T H E ~ r BUILDER’S GOLDEN RULE, OR THE TOUTH’s SURE GUIDE: CONTAINING THE GREATEST VARIETY OF ORNAMENTAL and USEFUL DESIGNS I N ARCHITECTURE and CARPENTRY, \ With the molt ready practical Methods of executing the fame, from the Plan to the ornamental Finish, in the moll prevailing modern Talle. THE WHOLE Corre&ly engraved, on 106 Copper-Plates, with a full Explanation in Letter-Prefs. To which is added, An Eftimate of Prices for Materials and Labour, and La- bour only, with References to the refpe< 5 tive Defigns. By WILLIAM PAIN, Author of the Practical Builder, THE SECOND EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, By H, D, S T E E L, Number 51 , Loth bbrv, near CoLEMANlS.mST. M.DCCJLXXXIL The Proportion of Chimnies to Rooms , in any Cafe required, from a Room of 9 Feet fquare to a Room of 60 Feet Jquare. A room of 9 ft fquare will require a chimney 2 ft. 3 in. wide by 3 ft high : then, fupponng the room to be 12 ft fquare, the proportion will be as 4 to 1 ; that is, the width of the chimney will be 2 feet 3 inc. by 3 feet f of an inch in height : fo that, for every foot the room increafes in fize, you mull add one inch to the width of the chimney, and a quarter of an inch to the height: then, if the room be three times 9 feet, which is 27 feet fquare, the chimney will be 3 feet 6 inches wide, by 3 feet 4 inches and a half high : and fo on for any lquare room. For rooms that are longer than they are wide, fuppofe 24 by 36, add the length and breadth together, and take half that fum for the fquare of the room, being 30 feet, which is 21 inches more in width, and 21 quarters more in height, than the 9 feet rooms require ; fo the chimney wil be 3 feet 9 inches, and the height 3 feet 7 inches. Suppofe a room fhould be large enough to require two chimnies, that is 40 feet wide by 60 feet long ; add the length and breadth together which is 100, and take the £ of that, which is 30 ; lb that two chimnies to a room of 50 feet fquare will do for a room 60 by 40, and the width of each chimney will be 5 feet 5 inc. and the height of each will be 4 feet and half an inch. And fo for any other. The Proportion of Windows to Rooms to give the proper Light , not too glaring nor too dark and gloomy . Multiply the length of the room by the breadth, and that product by the height : out of the laft produdt extradt the fquare root, which root will be the proper light for the room, and muff be divided into as many parts as the room will admit windows. Suppofe the room to be 24 feet by 18, the product will be 432 : multiplied by 12 feet the height, that produdt will be 5184, whofe fquare root is 72, which will admit of three windows, containing 24 feet each. This is a ge- neral rule for any room, table O F CONTENTS. Plate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 *3 14 *5 1 6 >7 Page. I, 2 2 >3 3>4 4 4,3 5 5 , 6 6 6 6 >7 7 7 7 7 7 7*8 8 Defer iption of lines and laying out angles* The confiruEtion of polygon figures . Interfefition of lines , arches , &c. Diminijhing of walls. Of groins , angles, and brackets. Of centering and covering groins. The confiruEtion of brick' arches. Trufiing girders , fettion of floor-plate fcarfing. Another method for trufiing girders. Of trufiing girders, framing the trufs into a half fiory pofi, fianding part in the wall. Story-pofi and brefiomer, to carry great weights , as brick-walls, &c. Plan of a bridge-floor. Another trufs and fe Elion of a floor . Plan of an ell-roof and fcarfing-plate. Two trufies for roofs, Jhezving the method for dove- tailing or joggling dozvn beams on the plates. Framing roofs in ledgement. The method for framing bevel roofs. CONTENTS. Racking curve-line kips. Of circular and elliptical domes. A trufs for a dome , and a center for a large Jlone or brick arch, The proportion of the Tufcan order. The proportion of the Doric order . The proportion of the Ionic order. The proportion of the Corinthian order. | The compofite bafe , capital , and entablature. | Clewing up columns , diminifhing , gauging , &c. The proportion of Doric fronts. The proportion of Ionic fronts. The proportion of Corinthian fronts. To defer ibe the raking cornice. To proportion architraves , friezes, and cornices , to doors. Doors for the infides of rooms . ^Defigns for chimmes. j Defigns for bafe and Jurbafe. j Defigns for impojl. \Defgns for architraves to doors , windows, &c. £> e fa ns for capitals , frieze conlices , &c< CONTENTS. lu Piate. Page. 6 3 16 64 65 *7 66 17 67 i 7 68 l l 69 70 l 7 7 1 *7 72 — 73 — 74 — 75 — 76 — 77 l 7 78 79 — 80 , — 81 , — 82 83 — 84 — 85 — 86 — 8? _ — 88 _ 89 — 90 l 7 9 i — 92 — . 93 — - 94 18 95 — 96 — 97 — 9 $ — *- ' Defigns for Jiairs . Defigns for fairs. j To the ramp and knees . j P repaving and glewing capitals. A defgn for a green-houfe. A defgn for a hot-houfe. Groin cielings or covers for ditto. Sections of chimnies. A conical fair-cafe on an oval plan* Plan and elevation for a church. Plan and fedlion of ditto. Defgn for a pulpit . Defigns for altar-pieces. Defigns for the plan and elevation of a houfe . Plan and fePtion of ditto. Plan and elevation of a tozvn-houje . J Four defigns for cielings . Defigns for doors and fhutters. Defigns for Jhop-fronts . Defigns for pedeftals, fonts , fun-dials , ballujhades, &c. Defigns for a coach-houfe and fables . Sethons of ditto. Defign for a farm-houfe y yard , &c. Circular mouldings. Circular raking mouldings . i Circular circular filewing jambs and fififits y on a j circular plan y external and internal. A Table of Scantlings for cutting of Timber for Building . Bearing-Post. Scantling, If 8 feet in height, — 9 inches fquare. If 10 feet in height, — 10 at bottom 8 at top. If 12 feet in height, — 12 at bottom 1 1 at top. If 16 feet in height. — 16 at bottom 12 at top. If 20 feet in height, — 20 at bottom 16 at top. Girders. Bearing Length. If 16 feet. If 20 If 24 If 30 If 36 If 40 Scantling. Inches. Inches . — * 12 by 10 — 13. by 12 — 14 by 13 — 15 b y 14 — 16 by 13 — 18 by 16 Binding-JoiJl . Scantling. Common Joifi. Scantling. Length. Inc . Inc. Length. Inc. Inc. If 6 feet, - - 6 by 4 If 6 feet, — 5 b r 3 If 8 — 7 by 4 If 8 — 6 by 3 If 10 — 9 by 4! If 9 — 9 by 3 If 12 — 10 by 5 If 12 — 12 by* 3 or 3! If 14 ~ 12! by 6 Beams or Ties. Scantling. Bridging-JoiJl. Scantling.. Length. Inc. Inc. Length. Inc. Inc . If 20 feet, — 8 by 9 If 6 feet, - — 5 b 7 3 If 30 — 8 by 10 If 8 — Si by 3 If 40 — 10 by 12 If 1 0 — 6 by 4 If 50 — 11 by 13 Principal Rafte rs. Inches . Inches. Inches. Length 15 feet, — 9 at bottom, 7 at top, 6 thick. 20 — 10 8 — 7 *5 — 1 1 9 — 8 3° — 12 10 — 9 26 — 13 10 — 10 The king-poft from 1 ft 6 in. to ft 8 in. and as thick as the rafters. Small Rafters . Scantling , Length 8 feet, — 5 by 3 10 ~ 5 1 by 3 1 12 — 6 by 4 IVall-Blates . Inc. Inc . from 6 by 4 to 912 from 6 by 8 to 8 10 according to the length, which lhould not exceed 14 feet. Nitii & h gh-derr and tie-beams lhould camber \ an inch to every 10 feet i:;. length, whether they are trailed or not* ( I ) Description of the Plates, & c . Defcriplion of Lines , raifing Perpendiculars \ and laying out Angles , he. PLATE I. Fig. i. ‘ . '• * % f* * < • '/* c. I S a right-angled triangle, whofe bafe-ime.js 6, and per- pendicular is 8, -and the hypothenufe io. From the fcale of feet draw the line e a equal to 6 feet* then take 8 feet ill your compaffes, and fet one foot at a> and deferibe a finall afech at />, then take io feet in your compaffes, and fet one foot at c\ and bifedt the former arch b , which wall be perpendicular to a; then draw the lines a b and be: which was, to be done. Then, as 64, the lquare of 8, and 36, the fquare of 6, are together equal to 100, which is the fquare of 10 by 10, therefore a b is a perpendicular to the given line a c. So that the lines 6, 8, and 10, com- plete the right-angled triangle, whofe complement con- tains 180 degrees. F I G. 2. PLATE I. To raife a P erpendicnlar at the End or Middle of a Line . Draw the given line d e , then fet one foot of the com- palfcs at e , and draw the arch d f ; then, with the fame opening of compaffes, bifedt the arch at g and then fet one foot at g , and draw the arch h i, then fet it at h y and draw g i ; then draw/ 1 which is the perpendicular to the bale-line d c * To draw a fegment of an arch, as fig. 3* plate 1, draw the bafe-line a b and the perpendicular line c ?at right angles with a b , then draw the line a d c, and middle that line at d, then draw the line d e at right angles wjth the line a c, and that will cut e c at r, W'hich is the center to draw the arch a cb. Fig. 4. To let fall a perpen- dicular from the point a to the line b c , continue the line e d to the point a , then middle the line a e as at d , then draw the circle a b c, and where the circle cuts the line at b y that will be perpendicular to a: which w^as to be done. Of protr adding. F 1 g. 6. PLATE I. Is a Protradior,for laying out Angles. Lay the centre, at a , on the line at a point given, as at a, anil the angle required is 60 degrees, as at r, on the B limb ( i ) limb of the protra&or •, then the lines a b and a c will con- tain an angle ol 60 degrees, and lo lor any other, plain to infpedtion. For Inftance. Suppofe an angle of 20 degrees was required* then the line a b and a d would be an angle of 20 degrees. Again, fuppofe 40 degrees were required, a b and a e will be angles of 40 degrees. Again* fuppofe 90 degrees are wanted, then a b and a f are 90 degrees* Suppofe it be required to open the angle to 140 degrees, then the line a b and ag will be an obtufe angle of 140 degrees* Sup- pofe 160 degrees was wanted, then the line a b and a h will be an obtufe angle ol 160 degrees. The angle ab f is a right angle : the angle a b c is. an acute angle of 60 degrees : the angles ab d and a b e are acute angles of 20 and 40 degrees. Thde will be fufficiept to Ihcw the manner of laying angles in planning or any cafe required. On the face of the protra&or are four lcales of Iceland inches, from a quarter of ail inch to the loot to one inch to the foot, which is plain to infpedion. F 1 g. 7. PLATE I. Is an equilateral triangle* Very ready for dividing mouldings, &c. Divide the fide into as many parts as are contained in the mouldings you make ufe oi* fet the com- . pafles at random larger than the part you want* and draw ' the line to the center a\ then fuppofe your mouldings to be 20 parts, more or lefs, put on the height of the mould- ing, as a b f, and it will be divided as required ; and fo lor any other, making the fcale larger than the height ol 1 your moulding. The Conftruftion of Polygon Figures. PLATE XI. Fig. a, to draw a pentagon to a given fide, as 1,2, make a radius of the fide 1, 2, then divide the arch, 1, 6 into fix parts, and turn one part down to 0, which is the center, that will draw the circle to contain the fide, 1, 2 live timbs. Fig. b is a hexagon. Make a radius of the fide 1, 2, and the bifedlion at 0 is the center of a circle that will contain the given fide 1, 2 fix times. Fig. c is a heptagon of 7^ fides. To draw it to the given fide 1, 2 make a radius of C 3 ) the fide i, 2 and bifedt at o, then divide the arch i, o into fix parts, and turn one of thefe parts up to 7, which is the center that will contain the fide 1,2 in the circle 7 times. Fig. d. is an odtagon. To the given fide 1,2 make a radius of 1,2 and bifedt at b, then draw the arch 4 d , which d is the center to draw the circle which will contain the fide 1,2 eight times. Were it required to nine lides, the center e will draw a circle that will contain the given fide 9 times, f 10 times, g 11 times, h 12 times. Fig. e to divide a circle into any number of parts, as here into 10, make a radius of the whole diameter and bifedt at 1, then divide the diameter into 10 parts, and from the bifedtion at 1 draw the line 1,2 to touch the arch of the circle at a, then b a is the fide that will go 10 times on that circle, Fig. f is another way to divide a circle into any number of parts. Divide one fourth part of the circle into as many parts as you would have the whole circle divided into, and take 4 of thefe parts for the fide which will go as many times as your quarter is divided into. Fig. h is a femi-ellipfis on the tranfverfe diameter. To draw the ellipfis take the femi- conjugate diameter 3,4, and fet it on the tranfverfe diameter 1,2, then, from 2 to the center 3 divide into three parts, and turn one of thofe parts over to 0, then make radius of 0,5, and biiedt at 6, then draw the lines 6,0 and 6,5, then with center 0 draw 1,7, with centre 5 draw 9,8, and, with centre 6 draw 7,4,8, which completes the ellipfis. Of Interfettion of Lines , Arches, &c. PLATE III. Fig. 1. is a trammel for drawing a flat arch. Suppofe a b to be the width of the arch and c to be the height ; make a trammel with three laths to touch the points a, b,c; then tack in nails at a , b , c , move it round with the pencil at c , and delcribe the arch a , c, b. Fig. 2, is a femi-ellipfis on the tranfverfe diameter by interfedtion of lines. Divide each fide into a like number of parts, (the more parts the truer the work) and draw the lines as on the plate, which complete the arch. Fig, 3, is a femi-ellipfis on the conjugate diameter by interfedtion of lines, drawn in the lame manner (which is a general rule) by interfedtions. Fig, 4. is a fegment-arch by lines. Fig. 5. is a Gothic arch by interfedtion of lines. Fig. 6, is an egg by inter- $ 2, fedtion C 4 ) Section of lines. Fig. 7. the manner of drawing an ellipfis or oval with a line. Take half the tranfverie diameter 1,2, and make that equal the line 3,4 and 3,5; then, at 4,5 fix pins, to which you mult fix a line, the ends to each pin, fo that the middle part of the line will touch the arch at 3, or at the pencil 6; then, moving the pencil, round tight to the line, you will deferibe the oval or el- lipfis, which was to be done. Diminifoing Walls. PLATE IV. The wall, fig. A, diminifhes on each fide alike, which gives the wall a pyramidical form, and is the ftrongeft and bell; way of diminifhing the wall. Fig. B diminifhes all from the infidc, which is molt commonly done, but it is not fo ftrong as the other. It is a very good way to turn arches over girders and beam-ends that lie in the walls, and over lintels of doors, windows, &c. and it is very ne- ceflary to lay in chains of bond-timber, over doors, win- dows, &c. framed well together at the angles. To prepare foundations, if required, with piling and planking, drive piles 15 or 18 inches apart, according as youfmdthe ground is, and lay fleepers on the ends of the piles, then fill in be- tween with brick-work flufh within the top of the fleepers, and lay ftrong planks over them : and it mu ft be obferved, .that, in piling, the piles mull be driven till they come to a good bottom ; and in fome ground they may require tobe 13 or 20 feet long, more or lefs, as the bottom fhall prove. Of Groins , Angle-Brackets , See. PLATE V. Fig. b is an angle bracket at an internal angle ; / is the given bracket, in the angle-bracket : divide the bafe-line of l into four parts, and draw thofe lines to the bale-line m ; then draw the ordinates 1.1.2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4, and transfer them perpendicularly to the bafe-line of the angle-bracket m : then draw the ordinates, 4.4.3. 3. 2. 