b. Barkham, (Joh.) Jul. C.iii. 177 b. Barking, (Monad.) Jul. D, viii. 40. Excerpta ex Regill. Vesp. B.xv. 96. Barkley, (...■) Galba, D. xii. 11 3. Barlemont, (... de) Galba, C. vi. P. i. u. Barlings, (Abbatia B. Marix de) Regift. Cart. Faust. B. i. 30. Baric, (F. Rudilindus) Jul. C. iii. 151. Barlo, (Wm.) Cleop. E. iv. 107. Barlow, (Wm.) Bp. of St. Afaph. Cal. E. iii. 194. Barlow, (Wm.) Bp. of St. David’s. Cleop. E. iv. 117, hi, 260, 262. v. 3S3. Barlow, (Wm.) Bp. of Lincoln, Jul. C. iii. 51, S8. Earnaby, (Tho.) Cal. E. iv. 14, 19. Barnes, (Dr.) Vitel.B. xxi. 164. Barnes, (John) Galba, C. iii. 231. Barnes, (Jo. de) Galba, D. iii. 28. Barnefter, (Tho.) Nero, B. xi. 333. Barnet, (Robt.) Galba, C.vi. P. i. 163, Barncwal, (Robt.) created baron Trimlcfton, Tit. B. xi. 221. Barnewellenfis Prioratus, Faust. C. iii- *53- Barney, (Ed. dej Vis?. C. xiv. 580. Barnftra, (Capt. Geo. Wibrants) Galba, D. iii. 122. Baronage of England, (collcftions concern¬ ing) Tit. C. v. 1. Baronets, (concerning) Tit. B. X. 411. D. xxi. 32. Faust. C. viii. 23, 24. 28. Baronies in England, Tit. D. xxi. 25 b: (Defcents of,) Tib. E. viii. 194. Baronum prima appellatio, Faust. E. iv. 66 . Baronti, monachi Longoretens. vifio, Tib. C. xi. 22. Barrington, (Francis) Tit. B. v. 75, 93. Barris, (Wm. de) Galba, B. iv. r b. Barrow, (Ja.) Galba, C. vii. 121 h. Barry, (james) Vifc. de Bucievant, Tit. B. xi. 190. Bartas, (Guil. de Salufte, du) Nero, B. vi. fiartelet, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 13a.b. Barthelemy, (maflacrc of St.) Cal. E. xii. 413. Galba, C. iv. 311. Bartholus, (D.) de inilgniis, Nero, A. viii. Bartholomxus, de Tyranno, Vitel. E. x. Bartholomxi, (Ifcani) Exonienfis Epifc. liber pcenitentialis, Faust, A. viii. 3. Bartholomew,(foundation cfil ; rioryofSt.) in Weft Smithfield, Vesp. B. ix. Barton, (Edward) Nep.o, B. xi. ::i, 1:4 125, 128,131, 135, 130, 155,200,210, 211, 215, 217, 227.—xii. Barton, (E'iz.) prophecies. Ci eop. E. iv. 75, 79,81, 82, 83 b. 84. 84 b. 85 *. Bathe, (....) Tit. B. xiii. 533. Bafileenfis fynodi epiftolx, &c. Vesp. D. ix. 47, 48 b. (varia de eadem) Cal. A. i. 1, 94 b. 99, 103 b, 112, 154. 160, 180, 193 b. 194 b. 237, 240, Cleop. C, iv. 145 b. 171. E.iii. pafiim. Bafilides Hxrefiarcha, Nero, A i. 84 b. Bafilii (Sci.) Epifc. Regula, Vesp.E. iii. 114. Batkerville, (Sir James) Tit. C. x. i i. Batkerville, (Tho.) Otho.E. xi. 224. Caftan, (D. Alvaro) Marq. of Santa Cruz. Nero, B, vi, 441. Baflani, (Lifratelli) Tit. B. ii. 217. Bafl'et, (Rauf.) de Draiton, Cal. D.iii. 5. Baflet, (Sir Wm.) Cleop. E. iv. 238. Baffon, (Tho.) Tit.B. vii. 96. Bafta, (Geo.) Nero, B. vi. 195. Baftards, (armsappointed to) Tib. E. viii. 194. Baftonus, (Rob.) verfus. Tit. A. xx. 64b. 66 b.- 67, 126 b. 159 b. Batavia : the vii. United Provinces. Realons for their revolt. Cal. B. v. 315. Declaration concerning their indepen¬ dence, Tit. B. vii. 131. Conftitution, A 0 1589. Galba, D. v. 306, 310,317. Government, Galba, C. x. 124, D. iii. 60, 349, v. 310. Polity, Tit. C. vii. 34. Ordinum feederator. orihodoxia vindi- cata. Append, xxvii. 66. States General: Lett. Orders, &c. (1584.) Galba, C. vii. 309, 323, 331. —(1585.) Cal. E. vii. 268. Galba, C. viii. 68, 77, 87, 90,100, 117 b. 123, •4.L I9 lb > 383, 401. ix. 38 b. D. xi. 231, 238. Tit. B. v.419b.—(1586.) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 114. ix. 110, 335, 357. x. 28, 34. xi. 304.—(1587.) Galba, C.xi. 84, 122, 143,218,226, 238, 246. D.i. 85, 113. ii. 25 b. 186, 241—^15.88.) Galba, D. ii. 249. iii. 7, 8,117, 191 b. 294 b. 302, 316, 332. —-(1589.) Galba, D. i. 244. iii. 15. iv. 30, 49, 109, 158, 181, 207, 20S, 217, 228, 234, 236, 254, 275, 277, 3H- v - 9. l 9> 2 5* 581 69. 103, 117, 130, 190,193, 222, 248, 298,306.— (1590.) Galba, D. v. 180. vii. 2, 21, 25 b. 37, 54, 92, 103, 109, 155 b. 160. 162,213, 269.—(1591.) Galba, D. viii. 9, 12, 20, 69, 74,77, 86, 123, 142, 182, 190 b. 201, 214, 222 b. 226b. 273,284, 285—(1592.) Gal¬ ba, D. ix. >25, 133, 160,177, >82, 2 94> 3*3-—(*5930 Galba, D. x. 64, 67, 96. — (1594.) Galba, D; x. 140, 150, 152, 165. —(1595.) Galb a, D. x. 124,128. xi. 53, 55, 62, 67,90, 93, 94, 102, 103, 106, 137, 164, 209, 237-— (1596.) Galba, D. xii. 45, 61, 64, 71, 73, 209, 216 b.—• (1597.) Galba, D. xii. 136, 137,144, — (1598.) Cal. E. ix. 445. Galba, D-xii. 176, 177 b. 195, 204, 205,206, 225, 236.— (1600.) Galba, D. xii. 283, 285,—(1601.) Galba, D. xii. 303.—(1603.) Galba, E.i. 113,117, 122, 143, 146.—(1604.) Galba, E. i. 374.— (1605.) Galba, E. i. 286, 2S7.—(1606.) Galba, E. i. 307.— (1607.) Galba. D. xii. 329. E. i. 308.—(fine A 0 ) Cal. E. ix. 444. xii. 2. Galba, C. iv. 174, 396. viii. 312. xi. 199. D. iii. 169. x. 28, xii. 264, 318. xi. 87, 222, 228, 233, 234 b. 240. xii. 67, 215, 228, 230. Lifts of Deputies to the States, Galea* C. vii. 336. viii. 369. D. vii. I75. xii. z 73- Council of Hate: Lett. Orders, &c. (1586.) Galba; C. ix. 215, 264, 36 6. x. 2. — (1587.) Galba, D. ii. 173. (1588.) Galba, C. xi. 97. D. Hi. 9, 108, 137, 148, 149, 165. — (1589.) Galba, D. iv. 275, 323. v. 13, 34. vii. 68.—(1590.) Galba, D. vii. 150. x. 1.—(1591.) Galba, D. viii. 59, 72,79, 115, 203, 212, 246.—(1592.) Galba, D. ix. 16,194, 2 44- 3 2 5-—(*593-) Galba, D. ix. 8. . 3i.35> 68. Treaties with England, Galba, C. viii. 1 34» 1 35* *49> 183. ix. 341 b. 350 b - . 352 b. x. 193,201,212,264. D. i. 60. iv. 270, 315. xi. 246. xii. 173. Tranfadlions with the E. of Leicefter Galba, C.ix. 46, 51, 54,77, 155, 359. x. 10, 52, 161. xi. 87. D. ii. zi6, 280, 285, 207, 305 b. 318, 325. v. 254. vid. Dudley. Military and naval affairs, Galb a, C. ix. 228 b. x. 30, 153,245, 256, 273, 275, 33 2 > 34L *i- 159, 169, 171,182, 186, 188, 206, 309. D. i. 31,62, 117, 128, *35. *54. =44* 2 7>- ii- 46, 327, 33z.'iii. 266.267, 2 97 b. 369. iv. 14, 2 9> 75. 9*. 93* 95.97- v. 24=. 260, 264, 270, 276, 2S3, 288, 290. vii. 217. viii. 246 2 7 z, 2S0. ix. 2, 339. x. 37, 39, 184, 195. xii. 234, 251, 293, 297, 298; E. i. 122. Cautionary Towns, Galba, D. xii. 202. Vesp. C. xiii. 114. v id. Brill, Flulh- ing. Mifcell. Galba, C. ix. 276. x. 172, 189 b-258, 328, 370. xi. 317. D.i. 29,60. H- 321- iii- 295 b. 347. iv. 163, 246, 304. vii. 189, 220, 310, 323, 334, D-ix.34. Vesp. C. vii. 400 b. Minutes of State Papers, vid. Belgium. Batcock, (Th.) Otho, E. ix. 51 b. Vesp. C. iv. 264. vii. 42, 46, 64, 69. Bath, (Order of) foundation, Dom. xviiu 243- Bath, (Knights of) Tib.F. viii. 79. Nero, C. ix. 168 b. D. ii. 254. Bath and Wells, Catal. of Bilhops, Vitel. E. v. 124 b. (Chapter of) Lett, to the Pope, Cleop. C. iv, 213 b. Balhori, (And. Card.) Pr. of Moldavia, Nero, B. iv. 206. Vesp. F. i. 119. Bathori,(Stephen) K. of Poland, Nero.B. ii. 132. Bathori, (Stephen) Nero, B. ix. 208 b. Battery works, (Company of) Tit. F. iv. 2 99- Battille, (J.) dc Go.... Cal. E. x. 173. Battle Abbey, (Grants to) Auc. ii. 53. Nero, C iii. iSo b. 1S1 b. de fitu, privilegiis, &c. Dom. ii. 7, Ecclcfite dotales, Tib, B. v. 83. (Chronicle of) Nero, D. ii. 234b. Baxter, (Wm.) Galba, D. i. 227. Bayerus, (J. B. Urs.) Jul. C. v. 91, 102* 146, 148. Bayeux, (Treaty of) Galba, B. i. 162. Baynam, (Capt. John) Tit. B. xiii. 548. Bavnton, (Edw.) Otho, C. x. 209. Bayonne, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 85. 7 U I X D K X. Beacon, (S.) Cal. E. vi. 160. Beacons, (concerning) Otho, E. xi. 76, 139 b. Beale. (Robt.) Inftruiflions, CAL. C, viii. 31. Tit. B. ii. 464. Letters, Jul. F. vi. 26. Cal. C. ix. 31S. D. i. 139. Galea, C. v. 2jz. D. i. 99. 103, 231. Vesp. C. viii. 377" — xiii. 291. Mifcell. Cal.C. vii. 93, 154, 269.—ix. 50. Galba, C. v. 271.—xi. 107. D. iii. 170, 213.—iv. 163.-—vii. 19—xi. 125. Tit. F. iii. 299. Bearde, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 109. Beaton I. (James) Abp. of St. Andrew’s, Chanc. Letters, Cal. B. i. 119, 140.—ii. 236, 240.—iii. 68, 170, 171. vi. 17°. l 7 2 > 225, 227, 229, 400, 42Z, 425, 430.— vii. 32, 56, 96, 211 b. Remonllrance againlt him. Cal. B, 1. 222. Beaton II. (James) Abp. of Glafgow. Letters, Cal. C. iii. 4S3> 4 8 4-“" V- vi. 96. Beaton, (N. wife to a) Cai,. C. vii. 87. Beauchamp, fam. defeent, Jul. C. vi. ioj. Vest. B. xv. 45 b. Beauchamp, (Anne) Cfs. of Warwick, vid. Nevill. Eeauchamp, (Richard) E. of Warwick: life, Jul. E. iv. 201. Vesp. F. xiii. 42. Beauchamp, (Tho.) E. of Warwick, Jul. B. xii. 184b. 263. Beauchamp, (William de) Vesp.F. xiii. 19. Beauchamp, ( . . . . ) E. of Warwick, Cal. E. ii. 142 b. Beaufort, (Edm.) E. of Mortaigne, Vesp. F. xiii. 41. Beaufort, (Hen.) D. ofSomerfet: Inquif. de terris, Jul. B. xii. 300. Beaufort, (Hen.) Bp. of Winchcfler, Card. Galba, B. i. 138, 140. Vesp. E. iv. 203 b. F. iii. 8. Cleop. E. iii. 30 b. 3*. 33. s lb - Beaufort, (John) D. of Somerfet, fon to John ol Gaunt, Galba. B. i. 94, 112. Beaufort, (John) E. of Dorfet, Cal. D. iii. 130. Beaufort, (Tho.) Marq. of Dorfet and E. of Exeter, Cal. D. vi. 188, 194. Vitel. B. xii. So, 98. Vesp. F. iii. 5. xiii. 28. Beaulieu, (J.) Jul. C. v. 75, 78 b. 82, 92. Beaumont (Jo.) Jul. C. v. 1 b. Beaumont, (....) Cal. E. x. 262. Beauvoir, vid. Noue. Bechcr, (Will.) Jul. C. v. 43, 50, 59, 123, 142 b. 222, 229, 231. Becket, (Tho.) Archbp. of Canterb. Life and martyrdom, Jul. A. xi. 113. -D. iii. 184.—vii. 127 b.—xi. 94. Tin. C. xi. 171. Claud. B. ii. 1.—E. viii. 258. Nero, A. v. 83. Galba, E. iii. 56.—iv. 83. Vitel. C. xii. 158, 255. V esp. B. xiv. 33, 95 b. D.iv. 149. E. :c. 200. Dom. xi.25 .Faust. B.viii. 54. Villons, Claud. E. viii. 1 b. Vesp. E. vii. 11 z. Tit. D. vii. 26. Cleop. C. iv. 114. Controverfy with Hen. II. Cleop. E. i. >Iunujnent, Tib. E. viii. 313 b. Canonization, Faust. B. i. 10. Charters, Galba, E. iii. 54.—iv. 58 b. Letter*} Claud. B. ii. 8, 16. Vesp. D. xviii. 112. F. xiii. 3. Tit. D. xi. i,Se feq. Faust. B. i.6,8. C. viii. 154 b. Beckington, (Tho.) Bp. of Bath and W r ells. De jure regis Anglia; ad regnum Fran¬ cis, Tib. B. xii. Beda, PrefbyteE Hill. Ecdef. Ti b. A. xiv. C. ii. Epifl. Apologet. Vitel. A. xii. 80. De temporibus, Jul. A. ii. 1. Tib. A. iii. 39 b. 63 b. E. iv. Tit.D. xxvii. 30. Vita et Mirac. Sci. Cuthbcrti, Claud. A. i. 123 b. 124 b. Vitei.. A xix. De Laurentio, Archiep. Vesp. B. xx. 198. Martyrologium, Jul.B. vii. 12. Claud. D. iii. 4. dc naturis rerum, Vesp. B. xiii. 22 b. Chronica, Dom. i. 138. Librorum notitia, Nero, D. \iii. 174 b. Excerpta, Tib. B. v. 23. Faust. B. ii. 1, 1 b. Verfus.TiT. D. xxiv. 141. Doii. i. 51. de computo, Vesp. B. vi. 1. Tit. D. xxiv. 144. Faust. A. viii. 40. Bedell, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 169. Bedenham Monaltery, Au r.. ii. 29. Bedford, (fiege of) Tit. D.xix. no. (Seflionsat) Tit. B. ii. 245. St. John’s Hofpital, Tib. E. viii. 246. Bedford, (D. and E. of) vid. Plantacreni, Rulfel. Bedford, ( , . .) Jul. C. iii. 39 b. 164. Bedyll, (Tho.) Otho, C. x. 164 b. 166 b. 213. Cleop. E. iv. 109, 203, 217, 219 b.—-vi. 16S, 252, 255. Bedyng/ield, (Edm.) Otho, C. x. 213". Bceling, (John) Tit.B. x. 187. Beer: Benedidlio Cere viii a;, Nero, A. i. 109. Beerley, (Ric.) Cleop. E. iv. 161. Begx, (Sex.) vita ct miracula, Faust. B. iv. 122. Beglerbegs, Nero, B. xi. 87, 117-, 139. Bcleth, (Mag. Joh.) de divinis officiis, Vitel. A. xi. 1. Vesp. D. iii. 141. Belgium : the xvii. and after A‘ 1581, the x. Catholic provinces of the Netherlands. Tranfadla inter Angliam et Belgium, Galba, B. i.—xi. C. i.—xi. D. i.—xi. Ceded to the Infanta Ifabella, Nero, B. vi. 267. Galba, D. xii. 150. Vesp. C. xiii. 437. Table, and deferipton of them, Jul. F. vi. 217. GalBa, D. iii. 60. (State of) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. iSz. D. v. 317. vii. 323. x. 102, 106. xii. 85, 252- Proceedings of Spain towards them, Jul. F. vi. 150, 158. Treaties with England, Galba. B. ix. 81,227.x. 165-324. xi. 3, 17. C.i. 93, 94> *S5> *58, 180, 190,217. viii. 360. D. xiii. 108. Vesp. C. vii. 368. Tit. j B. vi. 37, 48, 56, 59, 62, 66, 103. j States of the Netherlands, Lett. Orders, ! (1576.) Galba, C. v. 263, 269 b. 314, 5 » 7 . ' : - ' Galba, C. v. 254, 255, 255 b. vi. P. 1. u, 43, 47, 47 b, 49, 58, 63, 81, 91 b. 92, 98, 101, 118, 139, 146, 14S, *5 J # *S®> 161.— 1578.) Galba, C. ti. P. ii. 38. 70,78, 196, 221, 221 K. •’ - *&, 26 zb 302, 508, 342.— (1579.) Galba. C '‘j; P - :i - 3 9 - (:<*-'•) Galba, C. vu. 2i, 22. 67, 75 — (1581.) Gal¬ ba, C. vii. C. vii. 248.—(1594.) Galba, D. xi. 7. (fine A 0 ) Galba C. v. 277. vi- P. ii. 118 b. 176 b. 186 b. Tit. ii- 425- Religious affairs, Galba, C. ii. 262, 279. iii. 113, 150, 137 b. 138,164,165 b. iv. 45. vi. P. ii. 264 b. D. ii. 179. r. 268. vii. 12 b. 63. Vesp. C. viii. 181. Trade with England, Jul. F. vi. 104, 124. Cal. B. v. 309. Vesp. C. iii. 96, 97»9 8 >99 - Tit.B. vi. 57. Inundation, Galba, C. iv. 96. Loans from Eliz. Cai.. E. vii. zU.. Galba, C. v. 256. vi. P.i. 13, 16 b, P. ii. 7. Towns mortgaged to the count of Mont- biliard, Galba, C. iv. 310. Minutes of Rate papers concerning Bel¬ gium and Batavia, Gaeea, C. iii. 22S. iv. 586. v. 41, 216 b. vi. P. i. 1. P. ii. 127. viii. 113, 127 b. ix. 200* 297. D.' ii. 297 b. iii. 94, 211, 279. vii. 23, 52 b. 62, 64, 66, 78, 228 b. 246 b. 252. viii. 53 b. 11S b. ix. 344. x. 8?, 97, 114, 119 b. 127. xi. 69, 88, 132. xii. 75, 80 b. 118, 314. E. vi. 25, 108. Military and Naval affair;, Cal. E. iv. 315. Nero, B. vi. 319. G •, 11 vi. p. ii. 4,5, 7 b. 112,174,357. vii. 218,358. viii. 85, 339, 343, 354,404, ix. 42b. 219 b. 230 b. 253 b. 239, 308. X. 28, 36, 148. D. 1. 216, 219, 244. ii. 332. iv. 296, 313. v. 17, 3 t, 36, 40. 54, 115, 126, .143, 229, vii. 4- 5> 5‘> 9 S > 3°3* 3 1 3» 3 2(5 - viii. 158, 225, 289. ix. 211, 218, 225 b. 298, 341 b. 3 1. 77, 208, 2:7. xii, 87, 234. Ohio, E. xi. 218, Vesp. C. viii. 203. F. ix. 153. Tit. B. v. 24, 87,88. Mifcell. Galba, B. x. 33. C. v. 10, 14, 16,17, 24,28 b. 127, 128,260,276. vi. P. i. 32, 56, 93, ico, 134, 138, 166, 172. P. ii. 2, 8 b. 103, 120, 174 b. 246 b. 304, 349. vii. 31, 62, 96, 278, z<}6. viii. ix. ( . ;, i , 294, 309. x. 139, 151. D. i. 62, 123, 126, 127 b. 129. ii. 46. iii. 244. v. 160, 169 b. 256, 331, 333. vii. 79, 220, 323. viii. 245 b. xi. 73, 74, b. 75 b. 76 b. 253. E. i. 276. Vitel. B. xviii. 28. Vesp. C. xiii. 336. F. xii. 20Z. Tir. B. vi. 87, 97, I34. F. iii. 261. Append, xxix. 3. vid. Batavia, Q;_ Elizabeth. Belknap, (Sir Edward) CaL. D. vii 186. Bell, (Rich.) Cal. E. x. 172. Bell, (...) J ul. C. iii. 62. Bellay, (Card, de) Cal. E. i. 142. ii. 166, iv. 13. Bellegarde, (Rogler de) Galba, E. vi. 409. Bellendcn, (Sir Lewis) j office clerk. Cal C. viii. 168, 176. D. i. 107. Bellendcne, (Sir John) Cal. B. ix. 8. Bellew, (Sir John) Tir. B. xii. 6:.:. Bellingham, (...) Otho, E. v ; 6/14.9. INDEX. Bello* (Monad, de) vid. Battle. Bello-loco, (Monad, de) Rcgid. Nero, A. xii. i. Bcllomonte, (Rob. de) comes Leiced. Final. concord. Nero, C. iii. 173. Belmount, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 2I6. Beluacenfis Chronica, TrT. D. vii. 36. Bembo, (Ant.) Nero, B. vii. 5. Bcndlowes, (Walter) Galba, C. xi. 330. D. i. 225. Benediflinor. Ordinis. Regul.e, Tie. A. iii. 166. Nero, A. iii. 90 b. C. ix. 194, Faust. A. ii. 93. C. xii. Append, xlv. 6. Monal’.eria in Anglia, Vesp. A. xviii. 111 b. Congregatio, Vesp. D. ix. 205. Benedifti, (S.) Regula, Sec. Jul*. D.ii,24. Tib. A.’iii. ioo, 115. Claud. D. iii. 50. Vesp. A. xxv. 76. Tit. A. iv. 2. Faust. C. i. 94'. Vita, Cal. A. viii. 123, tji b. Imago.TiB. A. iii, 115. Benediflus XI. P. Tit. A. xix. $2. 85. Append, xxvii. S. Bencdifli XII. P. Conditutiones, Vesp. D. i. 2. Faust. A. vi. 112. r Breve, Vest. D. i. 40. Donatio, Nero,C. ii. 51. Benedifti. . . . P. Condit. Vitel. A. ii. 86 b. Bencdiblus, abbas Petroburgens. de vita R. Hen. II. Jul. A. xi. 29. Chronicon, Vitel. E. xvii. 18. Benet, (Condance) Nero, B. xi. 262. Benet, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 133, 138 b. Benevolences, (fundries concerning) Tit. B. v. 148,183. Bennet, (Ric.) Tit. B. iv. 255. Bennet, (W.) Vitel. B. xi. 13, 170, 172, 192. xiii. 147, 149, 151, 163, 178, 189, 212. Benno, (Card.) vita Gregorii VII. Paps, TIb. E. viii-. 296. Benoit, (Tho.) Clarencieux, Cal. B. ii. 205,354,365. iii. 360. vi. 138, 184, 18S, 254, 264, 265, 266. Vesp. C. iv. --3 *• Benfon, (Cadandra) OtHo, E. .Xi. 417 b. Bended, (Tcrnein) Nero, C. iii. 185. Beornwulf, K. of Mercia, Auc. ii. 78. Beowulfibella, Vitel. A. xv. 129. Rerauld, (T.) Nero, B. vi. 300, 378, 386. Berde, (Ric.) Vitel. B. xxi. 178. Berger, (N.) Jul. C. v. 120. Bergevenny, (AnneMarg.) Vesp. F. xiii. 112 . Bcrghen in Norway, (Magidrates of) Nep.o, B. v. 330. Galba, D. v. 235. ikrghen-op-Zocm, Galba, C. x. 114. D. ii. 40, 140, 145. iv. 137. v. 132, 216, 235, 239. ix. 1. (Plans of) Galba, C. x. 225. Auc. i. Vol. ii. 115. Marquis of, Galba, E. xi. 178. (vid. Maurice,) Berghes, (J. de) Galba, B. iii. 141. iv. 10b. v. 382, 3S3, 3S3 b. 390b. vi. 61 b. vii. 207 b. viii. 203. ix. 52, 128. Bcrghfeld, (a bridge at) Vesp. E. v. 9 b. Berkeley, (Defcent of the Ld.) Vesp. B. xv. 47. Berkeley, (Anne Lady) Vesp. F. xiii. 125 b. Berkeley, (Her,. Lord) Tit. B. ii. 349. Berks, (Rental of Eftatcs in) Append. xx viii. 149. Bcrmondefey. (Priorat. St. Salvat.) Claud. A. viii. 116. Bernard, (...) Cal. E. i. 142. Bernardine, (John) Galea, E. xi. 102. Bernardils, (Scus.) Abbas Clarevallenfis. Scala claudralium, Jul. A. ix. 22. de honeda vita, Faust. A. vi. 146 b. Speculum peccatoris, Vesp. E. i. 231. de padione domini, Vfsp. E. i. 176. de vita recluforum, Ju l. A. ix. 2, 16. Oratio de nomine Jefu, Vesp. E. 1. 95 b. Meditationes, Nero, A. x. 130. Vesp. E. i. 196 b. 202,239. Cleop. B. ii. 37 b. Dialogus, Tit. A. xix. 56 b. Parabolae, Jul. D. vii. 43. Epid. ad Eilg. iii. P. Vitel. A. xx. 57 - Sentential, Faust. A. vi. 149. Canonizatio, Faust. B. i. 205. Bernardus Silveder Carnotenfis, Tit. D. xx. ilo b. Cofmographia, Cleop. A. kiv. t. Bcrnardi (MagidrS) Summa, Vitel. i. C. viii. 128. Bernardi, monachi, iter in Paladl. Faust. B. i. 192. Bernardus Morlanenfis, idem quod Clunia- .cenfis, de contemptu mundi, Cleop. A. viii. 2 b. Berner, (Abel) Nero, B. iii. 302. Berners, vid. Bourchier. Berners, (John) Cal. E. iii. 41. Bcrnevaie, (Chridoph.) mifdeeds in Ire¬ land, Tit. B. xi. 4. Bernewel, (Excerpta ex libro) Tit. C.xii. 190 b. Beroalt, (Phil.) Traite Philofophique, Cal* A. v. Berta, moniali, (Narratio de) Tib. C. xi. 170. Berteville, Expedition en Ecofle, Cleop. A. xi. Bertie, (Percgr.) Lord Willoughby of Ercf- by, Jul. F. vi. 184 b. Galba, C. xi. 149,152,. D. i. 66, 101, 219, 256. ii. 85,98, 129, 141, 159, 204,210. iii. 207. iv. 57,73, 147, 162. V.29S. vii. 111,31^, 328. E.vi. 387 a. 392, 412 b. Berton, (John) Cal. B. vii. 469. Berwick upon Tweed. Plan, Auc. i. vol. ii. 14, 16. Statutes, Cai.. B. x. 107. Tit. B. v. 36.—C. xi. 56. Defence, Tit. F. xiii. 257, 269. Repairs, Ti t. B. i. 92 *. Muder and Rent Rolls, Vesp. C. xvi. 1, 13, 20. Elizabeth’s edablidiment. Tit. C. Order of the watch. Cal. B. i. 329, 343 - Negociations, Cal. B. ix. 124. C. ix_ 234,236,236*. 241,246,248, 257*. 262, 263, 263 b. 492. D. i. 129, 130. Vitel. C. iv. 95 b. Truce, Nero, D. vi. 61 b. Protedants at. Cal. B. ix. 34, 35. Mifccll. concerning. Cal. B. iii. 224.— v. 232. Berzeri, (Barthol.) Vitel. B. viii. 124. Belliarius, vid. Thaun. Betun (Rob. de) Bp. of Hereford. Life, Jul, D. x. 2. Bcvern, (Wm. van) Galba, C. xi. 157. Beverley, (Tho.) Cal. B. i. Z3. Beza, (Theod.) Epigram. Tit. B. viii. 336. Letters, Cal. B. ix. 2i5*b. E. x. 22f. xii. 436. Biblici Codices, Biblia Latine, Tit. A. xxii. -Anglice, Claud. E. ii. Pentateuchus Samaritanus, Claud. B. viii. Liber Genefeos, Claud. B. iv. Otho. B. vi. Efdrre lib. ii. Apocryph. Claud. E. i. i> 4 . Proyerbia, Jul. F. x. 55. Vesp. D. Evangelia quatuor cum prxfationibus. See. Tib. A. ii. cum verfione Dano-Saxon. Nero, D. iv. Saxonice, Otho,C. i. Evangelior. fragmenta, literis argent. Tit. C. xv. - initia, DoM.vii. 1. l’Evangelen Vers. Dom. xi. 87. Evangel. S> Matthxi, Append, iii. Evangelidarum concordia, Vesp. D. xxiii. 29 b. Harmonic Evangelior. Cal. A. vii. 5. verfusde Hidoriis, N. T. Tib. E. vii. Epidolarum periochse. Append, xxii. de xii. lapidib. in Apocalypfi, Ti b. A. iii. 98 b. Excerpta ex Proverb. Sal. Tib. A. iii. 99. Numeruslibror. Canonicor. Nero, A. i. 180. de viris illudrib. quiin S.S. commemo- rantur, Nero,C. ii. 112. Trablat.de Pfalmo quinquagefimo, Nero, U iii. 218. Cantica, xi. V. et N. Ted. Nero, C. iv. 103 b. Ordo de Veteri Ted. Vesp. A. xiii. 93 - Expofitiones vocabulor. Vesp. B. xiii. 10 b. Hidoriolx Biblicte, Tib. B. iv.210. Delineationes Biblicx, Tib. C. vi. 7b. Cal. A. vii. 1. Nero, C. iv. i. Biddedon in Suffolk, (Grant of a market at) Vitel. F.xii. 183 b. Bigge, (Gcff'ry) Tit. B. v.417. Bignonius, (Hier.) J u l. C. v. 190 b. Bildewas, Monad. Salop. Carta, Nero, C. iii. 172 b. Billing, (Mary) Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 189. Bindinckhaufen, (B.) de Wallmcroden.GA l- ba, D. xiii. 176. Bingham, {Sir Richard) Tit. B. xii. 202, 237. xiii. 313,315, 3 i 7 , +11)414 , 4 , 9 ' 420, 421, 441, 449, 451, 454, 475, 489. Bingham, (Richard) Galba, D. i. 120 b. ii. 61. Bingley, (....) Tit. B. iv. 251. Binham Priorat. Regid. Cart. Claud. D. xiii. Bins, (Treaty of) between Charles V. and Mary of Sc. Cal. B. vii. 429. Galba, D. .y. 124,164. xi. 99. Birini Epifc. Anglor. vita. Cal. A. viii. 117. Birkened, (Richard) Tit. B. xiii. 309. Birmingham, (Walter) Tit. B. xi. 106, 125. Biron, (Charles de Gontaut, Due et Marc- fhal de) Cal. E. vii. 364. viii. 576. x. 30 b. Galba, D. vii, 301. Bifcay, (States of) Vesp. C. xii. 173. i n r> ft x. Bifbam Priory, Tit. C. i. 137. ; Dr. I:. lya Cal. B. vii. 251. Bilhop, (Tnomas) his defence, Cal. B. viii. 166. Chargesagainft him, Cal. B. viii. 184. lntercefiion for. Cal. B. ix. 408. Interrogatories, Cal. C. i. 296. Bifhops oaths Domtt. viii. 12. de modo inllallandi lipifc. Faust. A. viii. 171b. Epifcopatuum notitia, Tib. B. v. 104. IS.' e ro, D. i. 162 b. ii. 23S. Epifcopor. dccreta, Claud. D.ii. 13b. 14. - donationes, Jul. A.ix. 15S. — —- nomina, vid. Prteful. - Conftitut. Nero, A. i. 100. - Qrdinatio, Tib. A. iii. 91 b. qua; pertinent ad Epifcopum. Claud. D.ii. 12. Bifmere, (Jo.) mandatum de eundem com- burendo, Cleop. E, iii. 75. Biilemede Monad. (Boll ol) Auc. ii. 117. Biftexti, (de ratione) Cal. A. xv. 95 b. 123 b. Bizzari, (Pietro) Tit. B. ii. 381. Black money, Otho, E. x. 329. Blackater caftle, Cal. B. i. 125. Blackwatcr, (plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. (defeat of the Rebels at) Tit. B. xiii. 524. Blackwell, (Geo.) concerning the Popilh plot, Tit. B. vii. 468. Blanche, daughter of Henry IV. K. of Eng¬ land: her treaty of marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 5. On her death, Vitel, E. x. 80 b. Blanchefort, (Guy de) Grand Mailer of Rhodes, Otho, C. ix. 10. Stamford, (Hcn.de) Chron. ClaOd. D. vi. 210. Blantire, (Lord) vid. Stuart. Blanvagn, (Mich.) Ti r. A. xx. 49. Blavoet, (Martin) Nero, B. vi, 423. Blaxton, (Hen,) Jul. C. v. 1 1 b. 20. Blefenfis, vid. Petrus. Blois, (Treaty of) Jul. F. vi. 168 b. Vesp. F. vi. 25 b. 26, 47, 79, 80, 87, 261. Blois, (Wm. de) furnnmed Treilong, Adml. of Zeaknd, Galba, C. viii. 279. xi. 70. D. i. 257. Blount, (Cha.) Lord Mountjov, Tit. B. xii. 13. xiii. 561, 578. C. vi. 149. Blount, (William) Lord Mountjoy, Cal. D. vi. 299, E.ii. 65. iv. 290. Otho, C. x. 199. Blount, (Chr.) Galba, D. iii. 213. Bluet, (Humfred) Tit. B. vii. 295. Bodcdeu, (Joh.) vifio, Claud. E. viii. 262 b. Bodenham, (Roger) Vesp. C. vii. 379. J! e y, (Sir Tho.) Inftru lion*, Jul. F. vi. 63. Galba, D. v. too. Allowance, Vesp. F. ix. 16’. Lne, Tit. C. vii. 170. Let:. Sec. (1585.) Galba, D. ix. 46.— 05 s 7 -.t Oalca,C, xi. 1 -o.—(1589.) Galba, D. iii. j 3 . iv. 5, 1- 16, 17, 24,32, 34, 55, j 0!j , 23j , ^ • : 172,204, 215,218,220,229, 271,287,292, 301. v. 3, 8, 10, iS, 29, 60, 77, 12:, lr.i, J 2 >» lz 7 > *3<5, I5 1 , 154, 15S, 174 b. 1 • - ' ■ - i 2 • JO, 224, 225, 227,231, 232,234.—(1550.) Galba, D. vii. 24, 26, 31, 34b. g;, 99, 104, 114b. 117, 125b. 146, 148,151,154 b. 165,172,188 b. 192 b. 196, 203, 206, 214,226, 229, 235, 240, 259b. 260, 265, 26S, 280 b. 285, 291, 302.— (1591.) Ga lb a, D. viii. 25, 41 b. 44, 46, 57, 62, 64 b. 65 b. 66 , 68 b. 75, 76 b. 78,7S b. 85, 95, 98, 102, 105, 107 b. 112, 113b. II7, 117b. 12Z, 124b. 125 b. 126 b. 130,140, 149,154, 156, 158 b. 161, 176, 179b. 181b. 183 b. 186,198, 200, Z05, 210 b. 211, 212b. 226, 227,228 b. 229,230, 232 b. 236,239, 243b. 250b, 252, 256b. 264, 266. — (1 592.) Galba, D. ix. 10, 13, 15, 20, 32, 33, 34, 93, 96,117, 122 b. 124,155 b. 169,170,171,172,181b. 187, 193 b. 195, 204, 205 b. 207, 20S, 226, 230 b. 231, 236, 237, 238 b. 239, 241, 247, 258, 262, 264, 296, 299, 300, 306, 309, 315, 333 b. 334 b. 335, 336. — (1593.) Galba, D.rix. 114, 115. x. 2, 8, 12, Z4, 26, 26 b. 7-, 29b. 30, 32 b. 33,34 b. 41b. 44,62. (fine A") Galba, D. viii. 127. v. 43 - Mifcc!!. Galba, D. iii. 279,280. v. 9, 302. vii. 2. Bodnam, (. . .) Otho, E. viii. 243. Boerius, (Bern.) Protonot. Apoil. Vitel. B. xiii. 211 b. Boethius, (....) excerpta ex ejufdem difei- plina fcholar. Jul.F. vii. 105. Bogiftaus xiii. D. of Pomerania, Vesp. F. iii 101. Bohemiorum hxrefis, Cleop. E. iii. paflim. Boh-rus, (A.) Cal. D. vii. 23. Bolder, (Tho.) Cal. D. vi. 117. Bohunfam. pcd. Jul. C. vii. 229. Bohun, (Geo.) Galba, C.'.vii. 120. Boiiun, (Humph, de) Grant, Tit. B. xi. 295. Boil'ot, (Ch. de) Galba, C. v. 46b. Boislhot, (Ferd. de) Vesp. C. xiii. 211. Bokkelonde, (Ric.) Nero, B. vi. 12. Bold, (Robt.) Grant, Tit. B. xi. 227. Bolde, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 114, 134. Boleyn, (Anne) Otho, C. x. 209, 218, 221. £22,226,228. Vesp, F. iii. 15 b. x6- x-iii. 73. Tit. B. i. 150. Cleop. E. v. 336 b. Append, xxviii. 8z. Boleyn, (Geo.) Vifc. Rochford, V esp. F.xiii. 108 b. Cleop. E. vi. 324. Anne his wife, Vesp. F. xiii. 109. Jane his wife, Vesp. F. xiii. 109 b. Boleyn, (Sir Tho.) Cal. D. xii. 85, 88, 93, 95, 96, 98, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 10S, no, ii2, 11 a, 118, 1 21,123,140, 143,148,150, 156, 158, 161, 164. Galba, B. iii. 21. 256 b. v. 167. vii. 130, 136, 141, 145,27?. Vesp. C. ii. 14, 25, 40, 54, 78, 82, 95, ic6. Boleyn, (Tho) E. ofWiltfliirc, Vesp. F. xiii. 100. Bolhrdus, (Nic.) de cuku arbor. Jul. D- viii. 74. Bolton, (Edm.) Jul. C. iii. 74, 95, 96. v. 128 b. Carmen perfonatum, Tit. A. xiii. 178. Projedl for raifing money. Tit. B. v. 261. Agon heroicus, Faust. E. i. 63. Bommel, (Burghers of) Galba, C. xi. 184. Bona, of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 10S. Vesp. E. i. 204b. Eonaventura ( B.) dcdecern precentis, Ne ro A. xiii. 237. Stimulus amoris, Vesp. E. i. 3. Parvum bonum, Faust. A. vi. 160 b. Meditationes, Vesp.E. i. 69. Bonavcnturi, (Card.) Vita Chiiffi, Cljop B. 1. 179. Boncompagni, (....) d e ordination, die tionuin, Vitel. C. viii. 38 . Bond, (And.) Cleop. E. iv. 54b. Bond, (Wm. and Geo.) NsRoj B. viii. 7 b, Eondelmoniibus, (Chrill. dc) Liber infular. Archipel. Vesp. A. xiii. j. Tit. B. viii. 255. Bonetti, (Roclio) Galba, C. v. 37, Tit. B. vii. 228. Bongeville, (Wil. de) Chronica, Vitel E ■xiv. 262 b. Eonifacii (Sci.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 59 b. Eonifacii,... P. Bull®, & c . Vesp. A. xviii. 102, 102 b. 103. Faust. A. viii. 116 b. Bonifacii IV. P. Epift. ad yEthelbcrt. R. Cla^-d. A. iii. 6. Bonifacii V. P. Epifi. Faust. B. vi. 94. Bonifacii VIII. P. Bulla, & c . Jul. D. iii 203,204,205. Auc. ii. 113,114,132. Vesp. F. ix. 104. Append, xxvii. 1. Epifi.ad Philippum I. R. Gall. Nero, A. de Regno Sicilia:, Nero, C. ii. 29, 39, 41. Bonifacius IX. P. Cleop. E.ii. 218. Boni . C ba> E» iii. 61. Vitel.E. v. 148. Bonifacius da Sabaudia, Archiep. Cantuar, Conftitut. Vitel. A. ii. 65 b. BonilTis, (Jr.cob.de) Galba, B. v. 263. Bonniver, vid. Gouffier. Bonnor, (Edm.) Bp. of London, Cal. E. iv. 1,4,8,10. Nero, B. iii. 93, 94, 100. Vl rI '" E - “it TV 199- 20 S-« i U 7 > 136, 137. Vesp. F. xiii. 155. Pedigree, Tib. E. viii, 213 b. Bonvi ., (Ant.) Vitel. B. xiv. 173,192. Bonvix, (Jerom.) Cleop. E. iii. 175. Borchardi Epifc. Wormac. Colleftio Ca» nonum, Claud. C. vi. 4b. Borders of Scotland. Survey of the border lands, Tit. B. iv. 256, 284. Defence of the Marches, Tit. C. xii. 63 Q^Eliz. orders concerning the border Vbs p. F. ix. 34. Tit. C. xiii. Debatable lands. Cal. B. iii. S3, vi 490. Irruptions on the borders, Tit. B. vi. 125 Cleop. A. xi. Treaties, Truces, Conventions, Procla mations. Sec. refpedling the borders Cal. B. ii. 175. iii. 86, 226. iv. 259 vi. 116,207, 237. vii. 142, 150, 163 164, 165, 168, 205, 241, 2S5, 2 S6 4 ~ 4 > 47 6 - «. 1 57 > 1 87, 197, 342. x. 93, 147, 221. C. i. 101. D.ii. 256 43 »- Lid: of the Councellors in the North., Tit. B. i. 130. Their grievances. Tit. B. i. 509. Englifh Council and Commifiioners ir. tlie North; Letters, Proclamations, See. Cal. B. i. 41, 133. ii. 24.91, 95, 99, 116,282. 287. iii. 98, 156, 160, i' i, 163, 241, 244, 280. v. 63 , 182, iSC. I N D E X. vi. 107 b. 449. vii. 167, 174, 175. 180, 197, 198,207,438. ix. 2, 7 b. 8, 12, 13 b. x. 142. C. iii. 479- viii. 208. D. ii. 266, 268, 269, 294., 298, 301, 310,326*. 533,439- 4 8 v 49°- 493 . 533. Tit. C. vii. 78. F. iii. 93, 95, 97, 103, 107, iii, 129b. 136, 138. xiii. 301, 303. Scoitifh Commiffioners on the Borders, Cal. D. ii. 188 b. 267, 322, 334, 337, 38S. Various papers concerning border matters. Cal. B. i. 125, 329, 342, 343, 344, 348. ii. 175, 199, 250, 257, z8o, 378. iii. 64, 192, 203, 210, zi6, 239, 307. iv. 258, 263. v. i, 36, 50, 70. vii. 204, 428, 453. viii. 65, 239,306,349, 351, 365, 395. ix. 1 b. 331. C. i. 101, 359. ii. 1, 305, 490. iii. 107, 13S, 34-2, 351, 508. v. 30, 31, 35, 38, 157. vi. 114, 139, 141, 164. vii. 241. viii. 94b. 243 b. 273. ix. 32, 44, 72, 8a, 83, 315*. D. i. 100, 132,259, 287. ii. 53, S3 b. 77, 98, 125, 126, 204, 286, 292, 3'2. 323- 356. 367. 3 8 S- 5'5- 516. Vesp. F. vii. paflim. ix. 166. 'Fit. B. vi. 129. F. xiii. 38, 41, 160, 246, 247, 304 b. 306. Bordcs, (. . . . de) Cal. E. i. 59. Bordefley Monad. Carta, Nero.C. iii. 181. Bordili, (John of) Galba, B. i. 102. Borgarucci, (Giulio) Tit. B. vii. 36. Borgia, (Ca;far) Cal. E. xii. 187. Boris Foederowitz Czar, Nero, B. viii. 26. xi. 379- 392. Bornftra, (Capt. .. .) Galba. D. vii. 108, 113b. 114 b. Borough, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 143. Boroughs, (Thomas Lord) Cal. D. ii. 108. Borthwyck, (G.) Cleop. E. iv. 106. Bofchot, (Mons. dc) Galba, C. v. 113 b. 120, 129. Bofliam, (Herebert. de) vita S. Thoms Can- tuar. Nero, A. v. 83. Eofna.-, (J. Regina) Ducifla Barbanis, Tit. B. vi. 118. Bofleville, (Raffe) Tit. B. vii. 72. Boflii, (Count) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 217 b. Bollock, (Pedigree of) Otho, D. iv. 61. Bolville, (Tenures of) Tit. C. x. 17. Bofwell, (Win.) Jul. C. iii. 154. v. 174. Bofwell, Prior of Norwich, Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 176. Botanica, Tit. A. xxvi. 61, 82. Botelar, (R. de) Dorn, de Sydeley, Vitel. E. xvii. 249. Botelho, (Dioguo) Cal. E. vii. 287. Nero, B. i. 259, 269, 280. BothwrII, (Earls of) vid. Hepburn, Stuart, Ramfay. Botiller, vel Butler, (Wm.and Elice) Tit. ‘ B. xi. 25. Botoner, (Will.) excerpta cx Ovidio, Jul. F. vii. 18. Botrcaux, (Margarita) Inquis. de terris, Jul. B. xii. 300b. Bottlelham, (John de) Bp. of Rocheller, Galea, B. i. 90. Botzlrornius, (Bernh.) Galba, B. xi. 353. Bouciquent, (Marftial) Cal. D. iii. 75. Bouillon, (D.de) Tit. C. vii. 70. Boulogne, (Plansof) Auc. i. vol. ii. 53, 67, 75, 77, 82. Cal. E. i. 56. Boulogne. (Surrender of) Cal. E. iv. 171,226, 2 39,-275. (Comnriflrs. at) Vesp. C. viii. 321, 341, 343, 349, 251, 353, 357, 459, 3 6 3- 365, 367, 369, 379, 384, 393, 397, Tit. C. vii. 190, Bourbon, (Anthony) D. deVendome, Cal. E. v. 63. Bourbon, (Charles D. de) Connetable, Nero, B. vi. 29, 52. vii. 77. Vitel. B. v. 184 b. 198 b. 199. vi. 23, 74 b. 82, 89, 139, 182, 201, 204 b. 217. vii. 4, 26 b. 27, 53 b. ;6 b. 92, 174. viii. 58 b. 102. Bourbon, (Charles) Count of Soiflons, Cal. E. viii. 13. x. 293, 394. xii. 112. Bourbon, (Charles) D. deVendome, Cal. D. viii. 220. ix. 81. Bourbon, (Charles dc) Galba, B. vi. 71 b. Bourbon, (Henry de) Cal. E. vi. 86, 87, 94, 95- xii - »45- Bourbon, (Henry I.) Prince ofConde, Cal. E. vii. 167, 349. Galba, C. vii. 46. E. vii2. b. 285 b. Otho, E. ix. 132 b. Vesp. F. v. 218. 237, Tit. B. vii. 288, 320, 345, 393, 399. Bourbon, (Henry II.) P. of Conde, Cal. E.viii. 578. Galba, E. vi. 413 b. Bourbon, (Henry) Prince of Dombes, Cal. E. vii. 351. viii. 1 5 1. Bourbon, (Francis) Pr. of Conti, Cal. E. vii. 348, 350, 370. Galba, E. vi. 44 b. 414. Bourbon, (Francis) D. de Montpenfier, Cal. E. vii. 343 b. Bourbon, (Francoife de) Dfs.de Bouillon, Galba, C. vii. 300 b. 301. Bourbon,(Lud. Card, de) Vitel. B. Lx. 137. Bourbon, (Louis) Prince of Conde, Cal. E. vi. 44. Bourbpn, (...) Card, de Vendome, Cal. E. viii. 52. Bourbon, ( . . . dfs. of ) Cal. D. iii. 156. '57- Z 3 Z - Bourbon," The Princes of Navarre and Conde, jullification of their conduft, Vesp. F. v. 174. Bourbonne, (...) Cal. E. xl 278. Bourbourg, (Negociations at) Galba, B. x. 237, 238, 243. Vesp. C. vii. 403, 412, 414, 440, 442, 444, 449, 45 1 * 454- 456, 461, 4 68 - 47<> 4 8 °- viii. 22, 35, 60, 62, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85,109, 115, 116, 117, 133, 149, 171, 173, 174. 190. Bourcher, (Tho.) Marlhal of Engd. Tit. C. i. 162. Bourchier family, Jul. B. xii. 255 b. Bourchier, (Anne) Sifter to Eliz. Wife to Edw. IV. Grants to, Tit. C. x. 3. Bourchier, (Sir George) Tit. B. xiii. 483, 484. Bourchier, (Henry) E. of Eflex, Vesp. F. xiii. 89 b. Bourchier, (Henry) Ju l, C. iii. 162, 166 b. v. 170, 175. Bourchier, (John) E. of Bath, Vefp. F. xiii. 93, 99. Bourchier, (John) Lord Berners, Cal. D. ix. 316. Vesp. C. i. 146, 151, 167, 177, 178, 181, 194, 196, 203, 222, 228. Vesp. F. xiii. 118. Bourdeaux, (Abp. of) Nuncio in England, Jwl. E. iv. 133. Cal. D. iii. 107. Vesp. C. xii. 106, 108. Bourdeaux, (Magillrates of) Cal. D. iii 120. 127, 129, 14I. (de libertatib. civit) Jul. E. i. 35^, 357* 361. 362. Bowes, (Sir Jerome) sent to Russia, Nero; B. viii. 29. Bowes, (Martin) Indenture for a Coinage, Otho, E. x. 184. Bowes, (Rauf.) Tit. B. iv. Z42. Bowes, (Sir Robert) State of the Marches, Tit. F. xiii. 160. Inftruflions to, Jul. F. vi. 22. Cal. C. v. 152. vi. 12. Letters, &c.—(1546.) Cal. B. vii. 312. —(1550.) Cal. B. viii. 106.— (1575.) Cal. C. iii. 4S6. v. 53.— C. v. 79, 86, 89 —(1578.) Cal. C. iii. 512, 520. v. 109, 110.—(1579.) Jul. F. vi. 41. Cal. C. iii. 530, 532, 534. v. 116, 135.—(1580.) Cal. B. viii. 290 b. C. iii. 557, 561, 567. vi. paflim.— (1581-2,3.) Cal. C. viii. 105.—(1582.) Cal. C. vii. 22, 27, 46 b. 48, 69. — (1583.) Cal. B. viii. 252. C. vii. 84, & inde paflim. ix. 43» 50.—(1584.) Cal. C. vii, 275. 277, 278, zSo, 281 b. 282. viii. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9 b. n, 12, 13 b. 15*- 34-—(1588.) Cal. D. i. 163, 255, 264, 266, 334—(15S9.) Cal. D. j- 357» 559- 36 i.—(1591.) Cal. D. ii. 60.—(1592.) Cal. D. ii. 70, 76, 88 b. 93, iii. —(1593.) Cal.D. ii. 128, 130, 132,134,137, 138*, 144, 146, 182.—(1594.) Cal. D. ii. ziz, 229.—(1596.) Cal. D. ii. 240, 275, 276, 278, 317.— (1597.) Cal.D. ii. 338, 359. 363- 402, 424, 443, 443 b. 445- 447-—( 1 599-) Tit - c - vii. 17- Bowes, (Sir William) Cal. B. viii. 228. C. viii. 245 b. D. ii. 65, 238, 262, & inde paflim. Bowet, (Hen.) Bilhop of Bath, Vesp. F. vii. 96. Bowler, (Robert) Cal. B. ix. 384. Bowyer, (Rob.) Clerk of Pari, his official oath, Tib. D. i. 1. Journals of ParJ. Tib. D. i. 2. Lett. Jul. C. iii. 79. Boxgrave, (Monafler. de) Cnartulary, Claud. A. vi. 1. Boyd, (James) Bilhop of Glafgow, Tit. C. vii. 31. Boyd, (Robert, 4th Lord) Cal. B. viii. 248. Brabant, (Treaty with) Cal. D. iii. 39. Galba, C. iii. 46, 54, 55, 96, 100. v. 25S, 299. vi. P. i. 9. p. ii. 110 b. vii. 285. viii. 345. x. 228, 233. (Privileges of) Tit. B. vi. 57. (States of) Nero, B. vi. 361. vid. Belgium. 7 X I N D E X. Bradenftoke, (Eccl. Scat. Mari;: de) Re- gift. Cartar. Vitel. A. xi. 36. Bradley, (Hurafre.) Galba, D. ix. 58. Bradfhatv, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 90 b. Brady, (Hugh) Bifhop of Meath, Tit. B. >ii. 135, 149. xiii. 165. Eraithwait, (Rob.) Jul. C. v. 234 b. Braithvvate, (Tho.) Jul. F. vi. 287. Brakenbury, (Anthy.) Examination, Tit. B. ii. 226. Brancepeth, (Manor of) Tit. B. iv. 277. (Foreft of) Tit. B. iv. 242. Brandenburg, (Marquis of) Vitel. B. xix. 59 b. Brandis, (John) a Sermon, Cal. C. ix. 13. Brandon, (Cha.) D. of Suffolk. Letters, Cal. D. vi. 147, 194. Vesp. F. xiii. So. Tit. B. i. 69, 134, 142. His Portrait, Arc. iii. 37. Brandon, (Sir Wm.) concg. his marriage and iflue, Jul. B. xii. 167 b. Brawnd, (Edw.) Otho, E. viii. 22;. Bray, (Hen. de) de Harlefton, Reg. Chart. Neb 0, C. xii. 156. Brazil, (Trade to) Galba, D. x. 118 b. Brecheniauc, (de fitu) et de Brachano, Vest. A. xiv. 10 b. Brecknoch, (Earls of) Ped. Jul. D. x. 28. Brecon Monaft. Cartular. Claud. A. viii. 137 b. Bredon, (John) his Recantation, Cleop. E. iii. 91. Bredon Monallery, Aug. ii. 30. Nero, E. i. 387. Bredona, (Priorat. in Com. Leiocll.) Re- gill. Claud. A. viii. 73. Bree, (G.) Jul. C. iii. 33. Bregilles, (Phil, de) Galba, B. vi. 205. Breguntford, (Council of) Auc. ii. 18. Bremen, (Bifhop of) vid. John Fred. D. of Holflein. (Magiftrates of) Tit. B. ii. 486. (Complaints of the Merchants at) Nero, B. ix. 38. (Conferences at) Galba, D. xiii. 229. E. i. paflim. (Commissioners at) Cal. E. x. 38. Ne¬ ro, B. v. paflim. Galba, D. xiii. 251, 252, 265. E. i. paflim. (Mifcell.) Galba, B. xi. 73. D. xiii. 257, a;8. Bremefgrave, (Ric.) Abbas de Evefham, Tit. C. ix. 1. Brendanus, (S.) vita, Ve-p. B. x. i, ii b. D. ix. 1. Brefl, (sundries concerning) Jul. B. vi. 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29. Vesp. F. iii. 3. Bretigny, (Treaty of) Cal. D. iii. 56, 62, 63. Brevia, (Regifl.) Tit. D. xxiii. Quoinodo debent formari, Nero, A. vi. 109. Brewers, (sundries concerning) Tit. B. v. 335 > 3 6 '- Bride, Princefs of Nerice, (Revelations unto) Claud. B. i. Bridgeman, (David) Cal. D. vi. 326. Bridgewater, (J. Earl of) Jul. C. iii. 1S4 b. Monaft. Chronica, Domit. ii. i. Bridlington,(John; Prophetia.DoM.ix. 17. Bridlington, (Wm. Prior of) Cleop. E. iv. 53. Brid'.inton, (Gregor. Prior de) fig. ejusdem feretri, Vitel. E. x. 22;. Prophetia de Edw. III. Vesp. E. vii. 114b. Briertonne, (John) Vesp. C. xiii. 258. Brigantes, Jul, F. x. 180. Brighthelmlton, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol. i. 18. Brigid, (S.) her Viflons, Jul. I*', ii. Ve;p. E. vii. 113 b. Brill, Galba, C. viii. 190, 310 b. 358. D. ii. 48, 54. viii. 3. E. i. 322. Brimen, (Marie de) Tit. B. ii. 383. Brino - - (Joh.) Cal. D. ix. 318. Brinon, ( - - - ) Cal. D. ix. 79, 86. Brionia, (Gilo, Count de) Pedigree, Otho, D. iv. 128. Brifcia, (Franc, de) Bp. of Famagufta, Vitel. B. ii. 30 b. Britain, Hiflory, Claud. D. vii. 10, 15. de primis incolis, Cleop. D. ix. 67. de ortu Religionis in Britannia, Tib. E. viii. 2 b. Britifh kings, Tit. A. xxv. 105. F. iii. 214. Cleop. A. i. 3. B. v. 1. Commendatio Britannia;, Clau d. E.iii. 2. de mirabilibus Britannia:, Tib. A. ix. 6. Claud. B. vii. 332. D. vii. 21 b. E. iii. 2. Nero, D. ii. 241 b. viii. 63. Galba, E. iii. 51b. Vesp. A. xvi. 9. B. xxv. 126 b. Tit. D. vii. 111. Faust. A. viii. 104 b. Urbes Britannia: verfibus defcriptrc.VEsp. D. ix. 171. de Legionibus Romanis in Britannia, Jul. F. x. 160 b. de IV. viis, Claud. D. vii. 21 b. E. iii. z. Nero, D. i. 1S6 b. Exccrpta de Britannia, Tit. A. xxvii. 184 b. Compendium de Britannia, Cleop. D. viii. 5. Britanny, Treaties and Negociations with England, Jul. B. vi. (Englifh Forces in) Cal. E. viii. 392, 456 b. 460, 562. ix. 17, 19, 23, 88, 89, 124, 127, 145, 149, 206, 217. xii. 122. (Map of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 58. Mifcell. Cal. D. iii. 76, 95. vi. 74, 269. E. viii. 83. ix. 51. Otho, D. iv - 7 b Brocardus, (Jac.) Prediclions, Vesp. F. v. 130. Brodarith, (Steph.) Bifhop of Sirmich, Vesp. F. i. 24, 28 b. Brodeflega, (Monaft. de) Rothomagii, Carta fundat. Nero, C. iii. 172. Brogers, vid. Drovers. Bromham, (Lands in) granted, Nero, C. iii. 181 b. Bromley, (Hen.) Cal. E. x. iio, 398. Brompton, (John de) Hiftoria Jorvall, Tib. C. xiii. Nero. A. i. 49 b. Bronckhorft, (Joh. van) Galba, C. ix. 208. Brooke, (Bafil) Jul. C. iii. 98 b. Brooke, (J.) Biihopof Gloucefter, exhortat. to Thos. Cranmer, Vesp. A. xxv. 13. Brooke, (George) Lord Cobham, Vesp. F. xiii. 112. Brooke, (Henry) Lord Cobham, Cal. E. x. 156,158, 209. G alb a, C. vi. P. ii. 169, 189, 195, 199, 201, 209, 211, ziz, 222, 228, 230, 265 b. 266 b. 269, 378 b. Brooke, (John) Lord Cobham, Vesp. F. xiii. 44 b - Brooke, (William) Lord Cobham, C a l.C. iii. 99. E. iv. 198. viii. 169? Galba, C. i. 28 b. D. i. 36. Vesp. F. xii. 202 Tit. B. ii. 417. Brooke, (William) Cleop. E. iv. 38b. BroiTe, (Monf. de la) Cal. B. ix. 95 b. x. 83. Brotherton, vid. Plantagenet, Margaret. Brouchorft, (Gertrude de) Galba, D. ii. 105. Brown, (Anthy.) Vifc. Montague, Gal¬ ba, C. ii. 162. Vesp. C. vii. 107 120, 127, 210. Brown, (Sir Anthony) Otho, C. x i-’ Tit. C. vii. i\. Brown, (John) Tit. B. vii. 90. Brown, (Sir Nic.) Tit. B. xiii. joi. Brown, (Rich.) Jul. F. vi. 122. Galba, C. vii. 100 b. Tit. B. v. 315. Cleop. E. v. 363 b. Faust. C. ii. 119. Browne, (Sir Valentine) Cal. B. ix. 418. C. iv. 112, 205. Tit. B. xii. 259. xiii. 406. Enquiry into his condutf, Tit. B. v. 97. Brown, ( . . ) Jul. C. iii. 97. Galba, D. viii. 106. Bruce, (fam.) Notes concg. Ju l. F. ix. 5. Bruce, (.) Abbot of Kinlofs, Cal. D. ii. 304. Bruce, (David) King of Scotland, vid. David. Bruce, (Robt.) Cal. D. i. 172. Nero, C. iii. 208. Bruce, (...) Prince of Sc. Vesp. F. vii 68. Brudenell, (Thomas) Jul. C. iii. 98. v. 178 b. Bruges, (Treaty of, &c.) Galba, B. i. 68. vii. 153. xi. 11. C. vi. P. i. 156. P. ii. 108 b. 320 b. D. viii. 245 b. xi. 241. (Colloquy of) Galba, C. ii. paflim. Bruis. (fan,, de) Jul. F. vi. 330. Erulart, (Nicola:) Chancellor of France, ‘Cal. C. ix. 408. D. i. 117, 214, 219 b. E. vii. 5. Brunckhurft, (draft of the cafile of) Galea, C. vii. 232 b. Brune, (Tho.) Galba, C. x. 226. Brunynck, (Nic.) Nero, B. vi. 281, 286. Galba, C. iv. 157. Bruflet, (Anthy.) Galba, B. iii. 81. x. 41. Brutus, fcil. RR. Anglor. Hill. Vitel. A. X. 19. Vesp. E. x. 271. Brutus, Poema, Vesp. A. x. 44 b. Brutus, confulens oraculum, Vesp. E. xii. 10. Bryan, (Sir Fr.) Vitel. B. x. 162, 172, i£6, 197. xi. 15, 35, 90. xii. 2. Bryan, (Francis) Vesp. F. xiii. 137. Bryan, (Margt.) Otho, C. x. 230. Brychain, vel Btechinia, (Cognatio) Dom i. 157 b. Brydgcs, (Edm.) Ld. Chandos, Tit. B. ii. 302*. Brydges, (Geo.) Otho, E. xi. 415. Bryer, (R.) Jul. C. ii. 99b. Brygantine, (...) Cal. B. ix. 384*. Buc, (G.) Jul. C. iii. 128. Buc, (Sir George) Hift. of K. Ric. III. Tib. E. x. Buchanan, (Geo.) Diamond, Cal. B. ix. 232**. 1 N D E X. Verfes, Cal. B. v. 261 b. D. i. 34b. Verfus de aula, Vithl. E. x. 76 b. Camclion, againd Lethington, Cal. C. iii. 265. adverfus ilium, Jul. F. x. 180. inveftive againd the Hamiltons, Cal. C. ii. 513. Mifcell. Cal. B. v. 314. C. iii. 53. 'Buck, (Geo.) fndruciions to, Galba, D. xii. 322 b. Lett. Otho, E. ix. 319. Buck, (Tho.) Otho, E. viii. 146. Ruckhurd, (Ld.) vid. Sackville. Rudden, (Joh.) Jul. C. V. 143 b. 172 b. Budincatona, (Eccl. de) concefla mon. B. Pancratii, Nero, C. iii. 181. Buellium, (Monad.) in Hibernia, Annales, Tit. A. xxv. Buhy, (...)-Galea. E. vi. 389. Buildings, &c. (Drawings of various) Auc. I. Vol. i. 4, 5. vid. Plans. Bulkelcy, (Rich.) Cleop. E. iv. 311. Bull, (Golden) Galba, C. iii. 162. Bullion, (funJiies concerning) Tit. B. iv. 161. v. 414. Bulmer, (Sir John) Cal. B. iii. 72. Baimer, (Sir William) Cal. B. iii. 59. vi. 429. Bultizar, Sec. a bnrlefque, Cal. B. v. 322 b. Burbank, (Wm.) Vitel. fi. ii. 94 b. 97. Buren, vid. Egmont. fiurgedede, (Eccl.de) Appropriatio, Nero, C. iii. 187. Burgh, (Hubert de) E. of Kent, Nero, D. i. 167. Burgh, (Rich, de) E. of Ulder, Tit, B. xi. 1, 289. Grant to. Tit. B. xi. 35. Burgh, (Tho.) Galba, D. ii. 27, 90, iSz. iv. 119. viii. 179. Burgh, (Tho. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 120. Burgh, (Tho. Lord) of Gainlborough, Ti'r. B. xiii. 516. Cleot. E. iv. 146 b. Burgh, (Ulick de) E. of Clanricard : grants by. Tit. B. x. 409. Burgh, (. . . de) E. of Clanricard, Vesp. F. xii. 115. Tit. B. xiii. J54, 488. Burgherlh, (Margt. de) Tit. B. xi. 135. Burghley, (Tho.) Vesp. F. xiii. 322. Burgo, (And.) Vesp. F. i. 30. Burgos, (Don. Ped. de) Nero, B. vi. 29. Burgrave, (Dan. de) Galba, C. x. 343. xi. 325, 329. D. iii. 219. Burgred, K. of Mercia, Auc. ii. 76. Burgundy, Negociatiorts with’, Galba, B. i. 162. ii. 1, 7. C. v. 381. ceded to Albert and Ifabclla, Cal. E. ix. 531. xii. 71. Council, AmbafT. and Commidaries of, Galba, B. i. 31, 92, 93, 121, 124. Treaty concerning. Cal. E. ii. 205. Burleigh, vid. Cecil. Burlington, (Priory) Aug. ii. 56. Burnham, (...) Indrutt. to. Cal. E. viii. 104. Burroughs, (Lord) Cal. D. ii. 108. Burton, Abbatia, Faust. B. a iii. 127. Annales, Vssf 1 . E. iii. 1. Abbatum indiculus, Vesp. E. iii. 211. Burton-LazarsHofpital, Rcgid.Cart. Nero, C. xii. z. Burton, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 168. vi. 238. Cleop. E. iv. 56. Burwelh, (Hen.) Bp. of Line. Vitel. A. x. 162. Bury St. Edmund’s, (Abbey) Jul. D. ii. 157. Auc. ii. 8, 25, 49, 8o, 84, 85. Tib. B. ii. 19. Vitel. F. xii. 195, 198. Faust. B. iv. 193. Regilh Cart. Tib. B. ix. Claud. A. xii. 81 b. (Lords, See. (lain at) Vitel. A. xvi. 210. Bufey, (Hugode) Nero, C. iii. 195. Bufhey manor, Jul. B. xii. 211b. Butler family. Tit. B. xi. 145, 245, 246, 269. Dom. xviii. 91. (Grants to) Tit. B. xi. 226, 232. Butlers, Earls of Ormond, Tit. B. viii. 301. xi. 141. Butler, (James) E. of Ormond, Tit. B. xi. 12, 17 b. 18 b. 20 b. 22 b. 88, 127, 236,242. Butler, (Lord James) Tit. B. xi. 406, 43 6 . Butler, (Pierce) Ld. Cahir, Tit. B. xiii. 81. Butler, (Pierce) E. of OIToty, Tit. B. xi, 354,408. Butler, (Tho.) E. of Ormond, Tit. B. xii. 74,76,94, 152. Butler, (Tho.) Lord Cahir. Tit. B. xi. 36. Button, (Capt.) Otho, E. viii. 220, 325. Buxton Waters, Vesp. F. xii. 127. Buys, (Paul) Galba, G. ix. 377. x. 23, 24, 75, 279. xi.95.216. Buzehval, ( . .. de) Nero, B. vi. 325, 434, 433. Galba, E. vi. 312. Byng, (Dr.) an oration at Cambr. Tit. C. Vi. i 57 . Byron, (...) Cal. E. i. 59. Byfet, (Hugh) Tit. B. xi. 84b. Byfet, (John) Tit.B. xi. 50. C. Cabarot, (...) Nero, B, vi. 344. Cabreth, (David) GalBa, D. ii. 275. Cade, (Joh. de la) Vesp. A. xviii. 87. Cadiz, (Expedition to) Otho, E. ix. 306, 319, 322, 326, 334 b. 335, 335 b. 344- Cadoci, (S.) vita & paflio. Tit. D. xxii. S'» lo 7- Cxdmon,—Prayers, Jul. A. ii. 136. Ctefar, (Hen.) vicar of Leftwithiel, Tit. B. iii. 75. Ctefar, (Sir Julius) Judge of the Admiralty, Jul. C. iii. 75. Otho, E. ix. 395. Cajfar, (Dr.) Commiflioner for Danifit caufes, Nero, B. iv. 231. CaTarinus, (Alex.) Card. Vitel. B. vi. 41 b. Cadis, (Paul de) Card. S. Eudachi, Vitel. B. ix. 114. Cifcftre, (Jaques de) Galba, B. v. 339. Calais. (England’s title to) Jul. F. vi. 164, 166. (Plans of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 57, 70, 71, 75 - Concordia apud Calcium, Vesp. A. Vii. 104 b. (Treaty of) Galba, B. vii. 260. (Englifh governors, and commiffioners at) Galba, B. i. 47, 5 i, 5 2, 53, 99 , 162. (French lords at the treaty of) Cal. D. iii. 160. (Merchantsof the ftaple at) Galba, B. i. Calais. 24,125, 127. x. 2'44. xii, 127, 128, 129. Mifcell. Cal.B. ix. 28. D.iii. no. Hi, 119, 120, 12;. E. i. 28, 152. ii. 9S. iv. 307, 314. vi. 1. 2. ix. 421. Galba, C. viii. 224. Tit.B. v. 87, 144. F. iii. z6z. Faust. £. vii. Append. Jdtviii. 13. Calatrava, (ordfer of) its Revenues, Vesp. C. vi. 3S5. Caldcot, (manor of) Ti'r. B. viii. 273, 308. Calderon, (Licenciado) Vesp. C. vii. 410. Calendaria, Jul. A. Vi. 1, 2,8. B. vii. 1 b. D. vii. 34 b. 45 b. 132 b. xi. 85. Tih. B. iii. 2. Cal. A. viii. i. xv. 63 b. 65 b. 105 b. Cla ud. D. vi. 216. Nero, A. ii. 1. C. iv. 20. Galba, A. xviii. z. E. x. 1. Vitel. A. 1. i. viii. 1. xii. 62 b. 69b. xviii. 2. E.xvii. 1. Vesp. A. ii. 2, 19. xiv. 1. xvi. 1. E. v. 11 b. Tit. D. xv. i. xxvii. 3. Dom. viii. 168. Cleop. B. iii. 36. xiv. 1. D. vii. 5b. Faust. A. viii. 43 b. B. vi. 101. viii. 2. Mifcell. de computo Ecclefiaft. Tib. A. iii. 39 b. B. i. no. v. 1 b. Cal. A. xv. 104. Claud. A.iv. 1. Vitel. A. xii. 37 b. E. xvii. 241 b. Vesp. E.\vi. 84. Dom. i. 39. ix. n, 12 b. v. Imago Mundi. Calixtus, Papa, Otho, D. iv. 72 b. Calixtus II. Papa. de Miraculis S. Jacobi majoris, Nero, A. xi. 38. Epid. ad Cluniacenfes, Nero, A. xi. 59 t>. Epid. ad Hen. V. Imp. Claud. A. i. 35 b - Calixti III. P. Bulla, &c. Cleop. C. iv. 20 b. Calliac, (M. de) Tit. B. vii. 379. * Callyeni, Epifcopi et Legati, Prophetic: Hl- bernice, Vesp. E. ii. 105. Calthorp, (J.) Galba, C. ix. 134. Calvart, (le) Galba, C. xi. 267. Calvert, (Geo.) Jul. C. iii. 126, 130. C.ilVes Ik ins, (Export of) Tit. B. iv. 272. Cambray, (treaties of) Galba, B. ix. 175, 204, 204b. 207, 21 z, 230. Vitel. B. xii. 207 b. Vesp. F. v. 101. Cambrict AnnMfrs, Clau d. C. iv. 247. Cambridge. Convocation of. Tit. C. vi. 171. Collectanea de Academia & villa, Faur^. C. iii. vii. 102. Inquiiitio de teri is, Tib. A. vi. 76. Sodalitium nobiliumCAntab.Ti b. B. v. 75. Earl of, vid. Plafitagenet. Camden, (Will.) Certificates of Arms, GalBa, B.i. 16*, Commifiion to vilit certain counties, Jul. F. viii. 66. Annales rerum Angiicarum et Hibetni- car. Faust. F. i.— x. ColleiRanea, Jul. F. vi. 396 b. x. 127, 158 b. 160 b. 181. xi. 486. Tit. P. vii. viii. ix. xi. Cleop. A. iv. Coll. Heraldica, Faust. E. i. Grammatica Gra?ca, Vesp. E. viii. 75. Vocabul. Sax. Lat. Vesp. E. viii. 132. Grammaticalia, Vesb. E. viii. 183. Atimadverfiones in ejufdeiti Britattoiam, Jul. F. vi. 271, 292. Epitaphs, Jul. F. vi. 408. Dedications, Jul. F. vi. 393 b. Letters, Jul. C. iii. 14b. abb. 99b. 151 b. v. 4 *. 34, 42, 57. 73 , 230 b. Cambden, (Will.) 233. F. vi. 441. Vesp. F. ix. 140. Ti r. B. iv. 280 b. (Letters to) Jul. C. v. Camera regis, (CoIIc&anea de) Yksp. C. *>'•53. 55. Camcrarii, (Humfr.) poflefliones in Sudria, JOL.C. ix. 9S . Campaones, (Mr.) Nero, B. vi. 289. Campbell, (John) of Lundy, Cal. B. i. 73. Campbell, (Tho.) Ear! of Argyle, Letters, See. Cal. B. i. 7z, 103. iii. 60, 279, vii. 36. ix. 236, 258, 269. C. i. 138, 155 b. 282, 236. Ilis and three other lords remillion. Cal. C. iii. 90. Campbell, (Agnes Keith) Cfs. of Argyle, Cal. C. iv. 232, 236,237. v'impeius, (Card.) Vitel. B. iii. 197, 217, 22!. iv. 26, 32, 35 b. 38,39,42,42 b. 44, 44 b. 48 b. 51, 5;, 56, 60, 6j, 68 b. 71,72 b. 73,79,83,85,86.89. 98,99, 99b. nob. 113, n6, 135, 155, 200,205. v -7 b. 10,80 b. 136,148, 154, 163, 174, 175, 175 b. 185, 191, 228. vi. 24, 202, 241. vii. 118, 183, 214, 219. viii. 2, 5, n, 24, 42. 92, 140, 148, 163. ix. 6, 38, 89, 91, 101, 115 b. His proceedings on the divorce of Hen. viii. Vitel. B. xii. paffim. xiv. 222, 259. Campion, (Edm.) Hillory of Ireland, Vi¬ tel. F.ix. 73 b. Campofregofo, (Tho. de) Doge of Genoa, Vesp. F. i. 86, 88, 92. Camprufius, (Jo.) Nero, B. vi. 166. Campvere, Galba, D. iii. 44. vii. 3. Canellis, (de) Vicis et Wardis, Vesp. C. xiv. 358. Canonby Priory, (Indenture of) Cal. B. vii. 163. Canones ApoiL et Concilior. Claud. D. ix. 126 b. E. v. 2 b. 239. Canonum, Colledlio, Cleop. C. viii. 37. Canonizatio Sanflor. Vesp. D. iii. 139. CanolTa, (LuJ.) Eps. Vitel. B. ii. 147 b. Cant, (J. Adr.) Ga l ba, C. xi. 279. Cantalop, (Monot. de) Vesp. F. xiii. 25. Canterbury. Hilloria Archiepp. Cantuar. Jul. B. iii. 29 b. C. ii. 130. vi. 98. D. ii. 1. Ti u. A. vi. 37 b. Galb a, E. iii. 60. Vi¬ tel. E.xvii. 225. Cleop. D. Lx. 69. de illorum fucceflione et nominib. Tib. B. v. 20. Galba, E. iv. 1 b. Vitel. A. xi. 35 b. Vejp. A. xvi. 14. xxii. 8. B. xix. 232 b. Tit. A. xix. 150. Cleop. A. xii. 45 b. F. i. 248. Fa ust. B. vii. 4. De illoium primatu, Dom.v. 13. Cleop. E. i. 47. Feoda in eorundem intronizar. Vitel. E. xvii. 218. 218 b. de eorundem piivilegiis, advocationibus, &C. Aug. ii. 61. Tib. C. ix. 45, Vitel. A. viii. paflim. Vesp. C. xiv. 270. Cleop.F. i. 253, 262,265,275, 340. Faust. E. v. 235 b. Controverfia:circa Jutil'dictionem, Nero, C. LX. 183. Do MIT. v. 14 b. Ecclef. Metrop. Carta;, ilatuta, &c. Jul. D. ii. 166 b. Auc.ii. 36,67. Galba, E. iii. 54. iv. paflim. Nomina SSor. qui ibidem fepd'.untur, Claud. B.ix. 265. i N ]) i: Canterbury. Varia de eadem Ecd. G ■, 1 b ., F.. iv. paflim. Vesp. B. xv. ioc.'I 1 r. A..xiii. I154b. 160 b. 161, 165. Cleop. F.. i. 57, 62, 63, 1 - F. i. 267, 348. Faust. A. v. 2 b. 3, 4. B. \i. 100, 100 b. vii. 4 b. Catalogus libror. in eadem Feel. Jul. C. vi. 98 b. Aicliidi const, inflitut. et pertinentia, Tib. C. Lx. 47. Faust. B. v. 103. City Charters, Jul. D. ii. 126. Monalleria ibidem. Ecclefia; Chrilli, Cartas, Auc. ii. 47, 55> 7b> 9 2 > 9 6 - Varia, Jul. B. iii. 49 b. Tib. A. ii. 12 b. 14 b. C. ix. 46 b. Claud. A. iii. 1,4 b. 5, 6. C. vi. 165 b. 166, 197. Galba, E. iii. 31, 6i. iv. paflim. Vitel. A. viii. 5, 6, 3. E. xvii. 218 b. 219. Vesp. A. xviii. 108 b. Cleop. E. iv. 301. Sci. Auguilini, Cart®, privilege, See. Jul. D. ii. 39 b. 114, 134, 173, 213 b. Claud. D. x. 8. Vitel. A. ii. 6 b. viii. 8. Faust .A. i. Chronicon, Vitel. E. xiv. 177. Excerpta ex Annalib. Oth o, D. iv. 119. Catal. et vitas abbatum. Jul. D. ii. 1. Tib. A. ix. 105. Nomina SSor. qui ibidem fepe- liuntur, Cla u d. B. ix. 265 b. Varia, Vest. A. v. 92. Append. xiv. 2. Sci. Petri et Pau'i, Vesp. B.xx. 277, 278, 278 b. 280. Seas. Trinitatis, Tib. C. ix. 46 b. Cantica, vid. Licurgici libri. Cantilupa, (W. de) Epifc. Wigorn, con- ftitutio, Claud. A. viii. 209 b. Conccflio, Vitel. C. ix. 201. Cantley, (John) Cal. B. vii. 151. Canute, K. of England. Charters, Laws, &c, Auc. ii. 8, 24, 69. Tib. B. iv. 86. Claud. D. ii. 16b. 17. Nero, A. i. 1, 14. Vitel. E. v. *59’ >77 b. Tit. A. xxvii. 88. Capell, (Arth.) Jul. C. iii. 102, 103. Capell, (H.) Tit. B. i. 97. Capdla, (Martianus) comment, in ejufdem libro de Aftrologia, Vesp. A. ii. Capell a:, (Felicia) Aftronomica, Tir..B. v. 54- Capgrave, (John) de Iaudibus Henricor. Tie. A. viii. Vitae Scor. Tin. E. i. Capital, (. . . le) Cal. D. iii. 102. Capon, (Wm.) dean of Card. Coll. Ipf- wich, Tit. B. i. 275. Capua, ( ) Abp. of Vitel. B. vi. 72. Capua, (Tho. de) Cardinal, Summa die- taminis, Dom. vi. Caraffa family, (inveftives againll the) Nero, B. vi. ij. Caravaial, (B.) Card. S.Crucis, Vitel. B. ii. 12. iii. 74, 142 b. Carbenus, (Count) Vitel. B. ii. 36. Card-makers, (petition of) Tit. F. iv. 291. Cardinales : de corum dignitate, J u l. B. iii. 23 b. de titulis, Faust. B. vii. 10. College of, Vitel. B. ii. 110. iii. iii, 209. v. 58, 75, 162. vi. 14 b. vii. 210. ix. 36. Varia de, Tib. B. iv. 211. Cal. E. viii. 50. xi. 83. Nero, B. vi. 127. Faust. B. \ii. 14. Cardinal’.. Ci ids paflim. J- Ipfwich, Ti - Oxifoi i, Ti F.; Cardona, (J. B.) .Vi p. F. Cardoflo, (Aires) Nero, B. i. 173. Cardagh CaRIe, granted to T. D.UStrm , Tit. B.xi. i;i. Carenzone, (Nic.) Galba, C. viii. 221, 267. Lx. 29.31.70,75, 98 b. x. 159. Carefbroke, (pofleffionesPriorat.de) Or ho, B. xiv. 3, Caretto, (Fabric, de) Gd. Mall, of Rhode*. Otho, C. ix. 8, 12, .3, 1+> ,6, l8> = ' b. 22, 23, 24, 25, 27b . , s 34. 35 b. Carevv family, Tit. B. xi. 60, 66, 92, 97. 3°5- Carew, (Geo.) agent at Danzig, Nero, B. 11.286 b. 292 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 332 Care,v. (G.) Jol. C. iii. So. i 9; , i 9 s. 205. Vesp. F. xiii. 326. Carew, (Sir Geo.) Mafter Gen. ofOrdn. in Ireland, Tit. B. xii. 576. Carevv, (Leonard) Tit. B. xi. 162. Carevv, (Sir Nich.) Cal. D. viii. 1. Carevv, (Sir Peter) Tit. B. xii. i 5 $. Carevv, (R.) J UL . C . ii!. 30 b v ^ Caiew, (Rich.) on the Enghih tongue, Tul F. xi.261. Carey, (Sir Geo.) Inflruflions to, Cal. B. v. 228. C. vii. 23, 30, 32, 38 Tit. B. ii. 439. Carey, (Geo.) Vesp. F. xii. I77 . T .t B.v. 101. Carey, (Henry) Lord Hunfdon. Letters, &c. Cal. B. viii. 216. C. i. 383. iii. 516. v. 37. i OJ , v bi 83,83, 9 2 » >°o, 102 b. 108 b. 121, 122, 123, 129, ix. 7, 17. D. i. 96, 105, 106, 132b. 203, 258. E. viii. 17!. Tit. F. xiii. 249. Carey, (Sir John) Cat. D. ii. 386, 400. Carey, (Sir Robe.) Cal. ~ “ 389- i72, 3; Carey, (Robert) Cal. D. i. 325. Carick goods, (Sale ol) Append, xxvi i 1 3 >• Carie, (Sir Geo.) Galba, C. vi. P. I7C 175- Carleton, (Dudley) Ld. Dorchafter, Vesp. F. xiii. 332. Carleton, (Dudley) Jul. C. v. 63. Cal. £. x. 277, 341. Nero, B. vii. 185. Carleton, (Geo.) Jul.C. v. 53. Carlifle, (Plans of) Auc. i. Vol. i. 1 12.13. (decay of) Tit. F. xiii. 220. (treaty of) Tit. F. xiii, 232. Carlifle Heraid, Cal. B. vii. 183. Carlifle, (Capt.) Otiio.E. viii. ijc. Carmichael, (H.) Cal. C. viii. 256 b. Carmichael, (John) Laird, Cal. C. v. 40, 4' b. vii. 9. v ;ii. I2 6 b. Carmina, Latine, J u l. A. vii. 64, 75, 82 b. 91. 93.93 b. 121. B. vii. 57. C. v. 86. 115 b. D. ii. 165. iii. 159, 191. v |i. 3^ 127b. 12S, 133b. 134. xi. 99b. F. vi:. 135, 148. x. 74, 75, 119, I2g . xi. 217. Tib. A. iv. 166 b. 167,167 b. 168b. 169,170b. 171b. 173b. C vi. 6b. Cal. A. x. 203 b. 204 b. xi. 164 b. xviii. 20. B. v. 264. 265. C. i. 333 b. E.xi. 337. xii. 371, 409, 410, 412. Claud. A. x. xii. 193. C. ii. 275. Niro. C. ii,. 20S b. D. iii. I N D E X. **«. G-' 1 "*, A. wiii. 33 b. C. iv. 294 b, 380. Vitel. A. x. 137. xvii. 23 b. 163 b. Vesp. A. xviii. 168 b. xix. 55. 13 . xiii. 115 b. 118 b. Sc feq. x.v. 18. xxv. 117, 123. D. vi. 75 b. ix. 169. xix. 25, 28, 45 b. 52. E. xii. 10, 1 10 b. Tit. A.xviii. 7 b. 82 b. xx. pa Him. xxiv. 91. xxv. 93, D. xv. 58. xix. 38. xxiv. 1 6. Domit. iv. 244. viii. 12 b. ix. 15. xiii. 106. Cleop. A.viii. 2. xiv. 107. B. ix. 10 b. C. i. 1. Faust. A. vi. 151. viii. 171 b. B. Lx. 242 b. Pocma de fccmina infantem coinedere coaila, Cleop. A. viii. 59. Anglice, Jul. A. v. 126b. 175. viii. 3. D. viii.27. Tib. E. vii. Cal. B. v. 265. C. i. 10,17, 270. Claud. A. ii. 127. Nero, A. vi. 193b. x. 37. Vitel. C. ix. 60 b. xiii. E. x. 184, 200. Vesp. A. xxv. paflim. B. xvi. 1, 4. D. ix. 201. xiii. 181 b. Tit. A. xxiv. 79, 90 b. Cleop. C. iv. 69, 71. D. ix. 113, 144b. 150b. 153b. Ar pend, xxvii. 131. x!v. 5. Collcdtions of Englilh poems, Cal. A. ii. i—135. GALB.\,E.ix. Curfur o’World, Vesp. A. iii. Hibernice, Vesp. E. ii. 115. Saxonice, TiE.B.i. 110, 113. Vitei.. A. xv. kiceris SaxonicL, Vesp. D. xiv. 219 b. Wallicc, DoM.iv. 244. Normanno-Sax. Cal. A. Lx. 230, 243. Gallice, Jul. A. iii. 1,1b. v. 176 b. vii. 70b. C. ix. 13 b. D. vii. 133 b. Cal. A. ix. 247. xviii. 