W' W7 CATALOGUE /W ? '/ U OF ^ P THE VALUABLE LIBRARY FORMED BY Frederick, Third Earl of Bessborough, THE PROPERTY OF THE HON. ASHLEY PONSONBY, COMPRISING WORKS ON THE FINE ARTS, BOOKS OF PRINTS, NATURAL HISTORY, BOTANY, ENGLISH, FRENCH & ITALIAN LITERATURE; BOOKS ILLUSTRATED WITH EXTRA PLATES; A COLLECTION OF PORTRAITS OF NAPOLEON, JOSEPHINE, MARIE LOUISE, AND HIS MARSHALS, &c.: Mbtcb hull be Jlolb bjj Ruction b£ Messrs. CHRISTIE, MAYSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1897, AND FOUR FOLLOWING DAYS , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed the Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James’s Square . 20 / 4-752 t CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required-, in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to he taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Chbistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. VIII. Books. The books are presumed to be perfect, unless otherwise expressed; but if, upon collating, any should prove defective, the same may be returned within a week, or an allowance made thereon. IX. Books. The Sale of any book or books is not to be set aside on account of any stained or short leaves of text or plates, want of list of plates, or on account of the publication of any subsequent volume, supplement, appendix, or plates. All the manuscripts and autographs, all periodicals, transactions, magazines and reviews, all books in Lots and tracts in Lots or volumes, will be sold with all faults, imperfections and errors of description. The Sale of any Lot of prints or drawings is not to be set aside on account of any error in the enumeration of the numbers stated, or errors of description. CATALOGUE OF THE VALUABLE LIBRARY FORMED BY FREDERIC, 3RD EARL OF BESSBOROUGH, THE PROPERTY OF THE HON. ASHLEY PONSONBY. - ■ ■ First Day’s Sale. On TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OCTAVO ET INFRA. / . * f / o O 1 A’Beckctt (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol. 1847— Comic History of Rome, coloured etchings and icoodcuts by J. Leech —3 vol. first editions, half-bound calf 2 Addison (J.) Works, edited by Tickell, 6 vol. calf gilt 1804 3 Advice to tlio Officers of the British Army, humorous frontispiece, 1783—Ascham (R.) Toxopkilus, 1788—Collier (J.) Musical Travels, 1785—3 vol. / 4 Agricultural Society’s Journal from the commencement in 1855, 16 vol. half-bound green morocco extra B 2 4 / ✓ /A Ainsworth (W. H.) Tower of London—Windsor Castle—Jack Sheppard—Old St. Paul’s—Miser’s Daughter—Lancashire * Witches-^-G vol. illustrations by Cruikshank and Phiz t/ 1853-55 -X- 8 Akenside (M.) Pleasures of the Imagination, plates after Stothard, fine copy, green morocco, gilt edges 1796 -A Rjeii (E.) - ViLirrti Cateihia do’ Medioi, portra i ts - Firenze, HV™ * 9 Alexandri Itinerarium, cura A. Maii, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis Mediolani, 1817 Amazoniad (The) Dublin, 1806—Hume Palace that N-H. /fit J 10 11 12 built, plates —Magasin des Modes, coloured plate of ladies' head-dresses, Paris, 1788—and others America. Imlay (G.) Topographical Description of North America, maps, 1793—Birkbeck, Journey in America, calf extra, 1818—Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk’s Settlement of Kildonan, 1817—and others Amours des Dames Illustres de notre Siecle, plates, calf, gilt edges Cologne, 1694 Anacreon, Gr. printed in capital letters by Bodoni, purple morocco Z 13 / Z Sf* ii 'j?! 15 /./ 82 y- 83 84 j/. 85 ■ . £> 86 7 A 87 i , 0 88 A 89 , 7 1777-1806 ous coloured etchings by Boivlandson after Woodward’s designs, half-bound calf 1808 cloth Amst. Elzevir, 1642 'final j? j/ n. d. 10 y- 106 107 108 z~ . o ¥ 4 O 0 -~- — 2 > C. o 7 . a V, o 7 ,0 111 Apuloius, Fable of Cupid and Psyche, translated by H. Gurney, frontispiece after Cipriani, large paper, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1800 112 Aristophanes, The Acbarnians and the Frogs, translated by J. H. Frere, privately printed, lialf-bound morocco extra 1839 113 Aristoteles, "De Poetica Gr. et Lat. cura T. Tyrwhitt, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Roger Payne Oxon, 1794 114 Aristoteles, De Poetica, Gr. et Lat. cura T. Tyrwhitt, red morocco extra, silk linings, joints, gilt edges Oxon, 179 115 Arthur (King) Byrth, Lyf and Actes of Kyng Arthur and of his noble Knyghtes of the Round Table, with Notes by R. Southey, 2 vol. laiige paper, uncut 1817 116 Avila (Dr.) Rich Cabinet of Spiritual Jewells, 1620—and others 117 Banks (Sir T.) Baronia Anglica Concentrata : an Account of all the Baronies in Fee, 2 vol. 1843 118 Battle of Waterloo, by a near Observer, portraits, plans and 34 etchings, after G. Jones, india proofs, original boards, uncut 181 119 Batty (Capt.) Italian Scenery, plates, large paper, fine copy, green morocoo extra, tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis 1820 120 Batty, French Scenery, plates, large paper, red morocco extra, the sides richly tooled, with joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 182 121 Batty, Swiss Scenery, plates, fine copy, green morocco extra, tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by C. Leivis 1820 122 Batty, German Scenery, plates, fine copy, russia extra, with broad gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1823 123 Beattie (W.) The Wahlenses, plates by Bartlett, half-bound morocco extra 1838 124 Beckford (P.) Thoughts on Hunting, frontispiece by Bartolozzi, and plans of kennels, old calf gilt 1802 125 Bell (H.) The Huntingdon Peerage Case, 1820—Sutherland Peerage Case, 1771—2 vol. (y — & 12 4 ,// 126 // , 127 123 130 /•/4 ,* 131 t}. O 180 Asselineau, Meubles et Objets divers du Moyen Age et de la Eenaissance, 186 lithographic plates, 2 vol. half-bound red ^ } /',J. morocco extra, gilt edges Parts, s. d.~ 174 175 176 177 , ^ 178 C7 179 16 J, /S'. * 181 f./C,o 182 Iff. try-V 183 /#. /S O 184 ?/' y 185 186 187 // * 188 189 // / , 0 190 /. / , O 191 /, ^ , 0 192 193 Atkinson and Walker, Picturesque Representation of tlic Manners, Customs and Amusements of the Russians, 100 coloured plates, 3 vol. old tree-marbled calf gilt 1803 Atkyns (Sir R.) Ancient and Present State of 'Gloucester¬ shire, plates of Coats of Arms, and Views^f ^Scedf by Kip, large paper, fine copy, old gilt russia 1768 Audubon (J. J.) Birds of America, 435 coloured plates of Birds, delineated the size of life. 4 vol. finp copy, half-bound purple morocco, gilt edges 1827-28 Baker (G.) History of Northamptonshire, plates, India proofs, 2 vol. large paper, half-bound green mou>cco extra, gilt edges 1841 Barbault, Monuments de Rome Ancienn q, plcdes*' Borne, 1761/£^£j^£ Bartoli (P.) Antiche Lucerne Sepolcrali, plates, Boma, 169L^- and others \ Bartoli et Bellori, Colonna Trajana, plates —Sigismundi Augusti r Triumphus, plates —2 vol. in 1, old calf Borneo/pu/uZc- Bartoli (P. S.) Recueil de Peintures Antiques, avec la De¬ scription par Mariette et le Comte de Caylus, 33 plates, exquisitely coloured, original edition, of which 30 copies only were printed —La Mosaique de Palestrine, avec Explica¬ tion par l’Abbe Barthelemy, plates of Frescoes and ceilings, beautifully coloured —2 vol. in 1, very fine copy, old Frencha V, red morocco, ivith very broad, boldly tooled borders, gilt edges 1 **/#'*^** ’ Baris, 1757-60 Bartoli, Museum Odeschalchum sive Thesaurus Antiquarum Gemmarum, plates, 2 vol. in 1, large paper, calf extra Bomse, 1751 Bartolozzi (F.) Etchings from Italian Masters, 12 plates 1791 Ar Bartolozzi, Drawing Book, plates Bartsch (A.) Suite d’Estampes d’apres les Desseins de Guercino, /i . 40 etchings, 2 parts in 1 vol. calf extra, with gold borders Mannheim, 1803-7 Bayle, Dictionnaire Historique et Critique, 4 vol. Amst. 1730— CEuvres, 4 vol. Amst. 1727—8 vol. old calf gilt ^ ^ 17 aquatint, calf extra 1792 /*. 194 Beaumont (A.) Travels through the Rhoetian Alps, plates y | in /? 92 195 Beaumont, Voyage Pittoresque de Nice, coloured plates, Ge 1787—and 1 other ve/ / — A/ A o f /. * 6, o o, o V t , 0 'sf, tf „ 0 196 Belzoni, Plates illustrating his Eesearches in Egypt and Nubia 1820 197 Ben Tally-Ho, How to qualify for a Meltonian; addressed to all would-be Meltonians, 6 coloured plates, in the original wrapper, quite clean and uncut, scabce 1819 198 Beretini (P.) Barberinm Auhe Fornix, plates Romse, s. d. 198* Biblia (La) trasladada en Espahol (por Cassiodora da Reyna), old russia 1569 With note on the fly-leaf, “W. F. Ponsonby, May 4th, 1820, given to me by Hon. William and Lady Caroline Lamb.” 199 Bible (Holy) vignettes hy Van der Gucht, 2 vol. labge papee, blue morocco with gold borders, gilt edges, with the Royal arms on sides Oxford, J. Bashett, 1717 200 Blackwell (Elizabeth) Herbal, 500 coloured plates of plants used in Physic, with descriptions, 2 vol. old calf 1739 201 Blanclieton (A.) Vues Pittoresques des Chateaux de France, lithographic plates, 2 vol. half-bound morocco, uncut Paris, Bidot, s. d. 202 Boissier (Jean Jacques de) An Extensive Collection of 100 /y ' //? Etchings by this Artist, fine impressions, mostly mounted on ' drawing paper, in a vol. half-bound morocco 1764-18J5 203 Bonnemaison (F.) Etudes d’apres cinq Tableaux de Raphael, plates, half-bound morocco extra Paris, 1818 204 Boothby (Sir Brooke) Sorrows sacred to the Memory of Penelope Boothby, frontispiece after Fuseli, and a beautiful portrait of Penelope Boothby after Sir J. Reynolds, very fine copy, purple morocco, blind-tooled, black edges, by Kalthoeber 1796 205 Bosio (A.) Roma Sotterranea, plates of Antiquities, Sarcophagi, (7 &c., vellum Roma, 1632 206 Bossi (G.) Del Cenacolo di Leonardo da Vinci, plates, greet} /' 0 morocco extra, gilt edges Milano, 1810 207 Boydell (John) Views in England and Wales, 100 plates, old a ' tree-marbled calf gilt 1790 ^* // ^ 1 C 18 ^'7 7 /" £ 208 Boydell’s Heads of Illustrious Persons, portraits in mezzotint, after ' ' Van Dyck, Lely, &c. by J. Smith, half-bound maycco, gilt edges l b 11 209 Brettingbam (M.) Plans of Holkham in Mo Isolates, calf extra 1761 /Jf 210 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, 150 portraits with Memoirs, 2 vol. largest paper, proofs, fine copy, calf extra, with gold borders, gilt edges, by Lewis 1822 *7/r 211 Bronsted, Bronzes of Siris, plates— and others 0 212 Brookshaw (G.) Pomona Britaunica, 93 coloured plates of Fruits in their natural sizes, russia extra, with bordncs of gold, gilt edges /t# 1812 213 Builder (The) illustrations, vols. 1 to 14, half-bound calf 1843-56 q O 214 Bunbury (W. H.) 18 Engravings after Banbury, by Bartolozzj^y^ Tomkins, &c. (one, “Sailors at Portsmouth” in colours) brilliant impressions —"Westall (W. R.A .) 13 engravings, after Westall, by Scriven, Schiavonetti, &c. (three, “Gaiety,” “ Romance,” and “The Dream,” printed in colours) and tyfl / drawing in sepia of Lady Macbeth—in a vol. calf gilt \s ^ / y/* 215 Burger, Leonora, plates after Lady Diana Beauclerc, red morocco, » v gilt edges 1796/v^<£^/f /, /f. o 216 Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy, frontispiece {mounted') purple nwrocco, blind-tooled, joints, black edges, by Kalthoeber /fLf'/y A j 16607; 217 Cabala, or Mysteries of State, 1663—and others 218 Cabinet de Crozat; Recueil d’Estampes d’apres les Tableaux dans le Cabinet du Eoi ; avec Descriptions par Mariette, plates, 2 vol. first edition, French calf gilt ( binding of vol. 1 damaged) Paris, 1729 219 Callimaco, Greco-Italiano, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bering Parma, Bodoni, 1792 ' //- 220 Camden (W.) Britannia, enlarged by R. Gough, maps, 4 vol. /? Aj calf gilt 180j67&**< V 221 Campaigns of the British Army in Portugal, 17 plates after L’Eveque, 1818—and others 222 Caracci (Annibale) Le Arti di Bologna, 80 etchings, old calf Roma, 1740 223 Caricatures relating to the Administration of the Earl of Butey^^ 16 etchings f- a. Ay /y. 19 f 224 Y 225 1 . 0 226 0 .0 227 J /' 228 ', O 229 l. o 230 ■ 231 232 '0.P 233 Yf. O 234 ' 0~~. 235 'J/* 236 AjX- 237 /«/£ 238 yj 239 ("240 '0, O ^ 241 £242 P . O C243 £244 Carlevariis, Le Fabriclie e Yeduto di Venetia, 102 etchings, a, / / /. vellum Venezia, 17 Oo^ Castell (R.) Villas of the Ancients Illustrated, plates, large -- paper 1728 Catel (G.) Histoire des Comtes de Toulouse, olive morocco extra, a w- S blind-tooled, by Lewis Tolose, 1623*^'^'^**"*"^"^ Catesby (M.) Natural History of Carolina, Florida, and tbo Bahama Islands, coloured plates, 2 vol. old calf 1754 Chalon and Nattes, Drawing Book of Birds and Animals, 16 plates, pts. 1 to 4 1803 / Chamberlaine (J.) Designs by Masters of the Bolognese, Roman, Florentine, and Venetian Schools, in his Majesty’s Collec¬ tion, tinted plates, by Bartolozzi, Schiavonetti, dec. calf extra 1812 Chateau des Rochers, the Residence of Madame de Sevigne, /j plates, illustrated with portraits, and original drawings by Lord/ Bessborough, calf extra 1819 ^ ^ Chaunoy (Sir H.) Historical Antiquities of Hertfordshire, J 7 plates, fine copy, with the three plates usually wanting, russia extra, blind-tooled, by Bering 1700 Cheeseman (T.) Female Heads, plates, printed in colours, calf /J— extra 1797 ^ Cipriani (G. B.) Sketches and Drawings, 50 plates by Earlom and * Bartolozzi , in imitation of the original drawings, half-bound russia, uncut 1789 Clayton (R.) Costume of the Grenadiers from 1660 to 1854, , . 1854 C /Kit — f -vw coloured lithographs Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books Miscellaneous Books c 2 End of First Day's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. -♦o On WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OCTAVO ET INFKA. 7/ /•/*. o 245 Cockton (H.) Life of Valetine Vos, illustrations by Onwhyn, 1844 —The Commissioner, plates by Phiz, 1843—Life of George St. Julian, illustrations by Onwhyn, 1844—3 vol. 246 Coleridge (S. T.) Christabel, first edition, calf gilt, 1816—Hogg (J.) Brownie of Bodsbeck, 2 vol. 1818—Mountain Bard, 1807—3 vol. first editions, calf gilt —Anacreon, Odes, trans¬ lated by T. Moore, 2 vol. in 1, 1806—6 vol. 247 Coleridge (S. T.) Table Talk, 2 vol. 1835—and others 248 Colligny (Admiral) Vie do, frontispiece, red morocco , gilt edges,//. (///to O >/ 6 /. 2/ • £- , t2> // by Kalthoeber Leyde, Elzevier, 1643 249 Collin de Plancy, Dictionnaire Infernal, 2 vol. calf gilt, Paris, . 1815—Fregier, Histoire de la Police de Paris, 2 vol. halfyfagZ*, bound calf, Paris, 1850—4 vol. / 250 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, enlarged by Sir E. Brydges, \Jik& 9 vol. calf * 1812 251 Combe (W.) Dr. Syntax’s Three Tours, ^ Jiunwurous coloured plates by Rowlandson, 3 vol. / ' 1855 252 Common Prayer (Book of) Baskerville’s edition, old red morocco, 7 gilt edges Carnb. 