2.1.1. and make them the fame height as the given rib l; tack in nails, and bend a thin lath, and mark as that curve direds, which will Be the angle rib required. Note, the more parts the bafe- line is divided' into, the truer the work. Pig. c is the plan of a vault where the door or window cuts through the arch under pitch ; d is the given arch, on the plan c k is a femi- circlo ( 5 ) circle cutting through the arch at e, which is called a Welch groin. Divide the heights £ e and g h into the fame num- ber of parts, and draw the lines to each refpedtive arch, and drop thole lines to meet on the plan, which gives the bale-line of the hip the other fide cuts at the lame height; but the bafe-line a bis divided into equal parts and dropped to the diagonal line ; then proceed as you did in fig b. This will be a kind of Gothic arch. Fig. d is an angle- bracket at an external angle, drawn by ordinates, the fame as the internal bracket fig. b. Fig. e the plan of a vault to be groined,; / is the given rib, and g the jack rib ; h is another given rib, and i is the jack rib ; which are traced by ordinates, the fame as the angle-bracket, fig. b and d. Of centering and covering Groins. PLATE VI. Fig. A is a plan and ribs for a groin-cieling, which fhews the place of the jack-ribs. On the plan, in rib c are all thejack ribs fhewn, and lines dropped from the ends to the plan, which fhew the place to fix them to the hips. Fig. B is a plan for a brick groin : a is fuppofed to be the given rib, then b will be the jack ribs ; but if c be the given rib, then ^will be thejack ribs, which are dropped down to the plan, fhewing the place where they are to be fixed when the body-range is fet and boarded in. To lay down the cover of the groins or cielings, lay down the bafe-line of the rib a and the arch line of the rib b, and divide them into equal parts, each containing a like num- ber, and draw the lines to meet on the plan, which gives the angle. When a mould is made to that, and bent round on the covering of the body-range, from the angle i to the center 2 will give the angle-line to fet the jack-ribs and boarding. Thefe groins are all traced by ordinates, which is a very fafe and fure way for finding the angle ribs in any cafe whatever. The ConJlruElion of Brick Arches. PLATE VII. Fig. 1. is a femi-ellipfis in a circular wall. The curves in the arch are defcribed by the trammel-rod, which makes them all of one fize ; and to cut them on the face, fix the center, when made to the curve of the wall, level, and then fix two flandards, as a and b , upright ; then make two moulds to the curve of the wall, as c, one to be fixed, as d, the ( 6 ) the other moveable up and down, at pleafure, as e. So, when the fpringing courfe is cut, lay the next on that, and, with a long fcriber, as/, draw it by thefe circular moulds which will mark what is to come oft the top parts : then mark the under fide by the top edge of the firft courle, and that will lhew how much is to come off the face of every courfe. By preceding in this manner, it will anfwer for any arch in a circular wall. Fig. 2. is a fegment-arch. Fig. 3, a fcuback-arch, which cambers one eighth of an inch in a foot on the fioffit. Fig. 4. is a femi-circular arch in a cir- cular wall. Fig. 5. a iemi-circular arch in a {trait wall on flewing jambs, {hewing how the face of the bricks muft be cut. Fig. 6. is a Gothiek arch. Trufi/fg Girders. Section of Floor-Scarf ng-P kites. V LATE VIII. Fig. A is the fedtion of a girder to be trufled, {hewing the method of truffing. Fig. B {hews the pieces bolted together. Fig. C is the fedtion of a bridge-floor, {hewing the binding- joift. a b y framing into the girder; e f the bridging joift layed over the binding joift ; g the cieling-joift chafed into the binding joift : the bolts or trufles to be of dry oak, 5 by 4 inches, the king-pieces to be 10 by 5, or 12 by 5; a pair of wedges at the back of the king-pieces, as 1,2 ; but, if the girders are fo very large as two whole pieces trufled toge- ther, the king-pieces and trufles may be as much larger as required. Fig. D the manner of fcarfing plates. PLATE IX. is another method for truffing girders. Fig. A is the fedtion of a girder with an iron king, which fcrews underneath, and iron plates at the end of the trufles. Fig. Bthe two pieces put together. Fig. C is another fedtion, where the trufis goes above the top ot the girder to make it ftronger ; for, the {harper the pitch of the trufs, the better for ftrength. Fig. D the two pieces bolted together. In truffing girders, they are fometimes let in only one inch, or one and a half into each fide ; in fo doing they are not bolted dole together as {hewn on the plate ; and fome are let into the thicknefs, and bolted dole together, as you may fee in the plate. PLATE X. Of truffing Girders framing into a Half Story Pof, to 'ft and Part in the hVall. This girder with two braces, framing into a crown-piece bolted to the girder, and framed into the poft, and the poft framed C 7 ) framed up into the girder, and the girder joggled into a plate in the wall, will carry a great weight. Oak corbies in the wall for the bottom of the poll to fland on, or they may be Hone at plcafure. PLATE XI. Story Toft and Breffommer , to carry great Weights , as Brick- Walls, &c. If thefe polls are 12 feet in height, they mull be 12. inches fquare ; and, if required to be longer than 12 feet, for every foot in height add one inch to the fquare of the poll ; fo, if the poll be 20 feet in height, it will require 20 inches fquare at bottom, and 16 inches at top. PLATE XII. is the plan of a bridge-floor, fhewing how the binding-joiH is framed into the girder, and bridging-joill laid on the b-inding-joift. PLATE XTII. Fig. A is a fedtion of a floor with a crown-piece bolted to the girder, and the two braces a a framed into the poll, and bird’s-mouth’d to the crown- pieces. They are to be as wide as the poll and girder, and the braces bb to frame irto a king-poll c, and dove-tailed into the poll ; and the other braces bolt through the whole, with ferew bolts. Fig. B is a trufs-roof for a church. Plan of an Ell- Roof and Scarfing Plates. PLATE XIV. . Fig. a a fcarling plate. Fig. b plan of an ell-roof, with hip and valley. PLATE XV. Two Truffes for Roofs. Fig. a, a trufs with two queen-polls and a king in the center, framed into a collar. Fig. b the method for dove- tailing beams and girders ; and at *, under the end of the beam, the beam is joggled down., which I think is as good or better than a dovetail. Fig. c is another trufs for a roof with two queen polls and a king in the center, which frames into the beam. Fig. d. is the fedtion of a floor, where the binding-joifls arc the depth of the girder, and framed far enough apart for intermediate joifts to go between them, which are not fo deep as the binding. So the cieling- joifts are chafed into the binding-joilt, under the common* joill, which is plain to be leen in the fedtion. PLATE XVI. Framing Roofs in Ledgment. The Tides and ends of this roof are layed out to fliew in what manner the principal rafters mull be laid. To frame in C a ) Sin the purlines, there muft be fquare lines drawn acrols the plan of the root, as a b ab a b, and thofe lines to cut the center of the building, as a tg g g. Now as ;he rafters lie out, the top of each rafter touches the fquare line ab a b ab, and the bottomena of the rafter lies parallel with that fquare line, which is plain by the dotted line going from the center of the beam end. So, when the foot of the rafter i is fet on the end of the beam at 2, and Hands to the pitch it framed to, they will fall over the center at£ in the middle of the building, and fo for all the reft* To find the Length and Backing of the Hips . Take the bafe-line of the hip g h, and fet it on the bafe- line of the rafter as g h and g i, then draw the lines p i and ph, which is the length of the hips. To back the Hips, as Plate xvii, which will anfitver in any Cafe required . ’ Take the height of the rafter 5, 6, and fet it fquare from the bafe-line of the hip, as 4 5 and 2 5, then draw the hips 1, 2, 3, 4, then draw the lines aab fquare acrols the bale- line of the hips as at c, then draw the circle ,to touch the hips, and the point d is the backing* The Method of framing Bevel Roofs * PLATE XVII. This roof is parallel, part of it, from a to b, and from b to d runs bevel, which caufes that part of the roof to wind, for the perpendicular height of the rafters is all alike, which makes the ridge ftrait at top ; and-, as the beams lie bevel on the plan, as a b c d e f g h i k, there muft be fquare lines drawn acrofs the plan to cut the center of the beam. When the rafters are laid out on the beam to frame in the purlines, the center of every rafter muft lie to that fquare line, as reprefented by the black lines drawn on the plan, then will they lie right for framing in the purlines. If they are not laid in this manner the purlines will not fit. To lay out the narrow end, the principals muft belaid in winding, thefame as they Hand when up in their places. To do this, with a parallel rule, applied to the foot of the principal rafters, lay them outof winding one with another, and they will then lie in the fame manner as they will Hand when up in their places. Then the purlines will be framed right, otherwife not. Eatking of Curve-line Hips and tracing them. PLATE XVIII, Fig. A is a rib for a dome, and B is. the hip traced from it. Divide the given rib A into five parts, on the bafe-line, atgi draw the ordinates, i, i 2, 2 3, 3 4,4 5,5, chen divide the bale-line ot the hip into the fame number of parts; take them from A and fet them on B; then tack in nails at the points 1, 2, 3> 4? 5 ’ Fend a thin flip round, and mark as that curve diredfs, which gives the hip-mould. To back the hip, take, from fig. F. the plan of the hip, 1, 2, and fet it on the hip at bottom, 1,2: then fhift the hip-mould to 2, and out to o at top ; mark it by, and that will be the wood to come off' for backing the hip. Fig. C is a given tib for an ogee roof, which is to be done in the lame manner, r ig. G and E is the backing for a ffrait Hip.. You are to ob- ferve, that the piece of wood be the fame thicknefs as the: hips and form of the curve for the little part you want, then cut it to tne pitch of the hip at foot, fet it on the plan and mark it by that, which will give the backing exadtly, and fo for any other. Or, if you draw a line, parallel with the bafe-line, and take off 1,2 on the plan, and fet them on the laid lines, 1,2, all the way up, and mark by the mould, it will give the backing in any cafe required, ftrait or curved line. Of Circular and Elliptical Domes. PLATE XIX. Fig. A the plan of an elliptical dome. One half reprefents the rib on the longeft diameter. Fig. C is the rib on the fiiort diameter : efg are the fibs to 'Hand on the plan at 1,2,3. Fig* D is thefedfion of the level bars, fhe wing the vvood that is to come off in fquaring. Fig. B is a dome on a circular plan; one half the plan reprefents the whole rib : k is the fedtion of the bar; the dot-lines on fhe plan are the moulds for the level bars, which is plain to infpedtion, by the dot-lines dropped from the bars in the rib to the plan. The bars to be of equal height from the bafe-line, and the ribs efg to be traced from the given rib, fig. C. Fig. A PLA TE XX. is a plan and trufs for a dome. Fig. B is a center or trufs for a large done orbrick arch. Of the Doric Order. PLATE XXI. The Doric order, fo called, becaufe thatDorus, king of Achafio, built a magnificent temple to the goddefs Juno, C in ( 10 ) ‘in the city of Argos, which Vitruvius fays was the very firft model of this order. To proportion the Doric order to any height required, divide a b into five parts ; give one to the pedeftal ; then divide e d into five parts; one is the en- tablature equal to two diameters of the column. To pro- portion on a fub-plinth, divide c/into eleven parts ; one is equal the diameter of the column ; give one to iub-plinth, and two to the entablature. The triglyphs to ornament the frize at large are Ihewn in plate 26; the diftances, from center to center of the triglyphs, 75 minutes ; the breadth of the triglyphs, 30 minutes : the fpace between At minutes, equal to the height of the frize, the pedeftal at large, plate 22. Bale and cap, plate 25, entablature at large, plate 27. with all the meafures figured for pra&ice, by a fcale made on the diameter of the column. The dia- meter to be divided into 6, and one in 10 or into 12, ana one in c, which is the fame as by the fcale g b, plate 23. The projections all fet back from a plumb-line, as a b, in all this work of orders and mouldings. Of the Tuscan Order. PL ATE XXI. The Tufcan order was brought into that part of Italy called Tufcariy by the Afiatic Lydians, who are laid to have firft peopled Italy, whence the name Tufcan is derived* To proportion the Tufcan order to any height required, on a pedeftal, divide the height a b into five parts, and give one to the pedeftal ; then divide c d into five parts, one of them the entablature : divide e/into feven parts, one is the diameter of the column, which is. to be divided into fix parts, and one of them into ten, which is the icale to work by, and thofe to be difpofed to the mouldings in height and proieCtion as they are figured. This is the way to make the fcale for all the orders on the diameter ot the column. £ h is a fcale of minutes divided, plate 2 3* proportion this order on a fub-plinth, divide the heig t, 1 into ten parts; each part is equal the diameter oi the co- lumn ; give one to fub-plinth, and one three-fourths to the entablature, and feven one-fourth to the fhaft, including bafeand cap. Plate 22 the pedeftal at large. Plate 23 the bale and cap at large. Plate 24 entablature at large, wi all the meafures figured for pra&ice from the fcale ot mi- nutes on the diameter of the column, as^, plate 23. A he projections are to be fet back from a plumb-line, as a b. ( 11 ) Of the Corinthian Order . PLATE XXI. So called, becaufe it was firft defigned by an architect of Athens and executed at Corinth, from whence it had its original, and was called the Corinthian order. To proportion the Corinthian order to any height re- quired, divide a b into five parts, and give one to the pe- deflal ; then divide c ^into fix parts; each part is equal to two diameters of the column. On a fub-plinth, divide e f into thirteen parts, and each part is equal the diameter of the column : give one diameter to the fub-plinth, and two diameters to the entablature. The meafures are taken in feet and inches, according to the place where ufed ; and that meafure is divided on a rod, to proportion the orders and find the diameter of the column to work by, as the fcales a b and c d, & c. on the plate 21, and fo for all the orders. The pedeflal at large, plate 22. The capital at large plate32. The bafe and entablature at large, plate 33, with all the meafures figured. The diftances between the center lines of modilions is 35 minutes; the breadth of the mo- dilion n£ minutes. The diflance of the modilions mull be juftly obferved from center to center, which is a true guide for the inter-columnation, or diflance of colums from center to center. Of the Compofite Order . PLATE XXXIV. The compofite capital at large. P LATE XXXV. The Entablature at large • To proportion this order is the fame as the Corinthian. The principal meafures the fame as in the Corinthian, plate 21. The column’s height jo diameters, including bafe and capital ; the bafe is Attic, which is moftly ufed to all ex- cept the Tufcan, which is a torus and cincture on the plinth. So the Attic bafe is half a diameter, the compofite capital one diameter 10 minutes, fame as Corinthian ; the entabla- ture 2 diameters ; the height of the column and entablature is 12 diameters, with all the meafures figured for practice. Of the Ionic Order . PLATE XXI. The Ionic order, fo called becaufe it was invented by Ion, in Ionia, a province in Afia, who is faid to have C 2 ere&ed ( 12 ) erected a temple of this order to the goddefs Diana, at Ep'hefus. To proportion the Ionic order, on a pedeftal, divide the height a b into five parts, and give one to the pedeftal ; then divide cd into fix parts, and give one to the entablature;^ the remainder cf into nine parts. One is tire diameter Qt the column at bottom, which is to be divided into fix-parts • and one in ten tor the Icale to \Vork by. On a lub-plinth, divide g k into 12 parts, one is the diameter of the column, and give one to the lub-plinth ; one diameter 48 minutes to the entablature; and then there will remain nine diame- ters 12 minutes for the ihaftof the column, including bale and cap, which is plain to infpcction. PLATE XXII. : The Ionic Pedejlal at large. The bafe and cap of ditto, PLATE XXVIII. with all the parts figured lor practice. PLATE XXIX. The ancient Ionic capital and plan of ditto, with all the meafures figured. PLATE XXX. The Ionic volutes at large, with all the meafures figured; and the eye oi the volute at large, fhew- ing all the center's tor drawing the fame. PLATE XXXI. The Ionic entablature at large, gand the modilion at large, fhewing how to draw the foffit; which is plain to infpettion. To draw the volute, Plate 30, draw a circle the fize of the bead; and in that "circle deferibe a fquare, and draw two lilies icrofs the fide of the fquare, as in fig. A; then divide thofe crofs-lines each into fix parts, whereon the centers will fall, (as you lee. them figured,) drawing one quarter at a time. For the infide of the lift the centers are one-fifth part within the other, (reprefented by the fmall dots,) which will diminfth the lift as required. PLATE ( »3 ) PLATE XXXVII. Of dimimjhlng Columns and fluting Pilaflers . To dimimfh columns, divide the height into four or fix parts; then draw a femi-circle at bottom, a* in fig. A; then fet on the diminifhing a b ; then divide that part qf the arch ab into as many parts as the height is divided into; then draw thofe lines acrofs the circle; then, from thofe parts draw the line to meet the lines i. 2. 