JEEUSALEM EXPLOEED BEING a Desciiption of tijt lanttcnt anU iMotiti'ii Citj). (JTamlm'bgE : PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS. JERUSALEM EXPLORED BEING ^ ©tiicttptton of ti)t iUnctcnt anU WITH NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS CONSISTING OF VIEWS, GROUND PLANS. AND SECTIONS, BY EBMETE PIEROTTI, DOCTOR OF MATHEMATICS. AND ARCHITECT-ENGINEER. CIVIL AND MILITARY, TO HIS EXCELLENCY SURRAYA PASHA OP JERUSALEM. TRANSLATED BY THOMAS GEORGE BONNEY, M.A.. F.GS. FELLOW OP ST JOHN'S COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE. VOLUME n.— PLATES. LONDON: BELL AND DALDY, FLEET STREET. CAMBRIDGE : DEIGHTON, BELL, AND CO. M.DCCC.LXIV. {Tli& right of Translation is reseri'ed.'\ CONTENTS. PLATE I, PANORAilA OF JERUSALEM, SEEN FROM THE MOUNT OF OLR’-ES, II. PLAN OF MODERN JERUSALEM. III. PLAN OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM. IV. FOUR SECTIONS OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM, SHEWING THE UNDERGROUND CONSTRUCTIONS IN COMPA- RISON WITH THE PRESENT LEVEL OF THE CITY. V. ANCIENT CITADEL OF THE JEBUSITES, AFTERW'ARDS THAT OF DAVID, THEN THAT OF THE PISANS. THE JAFFA GATE. VI. THE TOWERS PHAS/ELUS AND JLVRLYMNE. THE TOWER HIPPICUS IS CONCEALED BY PHAS^LUS. VII. GATE OF DAMASCUS. VIII. VIEWS OF THE ROYAL CAVERNS, AND OF THE GROTTO OF JEREMIAH. IX. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE ROYAL CAVERNS, AND OF THE GROTTO OF JEREMIAH. X. DETAILS OF ANCIENT MASONRY — OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF ANCIENT CONDUITS — OF THE POOLS — OF THE WELL OF JOAB, AND OF SOLOMON’s RESERVOIRS AT ETH^Vil. XI. THE HARAM ES-SHERIF. XII. PLAN OF LAND BELONGING TO THE DAUGHTERS OF SION, AND OF THE SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGE CO>DIUNICATINa WITH MORIAH, DISCOVERED BY PIEROTTI — SECTIONS RELATING TO THIS LAND AND TO MOUNT MORIAH. XIII. VIEW OF THE ARCH OF THE ECCE-H03I0, WITH THE SMALLER ARCH TO THE NORTH, DISCOVERED BY PIEROTTI. XIV. VIEW OF THE BARRACK OF THE HARAM ES-SHERIF. XV. REMAINS OF ANCIENT lUSONRY, CALLED THE RUINS OF THE TOWER ANTONIA. XVI. ‘SHEW OF THE POOL OF BETHESDA. XVII. ANCIENT JEWISH WORK IN THE NORTH-EAST OF THE HARAM WALL, NEAR S. MARY’s GATE. XVIIT. EASTERN VIEW OF THE GOLDEN GATE. XIX. WESTERN VIEW OF THE GOLDEN GATE. XX. VIEW OF THE SOUTH GATE OF THE HARAM ES-SHERIF (BAB EL-HULDAH). XXI. WESTERN VIEW OF EL-AKSA, NELiR THE SOUTH-WESTERN ANGLE. CONTENTS. PLATE XXII. ^VAILIXG-PLACE OF THE JEWS. A PORTION OF THE ANCIENT WALL OF THE TEJrPLE ENCLOSURE. XXIII. FACADE OF THE MOSQUE EL-AKSA. XXIV. SECTION OF THE MOSQUE OF EL-AK.SA, AND OF ITS SUBSTRUCTIONS. XXV. UNDERGROUND WORKS OF THE MOSQUE OF EL-AKSA, THE MONOLITH IN THE UNDERGROUND WORKS. XX\H. NORTH-E^VSTERN VIEW OF KUBBET ES-SAKHARAH, AND OF KUBBET ES-SILSILEH. XXVII. SECTION OF KUBBET ES-SAKHARAH— VIEW OF THE INTERIOR OF THE GOLDEN GATE. XXVIII. FOUR MOS.\JCS IN THE INTERIOR OF KUBBET ES-SAKHARAH, AND MOSQUE EL-AKSA. XXIX. DET.1ULS OF THE CAPITAL OF THE MONOLITH IN THE UNDERGROUND WORKS OF EL-AKSA; OF THE ORNAilENTATION OF THE GOLDEN GATE; AND OF THE SIX CAPITALS WHICH CROWN THE COLUMNS OF THE MOSQUES. XXX. PLAN AND SECTION OF L.\.ND SURROUNDING THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION AND THE HOSPITAL OF THE KNIGH’PS OF S. JOHN. XXXI. VIEW OF THE POOL Alkn’GDALON, AND OF THE DOMES OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. XXXII. FRONT OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. XXXIII. GATE OF THE ENTRANCE-DOOR TO 'THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. XXXIV. PLAN OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION WITH ITS LEVELS, AND SECTION OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE — PLAN AND SECTION OF THE TOMB IN ITS ANCIENT AND IN ITS PRESENT STATE. XXXV. INTERIOR VIEWS OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, VIZ. GREAT DOME, CALVARY GREEK CHAPEL, CHAPEL OF S. HELENA. XXXVI. DETAILS OF SEVEN CAPITAIiJ IN AND NEAR THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. XXXVH. ENTRANCE To THE HOSPITAL OF S. JOHN. xxxvni. RUINS OF THE CHURCH OF S. MARY THE GREAT. XXXIX. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH OF S. JAMES, AND MOSAICS. XL. VIEW OF THE CHURCH OF S. ANN. PROPERTY OF FRANCE. XLI. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE FRENCH CHURCH OF S. ANN. XLII. INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH OF S. ANN, AND FOUR DETAILS OF ORNAMENTATION. XLIII. ■nvo DOORS IN THE TEKHIYEH EL-KHASSEKI-SULTANE, COMilONLY CALLED THE HOSPITAL OF S. HELENA. XLIV. ANCIENT GATE OF SAR.CCENIC ARCHITECTURE IN THE DESCENT OF SILLA, AND A VIEW OF A FOUNTAIN IN THE TYROPCEON VALLEY. XLV. VIEW OF THE CIENACULUM, AND OF THE SO-CALLED TOMB OF DAVID. XL VI. PLAN AND SECTION OF THE CCENACULUM ; THE SO-CALI.ED TOMB OF DAVID ; AND OF THE UNDER- GROUND WORKS OF MOUNT SION. XLVII. PLAN AND SECTION OF THE TOMBS OF ACELD^UklA. XLVIII. SOUTH-EASTERN EXTREMITY OF THE VALLEY OF SILOAM. XLIX. VIEW OF THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT. L. FRONT OF THE TOMB OF THE VIRGIN MARY. LI. PLANS .\ND SECTIONS OF THE TOMB OF THE VIRGIN MARY, AND OF THE CAVE OF THE AGONY. LII. MOUNT OF OLIVES AND THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE. LIII. PLAN AND SECTION OF MOSQUE SITUATED ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, AND DETAILS OF FIVE CAPITALS. CONTENTS. PLATE LIV. LV. LVI, LVII. LVIII. LIX. LX. Lxr, Lxn. LXIII. PLAX AND SECTIONS OF THE TOMBS OF THE PROPHHTS SITUATED IN THE MOUNT OP OLIVES.— VIEW, PLAN, AND SECTION OF THE TOMB OF LAZARUS AT BETHANY. VIEW OF THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS. PLAN AND SECTIONS OP THE TOMBS OP THE KINGS, AND OF OTHER TOSIES ; THAT OF JEHOSHAPHAT, AND ONE LIKE THAT OF OUR LORD. ANCIENT JEmSH SYNAGOGUE IN THE VALLEY OP THE KIDEON, TOWARDS THE NORTH. VIEW OP THE TOMBS OF THE JUDGES, AND OP OTHER T05IBS TO THE NORTH OF JERUSALEM. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE TOMBS OF THE JUDGES, AND OF THE OTHER TOMBS, PLAN AND SECTION OF S. PELAGIA’S TOMB ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES.— DETAILS OP SEPULCHRES IN THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT, AND OF SOME OTHERS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OP JERUSALEM. DETAILS RELATING TO THE TOMBS. POOL OF MAMILLAH, OH SERPENTS’ POOL (ACCORDING TO JOSEPHUS), NEAR THE MONUMENT OP HEROD ON THE WEST OF THE CITY. PLAN AND SECTION OF THE CHURCH OF TEE HOLY CROSS TO THE WEST OF JERUSALEM, AND DETAILS OF THE MOSAICS. V? I M PLATE L PANORAMA OF JERUSALEM, SEEN FROM THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. BEFEllENCES. Hill of Evil Counsel. Aqueduct of Solomon. Mount of Rephaiin. Cave of S. Peters Repentance. Mount Sion. Tomb of David. Scene of the Last Supper. Haram es-Sherif Court of the Mosque Kubbet es-Sakha- rah. Mosque el-Aksa. Kubbet es-Sakharab. Jewish Hospital. Armenian Convent. Church of S. James. English Church. Castle of David. Greek Convent of S. John the Baptist. Minaret of Ibrahim’s Mosque. The Western Mountains. Tower of the Church of the Resurrection. Church of the Resurrection. Hospice of Saladin. Greek Convent of S. Basil. Latin Convent of S. Saviour. Minaret of the Serai. Tekhie el-Kasyeki Sultane. 