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Worlds Columbian Exposition.
••' 1893 ."
Part X.
Department K,
The Department of Publicity and Promotion,
Entered according to Act of Congress in the year A. D. 1893, in the office of Librarian of Congress
t at Washington, D. C., by
For the exclusive use of W. B. Conkey Company, Chicago.
Art Palace, Description of.
Austria, Exhibits of..
Belgium, Exhibits of.
Brazil, Exhibits of.
I Canada, Exhibits of.
j Classification.
Denmark, Exhibits of.
France, Exhibits of.
Germany, Exhibits of .
Great Britain, Exhibits of.
Ground Plan of Art Palace...
| Holland, Exhibits of.
| Italy, Exhibits of.
Japan, Exhibits of.
Juries of Acceptance.
; Mexico, Exhibits of.
New South Wales, Exhibits of.
Norway, Exhibits of.
Russia, Exhibits of.
Society of Polish Artists, Exhibits of.
Spain, Exhibits of.
Sweden, Exhibits of.
United States, Exhibits of.
Upper Gallery, Plan of.
Augustus St. Gaudens.
Olin L. Warner.
J. Q. A. Ward.
Daniel C. French.
John J. Boyle.
John J. Boyle.
Olin L. Warner.
Daniel C. French.
Daniel C. French.
John J. Boyle.
Olin L. Warner.
Harriet Hosmer.
Waldo Story.
Larkin G. Mead.
Franklin Simmons.
William Couper.
Waldo Story.
Larkin G. Mead.
Daniel C. French, Boston . Lorado Taft, Chicago.
Robert Bringhurst, St. Louis.
John J. Boyle, Philadelphia. * Carl Rohl-Smith, Chicago.
J. Gelert, Chicago.
William M. Chase. Eastman Johnson.
R. Swain Gifford. H. Bolton Jones.
F. D. Millet. (G. W. Maynard, Alternate.)
I. M. Gaugengigl. John W. Beatty.
E. C. Tarbell. Charles E. Dana.
John W. Beatty, Clifford P. Grayson.
Charles E. Dana. Joseph R. Woodwell.
William Dalliba Dutton. Eastman Johnson.
H. Bolton Jones.
Thomas Allen.
J. J. Enneking.
I. M. Gaugengigl.
R. Swain Gifford.
E. C. Tarbell.
F. P. Vinton.
William M. Chase.
F. A. Bridgman.
W. T. Dannat.
Walter Gay.
Alexander Harrison.
E. L. Weeks.
Walter McEwen.
Gari J. Melchers.
Charles Sprague Pearce.
J. L. Stewart.
Walter Beck.
J. Frank Currier.
C. C. Coleman.
Toby Rosenthal.
Elihu Vedder.
Carl Marr.
Orrin Peck.
William Stanley Haseltine.
J. G. Brown, New York.
G. W. Maynard, New York.
J. Francis Murphy, New York.
Thomas Hovenden, Philadelphia
Thomas Allen, Boston.
H. F. Farny, Cincinnati.
C. C. Coleman, Rome , Italy.
Gari J. Melchers, Detroit.
Douglas Volk, Minneapolis.
John H. Fry, St. Louis.
Frederick W. Freer, Chicago.
John H. Vanderpoel, Chicago.
Walter McEwen, Chicago .
Frederick Dielman. T. C. Nicoll.
Charles Harry Eaton. Walter Shirlaw.
Louis C. Tiffany.
In other cities the Jury for Paintings in Oil also acted for Water Colors.
Richard M. Hunt. Stanford White.
William B. Tuthill. Frank Miles Day.
C. Howard Walker.
Frank Miles Day. John Stewardson.
Henry Pettit. W. B. Tuthill.
Edmund M. Wheelwright.
Edward C. Cabot. Edmund M. Wheelwright.
C. Howard Walker. John Stewardson.
W. V Tuthill.
C. B. Atwood, New York. W. S. Eames, St. Louis.
Cass Gilbert, St. Paul. S. S. Beman 'Chicago.
D. Adler, Chicago.
Same Juries as for Paintings in Oil and for Architecture.
Carleton T. Chapman. C. F. W. Mielatz.
Samuel Colman. C. A. Platt.
James D. Smillie.
Hermann Faber.
W. B. Closson.
Bernhard Uhle.
Charles A. Walker.
Max Rosenthal.
S. R. Koehler.
Horace Baker.
A. M. Lindsay.
W. B. Closson.
John P. Davis.
Frank French.
C. H. Reed.
S. R. Koehler.
Charles A. Walker.
Charles Henry Hart, Philadelphia , Chairman .
Thomas B. Clarke, New York. Charles G. Loring, Boston .
John La Farge. John F. Weir.
Hon. Martin Brimmer. Gen. Charles G. Loring.
J. Templeman Coolidge. Frederick P Vinton.
J. Harvey Young.
Charles Henry Hart. Henry Whelen, Jr.
J. Granville Leach.
Grecian-Ionic in style, the Fine Arts Building is a pure type of the most refined
classic architecture. The structure comprises three large pavilions known as the Central,
East and West Pavilion. Its total length, east and west, is 1,120 feet, and its extreme
width, north and south, 500 feet. The Central Pavilion, an oblong building measuring
500x320 feet, is intersected by a great nave and a transept, each 100 feet wide and 70 feet
high. At their intersection is a dome 60 feet in diameter and 125 feet high, surmounted by
a colossal statue of the type of the famous figure of Winged Victory. The transept has a
clear space through the center of 60 feet, being lighted entirely from above. On either
side are galleries 20 feet wide and 24 feet above the floor. The collections of sculptures
and architectural casts are displayed on the main floor of the nave and transept, and here
also, on the walls, are shown drawings and sculptured panels in relief. The sections
bounded by the nave and the transept are filled with picture galleries, ranging from 30x30
feet to 36x120 feet in area. The Central Pavilion is entered by four great portals, richly
ornamented with architectural sculpture and approached by broad flights of steps. The
East and West Pavilions have entrances from the Central Pavilion and on their north and
south fronts. The walls of the loggia of the colonnades are highly decorated with sculptural
fragments from the antique. All light is supplied through glass skylights in iron frames.
The building is located in the northern portion of the park, with the south front facing
the lagoon, from which it is separated by terraces ornamented with balustrades. A flight
ot steps leads down from the main portal to the lagoon, where there is a landing for boats.
The immediate neighborhood of the building is ornamented with groups of statues, replicas
of classic art, such as the Choragic monument, etc. Architect, C. B. Atwood, of Chicago,
Designer-in-Chiet of the Exposition.
Copyrighted 1893, GROUND PALN
For the Exclusive Use of lil/Nr ,, ^ ^ /% _. --------
GROUP 139.
Class 820 . Figures and groups in marble; casts from original works by modern artists
models and monumental decorations.
Class 821 . Bas-reliefs in marble or bronze.
Class 822 . Figures and groups in bronze.
Class 823 . Bronzes from cireperdue.
GROUP 140.
GROUP 141.
GROUP 142.
GROUP 143.
GROUP 144.
GROUP 145.
GROUP 146.
Including Retrospective Exhibit of American Paintings and Loan Collection of Forf
Works from Private Galleries in the United States.
FROM GROUPS 139-145.
Department K.—Fine Arts.
GROUP 189 .
In North Court, Rotunda, and West Court,
near Rotunda; and in Galleries
7 and 88.
Adams, Herbert, Brooklyn.
1. Portrait Bust of a Lady. (Marble.)
2. Primavera. (Marble bust.)
3. St. Agnes’ Eve. (Plaster bust, colored.)
Bachman, Max, Boston.
4. Bust of a Young Lady. (Plaster.)
(Lent by Dr. Oki, Boston.)
5. Mrs. F. Sheldon. (Plaster, bas-relief.)
6. The Son of Man. (Plaster.)
7. Portrait, Bas-relief. (Plaster.)
Ball, Thomas, Florence.
7a. Christ and the Little Child. (Marble.)
(Lent by E. F. Searles, Methuen, Mass.)
7 b. Portrait of a Gentleman. (Plaster
7c. Portrait of a Lady. (Plaster bust.)
7d. Paul Revere. (Equestrian statuette
in bronze.)
7e. Colossal statue of Washington.(Bronze.)
(Lent by E. F. Searles, Methuen, Mass.)
Bartlett, Paul W., Paris.
8. Medallion Portrait of Rev. Dr. Skinner.
9. The Ghost Dance (study of the nude).
10. Bohemian and Bears. (Plaster.)
11. Bust of Mrs. B. (Marble.)
Baur, Theodore, New York.
12. The Secret. (Unfinished group in
plaster, in grove east of Art Palace.)
13. Panel of Joseph Jefferson as Rip Van
Winkle, Bob Acres, and Dr. Pangloss.
Bissell, George E., New York.
14. John Watts, last Royal Recorder of
New York, and founder of the Leake
and Watts Orphan House. (Bronze.)
Borglum, J. Gurtzon, Los Angeles, Cal.
15. Indian Scouts. (Bronze.)
Boyle, J. J., Chicago.
16. Tired Out. (Bronze.) (From t/z 're per¬
Bradley, Amy Aldis, Boston.
17. Daughter of the Pharoahs. (Plaster
18. Bust of a Boy. (Plaster.)
Bringhurst, Robert P., St. Louis.
19. Awakening of Spring. (Terra Cotta.)
20. Faun—Fragment of a Fountain. (Plas¬
Brooks, Caroline S., New York.
21. The Dreaming Iolanthe. (Relief in
22. Lady Godiva. (Marble.)
23. Lady Godiva Returning. (Relief in
24. Vanderbilt Group. (Marble.)
Brooks, Carrie L., Chicago.
25. Enid. (Head of a Child in plaster.)
(Lent by Mr. Watkins, Chicago.)
Bush-Brown, H. K., Newburgh, N. Y.
26. The Buffalo Hunt. (Plaster.)
Byrnes, James A., Denver.
27. Wounded Buffalo. (Plaster.)
Calder, A. Sterling, Philadelphia.
28. Cordelia. (Plaster bust.)
29. Boy with Ribbon. (Plaster.)
Cannon, H. Legrand, New York.
30. Bas - relief of Elizabeth Cannon.
Ciani, Vittorio A., New York.
31. A Cavalier. (Bronze statuette.)
Clarke, Thomas Shields, Pittsburg.
32. The Cider Press: a fountain. (Bronze
Cohen, Katherine A., Paris.
33. Bust of Henry Souther. (Piaster.)
Copp, Ellen Rankin, Chicago.
34. Relief Portrait of Harriet Monroe.
Cox, Charles B., Philadelphia.
35. American Buffalo. (Bronze.)
Cushing, Robert, New York.
36. Bust of Cardinal McCloskey. (Bronze.)
Dallin, C. E., Paris.
37. Signal of Peace. (Bronze equestrian
38. Portrait Bust of Dr. I. F. Hamilton.
(Marble.) (Lent by Mrs. Fidelia B. Ham¬
ilton, Salt Lake City.)
Donoghue, John, London.
39. Kypros. (Plaster.)
40. The Young Sophocles leading the
Chorus of Victory after the Battle of
Salamis. (Plaster.)
40a. Hunting Nymph. (Plaster.)
Elwell, F. Edwin, New York.
40b. Charles Dickens and Little Nell.
40c. Intellect Dominating Brute Force; or,
Diana and the Lion. (Marble.)
jelde, Jakob, Minneapolis.
42. Bas-relief of Burt Harwood. (Plaster.)
(Lent by Burt Harwood, Minneapolis.)
4; . Bust of Judge Nelson. (Bronze.) (Lent
by U. S. District Court, St. Paul.)
•ench, Daniel C., New York.
• . Bust of A. Bronson Alcott. (Bronze.)
. The Angel of Death and the Sculptor.
:lert, J., Chicago.
45. Bust of Abraham Lincoln, heroic size.
'Plaster.) In Gallery 38 .
4 . The Little Architect. (Plaster group.)
i Theseus, Victor over the Minotaur.
Bronze statuette.)
The Struggle foV Work. (A group of
gures in plaster, represented as contend¬
ing for a work ticket thrown from a
factory window.)
Grafly, Charles, Philadelphia.
49. Daedalus. (Bronze.) (Lent by the
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts,
50. A Baa Omen. (Plaster.)
Griffith, J. Milo, Chicago.
52. Sabrina, Goddess of the Severn. (Mar¬
53. Nubian Captive. (Plaster.)
54. Coursing during the time of Queen
Elizabeth. (Bronze.)
56. Study of a Female Head. (Marble
57. Dawn. (Marble medallion.)
Hammond, Jane Nye, Boston.
58 . Lucie. (Bronze relief.)
59. A Medallion. (Plaster.)
Hartley, J. S., New York.
60. Pan. (Bronze group.) (Lent by D
Fiske, Brooklyn.)
61. Bust of Wm. Conant Church. (Bronze
(Lent by Col. W. C. Church, New York.)
62. John Gilbert as Sir Peter Teazl
Hyatt, Harriet Randall, Boston.
63. Head of Laughing Girl. (Plaster.)
Kemeys, Edward, Chicago.
64. Old Ephriam.
65. After the Feast.
66. American Bay Lynx.
67. American Panther and Her Cubs.
68. Grappling His Game.
69. Fighting Panther and Deer.
70. Texan Bull and Jaguars.
71. The Still Hunt.
72. Battle of the Bulls.
73. American Black Bear.
74. Jaguar and Boa-constrictor
74a. American Bison.
Kitson, Henry H., Boston.
75. Music of the Sea. (Bronze.)
76. Portrait Bust. (Marble.)
77. Christ Crucified. (Plaster.)
77a. The Age of Stone. (Plaster.)
Kretschmar, Howard, Chicago.
77b. Tantalus. (Plaster.)
Lindstrom, August, Chicago.
78. Bust of John Ericsson. (Plaster.)
Loeher, Aloys, Milwaukee.
78a. Bust of Mrs. Jessie Bartlett Davis,
(Marble.) (Lent by Mr. Davis, Chicago.)
Martiny, Phillip, New York.
79. Portrait Bust of a Child. (Plaster.)
Mead, Larkin G., Florence.
80. The Return of Proserpine from the
Realms of Pluto. (Plaster.) (On pedi¬
ment of Agricultural Building.)
Mills, J. Harrison, New York.
81. Portrait Medallion. (Plaster.)
Murray, Samuel, Philadelphia.
82. Study of a Child’s Head. (Bronze.)
(Lent by Mrs. Brown, Philadelphia.
83. Walt Whitman. (Bronze.) (Lent by
Thomas B. Harned, Philadelphia.
Niehaus, C. H., New York.
84. Historical Door of Trinity Church.
85. Athlete. (Plaster.)
O’Donovan, William Russell, New York.
86. Bust of Thomas Eakins. (Bronze.)
87. Bust of R. S. Gifford. (Bronze.)
Partridge, William Ordway, Milton, Mass.
88. Portrait Bust of a Lady. (Marble.)
89. Bust of J. R. Lowell. (Plaster.)
90. Plaster replica of statue of Shakes¬
peare for Lincoln Park, Chicago.
Nearing Home. (Marble bust.)
. Mary. (Plaster.)
93. Head of Christ. (Marble.)
94. Edward Everett Hale. (Bronze bust.)
95. The Summer Night. (Relief in mar¬
96. A Dream. (Marble, bas-relief.)
96a. Plaster replica of the statue of Alexan¬
der Hamilton for the Hamilton Club,
Peterson, George D., Chicago.
97. Tiger at Bay. (Plaster.)
Potter, Bessie Q., Chicago.
98. Prof. David Swing. (Plaster bust.)
(Lent by J. I. Pearce, Chicago.)
98a. Portrait in Relief. (Plaster.) (Lent
by Mr. MacGillivray, Chicago.)
Powers, Preston, Denver.
98b. The End of the Buffalo Hunt.
98c. Romola de’ Bardi. (Marble bust.)
Prescott, Katherine, Boston.
99. Joy to the New Year, Peace to the Old.
(Plaster medallion.)
100. Ralph Waldo Emerson. (Bronze me¬
Proctor, A. P,
100a. Panther. (Bronze.)
Rogers, John, New York,
no. Statue of Abraham Lincoln, seated.
| Rohl-Smith, Carl, Chicago.
in. Mato Wanartaka (Kicking Bear),
Chief of the Sioux. (Plaster bust.)
112. Bust of Henry Watterson. (Bronze.)
(Lent by Mrs. Henry Watterson, Louis¬
Ruckstuhl, F. Wellington,New York.
112a. Evening. (Marble.)
Ruggles, Theo Alice, Boston.
113. A New England Fisherman. (Plaster
114. Portrait bust (Italian child). (Bronze.)
115. Young Orpheus. (Plaster.)
116. On the Banks of the Oise. (Bronze.)
Shaw, Frederick A., Florence.
116a. The Ascension. (Marble.) At Art
Stair, Ida, Denver.
116b. Left of Paradise. (Bas-relief in plas-
i ter.)
Thompson, J.
116c. Head in Bas-relief. (Marble.)
Tilden, Douglas, Paris.
117. Young Acrobat. (Bronze.)
118. Baseball Player. (Plaster.)
119. Tired Boxer. (Plaster.)
120. Indian Bear Hunt. (Bronze.)
Triebel, Frederick E., Florence.
121. Savonarola. (Plaster bas-relief.)
122. Donatello. (Plaster bas-relief.)
123. Mysterious Music. (Bronze.)
124. Love Knows no Caste. (Marble.)
(Lent by Mrs. Joseph B. Greenhut,
Peoria, Ill.)
125. Bust of Gen. John A. Logan. (Marble.)
126. The First Fish. (Marble.)
127. Bust of Rev. Edwin B. Russell.
(Marble.) (Lent by Rev. E. B. Russell,
New York.)
Turner, William G., Florence.
128. A Dream. (Marble bust.)
129. Fisherman’s Daughter. (Marble.)
130. The Herald of Peace. (Bronze statue,
from cire perdue.)
131. Rhoda. (Marble statuette.)
Varney, Luella, Rome.
132. Mark Twain. (Bronze bust.)
133. Portrait of a Lady. (Marble bust.)
133a. Edith Van Buren. (Marble bust.)
Volk, Leonard W., Chicago.
134. Bust of Colonel Hascall, U. S. A.
(Marble.) Presented to West Point Mil¬
itary Academy by Mrs. Mary C. Hascall.
135. Bust of a Lady. (Marble.)
135a. Portrait of the late Col. Wm. Hale
Thompson. (Marble bust.) (Lent by Mrs.
W. H. Thompson, Chicago.)
Warner, Olin L., New York.
136. Diana, reclining. (Plaster statuette.)
137. Medallion of Joseph, Chief of the Nez
Perces Indians. (Bronze.)
138. Medallions of Columbia River In¬
dians. (Bronze panel.)
139. Portrait of J. Alden Weir. (Bronze
140. Portrait of a Baby. (Bronze bust.)
141. Bust of Mozart, heroic, for a public
fountain in Portland, Oregon. (Plaster.)
(In Gallery 38 .)
142. Model for a Caryatid. (Plaster.)
Wesselhceft, F. G., Cambridge,Mass.
143. Titania and Bottom. (Plaster.)
144. African Head. (Plaster.)
White, Alfred R., Paris.
145. Portrait of Monsieur M. (Plaster.)
Whitney, Anne, Boston.
146. Roma. (Plaster.)
Wuertz, Emil H., Chicago.
147. Murmur of the Sea. (Plaster.)
Zearing, H. H., Chicago.
148. Bas-relief of Abraham Lincoln*
Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
In Galleries 1 , 3 , 5 , 6, 7 , 8, 9 , 37 , 38 , 39 , and
in Upper Gallery Alcoves 109 - 115 ,
173 - 175 , 180 - 184 , 186 , 187 .
Abbey, Edwin A., Fairford, Gloucester¬
shire, England.
148a. Galahad brought to Arthur’s Court.
(Section of frieze for the Delivery Room
of the Public Library, Boston.) (Lent by
the Public Library, Boston.)
Albright, A. E., Chicago.
149. Morning-glories.
Alexander, Henry, New York.
150. Chinese Interior.
Allen, Thomas, Boston.
151. Moonrise. '
152. Thoroughbreds. (Lent by Mrs.Thomas
Allen, Pittsfield, Mass.)
153. Under the Willows.
154. Coming Through the Wood.
Allen, W. S., New York.
155. Evening at the Lake.
Amsden, William T., New York.
. 156. Spanish Meadows.
Anderson, David J., Woodridge, N. J.
157. Landscape.
Armstrong, Maitland, New York.
158. “White House,” Pont Aven, Brittany.
Baer, William J., New York.
159. Day Dream.
Baird, W. B., Paris.
160. Waiting Their Turn.
Baker, Ellen Kendall, Puteaux, France.
161. Sans Souci.
Baker, Mary K., Boston.
162. Chrysanthemums.
Baker, William Bliss (deceased).
163. Silence. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
Barnard, E. H., Boston.
164. Midday.
165. Portrait of E. H. B.
Bates, Dewey, Cookham Dene, Berkshire,
166. Spring. (Lent by Mrs. A. C. C. Bere,
Beaux, Cecilia, Philadelphia
167. Last Days of Infancy.
168. Portrait of a Boy.
Beck, Carol H., Philadelphia.
169. Portrait of Governor Pattison. (Lent
by Hon. R. E. Pattison, Harrisburg, Pa.)
170. Portrait.
Beckwith, Carroll, New York.
.. 171. Mr. Isaacson.
172. Portrait of Miss E. A. H. (Lent by
Miss Hall, New York.)
Bell, E. A., New York.
173. Portrait. Study of a Lady in Gray.
Benedict, Enella, Lake Forest, Ill.
174. Brittany Children.
Benson, Frank W., Salem, Mass.
175. Figure in White.
176. Portrait in White.
177. Girl with a Red Shawl. (Lent by
Mrs. David Kimball, Boston.)
Bicknell, Frank A., Paris.
178. An Old Apple Orchard.
179. Along the River Oise.
Bigelow, D. F., Chicago.
180. Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks
Bisbing, Henry S., Paris.
181. On the River Shore.
182. Afternoon in the Meadow.
183. Lapsing Waves on Quiet Shore.
Blackman, Walter, London.
184. A Capri Belle.
Blakelock, R. A.
185. Moonlight. (Lent by W. M. Laffan,
New York.)
186. Cloverdale. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
Blashfield, Edwin H., New York.
187. The Angel with the Flaming Sword.
188. Christmas Bells.
189. Portrait.
Blenner, Carle J., New York.
190. Contentment.
191. Portrait of El Senor Don Roderigo de
Saavedra. (Lent by Roderigo de Saave¬
dra, Jr., Royal Spanish Legation, Wash¬
Bogert, George H., New York.
192. Morning.
193. Moonlight, Etaples, France.
Boggs, Frank M., Paris.
194. Fishing Boats Going Out, Isigny,
France. (Lent by James H. Dole, Chi¬
195. Brooklyn Bridge.
Boston, Joseph H., Brooklyn.
196. Gladys. A Portrait.
Boughton,George H., Care of Messrs. Dun-
thorne, London.
197. An English Spring Day.
Boutwood, Charles E., Chicago.
198. Portrait of Hon. C. B. Farwell. (Lent
by Mrs. Dudley Winston, Chicago.)
Boyden, Dwight Frederic, Paris.
199. The Pines of Mauve.
Bregler, Charles, Philadelphia.
200. Portrait of a Woman. (Lent by Mrs.
Wm. Bregler, Philadelphia.)
Paintings in Oil.
No. . A „ .
Bridgman, Frederic A., Pans.
201. Passage of the Red Sea.
202. Women at the Mosque, Algiers.
203. In a Village at El Biar, Algiers.
204. Day Dreams.
204a. A Hot Day at Mustapha, Algiers.
204b. Fellahin and Child—The Bath.
204c. Coast of Algiers—The Morning Bath.
Bristol, J. B., New York.
205. Mount Chocorua, N. H.
Brooks, A. F., Chicago.
206. The Primrose Way.
Brouwer, T. A., Jr., East Hampton, L. I.
207. Musk Melons.
Brown, J. Appleton, New York.
208. Springtime.
Brown, J. G., New York.
209. A Card Trick.
210. The Stump Speech.
211. Training the Dog.
212. Pull for The Shore. (Lent by Isidore
Strauss, New York.)
213. Homeward Bound. (Lent by W. T.
Evans, New York.)
214. At the Old Cottage. (Lent by Gilbert
Gaul, New York.)
215. When we Were Girls. (Lent by E.
Asiel, New York.)
Brown, Matilda, New York.
216. An Unwilling Model.
Brown, Walter Francis, Venice.
217. Roscona, Sunrise.
Browne, Charles Francis, Chicago.
218. Old Poplar Trees.
219. Sand Dunes of Drummadoon, Arran.
220. Back from the Beach, Cape Ann.
221. On the Oise, France.
Brush, George de Forest, New York.
222. Mother and Child. (Lent by J. M.
Sears, Boston.)
223. The Indian and the Lily. (Lent by
C. D. Miller, Jersey City.)
224. The Heacl Dress. (Lent by H. H.
Fay, Boston.)
ii 225. The Sculptor and the King.
Bryant, Wallace, Boston.
226. Noon.
Bunker, Caroline, Boston.
227. Study of Snowballs. (Lent by Mrs.
F. D. Cross, Providence.)
228. Wheat Stacks, Afternoon Sunshine.
229. Goosefield.
Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. Lesley, Newburgh,
N. Y.
230. Fragment of Mural Decoration for
Music Room. (See also 2551 .)
Butler, George B.
231. Girl with Tambourine. (Lent by W.
C. Brownell, New York.)
Butler, Herbert, Chicago.
232. Hard Times.
Butler, Howard Russell, New York.
233. Seaweed Gatherers, Finistere, France.
234. Church of Guadalupe,Aguas Calientes,
235. Marine.
Buttles, Mary, New York.
236. Julie.
237. Peasant Woman of Alsace.
Cady, Henry N., Philadelphia.
238. Sunset at Narragansett Pier.
Cain, Neville, Louisville.
239. The Satyr and the Traveler.
Caliga, I. H., Boston.
240. Portrait. (Lent by Robert F. Herrick,
Brookline, Mass.)
Cameron, Edgar S., Chicago.
241. In the Studio.
Candidus, Harry W. T., Munich.
242. Landscape.
Carl, Kate A., Paris.
243. Head of a Man.
Cauldwell, Leslie, Paris.
244. A Sun Bath.
245. A Breton Garden.
246. A Daughter of Eve.
Chapman, Carlton T., New York.
247. Five O’clock at St. Ives, England.
248. On Cape Ann. (Lent by Mrs. John
Hutton, New York.)
Chase, Harry.
249. At Anchor off Scheveningen. (Lent
by Mrs. Harry Chase, St. Louis.)
250. The Battery Park. (Lent by Mrs.
Harry Chase, St. Louis.)
Chase, William M., New York.
251. Lady in Pink.
252. Portrait of Mrs. L.
253. Alice. A Portrait.
254. Meditation. A Portrait. (Pastel.)
255. Portrait of Mrs E. (Lent by Mrs. E.)
256. Lilliputian Boats in the Park. (Lent
by R.L.Knoedler, New York.)
Church, F. S., New York.
257. Knowledge is Power. (Lent by C. L.
Freer, Detroit.)
258. The Viking’s Daughter. (Lent by
John Gellatly,New York.)
Churchill, W. W., Boston.
259. Portrait.
Clark, Rose, Buffalo.
260. Mother and Child.
Clark, Walter, New York.
261. Spring.
Clarke, Thomas Shields, Pittsburg.
262. A Fool’s Fool. (Lent by Pennsyl¬
vania Academy of the Fine Arts.)
263. Night Market, Morocco.
Paintings in Oil.
264. A Gondola Girl.
265. Portrait of Madame d’E.
265a. Morning, Noon and Night.
Clawson, John W., Paris.
266. Santa Maria della Salute, Venice.
Clements, Gabrielle D., Philadelphia.
267. Andarina.
Clinedinst, B. W., New York.
268. The Water Colorist.
269. Monsieur’s Mail.
Cobb, Arthur Murray, Giverny, France.
270. First Snow.
Cochrane, J. G., Boston.
271. Old Stone Stairway,Pont Aven,France.
Coffin, Elizabeth R., Brooklyn.
272. Hanging the Net.
Coffin, Esther L., New York.
273. Grapes.
Coffin, William A., New York.
274. A Pennsylvania Farm After a Thunder
275. Moonlight in Harvest.
276. Twilight. (Lent by John B. Ladd,
277. Early Morning. (Lent by W. Sew¬
ard Webb, New York.)
278. Evening. (Lent by J. M. Licht-
nauer, New York.)
279. September Breeze. (Lent by W.
Seward Webb, New York.)
Cohen, George W., New York.
280. A Tale of the Sea.
Collins, Alfred Q., New York.
281. Portrait of Mr. Joe Evans. (Lent
by Mr. Joe Evans, New York.)
Colman, Samuel, Newport.
282. Mexican Hacienda.
283. Mt. Tacoma from Puget Sound.
284. The Inner Gorge of the Grand Canon
of the Colorado.
Coman, Mrs.Charlotte B.,Waterville, N. Y.
285. The Road to Town.
286. A Sto#y Brook.
Conant, Lucy S., Boston.
287. The Orchid Meadow.
Connah, Douglas John, New York.
288. Douglas John Connah. (Lent by
Mrs. John Connah.)
Cooper, Colin C., Philadelphia.
289. Portrait of a Lady.
290. Portrait. (Lent by Gen. St. Clair A.
Mulholland, Philadelphia.)
Corner, Thomas C., Baltimore.
291. Mother and Child.
292. Industry.
Corwin, Charles A., Chicago.
293. Edge of the Clearing.
Couse, Eanger I., Paris
294. My First Born.
295. Milking Time.
Cox, Kenyon, New York.
296. Painting and Poetry.
297. An Eclogue.
298. Diana.
299. The Pursuit of the Ideal.
300. Music. (Lent by F. N. Finney, Mil¬
301. Echo.
302. May.
303. Portrait of L. H. K. (Lent by Mrs.
Kenyon Cox.)
304. A Solo.
305. Portrait of St. Gaudens. (Lent by Au¬
gustus St. Gaudens, New York.)
306. Flying Shadows. (Lent by Stanford
White, New York.)
306a. Portrait of Roger D. (Lent by Charles
Deering, Evanston, Ill.)
Cox, Louise (Louise H. King), New York.
307. A Rondel.
308. The Lotos Eaters.
Craig, Thomas B., New York.
309. Upland Pasture (Morning).
Cranch, Mrs. C. A., Boston.
310. Portrait of Mrs. E. D. Cranch. (Lent
by Mrs. E. D. Cranch, Cambridge.)
310a. Portrait of Mr. Christopher Cranch.
Crane, Bruce.
311. The Harvest Field. (Lent by Andrew
Cunningham, J. Wilton, Paris.
312. Caught in the Briars.
313. For my Rabbits.
Curran, Charles C., New York.
314. Winter Morning in a Barnyard.
(Lent by Mr. George I. Tyson, New
315. Salle de la Venus de Milo. (Lent
by H. T. Shriver, New York.)
316. Sealing the Letter. (Lent by Mr.
Henderson, Minneapolis.)
317. The Iris Bed. (Lent by Wm. S.
Hollingsworth, New York.)
318. Early Morning in June. (Lent by
Samuel T. Shaw.)
319. Winter Fog.
320. A Cabbage Garden. (Lent by Mrs.
J. A. Hewlett, Brooklyn.)
321. Under the Awning.
322. A Dream.
323. A Breezy Day. (Lent by Thomas B.
Clarke, New York.
324. A Corner in a Barnyard. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
Dannat, Wm. T., Paris.
325. Spanish Women.
Paintings in Oil.
Davis, Charles H., Mystic, Conn.
326. Abandoned.
327. Summer Morning.
328. April.
329. On the New England Coast.
330. The Valley.
331. A Winter Evening. (Lent by Thomas
E. Waggaman, Washington.)
Day, Francis, New York.
332. A Table d’Hote.
Dean, Walter L., Boston.
333. The Open Sea.
334. Peace, represented by the White.
Squadron of tne U. S. Navy at anchor in
Boston harbor.
335. The Seiner’s Return.
Dearth, Henry J., East Hampton, L.I.
336. A Long Island Garden.
337. Autumn. (Lent by George G. Till-
De Camp, Joseph, Boston.
338. Carnation and Black.
De Crano, F. F., Philadelphia.
339. Mentone, France.
De Forest, Lockwood, New York.
340. Moonrise Among the Ruins of Pal¬
De Haas, M. F. H., New York.
341. New England Coast.
Delachaux, Leon, Paris.
342. The Miller’s Son.
343. The Mill in the Meadows.
Dellenbaugh, Frederick S.,NewYork.
344. On the Moquis Cliffs, Arizona.
Deming, E. W., New York.
345. A Mourning Brave.
Denman, Herbert, New York.
346. The Trio.
Dessar, Louis P., Paris.
347. The Fishermen’s Departure.
348. Evening.
349. Study—French Peasant Girl’s Head.
(Nos. 847-349 lent by Meyer Jonasson,
New York.)
Dewey, Charles Melville, New York.
350. The Prelude of Night.
351. Return of the Hay Boats.
(Lent by W.T. Evans, New York.)
352. Shadows of the Evening Hour. (Lent
by W. T. Evans, New York.)
353. The Hush of Day. (Lent by L. A.
Ault, Cincinnati.)
Dewing, T. W., New York.
354. Summer Twilight. (Lent by C. L.
Freer, Detroit.)
355. A Musician. (Lent by C. L. Freer,
356. Lady in Blue. (Lent by C. L. Freer,
357. A Portrait. ) Lent by Stanford White,
358. A Portrait, j New York.
359. Portrait of W. M. Chase. (Lent by
W. M. Chase, New York.)
360. The Days. (Lent by Miss A. W. Che¬
ney and Miss Louise Cheney, South Man¬
chester, Conn.)
Didier, Ida Joy, Allegheny, Pa.
361. Portrait.
Dielman, Frederick, New York.
362. A New York Arab. (Lent by William
Semple, Louisville.)
Dillon, Julia, New York.
363. Peonies.
Dodson, Sarah P. Ball, Brighton, England.