20 b. B. v. 40, 316 b. E. vii. 151,256,299. xi. 83, 86. xii. 86b. 106, 110, 114. Vitel. C. x iii. 24. Vi : . E. iv. 1 .Tit. A. i. 94 b. DoM.iv. 258. Gallo Norman. Claud. D. iii. 1 b. Italice, Cal. B. v. 316 b. Nero, B. vi. 246. Periice, Cleop. A. ix. Carnaby, (Sir Ralph) Cal.B. iii. 197,207, 230, 251, 253. C rnaby, (Sir Reynold) Cal. B. iii. 233. Carnaby, (Sir William) Cal.B. iii. 246. Carnc, (Hr. Edm.) Cal. E. iv. 6. Came, (Sir Edw.) Nero, B. vi. 9. Came, (Edw.) Cal. E. v. 69. Galba, B. x. 89, 127. Carnegie, (Sir Robt.) Cal. B. ix. 8. Carolus M. vid. Charles I. Emp. Eginhardus. Caron, (Noelde) Galba, C.xi. 340. D. iii. 19, 22, 26. iv. 142, 187, 189, 243, 262, 293. viii. 56, 1S8, 248, 251. xi. 236. E. i. 270, 290. Caron, (Nic.) Cal. E. iv. 32. Curow, (John) Vitel. B. x. S4. Carpentcri, (Job.) xx fisAma, Apte n d, xxvii. 103. Carpenter, (John) Vesp. C. xiv. 277. Carpi, (A. de) Vitel. E. ix. 144. Carr, fam. Cal. C. ix. 2S6*. Carr, (Robt.) E. of Somerfet, Tit. B. vii. 416. Carr, (Robt.) Vlfc. Rcchefter, Tit. C. vii. 116. Faust. E. i. 30. CarnckR-rgus, (Flan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 41, 42. C irt;e Aotxqiite. Carta R. Hen. I. de libertatibus et de Fofella, Jul. A. ix. 160 b. Vitel. 1 .. v. 166. Dom. viii. 118. Magna Carta, R. Joh. Jul. D. vii. 12? b. Avc. ii. 106. Claud. D. ii. 116. Gai.ba, E. iii. 71 b. iv. 53. Ti t. B. viii. 363. Magna Cana, R. Hen. III. Jul. D. ii. 122. Auc.ii. 51. Nero, D. i. 197 b. Galba, E. iv. 55. Tit. A. xiii. 63 b. CartaR. Hen. III. de Forella, Jut. B. xii. 221. D. ii. 124. vii. 125. Gal¬ ba, E. iv. 65 b. Tit. A. viii. 65 b. CartaR. Edw, Nero, A.vi. 167. Carta: R. Joh. inilium de libert. Ecclcf. Claud. C. ii. 3. vid. Statuta antiqua. Varia de Cartis Ant. Jul. D. ii. 187. Galba, E. iii. 79: Faust. B. i. 208. Nomina Anglica in Cart. ant. explicata, Jul. D. vii. 127 b. Nero, A. xii. 142. G a l b a, E. iv. 46 b. Cartre ct Teflamenta de dimillionib. tcrrar. Append, xix. Carthago: De ejufdcmexcidio, Vesp. E. xii. 100 b. Carthufianor. ordinis ifatut.t, Jul. A. ix. 23. Ca l. A. ii. 139. Nero, A. iii. 130. Onus, Tib. A. ix. ioj. Miff ell. Nero, A. iii. 161 b. 167, 167 b. Cartonenfis trafl.iius, Nero, D. vi. 36. Vitel. C. iv. 52. Cartright, (John) Nero, B. viii. 68. Carum, (Matthieu.de) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 33 - Carville, (Robt.) Cal. C. ix. 171 *. D. i. 337 - Cafe-candida: Eccl. Epifcopi, Tib. B. v. Cafa!is,(Sir Gregory) Nero, B. vi. 27,103, I26. Vitel. B. vii. 193, 205 b. viii. 8, 13, 16, 18, 21, 30, 40, 118 b. 126, I 43 » ‘ 49 ’ 1 5 ^> 165. 167,169. ix. paflim. x. 33, 50, 106, 112, 115, 141, 145, 189 b. 195. xi. 7, 8, 33, 46, 50, 54, 123, 139,147,154, 157, 172, 188. xiii. J 37 * »+ 3 » 1 47 » J S'> l6 3 » i» 3 - > s 9 > 212, 221. xiv. 148, 162, 166, 171, 189, 192, 208, 215, 231, 251. (Joh.) I’rotonot. Jul. E. ii. 59. Nero, B. vi. 124, 135. vii. 79. Vitel. B. viii. 22. x. 103, 106, 109, 113, 115, 123, 135, 164. xi. 29 b. 56. (Paul) Vitel. B. viii. 161. x. iii. 114 b. xi. 29,55, 84. Cafaubonus, (If.) Jul. C. v. 60 b. 63b. 142. Cafe, (Capt.) Inflru&ions, Cal.C. iii. J49. Cafcnbrock, (Leonard) Colledt. of treaties, Nero, B. iii. 30S. Cafimir 1 -..K. of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 94, Cafimir, (John) Count Palatine, Cal. E. viii. 56. xii. 399, 436. Gal- b\, B. xi. 329, 359, 391, 400, 401, 416, 419, 421. C. vi. P. ii. 33, no, 113, 141 b. 196 b. 21 7 , 271. vii. 243, D. i. i 7 z. vii. 262. viii, 23S, 240. ix. 69. xiii. 116. Vesp. F. iii. 45, v. 218, 228.233. Tit. B. ii. 384. Caflilis, (E.of) vid. Kennedy. Cafllodorus, (Magn. Aur.) de Div. left. Vesp. B. xiii. 6, 40 b. Caflellanus, (....) Phyfician to Mary Cf of Sc. Cal. C. iii. 213. Caftelleniis, (PolyJ.) Cleop. £•. iii. 173. Caftcllione, (Lapus de) Cleop. C. v. 112, 141 b. 185, 1S9 b. Caftello, (Adrian de) Card. S. Chryfogoni, Vitel. B. ii 6,47, 101 b. 107. no. in, 114, 117, 130b. 195. iii. 1,31, 99 b. 124, 133, 136, 139, 143. 148. Cailcliuu, (Michel de) Seigneur de Mauvif- fiere, Cal. C. iii. 498, 535. v. 61,77. vii. 135 b. 236,262. viii. 216. E. vii. 198. Ne ro, B. vi. 412. Galba, E. vi. 9b. 1$. Tit. B. ii. 253. vii. 222, 5 1 7 > 3 2 9 > 333 » 34 1 * 3 S 6 » 37 °- Caftelnau, (\. de) Galba, C. viii. 170. Callile, (Treaties between France Sc) Tit. A. iii. 2, 43. CalHIla, (Ant. de) Tit. B. vii. 411. Cailillon, (Marflial de) Cal. E. iv. 3. Caftle, (TJ10.) Tit. B. vii.470. (J.) Tit. B. vii. 477. Cailor, (Joh.) Chron. Vitel. E. xvii. 191. Vesp. C. xiv. 130. Caftricomius, (Pancr.) Jul. C. v. 30b. Caftro, (Giofcppede) a miflionarv, Vesp. F.xii. 143. Tit. B. vii. 112, 133. Caftro, (D. Juan de) Rotciro de India, Ti b. D. ix. Caftro, (Melchior a) Tit. A. x.79. Calu>, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 197 b. v. 22. CataJlorum inventaria temp. Joh. Nero, C. iii. 184 b. Catechifmus, (Brevis) Claud. A. viii. 203 b. Cater, (Diereck) Galba, C. iv. 15. Cathay, (voyages to) Otho, E. viii. 10, 41, 67, 77. 107. Cathedrals, (a table concerning) Otho, E. xi. 30. Catherina, (S.) Radio, Cal. A. viii. 165. Tit. D.xviii. 133 b. Catherine, Queen to Hen. V. Her will, Tib. E. viii. 221. Catherine of Aragon, (Q.) wife to Hen. VIII. Concerning her marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 47 . 54 > 92. 112 b. 145. Vesp. C. xii. 191, 218. Append, xxvii. 133. Her reception, Vesp. C. xiv. 81. Concerning her divorce, Otho, C. x. Vitel. B. x. 159 b. & inde paflim. xi. 216, 235, 247. xii. paflim. xiii. paflim. Vesp. B. v. F. ix. 143. Tit. B. i. 71. Admitted into a religious fraternity, Vesp. C. vi. 384 b. Her will, Otho, C. x. 216. Tit. C. vii. 44 b. Her funeral, Otho, C. x. 219 b. Letters, Cal. B. vi. 35. D. vi. 92,93, 94. E. i. 1. Otho, C. x. 176. Vesp. C. xii. 207. F. iii. 15. xiii. 72. A miracle at her tomb, Vitel. B. xiv, 220 b. Catherine Howard, Q^to Hen. VIII. Otho, C. x. 250. Catherine Parr, to Hen. VIII. Vesp. F. iii. 16 b. 17. Catherine (of York, d. of Edw. IV.) on her right to the Crown, Jul. F. vi. 409. Catherine, Q^_of Callile, Sifter to Hen. IV. Iv. of Engd. Vesp. C. xii. 100, 120. F. iii. 39 b. 40. Catherine, Siller to Hen. IV. K. of Fr. Vesp. F. iii. S5 b. Catherine, 4th Wife to Ch. Brandon, D. of Suffolk, Vesp. F. xiii. 80 b. Catherine of Medicis, Q^of France, Cal. C. i. 74. iii. 182. vii. 50 b. 224. E. vi. 5 S , 105. xii. 409, 412. Ne¬ ro, B. vi. 362. Vesp. F. iii. 69. v. 502. vi. 82, 96b, i|2 v . Tit. B, vii 254. Y I IN D E X. Catholic faith, (cantroiurfy concerning) Vesp. A. xxv. 54. Catholic?, (Roman) in England, Gai.ba, D. xii.83 b. E. i. 130. Tit. G. \;i. 59 b. 236. Catlaro, (Reslor of) Otho, C. ix. 97. Catonis dillichn, YVf. B. viii. no b. Prtccepta morali-i? Y’fsp. D. vi. 73 b. Cr.trik, (John) Galba, B. i. 25. Catzianer, a Styrian, .his dclection, Vi 1 el. B. xxi. 49. Cauda: de hominibus caudatis, Claud. B. vii. 203 b. Caulfield, (Sir Tub.) Tit. B. x. 209, 236. Caundilh, (Rich.) Nero, B. iii. 95, 100. Vitel. B. xxi. 127, 137, 138. Caufop, (Mr.) Xote of tolls in Denmark, Nero, B. iv. 91. Cavaignes, (...) C'al. E. vi. 44, 43. Galba, D. iv. 244. Cavalcanti, (Guido) Cal. 11 . v. 139. Vest. F. vi. s =b. Cave, (Franc.) Cleof. E. iv. 215 b. Cave, (Lille) Galea, C. vi. P. ii. Z95, ( h, ( ) Vesp. F. i. n. Cavendilh, (Wm.) Tit. B. i. 3 8 y . Caw-mills, utrrender of. Cal. B. vii. . . Weft 5 ax. Grant} ii. 86. Cecil. (David) Grandfather to Ld. Burleigh, Vest. !•’. xi.i. 159, 159 b. Tit. B. i. Cecil, (Robert) Earl of Salilburv, Lett. (15S4.) Galba, E. vi. 252.— (1585.) Galba, E. vi. 271.—(1591.) Cal. E. viii. 11 1.—(1592.) Cal. E. viii. 569.—(1593.) Galba, D. x. 10 b.—(1595.) Galba, D. xi. 20, 200.— ,159b-) Galba, D. xii. 39. —(1597.) Cai.. D. ii. 564, 406.— (1598.) Cal. E. ix. 411, 4:5, 462. 1 Cuba, D. xii. 174.— ,iloo.)Cal D. ii. 49b, 535. Nero, B. ii. 308. Vesp. C. viii. 537, 365, 3S4..— (1602.) Nero, B. v. 152.— (1603.) Cal. E. x. 156, 138,202,204,209,213,217, 236, 406. xi. 52.—(1604.) Cal. E. x. 215, 5S8. xi. 38, 40, 106. Galba, E. i. 150. Tit. C. \ii. 542.—(1605.) Cal. E. xi. 114, 229, 234b. 263. Galba, E. i. 28S, : r.llrudions and Milcell. Cal. E. iv. 3:9. ix. Nero, B. iv. 142. 10 b. xii. 105, 322 b. ■ 9 Z - Jul. F. vi. 94. 439’ 4S4’ 4^4- G A lb ,, D. x. Cecil, (Thomas) Son to Ld. Burleigh, Lett. Cal. C. iv. S9. Galea, C. ix. 112, Tit. B. ii. 284. Cecil, (William) Lord Burleigh. Lett. . .. i 5 ( . . B. v :ii. 143, (1559.) Tit. B. -viii. 3.(1560) Cal. B. ix. 139. x. 96. E. v. 113. Galba, B. xi. 237. Tit. B. .viii. 3. (1361.) Tit. B. xiii. 29, 30, 35, 38, (1562.) Cal. B. x. 199. Vesp. C. vii. 224. Tit. B. xiii. 75, (1563.) Galba, C. i 157. (1364,) Galba, C. i. jy6. 'i': r. B. xiii. B. ii : iii. 167 15 ) Cal. C. i; 58. 8. E. vi. 56 I Jul.F. vi. 146. Cal. C. i. 334. Galea, C. iii. « 4 S. Tit. II. ii. 324, 556— (1--0.) Cal. C. ii. 11, 25, 31, 32, J n. 175. .. 227, 239, 240, 241, 249, 251,234, 255. (1^72.; Cal. C. iii. 386, 394. Vesp. F. vi. 8, 49 b. 63, ic2 b. 115 b. 125 b. 131. 163, 181, 182*, 195. ’Fit. B. vii. 4—|i573^ Vesp. F. vi. 232, 233, z 45—(>574-) Tit. B. ii. 298, 3s7 > —(1577.) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 113. Vesp, F. xii. 127. Tit. B. ii. 233, 288, 455.—(1578.) Cal. E. vii. 74. —< 1 579 -) Tit. B. xiii. 297.— (15S0.) Cal. C. vi. 17 b. 51, 87. Galba, E. vi. 5*. Tit. B. ii. 423. iii. 92. —(1581.) Cal. C. vi. 114, 144, Galba, E. vi. 109.— 1582.) Cal. C. vii. 72. Nero, B. i. 295.— (1584.) Cal. C. viii. 14, 34 b. 125, 156. — 1585.) Galba, C. viii. 220,235. ix. 15.—(1586.) Cal. C. viii. 278. iv. 320, 433. Nero, B. iii. 292, 501. Galba, C. ix. 24, 71, 115, 116, 122, 149, 163, 260, 267, 272, 274, 313, 374. x. 16, 19, 40, 49, 77.— (1587.) Cal. B. viii. 283. D. i. 200. Galba, C. xi. 81, 252, 333. D. ii. i' — 15B8.) Cal. D. i. 226. G ,l- ba, D. iii. 120, 189.— (1589.) CAi.- E.v, D. iv. 107, 117, 145, 177, i 91) 195, 206.—(1590.) Nero, B. viii. 53. Galba, D. vii. 113 b. 116 b. 129, 155, 139 b. 174, 218 b. 230, 232, 241 b. 267, 292, 296, 307 b.—(1591.) Cal. E. viii. 18, 131, 202. Gal¬ ba, D. viii. 42, 67, So, 82, 88, 89 b. 100, 110 b. 11S, 120, 127, 127 b. 12S, 139, 139b. 135, 166,173,191, 213, 229, 231, 253, 263. Tit. B. ii. 459. iii. 87. C. vii. 16. —(1592.) Cal. E. viii. 143, 501. Nero, B. viii. 24. Galba, D. Lx. 6, 29, 113 b. 123, 130, 167, 186, 191, 225, 234, 240, 242, 246, 252, 264 b. 308, 33+-—( 1 593 -) Cal. D. ii. 190. E. ix. 170 b. 191. Galba, D. ix. 114 b. x. 7.—(1594.) Cal. D. ii. 227. E. ix. 197. Galba, D. x. 144, 151, 154 b. 156 b. 158, 162, 174 b.— (1595.) Cal, E. ix. 263 b. 285. Galba, D. xi. z2, 49, 1S4, 185, 212, 217, 218.—(1596 ) Cal. D. ii. 271, 288. G a le a, D. xii. 9.-— (1597.) Cal. D. ii. 531. — (fine A 0 .) Cal. E. vii. 43. Galba, C. iv. 381. Vesp. F. xiii. 325. Tit. B. ii. 227. xii. 625. C. vi. 1. Miicell. Otho, E. viii. 127. ix. 232. x. s+. Tit. C. 77 b. Cctile, daughter to Edvv. IV. her intended marriage with James IV. K. of Sc. Vesp. C. xvi. 67, 69. Cecilia, mother to K. Edvv. IV. vid. Ncvill. Cecyll, (Edvv.) Jul. C. v. 82 b. Celeltin . . . . P. Privileg. Eccl. Ebor. Vi¬ tel. A. ii. 104. Celcllin III. Pope : Bull, Auc. ii. m, 115, 130. Cele'lin V. P. refignation, Ti b. A. vii. 37b. Cell, i.h, (fynod. apud) Vtsp. A. xiv. Cell!, tIv!ino) Vesp. F. vi. 144*. Centura libror. Faust. C. vii. 161. Ccnulph, K. of Mercia, vid. Coemvulf. Ci.olr.oth, (Abp.) a deed, Aug. ii. 20. C-oIwulf, K. of Mercia, Aug. ii. 93. Cer:.Ivi, ( . . Marg. dc) Nero, B. vi. 221. Ceremcniis ,(de Regum) Vesp. C. xiv. 77. Cercvihz; benedidio, Nero, A. i. 109. Cefaria, (Mich, de) Genl. of the Mino¬ rites, Vesp. C. xii. 47 b. Cefbecke, (Jaquesde) Galba, B. iv. 88. Cefsford, (Laird of) vid. Kcr. Chadcrton, (J ) Tit. B. i. 11S. Chaligny, (...) Inftr. to. Cal. E. Lx. 433 - Challenge, Vesp. D. xviii. 132 b. Chaloner, (John) Tit. B. xiii. 25. Chaloner, (Sir Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 44. Galba, B. xi. 218. C. i. 39,50. 51, 73 > 85, 208, 218. Vesp. C. vii. 99 b. 219, 221, 222, 223, 236, 240, 242, 248, 251, 253, 394 b. 396, 397 b. 398, 398 b. Chalons, (pedigree of) Otiio, D. iv. 61, 1 39 - Chamberlains of England, Faust. E. iv. 60. (duties of) Vesp. C. xiv. 265. Chamberlain, (Edw.) Cleop. K. iv. 50. Chamberlain, (Jo.) Jul. C. v. 196. Cal. E. viii. 222. Chamberlain, (Sir Tho.) Vesp. C. vii. IC7, 120, 127, 133, T41, 210. Chamberlain, ( Tho.) Galba, B. xii. 28, 152, 156, 163, 171, 192, 159, 207, 213, 216, 236. Chamberlayn, (...) Galba, C. x. 107. Chambers, (Dr. James) concernin'’ - attor- nies, &-c. Append, xxviii. 185. Chambrc, (Juan) Tit. B. ii. 476. Champagney, (FI.) Tit. B. vii. 387. Champigny, (...) Galba, C. v. 91, 362, 379. Chancellors of England, Faust. C. ix. 12, E. v. 164. Chancerv, Index to fafe conduds enrolled there, Jul. E. iii. 224. (Precedence of Mailers in) Ju l.F.x. 103. (Suits in, by fubpeena.) Cleop. A. xv. Chandeler, (J.) Vesp. F. xiii. 24. Chandos, (1 ho.) his marriage and ilTue, Jul. B. xii. 169 b. Chandos, (Geo. Ld.) vid. Brvdges. Channel, (Chart of) Auc. I. vol. i. 14. vol. ii. 65, 66. Chapman, (Godfrey) Vesp. C. vii. 308. Chapman, (Riciid.) Otho, E. ix. 280. Chapman, (Tho.) Cleop. E. iv. 33. Chardry, Vie de S. Jofaphat, Cal. A. ix. 192. des 7 dormans, Cal. A. ix. 213 b. Ciiareticr, (Alan) Quadriiogiuin, &c. Jul. E. v. i. 29, 40. Charles I. Emperor. Life, Claud. B. vii. 192. Vesp. A. xiii. 94. Tit. A. xix. 24. vid. Egin- hardus, Turpin us. Death, Galba, A. xviii, 28. Varia, Vesp. C. xvi. 21. Tit. A. xxiv. 140. Charles V. Emperor. On his intended marriage with Mary of England, Galba, B. v. i, 10. Vesp. C. xii. 273. Vitel, C. xi. 193. Treaties, C.4 l. B. vii. 429. D. ix. 112. E. ii. 205. Galba, B. v. 367. vi. 144, 148. vii. 273. x. 137, 145, 163. Vesp. C. i. 307. Donation of Malta to the order of St. John, Otho, C. ix. 56. Debt to Hen. VIII. Galba, B. iv. 126, 128. v. 275. Voyage from Savonna to Barcelona, Vlsp. C. xiii. 246. Interview with the Pope, Vitel, B. xiv. 196. Inveftiture of Count Enno to E. Fnefl. Vitel, B. xxi. 33. Pafquinade againft him, Vitel, B. xiv. 238. Commiflions, proclamations, and other ftate papers, Galba, B. vi. 138. vii. 176, 310. viii. 43, 204. ix. no, 202. x. 10, !$> 18, 5J, 131, xii. 12. Vitel. B. xviii. 172, Vest. C. ii. 7, 138. iii. 62, 196. iv. 294, 297, 3 Z 9 - Lett. &c.—(>513-) Galba, B. iii. 93. —(1514.) Galba, B. iii. 138, 142. —(1515.) Galba, B. iii. 231.— (1516.) Galba, B. iv. 46, 61, 86 b. 104b. 146.—(1517.) Galea, B. v* 201 b. 268, 277, 296 b. 309 b. 332, vi. 2. 5 b. 60 b. Vesp. C. i. 113 b. (1518.) Vesp. C.i. 186,193.—(1519.) Vesp. C. i. 239, 240, 243, 244, 268, 270, 284.— (1520.) Galba, B. vi. ao8 b. Vitel. B. xx. 158 b. 162 b. Vesp. C, i. 294, 297,306. vii. 34. (1521.) Galba, B. vi. 179, 196. vii. 13, 18 b. 76, 93, 143, 149, 154 b. 160 b. Vitel, B. iv. 177, 222. xx.231.—(1522.) Nero, B. vii. 26,41. Galea, B. vii. 259, 290, 292. viii. 2, 32,41. Vitel. B.xx. 269,269b. Vesp. C. ii. 4, 39 b.—(1523.) Galba, B. viii. 96 b. Vitel. B. xx. 283. Vesp. C. ii. 93, 93 b. 97, 186, 226. iv. 278. •—(1524.) Galba, B. x. 130 b. Vesp. C. ii. 289, 303, 305, 319, 332, 379, 380. — (1526.) Vesp. C. iii. 286b. vii. 38.— (1527.) Vitel. B. ix. 139. Vesp. C. iv. 31.—(152S.) Vesp. C.iv. 204, 225, 226, 256, 257. — (1531.) Galba, B. ix. 234.— (1544.) Galba, B. ix. 234.— (fine A u ) Galba, B. iv. 156. vi. 108b. x. 129. Tit. B. i. 219, 327, 333. Mifcell. Cal. D. viii. 185. E. iv. 21. G alb a, B. vii. 15, 36. ix. 85. x. 137, 145, 169. xii. 11, 1 n b. 126, 160, 227. Vitel. B. v. 110. xx. 269 b. Vesp. C. iv. 229,233, 231. vii. 39. F. iii. 42, 62. Charles 1 . K. of England, on his intended marriage with Chiifline of France, Vitel. C. xvi. 140, &c. 532. A note, Vesp. F. iii. 35. Commifl'. for levying money, Tit.B. iv. 338, 341. Charles the bald, iv. of Fr. progeny, Jul. F. xi. 11. Charles 111 . the fimplc, K. of Fr. Tib. A. ix. 18 b. Faust. A. viii. 100 b. Charles IV. K. of Fr. Treaty with Scotland, Cal. B. v. 59, 298. Charles V.K. ofFr. Tib. E. viii. 205. Charles VJ. K. of Fr. Cal. D. iii. 116, 143. Vesp. F. iii. 28. Tit. A. iii. 38. Cleop.D. iii. 20Z. Charles VII. K. of Fr. Vesp. F. iii. 29, 31. Charles VIII. K. of Fr. Cal. D. vi. 12. Vesp. F. iii. 33. Ch:: rles 1 X. IC. of F ranee. Hislliftory, Vest. F. v. 296. lnftrudions, Ordinances, and other State Papers, Cal. B. ix. 97b. C. ii. i 2 , 109, 4S4. iii. 102, 295, 302. iv. 203. E. v. 114, vi. 78, 136. VESr. F. v. 120, 123, 160, 196, 199, 204. INDEX. Letters, Cal. E. vi. 106, no, 145. Vesp. F. iii. 83. v. 168, 169. vi. 23 b. 61, 102 * b. 110b. 260, 261*. Tit. E. vii. 157, 354. Notes on his death. Cal. C. iii. 413. Funeral obfequies at St. Paul’s, Vesp. C. xiv. 181. Sarcaftic epitaphs, Cal. E. xii. 412. Vesp. F. v. 502. Charles II. K. of Navarre, Cal. D. iii. 35 - Charles I. K. of Sicily, Nero, C. ii. 28. 39 b - Charles II. K. of Sicily, Jul. E. ii. 102. Tit. B. viii. 321. Charles IX. K. of Sweden, Nero, B. iv. 215. Galba, D. xiii. 162. Vesp. F. iii. 71b. Tit. B. ii. 211. Charles X. K. of Sweden, Galea, E. i. 83, 111. Charles, (Archduke) Jul. F. vi. 56. Nero, B. ix-. 93, 100. Vitel. C. xi. 228. Charles the Bold, D. of Burgundy, (Charo- lois) marriage with Margt. filler to Edw. IV. Nero, C. ix. 173 b. Lett. Vesp. F. iii. 41 b. Charles D. of Guelders, Galba, B. x. 43. Vesp. F. iii. 103 b. Charles D. of Guienne, brother to Lewis XI. Vesp. F. iii. 32. Charles D. of Orleans, Vesp. F. iii. 5, 29 b. Charles III. D. of Savoy, Vesp. F. iii. S 8. Charles Emanuel I. D. of Savoy, Vesp. F. iii. 49 b. Charles, D. of Sudermania, Galba, D. xii. 207 b. Tit. B. ii. 211. vi. 137. Charles, fon to Phil. II. K. of Spain, on his imprifonment, Galba, C. iii. 178. Charles, (Nic.) Lane.Herald, Collcfl. Jul. C. vii. Vifitatioft of Huntingdonfiiiie, Jul. F. viii. Charlton family, Jul. B. xii. 253 b. Charolois, vid. Philip the Good, and Charles the Bold. CharterHoufe, London, (order of) Cleop. E. iv. 26, 35, 217. Chartres, (Vidamc de) Cal. E. v. 133. v i. 88,102,107,109,111,114, 115,119, 120, 123, 134. ix. 2. xii. 113. Chartres, (Town of) Cal. E. viii. 54. Charts, (Sea) Auc. i. Vol.L 14, 13. Vol. ii. 64, 65, 66. Chaflel, (J. du) Vesp. C. ii. 163. Chateau-Cambrefis, (Treaty of) Cal. B. x. 5. E. v. 53, 100, 101, 195, 205. Vesp. F. v. 140. Chatcauneuf, (Mons.de) Cal. D. i. 128. vid. Aubepine. Chateriz, (Chronica Monaft. de) Jul. A. i. 69. Colledlanea Cx ejufdem Regiltris, Jul. C. vi. 243. Chatham, (projeft of a dock at) Tit.B. viii. 220. Chattelleraut, (D. of) vid. Hamilton. Chatterton, Covenant for Orrery, Tit. B. xiii. 185. Chattillon Fam. (claims of) Cal. E. xii. 397. vid. Coligni. Chaworth, (Lord) Jul. C. iii. 193. Chaworth, (Mary) Jul. C. iii. 66 b. Chaux, (. . la) Cal. E. i. 59. died worth, (Jo.) vita, Nero, A. x. i. Cheeke, (Col.) Vesp. C. xiv. 562. Cherbourgh, Town, Ve;p. C. xii. i 0 i. Chertfey monaft. (Chartulary of) Vitel. A. xiii. 19. Chclhunt park, (plan of) Aug. i. Vo!, i. 7 S* Chefs: de ludo Schaccio, Cleop. B. ix. 4. Chefter. Charters, Cleop. D.vi. Antiquities, Vitel. C. x. 220. Jurifdittion over Wales, Vitel. C. i. 273. de fcpiem comidbus, Jul. C. vi. 187. Mifcell. Vitel. C. x. 157. Vesp. F. xii. 137. Chefter, (Edward) Galba, C. iv. 358. Chefter, (Lucia) Jul. C. iii. 67. Chefteificld manor, Jul. B. xii. 211b. Cheibrfcld, (TI10. de) Hift. Epifc. Coventr. Cleop. D. ix. 71b. Chcfter.on church, Huntingdonlh. Nero, C. ix. 157 b. Chetwode, (Ric.) Jul. C. iii. 104. Cheyne, (Sir 1 ho.) Treafurer, Cal. D. viii. 210, 213, 213, 217, 219, 224, 223. ix. 179, 180, 182, 185, 187, 213. E. ii. 144. Galba, B. xii. u, 119. Cheyne, (Tho.) Vesp.F. xiii. 133 b. Cheyny, (Sir Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 24. Chicheley, (Hen.) Abp. of Canterb. Vesp. F. xiii. 29. Cleop. C. iv. 139, 20-. E. iii. s7 . Chichefter, (Arthur) Tit. B. x. 171, 183, 191, 203, 211, 224, 242, 247, 253, 378. Tn. B. xii. 594. C. vii. 55. Chichefter, (R. Bp. of) a grant, Nero, C. iii. 181 b. China, (Map of) Auc. i. Vol. ii. 43. Chirk and Cliirkeland manor, Jul. B. xii. 249. Chifiiolm, (Will.) Bp. of Dumblane or Dumbritayne, Cal. C. iii. 55. D. i. * 53 - Cholmeley, (H.) Galba, D. ii. 121. Cholmeley, (Sir Rich.) Cal. B. ix, 415. Chrift, (names of) with illuftrat. Vesp. A. xxv. s 2 b. de Chrifto et Ecclefia: Verfus, Tit. A. xx. 168 b. Chriil-Church, Canterb. vid. Canterbury. Chrift-Church, Oxon. Jul. C. v. 216. Chriftian II. IC. of Denmark, Nero, B. iii. 72 . 74 » 77 > 80, 81, 85, 87, 88, 90. Vesp. F. iii. 74.. Chriftian III. K. of Denmark, Nero, B. iii. 132, 146. Vesp. F. iii. 75, 75 b. Chriftian IV. K. of Denm. Nero, Ii. iv. 4, 6,7,38, 45 b. 47 b. 51, 59, 63, 67, 71, 81, 91, 219 b. 289, 295. v. 28,44, 153 b. 193 b. 234, 237, 268, 324. Galba, E.i. 364. Vesp. F. iii. 70.- Tit. C. vi. 157. Chriftian I. Elcdb of Saxony, Galba, D. ix. 43,48, 54. Chriftian I. Pr. of Anhalt Bernburg, Cal. E. viii. 534, 536, 549, 56S, 570, 572. Chrillianus, (Lago) Jul.C. v. 4 b. Chrilline, daughter of Chriftian If. K. of Denm. Vesp.F. iii. j 6 . Chrillina, Dfs. ofLorrain, Tit. B. ii. 154. Chriltophef, Marquis of Baden, Galea, B. xi. 366. Chriftophcr, D.of Brunfw. Abp. of Bremen, Vesp. F. iii. 107 b. N' D E X. Chriilopher Count of Oldenburg, Nero, B. iii. 150 b. Chriilopher, D. of Wirtemberg, Vest. F. iii. 96. Chriilopher, (Don.) of Portugal. Nero, B, i. 278, 282. Chriltoval, (D, ) Ca l. E. .V. 259. Chronica nniverfilis 5c annalcs, Jui. A. i. 43. B. iii. 24. D. vii. 61, 127 b. viii. 22 b. E. vi. Tib. A. \i. 1. C.xi. 125 b. E. viii. i, 7. Cal, A. xii. 1. xiii. 1. B. v. 337. Claud. C. i\. 1. Nero, A. viii. 1. C. vii. 215. D. ii. 1, 203. x. 107. Galba, E. vii. 4. V1 tEl. A. x. 1. xiii. S8b. xx. 109 b. Otjbo. B. iii. C. iii. 1. Ix. 198 b. Vest. A. ii. 41. xxii. 1 b. 8. B. xi. 132. D.; 1 53. I 22 b. 1 1. Tit. D. iii 8. xl\, 1. Clf.op. A. vii. 1. B. iv. 22, 43. D. i\. 2. Faust. A. viii. 119 b. B i. 11. vi. 41. vii. 18. Chronica monnchi cujufdam de Coggcfhal, D. x, 37 . Chronica paucorum, Jul. D. v. 13. de fynchronifmis, Jul. F. vii. 41. is, Jul. J Clironicon Saxonicum, Tin. B. i. 113 b. iv. 1, 87. Chronicon f.-.crum, Faust. B. iii 18. HclinanJi Chron. Claud. B. i.-:. 1. Tratfl. de tempore, Vitel. A. i. 209. Series Annor. fee. LXX.intcrp. Faust. B. vii. 26 b. Dilim&io teAporis, Clsop. B. x. 115 >. de Compute Chronologico, 'Fib. A. iii. 63 b. Cal-. A. xv. 63 b. 65 b. 124, 126, 140. Chrcno!- gicul Tracts, J v 1.. B. xiii. 41. D. ii. 3. Tic. A. iii. 41 b. Cal, A. xv. 128 b. 135 b. Nero, A. ii. 32 b. iv. 77. C. v. 16 b. Vitel. A. ■ . t J t. 37 b. Vest*. D. vi. 69 b. xiv. 218 b. xix. 70. Tit. D. iii. 91 b. xii. 43. xxvi. 3. xxvii. 25 b. 30. Cleop. A.x. 1 b. B. ix. 26. D. iii. 59. Faust. B. vi. 65. Chryfogoni, (Card.) vid. Callello. Sententia, Nero, A. ii. 34 b. ( Chyineus, (Dav.) Jul. C. v. 23. Cialuif, (a deed of) Auc. ii. 17. Ciho, (Jn. Card, del, Vi .-el. B. -.ii. 72. Ci . M. ru’l.) Somnium Scipionis, Faust. C. i.6-. Exccrpia, Jui. F. vii. i 2+ . Vbsp. E. viii. 124. Index- operum, Jul. F. vii. 66b. C tgoni, (Matha de) Clericus, Nero, C. iii 83 . Cinque-Ports, charters, ftatute?, &c. Jul. B. iv. Galba, E. iv. 2z, 23. Onto, E. iv. 87. Cleop. C. vii. 53, 55. Faust. C, ii. 23. Services due by them, Claud. C. ii. Number of (hips belonging to them, Otho, E. ix. 142. Circuits, (Charges of Judges on) Faust. C. ii. 150. Ciftercian order, (Bulls for) Aye. ii. 120. ,2l} > * 33 » 1 54 - Nero, C. iii. 1S3, 1S4. Reguls, Nep.o, A. xi. 1. Buds de iuribu? cj.Edem, Vitel. E. v. •93 - Yesp. A.xvi. 17. Ejufdein Abbatve, Yesp. A. vi. 54 b. Fa u; r. B. vii. 36. Cities, (origin of) Ot h o, D. iv. 183. Citolini, (Aildl’and.) Galba. D. ii. 317. Civil I.ill, (charges of) TiT.B.iv. 275. Civillc, (Fr. de) Galba, C. vii. 303. x. 235. Claerh.igen, (Col. Julian) Galba, C. xi. 270. D. iii. 320.33S. Clanrickard, (E. of) vid. Burgh. Claramcnr, vid. Hugo. Clare, (Gilbert de) E. of Glouceiler, Tit. B. xi. 319. Clare, (Ric. de) Com. Glouceft. compofitio, Vitel. A. viii. 7. Clare, (Tho.de) Ti r. B. xi. 86. Clarence, vid. Plantagenet. Clarencicux, vid. Benoit. Clarendonite conilitutioaej, Vitel. E. xi. 262. Clarud et de Checzze, (Micii.de) Vesp. F.i. .17. Claude, (Q^ of Fc.) wife of Francis I. Cal. D. vi. 260. Vesp. F. iii. 23. Her coronation. Tit. A. v.iE Claudianus, (Claudius) Carmina, Tit. D. xx. 136. Claver, (John) Tit. B. viii. 307. Claye, (Wm.) Galba, B. x. 96. Clee, (Wm.) a recognizance, Galba, B.ix. if 8. Clemens, (S.) Epiftofae, Vesp. A. xv. Clement,. . . . P. Tit. A. xix. 96. Clement Iii. P. Epift. Claud. E. viii. 3. Faust. B, i. 204b. Clement V. P. Bulla-, Auc. ii. no. Cleop. E.i. 243b. 246, 255. Clemens VI. P. Cleop. E. ii. 59, 64. Clement VII. P.( Julius dc Mcdicii>)Lett. &c. Vitel. B. ii. 35 b. 64 b. 76, 82 b. 104b. i2i, 144b. 149 b. 163, 167. iii. 66, 109, 119 b. 222. iv. 53 b. 98 b. 114, 115, 209. v. 12, 25 b. 92 b. 124 b. 177, iSob. iSg b. vi. 12, 233 b. viii. 28, 59,119. ix. 87,111 b. 123, 132, 202, 207 b. 218. x. 6, 97, 130. xi. 138, 136, 203, 220, 247. vi. 133, 144, 146, 150, 164, 170, 198. Tit. B. xiii. 560, 563. Bulla, Nero, B. vii. 7. Clem t VIH. P. GAt ba, D. i s. 252b. B. xiii. 468, 575. dentine, (Ronald) Abbas de Flavigni.de Ilt’gonoti: occiiis, carmen, V e-p.F. v. 5°3* Clere, ("-ir John) Otho, E. ix. S3. Clcrici : de eorum vellitu, Nero, A. i. 101 b. M.nrimonio, Vitel. A. x. 137. 0..;cio, Nero, A. i. 126 b. 129, 130, >3 !• O.dinatione, Nero, A. i. 181, 1S1 b. ^ • 1.) Galba, C. . j. 170. iv. 163. Clerk, ( i ihn Bp. c f ii uh, Mall r of the Rolls. Lett. (1521.) Vitel. E. iv. 100, 117, 1 -V. 132, 136, 1 I 1 ; 1 . 1 , I 165, 181, 185, 206,210. 1522 ; \ ! 'EL. B.V. ,, Ij, 15,33.36,31.47, 50,53. (1523.) Vitel. B. v. 125, 178, 201, zio, 216, 224, 225, 229, 2 37 — Vitel. B. vi. 1 , 3, 8, 19, 25, 42, 4S, 64, 73 b. 98, 132, 163, 167, 177, 180,198,203,208, 228,235, 244, 254, 237.—(1525.) Cal. D. ix. 97, 103. Vitel. B. vii. 7, 15, - ;o , 43, 66, 84, 1 ca, M2, 120, 133,151, 160, 165, 175, 178, 182,184, 1 87, 19 j * (1526.) Cal. D. ix. 235,237,244, 248, 250, 252,254, 235, 256, 260, 262, 268,279,284, 292 .(fii e Cj iii. 49. Vitel. B. iv. 172. Vesp. C. xiv. 201. Clerk, (Dr.) Galba, D. i. 132 b. Clerkenwell, (Priorat. B. Maria:de) Regiil. Cart. Jul. C. vi. 243. Faust. B- ii- 4- (Exccrpta ex libro monial. de) Vesp. B. xv. 42. Cleiks to the Star-chamber and Chancery, Tit. B. v. 208. ingthem) Tit. B. i. 191. Clerks of the Peace, Sec. Tjt. B iii 71 v. 286. Clerks, (Ordersconcerning Office) Cllop. A. xvi. 49 b. - .... Pgri , . Cal. B.ix. 96, x. 85. Cleveland' (de Ardiidi.-.c.) Vitel. A. ii. 129. Cleves, (D. of) vid. John William. Clifford,;F. Ld.) Jul. C. iii. 1-2. - ■ 1 C . Cal. B. j. , 111-114,173,212. vii. 59. \ esp. F. xiii. 84 b. Clifford, (R. dc) Auo.ii. 14. Clifford, (Rich.) Bp. of Worcdler and London, Galba, B. i. 112. Cleop. E.ii. 359. Clifford, (eir Thomas) Cal. B. i. 133. iii. 1S2, 1S3, 223, 271, 2S2. vii. 207, 216. 230. Clifford, (SirWill.de) Vesp. F. vii. 86. Clifcon, (Cath.) Jul. C. iii. 32 b. C'ilton, (Wm.) Vitel. B. xxi. 163. C'iimata mundi, Jul. D. vii. 46. Ciinton, (Edw. Lord Ld. Adml. Tit. B. ii. 449- Clinton, (Edward) E. of Lincoln, Vest. F. vi- 64* 79> 84, 91,98, 100. Clinton and bay, (Edward K. of Lincoln) Lord Admiral, Ca l. B. ix. 1 i i. Gal¬ ba, C. iii. 148. Otho, E. viii. 240. Clinton, (Tho.) Vesp. F.xiii. 322. Clocman, (Cailos) Vesp. C. viii. 31 7. Cloon, (John) his pardon. Tit. B. i. 215 a. Cloth manufaflcry, Yesp. F. ix. 285. v'. 169. Tit. B. v. 187, 244, 279, 292, 314. Clovefho, Concilia ibid. Auc. ii. 61, -8. Claud. D. ii. 25 b. 26, 26 b. 27. Cloughe, (Rich.) fervant to Sir Th. Gra¬ ham, Galba, B. xi. 264. Cluno, (Tho. de) grant of the Barony of Offalye, Tit. B. xi. 46. Cobliam, (Anne) Cal. E. vii. 194. Cobham, (Sir Henry) Cal, B. ix, 414. C. v. 126. ... , 113. viii. 1 E. vii. 143. 156, 157, 175. 1 So. if-’,. igO, I99, 201, 207, 212, 22|, 22.-. Galba, C. iv. 65, 7o.vi. P. 11. 68, F. vi. 5,7,10,11,13,45, - . 5 r, •„ 106. Otho, It. iv. \’esp. C. vii. 328. F. xiii. 285 b. Cobham, (John) Nero, B, vi. 332. Cobham, (Win.) Galba, C. iii ;$2. Vesp. F. xii. 168. I N n te X. Cobham, (Ld.) vid. Brooke. Cockayne, (Rich.) Nero, B. vii. 219- Cockburn, (A.) Judice Clerk, Cal. D. 11. 236. Cockburn, (Robt.) Bp. of Dunkeld, Cal. B. i. 77. 83, 93, 99- Vitel. B; ix. 153 * Cockburn, (Capt-) Cal. C. iv. 106. Cockins, (Hen.) Jul. F. vi. 38 b. Cal. C. iv. 249, 256, 261. v. 6, 16, 20. Cocks, (John) Canon ofSarum, Commiflion, Vitel. B. ix. 128. Codenham Monad. Yorkfh. foundation, Nero, C. iii. 207. Codere, (.•••) concerns with Ant. Bacon, Nf.ro, B. vi. 290, 395. Codington Manor, Nero, C. ix. 148. Coenwulf, K. of Mercia, charters, Auc. ii, 10,26,74, 75,77, 87, 96, 97, 98- Coevorden, (Plan of) Auo.i.vol.ii. no. Cceuvre, (M. de) Nero, B. vi. 310. Cogan family, (grants to) Tit. B. xi. 92. Cogan, (Juliana) Tit. B. xi. 6t. Cogan, (Robt. Fitz-Geofiry) Tit. B. xi. 215 b. 218. Cogan, (Robt. Fitzgerald) Tit. B.xi.217. Coggelhal, (Monad.) Tib. E. Lx. Coins. On Roman coins, Jul. C. v. 27, 230. Tib. E. viii. 219. Nero, D. x. 101. Cittal. of, and Notes on, Saxon Coins, Otho, E. x. 171. Tit. B. vi. 239. de valore monetar. Nero, C. ii. 49. Livre des nionnoyes, Tib. D. ii. 1, 4 '- dc tonfura nionetx, Cleop. C. vii. 9. Comparifon between Englilh and Flcmilh coins, Galba, C.ix. 218 b. —... . .and Scottilh coins, J ul. F. vi. 1S9. Otho. E. x. 241. .-- and French coins, Otho, E. x. 297, 302. On copper and fmall coins, Otho, E. x. 303, 304, 306, 312 b. 313, 314, 318, 325, 327, 328 b. 331. On black money, Ot ho, E. x. 329. Mi (cell. Jul. F.vi. 176. Otho, E. x. 161, 174,234 b. 301 b. Tit. B. i. 311. v, 205. Cleop. A. xvi. 38, 46,51, 53 : vid. Currency, Mint, Money. Coke, (Sir Edw.) of prohibitions & modus decitnandi, Faust. D. vi. charges againd him. Tit. C. vii. 20. anfwers thereto, Vitel. C. xvii. 392. aifcharged from the Com. Pleas, Tit. C. vii. 30. Mifcell, Tit. B. vii. 439. Cleop. F. ii. 467. Coke, (Edw.) Lett. Jul. C. iii. 94. Coke, (John) Galba, B. x. 40, 72. Colay ward, (....) Jul. C. iii. 135. Colchedcr (Monad. Marianusapud) deillius fundatione, Nero, D. viii. 345. Cpldinghamlh. granted to Durham, Cal. B.vii. 290. Tit. F. xiii. 16, J7. Qole, (Hen.) Nero, B. vi. 145, 168. C.oligni, (Gafpard de) Mareflial de Cha- tillon. Cal. D. vii. 211, 221. E. iv. 3, xii. 410. Vesp. F. vi. 23, 78. Coligni, (Lotiile de) Prfs. of Orange, Galba, C. viii. 1S0, 187. D. vii. 103 b. Coligni. (Odet de) Card, de Chatillon, Comte de Beauvais, Cal. E. vi. 45, 86 *. 96, 97, 100, 104, 108, 133, * 35 - Collingwood, (Cuthbert) Cal. C. ix. 241, 440. Collins, (Edm.) Nero, B.xi, 196. Collis, (Bonif.) Vitel. B. iii. 75. Colmanj (Chridopher) Cal. B. viii. 176. Colman, (Tho.) Vitel. B. ii. 126 b. 185. iii. 82. Colme, (St.) vid. Cofme. Colne, (Excerpta ex regidro Monad.) Tib. E. ix. Vf.sp. B. xv. 56. Cologn, Chron. Archiep. Tit. D. xxv. 66 . Magidrates, Nero, B. ix. lio, 113. Galba, B. xi. 427. D. ix. 73. Chapter, Gai.ba, D. .xiii. 89. Electors, vid. Gebhard Truchfefs, Erncft of Bavaria. Colonna, (Ant. de) Pr. of Salerno, Vesp. F. xii. 6 b. Colons, (Prolpcro) Vitel. B v. 64. Colonna, (...) Card. Vitel. B. iii. 227 b. Collucii, (Lini) Salutati de Stignano. Epif- tolte. Cal. A. xvi. 64. Cleop. C. v. 182 b. Colurnbani, (Beat.) verfus, Jul. D. ii. 165. Colville, (John) Cal. C. vii. 6, 24b. 33 b. 37 b. 114, 164,256*, 257, 276. viii. 36 b. 77, 12S, 135, 170, 17», 172, 174. D. i. 451. Colville, (....) Cal. E. x. 242, 280, 289. Coly, (Lancel.) Vitel. B. iii. 137 b. Combats, (concerning) Vesp, C. xiv. 568, 569, 570. Faust. E. v. 4. vid. Duels. Combermere, (Abbatia de) fundatio, F a ust. B. viii. 124 b. Combes, (John) Galb a, D. iv. 125. Combis, (Bertrand) Nero, B. vi. 368. Comedor, fc. le Mangcur, (Pierre) Bible- hydauriaus. Append, v. Comets, Jul. F. xi. 149. Cleop. C. iv. 113 b. Commines, (Phil, de) Vesp. F. ix. 298. Commillions and Grants, (Regider of) 1551-3. Jul. B. ix. Common places, Jul. F. vii. 6 9. Common places of date. Tit. B. ii, 96. Como, (N. Card.) Cal. C. ix. 93. Compagni, (Bat.) Tit. B. vii. 178. Compton, (John) Vesp. F. xiii. 25. Compton, (Wm.) Earl of Northampton: Grants, Append, xxviii. 118. Computo, (Tabula &c. de) Tib. A. ix. 102. Vitel. A. xii. 84, 98. (Varia de) Jul. A. vi. 1. Vesp. A. ii. 11, 25 b. 27. B. vi. 103, 104, 105. Cleop. B. ix. 26. vid. Chronologia, Pafchalis, Ecclefiadi- cus. Concealments, (enquiry concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 243 b. Concilia, Vitel. A. xvii. 16 b. de illorum auttoritate, Cal. A. i. 94 b. 160. Generalia quatuor, Vesp. A. xvi. 14 b. Conclave, A° 1513. Vitel. B. ii. 46b. Conde, vid. Bourbon. Confalloniere, (J. B.) Cal. D. ix. 301. Confeflio ipfius ordo. Tin. C. vi. 23. Confedio peccatorum, Vesp. D. xv. 68, 69 b. E. i?i. 113. Varia de confeflione, Tib. A. iii. 92b. Cal. A. ii. 67 b. Tit. A. xviii. 1. Confediana'.e, Cal. A. i. 22;: Congregation, (Council of) indrudlions; Cal. B. ix. 85. Coninus, (L.) Galea, D. vii. 333. Conixloo, (Adr. van) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 337 . 339 - Connaught, (Province of) Tit. B. xi: 598, 621, 639. xiii. 399, 411. Connock, (Ric.) J u l. C. iii. 49, S5 b. Cond, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 25: Condabularius Anglia, Nero, D. ii. 252. Vssp. C. xiv. 97. Tit. C. i. padim. FausT. E. iv. 4; Hisoffice, Dom. xviii. 23. Condableof France, Cal. E. xii. 117. Condable, (H.) Cal. E. xi. 84. Conllable, (Sir Robt.) Marlhal of Berwick; Cal. C. v. 59 b. viii. 293, Condable, (Robert) Cal. B. ix. 409*, 411,412,413. Galba, B. x. 70b. D. xiii. 90. Condantienfis coneilii ordinationes, Nero, E. v. 1. Condantinopoli; sexta synoJus ibi ton- gregata, Claud. B. v. Account of, Nero, B. xi. 184. Englilh ambadadors and agents at, Nero; B. xi. 123, 126, 2C2. Intelligence from, Nero, B. xi. 263, 269, 271. Condancini M. Imp. privilegium eccl. Rom; concediun. Tit. D. xix. 49. Coridantinui P. Epid. Cleop. E. i. 62. Condantyn, (Galfrid de) Grant to, Tit. B. xi. 62. Conditutiones varia ecclefiad. Vitel. A. ii. 28, 73 b. 75 b. 82 b. 83 b. 86 b. 89, 94,107, 110. Conditutiones fynodales, Vesp. E. iii. 145. Conditutiones Impp. cum Rom. Pontif. Tit. D. xix. 56. Conditutiones fapientum, Saxon. Claud. A. iii. 33 b. Conditutiones quxdam, Saxonice, Ni.ro, A. i. 71, 93 b. 96 b. 100, 102, 119 b; 123- Contempt, (proceedings for) Vesp. C. xiv. 108. Conti, vid. Bourbon. Conway, (Sir John) Jul. F. vi. 60b. Galba, C. ix. 73, 291. xi. 104, 117. D. i. 149, 176, 181, 184, 237. ii. 87, 125, 170. iii. 46, 181, 183. v. 75. Tit. B. vii. 92. Cotiyers, (Chridoph. Ld.) Vesp. F. xiii. 123- Anne his Wife, Vesp. F. xiii. 123. Conyers, (Wm. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 110. Coo, (Chridopher) Cal. B. vi. 77. Cookery, (Traft on) Jul. D. viii. 88. Coornhert, (Franz. Volcherts) Galba, C. iv. 41, 120. Cope, (Walt.) Jul. C. iii. 33 b. .39b. Copley, (Tho.) Cal. E. vii. 23. Galba, C. V. 211. Coppyll, (John) Vesp. F. vii. 105. Corbec’non, (Jehan) Livre des proprietes, Aug. vi. Corbeil, (Treaty of) Cal. B. v. 59. Corbet, (Robt.) Galba, C. v. 170, 200. Corboyl, (Will.) Archiep. Cant. Epid. ad. Conventum Wigorn, Claud. A. i, 36 b. Cordell, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xii. 112. Corke, (Tho.) Tit. B. vii. 454. Corn trade, Vesp. C. xiv. 346,574. Tit B. iv. 169. v. 291. Faust. C. ii 151- Corn, (SirCha.) Tit- C. vii. 114. 7 2 i N D E X. Come, (Cornelius) Galba, C. xi. 234. * Cornelius, (Fr.Cnrd.) Vitel. B. x. ici. Cornelius, (M. Card.) Vrt tu B. vi. 90. Cornubenfis, (Michael) vid. Michaeli*. Cornwales, (Ciia.) Jul. C'. iii. 136 b. Cornw.ileys, (Cha.) Tit. B. x. zjS. Cornwall. Antiquities Vitel. C. x. 220. Earls, Jul. F. vii. 207 b. Gentry, F.\usr. E. iii. State of the ports, Otho, E. xi. zz (. Coalt, Awe. i. Vol, i. 6. Cornwallis, (Sir Charles) Copy Books of his riegociations and correlpondence dur¬ ing his embafly ?n Spain, 1605-9. Vest. C. v. ix. x. xi. xiii. 593. Cornwallis, (C.) depofitions, Jul. F. vi. 46. Cornwallis, (Sir Joh.) Vitel.C. i. 65. Cornwallis, (Sir Tho.) Cal. B. ix. 8. Coronations: of Ric. I. Vest. C. xi'-. 127. 130. Hen. III. Vesp. C. xiv. 132. Eleanor, wife to Hen. III. Vesp. C. xiv. 141. Edw. 11. Vitel. C. xii. 231. Vesp. C. xiv. 116, 122. Hen. IV. Vesp. C. xiv. 133. Hen. V. Ti n. E. \ iii. 7 5. Hen. VI. in France, Tib. E. viii. 83, 85. AnneBoVyn, Vesp. C.xiv. 124. dc modo corona'.ionis, Tib. B. viii. 33, 79. E. viii. 43, 75,84, 93. Claud. A. iii. 7 b. 17. E. \ iii. 10 b. Nero, C. ix. 165. Vitel. C. xii. 232. Vesp. C. xiv. 125. Cleop.D. vii. 2. Coronation Oaths, vid. Oaths. Officers attending Coronations, Tib. E. viii. 33, 75, 193 b. Vesp. A. v. 1, 9, 12. C. xiv. n3, 1 iS, 119, 133. Things to be provided for Coronations, Vesp. C. xiv. 121. Coronation of Emperors, Cleop. C. iv. 151b. de unftione Regum, Dom. xiii. 105 b. roners, - cerninj Vi p C . iv. too. Corpus Chritli, vel S. Trinitatis Monaft. London. Crdinatio, Nero, C. iii. 174. Yana, Nero, C. iii. 180 b. 183 b. G . ( \nt. del’) G vlba, C. vi. P. ii. 340. Corfi, (Fra.) a Miffionary, Tit. B. viii. 221,239. . Corteliene, (Pierre) his depofition, Gal¬ ba, D. viii. 167. Cortez, (Juan) his Confeffion, Galea,D. ii. 91. Co fine, (Mens, dc St.) vid. Stuart Ld. Sc. Colm'e. Cofico I. D. of Florence, Vesp. F. iii. 51 b. 52, 53. Cofmographicaqu.vdam, Kero, D. i. 184. .Vesp. F..vii. r. Cofmologica. Ju: D.vii.46. Tib. D. \. 2. Vesp. E. iii. 151. Colivicus, ( John) Ca r . B. viii. 164. Cofyn. (James) i::s indictment, Cleop. E. iv. 527 b. Co ton a, (Ric. da Nobili di) Jul. C. iii. 150,. Cottages, Tit.B.v. 295. Cotungharo manor, Ju l. B. xii. 211b. ■Cottington, (Fra,) Jul. C. v. xc8. Tit. C.iv. 503. I Cotton, (Bartholom.de) MonacY Norvlc. Hid. A I -. . 1 Cotton family, Pedigree, See. Jul. C. vii. 229. Appln o, xxi.?. 7.' Amis, Claud. D. ii. paffim. Cotton, (Ferdin ) |ul. C. iii. 46. Cotton, (Fr.) Tit. B. iii. 129, 130, 15S. Cotton, (|ohn) \ ;-:sp. C. xiv. 277 b. Cotton, (P. ) a Jefuir, Cal. E. x. 250, 314. xi. 244. xii. 106. Cotton, (SirRobt.) Collection on the Revenue, Cleop. F. vi. On military affairs, Jul. C. iv. Cleop. F. vi. 1. ‘ _ On Duels, Tit. C. i. 201. On Precedency, Jug. C. . F. ix. 40. On the office of Marffial, Tit. C. i. 51 b. 169. Navy, Jul. F. iii. Otho, E. ix. 382. de commerces, Jul. F. vi. 124. A Difcnurfe on war with Spain, Vesp. C. xiii. 160. . Order to fupply a man and horfe, Tit. B. xiii. 576. Advice to Pr. Henry, to prefer peace to war, Cleop. F. vi. i. Account of a fupply of men, Otho, E. xi. 32. Fragments, Append.xxix. t. 1 d r of hio iv. Books, Fa vs t. C. : i 176. Letters to, Jul. C. iii. Cotton, (Tho.) Father to Sir Robert, G al- ba, C. iv. 251. vi. P. ii. 303, 311, 323, 338. vii. 24, 34, 40, 47, 57, S2, 89. 93, 144, 199, 204, 221, 225, 231, 246. ix. z2. Tit. B. vii. 28. Cotton, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 139. Cotton, (Tho. H.) Cal. C. iv. 81. Cotton, (Wm.) Bp. of Exeter, Jul. C. iii. 41- Cotton, (Wm.) Cal. C. iv. 208. Covel, (Ph. de) Jul. B.xii. 182. Coventry Sc Lichfield, (Hilt. Epifcopor. de) Cleop. D. i; 71 b. Coventry Abbey, Foundation, Claud. A. viii. 74. Coventry, (Taxatio Ecclefiar. in Decanatu) Nero, D. x. 193. (Didurbances at Tit. B. i. -6. Coventry, (Tho.) Ju l. C. iii. 140. Coverden, (plan of) Galba, E. i. 412. Covert, (Alex.) Nero, B. v. 250. Covert, (Humphry) Galba, E. i. 303. On copper coinage, Otho, E. x. 313. Council, (Lords of) vi J. Privy Council. Council in the North, vid. Borders. Count of the empire, (Rank of) Tit. C. vii. 14 b. Courcellcs, (....) negociation in Scotland, Cal. C. ix. 323, 414, 443 , 445, 446. Nero, B. vi. 352,353, 399. Courcy family, (Grants to) Tit. B. xi. 121, 133, 137. Courcy, (Gerald Ld.) Tit. B. xi. 299. Courcy, (James Ld.) Tit. B. xi. 230. Courcy, (Milo) Tit. B. xi. 131. Courcy, (Patrick) Tit. B. xi. 188, 301. Courcy, (Wm.) Tit. B. xi. 164, 244. Courfon, (Robt. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 142. Courteney, (Hen.) Marq. of Exeter, Vesp. F. xiii. 97. Courteney, (Hugh) E. of Devonffiire, VEsr. F. xiii. 29. Extenta foedor. 0 1 ho, D. iv. 70 b. Courten jr, (Phil, de) Jul. B. vi. 28. Courts of Law, Tit. B. iii. 218. Courts of Jullicc, (corruptions of) Vesp. C. xiv. 110. Coufin, (John) Faust. C. ii. 50. Cowevill, (Robe.) Cal. C. viii. 205. Cowley, (Robt.) Tit. B.xi.401. Cowper, (Tho.) Bp. of Wine heller, Otho, E. xi. 196. Vesp. F. xii. 187. Cowper, (Tho.) Bp. of Lincoln, Vesp.C. xiv. 53,. Cowpland, (N.). Jul. F. vi. 405. Cowthwe 11, (R.ubt.) Cleop. K. vi. 27 - b. Cowycke, (Rouland) Ti t. E. xii. 34 b. 3 Coxe, (Her.) Galba, D. iii. 107. Cragii . ( Me.) Ni ro, li. iii _, . > ,02 > ,2! - 123. 223, 233, 235, 2 44 , 24.4 b. 274, 303 b. Crahar.ges, (Baron de) Cm b.\, C. \. a -z. Craig is, (John) a Sermon, Cab. C. ix. 20. Cr • •. : . f 1 . C. iii. j 3 7. Cranky, (Tho.) Archbp, of Dublin, Tir. B. xi. 19. Cranmer (Thomas) Archbp. of Canterb. His fentence of divorce of Hen. viii. and Cath. Ti r. B. L 71. His confeffion. Tit. A. xx:v. 87 *. Letters, &c. Cai.. B. vii. 41 >. Or no, C. 166, 226. Wif. D. ;i, Vesp, F. xiii. 73 I). 79 b. Cleop. E. IV. 212. V 1 . : . |. 2 12, 292,329b. vi. |8l, 252, 233b. F, i. 260. C I , ( . Crafpey 5, (C is pifeis) I Cratfield, (Wm.) Abbot of St. Edmund, his regirter, Tib. B. ix. Crawford, (E. of) vid. Lindfay. CicJiton Biihoprick, Aug. ii. 31. Creed, (Apoilles) Jul. A.vii. 121. Creighton, or Critton, a Scotti!h Jefuir, Jul. F. vi. 53, 130. Creiton, (James) Ca l. E. xi. 241. Crciton, (Wil.) Confeffion, Galba, C. s. 339 b * Crcquy. ( de) G a l e a, B. v. 136, 192. Creffivcll, (Jofepli) a Jcfuit, Jul, F. vi. 46. Cal. E. xi. 93. Vesp. C. xiii. 207. Ciichton, (George) Bp. of Dunkcld, Cal. B. vii. 115. Cridienfis Eccl. Epifcopi, Tib. B. v. 20b. Critton, (Wm.) Cal. E.x.331. Croc, (. . . . la) Mifccl. concerning him. Cal. C. iii. 156,219,243,245,262 2 75> 3 1 9* 344- His credentials, Cal. C. iii. 182. Inllruflion, Cal. C. iii. 295. Crocus (Ric.) an Joh. Flandrenlls? Y:tf:. B. xiii. b. 26, 42, 47, 49, 54, 55, (Ji, 64, 67 b. 69, 70) 72, 73, 74. 75 b. 76 b. 77,79b. Sob. 81 b. 82b. 83 b. 86b. 89* 94. 95, 99b. 101 b. 103,111. Croft, (Gabriel) Cal. B. ix. 395. Croft, (Herbert) Tit. li. vii. 456. Croft, (Jac.) Jug. F. vi. 183. Croft, (Sir James) Cai.. B. vii. 425. ix. 72. G ■,lba, D. ii. 3. Vesp. C. vii 454. viii. 28. vid. Sadler. Croft, (John) Gai b a , {!. i, 4., 45, 49. - Crokyflen, (Abbat.) in Stafford : nomu.z Monach. Faust. B. vi. 92. Crol, (Lambcit) Gai.b a, C. vii. 235. Crompton, (Barbara) Jul. C. iii. ics Crompton, (Tho. Jul. C iii 59. i Cromwell, (Eliz.) Vesp. F. xiii. 157- Cromwell, (Gregory) fon to the E. of Eflex, Tit. B.i. 352. Cromwell, (Sir Oliver) Cal. E. x. iiz. Cromwell, (Rauf) Petition, Vesp. F. iii. 9. Cromwell, (RaufLord) Vesp. F. xiii. 33 b. Cromwell, (Rich. Lord) Vesp.F. xiii. 41. Cromwell, (Rich.) Cleop. E. k. 204 b. Cromwell, (Tho.) E. of Eflex, N f. ro, B. vi. 5. Galba, B.x. 35,338. Otho, C. x. 24Z. Vitel. B. xxi. 133, 147, 159. Vesp. F. xiii. 105 b. 154. Tit. B. i. 257,407,415,489. Cleop. E. iv. 7, 44, 85*. v. 48, 172, 302. Append. xxviii. 31. Attainder, Tit. B. i. 503. Cromwell, (J.) Jul. C. iii. 106 b. Crooke, (John) Otho, E. ix. 132 b. Crophall, (Rich, de) Tit. C.x.6. Crofs, (holy)invention of, Jul. D. vi. 73 b. Tib. A. vi. 37. Dom. ix. 83. Crotall, (John) Tit. B.iv. 240. Crown lands: Adis for their refumption, Jul. B. xii. Z03. Suits concerning, Vesp. F. ix. 197. Mifcell. Tit. B.iv. 127, 236,238, 240, 250, 268, 29S, 319, 320. v. 260, 284, 307. Append, xviii. 78, 82. Woods, Tit. 11 . iv. 289b. 291. v. 192. Croy, (Adr. de) Cal. D. vii. 116. Galb a, B. v. 284. vi. 189. Vitel. B. vi. 22, 74 b. 81 b. 217, vii. in. Croy, (Anne de) Dfs. of Aremberg, Gal- ba, D. ii- 214. Croy, (Charles de) Prince of Chimay, Galba, B. iii. 137. vi. 53, 66. vii. 274. Vesp. C. i. 145 b. 291 b. Croy, (Ch. Phil, de) Marq. de Havre, Tit. B. vii. 246. Croy, (Chicvres de) Galba, B. v. 283, ' 3 0 3 b - Croy, (H. de) Galba, B. vi. 70, 140, 224 b. Croy, (Phil, de) Galba, C. v. z, 143. vi. P. ii. 258 b. Croy, (Phil.de) Ducd’Arfchott, Galb a, C. vi. P. i. 105, iii. P. ii. 257 b. Tit. B. vii. 54, 248, 255, 322, 373, 409. Croy, (Will, de) Ld. of Chicvres, Vitel. B. iv. 50 b. Croy, (....) Galb a, B. v. 382 b. Croydon Callle near Breft, (plan of) Cal. E. ix. 276. Taking of it. Cal. E. ix. 211. Croyland Abbey, (Arms of) Jul. F.ix. 4. (Gul. Abbas de) vita S. Neoti, Claud. A. v. 145 b. (John, Abbot of) Cleop. E.iv. 57 b. VitxAbbatumcjufdemMonafterii, Vesp. B. xi. 76. Crucis, (Card. Sc*) vid. Caravaial. Cuerarde, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 125b. 132 b. CufFc, (H.) Tit. C. vii. 58,69. Cumba, (Monad. B. Mari* de) Liber Chartar. Vitel. A. i. 32. Cumberland, (E. of) vid. Clifford. Cummiani Epiftola, Vi tel. A. xii. 76. Curicl, (Alonzo de) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 3 > 3 - Curielis, (Hier.) Galba, C. iii. 153. Curl, (Eliz.) depofitions, Cal.C. ix. 21. Curl, Mifccl. Jul. F. vi. 42 b. Cal.C. ix. 265 b. D. i. 89 b. Currency, (Mifc. concerning) Otho, E. x. 19, 144, 148, 151, 152, 155, 161. I N D E X. Curfon, (John) Vesf.C. xiii. 322. Curfitor of the King’s Bench, Tit. B. v. 302. Curfor 0’World, a poem, Vesp. A. iii. Curwen, (Fam.) Pcd. Jul. F. vi. 329. Curwin, (Hugh) Abp. of Dublin, Tit. B. xiii. 106. Cufa, vid. Nicolaus. Cufack, (John) Tit. B. xiii. 379. Cufake, (Sir Tho.) Vesp. F. xii. 94, 103. Cuflodes regni, Vesp. C.xiv. 145. Culloms, Galb a, B. x. 228, 245. C. i. 93, 94, 149, 223. ii. 168, 297. iv. 187, 203. Otho, E.x. 138. Vesp. C.xiv. 7, 331, 421. Tit. B. iv. 208, 300. v. 293, 311, 387. Faust. C. ii. 114 b. 116. Cuthberti, (Sci.) vita et mirac. Claud. A. i. 123 b. 124b. Nero, A. ii.45, 85. ViTEL.A.xix. Tit. A. ii. 134, 148,158. Portatio corporis, Dom. viii. 8 b. Prophetia, Tit.D.xv. 59 b. Cuthred, K. of Kent, Aug. ii. 87, ioo. Cutts, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 94 b. Cuylenbarch, (Floris Count de) Galba, D. ii. 123. Cynethrita, a deed, Auc. ii. 19. Cyphers, Cal. B. viii. 288.ix. 314 b. C. iii. 100b. E. viii. 218, 224. Galba, C. vi. P. i. 147 b. D. iii. 284. vii. 2S4 b. xi. 235. xii. 274. E. vi. 346, 357. Vi¬ tel. B. xiii. 188. xiv. 219. xx. 4. Vesp. C. vii. 99 b. xiii. 268. Tit. B. ii. 178 b. vi. 245. Cypriani, (Sci.) Epifcop. Pcenitentia, Vesp. E. iii. 106. Teftimoniorum lib. 3. Cal. A. xv. 36 b. Cyrillus, (Scus.) Epifcop. Alexandria de ra- tione pafchali. Cal. A. xv. 93. Cyrin, (Manuel) Nero, B. i. 78. D. Dacia, (Jac. Nic. de) Poema in honorem Adamari Com. de Pembroke, Claud. A. xiv. Dackombe, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 107 b. Dacre, (Lord) Cal. B. vi. 427. Dacre, (Sir Chriftopher) Cal. B. iii. 73, 154. vi.420. viii. 365. Dacre, (Lady Elizabeth) wife to William Ld. D. daughter to the E. of Shrew f- bury. Cal. B. ii. 178. vi. 135. vii. zoi, 203. Dacre, (Francis) Cal. D. i. 281, 293, 433 - Dacre, (Sir Philip) Cai.. B. vi. 419, 421. Dacre, (Tho. Lord) Letters. (1512.) Cal. B. iii, 2, 27. vi. 33.— (1513.) Cal. B. iii. 1, 11, 12, 23, 2 3 S- vi. 37, 41.—(1514.) Cal. B. i. 154. ii. 190. iii. 25. vi. 48.—(1515.) Cal.B. i. 15. ii. 1S3, 187, 292, 341, 369, 371. vi. So, Si, 82, 92, 93, 94b. no.—(1516.) Cal. B. i. 150. ii. 215, 315, 315 b. 317 b. 319. iii. 20, 32. vi. 99, 18i, 183, 184.—(1517.) Cal. B. i. 9, 243. ii. 331. iii. 9. vi. 163, 165, 167, 167 b. 168, 226.—(1518.) Cal. B. vi. 107 b.—(1519.) Cal. B. 2 ‘- 335 » 33 6 - ii'- 16.—(1520.) Cal. B- i. 3. ii. 194, 236 b. 237 b. 264, 333 -—( 1 S 2I 0 Cal. B. i. 13, 155. ii. 329. vi. 197, 197b. 200b. 215, 216, 228, zzS b. 230, 235.— (1522.) Cal. B.i. 11, 19, 21, 147, 157. ii. 310. 3 2 7 > 33 ? - ? 4 - vi. 132, 13a b, 205. 245, 245 b. 248, 276, 279 b. 419, 45 1 - v ‘i- * 37 > > 39 * > 4 °. 142,144b. 145, 148, 150. —(1523.) Cal. B. i. 1, 7. ii. 244, z66. iii. 10. vi. 3 2 4 -—( I 5 - 4 -) Cal. B. i. 5, 299. ii. 246, 376, 3S2. iii. 6,. 142. vi. 150, 152, 153, 153 b. 158. 444, 447.— (1525.) Cal.B. ii. 249.—(line A 0 ) Cal. B. i. 152. ii. 197, 248, 252, 2 5+» 374- vi. 162 b. Commiflion to. Cal. B. v. 69. Dacre, (William, Lord) Letters, Cal. B. i. 17. ii. 198, 379.- iii. 3, 30. vii. 28, 71, 102. Bonds of. Tit. C. x. 4. Dacres, bill of information againfl them. Cal. B. ii. 261. Dalby, (T.) Vesp. F. xiii. 162. Dalcafora, (Pet.) his fentence, Nero, B. i. 224 b. Dale, (Dr. Valent.) Cal. E. vi. 193, 340. Ga 1.ba, C. i. 86. Vi viii. 24, 32, 11 j, 165, 202. F. xii. 153. Tit. E. ii. +15--, 430, 433. Dale, (D.) Galba, D. iii. 360. Dalivyl, (Robt.) prophecy, Cleop. E. iv. 128 b. Damafus Papa, de Mifla, Cal. A. xv. 136 b. Damafi, epifeopi, Laus S. Pauli, Vitel. C. viii. 83- Damiano, (plan of the fiegc of St.) Aug. i. vol. ii. 3. Damtas, (J. Pereira) Nero, B. i. 125. Dance, (John) Otho, E. Lx. 52. Dance of death, (Hill, of) Vesp. A. xxv. 181. Danelaye, Nero, C. ii. 48 b. Dani qui regnum Francor. vaftaverunt, Tib. A. ix. 8 b. de gellis Danor. Faust. A. viii. 8j. Danielis (Sci.) vel pfeudo prophet*, ABC- darium, Tib. A. iii. 25 b. Lunaris, Tib. A. iii. 39, 63. Danvers, (Sir Hen.) Tit. B. xii. 517. Danville, Marefhal de France, Cal. E. vi. 274. Vesp. F. v. 208, 212,237. Danzxus, (Car.) Tit. B. vii. 282. Danzig, (Magillrates of) Nero, B. ii. 98, 117, I 23 > 1 39 * >44 b - z88 - D’Arcy family, pedigree, Dom. xviii. 91. D’Arcy, (Lord) Cal. B. ii. 323. D’Arcy, (Arth.) Cleop. E. iv. 240. D’Arcy, (E.) Itinerary through France, Cleop. B. vii. D’Arcy, (Tho. Lord) Cal. B. vii. 166, 218. Vesp. F. xiii. 127, 128. Doufabclla, his wife, Vesp. F. xiii. 127 b. Dares Phrygius de bello Trojano, Claud. B. vii. 214. Vitel. A. xiii. 90. C. viii. 1. Vesp. B. xxv. 98 b. Darius, (Silv.) his oath, as Papal colleflor, Vitel. B. iii. ijS. Lett. &c. Vitel. B. xi. 168, 1S4. Vesp. C. iv. 204, 253, 259, 265^ 279. Darnley, (Henry) K. of Scotland, vid. Stuart. Darrel, (Walter) on the privileges of the Tower, Vesp.C. xiv. 492. Darrel, (Wm.) Knt. of Rhodes, Or ho, C. ix. 27, 35. Dartmouth, chart of the haven, Aug. i. vol. i. 39. X. Dafhenus, (Per.) Gale a, C. iv. zi. Daventry priory, regjft. cart. Claud. D. xii. Davers, (Ch.) Tit. C. vii. 6. David Rex : de ejus pccr.itcntia, Vese. Di vi 70. David I. K. of Sc. Tit. F. xiii. 25. David Brace, Vest. C. xvi. 27, 34. F. vii. 3. 10 b. David Vicerbenfis, psoguofticatio, Vesp. E. vii. 109. Davids, (Sr.) de Archicp. Mcnev. qui pallium non geftarunt, Claud. E. viii. 76 b. Cleop. E. i. 99 b. Succeflio Epifcop. Dom. i. 153 b. rights of the church of, Vite l. C. x. 11. Davies, (Xic.) his examination, Otbo, E. viii. 330. Davies, (Wm.) Vesp. C. xiii. 314. Davis, (...) Jul. C. iii. 14. Davifon, (John) Cal. E.x. 296, 315, 330. Davifon, (William) Memorials, &c. prefer,ted in the Nether¬ lands, Galea, C. vi. P. ii. 57 b. 63, 109, 141, 165, 267. Inllructions on being fent to Scotland, Cal. C. ix. 31, 96. Appointment as Secretary of State, Vesp. C. xiv. 539. Letters, —(1576.) Galbi, C. v. 270 b. 279.— (1577.) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 94, i . III.—(1578. ■ C. vi. P. ii. S7, 83 b. 92, 105, 341. Tit. R.ii. 415. vii. 16.—(1579.) G al- e , C. vi. P. ii. 296, 310 b.—(1583.) Cal. C. vii. 70, 73, 104.—(1584.) Cal. C. viii. 33, 35, 37, 4I> 42 , 44 b - S3> 54* 57- 6i, 62,64,66, 67, 67*, 70, 74, 78, 8i, 83 b. 89, 91, 96, 97, 104-—(1585.) Galba.C. viii. 4> 33> 54* 46, 163, 172, 175, 178, 204, zi-. —(1586.) Galba, C. ix. 8 l. 263. x. 41. — (1587.) Cal. C. ix. 149.— (1590.) Galba, D. vii. 289. ( 1 597 *) G'-lea, D. xii. 130.—(fine A) Cal. C. Lx. 455b. Galba, C. vii. 119 b. Mifcell. Cal. C. ix. 470, 471. Tit. C. vii. 48. Daumont, (...) Galba, E. vi. 415 b. Dauphin, (rewards at the chriitening of his child,) Vesp. C. xiv. 76 b. D.uvtray, (John) Otho, E. ix. 78 b. Dawtry, (...) complaints of, Tit. B. xii. 283. Davy, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 32. Davys, (Jo.) Tit. B. x. 197. Dazambuto, (Fra. Hieron.) Galba, B. x. 77 b. Debatable Lands, vid. Borders. Decalogue, (a poem on the) Cal. A. ii. 56 b. Decern pr.Tceptn, Nero, A. i. 124b. JJecreta Rom. Pontif. Claud. D. ix. 1 b. E. v. 235 b. a creta . & C< ncil. \ e D. :i. 34. Dee, (John) Jul. C. iii. n, j 2 b. v. Life and mathematical and mifcel. works, V1 t e l. C. vii. Direftions for a voyage, Otho, E. viii. porrefli .nes in Sigeaerti chron. Vitel. C. ix. 2. 'Map of the N. hemifph. Auc. i, vol. i. 1. i \ T) F, Dee, (Brig of) Cal. D. i. 153. Deck, (Dcndenell de) Ve.iP. F. xiii. 12. Dclawar, (Ld.) vid. Weft. Delft, (Magiliratcs of) Galba, C. xi. >99- Demetrius, Emperor of Rufiia, Vesp. F. iii. 1 ’3' Demetrius, (Eman.) Jul. C. iii. 18, 23. Dena, (Rob. de) Nero, C. iii. 197. Denmark : Tran fa 61a inter Angliam et Da- nianv, Nero, B. iii. iv. v. Tit. C. vi : . 19b. 134., 136, 222. Englifh commiliioners for Danilb caufes, Nero, B. iv. Denton, (John) fervices performed in Ire¬ land, Tit. B. xii, 3. Deny, (The.) Tit. B. iv. 107. Deorum imagines. Tit. D. xx. 95. Derby. Valor Eccfefiar. in Archidiac. Nero, D. ; . Monaft. cartar. regift. Tit. C. ix.39; FeoJa, Jul. C. ii. 32. Derby, (F,. of) vid. Stanley. Derham, (May.) de nuptiis sacerdot. Tib. E. viii. 245. Dering, (Edw.) Jut. C. iii. 191. Demis Balbaw, Grand Vizier, Nero, B. xi. 282. Defmond, (Earls of) on their rebellion, &c. Tit. B. xi. 101, 107. xii. 107, 255. xi. i. 170, 195, 248, 552. Defmond, (Tho. E. of) his attainder, T 1 t. B. xi. 37jb. DefmonJ, (Si- Tho.) Vesp. F. xiii. 141. Defpencer, (Hugh le) proceftus contra ilium, Jul. B. xii. 148. Faust. B. i. 219. pars ejus honoris de Gloceft. Jul. B. xii. 173. Brevia pro terris, Jul. B. xii. 172. Varia, Nero, C. iii. 173, Vitel. C. x. 156. Vesp. F. vii. 5. Deflie and Defmond, (Lands of) Tit. B. x. 379. xi. 40. Dethick, (George) Garter K. of Arms, Cal. B. ix. 384*. Dethick, (Sir Gilbert) Faust. E. i. 10,31. Dethick, (Sir Wm.) Jul. C. iii.42. ix. 143. Ve.p. C. xiv. 393. Dethick, (Wm.) Garter K. of Arms, Tit. B. v. 85. Deventer, Galba, C. xi. 223. Surrender of, by York and Stanlev, Galba, C. xi. 132. Devereux, (Rich.) Cleop. E. iv. 212 b. 248, 250, 25 1, 263 b. Devereux, (Robert) E. ofEflex, concerning his marriage with Frances Howard, Vitel, C. xvi. 77. h:s intended duel with Ld. Hen. Howard, V esp. C. xiii. zi 1. Lett. Vesp. C. xiii. 288. Devereux, (Walter) E. of Efiex. Expedition into Normandy, Cal. E. viii. 76 b. Lett. tec. Cal. E. viii. 159, 173. Galba, D. i. i 4 i. ii. 127. Otho, E. ix. 304, 306, 319, 344. Vesp. F. xii. 203. Tit. B. ii. 355. C. vi. 143. His cypher, Galba, D. xi. 235. Commillions, Cal. E. ix. 362. Tranfadfions in Ireland, Jul. F. vL 198. Tit. B. xii. 437. xiii. 528, 539, 54*> 554- On his return from Ireland, Jul. F. vi. 123. Arraignment, Vitel. C. xvii 339. Confcllion, Tit. C. vii. 69. Death, Vitel, C. xvii. 341. Tit. C. vii. 68. Mifcell. Jul. F. vi. 423. Cal. E. xift 104, 108. Otho, E. ix. 284, 313. Vesp. C. xiv. 601. Tit. C. x. a,, 11. 15. 23, 30. Devereux, (Walter) rem0nftr2r.ee concern¬ ing Wales, Vitel. C. i. 67 b. Devereux, (Walter) Ld. Ferrers, Vesp. F. xiii. 98, 124. Devieofe, ( ... . ) Nero, B. vi. 2go . Devon, (E.) juL. C. iii. 188. Devonfliire, ftate of the county, Otho, E. xi. 2ZO. Gentry, Faust. E. iii. Coaft, Auc. i. vol. i. 6. Devotion, (Manual of) Tit. C. xix, Deury, (R.) vid. Drury. Deus-dedit, (Sens.)' Archicp. Vesp. E, xx*. 2-1- ^_ r ‘ *(...) Vesp. F. rift 3 \ Dcythifke, (John) Tit. B. xi. 396. Dir.ceto, (Camilla de) Galba, E. vii. - Diceto, \id. Radulphus. Dicuil, colleftanea, Vesp. E. vi. iSb Di61ionaria, vid. Lexica. Dieppe, (town of) Cal. E. viii. 9;. l4 - Digbv, (Henry) Jul. C. iii. 186 b. ■ H Ve ip. r. xi;,. 330. Di gg e s. (James) Galba, D. i. 200. ii. '47’ 1 53* 3 3-- iv - 14. -9- v. 232. Digges, (Tho.) Galba, C. viii. 37 , 4I , 85, 263. D. 1. 27, 55, 69, 70, 79, 81. ii-37’ Ti t.B. vii. 75 D.gnavall, (...) Cal. C. viii. 30 6. Dignitate, (Traa.de) Jul. C. ix. 1. Dillon, on his murther, Cal. A. xvii. Dimetrio, (Pietro) Galba, C. v. 99. Dimmock, (Sir John) his warrant for fees as champion at the coronaiion of Rich, ii. Vesp. C. xiv. 119. (Sir Phil.) his warrant for equippinc* a horfe at the coronation of Hen. VI. Vesp. C. xiv. 119. Dinham, (W01.) Cleop.. E. iv. 51. Dioniiius, (Fr.) Ord. ferv. proc. Vitel. B. xiii. 191 b. Dionyfii, (B.) Eccl. juxta Paris. C .jnie c :eli Tin. E. viii. 97 b. Dionyfiorum S. Anfelmi fratres, Nero C. ix, 20 b. Dionylius cxiguus. Epift. Dom. ix. 8. de Cyclo decennovenaJi, C.u. A. xv. 82. Divifenfis, (Ric.) Monach. Winton, de gclLs Ric. 1 . Dom. xiii. 70. Diymundc, (chart of) Auc. i. vol. ij, 100. Dochanus, (Vnler.) Nero, B. vi. 222. Dockwray, (Hen.; Tit. B. xii. 30. C. vii. 187. Dockwray, (J.) Galba, B. vii. 130, 136, I 4 r > H5- Documentorum colledio promifeua, Nero, D. i. 69 b. Doddridge, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 52, 5?. Doderie, ( ... la) Otho, E. viii. 33;. Dodieu, (Claud.) Vitel, B. x. 29. Dodo, (...) Hift. Norman. Vitel. F. xvi. 1. Dodona, (Ja.) Cal. E. xi. 286. Dodfwortb, (Roger) Jul. F. vi. 298, 405. Doma, (K. van) Galba, D. x. sob. INDEX. Eomain, (Royal) Tit. E. iv. 238, 240. A pi'end. xxviii. 78. Dombes, vid. Bourbon. Domefday Book, (fragments of) Claud. C. ii. 24Z. Vi tel. C. viii. 140. F. xii. 1. Faust. C. xi. 67. Epitome, Jul. C.i. 3. Mifc. Vitel. C. ix. 223, 229. Dominis, (March.de) Tit. B. vii. 148. Dona, (Wratiilas Burgrave de) Gai.ba, D. viii. 228. Donationes nobilium in Anglia, Jul. C. vii. 135. vid. Cartte Grants. Donne, (...)Jul. C. iii. 21 b. 110 b. Dora in Heref. (Abbas monad. de) Nero, C. iii. 183 b. Dordrecht, Galba, B. i. 11, 119, 1 55• C. viii. 274. D. iv. 298. Dore, (Abbatia de) Jul. C. vii. 252. Doria, (Andr.) Galba, D. iii. 59. Vitel. B. ix. 143. Dormer, (Eliz.) Jul. C. iii. 155. Dornavius, (Cafp.) Jul. C. v. 6o, 83. Dornemida, (Geo.) Vesp. F. i. 43. Dorfet, (Rich.) Jul.C. iii. 152b. Dorfet, (Tho.) Galba, B. vi.63. CLEor. E. iv. 110. Dorfet, (E. & Marq. of) vid. Beaufort, Grey. Dorfetfhire, (coafts of) Auc. i. Vol. i. 33. Dover, plans and views, Auc. i. Vol. i. 7, 19, 22, 23, 26, 45, 46. Vol. ii. 9, 10. ftate of, Galba, B. x. 332. Bores at, Append, xxviii. 15. repairs of the haven. Tit. B.xiii. 445. de cudodia, Nero, C. iii. 185 b. Cleop. C. vii. 49. Conflabularii, Claud. C. ii. 2. Vitel. C. xvii. 281. Douglas, (.Archibald loth. Lord) Vesp.F. vii. 6. Douglas, (Archibald 4th. E. of) Vesp. F. vii. 113. Douglas, (Archibald) 6th E. of Angus. His band for carrying off K. James V. Cal. B. vi. 124 b. On his forfeiture, Cal. B. iii. 36. Articles with Card. Wolfey, Cal. B. vi. 395- Concerning his fubmidion toKiDg James V. Cal. B. vii. 79, Lett. Uc. (1520.) Cal. B. i. 141.— (1521.) Cal. B. vi. 177, 204, 211, 223.—(1524.) Cal. B. i. 94,96. iii. 305. vi. 371.—(1525.) Cal. B, i. 76, 91,98,104,107,117- Hi.? 1 - vi - 1I S> 431.— (1526.) Cal. B. ii. 298.— <1527,.) Cal. B. i. 105. vii. 93, 101.— (1528.) Cal. B. vi. 176. vii. 27,95, ..3, 99.—(1549.) Cal. B. vii. 436.— (fine A 0 ) Cal. B. i. 114. Douglas, (Archibald) 8 th E. of Angus ? Lett.&c. (1581.) Cal. C.vi. 151. ix. 11. —(1582.) Cal. C. vii. 31 b,—(1583.) Cal. C. vii. 108, 143, 215. (1584.) Cal. C. ix. 109.