27. Residence of the Governor of Jerusa- lem. 28. Barrack of the Haram es-Sherif. 29. A building belonging to the Daughters of Sion. 30. Minaret. The ancient Palace of Herod. 31. Church of S. Ann, 32. Mount Gihon. 33. Convent of the Dancing Dervishes. 34. Herod’s Gate. 35. Ancient Church of S. Mary Magda- lene. 36. Bastion of Godfrey of Bouillon. 37. Kerm es-Sheikh. 38. S. Mary’s Gate. 39. Saracenic Ruin. 40. Golden Gate. 41. Cemetery. 42. Way of the Capture. 43. Valley of the Kidron. 44. Place where S. Stephen was stoned (?). 45. Gethsemane. 46. Arab Tower. 47. Tomb of Absalom. 48. Mount of Offence. 49. Tomb of the Virgin Mary. 50. Mount of Olives. PLATE II. PLAN OF MODERN JERUSALEM. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. s. T. U. V. X. Y. Z. ■\v. (A. (D. (B. (F. (G. (II. ( 1 . (J. (K (L (M (X. (O. (!’. (G. (R. (S. (T. {U. {V. (X. (V. (Z. (W The XEiGHBounnooD op Modern Jerusalem. (Beginning with the North ) Ancient Jewish Tombs. Tomb of Simon the Just. Sheikh Jerrnk. Remnrkable Rock. Site of an ancient Church of Eiuloxia. Ne\T Protestant (Church. Russian Garden. Cisterns. Church. 1 lospice for Male and Female Pilgrims. House of the Ecclesiastical Mission. Hospital. Coach-houses. Porter s Lodge. Blockhouse of the Guard. Moliammcdiin Cemetery. Ruins of the Church of y. Babylas. Ruins. Cave. New Greek Plantations. (jrcek Convent of a. George. Cistern. Mill. Castie of the Sparrow(Kasr el- Asfur). Protestant Cemetery. Protestant School for Boys. Staircase cut in the Rock. Scene of the Lost Siixiper. Tomb of David (Xeby Baud). Christian Cemeter)-. Cavern of Mount Sion. American Cemetery. House of Caiaphas. Place where the Virgin died. Cave of S. Peter’s Penitence. Ruins of an Ancient Tomb. Tomb of S. Ontiphrius. Remarkable Tomb of Aceldama. Pool of Bir-Eyub, Ancient Jewish Pool filled np. Tomb of the Prophet Isaiah. Pool of Siloam. Fountain of the Virgin. Scari)ed Rock. .\PWi Monolith of Siloam. Remains of an Ancient Conduit. Wily of the Capture. Remarkable Tomb. Tomb of Zachariah. Tomb of S. James (Diwan Faroon). Bridge of tlie Capture. . Tomb of Absalom, Tomb of Jehoshaphat. . Austrian Hospice. . Ruined Churcli of the Spasma. First Fail of Christ, upon ground be- longing to Armenian Catliolics. . Residence of the Governor of Jerusa- lem. . School of Saladin. . Fountains, . Militarv Hospital. House of Dives. . Spot where Jesus met Ids Mother. Spot where Simon the Cyroiiian took the Cross. House of Veronica. Prussian Consulate. Prussian Hospice. Hos’iital of S. Helena (Tekhio cl- Kasyeki Sultane). House of the Dervishes. (Ancient Saracenic.) Ancient Gorman Ilo.spital. Baziuir of the Haram cs-Sherif. Bath (Hamniam es-Shefa). Ancient Bridge.accordingto Williams and Fierotti. Hospital of Omar. Tribunal of the Kadi (Melikcmch). Jews’ Wailing-place. Gate Mugliaribeli. Ancient Pier, called Robinsoti’s Bridge. Ancient Walls. Jewish Hospital, called theRothschilJ. Jewish Synagogue. Jewish Hospice. Synagogue. Synagogue, Ancient Gate. Englisli Hosjiital. English property. Prussian Hospital. House of the Prussian Deaconesses. English Chiii-ch and Houses. House of S. James the Less. Ruins of the Prison of S. Peter. Ai-iuenian Convent. Church of S. James. Residence oftlie Ai-menian Patnarch. Armenian Garden. Barrack of Mount Sion. Armenian Hospice for Pilgrims. Armenian Seminary. Armenian House. 'Pilgrims. Quarter of the Lepers. House of Anna (Deir ez-Zeitun\ Greek Convent of S. George. ‘ Large and Ancient Synagogue, New buildings of the Jews. PLATE III PLAN OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM. REFERENCES. {Beginuing at the North.) A. Ancient Syuagogxie. B. Pool of Kidron. C. Fosse of the Ancient City, to the North. D. Channel of the waters of Gihon. E. Pool of the Serpents, or Bethora. F. Restored Pool. G. Remains of Ancient Jewish Walls. H. Monument of Ananus. I. Solomon’s Pofd. King’s Pool. J. Reservoir of Siioam. Pool of Scelah. K. Pool for Blood. L. Munolith. Ancient Tomb. M. Jewish Tombs. N. Monument erected by Ab.salom (not the pyramidal part). O. Golden Gate of the time of Justinian. P. Gate of the time of Crusaders. Q. Triple Gate of the time of Justinian. R. lluldah Gate. S. Tomb of David and of the other Kings. Gates of the City of Neheiiiaii. 1. Sheep Gate. IT. Tower of Hauaneel. III. Tower of Meah. IV. Fish Gate. Y. The Old Gate. VI. Ejihnnm Gate. VII. Eastern Gate. VIII. Water Gate. IX. Fountain Gate. X. Valley Gate. XI. Dung Gate. XI I. Steps of the City of David. XIIT. Tile Broad Wall. XIV. The Tower of the Furnaces. XV. Sheepfold Gate. Gates of the City* belokgino to Periods before the Time of Nehemiah, aisd after the Time of Herod. a. Double Gate, or Gate between the Two Walls. b. Corner Gate. c. Sheep Gate. d- Gennath Gate. e. North Gate. f. Gate of the Essenes. Ijtterior of the City (according to Pierotti). 1. Fortress of Sion. 2. Hippicus. 3. Plmsael. 4. Mariamne. 5. Millo. Descent to Silla. Street of David. 6. Amygdalon. 7. Tower Psephinus. 8. Women’-s Tower. 9. Corner Tower. 10. Pool of Struthium. 11. Tower Baris, or Antonia, or Citadel of Antiochus Epiphanes. 12. Roman Arch, not eai-lier than the time of Adrian. 1 3. Passage called by J osephus Strato’s Tower. 14. Ancient Preetorium. 15. Remains of the Walls of the Prsetorlum. 16. Pavement, or Gabbatha. 17. Way of the Cross (according to Pierotti). 18. Passage of Herod. 19. Threshing-Floor of Araunah the Jebusite. 20. Altar of Burnt Offerings. 21. Cistern for Blood. 22. Place of the Ashes. 23. Cisterns for receiving the Blood. 24. Position of Solomon’s Palace. 25. Basilica of S. Mary, of the time of Justinian. 26. “ Stoa Basilica,” early underground Buildings of Jewish construction restored by Justinian. 27. Substructions of the Aksa of the time of Justinian. 28. Ancient Pillar. 29. Herodian Wall. 30. Foundations of the Eastern Tower of the Bridge of the time of the Maccabees. 31. Palace of the Senate. 32. Bridge now existing (according to Williams and and Pierotti). 33. Xystus. 34. Palace of King Agrippa, overlooking the Temple. 35. Sepulchre of Jesus Christ. 3G. Golgotha. V5«4j«- ORXllT.R'^ v.-^l.UB'i 'Sfe8^!:raiii!i PLATE IV. FOUR SECTIONS OF ANCIENT JERUSALEM, SHEWING THE UNDERGROUND CON- STRUCTIONS IN COMPARISON WITH THE PRESENT LEVEL OF THE CITY. Section (A) (B). A. Mount Scopus. B. Ancient Jewish Tomb. C. Pool of the Kiclron. D. The North-west Mountains. E. Cistern. F. Way. G. Ancient Tomb. H. Ancient level of the Brook Kulron. I. Present level of the Brook Kiclron. K. Supposed Water-Conduit of Heze- kiah, accoi'ding to Williams. L. Monument of Helena, according to Be Barrere and Pierotti. M. Ancient level of the Lower City. N. Place covered with ruius and earth. O. Sowers of the Tyropceon Valley. P. Cistern. Q. North Gate, according to Josephus. K. Damascus Gate. S. Tower P.sephinus of Schultz. T. Height of Bezetha, tJ. Bussian property. V. Tower Psephiims of Barclay. X. Tower Psejihinus of Pierotti. Y. Present level of the City. Z. Ancient level of the Upper City. W. Church of the Resurrection. a. Latin Convent of S. Saviour. b. Fountain. c. Level of the Haram es-Sherif. d. Residence of the Latin Patriarch. e. Jaffa Gite. f. Tower Hippicus. g. English Church. h. Street of David. i. Bridge uniting Moriah and Sion, now existiug. (K). Aqueduct of Solomon. l. Chui'cb of S. James. m. Dung-Gate. n. Zion Street. (O). Subterranean passage, p. Conduit for blood. (Q). Fountain of the Virgin. (T). Water Conduit. (M). Upper Pool of Siloam. s. Water Conduit. t. Lower Pool of Siloam. u. Valley of Hionom. v. Valley of Repliaim. X. Height of Bezetha, y. Scene of the Last Supper. REFERENCES. (Z). Aceldama. (1). Hill of Evil Counsel. 