/ i^v'tV (^i [ i /»/«-^ / * v^^?^ ^/. I ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRJCUM. (PARTS I. AND II.) COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES ARTHUR JOHN EVANS, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : PRINTED J5Y NICHOLS xVND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 1883. THE ARCHAEOLOGIA, VOL. XLVTII. ANTIQUAKIAN KESEAECHES IN ILLYFJCUM. I.-EPITAUPiUM, CANALI, AND KISINIUM. SYXOPSIS. Antiquities of Epitaurum. PAGE 4. The original site of Epitaurum Eagusa Vecchia and not Prevlaka as suggested by Jlommscn. 5. Greek coins and gems found on the site of Epitaurum. 8. Existing architectural remains: the Aqueduct. 1 1 . Bath-chamber or Piscina at the head of the Aqueduct. 12. Monument to P. Corn. Dolabella. 13. New Inscriptions, one mentioning ' ^dile ' and ' iivir Quinquennalis.' 16. Development of Civic Institutions at Epitaurum, as illustrated by monuments. 17. Gems relating to cult of ^sculapius: this cult apparently extinguished here by St. Hilarion. 19. Discovery of Mithraic monuments near Epitaurum. 22. Observations on some Mithraic gems. 26. Engraved Christian gem, probably representing Vision of Constantine. 27. Roman Christian ring. 27. Observations as to the date of the destruction of Epitaurum. Antiquities of the District of Canali. 29. Derivation of the name by Constantine Porphyrogenitus explained. 31. Illyro-Roman survival in tlie local nomenclature and physical types. 36. Apparent site of lloman Municipium at Sveti Ivan and Djare. 37. Monument mentioning the 'iivir ivre dicvndo.' 39. Traces of Roman road leading from Epitaurum to Risinium. B Antiquities of Rhizon oh Risinium. I'AGh 4(1. Heinains ol Acropolis at Risano. 41. The '..Eaciaii ' walls oC the ancient city- 4"J. JUviian coins struck at Risinium. 44. l!reek terra-cotta vase and Askos trom this site. 45. Notes on the Greek commercial connexion with the lUyiuin coast. 46. Roman inscriptions. 48. Traces of Aqueduct and Reservoir. 49. Christian intaglio. 4!». The Kisinian episcopate in tlie sixth century. ,')(>. T.atc Roman i-namelled pendant displaying Persian influences. AVEN ^ FL, rJSISCIA ' ADFINESj 'BIHAC \ iv— ^A. v\\";#e»«.. ;■; \ ■^■- V'-'ir^-^' vT»-ft, AENONA. s s» ^ ^^ -J V. '*•.": ltd 'tVmr'iU- %.-. :. ( '0,0 r PROM9NAY ■ ^ - ■. f:-i.,l.,f flAGNVM xRO'' I^IDITARVM an6eTRIV n6e SALON/E.) ■'"•■>" ■ POL. ■ (', . ■A-' o\ 3,A(iVR I V Mjj^_^^i^j~^ a««*i J»'/;r <^ 'Kcman- IStuUdpiO' have been (hsci^r4-ed/ ) Doiibtfi.ll Reman, Sites \ and J\'ame.s J SiTTUZn RoatLs - I'cnjecticfal CiTurse- of \ . Roma/i roads J ROMAN MILES. Q i ip 22 JO * SKETCH MAP OF PARTS OF ROMAN BALMATJA, Jiijiicutijuf tJie (cia'.se of the- Hoods and the' Sites where Honuin RemajJis /uwe been/ discovered-. Prepared/ hy t/ia Author. C FKeaLith S.Castlo Si Holbam Londoni C ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES l| CIBALAE CERTISSA^, B^NKOVCE DJAKOVAR iLLYRlCUM, BY A J.EVANS, F.S.A. r* T 1 ANTIQUARIAN EESEARCHES IN ILLYEICUM. I - EPITAURUM— CANALI -EISINIUM. Owing to the neit^hbourhood of the civilized republic of Eagusa, Avhich sprang as it were from the ashes of the Grseco-Eoman city, the antiquities of the Dal- matian Epidaurus have been investigated from the early days of the Renascence. The merchant antiquary, Cyriac of Ancona, who visited Ragusa during his voyage into the Levant, undertaken in 1435, had already begun the work of copying tlie remaining inscriptions, which was continued in the next century by the native Ragusan antiquaries, who supplied Aldus Manutius and others with epigraphic materials from the Epidaurian site. The work thus early begun was worthily continued in the last century by the Ragusan patrician De Sorgo," more recently by Dr. J. A. Kasnacid and others, and Professor Mommsen personally collated many of the inscriptions for the great work of the Berlin Academy.'' The aque- duct and general antiquities of the site are treated at length by Appendini, but in a somewhat fantastic and uncritical manner.'' A residence on the spot has now " Comment. Lud. Cervarii 2'uheronis de origine et incremento Urbis liliacusuncc. Eagusa, 1790. ^ The hitherto known inscriptions from t]ie site are collected in C. I. L. iii. p. 288 seqq. and Prof. Mommsen (.?. v. epidaurum) gives a resume of the earlier sources for the epigraphy of the place. "^ Notizie istorico-criiiche sulle Antichitd, Storia e Letteratura di Ragusei. Ragusa, 1802, t. i. lih. i. ii. The remains at Eagusa Vecchia have been touched on since Appcndini's time by Stieglitz, Istricn H 2 4 ^Lntiquarian Itescarchcs in lUi/ricum. enabli'd luc fo make some fresh conti-ibutions to the materials ah-eady collected, and to correct perhaps some prevailing misconceptions. The site of the ancient city, at present occupied by a small town called, by a curious transference of names, Ragusa Vecchia, l)ut still knoAvn to its Slavonic- speaking inha])itants as Zavtat or Cavtat, from the earlier llomance form Cicifofe, is on a small pciiiiisiila jutting out from the opposite side of the bay to that on wliieh its oifsin-ing Ragusa stands. Although tlie Dahnatian Epidauros, or, to accept the prevalent local orthography, Epitaurum," does not appear in history till the time of the Civil Wars, the name itself mav be taken as a sufficient indication that it was an Adi'iatic colonial station of one or other of its Pelo- ponnesian namesakes; and its peninsular site Avas just one of those which offered special advantages to the early Greek settlers on a barbarian coast. Mommsen, indeed, who visited tliis site in order to collate^ the monuments for the Corpus Inscriptionum, has revived in a new form a theory, already propounded by Mannert,'" and others, that the site of Epitanrum is to be sought at Prevlaka, at the entrance of the Bocclie di Cattaro, and not on the peninsula of Ragusa Vecchia. It has been pointed out by these authorities that the Tabula Feutln- geriana makes Epitaurum 105 miles distant from Lissus and 103 " from Narona, while Pliny '^ makes it equidistant — 100 miles from citlicr — and it lias been urged that these measurements can only be reconciled with the position of Prevlaka. As Mommsen however himself admits, the statement of the Itinerarium MarUimuDi " that Epitaurum was 200 stadia from the isle of Melita (Meleda) can und Dalmazien, p. 2G4 (Stuttgart unJ Tubingen, 1845), Wilkinson, Dalmatia i. 373 (London, 1848), Kohl, Reise nach Isirien. Dalmazien und Montenegro, ii. 33 ser/r/. (Diesden, 1856), Lago, Memovie sulla Dalmazia (Venezia, 1870), and others, but the notices are slight and add little to our knowledge. ' On a Privilejium Veteranoru7n of Vespasian found at Salona there is mention of a P. Vibius Maximus, — eimtavu . kq . r. In the Tabula Peutingeriana the name appears as Ej)ilau7-o: in the Geo- grapher of Ravenna as Epitauron (."79, 14) and Epilnunnn (208, 10). In St. Jerome {Vita S. Hilarionis) Epitaurum : in the sixth century Council-Acts of Salona, Epitaurensis Ecclesia. The town is alluded to by Constantine Porphyrogcnitus {l)e Adm. Imp. c. 29) as tu Kdarpov ro imXeyvfitvov IliVaupa; and its early Slavonic name was Starigrad Pitaxir, still preserving the t in preference to d. The readings of Ptolemy (2, IG, 5), Pliny (23, 143), and Antonine {It. Mar. 520), cannot weigh against this consensus of local testimony; but we need not with Prof. Tomaschek {Die vorslaivische Topographic. &c. p. 37) seek an Iliyrian derivation for the name. " 7, 350. ' Accepting the correction of the distance Naron,-; — Ad Turres (see p. 79). J Hist. Nat. iii. 22, 143. <^ .4 MELiT.t EPiDAVRos STADIA cc. /(. Antonini. 520. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 5 only be reconciled with the K-agusa-Vecchian site. He further observes that any one Avho, like himself, has visited Ragusa Vccchia, who has seen the remains of the amphitheatre cut out of the solid rock, the traces of the Homan harbour, the inscriptions which, though not presenting in a single case the name of the city, are numerous and imposing, and the other abundant traces of Roman habitation that are daily brought to light, can fail to recognise the fact that a famous and important Roman city must have existed at this spot, epithets which, among all the Roman stations on the coast between Lissus and Karona, alone apply to the Colony of Ejiitaurum." In order to reconcile these conflicting indications Mommsen has recourse to the hypothesis that the original Epitaurima existed at Prevlaka, but that for some reason unknown, and at a still flourishing period of the Roman Emjoire, it was transferred to the Ragusa-Vecchian site ; so that there woixld be an Old and New Epitaurum as well as an Old and New Ragusa. This hypothesis, not very hopeful in itself, appears to me to be untenable for several reasons. At Prevlaka a single inscription only has been discovered, refer- ring to a decurion of the Sergian tribe,'' the tribe to which the citizens of Risi- nium and the Roman predecessor of Cattaro belonged, but not the tribe of the Epidauritans, which was the Tromentine . Taken by itself, therefore, this inscrij)- tion supplies internal evidence that it belonged to one of the known Roman cities of the Rhizonic Gidf . A careful examination of the isthmus and peninsula of Prevlaka has convinced me that no ancient town has ever existed at that spot." Not only are all architectural traces wanting, but the soil is absolutely deficient in those minor relics, such as fragments of pottery and tiles, that always mark an ancient site. On the other hand, tlicre liave been discovered on the site of Ragvisa Vccchia , indubitable relics of Hellenic intercourse, dating from prae- Roman times. ( / '^ C. I. L. iii. p. 287, s. v. epidaurum. I do not know to what Prof. Mommsen refers as the remains of tlie Amphitheatre. " C. I. L. iii. 1738. ° Dr. Ljubic, Viestnik hrvatslcoga archeologickoga Druztva {Jotirnat of the Croatian Arcliceological Society), iii. p. 52, and of. ii. p. 102, completely corroborates my observations: '• Na Prevlaki neostoje ni traga rimskomu gradu, a rimski nadpis koji ondje stoji uzidan u crkvici bez dvojbe je iz Bisna iii iz Kotora doncsen." (There is not a trace of a Roman town at Prevlaka, and the Roman inscription, which is there walled into the chnrch, has been doubtless transported from Risano or Cattaro.) Dr. Ljubic is replying to G. Gclchich, who in his Memorie sidle Bocche di Cattaro (Zara. 1880). p. 7, asserts at random that remains of the city exist at Prevlaka. 6 AiiiiqiKiriaii Eesearchcs in Illyriciim. Among: tlic coins here brons^ht to lii?lit, I have noticed sovpval silver pieces of Dyrrluiclnuni and ApoUonia, of the third century B.C., in one case an autonomous coin of Scodra, datini? probal)ly from about the year 108 B.C.," and I have, myself, picked up a small brass coin of Bocotia. A few years since there was dug up here a pale carnelian intaglio in tlic perfect Greek style, representing Apollo Agyieus, guardian of roads and streets, leaning on a pillar and holding forth his bow.'' " The old Greek connexion Avitli this ])art of the Dalmatian coast is still traceable in the local names, and one of the llagu.san islands has ])reserved in a corrupted form the name of the Elcqihites Nesoi.'^ Finally, I hope to be able to adduce some fresh evidence as to the course of the land communication between Epitaurum and Narona which may serve to reconcile completely the statements of Pliny and fbc author of the Tabula Peutin- f/eriana with the position of Epitaiirum as indicated by existing remains, and may enable us to dispense once and for all with the ingenious hypothesis of Mommsen. This evidence I am compelled to reserve for a future paper ; but it may be iisef ul to mention that I have discovered the traces of the Roman junction road from Epitaurum, running inland, and not, as hitherto supposed, along the coast ; and that an inscription on this road shows that, in Claudius's time at any rate, the maritime terminus of this road was to lie found on the Ragusa-Vecchian site. The existing architectural remains of Epitaurum are small. The rocky nature of the soil has hindered tiie usual accumulation of humus, Avliich so often pre- serves for us at least the foundations of ancient buildings. On the other hand, what remained of the Roman city has, no doubt, largely contributed to supply its more renowned mediaeval offspring with building materials. Epitaurum, only scA'en miles distant, across the bay, by sea, has become a convenient quarry for Ragusa. Traces of the quay, however, and jiarts of the city walls, may yet be seen, and the ancient steps, cut in the rock, show that several of the steep and narrow streets of Ragusa A^ecchia, the small town that now partially occuj)ies the » Vide Numismatic Chronicle, N.S. vol. xx. pi. XIII. fig. 2. •> This gem is now in the possession of Mr. W. J. Still man. It greatly resembles that engraved by King, Aiitique Gems and Rings, pi. XV. fig. 8, and probably preserves the outlines of a celebrated statue. •= Lopnd {It. Mezzo) in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, Z>a/a/o The on"raving which 1 here reproduce is taken I'rom my work on Bosnia, in wliiili 1 have already "■iven a popular account of some of the Roman Antiquities of Ragusa Vecchia. 8 Antiquarian Besearches in Illyricum. Bill llu' most important relic that remains ol lloman Epitaurum is unques- tional)ly the Aqueduct. The total length of this great work, the remains of which extend to a mountain soui-ce called Vodovalja, on the further side of the i)lain of Canali, is about fifteen miles. I have myself traced it throughout the greater part of its course, and from a comparison of its different levels am persuaded that the water was in places conducted up eminences a siphon by means of large reservoirs a ehasse and afiiite, as has been shown to be the case with some of the great aqueducts of Provence. The arches by which it spanned the level tracts have unfortunately all perished, though some were existing in the immediate neighbourhood of Epitaxirum within the memory of man. The last pier of one of these, formerly existing just outside the present gate of Ragusa Vecchia, was removed not longer ago than 1875 to widen the road in honour of the Emperor Francis Joseph's visit. The great length of this aqueduct curiously illustrates the known daintiness of the llomans in regard to their Avater supply. At a point several miles nearer Ragusa Vecchia the aqueduct spanned a mountain source called Gljuta, far more copious than that to which it is ultimately con- ducted. The water of the Gljuta, so far as my own exi)eriencc goes, is not only deliciouslv cool to bathe in but eminentlv drinkable. I found hoAvever that the natives of the district through which the aciiu^duct runs, and to which it gives its name Canali, the old Serbian Zupa Konavalska, have a prejudice against either drinking or bathing in the water of this stream. They declare that it is slightly saline, and that after drinking it you are quickly seized Avith thirst again, that bathing in it is liable to give you ague, and that it is not beneficial to herbage. Hence they call it Gljuta, or the bitter Avater. This prejudice may be traditional, since, although the Canalesi are at the present day a Slav-speak- ing people, the name Canali itself, and many of the village names" of the district as well as some of the prevalent physical types attest a coijsiderable surA^Aal of lUyro-lloman blood. • As for instance Molunta (cf. Illyrian-Mcssapian suffix -uvtiim, -ventttm, &c.), Vifaljtna from Vitalis, Cilippi, not to speak of the mediaeval reminiscences of Epitaurum, as Starigrad Pitavr, and its modern local name, CaWo/^CVi;i/CVNDO qyinQVEXXALJ. 14 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. ^V cipal dm- ni thus presented with the first epigraphic record of the hifi^hest muni- \\ at Epitaurum — that of tlic Diuiiuviri (Juinquennalos — (^Icctod every %FTR0/vVA(3VI P LINCmEBILr^ qvennal'" I ">'/■"// y/m. Kijr. (i. Epitaurum. lustrum, or five years, to discharge in their Municipium duties analogous to those performed by the Censors at Rome, Avhose title, indeed, they on occasion assumed." One of their most important functions was to revise, in accordance with the fun- damental law of the city, the list of the Decuriones, or local Senators, and to enter it in the album, or Libro d' Oro, of their civic Republic. The Patrician Roll of Epitaurum, perpetuated and renewed by its offspring Ragusa, was closed by Napoleon within the memory of man. The mention of the local J*]dile is also new on Epitaurian monuments. The A(|ueduct in the ruins of which the inscription was found would have been under his special charge; and we are temjited to believe that the magistrate Avhose name it records, and who added to his duties of municijml Consul and Censor that of u:uardian of the public Avorks,"* liad connected his name in some honourable manner with this important fabric. * Cf. Marqnardt, Handbuch der romischen Alterthumer, pt. iii. sec. i. p. 300. Their financial functions seem to have been later on transferred to the Ctiratores. •' At Dyrrhachinm (Durazzo), ^T^nona (Nona), and Apsorus (Ossero) on this coast, the titles of AEDiLis and iiviR qvinqvexnalis are coupled on inscriptions. (Cf. C. I. L. iii. Cll, 2077, 3138.) AEDiLis iiviR is common: but on the other hand there were .^diles who were not Duumvirs, and Duumvirs Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 15 Considering the peninsular position of the town, the character of the soil, and the climate, which rendered it liable to droughts, the water suj^ply of the city, notwithstanding the existence of an aqueduct, must have been a special care of the civic officers ; and we find accordingly another Epitaurian monument recording the restoration by the Duumviri Jure Dicundo, at the public expense, of a large cistern or reservoir." The present city of Ragusa, though provided Avitb an aqueduct constructed by a Neapolitan architect in the fifteenth century, stands greatly in need, during a dry season, of such a reservoir as was provided for her Roman predecessor by the wisdom of the Epitaurian magistrates. The Duumvirs, or local Consuls, are referred to on two other monimients. Prom an unpublished letter of the then Secretary of the Republic, Antonio Alleti," the brother-in-law of the great Ragusan antiquary, Banduri, it ajipears that part of the bust of the Duumvir M. Pomentinus Turbo was, in 1724, still attached to the momunent recording his name. In three instances decrees of the Decuriones are preserved, in which these municipal senators pay, in the name of their city, the last honours to citizens that had served it. In two instances they vote a public statue : in one case the mother and grandmother of the deceased treating the Decurions, the Sacral College of the Augustals, and their officers or Sexviri, to a banquet, and the citizens at large to a show of prizefighters." The third inscription, relating to who were not ^diles. At Narona we read of aedilis iiiiviii: at Salonae of a Curule ^dile. (C. I. L. iii. 2077.) " P . VIBIVS . P . F . VRBICVS || P . ANVLEKV3 . BASSVS || II . VIU . I . D |1 CISTERNAM . EX vecunia . vuhlica . reficien||dam . cvravervnt. (C. I. L. iii. 1750.) >> Antonio Alleti, Segretario della Repubblica di Ragusa, al Rev''" Don Georgio Mattei, a Roma, Dec. 14, 1724: " Mi sono impossessato di un mezzo busto di marmo ed e la figura di m. pomentino figlio di M. POMENTINO TVRBONE iiviRO I. D." The inscription lias been published by Aldus Manutius and others and is given by Mommsen, who had himself personally collated it, in C. I. L. iii. 1748; but the hitherto unpublished passage in Alleti's correspondence is, I believe, the only reference to the bust which formerly accompanied it. The inscription itself at present exists in the Casa Gozze at Ombla. Alleti adds, " Anche alio scoglio di Mercanna ho trovato fraumienti di vari isciizioni senza pero che abbia potuto cavare altro che un barlume indistinto." (Mercanna is a rocky isle opposite the peninsula on which Epitaurum stood; personally 1 have been unable to find Roman remains there.) In a letter written from Ragusa in April 1714 he describes an urn found near Kagusa Vecchia with tipansianas stamped on the lid. The stamp of the Figlinm Pansiance is common on Dalmatian sites. (Cf. C. I. L. iii. 3213.) *= P . AELIO . P . P II TRO II OSILLIANO || NOVIA . BASSILLA || MATER . ET . NOVIA . IVS || TILLA . AVIA . POSVE- RVNT II ET . SPORTVLIS . DECVRIO || AVGV8TALIBV8 ET SEXVi||rI8 DATIS ITEM PVGILVM || SPECTACVLO DED1CAVE||rVNT HVIC VNIVERSVS II ORDO DECVRIONATVS || HONOREM ET LOCVM || STATVAE DECREVIT. (C. I. L. iii. 1745.) Discovered in 1856 in the ruins of an ancient building on the shore. in Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. a decree ol the [Jecurioiis, has l)ee]i only iniperl'ectly given in the Corpus I)iscr/p- tioniim,"' and I therefore veproduce it — L. F INVITILLA FILIO PlISSIMO VFL^DN. Nothing:, indeed, is more instructive on this site than the lari^'e ])roportion of inscriptions illustrating- the municii)al life of Epitaurum. Out of twenty-three extant inscriptions no less than ten, or nearly half the total number, refer to the civic government or record the public benefaction of some citizen to the town. Of titnli militares there are only two. This overwhelming preponderance of civil and civic records becomes all the more noticeable when we compare the case of Epitaurum with that of the neighbouring coast towns on either side. At Risinium, indeed, out of twenty inscriptions only tw'o have any reference to the common weal. Even at Narona, where there are some splendid records of private munificence to the city, the proportion of municijial records is far smaller than at Epitaurum. At that city the nucleus and germs of the later municipality are to be found in an informal commercial colony of Roman citizens in an Illyrian emjiorium who formed a vicus governed by two ]Magistri and two Quaestors.'' On the deduction hither of a formal colony about the time of Augustus we find the city governed by iiiiviki, but the civic life of the place seems rather to have centered in the sacral guild of the Augustales, whose Sex- viri are mentioned in no less than eighteen inscriptions found in that site ; and the liberality of the citizens is chiefly displayed in vows of temples and altars to the Gods. The government of a victis Avas based on sacral rather than purely political relations, and this characteristic seems to have clung to the city even in its later colonial days. At Epitaurum, on the other hand, Avhich was not in its origin a native market, a mere Illyrian tribal aggregation, later moulded into shape by a guild of Roman merchants, but, as its very name proclaims, a Greek colonial city, the case would have been very different from that of Narona. At Epitaurum we may believe that the local Senate, or Ordo Decurionatns, and the Plebs of the Roman Municipium, were in some degree, at all events, nothing more than a recasting in a Roman guise of the Boule and Demos of the original » C. I. L iii. 1746, on the authority of Dr. Eitelberger (Jahrbuch der Central Commission, &c. v. 288), who makes the third line simply l d d d. The letters, liowever, as given in my copy, are perfectly clear. >> C. I. L. iii. 1820, and cf. Mommsen, op. cit. p. 291, s. v. narona. Antiquarian Besea7'ches in Illyricum. 17 Dorian colony, still known by their old names in the Greek-speaking half of the Em2)ire on the borders of which this city never ceased to stand. In the Parian colony of Pharia, in the isle of Lesina, which lies a little further np the Adriatic coast, inscriptions "■ have been discovered referring to the Botile and Demos of the Greek city, to the Demarch and Prytanes. We find a self- governing community, waging war with the IlljT.'ian mainlanders,'' striking coins in its own name, receiving legates from another city, and sending a deputation to consult the Delphic oracle. Issa, a Syracusan insular colony on the same Dalmatian shore, presents us with similar monuments," and her Roman Muni- cipium'' was only a perpetuation of the earlier and more complete autonomy of her Hellenic days. The discovery of Greek coins and gems on the site of Epitaurum to which I have already referred gives us something more than etymological evidence that the Eoman city sprang out of an earlier Greek foundation ; and though, in the absence of epigraphic records, we are at present debarred from knowing the exact form of its autonomous institutions, we may with confidence infer their general character. To these Hellenic antecedents, to the abiding Hellenic contact of the Roman city, I would refer the specially high development of the civic sense noticeable on the existing monuments of Epitaurum. Among the gems of Roman date discovered at this site I have noticed another interesting indication of the Hellenic traditions of Epitaiu'um. Three of those in my possession contain representations of JEsculapius, in two cases associated with Hygicia. This may be taken as fair evidence that the special cult of the Saronic Epidauros was perpetuated in its Hlyrian namesake. Dedicatory inscrij)tions to the God are unfortunately wanting, but the fact that the cult of iEsculapius floui'ished in the neighbouring city of Xarona, and that his name appears there twice under the quasi-Greek form of iEsclapius, is not without significance, as showing the extent to which the cult of the Epidaurian patron had taken root in Roman times on this part of the Dalmatian coast. The serpent form under which the God of healing was worshipped in his inmost shrine may still indeed be said to haunt the ruined site of the Starigrad Pitaur. St. Jerome, writing in the fifth " C. 1. G. ii. add. 1837, b, c, d, e. All these Pharian inscriptions arc now in the museum at Agram. Vide S. Ljubic, iDscripHones qua Zagahria: in museo nationali asservantur. Zagabriaj, 1876, p. 71 seqq. •> C. I. G. ii. add. 1837, c. The mainlanders with whom the Pharians seem to have been at war were the Jadasini, the inhabitants, that is, of the later Jadera (Zara) and their Liburnian allies. <= C. I. G. ii. 1834. '' In C. I. L. iii. 2074, are mentioned two decwiones of the Roman Jlunicipium of Issa. D 18 Antiquarian Researches in Ulyricum. century," mentions that tlie inhabitants of the Dahnatian town of Epitaurum, ■who Avc may inforentially assume to have been then Clivistian, had handed down a most marvellous talc of how St. llilarion had freed their city from a jiortentousserpent or "Boa/"' that was devouring both men and cattle, and in this early legend " we may be allowed to see reflected the final triimiph of Christianity over the local cult. The horrible aspect of this Epitaurian serpent will surprise no one who understands the peculiar animosity displayed by the early missionaries against the God of healing, Avho as the pagan master-worker of miracles did most to rival their own. At a centre of yEsculaiiian worship, more than elsewhere, the counteracting tradition of mighty Christian miracles was necessary, and Hilarion, we are told, not only compelled the portent to mount his auto da fe, biit during a great earthquake, probably the historical earthquake of Jidian's time,'^ rolled back the waves that were threatening to engulph the city. The cult of the new and Christian miracle-worker of Epitaurimi still survives on the spot,'' and an nnfathomed cavern,' Avhose precipitous recesses descend into a watery abyss, is pointed out by local tradition as the former habitat of the portentous Boa. At the present day the peasants tell you that it is the haunt of the Serbian nymphs or Vilas, and that at times a terril)le " Neman," or portent, somewhat akin to the Irish Pliooka, j)lunges into its depths. Eying as it does, near the upper or northern wall of the Roman city, it is reasonable to suppose this mysterious abyss to have supplied a local habitation for mythic beings in ancient as well as " S. Hieronymi Opera, lili. iii. qi. 2, Vita Sancti Hilarionis. ^ " Draco mira> magnitudinis quas gcntili scrmone Boas vocant." The word boa = huge serpent, ■was known to Pliny (8, 8, 14). It is remarkable that a large species of snake still found in this district is known to the present Slav-speaking inhabitants as kravosciac, i. e. cow-sucker, as it is supposed to suck the milk of cows. As Coleti, however, judiciousl}' remarks, it is hardly big enough to swallow a dove. ■= The words of St. Jerome, who must have had opportunities of taking down the tale from the lips of the Epitaaritans themselves, are worth notice : " Hoc Epidaurus et omnis ilia regie usque hodie prsedicat inatresquc decent liberos sues ad niemoriam in posteros transmittendam." '• This earthquake is placed by the Chronicle of Idatius iu the year 385. « In the sonorous words of Appendini (Storia di Ragiisa, vol. i. p. 68 ) : " II culto verso questo Santo Tion e punto scemato appresso i Ragusei : anzi una parrochia di cui egli c il Titolare : il concorso nel di della sua festa ad xma piccola capella vicina a Ragusa Vecchia (c cio per voto), e tre altre piccolo ehiese innalzate nel sobborgo di Ragusa in sua memoria pcqjetueranno in tutti secoli awenire la tenera pieta e gratitudiue dei Ragusei verso un si gran Santo e Protettore." ' The existing popular tradition given by Appendini and others, that this and another cave on Mt. Sniesnitza (about five hours distant from Ragusa Vecchla) were sacred to /Esculapius or Cadmus, is of course of later engrafting, and is akin to the appearance of Dolabella in Ragusa- Vccchian folk-lore. Antiquarian Researches iti Illyriciim. 19 modern times. It is known to the inhabitants by the name Scipun or Sipnn, a word of no Slavonic origin. It is certain that anotlier ancient cult connected with rocks and caverns, and therefore singularly adapted to the limestone ranges of Dalmatia, that of Mithra, "the rock- born," " floiu'ished at Epitauruni during the Roman Empire. In my work on Bosnia I have already described the discovery of a rock containing a rude bas-relief of Mithra, which stands on the Colle S. Giorgio, that overlooks the site of Epitaurum on the land side. The relief, which is vmfortunately much weather-worn, represents Mithra in the usual attitude, sacrificing the mystic bull between two ministers, one with a raised, the other with a lowered, torch, and both with their legs crossed. The rej)resentation does not, as is so usually the case, stand in connexion with a natural cave. The Mithraic spelcetim was necessary to the worshij)pers as the mystic image of this sublunary world, to which the sph'it of man descended, and from which when duly purged by ritual it was to ascend once more, according to their creed, to its celestial abode.'' We are therefore left to suppose that, in this as in some other instances, the " cave " itself was artificially constrvicted against the natural rock on which the icon itself is carved. The rock itself faces east, according to the universal Mithraic practice, and within the area which would have been included in the artificial spelceinn, now wholly destroyed, are two square blocks hewn out of the solid rock, and with a small gutter round them, which were evidently altars. In the artificial spelcBum found at Kroisbach, in Hungary," two votive altars were foimd. In the Mithraic temple at Ostia, attached to the baths of Antoninus Pius," there was one large square altar before the chief icon at the east end, and seven smaller ones near what may be described as a side chapel. Representations of these " 'tbv mTpoyevi], the epithet appHed to Mithra by Johannes Lyiliis. So St. Jerome (Adv. Jovinianum, 247 J, " Narrant et gentilium fabulje Mithram at Ericthonium de lapide vel in terra de solo libidinis sestu esse generates;" and Commodianus (Z/ier /MsirHcizowrai), " Inyictus de petra natus deus." At Carnuntum, in Pannonia, an inscription was found — pkteae genetrioi. It has been supposed that the idea toolc its origin from the fact that fire was produced by means of flint ; but this method of ignition was apparently, at least among Aryan peoples, a late usage. The real origin of the connexion of Mithra with rocks and mountains should be sought in cloudland. •• Cf. Porphyrius, de Antro Nympharum, c. vi. &c. <^ Das Mithreeum von Kroisbach. Dr. F. Kenner (in Mittheilwujen der k. k. Central Commission, 1867, p. 119 seqq.) •' Del Mitreo annesso alle terme Ostiensi di AnUmino Pio. C. Visconti (Annali di Corr. Arch. 1864, p. 147 seqq.) D 2 20 Antiquarian Researches in Illyriciim. smaller altars occur on atlicr !Mitliraic monuments ; tlu.\v represent the sevenfold nature of tire in the Magian religion. Although in the present instance there was no trace of a cave, artificial or otherwise, I ohserved a natm-al fissure in the rock, helow the Mithraic slab, and on clearing it as far as was feasible from the black earth which choked it \\\), found three small brass coins, one of Aurelian, one of Constantius Chlorus, and the third of Constantius II. From this it may be inferred that Mithraic worship went on at this spot during the third and the first half of the foui-th century. Mithraic worshiji survived, in fact, to a considerably later date in Western Illyricum. Near the village of Mocici, in the district of Canali, and about an hour distant from the site of Epitam'um, I found a more perfect Mithraic relief carved over the mouth of a limestone grotto known as " Tomina Jama," or " Tom's Hole " (fig. 7). The lower part of the grotto forms a natural basin containing a i)erennial supjoly of fresh water, which had been vaulted over to serve as a cistern for the villagers. Situated on a rugged range of hills, still to a great extent covered with a woodland growth of sea pines, cypresses, and myrtles, and its rocky brows overhung when I saw it Avith the azure festoons of ivy-leaved campanulas, the cavern seemed singularly appropriate for its religious ijurjiose. In selecting such a natural temple the local votaries of Mithra were faithfully following the example of Zoroaster, who, we are told," when founding the worship in its later, established form, sought out a natui'al cave in the neiglibovu'ing Persian moun- tains, overgrown with flowers, and containing a fount within, which as the microcosm of the created world he consecrated to Mithra, tlie Demiurge or Father of all. The relief itself gives the conventional repi*esentation of Mithra sacrificing the generative Bull of Persian cosmogony, by which, according to this belief, he was to give a new and spiritual life to all created l)eings, and the tyj)ical sacrifice of which at the hands of his votaries brought them Regeneration unto Eternal Life." From below, as is usual on these Mithraic groups, the scorpion, snake, * " npiira fiivi i)Q eift] Eu/SouXoc, Zuipoaarpov atiTopvii aviiKaiov Iv roif ffXijoiov upeai rijg Hepailos av9t]f)bv kuI TTqyac €X^^ avifpuiffavTog (i*c Tifit)v tov iravruv TrotriTOV Kai Trarpoc M(0pov itKova ipepovTag avrtji rov (nrtiXaiov toi Kuafiov o o iU9pas ilrnitovpyijai." Porphyrius, De Ayitro JS^7/mphann», c. vi. ■^ In the Mithraic mysteries the initiated died fictitiously in order to be bom again by the symbolic- sacrifice of a bull. Tavrobolio in aeternvm rexatys- nccurs on a uionumont of a Mithraic votary in C. I. L. vi. 510. Darmesteter {Ormttzd et Ahriinan, p. 329^ observes that ilithra has usurped the part Antiquarian ^Researches in Illyricum. 21 and clog, animals supposed to be specially connected witli generative power, dart forward to quaff the life-blood of the victim, while on either side stand the two Fig. 7. MiTHRAic Relief. Tomina Jama, Canali. ministering Genii, one with a raised, the other with a lowered, torch, symbolical in ancient art of Day and Night, Grief and Joy, Life and Death ; but in the present connexion bearing a direct and undoiibted reference to the descent of the soul to earth and its subsequent re-ascent to the heavenly spheres" through the purifying grace of Mithra. In the two spandrils of the arch above these figures are seen the crescent moon, from which the human spii'it was believed to descend, and the rayed sun, the gate of its retiu'n. Three of the seven mystic rays of the orb of light are seen to be prolonged in the present representation, as if to illuminate in a special way the bird which leans forward over the sacrificing divinity. This is performed by Qaoshyant in the Mazdean religion, who according to the Bundehesh (75, 6) will give men an immortal body from the marrow of the immolated bull Hadhayaos. ^ The soul was thought to descend from the moon through the " gate " of Cancer, and to ascend again through the "gate" of Capricorn to the sun. Plato had learned this Magian doctrine (cf. Porphyrins, op. cit. c. XXX.) On their return to their celestial abode the spirits of men were thought to pass through the seven planets (answering to the seven Mithraic grades on earth), by which they were purified and ren- dered worthy to enter the fixed heaven, the dwelling-place of Ormuzd. 22 Anliquariaii Hesearches in Illyricum. the Eoi'osh, the Colostial raven described as "speaking the language of heaven," and the symbol of Mithra as interpreter of the di\ine will. The projecting rays on the present monument may seem to have a special significance when it is remembered that one of tlie distinguishing epithets of the Mithraic raven in the Zendavesta is " irradiate with light."" Pray to liim, we arc told in another pas- sage, and "he will shed much light, both before him and behind him." The celestial raven, Ilierocorax, among the Mithra worshippers of the Ex)man Empire, ga^■e its name to an inferior grade of devotees, and to the rites connected with their initiation called Coracica. The grotto itself, and the rugged ranges that surround it, was admirably adapted for these Mithraic hermits and fakirs to be the scene of the successive trials through which they hoped to mortify the flesh and fit themselves for "the better life."'' In some remarkable monuments ° discovered in Transvlvania and Tvrol, manv of the self-inflicted tortures, — the scorching by fire, the bed of unrest, the flagellations and fasts, — are still to be seen dejiicted as they once were imdergone by the jiredecessors of Simeon Stylites in these Illyrian wilds that were soon to rival Lerins and lona as the retreat of Christian ascetics. The basin within the grotto supplied in this instance a natm-al font for the Mithraic rite, alluded to by Tertullian,' of baptism for the remission of sins. From the site of Epitaurum itself I have obtained an engraved stone, such as, apparently, was given to those who, after the due period of fasting and mortifica- tion of the flesh, were admitted to share the Mithraic Eucharist." It is a white » In Lajarde's translation of the passages in the Zendavesta referring to the Eorosh : " Eclatante dc lumiore " (Recherches sur le cultc de Mithra, p. 355.) The elongation of the sun's rays is observable on another Mithraic monuniont, found at Rome in the Via di Eorgo S. Agata (Aniiali di Corr. Arch. 1864, p. 177). In this case a ray is made to shoot through a sacred cypress towards Mithra. >> niov riv KfiUTTova — the words used by Himerius the Sophist (Oral. vii. 9) in describing the state of the initiated. "^ See Hammer (ies Mithriaques, PI. V. VI. VII.), and cf. Greg. Naziauz, Oral. 3, who describes several of the tortures. '' De Prcvscriptionihns adv. hareii'cos, c. xl. "(Diabolus) ipsas res sacramentorum divinorum idolorum mysteriis wmulatur. Tingit et ipse quosdam utique qredentes et fideles suos. Expiationem dc>lictoruni de lavacro repromittit." ' Cf. Augustine (in Johannis Evangelium, Tract, vii.) : " Et magnum est hoc spoctarc per totum orbem tcrrarnm victum Lconem sanguine Agni . . . ergo nescio quid simile imitatus est quidam Spiritus nt sanguine simulacrum suum emi vellet quia noverat pretioso sanguine quandocumque rcdimendum esse genus humanum." The Spiritus quidam is Mithra, as appears from the succeeding paragraph, in which the Christian Father alludes to the honey mixed with the sacramental water of the Persian rite : King's Antiquarian Hesearches in Illyricum. 23 carueliau, streaked appropriately with blood-red, containing a singularly rude representation of a figm-e sacrificing tlie Mithraic bull before a lighted altar, above which are the crescent moon and rayed sun (fig. 8). The absence of the charac- teristic Phrygian cap and flowing mantle in the sacrificing figure makes me hesi- tate to suppose that it is actually Mithra himself who is here depicted. The two ministering Genii, and the scorpion and other animals representing the generative principle, are also conspicuous by their absence. It might have been thought that in any design, however barbarous, of the Mithraic sacrifice, these characteristic features would not have been omitted. Or, have we here, perhaps, simply the representation of the actual liturgic sacrifice performed by the Mithraic priest ? So far as the vestment is delineated at all it seems to be simply a short-sleeved tunic or dalmatic. The style of the head would indicate a post-Constantinian age. Another class of gem, discovered on this and other Dalmatian sites, engraved with the Mithraic lion, characterised by its peculiar radiated mane, may not impro- bably have been the badge of the high Mithraic grade known as Leontes or Lions, and whose special ritual was called from them Leontica. In this connexion I cannot pass over another engraved stone which appears to me to be intimately connected with Mithraic symbolism (fig. 9). It is a red carnelian, acquired by me at Scardona, on this same coast, presenting a figure of what, judging by other somewhat conventional designs, is intended for a bee, from whose mouth, in place of a proboscis, proceeds the twisted end of a caduceus. Now, from two passages in Porphyry, de An fro Nymphariim,^ it ^'k- ^• Tir-xl MITHRAIC GEM. appears that the bee, amongst the worshippers oi Mithra, was j-rom Scardona. the special emblem of the soul. As bees, according to the (Enlarged two diams.) ancient idea, were generated by bulls' carcases," so bees, representing the vital Fig. 8. MITHKAIC GEM. From site of Epitanmm. (Enlarged two diams.) inference (Gnostics and their liemains, p. (il), that by the simulacrum given to the initiated is betokened an engraved Mithraic gem, affords a reasonable expLanation of the passage. It would even seem from St. Augustine's words that he had in view a representation such as the present one of a Mithraic sacrifice, which result gives special point to his parallel. Even as " the Lamb " slays "the roaring Lion," the Devil, so the false Spirit, " the Capped One," is represented by his worshippers as slaying the Bull, which, according to their creed, was to herald the resurrection. " C. XV. and c. xviii. ^ '^ Sg (so. yueXiiTTOf) liovyevitc ihmi (rvftfiepiiKiv." Porph. op. cit. c. XV. Cf. Virgil, Georg. iv. V. 554: -i Antiquarian Researches in lUyricuni. principle, sprans: from the Cosmic bull of Persian mythology. So, too, no fitter emblem coiild be found for the spirits of men that swarmed forth, according? to this creed, from the horned luminary of the heavens, the Moon, their priiual dwelling-place, to migrate awhile for their earthly pilgrimage below. In this way the Moon itself was sometimes known, in the language of the mysts, as " the bee," " and it is noteworthy that the bee appears on the coinage of Ephesus, the special city of the Asiatic Moon-Goddess. The line of Sophocles — /So/i/SeZ he veKpwv crfiijvo';, ep^erai r ciXrjj^ may be taken as evidence that the identification of bees with si^irits had early invaded Greek folk-lore. EverAi:hing seems to point to a Persian origin for the idea, at least in its elaborated form, and had Eubulus's copious history of Mithra been preserved we should doubtless find that it entered largely into the Magian philosophy. On the Roman monuments of the sect a bee is sometimes seen in the mouth of the Mithraic lion," as the emblem of the soul — ^ovyev-q? like to insect — and, connected with this symbolism, was the practice of mixing honey in the eucharistic chalice, and the singular rite performed by the Leoutcs or Lion priests of Mithra,'' of purifying their hands with honey in place of lustral water. From all this it will be seen that the present conjunction of the bee and the "Well-known symbol of Mercury, the shepherd of departed souls, has a deep mystic significance. In the hands of one of the ministering Genii, symbol- ising the ascending soul, on a Mithraic monument. Yon Hammer- detected " Ilic vero subitum ac dictu mirabile monstrnm Aspiciunt liquefacta bourn per viscera toto Stridcre apes ntero et ruptis effervere costis." It is to be observed that this portent is obtained by sacrifices offered to the shades of Orpheus and Eury- dice; an indication that Virgil was conscious of a mystic connexion between bees, the Magian bull, and the spirit-world. ravpoQ, Sovytviti; ci «1 liiXtaaat." Porph. op. cit. c. xviii. An allusion to the same idea will be found on a very interesting engraving on a gold ring from Kortcli (m the Siemens Collection) representing a bee above a full-faced bust of Deiis Lnnvs. ^ Fragmenta (Dindorf. C93). Quoted by Porphyrins, op. cit. in this connexion. Bcrgk emends the tpxerai r aXXij of Porjihyrius, as above. ■= As for instance on one engraved by Hyde, Historia Religionis veterum Persarum eorumque Magorum, O.xonii. 1700, tab. I. •^ Porph. op. cit. c. xv. « Les Mithriaques, p. 252. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 25 a wand, described by him as resembling that of Mercury ; from which it may be inferred, that the caduceus was by no means alien to the later Mithraic iconography. It is impossible to close this accoimt of the traces of Mithra worship existin, representing 500 in the original MS. of Constantine, or in some MS. notes from which the Emperor copied, has been acci- dentally substituted for a T = 300, his notice may conceal a genuine historical date. The mainland behind the peninsular site of Epitaurimi, and, in a certaui sense, the whole region between it and the next sea-gulf to the South-East, the Bocche di Cattaro, derives its name, Canali, from the artificial canal of the Roman Aqueduct already descriljed which traversed a great part of its extent. It is, indeed, remarkable that Constantine Porphyrogenitus, in whose valuable account of tenth century Dalmatian geography the name Canali first occurs, should have assigned to it a ditt'erent derivation" from the sufficiently obvious one of Canalis in its sense of a watercoui'se, and his remarks on the origin of the name have been hitherto placed in the same category with his suggested derivation for the Dalmatian citv of Jadera, " iam ei'at." But the etvmolotj-v of the Byzantine Emperor is by no ineans always of this fantastic kind,'" and in the imminet aflfligor vehenieiiter et contiirbor. Affligor in liis qiuv jam in voljis patior; conturlior quia por Istrise aditum jam Italiam intrare couperunt." » Mansi, Collectio Concil. t. ix, Gregory appoints the refugee liisliop to tbe bishopric of Squillace. Should, however, his own city be liberated at any time from the enemy he is to retum to it. '' Farlati, op. ci't. t. iii. p. 22. ■^ .Safarik for example {Shnvische Alterthumer, ii. 27J) imagines Constantine's derivation of Canali to have been founded on some blundering reminiscence of " Kolnich" which appears as the Slavonic equiva- lent of Via Carri in a document of the year 1194 referred to by Lucius {De regno Da/iiHitia- et Cnialicr:, lib. vi.) "> His explanation for instance of the name of the neighbouring old Serbian district of Zacliulmia, "ojrio-w Tov jiovvoi" is a perfectly correct piece of Slavonic etymology. Equally exact is his rendering of the Croatian Primoije by ">; UapaBaXataia" His derivation for the river-name Bona contrasts favourably with Safarik's. .'50 Antiquarian Itesearches in Illyricum. present instancH' he liacl more warrant lor his suj:;^'este(l explanation than may at tirst sii^ht ajjjjear. Constantino, ^vhose Dalmatian to2)ogra})hy is singularly accurate, after mentioning the Serbian district of Terbunia, observes that beyond this is another district called Canali. " Now Canali," he continues, ■' in the Slavonic dialect means a wagon-road, since from the level nature of the spot all transport service is accomjilished by means of wagons."" If we now turn to the Theodosian Code Ave find that the word canaUs is used there in the sense of a highway or post-road. In the law on the public posts promulgated by Constantius II. a special provision is made against the abuse of wealthy or powerful citizens requisitioning the pack animals'' (post-horses), reserved for the public service of the province, to convey the marble required for their palaces along the canaUs or liighway. in the law regulating the functions of the Curiosi, or imi)erial })()st-inspectors, the canales are spoken of in the sense of the post- roads along which wlieeled traffic of all kinds was conducted.'' In the Acts of the Council of Sardica (a.d. 3-i7) the word occurs in the same sense, and in this case has special reference to the great postal and military higliAvay across Illyricum from the borders of Italy to Constantinople. Gaudentius,'^ bishop of Naissus, in Dacia Mediterranea, a city A\liieli derived its importance from its position on what was then the main line of communication between the Eastern and AVestern halves of the Empire, proposes a canon specially affecting bishops, who, like himsell', are on the canaUs (in its Greek form KavaKiov) or highway ; and Athanasius in his Apologia alludes in a similar manner to the bishops on the kanalion of Italv." * ** To c't KaraXr) ipfitivivirai Ty ruiv 2»c\a/3wi' CtaXcKrttj u/ia^ia, tTrtiStij dtd to tivar tov tottov tjrtVifov, iratra^ ai'Twi' rdq 6ov\eiac Sid dfiu^wv tKTiXovaivy Ue A.dni. Imp. C, 34. ^ JJe Ciirsit Publico, xv. " Manciiiium, cursus publici dispositio Procoiisulis forma teneatur. Ncque tamen sit cujusquam tam insignis audacia qui parangarias aut paraveredos ad canalem audeat commovere quominus marmora privatorntn vehiciilis provincialium transferantur." Du Cange (s.v. CanaUs) interprets this to mean that pack-horses, &c. destined for lanes and bye-ways are not to block the highway, but agrees in the important point that canaUs = via pubUca. '^ JJe C'lirw^if, ii. " Quippe sufticit duos (sc. agentes in rebus) tantummodo curas gerore et cursuni pnblicum gubernare ut licet in canalibns publicis hsec necessitas explicetur.'' (Law of Constantius and .lulian, 347 a.d.) Gothofrcd (ad loc.) observes, " Illud satis constat hie non pertincre ad aquarum sen ttnminum canales, quandoquidem in his rhedse, birotum, veredi, clabula;, moveri dicuntur." ■' (jcaudentius (Cone. Sardic. can. 20) speaks of " ««r«(TToc ly/idv twv iv toIq irapoSois i'/Toi ravnAi'^j Ka9iaTMrtov." In the Latin translation (Mansi, t. iii. p. 22) : " Qui sumus prope vias publicas seu canales." Ducango supposes that the word canaUs in a charter of a.d. lOuO, published by Ughellus {Epkcopi Berga- menscs), has the same meaning of "via pubUca." ^' Apol. i. 340. 01 iv Tt^ KavaXitii rqc; 'iraXiac- Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 31 Whatever associations, however, the word canalis had in the mouth of a Byzantine, the natives of Canali itself seem to have derived this name for their district from the Roman Aqueduct.'' The word, indeed, as used in this sense, passed from the Illyro-Roman inhabitants to the Slav-speaking occvipants of a later date, and, when the new aqueduct connecting Ragusa with a mountain source in another direction was built in the fifteenth centu.ry, it, too, was known by a Slavonized form of the Roman Canalis.'' The district of Canali itself had by Constantine's time become the Serbian Zupa Konavalska, otherwise KonavU, but the parallel preservation of the word in its Roman form, which his record attests, is of interest as corroborating what we know from other sources as to the considerable survival of the Illyi'o-Roman element throvxghout this whole region. Politically the country outside the limits of the still Roman coast-toAvns was by Constantine's time in the hands of Slavonic Zupans, but side by side with the dominant race the older inhabitants of the land continued to inhabit the Dinaric glens and Alpine pastures. The relics of the Roman provincials who survived the Slavonic conquest of Illyricum were divided, in Dalmatia at all events, into two distinct classes, the citizens of the coast-towns, who retained their municipal and ecclesiastical institutions and something of Roman civilization under the aegis of Byzantium, and the Alpine j)opulation of the interior, the descendants for the most part of Romanized Illyrian clansmen recruited by the expropriated coloni of the municipia, or at least that jiart of them who had been forced to give up fixed agricultural pursuits for a semi-nomad pastoral life. Both classes spoke the Latin language, approaching, in various stages of degradation, the Romance variety still spoken by the Rouman population of parts of Macedonia and the Danubian provinces ; and both were indiscriminately spoken of by their Slavonic neighbours as Vlachs, or Mavrovlachs : Romans, or Black Romans." ^ In Serbian it often appears in the plural form, konavle = the channels, showing that the name took in the lateral system of irrigation which ramified across the plain from the main Aqueduct. The plain of Canali is still (as has already been noticed) one of the best irrigated regions in Dalmatia — the inhabitants having in this respect inherited their Roman traditions. •" Kouo (i. e. konol). ■^ The earliest Dalmatian chronicler, the Presbyter of Dioclea, who wrote about the year 1 150, expressly identifies this Rouman population with the descendants of the Roman provincials of Illyricum. After mentioning the conquest of Macedojiia by the Bulgarians under their Khagan he continues : " post hjec ceperunt totam provinciam Latinorum qui illo tempore Romani vocabantur modo vero Alorovlachi, hoc est nigri Latini, vocantur." Regnum Stavorum, 4. 32 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. llai^usa* — the new Epitauvum — was in tlie time of Constantine Porphyrogenitus still a Roman citv, and tliouijh in \\w course of the sncceodiniT: centuries Ra,iz:usa became a Slav-speakiui!^ comuiimity there are still interesting' traces of her older lllyro-Pioman speech to be found in the later dialect,^ while the names of many of the smrnmiding villages clearly indicate a Neo-Latin origin. The nameCavtat (in its earliei- form Capetate) still applied by the present Slav-speaking population of the neighbourhood to the town that occi4pies the Epitaurian site is, as we have seen, simply a Kouman Civitate, to be coin])ared Avith the Wallachian Cetate or Citat, and the Albanian Gintet or Kintet. iloloiita, Yitaljina, and other Canalese villages, still present us with non-Slavonic name-forms," and there is documentary evidence that as late as the fifteenth century the shepherds who pastured their herds on the mountains of Upper Canali were still Rouman or Wallachian.'' » The materials relating to the Rouman population of D.ilmatia, Herzegovina, &c. existing in the archives of Ragusa have been collected by Dr Const. Jiiocek in his paper entitled Die Wlachen vnd Maurowlachen in den Denkmalern von Ragusa. ( Sitzungsberichte der k. bolim. Gesellscha/i der Wissen- srhajlen, 1879). " e. g. Dokes = doccssus (of the tide), rekesa = recessus, plaker = placere, lukjernar = hiccrnarius. (Prof. Luko Zore, Nasjezik tijikom nase knjizevnosti u Duhroimiku. (Our language in the course of our literature in Ragusa.) (Dubrnvnik, iii. 1871.) The preservation of the k sound of the Latin c is also a cliaracteristic of the Latin forms contained in Albanian. The discovery of a Roman-Christian glass bowl of sixth-century date among the ruins of Doklea (Dukle in Montenegro), presenting inscriptions in the local dialect, shows that this guttural survival was an early peculiarity of the Romance dialect of this ))art .)f Illyricuni. On the Doclean vase under the figure of Jonah and the whale occurs the line '■ Diunan de ventre queti liberatus est," where the " queti " for " ceti" is, as the Comm. di Rossi (Bull, di Arrli. Crist. 1877, p. 77) points out, not a mere barbarism but an archaistic survival carrying us back to the -oquoltod" for "occultu," '' qiiom" for ''cum," &c. of the S. C. de Bacchanalibus. On a Dalmatian inscription (C. I. L. iii. 2046) qvelie occurs for coeliae. In the matter of the survival of the k sound of the c Dalmatia showed itself more conservative than the West. The epigrammatic address of Ausonius to Venus, " Orta salo, suscepta solo, patre edita coelo " loses its alliterative |ic>iiit unless the citIo he pronounced as beginning with a sibilant: and the natural inference is that ia fifth-century Gaul the guttural sound of the Roman c had been already softened down. *= E.g. Vergatto (SI. Brgat), mediaeval Vergatum, from Latin Virgelnm; Zonchetto, Latin Junchetum; Rogiatto (SI. Rozat) = liosetum; Delubie, on the bank of the Ombla, = Diluvies. (Cf. Jire^ck, Die Handelstrassen, &c. p. 8.) Montebirt, the name of a pine-clad height near Ragusa, seems to me to be a .yfons Viridis (cf. Brgat for Virgetmn), though the derivation from a combination of the Latin and Slavonic name for mountain — brdo — has been suggested by Professor Zore. In the latter case it would find a parallel in " Mungibel." The rocky promontory of Lave or Lavve on which the earliest city of Ragusa was built derives its name from a low Latin form labes = land-slip. Constantine Porph. (De Adm. Imp. c. 29) gives it under the form Xai" and makes it = t:pqfiv6s. '^ Cf. JireCek, Die Wlachen und Maurowlachen, &c. p. 6. Antiquarian Hesearches in Illyricum. 33 Excavations made by Dr. Felix von Luschan and myself in the mediaeval cemeteries of Canali have supplied craniological proofs of the existence here in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries of a non-SlaA^onic race presenting^ apparently Illyrian and Albanian affinities. What is especially pertinent in this regard, a large number of the skulls on which this generalisation is based were obtained from a mediaeval graveyard above the present village of Mrcine, known from old Uagusan records " to have been a Vlach or Roiunan centre as late as the fifteenth century. The name Mrcine itself, written Marzine according to the Ragusan orthography, appears to me to be of the highest interest. It is a characteristically Roimian word, and is found with its derivatives in the present Rouman lands north of the Danube under the form Mrdcina or Maracina, meaning the prickly thorn of Eastern Eiu'ope,'' Cratcegus Oxyacantha, the Slav Drive, with which indeed the rocks of Mrcine are covered. Tlie Roumanian antiquary Hajdeu," who notices its aiipearance as a Vlach surname in a chrysobull of the Serbian Emperor Dusan, which contains many references to the still existing- Rouman population in the old Serbian regions, after pronouncing the word, justly enough, to be neither of Latin nor of Slavonic origin, expresses his opinion that it is probably derived from the old Dacian tongue. It would seem to be rather of Illyrian origin, for the modern word for blackthorn among the Albanians, the existing representatives of the Illyrian stock, is Muris-zi, in the plural Muriza-te.'* The name Mrzine or Mrcine appears in this case to have been a Rouman equiva- lent for the old Slavonic name of the hilly district on whose borders it Hes: — Bra^evica, or the " Thorny Country," from drac, draca, the Serb equivalent of the Wallachian Maracina. The colossal stone blocks with their curious devices and ornamentation that cover the graves at Mrcine show that those who built them had considerable resources at their disposal." In the Middle Ages indeed these descendants of the * Libri Rof/atormn, 1427-32. The older name for Mrcine in the Ragusan records is Versignc. Cf. Jirecek, Die Wlachen, &c. p. 6. '' E. g. Mdrdcinisu, = a place overgrown with thorns ; Mdrdcinosti, = thorny. ' Arc/lira istorica a Eomaniei, t. iii. Bncuresci, 18G7. Rcsturile unci carti de donatiune de pe la annul, 1348, emanata de la Imperatul Serbesc Dumn, &c. •^ This etymology, if admitted, would be a strong argument against the exclusively Thracian origin of the Wallachians, which at present finds so much favour. " Similar niedia;val iiiegalithic cemeteries, of which I hope to say something on another occasion, are scattered over a large part of what is now Herzegovina, Bosnia, Northern Montenegro, and certain districts of Dalmatia, and are common to both old Serbian and old Eouman districts. They are therefore not by themselves of ethnographical value. The inscriptions when found are always Serbian, and in Cyrillian F 31 Antiquarian Researches In Illi/ricum. Illyro-Roman provincials were the carriers and drovers of the j)eninsula. In the Balkan interior they were tlie pilots of llai^usan commerce. Tlieir wanderhii^ enterprise reoju^ued ancient trade routes, and they seem not imfrequeutly to have availed themselves of old Roman road-lines known only to themselves. On the mediicval caravan route, leading from this Vlach station to the Trebinje Valley, is another station of the same kind, at present conspicuous only hy its ancient sepidchres and monimients, but which still bears the distinctively Roiunan name of Turmente. Ttirma was the name given by these mountaineers to their caravans, and I found that the Avord in this sense has not been wholly forgotten by their Slavonized successors. The disappearance of the Roman-speaking element at Ragusa itself " and in the regions around, was, as a variety of still-existing records shows, of a most gradual character. The Illyi-o- Roman inhabitants seem to have early discovered the necessity of acquiring the speech of the new settlers and conquerors by whom they were siu'rounded, and to whom in most cases they Avere politically subject. The result of this Avas that they passed through a bilingual stage, continuing to speak their own language among themselves, while able to converse in Slav Avith their neighbours, a condition of things almost universal on the borderlands of conflicting nationalities, and finding its parallel still in the Dalmatian coast- cities, though there the case is at present reversed, the citizens for the most part speaking Slav among themselves, Avbile holding converse Avith outsiders in Italian. One result of this habit has been that throvighout a large part of Dal- matia, and notably in the neighbourhood of Ragusa, we find a nvunber of Neo- Latin or Illyro-Roman village names Avith an alternative SlaA'onic form " exactly translating their meaning ; and finally, in many cases, as the inhabitants forgot even the domestic use of their native Rouman, the original Latin form has altogether passed aAA^ay, leaving no trace of its existence beyond its Slavonic characters ; the " Yladis " do not seem to have had a written langnage. A rich " Vlach," however, being bilingual, might put up an inscription in Serbian, which was to him the language of Church and State. " The Ragusans early found a more convenient Romance language in Italian. Nor is it necessary to suppose that they ever spoke a Rouman dialect in the sense that the Dalmatian highlanders spoke it. The correspondence between Ragusa and the other Dalmatian coast-cities, Cattaro, Budua, Antivari, &c. was conducted in Latin. " This fact had already struck Lucius {De regno Dalmatiw et Croatia, lib. vi. Francofurti, 1666, p. 277), who instances "Pefm" = SI. "Brits"; "riaCa>Tr = i>]."CoInicir; "Circuitus," = S\."Zavod"; " Calamet" = SI. " Tarstenich." Cf. " Cannosa," near Ragusa, SI. " Trstenik" In the same way Vlach personal names were early translated into Slavonic equivalents, so that in Ragusan records we hear again and again of '' Vlachi" with Serbian names. Aniiqua}'ian ^Researches in Illyriciim. 35 translation. This process has been, in all probability, of far more frequent occiu'rence in this part of Illyi'icnm than can at present be known. It is only, for instance, by the chance that Constantiue'' refers to the earlier name of the place that we know that the name of the Herzegovinian stronghold of Blagaj is simply a translation of the Bona of formerly Romance-speaking mountaineers. Another curious revelation of the survival of ancient nomenclature in a Sla^'onic guise is due to the quite modern discovery of a Roman monument. In 1866 an inscription,'' apparently of second or third-century date, was discovered in the Kerka Valley, revealing the ancient name of the rocky crest that there overhangs the stream, Tetra long a. To the present inhabitants, who for centiu'ies have spoken a SlaA'onic dialect, the crag is still known by its Roman name in a translated form, J)u(ju Sfina, " the long rock." Physical types, distinctively im-Slavonic and presenting marked Albanian affinities (an lUyrian symptom), are stiU to be detected among the modern Canalese, Brenese, and Herzegovinian peasants, mingled with types as character- istically Slav. Their langviage, however, is at the present day a very pure Serbian dialect, and, taken by itself, afPords us no clue to the fact, illustrated in this case by historical record, by craniological observations, and by the stray survival of local names, that their forefathers were as much or more Illyro-Roman than Slavonic. This interesting 2)lienomenon, repeated in the case of many districts of Herzegovina, Serbia, and Montenegro," may throw a valuable light on similar * De Adm Imp. C. 33 : " iv rif roiourifi X'^P'V Powoc iirn ftiyoQ, fx""' «>'w9f>' «iVor' ivo Kciarpa, to Boi'« xai to XXovfi' oTTirjQev it rov towvtov fSovvov CifpxeTat TroTafiuQ KaXov^ei'og Bora, o tppiivev€Tai koKov. At present the castlc on the peak is called Blagaj, the river which wells in full volume from its foot is still called Buna. This ]iassage of Constantine affords valuable evidence of the existence in the tenth century ef an Illyro-Roman population among the interior ranges of what is now Herzegovina. Bona is a characteristic Rouman name for good, clear, streams (cf. SI. Dobravoda, &c.), and re-appears in this sense in the North Albanian Alps, where the Val Bona indicates the former presence of Romance-speaking highlanders in a glen which so far as language is concerned is at present Albanian. In the same way we find f(iniis like Alp'bona in the Ladinc or Romance districts of Tyrol. " C. I. L. iii. G418. *"'. ^ The Ragusan records and old Serbian chrysobulls reveal a great extension of Rouman tribes in this part of Western Illyricum in the early Middle Ages. Amongst those in the present Herzegovina and Montenegro were the Vlachi Banjaui, Niksici, Mirilovici, Pilatovci, and the Rigiani in the mountains that overlook the ruins of Risinium. Their Alpine villages were called Cantons, in Slav. Katun, from whence the Katunska Nahia of Montenegro has its name. Like the Dokleates, the Illyrian tribe that once occu- pied a considerable part of the same mountain region, and of whom they were in part the Romanized descendants, they were great cheese-makers. The foundation charter of the church of St. Michael and St. Gabriel at Prizrend (1348) presents us with a number of Wallachian personal names with the Roiunan suffix -id, showing the Illyro-Roman survival in the ancient Dardaniau province and its border-lands. f2 36 Antiquarian Meaearches in Illyricum. researches regardiiiii; Britain, the conquest of which hy the English presents some .striking analogies with the Slavonic conquest of Illyricum. It cuts, at all events, the ground from the feet of those who, hecause tlu' people of Englaiul speak a laiuruane containin": few Welsh or E-omano-British elements, and can trace most of their institutions to a Teutonic origin, would liave us therefore believe that the earlier inhabitants of a large jiart of Britain were either expatriated or exter- minated wholesale. The inhabitants of Southern Dalmatia, of Herzegovina, and Montenegro, are at present Serbian, not only in language but in customs, in })o])ular traditions, in village and domestic government, and yet Ave have in this case irrefragable proofs that, down to a late i)eriod of the JMiddle Ages, a con- siderable i)roportion of them were still speaking an Illyrian variety of Eomance. Although enough has been said to explain Constantine Porphyrogenitus's derivation ol' the word Canali, it seems, as we have seen, to be tolerably certain that the local term owed its origin solely to the course of the Epitaurian Aqueduct. The general accuracy, however, of Constantino's information as to Dalmatian matters, and the acquaintance which he shows with the prevailing physical characteristic of Canali itself, may embolden us to believe that when he seeks the etymology of the plain in the late Roman signification of canalis as a highway on which Avheel-traffic Avas conducted, he may not have been without some apparent foundation for his statement. In Uoman times, at all events, the district of Canali Avas a canalis in the sense in Avhich the Avord is used in the Theodosian Code, and by the fourth -century Illyrian bishop. There can be no question but that the Eoman road from Epitaurum to the next great Illyrian city to the south, Eisinium, ran through the present A^ale of Canali, emerging on the Bocche, the ancient Sinus Rhizonicus, through the Suttorina gorge, in the neighbourhood of Castelnuovo. The Tabula Feutingeriana, so fertile in difficulties for this part of Dalmatia, makes the distance from Epitaurum to " Eesinum " only tAventy miles, about lialf the real distance. The idea that Epitaurum itself Avas ever situate on the Sinus llhizonicus, and therefore nearer Risinium, I have already scouted. It only remains, therefore, to imagine either that a numerical error here occurs in the Tabula or that an intermediate station has been left out. Professor Tomas- chek " accepts this latter theory, and imagines Castelnuovo to have been the site of the omitted station. Local researches had long convinced me that a Roman station of some importance existed between Epitaurum and Risinium. Its site, however, Avas •■» Die vorslaivische Topographic, &e. \>. 37. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricimi. 37 not Castelnuovo, where, so far as I am aware, no Roman remains have heen discoA'^ered. Near the village of Gruda, ahout the centre of the plain of Canali, have heen found Roman coins, intagli, fragments of pottery, and other relics ; and it is a common saying among the Canalese peasants that there once existed a city at this spot. The locality where these remains are found is known to the natives as Djare, from djara, a jar, owing to the amphorce and other vessels discovered liere. A little to the east of Djare rises an isolated height capped hy the small church of Sveti Ivan (St. John), a sanctuary, as the early mediaeval monuments round it show, of considerahle antiquity. Visiting this spot, in company with my friend Dr. Aon Luschau, I had the good fortune to discover, walled into the church porch and partially concealed by plaster, a Roman inscription, Avhich, Avlien cleared of mortar and cement, read as follows (fig. 12) : Kig 12. Sveti Ivan, Canali, from probable site of Roman Mnnicipium between Epitannim and Risiniuni. 38 Antiquarian Researches in lllyricum. D M Q FVJ. Via I Filio II \lli liirf Dicunilo ET TAVRAE MA XT MAH VXSORI KIVS TAVRVS MAXIMir^ ET ^ViATUES Titvlum Posuere Taken by itself the mention of a Duumvir Jure Dicundo, tlic chief municiiial magistrate, on this monument raises a fair i)resumption that the Roman station at this spot was itself a Miinicipinm, and not a mere Tlcus of tlie Ager Epitauri- tanus. On the other hand, the coiu'se of the Epitaurian Aqueduct, across the whole extent of the j)lain of Canali, in the midst of which Djare and Sveti Ivan lie, certainly tends to show, as was pointed out long ago hy the Eagusan historian Cer^arius Tuhero, that, originally at least, Canali was comprised in the territory of Epitaurum. It is to be observed that the name of a Q. Eulvius Clemens occurs among the tituli found at Eagusa Yecchia." Be this as it mav, it is certain that there Avas a considerable lloman station in this vicinity ; and the position is itself admirably adapted for a half-way post between Epitaurum and the Khizonic gulf. Opposite the isolated height of Sveti Ivan, on which the inscription stands, oi)ens a pass in the mountains dividing the huge mass of Movmt Sniesnica on one side from the offshoots of Mount Orien on the other. It is at the opening of this pass that the village of Mreine is situate, already mentioned as an important llouman centre in the Middle Ages, and above Avhich Avas the ancient cemetery, also, in all probability, belonging to these descendants of the Illyro-Iloman provincials. It is certain that the pass itself, which served these later representatives of Rome for theu* caravan traffic Avith the inland countries between the Adi'iatic and the Drina, would not have been neglected bv the Eomans themselves as an aA'enue of communication. The remains of a paved medijrval Avay may still be traced tlu'eading the gorge, and AAX" have here, perhaps, the direct successor of a Eoman branch line of road con- necting the station, which appears to have existed at Sveti Ivan, Avith another Eoman station, of Avhich I hope to say mov(>, in the A-alley of Trebinje. On the other hand, there are distinct indications that SA^cti Ivan lay on the direct Eoman road betAAcen Epitaurum and Eisinium. The old Eagusan road » C. I. L. ii:. 17.39. Antiquarian Besearches in Illyricum. 39 through Canali to the Bocche di Cattaro ran past this position, and the old bridge over the Ljuta lies just below it. What, too, is extremely significant, a long line of hedges and ancient boundary lines, that originally bisected the plain, runs from the direction of E,agusa Vecchia towards this point. Any one who has endeavoured to trace Roman roads in Britain must be aware how often, when other traces fail, the continuous hedge lines preserve the course of the ancient Way. The distance from Djare and Svcti Ivan to Bisinium is as nearly as possible twenty miles. It is, therefore, not imjiossible that at this point was the station ex hypothesi omitted in the Tabula. It is probable, as I hope to show in a succeeding paper, that this was also a point of junction between the road Epitaurum-Risinium and a line communicating with the interior of the Province. From this point the way to the Bocche runs down the Suttorina Valley, reaching the Adriatic inlet near Castelnuovo. After following the coast for some miles, the road would again strike inland, over the Bunovic Pass, which forms the shortest line of communication with the inner gulf on which Bisinium stood. Prom this point the course of the Roman road is no longer a matter for theory. Between Morinje and the western suburb of the little town of Risano that preserves the name of the Roman city its course can be distinctly traced along the limestone steep that here overhangs the sea. The site and early history of Rhizon, or Risinium, form a marked contrast to that of Epitaurum, as, indeed, to most of the GrjBCO-Roman sites on the Dalmatian shore. Here there is neither peninsula nor island : no natm*al bridge nor moat to secure the civilized colonist from the barbarism of the mainland. The peak which formed the Acropolis of Rhizon is but a lower oif shoot of the greater ranges beyond. An Alpine pass, communicating with highland fastnesses as rugged and inaccessible as any to be found within the limits of Illyricum, zigzags directly into the lower town. Thus the early history of Rhizon is neither Greek nor Roman, but pre-eminently Illyrian. In 229 B.C. Teuta, the Illyrian Pirate Queen, defeated by the Romans, took refuge at Rhizon, as her securest stronghold. Prom the expression of Polybios ^ that Rhizon was " a small city, strongly fortified, removed from the sea, but lying directly on the River Rhizon," some writers, including Sir Gardiner Wil- kinson,'' have endeavoured to discover its site somewhere in the mountains of ** " \\o\i Niunismatic Society, so tliat T may here content myself with siimniarising the results at which I was enabled to arrive." Ill tlic numismatic history of the Illyrian city two periods are to be noticed ; the lirst during w liich the Rhizonian mint was under Greek influence, and the later period, during which Roman influence predominated. The coins are of three main varieties : — 1. Autonomous coins, struck in the name of the city, with the legend Pizo, or I'izoNiTAN, showing that here, as at Lissos (Alessio) and Scodra (Scutari d' Albania), there was a Republican period in the history of the city : in all probability the period immediately suc- ceeding the break-up of the Illyrian kingdom of Genthios by the Romans in 107 B.C. 2. Coins of an Illyrian Prince Balhcos, unknown to history, but who pos- sessed another prolific mint in the Isle of Pharos (Lesina). It is j)robable that this prince reigned in the second half of the second century B.C. and that his dominion represents a revival of the old Ai-diycan dynasty. These coins have Greek legends, like those of Genthios. 3. Coins of one or more successors of Ballaeos, some with the legend myn. Ill the figure of Artemis, on the reverse, these coins resemble those of Halhcos, but the obverse presents us Avith heads imitated from the Pallas, Libertas, and Virtus on Roman consular denarii. The i;i'iicral conclusion which Ave are enabled to draw from these coins is, that llliizon, or Risinium, remained in a position of independence or quasi-indepen- (Iriicc of Rome, at least under the gOA'ernment of native princes, at a period when large tracts of the Illyrian coast both north and south of this point had been placed under direct Roman government. We are, in fact, informed by LiA'v'' that, as a reward for their timely defection from King Genthios, the inhabitants » Si'i> Xiiiiiismatic Chronicle, X.S. vol. xx. p. 2G9 8eqq. ^ Lib. xly. c. 26. Antiquarian Researches in Illj/ricum. 43 of Rhizon and Olcinium, with the Pirustse and others, were not only left free to govern themselves hut Avere exempted from all tribute. Among the coins of prae-Roman date found at Risano silver pieces of Corinth, Dyrrhachium, and Apollonia, are of comparatively frequent occurrence, and I have obtained one of the Paeonian King Lykkeios. But the extraordinary feature of this site is its inexhaustible fertility in the small brass pieces of the native King Ballseos and his successors. Considering that these coins themselves occasionally attain to a fair art level, that the inscriptions are in Greek, and that they are universally associated with fragments and remains that are undoubted products of Greek and Roman civilization, we are justified in inferring that already in Illyrian days Rhizon was beginning to present many of the external features of a civilized city. The historians of Greece and Rome, from whom all our written knowledge of the Illyrian coast-lands in their yet imconquered days is due, naturally lay stress on the piratic and barbarous side of Illyrian life. But the indigenous coinage existing at Rhizon, Scodra, Lissos, and the Isle of Pharos, and even among the mainland tribe of the Daorsi, is itself a proof that more commercial instincts were developing among the aborigines of the Adriatic coast. The ancient trade route between Greece and the lands at the head of the Adriatic could not have been without its civilising influence on the inhabitants of the littoral, and there is strong presumptive evidence that Phoenician, Pontic, and Etruscan merchants frequented the Illyrian havens in still earlier days. This Phoenician contact has left its trace in the persistent repetition by Greek writers of legends connecting Cadmus and his consort with the Illyrian towns, and in a special way with Rhizon itself. That coins of the Illyrian king Genthios have been found I in Sicily tends to prove that his dominion had a mercantile as well as a piratic side, and this drunken barbarian, as he is described by Polybios and Livy, has deserved well of medical science by bringing into use the herb Gentian, that still preserves his name.* Nor are there wanting ancient writers who have passed a more favourable verdict on the inhabitants of the Illyrian coast. We read of their cities, of their regular government, now under chieftains, now under kings, now autonomous in its constitution, and Scymnos adds, that " they are very pious, just, and given to hospitality, that they respect the ties of social life, and * Pliny, H. N. lib. xxv. 34: •' Gentianam invenit Gentius rex Illyiioruin. ubique nascentem, in Illyrico tamen pvsestantissimam." G 2 44 Antiquarian Researches in Illi/ricum. live in an orderly manner."" The splendid booty collected by Anicius on the capture ol" Kins; Genthios in his royal city of Scodra renders it tolerably certain that King Balkcos and his successors at Rhizon knew how to surround their court with the luxuries of civilisation, and a silver coin of this prince in the British Museum, in all probability coined in his llhizonian mint, proves that on occasion he could employ Hellenic workmen. The historv of the Illvrian mint at Rhizon, as illustrated l)v the coins, un- doubtcdly reflects the general course of civilisation in the Illyrian city. During the period marked by the autonomous coins and the coins of King Ballceos, the external culture introduced was Greek so far as it w^ent, and the numerous coins of Greek cities found on this site evidence considerable mercantile intercourse with Hellas. The semi-Roman character of the coins of Ballaios's successor, taken in connexion with the presence of numerous consular denarii, tends to show that towards the end of the second century B.C. iJomau commercial enterprise, follow- ing in the wake of political sujjremacy, Avas supplanting the old Greek connexion with this part of the Adriatic coast. Gi*eek inscriptions have been found at Risano,'' one or two of prae-Roman date, but the greater part of the remains found at Risano belong rather to the later period, when Roman influences preponderated. Among the pottery however obtained from this site I have one good example of Greek fictile art. It is an askos of reddish brown and yellow ware, of that peculiar form that seems to be character- istic of Magna Graecia, and which certainly bears a greater resemblance to a small china teapot than a " bladder." (See PI. II.) On its ujiper surface is stamped a medallion containing a highly artistic Faun's head, with pointed ears pricked, and flowing locks. The funnel-shaped opening of the spout is unfortunately broken ofp. It is difficult to understand for what use this kind of vessel may have served. » V. 420 seqq. " Kai Ttva fiiv ai'Tuiv fiovXiKiii^ llovaiaiq vnijKo' elvai, Tiva St Kal fiovapxiai^, ii o' avTOVOfisiaOai' 0fo(T€/3t7c S^ aiTOVf dyap Ku'i fT(j}i'}^pa SiKaiov^y ipaaiy Kai ^tXo^tvoVf,') KOil'ioi'iKtjV cutBtfftv iiyaTTyKuTaQ elvai^ (itov l^rjXovv n KOfffiitorarov,'" His words have a special reference to the south Dahnatian coast, as he places opposite the region of these civilized mainlanders the Greek island colonies of Pharos (Lesina) and Corcyra Nigra (Curzola). •• Cf. G. Gelchich, Memorie storiche sulle Bocche di Cattaro, pp. 10. 