—(1586.) Cal. C. ix. 141, 190, 195, 197, 2co, 203, 208, 212, zi8, 222, 225, 226, 230b. 231 b. 232 b. 235, 236 b. 237, 241 b. 243, 249, 279, 289*, 311—(1587.) Cal. C. ix. 158. D. i. 98, 208.— (1588.) Cal. D. i. 316, 317, 319. (fine A 0 ) Cal. B. iv. 253. viii. 314. D. it 318. Mifcell. Cal. C. vii. 10, 44, 49b. 123. viii. 226. ix. 9, 196. D. i. 347. Douglas, (Gavin) poflulat of Arbroth, Bp. of Dunkeld. Letters, Cal. B. i. 27. ii. 356, 357. iii. 309. vi. 174, 213, 424. Douglas, (George) Mailer of Angus, Cal. B. iii. 76, 153. Douglas, (G.) Cal. C. vi. 55, 159. vii. 8 b. 42. Douglas, (James) 2d. E. of Douglas, Vesp. F. vii. 34. Douglas, (James) 4th E. of Morton, Lett. &c. Cal. C.ii. 89, 100, 114, 129, 149, 157, 410, 425. iii. 434, 451, 460, 462, 464, 488, 489. iv. 35, 36, 55 b. 65, 71, 74, 77, 83, 85 b. 106 b. 202, 232 b. 240, 241, 253 b. v. 30, 48 b. 56, 58, 60, 67, 69, 76. vi. 56. Mifcell. Cal. C. iii. 510. iv. 254. v. 2. vi. 122 b. 145. Douglas, (James of) Vesp. F. vii. 17 b. Douglas, (John) Cal. C.i. 322. Douglas, (Margt.) Vesp. F. xiii. 134 b. Douglas, (Peter) Confeflion, Cal. C. iv. 229. Douglas, (R.) Cal. D. i. 195. Douglas, (William) 10th E. of Angus, Cal. D. ii. 97. 234. Douglas, (William) E. of Morton, Cal. C. viii. 183. D. i. 172, 199. Douglas, (William) Coldingham, Cal. B. i. 79. Donglades, their attainder, A° 1581, Cal. C. Lx. 8. Doura, (Odo de) Decreta minora, Vitel. A. iii. 111. Doufa, (Jan.) Jul. C. v. 13 b. 20 b. Dowe, (Robt.) Tit. B. iv. 208. Dowers, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 152. Downs, (charts of the) Auc. i. Vol, i. 20, 21. Downton, (Nic.) voyage, Otho, E. viii. 223. Doyenbrugh, (Engelb.) Galba, C. ix. 58. D. ii. 20. Doyley, (Tho.) Galba, C. vii. 233. viii. 206, 208, 211. Drake, (Sir Francis) Expeditions and Voyages, Jul. F. vi. 207 b. Otho, E. viii. 58, 206, 2iz. ix. 150, 230. Tit. B. viii. 167, 241. Lett. &c. Cal. E. vii. 350 b. Galba, D. iv. 199. Otho, E. viii. 97, 101. ix. 164, 222. Drake, (Francis) Tit. B. v. ioi. viii. Dramas in old Engliih verfe, Vesp. D. viii. Drawings, vid. leones. Drax, (Robt.) Galba, C. vii. 87, 129. Drayton, (Capella de) Vitel. A. ii. 128 b. Dreams, (trails on) Tib. A. iii. 25 b. 33 b. 40. Tit. D. xxvi. 9. Drelies, (drawings of) Auc. iii. 20-36, 38. Drinawar, (Bp. of) vid. Mefa. Drovers and Brogers, (order concerning) Faust. C. ii. 164. Drumaldi, (Ant.) Galba, B. x. 59. Drummond, (David) Cal. E. x. 222, 252. Drury, (D.) Cal. D. i. 139. Drury, (Sir Robt.) Cal. C. iii. 323. Drury, (R.) Jul. C. iii. 89, 93, 106. Cal. B. ix. 244 •, Drury, (Sir William) Letters,—(1566.) Cal. B. x. 370.— (1568.) Cal. ,B. Lx. 293, 296, 365, 366. C. i. 51. S3. 55 , 56, 67, I S S. —(1569.) Cal. B. ix. 367, 368, 369, 391. C. i. 341, 347 b. 349 b. 351, 353 ’ 3 ^°' 3 6i > 363.—(157Z.) Cal. C. iii. 150, 154, 158, 309, 320, 323, 336, 336 b.—(1573.) Cal. C. iv. 17, 27 b. 53 b. 64b. 66. 74 b. 75. 79 b. 84 b. 99, 99 b.—(1579.) Tit. B. xiii. 265. Mifcell. Cal. C. iii. 149. iv. 62, 67. Drury, (Wm.) Cleop. E. v. 364. Dublin, (City of) Charter of Liberties, Tit. B. xiii. 331. Nomina Archiep. Sc Epifc. Tit. B. xi. 291. Mifcell. Vesp. F. xii. 107, no. (Archbp. of) vid. Loftus. Abbatite, S. Marice ibid. Rcgift. Cart. Tib. A. xi. Dubourg, (...) Tit. B. vii. 144. Dubrici, (quaedam de S.) Nero, D. v. 393. Dubus, (...) Cal. E. i. 59. Due, (...) Tit. B. viii. 312. Dudd* Brad® et Buhte progenies, Tib. B. v. 76. Dudley, (Ambrofe) Ld. Lide and E. of Warwick, Cal. E. v. 148. xii. 3. Dudley, (Edw. Ld.) Vesp. F. xiii. 121. Dudley, (John) Cal. E. i. 28- Vesp.F. xiii. 141. Dudley, (John) E. of Warwick, and D. of Northd. Cal, E. iv. 303. Tit. B. ii. 5 7 > i 6 *- Dudley, (Robert) E. of Leiceder. Indruftions, &c. concerning his govern¬ ment of the Low Countries, Galba, C. viii. 119 b. 215. ix. 3, 46, 51, 54, 215, 225, 264. His Patent for a coinage in the Low Countries, Otho, E. x. 277. Letters, Sec. (1560.) Cal. B. ix. 132.— (1564.) Tit. B.xiii. 104.—.(1565.) Tit. B.xiii. 144.—(1570.) Cal. C. ii. 85.—(1571.) Cal. C. iii. 249.— (1572.) Vesp. F. vi. 11 b. 57, 62 b. 79 b. 83, 104 b. 132, 142, 173, 180, 182.—(1573.) Vesp. F. vi. 229, 234. (1577.) Cal. C. v. 83. Galba, B. xi. 412, 413. C. vi. P. i. 45, 45 b. Tit. B. ii. 323, 328.—(1578.) Tit. B. vii. 138.—(1579.) Tit - F. xiii. 264.—(1580.) Tit. B. xiii. 303.— (158!.) Tit. B. xiii. 337.—(1582.) Cal. C. vii. 26. Galba, C. vii. 222.—(1585-) Cal. C. viii. 233 b. Galba, C. viii. 20, 53. D. Lx. 90. Tit. B. vi. 84.—(1586.) Galba, C. ix. 48, 68, 189, 248, 317. x. 126, 163, 345.—(1587.) Gai.ba, C. xi. 311. D. i. 73, 84, 95, 113, 125, 146, 240, 277, 296. ii. 24, 34, 57, 63, 107, 113 b. 132, 148, 163 b. 176, 186, 196, 19S, 216, 219, 237, 243, 265, 280, 285, 287, 305 b. 318, 325. iii. 19, 22, 58.— (1588.) Galba, D. iii. 117, 142, 151, 230.—(1 5S9.) Galba, D. i. 65.—(fine A 0 ) Galba, C. x. 184,250,275, Tit, B. iii. 91. xiii. 5 l - Mifcell. Otho, E. ix. 294b. Vesp. C. xiv. 536. Dudley, (Tho.) Gale a, C. ix. 79. Dudo Decanus S. Quintini: Hift. Norman- nor. Claud. A. xii. 1. Nero, D, viii. 72. 8 A I N D E X. Duels, (Tradts onl Tib. E. viii. 50b. 190. Nero, D. vi. 8z. Vitel. C. iv. 129. Tit. C. i. paflim, iv. pafiim. vid. Combats. Duke, (creation of) Jul. F. xi. 274- Dumbarton, (difmantling of) Cal. B. x. 106. Dumblane, or Dunbritayne, (Bp. of) vid. Chiiholm. Dun, (Dr. Dan.) Cai.. E. xi. 283. Galba, E. i. 159. Vest. C. xiv. 160. Tit. B. V. 415. ClE or. F. i. 359. vid. Commilfioners at Bremen. Dunbar, (Gavin) Bp. of Aberdeen, and Abp. of Glafgow, Chanc. Letters, Cal. B. i. S8. ii. 6, 314, 318, 319. iii. 135. iv. 282. vii. 33, 110, 117, 120, 154. Mifcell. Cal. C. iii. 510 b. 511. v. 91. Dunbar, (Geo.) E, of March, Vest. F. vii. 22. Dunbar, (Geo.) nth E. of March, Vesp. F. vii. 101. Chriftina his Wife, Vesp. F. vii. 96. Duncannon, (Plan of) Auo. i. vol. ii. 31. Tit. B. xii. 241. Duncannon, (Baron of) vid. O’Neile. Dundalk, (Town of) Vesp. F.xji.12, 16, 43,45, 53. Tit. B. xi'ii. 76. Dunkeld, (the prielt of) Letter, Cal. B. i. 7S. Dunkeld, (Bp. of) vid. Cockburn, Douglas, Paton. Dunkirk, Galba, D. i. 32. vii. 237. Vesp. C. viii. 75. Dumfermlinc, (Commendator and Abbot of) vid. Pitca'irne, Dury. Dunmow, (flitch of bacon claimed of the prior of) Claud. C. iv. 266. Dun liable, (Rob. de) vita S. Albani, Jul. D- iii- 123. Dunflable, (Tournament at) Otho, D. iv. 92. Dunflan, (S.) Piftura, Cl aud. A. iii. 7. Vita, Nero, C. vii. 72 b. E. i. 401 b. Cleop. B. xiii. 59. Tranflatio, Cleop. C. iv. 62. Hymnus de eodem, N e ro, A. i. n 8. Duodo, (Ant.) Nero, B. vii. 96. Dupin, (....) Galba, E. vi. 279, Dupuy, (P.) Jul. C. iii. 193. Dureford, (Priorat. B. Mar. and S. Joh. Bapt.) Regill. Chart. Vesp. E. xxiii. Durham, Biihoprick. Varia de Epifcopatu, Jul. C. ii. 315. vi. 146. D. iv. 1, 125, 163. Catal. et geita Epifcopor. Vesp. A. v. 92. vi. 59 b. Bilhops, vid. Ruthal, Tunltal, Matthew, Auger ville. Hill. Eccl. Cathed. Tit. A. ii. 1. Statuta, Tit. A. xxvi. 231. Var. de Eccles. Cathed. Cla u d. D. iv. 1. Vitel. C.ix. 60b. 61, 102, 124, 125. Vesp. A. vi. 6;. Tit. A. ii. 155. Priores Eccles. Vesp. A. vi. 60 b. Nomina bencfadlor. Dom. vii. 12. Donaticnes, Cal. B. vii. 290. Tit. F xiii. 16, 17. Mifcell. Tit. B.iii. 49. Liber Epiftolar. Prior. &c. Faust. A. vi. 1. (the Priell of) Vesp. F. xiii. 29. Dury. (Geo.) Abbot of Dumfermline, Cal. B. vii. 184. Dutton, (Tho.) Vesp. C. xiv. 562. Dyer, (Edw.) Galba, C.ix. 243. Dyer, (Sir James) opinion concerning Wales and Cheller, Vitel, C. i. 275. Dykes, (Ofwald) Jul. C. iii. 13, 26. Dymries, (David B.) Galba, B. v. 311. Dyngley, (Sir Tho.) Cleop. E. iv. 141. £. Eadmeri, Monach. Cantuar. vita S. Wil- fridi, Cal. A. viii. 55. Epift. ad fratres Wigorn. Claud. A. i. 36 b. Hilloria novor. Tit. A. Lx. Eadred, (R.) Donat. Auc. ii. 44, 57, 83. Vitel. E. v. 123 b. Eadric, K. of Kent, Jul. C. ii. 61. Eadfigor Eadfine, Archb. of Canterb. Auc. ii. 70. Eadwald, Auc.ii. 19. Eiadwig, (R.) Donat. Auc. ii. 33, 41, 43, 45. Ti b. B. v. 76. Ealhburga, (agrantof) Auc. ii. 52. Eardulf, (deed offale) Auc.ii. 89. Earl, (concerning the Title of) Vesp. F. ix. 300. Eallcourt, (John) Nero, B. vi. 12. Ealterlings, Nero, B. x. 380. Ecclefia Dei, (Trail, de) Hibernice, Ne ro, A. vii. 132. Ecclefia: Speculum Eccle/iie, Tib. B. xiii. 182. deornamentis, Cleop. D. iii. 191. de prielatis, Faust. A. viii. 51. Nomina Eccleliar. orbis Chrilli, Vesp. A. xviii. 153. Faust. B. vii. 10 b. de fedibus et provinciis orbis. Tit. D.xx. 179. Colledtanea de potellate Ecclcfialt.CLEOP. F. i. ii. Ecclcfiallica hilloria, Vitel. A. xvii. 16b. Faust. A. viii. 119,173b. B. vii. 41. Tripartita hilloria Ecclefiallica, ex Sozo- meno, Theodoreto, et Sacrate, Vi- Epillolas varias Pontificum, Imperator. Regum, &c. de rebus pierumque Eccle- liafticis, Faust. B. i. paflim. Ecclefiallicor. fcriptorum nomina, Jul. vii. 26, 38, 43. de Eccl. Rom. privil. & proprietatibus, Nero, C. ii. 53, 60, 63 b. Eccleliallical law. quomodo Reges Ecclefiam defenfare debent, Vitel. E. x. 119. deaudloritatcRegia in reb. Eccles. Faust. C. ii. 63. de exemptione Clericor. de potell. Papal. Append, xxvii. 182. de jure ad Papalem dignitat. Vest. A. xiv. mb. Courts, (abufes in) Tit. B. v. 273. de undiione Ecclefiall. Cleop. C. x. i S 8 . Ecclefiallical difcipline, &c. Tit. A. xviii. 7 b. xxiv. 144, 168, 188. Dom. ix, 9 . Mifcell. de rebus Eccl. Vitel. A. ii. 102 b. 103. B. ii. 8z, 127. ix. 12S. T,t. B. viii. 346. de Ecclcfiallica potellate, colledtanea, Cleop. F. i. 1. Treaty for the defence of the church, Galba, B. iii. 69. Ecclefiailicus, compotus, Tib. C. i. j. vi. 2. Cal. A. xv. 108, [117, 136 b. Galba, A. xviii. 15—18 b. Vesp. B. vi. 1, 103, 104, 105. E. xvi. S 4 . Tit. D. vii. 12. xxiv. 144. xxvii. 9 . de a:raincarnationis, Nero, C.v. 3,11b. 13. 17 b. Edipfe at our Saviour’s death, Jul. F. xi. 64. Edgar, K. of Eng. laws, Nero, A. i. 41, 89. E. i. 391. Oratio ad clerum, Cleop. E. i. 81. Effigies, Tib. A. iii. 1 b. Carta: & Donat. Auc. ii. 6, 39, 40,67. Vitel. E. v. 123 b. 210, Vesp. A. viii. 1, 34. Edgar, K. of Scotland, grant of Coldingham to the Ch. of Durham, Cal. B. vii. 290. Tit. F. xiii. 16. Edgcombe, (P.) Cleop. E. iv. 258. Edinburgh. Treaty of 1560, Cal. B. x. 98. Cattle, liege of. Cal. C.iv. 74, -6, 77 b, 103. Plan and furvey of, Auc. i. vol. ii. 56. Cal. C. iv. 12. Edmond-mody’s bulwark, (view of) Auc. iii. 17. Edmonds, (Tho.) Cal.E. ix. 201b. 270, 4°3» 5M> 5 21 - xii. 3S7 . Vitel. C.’ xi. 372. Vesp. C. viii, 287. xiii. 291. Edmund’s (St.) Bury, vid. Bury. Edmundi, (Sei.) regis, vita, Tib. B, ii. j. Tit. A. viii. 67. Dom. xi. 1. Miracula, Tib. B. ii. 19. Leges, Nero, A. i. 88 b. Edmund I. K. of Eng. Auc. ii.62, 63,73. Edmundi, (Sci.) Archiep. Cantuar. vita Jul. D. vi. 123, 161 b. Vitel. c! xii. 280b. Cleop. B. i. 34. Faust. B. i. 179. preces, Jul. D. vi. 156 b. vii. S. NerO, D. i. 155. Edmund E. of Kent, fon to Edw. I. vid. Plantagenet. Edmund E. of Lancalt. fon to Hen. Ill, vid. Plantagenet. Edmundi monach. de Eynelham, vifio. Cal. A. viii. 188. Edwardes, (Roger) Galba, C. v. 38. Vitel. C. vii. 311. Edward the Confeflor, K. of England. Life, Vitel. C. xii. 236. Vesp. B. xi. 81. Charters, Jul. F. x. 154. Auc, ii. 4g , 58,59,68,80,81. Tib. E. viii. 2-0. Claud. A. viii. 74. Laws, Claud. D. ii. 30. Vitel. A.xiii. 7- E. v. 130. Mifcell. Vitel. A. xvii. 17b. 19 b. xx. 245 b. Cleop. C.iv. 114. Edward I. K. of England. Charters and llatutcs. Gal. E. iv. 59 b. Cleop. C. vii. 7, 18 b. 35. F. ii. 3«- Carta de forella, Jul. B. xii. 221. Title to Scotland, J ul. A. v. 174 b. Cai . B. vii. 322. Vesp. C. xvi. 134. Journey into Scotland, Nero,D. vi. 93 b. Vesp. C. xvi. 90. Ordinances concerning Wales, Vitel. C. x. 153 b. 190. Grant to Rich. K. of the Romans, Ns sic, B. ix. 27. INDEX. Earls and Barons created by him, Jul. F. x. 20. Mifcell. Claud. C. ii. 89. ix. 99 b. D. ii. 128, 129. vi. 135. Vesp. C. xii. 45, 45 b. 46. F. ix. 104. Tit. B. xi. 70. F. xiii. 33. Faust. A. ii. 172. Append, xxvii. 3. Edward II. K. of England. Life, vid. Moore. Coronation, Vitel. C. xii. 231. Vesp. C. xiv. 116. Marriage with Ifabella, Jul. E. i. 6. Degeftis, Jul. A.i. 50. Claud. D. vi. 186,192. Cleop. A. i. 208 b. Summons for his expedition into Scotland, Faust. A. v. ab. Civil wars, Cl eop. D. ix. 81. de hofpitio, Tib. E. viii. 54 b. Mifcell. Cal. D. iii. 3, 6, 7, 10. Claud. D. ii. 132, I 3 Z b - I 33 > *33 b - 1 34 ' 134 b. 266, 268, 277. Nero, B. xi. 312. C. iii. 198. Galba, E. iv. 60. Vesp. C. xii. 49. Tit. B. xi. 80. Cleop. C. vii. 21. Edward III. K. of England. Life, Jul. A. i. 50. Dcfcent, Tib. E. viii. 148 b. Gefta, Nero, D. ii. 272. Claim to France, Cal. D. iii. 20, 84. Homage to Philip VI. Cal. D. iii. i8. Expedition into Scotland, Vesp. F. vii, 10 b. Renunciation of his claim upon Scotland, Cal. B. vii. 315, 316. Vesp.C. xvi. 122,123,124. Charters,[llatutes, and treaties, Jul. B. vi. 1,2, 3, 4, 5 b, xii. 198 b. 200, 268. Cal. D. iii. 31, 78, 86. Nero, B. i. 7, 11. x. 37 2. D. vi. 4. Galba, B. i. 10, 12. Otho, D. iv. 142. Vest. C. xii. 59, 60, 62, 67 b. 74. xvi. 27. Faust. D. iii. Letters, inftruflions, proclamations, &c. Jul. C. ii. 309 b. Cal. D. iii. 35, 83, 87. Nero, D. vi. 29. Vitel. E. x. 85. Vesp. C. xii. 59 b. 64. Tit. A. xix. 88, 93b. 94b. 95. Cleop. E. ii. 45, 57,71, 83. Placita coram, Vitel. C. x. 2c6. Grants, Cai.. D. iii. 25, 77. Nero, F>. vi. 31. Vesp. F. xiii. 9. Tit. B. xi. 119. Grant of Aquitain to his fon Edward, Vitel C. iv. 1. Account of his wardrobe, Nero. C. viii. 1, 319. Death, Cleop. D. iii. 185. Mifcell. Cal. D. iii. 82, 85, 94, 104. Claud. D. vi. 186. E. viii. 2 b. Galba, B,i. 5, E. ix. 49b. Vesp. F. vii. 6. Tit. A. xix. 84 b. B. iv. 335 - Edward IV. K. of England. Birth, Dom, ix. 83 b. Title to the crown, Vesp. E. vii. 127. F. ix. 135. Treaties, Jul. B. vi. 58. Cal. B. vi. 1. NERO.B.i. 55,61. Vesp.C. vi. 332. xii. 149. xvi. 66. Tit. F.xiii. 78, 132. Grants, patents, and charters, Jul. B. vi. 92. xii. iii, 207, 229, 248, 308. Nero, B. ix. 75. Vitel. A. x. 198 b. C. x. 217. xii. 164. F. xiii. 44. Tit. C. x.3, 6. Cleop. F. ii. 39 - Inllruflions, orders, See. Nero, B. ix. 68. Galba, B. i. 164, 165, 166. Vesp. C. xvi. 118, 121, F. xiii.-38/61. Mifcell. Jul. C. vi. 253. Nero, D. ii. 199. Vesp. C. xii. 164. F. iii. 9. xiii. 35. Tit. B. xi. 15 b. 260. Edward V. K. of England, Vesp. F. xiii. 53 - Edward VI. K. of England. Birth, Nero, C. x. 1 b. Treaties, Cal. B. vii. 292, 451. E. iv. 226. Vitel. C. xi. 225. xvi. 238. Tit. F. xiii. 99, 101, 105 b. Grants, Jul. B. ix. Galba, B. xi. 39. Vesp. F.xiii. 177. Journal, Jul. F. vi. 23. Nero, C. x. Sb. Panegyric, Tit. B. ii. 64. Letters, inllruflions, &c. Ca l. B. v. 70. vii. 317, 320, 321,405. 422b. 424. viii. 279, E. iv. 264, 274, 275, 278. v. 1. Nero, B. iii. 144. C. x. 3, 7, 81,93, 102. Galba, B. xi. 41. xii. 3, 10. Otho, E.ix. 81,82. Vitel. C. i. 65. Vesp. F. iii. 18, 19, 19 b. xiii. 171. Tit. B. ii. i—41, 104. F. xiii. 99, 101, 156. Edward the Black Prince: expedition, Nero, D. ii. 301. Aquitain granted to him, Nero, D. vi. 31. Vitel. C. iv. 1. Mifcell. Tit. A. xx. 47 b. B. xi. 40. Edward, fon to Edw. IV. created Pr. of Wales, Vitel. C. x. 217. D. of Cornwall, Vesp. C. xiv. 243. Edys, (Galfrid.) vita Sea;. Modvenme, Cleop. A. ii. Edzard II. Count of E. Friefland, Galba, B. xi. 262. C. ix. 237. D. ix. 50, 56, 60, 68, 76, 88. xiii. 34. Egbert, K. of England, Auc. ii. 20, 21, 37 . i° 2 - Egbert, (S.) Eboracenfis Archiep. excerp- tiones, Ne ro, A. i. 131b. Dialogus, Vitel. A. xii. 1 b. Egerton, (pedigree of) Otho, D. iv. 61. Egerton,(Tho.) Lord Ellefmere, Jul. C. iii. 31. Tit. C. vii. 29. 45,47. Eggecomhe, (Sir Rich.) Tit. B. xi. 332, 337 - Eginhardi, Vita Caroli, M. Tib. C. xi. 1. Eglamor of Artas, a poem, Cal. A. ii. 3 b - Egmont, (Lamoral Comte d’) Galba, C. ii. 263 b. iii. 29, 200b. 202, 203, 204,205, 210 b. 212, 214, 215, 328. Egmont, (Florent. d’) Count de Buren, Galba, B. vii. 305. viii. 45, 80, 93, 121. ix. 50 b. 51. x. 86 b. Egmond, (Flor. d’) Vesp. C. xii. 268 b. Elbccuf, (Marquis d’) regent of Scotland, Cal. B. ix. 46. x. 55. Faust. C. ii. 39 - Elbing, (Magillrates of) Nero, B. ii. 155, 190, 208, 218, 224, 287b. 2S8, 304. (Englilh merchants at) Vesp. F. xii. 145. Eleanor, Queen to Henry III. charter, Auc. ii. 14. Coronation, Claud. C. iv. 234. Vesp. C. xiv. 141. Eleanor, Q^to Edw, I. her wardrobe ac¬ count, Galba, E. iii. 172. Eleanor, daughter of Edw. I. concerning her dowry, Vesp. C. xii. 46. Eleanor, filler to Charles V. Vesp, F. iii. 6zb. Eleanora de Toledo, wife to Como I. Vesp.' F. iii 52 b. Eleflores, Imp.Rom. (verfus de) TiB.B.iv, 217 b. Eleemofinam, (dc 9modisfaciendi) Galba, E. ix. 67 b. Elementis, (de) Galba, E. iv. 187,200 b. 201 b. Elephant, (picture of) Jul. D. vii. 114. Elerii monachi.vita, S. Winifreds:, Claud. A. v. 138. Eleutherii, (Sci.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 43. Eliot, (J.) Jul. C. iii. 174,184. Elizabeth, (Ste.) vie, Dom. xi. 99. Elizabeth, Q;_ to Hen. VII. her coronation, Jul. B. xii. 28. taking to her chamber, Jul. B. xii. 56. a note, Vesp. F. xiii. 49. Elizabeth of England. Defcent and Titles, Tib. E. viii. 150. Cal. B. ix. 66. Mifcell. before her acceflion, Otho, C. x. 230, 231, 231b. Vitel, C. xvi. Vesp. F. iii. 20. xiii. 173, Tit. ji. ii. Offers of marriage, Jul.F.vi. 168, 169 b. 174, 175, 208 b. Cal. C. iii. 412. E. vi. 187, 189. vii. 198. xii. 25. Nero, B. ix. 100. Galba,B. xi. 250, 257. Vitel. C. xi. Z28, 296. xvi. 333 > 339 ’ 34 2 > 345 > 3 66 - Vesp. F. vi. 11. Tit. B. ii. 255. vii. 142. C. vii. 12, 42, 53 b. xviii. Grants, Nero, B. x. 14, 187. Vesp. F. iv. 70. Warrants, Cal. B. viii, 299 b. Tit. B. ii. 190. Foreign dominions, Auc. i. vol. i. 1. Loans to France, Cal. E. vi. 90. viii. 4 ° 7 » 45 3 > 4 6 °- ix. 211b. 400 b. xi. 284. Tit. C. vii. 341 b. Confpiracies againfl her, Cal. B. iv. 265. C. ix. 101, 313. Nero, B. vi. 368. 3 si, 434. On the fecurity of her perfon. Cal. B. v. 159. C. ii. 526 b. iii. 404. ix. 92, 114, 119. Galba, E. vi. 315. Tit. C. vii. 80. Verfes inpraifeof her, Vesp. E. viii. 169. Epigram againllher, Cal.C. ix. 171. Prayers and meditations, Galba, D. xii. 134 b. Otho, E. ix. 183 b. Oration to the Uuiverfity of Oxford, Ti t. C. vii. 138. Faust. C. vii. 210. Her horofeope, Tit. B. ii. 187 b. Her death, Jul. F. vi. 128. Tit. C. vii, 57 - On her Succeflion, Jul. F. vi. 239, 409, Tit. B. v. 209. Treaties with Scotland, Jul. F. vi. 69. Cal. B. v. 275, 300. viii. 232. x. 5, 98. C. iii. 270, viii. 212. ix. 120, 128, 201, 493. D. i. 29. Tit. F. xiii, 120. Various papers concerning her tranfac- tions with Scotland, Cal. B. ix. 40. x. 54, 88. C. ii. 50. iii. 130, 143, 152, 156, 178, 199, 209, 219, 245, 262, 272, 281b. 291 b. 315, 411, 414, 415, 438. v. 152. vi. 115, 119, 124. vii. 72, 166, 167. viii. 10, 17*, 18, 22, 210. ix. 45, 234, 236, 476, 490. D. i. 175. ii. 272. 340, 439. Nero, B. vi. 252. On her condudl toward Mary Q^of Sc. Jut, F. vi. 6,9, 16. C1.Biu.173 INDEX. Elizabeth Q;_of England— continued. C. i. 103, 105. 278. b. ii. 130, I31, 1 37 » ' 6 3 » * 7 *> '•>■ 497 - Her commiflioncrs in Mary’s caafe. Cal. B. ix. 301 b. 306. C. iii. 283, 289, 290 b. 293 b. 298, 303, 312, 395,428. Vindication of her conduft, refpefting Mary and Scotland, Cal. B. iv. 229. C. Lx. 472, 485, 494, 511. D. i. 40. Treaties with France, Cal. E. v. 53, I72, 186. viii. 65, 137, 212, 499. ix. 86, 138, 340, 342, 492. Otho, E. viii. 277. Alliance with Ruflia, Nero, B. xi. 345. Various papers concerning her tranfadlions with the Low Countries, Galba, C. viii. 20, 24,29, 33, 68, 77, 90, 29S. D. ii. 319. ix. 222. xii. 195, 196, 280. xiii. 108. Vesp. C. xiii. 336. Negociations with France, Cal. C. iii. 438. E. viii. to6, 110. ix. 235,342, 350, 400 b. 454, 484, 549, 551, 553, 561, 577. x, 2, 9, 13, 2z. Treaties and negociations with Spain, Jul. F. vi, 52, 60, 61 b. 158, 178, 180, 181 , 182, 274. C a l. E. ix. 443. xii. 37. Galba, C. iv. 388. D. ii. 193. iii. 189. 297 b. 353. v. 99. xii. 179 b. 185. Vesp. C. vii. 258, 261, 277, 280, 281, 282, 364, 400, 461, 471, 4'6, 478. viii. paffim. xiii. 414. F. ix. 253. Tit. B. vi. 20. Treaties, negociat. &c. with Portugal, Galba, D. v. 99, 331. E. vi. 5,7, 13. Nero, B. i. 85, Sc inde paffim. Mifcell. Cal. B. iv. 235. viii. 208, 311. C. iii. 156. E. ix. 139. Vesp. C. xiv. . 481. F. vi. 263. Tit.B. ii. 260, 262, 264, 266. vi. 148, 177. xii. 21. C. x. 74, 78, 105. Cleop. F. vi. 62 b. Letters, inftruflions, commiffions, procla¬ mations,&c.— (1358.) Cal. B. viii. 136. Nero, B. ix. 90. Galba, B. xi. 204. C. i. 2, 3, 27, 2S. Vesp. F. iii. 13. —(•5590 Cal. B. ix. 40, 42, 83, 104, 106 b. 108. x. 9, 15, 21, 22, 57, 59, 65, 67. E. v. 42, 51, 60. xii. 6, 39, 43. Galba, C. i. 22, 44, 45. Vesp. C. vii. 109, 115. Tit. B. vi. 114.— (1560.) Cal. B. v. 319. ix. 118, 148, 149, 153, 155.x. 74b. 133. E. v. 107. Galba, C. i. 30, 31. ii. 253. Vesp. C. vii. 139b. 145,204.—(1561.) Nero, B. i. 91, 97. Tit. B. v. 150, 161.—(1562.) Cal. B. x. 135, 203. E. v. 128. Nero, B. i. 99. Tit. F. xiii. 285.—(1563.) Cal. B. ix. 194, 195, 204, 205. x. 208, 218, 238, 239, 250, 252. E. v. 160. Nero, B. i. 126. Galba, B. xi. 260. C. i. 95. ii. 35. Vesp. C. vii. 287. Tit. B. ii. 193.—(1564.) Cal. B. x. 258, 259. E. xii. 62. Galea, C. i. 216 b. Vesp. C. vii. 289. Tit. B. ii. 200. xiii. 91.—(1565.) Cal. B. ix. 234. x. 3 ° 9 > 334 > 35 2 - E - xii - + 3 - Galba, C. i. 181, 190. ii. 160, 170.—(1566.) Cal. B. x. 384, 387. Galba, C. ii. 268, 278, 365, 377, 423. Vesp. C. vii. 291.—(1567.) Cal. C. i. 3, 6, 8, 26, 35, 40. D. i. 232. E. vi. i, 28. Nero, B. i. 141, 150, 159. ix. in. —(1568.) Cal. B. ix. 274. C. i. 57, 89, 153, 224, 231, 261, 267, 272. E. vi. 34, 38. Ne¬ ro, B. xi. 385. Galba, B. xi. 247, 294, 311. C. iii. 184. Tit. B. iv. 158.— (•569.) Cal. B. ix. 317. C. i. 286, 291, 295, 300, 301, 335 b. 342, 350, 351 b. E. vi. 63, 66, 74, 125, 127. Galba, C. iii. 307. Vesp. C. xiv. 205.—(1570.) Cal. B. ix. 404. C. i. 366, 375, 380, 385. ii. 36, 145, 153, 155, 160, 168, 173, 175, 179. 180, 191, 195, 208, 226, 232, 2S8, 292, 306, 320, 362, 364, 370, 376, 3S5 ,393, +13. Nero, B. xi. 341. Galba, C. iii. 327. iv. 181. Vesp. C. xiv. 203. — (1571.) Cal. C. ii. 489. iii. 63, 84, 103, 173. 224, 229. Galba, C. iv. 184, 193. Otho, E. ix. 97.—(1572.) Cal. C. iii. 134, 141, 147 b. 243, 275, 345, 401. iv. 1. E. vi. 149. Vesp. C. xiv. 203. F. vi. 12, 48, 62, 64, 79, 127, 137. Tit. F. iii. 143, 156.— ( 1 573 -) C,L - C. iv. 97. E. vi. 158, 164, 166, 167, 173. Galba, C. iv. 334. Tit. B. ii. 248.—(1574.) C«i. C. iii. 466. iv. 210. Galba, B. xi. 377 . C. v. 52. D. xiii. 1, 39. Otho, E. ix. iz2 b. Tit. F. xiii. 317.— (1575.) Cal. C. iii. 482. v. 43 b. 46. Nero, B. xi. 349. Galba, B. xi. 384. Vesp. C. vii. 328. Tit. B. vi. 47—(1576.) Cal. C. v. 70. Nero, B. i. 220 b. iii. 208. ix. 123. Galba, C. v. 354, 372. Vesp. C. *”• 34 *. 343 -—(■ 577 ) Cat. C. v. 85, 88. Nero, B. i. 139. viii. 62. Galba, C. vi. P. i. 3. Tit. B. ii. 189. iv. 209.— (1578.) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 65, 95, 152, 167, 169, 171, 225, 226 b. 247, 256b. 260 b. 272 b. 274b. 284 b. 289 b. Vesp. C. vii. 375. 444. Vesp. F. xii. 3. Tit. B. ii. 199.—(1579.) Cal. C. v. hi. Ne¬ ro, B.iii. 237. xi. 177, 283, 313. Otho, E. ix. 115.—(1580.) Cal. C. iii. 543, 545, 571. vi. 15, 16, 47, 67, 102. Ne¬ ro, B. i. 230 b. 231 b. 233. ix. 187b. Galba, E. vi. 1.—(1581.) Cal. C. vi. 104, 115, 155. Tit. B. ii. 195 b. v. 150.—(1582.) Cal. C. vii. 17 b. 22, 44 b. 47. ix. 31. Nero, B. iii. 244. xi. 182. Tit. B. ii. 190.—(1583.) Jul. F. vi. 25. Cal. C. vii. 76b .77 b. 98, 160, 205, 229, 234. ix. 46, 8i. Ne¬ ro, B.iii. 263. viii. 29. xi. 355. Vesp. F. iii. 13 b. Tit. B. xiii. 360, 372. —(1584.) Cal. C. viii. 31, 38 b. 100 b. 103, 116, 117, 117 b. 130, 161. ix. 96, 107, 108. Galba, E. vi. 244. Tit. B. ii. 197, 201 b. xiii. 379. — (1585.) Cal. C. viii. 1S7, 209 b. Nero, B. ii. 193 iii. 271. xi. 357 b - 375 - Galba, B. xi. 394. C. viii. 24, 29, 59, 94, 96, 119 b. j 21, 309, 359. D. xi. 213? xiii. 78, 79. Vesp. C. xiv. 536. Tit. B. xiii. 383, 385, 387.—(1586.) Cal. B. viii. 354. C. viii. 282, 288 b. ix. 178, 181, 182, 185, 256, 276, 328, 329, 332, 437, 450, 473, 474. Nero, B. vi. 240. Galba, C. ix. 167, 183, 197.x. 79. Vitel, C. i. 124, 146. Vesp. C. xiv. 539. Tit. B. viii. 1.— (1587.) Cal. C. ix. 161. D. i. 91, 144. Nero, B. ix. 134. Galba, C. xi. 354, D. i. 4, 293. ii. 3, 72, 159, 308. Tit. B. ii. 188. xiii. 402.—(1588.) Cal. B. viii, 190. D. i. 159, 343, 35 o. Nero, B. »i. 3 2 7. 32S, 330, 333, 335 b. ix. 139, 144. Galba, D. ii. 167. iii. 148, 228, 271, 272, 273, 275, 276, 283, 285, 322, 325. Galba, E. vi. 369. Otho, E. Lx. 157 b. 166. Vesp. C. vii. 461. viii. 103, 106. Tit. B. ii. 203. v. 108.—(1589.) Cal. D. i. 173. >75 - Galba, D. iv. 47, IIIf 150, 154, 189, 196, 197, 224, 273. v. 63, 212, 274, 325, 327. E. vi.' 416. Otho, E. Lx. 260.— (1590.) Cal. D. i. 306. E. vii. 387. Nero, B. ii. 212. iv. 13, 22 b. viii. 48, 50, 54. xi. 192. Galba, D. vii. 15, 90, 108, 118, 119, 120, 141 b. 157, 187 b. 191, i 93 , 231, 239, 293, 294, 297, 309, 3 12, 321. Otho, E.ix. 242 b. 280.—(1591.) Cal. E. viii. 69, 194, 231, 233, 237, 241, 243, 245, 247, 404. Nero, B. ii. 220. Galba, I), viii. 24, 24 b. 66 b. 68, 90, 119, 153 b. 185 b. 223, 258, 288.—(1592.) Cal. D. ii. 69. E. viii. 62, 229. Galba, D. ix. -?o, 189, 192, 210, 213, 215, 224, 22S, 253, 257, 265, 269, 276 b. 286, 337, (•593 -) Gal. D. ii. 199. E. viii. 149. ix. 35, 78, 93 b. 138, 149. Galba, D. x. 63 b. xiii. 126. Tit. C. vii. 61 b.—(1594.) Cal. E. ix. 82, 193, 197, 277. Nero, B. i. 276. Gal¬ ba, D. X. I 10, III, H2, ,53 b. 163 b. 191 b. xi, 3. Otho, E. Lx. 267. Vesp. C. viii. 234, 240. Tit. B. xiii. 432.—(1595.) Jul, F. vi. 57. Cal. E. ix. 240, 243, 251, 266, 267, 269. Nero, B. ii. 228. ix. 171, 210 b. Galba, D. x. 155. xi. 11,47, 5«. So, 120, 122, 196, 198, 199, 203. Tit. C. vii. 38 b.—(1596.) Jul. E. ii. 79, 80. Cal. D. ii. 347. E. xii. 13. Nero, B. Lx. 184. Galba, D. xiii. 159. Otho, E. ix. 322, 335. Vesp. F. ix. 287.—(1597.) Cal. D. •'■ 3 2 5> 34 1 ’ 343 * E - •*• 398, 409. Nero, B, xi. 300. Galba, D, xii. 77 b - *45-—(•598 -) Cal. E. Lx. 435. Nero, B. ii. 286. Galba, D. xii. 159,192,218. xiii. 178.—(1599.) J UL - F. vi. 226. Cal. D. ii. 469, 470. E. ix. 495, 499, 513. Nero, B. ii. 290. iv. 92, 161, Z92, 298. viii. 41. Vi¬ tel. C. i. 261 b. Tit. B. xiii. 544, 553.—(1600.) Cal. E. x. 16. Nero, B. ii. 307. iv. 330. viii. 32, 33, 66. Galba, D. xii. 287. Vesp. C. viii. 34'* 3 6 3> 379 - Tit. B.Jxiii. 546, 569. — (1601.) Cal. D. ii. 506. Nero, B. vii. 171. Tit. C. vii. 123, 124. F. iii. 105.—(1602.) Nero, B. v. 2 3 > 27, 36, 43, 46, 61. Tit. C. i. 191.—(1603.) Jul. E. ii. 85_ (*559—• 5 6 8 -) Tit. B. vi. 114.— (1589—1597.) Galba, D. xiii. 172. (fine A 0 ) Cal. B. iv. 283, 284. v. 228. viii. 210. ix. 316. E. vi. 386. ix. 222. Nero, B. vi. 252. ix. 145 b. xi. 121, 393. Galba, C. iii. 313. D. v. 375, 292.x. 100. xii. 105. Otho, E. Lx. 292, 294b. 296, 333. Vitel. C. i. 89, 109. Vesp. C. vii. 401. F. iii. 13 b. 14. xii. 104. Tit. B. ii. 426. Faust. C. ii. 68 b. Elizabeth, Q^of Bohemia, on her marriage, Vitel. C. xvi. 356, 394, 534. Lett. Vssp. F. iii. 11. Index. Elizabeth, wife to Cha. IX. K. of Fr. Vesp. F. iii. 8«. Ellefmcre, (Ld. Chanc.) vid. Egerton. Elliot, (R. W. & J.) Cal. D. ii. 321, 326. F.llis, (Stephen) CaL. D. i. 321. Eltnham, (Tho. de) Vita R. Hen. V. Jul. E. iv. 9, 89. VEsp. D. xiii. 156 b. Annales, Claud. E. iv. i. Elphin, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 42 b. Elphinfton, (James) Ld. Balmerino: trial. Jut. F. vi. 74. Elphinftone, (A.) Cal. H. ix. 394. Elphinftone, (N.) Cal. C. i. 66 b. Elfynge, (Hen.) Jul. C. iii. 132. Eltham, (Statute of) Vmsp. C. xiv. 218. El well manor, Jul. B. xii. zoj. Ely, (Hid. of) Claud. A. viii. 119. Ne¬ ro, A. xv. xvi. 1. Vesp. A. xviii. 88. xix. 29 b. Tit. A. i. 1. Dom. xv. 7. Diploma, R. Hen. IV. Dom. xv. 95. Epifcopi, Vesp. B. xv. 48. Faust. E. iv. 105. vid. Weft, de F.pifcopatu, Tib. B. ii. 256. Chron. Abbat. & Epifcopor. Tit. A. i. 63. Var. de cedes, & monad. Auc. ii. 13. Vesp. A. xix. z, 61, 76, 104. El'.imatio Ecdefiar. Epifcop. Tib. B. ii. 232. Regift, raanerior. Epiic. & Eccl. Claud. C. xi. 7. Nero, C. iii. 187 b. Vesp. A. vi. 92. Inquiftio terrar. Eccles. Tib. A. vi. 38. B. ii. 86. Carttc, Tib. A. vi. 118 b. B. ii. 260b. Dom. xv. 119. Chart of the fens, Auc. i. vol. i. 78. On draining the fens. Tit. F. iv. 316. Mifcell. Tit. B. v. 354. Elyot, (Ch.) Cleop. E. iv. 22a b. Elyot, (Sir Tho.) Tit. B. i. 371. Emanuel II. Palaiologus, Nero, B. xi. 174. Emanuel, K. of Portugal, Nero, B. i. 70. Emanuel, (Don) of Portugal, Nero, B. i. 2S1, 283. Emanuel, I’hilib, D. of Savoy, Vesp. F. iii. 58 b. Emarc, a romance. Cal. A. ii. 69. Embden, (Magiilrates of) Mifc. Nero, B. v. 152, 209. Galba, B. xi. 210. C. vii, 359 b. viii. 373. D. x. 180, 193. xi. 84. xiii. 164, 181. Emblems, Cal. C. v. 62. Emcricus, Canceilarius, Nero, A. xi. 62. Emperors of Germany, treaties, negocia- tions, &c. Cal. E. xi. 194. Galba, B. xi. 85. D. viii. 194, 197, 245, 247. Vitel. B. xviii. 174. Ems, (courfeof) Avc.j. vol. ii. 63. Enckhuyfen, Galba, C. viii. 6, 35. Engelbertus Comes de Marka, Galba, B. Engelbert, Count of NalTau, Galba, B. xi. 11. Engelftadt, (Lud.J Galba, D. iii. 129, >75- Engelftroem, (H.) Galba, D. xiii. 96. England. Geography, Topography, and Antiqui¬ ties, Jul. A. viii. D. vii. 10,49 b. F. vii. 60 b. x. 145, i 47 , 155 b. 174. Ti b. A. ix. 6. E. viii. 6. Cal. A. viii. 4 1 * x. 1. Claud. B. viL 20a. D. vi. 8 b. vii. 21 b. Nero, D. ii iS6b. viii. 187. x. 140, Vitel, A. xx. 245. Vesp. A. xviii. 112 b. 157. Tit.D. xx. 89 b. Defcriptions, Claud. E. viii. 7b. Vi¬ tel. E. xi. 271. Tit. B. vi. 122. Cleop. A. xii. 46. Various kingdoms, Nero, A. vi. 3. Vesp. A. xxii. 123 b. 126 b. Dom. x. 4 b. De fitu, Tit. A. xix. 116 b. xxiv. 115, 117, 132. D. xx. 89b. Provinciale vetus, Claud. E. v. i b. Galba, E. iii. 39. Counties and Bifhopks, Claud. C. ii. I. iv. 1. D. ii. 1. Nero, A. vi. 2. Gal- »a. E. iv. 24 b. Tit. D. xii. 38. Dom. viii. 9. Cleop. C. vii. 10. Numerus hidarum, Claud. D. ii. 1 b. Dimenfions of lands, Faust. E. v. 9, 100. Cities, Towns, and Caftles, Jul. C. iv. 19. Tit. B. iii. 145 b. deSaxonum adventu, Nep.o, A. vi. 1. Nomina locorum in Hilt. Saxon. Nero, C. iii. 176. Nomina tenendum, militum, &c. Jul. C, vn. 1, 109. Claud. C. ii. 3b. 14b. 26 b - 34 » +3 b - 44 b - 64. ?8 b. 80, 8 3 i 8$. 91 b. x. Maps of counties, Otho, E. xi. 240. Harbours in England and Wales, Otho, E. ix. 76. xi. 291. Geographical mifccli. Jul. C. ii. 32. vi. 99 b. 104, 169, 187 b. 192, 233. F. VI * 35 8 > 373 * 39 *> 392 - x. 162. Tib. E. viii. 6. Tit. A. xxvii. 184 b. Annals and chronicles, (anonymous) Jul. A. vii. 30. viii. xi. 23. B. iii. 49b. D.iv. 1. v. 13. vii.34,127 b. F. vi.340. Tib. A. vi. 141. vii. 107. E. viii. 7 b. Cal. A. ii. 107. ix. 226 b. x. 3,60, 188. Claud. B. vii. 2. C. iv. 258 D. vi. 9, 97, 115. vii. 6, 23. x. 1. E. iii. 306. Nero, A. iv. 77. vi. 3 b. ix. ij. D. vi. 76. x. 201. Galba, E. iii. 1. 33 b. 43. v. viii. 2, 29. xii. Otho, B. iii. xiv. 200. D. iv. 119. Vitel. A. xvi. 2. xx. 77. C. iv. 119. viii. 1 b. ix. 304. E. xiv. 2. xv. J - F v - Ves p- A. ix. 156. B. xiv. 8 b. E. iv. 104, 107 b. 153.be. 17. Tit. A. xiii. 1, 41. xviii. 13. xxvii. 1 b. D. iv. 15. vii. 94 b. x. 1. xii. 3. xv. 7. xixi 120. xxiv. 6. Dom. ii. 130. iv. 1, 58, 247. viii. 29. x. 5, 8 b. 12. xii. 1, 55. xiv. 1. xv. 1. Cleop. A. xvi. 67. B. ii. 41. v. i. xiii. 91. C. x. 71. D. ii. 2. iii. 1, 74. iv. vii. 76. ix. 35, 77. Faust. A. viii. 70. B. vi. 69. C. ix. 42. Saxon kings, Jul.D. ii. 1. Tib. A. iii. 175. B. v. 21 b. 22. Vitel. A.x. 158. Dom. viii. 1. Cleop. C. x. 71. Faust. A. ii. 13, 21b. 22 b. B. ii. 190. C. ix. 51. Excerpta Saxonica, Jul. C. vi. 99 b. Dom. xviii. 38, 49. Verfes on the Saxon kings. Tit. B. viii. 310. Kings: defeents, feries, &c. Jul. A. i. 69. xi. 23, 25 b. B. xii. 257. C. ii. 78 b. D. vii. 49 b. viii. 27. E. ix. 49. Tib. C. viii. 4. Cal. A. iii. i 4 6. x. • 93 * I 9 S b - Claud. A. v. 133. B. vii. 203 b. Nero, A. vi. 2. viii. 84. D. i. 166 b. ii. 238 b. 243. Galba, E. viii. 29. xii. Vitel. C. x. 92. E. xi. 243. F. xii. 365. Vesp. B. vii. 1. C. xiii. 408. E. iv. 139, 14Z b. vii. I35. Tit. D. xv. 7. xix. 99 b. Dow. ii. 141. iii. 1. ix. 13 b. Cleop. B. ii. 41. Faust. A. viii. 40b. 176 b. B. iii. 1. vi. 67 b. vii. 40 b. E. ii. 250 266. Pitfures of them, Jul. E. iv. 1. Claud. D. vi. i. Vitel. A. xiii. 2. Their Seals, Vesp. F. xiii. palTim. Their titles to the crown, Jul. B. i. 91b. Cal. B. ix. 66. Tit. B. i. 245. v. 209. Againft a woman inheriting the crown, Jul. F. vi. 258. Their coronations and funerals, Nero, D- vi. 75 b. Vitel. C. iv. ,28 b. Tit. A. xix. 104. Dom. xviii. 13. vid. Coronation. Precedency, Cleop. F. vii. ,, ,, ,, Faust. C. ii. 169. Title to the crown of France, Tib. B. Supremacy over Scoiland, vid. Scotland. Note, concerning the king’s children, Vesp. C.xiv. 326. Concerning his houfehold, Jul C viii 89.95. Verfes on them, Galba, E. viii. 2 . Tit. D. xx. 91. Dom. ix. 14 b. Mrcellanxes concerning them, Nero, C. i-v. 171. Cleop. B. ix. 26. E. vi. paflim. Append, xxvii. u. Englilh nobility, vid. Nobility. Foreign dominions, Cal. D. iii. iv. vid. Agen. Aquitania, Britanny, Calais, Cherbourg, Gafcony. Treaties and negotiations,Ti t. B. vi. 22 b. vid. Britan.ny, Belgium, Burgundy’ Denmark, Flanders, France, Genoa, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Mufcovy* Poland, Portugal, Rome, Scotland’ Spain, Swifs cantons, Turkey, Ve- Alliance with the Emperor, France, and Spain, A° 1518. Vitel. B. xx. 91. Leges quxdam Angli®, Vite l. E. v.187. On the governance of the realm, Nero, C.x. 107. Confuetudines regni, Jul. C. ii. 95. de drifts monetar. & panis, Jul. D. iii On invafions, and the defence of the country, Jul. F. vi. 28, 53, 137. Galba, I), ii. 275. iii. 221. Otho, E. ix. 35 b. 36, 38, 41, 162 b. 166, * 73 * *81, 185 b. 191, 2[g, 221, 228, 2+6 ’ =68, 390. xi. go. 133, c 34 , 373’, 376. Vesp. C. viii. 146. Tit. B. iv. 75. v. 91. Forces of the different counties, Otho E. xi. 240. State of the ports, Otho, E. xi. 291. Tit. F. iii. 277. defeodis in Anglia, Nero, D. i. 171. Financical trads, vid. Exchequer, Fi¬ nances. Exadiones RR. Edw. Conf. et aliorum, Vitel. E. xiv. 3SS, 389. Sylloge cpiftolar. RR. & Pontificum An¬ glia;, Galba, E. x. 56. Submiflion of the realm to the Pope Tit. C. vii. 118. Vacicinia & verfus de rebus Anglia:, Vesp. E. vii. 70 b. 104. viii. 16. Tit. A. xix. ioj, 1.05 b. xx. 82 b. 86. de viris illuftribus & feriptoribus Anglix, J UL - F. x. 171 b. Claud. E. iii. 4. viii. 9 b. Nero, C iii. 191 b. 8 B INDEX. England— continued. The Bible of E-nglilh policy, Vitel. E. x. 184. Foreign princes, Sec. having Englilh dig- nities, Tit. D. xxi. 27. Fragments quredam, et colleflanea, Vi- tel. A. xx. 71. E. v. 175 b. Faust. E. iv. 2. E. v. Append, xxxi. xxxiv. Hidorical notes and mifcell. Jul. C. vi. 99b. F. vi. 231, 371. 373» 395- x. 180. Tib. A. vii. 38. Cal. B. v. 309. E. xi. 284. Claud. E.viii. 259. Nero, D. iii. paflim. Vesp. A. xviii. 170b. F. ix. 272. Tit. A. xix. 57. ' F. vi. 51. Dom. viii. izi, 124.CLEOP. C. iv. 113. Ecclefiaftical hiftory, Niro, C. iii. 72. Vitel. E. xiv. 276. State of the Church, Cleop. E. i. ii. iii. de Ecclefiis fundatis ante Normannor. ad- ventu, Nero, D. ii. 240 b. dc provinces et numero parochiar. T ib. B. iv. an. Vitel. A. xv. N° 1. Tit. B. iii. 146. D. xx. 173. Cleop. B. ii. 45. C. iv. 113. dc domi'ous 1’elfgiofis, Vitel. C. ix. 225. Cleop. A. xii. 46 b. C. iv. 113. E. iv. 312. Nomina Archiepifcopor. Epifcopor. Sec. Angli-T, Claud. B. vii. 206 b. Ne¬ ro, D. ii. 238, 240, 244b. Galsa, E. iv. 24b. Vesp. A. xiv. 176. xxii. 124 b. B. vi. 107 b. xiv. 113. Dom. viii. 8b. Cleop. B. ii. 45. D. viii. 5. Faust. B. vii. 4 b. Sufiraganeor. fedes. Tit. A. xiii. 144. Precedency of Archbps. and Bps. Tit. B. iii. 145. Appointment of bilhops fees, Cleop. E. iv. 304. de au&oritate regia in rebus Ecclefiaft. Faust. C. ii. 63. Append. xxvii. 11. Modus tenendi fynodos, Cleop. C. viii. 35- Epidola: et jearta: Epifcopor. et Abbatum, Jul. A. ix. 158. de libertate Eccl. Anglicanx, Cl auc. B. iii. 206. 6f Ecclefiadical Courts, Cleop. F. i. iij Valuation of Benefices, Vesp. E-. xxii. 121. Tit. B. iii. 142, 144, 146. Cleop. E. iv. 395. vid. Nicolas. On church property, Cal. E. xii. 443. Cafes of advowfons, Vesp. C. xiv. 6. Founders of 6hurches and convents. Tit’. B. viii. 355. Saints in England, Jul. F. vii. 55. x. 101. TXb. E. viii. 111. Vitel. A. ii. 4b. Tit. F. vi. 9. Decreta Sc Epidolse Pontif. Rom. Claud. E. v. 235 b. 243 b. Decreta concilii Lond. A* 1102. Tit. A. xiii. 146. Confuetudo in rebus Ecclef. TrT. A. xiii. 137. irpta 1 R iftris, Vbsp. B. xv. 4, 17, 2i, 26, 42, 56, 96, ICO. Aeainft the Pope’s authority in England, Cal.B. iv. ,33. On appeals to Rome, Vesp, C. xiv. 33, 34- | A compaft in fupport of Religion, Cal. B. ix. 34 , 35. On the reformation, Vesp. C. xiii. 342. Cleop. E. v. vi. Mifcell. on Ecclefiallical matters, Jul. F. vi. 161, 163 b. 231. Claud. C. vi. 163 b. Nero, D. viii. 183. Tit. A. xiii. 150, 156, 157. B. viii. 346. F. iv. 167, 170, 174. Englcfield, (Sir Fra.) Cal. C. ii. 56*. iii. 469. viii. 277. ix. 406'. Englilh, (words in old law) Vitel. A. xx. 70 b. Englifli, (Sir James) vid. Inglis. Ennius, (Bp. ofVero'.i) Vitel. B. iii. 132. v. 77. xix. 8, 199, 290. xx. 26r. Enno II. or IV. Count of Lad Friefland, Tit. B. i. 116, 120. Epernon, (D- of) vid. Valette. Epigramma, Tit.B. vi. S b. Epiliolte pontificates, See. Galba, E. x. 56. Vesp. A. xiv. 176, 177. Epitaphs, Anagrams, &c. Jul. F. xi. 63 b. 242. Vesp. C. xiv. 176, 180, 189, 196. Faust. A. viii. 84. E.v. 121. Erafmus Rotterdamus, Vitel. B. v. 44. xiv. 278 b. Erick X. K. of Scandinavia, Nero, B. iii. 11,13,16b. 19,21,26,27.30. Eric 11. D. ofBrunfw. Lun. Vesp. F.iii. 93- Erkenwald, (S.) Lond. Epifc. vita, Claud. A. v. 135. Erncll of Bavaria, Eledlor of Cologn, Gal¬ ea, C. viii. 31. D. viii. 216. ix. 305. Ernell, D.of Brunfw. Lun. G alba, D. xiii. 133. Vesp. F.iii. 95. Ernell, Archd. fontoMax.II. Nero, B.ix. 125. G alba, D. x. 125. Vesp. C. viii. 232, 240, 297. Tit. C. vii. 38 b. Errington, (John) mayor of Southampt. Otho, E. ix. 138. Errington, vid. Armington. Erikinc, (John) 6th E. of Marr, Regent of Scotland, Cal. C. iii. 281, 283, 307, 3«7> 333. 338. 339- Erfkine, (John) 7th E. of Marr. Cal.C. viii. 10, 15, 17,101, 169, 181,220 b. D. i. 210. ii. 504. Erlkine ? (Alex.) Cal.C. iv. 16. Errol, (E. of) vid. Hay. Efcheats, vid. Records. Efcovedo, Sec. to the K. of Spain, Cal. C. V. 75. Vesp. G. vii. 335, 359 b. Tit. B. vi. 57. Efcuage, (on) Tit. F. iv. 5S. Efdra propheta, Claud. E. i. 174. Elk, (Fifhgarth de) Cal. B. v. 69. Efncval, (M. d’) Nero, B. vi. 349, 390, 399- Efpemon, (Due d } ) apology, Tit. C. vii. 128. Efprs, (Don Gnercau d’) Galba, C. iii. 154, 176, 180, 226. Efi'ebienfis, (Alexand.) excerpta ex hid. Claud. B. vii. 210. EfTex, (Bilhops of) Tib. B. v. 20, 20b. Efi'ex, (Earl of) vid. Devereux. (forella) Galba, E. iv. iSb. 195. Efi'ex, (B.) Vssp. F. xiii. 50. Efi'ex, (Wm.) Tit. F. iv. 321. Efluck, (....) Nero, B. vi. 288. Elle, (Alfonfo da) Vitel. B. iii. 167, 177 b. v. 131b. Elle, (Alfonfo) D. of Ferrara, Vitel. B. ix. 51, 170, 187, 213. Elle, (Hyppol.) Card.of Ferrara,ViTEL. I? iv. 64. ix. 187. Eftoun, (Roger) Interrogatories concerning H. Darntey, Cal. B. iv. 260. Edrete, (John) Dep. in Ireland, Tit. B. xp, Edurney, (Wm.) Nero, B. ii. 56, 70, Galba, B. i. 104. Ethelbald, K. of Mercia, (charters) Auc.ii. 3» 32- Ethelbert, K. of Kent, Jul. C. ii. 32,49. F. vii. 123. Ethelbert II. K. of Kent, Auc. ii, 91, 101 . Ethelbert K. of England, Auc. ii. 66. Vitel. A. ii. 3. Ethelmod, Auc.ii. 16. Etheired K. of England, Jul. C. ii. 80 b, Aug. ii. 15, 22, 38, 48, 95. Claud. A. viii. 74. Nf.ro, A. i. 90, 119 b. Vitel. E. v. 210. Etheireda, (S.) of Ely, her life, Faust. E. iii. 260. Ethcldan, K. of England, charters, Sec. Jwl. C. ii.6ob. Auc. ii. 23, 31, 63. Tib. A. ii. 12b. 14,14 b. Claud. D.ii. iOk 13. Nero, A. i. 87 b. Vitel.C. ix. 195 b. Hyn vii , Nero, A. ii 8 b. laudem, Tib. a. ii. H; Oratio, Neko, A. ii. 9 b. Ethe'wolf, K. of England, Auc. ii. 20, 21. 28. 37> 60,71. Geneal. Nf ro, D. ii. 240. Etienne, (battle of St.) Auc. i. vol. ii. 88 . Evangelium, vid. Riblici Codices. Evans, (Lewis) Cal. E. x. 114. Evans, (Myles) Otho, E. viii. 131. Euarilii Epift. Vesp. A. xv. Evax, vid. Marbodaius. Everard, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 16&. Evelham, (Abbatia) Jul.D. ii. 162. R Chartai. \ . p. B. > ci v. .T r. C Conllitut. Auc- ii. II. Martyrolcg. Cl aud. A. viii. 137. Varia, Nero, D. iii. 242, 249. Vitel. E. xvii. 226, 229b. 243,250 b. Ves p. i B. xv. 17, j Eugenius III. P. Cleop. E. i. 118. Auc. ii. | 50, 112. EugeniusIV. P. Cleop. E. iii. 32. Bulla de Concil. Balileenfi, Cal. A. i, 112 . Deeretum unionis Ecckliz, Grrec. Sc Lvi. Cleop. E. iii. 78, S4. Eulogium, opus plerumque hiftoricum, Galba, E. vii. 16. Euphrofynie, (Sere.) vita, \’esp. E. iv. 100 b. [ Eure, (Ralph) Cal. D. ii. 279, 280, I 282,378,412. vid. Commidioncrs at Bremen. Eure, (Sir V il iam) Lieut, of the Middle j Marches. Letters, Cal. B. i. 348. ii. 260, 287, 350. iii. 57, 209, 249, 287. vi. 407, 407 b. 409, 435. vii. 220, 236, 243, 247, 248. Eure, (William Lord.) Tit. C. vii. 135. Europe, (plan for the pacification of) V1 tel. B. ix. 93. Eufebiur, Epid. ad Carpianum, Tin A. ii. 7. Eudache, a poem, Cal. A. ii. 135. I N D E X. tuflace, (Oliver) Tit. B. xii. 277,281. Ewes, (Sir Sim. d’) Jul. C. iii. 153. Kutychii Patriarchs.- Alexandr. Annales, Cal. A.iv. Excerpta mifcell. Jul. C. v. 34b. 52, 154. Exchange, (mifcell. concerning) Otho, E. x. 43, 47, 48, 54, 60, 79, 107, 124, 129. Exchequer, (fundrics concerning) Otho, E. xi. 191. Tit. B. iii. 219. iv. 19, 33- 36,4 8 - S3- 60, 68, 77, 79, 8a, 91, 134, 150, 154, 157, 161, 163, 163, 167, 170, 212, 251, 253, 326, 330. v. 2S2. vii. 198 b. Cleop. A.xvi. 1. Excerpta ex Rotulis in Scaccario, Vitel. F. xii. ic8. Liberniger Scaccarii, Claud. C. iv. Index Iibri rubri Scaccar. Faust. C. ii. 3. Oath ofthe Chanc. Tit. B. iv. iS b. Exchequer in Ireland, Tit. 13. xi. 109, in. Excomitiunicationes, Jul. D. vii. 126 h. F. vii. 172. Claud. A. ii. 123 b. Vitel. A. ii. 73. E. xvii. 252 b. Vesp. D. xi. 108 b. Exequia: 1 egales, DoM.xviii. 15. Exeter, (charters) Claud, D. ii. 129,131. (Bifhops of) Jul. C.ix. 104. (Defcription of) Tit. F. vi. 88. Statuta fodalitii Exoniie, Tib. B. v. 76. Exmoyth harbour, Auc. i. vol. i. 39. Exorcifms, Jul. D. vii. 8. viii. 109. Tib. A. iii. 103. Cal. A. viii. 171.xv. 123. Vitel. A. xviii. 198 b. 227. Vesp. D. xx. 93. Faust. A. vi. 157 b. Eye, (Feoda Honoris de) Vitel. F. xii. 1 So b. Eynlham, (Cart. Abbat.) Claud. A viii. 127. Nero, C. ix. 158. Excerpta ex libro Monad. Vesp. B.xv. 4. Eyre, (Lilt of Chief Jullices in) Vesp. F. iv. 64. F. Fabian’s Chronicle, N ero, C. xi. Fabii, (Dr. Jo.) Vitel. B. v. 235. Fabulofc narrationcs, Claud. B. vii. 203 b. Vitel. A. xii. 182 b. Facobrins, (Laur.) Vitel, B. xxi. 91. Fagot, (Hen.) Cal. C. vii. 153, 155. Faille, (Carol, della) Jul. C. iii. 40b, Faith, (St.) Monalt. Auc. ii. 136. Falkland, (Road of) Cal. D. i. 153. Falkland, (J.) Jul. C. iii. 138. Falmouth, (Charts of) Au g. i. vol. i. 36, 37, 43- Famars, (....) Inftrudt. Tit. B. ii. 490. Fanden, (S. A.J Cal.E. x. 343. Fane, family ped. J u l. F. vi. 364. Fano, (Fr. Torello da) Ns ro, B. vii. 113. Faramel.'a, fil. Abdelabi, de Altrologia. Claud. E.viii. 3. Farburne, (Capellade) Vitel. A. ii. 128. Farendon, manerium, Nero, A. xii. 147b. Farnefe, viJ. Alexander. Farnefe, (Alexander) Card.vid. Paul HI. Fafardo, (Don Louis) Vesp. C. xiii. 83. Fatoillat, (...,) Ca l. E. x. 267. Faucquet, (Jan.) de Sautonier, Galba, B. iii. 7 3. Favilln, D. ofBifcay: defccnt, Jul. F. xi. ■Tg, (Count) VlTBL. B. XX. 82. Faul’.i, Carmen elegiac. Nero, A. ix. 24. Fazibault, (Alonzo) Nero, B. vi. 199,202. Fealty, (Securities and hommagefor) Vesp. C. xiv. 162, 162 b. Feckenham forelt : Boundaries, Nero, D. iii. 245 b. Fecknam, (Dr.) Abbot of YVeltm. ora¬ tion againlt change of religion, Vesp. D. xviii. 87. Fedenu, (M.dc) haranguo au R. Hen. iv. Cal. E. ix. 96. Fedor I. Jevanowitz Czar, Nero, B. viii. 21. xi. 337. vid. Theodor. Fees, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 95 *, 1J4 - Tit. B. iv. 231, 31“, 323. F. iv. 308. Felix Monach. Croiland, vita S. Guthlaci, Nero, E. i. 183. Vesp. D.xxi. 18. Felix, (Joh.) Monach. Weiim. Claud. A. viii. 34. Fell, (Sam.) Jul. C. v. 220 b. Felons, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 154, J 57- Felt-makers, Vesp. C. xiv. 160. Tit. B.v. 3'9- 320.3 ZI -3zS- Feltham hamlet, Middlefex, Vesp. F. xiii. 13. Felton, (Tho.de) Cal. D. iii. 121. bemin, (....) Galba, C. xi. 63, J>4» 2 74' Fench, (Oliv. Oge) Tit.B. xiii. 473. Fenelon, (Bertrand de la Motte) Lett. Cal. C. ii. 7, 14. iii. 91. vii. 66 b. 125. F.. vi. 62,112,113,281,288. Vesp. F. vi. 99. Mifcel. Cal. C. iii. 398, 401. vii. 49, 79, 80, 96. Fenner, (Tho.) Otho, E. ix. 143,151. Fenns of Ely, pambridglh. See. (charts of) Auc. i. vol. i. 78,79. Fenton, (Edward) Otho, E. viii. 81, 116, 127, 129, 134, 135, 157, 162, 163, 166. voyage. Tit. E. viii. 171. Fenton, (Geffry) Tit. B. vii. 153, 37S. xiii. 374. Fenys, (Sir Roger) Vesp. F. xiii. 36. Fenys, (Ric. de) Dom. de Say : Brevia de cullodia. Jut. B.xii. 169. Feoda militum, vid. England. Feramofci, (Cefar) Vesp. C. ii. 133. Ferdinand I. K. of Hungary, and Emperor, Nero, B. ix. 77, 81, 91, 96. Galba, B. vii. 73. viii. 139 b. xi. 196, 234, 230. Vitel. B. xx. 262, 267 b. 268 b. 271, 286. xxi. 3, 30, 40, 45. Vesp. F. i. 17, 78, 106. iii. 63, 64, 87. Tit. B. ii. 138. His defeat near Buda, Vesp. F. i. 5. Ferdinand the Cath. K. of Spain,—and Ifabella. Infln treaties, &c. Vitel. C. xi. 47, 54. Vesp. C. i. 19, Z3, 77, 92, 103. xii. 168,. 170, 175, 204, 21S, 231, 233, 273, 284. F. iii. 40 b. Ferdinand and Eleanor, K. and of Por¬ tugal. A treaty with Edw. III. Nero, B. i. 7. Ferdinand I. Gd. D. of Tufcany. Jul. E. ii. 71b. 81 b. Vesp. F. iii. 54- 55- 5 6 - Ferdinand, (Don) Infant of Caflile, Nero, B. i. 34. Feria, (A. Conde de) Galba, C. i. 205. Feriby, (John) Vesp. F. xiii. 2 7. Fermers, (Rich.) inventory of his goods. Append, xxviii. 154. Fernandes, (Fimas) Otho, E. viii. 102. Fernihurfl," vid. Ker. Ferrabofco, (Alfonfo) Tit.B. vii. 48, 234, 3'i, 34 6 - 3 6 °* Fcrrar, (John Bap;.) Galea, B. x. 73, 79, 84. Ferrara, vid. Efte. Ferrers, (Ld.) Galba, B. iii. 136. Ferrers, (Tho.) depty. to the mercht. ad¬ vent. Galba, D. viii. 111 b. 193, 237. ix. 123 b. 138 b, 167 b. 176, 204 b. 206, 238, 243. Ferrers, (...) Nero, B. ix. 201. Ferrier, (James) Cal. E. xi. 104. Fella: fynodalia Norwic. Dioces. Jul. B, vii. 38. ferianda in Epifc, Wigorn. Claud. A. viii. 216. de fell is diebus. Cal. A. xv. 84 b. Rubriei- de feftis, Nero, A. xiii. 197. Fellivalcs libri, Jul. D. ix. E. vii. Tib. A. iii. 165 b. Claud. A. ii. i, 132 b. 153 b. iii. 133. Feverlham, (John, Abbot of) Cleop. E. iv. 34. Fewterer, (John) Cleop. £. vi. 179. Fez, vid. Moroccco. Fielde, (Jo.) Tit. B.vii.22. Fiennes, (Ghiflam de) Galba, C. iii. 13 b. 16, 18, 19, 22, 37 b. Filonifiis, (Titus Livius de) Claud. E. iii. 332. 353 b - Finances, Otho, E. x. 64, 146 b. 151, 133. Fit. C. vii. 197, 198b. vid. Exchequer. Fines, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 169, 171. Tit. B. iv. 206. Finet, (Sir John) on duelling, Tit. C. iv. 304. Finet, (John) Cal. E. xi. 310. Finofe, (P. de) on the revolution in the Low Countries, Galba, C. iv. 293. Fintry, vid. Graham. Filh, (regulations concerning) Nero, A. vi. 117, 119, 123, 124. Otho, E. vii. Fllhe, (John) of Scarborough, Cal. B. ix* 383. Filher, (Chrifir.) Vitel. B. ii. 7. Fifher, (John) Bp. of Rochefler, Vesp. F. xiii. 134 b. Cleop. E. vi. 161, 16a, 166, 169, 172, 178 b. 204, 257 b. Fifher, (Thomas) Cal. B. vii. 325. Fiterbert, (T. ) Cal. E. x. 319 b. Fitz-Aldhelm, (Wm.) Tit. B. xi. 90. Fitz-Allan, (Hen.) E. of Arundel, Vesp. F. xiii. 82. Fitz-Allan, (Tho.) Tit. B. i. 415 a. Fitz-Allan, (Cath.) Vesp. F. xiii. 82 b. Fitz-Allan, (Tho.) Archbp. of Canterb. Vesp. F. vii. 88. Cleop. E. ii. 252. Filz-Allan, (Tho.) E. of Arundel, Nero> B. i. 30. Vesp. F. xiii. 20. Fitz-Ailan, (Wil.) E. of Arundel, Galba, B. v. 132. Fitz-Gerald, (Gerald) E. of Kildare, Vesp. F. xii. 109. Tit. B. xi. 15 b. 23, 25, 260,433,493. xii. 138. xiii. 173, 327. Fitz-Gerald, (James) E. of Defmond, Tit. B. xi. 215 b. 311. xiii. 171, 569. Fitz-Gerald, (John) Tit. B. xi. 433. Fitz-Gerald, (...) Earl of Defmond, Tit B. xi. 101. Fitz-Gerald fain, grants to. Tit. B. xi. 92. Fitz-Henry, (Miles) grant to, Tit. B. xi. 27. Fitz-Hughj (Hen.) Vesp. F. xiii. 30, INDEX. Fitz-James, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 39. Fitz-John, (Emma) Tit. B. xi. 148. Fitz-Maurice, (Edm.) Ti T. B. xi. 33b. Fitz-Maurice, (James) Tit. B. xiii. 217. Fitz-Olbert, (Wm.) fenter.cc again ft him for rebellion, Vesp. C. xiv. 449. Fitz-Patrick, (Barnaby) Cal. E. i. 28. iv. 284. Fitz-Patrick, (Barnard) Ld. Upper Qffory, Tit. B. xiii. 254, 289, 391. Fitz-Roy, (Henry) D. of Richmond. His council, Cal. B. iii. 276. vi. 7 a. Fitz-Roy, (Hen.) created E. of Notting¬ ham, Tib. E. viii. 206. Fitz-Thomas, (Gerald) Tit. B. xiii. 573. Fitz-Thomas, (John) E. of Rildare, Tit. B. xi. 40, 53, 61, 74, Sz. Fitz-Warren, (John) Cleop, E. iv. 146. Fitz-Warren, (Yonn) Vesp. F. xiii. 20. Fitz-Wautcr, (Hen.) Cleop. E. v. 578. Fitz-William, (family) Jul. B. xii. 24:'. 308 b. Fitz-William (Sir Hen.) Tit. B. xiii. 163. Fitz-William, (Jo.) Galea, C. iv. 4. Eitz-William, (Mabel) Lady Southampton, Vesp. F. xiii. 143. Fitz-William, (Sir William) E. of South¬ hampton, Cal. D. viii. 9, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 25, 29, 20, , 4 61, 66, 69, 71, 72, S4, 86, 87, 89, 117, 119, 195, j 97. ix-. 97, 101, 136, 292. E. ii. 100. iii. 49. Galba, B. v. 204. x iii. 36, 153, 160. D. ix. 94. Otho, E. ix. 30, 31, 69. Tit. B. i. 86, 392, 396. xiii. 5,6, ii 2, 12 1, 146, 150, 155, 171, 181, 151, 199, 443. Cleot. E. iv. 176. Fitz-William, (William) Cal. E. iii. 49. Otho, C. x. 258. Vesp. F. xiii. 137 b. Fitz-William, ( . . ) Galba, D. ii. 339. Otho, C. x. 178 b. Flamines Britannise, Jul. D. vii. 9 b. vid. Priefts. Flanders, (treaties with) Cat.. D. iii. 14. Galba, B. i. 19,26, 136. (Trade with) Cal. B. v. 309. (The 4 members of) Galba, B. i. 23, 50, 70, 76, 78, 79, 91, 122, 126, 130, 143. 146, 147. 149. Summa controverfia; inter Angliam et Flandriam, Galba, C. ii. 84. (Intelligence from) Cal. D. viii. 231. Galba, B. iii. 146 b. 257. iv. 19, 87. C. vi. P. ii. 155. D. iii. 74. (A loan to) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. nob. (Charts of) Aug. i. vol. ii. *03, 104, 109. (Les chroniques dc) Nero, E. iii. (Earl of) treaty with Edw. III. Cal. D. iii. 31. Mifcell. Cal. D. iii. 28. Galba, C. v. 302, 305. vii. 105 b. Vesp. C. xiii. 277. Tit. C. vii. 239. vid. Belgium. Fleche, (college of la) Cal. E. x. 301, 3 °5- Fleetwood, (Edw.) Tit. B. ii. 238. Flegge, (Robt.) Galba, B. x. 62, 63. Fleming, (David)de Bygar, Vesp. F. vii. 82. Fleming, (John Lord) Cal. B. i. 25. Fleming, (Mary) Lethington’s widow. Cal. C. iv. 102 b. Fleming, (Robert) Cal. B. ix. 409. Flerfchem, (Fred.) Galea, B. iii. 340. Fleta, Jul. B. viii. TlEtcher, (D.) irjftrua. to, N e ro, B. v. 333. Fletcher, (J.) Cal. D. i. 344. Fletcher, (O.) Cal. C. viii. 298. Fietcher, (Richard) Dean of Peterborough, Cal. D. i. 201. Flii'co, (Opizo de) Vesp. F. i. 8S, 88 b. Flood, (SirTho.) Galba, D. ix. 24. Florence, (Magiftrates of) Nero, B. vii. 4. (Secretary of) Nero, B. vii. 204. Florentinus, (...) Vite t, B. Lx. 98. Florentius Wigornenfis, Jul. C. ii. 117. Vitel. E. xiii. 1. Floridan, (amours de Meffire) Nero, D. ix. 109. Florio, (J.) Jul. G. iii. 16. Flour, (J.) Galba, B. iii. 6j. Flulhing, Galba, C. iv. 229. viii. 16-2. x. 331. D. ii. 43, 44. iii. 17. iv. 121, 130, 275. r. 42. viii. 80. ix. 17, 18, I 29, 329. E. i. 266. Vesp. C. viii. 131 b. (Plans of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 105, 107. Fogaca, (Ant.) commillion, Nero, B. i. 1 73- Foix, (Gallon Comte de) Cal. D. iii. ibS-, 12z, 126. Foix, (Odet de) Seigr. de Lautrec. Vttel. B. ix. 160. x. 4r. Foix, ( .. de) Fr. ambaflhdor in England, Cal. C. iii. 224, 314, 398. Foix,(...)ViTEL. B. x. 101 b. Vesp. F. vi. 99*b. Folcardus Monach. Cantuar. vita S. Johan- nis de Beverley, Faust. B. iv. 156. Foljambe, (Sir James) his marriage and iftue, Jul. B. xii. 169 b. Folietto, (Hugo de) de ordinatione clauftri, Appen d. xx, Fonge, (Alicia) hasretica, Cleop. E. iv. 103 b. Fonkleroy, (...) examination, Ttt. B. ii. 326. Fontaine, (Wm. de la) Cal. D. vii. S4, lor. Forda, (Joh.de) vita S. Wlfrici, Faust. B. iv. 63. Forden, (John van) Nero, B. iv. 56. Fordun, (Joh. de) Scotor. Hill, Vitel. E. xi. t. Forcft, (Ant.) Jul. G. iii. 112. Foreli, a fattious monk at Greenwich, Cleop. E. iv. 9 b. 130, 132 b. 133. Forefter, (Sir John) Cal. D. i. 308. Forefter family, defeent, Tit. B. viii. 285. Forefts, Faust. F-. v. 6t. (notes on the four preftures of) Vesp. C. xiv. 491. (colleftion of Ilarutes, enftoms, &c. re¬ lating to) Vesp. F. iv. (improvements of) Tit. B. iv. 26S. (officers of royal) Tit. B. iii. 216. (lilt of) Tit. B. v. 385. Forfeitures, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 163, 164. Forgery, (cafes of) Vesp. C. xiv. 167. Foriften, (Leon) Tit. B. vii. 136. Forman caftlc, (treaty of) Cal. E. vi. 38*. Formenilda, (Sea.) in ejufdem natale. Cal. A. viii. 89 b. Formofus, (P.) epift. &c. Faust. B. vi. 98. Formula quasdam juridical. Tit. A. xxv. 117. Formulare curia Romarar, Vitel. F. ii. efoftionis abbat. &c. Don it. %i. 107, Forres, vid. Ferrers. Forller,(Sir John) warden of the M. Marches, Cal. B. viii. 217. Lx. 222, 230, 278, 27 9 ’ 337 * 3 6o « 39 °- C. >• 3 ® 3 - 384 b, iii. 442, 443, 449. iv. 4-5, 49> 50. v. 24, 40. vi. 74, 163. vii. 2,71, 76, 233. viii. 2 b. 14 b. 39 b. 135 b. Fortefcue, (Sir John) de dominio Regali, Claud. A. viii. 172. Dialogue, Vitel. E. x. i~6 . Fortefcue, (J.) Cal. E. viii. 179. Fortifications, Cal. C. ii. 490. Tit. I r , xiii. 273. Fortunati Piftav. Epifc. vita S. Hilarii, Claud. A. i. 53, Epift. ad Pafcent. P. Claud. A. i. 56b-. Fofkew, (Sir Adrian) inventory of his pro¬ perty, Appe nd. xxviii. 171. Foftun, (Robe, dc) Ni ro, C. iii. 183. Fountain Abbey, (regifters of) Jul. C. i:. 123. Ti b. C. xii. Fowey, (char: of the haven) Auc. i. vol. i. 38- Fowler, (P.) Cal. D. L 374. Fowler, (T.) Cal. C. ix. 77, 143. D. i- 379- 3 S J. 387, 387, 392, 393, 395* 39 6 * 399* 4°+* 4°7» 4°8. 4*»» 422, 423. Tit. C. vii. 139. Fowler, (Will.) Cal. C. vii. 74, 78, J2 z, 142, 143, 161, 164 b. 163, 163 b. 176 b. 177 b, 178, 180, 283. D. i. 269,305,3.,. 336.353. Fox, (Edw.) Bilhop of Hereford, Cleop, E. vi. 201. Fox, (Edw.) Jul. C, v. 145 b. 183. Vs- tel. B. xxi. 155. b. Fox, (Richard) Bp. of Winchefter, Cal. B. vi. 249. Galba, B. iii, r 45 - Foxall, (John) Nero, B. viii. 7b. 11. Fraccnham, (donat. terr. in) Jul. C. ii. 66 b. Fradelius, (Pet.) Jul. C, v. 97 b. Fragments in cafes. Append, xxx. —xiv. Fraire, (Rob.) Cal, D. iii. 33.. Framyfon, (Joh.) Glafcov. Ep. Cleop. E. ii. rjz. France. Tranfafta inter Angliam & Franciam, Cal. D. iii. v—xii. £. i—xii. Gal¬ ba, E. vi. Vesp. F. vi. de rebus GalUcis, Vesp. F. v. (State and defeription of) Cal. E. vii. 319. xii. 92, 329. Tit. B. viii. 365. D. xii. 58. (Kings of) Genealogies, Vesp. A. vi. 1 b. Tit. D. xii.Y de geftis vet. RR. Franciz, Veep. A. vi. S . Fafqnilla in R. Gallon Cal. B. v„ 325 b. Les Chroniques de France, Nero, E. ii. Queen regents of France, Cal. D. ix. 120. Vitel. C. xi. 372. Marriages of daughters of France, Yi- tel. C. xi. 363. Princes, Counfellors, Src. of Fr. F. v. 1, 304. Finances of Fr. Cal. E, vi. 27 a. xii. 195. Vesp. F. v. 52. r N D E X. r ra nee— continued. Lieut. Governors, temp. Hen. IV. Vesp. F. v. 48. Grants of the clergy to the king, Vesp. S' V. 153. Treaties and negotiations with England, (Temp. Edw. 111 .) Nero, D. vi. 4. Vi - tel. C. iv. 1—(1348.) Cal. D. iii. 26. *-(1366) Nero, D. vi. 29.—(1371.) Cal. D. iii. 86.—(1 375 -) Cal. *“• 89.—(1407.) Cal. D. iii. 128. temp. Hen. V. &VL Cal. D. v.— (1475.) Cal.D.vi. 7 b. 11 b.— (t478.)CAL.D. vi. I, 2.—(1493.) Cal. D. vi. 13.— (1498.) Cal. D. vi. 34.—(1510.) Cal. D. vi. 76, 83.—(1514.) Cal. D. vi. 111, 115, izo.—(1515.) Cal. D. vi. 261. Tit. B. vi. 17.—(1517 .)Cal. D. vi. 32s.—(1518.) Cal. D. vii. 61. Vitel. B. iii. 237.—(1519.) Cal. D. vii. 7;. —(1564.) Cal. E. v. 176, 186. xii. 15,62.— (1568.) Cal. E.vi. 3 Z > 39 - — *576.) Vesp. F. v. 253. (1589.) Galba, E. vi. 419, 421.— (1591.) Cal. E. viii. 212, 499.— (1593.) Cal. E. ix. 86.—(1596.) Cal. E. ix. 340, 342.—(1599.) Cal. E. ix. 549, 551. Mir. C. vii. 141. — (1603.) Cal. E. x. 227.—(fine A 0 ), Jul. F. vi. 55. Cal. D. iii. 73, 93. E. vi. 381. viii. 65, 92 b. 106, 137. ix. 367, 553. 561. x. 13, 357. xi. 171. xii. 8, 200. Galba, B. ix. 63. E. vi. 331. Collections and lifts of Treaties, Cal. E. xii. 132. Tit. B. vi. 24, 25. Treaties and negociations with other States, Vitel, B. iv. 43. Vesp. F. v. 136, 306, 360, 374. Tit. A. iii. 2, 22, 29 b. 43. Deliberations des trois Etats, A 0 1356, Tit. D. xii. 58. Concerning the war With Spain, A 0 1584, Vesp. F. v. 59. Englifh forces in France, Cal. E. v. 30. vii. 216. viii. 62, 78, 83, 87, 89, 93, 104, 133, 186, 211, 214, 396, 411, 417, 456 b. 460, 471, 474, 488, 541. ix. 155, 156. Otho, E. xi. 69. vid. Britanr.y, Normandy, Piccardy. Interference of Fr. in the affairs of Scot¬ land, Cal. B. iv. 130. C. iii. 281b. *95> 3°2- 39°> 398, 43 8 - Proteftants in France, Cal. C. iii. 404, 416. E. xi. 47, 87, 95, 202. xii. 86 b. loo, 110, 381, 420. Nero, B. vi. 193. Vesp. F. v. 160, 162, 178, 190, 199, 204, 208, 212, 230, 237, 2 9 ‘> 395. 397* 399. 4i 8 . 5°°» 5°3- xii. 32. Precedency over Spain, Cleop. F. vii. 69, Si. Office is and Nobility, Nero, B. vi. 276. Deliberations in Fr. on Englifti depreda¬ tions, Galba, E. vi. 297, 338, 345. Journal of an Englilh ambaflador in Fr. Vesp. F. x. Jourjiey into Fr. Tit. B. vi. 10. lnvefliva contra Franciam, Tit. A. xx. Penfions paid by England to Fr. minifters. Cal. E. ii. I97. Sundries concerning the French forces. Cal. D. vi. 543. viii. 32, 135, 229. E, vii. si. viii. 49, 537, Various intelligence from Fr. Cal. B. i. 31, 139. D. vi. 274, 277, 313, 327, 342, 344, 346. vii. 22, 141, 152. viii. 179. ix. 82, 124. E. i. 149b. v. 72, 10S. vii. 166, 171, 182, 203, 254, 274, 294, 296 b. viii. 210. ix. 412, 414. x. 273, 3S6. xii. 36. Vitel. B. iii. 261. Tit. B. vi. 29. Mifcellanics, Cal. B. viii. 273, 275. D. ix. 277. E. vi. 339. vii, 110,147, 211, 217, 254, 345, 353 b. ix. 259, 563, 569, 577. x. 336. xi. 206, 249. xii. 117, 120. Claud. E. viii. 258. Veip. F. v. 50, 233, 314, 335, 341. ix. 194. xii. 119. Tit. B. vi. 134 b. C. vii. 195. D. xii. 75. F. xiv. 1. Append, xxix. 2. Francefchi, (Nic.) projeft for raifing money. Fa ust. C. ii. 28. Franche Comte : Treaty concerning, Cal. E. ii. 205. Franci-pk-gii vifus, Cleop. C. vii. 11b. Nero, A. xii. 148 b. Francis I. K. of France. Treaties and negociations. Cal. D. ix. 67, 84, 201, 319. Vitel. B. x. 81. Treaty of Madrid, Vesp. F. v. 65. Concerning his releafe, Vitel. B. vii. 195. Concerning the releafe of his fons, Vesp. F. v. 54. Lettres Royaux, Vesp. D. xxviii. A payment to Hen. VIII. Cal. D. vii. 24'. His licence to R. Grafton, to print the Bible at Paris, Cleop. E. v. 326b. Articles with James Fitz-John E. of Def- mond. Tit. B. xi. 352. Letters, Inftruflions, Cal. B. vi. 140, 147, 148, 411. vii. 132. D. vi. 256, 270, 278, 323. vii. 4, 20, 21, 24, 67, 69, 87, 160, 163, 165, 166, 168, 172, 173, 174, 195, 223, 225, 226. viii. 3J, 39, 43, S', s*. ' 3 '. '3 6 . 