2. Tophet. 3. Brook Kidron. 4. En-Rogel = Btr-Eyub. Section (G) (H). (A). Mount Scopus. D. The north-west Mountains. H. Ancient level of the Brook Kidron. I. Present level of the Brook Kidron. 5. Ancient Muhammedam Cemetery. 6. Kcrm es-Sheikh. 7. Ditch of the City, cut in the rock. 8. Present Wall of the City. 9. Ancient level of the Northern val- ley. N. Place covered with i-uins and earth. T. Heiglit of Bezetha. X. Tower Psephinus of Pierotti. 10. Pool of Bethesda. 11. Subterranean Passage made by Herod. W. Church of the Resurrection. 12. Court of the Mosque Kubbet es- Sakharah. 13. Kubbet cs-Sakharah. e. Jaffa Gate. 14. Cistern of Araunah. 15. Cisterns for Blood. 16. Haram es-Slienf. 17. Mosque el-Aksa. 18. Underground works of el-Aksa. 19. Opbel. 20. Present wall of the City. I. Church of S. J ames. p. Conduit for Blood. (2) Fuuutain of the Virgin. 3. Brook Kidi-on. 21. Mount Sion. 22. Village of Siloam. u. Valley of Hinnom. X. Height of Bezetha. 23. Heiglit of the Mount of Offence. 24. Mount of Offence. 4. En-Rogel = Blr-Eyiib. Section (D) (C). 23. Mount of Olives. 24. Place where Jesus wept over Jeru- salem. 25. Height of the Mount Scopus. 2G. Jewish Cemetery. H. Ancient level of the Brook Kidron. I. Present level of the Brook Kidron. N. Place covered with ruins aud earth. T. Height of Bezetha. 8. Preseut Wall of the City, p. Conduit for Blood. 27. Cistern of Blood. 12. Court of the Mosque Kubbet es- Sakharah. 14. Cistern of Araunah. 28. Dome of the Chain. 13. Kubbet es-Sakhaiuh. 29. Mount Moriah. 30. Acra. 31. Bazaar of the Haram. 32. Tyropmou Valley. 33. Mount Sion. W. Church of the Resurrection. 34. Pool of Amygditlou. (K). HezekialTs Caual. 35. Valley of Gihon. 36. Upper Pool = Birket Mamillah. 37. Monument of Herod. Section (E) (F). L. Monument of Helena. M. Ancient level of the City. 38. T;yTOpCEOu Valley. 8. Preseut Wall of the City. N. Place covered with ruins and earth. W. Church of the Resurrection. 39. Mosque of Omar. 40. Grouud anciently belonging to the Knights of S. John. 41. Mount Gareb. u. Valley of Hinnom. V. Valley of Rejihaim. 42. Hill of Evil Counsel. (1). Hill of Evil Counsel. ((S)). Conventional Signs. ((a)). Rock. ((b)). Place covered with ruins and earth. ((c)). Buildings of the City. ((d)). Mountains. ((e)). Water-Conduits. ((f)). Sewei-s. ((g)). Supposed Water-Conduits. ((h)). Couduit for Blood. ((i)). Ancient level of the City. ((h)). Subterranean passages. ((k)). Ancient or Remarkable Edifices. <*v PLATE V. ANCIENT CITADEL OF THE JEBUSITES, AFTERWARDS THAT OF DAVID, THEN THAT OF THE PISANS, THE JAFFA GATE. I. Jaffa Gate. 2. Present Wall of the City. 3- The Custom House. 4- Citadel. 5. Barrack of Mount Sion. 6. Minaret of the Citadel. 7. Road from Bethlehem, 8 . Road from Jaffa. 9- Mount Sion. 10. Valley of Gihon. B PLATE VII. GATE OF DAMASCUS. 1 . Cistern. 2. Cistern in which, the Author found the Old Northern Gate mentioned by Josephus. 3. Northern Road. 4. Road going round the City. 5. Elevation of the ground. 6. Ancient Wall of Herod. Masonry of Herod’s Wall. 7. Path leading into the Royal Caves. 8. Dome of the Church of the Resurrection. PLATE IX. PLANS AND SECTION OP THE EOYAL CAVEENS, AND OF THE GEOTTO OF JEEEMIAH. Fig. II. Koyal Caverns. 3 . 4 - 5 - 6. 7 - A. B. C. D. &c. Ancient Entrance into the Caves. Present Entrance. The place from which the Jews quarried stones. Large and deep Excavations, from which the Monolith of the Mosque el-Aksa was taken. Fountain. Overhanging rocks. Chiselled rock, with the places from which blocks have been extracted. Present Wall of the City. - Positions corresponding with the different Levels of the Section. Fig. II. Grotto of Jeremiah. 8. Entrance. 9. Ancient Room of the period of S. Helena. 10. Cemetery of Dervishes. 11. Mohammedan Tomb of a Dervish. 12. Dervishes’ Cooking-place. 13. Premises for food. 14. Place of Prayer. 15. Chiselled rock, with the places from which blocks have been extracted. 16. Pilaster. Mill. Modern Wall. 17. 18. Fig. I. AVall of the City of the time of Solomon. Fig. 2. Festoration of the "Wall in the time of Nehemiah. Fig. 3. ‘Wall of the time of Herod. Fig. 4. Foman Wall. Fig. 5. Wall restored hy Solyman. Fig. 6. Wall of the Pool of Bethesda. a. General Conformation of the Stones composing the Wall of the Pool. b. Surface of the AVall. c. Joinings of the Stones covered with mosaic work. d. Wall with the whole of its surface rendered level. e. Section of the Wall without mosaic, f 1 > Details of the Conformation of the Wall, g-] Fig. 7. Section of the Wall of the Well Bir-Eyub. Fig. 8. Section of an arched Conduit. Fi". 9. Section of a Conduit roofed with slabs of Stone. Fig. 10. Section of Conduits with Pipes. Fig. II. Plan and Section of the Pools of Solomon. a b. Direction for finding the Sealed Fountain at Etham. T. First or Western Pool. II. Central Pool. III. Third or Eastern Pool. 1. Foad to the Convent of St George. 2. Foads from Bethlehem to Hebron. 3. Castle. 4. Basin into which the Waters of the Sealed Fountain flow. 5. Fountain. 6. Conduits for Water. 7. Place from which the Waters are directed to Jerusalem. 8. Aqueduct leading to Jerusalem. PLATE XI, THE HAEAM ES-SHERIF. Begiuning at the Soiith-'W’est corner of the Haram. A. Ancient Pier, auj^posecl by Dr Robinson to be part of a Bridge. B. Wailing Place of the Jews. C. Wall of the time of Herod. D. Foundations of an ancient Tower (Asmonean period). E. Vaulted Gallery (Strato’s Tower of Josephus). F. Arch of the Ecce Homo. G. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin. H. Pool of Bethesdju I. Wall of the date of Solomon in the foundations of the enclosure. J. Golden Gate. K. S. Mary’s Gate. L. Subtei'ranean Passage. M. Levelled Rock. N. Northern side of the ancient Tower Antonia. O. Remains of the wall of the Pi-ffitorium. P. Position of the Citadel of Antiochus Epiphanes. Q. Platform of the Kubbet es-Sakliarah. R. Position of the Courts of the ancient Temple. S. Site of the ancient Temple. T. Site of the Holy of Holies. XJ. Site of the Holy Place. V. Altar of Burnt-offerings. W. Court of the Women. X. Court of the Israelites. Y. Court of the Levites. Z. Court of the Gentiles. a. Cistern which received the Blood of the Victims (the Cistern of the Threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite). b. Tlie place of the Ashes. c. Conduit for the Blood. d. Cistern for the Blood. e. Great vaulted Chamber (anciently below the Stoa Basilica). f. Pointed Arch of the date of the Crusades (Gate of Jehoshajfliat), g. Triple Gate of the time of Justinian. h. Gate of Huldah. i. Vaults below the Aksa. j. Monolith in the Vaults. m. Plan of the ancient Bixsilica of Justinian, as first dis- covered by WilHam.s. n. Parts added by the Saracens. 