3*4* thofe meetings, tack in nails, and bend a thin rule, and mark as that curve directs; which will give the diminifhing of the column from bottom to top. Fig. D. is the di- minifhing lath; fig. B. {hews the gauging and fluting di- mipifhed" pilaflers. Divide the width into 29 parts, give three to a flute and one to a fillet. Fig. E fliews the gauging and fluting of pilaflers that do not diminifh. To fuppoie beads at the angles, divide the width into 31 parts; give three to a flute and one to the fillet and bead. To gauge the diininifhed pilafter make the gauge to clafp the pilafter as in fig. B, cut the ends to a point, and that will run the diminifhing. Fig. C, the end, mufl be fquare-put-in teeth, to run half the flutes at a time ; and make them fhort and round as needle points. PLATE XXXVIII. Doric Frontifpiece , To proportion this Doric front, fuppofe the clear paf- fage to be three feet fix inches, or three feet nine, more oiTefs. If three feet fix inches, the height to the fpririging of the arch mufl be feven feet fix inches ; which height mufl be divided into nine parts, one of which is the dia- meter of the column, and two the entablature. The dif- tances between the center of columns feven diameters 30 minutes, which contains fix modilions. The mould- ings at large. Plates 25 and 27. PLATE XXXIX. To proportion the Ionic Front. Suppofe the clear paffage of the door to be three feet nine inches, more or lefs, then the height to the fpring- ing of the arch mufl be eight feet ; that being divided into ten parts, one is the diameter of the column,, and one dia- 1 ' meter ( 14 ) meter 48 minutes is the height of the entablature ; one di- meter is the height of the fubplinth; nine diameters 12 mi- nutes the fhaft of column. From center to center of the column fix diameters 43 minutes. If modihons are ufed inftead of dentals, it takes 1 3 modilions, at 3 1 minutes from center to center of modilions. PLATE XL. To proportion the Corinthian Front • Divide the height, ab 9 into 13 parts; each part is equal to the diameter of the column. Eight one half is the height of the fpringing of the arch : four one fourth is the dear paflage of the door; and 6 diameters 25 mi- nutes from center to center of the columns, which will contain n modilions, at 35 minutes, from center to cen- ter of the modilion. PLATE XLI, To defcribe the Raking-Cornice, Make the level cornice, A, a quarter of a circle on the face; then draw the front raking cornice, B, making the projection ab equal to ab on the level cornice; then the centers for the curve of the front raking will fall on the middle-line drawn up the raking cornice, as at 1.2. The top return-cornice is to be equal in projection with the others, and a line being drawn parallel through the center, and at right angles with the projection, the center will fall on that line at 3.4: which center will draw all the curves of the cornice to agree in mitering. PLATE XLII, To proportion Architraves , Frieze , and Cor* nice 9 to Doors , The front is deligned for an outfide door ; but, if the fanlight be taken away, it will be a good defign for an in- lide door. To proportion the architraves, divide the clear paflage of the door into eight parts, give one to the width of the architrave, and two thirds or three fourths of the architrave’s width to the fide pilaftcrs. The height of the frieze and cornice is equal to the width of the architrave, or the cornice may be reduced to five-fixths of the archi- trave’s. The architrave to be divided into twelve parts, and thofe parts difpofcd to the faces and mouldings as figured on the plate. PLATE ( *5 ) PLATES XL IV. to XLVII. Defies for Chimney-Pieces* The width of architraves to Chimney-pieces to be i-fixth or i -eighth part of the width of the finiihed chimney. The frieze to be equal the width of the architrave ; and the cornices, in height, to be equal to two-thirds of the ar- chitrave’s breadth; and that to be divided into as many, parts as figured in the cornice you make ufe of. Thefe- parts are to be difpoled to the mouldings in height and; projection as figured. The fide pilalter, trufles, tec. to be two-thirds of the architrave’s breadth. Note, any cor- , nice in this book may be ufed to chimneys, doors, rooms* tec. only having regard to the principal heights. PLATES XLVIII. XLIX. Are Defignsfor Bafe and Sur - baft for the P edefial-P art of Rooms . The height of the fur-bafe one eighth part from the floor to the top of dado ; that is, from 2 feet 6 inches to 2 feet 10 inches; the height of the bafe two-thirds or one half of the fur-bafe: the plinth, one and one third of the fur-bafe height. PLATES L. LI. Defigns for Impofis to Arches . The height of the import, including the necking, one eighteenth part of the height from the floor to the fpring- ing of the arch. All the meafures are figured for practice. PLATES LII. LIII. Defignsfor Architraves of Doors, Win- dows, tec. with all the Parts figured for Practice. The width of the architrave to be one fixth or one eighth part of the door; and that to be divided into twelve parts, and thofe parts difpofed to the faces and mouldings as figured on the plate. PLATES LIV. to LXII. Thirteen Defignsfor Capitals, Frieze, Cornices, tec. for any Place required, as for Chim- neys, Doors , Rooms, tec. If ufed to chimneys, give to the cornice two-thirds of the architrave’s breadth : if ullsd to doors, give to the cor- 'nice 5-fixthS of the architrave’s breadth, or the whole breadth ( ; i6 ) breadth of 1 the. architrave : if ufed to rooms, give, the cor « rfices half an inch to every foot in height ; that is, if the' room be-io feet high, 5 inches' cornice ; if 12 feet high, 6 inches cornice ; if 18 feet high, 9 inches cornice ; and fo for any other. The frieze to be one and 1 -fourth part of the cornices. The' neck-moulding mav be one fourth part of the corniccss, or one fixth, at pleafure. Outfide cornices may have five-eighths of an inch to the foor. Any of the above cornices may be ufed on the outfide of buildings. • * ■- ; " • ■ v - . . P TATE LX II I . The Twifi-Rail and Cur tail- Step for a Stair- Cafe. The Falling- Mould ft retched out for the Outfide and Infide of the Rail , which fiuarcs the Rail at Top and 'Bottom. • To draw the plan of the curtail-ftep and rail, in the cen- ter, O, draw a circle, 3 inches and a half diameter, and in that circle infcribe a fquare ; .then middle the fide of that fquare at.. 5 and 4, aqd draw the line 5, 4; then di- vide the line 4,5,int04parts; defcribe the liquate 4,3,2.56.; and the firft center for the rail, on the fide of that little fquare, is at 1, which draws the firft part of the rail, ah; then the center 2 draws the fecond part, be; the center 3 draws the third part, c d ; the center 4 draws the fourth part, de; the center 5 draws the fifth part, ef; which completes the outfide line of the rail ; and the centers 4 and 5 complete the infide line. The nofing of the fteps is drawn by the fame centers, from 1 to 4, which is plain to inlpedtion. A the pitch-board, B the raking mould for the rail, which is traced from the plan of the rail, as 3 f, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. A B C the pieces to make the twift-part of the rail ; D ispart of the ftrait rail ; the tye is a parallel piece : g and h brackets. For the falling-mould for the twift-rail, g f is the twifted part of the rail ft retched out, and gives the falling of the twift. To form the curve of the falling-mould, divide from f to h iqto feven parts, and from h to^- into 7 parts, and draw the lines to thofe parts, which will form the curve, as may be feen in the plan. PLATE ( i7 ) PLATE LXX. To draw the Ramp and Knees . Draw the under fide of the rail to meet the fide of the newel, at a; then draw a circle from the top of the knee to the top-part of the rail ; then fquare from that to cut the line r with the top of the knee will be the center to draw the ramp, as at r. PLATE LX VII. A Stair-Cafe, the Center Tart on a femi-circular Rian. The beginning and landing are fliers. The bearers under the fteps may be framed into a firing-board fixed againfl the wall, which I think is better than fixing in the wall. For gluing up the hand-rail a templet muft be made to the well or opening of the rail, and, the rife and tread of the fleps being drawn on the templet, the rail may be exadtly worked to its true pofition. The firing-board is by fome bent in thicknefs, and by others glued upright the fame as a column ; but I think the lafl is the befl in moft cafes. PLATE LXXVI. Groin Cielings. The Method of laying down the Covering of Groins and finding the Angles. Fig. i, is a plan of a groin to be covered. K is the cover or boarding, flretched out. The whole arch BD to be flretched out on the line i, 2 in K, and the half, as 3, 2, to be divided into a number of equal parts, and thdf arch- line of the arch A is to be divided into the fame number of parts, and dropped down to the bafe-line of the fame arch; then take thofe parts from the bafe-line A and fet them On the bafe-line in fig. K, as 4, 2 ; then draw thofe lines to meet each other, which will form the mould for the angle when bent round the body range from 2 to 5 : the fhaded parts are the moulds. PLATE XC. .Fig. A is a defign for a flone pedeflal for a garden-dial, the height 42 inchess, the, width 14 ap bottom, 13 at top, eight the necking : and fig. B is a defign for a flone pe- deflai ( I* ) deftal for a font in a church, the height 42 inches* width 16 at bottom, 14 at top, nine the necking. C and Dare banifters for baluflrades, to be of Hone or wood. PLATE XCIV. A Method for Gluing up circular dado Moulding , &c. Fig. A is a circle to have mouldings bent round. The manner of gluing up the mouldings on brackets at c and d in thickneffes. Fig. B is another plan, which is concave, and fig. A is convex. Firft glue up the dado, for fig. B, the fame as for ftrait work ; then groove it on the back, and bend it to the plan on a templet, and glue in flips in the back grooves, which will keep it in its true pofition. The mould- ings are to be bent in the fame manner on the brackets, 4> 5> The whole is plain to infpedtion on the plate. PLATE XXXVI. Gluing up Columns, and gauging thent for the Flutes and Fillets . Fig. A is the plan of the column at bottom ; fig. B the plan at top ; e the backing-mould of the joint-hook. It is the bell way to diminilli the Eaves before they are glued together. Fig. D the method for ganging the flutes and fillets. Prepare two pieces of plank, and fix them on die bench, or fome other convenient place, and hang the fhaft on a center, as represented in the plate ; then fix a firait: rule on them, parallel with the center of the column, and diminifh the top edge, and fix it firait’ With the diminifhing of the column ; then with a wedge, fix the column fo that * the gauge will reach the center or one edge of the fillet 3 then run the gauoje by the fide of the rule from end to end pf the column : then take out the wedge, and turn the co- lumn to the other edge of the fillet, and run the gauge. as before; and fo on till the whole be done. Divide the round intend parts ; give three to a flute andone to a fillet. Fig. C the method lor fluting to an arage. If columns arc to be bent to their diminifhing, they muft have a tem- plet dim in if fled, and the flalf ferevved down to- the templet before it.is jointed. .Tlalcl. WTatn MS/ Jkb&t/ui a t tbcAct dir^ett AA'dy 6 , !'JJ80^or WJ'iun. by TlWto d>ncv\ 3f-Nuh^las Lvm. Z ombard ftr* I 1 late II. TlatelR. Ji'ay 8 ,f, 7j80for ~WTain. Try 1 J Woodman 37 2\Tic7iolas lane Lo rrCbcifd.y'o- L Flate V. JxtbV.sh 'J dnu***.3/jVi> chalets locate LernhctrA Tlateyi . jrjam eld. Tnblish'd as rhcAct directs May 8 /V/ BOfirWFairi, bvTIWccJnian. 37 Mchaias lane Zembarcl mtcYii FlateYUL hs wm a imi a fl — — Plate X. PuiltpUJ. aJ tite Art directs June & ^/JBOfcrWRun bytl ’IWoeebncm. 3J UieJicltu lane. Lemhxrdftr * FlateXI . Hate XU. PkteXffl. PlakXIV. f^60foi TYfiuriby7TWoo&rx£u\ / 512 , 7u&oZas laruJj cmbar-elj'tl - * - - TlateXV. * I 8 '*/J80ferWPairi iv TlWoodman 372\if r r-Wft,^ly Tim. F/a&XM. Titbluh'd sus (&• Act directs June- 8 1] 8 OforWPeusi 'p.rvcjuio y naj (C wuipoo^yj^ a' T.'lfa*!*! nil t & > ^ §» s' 5 ^ s* &>> i ~ Si 3 § 5. £ 5. * s £* „ e-i v i ’ xiX X n jJ > JV J°J 'MU *4 WJAI oslt r, 9 *t n ±' Mfi **> ?.'(/?l‘P>j; JhLti/h'd cu ticket <£>«* July 8^/jSO^cv lwcmi HHBia mtsxxw. Tuscan Entablature. Wcoiitr, h jo ~35 4C~ Scale ofMuiuttj- . SO Js ruHj/hdai rhr Aft MrttuJj, B-J/SO/irtyhAtty NiJutU^m, Lml«u-AJtr,,t . 1 .WJPam AU. Woodman /tuj/o flateXXIX. 7 Diameter 6iMavutes . Xntick Iojuc Cap ■at FlateXXXr Ionic Entablature | *»A**~*r^», -S: yeofirm-arn 4-J_ u/ Sir (brvit/uan Entablature PlaUJ&Xm 48jn_ (bmjujit Entablature . fuJ-iybd A* A* *W, S^'S //? <\ *y XXWv'hum. JfMeh,U< flats XLM US thr As. oltStsrJjr 0c/ %, .&"'ljli0jijrWl?iri*ihyT[VS9V'Jrr , *s*2t Sufa/ltAS TkiteXLVlI. riatixnm. — — "'liC OQii 'O ?-Y ’V T.’l/hvi Infioft Mate! . ly TSWi.oJn., FlateXl . Ocf. r & " /J &0, jot tyJPt/s/t hj TfyVt'V *rrufAn3 ! 2\risJ>silus Loercs Month'/ 'i&Lombw -Architraves Plate JM. Puiiyt/i a . //„ yift jjj.'r.f* OoCecrjeofrm„m i> rcm. ckzfy I Plateiy i*r Vr.Pcun,.;d't*23~ J S’ ■ (/c/ . PuZU/b# eus ebc.Atf '/rsYxtrjbr rr/Vv P/szteX TH. Sev/ivn cC StuAsZes MV/& JVafoXcnr TlattXCVI. -Lay fjftj\Z a-J- TZit ^A.c£r c?trrc&r ^ or v5 j i*z^ FtateXCVir, The Soffit of FiS/A. stretch el out ^ i $ co >« * Ff'A is flewonei'f wiruhi/i^ So fit in, ct- tircniar wall, the G-irt ofthedrc* (l. /? stretch eel out as C.t/ on a strci-fht lute, the f ir ^ of the arch /■ 771 stretched \ out on a straoht Zinc as Z.f\ z 7 _ ' \ &. the farts ta/zezi fv 7 ?i the \ torch /me Cl ./? to the flan *f\ the wad as 7. 2J. a. d.f. n m-' \ UX s! ! ; / m ^ I 'i FHfi ! ! i"~ \ \ i 1 i i : y 1 1 ! : V v\ i i \\ 1 ‘ >L I : li 7 1 w^7 S The Soffit of T'if: B, stretch’d Out ‘Toh/t/hW „* far. Irl octvn* A"-T I'-Foik A BUILDER’S P RICE of bricklayer's work Price of carpenter' s work , as groins , common 1 centering , framing floors , roofs , domes , l partitions , faring floors , battens d of walls , bracketting for cornices , £a/- ! tering , water-trunks, weather-boards, &c. j PnYc. !. s. d. Ol6 6 0 0 6 19 o 180 618 o 1 10 o 750 7 15 o 8100 008 9 1 4 0010 168 007 7 18 8 A 1 } face ltnifl be taken 2-thirds of a brick thick, /. and called grey flocks, at per foot — * o Or at per rod io The remaining thicknefs will be the thicknefs of the wall when the 2-thirds facing is taken off, and the inner part is to be valued, labour and mortar only, at per rod from 2/. 1 $s. to 3 Chimney-fhafts taken down and rebuilt, ufing the old bricks, at per foot reduced o Ditto, with all grey flocks o Under-pinning, with new grey flocks, per foot o Ditto with old bricks o Parapets taken down and rebuilt, faced with grey flocks, at per foot — o In all the preceding work y carriage of materials and fcafjblding is included: the clearing and carry- ing away the rubbijh to be paid for extra. Drains, the bricks laid in mortar, at per foot reduced brickwork o Walling on a circular plan is worth 5s. per rod more than the fame fort of walling fir ait. Grates or kitchen ranges faced with grey flocks are worth, per foot reduced — — o Ovens and coppers are generally meafured as folid, only deducing the afh-holes. This kind of work is often taken in cube feet; and to re- duce thefecube feet to the flandard of one brick and a half, multiply the number of cube feet found by 8, divide that produft by 9, and the quotient will be the number of feet reduced. $. d. 0 9 4 o 5 0 o 7 o 8 o 8 o 7 o 8 o 7 o 8 Example. Suppofe a wall to be 20 feet long, 10 feet high, and 4 bricks thick: this wall will con- tain 533 feet 1 -third of a foot, reduced to brick and half: and in this wall are contained 600 cube feet, which, multiplied by 8 and that pro- du£l divided by 9, will give the content 533 feet 1 -third. 