11, and Ljubic, Viestnik hrvatskoga Arkeologickoga Druitva, an. iii. p. 52. Most of these have been transported to Perasto. -^"6* 1U1 Ajjviu ri 11. k cc: -1 oj in .■->ti, ■•e^.; -^-J^. ^ < z o a: < z E O -— (X uj "- y g; -^ " Ph — -jo z r^ 0) ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRICUM, BY A.J. EVANS F.S A PuhliAsheci by the- Soctety ofAnU Since I took down these inscriptions copies of figs. 13, 14, 15, and 17 have been sent to the Croatian Archa;ological Society, and are given by Dr. Ljubid in Viestnik (an. i. p. 127; an. ii. p. 101), where ray e.\cavations are referred to. The examples in tlie Viestnik will be found to dilTor in some small details from mine, and do not represent the original lettering. Figs. 14 and IG are at present in the Casa Misetic. Fig. 13 was found in the campagna of Paprenica. Fig. 15 is from the left bank of the Fiumara; I have since deposited this stone in the museum at Ragusa. " C. I. L. iii. 1730, as completed by Mommsen. ■^ Cf. C. I. L. iii. 2751, 27.52, 2773, 2788, among inscriptions found at Vcrlikka and S. Danillo in Dalmatia; 3144 in the Isle of Cherso; 3804, 3825, at Igg near Laibach, herein a Celtic connexion:— •' voLTREx PLAETORis"; in a Privilegium (C. I. L. iii. D. vii.) granted by Vespasian — platori . veneti . I- . CEKTVRio.Ni . M.xEZEio ; at Apulum and Alburnus Major (vicvs pirvstarvm) in Dacia where was a large Illyrian mining colony (1192, 1271) Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. i7 ARI TCM Fig. 13. Fi":. l.^i. SE LR¥ENA \n \U XXS/ Kig. H. PRIM[CEM10 Fig. IG. PLAETORIA M'Pfoy/lT/i Fi". 17. Inscriptions fbom Risinium (Hisano). 48 Antiquarian Researches in Illyriciim. its reappoai'ance among the Messapians * of the o^jposite Italian coast, the Illyrian affinities of Avliom ave undoubted. The occun-oncc of this and other indigenous names on llisinian monuments, taken in connexion with the abiding cult of the native Lar, show that the IlljTian element continued to hold its own in the Roman city ; and I may observe that the modern Risanotes, though at present entirely of Slavonic speech, must ethnologically be classed with the Albanian descendants of these same Illyrians. The finely-modelled head, the aquiline nose, such as King Ballteos displays on his Rhizonian coins, the " stricti artus, minax \ultus," recall at once the Illvrian aboriu:ines of ancient writers and the modern Skipetar. Meanwhile the Risanote tales about Queen Teuta or Czaritza Tiuda, as they call her, may be safely placed in the same category with the Ragusa- Vecchian traditions of Dolabella and Cadmus. The Roman city appears to have drawn its water supply direct from the cavern from which the Risano Fiumara issues. On the right bank of the stream I found the channel of an aqueduct, resembling that of Epitaurum, hcAvn out of the solid rock. This channel leads into the vast atrium of the cavern, the floors and walls of which have been hewn out apparently to form a large reservoir. There can be no doubt that in ancient times this was filled with water, and that the supply of water was considerably greater than it is now. At present in summer the bed of the Fiumara is almost dried up, and the aqueduct would be useless even in the rainy season. That the character of the source should have altered will surprise no one who has observed the vagaries of streams and sources in a limestone country ; and its diminished volume may be connected with the continued deforesting of the Dalmatian coasts during the last two thousand years, Avhich here, as in Greece, has contributed to decrease the rainfall. The cavern is still, however, a considerable reservoir. Following it by an easy descent of about one hundred yards into the moiTutain you arrive at the brink of a subterranean pool of unknown dimensions. In Roman days the summer level of this pool must have reached the excavated chamber in the mouth of the cavern, from which the channel of the aqueduct issues. The Slavonic-speaking natives, having wholly forgotten its former api)lication and origin, regard the rock-hewn channel as of supernatural creation, and call it " Vilin Put," " the Fairies' Way." " Cf. inscriptions found at Capo di Leuca, UXaropag n«\6r«oc Xuaptn, and at Ceglie bcginnins: taatopas, f^yeumTsiommsexi, Dieunteritalienischen Diahkle,i^. 51. The plebeian family name Plsetoria at Rome was derived from this source. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 49 Engraved gems are not so abundant on this site as on that of Epitaurum, where Grseco-Roman culture was less alloyed with indigenous barbarism. I have, however, procm-ed four or five; and a fine gold ring set with an ovljs. engraved with a lion, recently discovered here, was presented by the Commune of Eisano as a baptismal gift to the second son of Prince Nikola of Montenegro.* One intaglio, a pale sard from this site, in my own possession, is remarkable as presenting an unique Roman-Christian composition (fig. 18). On it is seen the Good Shepherd, not in the usual attitude, but holding forth what appears to be intended for the typical lamb, which he has lowered from his shoul- ders." Before him stands a ram, while to the left is a tall amphora-like jar, probably meant to represent one of the water-pots of Cana of Galilee. Above is seen the Christian monogram, and another symbol con- sisting of three upright strokes crossed by one T.^' iMTsr.'I.^^^S:.:;!)^" transverse. As late as the end of the sixth century the Christian Church of Risinium seems to have been still flourishing and important. Two letters are extant addressed by Pope Gregory the Great to Sebastian, Bishop of Risinium, one of 591 and the other of 595 a.d.'= In the latter of these Gregory speaks of " dulcis- sima et suavissima fraternitatis tuce verba" but laments at the same time the evil which he suffers from Sebastian's friend, Romanus, Exarch of Ravenna, to whose government Risinium with the other Dalmatian coast-cities then belonged, and whoso malice towards the representative of St. Peter cut sharper in Gregory's opinion than the swords of the Lombards .*' The next mention of a Bishop of Risinium occurs after an interval of seven hundred years. Of a date still later than the Christian intaglio, and by far the most beautiful object, to my knowledge, discovered at Risano, is a gold pendant, inlaid on either side with cloisonne enamel, dug up in a campagna at Carina in 1878 by a man whom » Amongst other objects of Koman jewelry obtained by myself from this site may be mentioned a part of a gold earring terminating in a lion's head, and two spiral snake bracelets of silver, much resembling a kind of bangle which has lately again become fashionable. " On another Christian gem, obtained by me at Salona, the Good Shepherd stands at the side of a group of sheep and goats beneath a palm tree. The material is green jasper. "= Given in Farlati, Ilhjriciim Sacrum, t. vi. pp. 411, 412. The letters are headed " Gregorius Sebastiano Episcopo Rhiziniensi." ^ " Quia ejus in nos malitia gladios Longobardorum vieit." H 50 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricinn. I had employed to make excavations (fig. 19) . It presents on one side a crested l)east of grotesque and mytliieal aspeet, witli n projecting tontrue, tlie colours oF ,<^^^^^ Kit'. !"•' (ioLD Knamelled Pendast, Carina, 187S. the animal i)eing green, yellow, red, and bluish white on a dark blue ground. On the other side is a conventional rose, with dark blue and yellow petals, and red centre on a green ground. This rose, w^hich has much in common with the familiar rose of heraldry, is of a form frequent on Roman mosaics, and not least upon those that adorn the walls of E-oman-Christian basilicas. The four round excrescences attached to the broader petals may be regarded as singular, other- wise there is nothing in the design on this side alien to the lloman art of the Western Empire to which Kisinium in Justinian's time belonged. So far as the colours go they recall with singular fidelity the predominant tints in the mosaics of the mausoleum of Galla Flacidia, of the church S. Apollinare Nuovo and other Kavennate indniinients of the fifth and sixth centuries. The sombre l)lue and green ground in mosaic work, at least, is more distinctive of Western than of pure Byzantine traditions. The quasi-heraldic animal on the other side of the pendant is suggestive at once of Oriental influences. It bears a strong family likeness to the griffins, winged lions, and other fabulous monsters, on some remarkable vessels found at Szent ^liklos. in ihe district of Torontal, in Hungary, in 1799, and which are now among the treasures of the Antiken Cabinet at Vienna." Among the points in which the animal on the Eisano pendaiit bears a special resem- blance to some of those of the Torontal hoard may be signalised the character of the head and eye, the drop-shaped spots or stripes on the body, and the attitude of the legs and tail. On the other hand, the crest or mane is of a more cocks-comb- like form; the wings with which most of the Torontal monsters are equipped, as * See Von Anieth, Monumente des k. k. Mum uiid Antiken Cabinettes, Wien, 18.i0, PI. <;. iv., g. v., G. XIV. &c. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 51 well as their arabesque appendages, are wanting, and the general elegance and spirit of the design is considerably diminished. The Torontal objects are unquestionably of Persian origin ; " the mythic repre- sentations that occur on them are thoroughly Oriental, and the monsters repre- sented are the true forerunners of the Mahometan Borrak, of which fabulous animal we learn that it had a mane of pearls and jacinths, that its ears were as emeralds, and its eyes as rubies. The form of the Torontal gold vessels is also characteristically Persian, much resembling the cups which every Persian hangs at his saddle-bow when he goes out riding. Von Arneth considers them to be of fifth-century workmanship, though they bear inscriptions of later date. One of these, in Greek characters, seems to be a line of a Byzantine missionary hymn. Another gives the names of two chiefs, apparently of Bela, Zupan of the Theiss, and Butaul, Zvipan of the Jazyges, a people, be it observed, of Medo-Sarmatian stock." The Bisano pendant may therefore l)e taken as illustrating the influence of these fifth-century Persian models on late Boman and Byzantine art, an influence which, from this time onwards, becomes more and more perceptible. No example of any perfectly analogous jewel has come under my observation ; there is, liow- ever, one feature besides the general character of the enamel and goldwork, which it shares with some other ornaments of Byzantine date. The outer rim is pro- vided with a groove and five loops — three below and two above. The use to which these were applied is shown by an earring in the British Museum, witli similar groove and loops, to which a circlet of pearls — strung on a golden wire — is still attached. Two other Byzantine earrings, in the Biu'ges Collection, enriched on one side with that well-known Christian emblem, a pair of doves, enamelled, in one case, on a gold field, and dating probably from the seventh century, show an arrangement of the same kind. Taking into consideration on the one hand this Byzantine feature in tlie form, and, on the other hand, the distinct reflection in the design of Persian models, the introduction of which into the Illyrian jirovinces was probably not uncon- nected with the great Hunnish irrujjtion of the fifth century, we cannot greatly " An account of the Torontal treasure will be found in Von Arneth, op. cit. p. '20 aeqq. ^ This inscription reads : BOVHAA • ZOArrAN • TE2H ■ AVrETOIPH • BOI'TAOVA • ZUAIIAN ■ TAri'orH ■ HTZITH • TA12H. Von Hammer (Osmanische Geschichte, iii. 726) compares TArpOFH ■ nrziTH with Aanpiyoi lalvyeq, a tribe of .TazTges mentioned by Dion (Ixxi. 12). The Tagri are mentioned by Ptolemy (iii. c. h). The inscription is cited by Safarik (^Slaivische Alterthumer, i. 345) as a monument of the early connexion of Slavs and Sarmatians. zoahan cannot be other than the Slay Ztipan, the governor of the Ziipa or Mark. H 2 52 Antiquarian Researches in Illi/riciim. err iu assigning the present work to the period of comparative peace and pros- perity that dawned on Dalmatia in the first half of the sixth century. Of later date than the sixth century it cannot well be, as lloman Risinium itself was utterly wiped out some time in the first half of the next century by a barbarous horde of Slavs and Avars. The early part of the century that preceded this awful overthrow — which Risinium shared with its sister cities, Epitaurum and SalonjE — was marked in Dalmatia, as in Italy, by the beneficent Ostrogothic dominion. The Dalmatian cities gained a now lease of life, and the relative al)undance of Ostrogothic coins on these Trans-Adriatic sites is itself a tangible proof of their prospei-ity. On the recovery of Dalmatia by Justinian's generals, the Roman cities of its coast ranked among the most valuable possessions of his Exarchs at Ravenna, and the Province was then reckoned " the stronghold of the "West." There can be no good reason for doubting that the Risano jewel was of Dalmatian, perhaps of local Risinian, manufacture ; indeed, its somewhat heavy Occidental aspect, coupled with the purely Roman form of the rose, asso- ciated as they yet are with undoubtedly Oriental features, render the work peculiarly appropriate to the character of a Province which formed the border- land between the Eastern and Western Worlds. II.-NOTES ON THE EOMAN EOAD-LINES-SISCIA, SALONiE. EPITAUEUM, SCODEA. SYNOPSIS. PAGE 54. Alternative routes from Salonse to Siscia. 55. Route through the Lika. 55. Inscription fixing site of Ausancalio. 56. Inscription referring to iiviri at Lapac. 57. Explorations in the Upper Kraina. 57. Surviving traditions of the great Tatar invasion. 58. Legend of King Bela's flight: his road and milestones identified with Roman Way from Siscia to Salonae. 60. Bas-relief of Mercury, remains of Roman building and other monuments in Unnac Valley. 62. Roman remains near Knin, and monument of early Croat prince. 64. Antiquities at Verlika, traditions of Gothic occupation in Dalmatia. 66 Memorials of Hunnish and Tatar invasions existing at Salonas and Spalato. 68. The Roman road Salonje — Narona. 68. Bridge-station of Tilurium. 69. Observations on the site of Delminium, the original capital of Dalmatia. 72. Sites of Ad Novas and Bigeste : new inscription. 75. Narona: monuments, glass like Anglo-Saxon, her Iris Illyrica; crystal iinguetituiinm from Salonas. 77. Roman sacrificial knife, and turquoise ring. 78. Trappano, an ancient site. 80. The road Narona — Scodra, inland, and not along the coast. 83. From Scodra to Niksic. 84. The birthplace of Diocletian. 86. Roman outline of Niksi6. 8''. Site of Andarva. 88. Traces and traditions of ancient Way from Rhizonic Gulf to Drina Valley. 90. Roman remains and inscription referring to andauvani at Gorazda. 92. Course of Roman road from Narona to Niksid via Stolac (Diluntum). 93. Junction-line from Epitaurum: discovery of road and milestone in Mokro Poljc. 98. Site of Asamo, near Trebinje. 101, Milliary column of Claudius. 104. Proofs of existence of ancient Way from Epitaurum to the River Drina. 105. Its course followed later by Ragusan caravans. IT.—NOTES OX THE ROMAN ROAD-LINES —SISCIA, SALONtE, EFITAURUM, SCODRA. Two lilies of communication between the Dalmatian capital, Salonse and the great Pannonian city, Siscia, are indicated by the Tabula and Itinerarium Antonini. One ran through yEquum, near Sinj, and thence by an obscure route across wliat is now North-West Bosnia, to Scrvitium, identified with Gradiska, on the Save, where it met the important valley line connecting Siscia and Sirmium. The other, followed the Via Gabiniana to Promona, marked by the abiding name of the mountain, Promina. Thence it proceeded to Burnum, identified by the extensive ruins near Kistanje, known, from the still-standing portion of a Roman triumplial arch, as Archi Romani, — to the Morlach natives as the " Hollow Church " or " Trajan's Castle," — an account of Avhich was communicated to this Society," in 1775, by John Strange, Esq. from information supplied by the Abbe Fortis. From Burnum the road crossed the steeps of the Velebic range into the ancient lapygia, at present the Lika district of Croatia. At a point called Bivium it divided into two branches, one running to the port of Senia, the modern Zengg, the other, traversing what is now the Kraina, to Siscia, past the station of Ad Fines, w hich has been recently identified with the hot springs of Topusko '' in the valley of the Glina. ' Taking Burnum as a fixed point. Professor Mommscn has identified the next station, thirteen miles distant on the route, Hadre, witli the village of Medvidje, where Roman inscriptions have been discovered, and to Avhich the traces of a Roman road from Biiriiiiiu certainly conduct. Were this identification to be accepted, it would follow that the Roman route from the Liburnian district of Dalmatia into the Japygian interior approximately coincides with the course of the present liighway which winds up the steeps of Velebich from the Dalmatian town of Obbrovazzo, and descends into Avhat has been not inaptly called the Croatian Siberia at the little village of St. Roch. Near here, at St. Michael, and * Archaeologia, vol. iii. p. 346. " Prof. Ljubic in Viestnik hrvatskoga Arkeologiikoga Dridtva, 1880, No. 1. Antiquarian Hesearches in Illyricu/m. 55 again at Ploca, Roman inscriptions * have been discovered, and it is in this district accordingly that Professor Mommsen places the site of Ausancalio, marked on the Tabula as 29 miles distant from Hadre. On the other hand, it may be urged that the natural pass into the Lika district from Kistanje, the site of Burnum, lies rather up the Zermanja valley and past Mala Popina to Gracac. A good road runs through its whole extent, and this is the route which a native would undoubtedly take at the present day. In this case the site of Hadre would have to be sought in the Zermanja valley, somewhere near the mediaeval ruins of Zvonigrad. The next station, " Clambetis," 13 miles distant, would lie in the neighbourhood of Gra6ac, where, at Omsica, a fragment of a Roman inscription has been discovered, and the succeeding station, Avisancalio, 16 miles further, should be sought at Udbina, to which place a natural route, of about the requisite length, conducts us from the plain of Gracac.'' Two Roman inscriptions from Udbina are already known. I am now enabled to describe another, which remarkably corroborates the view that here, rather than at St. Michael, is to be sought the ancient Ausancalio (fig. 1"). The inscrip- tion itself had been transported from Udbina to the neighbouring town of Lapac, ^/OSSlglPOS Fi;^. P. Inscription referring to the Municipium of Ausancalio. Found at Udhina. " C. 1. L. iii. 2992, ii995. '' This is far from denying that there was an alternative road from Liburnia into .lapygia by way of the Municipium tliat apparently occupied the site of the present Obbrovazzo. It stands to reason indeed that this line of couimunication was known to and used by the Romans. All that I have been maintaining is, that the natural route from Burnum towards Siscia and Senia would run through the easier pass of the Zermanja. I am, personally, well acquainted with both routes. 56 Antiquarian Ecsearches in Illyricum. where I saw it in the out-house of a local eccentric called Omeikus, who had collected a variety of antiquities and other miscellaneous ohjects under his roof, ani(tniJi:st which he lived, in what he was pleased to call a state of nature. The two penultimate lines may, perhaps, be completed : — nyNlClV . A/'SANCVLION . |1 VIVOS SIBI POSr/T The preceding word must be regarded as uncertain, but the reference to the name AusancaUo, here Ausancnlio, is clear." The long plain of Corbavia (Krbava), extending from Udbina to the north- w'est, would afford an admirable avenue for the continuation of the Roman road. The position of Bunic, 15 miles distant, at the other extremity of this plain, w^ould answer to the succeeding station Ancus, which, as we may infer from its con- taining an element common to Aus«??calio or Ausffl»c?flio, must have stood in some obvious geographical opposition to the latter. So in Southern Dalmatia we find a Derva and an A.\iderva. From Udbina a road leads eastward, over the wild and romantic forest-mountain known as the Kuk rianina, to the fertile plain of Lapac. Here, in the lower village of that name, and in the same locality as the last, I copied the following Roman inscription, found on the spot (fig. 2''). The inscription was, un- fortunately, in a fragmentary condition, the low^er portion being detached from the rest. The mention of the iiviRi ivbe dicvndo is an indication that a Roman Municipium existed on the site, or in the immediate neighbourhood, of Lapac. Roman coins are of frequent occurrence, those I saw- being mostly of fourth-century date, and from the Siscian and Aquilejan mints. From the same site I obtained a Gnostic gem of green jasper, and of remarkably good workmanship, presenting the legend iao adonis abraxas. Fig. 2". Fbagments of Insceiption Lower Lapac. ' A copj- of this inscription was sent by its present possessor to Dr. Kuknljcvic, and has been com- municated by liim to the Ephemeris EpigrapJdca (vol. iii. n. 570). The rersion given there, however, is misleading. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 57 Beyond Lapac, to the East ami Soiith-East, on the other side of what till lately was the Turkish frontier, stretches the rugged Alpine district of the Upper Kraina, watered by the Unna and its tributary the Unnac, which is one of the wildest and least-explored districts in the whole of Bosnia. During the recent troubled years its inaccessible glens formed the strongholds of rayah insiu'gency against the Ottoman ; and the wholesale exodus of the Christian population from the Turkish districts filled the limestone caverns and rock shelters, which abound throughout the region, with a new race of cave-dwellers. In the heart of this region, archseologically speaking a terra incognita, but which I had occasion to traverse throughout the greater part of its extent, I discovered interesting traces of mediseval and Roman civilization. At Preodac, Vissuca and elsewhere are con- siderable remains of feudal castles, dating from the davs of the Bosnian kingdom. At Uj)per Unnac are the remains of an ancient church, surrounded by the huge sepulchral blocks usually found in mediaeval Bosnian graveyards ; Avhile lower down the valley are interesting ruins of a tower and an ancient minster, whose name, Ermanja, would lead us to connect them with Hermann of Cilli. But the ' most remai'kable feature of the district is the trace of an ancient paved way. The whole country-side abounds in legends connected with this ancient way, which perpetuate in an extraordinary manner the memory of an historical event which occurred in this part of the world in the thirteenth centmy. A contemporary writer, Thomas the Archdeacon of Sj)alato,'' informs us with the vividness of an eye-witness, how on the occasion of the great Tatar invasion of Hungary of 1241 King Bela fled from Agram with his queen, Maria Lascaris, the shattered relics of his chivalry, and his royal treasui-es, across the Dinaric ranges to his mari- time Dalmatian stronghold of Spalato, the mediseval successor of Salona?. The Tatar Khagan, we are told, Utegai, the son of the terrible Genghis Khan, or rather the Khagan's general, pursued King Bela, to quote the Archdeacon's words, " with a furious host across the mountains, flying rather than marching, scaling the most inaccessible heights," " till he finally swept down on the Dalmatian littoral, there to dash his forces in vain against the walls of the coast-cities, and to see his horse-flesh waste away on the Dalmatian rocks. It is said that the " Hktoria Salonitarm. c. xxxix. : " Eex relictis stationibus Zagrabieusium partium cum omni comitatu suo ad nuii-o descendit . . . Rex vero et totus flos reliquorum Ungarorum ad Spalati partes devenit." Later he retreats to Traii, " cum uxore sua et cum omnibus gazis suis." '' " Vcnit autem non quasi iter facicns sad quasi per acrem volans loca invia et monies asperrimos supergrediens undo numquam exercitus ambulavit." Op. cit. c. xl. I 58 Antiquarian Researches in Ilh/ricum. names of Monte Tartaro, near Sebenico, and of Kraljazza, or the King's island, whither King Bela transported his treasures, still perpetuate the memory of the great Tatar invasion and the royal tlight on the Adriatic coast. In the Unnac district the record of the Tatar invasion and of King Bela's escape has been even more distinctly preserved, although in some cases partly confounded with the later flight of the last King of Bosnia from the Turks, which found its tragic tei*mination in the field of Bilaj, on the borders of the same district. So deeply had this earlier episode of the terrible Mongol inroad impressed itself on the imagination of the inhabitants, tliat not even the Turkish conquest has been able to efface its record among the Kraina peasants. Without entering into details on the present occasion, I may here briefly relate the legend as it was told to me by the inhabitants. " When the Tatars invaded Bosnia, the King, Bela, took refuge in his strong- hold, the Starigrad of Bravsko, that lies on the forest-mountain of Germed." There he sate Avith his family, and his nobles, and his treasures ; but when the Tatars came nearer he resolved to fly once more, leaving only his daughter behind him, who for her tarrying Avas transformed into a dragon, to guard his hoards. And there, above Bravsko, is a walled enclosiu*e, still known as Kraljevo Torine, or the King's Yard ; and there is a fountain called the King's fountain. But the King fled with the Queen and the rest of his family, and part of his treasure, to the South, into Dalmatia, and as he went he laid down a road wherever he passed, and jilaced milestones along it, round in shape and five feet above ground, and five feet under the earth. And these milestones are to be seen to this day along the King's road from Bravsko onwards to Resanovce." Such is the legend in its main outline. The road itself rims fi'om Bravsko to Crljevica and crosses the Unnac near the village of Drvar, from which point I have myself traced it to Resanovce and thence in the direction of the Tiskovac Valley. At Resanovce I was pointed out a square pillar about eight feet high now in the churchyard, but which was said to have been transported from the " King's Way." A spring further along the road is still known as " Mramor," from the " Marble Stone " that is said to have existed there. Although I w^as not fortunate enough to find any of these milliary columns in situ, it is certain " The name Germec covers a greater area to the South-East than that assigned to it in the Austrian General-Stabs Karte. Antiquarian Researches in lllyricum. 59 that more than one was to be seen within the memory of man. The description of their deftly-rounded form, of their deep socketing in the earth, which I had from more than one native, leaves no doubt in my mind that they were of Roman origin, and that this now forgotten route by which King Bela fied represents a section of an important line of Roman road bringing the Dalmatian coast-cities into communication with the Save Yalley and the great cities of Siscia and Sirmium. In all probability it forms part of the line ah*eady mentioned at the beginning of this paper leading from Salonge via Ji]quum to Servitium, the course of which on the Dalmatian side has never yet been satisfactorily traced. From Bravsko, a road, which is in fact the continuation of the " King's Way," leads down to Kliuc, the ancient " Key-fortress " of the Ujiper Sana. We are thus brought within a stage of Dobrinja, the village to which Dr. Blau " traced a Roman way leading from Gradiska, the site of Servitium, on the Save, past Banjaluka, where the hot springs still well up, as at Novipazar, imder a late Roman cujwla, and thence across the ranges which form the water-shed between the Verbas and the Sana. The line followed by Dr. Blau was identified by him with every appearance of probability with the northern end of the Roman road connecting Salonse with Servitium and the great Pannonian cities. He, himself, looked for its continuation from Dobrinja in a more southerly direction, on the strength of a hearsay account of an old Kalderym, or paved way, running from Han Podraznica (where he seeks the ancient Leusaba), in that direction. Dr. Blau, however, himself acknowledges the absence of ancient remains about Podraznica,'' while on the other hand he mentions the existence of two marble sarcophagi. * Monatsbericht der k. preuss. Akad. der Wissenschaften, 1867, p. 741 seqq. Cf. La Via romana da Sirmio a Salona (in Bullettino di archeologia e storia Dalmata, 1882, p. 69). Hoernes, Altei'thumei- der Hercegovina, ii. 131 seqq., accepts Dr. Blau's conjecture a.s'to the course of the way from Dobrinja across the Crnagora, and sees in the Roman remains found at Glavice, Glamoc, and Livno, an indica- tion of its subsequent course. Tomaschek advocates the same general line {Die vorslawische Topo- grapkie der Bosna, &c. p. 16 seqq.), but his views on Dalmatian topography are not corrected by personal observation. A comparison of the Tabula and the Itinerai-y seems to show that between Leusaba and /Equum there were two alternative routes. In the Tabula we have iEquo, viii. in Alperio, xiiii. Bariduo, lonnaria, xiii. Sarute, vii. Indenea, v. Baloie, xii. Leusaba. In Antonine : jEquo, xvii. Pelva, xviii. Salvia, or Silvire, xxiiii. Sarnacle (or Sarnade), xviii. Leusaba. •> " in Ermangelung antiker Reste kann Leusaba nur im allgemeinem in der Hochebene Podraznica angegeben werdeu." I 2 60 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. supposed to be Roman, at Radkovo," in othev words, on the road from Dobrinja to Kliuc, and only separated by a small range from the Sana Valley.'" It is indeed difficult to ima2:ine that a main line of communication, Avliicli in its early asi)ect was before all things a coupling-chain of fortified posts wherewith to bridle the fierce highlandcrs of the Dalmatian Alps, should not have aflForded access to such an important strategic point as Ivliuc has shown itself doAvn to tlie Aery latest days of Illyrian warfare. In the Vale of Unnac itself," I lighted on some important remains which greatly serve to corroborate the hj^iothesis that King Bela's road owed its original construction to Roman engineers. A little below the point where the old road crossed the Unnac by a bridge, now destroyed, at a spot called Vrtoca, is a large and apparently artificial mound, partly imbedded in which are a confused medley of accurately squared limestone blocks. Some of these had been used in later times as Christian tombstones, as was evidenced by the crosses carved on them" but the Avhole gave me the impression that I was on the site of some considerable Roman structure, and although the circimistances of my visit did not permit of a long investigation I found upon one of the blocks a bas-relief of really fine Roman workmanship, representing Mercury holding the caduceus (see fig. 3"). The block itself was about five feet square, its depth three feet, the height of the face of the relief itself about two feet and a-half ." In front of the mound on which these ancient remains occur, a vallum about a hundred yards in length traverses the level part of the valley from the river- " Cf. Blau. Reisen in Bosnien, &c. p. 110. " Near Varcar, to the North of Banjaluka and Eastward of Kliuc, have been recently discovered Roman remains, including a large hoard of denarii, mostly of the Emperors Alexander Sevenis, Gordian, Philip, Trajan Decius, Gallus, and Volusian, some sixty of which have passed through my hands. The discovery of Human remains at this site establishes a link ol connexion between the Sana Valley and the succession of Roman sites at Podlipci, Runic, Mosunj, Putacevo and Vitez, in the Valley of the LaSva, !ind points to an old lino of communication between the Upper Bosna and the Sana, which ojiens the most natural route towards Siscia. >= Interesting remains have been lately discovered by Capt. Von. Handel in the Valley of the Unna about an hour to the south-east of Bihac. They consist of several inscriptions, one presenting the female Elyrian name-fi)nn ditveio and the Mazeian name Andes, a Mithraic relief, a figure of a Faun or Sylvanus, and other fragments. Prof. Tomaschek, who has published an account of the discovery {Sitznngsherichte der k. k. Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1881, h. 2, p. 466 seq"■ specimen of '- t/ X Oexamentatiox on The legend between the two panels on the face of the slab the side op the appears to be stefaton|| (te in ligature). It is possible, how- ^io.nlment. ever, that the final letter may be part of an m. The sceptre to the left of the bust would certainly seem to indicate a princely personage, and I observe that a sceptre of similar form is repeated at intervals round the font of the Serbian Great Zupan Voislav, or Viseslav, of Zachulmia, formerly in the church of S. Salvatore, at Venice, at present existing in the Museo Correr. The Great Zupan, whose name it bears, and whom Dr. Kukuljevic Sakcinski** first identified with the historical personage referred to by Constantine Por- phyrogenitus, ruled over Zachulmia, the old Serbian region inland from Ragusa, embracing a good deal of what is at present the Herzegovina, be- tween about the years 870 — 900. The son of this Zachulmian prince, Michael Visevic, is twice brought into connexion with the Croatian King Tomislav. About the year 925, Pope John X. addressed to both a letter exhorting them to luring up their children in the knowledge of Latin letters ; " and shortly after this exhortation, both princes are found presiding at a synod at Spalato,'' in which the use of the Slav vernacular is again denounced. Could it be shown that Tomislav, like so many later Slavonic princes, attached the Christian name Stej)hanus, or * Engraved in Eitelberger, Die mittclalterlichen Kiinstdenhmale Dalmazieng, p. 150. ^ ArJciv za poriestnicu jugoslavensku, vol. iv. p. 390 seqq. The frontispiece to this volume contains a representation of the font. '^ Codex diplomaticus Regni Croatia Dalmatiw et Slavonic, xc. (t. i. p, 7G). The Pope continues, " Quis enim specialis filius sancta Romanse ecclesise, sicnt vos estis, in barbara seu Sclavinica lingua Deo sacrificium offerre delectatur ?" ^ Codex diplomaticus, xcii. (t. i. p. 78). 64 Antiquarian liesearches in Illyricum. Stofaiius, to his Croatian name, the insci'i])tion on the present stone— the linal letter of which is uncertain — might he taken for the coniniencement of the words STEFAN TOMiSLAV. It is certain that Knin was highly favoured hy the early Croatian princes ; its hishops received from them the title of Episcopi regii, or palatini," and the Latin style of the present inscription fits in well with Xing- Tomislav's acquiescence in the Pope's injunction to abjure the barbarian letters, in other words, the Glagolitic alphabet. It is probable that the course of the Eoman road, with Avhich we are at pre- sent specially concerned, passed rather to the east of Knin, skirting its plain, to the Roman site at Topolje. From Topolje the present road leads by an easy pass to the town of Verlika, in the neighbourhood of which, and especially near the source of the Cettina, several Roman inscriptions have been found, presenting some Illyrian name- forms. "While examining one of these in the mediaeval graveyard that surrounds the rumed church of S. Salvatore (Sveti Spas) — itself, as some interlaced Byzan- tine ornament built into its walls shows, the successor of a still earlier founda- tion — I had tlie curiosity to ask my Verlika guide to whom he thought the ancient monuments owed their origin. lie replied that they Avere made by the old inhabitants of the land, the Qoti-Romani, or Roman Goths, Avho Lived there before his own (Slavonic) forefathers took possession of it. The reply was curious, as this local tradition of the Goths was certainly, in his case, not derived from book-learning. The Ostro-Gothic dominion in Dalmatia, as has already been remarked, Avas a prosperous episode in the history of the province. The number of coins of Theodoric, Athalaric, and even the later kings, Witiges, and the Totila " of history, that are discovered on Dalmatian soil is remarkable, and w^e have the distinct statement of Procopius that there existed, side by side Avith the Roman provincials, a settled Gothic population in Dalmatia. That the name of the Goths should still survive in the local folk-lore is the less to be Avondered at when we remember how large a part they play in the early Slavonic sagas collected by the first Dalmatian historian, the Presbyter of Dioclea. From Verlika the road runs past Citluk, near Sinj, the site of the ancient ^quum, to Salona and Spalato. Thus from the upper Sana to the Adriatic, on a line of ancient communication between the valley of the SaA^e and the local * F Loc. cit. The geographical details of Constantine regarding Dalniatia and its borderlands are peculiarly valuable, and seem to have been supplied by trustworthy native informants; not improbably Ragusan patricians, amongst whom was a Byzantine Proiospatharins. Constantine's words are : " >) ^i rov Ad\jf yqf. « " In planitie Dalma;," Diocleas, Hegnnm Slavontm (in Lucius de Regno Dalmatia:, &c. Frankfort, 1666, p. 289.) •i Marci Maruli, Regum Dalmatice et Croatice gesta (in Lucius, op. cit. p. Si>6). « Historia Salonitana, cap. xiii. " Istaque fuerunt Regni eorum (so. rcgum Dalmatiaj et Croat!*) Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 71 by Pope Hormisdas to Constantinople in 509 a.d.'' Tliis is certainly an indica- tion that the bishopric of Delminium, mentioned in the Council- Acts of Salona of A.D. 532, should be sought on the plain of Duvno, where in Thomas's days tbis ancient basilica was still standing. Prom the early part of the fourteenth cen- tury (1337) onwards we again hear of a regular series of bishops of Duvno, Episcopi Delmenses}' The Roman monuments themselves discovered on the Gardun site supply strong negative evidence that the city that existed there was rather a Eoman foundation than a great native centre. They are almost purely of a legionary character. On the other hand, if we examine the monuments discovered on the site of the Municipivim of the Riditse, which appears from the inscription relating to the bridge to have been the maritime outlet of the old Dalmatian capital, we find a very large proportion of pure Illyrian names, such as Panto, Madocus, Tritano, Aplo, Baezo, Vendo, Pladomenus, and if we tiu^n to another inland example of an important native site, the old Illyrian hill-stronghold of St. Ilija, near Plevlje, we are again struck with the great preponderance of native names, the bulk of which are absolutely identical with those that occur on the monu- ments of the Riditse. So remarkable, indeed, are the coincidences that we are reduced to infer that a strong commercial bond of some kind linked these two sufficiently remote Illyrian centres. How much the more must this community of names have existed between the Riditse and the comparatively neighbouring Delminenses, whose cities, moreover, we know from the Gardun inscrijition to have been connected by commerce as well as by the affinities of race. And yet we are asked to believe that a site characterised rather by an absence of Dalmatian names was that of the city which gave its name to the Dalmatian race. Prom all these considerations I am led, the high authority of Mommsen not- withstanding, to seek the site of Delminium on the more inland plain that stiU preserves a corruption of its name. Von Halm's derivation of the name Del- minium, as suggested by A11)anian parallels, from an IUyi"ian word signifying a sheep-pastui-e," fits in weU with the character of the Duvno Polje, and this confinia, ab Oriente Delmina ubi fuit civitas Delmis in qua est qusedam Ecclesia quam B. Gennanns Capuanus Episcopus consecravit sicut scriptum reperitur in ea." * Farlati, Illyricum Sacrum, t. iv. p. 1G9. " Farlati, op. cit. t. iv. p. 1 68 seqq. From 1 685 onwards the diocese was placed under Vicars Apostolic. ' Albanestsche Studien, p. 232. Hahn is of opinion that Delminium answers to a Gheg Albanian form Si\fiiv-(a = sheep-fold, or shcep-pasturc. He further compares the name of the Dalmatian city with that of the two Epirote towns Delvino and JJelvinaki. 72 Aniiquarian Researches in Illyricnm. pastoral origin Avoukl exi)lain the statoment of Strabo" that Scipio Nasica made \\\o plain a sheep pasture at the same time that lie reduced the size of the town. Whether or not, however, the Roman city that stood on the site of Gardun bore any earlier name than that of Tilurium, under which it appears in the Itineraries, it is certain that the remains of an aqueduct and of an amphitheatre attest the former existence at this spot of a station of considerable importance. Gems and other minor antiquities arc discovered here in great abuiidance, and a carnelian intaglio representing the head of the Emperor Antoninus Pius i)rocured by me from this site is one of the most exquisite examples of R^man portraiture Anth which I am acquainted. Beyoiul the bridge station of the Tilurus traces of the road liave been detected,'' running from Vedrine, on the left bank of the river, past the village of Budimir, and along the vale of Cista to Lovrec,"" and thence to Runovid, on the skirts of the plain of Imoski. Here was the site of an important Municipium, the identification of which with the ad novas of the Tabula is established by the discovery at this spot of inscriptions referring to the Novenses.'^ Here were found two altars dedicated to Jove and the Genius of the Municipium, and other inscriptions referring to the local iiviRl and Decurions. The remains of baths and of tasteful mosaic pavements attest the prosperity of the Roman town ; and the Christian Basilica of the Municipium Novense is mentioned as late as 532 a.d. The bridge over the Cettina, in the construction of Avliich, as we have seen, the inhabitants of this city participated,'^ must have been of the highest importance to the Novenses, as improving their communication with the North Dalmatian ports. Beyond Runovic the Roman road crosses the watershed into the upper " G(Oq. vii. 5: " AdX/iioi' Ci ^(yoXij TTiJXif j/c iTruivvfiov to t9vo(; fiiKpdi' tV inoiiiai Naffiicoc Kai to irf^iov /i>)X(5/3oToi' ^((i t!)V v\iOvei,iav tu>v avBpwvuv. ^ Cf. Gliiviiiid, Jkdleltino di Archeologia e Storia JDcdmata, 1878, p. .54. A. K. Matas, Prinos za iztrazivanje tragova rimskih puteva u Dalmaciji ("A contribution towards investigating the traces of the Roman roails in Daluiatia"), in the Viestnik hrvatsko Cf. Hoernes, Romische Alterthiimer in Bosnien u. der Hercegovina in Archciologisch-epigraphisclie Mittheilunf/en, vol. iv. p. 37 seqq. <: C. I. L. iii. 63G2, C363, one of a.d. 173. " Iris laudatissima iu IHj'rico et ibi quoiiue non in maritimis scd in silvestribus Drilonis et Xarona." (//. N. lib. xxi. c. 19.) Pliny here names the city Narona and not the river Naron. ' 'Ipiv «' iiv idpe^ie ApiXiov Kai NapOfOf ox^l- '' Hist. Plant, lib. ix. c. U. ■= Cf. the French word for Iris, Glaieul. ' Also as Bngua, from Bog = God. e xii. 74, " Cum tibi Niliacus portet crystalla cataplus." Fia Antiquarian Researches in lllyricum. 77 brought to light during some excavations at St. Peter's in 1544," and, in the fiftb centvu'y, Salonae, the last refuge of Empire in the West, rivalled Rome and Ravenna themselves in the dignity of her interments. Among the objects obtained by myself from Narona are two marble heads, one of a Roman lady, the style of whose coiffure appears best to tally with that of the daughter of Diocletian and wife of Galerius, the Empress Galeria Valeria, though the workmanship would seem to belong to a better age ; the other head is of Mercmy, and is executed in a fine Grseco-Roman style. The cult of Mercury was specially popular at Narona, as is witnessed by an altar and another dedicatory inscription,'' both raised by the Seviri Augustales, who add to their titles on several more of the local inscriptions the letters m.m. interpreted to mean Magistri Merciiriales." On the same occasion I jirocured the handle and part of the blade of a sacrificial knife (see PI. II.), the use of which was possibly not unconnected with the sacral functions of these Naronese Sevu-i. The blade of this knife is of iron, the hilt of bronze, circled with an interlaced palmetto ornament, and terminating in a griffin's head of considerable spirit. The Roman sacrificial knife seems to have been of various forms and materials, and Festus '' tells us of the gold and ivory handle of the " secesjnfd " used by the flamens and pontificcs at Rome. The present example answers exactly to a common form of the sacrificial knife as seen associated with other sacrificial utensils on ancient monuments. This monumental form, like the Naronese knife, is of great breadth in proportion to its length, and the handles, as in the present instance, terminate in the heads of animals such as lions and eagles. Engraved gems are plentiful among the ruins of Narona, and I acquired a ring of peculiar form and material (fig. 7t.). It is carved out of a single pale Turquoise, the highly valued Sap- phirus of the Ancients, and has engraved upon it in high relief fai^] a two-winged insect resembling a moth with folded wings. Fig. Tf. The coins that have passed throvigh my hands from this site Turquoise Ring range from Dvrrliacliian silver pieces of the thii'd ccnturv B.C. to FEOM NABONA. o . i * Luc. Faunus, de Antiquitatihis Urbi'f Roma;, c. x. Cf. King, National History of Gems or scmi- precimis Stones, p. I'i5. b C. I. L. iii. 1792, 1793. <= Cf. Mommsen, op. cil. p. 291. •I Ad. Virg. JEn.vt. 262. Festus' words are: " Secespitam esse Antistius Labeo ait cultrum forreum oblongum, manubrio rotundo, eburnco, solido, vincto ad capuhim auro argontoque, fixum clavis a;nois, a're Cyprio : quo Flaiiiines, Flaminicas Virgines, Pontificesque ad sacrificia utuntur." On Consular cdius the instrument of sacrifice generally appears as an axe. 78 Antiquarian Hesearches in Illijricum. the fifth century of oiiv era. Coiisidar denarii and coins of the early Empire are abundant; the latest piece that I have noticed is of the Emperor Anas- tasius. AVith reference to the early Greek mercantile connexion with the Narenta valley, the name of Trappano, a little town on the peninsula of Sabhioncello, opposite the Narenta mouth, suggests a Hellenic origin. Its peninsular position was precisely such as the old Greek colonists on the Illyrian coast were prone to choose for their plantations, and it would stand to the Illyrian staple of Narona in the same relation as the Greek settlement on the isle of Issa stood to the staple of Salonai. The name of Drepanon, or " the sickle," seems to have been commonly applicnl hy Greek settlers to similar promontories, and the horn of rock which here runs into the sea presents analogies Avith the Cretan Dhrepano and the Siciliaii Ti*apani, At Trappano itself the stranger hears of antiquities at every turn. Below the town is a tower known to the inhabitants as Ciesar's Palace, but a very slight examination convinced me of its mediaeval origin. The same is probably true of the remains of the castle on the hill, but I observed a cistern and a wall with narrow bricks and tiles alternating with masonry, that cei'tainly seemed to be of Roman construction. Roman coins are of frequent occurrence, and I was informed that, two and a-half years since, in making the new road, some beautifully-Avrought marbles, including several inscriptions, were brought to light and at once broken up for road material. It is to be observed, as explaining the apparently Hellenic origin of Trappano, that it lies on the natural transit route across the peninsula of Sabhioncello, between the ancient emporium of the Narenta and the port of Cm-zola, the KepKvpa jj-ekaiva, or Black Corcyra, of the ancients, one of the earliest Greek island colonics on the Illyrian shore, and which must have stood to the mainland staple of Narona in the same economic relation as that in which Issa and Pharia stood to Salona?. At the present day the communications between Curzola and Metcovich, the modern local representative of Narona, follows this line. Up to Narona the general direction, at times even the exact course, of the great Dalmatian-Macedonian highway is Avell ascertained. The distances from Salonse and Narona of the three identified stations, Pons Tilm'i, Ad Novas, and Bigeste fit in well w^ith the numbers of the Itinerary and Tabula;'^ and the total distance given — 83 or 8-1 Roman miles — squares equally well Avith the actual " .Vdding on in the case of the Tabula the omitted distance of xiii. m. p. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 79 distance from Viddo, the site of Narona, via Ljubuski, Riinovic, and Trilj, to the site of Salona;, and at tlie same time ajiproximates within a mile to Pliny's calculation." From Narona onwards to the neighbourhood of Scodra aU is as dark and uncertain as it was clear before ; and the last writer who has attempted to elucidate the problem, Dr. Hoernes,'' in despair of reconciling the distances given with the probable localities of the stations, throws over the numbers supplied by the Tabula and the Itinerary altogether. It must be observed, however, that, with the exception of a single omission in the Tabula, which Antonine enables us to supj)ly, we have up to this point had every reason to rely on the mileage given by our two authorities ; and that the sum of the mileage given between Narona and Scodra, 172 m.p. is very much what we should expect to find it. Admitting that we have lost our compass, that is no reason for throwing away ovu' measiu*ing-rod as well. Hitherto, for the whole distance, Narona — Scodra, there has been no inter- mediate fixed point to guide us in oiir inquiry. In the course of my explo- rations of the Herzegovinian ranges that lie inland to the north-east of the site of Epitavirum, I have come upon some Roman remains which may help to supply this desideratum. In order, however, to show what I believe to be the full bearing of these new materials on the question at issue, I may be allowed to examine the whole subject from a point of view which appears to me to have been hitherto too little regarded. Before proceeding fm'ther with this investigation, it may be well to give a comparative table of the route Narona— Scodra, as given by the Tabula and the Itinerary of Antonine. Itinerary. Tabula. NAROKA . . - . , NARONA XII ° XXV AD TVRRES XIII DALLVNTO DILVNTO XIIII " Ixxxv. m. p. '' Alterthiimer der Hercegovina und der siidlichen Theile Bosniens, vol. ii. \k 140. '^ Accepting the correction of the xxii. given, in order to square with the xxv. m.ii. given hy Antonine as tlie distance, Narona — Dalluiito. 80 Antiquarian Hesearches in Illyricum. Itinerary. XL LEVSINIO . xxvin ANDKKBA . XVIII SALLVNTO . XVII ALATA X BIRZIMINIO XVIII CINNA XII SCODRA TiihuUi. PARDVA XVI AD ZIZIO VIII XXVIII LEVSINIO ASAMO XII XX SALLVNTO EPITAVRO XVII ANDERVA VI VARIS XI SALLVNTO XVII HALATA X BERSVMNO XVT SINNA XX SCODRA It will l)e seen that the Roman road from Narona to Scodra (the modern Scutari d' Albania), as given in the Tabula, forks at a point called Ad Zizio into two branches, one of which leads through the interior of the country to Scodra, the other runs to Epitaurum (Ragusa Vecchia), and follows thence the coast-line to Butua and Lissus (Alessio). nitherto, owing mainly to an expression of the Geographer of Ravenna, it has heen assumed that the earlier part of this route, the route common to the two lines of communication, followed the coast-line from Narona. This conclusion I am altogether unable to accept. Ravennas, in a confused list of Dalmatian cities, all of which, according to liis statement, are on the sea-coast," adds after Epitaurum, " id est : Ragusium," » L'.li, iv. c. 16: "Attameu Dalmatisc plurimas fuisse civitatos Icgimus ex quibus aliquas designare volumus quifi pjnuntnr per litus maris, id est: Burzumi, Aleta, Saliintum, Butua, Decadoron, Buccinum, Rucinium, Epitaurum id est Ragusium, Asamon, Zidion, Pardua id est Stamnes, Turres, Narrona," &c. Antiquarian Researches in Illyriciim. 81 — "Asamou, Zidion, Pardua, id est Stamnes, Turres, Narrotia." The order of the names between Epitanrum and Narona shows an agreement with the Tabula, " Dilunto " alone being omitted, and the identification of Epitaiu-um with the site of Ragusa, by Ravennas' time abeady a famous city, being correct within a few miles, it is inferred that E-avennas is an equally good authority for the approximate identification of Pardua with " Stamnes," or Stagno, a town situate on the neck of the peninsula of Sabbioncello. On the other hand it is equally probable that the Geographer of Ravenna, knowing the order of some of the most famous towns on the other side of the Adi-iatic, as they existed in his day, and knowing the connexion between Ragusa and Epitaurum (a fact which, as Ragusa Vecchia preserved the name of Pitaur to a much later date, must have Ijeen tolerably notorious), proceeded further to identify Stagno, the next modern seaport known to him, midway between Ragusa and the mouth of the Narenta, with what on the ancient chart from which he drew was the middle station between Epitaurum and Narona. Considering the grotesque blunders with which his list begins, j)lacing " m ipso lit ore maris " three cities which lie, beyond all contestation, in the central glens of what is now Monte- negro, the fact that Ravennas places Pardvia, Asamon and Zidion (the ad zizio of the Tabula), on the coast, can prove nothing as to theii' real position, and the situation of Stagno lying on a peninsula, off the line of any possible coast road, makes its identification with any station on the line Narona — Scodra highly im- probable. Stagno derives its name from the Stagnimi or shallow lagune of sea, whence from time immemorial salt has been obtained by evaporation. In Con- stantine Porj)hyrogenitus it appears already as Stagmmi,^ but there are no remains either on this site, or anywhere within miles of it, of Roman habitation. To prove that the earlier stages of the great line Narona — Scoth-a lay along the Adriatic coast requires something more than a random statement of a -OTiter like Ravennas. The Tabula, which from its distorted form can rarely be appealed to with confidence as to the exact direction of a road, observes in this case a judicious neutrality. The line of stations between Narona and the point of junction at Ad Zizio are represented as filling a narrow striji bctAveon the Narenta » 'S.Tayvov. It is difficult to understand why Professor Tomaschek, op. cit. p. 3(1, should go out of his way to suggest a derivation for the word " Entweder aus einem yorauszusetzondem illyr. ^Varte Stamen,- Maul, liachen, Hals, oder aus Gr. aTeviv, — Enr/e." The niediajval Latin form Stamniiiu, like the Stamnes of Ravennas, is simply a corruption of Stagnvm, and it is to be observed that these forms illustrate a Rouman characteristic, cf. Latin Sif/nurn, Wallachian ,Semnu, &c. The Slavonic abbrenation of the name is Ston. M 82 Antiquai'ian Researches in lUyricum. (which is mado to run parallel to the sea from East to AYest)" and the Adriatic. The road itself is not indicated till Ave reach Ad Zizio. In this chart Narona itself is placed on the sea, from -which in reality it was distant ahout fifteen miles, and it is to he ohserved that the name of the next station, Ad Turres, has an inland tendency. All a pi'iori considerations should make us look for the course of the great lii^liwav hetween Narona and Scodra inland from the hef^innini^. The road itself ouii'ht not to 1)0 regarded as if it was a merely local line, or series of local lines constructed for the convenience of the citizens of Narona, Epitaurum, or other individual cities. The only right way of regarding- it is as a section of the highly important tlu'ough route connecting the great city of Salonae with Dyrrhachium, in a still wider sense connecting Italy witli Greece. The main ohject of the highway Narona — Scodra was to open out the shortest land route between Dalmatia and Epirus, and we may he sure that all local considerations were subordinated to this aim. "\Ve may assume, then, that the military engineer who superintended the con- struction of the section Nai'ona — Scodra endeavoured to follow as direct a line between these two cities as the physical configuration of the country admitted. A straight line from Scodra to Narona would pass through Eisinium on the inmost inlet of what is now the Bocche di Cattaro, but the intervening mass of the Black Mountain, in a less degree the Lake of Scutari itself, Avould prevent the route from taking anything like a direct course. Tlie mountain mass of what is now South-Western Montenegro has, in fact, in all historical times, operated to deflect the traffic betw^een Albania and DaLnaatia (to use the geographical language of more modern times) from its direct course, and the vaUey of the Zeta, that leads from the lacustrine basin of Scutari to the plain of Niksic, must in all ages have been the avenue of communication between the North-West and South-East. Prom Scodra, therefore, to Avluit is now the plain of Niksic, the course of the lloman road was dictated by physical condi- tions, as cogent in ancient days as they are now. So far, indeed, all who have endeavoured to trace the course of this lloman highway are agreed. Whatever its subsequent dii-ection, it must have run from Scutari, along the eastern shores • A little to the west of the Narcnta nioutli the Dnna is made to run into the Adriatic, coalescing in some strange way with the Cettina. The promontury of Sabbionccllo is not so much as indicated. On the <3thor hand the outline of the coast and islands in the neighbourhood of Salonte has much greater preten- sions to exactness. Antiquarian Researches in THyricum. 83 of the lake between lake and mountains, it must have followed the Zeta Valley, and it must have debouched on the spacious plain of Niksic. As on this side we are, by all accounts, on certain ground, it may be well to take Scodra as our starting point and work backwards awhile along the shores of the lake and up the Zeta Valley to the plain of Niksic. The position of Scodi'a itself lying between the river outlet of the lake and a branch of the Drin has been of considerable strategic and commercial importance in all times of which we have any record. • Its rocky Acropolis, which forms the key of the whole lacustrine basin, was the royal stronghold of the most important of the lUyrian dynasties, and after its capture, together with the Illyrian king Genthios, by L. Anicius in 167 B.C., it became a Roman administrative centre and the appointed place for the Conventns of the native chieftains of the Labeate district. Of its intercom'se with the Hellenic communities in early times a curious monu- ment has been discovered in the neighbouring village of Gurizi, in the shape of a bronze statuette representing a female figure of archaic Greek workmanship, not unlike some of those discovered at Dodona,'' and I have elsewhere described a new series of Illyrian coins discovered at Selci in the North Albanian Alps, which introduce us for the first time to Scodra as a free city under Macedonian hegcmone.'' On the other hand, after careful researches on the spot I have been unable to discover any such architectural or epigraphic traces as are to be found on other historic sites in Southern Illyi'ia, at Alessio, for example, and Durazzo. On the South-western edge of the citadel peak, now known as Rosafa, there are indeed some traces of a rude wall built of huge uncemented blocks, the existing remains of which bear some resemblance to the so-called Cyclopean fragments in the foundation of the citadel walls at Alessio." Excepting this, however, I was unable to obtain other relics of Scodra, Illyi'ian, or Roman, beyond coins and a few intagli. Among the coins, silver pieces of Dyrrhachium \ and Apollonia are still so abundant that they occasionally pass cm-rent along with old Ragusan and Venetian pieces in the bazaars of the modern Albanian town. An onyx gem in my possession from this site bears the legend avsoni. The disappearance of larger monuments on this site is no doubt du(5 to the extraordinary deposits of alluvial matter resulting from the yearly inundations of the lake and river. So rapid is the growth of the soil owing to this cause that on the plain near Scutari I have myself seen the columns of the Turkish canopied " Picvue Arche'ologique, N.S. t. xxiv. \'. 1, oiigravcd pi. xv. ^ See Numismatic Chronicle, N.S. vol. xs. " On some recent discoveries of Illyrian Coins." " A fragment of the Alessio wall is engraved in Halin, Alhanesische Shidien, p. 122. M 2 84 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. Tcbds built during tlie last three centuries buried up to the spring of tlic arches that support their cupolas. After leaving Scodra, the Roman road, the better probably to avoid the marshy tract near the borders of the lake, appears to have run for a few miles almost due north. On the spacious plain or conimon that opens to the north of the modern town of Scutari, which is studded Avith pre-historic barrows (here, un- like the stone mounds of the rockier Dalmatian region, mainly composed of earth), I have ol)served the remains of an ancient embanked way, now overgrown with heath and bracken, running to the West of the Kiri river and the " Venetian bridge " leading to Drivasto, almost midway between lake and mountains. In the neiglil)ourhood of the village of Boksi the Roman road appears to have taken a westerly bend, and the distance of Cinna," the lirst station beyond Scodra, given in the Tabula as twenty miles, must lead us to seek its site in the district of Hotti, where a marshy inlet of the lake juts into the mountains. I am informed by the Padre Superiore of the Franciscans that in their church at Hoiti arc two Roman inscrij)tions, and that on the neighbouring site of Helmi arc the remains of a con- siderable ancient building which he believed to be a temple, as Avell as another inscription built into the house. On these remains I hope on a future occasion to be able to give a more satisfactory report. Cinna, to be identified with the modern Helmi (an Albanian form of the Old Serbian Intlm, a hill), bears the name of an Illyrian queen. In the mountains beyond it lay Medeon, where Anicius captured the consort and two sons of the last Scodran dynast. King Genthios. The name of this old Illyrian stronghold appears to survive in that of the hill-fortress of Medun, to the North-east of Podgorica, the mediajval Medon, so long the bone of contention between Monte- negrin and Albanian Turk. Near Medeon, and below the heights on which its modern representative, Medun, lies, is the village of Dukle, which still preserves the name of the ancient Doklea, later Dioclea, the birth-place and nauie-giver of Diocletian. This site is rich in monuments of antiquity, amongst which was dis- covered an honorary dedication to the Emperor Gallienus by the Commonwealth of the Docleatcs.'' It was here that the famous glass vessel, generally known as the * According to the Itinerary of Antonine tliis station is only xii. miles from Scodja — prob.ably an error for xxii. In the same way the Itinerary increases the distance between Cinna and Berziminium by two miles =^m. p. xviii., as atjainst xvi. in the Tabula. With regard to the name of the jilace I adopt the reading of Antonine, as being generally more correct than those of the Tabula, and as giving the name of an Illyrian queen. In Ptolemy it appears as Xiwa. ^ IMP • CAES • P • LICINIO • GALLIEXO || PIG • FELICI ■ AVG " PONT • MAX |) TRIB • POT • P • P • CONS ' III ■ RES(| PVBL • DoCLEATi\T« ' (C. I. L. iii. 1705). The best account of the ruins on the site of Dukle is in Kovalevski, Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 85 Vase of Podgorica, was found, engraved with typical scenes from the Old Testament by a Roman-Christian hand, explained by inscriptions which afford a most valual)lc indication of the provincial dialect of this part of Roman Dalmatia.^ As a further proof of the indigenous character of this manufacture, I may mention that I have recently seen some additional fragments of late- Roman glass from this site, resembling in the style of their engraving the celebrated Vase, but without inscriptions. Neither Doklea '' nor Medeon appear in the Tabula, or Antonine, from which we may infer that they lay slightly off the main route between Scodra and Narona. In these authorities the next station is Birzinio, or Bersumno, accord- ing to Antoninus eighteen miles distant from Cinna ; according to the Tabula, sixteen. This fits in well with the neighbourhood of Podgorica," the cradle of the Nemanjas, the princely race which placed for awhile on Serbian brows the falling diadem of Diocletian and Constantine. The Roman station of Birzimi- Cetyre mesjcica v Cernogorii. (Four months in Montenegro.) St. Petersburg, 1841, pp. 81-85, cited by Jirecek, op. cit.. There are massive remains of an aqueduct, town walls in the form of a parallelogram, columns and ruins of a temple or large building known as " Carski Dvor=the Emperor's palace," sar- cophagi with bas-reliefs and Latin inscriptions. Some new inscriptions from this site have been recently communicated by Dr. BogiSid to the Ephemeris Epigraphica. Doklea gave its name to the Slavonic region of Dioklia, from which in the early Middle Ages the Serbs extended the name More Dioklitijsko, " the Dioclitian sea," to the Adriatic itself. The additional " i " of the later form of the name, Dioclea, is said to have been due to an endeavour to justify its etymological connexion with the name of Diocletian. But the alternative name Dioclea appears too early to justify such an artificial origin. The authority for Diocletian's birth at Dioclea is the almost contemporary Aurelius Victor, whose statement on this head is clear: " Diocletianus Dalmata, Anulini Senatoris libertinus, matre pariter atquc oppido nomine Dioclea, quorum vocabulis donee imperium sumeret Diodes appcllatus, ubi orbis Eomani potentiam ccpit Grajum nomen in Romanum moreni convertit." {Epit. c. xxxix.) It is to be observed that Constantine Porphyro- genitus, while placing Diocletian's birth-place at Salona, makes Diocletian found Dioclea : "To Katrrpov AwkXhu to vvv Tzapa rwv AioKXtiriavuiv Karexo/ievov 6 avriiQ (laaiXevc AioKXiiTiavug i^KoSupiaiv." (^De Adm. Imp. C. 29, and cf. c. 35, where he speaks of it as being then ipijuoKaarpov, as we should say, " a waste chester.") Ptolemy mentions a AiokKc'iu (al. Aok-tXa) in Phrygia ; not unknown to ecclesiastical liistory. * This vase is now in the Musee Basilcwsky in Paris. It is described and illustrated by the Cav. di Eossi in the BuUettino di Archeologia Cristiana (Rome, 1877, p. 77). The linguistic peculiarities of the inscriptions on it suggest interesting comparisons with the Romance survivals in the dialect of Ragusa. See p. 32, Note. ^ It appears to me probable that the obscure " Diode," placed Lietween " Lissum " and " Codras," or Scodra, in Guidonis Geographia (114), stands for "Dioclea," a hint that the name appeared under this form in some copy of the Tabula. " The older Serbian name of Podgorica was Ribnica, still preserved by the small stream that flows beside its walls. (Cf. .lirecck, op. cit. p. 20.) This place derived its importance as lying in the centre of the district of Zcnta. 86 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricnm. nium would have boon the point of bifurcation for the road leading to Uoclea and Medeon, and its ideutiticatiou with the site of Podgorica fits in very well with a hint of Eavennas, that " Medione " lay in its vicinity. It is certain that from this point the Roman road must have followed the upward ascent of the Zeta valley. The next station, Alata or Halata, the Aleta of Ptolemy and Ravennas, ten miles distant from Bii"ziminium, would thus take; US to the neighbourhood of Danilovgrad,'' and the seventeen or eighteen miles given as the distance from this to the next station, Salluntum, brings us over the pass of Ostrog to the plain of Niksic. It is interesting in connexion with the proved affinities between the Illyrians and the Messapians of the opposite Italian coast to note the cm-ious parallel between the juxta-position of Aleta and Sallun- tum in the Dalmatian Itineraries, and the ajipearance of an Apidian Aletiwn in the district of the Sallentini. The aspect of the town of Niksic, better known as the Onogost of Old Serbian history, is singularly Roman (PL III.); indeed its ground-plan (fig. 8") presents the familiar outline of a Roman castrum, with square and polygonal towers at the four corners and in the centre of the side walls. This quadrilateral arrange- ment, however, occurs in some other Herzegovinian towns, Ljubinje, for instance, and is rather, perhaps, due to some later wave of Byzantine influence. The walls, in their present construction, are unquestionably mediaeval, though it is always possible that the Old Serbian architects followed pre-existing lines. Excepting this ground-plan, I have been unable to light upon any direct indications of the existence of a Roman Municipium on the site. Roman gems and coins, however, occur from time to time in this neighbourhood, and the impor- tance of this central plain of Niksic, whether as one of the most fertile spots in this part of the Dinaric Alps, or as the natural crossing-point of routes leading from East to West, and from the Bocche di Cattaro, or Rhizonic gnlf, into the interioi-, renders it certain that it fulfilled in the Roman economy of this lUyi-ian tract a function at least as important as that j^erformed by it in mediaeval times. Tlie archaeological explorer in the plain of Niksid is struck by the nimiber of medieeval cemeteries to be met with on every side, and by the grandeur of the " Geog. Ravennas, p. 211 (oil. Piiulcr ct Parthcy): " //ew j}ixta Burzwnon est Civitas r/uce dicilur Medione" &c. '' Prof. Tomaschek neglects the abiding conditions of intercourse as fixed by the physical configuration of the country in seeking the site of Aleta out of the Zeta Valley: " Vielleicltt ostlich von Cettinje, hei Gradac oder Uljici," op. cit. p. 42. The name Aletu itself he compares with the Albanian hel [pi. heljete {hejetey] = a point, as of a lance, &c. Archaeohgia. Vol. XLVIII. Ti, face page m. PI. III. \ ; i.4i.:>., ,.\'.s /■S*" -4-> o ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRICUM, By A.J. EVANS, F.S.A. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 87 tombs, the sculptm-es of wliich are in this district wrought in a better style than elsewhere. These Old Serbian monuments derive both their general outKne and CITADEL Outer Gtte 10 Citidel PLAN OF OLD CITY NIKS I a Sept. 1877. Fig. 8». Plan of Old City, Niksic. their special ornamentation, notably the vine spiral, the most frequent of all, from Roman prototypes, and the excellence of the Niksic tomb-sculptures is itself sufficient proof that those who wrought them had Roman models at hand. On a mediaeval gravestone found near Nevesinje the Old Serbian sculptor has actually executed a rude copy of the symbolic Genius with reversed torch, so often seen on Roman sepulchral monuments. Assuming that the site of the first Salluntum (another is subsequently mentioned on the same route) is to be sought on the extreme east of the Niksic plain, perhaps even in the Gracauica valley, there would be room for the two next stations, Varis eleven miles distant, and Andarva, or Anderva, six miles further 88 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricwn. ill tliL' middli- o[' the plain it sell', aiul du its AVcsteni mai'i;iii, ivispt'ctivcly." On the ground of a Montenegrin saga, Dr. Jirecek and otliers have considered them- selves justified in assuming that the Roman road in its onward coiu'se, from the Upper Zeta vaHcy and the margin of the Isiksid plain, took the direction of Grahovo. Accorduig to this saga, as related by Vuk Karadzic,'' three brothers fell to contending "which should take with him their only sister, "whereupon they set themselves three tasks. One said that he "would wall in the mountains, another that he Avould build a cluu-ch in Dioclea, the third that he would join the Cijevna and the Moraca. The third brother finished his work first, but " foolish Vuk," the first, had time to l)iiild a boundary wall from the Bijela Gora (which forms tlie triple frontier of Dalmatia, Montenegro, and Herzegovina), four days' journey to the great mountain of Kom, which lies in the Montenegrin canton of Kuci, near the Albanian border. On the strength of an assertion of the French traveller, Vialla de Sommieres, this semi-mvthical boundarv-dvke, of Avhich it is especially said that (unlike a Roman road) it follows the contour of the hills," has been converted into a Roman road, although its Avhole course, as described in the Saga, is wholly irreconcilable with the exigencies of road engineering. In the neighbourhood of the plain of Grahovo, by Avhich it is said to run, I have sought for it in vain, but, on the other hand, I have come upon an existing trace and a ])opular tradition connected with it which preserves the distinct record of a road running inland from the site of the ancient Risinium to the plain of Niksie, and far into the interior. In cb*y weather a straight line, the trace of an ancient Way, is seen Tui"ining straight across the Crivoscian plain of Dvrsno, from the opening of the pass which leads to Risano, the ancient Risinium, to that leading to the " The attempt to identify Salhinto (ii.) with the Hlansko Polje (Hoernos, Alterthumev der Ilerce- govina, vol. ii. p. 149), on the ground of similarity of name, is too hazardous; and the same applies to its comparison with cither of the two Slanos. The Serbian form of the lllyro-Roman word, if directly adopted and preserved, would be Solunat: Toniasehek's suggested comparison with the name of the village of ZaJjut (inadmissible on other grounds) must therefore be discarded. I would suggest the identification of this " Sallunto " with the " Lontodocla " in the region of Dioclia, mentioned by Constan- tine Porphyrogenitus {op. at. c. 25). It might be a " SaUnnto-Docleatium" to distinguish it from the other " Sallunto " on the same route further to the West. '' Lexicon, s.v. Vukova Megja. ■^ " Od jednoga kraja do drugoga ove megje prijekijem putem ima oko cctiri dana lioda ; a kad bi se i>lo preko gudura i litic-a pored nje bilo bi mnogo viSe." (" From one end to the other ol this boundary- wall, as you go forward, is about four days' journey ; but were one to go along it through glen and over ridge it would be mucli further.") Vuk, loc. cit. This description recalls rather the up and down progress of a Roman frontier-wall, such as that from Tyne to Solway, than any Itouiau road. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 89 Montenegrin plain of Graliovo. The trace is known to the Crivoscian peasants as " St. Sava's path," and they have a tradition that it was along this route that the founder of the Serbian Church was carried to his Minster tomb at Mileseva, which lies in the Novipazar district beyond the Lim.^ The trace itself, as well as the tradition, points to the existence of an ancient line of comnumication between the Rhizonic gulf, the Drina Valley, where it would join the Danubian road-system, and the route which traversed the ore-producing ranges of Dardania. The same Kne was still followed by the Cattarese merchants in the Middle Ages, who passed from E,isano through this Crivoscian plain, then peopled by a Rouman tribe, the Vlachi E-igiani (who seem to have perpetuated the Illyro-Eoman race of the ancient Risinium), thence through Grahovo to Niksid, and thence again across the Drina to Plevlje, itself the site of the most important Roman settlement in that part of Illyricum. The natives declare that " St. Sava's path " can be traced right away to Mileseva itself. My own observations have led me to the conclusion that the " kalderym," or paved mule-track, over the mountains between Grahovo and the plain of Niksid, runs in places along the trace of a Roman Way. The point where this cross-line of communication between Risinium and the Drina Valley intersects the highway Scodra — Narona, which we have been pur- suing, lay unquestionably in the Western angle of Niksic plain, where, as has been shown from a measurement of distances, we must seek the city of Anderva. I have now to adduce some remarkable evidence bringing the name of this city into relation with a Roman Municipium on the Drina, and thus affording a new indication that a cross-line of Roman road, connecting Risinium with that river, cvit the Dalmatian-Ejiirote highway at this spot. The ancient track already mentioned, running from Risano and the Bocche di Cattaro to the plain of NikSic, and which for practical purposes may be identified with the Roman road-line, is continued across the plain and through the long Duga Pass, so often the scene of combat between Turk and Montenegrin, to the plain of Gacko, where it meets another ancient route, running from the site of Epi- taurum and the later Ragusa, of which more will be said. From this point both routes unite and are prolonged across the wild Cemerno ranges to Foca, in the Drina VaUey, and the important bridge-town of Gorazda, where this Adriatic line meets » This, of course, is historically impossible, as St. Sava died at Tirnovo, in Bulgaria, and must therefore have been carried to MileSevo from the East. •> Jirecek, Die Handehstrassen, sect. 11. Von Cattaro nach Flevlje (p. 72). N 90 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. the cross-line of communication between tlic n])j)or valley of the Bosna, the Lim, and the ore-l)earin2r ranges of Old Serbia, — in other words, the ancient route con- necting Salonic with the Metalla Dalmaiica and Argentaria. At Gorazda Dr. Hoernes " had already observed a sarcophagus with an obliterated inscription. During a recent visit to this place I found, near the old l)ridge over the Drina, several more ancient fragments, and amongst them a bas- relief of an eagle, in a rude style but of Roman origin, carved on a porpiiyritic marble, which was much used by the Roman masons and sculjitors of Plevlje, tlie next important Roman site to the south-east of Gorazda. Walled into the apse of the Orthodox chm'ch, a foundation of Duke Stephen, from whom Herzegovina derives its name, and which lies on the banks of the Drina a little below the present town, I was so fortunate as to discover two Roman inscriptions. When Fig. 9". Roman Monument. Gorazda, Hosniu. 1 first saw them they were almost wholly covered with a coating of plaster, which however, with the aid of the priest, I succeeded to a great extent in removing. Remische Alterthumer- in Bosnicn und der Hercegovina, vol. ii. (in Arch. Epigr. Mitth. vol. iv. p. 47). Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 91 The first was apparently a part of an altar with the inscription term, perhaps originally a bovindary altar, marking the limits of the municipal Ager (fig. 9"). The other monument formed a portion of a larger slab, containing a dedication, probably of a temple, to Jupiter Optimus 3Iaximus CoJiortalis (fig. 10''), to whom a dedicatory inscription has also been found at Narona." Fig. 10*. Roman Monument kefebking to the Andarvani. Gorazda. Bosnia. Tlie part preserved of the second line probably records the share taken in the dedication by a Becurio of the MVNICIPIVM ANDARVANORVM, about which latter name there is no room for doubt. Andarva, or Anderva itself, lying as it did on the main-line of road between Scodra and Narona, cannot by any possibility be sought so far inland as Gorazda ; but the occurrence of the name of the Andarvani on a monument at Gorazda is of valvie, as indicating a direct road-connexion between it and the plain of Niksic, where we have to seek the ancient site of Andarva.* The plain of Nik§ic, then, in Roman times was in all probability the point of intersection of two important thoroughfares, one leading from Scodra and the " C. I. L. iii. 1782, i • o • m || ciiou || tali. In the present inscription the h of chor(tali) is obliterated, hut doubtless was originally contained within the c. '' It seems to nie probable that this line Niksic — Gacko — Gorazda is indicated In the Geographer of Ravenna, who refers to a line of stations, " Sapua — Bersellum — Ibisua — Deiva — Citua — Anderba." N 2 92 Antiquarian Beseai'ches in Illyricum. Epirote cities to the threat Dalmatian emporia of Xarona and Salonte ; the other connecting the coast-city, which gave its name to the Rhizonic gulf, with the mining centres of the old Dalmatian interior, and the Danubian provinces. From this central plain, i)ursuing the route towards Narona, avc find the physical obstacles by no means so great as those that then deflected the route from Scodra to Niksid. Hence, it follows that a straight line (li;i\\ii IVom t lie centre of the plain of Niksid to the site of Narona may give some idea of the general direction of the Roman Way in this part of its course. A glance at the map discloses the fact that, if Ave now* start from Xarona, a line so drawn, so far from approaching the sea at any point, inclines further and further inland from that city to the plain of Niksid. On the other hand, it will be observed that this ideal line passes either through or in close proximity to sites which in mediaeval and modern times have been at once the chief centres of habitation, and the principal strategic points in this part of the Dinaric interior. It passes within a few miles of the very important position of Stolac, Avhere Roman remains and inscriptions indicating the former existence of a Municipium have recently been discoA'ered. The distance of Stolac from the site of Narona answers almost exactly to the xx m.p. given by the Itinerary of Antonine as the distance from Narona to the next station on this side, important enough to be mentioned by that authority — Dallunto, the Dilunto of the Tabula. The continued importance of Diluntum is attested by the appearance of the M\;nici- pium Diluntinum — or, as it appears there, " Delontino " — in the Acts of the Council held at Salona? in 532 a.d. It is there mentioned along with the Munici- pium Novense (the site of Avhich, as Ave have seen, lay at Runovie, near Imoski), and an obscure Municipium Stantinum, as having a Christian Basilica, placed under the charge of the bishop of the inland Dalmatian town of Sarsenterum." At the A'illage of TassoA'die,'' lying in the Narenta valley, between Stolac and Narona, are ancient columns and other remains, and the position ansAvers A\ell to that of Ad Turres, the intermediate station between Narona and Diluntum. Assuming the identification of Stolac with Diluntum to be correct, the course of the natviral route toAA'ards Niksid leads us to seek for the next station, Pardua, * Acta Concilii II. Salonitani, in Farlati, Illyricum Sficrmn, t. ii. p. 1 73. The identification of Stantinum with Stagno, urged by Dr. Iloernes on the strength of tlic existence of the later Zupa Stantania from Ston, the Slavonic form of Stagno, is hardly admissible, since the Acts of this Council of Salona show as yet no trace of Slavonic settlement or nomenclature in that part of Dalmatia which they concern. •^ I have referred to these in my work on Bosnia (2nd cd. p. 361), where, however, TassovCic is wrongly printed Tassoric. Antiquarian Researches in Ulyricum. 