0 . Armoury of the Ciaisadei's. p. Site of Justioiau’.s Hospice. Beginning at the Western side, near the Southcni end. 1. Gate of the Mogarabins (Bab el-JIcgharba). 2. Gate of the Chain (Bab es-Silsileh). 3. Gate of the Cotton Mercliants (Bab el-Katannin), 4. Gate of Iron (Bab el-Kadid). 5. Gate of the Inspector (Bub el-Nadhii'). 6. First Fall of Christ. 7. Via Doloi’osa. 8. S[)ring discovered by Pierotti. 9. Vault and Conduit discovered by Pierotti. 10. Barrack of the Haram es-Sherif. 1 1. Gate of the Serai (Bab es-Serai). 12. Gate of the Flocks (Bab el-Ghavarineli). 1 3. Minaret of the Serai. 14. Sciila Sancta. 15. B;ib el-Davater. 16. Ruined Bath. 17. Bab el-Hotta. 1 8. Bab es-Sabbat. 19. Houses of the dates of the Cimsades, of Solyman, and of Selim. 20. Mohammedan Place of Prayer. 21. Stairs leading to the Barrack of the Haram. 22. Chamber of the Dervishes who guard the Haram. 23. Council-chamber of the Eflendis. 24. Storehouse belonging to the Kubbet es-Sakliarah. 25. Small Mosque dedicated to Fatima (daughter of Mohammed). 26. Small Mosque dedicated to the Angel Gabriel. 27. Kubbet es-Sakharah, commouly called the Mosque of Omar. 28. Bab el-Garb (Western Gate). 29. Bub el-Kibli (Gate of Prayer). 30. Bab el-Jenui (Gate of Paradise). 31. Bab el-Daud (Gate of Da^’id). 32. Bir er-Amiah (Well of the Souls). 33. Sacred Rock of Solomon (Mohammedan tradition). 34. Kubbet es-Silsileh (Dome of the Chain). 3-5. Place where Saladin rej>osed after entering Jerusalem. 36. Stairs of valuable Marbles. 37. Wezn (the Invisible Balance). 38. B;ib el-Khadar. Cradle of Jesus. 39. Tombs of the Sous of Aaron (Mohammedan tradi- tion). 40. Place reseiwed for the Women. 41. Cliapel of S. John and Zachaiuas. 42. Ancient Wooden Pulpit. 43. Impression of the Foot of Jesus Christ. 44. Columns of Proof. 45. Minaret of the Mogarabins. 46. Great Storehouse of the Aksa. 47. Cultivated Fields. 48. Dung Gate. 49. Cactus Plantation. 50. Jewish Hospital (Rothschild’s). 51. Pier (the Bridge of Dr Robinson). 52. Small Jewish Synagogue. 53. Mekhemeh (Mohammedan Tribunal). 54. Small Saracenic House. 55. Hammam es-Sliefa (Bath). 56. Fountain (without Water). .57. Ruined Bath. 58. Baziuir of the Haram. 59. Entrance to the Hammam e.s-Shefa. 60. Tekhiyeh el-Khasseki-Sultaue (Hospital of S. Helena). 61. School of Saladin (in ruins). 62. House with a facade of Saracenic Architecture. 63. Ancient Building of the date of Saladin, now a Government Prison. 64. Saracenic Fountain (without water.) 65. Military Hospital (House of Dives). 66. Place where Simon the Cyrenian met our Saviour. 67. Place where the Virgin Mary met our Saviour. 68. Palace of the Governor. 69. Property of the Armenian Catholics. 70. Property of the Ku.sbeck Dervishes. 71. Hospice for Austrian Italy. 72. Property of the Daughters of Sion. 73. Hospice of the Flagellation and Chapel. 74. Remains of an Ancient Tower (commonly called the Tower Antonia). 75. Property of the Church of S. Ann belonging to France. 76. Samceuic Fountain (without water). 77. Pool of the Virgin. 78. Ruin of a small Saracenic Monument. 79. Tlirono of Solomon (Mohammedan tradition). 80. Tomb of Yaciib Pasha and his Wife. PLATE XII. PLAN OF LAND BELONGING TO THE DAUGHTERS OF SION, AND OF THE SUBTERRANEAN PASSAGE COMMUNICATING WITH MORIAH, DISCOVERED BY PIEROTTI— SECTIONS RELATING TO THIS LAND AND TO MOUNT MORIAH. Fig. 1. Building belonging to the Daughtei-3 of Sion. V. Spring discovered by Pierotti. X. Water-conduit. 1. Sewer. 2. Mahommodan properties. 3. To Gate of Herod, and Bezetlia. 4. To Hospice of the Flagellation. 5. To Bezetlia. G. Convent of the Daughters of Sinn. 7. Greek projierty. 8. Latin property. 9. Via Dolorosa (tmditioual). 10. A rch discovered by Pierotti. 11. Arcli called that of the Ecce Homo (posterior to the death of Christ). 12. Ancient Christian Chapel. 13. Convent of the Kusbeck Der- vishes. 1 4. Subterranean passage discovered by Pierotti. 15. Ancient Gate, closed. 10. Sewer discovered by Pierotti. 1 7. Descent into vault. 18. Barrack of tlie Haram es-Sherif. 19. To Haram es-Sherif. 20. Minaret of Haram es-Sherif. 21. Gate, closed. 22. Rock. Haram es-Sherif. 23. Western Sewer 1 discovered by 24. Eastern Sewer J Pierotti. Fig. 2. (G)(H). Longitudinal Section. Fig. 3. (1) (L). Transverse Section. Fig. 4. (M)(N). Section of the Arch of the Ecce Homo. Fig. 5. (M) (N). View of the Arch of the Ecce Homo. (S'. S'). Conventional Signs. (a'). High Rock. (b'). L.evelled R-ick. (c'). Heaps of Ruins. (d'). Water. Cistern. Spring, (e). Modern Walls. (F). Walls of the City. (g'). Jewish Walls. (h'). Roman Walls. (i'). Walls of the Haram es-Sherif See Plate XI. Fig. 1. (B) (A). Longitudinal Section of the Haram es-Sherif. 1. Ophel. 2. Walls of the City. 3. Ruined Houses. 4. Mosque el-Aksa, 5. Rock. 6. Stivircase leading to the vaults of the Mosque el-Aksa. 7. Birket es-Sultan. Cistern. 8. Water-channels. 9. Court of the Mosque of Kubbet es-Sakharah. 10. Kubbet es-Sakharah. 1 1. Cistern for blood, formerly the cis- tern of the threshiug-hoor of Araunah the J ebusite. 1 2. Cisterns for blood. 13. Kiblet dedicated to the Fatma. 14. Kiblet dedicated to the Angel Gabriel. 15. Houses of the times of the Cru- saders, of Solyman, ifec. IG. Little Sakharah. 17. Barrack of the Haram es-Sherif. 18. Houses of the time of Saladin. 19. Northern Valley. 20. Barrack of the time of Ibrahim Paslia. 21. Mount Bezetha. a. South Gate of the time of Jus- tinian. b. Staircase leading into the Cistern. c. Fountain. d. Kiblet of Saladin. Invisible scales. e. Kiblet of Zachariah. f. Gallery of Herod discovered by Pierotti. Fig. 2. (C) (D). Transverse Section of the Haram es-Sherif. 22. Mount Sion. 23. Tyi-opceon Valley. 24. Descent to Silla. 25. Acra. 26. Bivth. Hatumam es-Shefa. 27. Spring. Hamraam es-Shefa. 28. Dome of Moses. 15. Houses of the times of the Cru- saders, of Solyman, etc. 31. 29. 10 . 11 . 30. 9. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3. Fig. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Fig. g- h. i. k. l . P- Fig. q- n. r. 3 . (S). (a) . (b) . (c) . (d) . (e) . (f) - (g) - Channels. Site of Mohammed’s Ascension. Kubbet es-Sakharab. Cistern for blood. Dome of the Chain — Kubbet es- SOsileh. Court of the Mosque of Kubbet es-Sakharah. Ci.3tern.s for receiving the blood and ashes. Golden Gate. Mount Moriah. Mohammedan Cemeteiy. Wall of Haram es-Sherif. 3. (F) (G). Ancient Section. Temple, properly so called. Court of the Levites. Azarath Cohanim. Coui't of the Israelites. Azaratli Yisrael. Tower Antonia, by Pierotti. Remains of the Wall of the Pra- torium, and position of the same. High Rock. 4. Section of the City. Mount Gihon. Valley of Gihon. Mount Sion. Tyropceon Valley. Mount Acra. Large Valley. Mount Moriah. Valley of the Kidron. Mount of Olives. 