138, 176, 180. ix. 1, iii, 150, 174, 218, 249, 303, 321. D. x. E. i. 2, 4, 17. ii. 5, 200. Galba, B. vi. 58 b. Vesp. F. iii. 21 b. Francis II. K. of Fr. Treaty with Burgundy, Cal. E. ii. 205. Treaty of marriage with Mary M'udor, Cal. D. vii. 8 . Vitel. C. xi. 169. with Mary Q. of Sc. Cal. E. xii. 362. Vesp. F. v. 137. Matrimonial Crown of Scotland granted to him, Cal. B. x. 1. Francis and Mary, Ailed K. and Q^of England, and Ireland, Cal. B. v. 318. Lett. Jul. F. vi. 157 b. Vesp. F. iii. 82. vid. Mary CL. of Scots. Francis I. D. of Brit. Jul. B. vi. 49. Francis II. D. of Brit. Jul. B. vi. 58, 94, 95. Vesp. F. iii, 26 b. Francis Mary I. D. of Urbino, Vesp. F. iii. no b. Francis, fon to Francis I. K. of Fr. Vesp. F. iii. 24. Francis D. d'Aler^on and Anjou, vid. Va¬ lois. Francifci, (B.) Vifio, Nero, A. ix. 92. Tcftajncntum, Nero, A. xiii. 167b, Faust. D. iv. 25. Frandfburg, (. . . .) Vitel. B. vii. 61. F.-angipane, (J. F. de) Vesp. F. 1. 24. Franklyn, (Win.) Cal. B. i. 41. iii. 133, 158, 299. viii. 163. Tit. B. i. 295. Frafer, (S.) Cal. B. i. 24. Fredcricus I. Imp. Epift. ad Saladinum, Claud. E. viii. 2. Frcdcrici II. Imp. Vita, Vesp. A. xi. Epill. Cleop. B. xii. 45. Frederic 1 . D. of Slefvvic Holltein, and af¬ terwards K. of Denmark, Nero,B. iii. 88, 122. Frederic II. K. of Denmark, Nero. B. iii. 159, 184, 185, 201, 229, 238, 247, 250, 252, 253, 257, 258b. 263, 275, 282, 285,285 b. 305, 314,315, 325. iv. 216. Galba, E. 5,84, 158, 167. Vesp. F. iii. 77. Knight of the Garcer, Tit. C. vii. 209, 215, 216, 221, 226. Frederic II. El. Palatine, Vitel. B. xxi. 108. Frederic III. Eledl. Palatine, Galba, B. xi. z 4 o, 243, 248 b. 331, 349, 358, 365, 381. Vesp. F. iii. 79. vi. 112, 129. Frcde.ic IV. Elefh Palat. Cal. E. x. 136, 305. Galba, D. xiii. 134. 146, 160. Vesp. F. iii. 80. Tit. B. ii. 386. Frederic V. Eledl. Palat. K. ofBohemia, Marriage with Eliz. daughter of James I. Vitel. C. xi. 368. Vesp. F. iii. 45 b. His naturalization. Tit. C. vii. 76. Frederic III. Elect. of Saxony, Vite l. B. xx. 1+4 b. 273. Frederic Win. D. of Saxe Altenburgh, Galba, D. ix. 40, 45. Vesp. F. iii. 90. Frederic D. of Wirtcmberg, Vesp. F. iii. 96 b. 97. Fredoli, (Berengar.) Card. de excommun. Jul. D. xi. 60. Free-obfervants, (Minifter of) declaration concerning Angus, Cal. B. vii. 79. Fregofus, (Odiav.) Doge of Genoa, Vi¬ tel. B. iii. 149. Freman, (John) Tit. B. i. 394, Frene, (E.) Jul. C. iii. no. Frewill, (Geo.) Cal. B. ix. 402. Friar, (John) Nero, B. vi. 142. Fridcgodi vita S. Wilfridi, Claud. A. i. I. Friefland, Galba, C. x. 260. xi. 299. D. ii. 239, 319. iii. 77. iv. 41, 43 , 7 fi, 79, v. 84, 88. vii. 13. x. 83. Friefland, (Eaft) Galba, B. xi. 210, 347, 374- 389- Charter of liberties, Vitel. B, xxi. 50. Frifcobaldi, (Emeric de) Cal. P. iii. 3. Frifcobaldi, (Jcr.) Galba, B. iii. 76 b. iv. 16S. Frifcobaldi, (Leon.' Vitel. B. xix. 211, 261 b. xx. 113. Frith, (Tho.) Tit. B. vii. 462. Frithenwald, Surreianor. fubregulus, Vi- tel. A. xiii. 19. Frobifher, (Martin) Cal. E. ix. zn. Ne¬ ro, B. i. 102 b. Galba, D. ii. 59. viii. 86. Otho, E. viii. 86, 107. ix. 266. Voyages, Otho, E. viii. 41, So, 87. Frontonii, (Sci.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 41 b Fruticenus, (Jo.) Vitel. B. xviii. 143. Fryas, (Ducdc) Tit. B. ii. 148. Fryfley, (Tho.) Tit. B. i. 353. Fuentes, (Count de) Ve-,?. C. 'iii ilo- 243. F. ix. 291. »C ) N D £ X. Fugger, (the commercial houfe of) at Auglburgh, Galea, D. xiii. 128. vid. B. Steelier, their agent. Fugger, (Jacob) Galt.a, B. v. 39 b. Fugger, (Anthy.) Galea, B. x. 336. Fulgenfii, (Sci.) regulx, Tib. A. iii. 160b. Funerals, (notes relpefling) Jul. B. xii. 5 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 179. Faust. E.v. 108. Furnefs Abbey, (regift.) Otho, D. iv. 98. Furnival, (Sire de) Vesp. F. vii. 67. Fyennes, (Guillain dc) Galea, B. xi. 379. Fylolls, (Jafper) Cleop. E. iv. 35. G Gaddns, (N'.j Card. Farifianus, Vi tel. B. ix. 115. Gaetano, (Geo. Vic.) Ne ro, B. vii. 202. Tit. B, vii. 129. Gage, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 235. Gale, (Sir Hen.) Cal. C. i. 372, 374. Gale, (Sir John) Cleop. E. v. 364. Galfridus, Archicp. Ebor. fit. nothus R. H:n. II. Cleop. B. ii. 39. Galfridus Monumethenfis. Hift. RR. Britan. Nero, D. viii. 3. Galea, E. xi. 2. Vesp. A. xxiii. 1. E. x. 271. Tit. A. xviii. 13. C. xvii. Cleop. D. viii. 8. Vita, &c. Mcrlini, Vesp. E. iv. 112 b. Tit. A. xix. 63, 74. Galicia, (chart of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 112. Galliai vid. France. Galloway, (Lord) Cal. B. viii. 277. Galloway, (A.) Cal. C. iv. 15 b. Galteres foreft, (fees) Jul. B. xii. 306 b. Galway, (plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 53. Galway, (Allan and Tho.) grants to, Tit. B- xi. 29. Gambara, (Ubertus) Vitel. B. viii. 62, 66, 123. ix. zi. xi.':, 199, Z90. Gandavum, (pertinentia ad conventum de) in Greenwich et Laveiham, Otho, B. xiv. 68. Garay, (...) Vesp. C. iv. x61. Garbrant, (J ) Calba, C. ix. 253, 265, 283. Gardiner, (Robt.) Chief Juftice of Ireland, Tit. B. xiii. 383. Gardinerus, ,Si!v.) Tit. B. i. 362. Gardiner, (bteph.) Bp. of Winchester, Gal¬ ea, 15. x. 227. Otho, C. x. 171. \Trci. B. xi. 48, i 65 , 208 b. xii. 169, 223. xiii. 51. Vesp. C. xiv. 18. Tit. B. i. 303, 373, 412. Cl eop. E. jv. 307. v. 213. vi. 200. Gargiave, (Sir Thomas) Cal. B. ix. 324, 59 2 > 393 '- ii; - 381. Garlande, (Ant.) Tit. B. x. 207. Garlandi, (D-) computus, Vesp. A. ix. 32 b. Garland in, (Job. de) Epithalam. E. Maria:, Claud. A. x. 1. Garlyn, (Tho.) Tit. B. iv. 273. Garmy monallery, (grant to) Jul. F. ix. 61. Garnac, (Joan) her elopement, Nero, B. vi. 317. Garnier, (Secy.) Vesp. C. viii. 76, 203. F. ix. 169. Garonne, (courfe of) Auo. i. vol. ii. 80. Garrifons, (concerning) Cal. C. x. 47. Garfcn, (Robt.) Tit. B. viii. 54, 55, c6. Garter, (Order of the) Foundation, Jul. C. ix. id, 25. Ne¬ ro, D. ii. 247. Dom. xviii. 236. Statutes, Jul. C. ix. 16. Vesp. A. xx. Faust. D. i. Inftallation, Jul. F. xi. 269. Lift of Knights, Tit. B. viii. 343. Mifcell. Jul. C. ix. 24, 60. Tib. E. viii. 19S. Nero, C. x. 93, icz. Tit. D. xxi. 18. Garvey, (Robt.) Tit. B. xiii. 256, 258. Garzcs, (Martin de) Grand Mafter of Malta, Cal. E. xi. 43. Gafcoigne, (Tho.) excerpra ex ejufdem Diet. Theolog. Vitel. C. ix. 155. Gafcony, (charters, treaties, &c. concerning) Jul. E. i. Cal. D. iii. 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13. Ceded to England, Nero, D. vi. 56b. Vitel. C. iv. 88. Vesp. C. xii. 39, 66, 66 b. Survey of, Ca.l. D. iii. 30. Mifcell. Cal. D. iii. 123. Gaftel, ( . . du) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 239, 240. Gaure, ( . . de) Galea, B. v. 282 b. Gavelkind, Galba, E. iv. 45. Cleop. C. vii. 1 b. Gay, (John) inftr. Otho, E. viii. 5. Gayer, (...) concerning tin caufes, Tit. B. iv. 295. Gebhard II. Truchfefs, Elcflor of Cologn, Cal. E. vii. 243. Galba, D. i. 239. ii. 19, 30, 97. xiii. 83, 84. Vesp. F. iii. 92. Gedney, Fam. notes, Jul. F. xi. 20. Gedney, (John) Vesp. C. xiv. 272 b. Gelafius,. . . P. decretalis de recipiend. lib. Vesp. B. xiii. 66. Gelafius II. P. Epift. ad Archicp. &c. Gal¬ lia:, Claud. A. i. 35. Gelafius Cyziccnus, de concil. Nicteno, Nero, D. x. i. Gemmeticcnfis, vid. Guillelmus. Gemmis, (de) Tit. D. xxiv. 132b. Genealogia, vet. heroum, Jul. F. vii. 12. Tabic of confanguinity, Claud. C. vi. 4. Genebclli, (Fred.) Galba, C. xi. 83. Geneva, Cal. E. x. 317. xii. 436. Nero, B. vi. 198, 289. Galba, E. vi. 405. droits de la ville de, Ve s p. F. v. 131. Ordonances de, Tit. A. xii. Genevill, (Geoffry de) Tit. B. xi. 238. Gennadius Mafiiliens. Epifc. de viris illuft. Vesp. A. xiii. 68 b. B. xiii. 57 b. Genoa, (treaties and negoc. with) Jul. E. ii. 89, 92, 97, F. vi. 145, 146. Vesp. C. vi. 142, 137, 163. F. i. 92, 93, 96 b. & inde paifim. iii. in. (Doge and Senate of) Jul. E. ii. 97. Vitel, B. ii. 144. iii. 149. Gentil, (Jehan) Nero, B. vi. 312. Geographica, Tib. B. v. 29, 78 b. 91. Nero, C. ii. in b. Galba, A. vii. 1, 26. Otho, E. viii. 145. Vesp. E. viii. 108. Dom. xviii. 99. Cleop. A. x. 1. C. x. 155 b. Faust. A. viii. 102, 104 b. B. vii. 34. de menfura orbis, Vesp. E. vi. 18 b. vii. 1. opus hiftoricum et geographicum, Nero, E. iv. Mappa terne, Nero, D. v. t. Geometrica quxdam, Vesp. A. ii. 139, 140. George, D. of Saxony, Vitel B. xxi. 146. Tit. B.i. 227, 22S. George John, Count Palat. Vesp. F. iii. 79 b. 89. George Frederick, Margrave of Anfpach, Galba, D. .iii. 14c. George, (Sir Ferdinand) Otho, E. ix. 3 ! 6 ‘ Georgine, (...) Yitpl. B. xiii. 44 b. Georgius, (Franc.) Nep.o, B. iii. 89. Georgius, a Prieft of Rhodes, Otho, C, ix. 45. Gerald, (James Fitz Thom.) confeffion. Tit. B. xiii. 573. Gerard, (Balthaz.) aftaffin of Wm. Pr. of Orange, Galba, C. vii. 281. Gerard, (Lord) Tit. B. viii. 52. Gerard, (Gilb.) Jul. C. iii. 131 b. Gerardus Ebor. Archiep. Vesp. A. Lx. 1R7. Dom. v. 14 b. Gerlac I. Count of NafTau, Galba, B. i. * 3 - Germaiius, Patriarch of Jerufalem, Nero, B. viii. 39 b. Germany. Tranfafla inter Angliam and Germaniam, Nero, B. Lx. xi. Galba, D. xiii. F.. i. Vitel. B. xviii.— .xxi. tit, F. State of religion in, Nero, B. ix. 87. Commcntarii Belli Germ. Galba, B. .v. 7+- _ _ dc politia per libcras Germ, civitates. Cal. B. v. 323. Scottifh monafteries in Germany, Vesp. C. xvi. 21. Privileges granted to German merchants, Vesp. B. viii. 88. German Princes, (fundries concerning them) Tib. B, iv. 217 b. Ni.ro, E. ix. 1. Galba, B. xi. 430. D. vii. 212. xiii- 105, 107, 148, 172. E. i. 352. Vitel. B. xx. 146 b. 134, 177, 236 b. xxi. 204, 206, 209. Vesp. C. xiv, 591. Tit. F. xiv. 30. German Proteftant Princes, Cal. E. vii. 260. Nero, B. ix. 114. Cleop. E. vi. 272, 291, 299, 303, 310. Proteftants in Germany, Galba, B. xi. 316. Cleop. E. vi. 304. Mifcellanies, Cal. E. x. 410 b. xi. 187, 198, 243. xii. 64, 212, 223. Galea, B. xi. 316. D. xiii. 87. Vitel. B. x. x. 194. xxi. 2, 13, 34, 86. Tit. B. vi. 46. Gerrard, (Sir Wm.) Chanc. of Ireland, Tit. B. xii. 343. xiii. 219, 233. Gerflenberg, (Hans de) Vitel. B. xxi. 123. Gertruydenburg, (garrifon and fiegc of) Galba, D. i. 66. iii. 168, 183, 222. iv. 10, 85, 87, 148, 150, 158, 181, 314. v. 269, 274. ix. 114, 1 13. Gervafius Dorobernenfu, Jul. C. vi. 169. Vesp. B. xix. i. 24 b. 28 b. Chronica, Vesp. B. xix. 30 b. Gervafii, (S.) Invcntio, Claud. A. :. 41. Gcrvafii Tilleberienfis. Otia imperialia.Vcsp. A. v. 14. E. iv. 2. de obfervantiis Scaccarii, Cleop. A. xvi. i. Gevnrrus, (J. C.) verfus in ftatuam Hen. IV. Jul. C. ii. 331. Gevartius, (J. Gafp.) Jul. C. v. 13. Ghemen, (Hen. dc) Galba, B. i. 6. Ghent, (fiege of) Galba, C. vii. 283, Mifc. Galba, C. v. 299 b. vi. P. i. 68, 72, P. ii. I2z, 346. Ghinuce, (Jcrom tie) 13 p. of Worcefter. Letters, See.—(1525 ) Vitel. B. vii. 205.— (1526.) Cal. D. ix. 274, 284. Vitel. B. viii. 3 b. 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 21 b. 25, 29, 30, 35, 39 , 40, 43. 44, 47, 49, 50, 52, 1>. 64, 66 b. 68, 70, 81, 83, 90, 93 b. 101 b. 106, 108 b. no, 113, 118 b. 121, . Vest. C. Tit. B. i. 336.—(1527.) Vesp. C. iv. 1, 6. 8, 18, 2S, 33, 40, 52, 55, 66, 78, 87, 94, 98, 100, 114, 116, 145, 162, 174, 179. 181.183,207 b. 208, 21S, 220.—(1528.) Vesp. C. iv. 240, 243, 261, 276, 285 b. 286, 287, 289 b.—(1529.) V"x t el. B. xi. 59. Vesp. C. iv. 291, 29Z, 299, 309. 318, 3.9 b. 31 !, 3=5,317. 338 , 332, 539 b. vii. 40.—(1530.) Vitel. B. xiii. 37. 42 b. 43, 44b. 75, in.—(1532.) Vitel. B. xiii. 143, 147, 192b. 201, 210— (fine A") Vitel. B. xiii. 15. •A 3 - Tit. B. i. 331. v!. i. ^Sninuce, (Pet. de) accts. of expences and of books, Vitel. B. xiii. 2. Giano, (Gierol.) Vitel. B. xiv. 255. Giants, (origin of) in Albion, Nero, D. viii. ib6. Vesp. E. x. 390 b. Tit. A. xix. 103. Cleop. D. viii. 3 b. Gibbe, (Wm.) Cal. C. vii. 22 b. Gibbon, (Richd.) Cleop. E. vi. 385. Gibcrtus, (Jo. Match.) Vitel. B. v, 133, 218 b. 220. Giffard, Fam. Jul. C. ix. 130 b. Giftard, (John) art of hunting, Vesp. B. Gifl'ard, (Walter) Archiep. E'oor. Nero, C. iii. 184 b. Vitel. A. ii. 99. Gifford, (Geo.) Cleop. E. iv. 213. Gilford, (Dr.) Cal. B. viii. 323. Gigles, (Silvefter) Bp. of Worcefter. Letters, &c.— (1511.) Vitel. B. ii. 10b. —(1513.) Vitel. B.ii.40, 50.— (1514.) Vitel. B. ii. 66, 71,786.79, 93,95, 101,105 b. 108,113.—(1515.) Vitel. B. ii. 121 b. 122, 131, 138, 145, 150, 160, 171, 173, 178, 183, 190, zoo b. 203.—(1516.) Vitel. B. iii. 2, 6 b. 8, 51, 67, 70, 76, 78, 89,90, 95, 100.— (>517-) Vitel. B. iii. 112 b. 117, 120, 126 b. 153, 160, 168, 176, 1S0, 185 b. 190. x. 70. —(1518.) Vitel. B. iii. 196, 200, 204, 212, 218 b. 226,228,258,260. —(1519.) Vitel. B. iv. 3, 24, 28, 30.—(1520.) Vitel. B. iv. 45, 47, 48, 50, 52, 58, 62, 67, 69 b.—(1521.) Vitel. B. iv. 80, 84. His death, Vitel. B. iv. 99b. Gigli, (Paulo) Vitel. B. i i. 16, 21. Gilbart, (Sir Humphry), Galba, C. iv. 286, 287. Gilbert, (H.) Otho, E. viii. 66. Gildas Badonicus, vel Sapiens. Hiftoria, metrice, Jul. D. xi. 2. de computo, Vitel. A. xii. 7 b. 43. Excerpta, Jul. D. v. i. Tib. E. viii. 264. Cal. A. viii. 41. Nero, D. viii. 63. Vitel. F. ix. 240. Vesp. B. xxv. 126 b. vid. Nennius. Gileberti, (S.) de Sempringham, vita, Cleop. B. i. 33. Gilino, (...) Vitel. B. ix. 149. Vesp. C. iv. 199. Gilpin, (Geo.) Galba, C. vii. 202, 216 b. X. 21. D. iii. 34. iv. 135, 291. vii. 71. x. 80, 121. xii. 43, 72, 117,169, 275, 280. Gilpin, (John) Cal. E. vii. 204. Giovanin, (B.) Cal. E. x. 339. Giraldi, (Fr.) Nero, B. i. 183, 187, 203, 206 b. 214b. Tit. B. vii. 230, 236, 3 * 3 > 339 » 3 fi2 > 3 68 ' 3 8 '- 39 >- Giraldus, (Silvefter) Cambrenfis, de prin- cipis inftrudlione, Jul. B. xiii. 48. Cambria deferiptio, N e ro, D. viii. 176. Vi¬ tel. C.x. i.Dom. i. in b.xviii. 123b. Itinerar. Cambria, Dom. i. 56. Topographia Hibernia, Faust. C. iv. On the Metropolitan right of St. David’s, Vitel. C.x. ii. Dom. v. zi. Diftinfliones, Tib. B. xiii. 1. Gemma anima, Tib. C. iii. Vita, Tib. B. xiii. 150. Opufcula, Vitei,. E. v. i, iS, 24, 37. Tit. C. xii. 182. Cleop. D. v.N° i. Catal. libror.ab ipfo compofitor. Vitel. E. v. 24 b. Dom. i. 135 b. Girardus Archiep. Ebor. Dom. v. 14 b. Gilborough, (antiquitiesat) Jul. F. vi.431. Gifbourne, (T.) Jul. C. iii. 85. Gifebertus, Comes, Nero, C. iii. 207. Gifcburn Monaft, annotat. cartar. Cleop. D. ii. 110. Gifleberti. (Monach. Wcftmon.) difputatio inter Judaum et Chriftian. Tit. D. xvi. 37. Giflerus, (Jac.) Thalaflius, Nero, B. vi. 32. Vitel. B. xiv. 275. xxi. 114. Gifors, (Jehan L’OnoJe, Vifc. of) Cal. D. iii. 4. Glamis, vid. Lyon. Glamorgan, (on the government of the county of) Vitel. C. x. 156. Glanvilla, (R. de) de legibus Anglia, Claud. D. ii. 71 b. Glafgow, (Bp. of) Tit. C. vii. 31. vid. Dunbar, Beaten. Glaftonburv Abbey. Chronicon, Cleop. D. iv. Relics, Tit. D. vii. 1. Antiquities, Tib. A. v. Vesp, D. xxii. Tit. F. vi. 39. Mifccll. Vitel.C. ix. 197, 250. E. v. 131 b. Tit. A. xix. 19 b. Cleop. C. iv. 79 b. Gloffaria, vid. Lexica. Glouccfter, (St. Peter’s Monaft. at) Dom. viii. 125 b. 144 b. Append, ix. Chronicon, vid. Nicholans, Robert. Glouceller, (Rich. D. of) vid Richard III. Glover, (Robt.) Ordinary of arms, Tib. D. x. An heraldic traft, Faust. E, i. 138. Vindication on a charge of popery. Tit. B. vii. 14. Glovernia Comes, Tit. A. xx. 68. Gocelinus, vid. Jofcelinus. Godeberta, (Sea,) vita, Nero, C. vii. 39 b. Godefiidi de Malmclbury hiftoria, Vesp. D. iv. 73 b. Godefridus, (....) fuper Palladium de re ruft. D. viii. 4S. Godefridi, Prior Sci. Svvithini Winton: Verfus, Vitel. A.xii. 111. Godefridi Viterbienfis, Gencal. B. Virg. Tit. D. iii. 74 b. Godefridus, Archd. of Worcefter, AVg. Godefroy, (Theod.) Jul. C. v. 105 b- 114b. 129. Goderich, (Wm.) Vfsp. F. xiii. 12. Godric, (grant of) Aug. ii. 35. Godrum, Concil. Claud. D. ii. 8. Godftowe, (Monaft.) Jul. C. vii. 274. Godwin, (Comes) decjufdem origine, Tit. B. viii. 328. Godwin, (Fr.) Bp. of Landaff and Here¬ ford, Jul. C. v. 57 b. 197 b. Hiftoria R R. Hen. VIII. Ed. VI. et Mar. Tit. C. xi. Godwin, Bp. of Rochefter, Jul. C. ii. 66. Goghe, (James) Tit. B. x. 245. Golde, (Jof.) Tit. B. xiii. 228. Golden fleece, (Order of) ftatutes, Cleop. B. iii. 80. Golia, verfus, Vesp. A. xix. 55. B. xiii. 26 b. Tit. A. xx. 63, 63 b. 68, 153. Gomez, (Don) Count de Feria, Tit. B. vii. 212. Gonden, (Villete) Otho, E. viii. 284. Gondi, (Fra. Mar.) Tit. B. vii. 150. Gonfon, (Wm.) Otho, E. ix. 35, 54. Gonzaga, (Aloyfius) Card. Vitel. B. v. loo b. Gonzaga, (Here.) Card. Vitel. B. ix. 136 b. x. 38 b. xi. 162. Gonzaga, (Francis II.) Marquis of Mantua, Nero, B. vi. 46. Vitel. B. ii. 75. iii. ,78, =59. Gonzaga, (Frederic II.) D. of Mantua, Vitel. B. iv. 2 b. 36, 170. vii. 218 b. Gonzaga, (Sigifm.) Card, de, Vitel. B, V. 144 b. 222 b. Gonzales, (...) Cal. B. i. 40, 47. iii. 90. Good, (Dr. James) Cal. C. v. 9, 14. Goodemonc, (Boris Fcederowilz) Nero, B. viii. 22 b. Goodere, (H.) Cal. C. i. 387. Galba, C. viii. 43. Goodere, (J.) Jul. C. iii. 170b. 171b. Goodman, (Chriftophr.) Vesp. C. xiv. 528. Goodric, (Tho.) Bp. of Ely and Clianc. Commifiions that paffed the feal during his Chancellorlhip, Jul. B. ix. Lett. Cleop. E. vi. 248 b. Goodwin, (Will.) Tit. B. iii. 53. Gordon, (Alexander) Mailer of Huntley, Cal. B. iii. 19. Gordon, (George) 5 th E. of Huntley, Cal. B. viii. 281. C. i. 282. iii. 252. iv. 41, 80 b. 216, 227 b D. i. 155. Gordon, (George) 6th E. of Huntley, Cal. D. i. 172, 183, 191, 199, 388, 444, ii. 97, 234. Gordon, (Mr. J.) Cal. C. i. 122 b. Gorges, (Sir Ferd.) vindication, Jul. F. vi. 423. Gorle, (Abr. van) Jul. C. iii. 20. Gorre. .. (Laur.de) Vitel. B. iv. 63. Gorrcvod, (Laur. de) govr. of Brefcia, Vesp. C. i. 273 b. Goftwick, (John) accounts of moneys, Ap¬ pend. xxviii. 125. Gofpatrick, (Fam.) Ped. Jul.F. vi. 329. Gothofreduf, (Jac.) Jul. C. v. 93, 103, 105, 130 b. Government, (rules for) Vesp. C. xiv. SS9- Gouflier, (Guil.) Admiral de Bonnivet, Cal. D. vii. 157, 170, 171, 188, 196, 197. E. i. 23. ii. 166. T X D V, X. Gower, (John) Chronicle, 1 in. A. iv. *. Epitaph, Jui..F. vii. ifi 7 . de populari tumidlu, Poema, Tit. A. xiii. 104. Mifcell. Tib. A. iv. 173, 173 b. 175. Goweifland, (placita de terris dc) Jul. B. xii. 184 b. Gfiwry, (E. of) vid. Ruihvcn. Given verba : deeoium dialed. Vesp. E. viii. 161 b. Gr.iffigna, (Augullino) Nero, B. vi. 240, 241. Grafton, (Rich.) concerning the printing the Bible in Englifh, Cleop. E, v. 325,3:6^329.330. Graham, (David) of Fintry, depofition, Cal. D. ii. 87. Grahams : petition arainll their removal, Ca l. B. viii. 209. Grain imported in London, Faust. C. ii. T 5 »- Grammatic-lia, Ji ru. F. \ii. ic;. Nero, A. iv. 155. Vitel. A. xii. 4! b. Vi . E. viii. 161 b . 1 . A. vi. 2, 31b. 47. B. ii. 12 b. Grammont, ( ... d ( u . ix, 149. E. i. 59. Granada, in India, (Council of) Vesp. C. xiii. 278. Granard, (Chart of the Barony of) Auc. i. vol. i. 47. 1 , (W. l d. ildie Grantcbrigge Syra, (Inquifuio de) Tib. A. vi. 76. Grants, Charters, Donations, Jul, C. vii. 229. Abbat. Jul. A. ix. 158. Granvdle, (Card, de) vid. Perrerot. Granvellc, (J. de) G.lba, D. iii. 203. Graftus, (Achilles) Card, of Bologna, Vr- tel. B. iii. 140 b. 141. v. 32. Grataleyam, (Synod, apud) Claud. D. ii. 10. Gratiani decretor. compilatio, Claud. A. iv. 81. Grave, (Town of) Gai.ba,C. ix. So. Grave, (Rafc) examination and fentence. Tit. B. viii. 270. Gray, (Arthur Lord) of Wilton, Tit. B. xiii. 305. 341. Gray, (J.) Cal. D. 1.364, 409. Gray, (Leon. Lord) 'I'it. B. xi. 359, 393, 405. Gray, (Patrick Mailer and 6th Lord of,) Cal. C. viii. 156, 157, 158b. 159b. 160 b. 163, 163 b. 224, 226, 228, 260. ix. 9;, 139, [40, 148, 173*, 179, 255 b. 244, 245, 317. D. i. 206, 37:, 381, 382. Gray, (Thu.) Cal. E. x. 318. xi. 88. Gray, (Walteri) Archiep. Ebor. Ordinatio de quibufdam Eccltiiis, \Ttel. A. ii. 99 b - Gray, (Will.) Bp.of Ely, Trcafurer, Jul. B- xii. 318. Gray. (-) aScot, Cal. E. xi. 247. Graye, (Ra.) Cal. D. ii. 382. Green Cloth, (Orders for ti.e Board of) Vesp. C. xiv. 268. Gregorii, (Sci.) Papae. Liber de cura paftorali, Tib. B. xi. Vesp. E. iv, 100. Pialogi 1V*. Saxon. Cr h o, L. i. Verfus in eundem, Cleop. A. vi. 47. 1 Epiilolx, Cleop. E. i. 37 b. 38. In tRoralibus, Appexp, xxvi. 211b. Tientalc, Carmen Anglic, in eundem, vcl alium Gregor. Cal. A. ii. 84b. Gregorii II. P. Bulla de denaiiis S. Pet 1 :, Jul. B. iii. 49. Epill. Faust. B. vi. 97. , T -. E. Balia de Hofpit. S. Pauli Norwic. Jul. F. vii. 22 b. dc ejulBem pcenitentia, Nero, C. v. 1 b. Gregorii IX. Paps Bulls, Auc. ii. 117, 128. Vest. D. xxiii. 20. G X. P id !. Nero, C. v, 279. de cleemofyna Ribaldor. Nero, C. ii. . i. 115* ; 17. Gregorius XIII. Papa, Cal. C. v. 68, Grcgoiii. . . P. Epift.adTcrdclvachum, R. Hib.CLAUD. A. i. 35. 1 n .. . . . 1 . Gregorius Turonenlis de virtual). B. Mar¬ tini, Append, xviii. Gret.fdyck, (Siege of) Galea, D. x. 188 b. Grclham, (Rich.) Nero, C. x. 2 b. Gal¬ ea, B. ix. 12. Cleop. E. iv. 222. Greft . 205, 209, 2j5. C. i. 2. :.. 105. Grelham, (....) on exchanges, Otho, E. x. 45. Grelhop, (Gul.) Vcrficuli de mortc F.dtv . V. & VI. Galea, E. iv. 182 b. Grevill, (Full;.) Jul. C. iii. 67 b. Grevill, (Edw.) Cal. E. x. 174,402. Grey, (Cath.) de caufa inter ipfam ct com. Hertford. Faust. A. xr. Grey, (Hen.) 3 J Marq. of Dorfet and D. of Suffolk, Vesp. F. xiii. 102b. 17;. Grey, (Hen. dc) E. of Kent, Tit. B. iv. 164. Grey, (J. A.) Vesp. F. xii. 164. Grey, (Janies) Cal. E. vii. 302. Grey, (Lady Jane) Proclam. Jul. F. vi. 194. Lett. Galba, B. xii. 236. Grey, (Rich. Ld. de) Vesp. F. xiii. 25. Grey, (Thomas) 2d. Marquis of Dorfet, Cal.. B. iii. 255. vi. zSo. Vesp. F. xiii. 91. Tit. B. i. 76. F. xiii. 240. Depofition in Catherine’s caufe, Vi- tel. B. xii. 80, 98. ; . F* xiii. 91. Grey, (Margaret) Vesp. F. xiii. 103. Grey, (Lord William) Cal. B. vii. 323. ' a, Vn l. C. ix. 130, 141 • Griffith, (R. . .) Tit. B. xi. 416. Grimaldi, (Ant.) Vitel. B. xiv. 173,213, 226, 239. Grimaldi, (....) Galba, D. iii. 207. Grimani, (Marino) Doge of Venice, Jul. E. ii. 66. Nero, B. vi. .97. vii. . 84 b. 95 b. 96 b. 130, 131. 135 b. 173 b. 180, 181, 196 b. Gryffyth, (Jafp.) Jul. C. iii. TO j. Grygge, (Joh.) protonot. Apoliol. Vitel. B. iii, 220 b. Gryphius, (Barth. Buys) Gall-a, C. vi:*. 61. D. ii. 103. Gryphus, (Pc:.) Bp. of Forli, Vitel. B. ii. 67 b. Guadalupe, (Monnft. of St. Mary of) ad¬ mits Catherine of Aragon into its fraternity, Visr. C. vi. 384b. Gualo Britannus, contra monachos, Vi¬ tel. A. xii. 124. Tit. A. xx. 105. Gualtcro, (Ph.) Galba, B. v. 125 b. Guarinus Orator: Excerpta ex cjufdem Portu florifero, Jul. F. vii. 105. , C. vii. z, 39 GudreJ, (J. B;pr.) Nero, B. vi. 232' Guilders, Galba, B. i. 83. iii. 225,339b. C. xi. 132, 313. D. i. 114. ii. 14. v. ^ 304. viii. z. Succellion to the Dukedom, Vitel. E. xxi. 118. F.p ll. ducu Gel rise, Tit. A. xix. 99. ius, (R.) Tit. B. i. 354. Gucrnfey, (Chartsof) Acs. i. vol. ii. 60. Mile. Cal. E. vi. 324. x. 266. Vesp. C. xiii. 318. Guerret, ( . . . di 1, 1... B. 1 2 i Guicciardini, (notes out of) Tit. B. j. 6. I Guicbe, (de la) C.-.l. E. i. 59. ii. iCG. Guido, de arte diftandi epillolas, Appe n d. iv. 2. Guido Aretinus monachus, de Mufic?, Nl ro, A. xii. 174 b. Gtiidoni; apparitio, Vesp. A. vi. 138. E i. 219 b. Guidot, (Ant,) Vitel. B. xiv. 241. Guiilelmus Gcmmeticenfis, de gelii. du cum Normannor. Nero, A. xi. 6,. ID. viii. 135b. Vitel. A. vii.’. 3. Guiilelmus Malmufburienfis, do geftis RR. Anglor. Claud. C. ix. 13. dc gellis Po::ti\ Anglor. Ci u o A. v. 45 - I n r> fc x. Vita Aldhelmi Epifc. Claud. A. v. 128 b. Chronica Glaftonia:, Vitel. C. ix. 250. E. v. 131b. Vesp.D. xxii. Tit. F. vi. 39. Mifcell. Jul. C. ii. 32. Cleop. C. x. 7 1 * Guillelmus, Normannus, de natura beftia- rum, mctrice, Vesp. A. vii. 2. Guines, (plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 23, 51, 5 2 - (Interview at) Ca l. D. viii. paflim. Mifcell. Ca l. D. viii. 233. E. i. 2S. Ga l- ba, B. iii. 146 b. Faust. E. vii. 40. Guinigi, (Leo.) Nero, B. vii. 159. Guipufcoa, (States of) Vesp. C. xii. 168. xiii. 261. Guife, (Charles) D. de Lorraine, Cal. D. ii. 226. Guife, (Charles) D. de Ma/enne, Vesp. F. v. 360, 393. Guife, (Francis D. of) Cal. E. xii. 383. Guife, (Henry) Due de Lorraine, Cal. B. ix. 91, 94. D. i. 88, 88 b. E. xii. 417. Galba, D. iii. 321. Guife, (Louis) Cardinal de Lorraine. Letters, &c. Cal. B. ix. 91, 9+. C. iii. 453. E. ii. x66. Galba, D. iii. 321. Satirical Epitaph, Cal. B. v. 318 b. Guife, (....) Dutchefs of. Cal. C. vii. 49- Guife, vid. Mary Q^of Sc. Guitry, ( . . . de) Nero, B. vi. 322. Guldeford, (Edw.) O r ho, E. ix. 26. Guldeford, (Sir Hen.) depofitions in Catherine’s caufe, Vitel. B. xii. 98. Gumcertrite terra: conceflio, Nero, C. iii. 182 b. Gundulphi, RofFcnfss Ep. Vita, See. Nero, A. viii. 39, 82. Gunllei, (S.) vita. Tit. D. xxii. 34b. Gunnery, (Art of) Jul. F. iv. Gunpowder Plot, Tit. A. xiii. 166 b. B. viii. 332. Cleop. F. ii. 197 b. 273. Gurce, (Card, do) vid. Langius. Guthlaci, (Sci.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 28b. E. i. 183. Vesp. D. xxi. 18. Gwydot, (Anth.) Tit. B. v. 185. Gybfon, (Tho.) Cleop. E. vi. 386. H. Hackett, (John) Galba, B. vi. 4. ix. 22, 27. 32, 35 . 37 ' 38. 4 °. 46, S 3 . S 6 . 60, 90, 106, in, 114, 118, 123, 126, 129, 136, 138, 140, 148, 154, 162, 167, 169, 177, 186, 235, 238. x. 48, 54. Hacqueville, (...) Cal.E. viii. Si b. Haddo, (Walter) Galba, C. ii. 162. Hadenham Manor. Nero,C. ix. 148. Hadfor, (Rich.) on the Hate of Ireland, Tit. B. x. 174. Hatretieis, (var. de) Nero, A. i. 84b. B. vi. 182. Faust. C. vii. 161. Haggett, (Birth.) Jul. C. iii. 164b. Raggett, (Humph.) Jul. C. iii. 163. Hagnebie, (ChroniconMonalleriide) Vesp. ° B. xi. 1. Ilagullladenlis Eccl. (Hexham.) Chronicon, Tit. A. ii. 160 b. Epifcopi, Tib. B. v. 21. Miracula ibidem, Vitel. A. xx. 242b. Hainault, Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 20, 307. Hakevvill, on the Laws of England, Faust. E. v. 1. Haleboling, (plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 36. Hales, (Monaft.) Chronicon, Cleop. D. iii. 1. ■ Halewyn, (Franc.de) Tit. B. vii. 275, 3 2 7 > 335 - Halidon Hill, (battle of) a poem, Galba, E. ix. 49. Hall, (Peter) Tit. B. xii. 275. Halle, (Joh.) Sententi*, Jul. F. vii. 45. Halley, (Lucas de) Privilegium pro in¬ vents, Faust. C. ii. 113. Halls, (Will.) Cal. B. iii. 80, 96. Halllock, (.) appointed deputy Ad¬ miral, O r ho, E. viii. 246. Halton, (Johnde) Abp. of York, Vesp. C. xvi. 93. Hamburgh, (Magiitrates of) Nero, B. ii. 78. Lx. 41, 74, 109, 119, 120, 128, J 43 > 155 . J 57 > >58. 167, »68, 179. Galba, C. xi. 211. D. xiii. 120. Hambury Monad. (Wore.) grants, Auc. ii. 9. Hamilton, (Alex.) Cal. C. v. 15. Hamilton, (Ld. Claud.) Cal. C. vii. 75 b. D. i. 172, 199. Hamilton, (Claud.) Cal. C. vi. 95. Hamilton, (David) Bp. of Galloway, Cal. B.iii. 17. Hamilton, (James) ill E. of Arran, Cal. B. ii. 17,235. iii. 123, 126. vii. 74. Hamilton, (James) 2d E. of Arran, D. of Chattelleraur. Letters, See. Cal. B. v. 38,321. x. 180, 317. C. ii. 318, 43 41. Mifcell. Cal. B. iv. 262. viii. 198, 200, 218, 34S. Hamilton, (John and Claud.) attainders of. Cal. C'. v. 143. Hamilton, (Lord John) Cal. C. vi. 44b. viii. 80, 127 b. Hamilton, (John) Cal. C. v. 68 . D. i. 430. I-Iamonis, (S.) vita, Nero, A. xvi. 94. Hampden, (Sir Edmund) Vesp. C. xiv. 234 b. Hampole, (Rich.) the Pricke of confcience, Galba, E. ix. 73. Hampoyle, (Ric.) de emendatione vita:, Faust. A. v. 12. Hampfon, (Robert) his Arms, Galba, B. i. 163. Hampton, (B.) Tit. B. xiii. 10. Hampton Court, (Lodgings at) Vesp. C. xiv. 90. Hanaper, (clerk of the) Vitel. C. x. 2x9 b. Haneton, (Phil.) audienciary, Galba, B. vi. iSSb. Hanfield terra, Nero, C. iii. 196. Hanibal, (Tho.) his Commiffion, Vitel. •B. v. 46. vi. 17. Lett. Vitel. B. v. 93, 105, 127, 16 6, 173, 1S0, 186, 192, 201, 210, 216, 225, 229,237. vi. 1,2, 19, 25,42,64. With J. Clerk, and others, vid. Clerk. Hanibaldus Epifc. Tufcul. Provincialc Ca- tholkor. viror. Append, iv. 120. Hannart, (John) Galba, B. viii. 9S. Hannibal, (Colledions concerning) Tit. B. viii. 362. Hanfilon, (G.) Vesp. F. xiii. 286. Hanfc Towns, Jul. B. vi. 92. F. vi. 52, 57, . 106,111. Cal.E. x. 36. Claud. E. vii. Nero, B, ii. 20,45, 49, 55, 65. ix. 61, 179. x. 2, 14, 374, 3S0. Galba, B. vii. 118. D. xiii. 192. E. i. pallim. Vesp. B. viii. 1. F. i. 110. viii. Tit. B. vi. 32. Faust.- C. ii. 72, 81. Hanville, (Joh. de) de potentia hboris, Vesp. B. xxiii. 2. Hardeaftle, (Th. & Hen.) Nero, B. v. 235 - Hare, (Robt.) on Tadics, Jul. F. v. Hare, ( Tho.) Tit.B. iv. 134. Harifon, (Tho.) Cal. C. ix. 458. Harlem, (Plans of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 97, 98. Galba, C. iv. 291. Harlefton, (Rich.) Galba, C. viii. 216 b. Harley, (Wm.) Galba, D. xiii. 4. Harman, (Rich.) Galba, B. ix. 131, '38. Harold K. of England, (a grant) Auc. ii. 90. Harpsfield, (Joh.) Chron. Vitel. C. ix. 158. Verfos cleg. Vbs-p-. C. Lx. 185 b. Harris, (Sir Hen.) Cal. D. ii. 422. Harri;, (Nath.) Jul. C. v. 66. Harries, (James) examination, Otho, E. viii. 339. Harrifon, (Tho.) Confdlion, Cal. C. ix. 458. Harrys, (Denis) Vesp. C. vii. 45. Harsfeld, (Tho.) mifcell. hill. Dom. iv. 58,242. Hirte, (Percival) Jul. C. iii. 95 b. Harte, (Wil.) Galba, D. ix. 81. Hartlebury Caftle, Jul. F. vi. 390. Ilarvtei, (Guil.) Pra-fcrip, Vitel. C. iii. 135. Harvcl, (Edm.) Nero, B. vi. 134, jji, 153, 162, 165. vii. 92, 100, 1O2, 105, 115, H 7 - Harvey, (G.) Dean of Ch. Ch. Vesp. F. xii. 175. Hatvillenfis, (Joh.) Poema, Tit. D. xx. 141. Harwell, (John) Vitel. B. xiii. mb. 114, 118, 118b. 119, 121, 122, 122 b. 124, 125, 130, 132, 134b. xiv. 228, 299. Harwich harbour, (chart of) Auc. i. vol.I. 56,61. Haryngton, (Joh.) Jul. C.iii. 64. Haryngton, (....) Vesp. F. xiii. 325. Hafchenperg, (Steph. a) Vitel. B. xxi. 177 - Hallings, (Francis) E.of Huntingd. Vesp. F. xiii. 117 b. Haftings, (Geo.) E. of Huntingdon, Vesp. F. xiii. 91 b. Hallings, (Henry) £. of Huntingdon, Ca l. C. iii. 351, 444 b. 463. v. 30, 33, 35, 40, 40b. 49, 51 b. 55. Hallings (Henry) 3d. E. of Huntingdon, Cal. D. ii. 120, 122 b. 139. Vesp. F. Xii. 185. HaAings, (John) Galba, C. v. 189, 204 b. Hallings, ( . . . Lord) Tit.B, viii. 316. Haftings, (....) Nexo, B. i. i 74 b. Hatton, (Sir Chrilloph.) Cal. E. viii. 152, 157, 239. Hatton, (Eiifa) Jul. C. iii. 127 b. Haubert de Paris: depolition concerning Darnlcy’s death. Cal. B. ix. 370. Havers, (Felberd) Jervant to Drury, his paflport. Cal! B. ix. 405. Hang, (Lud.) Tit. B. iii. 18. Haulx, (Margarite des) Genealogie, Vesp. B. xi. 64. Haurech, (Marq. de) Galba, C. vi. P. i, 15S, 161, 178 b. 8 D INDEX. Haufen, ( . . . de) G alb a, B. iv. 73 b. Havill, (Thomas) Vesp. C.xiv. 277. Havillenfis, (Job.) Verfus, Tit. D. xx. 141. Havre, (marq.de) Galea, C. vi. P. ii. 8 b. Tit. B. ii. 21a. Havre de Grace, (Plans of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 78, 108. Mi/cell. Cal. E. v. 131, 133. Hawkefworth, (Walter) Jul. C. iii. 24- Hawkins, (Sir John) Otho, E. viii. 3,16, 81. ix. 115. Hawkins, (John) Galba, C. y. 261. D. viii. 86. Hawkins, (ffm.) Otho, E. viii. 166, 201. Hay, (Alex.) Cal. C. iii. 541. iv. 41 109, 211 b. vii. 259 b- Hay, (Francis) 9th E. of Errol, Cal. D. ii. 97. Hay, (James Lord) Tit. B. iv. 281, 285. Hay, (James) Cal. B. ii. 372. Hay, (Thomas) Secretary to Th. Ld. Dacre. Cal. B. vi. 1 31, 133. Hayes, (EJw.) Neceffity of fmall money, Otho, E. x. 3*4* On the dandard of Ireland, Otho, E.x. 260. Hayes, (Tho. and Edw.) TiT.B. x. 180. Hayes, (...,) Galba, D. xii. 42b. Hayling, (PofTediones Piioratus de) Otho, B. xiv. 53. Hayncardi, (Fr.) Prophetic, Jul. D. v. 69. Hayward, (Rowland) Tit. C. i. 500. Hayworth, (Wm.) Bp. of Litchf. and Cov. Vesp. C. xiv. 277. Heanbury, (Monad.) Auc. ii. 9. Heale, (Sir John) a caufe with Hen. P. of Walts? Vitel. C. x. 253. Heath, (Xic.) Abp. of York, Vesp. F. xiii. 229. Hebraica vocabula, Jul.F. vii. m. Hebrew contrails, Auc.ii. 107. vid. Starrum. Heddius, (Steph.) vita, S. Wilfridi, Vesp. D. vi. 78. Heder Bafla Beglierbig, Tnrkilh General in Greece, Galba, D. vii. 158 b. Heede, (J. van) Galba, C. vii. 252. Heerlinck, (....) Tit. B. vii. 343. Hegham Eccl. concefla, Nero, C. iii. 182 b. Heirefl’es, (concerning the marriage of) Vesp. C. xiv. 360. Helffendain, (count) Galba, B. xi. 207, 2 53 - Helinandi, monach. Cider, chronicon, Claud. B. ix. 1. Heller, (N. . .) Galea. C. vi. P. i. 109. Hellun, (Monad. B. Mar.) Rothomagi, liber formularum, Dom. xi. 107. Helva, (Bp. of) vid. Badajoz. Hemas, (T. . .) Vesp. F. xiii 138. Hemingi regidrum Wigorn. Ti b. A. xii;. 1. Hcnderfon, (Wm.) Galea, D. i. 305. Heneage : genealogical colleflion, Claud. C. i. Henesge, (Sir Tho.) Cal.D. i. 401. E. viii. 320,324,521. Galba, C. viii. 102. ix. 225. x. 63. D. iii. 221. Vesp. F. xiii. 161. Tit. B. vii. 86. xi. 399. Henrickfon, (Pet.) depodtion, Galba, D. vii. 115. Henricorum, (de laudibus) Tib. A. viii. Henricus, archidiac. Huntingtonenfis, Jul. C. ii. 32. Claud. D. vii. 4. Otho, B. xiv. 230. Vesp. A. xviii. 1, 62 b. E. x. 86. Dom. viii. 110. Cleop.B. iv. 2 b. Henrici, prior, monad. Chrifli Cantuar. Memorale, Galba, E. iv. § 1. Henricus, monachus de Saltercia, de Purga- torio, Nero, A. vii. 113. Henrie de Savoye, Vesp. F. iii. 59. Henrifon, (James) Cal. B. vii. 482. Henry V. Emp. declaration on inveditures, Claud. A. i. 35 b. Henry I. K. of England. Defcent from Rollo, Jul. B. xii. 257. Carta; de libert. & de foreda, vid. Cartie antique. Carta; et leges, Auc.ii. 56. Claud. D. ii. 42 b. j 11 b. VESP. A. viii.37 b. C. xiv. 129. F. iii. I b. Henry II. K. of England. Defcent, Claud. A. v. 133. C. iv. 2. Faust. A, viii. 108 b. Life, J u l. A. xi. 29. Coronation oath, Vesp. C. xiv. 112. Grants and charters, Claud. D. ii. 70b. Nero, C. iii. 172, 180 b, Conditutions, Galba, E. iv. 83. Conventions with Scotland, Cal. B. v. 61. Claud. C. iv. 262 b. Tit. F. xiii. 28. An award concerning Spain, Vesp. C. vi. 272. Milcell. Claud. D.ii. 69. E. viii. 13 b. 258. T1 t. D. xv. 59 b. Henry III. K. of England. Coronation, Vesp. C.xiv. 132. Treaties, Cal. D. iii. 2. C. iv. 263 b. 264b. 265. Vitel. C. x. 120. Vesp. C. xii. 39, 66. Carta;, magna & de foreda, vid. Carta; antique. Charters, Cal .D. iii. 1. Claud. D. ii. 124, 125, 125 b. 129b. 130, 130b. 131, 131b. Nero, B. x. 370. Vitel. C.ix.222. E. v. 175. Vesp. B. viii. 88. F. xiii. 5 b. Tit. B. xi 33, 35. Grants to his fons Edm. and Edw. Auc. ii. 135. Nero, C. iii. 185 b. Grant of the office of E. Marlhal, Vssp. C. xiv. 410. Laws and orders, Jul. D. vii. 125 b. Nero, C. iii. 1S2 b. Tit. B. v. 4. Will, Tit. A. xix. 87 b. Mifcell. Claud. C. ii. 91, 91 b. Nero, C. iii. 183. Vitel. A.ii. 106. E. v. 149. Vesp. A. xviii. 107 b. 108. C. xiv. 359. Tit. B.xi. 33. Henry IV. K. of England. Title to the crown, Jul. B. i. 91 b. Coronation, Vesp. C. xiv. 133. Tranfaflions concerning Scotland, Vesp. F. vii. i8b. 19,20, 21, 24, 39, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, S4, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91,92, 93, 104, 106. Spain, Vesp. C. xii. in, mb. 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 121 b. 141. Portugal, Nero, B. i. 19, 20, 22. France, Cal. D. iii. 132, 140, 144, 146, 147 - Denmark, Nero, B. iii. n, 16, 23. Germany, Pruffia, Hungary, and the Hanfe, Nero. B. ii. 40, 43, 45, 6 !' 73 - 74 * 75 > 75 b - 73 «• 65. Vesp. F. i. 2. The Netherlands, Galba, B. i. 20, 21 • 3 °. 35 * 4 2 - 67, 71, 80,84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 101, 107, no, iii. 116. Britannv, Jut.. R. vi. 31. The Levant and Africa, Ner», B. xi. 172. 173, 174, 173. Ireland, Tit. B. xi. 9b. 181. Order for the levy of men. Tit. B. v. 6. Carmen ut glorificetur, Tib. A.iv. 166. Mifcell. Nfro, B. vii. 4b. 5 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 14. Ci.eop. E. ii. 242, 243, 249, 250, 254, 262 b. 266. Henry V. K. of England. Life, Jur.. E. iv. 9,89. in;. Claud. A. viii. 1. Vesp.D. xiii. 156b. Cleop. C. iv. 22. Treaty of marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 4 b. Grants concerning trade in Germanv, Nero, B. ix. 66. Breve de Hilo & figillo, Cleop. A. \vi. 49 b - Verfus in laudem, Cleop. R. i. 173. Letters, indru&ions, &c. Jul. B. \i. 37. Nr ro.B. iii. 31. ix.70. Galba. It. i. *3L 1 3 2 > ‘35’ 1 37• 1 39* ! 4-- Vtsp. C. xii. 123, 124, 12;, 127 b. 12 lb. 137. F.i. 89 b. 90. iii. 4, 5. vii. 136, 108, 109, 110, 115. xiii. 15. Henry VI. K. of England. Coronation in France, Tib. E. viii. S3, 85. Ne ro, C. ix. 172. Reception in London, Jul. B. ii. 87. Concerns with P.lch. D. of York, Ti b. E. viii. 248 b. Cal.D. v. Peace with France, Jul. B. i. 93b. Vitel. F. iv. 2. Tranl.iflions concerning Scotland, Ves p. F. vii 27, 43, .;.S. 50, S I, J!, 53, 54, 55. 57,58 b. 59. Tit. F. xiii. 61. O.i lrilh affairs. Tit. B. xi. u b. ia, 24 b. Treaties with Denmark, Nero, B. iii. 35 - 39 - Inllrufiions, Src. refnefling Britannv, Jut.. B. vi. 39, 41, 44 b. 46, 46 b. 50, 51, 52, 56. Statute refpcfling the Welch Marches, Vitel. C. i. 202. Grants concerning trade with the Hanfe Towns, Nero, B. ix. 67. Affignment of church revenue;, Cleop. F. vi. 6z. Charters, orders, and commidions, Jul. B. xii. 316. Auc. ii. 13. Vesp. C. xii. 135, 136. xiv. 496. F. xiii. 33, 41. Arms, Ti B. E. viii. 132. Canonization, Cleop. E. iii. 161. Intended monument, A u c. ii. j. Letters, inllrufiions, &c. Nero, B. i. 4-, 52, 53.i1. 92. vii. 1, 1 b. 4 b. Galba, B. i. 151. 153, 156-161. Vitel. 1 x. 228. Vesp. A. xix. 104. C. xii. 141. F. i. 94, 116 b. iii. 7 b. Tit. A. iii. 55, 57 b. 60, 61. B. • i. 11 b. C. i. 234. Cleop. E. iii. 21, 23, 30 b. 32,65,67,68,74,90. Faust. C. vii, m. I N 1) E X. Henry VII. K. of England. Title to the crown, Ju l. B. i. g 1 b. Life, Jul. A. iii. 3. iv. Dom. xviii. 126. Progrefles, feftivals, &c. Jul. B. xii. 6 b. 19 b. 43 b. 46, 49, 5T. Treaties and negociations with Scotland, Cal. C. ix. 2S1. Vitel. C. xi. 70. Vesp. C.xri. 115, 141. France, Cal. D. vi. 18, 20, 22,25, z6 ‘ z 7 > 34 - Spain, Vesp. C. vi. 309, 338. xn. 218, 244,251, 265, 267b. Portugal, Nero, B. i. 64, 69. Burgundy, Galea, B. ii. 1, 7 > * 3 - Tit. B. vi. 41. The Emperor and Aurtria, Galba, B. ii. 28, 30, 31, 40. 49 b. 52. vi. 231, 239, 242. xi. 85. Vesp. C. xii. 254. The Bp. of Liege, Galba, B. xi. 37 - Concerning his marriage with Margt. of Auftria, GalBa, B. ii. 125, 128, 132. Vitel. C. xi. 127. xvi. 130 b. Bannerets and knights created by him, Jul. B. xii. 27. Patents, Cal. B. i. 45. Tit. B. xi.328, 348 - Grant to Litchfield church, Vitel. A. x. 206. Agreement with Archib. E. of Angus, Cal. D. i : . 43. Vcrfes in his praife, Vesp. B. iv. 1, 11. Dom. xviii. 248 b. Letters, inftruflions, See. Cal. D. vi. 72. Vitel. C. xi. 34. Tit. E. i. 4. v. 145. F. iii. 91. Cleop. C. vii. 212 b. E. iii. 135, 136, 137 * *47 b * Henry VIII. K. of England. Created D. of York, Jul. B. xii. 91. Claud. A. viii. 71. Coronation, Tib. E. viii. 100. Hiftoria de geftis, Vesp. B. xvii. Declares himfelf king of Ireland, Tit. B. xi. 373- His expedition into France, Cal. E. iv. 57. Cleop. C. v. 59, 64*. His army before Boulogne, Tib. E. viii. 182. Interview at Guines, Ca l. D. vii. 157. & inde paflim. Concerning his wars. Cal. B. i. 340, 343. D. vi.330, 337, 339. E. i. 58. Orders for the defence of the kingdom, Otho, E. ix. 35 b. 36, 38, 41. Orders for levies of troops, Otho, E. xi. 20. Tit. A. xiii. 185 b. Subfidies railed by him, Jul. E. iii. 239. Concerning his title of Defender of the Faith, Vitel. B. iv. 196, 209, 226, v. 6. Concerning his marriages, and divorces. Cal. B. iii. 296. Nero, B. vi. 28, 85. Galba, B. ix. 96, 97. x. 63. Otho, C. x. Vitel. B. x. paflim. xi. paflim. xii. paflim. xiii. paflim. C. xi. 211. xvi. 237, & feq. Vesp. B. v. C. xii. 2i‘3. xiii. 335. Tit. B. i. 71. C. x. 73. Append, xxvii. 23, 133. Concerning auricular confeflion. Tit. B. i. 136. Cleop. E. v. 123. de poteftate regia, Cleop. E. vi. 1. Various papers on Ecclefiaftical matters, Cleop. E. v. vi. Perfons executed during his reign, Tit. B. i. 132. His threatened excommunication, Vitel. B. xiv. 235. Grants, Patents, Sec. Ca l. D. vi. 91,98. Nero, C. ix. 148, 158. Vitel. B. iii. 158. Vesp. C. vii. 54, 100. F. xiii. 78. Tit. B. xi. 245. Proclamations, Tit. B. i. 507,519,521, 523, 525, 527, 535, 539, 542, 545, 549> SS‘» 555 > 559 - Treaties and Negociations with the Em¬ peror, Galba, B. iv. 7. vi. 144,148, 223,225,243, 244 b. vii. 102,153, 200, 219, 268, 270, 357, 359 b. ix. 63, 81, 85, J04, 204 b. 207, 212. x. 137,145, 163, 324. Vitel. B. vi. 56. vii. 95. xix. 307. xx. 91, 182. xxi. 63. Vesp. C. i. 91, 307. iii. 191, 194. vi. 382. xiii. 234. Tit. B. i. 88. vi. 40, 41. France, Cal. D. vi. 76, 83, 120, 261. vii. 8, 26, 61, 75. ix. 4, 16, 38, 62, 66, 67. Galba, B. vii. 153. ix. 63, 85, 104. Vitel. B. iii. 237. xx. 91. V esp. C. iii. 128, 191, 194. F. ix. 131. Spain, Galba, B. iii. 228. iv. 7, 14. v. 265, 267. vi. 246, 247. ix. 175. Vesp. C. i. 91. iii. 192. vi. 375, 382. Tit. B. i. 1. Scotland, Ca l. B. vii. 123,255, 268, 274. Tit. F.xiii. 136. Various States, Nero, B. iii. 63. Galba, B. vii. 153.ix. 204. Vi¬ tel. B. vii. 95. xix. 59 b. xxi. 128. Agreement with the E. of Angus, Cal. B. i. 129. Letters, Commiflions, Credentials, In- ftruftions, Sc c. (1511.) Vitel. B. ii. 10b.—(1512.) Galba, B. iii. 15, 21, 54.—(1513.) Cal. B. vi. 36,44, 49, 55 - Galba, B. iii. 23 b. 56, 77. v. 10. Vesp. C. i. 75—(1514.) Cal. B. vi. 75. D. vi. 118, 119. Vesp. C. i. 94.—(1515.) Cal. D. vi. 236. Galba, B. iii. 227, 248. Otho, C. ix. 21, 26. Vitel. B. ii. 132, 136, 149, 157.—(1516.) Cal. i>. i. 30. vi. 159, 188. Galba, B. v. 5, 159. vi. 95. Vitel. B. iii. 23, 73. xix. 176, 264, 360. — (1517.) Cal. D. vi. 317. Galba, B. v. 155, 3+4 , 348. vi. 123. Vitel. B. iii. 105, 145, 158. — (1518.) Cal. D. vii. 71.— (1519.) Cal. D. vii. 155. Galba, B. v. 381, 392 b. vi. 116.—(1520.) Cal. D. vii. 227. Galba, B. vi. 200. Vesp. C. i. 300. F. i. 72.—(1521.) Cal. D. viii. 5, 27, 143,168. Galba, B. vii. 152. Trr. B.xi. 361.—(1522.) Cal.B. vi. 220, 254, 264. D. viii. 201. Nero, B. vii. 28, 40. Galba, B. vi. 141. Vitel. B. v. 46. Vesp. C. ii. 14.—(1523.) Cal. B. i. 307. vi. 303. Nero, B. iii. 64. Vitel. B. v. 164, 188, 197. xx. 278. Vesp. C. ii. 125,136, 240.—(1524.) Vitel. B. vi. 40 b. 51, 54.—(1525.) Cal. D ix. 87, 8S, 108. Galba, B. viii. 140. Vesp. C. iii. 23, 29, 66, 150, 201. — (1526.) Cal. D. ix. 164. E. ii. 1. Galba, B. ix. 214. Otho, E. Lx. 401 b. Vest. C. iii. 250.—(1527.) Vesp. C. iv. 120.— (1528.) Cal. B. v. 40. viii. 25. Vitel. B. x. 21, 46, 52, 56, 58, 60, 71 b. 73, 75, 78, 80, 88, 146.—(1529.) Galbav B. ix. 184, 188, 190, 191b. 193 b. 196, 198. Vitel. B. xi. 67, 93, 115, 165. xii. 5. — (1530) Cal. B. vii. 156. Vitel. B. xiii. 11, 54 b. 135.— (1531.) Cal. B. vii. 159, 161. Tit. B. i. 216a. 486.—(1532.) Vi¬ tel. B. xiii. 145, 168, 173, 176, 187, 319 b. 228. xxi. 74. 78. Vesp. C. vii. 41. Tit. B. i. 213.—(1534.) Cal. B. iii. 296. v. 217. viii. 8. Nero, B. vi, 8j. Vitel. B. xxi. 98, 100. — (1535.) Vitel. B. xxi. 97, 102, 109. Tit. C. vii. 214. Cleop. E. iv. 167. — (1536.) Vesp. F. xiii. 71b.— (1537.) Vitel. B. xxi, 157, 158. —( 1 538.) Cal. B. .viii. 44. Vesp. C. vii. 71.—(1539) Vitel. B. xxi. 209.— (1540.) Cal. B. i. 52. E. iv. 34, 39, 40. Vitel. B. xxi. 196.— (1542) Gabla, B.x. 131. Tit. B. xi. 397—(1543 ) Cal - b - vii. 304. E. iv. 51.—(1544) Cal. E. iv. 55, 57.—(1545.) Vitel. B. xxi. 209.— (1546.) Cal. E. iv. 15 s. Tit. B. v. 146.—(1547-) Cal. E. iv. 186. — (fine A 0 ) Cal. B. ii. 281. v. 69. D. ix. 155. E. i. 147. ii. 2, 4. iv. 87. Nero, B. iii. 106, 118. vi. 24. Galea, B. iii. 334, 336. iv. 98. v. 354, 356, 364, 369. vi. 27. viii. 225. x. 26, 38. Vitel. B. ii. 18. iii. 157, .225. vi. 17. xviii. 34. xix. 213. xx. 9. xxi. 56, 60, 121, 152, 201. C. i. 65. Vesp. jC. vi. 313. xiii. 265. xiv. 64 b. F. i. 23. iii. 34, 34 b. xiii. 71. Tit. B. i. 161, iSo, 406. xi. 411. xiii. 255. His Will, Tit. B. i. 229, 232, Henry TI. K. of France, Cal. B. ix. 29. E. iv. 239. v. 49. Vesp. F. iii. 24, 24 b. Henry III. K. ofFrance. His concerns with Poland, Cal. B. vi. 3Z- E. vi. 276. Nero, B. ii. 128. Vesp. F. v. 176,1S0,182, 184, i 83 ,191, 192. Letters, 5 ec.refpefting France, Cal. C. vii. 262. ix. 441,4.J9'. D. i. 116,140,141, 218, 219, 220, 222, 224. E. vi. 192, 2S5, 299. 305. 306, 377. vii. 3S> 63, 196, 228, 239, 252. Galba, C. viii. 395- F - vi. 12, 56 b. 345, 377 b. 381, 389 b. Vesp. F. iii 6g b. 83 b. v. 224, 237. vi. 16 b. Tit. B. vii. 358. Henry IV. K. of France. Lords prefentat his coronation, Vesp. F. v- 559- Oaths of acceifion. Cal. E. vii. 316. Inverted with the Garter, Cal. E. ix. 375 - Treaties, Cal. E. x. 152. xii. 212, 223, 450. Vesp. F. v. 424. Peace with Mayenne, Nero, B. vi. 282. Sentence of the Sarbonne againrt him. Cal. E. vii. 314. De grafiatoribus in illius vitam, Jul. F. vi. 430 b. On his aflaflination. Cal. E. xi. 219. Epitaph, Jul. F. vii. 168. Verfes on his ilatue, Jul. C. ii. 331. Letters, inrtruftions, Sec. —(1569.) Vesp. F. iii. 69 b.—(1572) Vesp. F. vi. 102*.—(1576.) Vesp. F. v.225, 227. 1 —(15 8°.) Galba.E. vi. 4, Tit. B. vii. 319.—(1584.) Cal. £. vii. 349.— I N D ET X (1585.) Cal. E. vii. 277. Galb a, E.vi. 283,286*—(1586.) Cal. E. vii. 2S0, 298. Nero, B. vi. 380, 583.—(1589.) Cal. E. vii. 313. Galba, E. vi. 402,407, 411. Vesp. F. iii. 84 b. — (1590.) Cal. E. vii. 372, 379, 396. G 11.ba, D. vii. 86b. 91.— (1591.) Cal. E. vii. 358, 359, 362, 367, x iii. 1, so, 75. Nero, B. vi. 402. —(1592.) Cal. E. vii. 355, 386b. viii. 533. 576. xii. 354. Nero, B. xi. 130. — v 1 > 93 -) Cal- E. >*• 2. 4 3 > 59 ’ >° 5 » 116, 128, 141, 152.—(1594.) Cal. E. ix. 212, 234. 3 7 2 > -73, 274, 284. — (1595.) Cal. E. Lx. 214. x. 411. Galba, D. xi. 136. xii. 207.— (1396.) C, l. E. ix. 335 » 15 s - 35 °. 35 — (1597.) Cal. E. ix. 391, 418, 451, 452. Vesp. F. v. 398.—(1598.) Cal. E. ix. 530 b.—(1599) cal. E. ix. 506 b. 555. Otho, E. viii. 279.— (1601.) Cal. E. x. 28, 30 b.—(1602.) Cal. E. x. 150.—(1603.) Cal. E. x. 291,294, 301,408.—(1605.) Cal. E. xi. 218, 255, 2S1.—(1609.) Cal. E. xii. 217. (fine A 0 ) Cal. E. vii. 270. ix. 355,520 b. Vesp. F. v. 370. Tit. B. vii. +07. Milceil. Cal. E. viii. 52, 57, 207, 409, 4 6 +> 543 * 545 - ix - 2 7 » 5 *. * 39 * 3 S 9 » 501. x. 51, 138, 282, 415. xi. 187, 198. xii. 403. henry 11 . K. of Caftile, challenge to Edw. P. of Wales, Cal. D. iii. 104. Henry 111 . K. 0! Caftile, Vesp.C.xu. . F. iii. 39. Tit. A. iii. 43. Henry IV. K. of Caftile, Vesp. C. xii. 149. Henry II. K. of Navarre, Cal. E. ii. 13. Vesp. F. iii. 57. Efqape from piifon, Cal. D. ix. 107. Tit. B. vi. 6. Henry D. of Lorrain, his marriage with Cather.de Bourbon, Ve sp. F. v. 353. Henry, fon to Hen. II. on hisdcath,CLAUD. E. viii. 14. Henry Pr. of Wales, fon to Hen. IV. treaty of marriage, V1 t e l. C. xi. 4 b. Henry Prince of Wales, fon to Ja. I. Cal. D. ii. 211,216. Vi tel. C. x. 253. xvi. 383. Vesp. C. xiv. 120. F. iii. 11 b. Obfervations on his marriage, Vitel. C. xvii. 333. Money received for knighting him, Cleop. F. vi. 398. Obfervations on the opening of his body, Vesp. F. ix. 151. Funeral, Vesp. C. xiv. 187. Tit. C. vii. 62. Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 196. Henry Darnley, Vesp. F. iii. 37 b. Henry, (S.) Tit. B. vii. 437. Henryfon. (Wm.) Cal. C. iv. 260. Hepburn, (James) E. of Bothwell. Confeflion, Cal. D. ii. 519. Tit. C. vii. 39 b. Letters, &c. Cal. B. v. 292. vii. 470. viii. 347. Band and promife given him by Q^Mary, Cal. C. i. 1. 206 b. Hepburn, (Patrick) E. of Bothwell, Cal. B. v. 216. Heptarchy, Map of, Tib. E. viii. 2to. Heraclulis Cyprii, vita; SSor. Faust. A. ii. 9S. Heraldry : noble families entered in the Herald’s ollicc, Jul. B. \ i. The ordering of a funeral, Jul. 15 . xii. 5b. Alphabet of Englifn nobility, with their arms. Cl a u d. C. ii. 102. Heraldicai Colledr. by Wm. Camden, Sec. Faust. E. i. ii. Giving armorials not hurtful to a com¬ monwealth, Vesp. C. xiv. 35. Var. trails, Tib. E. viii. 152 b. 155, 158b. 180 b. 194, 214 b. Nero, A. viii. 118. Tit. C. i. 454. Faust. E. v.71, 149. Herald’s Office, Jul. C. ix. 138, 142, 145,147. Tib. E. viii. 143, 152 b. 155, 158 b. 170, 173, 177, 194, 199, Nero, D. ii. 249 b. 251 b. 254b. | Otho, D. iv. 178, 180 b. Tit. C. i. 464,467, 471, 492 b. 493, 503. vii. 115. Dom. xviti. 229. Faust. C. viii. paflim. E. v. 21. Vid. Arms. Herberts, (defeentof the) Vesp. F. ix. 295. Herbert, (Francis) Tit. B. xi. 422. Herbert, (H.) E. of Pembroke, Pit. B. iv. Herbert, (J.) Jul. F. vi. 94. Nero, B. iv. 88, 231. Galba. D. i. 83. xiii. 6. 13, 41. Vesp. F. xii. 145. Tit. C. vii. 1 35 . 189- Vid. Commiffioners at Bremen. Herbert, ( . . . ) E. of Pembroke, Ti t. B. xi. 481. Herbert, ( . . .) Galba,C. vii. 359. b. Ili rdi, (Joh.) Hilt. Angl. Jui . C. b. 1 ?/.. Hereford, (Cath. Cfs. of) 'Pit. C. vii. 1 22. Hereford (...) Vesp. F. xii. 147. Flerefordlhire, (notes concerni. g) Y:tel. C. x. 216. Ifcremita, (Greg.) Vesp. F. 1, 28 b. Herford, (John) Galba, B. vii. 25 b. Herle, (Will.) Letters, &'c.—C al. C. iii. 57, 58, 58 b. 60. 60 b. 62, 64, 65, 66,66 b. 67, 67 b. 68 l>. 79, 166, 168, 169, 226. Galba, C. iv. 362. vii. 107, 175, 179 b. 186, 190, 193, 201, 207, 209, 217, 227. xi. 78. D. ii. 26. Galba, D. ix. 81, 86. Vesp. C. xiii. 301. Tit. B. vii. 44, 57. Hermanni, miracula S. Edmundi, Tib. B. ii. 19. Heron, (John) Cal. B. i. 131. Heron, (Wm.) Galba, B. i. ico. Vesp. F. xiii. 24. Herries, (Lord.) Vid. Maxwell. Pierring filhery, Jul. F. xi. 21S. Galba, E. i. 307. Herrifon, (Tho.) concerning the mint, Otho, E. x. 343. Hert, an Hertford i (E.) Tit. B. vii. 152 b. Hertford, (E. of) vid. Seymour. Herutford, (Canones fynodi apud) Vesp. A. xiv. 170. Herwaerden, (Jacob) Galba, C. ix. 3S2. Hcfdin ( . . . de) Galba, B. jv. 2, 133 b. v. 364, 273, 330, 333, 343, 37 6, 37a, 3S0, 387. vi. 6, 108, 1 ro, 178 b. vii. 33 3 > 345 b - viii. 51, 89, 90, 93. ix. 115, 125. Vesp. C. i. 134 b. Heffele, (J.de) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 96, 112. Heth, (Hamo dc) Vitel. B. xxi. 164. Fa ust. B. v. 1. Heulc, (Guyot de) Galba, B. vi. 40. Heule, (. . . .de) Tit. B. 1, 332. Heydon, (Chrift.) Ju l. C. v. 61,62, 96. Heyemans, (Hen. van) Galba, C. viii. 16. Heyne, (Simon) Cal. E. i. 28. Cleop. E. v. 58. Heyth, (Nic.) Vitel. B, xxi. 93. Hibernica, (fcripri iiugin) Nero. A. \ii. 132. Hicks, (Capt.) Jul. C. iii. iot. Hile (Monaft. of) ordeis for it, Cl bop. L. iv. 4 y. Hide, (Rich, de la) grants to, 1 it. B. xii. 140. Hieroglvphica, Cl bop. B. xi. 2. Hieronymi. (Sci.) vita, Claud. A. i. 48. De viris illullribus. C ■ l. A. xv. 1. Vesp. A. xiii. 42. B. xiii, 31. Vi a B. Pauli monachi, Cal. A. xv. 29. De Pontif. Melciiifedeco, Vitel. C. viii. 83. b. Otdo Confeffionis, Tib. A. iii. 53. Pnefat. in Pfalm. Galba, A. xvni. 32. erfus eidem adferipti, Vesp. B. xxv. r 17. Milcell. Ti n. A. ii. 2,8. Cal. A. x. 202. xv. 136 b. Claud. A. i. 71. Nero, A. ii. 35, 41 b. xi. 109. E. 1, 285. Vitel. C. viii. 85. Higden, (Ranulph.) Polychron, Nero, D, viii. 188. Higdon, (Brian) dean of York, Cal. E. iii. 3 ° 3 * Higgins (...) ways how to annoy Spain, Galba, C. iv. 180. Iligcleworth caurch, (arms in) Jul.C. vii. 264. ITilai ics, f Rob.) Nero. R. vii. 1S4. Hilari .5 vita, C iud. A.i. 53. F.pift. C. ud. A. i. 56 b. Sermo, Claud. A. i. 61. . Epifi >pus. ^ : Ma::.u .'Eg; pi.e, Vitel. A. xii. 114. De xii p'.igis ./Egypt. Vitel. A. xii. 119 b. Epi . V p. D! Stix. 82. E. iii. 5 C ri ina v ria, Vitbl. A. u Vesp. D. v. i 19. Tit. D. xxiv. 119. Cleop. A. viii. 56. C. i. 1. Append. xiii. 106. 1 quafdam Hill. Vet. Teft. Vt, Veifus i B. xii Hildebrand, Galba, D. xii. 148. Hiidegardis, ;B.) Revelatio, Dom. ix. 16. Mill, (Roland) Cleop. E. iv. 27. I Idle, (Tho.) petition for a corrody, Vest. Hillyard, (Dr.) concerning his flight, Cal. B. vii. 243,248, 249, 250, 251. Hilperici, (...) Calculator^ artis rudi- menta, Vesp. A. ix. i. Hilfey, (John) Bp. of Rccheftcr, Cleop. E. vi. 256. Hilton, (Walter) de imagine peccati, Tit D. xi. 40. Contemplations, Faust. B. vi. 107 b. Himericus, (s.) Propheiia de Italia, Vesp. E. vii. 107. Hippocratis, liber Phyflognomicus. Cleop. B. ix. 2 i b. Ypocras medicus, Append, vi. 5. Hil'par.ia,Tranfadla inter Angliam ct, Ytsr. C. i.—xiii. Hiftoria fa era, (Trafl. var. de) Claud. E. viii. 263. Tit. D. iii. paflim. Hiftoria profana. Traci, var. excerpts, &c. Jul. 1 '. vi. 222 b. vii. 141. xi. 2 i-. Tie. A. ix. 18 b. B. V. 91. E. viii. 3 b. 7. Claud. E. iii. 4, 5. viii. 263 b. Galba, A. vii. 31. Vesp. A/xiii. 115b. E. ix. no. F. ix. 105, 232, 272. xvii. 1. Tit. A. xix. 57. xxiv. 65, 72. xxvii. 186 b. B. i. 6. Dom. viii. 15. Fau.t. A. viii. go, 83 b. r N D E X. B. vii. 26 b. 41. c. i. 93. Append. xxx. Opus Hilloric. et Geograph. Nero, E. iv. Diary of public events, 1309 — * 5 ZI - Vesp. F. xviii. 1. Hiftoricorum nomina, Jul. F. vii. 2;. Claud. D. vii. 7 b. E. iii. 4. viii. 9 b. Trefor des Hiiloires, Aug. v. Hiftoria literaria, Faust. A. viii. 101. Hiftoria aurea, (excerpta ex) Vitel. E. xiv. 262 b. Hlotharius, vid. Lotharius. Hobby, (Sir Philip) Cal. B. vii. 459. Galba, B. xii. 11, 16, 21, 35, 74, no, iii b. 119, 130. Tit. B. ii. 76, 82. Inlir. Vitel. B. xxi. 170. Tit, B. v. 25- Hobby, (Edw.) Jul. C. iii. 16. Hochftetcr (Joach. et Dan.) Tit. B. iv. 147, 209. Hoddefdon, (Chrift.) Galba, B. xi. 425. C. vii. 71, 81, 86, 92, 117 b. 122, 127, 135 b. 138, 142. Hodilred, (a grant of) Auc.ii. 29. Hocrn, (Chronica monaflerii de) Nero, A. xiii. 1. Hagan, (Edmund) Nero, B. xi. 297. Hohenloh, (Count of) vid. Philip. Hohcnfaxen, (Baron of) Galba, D. ii. 306. Holcrofr, (Thomas) Cal. B. vii. 396, 39S, 486, 494. Holgate, (Robert) Bp. of Landaff, Cal. B. iii. 98, 156. vi. 273. vii. 239. Holland, Galba, B. iv. 83 b. C. iii. 173 b. v. 58, 62, 65, 67, 72, 76, 94, 183, 2j 2 b. 216b. 286. vi. P. i. 47,52. vii. 103, 286. viii. 113, 348, 350. ix. 165, 211. x. no, 237. xi. 299, 338. D. ii. 218. iv. 246 v. 329. x. i. xi. 242. xii. 264, 318. Vesi-.D. ix. 53. Tit. B. vii. 77. Chronicles of, Tib. C. iv. i. Vitel. E. vi. F. xv. Trade with Spain, Galba, D. .-ii. 223. Sovereignty offered to Q. Eliz. Tit. B. vi. 47. Ships employ'd in Portugal, Galba, D- vii. 115, 189. Mifcell. Galba, C. v. 58, 94, 212 b. 216 b. D. ii. 329. Vid. Batavia. Holland, (H.) Jul. C. iii. 15. Holland, (John) D. of Exeter, Vesp. F. xiii. 11 ■ Holland, (John, or Hen.) D. of Exeter, Ld. High Admiral, Otho, E. ix. 21. Holland, (Jof.) Faust. E. v. 6. Holland, (Ph.) Jul. C. v. 58. Holies, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 62 b. Holm, (abbot of) Cal. B. iii. 285,286. Holt, (Hen. vom) Galba, D. ix. 37. Holt, (Pet.) Turcupulary; Vesp. F i- 118. Holtc, (Wm.) Cal. C. vii. 22 b. 56. Holy Ghoft (Order of the) Cal. E. vii. 6S, 76. Holy Land, Claud. D. ii. 71. Galba, A. vii. 18. Vid. Palelline. Holy War: hillory, Cleop. B. i. I. Holyrood-houl’e, (road of) Cal.D. i. 153. B. ix.3"- Homage,N T E r 0, A.xii. 148, 148. b. Cleop. C. vii. 10 b. Home, (Agnes, Lady) Cal. C. iv. 222. Home (Alexander Lord,) Cal. B. ii. 180, 186. C. v. 125. vi. 97, ioo, 100 b. D. ii. 219 b. 329. Home, (Geo.) Cal. D. ii. 284, 329. Home, (Robe.) Bp. of Wincheller, Vesp. F. xii. 191. Homedes, (J.) Grand Mailer of Malta, Otho, C. ix. 93, 96. Homes, (Tho.) Otho, E. viii. 54. Homicide, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 200. Homiliarii, Libri et Trail.— Tib. A. iii. 75 h. 86 b. C. vi. 28. Cal. A. i. 246. xiv. 93, 127. Vesp B. xiii. 84. D. ii. 10, 85. Tit. A. xxiv. 245. D. xviii. 105. Cleop. B. xiii.C. xi. 106. Faust. A. v. 5 b. 9, 9 b. 102, 103 b. B.ii. 188. iv. 1S5 b. Append, xiii. in. Saxo nice, Nero, A. i. 85. Vesp. A. xxii. 54. Faust. A. ix. Honberg, (Cafpar,) Tit. B. vii. 151. Honning, (Wm.) Cal. E. iv. 22. Vesp. F. xii. 129, 151. Tit. B. ii. 419. Ilonorius, (5.) Archiep. Vesp. B. xx. 218. Honorius, (P.) Nero, C. iii. 184. Vesp. A. xvi. 15. Faust. J . vi. 94b. Honour, (qucllions of) Vesp. C. xiv. 207, 209. Hoo, (Wm.) Cal. D. iii. 1 Hoochllrate, ( . . Count of) Jovr. of Ant¬ werp, Gal.1 a, C. iii. 40 b. 42,95. Hooges, (Jo. & Pet. de) ennobled, Vi¬ tel. B. xviii. 30. Hoonel-dirc lem, (Air. Van) Galla, C. iv. 125. Hooper, (John) Bp. . : Gloucrf order for burning him, li op. L. v. 380. Hooper, (Rich.) Galea, C. xi. 209. Hopkins, (R.)Trr. B. ii. 224. Hopton, (G.) Cal. E. vii. 192. Hopton, ('John) Bp. of Norwich, Tit. B. 11. 160. Horn, (Magillr. of) Galba, C. viii. 8. Horn, (Jaques de) Gai.ba, B. iii. 341. vi. 16 b. Horn, (Philip de Montmorency, Count de) Galba, C, iii. 5 b. 216. Hornberg, (Casp. de) Tit. B. vii. 151. Horne, (Robt.) Bp. of Wincheller, Vesp. F. xii. 191. Tit. B. xiii. 89. Hornes, (Maxim, de) Galba, C. viii. 150. ix. 26. Horologium horarum, Tib. A. iii. 176. Horologium folare, Tib. C. vi. 7, Horfey, (Sir Jerom) Nero, B. xi. 363. Horfey, (Edw.) inltr.TiT. B. ii. 459* *, 461. Horlham, (monall. of St. Faith at) Auc. ii. 136. Holkyns, (Ric.) Jul. C. v. 169 b. Hofpitallers, (Knights) fundatio hofpitalis Divi Joh. Jerufal. Cleop. E. iv. 31. Cari.e, Jul. D. ii. 125. Claud. E. vi. Nero, C. ix. 28. E. vi. 1. Nomina magiilror. Nero, E. vi. 466 b. Nomina priorum in Anglia, Nero, E. vi. 467 b. Regula ordinis, Cleop. B. iii. jq, Mifcell. Tib. E. ix. Nero, C. iii. 186. Otho, C. ix. 95. Vesp. E. v. 8 b. n. F. i. 115 b. Tit. B. xi. 20 b. C. x. 40. Holle, (Nic. 1 ’) his fentence, Nero. B. vi. 192. H tman, (Joh.) Jul. C. v. 6 b. 49 b. 78. 100'b. 107 b. 128, 132, 137 b. 171. Cal.E. x. 31, 219, 223, 230, 233, 251, 335. xii. 146, 44S. Galba, C. xi. 72, 99, iot, 216, 255, 263,268, 281. Hovcden, (Johan, de) Philomela, Nero, C. ix. 195. Cleop- A. xii. 67. Cythara, Nero, C. ix. 216 b. Lyra, Nero, C. ix. 224. Viola, Nero, C. ix. 223. Canticum amoiis, Nero, C. ix. 224. XV. GauJia, Nero, C. ix. 207 b. L. Cantica, Nero, C. ix. 208. L. Saluta.iones, Nero, C. ix. 221 b. HiHqri.-e epitome, Otho, D. iv. 46 b. Vitel. A. xx. 133. de geilis Hen. II. & Ric. I. Cleop. C. ix. 1. The nightingale, Cal. A. ii. 57. Houfehold, (King’s) Tib. E. viii. 54 b. Nero, A. vi. 163 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 53, 55, 92, 95, 211, 213, 218, 241 b. 244, 245 b. 246,247, 253, 253 b. Tit. B. iii. 154, 240, 246, 256. iv. 281. v. 289, 329. Append, xxviii. 