1760 21 / 253 254 255 r-f'V 256 , & 257 / „ > / o 258 259 260 V- 261 'ii.u vv. ) iiiemuira ox uoru DoungDroKe, z vox. caij gut, 1835—Trimmer (Mrs.) Life, 2 vol. morocco extra, by Lewis, 1814—and others plates after Gravelot, 12 vol. yellow morocco, gilt edges Paris , 1797 ./ yellow morocco extra, the sides richly tooled, gilt edges, by Lewis Zuric, 1811 wper (W.) Poems, 2 vol. 1808—Life and Letters, by W. Haylcy, 4 vol. 1809— 6 vol. large paper, fine copy, red morocco extra, with gold borders, gilt gauffre edges wper, Poems, plates after Fuseli, 2 vol. large paper, yellow morocco extra, gilt edges 1808 /7a Poems, plates after Westall, 1816—3 vol. morocco extra, gilt edges “ Directions for blowing the Horn,” old calf ibbe (G.) Works, plates after Westall inse morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1677 1823 - i—" gilt, 1834—Salame, Expedition to Algiers, plates, russia extra, 1819—Hippesley, Expedition to the Orinoco, russia extra, 1819—and 1 other 262 Crebillon (Fils) CEuvres, 14 vol. half-bound calf 1777 ^f'2^7 r 7\J 263 Crequy (Marquise de) •Souvenirs, 6 vol. half-bound calf, Paris, 1834—Memoires du Due de Lauzun, calf extra, Paris, 1822 /}'y , / —and others 264 Culpeper (N.) Semeiotica Uranica, or Astrological Judgement / 7 yl of Diseases, fine copy, old calf 1671 0 265 Cunningham (P.) The Story of Nell Gwynn and the Sayings L / of Charles II. illustrations, uncut 1852 /-* 266 Cusini&re Bourgeoise, Neuchatel, 1798—La Gastronomie Poeme, Paris, 1804—and others 22 ?/' 7 /' Y/-~ 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Dallas, Recollections of Lord Byron, 1824—Langdale, Memoirs of Mrs. Fitzherbert, 1856—and others Dante, La Divina Commedia, 3 vol. vellum, Roma, 1791—a others Daru (P.) Histoire de la Republique de Yenise, 7 vol. calf gilt, by Lewis ^ Paris, 1819 Davies (E.) Celtic Researches, calf extra C 1804 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia, or Days of Fly Fishing ,first edition, 1828—Consolations in Travel, 1831—2 vol. calf extra Davy (Sir H.) Works, with Life by J. Davy, 9 vol. / ^^T839^^_^ 274 /> / . & 275 /' ° 276 Defoe (D.) The Storm, old calf gilt, 1704—Secret Memoirs of K W\ Duncan Campbell, 'portrait, 1732—2 vol. De Hita, Histoire des Maures de Grenade, traduite par Sane, , y 2 vol. Paris, 1809—and others De La Motte (P.) Choice Examples of Art Workmanship, illus¬ trations, olive morocco extra, by Holloway OykyyCttTc^ 1851 Delille (J.) Dithyrambe sur lTmmortalite de l’Ame, suivi du n Passage du St. Gothard, plate, morocco, with gold borders^" 7 ■7/ r 7y , aa ^77 /. / 0 . r> 278 279 ° 280 281 282 . . „ • Z7 (/\ joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Paris, 18D2 Demoustier (C.) Lettres a ^imilie sur la Mythologie, plates after Moreau, 2 vol. fine copy, russia extra, gilt edges Paris, 1809#^Z^S Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, plates, 4 vol. fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering 181P^^^ Dibdin, Bibliographical Decameron, plates, 3 \ol. fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1817 Dibdin, Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Picturesque Tour in Northern Counties of England and Scotland, 3 vol. large paper, India proofs of the plates, fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1838 Dibdin (C.) Songs, etchings by G. Cruikshank, 1841—A’Beckett (G.) Comic Latin Grammar, illustrations by Leech, 1840— and others , Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, illustrations by Seymour ana H. K. Browne, first edition, parts 1, 3 to 9, 11 to 14, and * 19 and 20, 14 parts, in the original wrappers, uncut 1837 ife***'- 23 , ^283 284 ^ 285 ^" 4 ?286 f 'r, */- 287 288 289 290 291 o 292 293 ' /t P /— Dickens, Dornbey and Son, lialf-bound, 1848—David Copper- field, morocco , gilt edges, 1850—Bleak House, 1853, half- /, y bound —3 vol. illustrations by IS. K. Browne, first editions * Dickens, Christmas Carol, second edition, etchings by Leech, ^ coloured, 1843—The Chimes, 1845—Cricket on tlie Hearth, 1846—The Battle of Life, 1816—The Haunted Man, 1848—^.. 5 vol. illustrations Dickens, Pictures from Italy, first edition, 1846—Dickens, Memoirs of Grimaldi, illustrations by G. Cruikshank, 1853-^-y Jerrold (D.) Chronicles of Clovernook, 1846—3 vol. Dickens, Hard Times, 1854—Reade (C.) Christie Johnson, 1853 — Reade, Peg Woffington, 1853 — 3 vol. first editions, uncut Dictionnaire Historique-Portative, 2 vol. old tree-marbled calf, yj , with richly tooled borders, by Montagu Amst. 1769 / Dillon (Lord) on Legitimate Government, privately printed, - » Florence, 1817—Rose (W. S.) Rhymes, privately printed, y 1837—and others Disraeli (B.) Life of Lord George Bentinck, 1852—Curran (W. H.) Life of J. P. Curran, 2 vol. 1819—Prior, Life of Goldsmith, 2 vol. 1837—5 vol. calf gilt Divines of the Church of England, Works (Barrow, Hall, y* • J. Taylor, Sherlock, &c.) edited by T. S. Hughes, 22 vol. half- / bound calf gilt 1830 Divorce (Le) Celeste cause par les Dissolutions de l’Epouse Romaine, Villefranche, 1644—Le Moine secularise, frontis- piece, Cologne, 1675—2 vol. in 1, French calf, with Napoleon^^^-^^^ arms on the sides. This book was taken out of the Emperor Napoleon’s private apartments at St. Cloud in July, 1815 Doran (Dr.) Table Traits, 1854—Burke, Romantic Records of yj Distinguished Families, 2 vol. 1854—and others Dorat, Les Baisen pr6c6d6s du Mois de Mai Poeme, 2 plates after Eisen, and 46 beautiful vignettes and tailpieces after Eisen and Marillier, large paper, with 8 beautiful engravings by Barlolozzi, after Cipriani, inserted, very fine copy, blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Tiering La Ilaye, 1770 ' 4 ^ 24 294 "£ 295 /<*/* 296 297 298 dr/-* 299 /.f.o 300 301 Z. Z, o 302 ‘Y' 303 /4/+ 304 ?/' 305 306 t3 * J .o 307 308 309 Y 310 311 rat, Mes Fantaisies—Contes et Poemes—Mes Nouveaux Torts—Adelaide de Hongrie et Le Celebataire—4 vol. plates /? and vignettes after Eisen and Marillier La Haye, 1770- 1807 iree-marbled calf gilt, 1787—Mawe, Treatise on Diamonds and Precious^ Stones, coloured plates, 1813—2 vol. ummond (Sir W.) (Edipus Judaicus, calf extra 1811^^^^ large paper, russia extra, gilt edges ses Environs, plates, 16 vol. fine copy, calf extra, by Lewis, and 4:to Atlas, half-bound Paris, 1834 1809—and other old Novels half-bound russia 1802 ^^ 3 - 1844 extra, joints, gilt edges 1803 7e ux tue xxany rmg.iisn iroets, o vol. ioUI— ^ Early English Metrical Romances, 3 vol. 1805—6 vol. old/UJk tree-marbled calf gilt 1833 & gilt edges, by Lewis skine (Lord) Speeches, 5 vol. russia, 1 Speeches, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1812—8 vol. Madrid, 1776 prit (Li ) des Journaux Fran 9 ais et Etrangers, par une Societe /? */j de Gens de Lettres, 65 vol. half-bound calf gilt Paris, 1776-80 25 312 Y , & 313 '/ . & 314 % & 315 y+ 316 7 42 , ^317 ^ 318 319 7 < 320 Eutrapel, Baliverneries ou Contes Nouveaux (par Noel du Fail) * , s (only 100 copies printed') Londres, 181 Evelyn and Pepys, Diaries and Correspondence, plates, 9 vol. half-bound calf 1850 Fabliaux from French MSS. of the Xlltk and Xlllth Centuries, by Legrand, translated by G. Way, with Notes by G. Ellis, woodcuts by Bewick, 2 vol. laugh papek, very fine copy, redjf morocco extra, with gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by Hering 1796 Falconer (W.) The Shipwreck: a Poem, with Life, by J. S. Clarke, n plates and vignettes, by Fittler, proofs, lakge paper, very fine copy , yellow morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering 1804: " Fasiculus Myrrhae, or Meditations on the Passions. Manuscript of the XVIIth Century, old calf —and others Favrolle, Memoires de Madame Dubarry, portrait, 4 vol. half - bound calf, 1803—Vie Privee du Marechal do Richelieu, 3 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1809—7 vol. Fenelon, Les Aventures do Telemaque, 2 vol. red morocco, gilt edges Paris, Didot, 1790 Filicaia (Y. da) Poesie Toscane, 2 vol. Venezia, 1812—Poesie di Autori Antichi, 6 vol. Venezia, 1817—Petrarca Rime, Pickering, 1822—9 vol. green morocco extra, by Lewis Foote (S.) Plays, 4 vol. 1781—Murphy, Life of Garrick, 2 vol. 1801—and others 44 TT L,o 321 Forbes (J. D.) Travels through the Alps of Savoy, maps and plates, with the large map of the Mer de Glace 1845 Fox (C. J.) Speeches, 6 vol. calf extra 1815 Fmuoi n Bn -Knl'en^ Trenti Pi p nf t h e - L av" - of God, f l M T I Hin t e d b y ^- M. Gar ; Deway, 1630- and othe r s -’ ' f*, & 322 — &U ' ✓ O 324 Froissart and Monstrelet, Chronicles of England, France and w Spain, translated by Col. Jolmes, woodcuts, 4 vol. browns morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1840-48 Froude (J. A.) History of England, vols. 1 to 4, vols. 1 and 2 calf extra 1856-58 f/ Funnell (W.) Voyage round the World, maps, 1707—Thomas Yoyagoto the South Seas, 1745—2 vol. 325 326 26 * OO fr 328 / e p 329 /y. f. 330 331 332 /„ 333 7 /' 834 335 336 Qr r fri'i ■ Ilit.mriipte ilu (ViulTliipuiaiunj -1-5 vol. odf-mtr a , b y. . J.e>aaUi~ Paris, s.d' » Galilei (Galileo) Opere, 13 vol. calf gilt, by Lewis Milano, 1808 Galleria Reale di Firenze, outline plates by Lasinio, 11 vol., red f morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis Firenze, 1817-24 Garcilasso de la Vega, Obras, calf gilt, 1548—Alexandre, Pre- destinado Peregrino, calf extra, gilt edges, by Lewis, Lisboa 1728—2 vol. Gascoigne (H.) Path to Naval Fame: a Poem , plates of shipsL privately printed, Warwick, 1825—and others Gay (J.) Fables, woodcuts by Beivick, 1792—Pilpay’s Fables, j f plates, 1789—2 vol. / UteZZei* Gave, Carteggio inedito d’Artisti dei Secoli XIV., XV., XVI. y , T/C/cA*. ships, y , facsimiles, 3 vol. vellum Firenze, 1839—40 Gell (Sir W.) Pompeiana, plates, 1819—Topography of Home, map, 2 vol. 1834—and others Geographical Society’s Journal, from the commencement to 18-ii, yty 'cx-u. 33 7 yj’Z 338 /pS* 339 /' &-n> 340 /x £- , 0 341 10 vol. calf gilt 1833-4P Gessner, GEuvres, old red morocco, gilt edges, Zurich, 1774—anc others Gibbon, History of Rome, 12 vol. calf gilt 1813^/^/' Gilpin (W.) Hints on Landscape Gardening, plates, calf extra, 1835—Papworth, Ornamental Gardening, coloured plates, Q 1823—2 vol. ZiMW Ginguene (P. L.) Histoire Litteiaire d’ltalie, 9 vol. calf extra * /*/. /y 342 343 *» ✓ * 344 Paris, 1811 Glover (R.) Leonidas, plates after Stothard and Hamilton , 2 vol. fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges 1798 CZUc Godwin (W.) History of the Commonwealth of England, 4 vol. , > calf extra 182 Godwin, Caleb Williams, 3 vol .first edition, 1794—and others /ZtsfWPx Goethe, Gedichte Wien, 1816—and Selections from other German ,, Authors—27 vol. half-bound morocco Goldsmith (O.) Vicar of Wakefield, illustrations by Absolon, a morocco, 1855—Hood (T.) Poems, 3 vol. morocco, 1848—and / '^^ f others 27 r. * 7 . 7. r - a k- y- y, * } A f/ /- *> / * 345 Grammont (Count) Memoirs, by Count Hamilton, portraits, 3 vol. caZ/ gilt 1809/ 346 Granger (J.) Biographical History of England, 4 vol. 1775—and/7‘ others ' ^ t 347 Grattan (T. C.) High-Ways and Bye-Ways, 9 vol. calf gilt, 1823-25—Matthews, Diary of an Invalid, calf gilt, 1820— 7 ml. ^ / / 348 Gray (T.) Poems, plates (2 additional plates by Bartolozzi ^ . inserted ) Du Rover ay’s edition, red morocco extra, gilt edges $// 180 h 349 Gray (Mrs.) Sepulchres of Etruria, plates, 1841—and others /fz 350 Grazzini, Novelle, calf gilt, Milano, 1810—Micali, Italia avauti il Dominio dei Romani, 4 vol. calf gilt, Firenze, 1821 351 Grecourt, Poesies Erotiques, frontispiece, Paris, 1797—Beau- V *'/ _i. ;i n?_~ _o —l t _ j _i oao €// veset (Robbe de) CEuvres Badines, 2 vol. Londres, 1803— Parny, Poesies Erotiques, 2 vol. Geneve, 1795—and others 352 Grimm et Diderot, Memoires et Correspondance Litteraire, 23 vol. calf extra Paris, 1813 QUARTO. 3 ’ /? sA/t 353 Cipriani (G. B.) Monumenti di Fabbriche Antichi estratti dai si ' j Disegni dei piu celebre Autori, plates, 3 vol. half-bound olive morocco extra, gilt edges Roma, 1796-1803 354 Cipriani, Scelte di Ornati Antichi e Moderne, 61 plates / - Roma, 1791 355 Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, with Notes by T. Tyrwhitt, 2 vol. ^ calf gilt, Oxford, 1798—and others ^*^**^> 356 Chess. Ludus Scacchie, Chesse Play, translated out Italian, G. B. calf gilt (Reprint ) 1597 357 Clarendon (Earl of) History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, 6 vol. calf extra Oxford, 1816 ^ 358 Clegg (S.) Treatise on Coal Gas, plates 1859 f/* 359 Collins (A.) Account of the Colony in New South Wales, plates, fine copy, russia extra, by Hering 1798 7 /v 360 Common Prayer (Book of) plates after We stall, fine copy, purple morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, by Hering 1812 ~ ; N 28 361 Cooke (W. B.) Italian Scenery, plates, calf extra, gilt edges 362 363 ?/' /, /^ , & 364 f/* 365 366 /J* 01 367 /1 f , 0 368 f /?/* ”£ /'/ ,o /y /' i? , o 1836^W^ Costume of the Bussian Army, portrait of the Emperor Alexander ,JL X printed in colours , and coloured plates 1807 Counter Scuffle, whereunto is added the Countm^Rat, by R. S. woodcuts, calf gilt 1658 Cose (W.) Memoirs of the Duke of Marlborough, 3 vol. 1818— Shrewsbury Correspondence, 1821—4 vol. labge pape jtycalf , extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis / Cyrilli Tabulae Botanic® Elementares, coloured plates, half-bound , - 369 370 371 372 373 * 374 375 376 morocco extra Neapoli, 1790 Dagley (R.) Gems from the Antique, plates, fine copy, purple morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, by Hering 1804 Dallaway (J.) History of Sussex, vol. 1 (the Rape of Chichester) . plates, the coats-of-arms emblazoned, uncut 181 Daniell (T. and W.) Picturesque Tour to India by way of China, /f 50 plates, coloured in imitation of Draivings, half-bound russia q wm/7uua Dante, La Divina Commedia con Commento di Lombardi, 4 vol. // vellum Roma, 1815 ffo-Cusu. D’Argenville, Vies des plus fameux Peintres, portraits, 3 ^ French calf Paris, 1745 Delille (L’Abbe) Les Jardins, green morocco extra, the sides richly tooled, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis Paris, 1801 De Lille, Le Malheur et la Pi tie et Les Jardins ; Poemes, pofi traits, 2 vol. calf extra 1801 , De Lille, The Gardens, a Poem, frontispiece and vignettes, by Bartolozzi, fine copy, Etruscan calf extra 1798 De Moivre (A.) Doctrine of Chances, calf gilt £ Denham and Clapperton, Travels in Africa, plates, 2 vol. 1826-29 De Petity (Abbe) Bibliotheque des Artistes et des Amateurg^^^^ 377 plates, 2 vol. old calf Paris, 1766 Do Solis (A.) Comedias, Madrid, 1716—Burgillos (Tome de) Rimas Humanas y Divinas, Madrid, 1674—and one other 3 vol. vellum 29 ./7,r 379 J /’ 382 /^A 383 ^ 384 y/' 385 \2L f O 386 , (? m J , O 388 389 Devonshire (Duchesse de) Passage du Mont Saint-Gothard, Poeme, traduit par l’Abbe de Lille, plates by Lady E. Foster , privately printed, green morocco extra, with broad gold bor- /J , ders, joints, richly tooled, silk linings, gilt edges, by C. Lewis / Paris, s. d. Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Typographical Antiquities; enlarged on y Ames and Herbert, portraits and facsimiles, 4 vol. fine copy, blue morocco extra, gold borders, gilt edges, by Hering 1810-19 Dibdin, Typographical Antiquities, plates, vols. 2 and 3. calf 1812-16 Dibdin, iEdes Althorpiame, 2 vol. large paper, proof impressions of the plates, ivith a portrait of John, first Earl Spencer, a fine drawing in sepia, inserted, maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1822 Dionysii Halicarnassei Komanarum Antiquitatmn Fragmenta, Jy' //? Gr. et Lat. cura A. Maii, calf extra, gilt edges Mediolani, 1816' c Dresden Gallery, plates, 2 vol. Duhamel du Monceau, Traite des Arbres Fruitiers, plates, 2 vol. yi , French calf, gilt edges Paris, 1768 Du Tilliot, Histoire de la Fete des Fou x, plates Lausanne, 1741 Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, plates, 29 vol. calf gilt 1845 y Englefield (Sir H.) Description of the Isle of Wight, plates, yt . calf extra, gilt edges 1816 Englefield (Sir H.) Collection of Vases, plates by H. Moses, very yt>yy , fine copy, olive morocco extra, richly tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis * 1819 Epicteti Enchiridion Greco-Italiano, volgarizzato da E. Pilenejo, *Jhr - very fine copy, blue morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, by Hering Parma, Bodoni, 1793 390 Erasme, L’Eloge de la Folie traduit du Latin par Gueudeville, plates after Eisen, large paper, French calf gilt (Paris) 175 L & 391 Evelyn (J.) Memoirs, edited by W. Bray, plates, 2 vol. 1818—- Miscellaneous Works, edited by Upcott, 1825—3 vol. extra, by Lewis 30 392 A/* // Faerni Fabulfe Centum ex antiquis Auctoribus delectse, plates, very fine copy, old tree-marbled calf, the sides ornamented with a rich arabesque border composed of Chinese figures, birds, &c. 1743 393 394 395 Finden’s Landscape Illustrations to tbe Bible, witb Descriptions by H. Horne, plates after Turner, Stanfield, &c. India proofs, 2 vol. large paper, half-bound russia extra, gilt edges 183, Fisher (J.) Etchings of Studies, by Michael Angelo and Raphael, half-bound morocco - / v^4852 Fitzherbert (T.) Treatise on Policy and Religion, 2 vol. Douay, 1610—Progenie of Catholicks and Protestants, Rouen, ljj, —and 1 other Flood (H.) Correspondence, portrait, calf extra, 1820—and 1 other 398 / / J . £> 401 Fontenelle, CEuvres Diverses, plates by Picart, 3 vol. French calf gilt La Haye, 1728 Fox (C. J.) History of the Reign of James II. large paper, bound in 2 vol. and extensively illustrated with 99 por¬ traits and plates, many proofs, including Mrs. Crewe, after Reynolds, brilliant impression, but cut to the size of the booh; George Washington, after G. Stuart, by Nutter (piunted in colours) ; Charles II., Duchess of Portsmouth, Nell Gwynne, after Lely, by McArdell, &c; Earl of Godolphin, Duke of Marlborough, Earl of Mulgrave, Earl of Pembroke, after Kneller, by Smith, &c ; superbly bound in maroon morocco extrti, ivith gold borders, the insides lined with maroon morocco, richly tooled ivith Lord Ressborough's arms in the centre 1808 Franklin (Capt.) Two Expeditions to the Polar Sea, plates, 2 vol. calf gilt 1823-28 Galerie Iinperiale de l'Hermitage avec Description par Camil de Geneve, outline plates, 2 vol. fine copy, russia extra, with gold borders,joints, gilt edges, by Lewis St. Petersbourg, 1805 Gambado (Geoffrey, i.e. Bunbury ) Academy for Grown Horse¬ men, humorous plates , old calf gilt 1788 fa / M /Jo* 31 402 /tf '. & 9*0 403 404 f 0,0 405 V- ?/. y. 406 407 408 409 Gell and Gandy, Pompeiana, large paper, proof impressions of the plates, very fine copy, olive morocco extra, tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1817-19 Gems, 100 Plaster Casts of Antique Gems, in an oalc case > Geological Society’s Transactions, plates, some coloured, 12 vol. fine copy, both series complete, calf extra, by C. Lewis^^f^^^ VERY SCARCE 1811-45 Gessner (S.) La Mort d’Abel, plates after Monsiau, printed in colours , very fine copy, green morocco extra, with gold borders, gilt edges , by Hering Paris, 1793 Giannone (P.) Istoria Civile del Regno di Napoli, 4 vol.— Opere Postume, 2 vol.—6 \ol. fine copy, calf gilt, by Lewis Haia, 1753 r Gibbon (E.) History of Rome, 6 vol. calf 1776 Gibbon, Miscellaneous Y/orks, edited by Lord Sheffield, 3 vol. >^7 calf extra, by O. Lewis 1796^* Giraldi Cintbio, Hecatommithi overo Cento Novelle, half-bound morocco (title mended ) Venetia, 1580' FOLIO. y ■* 410 Clerissau, Monumens de Nimes, plates, old tree-marbled calf gilt / Paris, 1768 yf ' 411 Glutton (H.) Domestic Architecture of France, lithographic plates Q / 1853 // , 0 412 Coker, Survey of Dorsetshire, map and plates of arms, fine copyf n old gilt russia 1732 ///* 413 Coney (J.) Etchings of Ecclesiastical Edifices in England, parts ’ 1 to 4, 56 plates 414 Coronation of George IY. in 1821, published by Sir G.Nayler, 40 fine paintings of the Procession, Ceremonial and Banquet, comprising Portraits of the distinguished Individuals who were present, finished in colours like Miniatures, from Draw; ings by Chalon, Stephanoff, Pugin, &c. with descriptions, very fine copy, red morocco extra, the sides richly tooled, gilt edges, by C. Leicis 1821 32 4 * 415 Correggio. Pitturo di Correggio esistenti in Parma nel Monistero di San Paolo, plates by Bosapina, printed in red, large paper, very fine copy , olive morocco extra, the sides richly tooled^J?^J^£ // 416 joints, gilt edges, by Lewis Parma, Bodoni, 180( Craffonara (G.) Quadri nell’ Appartamento Borgia del Yaticano 7, fl—yV 417 /, 418 /y, * 419 / f f, 17 420 421 -///*, 0 422 Boma, 1820 Cromwelliana. A Chronological Detail of Events in which Oliver Cromwell was engaged from 1642 to 1658; with a Continuation to the Reformation, extensively illustrated with 182 portraits, views, &c. all fine impressions, and (1 many very scarce, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Smith/Tv&'f-Jfi* 1810 /f/ Cuitt (G.) Etchings of Fountain and Riveaux Abbeys, 12 plaies j calf extra Cyrilli (Domenici) Entomologia Neapolitana, the text engraved with coloured plates, privately printed, half-bound morocco * extra, rare Neapoli, 1787^^^*^*^ Dahlberg, Suecia Antiqua et Hodierna, plates, 3 vol. old tree- marbled calf gilt 1701 Dance (G.) Portraits, 12 plates, by W. Daniell, 1808—Por¬ traits of the Illustrious Personages who visited London^) in 1814—16 plates —and others (ycZtxf'WU Dante, La Divina Commedia, con l’Espositione di Landino e Vellutello, woodcuts, contemporary binding, oalc boards covered with leather, blind-tooled, with a Cardinal's arms emblazoned on the last leaf Venetia, 156 Dashwood (Lady) Birth and Triumph of Cupid,from Papers ctJt ,if-CiyCCcn 1793* by Lady Dashwood, plates by Tomkins Davis (J. S.) Views of Bolton Abbey, 12 lithographic plates, calf /O••// extra 1829 Delessert (B.) Marc Antoine Raimondi, photographic plates, in c parts Paris, 1855/^*^ Deukbuch der Franzoesischen Revolution, plates, russia extra Memingen, 1815' Desmarest, Histoire Naturelle des Tangaras, des Manakins et des y Todiers, coloured plates, from drawings by Madame Knip, calf extra Paris, 1805 C 33 7 -' & '. e f.c T' 428 Devreux (W. B.) Viows on the Mediterranean, lithographic ^ plates, half-hound morocco 1847 429 Dilettanti Society, Specimens of Ancient Sculpture, plates , 2 voir S7 vol. 1 russia, gilt edges, vol. 2 hoards 1809-35 ' 430 Dilettanti Society, Unedited Antiquities of Attica, plates 1817 431 Dilettanti Society, Antiquities of Ionia, plates, 3 vol. 1821-40 - 432 Dilettanti Society. Penrose (F. C.) Principles of Athenian d Architecture, plates 1851 433 Diodorus Siculus, Historical Library, translated by G. Booth, /*/■ , old calf 1700 434 Dionysii Halicarnassenis Opera Gr. et Lat. cura Hudsoni, 2 vol. large paper, very fine copy, ruled with red lines, red morocco extra, with broad borders of gold, gilt edges, from the MacCarthy # / collection Oxon, 1704 435 Dodwell (E.) Views in Greece, 30 plates, coloured and mounted as drawings, russia extra, tooled sides, joints, gilt edges 1821 436 Doomsday Book, 2 vol. 178 437 Dorsetshire. 78 Portraits, Views of Seats, Ac. illustrating the County of Dorset 438 Dryden (J.) Fables, Ancient and Modern, translated into verse, 1700—Poems and Translations from several Authors, 1701— 'Y~P 2 vol. inlaid in imp. folio interleaved, and illustrated with 83 PORTRAITS, MANY RARE AND MOSTLY BRILLIANT IMPRESSIONS, Yf f red morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, by Bering , 442 Eden (Miss) Portraits of the Princes and People of India, 24 plates, coloured and mounted in imitation of drawings, morocco, gilt edges 1844 443 Egerton (F. H.) Compilation of Evidence, illustrating the Life of Lord Chancellor Egerton ; with Lives of Bp. Egerton and F. Egerton, Duke of Bridgewater, privately printed, old /> y tree-marbled calf extra, with borders of gold Baris, 1812 444 Encyclopedie, ou Dictionnaire Raisonne des Science, des Arts et des Metiers, mis en ordre par Diderot et D’Alembert, plates, 33 vol. French calf Paris, 1751-77 4sZ/" X / ' O 445 Engravings of Landscapes after Claude, Poussin, Teniers? Rembrandt, &c. 43 plates, fine impressions, half-found calf gilt £ 1741 446 Engravings after Italian Artists, including portraits^fancy sub¬ jects, &c. 65 plates, many engraved by Bartolozzi, mounted in a vol. half-bound calf 447 Ercolano. Antichita di Ercolano, plates, 9 vol. half-bound morocco /' /* . / /' / J erez Napoli, 1767-92 de Villa-Amil, /m /•? 448 Espana Artistica y Monument lithographic plates , 3 vol. half-bpund red morocco extra, gilt edges kSfTs Paris, 1842-50 449 Flaxman (J.) Compositions from Dante, plates by Piroli, presen¬ tation copy from Mrs. Flaxman to the Countess of Bessborough, vellum Boma, 1793 450 Flaxman, Compositions from Homef'and IEsdhy\ns% outline plates, 3 vol. in 2, calf extra, tooled sides, gilt edges 451 Fergusson (J.) Illustrations of the Rock Cut Temples of India, plates, half-bound morocco 1815 35 452 P Y 453 V" 454 455 456 ? . Paris, 1789-1807 Gallery (British) of Pictures of the Old Masters in Great Britain, A , y large paper, India proofs, very fine copy, pale russia extra , with broad gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by G. Lewis 1818 Gallery of Pictures of the Marquis of Stafford, with Descriptions 7 - by Ottley and Tomkins, 4 vol. in 2, large paper, India proofs of the plates, very fine copy, pale russia extra, with broad gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1818 Gallery of the Pictures of tho Earl of Derby at Knowsley 20 plates, calf extra, gilt edges 1820 Gardiner (W.) Dried Specimens of the Native Plants of Forfar- j) ' y / shire—and others Gazette National ou le Moniteur Universel, depuis le commence- d* ment en 1789 jusqu’a 1816 ; avec l’lntroduction et la Table'" Alphabetique, 56 vol. half-bound calf Paris, 1789-1816 Girtin (J.) Views in Paris and its Environs, 20 large plates, etched Jf* - by Girtin and aquatinted by F. G. Lewis 1803 D 2 36 ft, 16 V' // /> / ^ ' /(/. 466 Goldicutt, Antiquities of Sicily, plates 467 Gough (R.) Account of Cowdray House, plates, 1796—and others 468 Gozzini (Y.) Monumenti Sepolcrali della Torcana, plates by Lasinio Firenze, 1819 469 Guercino. 82 Engravings by Bartolozzi from Original Drawings by Guercino, half-bound 1764 470 Guido, Pitture nella Capella Pontificia al Quirinale, plates — Principi del Disegno, incisi da Yolpato e Raffaelle Morghen, 'plates, Foma, 1786—2 vol. in 1, calf extra, gilt edges 471 H. B. ( J. Boyle') Political Sketches, 900 caricature portraits of celebrated political characters, 9 vol .half-bound morocco, gilt edges 1829—48 472 Haghe (L.) Sketches in Belgium and Geiroumy, lithographic plates, half-bound morocco 1840 473 Hall (S. C.) Baronial Halls and Ancient Churches of England, lithographic plates after Hardinq, Cattermole, Prout, &c. vols. 2 and 3 Y 1847 474 Hamilton (Gavin) Schcda Italica Pictune, 40 plates after Michel¬ angelo, Titian, Faphael, &c. Jv-' Fomse, 1773 475 Hamilton (Sir W.) Collection of Ancient Greek Vases, outline plates by Tischbein, 2 vol. half-bound russia Naples, 1791 476 Miscellaneous Books £ o - JtS- Jlr — Jr- 4/ /'f/** 477 Miscellaneous Books y/ 0 478 Miscellaneous Books f 479 Miscellaneous Books 480 Miscellaneous Books 481 Miscellaneous Books 482 Miscellaneous Books 483 Miscellaneous Books c>7*. 484 Miscellaneous Books ^ 485 Miscellaneous Books % 'A L/n'UYA^ O', End of Second Bay’s Sale. Third Day’s Sale. On THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. <0 OCTAVO ET INFRA 486 Grose (F.) Principes de Caricature, suivis d’un Essai sur la 487 Grose, Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, calf gilt 1788* 488 Grose, Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, 1788—Swift, Art of Punning, 1719—and 1 other 489 Guarini, Pastor Fido, 2 vol. 1800—Bonarelli, Filli de Sciro, 2 vol. 1800—4 vol. vellum,, gilt edges —Carteromaco (N.) Iiicciardetto, plates, 2 vol. vellum, Lucca, 1766—8 vol. 490 Guicciardini, Istorie d’ltalia, 6 vol. calf extra, by Lewis, Firenze, 1818—Gozzi, Opere, 3 vol. calf gilt, by Lewis, Padova, 1819— 9 vol. 491 Hall (Basil) Fragments of Voyages and Travels, 9 vol. 1833— and others 492 Hamilton (Comte) CEuvres, 3 vol. calf extra, by Leici 493 Hamilton, Life of Princess Charlotte, portrait, calf extra, 1817— Memoirs of Mrs. Clarke, with the Trial of the Duke of York portrait, 1809—and others 38 y / ' 0 / if/ 494 Hamley (E. B.) Lady Lee’s Widowhood, plates, 2 vol. first edition, 1854—Lewis (J. D.) Sketches of Cantabs, 1849— Geraldine, 2 vol. 1837—Croker, Fairy Legends of Ireland, 1825—6 vol. , J , ^495 Hansard and Cobbett, Parliamentary History and Ddpate^ 128 vol. 496 Harington (Sir J.) Metamorphosis of Ajax; with the Anatomy f and Apology; also Ulysses upon Ajax; woodcuts (on / 100 copies printed) uncut Chiswick, 1814 f/y /*y s 497 Haslewood (J.) Secret History of the Green Room, 2 vol. half¬ hound calf gilt, 1793—Theatrical Remembrancer, calf extra, 1788—Farces performed at the Theatre, Smoke Alley, Dublin, .. / 1792—4 vol. 498 Hawker (P.) on Shooting, plates, 1829 —Sporting Magazme, ✓ plates, new series, vol. 5, 1843—2 vol. y tf/'' 499 Hayley (W.) Triumphs of Temper, plates after Stothard, 1796— Passages from Vortigern and Rowena, 3 vol. in 1, 1795—and A / others 500 Henry (R.) History of Great Britain, 12 vol. calf gilt 1814 501 Hentzner (Paul) Journey into England in 1598, uncut, Strawberry Hill, 1757—Whitworth (Lord) Account of Russia, Strawberry Hill, 1757-2 vol. / / v/' 502 Herbert (Lady Lucy, of Powis) Methods of Hearing Mass, Bruges, 1742—Chalcedon (Bishop) The best kinde of Con¬ fessors, 1651—Lewis of Granada, Memorial of a ChristiamAx^v/y * ✓ i Life, Bouen, 1586—and others ' 503 Herbert (Lord, of Cherbury) Life, by himself, blue morocco, blind- j'p ' tooled, gilt edges, by Hering 1809 //%, 5C4 Hervey (Lord) Memoirs of the Reign of George II., edited by J. W. Croker, 2 vol. 184 505 Hoare (Sir R. C.) Tour in Ireland, privately printed, 1810 —/ yy and others I 506 Holland (Lord) Lives of Lope de Vega and Guillen de Castro, ypgftfr / / s-f 2 vol. vellum, with gold borders, gilt edges, by Lewis 1817 y/ 507 Holland (Lord) Life of Lope de Vega, calf gilt, 1806—and^/? others yj A A ^+ 508 Hollar. Theatrum Mllliornm HO mlnit>a nf T/emnlo flnaiume / /y/* 508 Hollar, Theatrum Mulierum, 36 plates of Female Costume 39 TV 4 7*0 V' f '/r.o 509 Holcroft (T.) Memoirs, written by himself, portrait, 3 vol. calf ^ . gilt 1816 510 Hope (T.) Anastatius, 3 vol. calf extra 1819 511 Hope (T.) Essay on Architecture, plates, 2 vol. 1835 512 Horatii Opera, jeneis tabulis incidet Job. Pine, 2 vol. the text / s engraved, with vignettes, red morocco extra, gilt edges, Holloway Londini, 1733 513 Horatii Opera, with Life by Dean Milman, illustrations, calf » extra, gilt edges 1849 514 Horalii Opera, cura Wakefield, 2 vol. in 1, morocco, 1794— and^,./^ ^ /j , O others 515 Household Words, 17 vol. 1844, &c.