1% s • ^ ( 5 ) 20 feet, length of the wall io feet, height of the wall* 200 area, or fuperficial content of the face, 3 feet, the thicknefs of the wall. 6oo multiplied by 8. 8 9)4800(533, content in reduced work, as before. 45 30 27 3 Labour and workmanihip only to old brick- work, to be taken down and the old bricks ufed in the building again, is worth, per rod, from 26s. to 180 The clearing away to be paid for extra. Outfide fplays, per foot run — 003 Infide ditto — — — — — 002 Red return fplays, rubbed and gauged — 004 Red returns up the quoins o o 3% Common foot-lace, per foot run 003 Plain brick cornices ftrait, fet in putty, fuper- ficial, per foot 026 Groins done with grey or red flocks, as in plates 5 and 6, at per foot — 006 Gauge brick-work laid in mortar, at per foot fuperficial — 016 Strait or circular arches, faces fet in putty, at per foot fuperficial, from ir. 6 d . to — 019 Semicircular or lemi-ellipticai arches, fet in putty, from is, 10 d. to — ■ — o 2 Brick dental cornice, per foot fuperficial 31. to o 3 Labour and all materials, per foot fuperf. 4 s. to o 5 o Rubbing bricks for gauge -work, from 404, per thoufand to * A 2 2 IO Q C* CO < 4 ) Circular and elliptical niches done in brick- /. work, the body-part per foot fuperficial, at per foot — o Heads to ditto, per foot fuperficial — — o Face arches, ftrait, per foot, from is. ioi. to o Ditto, on a circular or elliptical plan on the face, at per foot o Old gauge arches taken out, cleaned, and re-., fet, per foot fuperficial o Note , All gauge -work is measured and paid for as common brick-work: then at Jo much per footfu- perficial for rubbed and gauged as above , according to the defigns for the arches in plate 7. Coping and plain tile creafing, two courfe plain tiles under brick on edge, at per foot run id. or Brick nogging y done with place bricks laid flat, at per yard Ditto laid on edge Done with grey flocks, flat, from is,' 10 d. to Ditto on edge ' ¥he quarters to be meafured in. Labour only, per yard, to ditto, %d. to Paving laid flat in mortar with grey flocks, at per yard from is. icd. to — Ditto, laid on edge, from is, 6 d. to Ditto, laid flat in land, from is. ■gd. to — Ditto, laid on edge in fand, fronri ij. 8 d. to Paving with paving-bricks flat in mortar, at per yard — Ditto on edge • 1 O Brick paving laid flat, mortar and labour only, per yard Labour only from 4 d. to . Ditto on edge, mortar and labour New foot-tile paving in mortar, from $d. per foot fuperficial to Old foot- tile re-laid, per foot fuperficial — New 10-inch tile paving in mortar * Old ditto re-laid, per yard, labour o % o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o s. 1 4 4 I 0 1 I 0 1 0 1 1 I 1 2 4 o 0 1 o o o Q d. o o o o o 3 8 4 o 8 7 10 3 6 9 5 o 6 o 4 O vo /. s . d. ( 5 ) Preparing and levelling the ground for the pa- ving to be charged by the day. Foot-tiles made for paving ovens, &c. muft be charged at, per tile, And, if the tops be rubbed fmooth and gauged, there muft be allowed, per foot fuperfical — - Pointing down fronts, tuck and pat, new work, labour only, at per foot fuperficial,from 4 d. to Ditto, in old work, including feaffolding and mending Flat joint pointing, including ditto i'll coloured, add, per foot — ; Plain tiling ripped, new lathed, and tiled with all old tilers, at per fquare, labour, mortar, and laths, included Ditto, mixed with new tiles, allowing 100 of new, or thereabout, to a fquare, at i6r. or Ditto, all netv tiles, and lathed with fingle hart lath, at per fquare — Ditto, lathed with double hart laths, Labour and all Materials . Labour only, from 3s. '6d. per fquare to — One fquare of plain tiling, at 7-inch gauge, will take 690 tiles ; at 7! inch gauge, 640 tiles to a fquare. To a fquare of plain tiling fhould be allowed one peck of tile-pins, two bufhels of lime, five bufhels of fand, one bundle of [laths, and 6 oq nails. [Slating, per fquare, with Weftmoreland green Hate, on boards, 2/. 15^. to . One ton of date will complete 2 fquares, work- manlhip only, from 7 s. 6d. per fquare to — — pan tiling ripped and new lathed, tiled with all old tiles, laid dry, at per fquare — — ~ Ditto, bedded in lime arid hair, pointed out- ride, at per fquare - — - pew pantiling laid dry, with hips and ridges laid in mortar, at per fquare Ditto, bedded and pointed outfide with lime and hair, at per fquare » — , . o o 10 00 6 005 006 003 001 015 o 0166 180 I 10 o 050 218 o o 8 6 07 0 o 10 6 100 120 ( 6 ) l. New pantiling bedded and pointed infide — i Ditto, bedded and pointed infide and out — i Pointing pantiling, outfide only, perfquare — o Ditto, infide only, per fquare — o Dutch glafed pantiling, per fquare i One Jquare of 'pantiling will take 170 tiles. Labour only to pantiling, per fquare, from is. 3d. to — 1 c Bricks, tiles, and mortar, when retailed out in fmall quantities, mortar, per hod Lime and hair, per hod Pointing-mortar, blue o r white, per hod, Tarras, per hod • Grey ftock bricks, per 100 Place-bricks, per 100 * — Paving-bricks, per 100 Red flocks, per 100 ' o Plain tiles, per 100 Pantiles, each Ridge-tiles, each Glafed pantiles, each Ten-inch paving-tiles, each — Foot paving-tiles, each — — Polifhedfoot paving-tiles, at per foot fuperficial Ditto 10-inch, per foot fuperficial To ejlimatethe Value of one Rod of Brick-Work, in any Part of England, at 1 Brick and { thick. Suppofe a bricklayer and labourer to perform one rod of brick-work in 5 days; the brick- layer at 3s. per day, the labourer at 2s. per day, bricks at 20 s. per 1000, lime at 6d. per bufhel, fand at 3s. per load. 5 Days for a bricklayer, at 3s. per day£o 1 5 o 5 Days for a labourer, at a s. ditto — 0100 4500 Bricks to a rod, at 20 s. per 1000 4100 32Bufhels of lime, at 6d. per bufhel o 16 o 2| Loads of fand, at 3s. per load — o 7 6 s. d. 4 o 6 6 8 o 5 0 15 o 2 o o 6 0 9 1 o 3 0 3 0 2 6 4 o 4 o 3 0 o 1 O 2 o 3 o 2 o 4 o 8 o 6 18 6 s . d. Suppofe a bricklayer and labourer to be 6 days /. performing one rod of brick-work. 6 Days bricklayer, at 3*. 6 d. per day £1 1 o 6 Days labourer, at is. 4 d. per day o 14 o 45 cc Bricks to a rod, at 28 s. per 1000 6 60 32 Bufhels of lime, at 6 d. per bulliel o 16 o 2 1 Loads of fand, at 3^. per load — o 76 9 4 6 Note , The carriage of all materials mull be added to the above eftimates. fhe Number of paving Bricks and files to complete one Yard of Pavement. 36 Six-inch tiles to one yard. 20 1 Eight-inch tiles to one yard. 16 Nine-inch tiles to one yard. 13 Ten-inch tiles to one yard. 9 Foot tiles to one yard. 32 Statute bricks, laid flat, to one yard. 48 Ditto, laid edge-ways, to one yard. 90 Dutch clinkers to a yard. Of CARPENTER’S WORK. Cove bracketing, as fig. b and d, pi. 5, at per foot o Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial — o Groin ceiling, at per foot — — o Labour to ditto, as fig. c, pi. 5 — — o Or fig. A, pi. 6. Common centering, per fquare, from 11s. to o Labour to ditto, from 3^. 6d. to — — o Centering to groins, as fig. B, pi. 6, from 22r. per fquare to — 1 Labour only, from 5s. 6d. per fquare to — o Centering to doors or windows, as fig. 2 ^nd 3, pi. 7, not exceeding 5 inches wide, per Foot run Labour to ditto, at per foot run -r- — o o o o 16 5 6 6 9 4 10 5 o 6 o 6 o o o o 3 ( 3 ) /. s . d. Centering to fig. i, 4, 5, and 6, in pi. 7, at per foot 006 Labour only, at per foot 00a If above 6 inches wide, at per foot fuperficial 010 Labour to ditto, 4 d. to 005 Centering to trimmers, landing, &c. per foot fuperficial — — 003 Tru fling girders with oak truffes, 4 inches by 4, at per foot run — — o i o Labour only, as in pi. 8, fig. A — — 006 Or fig. A and C, pi. 9, the truffes oak, 5 inches by 4, at per foot run 014 Labour only — 008 Framing naked flooring with girders, binding- jo ill, bridging and ceiling joift, as fig. C, pi. 8, labour only, at per fquare o 14 o Suppoiing the girders to be 13 inches by 1 5 inp. the binding-jolli, a and b, to be 10 inches by 4§, the bridging-joifl, ef, to be 5I by jf, the ceiling-joifbg, to be 3 inches by 2§, la- bour and timber at per foot cube o a 6 Labour in framing roofs, floors, &c. is often reckoned by the foot cube, from ^d.\ to $d. per foot cube in fir-; but, if framed with oak timber, from 6d. to *jd.\ per foot cube, framed and raifed complete on the walls, or, per fquare * o 17 6 Plate 10. A defign for a trufs to carry a very great weight. The timbers are very large; the girders 18 inches by 15; the trufs-braces 1 5 inches by 6 1 5 the half flory poll, at bottom, 15 indies by 12; at top, 15 inches by 9. This trufs, labour included, at per foot cube, planed and framed — — ■ o Labour only, when planed, at per foot - — o Ditto, not planed, at per foot o 3 0 o 8 o 6 ( 9 ) Plate ii. /. BrelTomer-poll planed and framed, with braces, as in the defign, at per foot cube o Labour, at per foot cube o Plate 12. Is a plan of the floor whofe fe&ion is in plate 8 ? as before-mentioned. Plate 13. ■ Fig. A, another trufs for a floor, which Hands on ftory-pofts. Thefe polls and girders are fuppofed to Hand 8 feet apart, or 10 feet, at the moll. This trufs will be worth, labour included, per foot cube, planed and framed o | Labour only, if planed — o If framed rough, and not planed, at per foot o 1 Labour only — * o The poll to the above work 1 5 inches fquare, the girder 15 by 13, the under-braces, a a, 15 by 6, the long braces, b b, 9 inches by 5, the king-piece 12 by 5. Fig. B is a defign for the roof of the church in plate 89, whofe fpan is fuppofed to be 45 feet between the walls ; the principal rafters 9 inches thick, 14 inches deep at bottom, 10 inches at top, the hammer-beams 12 inc. by 10, the main-poll 15 inches fquare, the collar 12 by 10, the king-poll 18 inc. by 10, braces 9 by 6 ; the principal rafters to Hand 8 feet apart; the bridgings on the roof 6 inc. by 4: timber and labour included, at per foot cube o Labour only, at per foot cube o Or i6j. per fquare framing and railing on the walls. If any of the timbers are planed be- fore they are framed, id. per foot cube is to be allowed for timber and labour. ! Labour only, for planing, at per foot cube o |f the whole be planed and framed, at per fquare s. d ♦ 2 10 o 6 2 10 o 6 2 8 0 s 3 o o $ o if 1$ Plate 14. /. Is a defign for a roof with hip and valley, and a ceiling-floor with binding-joift to be framed into the tie-beams for the reception of the ceiling-joift, which is fuppofed to fpan 30 feet; the binding-joift (to carry the ceiling- joift) 7 inc. by 4, and pully-mortices for the ceiling-joift. The tye-beams to be 10 inc. by 8, principal rafters 8 inc. thick, 10 deep at bottom, 8 deep at top, the king-poft 1 6 by 8, braces 6 by 4, common rafters 5 by 3, the hips 8 by 3I, the valleys, 8 inc. fquare, laid diagonally. The roof and ceiling to- gether at 4 d.{ per foot cube, labour only, or, per fquare o Timber and labour together, raifed complete on the walls, at per foot cube ® Plate 15. Pig. D is the fedtion of a floor with deep-joift and pulley-mortices, and filled in with the Ceiling-joift, with three common joifts for the boarding between the deep-joift; at per foot cube, timber and labour included o Labour only, at per foot cube — - — — 0 Plate 16. Is a defign for a bevel roof on the plan, hip- backed at both ends, and is worth, per foot cube, labour included, is. 8 d. or o Labour only, at per foot cube, raifed complete on the walls o Plate 17. Is another bevel roof, which bears the fame proportion in price. Plate 18. Defigns for domical Roofs. Suppofe the ribs to cut out of inch and f deal; and the diameter of the plan to be 5 feet, and to rife 2 feet 6 inc. the ribs to be taken fuperficially, at per foot, from 9 d. to o Labour only, from 4 d. to — o ( 11 ) Ditto w.ith2~inch deal, domical roof, at 6 or 8 /, ft diameter, at per foot Superficial, from to o Ditto planed and framed, ii d. or o Labour only, from $d. to * o Ditto, with 2-inch and f deal, domical roof, at per foot, planed and framed, ir. to — o Labour only, from 6 d. to — o Domical roof, with 3-inch deal, rough, per foot at o o — 9 Ditto, placed and framed, at per ft Superficial Labour only to ditto, from 7^ to Plate 19. Fig. A is a fky-light on an oval plan, 10 feel: on the tranfverfe diameter, and 7 feet on the conjugate diameter, to be ftuck on the infide with an ovolo, and rabbeted on the outfide for ftrait glafs, at per foot — o Labour only, per foot Superficial — * o If the rib be diminished * o Labour only o Ditto, made with 3^-inch wainfcot, at per foot Superficial — o Labour only, at per foot Superficial o If ftuck with aftragal and hollow, at per foot, in deal o Ditto, in wainfcot, at per foot — 9 Plate 20. Fig. A is a defign for a large dome ; the framing of which, timber and labour, is worth, per foot cube, if the timber is planed o If not planed — ■■ o Labour to ditto, planed and framed, at per foot o Fig.B is a defign for a center to turn a large ftone or brick arch upon, and is worth, per foot cube ; — 1 — — * o Labour only, per foot cube — o The Plate facing Plate 20 Contains a defign for a bridge, to be framed with oak timber, at per foot cube, planed o Labour only, at per foot cube . ■ ■ - ? ■» -" o Rough oak, without labour, die fquare o Ditto, without wain or fap — — — 9 s. d. Q 8 1 o 0 6 1 a o 7 0 to 1 4 9 8 4 2 4 2 5 2 2 2 o 6 if n 5 l 4 9 Q 19 4 ^ o 8 6 o 1 6 3 6 4 Q ( 11 ) Common Roqfing . 1 . s. d. For Iheds, withpurlinestorun under the rafter's 5 inc. by 4, rafters 5 by 3, at per fquare, labour only, 4 s. to 046 Labour- and timber, at per foot cube 024 Ditto, common curb-roofs, &V. at per fquare, labour only, from 5J. to o 6 o. Roofing with collar-beams framed into the prin- cipal rafters to fupport the purlines and fmall rafters, labour, from 7 s. per fquare to — o 8 o Labour and timber, at per foot cube 024 Pirate 15. Roofing framed with a trufs, as fig. A, with culhion-rafters andqueen-pofi under the princi- pals, with a collar and king-poll in the center, and purlines framed into the principal rafters, and the common rafters to bridge over the pur- lines and principal rafters. The beams 12 inc. by 9, principal rafter 8 inc. thick, 1 2 inc. deep at bottom, 9 at top, cufhion-rafter 8 inc. by 6 §, collar 10 by 8, king-poll 18 by 8, purlines 9 by 8, braces 8 by 6, common fmall rafters 5 by 3 h Labour and timber, at per foot cube, 2 s. 6d. to o 2 8 Labour, at per foot cube, $d. to 006 Or at, per fquare, from 16s. to 018 o Raifed on the Wall's complete. Ditto, if framed with all oak timber, per foot cube — — f — - 056 Labour to oak, at per foot cube — — o q *q The trufs, fig. C, to bear the fame price per foot. Bond-timber and lintels laid in walls, at per foot cube, in fir o 2 Q Labour to ditto, per foot run — o o of tf oak bond and lintels, at per foot cube — o 3 6 Labour to ditto, per foot run — ■ o o 0$ Framing partitions with quarters, 4 by 3, or 4 by 4, at per fquare 45. to — — o | o Ditto, with 5-inch quartering, atperfqua e 5.1. to 060 Ditto, with 6 -inch ditto, at per fquare 070 / < *3 ) Ditto, framed trufs partitions with jogel poll for the braces to frame into, from 8 s. per fquare, labour only, to Labour and all materials, from 25-t.per fquareto But the bell way is, to value timber at 2 s. 2 d. per foot cube, and labour at 4 d.\ per foot cube, for the quartering may be fixed from 12 inches apart to 1 8 inches, or more, which will make a great odds in the price. Furings to naked flooring, roofing, fcfr. with | deal, labour and imils included, at per fquare — — 1^- Labour only, is. to Ditto, with inch deal, per fquare Labour only, from is. fd. to — Ditto, with inch and £ deal, at per fqu Labour only, from is. 6d. to — Ditto, with inch and \ deal, per fquare Labour only, from is. to Ditto, with '2-inch deal, per fquare Labour only, from is. id. to — Ditto, with 2-inch and £ deal, per fqu; Labour only, from is. 4 d to — Ditto, 3 -inch deal, at per fquare Labour only, from is. 8 d. tq — If extra materials and labour more than in common, the prices mult be added in propor- tion thereto. Battening to walls, labour, nails, and plugs, in- cluded, | deal battens, about 2 inches wide at one foot apart, per fquare — Labour only to getting out the plugs and fixing, at per fquare, from <1 s. wd. to Inch deal battening to walls, at per fquare, labour, nails, and plugs Labour only to gettingout plugs and fixingjj. to Ditto, with inch and | deal, per fquare Labour only, per fqnare, 3^. 