5. Section of Mount Moriah. Ophol. Moriah. Northern Valley. Mount Bezetha. Conventional Signs. Rock. Heaps of Ruins. Walls of the early Arab period. Distant Houses. Ancient Walls. Watei'-conduits. Conduit for blood. See PI . XI. SCAU OF CUBITS PIO.TS.S PlWlU .lat. - - (h. - (c.). Id). (-e.) (n \h) ?? J u V te n IrvJ" m. _ 1 <- Cambridge Deighton, Bell it C® — London, Bell itCaldy. PLATE XIII. VIEW OF THE AECH OF THE ECCE-HOMO, WITH THE SMALLER ARCH TO THE NORTH, DISCOVERED BY PIEROTTI. 1. Arcli of Ecce-Homo (?) Roman arch posterior to the death of Christ. 2. Mohammedan room, or place of prayers for the Mohammedans. 3. Arch discovered by Pierotti. 4. Cistern. 5. Niche of the period of the Crusades. 6. Convent of the Daughters of Sion. D i-¥l\ F PLATE Xiy. VIEW OF THE BARRACK OF THE HARAM ES-SHERIF. 1. Barrack of tlie Haram es*SIierif. 2. Northern corner of the Tower Antonia, according to Fierotti. 3. Houses of the time of Saladin. 4. Entrance to the Haram es-Sherif. 5. Mosque of the Little Sakharali. 6. Levelled rock. j &*■} *’ ill i^ l ii!! PLATE XV. REMAINS OF ANCIENT MASONRY, CALLED THE RUINS OP THE TOWER ANTONIA. 1. Via Dolorosa. 2. Masonry of the Jewish period. 3. House of the period of the Crusades. 4. Saracenic Window. 5. Tower of the Ancient Arab period. 6. Common Arab wall. PLATE XVI. VIEW OP THE POOL OF BETHESDA. 1. Ancient Masonry of the Southern Wall of the Pool. 2. Mouths of the Sewers coming from the West. 3. Ancient Masonry of the Northern Wall of the Pool. 4. Heap of Ruins and Rubbish. PLATE XVII. ANCIENT JEWISH WORK IN THE NORTH-EAST OF THE HARAM WALL, NEAR S. MARY’S GATE. 1. Ancient Saracenic Monument. 2. Ancient Jewish Stone in the North-east corner of Haram es-Sherif. 3. The largest stones of the Herodian period. 4. Stones of the period of Solomon. 5. Restoration of the Wall. 6. Recent Restoration of the Wall by the natives. 7. Arab Wall of the time of Solomon. 8. Modern Mohammedan Tombs. 9. Eastern Slope of the Mount Moriah. JS. PLATE XVIII. EASTERN VIEW OP THE GOLDEN GATE. 1. Stones of the time of Solomon. 2. Wall of the time of Sulyman. 3. Wall of the time of Justinian. 4. Golden Gate, closed with a native Wall. 5. Modem Mohammedan Tombs. 6. Inclination of Mount Moriah. PLATE XIX. WESTERN VIEW OE THE GOLDEN GATE, 1. Wall of the time of Justinian. 2. Ornaments of Justinian. 3. Native House. 4. Modem native Construction. 5. Haram es-Sherif. ! i PLATE XX. VIEW OF THE SOUTH GATE OP THE HAEAM ES-SHERIF, (BAB EL-HULDAH.) 1. Ornaments of tlie time of Justinian. 2. Inverted Inscription of Antoninus Pius. 3. Window through which the Underground Gallery can be seen. 4. Huldah Gate, closed. 5. Gate of the time of the Crusaders, closed. 6. Wall of the time of Justinian. PLATE XXL WESTERN VIEW OF EL-AKSA, NEAR THE SOUTH- WESTERN ANGLE. 1. Mount of Olives. 2 . Mount Viri-Galilgei. 3. Mosque of the Ascension of Jesus Christ. 4. Arab Tower. 5. Mount of Offence. 6. Place where Jesus wept over Jerusalem. 7. Mosque el-Aksa. 8. Minaret of the Mogarabins. 9. Mosque of Abu-Bekr : Wall of the period of the Crusades. 10. Arab Ruins. 11. The Bridge, according to Dr Robinson. T2. TyropoBon Valley. K PLATE XXn. WAILING-PLAGE OF THE JEWS. A PORTION OF THE ANCIENT WALL OP THE TEMPLE ENCLOSURE. This WaU is of the date of Herod the Great, and is the best specimen of the Masonry of that period to be found in Jerusalem. The Jews come to pray and weep before it every Friday. PLATE XXIII. EAgADE OF THE MOSQUE EL-AKSA. 1. Ancient Piers. 2. Piers of a miicli later date. 3. Steps leading to a Storehouse. 4. Opening into the Cistern Birket es-Sultan. 5. Haram es-Sheiif. PLATE XXIV. SECTION OF THE MOSQUE OP EL-AKSA, AND OF ITS SUBSTRUCTIONS. 1. Position of the Ancient Choir, thrown down by an earthquake. 2. Ancient Jewish WaU. ^'1 B. Capitals found by Pierotti. D. Wooden Hoof of tbe Mosque el-Aksa. E. Wall of tbe time of Justinian. F. Aperture in tbe Wall leading to Subterranean Passage on tbe West. G. Walled-up Door. H. Monobtb, L. Side-doors of tbe Mosque. M. Tombs of Aaron’s Sons, according to Mohammedan traditions. PLATE XXV. UNDERGROUND WORKS OP THE MOSQUE OF EL-AKSA. THE MONOLITH IN THE UNDERGROUND WORKS. Fig. I. Underground Works. a. Vaulted underground Works, originally Jewish building. Restoration by Justinian (as shewn by Rev. G. Williams). b. Pillars of the time of Justinian. c. Wall erected by Justinian, f. Monolith. Fig. 2. Monolith. d. Dome vaulting of the time of Justinian. e. Staircase resting on the Rock. f. Monolith. g. Smaller Monohth. h. Rusticated Stones of the time of Herod. G PLATE XXVI. NORTH-EASTERN VIEW OF KUBBET ES-SAKHAEAH, AND OF KUBBET ES-SILSILEH. 1. Mosque Kubbet es-Sakharab. 2. Ladder used by Pierotti for bis obserrations. 3. Minaret of Kadbi. 4. Kubbet es-Siisiieb, Dome of tbe Ciiain. 5. Bab el-Dabd, David’s Gate. 6. Cistern (tbe Piaoe of tbe Asbes). 7. Bab ei-Jenni, Gate of Paradise. 8. Mount Moriab (ancientiy tbe Tbresbing-floor of Araunah). PLATE XXVn. SECTION OF KUBBET ES-SAKHABAH — VIEW OF THE INTEBIOB OF THE GOLDEN GATE. Fig. I. Kubbet es-Sakharah. A. Bab el-Kibli, Gate of Prayer. B. Bab el-Jenni, Gate of Paradise, C. Threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. D. Upper Chamber of the Cistern of the Threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. E. Hole now covered with a stone. F. Lower Chamber of the Cistern of the Threshing-floor of Araunah the Jebusite. G. Water-Conduit. H. Conduit for Blood, Fig. 2, Golden Gate. H. Modern Arabic Construction. I. Marble Pillar, Monolith. L. Marble Pillar, Monolith. XXVII. PLATE XXVIII. FOUR MOSAICS IN THE INTEEIOE, OP KUBBET ES-SAKHARAH, AND MOSQUE EL-AKSA. Fig. I. Interior of Kubbet es-Sakharah. Fig. 2. Interior of Mosque el-Aksa. Fig. 3. Interior of Mosque el-Aksa. Fig. 4 . Interior of Kubbet es-Sakharah. a. Ked. b. YeUow. c. Black. d. White. XXVIll I Tf'sef PLATE XXIX. DETAILS OF THE CAPITAL OF THE MONOLITH IN THE UN- DERGE,OIJND WORKS OF EL-AKSA; OP THE ORNAMENTA- TION OF THE GOLDEN GATE; AND OF THE SIX CAPITALS WHICH CROWN THE COLUMNS OP THE MOSQUES. Fig. I. Ornamentation of the Golden Gate. Fig. 2. Capital in the Kubbet es-Sakharah. (a). Ornamentation in the Kubbet es-Sakliarah. Fig. 3 - Capital of the Monolith. Fig. 4. Capital in the Gate of Huldah. Fig. 5. Capital found among rubbish in the vaults in the South-eastern corner of the Haram es-Sherif. Fig. 6. Capital in the Kubbet es-Sakharah. Fig. 7. Capital in the Mosque el-Aksa. Fig. 8. Capital found among rubbish in the vaults in the South-eastern corner of the Hararn es-Sherif. II ym: PLATE XXX. PLAN AND SECTION OF LAND SURROUNDING THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION AND THE HOSPITAL OF THE KNIGHTS OF S. JOHN. A. OrdiDary Native Houses. B. Greek House of the Convent of S. Jolin. C. Private Greek House. D. Greek Convent of S. Constantine. E. Greek House of the Convent of S. Constantine. F. Greek Convent of S. Charalampes. G. Latin House. H. Prussian House. I. Mohammedan House. K. Latin House called that of the Prince. L. Greek Convent of S. Charalampes. M. Ancient House of the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre. N. Coptic Convent. O. Cistern of S. Helena belonging to the Copts. P. Ancient House of the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre. Q. Ancient Hospice of Saladin (el-Kanki). R. Latin Convent of the Church of the ResmTection. S. Terrace-roof of the Greek Convent of S. Constantine. T. Greek Convent of S. Abraham. U. Greek Houses. V. Laud belonging to the Russian Consulate on the Site of the Church of S. Mary Latin. X. Convent of the Abyssinians. Y. Land of the Abyssiuiaus. Z. Dome of the Church of the Resurrection. W. Greek Dome of the Church of the Resun’cction. a. Dome of the Golgotha. b. Dome of the Chapel of S. Helena. c. Ruins of the Church of S. Mary the Great. d. Land formerly belonging to the Convent of S. Mary the Great. e. Ancient Bazaar. f. Com Market. g. Ancient Bazaar of the Street of David. h. Greek Convent of S. John Baptist. l. Lesser Mosque of Omar. Ancient Jewish "Walls. m. Minaret of Omar. n. Greek Convent dependent on the Church of Geth- semane. 