Modern Pictures AND BREWINGS OF EDWABD BETTISON, ESQ. DECEASED; MBS. C. C. J. SCOTT. 47 Feeding the Pigeons /J. 2.2 A. J. MEADOWS. 48 Ischia Castle — /<7?'•'// * ^ 49 A River Scene, with cattle T. F. WAINEW RIGHT. 9 A DIFFERENT PROPERTY. DRAWINGS. F BOUCHER. 50 A Lady, seated, with a fan, dog and kitten Westminster Abbey P. SANDBY. 27 in . by 37 in . PICTURES. LEOPOLD RIVERS. p 62 A Glade in Epping Forest 35^ in . by 27 in . 6 WRIGHT (of Derby). 63 Two Boys with a Bladder: Candlelight 35 in . by 26 in . G. MORLAND. £ 54 A White Horse, with a man and dog in a stable 27 in . by 34 in . H. SHIRLEY. 56 The Stickleback Fishery 211 in . by 29^ in . B H J. D. HARDING. Ay «■ /13 . & 1 (l Citara, Gulf of Salerno 13 MRS. ROSSITER. ^77 Birds B. 0. STOCKS. 0 78 Herrings SALMON. , £ 79 On the Medway ; and Off Sheerness —a pair DE WINT. /■ & 80 The Woodcutter’s Repast : Windsor Park "Z T_ ) E. M. WIMPERIS. & 81 A Bridle Path, Dorset J. HARDY. * ^ 82 Head of a Dog ; and A Grouse A. FRAGONARD. 83 Venus going to the Bath, attended by Cupids J. FRASER. 84 Fruit Merchants, Ceylon O 85 Near Ceylon J. FRASER. C ^ 14 PICTURES. 4 . / 4 , 7 86 ° kf the Isle of Man E. WANE. K. WANE. , 0 87 On the Cobnish Coast - W. LINTON. 7 y ^ 88 A Waterfall, with angler ^ & 89 A Bull in a Shed C. WESTERBECK. y & *x , F. P. FHEYBUEG, 1893. £> • b , 0 90 Going to the Meet DOUGLAS ADAMS. , £> 91 A Mill Stream, near Dundee OTTO WOLF. >T0 * 7 .0 92 Getting Better /s'y. J ^ 91 A. BODENMULLEE. 93 A White Kobe /«^ ’ /tf * 0 9d A Eaint Dat K. POSCHINGEE 15 A. D. GOLTZ. 95 Bazaar at Baousa r K. GALLON, 1877. 0 96 A Welsh Biver Scene, with bridge E. J. NIEMANN. £ 97 A View at Aster Cobbould, with cattle & -Z-z ^7 BOBEBTS. O 98 The Golden Tower of Seville LOBD LEIGHTON, P.B.A. , o 99 A Girl, in brown dress Said to have been painted at Frankfort in 1852 E. G. WABBEN. O 100 Harvest, South Devon E. G. WABBEN. 0 101 Carrying Hay, near Dartmoor G. C. DE NOBDECK. d 102 The Bey of Tunis C. FIELDING. 0 103 A Biver Scene, with castle and figures 16 E. HAYES. & 104 The Missing Boat : old Calais pier E. HAYES. A /^y ^/"105 Habboub op Dobdbeoht, Holland E. HAYES. £ , £? 106 The Thames at Pubfleet E. HAYES. * /^/ . ^ 107 Cbiocieth Castle, Wales «/7 «/', V. BKUTBLLIEK. & 108 The Farewell R. BEAVIS, 1885. ^ ^* L> , O 109 Deeb, in Buckhurst Park SIR F. GRANT, P.R.A. {y 0 110 The Muokle Habt K. PERUGINI. A , 0 111 A Competitive Examination W. H. WEATHERHEAD. * 3 t 112 L Immortelle 7 \ — l/si myCs ?r. Exhibited, at the Boyal Academy , 1877 17 ANOTHER PROPERTY. DRAWINGS, E. " g r TOimOON. ll fl- T h b Om i Dial - 6 R. M. LLOYD. 114 A Coast Scene, with village PICTURES. O 115 Head op a Peasant Woman ^ 116 The Youno Idea G. L. BROWN. D. JAMES. 0 117 A Calm Sea, coast of Scilly; and A Rough Sea, Lizard—a pair C. H. M. KERR. ^ 118 A Summer’s Day Exhibited H. PENNELL. ^ 119 Whitestone Farm, Godstone F. M. TRAPPES. 120 An Old Cottage /?* 18 A. H. GLENDENNING. dS * &> ' 0 121 At Bisham, on the Thames J. M. CABRICK, 1886. ^ t t/ , O 122 Tbebyn Dinas and Logan Rook, Cornwall The following are the Property of Mrs. C. C. GRIMES. C. BAXTER. 123 Head of a Lady, with a fan A. H. BURR. t?£>, //. a 124 MosI ° Purchased from the Artist J. BURR. y'ff * /fP, & 125 Childben with a Bibd’s Nest Purchased from the Artist J. BURR. 7 . /y. / 126 Firhebman’s Wife and Child Purchased from the Artist J. BURR.