4 d. to Ditto, with inch and £ deal, at per fquare Labour only, plugs, and fixing, per fquare, from js. 7 d. to — — /. s. d. o 10 6 2 5 o u 0 9 — 0 1 6 re — 0 8 0 0 1 9 " — O 9 3 ■ 0 2 3 0 10 6 1 0 2 4 re — 0 11 6 — 0 2 6 0 13 0 0 2 10 090 030 o 10 o 0 3 3 on 6 036 0126 0 3 9 ( 14 ) l. s. d t Two-inch deal battening, at per fquare • — o 13 6 Labour only, at per fquare, 4^ to 046 Ditto, with 2-inch and £ deal, per fquare — o 15 6 Labour only, from 4 s. 6 d. to — 056 Ditto, with 3-inch deal, at per fquare — 017 o Labour only, per fquare, from $s. 6 d. to — o 6 p If battened on circular walls, labour only — - q 7 q All hold-fafts to be paid for extra. Bracketing to common plaifter cornice, at per foot fuperficial r o Labour only to ditto, 'id. § to — o Ditto, circular, at per foot fuperficial — o Labour to ditto 4 d.\ to — o Bracketing to modilicn cornices or dentals, at per foot fuperficial, as pi. 94 o Labour, 3 d.\ to o Ditto, circular, at per foot — - o Labour only o Ditto, cove cornice, pep foot o Labour only, per foot — — o o 6 P 3 0 10 P 5 p 7 p 4 p ip o $ p 3 o 4 Guttering inch-deals and bearer, per foot — 006 Labour only, per foot o 0-2 Ditto, whole deal and bearers — — o o S Labour only — — o p 2 Ditto, planed on the under fide o p 9 Labour to ditto — p p 3 Whole-dealwater-trunks,groovedandtongued, 5 inches fquare, put together with white-lead, and fixCd, at per foot run — * 013 Labour to ditto, at per foot run p p 5 Ditto, 6 inches fquare, grooved and tongued, at per foot run — r— 014 Labour only to ditto, at per foot run p p 6 Whole-deal fillet gutters, pitched and fixed, at per foot fuperficial o p 8 Labour only to making and fixing, per foot fuperficial P o 3 VMlH > - ( *5 ') Weather-Boarding with feather-edged Deal. /. Rough weather-boarding with yellow deal, at per fquare i Labour to ditto, per fquare — — — o Ditto, planed, at per fquare — — t Labour to ditto, planed, 4J . 6 d. if cyphered — o 1 5 Ten-feet boards, at8 -inch gauge, willcom- plete one fquare of boarding. \ i\ Twelve-feet boards, at 8 -inch gauge, will complete one fquare of boarding. 1 6 2*3ds of 1 2-feet battens, at fix-inch gauge, to one fquare 24 Ten-feet battens, at 5 -inch gauge, to one fquare. Weather-boarding with battens, planed, per fquare I Labour to ditto, per fquare o Ditto, edges cyphered, per fquare X Labour to ditto , — o Rough | yellow deal for boarding underllating, at per fquare I Labour to ditto o Ditto, with inch deal 1 Labour to ditto — — ... o s. d. 1 o 2 2 5 o 5 9 10 o 5 6 11 o 6 o 1 o 2 o $ 0 2 6 Rough found boarding, with \ deal and fmgle fillets, at per fquare, from 20J. to 1 2 Labour to ditto, from 2 s. 6 d. to O 3 Ditto inch found boarding with fingle fillets, at per fquare 1 7 Ditto, with double fillets, per fquare 1 9 Labour to ditto, at per fquare — — — 0 3 Ditto, edges (hot, ploughed, and tongued, at per fquare — ill Labour to ditto, from 4 6d. to o 5 Rough flit deal, labour and nails included, per foot fuperficial ‘ o o Ditto, edges fliot * 9 Q Slit-deal packing-cafes, the ledges to be mea- fured fuperficially, per foot ■ o o o o 9 o 6 6 o 2 2i win ( 16 ) - A Slit-deal planed on one fide, per foot o Ditto, grooved and beaded o Slit-deal cover-board and bearers, perfootfnper. o Ditto, to capping for backs and elbows, rounded and mitred, at per foot run — — o Ditto dove-tailed in drawers, per foot fuperficial o Three-Quarter Deal , Labour and Nails included . Rough | deal, at per foot fuperficial o Ditto, edges fhot ° Ditto in packing-cafes, the ledges meafured, at per foot fuperficial o Ditto, planed on one fide o Ditto, planed on one fide, ploughed and tongued, at per foot fuperficial O Ditto, planed on one fide, and plugged to walls, at per foot fuperficial — o Level i torus, plinth, andwalls, plugged, per ft o Ditto, fcribed to Heps o Ditto, planed on both fides, per foot o Ditto, with bearers, per foot fuperficial — - — o Ditto, dovetailed in drawers, per ft fuperficial o Rough inch deal, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, with edges fhot ° Ditto, with bearers ° pitto, in packing-cates, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, planed on one fide ° Ditto, ditto, and plugged to walls o Inch deal, planed on one fide, ploughed, and tongued, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, planed on both fides, per foot o Inch-deal incutftandersfor fhelves, andfhelves funk with moulded edges, per footfupeificial o Inch-deal framed and beaded boxings, at per foot fuperficial — ~ ° Ditto grounds under mouldings, about 2, inc. a^d | wide plugs included, at per foot run o d. s. o 3I o 4 o 6 0 3 o f o 3 o 3 * ° S o 5 O 5f o 7 o 5 o 6 o 7 1 o 3$ o 3I o 4 § o 4 o 4 f o 5 o 5i o si o 6f o 8 o 2 ( i7 ) Whole Deal or Inch and | Deal , Labour and Nails included. Rough whole deal, per foot fuperficial — Ditto, edges (hot Ditto, with bearers — Ditto, in rough packing-cafes Ditto, planed on one fide — • — Ditto, ploughed and tongued, Or framed, at per foot fuperficial Ditto framed grounds to doors orchimnies,perft Ditto, framed and planed on both fides — Ditto, both fides planed and framed, beaded boxings to fhutters, &V. at per foot fuperf. Ditto level torus plinth, per foot fuperficial If plugged to walls Ditto raking torus plinth, fcribed to fteps, at per foot fuperficial Ditto, planed on both fides, in funk fhelves and cut ftandards, per foot fuperficial — Ditto grounds, about i inches and f wide, plugs included, per foot run Inch and \ Deal , Labour and Nails included . Inch and § deal, rough, per foot fuperficial. Ditto, edges fhot Ditto, with bearers Ditto, edges fhot, ploughed and tongued — Ditto, planed on one fide Ditto, planed on both fides * — — Ditto, planed on both fides and framed, at per foot fuperficial — Ditto, planed on both fides, with grooved fhelves or cut ftandards, per foot fuperficial Ditto, in cut brackets or fpit racks, per ft fup. Ditto, level torus plinth, per foot fup. If plugged to Walls Ditto, raking Clean yellow inch and § deal, planed on both fides, for carvings, &c. per foot fuperf. — l. s. d. 0 o 4 1 o o 4l o o r i 5* o o 5 o o Si o o 6£ o o H o o 11 % o o 9 o o 6 o o H o o 9 o o 8 0 o a* o o Si o o Si o o H o o H o o H o o li 0 o H 0 o 9i o I o o o 7 o o >7 X / 2, o o IQ 0 I a ( 18 ) Two-Inch Deal, Labour and Nails included. 1. Two-inch deal, rough, per foot fuperficial — o Ditto, edges fhot ° Ditto, with bearers ° Ditto, edges fhot, ploughed and tongued, per , foot fuperficial — " ° Ditto, planed on one fide o Ditto, planed on both fides _ ° Ditto, ditto, and framed, per ft fup. — o Dirto,fordreflfer-tops,clean2-inc.deal,perftfup. o Two -Inch and \ Deal, Labour and Nails included. ^Two-inch and \ deal, rough, at per foot fup. o Ditto, edges fhot ° Ditto, planed on one fide o Ditto, planed on both fides and framed, per ftfup. o Clean drefler-tops, per foot — o Ditto, rabbetted and moulded front, per ft fup. o Three-Inch deal , Labour and Nails included. Three-inch deal, rough, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, edges fhot ° Ditto, ploughed and tongued — * ° Ditto, planed on one fide ° Ditto, planed on both fides Ditto] planed on both fides and framed o Ditto, 3 -inch clean-deal dreffer-tops, fup. — o Ditto, moulded front ° Of Floors. j - Ten-feet deals, 8 inc. wide, lay one fquare. 17 Dittos 7 inc. wide, to one fquare. co Ditto, 6 inc. wide, to one fquare. 24 Ditto,' 5 inc. wide, to one fquare. 1 2i Twelve-feet boards, 8 inc. wide to i fquare. I4 ~ Ditto, 7 inc. wide, to one fquare. 1 6 Ditto, 6 inc. wide, to one fquare. Rough white inch-deal floors, edges fhot, at per fquare — — » - i Labour only — — o ( ! 9 ) Rough yellow inch-deal, at per fquare — Labour only — — *— : — Ditto, ploughed and tongued Labour only, to ditto, per fquare Inch white-deal planed and folded floor, per fq. Labour only, per fquare Ditto, yellow inch-deal /. i 0 1 Preparing flooring-boards fit for laying, i /. ij. per hundred to from Ditto inch yellow deal, ploughed and tongued, at per fquare * Labour only, per fquare Rough white whole-deal flooring, edges fhot, at per fquare * Labour only, per fquare — ■ — Rough yellow whole-deal flooring, edges fhot, at per fquare — — Labour only, per fquare Ditto, ploughed and tongued — Labour only, per fquare * White whole-deal folded flooring, planed, per fquare - — j Labour to ditto, per fquare Ditto, clean dowelled, beft, per fquare Labour to ditto, per fquare — C 2 Labour to ditto, per fquare Ditto, ploughed and tongued, per fquare — Labour to ditto, per fquare — Ditto, ftrait-joint common nailed, per fquare - Labour to ditto, per fquare — Ditto, with heading-joints, ploughed & tongued, and one edge nailed, at per fquare, 2 1. $s. to Labour to ditto, per fquare Yellow whole-deal folding flooring, per fquare Ditto, common flrait joint with heading-joints, ploughed and tongued, one edge nailed, per fq . Labour to ditto * “ Ditto, fecond beft Labour to ditto, per fquare Ditto, dowelled s. d . 8 o 4 1 1 6 10 4 16 1 o 2 o 2 O 2 O 2 2 O 3 o 3 0 5 1 18 6 2 6 2 6 4 a 19 o 6 o • •* 13 o 4 6 16 o 4 6 19 0 6 o 10 o 7 6 13 8 5 10 18 *5 10 1 o o o o o o o o ( ?0 ) S. Inch and | ftrait-joint battery floors, per fquare 2 14 Ditto, with heading-joints, ploughed and tongued, and edge nailed, per fquare 218 Labour to ditto, per fquare, 4J. to — o 10 E itto, dowelled, per fquare -7 — - — — 3 16 abour to ditto, per fquare, 12 s. to o 14 Ditto, fecond belt battens, per fquare 4 4 Ditto, the, belt clean battens, well matched — 6 o Labour only, per fquare ! — x r Inch and I right wainfcot dowelled floors, perfq. 8 10 Ditto, the bell wainfcot, well matched — — 9 0 Labour to ditto — — 1 5 Columns and Filajlers. Whole-deal diminiftied fhaft to pilafters, per foot fuperficial, is. to ■ — q 1 Ditto diminifhed columns, in pi. 23 and 25, from is. to — o 1 Ditto ftrait moulding to bales and caps, perftfup. o 1 Ditto to circular ditto, per foot fup. q 3 Labour to pilafters, per foot — o o Labour to column-fhafts, per foot o o Labour to ftrait-mould bafes and caps, per foot o o Labour to circular ditto, per foot o 1 Tooth dental, per foot run q o Fret dental, per foot run — o p Architraves , Frize, and Comice to ditto. Tufcan entablature, pi 24, at per foot fuperf. p 1 Labour to ditto, per foot — — — p o Doric entablature, pi. 27, at per ft fuperficial o 1 Labour only from yd. to Triglyphs, per foot fuperficial Blocks and mutules, capped with ogee, &V. each, labour only — Ditto, raking — Ionic and Corinthian entablatures, pi. 31 and 33, at per foot fuperficial — Labour only, per foot fuperficial Compofite entablature, per foot ( 21 ) l. Inch and § deal fluted pilafters, per foot fup. o’ Two-inch and \ fluted columns, per foot — o Labour to fluting columns and pilafters, as in pi. 36 and 37, at per foot run o Boors and Drejfings , Plate 42 and 43. Two-inch 6-pannel deal doors, ftuck both Tides with 4-inch margin, per foot fuperficial — o Ditto ovolo flat and bead flulh back — — o Labour to dito, at per foot — o Two-inch deal doors, 6 pannels, ftuck with quirk ogee and bead on both Tides, per foot o Ditto, raifed pannel in front, ovolo flat back o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial o Two-inch and \ deal doors, 6 pannels, ovolo raifed front, ovolo flat back, and 6-inch margins, at per foot fuperficial — — o Two-inchand \ deal doors with double margins in the middle, and a bead ftuck on ditto, fix- inch margins ftuck ogee and bead or ovolo and bead front, ovolo flat back, and pannels raifed in front, at per foot fuperficial — o Labour to ditto, per foot o Eight pannels in the door, as pi. 43. 1 wo-inch four-pannel doors, ovolo flat and bead flulh back, at per foot fup. o Labour to ditto, at per foot o Ditto four-pannel doors, bead flulh and fquare back, at per foot o Labour to ditto o Inch and f four pannel fquare door, per foot- o Labour to ditto, per foot o Slit-deal rough ledged doors, at per foot — o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, planed on two Tides and ledged o Labour to ditto o Three-quarter rough deal doors, ledged, per foot fuperficial o Labour to ditto * * 0 s. d. 1 3 1 9 o 2 1 2 1 3 0 6 1 6 i ; 4 0 6 \ 1 8 2 4 o 9 I o 0 4 1 1 o 0 4 § o 9 o ?£ 0 3i o if 0 5 O 2f o 4 i O 2f ( 22 ) /. Ditto, planed and ledged, per foot fuperficial o Labour to ditto, per foot — o Ditto, planed on two Tides, ploughed and tongued, at per foot Labour to ditto Inch-deal rough doors ledged, at per foot — Labour to ditto, per foot fup. — — Ditto, planed on two fides, per foot Labour to ditto, per foot o o o o o o o o o o s. a. o 6 o 2 1 o 7 o 3i o si O 2k o 7 Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed and tongued, per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto, per foot fup. Whole-deal rough ledged doors, per foot — Labour to ditto, per foot — Ditto, planed on two fides, and ledged, per ft o Labour to ditto, per foot fup. — — o Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed, tongued and ledged, at per foot — o Labour to ditto, per foot — • ° Inch and \ rough ledged doors, per foot — o Labour to ditto, per foot — — o Ditto, planed on two fides and ledged, per ft o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial, o Ditto, planed on two fides, ploughed, tongued and ledged, fcfc. at per foot o Labour to ditto, per foot ° Whole-deal framed doors, i pannels, per foot fuperficial, ftuck with ovolo o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial Ditto, four-pannel ditto, ftuck — Labour to ditto, per foot — * Ditto ovolo fafh-door, two pannels, ovolo flat and fquare back, per foot Labour to ditto, per foot — Inch and \ fix-pannel doors, ovolo and flat, at per foot Labour to ditto, per foot - Ditto, 6 pannels, ogee and bead fquare back o Labour to ditto, per foot — ~ ° o 8 o 3i o o o o o o o o o o 61 i 9 4 7 3 9 4 o io O 4.1 Ml / 1 1 v> 8§ 3i o io o 4 ( 2J ) ' ' t. s. d. Two-inch four-pannel door, ovolo fiat, per ft o I i Labour to ditto — 004^ tVainfcot Doors. Two-inch and \ wainfcot doors, ftuck on both fides, per foot o 39 Two -inch wainfcot fix-pannel doors, labour only 010 Ovolo flat on both fides, per foot fuperficial q 2 6 Ditto quirk ogee and bead ftuck on both fides, at per foot fuperficial 027 Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial, 9^/. to o o 10 Mahogany Doors. Xwo-inch and \ fix-pannel doors, ovolo- flat, ftuckon both fidesjfolid mahogany, per ft fup. o 12 o Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, per foot — 012 6 Labour to ditto, per foot, from 3.1. to 040 Ditto doors veneered with mahogany mull be valued according to the goodnefs of the ftuff and workmanlhip. Two-inch fix-pannel folid mahogany doors, ftuck on both fides, per foot 010 o Labour to ditto, per foot 030 Gates and Coach-Houfe Doors. Two-inch framed coach-houfe doors, filled in with inch-deal, per foot fup. 016 Two-inch and § ditto, filled in with whokr- deal, at per foot o 1 10 Two-inch gates, bead flufh front and fquare on the back, in 16 or 18 pannels, with a wicket in ditto, at per foot fuperficial 020 Labour to ditto, per foot 068 Ditto, bead flufh on both fides, per foot — 026 Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial 009 Two-inch and f deal gates, bead fluili front and fquare back, in 1 8 pannels, at per ft fup. 026 Labour to ditto 009 Ditto, bead flufh on both fides, per foot — o 29 Labour to dittq* per foot fuperficial — o o 10 Ruftic work, with 2-inch and \ deal, is. 2 d. to o 1 10 Labour only, per foot fuperficial, ir.to — 012 ( *4 ) Inf id e Shutters of Deal. /. s. l Three-quarter clarnpt fhutters, ini height, per ft 0 0 7 Ditto, in two heights, per foot 0 0 8 Labour to ditto from 2 d.