39, 42, 46, 52, 54, 6j, 68, 76, 104. Office of Steward of the houfehold, Vesp. C. xiv. 399. Howard fam. notes, Jul. C. vii. 236 b. Portraits of, Jul. C. vii. 236 b. Monuments in Stoke ch. Tit, B. viii* 306. Howard, (Agnes) Dfs. of Norfolk, Vesp. F. xiii. 147. Howard, (Charles) E. of Effingham and Nottingham, Cal. E. viii. 513, 517* ix. 191. Galba, C. viii. 44, 243. ix. 145, 270. Otho, E. ix. 146, 153, 165 b. 168 b. 184, 284, 313, 319, 344, 395. Vesp. C. ix. 1. Howard (Edward Lord) Cal. D. vi. ion E. ii. 139. Howard, (Elizabeth) Dfs. of Norfolk, Vesp. F. kiii. 79. Tit. B. i. 15Z, 383 a. Howard, (Lady Frances) depofition, Tit, C. vii. 98. Howard, (Henry) E. of Northampton, Cal. C. iii. 94. iv. 209 b. vii. 260, 269. Vesp. F. ix. 203. xiii. 306 b. Tit. B. v. 1. vii. 479. C. vi. F. iv. 325. On Eliz. marriage with the D. D’Anjou, Trr. C.,xviii. His will, Jul. F. vi. 440., Howard, (Henry) E. of Surrey, Tit. B. a. 58. Howard, (Sir John) Cal. D. iii. 159. Howard, (J. C.) Vesp. F. xiii. 49. Howard, (Philip) E. of Arundel. Arraignment, Jul. F. vi. 200. Vindication, Jul. F. vi. 64 b. Mifcell. Vesp. F. xii. 210. Tit. B. ii ( 209. Howard, (Thomas) 2d D. of Norfolk. Challenge to James IV. K. of Scot. Cai.. B. yi. 73 - Epitaph, Jul. C. vii. 245 b. Howard, (Thomas) 3d D. of Norfolk. Lett. &c.—(1513.) Cal. B. vi. 73. D. vi. 102, 104. —(1521.) Tit. B. xi. 351, 415.— (1522.) ,Cal. D. viii. — (1523.) Cal. B. i. 179, 182. ii. 27, 3 Z » 33 > 37 » 39 > l 47 » * S'> »S 3 > 8 E INDEX. 165, 169, 196. vi. 23S, 283. 284, 289, 291, 292, 304—318, 323.— (1324.) Cal. B. i. 311, 317. ii. 155 — 162, 358, 360. ii'. 117, 185. vi. 361, 369, 370, 373. 374, 375 - vii. 17, 19. 85.—(1527.) Cal. B. ii. 32.—1.1532-) Cal. B. ii. 3.—(J 537 -) Cal. B. i. 319- vii. 224 .—Cleop. E. iv. 41 b. (1539-) Cal. B. vii. 2:S. (1546.) Tit. B. i. 94.—(fine A 0 ) Cal. B. ii. 167. Vesp. F. xiii. 78 b. 81. Cleop. E. iv. 102. vi. 324. Jullification, Trr. B i. 386. Howard, (Thomas) 4th D. of Norfolk. Lett. &c.—(1560.) Cal. B. ix. 140, 142. Tit. B. xiii. 3.—(1565.) Tit. B. ii. 340.—(1566.) Tit. F. xiii. 309.—(1567.) Tit. B. ii. 309.— (1568.) Cai.. C. i. 178 b.— (1569.) Cal. B. viii. 177. ix. 403, 406. C. i. 316, 321 b. 355, 356.—(1570.) Cal. C. ii. 55.— (»57»-) Cal. C. iii. 183 b. 186, 188.—(1572.) Cal. C. iii. 179. (fine A 0 ) Tit. B. i. 386. His orders about giving arms, Faust. C. viii. 1. Concerning his trial, Jul. F. vi. 11, 200 b. Cal. C. iii. 101, 117, 120, 128, 188, 256, 258, 260, 353. Death, Vitel. C. xvii. 388. Mifcell. Cal. C. ii. 241, 499. iii. 100 b. Howard, (Thomas) E. of Arundel, Ne ro, B. ix. 181, 184, 186 b. Tit. B. vii. 460. Howard, (Thomas) E. of Suffolk, Tit. F. iv. 335. Howard, (Lord Thomas) Vesp. F. xii. * 33 - Howard, (Thomas) Report On the Spanifh marine, Nero, B. i. 239 b. Lett. Jul. C. iii- 113- Howard, (William) E. of Northampton, Tit. F. iv. 325. Howard, (William) E. of Effingham, Gal- ba, C. i. 12. Howard, (Lord William) Cal. B. ii. 233. x ' ,39- Howard, (William) Jul. C. iii. 4 ®» * 3 ^ b. Cal. E. iv. 36. Vesp. F. xiii. 322. Howbert, (Nic.) depofition concerning Darnley, Cal. C. i. 318. Howe, (Ferd.) Tit. B. vii. 472. Howelis-Dha, Leges, Cal. A. iii. 151. Vesp. E. xi. 1. Tit. D.ii. ix. Cleop. A. xiv. 33. B. v. 165. Howth, vid. Saint Laurence. Hoya & Brockhufen, (Eric Countof) Vesp. F. i. 108. Hubert de Burgo, Com. Cantia^ Nero, D. i. 167. Hubert, (Walter) Archbp. of Canterb. Vesp. C. xiv. 212, 298. Hudlelton, (Rich.) Tit. B. v. 142. Hudfon, (Jam.) Cal. D. i. 279. ii. 59. Hugh d’ Abrincis Lupus, E. of Chelter, Faust. B. viii. 122, 127. Hugh, Prior of Durham, Cal. B. viii. 163. Hughes, (J.) Vitil. B. xii. 49. Hugo, Vefont. Archiep. privileg. eidem conceflum, Claud. C. vi. 164. Hugo, Claramontens. Epifc. Vesp. D. v. 149. Hugo Sotovaginx, Archidiac. Ebor. Verfus, Vitel. A. xii. 130. Hugonots, vid. Proteflants. Hull, (plans of) Auc. i. vol i. 83—86. Hull, (Examination of Tho.) Galea, D. v. 262. x. 192. xii. 300. Hulmo, (Regill. cart. Abbatix S. Bened, de) Galba, E. ii. de ejufdem fundatione, &c. Nero, D. ii. 214. Hume, vid. Home. Humphry, D. of Glouccfler, vid. PIr.r.- tagenet. Hungaria, Nero, B. vi. 24, 196, 203, 205. ix. 76*. Vesp. F. i. paffim. Proteflants in Hungary, Cal. F. xi. 246. Hungares, (Nic.) Vesp. F. i. 6. Hungary, (Queen of) vid. Mary. Hungerford, (Dom.d’) de ejufdem terris, Jul. B. xii. 232 b. 294 b. 300 b. Hungerford, (Lady Eliz.) Tit. B. i. 388. Hungerford, (Walter Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. Hungerford, (Watier) Vesp. F. xiii. 17. Hunfdon, (Lord) vid. Caiey. Hunt, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 12. Hunte, (Edm.) Galba, D. i. 153. Tit. B. v ; i. 88. Hunter, (Tho.) Cal. E. x. 313. Hunter, (...) Vesp. C. viii. 207. Hunting, (art of) Vesp. B. xii. Huntingdon, (county) Metx inter Huntingd. Northampt. et Cantabr. Nero, D. x. 140. Vifitation, Jul. F. viii. Notitia, Tib. E. viii. 301. Priory, (grants to) Jul. C. ii. 326 b. Monaflery, regilt. cart. Faust. C. i. 2. Auc. ii. no, 113, 119, 122. Huntingdon, (E. of) vid. Hallings. Huntingdonenfis, vid. Henricus. Huntley, (E. of) vid. Gordon. Hunts, (Tho.) Nero, B. vi. 201. Hurlton, (Roger) Cleop. E. iv. 133. Hufed, (John) Tit. B.i. 156. Hufee, (Cuitaunce) Vesp. F. xiii. 33. Hufmcre, (monall. at) charter, Auc. ii. 3. HufTey, (John Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 116. HufTey, (Thomas) Warrant for apprehend¬ ing him, Cal. B ix. 3S6. Hu fly, (John) depofit. in Catherine’s caufc, Vitel. B. xii. 98. Hutton, (John) Galba, B. x . 329, 333, 335. Vesp. C. xiii. 340. Hyberdine, (Parfon) a Sermon, Vesp. A. xxv'. 53. Hyda, (de rebus ejufdem Monall.) Vesp. D. ix. 9. Cartular. Dom. xiv. 22. Hygden, (Ranulphus) Monach. Ceftrens. Polychronicon, Tib. E. viii. 252. Nero, D. viii. 188. Cleop. D. iv. Hylfey, (John) Bp. of Rochefter, Cleop. E. iv. 140. Hymeneus, fil. Bacchi, Tit. D. xx. 135"b. Hymnarium, vid. Liturgia. j. Jackman, (Ch.) a voyage, Otho, E. viii. 67. Jacobi, (S.) major, de miraculis, Nero, A. xi. 38. Jacobfon, (Laurens) Galba, C.iv. 39. James III. K. of Scotland, Cal. B. vi. 1. Tit. F. xiii. 78, 133 b. James IV. King of Scoland. Treaties of marriage. Sec. Cal. B. vi. 27. Vitel. C. xi. 70. Vesp. C. xvi. 67, 69, 144. Lett. &c. Cal. B. iii. 138. vi. 20. 21, 26, 34, 50, 63 b. 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69. Vesp. F. ii : . 36. James V. K. of Scotland. Treaty with Hen. VIII. Cal. B. viL 123. Safe conduct for Q^_ Margaret, Cal. B. vi. 107. A band for carrying him off, C.-.l. B. vi. 124 b. Lett. &c. (1515.) Cal. B. i 94.—(1516.) Cal. B. iii. loz—(1517.) Cal. B. i (1521) Cal. B. iii. 62. Cal. B. iii. 232.— (1525.; 364. vi. • ' 59 — -(W) Cal. vii. 75. Vitel. B. vii. 5 s, i 35 _ (1528.) Cal. B. i. 33. ii. 22 . v v . 21s b. vii. 81, 10., 120 b. 149. viii. >— ( 1 5 2 9 ) Cal- b- i. 293, 308, 310. ii. 26. vii. 155.—(1531.) Cal. B. iii. 56. vii. 170. (1532.) Cal. B. vii. 448.— (1533.) Cal. B. vii. ,82.— (1534.) Cal. B. iii. 200. v. 220. vii. 133—(1539.) Cal. B i. 295. Hi. ,91. vii. 238, 252.—(fine A“) Cal. B. ii. 263. Vesp. F. iii. 36 b. 37 - Mifcell. Cal. E. v 28ji v 2i6 James VI. K. of Scotland, and I. of Eng¬ land. Concerning nis conduit on his mother’s death, Jul. F. vi. 66, 70b. Lords of Scotland in his intereft, Cai. i>- 23, S4, 89, 100, 114, 127, 129, 162, 471. Ait for furthering criminal caufes. Cal. B. viii. 37. Articles to be proposed to the E. of Mor¬ ton and Archd. Douglas, Cal. B. iv. 2 57 - Petition to the Pope, Cal. B. viii. 214, 33 S- Declaratinn for the pacification of Scot¬ land, Cal. C. iii. 517. On hi.-, right to the crown of England Tit. C. vi. 415. Proclamation on his acceffion in England, Vesp. F. ix. 161. Tit. B. vii. 446. ProcefTion from the Tower, Tit. B. viii. 304. Concerning the fecurity of his perfon. Cal. C. iv. ]6. D. ii. 481. Speeches in Parliament, Tit. C. vii. 1 19. F. iv. 357. Ads of Parliament, Cal. C. iii. 524. iv. 8. Speech on prefenting the Ld. Mayor to the city of London, Jul. C. ix. 78. Orders concerning pirates, Otho, E. viii. 282, 282 b. 285. Patents concerning exchange, Otho, E. x. 54. Patent concerning the office of E. Mar- fhal, Jul. F. vi. 63 b. Treaties and negociations with Q^Eliz. Cal. B. v. 161, 275. viii. 232. France, Cal. E. x. 227. xi. 317. xii. 45°. Spain, Cal. E. x. 229. Vesp. C. xiii. 87, 93, 122, 126, 154, 158, 160, 165, 169, 174, His title to Guelders, Tit. C. vii. u~. Libels againft him. Cal. B. v. 40. Faust. C. ii. 61. Lett. Sec. (1568.) Cal, B. viii. 179. C. i. 60, 64, 174*.—(1570) Cal. C. ii. 99 -— 1 1 57 1 -) Cal. C. iii. 198b.— (1572.) Cal. C. iv. 104.— (1573.; INDEX. Cal. C. iv. 61 b. 69, 113.—(1578.) Cal.C.v. 149.— (>S 79 -) Cal. E. xii. 51.—(1580.) Cal. C. vi. 57, 94b,— (15S2.) Cal. C. vii. 12, 16, 44, 61, 67. — (1583.) Cal. C. vii. 132, 156, 191, 221, 223, 246, 251, 251 b. 253, 255,255 b. 264. 264b. 271,274. ix. 42, 74.—(1584.) Cal. C. viii. 52, 68, 73, 118 b. 119, 147, 150, 151.— (1585.) Cal. C. viii. 168, 175, 176, 177, 178, 211, 215, 241b. 265. ix. 122.—(1586.) Cal. C. ix. 201 b. 230 b. 280b. 432,442,448. D.i. JC2, 102 €.— (1587.) Cal. B. viii. 222. C. ix. 144, 146. D.i. 95, 115, 133. (1588.) Cal. D. i. 293, 315,?50, 340, 345.—(1589.) Cal. D.i. 177, 181, 442.—(1590.) Cal. D.i. 435. ii. 30. —(1591.) Cal. D. ii. 52—(159^.) Vesp. F. iii. 3S b.— (1593.) Cal. D. ii. 187, 189. Galea, D. x. 22,23 b - Vesp. F. xiii. 299.—(1594.) Cal. B. viii. 224. D. ii. 213, 221 b. 223,224,233. Galba, D. x. 164.— ('595-) Cal - b - viii - 338- D. ii. 235, 237. Galba, D. xi. 16, 17, 37.— (j597.)Cal.D. ii. 404, 411.—(1598.) Cal. D. ii. 417, 420. Tit. C. vii. 19. —(1600.) Cal. B. iv. 249.—(1601.) Cal. D. ii. 508.—(1603.) Cal. E. x. 191, 194, 196, 199, 238, 240, 245, 345, 352. xi. 60. xii. 341. Galba, E. i. 9, 69, 81, 11S, 126, 132, 140. Vitel. C. i. 162. Tit. B. vii. 444.—(1604.) Cal.E. x. 354. xi. 36, 66, 70, 72, 73, 78, 123 b. Galba, E. i. 154, 168,172, 240, 258. Vesp. C. xiii. 2, 7, 33, 53, 79. 81, 174. Tit. B. vii. 434.—(1605.) Cal. E. xi. 167,239,277. Galba, E. i. 294, 296. Vesp. C. ix. 1. 161 b. xiii. 21, 169. Tit. F. iv. 86.— (1607.) Otho, E. viii. 285. Vitel. C. i. 262. Vesp. C. x. 233. Tit. B. iii. 1.— (1609.) Vesp. C. xi. 250, 348.—(1610.) Otho, E. viii. 282. Tit. F. iv. 148.—(1612.) Tit. B. v. 171. vii. 442.—(1613.) Otho, E. ix. 371.—(1614.) Galba, E. i. 432. Tit. C. i. 197.—(1615.) Tit.B. x. 255.—(1616.) Tit. C. vii. 30.— (1619.) Vesp. C. xiii. 215. xiv. 94.— (Sine A°) Cal. B viii. 313. C. vi. 124. E. xi. 62, 253. Nero, E. vi. 13. xi. 138. Vesp. F. iii. 14 b. 35 b. Tit. C. vi. 156. Mifcell. Cal. ii. viii. 37, 308, 310. C. vi. 125. vii. 221 b. viii. 30. ix. D. ii. 46. E. x. 247. xi. 312. Vesp. C. ix. 161 b. F. ix. 156, 157. Tit. C. i. 238 b. 492 b. F. iv. 86, 107, 341. Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 196. Carmen votivum, Vesp. C. xiv. 197. James, (Ric.) Jul. C. iii. 7, 193 b. 203. James, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 159, 1S3. Gal¬ ba, C. xi. 63. James’s, (King) River, Virginia, Chart, i. vo!. ii. 46. Jane Grey, (Queen) vid. Grey. Jane Seymour, (Queen) vid. Seymour. Jannettus, (Guido) Vitel. B.iv. 271,289. Jaregan, (R.) v id. Jcrningham. Jalo: de eodem et Argonautis, Tit. D. xx. l lS- Jbun Cadis Abubcor, de ritib. Mohamed. Tib. B. x. Iceland, (fifheriss on the coaft of) Nero, B. iii. 278, 336. iv. 88. Vesp. C. xiv. 21. Icham, (Pet. de) Monach. Cantuar. Chro- nicon de RR. Ang. Don. iii. 1. leones. Regum Anglia:, Jul. E. iv. 1. Monllrorum, Vitel. A. xv. 95. Varii, Jul. A. i. 1 b. v. 2,4s. xi. 112b. D. vii. 43 b. 60 b. 114. E. iv. 201. Aug. i. vol. i. paffim. iii. 12—16, 20—36, 38. Tib. A. iv. 8 b. C. vi. 5 b. 6 b. 7 b. 16 b. Cal. A. vii. 1. xiv. 1. xv. 118b. Nero, D. i. 155, 168 b. 184. ii. 1. viii. 345. ix. 109. E. ii. Galba, A. xviii. 2. Vesp. A. viii. 1. Tit. D. xxvii. 66, 76. Dom. xvii. Cleop. B. xiv. C. viii. 1. D. ii. j. Faust. B. vi. 107 b. vii. 72.— Append, v. Idiaqucs, (Don Juan de) Galba.C. vii. 73. Jcanin, (Prefid.) panegyric of Hen. IV. K. of Fr. Tit. F. xiv. 19 b. Jeffery’s, (Peter) journal of Fenton’s expe¬ dition, Otho, E. viii. 163. Jehannc, Q^of Navarre, vid, Joan. Jehang, a French prince, Vesp. F. xiii. 108. Jenkinfon, (Anth.) propof.il for a voyage of difeovery, Galba, D. ix. 4. Jennings, (John) examination, Otho, E. viii. 332. Jerningham, (Rich, or Robt.) Vesp. C. ii. H 3 > , 73 * 1 77 » 188, 195, 199, 206, 228, 254, z6o, 284. Jerningham, (Sir Rich.) Cal. D. vi. 297. viii. 1. E. ii. 80. iii. 49. Galba, B. vii. 367. viii. 123. Vitel. B. ii. 20. xviii. 4. Jerningham, (Sir Robt.) Vitel. B.ix. 45 b. 57, 188, 209. x. 34, 42 b. 72. Jerome, a poem. Cal. A. ii. 133 b. Jerfey, (chart of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 62. Jerfey and Guernfey, Cal. E. x. 266. Tit. B. v. 89, 103, 105. viii. 68, 69, 70, 72, 73 ’ 79 - Jerufiilem, (kingdom of) Vesp. F. 114. Urbis deferiptio, Faust. A. vii 156. (Siege of) in verfe. Cal. A. ii. 109, (De reliquiis ibidem) Claud. A. iv. 188. Tit. D. iii. 73. (Hofpital of St. John of) vid. Hofpital- lers. (Convent of) Nero, B. viii. 43. Epifcopor. Nomina, Tib. B. v. 18 b- 19 b. Nero, C. ii. 110 b. Hilloria Hierofolimitana, Galba, E. xi. 59 - De Jerofolymorum affiidlionibus, Faust. A. viii. 119. Mifcell. Nero, E. viii. 39 b. 43. C. ii. 101. (Pilgrimage to) a poem, Vitel. C. xiii. (Deflruction of) a poem, Vesp. E. xvi. 78. Jefuits—C al. E. xi. 245, 248, 310. Nero, B. vi. 423. Tit. B. iii. 70. Jcfus Chriflus. Naiivitas, Jul. D. vii. 131b. Gella, Tit. D. xix. 62. Paflio, Vitel. A. xvii. 23 b. Tit. D. xxvii. 57. Nomina, Vesp. A. xxv. 52 b. Hilloriolae, Tie. B. iv. 210. Pidhira, Jul. D. vii. 60 b. Difcipulorum nomina, Faust. B. vii. 3 b - Jewel, (John) Bp. of Salifbury, Cal, B. v. 312 b. Jewels, (Royal) Ner*J, C. viii. 319. Ap¬ pend. xxviii. 27, 36. Jewks, (S.) Galba, C. iv. 371. Jews, (orders concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 280. Jhonilon, (Sir Robt.) Vesp. C. xiv. 344. Ileburn, (John) Jul. B. vi.'37. Imago mundi, Tib. D. v. 2. Vesp. E. iii. 151. 148. Immunities, (various) Vesp. C. xiv. 270, 272 b. 273, 274 b. 275, 277, 277 b; Jmperator. Rom. forma eligendi, Jul. D. viii. 13 b. Vesp. E. iii. 5. Juramcntum in Coronatione, Vefp. E. x. 5 - Impolitions, (remonftrances, See. concerning) Tit. F. iv. 300, 218, 223. Ina, K. of Weffex, Jul. C. ii. 58 b. Cl a u d. D. ii. 2. Incarcerato 4 6 - ix- 8, 9, u, ,s j 22, Hi. Lanoy, ( . . . de) Galba, B. ri. 69, 74 bi Lanfquenccs, Cal. D. \ i. 343. Lanffoc, (...) Vesp. F. vi. u6„ Lanthon Piiory, (l.idory of) Jul. D. x. 31. Lafcaiis, (And.) Epi'c. Parnorum. Pol, Cleop. E. ii. 140. Lafco, (Hier.) Vest. F. i. u. 1 Ico, (Joh m. it) \ z -> p p, Laflells, (Edm.) Jul. C. iii. 144. Lallels, (Roger) Cal. B. i. 29. id. 2891 vii. 13, 14. Latcranenfis Concilii conllitut. Vitel. A. ii. 20. E. xiii. 3. Lateranenf. Ecd. reliijuia:, Ju l. E. iii. 49. Dom. xiii. 97 b. Latewarr, (Ric.) Jul. C. iii. 24 b. Latimer, (Hugh) Bp. of Woicefter, Cle¬ op. E. iv. 139, 142*, 263. v. 130, 363- Latimer, (Rich. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 110. Laud, (Will.) Abp. of Canterb. Jul. C. iii. 152. Lau.lar.enfes chroruca:, Nero, A. iv. 2. Laudus, (Anton.) Nf.ro, B. vi. 1. L..-...... (dc a.) his attainder, Jul. B. xii. 206. Launval, (le Lay de) vid. Marie. Lau.-edanus, (Leonard) Doge of Venice, Nero, B. vii. 8. Vesp. F. i. 97. Laurence, (John) Cleop. E. iv.gb. 132 b. Laurentii, (Sci.) Paflio, Vf>p. D. xix. 28. Tit. D. xxiv. 112. Laurentius de Sco. Albar.o, Nero, D. i. 167. Laurentius, Anglor. Archicp. Vesp. B. xx. 19S. Laurentii, Dunelm. Monachi. Confolatio, Vesp. D. xi. 1. Hypotnncfticon, Vesp. D. xi. 19. Apologia, Vesp. D. xi. 100. ! M Vesp. F. iii. 51. Lautrec, vid. Foix. Law, (common) of England. Jrigin of p. C. iv. 351. (Bocks of) Vesp. C. xiv. 349. Leges queedam Angiiie, Vitel. E. v. Do “' ™i. 94 - Touching their rcvifal. Tit. B. v. 404. 14 iv. 9 . Courts of Law, Jul. F. vi. 213, 227. Vk.p. C. xiv. 353, 35;. Tit. A. xxvi. 208, 229 b. B. iii. 218, 219, 256. Fees therein, Yt-sp. C. xiv. 95*. Corruptions in them. Vet. C. •• i. no. Reformation of law oriiccs, Vesp. C. xiv. 316. Law cafes. Tit. B. iii. 51, 53, 5;. de praediis, ct de litibus inde ortis, Tit. D. xiii. ds brevibus, Append, x. xv. Names of great law officers, Vitel C. xvii. 1. Interpretation of law terms, Claud. E. viii. 10 b. Vitel. A. xx. 70 b. C. ix. 211. Faust. A. iv. 19. Mifcell. Jul. D. ii. 14S. Vesp. C. xiv. 209, 300, 302, 317. Tir. B. vi. 172. C. vii. 82. F. iv. 9. Faust.C. ii. j. E. i. 171. Append, xxxiv. 1. Law, (ilatute) vid. Statuta, Carta:. Law, (canon) Faust. C. ii. z6. Law, (civil) Jul. F. vii. 208. Cal. C. ii. 477. Vesp. C. xiv. 283. Faust. C. ii. 26. Law of nations* (trafls on) Jul. F. vi. n t>- >77- Lawar, (Tho. Lord) Cleop. E. iv. 234. l,awar, (Lord dc) vid. Well. Lawton* (Robert) Cal. C. vii. 166 b. Lawfon, (Geo.) Cal. B. iii. 150. Layamon, Sacerdos de Ernleghe. Hiftoria Briton. Cal. A. ix. t. Layton, (Bryan) Cal. B. i. 143. Layton, (Rich.) Cleop. E. iv. 10, 11, 45, 114, 113 b. 123, i27' '3 1 ’ 2 49- Leache, (John) Cal. B. ix. 408. Lead trade, TtT. B. v. 237, 293. Leander, (Frat.) de S. Martino, Jul. C. iii. 183 b. Leftun terra, concefla, Neeo, C. iii. 182. Ledelham, (de Eccl. de) Vitel. A. ii. 128. Lee, (Dr. Edward) Abp. of York. Lett.&c. (1525.) Vesp. C. iii. 210, 214. — (1526.1 Vesp. C. iii. 2:0, 225, 253, 272 b. 284, 287, 291. iv. 288.— (1527.) V bsp. C. iv, 3, 8, 20, 33, 40,43, 52. 66. 69 b. 78,83,88,92, 99, ico, icS b. 116,118,126,142,145, 154, 162, 170, 174, 181, 183, 186 b. 188, 198, 205, 208, 212, 214, 218, 220.—(1528.) Vesp. C. iv. 239 b. 240, 243, 253, 260 b. 261, 262, 276, 285 b. 287, 289 b.—(1529.) Vesp. C. iv. 153, 290 b. 292, 296, 299, 305/309, 317, 319 b. 322, 323, 325. 3=3, 33° b - 334> 339 b - — (1535.) Cleop. E. iv, 308. vi. 234*, 239.— (1556) Cleop. E. iv. 239. (fine A 0 ) Clegp. E. v. 293. Lee, (Sir Hen.) Cal. C. iv. 78. Lee, (Sir Rich.) Cal. E. ii. 143. Nero, B. viii. 32. Lee, (Roland) Bp. of Coventry, Cleop. E. iv. 83 b. 256 b. vi. 163 b. Lee, (Sir Tho.) Chief Juflice in Ireland, Tit. B. xi. 240. Leefiun, (Abbat. S. Marias de) regill. cart. Vesp. E. xiv. Legate, (Pope’s) concerning his power, Jul. F. vi. 218 b. Legate, (Joh.) Jul. C. iii. 140 b. Lcgatt, (Barth.) las errors. Tit. B. viii. 33=- Legge, (Robt.) Nero, B. iii. iz8. Legh, (John) Cleop. E. vi. 380. Legh, (John dc) Vesp. F. xiii. 52. Legh, (Tho.) Galba, B. x. 44, 4S. Cleop. E. iv. 43, 55 b. 57b. 104, 114, 156 b. 229. vi. 254. Lcghen, (Tho.) Nero, B. iii. 115. Lciceller, (E. of) vid. Dudley. (Honor) grant thereof, Aug. ii. 135. Vesp. D. x. 131. Repertor. cartar. Abbatix,ViTEi.. F. xvii. Ecclcfix in Archidiaconatu, Nero, D. Taxatio abbatiset conver.tus, Nero, D. x. 157 b. Leighton, (Sir Tho.) Cal. E. viii. 89. Galba, D. i. 148. Tit. B. vii. 20. Leighton, (Tho.) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 25, 28. D. ii. 69. Otho, E. viii. 219. Vesp. C. vii. 486. Faust. C. ii.nz. 1 x r> v. x. Leith, (liege of) a poem. Cal. B. v. 355. (Demolition of) Cal. B.ix. 146. x. 106. Leland, (Joh.) colledlioncs de Britannia, Jul. C. vi. 1, & feq. Vitel. C. ix. 234. Vesp. F. ix. 223. Index libror. in monall, Anglite repert. Vitel. C. ix. 227. Extracts, Jul. C. vi.2 33. Tib. E. viii. 264. Vesp. B. xv. 40. Lello, (Hen.) Nero, B. xi. 96, 140. Lemafon* (R. ) Nero, B. vi. 373. Lenlingham, (truce of) Cal. D. iii. 112, 113, 115. Vesp. F. vii. 9, 36, 88 b. Lenough, vid. O’Ncilc. Lenox, (E, of) vid. Stuart. Lentulus pri conful, de forma Chrilli, Vesp. D. xviii. 128 b. Tit. D. xix. 95. Leo I. Papa: fermones, Cal. A. i. 255 b. de pcenitentia, Tib. C. vi. 27. Leo 111. P. Epill. Vesp. A. xiv. 172. Faust. B. vi. 97 b. Leo IV. P. Epill. Claud. C. vi. 2. LeoIX. P. privilegia,Hugoni Vefonr. Archi- ep. concefla, Claud. C. vi. 164. Leo X- P. Epill. Cal. B. vi. 98. Vitel. B. ii. 54> 57, 69, 70, 83, S9, 107, 133, 164, 192, 193. iii. 48, 88, 99, 103, 144, 156, 164, 165, 166, 178 b. 199. iv. 9, 196. His eleflion, Vitel. B. ii. 36,46b. League with the Swifs, Vitel. B. ii. 59. Bulls and mandates, Vitel. B. ii. 65 b. 158. iii. 219. iv. in. 226. His death, Vitel. B. iv. 209. Leo XI. P. (fatyrical verfeson) Cal. E. xi. 244. Leodius, (Hubert) Vitel. B. xxi. 112 b. Leofric comes: fundatio Abb. de Coventre, Claud. A. viii. 74. Leonardi, (Sci.) Hofpital. Ebor. Vitel. A. ii. 106. Reg. cart. Nero, D. iii. 1. Granted to G. Nevill, Vesp. F. xiii. 36 - Leon-minlter Priory, Don. iii. 38. Leontii, Epifc. Neopol. vita S. Johannis Alex. Archiep. Claud. A. i. 93. Leprous perfons, (orders concerning) Vest. C. xiv. 279. Lercaro, (Franc.) Cal. E. x. 134. Lefceur, (...) Galba, D. ii. 278. Lefcouecz, (Albert,) Tit. B. vii. 257. Lefieur, (Sr. Stephen) Nero, B. vii. 206, 223, 233. Galba, D. xiii. 266. E. i. 70. Lefing, in Gamlingay, (Abbey) Jul. C. ii. 3,6. Leflie, (. . ) Earl of Rothes, Cal. B. i. 81. Lcflev, (John) Bp. of Rofs. Appointed Commiflr. at York, Cal. C. i. 177. Examination, Cal. C. iii. 73. Journal, Cal. C. iii. 1. lnllructions on being fent to Rome, Cal. C. ii. 189. Mifcell. Cal. C. iii. 38, 88. iv. 117. Tit. F. iii. 284 b. Lett. &c. Cal. B. viii. 180, 235. C. i. 213 b. 305, 321 b. ii. 13, 22, 24, 28, 80, 93, 97, 124, 159, 163, 445 b. 446. iii. 67, 83, 86, 98, 162, 197, 2‘5' *37» 474- 537- iv - =55- v - IO =- viii. 285. E. xii. 51. Lefpre, (le fire de) & de Rozay, Vesp. F. xiii. 19. Letardi, (Sci.) vita, Vesp. B. xx. 94. Lethington, (Ld.) vid. Maitland. Letters, (Anonymous) (1417.) Vesp. C. xii. 127. — (>302.) Galba, B. iv. 117 b.—(1508.) Cal. B. viii. 151.— (1511.) Jul. C. ix. 85. —(1512.) Vesp. C. i. 76.—(1515.) Vitel. B. ii. 177, 177 b. 180 b. 182.—(1316.) Galba, B. iv. 83 b. 87, 155. Vi¬ tel. B. iii. 12, 14, 19b. xix. 1, 2b - 7, 93- I 75* — ( 1 5 1 7 -) V*tel B. iii. 140, 141, 159, 163. xx. 39b. — (1518.) Vitel. B. iii. 201, 211. — (1519.) Vitel. B. iv. 1.— (1520.) Vitel. B. iv. 37 b. 68.— (1521.) Vitel. B. iv. 87.—(1522.) Galba, B. vii. 21S. Vitel. B. v. 62 b. 103. Vesp. C. ii. 2. —(1523.) Vitel. B. v. 135.—(15Z4.) Cal. B. i. 31. Tit. B. i. 112.—(1525.) Cal. B. i. 139. Vitel. B. vii. 133. Tit. B. i. 78.—(1526.) Vi tel. B. viii. 112. B. 137b. xiv. 237.—(1527.) Vitel. ix. 74, 112 b.—(1530.) Vitel. B. xiii. 43. xxi. 54.— (1532.) Vitel. B. xiii. 144. xxi. 61, 64, 82.—(>533-) Cal. B. vii. 199.—(1533-) Vitel. B. xiv. 153.— (1536.) Vitel. B. xxi. 126. — (1539.) Galba, B. x. 93* 97, 104. Vitel. B. xiv, 287.—(1540.) Galba, B.x. 90, 107, 109. Vitel. B. xiv. 277, 291, 293.—(1551-) Galba, B. xi. 60.—(1554.) Cal. E. v. 11. xii. 84. — (1560.) Vesp. C. vii. 136.— [(1562.) Vesp. F. xii. 26 b. 49.— (1364.) Tit. B. ii. 466. — (1568.) Vesp. F. xii. 133.— (1569.) Cal. B. ix. 338,340,34!. £. vi. 122. Tit. B. ii. 240.—(1570 ) Ga lba, C. iv. 15S, 172.—(1371-) Galba, C. iv. 179.— (1572.) Galba.C, iv. 253, 263, 270, 273. Vesp. F. vi. 11.—(1573.) Cal. E. vi. 155, 171, 191. Galba, C. iv. 3<9’3S7. 36o.—(1574.) Cal. E. vi. 270, 294 Galba, C. v. 5b. 12, 31* 36, 41.—(1575-) Cal - c - iv - =53* 254. v. 1, 2, 31. E. vi. 301, 307. Galba, C. v. 208,, 209.—(1576.) Cal. E. vi. 317. Galba, C. v. 294, 355. Tit. B. vii. 167. xiii. 213.— (1577.) Cal. B. viii. 332. E. vii. 6, 30, 41, 95. Galba, C. vi. P. i. 30, 56, 77 b. 89, 93. Tit. B. vii. 139.— (1578.) Galba, C. vi.P. i. 103,108 b. (1579.) Cal. C. v. 115. Vesp, F. xii. 195.—(1580.) Cal. C. vi. 58,99. E. vii. 142, 147, 160, 171. Galba, C. vii. 31.—(1581.) Cal. E. vii. 209. Galba, C. vii. 143, 145. E. vi. 95. — (1582.) Cal. C. vii. 10 b. ix.15.— (1583.) Cal. C. vii. 247. ix. 39, Galba, C. vii. 253, 254. Tit. B. iii. 131.—(1584.) Cal. C. viii. 152. ix. 112. Vesp. F. v. 314. Tit. B. iii. 127. —(1585.) Galba.C. viii. 2, 113* 222, 231 b. 240.— (1586.) Cal. E. xii. 139. Galba.C. xi. 133. Vesp. C. vii. 404, 406.—(1587.) Cal. E. vii. 292. Galba, C. xi. 298. D. i. 58.—(1588.) Galba, D. iii. 211.— (15S9.) Cal. B. viii. 145. D. i. 354. E. vii. 311. Galba, D. iv. 28.— (1590.) Cal. E. vii. 344. Tit. B. xii. 78.— (1591-) Cal. E. viii. 11.— (1592.) Cal. E. viii. 406.— (1594.) Cal. E. ix. 155. Galba, D,x. 153. I X D 52 X. % ■ r . F. l 9 : — '' Cal. E. x. IO4. 102, 167, 198, 23 I . 253, 265. 271, 282. 392. Galba, E.i. 7—(1604.) Cal. E. xi. ico.— f 1611.) J u l. C. hi. 82.—(i6i2.)C.\l. E.xi. 334. Cal it a, E. j. 3-5.—(1616.) Jul. C. v. 101 b. —(1618.) Tit. B. vii. 169.— (1619 ) Jul. C. v. 188.—(fine A*) jut.. C. iti. 21,53,99- 1'7> 121 » 178. 147 b. E. ii. 67. F. vi. 245. Cal. B. viii. 186, C. iv. 244. viii. 1 • ii>. | 1 J. vi. 396. vii. 14, 203, 278, 286. viii. 11. x. 33, 249, 264. xi. 312. .xii. 147. Claud- A. i. 36. Gai.ua. B. vi. 215. x. 65. C. ri. P. i. 51b. P. ii. 84. vii. 303 b. D. v. 122. ViTi t. i;. ifi. • Xiii. 6. xix. 7 b. xxi. 86. Vesp. C. xiii. 338. F. v. 54, 33 *• vi. 197* xii. 4°< 56. xiii. S, 122, 139. Ti t. B. i. 301 b. 311, 313, 3 ZZ ’ 5 66 - 2 94> 2 9 6 - Cleop. E. vi. 259. Letters, (forms of) Faust. C. ii. 46. Sylloge Epillolar. Pontif. Reg. Archiep. &c. Galba, E. x. 56. Lettres helices, Nero, D. ii. 255 b. Lettre myuiquc, a book focalled,C al. E. xii. 355. Levant company, Nero, B. xi. 120, 321. Levant trade, Nero, ii. xi. 304 b. Vesp. F. ix. 240. vid. Trade in the Mediteranean, Levcfon, (John) Cal. B. viii. 248. LexTon, (Rich.) Otho, E. ix. 365. Levicj 01 men, money, viduals, &c. Otho, E. xi. i, 32. Tit. B. v. 4,5,6,10, 75-77. IJ5- 189. Levingfton, (Mr. . . .) Cal. B. viii. 277. Lev inis, (Matthxus Comes) Epitaph, Cal. B. v.314. Lewes Mortal!. carta:, Nero, C. iii. 182, 196. Condrmatio privilegior. Vitel. E. x. 1S2. Excetpta e regillro, Vitel. E. xiv. 269. 1 ESP. E. ii. 103. Lewes civitas: cart. Nero, C. iii. 182. Lewes, (Monad. S. Pancratu de) cart. Vesp. F. iii. 1.1b. xv. Lewes, (Da. . .) Nero, B. i. 215. Lewis VIII. lx. of Fr. his claim to England, Jul. D. ii. 121. Lewis IX. K. of Fr. treaty with lien. III. Cal. D. iii. 2. Lewis X. K. ofFr. C.AL.D.iii. 4. Lewis XL K. of Fr. Vesp. F. iii. 30. Lewis XII. K. France. Treaties, Cai.. B. vi. 27. D. vi. 3S. Vitel. C.xi. 163. Lett &c. C ■ . D. vi. 40, 42, 70, 86, 128, 138, 140, 141, 146. E. iii. 2. Vitel. C. xvi. 145. Vesp. F. iii. 33 b * Lewis XIII. K. of Fr. concerning his mar¬ riage with Anne of Aullria, Vitel. C. xi. 297. xvi. 302. Lewis II. K. of Hungary, Vesp. F. i. 13, 15, 26, 73, 74, So. iii. 86. Lewis III. Eled. Palat. Vitel. C. -.i. 5. Lewis J). of Wirtemberg Teck. Galba. B. xi. 404. Lewi D ofOrl ,< . 0. vi. u r , i 37 , ; 142. 142 b. \ IT EL. E. X. 3. vid. Ludovicus Lewis. (Don) an armament, Oiko, E. ix. 298. Lewkenor, (Sir Lewis; maiierof ceremonies, j Vi • p. C. xiv. 94. Levy ns, (Chriftopher) Ci top. E. iv. 124. Ley, (Ja.) Earl of Marlborough, Jul. C. iii. 176. Leyburn, (W. de) Vitel. C. x. 154. Lcycefiere, (G.) Jul. C. ii:. 47b. Leyceller, (....) J ul. C. iii. 149 b. Leyden, Galba, C. viii. 10. D. iii. 323, 34 2 > 344. 34S- 83. Lexica, Hebraicum, Jul. F. iii. 121. Grtecum, Vesp, E. viii. 127. La tin am, Dom. 1.37 b. Latino-Dan. Vesp. E. viii. 160. Latino-Theotifcum, Vesp. E. vi. 12. Latino-Saxon. Vitel. C. ix. 211. Tit. A. xv. xvi. Dom. ix. 10 b. Cleop. A. iii. 5, 76, 92, vid. yElfric, Camden. Anglo-Saxon. Vesp. E. viii. 156. Britan-Lat. Jul. C. vi. 238. Cambro-Britnn. Jul. F..\. 140 b. Vesp. Latino-Wallicum, Vesp. A. xiv. 7. I-at- cum incerto idioraate, Vesp. E. vi. Ol old F.nglilh, Cleop. C. vii. 2. Of law Englilh, Jul. D. vii. 127 b. I - - . D. ii. 79 b. Vi ... 7 ii. 247. Liberties, (patent for) Vesp. C. xiv. 327. Liege, (Bps. of) Galba, B. i. 117. Tit. D. xxv. 107. de cladibus Leodienfium, Tit. D. xxv. 186. Lieutenant;, of England, (on their authority) Vesp. C. xiv. 330. Ligne, (de) Cal.D. vii. S2, 142. Galba, B. v. 337. vi. 120. J.igneroles, (....) Cal. E. vi. 26. Ligue in France, (deputies of) Cal. E. ix. 65 b. Lilius, (G.) Nero, B. vi. 152, 157. Lilly, (Wm.) Galba, C. viii. 185. Limerius, (M. F.) Jul. C. v. 74, 79, 88, 97, 99, 101, 106, 110, 125, 127, 139b. 141, 143, 165, 167, 176, 179b. 190,191,195. Limerick fifliery, T1 t. B.xi. 171. I.imerick, (planof) Auc. i. vol.ii. 33. Limming Monad, deeds, Auc. ii. 88, 91, 97, 101, 102. Lincoln, (county) Taxatio parochiar. Vesp. D. xxvii. de civitateet Epifcopis, Tit. A. xix. 4. Red J. it us terrar. Tib. E. iii. Nomina tenentium, Claud. C. ii. 78b. 85. v. Inquifi:. de feodis militar. Cleop. B. iv. 108. Bilhops, Jul. C. vi. 104. Statuta Epifcop. Vitel. A. x. 162. (Eccl. B. Maria:) regid. cart. Vesp. E. xvi. 1. Grant of Stanton, Jul. F. Ly. 61. Collections, Jul. C. vi. 100 b. Lincoln, (E. of ) vid. Clinton. Lincoln’s Inn, (Benchers of) Tit. B. vii. 430. Lindenberg, (Fred.) Jul. C. v. 98,192. Lindicfern, (Bilhops of) Tib. B. v. 20 b. 21. Vitel. A. x.y. 76. vid. Durham. Lindfay, (Davids id E. of Crawford, Vesp. F. vii. 103. L.ndfay, (David) 9th earl of Crawford, Cal. D. i. 183, 388. I.'.n.lfay, (.--ir David) Lyon king at arms, CxL. B. i. 298. Lindfay, (Patrick) Cal. B. vi. 87, 89, 90. Lindfay, (Walter) of Balgas, Cal. C. i.v. I.ingel.luim, (Geo. Mich.) G a l e a, D.xiii.a. Liplius, (J. ) Jul. C; V. id. Liimorc Bilhopk. (Rental of) Tit. B. xi. 323. Lide, (Arthur) Cal. E. i. c9. Lide, (Sir J.dc) Yr-p. F. xiii. 25 b. Lide, (John) Cal. E. iv. 14S. Lide, (Lord) Cal. E. iv. 18. Litchfield, (fragm. tie Epifcopis de) Vr- TEL. C. LY. 318. Chron. Ecclefite, Vesp. E. xvi. ;6. Varia de Epifcopatu, Vitro. A. x. 164, 169, 198 b. 206. C. ix. 3 iS. Littleton, (Fra.) Galea, C. v. 261, Tif. B. vii. 69. Liturgici libri. Brrviirium Norwicenfe, Jul. B. vii. >S. Monaderii de Sion, Append, xiv. Pfaltcria, Tj n. C. vi. 19, 20, 22 b. 27 b. 1 Nero, ( ... 26. Galba, A. xviii. 30 b. 32, 34 b. i6z b. Tit. A. xxi. 46. D. xxvii. 66. Douit. xv ii. Cleop. B. xiv. 13. Laiine et Saxonice, Vitel. E. xviii. Vesp. A. i. 12. Liteiis Hibernicis, Galba, A. v. \ erdbus a'caici?, Vesp. D. xxv. Verlus vii. Pfalmor. pccnitent. Vesp, A. Vesp. A. xxv. 1. Verfibus Anglicanis, Vesp. D. vii. Caufes pourquui les Pieaumes furent compofes, Cleop. B. x. 116. Ledionaria, Cal. A. viii. 89b. Vesp. E. xviii. Cleot. B. xiii. 38. Append. xxiii. Quomodo pronunciantur ledioncs. Nero, A. iii . 161 b. ;enda:, Jul. F • vii - 55 . X. 101.T1». C. xi. 119. Vitel . A. XV. 91. Vesp. A. xii 109. .xviii. 83 b. D. ii. 40 b. 57. : xiii. 141 1. E. xvi. 33. Tit. A. xix. 48. xxv. 35- - vxvi. 174. 180, 202 b. D . xxiv. 1 34 b - it.e ct padioncs Sand., Jul. C. vi. 160. Tie. D. iii. : iv. E . 1 • Cal. A. viii. 55 — 165. ix. 192 . 213 b. Nero, C. vi i. 1—77 b. Otho, D. viii. Vesp. A. xiv . 12 b. xvi. 8 b. Tit. D. xxii. 1 : 36. F. vi. q. Domit. xi. 1 —105 b Cleop. B. ii. 109, 12S b. 156, ,s 7- Faust. A. viii. 39. Ritualia, Tib. B. viii. T. Nero, A. i. Dc jejunio iv. temporum, Nero, A. i. 177. Vcrfus de omnibus feflis, Tit. D. xxiv. 138 b. Liber fcdialis, Claud. A. ii. 1. A form of daily confelfion, Nepo, A. ii. 136 b. Varia, Claud. A. ii. 153 b. Vesp. D. ii. 64. iii. 2. xv. 102. Pceuitentiaiia, Nero, A. 1. 176b. Vi¬ tel. A. xii. 133. Vesp. D. xx. $-. Cleop. A. xii. 76. Faust. A. viii. 3. Varia de Pcenitentia, Vesp. D. ii i h Midrc, ct illis pertinentia, Tib. A. iii. 55, 104 b. 176 b. Claud. A. viii. 198. Nero, iii. 132. Vitei. A. xviii. 10 b. Vesp. D. iii. 211. Tit. A. xxiv. 1 :c. xxvi. 154. INDEX. Liturgici libri— continued. Verfusde celebratione miffs, Vksp.D. 111. zii- Litanifc, Tib. C. i. 202. Nero, C. iv. 112. Galba, A. xviii. 200. Vesp. D. xxiv. Troparium, Cal. A.xiv. 1. Hymni, Tib. A. vii. 38 b. Nero. A. 1. 176. ii. 8 b. Galba, A. xviii. 163, 171. xix. 89. Vesp. A. i. 142, 155. D. vi. 76b. Tit. D. xviii. 12 b. Ci.eop. B. xiii. 89 b. Hymnarium, Lat. Sax. Jul. A. vi. 17. Vesp. D. xii. Gal. ct leal. Tit. A. xxvi. 2. Antbymnarium, Nero, E. \iii. Mariale, Tit. A.xxi. 1. Hymni ad B.Virginem, Nero, A.xiv. lao b. Vitel. A. xvii. 164 b. Vesp. D.vi. 76 b. ix. 52. Tit. A. xxi. 90 b. Append, xiii. 113. Ad Scum. Aithelbcrtuni, Nero, A. ii. 11 b. Dc Sco. Dunftano, Nero, A. i. 118. ii. 11. Exordia quorundam Hymnor. Nero, A. i. 124 b. Commentarii in Hymnos, Cal. A. i. 230. Index Hymnor. Vitel. A. xiii. 87. Officia Ecclefia:, Claud. A. viii. 204b. Epifcopalia, Vefp. D. i. 71. Ratio Divinorum officior. Nero, A. 1, no. De Ecclefiadicis ofHciis, per J. Bellet, Vesp. D. iii. 141. De officio nudo, Nf.ro, A. iii. 157 b. OrJ« officior. dominical. Tit. A.xviii. 6 . Officia invigilliis, Tit. D. xxvi. 20. Officia matucina, &c. Cleop. A. xiii. *3 2 - Brevis inftitutio de officiis, Tit. D. xxvi. 2. Gemma animx. Append, xiii. 62. Pontificaies libri, Tib. C. i. 42. Claud. A. iii. 7 b. 17, 37, 85, 1041, 35. Vesp. D. i. 71. xv. 4. Libri precam, Jul. D. vii. 7 b. Nero, A. i, 17S b. Ves^. D. xxvi. Preces ad Angel urn cuilodem, Jul. D. viii. 84. Tit. D. xxvii, 74. Prayers in Anglo-Saxon, Jul. A. ii. *36. Prayers in Engliffi, Tit. C. vi. 528. Manual of devotion, Tit. C. xix. Orationes,T ib. A. iii. 42, 176 b. B. iii. 12, 142, 149. C. vi. 21 b. 30. Nero, A. xiv. 123 b. C. iv. 114, 119, 120 b. 122. D. i. 155. Galba, A. xviii. 22, 23, 172 b. Vesp. A. i. 141b. 155. xxv. 180. D. vi. 69. ix. 51 b. xiv. 1. xx. 87. F. ix.187. Tit. 0. xxvii. 66, 76. Cleop. A. xiii. 167, 174. B. xiii. 58. C. ii. 165. Faust. D. iv. 33 b. 71 b. 74 b. 80 b. Append. xiii. 112 b. Oratio Dominica, Galba, A.xviii. 200. Normanno-Sax.ViTEL. A.xii. 181 b. Grace, Tit. D. xviii. 8. Oratio facerdotslis. Tit. D.xxvii. x6. Orationes de puffione Domini, Vesp. E. i. 236. Colledlte, Galba, A.xviii. 178. Collettarum dillributio, Nero, A. iii. 156 b. Ordinaria, Tib. A. iii. 91 b. B. viii. De ordinecanonizationis, Vest. D. iii. 1 39- Ordo ad coronandum R. Anglia;, Tib. B. viii. 79. R. Francis, Tib. E. viii. 33, 41. Ceremoniale, ex Amclario, Vesp. D. xv. 102. Ceremoniale de Ecclefiaft. Ordinib. Vesp. D. iii. 2. Method of making a nun, Vesp. A. xxv. 129. Sequentia, Tib. C. xi. 125 b. Faust. A. vi. 156, 157. Doxologia, Nero, C. iv. 110. Benedidtiones, Vesp. A. xxv. 133 b. Vi¬ tel. A. xviii. 199. Exo’rciimu?, Vitel. A.xviii. 198b. 227. Trifagium, Gai.ba, A.xviii. 200 b. Interpretatio Alleluia, Tib. C. vi. 21. Varia, Vesp. A. xxv. 190, 205 b. Cleop. B. vi. 201 b. Livingftone, (... . Lord) Cal. C. ii. 200, 2 S»- Lloyd, (Humphry) chronicle of Wales, Ca l. A. vi. 1, 217. Lloyd, (R . . .) Cal. E. vii. 103, 153,159, 169, 188. Loans, (concerning) Tit. B. iv. 164. v. 143, 15O, 151, 161, 164, 165, 171, 174' Loans, (royal) Nero, C. viii. 322, 326. Lobertius, (Dr. Joh.) Galba, D. iv. 78b. Loci communes, ex variis feriptoribus, ]VL. F. vii. 6.,. Locke, (Hen.) Cal. D. ii. 86, 142, 149. Lock, (Michael) account of Sir M. Fro- bifher’s voyage, Otho, E.viii. 41. Locke, (Wm.) Galba, B. x. 39, 58,82. Loco-frumenti, vid. Wheathamllead. Lodingius, (J.) Galba, D. viii. 262b. Loftus, (Adam) Abp. of Armagh, Vesp. F. xii. 149. Tit. B. xii. 147. xiii. 83, 119, 159. 368, 404. Loggen, ( ' homas) Cal. B. iii. 136. Loignc, ( . . de) Cal. E. x. 329. Galba, E. i. 128. Lollards: verfes concerning them, Tib. A. iv. 167 b. Vesp. B. xvi. 2 b. D. ix. 51, 16;. Invediva contra eofdem, Claud. E. iv. 33°- Lombardy, (war in) Vitel. B. iii. 32,35, 42. iv. 203. viii. 89. xviii. 238. London. Mayors, Sheriffs, Wardens, &c. Jul. B. i. 2, 92 b. ii. z. Vitel. A. i. 27. xvi. 1. F. ix. 1. xii. 337. Cleop. C. iv. 31. Juramenta Majoris, Sec. Nero, A. vi. 83 b. (Government of) Vest. C. xiv. 341. .(Buildings and llrects in) Nero, A. vi. 85 b. 125. Tit. B. v. 203, 262, 330. Judicia Civitatis, Jul. C. ii. 84 b. (Chamber of) Tit. B. iv. 217. Carte, Cl AUD.D.ii. 70b. 111.129b.! 30, 131 b. Nero, A. vi. 87 b. 94 b. 101. Vesp. D. xvi. Faust. B. i. 211,211b. 212,214,216,216b. Append, xi. Exceipta ex libro de civitate, Vesp. B. xv. 24. On marfhalling the city, Otho, E. xi. 400. (Chroniques de) Ci.eop. A. vi. 54. Petitione? majoris etcivium, Faust. B. i. 206. \ Citizens knighted, temp. Eliz. Tit. B. viii. 345. Mifceli. Jul. C. ix. 7S. Nero, A. vL 69, 114 b. 117, 119, 124, 127, 128 b. 129, 129 b. 13c, 131, 133, 154, 154 b. 164, 175 b. 181, 185, 187 b. 150. B; X. 374> 3 8 °- xi. 298 b. D. x. 195 b. Galba, B. x. 228. Vesp. C. xiv> 64 b. 344, 34-. Tit. E.v. 279. FAust. A. viii. 42. C. ii. 74. London Bilhoprick, grants to, Jul. F. x. 16. Excerpta ex regiltris Epifcopi, Vesp. B. xv. 26; Biiliop of, vid TunftaL London: St» Mary’s Hofpital, Nero, C. ii'. 198. Friers Minors, Cleop. E.iv. 33. Clirill - Church Monaft. vid. Corpus Chriffi. St. Trinity Priory, vid. Trinity. London, (Dr. John) Jul. C. vi. 103. Tit. B. i. 100. London, (Wm.) Tit. B. i. 154. Londonia, (Joh. de) Nero, D. ii. 199. Longelpee, (Guil.) fes fouffranccs, Jul. A. v. 176 b. Long'ord county and barony, (charts of) Aug. i. vol. i. 47, 48. vol. ii. 24, 25, 26, 28. Longini martyris, vita, Vesp. B. x. 21. Longland, (John) Bp. of Lincoln, Vitel. B. v. 8. Cleop. E.iv. 48 b. vi. 260 b. F. ii. 130. Loo, (And, de) Nero, B. vi. 234. Gal- b a, D. ii. 315. Vesp. C. vii. 310, 441. Loots, (Adr.) Nero, B. vi. 307 b. Lopes, (D.) Vesp. C. xiv. 576. Lopez, (Ruy.) Nero, B. i 235, 2(2, „ 251, 267 b. Gale a, D. ii. no. Lopez, (....) Cal. E. vii. 247. Lord, (Rob.) Cal, B. i. 70. Lordey, (A.) Galba, C. x. 18. Lorges, (Lords of the Kirk of) rheir Band, Cal. B. viii. 254. Lorrain, (affairs of) Ca l. F.. iv. 295. Lorrain, (Card, of) vid. Guife. (Dfs. of) vid. Chriftine. Lofing, (Herbert) Bp. of Thctford, char¬ ter, Aug. ii. 103. Lothair, K. of Kent, Jul. C. ii. 61. Auc. Lovain, fam. grant, Vitel. F. xii. 183 b. Lovall, (Tho.) Tit. B. vii. 104. Lovell, (Jean) Tit. C. i. 509. Lovell, (Rob.) Vesp. F. xiii 24. Lovell, (Tho.) Faust. C. ii. 114 b, Louifa Juliana princefs of Orange, Galba, D. xiii. 139. Louife of Savoy, Dfs. of Angoulcfme, mo¬ ther to Francis I. Cal. D. viii. 177, 178,212. ix. 67, 80, iii, 141.x. E. i. 18. ii. 11. Vitel. B. x. Sob. 81. Vesp. F. iii. 22. Louife, wife to Wm. I. P. of Orange, vid. Coligny. Louvain, (deputies of) Gals a, C. iii. 43. Louvain, (John de) Ne r o, B. vi. 324. Low Countries, vid. Batavia, Belgium. Lowther, (Ric. and Ger.) Tit. B. ii. 364. Lowther, (Sir John) Cal. B. i. 323, 324. Lowther, (Thomas) Cal. B. iii. 214,215. Lubbertus, (Sibrandus) Append, xxvii. 66 . Lubeck, (Magiftrates of) Cal. E. x. 38. Nero, B. iii. 105b. 106. ix. 33, 74, 76, 149. Ga lb a, D. xiii. 187,250. 8 G INDEX. Lucanus, (M. Annarus) de bello civili. Tit. D. xx. 115 b. Lucar, (magillr. of St.) Vesp. C. xiii. 14. Eiiglilh merchants at, Vesp. C. xiii. 224. Lucca, (Magiftrates of) Vitel. B. vi. 149. Luciferi Epift. ad Papam, Cleop. B. i. 183 b. Lucicii, (Joh.) verfus, Vitel. A. xvii. 26. Lucie, (Ste.) Vie, D0M.xi.9t. L-icii II. vel III. P. Epiil. ad capit. de Ken- nelworth, Claud. A. 1, 34. Bulla, Nero,C. iii. 183. Lucii III. P. Bulla:, Auc. ii. 120, 124, 126 Cleop. E. i. 116. Lucke, (Peter) Nero, B. iii. 26, 28. Ludolphus de Palaeltina, Tit. A.xxv. 71. Ludovicus, Imp. de Fellivitatib. anni, Tit. A. iv. i 17 b. Ludovicus IV. Bavarius Imp. Tit. A. xix. 82, 93 b. vid. Lewis. Lufa, a grant of, Auc.ii. 92. Lugwarden, (Ecclef. paroch. de) appro- priata capitulo de Hereford. Faust. B. i. 223. Lumley, (John Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 119b. Luna, vid. Prognoilica. Lunares Tabulx, Tib. B. v. 8. Varia de, Cal. A. xv. 63, 121b. 122 b. Vitel. E. xvii. 241 b. Cleop. B. i. is 3 . Lupo, (Giofeffo) Tit. B. ii. 210. vii. 331. Lupo, (Pietro) Tit. B. vii. 132, 155. Lupus Epifc. Tib. A. iii. 86 b. Sermones, Nero, A. i. 77 b. 113, 118 b. Luther, (Mart.) Vite l. B. iv. 85, 90, 96, 107, iii, 1 15, 145. Lutherans, (controverfies of) Tit. C. vii. 224. Luttrel, (Hugh) Cal. D. iii. 131, 133, 134, 138. Galba, B. i. 72. Luxembourg. (J. de) Ld. ofFiennes, Gal¬ ea, B. vii. 274. Luxembourg, (Marie de) Galba, B. vi. 217. Luxemburg, I Pierre de) Conte de St. Pol. Genealogie et Blafons, Vesp. B. xi. 64. Luxembourg, ( . . . . dc) Galba, B. tr. 303. vi. 8. ix. 116 b. Luys, (Ant.) Nero, B. i. 178. Lybeaus difeonus, a Poem, Cal. A. ii. 40 b. Lyde, (de theloneo ibi capto) Galba, E. iv. 21 b. Lydgate, (John) War of Troy, Auc. iv. Siege of Thebes, Append, xxvii. 106. Verfcs, Jul. B. xii. 2. E. iv. 1. Cal. A. ii- 1 15- Life of the Virgin Mary, Appen d. viii. 2. Lylleftone, (Wm.) State of Spain, Vesp. C. vi. 211. Lymberg, (Ada de) Senefchal of Gafcony, Cal. D. iii. j 1. Lyon, (Patrick) nth Lord Glammis, Cal. C. viii. 10, 12, 17, 92, 101, 181, 220 b. Lyra, (Monall. B. Mari® de) Pertinentia, Otho, B.xiv. 3. Lyra decachorda: Poema in proditionem pul- v.crianam, Tit. A. xiii. 166 b. I.yJlc, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 116b, 141, 177, 196, 2,01. Lyft, (Ric.) Cleop. E. iv. 28. M. Macclesfield, (Charters of) Cleop. D. vi. Mac-Conell, (James) Vesp. F. xii. 78, 81. Mac-Connel, (Sorleboy) Vesp, F. xii. 83. Tit, B. xiii. ,9, 394, 39;. Mac-Donalds, Vesp. F. xii. 10. Mac-Donell, (Sir Randal) Tit. C. vii. 163 b. Mac-Donyll, (Sorleboy) Vesp. F. xii. 58. Mac-Guire, (John) Vesp. F. xii. 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 44, 47, 67, 75, 84, 8y, 92. Mac-Gyltaghe, (Rich.) Vesp. F. xii. 9. Mac-Kare, (Cormacus Juvenis) Tit.B. xi. 395- Mac-Karthy, (Donald) More, created E. of Clancarne, Tit. B. xiii. 110. Mac-Lees, (Owen) Vesp. F. xii. 26b. Mac-Melmory, (Rorick) Grant to, Tit. B. xi. 230. Mac-Murgh, (Defmond) a rebel in Ireland Tit.B. xi. 3. Mac-Phelemy, (Hugh) Tit. B. xii. 198. Mac-Randy 11 boy, (Alex.) Vtsp. F. xii. 9 6. Mac-Randyllboy, (Gyllafpoc) Vesp. F. xii. 2S. Mac-Randyllboy, (,...) Vesp. F. xii. Mac-Vicars, (Donell) Tit. B. xiii. 23. Macey, (Steph. de) Tit. B. xi. 147. Machado, (Ant.) a mifiionary, Vesp. F. xii. 141. Tit. B. vii. 1 lS. Machario, (de Abbate) Vesp. D. vi. 67, Macrobius, (Aurl. Ambrof.) Theodos. Saturnalia, Vitel. C. iii. 82. Excerpta, Tib. B. v. 53, 56. Macy, (^Simon de) Cal. D. iii. 4. Maddox, (R.) Otho, E. viii. 166. Madecayne, (la) Nero, B. vi. 298. Madrid, (Treaty of) 1526, Vesp. F. v. 6 S- Maes, (Advocate) Vesp. C. vii. 448. Maeflricht, (Chron. Epifcop.) Tit. D. xxv. 97 b. Macilricht, (Jan. van) Galba, D. iii. 324. iv. 12. Magdalen, (Mary) Life, Tit. A. xxvi. 174- Magdeburgenfis Concilii ftatuta. Cal. A. i. 203. Magis, (Narratio de tribus) Galba, E. viii. 3. Magna Carta, vid. Cart® antique, Statuta antiqua. Magnus, (Dr. Thomas) Archdeacon of the Eafl-riding ofYork. Lett. &c.—(1516.) Cal. B. vi. 103.— (1417.) Cal. B.ii. 253, 286.—(1 524.) Cal. B. i. 75, 118, 121. ii. 87, 138, 306. vi. 329, 333, 341, 344, 364, 366, 368, 372. vii. 77.—(1525.) Cal. B. i. 108, 109, 115, 300. ii. 43, 49, 52. 54> 5S> 59 > 66—73, 83, ioj, 109, 120, 121, 132, 135- i'i. 89, 169. vii. 1, 3, 61.—(1526.) Cal. B. ii. 112, 114, 142, 145, 173- >76, 294. 295, 300. iii. 115, 295. 3°'- vii. 38, 46, 48.—(1527O Cal. B. i. 106. ii. 118 127, iii. 44.—(1528.) Cal. B. ii. 63, 91, 95, no, 123, 125, 129, 171. vii. 106, 109, 119, i2t.— (1529.) Cal. B. ii. 77.— (1533 ) Cal. B. ii. 24, 116. iii. 46, 61, 160, 161, 163, 166, 167, 168, 267. vii. 176.—(1534.) Cal. B. vii. 1S1. (fine A") Cleop. E. vi. 250 b. Mahieu, (Collart le) Galba, B. viii. 42, 43- Mahomet III. Turk. Emp. Ners, B, ii. 266, 282. xi. 1, 77 b. 225, 241. Vid. Mohammed. Maiden Bradley, (Priory) Auc. ii. 14. Mailrofs, (chronicleof) Otho, D. iv. 46 b, Faust. B, ix. 1. Mainwaring, (R.) Jul. C. iii. 137 b. Maitland, (Ja.) Jul. C. v. 198. Maitland, (Sir John) Secy, of State, Calj C. viii. 206. ix. 177, 187, 220. Maitland, (SirWm.) Lord Lethington. Letters, &c.-(i 5 6i.) Cal. B. x. , 39 , *43- ( 1 562.) Cal. B. x. 210._ (1566.) Cal. B. ix. 244*. Tit. C. vii. 104. — (1567.) Cal. C. i. 3g . — 1568.) Cal. C. i. 265.—(1569.) Cal. C. i. 346 b.—(1570.) Cal. C. ii. 58, ioj, 115, 143, 169, 199.284, 466. (1572.) Cal. C. iii. 332, 335, 364, 3 8 3-—(>573 ) Cal. C. iii. 388* 417. 461. iv. 22, 22 b. 25, 86 b.— (i 5 ~ 4 *) Cal. C. iv. 2^4 b. Malachia, (Frat.) ord. minor, de 7 pec- cat. mortal. Vitel. C. xiv. 6. Canonizatio, Faust. B. i. 204 b. Maiafpina, (March. Guil. C*s.) de Ma- drignano, Tit. B. vii. I20 . Malbie, (Sir Nic.) Tit. B. xii. 226, 484 b. xni. 203, 283, 294, 300, 304, 320,. 33S> 338> 34 2 » 346. 364, 370. Malchi, (Sci.) vita, Vesp. E. iii. 176. Malcolm, R. Scotor. Vesp. A. ix. 1S6. de ejufdem obitu, Vitel. A. xx. 75 b. Malcolm III. Canmore, K. of Scotland, Cal. B. vii. 2S9. Maldonado, (Donna Yfabel) Galba, C. i. 194. Malines, (Magillr. of) Galba, C. iii. 63. Mallet, (Dr.) committed. Tit. B. vii. 494- Mailing, (Weil) Tit. B. viii. 367. Mailing lands, (a deed) Auc. ii. 20. Malmelhury civitas: carta libertatis, Vi- TEL. C. ix. 196 b. Malmeibury Abbatia : fundatio, Faust. B. viii. 128, 265 b. Conventio cum Abbate de Evefham, Vi¬ tel. E. xvii. 226. vid. Godefridus, Guilelmus. Malta, (order of) Otho, C. ix. 56, 58, 90, 101, 102. Malta, (intelligenceconcerning) Cal. E.xi. 45. Nero, B. vi. 389. Vitel. B. ii. 67 b. Mahon, (Priorat. B. Mari® de) regia, cart. Claud. D- xi. Malynes, (Ger.j Jul. C. iii. 118. Otho, E. x. 325. Vesp. C. xiv. 8. Tit. B. v. 404. Man, (llle of) vid. Mannia. Mancufa, (de) Claud. E. viii. 10. Manderfcheid, (Erick von) Galba, C. vii. 240. Mandes, (Bp. of) negoc. with the D. ©f Lane. Cal. D. iii. 93. Mandeville, (Sir John) Travels, Tn. C. xvi. App. iv. 39. Mandeville, (Robt. de) Tit. B. xi. 246. index. Mandeville, (...) Jul. C. iii. 125 b. 127. Mangy, (de provincia) Tit. A. xxiv. 64. Manlion, (Arnaud Guil.de) Cal. D. iii. 8, 9- Mann, (John) Dean of Glouccfter, Vesi*. C. vii. 293, 297, Z99, 303. Mann, (Jo.) Galba, C. ii. 324, 328, 3Z9. iii. 140. Mann, (Mr.) Jul. C. ix. 83. Vesp. C. xiii. 407. Manners, (Roger) E. of Rutland, Tit. B. iv. 321. Manners, (Thomas) E. of Rutland, Vest. F. xiii. 89 b. Manners, (Elynor) Vesp. F. xiii. 90. Mannia, (Inf.) dc antiq. Jul. F. x. 124. Chronica regum, &c. Jul. A. vii. 30. Varia, Jul. A. vii. 51. Tit. B. viii. «5- Manning, (Tho.) Dean of Windfor, Vesp. F. xiii. 35 b. Manningville, Cal. C. vii. 129 b. Mannuci, (Jac.) Cal. E. vi. 277, 296. Manors, (royal) Tit. B. iv. 250. v. 258. Manrede of the realm, (orders concerning) V«P. c. 439. Mans, (Bp. of) Vitel. B. xii. 219. Manfell, (Sir Robt.) Tit. B. vii. 466. Mansfeld,(Pet. Hen. Ct. of) Cal. E. ix. 416. Galba, C. iii. 5. v. 98. Mansfeld, (Carlos Conde de) Galba, C. ix. 226. Mansfeld, (Volrad, Ct. of) Vesp. F. vi. 49. Mansfeld, ( . . . Count) Galba, D. ix. 299 b. Mantua, (...) Duke of, Nero, B. vi. 19. Mantua, (Marquis of) vid. Gonzaga. Manuacuiii, (Nic.) verfus, Vesp. A. xvi. 11. Dom. xiii. 96 b. Manufadlures, (fundrics concerning) Tit. B. v. 194, 196, 198, 242. Mapes, (Walter) Vesp. E. xii. 3. 85 b. 88 b. 113. Tit. A. Xx. 67 b. 160 b. 164 b. 165, 169 b. Maps, Aug. i. vol. i. & ii. paflim. of England and parts thereof, Aug. i. vol. i. 6, 8, 9. 17, 18, 44. Marbodus, vel Marbodeus. delapidibus, Claud. A. xii. 75 b. Tit. A. xxvii. 175. D. xxiv. 16. Epift. ad Agenidorem, Claud. A. vi. 282. Verfus, Vitel. A. xii. 120, 124. March, (Cliriftine Dunbar, Countefs of) Vbsp. F. vii. 96. March, (E. of) vid. Mortimer. Marches in the North, vid. Borders. Marcus, de virtutib. herbar. Vitel. C. iii. 6 b. Marente, (Jac.) Nero, B. vi. 217. Marefchal, (Walt.) E. of Pembroke, Vesp. C. xiv. 416. Marefchal, (Wm.) E. of Pembroke, Tit. B. xi. 42. Marawe terra, Nero, C. iii. 186. Margaret Q. of Navarre, Vesp. F. iii. 57 b - Margaret of Scandinavia, Nero, B. iii. 19, 23. Margaret to Hen. VI. concerning her ranfom, Vbsp. F. iii. 30. Margaret of Scotland. Contraft of marriage, with K. Ja. IV. V esp. C. xvi. 144. Letters, &c.— (1503.) Vesp. F. xiii. 61 b. ““( 1 5 1 3 -) Cal-. B. vii 7 77» 107, 133. Margaret Dfs. of Norfolk, daughter of T. Brotherton : herdefeent from K. Ethel- bright, Jul. B. xii. 257. Margaret Archdfs. Dfs. of Savoy, Governefs of the Low Countries, Cal. D. ix. iii. Galba, B. iii. 12 b. 16, 17,19 b. 20, 66, 67 b. 74, 74 b. 78 b. 79, 81 b. 82, 86 b. 87, 89, 147, 226 b. iv. 62, 72 b. 76, 111 b. 163 b. 167, 200, 200 b. v. 26, 184, 221, 261, 261 b. 29S b. 338, 339 b. 37 7 , 379. vi. 3, 9, 9 b. 10, 14, 16, 36 b. 37, 37 b. 61 b. 73 b. 79, 81, 89, 89 b. *3S» ! 37> J +3* J 5 8 b. 215 b. vii. 2, 2 b. 242 b. 301, 308, 309, 334 b. 353 b - 354 b. 375. viii. 6, 29, 30, 79, 97, 10} b. 106, 107, no b. mb. 117, 130, 134 b. 137 b. 138, 150, 172, 179, 179 b. 185 b. 198. ix. 7, 9 b - z 5 b - 3»» 33 b - 3 6 >44- 55 b - 59 b - ioi, 121 b. 135, 168. VitBl. B. xviii. 61. Vesp. F. iii. 61. Margarita, foror Lculini: de illius matri- monio, Nero, C. iii. 182 b. Margarita, (Sea.) verfus de, Cleop. A. xiv. 27, 31 b. Vita, Dom. xi. 95. Pallio, Ti». A. iii. 71 b. Cal. A. viii. 94- Margarita Moniali, (Narratio de) Tib. C. xi. 170 b. Margins, (Geo.) Jul. C. iii. 115 b. Maria, (B.) virgo. Nativitas, Ct a tr b. A. i. 7 i. Genealog. Vesp. E. vii. 126. Dom. xi. 43 b - De illius state, Cal. A. xv. 135 b. Purificatio, Nero.E. i. 140. Lamentatio, Cleop. D. vii. 183. De affumptione, Nero, E. i. 285. Vi¬ tel. A. xiii. 87 b. Vesp. E. x. 2 b. Dom. xi. 86 b. Votivalaus in candem.TiB.A.iii. 104.b. De miraculis, Cleop. C. x. 100. The xv joys of our Lady, Tit. A. xxvi. >57 b - Knights of the Virgin Mary, Tit. A. xxiv. 102. de tribus Mariis, Cal. A. x. 201 b. Maria Magdalena (Sea.) vita. Cal. A. viii. 159. Dom. xi. 92. Maria ^Egyptiacaconverfio, Claud. A. i. 74 b. Mariani Scoti chronina clara, Nero, C. v. 25. Excerpta, Jul. D. vi. 67. Marianus monafl. vid. Colcherter. Marie, an Anglo-Norman poetefs. Lay de Launval, Cal. A. ii. 33 b. Vesp, B. xiv. 1. Nightingale, (Lay de Lauflic.) Cal. A. ii. 57. Marillac, (...) Cal. E. ii. 166. Marina, (Sea.) vita, Nero, A. iii. 52 b. Mariner, (Hugues) Vitel. B. v. 204. Maril'co, vid. Adam. Maritime caufes. Cal. E. ix. 492. Mark, (Eberhard dela) D. of Bouillob, Bp. of Liege, Vesp. F. iii. 102. Mark, (Robt. Count de la) Galba, C. vii. 300. Tit. B. vi. 133. Marka, vid. Engelbert. Markets, (concerning) Nero, C. x. 85, 87. Otho, D. iv. 128 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 95. Marlborough, (Hen. de) Chronica, Vitel. E. v. 197. Marlborough, vid. Ley. Marlion of Silidon, prophecies, Vesp. A. xxr. +7 b. Marlow, (Anthy.) voyage. Tit. B. viii. 242. Marnix, (Phil, de) de St. Aldegonde, Cal. E. vii. 341, 375. Galba, C. viii. 198. D. ii. 99. iv. 103. Difcourfe on the wars, Galba, D. xi. 2 S7- Maroles, ( . . . Abbe de) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 265. Maroton, (Louis) Galba, B. v. 146 b. 336. Vitel. B. xviii. 27. xx. 63 b. 76. Marr, (E. of) vid. Stuart. Marr, (John) concerning Dr. Hillyajd, Cal. B. vii. 250. Marre, (Mart.) Libel, Jul. F. vi. 71 b. Marriages, of princes, Vitel. C. xi. paflim. xvi. paflim. Of perfons of different religions, Vitel. C. xi.375. On the degrees of confanguinity that pre¬ clude them, Vite l. C. xvi. 206. Mars, (Dan. de) Cal.D. vi. 281. Marfin, (Francis) Report from Naples, Vitel, C. xi. 34^ I N D E X. Marlhals of England, Office, Jul. C. viii. 89, 95. F. vi. 63 b. xi. 142 b. Ti b. E. viii. 34 b. 173, 210. Nero, D. vi. 86. Vitel. C. iv. 132 b. Vesp. B. vii. 100b. C. xiv. 362,385, 400, 414. Names of, Vesp.C. xiv. 395. Mil'c. Vesp. C. xiv. 409, 411. Tit. C. i. palfim. Do.vi.xviii. 23. Marfhal of Ireland, Vesp. F. xii. 117. Marlhal, (James) Sec. to Albany, Cal. B. viii. 102. Marlhal, (Rich.) 'Cleop. E. iv. 128. Marihalfea Court, Tit. C. i. 137 b. F. iv. 308. Prifon, (Keeper ofthe) Nero, B. vi. 174. M.trthe, (Scaev. & Lud. dc Sea.) Jul. C. v. 179. Marthe, (See.) vie, Dom. xi. 97. M.irtialis, (Sci.) vita, Claud. A. i. 82. Martialis, (M. Valer.) Epigramm. Tit.D. xx. 132 b. Martianus Capella, Tit. D.xx. 102 b. Martin, (St.) London : charter, Claud. D. ii. 129 b. Martinus IV. P. Auc.ii. 122. Martinus V. P. Bulla, Aug .ii. 119. Var. Cleop. E. iii. 24, 33, 41. Martin, (J.) Jul.C. v. 232 b. Martin, (Capt. W.) Vesp. C. xiii. 294, 296. Martin, (Marjory) Tit. B. xi. 26 b. Martinego, (Abbot of) Nuncio in England, Jul. F. vi. 163 b. Martini, Ord. Prasdic. chronicon, Galba, E. xi. 129. Martini, (Sci.) de Dover, priorat. Jul.D. v. 13. Chron. Vesp. B. xi. 72. Ma.tini Poloni, Chronic, de Pontif. Rom. Tib. A. vii. 1. Cal. A. xvi. 1. Faust. B. ii. 117. Martruyt, (G.) & J. Fays, Tit. B. ii.218. Marten, (Sir Rich.) on Irifh moneys, Otho, E. x. 271, 303. Martyrologia, Claud. D. iii. 1,4. Tit. B. viii. 323. Roman, Vitel. C. xii. 114. Saxon, J u L. A. x. 44. Martyribus, (Var.de) Nero, A. ix. 94, 96 b. 98 b. VirtL. A. xv. 90 b. 91. Mary of Bohemia, Vesp. F. iii. 63 b. 68 . Mary I. Q^of England. Mifcell. before her acceffion, Otho, C.x. si3 ,254,257,258.259,261,262, 263,264,267. Vesp. F. iii. 18,xiii. 202,203. Tit. C. vii. 176. On her going to relide in Wales, Vitel. C. i. 23, 36. Coronation, Append, xxviii. 91. Propofals for marriage with Philip count Palatine, Vit e l. C. xvi. 287. Vesp. C. vii. 177. Charles V. Galba, B. viii. 135. Vitel. C. xi. 193. Vesp.C. iii. 66, 184, 196. xiii. 244. Tit. B. vi. 40. John K. of Hungary, Vesp. C. xiiL Philip K. of Spain, Jul. F. vi. 173. Vitel. B. xxi. 57, 84. C. xvi. 134. Vesp. C. vii. 183, 192, 19S. Declaration of war ag.uoft France, Cal. E. v. 41. Grants, patents, Tit. B. xi. 435, 4^0, 442, 458, 471,477,485, 491,49s. Letters, inftruftions, &c. (1553.) Tit. B. iv. 151 .— (1554.) Cal. E. xii 79, 85. Nero, B. ix. 82. VEsr. F. iii. 12 b. Tit. B. ii. 1 19, 119', 123, 124. iv. 130b. — (1555 ) Cal. B. vii. 498. E. v. 17. Vesp. F. iii. 20b. Tit. B. ii. 113, 115, 116, 176. — (1556.) Otho, E. ix. 84—(1557.) Nero, B. viii. 3. ix 85. Vesp. C. xiv. 585. Tit. B. ii. 121, 18c.— (1558 ) Vitel. C. i. 273. (Sine A ) Cal. B. iv. 245b. Vesp. F. iii. 12, 19 b. Tit. B. ii. 157. C. vii. 1 18 b. Sermon at her funeral, Vesp. D. xviii. 94. Mifcell. Tit. B. ii. 182. C. vii. 195. Mary Tudor Q^of France. Propofals for marriage with Char'es V. Galba, B. v. i, 10. Ve-p. C. vi. 309. xii. 273. Lewis XIL Vitel. C. xi. 163. Her reception in France, Vitel. C. xi. 155. Vesp. B. ii. Lett. &c. Cal. B. vi. 106. D. vi. 143, 143. 242, 254, 255. Vesp. F. iii. 17 b. 21. xiii. 202 b. Mary Guife Q^of Scotland. Treaties, Cal. B. vii. 255, 268,274, +'7> 427i 429- Letters, &c. Cal. B. vi. 266, 267,468, 479,481. ix. 96 b. 98 b. x. 53 b. 85, 91. Mary de Medicis, Q. of France, Vesp. F.iii. 85. Mary of Hungary, governefs of the Netherlands, C a l. E. iv. z~ 8. Galba, B. x. io, 55, 69, 70, 71,72 b. xii. 198. Vesp. F. iii. 87 b. Mary of Scots. H'ilory, Cal. B. iv. 286. viii. 296. On her c'aim to the crown of England, Jul. F. vi. 164. Cal. B. iv 1. 241, 242. v. 202, 2,2, 312, 31S. viii. 234. 66, 246, 233 • x. 13, 95. C. ix. 78, 85. Tit. C. xii. 1. D. xxi. 28. F. iii. 284 b. Propofals for marriage with Edwa.d VI. Cal.B. vii. 292. Vitel. C. xi. 225. xvi. 238. Francis II. Cal. B. ix. 15, 21,31, 51. E. xii. 362. Vitel. C. xvi. 302. Ve p. F. v. 137. Henry Darnley, Cal. B. iv. 250. x. 279,286b. 288, 290. The D. of Norfolk, Jul. F. xi. 21. Cal. B. viii. 177. C. i. 316, 347. ii. 241, 499. iii. 98. Difl'ention with Henry Darnley, Jul. F.x. 90. Ti t. F. vi. 92. Promifes to Both well, C a l. C. i. 1. 206 b. Propoial for her meeting Q^Eliz. at York, Cal. B. Lx. 173. x. 141b. A bill in parliament againlt her. Cal. B. viii. 256. Proceedings of her commiffioner, in Eng¬ land, Cal. B. ix. 307, 308, 313. C. i. 169, 174, 174*, 177, 178 b. 182, 183, '93* 1 97» 198, 202, 204, 207, 213 b. 221, 223 b. 224, 225, 2:6b. 227,228, 230, 230 b. 231,233, 237, 239, 241, 243, 252, 254. 256, 260 b. ii. 5, 108, 446b. 447,450, 450b. 452,456, 482. iii. 303, 395, 423. D. i. 32 b. Tit. C. xii. 111. Conferences at Weftminfter concerning her. Cal. B. ix. 308. Arraignment and trial, Jul. F. vi. 21, 250. Cal. B. iv. 284b. v. 170, 371. viii. 171, 238, 354. C. iii. 22i, 311, 353- ix - 333- 34°< 4>°> 434- 436, 463, 495- S°4- Abitratls of her letters to Babington, &c. Jul.F. vi. 247. Concerning papers in a fdvercalker, Cal. C. i. 26c b. Secy. Davilon concerning her, Tit. C. vii. 48. Tracts .vainft her. Cal. C. ii. 521,528, 53 1 - bi. 347,420. Tracts in vindication 0/her, Jul. F. vi. >-• Cal - B ; iv - 94- J 35- v - '77 b. viii. 182. C. i. 46, 270. ii. 106. E. vii. 301. Maria; d'te&io, Cai.. D. i. 3. Proceedings of the Scouifh lords in her intereft, (C.iiliilians) Cal. B. viii. 243 b. 245, 250. C. i. 62, 136, 137 b. IS 5 - 2 34» NS- ii- 183, 391, 444b. 4S0. ii:. 281, 289, 293 b. 322, 327, 343- 4- s - -> 7>» 7 6 - Trr.1 ies and ncgociations, Cai.. B. v. 30c. vii. 4; 1. ix. 126. x. 5, 88. C. ix. 411. Galba, D. x. 124. Tir. F. xiiL 120. Letters, memorials, commiffions, &c. ( 1 547 ) I 7 - vii - 69,— (1551.) C.M.. B. vii. 374.—(i 559 .) JuL. F. ti. 157b. Cal. B. iv. 225. ix. 4.1, 46, 53, 105 b. x. 8, 9 b. 55, 56.— (1560.) Cal. B. x. go. — (1561.) Cal. B. v. 305 b. viii. 282. ix. 170, 171.— v 1562.) Cal. D. i. 32b.— (1565) Cal. B. x. 316b. 333 b.—(1566.) Jul. F.vi. 2. Cal. B. x. 388, 389.— (1567.) Cal.B. x. 393. 395 * 367—(>568.) Cal. B. ix. 271 *, 252', 26;, 261, 263, 264. 287, =97, 298, 299, 300,304, 314, 315b. C. i. 61 b. 68,75, 81 b. 94, 108, no, 121,128,139, •v'.iatt, 144, 147, 154, 159, 161 b. 185, 195, 213, 215, 259, 269. iii. 233 — (1569.) |u 1 . F. vi. 14. Cal. B. ix. 252, 315. C. i. 277, 280, 284, 290, 292, 304,306b. 310 b. 311, l l7 -» 3 •S- 5 ; L 11 • u. • z • —(1570.) Cai.. B. ix. 380. C. ii. 3, 8. 38, 46, 53, 55, 125, 189, 205, 278 439- 44°. 44 2 » 444» 445. 463. 468, 469. vi. 22.— (1571.) Cal. C. ii. 6, 90, 11 7 , 118, 120, 122, 123b. iii. 72, 161, 164, 231, 232, 258- — (1572 ) Cal. C. iii. 247, 313, 314, 318, 393, 400, 402— (1573.) Cal. C. iv. no.—(1575.) Cal. C. iii. 485. — 1.1 576.) Cal. C. v. 65. —(1577.) Cal. ul. iii. 490, 492, 495, 507. v. 71, So.— (| 57 S.) Cal. C. v. L o-— l 579.) Cal. B. vi. j-3. C. iii. 535. v. 129.— (1580.) Cal. C. vi. 49.— (1581.) Cal. B. viii. 313. C. iii. 569. vii. 218. ix. 1, 78.— (1582.) Cal. C. vii. 1,21, 51, 57, 58, 58b. 64.—(1583.) Cal. B. iv. 278. viii. 329, 330.— (1584.) Cal. C. viii. 36, 45, 51, 59, 107, 136, 138, 139, 142, 143, 163, 166.— (15S5.) Cal. C. viii. 108, 173 b. 179b. ix. 99, 100. D. i. 89, 89 b.—(1 386.) Cal. B. v. 164. viii. 147, C. INDEX. viii. 285 b. ix. 238, 261 b. 265, 265 b. 271, 278, 330, 331, 339, 413, 449. Nero, B. vi. 360.— (1587.) Cal. C. ix. 462.—(Sine A 0 ) Jul. F. vi. 240, 247. Cal. B. iv. 237, 285. v. 318. C. ii. 454. iii. 498. Nero, B. vi. 364, 400. Vesp. F. iii. 38. xiii. 227. Mifccllaneous papers concerning her, J 0 l. F. vi. 6, 9,16, 18, 30,43,254. Cal. B. v. 312, viii. 135, 240, 242. ix. 84, 219’, 27'. 