364. Saint Thekla.
365. Honey of the Hymettus.
365a. The Morning Stars.
Dohn, Pauline A., Chicago.
366. What the Stork Brought.
Donoho, G., Ruger, New York.
367. La Marcellerie.
368. Explorers. (Lent by J. Hull Brown¬
Dow, Arthur W., Ipswich, Mass.
369. Marsh Islands.
Dube, Mrs. Mattie, New York.
370. Pumpkins and Onions.
Du Mond, Frank Vincent, New York.
371. Monastic Life.
372. Holy Family.
373. Christ and the Fishermen.
Du Mond, Fred Melville, Paris.
374. A Legend of the Desert.
Dunsmore, John Ward, Detroit.
375. Mozart.
Duvall, Fannie E., Los Angeles, Cal.
376. Chrysanthemum Garden in California.
377. Study of Onions.
Duveneck, Frank, Cincinnati.
378. Portrait of William Adams.
Dvorak, Frant, Chicago.
379. Mother’s Pleasure.
Eakins, Thomas, Philadelphia.
380. Mending the Net.
381. Portrait of Prof. George Barker.
(Lent by Prof. George Barker, Philadel¬
382. The Writing Master.
383. Portrait of a Lady. (Lent by Miss
A. B. Van Buren, Detroit.)
384. The Sculptor. (Lent by William
R. O’Donovan, New York.)
385. Portrait of Dr. Agnew. (Lent by
University of Pennsylvania.)
386. The Crucifixion.
387. Cowboys at Home Ranch.
Paintings in Oil.
388. Portrait of William D. Marks. (Lent
by William D. Marks, Philadelphia.)
389. Portrait of Dr. Gross. (Lent by
Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.)
Eakins, Mrs. Thomas, Philadelphia.
390. Reflection. (Lent by W. H. Mac-
dowell, Philadelphia.)
Eaton, C. Harry.
391. Landscape. (Lent by Henry A.
Rust, Chicago.)
392. Normandy Landscape. (Lent by W.
T. Evans, New York.
393. Autumnal. (Water color.) (Lent by
J. D. Grant, San Francisco.
Eaton, Charles Warren, New York.
394. Woods in Winter.
395. October.
396. Moonrise.
397. On the Maine Coast.
Elwell, D. Jerome, Boston.
398. Moonrise at Domberg, Zeeland, Hol¬
land. (Lent by St. Botolph Club, Boston.)
399. Bruges, Belgium.
400. The Moorlands, Cape Ann.
401. Country of Calmpthout, Belgium.
Emmet, Lydia Field, New Rochelle, N. Y.
402. The Mere.
403. Noonday. (Lent by Miss A. B.
Phelps, Wilkes Barre, Pa.)
Enneking, John J., Boston.
404. Salting Sheep.
405. October Twilight.
406. Autumn Afternoon.
407. South Duxbury Clam Digger.
408. November.
Ertz, Edward, Paris.
409. Potato Gatherer.
Evans, E., Lehi, Utah.
410. Harvest.
Evans, Mrs. M. E., New York.
411. September Lane.
Evans, Joe, New York.
412. The Plainfield Road.
413. The Red Gate.
Fairchild, Lucia, Boston.
414. Portrait of a Boy with a Hat. (Lent
by Mrs. C. Fairchild, Boston.)
Faxon, Wm. Bailey, New York.
415. Lady in Profile.
416. Maia.
Fisher, Mark, Stockbridge, England.
417. A Hampshire Dairy. (Lent by Mr.
McCulloch, London.)
418. Cattle Crossing a Stream.
419. Summer Afternoon.
420. A Small Holding.
421. Timber Wagon, Normandy.
422. Moonrise.
423. Teste Valley Meadows.
424. Sorting the Flock.
425. Orchard, Normandy.
426. Evening.
427. Cows in Orchard (Winter).
Fitz, B. R.
428. The Reflection. (Lent by W. Evan.'
New York.)
428a. Autumn Showers.
Flagg, Charles N., Hartford.
429. Mark Twain. (Lent by Samuel 1
Clemens, Hartford.)
Forsyth, W., Indianapolis.
* 430. Edge of the Woods.
431. In the Garden. (Lent by Carl 1
Lieber, Indianapolis.)
432. Landscape. ( Lent by L. Weisei
berger, Indianapolis.)
Foss, Harriet Campbell, New York.
433. A Flower Maker.
Foster, Ben, New York.
434. First Days of Spring. (Lent l
James T. Pettus, New York.)
435. The Returning Flock.
436. A Maine Hillside. ( Lent by Jam
T. Pettus, New York.)
437. In Fontainebleau Forest. (Lent 1
j. F. Drummond, New York.)
Fowler, Frank, New York.
438. Portrait. (Lent by Dr. Neftel, Ne
439. Portrait of Walter Shirlaw. ( Le:
by Walter Shirlaw, New York.)
440. Portrait. Girl in Black.
441. Portrait. (Lent by H. W. Goodricl
New York.)
442. Portrait. Lady in White. (Lent t
Mrs. Wm. A. Fowler, Brooklyn.)
443 * Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wa
Jorf. (1)
444. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wa
dorf. (2)
445. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wa.
dorf. ( 3 )
446. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wa]
dorf. ( 4 )
447. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal
dorf. ( 5 )
448. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal
dorf. (6)
449. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal
dorf. ( 7 )
450. Figure Study for Ceiling, Hotel Wal¬
dorf. (8)
450a. Figure Study for Waldorf Ceiling,
No. 9 .
450b. Sketch for Ceiling Decoration of Ball¬
room in Hotel Waldorf, New York.
Fowler, Mary B. O., New York.
451. Marie.
Paintings in Oil.
Fraser, John A., New York.
452. An English Spring Morning.
Freer, Frederick W., Chicago.
453. Portrait of a Lady in Black. (Lent by
the Boston Art Club.)
j 454. Portrait. (Lent by Henry C. Champ-
lin, Chicago.)
455. Gold Fish. (Lent by James C.
Brooks, Chicago.)
Fry, John H., St. Louis.
456. Labor.
i Frye, Miss Gertrude, Philadelphia.
457. Portrait of G. E. (Lent by F.
Evans, Philadelphia.)
Gardner, Elizabeth, Paris.
458. Soap Bubbles. (Lent by Arthur Booth,
459. At the Water’s Edge. (Lent by W. H.
Tailer, Dobb’s Ferry, N. Y.)
Gaugengigl, I. M., Boston.
460. The Rehearsal.
461. The Manuscript. (Lent by Wm. A.
Slater, Norwich, Conn.)
462. The Hat. (Lent by Wm. F. Weld,
463. The Love Song. (Lent by Tavern
Club, Boston.)
Gaul, Gilbert, New York.
464. Charging the Battery. (Lent by W.
T. Evans, New York.)
465. Silenced. (Lent bv W. M. Chase, New
Gay, Edward, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.
j 466. Mother Earth.
| ! Gay, Walter, Paris.
! 467. Charity.
468. A Gregorian Chant.
469. A Mass in Brittany.
470. Dominican Monk.
Gifford, R. Swain, New York.
471. The Cove Road, Naushon Island.
(Lent by the Detroit Club.)
472. Moorlands.
473. The Seaweed Gatherers.
474. Over the Summer Sea.
475. Telegraph Station at Sandy Hook.
476. SaltWorks Padan Aram.
477. The Rock of Gibraltar. (Lent by
Mrs. H. E. Lawrence, New York.)
478. Landscape. (Lent by J. B. Wheeler,
New York.)
479. Autumn. ) Lent by Thomas B.
480. Nashawena. ) Clarke, New York.
481. Sand Dunes. (Lent by Mrs. Robt.
Carter, New York.)
Gill, Mariquita, Giverny, France.
482. A Gray Day—Giverny.
483. A Midsummer Morning—Giverny.
Gill, Rosalie Lorraine, New York.
484. Twilight on St. Ives Bay.
485 . Portrait of Misslnglis.
Gilman, B. F., Philadelphia.
486. Portrait Study.
Goldman, Martha, Pittsburg.
487. Study. Head.
Gottwald, F. C., Cleveland.
488. Sunday on the Docks.
489. Along the Docks.
Graves, Abbott, Boston.
490. Poppies.
Grayson, Clifford P., Philadelphia.
491. A Rainy Day at Pont Aven. (Lent by
Charles J. Singer, Chicago.)
492. November. (Lent by the Art Club,
493. Idle Hours.
Green, C. A. Brooklyn.
494. Peonies.
Green, Frank Russell.
495. My Sweetheart. (Lent by Thomas B.
Clarke, New York.)
Greene, Lillian, Boston.
496. A Brittany Landscape.
Greenwood, Joseph H., Worcester, Mass.
497. Autumn Oaks.
Grenet, Edward, Levallois-Perret.
498. Evening Harmony.
499. Grandmother’s Return.
500. Forgotten.
501. Portrait Study.
Gross, P. A., Paris.
502. Essegney near Charmes, Vosges.
503. Road to the Spring, Liverdun.
504. A Rainy Day.
Grover, Oliver Dennett, Chicago.
505. Thy Will be Done.
Gutherz, Carl, St. Paul.
506. Light of the Incarnation.
507. Arcessita ab Angelis.
508. Temptation of St*Anthony.
Hale, Ellen Day, Boston.
509. Under the Vine.
510. Bessy.
Hale, Philip, Paris.
511. Old Woman Reading. (Tent by Rev.
E. E. Hale, Roxbury, Mass.)
Hallowell, Maria, West Medford, Mass.
512. Portrait.
513. Portrait. (Lent by Miss A. N. Hal¬
lowed, West Medford, Mass.)
Hamilton, E. W. D., Boston.
514. Evening.
515. Landscape.
Hamilton, John McLure, London.
516. The Rt. H011. W. E. Gladstone at
Downing Street.
Paintings in Oil.
517. The Knitting Lesson.
Hammer, John J., New York.
518. Spring Flowers.
Hardie, Robert Gordon, New York.
519. Portrait of the Artist’s Wife.
Harper, W. St. John, Easthampton, L. I.
520. Autumn, Easthampton. (Lent by W.
T. Evans, New York.)
Harris, Charles X., New York.
521. The Mowers. (Lent by Frederick
James, New York.)
Harrison, Alexander, Paris.
522. In Arcadia.
523. The Bathers.
524. Misty Morning.
525. Marine.
526. Twilight. (Lent by St. Louis Museum
of Fine Arts.)
526a. The Amateurs.
Harrison, Birge, Paris.
527. The Surprise (in the Forest of Com-
528. The Return of the Mayflower.
Hartwich, Herman, Munich.
529. Bleachery in Lombardy.
Harwood, J. T., Salt Lake City.
530. Preparing Dinner.
Hasbrook, D. F., New York.
531. A Winter Morning in the Catskills.
(Lent by E. W. Gillett, Chicago.)
Haskell, Ida C., New York.
532. Mother Love.
Hassam, Childe, New York.
533. Autumn Landscape.
534. On the Way to the Grand Prix. /
535. Midsummer Morning.
536 Cab Station, Rue Bonaparte, Paris.
537. Snowy Day on Fifth Avenue.
538. Indian Summer, Madison Square.
Hatfield, J. H., Canton Junction, Mass.
539. The Doll’s Bath.
540. A Letter from Papa.
Hayden, Charles H., Boston.
541. A Quiet Morning, October.
542. Cattle and Landscape.
543. Pasture Land, Connecticut.
Hayden, Edward Parker.
544. October Sunlight.
Haynes, C. Coventry.
545. At your Home.
545 ^.Poplars.
546. Portrait. (Lent by Mrs. F. W. Haynes.)
Healy, G. P. A., Chicago.
. Portrait of Adolphe Thiers. (Lent
y Newberry Library, Chicago.)
Heberer, Charles, St. Louis.
8. End of November,
elmold, Adele von, Philadelphia.
549. Marigolds.
Henry, Edward L., New York.
550. The County Fair. (Lent by W. F
Havemeyer, New York.)
551. The Wedding Day. (Lent by Mr
Dickinson, Mt. Holyoke, Mass.)
Herter, Albert, New York.
552. Portrait of Mrs. H.
Hess, Lydia Purdy, Chicago.
553. Portrait of Miss E. H. (Lent b3
Miss Ena Hutchison, Mineral Point, Wis.
Hetzel, George, Pittsburg.
554. Wood Scene.
555. Study from Nature.
Hill, Roswell S., New York.
556. Young Girl Reading.
Hippie, Sarah Levis, Philadelphia.
557. Sardine Fishing Boats. (Lent b)
Mrs. F. K. Hippie, Philadelphia.)
558. The Road to Puteaux. (Lent bj
Mrs. F. K. Hippie, Philadelphia.)
Hitchcock, George.
559. Tulip Culture.
560. The Scarecrow.
Hitchcock, Lucius, Paris.
561. Summer.
Hodgkins, Belle D., Salem.
562. Low Tide at Annisquam.
Holman, Frank, Paris.
563. Venice.
564. Young Warrior.
Holme, Lucy D., Philadelphia.
565. A Holiday Occupation.
Homer, Winslow, Scarboro, Maine.
S566. Dressing for the Carnival.
567. A Great Gale.
568. Camp Fire.
569. Eight Bells.
570. March Wind.
571. Coast in Winter.
572. The Two Guides.
The above seven paintings were lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.
573. Sailors Take Warning (Sunset).
574. Hound and Hunter.
575. Lost on the Grand Banks.
576. The Fog Warning.
577. Herring Fishing.
578. Coast in Winter. (Lent by John G.
Johnson, Philadelphia.)
579. Sunlight on the Coast. (Lent by John
G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
579a. Return from the Hunt. (Lent y
Reichard & Co., New York.)
Horsfall Bruce, Clinton, Iowa.
580. The Musical Hour.
Hovenden, Thomas, Plymouth Meeting, Pa.
581. Breaking Home Ties. (Lent by
Charles C. Harrison, Devon, Pa.)
582. Bringing Home the Bride.
Paintings in Oil.
583. When Hope was Darkest.
How*:. William H., Paris.
584. Return of the Herd.
585. Norman Bull.
586. Morning, Karton Hof Meadows, Hol¬
587. Early Start to Market, Holland.
Howes, Edith M., Boston.
588. In the Orchard.
Howland, A. C., New York.
589. Fourth of July Parade. (Lent by
W. H. Fuller, New York.)
Huntington, Daniel, New York.
590. The Goldsmith’s Daughter.
591. Elise.
592. Portrait of Hon. Seth Low.
593. Portrait of Elliott F. Shepard, Jr.
Inness, George, Montclair, N. J.
594. Sundown in the Lane.
595. Threatening.
596. End of the Shower.
597. Nine O’clock.
598. Sunny Autumn Day.
599. Winter Morning.
600. A Gray, Lowery Day.
601. White Mountain Valley.
602. September Afternoon.
603. Twilight.
604. Near Marshfield.
605. Sunburst.
606. Millpond.
607. Delaware Valley.
The above fourteen paintings were lent
by Thomas B. Clarke, New York.
608. A Day in June.
Ipsen, Ernest, Boston.
609. Interior of a New England Blacksmith
Irwin, Benoni, New York.
610. Sweet Sixteen.
611. Portrait of Hubert Herkomer.
Isham, Samuel, New York.
612. Portrait of a Lady.
Ives, Percy, Paris.
613. Brittany Fishermen.
James, Frederick, New York.
614. An Impromptu Affair in the Days of
“The Code.”
Jamison, Henrietta L., Columbus, O.
615. The Lanterns.
Jenkins, H. T., Philadelphia.
616. Landscape.
617. Still Life.
Johns, Laura A., New York.
618. Apple Trees in Sunlight. (Lent by
Mrs. H. C. Johns, Decatur, Ill.)
Johnson, Eastman, New York.
619. Portrait of Dr. McCosh. (Lent by
Alex. Maitland, New York.)
620. The Nantucket School of Philosophy.
(Lent by E. D. Adams, New York.)
621. The Cranberry Harvest, Nantucket
Island. (Lent by Auguste Richard, New
622. Portrait of a Girl. (Lent by D. L.
Einstein, New York.)
623. Two Men.
624. My Portrait.
624a. Life size portrait. (Lent by Archibald
Rogers, Hyde Park, New York.)
Johnston, Humphreys, Paris.
625. Study in a Granada Garden.
626. Study of Breton Peasants (Late After¬
627. Moorish Fountain in the Church of
Santa Maria del Alhambra.
Jones, Francis C., New York.
628. Exchanging Confidences. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
629. On the White Sand Dunes. (Lent by
John Gellattl-y, New York.)
630. The Favorite Grandchild.
Jones, H. Bolton, New York.
631. Spring.
632. The Flax Breaker. (Lent by R. J.
Menefee, Louisville.)
Kappes, Alfred.
633. Rent Day. (Lent byThomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
634. Tattered and Torn. (Lent by Boston
Art Club.)
Kavanagh, John, Cleveland.
635. Washer-women.
Keith, Mrs. Dora Wheeler, New York.
636. Portrait of Lawrence Hutton. (Lent
by Lawrence Hutton, New York.)
Keith, William, San Francisco.
637. Autumn Sunset.
Keller, Charles F., Munich.
638. Canal at Schleissheim, near Munich.
Kellogg, Alice D., Chicago.
639. Intermezzo.
640. The Mother.
Kendall, Wm. Sargeant, New York.
641. The Glory of Fair Promise.
642. Saint Yves, Pray for Us.
Ketcham, Susan M., New York.
643. Portrait of a Lady.
King, James S., Upper Montclair, N. J.
644. Evening Glow.
Knight, Arthur, Milwaukee.
645 : Moonrise in Brittany.
Knight, D. Ridgway, Paris.
646. Hailing the Ferry. (Lent by the Penn¬
sylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Phil¬
Koehler, Robert, New York.
647. The Strike.
Paintings in Oil.
648. The Carpenter’s Family.
649. At the Cafe.
Koopman, August B., New York.
650. Asking a Blessing.
651. The Orphan.
652. Dreaming of One Afar.
Kronberg, Louis, Boston r
653. Behind the Footlights.
LaFarge, John, New York.
654. Venetian Guitar Player.
655. Visit of Nicodemus to Christ.
656. Study of a Boy’s Head. (Lent by Ed¬
ward W. Hooper, Cambridge, Mass.)
657. Half of the Wise Men From the East
(Lent by the Museum of Fine Arts,
Lamb, Ella Condie, New York.
658. The Advent Angel.
Lamb, F. M., Houghton, Mass.
659. End of the Trail.
Lambert, John, Jr., Philadelphia.
660. Portrait. (Lent by Mrs. Lambeit,
661. A Commissionaire (Public Porter and
662. Landscape, Midday.
Lampert, Emma E., Rochester.
663. Behind the Dunes.
664. A Hillside in Picardy.
Lathrop, Clara W., Northampton, Mass.
665. At the Flower Market.
Lee, Laura, Boston.
666 . Retrospection.
Leigh, William R., Munich.
667. End of the Play.
667A New Acquaintance.
Loomis, Chester, Englewood, N. J.
668. Memoria.
669. Hester.
Lorenz, Richard, Milwaukee.
670. Alone.
Loring, Francis W., Florence.
671. Great Bridge at Chioggia.
Low, Will H., New York.
672. A Portrait. (Lent by W. T Evans,
New York.)
673. Love Disarmed. (Lent by Gardiner G.
Hubbard, Washington, D. C.)
674. A Woodland Glade.
675. In An Old Garden. (Lent by Dr. C.
B. Kelsey, New*York.)
675a. May Blossoms. (Lent by Smith Col¬
lege, Northampton, Mass.)
Lownes, Anna, Philadelphia.
676. The Raven.
Lucas, A. P., Paris.
677. Music.
Lutz, Lewis C., Cincinnati.
678. Portrait of J. H. Gest. (Lent b>
Mrs. J. H. Gest.)
Lyman, Joseph, New York.
679. Sand Dunes at Annisquam, Mass.
680. Early Snow in the Adirondacks.
Macomber, M. L., Waverly, Mass.
681. Love Awakening Memory. (Lenl
by Elizabeth Howell, Boston.)
682. The Annunciation. (Lent by D. P
Kimball, Boston.)
MacDowell, Elizabeth, Philadelphia.
683. Day Dreams. (Lent by Waltei
MacDowell, Philadelphia.)
Mac Monnies, Mary Fairchild, Paris.
684. June Morning. (Lent by St. Louii
Museum of Fine Arts.)
685. Tea al Fresco.
Major, Ernest L., Boston.
686. Youth.
687. St. Genevieve.
688. Portrait. (Lent by Mrs. S. Clark
Marr, Carl, Munich.
689. Summer Afternoon. (Lent by Mrs
Hearst, Washington.)
690. The Flagellants.
Martin, Homer D., New York.
691. Behind the Dunes, Lake Ontario.
692. Mussel Gatherers at Villerville, Nor¬
mandy. (Lent by F. L. Gunther, New
693. Old Manor at Cricquebceuf. (Lent
by Dr. D. L. Stimson, New York.)
694. Head Waters of the Hudson. (Lent
by Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
Mathews, Arthur F., San Francisco.
695. Judith.
Maynard, George Willoughby, New York.
696. Civilization. (Lent by the National
Academy of Design, New York.)
697. Portrait of F. D. Millet. (Lent by
F. D. Millet, New York.)
698. Flora.
699. Pomona.
Maynard, Guy F., Chicago.
700. Looking Out. (Lent by P. C. May¬
nard, Chicago.)
701. Dutch Interior. (Lent by P. C.
Maynard, Chicago.)
McComb, R. Lee, Paris.
702. Summer Time.
McCormick, M. Evelyn, San Francisco.
703. Afternoon, Old San Luis Rey Mission,
704. Morning at Giverny, France.
McEwen, Walter, Paris.
705. Judgment of Paris. (Lent by Albert
A. Munger, Chicago.)
Paintings in Oil.
7 1 ?*
706. The Witches.
707. The Absent One. (All Soul’s Day.)
708. Telling Ghost Stories.
Mcllhenney, C. Morgan, Shrub Oak, N. Y.
709. On the Beach.
Meeks, Eugene, Florence.
710. Macaroni Hot.
711. Ready for the Chase.
Melchers, Gari, Paris.
712. Communion.
713. The Sermon. (Lent by Potter Palmer,
The Pilots.
The Nativity.
Portrait of Mrs. H.
Married. (Lent by Potter Palmer,
Merritt, Mrs. Anna Lea, Andover, Hamp¬
shire, England.
719. Love Locked Out.
720. Portrait of Mrs. Reginald De Koven.
(Lent by Mrs. Joseph Lea, Philadelphia).
Metcalf, W. L., New York.
721. Tunisian Market. (Lent by H. R.
Astor Carey.)
722. Road to the Village, Normandy.
722a. Summer Twilight.
Meteyard, T. B., Paris
723. Iris Meadows.
724. Road at Giverny.
Mignot, Louis R. (deceased.)
724a. Niagara.
Miller, Charles H., New York.
725. The East River, New York.
726. A Gray Day on Long Island.
Millet, F. D., New York.
727. Antony Van Corlaer, the Trumpeter.
728. Old Harmonies. (Lent by Mrs. H. K
Porter, Pittsburg.)
729. Sweet Melodies. (Lent by D. M.
Ferry, Detroit.)
730. Rook and Pigeon. (Lent by H. McK.
Twombly, New York.)
731. A Difficult Duet. (Lent by Mrs* C.
M. Raymond, New York.)
73?. At the Inn. (Lent by Union League
Club, New York.)
733. Lacing the Sandal. (Lent by Thomas
B. Clarke, New York.)
734. The Window Seat. (Lent by Chas.
Fairchild, Boston.)
Minor, Robert C., New York.
735. Autumn.
736. Evening.
737. The Close of Day. (Lent by W. T.
Evans, New York.)
Moeller, Louis.
738. Stubborn. ) Lent by Thomas B.Clarke,
739. Searching. $ New York.
Moore, H. Humphrey, Paris.
740. Japanese Musicians.
Moran, P. See 1153^.
Moran, Thomas. See 1152, 1153.
Moran, Edward, New York.
741. The White Squadron’s Farewell Sa¬
lute to Commodore John Ericsson.
742. The First Ship Entering New York
743. Life Saving Patrol, New Jersey Coast.
743a. Melodies of the Sea. (Lent by Mrs.
Martha E. French, Chicago.)
Moran, Leon, New York.
744. Back from the Postoffice.
Morris, Jennie H., Moorestown, N. J.
745. A Corner in a Turkish Bazaar.
746. Still Life.
Mowbray, H. Siddons, New York.
747. Rose Harvest. (Lent by T. Helman,
New York.)
748. Arcadia. (Lent by W. T. Evans, New
749. Scheherazade. (Arabian Nights.)
(Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
750. The Evening Breeze.
Lent by Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
Muhrman, Henry, London.
751. The Two Trees.
Munger, Gilbert, Paris.
752. The Rising Moon.
Munsell, Albert H., Boston.
753. The Sea.
754. Danger Ahead.
755. Beacon Hill in Winter.
Murphy, J. Francis, New York.
756. November Grays.
757. The Hazy Morn.
Needham, Charles Austin, New York.
758. Near Factory Hollow, Turner’s Falls,
759. Mott Haven, Canal, New York City.
760. Street in New York City.
Nehlig, Victor.
761. Pocahontas.
Nettleton, Walter, Finistere, France.
762. Approach of Harvest Time.
763. December Sunshine.
764. Watching for the Return of the Fish¬
ing Fleet.
765. Teasel^Gatherer.
766. Left in Charge of the Farmyard.
767. A Dark Interior.
Newcomb, Mrs. Marie Guise, New York.
768. Sheep in the Clearing.
Newman, Carl, Philadelphia.
769. A Study. (Lent by Chas. M. Chabot.)
Paintings in Oil.
Nicoll, J. C., New York.
770. Sunlight on the Sea.
771. Will it Rain To-morrow?
Niles, Edward Glover, Boston.
772. Portrait.
Norcross, Eleanor, Paris.
773. In My Studio.
Norton, S. Mary, Boston.
774. In the Locomotive Cab.
775. A Tea Party.
Norton, William E., London.
776. Moonlight on the River. (Lent by
Williams & Everett, Boston.)
777. Return of the Herring Fleet, Holland.
778. A Moment’s Rest.
779. Off the Dutch Coast.
780. Mid Channel.
Nourse, Elizabeth, Paris.
781. The Reader.
782. Good Friday, Rome.
783. A Family Meal.
Nowottny, Vincent, Cincinnati.
783a. Landscape near Munich.
Ochtman, Leonard, New York.
784. Night.
785. Harvesting by Moonlight.
786. Along the Mianus River.
Palmer, Walter L., Albany.
787. Autumn Morning Mist Clearing Away.
(Lent by John G. Myers, Albany.)
788. An Early Snow.
789. January. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
Pape, Frederic L. M., Paris.
790. Site of Ancient Memphis.
Parrish, Stephen, Philadelphia.
791. A Mountain Road.
792. An Orchard.
793. Winter Sunset, Cape Cod.
794. Winter in New Hampshire.
795. Evening.
Parshall, DeWitt, Paris.
796. The Cliffs of Ayerne.
Parsons, Orrin Sheldon, New York.
797. Tennis.
798. Lady in Black. (Lent by J. L. M.
Hunt, New York.)
Parton, Arthur, New York.
799. Evening After the Rain. (Lent by
George I. Seney.)
800. In the Month of May. (Lent by W.
T. Evans, New York.)
Pattison, James W., Jacksonville, Ill.
801. Sheep.
Pauli, Richard (deceased).
802. Sunset in New Jersey. (Lent by Mrs.
Pauli, Leonia, N. J.)
Paulus, Francis P., Munich.
803. A Rainy Day.
Paxton, Wm. M., Boston.
804. An Idyl.
Pearce, Charles Sprague, Auvers Sur Oise
805. Mother and Child. (Lent by Hon
Lewis Emery, Jr., Bradford, Pa.)
806. The Annunciation.
807. The Shepherdess.
808. A Village Funeral (Brittany).
809. Portrait of Mrs. P.
810. Portrait of Mrs. P.
Peck, Orrin, Arcis Strasse, Munich.
811. Love’s Token. (Lent by Mrs. P. A
Hearst, Washington.)
8na. Portrait of Mrs. H.
81 ib. Blessing the Flowers.
Peixotto, George D. Maduro, Paris
812. Portrait of a Child. (Lent by Ser
ator J. P. Jones, California.)
Penfold, Frank C., Buffalo.
813. Herring Season, Pas de Calais.
Peralta, S. B. de, Boston.
814. Among the Lilies.
Perry, Lilia C., Boston.
815. Portrait of a Child. (Lent by Rogc
Wolcott, Boston.)
816. Portrait of Alice.
817. Child in a Window.
818. Child with Violoncello.
819. Little Angele.
820. Reflection.
821. An Open Air Concert.
Perry, Roland Hinton, Paris.
822. Portrait of Mrs. Perry.
Peters, Clinton, Paris.
823. Portrait of Dr. George J. Bull. (Len
by Dr. George J. Bull, Paris.)
824. Portrait of Mile. N. C.
Peyraud, F. C., Chicago.
825. Evening.
826. Autumn Morning.
Phelps, Helen Watson, New York,
827. Abandon.
Picknell, William L., New York.
828. Sunday Morning.
828a. Early Morning.
829. The Road to Concarneau. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
830. The Edge of Winter. (Lent by F. A.
Hammond, New York.)
Pierce, Charles F., Boston.
831. A New England Pasture. (Water
Platt, Charles A., New York.
832. Winter Landscape.
833. Early Spring.
Poore, H. R., Philadelphia.
834. The Bridge.
1 835. The Night of the Nativity.
Paintings in Oil.
Pritchard, J. Ambrose, Boston.
836. Prayer.
Putnam, Sarah G.
837. Portrait. (Lent by Elizabeth R.
Hooper, Boston.)
Ramsdell, F. Winthrop, Paris.
838. Twilight at Grez. (Lent by T. J.
Ramsdell, Manistee, Mich.)
839. Portrait of Mrs. Reynolds. (Lent by
T. J. Ramsdell.)
Raught, John Willard, New York.
840. The Highway, Brittany.
841. Gorse Cutters, Brittany.
Rehn, F. K. M., New York.
842. Where Waves and Sunshine Meet.
842a. Close of a Summer Day. (Lent by
Buffalo Fine Art Academy, Buffalo, N. Y.)
Reid, Robert, New York.
843. Vision of Saint Angela d’Angant.
844. The Red Flower.
845. Portrait of Little Miss S. (Lent by
Mrs. L. H. Stevens, New York.)
846. Her First Born.
Reinhart, C. S., New York.
847. Awaiting the Absent.
848. Washed Ashore.
Rice, Wm. M. J., New York.
849. Portrait.
850. Portrait.
851. Landscape, Evening Clouds.
Richards, Samuel, Denver.
852. Blissful Hours. (Lent by David
Gebhart, Dayton, Ohio.)
853. The Hour of Prayer. (Lent by Mrs.
L. Richards, Denver.)
Richards, William T., Newport.
854. February. (Lent by Edward H.
Coates, Philadelphia.) •
855. Old Ocean’s Gray and Melancholy
Waste. (Lent by Edward H. Coates,-
Richardson, F. H., Boston.
856. Breton Widow at Prayer.
Robbins, L. Lee, Paris.
S57. My Portrait.
858. My Mother’s Portrait.
859- Before the Looking Glass.
Robbins, Richard, Chicago.
860. Decorative Panel.
Robinson, Theodore, New York.
861. The Layette.
862. Winter Landscape. (Lent by J. M.
Lichtenauer, New York.)
863. Roman Fountain.
Rolshoven, Julius, Paris.
864. A Spanish Dancer.
865. Hall in a Doge’s Palace, Venice.
866 . Two Types, Sotto Marina, near
Venice. (Pastel.)
Rook, Edward F., Paris.
867. Moonrise (Normandy).
Rose, Guy, New York.
868. The End of the Day.
869. Potato Gatherers.
870. Food for the Laborers.
Rosentha., Toby, Munich.
871. A Dancing Lesson of Our Grand¬
Rudell, P. E., Greenwich, Conn.
872. A November Day.
873. Autumn.
Ryder, Henry Orme, Auburndale, Mass.
874. Old Breton Farmhouse. (Evening).
Sargent, John S., London.
875 . Mother and Child. (Lent by Edward
Davis, Boston.)
876. Portrait of Ellen Terry as Lady Mac¬
beth. (Lent by Henry Irving, London.)
877. Portrait.
878. Study of an Egyptian Girl.
879. Portrait of Mrs. Inches. (Lent by Dr.
C. E. Inches, Boston.)
880. Portrait. (Lent by F. S. Pratt,
Worcester, Mass.)
881. Portrait. (Lent by Augustus St. Gau-
dens, New York.)
882. Portrait. (Lent by Mr. Dunham, New
883. Portrait. (Lent by E. F. Shepard,
New York.)
Sartain, Emily, Philadelphia.
884. Marie.
Sartain, Wm., New York.
885. Sand Dunes of Manasquan.
886. Nubian Sheik.
Schilling, Alexander, New York.
887. A Day in Spring. (Lent by Alexis
Ludwig, Leonia, N. J.)
888. Landscape. (Lent by A. Ludwig,
Leonia, N. J.)
Schwill, William V., Munich.
889. The Closing Hymn.
Scott, Frank Edwin, Paris.
890. Parisian Street Scene.
Scott, Jeannette, Paris.
891. Hollyhocks.
Senat, Prosper L., Philadelphia.
892. On the Nile near Beni Hassan.
893. In the Gulf of Ajaccio.
Sewell, Mrs. Amanda Brewster, New York.
894. Pleasures of the Past.
895. Sappho.
896. Portrait of Mrs. Boudinot Keith.
(Lent by Mrs. J. M. Wheeler, New York.)
897. Washing Place in the Gatinais.
898. Portrait of Mother and Son.
899. A Sylvan Festival.
900. By the River.
Paintings in Oil.
Sewell, Robert, V. V., New York.
901. Diana Hunting.
902. Boys Bathing.
903. Winter.
904. In Shanty Town.
905. Sea Urchins.
Sharp, J. H., Cincinnati.
906. Going to the Race.
Shepley, Annie B., New York.
907. The Wonderful Story.
Sheppard, Warren, Brooklyn.