\ to 0 0 Inch clarnpt fhutters, in one height, per foot 0 0 8 Ditto, in two heights, per foot fuperricial — Labour to ditto, from 3^. to 0 0 9 0 0 3 i Inch-deal two-pannel fhutters, framed fquare, in one height — 0 0 9 Ditto, in two heights, per foot 0 0 10 Labour to ditto, per foot — — 0 0 4 Ditto, flufh front and fquare back, in one height 0 0 10 Ditto, in two heights, per foot — 0 0 1 1 Labour to ditto from 4 d. to 0 0 4 l Ditto, framed, bead flufh front and bead butt back, per foot 0 1 0 Whole-deal two-pannel fhutters, fquare work, in two heights, per foot — o Ditto, in one height o Labour to ditto, 4 d.\ to — — o Whole-deal fhutters, 2 pannels in one height, ovolo flat and fquare back — o Ditto, in two heights, per foot — — — o Ditto, labour only, at per foot 4 d. to — o Ditto, ovolo flat and flufh back, per foot — o Ditto, in four pannels, per foot o Ditto, quirk ogee and bead flufh back, in two heights, at per foot fup. — — o Labour to ditto, from 6 d. to — o Inch and § two-pannel fquare fhutters, in one height, per ft * 010 Ditto, in two heights, per ft fup. o 1 i Labour to ditto, per ft, from 5^. to — — 006 Inch and \ two-pannel fhutters, ovolo flat and fquare back, in one height, per ft 012 Ditto, in two heights, per foot — 013 Labour to ditto, per foot — — b o 7 Ditto, ovolo flat and flufh back, in one height 01 3! Ditto, in two heights, per foot — 014! o 11 o 10 0 5 1 o 1 1 0 5 1 2 1 3 : 1 5 o 7 , ( 2J ) Inch and I two-pannel fhutters, ovolo flat and l. flufhback, in 2 heights, per ft fup. labour only o Ditto, in four pannels, per foot fup. — o Labour to ditto, per foot o Quirk ogee and bead fquare back, in 1 height o Ditto, in two heights — — o Labour to ditto, from 8 d. to o Ditto, in two heights, flufh back, per foot — o Ditto, in four pannels, per foot o ' Labour to ditto, per foot o Inch and £ four pannels, ovolo and pannels raifed with quarter round on the riflng or ovolo, in two heights, at per foot fup. — o Ditto, quirk ogee and bead on the framing and pannels, raifed as the preceding — ■ o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial — — o If fmall aftragal be laid on pannels, fhutters, or doors, and mitred, glued, and needle- points, at per ft run o Ontfide Shutters to Shop-Fronts. Whole-deal clampt fhutters, per foot fup. — o Labour to ditto, per foot o Whole-deal two-pannel fhutters, butt flufh and fquare, per foot fup. o Labour to ditto, per foot fup. — o &Ditto, bead flufh and fquare, per foot o Ditto, and flufh, bead butt back, per ft — o ►Labour to ditto, per ft, 5^. to o Inch and f three-pannel fhutters, bead flufh and fquare back, per ft fup. — o ^ Labour to ditto, per foot o Ditto, bead flufh and bead butt, per ft o Labour to ditto, per ft — - — o Ditto, on a circular plan, flat fweep bead, flufh and fquare back, per ft fup. o Labour to ditto, per ft fup o Ditto, bead flufh and fquare, on a quick fweep to corner, &c. per ft fup. — — — ■ o Labour to ditto, per foot fup. o D s. d. 0 8 1 6 0 8£ 1 2 » 3 0 9 1 4§ 1 6 O Cj\ i 6 1 8 O IQ O o 9 O 4 o 9 o 4§ 0 10 1 o 0 5 i o 11 0 5 1 1 o 6 2 o 0 11 2 6 1 Q H*-t *»|M ( 46 ) Inch deal dove-tailed dado, per ft fup. - Ditto, keyed, and raking to flairs - Labour to ditto, per foot fup. id.\ to - Whole-deal dove-tailed dado, per ft fup. Ditto raking to flairs, &c. per foot Labour to ditto, from 3d. to Inch-deal framed in backs and elbows, foffits, at per ft fup. Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. Whole-deal ditto, at per foot Ditto, ovolo flat, per foot fup. Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, per foot Labour to ditto, from 3d. \ to Ditto, ovolo and railed pannel, fquare rifing Ditto,ovoloandraifedpannelwith quarter round or ovolo on raifing, per ft fup. Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, pannels raifed as above, per foot Labour, per ft fup. from 4 d.\ to Framed Linings to Doors and back Linings to Windows. Inch-deal back linings towindows, framed bead butt, at per ft fup. Ditto framed, three pannels in height Labour to ditto, from id. per ft to Whole-deal double-rabbeted jambs and foffits to doors, framed, ovolo and flat pannel, per foot fuperficial Ditto, framed, bead and flufh, per foot Labour to ditto, from id. \ to " Inch and £ double-rabbeted jambs and foffits to doors, framed ovolo and flat pannel * — Ditto, bead and-flulh, per foot Labour to ditto, per foot — — Ditto, quirk ogee\and bead, per foot Ditto, ovolo and pannekiquare, raifed Ditto, raifed with quarter round — o 3 ( 27 ) /. abour to ditto, per foot — — 0 Ditto, with quirk ogee and bead, with quarter round, or ovolo on the rifing, per foot — o Labour to ditto, per foot o f hole-deal dwarf wainfcoting, at per yard — o itto, two pannels in height — o .abour to ditto, per yard — o Ditto, raking to flairs, per yard, o Labour to ditto, per yard o Whole-deal fquare wainfcot up to the ceiling. per yard -L o Labour to ditto, from lod.to - o Whole raking wainfcot, ovoloand flat,peryard o Ditto, quirk ogee and bead o Labour to ditto, per yard, from is. $d. to — o Whole-deal level dwarf wainfcot, ovolo and flat, at per yard 0 Ditto, two pannels in height, at per yard — o Labour to ditto, per yard o Whole-deal level quirk ogee and bead dwarf wainfcot, at per yard — o Ditto, two pannels in height, per yard o _.abour to ditto, per yard — - o „nch and half ovolo and flat wainfcoting up to the ceiling, per yard — 0 Ditto, quirk ogee and bead, per yard o _,abourto ditto, from ir. 6d. per yard to o Ditto, with fquare railing, per yard o Ditto, with bead or quarter round on the rifing o ^abour to ditto, from is. 8 d. per yardto o nch and half fquare partitions, flat pannej, at per foot luperficial __ 0 ^abour to ditto, per ft fup. — 0 rwo-inch deal partitions, per foot fuperficial o ..abour to ditto, per ft fup. . — o Ditto, ovolo and flat pannel, fquare on the back o -.abour to ditto, per foot fup. 0 Ditto, ovolo flat and flufh back, per foot fup, o D 2 s . d. ° 3 t i 0 4 3 ° 3 4 1 2 3 9 1 4 2 IO I o 4 ^ 4 io i 6 3 9 4 o i 6 4 o 4 4 i 4 4 9 5 ° i S 6 2 6 6 i io o 6 O 2j- o 8** ° 3 0 IO ° 3s 1 o ( 28 ) /. d. s. Ditto ovolo flat and bead flulh back, at per ft o i i Labour to ditto, from 4 d. to o o 4I Small Mouldings. Small beads of deal, per ft run — ; 00 if Labour to getting out ditto, per foot run — o o of Inch ogee of deal, per foot run 002 Labour to getting out and flicking, per ft run o o of Single cornices, per foot run — — 005 Labour to ditto, getting out and flicking, &c. o o 2 Four-inch Angle architraves, per foot run — 004 Four-inch and f ditto • 0 0 4* Labour to getting out and flicking, per ft run o o 2i Five inch Angle architraves, per ft run —00 5 Labour to ditto, per ft run o o 2 \ Bafe and furbafe mouldings in deal, as in pi. 48 and 49, at per ft fup. from is. 2d. to — o 1 3 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. o -o 6 Jmpofl mouldings, as in pi. 50 and 51, at per ft fup. 0 1 ° Labour to ditto,, at per ft fup. 006 Double architraves, as in pk 5 2 and 53, at per ft fup. from is. 2d. to _ — 0 1 3 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. from •yd. to — 006 Chimney-caps, as in pi. 44 t0 47 > at P er ^ ** U P* from ir. 6 d. to — ~ ° 1 o Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. from yd. to — o o 8 Common block dental, at per ft run Labour to ditto, at per ft run 0 0 2 >\ Eye dentals, at per ft run 009 Labour to ditto, at per ft run 0 0 4i Ditto fret dentals, at per foot run o 010 Labour to ditto, at per foot run 005 Ditto fret eye dentals, at per foot run o 1 o Labour to ditto, at per ft run ' 006 Right wainfcot mouldings, ftrait, at per ft fup. Q 2 Q ( 2 9 ) Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. Circular ditto, at per ft fup. Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. L s. d. 008 o 4 o 014 Mahogany ftrait mouldings, at per ft fup. — 036. Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. o 1 0 Circular ditto, at per ft fup. • o 7 o Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. — o 2 o Stairs , as in PL 55 and' $ 6 . Common white.deal fteps and rifers, including , carriages, at per ft fup. — 008 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. from 3^.§ to — 004 Ditto yellow, at per ft fup. o o 9I Common whole yellow-deal fteps and rifers, including carriages, at per ft fup. o o 10 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. from 4^. to — 005 $econd-beft whole deal fteps and rifers, inclu- ding carriages, with moulded nofings, pro- perly glued and backed, clofe-ftring, at per foot fuperficial. o 1 4 Ditto fecond-beft fteps and rifers, including carriages, at per foot fup. — o t 6 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. — o p 7 Befi Clean- deal Steps and Rifers , as in PL 70. T he beft clean-dealfteps and rifers, with mould- ed nofings, mitered to receive the returns at the ends of the fteps ; rifers, mitered to re- ceive the brackets ; and fteps, dove-tailed for the banifters; at per ft fup. o 1 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. o o Circular block to curtail ftep, at per ft cube o 7 Labour to preparing ditto, from 4 s. to o 4 Circular veneered rifer to curtail ftep, at per ft fuperficial. o 2 Labour to preparing and laying ditto o x Circular round and hollow to ditto, at per ft run If a final! cock-bead to ditto * — *- Labour to ditto, at per ft run — 7 7 6 6 6 o 2 6 o 1 O I O I o MH s. d. ( 3 ° ) Clean-deal fteps and rifers to geometrical (lairs /. on a circular plan, as in pi. 67, with nofing and rifers, mitered, at per ft fup. 0 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. — Circular ftring-board, glued up, to anfwer the wreath-rail, with a bead on the bottom edge, and one funk face, at per ft fup. Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. . . Inch and f wainfcot fteps and rifers, moulded nofings, at per ft fup. - Ditto on a circular plan Two-inch andf mahogany moulded hand-rail, ftrait, at per ft run — Ditto ramp, at per ft run Ditto, twifted Labour to ftrait rail, at per foot run Ditto to ramp, at per foot run Ditto to twift, at per foot run — — Two-inch and f mahogany rail, glued up in thicknefs, at per foot run Labour to ditto, at per foot run — Ditto folid rail, at per foot run Labour to ditto, at per ft run Ditto mahogany capping to iron rails, on a cir- cular plan, at per ft run Labour to ditto, at per per foot run Ditto level, on a circular plan, at per foot run Labour to ditto, from 3s. 6d. to' — Three-inch mahogany newels, at per foot tun — o with Whole-deal raking ftring-board, wrought on both fides and framed, at per ft fup. , Ditto, with funk face, at per ft ■ . Two-inch and \ deal moulded hand-rail, at per foot run Ditto ramp . Labour, from 7 d. per ft run to Ditto, twifted, at per foot run — Labour to ditto, at per foot run — 0 2 1 8 5 6 6 9 10 10 10 2 6 o o 1 10 o 6 6 o 12 O I 0 3 o 7 6 6 o 6 120 0120 o 14 o 0 7 6 0-12 O 070 080 040 0 2 0 ( ) l. Ditto turning o Three inch deal newels, at per ft run o Ditto turning ■■ ■ - o Inch and \ deal balluftrades and turning — o Ditto mahogany, each — - o Seven-eighths fquare-bar balluftrades, at per foot run o Ditto, dove-tailed into fteps o Labour to ditto, at per foot o Plain block-brackets and end-nofings, each— o Labour to getting ready and* putting on, each o Plain cut brackets and returned nofings at ends, each o Labour to preparing, cutting, and putting on, each o Neat cut brackets, with fcrole and end-nofings returned, each o Labour and putting on ditto, each o Ditto mahogany, each © Labour to ditto, each o Circular deal brackets, with to geometrical ftairs, each Labour to each Of Sajhes. Inch and § deal fafties, fixed, per ft fup. — • o Labour to ditto, fquare fafh, per ft fup. from 2d. to o Ditto, prepared to hang or Aide o Two inch deal ovolo fafh, fixed, at per ft — o Labour to ditto, per ft fup. from id.\ to — o Ditto prepared to hang or Aide * o Two-inch oVolo wainfeot fixed fafh, per ft fup. o Labour to ditto, 3d. to o Ditto, prepared to hang or Aide, per ft — o Inch and f- ovolo mahogany fixed fafh — o Ditto, prepared to hang or Aide, per ft fup. — o Two-inch mahogany fixed faAi, per ft *— — o Ditto, prepared to hang or Aide, per ft — o Labour to inch and half mahogany fafh o s. d, 2 0 o 4 o 9 0 8 1 8 2 8 3 o i 6 i o 0 6 1 8 o io 2 O 0 II 3 o 1 6 2 6 i 6 o 6§ O 2 \ o 7 o 8| o 3 o 9 o II O 3i 0 ill 1 4 i 5 i 6 i 7 o 4* i 3 * ) i. s. a. Labour to the two-inch mahogany- fafh - — 006 Two-inch and \ wainfcot ovolo fafh, per ft - o 1 2 Ditto ovolo mahogany fafh, per ft o 1 10 Labour to ditto, at per ft fup. from 7 d. to — o o 9 Note, all 'fafhes ftuck with aftragal and hollow are to be' charged extra, per ft — * — o o rf Single cant-bars to fhop-fronts, four lights high, ftuck with an ovolo, each 040 Ditto, if ftuck with aftragal and hollow, each o 4 6 Of Sajh-Frames. Deal fafh-frames for inch and half fafhes, with oak funk fills, prepared to hang fingle. at per foot fuperficial 008 Ditto, to hang double, per ft fuperficial —00 9 Deal fafh-frames for inch and half fafhes, with oak funk fills, wainfcot pulley-pieces, and beads, to hang fingle — o on Ditto, to hang double * o 1 o Ditto, with mahogany pulley-pieces and beads, to hang double, at per ft — 013 Labour to ditto, from fd.\ per ft fup. to — o o 5 Deahfafh-frames for two-inch fafhes, with oak funk fills, wainfcot pulley-ftiles, and beads. to hang fingle, per ft — 012 Labour to ditto, per ft • — 004 Ditto, with mahogany pulley-ftiles and beads o 1 5 Inch and half dealfafh and frame, ovolo falh, to hang fingle, at per ft fup. 014 Labour to ditto, per ft fuperf. from 6 d. to — 007 Ditto, to hang double, at per ft fup. -7 — 015 Deal fafh-frames with wainfcot pulley-ftiles and bead, inch and half wainfcot ovolo, falh hung with leaden weights and lines com- plete, at per ft fuperficial o I 10 Labour to ditto, per ft fup. 008 Deal fafh-frames with mahogany pullies, fliles, and beads, and inch and half mahogany w* ( 33 ) / . s. d, fafhes, ovolo, hung fingle, complete, perft fup 022 Ditto, hung double, at per foot fuperficial 024 Labour to d°, fafh and frame hanging, complete o O 9 Deal fafh-frames with two-inch deal, ovolo falh, to hang fingle, per foot fuperficial — 016 Ditto, hung double, with lines and weights complete, per foot fuperficial 018 Labour to ditto, complete, per foot 007 Deal fafh-frames with wainfcot pulley-ftiles and beads, two-inch wainfcot ovolo fafh, prepared to hang fingle, per foot o 1 8 Ditto, hung double, with lines and weights, complete, per foot o 1 10 Labour to ditto, from 6d. § per foot to o o 7I Deal fafh-frames with mahogany pulley-ftiles 'and beads, with two-inch ovolo. Mahogany fafh, hung fingle, complete, at per Ditto, hung double, at per foot fup. Labour to ditto, from 7 d. per foot to Deal fafh-frames with wainfcot pulley-ftiles and beads. Two-inch and half wainfcot ovolo fafh, hung double, complete, at per ft fup. o 2 10 Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial O O 8 Deal fafh-frames with mahogany pulley-ftiles and beads. Two-inch and half mahogany fafh, ovolo double hung, complete, per ft fup. o j 2 Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial o O 10 Deal fafh-frames to Palladian windows, with two-inch wainfcot fafh, the middle fafh hung with lines and weights, complete, the dimen- fions from 5 feet to 6 feet 011 the bafe, at per foot fuperficial Q 3 6 Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial 010 Deal fafh-frames with circular heads, heads of frames veneered with wainfcot, and wainfcot beads, glued up in thickneffes, with two- inch wainfcot. Ovolo fafh, head glued up in thickneffes, to be meafured from the fpringing-bar, per foot fuperficial iL o If the fafhes are aflragal and hollow, they are to /. be charged extra, for fafh and frame, per ft o Labour to ditto, circular, per ft fup, o If brafs pulleys and boxes, to be charged as per value, and the failles hung with white line. Circular falh, inch and half ovolo, the fafh deal, per foot fuperficial o Ditto, wainfcot, per foot fup. o Ditto, mahogany, per foot fup. — o Labour to deal circular fafh, per foot — o Ditto to wainfcot, per foot o Ditto to mahogany, per foot o Semi-circular falhes and frames on a circular plan, glued up in thicknefles, are, labour and all materials, three times the price of circular. Labour only to ditto, three times the price of circular. If done in deal, to be valued as deal ; if in wainfcot, to be valued as wainfcot; and if done in mahogany, to be valued as mahogany. Half-inch right wainfcot, planed on one fide, at per foot fuperficial, labour