39S *■ 34- C. ■■ 46, 71, 83b. 103, IO5, I I5, 126, I89, 211, 265, 270,273,276, 278 b. 305, 313, 335. ii. 2, 18, 137, 391, 486. iii. 71, 187, 223 b. 458, 497- v - 6z « 127. vii. 136. viii. 59, 138, 139, 142, 143. ix. 112, 457 b. 457 *b. E. v. 119. vi. 381. Nero, B. vi. 348,390. Galba, C. iv. 197. x. 339 b. Interceffions in her behalf, Jul. F. vi. 261b. Cal. B. ix. 273,286. C. ix. 451,487,488. Galba, E. vi. 312. Rcafons for her death. Cal. C. ii 524, S3 1 - ix- 494, 511. D. i. 40. Commiflion for her execution. Cal. C. ix. 156. Her death, Ju l. F. vi. 246, 266 b. Cal. B. v. 175 b. C. ix. 163, 465, 471, 481. Her will, Vest. C. xvi. 145. Her funeral. Cal. C. ix. 159. Epitaphs, elegies, Cal. C. ix. 460. In tranflatione corporis, poenia. Tit. A. xiii. 178. Carmen votivum in eandem, Vesp. C. xiv. 197. Verfes on her death, Tit. C. vi. I72. Reafons for not revenging her death, Jul. F. vi. 66. Comparatio cum Jana Neapolitana, Cal. B. v. 238. Mary of Britanny. Marriage to Alphonf. ofCaflile, V1 t b l. C. xi. 4 b, Mary daughter of Ch. V. Vesp. F. iii. 61 b. Mary daughter of Emmanuel K. of Portu¬ gal, Vesp. F. iii. 48. Mary, widow to the D. of Richmond, fon to Hen. VIII. Vesp. F. xiii. 75. Mary (St.) Hall, Oxford, Tit. C. vi. *57* Mary’s, (St.) Spittle, without Bifhopfgate, London, Nero, C. iii. 198. Malon, (Mr.) Cal. B. vii. 333. Mafon, (John) Cal. E. iv. 243. Galba, B. x. 94. C. i. 87, 172. Vitel. B. xiv. 157. Vesp. C.vii. 200. Mafon, (Tho.) Vesp. C. vii. 220. xiii. 327. Maffie, (Elizabeth) Cal. C. iii. 419. Matathias, filled E. of Northumberland, Vesp. F. xiii. 16. Matignon, (Marfhal) Nero, B. vi. 398. Mattliteus Paris. Flores Hirtoriarum, Claud. E. viii. 14, Nero, D. v. 2. Chronicor. Anglia: abbreviatio, Claud. D. vi. 9. Hilloria: Anglor. fragmenta, Vitel. D. 3. 1. Gcfta abbatum Sci. Albani, Claud. E. iv. 98. Nero, D. i. 30. Procefliis tenentium Monaft. Sci. Albani, Cl au d. E. iv. 307. Hiftor. Offs I. et II. Claud, E. iv. 84. Nero, D. i. 1. Mattheoluli lamentationes, Cleop. C. ix. 64. Matthew, abbot of St. Mary, Dublin, Tit- B. xi. 21 b; Matthew, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 269 b. Matthew, (Tobias) Bp. of Durham, Jul. C. v. 24 b. Cal. D. ii. 295, 361, 368. Vesp. F. xii. 198. Tit. B. ii. 286, 315, 362. vii. 424. Matthias Emp. Vesp. F. iii. 66 B. Matthias, (Archduke) Galba, C. iii. 130. vi. P. i. 95, io4 b. 122, 156. P: ii. 11,25,28,36, 187, 355. Tit. B. vii. 337- Mauricii (Sci.) paflio. Tit. D. xxiv. 108. Maurice de Naflau, Pr. of Orange, Galba, C. vii. 302, 306. viii. 176 b. 180, 189 b. 407, 409. D. ii. 80, 338. iv. 222. v. 300. viii. 104, 129. x. 20, 148, 183 b. xi. 73, 131, 202. xii. 115. E. 1, 120, 124. Maurice Ct. de Naflau, Cal.E. xi. 204. Nero, B vi. 331, 333. Maurice, (Marq. of Berghen-op-zoom, Galba, B.xi. 178. C. x. 233. Mauritius Landgr. of Hefle Caflel, Vesp. F. iii. 98. Mauvifiere, vid. Caftelnau; Maximilian I. Emp. Treaty with France and Spain, Cal. D. vi. 275. On his wars, Tib. C. iv. 268. Lett. CommilT. &c. Galba.B. iii. 22 b. 76. v. 25, 51, 245. Vitel. B. xviii. 4, 30, 60, 174, 189, 226. xix. 22,26, 29, 52 b. 69, 128, 146 b. 201, 228, 230, 274, 356 b. xx. 26, 47, 79, 88, 103. Vesp. C. xii. 254. F. iii. 60 b. 61. Maximilian II. Emp. Nero, B. ix. 101,103, 120, Galba, B. xi. 280, 284, 288, 351, 361. Vesp. F. iii. 65. Maximilian, Archduke, Ga l b a, D. iv. 260. Maxwell, (John) Lord Morton, C a l. C. ix. 123- Maxwell, (Robert, Lord) Cal. B. i. 322, 325. iii. 86, 181. vi. 26, 164, 166. C. viii. 263. Maxwell, (John) Lord Herrics. Letters, Cal. B. viii. 266. ix. 267, 270, 3°3> 3 2 5- C. 1, 140, 148, 150, 163, 167 b. Mifcell. Cal. B. ix. 7 b. Maxftock, (Monaft. de) advocatio eidem fafla, Vitel. C. ix. 201. Maycnne, (Charles de Lorraine, Due de) Cal. E. iii. 135. viii. 3, 561. ix. 293. Nero, B. vi. 2S2. Meafures and Weights, vid. Pondera et menfura:. Mcawtys, (Peter) Cal, E. i. 28. Medals, vid. Coins. Mede, (Wm.) Recorder of Cork, Tit. B. x. 288. Medekerke, (Car.) vid. Meetkerke. Medelhamfted, (Monaft.) Charter, Aug, ii. 5- Mcdicinalia, Jul. D. viii. 77 b. 109. Cal. A. xv. 126. Vesp. D. iii. 210. E. viii. 13. xi. 44. Tit. A. xxvi. 127. D. *xvi. ,6 b. Don. i. 55 b. Faust. A. viii. 171 b. Append, vi. 2, 5. Aphorifmi medicime, Cleop. A. xiv- 27 b. Medicina exquadrupedibus, Vitel. C. m. 71. Remedia et incantamenta, VItel. C. iii. 80. Remedium contra fpafmum, Tit. A.xix. 115. Le virtu de Lofmaryno, Tit. A. xxvi. 9. Dc minuendo fanguine, Dom. ix. 14. Receipts, Cal. A. ii. 11 b. Vitel. C. Hi. 135. Medicis, (Johnde) vid. LeoX. P. Medicis, (Julius, Card, de) vid. Clement VII. Pope. Medicis, (Laur. de) Vesp. F. iii. 51. His government of Florence, Faust. C. ii. 29. Medicis, (Laur. de) D. of Urbino, Vi¬ tel. B. iii. 97 b. 98, 211 b. Medicover, an Metecoven, vel Martinego, (And. van) Nero, B. vi. 358, 409, 411 b. Medina Sidonia, (D. of) Galba, E. i. 301. Tit. B. ii. 150. Lift of his force', Vesp. C. viii. 97. Mcditeranei mavis forma, Dom. xiii. iiz. Medway, (courfe of the) Auc. i. vol. i. 5 2 - Meetkerke, (Adr. de) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 98. P. ii, 8 b. viii. 11. Meetkerke, (Baldwin de) Galba, D. v. 1S4. Meetkerke, (Car.de) Nero, B. vi. 306. Mekelburg, (de Eccl. de) Vitel. A. ii. 100 b. Mela, (Bern, a) Vitel. B. xxi. 156. Melanchton, (Phil.) Vest. D. xviii. 83. Cleop. E. v. 239, 242, 244, 252. vi. 326. Melcheti, (D. Laz. de) a Perfian, Tit. B. vii. 177. Melchlfedec : de ejufdem facerdocio. Tit. D. xx. 177. Melcomb Regis, Vesp. F. ix. 273, 274. Melford, (Ric.) Bp. of Salifbury, Tit. B. xi. 2. Mellent, (Rob. de) Com. Glouc. extenta terrarum, Jul. B. xii. 182. Mellifont, (monaftery) Tit. B. xi. 309. Mellitus Anglor. Archiep. Vesp. B. xx. 204, 212. Melfa, (Meaux) Cartular. Monaft. Vitel. C. vi. Melton, (John) Tit. B. xi. 2. Melvil, (Sir Robt.) Cal. C. iv. 11 0 *, 11 j, viii. 23, 30. D. ii. 210, 219. Melville (....) Cal. E. x. 279. Melvin, (Adam) Cal. C. ix. 126. Mendoja, (Don Bernardino de) Galea, C. v. 40, 50. vii. 130, 131. D. vii. 8. Vesp. F. v. 320. Tit. B. vii. 187, 385. Inftr.— Vesp. F. v. 332, 337. Mendo9a, (D. Inigo de) Bp. of Burgos, Galba, B. 9, 134. Vesp. C. iv. zb. 26 b. 39 b. 90 b. 91 b. 115, 219 b. vii. 390, 392. xiii. 252, 3Z0. Meneven, vid. David’s. Menninck, (Capt.) Galba, D. iv. 303. Menologia, vid. Calendaria. Menfura:, vid. Pondera. Mepham, (Simo) Archiep. Cantuar. Conftitutiones, Vitel. A. ii. 63 b. 73 b Mercator, (Ger.) Jul. C. v. i. Merch, (Euftach. de) Nero, C. iii. 207, Merchants, (Englifh) Privileges, Tib. D. viii. 8 K I N 1) E X. Merchants Adventurers, Nero, B. viii. 6, 7 b. ii. ix. 139. Galda, C. i. 83, 146, 161, 173, 177. ii. 428. D. viii. 284. ix. 23 b. 132, 133, 155, 157, 159, 160,163, 176 k. 209b. 217,232. x. 95. xiii. 158, 165, 169, 179, 188,193, 196, 199, 211. E. i. palTnn. Otho, E. iii. Vesp. C. xiv. 419. Tit. F. iv. 261. Faust. C. ii. 81. Merchants of the Staple, Galba, B. xii. 127, 128, 129. Vesp. C. xiii. 269. Faust. C. ii. 94. Merchant (hips : caufes concerning them, B. \ii. 206, 210, 211,213, 214. Nero, 215, 218, 219, 223, 225, 229, 233. Merchants, (charters granted to various) Otho, E. iii. Mercia, (laws of) Jul, C. ii. 78 b. Mercia, (Bilhops of) Tib. B. v. 20 b. Meredithi de Madoco Carmina, Vitel. C. ix. 130. Vita, Vitel. C. ix. 141. Mereworth, (town of) Tit. B. viii. 367. Meriadoci R. Cambria - , vita, Faust. B. vi. 2. Merick, (John) Nero, B. viii. 35. Merimouth, (Adam) vid. Adamus. Merlini, (Ambrofii) Silveftris. Prophetia, Jul. A. v. 48, 172 b. Tib. A. ix. 4, 99. Claud. B. vii. 213 b. 221, 231. Nero, A. iv. 65. D. viii. 175. Galba, E. ix. 46. Vesp. E. vii. 106 b. Tit. A. xix. 63. D. vii. 30. Cleop. C. x. 66. Faust. A. viii. 109 b. 1 15. Append, iv. 102 b. Vita, Vesp. E. iv. 112 b. Tit. A. xix. 74- Merode, (J. Baron de) Galba, D. vii. 2 34- Merrick, (Joh.) Ep. Sodor, de Inf. Man- nix, Jul. F. x, 124. Merton, (Convent. Marixde) Regill. cart. Cleop. C. vii. 58. (Leges de) Vesp. E. iii. 21 b. Merula, (Paul) Jul. C. v. 21 b. 27 b. 3 2- Mefa, (Bern, de) Bp. of Drinawar (Tri- nopoli) in Hungary, Vesp. C. i, 93, 95- Mefchines, (Ranulphus de) Ceftrix comes. Finalis concordia, Nero, C. iii. 173. Proles 4 fororum, Nero, C. iii. 182 b. Cartx, Nero, C. iii. 183. Mefieres, (Perrot de) Ti t. B. vii. 174. MelTengers, (rewards to King’s) Vesp. C. xiv. 422. MelTyndyne, (Jane) Cleop. E. iv. 270 b. Mefurage, (office of) Tit. B. v. 252. Methodius, Patarcnfis Epifc. De principio feculi. See. Vesp. E. iii. 136. Tit. D. iii. 138. Mettecovcn, (A. van) Nrro, B. vi. 223, 223,* 233. Metz, (an attempt upon) Galba, E. i. 128. Meurs, (plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 95. Meufe, (courfe of the) Aug. i. vol. ii. 63. Meyrus, (Marcus) Nero, B. iii. 133. Micea, (Marc.Ant.) Nero, B. vi. 218. Michael (St.) church, London, Nero, C,ix. 155 b. Michaelis (Sci.) revelatio, Jul. A. vii. 123. Michaelis Cornubienfis poemata, Vejp.D. v. 149. Michell, (Fr.) Jul. C. iii. 133 b. 179. Michel!, (Fra.) Tit. B. vii. 422. Michiel, (Gio.) account of England, Ne ro, B. vii. 130. Middleburg, (Magillratcs of) Galba, C. i. 57. D. i. 210. ix. 200. Middleburg, (John Abbot of Sc. Mart) Galba, B. i. 14. Middleham manor, Jul. B. xii. 244b. 246 b. Middlcmore, (Hey) Vesp. F. vi. S9. Middlemore, (memorandum for Mr.) Cal. B. ix, 316. Inftruitions to, Cal.C. 1,301. Galea, E. vi. 26. Lett.—C al. C. i. 96. Middlefex, (charter of) Claud. D. ii. 125 b. Middleton, (Sir Hen.) voyages, Otho, E. viii. 221, 223. Midenfis, (Ja.) Jul. C. iii. 149, 156. Milan, (treaties with) Jul. E. ii. 86. Claims upon, Nero, B. vi. 37. Milan, Archbp. of, Cal. E. iv. 30. Mildmay, (Sir Ant.) Jul. C. iii. 61 b. Cal. E. ix. 402, 403. Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 184. Inltruft.—C al. E. ix. 381. xii. 13. Mildmay, (Sir Francis) Galba, C. iii. 187. Mildmay, (Hum.) Jul.C. iii. 45 b. Mildmay, (Sir Walter) Cal. C. ix. 47, 50. Tit. C. vii. 11 b. Grant of Sulthay, Vesp. F. iv. 70. Mildrythx, (Sex.) Natale, Cal. A. xiv. 121b. Vita, See. Vesp. B. xx. 143, 166, 262. Milford Haven, (plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 20. Military affairs, Jul. F. v. Cal. D. ix. 308. E. i. 58. v. 118. Galba, D. i. 31. v. 140, 141. ix. 2. Otho, E. ix. 41, 144 b. 250. xi. paffim. Tit. B. v. 2 3> 39> 7 2 * 83, 89, 93,99, in, 121, 131, 132, 133. Append, xxviii. 17, 20, 25. Vid. Army, Levies, Mullers. Miller, (Hugh) Cal. E. x. 404. Milles, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 29 b. 45. Milli, (J.de) Grand Mailer of the Hofpi- tallers, Nero, B. viii. 38. Millo, (Ant.) Infulario, Jul. E. ii. 1. Mills, (Tho.) Cal. C. viii. 296. ix. 177, 209,242,* 251,253. G A LB A, C. vii. 53. Milward, (Win,) Galba, C. x. 240, D. i. 202. Mines and metalurgy. Jn England, Jul.F. vi. 22a. Tit. B. iii. 18, 22, 28, 33. iv. 147. v. 389, 39 1 - Privileges granted to miners, Otho, E, x. 1. Gold mine in Scotland, Otho.E. x. 12. Silver mine in Ireland, Tit. B. x. 187. Minores, (fratres) De eorundem Monad. London. Vitel. F. xii. 273,316. Speculumperfeitionis frat.minor. Cleop. B. ii. 71. Ordinis regulx, Sec. Nero, A. ix. 75, 94, 96 b. 98 b. 100 b. 102. xiii. 139, 170 b. 173, 186 b. 217, 231. D. i. 156. Vitel. F. xii. 329. Faust. D. iv. 10, 34, 42. Minot, (Laur.) poems, Galba, E. ix. 49 b. Mint, (Engliffi) Otho, E. x. 171, 174, 1S4, 186, 191. 198, 325, 343, 346. (Iriffi,) Otho, E. x. 248. 260, 271. (Foreign) Otho, E. x. 277, 284, 287. Vid. money, coins. Mirabilia (vii.) mundi. Cal. A. viii. 40b. Vitel. A. xii. 39 b. Vesp. B. xxv. 144 b. Tit. D. iii. 126. Mirabilia Britannix, vid. England. Miracles. Jul. D. vi. 73 b. Cal. A. xv. 136. Vitel. A. xii. 182 b. Vesp. A. ix. 183. xiv. 109. xviii. 83 b. xxv. 5*- Mirei, (Jo.) Canonici de Lullelhul, car¬ men, Claud. A. ii. 127. Mirki, (Joh.) liber fellialis, Claud, A. ii. 1. Milcellaneous Trails and Memorandums, (collections of) Jul. C. v. 80 b. 84 b. 302 b. D. vii. 12S b. Vitel. A. xii. 121. xiii. 87 b. Tit. A. xix. 50, 57- Miffolus, (Here.) Vitei.. B. x. 76. xi. 83. Mitchel, (Sir Fra.) concerning his femence, Vitel. C. xvii. 438. Moded, (Hermer) Galba, D. ii. ioz. Modvenna, (Sea.) vita, Cleop. A. ii. Mody, (Edm.) his Bulwark, Ai. iii. 1 Moeurs, ( . . . . Count de) Galba, D. iii. 338- Mogul country, (millions in the) Tit. B» viii. 221, 223. Mohammed Pleudo-propheta, Nero, C. ii. 123. Tit. A. xx. 111b. Faust. A. vii. 149 b. Mohammed Aboujiafar, hill, prophetica, Vitel. A. iv. Mohammedanor. Jus. Eccl. et Civile, Vi¬ tel. F. xviii. xix. Molcnaers, (A.) Galba, D. ii. 84. Molton Church, Suffolk, Nero, C. iv, 157- Molucca Iflands, (notes concerning the) Otho, E. viii. 218. Molyneux, (Dan.) Lett. Jul. C. v. 173. Molyneux, (E.) Galba, C. vii. 128. Molyneux, (Rob.) Tit. B. viii. 55. Monachi. Monnchorum regulxctconfuetud,F aust. C. xii. Bencdiilio, Tib. B. viii. 109 h. de vita et virtutibus Monachor. Vesp. D. xix. 25. Monaflicorum ordinum prxrogativa, Claud. E. iv. 322 b. Regulx Monachor. Saxon. Faust. A. x. 102. Tit. A.iv. 2. Capitula LXX1I. Tit. A. iv. 107. Regnlaris concordia, Tib. A. iii. 1 b. Difciplinx rcflauratio, Faust. B. iii. 134. de vita recluforum, Jul. A. ix. 2, 16. de modo admittendi Monachos, Nero, A. iii. 131. Dc veftitu Monachor. Cleop. C. vii. 15 b. Carmen fatyricum in Monachos, Dom. i. 137. Cleop. B. ii. 59. Contra fratres mendicantes, Vesp. D. xxiii. 23 b. Varia, Tit. A. iv. 111,118. xx. 86. D xix. 8. Faust. B. iv. 193 b. Monafteria. Foundations of monalleries in England. Jul. F. x. 97 b. Claud. E. viii. 1. I N D E X. Nero, C. iii. 170. Tit. F. vi. 5- Lifts of monafteries in Britain, and their values, Vitel. C. ix. 225. Vesp. A. xviii. in b. Tit. C. x. 37, 41,44. Cleop. A. xii. 46 b. E. iv. 280, 288, 289, 290b. 300,307, 308, 309, 311, 312, 383. Lift of founders of Abbies, Cleop. E. iv. 275. Difl'olution of monafteries. Tit. F. iii. 265 b. Cleop. E. iv. 167, 182,192. Append, xxviii. iio, u7. Rentals of Abbies, Append, xxviii. 136. dc a:dificatione clauftri muralis, Cleop. C. xi. 78. Oratio, et fcrmones in eleftione, inftallat. ct vifitat. monafterii, Vitel. E. x. *43* IS 2 . ■ S7 <>. Monafterialia indicia, Tib. A. iii. 95. Collaflanea ex variis regiftris, Vitel. F. iv. 1. viii. index librorum in monafteriis repertor. Vitel. C. ix. 227. Moncada, (Hugo de) Vitel. B. vi. 197. viii. 103, 119. Money, (origin and ufe of) Jul. F. xi. 265. (Standard of) Jul. F. vi. 190. Otho, E. x. 148, 151, 152, 299. Mifcell. Jul. F. vi. 84. Cal. C. iv. 2 S3 b - Otho,E. x. 15;. vid. Coins, Mint. Mongoumery, (Ch. de) Cal. E. vi. 286. Tit. B. vii. 244, 252. Monialis virginis confecratio, Tib. B. viii. 120 b. Monkton manor. Rent roll. Tit. C. x. 27. Monluc, CAL.B-ix. 113. Monmouth, (Jeffrey of) vid. Galfridus Monumeth. Monfon, (proceedings againft him) Vitel. C. xvii. 390. Monfters, (mifcel. concerning) Tib. B. v. 78 b. Vitel. A. xv. 95. xvii. 17. Mont, (Chriftr.) Nero, B. ix. 80. Galba, B. xi. 43, 69, 94, 103, 163, 216, 228, 241. Montagu, (Vifc.) Vesp. C. vii. 107, 109, 120, 127, 210. Montagu, (Edw.) Jul. C. iii. 84b. Montagu, (Hen.) E. of Manchefter, Jul. C. iii. 175- Montagu, (Sir Hen.) Chief Juft. Tit. C. vii. 45. Montagu, (Hen.) Vesp. F. xiii. 106. Montagu, (Ja.) Jul. C. iii. 22,36. Montagu, (John) E. of Salifbury, on his attainder, Jul.F. vi. 80. Montagu, (Rich.) Jul. C. iii. 76b. 122. Tit. B. vii. 163. Montagu, (Will.de) E. of Salifbury, Jul. B. xii. 198 b. 200, 26S. Montagu, (....) Jul. C. iii. 41, 67 b. 77, 77 b. Monte, (Will, de) Cancel. Lincoln, numc- rale, Vesp. E. x. 126. Monteagle, (Ld.) vid. Parker. Monteth, (Jo.) Cal. E. x. 338. Montfort, (Simon) comes Leiceftrix, Vesp. A. vi. 168. F. i. 114. Montgommery, (varia de villa de) Vitel. C. x, 153, 154,155. Montgomery, (Robt.) Ca l. C. iv. 106 b. Montibus, (Gul. de) Vesp. D. xiii. 59, 112. Montmartin, (....) Cal. E. ix. 51, 102. Montmorency, (Charles de) admiral. Cal. E. vi. 2S3, 304. Tit. B. vii. 250, 372, 377- 389» 39S- Montmorency, Henry Sr. de d’Anville, marefhal. Cal. E. vi. 274. Vesp. F. v. 208, 212. Montmorency, (_) Cal. C. iii. 398. E. i. 59. ii. 166. Vesp. F. vi. 82 b. 112 b. Montpenfier, vid. Bourbon. Monuments, (ancient) in the North of England, Jul. C. ix. 101. Moone, (John) Cal. C. ii. 230. Moore, (Sir Tho. de la) Life of Edw. II. Vitel. E. v. 127 b. 261. Moralia, Jul. A. ii. 141. vii. 94. Cal. E. x. 305. Vitel. C. viii. 20. Vesp. D. vi. 73 b. E. xii. 101 b. 104, 106, 119. Lxtitia, Sobrietatis, See. Jul. F. vii. 129. de vita a£tiva et contemplat. Vesp. A. xiv. 175 b. de virtutib. et vitiis, Cleop. B. ii. 65. D. viii. 126. de vitiis vii.ct peccato lingux, Append. dedeledlatione in peccato, Galba, E. iv. 176. Tit. A. xi. 83. de fpeciebus luxurix. Tit. A. xi. 109. Verfuscontra flagitiofos mores, Vesp.D. xix. 52. Moray, vid. Stewart. Mordaunt, (Lord John) Vesp. F. xiii. 158. Tit. B. i. 320. Cleop. E. iv. 130. Mordaunt, (Lewis) Vesp. F. xii. 173. More, (Treaty of) Cal. D. ix. 4, 16, 38, 62, 66, 67, 84. More, (Sir Tho.) carmina. Tit. D. iv. 1, 11, 12, 13. Lett. Cal. B. i. 301,302, 303, 306. vi, 439. vii. 67. Galba, B. v. 122, 269. vi. 210. viii. 54, 61, 70, 87, 132. Vesp. F. xiii. 136b. Tit. B. i. 270, 323. xi. 391. Cleop. E. vi. 149, 159, 182. Morette, ( . . . de) Cal. E. i. 59. Nero, B. vi. 26. Morgan, (Fr.) Jul. C. iii. in. Galba, C. vii. 242. Morgan, (Sir Matth.) Tit. B. xii. 30. Morgan, (Thomas) depofitions concerning him. Cal. C. ix. 21, 258, 266, 278*. Tit. B. vii. 414. Morgan, (Col. Sir Tho.) Nero, B. vi. 361. Galba, C. vii. 135. viii. 57. xi. 258, 272. D. iii. 201, 204. viii. 94. Tit. B. vii. 38,414. Morifon, (Tho.) Nero, B. vi. 146. Morlaix, (Tho. de) Tit. C. i. 509. Morlans, (Sieur de) Galba, D. x. 71. Morley, (Lord Henry) Vitel. B. xx. 262. Morney, (Phil, de) Seig. du Pleffis Marly, Cal. E. viii. 46. ix. 185. x. 337. xi. 50. xii. 138. Nero, B. vi. 337. Morres, (Chriftoph.) inventory of the great Bark, Append, xxviii. 1. Morris, (Tho.) Tit. F. iv. 299. Morris, (...) Vesp. C. vii. 451, 453. Morocco, Nero, B. viii. 58, 60, 61, 63 b 64 b. Mortimer, (Edmond) E. of March, Tit. B. xi. 5 b. 6 b. 7. xii. 368. Mortimer, (Roger) E. of March, Tit.B. xi. 19b. 55. Liters contra ilium, aliofque proditores, Faust. B. i. 217. Mortmain, (ftatute of) Tit. B. iv. 221.: Morton, (E. of) vid. Douglas. Moryfon, (Sir Rich.) Nero, B, vi. 13, 113, 130, 144, 154. Galba, B. *>• 5 2 > S 8 , 65, 72, 105, 107, 1 *4» 117, 125, 127, 151. xii. 221, 230, 236. Tit. B. x. 201, 230, 232. Cleop. E. vi. 311. Moftart, (Guil.) Galba, D. ii. 82. Mothe, (Wm. le) Cal. D. vi. 341. Motrell, (Lady) her entertainment, Vesp. C. xiv. 79. Motte, (Mons. de la) Galba, C. iv. 309. Motte, (Franc, de la) vid. Fenelon. Moubray, (Noms des Seigrs. de) Nero, D. vi. 1. Mountaigne, (Anth.) Tit. B. ii. 347. Mountford, (Nic. de) Vesp. F. xiii. 8 b. MountjoyK. at arms, account of a tourna¬ ment, Vitel. B. viii. 186. Mountjoy, (W.) Vesp. F. xiii. 122. Mountjoy, (...) Vesp. F. xiii. 287. Mountjoy, (Lord) vid. Blount. Mowbray, (Joh. de) de Axiholme. Placita, Jul. B. xii. 184b. Mowbray, (Rog.de) Cleop. D. iii. 192. Mowbray, (Tho.) E. of Nottingham, created E. Marlhal, Tit. C. i. n6. Moydow Barony, (chart of) Auo. i. vol. ii. 28. Muller, (Vincent) Galba, E. i. 350. Mulley Sidan, K. of Morocco, Nero, B. xi. 302, 306. Mullincux, (Mat.) a pilot. Tit. B. x. 226 Munckwitz, (Ehrenfried, baron de) Galea, D. xiii. 186, 189, 211, 255, 259. MundaviUe, (Hen. de) praftife of furgery, Galba, E. xiii. Mundy, (Vincent) Vesp. F. xii. 140. Munfter, (Province in Ireland) defeription. Jul. F. vi. 197. Muntecnenefi, (Matilda de) Nero, C. iii. 182 b. Murat Rey, Captain of Algiers, Nero, B. xi. 276. Murimuth, vid. Adamus. Murinus, Epifcopus Alexandria de ratione Pafchall, CAl. A. xv. 80 b. Muris, (Egid.de) Tib. B. ix. Muris, (Jo. de) Prophetire de rebus An.) glicis, Vesp. E. vii. 104. Murray, (James) Cal. C. vi. 35. D. L 36s- Murray, ( James) Regent of Scotland, Vesp. F. vi. 189. Murray, (E. of) vid. Stuart. Mufard, (J.) Cl eop. E. iv. 99. Mafcovy. Tranfa&a inter Angliam et Mufcoviam, Nero, B. viii. 1.—35. Trade to, Ne ro, B. iii. 258 b. 263. Chronicle of, Vitel. F. x. Mufetulla, Emperor’s ambafs. at Rome, Vitel. B. xi.216. Mufgrave, (Sir Simon) Cal. D. i. 104. Mufgrave (Sir Tho.) Cal.B. x. 153. Mufgrave, (Sir William) Cal. C. iii. 349 b. Mufic, Jul. A. vii. 131 b. Tib. A. vii. 38 b. B. ix. C. vi. 16 b. xi. 22, 125 b. Cal. A. xiv. 1. Nero, E. viii. I N D E X. Galea, B. iv. i8z. Vitel. A. xix. 89. Vesp. A. xviii. 168 b. Muflatella, (Jo. Ant.) contra divortium Hen. VIII. Appen d. xxvii. 23. Mufi'elberg, (Battle of) Cleop. A. xi. MuitaphaAga, Tuikifh ambafs. Nero, B. xi. 245, 27 6 - Muller-mailer, (duties of) Otho, E. xi. 347- Mufter-rolls of Berwic, Roxburgh, Edin¬ burgh, Linlithgow, Perth, and Dundee, Vesp. C. xvi. I, 9, 13- Mullers, Otho, E. xi. 40. 76, 78,90,95, 102, 112, 135. >39 b - >4 3 > >9* b - 2 ° 2 « 212 b. Vesp. F. xii. 199. Tit.B.v. 8 b. 53,73. II 5 - Muynaert, (Corn, von) Galba, C. iv. ‘ 126. Myconius, (Frid.) Cleop. E. v. 227. Myrmecoleon Clauflrale, (Collatio contra) Cal. A. i. 259. Mvfteries, in old Englilh verfc, Vesp. D. viii. N. Naas, (Barony of) Tit.B. xi. 64. Naeldwyck, (Joh. van) Cronycke van Hol- lant, Tib. C. iv. 1. Vitel. F. xv. Nape, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 185. Napier, (Barbary) Inquefl upon, Cai.. D. ii. 47- Naples, (Vice Roy of) vid. Lannoy. Naples (Treaty of) Cal. D. ix. 201. Narva, (de recujseranda) Jul. F. vi. 219. Nafon, (El Abadde) Vitel. B. v. 65. Naflau, (Cha.) Galba, B.vii. 175 b. Naflau, (Louis de) Galba, C. iii. 296. Naflau, (Cts. of) vid. Engelbert, Gerlac, Maurice, William. Navarre, (concerning thefucceflionto) Cal. D. iii. 107. (monnoyc de) Nero, B. vi. 278. Naue, (-) Secy, to Mary : depofi- tions, J u l. F. vi. 42 b. Letters, Cal. C. iii. 499, 500. viii. 165. ix. 266, 278 *. Mi feel!. Cal. B. v. 233, C. viii. 160 b. D. i. 88, S8 b. 89, 89b. Nero, B. vi. 348. Nautonier, (. . . . de) Cal. E. xi. 237. Navy, (Royal) (Lift of) A 0 1588, Jul. F. vi. 277. Warrants relating to the navy office, Otho, E. vii. Proceedings of a commiflion, Jul. F. iii. Regulations concerning, Otho, E. viii. 147. Ti t. B. viii. 14S. Incrcafeof, Tit. B. v. 129,390. Abufes in the office, Tit. B. viii. 213. Number of Ihips with Edw. III. Tit. F. iii. 262. Mifcell. on maritime affairs. Cal. E. i. 150. Otho, E. viii. and Lx. paffim. A navy account, Otho, E. xi. 61. Ap¬ pend. xxviii. 1,4, 9, 11. Naval expeditions, Jul. F. x. iii. Tit. B. viii. 87. Naval engagement. Cal. D. vi. 337. N-tzarii, (S.) corporis inventio, Claud. A. 1. 44- Nebucodonofor, Sec. (Allegorize de) Nero, A. i. 109. Necham, (Alex.) de nominibus utenfllium. Tit. D.xx. i. Nccrologia, vid. Obituaria. Nedham, (Fra.) Galba, C. viii. 253. Nedhmn, (....) difeourfe, on the woollen trade. Galea, E. i. 163. Nelfon, (Tho.) Examination, Cal. C. i. 256. Nemiiius w-f.-l Jwa ptlcr-w*, GalCa, F,. iv. 205. Nemours, (Mors, de) Vesp. F. v. 224. Nennii, Ccenobiarchtc Banchorenft;, hif- toria Britonuni, Jul. D. v. 1. Tib. E. viii. 264. Cal. A, viii. 41. Nero, D. viii. 63. Vitel. A. xiii. 90 b. Vesp. B. xxv. 126 b. D. xxi. 1. H3>- Nevill, (John) Vesp. C.xiv. 475 b. Nevill, (Lane.) J u l. C. iii. 66. Nevill, (Radulph) Jul. B. xii. 246 b. Nevill, (Ralph) ill E. ofWellmd. Vesp. F. vii. 63. xiii. 84, 84 b. Nevill, (Ralph) E. of Wellmorland: deeds, Jul. B. xii. 143, 163, 272, 298 b. Nevill, (Rich.) E. of Salilbury, Vesp. F. xiii. 31 b. 37. Nevill, (Rich.) E. of Warwick, grant of the W. marches, Jul. B. xii. I37 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 42. Nevill, (Robt.j Bp. of Durham, Vesp. F. vii. 42. Newcallle-upon-Tyne, (Plan of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 4. Newenar, (Adolph, count de) Galea, D. ii. 128. iii. 262. Newenar. (Walbourg countefs de) Galba D. ii. 130. iv. 3. Newfoundland, (Settlement at) Otho, E, viii. 5. Neuville, (Jehan de) Cal. D. iii. 101, 103. Newnham in Com. Oxon. (Cart* dc) Jul. C. ii. 335. Newport, (Tho.) Bailif of Aquileia, Otho, C.ix. 31, 33. Neux, (Chrill.de) JbL. C. v. 164b. Nice, (Congrefs of) Cai.. E. iv. 11. Nicholas, (St.) Hofpital, Tit. B. v. 417. Nicholfon, (Geo.) Cal. D. ii. 76, 370. Nicholfon, (Otho) Tit. B. v. 297. NichodemiEvangelium, Galba, E.Lx.54b. Vesp. E. i. iSz b. Saxon. Vitel. A. xv. 57. Nicolai, (Sci.) ir.iracula, Tib. B. v. 74. Vesp. D. ii. 57. Nicolai 111. P. Bulla:, Cleop. E. i. 211. Nicolai IV. Papa;, Bulla, Jul. D. ii. 202. Cleop. E. i. 224, 226. Taxatio, Tib. C. x. Statut. Nero, C. ii. 50. Nicolai Gloucellrias chrunicon. Cal. A- Nicolaus de Cufa, Cardin. Replica in Tudifcum, Cal. A. i. 103b. Nicolaus, (Fratcr) Vitel. B. xiv. 247. Nigelli Ep. Eliens. Breve, Nero, C. iii. 1S1. Nigelli verfus, Vesp. D. xix. 2, 5. Spec. Stultor. Tit. A. xx. 1. Niger, vid. Rudulphus. Nightingale, a poem tranflated from the Jay dc Lauflic of Mary, Ca l. A. ii. 57. Niaieguen, Galba, C. iv. 272. (Siege of) Auc. i. vol. E. 92. Cal. E. viii. 337. Niudegat, (Capella de) concefTa, S. Mar. de Suthwerc, Nero, C. iii. 181. Nix, (Rich.) Bp. of Norwich, Cleop. E. v. 360 *. N ax arc* deferiptio. Tit. D. iii. 3. Noah: de divifione orbis inter ejufdcm 3 filios, Dom. x. 4. Nobili, (Cefare) Tit-, B. vii. 159. Nobili, (Hippolyto de) Vitel. B. vii. 144, 158, 163. Nobility, (a treatife concerning) Jul. C. viii. 1. Nobility, (Englifh) Defcents and arms, Jul. B. xi. F. ix. 7, 25, 48. Tib. E. viii. 150. Claud. C. 1. paffim. viii. G T ho, D. iv. 1.61. Vitel. C. ix. 262. F. xii. 55. Tit. A. v. vi. vii. B. iii. 147. viii. 276, 282, 283, 287, 302. D. xxi. paffim. Faust. C. ix. paffim. E. ii. 1. iv. 1. & feq. Lifts of nobles who came to England with Will, the Conq. Jul. B. .xii. i, 3. Lifts of nobles and knights, Jul. F. x. 20, 26. Claud. C. ii. 102. iii. Vi¬ tel. A. xvi. 210. Vesp. C. xiii. 403. Tit. B. ii. 72; 73. Appel, d. xxviii. 101. Order of creation;, Ti e. E. viii. 170, 2c6. Precedency, Jul. B. xii. 167 b. 168. Tib. E. viii. 40, 149. Vesp. F. ixw 40, no. Tit.D. xxi. 2 b. Allowances in war, Jul. C. ix. 144. Sylloge donationum multorum nobihum, Jl'L. C. Vii. 135. Mifcell. Jul. C. vii. 229. Tib. E. ix. Vesp. C.xiv. 432. Tit. A. xiii. 185 b. Nobilium fodalitium Cantab. Tib. B. v. 75 - Noel, '.Edw.) Jul. C. iii. 101 b. I N D E X. Noel, (L'ur.) Colleftanea de Epifeopis Lindisfarn. & Dunelm. Vesp. A.v. 92. Noircarmes, (P. de) Governr. of Hainault, Galba, C. iii. 24 b. 34, 35, 36, 41 b. Nomenclator, vid. Lexica. Nonant, (Hugode) Epiic. Covcntr. Conftitut. Litchfeld, Vitel. A. x. 169. Epilt. Claud. E. viii. 11 b. Nonnia, (Jn.de) Cleop. E. iii. 174. Noraygue, (Rogue de) Nero, B. vi. 51. Nordcn, (Preachers of) Galba, C. viii. 272. Norfolk, (defeription of) in verfe. Tit. A. xx. 165 b. 166. Norfolk, (D. of) vid. Howard, Margaret. Norham upon Tweed, (council of) Tit. D. xix. 100. Norman-crols in Com. Huntingd. (Inquifmo de przdiis) Nero, D. x. 140b. Normandy. Map, Aug. i. vol. ii. 59. Hillory and Chronicle, Claud. A. xii. 1. Vitel. F. xvi. 1. ConHituiio Henrici R. Tit. A. xiii. 141. States, Cal. E. vii. 119. Dukes, their defeenis, &c. Jul. B.xii. 257. F. ix. 70. Vitel. A. xiii. 17. Vesp. E. iv. 142 b. Dom. viii. iz 1. de geltis Normannor. Tib. A. ix. 8. Claud. D. vii. 9. Faust. A. viii. 84 b. Militcs qui debent fervitia Duci Norm. Claud. C. iv. 226. Engliffi forces in Normandy, Cal. E. viii. 76 b. 78, 104. Tit. B. vi. 30. Armorial, 'I ib. D. ii. 63. Mifcell. Cal. E. xii. 468. Vitel. A. xx. 71. B. xviii. 236. Ves.p. A. xviii. 162. Tit. A, iii. 52. Norreys, (F.) Galba, C. vii. 30. Norris, (Sir Edw.) Galba, C. x'. 112. D. ii. 309, 313. iii. 187. viii. 125, 183, 187, 248, 251 b. 256. ix. 8, 12 b. 22, 39, 128, 193. 229, 261. x. 11.41, 60, 61. xi. 12, 129, 210, 256, Mi. 10, 19, Norris, (Sir Henry) Cal. E. vi. io, 23, 31, 46, 6c, 80, 8qy 92, 93, 98, 116. ix. 226. Norris, (Sir Joh.) Cal. E. vii. 383. viii. 392. 394> 39 8 » 4 s 3 49'• >*. 1 b. 17, 195, 226, 277. Galba, C. vii. 171, 258. ix. 93, 103. xi. 310. D. i. 26, 43, 200. iii. 237, 243, 246, 256 b. iv. 199. vii. 15, J5. viii. 45 b. 58, 61 b. 63 b. Tit. B. xiii. 483, 484. ftorth, (council for the) Vitel. C. i. 261 b. Tit. B. i. 130, 509. F. iii. pa Aim. North, (Roger Lord) Cal. E. vi. 290. North, (Sir Edward) treafurer of the court of augmentations, Nero, C. ix. 148, 155 b. 157, 157 b. North, (Geo.) Vesp. C. vii. 3S3. North, (Jo.) Tit. B. vii. 79. Northampton. Decim.e Ecclefiar. in Archidiac. Nero, D. x. 178 b. Statuta Capituli, Nero, A. iii. 90b. (Eccl.S. Jacobi extra) cart®, Tib. E. v. (Priorat. Sci. Andrea:) regift. cart. Vesp. E. xvii. Northampton, (Helena, Marchfs. of) Tit. B. ii- 344- Northampton, (Earl and Marq. of.) Vid. Parr, Howard, Compton, St. Liz. Northumberland, (Kings of) Tib. B. v. 21 b. (Earls of) vid. Percy, Dudley. (Bilhops of) Tib. B. v. 21. Computus de cornagiis, Claud. C. ii. 2. Succeflio comitum, Dom. viii. 9. (Wardensof) Cal. B. vi. 401. (Gentlemen of property in) Cal. B. vi. 432. Northumberland, (Mathathias E. of) Vesp. F. xiii. 16. Norton, (Chriftoph.) Cal. C. i. 377. Norton, (Monaft. B. Marhede) Com. Cheft. Carta confirmans donationes, Nero, C. iii. 170. Norton, (...) refpefting unfound fub- jefts. Tit. F. iii. 267. of the 5 periods of 500 years, Tit. F. iii. 68. Norway, (chronicle of) Jul. A. vii. 30. Trade, Otho, E. ix. 406. Norwich, (diocefe of) Vesp. F. ix. 269. Feita fynodalia ejufdem Dicec. Jul. B. vii. 58. (Hofpital at) Jul. F. vii. 22 b. Monaftery, (foundation) Aug. ii. 103. Eledtion of Mayor, &c. Cleop. C. x. 5 6 - Norwich, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 158. Noltley, (Abbat. B. Ofwaldi) regift. cart. Vesp. E. xix. Notx fententiar. &c. Cal. A. xv. 34, 35, 35 b. 36. Notx in MScis. Vesp. B. xiii. 11 3 b. Notarix formulx, Vitel. E. x. 79. Ars tabellionatus, Dom. vi. Notie, (Monaft. de) Tit. F. vi. 1. Nottingham. Feoda, Jul. C. ii. 32. Nottingham, (Earl of) vid. Mowbray, Howard. Noue, (Beauvoir dc la) Cal. E. v. 122. vii. 281. viii. 4, 6, 209, 448, 470, 529, 538, 574. ix. 11, 51, 66, 132, 213. xii. 55. Nero, B. vi. 429, 444, 44 6, 447. Galba, E. vi. 380, 380 b. 401, 408, 413, 418. Noue, (Dan.) Galba, D. ii. 150. Novo-loco, (Prioratus de) compofitio, Ne¬ ro, C. iii. 197 b. Nowel, (Laur.) Dom. xviii. 38, 49, 99. Noye, (Wm.) his will. Tit. B. viii. 344. Noyon, (fiegeof) Cal. E. viii. 418, 541. Nummi, vid. Coins. O. Oaths: (forms of) Jul. C. ii. 64. Coronation Oaths of Anglo-Saxon Kings, Cleop. B. xiii. 56. Of Engliffi Sovereigns, Claud. E. viii. 11. Nero, A. vi. 83. Galba, E. iv. 1 b. Vitel. E. xvii. 228 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 112. E. x. 2. ^Cleop. F. ii. 42 b. Of homage, Vesp. C. xiv. 162 b. Of officers and foldiers, Otho, E. Lx. 144 b. Of a farjeant 0 f the ftunage. Vest. C. xiv. 441. Of a clerk of privy feal, Vesp. C. xiv. 443- Of a clerk of Pari. Tib. D. i. 1 Of Counfellors, Vesp. C. xiv. 444. Of the Chancr. of the Exchequer, Tit. B. iv. 18 b. Of Heralds, Faust. E. i. 255. Of various officers, Vesp. C. xiv. 425. Obin (Peter) Tit. B. vii. 83. Obituaria, Nero, C. ix. 1, 17. Galba, A. xviii. 28. O’Brien, (Therelagh) Vesp. F. xii. 104. Tit. B. xiii. 360. O’Brien, (Maurice) Bp. of Kilaloe, Tit. B. xii. 212. xiii. 216. O’Brien, (Morrough) created E. of Tho- mond, Tit. B. xi. 390. O’Brien, (Teige Me Morghe) Tit. B. xiii. 8 S . Obfequies, (Royal) Cal. E. v. 65. O’Connor, (Donoghe) Tit. B. xii. 137, 202. xiii. 413, 4 iS, 441. O’Connor, (...) Tit. B. xi. 359. Odtavian Imperator, a poem. Cal. A. ii: 20 b. Odo, (Archiep. Cant.) de reliquiis, S. Wilfridi; ClaUd. A. i. 1. Synodus fub illo, Vesp. A. xiv. 173 b: Odo Abbas Cluniacenfis. de perverfuate pravorum, Tib. B. iii, 151. Odonis Abbatis Sci. Martini dc Bello, cartz, Nero, C. iii. 180. Odo Abbas Morimundenfis, de analedlis Fernarii, Vesp, B. xxvi. Odone, (Anglefe) Tit. B. vii. 294. O’Donnell fam. Vesp. E. ii. icj. O’Donnell, (Conachius) Vesp. F. xii. 63, 65, 66, 76, 83, 87. O’Donnell, (Ego) Vesp. F. xii. 83. O’Donnell, (Hugh) his fubmillion. Tit. B. xiii. 466. O’Donnell. (.) Vs«p. F. xii. 83, 9S . xiii. 144b. Tit. B. xiii. 466. O’Donnelly,(Share Mac Phelomy) examinat. Tit. B. x. 236. Oerfchet, (Hen. de) de cladibus Leodienfi- um. Tit. D. xxv. 1S6. Offa K. of Mercia: hiftory, Nero, D.i. i. (charters, See.) Aug. ii. 4, 27, 30,99. Offalye, (barony of) Tit. B. xi. 46. Offeral, (Fagna & Kcdagh) claims of. Tit. B. xiii. 427. Offices, (public) Tit. B. iii. 154, 239, 264, 272, 281. vid. Houfehold, Revenue. Officers, (public) Vesp. C. xiv. 423, 453. Fit. B. iv. ioi, 184. Faust. E. vii. 1. Officers of ftate: notes concerning, Vitel. C. xvii. 1, 114. Ogellus, (Gul.) Tit. B. vii. 160. Ogle, (Robert, Lord) Cal. B. iii. 58, 105. Ogleby, (John) negociation, Cal. R. viii. 34_o- Ohtheri pcriplus, Tib. B. i. 7 b. j j. Olahus, (N.) Galba, B.x, 47 b. Olberti Clarenfis, monachi Weftmonaft. vita S. Adelbcrti regis, Nero, E. 1. 409 b. Oldcaftle, (Sir John) Proclamat. to appre¬ hend him, Cleop. E. ii. 319. Oldmgton , (R.) Galba, B • i. 106. Olecumbe. , (Eccl. de) Gale, E. iv. 52. Oieron, (Confuet. Infulz) Ju l. E. i. 1. (Routes de) Nero, A. vi. 156. Olivares, , (• - • Ct. de) Galb a, D. iii. 104. vii. S, 279. Omadyn, (Odo) Vesp. F. x ii. 100. Ombrugge de) on the government of the Low Countries, Galba, C. x. 347- 8 I 1 N D E X. O'Mulryan, (Ownhy) dcpofit. Tir. B. x. Onale, (. . . . Count de) Spanilh Ambafl. at Venice, Vesp. C. xiii. 220. Oncle, (Bonav. van) Galea, C. ix. 195, X. 330. . O’Neile, (Con.) E. of Tyrone, Tit. B.xi. 379 ' 38 “ b - O'Neile, (Con.) Baron Dungannon, Tit. B. xii. 656. O'Neile, (Hart) Vesp. F. xii. 61, 70. O’Neile, (Hen.) Tit. B.xi. 15. O’Neile, (Felim) Vesp. F. xii. 93. O’Neile, (Shane) attainder, Jul. F. vi. 47 - fubmiffion, Tit. B.xii. 21. O’Neile, (Tirlaugh Lenough) Vesp. F. xii. 39, 51. O'Neile, (....) E. of Tyrone. His rebellion, Jul; F. vi. 19S. 1 it. B. xii. it, 381.386, 517,520, 625. xiii. 431.469,484, 491,497, Si 1, 520,567. C. vii 153. Submiffion, Tit. B. xiii. 434, 467. O'Neile, Mifcell. concerning them, Vesp. D. xviii. 134b. F. xii. pallitn. Tit. C. vii. 15. Onithoni,*Sutrini Epifc. Chronica, Rom. Pont. Jul. A. vii. 14. Opicii, (Joh.) carmina, Vesp. B. iv. Oragyll, (Com.) Tit. B. vi:. 162. Oragytlyd, (Corn.) Vesp. F. xii. 11. Orange, (Piinces of) vid. illiani, Mau¬ rice, William Lewis. Ordeal, (trials by) Jul. C. ii. 58 b. 95. Tib. B. via. 155, 165 b. 177,186 b. Claud. D. ii. 15 b. Ordinances, (various) Cl au n. D. ii. 268— Ordnance office : accounts, Jul. F. i. Warrants, orders, &c. Cal. E. i. 151. Otho, E.vii. Tit. B. iii. 123, 128. v. no, 117, 136, 332. Oregylly, (Edm. Fred.) Vesp. F. xii. 74. Oreilly, (Hugo) Vesp. F. xii. 41,73, 89, 91 , loz - Orientisdefcriptio, Tib. B. v. 7S b. \ it el. A. xv. 95. Origcnis homilim. Append. 1. Orkney Ifles. Intelligence concerning, Cal. B. iv. 261. Claimed by Denmark, Tit. C. vii. 134. Orleans, (D. of) vid, Charles, Lewis. Orme, (Walter) Cal. E. ix. z8i. Ormond, (James) Tit. B.xi. 24,348. Ormond, (Sir Tho.) redored in blood. Tit. B. xi. 328. Ormond, (Tho.) Vesp. F. xii. 1. Ormond, (Walt.) Jul. C. iii. 75b. 126. v. 230. Ormond, (Countefs of) defeent from Edm. E. of Lancafter, Jul. B. xii. 257. Ormond, (Earls of) vid. Eutler. Ormilon, (Catherine) Examination, Cal. B. iii. 67. Oroui, (Pauli) Hifloria, Tib. B. i. i. Ortelius, (Ab.) Jul. C. v. 2, 8 b. 10 b, 15, 20 b. Ortell, ij.) Galba, C. vii. 282. viii. 83, 228. x. 26, 157. xi. 276. D. iii. 5, 245, 291. Or’.emburg, (Count de) Galba, B. ix. 116. Qrwell river, (charts of) Aug. i. vo!. i. 57 - 5 »- Ory, (...) Jul. C. iii- 113 b. 115. Olbertus de Clara, EpilL Vitel. A. xvii. 17 b. 19 b. 24. Ofborn, (Anne) funeral, V e ,r. C. x'p 196. Ofiander, (Andr.) Otho, C. x. 162. Ofman I. Turk.Emp. Nero, B.xi. 75. Ofmundi, (Sci.) vita, Tit. F. iii. 259. Canonizacio, Cleop. C. iv. 206 b. Ofney, (Monad.) Chronica Anglor. per monachum ejufdcm monad. Vitel. E. xv. i. Foundation, Jul. C. vi. 243. Series abbatum, Vitel. E. xv. 2. Regidrum cartar. Vitel. E. xv. 3. Supelledilis, Tib. A. ix. 100. Oforio, (Fr. Alvar. Bp. of) Vesp. C. ii. 4 b. Offiory, (Upper) vid. Fitz-patrick. Odend, Galba, C. viii. 328. ix.81. xi. 105. D. i. 106. ii. 49, 51, 55 b. 247, 290. v. 73, 152, 246. vii. 21, 224, 312. viii. 269. xii. 40, 42. Tit. B. vi. 104. vii. 72, 74. (Plans and fiegeof) Jul. F. vi. 198, Aug. i. vol. ii. 99, 100, 104. Ofwini, (R. Deiror.) martyrium, Jul. A. j x. z. Ofwulf, (grant of) Auc. ii. 79, 97. Oterbernill, (Capt.) Vesp. F. xii. 111. | Otho V. Emp. Claud. D. ii. 114. Otho, jun. D. of Brunfw. Lun. Galea, j D. xiii. 119, l6S, m ', 224, 254, 2 E. i. 134. Vesp. F. iii. 93 b. Otho, D. of Brunfvvic Harburg, Galba, B. xi. 386. C. viii. 252. ix. 161. Otley, (antiquities at) Jul. F. vi. 299. Otlington, (....) J u 1.. C. iii. 109 b. ; O’Toole, (Rice) her confellion. Tit. B. 1 xii. 634. Otterbourne, (Adam) Cal. B. i. 74. ii. 299. iii. 298. vii. 34. 116. Otteiburn, (Tho.) chronica RR. Anglia:, Vitel. F. ix. 144. Ottoboni conditutio, Vitel. A. ii. 33. Ottcnis conditutio, Vitel. A. ii. 28. Oudacei Archiep. Landav. vita, Vitel. C. x. 47. Oudenardc, Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 329. Ouen, (R.) Cal.E. xi. 77. Over, (John) Galba, B. x. 74. Overbury, (Sir Tho.) Vitel. C. xvii. 596. Tit. B. vii. 477, 479, 4S4, 488. C. vii. 108. Overbury, (Wm.) Cleop. E. vi. 261. Overey, vid. Southwark. Overke, (barony of) Tit. B. xi. 76. Over-Yffel, Galba, D. v. 304. Ovidius, (Pub. Nafo) Excerpta, Jul. F. vii. 18. De vetula, Vesp. B.xxiii. 53. Rubriques des Mctamorphofes, Jul. F. vii. 4. Outlaws, Tit. B. v. 3134 Owavne Miles : a poem. Cal. A. ii. 89 b. Owen, Pr. of Wales, alliances with France, Tit. A. iii. 29 b. Owen, (David) depofition in Q^Catherine’s caufe, Vitel. B. xii. 98. Owen, (J.) Cal. E. x. 260. Owen, (Rog.) Jul. C. iii. 108 b. Oxenedes, (Joh. de) chronica, Nero, D. ii. 214. Oxford Univerfity and city. Statutes, charters, 6 cc. Claud. D. viii. CoIleP.anea de academia et vilN, Fas C. vii. < 1 , . Hi. ic Providers, Tib. B. iv. 2:2. Conftitutiuns, Vitel. A. ii. 48. Queen’s College: liatute , Cl a u d. A. iv. 57 - Cardinal's College, Tit. F. iii. Cleop. E. iv. 273, 776. Coll. 13 . Maris deWinton, Oxonii, Jut . C. v. 207. Mifcell. Vitel. E. x. 121. Vesp. C. xiv. 593. F. xiii. 50. Tit. B. 1. 356. Oxford, (Earls of) vid. Vere. Oxney, (chart of the ifland of) Aug. i. vol. i. 63. Oyfel, vid. Clcutin. P. Pace, (Richard) Commiffions and Indruflions, Nero B. vii. 2S, 40. Vitel. B. xx. iii. Cypher, Vitel. B. xx. 4. Letters, &c.—(1514. \ 1, el. B ii. . ... 10a, xviii. 107.— (1515.) Galba, B. v:. $2. Vitel. B. ii. 120 b. xviii. 187, I99, I99 b. 200, 204, 215, 222 . 231 b. 234.—(1516.) Vitel. B. iii. 1 x ' x - •• 9 > 11. -7- 30, 40, 46, 63, 79, 9;, 102, I04, I 12, I2j, 147, I57< 1 : ' • • 2 68, : - . 298, ' 1 ' 3 ■ 1, 571.—(15 j 7.) G m. ba, B. v. 233. Vitel. B. xx. 51, 4 8 » 5 f 3 , 60, 71 — Vi . B. 11. 203. xv. 89.— 1519.) Galba, B. v. 285. Vitel. 13. xx. ir + , 138, •45. i47 » >55- —(1520.) Vitek B. xx. 159—(1521.) Galba, B. vii. 77 • 8 7- 9 2 > 99- 1 *3 ’ »'6, 119, 123. 133. Vitel. B. iv. 96, 197, 224.— (1522.) Vitel. B. v. 20, 26, 36, 41, 43. 47’ 5°* 5 2 » 53- 55- 79 . 83, 97, ioi, 107.—(1523.) Cae. 13. vi. 221. Vitel. B. v. 12 i, 137, 152, 160, 210, 216, 225, 229, 237.—(1524.) Vitel. v >- 5> 77* 9 1 * IOO > 117, 136, 142, *47* >53. «7°> 193. 196, 215, 222, 223, 224, 230, 231, 239, 251, 256 b. —(1525-) Vitel. B. vii. 17 b. 28, 33> 35’ 37* 5 6 » 59- s 3> 107. 143- ijj, 170, 172 b. 176 b.—(1526.) Nero, B. vii. 75.— (line A 0 ) Nero, B. vi. 36. Galba, B. v. 391. Vitel. B. iii. 26, 84. xix. 2. xx. 5, 38. Vesp. F, xiii. 155 b. Tit. B. i. 288. Pace, (Bp. of) vid. Badajoz. Pacollet, ( . ...) Cal. E. i. 59. Padda-i. (Dr. Wil.) prasfeript. Vitel. C. iii. 135. Pieogthath, an Earl, (grant of) Aug. ii. 82. Paget, (Walter Lord) Cal. E. iii. 49. v. 21. Galba, B. xi. 29. Paget, (Wm. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. ly b. Tit. F. iii. 273. Paget, (Sir William) Gai.ba, E. xii. 41, 74. 91, 92, 111 b. Paget, (W.) Tit. B. v. 25. Paget, (...•) Galba, B. x. 163. Paillo, ( ... . de) Cal. E. viii. 97. Painting, (colours for) Tit. D. xxiv. 127. Palatinate, Galba, B. xi. 212, 213, 516, 3*9- 323- INDEX. Palcntia, (Bp. of) Vitel. B. iv. 177. Vtsp. C. vi. 328. Paleomdorus,-( Jo.) de Ord. Carmel. Ap¬ pend. xxxvii. 1. Palermo, (_) Abp. of, Galba, B. x. 54. Paleftine. (defcription of) Cal. A. iii. 1. Galba, A. vii. 18. (Iloly places in) Oiho, C. ix. 3, 3 2 b- Tit. D- iii. 68 b. Pallavicini, (Jo. Bapt.) Card. Vitel. B. iii. i6z. Pallavicini Carmelita:, Epift. Cleop. E. v. 159 b. Pallavicino, (Sir Hor.) Nero, B. i. 263 b. vi. 226. Galba, C. ix. 41 b. D. iii. 264. ix. 85. x. 70 b. xi. 51, 80. xii. 137, 139. fi. vi. 229, 239. Tit. B. ii. 214. Palmer, (Edm.) Galba, C. xi. 335. Palmer, (Sir Hen.) Otho, E. ix. 162 b'. Palmer, (...) on coins, Otho, E. x. 301 b. Palmei, (John) Tit. B. i. 75. Pancraiii, (Sci.) Latis-aquenfis monaft. carta, Nero, C. iii. 197. Panis et cerevifise allifa, Jul. D. vii. 127. Galba, £. iv. 23 b. Cleop. C. vii. 14. Pantheon Ecclefia, Nero, E. i. 357. Pap-Caft!e, (Infcriptions at) Jul. F. vi. 289. Paper trade and manufacture. Tit. B. v. 196, 317. Papills, vid. Catholics, Recufants. Pappey, (Keel. S. Auguft. de) infra Bi- iliopfgate: fundatio. Sic. Vitel. F. xv i. 118, 126 b. Paradoxes, Cal. D. i. 127. Parco-Helagh, (monaft. de) Cartular. Vesp. A. iv. Parco-Stanley, (Abbatia de) Regift. Cart. Vesp.E. xxvi. Hift. Abbatia-, Jul. C. vii. 265. Pardons, (concerning) Tit. B. i. 146*,*. Paieius a Jcfuit, Jul. F. vi. 130. Paris, (city of) Vesp. F. x. Cal. D. ix. 105. E. xi. 206. (Ruesde) en vers, Vitel. E. x. 62. Parliament of. Cal. E. xii. 49, 373. Arms in the churches of, Jul. F. vi. 291 b. Univerfity, Lett, to P. John, XXII. Claud. E. viii. 262b. (Bp. of) vid. Poncher. Panfiles, (of) Faust. E. v. 99. Paris, (Mat.) vid. Matthrcus. Parker, (Edw.) Lord Morley, Vesp. C. xiv. 169, 170, 171. Parker, (Hen.) Lord Morley, Tit. B. ii. 282, 290. Parker, (Matthew) Apb. ofCanterb. Vesp. F. xii. 189. Tit. B. ii. 302. Parker, (Rich.) Jul. C. v. 45,64. Parker, (Will.) Lord Mounteagle: Letters concerning tlie Gunpowder plot, Vesp. C. ix. 246 b. Tit. B. viii. 332. Parker, (...) G a l b a , B. x. 1 24. I’d. kins, (Dr. Chrift.) Jul. E. ii. 64. F. vi. 52. Nf.ro, B. ii. 205, 207, 228, 258, 284, 306. iv. 40, 42, 195. ix. 160, ■ 170 b. 173. xi. 300. Parkins, (Tho.) Nero, B. vii. 166. Parks, (Royal) Tit. B.iv. 227, 278. Parliament. (Modus tenendi) Jul. B.iv. 21. Tib. E. viii. 46 b. 175 b. Nero, C. i. 1. D. vi. 72. Vitel. C. iv. 113. Vesp. B. vii. 95. Tit. B. vi. 162. Dom. xviii. 15 b. (Nomina venientium ad) 27 Hen. VI. I Claud. C. ii. 94. (Summons to) Vitel. C. ix. 293. Tit. C. v. 44b. Faust. C. xi. 1. Declaration againft Rome, Tit. B. i. 103. (Order of the nobility in) Jul. B. xii. 167 b. 168. (Adts of) Edw. III.— Eliz. Cal. E. xi. 304. (Rolls of) Tit. E. i. — xiv. F. i. E'Trwj Journals, Hen. VIII.—Edw. VI. T1 {fill % D. i. 2. (Oath of the Clerk of) Tib. D. i. 1. (Proceedings of) temp. Jac. I. Tit. F. iv. paffim. Mad Parliament, A 0 1256. Vitel. C. IX. 222. Mifcel. Tit. A. xiii. 158. B. i. 148b. 150. vi. 161, 166, 169. F. iv. 338 b. 339» 343* 344i 349- Parma, (D. of) vid. Alexander Farnefe. Parma, (Prince of) Nero, B. vi. 388. Parmenfis, (Paul.) minor, gen. Cal. E. i. 79. Vitel. B. xiii. 220b. Parr, (Wm.) Marq. of Norihampt. Jul. C. ix. 79. Tit. B. viii. 284, 320. Parr, vid. Catherine. Parre, (Wm.) Cleop. E. iv. 205. Parris, (Phil.) Tit. B. i. 114. Parry, (Sir Tho.) Cal. D. ii. 517. E. vii. 306. x. 40, 55, 116, 140, 169, 179, 257, 361. xi. y, 108, 116, 125, 169, 210, 227, 230, 236, 251, 257, 267, «7>> 2 73> 2S 3- +7* S*. S6, '° 2 . 253, 366. Tit. C. vii. 342. Parfley, (Radolph) Nero, B. vi. 96. Parfons, (R.) a Jefuit, Jul. F. vi. 128, 142. Parthenay, (Cath. de) Cal. E. x. 31 b. Pafcha. dc ratione pafchali, Cal. A. xv. paffim. de computo pafchali, Cal. A. xv. 71, 94b. Nero, A. i. 123b. C. v. 3, 158 b. Faust. A. viii. 42 b. 43. Termini pafchales, Nero, A. i. 108 b. Pafchal II. Papa: Epift. &c. Claud. A. i. 34 b. 37 b. E. v. 246. Vesp. E. iv. 209, 209 b. Dom. viii. 10. Faust. B. vi. 95,96 b. Pafchafinus, Sicilienfis Epifc. de ratione Pafchali, Cal. A. xv. 91 b. Pafquier, (....) Cal. E. vi. 25. Pai'quinade, Cal. E. x. 311. Vitel. B. xiv. 238. Paftenger, (Rich.) examination of, Vesp. F. ix. 163. Pate, (Rich.) Vitel. B. xiv. 177, 189, 210, 229,243. Pate, (Dr. ) Galba, B. x. 108 b. Patents, (projeft of an office for) Tit. B. v. 190. Pates, (Ric.) Bp. of Wincheller, Faust. C. vii. 214. Paton, (James) Bp. of Dunkeld, Cal. D. ii. 3C9. Patres: adhortationes Scor. Patrum, Nero, A. iii. 55 b. Diverfcs feotences, Nero, D. ii. 257 b. Patricii, (Sci,) Carta, Vitel. E. v. 131 b. Patricii, (de purgatoiio) Vesp. A. vi. 150 b. Pavia, (Card, of) vid. Alidofiu*. Pavia, (Phil. Mar.) Count of. Tit. B. vii- 281 b. Pavia, (battle of) Vitel. B. vii. 61, 80. Paul’s, (St.) London, grants to, Jul. F. x. 1. Pauli I. P. Epift. ad Etberhtum, Vesp. A. xiv. 161. Pauli Ii. P. Bulla excomunicationis, Jul.F. vii, 172. Pauli Ill. P. (Alex. Farnefe) Vitel. B. ix. 112. Paulus V. P. Nero, B. vii. 197. Pauli heremita? vita, Vesp. D. xix. 45 b. Pauli, (Sci.) vifiones, metrice, Vesp. A, vii. 32. Pauli, monachi,vita. Cal. A. xv. 29. Paulino, &c. (Poemade) Cleop. C. iv, 15. Pawlet, (Lord A.) Jul. F. vi. 1. 28. Pawlet, (Sir Amias) inftruflions. Cal. C. ix. 293* 451. D. i. 139. E. vi. 319. vii. 1, 3, 8, 10, 12, 16, 25, 26, 31, 45, 49 * S 3 . 57 * 6 5 > 94 > 9 S » IO °' 10 5 » 114, 118, 123, 135, 139. Tit. B. ii. 345. Pawlet, (Wm.) Lord St. John, Otho, E. ix. 69. Pawlet, (Wm.) Marquis of Winchefter, Galba, C. iii. 187. Vesp. F. xii# 191 . Tit. B. ii. 236. iii. 120. iv. 153. v. 79, 91, 103. Paynell, (T.) Galba, B. xi. 103. Payuga, (_) Tit. B. ii. 152. Peace, (concerning JuRices and Clerks of the) Vesp. C. xiv. 446, 448. F. ix. 265. Tit. B. iii. 71. v. 2S6. Peachy, (Sir John) Tir.B. xii. 627. Pearfon, (T.) ballads, Va^p. A. xxv. 162 b. 163. Peccata: dcs 7 peches mortels, Vesp. D. iii. 208. Peckham, (Jo.) Archiep. Cantuar. Canticum pauperis, Vesp. D. xiii. 144. Pedigrees, vid. Nobility. Peers, (D. of Norfolk’s) Tit. B. ii. 72. Peers, (Oaths of French) Tib. E. viii. 96. Peircfc, (N. C. Fal.) Lett. Jul. C. iii. 120, 1 22 *■ v - ♦<>. " 2 . i' 7 . > 2 4 . 134 . 136, 138, 144, 149, 162, i 65 b. 168, 170b. 177, 183, 186, 189, 193,208, 211 b. 213. Pei.., (W.) Jul. C. v. 210b. 215 b. Pelham, (Sir Wm.) Galba, C. x. 6j. Tit. B. xiii. 285, 291. Pelleve, Bp. of Amiens, Cal. B. ix. 93, 95 b. x. 85. Pellormin, (Jacques) prior of Aquitain, Otho, C. ix. 92. Pembroke, vid. Valence. Pempoul, (town of) Cal. E. ix. 150. Pemzoy, (Wm.) Vesp. C. xiv. 79. Pennatus, (Joh.) Vitel. B. ii. 166. Pennifon, (Wm.) Tit. B. i. 284. Penny, (Sir) a poem, Galba, E. ix. 47b. Penfions granted by a queen, Tit. B. iii. 227. Penfions, (Lifts of perfons who ought to have) Cal. C. v. 117. Penven, (John) Cal. B. iii. 293, 293 b. Penzance, (Bay of) Auc. i. vol. i. 34, 35. Pepperking, (Rand.) grants to, Jul. F. x. 154. Vitel. A. xx. 245 b. Pepwell, (Wm.) Vesp. C. vii. 62. xiii. 257, 262. Peranc, (John) Herald, Nero, B. iii. 19, 21, 21 b. Percie, (Galf. de) Vesp. C. xiv. 359, PercifFa'.l, (C.) Sergeant Major of Harlin¬ gen, Galea , D. ii. 93. iii. 12. Percy, ;Annc) Cfs. of Northd. daughter to the E. of Weftmorland, wife of Tho¬ mas E. of Northd. Cal. C. iii. 176. Percy, (Cath.) Cfs. of Northumb. Vesp. F. xiii. 83 b. Percy, (Men.) Hotpfur? E. of Northumbd. Vesp. C. xvi. 114. F. vii. 23, 25, 39, 63, 70. xiii. 66. Percy, (Henry) E. of Northumberld. Letters, Cal. E. i. 124, 127, 128. ii. 241, 235. iii. 146, 229, 291. vi. 24, 459. vii. 11, 112, 113, 135, 157, 179, 222, 260, 264. Otho, C. x. Z2i. Vesp. F. xiii. 83. Anfwers to interrogatories. Cal. C. 1. 5 S 9 - Commiilion Cal. B. v. 69. Petition for lands. Tit. B. i. 177. Mifcel. Cal. B. v. 216. Catherine his wife, Vesp. F. xiii. 83 b. Percy, (Hen.) E. of Northd. Galea, D. xii. 313 b. Procel’s againft him, Vesp. C. xiv. 451. Percy, (Sir Henry) Letters, Cal. B. ix. 381, 389, 417. Percy, (Thomas) E. of Northd. Cal. B. “■ 55 ’ 347 ’ 4 ° 5 - • Proclamation againll him, C a l. C. i. 350. Examination, Cal. C. i. 389. Order for pulling down his banner at Windfor, Vesp. C. xiv. 583. Percy, (Th.de) Galba, B. i. 1. Percy, ( . . . . ) Jul. B. vi. 28. Percy, (....) E. of Northd. challenge to Sir Fr. Vere, Tit. C. iv. 510. Perdillan, (....) Cal. E. vii. 6. Perezius, (Anth.) Cal. E. vii. 306. Perkins, \id. Warbcck. Perpignan, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 47. Perrcnot, (Ant.) Card. dcGranvelle, Vesp. C- viii. 10. Perrot, (Sir John) Tit. B. xii. 205, 224, 355 - his Arraignment, Jul. F. vi. 224. Perfeihcrois hiftoria, Tit. D. xx. 120 b. Perfeval, (C.) Galba, D. ii. 93. Perlhore, (Abbey) Charters, See. Auc. ii. 6, 7. Nero, C. iii. 183. de vifitatione, Vitel.E. xvii. 249. Perfon, (Edm.) Tit. B. xi. 288. Perfons, (Wm.) Cal.E. x. 332. Perth, (Convention at) Cal. C. i. 317. Tit. C. vii. 177. Perv, (Tho.) Vesp. C. vii. 91 b. 102. Pefcara, (. . . . Marq. of) Vitel. B. v. 63, 69, 73. vii. S2 b. Pedalurge, (-) Cal.DJ. 333. Pett, (Arthur) a voyage, Otho, E. viii. 67. Petal), (Genevieve) Cal. E. x. 2S6. Petitions to the king, (Collections relating to) Ve s p. C. xiv. 458. Petitions for redrefs of grievances ; and an¬ fwers, Tit. F. iv. 11, 23, 86, 133, 148. Peter 11 . D. ofBritanny, Jul. B. vi. 58. Peterborough church. Rental, Nero.C.vH. 84. Regift, cartar. Vesp. E. xxi. xxii. 1. Cleop. C. i. 36. ii. 1. Nomina Abbatum, Jul. F. ix. 46. Faust. B. iii. 1. Chronicon, Claud. A.v. 1. Donarioncs, Sec. Faust. B. iii. ib. I N T) E X. Compotus Eccl. Vesp. A. xxiv. Pet'- rborough, (BenediCtus de) Chronicon, Vitel. E. xvii. iS. Petrarcha, (Francifc.) Fabula de Grifiiide, Vesp. E. xii. 77 b. Petre, (Sir Wm.) Cal.B.x. ioi. Galba, B. x. 210,223. Petre, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 138 b. Cleop. E. iv. 255. Petriburg, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 39. Petrus, III. R. of Aragonite, Vesp. C. .xii. 45- Petrus IV. R. of Aragonite, Vesp. C. xii. 91. Petrus crudelis, R. Caililite, Vesp. C. xii. 59, 60, 84. Petri, (Sci.) denarius (Romefcot) Jul. B. 111. 49. Claud. E. viii. 10. Nero, A. i. 47. C. ii. 48b. 60. Vesp. E. iv. 203 b. Petri Blefenfis, Narratiuncula, Vesp. D. ix. 52 b. Epift. Vitel. A. xx. 65. Vesp. E. xi. 46. Petri Comeftoris, Explan. Danielis, Claud. E. i. 100. Petri, Cantoris Parifienfis, Verbum abbre- viatum, Claud. E. i. 106. Petri de Vineis, Epiftola:, Nero, A. iv. 112. Peucer, (Cafp.) Jul. C. v. 12. Pewfham and Blackmore, (foreft ef) Vesp. F. iv. 68. Peytco, (Wm.) Cleop. E. iv. 9 b. Peyton, (Edw.) Jul. C. iii. 157. Peyton, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. no. Galba, C. x. 59. E. i. 412. Phatdri Cofmographia, Cleop. B. xi. 23. Rhetorica, Cleop. B. xi. 7S b. Pi'.elippc, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 142. Phelippe, (Robt.) Jul. C. iii. 186. Phiiarchxus Anglus, Jul. C. v. 226. Philibert de Chalons, Pr. of Orange, Cal. D. Lx. 107. Philippus IV. R. Gall. Res gelltecum Bonif. VIII. P. Nero, A. ix. 2. Faust. A. viii. 150 b. Philip VI. K. ofFr. Ca l. D. iii. 24. Tit. A. xix. 87. Philip K. ofCaftilc: vifit to England, Vesp. C. xii. 236. Treaties, Vesp. C. xii. 244, 251, 265, 267 b. Alliance with Genoa, Jul. E. ii. 92. Philip II. K. of Spain, Lett, declarations, ordinances, See. Cal. E. v. 142, ix. 531. Nero, B. i. 225, 234 b. 236. Galba, C. i. 58, 63, 69, 72, 88, 188, 191. ii. 265. iii. 48, 103, 135, 178, 195, 261. iv. 185, 241, 329, 330, 398 b. v. 46. vii. 134. ix. 318. D. iii. 361. vii. 122, 126. Vesp. C. vi. 142, 244. vii. 218, 233, 266, 279, 281, 439. viii. 11 b. 247, 253, 253, 263. F. iii. 42 b. Tit. B. ii. 129 b. 150, 131, 133 b. 136. vii. 176. Ceflion of the Netherlands to Ifabella, Galba, D. xii. 150. Advice to his fon, Tit. B. vi. 106. An award, Claud. B. x. Satvrical verfes againft him, Nero, B. vi. 246. Philip III. K. of Spain, Vesp. C. xi. 403. xiii. 2, 27, 33, 224. F. iii, 46. Philip 1 Y. K. of Spain : treaty of marri.tce, Vitel. C. xi. 341. Philip the Good, D. of Burrnndy, (Charo- lois) Galba, B. i. 129, ij. 4 , ,4-, 148. ix. 65. Vesp. F. iii. 27, 27 b. 41. Philip of Cleves, D. of Ravenftein, G al¬ ba, B. v. 275. Philip the magnanimous, Landgr. of Ilefi'e Cafiel, Vesp. F. iii. 97 b. Cleop. E. vi. 283, 285, 292. Philip Count of Hohenloh, Galba, C. ix. 363 b.x. 112. xi. 343, 346. D. i\. 221. x. 147. Fhilip of Navarre, Cal. D. iii. 3;. Philip Lewis, Count Palatine, Galea, D. xiii. 123. Philip II. D. of Pomerania, Vesp. F. iii. 100. Philippa, Cb of Portugal, Vesp. F. iii. 47- Phiiippa, dau. to Hen. IV. K. of Engd. Concerning her marriage with Eric. X. Iv. of Scand. Nero, B. iii. 23, 2-, -- 28. Philippus, Abbas de Levcertria: Expofit. X. mandatorum, Vesp. A. xxiii. 1 Philippus de Thaun. De creaturis, Nero, A. v. 1. Beftiarius, Nero, A. v. 41. V E c P p- x. 6. Philips, (Tho.) Cal. C. ix. 173. Philofoplhca, Jul. D. viii. 77 b. Cal. A. v. Galba, E. iv. partim. Vi¬ tel. A. xii. 39 b. 69. C. viii. 20. Vesp. D. xiii. 139 Ti r. A. x. 1. D. iv. 73. Dom. ix. 85. Cleop. B. ii. 31. Faust. D. ii. Philpot, (Rich.) Tit. B. xiii. 311. Phlebotomia, (de) Tit. D. xxvi. 3 b. 4 b. 6. xx vii. 2. Dom. ix. 14. Phyficians, (appointments of King's) Vesp. C. xiv. 415. Phyfiognomia, (de) Jul. D. viii. \ (i. Galba, E. iv. 79 b. 228. Tit. A. Phyfiologia. De fpermate. Galea, E. iv. 233 b. Picardy, (Map of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 59. (British forces in) Cal. E. ix. 155. Piccolomini, (Joh.) Card, of Sienna, Vi¬ tel. B. iii. 161 b. Pickworth, (Tho.) Galba, B. i. 23, 106. Picquet, (Olyvier) Tit B. vii. 435. Pierdeux, (Joh.) Cal. D. \i, 88. Pierin, (Jaques) Galba, B. vi. 121. Piers, vid. Ploughman. Pike, (Joh.) Suppletio hiftorix RR. Anglite, Jul. D. vi. 1. Pikewell, (Ecclefia de) Nero, C. iii. iS,6. Pilgrim, (a poem) Tie. A. vii. 39. Pilorii, (Cafp.) carmen, Jul. C. v. 2-2. Pin, (D. du.) Nero, B. vi. 294, 296, 299, 3 01 * 303. 3/4-1 4'3 b - Pinart, (...) Galba, E. vi. 56 b. Pinello, (G. V.) Tit. B. vii. 140. Pins, (manufacture of) Trr. B. iv. 16c. v . 277, 304. Pipre, (trnnfcripta ex Rot.) Vitel, E. v. 5 °. Pipewell, (Monad.) regift. cart. Jul. A. i. 63. C. vi. 243. Cal. A. xii. 7. xiii.. 12, Otho, B. xiv. 146. I N D X. l’iratcs, (fragments concerning) Otho, E. viii. t, 3, 61, 14.8, 163, 241, 246, 249, 352, 253, 257, 272, 2S1, 282, 291, 299, 301, 317, 327, 332, 337, 339. »*•' 371. Pirri, (Martin) indenture for a coinage, Otho, E. x. 186. Pifa, (Conciliabulum of) A® 1510, Vitel. B. ii. 9 b. 11 b. 12. Anciennes chroniques de Pife, Ti n. E. ii. Pifa, (A bp. of) Vitel. B. iii. 150. Pifanus, (Pet.) Vitel. B. ix. 17. rifeontius, (Matthew) Secy, to the K. of Poland, N'Ejto, B. ii. 305. Pitcairne, (Robert) Commendator and Ab¬ bot of Dumfermline, Cal. C.ii. 166 b. 170. iii. 510 b. 511. v. 91. Pius II. P. Dom. ix. 84. Pius IV. (P.) Tit. C. vii. it. Pius V. P. Vesp. F. v. 162. Placita corona:, Nero, A. vi, 154. Tit. B. vi. 172, Cleop. C. vii. 3, 4b. Placita curiarum, Cleop. A. xvi. 60. Placita in curia regis, Cleop. E. ii. 219, 271, 322, 343. Placita, Faust. C. vi. Plancius, (Pet.) Galba, D. ii. 86. 89. Planis, (Jean de) French AmbalTr. in Scot¬ land, C.w.. B. ii. 314. iii. 137. vi. 126, 2 7 t. vii. 449. E. i. 59. Plague, (order concerning the) Vesp. F. xii. 207. Plans and views of unknown caftles, build¬ ings, &c. Auc. i. vol. i. 29, 30, 66— 73» 7&> 77» 80, 81. vol. ii. 11, 12, 13, 15, 49, 54, 81, 83, 84, 106, 116,117. Galba, C. x. 239, 244 b. Plantaganet, (Alicia) Cfs. of Salilbury, fee Nevill. Plantagenct, (Arthur) Vifcount Lille, Vesp. Ft xiii. 111. Planiagenet, (Edmund) E. of Lancaller, fon to Hen. III. Grants to him, Auc. ii. 133. Plantagenet, (Edmund) 4th fon to Edw. III. D. of York, Galba, B. i. 3, 4, 5. Tit. B. xi. 7 . Plantagenet, (Edmond de Woodllock) E. of Kent. Deeds, Jul. B. xii. 307 b. Treaty of marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 30. Confelfion, Jul. C. ii. 302. Mifcell. Tib. A. ix. 100b. Plantagenet, (Edmund) E. of Rutland, brother to Edw. IV. Vesp. F. iii. 9. xiii. 35. Plantagenet, (Edward) Pr. of Wales, fon to Edw. IV. created D. of Cornwall, Vesp. C. xiv. 243. Plantagenet, (Edward) D. of York, grand- fon to Edward III. Vesp. F. vii. Plantagenct, (George) D. of Clarence, Jul. B. xii. 138 b. Plantagenet, (Hamcline) bafe brother to K. Stephen, Earl of Warren : charter, Nero, C. iii. 181. Plantagenet, (Humphry) D. of Gloucefler, lleward at the coronat. of Hen. VI. Vesp. C. xiv. 118. Charges for making his tomb, Claud. A. viii. 195. Plantagenet, (Joan) daughter of John of Gaunt, Cfs. of Weftmorld. Jul. B. xii. 278 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 21. Plantagenet, (John) D. of Bedford, bro- E ther to Hen. V. Nero, B. iii. 30. Galba, B, i. 150. Vesp. F. vii. 74, 76, 87, 97, 98, 99, 100, 103, 105, 116. Plantagenct, (John) D. of Lancaller, Gal¬ ba, B. i. 1. Vesp. C. xii. 107. Plantagenet, (Lionel) D. of Clarence: on his death, Cal. D. iii. 83. Plantagenet, (Lionel) E. of Ullter, his re¬ tinue in Ireland, Jul. C. iv. 271. Plantagenet, (Margaret) filler to Edw. IV. marriage, Nero, C. ix. 173b. Plantagenet, (Margaret) Cfs. of Salilbury, niece to Edw. IV. Vesp. F. xiii. 88. Plantagenet, (Richard) D. of York, Tib. E. viii. 248 b. Cal. A. 10, 203. Nero, C. x. 91 b. Vesp. E. vii. 64, 66. F. iii. 9. xiii. 35. Tit. B. xi. 15, 15 b. 21, 21 b. Plantagenet, (Richard) E. of Cambridge, Jul. B. xii. 240. Vesp. C. xiv. 39. F. iii. 7. Plantagenet, (Richard) D. of Gloucefier, vid. Richard HI. Plantagenet, (Richard) E. of Ulller, Tit. B. xi. 70. Plantagenet, (Tho.) E. of Lancafter, Claud. D. ii. 266. Plantagenet, (Thomas) D. of Gloucefler, Tit. B. xi. 16 b. 16S. Plantagenet, (Tho.) D. of Clarence and Lancaller? Tit. B. xi. 9 b. 21, 22* 181, 303. Plantagenet, (Tho.) de Brotherton, Mar- flial, Nero, D. vi. 83. Tit. C. i. 116. Plato: Excerpta, &c. Jul. F. vii. 57. x. 58. Plcgred, a deed, Auc. ii. 16. Plene, (Ger, de) Vitel. B. vi. 146 b. Plenie, (Gerardus de) D. de la Roche, Gal¬ ba, B. vii. 12. Vitel. B. iv. 64 b. Vesp. C. ii. 3. PlelTeu, ( . . . de) Cal. E. x. 208. Pleflis, vid. Mornay. Ploughman, (Piers) a poem. Cal. A. xi. 165. Vesp. B. xvi. 6. Plunkct, (Anne) Lady G. . . . Vesp. F. xii. 52. riunket, (Sir Chrifioph,) Tit. B. xi. 192, 196, 205. His will, Tit. B. xi. 262. Pluralities, (againil) Tit. A. xiii. 149. Plufcardine, (Prior of) Cal. C. vii. 20. Plymouth, (chart, of) Auc. i. vol. i. 38, 40. 41, 42. Mifcell. Tit. B. v. ioi. Pococke, (Geo.) of Scarborough, Cal. B. ix. 383. Pcenitentia, (varia de) Nero, A. i. 172, 176 b. V Esr. D. ii. 1 b. Poeniter.tialia, vid. Liturgici Libri. Poetica, (Ars) Cleop. B. vi. 1, 31, 241 b. Poidiers, (Battle of) Cal. D. iii. 33. Pola, ( . . Bp. of) Nero, B. vi. no. Polantus, (Vitus) Galba, B. xi. 213. Pole, (Hen.) Lord Montagu, Vesp. F. xiii. 106, 107 b. Pole, (Hugh) Cal. E. i. 28. Pole, (Michael de la) charges againil him, Vesp. C. xiv. 43. Pole, (Reginald) Card. Nero, B. vi. 118, 120. Vitel. B. xiv. 153, 297. Vesp. F. iii. 13. xiii, 205, 206 b. Tit. B. ii 170, 177. C. vii. 67 b. Cleop. E. vi. 328, 334, 337, 349, 36,. Pole, (Richard de la) Cal. D. vii. 31, 33 - Pole, (Will, de la) D. of Suffolk: verfes on his death, Vest. B. xvi. 1 b. Polemici tradatus, Vesp. E. viii. 1S0. De came et fanguine Chrilli, Nero, C. ix. 179. Altercatio inter Ecclefiam et Synagogam, Tit. D. xvi. 70. Errores Graecor. Tit. D. xix. 3S b. Police, Tit. B. v. 283, 303,352. Political ceconomy, Jul. F. vi. 81. Otho, E. x. 14,19, 234 b. 333. Political Trads, Jul. F. vi. 107. Cal. B. ix. 216 V . E. xii. 149. Faust. C. ii. 50, 61. Political Sermons, Dialogues, See. Vitel. E. x. 134,139, 162, 171. Vesp. C. xiv. 560. Pollard, (Rich.) Cleot. F.. iv. 133 b. Polo, (Martin) concerning his feivices, Vesp. C. xiii. 278. Polonia, (Tranfada ejufdem regni) Ne¬ ro, B. ii. 100, 308. v. 325. vi. 38. vii. 161. Vesp. F. v. 176, 180, 182, 184, 1S8, 191, 192. Diet on the flight of the D. d’Anjou, Cal. E. vi. 276. Nero.B. ii. 125. Proteilants in Poland, Vesp. F. v. 186 190. Polonus, vid. Martinus. Pommeroye, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 27. Poncher, (Steph. de) Bp. of Paris, Cal. D. vii. 1. 