—and others 516 Howell and Cobbett, Collection of State Trials for High Treason and other Crimes and Misdemeanours, 34 vol. fine copy , .. - russia extra 1809—26 / 517 Hoyle (E.) Treatise on Whist, morocco 1^50 518 Hue (F.) Dernieres Annees de Louis XYI. calf extra, Paris, 1814 — Proces de Marie-Antoinette, portrait by Camponas, sj^7 calf extra, 1793—Memoires de la Duchesse d’Angouleme, calf extra, 1814—and 1 other 519 Humphreys (41. N.) Ancient Coins and Medals, facsimiles in relief of the coins, antique morocco 1850 / ^ T 520 Hunt (Leigh) A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla, illustrations* - by B. Doyle, original picture hoards, gilt edges 1848 521 Huskisson (W.) Speeches, 3 vol. calf extra 1831 / 522 Ingoldsby Legends, plates by G . Cruikshanlc and Leech, 3 vol. j £ calf gilt 1855 523 Ireland. Copy of the Civil Establishment of Ireland, as it stood, ,* at Christmas 1740. Manuscript, in contemporary old red morocco , gilt edges '524 Irving (W.) The Alhambra, 2 vol. 1832—Bracebridge Hall, 2 vol. 1822—Life of Columbus, 4 vol. 1832—8 vol. calf gilt * (the binding damaged ) T 525 Jameson (Mrs.) Sacred and Legendary Art, plates and woodcuts, 2 vol. first edition 184b 40 J , 526 527 528 £ '/J > & 529 530 /, 6 , ° 531 £/ x 532 533 /A/- Johnson (Dr. S.) Works, with Life, by A. Murphy, 12 vol./ne^f^^ copy, green morocco extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges 1810 Johnson (Dr. S.) Journey into North Wales, calf extra, 181 and others y/ Jones (Inigo) Facsimile of Inigo Jones’ Sketch Book ( only 100 copies privately printed at the expense of the Duke of Devonshire') vellum wrapper Xy-fXt f t 1831 —: Another copy 1831 534 /' ^7 V 535 /^, 536 i) • /./ O 537 538 / / 2,0 Y // 2// 641 ^ 539 540 Josephus, Works, translated by Whiston, illustrations^ 2 vol. calf gilt, 1845—and others .yT'^ts Junius, Letters, with Notes by Mason Good,B^rol. calf gilt 1812 Kaye (J. W.) Administration of the East India Company, 1853 —and others Keeling (W.) Liturgise Britannicae, 1842—Arnold(I)r. T.) Ser¬ mons, 3 vol. 1845—and others King (W.) Anecdotes of his Own Times, 1818—Hamilton, Antar, 1819—Russell (Earl) Essays and Sketches of Life and Character, 1820—Wilkes (J.) Letters, 4 vol. 1804—7 voK<7 ' calf extra vtr ^ Kotzebue, Voyage round the World, coloured plates, 3 vol. calf * extra, by Lewis 1821 Lacretelle, Precis Historique de la Revolution Franq-aise, platoe ** by Duplessis-Bertaux, 5 vol. calf gilt Paris, 1803—6 (y w La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvclles en Vers ; edition des Fermiers Generau x,plates after Eisen,and tailpieces by Chojfard (wants plate of Le Diable de Papefiguiere) 2 vol. old French red /% y morocco, gilt edges Amst. (Pans) La Fontaine, Contes et Nouvelles en Vers, plates after Eisen, yf 2 vol. old russia , ivilh borders of gold, gilt edges Amst. 1767 La 1 ontaine, Contes, 2 vol. in 1, 1755—and others c sfccMs Laing (M.) History of Scotland, 4 vol. calf gilt, 1804— othei s " * Lamartine (A. de) Histoirodcs Girondins, 8 vol. half-bound calf yy ^/ B h //^rr\ gilt, Brux. 1847—and other Works relating to tho French' Revolution 41 542 Lamartine (A. de) Histoiie de la Revolution de 1848, 2 vol.*- morocco extra, Paris, 1849—and others //^A^C 543 Lamberti (L.) Sculture della Villa Borgliese—Visconti Monu- menti Gabini della Villa Pinciana—3 vol. outline plates, fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Itoma, 179 544 Lane (E. VV.) Manners and Customs of the Modern Egyptians, woodcuts, 2 vol. calf gilt 1842 545 Laneham, Letter describing the Pageants at Kenilworth Castle in 1575, calf extra, 1821—History of Guy, Earl of Warwick half-bound calf, 1821—Account of Cumner, plates, 1821*— Bonney, Historic Notices of Fotheringay, plates, 1821—4 vol. 546 Lanzi (L.) Storia Pittorica della Italia, 6 vol. calf extra, Bassano, * 1809—Milizia doll’ Architettura, plates, 3 vol. calf gilt, Bassano, 1813—9 vol. 547 Lappenburg, History of England under the Auglo-Saxon Kings, * translated by B. Thorpe, 2 vol. calf extra 1823 548 La Rochefoucauld (Due de) Maximes et Reflections, portrait, fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by 0. Leicis Paris, 1820^^^^^-^/^- 549 La Rochefoucauld, Pensees et Maximes, Spanish morocco extra, - gilt edges, by Holloway Paris, 1855 550 Latrille (G.) Considerations sur la Guerre, French calf, with Napoleon’s arms on the sides Paris, s. d. This book was taken out of the Emperor Napoleon’s private aparif ments at St. Cloud, July 24, 1815. 551 Layard (Sir H) Nineveh and its Pemains, illustrations, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt edges 1849 yr 552 Lecomtc (P. C.) Journal Historique de la Revolution Frangaise, 3 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1801—La Constitution Frangaise, / . Paris, 1791—La Constitution en Vaudevilles, Paris, 1791— 4 AtAs and others 553 Le Jeune, Choix de Livres Frangais, red morocco, with gold borders, gilt edges, George IVth’s copy (when Prince of Wales), with his crowned cipher on the sides Londres, 1780 554 Lckaiu, Memo ires de, portrait, Paris, 1801 — Memoires d’Hyppolite Clairon, portrait, Paris, 1799—2 vol. calf gxlt —' 42 555 2^, * 556 /, /0 ' * 557 ///- 558 / /4 , ' 669 /, f, * 660 l//~ 561 ' 7 //, 562 6/+ 563 564 /,£, 0 565 /Jjf. 566 /'/ 0, 0 567 Lo Vaillant, Voyage en Afriqu e, plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1790—anj others Lever (C.) Charles O’Malley, 2 vol. 1841—Hector 0’Hall<5ran, 1846_The Daltons, 1852—Koland Cashel, 1850—Dodd Family Abroad, 1854—The Knight of Gwynne, 1847—8 vol. illustrations by E. K. Browne and Leech, half-bound caU (The Knight of Gwynne cloth, edges cut ) Lever, The Martins of Cro’ Martin, uncut (6 leaves damaged ) 1856—The Knight of Gwynne, morocco, gilt edges, 1847— 2 vol. illustrations by H. K. Broivne, first editions Lever, Arthur O’Leary, 1845—Harry Lorrequer, 1845—The O’Donoghue—Jack Hinton, 1845—4 vol. illustrations by H. K. Browne Lewis (M. G.) Tales of Wonder, 2 vol. very fine copy, calf extra j . gilt edges, by C. Lewis Lewis, Romantic Tales, 4 vol. calf extra, 1808 Feudal Tyrante, 4 vol. half-bound calf gilt, 1806—8 vol. Library of Useful Knowledge, 12 vol. half-bound calf Lingard (J.) History of England, 10 vol. 1825 Livii Historia, red morocco, gilt edges Amst. Elzevir, 1678- Llorente, Histoire de l’lnquisition d’Espagne, 3 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1818—and others q Locke (J.) Works, 10 vol. calf gilt 1801 Lockhart (J. G.) Peter’s Letters to his Kinsfolk, portraits/ v/ 3 vol. calf extra 1819 Lodge (J.) Peerage of Ireland, continued by Archdall, 7 vol. ' old calf Dublin, 1789 /, £r~r* 568 Loudon (J. C.) Gardener’s Magazine, illustrations, 19 vol. half- bound morocco 1828-43 Lounger’s Commonplace Book, 3 vol. 1796—and others /j Lunardi (V.) Aerial Voyage, portrait after Cosway, by Bartolozzi, 1784—and other Pamphlets in the vol.—and others . /* 6,0 571 Lytton (Lord) Novels, 20 vol. half-bound morocco 1855 Lytton (Lord) Athens, its Rise and Fall, 2 vol. calf gilt — o7- 569 6/. 570 /&/* 572 7 / m others 573 Lytton (Lord) My Novel, 2 vol. 1853—and others 43 / v- % . Jhr , O . o , o , 0 574 Macaulay (Lord) History of England, 5 vol. calf gilt, gilt edges (vol. 5 cloth) 1854-61 575 Macaulay, Essays, 3 vol. calf gilt 1849 576 Macckiavelli (Nicolo) Opere, 8 vol. fine copy, olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis Italia, 1813 ._ 577 Mackay (G.) Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, por- traits, 3 vol. half-bound calf gilt 1841 578 Mackie (C.) Churches, Palaces and Prisons of Mary of Scotland, plates, 1850—Le Keux, Memorials of Cambridge^^^ plates, 2 vol. parts {wanting part 38), 1837—and others 579 MacKinnon (Col.) History of the Coldstream Guards, illustra- / tions, 2 vol. red morocco extra, gilt edges 1833 580 Macklin (C.) Life, by J. T. Kirkjnan, 2 vol. calf gilt 179 581 Makamat of A1 Hasiri of Basra, translated from the Arabic, //j^r^TTy^ by T. Preston, 1850—and others 582 Malmesbury (Earl of) Diaries and Correspondence, 4 vol. calf fifi extra 1845/^^ 583 Man in the Moon, edited by Albert Smith and A. B. Beach. humorous illustrations by Phiz, Kenny Meadoivs, Sine, &c. ^ 5 vol. half-bound calf (1846—48) 684 Manzoni (A.) I Promessi Sposi, 3 vol. calf gilt, Livorno, 1827 £7 Elogi di Illustri Italian!, 2 vol. calf gilt, Pisa, 1786—and others ' 585 Mariner (W.) Account of the Natives of the Tonga Islands, J 2 vol. 1817—McLeod, Voyage of the Alceste, coloured plates, 1817—and others—6 vol. calf extra 586 Marmontel (J. F.) Les Incas, plates after Moreau, 2 vol. calf, icith red morocco backs Paris, 1777 587 Marry at (Capt.) Poor Jack, illustrations by Stanfield, first edition, 1840—The Privateer’s Man, 2 vol. first edition, 1846—3 vol. 588 Marryat (J.) History of Pottery and Porcelain, coloured plates , and woodcuts, calf extra, gilt edges (binding damaged) 1857 ^ 589 Martin (J.) Catalogue of Books privately printed, large paper, . ,,, , _ 1834' half-bound morocco 44 590 Massinger (W.) Flays, with Notes, by W. Gifford, 4 vol. calf gilt 1805 591 Maurice (T.) Indian Antiquities, plates- 7 vol. cfilf (fat 1794-1800 / A 0 592 Maxwell (Caroline) Feudal Tales and other Poems, coloured plates, by D. Dighton, half-bound morocco - * 593 Maxwell (W. H.) Wild Sports of the West, 1850—Book of Rural Sports, plates, 1845—Falliser, Solitary Rambles of a Hunter, illustrations, 1853—Walker, Manly Sports, plates. 1847 and others QUARTO. 94 Gray (T.) Poems, very fine copy, cream-coloured morocco extra, uith gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Parma, Bo 595 Gray (T.) Works, edited by T. J. Mathias, 2 vol. large paper .^'''1814 •V. 596 Gualdo (Galeazzo) Scena d’ Huomini lllustri d’ Italia, portraits. large paper, Jacob Joye's copy, vellum Venezia, 165 ”vLA 597 598 y- 599 600 0 Guarini, Pastor Fido, yellow morocco extra, with joints, gilt edges, yj by Bering Crisopoli, Bodoni, 1793 Hall (Capt. Basil) Voyage to the West Coast of Corea and Loo Choo Island, coloured plates, russia extra, gilt edges, by Lewis fl 1818 Hall (P.) Picturesque Memorials of Winchester, plates, 1830-^- Hyett, Sepulchral Memorials of Northamptonshire, plates, /7 jJ 1817-2 voi. yuaa Hamilton (Lady) Attitudes; Rehberg’s Drawings from Nature, plates by Piroli, Borne, 1794—Labruzzi (C.) Figure fatte da cinqui Punti obbligati, 13 etchings —2 vol. in 1, very fine copy, red morocco extra, richly tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, 6; Lewis 601 Harvey (W. H.) Pliycologia Britannica, or History of British Seaweeds, 360 coloured plates, 4 vol. large paper, half¬ bound green morocco extra, gilt edges, scarce 1846-51V J cWwn / / Jl 602 Hayes (W.) Portraits of Rare and Curious Birds, with their De¬ scriptions, from the Menagerie in Osterly Park, 101 coloured 'plates, fine copy, morocco extra, tooled sides, icitli joints, gilt & edges, by Bering 1794/^^^*^"'' 603 Heber (Bp.) Journey through India, plates, 2 vol. calf extra, by // / y Lewis 1828 604 Holland (Sir H.) Travels in Greece, plates, calf extra, by Lewis, 1815—and others 605 Homeri Ilias et Odyssea, 2 vol. old morocco and russia, Lovanii, A— T. Martin, 1523—and 1 other 606 Homeri Opera Gr. et Lat. cum Scholiis Didymi, cura Schrevelii, 2 vol. ruled with red lines, with a series of plates by Picart inserted, fine copy, old French green morocco, gilt edges, by Derome Amst. Elzevir, 1656/ /f 607 Homer, Iliad and Odyssey, translated *by A. Pope, 11 vol. very fine copy, green morocco extra, tooled sides, gilt gaufre edges, by Lewis 1715-26 608 Homere, L’lliade, traduit par M. Gin, portrait and 24 plates after Marillier, 4 vol. large paper, fine copy, red morocco extra, /} gilt edges, by Bering Paris, Didot, 1786 0 ' 609 Horae Beat® Marise Yirginis, cum Calendario. Manuscript of the XVth Century, on 70 leaves of vellum (8| by 6^ inches ) with 5 large Miniatures, and 12 floriated Borders and Initial^ jf »y/ Letters, illuminated in gold and colours, purple morocco " J extra, by Bering 610 Horatius. Orazio Flacco Satira Y. Traduzione Italiana (da Cardinale Gonsalvi) plates (only 150 copies printed at the expense of the Duchess of Devonshire) green morocco extra, the sides and joints richly tooled, silk linings, gilt edges, by G. Leivis \y Parmse, Bodoni, 181o /y 611 Horticultuual Society’s Transactions, coloured plates, 9 vol. both series complete, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Leivis . 1812—42 612 Howe (Earl) Narrative of the Proceedings of His Majesty’s Fleet, May 2 to Juno 2,1794, f rontispiece and plan, fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bering 1796, 7T tr+r-tl, 46 Hutchinson (Colonel) Memoirs, by his Widow, calf, others — and Inghirami (F.) Monumenti Etruschi, 466 plates, sot imitation of the original Vases, Frescoes, &c. 10 vol. fine / calf extra, with borders of gold, gilt edges, by C. Leicis C Firenze, 1821-26 618 // X/ . 