93 fourteen miles distant, in the plain of Dabar, a district— as its Old Serbian monu- ments show — the scene of some commercial prosperity in the Middle Ages." The next station, "Ad Zizio " (sixteen miles), where, according to the Tabula, i\\Q junction line to Epitaurum branched ofp, would thus lie in the neighbourhood of Bilek. The two stations, "Leusinio,"m.p. viii. and "Sallunto," m.p. xii. that occur between this and Andarva, which all authorities agree in placing on the plain of Niksi6, should be sought, according to tliis calculation, in the passes of Banjani. We have only now to deal with the objection abeady alluded to, that, according to the Geographer of Eavenna, the earlier stages of the route Narona — Scodra ran along the Adriatic coast. Something has been said already on Ravenna's identification of Pardua with " Stamnes," or Stagno ; it may, how- ever, be weU to point out how absolutely his statement on this head is at variance with the more trustworthy data supplied by the Tabula and the Itinerary of Antonine. If the distances given in those two authorities are to be even approximately observed, it is impossible that the five stations between Narona and Epitaurum, or even four out of the five, lay along the sea-coast. The distance to be traversed by road between Epitaurum and Narona is, according to the Tabula, 112 miles ; the actual distance along the coast is about 55. It is impos- sible, as Dr. Iloernes admits, to make up this disparity of two to one from the bends of the road, and he draws the conclusion, that it is better to set aside the distances in the Tabula altosfether. But the distances given in the Tabula are the best guides we have. As a whole, they square well with the distances given in the Itinerary, and with the general statement of Pliny, that Epitam-um was 100 miles distant from Narona. Moreover, the general correctness of our two authorities in what regarded the section Salonse — Narona gives us just grounds for believing that they are still to be relied on in the section Narona— Scodra. When we find the distance, Epitaurum — Narona, via the junction to Ad Zizio, is over twice the length of the coast line between the two, the natural inference is that the junction station of Ad Zizio is to be sought considerably in the interior, and that the angle formed by the two lines Narona— Ad Zizio and Epitaurum — Ad Zizio must approach a right angle. " The name Dabar suggests a connexion with the important tribe of the Daversi or Baorsi, who inhabited the ranges East of the Narenta at the time of the Roman Conquest. In the Romance dialect of Dalmatia (as exemplified by its surviving remnants in that of Ragusa), v is changed to b. " Though the Itinerary of Antonine seems to give us authority for striking off 10 m. between Dilunto and Narona, see p. 79. '.)l Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. Wliat has been said already here specially applies. The road Narona — Scodra was not made to suit the convenience ol' the inhabitants of Epitaunim. That the road Narona — Scodra made a detour to the coast of at least 35 miles to suit the convenience of any more obscure coast-city is a still less admissible hypothesis. As a matter of fact, the communications between Epitaurum and I lie Ljreat emporium of the Narenta must have been almost exclusively maritime, the land journey being restricted to the single mile across the peninsula of Stagno. The traffic between Ragusa, the modern representative of Ejiitaurum, and Metcovieh, the modern representative of Narona, runs at the present day almost entirely by sea and river, and, in ancient days, when the whole coasting traffic of the Adriatic ran along the Dalmatian shore, the communication between the two cities woiild have been as exclusively maritime. To Epitaurum, as to Ragusa, the value of a road must have depended on the extent to which it opened out its communications willi the centres of liabitation, in the Ali)ine interior, with what are now ih(^ ii})land plains of Trebiuje, Gacko, Niksie, and Nevesinje, in a still higher degree -with the A^alley of the Drina beyond. The great caravan route, by which in mediteval times the merchandise of the West left the Adriatic coast for llic I'lii-thest East, ran from Ragusa, the local successor of Epitaurum, straight inland over the interior ranges, past Trebinje and Gacko, to the valley of the Drina. It is highly prol)able that, as in the ease of Cattaro already cited, this mediaeval caravan route represents a veiy ancient line of communication between the Drina valley and its Adriatic outlet. In the course of many jcnirneys among the Dalmatian and Herzegovinian ranges a phenomenon has been repeatedly observed by me, nowhere more than in the neighbourhood of Ragusa, which seems to prove that the mule tracks leading from the coast into the interior are often of high anticiuity. The course of these hoof -worn mountain tracks is very often literally mapped out by a succession of prehistoric barrows belonging to the Illyrian Bronze Age, which persistently follow the course of the route. That the Roman road should have taken the same general direction as this ancient line of traffic between the Adriatic port and the Drina may be reasonably inferred, though, no doubt, its course was straightcr than the actual route followed by the indigenes. We will now turn to the evidence afforded by existing Roman remains. At Klek and Ranjevo Selo, near the southern mouth of the Narenta, have been found three Roman sepulchral inscriptions relating to private individuals." Along the whole » C. I. L. iii. 1763, 1764, 1765. Antiquarian Researches in lllyricum. 95 coast of the Raguseo, however, from Stagno to the site of Epitaurum, with the exception of a single sepulchral inscrijition found near Slano'' of the same unim- portant character as the last, absolutely no relics of Roman habitation have been brought to light. Carefully as I have myself examined this coast line I have neither been able to discover any new inscriptions nor to find any traces of a Roman road. It must be remembered, moreover, that this maritime strip, unlike the wilder tracks of the Herzegovinian interior, has been for centuries under antiquarian observa- tion. It has formed a part of what, to the beginning of the present century, was the highly civilised Republic of Ragusa, the birthplace of Banduri, and the Roman remains of which had already been made a subject of research by Aldus Manutius in the early days of the Renascence. And yet, despite this prolonged antiquarian scrutiny, the remains of the Roman towns and stations that we are told to look for in the neighbourhood of Stagno, in the bay of Malfi, the valley of Ombla, or on the site of Ragusa itseK, are absolutely non-apparent. The absence of such remains along the coast, and the general considerations already enumerated, had long forced me to the conclusion that the Roman road communication between Epitaurum and Narona ran inland and not along the coast. In this conclusion I was strengthened by observing on the flank of the mountain above the village of Plat, about three miles from the site of Epitam-um, the distinct trace of an ancient road running from the du'ection of Ragusa Vecchia towards a rocky col leading into the interior in the direction of Trebinje. Owing to the accumulation of talus on the platform of the road in the lapse of ages, the surface is concealed from view, and indeed it is best traced by looking at it from a hill a mile distant ; but the arrow-like directness of its course at once proclaims its Roman origin*". In general ajipearance tliis talus-hidden track much resembles the track of the Roman road already described by me as running along the limestone steeps above the sea in the direction of the ancient city of Risiriium. " C. I. L. iii. 17G1. '' The traces of the Roman road ahove Plat are doubtless the same as those observed bj Dr. Constantin Jirecck in the neighbourhood of Ragusa Vecchia. {Die Handelsstrassen nnd Bergwerke von Serbien und Bosnien wahrend des Mitte.lalters, p. 8.) Dr. JireCek observes that the " via vetus quic vocatur via regis " is mentioned in the Ragusan Catastcrs of the fourteenth century, and supposes, with great probability, that its Slavonic name was " Carski Put," " Caesar's Way," a name by which Roman roads were generally known to Serbs and Bulgars in the Middle Ages, and answering to the Byzantine !>di>s (iaaiXiKl). In 1880 I took Dr. Hoernes to visit the traces, and his impression of their appearance as recorded by him (Eomische Aiterthiimer in Bosnien und dcr Hercegovina, vol. i. p. 2) agrees entirely with my own. 96 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. The wild linu'stone i*angcs amongst which the trace ol' the Hoiuau way above Epitaunmi is seen to lose itself, pursuing when last discernible a Xorth -Easterly direction, arc knowTi by the general name of Drinji Planina. Inland to the north of this mountain mass opens the well- watered valley of the TrebinjCica, on which stands the old Herzegovinian city of Trebinje. It was Avhilst exploring this district that I came upon a more important clue. About tAvo miles and a-half south of Trebinje, a tributary inlet of the main valley opens into the mountains that lie betAveen that city and Eagusa Vecchia. This plain, known from its liability to inundation as the Mokro Polje, or " wet plain," presents an elongated I'oi'in. and its major axis, if produced, would exactly connect the present site of Trebinje with the former site of Epitaurum. Whilst examining a curious earthen mound in the centre of the spacious Mokro Poljo, about one hour from Trebinje, I observed a rounded block of stone (fig. 11"), about two and a-half feet in length, lying in some bushes at its base. Its form I » fi ^i^ g/iVVCCff/;-. A 5.7 '^ -=5 Fig. 11°. KoMAN Milestone. Mokro Polje. leading me to suspect that it might be a Roman milestone, I turned it over and discovered on the formerly buried side distinct traces of a Roman inscription. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricwm. 97 which j)roved. that my conjecture had been correct. The letters were vinfortu- nately much weather-worn, and the copy wliich I am able to give, though the result of six separate visits to the sj)ot, and careful collations of the inscription in all lights, is still far from satisfactory. The titles " Vic(toriosissimi) Semp(er) Aug(usti)," which form the most legible part of the inscription, at once enable us to assign to it a fourth-century date. The latter part may, perhaps, be restored : — PRIX(J)1V MAX v{lUtEN) N (a)c VIC SEMP (a)avvggb.r.p.n i.e. (Prin(ciii(es) max(imi) p(eren)n(es) a)c Vic(toriosissimi) scmp(er) Aiig(usti) B(ono) r(ei)p(ublicse) n(ati). The style thus elucidated agrees very weU with the age of Valens and Valentinian, and it is possible that the work of road resto- ration begun in Dalmatia under Julian (as may be learnt from niilliary inscrip- tions found at Narona, Zara, and elsewhere)"' was continued under his successors. The imperfect preservation of the earlier part of the inscription prevents us from determining the names of the Emperors under whom this monument was raised, but the (a)avvgg implies, according to the usage of the time, that two Augusti were then reigning. Examining now the spot with a view to lighting on the traces of the road itself, the propinquity of which the milestone indicated, I was gratified with the sight of a slightly raised causeway running with arrow-like straightness across the j)lain, almost from north to south. On further insj)ection this proved to be the remains of an ancient road about seven paces wide, flanked by two small lateral ditches ; and, as was to be expected from the nature of the soil, constructed of small fragments of grey limestone. In places it was extremely perfect, and pre- sented a characteristic Roman section. Towards the middle it was slightly raised, and its sides were contained and supported by two low walls of massive well-cut masonry, with a slight inward slope (figs. 12% 13"). Southwards the track ran from the neighbourhood of the mound by which the fourth-century milestone lay straight and clear across the plain to an angle of mountain which concealed Trebinjc from view. In places a modern path runs along the top of the embankment. Elsewhere it is accompanied l)y a mediaeval j^avcd " C. I. L. iii. 3207, .3208, .3209, 3211. The title given to Julian on these is " Victor ac triumfator totiusquo orbis Augustus, bono iei2)ublic.T natus." 98 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. May, or Turkisb kalderi/m, quite distinct from the Homau A\ork in character ; and, finally, the roadliue is prolonged, as so frequently in Britain, by a continuous line of hedgerow, reminding me of a "long hedge" on the Akeman Street. ?~i^////,/;;v'^ Stctti'n of Roiuan Way across Mok-ro Polje. (Fig.l3 ) Fragment oj side-vjAll supporting road-wdy- A little way beyond the small churcli of St. Pantaleon, which belongs to the A'illage of Cicevo, and nearing the mountain promontory already mentioned, the traces of the road become still more distinct. An old l)ed of the Tvebinje river, along which its current must have flowed in Roman times, is here perceptil)le, talcing a considerable bend southwards. Along this bend, in the narroAV strip between the former channel of the river and the mountain steep, and just below the modern road, the old road-line forms a clear-cut terrace, banked up on the side of the former river-bed by a wall of Avell-cut stone blocks, of undoid)tedly 3?oman construction. From fragments of this stone embankment a lat(>r dam, Avhich also serves as a footway, has been built in a rough fashion across a marshy l)art of the old channel, and at this point may be seen the remains of a pier of older masonry, Avhich seems to have been the land abutment of a Roman bridge across the former course of the Ti-ebinjcica (fig. 14"). A little below this appear other distinct traces of Roman work. On the steep above the track of the Roman road, and leading out of it, a flight of stejis seven paces in width has been hewn, like so many street stejjs on the site of E2)itaurum., out of the solid rock. These steps, of Avhich only the first two or three are at present traceable, seem to show that at this point a considerable street mounted Avhat is at present the bare limestone steep ; and, taken in connexion with the traces of a Roman wall, here visilile aboA^e the ancient road, as well as the stone embankment and bridge-pier below, lead us to seek for the Roman station which was the local pi-edccessor of Trebinje rather in this vicinity than at Trobinje itself, where, so far as my observation goes, no Roman remains are to be foimd. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 99 The neighbouring village of Ci6eA^o occupies the pleasantest and most fertile angle of the Moki'o Polje, and Roman coins are not unfrequently discovered in (Plg.li ) Roman reviaini n£ar Trehinje River. the neighbouring fields.'' It is, in fact, inherently probable that the Roman station should have been built terrace-fashion on the rocky steeps that flank the plain rather than on the " wet plain " itself. The fact that the Roman road across the Mokro Polje runs throughout on a low embankment shows that in ancient times, as at present, it was liable to floods ; and though the periodical inundation, due mainly to the welling-up of the water, from rock reservoirs below the surface, is at present mostly confined to the southern part of the plain, it is probable that, in Roman times, when the mountains were more wooded, and the rainfall consequently greater, it was subject to floods throughout its length. Beyond the old bed of the Trebinjcica the traces of the road disappear, destroyed in all probability by its alluvial deposits, and still more by the constant tendency that it shows in this part of its course to shift its channel, a tendency illustrated only a short distance beyond the last traces of the Roman road by the disaj)pearance in its waters of a kalderym, or paved way, that apparently at no remote date followed its bank. Having traced the Roman road north Avards to the banks of the Trehinje river and the apparent site of a Roman station, I will return to the mound by which the milestone lay, as a starting-point for exploring its southward course. Xear this point there are apparent traces of the beginning of a branch line of road leading towards the modern hamlet of Bugovina, whence it probably ascended an intervening range into the plain of Zubci, and reached, by a jiass ^ 1 have a denarius of the Empress Lucilla from this site. ^Yith the reverse legend ivnoni lvcinae. 02 100 Aniiquarian Researches in Illyricum. ¥\''. 14' already alliulcfl to, the site of the Roman station that appears to have existed in the plain of Canali midway hetween Epitanvum and the llhizonic i?nlf. From Zubci I obtained a lLio\\\i\n fibula or safety-pin of very remarkable form (see fig. 14*). It will be observed that the groove in which the pin itself catches is provided with a hinged lid, so as to keep the pin doubly secure, and the appearance of another groove above the hinged lid shows that this in turn was made fast by a small bolt or catch. As an example of an improved Roman safety-pin this fibula, so far as I am aAvare, is altogether unique, and the invention may be reasonal)ly set to the credit of local, probably Epitaurian FnuLA ..ROM z, Mcr. ^^ Risinian, manufacture. To return to the main road. The course of the Roman Way to the south con- tinues so far as the i)lain extends mth the same arrow-like directness as before (sec sketch map PI. III.), leaving on the right, less than a mile distant from the milestone mound, the medirpval ruins of an Old Serbian Minster dedicated to St. Peter — Petrov Manastir — the foundation of which I found ascribed l)y local saga, amongst others, to " Czar Duklijan " — the Emjieror Diocletian ! From this spot the trace of the Roman Way makes straight for a defile in the range already referred to, that separates the Mokro Polje from the Adriatic haven where Epitauriun formerly stood. Observing the point in the mountains to which the ancient roadway tended, I inquired of a party of peasants whom I found working in the fields near to where the milestone lay whether there was not another stone like it in that direction. All shook their heads, but at last an old Mahometan answered that there certainly Avas a rock knoAvn as " the round stone" {Obli Kamen) in the direction I had indicated, and, finally, for a consideration, con- sented to guide me to the spot. Three-quarters of aii hour's walk brought us to a rocky eminence at the entrance of the defile (which is known as Lucin Do), commanding a full vicAV of the long Mokro Polje, and here, after a prolonged hunt among the brushwood, my guide hit upon a large cylindrical fragment, partly imbedded in the soil, Avhicli turned out to be the " round stone " we were seeking. It lay not far from the present mule-path between Trebinje and Ragusa Yecchia, which here follows more or less accurately the course of the Roman Way. Arcluii.eolo&a VoLXLVmPl IV C F KeU Lilh S.Castle Si Ifalbom Louden £ C ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRICUM, BY A J EVANS, FS A Iktihshecb by ike' Soczeiy ofjintufuaries af'Zonxioiv, J8S3. Antiqtiarian Researches in Illyrictim. 101 The " round stone " proved to be part of a larger monument, other portions of which I presently discovered in the hushes near. The first discovered frag- ment was 81 inches in length, exhibiting at what was its upper end a circular section 25i inches in diameter, but which took the shape at its lower end of an ellipse 28i inches by 25^ inches, thus presenting a slightly-tapering outline, showing it to have formed part of a somewhat obelisk-like cokimn. At its larger elliptical end lay a huge fragment of its square base. A few feet off lay a smaller fragment, which appeared to be the top of the column. Upon this was an inscription giving the name and titles of the Emperor Clavulius, engraved in letters nearly three inches high, so as to be legible from a considerable distance (fig. 15''). The central portion of the inscription was broken away, Init from a calculation of the letter space at our disposal it can be restored with sufiicient certainty. VSDR AVCCER lAXTRPVfMMPX SIIIIPPCEN Fig. 15°. MiLLiART Column of Clafdius. Lucin Do. Tiberius clavdivs, drvsi fil^s, caesar angusIus, germanic;/.9, 'Po^rifex UAximtts, T'&ibiinicia voTestate viii imperator xv, consul nil, 'sater vatrice, CENSor. The date of the inscription would thus be 47-48 a.d. The column itself is unquestionably of the milliary kind, and, though the continuation of the inscrip- tion recording the mileage from Epitaurum or elsewhere has unfortunately perished. 102 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. the mcution of the name and titles of Claudius shows that, in all probability, tliis road connecting Epitaurum with the interior was completed under his auspices. It would thus appear that this Emperor, by the hands of his legates, continued the work of road-making tlu-ough the Dalmatian Alps, so Avorthily begun by Dolabella under his predecessor Tiberius. The date of this Claudian column, whicli must certainly have recorded no mean achievement of Roman engineering, almost synchronises (if the numbers siqjpUed l)e correct) wath the oi)ening of the Via Claudia Augusta, leading from the mouth of the Po, over the Brenner Pass, to the banks of the Upper Danube, the construction of which had been directed by Drusus, but which was finally completed by bis son in 47 a.d." It Avould appear that in Upper as well as in Lower Illyricum Claudius cemented the conquests of his father and predecessor Ijy completing another great line of lloman road, this time leading from the Adriatic to the Drina and the ^Middle-Danubian syst(Mn. The still-existing tribute of the cities of Upi)er Illyricum to Dolabella Avould lead us to believe that this, like so many other Dalmatian roads, owed its first beginnings to the energetic provincial Governor of Tiberius. The diameter of the summit of this inscril)ed frag- ment, the section of which was circular, was just twelve inches ; the lower part of it was too much broken to enable an exact measurement to be taken. Assuming that the column or obelisk, after taking its circular form, continued to diminish in the ratio of about six inches to every 80, indicated by the first discovered fragment, the whole must have stood originally about 20 feet high, excluding the base, which may have added another thi-ee feet above the ground level. When perfect the monument w'ould have presented an imposing appearance, and from its con- spicuous site must have been visible for miles (fig. 16"). Fig. 16*. Column of Claudius, (Restored.) " The constmction of this road is recorded on .a milliary cohmm foiiad at Feltria (C. I. L. v. 8002): TI • CLAVDIVS • DRV8I * F || CAESAR • AVO • GERMa||nICVS • PONTIFEX • MAXv||mVS • TRIBVNICIA • P0TE8Ta||tE • VI. COS. IV. IMP XI P. P. II CENSOR • VIAM ■ CLAVDIAM || AVGVSTAM " QVAM • PRVSVS || PATER • AI.PIBVS HELLO PATE || FACTI8 " DEIiEXERAT • MVNIT • AB || ALTINO ' VSQVE • AD • FLYMEN |[ DANvvivM • M. P. cccL. AnothcF similar was found at Meran (C. I. L. v. 8003). Antiqtmricm Researches in Illyricum. . 103 Near the remains of this larger column were fragments apparently of two lesser monuments of the same kind, the basis or part of the shaft of one being still fixed in the soil. In aU I coimted seven cylindrical fragments, but, although I excavated the half -buried fragments and repeatedly explored the spot, I did not succeed in bringing to light any fresh inscription. Following the later mule-track which leads from the Mokro Polje past "the round stone," and across the mountains to the Gulf of Breno and the peninsular site of the ancient Epitaurum, now Ragusa Vecchia, I came here and there on distinct tei-races along the mountain side, which evidently mark the continued course of the Roman road-line. These traces were most ajjparent below the Tiu-kish Kula or watch-tower of Smerdeda, on the flanks of the Lug Planina, and again at Glavski Do, where a considerable halderym follows apparently the old trace. Beyond this point the remains may be traced uninterruptedly till they join the trace of the Roman road, which myself and others had already observed running along the mountain side above the village of Plat and the Gulf of Breno. Thence it descended to Oljod and the spot where the memorial monument was discovered dedicated to Dolabella, the Road -Maker, by the grateful cities of Upper Illyi-icum, and past the cliffs which served as Roman gravestones, to Epitaurum itself. From the column of Claudius to Ragusa Vecchia may be reckoned four hours of difficult progress by the present mule-paths, and, considering the ruggedness of the country, the Roman road must have made still greater bends in traversing these Flaninas. The distance as the crow flies is barely eight miles, but the distance by the Roman road could hardly have been under 15 miles. If we now add to this an additional five miles as the distance between the "round stone" of Claudius and the remains on the Trebiujcica, which apparently indicate the former existence of a Roman station, we arrive within a mile of the xx m.p. given in the Tabula Peutingeriana as the distance between Epitaiu'um and Asamo, the intermediate station on the junction-line Ad Ziziuni —Epitaurum. Asamns appears elsewhere in Illp-icum as a river-name, being the ancient form of the Bulgarian river Osma. Judging therefore from the name alone, we should naturally look for the site of Asamo on a river. The discovery of an important line of Roman road (as its monuments show), running inland from Epitaurum, and the identification of the Roman remains on the Ti-ebinjcica with the ancient " Asamo," give us at once a new starting-point for our investigation. The conclusion which I had already arrived at on other grounds, that the junction-line connecting Epitaiu'um with the main line of com- 101 Antiquarian Researches in Uli/ricum. imiuication Narona — Scudra, ran tlirouyli the interior ol' the country, and not ah)ny; the coast, as liitherto believed, is placed on something more than a theoretic basis. Assuming that the course of the lloman road across the Mokro Polje gives at least an approximate indication of its subsequent route over the ranges beyond the Trebinje river, the station of " Ad Zizio," niarked as the point of junction between the Epitaurum road and the main line from Xarona, and ])laced 28 miles distant from " Asanio," should l)e sought in the district of lludine, beyond the Herzegovinian town of Bilck, in the district that is, in which, from independent considerations, I had hccn already led to seek it. I am informed l)v an engineer who had to do with a modern road in tliat district (although circumstances have prevented my verifying his statemeiit) that traces of an ancient embanked way, distinct in structiu-e from the Turkish kalcleryitts, and believed by him from the directness of its course to be lloman, are to be seen leading from near Bilek, jiast Korita and Crnica and across the plain of Gacko, in a Northerly direction. The existence of this ancient trace greatly supports the vicAV already advanced that the junction-line from Epitaurum continues to pursue the same general airection after leaving "Asamo"; and corroborates the opinion that the real usefulness of the line from Epitaurum to "Ad Zizio " was not so much as affording a practicable avenue of land communication with Xarona, but rather as forming a section of an independent road-line, the f m-ther course of which is clearly marked by the ancient embanked way across the plain of Gacko, connecting the Adriatic haven with the Di-iiia Valley and the Danubian system, and which, further inland, coalesced with the line already indicated, that brought Risinium into the same connexion. In the valley of the Drina this Adriatic route would intersect another main- line of thoroughfare between AVcst and East, that, namely, which brought Salonas into communication Avith the ore-bearing ranges of what in the Middle Ages formed the cradle of the Rascian kingdom, and, ultimately, with the Mace- donian \alleys. Of the Roman remains along this route I hope to speak in a succeeding paper ; meanwhile, it is interesting to reflect in connexion with the Roman road from Epitaurum with the interior that, when centuries later its local successor, the Republic of Ragusa, took the lead in opening up anew the re- barbarized midlaiuls of Illyria to commerce and civilization, her caravans passed along a line identical throughout the greater part of its extent with that of the Roman Way. So close, indeed, is the parallel, that the Itinerary of the Venetian Ramlx-rti, who in 1533 passed along tliis Ragusan overland route to Con- Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 105 stantinojile, may serve to indicate the probable position of some of the Roman > stations." His first night station after leaving Ragusa by a rough mountain track t was Trebinje, sixteen miles distant, near which, as we have seen, was the ancient Asamo, 20 m.p. according to the Tabula from Epitaurum. His next station, twenty miles, is Rudine, the very district in which we have been enabled to place j the site of Ad Zizio. " Curita " (Korito) and " Cervice " (Crnica)," the next two ' stations mentioned, are still on the trace of the Roman road. In all, from Ragusa to the Drina was then five days' journey. Thus it was that in days when Ragusa stood forth as the successful rival of Venice in the Balkan lands, her caravans that transported the products of Italian industry overland to the shores of the Black Sea and to the furthest East, and bore in return the silk of Tartary, the spices of India and Arabia, together with the silver ore of the Serbian mountains, to be transhipped to Venice and Ancona and transported to the markets of Florence and the West, passed along a route, which had been opened out by Roman engineers over a thousand years before to* their forefathers of Epitaurum, under the auspices, as we now know, of the son of Drusus. I '■^ Ramberti, Delle cose de Turchi, Libri ti'e, Nel prima, il viagrjio da Venetia a Costantinopoli, &c. p. 5, (In Vinezia, nelF anno m.d. xxxxi. In casa di Maestro Bernardin Milanese.) •• Mentioned already in 1380 as the site of a Ragusan customs station and small commercial colony. (Liber Reformationum Majoris, Jlinoris, et Rogatorum Consiliorum, Civitatis Ragusii. Cf. JireCek, op. cit. p. 75.) ANTIQUARIAN RESEAECHES IN ILLYRICUM (PARTS HI. AND IV.) COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES ARTHUR JOHN EVANS, ESQ., M.A.. F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS. 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 1885. THE A K C H A E (J L U (J 1 A. VOL. \I.IX. ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRICUM. Ill -NOTES ON THE ROMAN ROAD-LINE FROM SALONS TO SCUPI, AND ON THE MUNICIPAL SITES AND MINING CENTRES IN THE OLD DALMATIAN AND DARDANIAN RANGES. SYNOPSIS. PAGE 5. Interior lines indicated by Roman Milestones found at Salonje. 6. Large exploitation of Dalmatian gold mines under the Empire. 8. Importance of Salons as seat of the Provincial Office of Minc;^, Imperial Troasnrv, and Arsenal. 10. The COLLEGITM FABRVM VENERIS. 12. Traces of ancient gold-washings on Mount Rosinj. 13. Mining industry of the Illyrian tribe of the Pirust;e: utilized in Dacia. 14. Road connexion between Salonas and ore-bearing ranges of the interior of Illyricum. 16. Discovery of site of Roman Municipium at Blazui on the Plain of Serajevo. 17. Illyro-Roman monuments on neighbouring height of Crkvica. 17. Thermal source : mining and commercial importance of the position ; suggested ideiuitication of site with the ad matricem of the Tabula Peutingeriana. 20. Survival of ancient architectural features in Turkish Bosnia. B PAGE 21. Inscribed gem of apparently Celtic workmansliij). 22. Ciirlnniflc intaglio presenting monogram of Ostrogothic King Tiieodoric. 23. IJoman Municipium at (Jorazda. 24. Traces of Illyrian aborigines on Mount Kovac. 25. Site of important Mnnici])ium near Plevlje ; existing monnmcnts and inscriptions. 30. Altar of Silvanus. 31. lllyro-Iloman hill station of St. Elias or Sveti llija. 32. Traces of praj-Roman sepulture, and indigenous character of the names and monuments. 33. Survival of Illyro-Roman ornamental traditions on Old Serbian sepulchral blocks. 37. Monument containing a dedication to a Procurafor Augustormn by the local Popiiltin. 38. On the region occupied by the Illyrian mining race of the Pirustiu. 42. Roman site and inscription at Podpec. 43. Course of Roman road from Plevlje to the Lim Valley : discovery of Milestone. 44. Site of Municipium near Prijepolje. 44. Altar of Diana and inscription mentioning civic officers. 45. Further course of the Way towards Novipazar. 46. Roman Milestone on the " Afotitagna di Morlacco.^' 46. 3Ii)rlaehs, or " Black Latins " — descendants of the Roman Provincials. 47. liouman character of Uardanian local names given by Procopius. 49. Ancient bridge called Suhi Most, and remains of embanked Way. 49. Thermce of Banja, near Novipazar. 51. Bath-chamber over the hot springs there, resembling early-Christian baptistery. 53. Round church of late Roman construction. 54. The ancient Has identified with the Arsa of Procopius. 55. Thermce at Banjska. 56. Monument referring to Municipium formerly existing at the foot of the medieval yontagna d' Argento. 57. Importance of the site, as one of the principal mining centres of the Peninsula. 58. Inscriptions on the Kossovo Polje. 58. Li|)ljan the ancient vlpiana. 59. Its Roman inscriptions. 59. Altars of Jupiter. 60. Inscriptions at Pristina. 61. Ancient remains, mining and metal-working industry at Janjevo. 62. Importance of Ulpiana in late-Roman and ecclesiastical history. 63. Justiniana Secunda. 63. St. Florus and St. Laurus. 64. Byzantine ('hurch of Lipljan. 65. Notes on the road-line Lissus-Vlpiana-Naissus. 65. Roman Way across North Albanian Alps. PAGE 66. Antiquities of Metocliia. 66. Roman inscription at Prisren. 67. Inscription referring to Fourth Legion from bridge of Svajan. 68. Roman sites and inscriptions near Ipek. 69. Ancient silver-mining industry. 69. Proofs of former e.xistenee of Rouman indigenous population on ))lain of Metocliia. 71. Roman monuments at Kacanik. 72. Votive Altar for welfare of Septimius Severus and Consorts. 73. Altar of unknown Illyrian god, Andinvs. 74. Milliarium of .il^milian. 75. Roman Way through Kacanik Pass to site of Scvpi. 76. Milliary column of Marcus Aurelius and Constantine. b2 .n! ::iide-,.- =. cvo ' M I "^ " J^il^^ E S >»V{>( ^^-""/^ oa CrrH,:/ J/>'l' ^/^/? fs /Ffl'C* /dormitory MIJNICIPIUM s; i Mil, ri. '•JMprc ■JWv, DJH,\ 'je N JE z£' J A H SA RANZl ^ C.F?.- giAGOTM PL. -S^W^ '■^ STOLOVI PL. /KRU6EVAC 'Barna' •BOVAN -' Bavaav PPRO'-; SITE;{JF.- .;- PRAESt&lVM PO»*'EII S' /> /^. ^ ,^^f-* ,t?^ -# GO ],,ANSKA PLAHINA o "^ H /KISH^ ■^«' \PR0KUPLJE\ ^-asi'i SSOM S,^^"' A x> ^C'. =!*^ %«-; .^..^_i^^ ^^... jiT'Z^' /^ ^-'.m ^^c^ite^'-' ^'i^ > 1 •^r?^'"..- O L'-^^D •s-/ WA; W'??c>, 'irc.vi.-t X'*'^ E \ m J3 1 "■SoS; ■ ■'Mi' yH, ,/ -/ *> ■^<^^' r:«r' *^4- «rv' ;/»N' Q^ iTa/irt • ^iCticirje^a O.^'-'V Sen""' yti^ '• XOSu/IH PLAH'NA. ■w^:,_-.rl:^ • KARATOVO MT KORitf' A' ^.v •i*i^i^V'- '■>*; p;«**^;<- f^uiiujA OR US Ki7^**^'\i--"^'' pt AS'' »v' SCUOCRIKffi ANTIQUARIAN RESEARCHES IN ILLYRICUM. III.— AN" INVESTIGATION OF THE ROMAN ROAD-LINES FROM SALONS TO SCUPI, AND OF THE MUNICIPAL SITES AND MINING CENTRES IN THE OLD DALMATIAN AND DAR- DANIAN RANGES. Hitherto we have been concerned with the Dalmatian coast-cities and the gi-eat parallel lines of road that traversed the length of the Province from the borders of Pannonia and Italy to those of Epirus. From Salonas there were, in addition to these highways to the North and South, at least two main-lines of Roman Way that traversed the interior ranges of the Dinaric Alps and led to the Moesian and Dardanian ^ borders that lay to the East and South-East. Milliary columns have been found at Salonte, one ** recording the completion by Tiberius' Legate Dolabella of a line of road leading from the Colony of Salonge to a mountain stronghold of the Ditiones — -an lUyrian clan probably inhabiting what is now the North-East region of Bosnia ; another, also of Tiberius' time," referring to the construction of a line, 156 miles in extent, from Salonas to a Gastellum of the D^esitiates, an lUyrian clan belonging to the Gonventus or administi'ative district of Narona, and whose stronghold, according to the mileage given, must be sought somewhere on the Upper Drina, towards the Moesian and Dalmatian confines. This latter line may very well be that represented in the Tabula Peutuigeriana as leading from Salonas to Argentaria, a name which seems to connect itself with the silver-bearing ranges lying on the uncertain boundary of the ancient Dalmatia and Dardania, and which, from its mineral riches, was still known in the Middle Ages as Monte Argentaro. * Dardania, under the earlier Empire a part of Upper Mcesia, forms from the eml of ilif thinl uentuiy a separate Province. " C. I. L. iii. 3198 (and cf. 3199). <= C. I. L. iii. 3201. 6 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. I shall Lave occasion to describe a succession of important Roman sites along this route, coupled with other traces, which tend to show that an avenue of com- munication was opened out on this side by Roman engineering between the Dalmatian cities and the central Dardanian plains, and which finally, through the pass of KaCanik, brought them into connexion with the Macedonian road-system. Meanwhile it may be well to point out the great economic importance of the high- road connecting the Dalmatian capital with the chief mineral centres of the interior, not only to Salonae itself but to the Roman World. The Illyrian highlanders, and notably the Southern tribe of the Pirustae, had shown themselves skilful miners in their own Alps before the Roman Conquest. Augustus, on the reduction of the Dalmatse, the race whose valour finally trans- ferred their name to a large part of the original Illyrian area, " compelled," we are told, " this savage race to dig mines and extract gold from the veins of the rock." " But it was only the comprehensive scheme of road-making carried into effect by Tiberius' enterprising Legate that could have paved the way for the vast development of gold production that took place in the succeeding Age, and which for a time made Dalmatia the Eldorado of the Empire. By Nero's time Pliny informs us that fifty pounds weight of gold was daily extracted from the Dalmatian mines, representing an annual sum of between eight and nine hundred thousand pounds of our money. From Pliny's statement it would appear that this Dalmatian gold was in his day largely obtained from the surface of the ground," and the cost of collection was no doubt diminished, as in Dacia " and elsewhere, by the large employment of slave labour. It is probable, moreover, that a good deal was gathered by independent gold-washers, or auri leguli, who afterwards handed in the proceeds of their toil to the local officers of mines, and were remunerated on a regulation scale : an arrangement still in force in Transylvania, where the gipsies pursue this ancient industry on the sites of the Daco-Roman gold- works. Modern » Floras, iv. 12. '' Pliny, H. N. xxxiii. 21. "Aurum .... invenitur aliquando in summa tcUure protinus, rai-a felicitate: ut nuper in Dalmatia, principatu Neronis, singulis diebus etiam quinquagenas lil)rii.s fiindens." '^ Dr. Julius Jung, Bomer und Bomanen, p. 34 seqq. has collected the existing records of the Roman administration of Mines in Dacia, from which we may supplement our knowledge of the same administration in Dalmatia. The chief control was in the hands of a Procurator Aurariarum. Under him were various officers, such as tahularii, or treasurers, dwpensatores, paymasters, and others. The exploitation was conducted by slaves condemned ad metalla, of whom there may have been 20,000, and by independent leguli aurariarum. Cf. Karl Gooss, Innerverhiiltnisse des Trajanischen Daciens, Excurs. I. — Bie Goldbergwerke. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 7 critics, indeed, have accused Pliny of exaggerating the amount obtained from these Dalmatian gold-fields." But it is probable that writers who appeal to the short-comings of ancient mechanical skill, have neither taken into adequate account the cheapness of such labour as was supplied, for instance, by the forty thousand slaves in the mines of Carthagena, nor realised the resources of Roman enterprise, which, as we know in Spain and elsewhere, undermined whole mountain sides'* in order to expose the auriferous strata, and conducted streams by artificial channels a hundred miles in length for the purpose of washing the gold ore. It would appear that in Dalmatia, besides the surface workings alluded to, the other gold-mining processes described by Pliny of digging shafts ° and excavating vast underground galleries were largely resorted to. The poet Statins, writing in Domitian's time, deplores the long tarrying of his friend Junius Maximus among the Dalmatian mountains, where the miner penetrates to the Nether World, " and with visions of Dis upon him returns as pale and jaundiced as the gold he has dragged forth.'"' Nothing indeed in the experience of modern pitmen can approach the horrors of those ancient gold mines," where, by the * To Fetter, for instance {Bal7nazien,.li. i. p. 24 note), it is incomprehensible that the annual gold production of Roman Dalmatia should have been six times as great as that of modern Hungary, and that it should have i-ivalled in amount that of the South American goldfields. " Bedenkt man ferner dass der Bergbau zu den Romerzeiten noch auf den untersten Stufen stand, da den Romem alle Hilfsmittel der Jetztzeit wie z. B. Schiesspulver, hydraulische Maschinen, Dampfmaschinen, u. s. w. unbekannt waren." ^ " Mons fractus cadit ab sese longe, fragore qui concipi humana mente non possit. . . . Speetant victores ruinam naturse .... Alius par labor, ac vel majoris impendii, flumina ad lavandam. hanc I'uinam jugis montium ducere obiter a centesimo plerumque lapide. Cori'ugos vocant, a corrivatione credo." (Pliny, xxxiii. 21.) The word ruiiia, in the sense of " landslip" or " talus," has been preserved in the form Bafein among the Germanized " Ladine " population of the ancient Rsetia. The local names Bunovic, Bunic, associated in several cases with Roman sites in Slavonic Illyria, may suggest a comparison. <= Loc. cit. " Alio modo puteorum scrobibus eft'oditur . . . vagantur venamm canales per latera puteorum ; tellusque ligneis columnis suspenditur." ^ Silvarum, 1. iv. c. 7. Ad Maximum, Junium, : " Quando te dulci La tic remittent Dalmatse montes, ubi, Dite vise, Pallidus fossorredit, erutoque Concolor auro ?" The idea has been borrowed by Silius Italicus (1. i. 231) and by Claudian, who applies the epithet " Pallentes " to the Bessian miners. ' " Cuniculis per magna spatia actis cavantur montes ad lucernarum lumina. Eadem mensura vigiliarum est, multisque mensibus non cernitur dies." Pliny, loc. cit. who proceeds to describe the 8 Anfiqvarian Researches in Illyricum. li^ht of open iron lamps (the Roman shape, material, and name of which arc still preserved in the Dalmatian Alps)," the slave-gangs worked for months at a time without seeing the light of day. Even were there not preserved to us the definite statements of ancient writers as to the magnitude of the Roman gold-mining operations in the ancient Dalmatia, the fact might be sufficiently inferred by the existing traces of some of the works, and by the ruins of flourishing cities in the wild Bosnian interior, which, like those that sprung up amidst the most sterile Sierras of Roman Spain, must have owed their rise and fortunes in a great degree to the exploitation of the mineral wealth of the province. Of this golden harvest Salonee now became the principal garner. It was not without reason that Martial congratulates his friend Macer, transferred as Governor from Spain to Dalmatia, on his approaching arrival at " long-shored Salonae " and the Land of Gold. " Ibis litoreas Macor Salonas. • • • » • Felix aurifene colone terrje."'' To this City the proceeds of the gold-fields of the Dalmatian interior were transported by the newly-opened roads. It was here that the imperial officers resided whose function it was to direct the working of the provincial gold mines, and amongst whom a Gommentariensis Aurariarum Dalmatai-um and Dispensator or paymaster are mentioned in an inscription from this site." At the time when the Notitia Dignitatum was drawn up Salona^ appears as the seat of an Imperial Treasury ,'' and the abundant supply of the " Dalmatian ore " seems to have risks which the miners ran from falls of rock and explosions of fire-damp. The ore was passed on from one gang to another, whole days and nights being consumed in the mere pi-ocess of transmis- sion : only the last lot of workmen saw the light. ' In the mountains of Montenegro and the adjoining Herzegovinian and South Dalmatian high- lands I have observed iron lamps known as Lukijernar (= lucernarius) of a foi'm precisely similar to that found in Roman mines. The shape has survived in other European countries, but the remark- able thing here is that both shape and name should have been preserved amongst a Slav-speaking population. In the Ragusan dialect the name Lukijernar has also survived, but the lamps have lost the characteristic form preserved by the highlanders. I have already alluded to the significance of the survival of the "k" sound in "Lukijernar" and other similar fragments of the Dalmatu- Roman provincial dialect among the present inhabitants. " Martial, Ep. lib. x. 78. "= C. I. L. iii. 1997. * Not. Occidentis, c. x. " Prsepositus Thesaurorum Salonitarum Dalmatise." Cf. C. I. L. 1992, 1993, 199-1. Antiquarian Researches in lUyrieum. 9 favoured the growtli of a native artistic industry, the traditions of which may, indeed, be said never to have passed away from the Bast Adriatic shores. Gokl ornaments found at Salona3 and other Illyrian sites rank among the treasures of the Antiken Kabinet at Vienna, some of which are executed in a peculiar style of filigree work, which, when, compared with other specimens from this site (one of which I have been enabled to lay before this Society), indicate the existence of a Salonitan speciality of gold filigree-work. In their prevailing features, the con- ventional amorini and filigree rosettes, these Salonitan jewels greatly resemble many similar ornaments from Southern Italy and elsewhere ; but, from the frequency of their occurrence on the site of the great Dalmatian city, and from certain barbaresque nuances of style, and, notably, a tendency to diverge from natural forms into ornamental developments, we may be allowed to claim for them a local origin. Statins uses the " Dalmatian ore " as a poetic equivalent for gold itself ,Mnxt the mineral exploitation of the province was not by any means confined to the gold workings. The Station Argentaria on the Tabula speaks for itself as regards silver mines, and the iron ore, which occurs in great abundance in the Dinaric ranges of the interior, formed another fertile source of Dalmatian prosperity. A late Roman geographer mentions the large export of iron from Dalmatia;** and in the sixth century we find the Ostrogothic King Theodoric entrusting a fiscal ofiicial in Dalmatia with a special commission to inspect the iron mines of the province and develope their working." It was, perhaps, to pay the auri leguli and that part of the workmen who were not slaves, and generally to facilitate the petty traffic amongst the large mining population which this manifold exploitation of mineral wealth in Dalmatia and its borderlands called into being, that, under Trajan and Hadrian, and apparently Marcus Aurelius, an issue of small bronze " Statius, Sylvarum, 1. 2 ; EpUhalamium Stellm et Violantillm, v. 1.54 (referring to the Chamber of Venus) : — " Robora Dalmatico lucent satiata metallo." " Expositio totius muncli. (Geog. Lat. Min. ed. Riese, p. 119.) " Dalmatia . . . ferrum habundans emittit." * Cassiodorus, Variarum, lib. iii. Ep. 25 ; Sivieoni V. I. Gomiti, Theodoricus Bex " Prreterea ferrarias venas prffidictee Dalmatise cuniculo te veritatis jubemus inquii'erc, ubi rigorem ferri parturit terrena mollicie.s, et igni decoquitur, ut in duritiem tran.sfei-atur. Hinc, auxiliante Deo, dcfcnsio patriiB venit : hinc agrorum utilitas procm-atur, et in usus liiimaniB vitte multiplici commoditate porri- gitur. Auio ip.si imperat et servii'e cogit locupletes constanter armatis. Convenit itaque banc speciem diligenti indagatione rimari, per quam et nobis lucra generantur et hostibus procuiatitur exitia." Cf. Ep. 26. Ostmi, V. I. Corniti, Theodoricus Bex. 10 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricuvi. pieces was struck with legends referring to tlie mines of this and the adjoining Illyrian provinces." These pieces, if not, as has been sometimes advanced, struck in the provincial mines themselves,'' were at least coined of metal derived from the sources indicated, and their material may be taken as proof that the Dinaric ranges were as productive in Roman hands of the elements of bronze as of iron, gold, and silver. Those of Trajan — struck between the years 10 1-110 — present on their reverse a figure of Equity and the legend metalli vlpiani i^KLMafici." Those of Hadrian read metal. DEL^r,'' sometimes accompanied with a stag, emblem- atic of the Dalmatian forest-mountain, and of the patron divinity of the last of the native dynasts,* sometimes by a breastplate, an apparent allusion to the skill of provincial armourers. That this branch of native industry flourished in Roman Dalmatia there is other conclusive evidence. At Salonte, as in the more northern Illyrian cities that owed their principal industry to the Noric iron mines,' was established an imperial Arsenal, the existence of which is attested by the Notitia Dignitatinn,^ and by a monument of fourth-century date, referring to one of the armourers.'' Connected with the abundance of the precious, as well as the useful, metals at Salonse is the prominence among its epigraphic records of a guild of artificers, " Eckhel, D. N. vi. p. 445, remarks of these coins : " Sunt omnes wnei, III. forma?, etsi certum sit fodinas in liis numis memoratas nobiliora etiam metalla fudisse. Ex quo argui potest istud monetffi genus in eorum stipendium qui ad opus in metallis faciunduni destinati fuere percussum esse." " Cf. Neumann, Populorum Ntmiismata, ii. 152. Rasclie, Lex. Bei NwmaricB, s. v. met. xor. *= Cohen, MedaiUes ImperiaUs (2""® edition). Trajan, No. 183. There are other similar coins of Trajan with the legend metalli vlpiani, metallt vlpiani pann., and metalli panxonici. Another, representing on the reverse a female figure raising her robe and holding ears of com, reads dahdanici. '• Cohen, op. cit. Hadrian, Nos. 1616, 1517. That with a stag is engi-aved in the Pembroke Catalogue, p. iii. t. 91. Another, reading dardaxici, and with the revei-se similar to the coin of Trajan, has on its obverse the head of Rome and the legend roma (Coh. No. 1514). Cohen omits to mention another type of this Emperor, of whifh J have a specimen, with met. nok. in an oak-wreath on the reverse, for metalli norici. (Cf. Raschc, loc. cit. and Pembrol-e Cataloyue, p. iii. t. 91.) Other coins of uncertain attribution read metal, avkelianis. These, like some of those reading metal. DELM. present on the obverse a youthful head, perhaps of M. Aurelius, l)ut without legend. ' Artemis is represented on the coins of the Illyrian Prince Balleeos and his successors struck at Pharia and Rhizon. ' Laureacum, where was a fabrica Scutaria ; Camuntum, which, though within the Pannonian border, must have depended on Noric mines for the same industry, and Sii-mium the seat of a " Fabrica Scutorum SconUscorum et armorum." B Not. Dign. Occidentie, c. 8. Fabrica Salonitana "Armorum." " C. I. L. iii. 2043. The tomb of a certain Maurentins fabricensis. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 11 the Collegium FaWiom Veneris. A wliole series of inscriptions illustrates the important part played by this worshipful company in the Roman city." On these we find mention of its noljle Patrons and benefactors, amongst whom the Emperor Constans figures,'' its Prjefects and Decurions, and the corporation seems to have claimed a special jurisdiction in what concerned its members." One inscription commemorates the erection of a bronze statue by the Collegium to T. Flavius Agricola, Prsefect and Patron of the guild, who combined the highest municipal dignities of Salonse itself and the tw.> cities of ^quvim'' and of Riditge," with the more fiscal office of Curator of the Republic of Splonistte.'^ The city of Splonum, which lay in the heart of the Dinaric Alps, appears to have been one of the great mining centres of the interior ; and from a Dacian inscription we learn that a Dalmatian Prince of this Municipium received an imperial commission to direct the gold mines of Alburnus.^ This record of the fiscal functions performed by the Prtefect of the Salonitan Collegium at Splonum supplies an interesting connecting link between that flourishing guild and the mining, in all probability the gold-wox'king industry of the interior of the pi'ovince. When it is further remembered that at Apulum and Sarmizegetusa — ofiicial centres of the Dacian gold-fields — monumental records have been preserved of similar Collegia fabrum of equal local prominence with that of Salonge, we may be allowed to connect the guild in a special manner with the craft of the fabri Aurarii, to whose handiwork attention has been already called. The dedication of the guild to Venus, the lady of the golden necklace, the natural patroness of the jewellers' » Cf. C. I. L. iii. 1981, 2026, 2087, 2107, 2108. '' FL . CONSTAN||tI . NOBIl,ISSr||MO . AC BEATIS||SIM0 CAESAEl || COLL . FABRVM || VENERIS. C. I. L. iii. 1981. (a.d. 333-7.) " An inscription on the tomb of a Decitrio Collegii Fahruni found at Salonae (C. 1. L. iii. 2107) concludes: si QVis aeam ARCAM aperire vo(lv)erit inferet decvriae meae*xxv. Here the Becuria is evidently that of the Guild. In other instances we find a similar fine claimed by the Respublica Salonitana ; at a later period by the Ecclesia Salonitana. ^ Near Sinj. We are almost tempted to connect the figure of Equity on the Dalmatian Mine- Coinage with this COLONIA AEQVITATIS. Vide infra. ' Near Sebenico. ' T . PLAVIO II T . FIL . TKOmeiUina \\ agricol* II DKCurio . COhonice . sxLonitanoB\\ k'E'Dili IIVIEO . IVEE II BlCimdo . VECurio . COLonim . AEQVIJJTATIS . iiviro . QuinQuennali . msi'ensatwi . \\ mvnicipi . eiditarvm . || PRAEFec/o . et . PATEONO . COLLe^n II FABEM?)i. . OB MEEITA EIVS COLhegium \\ FABRVM . EX AERE CONLATO || CVEATOEI UElPYBlicCB . SPLONIS || STAEVM . TRTBVXVS . LEGianis X . Gemince . vire videlis. . . . (C. 1. L. iii. 2026.) « C. 1. L. iii. 1322 : and cf. Mommsen's observations (p. 305), s. v. albuhnus major. The inscri])- tion itself was found at Zalatna in Transylvania, the ancient Ampelum. c2 12 Autlquarian Researches in Illyricum. art, certainly points to this connexion, nor do we need the constantly recui'riiig amor i III of the Salonitan goldwork to remind us how intimately this craft was associated with that of the " Mater smva Cupidinwn." It is, however, only reasonable to suppose that various classes of Salonitan artificers were enrolled in the Colh'ijium ; and how, indeed, in the later days of the Western Empire was it possible to separate the callings of armourer and goldsmith ? The connexion between Venus and Vulcan was of old standing ; and " Venus Victrix," the special personality under which the Goddess was worshipped from the second century onwards, was certainly as well qualified to preside over forgers of weapons as over moulders of ornaments. The frequent appearance of the Goddess under this aspect on Salonitan monuments is not without significance in its connexion with the (^(^1 leg! u III Veneris. In the museum at Spalato is to be seen a marble statue of the Goddess in this character, of some merit; and gems — notably gi-een plasmas and red jaspers — representing the Armed Venus, are of specially plentiful occur- rence on the prolific site of the ancient Salonas. The mining-town of Sploniim referred to in the above inscriptions has been identified with the Dalmatian stronghold of Splaiinum, mentioned as a strongly fortified and po]iulous city by Dion," in his account of Germanicus' campaign against the North Dalmatian tribe of the Mazgei. It appears to have been situated in what is at present the Bosnian Kraina, probably in the neighbourhood of Stari Maidan'' ("the Old Mine "), where iron is still worked. The surrounding district is known at the present day to be rich in minerals, including gold and silver, though the precious metals are found in inconsiderable quantities.'' In the ranges of more central Bosnia the engineer Conrad'' has recently discovered some remarkable traces of ancient mining operations. On Mount Rosin j, the limestone steeps of which overlay veins of quartz and greenstone, are numerous heaps of washings, the largest 80 feet high, 150 broad, and 400 long, containing tailings of quartz and " IlL'if. Rom. lib. Ivi. C. 11 : rfpfiavtKoc li Iv rovrifi aWa rf X'op'" 'JfA/inriCK fl\e rni STrAai'i'Oi', naiirip ry re (fft'trft iff\vpov ("»v, Kai ro7g Tiixitriv ui TTHltriayfikvov^ Tovg re afivvofiivovQ nafiTr\ii9Hg t^or. Gcrjlinnicus, stai'tillO^ froill Siscia, as a base, took Splaunum on his way to Rcetinium, the position of which is pi'obably to be identified with the site of the newly-discovered Municipium near Bihac. ^ Cf. Tomaschek, Die vorslawische Topngraphie der Bosna, &c. ]). 12. ' It appears from two Bosnian documents of the years 1339 and 1422, that gold was exjiorteil from the country in the Middle Ages ; and the Venetian geographer Negi-i, writing at the end of the fifteenth century, mentions the auri ramenfa of the river Verbas. Gold- washings existed on the upper Lasva near Ti-a\-nik in the sixteenth century. Cf. Jirecek, Die Handelsstrassen und Bergwerhe von Serbien und Bosnien wahrend des Mitielalters. Pi'ag, 1879, p. 42. ^ Ilosnien in Bezug atif seine Minerahchiitze (Mitth. d. k. k. geogi-. (Jes. in Wien, 1870, p. 214 seqq.) Antiqtiarian Researches in Illyricum. 13 iron-ore, mixed with red earth," which gives to this heap the name of Crvena Zemlja, or "the bloody plot." Another of these is still more appropriately known as " Zlatna Griivna," or " the golden threshing-floor." The position of these artificial monnds shows the direction of the quartz-veins, and indicates a prodigious gold- digging activity in past times.'' It is remarkable, however, that no epigraphic or other remains indicating the former existence of a Roman Municipium have been found near these ancient works. The chief centre of the gold- working activity in ancient Dalmatia appears, how- ever, to have been the country of the Pirustge, a branch of the great Dassaretian clan who inhabited the inaccessible Alpine extremities of the province towards the Dardanian and Bpirote confines, and who appear to have had the Dgesidiataj as their northern borderers." The mining aptitudes of this race were utilized by the Romans at a later date in developing the resources of their Dacian gold-fields ; and the waxen tablets discovered in the Transylvanian mines have revealed the existence of a Dalmatian settlement near the Dacian city of Alburnus Major, known as the Vicits Pirustarum^ These Dacian tablets are indeed a striking witness of '"■■ " " Aus den Uebeiresten dieses Bergbaues ersieht man deutlich dass das gediegene Gold in den Zersetzungs-produkten, namlich aus dem Schwefelkies enstandenen Brauneisenstein (Bratuieisenerz) und in den Ablagertingen enthalten war, welche aus den zerstriimmerten und durch die Flut weggeschwemmten Gebirgsmassen gebildet haben." (Op. cit. p. 221). " The present inhabitants have a superstition against continuing the search for gold, though the tradition of its existence is preserved by the local proverb : " Vol se cese o zlatni stog a Ijudi ne vide." (The ox rubs himself against the golden sheaf but folks see it not.) "= Ptolemy, Oeog. lib. ii. c. 16, places the Pirust® after the Dokleates (whose territory roughly answered to the modern Montenegro), and before the Skirtones, described by him as ^pi>e ry Manecovi?. From Livy's notice (lib. xlv. c. 26) we may infer that they lay inland from the Rhizonic Gulf. Velleius Paterculus (lib. ii. c. 115) speaks of their inaccessible position. Although, as their names show, lUyrian among the Illyrians, they are placed by Strabo (lib. vii. c. 5) in a Pannonian connexion along with their Dfesidiate kinsmen : and it is to be observed that Bato, the Dsesidiate chief, took the lead in the great Dalmato-Pannonian outbreak. We may therefore infer that there was some avenue of communication between the Dsssidiates and PirustiB of South-East Dalmatia and the Pannonian lands of the Save : an avenue naturally supplied by the Drina Valley. From the fact that the Salona milestone places the Castellum of the Deesidiates 156 miles distant we should be led to look for it on the Upper Drina. The Pirusta?, who as borderers of the Dokleates lay beyond the Dassidiates, must therefore be sought in the mountain district beyond the Upper Drina. (See p. H8 seqq.) ^ Cf. the deed of sale to "Andveia Batonis," of half a house, " que est Alburno Majori Vico Pirustarum." (Tabelhn OeraUe, viii. ; C. I. L. iii. p. 944.) Another deed records the i)urchase by Maximus, the son of Bato, of a female slave from Dasius, the son of Verso, — "Pirusta ex Kavieretio." (Tab. Cer. vi. ; C. I. L. iii. p. 936.) 14 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. the extent to wbicli the gold-mining industry in that province had fallen into Dalmatian hands. They supply a whole treasury of Dalmatian names," amongst which that of the national hero, Bato, occiirs repeatedly. The military indebted- ness of Rome to these mountaineers is siifficiently attested by the imperial name of Nerva." Thus it will Ije seen, that the Roman higlnvay leading into the Dalmatian interior from Salonfe to the Castellum of the Dtesidiates referred to on the mil- liary column, and that marked on the Tabula as leading from the same place in the same south-easterly direction, towards " Argentaria " and the silver-bearing ranges of the old Dalmatian-Dardanian border country, have a peculiar interest in their connexion with the ancient centres of mining acti^dty in the Province. It is probal)le, as we have said, that, in the main, both routes are one and the same : the prolongation to "Argentaria," marked on the Tabula, being a continuation of the more ancient road, which originally extended, as the Salonitan inscrijition indicates, only 156 miles, to the Deesidiate borders. From Salonae the road marked in the Tabula runs to Tilurio (Gardun near Trilj) on the Cettina, by the route already described as forming a part of the line Salona?-Narona. At this point the road branches off from the Dahuatian- Epirote line and pursues a more inland course, across the Prolog range. This part of the road is still clearly traceable, and has been followed by the engineer Moiza along tlie northern margin of the plain of Livno, where, at the village of VidoSi," ancient fragments and an inscription have been found, to Grad Buzanin, where are some uncertain remains. This site has been identified, on the strength of the name,'' with the station in Monte Bulsinio, placed on the Tabula thirty miles distant from " Tilurio." " E. g., Andueima Batonis (cf. Andveia above), Andesis Andunocnetis, Bato Annsei, «fec., Bradua Bensantis, Cerdo Dasas Loni, Dasins (or Dassius) Breuci, Epicadus Plarentis qui et Mieo, Liccaius Epicadi Marciuiesus (cf. the Pffionian King, Lj-cceius), Lupus Caiciitis (h-om Cares), Masurius Messi, Planius Verzonis Sclaies, Flares (Plarentis), Plator Venetus, Veranes, Verzo (cf. tlie Dalmatian chief " Versus "). " There is an e-xtant diploma of Vespasian (C. I. L. iii. p. 849), nkrvae . laidi . f . dksidiati. The name occui-s on a Salonitan inscription (2390) and may be compared with other Dalmatian forms in -erva, such as Derva, Anderva. <= Here was probably the station Ad Libros marked on the Tabula as 22 miles distant from Tilurio. There was an altei-native way into the plain of Li\^lo from Salonae via ./Equum (near Sinj). While making the i-oad from Sinj to Livno, Moiza found traces of the Roman way, and, cut on a rock at the top of the pass over Mount Prolog, the inscription " flavivs maximus fecit." ^ Tomaschek, Vorslawuche Topographie der Boma, &.C. p. 22. The gi-eatest caution, however, is Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 15 From tliis spot the course of the road is uncertain." On tlie one hand it is possible that it made a northern bend, so as to approach the ancient ore-washing basins already described on the flanks of Mount Rosinj ; while, on the other hand, the arduousness of the country to be traversed rather suggests the alternative route, by one of the lateral valleys, into the defile of the Narenta, and thence by the pass that leads from Konjica to the plain of Serajevo. This has been, in all historic ages, the main avenue of communication between the inland districts of what is now Bosnia and the Adriatic coastlands, and the frequent discovery of Roman coins at Konjica, as well as the existence of a Roman monument in the pass itself, are certainly indications that the road followed this route. We are now on more certain ground. The " Serajevsko Polje," or plain of Serajevo, is the natural, we may say the inevitable, crossing-point of all the main- lines of communication through the interior of the country. It is here that the river Bosna, which has given its name to the whole country, wells in full volume from the rock. Here, in the Middle Ages, was the Slavonic stronghold and market of Vrchbosna,'' chosen by the Turks, on the conquest of Bosnia, as the seat of their necessary in accepting identifications of sites based on merely verbal coincidences. Prof. Tomaschek's ingenuity in this regard at times outruns his discretion. Thus, for example, he observes of Torine, a village near Travnik, " Der nahe Ort Torine ist unslaiuisch und enspricht einem alien Tarona." So far from being " un-Slavonic " the word Torine is of universal use in Bosnia, and simply means a " sheep-fold " ; a slender foundation on which to consti'uct an ancient city. Again, heedless of the fact that " Bysti'ica " is the universal Slavonic name for clear streams (Old SI. Bystrit, Serb. Bistar, cf. Miklosich, Die Slavischen Ortsnamen, s. v.), the same wiiter goes out of his way to seek for the Pannonian river Bustricius, mentioned by Ravennas, an Albaniau-Illyrian origin from BuStre = bitch (Hiindin). * The stations and mileage given by the Tabula after " in Monte Bulsinio " are — " vi Bistue Vetns — XXV Ad Matricem — xx Bistue Nova — xxnii Stanecli " ; after which follows " Argentaria " without any numerical indication. Prom evidence supplied by an inscription found at Rogatica (see p. 18), Bistue Nova appears to have been in the neighbourhood of that town, and Ad ilatricem near the source of the Bosna. Hence we must seek for the position of Bistue Vetus about Konjica on the Upper Narenta, and it becomes evident that a deficiency must be supplied either in the names or mileage of the earlier stations of the Tabula. One of the Bistues, probably Bistue Vetus as being nearer to the maritime tract, seems to have been still flourishing in the sixth century. An "Andreas, Episcopus Ecclesiae Bestoensis" is mentioned in the Act of the Provincial Council of Salona of 5.30 and 532 (Farlati, Illyricum Sacrum, t. ii. p. 173). *• Cf. Jirecek, Die Handelsstrassen und Bergwerke von Serbien mid Bosnien wiihrend dss Mittel- alters (Prag, 1879), p. 85. The plain of Serajevo was known as the Zupa Vrchbosna, but the strong hold was on the site of the present citadel of Serajevo, not at the actual source of the Bosna as has sometimes been asserted. As early as 1436 we find a Tui'kish Voivode placed here to control the tributary Christian dynasts of Bosnia. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhiricnm. jirovincial governor, and better known under its later name of Bosna Seraj, or Serajevo. A position wliicli has given birth to the modern capital of the province was not neglected by the Romans, and during my journey through Bosnia in 1875 I was so fortunate as to come upon the first trace of the Roman predecessor of Serajevo." At Blazui, in the western angle of the Sarajevsko Polje, I found a Roman bas-relief of Bros or the Genius of Death, leaning on an extinguished toi-ch ; and, near it, numerous other antifjue fragments built into the remains of a stone fountain, and a Turkish "Han." Dr. Hoernes, on subsequently visiting the spot,'' discovered a bas-relief of a good style, representing a Majuad, or Bacchante, the panther skin flung round her shoulders, but otherwise nude ; a thyrsus leaning against her left arm, her right stretched forward, and her liead tlu-OAvn back in orgi- astic rapture. Walled into the neighbouring bridge over the Bosna he observed a Genius with reversed torch, somewhat similar to the first, but which, from its Phrygian cap, had probably, a Mithraic signification. In 1880 I had the opportunity of renewing my explorations aboiit this site. I was able to copy a small fragment from Blazui,'' repre- senting the lower part of a figure of Diana standing before her doe, beneath which was an inscription, showing that it was part of a votive monument erected to the goddess by a votary of the appropriate name of Silvia. Another inscription from Blazui has since been communicated by the Pravoslav Metropolitan to the Serajevo Gazette, but, unfortunately, in an unsatisfactory shape. On the left bank of the small stream that flows past Blazui rises the brush- wood-covered height of Crkvica,** whilst examining which I came upon remains Fiff. 1. " Through Bosnia aiid ttte Herzegovina, &c. 1876, p. 237 (2nd ed. p. 237). *• Arch. Epigr. Mitth. aus Osterr. iv. 44. •= For this I am indebted to the kindness of M. Moreau, the French Consul at Serajevo, in whose hands tlie fragment now is. It is six inches in height. From Vitina, near Ljubuski, in Herzegovina (i;f. C. I. L. iii. 6.365, 6368; Hcernes, op. cit. p. 41), the same gentleman had obtained a fingei' of a colossal marble statue, and a tile with the inscription leg vni avg. '' The name is equivalent to "church-land." A part of it i.s .still used as a cemetery, and several medifeval tombs of the usual kind are to be seen, indicating the former existence of a church (crkva). Antiquarian Researches in Illyricmn. 17 that seem to indicate tliat here was the Acropolis of the ancient town ; perhaps the original Illjrian stronghold that became the nucleus of the Roman Municipium. Here I found a part of a cornice with antique mouldings, and two Roman sepul- chral slabs, the inscription of which, however, had been utterly obliterated by atmospheric agencies. On one of these, above the sunken field which formerly contained the epitaph, are two full-face busts of the rudest workmanship, accom- panied with equally rude degenerations of the rose and acanthus ornament. The monument, however, has a peculiar interest in the resemblance it bears to the Illyro-Roman sepulchral slabs on the height of Sveti Ilija above Plevlje, which I shall have occasion to describe," and confirms the hypothesis that here was the original Illyrian quarter.'' Besides the general suitableness of the position already indicated, the Romans in selecting this site were doubtless influenced by local advantages of a more special kind. Situated at the western extremity of the plain, the Roman town commanded the entrance to the pass which was most indispensable to it as forming its avenue of communication with maritime Dalmatia ; just as the present city of Serajevo, lying at the eastern extremity of the plain, derived much of its im- portance in Turkish eyes from its holding the key to the defile that secured its communications with Stamboul. The abundant source of the Bosna, hard by, sup- plied the first essential of Roman municipal requirements ; while the hardly less abundant hot springs of Illidze on the neighbouring banks of the Zelesnica, known here as elsewhere in the lUyrian wilds by the name of Banja, a corruption as we have seen " of the Roman Balnea, must have given the situation a peculiar value in the eyes of colonists and soldiers from the warmer Mediterranean climes doomed to adapt themselves to lUyrian Alpine winters. " See p. 31 seqq. '' More recentlj- Hen- DiimiCic has discovered in the same neighbourhood, on the left hank of the Lepenica near Kisseljak, and not far from the confluence of the Fojnicka Rjeka, the following inscription: C. MANLIVS C L HONESIMVS ANN 1 1 II Tlio cippus on which this was inscribed lay amongst hewn stones and other ancient fi-agments on a steep rock called Crlrs-ice, to the north of which is a sloping terrace. (ArcJi. JEpigr. MUfheihmfjm aus Oesterreich, 1883, p. 130.) A fi-agmentary sepulchral inscription has also been discoverwl by Captain Von Handel at Divjak in the LaSva valley south of Travnik. •= See Archmologia xLvin. p. 66. D 18 Anflquanan Besearches in Ilhjricuin. There is moreover the strongest presumption that the fortunes of the Roman city on this site were intimately bound up with the copious existence of ore-bearing strata in the surrounding ranges. The neighbouring defiles of Foinica and Kresevo are still reckoned the principal centres of the mineral wealth of modern Bosnia; and both these places in the Middle Ages were frequented by a mining colony of Saxons and Ragusans." Besides iron, copper, lead, and quicksilver in abundance, the more precious metals are not wanting. The silver mines of Foinica'' are repeatedly referred to in the Ragusan archives. Grold is known to occur in the same neighbourhood ; it is to be detected in small quantities in the sand of the Foinica stream," and there can be little doubt that here as in the not distant ranges about Vares it was also exploited. I have myself observed on the flanks of the mountains about Foinica huge scars and traces of ancient excavations,'' and have found the surface in places covered with fragments of quartz containing various ores, and accompanied, as in the case of the tailings described by the engineer Conrad on the northern side of the same range, with hfematitic iron ore and ochreous earth. It is to be observed that Blazui stands at the point where these metalliferous defiles open out into the broad and fertile Serajevsko Polje. The neighbouring village of Rudnik owes its name to mining industry," and it appears to me highly probable that the name of the Roman city, the site of which we have been ex- ploring, was derived from the same source. From an inscription existing at Rogatica referring to a Dec(urio) C(ivitatis) Bis(tuensis),' it appears that there, or rather perhaps on the neighbouring site of Gorazda, stood the Bistue Nova of the Tabula and Itineraries. From this we may " JireCek, op. cit. p. 49. Foinica or Chvojnica is frequently mentioned in tlic Ragusan archives of the fifteenth century as the seat of a mining colony of the Republic ■which numbered amongst its members scions of the patrician houses of Bonda, Bucchia, and Gozze. ^ Hcrr Dumitid of Kisseljak showed me specimens of oi'C from this neighbourhood containing as much as thirty per cent, of silver. *= Accompanied by grains of silver, cinnabar, and globules of quicksilver. '' Through Bosnia, &c. p. 210, 227, seqq. " Rudnik is derived from the Old Slavonic Ruda = Metallum. Cf. Miklosich, Die Slavischen Ortsnanien aus Appellativen, s. v. ' The first describers of this inscription. Dr. Blau and M. do Stc Maiie, differed as to their reading. Dr. Blau reading dec . C . lus completed by Mommsen (C. I. L. iii. 2766 b) Bec(urio) C(ivitatis) Ris(ini) : (Itineraires de V Herzegovine) ; M. de Ste Marie reading dec . C . bis to be completed I)ec(urio) C(ivitatis) Bis(tuae) or Bistuensis. Dr. Hoernes on first examining the stone accepted Dr. Blau's version, though with the remark that " das untcn besehiidigtc R einem n iihnlich sieht " {Arch. Epigr. Mitth. iv. p. 45); but on a second examination of the stone in 1880 he convinced Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 19 infer that the important station that precedes it on the road from Salonaj, Ad Matricem, marked in the Tabula with lofty towers and a central pinnacle, — more prominently indeed than any other Dalmatian city, — is to be identified with the Municipium that formerly existed at Blazui, and which was in fact the Roman predecessor of Serajevo. Dr. Hoernes, who accepts this view, sees in the name an allusion to the source of the Bosna," but I should prefer to trace in it rather an allusion to the sources of mineral wealth. In both the Dacian and Moesian mining- districts have been found frequent Roman dedications, tereae matei,'' to Mother Earth, who was naturally invoked in such districts as the goddess from whose matrix all mineral treasures were brought forth. At Rndnik, in the centre of the old silver mining country, of what is at present the kingdom of Serbia, there were discovered the remains of a temple of terra mater, with an inscription recording its restoration by the Emperor Septimius Severus," and from an altar found at Karls- burg in Transylvania, the ancient Apulum, it Avould appear that this goddess was regarded as the peculiar patroness of the Dacian Eldorado f" In this case Ad Matricem, would simply mean the town near the matrix, or load, of mineral deposits, and would correspond to the present name of the neighbouring village of Rudnik. From the neighbourhood of the small mud craters, formed by an old source of the hot springs on the right bank of the Zielesnica stream, an ancient paved way, which in part of its course appears to me to represent a Roman road line, leads ui the direction of Serajevo. This road traversed the Dobrinja stream by a bridge the lower part of which is apparently composed of Roman blocks ; and a portion of a rounded column imbedded at one point in the pavement of the road itself bore a suspicious resemblance to a fragment of a Roman mile-stone. It leads towards the village of Svrakinsko Selo, where was found a votive altar dedicated to Jupiter himself that the true reading was BIS. Identifying the " Mun(icipium) S." on the site of Plevlje with the Stanecle of the Tabula, he observes that it must be the Bistue Nova, which is to be sought at Rogatica or Goiazda, and adds the ob\'ious corollary, " Dann ist aber auch die Lage von ad Matricem bestimmt und wir miissen diese wichtige Station in das Quellbecken der Bosna verlegen " (AUerthiinier der Hercegovina, ii. 139.) » Tomaschek compares the Pannonian and Galatian " Matiica " and the " Mediomatrici " of Metz and seeks a Celtic origin. It is always possible that the Latin name was due to some adaptation of an earlier indigenous form. " Cf. C. I. L. iii. 996, 1152, 1284, 1285, 1364, 1555, 1599, 6313. <= C. I. L. iii. 6313. The remains of the temple and the inscription were discovered in 1865 by Dr. Janko Safarik, and are de.scribed in Glasnik, 31, 217 — 236. '' C. I. L. iii. 996. d2 20 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricuin. 'Ponitrator," at present existing in the garden of the French Consulate at Serajevo, iu this viUage I noticed the cornice of another Roman monument. On the northern margin of the plain, near the village of Hreljevo, is a bridge I ivt'i' the Bosna, the stone piers of which appear to be formed of Roman blocks. Great caution, however, is reqiiisite in this country before deciding too confidently on the Roman origin of bridges such as this. In general the Turkish masons '' show a tendency to cut their building stone into smaller and more cubical blocks than was usual with the Romans ; but in this part ' of Bosnia, owing doubtless to some peculiarity in the strata, the blocks are larger and of more oblong shape. This is, to a certain extent, the case witli the bridges over the Miljaska at Serajevo, known from the inscriptions they bear to date from Turkish times ; so that, in the absence of other evidence, the shape of the blocks cannot be taken to decide their origin. Nor can their colossal size in the case of the Hreljevo piers and some other examples be regarded as by itself conclusive of Roman handiwork, when we remember the prevalent old Bosnian and Serbian custom of ciitting huge monolithic blocks for sepulchral monuments. The purely Roman character of so many modern arts and buildings is continually striking antiquarian eyes in the Balkan peninsula. From this point of view the Turkish conquest of Bosnia and other parts of Western Illyria may almost be regarded as a re-conquest of old Rome. While the influence of Roman arts in the West is often less superficially visible, simply because they have transformed themselves by a living continuity of developement, the Turks have preserved and fossilized what Byzantine con- servatism handed on to the Arabs or to themselves. The hamams still visibly recall the ancient baths ; the woodwork of the bridges might be copied from Trajan's column ; the mosques, with their colonnades and porches, approach nearer to Justinian's churches than their Christian descendants ; the arrangement of tiles and bricks in the walls of buildings, with their broad interstices of mortar or cement, transport us to Constantinople and Thessalonica ; and, to take one instance out of the many, a low stone archway of the Turkish Bezestan at Serajevo, witli its blocks dovetailed into one another, is almost an exact representation of a flat arch of the Porta Aurea of Diocletian's Palace-Castle at Spalato. Among minor .momiments of antiquity from this central Bosnian district I have obtained some engraved gems of considerable interest. One from Serajevo » C. I. L. iii. 2766 a. *> We may include in the same catcgoiy tlie Ragusan and Italian architects, known in several instances to have been employed by the Turkish Pashas in Bosnia, &c. to build bridges. Cf. p. 24. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 21 itself is a very beautiful late-Greek engraving on a sard, representing a Faun pouring wine from an amphora whicli lie holds on his shoulders. Another, of dull-brown chalcedony, displays characteristics of a truly remarkable kind. It represents a rude image of a boar accompanied by a legend, the first line of which, as seen in the impression, reads from right to left, the remaining two lines from left to right. The letters are Roman, but the legend, to be read apparently wio lo p\T:iLis, forms a combination which is as decidedly un-Roman. It is to be observed that the first part of the inscription presents some analoafv to the name voccio, which appears on the Celtic coins ^^^°- '-■ ^T ■ IT. ■ 11- 1 • (Enlarged 2 diams.) found m ]>« oricum and rannonia ; and this analogy is supported by the style of the intaglio itself. The character of the boar itself, and notably the conventional representation of the bristles on its hind quarters by a line of pellets, as well as the three pellets introduced under the hind legs of the animal, and again at the end of the inscription, are familiar features on the Celtic coinage from Britain to the Lower Danube. That the Greeco-Roman art of gem-engraving was occasionally imitated by Celtic hands can, I think, be sho^vn by examples from our own island ; and notably by a carnelian intaglio, found on the Roman Wall, representing a man on horseback, which might almost have been copied from an ancient British coin. The relations between the Dalmatian tribes of the interior and their Celtic neighbours to the North were of the most intimate kind, as is shown by their combined revolt against Rome under the Bates. It is, moreover, certain that at one period there was a considerable Celtic extension in the interior of the Illyrian peninsula, and I have myself obtained Celtic coins very similar to those of Pannonia and Noricum in the central plateau of Dardania. The interior Dalmatian tribes, including the Mazaei and Dsesitiates of Northern and Central Bosnia, are reckoned by Strabo as Pannonians ; " nor is it possible to lay down any rigid ethnographic line between the Celtic and Illyrian area on this side. Considering the extraordinary spread of Roman arts and culture among the Pannonian tribes in the age of Augustus, it need not surprise us that the Roman fashion of wearing engraved stones on signet-rings was already making its way among these jieople before the days of their final subjugation. Vellejus Paterculus informs us that when the indigenous races between the Middle Danube and the Adriatic rose in their final effort to shake off the Roman yoke, a knowledge not only of the di-ill but of the " Strabo, Oeogr. lib. vii. oo Antiquarian Researches in Illyrieum. language of Rome was general througliout these regions, whilst many were familiar with letters, and themselves devoted to literary pnrsnits." Another engraved gem in my collection from the Sarajevo district is of the highest interest, as supplying a record of the Ostrogothic dominion in the Alpine interior of Roman Dalmatia. It is a small carbuncle or garnet with bevelled circumference, presenting a monogram which appears to have belonged to an official of the Ostrogothic King Theodoric. There are several slightly variant forms of Theodoric's mono- gram on his coins, and the general agreement of these with the monogram on the present gem is so close "" that there can, I think, be no doubt as to its identity. It must be remembered, as accounting for the absence of the small s usual (but not universal) on Theodoric's coins, that on an official signet we should expect Pig. 3. (Enlarged 3 diams.) FiK. l. i'iir. G. the form o. x. theodorici," while the natural style on coins is in the nomi- native, D. N. THEODOKicvs. What is conclusive as to the royal or imj)erial character of the commission held by the possessor of the present signet is the presence of the D. N. in ligature, standing for the supreme late -Roman title dominvs XOSTER, and adopted under the same monogrammatic form on the coins of the Ostrogoths, of the Vandals in Africa, and of the Emperors Justin and Justinian. The signet with the royal monogram may have been entrusted to high officials in the provinces for purposes of state, and tlic discovery of this gem in the old " Veil. Paterculus, lib. ii. c. 110. "In oiunibus autem Pannoniis iiou discipliua; tantuinmodn sed linguae quoque notitia Romance : pleri.sque etiam literarum u.sus et familiaris animoi'um eitit exercitatio." '' The only discrepancy that suggests itself is the non-pi'olongation of the ci-oss-line of the h to the peipendicular line of the d. A parallel instance however may be found on coins of Athalaric, and it appears that in both cases the u was an approach to the so-called " Lombardic " h ■ ^^'i' should thus read DN tJjEoDoRICI. " On the King's own seal, doubtless, theodorici regis. The signet ring of Childeric had tlir inscription childirici regis (Chifflet, Anastasis Childerici Begis, p. 97, Antwerp, 1655). The insertion of the D.x. shows that the present gem belonged to an official and not to the king himself. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 23 Dalmatian interior serves to remind us of the importance attached by TLeodoric to the iron-mines of the province, and his special despatch of a commissioner of mines to inquire into their working.* The present signet gem, by showing the character of Theodoric's official signature, may help to confute, whilst at the same time explaining, the vulgar calumny of the Anonymus Valesianus that the Gothic king, whose perpetual aim was to preserve Roman civilization, and who had him- self received his education in Kew Rome, was not sufficiently acquainted with letters to write his own name. This Catholic, and therefore hostile, chronicler informs us that Theodoric for this reason had recourse to a stencil-plate of gold, in which he traced the first letters of his name, theod." "WTien, however, we find that on his official signets, as so often on his coins, Theodoric had recourse to this complicated monogram, we can well understand that for his own convenience he made use of a stencil-plate to affix his signature. From the Eastern angle of the plain where Serajevo now stands, the Roman road in its course towards the Drina must have followed much the same route as that taken by the present road to Gorazda. Ascending the river pass, past the old Bosnian stronghold of Starigrad, overlooked by the "Eagle Crags" of the Romanja Planina — a name which seems to mark this table-headed range as a former pro- montory of Byzantine dominions, — the way descends into thefertile valley of Praca, in the Middle Ages one of the principal commercial staples of the country and the seat of a Ragusan colony. This neighbourhood abounds in mediaeval sepulchral blocks and the ruins of legendary castles, but I searched in vain for Roman monu- ments. From Pra6a there diverge two ancient rotites across the forest -moimtain, one to Rogatica and the other to Gorazda on the Drina, at both of which places Roman remains are forthcoming. At Gorazda I discovered, besides other relics of antiquity, the two inscrip- tions already mentioned " in my previous paper ; one of them referring to the Andarvani, and indicating, as has been pointed out, that there was a point of junction with a Southern road-line bringing the Upper Valley of the Drina into communication with the Plain of Niksic and the South Dalmatian coast-cities, Epitaurum and Risinium. The Roman predecessor of Gorazda (not improbably ' Cassiodorus, Variarum, lib. iii. Ep. 25. See p. 9. " Anon. Valesianus, c. 79. " Igitnr rex Theodoricus illitei-atus erat, et sic obi-uto sensu, nt in decern annos regni sui qaatuor litteras subscriptionis edicti sui discere nullatenus potnisset. De qua le laminam auream jussit interrasilem fieri quatuor litteras regis habentcm theci. ut, si scriberc voluisset, posita lamina super cbartam, per earn penna duceret, et subscriptio ejus tantum ^-iderctur." ' See Archwologia XLViii. p. 90, 91. 24 Antiquarian Researches in Ilh/ncmn. tlie Bistue Nova of the Tabula),"' must, like its ■modern representative, have been an important hridp^e-station. The existing bridge wliich here spans the Drina (wlicn I saw it in 1881 in course of restoration by the Austrians) was constructed in 1568 by Ragusan architects and masons at the expense of Mustapha Pasha, of Buda, whose almsgiving took this practical form.'' Previous to this, in Slavonic times, there had only been a ferry, but the relief of a Roman eagle and other ancient fragments which I observed on the Drina bank not far from the present bridge may be taken as indications that the Drina had been already spanned at tliis point in Roman times. From Gorazda the road, after crossing the Drina and traversing the glen of Cajnica, ascends the steeps of Mount Kovad, still covered with a primgeval forest growth of gigantic firs and Iteeches. On this range I came upon one of the most striking ethnological phenomena anywhere to be found in the Balkan lands. The peasant women, whose attire through this and the adjoining Serbian provinces is as exclusively Slavonic as their language, have here preserved a distinctively niyrian element in their dress. They wear, in fact, over and above the Slavonic apron, an Albanian fustanella ; " and, though their langiiage is pure Serb, their longer and more finely-cut faces and the expression of their eyes, as much as their characteristic skirts, proclaim their kinship with the aboriginal people of Illyricum. We are reminded that this Kova6 range lies on the borders of a central Alpine region known as Stari Vlah or " Old Wallachia," a name which by itself affords sufficient indication that these inaccessible highlands continued to be a stronghold of the Romanized indigenous element long after the Slavs had ousted them from the more open-lying parts of the country. In these fustanella'd peasants we may venture to see the actual descendants of Illyrian clansmen. " See p. 18. '' A letter of the Ragusan Government to their ambassador at Constantinople, dated Sept. ]!•, 1568 (given by Jiredek, op. cit. p. 86), refers to the construction of this bridge. " Dovcte sapere che nelli mesi passati fummo ricercati dall 111. Signer Mustaffa Bassa di Buda che li dovessemo mandare marangoni, muratori, fabri et molte cose neccssarie perche sua Signoria dovea fabricare per fare elemosina nn ponte in Ghorasda al quale habbiamo ser»4to volentieri." This Ragusan bridge was of five arches of woodwork, resting on piers of deftly-liewn stone blocks, oblong in shape but not so thick as Roman blocks. The woodwork was so constructed that the middle of tin; bridge was greatly elevated. •= The male peasants — less conservative in dress than their womankind — (except in Albania, an almost univei-sal rule in the Ottoman dominions in Europe) have adopted the Oriental and Slavonic- attire of the surrounding populations. In parts of North Albania the fustanella is common to both sexes. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 25 Beyond Mount Kovac opens the plain of Plevlje, the Turkish Tashlidja, con- taining relics of antiquity which mark it as a principal centre of Illyro-Roman civic life. This plain is the only large open space to be found in the mountains for two days' journey on either side, and at the same time is the natural crossing- point of the highways of communication between the Adriatic coastland and the Moesian and Dardanian staples, of which Scupi (Skopia) and Naissus, the modem Nish, may be taken as representatives. On these accounts the site on which Plevlje stands has never ceased to play a leading part in the internal economy of this part of the ancient Illyricum. The mediaeval importance of Plevlje (formerly known as Breznice,^ from the little river that flows through its midst) is still attested by the Orthodox monastery in a neighbouring gorge, with its ancient church, resplendent with frescoes in Byzantine style, representing old Serbian Kings and Czars. Its military value was also considerable ; and it was here that, in 1463, the Turks gained the victory over Stephen, Duke of St. Sava, which placed Herzegovina at their mercy. The Ragusan and Venetian caravans passed through Plevlje on their way to Nish and Constantinople ; and the Venetian traveller Ramberti, writing in 1541, describes the town as "large and well-favoured, according to the country," though the surrounding mountains were at that time the haunt of robbers, who, a few years previously, had plundered a Venetian caravan of about a hundred horses, and slain two nobles of the Serene Republic, a Nani and a Capello.'' The trade connexion with Ragusa has never been entirely lost, and the traveller " is still astonished, on inquiring the direction of the southern road, to hear the name of the old commercial Republic of the eastern Adriatic shore when he expected merely to be told the name of some neighbouring village or insignificant Turkish town. To this abiding connexion between Plevlje and the Dalmatian civic Republic, which in the Middle Ages succeeded to the place of Salonse as the maritime empo- rium of these Illyrian midlands, was due the first discovery at this spot of the remains of a considerable Roman city. In 1792 the Ragusan ambassadors, passing through Plevlje on their way to Constantinople observed there numerous Roman antiquities, the base of a statue, marble columns, and inscriptions ; and, in answer to their inquiries, were informed that about an hour distant were to be seen other " Cf. Jirecek, op. cit. p. 73. •> Belle Cose de Turchi, p. 6. (In Vinegia, 1.541.) Ramberti gi-oups " Plevie " with Pi-ijepolje as "secondo il paese assai grandi e buoni." " Cf. Blau, Monatsbericht d. k. Preuss. Akad. 1866, p. 840. He adds, " Nocb jetzt wird von Plevlje uber Gatzko und Trebinje ein namhafter Handel mit Ragusa geti-ieben." E 26 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjrimm. splendid iiioiuinients." One of the two inscriptions copied by them on this occa- sion referred to an Eqncs Romanns, who was a deciirion of the local municipium; but, unfortunately, of the name itself only the initial letter S is given. The notice of the Roman antiquities at Plevlje, contained in the journal of the Ragusan envoys, has been in recent years much augmented by Dr. Blau, formerly Prussian consul at Serajevo, who, at the request of Professor Mommsen, paid a visit to this spot, and copied a whole series of fresh inscriptions.'^ Fresh contributions have recently been made to our knowledge by Herr MiiUer, the Austrian consul at Plevlje, and by Dr. Hoernes, who visited this locality in 1880.° My own investi- gations on this interesting site may serve to supplement, and in part perhaps to rectify, these observations of fellow-explorers. The existing remains are distributed over three principal sites— the modern town of Plevlje ; a side valley about two miles distant, still known as Old Plevlje ; and the hill of Sveti Ilija, lying about half an hour distant on the south-western margin of the plain. Plevlje itself, at present in mixed Turkish and Austrian occiipation, is a busy market-town containing a population of about 8,000 Serbs, Mahometan and Orthodox. It enjoys the luxury of fine mountain air and innumerable springs of the purest water ; but, excepting one or two stately mosques, there is little to remark in the present town beyond the ancient remains transported hither from the older site. These remains lie mostly on the western side of the town. In the bazaar street are two fountains built entirely of Roman blocks, amongst which is still to be seen the elegant sepulchral monument which arrested the attention of the Ragusan ambassadors. The inscription is interesting, as presenting, in a peculiar style of lettering and abbrevia- tion, the neo-Latin name-forms Amavilis for Amahilis and Masimile for Maximilla;. The foundations of several of the Plevlje mosques are built almost entirely of ancient blocks. The Podstrazica Mosque contains four inscriptions walled, face pR X TE"PJ Fiir. 7. ' Giornale del Viaggio a Const antinopoH fatto dagli Ambasciatori della Mepuhhlica di Jxagnsa alia Sublime Porta VAniw 1792. (In Engel. Geschwhfe des Freystaates Bagusa, Wien, 1807, p. 312, seqq.) '' MonatsbericM der k. Preuss. Ahademie der Wissenschaften, 1866, p. 838, seqq. The inscriptions copied by Dr. Blau are given in C. I. L. iii. 6339-6357. ' Archaologisch-Epigraphische Mittheilungen aus Oesterreich, 1880. Antiquarian Besearches in lUyrieum. 27 outwards, into its minaret, and seven more, some liowever no longer legible, in its basement.'' One of tliese commemorates a Duumvir Quinquennalis and a sacral functionary;'' another records a decree of the local Senate giving a site for a monument to some deceased municipal worthy." In the yard opposite the mosque was an altar turned upside down and half buried in the earth, upon which Dr. Hoernes ** thought that letters could be detected. I had it dug out, but satisfied myself that no trace of an inscription was now visible. Outside the Musluk mosque was another similar altar, with the remarkable inscription : I. 0. N.« The omission of the title of M(aximus) after O(ptimus) is rare, but not altogether unexampled,*^ on monuments of Jove ; and we may perhaps assume that the altar was dedicated to Jupiter Nundinarius, the patron of markets, a dedication eminently appropriate to the commercial position of the town. Amongst all the inscriptions existing at Plevlje itself that referring to the Municipium S. must command the highest interest. It is still to be seen on an imposing block oppo- site the Hussein Pasha mosque, as the Eagusans found it ; but for presuming to copy it I narrowly escaped stoning at the hands of the Mahometan rabble of the place, who seemed to imagine that the stone contained secrets only to be revealed to true believers. The inscription is of clear-cut letters of a good period. It records the erection of a monument to T. Aurelius Sextianus, " Bques Romanus, Decurio Municipii S. . . . ," by his father, and the public gift of the ground to erect it on by a decree of the Decurions."^ The two examples, of which representations are given below (figs. 8 and 9),'' may afford an idea of the prevalent style of sepulchral monument at this locality: — " The inscriptions in the Podstra2ica Mosque are given by Dr. Blau (cf. C. I. L. iii. 6344, &c.) » C. I. L. iii. 6.344. = C. I. L. iii. 6345. ^ Op. cit. p. 7. " Im Hof derselben Moschee ist eine etwa Mannshohe Stele bis an den Fuss in die Erde vergi-aben. Ich konnte sie nur ein paar Fuss tief blosslegen und ueberzeugte mich, dass die Vorderseite eine romische Inschrift tragt, deren letzte Zeile die Buchstaben (M)oNVM(enf«m) enthalt." " Not, as en-oneously given by Blau (C. I. L. iii. 6339), i . o . m. The n is perfectly clear, and cannot be regarded as an imperfect M. ' Cf. I . . BESSVMARVS. C. I. L. iii. 10.53. s It is given in C. I. L. iii. 6343. The punctuation, line 2, is however . e . Q . it. ^ Fig. 8 is from the Podstra2ica mosque. Fig. 9 from the konak of Sali Beg. Tlie inst-nption.s are incon'ectly given by Dr. Blau (C. I. L. iii. 6346, 6349). My copies agree witli Dr. Iloemes' collations. E 2 28 Antiquarian Researches in lUyrieum. JT-'AELI0S«if IV1ANC>Q\ ^'LIImTITIA JLIANVSFP t P. P (Hv ^^'^^^^^M AVRELI AE PANTONI 'rAVREjlNAT' o lig. 8. Fig. 9. The way from the modern town of Plevlje to the actual site of the Roman Municipium runs across the Cehotina stream by the Avdovina bridge, opposite which, on the left bank, is another fountain composed of ancient fragments, where I noticed part of an unpublished inscription (fig. 11). Following the left bank of the stream, about a mile and a-half further, more monuments and two inscriptions will be found in a cottage " near the confluence of " Tlic place is called Radosavac. The inscriptions are accurately described by Dr. Hoernes and need not be repeated here. Antiquarian Researches in Illyncum. 29 the Celiotina and Vezeznica. At this point opens a beautiful undulating glen watered by the Vezeznica stream, where unquestionably the ancient city lay." Fig. 10. Sketch plan of I'levlje and neighbourhood, app. scale i inch to mile. Ancient remains and foundations occiar all along the slopes that overhang the Vezeznica to the West. By the hamlet of Vidre and up the little torrent called the " My own impressions reojarding the site will be found to agi-ee genei-ally with those of Hen- Miiller and Dr. Hoernes as given by the latter in Arch. Ep. Mitiheilungen, loc. cit. I differ, however, from my fellow-explorers in considering that the ancient site extended also to the right bank of the Ve/.eznica. I may take this opportunity of expressing my obligations to Herr Miiller for his valuable advice, although he was unfortunately absent from Plevlje at the time of my visit. 30 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. Babi§ Potok " the foundations of walls and buildings are specially distinguishable. Here, in the country-house of a Selmano^^c Beg, is an altar to Jove," and a sepulchral monument representing two heads in relief ; and at Koruga in the same neighbourhood, a house almost entirely composed of fine Roman blocks and monu- ments, and with a hopelessly effaced inscription in the stall below. Many of the blocks and monuments here and elsewhere on this site are of a peculiar black and white marble, others of a red marble, the same material as that of the Eagle relief described at Gorazda. The remains extend to the left bank of the Vezeznica, where are to be seen traces of what was apparently a Roman fountain, the sockets for tlie clamps of the stone-work being cut out of the solid rock above an abundant source. Near here, in the mud at the bottom of the stream itself, was observable the well-cut cornice of a large squared block, which with the aid of four men and Avith considerable difficulty I succeeded in dredging from the depths. It proved to be an altar to Silvanus (fig. 12) raised by a certain M.JEmiliusAntonius, apparently the Dmimvir of that name, who dedicated an altar to Jupiter Fulgurator at present existing oppo- site the Curkovac mosque in Plevlje itself." The third principal site besides Plevlje itself and the glen of the Vezeznica, where the ancient remains occur, is that of the hill of Sveti Ilija, lying about a mile and a half to the South-Bast of the last-named locality. A consideration of these remains brings us to a very curious part of our subject. The monuments at the spot already described are of characteristic Roman execution. The letters are often elegantly and boldly cut, and the ornamentation, if conventional, comes up to the usual municipal standard. Tlie inscriptions i^efer to the civic officers, priests, COM IV f te f ■■r,-j,n I , , „ ,|, ^ |i , ,1^^^^^^ ,^^ mmr Fig. 11. ' Near here Dr. Hoemes foimd a fragment of an inscription reading l || camhiuanvs || li . p. ; apparently in situ — " Wahi-schcinlich noch unveri-iickt an seiner urspriinglichcn Stelle." •> This reads i . O . si . || stativs || victor . bkiIIzidia . v . l . ta. Tlie last line is not quite correctly given by Dr. Hoemes, who gives v . l . p. ' It reads i . o . m . f || m . aemil || antonivs || u . viR || i- . p. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 31 legionaries, citizens, for the most part witli Roman names. A frequency of ^lius and Aurelius inclines us to believe that the Mimicipium was founded in Hadrian's time, and enlarged by a fresh settlement of ^:L T - - - — ^ 'ii|Ti'lliliiiiNin iil|ii,,iiiiiiii;iiiiiii;i 1 ■3f /^ MAEMlU'S ANTONIVS I'D' veterans in the age of the Antonines. The remains on the height of Sveti Ilija are generally speaking of a very different character. The inscriptions are less boldly cut and the most important of them refers to the Pojmlus and not the Decuriones. The monuments are of a decidedly ruder and more barbaric style, and a strikingly large proportion of the names are native lUyrian. There is in fact just that con- trast which we have already noted in the case of the remains at Blazui between the hill site and the valley site. The names, the style of the monuments, the position itself, proclaim this to have been the original Illyrian centre, and the discovery at this site of silver coins of Dyrrha- chium, one or two examples of which I saw, dating from about the year 200 B.C. affords by itself sufficient indication that an lUja'ian staple existed here long before the Roman conquest of this remote part of the interior. The present nucleus of these remains is the little Orthodox church of Sveti Ilija or St. Blias, which gives its name to the steep isolated height on which it stands. This is a small Byzantine building, dating from the days of the old Serbian kingdom. Like the church of Milesevo, built by King Vladislav about the year 1225, it had two stone lions with plaited manes on either side of the tympanum of the inner of its two portals ; " and there were remains of frescoes within, stronglj^ resembling those in a ruined church near Trel^inje, in Herzegovina.'' This Old * One of these had been knocked away by the Turks, who recently gutted the church and bunieil the priest's house. I found it in the yard of a cottage at Grevo, below the hill of St. Ilija, with some other ancient fragments. '' At the \'illage of Gomiljani the treatment of the drapery was curiously similai'. ^^ Fi.'. 12. 32 Antiquanan Researches in Illyrictim. Serbian church appears to have been a successor of a still earUer foundation, as 1 noticed, built into its western facade, an open-work carving of the Christian monogram of the same form and style as those to be seen in the Bski Dzamia at Salonica, a church dating from the time of Justinian. The continuous habitation of the spot in Byzantine times is shown by the not imfrequent occurrence here of coins of the Eastern Empire ; amongst those that I have seen was a silver iHilinresion of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (a.d. 613 — 641), with the legend beus AbmCA RoCDanis," and a besant of Manuel Comnenos (1143 — 1180). Con- sidering, indeed, the survival already noted of the indigenous Illyrian population, blended witli the Slavonic, in the surrounding ranges, it is not improbable that the sanctity of the spot has been handed down from prehistoric times. " Saint Elijah," Sveti Ilija, to whom the church was dedicated in the Old Serbian days, is well known to have taken over most of his fiery attributes from Perun, the Thunder-God of the pagan Slavs. Within the church, by an almost startling coincidence, an altar of Jove has been converted to the purposes of Christian sacrifice, and, on a spot so early hallowed, Jupiter himself must not improbably jneld precedence of worship to a ruder Illyrian forerunner, the coeval of the Dodonifian Zeus.'' That the spot had been used for purposes of interment from pre-historic times, appears from the remains in its neighbourhood of gomilas or stone barrows, of a kind common throughout these regions, and dating, as their con- tents show, from the Illyrian bronze age. From one of these lately destroyed in building a house near Gorazda was found a remarkable bronze " kettle-wagon," a probable indication of an old commercial connexion between the aboriginal staples of this part of the Illyrian interior and the Illyrian Colonies beyond the Adriatic. The sepulture thus early begun was continued at this spot after the Roman conquest. The southern end of the hill of St. Ilija is literally undermined with graves, and the recurrence of native names on the sepulchral slabs of Roman date that have been discovered shows that those who under the Empire continued to bury their dead here were essentially of the same indigenous race as the barrow-builders who had gone before them. The remains were for the most part originally encased in pinewood coffins, traces of which are still to be seen ; and " Sabatiei', Jdomiaies hyzantines, i. '276, No. .59. '' A head of Zeus appears on some autonomou.s lllyiiiui coins of Scodni uiid Kliizon. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 33 these again were enclosed in rude stone cists, the direct descendants of the more massive cists to be found inside the " gomilas." In some cases the skeletons actually occur in a contracted posture, a primitive usage characteristic of the earliest Stone-Age interments, and representing the natural attitude of sleej) among savages." I obtained from one of these Illyro-Koman graves sufficient por- tions of a skull to establish the fact that it was brachycephalic, and with a rather narrow face, characteristics shared by modern Albanian heads. A plot to the South-Bast of the little church of Sveti Ilija is still used for burial by the Serbian rayahs of the neighbourhood, and some of the graves of these Slavonized indigent s date back to mediaeval times. The walls and pavement of the little church itself are largely composed of ancient monuments, amongst which Illyro-Roman sepulchral slabs predominate. Amongst these the style of workmanship and decoration is rude almost to gro- tesqueness, of which the annexed specimen (fig. 13) may give some idea. The upper part of the stone containing the busts is bedded into the pavement of the atrium; the lower part with the inscription, which owing to its abraded state has been hitherto imperfectly decyphered,'' is bedded into the pavement of the church itself. In this and other examples I was struck with the extraordinary way in which the characteristic ornamentation corresponds to that reproduced in the Middle Ages by the later inhabitants of these Alps for the same sepulchral purposes. There can be no doubt whatever that they simply took on the traditional style from their Illyro-Roman predecessors. The arch and spiral columns, the rose, the vine and tendril border of the above monument, — the trefoil, the zigzag and rope moulding, and the wreaths characteristic of the ancient monuments of this site, — are all alike the stock-in-trade of the sculptors of the later " Old Serbian " monoliths, of which so many are to be found scattered throughout these regions. It is to be observed that these Old Serbian monuments do not present nearly the same resemblance in characteristic decoration to the more artistic monuments of the cities of the Dalmatian littoral, or even to the better class of Roman monu- ments to be seen at Plevlje itself, as they do to the barbaric modifications of Roman forms existing on this old lUyrian hill-site. It would almost seem as if an imbroken continuity of indigenous sepulchral art had been preserved here through " This explanation of the practice of depositing the body in a contracted position has been suggested by my father in his Ancieiit Stone Implements ^'c, of Great Britain, p. 135. ■^ In C. I. L. iii. 6.347, Dr. Hoernes read • adii. • a, and considered that it contained the name FAUILLA. 34 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. the days of Slavonic conquest and dominion, to receive a new development in the palmy days of the Serbian kingdom and czardom. It may, at least, be safely said 7^ ^D'^f'F ^- fhy^-^ A; P virii^n-xi l-' Fig. 13. that the monuments of the Illyro-Roman cemetery at Sveti Ilija throw as much light on the later monument.s of the country as the classic models of a more famous Campo Santo do on medifeval Tuscan art. Opposite the west door of the church stands a huge sepulchral block of cubical form with a gabled top (fig. 14), which, in bulk at least, is the apt precursor of some of the later mediaeval monoliths of the country, and which, from an inscrip- tion on one .^side in Cyrillian characters, appears to have been actually adopted for sepulchral purposes by one of the later inhabitants of the land. Its front face contains the half-length figiires of a man and his wife, of barbarous execution and of late character ; while on the sides are carved two Genii, one with a raised, the Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 35 other with a lowered torch, and wearing Phrygian caps like the same torch-bearing Genii which so constantly appear on Mithraic reliefs. It is probable that here, too, they are to be taken in a Mithraic connexion as representing the ascending and descending soul, rather than as merely symbolical of grief or the extinction of life. The inscriptions are of considerable interest as presenting a variety of indige- nous Illyrian names, both male and female, with the characteristic ending in — o, as Vendo, Panto, Apo or Ap2)o, Tritano, Titto. It would appear that, in some cases at least, these forms are diminutives of longer names; thus from Panes, gen. Panentis (of which the Pinnes of history, the son of Queen Teuta, represents only another form), is derived Panto ; from Aples, apparently, Afo. To any one acquainted with the modern inhabitants of the country a parallel must at once suggest itself in the Serbian diminitive name-forms of a precisely similar kind." Thus, Panteleon becomes " Panto"; Gjuragj (George), " Gjuro "; Nikola, "Niko"; Simeon, " Simo "; and so forth : of female names, Maria becomes " Maro," and Fatima, " Fato." That this peculiarity was taken over by the Slav occupants of " This parallel has been pointed out by Dr. Otto Blaii {Eeisen in Bosnien, p. 64), who pivcs many examples. f2 36 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. I nOPELUQ AWTONINO Illvricum from the native elements al)sorbed by them appears prol)able from its reappearance amongst the Albanians/ the true modern representatives of the lUyrians. Below the church, on the southern slope of the liill, are the remains of the pope's house, recently burnt by the Turks, in the foundation of which are several ancient monuments. One of the stone posts of the stable-door contains a dedica- tion to the Caesar, Diadumenian, a.d. 217 — 218, the shallow lettering of which is at present so weatherwoi-n as to be almost invisible to the eye, except in a very advantageous light (fig. 15)."' It is possible that this monument, though not of the usual rounded form, is of a milliary cliaracter; and that it would, if complete, record the restoration of roads and bridges in Dalmatia by Macrinus and his son. In the neighbouring provinces of Pannonia and Noricum several milestones have been discovered with the titles of these Emperors." The monuments and inscriptions on the hill of Sveti Ilija are for the most part of late date. While among the remains at Plevlje and Old Plevlje, from the actual site of the ]\Iunicipium S. there arc many inscriptions of a good period, some dating, ])robably, from the beginning of the second century of our era, it would be difficult to single out an inscription on the hill-site of earlier than third-century date. Yet, as we have seen, there are various indications that the site itself was in native occupation in times anterioi' to the Roman conquest. We may infer that Roman arts and letters, which had reached the indigenous populations of the Save-lands by the time of Augustus, and those of the Adriatic coast at a still earlier date, were of much slower infiltration into these remote Alpine centres. On the hill-site of Sveti Ilija, the first monuments of this influence date, apparently, from the age of Severus. Yet the very memorials that intlicate the a 1^0 NO Ait iir^^V/WAt 3^>AQ i.-i Fig. 15. * Blau (loc. cit.) cites among female Albanian names of this kind, Laljo, Liljo, Kondo, Brano, &c. " Not in C. I. L. The inscription is given bj- Di-. Hoernes, loc. cit. p. 9. My own copy is some- what fuller. -= C. I. L. iii. 3720, 3724, 3725, 3726, 5708, 5736, 5737, 6467. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 37 operation of this Eomanizing process show us liow miicli of the aboriginal element remained. This sur\'ival of the indigenous names in a Latin guise, the semi- barbarous renderings of Roman sculpture and ornament, represent alike, in lan- guage and art, the beginnings of a rude Illyrian "Romance" and Romanesque. The mediaeval monuments of the country are direct descendants of these Illyro-Roman slabs. The names of " Stari Vlah," or " Old Wallachia," still applied to the bordering mountain districts, show us that the descendants of the Romanized natives, who buried their dead on the hill of Sveti Ilija, lived on in their ancient homes imder Slavonic and Turkish as under Roman dominion. Though the numerous Rouman tribes and communities of these inland regions which we learn to know from the Old Serbian chrysobulls and the archives of Ragusa, have long since, for the most part, become merged in the Slav-speaking populations around them, a scattered Rouman population still lives on — within the old Dalmatian limits in the valley of the Spreca. The great value of the monuments of the hill-site of Sveti Ilija is that they present to us the meeting-point of the Roman and the indigenous ele- ment, and supply us with the first records of the Illyro-Roman race, substantially the same as that of the Roumans or Wallachians of the ivestern parts of the peninsula, — predominantly Illyrian in pedigree, but speaking with national modifications the language of their Roman conqueror. One of the most interesting of the Sveti Ilija monu- ments has yet to be mentioned. This is a votive altar (fig. 16) dedicated to Jupiter, apparently for the health of a Procurator Augustorum, by the local Populus. Since it was first observed, the right-hand portion has been broken off, but the important part was happily preserved when I saw it. Dr. Hoernes, in his endeavour to identify the Municipium S. with the Stanecle of the Itineraries, believed that he detected on the lowest line traces of an inscription s/a////o///, which he would naturally complete staneclorvm; he admits, however, that only an uncertain trace of the S is to be found on his squeeze. After a searching and repeated examination of the stone, the result of several visits to Fig. 10. 38 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. the spot in all lights, I have absolutely satisfied myself that the only letter is a well defined p in the middle of the pedestal. It is certain that no residts obtained from a squeeze can weigh against the impression immediately produced by the monument on the human eye, and I am convinced that the appearances on -which Dr. Hoernes based his reading were due to some slight natural irregularities which exist on the surface of the stone. The natural inference that we must draw is that the r standing by itself at the end of the dedication means simply " posvit." The great predominance of native Illyrian names on the hillside of Sveti Ilija and the generally barbaric style of the monuments show that the mvnicipivm s lay on the borders of a district still peopled by the indigenous race. To what Illyrian tribe did this Alpine region behind Montenegro belong in Roman Imperial times ? The tribe inhabiting the central valley of Montenegro itself was unquestionably that of the Dokleates, who at a later date passed on their name to the Serbian Dukljani. From Ptolemy's list of Illyrian tribes it appears that the northern borderers of the Dokleates were the Pirustse, beyond whom again were ine Skirtones, whose name seems to connect itself with the Scordus or Scardus range.* The famous Illyrian mining race of the Pirustte was originally a branch of the Dassaretes,'' who inhabited the valley of the Black Drin and the region of which Lychnidus on the present Lake of Ochrida was a centre, and may thus have early exercised their mining industry in the neighbouring silver-mining district of Damastion and Pelagia." From Livy's account of Anicius's campaign " Ptol. Geog. lib. ii. c. 16. '' Cf. Lhy, lib. xlv. c. 25. For tlieir connexion with Lychnidus, see lib. xliii. c. 9. "(Appius Claudius) The scene of the campaign of King Genthios' brother against the native rebels is indicated Ijy his subsequent capture by the Roman general at Medeon to be identified with the hill-fortress of Medun, in Montenegro. This district was then occupied by the tribe of the Dokleates, whose civic centre Doklea still sui-vives in the modern Montenegi-in village of Dukle. See Archaeologia, vol. XLViii. p. 84. " Prof. Stojan Novakovid {Bad. xxxvii. (1876), 1-18) believes to have identified the site of this important old Serbian staple with the site of Plava, in the vale of Gusinje, where according to Hecquard are remains of a more ancient city. It is certain that Bi'skovo, the Brescova of the Ragusans, lay somewhere on the Upper Lim. (See JireCek, op. cit. p. 69.) Geogv. lib. Vll. "eOi^j ^' ioTi riov lUwvovitov . . . neipoPffroi koJ Ma^aTot Kai j^ataiTiarat. « See p. 14. ' P. 40 Antiquarian Researches in Illi/ricum. Gorazda. It is possible that the Drina acted as a southern boundary between them and the PirustJB ; in any case, in view of Strabo's statement as to the Pan- nonian kinship of the latter, it is ditficult to believe that in the age of Augustus the Pirustan border was far removed from the river which opens a natural avenue of communication between the ore-bearing ranges of the central Illyrian district and till' Pannonian lands of the Save basin. In considering the obscure qiiestion of the boundaries of the Illyrian tribes considerable shifting and variations of area " at vario\is epochs, due to wars and migrations, must always be taken into account ; and, although from the Dassarctian connexion of the Pirusta? we should be inclined to seek their more ancient homes nearer the Epirote border, the dis- covery and exploitation of new sources of mineral wealth in Dalmatia, consequent on the Roman conquest, may itself have tempted this race of miners to extend their field of operations fiirther to the North- West of their original area. That this should have occurred will appear all the more probable when it is remembered that the three important tribes of the Autariata3,Da;sitiates, and Daorsi, or Daversi, who once held an extensive dominion in this part of Illyricum, had been reduced to very straitened circumstances by the Roman invader.*" It is, perhaps, not an accidental incident that Livy,° in describing the settle- ment of Illyricimi after King Genthios' defeat, in his list of peoples who had earned immunity from tril)ute by their timely defection from the native dynast, mentions the Pirustje immediately before the inhabitants of Rhizon, an Illyrian maritime emporium connected, as we have seen, with the ancient sites of this part of the interior by a line of Roman road, which, in all probability, followed the course of an earlier native line of intercourse. The name of the modern town of " Strabo, for example (lib. vii.), mentions that the Romans had driven the once piratic race of the Ardiaei away from the sea to a sterile tract of the interior where in the impossibility of obtaining sustenance the whole race had almost died out. He adds as similar e.xamples the case of the .Vutai-iatte and Dai-danii, the Gallic Boii and Scordisci, and the Tliracian Boii. '' Velleitcs Paterculus, lib. ii. c. 115. " Quippe Daorisi ct Dsesitiates Dalmatse, situ locoi'uni ac montinm, ingeniorum ferocia, mira etiam pugnandi scientia et prcecipue angustiis saltuum jMrne ine.xpugnabiles, non jam ductu, sed manibus atque armis ipsius Cajsaris, tum demum pacati sunt cum poene funditns eversi forent." The Daorisi, Daorsi, or Daversi had, like the Ai-direi, been a maritime people, and, as is proved by their coins representing a galley with the legend aaopsun, had shown themselves receptive of Greek culture. Their original area lay to the South of the Narenta mouth. For the Autariatse see Strabo, loc. cit. <= Hist. lib. .xlv. c. 26. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 41 PerastOj near tlie site of Rliizon or Risinium, miglit by itself suggest a suspicion that its origin was not unconnected witti the famous mining race of tlie interior," and tliat in the vicinity of Rhizon, as in that of the Dacian city of Alburnus Major, there had sprung up a Vicus Pirustarum. In the neighbourhood of Plevlje scope could be found for the mining industry of the race. I have myself seen specimens of silver and iron ore from the neighbouring mountains, and in making the new road there was discovered below the present surface the stumps of a mighty oak forest, which had been felled at a remote period, a circumstance thoroughly consistent with the former existence of extensive smelting-works. Here again the name Budnice shows conclusively that mining operations were carried on in this vicinity in Slavonic times. At Sveti IHja I noticed two Roman tiles with the following stamps. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. At Rogatac, a small hamlet in the Vezeznica valley, about an hour's distance to the North of the Municipium S., Herr Miiller had observed a sepulchral slab without inscription, but containing a relief of a Grenius leaning on an extinguished torch. Hearing of other ancient monuments at Podpec, about an hour further up the valley in the same northerly direction, I resolved to visit the spot. As a sample of the difficulties which the explorer has at present to contend with in this part of the Ottoman dominions, I may mention that on my applying to the Pasha at Plevlje for an escort to this -village he refused point blank, on the ground that no escort he could give me would be sufficient to guarantee my safety, — and that in a village distant less than three hours from his seat of government ! I had, there- •' I observe that the same etymology has occurred independently to Dr. Simo Rutar, Starine Bokokntorslce (" Antiquities of the Bocche di Cattaro," in Program c. I: realnog i velikog G-uniMzija u Koforu,lS80). " Pri brojenju ovih slobodnih obdina spominje Livij Pirustas odmah prije Risna. I dandanasnji imamo gi-ad odmah pred Risnom, kojega imc, skoro do slova,. jednako glasi kao Pirustm, t. j. Ferast od koga znamo da je prestari grad i da narod izvadja njegov izvor ve<5 iz doba rimskili careva." (" In enumerating these free communities Livy mentions the Pirustae immediately Isefore Rhizon (Risano). At the present day too we have a town in the immediate neighbourhood of Risano the name of which corresponds almost to a letter with that of the Pirustas, namely Pera^to, ... of which we know that it is a town of gi-eat antiquity, the origin of which is traced back by tlic people to the time of the Roman Emperors.") G 42 Antiquarian Researches in 1 Ih/ricum. fore, to trust entirely to my o\\m resources, but 1)y adopting tlie disguise aiul cliaracter of an Effcntli from Stamboul, and in company of a trustworthy iuili\e Mahometan, I succeeded in visiting Podped mthout let or hindrance from the fanatics on the spot. The hamlet itself lies in a l)eautiful undulating vallej', endowed ^vith a singularly rich soil, and overlooked hj the forest-covered ranges of Kolasiue. On a height above were some mediaeval Serbian monuments ; a little below were the charred remains of the Orthodox church recently burnt l)y tlic Turks (who murdered the last priest), and around it a rayah cemeteiy, where 1 found the annexed portion of an lUyro-Eoman monument, made to serve thi' purpose of a Christian tombstone (fig. 19). Like so many of the Sveti Ilija monu- ments, it formed a record of piety towards female members of the family — in this case an Aurelia Panto, and another, Aurelia Testo (or perhaps Titto) — monumental records which sufficiently attest (what indeed we may partly gather from historic- sources) the prominence of women in the primitive lllyrian communities. j-'ig. ly. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 43 On the same slope of the hill I observed the remains of an ancient fountain constructed of Roman blocks s and it seems to me to be by no means improbable, considering the beauty and fertility of the valley, that a Roman station existed in the immediate neighbourhood of Podpec. It is to be observed, moreover, that the village lies on an old line of communication between the plain on which Plevlje stands and Jezero on the Upper Tara, a place abounding in monuments of at least mediaeval antiquity. The remains of an old kalderyn or paved way are to be traced leading up to Vezeznica Valley and past Podpec in that direction ; and the occvirrence of Roman remains along this road at Rogatac, and again at Podpec, gives us some grounds for supposing that in this, as in so many other cases, the medigeval paved-way follows the course of a Roman predecessor. It would appear that from the Municipium that existed on the site of Old Plevlje two main lines of Roman Way conducted to the East and South-East. From the discovery of an uninscribed monument and some other Roman frag- ments in the highland glen of Obavde, lying between Plevlje and Brdarevo on the Lim, Herr Miiller was inclined to believe that the Roman road which brought the Municipium S. into communication with the important Roman site near Prijepolje took a bend to the South, instead of following the more direct course of the existing road between Plevlje and Prijepolje. The remains at Obavde, however, may very well represent a direct line of communication between the Roman predecessor of Plevlje and the upper valley of the Lim, eventually bringing it into connexion with the ancient city, which, as we have seen, appears to have existed in the vale of Plava and the district where, in medigeval days, rose the Serbian mint-town of Brskovo. That, on the other hand, the ancient road from the site of Plevlje to that of Prijepolje followed the same direct course as that actually existing, appears to me to be established by the discovery which I made on the Cicia Polje, at the top of the pass between these two places and near the present road, of a Roman milestone (fig. 20). The stone, which presents the usual oval section, was un- fortunately much mutilated and weather-worn, so that only a few of the letters can at present be decyphered. From this point the road descends somewhat abruptly to the fertile gorge of g2 Fig. 20. i 44 Antiquarian Besearches in Ilhjricum. the Seljacnica stream, at tlio confluence of whicli \\\i\\ the Lim, at a Imnilet called Kolovrat, about hall' an hour's distance from Prijepoljc, 1 came upon a highly-interesting Roman site, recently discovered by Vice-Consul Midler. A little above the road to the left of the stream was a brushwood-covered bank, consisting entirely of ancient fragments. Cornices and bases, altars, sarcophagi, sepulchral slabs, and lesser fragments innumerable lay about in wild confusion, and in the middle a broken column, and the base of another stood apparently in situ. Two of the blocks bear inscriptions. The first, an altar dedicated to Diana by T. Aur. Saturninus, Eques Bomanus, has been correctly given by Dr. Hoernes from Herr Miiller's drawings. It contains a votive address to the Goddess, of three lines, and in a metre that recalls a Prudentian hymn : — DEA VIRAGO DELIA VOTVM FAVENTI NVMINE QVOD [dEBEG] EELIX AGO. The second stone, a large square slab, is of considerable interest as containing a reference to an lUyrian Clan and City. D • M • S f-AEL-PIADOME ^CARlAI^OAN^i ^"ClVITAtvM .M PRAEF P/uiro^^coH iV'GI-ElVS-PARENtBVS PlENTISS/MIS-/lT.a TITVSLVPVSETFIRMI NVS H P C H • S • F Fifr. 21. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 45 In spite of a lacuna on the stone I was able to trace the first letters of tlie word AVEELi in monogram, an epithet which sufiiciently declares that the Municipium with whose name it is coupled looked back with gratitude for civic benefits to the age of the Antonines, Herr Von Domaszewski^ would complete the title " VRk^Yedus [lure ma(7ido iixmcipii^ aveeli s(a)lo(niaxi)." " Saloniana" is men- tioned by Ptolemy 'amongst the inland cities of Dalmatia, as lying in the same degree of latitude as ^quum, near Sinj, a district far removed from the valley of the Lim. Indeed, if we are to seek the site of the city here referred to as far away as Northern Dalmatia, it seems to me preferable to trace a reference to the better-known Dalmatian city of Splonum or Splaunum. This city, as we have seen, was one of the principal mining centres of the province, and a native rrinceps belonging to it was of service to the Romans in exploiting the Dacian gold-fields. In this case the reading would be : PEAEFeci?ts lure mamdo UTsicipii AVEELI &{v)'Lo{mstanim) . Could it indeed be established that the Municipium of the mining community of the Splonistee was otherwise known as the Municipium AureUum, we might obtain a valuable clue to the hitherto unexplained legend METAL . A\TJELiANi upon a Small brass issue, resembling in every particular the coins referring to the Metalla Dahnatica. Whether the title in the third and fourth line of the inscription should be completed PEAEreciMS civitativm (melco)m, and be taken to conceal a reference to the Melcomani, mentioned by Pliny among the Illyrian clans represented in the Conventus of Narona, must, in the absence of further evidence, remain uncertain. The further suggestion, however, of Dr. Domaszewski, that the " piadome " of the first line contains the elements of two cognomina piado me and that caevanio stands for the place of origin, can hardly be accepted as satisfactory, piadome .... I should prefer to complete piadomeno, and see in it a slight variation of the well- known Illyrian name pladomenvs,'' while caevanio as closely resembles the name of King Genthios' brother, who was captured by the Romans at Medeon, in the present limits of Montenegro, and who appears in Livy as Garavantius. The wife's name on hue 7 is " Panto, '^ and not " Testo." I was able to trace a succession of ancient fragments and remains for about a quarter of a mile's distance to the south, along the left bank of the Lim, In places " Arch. Ep. Mitth. 1880, p. 14. ^ Cf. C. I. L. iii. 2787, " pladomenvs . sera . tvri . f " ; 2797, " vendo tvdania pladomeni r " ; 6410, "(i) . . M APLV . Dv//// MEVEKTENS . PLttDOMENi . FiLiv||." All from Muiiicipium Biditaruvi. The termination domenus has a Celtic sound, e. g. Dumno-vellaunus, Dumno-Rix, Cogi-dubnus, &c. 46 Antiquarian Researches in lUijririiu). were heaps of Roman masonry, slioAving that the Roman city which here existed must have covered a considerable area. At one spot I found a cornice and piece of the fiekl of an inscription, but learnt that the inscription itself had been broken into fragments by the Turkish landowner in hopes of discovering gold or treasure inside the stone ; a superstition unfortunately widespread in these regions. At Prijepolje the present road to the South-East crosses the Lim by a wooden bridge built in 1550, supported on pillars, also of wood, and prowed so as to look like a row of vessels breasting the current. To complete the illusion of antiquity the bridge-head of this old-world construction is defended by a wooden tower. From this point the track leads up the valley of the Mileseva stream to the monastery of that name and the famous shrine of St. Sava, the Serbo-Byzantine frescoes of which are of the liighest interest and considerable beauty. About an hour beyond the ruined peak castle of Milesevac," a stronghold of Serbian Kings and Emperors which protected the minster below and completely commands the defile, I found another Roman mile-stone. The stone was, unluckily, even more weather- worn than the last, insomiich that of the inscription hardly a letter was to be decyphered, l)ut tliere could be no doubt as to the milliary character of the monu- ment, and its existence may be taken to demonstrate that the Roman road fi'om the I\runicipium in the Lim valley to the south-east took substantially the same direction as the present track from Prijepolje towards Sijenica and Novipazar. The forest-covered range between Mileseva and Sijenica over which this ancient highway runs was known to early Venetian travellers as the Mountain of Morlac- chia and forms a part of the larger district already referred to, which still bears the name of " Stari ^^ah," or " Old Wallachia." Both names afford interesting evidence of the survival of the Romance-speaking Illyro-Roman stock in this central Alpine region on the old Dalmatian and Dardanian borders. The Murlacha were not, as has been sometimes supposed, "dwellers on the sea" (in Serb Morjorl), but MavpofiXaxoi, or Black ^lachs, an etymology borne out by the early Dal- matian chronicler, the Presbyter of Dioclea, who, after identifying them with the descendants of the Roman Provincials, translates their name into Nigri Latini." " By the Turks called Hissardjik. I" Ramberti, Viaggio da Venefia a Constantinopoli (In Vinegia, 1541), p. 6, " Passamnio il castello di Millesevatz ed il Monte Molatscidi, clie h come a dire Moncagna di Morlacco." "= Presbyteri Biocleatis Eegnum Slavorum (In Lucius de Regno Dalmatim et Croatke (Fi-ankfort, 1666, p. 288) : " Vulgari (sc. Bulgari) post h»c ceperunt totam provinciam Latinoiuiii ,|ui illo tempore <( Antiquarian Researches in Illyricmn. 47 In the upper valley of the Uvac, which washes the eastern flanks of this Morlach " mountain, the village of Ursula still preserves the well-known Rou- man personal name of JJrsidu = " Ursus ille," " il orso," finding its counterpart in another village near Yranja, further to the south-east Surdule, from a kindred Rouman name Surdulu."' It is noteworthy in this connexion that the earliest treasury of Romance as opposed to classical Latin names in the lUyrian peninsula, relates largely to the Dardanian province on the confines of which we have now arrived. In the highly interesting list which Procopius gives us of lUyrian for- tresses built or restored by the Emperor Justinian,'' we find (side by side with names which attest the vitality of the old Thracian race and language in the eastern and central parts of the peninsula, and with others that connect themselves as conclusively with the Ulyrian aborigines and the Slavonic new-comers) a whole catalogue of local names presenting Romance, and, it may be added, distinctively Rouman characteristics." There is no mistaking the significance of names like Romani vocabanttu" modo rero Morovlaclii hoc est Nigii Latini vocantur." Opposed to these Crni Vldlii, or black " Vlachs " as they were also known, were the Bijeli Vlalii, or white " Vlachs," hut on what the distinction was founded is iincertain. At a later j)eriod Mavrovlachia appears as the equiva- lent of Moldavia. It is to be observed that Lucius of Trail supplies the right derivation of the word Moi-lach ; and to him is really due the credit of ha\dng in his mastei'ly chapter de Vlahis exploded the fallacy of their Transdanubian oi-igin. The chief arguments adopted by Sulzer, Roesler, and other vmters of recent times, will be found clearly and succinctly stated by the seventeenth-centuiy Dalmatian antiquary. " Both Surdidit and TJrsulu occui' among the Rouman personal names in the foundation charter of the church of the Ai-changel at Prisren, issued by the Serbian Emperor DuSan in 1348. ^ Procopius de ^dificiis, lib. iv. "= These names are of peculiar value, as giving us an insight into the nomenelatm-e of the_country districts of Illyi-icum in the sixth century of our era, a subject on which histoi-ians and geographers are for the most part silent. The (ppoipta of Justinian wei-e mostly small castles, or even mere block- houses, like the later Turkish Icaraidas, for the protection of the country-side. The age of castle- building on peaks has begun, and the sixth-century Castellnm was doubtless in many cases the local predecessor of the " Grad," or central stronghold of the Slavonic "Zupa." The Roman or Romance names have frequent reference to mineral and other natural soui-ces of revenue which it was desii-able to pi'otect, as ^raria, Ferraria, Argentarias, Lapidarias ; in many cases they contain an honorary tribute to Emperors and Empresses, who reigned in the fourth, fifth, and sixth centuries, e. g. Con- stantiana, Justiniana, Pulchra Theodora, Placidiana, &c. Names like Castelona, Braiola, Vindemiola, Lutzolo, Casyella'ha.Ye a decidedly Italian ring: others such as Buceprattcm {? Doucepre). Lupofontana, Lucernariohtirgus show us that the neo-Latin language of Illyricum had attained a Teutonic facility for forming compounds. In some instances, as "Sa&mi-bries." and " Prisco--pera,," Latin and Thi-acian elements arc blended. The Thracian, Ulyrian, Slavonic, and Gothic name-forms are of the highest interest, but can only be refeiTed to here. 48 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. " Sceptecasas," " " Lupofontaiia," " " Marmorata," " Capomalva," " Tuo-nrias," " Strameiitias," and other kiudred forms. In " Burgiialtu " and "(Jemullo- mimtes " we detect already the Illyro-Roman preference for U in place of 0. In " Maurovalle," the dark valley, we find the characteristic mixture of Greek and Latin; and the pass of " Klisura," another instance of the same, shows us the most typical of all Rouman name-forms already existing in sixth-centur3f Illyri- cura." In " Erculente," again, we have the earliest example of the Rouman local suffix " -ente," of which we have already noticed an example in the Herzegoviuiau Turmente, parallels to which may be found in the Cici districts of Istria. Not in Dardania alone, but from the Adriatic to the Lower Danube, from the southern borders of Thessaly to the northern limits of Aurelian's Dacia, there existed already, in Justinian's days, an Illyrian form of Romance which, for better and for worse, had parted company from its western sisters, and which, rendered precocious by its very misfortunes, displayed already features which we recognise as specifically Wallachian. When in the succeeding century the Danu- bian Limes was finally broken down, and the Dalmatian, Mcesian, and New Dacian provinces were overwhelmed with a Slavonic and Bulgarian deluge, we may well imagine that these central Dardanian fastnesses became a principal refuge and rallying point of the remnants of the Romance-speaking peasantry. It is not only in " Stari Vlah " and the mountain of Morlacchia that they have left abidin"- traces. In the ranges of the Shar mountains that overlook the Dardanian low- lands to the "West these traces, as I shall show, are not less apparent. Beyond the watershed of the "Montagna di Morlacco " the pine-forest gives way to bare downs of a schistose formation, rich in iron ore, from which the road descends into the grassy plateau of Sijcnica, the next night-quarters for caravans after leaving Prijepolje. Here I was unable to discover any remains of Roman antiquity, but the square walls of the " Starigrad," or old town, have a curiously old-world aspect, and much recall those of Niksic.'' From this place the road to Novipazar (ten hours distant) leads over the pass of Dugopoljana into the fertile and wooded valley of the Ljudska, an upper branch of the Raska. In this glen, still known by the old Rouman term of Klissura, about two and a half hours distant from Novipazar, I observed the remains of an ancient paved road on a " Cf. Wallachian, septe = 7. Accepting Tomaschek's emendation of another name in Procopius' Catalogue, " tredecitilias " gives us already the Wallachian fredeci = 30. ^ This compound reminds us of tlie common Shivo-Rouman local name Lupoylava = wolf's head. " This pass led fi-om IlljTicum into Greece. ** See Archaeologia, vol. XLViii. p. 86. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 49 stone embankment whicli crosses tlie former bed of tlie river, through which the stream has long ceased to run, by an arch of well-hewn masonry, known as Suhi Most, or " the dry bridge." It is difficult to resist the impression that this bridge (the character of which will be seen from the annexed cut), as well as the roadway it supports, are of Roman origin. In that case we have here the continuation of the Eoman Way which brought the Municipia already described on the Gorazda, Plevlje, and Prijepolje sites into communication with the Dardanian and Moesian cities to the South-East. Fig. 22. About three hours further down the valley, and three miles below Novipazar, on the banks of a tributary brook to the right of the Ra§ka, is a domed, octagonal bath-chamber, built over a thermal source of the highest antiquarian interest. Undoubtedly the greatest caution is necessary in determining the age of buildings in these Turkish regions, however Roman, or at least Byzantine, may be their general appearance. In the case of the buildings, and notably the aqueduct of Skopia, I shall have occasion to illustrate the necessity of such caution; and in the present instance it is right to observe that the ground plan and general form of this bath-chamber do not essentially differ from those of bath-buildings of Turkish date, specimen^ of which may still be seen at Skopia and in the neigh- bourhood of Prisren. On the other hand, in all these parallel instances, so far as I am aware, there are to be seen distinctly Oriental features in the form of the arches and the decoration of the interior, features which are here conspicuous by H 50 Antiquarian Researches in Ilh/ricum. their absence. It may, therefore be preferal)le to regard the Turkish l)uihlings which approach this form as imitations or restorations of pre-existing Byzantine models. The bath-buihlings of Banja consist of two (h)nied chambers, the first of wliich, whether built on ancient foundations or not, is obviously of Turkish con- struction. This chamber is surrounded by eight semi-circular niches, and on either side is a raised wooden platform, or divan, on which the Slavonic Maho- metans and Albanians, of whom the bath-giiests are composed, lull themselves to their " siesta " to the somnolent purring of their narghilehs, or partake of a light refection of coffee, sherbet, and melons, to the more inspiriting strains of Albanian lays, sung to the wild accompaniment of the national tamhvra. In the centre is a vase-shaped marble fountain of cold water, surrounded by an octagonal basin, and the whole apartment serves at once as a frigidarium and an a^oJi/terium. Fig. 23. From tliis, tlie more modern part of the establishment, a vaulted passage leads to another domed chamber, the site of which cannot fail to impress the spectator -n^th an idea of its great antiquity. In the centre is a large octagonal basin, into which the hot sulphur-springs flow, and where, when I saw it, a shaven crew of true-believers were disporting themselves. This central bath is tempered to tepid warmth by cold-water jets issuing from- three somewhat altar-shaped fountains, set in three apse-like recesses behind it and on either side. These side-niches or apses give the interior a cruciform outline, and, taken together with the monumental Antiquarian Uesearches in lUyricum. 51 fountains and the domed vault above, call up a reminiscence of Galla Placidia's mausoleum at Ravenna. The level of their pavement is raised a step above that of the central octagonal space of the bath-chamber, and in this, as well as the fountain or mill iari urn, in the innermost recess of each, we may trace an interesting analogy to the raised side-niche originally containing a fountain, of apparently similar form, in the Roman bath-chamber already described ^ at Bpitaurum. Fig. 24. The central piscina itself descends in steps constructed, like the walls, of long narrow bricks. The domed vault above has evidently at some period fallen into a ruinous condition, and has been somewhat rudely restored, the upper part being eked out with wood- work. At the top of the vault is a round opening, canopied above, out of which the sulphurous and steamy exhalations that fill the whole chamber gi'adually find their way. The interior walls are coated with a sulphurous Archaeologia, xlviii. p. 11. H 2 512 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricmn. iiicvustation, but, where this has broken away, narrow brickwork of Roman character is distinctly perceptible. In the four angles of the buikling (the exterior outline of which is square), between the recesses formed by the entrance arcli and the three apselike niches, are four small chambers set apart for the " Sudatio " and " Calda Lavatio." Each is provided with a square marble fountain, from which issues a jet of thermal water, the temperature of which is so high that I could hardly bear my hand in it ; for the purposes of the douche it has, consequently, to be tempered with water from the cold source. — ^Z'f^ ■//// /> // / //Afl ,11 111 1. 1. ■ - /' -J-LU . . ' Fig. 25. The domed vault above the piscina of the central chamber is externally contained in a low octagonal tower rising above the roof of the lower quadrangular part of the biulding, and covered itself with a sloping roof which conceals its interior dome. This octagonal character of the central part of the building, as well as the octagonal bath, the side niches, and the dome externally concealed, cannot fail to recall the characteristic features of early-Christian baptisteries of fourth, fifth, and sixth-century date, such as are still to be seen at Novara, Ravenna, Aquileja and elsewhere. The octagonal fons bajotisterii of these early-Christian buildings is well known to be identical in shape, as well as name, with the baptisterion of Greco-Roman baths ; and the steps, by which the interior of the present bath descends, afford an interesting point of comparison with the font of the old baptistery at Aquileja. It is a natural infei^nce that the Christian l)aptisteries of the later Roman Empire represented in their general form a then prevalent style Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricmn. 53 of bath-building. Of this, indeed, we get little evidence in Vitruvius, or in existing Roman remains in Western Europe. The small sudatory chamber known as the " Laconicum,"" though hemispherical at the top, can hardly have been the prototype of these spacious Christian vaults. On the other hand, we learn from Timarchos that the Athenian baths were domed and circular inside,'' and we should be naturally inclined to seek the Christian models in the eastern half of the Empire. The striking points of resemblance between this Dardanian Ijath-chamber and the early- Christian baptistery go far to show that the lliermce under notice present to us an example of the late-Roman type of l^ath-building, the existence of which may be inferred from its ecclesiastical adaptation. I learnt that two " Latin " inscriptions had been in recent times removed from the neighbourhood of the baths to the konak at Novipazar ; one had since been broken up and the other was lost. There are, however, other remains of at least late-Roman antiquity with which the Tliervue seem to stand in a special connexion. On a height that rises on the opposite bank of the Raska stands an ancient church known as the Petrova Grkva, the church of 8t. Peter and St. Paul. This building has been considerably restored and rebuilt at various times, and in so piecemeal a fashion that its present ground- plan is one of the most irregular that it is possible to conceive. Enough, however, of the original church remains to show that it was once of circular form with a low octagonal tower in the centre, which still exists, concealing a cupola under its low tiled roof, and supported below by massive columns." It was in fact an example of the circular mausoleal churches, dating from Constantino's time onwards, as a specimen of which on Illyrian soil we may take the church of St. Donato at Zara. The natives have a tradition that it was originally a temple converted to Christian uses ; an antiquity as great as Justinian's time may however be claimed for it with more reason. At present it is used as a Turkish magazine. It is indeed by no means improbable that both the bath-buildings and the church owe their existence to the architectural activity of Justinian in his native Dardanian province to which Procopius bears such ample testimony. The arciii- " The Laconicum, being mei-ely a steam- bath, had no piscina, as will be seen from the repre- sentation of the chamber supposed to be a Laconicum discovered at Pisa, and given by Robortelli (in Scribonius Largtis, ed. Rhodius. Patavii, 1655). This Pisan example is a domed circular chamber with niches, small squai'C windows round the vault, and an opening at the top. ' In Athen. xi. p. 561, quoted by Marquardt, Bomische AUerthilmer, part v. p. 299. ' The jealous precautions of the Turks prevented me from examining the interior. 54 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. toctural activity of Jiistiiiiau in Illyricum is the counterpart to that of 'ilieodoric in Italy, and the restoration of bath buildings connected with thermal sjjrings as ,y . /y *^~Mm Fig. 26. well as the erection of Christian temples and l)aptisteries formed part of the pious work alike of Gothic King " and Roman Emperor. But there is, I venture to beUeve, in the present instance direct evidence connecting the name of Justinian in his capacity of builder mth this immediate vicinity. It was here that in the early Middle Ages stood the old Serbian town and royal residence of Rasa, on the river of the same name (now generally known as the Raska), which gave its name to the kingdom of Raska or Rascia. Now, remembering that the Arsia on the Istrian confines has been Slavonized into Basa, we have, conversely, a priori grounds for assuming that here too the original form of this Serbian Basa was also Arsia or Arsa in Roman times. When, therefore, we find the Castellum of Aisa mentioned among the Dardanian strongholds restored by Justinian,"" we can have little difficulty in identifying it with the later Rasa. From Constantine Porphyrogenitus " it appears that in the tenth century Rasa was a frontier stronghold on the then Bulgarian and Serbian confines. » It would be interesting to know know fai- the batli-buildings restored by Theodoric over the famous hot si)rings of Aponus, near Patavium (Cassiodorus, var. ii. Eji. ."39), were the counterpart of S. Giovanni in Fonte. '' Procopius, De JEdificiis. *= De Adm. Imp. c. 82. Tlic Bulgar Prince Blastimer, captured by tlie Serbs, is on his release uafely re-conducted fixi" '"'"•' "vopw*' '"^E ^nc 'Pa<";f- Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 55 Captured, lost, recaptured, and lost again by the Byzantines," it early became an important Serbian centre, giving its name to the Zupa as later to the kingdom of " Rascia " itself . The bishopric of which the church of St. Peter and St. Paul was the cathedral church is mentioned as early as 1020, and in its neighbourhood '' rose the royal castle and the grander foundations of the Neman j as, the church of Grjurgjevi Stupovi, the ruins of which are to be seen on the height above," and the monastery of Sopocani. The commercial importance of this part of the RaSka Valley is evidenced by the rise of the mediaeval Serbian staple of Trgoviste"' (literally " Market-place "), later known as ISTovipazar. It was at this point that the caravan route from Ragusa and Bosnia bifurcated into two lines, one towards the plain of Kossovo, Skopia, and ultimately Salonica; the other, the direct line to Constantinople, taking a more easterly route via the Toplica Valley, and thence to Nish, the ancient Naissus, where it struck what has always been the main highway of communication between Central and Western Europe and Eastern Rome. In view of the evidence that I have already adduced, all tending to show that the medieval Ragusan trade- route to the South-East followed substantially the line of a more ancient Roman highway, we are led to conclude that in Roman as in mediaeval times the branching point of important lines of way leading from Dalmatia to the Dardanian Plains, Scupi and Thessalonica on the one hand, and to Naissus, ultimately to Byzantium, on the other, lay in the neighbourhood of these Rascian Thermce. The more southerly of these routes, that conducting to the plain of Kossovo, has, after leaving the valley in which Novipazar and the baths of Banja lie, to traverse the ranges of Moimt Rogozna. The present highway first emerges on the level country near the town of Mitrovica and the historic ruins of the castle of Svecani, the Byzantine Sphentzanion. About three hours before reaching this the route passes through a well-watered gorge, in which rise the hot-springs of Banjska, where ancient monuments " exist, showing that it, like the baths of the •■' To PdtTov (ppovotov in Kinnamos {Hist. lib. ii.) taken bj the Serbs from the Byzantines (Hist. lib. iii.) ; retaken by the Emperor Manuel. Kinnamcs I'eckons it a Dalmatian .sti-onghold. '' The castle of the Zupans and later Kings is, as Jiretek points out (Die Ilandelsstrassen, &c. p. 77), to be sought in the neighbourhood of the episcopal church. ■= A description of the remains of Gjurgjevi Stupovi vn\l be found in Travels in the Slavonic I'rovinces of Turkey-in-Europe, by G. Muir Mackenzie and A. P. Irby, 2nd cd. vol. i. p. 273. ■' JireCek, op. cit. p. 77. « Captain Sterneck of the Austrian Survey has given a very imperfect copy of a Roman sepulchral inscription from Banjska in his Geographische Verhciltnisse, Gommunicationen, nnd das lieisen in Bosnien, der Herzegovina, und Nord Montenegro, PI. IV. (Vienna, 1877). 56 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. Raska A'alley, was a Roman tliennal station. At Kailiacki Han, about an lionr to the north-west of this, I came npon a monument which indicates the existence of a Roman civic foundation on a site of the highest economic interest. At Kadiacki Han Miss A. P. Irby had observed a drinking-trough believed by her to be a Roman sarcophagus, and she and her companion were informed, in answtr to their inquiries, that it had been oi'iginally transported hither from the village of Socanica, about two hours' distant, in the Il)ar valley." The stone-trough had, in fact, been observed in its present position by the Ragusan ambassadors, who passed this way in 1792, and it was recognised by them to be of Roman work- nianshi]).'' I found it tn l)e, as these travellers liad stated, a Roman sarcophagus, and was able to decypher npon it the following inscription, showing that the %allage in wliicli it orginally existed had been formerly tlie site of a Roman Municipiuni. TAiv.^L/-/\#'A?:^/ -^^ xi'f-m^^? v(i^,- / M-AVREL'FELDCHAINSVS AR^ISSDM-A M »F Fig. 27. It is impossible, in the present state of our knowledge, to give the full name of the im^iciPiVM n.ii., of wliich this Felicianns was decvrio. The village of Socanica, where the monument originally stood, contains a variety of ancient remains, including, I was informed, several "written stones." Near it are the ruins of an old Serbian church, dedicated to St. Cyril and St. Methodius, the Apostles to the Slavs. What makes the former existence of a Roman civic Commonwealth in this neighbourhood of peculiar significance is the character of the mountain mass which here overlooks the Ibar valley. Tliis range is known to its present Serbian " The Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe, by G. ^luir ]\Iaekcnzie and A. P. Iiby, vol. i. p. 262 (2nd ed.) '' Giornale del Viaggio a Gonstantinopoli fatto dagli Ambasciatori della Eepuhlica di Bagwsa alia Sublime Porta VAnno 1792. " In distanza di un' ora del scquente alloggio (Banjska) trovarono una fonte che scon-eva in un' urna antica ben lavorata, ma molto patita, coU' izcrizionc latina die per troppo fi-etta non ebber commodo di leggere." (In Engel. p. 320.) Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 57 inliabitants as Kopaonik, or the " Mountain of Mines." To the mediaeval Ragnsan and Italian travellers "■ it was known as the Montagna dell' Argento, or ilonte Argentaro, names which it is difficult not to bring into connexion with the "Argentaria" of the Tabula Petdingeriana, already mentioned as the extreme south-eastern goal of a main-line of Dalmatian roadway leading inland from Salona3. The successful exploitation of the rich silver veins of this range by the Ragusan and Saxon miners gave birth in the early Middle Ages to the important mining town of Trep6e, only a few miles distant from this Roman site, and, some- what further to the South, the still more famous city of Novobrdo — the Nyeuberge or Newburgh of the Saxon colonists — of which Dr. Jirecek justly remarks, that from the middle of the fourteenth to the middle of the iifteenth century it was the most important civic foundation in the whole interior of the Balkan peninsula.'' Fabulous reports of its mineral wealth reached foreign countries, and a Byzantine writer goes so far as to assert that gold and silver were literally ploughed out of the soil. When the Burgundian traveller, La Brocquiere, passed through Serbia in 1433, he learnt "from well-informed persons" that the Despot obtained from the mine here over 200,000 ducats annually." The mineral wealth of this district, and its economic importance in mediaeval times, makes it all the more desirable that the site of the Roman Municipium, proved by the present inscription to have existed on or near the slopes of the " Silver Mountain," should be thoroughly explored. Unfortunately this European terra incognita is still in Asiatic possession, and I was prevented by the Turkish authorities from following up my investigation on the site of Socanica itself. 1 E. g. Ramberti, Lelle Cose de Ttirchi, p. 7 (In Vinegia, 1541) : " Passamo la Montagna dell' Argento ... si cliiama dell' Argento perchio che continuamente vi stanno huomini in essa che cavano argento." ^ DieHandelsstrassen Serhiens, &c. p. 55. "Novo Brdo (Novaberda, Novabarda, in Lat. Urk.) NovTis Mons, Novomonte der Italiener, Njeuberge der sachsisclien Bergleute, No/Joirupyov, No/5ojrpo5oj/ der Byzantiner, war, 1350-1450, die grosste tind beriihmteste stadtische Ansiedelung des ganzen Innern der Halbinsel. Von iliren Schiitzen crziihlte man sioh im Auslande ganz fabelhafte Gescbichten ; der Byzantiner Ki-itobulos sclireibt Gold und Silber werde liier formlich aus dem Boden bervorgeackert." '^ Bertrandon La Brocquiere, Counsellor and First Esquire-Carver to Pbilip-le-Bon, Duke of Burgundy, Travels to Palestine and return from Jerusalem overland to France during the years 1432-1433. Translated by T. Jobnes at tbe Hafod Press, 1807, p. 274. " Tbe Despot of Servia possesses towards the common confines of Bulgaria, Sclavonia, Albania, and Bosnia, a town called Nyeuberge, wliicb bad a mine producing botb gold and silver at the same time. Each year it pays bini more than two hundred thousand ducats, as well-infonned persons assured me; without this ho would be soon driven out of his dominions." I 58 Antiquanan Researches in lUyricum. From SoCanica the Ibar valley forms a natural avenue of approach to the historic plain known as the Kossovo Polje, or " Field of Thrushes," and in ancient times, as at present, two lines of road, the Ibar valley line and that which leads more directly from Novipazar, past the Roman thermal station at Banjska must have converged about the actual site of Mitrovica. On the Kossovo Polje itself " was found a Roman sepulchral slab, described by the Serbian traveller, Milojevic.'' In the centre of the southern part of this plain lies the village of Lipljan, which, as Dr. JireCek has pointed out, is simply the Slavonized form of the important Dardanian city of Ulpiana." The old Byzantine church at Lipljan, to which I will return, as well as a neigh- bouring cistern, is largely composed of Roman fragments. Outside the church I ' Since this paper was communicated to the Society of Antiquaries a copy of the following interesting inscription found at Batus, in the Kossovo Polje, has been sent by Signor Paolo Orsito the Arch. Epigr. Mitthcilungen axis Oesterreich (1883, heft 1. p. 146), the ligatures here omitted: I . . M . V / PP D . D . ET . gen// STATIONIS PEO S . DN . IMP . [SEVERI . ALE XANDRl] AVG VALERIANVS SPECVL . LEG . IIII /l . S . A . V . S . L . M . AVG . SEVEEO . ALEXAND . AVG. //et AVFID . MAECELLO Which is there read : 3{ovi) O(pHmo) M(axi7no) d(omui) d(ivincB) et Gcn(to) Stationis pro s(alute) i(omini) n(ostri) Severi Alexandri Aug(tisti) Valcrianus specul(a Some of the inhabitants here are recogpaised to be Roumans ; most understand the Rouman language. Their wanderings sometimes extend beyond the Russian frontier. " In Ravennas the name appears under the foi-m Ulciano. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 63 Herculis, captured Ulpiana and took considerable booty." It is probable that Ulpiana suffered from the great barbarian incursion of 517 and from tbe terrific earthquake described by the lUyrian chronicler, the Comes Marcellinus, which in the succeed- ing year destroyed twenty-four Dardanian strongholds.'' "When Justinian set about his work of restoration in his native province the walls of Ulpiana were in a ruinous condition." The Emperor, not content with rebuilding the walls and generally embellishing the town, gave it the new and honorary name of Justiniana Secunda, raising it thus to the second dignity among Illyrian cities after his more famous metropolis Justiniana Prima. The ecclesiastical importance of Ulpiana is shown by the mention of a bishop from this place at the Council of Serdica in 347 and again in the CEcumenic Synod that met at Constantinople in 553 ; and it is to be observed, as showing the persist- ence of the earlier name, that, although the city is officially referred to in the Acts of this Synod as Justiniana Secunda, the bishop, Paulus, signs himself Episcojms Ecclesice Ulpiaiiensis. In the early Martyrologies and the Acta Sanc- torum the two martyrs, La\irus and Floras, are associated with this ancient City. According to the legend," which is common to both the Eastern and Western Churches, Floras and Lauras, like so many other Illyrian saints, were stone- masons by profession," a fact not without interest in connection with the quarries of the neighbouring ranges of the Shar, the exquisite marble from which forms such an ornamental feature amongst the existing monuments of the Roman city. The two masons, then engaged in practising their craft in " the city of Ulpiana in Dardania," were employed by the Emperor Licinius to build a temple. a Jordanes, De Getarum sive Oothmum Origine, c. Ivi.: " m villain comites per Castrum Herculis transmittit Ulpiana." The name is used in both its singular and plural form, Ulpianum, Ulpiana. Cf. Schol. ad Ptolem. iii. 9,6; "to OvXmavov, OuX-jnava (cnXoi'/ievoi/ jrapa roTc //erayfveffrspoif." (Closs. ad loc.) The mention of Castrum Herculis, the Ad Eerculem of the Tabula, the first station on the line Naissus-Ulpiana, fixes the route followed. ^ Marcellinus Comes, Chrmi. sub anno, 518. See p. 89. " Fvoco-pius, De jEd. iv. 1.: " »> St tiq Iv Aapdavoig U 7r«XaioO TroXij i/jrep OvXmrii'a wro/iaffro ; 7-ni'r>;f Tov mpifioXov KaOiXdji' tK ro? iTn-rrXticTTOv {i]V ynp tr^aXepis ig ra ftaXtara Kal oXmc axpeToe) dXXa re uvry Tra^TrX/je,; tyKaXXtoTrhpara Troiijira^tvof, cf re Tr,v v'vv piraBipevog (vKoapiav, aeKovvdav avTi]v 'Xovariviaviiv iiruivoliaaev . aeKoOvtav yap r(> dtvripav KarXvoi XeyovCTi. He built another city near it which he named Justinopolis, in honoui- of his tincle Justinus, an indirect piece of evidence that Procopius is right in making Justinian's fatherland Dardania. (See p. 1.37.) ^ Acta S8. t. .35, p. 522. The Martyrium chiefly followed in the Acta 8S. is headed : "Auctore Laurentio Monacho Rutiensi in Calabria," and is written in Greek. The chronology is obscure, the account being divided between the reigns of Hadrian and Licinius ! ^ Tijv Xieojowv iKTraiStvovTai Ttxviiv. They had been originally in Constantinople but afterwards practised their craft at Ulpiana. (U Antiquarian Researches in Ulyricum. Having built it, however, the Saints one night collected a great number of poor people, to whom they were in the habit of giving alms, and in their presence pulled down the idols with which Licinius had filled the building, whereupon the Governor " ordered them to be cast down a deep well. In Justinian's time, the peace of the city seems to have been disturbed by ecclesiastical factions. Procopius informs us that a force that was being despatched by Justinian's orders to aid the Lombards against the GepidfB, was detained at Ulpiana by the Empei'or's orders, " by reason of an outbreak amongst the inhabitants, due," as he somewhat ironically expresses it, " to such questions as Christians are wont to dispute about." The old Byzantine church of Lipljan is a very interesting memorial of the former ecclesiastical importance of the place, which was still a bishop's seat in the days of the Bulgarian empire and recovered Byzantine dominion.'' Internally /■'SS'\V:i'5S«5:~¥JSSS;S» Fig. 34. ■• See the chrysobull of Basil II. reorganising the Bulgarian Church (1020). Jirefiek, Gesch. d. Bulgaren, p. 202. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 65 ,^;y K 66 Antiquarian 'Re>ieairhcx in llhii-icnni. the church shows a regular Orthodox arrangement, the roof being supported l)y two massive piers and the icoiwstasis wall, the Proavlion, however, being a later addition. In external form it resembles a small basilica, terminating in a tri- lateral apse, a feature which it shares with many early Byzantine churches at Thessalonica and elsewhere, bi;t which also reappears as a charactei-istic of the mcdifeval Slavonic foundations of the Skopia district. In one important respect, however, the church of Lipljan differs from all the Byzantine, Serbian, and Bul- garian churches of the interior of the Peninsula with which I am acquainted. It is entirely devoid of cupola or dome. Moreover, in the construction of its walls, it combines to an extraordinary degree the characteristics of late-Roman work. The alternating layers of stones and narrow bricks, the herring-bone arrange- ment of the latter and the exterior arches, inclosing the small round-headed windows, make upon one the impression of extreme antiquity ; and, although these features are reproduced to a greater or less extent in the mediaeval churches of this region, it may safely be said that not one of them so completely transports the spectator to prae-Slavonic times as the church which marks the site and perpetuates the name and traditions of Roman Ulpiana. The regions that lie to the "West of Lipljan, and which the Roman road from Ulpiana had to traverse on its way to the Adriatic port of Lissus, are amongst the wildest and most inaccessible of the Balkan Peninsula, and are peopled for the most part by savage and fanatical Albanian mountaineers, amongst whom the work of exploration is often one of considerable risk. Hitherto the course of the Roman "Way from Lipljan to Alessio, and the site of the Roman settlements in the inter- vening region, have not far advanced beyond the stage of pure conjecture. The accepted view, however, is that the road followed much the same route as that at present followed to Prisren, and thence proceeded along the existing track to the neighbourhood of Spas below Mount Krabi, identified wath the Crevenum of the Tabula, and thence to Puka, identified with Vicaria." Nothing, however, so far as I am aware, beyond a certain a priori probability and a questionable simi- larity of names, has been brought forward in favour of this hypothesis. No portion of the Roman road itself has been described. On the other hand, I have now obtained a certain amount of positive evidence which tends to show that the original Roman road-line across the North Albanian Alps ran considerably to the North of the route hitherto connected with it. My friend the Padre Superiore of the Franciscans at Scutari has informed me of a fine piece of Roman road running broad and straight, though now grass-grown, • Cf. Jii-eOek, Die Heertrasse van Belgrad nach Constantinopel, j). 23. Antiquarian Besearches in Ilhjricum. 67 V 7 V 7 ^) along stretches of the mountain from Dusmani on the northern bank of the Drin, a few hours to the north of Puka, thence to Toplana in the Shalla Valley, and so on to Brizza in the district of Merturi, and the neighbourhood of Nikai, from which it can be traced into the district of Krasnichi." It is known to the Albanians as Drumi Kaurit, or " Giaour's Way."" There can be little doubt that this fine stretch of Roman road represents a section of the line from Lissus to Ulpiana, and the fact that it traverses the Krasnichi country prepares us to find it emerging in the neighbourhood rather of Djakova than of Prisren. The Inroad open country in which Prisren, Djakova, and Ipek lie, and which is known by the general name of Metochia, has in all medieeval times played an important part in the history of the Peninsula. Prisren itself was the Czarigrad or Imperial City of Czar Dusan. At Decani, not far from Djakova, rose the royal Serbian church of Stephen Uros III., the noblest ( ^' ecclesiastical foundation of the interior of the Peninsula, while at the north-eastern extremity of the plain Ipek or Pec became the seat of the Serbian Patriarchs. The physical conditions which favoured this mediaeval civic and ecclesiastical development must have been equally operative in Roman times, and we must therefore be prepared to find that considerable Roman municifia existed in Metochia. The abundance of ancient coins discovered throughout this district is at least note- worthy ; they include Pgeonian and Macedonian pieces, coins of the Illyrian mining-cities Damastion and Pelagia, Celtic imitations of the coins of Philip of Macedon, coins of Thasos, and quantities of the silver pieces from Dyrrhachion and Apollonia, all tending to prove that already in prje-Roman times Metochia was traversed by trade-routes connecting it with the Adriatic and ^gean and intervening countries. Coins of Roman date are equally abundant. At Prisren itself the only Roman monuments that I was able to discover after a long investigation were on the extreme outskirts of the town on the Djakova " In Krasnichi is a ruin known as Giutet (Rouman, Civtat, Civetate = Latin, Civitas), but the Latin word is used in Noith Albania to signify any ruined castle. •> Drumi =: SI. Drum = Bjz. {pofioe- K 2 \\V D-M ANNA FV RlAEGCCl LIAESER^X A/ N IS XXX PRiSCASo RoRElvs VIXANNXX FiRMVS F I Li IS PUS SIMISPOS Fig. 36. 68 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. side, and consisted of two sepulchral blocks outside the little mosque in the Jeni Mahala. One of these -was hopelessly obliterated, the other I was able to copy (fig. 36). The Roman traces in the Djakova district are more frequent, l)ut the difficulties in the way of exploration, owing to the fanatical temper of the popu- lation, are at present almost insupcral:)lo. M. Jastrcbov,' the Russian consul at Prisreu, who has occupied himself with the Slavonic antiquities of the district, and to whose assistance I was much indebted, had already discovered two Roman inscriptions in the village of Orahovac, interesting as supplying lUyrian name-forms, and one of them aifording a suggestive indication that the predatory habits of the indigenes are of no modern growth. M. Jastrebov further informed me that a Roman inscription existed at Skifiani, between Djakovo and Decani,'' but the circimastances of the times did not admit of it being copied. About an hour's distance from Orahovac is the fine old Turkish bridge" of Svajan across the White Drin, immediately below a hill known as Gradis or Gradid, from the bastion-like rocks with which it is girt. The present bridge, traditionally known as King Milutin's work, may be the successor of an earlier fabric. The blue waters of the Drin emerge at this point from a narrow rocky defile cut by them through an island-like range of low limestone hills, and the point is one which an engineer would naturally seize on for the construction of a bridge. I was at least successful in connecting it with Roman remains. In the neighbouring village of Dzerzan I observed, and was able to copy, an interesting Roman sepulchral slab with an inscription of a naive and informal character referring to a soldier of the Fourth Legion (fig. 37), which the inhabitants informed me had been taken out of the Drin by the bridge of Svajan. D M NANEAPRYD ENTISFIUA POSVITCO NIVGI SV O CARP;\{ IKITIIEG lONIsQVA RTAE VJXIT ANNOS ^i^ AEiPAETO Fig. 37. * Podatci za istoriju Srpske Vrkve (Contributions to the History of the Serbian Church), Belgrade, 1879, p. 65. M. Jastrebov infoi-med me that lie believed Roman remains to exist at Suharjeka, on the present route from Piisren to Lipljan. He had not, however, discovered any traces of a Roman line of way taking this route. ^ At Dedani itself I could find no Roman monuments. ' Absurdly described as " Roman " by Isambert. Aniiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 69 The peculiar interest of the stone is that it is to my knowledge the only monument from this region referring to the Fourth Legion ; while, on the other hand, monuments referring to the Legio VII. Claudia abound (as -n-ill be seen ") in the neighbouring Dardanian basins of the Lepenac and Vardar. The headquarters of the Fourth Legion were at Singiduuum (Belgrade), and the occurrence of a detachment in the plain of Metochia suggests some old line of road communication across Western Serbia.*" At Pec (Ipek) itself I heard of a Roman sepulchral monument with an inscrip- tion, which had been recently found on the hill of Jarina, or Jerina, the old " Grad " or castle named after Irene Brankovic, that rises above the town, but I was not able to copy it. About three hours to the North of this are the ruins of the Old Serbian church and monastery of Studenica ; and here, a few years since, the Serbian traveller, Milojevid," found several '^ Roman inscriptions. Milojevic, who appears to have had his head full of " Czaritza MiHtza " and " Krai Vlkasia," has supplied, it is true, a very distorted version of two of the three inscriptions that he copied. I append them here, however, as his discovery seems to have been entirely overlooked by antiquaries.'' The ruined monastery, where these remains exist, was formerly the seat of the Old Serbian bishopric of Chvostno. At the village of Crnaluga, a little to the South of this, at the point where the road from Ipek to Mitrovica crosses the White Drin, about an hour from its source, is an old Turkish cemetery overlying some more ancient remains. The earth here had recently fallen in near one of the graves, and revealed an imderground vault communicating with another ; and the Arnaouts, who naturally came here to look for treasure, broke into another not far from the first discovered. Descending into the first by a hole in the vaulting, I found myself in a low, liarrel-vaulted, rectangular chamber, constructed of small roughly-hewn blocks, and with an aperture opening into another apparently similar chamber. In the first of these, which was half filled with rubble, I found a large piece of a Roman cornice, the ' See succeeding paper. '' The discovery of an inscription on the Kossovo Polje referring to this same legion (sec p. 58 note *), now adds additional probability to this conclusion. ° Putopis Stare Srbije (Travels in Old Serbia), p. 166. ■■ Milojevic only copied the three that appeared to him most perfect. "^ 1. D . m/vELS SADEAGi/tA mag . DOM . VIX/aN XXXII ET Sv/fIL BLAZZIZA V . / . . . PKOCVL . VIX .... 2. MAECIVS FLAv/eT IVLIVS SER/g . VIX ANN XXII. 3. MERCVL . HAVE . BENEV/aLEA . . . / SALVTAS / D . m/ MILIZZA BOSSINA / VIXIT AXXIS XXII YIPl/s .... CIA VIX ANNIS XXV / VLPIVS VVLCASSINVS / VIX . AXX . XXX / FMSB MER . . . VIVOS / F . c. For the formula mth which No. 3 begins compare that on the inscription from the Kossovo Polje (p. 58), vlp ionice have bene valeas Qvi me salvias. 70 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. underside of which had been hollowed out apparently to form a medieval sarcophagus. The other vault into which I descended was of a more original kind, oval in shape, and with a flattish vaidting of rough unhewn stones. It was, however, almost choked with earth and ruljble. Whatever the date of these sub- terranean chambers — the purpose of which was probal)ly sepulchral — the Roman cornice affords certain proof of the vicinity of a Roman settlement; a fact which is further explained by the existence of the copious hot springs of Illidzi, about half-an-hour above this spot. At Banja again, a few hours distant amcng the hills to the North-East of this, is another thermal source," used as a bath, and believed to have great healing powers, where I observed broad steps, apparently of ancient date, cut in the rock. The traces of the former existence of a Roman civic settlement in the neigh- bourhood of Studenica and Crnaluga derive additional interest from the existence of ancient silver mines in the neighbouring range of the Mokra Gora. The village where these mines formerly existed is known as Suhogrlo, or Srmogrbovo ; and lies at the opening of a pass called Klissura, which leads into the upper valley of the Ibar. Two neighbouring villages, IMaidan and Rudnik, derive their names respectively from the Turkish and Serbian word for mines, and traces of the ancient workings can still be seen on the flanks of the moimtain. Ipek, itself, is still celebrated throughout the Peninsula for its silver filigree work, and I saw a silver cross of elaborately Byzantine workmanship, that had been recently made here for the Prince of Montenegro. Once more we find the Roman remains of this part of Illyricum connecting themselves with its mineral treasures. I was further informed by the Franciscan priest at Ipek, that at Glina, a village about five hours distant to the South-East, were stones with obliterated inscriptions, that appeared to him to be Roman. The traces of the former exist- ence of a Romance-speaking population are nowhere more apparent than in the southern part of this Metochia district, where, as the famous Prisren chrysobull of Czar Dusan ^ shows, a Rouman population still existed in the Middle Ages. Of this population there are still isolated relics and it is remarkable that, at Ipek, a tradition prevails among the inhabitants that they were formerly "Vlachs." Several of the village names, like Sermiani, Skijiani, Nepote, Piran, Larena, seemed to me to deserve investigation. In the neighbouring ranges of Dukagine, » The temperature is only 76° Fahr. '' See Hajdeu, Festurile tmei carti de donatiune depe la annul 1348, evianata de la Imperahd Serbesc jDu^an, &c. (in Ai-chiva istorica a Romaniei, Bucm-esci, 1867). Antiquarian Researches in lUyricnm. 71 amongst, at present, Albanian-speaking clans, there is some eqnally remarkable evidence of the former existence of Romance-speaking tribes, and, altliougli, taken as a whole, the Latin elements in Albania seem to represent rather a Romance dialect once spoken in the maritime district inchided in the Byzantine Theme of Durazzo, more East Romnan influeiices, due to contact with the Alachs of Dardania, cannot be excluded. The word gintet, the Macedo-Rouman civtat, or civitnte, is frequently used in North Albania in its derivative sense of a castle rather than a city ; and I found the most inaccessible glen to which I penetrated in these Alps known by the purely Romance name of Valbona.^ At Ipek itself, I heard the word cojnli (which is simply the Rouman copUlii ^ = children) applied by my Albanian guards as a term of reproach for the street Arabs. The deep impress left by these Romance-speaking provincials on the Eastern Albanian tribes of the Shar ranges goes far to show that the bordering Dardanian regions formed part of the original Provincia Latinorum, the " Mavrovlachia " of which the earliest Dalmatian chronicler speaks."^ Here, we may venture to believe, a portion of the migratory Rouman race existed more nearly in situ, if the expression is allowable, than in most of the regions to which it has successively spread. The Patriarchate of Ipek was known to the Serbs as " Stara VlasJca," and thus fits on to that " Old Wallachia " of which I have already spoken.'^ "We are here within the area of continvious Roman and Rouman habitation, to be distinguished from that far wider region in which the appearance of this East Latin element may, as in Istria, for example, and Galicia, be fairly ascribed to later immigration.^ * I have given some account of Valbona and the Rouman traces to be foTind in that part of the North Albanian Alps in a letter to the Pall Mall Gazette, "From the North Albanian Alps " (Sept. 14, 1880). In the map appended to this communication the upper Valley of the Valbona is for the first time given with approximate accuracy. In the last edition of the Austrian Stabskarte its place is occupied by a huge mountain mass. •> Copillu is said to be derived from the Latin ptipilhis, on the analogy of poturnichia from cotumicula. ' Presbyter Diocleas., JRegnum Slavorum (Lucius, p. 288.) 1 See p. 24. « These local traces of Albanian and Rouman juxta-position, and the deductions at wliicli T h:ul quite independently arrived on linguistic grounds, entirely agree with tlie general results arrived at by Cihac in his analysis of the Rouman language. (Dictionnaire d'etymologie Daco-rnmane, pref. p. xiii.) : " Le point capital et le plus important qui nous permet de juger des relations entre Roumains et Albanais dans le passe, — relations qui doivent avoir ete des plus intimes, — sont les elements concer- nant la langue que I'albanais possede de commun avec le roumain. Dans mes elements latins de la langue roumaine et dans I'ouvrage present, j'ai indique environ 500 mots latins, 1,000 mots slaves, 300 mots turcs, 280 mots gi-ecs-moderne et 20 a 25 mots magyars pour I'albanais qui sont idcntiqucs -.■) Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. From the eviik'nce at our disposal we are justified in concluding that at least two Roman Municipia existed in the spacioiis plain of Metochia ; one in the neigh- bourhood of Ipek, anil the other of Djakova. It is probable that this latter settle- ment answered to the Theranda of the Talmla, the last station on the road from Lissus to Ulpiana, although in default of furthei- local evidence the course of the road across the range which separates the plain of Metochia from the Kossovo Polje can only be approximately fixed. The further course of this line of Way from Ulpiana to Naissus must be left to a future investigation. I may, however, hei'e call attention to the fact that a line drawn from Lipljan to Nish passes through the very important ruins of a Roman Castrum and Prgetorium existing at Zlato, and which, probably, answers to the station called Acmeon in Ravennas and Hammeo in the Tahida of Peutinger." We are at present, however, more especially concerned with the great southern line of communication connecting Ulpiana, and, in a more remote degree, the Dalmatian and Pannonian cities, with Sciipi, and eventually Thessalonica, — a line not mentioned, at least in its later stages, l)y the ancient Itineraries, l)ut of the existence of which I have already, I trust, adduced sufficient evidence. From Ulpiana this Macedonian highway runs through the pass of Kacanik, whicli forms the natural avenue of communication between the Kossovo Polje and the more southern Dardanian plain, on which stood the metropolitan city of Scupi, the present Skopia. At Old Kacanik, which lies at the northern opening of the pass, there is abundant evidence of the former existence of a Roman settlement. Many ancient fragments are here visible ; one of these (fig. 38) is the square base and pedestal of a votive column, of the purest white marble, dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, for the health of the Emperors Septimius Severus and Caracalla, and of the Empress Julia Domna, who here receives her favourite title, Mater Castroriim. It was found at a spot in the district of Runjevo, about two avec les vocables con-espondants roumains. Cette circonstance, assurement tr^s-remarquable, ne peut etre millement fortuite, surtont en ce qui conceme les elements latins qui ont subi dans les deux langues un changement d'acception presque analogue." It is precisely this last circumstance that excludes Hajdcu's hypothesis that the community between the two languages is to be refen-ed to an original relationship between the Illyrian and old Dacian languages. » See p. 160. Antiquarian Besearches in Illyricvm. 73 kilometers above KaCanik." Tlie Consulsliip of Pompelanus and Avitus, in wliicli this column was erected, took place in the year 209 a.d. PRO^ALVEIMP L5EPT>SEVERI'EM AVRELIANTONINI IVMAEAVGMTVfl CASTROR'THA^ CO.? [m'l. >;:/"-f/i/j'-;/^;^-: (rf^i ff, \:;,\\\\\l V^ .■ Y> Fig. 38. lovi Optimo Maximo peg salvte imp. l. SEvrimii se\t;ei ET M. AVEELI ANTONINI P(ll) PELICIS AYGUStorum . IVLIAE kXCMStO' MATEi CASTROEttwi TH . . . ION EOEVNDem Yeteramis Yotvm Qusceptmn Solvit hibens . (p)ompeiano et av(ito) considibus. "■ This monument has been described by Henzen in EpTi. Ep. ii. p. 330, " ad pctypon qund misif Morten Noe." ]\Ij- copy, however, which I made and very carefully collated on the spot, differe in line 9 and in other details. This monument, as well as the milestone (fig. 40), lias been lately removed to the garden of the railway engineer at Kacanik ; this place lying on the new line from Salonica to Mitroviea, 74 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. Another monument (fig. 39), a small altar, 21 inches high by 12 broad, proved to be of the highest interest, as containing a dedication to a hitherto unknown, probably lUyrian, God. The inscription informs us that it was consecrated by a Beneficiarius Consularis of the Vllth Claudian Legion to the God " Andinus." It is to be observed that what is apparently the same word, under slightly variant forms, is to be found in the feminine names Andena, Anduenna, and the compound Amliuwcnes, amongst the Illyrian personal names (belonging mostly to the mining race of the Pirustae) found on the Dacian monuments and wax tablets. The similarity between these name-forms and the Deus Andinus of the present monument gives us ground for assuming that we have here the name of an lilyrian divinity which also entered into the composition of some native proper names. It is probable that the Legionary who raised the altar (to whatever nationality he himself may have belonged) was desirous of conciliating the indigenous Dardanian god of the place where he was stationed, just as in Britain we find Roman soldiers raising monuments to local gods like Belatucader or Antinociticus. ^ DEO AN~DINO SAOTIB' ChCERTVS, ^BFCO^LEGVli i^ig. 39. DEO ANDINO SACrviii. 'yir.evius ctaudius ceetvs Benenciarius consularis legi'oiws vii CLaudioi, \otum nulvit lAhens uerito. CLEMe»te kt peisco {consulihvs).'' ' Clemens and Priscus do not appear together in the Fasti Consulares. In 195 a.d. we find Ttrlullus and Clemens Consuls; in 196 Dexter and I'risais; it is probable, therefore, that the Anti'quarian Researches in lUyricum. 1h Considering tliat Dardania, the region with which we are at present concerned, was included during the first centuries of the Empire within the limits of Mcesia Superior, and that the chief Moesian City, Viminacium (the modern Kostolac on the Danube) was the headquarters of the Legio VII. Claudia, it is natural enough KfAlUANo/>f]|| ^OTPPCos vippcci ^'^^A.^i Fig. 40. iMveratori CkEs.M-AEUiuo \ aemiliano pi'o 'selici invicto \ AVGusto pontific/ MAXIMO TRiBVN?'ci"a | voiestate Fater vatriae consul VROConsul ab viMinado m.p.cc . . inscription belongs to one or the other of these years. Since this paper was communicated to the Society of Antiquaries a copy of this and the milestone on p. 74 has appeared in the Archnologisch- Epi'graphische Mittheilnngen aus Oesterreich, 1883, part i. p. 145, on the strength of somewhat imperfect paper-casts sent by Signor Paolo Orsi of Rovereto. The name is there wrongly given andenvs and cos is added after peisco, which I did not see on the stone. With regard to the date Dr. Otto Hirschfeld remarks : " Vielleicht von J. 73 ? Der Name des CoUegen im ersten Consulat des M. AiTcciuus Clemens ist nicht bekannt." But from the character of the letters the inscription cannot be of earlier date than the end of the second century of our sera. Sig. Orsi's copy of the milestone of .dimilian is still more imperfect, the important part being omitted. l2 76 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum,. that we slioulcl find a reference to this Legion among the Kacanik monuments. I am able to describe another monument, a milestone lately discovered in the bed of the Lepenac about two miles above Kacanik, which supplies another and important link of connexion -with the great Danubian city. The milestone itself is about three feet high, and is remarkable as presenting the name of the Emperor ^Emilian, whose reign extended over less than four months, and of whom very few monuments have been hitherto discovered, ^milian, we are informed, was chosen Emperor in Moesia," and the present inscription affords interesting evidence that, short as was his dominion, he was able to confer some lasting engineering benefit on his Moesian province. There can be no reasonable doubt that the vi . . of the last hne of the inscription is to be completed vi(m). for viminacio." Viminacium," itself, being the meeting- point of the great roads leading in one direction to Singidunum, Sirmium and Italy, in the other to Naissus and Constantinople, and in others again to the cities of Trajan's Dacia, and of the lower Danube, would be the natural terminus a quo of any Moesian road-line. From Scupi itself there was probably, as I shall show,** a shorter route to Naissus and Viminacium by the valley of the Bulgarian Morava, which answers to that described in the Tabula ; but from a Municipium at or near Kacanik the natural route would be md Ulpiana. The present milestone may therefore be taken as lying on a road which in one sense was a line of communi- cation between Scupi, Ulpiana, and the Dalmatian borders, but which also served as an alternative route to the Danubian place of arms, and on which the mileage was naturally reckoned from Viminacium. The distance given, as far as can at present be decyphered — two hundred and odd Roman miles — tallies very well -wath the actual distance to Viminacium. From Kacanik, where this miUiarium was found, to Lipljan, the site of Ulpiana, is about twenty-two Roman miles. From ■ Aur. Victor, Epitome, c. xxxi ; EntropiTis, ix. 5 ; Zozimus, lib. i. speaks of ^milian as Umuvikuiv I'lyoviitvog ralimv = Bux PannonicoTum ordinum, and mentions a great victory gained by him over the barbarians who were then ovemmning lUyricTim. ^ Forms like abverto show the possibility of au before v which was pronoonced as w. ab TLCinio is a possible but not probable alternative. ' Some account of the antiquities of Viminacium has been given by Kanitz, Beiirage zur Alter- thunuku7ide der Serhischen Donau, in Mitth. d. k. k. Central Commission, 1867, p. 28 seqq.) It was Trajan's chief base of operations in his Dacian campaigns, and was one of the principal stations of the Danubian fleet, as well as the headquarters of the Seventh Legion. The Leg. VII. Claudia is refeiTed to on its autonomous coins and monuments, and tiles are found here with its stamp. ^ See p. 153 segg. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 77 Ulpiana onwards tlie Tahda Peutingeriana supplies us with the total distance by road to Naissus of seventy-nine miles ; and the same authority gives one hundred and thirteen miles as the distance from Naissus by road to Viminacium." This gives us altogether two hundred and fourteen miles. It is probable that the road to which this milestone belonged crossed the Lepenac near the spot where it was foimd. Between Kacanik and Eles Han the Roman Way itself is very clearly perceptible, coasting the mountain side above the right bank of the stream. In places a regular terrace is cut out of the rocky steep at a mean elevation of about one hundred and fifty feet above the Lepenac. At times the road descends at a considerable gradient, though still straight and even as a hand-rule, and in parts showing its original pavement. Near Eles Han it appears to have crossed the river by a bridge now destroyed ; and here, on the left bank of the stream, and near the modern road which henceforth follows the Roman track through the pass, is still to be seen a remarkable milUary column. The copy which I append is the result of repeated visits to the stone, which, it JMP'aLSH)iV?'ANToI\!lN F-bVIVFRIPARTHIGMX FR^bVlHADRM^EPOS bVn^AJA^fIP■'RTlC!PRO ^EPosbVlN:^:VAEABN£ms M'A/REL^ATOI WS//G'GERM I^C'SARMtcP0,4F«'TRB POlST'XXXfHlHWlIj'CoS Fi-. 41. * Tn the Itinerary of Antonine, 118, M.r. 78 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. will be seen, bears inscriptions of two periods, one in honour of Marcus Aurclius, and the other, apparently, of Constantine.' A few miles beyond Eles Han the pass opens into the broad plain of the Upper ^'ardar, across which the Roman Way pursued its course to the site of Scupi, the old Dardanian Metropolis, while the modern road, leaving the old line to the right, leads past the arches of an ancient aqueduct to the modern city of Skopia, or tJskiip. " A copy of this inscription has been given by Hcnzcn in the Ephemeris Epigraphica, from ii paper-cast that had been sent him by an engineer. IV.-SCUPI, SKOPIA, AND THE BIRTHPLACE OF JUSTINIAN, WITH NOTES ON THE ROMAN ROAD-LINE SOUPI— NAISSUS — RBMESIANA. SYNOPSIS. PAGE 82. Strategic and commercial importance of the site of Scupi. 82. Dr. Edward Brown's account of Skopia and its antiquities in 17th century. 83. Scantiness of previously-existing materials. 83. Professor Tomaschek's attempt to dissociate Skopia and Scupi and to place the latter in Morava Valley. 84. Absence of remains of classical antiquities in situ Skopia. 84. Wealth of archaeological remains in environs, mediaeval as well as Roman. 86. Discovery of the site of Scupi at Zlokucani. 87. Remains at Bardovce. 88. Iron mines and quarries near the site of Scupi. 88. Mineral springs and remains of baths and buildings. 88. Bas-relief of Hercules. 89. Traces of the great earthquake that destroyed the Roman city. 90. Roman remains in the Karadagh of Skopia. 90. Roman cemetery and inscriptions at Kuceviste. 91. Cave and altar in Monastery of St. Ilija. 92. Ruined town and castle > if Davina and Markova Kula. 92. Ruined church at Ljubanze largely composed of Roman fragments. 92. Remai-kable old Serbian church at Ljubiten with frescoes of Serbian Emperor and Empress. 93. Remains on Mount Karsjak ; Markova Magazija ; old road to Ochrida and Prisren ; remain.-; at Timpaniea and Sofce. 80 PAGE yo. Byzantine Cliurch of Naresi, Roman monumc]it, and Comncnian inscription. 97. Roman and Old Serbian remains in Treska Valley. 98. Remains in district of Markova Rjeka : old gold mine ; Roman inscriptions, and Monastery of JIarko Kraljevic. 99. Illyrian name on inscription. 100. Altar dedicated to Fortuna by local Respublica. 101. Roman monuments in Skopia itself. 102. Roman milestones in Skopia. 102. Monnmcnts and remains at Hassanbcg and Eelombcg. 103. Roman road, milestone, and ruined site of Rusalinsko. 103. Surviving traces of Rosalia, or spring feast of departed, amongst the Slavonic races. 104. Altar of Jupiter at Ibrahimovce. 104. Libations still poured upon it by villagers in time of drought. 105. Notes on cult of Jupiter Pluvius and comparison with Slavonic and Romaic customs. 105. Survival of Illyro-Roman element in Dardania. 105. Excavation of large mound called Tianha. 109. Site of Roman settlement at Seliste and altar of Hercules Conservator at Hadzalar. 1 10. Hot baths of Banja ; Roman thermal station. HI. Description of Roman inscriptions discovered at and near the site of ScvPl. 111. Inscriptions relating to municipal constitution. 111. Name of Seupi on inscriptions and title of Colonia. 113. Tombs of original colonists, " deducti" and '^ deditcticii.'' 114. Monument of youth honoured with ^Edileship and Decurionate. 115. Base of statue erected in honour of the Emperor Gallienus by the Commonwealth of Scupi. 116. Historical occasion of adulatory address. IIG. Defeat of Sarmatians under walls of Scupi by Regalian. 119. Inscriptions recording Augustales. 120. Altars to Jupiter and unknown god : mention of Flamens. 1 20. Ahar of Silvanus. 120. Monuments to soldiers of 7th, Claudian, Legion. 122. Miles Frumentarius. 123. Testamentary disposition of Comicularius. 124. Legio VII. Claudia Pia Fidelis. 12.5. Inscription with Thraeiau name of Eupor. 126. Thracian and other inscriptions at present at Thessalonica. 127. Intermixture of Thracian and Illyrian elements in Dardania. 128. Elegiac epitaph on local Nestor and tomb of citizen of Methymne. 12y — 131. Sepulchral inscriptions from Scupi. 132. Christian inscription. 133. Civil and ecclesiastical importance of Scupi under the Christian Emperors. 133. Special connexion between Dardanian and Illyrian Cliurch and Roman Catholicism. 81 PAGE 134. Destruction of old city of Scupi by earthquake, a.d. 518; rebuilt on site of Skopia. 134. Was Scupi Justiniana Prima ? Difficulties suggested. 136. Passage in John of Antioch. 137. Reasons for identifying Skopia with Justinian's city. 138. Bishops of Dacia Mediterranea under Metropolitan of Scupi before Justinian's time. 140. Continued importance of Scupi or Skopia in Byzantine and Slavonic times. 141. Suggested comparison between Tauresium and Bederiana and names of villages ofTaor and Bader. 142. Description of Bader ; Roman remains at Blace. 143. Cyrillian inscription in Monastery of St. John, mentioning Bulgarian bishop of Justiniana Prima and Ochrida. 144. Exploration of Taor. Roman remains, and altar with apparently Greek inscription. 145. Foundations of late-Roman or Byzantine Castellum. 146. Local tradition that Constantine was born there. 146. Byzantine inscription on walls of Akropolis at Skopia. 147. Turkish and Byzantine antiquities of Skopia: the Kursumli Han. 148. Hamam of " the two sisters." 148. Influence of Bj-zantium on buildings of Skopia. 149. Coins of Justinian's time found here. 149. Tlie Aqueduct. 150. Probably restored by the Turks. 151. Arches of earlier aqueduct existing in Old Bezestan. NOTES ON THE ROAD-LINE Scupi — Naissds— Remesiana. 153. Difficulties suggested by Tabula and Itineraries. 154. Votive altar to Jupiter Dolichenus at Kumanovo. 154. Byzantine Chru'ch of Matejci. 155. Genealogical tree of Comneni. 156. Roman remains at Prsovo. 157. Roman site at Zlato. 159. Brick dam of Roman reservoii". 160. Castrum identified with Hammeo or AcMEON. 161. Site of the ancient Naissvs. 161. Inscriptions at Nish. 162. Votive Jlonument erected to Carinus by Province of Upper Moesia. 163. Remesiana and St. Nicetas. 164. Dedication slab of Roman Church of St. Peter and St. Paul. 166. Coi'ona, lamps and crosses fi'om Roman church at Pii'ot. M 82 Antiqnarian Researches in IJh/yiniin. SCUPI, HKOPTA, AXD THE BIRTHPLACE OF JUSTTXTAN. On enicrgiug from the pass of Kacanik to the South the traveller tiiids liiuiself in the spacious plain of Skopia, the Turkish Uskiip, and the modern and mediasval successor of Scupi, the Dardanian metropolis. Whether regarded from the point of view of strategy or commerce the position is splendid, and the town forms the natural key to a large part of Western Illyricum. To the North the Lepenac cleaves a passage between the Easternmost promontories of the Shar and the Karadagh of Skopia — a passage threaded as we have seen by a Roman road which brought the Dardanian capital into connexion with, the Dalmatian ports on one side, and on the other with Singidunum and the great Pannonian cities. To the West the Vardar and its tributaries open a way through what is now the plain of Tetovo, to little-explored Illyrian regions, once probably the scene of extensive mining industry. To the East the forest-covered ranges of the Karadagh dip down to form an easy avenue of communication, — through what was once erroneously supposed to be the central chain of the Balkans, — with the Upper Valley of the Bulgarian ]\[orava, and thence ind Nish, the ancient Naissus, with the great staple and stronghold of the Middle Danube in Roman times, Viminacium. To the South the Iron Gates of the Vardar, the Axios of classic times, bring the Dardanian city into connexion with the P»onian emporium of Stobi, the Macedonian plains, and ultimately, Thessalonica. Thus, it will be seen, that the site of Scupi lies at the crossing-point of great natural rotttes across the Western part of the Ilh^rian Peninsula. To those approaching the ^gean port from the Middle Danube it occupied a position almost precisely analogous to that held by Serdica on the military road to Constantinople. In making, as I hope to show, the Dardanian ^letropolis the seat of government for his new-constituted Illyrian prefecture, Justinian displayed a true appreciation of the important function which the land of his birth and the city of his affection were destined by nature to play in the economy of the Western half of the Peninsula. Eight centuries later we find the Serbian Krai Dusan, placing on his brow the imperial crown of all the Illyrian lands, within the walls of Skopia. The first account of the antiquities of Skopia was due to the English traveller, Dr. Edward Brown, son of Sir Thomas, who published a relation of his travels in ■ 'tYaf\ Atiiutntii .KACANIK MT LlUgrrRN :.-M KARA „ •II. Inn ODAVINAI ml'/ 1*1 ^ SKETC SHEWING THE ROMAN AND OTHER ANCIENT REMAINS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF SKOPIA, srvFi), Prepared from Personal Observations by Arthur J Evans Scal^ cf O jMiij^ f^rniiiji Kt'inif, Ccnifi'Utrai cxn^rse t^' Jf<^na7L Rcuds , MUNICIPIA &,c RcrtKUH ttnixiui* , f/rmttii .ifiJf^lcnes , Cviifse crAmcrcUnl , RrnutrictihU Mi'dtexal rmuiuts. j Bvittnitttr ufifi Stuvrntr , I R^nutn Hnth.s, -- t% Toffttrtc N 1 KUMANOVA G O ^ ^.t*: — J/ ^ - Bnr,' A' yhkiiKt^Jc / . j4inrcLt San . • • ^dhfi:an *TcJ\'ine Sflo •Jittrt'ifditk- \K,i;,:s.-n ^g_,^anbi-ff ^ VskoPIA "^.y '^^ SelvTTibeff raa*tt/* * MajHarUxr Wi' ^ ^ SoBufte ,/ VrwffWe ^ ^ ARUSALINSKO *•'"'*'"'"'""- --£.^'^7'/^^o SITE OF ROMAN ♦ SETTLEMENT an*lit'\ti '-— . ^.t/l^f^ -O/^KT^JA/ZI •TUMBA Ibrahiifufvce '^:fianian> I --i'-. «!r«<7«4x ■*•'?'/» :^-e- Tacr ICASTELLVrS* HUl. ■Ik V Scslfr // • Bad^rskcJftUefiy • Bre^tjnta % % I I 1 • Li'X'thma ^ELESE Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 83 the Balkan lands in 1673,"' and who gives as a reason for describing this place somewhat at length that earlier geographers had "passed it over in few words." "And I could never," he adds, "meet with any who had been at it." Brown identified Skopia with the Scupi of Ptolemy, and after recounting the beauties of the existing town proceeds to describe some of its antiquities. He mentions an arch "which seemeth to be ancient, and a rivulet running under it"; also, "a large stone which seemeth to be part of a pillar with the inscription shianc." "A little way out of the city," he continues, "there is a noble aqueduct of stone with about 200 arches, made from one hill to another over the lower ground or valley." The arch is gone, and the aqueduct hardly answers to Bi-own's dimen- sions, but the inscribed pillar, a part of a Roman milestone, to which I shall have occasion to refer,*" is still a conspicuous object in the streets of Skopia. From Dr. Edward Brown's time to a quite recent date, the antiquities of Skopia received no further illustration. Ami Boue, who visited this place, described a fragment of an inscription, referring to the Emperor Severus, walled into the aqueduct." One or two inscriptions from the neighbourhood of Skopia have since been communicated to the Revue Archeologirpie, by M. Engelhardt, French Consul-General at Belgrade, on the authority of a Serbian Professor of the Belgrade Lyceum; only one of these however has any claim to be regarded as an accurate reproduction of the text.'^ Add to this, one inscription communicated by the Austrian Consul, Herr Lippich,^ and two from a village near the confluence of the Pcinja and Yardar, with two fragments of milestones, and I believe I shall have exhausted the catalogue of the known epigraphic materials from Skopia and the whole region round it. Of the scantiness indeed of the hitherto known materials no better proof could be given than the fact that Professor Tomaschek, of G-ratz, has recently written a learned dissertation to prove that the site of the ancient Scupi was neither at Skopia nor in its vicinity, but that it ought rather to be sought somewhere in the " A brief Account of Some Travels in Sungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, ^-c. by Edward Brown, M.D. of tlie College of London, Follow of the Royal Society, and Physician in Ordinary to his Majesty. London 1673. •" See p. 102. The shianc of Dr. Edward lirown is evidently derived from the Tkaiano of the stone. = Turquie d'Europe, T. 2, p. 354. '' Ephemeris Epigraphica, vol. ii. 498. " Ui'. Kenner Inschriften aus der Vardarschlucht, Sitzungsberichte der k. Akadcmic der Wissen . schapten, 1875, p. 276. M 2 84 Antiquanan Researches in IJhjricum. valley of the Bulgarian Morava." The materials that I have at present collected will supply, I trust, the final solution of this problem in ancient geography, and will sufficiently establish the historic connexion between Skopia and the ancient Scupi. But it does not therefore follow that the sites of tlie present city and of its original Roman predecessor are absolutely identical. The fine position of the akropolis hill of Skopia, the noble stone bridge across the Vardar, the ancient walls and l)uildings, the general air of anticpiity that pervades the place, had all indeed combined to induce earlier and later travellers to identify the actual site of Scupi with the Turkish tJskiip, and I must confess that I was at first inclined to do the same. It was not till after a prolonged exploration of the town and neighbourhood that I gradually acquired the proofs that the site of the original Roman Colony must be sought outside the limits of the modern city. There are, in fact, in Skopia itself no remains of classical antiquity that can fairly be regarded as in situ. The oldest of the buildings are at most Byzantine. The vast majority of the existing archi- tectural monuments are Turkish, and the bridge itself, which has been described as Roman, dates no farther back than the great days of Turkish dominion, when, with the aid of Italian and Dalmatian architects, Ottoman Beglerbegs and Pashas were raising such engineering monuments in the Peninsula as had not been seen there since the days of Trajan and Diocletian. Thanks to the friendly protection of the Mutessarif of Uskiip, Fcik Pasha, I was able to devote two months in the course of last year to the systematic exploration of the plain of XJskiip, and the surrounding mountain ranges. The archgeological results of this exploration have been not inconsiderable and relate to more than one epoch. The number of ancient churches and monasteries dating from early Serb, Bulgarian, and Byzantine times still preserved in the glens of the Karadagh and the southern offshoots of the Shar Planina is truly surprising, and hardly less so the fact that these interesting monuments should so long have been overlooked by European travellers. In mediaeval frescoes representing Serljian and Byzantine princes the chiu-ches are peculiarly rich. At Liubiten is a ruined church containing full-length representations of the Emperor Stefan Dusan, liis Empress, and his young son Uros in their robes of state. At Markov Manastir, or Marko's Monastery, King Vukasin and his son, the hero of South Slavonic Epic, are both represented, and the epitaph of " King's Son Mai'ko," may still be " Zur Kunde der Hamus Halhinsel. (Sitzungsberichte der K. Akademie der WisseBscliaften, Wien 1881. H. 2, p. 437-499.) Prof. Tomaschek proposed to seek the site of Scupi near Leskovac in Serbia. Skopia he places in Pffionia. Antiqiiarian IieftcnrrJiPn in Ilh/ricmn. 85 decypliered. In the ruinous Minster Church of Matejci I came upon a genealogical tree containing full-length fresco portraits of the imperial race of the Comneni, the counterpart of the Nemanid tree in the royal Serbian foimdation of Decani. At Naresi in the Karsjak range above Skopia, is another fine Byzantine Church con- taining a Comnenian inscription to which I shall return. It is, however, with the Roman remains of earlier date that we are at present more immediately concerned. Of these remains the whole region that surrounds the site of the ancient Scupi turned out to be equally prolific, and I found that in not a few cases the mediseval Serb and Byzantine builders had profited by the relics of Roman civilization with which the neighboiirhood of their later foundations abounded. In investigating the Roman monuments and inscriptions in this district I had often indeed to contend with the jealous and secretive spirit of the peasants, who, having been for centuries exploited by an alien and despotic government, are apt to regard inquiries concerning their ancient monuments as a prelude to further exactions or forced labour. There is, besides, a widespread belief that all ancient inscriptions are in some way connected with the concealment of treasure, and the peasants are naturally anxious to reserve for themselves whatever " unearned increment" is to be derived from such sources. In the wilder Albanian regions North of the Shar range the prevalence of such ideas is a source of real danger to the too inquisitive traveller. In the Skopia district, however, where the popula- tion is mainly Slavonic, the chief obstacle with which I had to contend was tlu^ reticence observed by the peasants regarding their ancient monuments. Thus, on more than one occasion I had to undertake rides of eight or nine hours' duration two or three times over, in order to visit villages where I knew that ancient inscriptions existed, before I was successful in discovering what I sought. That in the end I was able to collect so many was largely owing to the good humoured tact and inexhaustible local knowledge of my Zaptieh, Osman Ombashi, an Albanian by birth, who soon acquired a truly antiquarian zest in tracking cnit Roman monuments. The spacious plain of Skopia and the Alpine slopes that overlook it on every side go to form a well-defined geographical district, which as the monuments to be described sufficiently declare, formed once the Ager of the Roman city. The remains from this whole district may therefore be fitly grouped with those existing on the actual site of the ancient Scupi, and those within its modern representative the present town of Skopia or Uskiip. On the other hand, the Roman remains that I have discovered beyond the water-shed of Mount Karsjak, to the West of Skopia, and in tlie valley of the Markova Rjeka, may be better perhaps regarded 86 Antiquarian Researches in llh/rintm. separately as l)oing possibly, though liardly prohably, comprised in the territory of some other Dardanian Muuicipium. The hill on which the Akropolis or " Grad " of Skopia lies is an offshoot of a low range, to the left of the.Vardar, which juts oiit to the North into the middle of the plain. A little rivnlet divides this range from a more isolated hill beyond, the Western slope of which overlooks the confluence of the Lepenac and Vardar. The point is important, as being the natural meeting point of two lines of road over the passes of the Shar. That to the West gives access to Kalkandelen and Prisren on one side, and the Dibra district of Albania on the other. The route to the North is that already described, which threads the pass of Kacanik and secures com- mmiication with the ancient Dardanian city of Ulpiana in a more remote degree with the Dalmatian littoral and the Save basin. From this hill, known as the hill of Zlokucani, both avenxies could be watched with even greater facility than from Skopia itself. The site was therefore admirably adapted for a watch station and bulwark against the wild Illyrian regions to the North and West. Immediately beneath this hill, at the confluence of the Lepeuica and Vardar, lies the village of Zlokucani, where I had the satisfaction of first coming upon remains Avhich fix beyond reasonable doubt the original site of the ancient Scupi. The abundance of Roman fragments about this village was truly astonishing. To the North of the modern road the foundations of a considerable public building, perhaps a temple, were clearly visible, including several of the bases of a double row of columns. A little to the East of this was a corner portion apparently of a city gate. In the immediate vicinity were to be seen broken shafts of columns, pedestals, a piece of a stone pavement, and innumerable other blocks, and the tiles and pottery that strewed the neighbouring fields bore still more unmistakeable witness to the existence of an ancient city. That so much of the Roman founda- tions should have been visible was due to some recent excavations of the surface soil conducted by an engineer in the Turkish service with the ol)ject of procuring building material for a new bridge over the Lepenica \um\ Ijy. The number of inscriptions thus unearthed about this spot was, by all accounts, very considerable; they were however, without exception, walled up into the foundations of the bridge, and are probably lost for ever to archeology. More than this, the chief Turkish proprietor of the village, who has a fanatical detestation of inscriptions, had given orders to the peasants to throw all " written stones " such as they are con- tinually finding in their fields, into the river, " all such being works of the Devil and the cursed Giaour." In the bed of the river several large Roman sarcophagi, uninscribed as far as I could observe, lay about pell mell, but they owed their present position to the gradual excavation of the river-bank by the stream. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 87 The smaller remains extended from tlie callage to the hill above already described, which is locally known as the Zlokucan Kalesi. On the "Western flank of this was a Bulgarian Cemetery, and here again were many fragments of Roman monuments, amongst them of some fliited columns. Above this the whole hill-side was covered with debris of Roman tiles and stone-work, while at one point there rose a fragment of an old wall of conglomerate masonry. Above this again a well defined ridge, concealing apparently the course of a wall of circumvallation and covered ynih. stones and tiles, ran round the whole hill-top, while within it rose another similar stone and tile-covered bank. The summit of what was evidently the Akropolis of the original Skupi, perhaps representing the original Illyrian hill-stronghold, is of small area, but the position is most commanding, and, save for the fact that the Vardar actually washes the foot of the akropolis-hill of the later Skopia, is, from a military point of view, superior to the latter. This akropolis- hill is connected by a narrow neck with another portion of the same range, the upper surface of which is as thickly strewn with the remains of the Roman city as the more fortified part. While examining this I found a Roman sepulchral monument of perhaps third-century date, erected by her husband to a certain Claudia Ingenua (fig. 72), and near this lay a tile containing an interesting- fragment of another inscription (fig. 88), dating from the Christian period of Roman Scupi. A crossway leads through the fields — here everywhere strewn with tiles and pottery — from Zloku6ani to the neighbouring village of Bardovce, before reaching which it passes a low hill which must have been an important quarter of the aucient Scupi. Along the side of this some recent excavations, made in order to obtain material for building purposes, had revealed a variety of ancient blocks, and amongst them some huge fragments of a cornice and a base evidently belonging to an important building. In the neighbourhood of this were two Roman tombs, which I excavated. The first proved to be a large cist, consisting of six ponde- rous slabs, and lined with square tiles in two parallel rows ; it contained nothing but a few bones, and must have been rifled in ancient times. The second, equally unproductive so far as relics were concerned, was of the same general construction, but made up of the remains of earlier monuments, as was proved by the fact that it contained within it an inscribed slab with a dedication of a local priest of Augustus to the " Gods and Goddesses " (fig. 56). This part of the Roman site forms as useful a quarry to the present inhabitants as that near Zlokucani, and many monuments have been quite recently dis- interred to be l)roken up or lost in nioderu buildings. Two sepulchral slabs, however, from tlie spot had been preserved in the neighbouring Konak of Hakif 88 Aniiquarian Researches in Illyricum. JMecbraed Pasha at Bardovce, where I was permitted to see them in the inner court of this fine Turkish countrj^ house. Both of them apparently owed their preservation to the fact that they contained reliefs, in the one case of a husband, wife, and child (fig. 75), in the other of a Miles Frumentarius of the Seventh Legion (fig. 60). The sources of Mechmed Pasha's fortune are interesting in the light which they throw on the local industry of the ancient inhabitants of Scupi. These I learnt to be an old iron mine near Kisela Voda, a chalybeate spring which rises on the Southern flank of the range dominating the right bank of the Lepenica, and, in the same neighbourhood, a quarry of excellent white marble. This marble is in high repute throughout the central part of the Balkan Peninsula, and is largely used for tombstones, both Mahometan and Christian. Quantities of it are exported to a considerable distance and as far away as Nish (the ancient Naissus), in Serbia, I saw marble monuments, the material of which had been ordered from the Pasha's quarries near the ancient site of Scupi. Once more we find the site of a Dardanian city connecting itself with ancient mines and quarries. The virtues of the mineral spring of Kisela Voda " were probably not unknown to the Roman citizens of Scupi. The spring itself spurts up with fountain-like force in the centre of a ruinous octagonal basin. The hill to the East of it seems to have been formerly the scene of a similar fountain, as it was covered with iron- stained fragments and a white deposit in all respects resembling the deposit formed by the existing source. On the rocks at the top here were observable arti- ficial grooves and channels, evidently belonging to an ancient bath, l)ut ))roken up and tossed about in chaotic disorder by some vast natural convulsion. Lower down, near the Anllage of Vucidol were traces of another mineral source, — a curious line of undermined rocks, the cavities of which were filled with the same chalybeate deposit. On examining their upper surface I foimd an im])hivhuii of angular form and sockets for small columns cut out of the rock, showing that here, too, must have existed an ancient l)uilding. ; but in tliis case, as the former, the natural floor of rock had been ploughed up by cataclsymic agencies. In the wooded glen above, a little below the village of Kuckova, had been recently found a small image, a sight of which I obtained with difficulty from the Bulgar peasants. It proved to be a rude Roman bas-relief of Hercules clad in the Xemean lion's-skin ; and 1 have since heard that a " written stone " has been discovered, together with an ancient fountain, near the same village. Somewhat further, in a gorge opening on to Lepenica valley, is the Albanian village of " Litei-ally " Bitter Water," a common name for mineral soui-ces throughout the South-Slavonic countries. The temperature was 7.5° Fahr. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 89 Nekistan, wliere, amongst tlie ruins of a medifeval cliiircli, lay a large fragment of a Roman tombstone (fig. 53) referring to the Coloxia of Scupi. The traces of the ancient buildings near the mineral springs, destroyed by some great natural catastrophe, afford a highly interesting commentary on the passage of the sixth century lUyrian chronicler Comes Marcellinus, who records the overthrow of Scupi itself, and other cities of Dardania by a terrific earthquake in the year 518. The writer describes the catastrophe with the vividness of an eye- witness. " In the province of Dardania," he writes, "twenty-four CasteUa were ruined in a single moment by repeated shocks of earthquake. Two of these were overwhelmed, with all their habitations ; four with half their buildings and inhabi- tants ; eleven were overthrown with a loss of a third of their citizens and houses ; seven more lost a quarter of their houses and population and were left deserted through fear of the neighbourhood of the ruins. Moreover, the Metropolitan City of Scupi was ruined to its foundations, though without any destruction of its citizens, for they were at the time in the act of fleeing from the enemy. In one castle, in the district of Canisa, called Sarnunto, there took place an eruption, and the earth vomited forth from its inner cavities a continual burning shower on every side, like the blast from a fiery furnace." Many mountains, we are told, throughout the province were rent asunder ; rocks and forest trees were torn from their sockets ; and a yawning chasm " twelve feet in breadth and thirty miles in extent " intercepted and entombed many of the fvigitive citizens.'' In the volcanic " Comes Marcellinus (Ad. Ann. 518). "In Provincia Dardania assidno terrsemotu xxiv. CasteUa uno momento collapsa sunt. Quorum duo suis cum habitatoribus demersa, quatuor dimidia sedifi- cioi'um suorum hominumque amissa parte destructa, undecim tertia domorum totidemquc populi clade dejecta, septem quarta tectorum suoi'um tantaque plebis parte depressa, vicina vero (al. " vicinarum ") metu ruinarum despecta sunt. Scupus namque Metropolis, licet sine civium suorum hostem fugientium clade, funditus tamen corruit. TJno in Castello, regionis Canisje, quod Samunto dicitui-, ruptis tunc terra venis et ad instar ton-idfe fornacis exrestuans diutinum altrinsecus fei'ventemque imbrem eTomuit. Plurimas totius Provincias montes hoc tei'rremotu scissi sunt, saxa que suis evulsa compagibus, devolutaque arboi'um (? devoluteeque arbores) crepido per xxx. passuum millia patens et in xii. pedum latitudinem dehiscens profundum aliquantis voraginem ci^-ibus castellorum saxorumque ruinas vel adhue liostiuni inciu-siones fugientibus jussa* paravit." The last jiaragraph is evidently corrupt, but the general sense is cleai-. Crepido here = fissura (Of. Du Cange, s. v.). With this Dardanian " Sai-nunto" I will venture to coivnect the Sarnoates, referred to on the Illyrian coins reading SAPNOATUN, and the ■s.apvovQ of Stephanus of Byzantium and Polya!nus. I will even go further and suggest the emendation of the unknown (BapvoDf) " Hapvovvra of Strabo (7, 7, 4), mentioned as lying on or near the Egnatian Way between Lychnidus (Ochrida) and Heraclea Lyncestis, into 'S.apvovvra, and its identification in turn with the 'S.apvovq of the coins, and the " Sarnunto " of Marcellinus. This attribution would bring down a comer of sixtli centuiy Dardania to tlic neighbourhood of Monastir, but it is nut at least inconsistent with Procojuus' description of N 90 Antiquarian Beaearches in Ilhjricum. rocks that strew the neighbourhood of the Roman thermal station of Banjska, above Mitrovica, we may see, perhaps, another landmark of the same catastrophe. Outside the actual site of ancient Scupi and its immediate vicinity the most abundant traces of Roman settlement are to be found on the slopes and amongst the sliatly glens of the Dardanian Tzernagora, or Karadagh, to the North of the plain of TJskiip. Fertile, well-watered, and cool in summer, this upland region seems to have been a favourite viUeggiahira of the citizens of Scupi, and, as numerous medifeval churches and monasteries attest, the Orthodox of a later period found its sites not less adapted for their monastic retreats. Several small tributaries of the Lepenica and Vardar here take their rise, and from one of these sources the towTi of Skopia has from time immemorial derived its water supply by an Aqueduct of Byzantine construction, to which we shall have occasion to return. It is noteworthy, that in this district vine culture is carried to greater perfection than elsewhere among the South Dardanian peasantry, and the wine of Kuceviste, especially, enjoys a deserved reputation in Skopia. Tliis village, lying on a neck of land between two streams, has a fine Serbo-Byzantine church, founded, according to local tradition, by one of the Nemanjas, where, behind the door of the Proavlion, I found the most interesting existing record of the municipal government of Roman Scupi (fig. 54, see p. 114). In the churchyard, amongst the other slabs lay a Roman sepulchral monument (fig. 51) to a Veteran of tlie 7th Legion, remarkable for the artistic finish of its execution. This monument had been removed, not many years since, to its present position from a field about half an hour's walk below the village, which was by all accounts a Roman cemetery. I learned that the whole gi'ound, at a depth of two or three feet below the present surface, was occxipied by ancient graves, and that many slabs had at different times come to light presenting inscriptions. On visiting the spot I found it, unfortunately, covered with growing vines, and was thus prevented from making excavations ; I saw, however, a place from which large blocks had been recently taken, to be used in the restoration of the neighbouring church of St. Athanasius. At a farm-house at the village of Mirkovce, a little lower down, were two large fragments of another Legionary tomb (fig. 61), and a portion of a third inscrip- the "European Dardanians " as living above Dj-rrliaehium. The to'\\'n and region of Monastir itself (at or near the site of the ancient Heraclca Lyncestis) was known in Byzantine times as Pelagonia, and we have here, I venture to think, a clue to the whereabouts of the Pelagia of a series of Illyi-ian coins that in all respects are companion pieces to those reading SAPNOATQN. On the other hand, the superior workmanship and Zacynthian affinities of the kindred Damastian coins would lead us to seek for the site of Damastion nearer the Epirote littoral. See p. .38. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricnm. 91 tion, besides a part of a monument displaying a cross, and perhaps of Byzantine date. In the neighbouring village of Brazda I observed another Roman sepulchral slali (fig. 52), also belonging to a Veteran of the 7th Legion, built into a fountain. This, however, according to an old inhabitant of the place, had been removed from a spot called Dancov Bres on the plain below, and not far distant from Bardovce. The transfer from that place was no doubt facilitated by a curiously straight piece of road across the plain, which had all the appearance of having been of Roman origin. At Dancov Bres itself I could only find fragments of stone in a clump of brushwood; but several monuments have been, at different times, unearthed there. In a leafy gorge above Kuceviste is the Monastery of the Archangels, with a fine old Serbian church, said to have been bu.ilt by the Emperor Dusan. Crossing the watershed to the "West, and passing a source with the time-honoured name of Banja, to which attention has been already called, the traveller reaches the rich valley of the Banjanska Rjeka, and the Minster Church of St. Nikita, another well-preserved old Serbian monument, rising on a vine-clad height above the village of Banjani. Near this, again, is a ruined church of the Theotokos, or Bogorodica, where was another fine Legionary slab (fig. 62) ; and in the threshold and before the door of a small church " hard by, two smaller Roman sepulchral monuments (figs. 78, 85). Further up the same gorge, in the very heart of the Karadagh, is the orthodox Monastery of St. Ilija. The chvirch here is very small, biit is built into a cavern, which points, perhaps, to a local cult of greater than Christian antiquity. In all likelihood, here, as in the case of St. Ilija above Plevlje, the mantle of the Thunder-God Rerun has fallen on to the shoulders of the Slavonic St. Blias. Nor, considering the continuity of religious tradition in these remote regions, to which I shall again have occasion to return, is it by any means improbable that this sacred cave of the Karadagh may have been devoted to a Thunderer of still earlier date. In the court-yard of the Monastery below I observed a Roman altar ; but, unfortunately, the inscription, if it ever had any, was hopelessly defaced. A mountain-path leads from the gorge of Banjani past the village of Cucera, where, in the bone-house of the church, I saw another Roman sepulchral inscrip- tion (fig. 76), and thence over the watershed into the valley of the Lepenica at the Southern end of the Kacanik Pass. At this point a peninsular peak overhangs the left bank of the stream. On the col connecting this promontory with the main range ' Gornjaiiska Crkva. n2 92 Antiquanan Researches in Ilhjricum. of the Karadagli, and reaching thence to the summit of the peak, were very extensive remains. The ruins were of the most thorough-going kind. Xotliing beyond tlio foundation of walls, and heaps of stones and tiles, is at present to be seen, but these cover a considerable area, including the whole hill-top, as well as the con- necting neck of land. They show that a peak stronghold and surrounding walled town nnist in farmer times have existed here. There is at present no human habitation in ihe immediate neighbourhood, but the inhabitants of Banjani call the place " Davina," and have a tradition that it belonged to a lady of that name, wlio was slain by the Turks when they con(iia'ivd tlic country. They also call it Stari Bazar, or the " Old Market," and the remains of the peak castle are known, like so many other Old Slavonic " grads " hereabouts, as Markova Kida, the " tower," that is, of King's Son Marko. Amongst the remains I discovered a few fragments of Roman sarcophagi, and an ornament of apparently Serbo-Byzantine style, from which, as well as from the local tradition, we may conclude that the ruins are those of a mediasval Serbian town and stronghold, which formerly guarded the Southern end of the pass, as Kacanik the Northern. The chief object of my search was a Roman stone, of the existence of which near these ruins I had been assured by more than one peasant. After more than one fruitless visit to the spot, I was at last successful in finding it in pieces amongst the brushwood on the soutliern steep of the hill. It proved to be a monument erected by the local Republic to the Emperor Gallienus, the most interesting historic relic of Roman Scupi (fig. 55). Eastwards of Kuceviste, a path leads over another mountain spur to the village of Ljubanze, inhabited by a Bulgar population. On the way here I found a " Crkviste " or ruined site of a church, on which were one or two Roman fragments. A little to the West of the village was another similar ruin to a great extent composed of Roman blocks and monuments. Amongst these, firmly bedded for the most part in the walls and foundations were shafts, capitals, and bases of columns, an altar, part of which however had been defaced, and five slabs containing inscriptions, four of them sepulchral (figs. 69, 70, 84, 87), but one containing a dedication to an apparently local God (fig. 58). A little lower down the stream on which Ljubanze lies is the village of Radusan, where a large sepulchral slab had been recently found by an Albanian whilst working in his garden ; it was divided into two compartments, but on one alone was the inscription legible (fig. 77). Above this village again, on a peninsular height, commanding far and wide the plain of Skopia, is the noble church of Ljubiten, roofless, alas ! and doomed to inevitable decay, but still preser\4ng when I saw it some of the most I'emarkable illustrations of the most remarkable period of old Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 93 Serbian history. No traveller has described, and, as far as I am aware, no traveller has hitherto visited this highly interesting shrine, which has long since fallen into the alien and infidel hands of Albanian Mahometans ; and, although the present communication relates rather to the remains of an earlier period, a ciirsory descrip- tion may not be out of jilace. The ground plan of the body of the church is square, terminating externally in a five-sided apse. The cupola, at present in a ruinous state, was supported by four massive columns. Of the capitals one has disappeared entirely, two, perhaps of later date, are merely painted with a chevron ornament, the fourth has its four corners carved into the shape of a scallop, an eagle, a foliated coil, and a ram's head, and it may be remarked that all these ornaments recur in the capitals of the Comnenian Minster church at Matej6i, on the other side of the Karadagh. The walls are of stone alternating with tiles, and over the Western doorway is a Serbian inscription in Cyrillian characters recording the erection of the church to the honour of St. Nicholas in the year 1337, and mider the rule of King Stephen Dusan. But the chief glory of the church are the frescoes within, which were evidently completed after the date when the Serbian monarch assumed the insignia of Empire. On the North wall of the church Czar Dusan himself is to be seen depicted with the Imperial crown vipon his h^ad, and the Imperial mantle on his shoulders, holding a three-limbed cross. At his side, crowned like himself, stand his Empress Helena and his young son Uros, while on either side of the chief entrance rise the Emperor's angelic and saintly protectors ; on the right the " Archistrategi " Michael and Gabriel, and on the left Saints Cosmas and Damian. Both the Czar and his Consort appear as they are repre- sented on their contemporary coinage. No record of this crowming achievement of Dusan's ambition could be better placed than in this chiirch, overlooking afar the domes and towers of his residential City of Skopia, where he first assumed the crown and title of Emperor of the Greeks and Serbs, and of " all Romania." A less questionable monument of Roman rule is to be seen at the East end of the church, where lay a sepulchral slab with a finely wrought cornice, but the inscrip- tion on which was wholly oblitei-ated. It appeared to have formed part of the altar. The remains hitherto described lie amongst the Southern and "Western offshoots of the Dardanian Karadagh, which bounds the plain of Skopia to the Norlh-East. To the "West of the site of Scupi, and on the further side of the the Vardar, rises the elongated limestone-mass of Karsjak, which is detached from the outlying ranges of the Shar to the North by the stupendous cleft of the Treska. IMount Karsjak itself forms the watershed between the Skopia expanse and the basin of the Markova Rjeka, the Roman remains of which I shall treat separately as 94 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricnm. possibly tu be rereiTed to another lMunicij)iuiii. The iiiomnnents however of Koinaii dat« existing on the Eastern slopes of Karisjak come fairly within the antiquarian domains of Scupi itself, and the same may be said <_)f the rugged promontory of the 8har that separates the confluent waters of the Treska and Yardar. At a village at the south-eastern foot of Karsjak, which, like tlie old bath already described, is called Kiselavoda from a slightly bitter sjiring there, had ai)parently been a Roman cemetery; I saw one large iniinscril)ed sarcophagus in s/7», and, according to the Bulgar inhabitants, many others had been dug up at the same spot. Hearing of an inscription graven on a rock on the very summit of the moinitain, I started from Skopia witli local guides, to investigate it. On a liead- land, about an hour above Skopia, 1 observed the ruins of an ancient castle, termi- nating in a })olygonal tower, and with chambers excavated in the ground, from which it derives its name, MarVuva Magazija — " Marko's storehouse." It certainly dates from old Serbian time. About an hour from the summit I came u])on an ancient road, which follows with much evenness the eastern contour of the moun- tain; according to the local account it leads in one direction to Prilip and Ochrida, and in the other over the Shar to Prisren. That it was useful in tlie days of the old Serbian dominion as a means of commimication wnth the numerous monasteries scattered al)out this Alpine region there can be no doubt; it is always ])ossible however that, in part at least, it represents a Roman line of communication between Scupi and Heraclea or Lychnidus. It seems to me not imjjrobabk' tliat this road answers to that described by the Arabian geographer, Edrisi," as leading from Skopia,"' through a place called Bolghoura, or Bolghar, to Ochrida, and thence through " Teberle " (? Debra) to Durazzo." Near the gorge of the Treska I observed on another occasion a branch or continuation of this running Westward along the Korthernmost terrace of Karsjak, which, from its linear directness, ap;)eared to me to be of Roman origin. An hour above this ancient road we reached the summit of the mountain, only to find that the inscription had been recently destroyed by some fanatic. The panorama, however, was magnificent ; to East and North Skopia, its plain and intersecting rivers ; to South and West * GeograpMe d' Edrisi, traduite d'Ai-abe en Fran9ais par P. Am^dee Jaubcit, t. ii. p. 289, 290. * Edi-isi desci-ibes Skopia itself as " a considerable town surrounded by many vineyards and cultivated fields." P'roni Slsopia onwards he mentions a route to Kratova (Koi-tos), where two lines of communication bi-anehed, one to Nish, the other to Seres, Dmnia, and Christopolis. <^ Thei-e is an apparent discrepancy in Edrisi's account. On p. 289 " Bolghoura " is mentioned as " a pretty town on the top of a high mountain," four days from Scopia : on p. 290 " IJoulghar " is mentioned as one day distant from Skopia. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 95 the broad undulating glen drained by the Markova Rjeka and its tributaries ; wliile the snowy line of the Shardagh fringed the North- Western horizon. From the rocky knoll that forms the highest summit of Karsjak we descended to the North-East through woods of Sjjanish chestnut (locally known as Kustanje — a near approach to Castanea) to some remarkable ruins. The first we visited was known as Timpanica, and proved to be the remains of a very substantial stone building ; the walls were strongly cemented of roughly-shaped stones, and may have belonged to a Roman Castellum, but their ground-plan could no longer b& restored with any certainty. About a quarter of an hour below this was a much more extensive ruin. On one side a wall, about six feet broad, of uncemented blocks of the local micaceous rock descended along the side of a ravine ; and, about one hundred yards below, took a turn at right-angles and ran along the face of the slope till it ended in what had been, apparently, a tower. Beyond this point the traces were obscure. The massiveness of the wall points to early times for its construction ; but the rudeness of the blocks and the absence of mortar forbids us to regard it as Roman; It is not impossible that here, on the North- Western declivity of Mount Karsjak we have the remains of an early Dardanian stronghold that existed before the Roman Conquest. The natives call it Sofce, or Sofia ; there was, however, no trace of a church, nor of any work which could be referred to medigeval times. To the North of this, perched on a peninsular sjjur of the same mountain, and shaded by magnificent Avalnut-woods, is the village of Neresi, or Naresi, tenanted by an Albanian population. An ice-cool fountain here bursts from the rock, and it is diificiilt not to connect the name of the village with the primitive word for water lurking in Nereus, and revived in the modern Greek v€.p6, and to recall the Illyrian clan of the Naresii, who, in Pliny's time, inhabited the upper valley of the Narenta, still known as the Neretva.* On the opposite side of the ravine rises a * It is remarkable that in 409 a.d. we find Pope Innocent adch-es.'iing a letter " ifavliano Episcopo Naresitano " in wliioh he refers to the " Clerici Naresienses " as having been iu)miiiated by the heretic bishop Bonosus (of Sei-dica). Fai-hxto, Illyricum Sacrum, remarks on this, ■• Xaresitanaia ecclesiani nnspiam invenies in ecclesiastica geogi-aphia," and would read " Naissilanani " : bnt the pai'allel form " Naresienses " and the high improbability of such a corruption of a well-known name like that of Naissus militate against the suggestion. Here at least wo have an '' Ecclesia Naresitana or Naresiensis of Byzantine date and within a territoi'ial sphere over which a hei'etic bishop of the Metropolis of Dacia Mediteiranca may have usui'pcd authority. Dardania, it must be remembered, was at this time one of the " Five Dacias "; and, though the Meti-opolitan of Scupi seems to have claimed precedence over the Metropolitan of Serdica (see p. 138), Bonosus may have succeeded for a while in turning the tables. 