908. The Restless Sea. (Lent by T. S.
Fassett, Tonawanda, N. Y.)
Shields, Thomas W., Brooklyn.
909. Cavalier, Time of Louis XIII.
Shirlaw, Walter, New York.
910. Toning the Bell. (Lent by J. H.
Willing, Chicago.)
911. Sheep Shearing in the Bavarian High¬
912. Rufina. (Leht by Century Associa¬
tion, New York.)
Shurtleff, R. M., New York.
913. Looking East at Sunset.
914. In Autumn Woods.
914a. Autumn Forest. (Lent by W. T.
Evans, New York.)
Simmons, Edward E., New York.
915. Early Moonlight upon Bay St. Ives.
916. Darby and Joan.
917. The Carpenter’s Son.
Singer, Winaretta, Paris.
918. Spring Study.
Slade, Emily, New York.
919. Portrait of Miss C. C. C.
Smedley, W. T.
920. Embarrassment. (Lent by Thomas B.
Clarke, New York.)
Smillie, George H., New York.
921. Mill Pond at Ridgefield, Conn. (Lent
by John S. White, New York.)
922. A Lush Place. (Lent by Washington
Wilson, New York.)
923. From West Mountain, Conn.
Smith, De Cost, New York.
924. Sioux Lovers. (Lent by E. Reuel
Smith, New York.)
925. Driven Back.
Smith, E. Boyd, Auvers Sur Oise, France.
926. Return From the Fields.
Smith, Frank Eugene, Munich.
927. Portrait of My Brother. (Lent by
F. L. Smith, New York.)
Smith, Henry P., New York.
928. Landscape at Waterford, Conn.
929. Old Oaks at Waterford. (Lent by
Latham A. Fish, Brooklyn.)
Smith, J. Francis, St. Louis.
930. Young Girl of Feuillee.
Sonntag, Wm. L., New York.
931. Mt. Jefferson and Mt. Adams, Whit
Steele, T. C., Indianapolis.
932. On the Muscatatuck.
933* September.
Stephens, Alice Barber, Philadelphia.
934. Rainy Day Effect in Philadelphia.
935. Harvesting on the Meadow.
Stewart, Jules L., Paris.
936. Baptism.
937. On the Yacht Namouna, Venice, 189
(Lent by Mrs. Henry P. Borie, Philade
938. Venice. (Lent by James Gordc
Bennett, Paris.)
939. Portrait of the Viscountess de Got
d’ Arcy. (Lent by the Viscountess <
Gouy d’ Arcy, Paris.)
940. Portrait of the Baroness Benoist M
chin. (Lent by the Baron Benoist Mechi
941. The Hunt Ball. (Lent by Essex Clc
Stokes, F. W., Philadelphia.
942. The Orphans.
Story, Julian, Paris.
943. Mile. De Sombreuil. (Episode of t
French Revolution).
944. Portrait of My Father.
945. Portrait of Mme. Eames Story.
Strickler, John R., Brooklyn
946. Interrupted.
Stone, J. M., Boston.
947. Leukopis.
948. A Summer Dream.
Sword, J. B., Philadelphia.
949. Off the Scent.
Taggart, George, Watertown, N. Y.
950. Portrait.
Tarbell, Edmund C., Boston.
951. Girl and Horse.
952. In the Orchard.
953 *. My Sister Lydia. (Lent by Miss L
dia Souther, Dorchester, Mass.)
Thayer, Abbott H., Scarboro, N. Y.
954. Virgin Enthroned. (Lent by J. 1 \
Sears, Boston.)
955. Portrait of a Lady. (Lent by Miss (
F. Stillman, New York.)
956. Brother and Sister. (Lent by A. A
Carey, Boston.)
Theriat, C. J., Paris.
957. Young Girl Spinning (Biskra).
958. An Arab Goat-herd.
959. Banks of the A'in Mlili.
960. Waiting for Supper.
961. Path in the Oasis of Briskra.
Paintings in Oil.
Thomas S. Seymour, Paris.
962. An Innocent Victim.
Thompson, Wordsworth, New York.
963. The Deserted Inn.
964. In the Sweet Summer Time. (Lent
by George H. Babcock, Plainfield, N. J.)
Thouron, Henry, Philadelphia.
965. A Precious Bit.
966. Up Hill. (Lent by Miss Moss, Phil¬
967. Resting. (Lent by Mrs. E. A.
Thouron, New York.)
968. Etruria. (Decorative study in neutral
tints and complimentary colors.)
969. A Rainy Prospect. (Lent by How¬
ard Hancock, Philadelphia.)
970. Patches—Soup. (Lent by Caleb
Cresson, Philadelphia.)
Throop, Frances Hunt, New York.
971. Spring Carnations.
972. Portrait of a Lady.
Tiffany, Louis C., New York.
973. Market at Nuremberg.
974. Market at Nuremberg.
Toaspern, Otto, New York.
975. Music.
Tolman, Stacy, Boston.
976. The Etcher.
Tompkins, Clementina M. G., New York.
977. A Beginner in Art.
Tompkins, F. H., Boston.
978. Mother and Child. (Lent by Bos¬
ton Art Club.)
979. Good Friday.
Towner, Flora L., Albany.
980. Portrait.
Tracy, John M., Hempstead, L. I.
981. Southern Field Trails, 1891 . (Lent
by C. Klackner, New York.)
Trego, William T., North Wales, Pa.
982. The Pursuit. (Lent by J. B. Wheeler,
New York.)
Trotter, Mary K., New York.
983. Lamplight.
984. Daphnis.
Truesdell, Gaylord S., Paris.
984a. Cows on the River Bank.
984b. The Shepherd’s Lunch.
Tryon, D. W., New York.
985. Autumn. (Lent by C. L. Freer,
986. Sunset at Sea. (Lent by C. L. Freer,
987. Rising Moon, Autumn. (Lent by
C. L. Freer, Detroit.)
988. Springtime. (Lent by C. L. Freer,
989. Morning. (Lent by John Newell,
990. Starlight.(Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
991. Night. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
992. October. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
993* Winter Evening. (Lent by Thomas
B. Clarke, New York.)
994. Evening. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
995. The Rising Moon. (Lent by Charles
L. Freer, Detroit.)
996. A Winter Afternoon.
997. December—A Salt Marsh.
997a. Daybreak, New Bedford Harbor.
(Lent by W. T. Evans, New York.)
Turner, C. Y., New York.
998. The Coppersmith.
999. John Alden’s Letter.
1000. The Days That Are No More.
1001. Saw Wood and Say Nothing.
1002. Pride of the Farm.
1003. Washing Day.
1004. The Grand Canal, Dordrecht. (Lent
by John Taylor Johnston, New York.)
1005. Courtship of Miles Standish. (Lent
by Henry C. Howells, Flushing, L. I.)
1006. Afternoon Tea. (Lent by Chester W.
Chapin, New York.)
1007. Gossips. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
1008. On the Beach at Easthampton.
(Lent by W.M.Chase,New York.)
Turner, Ross, Salem, Mass.
1009. Moonlight.
TwachtmanJ. H.,Greenwich, Conn.
1010. Autumn Shadows,
ion. Winter.
1012. Brook in Winter.
1013. The Brooklyn Bridge. (Lent by
Chas. Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
1014. Decorative Landscape.
Tyler, Bayard H., New York.
1015. Waiting.
Tyler, James G., New York.
1016. Norman’s Woe. (Lent by J. M.
Jones, New York.)
Ulrich, Chas. F., Munich.
1017. An Italian Idyl.
1018. In the Land of Promise. (Lent by
W. T. Evans, New York.)
1019. Glass Blowers. (Lent by Thomas B.
Clarke, New York.)
VaiJ, Eugene L., Paris.
JO20. On the Thames.
1020a. Dordrecht.
Van Boskerck, Robt.W., New York.
1021. A Rhode Island River.
1022. The Hackensack Meadows.
Paintings in Oil.
1023. Sand Road from the Sea. (Lent
by H. R. C. Watson, New York.)
Van Briggle, A., Cincinnati.
1024. Portrait of Mrs. Charity Van Briggle.
Vanderpoel, J. H., Chicago.
1025. Summer Morning in the Orchard.
1026. Portrait of a Lady. .(Lent by J. B.
Humphreys, Tracy, Cook Co., Ill.)
1027. Twilight Reverie.
1028. Blessed are They that Mourn.
1029. Weary. (Lent by C. L. Hutchin¬
son, Chicago.)
Van der Weyden, Harry, Paris.
1030. Katwijk Herring Boats.
Van Elten, Kruseman, New York.
1031. Late Autumn.
Van.Gorder, L. E., New York.
1032. The Mall Terrace, Central Park.
Vedder, Simon Harmon, Paris.
1033. Head of a Young Girl.
1034. Indian Head.
Vedder, Elihu, Rome.
1035. Delilah. (Lent by Col. J. G. Moore,
New York.)
1036. Samson. (Lent by Col. J. G. Moore,
New York.)
1037. Morning. (Lent by J. B. Wheeler,
New York.)
1038. A Venetian Model. (Lent by Davis
Johnson, New York.)
1039. The Cup ot Love. (Lent by Mrs. A.
F. Rondebush, New York.)
1040. The Young Marsyas. (Lent by Mrs.
A. F. Rondebush, New York.)
1041. A Soul in Bondage. (Lent by Mrs.
A. F. Rondebush, New York.)
1042. In the Lair of the Sea Serpent. (Lent
by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
1043. The Roc’s Egg. (Lent by Martin
Brimmer, Boston.)
1044. The Fisherman and the Genie. (Lent
by Martin Brimmer, Boston.)
1044a. Sorrowing Soul, between Doubt and
Faith. (Lent by W.George Webb, Salem,
Vezin, Fred, Munich.
1045. Dogs.
1046. Boys in a Boat.
Vincent, H. A., Chicago.
1047. Fields in October.
Vinton, Frederick P., Boston.
1048. Portrait of a Lady.
1049. Portrait of Augustus Flagg. (Lent
by Augustus Flagg, Boston.)
1050. Portrait of Theodore Chase. (Lent
by Theodore Chase, Boston.)
1051. Portrait of C. C. Langdell.
Volk, Douglas, Minneapolis.
1052. Mending the Canoe,
1053. Portrait of Madam X.
1054. Puritan Girl. (Lent by Thomas
Clarke, New York.)
Vonnoh, Robert W., Philadelphia.
1055. Bad News.
1056. Early Morning.
1057. November.
1058. Viola.
1059. Moist Weather.
1060. Portrait of Dr. J. M. DaCosta. (Le
by Jefferson College, Philadelphia.)
1061. Blanche.
1062. Duxbury Bay.
1063. Riva degli Schiavoni.
1064. A Dull Day.
1065. “Now, Behave Pretty.”
1066. Studio Comrade. (Lent by Penns
vania Academy of the Fine Arts.)
1066a. A Peasant Woman’s Garden.
Wade, Caroline D., Chicago.
1067. Portrait of a Lady.
Wagner, Jacob, Boston.
1068. Over all the Trees is Rest.
1069. A Bit of a Lark.
Walden, Lionel, Paris.
1070. Boulogne Fishing Boats.
1070a. Fog on the Thames.
Walker, Henry O., New York.
1071. Hagar and Ishmael.
1072. Boy on the Donkey. (Lent by IV
S. D. Warren, Boston.)
1073. The Gift Bearer. (Lent by M
E. H. Bartol, Boston.)
Walker, Horatio, New York.
1074. A Stable Interior.
Walkley, D. B., Pittsburg.
1075. The Potter. (Lent by W. A. Sh;
Sharpsburg, Pa.)
Wall, A. Bryan, Pittsburg.
1076. Across the Meadow.
Wallace, Laurie, Omaha.
1077. Portrait of James W. Scott. (L:
by Chicago Press Club.)
Waugh, Ida, Philadelphia.
1078. Hagar and Ishmael. (Lent
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arl
Webber, C. T., Cincinnati.
1079. The Underground Railroad.
Weber, Carl, Philadelphia.
1080. Trout Stream near Dingman’s Fer;
Weeks, Edwin Lord, Paris.
1081. The Last Voyage: A Souvenir
the Ganges.
1082. Three Beggars of Cordova. (Le
by Pennsylvania Academy of the Fii
Arts, Philadelphia.)
1083. Persian Horse Dealers,
1084. Study at Bombay.
1085. Marble Court at Agra<,
Paintings in Oil.
No. , ^
1086. Interior of Studio.
Weir, J. Alden, New York.
1087. Summerland.
1088. Christmas Tree.
1089. Autumn.
1090. The Young Student.
1091. Portrait.
1092. The Lane.
1093. The Open Book.
1094. Portrait of Webb Weir.
Weir, John F., New Haven.
1095. Portrait of Admiral Farragut. (Lent
by University Club, New York.)
1096. Forging the Shaft.
1096a. Roses. (Lent by J.R.Ball,New York.)
Wentworth, Cecilia E., New York.
| 1097. Prayer.
Whelpley, A. Renouf, Munich.
1098. Portrait of Mile. Hausen. (Lent by
Mile. Hausen, Brunswick.)
Whistler, J. McNeil, Paris.
1099. The Lady with the Yellow Buskin.
(Lent by Alexander Reid, Glasgow.)
1100. The Princess of the Land of Porce¬
lain. (Lent by Alexander Reid, Glasgow.)
1101. The Fur Jacket. (Lent by Alexan¬
der Reid, Glasgow.)
1102. Nocturne, Valparaiso. (Lent by Hon.
Sir John Charles Day, London.)
1103. Harmony in Blue and Silver. (Lent
by J. J. Shannon, London.)
1104. Portrait. (Lent by A. J. Cassatt, Phil¬
White, Henry C., Hartford.
1105. Spring Landscape.
White, Robert H., Camden, N. J.
1106. Morning in February.
Whiteman, S. Edwin, Baltimore.
1107. Over Autumnal Hills.
1108. Lowland Pastures.
Whitman, Sarah W., Boston.
1109. Niagara.
mo. Portrait of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
(Lent by College of Physicians, Phila¬
Whittemore, William J., New York.
1112. Autumn Sunshine.
Whittredge, W., New York.
1113. Rhode Island Coast.
1114. The Plains. (Lent by the Century
Club, New York.)
1115. The Old Hunting Ground. (Lent by
J. W. Pinchot, New York.)
Wickenden, Robert J., New York.
1116. Whispering of Spring.
Wigand, Albright, Mt.Vernon, N.Y.
1117. Portrait of Mrs. J. Albright.
Wigand, Otto C., Mt. Vernon, N.Y.
1118. The Old Willow Tree.
Wiggins, Carlton, New York.
1119. Clouds and Sunshine. (LentbyChas.
E. Dingee, Brooklyn.)
1120. Midsummer. (Lent by John F. Din-
gee, Brooklyn.)
1121. Evening. Village of Grez. (Lent by
Mrs. Charles M. Kurtz, New York.)
Wiles, Irving R., New York.
1122. Sunlight in the Studio. (Lent by
Charles D. Miller, Jersey City.)
1123. Portrait.
1124. Sunshine and Flowers.
1125. The Sonata. (Lent by W. G. Evans,
New York.)
1126. Lady in Green.
1127. A Girl in Black. (Lent by W. M.
Chase, New York.)
Wiles, L. M., New York.
1128. The Old Quarry.
Witt, J. H., New York.
1129. The Celestial Choir.
Woodbury, Charles Herbert,Boston.
1130. North Sea Dunes.
1131. The Tide River.
Woodward, William, New Orleans.
1132. Persimmons.
Woodwell, Johanna K., Pittsburg.
1133. Study Head of a Young Lady.
Woodwell, Joseph R., Pittsburg.
1134. White Rocks, Magnolia, Mass.
1135. A Rocky Coast, Magnolia, Mass.
1136. Cobblestone Beach, Magnolia, Mass.
1137. Rocks at Low Tide, Magnolia, Mass.
Woolfolk, E. Marshall, Paris.
1138. Washerwomen, Nemours, France.
Wuerpel, Edward H., Paris.
1139. September Twilight. (Lent by Wm.
Taussig, St. Louis.)
Wyant, A. H. (deceased).
1140. A North Woods Brook. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
1141. Landscape. (Lent by Thomas B.
Clarke, New York.)
1142. Sunset in the Woods. (Lent by J. M.
Lichtenauer, New York.)
1143. In the Adirondacks. (Lent by W.
T. Evans, New York.)
1144. Sunset. (Lent by Fred B. Pratt,
1145. Forenoon in the Adirondacks.
1146. In the Woods.
1147. An October Day.
1148. Clearing Off.
1149. Evening. (Nos. 1145-1149 lent by
Mrs. A. L. Wyant, New York.)
Young, Charles Morris, Gettysburg, Pa.
1150. Wet Weather.
1151. The Llarvestof Death (Wheatfield at
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors.
Moran, Thos., New York.
1152. Grand Canon of the Yellowstone.
1153. The Iceberg.
Moran, Peter, Philadelphia.
XI 53J^*Down the Arroyo to Santa Fe.
For other paintings in oil, see Group 146 ,
beginning with No. 2802 a.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
In Gallery 2 , and in Upper Gallery Alcoves
176 , 177 .
Abbey, E. A., Fairford, Gloucestershire,
1154. Measure for Measure. Mariana.
(Lent by Henry G. Marquand, New York.)
Allen, Thomas, Boston.
1155. Portal of Ruined Mission, San Jose,
1156. Pasture by the Sea.
1157. Changing Pasture, Dartmoor.
Baker, J. Elder, New York.
1158. Chrysanthemums.
Bellows, A. F. (deceased).
1159. Sunday Afternoon in New England.
(Lent by J. H. Willing, Chicago.)
Birney, William Verplanck, New York.
1160. Backyard Pets.
Blaney, Dwight, Boston.
1161. The Temple of Neptune, Paestum,
Blashfield, Edwin H., New York.
1162. The Duo. (Lent by Mrs. John H.
Sherwood, New York.)
Bradbury, M. R., New York.
1163. Santa Maria Salute, Venice.
Bradley, Horace, New York.
1164. A Glimpse of Chase’s Studio.
Bradley, Susan H., Philadelphia.
1165. Mount Monadnock, New Hampshire.
(Lent by Miss Sears, Boston.)
Bredin, Christine A., Cincinnati.
1166. A Peasant Woman, Dachau, Bavaria.
Breul, Hugo, Providence.
1167. Twins.
Bricher, A. T., New York.
1168. A Summer Morning.
Bridges, Fidelia, Canaan, Conn.
1169. In an Old Orchard.
Brooks, A. F., Chicago.
1170. Boys Fishing.
Brown, J. G., New York.
1171. A Wall Flower.
Cabot, Edward C., Brookline.
1172. Wind-sweptBeeches,Naushon Island
(Lent by Mrs. Charles Perkins.)
Carter, Fernando A., Syracuse, N. Y.
1173. Dutch Boats at Rotterdam.
Castello, Eugene, Philadelphia.
1174. Gate of Justice, Cairo.
Cauldwell, Leslie, Paris.
1175. Twilight.
Chapman, Carlton T., New York.
1176. Toilers of the Sea.
Church, F. S., New York.
1177. Pandora. (Lent by W. T Evan
New Yorkd
Clusmann, William, Chicago.
1178. A Wood Interior, Wisconsin.
Coffin, Esther L., New York.
1179. Grapes.
1180. Madison Square Tower at Night.
Colman, Samuel, Newport.
1181. Ruins of a Mosque, Tlemcin, Algeria
1182. Mosque at Tlemcin, Algeria.
1183. At the Fountain.
Conant, Lucy S., Boston.
1184. Nasturtiums.
Crum, Clark.
1185. Sympathy. (Lent by J. M. Sear*
Curran, C. C., New York.
1186. Cupid Asleep.
Daingerfield, Elliott, New York.
1187. Woman with Pumpkin.
Dana, Charles E., Philadelphia.
1188. Gruyere. (Lent by the Art Club c
1189. The Farm of Amont, Etretat, Noj
1190. Street in Morat, Switzerland.
1191. A Doorway in Arles, South of Frano
Dawson, Arthur, Chicago.
1192. When Evening Twilight Gathei
1193. Snow Scene.
De Luce, Percival, New York.
1194. Busy Idleness.
Dixey, Ellen Sturgis, Boston.
1195. Dresden in January.
Drake, W. H., New York.
1196. At Sea.
1197. Misty Weather.
Eaton, C. Harry, New York.
1198. Nordhoff, New Jersey.
1199. Indian Summer. (See also 393 .)
Eaton, Charles Warren, New York.
1200. The Witching Hour.
1201. Winter.
1202. The Snow Mantle.
Edwards, George Wharton, New York.
1203. An Interesting Subject.
1204. In the Dunes, Flanders.
Ertz, Edward, Paris,
1205. Sunset, Chartres, France,
Paintings in Water Colors.
F -x*ny. Henry F., Cincinnati.
206. A Sioux Camp. (Lent by Miss Jane
Eckstein, Cincinnati.)
1207. Got Him.
1208. Mountain Trail. (Lent by Frank
Foster, Ben., New York.
1209. Night.
1210. The Shepherds.
I2ix. A Swine-herd.
Franzen, August, New York
1212. Afternoon.
1213. Before the Rain.
Fraser, John A., New York.
1214. An Old English Street.
1215. The Heart of Scotland.
1216. Bad Weather, Kirk Lake, N. Y.
1217. A Bit of the Upper Thames.
1218. A Gray Bit on Long Island.
Gibson, W. Hamilton, Brooklyn.
1219 Upland Meadows. (Lent by Charles
H. Wacker, Chicago.)
1220. Rainclouds.
1221. September Rain.
1222. Moonlight in Opelousas.
1223. Russet Meadows.
1224. Landscape.
1225. On the Canal at Dort.
1226. A Honey-dew Picnic.
1227. A Connecticut Hamlet.
1227a. Afternoon Pastoral.
Gifford, R. Swain, New York.
1228. A Tile Kiln on the Northern Canal.
1229. A Summer Afternoon, New England.
1230. The Mountains of Chobet el Akra,
Northern Africa,
1231. Salt Works of Batz, France.
Greatorex, Kathleen H., Paris.
1232. Carnival,
1233. Corner of the Strozzi Palace,Florence.
Guerin, Jules, Chicago.
1234. Early Morning in a Village Street,
Kentucky. (Lent by George Middleton,
Hallett, Hendricks A., Boston,
1235. Winter Moonlight.
Hammer, John J., New York.
1236. In the Dry Docks.
Hardwick, Melbourne H., Boston.
1237. Looking Inland.
Harison, Mary A., Brooklyn.
1238. Pansies.
Hartson, Walter C., Chicago.
1239. Old Willows at Glendale.
1240. Outskirts of the City.
1241. Along the Baraboo River.
Hassam, Childe, New York.
1242. Montmartre.
1243. Springtime in the City.
1244 . Fifth Avenue.
1244a. The Rain.
Helmick, Howard, Washington.
1245. Portrait. (Lent by Mrs. Stoddart.
Henry, Edward L., New York.
1246. Before the Days of Rapid Transit.
(Lent by Shephard Knapp, New York.)
Herter, Albert, New York.
1247. The Great Mystery.
Holman, Frank, Paris.
1248. A Sun Effect.
1249. Melody.
Ihlefeld, Henry, New York.
1250. My Puppy.
Jones, Annie W'., Chicago.
1251. Easter Lilies.
Jones, Francis C., New York.
1252. Waiting.
Jones, H. Bolton, New York.
1253. Winter.
1254. Early Snow. (Lent by Walter Wat¬
son, New York.) •
1255. Winter. (Lent by J. C. Nicoll, New
Josephi, I. A., New York.
1256. Midnight.
Kappes, Alfred, Van Cortlandt, N. Y.
1257. Apple Pie.
Keller, Arthur J., New York.
1258. Bavarian Peasants.
La Farge, John, New York.
1259. Water Lilies. (Lent by J. M. Sears,
1260. Just Flowers. (Lent by J. M. Sears,
Lampert, Emma E., Rochester.
1261. A Breadwinner.
1262. Through the Meadows in Holland.
(Lent by C. Louise Imlach, New York.)
Lauber, Joseph, Leonia, N. J.
1263. First Day of School.
1264. Lane of Willows.
Lungren, F. H., Cincinnati.
1265. A Snowy Evening.
Manley, Thomas R., New York.
1266. A Wet Day, from Studio Window.
Maynard, George Willoughby, New York.
1267. Sirens. (Lent by F. G. Bourne, New
1268. A Sea Witch.
McChesney, Clara T., New York.
1269. Still Life.
1270. The Old Cobbler.
Mcllhenny, C. Morgan, Shrub Oak,N. Y.
1271. Moonrise.
1272. Bull Calf.
1273. Old Friends. (Lent by T. B. Clarke.
New York.)
Paintings in
Mente, Charles, New York.
1274. The Shepherd and His Flock.
1275. Evening Pastoral.
1276. Willows and Sheep.
1276a. Money to Lend.
Millet, F. D.. New York.
1277. Roman Maiden. (Lent by Henry G.
Marquand, New York.)
Minor, Robert C., New York.
1278. Moonlight.
Moran, Edward, New York.
1278a. Outskirts of the Forest.
Moser, James Henry, Washington, D. C.
1279. November Evening.
Needham, Charles Austin, New York.
1280. A Dream of Autumn.
Nicholls, Rhoda Holmes, New York.
1281. The Scarlet Letter.
1282. Chrysanthemums.
1283. Washing Day. (Lent by Luis J.
Francke, New York.)
Nicoll, J. C., New York.
1284. Evening After a Gale.
1285. During a Storm.
1286. Near York Harbor, Maine.
1287. Twilight, Late Autumn.
Ochtman, Leonard, New York.
1288. Frost.
Parrish, Clara Weaver.
1289. A Study of a Southern Negro.
Pattison, James William, Jacksonville, Ill.
1290. East Gloucester Ferry Landing.
1291. Meadow in Spring.
Perrie, Bertha E., New York.
1292. Bound for the Banks.
Pierce, C. F. (See 831 .)
Pitkin, Caroline W., New York.
1293. Porgies.
Pomeroy, Grace V.
1294. Home of the Bullfrog.
Powers, Ellen, Florence.
1295. Convolvulus.
Rascovich, Robert, Chicago.
1296. Canal in Venice.
Redmond, J. J., New York.
1297. Market Day in Thun, Switzerland.
Rehn, F. K. M., New York.
1298. The Reef.
Rice, H. M.
1299. Interior.
Richards, William T., Newport, R. I.
1300. An Atlantic Beach.
Rix, Julian, New York.
1301. Buttonball Trees.
1302. October Day.
Robinson, Will S., Philadelphia.
1303. Arrival of the Boats, Coast of Hol¬
1304. In the Harbor (sunlight effect.)
Water Colors.
Rotch, Arthur, Boston.
1305. Limburg Cathedral.
Satterlee, Walter, New York.
1306. Adirondack Trout.
1307. Garden Weeds.
Sawyer, Wallace.
1308. Bourboule Washerwoman.
Schilling, Alexander, New York.
1309. Autumn Evening.
1310. Fields in Early Spring.
Scott, Mrs. E. M., New York.
1311. Roses.
1312. Still Life.
1313. White Rose.
1314. Summer Roses.
Sears, Sarah C.
1314a. A Spanish Girl.
1314b. Portrait.
1314c. Romola.
Senat, Prosper L., Philadelphia,
1315. Capri from Sorrento.
1316. A Corner in San Remo.
1317. The River Bend at Ventimille.
1318. Head of the Creek, Kennebunkt
Sherwood, Rosina Emmet, New York.
1319. September. (Lent by Boston
1320. In the Orchard.
1321. Sunlight in the Orchard.
Silsbee, M., Boston.
1322. Monadnock.
Smedley, W. T.
1323. “ There could be no doubt, thoi
Miss Latymer, that it was to be the
tense Elderly.” (Lent by Charles S<
ner’s Sons, New York.)
1324. “ Up Among the Great Iron Arcl
(Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons,
1325. A Lazy Companion.
1326. Jackson Park—part of the Exhib
Grounds. (Lent by Charles Scrib
Sons, New York.)
1327. Entrance to the Hall of Mint
process of construction. (Lent by Ch
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
1328. Near the Hall of Mines. (Len
Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
1329. The Administration Building. 1
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New Yo]
1330. Site for the Statue of the Repul
(Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons,
Smillie, N. S. J., New York.
1331. Pink and White. (Lent by U
8 © CoTdova, New York.)
Paintings in Water Colors, Engravings and Etchings, Prints.
Smith, F. Hopkinson, New York,
1332. Venetian Fishing Boats. (Lent by-
Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
1333. The Rialto. (Lent by Charles Scrib¬
ner’s Sons, New York.)
1334. After the Catch.
1335. In the Fishing Quarter.
Smith, Joseph Lindon, Boston.
1336. Bartholomeo Coleono.
Snell, Henry B., New York.
1337. Crossing the Bar.
Stackpole, Alice, Boston.
1338. Late Afternoon in Beverly, Mass.
Tewksbury, Fanny W., Boston.
1339. A New England Homestead.
Thulstrup, T. de, New York.
1340. Swedish Interior.
1341. Mujik.
1341a. At the Opera.
Tiffany, Louis C., New York.
1342. Cobblers at Bouferik, Algeria.
1343. Street in Algiers.
1344. Cathedral at Morlaix.
1345. Street in Algiers.
1346. Feeding the Flamingoes. (Lent by
Mrs. Van Doren, New York.)
1347. Summer.
Turner, Ross, Salem, Mass.
1348. Flood Tide.
1349. Oleanders and Lilies.
1350. Old Japan ( a ).
1351. Old Japan (d).
Twachtman, J. H., New York,
1352. Pier near Newport.
1353 * Winter.
Tyler, James G. s New York.
1354. Dark Days at Sea.
Vanderveer, Mary A., Amsterdam, N. Y.
1355. Study of Peonies.
Walton, William, New York.
1356. A Great Enchantment.
Wells, Newton A., Syracuse.
1357. Rest.
Whittemore, William J., New York.
1358. Early Worshippers,St. Ives,Cornwall.
I 359 * The Fairy Story.
1360. Coast of Cornwall.
1361. Misty Twilight.
1362. In Old Edinburgh.
Woodwell, Johanna K., Pittsburgh.
1363. Portrait of Miss L.
Young, Charles M., Gettysburg. Pa.
! 1364. The Forest.
GROUP 142 .
Van Trump, Miss R. N., Philadelphia.
1365. A portrait—miniature on ivory.
For other miniatures see ‘ 2817 a, 2817 b,
2825 c, 2834 a, 2834 b, 2846 a, 2846 b, 2846 c,
2851 , 2855 a, in Retrospective Exhibit,
GROUP 143.
Engravings and Etchings. Prints.
Etchings and Dry Points.
In Upper Gallery Alcoves 165 , 170 .
Bloodgood, Robert F., New York.
1366. Who’s Afraid?
1367. Hard Times.
Calahan, James J., New York.
1368. Mandolin Player.
Canby, Louise Prescott, Philadelphia.
1369. Sunset.
1370. Oswego Harbor.
1371. Shipping Ice on the Kennebr—
Chapman, Carlton T., New York
1372. Street in Mont St. Mich' 1,
1373. Evening in a Harbor.
1374. Bakehouse Close, Edinburgh.
1375. English Fishing Bc lts *
1376. Twilight by the Sea.
1377. Calm Morning.
1378. Fishing Boats at Anr* 10r *
1379. Driven Ashore.
1380. Rue de la Victoire_ jt - Mala
1381. Bridge Over Old Moat, Chartres.
1382. Moonrise.
1383. Gloucester Haib° r \
1384. Abandoning the^hip.
1385. Street in St. Malo.
1386. Old Houses, Chester.
1387. Street in Chartres.
Colman, Samuel, Newport, R. i.
1388. Olive Grove and Mill, BoW 1 S liera ‘
1389. Olive Trees of the Riviera.
1390. Life in Mexico. From note book
1391. A Gray Day at Dieppe.
1392. Japanese Inro with Netzukies.
1393. Japanese Inro with Netzukies.
(No. 2 .)
1394. The Terraces at Naples.
Dielman, Frederick, New York.
1395. Head. (Dry point.)
Ertz, Edward, Paris.
1396. The River Loire and the Chateau of
Vernon. (Three etchings.)
Faber, Erwin F., Philadelphia.
1397. Thrown. (Lent by C. Klackner, New
1398. St. Philip’s, Charleston. (Lent by
H. L. Smith, Philadelphia.)
1399. The Repentance of Eve.
Faber, Herman, Philadelphia.
1400. Faust—A Mastiff,
1401. Study of a Lion’s Head.
1402. The Challenge,
Engravings and Etchings, Flints.
Ferris, Stephen J., Philadelphia.
1403. Six Etchings.
Gifford, R. Swain, Philadelphia.
1404. Salt Vats of Padan Aram.
1405. Near the Sea (Evening).
1406. An October Day.
1407. Barney’s Joy.
1408. The Branch of the River.
1409. The Cove Road.
Johnson, Thomas, New York.
>4 :-j, Walt Whitman. (After photograph.)
■..4; •• r. tn. (After photo-
.v b. ous o 1 cut.)
. Lb per Montclair, N. j.
"T Ch begin Colonial Times
■' »i h\ C. ■ b.' r, New York.)
A* ' > • icon. (Lent by C.
: i' • r (Harvest).
■ ' ' , N ar the Ocean.
f H ' },
1 4 ’ i point.
• barm.
melsea, Mass.
East Boston.
. Tew York.
T2'. , l rry.
:ral Park, New York.
: idge, New York.
w York.
• Ac > ion. After Henri Regnault.)
‘ • v rk Done. (After Jules
1432. Vive la Fidelite! (After Franz Hals.)
1433. Education of the Virgin. (After
Mielatz, Charles F. W., New York.
1434. The Battery, New York.
1435. Madison Square at Night.
1436. Elevated Station at Night.
1437. A Tow on the North River, New
1438. Sectional Docks, East River, New
1439. In the Bowery, New York.
1440. Entrance to Brooklyn Bridge, New
1441. Spar Yard, South Street, New York.
1442. Mott Haven Canal, New York.
1443. Grand Central Station at Night.
1444. Coenties Slip, New York.
1445. East River, New York.
1446. Newport Wharves.
1447. A Bit of Baxter Street, New ^ _
1448. The Road to the Sea.
1449. The Falls of the Pawtucket. (Di
point.) I
1450. Trout Pond, Moorsfield, R. I. (Di
1451. Strangers in Wallabout. (Drypoinl
1452. Mill at Block Island, R. I. (Di
x 453 * The Tombs, New York. (Drypoinl
1454. Two Bridges on the Harlem. (Dj
Monks, J. A. S., Boston.