7, 19, 25. Pondera & Menfurie, Nero, A. xii. 134b. Gale a, E, iv, 28 b. 29,30. Otho, E. x. 14, 19. Vesp. C. xiv. 416. E. ix. 86. Cl eop. A. xvi. 46. Ponderibus, (compofitio de) Nero, A. xii. 146. Ponderum notse. Cal. A. xv. 103 b. Vitel. F. xii. 182. Pont, (Jehan de) Tit. B. i. 358. Pont, (Pierrin del) Gd. Mailer of Malta, Otho, C. ix. 78, 79, 80. Pontanus, (J. J.) Jul. C. v. 51. Pontil, (Guil.) Monachus, Claud. A. vi. 287. Pontifices Romani. Chronica et Series, Jul. A. vii. 2, 14. B. iii. 1. D. ii. 21 b. Tib. B. v. iSb. Nero, D. i. 161. Galba, E. xii. Vesp. B. vi. 107 b. Tit. D. vii. 103. xix. 7, 19. Dom. xiii. 96 b. Cleop. D. ix. 22. Faust. B. vii. 1. Ap¬ pend. xiv. 3. Epifcopatus iifdem fubditi, Jul. B. iii. 40b. Nero, D. i. 162 b. Faust. B. vii. 10. de ipfius audoritate in Anglia, Cal. B. iv. 233. Fcedus cum Imperatore, Nero, B. vi. 167. Various Bulls, Treaties, and Mifcell. Cal. E. xi. 242. Nero, B. vi. 47, 182. C. ii. 68, 76b. 94b. Vitel. B. v. 209 b. viii. 15 b. 27, 101, 109, izS, 153. ix. 8, 9, 11, iS, 22, 81, 107, X19, 127, 138. xi. n 7 . Tit. C. vii. 127. Pontificates Epillol IO, > 3 - Vesp. C. n i:- 15. Tit. B. viii. 167. Pory, (Jo.) JtiL. C. iii. 28, 34, 83, 91. Pofis, (Ric. de) vid. Ricardus. J'onev. yk mailh, near Yarmouth : fituation, Jul. B. ii. xco. Poll, (orders concerning the) Vet. C. xi v. 467. Pctcllate (de) prxlat. et princip. Nero, D. -viii. 183. Pothelinus, (Hieron.) Vitel. B. iv. 57, 57 Pother, (Theod.) Bailiff of the Hague, Vesp. F. xiii. 38. Potter, (Theod.) Galba, B. i. 105. Pottunc, (terrain) Tie. B. v. 75 b. Poulett, (Sir John) defcent, Jul. B. xii. 2 57- Poulton, (....) Tit. B. v. 269. Power, (Robt.) Tit. B. xi. 94. Powle, (Steph.) Ne ho, B. ix. 130. Powlet, vid. Pawlet. Poynes, (Ar.th.) depofition in Q;_ Cather. caufe, Vitel. B. xii. 9S. Poynings, (Edw.) Cal. D. vi. 144. vii. 9 t. Poynings Adi, Tit.B. x. 376. Poyntr., (Sir Francis) Vesp. C. iv. 162, 170, 174, 1S1, 183, 188, 205, 208, 212, 216. Poyntz, (Tho.) Galea, B. x. 60. Prfficentor, (de ejufdem officio) Vitel. rrrrdicatores, (Fratres) ordines in corun¬ dum Eccl. convcntufque celebrati, Galba, E. x. 116 b. PraTiorum, nempe Patriarchar. Archiep. abbatum, &c. nomina, Jul. D. viii. 1. Claud. D. vii. 8 b. Praet, (Louis de) Galba, B. viii. 57. Vitel. B. vii. 20. Vesp. C. ii. 13 b. Pragenfis Coll, carmina in Rudolphum, Imp. Jul. C. ii. 328. Prat, (A. du) Galba, B. vi. 199. I'ratis, (Monaft. de) juxta St. Albanum. Regul:", Nero, D. i. 173. Donatio, Jul. F. ix. 89. Pratis, (monad, de) Leiceitr. de terris do¬ minie. Galba, E. iii. 81 b. Prato, • ■ ■ de Gal>E. i. 142. praytes, (,....) Galba, C. xi. 194. Precedents, (Reafon father of) Tit, C. vii. 33., Preccs, vid. Liurgici Libri. Precedency, vid. Nobility, Parliament, France, Speaker, Serjeants at Law. Predence in a proceflion. Tit. B. viii. 3 ° 4 - Prelates: de Pradatis Ecclefiar. Faust. A. vm. 5 1. Prendergall, (James) Vesp. F. xii. 55. Prenon l’hyficon, Galba, E. iv. 205. Prerogative Royal, Vesp. C. xiv. 469, 471, 473, 478. Tit. B. vi. 167 b. Price, (Elis) Cleop. E. iv. 55b. Priefts, (marriage of) Vitel. C. ix. 129. Pringill, (Robt) Cal. E. xii. 143. Prince, (P inllrudlion d’un) Vesp.B. i. Princes, (on the condudl of) Cal. B. ix. 216.* Vesp. C. xiv. 559, 560. Cleop. A. xiii. 1. B. x. 2. (Projedt of a fociety among) Tit. B. v. 240. Prifa-i, (Joh.) Brit, hiilorite defenfio, Ti t. F. iii. 167. Piifciani, Csfareens. Periegefis, Tib. D. v. 59. Vesp. B. xxv. 78. Rudimenta, Dom . i. 40. Piifcianus Philofoph. Vesp. A. ii. 148. Privy Council. Lids of Privy Counfellors, Nero, C. x. 79. Tit. B.i. 123. Acts, decrees, inllrudtions, Minutes, Sec. Temp. Ric. II. Hen. IV.andV. Cleop. F. iii. Temp. Hen. VI. Cleop. F. iv. v. (1393.) Vesp. F. xiii. 12. —(1400.) Vesp. F. vii. 73.—(1412.) Cal. D. iii. 154.—(1428.) Vesi-. F. xiii. 34.— (1430.) Vesp. C. xii. 136. (1432.) Jul. B. vi. 41, 42. Vesp. C. xii. 138.—(1434.) Jul. B. vi. 43, 45.— (1444.) Jul. B. vi.' 48, 50 b.— (1455.) Vesp. F - xiii - 39 —(H 7 I-) Vesp. F. xiii. 44b.—(1519.) Vesp. F. xiii. 129, 131 b.—(1520.) Cal. D. vii. 231, 233.—(1526.) Cal. B. iii. 294.—(1541) Otho, C. x. 250. Tit. B. i. 191.—(1542.) Nero, B. i. 80. —(1545-) Cal. E. iv. 46.—(1545.) Galba, B. x. 165, 166, 210, 212, 215. — (1 546.) Vesp. F. xiii. 132. Tit. B. ii. 91. —(1549.) Cal. B. vii. 404, 406, 408, 410, 412. E. iv. 201. Galba, B. xii. 40, 42, 117. Tit. B. ii. 50, 55.—(155°-) Galba, B. xii. , , 7 b.—(1551.) Cal. B. vii. 421. E. iv. 250, 256. Galba, B. xii. 154. Tit. B. ii. 74.—(> 55 2 -) Cal. B - vii - 461. Galba, B. xii. 234, 236. Tit. B. ii. 60, 62.—(1553-) Cal. E. v. 9. Galba, B. xi. 147. Tit. B. ii. 269. —(1556.) Nero, B. i. 82. Tit. B. ii. 159*. —(1557 ) Cal. e - v - 37 - Tit. B. ii. 156.— (1560.) Cal. E. x. 92. Tit. B. xiii. 11, 1 1 b. 15 b. — (1563.) Galba, C. i. 91, 107. Vesp. C. vii. 267. Tit. B. xiii. 73.— ( 1565.) Cal. B. x. 279, 286 b. 290, 344.— (1569.) Cal. B. ix. 377. C. i. 281. Galba, C. iii. i 54 > ^ 33 * 2 5 >- 3 ° 3 - Tit. B. ii. 269. F. iii. 111.— (1570.) Cal. C. ii. 50. Galba, C. iv. 25, 161. — (1571.) Cal. C. iii. 256. Tit. B. iii. 79.— ( 1572-) Galb a, C. iv. 262, 269, 285, 287. Vesp. F. vL 139, 171. Tit. B. iii. 89. — (1574.) Otejo, E. xi. 90.—(1575.) Galba, C- v. 67.—(* 577 -) Tit, E. iii. 6.—(1578.) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 198, 243.—(1580.) Cal. C. vi. 73. — (1583-) Cal. B. viii. 345.— (1584.) Tit. B. iii. 75.—(15S5.) Tit. B. iii. 99.— (1586.) Tit. B. iii. 70, 116. — (1587.) Galba, D. i. 24. Tit. B. ii. 269. xiii. 406.-- (15SS.) Vesp. F. xii. 159. Tit.B. v. 151.—(1589.) Nero, B. ix. 150. D. i. 289. iv. 2S9. v. 42, 73, 106, 1S8, 213, 215. E. vi. 387.—(1590.) Galea, D. vii. 35 b. 40, 76b. 87, 93b. 114, izS, 195,219, 317. Tit. E. v. S3.—(159! ) Cal. E. viii. 1 c.5, 198. Galba, D. viii. 49, 60, 93 b. 126, 138, 148, 190, 257, 260, 261. (1592.) Cal. E. viii. 511. Galba, D. ix. 113, 156, 158, 2ii, 212b. 225 b. 235, 255, 314b. — (1593.) Cal. E. ix. 170. Galba, D. x. 14b. 21. — (1596.) Galba, D. xii. 23, 46, 54. Otho, E. ix. 335 b. 337. —(1597.) Nero, B. iv. 86 b.— (1598.) Nfro, B. iv. 33 b. 172, 231 Galba, D. xii. 157.—(i6co.) Vesp. C. viii. 369. Tit. C. vii. i 9 o. — (1603.) Nero, B. v. 194, 241. Galba, E. i. 45. Append, xxviii. 131.— (1604.) Cal. E. xi. 124. Galba, E. i. 268.—(1605.) Otho, E. xi. 234. — (1606.) Tit. B. vii. 432.—(1608.) Tit. B. iii. 4, 9, n. —(1610.) Jul. C. iii. 73.—(1612.) Otho, E. xi. 234.— (1615.) Tit.B. v. 77.—(fmeA°) Cal. E. iv. 299. v. 116. vii. 282. Galba, B. x. 342. xii. 38. C. iv. 24. D. xii. 67. Otho, E. ix. 87. xi.. 148, 198b. 291. Vitel. C. i. 118. Vesp. F. xii. 207. xiii. 39, 41. Tit. B. i. 92', 97*. ii. 45, 53, 6S # . iii. 51. xi. 10. C. vii. 172. Privy Chamber, (orders concerning ) Vesp. C. xiv. 249, 257. Privy Seal, Cal. E. viii. 402. Ve:p. F. iii. 7 b. xiii. 35 b. Probie Falconi.e. Ccntoncs Yirgiliani, Vesp. B. xxiii. 77 b. Tit. A. xx. 69. Procopius Caffareenfis. Jul. F. x. icSb. Prognollica, Jul. D. viii. 131. Tin. A. iii. 34. B. v. 51 b. E. viii. 225. Claud. E. viii. 3. Tit. D. xxvi. 10‘b. xxvii. 2z. Dom. ix. 15. Cleop. B. ix. 25 b. Faust. A. v. 98. ex Luna, Tib. A. iii. 30 b. 33b. 34b. 35 <>• 37 t. 38 b. 39, 63. V»,p. E. x. 114. Tit. D. xxvi. 7 b. 8, 9. xxvii. 27. ex tonitnbus, Tib. A. iii. 35, 38. Tit. D. xxvi. 9 b. ex Somniis, Tib. A. iii. 33 b. 35 b. 40. vid. Somnia. de partu, Tib. A. iii. 38 b. 40b. 63. Tit. D. xxvi. 6 b. de temperie anni, Tib. A. iii. 34 de fine mundi, Vesp. B. xxv. 144. Prohibitions. (Ecclefiaft.) Cleop. F. i. 107, 109, 112, 116, 128, 138, 215- ii. 287, 301, 398, 432, 440 b. 450. Fa ust. D. vi. Prohibitions, (Royal 1 to buy or fell land, Vesp. C. xiv. 490. Prophetic, Claud. B. vii. 210. E. vm. 1 b. 11. Nero, A. iv. 63. Vesp. A. xxv. 51. B. x. 22 b. D. xviii. 125 b. E. vii. 130. viii. 16. Tit. D.'viv 27. xii. 81, 93 b. xix. 99. -Dom. ix. 17. Cleop. B. i. 182 b. C. iv. 72 b. 80b. 85,97, no, 113b. 114b. 115. ,D. iii. 184. Faust. B. ix. 241 b. CK Elizabeth’s letter againft prophecying, Cleop. F. ii. 278. Prophete, (John) Vesp. F. xiii. 17. Proprietedes chofes, (Livre des) Auc.vi. Profper Aquitanus. Chronicor. additamenta, Tit. A. xlii. 41. Carmina, Tib. A. vii. 165. Protafii, (Sci.) inventio, Claud. A.i. 41. Protestor, (authority of a) Vesp. C. xiv. 150. Protervus. de ratione Pafchali, Cal. A. xv. 88. Proteftants, mifcell. concerning them, vid. Antwerp, Berwick, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Valenciennes. Frothonotary of Coni. PI. (controverfy con¬ cerning) Nero, C. i. 42 b. Proverbs, vid. Sentential. Prcvinciale Chrillianor. viror. Append. iv. 120. Provifions, mifcell. concerning, Nero, A. xii. 150 b. 152 b. 154 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 595. Tit. A. xix. 96, 96 b. 99. B. ii. 81. v. 283, 305, 352. Provifors, Cleop. E. ii. 94, 96. vi. 140. Prounincq (Ger.de) de Deventer, Gal¬ ea, C. xi. 95, 280. D. i. 16,262. ii. 9, 95, ill. iii. 38. v. 108,119b. Pradentii, (Aurel.) carmina. Tit.- D. xvi. 1. Pfychomachia, Cleop. C.viii. 1. Pruffia, (State papers refpefting) Nero, B. ii. Pruflia, (father Simon de) Vitel. B. ii. 6 3v Pryn, (Edw.) Vesp. C. vii. 386. Puccius, (Laur.) Card. SS. Quatuor, Vi¬ tel. B. ix. 113. Puchier, (B . . . ) Cal. D. vi. 90. Pulton, (Ferd.) Vesp. F. ix. 279. Pulvey, (Ferd.) Jul. C. iii. 78. Pultunc, Abbatia Com. Cell. Carta fund. Nero, C. iii 197. Puritanorum articuli, Jul. F. vi. 172. Puteanus, (Pet.) Lett. Jul. C. v. 124 b. 132, 140, 151, 166, 172, 175 b. 176 b. 180 b. 182 b. 191 b. Pylkington, (Cha.) his Will, Tit. B.viii. 314. Pylkington, (John) Jul.B. xii. 246b. Pyramus, la vie S. Edmund le rcy, Dom. Quadra, (D. Alvaro de) Vesp. C. vii. 272. Queens. Privileges of, Jul. C. ix. 88,98. Dowers of, Jul. C. ix. 93. Vitel. C. . xi - 374- De auro regime, Jul. C. ix. 94. Mifcell. Jul. C. ix. 96. Queen’s Coll. vid. Oxford. Quefne, (Mich, le) Galba, E. vi. 284. Quefnoy, (town of) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 255 b. 259 b. 265. Qmnci, (Rogcrus de) comes Winton. Participate ejufdcm Feodor. Nero, D. x. 196. Quintus Curtius Rufus. Hilt. Alexandra, Tit. D. xx. 180. I N D E X. R. R. Archiep. Cantuar. Epift. Vesp. E. iv. 207. Raftt.(Bartolius) Galba, D. ix. 35- Rading, (Monad.) Cartular. Do.mit. iii. 38. Radipol, (parifh of ) Vesp. F. ix. 273, 276. Radulphus Archiep. Cantuar. Claud. E. v. 249 b. Dom. v. 2. Radulphi de Dunltaplia: vita S. Albani, Claud. E. iv.+ 7 . Radulphus de Diceto. Epid. Tib. A. ix. 23 b. Claud. E. iii. 1 b. Faust. A. viii. 104. Abbreviate chronicor. Claud. F.. iii. 8. Hid. difeordix inter Hen. II. et Tho. a Becket, Vesp. A. xxii. 37. Radulphi nigri chronicon, Claud. D. vii. 6 b. Vesp. D. x. i. Cleop. C. x. i. Radulphi Abbatis de Coggelhal, Chronic. Vesp. D. x. 43. Radzivil, (Nic.) Nero, B. ii. 105. Raglin, (Ifleof) vid. Rathlin. Ragufa, (Magidrates of) Vitel. B. ix. 158 b. Raimundo, (Gio. Bat.) Tit. B. ii. 378. Raid'ela Hargerie (Fr. de) Galba, B. vii. 89. Raleigh, (Sir Walter) Difcourfe on the propofed marriages of Henry Pr. of Wales, and Princefs Eli¬ zabeth, Vitel. C. xvi. 528. xvii. 333- Breviary of his Hid. of England, Ti t. P. iii. 306. Voyage, Tit. B.viii. 153. Tradts on his voyages, &c. Otho, E. viii. 9. ix. 334 b. xi. 368. Vesp. C. xiii. 290. Tit. B. viii. 217. C. vii. 97 - Arraignment, Jul. F. vi. 73 b. Tit. C. vii. 85. Defence, Vitel. C. xvii. 439. Ramelius, (Hen.) Nero, B. iii. 286. Rampdon, (T.) Galba, B. i. 100. Ramryge, (Tho.) Abbot of St. Alban’s, Claud. D.i. 170. Ramfay, (John) Ld. Bothwell, Vesp. C. xvi. 152, 154. Ramfey Abbey, Huntingdon. Diplomata, Auc. ii. 118. Otho, B. xiv. 253. Vesp. A. xviii. 92. Grants, Jul. F. ix. 73, 89. Regid. Cartar. Otho, D. iv. 114. Vesp. E. ii. 1. Rental, Jul. F.ix. 93. Inquifit. Vesf.E. ii. 76. Abbots and Monks, Jul. F. ix. 1. Vesp. A. xviii. 113b. Military Tennants, Galba, E. x. 7, Mifcell. Vesp. A. xviii. 88, 147. Tit. B. iv. 91. Ramus, (Pet.) on his foundation at Paris, Vesp. F. v. 232. Randal, (....) Cal. B. x. 41, 51. Randolph, (Sir Tho.) Inflrudtions, Jul. F. vi. 117. Cal. B. x. 238. C. v. in, 152. viii. 282. Letters.—(1561.) Cal. B. ix. 165, 167. x. 32, 149, 151, 177, 181, 185, 189, 195, 197.—(1562.) Cal. B. ix. 175. x. 213. — (1563 ) Cal. B. x. 220, 248 b.— (1564.) Jul. F. vi. 88, 91, 117. Cal. B. ix. zio. x. 254, 263, 264, 273.—(1565.) Cal. B. ix. 218, 228, 237. x. 274, 275, 298, Z99, 305, 311, 318, 321, 330, 335.—(1566.) Cal. B. ix. 216, 220, 232,244.* x. 369.—(1570.) Cal. C. ii. 140, & inde padim. Tit. B. ii. 375. — (1572.) Cal. C. iii. 149, 150, 154, 158.—(1578.) Tit. B. vii. 18.—(1581.) Cal. C. vi. 107, 122, 126, 135. ix. 10.— (1582.) Cal. C. vii. 10.— ( 1 585.) Jul. F. vi. 51 b. Cal. C. viii. 307.—(1586.) Cal. C.viii. 294, 299, 303. ix. 169, et inde padim. Mifcell. Cal. B. ix. 182, 202. x. 217, 238. C. vi. 166, 126, 135. Randulph, Abbot of Evefliam, Aug. ii.'ir. Ranulphus, (Abbas de Ramefey) Epitaph, Nero, A. x. 140. Ranulphus Cedria? Comes, vid. Mefchines. Ranzow, (Breida) Dnnifli AmbafT. in France, Inftr. and Negociat. Vesp. F. v. 330. Ratcliff, (Cuthbert) Cal. B. iii. 231. viii. 4 ‘- Ratcliff, (Edw.) Otho, E. ix. 180b. Ratcliff, (Hen.) E. of Sudex, Vesp. C. vii. 196. Tit. B.ii. 51, 88, 178, 179.* Ratcliff, (Hen.) Vifc. Fitzwatcr, Vesp. F. xiii. 95, 110 b. Ratcliff, (Sir Hen.) Vesp. F. xii. 24, 125, 166. Tit. B. iii. 97, 107, 123I xiii. 20, 32. Ratcliff, (Hen.) Cal. B. ix. 37;, 382, 3 S S> 3 8 7 > 39 8 > 4 l6 - Tit. B. ii. 447. Ratcliff, (Jac.) Jul. B. xii. 244 b. Ratclid, (Mary) Cfs. of Sudex, Vesp, F. xiii. 102. Ratcliff, (Robt.) E. of Sudex, Cal. D. ii. 216, 223, 227. Vesp. F. xiii. 101, 101 b. Tit. B. i. 344. ' Ratcliff, (R.) Cal. B. vii. 77. Ratcliff, (Tho.) E. of SufTex. Lett. &c. —Cal. B. ix. 330b. 332, 33^, 334 > 339 - c - >• 3 2 4 ’ 3 ^ 4 - ii- 15, 8i, 86, 83 , 91, 104, 405. iii. 249. E. vi. 315. Galba, B. xi. 300. Otho, C. x. 210. Vesp. F. xii. 50, 62, 64, 69, 77, 80, 88, 97, 98, 99, 101, 106, 114. Tit. B. ii. 313, 321. iii. 125, 1 33 » 1 3 8 - v - >°S> lo6 - vii - I 4 2 » 303, 307. xi. 442. xiii. 97, 102, 178, 4Z3. Faust. C. ii. 144. Rathborne, (Aaron) Tit. B. iv. 277. Rathelin, (chart of the barony of) Auc. i. vol. i. 48. Rathlin, (ide of) Tit. B. x. 171, 298,304, 407. xii. 29. C. vii. 163 b. Ratifbon, (Diet of) Nero, B. ix. 4. Ratlef, (John) Vesp. C. vii. 85. Ravenna, (B . ,.. ) Card, of, vid. AccoltL Ravenna, (Archbp. of) Cal. D. iii. 94. Ravennendum Epifcopor. Catal. Tib. B. v. 22 b. Ravoria, (P. della) Tit. B. vii. 165. Rauffal, (...) Nero, B. vi. 401. Rawley, (Simonis) Hidoria, Vitel. E. xiv. 239. Rawlins, (Rich.) Bp. of St. David’s, Vi¬ tel. B. ix, 117. I X D E X. Riy, (Hen.) Cal. B. i. ,30. 320. iii. 248. Raylegh, (....) Otho. E. viii. 243. Reading Monafl. Chartul. Claud. D. ii. 130b. Vesp. E. v. 17. xxv. Cleop. E. i. 100. Mifc. Claud. E. viii. 2 b. Vesp. F.. v. 6 b. io. Reading, (Robt. de) Monach. Wellm. Annales, Cleop. A. xvi. 67. Reaux, (M. de) Initruft. Cal. E. viii. 547. Mifc. Cal. E.ix. 421. Rebels, (warrants, &c. concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 511. Reclufe, vid. Afeetici. Reconcilers, (penaltiesof) Tit. B. iii. 57. Record, (courts of) Vesp. E. viii. 2. Records, (Mifc. concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 497, 507, 508, 510. Tit. B. v. 200. Faust. E. v. 67. Titles of Records in the Tower, Vesp. B. xv. 1. C. xiv. 507. Tit. B. vi. 241. Titles and records rc-fpecling property, Scutagia, Claud. C. iv. 3. Feoda, Cl a u d. C. iv. 50, 5 1. Ne ro, D. i, 17:. Inquilitiones, Claud. C. iv. 158, 2o6.xii. Cleop. B. iv. 108. Efclma, Claud. C.xii- Faust. C. x. Reculver, Monalt. Aug. ii. 57. Recufants, concerning them, Galba, D. xii. 83 b. Tit. B. iii. 56 b. 58, 60, 61, 63, 65, 66, 68, 73. vii. 49Z. in Ireland, Tit. B. x. 295, 355. Rede, (Guil.) Epifc. Cicellr. Chronica de Pontif. Jul. B. iii. 1. Red-Wier, (diforders at) Cal. C. v. 33, 52. Reed, (SirWm.) Galea, D. ii. 212, 267. Reformation : papers concerning it, Cleop. E. v. vi. Faust. C. vii. 173. vid. Pro- teftants. Regent in France, (whether a woman may be) Cal. D. ix. 120. Regintn Colleg. Ox on. Statuta, Claud. A. iv. 57. Reginaldi fil. Petri, cartae, Vitel. A. ii. 100 b. Reginaldus nvvm’.us Auguil. Cantuar. de vita Sci. Malclii, Vesp. E. iii. 176. Verfus, Vesp. E. iii. 200, 208 b. Rcgulte fanclimoniales, Claud. D. iii. 50. Cleop. C. vi. 1. Regulans concordia, vid. Monachi. Regum ChiiiVunor. nomina, Jul. D. viii. Reidt, (Everard de) Galba, C. vii. 264. D. viii. 199 b. 2C2. Reidt, ( 0 :t. Hen. von dem Byland,Baron de) Galba, D. ix. 19. Rcimundus, (de ejufdem indole, &c.) Claud. E. viii. 13 b. Reineccius, (P.ic.) Jul. C. v. 12. Reiters, (German) Cal. E. viii. 549,557, Sf)6, 572. Rclationibus, (Traf>. de) Vitel. A. i. 214. b. Releviorum tenentium in capite, abflraflum, Vitel. C. ii. Relics of the H. Crofs, Ti b. A. vi. 3 7. Religions, (about marriages of different) Vitel. C. xi. 375. de ortu religionum, Tib. E. viii. 3. (Devife for alteration of) Jul.F. vi. 161. Religiofcr. (Ordines) Jul. D. viii. 21 b. F. vii. io2, 169, 170. Vesp. B. ii. 40b. vid. Monachi. Statutum de religiofis, Cleop. C. vii. 18 b. Religioforum petitiones, Faust. A. viii. 174 b. Religious trafls, meditations, fome in verfe, f ul. A. ii. 140 b. Cleop. B. iv. 29 b. C. ii. 167 b. 170 b. D. vii. 187 b. Faust. A. vi. 148, 151, 156, 156 b. 157, 158. Relph, (Richard) Nero, B. xi. 359b. Remolinus, (Fr.) Card, of Sorento, Govr. of Rome, Vitel. B.ii. 89*, 100b. Renghers, (Joh.) Galba, D. ii. 16. ix. 77 - Reprifals, (opinion concerning) Tit. C. vii. Requefens, (D. Louis de) Galba, C. v. 1 59- Visp. C. vii. 271. Retailers, Tit. B. v. 525. Retz, (Albert de Gondy Mareflial de) Cal. E. vi. 189. Revel, (Charles de) Galba, C. iii. 15b. 16, 18, 19, 22, 37 b. Revenue, (Courts of) Tit. B. iii. 14S. Revenue, (fundries concerning) Tit. B. iii. 201 b. iv. 1, 85, 89, 94, 96, 101, 105, 108, 112, 120, 122, 125, 127, 145, 155, 164, 233, 237, 244, 246, 258, 271, 273, 276, 297, 300, 333, 335 - v - 377 - vi - 2 > 3 - Faust. C. ii. 122 b. 138. Colledtions by Sir Robt. Cotton, Cleop. F. vi. Reuter, (Adam) Jul. C. iii. 116. Rewards, (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. S 35 - Rcymer, (John) defeription of Portugal, Nero, B. i. 286. Reynold, D. of Juliers, Galba, B. i. 73. Reynoldi, (Gualt.) Archiep. Cantuar. con- flitutiones, Vitel. A. ii. 83 b. Gal¬ ba, E. iv. 70 b. Reyfchach, (Simon de) Galba, E. iii. 225. Rhegini Prumienfis Abbatis. Chronicon, Tib. C. xi. 43. Rhetorica, (Mifcellan.) Jul. F. vii. 11R. Vesp. E. viii. 97, 113. Cleop. B. vi. 230. Rhine, (comfe of) Aug. i. vol. ii. 63. Cleop. B. viii. Rhodes, (Knights of) Mifc. Otho, C. ix. 8, 11,19. Rhodes, (fiege and furrender of) Otho, C. ix. 39, 42, 43. Vitel. B. v. 109, 116, 120, 133, 14S. Tit. A. xxvi. 161. Riariis, (Raph. de) Card. S. Georgii Bp. of Ollia, Vitel. B. ii. 114b. 172b. Ribadencira, Jul. F. vi. 87. Ribchefter, (Antiquities at) Jul. F. vi. 287, 298. Ribera, (Diego de) orden civil & criminal, T1 t. D. vi. Ricardus Cluniacens. in laudem Anglia?, J„L. a. via. 3. Chronic. Pontiff. Jul. B. iii. 1. Ricardi Divifenfis Chronicon de temp. R. Ric. I. Dom. xiii. 70. Ricardus Ercmita, fuper 1 & 2 verf. Can- ticor. Vesp. E. i. 78. Ricardi de Pofis, formula: Epiftolar. Ni no, A. iv. 126. Ricemarchi, (....) verfus, Faust. C. i. 66 . Rich, (Sir Rich.) Solic. Gen. Otho, C. x. 220. Richard I. K. of England. Coronation, Tib. E. vii:. 160b. Claud. C. iv. 236. A’ esp. C. xiv. 130. Letters, charters, ■ c. Ci.auij. D, ii. iii. Nero, C. iii. 182b. Vest. C. xiv. 298. Tit. F. xiii. 3;. Captivity, Claud. E. viii. 2 b. Itinerary, Faust. A. xii. 4. Chronicon, vid. Ricardus Divifenfis. Richard II. K. of England. Coronation, Fib. E. viii. 26, 39 b. i6cb. Nero, D. vi. 65, 70. Vitli.. C. iv. ioi. no. Vesp. B. xv. 2. Dom, xviiL 2, 12. Ci.eo p. D. iii. 185. Treaties and Negociations, Jul. B. vi 7.— 28. E. ii. 102. Cal. D. iii. 9; Nero, B. i. 13, 17. ii. 4. Vesp. C. vii. 15. Marriage, Vitel. C. xi. 3, Cleop. E. ii. 218. Charters, Auc. ii. 12. Nfko.B. ix. 2?, 29. Cleop. D. iii. 195b. Creations, Jul. B. i. 97 b. Tit, C. i. 116. Proclamation, Cal. D. iii. 100. Ordonnance de Its batailles, Jul. B. i. 95 b. Nero, D. vi. 91 b. Affairs of Ireland, Tit. B. xi. 6, 6 b. 7 b. 8, 8 b. 9, 10, 16 b. 23 b. 151, 153, 158, 160, 164, 166, 16S, 171, ■ 75 . * 34 . *36. M 3 ' Eflatutz avec le Comte dc Lancafter, Nero, D. vi. 89. Depofition, Tib. A. iv. 152. Vitel. C.Lx. 294. Life, Tib. C. ix. 1. Claud. B. Lx. 267. Tit. F. iii. 253. His Pfalter, Dom. xvii. Commilfions, Inftruflions, Letters, See. Cal. D.iii. 104, 109. Nero. D. vi. 85. Galba, B. i. 16. Vesp. C. xii. 105, ioi’. F. vii. 29, 30, 33, 40, 88 b. Tit. B. v. 5. C. i. 1S7. Cleop. B. xii. 44. D. iii. 203 b. Richard III. K. of England. While D. of Glouceifcr, Jul. B. xii. 11 x. 138b. 141 b. 169,170,207,209,227, 230, 253, 308, 318. Vesp. F. iii. io. Life, by Sir G. Buc. Tib. F. x. A meeting with Scottifh Ambafladors, Cal. B. v. 147. Mifcell. Vesp. C. xiv. 100. F. xiii. 53. Tit. B. xi. 23. Richard D. of York, vid. Plantagenet. Richard, Abbot of Winchccmb, Nero, B. vi. 25. Richardot, (prefident) Vest. C. vii. 448, 456,468. viii. 23 1, 267, 375. Richii, (Rob.) vita B. Edmundi, Cleop. B.i. 24. Richmond, (carta libertatum honoris d’) Jul. B. xii. 133. Regill. honoris de, Faust. B. vii. 7;. (Redditus comicis de) Jul. B. xii. 237 b. (Inquifitio de ten is) Jul. B. xii. 259. Richmond, (concerning the county of) Jul. if. vi. 23, 24. Richmond, (Arthur Count of) his icleafe, Jul. B. vi. 38. Richmond, (lien. D. of) fontollen. VIII. Vesp. F. iii. 18 b. Richmond, (D. of) vid. F.tzroy. Ridgeway, (Sir TLo.) Tit. B, 181, 189, 405. Ridolfi, (Robt.) Cal. C. iii. 96. Ridley, (Robt.) Cleop. E. v. 362 b. I N D E X. Riddell, (Pet.) Jut. C. iii. 31b. Rieval, (Abbatiade) JuL.D.i. 1*, 15. vid. Ailred. Riga, (city) Nero, B.ii. 52. Riga, (Petri de.) Aurora, Vesp. D. v. i. Tit. D. XX. 122 b. Rincus, (Herm.j Vitel. B. xxi. 13, 38,41, 43 - Ripley, (Geo.) fig. ejufdcm feretii, Vitel. E. x. 227. Rifhanger, (Will, de) Chron. Claud. D. vi. 97. Faust. B. ix. 7;. Rifing, (Gilbert dc) carta, Nero, C. iii. 182. Rivius, (T.) Jul. C. v. 62 b. Rizzio, (David) concerning his death, Cal. B. viii. 135. ix. 219*. Robert Bruce K. of Scotland. Treaty with France, Cal. B. v. 59, 298- Robert II. K. of Scotland, Vtsp. F. vii. 33, 3;. Tit. A. xix.87. Alliances with France, Tit. A. iii. 22, 38. Robert III. K. of Scot. Vesp. F. vii. 36, 37, 38, 40, 66, 68, 73, 77, 102. Robert, of Glouceiler, chronicle, Cal. A. xi. I. Robert, (Nic.) Otho, C. ix. 39. Robert, (...) Cal. B. vii. 249. Roberti, Abbatis Montis S. Michaelis. Opufc. hillor. Dom. viii. 70, 70 b. Roberti, Prioris de Bridlington: Epitaph. Vesp. E. vii. 134b. Roberti dc Reading: annales, Cleop. A. xvi, 67. Roberti de Winchelfea : conilitutiones. &c. Fa ust. A. viii. 41 b. 116 b. 173 b. Statuta, Galea, E. iv. 67. Robcfart, (Lewis) Lord Bourchier, Vesp. F. xiii. 34. Robinfon, (Hen.) Bp. of Carlifle, Tit. C. vi. 157. Robinfon, (Oliv.) Jul. C.iii. 135b. Robinfon, (Ric.) de curiis. Tit. A. xxvi. zo8, 229 b. Roche, (Maurice Fitz-John) LordofFer- moy, Tit B. xi. 218. Roche, (Patrick) Tit. B. xi. 489. Roche, (...la) Cal. E. xij. 126. Tit. B. xi. 64. Rochelle, (municipality of) Cal. E. vii. 7z, 136 b. Rochepot, ( ....) Ca l. E. iv. 7. RocheJler. Regillri cartar. Eccl. Roffens. Dom. x. 91. Faust. B.v. i. C. v. Epifcoporum nomina, Tib. B. v. 20. Excerpta c Textu Roffens. Jul. C. ii. 49-66, 78 b. 93 b. 95, 98. Excerpta ex Hill, et Regillris, Vitel. E. xiv. 242, 264. Roffenfe Chronicon, Nero, D. ii. 1, 203, 238. Vesp. A. xxii. 8. Varia, Galea, E. iv. 20. Cleop. F. i. 344, 345 b. Faust. B. v. ioob. F.cclelix Sci. Andrea: ibid. Came, Vesp. A. xxii. 63, 120. (J.Bilhopof) Vesp. F. xiii. 1 -j, (Vifc. of) vid. Carr, Wilmot. Rodenbauchbet, (Theod.) Cal. E. xii. 1 39- Rolenburg, (Hcrm.) Galba, C. viii. 152. RoJenburgo, (Hen.) Otho, E. x. 333. Roe, (SirTho.) Tit. B. vii. 474. Roemar, (Otho) Nero, B. iii. 18. Roffeath, (...) Jul. C. iii. 165, 167. Roger, (PatrichiS) Capit. de Fearney, Tit. B. xi. 20 b. Roger de Wendover, excerpta ex ejufdem Chron. Otho, D. iv. 119. Rogeri de Cellria Polychronicon, Jul. E. viii. Rogeri de Waltham, compendium Morale, Vesp. B. xxi. Rogers, (Dr. Dan.) Nero, B. iii. 320, 344. Galea, C. v. 140, 153 b. 162, 2Sc, 338. vi. P. i. 73. P. ii. i 43> 132. vii. So. Tit. B.vi, 37. Rogers, (Patrick) Vesp. F. xii. 17. Rogcrfii, (Dan.) antiquze de Britan. Obferv. Tit. F.x. Rogerus Conflab. Ceilikc : carta, Nero, C. iii. 170. Rogerus Abbas Glaftonix. Speculum Ecdefke,T ib. B. xiii. 182. Rohan, (Henry Due dc) Cal. E. x. 224, 270. Rokeby, (Chrillpli.) Cal. B. x. 379. Rolfe, (Ric.) Cal. E. x. 163. Roiin, (Wm. and Robt.) Tit. B. vii. 278. Rollete, (...) Cal. E. vi. 25. Rolls, (mailers of the) Faust. C. ix. 15. Rolls, (patent) vid Tower. Coliedlanea ex antiquis rotulis, Tit. D. xiii. Faust. E. iv. z. &c, Roma antiqua. de mirabilibus Romx, Nero, C. ii. 82. Romanorumhilloria, Galba, E. xi. 125. Imperatores Romani, Jul. A. vii. 2. B. iii. 25. xiii. 2,28,41. D. ii. 23. Tib. B. v. 19, Gai.ba, E. xii. Vitel. A. xii. 121. Tit. D. xviv. 13. Faust. B- ii!. 153. Impp. feries cx nummis, Nero, D. x. 101. de Magillratibus, Ti t. D. xx. 165, 172 b. Romani Imperii pravincia:, Claud. C, vi. 1. Rcliquix et inferiptiones, Jul. F. vi. 279,280,281*, 286,287, 288,289, 292, 293, 300, 405. x. 137. Aug. iii. N° 9. Ti t. B. vi. 244 b. Varia de urbe, Tit. D.xix. 8b. 9, 16b. 3°- 39- Roma hodierna. Defcriptio, Claud. E. viii. 6. Tit. A. xix. 11 b. Fa ust. A. viii. 146. Varia de urbe, Tib. B.v. 22 b. Vitel. B. viii. 135. ix. 108, 141 b. Tit. D. xix. 42b. Faust. B. vii. 14b. D. iv. 2 b. Varia de Romana ecclefia, Jul. D. i. 3. viii. 15 b. Cal. A. i. 99. ii. 81. Claud. E. viii. 263. Vitel. F. ii. Tit. D. xix. 25b. Dom. xiii. 108. Cleop. B. xii. 52 b. Faust. B. vii. 10, 13 b. Mifcell. Vitel. B. iv. 109, 131. Tit. B. i. 103. vid. Imperator, Pontifex. Tranfafta inter Angliam et Romam, Vi¬ tel. B. ii.—-xiv. Englilh ambaffadors at Rome, vid. Gar¬ diner, Bryan, G. Cafalis, Vannes. Romefcot, vid. Sci. Petri denarius. Romney marlh, (plans of) Auc. i. vol. i. 24, 2-j. Carta, &c. Galba, E. iv. 148, 15S b. 181. Cleop. C. vii. 36. Ronton, (Regill. Priorat.de) Vesp. C. xv. Rookes, (Geo.) inllrudlions to, Jul. E. ii. 105. Rookes, (Laurence) CaL.E. x. 165* Roos, (Wm. Lord) Tit. B. vii 448. Roos, (Baroms) inquifitio de terris, Iul. B. xii. 258 b. J Title of, Faust. C. viii. 12, 29. Roquetallade, (...) Galba, D. i.34. Rorarius, ( . . ) Vesp. F. i. 10. Rolearrock, (Nic.) Jul. C. v. 41. Rofny, vid. Sully. Ref., (fam.) ped. Jul. C. vi. 226. D. i. 1. Rols, (J.) of Warwick, Jul. E. iv. 201. Rofs, (J. Ormond) Vesp. F. xiii. 105. Refs, (Bp. of) vid. Lefly. Roffel, (Jaques) Galba, C. viii. 74. Rolli. (Joh.) Warwicens. Hill, a Eruto, Vesp. A. xii. Excerpta, Vitel. E, xiv. 272. Roilock, (MagiUrates of) Nero, B. ix. 55. Rofweidus, (Herib.) Jul.C. v. 13 s b. Rotclande; (Hugonis dc) Ipomedon, me. trice, Vesp. A. vii. 37. Roth|ram, (flaiuta Coll. Jelu de) Vitel. Rothawell, (Eccl.de) Vjtel. A. ii. 99b, Rotwil, (Fab. v.) Jul. C. v. 31. Rouen, (views of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 87, 89, 90, 91. Rouen, (Archbp. of) Cal. D. iii. 94,106. Rouge, (Fr. lc) Nero, B. xi. 267. Rovida, (Aleflandro) Cal. E. xi. 91. Round-table, (verfes concerning a knight of the) Tit. A. xxi. 94 b. Rowe, (Owyn) Vesp. F. xii. 23. Rowfle, (Jeh. le) Tit. B. vii. 126. Roy Aon monad. Bull, Aug. ii. 124, 130. Rubeis, (A. Card, de) Nero, B. vi. 30. Rubens, (Pet. Paul) Jul. C. v. 109. Rucardine, (Ro.) Vitel. B. xiv. 161. Ruckwood-Jiall Effex, (cullom of the manor) Vesp. F. ix. 196. Rudborn, (Tho.) Monach. Winton. chroni¬ con, Claud. B. vii. 1. Nero, A. xvii. Rudfin manor, T1 b. E. viii. 246. RudolphusII. Imperator. Carmina in illius laudem, J u l. C. ii. 328. Letters, &c. Cal. D. i. 32. Nero, E. ix. 126, 166, 169, 181, 186 b. 189. Galba, B. xi. 372, 414,417,423. C. vi. P. i. 95. P. ii. 244 b. D. viii. 234, 262. ix. 79. x. 141. xi. 46. xiii. 143, 186, 189, 246, 247, 24S. E. i. 67, 70, > 36 * > 37 » 34 ^* 35 6 > 358 . 339 - Vesp. F. iii. 66. A. Ruffi, (Hen. Felinei) Vesp. F. xii. 36, 48. Ruffin, (St.) life and martyrdom, Nero, C. xii. 181. Rufi, vita Afra:, Tit. D. xvi. 113.XX. 128. Rumours, (punifliments for raifing falfe) Vesp. C. xiv. 537. Runcevalle, (de bello de) verfus. Tit-A. xix. 153. Runic inferiptions, Jul. F. vi. 2S9, 297, Cal. A. xv. 119 b. 120. Dom. xviii. 37 - Alphabet, Vitel. A. xii. 62. Vesp, A. xviii. 67 b. Dom. ix. 8, 10. Rupertus, Rom. Rex, Vitel. E. x. 80 b, Rupt.. . (J.de) Vitel. B. v. 206. Rural ceconomy. Tit. B. v. 295, 297, 308. Ruffel, (Barth.) Clerk of the peace in Ire. land. Tit. B. xi. 440. 8 L I N I) E X. Ruln.ll, (Francis) E. of Bedford, Jul. F. vi. 91. Cal. R. ix. 214, 224. x. 264, J72, 380, 382, 390. E. VI. 26. Vesp. C. xiv. 320. Ruffell, (Fra.) Jui. C.iii. 136, 138. Ruffell, (Sir J.) Vitel. H. v. 193, 214b. 217, 221, 223, 239. vi. 9, 15, 150. 166, 181 b. 211,219,243, 256,261b. vii. 29. 54. 77, 116, 119, 134, 141, 149 157, 171 . 1 ix. 26, 47,50,75,85, 97, 100, 105. Vesp. C.ii.66. Ruflell, (J. ) Cal. D. vii. 31. Vesp.F- nil. ; - I . . 1 . x : : E. iv. 99b. Ruflell, (Sir Win.) Galba, D. i. 140. ii. 13, 18,60, 273, 2S4. iii. 3, 32, 36, 40, 42, 48, 54. Tit. B. ii. 31 7 - vii. 94, 108. xii. 347 b. xiii. 477, 485. 497. Ruflell, (VVm.) Jul. C.iii. 33 b. Ruffell, (Win.) Inquifition on his death, Dom. xv. 149. Ruffell, (....) E. of Bedford, Cal. C. iii. 44 1 b - RuflVl, (Lord) concerning his murder on the borders. Cal. B. viii. 319. C. viii. 230, 233,236,237,237 b. 239b. 246. Ruffe], (Capt.) Tit. B. viii. 272. Ruffell, (....) fecond fon to an E. of Bed¬ ford, Tit. B. vii. 348. Rufshe, (Francis) Tit. B. ii. 454. Ruflia, (Mifcell. concerning) Nero, B. xi. 316, 3,0, 335. 3+3, 34 S. 347 - V„p. F. v. 189 b. Ruffyn, (Monafl.) limites terrar. Jul, A. vii. 51. Ruthal, (Tho.) Bp. of Durham, Cal. B.ii. 285. vi. 40. Rutgerfius, (Jan.) Jul. C. v. 66 b. Ruthven, (Alexander lord) on the troubles in Scotland, Cal. B. ix. 219 •. Ruthven, (Will, lord) E of Gowrie, Cal, B. viii. 220. C. iv. 62. vii. 68 b. viii. 23, 24 b. 28. Ruthven, (the adl of) Cal. C. vii. 253, 259, 259 b. 271. Rutland, (E. of) vid. Manners. Rutland, (Tho.) Nero,C. x. 2. Ruylb, (Pet.) Galba, D. i. 21. Rye, (ftrangers at) Galea, C. iii. 258, 262. Rvmer, (John) account of Portugal, Nero, E. i. 286. Ryn'andt, (Magiftrates of) Galba, D. v. 240. Rylheton, (Nic.de) G alba, B. i. 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 46, 48, 49. 55* 5 6 * 57 * 5 s * 6 4 > 75 * 77 * 96. 99 * Io6 - Ryfsheton, (W. de) Galba, B. i. 100. Rvfwic, (jean de) Galba, C. ix. 331, Ryther, (James) Cal. B. ix. 410. Ryves, (Dr.T.) Tit. B. x. 222. Ryves, (T.) J ul. C. v. zi8 b. S. Sackville, (Tho.) Lord Buckhurft, Cal. D. ii. 503. E. viii. 175, 519. Nero, B. vii. 169. Galba, C. Lx. 230b. xi. $‘» 337 * 348 * 352 - D.i. 15, 35, 51, 96, 107, 119, 1 32 b. ii. 163 b. iii. 113. iv. 241. v. 149, 177. xiii. 227. Vesp. F. xii. 209. i ; B. ii. 353, vi, 101. xiii. 565. Sadler, (Sir Ralph) Cal. B. ii. 344. vii. 423. viii. 1 '. . ■ 7 . 7 78. x. 35, 37, 39* 45* r ■ 9* 188. C. iii. 125, 126, 1S7, 194, 195, 206. viii. 118. Tit. B. i. 343, 3-0, 375. Cleop. E. iv. 178. Sadleyer, (Hen.) Tit. B. i. 153. Safe-condudls, (Index to) enroled in Chan¬ cery, Jul. E. iii. 224. Saints, (Lift of) Tit. B. vi. 17;. Saint George, (Rich.) Norroy, concerning the honours of nobility, Vesp. C. xiv. 207, 412. Saint J ail le, (Didier de) Otho, C. ix. 54, S9,91/ St. John, (Sir 01 .) Jul. C. iii. 17, 25 b. 37, 72, 74 b 93 b. 96 b. 125. Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 176. St. John, (Lord) vid. Pawlet. St. John,(Wm.) Vesp. F.xiii. 126. St. John, (Lady) defeent from Edm. E. of Lincaft. Jul. B. xii. 257. St. Lawrence, (Nic.) Lord Howth, Tit. B. xi. 57. St. Leger, (Sir Anth ) T ft. B. xi. 437. St. Leger, (SirWarham) Tit. B. xii. 486 b. xiii. 350, 359, 362, 366, 557. S:. Liz, (Simo) Comes Northampt. Carta, Nero, C. iii. 180 b. St. Luke, (....) Cal. E. ix. 127. St. Saccrdos, (attempt upon) Cal. D. iii. 6. Saint Sauvenr, (Mons.) Cal. E. x. 249, 274, 2S7. Saintre, (Sire Jehan) fes proueffes, jouftes, &c. Nero, D. ix. 1. Sages, (the Procys of the fevyn) a poem, Galba, E. ix. 22 b. Saker, (works on cape) Auc. i. vol. ii. 1 *3* Saladini, Sultani Egypt. Epift. ad Fred. I. Cl a u d. E. viii. 2. Salce caftle, (plan of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 79. Salica, (de lege) carmen, Vitel. E. x. Difceptatio, Cleop. E. ii. 34. Salilbury, (chronicle of) Cleop. B. iv. 31. Salilbury, (R.) earl of, Vesp. F. xiii. 37. Salilbury, (Capt. Raufe) Galba, C. viii. 72, 76. Salilbury, (R.) Vesp. F. xiii. 307 b. Salilbury, (Wm.) J u l. C. iii. mb. Salilbury, (E. of) vid. Montagu, Nevill. Salilbury, (Bp. of) vid. Jewel. Salomo Rex : Proverbia, vid. Biblia. Qusedam de. Cal. A. x. 201 b. Salopienfis, (Roberti) Vita S. Winifreds, Claud. A. v. 138. Salters petition, Tit. B. v. 335, 388. Saltpeter, (Trail on) Otho, E. vii. Saltry Monad. Auc. ii. ill, 114, 115,116, 121, 123, 125, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132. Salviati, (....) Card. Vitel. B. ix. 155, 1 59 - xi - 47 - Salviati, (....) Vitel. B. x. 102 b. 115. Salviatus, (Jac.) Vitel. B. xi. 45, 112. Sammerthanus, (....) Jul. C. v. 67. Sumpfon, (Dr. Rich.) Bp. of Chichcfter. Cal. D. vi. 282, 297. E. ii. 132. Galba, B. iii. 320. v. 328, 331, 384, 389. Vesp. C. ii. 14, 25, 54, 78, 94,95, 106, 117, 131,134, 140, 143, 164, 169, 173, 176, 177, i 83 , 193, 195, 200, 206, 228, 236, 260', 284, 3 ° a . 3 ^ 1 . 333 > 34 ®. 37 °- ' 9 . S 3 . 7z, 78, 86, 100, 107, 129, 135, 157, 158, 188, 214, 222. 'Lit. B. i. 314. Cleop. E. v. 294, 296, 298, 300. Sanilo-amore, (Wil. de) de pcriculis novifs. tempor. Vitel. C. xiv. 9. Sandlorum Legends, Yits, &c. vid. Libri Liturgici. Sancy, (de) Cal. E. viii. 110, 572. Vesp. F. v. 370. Sand.ms de Schifmate, excerpta, Jul. F. vi, 44 b. 231. Sandro, (Bernardir.) Nero, B. vi. 149. vii. 95-97 b - 99 - ‘ c >- >° 3 * Hi. Sands, (Nevil) Cal. C. v. 10. Sands, (. . . Lord) Vt tel. B. xxi. 189. Sandwich, (Laws of) Jul. B. v. (Grants of) Auo.ii. 67, 90. Galba, E. iv. 22 b. (Chart of the Marfti of) Auc. i. vol. i. 54 - Sandy . 1. Lord) . F. • "d. 115, 135. Tit. B. ii. 326. Sandys, (Sir Will.) Cal. E. ii. 111. iii. 12. Sanga, (Jo.Bap.) Vitel. B. ix. 41. Sanmillan, (Fra. A. de) Galea, B. x. 78. Saraceni. de geftis eorum, fub Saladinoet Saffadino, Do.w. xiii. 134 b. Mores, Faust. A. vii, 149 b. Saravia, (Adr.de) Galba, C. xi. 278. D. iii. 235,240, 319. Sarcerius, (Erafmus) Cleop. E. v. 230. Sardinise infeodatio, per Bonif. VIII. Nero, C. ii. 41. Sarpi, (Fr. Paolo) Nero, B. vii. jS1. Saturnus, dialogus interipfum et Salomcnem, Vitel. A. xv. 83 b. Satyrs, Burlefques, &c. Cal. B. v. 322 b. 325 b. E.x.310,311. TiT.D.xv.584 Dom. i. 157. Savage, (John) confeflions, Cal. C. ix. 290. Savage, (Ravelyn) Vesp: F.xii. Z9. Savarici Ep. Bathon. epitaph, Jul. F. vii. 148. Sauch, (Jehan de la) G alba, B. iv. 134. Savel, (James) his examination, Galba, D. i. 283. Saver.fby, (Alex, de) Coventrcns. Epifc, conftitutiones, Vesp. E. iii. 139. Savile, (Fam.) defeent, Jul. B. xii. 306. Savile, (Sir Hen.) Jul. C. iii. 12, 81. v. 102 b. 104, 201, 205 b. Savile, (Henry) jun. Jul. F. vi. 299. Savile,(Ja.) Jul.C.v. 14. Savile, (Tho.) Jul.C.v. 2 b. 5,7 b. 16 b. 19 b. Saunder, (Ant.) Cleop. E. iv. 47 b. Saunder, (Nic.) Jul. C. iii. 137. Saunders, (....) Cal. C. iii. 501. Savoy, (Pedigree of the counts of) Nero, D. i. 183 b. Savoy, (titles of date papers between Eng¬ land and) Jul. E. ii. 89. Savoy hofpital: revenue and expences, Vesp. C. xiv. 538. Contents, Tit.. B. iii. 45. Inft. et ftatuta. Cl eop. C. v. 2. Saxey, (Mr.) on the diforders in Munfter, Tit. B.xii. 1 Saxon laws, Jul. C. ii. 69, 76 b. 78 b. g8, 101. Saxon kings, vid. England. Saxon Vocabularies, vid. Lexica. Saxonum (dc ortu) Faust. B. ii. 1. Say, (John) Vesp. F. xiii. 36. Say, (Wm.) his teftament, Jul. F. x. 6. Sea... (Ric.) Vitel. B. xiv. 283. Scalario, (Rob.de) Nero,C. iii. 187. Scaliger, (Jos.) Carm. Jul.C. v. 25. Scandaluin magnatum, (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 546. Scarborough, (Plan of) Auc. i. vol.ii. 1. Scardburgh manor, Jul. B. xii. 211b. Scarfdale manor, J u l. B. xii. 211b. Scheld, (Courfe of the) Auo.i. Vol.ii. 63. (Navigation of) Galba, C. iv. 390. (Bridge over the) burnt. Galea, C.Vii. Schenck, (Col. Sir Martin) Galba, C.vii. 95. viii. 51. D. iii. 163. iv. 30, 2C2. v. 27. Schepfeved, (Wilt, de) Annal. Angl. Faust. B. vi. 69. Scheyfin, (Jo.) Chancr. of Brabant, Galba, C. iii. 223. Scheyffue, (Max. Sc Edw.) Galba, C.vii. 2 35 > 2 39 - Schiedam (Magiftrates of) Galba, B. i. 118. Schiner, (Andr.) Vitel. B. iii. 47 b. Schiner, (Mat.) Card, of Sion, Galba, B.v. 52,128,247 b. Vitel. B. iv. 121b. v. ri, 45. xviii. 114, 234. xix. 1, 13, 20, 23, S6, 131, 142, 145, 160, 257, 275, 287, 307, 310, 333, 344, 373 * 374 - xx. 19, 36, 65, 106 b. Schipweye, (Curiade) Galba, E. iv. 23 b. Scholaftica, varia. Tit. A. x. i.xi. Schomaker, (Dr. Geo.) Nero, B. iii. 352, 35 8 - Schomberg, (Monf.de) Vesp, F. v. 395. Schottus, (And.) Jul. C. v. 152, 181 b. 195 b. 211. ejufdem fratres, Jul. C. v. 218. Schwartz (Fred.) de Ruiflinghen, Galba, C. viii. 22. x. 190. Schwartzenberg, (.... Count of) Galba, C. vi, P. ii. 223. Schydlovyeen, (Chriftoph. de) Chancellor of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 101, 102, 103 b. Schymfhin, (Edw.) Cal. D. vi. 107. Scilly lilands, (Chartof) Aug. i. Vol. ii. 18. Sconos, (Franc, dello) Vesp. C. iv. 294. Scory, (Edm.) Epitaphs, Vesp. 3 °+> 3 * 9 * 3 + 3 - »*. 84, 207, 211, 276. x. 14, 17, 28, 78, 336 b. 340, 348, 351. C. ii. 31, 32, 131. iii. 90, 347. iv. 57, 90, 114, 204. v. 25, 99, 120, 155. vi. 102 b. vii. 10 b. 59 b. 63, 166, 167, 239. viii. 22, 93, 105, 152, 184, 248, 292 b. ix. 8, 74, 447, 483. D. i. 225, 283, 289,294, 324, 354. ii. 34* 53 b - 56» 62, 67, 82, 83, 187 b. 223 b. 248, 530, 538. E. iv. 305. v. 60, 108. vii. 228. Claud, D. vi. 135, 182 b. Vitel. E. xi. 247, 270 b. Vesp. F.v. 295. vi. 190, vii. z. ix. 303. Tit. A.iii. 39 b. C. vii. 205. xii. 93. F. xiii, 1,18, 37, 39, 41, 92 b. 104, 215. Cleop. C, iv. paflim. Append, xxix. 1. Scott, (Cuthbert) Bp. of Chefter: Oration, Vesp. D. xviii. 114. Scott, (Sir John) Galba, D. vii. in. Scott, (Robert) Jul. C. iii. 90. Cal. D. ii. 58. Scott, (SirTho.) Tit. B. vii. 67. Scott, (Sir William) Cal, B. ii. 318. vii, 116 b. Scotus, (Conftant.) an epitaph. Cal. B.v. 312 b. Scroop, (Henry) Lord, Cal. B. ix. 226, 335. Vesp. F. xiii. 113. Scroop, (Hen.le) Cal, D.iii. 92. Galba, B. i. 4. Scroop, ^Ralph, Lord.) Lett.— Cal. C. i. 79, 87, 100, 120, 379. v. 72. vi. 154. vii. 1 b. 210,250, Z52. viii. 16 b. 30, 43, 69, 125, 182, 186, 189, 190, 191, 192 b. 201, 307, 217, 221, 225, 229, 234, 239 b. 353, 259, 264, 278 b. 280, 289, 306 b. Lx. 40, 84, 166, 167, Z07 b. 288, 2S9, 310, 321, 453. D. i. jo;. Scroop, (Thomas, Ld.) of Bolton, Cal. B. ix. 7 b. C. viii. 230, 233. D. ii. 3 74, 380, 400. Scrope, (Ric.) Archiep. Ebor. Vesp. E. vii. 94, 100 b. 101. Scrope, (Tho.) Vesp. F. xiii. 118 b. Scudamor, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 163 b. 185. ftrr., ; I N D F, X Sculptura (de) Iapidum, Jut. D. viii. 12i b. Sea, (dominion of the) Galba, C. ii. 256. Or ho, E. vii. ix. 14. Sea charts, vid. Charts. Seal (Great) of England: profits. Tit. B. iv. 203 b. Regiiler, Cal. B. vii. 208. Concerning the Keeper, Vitel. C. '.vii. 50. Seaton, (Alex.) Cal. C. vii. 56. ' i. vol. i. 16. Scbadian, K. of Portugal, Nr.no, E. i. 132, 1 37, 134, 189. 221 b. Treaty with Q^Eliz. Tit. B. vi. 108. Slain at Alcazar, Vesp. C. xiii. 240. ' C. xiv. 357. Securities for geed behaviour, Vesp. C. xiv. 162. Sedley, (Will.) Cal. E. x. 106, 176. Sedomir, (.) Palatine of, Nero, B. ii. > 37 - Scdulius. (Ccelius) Prclbyter. De mirahilibus Chrilli, Jul, F. vii. 22. Verfus, Ve'P. D. xxi. 41. Scgur, (.) Inftruft. to, Galba, D. xiii. to7. Selby, (Monad, de) cartae, Cleop. D. iii. 185 b. 193 b. Selby, (Sir John) Cal. C. v. 31 b. ix. 16. D. i. 286, 328, 333. Selby, (Wm.) concerning Dr. Hiliyard, Cal. B. vii. 230. Selden, (J.) Jul. C. iii. 116, 122, 153 b. 165 b. 188 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 326 b. Mare claufum, Nefo, B. i. 84. Suleucia in Caramania, taken, Nero, B. Selim II. Turkilh Emp. Nero, B. xi. 289. Galba, D. vii. 154. Selling, (Wm.) Jul. F. vii. 205. Selvin, (E.) Nero, B.vi. 391. Sempringham, vid. Gilebertus. Semyer, (P.) Tit. B. vii. 146, 366. Sene, (Vine, de) Galba, C. vii. 259. Seneca, (L. Ann.) De remediis fortuitor. honor. Vesp. E. xii. 115 b. TragceJiie, Tit. D. xx. 130 b. Excerpta, Jul. F. vii. 46,53. Vesp. B. xiii. 127 b. Scnefchallus, vid. Steward. Senis, (Phil, de) Cam. Apod. Decan. Vi- tel. B. x. 86 b. 161. Sennet, (Guido) Vesp. C. xiv. 273. Sens, (Stephen, Abp. of) Nero, B. vi. 35. Sentences, Jul. A. ii. 140b. F. x. 33, 58. Cal. B. ix. 27. Nero, D.ii. 257 b. Vesp. E. xii. 101 b. Denotis fententiar. Cal. A. xr. 34, Screnus, (Q^) de Medicina, Jul. D. viii. 3 2 - Sergius I. P. Faust. B. vi. 96. Sergius .. P. ad Epifcopos Brit. Claud. A. iii. 6 b. Serjeants at Law. Precedence, Jul. F. x. 103, 109. Serlier, (J. le) Cal.D. vi. 309, 310. Serlo, Abbas Savigniacenfis. Verfus, Jul. A. xi. 112. Vitel. A. xii. 106. Sermones varii, et traflatus de facris argu- mentis, Nero, A.ii. 12-43. Vitel. A. xviii. 223 b. Vesp. D. ii. 10. Faust. A. v. 5 b. 9. 9 b. 102, 103 b. Sermons before Parliament, Vitel. E. x. 139, 162, 171. Sermonetta. (Card.) Galba, C. vii. 16. Services, (rewardsfor) Vesp. C. xiv 3;,-. Statuium de modcrandK fervitiis, Faust. A iv. 14. Scfieur, ,Steph.) Jul. C. iii. 27. Sella, (D. dc) \ esp. C. viii. 210. ix. 14S. F. v. 377. Scdo, (Agod. da) Tit. B. vii. 180. Seton, ( . .. , Lor. ) Notes out ol his let¬ ters, Cal.C. i. 187. N-gociatious, Cal. C. iii. 142, 296. Seven,, (courie of too) Aug. 1. vui. ii. 17. S..vre, (Chevr.de) Cal. B. i.\. 114. Seven Sleepers, Tib. C. xi. 119. Cal. A. ix. 213 b. Ti 1. A. xxvi. 202 b. Sevyn Sages, (Procys of the) Galba, E. ix. 22 b. Sexburc-T, (Sc:e.) reginscvcl al,!i.,tUla?. vita. Cal. A. viii. 89 b. 104. Claud. A. viii. 126 b. Sexti I’ythagorici, Enchiridion, Vesp. B. xiii. 3. Scntcntise, Faust. A. vi. 143. Seymour, (fam.) defeent, Jul. B. xii. 227 b. Vest. F. ix. 298. Seymour, (Edward, D. of Somerfet) Gal¬ ba, B. xii. 20, 33, 111,111b. 113 b. 114b. Faust. C.ii. 64. Ilis commiflion as Proieftor, Faust. C. viii. 22. Letters, Cal. B, vii. 335, 407, 477. Mifcell. Tit. B. ii. 48, 30, 66. Trial, Jul. F. vi. 23. Seymour, (Edward) E. of Hertford, Vesp, F. xiii. 104. His marriage with Lady Catherine Gray, Vitel. C. xvi. 412, Sec. Faust. A. xi. Seymour, (Lord Henry) Otho, E. ix. 155 b. Seymour, (Jane) Queen. Lett. &c.— Nero, C. x. i b. Vest. F. iii. 16. Lad illnefs, Nero, C. x. 2. Death, Nero, C. x. 2 b. Seymour, (...) Cal. t. xi. 335. Seymour, (...) E. of Hertford : fentence. Tit. C. vii. 11 b. Sforza, (Franc.) D. of Bari, Vitel. B. iii. 25, 30 b. v. 81, 196 b. vi. 200 b. viii. io2. xix. 53, 61 b. 78, 8i, 306. Sforza, (Ifabclla) Dfs. of Milan, Vitel. B. iv. , !9 . Sforza, (Phil. Maria) Ct. of Pavia, Tit. B. vii. 281 b. Sforza, (Maximil.) D. of Milan, Jul. F. vi. 222 b. Vitel. B. ii. 48 b. 52 b. 74. Shafto, (Matthew) Cal. B. ix. 388. Shaw, (Robt.) Abbot of Pafley, Cal. B. i. 82. Shaxton, (Nic.) Bp. of Salilbury, Otho, C. x. 260. Cleop. E. iv. 50 b. 58. vi. 258. Sheeres, (John) Galba, C. i. 1S1, 199, 220. Shelley, (Sir Edw.) Tit. B. i. 97.* Shelley, (Tho.) Tit. B. vii. j 16. Shelton, (Humphry) Cal. E. x. 234. Shelton, (John) Tit. B. vii. 70. Shene, (Prioratus de) Rencale, Jul. C. ii. 319. Regidrum Piivilcgior. Otho, B. xiv. 87 b. 100. Shepcrdfon, (Chriftr.) Cal. D. ii. 85. Sheppey, (map of the Jfle of) Auc. i. vol. i. 5 !. Sherburn, (cartade Cadro de) Jul. B. xii. 198 b. 268, Epi c. e t« F.\ ujt. A. ii. 23. SherBm 1. (iiifljopsof) Tib. B. v. 20,20b. eft , Vitel, B. xii. 132. Cleop. E. vi. 258 b. Sheriffs, (order concerning their diet) Vesp. C. xiv. 299. Sherwood Forcd, Tit. B. iv. 321. . Ship-building, ifaft on) Otho, E. vii. Shirefhoton manor, Jul. B. xii. 244b. 246 b. Shires, (antiquity of) Faust. E. v. 16. Shirley, Iiho.) Galba, C, ix. i;k>, 128, 136. D.ii. 168. vii. 243. iv. 27. xii. 209. Shomberg, (Traitc par Mr. de) Vesp. F. v. 395 * Shrnggcr, (Wm.) Vitel. B. ii. 112. Shrewlbury, (ordinance for the government of) Vitel. C. i. 7. Shrewlbury, (E. of) vid. Talbot. Shrov.le barony, (chart of) Auu. i. vol. ii. 26, Shurlev, (Rich.) Vitel. B. v. 7;. Sib;.His, (ue) C'vl.A.x. 196. Tit. D. iii. 143. xx. 174. Dou. xiii. io2, 132 b. Sibyllar. Prophetic, See. Claud. B. vii, 213 b. 219. Vesp. B. xxv. 117 b. E. iv. 143. Tit. D. xviii. 9. xix. 41. Sibylla: Hippocratis, carmen, Claud, c, ii. 273. Sicily, (treaties and negotiations with) J ul, E. ii. 102, 103. Infeudatio Sicilia:, Nero, C. ii. 8. Varia, Nero, C. ii. 19,20,28, 29, 39, 39 b. Sidney, (Sir Hen.) Vesp. F. xii. 153. Tit. B. x. r. xiii. 32, 243. xiii. 152, 174, 176, 201, 224, 250. Sidney, (H.) Tit. B. xi. 483. Sidney, (Lady M.) Vesp. F. xii. 179. Tit. B. ii. 304. Sidney, (Sir Philip) Galba, B. xi. 363, 370, 387. C. viii. 213. iv,44, 56, 93, 101. x. 75. xi. 265. E. vi. 241. Tit. B. xii. 557. Death, Jul. F. vi. 126 b. Vitel. C. xvii. 382. Epitaph, Vesp. C. xiv. 180, 1S5. Tit. B. viii. 279. Sidney, (. . . . Robt.) Earl of Lciccfler, Jul. C. iii- 149 b. Sidney, (Sir Robt.) Govr. of Flufhing and Ramekins, Cal. D. i. 270, 271, 272, 274, 275. E. ix. 69, 168. Galba, C. ix. 108. xi. 175. D. i. 276. 11.263, z-i. 2 .. 331, 335. iii. 56. i t 109. viii 30. xii. 130,146, 269, 304. Sidney, (Sir Wm.) Vitel. C. i. 65. Sieur, (Steph. le) Galba, C. xi. 76. Sigcberti Chronicon, Vitel. C. ix. 2. id, (Em ) charter ti I I - fians, Vitel. B. xxi. 50. Epid. Cleop. C. iv. 145 b. Sigifmund I. K. of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 100, 103. Sigifmund Ill. K. of Poland and Sweden, Nero, B. ii. 199, 201, 210, 214 b. 219. Galea, D. iv. 260. xi:. 134, 207 b. Vesp. F. iii. 72. I' N D E X. Sigifmund Augudus, K. of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 106, 112, 115, 121. Sigifmund Bathori, Pr. ofTranfylv. Nero, B. ii. 227. Siguenza, (Bp. of) Vesp. C. i. lor, 282. Silegrave, (Hen. de) Chronicon, Cleop. A. xii. 1. Silk manufacture in England, Tit. B. v. 185. Silva, (J.de) Galba, B. vi. 199. Silva, (Don J. Guzman de) Nero, B. vii. 164. Galba, C. iii. 222 b. Silver mine in Ireland, Tit. B. x. 187. Silveller, (Dan.) Nero, B. viii. 18 b. xi. 3 + 9 - 353 < 393 - Simeonis (S.) monachi vita, Nero, A. iii. 42 b. Simeonis monachi Dunelmens. Chronicon, Cal. A. viii. 25. Succeflio Pontif. Ebor. Tit. A.xix. 3. Excerpta, Tit. F. vi. 64. Similitudinarium, Vesp. B. xiii. 89 b. Simon Alexandrin. Patriarch, de fchifmate Eccl. Rom. Vitel. E. xi. 249. Simon de Gandavo, F.p. Sarum. De vita folitaria, Nero, A. xiv. 1. Tit. D. xviii. 14. Cleop. C. vi. 3. Simonis cxccptiones de monad. Abbendon. Vitel. A. xiii. 82. Sinan, Captain Balhaw, Nero, B. xi. 198, 206. Sinclair, (John) Cal. B. ix. 76. x. 43. Sinclair, (Patrick) Cal. B. i. 34, 101. Singleton, (...) rhymes againft the Scots, Cal. B. iv. 243. ?. n, (Card, of) vid. Schlner. Siricim, Archicp. Cantuar. Ti b. B. v. 22 b. Sirmici, (Bp. of) Vesp. F. i. 28 b. Sillo, ( 5 .) Pope's Legate in Hung. Vesp. F. i. 15. Sixtus V. P. Galba, D. vii. 8. Skelton, (John) a poem, Vitel. E. x. 200. Skene, (John) Galba, D. v. 182. Skins, (preparation of) Trr.B;v. 198. Skinners company. Tit. F. iv. 303. Skipton manor, Jul. B. xii. 248, 253. ukurlock, (Dr. RovvI.) Tit. B. xi. 474. Slane, (Baron of) his pedigree, Faust. C. viii. 11. Sluys, (plans of) Auc. i. vol, ii. 96, ioi 102. Defence of, Galba, C. xi. 178. D. i. 106, 188, 203, 221, 298, 299, 305. Smalkalden. (concerning the treaty of) Galba, B. xi. 169. Smith, (Etwell) Cal. E. viii. 527. Smith, (Gawin) Tit. B.v. 262, 330. Smith, (Sir John) fent into Spain, Vesp. C. vii. 351, 354. Tit, C. vii. 73 b. Smith, (J.) Galba, B. xii. 193. Smith, (Miles) Bp. of Glouc. Jul. C. v. 107. Smith, (Sir Tho.) Lett. Jul. F. vi. 166. Cal. C. iii. 429. E. vi. 10, 155. Vesp. F. vi. 16, 18, 52, 33, 59, 93, 117. 126, 130, 133, i 55> j65, 168, 174, 156, 228, 231, 243. Inflruftions, Jul. F. vi. 168. De Republica Anglor. Jul. F. vi. 213. Smith, (Tho.) Nero, B. v. 328. Otho, E. ix. 97. Tit. B. iv. 161. Smith, (T.) Cal. B. vii. 458. Smithius, (Tho.) de Grata: lingux pro- nunciat. Append, xxvii. 28. Smyth, (John) Cleop. E. iv. 216 b. Smyth, (Ric.) Jul. C. iii. 190. Smyth, (Wm.) de ollicio Cl. Hanaperii, Vitel. C. x. 219 b. Smyth, (....) offer of fervices for a voyage, Otho, E. viii. 217. Socrates, Hill. Eccl. Vitel. C. xii. 1. Soderini, (,...) Card, concerning his plot, Vitel. B. v. 180 b. iS2b. Soiffons, (Count of) vid. Bourbon. Soldiers, (pay of) Jul. F. vi. 190, 195. Sole, (Fr.) Jul. C. iii. 20 b. Soliman II. Turk. Emp. Nero, B. xi. 76, 278. Vesp. D. xviii. 135. Solinus, (Ca. Jul.) Polyhillor. Cleop. D. i. 131. de mirabilib. mundi, Vesp. B. xxv. i. Solmes, (Tho.) Cleop. E. iv. 25. Solybell, (Robt.) depofition. Cal. B. i. 122. Somer, (John) Galba, E. vi. 43, 52 b. 7 6 - 81, 97. Somere, (Jac. dc) Tit. C. vi. 137. Somers, (.... ) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 116, 185 b. 203, 208, 209 b. Somerfer, (nomina Epifcopor. in) Vitel. E. v. 123. Somerfet, (Charles) E. of Worce(ler,CA l. D. vi. 273. vii. 33, 34, 36, 38, 40, 41, 47,48, 54, 60, 70, 80,90. viii. 125, I 3 °> « 6 3 * l66 > 170, 174. Galba, B. v. 19 b. 23, 29, 40, 45, 54, 56, 58, 6 +> 9 1 - 93 * 95 > I °°> 1 i3, 117, 121, 137, 140, 147, 152, 160, 169, 171, 177, 186, 187, 193, 199, 203, 210, 217, 226, 234, 237, 238, 246, 255, 300 b. Vesp. F. vi. 220, 226. Somerfet, (Cha.) Vice-Chamb. Galba, B. ii. 19,56. Somerfet, (Edm. D. of) articles againll him, Vesp. C. xiv. 40. Somerfet, (Eliz.) Marchionefs ofWorceder, Vesp. F. xiii. 98 b. Somerfet, (Henry) Marq. of Worceller, Vesp. F. xiii. 98. Somerfet, (Joh.) Querimonia, Jul. F. vii. 261. Somerfet, (Wm.) E. of Worceller, Tit. B. ii. 431. Somerfet, (Lord) Tit. B.v. 7. Somerfet, (D. of) vid. Seymour, Carr. Somerfet, (Earl of) vid. Beaufort. Somerfet, ( . . . . Countefs of) pardon for the murther of Overbury, Tit. C, vii. 108. Somnia, Tit. D.xx, 131 b. xxvi. 9, 11 b. vid. Prognodica, Dreams. Somour, (Frat. Johan.) Chronica, Dom. Calendar. Faust. A. ii. 1. Algorithmus, Vesp. E. vii. 4. Songs, Sonnets, vid. Carmina. Sonnoy, (Col. Dedric) Nero, B.vi. 331. Galba, C. ix. 102. D. iv. 142. v. 251, 282. viii. 17, 196. Soper, (...) Vesp. F. xiii. 33. Sopewell, (Monad. B. Maria: de) Confuetud. Cl aud. E. iv. 376 b. Nero, D. i. 193. Sophia: (Sex.) Eccl. Condant. deferiptio, Vitel. A. xx, 242. Sophia of Brunfw. Lun. Margravine of Aa- fpach, Vesp. F. iii. 94. Sorani introd. in artem medicinal. Galba, E. iv. 238 b. Sorbonne, Cal. E. vii. 314. Sore, (Capt.) demands refuge, Vesp. F. v. 1 59 - Soria, (Gio. Fr. de) Nero, B. vii. 177, 180. Souch, (J.de la) Galba, B. vii. 88 b. Sovereigns, (alphabet of) Claud. C. ii. 98. Sovico, (Gio.) Nero, B.vi. 259,261,440. Sovico, (Thomas) Nero, B.vi. 215. Soufa, (Joh. de Alva, Marq.de) Galba, B. vi. 61. Southampton, IMagidrates of) Vesp. F. ix. 259, 261. Tit. B. iii. j, 4. Southampton, (E. of) vid. Fitzvvilliam, Wriothefly. Southampton, (Mary Cfs. of) Tit. B. ii. 308,342, 366. South-kirkeby, (de Eccl. de) Vitel. A. ii. 99 b - Southwark, (Monad. Sex. Marixde) cartx, &c. Nero, C. iii. 181, 185, 185 b. 186 b. 187, 207. Faust. A. viii. 49 b. 79 b. 116 b. 118 b. 145 b. 177. Cartx de Suthwerk, Faust. B. i. 214. Southwell, (Robt.) Cleop. E. iv. 218,230, 231. Sozomenus: Hill. Eccl. Vitel. C. xii. 1. Spain. Tranfa&a inter Angliam et Hifpaniam, Vesp. C. i.—xiii. State, Vesp. G. vi. 5, 36, 50, 188, 211, 250. x. 1. Kings, Jul. F. vi. 222 b. Vesp. C. xii, paffim. xiii. 408, 410. Nobility and Clergy, Vesp. C. vi. 19S, 391. xiii. 303, 334. Revenue, Jul. F. vi. 220. Vesp. C. vi. 67, 84, 132, 203, 207 b. 208 b. 209, 227, 259, 396. vii. 202, 216 b. Land and fea forces, and harbours, Jul. F. vi. 60 b. 276 b. Vesp. C. vi. 90, 98, 104, no, 116, 231, 234. viii. 97, 203, 205 b. xiii. 338. Military tranfaflions, Jul. F. vi. 269. Nero, B. vi. 260, 262. vid. Armada. Edablilhmcnts in India, Vesp. C. vi. 122. A difeourfe how to briddleSpain, Galba, D. i. 22. Pragmatique of Spain, Tit. C. vii. 185. Englilh merchants trading into Spain, Vesp. C. vii. 48, 54, 100, 301. Treaties and negociations, Jul. E. ii. 92. Cal. B. viii. 273. E. x. 229, 334. Galba, B. ix. 175. D. vii. 39. Otho, E. ix. 32. Vesp. C.i. padim. ir. 316. vi. 272, 276—306, 313, 382. vii. paffim. xii. 99, 100,127,132,158, 163. xiii. 63, 6 5 > 73 - 75 * 1 1 3 - 297, 299, 323, 329, 399, 416. Tit. B.v. 207. C. vii. 3, 33 b - 73 b - > 4 6 - ! 95 - F * 264. xiv. 1, Sparke, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 109b. Sparreus, (Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 60. Speaker of the H. of Com. his precedence, Jul. C. ix. 129. Speed, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 65,68. 8 M i if d e i Spclman, (Hen.) Jul. C.v. 174b. 1S2. Spencer, (Jarre:) Gaip.a, C. xi. 223. Spencer, (Rich.) Cal. E. vii. 2. Spencer, (Robt.) Cal. E. x. 396. : = • Vcsp. F. iii. 4. Spermate, (de) Galba. E.iv. 233 b. Spicer, (Rich.) Jul. C. iii. 117 b. Spier:s, (Diet of) Cleop. E. v. 232. Spine'li, (Jo. Bapt.) Vitel. B. iii. 43, 44, 46. Spinelli (Leon.) Prothonot. Apoft. brother to Tho. Vitel. B. ii. 116, 168. v. 100. Spinelli, (Piero) Galba, C.v. 3. Spinelli, (Sir Tho.) Agent to Card. Wolfey. Lett.—(1510.) Galba, B. iii. 3 > 4 - ( . • - 18-—(«5 1 3) Galba, B. iii. 1, 66b. 67, 88, 96.— (1514.) Galba, B. iii. 1 39 * J 4 8 > * 74 * —(1515.) Galba, B. iii. 236,276. _(1516.) Galba, B. iv. 20, 40, 45. 49, 58, 63, 73, 89, 96, 105, 109, 116, 122 b. 130,136,143,147,165, 169, 171, 175. 181, 184 b. 197. vi. 15, 18, 26, 32, 38, 41, 44, 50, 51, 57, 72. vii. 16,20- viii. ic8.—(1517.) Galba, B. v. 15, 17. 20, 27, 2.8, 33, 37 b. 63, 77,81,98, 103, iz6, 131, 1 49 » I 5 °* 151, 154b. 173, 175, 206, 222, 230, 242, 248, 259, 289, 295, 297, 301, 306, 308, 312, 315 b. 316, 320, 323. vi. 46, 67, 71, 73, 83, 132. Vesp. C. i. 111.— (1518.) Vesp. C. i. 116, 127, 136, 154, 161, 164, 171, 187, 195 b. 197, 204, 224.—(1519-) Gal¬ ba, B. vi. 131. Vesp. C. i. 235, 247, 271, 274, 285, 290,292 b.—(1520.) Galba, B. vi. 160, 180, 190, 198, 201, 203, 206, 212, 218 b. 220. Vitel. B.xx. 171. Vesp. C. i. 298, 302, 311.—(1521.) Galba, B. vi. 219. vii. 37, 59, 62, 64, 74, So, 86, 90, 97,115, 121, 125, 150, 156,161. Vitel. B. x. 184,196,224.—(1522.) Galba, B. vi. 13. vii. 207, 210, 227, 237,243. H 9 . = 53 . z6 °. z 75 > 2 79 > 28i > 2S3, 284, 288, 291b. 293,297,300, 306, 370. viii. 10, 77.— (1525.) Galba, B. viii. 207. — (fine A 0 ) Galba, B. iii. 234. iv. 3. 11. vi. 63, 128, 216. Vesp. C. xiii. 247,251,255, 263. Spinola, (Bened.) Nero,B. i. 212. Galba, C. v. 337 . 353 - Spinula, (Am.) Gai.ba, B. x. 126. Spinula, (Pafqual.) Vitel. B. x. 185. Spinula, (Raph.) Vesp. F. i. 88, 88 b. Sporley (Ric.) de fundatione abbatiar Welt- monaft. Claud. A. viii. 16. Sporte, (Ric.) Vitel. E. xiv. 260. Sprot (Tho.) Chronica, Vitel. E. xiv. 243. Stade, (Magilirates of) Nero, B. ix. 190, 200,202,204,205. Galba, D. xiii. 184, 200, 221, 249. E. i. 305, 326, 342, 344, 423, 434. Stafford, (Edw.) D. of Buckingh. Inftruc- tions to his fervants. Tit. B.i. 171. Stafford, (Sir Edw.) Cal. C. viii. 234 b. 243, 255. E. vii. 155, 179, 181,226, 230, 245, 250, 258, 307. Galea, D. iii. 321. E. vi. 136, 151. 155, 161, 7, : , 176 I78, 181, lX.t, l86, 189 b. I90, I94, I95, 196, 198, 200, 205, 207, 209, 212, 213, 214, .U, 2X0, 222, 224, 227, 23O, 232, 234, 246, 255, 287, 289, 3CO, 346, 35 °. 355 > 37 6 - Vesp. F. xii. 13S, 181. Tit. B. vii. 40. Stafford, (Henry Ld.) Vesp. F. xiii. 116 b. Stafford, (Hugh) Cal. D. iii. 155- Stafford, (Humph.) Cleop. E.iv. 209 b. Stafford, (Joh.) Bp. of Bath, Cleop. C.iv. 211 b. Stafford, (Tho.) Order for apprehending his {hips, Vesp. C. xiv. 585. Stafford, (Tho.) Tit. B. vii. 309. Standard of meafures, Nero, A. xii. 15 + h>. Standen, (Ant.) Cal. C. vii. 120, 185 b. Stanes, five Stone, (Priorat. S. Maria; et S. Wolphadi de) VEsp.E.xxiv. Stanes, (Ric. de) Jul. B.xii. 182. Stanford, (Robt. de) Prior of Huntingd. Auc. ii. 110. Stanhope, (J.) Cal. E. ix. 170 b. Stanhope, (Tho.) Cal. B. ix. 393. Stanlaw, (fundatorcs monad. dc) Vesp. D. xvii. 2. Hiftoria, Tit. F. iii. 258. Stanleius, (Joh.) Jul. C.v. 29. Stanley, (Dorothy) Cfs. of Derby ,Ves p. F. xiii. 8Sb. Stanley, (Edw.) F.. ot Derby. Cal. E. xii. 15. Vesp. F. xiii. 89. Stanley, (George) Tit. B. xi. 456. xiii. 27. Stanley, (Henry) E. of Derby, Cal. E. vii. 230,231. Vesp. C. viii. 30,100. Stanley, (fir John) Tit. B.xi. 20 b. Stanley, (Tho.) Lord Montcagle, Vesp. F. xiii. 119. Stanley, (Sir William) Galba, C. x. 71. D. i. 228. Tit. B. vii. 98. Stanley, (Will.) grant to, Jul. B. xii. 249. Stanley, (.) concerning exchange, Otho, E. x. 60. Stannage, (oath of the Serjeant of) Vesp. C. xiv. 441. Stanton, granted to the nuns of Gormy, Jul. F. ix. 61. Staphylzus, (Bp.) Vitel. B.x. 15,42. Stapilton, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 39. Staple, (Merchants of the) vid. Merchants. Stapulenfis, (Jac. Faber) verfus, Cleop. C. ix. 151. Star-Chamber, Vesp. C. xiv. 547. Tit. B. v. 208. x. 357. Starben, (Laur.) Vitel. B. xx. 161. Starch-Manufa&ory, Tit. B. iv. 269. v. 249,315. Faust. C. ii. 119. Starkey, (Ralph) Jul. C. iii. 160. Tit. B. iii. 55. Cleop. E. vi. 554, 363, 365, 370. Starra, Hebrew contrails, Auc. ii. 107. Nero, C.iii. 1S3 b. 184, 196. State Papers: (Minutes, Schedules,and Re¬ pertories, concerning) J ul.F. vi. 7 1 b. Cal. E. xii. 193. Galba, D. vii. 23, 52 b. 62, 66, 78, 228 b. 246 b. 255. viii. 53 b. 118 b. ix. 344. x. 82, 97, 114, 119b. 127. xi. 69, 88, 132. Vitel. C. xvii. 50. vid. Belgium, France, Spain, Germany, Italy, Scot¬ land. States General, vid. Batavia. Statilius, (Jo.) Tit. B. vii. 195. Statutes, (Ancient) Colledlions, Ceaud.D. ii. 136. Nero, C. i. 44. Vesp. B. vii. 1 b. Tit. A. xxvii. 