96 Antiij^aaiiaii Researches iti llli/ricum. Byzantine church, which proved to be of considerable interest. It forms part of a small Bulgar monastery, but I noticed that it differed from the prevailing Old Serbian type of this disti'ict in having four turrets at its angles, over and above the central cupola. Inside were some curious early Byzantine fragments, notably a flat marble plaque, on which birds and animals were carved in coilwork medal- lions, of a style which carried one l)ack to tlu' iiol)l(' teiitli-century foundation of the Emperor Romanos, at Styri, in Greece. The proavlion had been destroyed and rel)uilt at a later period, but over the door leading from this into the body of the church was a long slab with the following Byzantine inscription, recording the erection and embellishment of the Church " of the great and glorious Martyr Panteleemon," by an " Alexios Comnenos, son of the imperial-born Theodora, in the year 1165, in the 3rd Indiction, Joannikios being Hegdmen" : \< 6'Kfi jIi eFrH'oHaoc ? ^(ToY K^ireN:a o^^HerM oH^PTvpoc naiiTeh^ woe eKCYHap°HicKYP8 u e f i«y f KOl^HoVMSTicnoP'l'VPoreHHH Iwl^OiCJPACH CCmeHEPrVfle ToYC^Xb^ Fig. 42. t eKAAiePrH©H O XAOG toy AFIOY KAl eNAOHOY MerAAOMAPTYPOC nANTeAHMONOC GK CYNAPOMHC KYPOY (sic) AAeSIOYJ T(OY) KOMNHNOY YIOY THC nOP*YPOreNNHT(IKHC) KYPAC (sic) eeOAirPAC MHN(i) cenxeMBPiir in(aiktiu,inoC) r eTOYC s'XOr HFOYMeXeYONTOC ILUANXIKIOY. Theodora Comnena Forphyrogenita was the youngest daughter of the Emperor Alexios Comnenos (tlll8), and married Constantine Angelos, a noble of Phila- delphia, by whom she became the mother of the imperial race of Angelos." Her son Alexios, the founder, or possibly restorer, of this church, is not mentioned by Ducange in his Familke Bi/zajitliue, but one of her sons, who appears in history as Constantine, distinguished himself in Manuel's campaigns against the Serbians, and after the re-capture of Ras,*" about the year 1150, was left in command of the Byzantine troops in Dalmatia.'' The present inscription affords new evidence of the important position held at this time by the house of Angelos and Theodora in this part of the peninsula. • Ducange Familice Augustoe Byzantinoe, p. 178, and 202. (Paris, 1680). '' Near Novipazar. (See p. 54.) " Kinnamos Hist. Lib. III. Antiq^iiarian Researches in Illyricum. 97 The wall paintings round the church differed slightly in style from the usual old Serbian frescoes of this part, and the scrolls in the Saints' hands were, so far as I observed, in Greek instead of Cyrillian characters. On the massive square pier to the right of the ikonostasis (one of the four supporting the cupola) was a well-executed fresco of St. Panteleemon. The painting was canopied by a remarkable baldacchino, suggestive of Italian parallels, and forming a trefoil arch over which peacocks linked in Byzantme knotwork were carved within a palmetto border. In the porch was a large Eoman gravestone (fig. 63), interesting as giving a Thracian name and its Latin alternative. From Naresi I descended to the level of the Vardar and made my way along a road which follows first its right bank and then the right bank of the Treska to the village of Sisova, which lies at the Eastern opening of the Treska ravine. "Walled into the little church here were several Roman fragments, including two Ionic capitals. My exploration of the iron-gates of the Treska above may be passed over here" as the interest attaching to the churches of St. Nikola and St. Andrea that lie in that almost inaccessible region belongs to the days of the Old Serbian kings ; nor did I anywhere notice Roman monuments. The trace of an ancient road running along the terrace of Mount Karsjak, that breasts this Treska ravine has been already noticed ; it is probable that the mediaeval road which, according to tradition, eventually brought this mountain district into connexion with the Czarigrad, Prisren, crossed the Treska near the village of Sisova, as there are still traces of an ancient bridge. Here, on the left bank of the stream, which at present has to be forded, rises the Monastery of Matkovo, with a fine Serbo- Byzantine church. "Walled into the church was a Roman sepulchral slab (fig. 71), a Byzantine relief of birds in interlaced medallions, a column, and many other ancient fragments ; and from a spot a little below the monastery I was brought a portion of another Roman monument reading — FLA . V . . . AP The old road-line that skirts the heights above, to the left of the river, would have afforded a means of access from the basin in which Scupi anciently stood to " It is well, however, to mention that the upper course of the Treska as depicted on the Austrian Stabs-karte is entirely erroneous. No tributaiy I'uns into it near St. Nikola, and the river itself takes a long straight turn to the West above that monastery, instead of running, as represented, from the North. On my sketch-map I have corrected the geogi'aphy of this district so fai- as my explorations enabled me. 98 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. the undulating glens of the IMarkova Rjeka, separated from the Skopia plain by the intervening mass of Mount Karsjak, the antiquities of which, as jiossibly belonging to the Ager of another Roman Municipium, it may be well to present in a collective form. This region is of the greatest fertility, and is covered with cherry orchards, the fruit of which is the finest in the country ; but a still more important feature, as explaining the presence of Roman settlements, is an old gold mine on the right bank of the Markova Rjeka, a little below the village of Susica, which, according to my local informant, was still worked by the Turks only a dozen years back. A little above Susica is the interesting Monastery, Markov Manastir, where the tomb of the legendary hero of Serbian Epic is still to be seen, ^:m\^^'- AtXAADERVI X1TANNI5 VllllCAfW 1E5AEXA/V DRIFILIO PIE/iri5Sl M0P05VIT Fig. 43. Fig. 44. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 99 together with other old Slavonic frescoes and inscriptions of great importance for the mediaeval history of these coim tries. Here I observed, walled into the church, a monument to a Veteran of the Seventh, Claudian, Legion* (fig. 43). On the Western slope of Mount Karsjak, in the village of Dolnji Sulna, the fountain was adorned with a sepulchral slab containing the Illyrian name-form " Gatties," the son of Alexander (fig. 44). ALBXANDBE VIXIT ANNIS Villi GATTIES ALEXANDRI FILIO PIENTISSIMO POSVIT. In the upper church of the same village were two aJcroteria of Roman tombs, a portion of a cornice or pedestal, and other fragments. Near this, at Govarljevo, were several more ancient fragments, including an altar with a defaced inscription, DM C-1VLIV5 GLAYCI Fig. 45. >>. LAVFID F#fe. GP-F-DIO vixitan;/ CAPITO Fig. 46. Incompletely given by Engelliardt, loc. cit. 02 100 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. and at Barova opposite, ^vere three Roman inscriptions. Two of these of sepul- chral character (figs. 45 and 46) were walled into the precincts of the church. One of them (fig. -iG), apparently referred to a VETeranus LECiionis VII. ClauditB Pice Felicis, who was also Dscnrio of a Colony,* in all probability of Scupi. The third inscription in a neighbouring cottage wall, though in an imperfect condition, is of considerable interest. It is part of an altar to Fortuna, apparently erected by a local Hcs PuhJica, but whether the name on the penultimate line refers to the city, or is an indigenous epitaph of Fortuna, it is not easy to determine — Fig. 47. F0ETVN.*£ SACRVilf BETVAN . . . ? KES Tuhlica Taciendum curavit. In this valley and on the heights of Mount Karsjak above, as in other places in the kSkopia district were patches of the wild pear-tree — the Albanian Darda — with which Von Hahn connects the ancient name of Dardania.** » It must be observed, however, that the stone appears to read dfc . c and not dec . c. '' In the accusative form Barde-ne. Von Hahn Albanesische Studien, p. 236, compares the ancient derivation of the kindred Mysian race from a tree called in their hmguage Mvaos = the Okl Gi'eek 'oKmi, and instances Hcsiod's account of Zeus creating the thii-d or brazen race of men from ash trees QkhcXiuv). Antiquarian Researches in lUijricum. 101 Having briefly surveyed the Roman remains of the Markova Ejeka and the ranges that skirt the Vardar basin on either side .of the site of Scupi, I may turn to those existing in the modern town of Skopia and its immediate neighbourhood. It will be convenient to confine our present attention to the earlier relics to be seen in Skopia, and to defer the description of those of Byzantine dates till we come to treat of the later foundation of Justinian. It is noteworthy that none of the Roman monuments in the town itself have any claim to be considered in situ. The fine stone bridge which here spans the Vardar has, as already observed, no title to be considered Roman, and belongs to the category described in the preceding paper, of great bridges built by Italian and Dalmatian architects for Turkish governors in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, of which the old bridges over the Drina at Gorazda and Visegrad are conspicuous examples. Neither in the bridge itself, nor in the walls of the Akropolis that rises above it on the left bank of the Vardar, is there any trace of Roman construction. In the outer wall of the Akropolis there are however one or two fragments of inscriptions (figs. 81 and 82) that have been walled in at a later period. According to Hahn another existed near the entrance gate, but at present all traces of it have dis- appeared. In the lower town the Roman remains are mostly scattered about the Easternmost quarter, and in the old Hamam " of the Two Sisters " I saw several slabs presenting more or less fragmentary inscriptions (figs. 73, 'lA, 79). In the pavement of a neighbouring street was a large part of another containing the con- cluding lines of an elegiac epitaph to a local Nestor (fig. 68). In the wall of a ruined Mosque was also a sepulchral tablet (fig. 80), and the troughs of the drink- ing fountains in this part of Skopia are to a great extent made of Roman sar- cophagi. A little below the Musta Pasha Dzamia I observed an altar to Silvanus, while another altar with a Greek inscription and apparently dedicated to Zeus had recently been found by a Turkish Sheik in his garden in the Balaban IMahala, where he courteously invited me to inspect it (fig. 57). A point to be noted abovit the distribution of the Roman remains in Skopia itself is, that they approximately indicate the course of what was undoubtedly, in Roman times, the main line of communication between Scupi and the Macedonian towns to the South. The present direct route to Velese and the Lower Vardar runs nearer that river, but the older way takes an Eastward turn, along a low line of hills, in order to avoid the swamps of this part of the Vardar level. This older way, as the remains along it show, represents the course of the Roman road. At Skopia itself are two fragments of Roman milestones. No. 1 is embedded in a naiTOw lane near the clock-tower ; No. 2, which is in a still more mutilated 102 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. condition, supports a wooden column of tlio verandah in front of a Turkish house, near the Orthodox school, 1 IM . CAESAR/ . . . LU\1 TRAIAXI PArTH . F . DIVI NERVAE NEPOr/ TR.UAN0 n^OR/^XO km . P . J[ . Ti;i/? . POTEST . ...OP 2 . . . ])ontifici jfAXlMO .... Tribunicia potestatb . . cos III The first of these milestones belongs to Hadrian's time." The remains in the Southern part of the plain of Skopia, to the left of the Vardar, may be all conveniently considered in their relation to the Roman "Way the course of which is marked by their occurrence. About a mile out of Skopia, to the South-East, the old road, which I venture to identify with the Roman Way, passes near a melon garden, in which I saw a Roman sepulchral inscription (fig. 83). To the East again of this lies the village of Hassanbeg, where, in making the new road to Kumanovo, the workmen had recently come upon a large " ^vritten stone." The stone proved to be a heavy block, submerged in a deep trench by mud and water from recent heavy rains. It was only, after an hour's struggle, and with the aid of eight peasants, that the stone was raised to such a position that, standing up to my waist in liquid mud and water, I was able to copy it. It proved to be of great interest, as referring to an Augustal "of the Colony of Scupi " (fig. 50). To the South-East of this is the village of Belombeg, with a Mahometan and medifBval cemetery, where, according to the local tradition of the Bulgar peasants, had once been a Monastery dedicated to St. Peter. By the cistern here was the lid of a huge Roman sarcophagus, overturned and used as a trough for cattle, on the underside of which was a sepulchral inscription in well-cut letters (fig. 86).'' " It was undoubtedly from this stone that Edward Brown derived his inscription shianc See p. 83. No. 1 has been given by Dr. Kenner in a but sliglitly variant form on Herr Lippich's authority. See Sitzungsber. d. Wiener Akad. v. 80, p. 274 ; Eph. Ep. vol. iv. p. 82. '' This block was so heavy that it took six men to lever it sufficiently for mc to icad the inscription. The Hassanbeg stone ha.s since been removed to the Konak at Skopia. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricurn. 103 Beyond Belombeg the road, -^vliicli is liere a broad grassy track, forks into two branches, — each in all probability representing a Roman road-line, — that to the left leading to Istib, the ancient Astabus, that to the right being the main line of communication with Stobi and Thessalonica. Following the latter — still a grassy track — for about twenty minutes in the direction of the village of Ibrahimovce, 1 came upon the most satisfactory evidence of its Roman origin. On a grassy slope above the road lay the massive base of a Roman milestone, but the upper part of the column, containiug the inscription, had unfortunately been broken off. Near this lay a large Roman slab with a cornice, and several other ancient blocks. There is at present no himian habitation in the immediate neighbourhood of these remains, but I found that the spot was known to the peasants as " Rusalinsko," a name which seems to me to be of the highest interest. The Roman liusalia, the spring-feast of the dejaarted, as opposed to the Brwnalia, or winter-feast, answering, as it did, to a widespread vernal celebration, not by any means confined to Aryan peoples, took a firm hold on the provincials, notably in the old Thracian part of the Empire, where in the gardens of ]\Iidas bloomed, it was said, the hun- dred-petalled rose. The practice of strewing the graves with flowers, though at first stoutly opposed by the Christian Church, had finally to be accepted by them, and in the Eastern Empire at least the pagan spring-feast of the Manes appears to have long retained its ancient name. Whether Slavonic tribes early acquired the name from actual contact with the Empire in Dacia, or whether they absorbed it, in the process of assimilating East Roman populations after their occupation of the Peninsula, it is certain that the Roman name for the feast — and that, origi- nally, at least, in no derived Christian sense — has spread, not only to the lUyrian Slavs, but beyond the limits of the Roman Empire to the Russians, and even the Lithuanians." The Russian Nestor (sub anno 1087) mentions the Rusalije amongst unholy merrymakings ; and " Rusalka," a derivative of this, has come to mean a Russian fairy. In the twelfth century, the Byzantine, Theodore Balsamon, in his Commentary on the 62nd Canon of the sixth Council of Trullo, which took " Some interesting remarks on the Slavonic Eiisalje, Rusalije, &c., and their connexion with the Roman Busalia will be found in Miklosich, Die Btisalien (^Sitzungsherichte der k. Akad, d. Wissensch vol. xlvi. p. 386 seqq.), and W. Tomaschek, Vber Brumalia und Bosalia (Sitzungsberichte, Sfc. vol. v. p. 351 seqq.). For the Roman Bosalia, see especially F. M. Avellino, Oposcoli (t. iii. p. 247 seqq.). Amongst the Lithuanians there is a June feast called Basos Svente, which Miklosich shows to be the same celebration and derived from Bosas. Several inscriptions recording the celebration of the Rosalia on old Thracian soil have been discovered by Heuzey (ie Pantheon des rochers de Philippes, in Mission- de Macedoine, p. 152 seqq.). The Roman Bosalia, at least in later times, seem to have been specially associated with the cult of Flora (Cf. Ovid, Fasti, lib. v.) 104 Antiqxiarian Researches in Illyricum. place in the seventli century, explains the ungodly assemblies there condemned as the " Rusalia," still celebrated, he tells \is, in out-of-the--way disti-icts. Amongst the Bulgars, who to a not inconsiderable extent represent a Slavonized Rouman population, this name for the old Parentalia, the spring-feast of departed spirits, has transferred itself to the Christian feast of the Holy Spirit, without, however, losing some of its heathen associations. The Bulgarian writer Zachariev mentions a spot near some ancient ruins, in the Tatar Bazardzik district, whither at the time of the " Rusalje " the sick are brought to be cured by laying them on a bed of rose-like flowers, sacred to the Elves, or " Samodwas."" It is probable enough that this or similar practices have attached the name to the ruin-field of " Rusalinsko." As to the actual practice of crowning tombs with roses and other flowers at the season of the Rusalje, it prevails throughout all this region, and in village after village I found the gravestones decorated with bunches of sweet-smelling herbs and flowers, amongst which roses were conspicuous. Beyond " Rusalinsko," approaching the village of Ibrahimovce, the terrace of the Roman road was clearly traceable, running along a low slope which overlooks an old bed of the Vardar, filled in places ivith dead water. This ancient bed of tlie river, and the swamps in which its course is ultimately lost, amply account for the easterly curve taken by the old Thessalonican highway at this point. The modern road runs straight from Ibrahimovce to Uskiip, but in rainy seasons it is often impassable, and travellers have to make their way by the older track. Ibrahimovce itself is a small Bulgarian village, but it contains a monument of antiquity, interesting in itself, and of greater interest in its connexion with a local cult which has at least all the superficial appearance of being a direct inheritance from Roman times. Lying on its back on the village green was a large block, which proved on examination to be a Roman altar, erected to Jupiter Optimus Maximus, by an ^Edile of a Colonia, of which we learn no more than that its name began with co . . . , who was also Duumvir of the Colony of Scupi. To my astonishment, I learnt that this monument of Roman municipal piety towards the " cloud-compeller " is still the object of an extraordinary local cult. I was informed by one of the inhabitants that in time of drought the whole of the villagers, both Christian and Mahometan, with a local Bey at their head, go together to the stone, and, having restored it to its upright position, pour libations of wine over the top, praying the while for rain. The language of the villagers is at present a Slavonic dialect, and the name of Jove was as unknown " See Jirecek, Qeschichte der Bidgaren, p. 56. AntiqiMvian Researches in Illyricmn. 105 to them as the inscription on the stone was unintelligible. Nevertheless, it was difficnlt not to believe that in this remote Illyrian nook some local tradition of the w ^'V^CASSIVS ..'-H^lbpLCOlIVIR l»V:>:'ilVlR W l^Uf^ COLON rniz f I Fi^. If<. cult of Jupiter Pluvius had survived all historic changes. The ceremonial pro- cedure essentially differs from the time-honoured Slavonic method of procuring rain. In Serbia, where the practice chiefly flourishes, a girl known as a Dodola, ] 06 Antiquanan Researches in Illyricimi. after being fii'st stripped almost to a state of nature, and then dressed np witli garlands and green branches, is led from house to house, singing what is called a Dodola song, in return for which she is well soused with water by the inmates." Among the Bulgars the Dodola reappears as the "Preperuga;" and the preva- lence of this practice among the old Slovene settlers in the Balkan lands is shown by its transmission from them to the Romaic Greeks'* and the Wallachians. But libations, and libations of wine, poured on an altar, and that an altar of Jupiter, introduce us to an altogether different cult. The solemn assembly of the villagers led by the local Bey, or Mahometan landowner, irresistibly reminds us of the Roman rain-procession, as described by Petronius, when the women, " clad in stoles, made their way barefoot — chaste of mind and with dishevelled hair — to the sacred hill, and won rain from Jupiter by their prayers, so that then or never it rained bucketsfull, and all laughed to find themselves as wet as rats." Petro- nius speaks of the disuse of this practice at Rome itself as a sympton of the irreligious spirit of the Age, but it was precisely one of those homely rites that woiild most naturally survive in country places. The Emperor Antoninus, in his Meditations, cites the Athenian prayer, " Rain, rain, dear Zeus, on the ploughed fields and plains of the Athenians," as the very model of simple and noble prayer. To the paganus it was certainly the most necessary, and in a country where both the new year's feast of the Kalendas and the summer feast of the Rosalia are still known by derivatives of their Roman names, the possibility of a survival of the Roman rain-procession and of the calling down of rain by votive offerings and prayer cannot be absolutely excluded. The fact that the present inhabitants of the district are Slavonic-speaking cannot weigh against this possibility. In tla' old Dalmatian regions I have already, more than once, had occasion to insist on the survival of the Romanized indigenous population in a Slavonic guise. In Dardania the evidence of this is at least as strong,"^ and in the neighbouring Thracian districts the old tribal names have in some cases been preserved by populations who would, so far as speech is concerned, at present be classed as Bulgarians or Serbs. Thus the ' Cf. Vuk Stopanovic, Lexicon, s. v. Dodola. A Dodola song is translated hy llr. Ralston in his Songs of the Russiaji People, p. 228. The derivation is obscui'c. ^ The modem Greeks have the Dodola in the form of nopmipiwva which is simply derived fi-om the nasalized old Slovene form of Preperuga. The Wallachian name is Papelnga. Compare also Pr/joruse and Prpac, alternative male forms of the "Dodola" among the Serbs of Dahnatia (Vuk Stefanovic Lexicon s. v.). Prpa is a Serbian word for ashes mixed with water. <= See p. 47. Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. 107 Noropes, wlio inhabited this very region of the Upper Axios, re-appear as the Neropch or Meropch of the early Serbian laws ; the Mijatzi of the Dibra district have been compared with their Moesian predecessors ; the Pijanci, who still inhabit a tract in Northern Macedonia, with the old PjBonians; the Sopi of the Sofia basin recall the Thracian Sapsei, and the Timaci of Ptolemy find their con- tinnity on the banks of the same river as the Slavonic Timociani. Amongst the Albanian tribes the evidence of the absorption of Romanized elements is still more striking, nor is this anywhere more evident than amongst those members of the Albanian race who inhabit the Dardanian ranges." That these North-Easternmost representatives of Skipetaria should have become thus saturated with Latin linguistic elements — Rouman rather than Roman in character — shows the long survival in the old Dardanian province of Vlach successors of the Latin-speaking provincials, a survival amply attested by Old Serbian Chrysobulls like the Decani grant of Stephen Dusan. There is evidence that in the early Middle Ages there was a Rouman population in the neighbourhood of Skopia.'' Nor is the dis- appearance of this element from the Upper Vardar basin necessarily to be accounted for by wholesale emigration. We are justified in inferring that the same phenomenon that we have been enabled to ascertain in the case of parts of Southern Dalmatia, of Herzegovina and Montenegro, has repeated itself in these Dardanian valleys ; and that here, too, a Romance population, after long existing side by side with elements Slavonic and Albanian, has finally, and after first passing through a bi-lingual stage, adopted the language of one or other of its political superiors, though more often, it must be admitted, of the Albanians. If there is one thing that my present explorations have placed beyond the region of controversy, it is that the native Dardanian population of this whole region, whether on the plains of the Vardar or in the gorges of the Karadagh and neigh- bouring ranges, had by the third and fourth centuries of our era become thoroughly Romanized. Roman inscriptions, as we have seen, and as I shall yet have to show, are scattered throughout the remotest glens of the country, and the proportion on them of indigenous names is distinctly less than on the monuments existing on the Roman sites in the back parts of Dalmatia Montana. The present Slavonic speech of the inhabitants of Ibrahimovce is, therefore, by no means an insuperable bar to the possible survival among them of Roman traditions. The rite itself, moreover, is, as we had shown, foreign to the pi'e- " See p. 71. '' Vlaclis near Skopia are mentioned undei- the Bulgarian Czar Constantine (1258-1277). See Jirecek, Geschichte der Bulgaren, p. 218. p 2 108 Antiquarian Researches in lUi/rirum. valent Slavonic usage, whether amongst Serbs or Bulgars. The cult of certain stones and rocks is, indeed, widely spread amongst the Albanians; " but I am not aware of any rain-compelling ceremony amongst them at all answering to that performed over this altar of Jupiter. Equally impossible is it to regard llic jiresent rite as of Oriental origin, though the Turks and Mahometans geuei'ally have undoubtedly taken over from the jirimitive Chaldtean religion the cult of innumerable local " betuli," besides the Caaba. On the other hand, it is well to remember tliat, apart from the utilization of an altar of Jove for the jwrjiosi' (which may, after all, be the result of extraordinary coincidence), the ])ractiee of obtaining rain by means of libations poured on a holy stone re-appears in the most remote quarters of the globe. Thus, among the Kol tribes of Bengal the women climb the hill which is supposed to be the Rain-God himself, and ])lace offerings of milk on the flat rock at the top, after which the wives of the Pahans, with loosened tresses, pray the Mountain God to give seasonable rain.'' The liljation on a rock for such a purpose has also Celtic parallels. In the Roman df Ron, the Breton Imnters go to the spring of Berenton, fill their horns with water, and pour it on the fountain -stone to produce a copious rainfall,'' The CoL . Co .... of the inscription on the altar is not impossibly connected witli the site of a considerable Roman settlement that I discovered on the hills about half-an-hour to the Bast of Ibrahimovce. My attention had been originally " An extraordinary instance of sucli a cult at the village of Selci belonging to llic Clemcnti ti-ibe is given in I)e6aiiski Prvenac, Novisad (Neusatz), 1852, p. 81. ^ Tylor (Primitive Culture, vol. ii. p. 260, 2nd ed.), who cites Palton, Koh in Tr. Ethn. Soc. vol. vi. p. 3.5. « Eoman de Bou, ii. 6.399. (Ed. Andresen ii. 283). " La fontaine de Berenton SoT't d'une part lez un pci-ron ; Alcr soleient ueneor A Berenton par grant clialor, E a lor cors I'eue espuisier E le perron desus moillier, Por CO soleient pluio aiieir; Issi soleit iadis ploueir En la forest e enuirun Mais io ne sai par quel raison." Cf. Grimm. Deutsche Mythologie (4th Ed.) vol. iii. p. 494. At Kulen Vaknp in Bosnia I came upon the i-everse of this method. There, sacred stones are let dow-n in a net into the sjiring to produce rain. If the stones were to drop out of the net a gi-eat flood would ensue. See my lUyrian Letters, p. 109. For another Breton parallel see Crestien de Troies, TA romans dou Chevalier an Lynn, V. 387, seqq. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricvm. 109 attracted to tlie spot by the sight of two round barrows which crown two opposite headlands about 250 feet above the level of the plain. The nearer of these I under- took to excavate, Feik Pasha kindly supplying me with workmen for the purpose. The greater part of the barrow, which was fourteen feet in height, consisted of a concretion of clay and calcareous particles very difficult to dig into, so that it took fifteen men two days and a-half to cut a trench as deep as the base of the mound to its centre. The results were disappointing; besides a surface interment, probably of the Roman period, consisting of two skeletons, a fragment of iron, and a couple of Ijronze rings, I found nothing, except some horse-bones at a depth of twelve feet. The mound would therefore not be of sepulchral origin, and both it and its fellow about a mile distant may possibly, as in the case of the mounds to be seen at intervals both on the Egnatian Way and the Agger Publicus that traversed Central Illyricum, have stood in some relation to a Roman road. The excavation of the mound, though otherwise unfruitful, gave me leisure to explore the neighbouring country. In the valley, between the two mounds, I found the surface of the ground literally strewn with Roman tiles and pottery. The natives univer- sally recognise the fact that an ancient town once existed here, and call the site " Seliste," which literally means "the site of a settlement," the mound itself being known by the presumably Rouman name of Tumha. To the Bast of the Tumha the remains extended to the village of Hadzalar, in which di- rection the peasants assured me there had formerly been considerable blocks of masonry (since removed to build the Bey's Konak in two neighbouring- villages), and the remains of a conduit constructed of tiles. Here also had been lately discovered a bronze figurine answering to the description of one that I subsequently saw in the possession of a merchant at Uskiip. It represented a very late Roman type of Mercury with wings on his heels, and apparently growing out of his head. In his left arm he held an infant Faun with long pointed ears, and in his risrht hand a broken caduceus. In the Turkish graveyard, outside Hadzalar, I observed a large block which proved to be an altar dedicated to Fig. 49. 110 Antiquarian Besearches in Illi/ricnm. Hercules Conservator, much defaced however, as the annexed iUnstration will show (fig. 49). Above Hadzalar opens a glen leading to the village of Tekinoselo, where is a Teke or shrine kept by a Dervish, containing a stone pillar which is the object of a singular cult. I "will reserve, however, an account of tlic mysteries at wliicli I here assisted for another occasion, as they have not the same classic associations as those of Ibrahimovce. From Ibrahimovce the course of the Roman road answers approximately to that of the present highway to Kaplan Khan. To the left, the road skirts a long sedgy pool known as Jezero or the Lake, more anciently the lake of Jelatno, the haunt of innumerable pelicans and wild ducks, and thence crosses a low neck of land, where the terrace of the Roman Way is distinctly "\asible, to the valley of the Pcinja. On the right bank of the stream, about half-an-hour above, is a spot called Illidze or Banja, where are some hot sulphur l)aths much frequented by the natives. The bath-house is a rude shelter surrounding a square open basin well- formed of four gradations of stone steps descending to a flat bottom, and thus resembling on a smaller scale the newly-discovered Roman bath at Bath. Above this bath-house, on the top of a rocky eminence largely composed of a siilphurous deposit, is a smaller square pool cut out of the rock and fed by a channel from a square cistern also cut out of the rock, presenting every appearance of Roman antiquity. The temperature of the water is here 105° Fahr. Above this again is another covered Turkish bath of more tepid water, and near it the remains of an ancient quarry with the ends of shafts of columns still in situ, showing that they were cut out of the rock into their round form before being detached from the stone matrix. Below were some modern quarries which had been worked, at the time the Macedonian railway was made, by Italian workmen, but which were wholly distinct from the ancient cuttings. Along the top of the ridge on which the baths and quarry lie was the very distinct track of an old road leading in the direction of Kaplan, with the wheel marks furrowed into the rock, reminding one of a street of Pompeii. There is thus distinct evidence that both the stone- quarries and thermal springs of Banja were known to the Romans, and I have no doubt that its site answers to the Bath Station marked on the Tabula Pewtingeriana as the first after Sciipi on the Thessalonica road. It will be convenient to reserve my observations on the highland angle between the Pcinja and the Vardar and the ancient remains associated with the suggestive names of Taor and Bader till I come to discuss the birth-place of AntiquarioM Researches in lUyricum. Ill Justinian and the sites of Tauresium and Bederiana. I will therefore proceed at once to pass in brief review tlie inscriptions that I have been able to collect on the actual site of the ancient Scupi and the sur- rounding district, included as we may legiti- mately infer in the municipal Ager. Of inscriptions referring to the constitu- tion, magistrates, and hierarchy of the Roman colony I have collected nine in all, including the altar already described referring to a local Duumvir, apparently an Augustal, and giving Scupi the title of Colonia. This title and the name of the city reappear on the inscription (fig. 50) discovered near Hassanbeg." From the name JJlpius occurring on this monument, coupled with the fact that an JJlpia Marcia appears on another stone from the neighbourhood, we might be tempted to suppose that the Colony itself dated back to Trajan's time. From the title aelia however applied to Scupi on an inscription at Rome," it would appear that the town was first made a Roman Colony in the time of his succes- sor, Hadrian. It is to Hadrian's reign there- fore, or shortly after that tune, that we must refer the following remarkable inscription (fig. 61, see p. 90) from Kuceviste, erected to the memory of a Veteran of the Seventh Legion, who appears to have been one of the original colonists. Fi^. so. " D-AA M-VLPIVS-[V LIVS-AVG-CO LON -SCVP- VfX ANN XXVI SVI 14^FrP N;^fMAtlTO 'BE'NEMEREN TI POSVIT a See p. 102. * NEMESI / SANCTAE / CAMPESTRI . PRO SA/lvTE . IiOMINORVM . / NX . AVGG . P . AKL . P . F/ AELIA PACATVS . / SCVPIS . QVOD . COH DOC / TOB . VOVKRAT . NVNC / CAMPI . DOCTOR . COH . I ./PR . PV . SOMNIO . ADMO / NITVS . POSVIT . L . L. In Kelleiinan, Vigil. Rom. No. 119. Il' Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. # Qf.ERONl iVSM-FSCA RVFVS veTlegviIgpf bEDVCTIClVS I T-F-I I Fig. 51. Q. PETRONius . t/iarci Filius scAptia (sc. tril)ii) rvfvs VEieranus hi&oionis vii claudiae viae Yelicis dedvcticivs Titulum rieri lussit. The stone would be remarkable if only from the fine execution of the inscrip- tion and from the arabesque design of the frieze wliich almost savours of Italian Renascence. The epithet Dedvcticivs applied to this Veteran is new to the Latin vocabulary, but on the analogy of similar forms like dediticius^^^^one belonging to Antigtiarian Researches in Illyricum. 113 tlie class of dediti, missicius^oi the missi, translaticius=^he\ongiag to the translati, can only be taken as meaning tliat he was one of the deducti or of the Veterans originally "deduced" to form the Colonia. On another monument (fig. 52) from Brazda, there appears mention of a Miles dedudus of the same legion, and both this and the preceding are of value as revealing the name of the trilDe to which the Colony belonged, namely, the Scaptian. Fig. 53 from Nekistan, also appears to contain the word [C]oLONm. K^, 4 GRAVCONI CFSCAPT1A&. VERECVNDVS VETERANVSLEG V1ICI:^-%!NSIGNK: -■^^yMV DEDVCm V ■■! X ITMN N 05 XXXI S C-i ONON OLOKK MFC Fig. 52. Fi.'. 5:i. Of the highest civic interest is the following inscription (fig. 54) from the church at Kuceviste " (see p. 90), which from the style of the letters and general execution can not well be later than the second century of our era. " A mutilated and blundered vcr.sion of this inscription was communicated by " a Belgrade professor " to M. Engelhardt and published by him in the Revue Archeologique, vol. xxvi. p. 137, from which it has been copied into the Ephemeris Epigraphica, vol. ii. p. 497. It is strange that there should have been any difficulty about this clear and boautifully-cut inscriptiim. Q 114 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricmn. l__ D ^ M SEX^CAELIDI VS^SEC\AQ/S S'C'LYPI'ETMT //RyAE^coyvii NIAE-nUO^AE MIL^STOBOS CVi^ORDO^C© SCVP^ONORES AEDIL'ET'DECV RIONATVS^CON XVIIl^DIES^XXXX* Fig. 54. I) . jr. SEXTUS OAELIDIVS SEOVNDVS {sC. SEXTO CAELIDIO SECVNDO) S. C. LVPI . ET MATm AVRAE COMINIAE FILIO AEMILm (sC. Tribll) STOBOS, cvi OEDO cohoniae scxTensis onores A^mhitatis et decvrionatus CONTVLIT . yiK.it ANTios XVIII DIES xxxx . mc sepultus Est. Here, there can be no doubt, tliat by an error not uncommon on sepulchral tituli the name of the Sextus Cjelidius Secundus to whom the monument was erected is placed in the nominative instead of the dative case. The female form of the name, Cwlidia Secuiula, occurs in another Scupese inscription discovered at Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 115 JI\lVICTO GAL LI E NOAVG MO VOL "fi VQ V E C^OMPA Fig. 55. Zlokucani,' the name of Avra or Aveha is found on three Italian tombs.'' This inscription is not only interesting as bringing Scupi into intimate and amicable connexion with the great Macedonian staple of the lower Axios, the Colony of Stobi, but as informing us for the first time that it was to the ^milian tribe that Stobi belonged. The most remarkable feature however in this monument is the decree it records of the Ordo Colonise Scu^Densis, conferring the hono- rary distinction of the ^dileship and mem- bership in the local Senate on a yoiith who died at the premature age of eighteen. It appears probable that in this case ° the titles belonged to the " sepulchri supervacioos lionores " of a kind specially frequent, it would seem, in the Macedonian province. On monuments foimd at Drama, near Philippi/ the " orna- menta decurionalia " are found conferred on mere children of five and six years of age. The mention of the name of Scupi on this and two of the preceding inscriptions (figs. 48 and 50) will sufficiently refute those geogra- phers who, like Professor Tomaschek, would transpoi't the ancient Scupi from the banks of the Vardar and the vicinity of Usklip to some as yet undiscovered Roman site in the valley of the Biilgarian Morava. The most interesting historic monument however of Eoman Scupi (fig. 55) remains to " D . Jl/CAELIDIA . Se/cVNDA . VIX . AN L / H . S . E . CL / HERCVLANVS MA / RITVS B . M . P . . GivCJl in Eph. Ep. vol. ii. 498. " C. I. L. V. 5963, NVJIMIA AVKHA, of Canusium ; ix. 395, atilia avra, at Milan ; x. 2438, ma«cia .4VEA, at Naples. ■^ See Mommsen, Eph. Ep. loc. cit. ; and cf. C. I. L. v. 1892, where in the case of the (rnaiinentu dicoviralia he observes : " Oniamenta duovii-alia cum non soleant concedi vivo nisi ei qui per legem duovii' fieri non possit, crediderim et hie et in aliis similibus (ut Henzen 7172), ubi ingenuis ea tribuuntui", significari ornamenta post moi-tem decreta, sepultura^ causa." « C. I. L. iii. 649, 659. q2 116 Antiquarian Researches in Ilh/ rii-iiiii. be described. This is the broken slab found by me on tlie steep of Davina (see p. 92) containing the follo\ring remarkable dedication to the Emperor Galliemis by the local Commonwealth. /xviCTO mveraton 'Pio Felici (tALLIENO A\Gusto, DIS ANIMO VOLTTQVE COMPARI lies viibUca. From the form of the slab (which is about five feet high), it may be assumed that it formed part of the basis of a statue of the Emperor himself," and a historical record has been preserved to us which supplies at least a probable occasion for the erection of such a monument by the citizens of Scupi. The reign of Gallienus was one of the darkest periods in the history of the Illyrian provinces under the Roman Empire. It was at this time that Trajan's Dacia was ^^rtually lost,'' tliough a formal recognition of the fact Avas postponed to the time of Aui'elian. Thrace, Mace- donia, Thessaly, Achaia, and Epirus were over-run by the Groths, while the Sarma- tian hordes, after devastating the Pannonias in conjunction with the Quadi in, or shortly after, 258 a.d." extended their ravages to the neighbouring Moesian province. From a letter of Claudius, afterwards of Gothic fame, to Regalian, then " Dux lUyrici," it appears that Gallienus' lieutenant had gained a victory, or rather a series of victories in a single day, over the Sarmatians under the walls of Scupi. " I have learnt," says Claudius in this epistle, " what you have shown yourself to be in the fight at Scupi, of the number of your conflicts in a single day, and of the speed with which you brought them to a successful issue." Claudius begs him to send him of the spoil some Sarmatian bows and a couple of cloaks with their fibulas attached, the Sarmatian fibula being then highly prized in the Roman Empire. He warns Regalian however, in cautious language, to be careful A^dth his victories as more likely under such a prince to lead to the scaifold than to a triumph.'" " Compare for the abbreviated character of the lines the almost contempoi'ary inscription on a six-sided base of a statue of Marsyas erected pro sa / lvte / et in / colv / iuta / tk d d / n n va / leuia / NiET / GALLi / ENI / AVGG &c. at Verecunda in the Pro\Tnce of Numidia (C. I. L. viii. 4219). The whole insci-iption in this latter case extended over three sides of the base containing sevei-ally twelve, fom-teen, and eight lines. '' Sextns Riifus, in Brev. " Dacia Gallieno imperatore amissa est." Foi' Aurelian's Dacia cf. Fl. Fopiscus, 39, from whom Eutropius (ix. 15) copies. Mcesia is described as " deperdita " at this time. ' "Fusco (lege Tnsco) et Basso Consnlibus" the date of Ingenuus' revolt (Treb. Poll, xxx Tyranni. 8), which was caused by the imminence of this Sarmatian invasion. " Treb. PoUio. Triginta Tyranni ix. " Claudius Regilliano (sic) multam .salutem. Felicem Antiquarian Researches in IJhjricnm. Ill This victory, as gained under the auspices of Gallienus, would in oflEicial acts be ascribed to his name, and in the triumph which he celebrated at Rome, on the occasion of his decennaUa in 263, we find Sarmatian captives, real or pretended, led amongst the others. There were, moreover, special reasons why the citizens of Scupi, then with the other Dardanian cities included in Upper Moesia, should seek to court Gallienus' favour. The inhabitants of Moesia had just received a fearful lesson of the Emperor's ferocity in the massacres and executions consequent on the abortive elevation of Ingenuus to the purple by the provincial legionaries. G-allienus, roused on this occasion from his habitual apathy, had fallen with fury on Ingenuus' supporters, and, having defeated the usurper, " wreaked a savage vengeance not only on the Moesian soldiers but on the citizens at large." In some cities, we are told," the whole male population was exterminated, and it was on this occasion that Gallienus addressed to his lieutenant Verianus a letter unsurpassed in any age for bloodthirsty ferocity.'' The outcome of these cruelties was that the Moesians in despair proclaimed Regalianus, whose victory over the Sarmatians had proved his capacity, and whose Dacian parentage and alleged descent from Decebalus himself " apparently appealed to some still not wholly unextinguished feeling of Dacian nationality in the Ulyrian Provinces, a feeling to which Galerius ^ seems to have had recourse at a later date. Such, however, had been the impression produced by Gallienus' savagery, that on the initiative of the Roxalanian allies, but with the consent of the soldiers and provincials who feared Rempublicam qu® te talem vii'um liabere rei castrensis bellis his memit, felicem Gallieniun, etiamsi ei vera nemo nee de bonis, nee de malis nuntiat. Pertulerunt ad me Bonitus et Celsus stipatores Pi'incipis nostri qualis apud Scupos in pugnando fueris quot iino die prselia et qua celeritate confeceris. Dignus eras triumpho si antiqua tempera exstarent. Sed quid multa '^ Memor cujusdam ominis cautius velim vincas. Arcus Sai-maticos et duo saga ad me velim mittas, sed fibulatoria, cum ipse misei-im de nostris." The "omen" refen-ed to was uo doubt the fate of Ingenuus. " Treh. Pollio. Triyinta Tyranni, viii. " In omnes Moesiacos, tam milites quam cives, asperrime sseviit, nee quemquam suse crudelitatis exsortem reliquit : usque adeo asper et truculentus ut plerasque civitates vacuas a ririli sexu relinqueret." '' 76. " Perimendus est omnis sexus virilis, si et senes atque impuberes sine reprehensione nostra occidi possent. Occideudus est quicumque male voluit, occidendus est quicumque male dixit contra me, contra Valeriani tilium, contra tot pi-incipum patreni et fratrem. Ingenuus faetus est imperatoi'. Lacera, occide, concide." ■= Treb. Poll. Triginta Tyranni, ix. " Gentis DacisB, Decebali ipsius ut fertur affinis." '' Cf. Lactantius de Mortibus Persecutwum, C. xxvii. " Olim quidem ille, ut nomen Imperatoris acceperat, hostem se Romani nominis erat pi-ofessus, cujus titulum immutari volebat ut nun Ro- manum imperium sed Daciscum cognominaretui-." 1 IS Antiquarian Researches i)i lUi/ricttm. new scenes of saiii^uinaiy vengeance, tlie usurper was slain by his own supporters. It will be seen that there were sufficient reasons why the inhabitants of Scupi should erect an adulatory moniiment to Gallienus, and it seems natural to connect this inscription with the historic victory achieved by Gallienus' lieutenant under the walls of their city and with the civil troubles of which this barbarian repulse was the prelude. In 267, after his residence in Greece, we find Gallienus himself gaining a victory over the Goths in Illyricum, but the scene of the combat is not given, nor have we any historic ground for connecting it with Scupi, though it is always possible that the Emperor in returning to the West may have passed through this city. The elaborate and superlative adulation of the inscription before us reminds us somewhat of that on the Arch of Gallienus at Rome : ^ GALLIENO . CLEMENTISSIMO . PBINCIPI . CVIVS . INVICTA . VIRTUS . SOLA . PIETATB . SVPEEATA . EoT. where the strangely misplaced compliments to a prince whose inert and unfilial conduct was notorious read like a satire. In the present case the comparison of Gallienus with the Gods " both in soul and countenance " is quite in harmony with the numismatic records of this reign, where the Emperor appears with the alternate attributes of Mars, Hercules, and Mercury .° He seems, however, to have regarded himself as in some special way under the protection of Apollo, whether under the refined Hellenic aspect of the God as patron of the arts in which Gallienus himself, even on his detractors' showing,'^ was allowed to excel, or in a more mysterious Oriental character as the Unconquered Mithra or the " The revolt of Regalianus appears to have taken place about the date of Grallienus' Decennalia, A.D. 263. Cf. Clinton Fasti Romani; cul annum. " C. I. L. vi. 1106. ° The language of the present inscription recalls the lines of Calpumius (Eel. IV.) " In uno Et Martis vultus et Apollinis esse notatur." The flattering comparison of Calpurnius is, however, addi-essed, as Moriz Haupt has conclusively sho^vn (Be Carminihii^ hucolicis Calpurnii et Nemedani) , to Jfero and not, as earlier commentators supposed, to Carinus or Gallienus himself. ^ Treb. Pollio. Duo Gallieni. " Fuit enim Gallienus (quod negai-i non potest) oi-atione, poemate, atque omnibus artibus clarus. Hujus est illiul cpithalamiiim quod inter centum poetas praecipuiim fuit." Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. no Edessan God Azizus,^ the warlike slayer of the Python. The colossal and never to be completed statue which Gallienus had designed to erect to himself on the summit of the Bsquiline ^ represented the Emperor in the guise of the Sun-god, nor shall we be thought hypercritical if we find in the dedication before us, beginning as it does invicto, a hint as to the character of the divinity with whose attributes the Emperor would be invested in the statue which probably surmounted the inscribed base. On the reverse of coins of Gallienus the inscription invictvs, INVICTO AUG. surrounds the image of the radiated Sun-god ; on a coin of Carausius '^ the Emperor's head is conjugated with the rayed head of Mithra, and with the inscription INVICTO bt oaeavsio avg. and according to the usage of the times this epithet had acquired a too specialized religious meaning, as associated with the Persian cult, to be without at least an allusive significance when added to the title / D'ET'D'SACRYM C'^ENTIVJ'PRIMUS-' Iinil Vld AVGV^TALI^ Fig. oli. " Thus we find the Praefectus of the 5th Macedonian Legion at Potaissa in Dacia erecting a votive altar to Azizus " Bonus Puer Conservator " for the health of Valerian and Gallienus. C. I. L III. 875. Julian Or. IV. mentions the worship of Azizus at Edessa in conjunction with that of the Sun, and notices that Jamblichus identifies this god with Ares. From inscriptions found at Apulum, however, as Mommsen has pointed out, Azizus is seen to be the equivalent of Apollo Pythius. See C. I. L. III. 1133. •> Treb. PoUio. Gallieni Duo : " Statuam sibi majorem colosso fieri preecepit, Solis habitu, scd ca imperfecta periit . . . Poni autem illam voluerat in summo Esquiliarum montc, ita ut hastani teneret, per cujus caput infans ad summum posset ascendere. Sed et Claudio et Aureliano dcinccps stulta res visa est, &c." ° In my father's cabinet : unpublished. 120 Antiquarian Researches in TUi/rimm. of ail Emperor who reigned in the latter lialf of the tliird century and avIio liad himself in a special way assumed the Sun-god's attributes. From the monument erected by the Eesjmhlira Scupensis to this imperial " compeer of the Gods " we may pass to those which illustrate the local cult of the Gods themselves. To the two inscriptions (figs. 48, 50) already given referring to the College of the Angustales I may add the following (fig. 56) excavated by me on the actual site of Scupi (see p. 87). Besides this altar, dedicated dis et deabus, votive monuments to Jove and Hercules, as well as a bronze statuette of Mercury, have been already mentioned. The fragment (fig. 57) presenting part of the Greek inscription, with letters of a form not uncommon on IMacedonian monuments, found in modern Uskiip (see p. 101), probably formed part of an altar of Zeiis, as may be gathered from its having an eagle relief on its side. The fragmentary dedication (fig. 58) found by me in the ruined Church of Ljubanze is of a more enigmatic character. That the abbreviated fll in the third line stands for Flamines may be gathered from other examples. The God whose name begins with ze however is not so clear. The initial letter is rather suggestive of a Thracian connexion. There exists a Thracian Asclepius Zimidrenus." To these may be added the altar of Silvanus (fig. 59) near the Musta Mosque in tlskup itself (see p. 101). Of imperial records, with the exception of the monument to Gallienus and the two fragmentary milestones already given, I found nothing more than the imperfect votive dedication to Septimius Severus and Caracalla which still exists where Ami Bone first observed it, walled into the Byzantine Aqueduct.'' Of military inscriptions referring to the legio vii cla\T)IA pia fidelis there was an abiindance. Four have been already given," two of these being of considerable interest as showing that the veterans to whom they severally referred as "deductus"or " deducticius " had been amongst those led hither to form the original colony. A monument of a Miles Frumentarius of this legion from Bardovce (see p. 88), is interesting from the well-preserved relief which it presents of a soldier standing between a veiled and seated female figure and a boy " Gf. C. I. L. vi. 2385. *• Ami Bone, Turquie d'Europe, 2, 354; C. I. L. iii. 1696; pro sAi.v/e ttop. caes. h. aeptimi severi vertinacis Aug. Arab. / adiab. vont. iiax. . . . / a. avreli Antonini caes. . . . The a of ADiABenici is clear. <= Two from the neighhouring Markova Rjeka district (Figs. 43, 46). Antiquarian Researches in lUijricum. 121 pd U-. ^ .60 122 Antiquarian Researches in lUyricum. or Genius carrying in his right hand a kind of chest, such as not infrequently occurs on tombs, and in the left what appears to be a conventional representation of ears of corn, doubtless in allusion to the soldier's office." The Milites Frumentarii were enrolled amongst the Peregrini, who had their Castra on the Ccelian, at Rome, and who were a kind of imperial gendarmerie.'' The Frumentarii them- selves, from being originally connected with the collection of the Annona, were found useful by the Emperors for obtaining secret information regard- ing provincial affairs, and hence grew into a kind of spy serAHce. Though abolished by Diocletian their hateful functions continued to be fulfilled by the Agentes in rehus of his successors." The next military titulus, which I observed at Mirkovce in two pieces is, unfortunately, too frag- mentary to admit of complete restitution. It is evident, however, that it refers to a certain C. Julius Longinus, a veteran of the same (seventh) legion, who had received his missio honesta. It may be suggested that daed in the fifth line of the second fragment refers to an Ala Dardanorum.. An Ala Vespasiana Dardanorum is referred to in three mili- tary diplomas'^ relating to Lower Moesia. From the imposing character of the letters and the size of the monument it may be inferred that the officer commemorated was of some distinction. The inscription belonged to a good period. The last legionary monument to which I have to call attention from this OVIBIVSARAK MIL'FRWLEGvn OPf-MlL'Af^'VH VIX-AM XXXK H'S'E IIVLIA-OBVIGIA FlLIOfllSSM° F ^C' i'ig. liO. * A copy of the inscription sent by the Austrian Consul Lippich was published by Dr. Friedrich Kexmev (Sitzungsberichte d. k. Akademie d. Wisseusch. vol. 80, p. 275, and sec Eph. Ep. vol. iv.), but the relief is inaccurately described. In Dr. Kenner's version, line 6, obvlcha. '' See Henzen, Sui militi peregrini e frwmentarii, in Bullettino dell' instituto di Corr. Archeologica, 1851, p. 113 seqq. •= AureUns Victor, De Gaess. 39, speaking of Diocletian, says : remoto pestilenti frumentariorum ge7iere quorum nunc agentes in rebus simillimi sunt. * C. I. L. iii. D. XX. xxii. xxxiv. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 123 district relates to a Corniculariiis of tlie same seventh legion and records a testamentary disposition of the deceased. G ivLlor GINVil LEGVJk ihmm. ^DARDl Long! ETL6n:4 I Fig. 61. D ' T'DINDlVS-/f CORNICVLA LE6'VlfCL-VI QVOTTESWH PRAECEPER- THENOPE'N F'C-QyoD'OP\ EST'IDVS-AV AELIANO Fig. 62. D. M T. DINDIVS . A I III III CORNICVLA R/F.9 LEG AT I LEG . VII . CL . VIX/r AtllJOS nil QVOT . 'Y^^lkMESTO HEREDES PEAECEPERritf^T . ARAM . PARTUE'SOFE.'SEPTIS ///// E.G. QVOD OPV-S CONFECTrM EST . IDVS . AVG . CRISPINO ET AELIANO COS . " Prcecipere testamenfn " is a well-known law-term signifying, of legatees, " to R 2 124 Antiquarian Besearches in IJhjricmn. MM AN-bH s m VALEVPOf CIE MA>^M.f Wis ' ' FI Fig. 63. receive in advance," before the rest of the property bequeathed is divided." In the pre- sent case this advance seems to have been conditional on the execution of some pious work, of -which however, owing to an unfor- tunate lacuna in the stone, we only learn that it was completed on the Ides of August, in the consulship of Crispinus'' and iElianus (a.d, 187), under the rule therefore of Commodus. The head-quarters of the Legio VII. Clattdia Pia Fidelis were at Viminacium (Kostolac on the Danube), and on the coins and monuments' of this Moesian city the local Genius is asso- ciated Avith the bull, which was the symbol of the seventh legion. From the inscriptions, figs. 51, 52, it appears that the original colony of Scupi was formed of veterans of this legion. At the beginning of the third century Dion Cassius'^ mentions "the seventh, generally called the Claudian," in Upper Moesia, and their Fra'- fectura was still at Viminacium at the time when the Notitia was draAvn uji.*' This legion was stationed in Dalmatia pre- vious to Vespasian's withdrawal of the legions from that province.' On an inscription at " Cf. Forcellini Lexicon (Ed. De Vit), s. v. Proeceptio. " Per prseceptionen dare, legare, relin- quere, est ita dare ut percipiatur ante quam tota hereditas dividatur et partes aliis coliercdibu.s distribuantur." Julian, Big. 30, 122, " Si heres centum prascipere jussus sit." '' In 184 .^lianas had been consul in conjunction with Marullus. The name of Ciispiniis however squares better with the letter-space at our dispo.sal, whicli has been vcr}- accurately observed throughout this inscription. ■= Cf. especially a bas-relief of the Genius of Viminacium represented as a stoled female figure with her right hand on the bull of the 7th, Claudian, Legion, and her left on the lion, which here stands for the 4th Legion (figured bj Kanitz, Beitrage zur Alterihmnshunde der serhischen Bonan, in Mitth. d. Central. Gomm. 1867, 28 seqq.) The .same device is common on the coins of this citj. Lib. IV. C. 23 : " Kai 'i^ionoi o'l Iv ry 'Slvaiif ry di'to oi Tu fiaXtara KXav^inoi wvofidZciTm." •= '■ Preefecturre Leg. vii. Claudife Viminacio." ' Mommsen, C. I. L. iii. 272. Cf. Inscriptions at Narona (1813, 1814, 1818), Salona (2014, Antiquarian Researches in Illp-icum. 125 JJ^aissus" (Nish) this Claudian legion receives tlie additional title Severiana, a title also bom by tlie fourth Claudian legion stationed at Singidunum. Of the private inscriptions, of which I have collected a considerable number (see PL I. II. III.) the foUoTving (fig. 63) from Xeresi (see p. 97) is specially interesting, as presenting us with a Thracian name-form with its Roman equivalent : Dis - Manibus / /// maxt / Mvs - vixiT / an - L - nic Sepultus Est/vALerius evpoe/qui et maximks FILIUS ET h/uXSLirs T^ENTIN^ c///// / ET SEEVEJyr^ ? //// j VIVE B Faciendum Curavenmt. The name Evpoe which presents obvious analogies with other Thracian names such as Mucapor, Sempor, Dindiporis," and Bithoporus King of the Costoboci, occurs as a widely diffused Thracian name." The present formula val . evpoe qvi et M AXIMVS is interesting as giving the Eoman name " Maximus " as an alternative form for the more barbaric " Eupor." This formula answers to that of other inscriptions in which indigenous Thracian and lUvrian names occur, and notably to the case of the remarkable Thracian inscription found by Heuzey ^ at Drama, near Philippi, beginning : bithvs . tavzigis . filIus . qvi . ET macee . an . lx . tavzies . BITHI . qvi et EVFVS. The name Eupor imder the Hellenized form Euporos, to be distinguished from the not infrequent Hellenic name Euporos, occurs on the annexed inscription which I observed at Salonica, where it had been recently discovered, together with figs. 65 and 66, which, as also unpublished, I here place beside it. In this connexion I may mention that I also noticed at Salonica, in the court of the Konakj the following inscription (fig. 67), interesting both from the reliefs it 2019, 2040, 2033, 2048, 2071), at Tilurinm (Gardnn), (2709, 2710, 2714, 2716, 2717), where Mommsen fixes their PrEetorium, at Nedinum (2882), and at Jader (2908, 2913). Detachments of this Legion are found serving in Sj"ria and Asia. » C. I. L. iii. 1676. *> Bithynian, C. I. G. 379.5 ; ef. Tomaschek, Bnimalia, ^-c. p. 386, for this and other instances. Tomaschek also compares names like Rascupolis, AbmpoUs. ' The name occnrs in Dalmatia, Italy, and other parts of the Empire. '' Eevue Archeologique, VI. Annee (1865), p. 451. Tomaschek, op. cif. p. 392, cites other instances, I. E. X. 513, EVTICHIA QAE ET BTTIS; 2810, C . KATOXITS . CELER . QVI . ET . BATO . SCEXOBARBI . XATIOXE . MAEzeius (Dalmatian), &c. 126 Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. represents and the Thracian names it contains, and w broncfht to that city along \\-ith other inscriptions " from hich was not improbal)ly the Thracian borders. DOM Vl^/WVllll-l)'30^IIX])OMf QroiMJ)-iS-5 5VCV5DYDICiSFJb MAMADI^AEFIL-PATRJ Tlie occurrence in the epigrapliic records of the district of Thracian name- forms on the one hand, and lUyrian — such as the form Gatties already mentioned (p. 99), and perhaps also the God Andinus (p. 74) — on the other, is quite consistent with what we gather from other sources as to the ethno- graphy of the ancient Dardania. That the Eiu-opean Dardani were originally one and the same people as their Trojan namesakes, agrees with what we learn from ancient writers as to the Thracian descent of so many Asianic tribes. On the other hand the early names of the Dardanian princes in Europe, such as Mon- unios, Longaros, and Bato," present un- questionable Illyrian affinities. The same intermixture of the Illyrian and Thracian ele- ments, of which the births of Justin the Thracian and Justinian on Dardanian soil are conspicuous examples, results from a com- parison of the local names of Justinian's castles in Dardania supplied by Procopius. On the whole, however, on comparing the names "" supplied by the inscriptions from this district, we are struck with the evidence they supply of its thoroughgoing Romanization. Of Greek inscriptions from Scupi and its vicinity I am able to supply but two (figs. 57, 79),*" though names of Greek origin are not infrequent. Amongst other private inscriptions of interest may be mentioned the concluding part of an elegiac epitaph to a local Nestor. Fig. 67. " Cf. Tomascliek, Ziw Kunde der Hamus-Halhinsel (Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. W. 1881. H. 2, p. 446.) '' A Dardanian with the Illyrian name Epicadus is mentioned on an inscription at Rome C. I. L. VI. 2845. "= Cf . also the uncertain fragment from Taor (p. 145) and the later Byzantine inscription on the walls of Skopia. 128 Antiquarian Researches in Uhjricum. J |TRANQyiLLA-PER:ANNOS IaEMVLAQVE'INCVNCTIS ' IfORMA'SENI-PYUO Fig. 68. TKANUVlLiA PEE i\:NNOS AEMVLA QVE IN OVNOTIS FORMA SENI PYLIO In another case (fig. Qd) a citizen of Methymna in Lesbos is mentioned, who died at Scupi at the mature age of eighty. Of unquestionably Christian inscrip- tions I am only able to describe one (fig. 88). It is engraved in a late and quasi cursive style on a tile which my wife picked up on the actual Acropolis of Scupi. There is, indeed, ample evidence that under the Christian Emperors Scupi retained its importance. When, in accordance with the new division of the Empire, Dardania " had again been detached from Upper Moesia, Scupi became the chief civil and ecclesiastical Metro])olis of the newly constituted Dardaniau Province. A Bishop of Scupi'' is the first-mentioned of the two Dardauian Bishops who attended the Council of Serdica in 347 a.d. In 379, the year in which Theodosius expelled the Goths from Thrace, we find him dating a law from this city," and again in 388." Ten years later, St. Paulinus of Nola, mentions Scupi among the important Illyrian cities that St. Nicetas, of Remesiana, would visit on his return from Italy to his Dacian See.' On the Tabula Peutingeriana Scupi is ' Less the part which was now incorporated in Dacia Mediterranea. Naissus itself had been included in the older and more extensive Dardania by Ptolemy. ^ " Paregorius a Dai-dania de Scnpis " : the other Dardanian Bishop who attended this council was Macedonius of Ulpiana. Mansi, Coiic. ' Cod. Theod. Be Palatinis 1. 2, dated " Scopis." * Cod. Theod. De Decurionihus 1. 119, dated " Scupis.' " S. Paulini Nolensis C. xxx : Be reditu Nicetce Episcopi in Baciam : see p. 163 seqq. a x\- . L-CORNELB L- ^ \ IMETHTMNBl VI)r-ylN'LXXXJ Fig. i;y. c^rl)^^A' FESTA V(X H-S'E CRISPl/Si'sl ErcoNii/cf pJ;AfTissiM AE F'C CVAb[€RG ! I A W\K^^ D^H'S'E-^ D >d m\m^'' Fig. 70. CLAVDIAIN CENVACL SECLAKISf ViXITA/^ H-5-E ClVl VAL CONIVGL BE/\E/\^REN EC rig. 71. Fig. 72. KojiAN Sepulcheai. Inscbiptioxs from the Site op Scvpi and its Neighbourhood. — I. (ANN S H'S'E 1 ARE I riLIA. i-ife-. 73. -mfra ANNXI ENERIA hi IVLIA'VIX ANN :^' HSEvSoD ACELERE FC rip 76. i'ig. 75. D M L V A% R RO N VS VR BANVS ViXITA N NOS XLVICOR NELIASE CVNDA CONIVCI BTNEKER POS 1/^/R.IAYIX ANXXXH'5'E V ti!!. 7$. Fig. 77. l:l■J|.^^" ^EPVLCl]nAL lNst'BiPiiON"s from the Site of Scvpi and it^ Neiohboubuood. — IL Fig. 79. MVC,#lWVi I'ig. 80. TfX^AN-LX' MRITO'F'O I'VAL' FOR TVNATVS-LIB CO/AVNiS f Fig. 84. ARV5 FABRIC SEIVSDLM VIXITANNISLXV H s r OPELIA PRIMA VXORBENEME RENT FAC CV1\ Fig. 82. D M F^ 'HELPl^ D ' M VLPIA'MA[I.C1A VIXIT'ANN 'XXXVlll C'SENTIVS'PRIMVS VXORI-BENEMERENTJ Fig. 87. Fig. 86. Roman Sepulchral Inscriptions from the Site of Scvpi and its Neighbourhooi).— III. S 2 r.v2 Antiquarian Researches in IlhjricKm. indicated by the two towers of a Prastorian gate, and tlio continued impox-tance of this city as a place of arms appears from the Notitia Imperii, when the " Comi- Fig. 88. tatenses Scupenses " are mentioned among the Legiones Pseudocomitatenses under the command of the Magister Militum per Illyricum.* It was natural that Scupi along with the other cities of this Illyriau region should have suffered from the barbarian ravages so eloquently described by Saint Jerome, and which culminated in the days of Attila. About the year 480 we find Zeno's lieutenant, Adamantius, exhoi'ting Theodoric to forego his claims on Epirus, as it was intolerable that the inhabitants of its large cities should be turned out to make room for the Gothic host, but " to turn rather to Dardania where there was " Not. Orientis IX. The Ulpianenses and Mer(i)enses are also mention pel ; tlie names of wliicli connect them witli the Dardaniau towns of Ulpiana and Merion. Antiquarian liesearclies in Illyricum. 133 land in plenty besides that already inhabited, both fair and fertile, but lacking both inhabitants and cultivation.'"' The Ostrogoths turned towards Italy and the Dardanian wastes were left awhile without barbarian tillers. To the last, how- ever, the old Dardanian capital maintained its supremacy both lay and spuntual, and the Church of Scupi continued with other Dardanian Churches to play its part in the ecclesiastical disputes of the time. The Roman element in Dardania seems at this time to have headed the conservative reaction of the Latin-speaking parts of the Illyrian peninsula against the semi-Grreek administration of Byzantium, and the Dardanian Bishops on more than one occasion won praise from the repre- sentatives of St. Peter for their loyal adherence to AYestern orthodoxy and the See of Rome. In 492 the " Catholic " Dardanian Bishops, and at their head Johannes, " Bishop of the most sacred Metropolitan Church of Scupi,"" addressed a letter in this sense to Poj^e Gelasius, and were complimented by the Pope in return;" while in 516 Pojoe Hormisdas in his letter to Avitus, Bishop of Vienne, expresses his joy that the Dardanian and other Illyrian churches sought bishops of his nomination.'' The " Illyrician " soldiers took the same side, and in the revolt of the Moesian rebel Vitalianus, against the Emperor Anastasius, the " Catholic soldiery " of Serdica and Pautalia were conspicuous for their fidelity to the Latin cause." Meanwhile, however, though barbarian colonists had not yet settled down en masse to till the waste-lands of Dardania, barbarian marauders continued the work of devastation, and a more awful natural catastrophe was impending over the devoted land. The Illyrian chronicler, Marcellinus Comes,*^ writmg of the earth- quake which in 518 destroyed so many Dardanian cities and strongholds,* mentions that the inhabitants of Scupi owed their escape from entombment in the ruins to the fact that they were then in the act of flying from their city owing to the scare of some barbarian invasion. The walls of Scupi, as we see from this last incident, had already ceased to be a protection to the citizens ; the whole town was now reduced by the earth cpiake to a heap of ruins. * Excerpta e Malchi Eisforia. (Ed. Bonn, p. 255). '' " Johannes Episcopus Sacrosauctae Ecclesiae Scopinre, Metropolitanfe." ilansi. viii. 13. "^ " Gelasius Episcopis per Dardaniam sive per Illjrieum constitutis Audientes orthodoxam vestrje dilectionis in Cliristo constantiam." ISIansi viii. 46. ^ Mansi viii. 408. * Marcellinus Comes, in Ghron : Anastasius was constrained to send back the Bishops of Naissns and Pautalia, oh metum Illyriciani Catholici inilifis. Pi'of. Tomaschek i-ightly, I think, connects the Roman and Italian sympathies of the IlljTian church and army with the prevalence of the Latin tongue in the interior of the peninsula. * In Chron. siih anno. * See p. 89. 134 Antiquarian Researches in lUijricum. The old Scupi was tliiis destroyed, but tlie historic continuity of the Dardanian Metropolis lived on, and it is to this period that we must refer its migi-ation from the old site to the new. The old position of Scupi with its broad plain and the undulating hill of the upper city answered to the possibilities of a civilised age. The original Illyrian watch-station on the height of Zlokucani had been merged in the ampler city of the plain below by a race whose engineering capacities had enabled them to trust to artificial bulwarks. But the character of the times had changed once more. Throughout Illyricum the age of castle building had begun, and strong natural positions, the peak and the promontory, were sought once more for civic foundations. It was natural that those who, about Justinian's time, rebuilt the ancient city — and we have historic evidence that it was at this period that the need for its complete reconstruction first arose — should give the prefer- ence to a loftier and more defensible position than was the original site of the Roman town. And such a position was supplied in the actual vicinity of the ancient site by the more craggy height rising sheer above the Vardar, the height still capped by the Byzantine Akropolis of the modern Skopia. There are strong grounds, I say, for assuming that this municipal migration should be referred to the period succeeding the great overthrow of 518. Nine years after that event Justinian succeeded to the Empire, and there is thus an overwhelming a priori presumption that the rebuilding of Scupi, at least as a military bulwark, must connect itself with the general reconstruction and restora- tion of his provincial towns and fortresses by the great Illyrian Emperor. We thus approach the question — "Was this the chosen City of the Emperor himself ? Was this the City of the land of his birth which Justinian not only restored and embellished, but made the capital, both civil and ecclesiastical, of his reconstituted Illyricum, and named after himself Justiniana Prima? As the whole question has lately been reopened it will be well to review the literary sources at our disposal. Procopius tells us that, " amongst the Dardanians who dwell beyond the borders of the Epidamnians, very near the castle called Bederiane, is the district named Tauresium, from which the Emperor Justinian, the re-founder of the Roman world, drew his origin. Here the Emperor erected a small quadrangular castle with a tower at each angle, from which it was called " Tetrapyrgia," and near it he built a most glorious City, which he called Jus- tiniana Prima (" Prima " means " first " in the Latin language), thus offering maintenance to his nursing mother."" Procopius further tells us that he made an " De JEd. iv. 1. "ti/ Aapcdj'oif ttov toXq Et'pwn-aioic, oV ci) neru rot's,- 'EiriCa/iviwi' vpovs (fKiivrat, tov povpiov dyxiiXTa ovip BeCipiavd iiTiKa\i't-ai, \'iupiov TavpijOiop vvofia ttv, ivGev lovartviai've linaiXti'g a Ti/e oUovfiivijQ oiKiOTrii Antiquarian Besearches in- lUi/ricum. 135 aqueduct there to siipply the town with a perennial stream, and that he wrought many things that reflect glory and renown upon its founder. " It would not be easy," he continues, " to enumerate the the temples of the Gods, the palaces of the magistrates, the size of the porticoes, the beauty of the market- places, the fountains, streets, baths, and bazaars. In a word it is a great and populous City, in every respect prosperous and worthy to be the Metropolis of all that region. And such a dignity it has in fact attained. It is, moreover, the seat of the Archbishop of the Illyrians, and has precedence of the other cities in this as well as its size." Procopius, it Avill be seen, places Justiniana Prima in Dardania, and had we only his authority to deal with, there could be no reasonable ground for refusing to accept the identification of Skopia with Justinian's new foundation. In his own " Novella " of 535 a.d., however, defining the jurisdiction of the new Illyrian Archbishop,"' Justinian himself distinctly indicates that Justiniana Prima lay within the limits of Dacia Mediterranea, and as clearly shows that he regarded himself to be of Dacian origin. On the other hand, it might be urged that Procopius, whose antiquarian phraseology is noteworthy in this passage,** would have the autho- rity of Ptolemy for including Naissus, itself one of the principal cities of the later Dacia Mediterranea, within the Dardanian limits.'' This connexion of Justiniana Prima with Dacia Mediterranea siiggests a real difiiculty, and the claims of Skopia have recently received another blow. Professor Tomaschek, of Grratz, to whose painstaking researches into the ancient topography of the peninsula all students. Siplii]Tai. TnvTO jiiv ovv to xi^P'ov tv jipax^'i rfi^i'Ta/itvoe Kara to TCTpdyuivov il"' "«' yi'vicf iKanry iri'ipyoj' ivBiiitvoQ T^rpaTTvpyiav elvai r€ Kal KaXelffBai iziiroiiiKe. liap nvTo Ce fiaXiuTa to x^ptoj' ttoXlv iTrKpaveaTaTijv tCiifiaTo, I'lVTref} '\ovi7Tiviavi}V wvofiaffs irpifiav (ttihotii de toT'to Ty Aarivujv (piavy ^vvarai) ravTU Ty 9pe.-\^afikvy Tpotpela tKTtVioi'." " Novella Constif. ii. " ]\Iultis et vai'iis modis nosti'am patriam augere cupientes, in qua primo Deus pi'testitit nobis ad hunc munduni, quern ipse condidit, venire, et circa Sacerdotalem censuram earn volunius maximis increnientis ampliare, ut Primse Justiniana^ patriiB nostrce pro tempore sacrosanctus Antistes non solum Metropolitanus sed etiam Ai-chiepiscopus fiat, et csEter® provincise sub ejus sint auctoritate, id est tarn ipsa Dacia Mediterranea quam Dacia ripensis necnon Mjsia Secunda, Dardania et Prsevalitana Provincia et secunda Macedonia et pars secundse etiam Pannonise qufe in Bacensi est civitate " necessarium duximus ipsam gloriosissimam Praefeotui-am, quse in Pannonia erat, in nostra felicissima patria collocare cum nihil quidem magni distat a Dacia Mediterranea Secunda Pannonia." So too in Nov. 131 Dacia is placed first amongst the provinces under the jurisdiction of the Ai-chbishop of Justinian's father-land. * As for example, when he speaks of the "European" Dardanians, and of their living above, the " Epidamnians." The name of Epidamnos had long given way to that of Dyrrhachium. " Ptol. Geogr. lo(j Antiquarian Besearches in lUijricum. however mucli \.\\oj may differ from his conclusions, must acknowledge tlieir indebtedness, has pointed out" that in the fragment of John of Antioch, piiblished by Mommsen, in 1872,'' Justinus, the future Emperor, is mentioned as coming from Bederianon, a ' phrourion,' or castle, in the neighbourhood of Naissiis." This passage Prof. Tomaschek regards as conclusive''; but unfortunately it settles nothing. The difficulties which must suggest themselves to all wlio icgai-tl the matter from a large historical standpoint are rather increased thai: dimiiiislicd. Justinian's new capital of Illyricum could have been no mushroom growth. Its populousness, its commerce, its administrative importance, all point to the fact that Procopius is only disguising the truth when he makes it an entirely new creation of the Emperor. If Skopia is not to be identified with Justiniana Prima, Mannert's demands still remain unanswered. " How otherwise," he asks," " is it possible that Procopius, or anyone else, while describing the Emperor's restorations in the smallest and most unknown Dardanian towns, should have passed over in obstinate silence the City which up to this moment had been the capital of the country?" The old identification of Justiniana Prima \n.t\\ Ochrida, the ancient Lychnidus, dates no further back than the thirteenth century, and was due to the desire of the auto-kephalous Bulgarian Archbishops of that See to profit by Justinian's Novella. Moreover, as will be seen, the eai'ly Byzantine and Bulgarian official style of these Archbishops, though it cou])les the two names of Justiniana Prima and Ochrida expressly refrains from asserting their identity.'' The attempt, followed by Gibbon, to identify Justinian's City with Kiistendil, or Gjustendil, simply arose out of a false etymology. The name of Kiistendil, in fact, only originated in the fifteenth century, from the name of a local despot, Constantine.""' " W. Tomaschek, Miscellen aus der alien GeograpMe in Zeitsclirift fiir die OesteiTeicliischen Gymnasien 1874, p. 659. '' Hei-mes, B. vi. p. .323 seqq. ■^ "'lovanvos Ik BfSeptavov ippovpiov ■ir\ii(TiaCovToc'Sataa(fi'' op. cif. p. 339. Justin was assisting the Empei'or Anastasius against tlic Isauiian rebels in the capacity of Hypostrategos. '' " Die Sache ist cntschieden." As to the opinion — suppoi'ted by weighty arguments by Mannei-t, Hahn, and Tozer — that Scupi and Justiniana Prima were identical, Prof. Tomaschek thinks it not worth the trouble of refuting. " Diese Meinung zu wiederlegen verlohnt sieli nic^ht der Miihe." Miscellen. ^-c. p. 658. '' Geographie der Griechen und Homer, vii. p. 105 (Landshut). Mannert, however, had not observed the difficulty raised by Justinian's attribution of this city to Dacia Mediterranea. ' See p. 143. 8 " Gospodin " Konstantin, Lord of Northei-n Macedonia (f 1394), well-known in Serbian epic as the friend of Marko Kraljevic. In 1500 the teiritory formerly held bj- him was still known as Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 137 Its medieval name was Velebuzd, and it occupies the site of the ancient Pautalia, which, as a bishopric, is expressly distinguished from Justiniana Prima. JVor can we see in Justiniana Prima another name for Naissus, since the restoration of Naissus, or, as he calls it, Naissopolis, is specially mentioned by Procopius, after his account of the creation of Justiniana Prima and as a separate act of the Emperor, and the bishopric of Naissus is found under the supremacy of the Bishop of Justinian's City. On the other hand, it seems to me that there is traceable in Procopius' account certain internal evidence of probabilit3^ According to Procopius, Jus- tinian coupled his foundation of his ifew Illyrian capital with the restoration of Ulpiana, another ancient Dardanian city, to the remains of which I have alreadv alluded in the preceding paper," which he called Justiniana Secunda. Now the relation of Justiniana Prima to Justiniana Secunda, to a great extent, reproduces the relation already existing between Scupi and Ulpiana. If Scupi, as we have seen, was the old Dardanian Metropolis, Ulpiana appears to have ranked nearest to it amongst the pro\ancial cities. But Procopius informs us of a further fact. In the neighbourhood of Ulpiana — or, as it Avas now called, Justiniana Secunda — the Emperor built another city, which he called Justinopolis, in honour of his uncle Justinus. Now, if Justinus had not been born in a Dardanian district,'' it is hard to see why his nephew should build a town in his honour in that province, as is proved from its vicinity to Ulpiana. But Justinus, as we learn from the fragment of John of Antioch, was connected with Bederiana. Hence it appears that the words TrXijcrta^oi^ros rw Natcrcrii) must, after all, be taken in a vague, general sense, and as not excluding the possibility that this " phrourion " was situate on Dardanian soil in the narrower sense of the word. The permanence of the name of Scupi, Scopi, or in its Byzantine form Skopia, in spite of its official substitute, again receives an illustration from the case of Ulpiana. Even during the reign of Justinian himself we find, as I have already shown, the names Justiniana Secunda and Ulpiana used indifferently in official acts relating to the same bishop. On the other hand, the fact that no Bishop of Scupi is mentioned at this time, while the title of Bishop of Justiniana Zemlja Konstantinova. In 1559 his City of Velebuzd or Baiija (this latter name derived from its liot-baths) appears in an Italian Itinerario as " Constantin-bagiio." Kiistcndil is simply the Turkish form of Konstantin. See Jirecek, Gesch. d. Bulgaren. p. .SS3. « See p. r,8. ^ He was of coui-se of Tliracfian descent. T 138 Antiquarian Eesearche.'^ in Ilhiricmn. Prima appears on iiiort' tLaii one occasion towards the end of the sixth century, may show that for awhile at least the more imperial name eclipsed the older, and what was doubtless still the popular form. lu the fifth cent\uy we find a special connexion between the Bishops of Dardania and the Bishop of the South-Eastern- most Dalmatian (Pra^valitane), diocese of Doclea or Doclitia. The Bishop of this Dalmatian town signs among the Dardanian Catholic Bishops in the letter addressed by them in l-M to the Emperor Leo. It is at least a noteworthy coincidence that the last mention of the Bishop of Justiniana Prima should occur in a letter addressed in 602 by Gregory the Great to Johannes, Bishop of Justinian's city, to be foi'wcirded to him, should circumstances reqiiire his intervention, through the Bishop of Scodra, and relating to charges brought against a Bishop of Doclea." There remains however a still more conclusive argument which has been curiously overlooked by all those who have treated of this vexata qucestio, and which goes far to neutralise and explain the statement contained in Justinian's Novella, that Justiniana Prima lay in Dacia Mediterranea. It appears, namely, from the letter addressed in 492 by John, Metropolitan of Scupi, to Pope Gelasius, that in his quality of Bishop of the metropolitan city of Scopi, " Ejjiscujjus," as he styles himself, " Sacrosanctce Ecclesim Scopince, Metropolitance Civitatis," he claimed a supremacy not only over the Bishops of Dardania in its contemporary official sense but over other Bishops who sign beneath him, one of whom was Bonosus, Bishop of no less a place than Serdica, the capital of Dacia Mediterranea.'' In view of this fact the letter addressed by Gregory the Great in 595 to Felix, Bishop of Serdica, enjoining him to obey his superior, and the Pope's vicar, Johannes, Bishop of Justiniana Prima, acquires a fresh significance. In 553 we find from the Acts of the Fifth Synod of Constantinople " that the Bishops of Naissus and Ulpiana had refused to attend and sided with Pope Vigilius, and when appealed to on the sub- ject refer the synod to their Archbishop Benenatus. Both Farlato" and Le Quien'' " Mansi, x. 329. " Dc Paulo Docleatinte Civitatis episcopo lapso." Justiniana Prima seems to 1)6 thus brought into a certain geogi-aphical connexion with Scodi-a (Scutari d' Albania), from which place as we have seen a line of Eoman road led to the Dardanian Citj- of Uli)iana (.Justiniana II.), and thence to Scupi. '' Marius Mercator, in Appendice ad Contradictionem 12 Anathetismi Nestm-iani, " Sardicensis Bonosus qui a Damaso urbis Romje episcopo piwdamnatus fuit : " Lc Quicn; Oriens. Christianus, t. ii. p. 302. Farlato III. Sac, t. viii. p. 34, endeavours to make Bonosus Bishop of Naissus, but on uo valid grounds. His statement would anyhow not affect the present argument, as Naissus was also in Dacia Mediterranea. " Mansi, ix. p. 199. * Ulyricum Sacrum, t. viii. p. 17. * Oriens. Christianus, t. ii. p. 310. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 139 are agreed that this Benenatus must have been bishop of Scupi, but they have both failed to grasp the logical deduction that the Archbishop of " the Most Holy Metropolitan City " of Scupi, as it appears before Justinian's time, has now become the Archbishop of his special city. The Primacy, then, of Illyricum was not an altogether new creation, but in part represented earlier claims of precedency exercised by the Bishops of Scupi. The language of Procopius and the language of the Novellce are thus reconciled, and the special tie of allegiance which l^ound the Bishop of Justinian's city to the Bishop of Rome is seen to be in fact the direct inheritance from an earlier time when the Metropolitans of Scupi stood forth as the principal champions of Western orthodoxy in Illyricum. When we find the Bishop of the Dardanian Metropolis taking precedency of Dacian Bishops at a time when, politically, Dardania and Dacia Mediterranea were separate provinces we are tempted to suspect that the ecclesiastical supremacy represents, as is so often the case, a survival of an earlier political distribution. There is, in fact, clear historic evidence that, according to the original arrange- ment of Aurelian, Dardania was tacked on to Dacia Mediterranea, insomuch that in the early lists of the provinces of the Moesian diocese, as given by the MS. of Verona, Rufus, and Polemius Silvius, Dardania and Dacia Mediterranea are given indifferently as the names of one and the same pro^ance. At some time after the completion of the list of Polemius Silvius and before that of the Notitia" the pro- vince which bore the double name of Dardania and Dacia Mediterranea was divided into the two provinces of Dardania, as we find it in Hierocles, with Scupi as its Metropolis, and Dacia Mediterranea under Serdica. But it is obvious from this that there may have been a time when, as the later ecclesiastical arrangement indicates, Scupi was the political Metropolis of a Dacia Mediterranea which included the later Dardania. In the Notitia^' itself, indeed, Dardania continues to be reckoned along with Dacia Mediterranea and Ripensis, Moesia Prima, Praevalitana, and a part of Mace- donia Salutaris as one of the " Five Dacias " which had now replaced the "Three Dacias " of the original Trans-Danubian province. There is, indeed, evidence that in Justinian's time the name of Dacia coiild still be extended to the furthest limit of the provinces originally included in the " Five Dacias." Procopius on two separate occasions attributes to Dacia Singidunum, a city which according to '^ See Mommsen, Bevue Archeologique, N. S. xiv. p. 387. The words of Rufus in describing the formation of Aurelian's Dacia ai'e : •' Per Aurelianum, translatis eximle Bomanis, chice Dacia: in regionibus Moesice et Bar danice facta: sunt." " Not. Or. iii. 14. T 2 140 Antiqnanan Researches in I Ih/ricum. Hierocles' list was included in Up])er M(tsia, and what in tliis resjiect is true of Upper iloosian cities, applies equally to the cities of the once " Dacian " Dardania. Dacia was the more renowned name, and there was always a tendency to iise it, the more so as at this period the actual provincial divisions were becoming vague and uiuU'HirhI." It must be allowed that the language of the Novellce is inconsistent, yet it will be seen that, in placing Scupi in Dacia Mediterranea, Justinian was but reverting to an earlier arrangement, still apparently kept up by the existing ecclesiastical organisation. And the prestige of the Dacian name was still such that in raising what was now in strict official phraseology a Dardanian city to the chief place in his newly constituted Illyricum, it was convenient to revert to this earlier usage which attributed Scupi to Dacia Mediterranea. The Dacian hegemony could not be ignored in an Illyrian government, the geographical limits of which almost precisely answered to what was still known as the " Five Dacias." In Justinian's eccle- siastical arrangement indeed no change in official language was required, for Scupi, as we have seen, was still the recognised Metropolis of the whole of that original Mediterranean Dacia that had once politically embraced Dardania. In the case of Justiniana Secunda we have seen that the old name of the city continued to be used concurrently with the official title, and finally in an altered form survived it. The same process undoubtedly occurred in the case of Justiniana Prima. Towards the end of the sixth century the name of Scupi, or " Scopis," as it is written in the language of the times '' reappears in history, and Theophylact jnentions that the town was plundered and many of its citizens taken captive by a Slavonic band." It is probable that the town passed definitely into Slavonic hands about 695, in which year we find numerous refugees from the Dardanian cities taking i-efuge within the walls of Thessalonica.'' Under the Bulgarian princes " Skopje," » D. B. Goth. ii. pp. 80, 418 (Bonn cd.). '' ('ompare Jornandt's' Sirinis, ^'c. In Ravcnnas tlic form tiaqjis occui'.s, cf. Londinis, ^c. ' Hint. vii. 2 (Bonn ed. p. 272). T It mil be seen that this inscription does no more than record the official title of the aiito-kephalous Bnlgarian Bishops " of Justiniana and Ochrida," and does not, as \o\\ Hahn was given to suppose, in any way connect the founding of the monastery with the Emperor Justinian." It is remarkable that the village of Taor stands, to the Vardar River Pass at its opening on the Plain of Uskiip, in much the same relation as Bader and tlic Badersko Kaleh stand to that of the Pcinja. The village itself lies in a beautiful wooded glen l)y the banks of the river, and a little above it is an old ferry across the stream to the village of Orezan. A few hundred j^-^rds to the north of Taor, at the foot of the imdulating heights that here dominate the level expanse on which Skopia stands, is the little church of St. Ilija, about which were many Roman fragments, including shafts of columns, broken cornices, and a sepulchral slab with dolphins and a banqueting scene in the apex, but in the field below a Slav inscription, which has supplanted the original Roman titulus (fig. 89). Much might, no doubt, be made of this by the champions of Justinian's Slavonic origin were not the letters of mediaeval form, certainly not earlier than the fourteenth century. Within the church, and serving as an altar, is a block which is probably the " postament " de- scribed by Hahn.** It is simply an altar of Roman Imperial date tiu-ned upside down. The inscription I /. / in small letters was exceedingly illegible, but the ^^^S-- ,.i ^ letters that I was able to make out seemed to bo Fig. 89. rather Greek than Cyrillian (fig. 90). " Tlic trauslation of the inscription as given to Hahn (p. 1G2) was of a cuiious kind: "die Inschrift, . . . wcnn mann sie Tins richtig iibersetzt hat, den Ai-zt eines turkischen Pascha's, welcher dessen Gattin von der Unfruchtbai-keit heilte, als den Wiederliei'stellcr des von Justinian gegriindeten Klostere nennt "{•') ^ Op. cit. p. 158 : " Leider stand das Postament axif dem Kopfe nnd ist die Inschrift so vei-wischt dass wLr nnr mit grosser Miilie einige roh gearbeitete slavische Charaktere erkennen konnten." Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 145 I explored tlie neighbouring downs above tlie village for any ancient founda- tions in vain, till at last a Bulgar guided me to a terrace above the church of St. Ilija, which was literally strewn with Roman tiles and fragments of masonry, and surrounded by foundations of ancient walls of brick and rubble masonry. That this was a "phrourion" or "castellum" of late Roman date I cannot doubt. It had obviously more than four angles, but if, as I am inclined to suppose, the points ABC and D in the annexed plan (fig. 91) " were occupied ^ '7. /v\oNArur.:,.''.// | *> , '' '- KonoA.'AKFr. /I Fig. 90. V, ?■;'' '■■■'■"/Ini^" of old ■ so ,10 feet Fig. 91. with towers, we should have before us a Tetrapyrgia not inconsistent with Procopius' description of the castle of Tauresium. In any case, the occurrence of such a castle on the spot where ex hypothesi we were led to look for Justinian's " phrourion " must be regarded as a remarkable coincidence. Of the antiquity of this ruin there appears, indeed, to be one remarkable piece of documentary evidence. In a grant of the Bulgarian Czar, Constantine Asen * The fouadations about the corner a were very indistinct, and in ordei' to ascertain the outline of this part of the castellum excavations would be necessary. The measurements given are approximate. U 1-iG Jiitiquuriaii, lieseardies in lllijricnm. (1258-1277) to the monastery of St. George, near Skopia, is mentioned the "Gradiste," or ruined site of a castle, by the village of Tavor," the later Taor, and the lake of Jelatno. " Gradiste " is a term frequently applied by the Slaves to sites once occupied hj Roman constructions. Nor has the local saga forgotten this ruined site. From an intelligent Bulgar schoolmaster at Kuceviste, in the Karadagli, I leariit one or two interesting popular traditions which bear upon the question at issue. He told me that old men of this district say that " Three Emperors were born at Skopia," and that there was a tradition that " Czar Kostadin " was born at Taor, and reigned afterwards at Skopia. It seems to me by no means impossible that the Emperor Constantino, as an ecclesiastical as well as political celebrity, has usurped Justinian's place in the folk-lore of the country. "We may now turn to an examination of the Byzantine antiquities of Skopia itself. That the original walls of the Akropolis are of Byzantine date appears from an inscription in large tilework letters on the upper part of the inner wall to the left of the main entrance. This inscription in its present state is extremely dithcult to decipher. I was able, however, to make out a few fragments, sufficient to show its Byzantine origin — KAHC [H NeAN///MH I ANePOOnC////] [AC HrEIC AS TIC HrB] The impression given by these fragments is that they formed part of a Byzan- tine inscription of the usual bombastic style, examples of which are to be seen in the inscription recording the erection of a tower at Durazzo by Theodore Diicas Comnenos,'' and in another, written in large characters of the same ceramic construction on the outside of the old cathedral-church of Hagia Sophia, at Ochrida." The walls themselves of the Akropolis are in their older portion formed of large square stones, framed, as it were, with tiles ; a Byzantine form of construc- * "Selo Tavor, gradiSte . . . . s Jezerom Jelatuim." (Safariik. PamJiA-y 25; quoted in Jirecek Geschichfe der Bulyaren, p. 79. '' Given in Hahn : Albanesische Studien, p. 122. When I saw this inscription, it was broken into two fragments and used as a support for the wooden post of a verandah in tlie Turkish Governor's Konak. " Hahn. Drill und Vardar-Beise, p. 115. The name of the prelate in whose honour the inscrip- tion (of colossal size) was put up has disappeared, but we are tohl : ^^ aK7}ft)v lyeipag rhv Geo^avov i'ofiov Antlc[uaiian Besearches in lUy ricmn. 147 tioiij of wliicli a good example may be seen in tlie great tentli century cliurcli of St. Luke's, at Styri, in Greece, and of wliicli tlaere are many later examples amongst tlie Slavonic buildings of Skopia and the surrounding regions." The first impression which the town of Skopia makes upon the stranger, is that he has before him in an almost perfect state of preservation a Byzantine city. In wandering amongst the moss-grown domes of the hamams, the ancient brick and stone-work bazaars, the noble caravanserais of which the famous Kurshumli Han" or Lead Han is the type (fig. 92), one is tempted to recognise the very baths Fig. 92. Kurshumli Han, Skopia. and market-halls with which Justinian embellished his favoured citj\ A more detailed study, however, shows that many of these antique edifices, Byzantine as is their style and appearance, are really of Turkish origin, and date from the first * Tlie beginnings of this form of construction may be traced in the walls of the Imperial Palace at Trier. '' This Han has been well-described bj Mr. Tozer, Highlands of Turkey, vol. i. p. 367. The Sulci Han is another edifice of considei-able antiquity. In the Ferei-li Han are said to be concealed inscriptions. These buildings at present afford lodgings and warehouses for merchants. On the piers of the Kui'shumli Han many names of old Ragusan merchant.s are to be seen painted in red letters, e. g. "anno domini 1777 marinvs zamagna post iikevkm mokam "I also noticed the names of Lucich and Radegla. On the outside wall of the Han is a Turkish inscription. IT 2 148 Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricmn. days of tlie conquest, wlien a large Osmanli colony was planted in the town, and Moslem tTskiip arose to be the " bride of Rumili." The mosques supply a standpoint for couiparison. Thus, after a prolonged study of the Kurshumli Han, I was inclined to ascribe to it a Byzantine origin, till a minute examination of a small mosque opposite it assured me that both were the work of the same hands." The pillars of the arcade in the Han, and the abacus surmounting them, exactly answer to those of the porch of this mosque. In the same way baths, which externally look as ancient as that described near Novipazar, contain Arabic features m their interior construction and ornament. Thus, the great Hamam of Uskiip, which, with its low octagon capped with a roofed cupola, externally much resembles the old octagonal thermal cham- ber near Novipazar, presents internally an entirely Oriental appearance, with ogival arches and corner niches or alcoves, with rows of angidar excrescences, which, Avhen sufficiently projecting, give them somewhat the appearance of stalactitic grottoes. On the other hand, the mere insertion of a Turkish inscrip- tion into the outside wall of a building does not necessarily prove that it was the work of the Turkish dignitary thus honoui'ed, and some of the buildings, especially in the North-East quarter of the town, may well date from prae-Turkish and even prae-Slavonic times. Of these, the most ancient in appearance is unquestionably the ruined Hamam of " the two Sisters." Two sisters, according to local tradi- tion, daughters of a king, were taken by a pasha to wife. He died, leaving them childless, and the widows built the Hamam. It is built — like so many Byzantine buildings of this district — of square blocks of stone encased with tiles, but in the present instance, many of the blocks are, as already mentioned,'' wrought out of Roman sepulchral monuments. Nothing seems more difficult than to deter- mine the age of buildings built in the same Byzantine style before and after the Turkish conquest. But the existence of so many ancient buildings in the same style at Skopia itself, and amongst the monasteries of the surrounding ranges, is itself sufficient proof of the strength of the local Byzantine tradition. In no other town in the central districts of the Balkan Peninsula is the living impress of New Rome so strong as here. Indirectly, if not directly, the hand of Justinian is still felt in what I, for my part, shall not scruple to call his native city. The numismatic evidence as to the importance of Skopia in the fifth, sixth, and succeeding centuries is not less strking. In the bazars of the town, in addition to coins of Macedonian, consular, and early imperial date — and amongst them * The Tm-ks attribute the construction of the KurSumli Han to a certain ilahmoud Pasha, x P. 101. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 149 autonomous pieces of Thessalonica, Stobi, Pautalia, and Viminacium, illustrating the old commercial connexion witli tliose places — I observed an abundance of coins of Anastasius, Justin, and Justinian, besides others dating from later Byzantine, Bulgarian, and Serbian times. Cnriously enough, the parting keepsake given me by my host at Uskup was a large brass coin of Justinian himself. The Aqueduct of Skopia is visible about an hour distant from the city to the North. There are fifty-four brickwork arches, supported on piers of alternating stone and brick, spanning a small valley connecting one of the lower undulations which roll across the plain from the foot of the Karadagh with the range of hills on which the akropolis of Skopia stands. From this spot it runs, as an under- ground channel, in a North- Easterly direction to the village of Gluha, which lies in a wooded and well-watered glen of the Karadagh range. The source is covered and preserved from possible contamination by a low, square, stone-tiled building of rubble masonry, which cannot pretend to any vast antiquity. The spring itself is known to the villagers as " Lavovac." In the Skopia direction the channel is again lost beneath the surface, and comes out finally near the noble Mustafa Mosque (which rises above the town not far from the entrance to the fort- ress), where its first function is to supply the fountain that embellishes the court of the mosque. In surveying the arches of this Aqueduct as they span the valley — so Byzantine in their general effect — the traveller is again tempted to imagine that he sees before him the actual handiwork of Justinian, and that this is the very Aqueduct by which the Emperor, according to Procopius, conducted a perennial stream to his native city. In this case again, however, a closer study has led me to modify this opinion. Though several ancient fragments, — including, besides that containing a part of the titles of Severus, a portion of a Roman sarcophagus and an Ionic capital, not improbably of Byzantine date, — have been walled into the fabric, the general appearance of the work and the character of its preservation is not such as to warrant the belief that in its present state at least it dates from Justinian's time. There is no single feature in the construction which is not reproduced in mosques, hamams, and hans of Tiu'kish date in Skopia, while the ogival character of many of the arches, which may be gathered from my sketch (fig. 93), is certainly not inconsistent with a late origin ; thoi;gh not, perhaps, conclusive, as such pointed arches do occasionall}^ occiir in undoubtedly Roman aqueducts." On the whole, therefore, I am reduced to suppose that the upper part, at least, of the Aqueduct in its present state represents the recon- » For pointed arches in the Aqueduct of Segovia, built in Trajan's time, see Archaeologia, vol. iv. page 410, note. 150 AiitlqiiariuH Iicscarclics in Illi/riciDn. structioii ill Turkish times of a pre-existing Byzantine work. The local traditions that 1 am al)le to gather thoroughly support this view. The prevalent tradition i'ig. 93. The Aqueduct of Skopia. amongst Christians, as well as Turks, is, that the Aqueduct was a pious work of the same Musta or Mustafa Pasha who built the mosque, which, as we have seen, was its first goal, in Skopia." On the other hand, I also came upon traces, and " Au older Christian tradition regarding the aqueduct is, however, mentioned in the rehition of the Ragusan ambassadors who passed through Uskiip in 1792. " Nella vicinanza di Uschiup videro un antico acquedotto mezzo rovinato volgarmente detto Geiina Ciupria, cioe Ponte di Jerina moglie di Giorgio Despot, per che da lei fabricato acquedotto fatto a forza di archi molto simile a quelle di Pisa." Jerina or Irene, wife of the Serbian despot George Brankovich, is popularlj- credited with many buildings throughout those countries. Tlie description " mezzo rovinato " is interesting as showing that some restoration of the work must have taken place since the end of the last centurv. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjrinim. 161 that from an iinexpected quarter, of a saga, wliicli points to the existence of the Aqueduct in some form in much more remote times. Whilst examining the Fig. 54. Arches in the old Bezestan, Skojiia. milliary cohimn which exists in a street of Skopia, I read out the name of Trajan to a group of enquiring Turks who were collected round me whereupon one of, the most venerable of the number, old Abderrahman Aga, at once exclaimed, " Trojan, — Kapetan Trojan ! Why, he it was who built the Aqueduct." The name of the great engineering Emperor, who bridled the Danube and conquered Dacia, still lives in the folk-lore of the Peninsula ; and in this instance " Kapetan Trojan " appears to have appropriated Justinian's work, in the same way as wc have seen " Czar " Constantine usurp his birthplace. I was fortunate enough to discover in Skopia itself something like a proof 152 Autiquarian Researches in lUtjricmn. that the Aqueduct had once existed throughout its extent in an earlier form. Hearing of an old " Bezestan " or "cloth hall," at present closed (partly, indeed, in a state of demolition), and hidden from view by the surrounding booths of the bazar, with some difficulty I obtained access to it. What was my surprise to find the central court traversed by three large brickwork arches, supported by stone piers of well-cut masonry, surmounted by a well-executed cornice or abacus, and evidently representing a section of that part of the aqueduct which supplied the lower town of Skopia. The court itself had obviously been altered in later times, and holes for beams, supporting some later flooring or roof, had been knocked out of the sides of the central line of arches. That parts of the building, however, belonged to the same date as the fragment of the aqueduct which it included was obvious, from the fact that the arches coalesced with the structure of the walls at the two extremities of the court. The construction of the piers and arches seemed to me in this case to be not earlier than late Roman times, and distinctly superior to that of the Aqueduct outside the city, one obvious defect of which is that the piers are too large for the brick arches they support. The old Bezestan itself, which forms in part at least an organic whole with this early work, is a good example of the style of blended stone and brick-work which at Skopia, as we have seen, survived Byzantine times. The walls of its central court contain small chambers, access to which is obtained by small round arched doors, and in the middle of each side of the court is an entrance arch of larger dimensions. The interior is at present cumbered with LUbris of brickwork, and the whole is threatened with speedy demolition. If we may be allowed to regard the central arches as a surviving relic of the actual fabric of Justinian's Aqueduct, we may venture to see in the ruined building which it traverses one of the very market halls with which, according to Procopius, the Emperor adorned his native City. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjrlcam. NOTES ON THE ROMAN EOAD LINES FROM SCUPI TO NAISSUS AND REMESIANA. In tlie Tabula Peutingeriana and the Geographer of Ravenna, there appears a line of road bringmg Scupi into direct connexion with the historically better known city of Naissus, the birthplace of Constantine, and thus with the great central highway of Illyricum, the "Agger Publicus " that ran from Singidnnum, the present Belgrade, jjast Serdica (Sophia) to Philippopolis, and eventually to Byzan- tium. Grave difficulties are suggested by the mileage and stations of this route, which itself falls into two parts : 1. A cross-line from Scupi to Hammeo, the Acmeon of Ravennas, a station twenty miles distant from Naissus on the military road already referred to,'' which brought Naissus into communication with Ulpiana, and eventvially with the Adriatic port of Lissus. 2. The section from Hammeo (or Acmeon) to Naissus common to the route Naissus-Ulpiana, and Naissus-Scupi. In Ravennas we have nothing more than a confused list of cities. In the Tabula there is no intermediate station given between Scupi and Hammeo (Acmeon), which at the lowest compiitation must have been three days distant. It was this omission that led Professor Tomaschek, wrongly, as we have seen, to look for the site of Scupi itself in the valley of the Bulgarian Morava. "We may be allowed to suspect that stations on the line Scupi-Hammeo have been erroneously transferred on the Tabula to the line Scupi-Stobi, where the chain of stations is too long. But the whole question is obscure and I shall here content myself with a few antiquarian observations made during a journey from Skopia to Nish (the ancient Naissus) some of which throw a certam amount of light on the c»urse of the Roman road-line and the position of two at least of the principal stations. The modern road that traverses the low Southern offshoots of the Karadagh to Kumanovo affords a certain guide to the earlier part of the Roman route from Scupi, in the Naissus direction. The physical configm-ation of the country and the interposition of the Karadagh ranges admit in fact of no alternative line in that part of the route. * See p. 65 seqq. X 154 Antiquanan Researches in llhjrlru )ii. PROSALVTE IMP-M-AVRELI ANTONINI Pll AVC-ETIVLIAE AVCMATRIKA5T ACI-fLLEV5[CR\A/ DMJERWJ-Poj KAL-NoVEMBK''-'- SABINOIIETANV LINO CoS At Kumanovo, outside the orthodox church, was an altar to Jupiter Optimus ]\laxiinus D(olichenus) erected by a certain Achilleus for the health of Caracalla and Julia Douina in the consulship of Sabinus and Anulinus," A.D. 216. I was informed that this stone liad l)een brounlit tVom the villaij'e of JjOpod about an hour and a-lialf to the West of Kumanovo, where another inscription is said to exist near the mosque. At this place, therefore, rather tlian at Kumanovo itself, should be sought the first station on the Roman road from 8cupi to Naissus. Above this village, on an eastern spur of the Karadagh, rises the noble Byzantine chiircli of Matejci, near which I observed a Roman sepidchral slab witli an illegible in- scription. The church itself, with its brickwork central tower, its four surrounding cupolas, and its triple apse, stands like some peak-castle of the Middle Ages on the summit of one of the beech- wood-covered spurs of the Black Mountain. Its ])osition at an elevation of about ;3,000 feet looking forth over the broad Kumanovo plain, and the distant Serbian and Bulgarian ranges is most commanding and may vie with that of the temple of yEgina. I found the monastery, such as it is, tenanted by a few Bulgar peasants, and the church itself, one of the noblest monu- Fig. n , loci Optimo M.aximo DuIicJieno PEG SALVTE IMP. M. AVRELI / ANTONINI PII / AVC . i;t I\ I.JAE / AVG MATE! KASTTOrum / ACHILLEVS EOUVN/dEM SEEVVS yOSuit / KAI, . NOVEMBEIS / SABINO II ET ANv/liNO COllSlllilnis. * Tliis stone had been previously observed by Von Hiiliii {lieise von Lelyrad nach Salonik, 239. C. I. L. iii. 1697). His observations were conducted, however, under most unfavoiu-able climatic conditions, and his copy is inaccurate in every single line. He niiulc out the dedication to be one to Mithi-a. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 155 ments of Eastern Rome in this region, far advanced on the road to total ruin. The great central cupola had fallen in, and the two massive columns on either side of the entrance were overthrown. Their capitals were very remarkable and recalled those of the church containing the Emperor Dusan's effigy at Ljubiten. The four angles of one were adorned with scallop foliage, two heads of bulls, and one of a ram ; of the other with the same foliation, a ram's head, an eagle, and a kind of Ionic volute. In its ground plan, with its two side apses, and indeed in its spacious dimensions, twenty-eight paces long by seventeen broad, it differs from most of the churches hereabouts. The inscriptions on the frescoes, with which the whole interior of the church had been covered, were in Greek. Of the wall-paintings themselves, which, in spite of the ruinous condition of the church, are in some places brilliantly pre- served, the full-length image of the Theotokos and Child (to whom, according to the local tradition, the church was dedicated) to the East of the blocked-up southern entrance is amongst the most graceful. Over the door is a large repre- sentation of the Pantokrator. To the left, entering the church, the whole of the second bay of the western wall is filled mth a sacred genealogical tree, on the central stem of which I could read the names of David and Solomon ; on either side of this the coiling foliage enclosed rows of prophets and patriarchs. To the right of the entrance the sacred tree is balanced by another. Imperial and Orthodox. Unfortunately, this is much effaced ; but enough remained to show that it was a Byzantine counterpart of the tree of the Nemanjids in the royal Serbian church of Decani : "■ the figures here were smaller and inferior to the Serbian, but, in other respects, much resembled them. One legend still remains, attached to a figure in the highest row but one of the tree, ICAAXrOC BACIAeYC PcuMecuN, to show that this was intended to represent the genealogical tree of the imperial house of the Komneni. In the South-East corner of the church are three more imperial full-length portraits : an Emperor, holding a roll in Byzantine fashion ; an Empress, whose robes are elaborately ornamented with a fleur-de-lys pattern ; and a younger Emperor; in this case again the style much recalling the representations of Di;san and his son and consort. In the centre of what is now the ruined l)ody of ° About two hours distant from Kumanovo to the East, at Naguric, is a splendid example of an old Sei'bian church, with an inscription recording its erection by King Miljutin, and frescoes within of the King and his consort Simonida. Like Dei'ani, it is evidently the work of a Dalmatian architect, and represents a compromise between Italian and Byzantine styles. I must however resei-vc its description for another occasion. x2 156 Antiquarian Researches in Illi/riciim. the cliurcli, a later chapel has been erected for purposes of Avorship, and about one hundred yards below are ruins of another of smaller dimensions, with frescoes of a later date. At Kumanovo itself I obtained several coins " and other antiquities, the bulk of which were said to have been found at Prsovo, a small town some three hours distant ; and I had previously met an engineer who had been recently occupied with the construction of a road near this place, who informed me that, to his knowledge, tlnve Rouian inscriptions had been found there. To Prsovo I accord- ingly proceeded, following the western edge of the plain that skirts this side of the Karadagh. The little town itself consists of five or six hundred houses, of which only ten are Christian, and lies at the point where a tributary of the ]\IoraA-a issues from a -sanding gorge of the Black Mountain, and where, to the North- West, a pass leads across the range to Gilan, five hours distant. The inscrip- tions had, unfortimately, vanished ; their disappearance but too probably connect- ing itself with the needs of road paving ; ])ut traces of Roman occupation were not wanting. The Kaimakam informed me that some children, playing in a field by the stream, had recently found several coins, one of which was brought me as a specimen. It proved to be a denarius of the Empress Faustina. From an intelli- gent Albanian guide, Mustafa by name, I learnt that on the height above the A-illage there had formerly been a stone with a wolf, as he thought, sculptured on it, and an inscription. In the upper part of the glen he showed me a spot where ancient foundations and Roman tiles abounded ; and informed me that many graves had been dug up here, ornaments being sometimes foimd with the remains. Above this spot were some curious niches with remains of frescoes, but these of medifeval Byzantine or Slavonic date, cut in the face of the cliiT. The present population is Albanian, belonging to three " Fises " — " Plahac," "Sopa," and " Kilment " (" Clementi," as pronounced by my guide). From what I learned fi-oni liim as to the local dialect, Roman or Bmiman influence on the language must be here very marked, and I was much struck with his remark: "Albanian, Italian," " Tlic coins included silvoi- pieces of the Preoniaii piinces, Patraos and Audoleon, Macedonian, Roman, and Byzantine. Preonian coins seem more abundant in this district East of the Karadagh than in the immediate environs of Skopia. They are also abundant about Vranja in the upper ^^'llley of the Bulgarian Morava. •> Mustafa had picked up a little Italian from some workmen engaged on the new Serbian line. Amongst words in the local dialect which struck him as like Italian he instanced Szavle=Sand. (Cf. Ital. Sabbia, Rouman, Sabhi), Plop or Plep=poplar (Ital. Pioppo, Macedo-Rouman Plop), Sielce= willow (Italian Salice, Macedo-Rouman tSalice or Salce), Supra= above (It. Sopra, Rouman Supra, ordinary Albanian Siper), Ca'olli also Cavolli. horse (It. Cavallo, Rouman, Callu, ordinary Albanian Colli or Calli), &c. Antiquarian Researches in Ilhjricum. 157 and Vlacli are all the same," On the opposite side of the Golema is a \411age with the purely Rouman name, Pratosielce^Willow-mead, and Koncul on the other side of the Morava has an equally Rouman sound. The Roman remains at Prsovo — and, according to my guide, several inscrip- tions had been recently broken up here — seem to mark it as a considerable Station on the Roman road-line between Scupi and Naissus. Of the further course of the "Way into the valley of the Bulgarian Morava, approached from this place by an easy descent, I could find no direct evidence. That the hot-baths of Vranja were known to the Romans is highly probable. In the neighbourhood of this town Roman coins are of frequent occurrence, and, from the coins of Pajonia and Damastion that I obtained here, it would certainly appear that this, the natural avenue of approach from the ^gean to the Danubian basin was frequented by traders in prse-Roman times. At Leskovac, the only trace of Roman habitation that I observed was a large tile with part of a stamp beginning with E . . . but broken off, and some fragmentary capitals, on the site of an old church of St. Elias, now in course of restoration. Whilst exploring the wild country that lies to the North of Leskovac — a part of the former Arnaontluk — till the Serbian occupation, almost inaccessible to strangers — I came upon some more important remains. I had learnt, from some of the natives, that at a spot called "Zlata," beyond the valley of the Pusta Rjeka, or Desert River, and about foiu" hours ride from Leskovac, was an ancient bridge, or dam, by which, according to the local tradition, the waters of a stream had been diverted from the Turkish besiegers of a stronghold that rose beside it. The village of Zlata itself turned out to be a wretched group of straw-thatched hovels, near which however were the remains of an old church, dedicated, according to tradition, to the Bogorodica (Theotokos), amongst the ruins of which I found part of a marble slab, containing a relief of a cross on a globe of singularly Ravennate aspect (see sketch-plan B). At the West end of the village, on the slope of a hill which here rises above the stream, there were visible two high blocks of brick- work, which, on nearer inspection, proved to be parts of a Roman gateway (see sketch-plan C), a part of the spring of the arch, of narrow bricks, being visible on one side. It was, in fact, the city gate, on the Naissus side — the Porta Naissitana, of a considerable Roman Castrum, the plan of which can be best understood from the annexed sketch-plan. The outer wall of this Castrum climbs the hill above to the brink of a precipitous ravine to the North. This outer wall, the massive brick- work of which was still visible in places, stood in direct relation with the gateway. Beyond it, however, was what had been, in all probability, the original castrum, a i:)S Antiiiuarian Researches in Illyricum. Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum. 159 rained rectangle of the same brickwork, tlie approximate dimensions of whicli are given in my sketch-plan, the upper wall of which overlooked the Northern ravine. In the North-Bast corner of this were the remains of the oblong Pnetorium, — colossal masses of brickwork and cement in boulder-like confusion. The Pnetoriimi occupied what was the most level, and at the same time the most commanding, part of the area of circumvallation. The most remarkable part, however, of this Roman civic settlement remains to be described. This was a huge brick wall running across a hollow watercoiirse a little below the remains of the gateway. This watercourse, which runs parallel to the lower or Southern wall of the Castrum, is formed by two brooks, known as the Zlata Potok and Zitni Potok, which flow into one another a little lower down the gully. The cross-wall itself is of extraordinary dimensions, gradually increasing from six to as nearly as possible twelve feet in thickness, and rising twenty feet alcove the bottom of the ravine. At one point it has been breached by the Zlata Potok, and it is not traceable beyond the second stream. It is composed of square flat bricks and cement, its upper surface presenting the appearance shown in fig. c. — a method of construction which recalls Trajan's bridge-head at Turn Severia and the walls of Serdica. On the Eastern face are visible two semi- circular turret-like projections, which evidently served as buttresses, one of which is entered by a round arch and contains a small domed chamber. On the other side, almost choked with rubbish and just above the present level of the soil, is seen the top of a small arch communicating with a hollow space, too full of fragments to admit of my entering it. It is here that an Arnaout is said to have found a heap of gold, which, however, the genius of the spot would not permit him to remove; and from this tale of treasure-trove this place is called " Zlata," — the plural form of " Gold." That this huge work, the colossal strength of which still impresses the spectator, was originally constructed to dam up the waters of the streams thei'e can be no reasonable doubt. The natives called it " Stari Most " or the Old Bridge ; but the tradition already referred to, tliat it was built to divert the water from beloAV, contains a real kernel of truth. That it may have also served as a bridge is probable enough, but the primary purpose of its massive construction was to form a dam ; and this fact accounts for its great thickness in the centre of the gully, where the pressure of the pent up waters would naturally be greatest. The Zlata brook has in fact only succeded in lu-eaching it by attacking its wing, where the thickness of the wall is diminished by three or four feet, and where the support of the turret-biittresses is wanting. The practical object attained by this 160 Atitiijiiiiriini Rpt^pnrchf.'i in Illi/rlcuni. huge dam was also ob^'^o^ls enough. Its effect would be to secure a capacious reservoir of fresh water at a spot where, in summer, water is apt to be deficient. Both lirooks were dry when I saw their channels in the month of July. A furtlier proof of the connexion of the work with the water supply of the Roman town is to lie found in a subterranean channel, now covered with earth and dehns^ leading from the Soxithern slope of the gully in the direction of tlie Castrum. The Castrum itself lies on a promontory of a low range of hills, tending directly in the direction of Nisli, and exactly on the line formerly taken liy the Roman road from Naissus to Ulpiana, and eventually to Lissus. Its distance from the site of Xaissus squares almost to a mile with that of the second station on this road, the hammeo, of the Tahvla Peufingeriana, set down there as twenty miles distant from Naissus and six from the intermediate station, ad herovlem, the Castrum Herculis of Jordanes. Theodemir the Amalung, the father of Theodoric, must therefore have passed through this station on his way to Ulpiana, at the same time as he passed through the preceding station. The name of Hammeo appears in the Geographer of Ravenna, the only other authority who mentions it, as ACMEON, which must probably be taken as the preferable form, and the identification of its site is especially pertinent to our present subject, since it was at this point that the junction took place between the two Roman road-lines Scupi- Naissus and Ulpiana-Naissus. The view from the Pr^etorium height is most commanding, and well brings out the relation of this Roman stronghold to the geography of the district. To the West rise the mountain mass of the Petrova Gora, dipping do^vn to the left as if to indi- cate the pass formerly followed by the continuation of the Roman road to Ulpiana. On the other side of the same range runs an old road Avhich still brings Zlata into connexion with Kursumlje and the Toplica valley. The general impression of the scene, the oblong well-marked Castrum on the height, overlooking to the North a precipitous ravine, and looking forth on the wild highlands beyond, strangely recalled one of the Wall Chesters of Britain ; and, considering the remains still extant above ground, an excavation would assuredly yield I'esults not inferior to those obtained at Borcovicus or Cilurnum." ' Since this account was written, I see that the ruins ot Zhita arc alluded to by Von Hahn (Seise von Belgrad nach Salonik, p. 55). On his way fi'om Z\tni Potok to Lcskovac, he passed the ruins of " Slata " — the Albanian form of the Serb Zlata. He saw upon the hill the remains of an " TJmfassungs-mauer " of hard burnt brick and tirm cement, and speaks of the remaijis of a bridge on both sides of the brook, by which he certainly refei's to the dam. Hahn apparentlj- had no opportunity to explore the remains further, but he noticed their Roman appearance and rightly Antiquarian lipsearrhcs In Ulyrlcnm. 161 The antiquities of Naissus itself would deserve a separate investigation, and I must here content myself with a few passing observations. In his work on Danubian Bulgaria and the Balkan, Herr Kanitz has endeavoured to show that the actual site of Naissus was not to be sought, as had been hitherto believed, at Nish, the city which certainly preserves its name, but at the village of Brzibrod, three- quarters of a hour distant from Nish." Here, on the left bank of the Nisava, Herr Kanitz discovered the remains of an ancient wall of circumvallation, and near it the foundations of an octagonal building, which was possibly a Christian baptistery. The identification of these remains with the ancient Naissus was however quite inconsistent with the position of that town on the right bank of the river as described in the recently discovered fragment of Priscus' history,'' and the clearest evidence of the accuracy of Priscus' account is now to be seen in tlie DEAHVNONr ATIL^FELICIA NVJtV'P v:S''^5:?»r^ '^^ m w I-O'M'L Fit;. 'M. Fig. 97. brought them into connection with the Roman i-oad from Naissus to Ulpiana. He leamt from an Arnaout Aga a local tradition that Sultan Murad had taken the stronghold from a certain" Kralica " (Queen). ••> Donau-Bulgarim und der Balkan, Bd. 1, p. l.")7 seqq. (1875). " See Fragments inedits de Vhistorien grec Prwcus rectieiliis et puUie's par C. Wescher in Revue Archeologique N.S. vol. xviii. (1868), p. 86 seqq. Cf. Jirecek, Heer.^trasse, p. 21. Priscus, however, DiToneouslj calls the i-iver " the Danube." Y \(>2 Aiitiiiiiijiidit li/'Aearcheii iii Illi/rinon. "(Jrad " or fortress of Nisb itself, where, as we know from William of Tyre, the Metliitval city stood. The result of the work of clearance effected within the older " Grad ", which stands on the Northern bank of the river opposite to the newer to^\ni on the Southern bank, has been to reveal large parts of the fovnida- tions of the Roman walls as well as the Southern or river gate of the ancient Naissus, the gate, namely, which seems to have been the chief object of Attila's attack. The foundations of this gate, flanked by two square towers, are to be seen about a hundred yards further from the river than the Turkish gate on this side. Many monuments and architectural fragments had also been unearthed during these military works, and by the kmdnessof the Serbian Commandant, General Benitsky, I was able to copy the two following hitherto unpublished inscriptions (figs. 9(> :md 07). The first is a votive altar to Juno, the other an altar of the same ^ Jl=: jjVlCT'AVG %ARlNOR^ ?|splendid1ss Imaetdevo ^'tISSIMANVM; INIEORVMPRO VINC JAMOES SVPERIOR /JVVK-TO AVG/// CARINO K /// SPLEND1DIS5IMA ET liEVOTlSSIMA NVMIM KoUVM VROWSCfJ ySOEHIA SVPERlOi?. Kig 98. Antiquarian Eesearchef in nii/ricurn. 16-'5 description dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus Labrandeus, or perhaps Liberator, by a certain Aur. Vitalis, who seems to have been a member of the O(rdo) Od(essitanus) the local Senate of Odessus on the Pontic shore. It is impossible to close this account without some reference to the neighbour- ing Municipium of Remesiana, the next station South-East of Naissus on the great Military Way that traversed the centre of the Peninsula, the site of which is at present occupied by the village of Bela Palanka." Here, walled into a house oppo- site the old Turkish Palanka, was an inscription (fig. 98) apparently recording the erection of a votive altar for the health of the Emperors Carus" and Carinus (in the year 283 therefore) by the province of Upper Moesia. Remesiana derives its chief historical interest from its bisho{), St. Nicetas, who at the end of the fourth and beginning of the fifth century completed in the remotest glens of Ha^mus and Rhodope that missionary work in the Illyriau Peninsula which St. Paul had begun. His labours of conversion, alike amongst the barbarian settlers in the new Cis-Danubian Dacia in which this city lay, and amongst the wild Bessian gold-miners of the Thracian highlands, are recorded in the Ode " of his friend and contemporary St. Paullinus of Nola : " vices rerum, bene versa formal Invii niontes prius et crueiiti Nunc tegunt versos monachis latrones Pacis alumnos .... Te patrem dicit plaga tota Borrae, Ad tuos fatus Scytha mitigatur, Et sibi discors fera te magistro Pectora ponit. Et GetEe currunt et uterque Dacus, Qui colit ierrse medio vel ille Divitis multo bove pileatus Accola ripae ■'.... * The Turkish Mustafa Pasha Palanka. '' The part of the stone containing the name of Carus is broken off : the i; . . i (the last lettei- doubtful) after Caring is enigmatical. To restore rkgi would be too bold, though we recall Vopiscus' curious statement with regard to this Emperor " Regcm dcnique ilium Illyrici plcriquc vocitarunt " (Vop. Carinus). "= S. PauUni Nolensis, c. xxx, Be Nicetm reditu in Daciam, written about the year 398. "* i. e. the Pi-ovincials of Dacia Mediterranea and Dacia Bipensis. Rcmesianri itself was in Dacia Mediterranea. 1()-J- .iiiliijiiniidii Ixi'sroiclit's ill Illi/ririini. Callidos iiuri legulos in aiinini Vertis, et Bessos imitaris ipse, 1-] quilms vivuni, t'odioiitc vcrbo, Eriiis auruin " Of the position of Remesiana, lyinof on tlie A'"ia Militaris, twenty-four miles (lislaiil from Naissus, there can be no doubt, thouij-li it is remarkable that two monuments discovered on this site tend to show that, under the earliei- Empire at least, thi' i)Hiri;il iiaiiie assumed by this Roman city, which, lik(^ so many others of this rciifioii, seems to have lookc(l to Trajan as its fouiuh'!', was Ursjnililini rijiiaaorum.'^ Several traces are still visible of St. Nicetas' city. The old Turkish '■ ])alanka,'' an oblong cadnim with a Northern and Southern gate and bastion towers at tlie angles, has — like those already described at Niksic,'' Sijenica, and elsewhere — a singularly Roman aspect. The walls themselves are largely com- posed of squared blocks and tiles from the ancient city, and are certainly partly built on older foundations, which are also traceable in a case of ruined wall, which forms a continuation of the Western side of the " palanka." T further learnt that some workmen in recently building a house outside the North-Eastern tower had eonie u[)on extensive foundations of an ancient buildiiig, then iinfor- tuuatelv no longer exposed to view. \ was shown, however, a marble fragment Fig. 99. » C. I. I.. 111. |i. 268 (No. 1685, 1686). This site, as Mominscn justly observes, iiiiist iidI 1)c confounded with that of the Dardanian Ulpiana. ^ See Archoioloijia, vol. xi.viii. p. 86-7. Anflqnarinii N exr a )■/■]/ rs i)i [lli/i'ieinn. 165 discovered amongst these foundations, wliicli proved to be of tlie highest interest in connexion with the Christian traditions of Ramesiana. It contained part of a Roman inscription — judging from the characters — of fourth or fifth century date, and evidently relating to the dedication of a church, which may well liavc been the actual church of St. Nicetas. The inscription in its present state is too imperfect to admit of confidence in its completion. That it contained the names of St. Peter and St. Paul may however be regarded as certain, and fi'om their names appearing in the nominative case, we may look for some kind of invocation. It is to be observed that, in the case of the recently-discovered dedication slab above the door of the Christian basilica of Salonae — the only Illyrian parallel that I can recall — we find an invocation of divine protection on the Roman Commonwealth, then synonymous with Christendom ; " and it may, perhaps, be inferred that this was an invocation of the same kind, in which St. Peter and St. Paul were called on to protect the Church of Christ in general and the Church of Remesiana in particular. I would, therefore, ventui'e to suggest some such restoration as the following : t ecclesia[m peotegant pe] TRVS ET p[aVLVS APOSTOrj] t sant[i qve omnes] The dedication to St. Peter and St. Paul has a special interest in relation to the close ecclesiastical connexion subsisting between Illyricum and the Apostolic See. The Illyrian Bishops, through their metropolitan, continued to acknowledge the authority of the Bishops of Rome to the very moment of the Slavonic con- quest, and Justinian himself, in his new civil and ecclesiastical settlement of Illyricum, ratified this arrangement. In the controversies of the Age we find the Bishops of the Roman cities of Dacia Mediterranea, to which Remesiana belonged, fighting the battles of Western orthodoxy against the Byzantine East ; and the personal relations of St. Nicetas himself with Italy are only another symptom of the solidarity of Latin-speaking Illyricum with the cities of Latin Christianity. The coupling of the two apostolic names in early dedications is repeated in the case of the Church of St. Peter in the Aliscamps at Aries,'' of Loja in Spain," of * DEVS NOSTEK J_ PROPITIVS ESTO REI PVBLICAK I KOMANAK. ^ De Rossi: — (Bullettino di Archeologia Cristiana, 1874, p. 14.5), si^jq., wlicie sec also tlie (Icdic;!- tion of S. Pietro in Vincoli. <= Op. cit. 1878, p. 37. itie" Aiitiipiariitu licttearclus in llh/rlrum. the basilica built l)y Justinian, before his accession, at Constantinoplp,' and in that of the Roman basilica of jS'. J'ietro in Vincoli, on which its founder, " Xystus," — in ntluT words. I'opo Sixtus III. (432 — 440 a.d.) inscribed the dedicatory lines : HAEC PETIM J'AVI,l(i\ K SIMM. SVKC NOMINK SKlNd XYSTVS APOSTOLICAE SEDIS HONOKE FRVEXS VNVM QVAESO PARES VNVM DVO SVMITE MVNVS VNVS HONOli CELEBUAT QVOS HABET VNA FIDES. At Pirot, a few hours further on the Roman I'in Militaris, the course of which — a raised causeway, often overgrown with brushwood, and flanked by two lateral Fig. IIKI. • Op. cit. 1872, p. 14. The Legates of the Apostolic See in the East wrote to Pope Hormisdas in 519, that Justinian, then Comes, — " basilicam Sanctorum Apostoloritm (Petri et I'anU) constituit, in qua desiderat et leati Laurentii Martyris reliquiae esse," &c. Antiquarian Researches in lUyrieum. 167 (litclies — is clearly visible, crossing, recrossing, and at times coalescing, with the modern road that traverses the pass above the site of Remesiana, I was so fortunate as to come upon some further relics of Roman Christianity. In the suburbs of this town, beneath the floor of the small, half-ruinous Church of St. John the Divine, the foundations of what had evidently been a far earlier church had recently been uncovered. Visiting the spot, I observed some Roman tilework, of much the same character as that of Zlata, and was shown a curious relic of the early prae-Slavonic Christianity of the spot, — a bronze Corona suspended from a cross, fragments of the glass, bell-shaped lamps, which it had once supported, and another small detached cross, also of bronze. The shape of the crosses bears an obvious resemblance to those on the dedicatory slab from Remesiana, and both may be safely referred to the same period. With the mention of these Christian relics from the scenes of St. Nicetas' labours, I may conclude my present investigation into the antiquities of a region the Roman highways of which were trodden by the pilgrim feet of this last of the Illyrian Apostles. St. Paulinus of Nola, in his Ode, already qiioted, on St. Nicetas' retui'n from Italy to his New Dacian home at Remesiana, distinctly traces his journey to Thessalonica by sea, thence by the highroad up the Axios Valley to Stobi, and thus to Scupi, the cross-line from which city to Naissus gave him easy access to his own See. " Ibis Aretoos procul usque Dacos, Ibis Epiro gemina videiidus, Et per ^geos penetrabis aestus Thessalonicen .... Tu Philippseos " Macetum per agros Tu Stobitanam •' gradieris urbeni Ibis et Scupos patrias propinquos, Dardanus hospes." " Hei-e Fhilippceos is to be taken not as referring to Fhilippi, but as an epitheton aniaiia for Macedonia in general. Thessalonica was the special city referred to. •" Accepting Pagius' admirable emendation, " Stobitanam " for '" Toraitanam." Tonii lay fai- away from any possible line of route that St. Nicetas could have taken. ox THE EOMAN TOWN OF DOCLEA. m MONTENEGEO. COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OP ANTIQUARIES BY J. A. R. MUNPiO, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. ; W. C. F. ANDERSON, ESQ., M.A. ; J. G. MILNE, ESQ., M.A. ; and F. HAVERFIELD, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : rUlNTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLJA^MEXT STREET. 1896. A R C H A K O L G I A, vor. I.V. pp. :«— 92. On the Roman toion of Dodea, in Montenegro. By J. A. R. Muneo, Esq., M.A., F.S.A.; W. C. F. Anderson, Esq., M.A.; J. G. Milne, Esq., M.A.; and F. Haveeeield, Esq., M.A., F.8.A. Read June 14, 1894. The following pages present tlie results of an expedition organised in tlie autumn of 1893 for the purpose of investigating tlie antiquities of the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro, the reputed birthplace of Diocletian. Excavations had already been carried on there during three seasons by H.H. the Prince of Montenegro, to whom the explorers desire to record their grateful acknowledg- ments, not only for his gracious permission to continue the work so auspiciously begun, but also for the kind reception and many facilities accorded to them. To M. Paul Rovinski also, the skilful director of the former excavations, they owe the warmest thanks. His generous co-operation and his local experience were simply invaluable, and his genial friendship can never be forgotten. The account of the work is distributed as follows : Part I. Doclea. § 1. The environs of Doclea. j § 2. Topography of the town. By J. A. R. Munro. § 3. The history of Doclea. ) Part II. Buildings recently excavated. § 1. The temples ) -n -rrr /^ n » _, ! « m, n , , By W. C. F. Anderson. § 2. ihe large church. ' § 3. The small church. By J. G. Milne.- Part III. The inscriptions. By F. Haverfield and J. A. R. Munro. a 2 On fhc Boman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. PART I. § 1. Tin- F.NviHONs OF Doclea. At the innermost nook of the great plain that lies to the north of the Lake of Scutari two rivers emerge from the hills, the Moraca flowing from the north-east, and the Zeta from the north-west. The rivers unite, and their joint stream, which keeps the name Moraca, passes along the foot of the low bare ridge that bounds this corner of the plain on the west, down to the town of Podgorica about two miles below the junction, and so onwards to the distant lake. Between the two rivers, forming the base of a triangle to their apex, the naked limestone hills of the Piperi highlands rise abruptly from the flat. From them descends a torrent, dry in the summer time save during heavy rains, and after following on a smaller curve a course roughly parallel to the Moraca, issues into the Zeta a few hundred yards above the confluence of the rivers. The traveller from Podgorica towards Niksic by the high road up the right bank of the Zeta can hardly fail to notice on the opposite side between the Morada and the mouth of tlie torrent a tract of rough level ground encumbered with heaps of stones and shimmering white ruins. It is the site of the Roman Doclea. The name survives in the modern Dukle, but there is not even a village to claim it, only a few scattered cottages on or about the site, and a large house and mill by the roadside. Should our traveller wish to visit the ancient town, he must proceed past it as far as the mill-house, and cross the fine new bridge over the Zeta. Turning back along the other bank, he will come first upon an ancient cemetery, which has been partially excavated. A group of little round stone urns, each with its circular lid, stands ranged on a large block like pots on a stove. Half a dozen epitaphs inscribed on small panelled stones may be found by searching, and a few paces further down the ])ath lies a broken sarcophagus of the big-eared type so common at Salona. The path turns to the left away from the Zeta, and descends to a recently constructed bridge over the torrent-bed. The bridge is built almost entirely of ancient fragments, columns, bases, bits of cornice, and carved stones. Up the opposite slope a line of inscribed blocks, forming a parapet to the roadway, extends from the bridge to a gap in the town walls. These blocks and many of the fragments in the bridge were derived from the wreck of a great gate, which once occupied the gap. The gate itself seems to have been built of material collected from all quarters of the site, perhaps hastily put together to meet a barbarian invasion in the last days of Doclea. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 3 The ancient town (see plan, Plate IV.) is of irregular shape, lying east and west, with a length very much greater than its breadth. The situation is a strong one, in spite of the level ground. The south side is defended by the Moraca, the west by the Zeta, and the north by the gulley of the torrent. All three streams flow in deep rocky beds between overhanging walls of conglomerate strata. In very few places is the water accessible from above, and although the torrent is an uncertain defence, the rivers are broad, swift, and deep. There is only one ford, at a point on the Moraca near the middle of the south side of the town, and it is quite impassable except when the river is low. The best proof of the natural strength of the river faces of the site is that there is no trace of forti- fication along them. The massive wall which covers the north and east sides ends at the one extremity on the Zeta, at the other on the Moraca. The east face is the weakest, but it is also the shortest, and has been most carefully fortified. The wall here runs across to the canon of the Moraca from an elbow in the torrent's course, where, having spent the impetus of its descent from the hills, it turns westward to join the Zeta. Between these two points a broad ditch or moat has been dug outside the wall, completing the isolation of the peninsula. Large portions of the walls are still standing, especially the east wall and eastern half of the north wall. They are solidly built of a thick rubble core with a facing of small square blocks laid in regular courses. At rare intervals are traces of projecting rectangular towers. Besides the west gate there must have been a gate near the north-east corner, b\it its existence has rather to be inferred from the roads inside and outside the walls than demonstrated by actual remains. There is, it is true, a gap in the north wall at the right place, but it is so ruinous and jagged that by itself it would prove nothing. From this gap a narrow but direct and unimpeded lane leads through the ruins of the ancient town down to the ford on the Moraca. The lane may well represent an ancient street narrowed by the debris of the buildings on each side. Outside the walls a track runs east- wards between the roots of the hills and the river. It has quite the character of a Roman road, and is lined with fragments from sepulchral monuments. About half a mile out of Doclea in particular there is an old grave-yard just under the hill, where among innumerable ancient fragments of all kinds is a large collection of sarcophagus lids. But the best evidence is a Roman bridge on the Moraca, about a mile above the ancient town. It was once a fine structure of sis arches, and is still impressive although nothing is standing but the piers and abutments. The river is here hemmed by high rocks, and flows in one concentrated sweep under the right bank. The northernmost arch had a span of not less than fifty feet. This bi'idge must have been the main means of communication between a2 4 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. Doclea and the country to the south and east, and we cannot suppose that all the traffic was sent round to the west gate, even were it possible to carry a road along between the north wall of the town and the torrent. We are compelled therefore to regard the gap near the north-east corner as a second gate, altliougli it cannot have been a very large one. The bridge and gate have some bearing on the problem of the Roman road from Scodra to Narona. Mr. Arthur Evans has fully discussed the course of this road in his Antiquarian Researches in Illyricum" I have not the necessary local knowledge to carry that discussion any farther. All that I know of the country is in favour of Mr. Evans' general hypothesis, and it may be added that the assignment of the Docleates to the conventiis of Narona*" seems to postulate some fairly direct communication. Only, on the one hand, I find it difficult to believe that, if there was already a Roman bridge over the Moraca just above Doclea, the road crossed the river just below at Podgorica ; and on the other hand, if the road crossed by that bridge and passed through the town, it becomes more than ever inexplicable that Doclea is not mentioned in the Itinerary and Tabula. Is it possible that the Roman road crossed the Moraca several miles below Podgorica, and followed the valley of the Sitnica, so as to strike the Zeta at Spuz and cut off the bend by Dukle ? From Duklc up to Spuz the Zeta is closely hemmed by the hills, but at Spuz the valley opens out into the level plain of Bjelopavlic ; a broad fertile flat, broken only by a row of rocky crests which rise at intervals in the middle. The old fortress of Spuz crowns the southernmost of these crests, and commands at once the passage of the river by the quaint narrow bridge at the base of the rock, and the defile towards Dukle. In the side of one of the crests above Spuz are the quarries which supplied Doclea with its best building stone. The MoraCa valley is for the most part a mere rift in the mountains, too narrow even for a road. A hasty ride down the lower part of it failed to reveal any ancient traces. In the great plain it is otherwise. Right across it, from the Ribuica about due east of Podgorica nearly up to Doclea, an attentive eye can follow the line of a subterranean aqueduct. The Ribnica, a tributary of the Moraca, springs full grown from the mountain side. The aqueduct crossed it near its source on a bridge, of which the rubble core of the abutments on each bank is still standing. The water was drawn, M. Rovinski informed me, from the Cijevna, some distance beyond. The reason why the Roman engineers could not utilize the water of the ■' Pt. ii. pp. 79 sq. ^ Pliny, N. H. iii. 143. On the Roman toivn of Doclea, in Montenegro. 5 Ribnica is plain enougli. The bed of the stream lies below the level of the imdula- tions of the plain. To get a flow of water, a source higher up the hillside had to be tapped, and this made it necessary to go beyond the Ribnica to the Cijevna. "We had a section of the aqueduct cleared at a point in the plain where the vault had collapsed. It is an arched channel about 4J feet high by about 2^ wide, built of rubble and lined with fine cement. The earth thrown out Avhen the trench was cut still shows as a faint ripple on the surface of the ground. The popular story says that the aqueduct was carried over the Moraca to Doclea on the Roman bridge above the town. It is doubtless this tradition Avhich has led to the myth of " massive remains of an aqueduct " ^ at Doclea. But the story cannot be accepted ; for firstly, the aqueduct does not make for the bridge, but rather for the ford ; secondly, the Moraca is itself an aqueduct for Doclea, and its water is highly esteemed by the natives ; thirdly, were water wanted for Doclea, it could be brought by a shorter route and with less trouble from the Piperi hills on the same side of the river. The aqueduct does not reach so far as the Morada, and its destination must be sought on the south bank. Opposite to the ancient town there is a small tumulus, and tombs are some- times discovered. A low ridge in the ground, possibly an ancient road, runs from near the ford towards the hamlet of Zlatica at the foot of the eastern hills. Here there are remains of two churches, one standing in skeleton, the other beside it almost obliterated. Among the debris of the latter is some Roman brickwork, a couple of large slabs with ornamental carving, like those found in the Christian basilica at Doclea, and several inscriptions.'' Zlatica lies close under the mountains, at the foot of the steep pass that leads from the Podgorica plain directly into the eastern corner of Montenegro. The top of the pass is commanded by the ruined fortress of Medun. Whatever the date of the present castle, there was an lUyrian hill-fort here before the Roman conquest. Medun is Livy's Medeon," where the family of King Gentius sui-rendered to the legate Perperna. On a lower ridge under the castled crag are some remains of a large fortified enclosure of polygonal masonry. Similar walls exist, I believe, at Scutari, Alessio, and elsewhere, samples of which are figured in Hahn's Albanesische Studien, p. 122. I bought from a villager of Medun, who * Quoted by Mr. Evans from Kovalevski, Antiquarian Besearches, p. 85, note. ^ Mr. Milne did a day's experimental digging on this site after the close of our work at Doclea. He reports that there are about 2 yards of earth above the floor. Probably the church could be cleared for £50, and several more inscriptions recovered. The materials seem to have been brought from Doclea, vphicli is only an hour's walk distant. " Livy, xliv. 23, 32. Polybius, xxix. 2. 6 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Monte)U'(jro. had found tbem in his field, two copper coins of Scodra, which Professor Gardner has deciphered as follows : (1)" Obv. Head of Zeus. Rev. API . Galley : below it, dolphin. (2)"0bv, Head of Zens. Rev. AAA | ISKOAPEI [ NflN. Galley? § 2. TOPOGKAI'HY OF THE TOWN. The internal topography of Doclea will be best described if we start tVom the west gate and follow the broad grassy way which runs eastwards from this point until it meets the cross lane from the north-east gate at right angles. The broad way has been cleared and levelled by M. Rovinski during his three seasons of work on the site, but there can be little doubt that it fairly represents the course of the main street of the town. Along it extends on each side a line of important buildings. Of the gate itself little now remains. To the left, as one enters, there is a strong wall, built, not of rubble with a facing of small stones, but of large squared blocks. On the right, between the roadway and a flanking tower, are scanty remains of a thick wall, which seems to have been chiefly composed of fragments of worked stones loosely put together with a little mortar. Two or three large blocks projecting at the roadside indicate the position of the gate. We did a little digging on both sides in the hope of finding some more inscriptions, but only unearthed one fragment. A few paces inside the gate stands a low isolated block of concrete, which from its shape and size may have been the base of an equestrian statue. Hard by, but probably not in situ, lie some carved cornice blocks from a large building. A little farther in to the south is the groundwork of a small temple (A on plan, plate IV), probably a temple of Roma, and beside it stands one of its gleaming white columns, a conspicuous object from all parts of the site. Bast of the temple follows a complex of chambers more or less closely connected with one another, which can scarcely be anything but a magnificent private dwelling (B on plan). The area covered is a large one. Near the centre is a small ornamental garden, round which the rooms of the house are ranged on three sides. The other half of the space is occupied by an open court, or pleasure ground, at one * Cf. Brit. Mus. Catalogue, Thessaly, PI. xxxi. 14. •• Compare Numismatic Chronicle, 1880, PI. xiii. 2. BATHS AND GYMNASlUt -— --«SS5£3S*«^ m^ [[_ PLAN OFTHElOl "■>"«', ^^ ■/(,<, I >^ RUIN A, /"'\ liiilm... ^-^%i//r.«l#i^ M ' S o R A LITTLE CHURCH c A ">MAN TOWN OF DOCLEA IN MONTENEGRO. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 7 end of wliicli is the foundation of a grotto or fountain. Still east of this palatial residence is a second small temple (C on plan) of which there are sufficient remains to afford material for a fairly complete restoration. Interesting frag- ments are the bust of Diana, sculptured in high relief on the east pediment, and the pair of large flat dolphins which formed the balustrade on each side of the front steps. Beyond this temple on the same side of the street lies an extensive group of connected buildings, in which we may recognise the public baths of the town (E on plan). There are not only hot and cold rooms, a plunge bath, and other conveniences for which one would now look in vain throughout the land, but gymnasia, open courts, covered walks, and suites of chambers, large and small ; in fact, a complete palace of luxury. Opposite to the baths, on the north side of the way, is a large quadrangle fenced from the street by a simple wall, in the middle of which is the main entrance. The west side of the enclosure is occupied by the most important building in Doclea, the great civil basilica (D on plan). The north and east sides are formed by rows of shops opening on to the central square. In the centre of the north side facing the gateway in the south wail is a raised podium with a mosaic floor, perhaps an exedra. There can be little doubt that this square represents the forum of the ancient town, but it must be noted that the rows of shops along the north and east sides are, at least as we now see them, of very late date. The shops are in fact largely constructed of fragments from the ruins of the basilica, and it is not difficult to identify pieces of the cornice and architrave converted into door-posts and thresholds. The basilica is better preserved than might have been expected, and there are ample materials for a complete reconstruction. "We imderstand that Dr. Jelic, who devoted a fortnight to the study of the building, will shortly publish a full account of it with detailed plans and drawings.* Here, therefore, the briefest notice will suffice. The building lies north and south, with its apse to the north. The principal front faces eastwards to the forum. It was adorned with a fine colonnade constructed entirely of the beautiful white Spuz stone. None of the cohunns are now left, but a number of large fluted fragments, some standing in front of the palace of Krusna Glavica, near Podgorica, others built into the bridge over the torrent, may be confidently referred to this basilica. The pilaster bases are still in situ, engaged in a back wall of excellent brickwork. The south end of the building looking on to the street is of the usual small blocks of local stone, with a moulded sill course of white stone for a row of windows about five feet from the " See also M. A. Gerard in the liemie archeologiqne, 1890, pp. 434-7. 8 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. ground. The west and north walls arc of similar plain construction. The apso is the only feature in the latter, and the former is broken only by two doors and a line of pilaster buttresses for the support of the roof. The street entrance is at the south-east corner in a line with the colonnade. Immediately to the left a door opens on to the narthex, and there were three more doors in the cast wall The internal plan is interesting; the general form is basilicau, but there seem to have been no aisles. We could see no stylobate for any columns but the two enormous pairs which divided the north and south ends from the main body of the nave. There may, however, have been arcades of engaged arches along the side walls. The northern end is a separate chamber, connected with the nave by a broad central doorway, and lighted by windows in the east wall. The excellent style and execution of the basilica, and the inscriptions on the architrave, alike point to an early date. It is natural to refer the building to the first years of the municipal existence of Doclea under the Flavian emperors. Between the basilica and the west gate there is little to notice on the north side of the road. Faint traces of building, and a semicircular foundation about midway between the two, may suggest a long portico, but they may be deceptive, and nothing can be said to be certain without excavation. It is otherwise to the east of the Forum. Between the south-east corner of the quadrangle and the cross lane lies what may once have been a considerable building (B on plan). It seems to have had a portico front on the street, with many small chambers behind. A well-made cemented water-channel passes along the front, and at a short distance to the back is a ruinous platform with a bit of mosaic floor. The front part was laid bare by us, but the whole building proved to be in such poor pre- servation, that it did not seem worth while to complete the excavation. Opposite to this portico, in the gap between the lane and the baths, there is a small grassy patch rising to a mound at its southern end. The mound was the site of another of our experiments which, had time permitted, might have been carried farther. It covered a curious group of short, thick, parallel walls, one set arranged north and south, another set at right angles to these, east and west. The walls are divided by deep, narrow passages. (Gr on plan.) Between them were found large pieces of a thick rubble and cement floor paved with flagstones, which must have overlain the whole basement. On the brink of the northern slope is a large corner fragment with remnants of marble lining still projecting from its edges. The fragment might suggest, what is quite possible, that the building is related to the neighbouring baths. A maize field which intervenes is said to have been paved with stone slabs, dug out and removed within living memory. On the Boman toum of Doclea, in Montenegro. 9 A little to the south, between the monnd and the Moraca, stands an isolated building in the middle of a field. It was here that we began our operations. Before it was excavated the site looked promising enough, a well-defined heap of debris from which protruded three biggish columns, but the building proved to be more singular than interesting. Only the eastern half was excavated. It is an oblong divided into two nearly equal chambers with a door between them. (H on plan.) The walls are standing to a height of about three feet, except for one higher fragment in the west side. There is no entrance. Rude steps lead down into each room at its south-east corner. The columns are merely stumps set on end on the ground, perhaps to suppoi-t a roof or floor. The north-western quarter of the site presents few interesting features. It is comparatively clear and level ground, mapped out into patches of maize-field and pasture. There is also a stretch of fairly open ground on the south side of the main street along the bank of the Zeta ; but for the most part the south-western region is one complicated tract of ruins, a wilderness of walls and heaps of stones, piled confusedly together and thickly overgrown with brambles. Large blocks are rare, and it is scarcely possible to trace the outlines of the buildings. The stones have been piled up into dykes and mounds to make room for scanty plots of cultivation or of hay. The most attractive site lies near. the Moraca, about midway between the ford and the confluence of the rivers. It is inai-ked by a slight rise, some fragments of wall, and several large blocks of cornice, etc. For the rest one heap of stones looks about as good as another. There remains the eastern part of the site beyond the cross lane. This quarter has a character between those of the two regions just described. It is neither so featureless as the north-west, nor so hopelessly encumbered as the south-west. The most prominent object is a high piece of ivy-covered wall, which shelters a cottage and little kitchen garden. A few yards to the west of this wall was a piece of rough hummocky ground, where lay a carved capital and several frag- ments of columns. M. Rovinski remembered the tradition of a mosaic pavement having been discovered hereabouts. We started digging, and laid bare the large Christian basilica. (K on plan) My attention had been attracted by some large blocks peeping through a clump of undergrowth a little to the south of the church. As soon as men could be spared, we extended our operations. to this site, and discovered the massively built little church. (I on plan.) Although Doclea was an episcopal see, the Christian antiquities of the site were hitherto limited to the famous Podgorica vase, a glass vessel engraved with scenes from the Bible and highly interesting explanatory inscriptions in the local b 10 On the Roman toivn of Doclea, in Montenegro. dialect of Latin. We can now point to two early churches, the larger of which must surely have been the cathedral church of the bishopric. The rest of the eastern half of the site has never been touched by excavation, and calls for no special notice. A few remarks may be made on the character of the site in general. The type of construction is very constant, and varies litflo in the earliest and the latest buildings. The civil basilica, a great ]niblic building of the prosperous Flavian period, is naturally better built than the Christian basilica of about the sixth century. The masonry of the city walls is more regular and better laid than the courses of a private house. But the materials and methods are the same throughout. The walls are built of small, roughly squared blocks of the local limestone, laid in courses with mortar. They were no doubt plastered in most cases, or covered with fine stucco and decorated with colour. The stone is a good hard material, and may be had for the lifting close up to the gates of the town. Brickwork is rare. There are some excellent pieces in the east wall pf the civil basilica, and brick is used for arching the stoke-holes of the furnaces in the baths and elsewhere. But evidently stone was cheaper and more popular. There are a few slight remnants of thin marble facing, especially in the temple of Diana and in the plunge bath. Marble must have been a costly material, which had to be brought from a distance. For decorative purposes, such as the east front of the basilica, carved work, inscribed bases, and the like, and for thresholds, door-posts, lintels, paving, and steps, the favourite material was a very fine white limestone, derived from the quarries beyond Spuz. This is a magnificent building stone, which withstands the weather well, and tones to a rich golden hue. In general effect it resembles a finer kind of travertine, but has a more compact crystalline structure, coming very near to marble in the best specimens. If many of the inscriptions of Doclea are hard to read, it is not by fault of the material, but because they have been purposely defaced. The roofs were of tiles, a layer of which is always to be foimd between the wreck of the outer walls and the floor. From the archaeologist's point of view Doclea has two great drawbacks. In the first place the town has been ruthlessly rebuilt. Probably some destructive catastrophe befell it a century or two before its end. Few of the buildings have escaped a more or less complete reconstruction. Those which, like the great basilica, were too solidly constructed to be destroyed, and too expensive to be restored, served as quarries to the impoverished inhabitants. The small church and the later erections in the forum were l^uilt largely out of the materials of the On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 1 1 basilica. Inscribed bases were freely used for building. Tliey must have formed a large proportion of the stones of the western gateway, and occur sporadically in other buildings, probably far removed from their original position. Everywhere doors have been opened or blocked up, and walls have been patched or pulled about. The reconstruction of the forum is especially to be regretted, but we may be thankful that the basilica and temples were not seriously tampered with. It is, I think, much more likely that the destruction of the public buildings was wrought by earthquake than by a barbarian raid, and the great earthquake of A.D. 518 offers an extremely probable occasion. The site is to the present day exploited by the population of the neighbourhood for large stones. The block on which were recorded the honours held by M. Flavins Fronto in the chief cities of southern Dalmatia, the most important inscription hithei-to discovered at Doclea, has disappeared. I myself found a pious person carving a cross for a tombstone out of one of the blocks from the temple of Roma. The eastern cemetery is full of architectural pieces from the site, and I have no doubt that many more would be discovered in the ruins of the large church at Zlatica. Secondly, beyond the " fixtures " of the ancient town, buildings and inscrip- tions, antiquities are scarcely to be found. Sculpture is represented only by the busts of Diana and Roma carved in high relief on the tympana of their temples, and by one small fragment. One terracotta figure, now in the possession of His Highness the Prince, was discovered in the baths. Copper coins are plentiful, engraved gems are sometimes picked up by the peasants in the maize fields, and a certain number of small objects of bronze, iron, lead, bone, etc. turn up in the diggings. The pottery and glass are fragmentary and of no interest. The famous Podgorica vase must have come out of a tomb. We found nothing which calls for any special notice. It would seem that the inhabitants must have fled before the invaders and taken most of their property with them. At all events the barbarians and later scratchers have picked the bones of Doclea very clean. Against these drawbacks must be set certain advantages. The site is not deeply buried and is practically uninhabited. ExcavatioTi is consequently easy and rapid. The avails of the houses are often visible on the surface, and there is no great accumulation of earth above the floors. The buildings, although mostly cut off at a height of from 3 to 6 feet from the ground, are unusually complete, and remain much as they were left. The site therefore, so far as it has been cleared, presents a picture to which it would not be easy to find a parallel of the ground work of a provincial town in the time of Justinian. This picture then is the first claim of Doclea to our interest. A second is the b 2 1 2 On the Roman town of Dacha, in Montenegro. information to be derived from the numerous inscriptions as to the liistory of the Roman province, the condition of the country, and the great Diocletian myth. A third claim is the addition made by the two churches to our knowledge of the Christian antiquities, and the light thrown by the traditions of the see of Doclea on the ecclesiastical history, of Southern Dalmatia. § 3. The history of Doclea. Doclea was in ancient times the urban centre of an Illyrian tribe, the Docleates. They first appear in history among the peoples reduced by Augustus in his Illyrian War in B.C. 35, and compelled to pay arrears of tribute." It is probable that they came under the Roman power in b.c. 168, after the war with Gentius, and that the tribute was that half of the old royal tribute, which the Romans continued to exact. '' The Docleates, Pliny tells us,'' were one of the tribes who resorted to the conventus of Narona. They were divided into thirty-three decuriae. The nature of these decuriae is obscure. They appear to be a division common to all the Illyrian tribes, but their number varies enormously. The Delmatae, for example, have 342 decuriae, and the Mazaei 2G9, whereas the Duersi have only 17, and the Deretini 14. "We may infer from an inscription of Salonae'' that the dectiriae had a regular organisation, and each a common chest or treasury. Mr. W. W. Fowler" conjectures that they may have been an artificial expedient invented by the Roman Government to meet the necessities of a backward people. I am rather inclined to believe that they represent a native gentile division adopted by the Romans for administrative purposes, in default of a better. The number of decuriae seems casual and unsymmetrical, and is not, so far as one can see, proportionate to the strength and importance of the tribes. Moreover, all analogies from their methods in similar cases would lead us to suppose that the Romans adapted an existing institution rather than inaugurated a new system. Probably the old Illyrian organisation was not unlike the present Slavonic one in the same region. The Docleates would be analagous to the Kuci or the Vaso- jevici, the decuriae to some such smaller unit as the modern piemen. Doclea probably grew up gradually. The site is equally well adapted for trafiic and for defence, and would naturally become at once the refuge and the market of the district. The position of the town is strong, and yet the ground is * Appian, Ulyr. 16. '' Livy, xlv. 26. <= Nat. Hist. iii. 143. * C. I. L. iii. 2107. » Classical Review, viii. 11. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 13 perfectly level and easy. Here the shepherds of the hills could conveniently meet the tillers of the plain, and exchange their stock and dairy produce for grain and fruit, just as they do now at Podgorica. The evidence of the coins seems to show that there was little external trade. Mr. Milne informs me that almost all the coins of the lower empire are of the Siscia mint. But the Docleate cheese was famous, even at Rome.* Doclea is first mentioned in literature by Ptolemy,*' among the inland cities of Dalmatia, but the inscriptions prove that the town received municipal rights half a century earlier. The tribe Quirina, and the prevalence of the name Flavins in the earliest no less than the latest inscriptions (about one in three of the persons mentioned is a Flavius or Flavia), indicate, as M. Cagnat' has already pointed out, that the town acquired its privileges from one of the Flavian emperors. It is, I think, possible to go a step farther in defining the date. No less than six of the inscriptions of Doclea refer to one M. Flavius Fronto and his family. These inscriptions are the most pretentious hitherto discovered on the site. From their style and lettering they cannot be dated later than the end of the first century or early years of the second. Three of them are engraved on the archi- trave of the basilica in the forum, the most important building in Doclea. Two were discovered in the pavement of the same building, inscribed on slabs which may have formed the front face of a statue-base. The sixth was on a large block, probably a base, which has disappeared from the site. The family was evidently the most influential in Doclea, and the great basilica seems to have been little else than a monument to its glory. We gather the following facts from the inscriptions. Marcus Flavius Fronto was the son of Titus Flavius. He had a long list of distinctions : he was sacerdos in the colonies of Narona and Epidaurus, duovir jure dicundo of Julium Eisinium, duovir quinquennalis and pontifex in the colony of Scodra, diiovir jure dicundo quinquennalis, pontifex, and flamen of a deceased emperor "^ in Doclea, and a praefectus of some sort, possibly praefedus fahrum. His wife's name was Flavia TertuUa. Their son, Marcus Flavius Balbinus, died at the age of fifteen. The ordo Dodeatium decreed him a public funeral, all tlie municipal honores, and an equestrian statue, which his parents had gilded at their own expense. Now it is probable that Titus Flavius, the father of Flavius Fronto, assumed » Pliny, Nal. Hist. xi. 240. " Geogr. ii. 16, 7. " Comptes-rendus de V Academie des inscriptions, 1890. Memoires de la Societe Nationale des Anti- quaires de France, 1893. * Probably Titus, see Part III. note on No. 26. 14 Oi> flie Eoman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. his imperial Roman name at the time when Doclea acquired its privileges, and he ■was enrolled in the trilma Qvirina. Similarly the name Flavia Tertulla is directly borrowed from the imperial family. The grandmother of A^espasian and the first wife of Titus both bore the name Tertulla. But if the parents of Fla-vaus Fronto and FlaAaa Tertulla had already adopted Roman names, we should expect the enfranchisement of Doclea to fall in the earlier years of the Flavian dynasty, in the reign of Vespasian rather than of Domitian. Tliis inference is confirmed by the earliest dateable inscription of Doclea, which records a dedication Divo Tito, by one Lucius Flavius Epidianus, quattuorvir jure dicundo qtiinqiiennaUs, oh honorem. Doclea, therefore, received its rights before the death of Titus. If we could argue from the silence of Pliny that it had not received them at the time of the publication of the Natural History, the date woidd be narrowed down to the four years 77 to 81 B.C. But it is not safe to assume that Pliny's information was brought up to date, especially in reference to Dalmatia. The ])romotion of Doclea marks, as M. Cagnat points out, a stage in the progress of Roman civilisation in Illyria. The coast towns owed their privileges to Julius, Augustus, or Claudius. Vespasian withdrew the legions from the province, and it is natural to find that Doclea and Scodra, which lie in the first great valley parallel to the coast, received the one municipal rights, the other the dignity of a colony, at about the same time. The remoter inland towns, such as the municipium of Splonum (?), did not attain to Roman organisation until the time of Hadrian and the Antonines. In the institutions of Doclea the only interesting feature is the occurrence of both quattuorviri and duoviri. L. Flavius Epidianus is q^iattuorvir jure dicundo quinquennalis. M. Flavius Fronto is duovir jure dicundo quinquennalis, and one T. Flavius Verecundus Thamarianus, on another inscription of about the same date, is duovir jure dicundo. There is no hint that Doclea became a colony. On the contrary, the official designation of the community is always simply resjnihlica Docleatium. It is not very rare to find both titles, even in towns which never rose above municipal rank. Marquai'dt quotes a number of cases from Italy, and it would not ho difficult to collect a long list from the provinces. Possibly the quattuorvirate did not last long at Doclea. Possibly, as in Spain at about the same date, the change to duoviri was coincident with the bestowal of Latin rights. In any case, the tendency towards uniformity of organisation would tell in favour of the change. Although quattuorviri are found at the colonies Aequum, Narona, and Salonae, there is no parallel to their existence in a Dalmatian municipium. As M. Cagnat observes, duoviri are there the universal rule. On the Roman toivn of Boclea, in Montenegro. 15 But althougli Doclea never attained to the dignity of a Roman colony, the town has a probable title to another distinction no less illustrious. An inscription found in the large church (No. 64) records a dedication by one of the decurions who was sacerdos ad aram Caesaris. Nowhere else in Dalmatia proper has any mention of an ara Caesaris yet been discovered. Liburnia had its own altar and priesthood of Augustus at Scardona." These facts, taken together with the large number of dedications to emperors among the inscriptions, make it extremely probable that, as Dr. Hirschfeld has suggested, Doclea was the seat of the imperial worship for southern Dalmatia. It is as the reputed birthplace of the emperor Diocletian that Doclea claims some small share in historical interest. What little we know of the history of the town may be appropriately grouped round that central point. It is universally admitted that Diocletian was a Dalmatian, but we should naturally infer from the language of most of our authorities, and from the fact that he retired thither on laying down his power, that he was born near Salonae. His supposed con- nection with Doclea rests upon a statement in the Epitome of AureHus Victor (xsxix.) that Diocletian was " matre pariter atqiie opijido nomine Dioclea " and until he became emperor was called Diodes, but then changed his name to the Roman model. The story sounds improbable in itself. The name Diocletianus suggests adoption or emancipation, and one is tempted to suspect that some confusion, in which the word metropolis played its part, may underlie the " matre pariter atque oppido." It is a fur cry from Doclea to Diocletianus, and Gibbon's rhetoric does not render the derivation any more plausible. " The town," he says, " seems to have been properly called Doclia, .... and the original name of the fortunate slave was probably Docles : he first lengthened it to the Grecian harmony of Diodes, and at length to the Roman majesty of Diocletianus." Here it will be observed that the change from Docles to Diodes blunts the point of the story, that Doclea gives the adjective Docleas not Docles, and that the poor mother Dioclea is entirely ignored! But there is a more specious line of argument than Gibbon's. It is incontestable that to the medieval writers from Constantine Porphyrogenitus " onwards, Doclea has become Dioclea. An exact parallel to the change may be found in Phrygia," where a town, Dokela, which still keeps its name as Doghla or Dola, had become Graecised into Dioclea, " C. I. L. III. 2810. De admin, imp. cc. 29, 30, .So. Ramsaj, " Cities and Bishoprics of Phry^a," Journal of Hellenic Studies, iv. 422-3. c 16 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. and issued coins so inscribed, in the third century. Farhiti " produces a bishop of Dioclea in the province of Praevalitana, that is to say a bishop of Doclea, who signs at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451. And Aurelius Victor carries us back to the middle of the fourth century." May not Doclea, like Dokela, have become Dioclea in the third century ? Xone of these arguments will stand scrutiny. Let us work back over them. (1) There is positive evidence that Doclea had not become Dioclea before Diocletian. Not a single inscription ever gives any other form than Doclea, and it so happens that the evidence is most abundant just at the time we want it. The resjmblica Docleatium dedicates inscribed bases in the third century to Severus Alexander, between the years 226 and 235, to the Philippi and Otacilia Severa, A.D. 244, to Gallus, a.d. 252, to Volusianus, a.d. 253, to Valerian, a.d. 254, and to GaUienus, between the years 257 and 270. Of these inscriptions one falls in the year preceding Diocletian's birth, and four others within the next fifteen years. No form but Docleates appears on any of them. Clearly Diocletian cannot have got his name from Doclea without a free use of the " Grecian harmony." (2) Whatever be the date of Aurelius Victor, nothing can be said of the Epitome except that it is later than the accession of Arcadius and Honorius, and that the compiler supplements the " De Caesaribus " from other sources. The passage about the birthplace of Diocletian is a supplement. The first mention of Dioclea that can be dated is in Constantine Porphyrogenitus. On the other hand Doclea is still implied in two letters from Gregory the Great in the year 602 to the bishops of Justiniana Prima and of Scodra about the misconduct of Paulus, bishop of the Givitas Docleatina." (3) Gregory's letters raise a presumption against Farlati's bishop of Dioclea in 451. In spite of the marginal note "Praevalitana" in the Venetian Codex of the Acts of the Council of Chalcedon, I believe that Dioclea in Phrygia is meant. In the first place veiy few western bishops attended the Council, and it would be strange if the distant Dalmatian town were represented, and the neighbouring Phrygian bishop absent. Secondly, the bishop bears the thoroughly Greek name of EuavSpos. Thirdly he signs among a number of other Phrygian bishops. (4) The analogy of the change of name in the Phrygian town is misleading. ' Jllyricum Sacrum, vol. vii. '' Of. Evans, Antiquarian Besearches, 84, note b. <= See Mansi, Concil x. 329-30. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 17 It is natural enough that Dokela should be Graecised into Dioclea in Phrygia. It is not so natural that Doclea should become Dioclea in the Latin Dalmatia. The extent of the Grreek culture of Doclea may be estimated by the fact that out of about seventy inscriptions only one, an insignificant tombstone, is in Greek, and by the epitaph set up by Q. Flavins Helenus over his incomparable friend Gordius Maximianus, " artis gramaticae Graecae peritissimus," in which Helenus, in spite of his Greek name and the learned instruction of his friend, spells " gramaticae " with only one m. There is thus no evidence or probability in favour of the name Dioclea before the tenth century. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, writing in the year 949, is the first dateable authority for the form. But at the same time he tells us that the town no longer existed. To Constantine Dioclea means a district inland of Cattaro and Antivari, in which there is a " waste Chester " {iprjjjiOKaaTpov) founded long ago by Diocletian, whence the district derives its name and the inhabitants are called Diocletiani. Here we have got round to the opposite version. Instead of Diocletian being derived from Dioclea, Dioclea is derived from Diocletian. Instead of being the scion of the town, the emperor has become its parent. The one version has probably no more foundation than the other, both rest simply on a confusion of similar names. The intermediate step would be the rise of the form of Dioclea when Doclea was no longer alive to resist it ; and Constantine's version, however absurd in fact, has a certain logical superiority over its rival, for it was, no doubt, mainly the contaminating influence of the name Diocletian that produced the form Dioclea. In stubborn protest against both alike the old Doclea remains to the present day Dukle, and the inhabitants of its " ager" call themselves Dukljani. But we have not yet quite done with the Diocletian myth. If I read the Dalmatian historians aright, it had curious and far-reaching consequences in the middle ages. The confusion seems to me to have extended beyond names to places and facts. What really belonged to Spalato, the true birthplace and foundation of Diocletian, was transferred with the name Dioclea to Doclea. Thus it was that the archbishopric of Salonae or Spalato was confronted with a shadowy double of itself at Doclea, which plays an important part in the ecclesiastical squabbles of the time. It is in vain that the Spalatines profess themselves the one and only metropolitans of Dalmatia ; they are always rebutted by the spectral archbishopric of Dioclea. The mythical rights of Dioclea are claimed on the one part by the church of Antivari, on the other by that of Ragusa. Antivari, as the capital of the district, arrogates to herself the title of the civitas Diodetana, her c 18 On the Roman town of Dacha, In Montenegro. churcli becomes the ecclesia Diocletana, and she pretends, as may be read in the pages of the anonymous Presbyter," to be actually the old Doclea or Dioclea, rebuilt and re-established as the metropolis of southern Dalmatia by King Suetopelek at the fabulous synod of Delma on the conversion of the Slavs ! To the writers of the twelfth and subsequent centuries, such as the Presbyter and John Cinnamus," Dioclea is no longer, as it was to Const antine, a homeless name of a ruined site, but has found a local habitation, not at Doclea, but at the living city of Antivari. There is some evidence that Antivari attained to ecclesiastical independence and archiepiscopal rank soon after the middle of the eleventh century." It was doubtless then that the claim received final sanction and autho- rity. But there is no sound evidence that Doclea was ever an archbishopric. The archbishopric is that of Spalato transplanted by the confusion of names to Doclea, and thence on to Antivari. Similarly the Presbyter maintains that the kings of Dalmatia were crowned, not in the cathedral church of St. Mary at Spalato, but at tlie unimportant church of St. Mary outside the walls of Antivari. After the revival of learning this new Dioclea caused a contrary confusion. Ludovicus Tubero for instance, narrating how the sailors of Antivari rendered a service to the Ragusans in their wars with the Slavs, makes them sail out from the lake of Scutari, which he calls the' lacus Lygnldris, by the river Bojana, Avhich he identifies with the Drilo.'' The claim of Antivari to the ghostly rights of Dioclea was not undisputed. The Spalatine Archdeacon Thomas has a much less romantic version of the origin of the archbishopric.' According to his account it was instituted simply to save the southern bishops the risks of the voyage to Spalato. The Ragusans contested the pretensions of both Antivari and Spalato. They claimed that on the destruc- tion of Dioclea the archbishop fled to Ragusa and carried all his rights with him. This version is to be explained, I think, by the statement of Constantino, that when Salonae fell into the hands of the bai-barians, many of the inhabitants, among them apparently the most eminent ecclesiastics, took refuge at Ragusa. Probably the so-called archbishop of Dioclea was really the metropolitan of Salonae, and the old confusion lies at the root of the story. The theory here suggested seems to me to furnish some sort of rational explanation of the statements of the later Dalmatian writers. It would also help ' The Presbyter of Dioclea, Uegnum Slavorum, printed in Lncius, De regno Bahnaiiae ct Groatiae, 1666. " V. 17. " See Farlati, Illyricum Sacrum, vii. 17. " De Temp. suis. bk. v. p. 109. « Hist. Salon, c. xv. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 19 us to understand liow Constantine makes Diocletian the founder of Doclea, and the Bpitomist, who puts his birth at Doclea, yet lets him spend his last years at Spalato in propriis agris. It is even possible that the Epitomist means b}^ Dioclea nothing else than Spalato. I have already noticed that his matre xmriter atque oppiclo nomine Dioclea suggests some misunderstanding of the word fjbrjTpoiro'Ki';. Thomas the Archdeacon has a curious story which points in the same direction. He tells us that Diocletian assigned the temple of Jupiter, afterwards the cathe- dral church of St. Mary in Spalato, to his mother to live in, and made the whole province subject to her. We are reminded at once of the mother Dioclea and of the supreme mother-church of Dalmatia. It is not easy to fix the date of the destruction of Doclea. The letters of Gregory already mentioned show that so late as the year 602 there was still a bishop of the civitas Docleatina, and the ecclesiastical organisation of the pro- vince was unimpaired. In 639, however, the land was occupied by the pagan Slavs, the Roman population was driven to the coast towns, and the interior was lost to the Church. It is scarcely credible that Doclea can have escaped the fate that overwhelmed her neighbours. There is nothing on the site that need be as late as the seventh century, and we hear no more of Doclea until Constantine mentions it as an iprjixoKaarpou three hundred years afterwards. The Presbyter's story of its restoration at the time of the conversion of the Slavs, a quite un- certain date, has no authority. It is merely intended to justify the claims of Antivari. The year 639 may therefore be taken as a downward limit. But it may be doubted whether the town existed so long. The coins stop abruptly at Honorius, a fact which plainly points to the devastating march of Alaric at the beginning of the fifth century. Yet the small church, with the inscription of Ausonia which pertains to it, can hardly be earlier than the time of Justinian, and the wholesale rebuilding, of which so many traces remain, seems to imply a restoration. Moreover, it appears more probable that the great civil basilica, which furnished so much of the materials for reconstruction, was ruined by an earthquake such as we know to have visited the region in the year 518, than by a barbarian raid. On the whole I am inclined to believe that Doclea was destroyed by Alaric, but revived to some extent, and maintained a precarious existence down to the year 639. The restoration may probably be ascribed to the revival of prosperity under Justinian, and Gregory's civitas Docleatina is more than a mere survival of an ecclesiastical title. c 2 20 On the lioman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. NOTE. LIST OF COINS FROM DOCLEA, INCLUDING THE COLLECTION IN THE CETINJE MUSEUM. Greek . 3 Maximian . 3 Tiberius 1 MaximinuB . 1 Claudius piercer I I Constantine . . . 14 Titus 1 Roma .5 Domitian Trajan I 3 Constantinopolis Helena 2 I Hadrian 3 Fansta I Antoninus 4 Licinius 2 Faustina Commodus . 2 1 Crispns Constantine Ctesar 2 5 Indecipherable, of the p eriod of Antonines 8 Delmatius I Geta . 1 Constantius . 7 Alexander 3 Constans .") Gordianus III. 1 Indecipherable, of the Constantinian family Gl Philip 1 Julian 1 Gallienus 15 Jovian I Quintillus 1 Thcodosius 11 Claudius Gothicus . 10 Gratian 2 Aurelian 5 Valentinian . 4 Scverina I Honorius I Probus 3 Indecipherable, of the Theodosian family 15 Carinus Numerian Indecipherable, of the third century latter part of the 1 1 4 224 Totally defaced . . . .77 301 Diocletian 2 All the above I have examined. of His Highness the Prince. heai- that there is a gold coin of Honorius in the possession J. G. MILNE. On the Boman toivn of Boclea, in Montenegro, 21 PART II. § 1. — The Temples. The ruins of two temples are the most easily identified buildings on the site. The podium of each stands almost entire, stripped of its coating of slabs of Spuz stone, and surrounded by fragments of capitals, columns, and cornices discovered during the Montenegrin excavations. From these fragments a fairly complete reconstruction is possible. In the centre of the pediment of each temple was a bust in relief, in the more easterly of Diana, in the western of Minerva or Roma. The latter has been removed to the terrace of the new palace near Podgorica. Both temples are of the Roman Ionic order, and prostyle tetrastyle with an apse. They are almost identical in plan, structure, and size, the proportions of the cella being the chief difference ; the temple of Diana having a cella 30 by 25 Roman feet, while that of Minerva is 30 by 30 feet. Taking the temple of Diana first, as the remains are somewhat more varied, there are four rows of steps still in situ, each with a height of three Roman jmlmi (22 centimetres). Near these steps lie the fragments of two stone dolphins. They formed a balus- trade on each side of the steps, as is shown by a series of steps, like the teeth of a saw, in their lower edge, which correspond exactly with the temple steps. Of the temple front, the foundations, with the piers for the four columns, still remain in the podium. A base of one of the columns, part of one of the shafts, and fragments of several capitals, lie scattered at the sides. The base is 49 centimetres in diameter, the column 39 at the top, showing that the columns tapered slightly. Fragments of the entablature show that it was identical with that of the temple of Minerva. It was surmounted by a band of tioral pattern as a frieze. The cornice above the architrave had a plain moulding, whereas the pediment had a cornice with cymatium ornamented with a band of palmettes, consoles alter- nating with rosettes, an egg and dart band, and a leaf pattern. In the centre of the pediment was a bust of Diana carved in relief. The slab which bears it lies in front of the temple steps. There is nothing to show the character of the inside of the portico. A wide doorway, from which the side posts have been removed, leads into the ceJIa. The i Portico '•\-r:a_ Plan of temple of Diana at Doclea. OO On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. Cella r.",'iiTj' iiiilil iiiiiii ' I • a. ; '' ' " t MliiLiiiJ floor of the cella is of stamped brick, but a vast number of small fragments shows that it was originally covered with slabs of marble and Spuz stone. The walls were also incrusted with marble, red, green, and blue-grey, and there are frag- ments of a moulded cornice. The apse seems to be part of the original structure, not a later addition. Neither in it nor elsewhere arc there any traces of a cult statue or its base. The podium wall is of coarse local stone, built in courses of irregular depth. It is two Roman feet (59 centimetres) thick throughout. The floor of the cella stood 4 feet above the outside level, the space between the walls being filled up to that height with broken concrete. The temple of Roma or Minerva is still surrounded by a course of squared blocks of Spuz stone (26 centimetres thick), firmly clamped together with iron. These blocks served as a foundation for the slabs which coated it (y thick). The walls (3 Roman feet) are thicker than those in the temple of Diana. The steps are of identically the same size (22 high with 26 tread). There are, however, no traces of dolphins having been on the balustrades, which seem to have been formed of plain slabs. Owing, no doubt, to the greater thickness of the walls, there are no piers for the columns in the front wall of the podium. The diameter of the top of a column which has been placed upright near the temple is 515 millimetres, considerably larger than the columns of the temple of Diana. There is a large slab almost uninjured from the architrave, with the entablature and floral frieze mentioned above. Two of the corner pieces and several fragments of the cornice show that it had a plain moulding. The cella threshold has been removed, but the bed in which it was laid and part of both side posts are in situ. The door was 1"72 metres, almost 6 feet, wide. A torso of a figure, considerably less than life size, clad in a fcf/a and bearing a cornucopiae in his left hand, was found near the temple. It is the only piece of sculpture in the round, except a small fragment of a foot, discovered on the site. On the terrace at the new palace near Podgorica is the central slab of the pediment, with the head of Minerva or Roma in relief, now much defaced. If the togatns is the genius of an emperor, or a deified emperor, and belongs to the temple, we may regard it as dedicated to Roma. I'hiii of tlie temple of Mincrvn, Doelea. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 23 § 2. The Large Church. Mounds of stone overgrown with thorn marked the site of the larger church. The neighbouring farmers had cleared away most of the smaller walls around to make room for maize plots, and had piled the stones on the ruins of the main building. After excavation the walls of the church were found standing intact some 3 to 5 feet above the central pavement. They are of rough local stone, built in the same careless fashion as those on the rest of the site. The church is oriented nearly south-east and north-west, but for convenience we shall speak of it as though it were due east and west. The plan is basilican, and only differs from the type represented by St. Clement's at Rome in having the court or atrium on the south instead of the west side. The nave is 80 Roman feet long by 30 wide ; the apse 22 feet wide, 15 deep, with a semi-circle 11 feet in radius, the chord being set back 4 feet from the line of the east wall ; the aisles are 10 feet wide and open at the east end into two small chambers (the prothesis and diaconicum) ; the porch or narthex is not symmetrical, the south side, where the main entrance is, being 7 feet longer than the north. The floor of the apse, the bema, is raised some 8 inches above that of the nave. Seats 20 inches wide run round it, with the foundations of a bishop's throne in the centre. The seats have been stripped of their covering slabs and only the rough stone remains. The throne seems to have been at least twice as high as the seats and to have had three steps. Like the rest of the church the iema was paved with mosaic, fragments of which remain at the foot of the throne (showing its original breadth) and below the seats on the north side. Unfortunately there is nothing to show how the apse was separated from the nave, as the edge of the bema is broken away. A solitary base of small size at the south angle of the apse may possibly have served as part of the foundation for a screen. That there was a screen seems to be proved by the variety of slabs and uprights found through the church, which as we shall see below belong to three if not four different structures. Of the altar there are no traces, though the fact that the semi-circle of the apse is set back 4 feet from the wall suggests that it stood, as one would expect, in front of the bishop's throne. 24 On the Soman toton of Doclea, in Montenegro. In the nave there is a platform aboiit 19 feet wide by 15 feet deep set in front of the bevin. This solra, to use a convenient term, stands some 2 inches above tlic floor, ip ? . 9 IP ^ 30 *o ap 100 ENo^ .tsH Feet Plan of 11 Liii'L'e ChuiTli at Doclea. and from the roughness of its edges may be assumed to have been enclosed by a screen. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 25 On the solea there are no traces of an ambo, nor of seats. Like the rest of the church it was paved with mosaic, fragments of which still remain. The aisles were separated from the nave by a row of columns on each side. Six bases, four on the north, two on the south side, remain in situ. Between these bases are heavy blocks, some 6 inches thick, placed on the floor between, giving the appearance of a stijlobate. There were seven columns on each side, placed about 9 feet apart, the intervals between those in situ varying several inches from each other. The intervals between the three central bases on each side must obviously have been larger than those remaining, as there is not sufficient room for two in the central gap on the north side. The bases differ in size from 17-J to 19^ inches and also in style. There are many fragments of the columns, and among these, two are so little injured that their length can be determined approximately. The best preserved lies as it fell, near the base at the east end of the north aisle. It is 9 feet 3^ inches long and cannot have been more than a few inches longer originally. Like the bases, the columns vary in size, e.g. the diameter of the top, in three cases, is 13^, 14, and 14J inches. The rubbish which filled the floor of the aisles was largely broken clay tiles, presumably from the roof. The column in the north aisle, mentioned above, lay on a stratum of tiles, showing that the roof had fallen in before it was overthrown. There are no signs of either brick or stone arches in the rubbish, nor were any blocks of a size sufficient to span the space between the columns found, so that one may conclude that the roof was supported on timber. A number of capitals were found scattered over the church. Two of these were of the Romano-Corinthian order, and apparently identical with the capitals trom the Pagan Basilica which now stand on the terrace of the new palace near Podgorica. Another is Romano-Ionic. Some are of a very debased Ionic type, of a rude Byzantine style. One of them has a cross inserted between the volutes. Others are square truncated pyramids of the rudimentary " impost " type, described by Messrs. Ijethaby and Swainson." The pavement was of mosaic throughout the nave, that in the south aisle remaining almost intact. In the west corner of the south aisle a number of large blocks lay scattered. These are gravestones of a late Roman type, one of them has the cippus of Ursus, with sculptured ornament and inscription, the others with rosette and central " S. Sophia, p. 251, fig. 53. d 26 0)1 the Roman toion of Doclea, in Montenegro. flower ornaments. All have been cut down, the parallelogram of the original stone being made almost square, and all were found with the ornamental face down- wards. Some of them lay on the mosaic pavement without any rubbish between, the mosaic beneath being absolutely fresh. One is inclined to suppose that they fell from the wall above, or were part of some structure standing near the blocked entrances in the south wall which was overthrown before the rest of the church. Many gravestone slabs of the same type, a parallelogram panel, with a circidar rosette, flower, or diamond ornament in the centre, are to be seen in the old Turkish cemetery outside the city wall, and near the ruined church at Zlatica. A central door, the threshold of which still remains, though the sideposts are missing, leads from the nave to the narthex. A small door in the south aisle also communicates with it. The central doorway, as it now stands, is 14 feet 7 inches wide, and the original door if placed symmetrically in the centre, was probably 10 feet wide, allowance being made for the side posts. The main entrance to the church is in the south wall of the narthex. Its threshold 21 inches wide, 8 feet 5 inches long, and two blocks forming the side- post of one side still remain. The grooves in the threshold, in which the folding doors slid, show that it was originally 6 feet 6 inches wide. The threshold is similar to many in the pagan biuldings of the town, and w^as no doubt taken from one of them. Behind the west wall of the narthex are three chambers which have no doors connecting them with any building. A rude stair of three steps leads to the central one, and is obviously of later date than the main building ; as also the chambers themselves seem to be. Owing to the mass of stones we were unable to excavate the west front, but judging from the inside, it seems to have been a plain blank wall. Of the various fragments found scattered throughout the church, the crosses, the ornamented slabs, and the uprights which supported them, the smaller columns and capitals, and the remains of at least three window gratings are all that deserve special mention. The crosses are roughly cut in local stone, and though all of the same form differ slightly in size. Two are complete. One measures 2 feet by 18 inches. The several fragments of the broken crosses were foimd so widely scattered that it would seem that they were purposely destroyed. The slabs belong to four different sets, distinguished from one another by ornament, thickness, and quality of stone. On the Roman toivn of Dodea, in Montenegro. 27 The most notable is a fragmentary marble slab witla a central six-armed cross surrounded by a circle formed of five cords, with two other interlacing cords above, which spread as tendrils on either side of the cross, and end in ivy leaves. The back of the slab is ornamented with a plain cross, showing that it was intended to be seen from both sides. Its likeness to the slabs in the screen of St. Clement's, Rome, suggests that it was part of the screen of the solea. There are fragments of at least three of these slabs. They were 2 feet 11:|- inches high, and probably nearly G feet wide, so that two of them with an entrance space between would, as at St. Clement's, fit the front of the solea (18 feet). Several of the marble uprights which supported the screen were found. They are 2 feet 11^ inches high, and the slabs fit exactly into the slots at the side. Their only ornament is a longitudinal countersunk panel on front and back. The remains of the other three sets of slabs are too fragmentary to admit of any certain restoration. One set ornamented with ivy leaves is thicker than those mentioned above. Uprights with slots of the same thickness were found. Others have ivy tendrils, a cross inside a circle of rope, and a diaper pattern with crosses in alternate lozenges. Another small fi-agment has a fl.ower and leaf ornament in vertical panels. A small column, the same height as the uprights, and several fragments of similar columns obviously belong to one of the screens, possibly the screen of the bema, in front of the altar. Some fragments of columns of the same size, but with spiral fluting, may have belonged to the altar itself. A solitary column, which is uninjured, and 7 feet 3 inches high, may possibly have been part of a ciborium, but as there are no traces of its base or the foundations of the altar this is very doubtful. Some small 'capitals, with debased volute surmounted by a truncated pyramid, which is ornamented with a cross, seem to have belonged to something of the kind. A window grating 4 feet 8^ inches by 2 feet 10^ inches, 5 inches thick, with a diagonal lattice of six bars each way, was found in widely scattered fragments. Fragments of a similar window, and part of a scale-pattern grating (the latter found near the main entrance) also turned up. It is not difficult to find many analogies at Ravenna and elsewhere for the different floral ornaments, but there seems to be no clue in any of them to suggest d2 28 On the Roman toum of Dacha, in Montenegro. an exact date for the structure, uor is there any marked characteristic in them to show that they are due to western rather than eastern influence. Uprights, capitals, and ornaments of the same style are to be seen built into the walls of mosques in Bitliynia. So that for the date one must turn rather to the small church, with its dedicatory inscription, and to the general history of the site as recorded l)y Mr. Munro. § 3. The Small CnuEcn, The small church, as it has been called for want of a better name, hes to the west of the basilica, separated from it and its buildings by a narrow road. What- ever the particular ecclesiastical function of this church may have been, its plan and position seem to separate it from the basilica, and so it may conveniently be treated by itself. The existing remains are little more than foundations. These, however, are complete, and enable the ground plan of the church and its immediate surround- ings to be traced without much doubt. The original building was in the shape of a Greek cross, with a small apse. Plan of a Small Church at Doclen. the extreme internal measurements being : length, 9*4 metres, exclusive of the apse, and 10*5 metres inclusive ; breadth, 7'35 metres. It was lengthened by a porch at the west end ; the foundation walls of which were carried 3*35 metres further forward. A new and larger external apse was subsequently built unsym- 0?i the Roman toivn of Doclea, in Montenegro. 29 metrically on to the east end, its centre being "4 metres soutli of the main axis of the church. On the north and south the building is enclosed by boundary walls, "65 metres away from the foundations, and these are carried on at the west end to form a court, lO'? by 5 metres. To the north of this court lies a second smaller enclosure, 5" by 3"3 metres, which abuts at its north-east angle on the boundary of the road. The walls of the main building are solidly constructed, 1 to 1"2 metres in thickness, of blocks of limestone, with a core of rough cement. The workmen utilized largely in the foundations the remains of earlier buildings, particularly the great civil basilica ; fragments from the architrave and cornice of which are numerous. The north wall is the only one where anything remains which was originally visible above ground. Here the facing is of well-laid limestone blocks, above which comes a second course constructed out of the door and window mouldings of the civil basilica, as shown in the annexed sketch, and used as a base course. Of the interior nothing is left above the floor level. Window moulding. Base-course. Civil Basilica. Small Church. The porch at the west end appears to have been part of the original building. There is a break in the lower foundation course, but the character of the construc- tion and materials used are the same as in the main body of the building. The external apse at the east end shows a distinct difference. Not only is it unsymmetrically added, but the foundation walls are built of small rough stones, with none of the fragments of earlier buildings found elsewhere in the church, and are laid, without any attempt at joints, in a rough mortar much inferior to that of the other work. The court in front is surrounded by roughly-built walls which show traces of having been plastered with a fine cement, and is floored with the same material. 30 Ori the Roman totvn of Doclea, in Montenegro. The only entrance is in the middle of the front wall, Avhere two steps are pre- served, leading down into the court. In the north wall the threshold of the entrance into the second court remains, with a column-base in the middle. This court is similar to the first in respect of walls and floor. The materials for the restoration of tlio building are practically none, beyond the foundations. Several small columns were found in the court with a number of capitals and a dedicatory inscription (No. 28). These probably had their place in the west porch. The approach to the church from the court must have been up a Hight of steps. The internal lining of the walls has been removed, but the cement backing shows the level at which the stones began to be laid in regular courses, and it would seem that the floor was not less tliaii 1-2 metres above the level of the court. The flooring of the court ends at a line '6 metres in front of the existing founda- tions, and the remains of mortar adhering to these foundations show that there was a course of stones laid against them '2 metres in height. The churcli was therefore probably entered by a flight of six steps of "2 metres. The court must have been open ; there are no traces of any kind to show that it was anything more than an enclosure surrounded by low walls. The smaller enclosure, however, may have been roofed, this is suggested by the column-base on the threshold with which is probably to be connected a broken column found close by, originally about 2 metres in height. The date of the church can only be roughly conjectured. It must be earlier than 639, and the fragments from the civil basilica built into it may give an anterior date, if, as seems likely, the basilica was overthrown by the earthquake of 518. Between these two dates the building of the church may be placed nearer to the later than the earlier limit. On the Roman toivn of Dorlea, in Montener/ro. 31 PART III. Insceiptions. The following pages contain all the Eoman inscriptions and the solitary Greek inscription found at Dukle and placed on record. The reader is thus provided with a conspectus of the somewhat scanty epigraphic material yielded by the site, which seemed worth giving, because that material is nowhere, not even in the Corpus, to be found in one collected whole. A few inscriptions from the neigh- bourhood of Berane, in the valley of the Lim, have also been incorporated. The inscriptions have been found at various dates. Three only (Nos. 16, 40, and 42) were known when Mommsen published the third volume of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum in 1873 ; the rest have been added since by the researches of Mr. Rovinski and by the visits of foreign scholars whose names are mentioned below, where their results are quoted. The excavations recorded in the preceding pages added twenty-three more or less perfect inscriptions, besides correcting the readings of previous investigators in some important points. In the following list the inscriptions ai-e arranged in the same order, speaking generally, as they would be in the Corpus. After the dedications to gods (1 — 3) follow those to emperors (4 — IS), the inscriptions of the basUica and statues erected in honour of Flavius Balbinus (19 — 24) and some similar stones, the tombstones (29—62), and some miscellaneous inscriptions and fragments of less certain character, one of which (No. 64) is of some value. The readings are those of Mr. Munro's copies, unless otherwise stated. The present editors have added some expansions and brief explanations. Where, as in Nos. 52, 53, 64, and elsewhere, these are borrowed from other scholars, acknowledgtaent is made; the remainder are either obviously common property or original. The numbers of the inscriptions in the third volume of the Corpus are quoted throughout ; the numbers from 13626 onwards are taken from proof sheets which Professor Hirschfeld has very kindly sent to us. Where more than one reference is given, the inscription has been treated more than once in the Corpus. 1. Dukle: copied by Saski. [C. I. L. 8283.] DIS DE ABVSQ 32 On the Roman toion of Doclea, in Montenegro, 2. Dukle : built side upwards iuto the north abutment of the Roman bridge on the Moraca about a mile above the ancient town. Block of hard limestone, 2 feet 2 inches high, 1 foot 3^ inches broad, with letters about 2 inches. [C. 1. L. 12670.] I • O • INI J(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo), EPONE • REGIN Epon(a)e regm(ae), G E N I O • LOCI Genio loci, P • BENNIVS • EC P. IJcnnius E[g]- R E G I V S • MIL • regius, mil(es) COH • VOL • ADIV coh(ortis) Vol(untarioruiii), udju(toi-) RINC • BF • COS ■ V ■ S [p]riiic(ipis), b(ene)f(iciarius) co(n)s(ularis), v(otum) s(olvit). Adiutores principis are mentioned in C. I. L. viii 4332 and Ephem. v. 709, but in both these cases the men served in legions. They appear to have been under-officers attached to the centurions, who were frmcipes, and performing much the same clerkly duties as the lihrarU. 3. Dukle : near the junction of the Zeta and Moraca. Panelled block of Spuz stone, 2 feet 6 inches high, 1 foot 11 inches broad, 1 foot 10 inches thick. Letters, 2^ inches and 1^ inch. Split in two and lacking the upper right-hand corner. Surface much weathered ; Mr. Munro observes that the stone seems to have been shot at from across the Zeta. When copied before in 1875 and 1882, the inscrip- tion was perfect, except for the / of Veneri. [C. I. L. 8284.] V {'N^^vn ^''''"■' V G Aug(ustae) Si^ JCRVM S[a]crum. ^BASSILLA F[l](avia) Bassilla. 4 — 18. These inscriptions are all or almost all dedications to Emperors. It is possible, as Hirschfeld has suggested, that we shoixld connect them with the mention of a sacerdos ad aram Gaesaris below (No. 64), and should suppose that a centre of Caesar worship for southern Dalmatia was at Doclea itself. 4. Dukle : from the west gate, now in the parapet of the bridge. Panelled block of Spuz stone, 2 feet 9^ inches high, 2 feet If inches broad, 2 feet 1 inch thick. Right lower corner cut away. Letters in first two lines, 3 inches, the rest, If inches. The inscription has been purposely defaced, and is hard to read. On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 33 Sticotti read practically notMng in the first line ; in line 5 Borman read Q I I D on a squeeze sent by Sticotti. [C I. L. 12680.] DIVOT I TO DivoTito A V C * Aug(usto) L F L AV I V S aV I R ^- ^l^^i'^s Qmr(iiia) EPIDIANVS Epidianus rm V I R-l DQ.V I Q. Illlvir j(ure) d(icTindo) qui(n)q(ueiinalis) [not inscribed.^ PONT MAX pont(ifici) max(imo) npDT'D . pQ'T trib(uiiiciae) pot(estatis) P P COS II p(atri)p(atriae) co(n)s(ali; II RESPVBLICA respublica DOCLEATI Docleati- VM -urn. The date is a.d. 254 : as often on imperial inscriptions of this period the years of the tribunicia potestas are not stated. In line 4 the final Gr is inscribed on the moulding, and seems to be a survival from an erased inscription. 16. Found in porta iirhis Docleae juxta lacum Labeatem. Now lost : a copy is preserved in an anonymous MS. collection of Dalmatian inscriptions made in or before the sixteenth century. [0. I. L. 1705.] IMP . CAES • P • LICINIO • GALZIENO PIO • FELTCI • AVG • PONT • MAX TRIE • POT • P • P • CONS • HI ■ RES P V B Z • D O C L E A T I V M Inscription in honour of the emperor Gallienus, erected a.d. 257 — 260. 17. Dukle : built (side upwards) into the north wall of the small church, inside. Fragment of a block of Spuz stone, about 11 inches square. Letters, first line, about 4 inches ; second line, 3 inches. [C. I. L. 13633.] Caesa fp^l'l P- k'TKl pot' ,0mti"jKf^""* 18. Dukle : found outside the north-east corner of the small church. Frag- •^0 071 the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. mcnt of a panelled block of Spiiz stone, 1 foot -J- inch broad, 10} inches high, complete only to right. Letters 3 inches, in bad condition. [C. I. L. 13G34] iWOB nob(ilissimo) [Caesari res publica] d(cdit) d(cdicavit). 19-22. The following eleven fragments belong to inscriptions which occupied the epistyle of the civil basilica. As seen by Sticotti, they lay in four groups in front of the fagade, facing the forum, in the following order, except that lllh was found first by Munro : Facade IV III6 II I ah ah c d c d Jelid, who also saw the inscriptions, observes that they stood over the four entrances from the forum into the basilica. They are all in honour of the same boy, M. Flavins Balbinus, whose parents were obviously important persons at the time when the basilica was erected. 19. Dukle : four fragments of the architrave of the civil basilica, lying toge- ther before the east front of the building, near the north end. Lengths : block (a), 4 feet 7 inches ; block (/>), 2 feet 7^ inches ; block (c), 2 feet 10 inches ; block (d), 4 feet 3 inches. The architrave consists of travertine blocks, 2 feet (5 inches high, and 1 foot 6 inches thick. The inscribed surface is 11 inches broad, and occupies the top of the block. The inscription is placed for a point of view from below, near the top of the blocks. Letters, in the upper line, about 3 inches, in the lower about 2} inches, finely cut and picked out with red. Measured by the following inscription, the space between the left edge of the O in Balhlno and the left edge of the C in defuncto must have been 3 feet 1 inch The total length of the inscribed blocks would therefore amount to from 15|- to 10 feet [0. I. L. 8287 = 12692 L] M-FL-M-F-QyiR-BALBlN(l /CORI)p/DOCL-HONOR^SC-^^HNESET-S'I?\TVM1- EQVESTR.- DECREM jf f LTERTVLLA- PAB.ENTES- INAVRAVERVNT M. Fl(avio), M(arci) f(ilio), Quir(ina), Balbino : [huic defun]c(to) ordo Docl(eatium) honores omnes et statuam eqnestr(em) decrev(it). [Fl(avius) Fronto et] Fl(avia) Tertulla parentes inauraverunt. On the Roman tovm of Doclea, in Montenegro. 39 20. Dukle : four fragments of the arcliitrave of the civil basihca, lying together before the east front of the building, about 25 feet south of the pre- ceding group. Lengths: block (a), 2 feet 10 inches; block ih), 5 feet |^ inch ; block (c), 4 feet 1 inch. Other dimensions as in the preceding inscription. There is lost between the right edge of the Q in Quirina and the left edge of the second B in Ball) mo 1 foot 5^ inches ; between the left edge of the D in ordo and the middle of the M in omnes, 4 feet 1 inch. The total length of the stones was therefore about 17^ feet. One fragment, roughlj the same as (c) in No. 19, was not seen by Munro, but was coj^ied by Sticotti and Rovinski. [C. I. L. 8287 = 12692 11.] The inscription is verbatim and litteratim the same as 12,992 i, except that in place of PAEENTES • INAVEAVEEVNT the word fIl occurs after tertvlla and under the M of OMNES. 21. Dukle : fragment of the architrave of the civil basilica, lying before the east front of the building, about twelve paces south of the preceding group. Length, 6 feet 4 inches, to which must be added about 6 inches of broken stone on the left of the inscription. This stf)ne has been long exposed to the weather, but is quite legible. [C. I. L. 8287 = 12692 IV.] :L-T PONTIF FOym-FdONTONI-PRAEF- (' ahrum or f mm. daml. riF- FLAM- DlVl- \ For the name of the emperor see the note on No. 26. 22. Dukle : two fragments from the architrave of the civil basilica. The right hand piece lies before the east front of the building near the south end, about 14 paces south of the preceding block. It is 6 feet 2^ inches long, otherwise similar to the other architrave blocks. The left hand piece was found in the middle of the small church about a quarter of a mile distant from the basilica ; it is 2 feet 9 inches long, 10 inches high, and 1 foot \ inch thick. Letters, the first line about 3 inches; the second about 2| inches. [C. I. L. 8287 = 12692 III.] \- H O IN OP.E S- O/^iN ES- ET-STAT VAM-EQV ESfI^ \ jnawIaver-vnt- ordo Doc]l(eatium) honores omnes et statuam equestr(em) [decrevit . . . parentes] inauraverunt. 40 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. This inscription is distinguislied from all the others on the architrave of the basilica by the larger size of the letters in the second line. It may be con- jectured, therefore, that it belongs, not to the east front like the rest, but to the south. 23. Dukle : in the jDavement of the civil basilica. Slab of Spuz stone, 4 feet 9| inches long, 1 foot 11^ inches broad. Letters 2f inches to 1^ inch, elaborately cut and in good style. The left side is much worn, and has been smashed into pieces by the fall of the building ; the right side, protected by a wall, is in good condition. [C. I. L. 12693=13629.] W'FUVI©M-F f///////////////mm.D N o RE s nW///////S P E Ifi^I C E S CAPER W/////////////////////////MQ^'l w////////y///////mQi^'^ W/M////////////////y^l-?^\ mr^LAVIVSFRONTO ETFLAVIATER.TVLLA PARENTEW71PENSADIECT t\#l VS-FF M. FJavio, M(arci) f(ilio), Quir(iua), Ba.lb[i]no ann(orum) xv : liu[i]c defunct(o) ord(o) in[uni]c(ip.) D[o]c[l](eatium) finius [publicum et] statuam [equestr(em) ? dec]r(evit) : item [decrevit] honores q[uanto]s pe[r leg]es caper[e] [liceret et stat(uam)] equest(rem) [M. Flavius. M. f ? ] Quir(ina) statuam t(estamento) p(oni) j(ussit) M. Flavius Fronto et Flavia Tertulla parente[s i]mpeiis(a) adiect(a) inauraverunt. [M Flav]ius Fr[onto] 24. Dukle : in the civil basilica. Two fragments of a slab of Spuz stone similar to the preceding, but possibly an inch or two broader, {a) was found lying loose in the building. (6) was discovered by Mr. Milne face downwards in the pavement. It has been roughly hewn to its present shape, and is broken into many pieces. The lower part was completely rotten and crumbled to dust on being touched. Letters 3 inches to If inch. [C. I. L. 12694=13630.] Oil the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 41 [^) R bANN'X ^NCTOW )K-PVN jVTVAM^ bECFLEVK^ pCLEATIV! Vantospe' klCf'B.ETI QVJSTK Fin iO" fl T [M. Fla]vio, M(arci) [f(ilio)], [Qui]r(ina), [Balbino] ann(orum) xv : [huic defu]nct(o) ord(o) [r ampl. decu]r(ionuin.)fuiiu[s] [publ(icuin) et stjatuam [equestr(em)?] decrevi[t] : [item ordo D]ocleatiu[m] [honores q]uantos pe[r] [leges (capere)] liceret [et] [statuam e]que8tr(ein). [Plaviu]s Fronto [Fl]avia T. f. Tei-tu[lla] ^ fil[i]o Possibly this slab and the preceding are from the base of equestrian statues. The last line R T . . . L {Te\rt[ii\l\la ) may continue the last line of the preceding. The supplement to line 5 was suggested by Hirschfeld. 25. Dukle : not far from the junction of the Zeta and Moraca. A block of Spuz stone from an architrave, 2 feet 3 inches long, 1 foot 9 inches high, 1 foot 4|- inches thick, broken to right. Letters 4 inches. [C. I. L. 13640.] fac. cu ? inaicrave R . PECVNIASna / 42 On (he Boman totoii of Doclea, in Montenegro. 20. Dukle : copk'd liy Koviiit>ki, sought iu vaiu by Muuro. [C. I. L. 12695.] M . FLAVIO • T • F • OVIR FRONTONI SACERD IN COLONIS-NARON ET EPIDAVRO IIVIR-I-D snllO RISING IIVIR CM INQ lONi IN COI SCCDR IIVIR IDQVIM HAM //// PRAEF //// FLEPS EX AERE CONLAlC M. Cagnat suggests : M. Flavio T. /(ilio) Qniriina iribu) Frontoni, sacerd{oii) in coloni(i)s Naron{a) et Epidauro, ii vir(o) i{ure) d(icinido) 7j([?]jo Bisino, ii vir(o) [q']innq(nennaH), [p]onlti{Jici)] in co^l] /S'c[o]rfr(a) u vir(o) i. d. qm[nq.'], [Jl^aviini [diui Aug.'] praef. [fabrnvi], pleps ex aere conla\Jo]. The lost emperor's name in line 8 cannot have been a long one, and as Flavins Fronto may well have been the father of the boy mentioned in No. 19, we may perhaps suggest Titus and refer the inscription to the origin of Doclea (see No. 4). The references to Risinium and Scodra are important ; as M. Cagnat has pointed out, they show that Risinium received city rights from Augustus, while Scodra seems to have been raised from the rank of Municipium to that of Colonia by the Flavian emperors. 27. Dukle : found just outside the door of the large church. Morsel of a slab of Spuz stone, 6 inches high, 5 inches broad, 3 inches thick, broken on all sides. Letters 1 inch, poorly cut. [C. I. L. 13639.] ded Possibly part of the dedication of the church (cf. No. 28). 28. Dukle : found beside the gateway facing the west front of the small church. Lintel block of Spuz stone, 7 feet 6 inches long, 10 inches high, 1 foot 3-^ On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 4B inches thick. Letters 4 inches, plainly and deeply cut on a concave moulding in the middle of the lintel. [C. I. L. 13654.] + A/S-ONlADIACsROVOTOSVtlf lL10MSY0l\AfG'I' Ansonia diac(onis8a) pro voto suo et filiomm STioram f(aciendtiin) c(uravit). 29. At Berane, in the valley of the Lim, Albania, but said to have been brought from the neighbouring village of Budimlje, built upside down into the south wall of the church of G-jurgjevo Stupovi : panelled block of coarse bluish marble. Above the inscription is a relief of three busts with clasped hands, over two garlands. The letters are picked out with red. [C. I. L. 13641.] D A\ S D M S A'I-'^R-^AHO Aur(elio) Verzano ? AIBERTOQ. liberto q(Tii) VlXSir-AN vixsitan- NIS LXXXV -^^ LXXXV. In line 3 a Grreek A seems to be used for L. 30. Zlatica, about two miles east of Dukle : dug up in the old church. Block of Spuz stone, much broken ; apparently a capital split in half vertically, 1 foot 3 inches high, 1 foot broad. Letters 1 inch to If inch. Copy and squeeze by :Mr. Milne. [C. I. L. 13642.J IBAFBIO^ OPIE)Vl/ ORETB/ 31. Dukle : in a house by the north wall. SmaU panelled slab, 1 foot 1 inch square, 5 inches thick. Letters from 1^ inch to f inch. [C. I. L. 8288a.] C ■ CAXINIO VALEXTl CAXIXI Iv LL\XVSET PROCVLVS • PATRIPIISSIMO FEC /2 44 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 32. Duklo, at the meeting of the Zeta and Morac-a. Now at Ragusa ; copied by Hirsclifeld. [C. I. L. 8287.] Q • CASSIO • AQViLAE DECVRION • I EPIDIA • Ce LERINA • VXOR • ET .CAsSIA AQVLINA ■ FILIA- PATRi PIISSIMO • ET • SIBI • ETSVIs VIVAE • FECERVNT " To Q. Cassius Aquila, a decurion [of Doclea], erected by his wife Epidia Celerina and his daughter Cassia Aqu(i)liiia, to him, themselves, and their liouse- hold, in their lifetime." 33. Podgorica, in the Serbian cemetery ; copied by Bogisic and Sticotti. Bad lettering. [C. I. L. 8289.] D- M • S C L A N I C E T O MAKMTO PIENTISSIMo CL ULYMPI A • VXOR- M E M O R I A M P O S V I T QVI • VIXIT • AN • LVIIII M • Villi DIES • V • HAS PRO MERIT IS SEDES C A R I S S I M O C O N I V G I- MEMORIAL P O S V I T Erected to Claudius Anicetus, aged 59 years 9 months 5 days, by liis wife CI. Olympia. 34. Dukle : lying in the ravine close under the bridge, no doubt from the west gate. The upper part of a block of Spiaz stone panelled on three sides, 1 foot 8 inches higli, 1 foot 11 inches broad, 11^ inches thick, with 2:^-inch letters. The inscription is complete. [C. I. L. 12707.] CL • Q • FIL PROBILLae Cl(audiae) Q(uinti) fil(iae) Probillae. 35. At the palace of Krusna Glavica opposite Podgorica. Block of Spuz stone On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 45 from Dukle, 2 feet 8 inches High, 1 foot llf inches broad, 1 foot 8 inches thick. Letters 2 inches to 1^ inch. About a third of the face is broken away on the left, but the inscription seems to be complete. [C. I. L. 12691.] M'EPIDiO P'FIL-avIl LATINO -DEC m i.e. M • Epidio P(iibli) fil(io) Quir(ina) Latino, dec(urioni) D(ocleati). 36. Dukle : in the western cemetery. Small block of Spuz stone, 11^ inches hiarh, 10 inches broad, 6 inches thick. Letters about 1 inch. ; much worn to left. 'to' [C. L I. L. 12708.] ^TT0lHC€ - A/^IMOCX -\aKi8io^ X - A P I T UJ N • apiTfOP ATT IT I AN W 'ATTTrmi'ft; .\\\\\\\^HTHM • • • • ^TT, /x- ^\\\\\\\v^^'^v.'^A.^^ This is the only Greek inscription yet found at Doclea. 37. Zlatica, dug up in the old church. Limestone slab, 2 feet 2 inches high ; broken at both sides. Letters 1^ inch. On the back is carved a cross. Surface much worn. Copy and squeeze by Mr. Milne. [C. I. L. 13643.] . . . F I • PL • CKEscenti p ATR ^ • V . ANNIS L FL • CRESCens B • M 38. Dukle : found in the large church, near the south-west corner. Block of Spuz stone, cut away at the top and bottom, 2 feet 1 inch square. An ornamental border runs down each side. The top of the stone was occupied by relief of three half-figures facing to right, each liolding an object. Beneath the relief is a band of ornament and the panel containing the inscription. In the middle of the 46 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. second and tliinl lines of the inscription is an upright hole, which must have been there before the stone was inscribed, for it has been carefully avoided by the cutter. [C. I. L. 13638.] 1 D ^AA D(is) M(anibus) FLVl' pODC ri(avio) Ursod(e)c(nriom) 1 AQRLJqVIV Agr(uvino '0 qui V . 1 I X I T A\ A'X - ixit a(nnos) p(lus) m(inns) XXX V 1 1 1 VA L xxxviii Val(orins) _M^C ELLL Marcelli - j [nus] ... i Agruvium was a small Dalmatian town close to the modern Cattaro. ; 39. Dukle : in the civil basilica. Panelled block of Spuz stone, 2 feet 9 inches | high, 1 foot 6 inches broad, broken on the right. The border of the panel is chiselled away on the left, but the inscription is complete on that side. Letters 2^ inches to If inch, well cut in good style. M. Oagnat, judging from a squeeze, assigns it to the end of the first or beginning of the second century, to which date he also ascribes Nos. 19 to 22. [C. I. L. 8287 = 12678.] TFLAVIVJ.v vehecwdIs THAMAKiy^ 1IVIRID( ^ PKAEFFABl r(nm) T- F-I Thamaria may be a Dalmatian place-name. 40. Dukle: now at Ragusa. Copied by Mommsen. [C. I. L. 1707 = 8282.] D M S FL EVTIAE P I E A ITI S I M EQVAE VIXIT AN PLVS MINE'S XXX EPIUIVS PLIPVS /ARI TVS POSVIT To the memory of Flavia Eutia, aged about xxxj erected by her liusl)and> Epidius Filipus (Philippus). On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 47 41. Dukle: in the western cemetery. Small panelled block of Spuz stone, 1 foot l-j inch high, 9^ inches broad. Letters about 1 inch. [C. I. L. 13644.] D-M-S- a-IANVARI AEQVAEVf XITAN-XLVfll CKATVSCON IVGJINCOMP ARABIUPO SVIT i.e. D(is) M(aiiibus) sfaci-um) Flfaviae) Januariae i]uae vixit an(nos) xlviii. Gratus eoujuofi incom- parabili posuit. 42. Dukle, at the north-east gate: copied by Neigebaur and Bogisic. [C. I. L. 1706=8281 ] F//AVIA C • FILIA sTb'- pos L-DD-D Probably the conclusion of a memorial stone. Flavia G.fiUa reappears on I^os. 45, 56. 43. Dukle: copied by Rovinski. [C. I. L. 12696.] • • AVIA PINNIA TFI FL • EPDA/S F-C • L • D • D • D \Fr\avia Pinnia t{estaviento) f{ieri) i{nssit : FJ. Ep\i']d\i']a\n\us f{aciendum c{nravit) : l{ocus^ d(atus) d(ecrelo) d{ecnrionum) . The emetidation of line t is due to M. Cagnat. 48 On the Roman toion of Doclea, in Montenegro. | 44. Dukle : in the western cemetery. Small panelled block of Spiiz stone, 1 foot 3.y inches liigh, 11^ inches broad. Letters 14- inch. [C. I. L. 13645.] D • M j F-PINNIAE ^ Q'Vl-ANXXX j M-VALERIVS avuvrriAN VS-VX'ET'F' I QVIWTINAE j F-Q-VI-AI'X ] For F(lavia) Pinnia, cf. No. 43. 45. Dukle: copied by Rovinski. [C. 1. L. 12097.] FLAVIA C-F RVFINA FILIO POSVIT L D D D The first remaining line contained probably an official title like iivir. id. ii., belonging to the man in whose memory the stone was erected. Flavia 0. f. j Rufina may be connected with the persons mentioned in Nos. 42, 56. i 46. Dukle: found in the basilica and copied by Petricevic and Rovinski. Munro saw only a fragment 8^ by 7\ inches, with 1-inch letters, belonging to the j lower left side. [C. I. L. 12709.] ! I) M i M I S E R I M E i INFELICISSIME | FE VRSILLAE ' 5 QVE VIXIT AN j VI Mil DXXV I FL VRSVS ET FL BAEBIA PAREN TES FILIyV^ 1 10 CE ! D. m. mise{r)rim{a)e infelicissim{a)e F\_l]. Ursillae qu{a)e vixit an(nos) vi m{enses) ii d(ies) xxv. FL Ursus et Fl. Baebia parentes filiae [innojcel^niissimae . .] j On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 49 Small panelled slab, Letters from 1^ to i.e. D(is) M(anibus) C. Gord(io) Maxi- -miano art- -is gram(in)atic- -ae Graecae peri- -tissimo. Q. Fl(aviiis) Helenus ami- co mconpa- In 6 Munro read ME, in 8 BA, in 9 lES. 47. Dukle : now at the hut in the western cemetery. 1 foot 7 inches high, 1 foot 6 inches broad, 4 inches thick. 1 inch, well cut. [C. I. L. 12702.] D '^ M ^C GORDMAXI MIAMOART ISGRAMATIC /SGR/^C/^PERI TISSiMO^Q^FL f£LENV5AMI CO IN CON PA RAB I L I 48. Dukle : now in the Ragusa Museum 8291.] D • M • S lAUESTINVS BAEBIOR • SER SIB -E -S • V- F- D. M. s., ladestinus Baehior{nin) ser(vus) sib(i) e(t) s(uis) v(iLms) f(ecit). The slave's name is formed from the town name ladera. For the Baebii cf. No. 31. 49. Podgorica : outside the reading-room. Small column-base of Spuz stone, brought from Zlatica. The inscription occupies the square under-face of the base. Letters about 1^ inch, rudely inscribed and carelessly picked out with black. When seen by Petricevic the initial letters of 4, 5, were extant. [C. I. L. 12711.] Copied by Hirschfeld. [C. I. L. IVIMIMILLIVIIETIN lOCENTISSIMO PVSINOIENVAl^Kf fVfblOEl VSVIX-AN "illMHlOXVirSECVN ANVSETJANVA RlA9ARENT-eLl''Al ETNEPOTI-EEC Tombstone to a daughter and grandson : the daughter's name was given with g 50 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. the beginning of the inscri[)tion on another stone. The wliole ran probably some- ■what thus : [D. M quae vixit annos] Villi m(enses) II d(ies) VII, et innocentissimo Pusino J[a]nuario [f]ilio ejus, vix(it) an(nos) [I]I m[enses] III d(ies) XVII, Secundianus et Januaria parent(es) filia[e] et nepoti [f]ec(erunt). In all probability the word Pusino is equivalent to Pupo, which is commonly used as the i)raenomen of children too young to have legal iwaenomina of their own ; it does not seem to occur elsewhere in literature or epigraphy. In line 7, P is formed like a Greek koppa, as happens occasionally on rudely cut inscriptions {e.g. Eph. vii. 1025). 50. Dukle: in the western cemetery. Small block of Spuz stone, 1 foot \\ inch high, 1 foot ^\ inches broad, 4^ inches thick,, with letters about 1 inch. The upper right hand corner is broken away, but the inscription is complete. [C. I. L. 12710.] D M M . IVL • LACONI QVI VIXIT • A • XLV HVIC • DEE • BAEB TAMO DE RATA • MAITO -B- N i.e. D(is) M(anibus) M. Jul(io) Laconi, qui vixit a(nno9) XLV: Iniic def(uncto) Baeb[ija Moderata ma[r]ito b(ene) iii(erenti) [f(ecit)]. 51. Dukle: copied by Sticotti. [C. I. L. 12699.] M • LICTNTO PKOBo DEC QVl • vIXIT . ANN • L M • LICINIVS • SEVERVS. PATRI • OPTIM On the Roman town of Dorlea, in Montenegro. 61 52. Dukle, found 1890 : copied from a squeeze by Hirschf eld. [C. I. L . 12690.] M MA////7 A M B A C T I CORNEL! DOM BRYXIA P SCRASIVS NAEOLVS JEQ P S C R I B A Q A M I C O IN CONPARABI Probably, mucb as Hirsclifeld suggests, M. Ma[_rii?'] Amhadi Gorneli\_ani?~\, dom{o) Br{i)xia, P. 8crasius Naeolus aeq{;uo) i}{uhlico), scriha q{iiaestorius) amico incomparabi{li) . Bryxia, Naeolus, aequo are variants for Brixia, Naevolus, equo, for whicb many parallels occur. 53. Now, at tbe palace of Krusna Glavica, opposite Podgorica: panelled block of Spuz stone from Dukle, 2 feet 7 incbes bigli, 1 foot 10\ inches broad, 1 foot 8 inches thick. Letters 2\ inches to If inch. [C. I. L. 12700.] M'NOVlO M. Novio ^I " I V S T O Qui(riua tribu) Justo np^v^^'T PCtA dec(urioni), ex testa- MENTO'EIVS^ -mentoejus T'NOVIVS'M T.NoviusMa- . XIMVS-FRA -ximusfra- "ER'POI^NDNAA -ter ponendum CVRAVT^ curav[i]t * L''D''D^D l(oco) d(ato) d(eciirionum) d(ecreio). 54.. Dukle : in the -western cemetery. Small panelled block of Spuz stone, 9f inches high, 1 foot f inches broad. Letters fi'om 1 inch to f inch. [C. I. L. 12712.] QVARTIOM C-FLA-IVSTI SERVO-PLA lACOITVBER NALI5 i.e. Quartioni C. Pla(vii) Jiisti servo Pla [- ?]-ia (Flavia ?) contubernalis. i/2 52 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 55. Duklo : found in the small church, the upper part built into the south wall, the lower part lying in the middle of the building. Panelled block of Spuz stone, 2 feet 10^ inches high, 1 foot lOf inches broad, 1 foot 9 inches thick, broken across. The surface is chipped away at both sides, but the inscription is complete on the left. Letters 1-| inch to 1 \ inch, somewhat worn. [C. I. L. 13635.] €NSERTO/ CF-BROCi" AQyi:.^;ro( AGRICOLy Pi SALINAI^ IVLIO-SERVI i.e. [C]u. Serto[rio] C. f. Brocc[lio] Ai|uilio Agiicola[c] Ped[an]io F[usoo ?] Saliiia[tori] Julio Servia[no .... All the names probably belong to one man, who may have been, as Hirschfeld suggests, by birth Sertorius Brocchus, by adoption son of Cn. Pedanius Fuscus Salinator (cos. a.d. 118), the son-in-law of L. Julius Ursus Servianus (cos. before 98 and in 102). Such accumulation of names was not uncommon, especially in the second century. A C. Sertorius Brocchus was pro-consul of Asia at an un- known time. 56. At the palace of Krusna Glavica, opposite Podgorica. Block of Spuz stone from Dukle, 3 feet 7 inches high, 1 foot 10 inches broad, 1 foot 11 inches thick. Letters 2-| inches. [C. I. L. 8287 = 12701.] SEKVNIK MAKCEL^E MATKI- OPTIME FL'C'FIL- PfllSCA L'D-D'D 57. Dukle : dug up near the surface between the two churches. Two frag- On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 53 ments of a small marble slab, broken below. Total breadth, 11 inches, height 8 inches, thickness 2\ inches. Letters If inch. [C. I. L. 13648. J 58. Dukle : found on the surface about mid-way between the west gate and the civil basilica. Fragment of rough block, complete only to left, 1 foot \ inch high, 1 foot 1\ inch broad, 5j inches thick. Letters about 11 inch, scratched rathei' than cut and much worn. [C. L L. 13650.] D M , a VI V I X( For Mi\_se'\rrimo, in line 2, compare No. 46. 59. Zlatica : extracted from the wall of a house near the old church. Lime- stone slab, broken to left, 1 foot 6^ inches high, 1 foot 9|^ inches broad. Letters \\ inch. Copy and squeeze by Mr. Milne. [C. I. L. 13652.] d. in. honesfae ? nae quae u annos lAE EMI IXIT /-DIESXV 60. Dukle: especially in 2, Diis) M(antbus) I? Nolvio No[_ filiiipi'e XfTISSlMf cura /V E R copied by Hirschfeld from a squeeze. 4, 5. [C. L L. 12704.] D M /////VIo NO/// /Vo SoDALI R o M I ,! / / / CD //NVS ET PL ■ CI//// IMVS • COLLEGE B • M • PoS ]«o sodali Itom\^ The text is uncertain, .] JIMS et Fl (avius Ci[ ] imiis Colleg(a)e b{ene inherent i) pos{%ieruni). 54 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. Gl. Now at Podgorica, outside the reading-room. Small fragment of Spuz stone, broken on all sides except the left. Very rudely inscribed. Letters about 1 inch. The stone is said to have been brought from Zlatica, where Sticotti saw it. [0. I. L. 12703.] CONIVC/ Q,UAEyj\y xit annos xxxy/ 62. Dukle : (a) copied by Saski ; Q)) dug out of a rubble wall on the south side of the west gate, a fragment of panelled Spuz stone 9x14 inches with two- inch letters. [C. I. L. 8288 = 13626.] MII\ (a) PRO MA Iri PllSSlIM^^E" (&) L I) l- 1) • 1) • 63. Dukle: outside the west gate. Lower left corner of a panelled block of Spuz stone, 1 foot 1 inch high, 9| inches broad. Letters, about 2 inches, poor late style. [C. I. L. 13653.] 64. Dukle : found lying in front of the apse in the large church. Panelled block of Spuz stone, 2 feet '7\ inches high, 1 foot 9^ inches broad, 1 1 inches thick, broken below, especially at the corners, also at the upper left hand corner, and On the Roman to2vn of Doclea, in Montenegro. 55 elsewhere on the left side. Letters, 2\ incli to 1^ inch, fairly well cut, but badly weathered. [C. I. L. 13636.] ^ mmwis aviR COSll P SACRD ATAPMCAESARS DEC I -^ AIV\EN 3 IVSSIL D/ . . . ins Quir{ina trihu) Genialis [viator?'] co[ra]s(M/M'ni) et p\_raet(or^i'ni)'\ sac\_e\rd{os) at a'ira'lm, Coesar[i]s dec{%mo) teet~\am,en\to poni , iussi\_t] [L. d. d.] d Hirschfeld, from a squeeze, reads ER (in ligature) for R in 5, AA for M in 6, TB in 8 init. and TO PO in 8 fin. The suggestion of viator consulum et jprae- torum is due to him, and he also points out that this mention of an ara Caesaris is the first yet found in Dahnatia proper, and that, combining this inscription with the many imperial dedications (Nos. 4 foil.), we may fix the site of the altar at Doclea itself. 65. Dukle, copied by Rovinski. [C. I. L. 12689.] (PRAEF (DAND DSROV \LEC . . iyraef{ectus) frumenti^ dand[i 2Jroc~\os [p'\rov .... h'[r, The conjectures are due first to M. Cagnat. 66. Dukle, found in the torrent bed just below the bridge. block of Spuz stone, 1 foot 5 inches high, 1 foot broad, broken all round. 2 inches, in poor late style. [C. I. L. 13637.] Fragment of a Letters, Eufina piitisi'ni 50 On the Roman town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 67. Podgorica, old town : block, built into the wall of a house, high up, upside down, broken right and left. Letters in first line about 6 inches. [C. I. L. 82901 = 2098.] EMELLlij iVG OB hi*- . G]emelli[nns ?] A]ug(iisti) ob h[onorem]. 08. Dukle : outside the west gate. Lower part of a panelled block of Spuz stone, 1 foot 'i\ inches high, 1 foot 9^ inches broad. Letters 2^ inches, in good styie. Tddd [p(oueiidum)] c(iu-avit) l(oco) d(ato) d(ecreto) d(ecuriouuraj. 69. Dukle : found outside the south wall of the large church. Fragment of a panelled slab of Spuz stone, 9 inches high, 1 foot \\ inch broad, 2\ inches thick. The slab is broken at the top and bottom, and the border to left, but the inscrip- tion is complete on both sides. Letters 1^ inch, picked out with red. [C. 1. L. 13051.] CEV0COJV5£CaT OiZiSq'FABRICA'FC Long{a)evo seems plain; the rest is unintelligible. 70. Podgorica : copied by Petricevic. [C. I. L. 12705.] ORC-F-A MISIPA j In line 2, Hirschfeld suggests jjrr/Jjmsii. 71. Budimlje (about a mile north-east of Berane, in the valley of the Lim) On the Roman town of Doelea, in Montenegro. 57 in tlie old churchyard. Stone about 7 feet long and 3 feet broad. Surface much worn. [C. I. L. 13646.] Along the upper edge : . . IS . . . M Along the lower edge : ANNAI//AX//IIASCCI .... Possibly . . Anna [M]ax[im]ia Sc[odrina r*] 72. Ibid. Similar stone. [C. I. L. 13647.] About the middle : T MM MAXIMVS Along the lower edge : MAXI H SIT The last word may be lusti. 73. Berane : built into the south wall of the church of Gjurgjevo Stupovi. Coarse bluish marble. [C. I. L. 13649.] VALE 74. Dukle : copied by Rovinski. [C. I. L. 12713.] /IL AE CE FI 75. Dukle : in the civil basilica. Fragment of Spuz stone, broken on all sides, 11t inches high, 9 inches broad. Letter, 2^ inches. [C. I. L. 12714.] 76. Cetinje, in the museum : on a tile from Dukle. Copy and squeeze by Mr. Milne. [Q] Clodi Am[brosi] Cf. C. I. L. iii. 3214, 2; Cagnat, Xo. 17, gives it irapei'fectly. 77. Dukle : on a fragment of tile found in the large church. A/ h 58 On the Buvian town of Doclea, in Monteneyro. INDEX 1. Names of Private Persons. Names. 7. Orthograpliy, etc. Emperors. 3. Military, -i. Religious. 5. Civil. (J. Place Names of Pkivatk Peksoxs. a. Praenomina. Fusinus = Pupus ? h. Nomina. Aur(elius) Verzanus ? Baebius S. Bacbia iloderata Baebiorum seivus P. Bennius Egregius C. Caninins Valens . Caninius lulianus Caiiinius Proculus Q. Cassins Aquila . Cassia Aqii(i)lina CI. Auicetus CI. Olympia CI. Q. fil. Probilla [Q] Clodius Am[brosius Epidius Filipus . M. Epidius P. fil. Latiiius Epidia Celerina . Flacidius Cliarito (Greek) M. Fl(avias) M. f. Balbiuus PI. Ci . . . imus . Fl. Crescens L. Flavins Epidianus Fl. Ep[i]d[i]a[ti]us 49 . 29 . 30 . 50 . 48 2 . 31 . 31 . 31 . 32 . 32 . 33 . 33 . 34 . 76 . 40 . 35 . 32 . 36 19-24 . 60 . 37 . 4 . 43 U. Flavius T. f. Frouto . . 19-24, 26 C. Fla(vius) lustus . . . .54 Q. Fl. Helenus . . . .47 Fl. Ursus ... 38, 46 T. Flaviu[s] Verecuudu[s . . .39 Flavia C. filia . . . .42 Fl. Baebia . . .46 F[l]. Bassilla . . . . 3 Fl. Eutia . . . . .40 Fl. lanuaria . . . . 41 [Fljavia Pinuia . . . .43 F. Pinnia. . . . .44 Fl. C. f. Prisca . . . .56 F. Quintina . . . .44 Flavia C. f. Rufina . . .45 Flavia Tertulla . . . 19-24 F[l]. Ursilla . . . .46 C. Gordius Maxiiuianus . . 47 Pusinus lanuarius . . . .49 M. lulius Laco . . . .50 M. Licinius Probus . . . .51 M. Licinius Severus . . . .51 M. Ma[rius F] Ambactus Corneli[anus] . 52 M. Novius Iu.stu.s . . . .53 T. Novius Maximus . . .53 'r No] vio No . . . . . .60 P. Scrasius Nae(v)olus . 52 Cn. Sertorius C. f. Brocclius Aquilius Agricola Pedanius F(uscus ?) Sali- naior lulius Servianus . . 55 On the Bovian town of Doclea, in Montenegro. 59 Servenia Marcel (1) a . 56 Maximus 53, 72 L. Tullius Claudianus . 57 Moderata . 50 Val(erius) Marcelli[nus . 38 Nae(v)olus . 52 M. Valerius Quintianus . 44 Olj'mpia . 33 Vale[rius ? . . . 73 Philippus, see Filipus . 40 . . . ius Genialis . . 64 Pinnia 43,44 Plaia ? . 54 Prisca . 56 c. Cognomina. Probilla . 34 Agricola . . . . .55 Probus . 51 Ambactus . 52 Proculus . 31 Am [brosius . 76 Quartio ser. . 54 Anicetus . 33 Quintianus . 44 Appianus (Greek) 36 Quintina . 44 Aquila . 32 Rufina. 45,66 Aqu(i)lina . 32 Salinator . 55 Ausonia . 28 Secundianus . 49 Balbinus 19-24 Servianus . 55 Bassilla . 3 Severus . 51 Brocclius . 55 Tertulla 19-24 Celerina . 32 Ursilla . 46 Charito (Greek) . 36 Ursus . 38, 46 Claudianus . 57 Valens . 31 Corneli[anus . . 52 Verecundus . 39 Grescens . 37 Verzanus ? . 29 Egregius Epidianus . 2 4, 43 Ci . . imu.s . 60 Eutia . . 40 Filipus . 40 Emperors. Fronto F[uscus] ? . G]emelli[nus . Genialis G rat us Helenas ladestinus ser. lanuarius-ia (len-) lulianus lustus Laco . Latiniis 5 19-24, 26 . 55 . 67 . 64 . 41 . 47 . 48 41, 49 . 31 3, 54, 72 (?) . 50 . 35 Titus .... Traian Alexander Severus Philip . „ (son) . Otacilia Traian Decius Trebonianus, Volusianus Valerian Gallienus inccrt. 4, 26 ? .5,6 7 8, 9?, 10, 11 10, 11 10 . 12 13, 14 . 15 . 16 17, 18, 21, 26 Marcel (l)a . 56 ara Caesaris . . 64 Marcclli[nus . . 38 Maximianus . . 47 60 (hi thr Tiiimini fn/rit (if Ihx'li'u, ill Montenegro. MlLIT.UIV. coh(()rs) vo(lnntariorura) adiutor prineipis bencficiarius coiisnlnris Religious. dis deabusq(ue) I(ovi) o(ptimo) m(aximo) Epona Regin(a) Genius loci Venus Aug(nsta) flamen [diui Titi ':*] sacerdos at aram Caesaris sodalis Rom , . . pontifex Chiistian : diaconissa Civil. e(|uus publicus scriba quacstorius viator cos et praet ? 21,26 . 64 . 60 21, 26 . 28 52 52 64 tribus Quirina, respublica Docleatium 4,19- 1 -24, 26, 35, 53, 64 oido . decuriones f passim iivir (jiiinquennalis . 20 iiiivir quinquennali.s . iivir i(urc) d(icundo) praefectus fabrum praefectus frumento dando . . 26, 21 v, . 4 39, 45 ? 26?, .39 . 65 pleps . libertus . 26 . 29 servi . 48, 54 Place Names Agi-[uvium "r] . . 38 Bryxia(Brixia) Docloa KpidauMim Juliuni Risinuni Narona Scodra Thaniaria OlnlllHiltAl'lIY, ETC. Aequo = equo. . At = ad Br3-xia = Brixia Fill pus Marcela Miserimus Naeolus Pie[n]tisime . Pleps . Greek lambda in Roman inscri|)tion Ml.sCKLI.ANEOUS. Stonecutter's marks . Statiia equestris Artis grammaticae peritus BlIU.KIliltAl'UV. C. I. L. 1 1 1 . numbers cited. [Copies bj'Hirscbf eld, Bogisic, Sticotti, and others.] Cagnat, Compfes-rendiis de rAcadnnie, 1890, p. 138. „ Memoires de la Soc. des Antiq. de France, lii. (1893), 323. [Based on material supplied by M. Gerard, Rovinski and Nicod.] Pctricevic, bullettino Dahn., xiii. 1028. Bulic, hnUeitino Dahn. vi. 66. [Copies l)y M. Novakovid.] Mowat, revue archeol. xliv. (1882), 81. [Copies by M. Saski.] . 52 passim 26 26 26 26 39 52 64 52 40 56 46 52 40 26 29 . 6 19/,;//. . 47 ANTIQUAEIAN EESEARCHES IN ILLYEICUM. (PAirrs I. AND u.) COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES ARTHUR JOHN EVANS, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 1883. Vx //i^^^-j ^ y- 5^^^^ '■^ -^Z - ^^.^-/-^^r ANTIQUAEIAN J EESEAECHES IN ILLYRICUM. (PAKTS 111. AND IV.) COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES ARTHUR JOHN EVANS, ESQ.. M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : PRINTED l'.\- XI('IIOI„S AND SONS. 2.% PARLIAMENT STREET. 1885. ON THE KOMAN TOWN OF DOCLEA, IN MONTENEGRO. COMMUNICATED TO THE SOCJETY OV ANTIQUARIES II V J. A. R. MUNRO, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. ; W. C. F. ANDERSON, ESQ., M.A. J. G. MILNE, ESQ., M.A.; and F. HAVERFIELD, ESQ., M.A., F.S.A. WESTMINSTER : PRINTED BY NICHOLS AND SONS, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. 1890.