included — o Labour only to ditto, planed and fixed, per ft o Ditto, planed on both fiaes, per foot o Labour to ditto, per foot — o Ditto, dove-tailed in drawers, fdV. per ft fup. o Labour to ditto, per foot fup. — o Three-quarter right wainfcot, planed on one fide, per foot o Ditto, planed on both iides, per foot r o Dittq, ditto, and dove-tailed, per foot o Labour to ditto — - o Inch-wainfcot, planed an one fide, per foot — o Ditto, planed on both fides, and fixed, per ftfup. o Ditto, ditto, and dove-tailed, per foot o Ditto, ditto, and mitre- clampt, for flaps to defies, counter-tops, &c. at per ft o Labour to ditto, in counter-tops, defies, fla^s, at per foot fuperficial -r * — o 0 I 1 6 i o ■i 6 3 9 0 8 ° 9 1 o o 6 O 2 o 7 o 2i o 9 ° 3 0 8 P 9 1 o ° 3i 0 IO 1 o I 2 i 4 Q 4 , , , . A 3 ! ,) Inch aftd quarter wainfcot, planed on one fide, /. at per foot fuperficial o Ditto, planed on both Tides, per foot o Ditto, ditto, and dove-tailed, per foot Ditto, ditto, mitre-clampt to delk-flaps or counter-tops, per foot fup. Labour to ditto, per foot fup. — — Ditto framed, bead flujfh, in fmall doors, at per foot fuperficial Labour to ditto, per foot fup. from $d. to — Ditto, Aufh on both Tides, in fmall doors • — • Labour to ditto, per foot fup. Inch and half wainfcot, planed on one fide, per foot fuperficial Ditto, planed on both fides, per foot Labour to ditto, per foot fup. from gd. to — o Ditto, framed, bead flufh and fquare back — o Ditto, framed, bead flufh on both Tides, per ft o Labour to ditto, per foot fup. o Two-inch wainfcot planed on one fide, per ft o Ditto, planed on both Tides, per ft o Ditto, planed and framed, per foot fup. — o Labour only, per foot fuperficial, from 8 d. to o Mahogany , Labour included. Half-inch mahogany, planed on one fide, per ft o Ditto, planed on both Tides, per foot fup. — o Labour only, per foot o If dove-tailed in drawers, fsV. at per foot — o Labour to ditto, at per foot fup. o Three-quarter mahogany, planed on one fide, at per foot o Ditto, planed on both Tides, per foot o Ditto, planed on both Tides and dove- tailed o ■Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial o |> Labour only, if grooved in fmall grooves, at per foot run o l Ditto, if large grooving, per foot run — o E a s. d. 1 i 1 4 1 6 1 8 0 5 1 9 o 5 2 o Q 6 t 6 1 8 ° 3l 1 10 2 1 0 7 1 10 2 2 2 6 o 9 I o 1 3 0 4 1 6 o $ 1 4 1 i 1 10 o 9 o if O 2* t 36 ) Inch-mahogany, planed on one fide, per ft flip, o in Ditto, planed on both fides, and dove-tailed — 023 Inch and quarter mahogany, planed on one fide, at per foot fuperficial — o 2 Ditto, planed on both fides, per foot fup. — 02 Labour to ditto — — o o Labour to dove-tailed and mitre-clampt, per ft 0 * Circular Work in Deal. Slit-deal cover-board and bearer, planed on two fides, per foot fup. *- o o Ditto, circular foffit, backed with canvas, per ft o l Inch-deal, circular on the face, planed on one fide, per ft fup. o o Ditto, circular on the plan, per ft ■ o 1 Whole-deal rabbeted foffit, per ft fup. — o l Ditto circular framed foffits, with aftragal laid on the pannels, framed in two pannels, and the ftiles veneered, at per foot fup. o 2 Labour only to ditto, per foot fup. o o Deal circular Mouldings, Stuff and Labour. Run of circular bead, ftuck on linings or grounds, at per foot run — ■ — o O Labour to ditto, per ft run * o o Circular £ bead, inch and half wide, glued up in thicknefles, at per foot run o o Labour to ditto, per foot run — 0 o Ditto, circular inch ogee, run, at per ft o o Ditto, ogee and bead, per ft run o o Common circular cornices or architraves, at per foot fuperficial 0 2 Ditto, fcrole pediments, per ft fup. o 5 Mouldingstocircularcommodefronts,perftfup. o 4 Labour to ditto, per foot fup. from 10^. to 0 2 Ditto, mitre-clampt, per foot fup. Labour to ditto, per foot fup. 0 2 j 6 010 Ditto, dove-tailed, per foot Ditto, mitre-clampt, per foot fup. 0 3 5 SSSB si AS . .■tfA 12. M£&b±> t 37 ) Church-Work: As Fronts of Pews, Galleries ^ & c. /. s. Wainfcot doors, 3 inches thick, {tuck on both {ides, and pannels raifed on both Tides, per ft o 6 Ditto, 2 inc. and § thick, per foot fup. — o 5 1 Labour to 3-inch doors, per foot fup. — — o 2 Ditto to 2| inch doors, per foot fup. o 1 Wainfcot doors, 2 inc. thick, per ft fup. — 03 Labour to ditto, per ft fup. . o 1 Wainfcot fronts or pews, the framing inch and half thick, pannels raifed on one fide and fiat on the other, at per yard fuperficial on The fame, circular, per yard, 1 2 Right wainfcot delk-board and bearers, per foot fuperficial — o 1 The fame, circular, per ft fup. o 2 Wainfcot feats and bearers, per foot fup. — o 1 The fame, circular, at per ft o 3 Run of capping on the top of pews, 3 or 4 inc. wide, at per ft run — > — o 1 The fame, circular, per ft run o 3 Wainfcot partitions to pews, framed, inch and 1 thick, pannels raifed, fquare on both Tides, at per yard o 8 Right wainfcot mouldings to pedeftals, bafes, and impofts, at per foot fup. o 2 , Circular, per ft fup. o 4 Circular circular, at per foot o 9 Right wainfcot door-cafes, wrought, with a ftaff, and rabbeted, at per foot o 1 The fame, circular, at per foot — - — O 2 Circular work is twice the price of ftrait, of the fame kind. Circular circular is three times the price of circular, of the fame kind. Rack and Manger . With oak ftalls, rails &c. complete, per ft run o 15 Oak top to manger 3I inc. by i\ inc. wrought, rounded, &c. at per ft run o o Seed-rack, per foot run o o Roughinc. andhalf oak litter-board, per ft fup. o o Inch-deal arris bars, per foot run — — o o A. o o o 6 6 4 o o 2 4 8 4 6 o o 3 6 o 3 6 0 6 4 6 1 ( J 8 ) /. s. d* Two-inch deal turned rack-fta,ves, 2 feet 9 inc. long, each 4 006 Inch and half harnefs-pins, framed?, pel* ft run 004 Oak harnefs-pins, 1 5 inc. long, each — o o 4| Pale-Fencing. Four-foot pale-fencing, with four-feet cleft pales, at per rod, tBj. to — 1 6 6 Workmanfhip, per rod — o 2 6 Five-feetcleft pale-fencing, per rod, from 1/. to 120 Workmanfhip only, per rod — 030 Park-paling, with 5 and 5 feet cleft pales, two rails in a pannel, from 1 /. is. per rod to — 1 4 0 Workmanfhip to ditto, per rod — — — 050 Ditto, three rails in a pannel, at per rod- 1 6 o Boarded pale'-fencing, 5 or 6 feet high, with rough feather-edge deals, at per rod — * — i 20 Ditto, planed, at per rod — — 149 Labour to ditto, from c s. per rod to — * o 6 Q Ditto, if poll-rails, and boards planed, with 3 rails in a pannel, top- and bottom rails of oak, middle-rail a deal batten, and capping on the top of the pales, at per rod i 12 O Labour, per rod — ■ 080 P alHfacfc -patiiVg, poll-fails and pales of oak; poll 6 inches fquare, rails 4 by 3 inc. pales 2 1 inc. by 1 inch thick, mortifed through the rails, at per foot, running-meafure — 056 Labour to ditto, per foot run — 020 Ditto, with fquare bars, inch and | fquare, at per foot run — o . 4 o If the bars or pales be of fir, at per foot run - — 036 Labour, from 2 od. per foot run to o 1 10 Pallifado gates, the framing with two-inch fluff of oak, pales fquare or flat, at per foot fup. 013 Labour to ditto, at per foot fuperficial o o 6| Common five-bar gates of oak, from 1 6s. per gate to 018 o Labour to ditto 4 s'. 6d. per gate. If fawing be included, at per gate *— 06$ 1 1 . 1 . ( 39 ) utting in ground-fills under timber buildings, &c; including timber and labour, from ij. per foot, running meafure, to — Labour ohly, from \d.\ per foot run to — Barn-floors laid with 2-inch oak plank, lifted clear of fap, at per fquare VVorkmanihip to ditto, per fquare Joift of oak, at per foot cube — \ To lay the barn- floor with two-inch deals, and to lift them clear of fap, finding deals, at per fquare 3 Labour to ditto, per fquare o The price of the oak joift to bo added to 3/. 1 $s. in the oak floor, and to 3/. in the deal floor. For joifts may be cut of various fcantlings; and the price of oak joifts is to be eftimated from the number of cube feet they contain. Joifts to be laid 12 inches apart. Of Squares and Coolers for Brewing. Making coolers and finding ail materials, at per foot fuperficial o Labour to ditto, per foot fuperficial o Square tons with two-inch oak plank, finding ' all materials, at per foot cube o 1 10 Lattice-Work for Partitions , &c. Lattice-work bars, 2 inches wide, at per yard o Bars, inch and half wide, at per yard o Step-ladders, fides and fteps of whole-deal, at per foot fuperficial . • — o Standard-ladders, &c. at per round — - — o Labour, per round o Deal fhelves grooved together, as holes for ftockings and gloves, 1'n haberdafhers and hofiers fhops, &c. at per foot fuperficial — o If planed on both fides, meafure the rim of the grooving, at per foot run , v . — o 1 o IO 3 o & 2 6 o 6 6 o o I a 3 % a o o © 6 10 4 1 o t->|H . '( 4° ) Oak or Fir Scantlings at per Foot Run . To find how much in length will make a cube foot of ^ny fcantling, fuppofe 4 by j, multiply the given numbers together, and divide 1728 by their product, which will give the length in inches to one cube foot, as will appear by the following examples. 4 b y 3 3 12)1728(144 inches, or 12 feet, 12 5* 48 48 4 by 4 4 16)1728(108 inches or 9 feet. 16 1 28 128 6 by 4 24) 1728 (72 inches, or 6 feet. 168 48 8 by 6 6 48)1728(36 inches, or 3 feet. 144 288 288 9 by 6 6 54)1728(32 inc, or 2 feet 8 inc. 162 10 by 6 6 60)1728(21 inc. 4«5thsofan inc* 120 528 480 48 10 by 8 8 80)1728(21 inc. 7-iothsi 160 1 28 80 12 b y.9 9 108)1728(16 inc. or 1 ft 4inc. 108 length to 1 cube foot. 648 648 2 by 2 2 4)t728 12)432 'H 12 by 2 $6 feet. 24)1728(72 inc. or 6 ft in length* 168 108 108 48 48 ( 4 l ) The preceding work fhews how much in length will jftake one cube foot of any fcantling, cut fit for building, according to the following tables, in fir, at per foot run, from 2 s. per foot cube, to is. id. without labour. Square of Fir Scantlings at ter Foot Run , ,ches. Inches. s. d. 2 by 2\ — O of 2 by 2 — O Oi 2 by 3i — • o I 2 by 3 — ' ° ii 2 by 4—0 iy 2 by 4l — o 2 by 5—o I ^ 2 by Si O 2 2 by 6 — • o o Inches . Inches, S* d. 2\ by si — o I ?2 by 3 ~ o l£ Si by 3i — o Ii by 4 — o If sf by 4i — o 2 2- ■*■2 by 5 — o 2. o 1 *2 by si - o si by 6 , — 0 si si by 61 - o si Si by 7 — o 3 2f by 7i ~ o 3 si by 8 — o 3i si by 8f - o 3i si by 9 — 0 3i si by 9i — o 4 si by io — o 4i si by io| — o 4i si by ii — o 4i 2± by ill — * o 4i Si by 12 — o 5 F s . d< or i 6 per foot cube* or i 9 ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 ii ditto. or 2 3 ditto. or 2 4 ditto. or 2 oi ditto. or 2 2 ditto. or 2 2 ditto. J. d. or 2 O per foot cube* or 2 I ditto. or 2 3 ditto. or 2 of ditto. or 2 2 ditto. or 2 2 ditto. or 2 o| ditto. or 2 O ditto. or 2 o dittq. or 2 I ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 ii ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 I ditto. or 2 oi ditto- or 2 o ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 o ditto. or 2 o ditto. ( 42 ) Run of Fir Scantling, from a by 6| to 2 by 12. Inc. Inc. s. d. 2 by 6| — 0 2| 2 — 7 — 0 2| a — 7! — 0 2§ 2 — 8 — 0 2 f 2 — 8§ — 0 3 or > per foot cube, 2 0 — 9 — © 3 2 — 9 i — 0 3? 2 — 10 ■ — 0 3^ 2 — 11 — 0 34 l V* Mm 1 0 4 2 — 12 — 0 4 or, per foot cube. 2J. Run of Fir Scantling, from 3 by 3 to 3 by 12. 3 by 3 0 if 3 — 3 i — 0 15 3 — 4 — 0 0 3 ~ 4 §n— 0 2f 3 5 — 0 2f 3 — Si 0 2* 3 — 6 — 0 3 3 — 6I — 0 34 3 ~ 7—o 3 i 3 — 7I — 0 3 i 3 — 8 — 0 4 3 ^ 8I — 0 45 3 — 9—0 4f 3 ““ 91 — o 4 ! 3 — 10 - — 0 5 3 — 0 1 M IN O H -4 5 * 3 — II O Si 3 — 11 2 O 51 3 — UH ! 0 6 2 s. per foot cube. Run of Fir Scantling, from 3 * b y 3 * to 3 f b y *2* Inc. Inc. d. 3f by 3 f - — 0 2 3i — 4 - — 0 2 i 3i — 4i - — 0 2 f 3i — S' ’ — 0 , 3 3i — 5i - — 0 3i 3f — 6 — 0 3i 31— — 0 3* 3f — 7 — 0 4 3f — 7i — 0 4l 3i — 8 — 0 4* 3 § — 8 f — 0 5 3i — 9 — . 0 54 3 1 9 f — 0 Si 3i — 1 ® — 0 54 3i — l °l — 0 6 3i — 11 — 0 6 i 3i — nf — 0 61 3 1 — 12 — 0 7 or 2 r. per foot cube • Run of Fir Scantling, 4 by 4 . 4 by 4 — 0 2 ! 4 4f — - 0 3 4 — 5 — 0 3.i 4 — 51 — 0 3i 4 — 6 — 0 4 4 — 61 — - 0 4 l 4 — 7 — 0 4* 4 ' 7f — - 0 5 4 — 8 — * 0 5i 4 — 31 — 0 5* 4 — 9 — 0 6 4 — 9 i — 0 6 i 4 — 10 — 0 6| Hf* 0 1 — 0 7 4 — 11 — 0 7^ 4 — Hi — 0 74 4 — » 12 — ~ 0 8 fables of Fir ScantUng&t per Foot , Running- Me afure. 43 Inches. 4i b y 41 — J. d. 4 ! — 0 2f 5 l by 9 “ c — 0 3 5 l — — 9 l — 52 — 0 Si 5 l — 10 — 6 — 0 3 * 51 — — 1 of — 61 — 0 4 5 l — 11 — 7 — 0 4f 51 — 12 — / a 8 — 0 — 0 4i 5 6 by 6 — 61 — § — o 5I — 12 — by 5 ~ -* -10 n 12 o 9? o 9 l o 10 o ioj 5l - 0 5 5l — 6—0 5 l - t»|H 1 O 5 ! — 7 0 5 » — 7l 0 51 - 8 — ® Si ~ 0 1 CO Inches. Inches. 61 by 61 — by 7 s. d. 0 n 0 91 0 91 0 10 0 IOf 0 Ilf 0 6 0 61 0 7 0 71 0 8 0 g £ Q i 0 9 0 9 l 0 10 0 iof 0 11 0 nf 1 0 0 7 0 71 0 8 0 81 0 9 ! 0 9 i 0 iof 0 1 1 0 Hi 1 0 1 of 1 I 0 81 0 81 ■ 0 91 ■ 0 10 • 0 IOf • 0 1 1 F 2 44 Scantling*- Table s of Fir and Oak } at per Foot Run, tes. Inches. d. Inches. Inches, s by io — o Ill 9 by ii — i lOf — I o| 9 — i i| — i ii — i I 9 1 2 I — - u| — i If — 12 — I 2. 9§ by 9 I — i 9l IO — r b rf — p 9i 9l — jof — I S Q IQ 9i — II — I 8| — o iof 91 — 12 — I — - 9—o Hi — 5 — 9l — i o IO ►*+ 1 o n XJ - IO — * I Of IO — iof — I " i o| I I IO — II — I II — I If IO Ii| — I *— Ilf I af IQ — 12 — J m * mm§ 12 t- I 4 i iof by iof — I by 8 — o iof I of — II i T- g| — 0 io| — H| — I “ 9—i. o IO| 12 I 9l — i Of *— IO I II 1 1 by ii — i — - iof — I 2 1 1 — nf — i 11 — I 2 f II — 12 — I — — III — I 3l •— — 12 — I 4 u| by III — I u| — 12 I by 8 1 — I o pi — 9 — i n — si — i 8| — io — i H — I0| — I 3 1; — I I — I 8f — Ilf — i 8| — 1 2 — i 9 by 9 — i 9 — 95 — 1 9 — io — i 9 ^ »'°f — l si 12 by 12 — 2 o Oak Scantling,perFootI^uji 4 h Y 3 — o if Tables bf Oak Scantling tit per Foot Run. Inches. Inches. $. d. ' 2 by jo — o 5 a — u — o 51 2 1 2 — 6 6 or. js. per foot cube* to js. 6d. b Y 3 — o ji 1 & 2f — - 4 — o 2 1 2 1 — 5 — o 3 H — 6 — o 3* 2 1 7 — ? 42 ai — 8 — o 5 2 | — 9 — o Si a§ — io — o 61 2f — II — o 7 af — 12 — o 71 3 b y 3 ‘ — o 2? 3 — 4 — o 3 3 — | — o 3f 3 — 6 ■ — o 41 3 7 —r O 5? 3 — 3 — - o 6 3 9 — o 61 3 — io — o 71 3 — ii — 9 31 3 — r 12 — 9 9 3f by 3 — W** O 2f 3l — 4 — o 3l 3l — 5 — o 4f 3f 1 — 6 — o si 3f — 7 — o 61 3l “ 8 — o 7 3i 9 — o 8 ■jf — io O 81 3l — 11 — o 9i 3l — 12 — o ID f 4 by 4 -A o 4 4 — 5 — • o 5 [nches. Inches, s. d. 4 by 6 — 0 6 4 — 7 — 0 7 4 — 8 — 0 8 4 — 9 — 0 9 4 IO — 0 IO 4 — 1 1 — 0 11 4 — 12 — 1 0 4l by 4 — 0 4 r 41 — 5 — 0 51 4 l — ✓ 6 — 0 61 4 l — 7 — 0 71 4 l ~ 8 — 0 9 4 l — 9 — 0 10 4 l — 10 — 0 Hi 4 l — 1 1 — 1 °1 4 l ~ 12 • — 1 if 5 by s • — 0 61 5 ~ 6 — 0 71 5 — 7 • — 0 n 5 — 8 — 0 io 5 — 9 — 0 ill 5 — 10 — 1 0 * 5 — 11 — 1 if 5 — 12 — 1 3 51 by 5 *-*■ 0 7 51 — 6 — * 0 81 5l — 7 — 0 9l 52 — 8 0 1 1 51 — 9 — 1 of 51 — IO — 1 if 5! — ■ 1 1 — 1 3 51 — 12 — 1 4f 6 by 6 — . 0 9 6 — 7 — 0 iof 6 — 8 — ■ 1 0 6 r—i 9 — 1 1 ! 4 $ 46 fables zf Oak Scantlings at pr Foot Run. Inches. Inches, s. d. Inches. Inches, s. 6 by IO — i 3 7! by io — I 6 — 1 1 — i 4l 71 — ii — i 6 — 12 — i 6 71 12 I 6£ by 6\ — o io! 8 by 8 — i 61 — 7 — o 1 1 \ 8 — 9 ~ 1 61 — 8 — I i 8 — io I 61 — 9 — I 8 — ii — i 61 — IO — 1 a\ 8 — 12 — 2 6\ — 1 1 — I 6 61 — 12 — I 7i 8! by 8 — i 81 — 9 — 1 7 b y 7 — I ol . 81 — io *- — I 7 — 8 — I 2 8! — — ii — i 7 — 9 — I 3l 8! — . 