1455. Evening After the Storm.
Moran, Emily K., Philadelphia.
1456. On the Road to the Farm.
Moran, M. Nimmo, New York.
1457. Point Isabel, Florida.
1458. Florida Forest.
1459. Summer, Easthampton.
1460. Edge of Georgia Pond.
1461. The Old Homestead.
1462. Between the Gloaming and the Mii
1463. Twilight, Easthampton.
1464. Bridge Over the Delaware.
1465. Haunt of the Muskrat.
1466. Conway Castle, Wales.
1467. Bushkill Bridge.
1468. Evening, Easthampton.
Moran, Peter, Philadelphia.
1469. Return of the Herd.
1470. A Summer Afternoon.
1471. Under the Willows.
1472. An Old New England Orchard
1473. A Passing Storm, York Downs
Mygatt, Robertson K., New York.
1474. Restaurant in Stadts Park, Carlsb;
x 475 * Pragergasse, Carlsbad.
1476. Market Place, Carlsbad.
1477. A Tepel Bridge, Carlsbad.
1478. Along the Quay, Carlsbad.
1479. Street Scene, Carlsbad.
1480. Markt Strasse (Market Street), Q
1481. Slushy Morning, from Window.
1482. Twilight from My Window.
1483. Cloisters, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Nicoll, J. C., New York.
1484. Cruising by Moonlight.
1485. The Reef.
1486. In the Harbor.
1487. The Smugglers’ Landing Place.
1488. An East Wind.
Parrish, Stephen, Philadelphia.
1489. A Gale at Fecamp.
1490. Swamp Land.
1491. Winter Evening, Windsor, N. f
Engravings and
V No.
1492. Gloucester Harbor. (Dry point.)
1493. Portland, New Brunswick.
1494. Market Place, Yvetot.
1495. Northern Moorland.
1496. Riverdale.
1497. On the Dee, Chester.
1498. On the Thames.
1499. Near Dinan, Brittany.
1500. Market Day, St. Augustine.
1501. Mills, New Brunswick.
1502. Winter at Windsor, N. S.
1503. .Bass River, Cape Cod.
1504. Near Quebec.
1505* Near Frejus.
1506. Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
1507. Canal, Venice.
1508. Port of Nice.
1509. On Cape Ann.
1510. On the Ranee, Brittany,
1511. Winter.
1512. Charenton, Paris.
1513. A Passing Shower.
1514. Port of Cannes.
Paulus, Francis P., Munich.
1515. Scene near Munich.
1516. Spring Morning on the Xsar
1517. Summer Landscape.
Platt, Charles A., New York.
1518. Arnheim.
1519. The Meuse.
1520. Brittany Landscape.
1521. Brittany Farm.
1522. Willows on the Coast.
1523. Dieppe.
1524. Dordrecht.
1525. Naples.
1526. Honfleur.
1527. Passenger Boats on the Seine.
1528. Pier at Larmor.
1529. Under Pont Ste. Marie.
1530. Two Sloops.
1531. Inland Port.
1532. A Spring Flood.
1533I Brooklyn Bridge.
1534. Pont St. Michel.
Ritchie, Henrietta, Philadelphia.
1535. The Connoisseur.
1536. Race Street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Rosenthal, Max, Philadelphia.
1537. Crossing the Brook.
1538. Portrait of George W. Childs.
1538a. High Altar at St. Patrick’s Cathedral,
New York.
Sartain, Emily, Philadelphia.
1539. In the Twilight.
Schilling, Alexander, New York,
1540. Near Ridderkerk, Holland,
1541. Toll Gate and Bridge.
1542. Holland Landscape.
Etchings, Prints.
1543 - Spring.
1544. The Juniata, near Lewistown.
1545. German Landscape.
1546. Oostendam, Holland.
1547. Dordrecht from Pappendrecht.
1548. On Weehawken Heights.
1549. Edge of the Forest.
1550. Lowery Autumn Day.
1551. Holland Landscape. (Dry point.)
1552. An Interior.
x 553 * Windmill on the Maas.
1 554 - Church Street, Detroit. (Winter.)
1 55 5- Hauling Wood.
1556. The Brick Barge.
1557. A Breezy Day on the Hackensack.
1558. The Maas at Schiedam.
1559. The Maas near Dort, low tide.
1560. The Dyke.
1561. Heerjahusdam, Holland.
1562. Old Shed and Willows, Rijsvoord.
1563. Landscape, Spring.
1564. Evening. (Dry point.)
1565. Dry point, with burr removed,
1566. At Sunset.
Schoff, S. A., Greenfield, Mass.
1567. Portrait of a Girl. ( After Abbott H.
1568. Portrait of Judge Devens. (After
F. P. Vinton.)
1569. The Prelude. (After C. S. Pearce )
1570. Portrait of Mrs. Fowler. (Afc:r
Frank Fowler.)
Smith, Sidney L., New York.
1571. Europa. (After antique terra cotta.)
1572. Silver Coffee Pot made by Tiffany
& Co.
1573. Portrait.
1574. Portrait.
Eight etchings of jades from the col¬
lection of Heber R. Bishop, as follows:
1575. Light and Dark Green Jade, Teak-
wood Stand.
1576. Jade Plaque, Green Jade Stand.
1577. Jade, with Teakwood Stand.
1578. Jade Vase, Teakwood Stand.
1579. Jade Bowl, Teakwood Stand.
1580. Green Jade Jar, Teakwood Stand.
1581. Opaque Gray Jade, Teakwood Stand.
1582. Green Jade Plaque, Teakwood Stand.
Vanderhoof, Charles A., New York.
1583. Sunset on the Marne.
X584. Morning.
1585. Solitude.
1586. Dordrecht.
1587. East River.
1588. The First Snow.
1589. The Passing Storm.
1590. Sand Dunes of Virginia.
1591. A New York Shanty.
Engravings and
1592. A Kansas Windmill.
1593. Morning Light.
1594. Castle William.
1595. The Fish Hawk’s Nest.
Van Elten, Kruseman, New York.
1596. Repairing the Bridge.
1597. Hudson River.
1598. Lily Pond.
Walker, Charles A., Boston.
1599. On the Oise. (After Daubigny.)
1600. Winter in Holland. (After A. Mauve.)
1601. Landscape. (After Daubigny.)
1602. Group of Seven Etchings: (Two
after Corot, 2 after Daubigny, 1 after
Troyon, 1 after Dupre, 1 after Meis-
sonier—I,e Sieur.)
See also No. 1990.
Weir, J. Alden, New York.
1603. Dr. R. F. Weir.
1604. Christmas Tide. (After a water color.)
1605. Blacksmith Shop.
1606. John F. Weir. (Last state.)
1607. By the Evening Lamp.
1608. The Back Yard.
1609. The Little Fountain.
1610. Sulby Glen.
1611. The Lamp.
1612. Castle.
1613. Head.
1614. Figure with Sleeping Dog.
1615. Portrait of a Young Lady.
1616. Three Etchings.
1617. One Dry point and One Etching.
1618. Frugal Repast. Child Reading.
1619. Head.
1620. Four Heads.
1621. Two Etchings on Zinc.
1622. Three Etchings and Three Dry
1623. Two Etchings and One Dry point.
1624. One Dry point and One Etching.
1625. One Dry point and One Etching,
1626. Two Dry points.
1627. H. E. Weir and Robert Weir. (Dry
1628. One Etching and One Dry point.
Whistler, James McNeil, London.
1629. Early Portrait of Whistler. (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1630. The Unsafe Tenement. (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1631. The Old Rag Woman. (Lent by
George W. Vanderbilt, New York.)
1632. The Kitchen. (Lent by George W.
Vanderbilt, New York.)
1633. Tyzac, Whiteley & Co. (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1634. Black Lion Wharf. (Lent by George
W. Bramhall, Orange, N. J.)
Etchings, Prints.
1635. Longshoremen. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1636. The Lime Burner. (Lent by Edward
G. Kennedy, New York.)
1637. Arthur Seymour. (Dry point.) (Lent
by Charles L. Freer, Detroit.)
1638. Becquet. (Lent by Howard Mans¬
field, New York.)
1639. Whistler. (Dry point.) (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1640. Drouet. (Dry point.) (Lent by
Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1641. Annie Haden. (Dry point.) (Lent
by Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1642. Mr. Mann. (Dry point.) (Lent by
John Caldwell, Pittsburg.)
1643. Rotherhithe. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1644. Axenfeld. (Dry point.) (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1645. The Engraver—Fuault. (Dry point.)
(Lent by Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1646. The Forge. (Dry point.) (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1647. Joe. (Dry point.) (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1648. The Storm. (Dry point.) (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1649. Weary. (Dry point.) (Lent by
George W. Bramhall, Orange, N.J.)
1650. Fanny Leyland. (Dry point.) (Lent
by Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1651. Battersea, Dawn. (Dry point.) (Lent
by Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1652. Steamboat Fleet. (Dry point.) (Lent
by Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1653. Battersea Bridge. (Lent by Edward
G. Kennedy, New York.)
1654. The Large Pool. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1655. Putney Bridge. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1656. The Little Putney, No. 3. (Lent by
Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1657. Little Venice. (Lent by John Cald¬
well, Pittsburg.)
1658. Nocturne, Riva. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1659. The Palaces. (Lent by Bryan Lath-
rop, Chicago.)
1660. The Doorway. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1661. The Traghetto. (Lent by John Cald¬
well, Pittsburg.)
1662. The Two Doorways. (Lent by
Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1663. The Beggars. (Lent by George W.
Bramhall, Orange, N. J.)
Engravings and
1664. San Giorgio. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1665. Nocturne, Palaces. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1666. The Riva, No. 2 . (Lent by John
Caldwell, Pittsburg.)
1667. The Garden. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1668. The Balcony. (Lent by Edward G.
Kennedy, New York.)
1669. The Dyer. (Lent by Howard Mans¬
field, New York.)
1670. The Smithy. (Lent by Howard
Mansfield, New York.)
1671. The Little Sweet Shop. (Lent by
Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn.)
1672. Windsor. (Dry point). (Lent by
Charles L. Freer, Detroit.)
1673. The Barber’s Shop, Chelsea. (Lent
by Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1674. Clothes Exchange, No. 2 . (Lent by
Howard Mansfield, New York.)
1675. Court Yard, Brussels. (Lent by
Edward G. Kennedy, New York.)
1676. Palace, Brussels. (Lent by Bryan
Lathrop, Chicago.)
1677. Hotel Lallemant, Bourges. (Lent
by Charles L. Freer, Detroit.)
1678. Mayoralty Building, Loches. (Lent
by Charles L. Freer, Detroit.)
1679. Chancellor’s Office, Loches. (Lent
by Charles L. Freer, Detroit.)
1680. City Hall, Loches. (Lent by Charles
L. Freer, Detroit.)
1681. Zaandam. (Lent by Walter S.
Carter, Brooklyn.)
1682. Pierrot. (Lent by Walter S. Carter,
1683. The Balcony, Amsterdam. (Lent by
Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn.)
1684. The Steps. (Lent by Walter S.
Carter, Brooklyn.)
1685. The Embroidered Curtain. (Lent
by Walter S. Carter, Brooklyn.)
1686. The Long House. (Lent by Charles
L. Freer, Detroit.)
1687. The Mill.. (Lent by Walter S. Carter,
Whittemore, Charles E., New York.
1688. Twilight on Bedloe’s Island, New
York Harbor.
1689. Off Old Point Comfort, Virginia.
1690. A Gloucester Water Side.
Whittemore, Wm. J., New York.
1691. Mont St. Michel.
1692. Head of the Harbor.
Wiseman, R. R., New Haven, Conn.
1692a. New Haven Elms.
Etchings, Prints.
Yewell, George H., New York.
1693. Cloister of the Monastery of St. Elena,
near Venice.
1694. House of the Bell Ringer of Rouen
Cathedral, France.
Prints from Engravings on Wood.
In Upper Gallery Alcoves 149 , 150 , 151 , 152 .
Aikman, Walter M., Brooklyn.
1695. Under the Willows. (After Alfred
1696. Wordsworth. (After Alfred Parsons.)
1697. A Modern Comanche. (After F.
1698. Grand Canal, Venice.
1699. Rowing Down to Iffley.
1700. Bringing Home the Christmas Tree.
1701. Sunset, La Hulpe, Belgium.
1702. The Sheep Pasture.
1703. The Penitent Jewel Weed.
Aitken, Peter, New York.
1704. On the Otomi Pass, Japan. (After A.
1705. A Scene in Kent. (After J. A. Fraser,)
1706. The Conspirators.
Baker, Horace, New York.
1707. Castles in The Air.
1708. Malay Pirate.
1709. Scene in Tasmania.
Bernstrom, Victor, Grandview-on-Hudson,
N. Y.
1710. A Little Music. (After Theodore
1711. Limbering Up.
1712. Philip II.
1713. The Mujik. (After T. de Thulstrup.)
1714. Drawing Water for the Camp. (After
F. D. Millet.)
1715. Snow Angel.
1716. Trapped at Last.
1717. The Shepherdess. (After Charles
Sprague Pearce.)
1718. The Mystery of Life. (After Carl
1719. Pirates’ Haven, Shark River, N. J.
1720. The Dead Matador.
Brown, W. Lament, Boston.
1721. Portrait of Corot.
Cleaves, W. P., Springfield, Mass.
1722. Swift River, Conway, N. H.
1723. A Chocorua Vista.
1724. A Chocorua Sunset.
1725. Chocorua Mountain and Lake.
1726. Springfield, Mass.
1727. Silver Lake.
Closson, W. B., Lancaster, Mass®
1728. Saxon.
Engravings and Etchings, Prints.
1729. The Mirror. (After Bunker.)
1730. Springtime. (After E. Major.)
1731. The Young Squire. (After Couture.)
1732. Night Moths.
17330 Winifred Dysart. (After George
F uller.J
1734. The Immaculate Conception. (After
Murillo-F ragment.)
1735. Mother and Child. (After A. H.
1736. Ideal Head. (After A. H. Thayer.)
1737. The Quadroon Girl. (After George
1738. Tne Listeners. (After W. M. Hunt.)
1739. The Mother. (After Simmons.)
1740. Flowers.
1741. The Irrigating Ditch.
1742. Sheep Shearers. (After Millet.)
See also No. 1970 .
Cole,Timothy. The Century Co.,New York.
1743. Delphian Sibyl. (After Michael An¬
1744. Knight of Malta. (After Giorgione.)
1745. The Concert. (After Giorgione.)
1746. The Tribute Money. (After Masac¬
1747. Venice Enthroned. (After Paolo Ver¬
1748. Battle of St. Ephesius. (After Spin-
1749. Madonna and Child. (After Bellini.)
1750. Miracle of St. Mark. (After Tintor¬
1751. Group of Angels. (After Gozzoli.)
1752. Mary Magdalen. (After Bartholo-
1753. /Eneas. (After Raphael.)
1754. Madonna of the Goldfinch. (After
1755. Mona Lisa. (After Lionardo Da
1756. Three Ages of Man. (After Lotto.)
1757. Unknown Man. (After Francia.)
1758 . Verocchio. (After Lorenzo di’Credi.)
1759. Madonna and Child (with cherubs).
(After Bellini.)
1760. Detail of “The Last Judgment.” (Af¬
ter Fra Angelico.)
1761. Two Angels. (After Andrea del
1762. Man with a Violin.
1763. Madonna and Child. (After Botti¬
1764. St. Agnes. (After Andrea del Sarto.)
1765. St. Jerome. (After Ghirlandaio.)
1766. St. Liberalis. (After Giorgione.)
The above named engravings by
Cole were lent by the Century Co., New
1767. The Entombment.
Collins, Robert C., Rockville Centre, L. I.,
N. Y.
1768. Florence, on the Arno.
1769. An Archway in Siena.
1770. Henry VII Chapel.
1771. Landing Stairs at Leghorn. (After
J. Pennell.)
Comstock,Mrs. Anna Botsford,Ithaca,N.Y,
1772. Tropical Moth.
1773. Moths.
1774. Moths.
1775. A Moth.
1776. Cherry Blossoms and Moths.
1777. Rendezvous by Moonlight.
Cooper, Edith, New York.
1778. Sheep. (After Davies.)
1779. White Birches. (After Miller.)
1780. Garrison Marching out with the Hon¬
ors of War, Lille, 1708 .
1781. Springtime of Love. (After Thu-
Dana, WiLliam Jay, Brookline, Mass.
1782. Twilight. (After J. Appleton Brown.)
1783. The Mill at Cleeve. (After J. Apple
ton Brown.)
1784. Pine Woods in Canada. (After F.
Hopkinson Smith.)
1785. Sunset. (After Corot.)
Davidson, Harry, New York.
1786. Balaam and His Master. (After How¬
ard Helmick.)
Canterbury Cathedral.
Afternoon at a Ranche.
The Bowery at Night.
An Old Mill. (After A. Castaigne.)
Hard Winter.
Davis, John P., New York.
1793. Woman and Bull. (After Roth.)
1794. Among the Old Poets. (After Wal¬
ter Shirlaw.)
1795. The Cobblers. (After E. M. Ward.)
1796. The Spring Song. (After Arthur B.
1797. The Bohemian. (After Paul W. Bart¬
1798. Autumn Hillside.
1799. Joe Jefferson as Bob Acres. (After
J. W. Alexander.)
Davis, Samuel P., Brooklyn.
1800. An After Dinner Nap. (After Dolph.)
1801. Cat and Kittens at Play. (After Mme.
1802. French Hunting Dog. (After Rosa
Nos. 1800-1802 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
Engravings and
Del’Orme, E. H., New York.
1803. Esquimaux Life. (After W. L. Tay¬
1804. Birthplace of Beethoven.
1805. Canoeing in Florida. (After V. Per-
1806. Garden Scene in Venice. (After Rico.)
1807. Landing of the Dutch Fleet. After
C. Delort.)
1808. Cumnor Church.
1809. An Iceberg. (After W. L. Taylor.)
Evans, John W., Brooklyn.
1810. With Fate Against Them.
1811. Indian Horserace. (After F. Rem¬
1812. Moving the Fourth Cavalry. (After
F. Remington.)
1813. Fallow Deer. (After B. Hook.)
Fillebrown, F. E., Boston.
1814. The Pleiades. (After Elihu Vedder.)
French, Frank, East Orange, N. J.
1815. A Christmas Vigil.
1816. Under the Mistletoe.
1817. Christmas Chimes.
1818. Clara.
1819. Valentine.
1820. Old Residenter.
1821. Country Store.
1822. Daisies.
1823. Vale of Tears.
1824. African Woman.
1825. Three wood engravings: Showery
Days in the Meadows, Canterbury Meet¬
ing House, Morning in the Meadow.
1826. Abundance. (After Martiny.)
1827. Heneyah. (After Bridgman.)
1828. The Tiger Hunt. (After Barye.)
1829. Rose Leaves. (After Humphrey
1830. Isaac Walton. (After Boughton.)
1831. The Rare Vase. (After Fortuny.)
1832. Portrait of a Lady. (After F. Diel-
1833. In the Enemy’s Country. (After
Gilbert Gaul.)
1834. Lacing the Sandal. (After F. D
1835. Bust of Mark Twain.
Grosch, Oskar, Cincinnati.
1836. Women Knitting. (Lent by G.
Meinshausen, Cincinnati.)
Heinmann, Ernest, Fort Wadsworth, L. I.,
N. Y.
1837. Mermaid.
Johnson, Thomas, New York.
1838. Head of a Man. (After Rembrandt.)
1839. Browning.
1840. Dr. J. Weir Mitchell. (After Holl.)
1841. Bishop Potter. (After Huntington.)
Etchings, Prints.
1842. Mrs. Bradley Martin. (After Carolu*-
1843. Paderewski.
1844. Tennyson.
1845. Portrait of A. Lang. (After Rich¬
1846. Portrait of a Girl.
1847. Daubigny.
1848. Liszt. (After Munkacsy.)
1849. Portrait of a Child. (After J. W.
Alexander.) See also 1412 .
Jungling, J. F., Jersey City.
1850. The Queer Old Lady.
King, Francis S., Roseville, N. J.
1851. Knowledge is Power. (After F. S.
1852. Battle of the Sirens. (After F. S.
1853. The Sorceress. (After F. S. Church.)
1854. Fog. (After F. S. Church.)
1855. Pandora’s Box. (After F. S. Church.)
1856. Girl and Tigers. (After F. S. Church.)
1857. Charge of Cuirassiers. (After Aime
1858. Ivan the Terrible.
1859. Rose.
Nos. 1851-1859 lent by Harper &
Bros., New York.
1860. The Sibyl. (After F. S. Church.)
1861. Christmas Fantasy.
1862. F. S. Church in His Studio.
1863. The Quartette. (After W. Dannat.)
1864. A Difference. (After E. H. Blash-
Kingsley, Elbridge, Hadley, Mass.
1865. The White Mountain.
1866. New England Elms.
1867. Old Homestead. (After J. F. Murphy.)
1868. Late Summer. (After R. Collin.)
1869. Connecticut Valley,,
1870. Journey Northward
1871. The Flying Dutchman. (After A. P.
1872. A Morning.
1873. The Old Well. (After J. F. Murphy.)
(Lent by C. Klackner, New York.)
1874. Silence. (After W. Bliss Baker.)
(Lent by C. Klackner, New York.)
1875. Midsummer. (After Daubigny.)
(Lent by C. Klackner, New York.)
1876. Winter Evening. (After D. W.
Tryon.) (Lent by N. E. Montross, New
1877. Autumn Evening. (After D. W.
Tryon.) (Lent by N. E. Montross, New
Kruell, Gustav, East Orange, N. J.
1878. Portrait of William Lloyd Garrison.
1879. Abraham Lincoln.
Engravings and
1880. U. S. Grant.
1881. Daniel Webster.
1882. Harriet Beecher Stowe.
1883. General Sherman.
1884. William M. Hunt.
1885. Asa Gray.
1886. James Russell Lowell.
1887. Charles Darwin, 1854 .
1888. Charles Darwin at 70 .
1889. Rent Day. (After Alfred Kappes.)
Lindsay, Albert M., Philadelphia.
1890. The Coup.
1891. Bowling.
1892. The Singing Shepherd.
1893. A Chinese Restaurant.
1894. The Golden Wedding.
1895. Yosemite Dome.
1896. A Relic of the Departed South.
1897. Shades of Evening.
1898. An April Birthday at Sea.
1899. The Departure to the Convent.
*900. Presentation of a Circus in a Spanish
The blocks of the above engravings
by Mr. Lindsay are owned by Harper &
Bros., New York.
Lyouns, H. F. W., Boston.
'.901. Nydia.
902. Solitude.
1903. Lost in a Cypress Swamp.
Meinshausen, George, Cincinnati.
1904. The Life Boat. (Lent by R. J. Witer
& Co., Cincinnati.)
Miller, William, New York.
1905. Seven wood engravings in one frame:
Sunset. (After George Inness.)
Bohemienne. (After Franz Hals.)
Etretat. (After George Inness.)
Head. (After Rubens.)
Kiss Me Quick. (After Munier.j
Baby Mine. (After V. Tojetti.)
Early Affection. (After V. Tojetti.)
Muller, R. A., Brooklyn.
1906. I Am Perfectly Happy. (After J. G.
1907. The De Brehan Miniature of Wash¬
1908. The De Brehan Miniature of Nelly
1909. Sir William Temple. (After Lely.)
1910. Gilbert Burnett. (After Riley.)
19x1. Lost. (After A. Schenck.)
1912. Taking of Numantia. (After Vera.)
Pettit, F. A., Brooklyn.
1913. By the Black Sea.
1914. Guyskill Mill.
1915. Centaur.
1916. Sandhills,
Etchings, Prints.
No. m
Powell, Caroline A., Trenton, N. J.
1917. The Resurrection. (After John La
19x8. An Organist.
1919. A Harpist.
1920. A Bit of Sunshine.
1921. The Three Marys. (After John La
1922. Lady and Horse. (After A. H.
1923. Gorilla.
1924. Bubbles. (After Couture.)
1925. Windmills.
Putnam, S. G., Corona, Long Island, N. Y.
1926. Identity. (After Elihu Vedder.)
1927. Waterfall by Moonlight. (After R.
A. Blakelock.)
1928. Mirabeau and the King’s Messenger.
1929. Princess Marie of Austria.
1930. A Cozy Corner.
1931. Carne Castle.
1932. At the Continental Spring.
1933. Pirates Seizing a Ship.
1934. A Sheep Pasture.
Reed, Charles H., Philadelphia.
1935. Sarah Crew. (Lent by the Century
Co. New York.)
[936. On the Lowest Step of a Deserted i
House, St. Pasquale. (Lent by the Ladies’ |
Home Journal, Philadelphia.) ,
Schladitz, E., New York.
1937. Love Locked Out. (After Anna Lea .
1937K* Grandmother. (Lent by Harper ■
& Bros., New York.)
Schwarzburger, C., Brooklyn.
1938. Etna. (After Harry Fenn.)
1939. On the River Thames,. Ontario. (
(After F. Hopkinson Smith.)
States, Charles, New York.
1940. Oriental Street Scene. (After A. '
1941. Indians in Council.
Sugden, Thomas D., Flushing, L. I., N. Y.
1942. The Drinking Place.
Sylvester, Harry E., New York.
1943. Ship in the Fog.
1944. Twilight, Westminster Cathedral.
1945. Westminster Cathedral, Early Morn- 1
1946. St. Giles’ Church.
Nos. 1943-1946 lent by the Century Co.,
New York.
Tietze, Richard G., New York.
1947. Elsie Leslie Lyde.
1948. The Little Frenchman at School.
1949. Abraham Lincoln and his Son,
Engravings, Etchings, Prints, Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other Drawings
Tinkey, John, Brooklyn.
1950. Exchanging Confidences. (After F.
C. Jones.)
1951. All Halloween.
1952. Swine-herd, River Danube. (After
F. D. Millet.)
1953. Apache Indian Firing on Teamster.
(After F. Remington.)
1954. English Cathedral.
Wellington, Frank H., Passaic, N. J.
1955. Miles Sta'ndish’s Challenge. (After
E. A. Abbey.)
1956. One Day in June. (After W. T.
Williams, George P., Philadelphia.
1957. The Alderman.
1958. The Gladiators.
Wolf, Henry, New York.
1959. The Roadside. (After R. Swain Gif¬
1960. New England Peddler. (After East¬
man Johnson.)
1961. My Sister Lydia. (After E. C. Tar-
1962. The Virgin Enthroned. (After A.
H. Thayer.)
1963. Twilight. (After Alexander Harri¬
1964. The Portrait. (After Will H. Low.)
1965. Alice. (After W. M. Chase.)
1966. Miss Beatrice Goelet. (After J. S.
1967. Tiger. (After Adolf Menzel.)
1968. Madonna and Child. (After Dagnan-
1969. Thirst. (After Gerome.)
Miscellaneous Prints.
In Upper Gallery north of Rotunda, and in
Alcoves 152 , 153 .
Closson, W. B., Lancaster, Mass.
1970. Rembrandt’s Mother.
1971. The Belated Bird.
1972. Nymph and Great Bubble.
1973. Portrait of Whittier.
Nos. 1970-1973 are prints from Clos¬
son intaglio plates.
1974. Hawthorne’s Boat House. (Relief
engraving by a method of Closson’s own
1975. Helen. (Mezzotint.)
Girsch, F., Mount Vernon, N. Y.
1976. Grandma’s Toast. (After M. R.
1977. Bank Note Vignettes. (Steel En¬
Moran, Peter, Philadelphia.
1978. A Country Smithy. (Mezzotint.)
Rosenthal, Max, Philadelphia.
1979. Romola. (Mezzotint.)
Sartain, John, Philadelphia.
1980. Irene. (After Coomans. Steel En¬
Sartain, William, New York.
1981. Symphony. (Mezzotint.)
1982. lone. (Mezzotint.)
Schlecht, Charles, New York.
1983. Eyes to the Blind. (After A. F. Bel¬
lows. Steel Engraving.)
1984. Love’s Young Dream. (After Jennie
Brownscombe. Steel Engraving.)
1985. Thoughts by the Sea. (After J. G.
Brown. Steel Engraving.)
1986. The Smoker. (After Leon Moran.
Steel Engraving.)
1986a. The Wish. (After Percy Moran.
Steel Engraving.)
Schoff, S. A., Greenfield, Mass.
1987. Marine View. (After M. F. H. De-
Haas. Steel Engraving.)
1988. Portrait of Ralph Waldo Emerson.
(After S. W. Rowse. Steel Engraving.)
1989. The Bathers. (After W. M. Hunt.
Steel Engraving.)
Walker, Charles A., Boston.
1990. Rough Weather. (Monotype.)
1991. After the Storm. (Monotype.)
(Lent by J. Reed Whipple, Boston.)
1992. Evening Approaching. (Monotype.)
Wickenden, Robert J., New York.
1993. The Approach of Evening. (Origi¬
nal Lithograph.)
GROUP 144.
Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other Draw¬
Pastel Drawings.
In Upper Gallery Alcoves 178 , 179 .
Allan, W. R., New York.
1994. The Gleaner.
1995. Landscape.
1996. Ideal Head.
1997. A Portrait.
Beaux, Cecilia, Philadelphia.
1998. Portrait (Lent by William Brad¬
shaw, Philadeip_:' > 1
Binney, Martha G., New York.
1999. Sketch of Haystacks.
Brown, J., Appleton, New York.
2000. Sand Dunes.
2001. December.
2002. Springtime.
2003. Summer.
Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other Drawings.
Cauldwell, Leslie, Paris.
2004. Evening.
Champney, J. Wells, New York.
2005. Portrait of Rev. Robert Collyer
2006. Suzanne.
2007. Portrait of Mrs. Champney.
Chase, William M., New York.
2008. Good Friends.
See also 254 .
Corwin, Charles A., Chicago.
2009. Oat Harvest.
Curran, Charles C., New York. '
2010. Night.
(Lent by W.T. Evans, New York.)
Du Mond, L. A., Paris.
2011. Priscilla and John Alden.
Eaton, Charles Warren, New York.
2012. Wintry Fields.
2013. Flowers of Autumn.
2014. December Sunset.
Emmet, Lydia Field, New York.
2015. A Portrait Sketch by Lamplight.
Hamilton, John McLure, London.
2016. Cardinal Manning, the Palace,
Westminster, 1890 .
Harrison, Birge, Paris.
2017. Evening on the Seine.
Hecker, Caroline F., New York.
2018. Yellow and White Roses.
2019. Roses.
Klumpke, Anna E., Boston.
2020. Portrait of Miss K. H. (Lent by
Miss Lilian Horsford Cambridge, Mass.)
MacKubin, Florence, Baltimore.
2021. Portrait Study in Yellows.
Mills, Lena, New York.
2022. Boy’s Head.
2023. Portrait of a Lady.
Muhrman, Henry, London.
2024. Trees and Pond, Hampstead Heath.
2025. Landscape, Hampstead Heath.
2026. Scene on Hampstead Heath.
2027. Firs and Gorse.
2028. Houses, Hampstead Heath.
2029. Vale of Health, Hampstead Heath.
2030. View of Highgate.
2031. Old Tree.
2032. Shells.
2033. Birch Trees.
2034. Field of Buttercups.
Reaugh, F., Oak Cliff, T^~.
2035. Landscape with v-attle.
2036. February in Texas.
Reynolds, Alice M., New York.
2037. Portrait.
Rolshoven, Julius, Paris.
2038. In the Shade.
£039. Ave Mat%
2040. Chioggia Fishermen Reading Tasso.
2041. A Chioggia Fisherman.
See also 866.
Sherwood,Rosina Emmet, NewYork.
2042. A Sleeping Child.
2043. The Black Cockade.
2044. View in Central Park.
Stewart, Jules L., Paris.
2045. Portrait of Mrs. Broleman. (Lent
by William H. Stewart, Paris.)
Thomson, William, London.
2046. Study of a Head.
Twachtman, J. H.
Le Gorge d’Enfer (Throat of Hell).
(Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New
Wadsworth, Adelaide, Boston.
2048. Fishing Boats at Anchor, Venice.
Wagner, Jacob, Boston.
2049. Portrait of My Mother.
Weil, Gertrude, Philadelphia.
2050. Silence.
Wuerpel, Edward H., Paris.
2051. Majella, a Study. (Lent by William
Taussig, St. Louis.)
Young, Charles Morris, Gettysburg, Pa.
2052. The Cornfield at Twilight.
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black am! White,
and Other Drawings.
On East Wall of North Court; at west end
of East Court, in Alcoves 81 , 94 , 95 ; in the
four central stairways, and in Upper
Gallery Alcoves 129 , 153 , 154 , 155 ; in North
Court, east wall; in main floor Alcoves \
81 , 94 , 95 ; and east and southeast of
Alexander, J. W.
2053. Skeesicks Adrift from Redwood
Camp. (Black and white.) (Lent by
Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
Abbey, Edwin A.
2054. As You Like it. Rosalind: “O Jupiter,
how weary are my spirits.” (Pen draw- j
2055. Merry Wives. Fenton: “And tells me 2
’tis a thing impossible.” (Pen drawing.)
2056. Merchant of Venice. “It falleth like 1
the gentle rain from heaven.” (Pen draw- ]
2057. Merchant of Venice. Portia: “Away
then. I’m locked in one of them.” (Pen'S
2058. Tempest. Ferdinand: “I am, in my
condition, a prince.” (Pen drawing.)
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
No. _ ,
2059. Tempest. Prospero: “Fetch me the
hat and rapier.” (Pen drawing.)
2060. Tempest. Miranda and Ferdinand.
(Pen drawing.)
2061. Tempest. Caliban, Trinculo, Steph-
ano and Ariel invisible. (Pen drawing.)
2062. Tempest. Alonzo, Gonzalo and others
enter the circle. (Pen drawing.)