0 . "V’estibule of the Church of the Resurrection. p. Ground anciently belonging to the Knights of S. John. q. Laud formerly belonging to the Convent of S. Mary the Great, p. q. Greek Chapels. r. Tower of the Church of the Resurrection. 8. Armenian Chapel of S. John, t. Coptic Chapel. II. Greek Chapel of Melchizedek. V. Greek Chapel. 1. Street to Jaffa Gate. 2. Street of Mount Sion. 3. Christian Bazaai*. 4. Street of Coptic Hospice. 5. Street of Greek Convent of S. Constantine. 6. Street of Latin Convent of S. Saviour*. 7. Street to the North. 8. Street to Residence of the Spanish Consul, 9. Greek Convent of S. Charalampes, where Jesus met the Daughters of Jerusalem, 10. Gate of Judgement, with an ancient pillar: second Fall of Jesus. 11. Street to Damascus Gate. 12. Via Dolorosa. 13. Street to Hospital of S. Helena. Street of Tyropceon Valley. 16. Street from Damascus Gate to Bazaar. 19. Street of David. 20. Street to Sion Gate. 21. Arches. 22. Street to Church of the Resurrection. 23. Sewer of Amygdalon. 24. Sewer of English Church. (S). Conventional Signs. (a) . Ancient Walla. (b) . Hezekiah’s Wall according to Pierotti. (c) . Second Wall of the time of Solomon according to Pierotti. (d) . Walls of the time of Amalfi Merchants. (e) . Walls of the time of S. Helena, of the Ci*usader.-5, and of Saladin. (f) . Modern Arab Walls. (g) . Place covered by Ruins and Earth. (h) . Rock. (i) . Sewers. London BeL & Daldy XX \ ' ^ k ■ rc/ J '+++H- -- fii L\ ^C> .a^safs /f// --- UJ. SCALE OF FEET PLATE XXXI VIEW OE THE POOL AMYGDALON, AND OF THE DOMES OF THE CHUKCH OF THE RESURRECTION. 1. Dome of the Church of the Besurrection. 2. Places from which the lead has been stripped, on the side of the Greek property. 3. Dome of the Greek Chapel. 4. Tower of the Church of the Besurrection. 5. Minaret of the Hospice of Saladin. 6. Minaret of Omar. 7. Terrace-roof of the Greek Convent of S. Constantine. 8. Greek Convent, by whose members the Church of Gethsemane is served. 9. Hospice of the Copts. 10. Pool Amygdalon. Ti. Hospice of Saladin. .XXXI PLATE XXXII. FRONT OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. 1. Dome of the Greek Chapel. 2. Chapel of the Agony. 3. Entrance to the Chapel of S. Mary of Egypt. 4. Staircase of the Chapel of the Agony. 5. Doors of the Church of the Resurrection. 6. Greek Chapel of the Eorty Martyrs. 7. Greek Convent of S. Abraham. 8. Greek Terrace-roof. 9. Dome of the Calvary. 10. Greek Convent of S. Constantine. PLATE XXXIII. GATE OF THE ENTEANCB-DOOR TO THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. 1. Ve,stibule of tlie Church of the Refsiirrection. 2. Closed Door of the Church. 3. Entrance of the Church. ) Byzantine ornamentation incorporated in tlie Door at the time of the Crusades. 5 - fS»^- "i a«\v3 PLATE XXXIV, PLAN OF THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION WITH ITS LEVELS, AND SECTION OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE — PLAN AND SECTION OF THE TOMB IN ITS ANCIENT AND IN ITS PRESENT STATE, Fiu. 1. Plan of the Church of the Kesun-ection. A, Vestibule of the Church. B. Greek Convent of S. Abraham. E. Greek Convent of S. Constantine, F. Hospice of Saladin (el-Kanki). G. Coptic Convent. H. Land of the Russian Consulate. I. Convent and Court of the Abys- sinians. 1. S. James’s Chapel. 2. Chapel of the Ee.sun’ectiou. 3. Chapel of the Forty Martyi-s. 4. Entrance to the Chapel of S. INIary Egypt. 5. Chapel of the Agony. 0. Closed Door of the Church. 7. Enti-ance of the Church. R Divan of the Turks. 9. The Stone of Unction. 10. V'here the three Marys stood at the Crucifixion. 11. A Staircase leading to the Arme- nian Chapel. 12. Chambers belonging to different Communions. 1 3. Monument of the Holy Sepulchre. 14. Chapel of the Angel. 44. Ojienings where the Fire is given out on Easter Eve. 1 5. Holy Sepulchre. 10. Aby.ssiiiian Chapel. 1 7. Syrian Chapel. IS. Tombs of Joseph of Arimathfea and Nicodemus. 19. Latin Convent. 20. Latin Chapel. 21. Altar with a fragment of the Co- lumn of the Flagellation. D. Latin Organ. C. Greek Passage. 22. Where Christ appeared to S. ^lary Magdalene. 23. Common Court. 24. Christ’s Prison. 25. Longinus’ Chapel. 20. Chapel of the Division of the Gai'- ments. 27. S. Helena’s Chapel. 28. Road traversed by Our Lord on His way to Calvary. 29. Chapel of the Invention of the Cross. 30. Chapel of the Crowning with Thorns. 31. of the Greeks. 32. Where Mary withdrew after her Sou’s death. 33. Where the Hole of the Cross is said to be. 34. Fissure made at the Death of Clirist. 35. Altar of the dolorous Mary. 36. The Place where Christ was Cru- cified. 37. Staircase of the Latins. 38. Entrance of Adam’s Chapel. 39. Greek Chapel. 40. The Centre of the Church of the Resurrection. 41. Throne of the Greek Bishop. 42. Throne of the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem. 43. Sanctimi Sanctorum of the Greeks. I- 1 II. HI. IV. V. VI. I Stations of the Evening Pro- VII. cession of the Latins. VIII. IX. X. XL XII. Fig. 2. Levels in the Interior of the Church of the Resurrection. a. Upper Level of the Southern Road of the Church. b. Upper Levels of the Vestibule of the Church. c. Cliajiel of the Agony. d. The Place where the Hole of the Cross is said to be. e. The Place where Christ was Cru- cified. g. Latin Chapel. h. Longinus’ Chapel. i. Greek Chapel. k. Interior of Christ’s Tomb, m. Christ’s Prison. p. Tombs of Joseph of Arimatlnea and Nicodemus 0 . p. Level of the Church within the large Dome. r. Lower Level of the Tomb of Josejih of Arimatliaea and Ni- codemus. s. Chapel of the Invention of the Cross. Fig. 3. Section of Christ’s Tomb. 44. Openings where the Fire is given out on the Easter Eve. 45. Staircase leading to the roof of the Monument of the Holy Sepul- chre. 46. Where the Angel stood at the Resurrection. 47. Door of the Holy Sepulchre. 48. Armenian Picture. 49. Greek Picture. 50. Latin Picture. 51. The Place from which Christ is supposed to have Risen frciru the Tomb. 52. The Place where the Angel is supjiosed to have descended. Fig. 4. Ancient Holy Sepulchre, o. q. Longitudinal Section. I Portion destroyed Ijy Hakem. 3. (O). ( n. s. 1 Portion destroyed by Con- r. (q). q. J stantine. (o). 0 . 