6 619 Istoria e Ritratti di Professori di Pittura, Scultura e Architet- tura, portraits by Cecchi, 6 vol. old calf Firenze, 1769—75 Keller (J. C.) Histoire de la Mouche Commune, coloured plates, calf extra, gilt edges Nuremberg, 1766 Kenilworth Illustrated: a History of the Castle, Priory and Church of Kenilworth, large paper, India proofs of the plates, very fine copy, green morocco, richly tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis 4821 King (Lord) Life of Locke, calf extra, 1829—Hume ^D.) Corre¬ spondence, calf extra, 1820—Rose, Observations on Fox’s History of James II. russia extra, by Lewis, 1809—3 vol. ^ Kingston (E. Chudleigh, Duchess of) Life, 2 portraits, uncut (1788) 620 V- 621 Kinneir, Geographical Memoir of Persia, map, 1813—Heude, Voyage up the Persian Gulf ,plates, 1819—2 vol. russia~ extra, by Leicis Kirkpatrick, Account of Nepaul, plates, calf gilt, 181l—Craven (Lady) Journey to Constantinople, plates, calf gilt, 1789— . and others (sMTF AM. O 622 Klopstock, Werke, portrait and plates, 7 vol. large paper, very fine copy, green morocco, with gold borders, gilt edges, by Lewis Leipzig, 1798-1809 Knight (R. P.) Account of the Remains of the Worship of Priapus lately Existing at Isernia, in tho Kingdom of Naples; with an Account of the Worship of Priapus, &c. plates, privately printed, boards, uncut, scarce Lalauziere, Histoire d’Arles, plates, calf extra Arles, 1808 , * 2 , , 0 623 624 47 ^7 w- > 7-0 / // X 625 Lally-Tolendal (Marquis de) Recueil des Pieces relatives au <7 Monument de Lucerne consacre a la Memoires des Soldats Suisse morts pour la Cause de Louis en 1792 , plate, presen- tation copy, green morocco extra, with gold borders Paris, 1821 XX 626 Landscape Architecture of the Italian Painters, plates, 1839— The Barrow Diggers, plates, 1839—2 vol. 627 La Perouse, Voyage autour du Monde, 2 vol. old calf gilt, and ^ 4 to Atlas of plates, half-bound Londres, 1798 628 Lasinio (P.) Raccolta di Sarcofagi, Urne, e altri Monumenti di Scultura del Campo Santo di Pisa, plates, half-bound extra, gilt edges Pisa, 1814 /629 Lavater, Essai sur la Physiognomonie, plates, vol. 2, russia extra > La Haye, 1783 l 630 Lawrence (Sir T.) Cabinet of Gems, plates, half-bound morocco, 1837—Four Lithographs by Lane, of the Kemble Family after Lawrence—2 vol. 631 Lear (E.) Illustrated Excursions in Italy, lithographic plates, y? - 2 vol. 1846 632 Lenoir (A.) La Franche-Ma 9 onnerie rendue a sa veritablC, Source, 10 plates by Moreau, calf extra by C. Lewis ^ Paris, 1814 f/j 7 633 Le Serro (Puget de) Le Miroir qui ne flate point, portrait of Charles L. and Henrietta Maria, and 4 curious plates (on vellum) all coloured, the text surrounded by a border of red and blaclc inlc, the dedication copy to Charles I. fiftf French olive morocco, gilt edges, the sides covered with fleurs-de- lis (but the bach is modern ) Bruxelles, 1632 634 Le Tellier (C. M.) Rituel de la Province de Reims, portrait ^ ]// and vignettes, half-bound russia Paris, 1677 635 Leven and Melville Papers, 1689-91, printed for the Bannatyne Club Edinb. 184« 636 Lewis (S.) Topographical Dictionary of England, maps, 4 vol. / f 1833 X-X . 637 Light, Sicilian Scenery, plates, large paper, very fine copy, green morocco extra, with joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1823 - X s 48 Literary Gazette, from July 1817 to December 1830, 26 vol. calf gilt (2 vols. missing) 1817-30 Livii Historia, cura Crevier, 6 vol. old gilt russia Parisiis, Locker (E. H.) Views in Spain, lithographic plates, very fine copy , olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis '/^2'^-^-'1824 Lowe (P.) Discourse of the Art of Chyrurgerie, curiom woodcuts (imperfect ) 1612 Luciani Opera, Gr. et Lat. cum Notis Variorum, cura Hemster- liusii et Reitzii, 4 vol. large paper, old French blue morocco, gilt edges Amst. 1743 Lucretius, cum Notis et Interpretatione in usunv Delpliini, russia, Parisiis, 1680—and others Luttrel (H.) Lines written in Amptbill Park, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1819 Macaulay (Lord) Lays of Ancient Rome, illustyation&by Scharf, brown calf extra, gilt edges 1847 Maflfei (Scipione) La Meropo Tragedia, purpfie morocco extra, with borders of gold, joints, gilt edges Verona, 1796 Maldonado (L. F.) Viaggio dal Mare,^Atlantic >* / * ?■ /o. » /*/' 'cA */- ¥ J. o’ . o /'/S'- o 683 Landon (C. P.) Vies ct CEuvres des Peintres les plus celebres de toutes les Ecoles, outline plates, 10 vol. large paper, half-bound red morocco extra, gilt edges Pans, 1805—12 684 Landseer (Sir Edwin, B.A.) Etchings of Animals, 46 plates, INDIA PROOFS 685 Laporte (J.) Progressive Lossons, sketched froin Nature, parts 1 to 8 {wanting part 4) and 4 duplicate parts 1798-1801 686 Lasinio (G. P.) Lo tre Porti del Battisterio di San Giovanni di Firenze, plates Firenze, 1821 687 Lawrence (Sir T. P.B.A.) Works, 46 engravings in mezzotint, by Cousins , Turner, Lucas, &c. {including Nature and Lady Blessington) brilliant impressions, in the original parts 1836/, 688 Lear (E.) Rome and its Environs, lithography plates, half-bound morocco 1846 689 Lo Brun, Recueil do divers Desseins de Fontaines et de Frises Maritimes, 41 plates, half-bound S ‘ 690 Leech (J.) Pictures of Life and Character, a vol. f^£^£1855 691 Lo Roy, Les Ruines des plus beaux Monumens de la Grece, plates, 2 vol. in 1, half-bound calf Paris, 1770 692 Le Vaillant (F.) Histoire Naturelle des Perroquets, coloured plates, 2 vol. large vellum paper, fine copy, red morocco, ivith gold borders, joints, gilt Paris, 1801-5 693 Le Vaillant, Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux d’Afrique, 6 vol. large paper, tcith a duplicate set of plates, plain and coloured, half-bound, uncut Paris, 1799-1808 694 Lewis (J. F.) Sketches of SpaiD, lithographicplates, half-bound morocco 1836 695 Lodge (E.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain, with Memoirs, 4 vol. large paper, India proofs, red morocco extra, richly tooled sidep, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis 1821-34 696 London. Portraits and Views illustrating the History and Topography of London, 90 plates 697 Major (T.) Ruins of Psestum, plates, old tree-marbled calf gilt 1768 53 G98 Drawings in colours ovoay, 728 Meditations for the use of the English Colledge of Lisbon, 1663—and others 729 Meli (G.) Poesie Sciliane, 2 vol. Palermo, 1814—PignottL^ Poesie, 5 vol. calf extra, Firenze, 1812—and others 730 Memoires de la Princesse de Lamballe, portraits, 4 vol. naif- ^ bound morocco Paris, 1801 £// 731 Memoires du Due de la Eochefoucauld, portraits, calf gilt, Paris,^ 1804—and others 732 Memoires de Baron do Besenval, 4 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1805— y and others* ' 733 Memoires du Cardinal Dubois, 2 vol. Paris , 1815—Memoires et Correspondance de Madame d’Epinay, 3 vol. Paris, 1818— Catteau-Calleville, Histoire de Christine, Eoinc do la Suede, 2 vol. Paris, 1815—7 vol. calf gilt Jf 56 /j- j/. 744 745 Memoires du Comte de Brienne, 2 vol. Paris, 1828—Memoires du Marquis de Dangeau, 8 vol. calf gilt, 1817—Memoiresjle Diderot, 4 vol. calf extra, Paris, 1880—and others Memoires et Lettres de Madame de Maintenon, 16 vol. calf gilt Maestricht, 1789 Memoires (Collection des) relatifs a l’Histoire de France —Memoires depuis la Fondation de la Monarchic Franchise jusq’au XIII 6 Siecle, avec des Notes par Guizot, 29 vol. ( want¬ ing vol. 30), Paris, 1823-5—Chroniques Franchises, ecrites en Langue vulgaire du XIII 6 au XVI 6 Siecle, avec des Notes par Buchon, 47 vol. Paris, 1826—Memoires depuis le Regno do Philippe-Auguste jusqu’a la Paix conclue en 1763, avec des Notes par Petitot et Momerque, both series, 130 voL Paris, 1824-30—206 vol. uniformly half-bound calf V Merivale (J. H.) Orlando in Roncesvalles, woodcuts, calf extra, 1814—and others Milano, illustrations, 2 vol. Milano, 1844—L’ltalia Torino, 1835—6 vol. Military Costume of Europe, beautifully adourad plates, vol. 1 in parts (wanting one part) 1812 ^ Mill (J.) History of British India, 6 vol. calf extra 1820 ^7 Mills (J.) The Sportsman’s Libc ar J, plates, green morocco extpa, / gilt edges 1845 MTntosh (C.) Book of the Garden, illustrations, 2 vol. morocco extra, gilt edges /v 1853 Mirabeau (Comte de) Correspondence avec le Comte De La March, 3 vol. Paris, 1831—Memoires sur Mirabeau, 4 vol. Paris, 1824—Duval, Souvenirs de Mirabeau, 8 vol. calf extra ^ Mirabeau (Vicomte de) Faceties, 2 vol. A Cote-Botie, sA— and others Miseries of Human Life, coloured frontispiece by Pyne, calf gilt, j 1806—and others Moliere, (Euvres, avec des Notes par Bret, plates after Moreau, 6 vol. very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by llering /2S Paris, 1804 57 ’/■ 7 - 747 748 749 750 L , O 751 ^ , O 752 Montagu (Lady Wortlcy) Works, 5 vol. calf gilt , 180^-^nd others Moore (T.) i Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by Lord J. Russell, 8 vol. calf gilt (binding of oncvjri. damaged ) 1853 Moore (T.) Poems of T. Little, calf gilt 1801 Murri (Y.) Relazione delle Traslazione della Santa Casa Nazarette, looodcuts, calf gilt, Loreto, 1792—and 1 other Musical Miscellany: A collection of choice Songs set to the Violin and Flute, frontispieces, 6 vol. old calf 1729-31 Napier (Sir W.) History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France, 6 vol. calf extra 1828-40^ Napier, Life of Sir Charles Napier, 4 vol. calf gilt 1857 /y Napoleon, peint par lui-meme, calf gilt, Paris, 1814—Le Moni- tour Secret, 2 vol. Paris, 1814—Memoires Secrets de Napo- ^ Ala leon, 2 vol. Paris, 1814—and others 755 Napoleon. L’Ecolier do Brienne, ou le Chambellan Indiscret, Memoires Idistoriques, facsimiles, 3 vol. calf extra, by Leivis, Paris, 1818—Memoires Secrets sur Napoleon, portrait, 2 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1815—Secret History of the Court of St. Cloud, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1806—Female Revolutionary Plutarch, 3 vol. 1806—11 vol. if. •> 756 Napoleon. Amours Secrets de Napoleon, 2 plates, 2 vol. Paris, 1815—Nos Souvenirs, ou les Peches de Napoleon, plate, Paris, 1815—Crimes et Peches de Napoleon, frontispiece, Paris, 1815—Rougemaitre, L’Ogre de Corse, 2 plates, Paris, 1815— 6 vol. half-bound calf vL , O 757 Napoleon. Machiavel commente par Napoleon, Paris, 1816— Une Annee de la Vie de Napoleon, Paris, 1815—and Works relating to Napoleon—14 vol. Napoleon. Do Warin, Fin de la Vie Politique do Napoleon, calf gilt, 1815—Labaumo, La Campagnc de Russic, calf extra. Genes, 1814—Vie de Mareckal Ney, calf gilt, Paris, 1816— and others 759 Napoleon. Chaboulon (F. de) Memoires de la Vie Privee de Napoleon, 2 vol. calf extra, 1819—Anecdotes sur le Cour do Napoleon, calf extra, 1818- -and others Ah A r. o 758 f, O Jnr — Ar- 58 /, IT, O 769 / ' / &. ° 770 Napoleon. Martin, Histoire do 1’Expedition Francaise cn Egvpfce, 2 vol. 1815—and others t>> Napoleon, Memoires Secrets de Napoleon, portrait, 2 vol. Paris,. 1815—and others a/? Napoleon. Koch (F.) Memoires de la Campagne de 1814, 3 vol. Pai is, 1819—Correspondance de Napoleon, 7 vol. Paris, 1819—10 vol. calf gilt, by Lewis Napoleon. Memoires de Joseph Fouche, 2 vol. Paris, 1824— Memoires du Comte Lavallette. 2 vol. Paris, 1831—Lemontey Histoire de la Eegence de Louis XY. 2 vol. Paris, 18d2r—^^y -- 6 vol. half-bound calf Napoleon. Journal de la Yie Privee de Napoleon a Sainte Helene, par le Comte de Las Casas, 4 vol.—Memoires de Napoleon dictes au Comte de Montholon, 4 vol.—Memoires de Napoleon dictes au General Gourgaud, JLvo).—11 vol. calf extra, by C. Lewis 1823 Napoleon. Fain, Manuscripts de 1794, 1812 et 1813, 5 vol. half¬ bound calf gilt Paris, 1824-28 Napoleon. Segur (Comte de) Histoire de Napoleon, 2 vol. Paris, 1824—Histoire de Eussie, Paris, 1829—Histoire de Charles YIII. 2 vol. Paris, 1825—5 vol. calf gilt Napoleon. De Bausset, Memoires Anecdotique sur l’lnterieifr ^ du Palais Imperial, 4 vol. half-bound calf gilt Paris, 1828 Napoleon. Memoires de Bourriejjne sur Napoleon, 10 vol. half¬ bound calf gilt a. ^ Paris, 1829 Napoleon. Memoires de Constant sur la Vie Privee de Napoleon, 6 vol. half-bound calf gilt ^ - " Paris, 1830 Napoleon. Memoires de la Duchess) d’Abrantes sur Napoleon, 18 vol. hotf -bound calf gilt -* Paris, 1831 Napoleon. Goldsmith (L.) Secret History of the Cabinet of Napoleon, calf extra, 1810—Napoleon’s Conversations with Viscount Ebrington in 1814, 1823—Barre, Eise a nd Pro- * , gress of Bonaparte’s Empire, 1805—3 vol. Napoleon, Despatches from Dresden, calf extra, 1814—Letters from Paris during the last Ecign of Napoleon, 2 vol. calf extra, 1816—and others l 59 v- 773 774 775 776 0 f * 7-7 778 'J~, a V' •y- /J 7' */- 779 780 781 782 783 784 7 , O 785 ✓786 Napoleon. Dancemont, Historical and Unrevealed Memoirs of Napoleon, facsimiles, calf gilt, 1820—and others Napoleon. Phillipart (J.) Northern Campaigns, 2 vol. half-bound s? calf gilt, 1813—Suworow, Campaigns, 2 vol. 1799—4 vol. Noble (M.) Memoirs of the House of Cromwell, plates, 2 1787—Defoe, Memoirs of Captain Carleton, 1808—and others Nouvel Abeilard (Le) ou Lettres de deux Amans qui ne sont 9> ^~ 7 jamais vus, plates, 4 vol. Neuchatel, 1778—Ketif de la Bretonne, Le Paysau Perverti,pZa£es after Binet, vols. 1 and 2, La Haye, 1776—6 vol. y * jx Novels. A large Collection of, in 98 vol. half-bound (/ ^ C s >f , Novelle Italiane (Gaetano Poggiale Editore), Bandello, 9 vol.— Boccaccio, 4 vol.—Autori Fiorentini—Sacchetti, 3 vol.— Grazzini, 2 vol.—Ser Giovanni Fiorentino, 2 vol.—Parabosco Erizzo—Ascanio de’ Mori—Autori Senesi, 2 vol.—25 vol. as" fine set, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Londra {Livorno), 1789-95 r r Nugent (Lord) Memorials of John Hampden, 2 vol. calf gilt 1832 f Oldfield (T.) Representative History of Great Britain, 6 vol. calf gilt, 1816—Mottley, History of the Empress Catherine, / j* 2 vol. calf gilt, 1744—and others Omero, Iliade; Traduzione del V. Monti, 2 vol. red morocco extra, by Lewis, Milano, 1812—and others , , Opie (Mrs.) Poems, 1802—Simple Tales, 4 vol. 1815 — N<$vv fa ^, Tales, 4 vol. 1818—9 vol. calf extra S&) Ortis (Jacopo) Ultimo Lettere, portrait, olive morocco extra, gilt / edges, by Lewis, Londra, 1814—and others / & Ossian, Poems, 2 vol. green morocco extra, 1803—Wieland, Oberon, translated by W. Sotheby, 2 vol. in 1, yellow morocco 7 extra, 1826—3 vol. Ossian, Poems, translated by J. Macpherson, plates, 3 vol. blufe r ^ morocco, gilt edges 1805^ Ovidii Opera, 3 vol. second Aldine edition, fine copy, olive morocco extra. gilt edges, with the Aldine anchor on the sides, by C. Lewis Vcnetiis, Aldus, 1515-16. 