2063. Tempest. Trinculo: “What have we
here.” (Black and white.)
2064. Measure for Measure. “Sweet sister,
let me live.” (Pen drawing.)
2065. Measure for Measure. Mariana and
boy singing. (Black and white in oil.)
2066. Measure for Measure. Friar Thomas
and the Duke. (Black and white in oil.)
2067. Measure for Measure. Angelo and Is¬
abella. (Black and white in oil.)
The above fourteen illustrations of
Shakespeare were lent by Harper &
Bros., New York.
Attwood, Francis Gilbert, Boston.
2068-2077. Ten sketches for “Life.” (Pen
drawings.) (Lent by Mitchell & Miller,
New York.)
Bacher, Otto H., New York.
2078. Statue of Ferdinand in the Cathedral
at Malaga. (Pen drawing.)
2079. Japanese Armor, 14 th Century. (Pen
2080. Japanese Armor, 16 th Century. (Pen
drawing.) (Nos. 2078-2080 lent by the
Century Co., New York.)
2081. Grain Elevator. (Wash drawing.)
2082. Unloading'a Banana Steamer. (Black
and white.)
2083. Night Signaling on an Ocean Steamer.
(Black and white, oil.)
Nos. 2081-2083 lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Bellew, F. P. W.
2084. Sketch for “Life.” (Pen drawing.)
(Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York.)
Birch, Reginald B., New York.
2085. Brother Stolz’s Beat.(Wash drawing.)
2086. The Little Lovers. (Black and white.)
Nos. 2085 , 2086 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
Blashfield, Edwin H., New York.
2087. The Fairest Maiden. (Pen drawing.)
2088. His Lordship’s Bedtime. (Black and
white, oil.)
Nos. 2087 , 2088 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
2089. Charms with Holy Water.(Black and
white, oil.)
2089a. The Vision of Saint Anne. (Nos.
2089 , 2089 a lent by Charles Scribner’s
Sons, New York.)
Bloodgood, Robert F., New York.
2090. The End of the Outlaw.(Pen drawing.)
Blum, Robert, New York.
2091. Wandering Etas. (Pen drawing.)
2092. Japanese Policeman. (Pen drawing.)
2093. A Shop for Lamps. (Pen drawing.)
2094. Japanese Girl. (Pen drawing.)
2095. Its Tiny Head Swung Hither and
Thither. (Pen drawing.)
2096. TheAmeya. (Pen drawing.)
2097. Be Pleased to Bring in the Honorable
Account. (Wash drawing.)
2098. My Eye was Caught by the Gleam of a
Brass Doorknob. (Wash drawing.)
2099. SheLooked at Me and Spoke Trust¬
ingly. (Wash drawing.)
2100. The Tall Ladder of a Fire Station.
(Wash drawing.)
2101. TeaPotandCrockery.( Washdrawing.)
2102. Benteen Cave, Enoshina.(Wash draw¬
2103. The Amma Japonica.(Wash drawing)
2104. Where the Proprietor, Stark Naked,
Pestles the Paddy. (Wash drawing.)
2105. She Laid her Hand on His Arm.
(Wash drawing.)
2106. Head of the Street, Enoshina. (Wash
2107. A Street Scene, Enoshina. (Wash
2108. JapaneseDinner at GoldenKoi.(Wash
2109. A Little City Back Yard.(Wash draw¬
2110. Watching the Election Returns,
Japan. (Wash drawing.) '
2111. A Begging Priest. (Black and white.)
2112. On the Hillside at Enoshina. (Black
and white.)
Nos. 2091-2112 lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
2113. The Plankway to Benteen Cave.
(Wash drawing.)
2114. Fray Innocencio and Flojo. (Pen
2115. The Man is Dead He Said. (Black
and white.)
Nos. 2114 , 2115 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
Broughton, C.
2116. Fifth Avenue Stage. (Pen drawing.)
(Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York.)
Bradley, Horace, New York.
2117. Still Life Class Room. Art Student’s
League, N. Y.
Burns, M. J.
2118. By George! I’ve Got Him. (Black and
white 0 )
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2119. Working Drops and Borders from the
First Fly Gallery. (Black and white.)
2120. Danger Ahead! (Black and white.)
2121. Interior of a Round House.(Black and
white, in oil.)
Nos. 2118-2121 lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Castaigne, A., Baltimore.
2122. Queen of the Felibres, Provence.
(Charcoal drawing.)
2123. Portrait of Mile. Roumanille. (Char¬
coal drawing.)
2124. Open Air Theatre, Provence. (Char¬
coal drawing.)
2125. The Shops of Catelan, Provence.
(Charcoal drawing.)
2126. Shop of Roumanille. (Black and
2127. Preparing for the Final Dance. (Black
and white, oil.)
2128. Circling the Lodges. (Black and
white, oil.)
2129. TheDanceWas in Full Swing.(Black
and white, oil.)
2130. Festival of the Felibres,Provence. To
Mistral. (Black and white, in oil.)
2131. Running through Vers, Provence.
(Black and white, in oil.)
2132. Good-bye at Nimes, Provence.(Black
and white, in oil.)
2133. Inn Yard at Collias, Provence.(Black
and white, in oil.)
2134. Isle of La Barthelasse at Night, Prov¬
ence. (Black and white, in oil.)
2135. Up the Maiensi Pass. (Black and
white, in oil.)
2136. L’Isle sur Jurgues.(Black and white,in
2137. On the Otomi Pass, Japan.(Black and
white, in oil.)
Nos. 2122-2137 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
2138. On a Great Cattle Trail. (Black and
whiet, oil.) (Lent by Charles Scribner’s
Sons, New York.
Chapman, Carlton T., New York.
2139. Port of Valparaiso in aNorther.(Wash
2140. White Star Steamer Majestic. (Black
and white.)
2141. The Largest Steamer on the Lakes.
(Black and white.)
The above three drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Chase, William M., New York.
2142. Like Mother Like Daughter. (Pencil
drawing.) (Lent by Harper & Bros., New
Church, F. S., New York.
2143. Flapjacks. (Black and white.) (Lent
by Harper & Bros., New York.)
2144. Sketch for Window for Tiffany Glass
Co. (Black and white.)
Cox, Kenyon, New York.
2145. M. Daubray of the Palais Royal. (Pen
drawing, after photo.) (Lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons. New York.)
2146. Bust of J.AldenWeir,by Olin Warner.
(Pen drawing.)
2147. Veiled Moorish Woman. (Pen draw¬
ing, after photo.)
2148. The IroquoisArrow.(Black and white,
2149. Reading in the Chapter Room, La
Trappe. (Black and white, oil.)
The above four drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
Day, Francis, Nutley, N. J.
2150. Reluctant, She Turned to Him.
(Wash drawing.) (Lent by the Century
Co., New York.)
Denman, Herbert.
2151. Satisfactory as any Visitors Are the
Children. (Black and white, oil.)
2152. Another Visitor Who Never Misses a
Welcome, is the Bringer of Eatables.
(Black and white, oil.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Du Mood, F. V., New York.
2153. Bamboula. (Black and white.)
2154. Tryste Noel. (Scratch.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Harper & Bros., New York.
2155. Madonna. (Black and white, oil.)
2156. Holding Tight to Patty’s Hand.
(Black and white, oil.)
The above two drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
Eaton, Wyatt.
2157. Asleep Upon the Grass. (Pen draw¬
ing.) (Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons,
New York.
Edwards, George Wharton, New York.
2158. One Would Have Thought She was
Really a Boy. (Black and white.)
2159. At Dinner. (Black and white.)
The above two drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.)
Fenn, Harry, Montclair, N. J.
2160. Sepulchres of Ferdinand andlsabella,
Philip, and Joanna in the Royal Chapel,
Granada. (Pen drawing.)
2161. Escutcheon and Fireplace in the
Manor House, Gardiner’s Island. (Pen
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2162. Castillo de la Mota, near Medina,
Spain. (Wash drawing.)
2163. Kiga. (Wash drawing.)
2164. First Glimpse of the Kusneh, Petra.
(Black and white.)
2165. Tower of Trinity Church, Boston.
(Black and white.)
The above seven drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
2166. Rousseau’sHouse andStairs to Studio,
at His Death, 1867 . (Black and white.)
2167. East End of Ganne’s Hotel,Barbizon.
(Black and white.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Charles Scribners, Sons, New York.
2168. On the Common, Gardiner’s Island.
(Black and white.)
Ferris, Stephen J., Philadelphia.
2169. Fortuny Lying in State. (Crayon.)
(Lent by Edward H. Coates, Philadel
Fraser, John A., New York.
2170. Back of the Village, Chiddingstone,
Kent. (Black and white.)
2171. Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite. (Black
and white.)
2172. Sentinel Rock. (Black and white.)
2173. The Corner, Kent. (Wash drawing.)
Nos. ‘ 2171 , 2173 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
Fraser, Malcolm, Paris.
2174. The Road to Johore—A Malay Vil¬
lage. (Wash drawing.) (Lent by tjie Cen¬
tury Co.j New York.)
Frost, A. B., Courent, Morris County, N. J.
2175. Have You Happened to Hear Any¬
body Speak of Me? (Pen drawing.)
2176. Is Dese yer Bobolitionists Got Horns
’n’ Huffs? (Pen drawing.)
The above two drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
2177. The Negro Leaned, Exhausted,
Against the Wall. (Pen drawing.)
2178. Men at a Card Table. (Pen drawing.)
2179. An’ then He Marched off to Bed by
Himself. (Pen drawing.)
2180. We’ll All Swa’r tO'it. (Wash drawing.)
2181. If You Pull that Trigger and Hit the
Mark, Y e can Ride off Free. (Wash draw¬
2182. Dead as a Hammer—Ain’t He, Mac?
(Wash drawing.)
ihe above six drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
2183. A Prize. (Black and white.)
2184. Fishing for Striped Bass in the Surf.
(Black and white.)
2185. The Ice Harvest. (Black and white.)
2186. Missed Him Agin, by Ginger! (Black
and white.)
2187. Quail Shooting—Four Barrels and
Four Birds. (Black and white.) The
above five drawings were lent by Har¬
per & Bros., New York.
Gates, J. H.
2188. A Sketch,for “Life.”(Black and white.)
(Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York.)
Gaul, Gilbert, New York.
2189. A Pulque Carrier, Mexico. (Black
and white in oil.)
2190. The Journey in the Market Cart.
(Black and white in oil.)
2191. Landing at Chagres. (Black and
white in oil.)
2192. Pleasant Weather in the Gulf. (Black
and white in oil.)
2193. Gorgona, Panama. (Black and white
in oil.)
2194. The Pilot, Jamaica. (Black and white
in oil.)
2195. The Kitchen, Jamaica. (Black and
white in oil.)
2196. Pleased. A Cheer for the Old Flag.
(Black and white in oil.)
2197. The Master’s Lunch, Jamaica. (Black
and white in oil.)
2198. Dining-room, French’s Hotel, Pana¬
ma. (Black and white in oil.)
2199. The Steamer is in Panama. (Black
and white in oil.)
2200. A Crowded Steamer. To California
in 1849 . (Black and white, oil.)
The above twelve drawings were
lent by the Century Co., New York.
Gibson, C. D., New York.
2201. Yes, it is too Bad. (Pen drawing.)
2202. You Must Tell Your Friend Not to be
Frightened at the House. (Pen drawing.)
2203. Awfully Kind of You to Come to Our
Little Shanty in the Wilderness. (Pen
2204. And the Two Smoked in Silence. (Pen
2205. Aren’t You Pleased^With Me? (Pen
2206. Debutantes Leaning on His Arm.
(Pen drawing.)
2207. The Young Men in the House
Thought Her a Jolly Girl. (Pen drawing.)
2208. Mrs. Vernon had Crossed the Rubi¬
con. (Pen drawing.)
2209. He is Waiting for Me. (Pen drawing.)
2210. Lord and Lady William Hampshire.
(Pen drawing.)
2211. We are Behind Time, Mrs. Vane Ben¬
son and I. (Pen drawing.)
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2212. When Luella Lost Her Grip. (Pen
2213. The Meeting in Mrs. Van Shuter’s
Empire Room. (Pen drawing.)
2214. I Am Glad that Tempest in a Tea¬
pot is Over. (Pen drawing.)
The above fourteen drawings were
lent by the Century Co., New York.
2215. Her First Appearance. (Pen draw¬
2216. The American Girl. (Pen drawing.)
2216a. At the Fair. (Pen drawing.) The
above three drawings were lent by Har¬
per & Bros., New York.
2217. I Wish to God You Were Out of the
Business. (Wash drawing.)
2218. In the Studio. (Wash drawing.)
2219. A Serious Question. (Wash drawing.)
The above three drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
2220. Cartoon, for “Life.” (Pen drawing.)
(Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New
2221. Two Girls and a Man. (Pen drawing.)
2222. The Jury. (Pen drawing.)
2223. In the Moonlight. (Pen drawing.)
2224. Drifting Apart. (Pen drawing.)
2225. Will Penelope Land the Baron? (Pen
2226. At Mrs. Flatsharp’s. (Pen drawing.)
2227. The Prisoner at the Bar. (Pen draw¬
ing \
2228. Time! (Pen drawing.)
2229. In Leap Year. (Pen drawing.)
2230. In Leap Year. Starting on Their
Wedding Journey. (Pen drawing.)
^231. In Leap Year. After Having Kept
the Men Waiting. (Pen drawing.)
-<23 2 , The Horse Show. (Pen drawing.)
2233. That Delicious Moment When You
are Asked to Take in to Dinner the Girl
Who Refused You Yesterday. (Pen
2234. A Summer Vacation. (Pen drawing.)
2235. Fourth of July. (Pen drawing.)
2236. At Mrs.Van Tappan’s. (Pen drawing.)
2237. At Mrs. Daubleigh Chrome’s. (Pen
2238. At the Gentlemen’s Sons Chowder
Club. (Pen drawing.)
Gibson, W. Hamilton, Brooklyn.
2239. Night Hawk. (Pen drawing.)
2240. Orange Boughs. (Charcoal.)
2241. A Misty Morning. (Smoke.)
2242. Los Loros, Andes. (Black and white.)
2243. A California Garden. (Black and
2244. The Bobolink at Home. (Black and
2245. A Midnight Tragedy. (Black and
2246. The Wild Garden. (Black and white.)
2247. A Winter Ravine. (Black and white.)
2248. The SlySilver Fox. (Black and white.)
2249. Cyrepedium Spectabile. (Black and
2250. A Relic of the Departed South.
(Black and white.)
2251. A Southern Canebrake Jungle. (Black
and white.)
2252. On Bayou Teche, Louisiana. (Black
and white.)
Nos. 2251 , 2252 lent by E. T. H.
Gibson, New York.
Hammer, John J., New York.
2253. Study Head. (Charcoal.)
Helmick, Howard, Washington, D. C.
2254. Many a Bride Stepped from Aboard
Her Husband’s Whaler. (Black and white.)
2255. Faith’d Fetch It. (Black and white.)
2256. On the Floor Lay Berrian Cozart.
(Black and white, oil.)
Nos. 2254 r -2256 lent by the Century
Co., New York.
Herford, O.
2257. Sketch, for “ Life.” (Pen drawing.)
(Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New York.)
Hitchcock, George.
2258. A North Sea Dutch Fisherman.
(Wash drawing.)
2259. Corner of a Dutch Captain’s Kitchen.
(Black and white.)
2260. Dutch Fishing Boats. The above
three drawings were lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Hyde, W. H., New York.
2261. At Home. (Pen drawing.)
Johnson, C. H.
2262. Sketch No. 1 , for “ Life.” (Pen draw¬
2263. Sketch No. 2 , for “Life.” (Wash
drawing.) (Lent by Mitchell & Miller,
New York.)
Kemble, E. W., New Rochelle, N. Y.
2264. Have You Forgot Your Brother Ab.,
Peggy? (Pen drawing.)
2265. Sergeant Bowers Receiving Orders, i
(Pen drawing.)
2266. Sperrits. (Pen drawing.)
2267. The Plantation Bell. (Pen drawing.) j
2268. Food for the Confederate Wounded, j
(Pen drawing.)
2269. A Race Problem. (Pen drawing.)
2270. The Cake Walk. (Pen drawing.)
2271. Polly Ann. (Pen drawing.)
2272. Uncle Peter Bean. In the Cotton
Mill, Georgia. (Two pen drawings,)
2273. A Field Hand (Pen drawing.)
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2274. Like an Ebony Statue of Liberty
(Wash drawing.)
2^75. Saving His Master. (Black and white.)
The above thirteen drawings were
lent by the Century Co., New York.
Low, Will H., New York.
2276. Through Our Tendriled Arclies the
Famed Hiolian Quire. (Black and white.)
(Lent by the Century Co., New York.)
2277. Old Field at Barbizon. (Wash.)
2278. Narcissus. (Black and white, oil.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Millet, F. D., New York.
2279. Study of Heads. (Pen drawing.)
2280. A Prisoner. (Pencil.)
2281. In the Supper Room. (Black and
2282. Camel Driver. (Black and white.)
2283. Driving a Team. (Black and white.)
Meza, Wilson de, Lakewood, N. J.
2284. Sketch No. 1 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2285. Sketch No. 2 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2286. Sketch No. 3, for “ Life.” (Black and
The above three sketches were lent
by Mitchell & Miller, New York.
2287. Drawing for Illustration. (Black and
2288. When Through Feast-Litten Halls.
(Black and white.)
Metcalf, W. L.
2289. Stinnerd House, Pelham Bay Park.
(Pen drawing.)
2290. The Picture Gallery. (Black and
2291. He Drove the Knife Through His
Hand. (Black and white.)
2292. Cable Hut at Shore End. (Black and
white, oil.)
The above four drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Mowbray, A. Siddons.
2293. Ben Hur. (Black and white, oil.)
(Lent by Harper & Bros., New York.)
Newell, P. S.
2294. A Reminder of Old Virginia. (Black
and white.) (Lent by Harper & Bros.,
New York.)
Nichols, H. D.
2295. Interior of Manufactures and Liberal
Arts Building, W. C. E. (Black and
white.) (Lent by Hamer & Bros., New
Pape, Frederick S. M., Paris.
2296. The Sphinx by Moonlight. (Pen
drawing.) (Lent by Century Co., New
Parsons, Alfred, New York.
2297. Crossing Weir. (Wash drawing.)
2298. In Silistria. (White and black.)
2299. Singing Shepherd. (White and black.)
2300. Pig Wallow. (Black and white.)
2301. Ischatal, St. George. (Black and
2302. Camp opposite Kalafat. (Black and
The above six drawings were lent by
Harper & Bros., New York.
2303. The Snowdrop. (Black and white.)
2304. Daffodils. (Black and white.)
Pennell, Joseph, London.
2305. St. Edmund’s Chapel, Westminster
Abbey. (Pen drawing.)
2306. York Cathedral: Chapter House, Five
Sisters, and Central Tower. (Pen draw¬
2306a. York Cathedral—East from North
Aisle of Retro-Choir. (Pen drawing.)
2307. Old Battersea Church, Chelsea. (Pen
2308. One Bay of the Angel Choir, Lincoln
Cathedral. (Pen drawing.)
2309. Western Part of Ely Cathedral, from
Garden in Close. (Pen drawing.)
2310. Sally Harrowell’s Shop, Rugby. (Pen
2311. Florence from Boccaccio’s Villa.
(Pen drawing.)
2312. In the Garden, Boccaccio’s Villa.
(Pen drawing.)
2313. In the Nave, Westminster Abbey.
(Pen drawing.)
2314. Villa on the Road to Fiesole. (Pen
2315. Northwest View of Gloucester Cathe¬
dral. (Pen drawing.)
2316. South Side of Lincoln Cathedral.
(Pen drawing.)
2317. Well’s Cathedral Choir, Looking
East. (Pen drawing.)
2318. Dryden’s Monument, Westminster
Abbey. (Pen drawing.)
2319. Winchester Cathedral Choir and
Presbytery, Looking East. (Pencil draw¬
2320. The Vicar’s Close, Well’s Cathedral.
(Wash drawing.)
2321. Well’s Cathedral Nave, Looking East.
(Wash drawing.)
2322. Wargrave; Sonning Bridge; Landing
at Richmond. (Wash drawings.)
2323. Gloucester Cathedral Nave from the
North Aisle. (Wash drawing.)
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2323a. Windsor from the Playing Fields,
Eton. (Pen drawing.)
The above drawings by Pennell
were lent by the Century Co., New York.
2324 Four Pen Drawings from Charing
Cross to St. Paul’s.
2325. Five Pen Drawings from Charing
Cross to St. Paul’s. ( 1 )
2326. Five Pen Drawings from Charing
Cross to St. Paul’s. ( 2 )
2327. Six Pen Drawings from Charing Cross
to St. Paul’s. ( 1 )
2328. Six Pen Drawings from Charing Cross
to St. Paul’s. ( 2 )
Pennington, Harper, New York.
2329. In the Workshop, Philadelphia Man¬
ual Training School. (Black and white.)
(Lent by the Century Co., New York.)
Perard, Victor.
2330. River Police Patrol Boat. (Wash
2331.. Pelham Park. (Wash drawing.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
Pyle, Howard, Wilmington, Del.
2332. In the Valley. ( 1 ) (Black and white
in oil.)
2333. In the Valley. ( 2 ) (Black and white
in oil.)
2334. In the Valley. ( 3 ) (Black and white
in oil.)
2335. The Oak of Geismar. (Black and
white in oil.)
2336. Gambetta Proclaiming the Republic.
(Black and white in oil.)
2337. A Moment Later There was a Great
Hammering at the Door. (Black and
white in oil.)
The above six drawings were lent by
Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York.
2338. Indian Woman Saving the Life of
John Brown. (Black and white, oil.)
2 339 ’ Along the Canal in Old Manhattan.
(Black and white, oil.)
The above two drawings were lent by
Harper & Bros., New York.
2340. They Used to Drill Every Evening.
(Black and white.) (Lent by the Century
Co., New York.)
Redwood, Allen C., Bergen Point, N. J.
2341. Barksdale’s Mississippians Opposing
Laying of Pontoon Bridges. (Pen draw¬
2342. A Camp Toilet. (Pen drawing.)
2343. I’m Ready to Begin Right Now.(Black
and white.)
2344. General Grant Can’t Have anyWater
from this Spring. (Black and white.)
2345. Perpetual Motion. (Black and white.)
fHere. (Black and white.)
-I ^ ur March Against Pope. (Pen
^ | drawing.)
A Stag Dance. (Black and white.)
2347. The Retreat from Gettysburg. (Black
and white.)
2348. Dress Parade. (Black and white.)
Nos. 2341-2348 lent by the Century Co.,
New York.
Reinhart, Charles S., New York.
2349. A Kissing Gate. (Pen drawing.)
2350. Government Wharf, Fort Monroe.
(Pen drawing.)
2351. Up the Hudson. (Pen drawing.)
2352. Portrait of Charles Dudley Warner.
2 353 - A Near-Sighted Deputy. (Charcoal.)
2354. Liberal and Conservative.(Charcoah)
2 355 * A Tramp. (Charcoal.)
2356. Christmas Morning. (Charcoal.)
2357. Illustration. (Black and white.)
2358. Skating. (Wash drawing.)
Remington, Frederick, New Rochelle,N. Y.
2 359 * Roping in a Horse, Corral. (Pen
2360. The Old Trapper. (Pen drawing.)
2361. A Member or the Mounted Police,
Canada. (Pen drawing.)
2362. Infantry Covering the Withdrawal of
Cavalry. (Wash drawing.)
2363. Behind the Breastworks,Besieged by
Utes. (Wash drawing.)
2364. A Sample Steed. (Black and white.)
2365. A War Party of Comanches “Jump¬
ing” a Hunter’s Camp. (Black and white.)
2366. Splitting the Buffalo Plerd. (Black
and white, oil.)
2367. “Boots and Saddles.” (Black and
white, oil.) Nos. 2359-2367 lent by the
Century Co., New York.
2368. Rounding Up. (Wash drawing.)
2369. Pitching Broncos. (Wash drawing.)
2370. General Miles Reviewing the Mex¬
ican Army. (Wash drawing.)
2371. Polish Village. (Wash drawing.)
2372. Some Idle Notes on “The Most Noble
Profession” in Europe. (Wash drawing.)
2 373 » At the Horse Show. (Wash drawing.)
Nos. 2368-2373 lent by Harper & Bros.,
New York.
Rhodes, Charles W., Chicago.
2374. Study Head. (Charcoal.) (Lent by
Mrs. Charles R. Rhodes, Marietta, O.)
Robinson, Theodore, New York.
2375. Claude Monet. (Charcoal.) (Lent
by the Century Co., New York.)
Rogers, W. A., New York.
2376. Home, Sweet Home.
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
2377. You Put in Two Dollars and Eighty
Cents. (Pen drawing.)
2378. Lost. (Black and white.)
2379. Three Cheers for the First Sod.
(Black and white.)
2380. In the Narrow Trail. (Black and
The above five drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
2381. Sketch No. 1 , for “Life.” (Pen draw¬
2382. Sketch No. 2 , for “Life.” (Pen draw¬
2383. Sketch No. 3 , for “Life.” (Pen draw¬
2384. Sketch No. 4 , for “Life.” (Pen draw¬
The above four drawings were lent
by Mitchell & Miller, New York.
2385. The Postman. (Pen drawing.)
2386. Armed Peace. (Pen drawing.)
2387. The Chapel Steps. (Pen drawing.)
2388. The Call for Trumps. (Pen drawing.)
2389. Sunday in the Park. (Pen drawing.)
2390. Museum Treasures. (Pen drawing.)
2391. Inauguration Ball. (Pen drawing.)
2392. A Tug of War. (Pen drawing.)
2393. A Belle of Greenwich(Wash drawing)
2394. Broadway Stage, 1831 . (Black and
2 395 - Prologue to “She.”(Black and white.)
2396. Camp Fire. (Black and white.)
2397. Out of the Game. (Black and white.)
2398. Arab Colony of New York. (Black
and white.)
2399. No Frost Within. (Black and white.)
2400. The Salvation Army. (Black and
Sandham, Henry, Boston.
2401. Snow-shoeing by Torchlight. (Black
and white.) (Lent by the Century Co.,
New York.)
Shiriaw, Walter, New York.
2402. Broad Street Railway Station, Phila¬
delphia. (Black and white.) (Lent by
Charles Scribner’s Son’s New York.)
Small, Frank O., Boston.
2403. Pop Concert. (Black and white.)
2404. The Last Picnic of the Season.(Black
and white.)
The above two drawings were lent
by Harper & Bros., New York.
2405. The Dawn Struggling with the Night.
(Black and white.)
2406. A Forgotten Ancestor. (Black and
2407. Christmas Presents at the Breakfast
Table, (Black and white.)
2408. Afternoon, Commonwealth Avenue,
Boston. (Black and white.)
2409. Said in Passing. (Black and white.)
2410. Sketch No. 1 , for “Life.” (Black and
white.) (Lent by Mitchell & Miller, New
Smedley, W. T., New York.
2411. Exhibition Grounds in 1891 . (Black
and white.)
2412. Before the Agricultural Building.
(Black and white.)
2413. Lake Front—side of main building.
(Black and white.)
Nos. 2411-2413 (lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
2414. At the Hotel. (Black and white.)
(Lent by Harper & Bros., New York.)
2415. In a Restaurant. (Pencil.)
2416. Illustration. (Black and white.)
2417. Old Guard Ball. (Black and white.)
2418. An Invitation to the Dance. (Black
and white.)
2419. In the House of Representatives.
(Black and white.)
2420. Cowboy. (Black and white.)
2421. Illustration. (Wash drawing.)
2422. Ladies’ Gallery, House of Represen¬
tatives. (Black and white.)
2423. Easter Lilies. (Black and white.)
2424. Broadway at Night.(Black and white.)
2425. Promenade Concert, Madison Square
Garden. (Black and white.)
2426. A Bishop. (Black and white.)
2427. Relics of George Washington.(Black
and white.)
2428. Onnalinda. (Black and white.)
2429. When the Tide Comes in.(Black and
2430. Jane Field, I aint Esther Maxwell.
(Black and white.) (Lent by Harper &
Bros., New York.)
2431. On the Rocks at Narragansett Pier.
(Black and white.)
2432. Sunday Morning,FifthAvenue.(Black
and white.)
2433. A King’s Daughter.(Black and white.)
2434. Christmas Shopping. (Black and
2 435 - On the Down Town Ferry. (Black
and white.).
2436. A Bit of Decoration. (Black and
white.) (Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons,
New York.)
Smith, F. Hopkinson, New York.
2437. It Was Near the Close of a Summer
After noon. (Charcoal.) (Lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
2438. Windmill. (Charcoal.)
2 439* Scene in V 2 nice, (Black and white.)
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings.
Stephens, Alice Barber, Philadelphia.
2440. Music. (Black and white.) (Lent by
Ladies’ Home Journal Philadelphia.)
2441. Their Perfume Flooded the House.
(Black and white.) (Lent by Leslie’s
Weekly, New York.)
2442. PhiladelphiaQuaker.(Wash drawing.)
Sterner, Albert E., Paris.
2443. Champigny. (Pen drawing.)
2444. My Cousin Fanny. (Pencil, with pen
and ink remarque.)
2445. Where is That Idiot, That Dolt, That
Sluggard, That Snail, with My Mail?
(Wash drawing.)
2446. Walking Away With a Shrug of the
Shoulders. (Wash drawing.)
2447. I Wept, I Wept, I Wept. (Black and
2448. Passionnement was What I Wanted.
The above six drawings were lent by
the Century Co., New York.
2449. No Pertinacity. (Pen drawing.)
2450. The Rivals. (Wash drawing.) The
above two drawings were lent by Harper
& Bros., New York.
Taber, W., New York.
2451. A Rescue. (Withdrawing.)
2452. The Hanging of Stuart by the First
Vigilance Committee. (Pen drawing.)
2453. Mission San Dolores, Sunday After¬
noon. (Pioneer San Francisco.) (Pen
The above three drawings were lent
by the Century Co., New York.
Taylor, Charles J., New York.
2454. The Ingle Nook. (Pen drawing.)
(Lent by W. C. Gibson, Port Chester,N.Y.)
2455. Quarrel in the Tavern. (Black and
white.) Lent by A. Schwarzmann.
2456. The Poet at the Breakfast Table.(Pen
2457. Two Girls. (Pen drawing.)
2458. A Question of Wines. (Pen drawing.)
2459. At the Luncheon. (Pen drawing.)
2460. Gossip. (Pen drawing.)
2461. Hiring a Butler. (Pen drawing.)
Taylor, W. L.
2462. On the Beach. (Wash drawing.)
(Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New
Thompson, Ernest E.
2463. At Midday. The Last of the Buffa¬
loes. (Wash drawing.) (Lent by Charles
Scribner’s Sons, New York.)
Thulstrup, T. de, New York.
2464. Joseph Choate. (Wash drawing.)
2465. Columbian Exposition, Workers in
Staff. (Black and white.)
2466. Belated Passenger.(Black and while.)
2467. An Evening at the Horse Show(Black
and white.)
2468. Admiral Walker. (Black and white.)
The above five drawings were lent
by Harper & Bros., New York.
2469. The Three Hussars. (Black and
white.) (Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons,
New York.)
2470. The Dinner Table in a Norwegian
Farmhouse. (Black and white.)
2471. A Mujik’s Funeral. (Black and
2472. Norwegian Fisher Family. (Black
and white.)
2 473 * At the Traktier’s. (Black and white.)
2474. Kroll’s Garden, Berlin. (Black and
2475. Military Road in the Caucasus.(Black
and white.)
2476. Circassians of the Imperial Guard.
(Black and white.)
2477. Georgian Princes. (Black and white.)
2478. The Yachting Party. (Black and
2479. Persian Bazar at Nijni Novgorod.
(Black and white.)
2480. Horse Artillery Going into Action.
(Black and white.)
2481. Crossing the Channel. (Black and
white, oil.)
Tyier, Bayard H., New York.
2482. Group of Trees. (Charcoal.)
2483. Indian Head, Palisades. (Charcoal.)
Van Schaick, S. W.
2485. Sketch No. 2, for “ Life.” (Black and
2486. Sketch No. 3 , for “Life.” (Black and
2487. Sketch No. 4 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2488. Sketch No. 5 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2489. Sketch No. 6, for “ Life.” (Black and
Nos. 2485-2489 lent by Mitchell &
Miller, New York.
Wenzell, A. B., New York.
2490. Won’t You take Me to My Aunt?
(Black and white.)
2491. She Came Downstairs in a Great Fur-
trimmed Robe, (Black and white.)
2491a. You Know Mr. Reavis? (Black and
Nos. 2490 , 2491 , 2491 a lent by the
Century Co., New York.
2492. The Diamonds. (Black and white.)
(Lent by Harper & Bros., New York.)
2493. Sketch No. 1 , for “ Life,” (Black and
Pen and Ink, Charcoal, Black and White and Other Drawings, Architecture.
2494. Sketch No. 2 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2495. Sketch No. 3 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2496. Sketch No. 4 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2497. Sketch No. 5 , for “Life.” (Black and
2498. Sketch No. 6, for “ Life.” (Black and
2499. Sketch No. 7 , for “Life.” (Black and
white, oil.)
2500. Sketch No. 8, for “ Life.” (Black and
2501. Sketch No. 9 , for “Life.” (Black and
2502. Sketch No. 10 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2503. Sketch No. 11 , for “ Life.” (Black and
2504. Sketch No. 12 , for “ Life.” (Black and
The above twelve sketches were lent
by Mitchell & Miller, New York.
Wickenden, Robert J., New York.
2505. Study of Oaks, Island of Jersey.
Wiles, Irving R., New York.
2506. Ignace Jan Paderewski. (Charcoal.)
2507. I ain’t Religious; I Drink. (Wash
2508. In the Designing Room, Y. W. C. A.
(Wash drawing.)
2509. Photo. Negative Retouching, Y. W.
C. A. (Wash drawing.)
5510. The Salesroom, Y. W. C. A. (Wash
2511. Cohanim Blessing the People. (Wash
2512. A Jewish Wedding. (Wash drawing.)
2513. Confirmation, Temple Emanu-El.
(Wash drawing.)