8. Portion existing at present. (S). Conventional Signs. (a) . Walls of the time of Constantine. (b) . Walls of the time of the Cru- saders. (c) . Ordinary Walls of the Arabs. (d) . Low Walls. (e) . Rock. (f) . Section of Rock. (g) . The Path traversed by Our Lord to Calvary, and of the Proces- sion of the Latins. J5* PLATE XXXV. INTERIOR VIEWS OE THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION, Viz. GREAT DOME, CALVARY, GREEK CHAPEL, CHAPEL OF S. HELENA. Fig. I. Monument of the Holy Sepulchre. 1. Large Dome of the Church. 2. Monument of the Holy Sepulchre. 3. Awning. 4. Chambers of the different Communions. 5. Greek Gallery. 6. Latin Gallery. 7. Window (closed), formerly looking on to the Mohammedan terrace-roof. 8. Greek Gallery. 9. The place through which Christ is said to have passed on rising from the tomb. Fig. 2. Chapel of Calvary. 10. The place where Christ was Crucified. 11. Altar of the Agony of the Virgin Mary. 12. Fissure rent by the earthquake at the death of Christ. 13. Hole in which the Cross is said to have been fixed. 14. Where Mary withdrew after her Son’s death. Fig. 3. Greek Cbapel. 15. Iconostasis of the Greeks. 16. Throne for the Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem. 17. Throne for the Greek Bishop. 18. The Centre of the Church of the Resurrection. Fig. 4. S. Helena’s Chapel. 19. Road followed by our Lord on his way to Calvary. 20. Armenian Altar. 21. Window of S. Helena. 22. Chapel of the Invention of the Cross. 23. Dome of the time of the Crusaders. PLATE XXXYI. DETAILS OF SEVEN CAPITALS IN AND NEAR THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION. Fig. I. ) > In S. Helena’s Chapel. Fig. 2 . [ Fig. 3. On the North of the Greek Chapel. Fig. 4. At the North end of the Christian Bazaar, on the West of the Church of the Resurrection. Fig. 5. On the South of the Greek Chapel. Fig. 6. In the Tower. Fig. 7. On the North of the Greek Chapel. PLATE XXXVn. ENTEANCE TO THE HOSPITAL OP S. JOHN. 1. Arch of the time of the Knights of S. John. 2. Ruins of the Church of S. Mary the Great. 3. Ancient Window of the Church of S. Mary the Great. \ PLATE XXXIX. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE ARMENIAN CHURCH OF S. JAMES, AND MOSAICS. r. Portico. 2. Churcli of S. James. 3. Altars. 4. Throne for the Armenian Patriarch of Jerusalem. 5. Door of the Chapel of S. Stephen. 6. Altar of the Latins for the Commemoration of the Feast of S. James. 7. Site of the Martyrdom of S. James. 8. Door of the Treasury. 9. Tomb of the Armenian Patriarch Magar. 10. Altar. 11. Passage of the Gallery. 12. Throne for the Armenian Patriarch Magar. 13. Iron Barrier. 14. Treasury. 15. Chapel of S. Stephen. 16. Passages to the Armenian Convent. 17. Chapel of S. Miazim. 1 8. Ancient Stones. 19. Staircase of the Gallery. 20. Entrance to the Chapel of S. Miazim. C. Ancient Mosaics. D. Modern Mosaics. (S. C.) Conventional Signs. a. Ancient Wall. b. Less ancient Wall. c. Modem Wall. d. Less modern Wall. e. The Black colour in the Mosaics. f. The Red colour. g. The Yellow colour. Cainl3rid^e,Dei6hton, Bell 8c. C? Lcmdoii,Bell &. Bnldy . V V*lP ♦'*- -- PLATE XL. VIEW OF THE CHURCH OF S. ANN. PROPERTY OP PRANCE. 1. Principal Entrance to the Church. 2. Remains of Minaret. 3. Closed Door. 4. Lateral Entrance. 5. Closed Door. 6. Ancient Window. 7. Land, the property of the Church. 8. Ruins of the Convent of the Sisters of S. Benedict. 9. Continuation of Land the property of the Church. 10. Dome of the Church. PLATE XLI. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE FEENCH CHUECH OF S. ANN. 1. Staircase to the Minaret. 2. Staircase to the Subterranean Church. 3. Traditional site of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary. 4. Places of Prayer for the Mohammedans. a. Stone Staircase. b. Opening commanding a view of the Subterranean Church. c. Small Opening. d. Principal Entrance to the Church. e. Ancient Cistern. PLATE XLII. INTERIOR OF THE CHURCH OF S. ANN. AND FOUR DETAILS OF ORNAMENTATION. 1. Interior of the Church of S. Ann. 2. Modern Wall. 3. Ornamentation of the Principal Front of the Church. 4. Ornamentation of the Principal Entrance. 5. Ornamentation of Window in the Principal Front, 6. Capital in the Interior of the Church. PLATE XLin. TWO DOORS IN THE TEKHIYEH EL-KHASSEKI-SULTANE, COMMONLY CALLED THE HOSPITAL OF S. HELENA. Two Doors situated in the Northern Front. Fig. I. Eastern Door. Fig. 2. Western Door. The Mosaics are of different colours. PLATE XLIV. ANCIENT GATE OP SAEACENIC AECHITECTUEE IN THE DESCENT OF SILLA, AND A VIEW OP A FOUNTAIN IN THE TYEOPCEON VALLEY. Fig. I. Saracenic Gate. Fig, 2. Fountain in the Tyropoeon Valley. PLATE XLV, VIEW OF THE CCENACULUM, AND OP THE SO-CALLED TOMB OF DAVID. 1 . Principal Entrance, 2. Mohammedan Houses. 3. Ccenaculum. 4. Dome of the Tomb of David. 5. Modern Mohammedan Houses. 6. Christian Cemetery. M PLATE XLVL PLAN AND SECTION OF THE CCENACXJLUM; OF THE SO-CALLED TOMB OF DAVID; AND OF THE UNDERGROUND WORKS OF MOUNT SION. 1. Staircase leading to the Upper Court. 2. Upper Court. 3. Mohammedan Chambers. 4. Lower Court. 5. Passage to the Tomb of David. 6. Mohammedan Chapel, dedicated to the Tomb of David. 7. Representation of the Sarcophagus of David. 8. Coenaculum. 9. Staircase leading to the Tomb of David. 10. Place of the Mohammedan Priest. 11. Staircase leading to upper Chambers. 12. Chambers. 13. Underground Works of Mount Sion, in front of the Tomb of David. 14. Subterranean Passage covered with stone and earth. 15. Staircase leading to underground Works. S. Conventional Signs. a. Ancient Wall. b. Wall of the time of S. Helena, or of the Crusaders. c. Modern Arab Wall. d. Rock. e. Place covered with earth. f. Christian Tombs. g. Underground Works. XLVl PLATE XLVII. PLAN AND SECTION OP THE TOMBS OE ACELDAMA. Fig. I, Ancient Tombs. Fig. 2. Tomb of S. Onupbrius. 1. Cultivated land. 2. Ancient Walls. 3. Tombs. 5. Tombs. PLATE XLVIII. SOUTH-EASTEEN EXTEEMITY OF THE VALLEY OF SILOAM, I. City of Mount Sion. 2. Mount Sion. 3- Mosque el-Aksa. 4- Opliel. 5. Valley of Hinnom. 6. Mount of Offence. 7- Valley of the Kidron. 8. Cave. 9- Ancient Arab Building. 10 . Bir-Eyub. En-Bogel. II. Kidron. 12. Walls and Ruins. PLATE XLIX. VIEW OF THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT, I. Mount Moriah. 2. Valley of Jehoshaphat. 3. Mount Scopus. 4- Tomb of Absalom. 5- Tomb of S. James. 6. Tomb of Zacharias. 7- Ruined Tomb. 8. Cave. Ancient Tomb. 9- Jewish Cemetery. lO. Arab House. 1 1. Mount of Olives. 12. Mount of Offence. 13. Road to Siloam. 14. Road to the Kidron. XLIX PLATE L. FRONT OF THE TOMB OF THE VIRGIN MARY. Principal Entrance of the time of the Crusaders. PLATE LI. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE TOMB OF THE VIRGIN MARY, AND OF THE CAVE OF THE AGONY. Fig. I. Fig. 2. Fig- 3- Fig. 4- Plan of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, and of tlie Cave of the Agony. 1. Bridge over the Kidron. 2. Vestibule of the Church. 3. Closed Doors. 4. Armenian Vestry. 5. S Joseph’s tomb. ? (Armenian.) 6. S. Ann’s Tomb. ? (Greek.) 7. S. Joachim's Tomb. ? (Greek.) 8. Greek Altar of S. Nicholas. 9. Altar of the Copts. 10. Cistern. (Armenian, Greek.) 11. Greek Vestry. 12. Greek Altar of S. Stephen. 13. Syrian Altar. 14. Armenian Altar. 15. Tomb of the Virgin Mary. ? 