88, 104 b. Faust. D. iii. Append, xvi. xxv. vid. Carts antique. Index thereto, Nero, C. i, 6. Concerning the printing of them, Vesp. F- ix. 279. Tit. B. v. 269. Stecher, (Ben.) agent to the Buggers,— Galba, B. v. 13,287,293. Ste 1 -yai 1 fad n . Statutes of) Vesp. B. viii. 1. (Mifc. concerning) Vesp. F. viii. Steenwick, (town) Galba, D. ix. 154. (biege of) Auc.i. Vol. ii. 94. Ste no, (Mich.) Doge of Venice, Nero, B. vii. 6. Stephani de S. Genovefa, (Frat.) Epift. de difeiplina monachor. Grandimont. Faust. B. iv. 1S1. Stepiianus Rex Anglia:. Refcripta Carta:, See . Claud. D. ii. 68 b. E. vui. 258. Nero,C. iii. 173 b. Vitel. A. ii. 99. Stephen, Abp. of Cantcrb. vid. Langton. Stephen Bathor, vid.Bathor. Stirling Money, Faust. E. v. 50, S5. Steith terra: conceflio, Nero, C.iii. 208. Steward of England : concerning his office, Jul. C. viii. S9. Tib. E. viii. 34b. Nero, C. i, 4b. Vesp. B. vii. 99 b. Tit. C. i. paifim. Steward of the Houfehold, vid. Houfehold. Stewart, (James) Cal. B. lx. 256. Stewart, (\ . ix. 272. D. i. 204 b. Galba, D. xi. 40. Stichell, (Patrick) Cal. E. xi. 102. Stile, (Edmund) Cal. E. iv. 22. Stile, (Sir John) Vesp. C. i. 24, 72, S7 b. 88, 125. Tit. B.xi. 419. Still, (Joh.) Tit. B. vii. 42. Stockelley, (John) Billiop of London, Otho, C. x. z6i . Cleop. E. iv. 507 b. 223, 225, 237. v. 378*. Stoke, (Monad. St. Jo. Bapt. de) regid. Cart. Append, xxi. Stoke Church, (Monuments in) Tit. B. viii. 306. Stokes, (Will.) Galba, B.i. 18. Stone, (Gilbert) Vitel. E. x. 121. Stoper, (Robt.) Confefiion, Tit. B. i. 160. Stour River (Courfe of) Auc.i. vol.i. 57, Stow, (Ric. de) Nero, C. iii. 187. Stradcbrokc, (Eccl. de) Collegiode Wyng- 1, A ■. Stradlingus, (Joh.) Jul. C. v. 26. Stralfund, (the magldrates of) Nero, B.ii. 27. iii. 67. ix. 46. Strange, (....) Nero, B. ix. ico. Strange, (l’erdinando Lord) Vesp. C. xiv. 326. Strang man, (Jac.) Colledl. hid. 5 c gencal. Vitel. F. xii. 142. Strafburg, Bilhopk. Cal.E. xi. 2. Stratford-Langthorne Monad, in Effex, Nero, C. iii. 187. Stratford, (John) Abp. of Canterb. Jul. C. ii. 302 b. 309 b. Excommunications, Vitel. A. ii. 73. Conditut. Vitel. A. ii. 75 b. 82 b. Strete, (Rich.) Cleop. E.iv. 236. Strickland, (Walter) certificate of the decay ofCarlide, Tit. F. xiii. 220. Strigul, (Gilbert de) Marlhal of Eng. Tir. C. i. 175 b. Stuart, (Mr.) Cal. C.iii. 344. Stuart, (Arabella) afterwards Seymour,V ssp. F. iii. 35 - Stuart, (Charles) 5:11 E. of Lenox, Cal. C.v. 148. Stuart, (David) Son to K. Robert III. Vesp. F. vii. 68. Stuart, (Efme) Ld. d’Aubigny.D. of Lenox, Lett. &c. Cal. C. vi. 33, 3+, ill. vii. 31, 65. E. xi. 112, izo, 122 b. Or ho, E. x. 328 b. Mi Ice!!. Cal. E. vii. 30I. viii. 196. C. vii. 14, 28, 35, 59 b. 221, 233, 242. viii. 105. Stuart, (Francis) Earl of Bothwcll, Cal. C. viii. 201, 203. D. i. 1S3, 192, 192b. 307, 320, 324, 344, 388. ii. 50,52,53,93^142,149. His challenge to Arran, Cal. B. viii. 347 - Confeflion, before his death. Cal. D. ii. 519. Stuart, (Henry) Ld. St. Colme. Inftruttions, Cal. B. v. 305 b. Stuart, (Henry) Lord Darnley. Lett. Vesp. F. iii. 37b. Concerning his murther, C a l. B. viii. 135. ix. 250**. C. i. 230, 231, 243, 256, 282, 31S, 346 b. Mifcell. Jul. F. vi. 8. Cal. B. Lx. 212, 213. x. 284. C. i. 17. Stuart, (James) E. of Arran, Cal. C. vii. 128, 233, 242. viii. 23, 30, 110, 119 b. 224. ix. 125. Stuart, (James) E. of Murray, regent. Cal. B. v. 321. viii. 135. ix. 29;, 302, 578, 395. x. 187 b. 324, 368. C. i. 59, 64, 112, 116, 165, 168, 107, 283 b. J02, 3*6, 333 b. 350 b. 352 b. 35S, 560b. 362, 373. D.i. 153. A loan. Cal. B. x. 236. Epitaph, Cal. B. v. 318 b. Stuart, (John) D. of Albany. Letters, (1515.) Cal. B. ii. 181, 367. vi. 83, 91, 121, 122 b. 123.— (1516.) Cal. B. ii. 316. iii. 178. vi. 136.— (1517.) Cal. B. ii. 16, 201, 262, 313. iii. 139. vi. 173, 175, 186, 187— (1521.) Cal.B.vL 198, 201,203, 212, 214.—(1522.) Cal. B. iii. 43, 149. vi. J30, 247, 269, 274, 275, 277. vii. 138, 141, 150, 152.—(1523.) Cal. B. i. 137. vi. 240. — (1524.) Cal. B. i. 136. ii. 290, 380. iii. 70,74, 78, 143, 201. vi. 151, 154, 155, 157, 325, 408, 441, 445, 446.— (1525.) Cal. B. i. 142. iii. 100. vi. 416.—(1529.) Cal. B. vi. 117.— (Sine A 0 ) Cal. B. ii, 202. Mifcell. Cal. B. iii. 179, 309. vi. 252, 332. viii. 102, 103. D. ix. 66, E. i. 149 b. Stuart, (John) E. ofMarr, regent. Cal. C. iii. 281, 283, 289, 307, 317, 333, 338, 339.viii. 10, 17. D.i. 210. ii. 504. Stuart, (John) 3d E. of Lenox, Ca l. B. vii. 36. Stuart, (Margaret) Cour.tefs of Lenox, dau. of Q^Mnrgt. Cal. B. ix. 280. C. i. 376. ix. 22. Stuart, )Matthew) 4th E. of Lenox, regent, Lett. Cal. B. iv.' 226. vii. 435. viii. 293 b. 294. x. 392, 394, 396. C. ii. 43, 110, 166 b. 224, 252, 294, 331, 39 S» 455 - Mifcell. Cal. B. vii. 301. viii. 321. C. ii. 1S6, 271. vi. 73. vii. 105, 233, 242. Stuart, (Robt.) D. of Albany, repent, Vesp. F. vii. 26, 77, 101, 104, m, 114, 115. Stuart, (Robert) Lord Aubigny, 6th E. of Lenox, Bp. of Caithnefs, Cal. B. iii. 137. vi. 140. C. v. 148, 149. Stuart, (Walter) Col. Prior, and afterwards Lord Blantire, Cal. C. vii. 69. INDEX. Stuart, (Will.) Bp. of Aberdeen, Cal. B. iii. 27S. Stuart, (Col. Will.) Cal. C.vii. 156. D. i. 204 b. Galba, D. v. 180, 182, 190, 193. vii. 268. x. 22, 67. xi. 17, 37, 40. Stuart, (....) E. of Murray, Pedigree, Jul. C. ix. 87. Stubbceus, contra nupt. Reg. Eliz. Jul.F. vi. 169 b. Stubbs, (John) Sermon, Vesp. A. xxv. 173 - Stubbs, (Tho.) de fucceflionib. Pont. Ebor. Tit. A. xix. 117b. Stuckle, (Sir Tho.) Galba, C. vi. P. i. 5. Studdert, (Sir Tho.) Galba, E. i. 262, 4 °i> 4 ‘ 7 - Sturmius, (Joh.) Galba, C. iv. 370. Vesp. F. vi. 170. Tit. C. vii. 218. Stuteville, (Nic.de) Vesp.C. xiv. 278. Styles, (Tho.) Nero, B. v. 127. Subfidies granted to Ric. I. Claud. C. ii. 3 b- To Henry III. and Edw. I. Claud. C. ii, 13 b. From Edw. III. to Ja. I. Tit. C. x. * 35 - To Eliz. Tit. B. iv. 132. decolligendisfubfidiis, Jul. E. iii. 239. Suckling, (Sir John) Ga l b a, E. i. 368. Sudbury, (Simon) on the court of Arches, Tit. A. xiii. 161. Sudermania, vid. Charles. Sudwerke, (Edw. & Tho. de) Nero, C. iii. 186 b. Sueabrxd, K. of Eall Sax. a grant, Auc. ii. 82. Suffolk, (Coaft of) Auc.i. vol. i. 58, 64. Suffolk, (D. of) vid. Brandon. Suicide, (cafes of) Vesp. C. xiv. 168. Sulcardus de conftru&ione Weftmonaflerii, Tit. A. viii. 1. Faust. A. iii. it. Sully, (Maxim, de Bethune, baron de Rofny, duede) Cal. E. x. 51, 193, 255, 293, 3 ° 7 > 394 > 4 1 3 - x ''- 1,2 - Sulthay, granted to Sir W. Mildmay, Vesp. F. iv. 70. Superfedeas, (writ of) Vesp. C. xiv. 571. Surrenders and Seizors, (notes concerning) Vesp.C. xiv. 542. Surrey, (.. . E. of) defeent, Vesp. B. xv. 45 b. Vid. Howard. Sufa, (Duke dc) Galba, D. vii. 286. Sufan, a poem. Cal. A. ii. 1. Suffex, (Bilhopsof) Tib.B. v. 20. Towns in Suffix, that might have been made burgeffes. Cal. B. vi. 319. Suffex, (E. of) vid. Radcliffe. Suffex, (Anne Cft. of) Vesp. F. ix. 127. Suffex, (....) E. of, his requefls, Vesp. F. ix. i; 5 . Sutor, (Vitus) Vitel. B. xx. 246. Sutton, (John) Lord of Dudley, Tit. B. xi. 26. Swan, (Knight of the) a poem. Cal. A. ii. 123 b. Swan, (Thom.) Cleop.C. iv. 142 b. Swan, (Wr.vu .) fciiptor in Rom. curia: CollcSio epiflolar. plerumque Ponti- ficalium,- Cleop, C. iv. 139, ct indc ad fin. Swans, (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 59°. Swartz: ( . . dc) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 298. Sweden, a fcntence of commiffaries of the K. of Sweden, Nero,B. v. 303 b. Swcertius, (Fr.) Jul. C. iii. 32 b. v. 75b. 79 b. 95, 98 b. 165 b. 181, 197 b. 216b. Swcnfey, (placita de Cadro de) Jul. B. xii. 184 b. Swerder, (Wm.) Cal.E. iv. 16. Swinbornc, (Sir Tho.) Galba, B, i. 45, 5 '. 52 , 95 - Swinton, (Sir John) Tit. B. v. 2S0. Swifs Cantons. Leagues, Cal. E. x. 152. Vitel. B. ii. 59. xviii. 7. xlx. 369. Mifcell. Jul. F. vi. 214b. Cal. E. vii. 95. Galba, B. v. 265, 267. Vitel. B. v. 219. xviii. 191, 193. xix. 19 b. 62, 93, 175, 206. xx. 69, 254, 257. Swynford, (Sir Tho.) Galba, B. i. 37, 38 39 * 4 8 « S 4 > 56 . Suylingi Com. Kent, Claud. C. iv. 153 b. Sybeton Monad, (varia de) Vitel. F. xii. ' 7 M 79 - Sylverter, (Robt.) Prior of Gifburne, Cleop. E. iv. 48. Symbolum Apodol. Galba, A. xviii. 200 b. Lingua veteri Anglicana, Nero, A.xiv. 130. Symphorofx, (Sex.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 72. . Symphofii xnigmata, Vf.sp. B. xxiii. 123. Sympringham, (Radulphi dc) Sjntentia, Nero, C. iii. 186. Symye, ( . . . dc) Tit. B. ii. 477. Synchronifmi in facra et prof. Hilloria, Jul. F. vii. 41. Syndler, (Suvvell) Nero, B. xi. 248. Syngleton, (Robt.) Cleop. E. v. 376. Synodi, Faust. A. viii. 82. SynodorumSyllabus, Claud. D. vii. 8, Modus tenendi Synodos in Anglia, Cleop. C. viii. 35. Synodus fub Odone Archiep. Cantuar. Vesp. A, xiv. 173 b. Synodalia decrcta apud Eanham facta Claud. A. iii. 30. T. Taaf, (John) a bill againft him. Tit. B. Tacitus, (Corn.) Excerpta, Jul. F. vi. 75 b. Tadelawe, (terrain) Nero, C. iii. 1S5 b. Tailer, (Jo.) LL. D. difeourfe to the Con¬ vocation, Vitel. B. ii. 80. Talbot, (George) E. of Shrewlbury. Created Earl Marlhal, Vesp.C. xiv.404. Tit. C. i. 191. Depofitions in Catherine’s caufe, Vi¬ tel. B. xii. 70,98. Letters, Cal. B. ii. 99. iii. 155. C. ii. 21. iii. 92, 185, 208, 384, 514. iv. 22Z, 243. V. 73. vii. 19. ix. 46, 50. D.i. 432. E. ix. 375. Otho,E. viii. 80, 95, 100, 103, 119. Vesp. F. xiii. 86. Tit. B. vii. 305. Talbot, (Gilbert) E. of Shrewlbury, Tit. B. iv. 322. Talbot, (G. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 106 b. Talbot, (John) E.of Shrewlbury, Tit. B. xi. 18,22 b. Talbot, (Tho.) Hid. Collett. Vesp. D. xvii. 12 b. Tallakam, (Ig.) Jul. C. iii. 5. Tallow-chandler’s petition, Faust. C. ii. 118. INDEX. Tama, (Monad. St. Marix de) Jul. C. vii. 278. Tamerlan, Nero, B. xi. 172. Tamworth, (John) Cal. B. x. 325. Tarlatus, (Bernard.) Card. S. Manx in porticu, Vitel. B. iii. n, 18S. Tadcr, (Piers) dean ofSeveryne, Vesp. F. xiii. 44. Tate, (Barthol.) Galba, B. viii. 76. Tate, (Franc.) Jul. C. iii. 97 b. 103 b. F. vi. 288. Tate, (Rich.) Cal. E. i. 28. Tateffiale, (de dominis de) Jul. B. xii. 30S b. Ti b. C. viii. 4, 48 b. Tavernier, (...) Cal.E.i. 59. Taunton, (Penfion of) Tit. B.v. 327. Taxatio, vid. Nicolaus IV. P. Taxationes variar. Ecclef. in Anglia, Vesp. E. xxii. 121. Taxis, (Bapt. de) Gai.ea, B. viii. 99. ix. 2. Taxis, (Dav. de) Nero, B. vi. 105. Taxis, (Francois de) Galba, B. iii. 63b. >''• 43 b. Taxis, (Simon de) Vitel. B. ii. 187. Taxis, (Count de) Vesp. C. viii. 223. Taxller, (J.de) Chronicon, Jul. A. i. 2. Tayler, (J.) Vesp. C. i. 98. Taylor, (Robt.) Bp. of Coventry, Cleop. E. v. 382. Taylor, (Roland) Bp. of Coventry, Cleop. E. iv. 40. Taylor, (Dr. . . .) Cal. D. ix. 97,101, 136, i39> , 45-M 6 *>53» i 55» >7 Z » J 75» 178,189, 219, 221,224, 225,232,236, 261. Legation in France, Tit. B.vi. 3. Tebold, (Tho.) Galba, B. x. 81, 102. Teelinck, (...) Galba, D. iii. 366. Teignmouth harbour, Auc. i. vol. i. 39. Teiffier, (j. B.) Vesp. F. v. 374. Tellers, (abufes in the office of) Tit. B. iv. 229 b. Temped, (Thomas) Cal. B. iii. 262. Templariorum ordo. de ejufdem Gubernat. in Anglia, Jul. B. xii. 70. Magidror. in Anglia nomina, Nero, E. vi. 466. Orders for feizing their pofleflions, Vesp. C. xiv. 450. Uegid. Cart. Nero, C. ix. 22. E. vi. 1. Temple, (Middle) Vitel. C.ix. 308, 313. Tempore, (Tratt. de) Vitel. A. i. 209. Tenants, incapite. (Names of) Claud. C. x. C.xvi. t. (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 588. Military, in Scotland, Vesp. C. xvi. 9, 13. Statutum de tenentibus, Cleop. C. vii. 1. Tents, (drawings of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 76. iii. N° 2, 8. Tenures, (concerning) Tit. B. v. 266, 413. Royal, Tit. F. iv. 154. Tercera, (map of ) Auc. 3. vol. ii. 114. Terouen, (fiege of) Auc. i. vol. ii. 72. Terra Nova,(.. Ducde)Ga l b a, D. vii. 286. Tefche, (Tridram) Cal. B. vii. 253. Telia, (Julio) Tit. B. vii. 3Z4. Tedamentorum liber, Append, xix. Teutonic order in Pruffia, (Treaties and ne¬ gotiations with) Nero, B. ii. 4, 12, 34. 4°. 43- ix - 9 6 - Tcwkfbury, fundatio abbatUe, Claud. A. viii. 99. Annales monaderiide, Cleop. A. vii. 7. Regiil. ejufdem, Cleop. A. vii. 68. Excerpta ex hidoria ejufdem, Vitel. E.xiv. z 7t . Thames, (Map of the) Auc. i. vol. i. 53. (Fifheries and navigation of) Nero, A. vi. 123,151. Otho, E. Lx. 401, 401 b. 413. Tit. B.v. 347. . (Defence of) Otho, E. ix. 162 b. (Armaments on) Otho, E. ix. 371. Thanet, (Map of the Ide of) Auc. i. vol. i. 54. Thaulteterfde, (D.) Galba, E. vi. 123. Thaun, (Philippus de) de Creaturis, Nero, A. v. 1. Bediarius, Nero, A. v. 41. Vesp. E. x. 6. Theloal, (Simon) Cal. E. x. 144, 148. Theobald, (Tho.) Nero, B. vi. 54, 120, 128, 132, 148. Vitel. B. xxi. 132 b. i39> Hi- Theodor Bafilowitz, Czar, Nero, B. xi. 375 - Theodor Iwanowitz,Czar, Nero, B. xi. 337. Theodoreti, Hid. Eccl. Vitel. C. xii. 1. Theodoric K. of Gwent, his death, Tib. E. viii. 251. Theodorus, A.rchiep. Cantuar. Pceniten- tiale, Vesp. D. xv. 84. Theodorus, (B.) Archiep. Vesp. B. xx. 223. Theodofius Imperat. Vesp. D. ix. 50b. Theologica. De proceflione Sp. Sci. Vesp. A. xiv. I0 7 - de pcenis canonicis, Tit. A. xviii. 1. de oblatione. Tit. D. v. Peccatoris confeffio, Vesp. E. iii. 113. de datu hominum pod mortem, Tit. C. xx. Scutum dei triangulum, Dow. viii. 161. des x. commandemens, &c. Cleop. A. v. des vii. peches mortels, Vesp. D. iii. 208. Mifcell. Jul. A. vii. 76b. 91, 92b. 93, 121.D. vii. 131 b. Tib. A. iii. 41,42, 53,85,92 b. 100. E. viii. 2b. 3. Cal. A. iii. 211. Nero, A. i. 122 b. 124b. iii. 84 b. vii. 132. x. 127. xi. 109, 123. B. vi. 366. Vitel. C. xiv. 7, 8, 12. Vesp. A. xxv. 56. D. v. 137. xiii. 120, 199 b. xviii. 108, 129. E. iv. 203, 203 b. Tit. A. xix. 43 b. D. xviii. 127. Dom. ix. 85. Cleop. B. ii. 31. Faust. B. iv. 188. Thefaurus, vid. Lexica. Theyne, (Tho.) Otho, E. ix. 42. Thirleby, (Tho.) Bp. of Weltminder, Ely and Norwich, Galba, B. x. 225. xii. II. C. i. 12. Thomas, (Fratres Hofpital. Sci.) Cleop. C. iv. 143. Thomas, (B.) de Aeon, vid. Aeon. Thomte, (Sci.) Apodoli, Paffio, Cal. A. xiv. mb. Thomas, (Scus.) de Aquino, Jul. F. vii. 1 35 b- Thomte, Com. Sabaud. Stemma, Nero, D. i. 183 b. Thomas, Archiep. Cantuar. vid. Becket. Thomas I. Archiep. Eborac. Tib. A. vii. 167. Vesp. E. iv. 205 b. Dow. v. 14. Cleop. E. i. 45 b. Thomas, (Gregory) Collett, relating to foreds, Vesp. F. iv. 1. Thomas, (Robt.) his will, Vitsl- A. xvi. 209 b. Thomas, (Valent.) declaration, Tit. C. vii. 17. Thomas, (Will.) politicaldilcourfes, Ves p. D. xviii. 1—48. Common places of date, Tit. B. ii. 96. Depofitions in the caufe of Catherine, Vitel. B. xii. 98. Thomaffin, (...) Ot ho, E. viii. 346. Thompfon, (Joh.) Cal. B. iii. 219. Thomlbn, (Ric.) Jul.C. v. 30. Thorelby, (joh.) Archiep. Ebor. Indit. Vitel. A. ii. 130 b. Epid. Cleop. C. iv. 140b. Thorley, (Robt.) his receipt at Calais, Cal. D. iii. 55, 152. Thorn, (Gul.) Excerpta ex Chronicon, Vi¬ tel. E. xiv. 222. Thorn, (Robt.) on difeoverhs of lands, & * 77 » 180, 211. ii. paffim. iii. 229, 2 33 - 334 - v. paflim. ix. 221 b. xi. 144. D. viii. 285. xii. 84, 235. E. i. pallim. Vest. C. vii. 96,97, 98, 394. FaIist. C. ii. 92,94. With Portugal, Tit.B. v. 235. With Germany, Nero, B. ii. iii. Sc iv. pallim. Galba, B. xii. 160. D. xiii. 169, 193, 196, 199, 221. E. i. paflim. Faust. C. ii. 95. vid. Hanfe, Stade. To the Baltic and the North, Nero, B. ii. iii. iv. paflim. xi. 337, 339, 3R2. Galba, E. i. 5. Vesp. C. xiv. 420 b. To the Mediteranean, Nero, B. vii. 194, 208. viii. 59. xi. 114, 115, 116, 280, 292, 296. Vesp. F. ix. 240, 281, 285. To the Indies, Galba, E. i. 420, 422, 424. Vesp. C. xiii. 23, 47, 401. With Ireland, Vesp. F. ix. 226. Mifccll. Cal. E. ix. 525. xi. 273, 288. xii. 209. Nero, B. vii. 221. Galba, C. i. 154, 213. iii. 231, 302. viii. 319. D. xii. 95, 99. xiii. 227. Otho, E. x. 101, 120. Vesp. C. xiii. 167. xiv. 7. F. ix. 287. Tit. B. iv. 225. v. 291, 309, 389, 414. F. iv. 363. Append, xxviii. 129. vid. Merchants-adventurers, Merchants of the flaple, Tin trade. Wine trade. Woollen trade. Traje&um: de rebus Sea:. Trajcdlenfis Eccl. Tib. C. xi. 25. Trainbands, (draughts out of) Vesp. F. ix. 224. Tranfport fervice, Cal. D. vi. 330. Travellers, (memorandafor) Append, viii. ic8 b. Treafon, (chain of) Tit. C. vii. 166. Treafure-trove, (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 589. Trcafurers of England, (lift of) Tit. B. iv. 20. Treafurer of the chamber. Tit. B. iv. 110. Treafury, (Inventories of jewels in the Royal) Auo. ii. 105, I08, 109. Treaties and Negociations. Mifcellaneous, Cal. B. ix. 138. D. vi. 275. vii. 26. E. i. 145, 153. iii. 133. iv. 316. vii. 108, 356. ix. 412, 464. xi. 292. xii. 71, 346. Galba, B. iii. 69, 90. iv. 201, 201b. v. 219, 220. ix. 63, 69, 81/85, 2 ° 4 - xi - 3> 17- Vi¬ tel. B. vii. 95. Vesp. C. xiii. 101, 124, 145, 152, 163, 172, 395. xiv. 96, 611. Tit. B. vi. 21, 22 b. 126. 127 - Index to Treaties in the Clofe Rolls in the Tower, Jul. E. iii. i. Tregian, (Fr.) Tit. B. vii. 46. Trello, (Carlo) Galba, C. xi. 262. D. ii, 100. Tremayne, (Mr.) Tit. B. xii. 357, 361. Trenqualeon, (Bernard de) Cal. D. iii. 12. Trent river, (courfe of) Aug. i. vol. i. 65. Trent, ^council of) Galba, C. iii. 245. Trcfham, (Tho.) Tit. B. ii. 334. Treflong, vid. Blo>s. Trefwell, (...) Tit.B. v. 260. Treves, (Chron. Archiep.) Tit.D.xxv. 3. Trinity, (St.) Priory London, Chart. Claud. D. ii. 130. Nero, C. iii. 174,180 b. 183 b. Trinity houfe, Galba, C. i. 156. Otho, E. ix. 404, 407. Triftennaghe, (Priory of) Tit. B. xi. 48, 68, 238, 275. Trivet, (Nic.) Nomina Philofophor. ex ejufdem chronico, Jul. F. vii. 57 b. Trivulci, '(A.) Card. Vitel. B. v. 57. ix. 162. Troja: varia de fatis ejufdem, Vitel. A. xiii. 90. Vesp. B. xiv. 18. xxiii. il2 b. Tit. A. xxiv. 67. Cleop. B. v. 223. Trokelow, (Jo. de) Annales, Claud. D. vl. 192 b. Trottus, (Alphons.) Vitel. B. iv. 7, 22 b. v. 135 b. Troutbeck, (Wm.) Vesp. F. xiii. 27. Troy, (Bern, de) Cal. D. iii. 74. Truce, (propofal for a general) Vitel. B. v. 181. Truchfefs, vid. Gebhard. Trumbull, (Wm.) Ga lb a, E. i. 371, 375^ 393, 405, 407, 409, 414. Truffell, (William) Cal. D. iii. 54. Tudefco, (Nic. de) Epifcop. Panormit. de concilio Bafileenfi, Cal. A. i. 1. Tudor, (Edmund) fon to Hen. VII. D. of Somerfet. Articles againft him, Vf.sp. C. xiv. 40. Tudor, (Margaret) Cfs. ofRichmond, Vi¬ tel. C. xvii. 329. Vesp. F. xiii. 60, 61. Tumults, (caufes of) Tit. F. iv. 320. Tunbridge, (Perambulatio Leucate de) Galba, E. iv. 17 b. Tundale, a legend, Cal. A. ii. 93 b. Tungern, (Chron. Epifcop.) Tit.D.xxv 1 . 90. Tunis, (intelligence from) Nero, B. xi. 294. Tunftal, (Cuthbert) Bp. of London and Durham. Lett.—(1515.) Galba, B. iii. 259.— (1516.) Galba, B. iv. pallim. vi. 85, 93- — ( 1 5 1 7 -) Galba, B. v. paffim. vi. 3L 54> 59> 62, 112,1I7. vii. 24.— (1518.) Vesp. C. i. 152. — (1520.) Vitel. B.xx. 163,175, 178.—(1521.) Vitel. B. xx. 201.—(1525.) Vesp. C. iii. 55, 60,72, 7S, 82,86, 100, 101, >°5* ,0 7> 135- 146, 157. 138, 188, 214, 222. —(1536.) Cleop. E. vi. 375- —(*5370 Tit - B. i. I2I . — (1548.) Cal. B. vii. 329.—(fine A 0 ) Cal. E. iii. 49. Galba, B. vi. 64. Vitel. B. xx. 185. Cleop. E. v. 360. vi. 245, 247. Turenne, (Vicomte) vid. Tour. Turgot, Prior Dunelm. Chron. Epifc. Lin- disfarn. et Dunelm. Vest, A. vi, 6z. Faust. A. V. 24. 8 N I N D E X. Turkey. Revenue of the Grand Signior, Nero, B. xi. 87 b. Againfl alliances with the Turks, Nero, B. xi. 17, 2S5. Ollicers at the Ottoman court, Nf.ro, B. xi. zo3, 290. Tit. B. vi. izo. hlifcell. Cal. E. xii. 35. Nero, B. vi. 5. 9S, 103, 116, 169. vii. 136. viii. 41, 4;, 47, 48. xi. 72, 84, 87, 204, : 14. Otho, E. ix. 400. VlTEL. B. iii. 234, 250. xiii. 216. xiv. 299. Vesp. F. i. 21. v. 136. ix. 2S1. Tit. B. vi. 122, 123. vii. 349. Turnbull, (Alex.) Cai.. B. vi. 97. Turner, (Sam.) Jut-. C.iii. 173. Turner, (Wm.) Vesp. C. xiv. 8. Turner, (Lieut.) Charges againft: him, Otho, E. viii. 229. TuroncnfeConcilium, Vitel. E. xiii. Turpini, Archiep. Rhemenr. Hiftor. Car. M. Cl a un. B. vii. i 9 z. Nero, A. xi. 8. Vesp. A. xiii 94. Tit. A. xix. 2 4* Tufcany, (D. of) Nero, B. vi. 94. (On a match with a princefs of) Jul. F. vi. 155 b. vid. Medicis. Tweed, (River) Cal. B. x. 153. Twinham, (Priorat. dc) Claud. A. viii. | 103. Twifden, (W.) Jul. C. iii. 87. Twker, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 49 b. Twydye, (Capt.) Tit. C. vii. 106 b. Twynn, (Bryan) Jul. C. v. 219 b. Tykhill, (de Eccl. de) Vitel. A. ii. 99b. Tyler, (Wat.) Pioclam. againll him. Cal. D. iii. 100. Tyne, (courfeof) Auo.i. vol. ii. 5. Tyrii Apollonii regis, vita, Vesp. A. xiii. 132. Tyrone, (E. of) vid. O’Neile. Tvrrell, (Charles) Lal. B. ix. 399. Tyrrell, (Tho.) Cl cop. E. iv. 124 b. Tyrrell, (Will.) Otho, C. ix. 75,77. V. Vachier, (....) Nero.B. vi. 291,302. \ dais: treaty w ith Spain, Vesp. C. xiii. 113,399. V.-,lche, (J.i Galea, C. viii. 166. x. 157. Yaldefius, (Jac.) de dignitate regum Hifp. Cleop. F.vii. 83. Vale, (John) Cal. C. ix. 408 b. \ alence, (Aylmer) E. of Pembroke, a poem in honour of him, Claud. A. xiv. Valence & Bauday, (Biihops of) deputies from Francis and Mary, Cal. B. v. 3°4- \ alence, (Biihop of) on his negociations. Cal. B. x. 88. Valenciennes, (Proteftants at) Galba, C. iii. pallim. Valette (Helene de la) Cal. E. ix. 416. Yaieite, (Jean Louis de Nogarct de la) Due d’Epernon, Cal. E. xii. 128. Vnicy, (John) Cleop. E. v. 377 b. Valhe, (....) Galba, D. iv. 152. Valois, (Franjois de) D. d’Alemjon & Anjou: concerning his intended mar¬ riage with Q^Eliz. &c. Jul. F. vi. 168, 169 b. 174, 175. Cal. E. vi. 303. vii. iiSb. 160. xii. 90, 371. Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 232. E. vi. 36, 113, 114. Vi¬ tel. C.xi. 296. Vesp. F. iii. Si, 84. v. 214. vi. 48 b. ix. 159. Tit. B. ii. 481, 4S2. xii. 114, 133, 243 b. 353, 361 b. 375. C. vii. 12. xviii. Cleop. F. vi. 401. His attempt in the Netherlands, Galba, C. vi.P. i. 104. P. ii. 189b. 209, 233, 257, 258 b. 259. vii. 76. E. vi. 102. Vf.ip. F. v. 194. Valores manerior. redoriar. &c. in Oxon. Glouceft. Sc Buckingh. Nero, C. ix. 160. Valwanius, Arturi nepos: de ipfius ortu. Faust. B. vi. 23. Vander Does, (P.) Galba, D. vii. 124. Vamk-r Lucht, (Juan Joppen) Galba, C. x. 135. Vanforden, (John) Nero, B. iv. 56. Vanncs, ( . . .Bp. of) Cal. D. ix. 114. Vannes, (Peter) Nero, B. vii. 125, 129, 131, 139, 149. Vitel. B. x. 162, . 1 7z, 186, 197. xi. 15. 30, 35, 50, 54, 124,182, 187,189, 209, 214. Varfovicius, (D. Chrift.) de rccuperanda Narva, Jul. F. vi. 219. Vafleur, (A dr. le) Galba, D. v. 156, 175, 204, 219, 278. viii. 157, 160. Vafleur, (F. le) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 241. Vavafour, (Tho.) Galba, C. ix. 153. \ aughan, (Stephen) Nep.o, B. iii. 109. Galba, B. X. 2, 4b. 5, 7, 21, 34 b. 36, 42, 49, 52, 68, 127, 337. Tit. B. i. 340, 368. Vaus, (Robt.) lndidmcnt, Cleop. E. iv. 126. Vaux, (Lord) Pedigree, Jul. B.xii. 140b. Vaux, (Sir Nicholas) Cal. D. vii. 218. Vaux, (Sir Tho.) Otho, C. x. 177. Vaux, (Tho.) Ld. Harwedon, Vesp. F. xiii. 117. Vax, (Paul & Marcel) Galea, D. iii. 30. Vean, (J. le) Secy, to Andw. de Burgo, Vitel. B.ii. 141, 146. Vegctius, (Flav.) Renatus, de re militari, Cleop. D. i. 83. Veke, (J. van) Galea, C. viii. 49. Velafco, (D. Alonzo de) Vesp. C. xiii. 209, 405. Velafco, (Jno.de) Commcndat. de Caftile, Vesp. C. xiii. 2, 69. Velleius (And. S.) Jul. C. v. 18 b. 83 b. Vellutelli, (Acerbo) Cal. E. vi. 292, 309. Nero, B. i. 240,253. Galba, C. v. 4. Vesp. F. ix. 247 b. Vendome, vid. Bourbon. Vendome, ( ... de) Cal. E. v. 63. Vendramino, (Franc.) State of Spain, Vesp. C. vi. 250. Venetia: Tranfada, Nero, B. vi. 100,101, 1S4, 405. vii. 21, 22, 24,25,42, 53, 181, 197, 200. Vesp. F. i. 97. Hiftoria, Vitel. F. xvi. 151. Vep, (Jno. de) a Spanilh agent, Galba, E. i. 2S0. Vere Fam. Vesp. B. xv. 56. Vere, (Anne) Cfs. of Oxford, Vesp. F. xiii. 87. Epitaph, Jul. F. x. 132. Vere, (Aubrey) E. of Oxford, Vesp. F. xiii. 45- Vere, (Eliz. Cfs. of Oxford) Jul. B. xii. 230, 318. Vere, (Sir Francis) Galba, D. ii. 71. v. 235. vii. 326. xii. 159, 167, 169, 311. (Grant of a penfion to) Tit. C. vii. 132. Vere, (G. Sc T.) their attainder, Jul. B. xii. 206 b. Vere, (PI.) Galba, D. xii. 310. E.i. 328. Vere, (John) E. of Oxford, his attainder, Jul. B. xii. 206 b. Grant of a living, Nero, C. ix. 157. Manors belonging to him, Tit.C. x 7. V ere, (John) 4th E. of Oxford, Vesp. F. xiii. 85. Vere, (John) 5th E. of Oxford, Vesp. F.xiii. 86 b. Vere, (Maud de) Cfs. of Oxford, Vi.,p. F. xiii. 10 b. Vergicr, (. . . du) Cal. C. v. 127. Yergerus, (Pet. Paul) Vitel. B. xiv. 154. Verme, (Aluyflus de) Tit. B. vii. 294b. Vernon, (Margt.) Cleop. E. iv. 55. Veroli, (Bp. of) vid. Ennius. Veron.i, (Jo. Matth. Bp. of) Vitel. B. viii. 19 b. 33,133 b. 141. ix. 46, 102 b. 116, 168. x. 39. Vcrilegan, (Rich.) Jul. C. iii. 47,119. Verlk-gas, (R.) Cal. E. x. 319 b. Vefcovo, (Antonio) Tit. B.ii. 382. Vefprin, (Bp. of) Vesp. F. i. 107. Vervin, ( Treaty of) Vesp. F. v. 403. Vcxilli benedidio, Tie. E. viii. 95. Veyrac, (Bertrand, de) Archiep. Cant. Cleop. E.ii. 117. Ugmore manor, Jul. B. xii. 207. Ughtred, (Anthy.) Cal. B. i. 149. ii. 284, 352. iii. 257. vi. 282. Ughtred, (H.) Otho, E. viii. cS, 114, 119, Vicecomes, (Anchifes) vid. Vifconti. Vicofc, (de) Nero, B. vi. 290. Vicq, (IT. dor de) Vn e l. B. ii. 159. Vidor, (Fabius) de 14 Roma; regionib. Cleop. B. xi. 10. Vidore, (Ric. de St.) homilia, Vesp. E. iv, 99 b - Vidoris florilegium, de compofltionc cy- lindri, Vitel. A. i. 21. Vidorics gained by the Englifh, Jul. F. vi. 395- Viftualling office, (warraats, and various trads relating thereto) Otho, E. vii. ix. 54, 58,59, 67,83*, 90, 105, ic6, 246, 254, 255, 257, 258, 357, 361, 3 6 3- Vienne in Dauphine : St. Peter’s Ch. Tit. B. vi. 3. Hiftoryof, Tit. B. vi. 5, 7. Vienncs, (Madame Marie) Cal. C.ii. 26. Vigerius, (M.) Bp. of Preneliu, Card, of Sc- ncgalia, Vitel. B. ii. 53, 57 b. Vilarague, (D. Lud. Carrozde) Vesp. C. i. 91 b. Vilgier, (... de) Cal. E. vii. 133. Villa mediana, (Count de) Vesp. C. xiii. 19. Villa nova, (J. ) Galba, B. x. 76. Villareal, (Marquis of) Nero, B. i. 77, So b. Villatus, (Jac.) Tit. B. vii. 172. Villebre, (... de) Cal.E. i. 59. Villebreme, (Mace de) Cal. B. vi. 8o, 104. Villenger, (Jac.) Vitel. B. xix. 127. Villerov, (....) Cal. C. v. 19. E. ix. 509b. xi. 269, 275. xii. 231. Villiers, ( de)NERo, B vi. 436. Villiers, vid. lfle-Adam. Vincent, (Cape St.) works thereon, Auc. i. vol. ii. 113. Vincent, (Aug.) Jul. C.iii. 152 b. Vincent, (.) his charges on a journey. Tit. B.iii. 124b. Vincentius. Excerpta, Jul. F. vii. 139. I N D E X. Vineis, (Pet. dc) de geflis Fred. II. Imp. Vesp. A. xi. s ^LV'f*A Ep ' 11 ' Neiu> ’ a ' Cw "' E ' xii ' <- 'n. ( . Vintners, (Note; concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 593 - Viraque, (Ant.) Vesp. F. v. 450. Virgil, (Polydor) Vitel. B. ii. 76, 123, xz6 b. Hiftoria, Tit. D. viii. Virgilius, (P.) Maro. C'apituia Georgic. Jul. F. vii. 1. ./Eneid. Jul. F. vii. 2. Virginia Company, Otho, E. x. 120. Vifay^f, (Galfrid.) Nova poetria, Cleop. ' ,1 B.vi. 1. Vifchc-nich, (Coentzo de) Guba. B i. «9; Vifconti, (Anchifes) Nero, B. vi. az. Vifconti, (GaIea2zo) Vitel. B. ii. 197, 201. iii. 6, 13 b. 20, 42 b. 49,65. xix. 97, 9S, icS, 122b. 151,15Z, 207, 219,224,236,266. xx. 52. Vifconti, (John Galeaz.) D. of Milan, Ne ro, B. vii. z, 2 b. 3. Vifcontis, Vitel, B. iii. 85. Vifions Jul. A. vii. 91, 92 b. D. v. 166. Cal. A. viii. 188. Cleop. D. viii. 109. Revelatio Sci. Mic.'uelis, Jul. A. vii. 123. Vifte, (... La) Cal. D. vii. 84, 101. Vita: Philofophor. Orator. Poetar. Tit. D. xx. 143 , 1 57 - Vitaliani P. Epilt. Faust. B. vi. 97. Vitelli, (Chiappino) Marq. of Cetona, Galba, C. iii. 260, 307, 312. v. 5, 97 - Vitriaco, (Jac. de) Hill. Jerofolym. Tit. D. vii. 114. Vitruvii (M.) Pollionis, Archite&ura, Cleop. D. i. 1 b. (Exccrpta) Jul, F. x. i 19. Vitry, (. .. . de) Cal.E.xl6 4 . Ulfter province, (map of) Auc, i. vol. ii. 19,44. Ulfter, (Earl of) vid. Plantagenet. Union of the Greek and Latin churches, Cleop. E. iii. 78. L T nited Provinces, vid. Batavia. Univerfities, (notes concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 594. Unton, (Sir H.) Cal. F.. viii. 14, 16, 143, 184, 188, 190, 200. 201, 206, 226, 227, 249, 3zz, 326, 332, 534, 33 6 * 339 - 375 * 4 J 3 * 4 ' 3 . 4 2c > 5 ^ 4 * 582. ix. 170 b. 287. Vesp. C. xiv. 14. (Plate delivered to him) Cal. E. viii. zi6. Unydale, (Rich.) Vesp. F. xii. 34. Vocabularia, vid. Lexica. Voeglinus, (Gotthard.) Jul. C. v. 84. Volufenus, (Florentius) Cal. E. i. 28. Nero, B. vi. 20. Vowel, (John) alias Hoker, Defcript. of Exeter, Tit. F. vi. 88. Vowel, (Rich.) Cleop. E. it', ioi. Voyages, and Mifcellanies concerning va¬ rious merchant lliips, viz. The Swallow, Otho, E. viii. 7. The Dreadnought, Otho, E. viii. 9. The St. Andrew, Otho, E. viii. 9. The George and William, Otho, viii. 67. The Ughtred and Haftings, Otho, E. viii. 84, 117, 119. The Edward Bonaventure, Otho, E. viii. 87, 93, 136, 138. ix. 96. The Aide, Gabriele, and Michael, Otho, E. viii. 107. The Talbot, Otho, E. viii. 113. The Elizabeth, Otho, E. viii. 116, 138, 177- _ The Leiceller, Otho, E. viii. 137, 139, 166, 177. The Frances, Otho, E. viii. 137, 177. The Pepper-Corn, Otho, E. viii. 223. The Antelope, Otho, E. ix. 96. The Swiftfure and Crane, Otho, E. ix. 271. Upfatlington, (treaty of) Cal. B. ix. 33, 56, 107 b. x. 9 b. 11, 15. Upton, (Nic.) de armis militar. Nero, C. Urban, (John) Galba, B. i. 58. Urbanitas, a poem. Cal. A. ii. 86. Urban! II. P. Decreta in Concil Clare- montenfi, Claud. E. v. 245. Urbani III. P. Privilegium concefliim Hen. II. Claud. E. viii. 13 b. Epift. Vesp. E. iv. 20S. Urbani IV. P. Bullte, &c. Auc. ii. 131. Cleop. E. i. 198, 199, 243. Prophetic, Vesp. E. vii. 109. Urbani V. P. Conftitutio contra pluralitates, Vitel. E. xiv. 267. Urbanus VI. P. Cleop. E. ii. 172, 185, 187. - Urbino, (Fr. Mar. I. D. of) General of the Confederates, V itel. B. v. 48 b. viii. 16 b. 105 b. Urigny, (Nic.) Vesp. F. ix. 13S. Urfmari, (Sci.) vita, Nero, C. vii. 57. Uflier, (Ja.) Abp. of Armagh: Jul. C. iii. 158 b. 159 b. 185 b. v. 37, 76. Ulhcr, (John) of Dublin, Tit. B. xii. 488. Ufury, (orders concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 282. Utenhovius, (Car.) Carmen, Jul. C. v. 24. Utrecht, (union of) Galba, C. vii. z. (Plan of) Galba, C. x. 249. (Chron. Epifcopor.) Tit. D. xxv. 221. Mifc. Galba, C. ix. 258, 298, 317,322, 324, 327, 383. x. 57, 279. xi. 346 b. D. ii. 101. iii. 320. iv. 9. v. 15, 268. Uvedale, (SirEdm.) Galba, D. vii. 84. Uvedale, (J. . . ) Cal. B. vi. 273. Uvedale, (Tho.) Galba, B. i. 4. Yuignolcs, (Bernard.de) Cal.D. vi. 30. Vuytenreicht, (P. de') Galba, D. i. 255. W. Wand, (W.) Tit. B. vii. 6. Waad, (....) Cal. E. vii. 173. Wace, Cal. A.ix. 1. Vitel. A. x. 19. Wages, (ftatute concerning) Faust. A. iv. Wainfleet, (plan of a cut from) Auc. i. vol. i. 82. Waimikatt, (....) Cal. D. vii. 116. Waldcmar III. K. ofDenm. Nero, B. iii. 13. 18. Walden, (Ccenob. S. Jacobi de) Chronicon, Tit. D. xx. 66. fundatio, Vesp. E. vi. 24. Walden, (Roger Bp. of Lond.) Chronologia, Jul. B. xiii. 2. Walden, (Roger) hiftoria. Tit. C. xii. 183. C a l. D. iii. 1 zo. Waldenfium, (errorum) catal. Jul. D. xi. 84. Waldhar, Bp. of London: deeds, Auc. ii. 82. Wales. Topography, Dow. xviii. 123 b. Chronicle, Cal. A. vi. 1. Antiquities, Jul. F. vi. 281*, 288. De milabilibus Wallue, Vitel. A. xiii. 98 b. Nomina urbium Cambro-B.it. Jul. F. x. • 74 - IIarbours, Otho, E. ix. 77. Vocabula quaidam Cambro-Brit. Jul. F. x. 140 b. Cantreda: Wallin, Dom. viii. 119, 124 b. Extenta reddituum, Vitel. C. x. ioo. Bilhops, fubjeft to Canterbury, Tit. A. xiii. 154. Council in the Weft, Vitel. C. i.255 b. Tit. B. i. 161. Concerning the iv. Shires, Vitel. C. i. paflim. x. 209 b. Tit. B. viii. 47,48 b. 50. Concerning the Prince of Wales, Vitel. C. x. 251. Mifcell.—V itel. C. i. & x. paflim. Vesp. A. x-in i, 7> ,ob. iz b. C. xiv. 446 b. Tit. A. xix. 101. B. viii. 1. Walingate, (de decimis Sci. Laur. de) Vi¬ tel. A. ii. 128. Walkendorff, (Eric) Abp. of Drontheim, Nero, B. iii. 71. Walker, (...) Galba, D. ix. 91,92 b. Walker, (John) Otho, E. viii. 130, 133, • 77 - Walker, (Tho.) Tit. B. v. 246. Walkinton, (Nic.) dc Kirkham, de bello inter Hen. 1 . R. Angl. & Lud. grofliim R. Fr. Tit. A. xix. 1^4. Wall, (Nic.) Tit. B. viii. 371. Wall, (Robt.) Tit. B. iv. 323. Wall, (Tho.) Windl'or herald, Galba, B. ix. 49. Waller, (John) Cal. E. ii. 145. Waller, (Waiter) Gali C. xi 93. Wallingford, (carta honoris de) Claud. D. ii. 130 b. Wallingford, (hr. Joh. de) fragmenta : Aftronomica, Jul. D. vii. 1. Chronica, Jul. D. vii. 46 b. Pi&ura, Jul. D. vii. 42 b. Receptio in Ord. S.Albani, Jul. D. vii. 112 b. Wallop, (SirHen.) Tit. B xiii. 319,3^4, 35 -' 3 55 * 3 8 9 . 439 - C. vii. 153. Wallop, (Sir John) Cal. E. iii. 49. iv. 42, 188. Vitel. B xxi. 5, 27, 31. Wallop, (John) Vesp. F. i. 69. Walfti, (Robt,) Tit. B.x. 234. Walfliale church in StafFordlh. Nero, C. xii. 119. Walfingham, (Priorat. de) regift. cart. Nero, E. vii. Walfingham, (Sir Francis) Inftrudtions, Cal. C. vii. 229, 237, Galba, E. vi. 60, 65 b. 68 b. 72. Extracts from his papers concerning Ire¬ land, Tit. B. xii. 43— 53 , i 5 s, 171, J94—199. 202, 345—365, 437, 4 8 o, 49 •> 497 - Epitaphs, Vesp. C. xiv. 180, 185. Tit. B. viii. 279. Lett.—(•570.) Tit. B. vii. 12.— (1572.) Cal. C. iii. 217, 429. Vesp. F. vi. paflim.—(1573.) Vesp. F. vi. 230,237, 2 47 —(1574 ) Cal. C. iv. 228, 246. Tit. B . ii. 361.—(1575.) Cal. C. iii, 473 * 4 ^ • - iv- 248.—(1576.) Galba, C. v. 297,303, 308.—(,577.) Cal. C. iii. 4 S 7 > S° 4 > 5 ° 6 - v. 76b. E. vii. 15,33, I I N D E X. 37,5;.Vesp. F.xii.zi I.—(1578.) Cal. E. vii. rzi. Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 67, & irriepaflim. V esp F. xii. zi 1.—(1580.) Cal. C. iii. 365. vi. 16 b. 17 b. 20, •.p* b. 61. 67, 67 b. 63 b. 69, 70, 87. E. vii. 140.— (1581.) Cal. C. vi. no. Ga 1.1 . • ■ - .. , . • 98, lot, 104. Tit. 15 . ii. 229, 421.— (1582,) Cal.C. vii.6o. Galba, C. vii. 238b — (15S3.) Cal. C. vii. paflim. ix. 75, 76. Galba, E. vi. 181.—(1584.) Jul. F. vi. 14S. Cal. C. viii. 39 b. 63, 76, 79, 84, 88, 99 b. 132, 133, 161 b. Galba, C. vii. 304. Vesp. C. xvi. 156. Tit. B. vii. 10.— (1585.) Cal. C. viii. 180 b. 235, 242. ix. 138. Galba, C. viii. 60, 63, 168.— (1586.) Jul. F. vi. 43 b. Cal. C. viii. 305, E. vii. 275. Galba, C. ix. 13;, 137, 157, 172, 179, 185, x 91, 236, 241, 243, 246, 231, 280, 302, 326, 363. .*•. 44, 77. D. i. 11. E. vi. 309, 313 b. Vesp. F. xii. 211. Tit. 15. vii. 24, 59, Si, 100.—(1587.) Cal. D. i. 135, 202. E. vii. z38 . Gal¬ ba, C. xi. 315, 319, 326, 331, 343. D. i. 10, 49, 59, 144, 234, 249. ii. 78, 146, 178. Vesp. C. xiii. 313. — Xx588.) Cal.D. i. 288, 297, 327, 331, 338. E. vii. 304. Galba, D. iii. 10, 145, 232, 233, 319, 331. Galba, E. vi. 357, 365, 370. Otho, E. ix. 169, 173, 1S5 b. 187 b. Vfsp. C. viii. 95. Tit. B. vii. 32.— (1589.) Galba, D. iv. 69, 77, 81,115,171,226,300. v. 6, 52, 65, 67, 134, 156, 208, 302. E. vi. 379. Or ho, E. ix. 230. Tit. 15. ii. 473.—(1590.) Galba, D. vii. 33 b. — (fine A p ) Cal, E. vi. 392. Walfingham, (Tho. de) de Abbat. S. Albani, Cl a u d. E. iv. 9S, 307. Walter, magidcr hofp. S. Wldani Wigorn. Conceflio, Ca i.. A. x. 190. Walter de Gilburne, V esp. A. ix. 156. Chronicon, Tib. B. iv. 90. de gcftis R. Edw. 111. Nero, D. ii. 272. Walter, (Jof.) Jul. C. iii. 86. Waltham, (monad. S. Crucis de) Regid. Tin. C. ix. 49. De cruce ibi dedufla, Jul. D. vi. 73 b. Carta fund. Claud. D. ii. nib. Waltham, (de terris apud) Nero, C. iii. iSz b. Waltham, (Roger de) vld. Rogerus. Walton, (Bertram) agnind the licentioufnefs of nuns, Vesp. D. ix. 179. War, (a dil’courfe concerning) Tit. B. v. 39- Waraui, (Jacob.) Itinerar. Gal. Vesp. E. Warbcck, (Peter) Vesp. C. xvi. 152, 154. Warck, (jehande) Galba, C.ix. 387, 390. Ward, (...) Nero, B. vii. 200. Wardall, (Wm.) Cal. C. iv. 19 b. Wardlaw, (Hen.) Bp. of St. Andrew’s, Vesp. F. vii. ioz. WardonMonad. Com. Bedford, Nero, C. iii. 20S. Wardrobe, (accounts of the Royal) Nero, O- viii. 1,319. Tit. B. iv. 215. Wards and liveries, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 592. W r are, (Ja.) Jul. C. iii. 189 b. 199. W aieham, (polfeffioncs prioratus de) Otho, B. xiv. 3. Wareley-manor: court roll, Append, ii. Warena, (Reginald.de) Nero,C. iii. 1S2. Warham, (William) Abp. of Canterb. Cal. B. vi. 171 b. Otho, E. xi. 28. Vi¬ ve l. B. vi. 165 b. Vesp. F. xiii. 75 b. 77. Tit. B. i. 273. Cleop. F. ii. 173, 202 b. Warham, (W'm.) Mader of the Rolls, Galba, B. ii. 19, 56. Warin, (Gervais) Vitel. B. xxi. 87. Warmundi Regis Occid. Anglor. vita, Vi¬ tel. A. xx. 67. Warner, (Robt.) Tit. B. i. 140. Warwick, (Hidoria Comitum de) Vitel. C. ix. 246. Warwick, HI. of) vld. Dudley, Nevill. Warwick, (A.) Galba, C.ix. 113. Warwick, (R.) Jul. C. iii. 130. Wade, (encroachments upon) Ve?p. C. xiv. 340. Watchmen, (concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 598. Water-Eaton, (Manor of) Tit. B. iii. 46. Waterton, (Robt.) Vesp. F. xiii. 31. Watkins, (Mitt.') Tit. B.viii. 169. Watfon, (Chridr.) Hid. of Durham, Vi¬ tel. C. ix. 61, ioz, ii4, 125. Watfon, (Wm.) Vesp. C. xiv. 579. Watfon, (....) Tit. B. iv. 251. Watts, (Jo.) Jul. C. iii. 1. Watts, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 162 b. -^-W^verlie, (annales monad, de) Vesp. A. xvi. 21. Weavers in Kent, (Articles concerning) Tit. B. 1, 189. Webbe, (Tho.) Galba, D. iii. 199. Wedueder, (Cha.) Vesp. F. xii. 137. Weights, vid. Pondera. Weir, (Hercules) Cal. E. x. 108. Weierus, (Thcod.) Galba, B. xi. 333. Welbe, (Laur.) Tit. B. ii. 291. Weldon, (Tho.) Cofferer, Vesp. C. xiv. 481. Faust. C. ii. 140. Wellefedus (....) Tit. B. i. 364. Wells, Ecclef. carta, Tib. E. viii. 250. Wells, (Ric. & Rob.) their attainder, Jul. B. xii. 206. Wenefredae, (Sea:.) vitaetmiracula, Claud. A. v. 138, 141. Wenfenbeck, (Jacob van) Galba, C. iv. 37, 46, 49, 56, 58, 60, 73, 74, 92, 98, 104, 145, 150, 180 b. Wentworth, (Tho. Lord) Vesp. F. xiii. 114 b. Werburgte, (Sea;.) vita. Cal. A. viii. 82. Werburg,\ Monad. Cheder. foundat. Faust. B. viii. 122. Weregeld, (de v»riis fpeciebus) Claud. D. ii. 12. Wefel, (magidrates of) Galba, B. xi. 299. D. vii. 44 b. Weffex, (Kings of) Tib. B. v. 21, 22. (Bifhops of) Tib. B. v. 20. Wed, (Clement) Knt. of Malta, Otho, C. ix. 58. 75, 77, 105. Wed, (Dr. Nic.) Dean of Windfor, and Bp. of Ely, Cal. B. vi. 56, 69. D. vi. 194. vii. 44, 57, 73, 20!. Vl- tel. B. xii. 98. Tit. B. i. 271. Wed, (Thomas) Lord Delawar, Cal. C. iii. 312. Wed, (Tho.) I.d. Lawarr, Vesp. F. xiii, 112 b. Tit. B. i. 70. Wedbury, (Monad.) carts, Nero, E. i. 3 8 /- Wedern Iflands, (property of) Tit. B. xi. 44- Wedminder Abbey. Foundation, Charters, Bulls, &c. Auc. ii. 50,54,58,81. Claud. A. viii. 16. Ve'p. E. ii. 74 b. Tit. A. viii. 1. Faust. A. iii. Excerpta ex Regidro Monad. Jul. C. ix. 94 b. Vesp. B. xv. 21, Vifitation, Jul. D. ii. 157. Abbots. Deans, &c. Claud. A. viii. 34, 66, 69. Reg id rum capella* Sci. Stepli. Faust B. viii. 8. Wedminder City, tenders a benevolence. Tit. B.v. 183. (Bidio£ of) vid. Thirleby. Wedmorlafid. Earls: Ped. Jul. C. vi. 221. vid. Ne¬ vill. Wedon, (John) a fryar, Vitel. B. x. 171. Wedon, (R.) Jul. C. iii. 137. Wedon, (Rich.) arraignment for poifon- ingSir Th. Over bury, Vitel. C. xvii. 396 - Wedon, (Wm.) Otho, C.ix. 94. Wedwode, (Monad, de) Regid. Cart. Vesp. E. ix. 2 b. Wexebrug, (Augudine le Valois de) Vesp. C. xiv. 273. Wexford, (countyof) Tit. B.xiL 23,80, 251, 655. Weymouth, (plans of) Auc.i, vol. 5. 3Z. vol. ii. 22. (Charter of) Vesp. F. ix. 274. Whalley, (fundatores Monad, de) Ye v. D x ii. 2. Wharton, (Anne Lady) Tit. B. ii. 352, 35 1 * Wharton, (Philip Lord) Tit. B. ii. 306. Wharton, (Rich.) Cleop. E. iv. 122. Wharton, (Thomas Lord) Cal. B. iii. 131, 144, 176, 220, 225, 256. vii. 232, 233, 235,242,467,472. ix. 2, 363,364. Wharton, (William) Cal. C.iii. 439,440 b. 444 b - 445> 44 6 > 44 8 - Wharton, (Mr.) Jul. F. vi. 286. Whear, (Degoraeus) Jul. C. v. 212 b. 216 b. Wheeler, (J.) Nero, B.ix. 195 b. Galba, D. ix. 168. Wheelock, (Abrah.) Jul. F. vi. 123. Whethamdead, (Joh.) Abbas S. Albani, Epid. Claud. D. i. 1. Granarium, Tib. D. v. Nero, C. vi. Afta, Claud. D. i. 33. Whitby, (Excerpa e regidro Priorat. de) Vitel, E. xiv. 271. White (Will.) Tit. B. xi. 25 b. Whiiegift (Jo.) Abp. of Canterb. Jul. C. v. 22 b. Vesp. C. xiv. 529. Whitelocke, (Ja.) Jul. C. iii. 54. Whithead, (Sami.) Galba, C. x. 28S. Whitlaw, (Patrick) of the New grange. Cal. C. viii. 254. Whitred, K. of Kent, Auc.ii. 88. Wiat, (Tho.) Vesp. F. xiii. 160 b. Wicciorum Eccl. Epifcopi, Tin. B.v. 20 b. Wiche Cadle, (plan for) Auc. i. vol. i. 29. Wickewane, (Wm.) Archiep. Eborac. Jul. D. iv. 125. i n n e x. Wickham, (Wm. of) account of him, Jul. C. vi. 103. Vita, Si c. Tit. A. xxiv. 2, 11,15. Tedament, Tit. A. xxiv. 5. Wickhamici Oxonienfes, Tit. C. vi. 157. Wicklift'e, (Henry) depofition concerning, Cal. B.i. 143. WicklitF, (John) Pudils. Claud. D. viii. log. xxxvii Articles, Tit. D. i\ Meditations, Tit. D.xix. 122. Mifcell.— Faust. C. vii. 125, 138 b. 171 b. Widdrington, (Sir Hen.) Cal. C. vi. 161, 162. vii. 1, 2,3. 3 1). f, 13. iS. 249. viii. 48, 182 b. 186, 262, 262 b. 264b. 266, 275, 276, 27S b. 281 b. 289. ix. 172, 440*, 452. D. i. 206, 251, 285, 302, 341. Widdrington, (John) Cal. B. iii. 264. Wideman, (Hier.) Vitel. B. xxi. 125. Tit. B. i. 342. Wight, (Ifle uf) map, Auc.i. vol. i. 27, 28- Defence, Otho, E. xi. 226. Wiglaff, K. of Mercia: charter, Aug. ii. 9-94- Wigmore, (abbatia de) excerpta, Jul.C. vii. 245. Wigmore, (Rich.) Indrud. Cal. D. i. 164. TiT.C.vii. 146. Wihthburga, (Sea 1 .) miracula. Cal. A. viii. 98. 1 Wikes, (Tho.) Chronicon, Tit. A. xiv. Wilfford, (Tho.) Galua, C. viii. 209. Williide, (S.) Abp. of York: his life, Tit. A. xviii. 11. by Eadmer, Cal. A. viii. 55. by Fridcgodus, Claud. A. i. 1. by Heddius, Vesp. D. vi. 78. Wilfurde, (_) Vesp. F. ix. 141, Wilkes, (SirTho.) Indrudions, Jul.F, vi. 94. Cal. E. ix. 35. Galba, C. x. 79. D. vii. 131, 143. Vesp. C. viii. =34- Lett. See. Cal. E. ix. 134, 170 b. Gal¬ ba, B. xi. 382. C. v. 79. ix. 366. x. 2, 83, 266. xi. 167. D. i. 73, 80, 88, 156, 164,284. ii. 175. v.317. vii. 156, 162, 168, 176 b. 177,181,196, 199,203, 208, 256. E. vi. 128. Tit. B. ii. 207. vii. 30. Wille, (Ambr.) Galba, D. ii. 70. Vv illelmi Archiep. Ebor. Conllitutio, Vi- tel. A. ii. 107. Willelmi Lincoln, cccl. Cancel, tropi the- olog. Vesp. E. x. 43 b. Willelmi canonici Novi-burgi, hidoria mif- cella, Vesp. B.vi. ill. Wiilelmns martyr. Tit. A. xix. 150^ William I. K. of England. Names of thole who came to England with him, Jul. B. xii. g, 3, Nero, A. viii. 126 b. Life, Vesp. A. xix. 104. de ipfo et tri'uus filiis, Cleop. A. xii. 59. Laws, Ju l. C. ii. 80 b. Vi t e l. A. xiii. 6. E. v. ifiib. Cleop. A.xvi. 54. Grants, Jul. C. ii. 66b. Auc.ii. 25, 54. Vitel. A. ii. 106. Vesp. F. iii. 1. Attedatiode primatuCantuar. Do.m. v. 13. Epitaph, Tit. A. xix. 114b. Defcents from, Jul.F. xi. 1. Vitel. A. William 11. K. of England. Giants, Aug. ii. 53. Tib. C. ix. 45. Cal, B. vii, 290 b. William the Lion, K. of Scotland: conven* lion wich England, Gal. B. v. 61. Geneal. Faust. A. viii. 109. William II. K. of Sicily, Jul. E. ii. 101. William IV. D. ofBavaria, Vesp. F. iii. 99. William VI. D. of Bavaria, Cal. D. iii. 142. William D. of Brunfwic Lun. Galba, D. xiii. 117. William IX. D. of Guelders, Galba, B.i. 108,120. William VI. Count of Hainault, Galba, £. i. 113. 114, 115, WilliamIV. Landgr. of Hcfle Caffel, Gal¬ ba, D. xiii. 94. William D. of Juliers, Otho, E. x. 284. Vesp. F. iii. 104, 104b. William D. of Mantua, Vesp. F. iii. 109. William I. Ct. of Naflau Orange, Cal. B. v. 315. Nero, B. vi. 332. Galba, C. iii. 53, 73 b. 89, 106, 224, 250. iv. 10, 12, 17, 22, 37, 5;, 56, 58, 60 / 61 , 62,63 b. 75, 77* 78,79» 79 b. 80, 82, 90, 93, 101, 107b. 108, iii, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 121, 131, 134, 138, 142, 143, 146, 152, 155, 159, 163, 178, 1S0, 183, 218, 226, 235, 2 39> 359- v - l > 2 9 8 > 3»o- vi. P. i. 18, 67. P. ii. 29, 83, 85, 300, 355. vii. 265,270. x. 252. D. xi. 214. Vesp. F. iii. 107. v. 154, 170. Tit. B. vii. 405. F. iii. 292. William Lewis, Ct. of Naflau Dillenburg, Galba, C. viii. 177. William Lewis, Ct. of Naflau, Galba, D. 11. 172. iv. 267. vii. 103 b. x. 136. William Count de la Mark, G a l b a, C. iv. 3*3*3*5- Williarns, (John) Bp. of Lincoln, Jul. C. iii. 135, 171. Williams, (Sir Roger) Cal. E. vii, 3S0. viii. 93. ix. 143. Galba, C. viii. 55. ix. 85, 119. xi. 102. D. i. 40, 152, 175, 179, 214. ii. 4. Williams, (Roger) Hill, notes, Tit. C. vii. 6 b. Williams, (Wm.) Vesp. F. vi. 100b. Williamfon, (Adam) Cal. B. ii. 303. iii. I52. vi. 114. Willins, (Roger) Galba, C. vi. P. ii. 10 6. Willis, (Tho.) Cal. E. vi. 269. Willis, (Tim.) Nero, B. xi. 400. Willoughby, (Anty.) depofltions in Catherine’s caufe, Vitel. B.xii. 85. Willoughby, (Sir Hugh) Otho, E. viii. 10. Faust. C. ii. 110. Willoughby, (P. Bertie) Govr. of Berwick, Cal. D. ii. 486, 500. Willoughby, (Tho.) Tit. B.i. 381. Willoughby, (. . . Lord) Garter K. at arms. His embafly in Denmark, Tit. C. vii. 209, 226. Willoughby, (Lord) vid. Bertie. Wilmington manor, Jul. B. xii. 249. Wilnenfis Eccl. Epifcopi, Tie. B. v. 20 b. Wilsford, (Gerfon) Tit. B. iv. 271. Willhire, (John) Galba, B. ix. 236. Wilfon, (Nic.) Tit. B.,i. 348. Wilfon, (Dr. Tho.) Jul. C. iii. 87 b. 181. Cal. C. iii. 260. E. x. 225, 359. xi. 81. Nero, B.i. 142, 146, 148, 152, 156, 206, 241. Galba, C. v. 51, 100, 216, 272 b. 306, 325, 336, 358, vi. P. ii. 108. D.i. 2. Wilfon, (TIio.) Vesp. C. xiv. 15. Tit. B. ii. 441. Wilton, (Alfgetus de) conventio cum c.t- pitulo Wigorn. Vesp. E. iv. 207. Wilton. (Bilhopsof) Tib. B. v. 20 b. (Priory of) foundation, Faust. B. iii. 194, 258. Winch, (Humph.) Jul. C. iii. 62,63. Winchcomb, (monad.) Cleop. B. ii. 216. (Abbot of) vid. Richard. Winchelfea, (notes about) Jul. F. vi. 394. Winchelfea, (Rob. de) vid. Robertus. Winchemius ( ....) Galba, C. ix. 141, 1 75- Wincheller. Bilhops, Tib. B. v. 20. Claud. A. i. 36. Vesp. A. xvi. 13 b. xviii. 105 b. D. xviii. 139. F. ix. 270. Trr. C. xii. '94- Ecclefia Wintonienfi? annales, Galba, A. xv. Vitel. A. xvii. 1. Vesp.D. ix. 9. Carta, Vesp, A. viii. Conciliumapud Winton, Tib. C.i. 201, Statutum de Winton, Claud. D. ii. 132 b. Novi monafterii apud Winton privilegia, &c. Vesp. A. viii. Ejufdem monad, chronicon, Dom. xiii. 1 b. Collegium B. Maria de Winton, vid. Ox¬ ford. Privilegia feria Wintonienfis, Tit. A. viii. 60 b. Wincheder Caflle, Tit. B. ii. 242. Houfe of corredion, Vesp. F, ix. 277. Tit. B.v. 409. Wincheder, (Marquis of) vid. Pawler. Wincheder, (-) Vesp. F. xii. 153. Winck, (Oliver van der) Tit. B. vii. 296. Windebank, (Rich.) Tit. B. ii. 206. Windfor College. Statutes, Vesp. F. ix. 1. Vifitat. Vesp. F. ix. 17 b. Windfor, (capella regis apud) Vifitatio, Cleop. E.ii. 24. Windfor, (Edward Lord) Tit. B. ii. 388. vii. 197, 200, 214, 224, 263. xii. 25. Windfor, (Robt. de) tenures in cap. Vr- tel. F. xii. 183 b. Wine and fait trade, Tit. B. iv. 158. Wines, (fweet) farm thereof, Tit. B. v. 280. Wines, (a letter concerning) Vesp. C. xiv. 599- Wingfield, (Sir Anthy.) Galba, D. iv. 181. viii. 65, 67 b. 94. Wingfield, (Sir John) Galba, D.i. 142. iv. 191, 298. Wingfield, (Mary) Jul. C.iii. 22 b. Wingfield, (Sir Richard) (1515.) Cal. D.vi. 194—(*5*9-) Cal. D. vii. 120.—(1520.) Cal. D.vii. 176, et inde paflim,— (1521.) Cal. D.viii. 44’ S 8 > 60. Galba, B. vi. 219. vii. z6, ct inde paflim.—(1522.) Galba, }}. vi. 158. vii. 207, 295, 297, 300. viii. 38, 77.— (1525-) Vksp. C. ni. 55 ,58, 72, 135- 1 ' b ' 1 57 * ' 5 S > lSS -“ (1526.) Cal. D. ix. 258. Wingfield, (Sir Robert) I . (I I /iteL. B. xviii. I 3.— (1513.) Vi xviii. 37.—(1514.) V itel. B. xviii , . . —(1 5 15-) \ ■ l. B. xviii. 108. & inde palfim.— (1516.) Vithl. B. xix. paflim.— (1517.) Vithl. B. xx. 24, 27, 77. — (1520.) Cal. E. ii. 11c. — (1521.) Galba, B. vii. 354. Vitel. B. xx. i Galba, B. vii. 3, 4, 6, 10, 11,249. vii. 275,et inde paflim. —(1523.) Galba, B. vii. 208, 214, £16, 233, 243, 251. viii. 3, 12, 19, 36, 3S. — (1524.) Galba, B. viii. 114 b.— (1525.) Galba, B. viii. 153, & inde paflim. Vesp. C. iii. 282 b.— (1526.) Galba, B. ix. 3, 8, 10, 12 b. —(1528.) Galba, B.ix. 43.—(1529.) Galba, B. ix. 165. Wingfield, (Sir R. ) Galba, B. iii. 64, 68, 80, 83, 85, 174, 239, 256 b. iv. 67, 74,77, 94» *07, 113, 11S, 140, 151, 157- Vesp. F. xiii. .56. Wingham, (Statuta collegii de) Galea, E. iv. 48 b. Tit. A. xxvi. 267. Winfhemius, (Vitus) Galba, D. xiii. 85. \ ... . : impfh. Claud. D. i:i. 1 b. 3, 138 b. Winter, (Admiral) Cal. B. Lx. 64. Winter, (Tho.) Archd. of Richmond, Nero, B. vi. 13, 122, 163. vii. 182. Winter, (W. and E.) Otho, E. ix. no, 167. Winter, (....) concerning I’ortuguefe affairs, Nero, B. i. 173 b. 178. Win ton, (Andrew) Cnronicle of Scotland, Nero, D. xi. Wintour, (Tho.) Tit. B. ii. 292. Winwood, (Ralph) Galba, E. i. 272, 2S4. Vesp. C. ix. 167. Tit. C. vii. 70. Wireker, (Nigel.) monach. Cantuar. Vcrfus, Sec. Jul. A. vii. 53. Cleop. B. iii. 1 iz, 113 b. Wirral, (Hugh) Tit. B. x. 2S1. Wife, (W.) Tit. B. xi. 409. Wifmar, (magiflratesof) Nero, B.ix. 55. Withekot, (Ecc'.efia de) Nero, C. iii. 186. Withred K. of Kent, Ju l. C. ii. 56. Au c. ii. 88. Wittgeniiein, (Geo. a Sein count of) Galba, B. xi. 375. D. ix. 79. Wlfrici, (Sci.) vita, Faust. B. iv. 63. Wlflani, (Sc:. 1 vita, Claud. A. v. 160 b. Wnlcy, (Tho.) Tit. B. L 98, 99. Woden, rex : de ejufdem filiis, Pom. x. 4. Wodenoth, (Jo.) Jul. C.v. 126. Wo’fade, (St.) life and martyrdom, N:: ro, C. xii. 181. Woldemar III. K. of Denmark, Nero, B. ni. 18. Wolfgang, (William) Ct. Palatine of Neu- burg, Galba, D. xiii. 195. Wolfgang, count of Deuxpont, Galba, B. xi. 303. 307. Vesp. F. iii. 44. INDE X. Wolley, (J.) Cal. C. ix. 168. E. vii. 290. Galba, C. x. 47. xi. 242. Wolley, (Tho.) Tit. B. iv. 108. Wolfey, (Tho.) Cardinal. Lett. &c. (1514.) Galba, B. iii. 146.— (1515.) Cal. D. vi. 270. Vitel. B. ii. 152, 169, 202 b. 209 b. xviii. 193.— (1516.) Cal. B. iii. 18, 18b. vi. 129, 271. Galba, B. iv. 160, 162. vf 90. Vitel. B. xix. 82,88, 159, 167, 252, 293, 367. —(1517.) Galba, B. v. 164. Vitel. B. iii. 146.—(1519.) Cal. D. vii. 79, 83, 125. Vitel. B. xx. 153, 157.— (1520.) Cal. B. vi. 23. D. vii. 203. Galba, B. vi. 179b.—(1521.) Cal. B. iii. 52, 106. D. viii. 38, 116, 121, 132, 143. Galba, B. vii. 42, 45, 49, 57, 101. Vitel. B. iv. 104, 145, 207. xx. 251. C. xi. 191.— (1522.) Cal. B. iii. 37. vi. 19, 128, 242, 263, 267, 437, 438. Galba, B. vii. 262, 264, 360, 373, 375 - Vitel. B. v. 6.—(1523.) Cal. B. ii. 11. iii. 34, 50, 180. vi. 218, 295, 321, 452,455. Nero, B. vii. 34. Vitel. B. v. 223, 240. Vesp. C. ii. 70, 156, 167, 1S9, 202, 21S.— (1524 ) Cal. B. i. 112, 135, 314, 326. ii. 7, 13, 18, 209. iii. 128. vi. 336, 345, 35 x » 353 > 355 * 3 S 5 - vii - 4 °> 5 r » 8 7 - Vitel. B. vi. 13, 32, 58, 66, 112, 156, 178, 1S3, 262. vii. 20. Vesp. C. ii. 247, 274, 290, 340, 357.— (1525.) Cal. D.ix. 93. Vitel. B. vii. 1, 73. Vesp. C.iii. 3 , 49 -—(1526.) Cal. D. ix. 138, 185, 190, 200 b. 216, 226.— (1527.) Vitel. B. ix. 183,189,201, 203,206. Vesp. C. iv. 194.—(1528.) Vitel. B. x. 6, 7, 19, 24, 27, 43, 45 b. 47, 51, 53, 54, 62, 65, 66, 67, 71, 72 b. 78, 85, 88, 173, 190. —(1529.) Vitel. B. xi. 18,20, 57, 60, 82, 86,94, 119, 126, 167, 169, 218, 235, 243. Vesp. F. xiii. 76. — (fine A®) Cal. D. vi. 540. E. i. 27. ii. 14. 15. iii- 3. 4. 6. Nero, B. vi. 28, 34, 36. Galba, B. iv. 1, 5,6 b. Vitel. B. xx. 9 b. 107, 112, 1S1 b. 236, 243 b. 248, 255, 2b8. V e5 p. C. xiii. 331. Tit. F. iii. 102. Proceedings on the divorce of Hen. VIII. and Q^Cath. Vitel. B. xii. paflim. Plate given by Woolfey to St. Alban’s, Tit. B.i. 80. Agreement with the E. of Angus, Cal. B. vi. 395. His ftatutes for the order of St. Augufline, Vesp. F. ix. 22. Charges againft him, and pardon, Jul. F. vi. 31 b. 36. Vest. F. ix. 190. Wolftani, monachi Winton. vita Sci. Athelwoldi. Nero, E. i. 415 b. Woman, whether allowed to reign. Ap¬ pend. xxvn. 158. Wood, (John) Cal. C. i. 162, 313. Woodford, (Joh.de) Regilt, cartar. de ejuf¬ dem maneriis, Claud. A. xiii. Woods, (prefervation of) T1 r. B. iv. 289 b. 291. v. 192, 297. Woodllockc, (Edm.) E. of Kent: Pedigree, Tit. B. viii. 273. Woodvile, (Anth.) E. of Rivers, Vitf.l. C. i.7. Woodvile, (Ric.) E. of Rivers, Jul. B. xii. 145. Vesp. F. xiii. 56. Woodwalton, (boundaries of) Jul. F. Lx. 90. Woodward, (George) Tit. B. vii. 102. Woodward, (Rowland) Inflrudlions to, Jul. E. ii. 87. Woodward, (Wm.) Jul. C. iii. 50b. Woollen trade, Jul. F. vi. 104. Cal. E. ix. 497. x. 23. xi. 304. Galba, C. i. ill. D. viii. 285. xiii. 1S2. E. i. 163,284,320b. 330, 370, & indepaflim. Vesp. C. xiv. 477. Tit. B. v.44, 311, 420. Faust. C. ii. 95, 96. Append. xxviii. 129. Worcefler Cathedral. Charters, Vitel. C. ix. 126. Church regiflers, Tib. A. xiii. 175b. Nero, E. i. 3S7. Excerpta ex cartuiar. Jul. F. vi. 357. Vitel. C. ix. 126. Vesp. A. v. 92. Chronicon, Cal. A. x. 60. Obituary, Cal. A. x. 191. Bilhops, Tib. A. xiii. 175. Cal. A. x. 60, 189. Vitel. C. ix. 198 b. vid. Clifford, Giglcs, Ghinuce. Convcntio capituli, cum Aifgcto de Wil¬ ton, Vesp. E. iv. 207. Mifcell. Cal. A. x. 204 b. Claud. A. i. 36, 36 b. viii. So, 216. Cartx Monad. Sex. Marita, ibid. Tib. A. xiii. 1. Worcefler Caftlc, Jul. F. vi. 357. Worcefler, (Marq. and Earls of) vid. So- merfet. Wormley, (John) G a lb a, D. i. 192, 19S. Worrey, (Sir John) Cal. E. viii. 455. . I ■ V P. C. viii. 100. Wotton, (E.) Cal. B. v. 1S0. C. viii. 193, 195, 196, 310 h. 220, 032. ix. 130, 131, 134 - Vvotton, (Edward) Inftrufl. Cal. C. viii. 187. Galba, E. vi. 302. Lett. Cal. B. v. 180. Wotton, (Sir Hen.) Jul. C. iii. 167b. Nero, B. vii. 179. Wotton, (John) Galba, C. xi. 256. Wotton, (Dr. Sir Nic.) Cal. E. iv. 215, 218. Galba, B. xi. 47, 52. xii. 221, 236. C. i. 4, 12. 28 b. ii. 162. Vitel. B. xxi. 178, 186, 209. Vesp. C. vii. 227. Wrielberg, (Fred, de) Bp. of Wurzburg, Vesp. F.iii. 103. Wright, (Edw.) Tit. B. viii. 318. Wriothefley, (Hen.) Vft E. of Southampton, 1 Tit. B. ii. 319, 338. vii. S. I Wriothefley, (Hen.) 3d. E. of Southamp¬ ton: arraignment, Vitel. C. xvii. 339. Vesp. F. xiii. 311. Tit. B. vii. 444. Wriothefley, (Tho.) dinner. Cal. B. vii. 301. Tit. B. fi. 330. INDEX. WriotheHey, (Tho.) Galea, B. x. 122, j 27. Writing, (fecret) Vesp.F. ix. 185. Wroth, (Rob. and Tho.) Inquifit. port: mor¬ tem, Jul.F. x. 18. Wrothe, (Rich.) Tit. B. iii. 85. Inrtrudlions, Cal. C. ii. 405. Wuldhar, Bp. of London, Auc. ii. 18. Wulfgvthi, contradtus emptionis, Ti b. B. v. 76. Wulfred, Abp. of Canterb. deeds, Auc. ii. 47, 72, 74, 75, 77, 78, 87, 93, 94. Wulfllani periplus, Tib. B. i. 11 b. Wulpher, K. of Mercia: charter, Auc. ii. 5- Wulftani, (S.) vita, Vesp. E. ix. 10. Wyat, (SirTho.) Inftr. Vitel. B. xxL 170. Expences, Vesp. C. xiv. 19. Wycke, (Tho.) Canonic, de Ofneya. Annales Anglia:, Ti b. A. ix. 42. Wykewane, (Walt, de) Abbas de Winch- Perquifita fpiritual. Cleop. B. ii.216. Wyl Bucke, his Teftamcnt, ( Jul. A. v. 126 b. Wylfon, (Seer) Nero, B. xi. 177. Wymundham monatl. regift. cart. Tir.C. Wynter, (Tho.) Nero, C. i. 42 b. Tit. B. i. 390. Wyrcefter, (Wm.) Jul. F. vli. 25, 38, 1691 Wyverthorp, (Eccl.de) Vi tel. A.ii. 100 b. X. Xariffs, kings of Fez, Morocco and Thc- rudant, vid. Morocco, Mulley. Y. Yakadey, (examination of) Cal. B. viii. 29S. Yarmouth, Jul. F. vi. 369b. Auc.i. vol. j. 7^. Claud. E. viii. 5. Tit. B. v. 257. Yelverton, (Sir Hen.) Vesp. C. xiv. 340, 459. Tit. C. vi. 157. Luke Hi",f.ird, Printer, Great Turnftile, Lincoln's-lna FieKi . Yelverton, (Tho.) Vesp. F. xiii. 332. Ymerii, abbatis B. Maria: de Becco. Exequia:, DoM.xi. 155. Yongc, (J.) Galba, B. iii. 256b. vii. 278. York. Fundatio Eccl. F.bor. Cleop. C. iv.4. Conflitutiones varia:, Bullx, Statuta, &c. de provincia Eborac. Vitel. A. ii. 94, 99 b. 102 b. 104, 105, 106, 107, 10S, no, 113, 116, 117, 118, 130 b. Cleop. C.iv. 20b. 21. Var. de Ecclef. Tit. A. xix. 6. Cleop. C.iv. 15. Bilhops and Archbps. of, Jul. D. iv. 125. Tib. A. vii. 167.B.V. 21. Vitel- A. ii. 103. Tit. A. xlx. 3, 117 b. 150. Cleop. C. iv. 5b. Append, xiv. Subfidy of the clergy, Claud. A. viii. 142. St. Peter’s cathedral: chartulary, Claud, B. iii. 1, 164. Galea, E. x. 88 , 118. St. Mary, monart. Tib. E. viii. 244. Ordines cclcbrati in eccl. Ebor. Galba, E. x. xi6 b. 139. (Magiftrates of) Tit. B. i. 279. F. iii. ■33- King’s Commirtioners, or council at York, Cal. B. iii. 274. vii. 345. A Commiflion at York, vid. Mary Q_. of Sc. Array of forces in Yorkfliire, Vesp. F. xii. 199. Tit. B. v. 132. Nomina tenentiumin com. Ebor. Claud. C. ii. 83. York, (Edmund) Cal. E. vii. 131. viii. 139. Gal:: a, D. i. 263. Otho, E. xi. 400. York, (Edmund, abbot of) Cleop. E. iv. 47- York, (. .. Duke of) names of his lordlhips, &c. Dom. ix. 84 b. York, (a note figned) Vesp. F. iii. 35. Young, (Cha.) Vesp. F. xiii. 326 b. Young, (Rich.) Bp. of Bangor, Nero, B. iii. 19, 20,21b. G a lb a, B. i. 59, 60, 61, 62, 96, 97, 98. Young, (Patricius) Vitel. C. ix, 56. Young, (John) Vesp. C. xiv. 170. FINIS. Ypotis, a legend. Cal. A. ii. 77 b. Ypres, (town of) Galba, C. ix. 13. Yfendairn, (Walterde) Galba, E. i. 6. Yvanes, (Ynigo) de S. Cruz : a political and moral difeourfe, Vesp.C. xiii. 375. Ywain & Gawain, a romance, Galba, E. ix. 1. Z. Zagrabia, (Bp. of) Vesp. F. i. 2S. Zamoilki, (John) Chancr. of Poland, Nero, B. ii. 226, 289, 302. Tit. B. vi. 119. Zapol, (Johnde) K. of Hungary. His eledlion, Vesp. F. i. 6. Mifcell.— Nero, B. ix. 77. Vesp. F. i. 8, 20, 21, 23, 55, 67, 76, 77, 81. iii. 86 b. Zarne, (Sebaft.) Cal. E. x. 412. Zealand, Galba, C. v. 58, 292, 294. vi. P. i. 47, 52. vii. 252 b. 286. viii. 162, 233 b. ix. 211. D. ii. 218. v. 175, 329, viii. 276. ix. 17, 18. x. 69, 168. xi. 2. xii. 264, 328. Vesp. D. ix. 53. Zero, (Jn. de) Vesp. F. v. 377. Zinzan, vid. Alexander. Zirickfee, (liege of) Galba, C. iv. 293. Zohlpi, (W.) Galba, C. ix. 147. Zolner, (Conrad de) Grand Mailer of Pruflia, Nero, B. ii. 12. Zoologica. De natura animalium, Vesp. E.x. 59 b. Zofimi Epift. Claud. C. vi. 2. Zouch, (Edw. Lord) Cal. D. ii. 151, 155, 169. Nero, B.iv. 195,204,211. Zouch, (John) Vesp. F. xiii. 113 b. Zouch, (Mary) Vesp. F. xiii. 114. Zouch, (Rich.) Cleop. E. iv. 259 b. Zurich: on its polity, Cal. B. v. 323. Zutphcn, Galba, C. xi. 132, 313. D. i. 114, 154. ii. 14. viii. 2, 129. Zuyder Sea, (Chart of) Auc. i. vol.ii. 29, 64. Zuylen, (W. van) Galba, C.x. 157. Zweveghem, or Svvcvingham, (Fr. de Ha- lcyn, Lord of) Galba, C.iv. 230, 233, 236. v. 21, 254, 255 b/339. vi. P. i. 16 b. 22. w " * ■ w ,%g mm: \m k> % \ Wf/$. Earv^r j