2514. The Choir. (Wash drawing.)
2515. Class in Phonography. (Wash draw¬
2216. Rock of Ages. (Black and white, oil.)
The above eleven drawings were
lent by the Century Co., New York.
2517. The Printing Office. (Wash drawing.)
2518. The Carpenter Shop. (Washdrawing.)
Nos. 2517 , 2518 lent by Charles Scrib¬
ner’s Sons, New York.
2519. Illustration for a Story. (Wash draw¬
ing.) (Lent by Ladies’ Home Journal,
2520. The Morning Paper. (Wash drawing.)
(Lent by W. M. Chase, New York.)
2521. A Study. (Wash drawing.) (Lent by
C. C. Curran, New York.)
£522, A Mendicant. (Wash drawingo) I
Woodbury, Charles Herbert, Boston.
2523. Market at Thun. (Pencil.)
2524. In Switzerland. (Pencil.)
2525. Rutch Lane. (Pencil.)
2526. Building at Hoven. (Pencil.)
2527. Thun Castle,from the River. (Pencil.)
2528. Cedar Tree, Beverly. (Pencil.)
Woodward, E., New Orleans.
2529. Pen Studies.
Woodward, J. D.
2530. A Pond Effect. (Black and white, oil.)
(Lent by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New
Zogbaum, R. F.
2531. A Landing. The Advanced Skir¬
mishers. (Black and white.)
2532. Shore Drill. Pegging Away at an Im¬
aginary Enemy. (Black and white.)
Nos. 2531-2532 lent by Charles Scrib¬
ner’s Sons, New York.
2533. All Hands to Skylark! (Black and
(white.) (Lent by Harper & Bros., New
Selections from Groups 139 , 140 , 141 , 143 ,
144 —Drawings Hung in Upper Gallery
Alcoves 143 , 145 , 146 , 147 , 149 - 155 ;
Models in West Court
Against Rotunda.
Adler,Sullivan & Ramsey, St. Louis.
2534. Entrance to Union Trust Co. Build¬
ing. (Pen.)
2534a. St. Nicholas Hotel, St. Louis. (Pen.)
2534b. Union Trust Co. Building, St. Louis.
Aldrich, Chester Holmes, New York.
2535. Well—S. Pietro in Vinculis. (Water
2535a. Tomb—Museo Madonna di Gagini.
Andrews, Robert D., Boston.
2536. Enexecuted design for a house for
J. Montgomery Sears, Southboro, Mass.
(Wash.) (Lent by Andrews, Jacques &
Rantoul, Boston.)
See also Nos. 2 , 614 , 2 , 615 , 2 , 706 .
Ash, Percy, Philadelphia.
2537. Study for a country house. (Water
2537a. Memorial chapel on a rocky coast.
(Water color.)
Babb, Cook & Willard, New York.
2 538. Competitive design for building to be
erected for Manhattan Life Insurance
Co. (Water color.)
2538a. Competitive design for office build¬
ing, Newark f N. J. (Water color.)
2538b. Office building at St. Paul. (Water
2538c. Portico of above building. (Photo¬
2538d. Office building at Minneapolis.
(Water color.)
2538c. Court in above building. (Photo¬
2538f. Court in above building, showing
stairway. (Photograph.)
2538g. New York Life Insurance Co. ‘Build¬
ing, Montreal. (Photograph.)
2538I1. Clock tower for above building.
Bare, H. Bloomfield, Philadelphia.
2539. Oak altar table, seventeenth century,
Becker, A. H., St. Louis.
2540. Smoking room ceiling. (Water color.)
2540a. Design for drawing room ceiling.
(Water color.)
Berg & Clark.
2541. Three houses, Manhattan Square,
North, New York.
Bissegger, John J., Philadelphia.
2542. An Art Museum.
2542a. A Choragic Monument.
Blaney, Dwight, Boston.
2543. The Cathedral at Chartres, France.
(Water color.)
2543a. The Arch of Titus, Rome.
Boggs, Edward T., Pittsburg.
2544. Design for a Choragic Monument.
Boring, Tilton & Mellen, New York.
2545. Competitive design for Brooklyn
Savings Bank. (Perspective.)
2545a. Carnegie Library, competitive draw
ing for. (Pen.)
Brown, A. Page, San Francisco.
2546. The California Building, W. C. E.
(Water color.)
Brunner & Tryon, New York.
2547. Main Entrance, Temple Beth-El.
.2547a. Shrine for Temple Beth-El. (Water
2548. Satlein Building. (Water color.)
2549. Buildings to be erected for W. F.
Burns, Charles M., Philadelphia.
2550. Design for a choir screen, of metal,
constructed entirely in Philadelphia.
(Water color.)
Bush-Brown, Mrs. M. Lesley, Newburgh,
N. Y.
2551. Mural decoration for a music room.
(Oil painting.)
§9e also No, 23 Q.
Carrere & Hastings, New York.
Hotel Ponce de Leon, St. Augus¬
tine, Fla.
2552. Perspective of Fronts. (Water color
by R. Blum.)
2553. Elevation. (Water color.)
2554. Plan, including Cascade and M. E.
Church. (Water color.)
2555. Court. (Pen drawing.)
2557. Cathedral of St. John the Divine,
perspective. (Pen drawing.)
2558. Main elevation of the same. (Pen
2559. Longitudinal Section. (Pen draw¬
2560. Ground plan. (Pen drawing.)
2561. Proposed Auditorium building, Balti¬
more—Elevation on Mt. Royal Avenue.
2562. Plan of main floor of the same. (Pen
2563. Mail and Express office building—
Fulton street elevation. (Photograph.)
Cary, George, Buffalo.
2563a. Proposed house for J. N. Scatchard,
Buffalo, N. Y. (Water color.)
Cary & Trowbridge, Buffalo.
2564. Project for Erie County Saving
Clinton, Charles W., New York.
2565. Competitive design for Grant monu¬
ment, elevation. (Wash.)
2566. Front elevation of Mutual Life In¬
surance building, New York. (Pen draw¬
Codman, Stephen, Boston.
2567. Design for boat club house on pro¬
posed embankment on Charles River—
Facade. (Water color.)
2568. Water front of the same. (Water
2569. Plans of the same.
Cooke, James H., Philadelphia.
2570. Memorial Chapel on a Rocky Coast.
(Pen drawing.)
Cope, Walter, Philadelphia.
2571. Frame of pencil sketches.
Cope & Stewardson, Philadelphia.
2572. Design for Pennsylvania Railroad
station. (Water color.)
2573. Design for proposed building for the
Pennsylvania Company for In-surance
on Lives, etc. (Water color.)
2574. Another design for the same. (Water
2575. House at Merion, Pa. (Water color.)
2576. Design for Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, rendered by Arthur Truscott.
2577. Denbigh Hall, Bryn Mawr College,
Pa, (Pen drawing.)
2578. House at Overbrook, Pa. (Pen draw¬
Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue, Boston.
2579. Accepted design for St. Matthew’s
Cathedral, Dallas, Texas. (Pen drawing.)
2580. All Saints Church, Dorchester, Mass.
(Pen drawing.)
2581. St. Paul’s Church, Brockton, Mass.
Cusack, William H., Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
2582. Cathedral, front elevation. (Pen
2583. Side elevation of the same. (Pen
Daus, R. L., Brooklyn.
2584. Thirteenth Regiment Armory,
Brooklyn. (Water color.)
Day, Frank Miles, Philadelphia.
2585. House for H. Cummings, at German¬
town. (Water color.)
2586. House of C. W. Bergner, at Ambler,
Pa. (Water color.)
Dempwolf, Reinhardt, York, Pa.
2587. Detail of restoration of cornice of the
Temple of the Sun, Rome. (Wash.)
Du Fais, John, New York.
2587a. The Tiffany-Gorham Pavilion in the
Centre of the Building of Manufactures
and Liberal Arts.
Dull, John, Philadelphia.
2588. Study for a pulpit.
Eames & Young, St. Louis.
2589. House in Portland Place. (Water
color by Hughson Hawley.)
Evans, Alfred F., Chicago.
2590. A fountain to commemorate the dis¬
covery of America. (Wash.)
Everett, Herbert E., Philadelphia.
2591. Design for a theatre curtain. (Water
Eyre, Wilson Jr., Philadelphia.
2592. Study for a country house. (Water
2593. House at South Bethlehem, Pa.
(Pen drawing.)
2594. House on Locust Street,Philadelphia.
(Pen drawing.)
2595. House at Southport, Long Island
Sound. (Pen drawing.)
2596. Kebo Valley Club House, Bar Har¬
Flagg, Ernest.
2 597- Study for an Academy of the Fine
Arts, New York. Section. (Water color.)
Fosdick, J. William, New York.
2598. Decorative burnt drawing.
Fowler, Frank, New York.
2599. Panels for threefold screen. (Oil
Fraenkel & Schmidt, Chicago.
2600. A Mountain Home. (Water color, by
T. C. Fraenkel.)
Gibson, R. W.
2601. Competitive design for Cathedral of
St. John the Divine, New York. (Pen
Gilbert & Taylor, St. Paul.
2602. Cottage on Manitou Island. (Pen
2603. Little Church, St. Paul. (Pen draw¬
2604. Entrance, Endicott Building, St.
Paul. (Photograph.)
2605. Entrance Hall, same building, three
views. (Photographs.)
2606. Balcony, same building. (Photo¬
2607. Endicott Arcade—Construction—two
views. (Photographs.)
2608. Three interior views, Endicott Ar¬
cade. (Photographs.)
Green & Wicks, Buffalo.
2609. House for Mrs. C. H. Strong, Erie,
Pa. (Wash.)
2610. Dining-room for the same. (Water
2611. Bank of Commerce, Buffalo. (Wash.)
2612. Market Arcade, Buffalo.
2613. House for Mrs. Geo. V. Foreman,
Gregg, D. A., Boston.
2614. Equitable Building, Denver. (Pen
drawing). (Lent by Andrews, Jacques &
Rantoul, Boston.)
2615. Equitable Building, Des Moines.
(Pen drawing). (Lent by Andrews, Jacques
& Rantoul, Boston.)
Hamlin, A. D., New York.
2616. Design for central pavilion of a pal¬
ace. (Water color.)
Hardenburg, H. J.; Walter C. Hunting, and
John C. Jacobsen, New York.
2617. American Fine Arts Society Build¬
ing. (Pen drawing.)
Hardenburgh, H. J., New York.
2618. Waldorf Hotel. (Water color by
Hughson Hawley.)
Hays, Frank A., Philadelphia.
2619. Sketch for house near Upsal, Phila.
(Water color.)
2620. Sketch for a house. (Water color.)
2621. Old door, Clarkson street, New York.
(Pen drawing.)
2622. Rear of Hamilton House, Philadel¬
phia. (Pen drawing.)
2623. Entrance to St. Joseph’s Church,
Philadelphia, in the court yard. (P9H
* Architecture.
Henri, Robert, Philadelphia.
2624. Christ entering Jerusalem. (Study
for mural decoration, in oil colors).
2625. Study in oil colors for mural decora¬
tion, Church of the Evangelist, Phila¬
Herts, Henry B., New York.
2626. Columbian Arch, New York. (Water
Hewlett, J. M., New York.
2627. Museum—elevation.
Hickman, Louis, Philadelphia.
2628. Hardware for a Club house Door.
2629. Balcony on a Domestic Structure.
Holabird & Roche, Chicago.
2630. Water tower at Fort Sheridan, Ill.
(Water color by Paul C. Lautrop.)
2631. Old Colony Building, Chicago. (Wa¬
ter color by Louis Rasmussen.)
2632. Residence at Grand Rapids, Mich.
(Water color by Paul Lautrop.)
Hunt, R. M., New York.
2632a. Model of a part of the house of W.
K. Vanderbilt. (Lent by the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York.)
Huss, George Martin, New York.
2633-2634. Two Sketches for"
Cathedral of St.John the Di- V C1 J enc y e
vme ' N '^ J Luce.)
Ihnen, Henry S., New York.
2635. Hoboken Quartette Club Hall. (Etch¬
Ittner, William B., St. Louis.
2636. Residence for Ellen J. L. Chase.
(Pen drawing.)
2637. Study for a Stone Residence. (Wa¬
ter color.)
Jackson, W. E., Philadelphia.
2638. A Country House, Claymont, Del.
(Pen drawing.)
Jamison, James P., Philadelphia.
2639. Club Front, Italian Renaissance.
(Pen drawing.)
2640. Doorway and Window, Spanish Re¬
naissance. (Pencil.)
Kendall, Edward H., New York.
2641. Seventeen Story Building. (Water
color by Hnghson Hawley.)
Kent, W. W., New York.
2642. Study for a Country House. (Water
2643. Land View of House for Charles
Sooy Smith, Green’s Farms, Conn. (Pen
drawing by W. A. Hewlett.)
2644. Summer Residence of John G. Moore,
Grindstone Neck, Winter Harbor, Maine.
(Pen drawing.)
2645. House at Lawrence Park, Bronxville,
N. Y.
Kimball & Thompson, New York.
2645a. Model of the Manhattan Life Insur¬
ance Co.’s Building.
Klauder, Charles Z., Philadelphia.
2646. A Choragic monument.
2647. Madison Square Garden. (Pencil
2648. An Art Museum.
2649. Club front.
2650. Balcony.
Lacy, Adin Benedict, Philadelphia.
2651. Design for cover of the Year Book
of the T. Square Club, Philadelphia.
(Water color.)
Lamb Sc Rich, New York.
2652. Berkeley school, New York City.
2653. Germania Fire Insurance Building,
New York City. (Photograph.)
Lawlor, Joseph M., Paris.
2654. Pencil sketches of travel.
LeBrun, N. & Sons, New York.
2655. Metropolitan Life Insurance Build¬
ing. (Water color by Hughson Hawley.)
Little & O’Connor, New York.
2656. Kenilworth; house for Mrs. S. M.
Andrews, Greenwich,Conn. (Water color.)
Little, Brown & Moore, Boston.
2657. Sketch for entrance front, Peabody
farm. (Pen drawing by G. P. Fernald.)
2658. Interior of dining-room. (Water
color by G. P. Fernald.)
Longfellow, Alden Sc Harlow, Boston.
2659. Carnegie Library and Music Hall,
Pittsburg. (Photograph.)
2660. The same, another view. (Photo¬
graph.) .
2661. First floor plan of the same.
2662. Second floor plan.
2663. Carnegie office building, Pittsburg.
(Photograph.) (Lent by Carnegie,Phipps
& Co., Pittsburg.)
2664. City Hall, Cambridge, Mass. (Photo¬
2665. House at Cambridge, Mass. (Photo¬
graph.) (Lent by E. H. Abbott, Camb-
rdge, Mass.)
McDowell, Mary, Tiffany Glass Co., New
2666. Window.
McKay, Henry S., Boston.
2667. Design for Massachusetts state
library and office building.
McKim, Mead Sc White, New York.
2668. New York state building, W. C. E.
(Water color by F. Hoppin.)
2669. Wqst Point monument. (Water color.)
2670. Washington memorial arch, New
York City. (Water color.)
2671. Metropolitan Club house. New York
City. (Water color.)
2672. Bird’s-eye view of tower and roof
garden, Madison Square Garden, New
York City. (Water color.)
2673. Details of upper part of Madison
Square Garden tower. (Pen drawing for
the Architectural Review by Harold
2674. Arcade and central motif of the
Madison avenue facade of Madison Square
Garden. (Pen drawing for the Architect¬
ural Review, by Harold Magonigle.)
(Lent by Bates, Kimball & Guild, Boston.)
2675. Century Club entrance. New York.
(Pen drawing for the Architectural Re¬
view by P. G. Culbeitson. (Lent by
Bates, Kimball & Guild, Boston.)
2676. Perspective of Bates Hall, new public
library building, Boston. (Pen drawing.)
2677. Gate at Harvard College, Cambridge,
Mass. (Pen drawing.)
2678. Century Club building—the loggia.
(Lent by Bates, Kimball & Guild, Boston.)
2679. Detail. (Pen drawing for the Archi¬
tectural Review, by Harold Magonigle.)
2680. The tower of Madison Square Gar¬
den. (Photograph.)
2681. The Century Club building. (Photo¬
Munoz, A. C., Philadelphia.
2682. Design for a bell-cote.
Nash & Plympton, Cincinnati.
2683. Cincinnati crematory. (Water color.)
2684. Residence of Mrs. C. A. Plympton,
Cincinnati. (Water color.) (Lent by
Lucian F. Plympton, Cincinnati.
Natress, George, Philadelphia.
2685. Interior of Brompton Oratory. (Water
2686. Remains of King Ina’s Palace, Som¬
erset, England. (Water color.)
Newton, George F. Boston.
2687. Maison de la Voute (House of the
Vault), Angers, France.
Parfitt Brothers, Brooklyn.
2688. Design for Cathedral of St. John the
Divine. (Water color.)
2689. St. Augustine’s R. C. Chureh, Brook¬
lyn. (Water color by Hughson Hawley.)
Peabody & Stearns, Boston.
2690. South porch of Machinery Hall, W.
C. E. (Water color.)
2691. Office sketches. (Water color.)
Peabody, Stearns & Furber, St. Louis.
2692. Three designs for a private resi¬
dence. (Water color.)
Price, Bruce, New York.
2693. Design for proposed Gas Industries
Building, W. C. E. (Water color.)
2694. Project for Sun Building, New York.
(Water color.)
2695. Perspective of Sun Building. (Water
2696. Residence of Addison Cammack,
Tuxedo, N. Y. (Water Color.)
Price, F. L. & W. L. Philadelphia.
2697. Sketch for Library. (Water color.)
2698. House for Monroe Smith. (Water
2699. Sketch for Stable for Hon. Alan
Wood, Jr. (Pen drawing.)
2700. Sketch of hall. (Water color.)
Price, W. L., Philadelphia.
2701. Sketch of a church tower near Pon-
toise, France. (Water color.)
Reid, Robert, New York.
2702. 'I
2703. I Four drawings for the decoration of
2704. [ a dome.
2705. J
Ripley, H. G., Melrose.
2706. Proposed buildings for Colorado
College, Colorado Springs. (Lent by
Andrews, Jacques & Rantoul, Boston.)
Rixson, O. C.,Chicago.
Design for a Suburban residence.
2707. General plan.
2708. Longitudinal section.
2709. Front elevation.
2710. Side elevation.
Robertson, R. H., New York.
2711. Design for a country hotel. (Water
color by J. N. Hutchinson.)
Romeyn & Stever, New York.
2712. Hotel at North Augusta, South Caro¬
lina. (Wash.)
Rossiter & Wright, New York.
2713. Home for S. B. Howes, Brewsters,
N. Y.
2714. The Emma S. Clark Memorial Li¬
brary, Setauket, Long Island.
Rotch, Arthur, Boston.
2715. In the Alhambra. (Water color.)
Schweinfurth, Julius A., Boston.
2716. Competitive design: Building for the
American Fine Arts Society, New York.
(Water color.)
2717. Study for a villa. (Water color.)
2718. House in Roxbury, Mass., and design
for a house in Brookline, Mass. (Water
Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge,Chicago.
2719. Ames Building, Boston. (Water
2720. The Art Institute of Chicago.
Smith, Joseph Lindon, Boston.
2721. The Loggia, Ducal Palace, Venice.
(Water color.)
2722. Marble relief by Pietro Lombardo in
Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Venice. (Wa¬
ter color.)
Sperry, Edward Peck, Tiffany Glass Co.,
New York.
2723. Window. (Water color.)
2724. Window for Potter Palmer. (Water
Stewardson, John, Philadelphia.
2725. Sketches in Pistoja. (Water color.)
Stone, Carpenter & Wilson, Providence,
R. I.
2726. Rhode Island State Building, W. C.
E. (Pen drawing.)
Stoughton, Arthur A.
2727. Loggia, Hotel d’ Ecoville, Caen.
(Water color.)
Sturgis & Cabot, Boston.
2728. Mission Church of St. Augustine,
Boston. (Water color.)
2729. Doorway. Rexleigh School, Salem,
New York. (Water color.)
2730. Rexleigh School, Salem, New York.
(Pen drawing.)
Thouron, Henry, Philadelphia.
Five cartoons for stained glass—on rollers
—Nos. 2731 - 2735 :
2731. St. Barnabas; St. Paul; St. Peter; St.
James the Greater.
2732. Michael; The Advocate; Gabriel.
2733. St. John Chrysostom and St. Basil,
2734. St. Luke and St. John.
2735. Moses; David.
2736. I Am the Life, the Light and the
Way. (Water color.)
2 737 * The Angelus. (Water color.)
2738. Adoration, Praise, Thanksgiving,
Love. (Water color.)
2739. I will Draw all Things unto Myself.
(Water color.)
2740. An Evangelist. (Oil painting.)
2741. Jubilate. (Water color.)
2742. The Lord’s Prayer. (Water color .)
Tiffany, Louis C., New York.
2743. Cartoon. (Lent by the Tiffany Glass
and Decorating Co., New York.)
2744. Window. (Water color.)
Totten, Geo. O., Jr., New York.
2745. Design for a Small Museum. (Water
Truscott, Arthur, Philadelphia.
2746. A Memorial Tower. (Pen drawing.)
2747. Balcony on a Domestic Structure.
(Pen drawing.)
2748. Front for an Office Building. (Pen
Tubby, William B., New York.
2749. Brooklyn Savings Bank. (Water
color by F. Hopkinson Smith.)
2750. Premises of the Brooklyn Ware¬
house and Storage Co. (Water color
by R. Adams.)
2751. Pratt Mausoleum, Glen Cove, Long
Island. (Wash.)
Turner, Thornton Floyd, New York.
Design for a Presidential Mansion—Nos.
2752 - 2754 :
2752. Facade. (Water color).
2753. Plan of first floor.
2754. Section, and plan of second floor.
Tuthill, William B., New York.
2755. Design for the Fourth Presbyterian
Church, New York (Pen drawing by
Waldemar R. Storck.)
2756. Portico at Woodlawn Cemetery, New
York. Pen drawing.))
Tuthill, William B. (Adler & Sullivan
Associate Architects).
2757. Music Hall, New York, founded by
Andrew Carnegie. (Pen drawing.)
2758. Entrance to Music Hall. (Photo¬
Van Pelt, John V., Paris.
2759. Composition, Italian Renaissance.
(Water color.)
2760. Desigh for an island in a park. ( 1 .
Water color.)
2761. Design for an island in a park. ( 2 .
Water color.)
Walker & Kimball, Boston and Omaha.
2762. McCag.ue Building, Omaha. (Water
2763. Mt. Vernon Church, Boston. (Water
2764. Presbyterian Church, Omaha.
(Water color.)
2765. Residence at Lincoln, Nebraska.
(Water color.)
2766. House at Montclair, N. J. (Water
2767. Public Library, Omaha. (Water
2768. Main fagade of the same. (Pen
2769. Main fagade of the Omaha Tele¬
phone Exchange. (Pen drawing.)
2770. Design for a church. (Pen drawing.)
Warren, H. Langford, Boston.
2771. Study for Conservatory of music,
Troy Female Seminary. (Water color.)
2772. Study for entrance of house at Troy,
N. Y. (Water color.)
Architecture, Exhibits
2773. Entrance to house of S. A. Orr, Troy,
N. Y. (Water color.)
2774. North view of Troy Orphan Asylum.
(Water color.)
2775. Infirmary at Troy Orphan Asylum.
(Water color.)
2776. Design for Troy Orphan Asylum.
(Pen drawing.)
2777. First floor plan of the same.
2778. House for C. E. Patterson, Troy, N.
Y. (Photograph.)
2779. Main entrance to the same. (Photo¬
2780. Private entrance. (Photograph.)
Welch, Alexander M.
2781. Staircase in the Castle of Blois. (Pen
Wells, Edmund B., New York.
2782. Competitive drawing for proposed
A. T. A. S. building. Perspective of
front. (Water color.)
Wheelwright, Arthur W., Boston.
2783. Suggestion for a school of fine arts
for a university.
2784. Plans of first and second stories and
a section.
Wheelwright, Edmund March, Boston.
2785. Primary schoolhouse, Jamaica Plain.
(Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.)
2786. New police station for Brighton dis¬
trict. (Pen drawing by Charles D. Ma¬
2787. Robert Gould Shaw Grammer School,
West Roxbury, Mass. (Pen drawing by
Charles D. Maginnis.)
2788. Perspective view of new City Hall for
Boston. (Pen drawing by Charles D.
2789. Design for arcading old State House.
(Pen drawing by Charles D. Maginnis.)
2790. Hospital for contagious diseases.
(Pen drawing.)
2791. Two views of house for E. C. Sted-
man, New Castle, N. H. (Photograph.)
Wheelwright & Haven, Boston.
2792. House of M. Ogden Jones, Wood’s
Holl. (Pen drawing.)
2793. House of S. D. Warren, Boston.
(Water color.)
2794. Stable of W. F. Wwl~, .oxGOKime,
Mass. (Water color.)
2795. Photograph of the same.
2796. Inn at Islesboro. (Photograph.)
Winslow & Wetherell, Boston.
2797. Edison Electric Co. Building, Boston.
(Pen drawing.)
2798. Portland Station. (Pen drawing)
2799. Shreve, Crump & Low Building.
of Private Collections.
2800. Residence of E. D. Jordan, Jr., Brook¬
line, Mass.
Winthrop, Agnes, Flushing, N. Y.
2801. Window.
Wood, William Halsey, Newark,
N. J.
2802. Design for Cathedral of St. John the
Divine, selected as one of the four in the
final competition, 1891 . (Pen drawing.)
GROUP 146.
Exhibits of Private Collections.
Retrospective Exhibit of American Paint¬
In Gallery 4 .
Allston, Washington, 1779-1843.
2802a. Paul and Silas in Prison. (Lent by
St. Louis Mnseum of Fine Arts.)
2802b. Rosalie. (Lent by Nathan Apple-
ton, Boston.)
2802c. Danae and the Shower of Gold. (Lent
by Thomas Donaldson, Philadelphia.)
Baker, George A., 1821-1880.
2803. Ideal Head. (Painted 1865 .) (Lent
by the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washing¬
ton, D. C.)
Bingham, George C., 1811-1879.
2804. Stump Speaking.
2804a. Election. (Painted 1854 .)
2804b. Election Returns.
2804c. Jolly Flatboatmen.
Nos. 2804 - 2804 c lent by the Mercan¬
tile Library Association, St. Louis, Mo.
Birch, Thomas, 1779-1851.
2805. Mid-ocean. (Lent by S. Emlen
Meigs, Philadelphia.)
Bispham, Henry C., 1841-1882.
2806. French Cattle. (Lent by William
Blackburn, Jonathan B., temp. Smibert.
2807. Portrait of Col. Jonathan Warner.
(Painted 1761 .) (Lent by the Museum
of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Catlin, George, 1793-1875.
2808. Indians Lassoing Wild Horses in
Northern Texas. (Painted 1833 .) (Lent
by Blaine Donaldson, Philadelphia.)
Cole, Joseph Foxcroft, 1837-
2809. Coast of Normandy Looking Toward
Havre. (Lent by Mrs. S. D. Warren, Bos¬
Cole, Thomas, 1801-1848.
2810. The Tornado. (Painted 1831 .) (Lent
by the Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washing¬
ton, D. C.)
Department k.—pine arts.
Exhibits of Private Collections.
2810a. Roman Aqueduct. (Lent by Henry
S. Marquand, New York.)
Copley, John Singleton, 1738-1815.
2811. Portrait of Madam Boylston. (Lent
by Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.)
2811a. Portrait of Col. Epes Sargent. (Lent
by Mrs. George H. Clements, Boston.)
Darrah, Mrs. Sophia Towne.
2812. On the Coast near New Bedford.
(Lent by Mrs. Roland C. Lincoln ,269 Bea¬
con street, Boston.)
Doughty, Thomas M., 1793-1856.
2813. Twilight. (Painted 1814 .) (Lent by
George B. Wood, ™ ’’
2813a. Landscape.
2813b. Landscape.
(Lent by George
Durand, Asher Brown, 1796-1886.
2814. Landscape. (Lent by Gouverneur
Kemble, New York.)
Eastman, Seth, 1808-1875.
2815. Ball Playing among the Sioux In¬
dians. (Painted 1857 .) (Lent by the Cor¬
coran Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.)
Eichholtz, Jacob, 1776-1842.
2816. The Rev. John G. E. Heckewelder.
(Painted 1822 .) Lent by W. L. Elkins,
Elliott, Charles L., 1812-1868.
2817. Portrait of Col. Thomas McKenney.
(Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Washington, D. C.)
Field, Robert, circa 1795-1807.
2817a. George Washington. (Miniature.)
(Lent by Louisa Lear Eyre, Philadelphia.)
2817b. John McKee. (Miniature, painted
in Philadelphia, 1799 .) (Lent by Mrs.
John E. Younglove, Bowling Green, Ky.)
Fuller, George, 1822-1884.
2818. (The Quadroon. (Lent by Mrs. S. D.
Warren, Boston.)
2818a. Original Study for “The Romany
Girl.” (Painted in Boston.) (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
Fulton, Robert, 1765-1815.
2819. Portrait of Joel Barlow. (Lent by
Peter T. Barlow, New York.)
Gifford, Sandford R., 1823-1880.
2820. Hunter’s Mountain. (Lent by J. W.
Pinchot, New York.)
Gignoux, Regis, 1816-1892.
2821. Market Scene. (Lent by the Cen¬
tury Association, New York.)
Gray, Henry Peters, 1819-1877.
2822. The Judgment of Paris. (Painted
1861 .) (Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of
AU, Washington, D. C.)
Hamilton, James, 1819-1878.
2823. Philae, on the Nile. (Painted in Phil¬
adelphia, 1862 .) (Lent by Mary E. Don¬
aldson, Philadelphia.)
Harding, Chester, 1792-1866.
2824. Portrait of the Artist. (Painted in
St. Louis, 1858 .) (Lent by Chester H.
Krum, St. Louis.)
Hunt, William M., 1824-1879.
2825. Niagara. (Lent by Mrs. William M.
Hunt, Boston.)
2825a. Boy and Butterfly. (Lent by Richard
M. Hunt, New York.)
2825b. Marguerite. (Lent by Mrs. Roland
C. Lincoln, Boston.)
Ingham, C. C., 1797-1863.
2825c. Mrs. Robert Fulton (Harriet Livings-
tpn.) (Miniature painted in London.)
(Lent by Robert Fulton Blight, Philadel¬
Inman, Henry, 1801-1846.
2826. Portrait of a Lady. (Lent by R. Hall
McCormick, Chicago.)
Irving, John Beaufain, 1825-1877.
2827. Washington’s Visit to General
Rhann. (Lent by Thomas B. Clarke,
New York.)
Jarvis, John Wesley, 1790-1839.
2828. John Campbell. (Painted in New
York.) (Lent by Mrs. M. Gouverneur,
Washington, D. C.)
Johnston, John B.
2829. The New-born Calf. (Lent by the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Jouett, Mathew H., 1783-1826.
2830. Portrait of John Grimes. (Painted
in Lexington, Ky., about 1824 .) (Lent by
R. Jouett Menefee, Louisville, Ky.)
Kensett, John F., 1818-1872.
2831. Landscape. (Lent by the Century
Association, New York.)
King, Charles B., 1786-1862.
2832. Tulcee-Mathla, a Seminole Chief.
(Painted 1826 .) (Lent by Thomas Donald¬
son, Philadelphia.)
Leslie, Charles R., 1794-1859.
283^ TT ~'~ 1 ° Toby and the Widow. (Lent
by Gouverneur Kemble, New York.)
2833a. Portrait of Miss Kitty Haldaway.
(Lent by Mrs. Ada M. Miller, Millers-
burg, Ky.)
Malbone, Edward G., 1777-1807.
2834. Portrait of the Artist. (Lent by the
Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington,
D. C.)
2834a. William Dana, of Boston.(Miniature.)
Painted in Philadel¬
phia, probably between
1810 and 1820 .
Frederick Kunz, New
Exhibits of Private Collections.
2834b. Mrs. William Dana (Eliza Davis), of
Boston,* daughter of Major Robert Davis,
of the Revolutionary Army. (Miniature.)
Nos. 2834 a, 2834 b, lent by Gen. Charles
W. Darling, Utica, N. Y., were painted
from life during the last decade of the
past century.
McEntee, Jervis, 1828-1890.
2835. Eastern Sky at Sunset. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
2835a. Shower of Gold. (Lent by S. D.
Coykendalt, Rondout, N. Y.)
2835b. The Clouds. (Lent by S. D. Coy-
kendall, Rondout, N. Y.)
Mignot, Louis R., 1831-1870.
2836. Chimborazo. (Lent by the Century
Association, New York.)
Mount, William Sidney, 1807-1868.
2837. The Long Story. (Painted 1837 .)
(Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Washington, D. C.)
2837a. The Power of Music. (Lent by the
Century Association, New York.)
Neagle, John, 1796-1865.
2838. Rev. Joseph Pillmore. (Painted 1822 .)
(Lent by the St. George’s Society, Phila¬
2838a. Portrait of Vice President Richard
M. Johnson. (Lent by the Corcoran Gal¬
lery of Art, Washington, D. C.)
Newto., Gilbert Stuart, 1797-1835.
2839. The Importunate Author— illustrat¬
ing Act 3 , Scene 2 , of Moliere’s “Femmes
Savantes.” (Painted in London, 1822 .)
(Lent by Edward Newton Perkins,Jamaica
Plain, Boston.)
2839a. Portrait of the Artist. (Lent by
Maria O. Dewing.)
Page, William, 1811-1885.
2840. Portrait of Mrs. Page. (Lent by W.
S. Page, Staten Inland, New York.)
2840a. Portrait of the Artist. (Lent by W.
S. Page, Staten Island, New York.)
Peale, Charles Willson, 1741-1827.
2841. Angelica Peale. (Bust facing left.)
(Lent by Clarence Winthrop Bowen, New
Peale, James, 1749-1831.
2842 Portrait of John Morris. (Painted in
Philadelphia, about 1815 .) (Lent by
Morris Sellers, Chicago.)
Peale, Rembrandt, 1778-1860.