16. 1 Places of Prayer for the Moliammedans. 18. Greek Altar dedicated to the Virgin Mary. 19. Greek Altar. 20. Cave of the Agony. 21. Latin Altar. 22. Site of the Agony. 23. ] ? Latin Altars. 24.1 25. Opening in the Rock above. Longitudinal Section. Oblique Section. Section of the Cave of the Agony. (S). Conventional Signs. a. Ancient Walls. b. Modern AValls. c. Ptock. d. Place covered with Ruins and Earth. e. Cultivated Land. ) PLATE LII. MOUNT OF OLIVES AND THE GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE. I. Mount of Olives. 2. Mount Viri-Galiliei. 3- Site of the Ascension of Jesus. 4- Minaret. 5. Arab Tower. 6. Arab Tower. 7- Place where Judas betrayed Jesus. 8. Gethsemane. 9- 10. Tomb of the Virgin Mary. Valley of the Eiidron. 10 . PLATE LIII. PLAN AND SECTION OE MOSQUE SITUATED ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES, AND DETAILS OF FIVE CAPITALS. Fig. I. Plan of Mosque. Fig. 2. Section of Mosque. 1. Mosque. Chapel of the Ascension. 2. Site of the Ascension of Jesus. 3. Place of Prayer. 4. Greek Altar. 5. Syrian Altar. 6. Coptic Altar. 7. Armenian Altar. 8. Kemains of an ancient Column. 9. Little Pool and Cistern. 10. Cistern. 11. Capitals. 12. Columns in the exterior of the Mosque. 13. Pavement. 14. Stone. c. Ancient perimeter of the Basilica. Conventional Signs. a. Place covered with earth. b. Buins. c. Cistern. d. Ancient Walls. o PLATE LIV. PLAN AND SECTIONS OE THE TOMBS OF THE PROPHETS SITUATED IN THE MOUNT OF OLIVES. — VIEW, PLAN, AND SECTION OF THE TOMB OF LAZARUS AT BETHANY. Fig. I. Tombs of the Prophets.? 1. Entrance. 2. Opening in the Rock above. 3. Places covered with earth. 4. Incomplete excavations in the Rock. 5. Ancient Walls. 6. Rock. 7. Tombs. Fig. 2 . Plan and Section of the Tomb of Lazarus. 1. Entrance. 2. Tomb of Lazarus. 3. Ancient Chapel of the times of the Crusaders. 4. Place covered with ruins and earth. 5. Mosque of Bethany. 6. Rock. 7. Road to Jericho. 8. Arab Houses. Fig. 3 - View of the Tomb of Lazarus. ■ PLATE LV. VIEW OF THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS. The Description given in the Text. PLATE LYI. PLAN AND SECTIONS OP THE TOMBS OF THE KINGS, AND OF OTHER TOMBS; THAT OF JEHOSHAPHAT, AND ONE LIKE THAT OF OUR LORD. Fig. I. Plan of the Tombs of the Kings. a. b. Entrance of Vestibule, c. Entrance. X. y. Groove in which the chain worked to move the stone closing the entrance. X. Place where the end of the chain was drawn out in order to raise the stone. y* ) I Position of the stone when the entrance was closed, u. ) Fig. 2 . Inner stone door. n. Stone support of the door. Fig. 3. The stone used in closing the entrance of the Tomb, with the grooves in which it and the chain worked. Fig. 4. Sketch of the Plan of the Tomb of Jehoshaphat. Fig. 5. Tomb, like that of our Lord, situated on the South of Jerusalem, u. y. Position of the stone when the entrance was closed. PLATE EVIL ancient JEWISH SYNAGOGUE IN THE VALLEY OF THE KIDEON, TOWAKDS THE NOETH. 1. Prominent parts of each side of the Synagogue. 2 . Ruins. 3. Mass of rock on which the Rabbins used to read Prayers. PLATE LVIII. VIEW OF THE TOMBS OF THE JUDGES, AND OF OTHEE TOMBS TO THE NOBTH OF JEEUSALEM. Fig. I. Tombs of the Judges. a. Entrance. Fig. 2. Cover of a Sarcophagus, from the Tombs of the Kings. Fig. 3- Ornaments on the two sides. b. ) I Corresponding parts of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. Fig. 4. Single Ornaments of the Cover of the Sarcophagus. a. e. f Corresponding parts of Fig. 2 and Fig. 4. Fig. 5. View of a Tomb situated near Jerusalem on the North-West. Fig. 6. General idea of the Tombs of Samuel at Eamah and of Eachel at Ephrata. Fig. 7. Plan and Section of a Tomb situated on the North of Jerusalem, near the Tombs of the Kings. PLATE LIX. PLANS AND SECTIONS OF THE TOMBS OF THE JUDGES, AND OF THE OTHEK TOMBS. Fig. I. Longitudinal Section of the Tombs. 1. Vestibule. 2. Entrance. 3. Subterranean Chamber, in which may be seen Sepulchres in an unfinished state. Fig. 2. Transverse Section. Fig. 3. Plan of the Tombs. a. First entrance Chamber. M. Passage leading into the other Sepulchral Chambers. N. Staircase leading into the Subterranean Chamber. Fig. 4. Tomb situated on the North of Jerusalem, in the opening of the Valley of Kidron. a. b. Water-conduit hewn in the Pocks. Fig. 5. Plan of the Tomb situated on the North-West of Jerusalem (for the Fa9ade of which see Plate LVIII. Fig. 5). Fig. 6. Tomb situated on the North-West of Jerusalem near the Tombs of the Judges. PLATE LX. PLAN AND SECTION OF S. PELAGIA’S TOMB ON THE MOUNT OF OLIVES.— DETAILS OP SEPULCHRES IN THE VALLEY OF JEHOSHAPHAT, AND OF SOME OTHERS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF JERUSALEM. Fig. I. Plan of S. Pelagia’s Tomb. 1. Room built at the time of the Crusades. 2. Tomb of S. Pelagia. 3. Ancient Jewish Tomb, the retreat of S. Pelagia. Fig. 2. Section of S. Pelagia’s Tomb. Fig. 3. Tomb of Absalom. Fig. 4. Tomb of S. James. 4. Opening corresponding with a Sepulchral Chamber. 5. Opening into which both the Jews and the Arabs used to throw stones, in order to indicate their hatred of the wicked son Absalom. 6. Tomb of Jehoshaphat. Fig. 5. Tomb of Zacharias. 7. Jewish Tomb. Fig. 6. An entrance door into the Tomb of Aceldama (for the Plan of which see Plate XLVII.). (a). Broken ornaments, n. Cultivated land. 8. Bock. Fig. 7. Another entrance into the Tomb of Aceldama. Fig. 8. Ornaments of the Tomb of S. Onuphrius (for the Plan of which see Plate XLVII.). 9. Heaps of earth. ■otti , Photo fc Belt F M Br.-son, Lid: PLATE LXI. DETAILS EELATING TO THE TOMBS. Fig. I. Details of the Tomb of Absalom. a. b. Monolithic portion of the Monument, c. d. Portion formed of Masonry. Fig. 2. A Capital of the Tomb of Absalom. Fig. 3. A Capital of the Tomb of Zacharias. Fig. 4. A Capital of the corner-pillar of the Tomb of Zacharias. Fig. 5. Monolith of Siloam. Fig. 6. Ornaments of the Tombs of the Kings. Q LX> mvsa POOL TO PLATE LXII. OF MAMILLAH, OE SERPENTS’ POOL (ACCORDING JOSEPHUS), NEAR THE MONUMENT OF HEROD ON THE WEST OF THE CITY. Mount Gihon, position of the buildings of the Prussian Mission. 2. Comer of the North-Western Wall of Jerusalem. 3. Wall of Jerusalem. 4. Mount of Olives. 5. Road to the Convent of the Holy Cross, 6. Ancient Mohammedan Cemetery. -. Ancient Saracenic Monument. 8. Pool of Mamillah ; “the Upper Pool.” ■'jm>nd/e Bell 5 ... '.,pniian.Be]J &.!Daldy PLATE LXIII. PLAN AND SECTION OF THE CHURCH OF THE HOLY CROSS TO THE WEST OF JERUSALEM, AND DETAILS OF THE MOSAICS. Fig. 1. Flan of the Church. 1. Vestibule. 2. Mosaic pavement stained (with blood?). 3. Mosaics (details given in Fig. 3)- 4. Throne for the Greek Bishop. 5. Iconostasis. 6. Greek Altar. 7. Choir. 8. Passage leading to the Sanctuary. g. The place from which the Tree for the Cross of Jesus Christ was taken.? Fig. 2. Longitudinal Section of the Church. Fig. 3. Details of Mosaics. (S. C.) Conventional Signs. a. Ancient Wall. b. Wall of later times. c. Small Walls. d. Mosaics. e. Tilings made of Wood, f White colour. g. Brown. h. Black. i. Yellow, k. Pv-ed. Pale Yellow. m. rig a 1 . ■ ^ .';.V - , J • . . - ^ \X • i i