1CCO O GO /,/* / * T' Y in */* 787 Ovidii Metamorphoses, French calf, gilt edges, with arms on the^ sides, Venet. Aldus, 1502—and 1 other 788 Palmer (W.) Life and Trial, illustrations, 1856—The Yelvertop Marriage Case, illustrations, 1861—2 vol. /f? 789 Pamphlets, A collection of, in 24 vol. half-hound calf v 790 Pamphlets, A large collection of, in 57 vol. J* - " /y 791 Papon (Abbe) Histoire de la Be volution de France, 6 vol. Paris, 1815—Mazure, Histoire do la Bevolution do 1688 en Angle-^^ 7 ^^^, terre, 3 vol. Paris, 1825—9 vol. calf extra / 792 Parker (J. H.) Glossary of Architecture, ivoodcuts, 3 vol. 1850 793 Parnaso Espanol, 8 vol. calf gilt Madrid, 1768 794 Parnaso Italiano, ovvero Baccolta de’ Poeti Classici Italiani, ^ 56 vol. Venezia, 1784-91—Parnaso de Poeti Classiei d’ogni Nazione, trasportate in Lingua Italiana, 35 vol. fVenezyi, 1793-1801—91 vol. red morocco, gilt edges i/ 0/ 795 Parsons (B.) Three Conversions of England from Paganisme to si 1603 Christian Beligion, 3 vol. old calf 796 Pascal (B.) Pensees, publies par P. Fangere, 2 vol. Paris, 1844 - /7 —Les Provinciales et leur Befutation, par l’Abbe Maynard, 'O 2 vol. Paris, 1851—4 vol. calf extra 797 Paterson’s Boads, 1823—Post-Chaise Companion through Ire- ( 2 , land, 1 dates , 1803—2 vol. 798 Pellatt (A.) Curiosities of Glass Making, plates, 1849—Lanf'G* */ scape Album, plates after Westall, 2 vol. 1832—3 vol. 799 Penrose (Llewellin) Journal, 4 vol. half-bound calf gilt, 1815—^7 and others / ^800 Petit-Badel, Voyage en Italic, 3 vol. calf gilt, Paris, 1816— ^ Pillet, L’Angleterre vue a Londres, calf gilt, 1815 — and ' others ^801 Petroni, La Napoleonido, plates of Napoleon medals, calf extrc gilt edges, by Lewis Paris, 1813 802 Philidor, Analysis of Chess, 2 vol. 1790—Stamma on Chess,, 1745—and others 803 Phillips (H.) Pomarium Britannicum, coloured plates, calf extra 1820/ 61 7, rr* /f> , gilt edges, by G. Lewis 1813 843 Park (Mungo) Travels in Africa, plates, 2 vol. old rnssia extra 1799-1815' G4 J § ER, fj if*~y 844 Partcnopex do Blois, translated by W. 8L Bose , ifiates after Srnirke, calf gilt 1807 845 Pepys (S.) Diary and Correspondence, edited by Lord Bray- c brooke, plates, 2 vol. calf extra , gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1825 846 Pescatore (Giovanibattista) La Morte di Buggiero, continuata alia Materia dell’ Ariosto, woodcuts, very fine copy, dark purple morocco extra, blind-tooled, gilt edges, by Hering Venetia, $47 Petrarca, Bime, pubblicata per opera dell’ Abate Marsand, por¬ traits by Baphael Morghen, and plates, 2 vol. large paper, red morocco extra, gilt edges , by Holloway Padova, 181j 848 Pettigrew (T. J.) History of Egyptian Mummies, plates, some by G. Cruikshank 1834/^L^^r>i 849 Pigafetta (Ant.) Primo Viaggio intorno il Globo Terracqueo, ossia Bagguaglio della Navigazione alle Indie Orientale per P Via d’ Oceidente, 1519-22, con Note di Amoretti, maps, green morocco extra, with gold borders, joints, gilt edges, by Hering Milano, 1800 850 Pitture di Parma, 60 plates by Bosapina, after Correggio, the Caracci, Michelangelo, dc. very fine copy, olive morocco extra, tooled sides, joints, gilt edges, by G. Lewis Parma, Bodoni, 1809 v // 851 Plutarcbi Vitae Parallelae Gr. et Lat. cura Bryani, 6 vol. fine ^ copy, old French red morocco, gilt edges Londoni, 40*^7% 852 Portraits of tbe Cabul Prisoners, 29 plates, coloured and mounted '■ on cardboard 853 Ti’att, Cottage Pictures; or tbe Poor, a Poem, icith 5 plates after de Loutherbourg, by Car don, very fine copy, green morocco as tju- extra, gilt edges, by C. Lnois 1805 1 854 Priest (J. B.) The Protestant’s Apologie for the Bcmian Church 1608 855 Prout (S.) Microcosm, lithographic plates 1841 856 Punch, illustrations by Leech, Doyle, dc. vols. 1 to lo and vols. 21 to 27, original edition 857 Bacine, (Euvres, portraits and plates, vignettes and tail-pieces by De Seve, 3 vol. French calf, gilt edges 7 ^ J^iris, 1760 858 Retzsch (M.) Outlines to Romeo and Juliet, 1836—Outlines to Goethe’s Faust, 1820—2 vol. 859 Ritratti et Elogii di Capitani Illustri, 135 portraits , including ~ ' one of Sir J. Bawlcwood, Boma, 1646—Soprani, Yite de Pit- tori Genovesi, portraits, Genova, 1674—2 vol. / 860 Rodd, Collection of rare Portraits to illustrate Granger’s History, 52 portraits, 2 vol. in 1, large paper, half-bound morocco extra, gilt edges (wants title to vol. 2) 1819-22 C 861 Rogers (S.) Human Life, first edition, presentation copy “ From the Author,” maroon morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis /'? 1819 862 Rossi, Scherzi Poetici e Pittorici, 40 plates, calf gilt Parma, Bodoni, 1795 863 Rowlandson (T.) Miseries of Human Life, 49 humorous coloured plates, designed and etched by T. Rowlandson, old calf gilt 1808 864 Russell (Earl) Memoirs of the Affairs of Europe, from the Peace of Utrecht, 2 vol. half-bound calf gilt 1824 865 Rutter (J.) History of Fonthill Abbey, plates, 1823—Storer (J.)" x? # Views of Fonthill, plates, 1812—2 vol. 866 Saint-Non, Fragments choisis dans les Peintures des Eglises /O ' y. d’ltalie, aquatint plates, Borne —and others ' 867 Sarpi (Paolo) Opere, 8 vol. old calf gilt Helmstat, 1761 868 Scott (Sir Walter) Poems; Lay of the last Minstrel, with the plates after Westall, and 12 views by J. C. Schetky, 1809— 0 Marmion, with plates after Westall, and 16 portraits, and plates after Singleton, 1809—The Lady of the Lake, with plates after Cook and Westall, 21 portraits and views, and 3 Drawings by the Earl of Bessborough, 1811—Rokeby, with Cp plates after Stothard, 1813 —Lord of the Isles, icith plates ^ after Westall, 1815—Glenfiulas, Vision of Don Roderick, &c. with plates after Westall, 1812—6 vol. green morocco extra, the backs and sides blind-tooled, icith yellow silk linings, joints , gilt edges , by Bering 66 /' # , * y A f- Ay- \ 869 Scott, Marmion, 1808-Rokeby, 1813-2 col. half-bonndysm —and others 870 Scott, Provincial Antiquities of Scotland, plates after Turner, Callcott, dc. 2 vol. in 1, large paper, prod’s, very fine copy, russia extra, gilt edges, by Lewis 1826 871 Scott, Border Antiquities of England and Scotland, plates, 2 vol. calf extra, gilt edges 872 Serassi (P. A.) Vita di Tasso, 2 vol. in 1, Bergamo , 1790—Le Principal! Cose appartenente allaDivina Commedia diDaj^e, Boma, 1817—and others—5 vol. calf extra, by Lewis X/ 873 Shakespeare, Plays, plates after Hamilton, Stothard and Fuseli engraved by Heath, 6 vol. very fine copm red morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis 1807 FOLIO. 874 Monstrelet, Chroniques de France, 3 vol,An 2, French calf gilt, with arms on the sides Paris, 1572 875 Moore and Lindley, Ferns of Great Britain and Ireland, coloured plates, nature-printed by H. Bradbury, half-bound morocco, gilt edges 18 '^ 7 876 Moreri, Grand Dictionnaire Plistorique, 8 vol. Paris, 1732 877 Moven Age (Le) Monumental et Archseologique, lithographic plates (sold with all faults ) „y Paris, 1842 878 Mulinari (S) Disegni Originali di Pittori existente nella Peal Galleria di Firenze, plates in aquatint Firenze, 1774 879 Muller (W.) Sketches of the Age oL Francis 1. lithographic plates, half-bound morocco yy 1841 880 Murphy (J.) Views, Plans, &c. of the Church ot Batalha, plates yft — 1796 * 881 Nash (J.) Mansions of England in the Olden Time, lithographic plates, vols. 2 and 3, half-bound morocco r 882 Nash, Architecture of the Middle Ages , lithographic plates, half- bound morocco A f - ^ - - —1838 67 883 Napoleon . A Collection of Engravings formed by Lord Bessboroogh, illustrating the Life of Napoleon, com- prising Portraits of him from 1796 to his death in 1821, of Josephine and Marie Louise, of his Brothers and Sisters, of the Sovereigns who reigned in Europe during that Period, Scenes of many of the important Events of his Life, &c. some coloured, mounted on drawing-paper in a large vol. atlas folio.,^n russia extra , with borders of gold, gilt edges , by C. Lewis Amongst the rarer portraits in this interesting collection may b'e mentioned, Napoleon at Malmaison, after Isabey, by Lingree ; at Areola, after Le Gros, by Longbi; after Boilly, in colours ; after Gamerau, by Alix, coloured; after Vanderwal, by Casenove. coloured; Josephine, after Boudoir, by Bowlandson and Roberts, coloured : after Bosio, by Cavalli; Marie Louise, after Bosio, by Rados; at St. Cloud, after Gode- froy; after Prudon, in colours; Prince Louis Napoleon, after Gregorius, by Ruette, in colours ; Murat and Caroline Bonaparte, after Lafond, in colours; Prince Eugene de Beauharnais, by Alix, in colours. 884 Niel (P.) Portraits des Personages Frangais les plus Illustres du NVl a Siecle, 'portraits in facsimile of the original coloured % crayon drawings by contemporary artists, vol. 1 in parts, and 8 parts of vol. 2 Paris, 1848-56 885 Norris (C.) Architectural Antiquities of Wales, plates, 1810-^ and others 886 Officer’s Portfolio of striking Reminiscences of the War in the Crimea, 23 coloured lithographs in a portfolio 887 Ollivier (J. B.) Principes necessaire pour ccux qui etudiee le Dessin, 18 crayon drawings. Dedicated to Georgina, Lady Spencer 0 888 Ormerod (G.) History of Cheshire, plates, 3 vol. very fine copy, russia extra, joints, gilt edges, by G. Lewis 1819 0 889 Original Sketches by various Masters, 28 plates after Cipriani, G. Morland, J. Ward, J. W. Bussell, &c. some engiaved by Bartolozzi, parts 1, 2, 3 and 6 1793 890 Padfrni (Camillo) Disegni Originali di Pitture Antiche, 0 0 trovate in diversi Parti delle Grotto di Roma lasciate per Testamento al Conte di Bessborougli dal Dr. G. Turnbull 1745,55 beau iful pen and ink drawings, in contemporary red morocco, with bn ad gold borders, gilt edges ; 68 891 A 4 •* % / ^ r /' / 6 , ^ 896 897 898 (99 Palladio, Pabbricho Antichi, date in luce da Riccardo Conte di Burlington, plates, presentation copy from Lord Burlington to the Earl of Bessborough in 1748, old russia Londra , 1730 Palladio, Fabbriche e Disegni raccolti da Scamozzi, plates, 4 vol. old calf Vicenza, 1776-83 Parry (J.) Ridiculous Things, Scraps and Oddities, 32 humorous plates 1854 Pennant (T.) Account of London, largest paper, of which only 12 copies were printed, divided into 6 vol. interleaved, and very extensively and tastefully illustrated by Lord Bessborough, with 2070 engravings, comprising portraits, views, maps, plans, &c., and 86 drawings, including Miniatures by G. P. Harding, Landscapes by Carter, Shepherd and others; Monuments, Coats-of-Arms, &c. sumptuously bound in red morocco, with, broad gold borders, lined with blue silk, with joints, gilt edges, by Hering7VX* 1805 Pergolksi (M. A.) Ornaments in the Arabesque Style, 66 plates of beautiful Designs for Ceilings, Chimney Pieces, Vases, Gold and Silversmiths’ Work, panels with ovals of Cupids, by Bartolozzi and Cipriani, dec. very fine copy, old tree-marbled calf extra t ycZAffri 1777-92 Picart (B.) Les Peintures de Le Brim et Le Sueur dans l’Hotel du Chastelet, plates, French calf Paris, 1740 Picart, Ceremonies et Coutumes Religieusep de tons les Peuples du Monde, plates, 7 vol. French calff Paris, 1741 Pigna (G. B.) Historia de’ Principi d’ Este, the arms on the title emblazoned,half-bound calf Ferrara, 1570 Pinacoteca del Palazzo Reale delle Scienze e delle Arti di Milano, pubblicata da M. Bisi, col Testo di R. Gironi, plates, 3 vol. blue morocco extra, with gold borders, gilt edges, by C. Leivis Milano, 1812-33 Pinacoteca della Pontificia Accademia delle Belle Arti in Bologna, plates, very fine copy, green morocco extra, ivith borders of gold, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Bologna, 1830 Pinelli (B.) Nuova Raccolta di Costume Pittoreschi, 50 etchings — Nuova Raccolta di Vedute Antiche di Roma, 24 plates, and others of Costume, die. in 1 vol. vellum Boma, 1800, (be. 69 Y* / ■s / ’, 0 <7-7-0 l '// 902 Pinelli, Nuova Raccolta di Costumi di Contorni di Roma, 60 etchings, Boma, 1823—Amici, Yeduti di Roma, 2 vol. plates, Boma, 1835—9—3 vol. in 1, half-bound morocco extra, gilt edges 903 Pinelli, Istoria Romana, outline plates Boma, 1821 904 Pinelli, Raccolta di Costumi Pittorescki, 50 etchings (badly stained )—and others 905 Plinio, Historia Naturale, tradocta di Lingua Latina in Fioren- ^ tina, per C. Landino, blue morocco, gilt edges ( last 4 leaves, mended) Venetiis, N. Jenson, 1476 r / 906 Pococke (R.) Description of the East, plates, 2 vol. 1743—and ''J 1 other 'Ct-cA* ■ 907 Poliphilo. Hypnerotomaohia Poliphili ubi Humana Omnia non nisi Somnium esse dooet, woodcut initials and numerous woodcuts of great beauty of design, ivith the leaf of Errata, fine copy, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Derome le Jeune (with /' his ticket ) from the Cassano library Venetiis, Aldus, 1499 908 Pomardi, Antichita di Roma, plates, Boma, 1817—Gemlin, Dissertazioni di Tivoli e di Albano, plates, Boma —2 vol. in 1, calf extra, gilt edges 909 Pompeii. Gli Ornati della Pareti ed Pavimenti dello Stanze di Pompeii, plates Napoli, 1796^-/'^ 910 Pond, Imitations of Drawings by the Old Masters, 70 plates, s? old tree-marbled calf, gilt A 911 Portraits of Painters, from the edition published in 1790, many aO engraved by Bartolozzi, mounted in a vol. v 912 Portraits op Beauties of the Court op George III.