2843. Portrait of Bernardin de St. Pierre.
(Painted 1808 .) (Lent by the Corcoran
Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.)
Peele, John Thomas, 1822-
2844. Reception into Paradise. (Painted
1849 .) (Lent by C. B. Hume, Chicago.)
Pine, Robert Edge, 1732-1788.
2845. David Garrick. (Painted in London,
1772 .) (Lent by Charles Henry Hart.
Quartley, Arthur, 1839-1886.
2846. Summer Morning, Isles of Shoals.
(Lent by the Union League Club, New
Ramage, John, circa, 1777-1794.
2846a. George Washington. (Miniature,
painted 1783 .) (Lent by Mrs. M. S.Beach,
Peekskill, N. Y.)
Robertson, Archibald, 1765-1835.
2846b. George Washington. (Miniature,
painted from life, in the Presidential Man¬
sion, 1791 - 2 .) (Lent by Mrs. Charles W.
Darling and Mrs. S. M. Mygatt, grand¬
daughters of the artist, Utica, New York.)
2846c. Martha Washington. (Miniature,
painted from life, in the Presidential
Mansion, 1791 - 1792 .) (Lent by Mrs. S.
M. Mygatt, granddaughter of the artist.)
Robinson, Thomas, 1835-1888.,
2847. Cattle Ploughing. (l!ent by the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Savage, Edward, 1761-1817.
2848. Robert Morris. (Panel. Painted in
Philadelphia 1790 .) (Lent by Armine
Nixon Hart, Rosemont, Montgomery Co.,
Shaw, Joshua, 1777-1860.
2849. Coast Scene. (Lent by Thomas
Donaldson, Philadelphia.)
Smibert, John, 1684-1751.
2850. Bishop Berkeley and his family.
(Painted at Whitehall 1729 . Said to be
the first painting containing more than
one figure made in America. The lady
with the child is Mrs.- Berkeley; the
second lady is Miss Handcock; the sec¬
retary is Mr. Dalton; the gentleman be¬
hind the ladies is Mr. John Moffat; the
one standing at the left is Mr. Smibert.)
(Lent by Yale University, New Haven.)
Staigg, Richard M., 1817-1881.
2851. Portrait in miniature of Washington
Allston. (Replica of portrait painted
from life in 1841 .) (Lent by Mrs. Richard
M. Staigg, Boston.)
2851a. Portrait of a child. (Lent by Wil¬
liam F. Matchett, Boston.)
Stanley, L. C.
2852. Trial of Red Jacket. ' (Lent by L. C.
Stuart, Gilbert, 1755-1828.
2853. Henry Nicols, of Baltimore. (Painted
in Boston.) (Lent by Col. Thomas S.
Rhett, Washington, D. C.)
Exhibit of Private Collections.
2853a. Portrait of Col. John Tayloe.
(Painted 1804 .) (Lent by the Corcoran
Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.)
2853b. Portrait of Mrs. John Tayloe.
(Painted 1804 .) (Lent by the Corcoran
Gallery of Art, Washington, D. C.)
2853c. Portrait of Counsellor Dunn. (Painted
in America, 1795 or 1796 .) (Lent by
Martin Brimmer, Boston.)
2853d. George Washington. (Painted in
Philadelphia, 1795 .) (Lent by Charles
Henry Hart, Philadelphia.).
2853c. Portrait of Robert Young, of Vir¬
ginia. (Lent by John Russel Pope, New
2853b Portrait of Mrs. Samuel Smith. (Lent
by Dr. William Sturgis Bigelow, Boston.)
2853g. Benjamin Lincoln Lear. (Lent by
Louisa Lear Eyre, Philadelphia.)
2853I1. Richard Bibb, Russelville, Kentucky.
(Painted in Philadelphia early in the
present century.) (Lent by Miss F. B.
Crittenden, Frankfort, Kentucky.)
Sully, Thomas, 1783-1872.
2854. Chief Justice John Marshall. (Painted
in Richmond, Va., 1829 or 1830 ). (Lent
by Miss Fanny M. Cole, Culpeper, Va.)
Tilton, John Rollin, 1833-1888.
2855. Venetian Fishing Boats. (Painted in
Rome.) (Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of
Art, Washington, D. C.)
Tooley, James, Jr.
2855a. Edward P. Mitchell. (Miniature,
painted in St. Louis, about 1835 .) (Lent
by James T. Mitchell, Philadelphia.)
Trumbull, John, 1756-1843.
2856. Asher B. Durand. (Panel. Painted
in New York, 1820 .) (Lent by John Dur¬
and, Paris.)
Vanderlyn, John, 1775-1852.
2857. Portrait of James Monroe. (Painted
1816 .) (Lent by Mrs. M. Gouverneur,
Washington, D. C.)
Waldo, Samuel, 1783-1861.
2858. Portrait of G. W. Parke Custis.
(Lent by the Corcoran Gallery of Art,
Washington, D. C.)
Weir, Robert W., 1803-1889,
2859. Taking the Veil. (Painted at West
Point, N. Y., 1863 .) (Lent by Mrs. S. M.
Weir, New YorK \
Wertmuller, Adolph Ulric, 1750-1811.
2860. Danae. (Lent by Daniel Morgan
Taylor, Springfield, Mass.)
West, Benjamin, 1738-1820.
2861. Portrait of the artist, as President of
the Royal Academy. (Half length, seated,
facing right. Painted in London.) (Lent
t>y Clarence Winthrop Bowen, New York,)
2861a. Engraving from the above, by T.
Holloway. (Lent by Clarence* Winthrop
Bowen, New York.)
2861b. Expulsion from Eden. (Lent by
Thomas B. Clarke, New York.)
Wimar, Charles, 1829-1863.
2862. Attack on an Emigrant Train. (Lent
by Mrs. Edgar Miller, St. Louis.)
Woodside, Abraham.
2862a. The Infant Bacchus. (Painted in
Philadelphia, about 1852 .) (Lent by
James T. Mitchell, Philadelphia.)
Wright, Joseph, 1756-1793.
2863. George Washington. length,
seated, facing left. Painted 1790 . See
Bowen’s “Centennial of Washington’s In¬
auguration,” p. 545 .) (Lent by Clarence
Winthrop Bowen, New York.)
2863a. Martha Washington. length,
seated, full face to left. See Bowen’s
Centennial of Washingington’s Inaugur¬
ation,” pp. 457 , 458 .) (Lent by Clarence
Winthorp Bowen, New York.)
2863g. Portrait of George Washington.
(Lent by Gideon L. McKean, Chicago.)
Foreign Masterpieces Owned in the
United States.
In Galleries 40 ,- 41 , 42 .
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence, London.
2868. A Reading from Homer. (Lent by
Mr. Henry G. Marquand, New York.)
Bastien-Lepage, Jules, 1848-1885, France.
2869. The Thames. (Lent by Mr. John G.
Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2870. Revery. (Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer,
Besnard, Paul-Albert, Paris.
2871. Head. (Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer,
Bonheur, Mile. Rosa, Paris.
2872. Sheep. (Lent by Gen. Russel 1 A.
Alger, Detroit.)
2873. Pastoral. (Lent from the collection
of the late Mr. Jay Gould, New York.)
Bonington, Richard P., 1801-1828, England.
2874. Landscape. (Lent by Mr. R. Hall
McCormick, Chicago.)
Breton, Jul@s-Adolphe, Paris.
2875. The Song of the Lark. (Lent by Mrs.
Henry Field, Chicago.)
GROUP 146.
Exhibits from Private Collections.
Additional entries to the Retrospective Exhibit of American Painting.
Cushman, George Hewitt, 1814-1876.
2864. John Wetherill. (Miniature.) (Lent
by Miss Rachel Wetherill, Philadelphia.)
2865. Martha Wetherill. (Miniature.) (Lent
by the Misses Cushman, Philadelphia.)
Freeman, George.
2866. Mrs. Blight. (Miniature.) (Lent by
Robert Fulton Blight, Philadelphia.)
2867. Gen. Charles Scott. (Miniature.)
(Lent by Mrs. Burnley.)
2867a. Robert Fulton. (Miniature, painted
in London, after Benjamin West.) (Lent
by Robert Fulton Blight, Philadelphia.)
Wood, Joseph, Circa 1798-1816.
2867b. Thomas Apthorp Cooper as Hamlet.
(Miniature.) (Lent by Geo. Trott, Phila¬
Exhibits of Private Collections.
2876. Colza-gatherers. (Lent by Mr. Collis
P. Huntington, New York.)
Carolus-Duran, Emile-Auguste, Paris.
2877. An Odalisque. (Lent by Mr. William
Buchanan, New York.)
2878. Portrait of Madame Modjeska. (Lent
by the Pennsylvania Academy of the
Fine Arts, Philadelphia.)
Cazin, Jean-Charles, Paris.
2879. The Expulsion from Paradise. (Lent
by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
2880. Elsinore, the Home of Hamlet. (Lent
by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
2881. Flight into Egypt. (Lent by Mr.
Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
2882. Midnight Moonlight, Abbeville,
France. ( Lent by Charles T. Yerkes,
Constable, John, 1776-1837, England.
2883. Weymouth Bay. (Lentby Mr. Will¬
iam H. Fuller, New York.
2884. The Lock. (Lent by Mrs. Henry
Field, Chicago.)
2885. Shepherd and Flock —Dedham
Church in the distance. (Lent by Mr. R.
Hall McCormick, Chicago.)
Corot, Jean-Baptiste-Camille, 1796-1875,
2886. The Flight from Sodom. (Lent by
Mr. Henry O. Havemeyer, New York.)
2887. Orpheus. (Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer,
2888. Shrimp-fisher. (Lent by Mr. Potter
Palmer, Chicago.)
2889. Landscape. ' (Lent by Mr. Potter
Palmer, Chicago.)
2890. Dance of the Nymphs. (Lent by Mr.
William H. Crocker, San Francisco.)
2891. Evening. (Lent from the collection
of the late Mr. Jay Gould, New York.)
2892. The Path to the Village. (Lent by
Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
2893. Environs of Ville d’Avray, France.
(Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
2894. Landscape. (Lent by Mr. Gardiner
G. Hubbard, Washington, D. C.)
2895. Old Man Seated on Corot’s Trunk
in the Artist’s Chamber in Rome. (Lent
by Dr. Henry C. Angell, Boston.)
2896. Evening. (Lent by Mr. Alfred
Corning Clark, New York.)
2897. The Inn. (Lent by Mr. Martin A.
Ryerson, Chicago.)
Courbet, Gustave, 1819-1877, France.
2898. Dogs and Hare. (Lent by Uenry 0 .
Havemeyer, New York.)
Couture, Thomas, 1815-1879, France.
2899. Portrait of Madame Couture, (Le^it
by the Museum of Fiu§ Art§, Boston)
Dagnan-Bouveret, Pascal-Adolphe-Jean*
2900. La Bernoise. (Lent by Mr. John G.
Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2901. Brittany Peasant Girl. (Lent by Mr.
J. H. Wade, Cleveland.)
Daubigny, Charles-Francois, 1817-1878,
2902. The Cooper’s Shop. (Lent by Mr.
Francis Bartlett, Boston.)
2903. Banks of the Oise, Auvers-Sur-Oise,
France. (Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes,
2904. Coast near Dieppe. (Lent by Mr.
Alfred Corning Clark, New York.)
Decamps, Alexandre-Gabriel, 1803-1860,
2905. Oriental Kiosk. (Lent by Mr. Mar¬
tin A. Ryerson, Chicago.)
Degas, Paris.
2906. The Dancing Lesson. (Lent by Mr.
Alexander J. Cassatt, Philadelphia.)
2907. Race Horses. (Lent by Mr. Albert
Spencer, New York.)
Delacroix, Ferdinand-Victor-Eugene, 1798-
1863, France.
2908. Christ at the Tomb. (Lent by Mr.
Alfred Croning Clark, New York.)
2909. Tiger Quenching his Thirst. (Lent
by Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, New York.)
2910. Turks Abducting a Girl. (Lent by
Mr. William H. Crocker, San Francisco.)
Detaille, Edouard, Paris.
2911. Flag of Truce. (Lent by Mr. E. Bur¬
gess, Warren, Philadelphia.)
Diaz de la Pefia, Narcisse-Virgile, 1808-
1876, France.
2912. La Danse des Almees. (Lent by Mr.
John G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2913. The Descent of the Bohemians.
(Lent by Mrs. S. D. Warren, Boston.)
2914. Turkish Women. (Lent by Mr. D.
M. Ferry, Detroit.)
Dupre, Jules, 1812-1889, France.
2915. The Pool. (Lent by Mr. E. Burgess
Warren, Philadelphia.)
2916. The Open Sea. (Lent by Mr. Will¬
iam H. Fuller, New York.)
2917. At Sea. (Lent by Mr. Charles T.
Yerkes, Chicago.)
Fantin-Latour, Henri, Paris.
2918. Vision of Tannhauser. (Lent by Mr.
J. H. Wade, Cleveland.)
portuny, Mariano, 1838-1874, Spain.
2919. Beach at Portici, Italy. (Lent by
Mrs. Prescott Flail Butler, Ne_w York.)
Francais, prancols^Louis, Paris.
2920. Sup Breaking Through the Mist.
(Lent by Mr. William h.; chanan»NewYork.)
Exhibits of Private Collections.
Fromentin, Eugene, 1820-1876, France.
2921. The Falconer. (Lent by Mr. D. W.
Powers, Rochester.)
2922. Women of Sahara. (Lent by Mrs.
Henry Field, Chicago.)
Gericault, J. L. A., Theodore, 1791-1824,
2923. Study of a Cuirassier. (Lent by the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Gerome, Jean-Leon, Paris.
2924. L’Eminence Grise. (Lent by Mrs. S.
D. Warren, Boston.)
2925. Le Montreur de Serpents. (Lent by
Mr. Alfred Corning Clark, New York.)
2925a. Pygmalion and Galatea. (Marble
group.) (Lent by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes,
Greuze, Jean-Baptiste, 1725-1805, France.
2926. The Pouting Child. (Lent by Mr.
Martin A. Ryerson, Chicago.)
Helleu, Paris.
2927. Interior of Saint Denis Cathedral,
showing effect of light through Stained
Glass Windows. (Lent by Mrs. John L.
Gardner, Boston.)
Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique, 1780-
1867, France.
2928. The Cardinal Bibbiena Introducing
Raphael and his Niece. (Lent by Mrs. S.
D. Warren, Boston.)
Isabey, Eugene, 1804-1886, France.
2929. A Fete at the Hotel de Rambouillet.
(Lent by Mr. Samuel M. Nickerson,
Israels, Josef, Amsterdam.
2930. A Frugal Meal. (Lent by Mr.
Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
Knaus, Ludwig, Berlin.
2931. A Country Festival. (Lent by Mr.
Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
2932. The Potato Harvest. (Lent by Mrs.
Henry Field, Chicago.)
Lefebvre, Jules-Joseph, Paris.
2-933. La Cigale. (Lent by the St. Louis
Museum of Fine Arts.)
Leys, Hendrik, Baron, 1815-1896, Belgium.
2934. The Book Stall. (Lent by Mr.
Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
Lhermitte, Leon-Auguste, Paris.
2935. Washerwomen on the Banks of the
Marne. (Lent by Mr. E. Burgess, War¬
ren, Philadelphia.)
Manet, Edouard, 1833-1883, France.
2936. Marine. (Lent by Mr. Frank Thom¬
son, Philadelphia.)
2937. Dead Toreador. (Lent by Mr. James
S. Inglis, New York.)
2938. Marine. (Lent by Mr. Alexander J.
Cassatt, Philadelphia.)
Maris, Jacques, The Hague.
2 939 « Canal in Holland. (Lent by Mr.
John G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
Mauve, Antonin, 1838-1888, Holland.
2940. The Flock. (Lent by Mr. Joseph
Jefferson, New York.)
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Emest, 1813-1891,
2941. View near Poissy. (Lent by Mr.
John G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2942. Reconnaissance. (Lent by Mr. Chas.
T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
Michel, Georges, 1733-1843, France.
2943. The Horseman. (Lent by Mr. Will¬
iam H. Fuller, New York.)
2944. Plain of Montmartre, Paris. (Lent
by Mr. William H. Fuller, New York.)
Michetti, Francesco Paolo, Naples.
2945. Springtime and Love. (Lent by Mr.
Albert A. Munger, Chicago.)
Millet, Jean Francois, 1814-1875, France.
2946. The Sheep Shearers. (Lent by Mr.
Peter C. Brooks, Boston.)
2947. After the Bath. (Lent by Mr. Al¬
fred Corning Clark, New York.)
2948. The Gleaners. (Lent by Mr. Al¬
fred Corning Clark, New York.)
2949. The Haymaker. (Lent by Mrs. Al¬
fred Corning Clark, New York.)
2950. The Pig Killers. (Lent by Mr. Charles
T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
2951. The Man with the Hoe. (Lent by
Mr.William H. Crocker, San Francisco.)
2952. Shepherdess. -(Lent by the Museum
of Fine Arts, Boston.)
2953. Peasants Carrying a New-born Calf.
(Lent by Mrs. Henry Field, Chicago.)
Monet, Claude, Paris.
2954. - Morning Fog. (Lent by Mr. Albert
Spencer, New York.)
2955. Dawn on the Coast of the North Sea.
(Lent by Mr. Albert Spencer, New York.)
2956. Harbor of Havre.
(Lent by Mr. Frank Thomson, Philadel¬
2957. Snow Scene. (Lent by Mr. Alexander
J. Cassatt, Philadelphia.)
Monticelli, Adolphe, 1824-1886, France.
2958. Nymphs Bathing. (Lent by Dr.
Henry C. Angell, Boston.)
Morland, George, 1763-1804, England.
2959. Contentment. (Lent by Mr. R. Hall
McCormick, Chicago.)
Neuville, Alphonse-Marie de, 1836-1887,
2960. The Spy. (Lent by Collis P. Hunt¬
ington, New York.)
\ •
Exhibits of Private Collections.
Pissaro, Camille, Paris.
2961. The Village. (Lent by Mr. Potter
Palmer, Chicago.)
2962. Summer. (Lent by Mr. Frank Thom¬
son, Philadelphia.)
2963. Spring. (Lent by Mr. Alexander J.
Cassatt, Philadelphia.)
Puvis de Chavannes, Pierre, Paris.
2964. Summer. (Lent by Mr. J. H. Wade,
2965. Autuijm. (Lent by Mr. Martin A.
Ryerson, Chicago.)
Raffaelli, Jean-Francois, Paris.
2966. Absinthe* Drinkers. (Lent by Mr.
Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
2967. On the Coast. (Lent by Mr. Potter
Palmer, Chicago.)
2968. Place de la Trinite, Paris. (Lent by
Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
Regnault, Henri, 1843-1871, France.
2969. In the Pyrenees. (Lent by Mr. John
G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
Renoir, A., Paris.
2970. In the Garden. (Lent by Mr. Albert
Spencer, New York.)
Ribot, Theodule, Augustin, 1823-1891,
2970a. The Young Politician. (Lent by Mr.
John T. Davis, St. Louis.
Rousseau, Theodore, 1812-1867, France.
2971. Landscape in Berry, France. (Lent
by Mr. Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
2972. Near Barbizon. (Lent by Dr. Henry
C. Angell, Boston.)
2973. View on the Seine. (Lent from the
collection of the late Mr. Jay Gould, New
2974. A Lone Tree—Autumn. (Lent by Mr.
Frank Hill Smith, New York.
Sisley, Alfred, Paris.
2975. Village Street, Moret, France. (Lent
by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
Swan, John M., London.
2976. The Approaching Combat. (Lent by
Mr. John G. Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2977. Two Tigers. (Lent by Mr. John G.
Johnson, Philadelphia.)
2978. Lioness and Cubs. (Lent by Mr Will¬
iam L. Elkins, Philadelphia.)
Tassaert, Nicetas-Francois-Octave, 1800-
1874, France.
2979. Saint Hilarion. (Lent by Mr. Potter
Palmer, Chicago.)
Thompson, Harry, Paris.
2980. The Shepherdess. (Lent by the St.
Louis Museum of Fine Arts.)
Troyon,Constant, 1810-1865, France.
2981. A Drove of Cattle and Sheep. (Lent
by Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York.
2982. White Cow and Sheep. (Lent by
Mr. Julius Stroh, Detroit.)
2983. Going Home. (Leni by Mrs. Henry
Field, Chicago.)
2984. The Surf. (Lent by Mr. Gftri Mel-
Uhde, Fritz von, Munich.
2985. A Sewing Bee in Holland. (Lent by
Mr. L. Crist Delmonico, New York.)
Van Beers, Jan, Brussels.
2986. “You Are Welcome.” (Lent by Mr.
Charles T. Yerkes, Chicago.)
Watts, George Frederick, London.
2987. Portrait of Joachim—Candle-light.
(Lent by Mr. Charles L. Hutchinson, Chi¬
Zorn, Anders L., Stockholm.
. 2988. Interior of a Brewery in Stockholm.
(Lent by Mr. Potter Palmer, Chicago.)
Rodin, Auguste, Paris.
2989. Francesca and Paolo. (Marble group.)
2990. Francesca and Paolo. (Marble group.)
From the “Gates of Hell.” Commissioned
by the French Government for the Mu¬
seum of Decorative Arts.
2991. Andromeda. (Marble.)
Nos. 96§©-2991 lent by Mr. Henry
Sargent, New York.
Imperial-Royal Commissioner General,
Hon. Anton von Palitschek-Pal/aeorst, ll. d.
6030 Edgerton Avenue.
Delegate for Tine Arts.
6030 Edgerton Ave
Represented at the Exposition by
At desk at entrance of Gallery 35, West Court.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
Breneck, Anton, Vienna.
1. Richard Wagner. (Bronze relief.)
Charlemont, Theodor, Vienna.
2. Boy Beggar.
Jarl, Otto, Vienna. ,
3. The Creeping Tiger.
Kaan, Arthur, Vienna.
4. Old Man. (Terra Cotta.)
Myslbeck, Josef V., Prague.
5. “Graf Franz Thun-Hohenstein.”
Schwarz, Stefan, Vienna.
6 . Fauns with Geese. (Two groups.)
7. Heracles in the Nessus Garment.
8. Boy with Snake.
9. Mozart.
Tilgner, Victor, Vienna.
10. His Majesty the Emperor of Austria.
(Zinc bust.)
11. Jos. R. v. Fuehrich. (Bronze bust.)
Weigl, Robert, Vienna.
12. Beethoven.
13. Mozart.
14. Old Vienna Waltz.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Angeli, Heinrich von, Vienna.
15. Portrait of Stanley.
16. Portrait of Architect Schmidt. (Lent
by the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.)
Ameseder, Eduard, Vienna.
17. Narenta River at Mostar.
18. Evening.
Bacher, Rudolf, Vienna.
19. Mater Dolorosa. (Lent by His Majesty,
the Emperor.)
20. Ave Maria.
Bernatzik, Wilhelm, Vienna.
21. The Vision of Saint Bernard,
Blaas, Eugen von, Venice,
22. The Good Brother.
Blaas, Julius von, Vienna.
23. Horse Market in Hungary.
Blau, Tina, Munich.
24. Fallen Giant.
Breidwiser, Theodor, Vienna,
25. Short Rest.
Brozik, Vacslav, Paris.
26. TheHistorical“Fenstersturz”at Prague.
A deputation, of Bohemian Protestants,
May 23 , 1678 , throwing from the window
the Emperor’s counselors, who refused to
comply with their demand for a discon¬
tinuance of the violation of the privileges
of their sect—an incident of the outbreak
of “The Thirty Years War.”
27. The First Communion of the Hussites.
Burnaud, Eugene, Veytaux-Chillon.
28. The Children’s Theatre.
28a. The Duo.
Canon, Hans, Vienna.
29. The Master of the Hounds. (Lent by
His Excellency, Count Wilczek, Vienna.)
Charlemont, Edward, Paris.
29a. Planning the Campaign. (Lent by Mr.
P. C. Hanford, Chicago.)
29b. The Pages. (Lent by Mr. C. T.
Yerkes, Chicago.)
29c. The Geographer.
29d. The Artist in his Studio.
Charlemont, Hugo, Vienna.
30. Still Life. (Lent by the Patriotic Art
Society, Prague.)
31. In the Kitchen.
Defregger, Franz von, Munich.
32. Children Playing with a Dog. (Lent by
His Highness, Prince Liechtenstein, Vien¬
33. “ God Bless You! ” (Lent by Mr. L.
Lobmeyr, Vienna.)
Deutsch, Ludwig, Paris.
34. The Holy Gate in Cairo.
35. The Eunuchs.
Ditscheiner, Adolph, Munich.
36. Spring.
Engelhart, Josef, Vienna.
37. The Curpark at Baden, near Vienna.
Paintings in Oil.
Ernst, Rudolph, Paris.
38. Tomb of Sultan Selim.
Fischer, Ludwig H., Vienna.
39. Himalaya Scenery.
Friedlaender, Camilla, Vienna.
40. Still Life.
Gisela, Josef, Vienna.
41. Adventures in the Lottery. (Lent by
His Majesty, the^ Emperor.)
42. One’s Joy is Another’s Sorrow.
43. The Seamstresses.
Nos. 42 , 43 lent by His Highness,
Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna.
44. The Visit to the Laundry. (Lent by
Mr. M. Mayr, Vienna.)
Gloss, Ludwig, Moedling.
45 - The Antiquarian.
Golte, Alexander D., Vienna.
46. Christ and the Women. (Lent by the
Academy of the Fine Arts, Vienna.)
47 - Flower Girl at Constantinople.
Hamza, Johann, Vienna.
48. The Dice-throwers. (Lent by Mr. M.
Mayr, Vienna.)
Hasch, Carl, Vienna.
49. Old Sawmill in the Eschern Valley.
Hirschl, Adolf, Vienna.
50. Prometheus.
51. Wedding Procession.
Hoermann, Theo. v., Znaim.
52. Girls Hunting Mushrooms.
Hoffmann, Josef, Znaim.
53. From Bygone Days.
Hradecky, Vacslav, Prague.
54. Peasants’ Rebellion in Bohemia.
Huber, Rudolph, Vienna.
55. George Washington.
56. Fighting Cows. (Lent by His Majesty,
the Emperor.)
Jettel, Eugen, Paris.
57. Ramsau Scenery. (Lent by His High¬
ness Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna.)
58 . Shore of the Seine.
59. Dutch Landscape.
59a. Road near Falkenbourgh, Holland.
(Lent by Mr. A. A. Sprague, Chicago.)
59b. Cows at Pasture.
59c. Landscape.
59d. Landscape.
Karger, Karl, Vienna.
60. The Graben in Vienna. (Lent by His
Majesty, the Emperor.)
Katzer, Anton, Vienna.
61. The Indiscreet Friend.
Kaufmann, Isidor, Vienna.
62. “Age is not Proof against Folly.” (Lent
by Mr. M. Mayr, Vienna.)
Knuepfer, Benes, Rome.
63. The Eternal Siren.
64. Fight of Tritons. (Lent by the Acad¬
emy of Fine Arts, Vienna.)
Kinzel, Josef, Vienna.
65. A Dude in the Country. (Lent by His
Majesty, the Emperor.)
Kurzbauer, Edward, Rome.
66. The Fortune Teller. (Lent by Mr. L.
Lobmeyr, Vienna.)
Lang-Laris, Hermine, Vienna.
67. Still Life.
Lebiedzki, Eduard, Vienna.
68. The Kiss.
Lichtenfels, Ed. v., Vienna.
69. Gulf of Quarnero. (Lent by His Maj¬
esty the Emperor.)
Makart, Hans, Vienna.
The Five Senses.
70. Smelling.
71. Tasting.
72. Sight.
73. Feeling.
74. Hearing.
75. The Falconer.
Moll, Karl, Vienna.
76. The Roman Ruins in Schoenbrunn.
(Lent by His Majesty the Emperor.)
Mueller, Anton, Vienna.
77. The Bird’s Friend. (Lent by Mr. M.
Mayr, Vienna.)
Mueller, Leopold C., Vienna.
78. Market Place in Cairo. (Lent bj? the
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.)
Munkaczy, M. de, Paris.
78a. The Story of the Hero.
Nadler, Robert, Buda-Pesth.
79. The Duet.
Nowak, Ernst, Vienna.
80. Tribute to the Monastery. (Lent by
Mr. M. Mayr, Vienna.)
Obermiillner, Adolf, Vienna.
81. Mountain Brook Torrent.
Payer, Julius von, Salzburg.
82. Never Back! Episode of the Austro-
Hungarian Arctic Voyage under Wey-
precht and Payer, 1872 - 1874 . (Lent by
His Majesty the Emperor.)
Pausinger, Franz von, Salzburg.
83. Autumn Evening.
84. Late Autumn.
Pettenkofen, Aug. von, Salzburg.
85. Gipsy at the Hearth.
86. Market.
87. Farmhouse.
Nos. 85-77 lent by His Highness Prince
Liechtenstein, Vienna.
88. Gipsy Hut in the Forest. (Lent by Mr.
L. Lobmeyr, Vienna.)
88 a. Market Day at Szolnok, Hungary.
(Lent by Marshall Field, Chicago.)
Pointings in Oil and Water Colors, On Ivory, Enamel, Metal, Porcelain, Engravings.
Probst, Carl, Salzburg.
89. The Consultation.
Ribarz, Rudolf, Salzburg.
90. Decorative panel for a Dining-room.
91. Decorative panel for a Dining-room.
Roehrer, Lina, Munich.
92. At the Game Dealer’s.
Ruben, Franz, Vienna.
93. Autumn Day on the Lido.
94. From Romantic Times.
Rumpler, Franz, Vienna.
95. Girl From Bohemia.
Russ, Robert, Vienna.
96. Early Spring. (Lent by the Academy
of Fine Arts, Vienna.)
Schmid, Julius, Vienna.
97. “Suffer Little Children to Come unto
Schmid, Mathias, Munich.
98. The Edelweiss Plucker.
Schindler, Jac. E., Vienna.
99. Saw-mill in Oberweissenbach. (Lent
by His Majesty the Emperor.)
100. View of Ragusa.
101. Peace. (Lent by His Majesty the
Schroedl, Anton, Vienna.
102. Flock of Sheep in Hungary.
Sch vaiger, Hans, Prague.
103. Bohemian Peasant.
104. Bohemian Peasant Woman.
Seligmann, Adal, Vienna.
105. The Holy Family.
106. Prof. Billroth’s Clinic.
Simm, Franz, Munich.
107. Duet.
108. Indian Summer. (Lent by His Maj¬
esty the Emperor.)
Stein, Alwyn v., Vienna.
109. Un Soldo, Signore.
Strecker, Emil, Vienna,
no. Before the Holidays.
Temple, Hans, Vienna.
hi. Portrait of William Unger,
ina. Portrait of Mr. A. A.
mb. Portrait of Mr. P.
Thoren, Otto v., Paris.
112. A Wolf ! (Lent by the Academy of
Fine Arts, Vienna.)
Wertheimer, Gustav, Paris.
113. The Vision.
Wiesinger, Florian O., Vienna.
114. Morning at the Shore.
115. Feeding the Pigs.
116. Washerwoman in the Mountain. (Lent
by His Majesty the Emperor.)
Zetsche, Edward, Vienna.
117. View in Weissenkirchen.
Zewy, Carl, Vienna.
118. Home Again.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Alt, Rudolph, Vienna.
119. Fountain at Trient.
120. Interior of Saint Mark’s, at Venice.
Nos. 119,120 lent by His Majesty the
121. Belvedere at Prague.
122. The Old Ducal Castle at Bruck a-M.
123. Interior of the Presbytery of the Saint
Stephen Church at Vienna.
124. Portico in the Wallenstein Palace at
Nos. 121-124 lent "by the Library of the
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.
125. Belvedere at Vienna.
126. Castle Taufers in Tyrol.
127. Church at Innsbruck.
Nos. 126,127 lent by the Library of the
Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.
Fischer, Ludwig H., Vienna.
128. The Chunsun Temple at Karnak.
129. The Grand Temple at Karnak.
130. The Bay of Cattaro.
Hoffmann, Josef, Znaim.
131. Payerbach.
Muench-Bellinghausen, Constanze, Pola.
132. Chestnut Blossoms.
133. Roses.
Tomec, Heinrich, Vienna.
134. Salzkammergut.
135. Church at St. Wolfgang.
Zetsche, Eduard, Vienna.
136. Town-gate at Sulzfeld a-M.
137. Tower at Sulzfeld a-M.
GROUP 142.
Paintings on Ivory, on Enamel, on Metal,
on Porcelain or other Wares; Fresco
Painting on Walls.
Siber, A., Hall (Tyrol).
137a. Ride of the Walkures. (Cartoon in
GROUP 143.
Engravings and Etchings: Prints.
Jasper, Victor, Vienna.
138. The Holy Trinity (after Duerer).
Michalek, Ludwig, Vienna.
139. Josef Haydn. (Original Etching.)
140. Ludwig von Beethoven. (Original
Engravings and Etchings, Prints.
141. Portrait of His Majesty the Emperor
of Austria.
Unger, W., Vienna.
142. Portrait of Rembrandt. (After Rem¬
143. Portrait of Rubens’ Sons. (After Rub¬
144. Portrait of Heythuysen. (After F.
Woernle, W., Vienna.
145. Head of Christ. (After G. Max.)
GROUP 144 .
Wagner, Otto, Vienna.
146. Three studies for the Cathedral in
Berlin. (Pen drawings.)
GROUP 145 .
Scharff, A., Vienna.
147. Medallions and reliefs.
President of the Commission,
Victoria Hotel.
President of the Committee on Pine Arts,
Delegate for Pine Arts,
Committee on Pine Arts:
Information regarding works for sale may be obtained at the Office of the
Belgian Eine Arts Section, Gallery 67, West Pavilion.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 189 .
Braecke, Pierre, Brussels.
1. Deserted. (Statuette, bronze.)
Chailier, Guillaume, Brussels.
2. Girl. (Bust, marble.)
3. Lina. (Bust, marble.)
4. Turkey. (Bronze.)
DeKeyser, Jean Baptiste, Brussels.
5. St. Cecilia, Singing. (Marble bust.)
De Mathelin, Maurice, Liege.