12 2 7 — IO — I si 7 — i r — I 7i 9 by 9 — 1 7 — 12 — I 9 9 — - IO — I 9 — II 2 7l b y 8 — I 3 9 — 12—2 ?! — 9 — I 5 d. 61 n 4 6 8 to 2 5 7 9 1 1 i io i 3 NlM <>|M ti|M W|M ( 47 ) «£«■ -O- *:■> *S* <><*<> •*£♦■<> O' <> The Price of M AS0N S Work in general. Portland (tone, fcapled, at per foot cube — Sawing ditto, per foot lup. — Plain work to ditto, per foot fup. ■ ■ ■ — Circular plain work, per foot fup. Moulded work to ditto, per foot fup. Circular moulded work, from ir. 4 d. to — Plain funk work, at per foot ■ — Sunk joggling, per foot run — * Grooving, per foot run — - Cutting frets, per foot - Portland ftone coping, 13 inches wide and 3 inches thick in front, 1 inch and a half thick behind, throated, cramped, and run with lead, at per foot run, — — Extra for labour to return quoins ; Portland ftone finks, 6 or 7 inches thick, at per foot fup. 3-r. 6 d. or .Portland ftone balluftrades, 1 foot 8 inches long, about 4 and a half or 5 inches diame- ter, and joggled in at each end, each 28J. or Portland ftone paving, in ftrait courfes, 1 inch and half thick, per foot fup. - — — — Ditto, 2 inches thick Ditto, o6to.gon and black dots, per foot fup. Black and white marble fquares, in paving — - Old paving with black dots, rubbed, fquared, and re-layed, per foot fup. ■ — Old aftragal fteps, new worked and fet, at per foot, running meafure — — Old Purbeck fteps, taken up and re-fet, per foot, running meafure New paving with Bremen ftone, laid in tarras at per foot fup. /. o o o o o o o o o o s. d, 2 6 o 4 0 10 1 3 New Purbeck, fquared in ftr?it courles for paving, and laid in tarras, per foot fup, — Ditto, laid in mortar — — ■ - o 6 o 4 02O 016 040 1 10 o 1 S 1 10 2 2 2 10 o o , o X 6 6 4 2 0 o 10 v * ( 48 ) N ew Purbeck Heps, per foot run — Ditto, paved in random courfes, per ft fup. — Old ditto re-laid, per foot — Holes cut for iron work, each Morrice holes made fquare, each . Large ditto, each \ Holes cut 7 or 8 inches deep, and 4 or 5 inches fquare X * Portland flone chimney-pieces and (labs, not lefs than 1 inch and a quarter thick, per. ft fuperficial ■ ■ '■■■— — ■• . .. t — — Ditto, 2 inches thick, per foot fup. — * — Ditto, 2 inches and a half thick Old ditto, cleaned, fanded, and fet, per ft — Slit Ryegate {tone hearths and covings Whole ditto — — Old Ryegate, worked and fet, per ft Purple marble covings, 2 inches thick, per foot fuperficial — Black ditto, 3 inches thick, per foot fup. — Old ditto, re-fet, per ft fup, — Common, fet in fire-ftone, including the ftove at — Ditto, in veined marble, at * Ditto, in dove marble, at Veined Marble Chimney --pieces . Veined marble, per foot cube Plain work to citto, per foot fup. Ditto mould work Veined marble flabs, jambs, mantles, &c. not lefs than if thick, per ft fup. Old ditto, fawed, fanded, ground, poliflied, and fet, per ft fup, Egyptian marble mantles and jambs, at per foot fup. New dove marble Ditto inch flab New purple marble, per ft Black and yellow plinths, per ft cube Plain work to ditto, per foot fup. Sunk work to ditto — o ''2 4 009 003 002 004 O Q 8 0 2 0 0 1 9 0 2 0 0 2 4 0 0 6 ◦ 1 2 0 1 8 0 0 6 0 6 0 0 7 6 0 0 5 I 12 0 3 5 0 5 18 Q 1 0 O 0 3 6 0 7 0 0 5 Q 0 3 O 0 12 6 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 1 l S 0 0 5 0 O Q O ( 49 y Plain jambs, mantle, {pV. per foot . Statuary-marble, per foot cube - Plain work to ditto, per ft fup. . Moulded work to ditto — _____ Ditto circular work, per foot k . New inch and half ftatuary flabs, jambs, and mantle, at per foot fuperficial - ■ New baftard ftatuary marble, per ft „ Sawing ftatuary marble, per foot — Jafper-marble in veneering, per ft fuperficial, from i /. 5 j. to s. d. Sienna marble in veneering, per foot fuperficial, from I£X. tO rr-i Painting. Painting once in oil, per yard Outfide painting three times in oil, per yard o infide new work of .common colours, per yard o Infide painting of old work, common colours — o If extraordinary colours, as olive, &c. per yard o Prepared Pruflian-blue, per yard - 0 Greens, per yard 0 Safh-frames done twice in oil, each or o Safli-fquares, per dozen, 9 d. or o Window-lights, three times in oil, each o Cafements, ditto* each . -- 0 Iron bars, each _ 0 Cloak-pins, twice in oil, per foot run — o Salh-frames, three times in oil, each o Safli-fquares, ditto, per dozen o Stucco, three times in oil, per yard 0 Ditto, four times in oil, per yard - ■ >» ^ — - q Ditto, and fanded, per yard — - 0 Fine flat white, four times in oil, per yard — o Safli-fquares, dead white, per dozen a Mahogany grained, per yard — — — . 0 Ditto and varnifhed, per yard — o Squares, painted black, each — ■ ~~ — * 0 Checquers, per dozen — r— 0 ( 5 ° ) Glajier's Work. /• Newcaftle crown, in fafhes, per foot fup. o Circular ditto, per foot fuperficial o Black-friers crown glafs, in fquares o Ratcliff beft crown glafs, at per foot o Crown glafs in broad lead cemented, per ft — o Old ditto taken out and put into fafhes o Second crown glafs in fafhes, per foot o Beft crown glafs bent circular, per foot o Moulded plate-glafs, per foot P Old glafs new leaded, per foot o Lead fquares put in fky-lights, each ° Safh-fquares flopped in ° Pinning in cafements, from 4 d. to 0 Quarries put in 0 Putting large fafhes infide and out c Fifty pounds of turned lead is fufhcient for 100 feet of quarry glafs. Glafiers allow, for old crown glafs in fafhes, per foot fuperficial — c Newcastle ditto ■ J c Glafs in lead ^ ^ ‘ New green glafs, per foot fup. < Plumbers Work . Gutters, &c. per cwt. ao s. or • Safh weights, per cwt. — _ — — 1 Eacks of finks, coppers, &c. including folder, per cwt. Lead for cramps, per pound Solder, per cwt. ^ — ‘ Ditto, per pound * Milled lead for hips, fiafhings, &c. per cwt. Three-quarter pipe, per yard “ Inch ditto _• Inch and quarter ditto Inch and half ditto Ll " . Two-inch ditto Three-inch and half rain-water pipe, from is. 3^. per yard to “ Plumbers will allow for old lead, rwf. Os o n 'Qh ( 5 1 ) By which means they have an allowance of js. /. s. d. for each cwt. It is cultomary, in weighing of old lead, to de- du6t one pound in every cwt. for dirt. Blackfrniths Work , done by Weight. All forts of hammered work, as chimney-bars, frays, upright window-bars, ihutter-bars, pump-work bolts, faddle-bars, cramps, hold- falls, dogs, gudgeons, and all black-work of the fame kind, from 4 d. per pound to o Cafements, crofs window-bars filed, and all fuch work, from 4 d.\ per pound to o Large fcrew-bolts and nuts, at per pound o Iron doors and fnutters, from 1 o d. per pound to o Plaijlerer's Work. Lime and hair mortar on lathing, at per yard o Labour only, from 4 d. per yard to - 0 Common- rough calling from is. per yard to o Labour only, from 4 d. per yard to o Rough calling with ftone-mortar, in imitation of Hone-work, from is. 6 d. per yard to o Labour only, from 6 d. per yard to o Plaifteringonbrick-workwithfinilhing-mortar, in imitation of Hone- work,from u6^/perydto o Labour only, per yard — o Setting common ceilings with fine fluff, per yd Rendering one coat rough, per yard Ditto and fet, per yard, 4 d. or Ditto in groins _ Not fet, but trowelled fmooth for paper — w Floated rendering on brick- work, per yd 6 d. or q Railed champhered rullics, per foot fup. o Plain railed facia, per foot Ditto k'ey-llone — - Counter ceilings on lath ? per yard Floated lath and plailter, fet --- - Ditto, fet and white . Ditto, with llrong fir lath and four-penny nails, walked for painters, at per yard — — o Floated lath and plailter fet in plailter and putty o Ditto in groins — . 0 o 4| o 6 0 6 1 o I o 0 5 1 4 o 6 3 o o 8 1 o o o o o o o o 0 1 0 1 I o 6 2 3 5 6 3 7 9 6 0 7 1 2 1 6 l 4 1 6 ( J* ) /. s. ct Lath and plaifter in heads ©f niches, per yard o Stucco on bricks, per yard o Ditto on lath * o Circular ditto Stucco on laths in pannels, per yard Bead and quirk to quoins, per foot run — > Plain mouldings, 5 inches girth, per foot — Circular ditto y Plain plaifter cornices, per foot fuperftcial dittb Block cornices, with leaves in the block and flowers in coffers, per foot — * * Ditto, three members, enriched with flower and bands in the fofnt, per foot ■ Plain cove cornice and whited, at per foot — Ditto with eye dental, and whited Doric cornice, three members enriched, mutules with bells and flowers in coffers, per foot — Doric cornice enriched, with blocks, and bells and flowers funk in coffers, per foot Plain Ionic modillion-cornice, per foot Ditto, two members enriched, modillions, and flowers in coffers, whited, per foot piain Corinthian cornice, at per foot Ditto, fully enriched, per foot Circular ditto, per foot Corinthian frize,. enriched with foliage and flowers, per foot fup. from y. 6 d. to Double warded fret and flowers, at per ft fup. Fafcia and Vitruvian fcrole o o 2 4 Guilochi and flowers, at per foot fup. o Vitruvian fcrole, flower, and hufk, per ft fup. o Circular ditto — — — o Plate 28. Carving Ionic capitals is done by the face, at much per face, according to the diameter of the column. If the diameter be 10 inches, ( S 3 ) at is. per inch, each face will be worth so i* /. s. d . and the whole cap will coft, carving in deal -- 2 0 O In wainfcot or mahogany, ir. 6 -d. per inch, and the whole cap - • * 3 o o *£ Plate 32. Corinthian caps, at 2 s. 6 d. an inch, 10 inches diameter, that is, per face, in deal — *-•*- 1 5 o In w^nfcot or mahogany y. per inch, which is 30^. per face, or, for the whole cap — «■*** 6 0 0 Plate 54. Compofite capital and carved frize. Capital at is. 10 d. or is. per inch, according to the dia- meter of the columns : frize at per foot, from ioj. to * o 15 o The lower capital, with water-leaf, at per inch is. 8 d. or o .1 10 Capital in pi. 56, at per inch is. or — o 2 3 Frize to ditto, 8 inc. deep, per ft run, from y. to o 13 o ' Plate 55. Water-leaf, leaf in ogee, inch girth, per foot 0 0 9 Ditto, inch and half, per foot — ? — o 1 o Common veined, per foot, foftened * — — o o 8 Block dental, per foot run, 6 d. fret ditto — o 0 8 Ditto cornice, two members carved, femireverfe, at per foot run 008 Semirebters with raffel leaf, inch and half girth, per foot 036 Fluting pannels, for doors, fhutters, &c at per foot run 01 Q Plate 57. From pi. 28 to pi. 57 are the prices of wood carving, labour only. Ogee, from | to | inch girth, per ft run, 4 d. to o o 6 Ditto, clofe beads, at per foot run 3^. to — 004 Plate 58. Plaifter cornice, frize 8 inc. deep, cornice 6 or 7 inc. deep, necking 2 inc. and f deep, at per foot run, labour and all materials in- cluded, y. 6 d. to — — 060 Labour to ditto, y. to — ■* — 036 ( 54 ) Plate 59. Plaifter Cornice . /, Cornice, three members, enriched with acorns between the dentals, at per foot run, 2 s. to — o Plaifter cornice, top member carved with water- leaf, and the bead carved in bead mold, per ft o Plate 60. Plaifter Cornice. Corinthian cornices, three members carved, and modillions, at per foot run, from 5 s. to — o The feftoon in the frize to be valued by time and materials expended Plate 61. A plaifter cornice : frize 6 inc. and \ deep, cor- nice 5 inc. and \ deep, at per foot run, 4J. to o Plate 62. 7 inc. frize, 6 inc. cornice, per ft run, js. 6 d. to o Note 3 The prices of ornaments differ very- much, in wood, ftone, and ftucco, according o the richnefs and goodnefs of the • materials ,nd workmanlhip. s. i. 2 3 4 Eftimate for building a new Houfe. Bricklayer's Work. 496 yards of digging in cellars and foundations, at is. per yard, digging and carting away 45 rod of brick-work, reduced to brick and half, at 8/. ioj. per rod i8| fquare of plain tiling, at il. ioj. perfquare no feet run of arched drain, at 2 s. 6 d. per ft 50 yards of brick paving in mortar, at is. 6 d. per yard 72 feet of rubbed and gauged arches in win- dows, at per foot fuperficial, is. lod. — 108 feet rubbed and gauged in facio, at per foot fuperficial, is. 6 d. /. j. d. 24 1 6 o 382 10 o 27 i'5 o 13 15 o 650 13 12 o 8 2 © Carried forward 476 15 o ( 55 ) Brought forward 476 15 o 250 feet of rubbed returns, at 4J. per ft run — 434 106 feet run of rough, at 1 d\ per foot run— o 13 3 36 feet fuperficial of fummered arches, brick and half, at $d. per foot — — — 0150 150 feet run of groin, at 6 d. per foot — — 3 15 o 205 feet of foot-tile paving, at 4 d. per foot* — 3 84 1 1 2 feet of common drain, 10 inc. wide, 9 inc. high, 4-inch walls, covered with foot-tiles, andpavedwithbricksflat,atir. 2^.perftrun 6 10 8 Total fum of bricklayer’s work 496 o 7 Mafon's Work, Chimney-piece in the dining-room * — — 45 o jo Ditto in the beft parlour — • — 36 o o Ditto in the common parlour 20 o o Ditto in one pair of flairs front rooms, each chimney-piece 10/. 20 o o Ditto in one pair of flairs back room - — — 6 00 55 feet fuper. of Portland chimney-pieces, at per foot fup. ir. 10 d. 5 10 o 27 feet fuperficial Ryegate, in hearths and covings, at perfioot fup. ir. 1 70 i$o feet cube of Portland, at is. Sd. per ft — 18150 560 feet fuperficial of plain work on ditto, at 10^. per foot — -■ > - 23 6 ^C' 1 15 feet of moulded work to ditto, at is. id. ' per foot fuperficial — — 6142 200 feet of Portland paving and black dots, in paflage and flair-cafe, at is. 3 d . per ft fup. 22 10 0 ' 3 fmk-ftones, at 2s. 6 d. each — 07# 140 holes cut in Portland curb for iron bars, at id. each — — 1 34 Total fum of mafon’s work 206 13 o ( Jfi ) Carpenter's Work. 1 . s. d. <2$ feet cube of oak, rough, at js. per ft — 3 15 o 36 feet ditto, framed, at $s. 6d. per ft cube 6 60 22 feet ditto, planed and framed, at 4 s. — 48 o 220 feet cube of fir, rough, at is. per ft — 22 o o 1250 feet cube of fir, framed, at is. 4 d. per ft 142 16 8 96 feet cube of fir, planed and framed, at is. %d. per foot 12 16 o 1.30 fe^t fuperficial of gutter and bearers, at %d. 5 00 5 fquare of centering, at i6.r. per fquare — 400 8 Iquare of groin, at 1 1. is. per fquare — 8 16 o 150 feet of fmooth ditto, at ^d. per ft 1 17 6 £15 feet fuperficial of bracketing for plaifler cornices, at $d. per ft — — — 8118 90 feet of rough whole deal, at $d. per ft — 1176 67 feet planed on one fide, at 6d. per ft — 1 13 6 10 fquare of fecond-beft flooring, nailed one edge in fight, at 3/. 11s. per fquare — 36 00 3 fquare of ditto, dowelled, at 4/. per fquare 12 00 10 fquare of clean-deal flooring, dowelled, at 5/. 15 s. per fquare 62 10 o no feet fuperficial of whole-deal rifers and fteps, at 9 d. per foot ‘ . 426 120 feet of .ditto, fecond-beft, at is. per ft — 600 no feet of clean-deal rifers and fteps, at 1 s. 6d. 8 50 40 feet run ofmahogany hand-rail, at $s. per ft 10 00 40 feet run of § fquare deal banifters, at 3s per foot " 6 o a 36 feet of deal rail and banifter, at 4 s. per ft 7 4° Total of carpenter’s work 370 19 4 Joiner's Work . 96 yards of dwarf wainfcot, at per yard fqu are- work, ^s.tod. 16 16 o 90 yards framed ovolo and flat pannel, at ,js. gd. per yard — 16 17 6 Carried forward 33 13 6 ( 57 ) Total ofjoiner’s work 221 17 10 Plaifiefer's Work, Brought forward — — *— 60 yards of inch and half framing, inch pan nels and dado, at 55 per yard — 1150 feet of whole deal dado, dove-tailed, and barred on the. back, at 9/perfoot fup. - 560 feet fuperficial of deal molding, at is 2 d. 150 feet fuperficial of whole-deal fhelves, at 7 d. per foot 60 feet fuperficial two-inch deal dreffer, at 1 22 yards of flit-deal linings, at 2 s. 200 feet fup. of inch and half deal is’. per foot — — 250 feet fuperficial of 2 inch and \ deal doors, at is. 4 d. per foot — — 7 5 feet fuperf. of whole-deal doors, tongued and ledged, at 8 d. per foot — — 48 feet of 2 and | wainfcot doors, at4^perft 9 120 250 feet of two-inch wainfcot fafh and frame, at is. lod. per foot — — — - 35 8 4 200 feet fup. of inch and half wainfcot fafh and fr^me, at u. lod. per foot r— — 18 6 8 To dining-room ceiling, divided, with orna- ments, and the molding — — : 40 o o 220 yards floated ceiling, at ij - . 'id. per yard 12 16 8 175 yards common ceiling, at is. per yard — 8 15 o 150 yards rendered and whitened, at 6 d. per yd 3 .15 o 40 yards rendered only, at 4 d. per yard — 0134 300 feet fup. of plaifter cornice, at 1 j., 4^. per ft 20 o o 50 yards of ftucco, at is. per yard — — 500 Total of plaiflerer’s work 90 o o C 59 ) Glafier's Work. 1 . s. d. 35 6 feet fuperficial of crown glafs in fa(hes, at ir. 3d. per foot — — — 22 5 o 24 feet fup. of giafs fet in lead-work, at 8 d - o 16 o Total of gl after’s work 23 1 o Plumber's Work * 38 cwt of lead, in gutters, cefspools, rain water pipe, &c. at 20s. per cwt. — — 38 o o 40 yards of leaden pipe, at 2 s. 6d. per yard -500 A leaden pump and iron-work — — 5 10 o Cocks, ftop-cocks, and other brafs work to pipes, &c. — — - — — 2150 Solder to the above work — — 1180 Total of plumber’s work 53 Blackjmith' s Work. 36 cwt in kitchen range, grates, crane, iron bars to chimneys, iron rails, and palli- fadesin front, &c. at 4 d. \ per pound - 67 Ironmonger' s Bill. 36 pairs ofbut-hinges to window-lhutters, at ir 1 36 pairs of (trap-hinges, at 8 d. per pair — 1 1 2 pairs of H hinges, at 4 s. 6d. per pair — 2 6 pairs of crofs garnet hinges, at ir. 6^.perpr o 36 (hutter-latches, at is. 6d. each — — 1 24 fa(h-fa(tenings — — 1 6 iron plate locks, at 4*. each — — 1 12 mortice-locks, at ior. Gd each — — 6 Locks, hinges, and faftenings, to front door — 2 Ditto to back front — — — 1 Ditto to kitchen door — — o Six pairs of large but-hinges, at 3s per pair o Total of ironmonger’s bill 21 Total fum of the whole — £ 1534 0 1 Note^ The carriage of materials to be added to the above work. J o 4 & 16 0 4 Q 14 O 9 O 14 O 1 O 4 O 6 O 10 O 10 O 12 O 18 O 18 O