—Ten Portraits of Lady Charlotte Duncombe; Viscountess St. Asaph ; Lady Charlotte Campbell; Viscountess Andover ; Lady Gertrude Villicrs ; Lady Langkam ; Countess of Euston; Lady Catherine Howard; Duchess of Rutland; Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick : after J. Hoppner, R.A. engraved by C. Wilkin, brilliant impressions— and Six Portraits, after Mrs. Smce, India proofs —in a vol. calf extra, by Bering O Jn£/-t -roj 70 ^y y * v- o—v 913 Pope (A.) Poems, 3 vol. inlaid in 5 vol. imperial folio, ruled with red lines , and profusely illustrated, by Lord Bessborough, ^ WITH 612 MEZZOTINT PORTRAITS, BY FABER, SMITH, WaTSON, Simon, &c. mostly fine impressions and many rare, original drawings, historical plates, &c. old russia, gilt edges (binding broken) Glasgow, Foulis, 1785 The following is a list of a few of the most interesting por¬ traits Drawing of Pope’s Father, from Strawberry Hill; Drawing of Gay ; Drawing of Lady Shirley ; Mrs. Oldfield, by Simon; Miss Fenton; Mrs. Centlivre; Henrietta Temple; Duchess of Richmond; Angelica Kauffman, 5 Illustrations to Pope’s £ Eloisa and Abelard ’; Lady Middleton ; Countess of Newburgh; Princess Anne of Denmark ; Duchess of Marl¬ borough ; Duchess of Montagu ; Wycherley ; Figg, the Boxer ; Man of Ross, coloured ; W. Penkethman; Dryden; Earl of Godolphin ; Duke of Marlborough ; Lord Cobham ; Francis, Earl of Godolphin ; Sir R. Blackmore; Duke of Montagu; Oliver Cromwell; Lord Hervev ; Charles II.; Sir R. Clayton ; W. Stukeley; Sir J. Thornhill; Earl of Portland ; Baron Mountjoy ; Sir J. Fielding; Mrs. Carter ; Mrs. Fitzherbertjj^V and Lord Rivers, after Cosway, by Baufe; &c. f t 914 Preist (T.) Views on the Thames from Chelsea to Isleworth, 8 etchings 1738 915 Price (Lake) Views of Venice, lithographic ifiates, half-bound morocco 1843 916 Prout (S.) Sketches in Flanders and Germany, 50 lithographic plates, half-bound morocco n ‘ d ’ 917 Prout, Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy, lithographic jdates, half-bound morocco 1839 918 Raffaelle, Loggie nel Vaticano; Prima Parte; Arabesques; View of the Gallery, printed leaf “ agli Amatori delle Belle Arti ” ; the tioo Doors, 2 double plates; section showing the 12 windows: and 14 double plates . exquisitely coloured, very fine copy, old red morocco, with broad borders of gold, Boma, 1772—Seconda Parte ; Ceilings, 13 large double plates, exquisitely coloured, old green morocco, with borfyrs of gold gilt edges, Boma, 1776—2 vol. 71 /0 > 0 919 7 7 /- '/■ 'V' , 0 926 , 0 927 ^ ^ 928 929 930 931 932 Raphael. Peintures de la Fable de Psyche, tirees du Palais de Farnesina, 10 plates —Peintures de laSala Borgia au Vatican, 12 plates —Peintures du Cabinet de Jules II. au Vatican, 14 plates —Romano (Julio) Peintures de la Villa Lante, 16 plates—in all 52 plates , in 1 vol. calf extra, gilt edges Raphael, Les Six Heures du Jour et les Six Heures du Matin, ^ 12 plates Paris, 1806/Vt<2L^^, Raphael, Tetes des Apotres, dessinees par Dorigny, plates—y* 0 / and others ' ^ Raffaelo e Michelangelo, Raccolta di Studi, come Elemente del Disegno tratti del Antico, plates by Piroli, calf extra, with z? gold borders, gilt edges Roma, 1801 ^ Rayner (S.) History of Haddon Hall, plates, India proofs, large sn paper 1836 ^'^^'**^^-* Reinhart (J. C.) Views in Italy, 70 plates, old calf gill ‘ Borne, 1793 Revolution Francaise. Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution Francaise, portraits and plates by Duplessis-Bertaux, 3 vol. (7 half-bound, red morocco extra, gilt edges Paris, 1804/ Reynolds (Sir Joshua) Works, 100 engravings in mezzotint by S. W. Reynolds, brilliant impressions, in the original parts 1820 Reynolds, Works, 101 engravings in mezzotint, by S. W. Reynolds, open letter proofs on frenoh paper, in the original parts 1820 Richardson (G.) Chimney Pieces in the Etruscan, Greek and Roman styles, 36 plates, calf extra . Richardson, Designs in Architecture, plates, 1792 and otheis r ^ Richardson (C. J.) Studies of Ornamental Design, plates, somehi colours Riepeuhauscn, Peintures dc Polygnoto a Delphes, plates, 2 vol. Rome, 1826-29 /gj Ritratti d’Uomini Illustri Toscani con gli Elogi Istorici dci ; , medessimi, portraits, 4 vol. calf extra, gilt edges , by O. Lewis / t Firenze, 1766-73 72 933 /*/' 934 935 //*r* 936 7/ 937 938 /* / O' , ^939 /T/>, £> 940 Z' 941 942 /' /e. v 943 Roberts (D.) Sketches in Spain, lithographic plates, half-bound 1837 morocco Robinson (P. F.) History of Woburn Abbey; Hatfield House ; Hardwicke Hall; and Castle Ashby, vlates, 4 vol. in 1, half- bound morocco extra, gilt edges 1827—41 Another copy, 4 vol. in parts ' 1827-41 Rogers (C.) Facsimiles of Drawings by the Old Masters, plates, 2 vol. half-bound, uncut 1778 Rome. Fabbriche di Roma Antica, plates , 4 vol. Rovui, 1818— and others Rossi (J.) Peintures a Fresques du Camposanta de Pise, plates by Lasinio, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Florence, 1833 Rousseau (J. J.) La Botanique,^65 plates by Redoute, printed in colours, largest paper, calf extra, with gold borders Paris, 1805 Rudder (S) History of Gloucestershire, plates, fine copy, russia extra Cirencester, 1771, Saffo. Le Aventure di Saffo, 17 plates in imitation of drawings, by R. Tresham, half-bound Roma, 1784> Sallustio, La Conjuration de Catalina y de la Guerra de Jugurta yp (trad, por el Infante Don Gabriel), plates, Spanish calf ^ i/ 2 Madrid, 1772 Salvator Rosa. 150 Etchings and Engravings after Salvator 7 , Rosa, with 2 portraits, French calf gilt in. P edigree of the FJftailj^of Salvin, from Joceus de hlamafrgh^ ak the Time of the Nor&ias—Conquest to Mary vin, married TcP Stt^qIl ilW eb b. Bart., whoscll^trglili^rwas \\ im^m^Anthony Ashley Cooperf^Sajj ^of Shaftesbury. ManuscriptJ'tjs^^Harge folio sheets of vellum^witlPthe arms emblazoned, bouridm>^ugh calf Sandys (G.) Journey to Turkey and the Holy Land, &c. plates /? 1632 Saturday Magazine, woodcuts, 24 vol. (wanting vol 17) 1833-44 Savi (Gaetano) Flora Italiana delle Piante piix belle nei Giardini d Italia, coloured plates, 3 vol. in 1 , very fine copy, green ^ morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis Pisa, 1818-24 73 *£zr —-" 948 Serradifalco (Duca di) Le Antichita della Sicilia, plates, chiefly architectural, 5 vol. half-hound red morocco extra, gilt edges * - . (the binding rubbed) Palermo, 949 Serradifalco, Del Duomo di Monreale e di altre Chiese Siculo- Normane, plates, half-bound red morocco extra, gilt edges Palermo, 1838 950 Sliaw (H.) History of the Chapel in Luton Park, plates, calf extra with gold borders, gilt edges 1830 951 Sidney (Sir Philip) The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia , portrait inserted 1674 952 Simpson (W.) Illustrations of the War in the Crimea, lithographic plates, half-bound morocco, gilt edges 1856 953 Sinclair (G.) Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis, with dried speci¬ mens of the plants, privately printed at the expense of the si Puke of Bedford, half-bound morocco, from the library of Sir Humphrey Pavy, whose Widow presented it to Lord Pe Maulef p 1816 954 Soane (Sir J.) Plans of Buildings in Norfolk, Yorkshire, &c. plates, russia, gilt edges 1788" 955 South Sea Bubble. A Collection of 46 Dutch Caricatures ridi- /ft? * culing the Actors and Spectators in the South Sea Bubble /956 Miscellaneous >957 Miscellaneous 95\Miscellan£fous 960 Miscellaneous 961 MWellaneous 962 Miscellaneous 963 Aliso^ellaneous 964 Miscellaneous )65 Miscellaneous End of Fourth Pay's Sale. Fifth Day’s Sale. On SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 966 Ranke (L.) Histoire de la Papaute, traduite par Haiber, 4 vol. Paris, 1838—Bausset, Histoiro de Bossuefc, 4 vol. Versailles , 1814—Jay, Histoire du Ministere de Cardinal Richelieu, 2 vol. Paris, 1816—10 vol. calf extra cu vcis, ucncvv, i i-uoiu. oy, calf gilt,by Lewis Milano, 1809 iology, coloured plates 1846 J. , 967 Raguse (Due de) Voyage en Europe, 5 vol. half-bound calf, Paris, 1837—and others ' , 968 Receuil des meilleurs Contes en Vers, Geneve, 1774—and others 969 Redi (F.)Opere, 9 vol. fine copy 970 Reeve (L.) Elements of Conchology & 971 Rereshy (Sir J.) Memoirs and Travels during the Time of Cromwell, portraits and coloured views, calf gilt 1813 ff /f # * 972 Retif De La Bretonne, Le Paysan et la Pay sane pervertis, ou les Dangers de la Ville, plates after Binet, 4 vol.—Explica¬ tion des Figures de Binet—5 vol. fine copy, calf extra La Haye, 1784 973 Revolution Franchise. Peltier (J.) Dernier Tableau de Paris, 0 Jr* ^ portraits of Louis XVIII. and the Dauphin, by Bovi, 2 vol. 1792—Linguet, Memoircs sur la Bastille, 1783—Liste des J~r V7 ci-devant Nobles, Paris, 1794—and others 75 . 0 '<7 , o * % 974 Revolution Franpaise. Bouille, Memoires sur la Revolution Franpaise, 2 vol. calf gilt, 1802—Anecdotes arrivees dans les Villes de France pendant le Revolution, Paris, 1814— and others 975 Reynard the Fox reproduced in Rhyme (by S. Naylor) morocco extra, gilt edges 1845 976 Robinson (Mary) Sappho and Phaon , portrait of Sapplm by Bosi, in colours, red morocco extra, 1796—Poems, portrait, 3 vol. calf gilt, 1806—4 vol. 977 Rogers (S.) Poems, woodcuts by Clennell, after Stothard, 1846— Jaqueline, presentation copy, 1814, 2 vol in 1, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Lewis . 1816 978 Rogers, Italy, plates after Turner and Stoth ■ e “~* AS'* ' edition, blue 1830 morocco extra, gilt edges lA/c? 979 Rousseau (J. J.) (Euvres, plates after Moreau, Marillier, Le Barbier, Boucher, &c. mostly proofs before letters, 37 vol. fine copy, red morocco, gilt edges, by Bering Paris, 1788-93^^,’ 980 Rowlandson (T.) Naples and the Campagna Felice in 1802, coloured plates by Bowlandson, calf extra 1815 Z 981 Rock (D.) Hierurgia or the Holy Sacrifice ofJhe Mass, plates, 2 vol. 1833 982 Royston (Lord) Remains, 1838—and others 983 Russell (Lady) Letters, black morocco, gilt edges, 1774—and others c/hr ’ 984 Russia, Present State of (by C. Colton), plates, 1671—Perefi^, . Life of Henry IV. 1672- 2 vol. in 1 985 Sacchetti (F.) Novelle, 2 vol. calf gilt, Firenze, 1824—and others 986 Saint-Simon (Due de) Memoires sur lp Siecle de Louis XIV. 20 vol. half-bound calf gilt r/ Paris, 1829 987 Salzmann (C. G.) Elements of Morality, transited fmfn tho German, plates by W. Blake, 3 vol. old cadfv^i t /h 1792 988 Schiller, Werke, 12 vol. half-bound calf Stuttgart, 1838^^/^ 989 Schiller, Gedichte, 2 vol. Wien, 1816—and other Works iiv? German—32 vol. half-bound morocco ^ '' ' J1 76 990 S/.r. * 991 Scott (Sir Walter) Waverley Novels : Ivanlioe ; Antiquary; Red Gauntlet; Quentin Durvvard ; Woodstock ; Peveril of the Peak; Fortunes of Nigel; The Monastery; Bride of Lammermoor; Legend of Montrose; Abbott; Anne of Geierstein ; The Pirate ; The Betrothed ; The Talisman; Chronicles of the Cannongate, 9 vol.; St. Ronan’s W T ell; Guy Mannering ; Kenilworth; Tales of my Landlord, first series, 4 vol.; Tales of my Landlord, fourth series, 4 vol.— 64 vol. calf gilt, by Hayday (all first editions, except A/ Guy Mannering, Kenilworth and Old Mortality') 1819, &c. Scott, Life of Napoleon, 9 vol. 1827—Prose Works, plates after Turner, 19 vol. 1834-39—28 vol. calf gilt # ^ & Criminal Trials illustrating the Heart of Mid-Lothian, 1818— Rob Roy, 3 vol. 1818— 8 vol. calf extra —Monastery, 3 vol. first edition, half-bound, 1820— 11 vol. a' 4 0 Scott, Tales of my Landlord, second, third and fourth series, 11 vol. first edition, uncut ( wanting vol. 1 of the third series) 1819—and others l 992 X / 7 . £ 993 // r 994 0 - 996 Scott, Marmion, plates after Singleton, green morocco extra, gilt V, 997 // 2 , * 998 /* /J, 0 999 1000 edges, by Singleton, 1810—Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, ^ r fl\. 3 vol. calf, gilt edges, 1810—4 vol. kjcott, 1 oems, plates after Turner, 6 vol. morocco, gilt edges — Thomson, Poems, 2 vol.—Burns, Poems, 2 vol.—4 vol. Aldine A/4 edition, morocco, 1830—10 vol. Scott, Life, by J. G. Lockhart, 7 vol. green morocco extra, gilt /} edges 1337 f(j 4 Scott, Biitish Field Sports, plates after Keinagle, JBarrenger, &c. /2^ /f^ green morocco extra, gilt edges 1820 Senecas (L. A. et M. A.) Opera, cum Notis Gronovii, 4 vol. red /u morocco extra, gilt edges , Amst, Elzevir, 1658-59 1 #/f 77 r ^4 LZJ . and /? 1001 Sevigne (Madame de) Lettres, avec des Memoires de M. De Coulange, portraits and facsimiles, 11 vol. fine copy, green , / morocco extra, by C. Lewis Paris, 1818 ^ 1002 Shaftesbury (Earl of) Characteristics of Men, Manners, Opinions ^ and Times, 3 vol. half-bound morocco //j&tf^ 7 Birmingham, Baskerville, 1773 1003 Shakespeare, Plays, edited by E. Capell, 10 vol. old rassia (binding broken) 1767 ri 1004 Shakespeare, Plays, plates, 20 vol. green morocco, gilt edges (want- ^ ing vol. 18) 1788 1005 Shakespeare, Plays, 12 vol. 1825 1006 Shakespeare. Morgan (M.) Essay on Falstaff, 1777—Ireland (W. H.) Confessions, 1805—and others d 1007 Shakespeare, Jest Books, with Notes by S. W. Singer (only 100 copies printed) uncut Chiswick, 1814 tA# At 1008 Sharpe’s London Magazine, plates and woodcuts, 14 vol. and vols. 1 and 2 of the New Series (wanting vol. 8) 1845, 1009 Shaw (H.) Handbook of Mediaeval Alphabets and Devices, plates 1853 1010 Sheridan (R. B.) Works, 2 vol. olive morocco extra, with gold borders, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1821 /. ^ t 1011 Sheridan, The Critic, 1781—The Rivals, 1798—School for Scandal, 1793—Kotzebue, Pizarro, adapted to the English ^ , Stage, 1800 —Kotzebue, The Stranger, 1802—in 1 vol. por- traits of Sheridan, Kotzebue and Pizarro inserted, red morocco extra,, with joints, gilt edges, by Bering 1012 Sheridan, Speeches, 3 vol. calf gilt 1842 1013 Shorthand. Macaulay (A.) Short-Hand made easy, 1747— ‘ A Mavor, Universal Stenography, 1807—Taylor (S.) Standard yi for Stenography, 1786 —3 vol. 1014 Sidney (H.)’Diary of the Times of Charles II. edited by R. Blencowe, 2 vol. calf gilt 1843 ^ 1015 Sismondi, Histoire des Republiques Italiennes du Moyen Agj 16 vol. Paris, 1809—18—De la Litteraturo du Midi l’Europe, 4 vol. Paris, 1813—20 vol. calf gilt [idi do/ 78 J 7/. /^y o ■ V* 1019 M. * 1020 Smedley IF.) Lewis Arundel, illustrations by H. K. Browne, first edition, half-bound calf 1852 Smedley (F.) Fortunes of the Colville Family, 2 illustrations by Phiz, 1856—D’Aulnoy (Countess) Fairy Tales, translated by Planche, illustrations by Sir J. Gilbert, 1855—and others Smith (Albert) Natural History of the Flirt, the Idler upon Town, the Gent, and the Ballet Girl, 4 vol.—Carleton, Natural History of the Hawk Tribe—Beach (A. B.) Natural History of Bores, Tuft Hunters and Humbugs —8 vol. in 4, * . illustrations by Hine, Henning, dec. half-bound Smith (Albert) Comic Tales and Pictures of Life, illustrations by Leech— Coyne (J. S.) Pippins and Pies, illustrations, 1855 ? - sS —and various Novels, &c.—in 13 vol. half-bound calf l 2/22 7 c Smith (Sir W.) Dictionary of Greek and Koman Biography and Mythology, 3 vol. 1844-56—Dictionary of Greek and Boman Antiquities, 1842—4 vol. blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway ‘ Smith, Bejected Addresses, illustrations by Cruilcshanlc, 1817-^7 and others Smollett (Tobias) Works, etchings by G. Cruikshanlc, calf gilt a „ w , Somervile (VV) The Cliace, plates after Stothard, red morocco ^ extra, ivith joints, gilt edges 1796 / Soulavie, Memoires du Begne de Loui 3 X1Y. portraits, 6 vol. old tree-marbled calf gilt Paris, Southey (B.) Thalaba, 2 vol. half-bound morocco, 1801—aucL others Spectator, 8 vol. tree-marbled calf extra (three vuls. damaged ) ^ 1747 c-diiy&L* Spence (J.) Parallel between Magliabechi and Mr. H 11, red ( morocco extra, gilt edges Strawberry Hill, 17581 1 Spence (J.) Anecdotes of Books and Men, calf extra, 1820— ^ Northcote (J.) Life of Titian, 2 vol. half-bound calf gilt/J 4 Zrv/r 1830-3 vol. Spenser (E.) Works, with Glossary by Hughes, plates, 6 vol. O ’ / A old calf gilt l/c* 171 i 79 /j/ f 0 1030 Spenser, Works, with Illustrations of various Commentators, edited by H. J. Todd, 8 vol. large paper, fine copy, old, red ^ morocco extra , gilt edges 1805 y 1 ' Y Y t , ^ 77 Y~rv tr, 0 £, o 1031 Spirit of the Public Journals, portrait of Lord Byron by Wage- man, and, woodcuts by Bowlandson and G. and B. Gruikshank, calf extra 182 \yyy t 1032 Sprange (J.) Tunbridge Wells Guide, plates, calf gilt, 1801—y? and others / 1033 Stanhope (Earl) History of England, 7 vol. 1853 1034 Stirling-Max well (Sir W.) Cosas de Espaiia, or Scraps from the Portfolio of a Traveller, 15 woodcuts (only 20 copies printed) / 1847 1035 Stirling-Maxwell, Annals of the Artists of Spain, plates , 3 vol. Spanish morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway 1848 /is 1036 Stirling-Maxwell, Velasquez and his Works, 1855 — Cloister Lifo of the Emperor Charles V. 1853—2 vol. Spanish 7 , *, morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway f / Gf'LG J 1037 Strickland (Agnes) Lives of the Queens of England, 8 vol. 1844 —Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 6 vol. 1852-6—14 vol. ff _ calf extra (binding of some of the vols. damaged ) 1038 Sturt (C.) Two Expeditions in Southern Australia, plates, 2 vol. 1833 //&+ 1039 Suffolk (Countess of) Letters, 2 vol. calf gilt 1824 1040 Sully (Due de) Memoires, 6 vol. calf gilt, by Lewis Paris, 1814 , r //y 1041 Surtees (R. S.) Jorrocks’ Jaunts and Jollities, 15 coloured plates y y by It. Aiken, in the original cloth, gilt edges, as fresh as when first issued, very scarce 1843 1042 Surtees, Mr. Sponge’s Sporting Tour, coloured plates by J. Leech, FIRST EDITION, half-bouud Cttlf 1853 1043 Surtees, Handley Cross, or Mr. .lorrocks’ Hunt, coloured plates J by J. Leech, first edition, half-bound calf gilt 1854 1044 Sweet (R.) The British Flower Garden, coloured plates, 7 vol. - complete, half-bound green morocco 1823-3 1045 Sydenham (J.) History of Poole, Dorsetshire, plates 18 1046 Tauclmitz’s Collection of Works by English Authors, 61 y ul^ 7 half-bound r Jt— 80 /' A > ^ 1047 //A 2 1048 1049 /a. -* 1050 ?/* 1051 //,#• 1052 1053 1054 1055 /' //• * 1056 //ft* 1057 . ( (1058 ( 1059 1060 /r/+ 1061 1062 Taylor (Bp. Jeremy) Holy Living and Dying, 2 vol. purple . morocco extra, gilt edges, by Holloway Pickering, 1847 'V *%***-> Tench (W.) Narrative of tlie Expedition to Botany Bay 1789 Thackeray (W. M.) Vanity Fair, illustrations by the Author, FIRST EDITION, morocco, gilt edges Thackeray, The Newcomes, illustrations by B. Doyle, 2 vol. y? A . 1854 /W'&A*-' half-bound calf-gilt Thackeray, English Humourists of the 18th Century, first edition 1853/V/^^^l Theatre (British) portraits of celebrated Actors and Actresses in their favourite characters, proof impressions, 34 vol. large paper, fine copy, the Tragedies in blue, and the Comedies red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering 1792—96 Theatre Frangais, Repertoire General du, 51 vol. in 27, half- * 7 bound calf Paris, 1813/{/ f ??' Theorie du Jardinage, plates, French calf Paris, 1747 Tibulle, Elegies et les Baisers de Jean Second, traduits par Mirabeau, portraits and plates after Cochin and Borel, 3 vol. fine copy, green morocco, gilt edges, by Kalthoeber Paris, 1795 Tighe (W.) The Plants: a Poem, illustrated with an engraving ~ and 5 original drawings, olive morocco extra, tooled sides, lined with vellum, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis 1808 ^ / Tiraboschi, Storia della Letteratura Italiana, 14 vol. calf gilt, ty by Lewis Firenze, 1805 Tressan (Comte de) GEuvres , plates, 13 vol. Paris, 1787 Trollope (Mrs.) Domestic Manners of the Americans, plates by /*/ Hervieu, 2 vol. 1832—Ferrier, The Inheritance, 3 vol- 1824—Lamb (Lady C.) Glenarvon, 3 vol. 18L6—8 vol. Vasari, Life of Fra Angelico, translated by Bezzi, plates Arundel Society, 1850^ /^^^' Villeneuve-Bargemont (Vicomte de) Monumens des Grands- (f Maitres de l’Ordre de Saint-Jean de Jerusalem, plates, 2 vol % calf extra, by Lewis Paris, 182& \irgilii Opera, cura Forbiger, 3 vol. calf, Lipsise, 1845—and others 81 Yf . * ?/' 1065 /A o 1066 A 1067 'A A 1068 Ar 1069 / //k 1070 1 fl 071 / 1 )> i f ( 1072 k 1073 t L / 1074 Ik ^ 1075 1076 1063 Voltaire, G3uvres, 70 vol. old calf Kehl, 1785 /> ^ 1064 Voltaire, La Pucelle d’Orleans, plates after Le Barbier, Marillier, &c. 2 vol. calf gilt Paris , 1799 //f gilt edges, by Ealthoeber {binding badly damaged by damp) Parma, Bodoni, 1791 large paper, plates, India proofs, green morocco extra, gilt , . edges 1823 i A plates after Absolon, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hayday 184 ; - 7 « 13 vol. calf extra ;lsh (J.) Military Reminiscences, plates, 2 vol. moroccc and others lite (Blanco) Doblado’s Letters from Spain, calf gilt Savary, Letters on Egypt, 2 vol. 1786—and others hite (EL K.) Remains, with Life by Southey, 2 vol. ct 1811—and others iffen (J. H.) Memoirs of the House of Russell, 2 vol and others vood, Ai 1837 s'l - A sA'2'>y~ \ / A J 2 vol. 1801—Yorke, Letters from France, 2 vol. calf gilt, A 6 y / ■i o-i j -i .1 ks, with Notes by Horace "Walpole, - 1823 1814—and others lliams (Sir C.) 3 vol. calf extra Memoirs by W. Godwin, portrait after Opie, 1798—5 vol. y yy A’ fine copy, lialf-bound yellow morocco, scarce t / ' / ** -<* 1802—Hunt (Leigh) Story of Rimini, first edition, calf gilt, 1816—The Genuine Rejected Addresses, calf extra, 1812 —/?/ 4 vol. f G 82 1077 Wraxall (Sir N.) Historical Memoirs of My Own Time, 5 vol. calf gilt (not uniform), 1815-36—Walpole (H.) Letters, 4 vol. calf gilt, 1820—9 vol. yfffs/2 - 4 - -^<7 1078 Yarrell (W.) History of British Fishes, woodcuts, 2 vol. ^ 1079 Young (E.) Night Thoughts, plates, Etruscan calf, by Edwards 1798 1080 Yriarte (J. de) La Musica, Poema, plates, fine copy, red morocco extra, by Eering Madrid, 1784 1081 Yver (Jaques) Le Printemps d’Yver, Paris, 1588—Nostradamus, Vies des Provencaux, Lyon, 1575—and others QUARTO. & ' f) 1082 Shaw (H.) Specimens of Ancient Furniture, with Descriptions, by Sir S. R. Meyrick, large paper , plates, India proofs, some coloured, very fine copy, green morocco extra, ailt edges, by C. Lewis 1836 /'Jf r O 1083 Shaw, Details of Elizabethan Architecture, with Descriptions by T. Moule, large paper, India proofs of the plates, some coloured, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis -- 1839 1839 //• ^ very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis ^ 1842 1086 Shaw, Dresses and Decorations of the Middle Ages, 2 vol. large paper, the initial letters and plates coloured and heightened with gold and silver, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by G. Lewis affa —"" 1843 1087 Shaw, Decorative Arts, Ecclesiastical and Civil, of the Middle Ages, large paper, the initial letters and plates coloured and heightened with gold, very fine copy, green morocco extra. gilt edges, by G. Lewis fH a 1851 83 /«/% ^ 88 1089 7/* 1090 //A 1091 f . o 1092 1093 1094 r 1095 ?/■ 1096 t 1097 /A 1098 M/. 1099 y. 1100 fY 1101 1102 1103 Shaw, Illuminated Ornaments from MSS. and Early Printed Books of the Middle Ages, large papers the 'plates illumi¬ nated in gold and colours , very fine copy, purple morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1833 Shaw, Alphabets, Numerals and Devices of the Middle Ages, large paper, the plates coloured and heightened with gold and silver, very fine copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis ' 1845 Shepherd (J. H.) London in the XIXth Century, plates , 2 vol. half-bound calf gilt ■&. 1827 Sheridan (R. B.) Life, by T. Moore, calf extra, {jilt edges, by Lewis -1825 Smith (J. T.) Ancient Topography of London, plates 1815^? Smyth (W. H.) Sicily and its Islands, 1824—and others Sofocle, L’Edipo Re, in Yersi Italiani, green morocco extra, with broad gold borders richly tooled, joints, gilt edges, by Hering Parma, Bcdoni, 1796 Sophoclis Opera Gr. et Lat. cura Brunck, 2 vol. fine copy, green morocco extra, blind-tooled, with joints, gilt edges, by Hering , Argent. 1786 Sotheby (W.) Farewell to Italy, presentation copy, olive morocco , extra, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1818 Landscape Illustrations to the Works of y* *7 Tacito volgarizzato da L. Yalcriani, 5 vol. russia extra, gilt y y edges, by C. Lewis Firenze, IHlty/Jz ^ fi/Cs Tassie, Catalogue of a Collection of Ancient and Modern En¬ graved Gems and Cameos, plates, 2 vol. old calf 1791^/^ Tasso, La Gerusalemme Liberata, plates after Cochin, 2 vol. half-bound morocco extra, gilt edges Parigi (1785 Tasso, Aminta , fine copy, yellow morocco extra, joints, gilt edges, n by Hering Crisopoli, Bodoni, 1789 '^'"'^/' f ^ Tasso, Aminta, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering f /i > Crisopoli, Bodoni, 1793 Tattersall (G.) Sporting Architecture, plates 1841 t A 2 - f A-c Storer and Greig. Burns and Bloomfield, plates, 2 vol. 4 84 /// 1104 Terentii Comeediae, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering Birminghamise, BasJcerville, 1763 y / 1105 Testaraentum Novum Greece, ex recensione Griesbachii , frontis-y^ vA 'pieces, 4 vol. half-bound, uncut Lipsise, 180‘s 1106 Thane (J.) British Autography, vols. 2 and 3, calf gilt (1788) 1107 Tighe (Mrs.) Psyche, and other Poems, portrait after Romnfif, by Caroline Watson, red morocco extra, with borders of gold, j \ gilt edges, by Hering VWV\y ^ 1108 Tillemont (L. de) Histoire des Empereurs qui ont regne durant^y les six premiers Siecles de l’Eglise, 5 vol. old calf ' Paris, 1700 1109 Tournefort, Voyage du Levant, places, 2 vol. French calf, with Louis XVtli s arms on the sides and his crowned cipher on the/ bach Paris, 1717 1110 Tully, Narrative of a Residence in Tripoli, coloured plates, calf extra, gilt edges, by Lewis 1817V /; 1111 Turner (J. M. W.) Views in England and Wales, parts 17 to 21, 1834—and others X?Zk4*** 1112 Vaillant, Numismata Imperatorum Romanorum, plates, 3 vol. ✓ French calf gilt Romse, 1743 G ^ tM 1113 Vasari, Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori ed Architteti, ivoodcut portraits, ffij 3 vol. half-bound russia Fiorenza, 156o ^ 1114 Vasari, Vite de’ Pittori, Scultori en Architetti, portraits, 3 vol. Jy " half-bound morocco Firenze, 1770 1115 Venuti (R.) Antichita di Roma, plates, 2 vol. Roma, 1763—and j? "y 0 1 other 1116 Vertue (G.) Description of Hollar’s Works, calf, gilt edges 1759 Visconti, G3uVreo^^lusee Pie-C'Ibm^ntin, 7 vo4>~^Musee Chiara-/ cf)nograplri^^Grecque et Ktmiaine, 5 vol.,—13 vol. outline plaTe^ very fine copij,-~rcd morocco ecctra, riclufilQoled sides, joints, gilt edgesfby-Lewis Milano, 1818-26 1118 Vite e Ritratti di lllustri Italiani, GO portraits by Raphael Morghen, Longhi, &c. and 24 plates of Napoleon Medals 5 2 vol. red morocco extra, richly tooled sides, with silk linings, joints, gilt edges, by Lewis Padua, 1812-20 , 1119 Voltaire, La Henriade, plates, old calf gilt Londres, 1728/^^ ^ Jhr 85 9 1120 Voyage round the Mediterranean in 1738-39. Manuscript, with, pen and ink drawings 1 /^ 7 ? 1121 Walcot (Dr.) The Lousiad ; Bozzy and Piozzi; Peter’s Pension, plates by JRowlandson, 1788—The Devil divorced, 1782— and other Poems—in 3 vol. 1122 Waldegrave (Earl) Memoirs , portrait, green morocco extra, ivith tooled joints, silk linings, gilt edges, by Lewis 1821 '2 1123 Walker, Historical Memoir of Italian Tragedy, portraits, green morocco extra, gilt edges 1799 ' 1123a Waller (E.) Poems, calf gilt 1729 j f 14 2 & b Walpo le (Horace ), W ork s , portraits , 5- vol . russia - extra —17118'" X J.124 Warton (T.) History of English Poetry, 3 vol. calf, gilt edges, 1775—and others 1125 Waterloo (Battle of) with circumstantial Details, by a near Observer, portraits, maps and plans, and 34 etchings after G. Jones, india proofs, bound 2 vol. very fine copy, blue morocco extra, the sides richly tooled, ivith joints, gilt edges, by C. Lewis 1817 1126 Weld (I.) Scenery of Killarney, plates, 1807—Dodwell (E.)^/; ^X ^ Travels, plates, 2 vol. 1819—and 1 other 1127 Westminster Election, 1784, History of the, caricature etchings L 1784 . by Boivlandson 1784 1128 Whitaker (T. D.) History of Whalley and Honor of Clitheroe, q, plates, old calf gilt 1806 ' - ^ 1129 Wilkinson (R.) Antique Remains of the Church of St. Martin A Outwick, plates, 1797—and others * 7 1130 Williams (H. W.) Views in Greece, 2 vol. in 1, large paper, ; India proofs of the plates, very fine copy, blue morocco extra, gilt edges , by G. Lewis 1829 / 1131 Williams (J.) Historic Reliques, Representations of Arms, X, Jewellery, Gold and Silver Plate, &c. 4 parts, large paper, ' '7 /^ the plates and initial letters beautifully coloured 1132 William of Malmesbury, History of the Kings of England, translated by J. Sharpe, luilf~bound russia 1815 1133 Winkelmann, Storia delle Arti del Disegno, plates, 3 vol. vellum / j p 17QQ //**< Jxoma, 1 <83 o_ 86 ■p // /J * O 1134 Worledge, Collection of Drawings from Antique Gems, portrait and plates, fine impressions , 2 vol. red morocco extra, richly tooled borders of gold, gilt edges, by Hering 1768 1135 Zeutner, Landscapes after the Old Masters, etchings and portraits of the artists, parts (wanting part 2) 1791 1136 Zoega, Li Bassirilievi Antichi di Boma, plates by Piroli, 2 vellum Boma, 1808 FOLIO. 1137 P, SL , c? 1138 /« / 0,0> 1139 1140 //S /a. 0 1141 1142 182 (S(P i7r* 1143 1144 1145 1146 fT. ^ H47 4 1148 1149 Stanfield (C.) Sketches on the Moselle, the Rhine and the Meuse, . lithographic plates, half-bound morocco 1838 Stephani (H.) Thesaurus Graecae Linguae, 10 vol. pale russia f/ fT 90 DRAWINGS AND ENGRAVINGS. &‘/ 7 . 6 A. /#, 0/+ A 1191 Portraits of Petrarch and Laura. Two beautifully executed Drawings on vellum, by L. Uguccioni, from the celebrated MS. Canzionere of the XVth Century in the Medi Lauren- ,, tian Library at Florence, bound in old Italian green moroccoy/^^, 1192 Portrait of Richard I. A Drawing on vellum in sepia, height- v ' ened with gold, beautifully executed 1193 Portrait of Princess Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia. A Drawing ,■, yf on vellum, most beautifully executed ( / 1194 Views in France, Italy, &c. 49 drawings 1195 Munich Gallery, 42 lithographic plates, etc. 0/' ptH > ^ 4 & *3 « ° 1196 Correggio. Gli Affresco di Correggio in Parma, portrait of Toschi and 16 plates , remarque proofs, selected by the J^r Artist, with his signature Parma, 1846, &c. e? /, itv 1197 Milton (T.) Views of His Majesty’s Dockyards, 6 plates 1753 1198 Poisson, Civil and Military Costume of France durins the *• © Consulate, 27 coloured plates, including a portrait of Napoleon > as First Consul di&C' 1199 Paris. 44 Views of Paris and 16 Views of London, at the en . X / y) . O 1213 The Same, 4 impressions J . O 1214 Book plate of Henrietta Frances, Countess of Bessborough, designed by Cipriaui, and engraved by Bartolozzi, 4 im- XAfiX/y, 3 , CP 1215 pressions --: The Same, 2 impressions, proofs before letters This interesting plate was used both as a book plate and visiting card Jhr- FINIS. London : Printed by V illiam Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.