6 . Woman Collier. (Bronze statuette,
from cire perdue?)
Des Enfans, Albert, Brussels.
7. After the Walk. (Statuette, marble.)
8. Manon Lescaut. (Bust, marble.)
9. La Nique. (Statuette, bronze.)
De Tombay, Alphonse, Brussels.
10. Knight of the Middle Ages. (Bronze.)
11. Goose Girl. (Bronze.)
12. Neapolitan Improvisator. (Bronze.)
De Vigne, Paul, Brussels.
13. Poverella. (Statue, marble.)
14. Domenica. (Statue, bronzed
15. Amertume. (Bust, marble.)
16. Pysche. (Bust, marble.)
17. Roman Woman. (Bust, bronze.)
Hambresin, Albert, Brussels.
18. An Edict, 15 th century. (Statuette,
19. Curfew, 15 th century. (Statuette,
20. Crossbowman, 15 th century. (Statuette,
21. A Proclamation. 15 th century. (Stat¬
uette, bronze.)
Herain, Jean, Brussels.
22. A Captive. (Marble.)
23. Going to the Fields. (Bronze.)
Joris, Francois, Antwerp.
24. The Ship’s Boy. (Marble bust.)
25. The Cherries. (Marble.)
26. Fantasy. (Bronze bust.)
Le Roy, Hipp. Ghent and Rome.
27. Course Folatre. (Bronze.)
28. Child Life. (Marble.)
29. When the North Wind Came. (Bronze,
cire perdue .)
30. Polar Bear. (Bronze.)
Martens, Jean Baptiste, Paris.
31. Girl and Turtle Doves. (Marble.)
32. A Spinner. (Bust with arms, marble.)
Samuel, Charles, Brussels.
33. Primavera. (Bust, bronze.)
34. Prelude. (Statuette, bronze.)
Van Beurden, Alphonse, Antwerp.
35. Forced Bath. (Group in bronze, eire
perdue .)
36. Quinten Matsys in Boyhood. (Bust,
37. Young Singer. (Bust, marble.)
Van der Straeten, Georges, Paris.
38. Portrait of Monsieur Worth. (Bust,
39. Spring. (Bronze.) ) Lent by
40. Winter. (Bronze.) £ Mr. C. T.Yerkes,
41. Idyl. (Bronze.) ) Chicago.
Weyns, Jules, Antwerp.
42. Sweet Slumber. (Statue, marble.)
43. The Bird Catcher. (Bust, marble.)
Willems, Joseph, Malines.
44. A Child. (Bronze bust.)
45. L’Epervier. (Group, bronze.)
46. Clown. (Statuette, bronze.)
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Abry, Leon, Antwerp.
47. The Sparrow of Lesbia.
Anten, Djef, Hasselt.
48. December Morning.
Arden, Henry, Brussels.
49. After the Storm. Marine.
Asselbergs,Alphonse, Uccle near Brussels.
50. Toward Evening on a Fine Winter
Day in Campine, Belgium.
51. A Ravine in Winter, in the Ardennes
Baron, Theodore, Namur.
52. Autumn Leaves, Afternoon.
53. Autumn Day in the Ardennes.
Paintings in Oil.
Bayart, Paul, Brussels.
54. In Holland.
Beernaert, Euphrosine, Brussels.
55. Entrance to the Convent.
56. Autumn Evening. (In Woman’s Build¬
Beilis, Hubert, Brussels.
57. Strawberries.
58. Game.
Binje, Franz, Brussels.
59. Rocks of the Fond d’Arquet, Namur.
Boudry, Alois, Antwerp.
60. In Sunday Attire.
61. Interior, Afternoon.
Bource, Henri, Antwerp.
62. The Cherries.
Bourotte, Auguste, Brussels.
63. Pyramus and Thisbe.
64. In the Fields.
Bouvier, A., Brussels.
65. Marine.
Broereman, Eugene, Brussels.
66. Among the Heather.
67. Oliva.
Brunin, Leon, Antwerp.
68. A Visit to the Studio of Benvenuto
69. Declaration of Love.
Cap, Constant, Antwerp.
70. Jeu de la Comete. Old Salon, Louis
XV, of the Kums Museum, Antwerp.
Carabain, Jacques, Brussels.
71. La Piazza Guilio Cesare, at Rimini,
72. View of Cogoleto on the Mediterranean,
said to be the birthplace of Columbus.
Carpentier, Evariste, La Hulpe.
73. Summer Sun.
74. Convalescence.
Claus, Emile, Astene.
75. Cock Fight in Flanders.
Coenraets, Charles, Brussels.
76. Woodturners’ Shop (Brussels type).
77. Interior at Anderghem, near Brussels.
Cogen, Felix, Brussels.
78. The Shipwrecked—Coast of Holland.
Collart, Mme. Marie.
79. The Springs of Schavues.
80. A Farm. (In Woman’s Building,)
Coosemans, Joseph-Theodore, Brussels.
81. Wooded Path in the Campine.
Courtens, Franz, Brussels.
82. The Departure of the Herd.
83. Road Through the Dunes.
Crabeels, Flor, Antwerp.
84. Flemish Kermesse.
85. ' The Return to the Farm.
Dael, Auguste, Ghent.
86 . Jealousy.
87. While the Husband is Away.
D’Anethan, Alix, Paris.
88 . The Holy Women. (In Woman’s
De Bats, Auguste Marie, Bornhem.
89. In Zeeland.
De Beul, Jean-Henri, Brussels.
90. Herder Assembling his Flock.
De Beul, Franz, Brussels.
91. Return to the Stable, in the Campine.
De Bievre, Marie, Brussels.
92. Peaches.
93. Accessories (the Porcelains). (Woman’s
De Bourtzoff, Nathalie, Brussels.
94. Hors de Combat.
De Bourtzoff, Sophie, Brussels.
95. The Orphan.
De Bruyn, Frans, Antwerp.
96. Waiting—Toward Evening.
De Hem, Louise, Ypres.
97. The Sexton. (Lent by the Museum of
98. Return of a Procession in Flanders.
(In Woman’s Building.)
De Heuvel, Theodore-Bernard, Brussels.
99. A Schoolmaster.
De Keghel, Desire, Ghent.
100. Flowers and Accessories of Music.
101. Souvenir of Prince Baudouin of Bel¬
De Keyser, Nicaise (deceased).
102. The Holy Week in Seville.
Dell’Acqua, Cesare, Brussels.
103. State Prisoner in the Fortress of Grad-
De Naeyer, Charles, Brussels.
104. Still Life.
105. Still Life. (Cheeses.)
Den Duyts, Gustave, Brussels.
106. Church of Wondelghem.Winter Scene.
107. Portrait of M. E. D. V.
De Rickx, Louis, Antwerp.
108. The Storm.
109. The Harvest.
De Schampheleer, Edmond, Brussels,
no. Autumn Morning. Genck, Limbourg.
hi. Holland Prairies.
De Smeth, Henri, Borgerhout.
112. The Smoker.
De Vigne, Emma, Ghent.
113. Flowers.
De Vriendt, Albrecht, Antwerp.
114. Charles VI and Odette.
De Vriendt, Juliaan, Brussels.
115. Souvenir of Cairo.
Dielman, Marguerite, Brussels.
116. Fruit.
Paintings in Oil.
Dierickx, Omer, Brussels.
117. Reunion of Friends.
118. Dreary Waking.
Dillens, Albrecht, Brussels.
119. Shrimp Gatherers.
Farasyn, Edgard, Antwerp.
120. Embarkment of Emigrants at Ant¬
121. The Truants.
Fichefet, Georges-Francois-Paul, Brussels.
122. Bather.
Fischer, Alice, Brussels.
123. Gladioli.
Frank, Lucien, Tervueren.
124. October.
Gailliard, Francois, Brussels.
125. La Porte de Hal in Brussels.
Gerard, Theodore, Brussels.
126. Bad Reception.
Gevers, Helene, Antwerp.
127. Arab Merchant.
128. A FuturePoet.
Godding, Emile, Antwerp.
129. One Florin, Five Cents, Four Deniers.
Goemans, Gustave-Hubert, Ghent.
130. Summer.
131. Sunshine on the Avenue.
Guffens, Godefroid, Brussels.
132. Girl, Dressing.
133. Girl, Dressing.
Guiette, Jules, Antwerp.
134. Evening.
Halle, Oscar, Antwerp.
135. The Last Day of Autumn.
136. Reading of the Bible at the Old Men’s
Hagemans, Maurice, Brussels.
137. Snow in the Forest of Soigne.
Heger, Louise, Brussels.
138. Banks of the Ourthe River.
Herbo, Leon, Brussels.
139. Souvenir of Italy.
Hoeterickx, Emile, Brussels.
140. Arrival of the Mailboat at Dover
Hoorickx, H. G. Ernest, Brussels.
141. Winter Twilight.
Horenbant, Joseph, Ghent.
142. Young Woman.
Huysmans, Jean Baptiste, Hove.
143. Visit of the Merchant (Algeria).
Jacobs, Adolphe, Brussels.
144. Stable at Boitsfort.
Jacobs, Louis, Brussels.
145. The Scheldt with Floating Ice.
146. Evening on the Lower Scheldt.
Kegeljan, Franz, Brussels.
147. Flemish Farm.
148. Shores of Lake Neuchatel.
Kokken, Henry,Antwerp,
149. A Venture.
150. Gallantry.
Lamoriniere, Francois, Antwerp.
151. Avenue of Oaks, near Antwerp.
152. Snow Effect, near Antwerp.
Laumans, Fanny, Brussels.
153. While Awaiting the Artist. (Woman’s
Leempoels, Jef., Brussels.
154. The Amateurs.
155. A Vocation in Suspense.
Lefebvre, Charles, Brussels.
156. Arab Encampment in Morocco.
Le Mayeur, Adrien, Boitsfort.
157. The Storm.
158. Setting Sun at Sea.
Le Roy, Hipp., Ghent and Rome.
159. Dream of Happiness.
160. Winter in a Flemish Town.
Looymans, Remain, Antwerp.
161. Flemish Farmyard.
Lybaert, Theophile, Ghent.
162. The Mother of Sorrows.
163. Melancholy.
Maeterlinck, Louis, Ghent.
164. Peace.
Mayne, Jean, Brussels.
165. On the Coast.
166. Les Va-nu-pieds.
Meunier, Georgette.
167. The Mandolin.
168. Souvenirs of a Bride. (Woman’s Build¬
Meyers, Isidore, Brussels.
169. Briele Poort, Ypres.
170. Banks of the Scheldt, November.
Michel, Gustave, Ghent.
171. The Novice.
Montigny, Jules Leon, Tervueren.
172. The Return of the Herd, October.
Musin, Auguste, Brussels.
173. Entrepot Royal and Bassin du Com¬
merce at Brussels.
174. Ostend Fishermen Caught by a Squall
in the North Sea.
Namur, Francois, Liege.
175. Pauvrettes.
Nys, Carl, Antwerp.
176. Chess Players.
Ooms, Karel, Antwerp.
177. Cupid in Chase.
Petit, Corneille, Brussels.
178. Happy Grandmother.
Plasky, Eugene J. B., Anderghem.
179. Chestnut Alley in Overysshe,
Plumot, Andre, Antwerp.
180. The Dangerous Bridge.
Paintings in Oil.
181. Leaving the Stable.
Portaels, Jean, Brussels.
182. Mother and Child, Morocco.
Proost, Frans, Antwerp.
183. In First Class.
Quitton, Edouard, Antwerp.
184. Still Life.
Ransy, Putzeys, Felicie, Liege.
185. Immortelles.
1S6. Primroses and Oranges. (In Woman’s
Richir, Herman, Brussels.
187. Fantasy.
Robie, Jean, Brussels.
188. Bunch of Roses.
Ronner, Alice, Brussels.
189. The Heron.
Rosier, Jean Guillaume, Antwerp.
190. Portrait of Mme. R.
191. At My Friend Dupon’s.
Rosseels, Jacques, Termonde.
192. In the Campine, Morning.
193. After the Rain, Campine.
Roszmann, Augusta, Ghent and Paris.
194. Portrait of Mile. D.
Rul, Henry, Antwerp.
195. Winter Evening.
Rullens, Jules, Brussels.
196. The Study.
Seghers, Franz, Brussels.
197. Lilium Harrisi.
Simons, J. Frans, Antwerp.
198. Love and Patriotism.
Slingeneyer, Ernest, Brussels.
199. Last Days of Pompeii.
200. Episode of an Inundation, Dordrecht.
Stroobant, Francois, Brussels.
201. The Old Canal of the Rosary in Bruges.
202. The Pont Saint Jean and the Belfry
in Bruges.
Toefaert, Albert, Ghent.
203. Environs of Ghent, End of October.
204. The Ghent Butchers. Old Flemish
Triest-VanMulders, Camille, Brussels.
205. Carnations.
206. Geraniums. (In Woman s Building.)
Tschaggeny, Charles, Brussels.
207. Laborer in Repose.
208. Horse Fair at Tongres, Belgium.
Tytgadt, Louis, Ghent.
209. The Embroidery Lesson at the
Beguinage, Ghent.
Valckenaere, Leon, Brussels.
210. The Port of Bergen-op-Zoom.
Vanaise, Gustave, Brussels.
211. Portrait of the Congo explerer, Jerome
Becker, of Antwerp.
212. Melancholy.
Van Beers, Jean, Paris.
213. A panel comprising:
1 . Mrs. Brown Potter as the Lady of
2 . Miss Ada Rehan, as Lady Teazle.
3 . Portrait of Henri Rochefort.
4 . Careless.
5 . Portrait of Mr. Y.
6. Portrait of Peter Benoit.
7 . Flirtation.
8. “Reviens.”
214. Summer Evening.
214a. Portrait of Mrs. Y.
Nos. 213 - 214 a lent by Charles T.
Yerkes, Chicago.
Van Caillie, Florimond, Antwerp.
215. Meadow in Flanders.
216. Snow Effect (Knocke, Belgium).
Van Damme, Frans, Brussels.
217. In the Allee Verte, Brussels.
Van Damme-Sylva, Emile, Brussels.
218. Nightfall.
Van den Bos, Georges, Paris and Ghent.
219. Open Air Study.
220. Gage of Love.
Van den Eycken, Charles, Brussels.
221. Who is There?
Van der Hecht, Henri, Brussels.
222. Across Brussels.
Van der Meulen, Edmond, Brussels.
223. Astonishment.
224. Hunting in the Marsh.
Van der Ouderaa, Pierre-Jean, Antwerp.
225. The Galleries of the “Juweelpand”
(Convent of the Jewels) during the Free
Fair of Antwerp. First half of sixteenth
Van Geert, Flora, Antwerp.
226. Chrysanthemums.
227. Mimosas.
Van Hove, Edmond, Bruges.
228. The Virgin and the Infant Jesus.
Van Kuyck, Frans, Antwerp.
229. The Potato Gathering.
Van Leemputten, Corneille, Brussels.
230. The Return of the Flock.
231. End of Autumn in the Campine.
Van Leemputteen, Frans, Antwerp.
232. The Return.
Van Luppen, Frans, Brussels.
233. Fog in the Woods, End of November.
Van Luppen, Prosper, Antwerp.
234. A Last Effort.
235. The Antiquary.
Van Overbeke, Edouard, Brussels.
236. Autumn.
Van Seben, Henri, Brussels.
237. Should it be He!
238. Village in Holland (Winter).
Paintings in Oil and Watef Colors, Engravings and Etchings* Prints,
Van Severdonck, Joseph, Brussels.
239. A Strong Pull.
Van Snick, Josef, Nieukerken.
240. L’Hospice.
241. Laceworkers.
Verhaert, Pierre Joseph, Antwerp.
242. The Will of Christopher Columbus.
(According to Lamartine.)
Verhas, Jan, Brussels.
243. The Martyrs of the Beach.
244. The Walk on the Dyke at Heyst-sur-
Verhas, Franz, Brussels.
245. The Flowers.
246. Holiday.
Verheyden, Isidore, Brussels.
247. Shrimp Fishers.
Verstraete, Theodore, Antwerp.
248. Orchard in Zeeland.
249. The Dyke (Evening).
Wytsman, Juliette.
250. Marguerites.
251. Peonies.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Bamps, Paul, Hasselt.
252. Boulevard in Hasselt (Snowstorm).
253. Fishing Boats, Heyst.
Claus, Emile, Astene.
254. Confidential Messenger.
255. Winter Days.
Coenraets, Ferdinand, Brussels.
256. Pond near Brussels (Morning).
257. Quay at Antwerp.
Hagemans, Maurice, Brussels.
258. The Turkey Girl.
Moerman, A., Brussels.
259. The Dyle at Malines.
260. The St. Simoniens at Malines.
Stacquet, Henry, Brussels.
261. In Ostend Port.
262. The Dyke at Heyst.
Themon, Paul, Namur.
263. November Morning on the Meuse.
264. Quiet Corner.
Uytterschaut, Victor, Brussels.
265. Marine Boats Stranded at La Panne
266. Landscape at Harbespinne.
Verhas, Jan, Brussels.
. Bummer Sun.
. Souvenir of Heyst-sur-Mer.
GROUPS 148 aid 144.
Engravings and Etchings j Prints.
Benoit, Clement, Mona.
269. Head of a Lion. (Original Etching.)
270. Portrait of Mr. B.
Biot, Gustave, Antwerp.
271. Aglae. (Engraving aftc? Cabanel.)
272. The Review of the School. (Engraving
after Jan Verhas.)
Greuse, Louis, Mons..
273. A frame containing engravings:
1 . Adam. (After Van Eyck.)
2 . Portraits of Children, after Duch-
3 . Saint John. (After Donatello.)
4 . Portrait of Mr. B.
274. Four portraits. (Pencil drawings.)
Guiette, Jules, Antwerp.
275. Etchings.
a Autumn Evening.
b Fishing Boat.
c The Road.
d Winter Sun.
276. a Morning.
b March.
c Meadow.
jd Harvest in Ardennes.
e Moonrise.
f Evening in the Fagnes.
Heins, Ghent.
277. Etchings.
278. Etchings.
Lenain, Louis, Brussels.
279. The Rape of the Daughters of Leucyp-
pus, by the Dioscures. (Engraving after
280. The Idyl. (Engraving after Rubens.)
Noerman, L., Brussels.
281. Various Pen Drawings.
VanEeckhout,Gen’l Frederic, Ghent.
282. Ruins of the Abbey of Villers.
283. A Cavalry Bugler.
Van der Veken, G. P., Antwerp.
284. a Engraving after Rubens.
b Engraving after Van Dyck.
c Etching after Frans Hals.
d Etching after Simon De Vos.
285. a Portrait of L. Gallait. (Original
b Portrait of Peter Benoit. (Original
Art, Berthe, Brussels.
286. Pastel (Fruit).
287. Pastel (Grapes). (Womans Building.)
President of the National Commission,
Hotel /Metropoie, Chicago.
Commissioner of Pine Arts,
Director of Tine Arts School at Rio de (Janeiro,
Hotel AVetropoIe, Chicago.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
In Upper Gallery, Alcoves 140 - 142 .
Prof. Rodolpho Bernardelli.
1. Christ and the Adulteress. (Marble.)
2. St. Estevao. (Plaster.)
3. Dr. Montenovese. (Bronze.)
4. Dr. Benjamin Constant. (Bronze.)
5. D. Pedro d’Alcantara. (Marble.)
6. Jose Bonifacio. (Marble.)
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
In Upper Gallery, Alcoves 140 - 142 .
Agostinho da Motta.
7. Fruit of Brazil.
3 . Head of an Old Man.
Almeida Jr., J. F. de.
8a. Os caipiras negaceando.
9. The Rest of the Model.
10. The Reader.
Antonio Parreiras.
11. Panorama of the City of Nicthe-roy.*
12. Evening.*
13. Landscape*
Aurelio de Figueredo.
14. Tiradentes*
Belmiro de Almeida.
15. Pique.*
16. Study of a Head.
Caron H. Boaventura.
17. Landscape.
Castagneto, J., Baptista.
18. St. Luria Beach, Rio de Janeiro.
19. Marine.
Facchinetti, Nicolau.
20. Panorama of Nictheroy.
21. Lake of Rodrigues de Freitas.
FIrmino Monteiro.
22. Landscape.
23. Funeral of Camorim.
Fiuza Guimaraes, Jose.
24. Landscape.
25. Landscape.
26. Landscape.
27. Landscape.
28. Landscape.
29. Landscape.
30. Landscape.
31. Landscape.
Henrique Bernardelli.
32. Bandeirantes.
33. Tarantella.
34. Return of the Work.
35. Mater (Mother).
36. Portrait of Gen. Deodoro.
37. Portrait.
38. Uncle Thomas.
39. Study of a Head.
40. Wood Cutter.
41. Landscape.
42. Empire.
43. Indian.
J. Baptista da Costa
44. In the Orchard.
45. Marguerites.
46. Capadocio.
47. Landscape.
48. Dwelling.
49. Cabbages.
Prof. J. Zeferino da Costa.
50. The Cake of the Widow.*
51. Charity.
Prof. M. Brocos.
52. Manioc.
53. View of St. The-zeza’s Hill.
54. Cascade.
55. Orphan.
56. Bewitcher.
57. Coffee
5&. Meditation.
59. Albores.
60. Portrait.
61. Portrait.
62. Landscape.
63. Landscape.
64. Landscape.
65. Marine.
66 . Marine.
67. Interior.
Paintings in Oil, Antique and Modern Carvings, Engravings.
68 . Interior.
69. Interior.
70. Portrait.
Pedro Americo.
71. Proclamation of the Brazilian Inde¬
Pedro Peres.
72. The Gold Book *
Pedro Weingartner.
73. Derrubada (clearing land).
74. Too Late.
75. Country Ball.
76. Portrait.
77. By Oblique Lines.
Raphael Frederico.
78. Magnolia.
79. Flowers.
Prof. Rodolpho Amoedo.
80. Narration of Philetas.
81. Jesus at Capernaum.*
82. Maraba.*
83. Lucia.
84. Portrait.
Victor Meirelles.
85. The First Mass in Brazil.*
Visconti, Eliseu d’Angelo.
86. Landscape.
87. Landscape.
88. Landscape.
89. Landscape.
90. Landscape.
91. Landscape.
92. Landscape.
93. Landscape.
GROUP 145.
Antique and Modern Carvings $ Engrav¬
ings in Medallions or in Gems;
Cameos, Intaglios.
In Upper Gallery, Alcoves 140 - 142 .
Prof. A. Girardet.
94. Portrait of Gen. B. Constant.
95. Two Ballet Girls.
96. Arrested Love.
97. Two Cupids.
98. Three Heads Symbolic of the Re¬
99. Galathea of Raphael.
100. Two Bassi-Relievi.
*In the Brazilian Building.
Executive Commissioner,
Canadian Pavilion,
Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
In Galleries 10 and 11 .
Adams, J. M. F., Toronto.
1. In the Studio.
Ahrens, C., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
2. Cradled in the Net.
Alexander, C., Galt, Ont.
3. Gathering Plums.
4. A Peasant Girl Drinking.
Atkinson, W. E., Toronto.
5. Moonlight.
6. Autumn Evening, Brittany.
Barnsley, J. M. s Montreal.
7. A Calm Evening.
Bell, Mary A., A. R. C. A., Almonte, Ont.
8 . Portrait of a Lady.
9. September Evening, Lake Huron.
10. Summer Time.
Bell-Smith, F. M., R. C. A,, Toronto.
11. Evening.
12. Landscape.
13. Evening, Holland.
Brownell, F., Ottawa.
14. Lamp Light.
15. Anderson’s Garden.
Brymner, William, R. C. A., Montreal.
16. In County Cork, Ireland.
17. Lake Louise, Rocky Mountains.
18. Lake Agnes, Rocky Mountains.
19. Entr’ Acte.
20. Border of the Forest, Fontainebleau.
Challener, F. S., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
21. Forty Winks on a Sunday Afternoon.
22. Marechal Niel Roses.
23. A Sweet Penitent.
24. Where the Mistletoe Grows.
25. Showery Weather.
Cruikshank, W., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
26. Drawing the Mast.
Cullen, M. G., Paris.
27. On the River at Gretz.
28. A Washhouse in Provence.
Day, Forshaw, R. C. A., Kingston, Ont.
29. Musquodobit Falls, Nova Scotia.
DeForest, H. J., St. John, N. B.
30. Valley of the Wauganni River, at
Evening, N. Z. v
Dignam, Mary E., Toronto.
31. In the Vineyard.
32. Still Life, Pumpkin.
Dyonnet, E., A. R. C. A., Montreal.
33. Statuary.
Ede, F. C. V., Sorgues, near Paris.
34. Landscape with Cattle, France.
35. Landscape with Cattle, France.
36. Landscape with Sheep, France.
37. At Sorgues, near Paris.
38. Landscape near Fontainebleau.
39. Barnyard with Poultry.
Egan, J. H., Montreal.
40. Maternity.
Forbes, J. C., R. C. A., Toronto.
41. Chalk Cliffs, near Dover.
42. Coast of Maine.
43. The Old Home.
44. A Rocky Mountain Canon.
Forster, J.W. L., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
45. The Old Story.
46. Gossips.
Franchere, J. C., Montreal.
47. Fantaisie Japonaise.
48. Still Life.
Fraser, J. A., R. C. A., New York.
49. A Highland November Morning.
Graham, J. L., Montreal.
50. Pastures Green.
51. Study of a Cow.
Grier, E. W., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
52. Portrait. Miss M. Cawthra.
53. Portrait of a Physician.
Hammond, J., A. R. C. A., St. John,N. B.
54. Herring Fishing, Bay of Fundy.
55. The Great Illicilliwaet Glacier, Sel¬
56. The Fraser River, Yale.
Harris, Robert, Pres. R. C. A., Montreal
57. Portrait. Gilman Cheney, Esq.
58. Portrait. Mrs. Ross.
59. Composing his Serenade.
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors.
6 0. Portrait; Miss Peterson.
61. “The Homely House that Harbours
Quiet Rest.”
62. Harmony.
Holden, Sarah B., Montreal.
63. Portrait.
64. A Brittany Interior.
65. To His Taste.
Hope, William, Montreal.
66. Table du Roi, Forest of Fontainebleau.
Houghton, Margaret, Montreal.
67. Wishing on the Moon.
68. Old Fishing Stage, Louisbourg.
Jacobi, O. R., R. C. A., Toronto.
69. Landscape with Gipsies.
70. Landscape.
71. Landscape.
Kidd, J. M., Toronto.
72. Roses.
Leduc, O., St. Hilaire, Que.
73 - Onions.
74. Still Life. Study by Candle Light.
McArthur, L. C., Winnipeg, Man.
75. Gateway, Old Fort Garry, Winnipeg.
MacMillan, D. P., Montreal.
76. Dismal Hollow.
Martin, T. M., R. C. A., Toronto.
77. Evening after Winter.
78. Ducks.
79. Ah! There!
80. On Guard.
Morrice, J. W., Montreal.
81. Entrance to Dieppe.
82. Early Morning Effect on the Conway,
Muntz, Laura A., Paris, France.
83. A Fairy Tale.
Peel, Paul, R. C. A. (deceased).
84. The Venetian Bather.
Pinhey, J. C., A. R. C. A., Hudson, Que.
85. Jael.
Plimsoll, Fanny G., Montreal.
36 . An After Dinner Pipe.
Raphael, W., R. C. A., Montreal.
87. Abandoned.
88. A Potato Plot.
89. The Oat Field.
Reid, G. A., R. C. A., Toronto.
90. The Foreclosure of the Mortgage.
91. The Visit of the Clockmaker.
92. Lullaby.
93. A Mountain Village.
Reid, Mary H., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
94. Roses and Still Life.
95. Chrysanthemums.
96. October Sunshine.
Sandham, H., R.C.A., Boston, Mass.
97. The founding of Maryland, March 27 ,
1634 .
Schreiber, C.M. B., Springfield, Ont.
98. Christobel.
Seymour, M., Montreal.
99. Evening on the Carron, Easter Ross,
Sherwood, W. A., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
100. Comrades.
101. The Negotiation.
Spurr, Gertrude E., Toronto.
102. Boston Stump.
103. Grand River, Elora.
Staples, O. B., Toronto.
104. The Last Load.
Thompson, Ernest E., A. R. C. A.,Toronto.
105a. Awaited in Vain. An Incident in the
Tully, S. Si, A. R. C. A., Toronto,
105. Le Vieux Cure.
106. Portrait. Miss L. Lefevre.
Verner, F. A., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
107. Milking Time.
108. Monarch of the Prairie.
Watson, H., R. C. A., Doon, Ont.
109. Early Spring, Grand River Valley,
no. Storm Passing the Oak Glade,
in. Village of Kilrenny, Fife.
112. At the Farm.
Watts, J. W. H., R. C. A., Ottawa.
113. A Forest Pool.
114. October.
115. Landscape.
Wickson, Paul G., A. R. C. A., Paris, Ont.
117. At Duty’s Call.
Woodcock, P., R. C. A., New York, N. Y
116. The Creek.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
In Galleries 10 and 11 .
Barnsley, James M„, Montreal.
118. The Life Boat.
119. East Gloucester, Maine. (Not for sale.)
120. Shipping.
Bell-Smith, F. M., R. C. A., Toronto.
121. Bank of Montreal, Montreal.
122. Feeding Pigeons, St. Paul’s Church¬
yard, London.
123. Evening, Hyde Park Corner.
124. After Rain, Place de la Concorde,
125. The Morning Milking Hour, Holland.
126. The Thames at London Bridge.
127. Cape Trinity.
Day, Forshaw, R. C. A., Kingston, Ont.
128. The Hermit Range.
129. The Glacier Torrent.
130. Cap Rouge, Quebec.
Paintings in Water Colors.
131. The Hermit Range from above Lake
Fowler, Daniel, R. Q A., Emerald, Ont.
132. Shot, But Not Got.
133. Group of Canadian Dead Game.
134. Peonies.
135. Gladiolus.
136. Group of Gladiolus.
137. Rough Pasture.
138. Summer Afternoon.
139. Low Water, Bay of Quinte.
140. Sunshine and Shade.
141. Sand Hills, Amherst Island.
142. Fisher Boys of Hastings, England.
143. Dark Pool on a Dull Day.
144. Stork.
145. Duck.
Fraser, John A., R. C. A., New York, N. Y.
146. A Bit of Ightan Mote House.
147. On a Blowy Morn in June.
148. At the Solemn Hour.
149. In the Wild Highlands.
150. November Twilight, Perthshire.
151. The Haunt of the Muskrat.
152. By the Meadow Stream.
153. The Weird House in the Moat.
154. On Loch Etive Side.
155. The Sunset Flush.
156. ’Twixt Achray and Katrine.
157. Perce.
Gagen, Robert F., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
158. Rhododendrons.
159. A Clear Morning, Frenchman’s Bay,
160. EbbTide,West Goldesborough,Maine.
Griffiths, James, R. C.A.,London, Ont.
161. English Roses.
162. Peonies.
163. Canadian Roses.
Knowles, F. McG, A. R. C. A., Toronto.
164. Perce Fishermen, Gulf of St.Lawrence.
MacDonnell, Harriet J., Montreal.
165. Old Saw-mill, St. Andrews.
Manly, C. McD., A.R. C. A., Toronto.
166. Midsummer Days.
167. Heatherland.
168. Land of the Peach and Vine.
Martin, H., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
169. Westminster.
Martin, E. May, Toronto.
170. Late Twilight.
Mathews, M., R. C. A., Bracondale, Ont.
171. Indian Salmon Catch on the Fraser
172. Lifting Mists in the Kicking Horse
173. Mount Begbie, at Revelstoke, B. C.
174. The Selkirks Glacier from the C. P. R.
175. Spuzzum Creek on the Fraser River.
O’Brien, L. R., R. C. A., Toronto.
176. The Great Peak of the Selkirks.
177. Niagara.
178. Canterbury Cathedral.
179. Lake Memphremagog.
180. The Grand River at Dover.
181. Fat Lands of Ontario.
182. Gathering Hay on Coldwater Marshes.
Phillips, Mary'M., Montreal.
183. Gloucester Harbor.
Reid, G. A., R. C. A., Toronto.
184. Late Afternoon. (Pastel.)
Revell, W. M., A. R. C. A., Toronto
185. Sketch on the Canal, Brantford.
186. Canadian Fruit.
Rolph, J. T., A. R. C. A , Toronto.
187. Birch Trees, Coast of Maine.
188. Sluice Gate, near West Goldsboro.
Spurr, Gertrude E., Toronto.
189. Upland Road, Point Levi.
190. By the Lake Shore, Mimico Creek.
191. Rapids above the Falls.
Tully, S. S., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
192. Anticipation. (Pastel.)
193. Study. (Pastel.)
Verner, F. A., A. R. C. A., Toronto.
194. St. Clair Marsh.
Way, C. J., R. C. A., Ospedaletti, Italy.
195. Pool in the Valley of the Rhone, Swit¬
President of the Commission,
Commissioner General.
Commissioner of Tine Arts,
Gallery 73, West Pavilion of Art Palace.
Commissioner of Tine Arts,
Woman's Temple, La Salle Street.
Tor Information regarding exhibits for sale, apply to OLAE E. AOGENSEN.
In Gallery 73,
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
In Galleries 73 and 75 .
Bissen, V.
1. A Girl Making Pottery. (Marble.)
2. A Danaide. (Marble.)
Boegebjerg, R.
3. A Girl from Fanoe. (Bust, marble.)
Bundgaard, A. J.
4. Will o’ the Wisp. (Statue, plaster.)
5. Laborer. (Statue, bronze.)
Dan, Johanne.
6 . A Snake Charmer. (Statue, bronze.)
Hasselries, L.
7. Christ and Columbus. (Bronze and
Kroyer, P. S.
9. The Poet, Alex. Kjelland. (Bust, plas¬
10. The Poet Holger Drachmann. (Bust,
11. The Painter, Michael Ancher. (Bust,
12. The Violinist, Anton Svendsen. (Bust,
13. The Zoologist, J. C. Schjodte. (Bust,
Nielsen, Anna M. C.
14. A Calf. (Bronze.)
15. A Calf. (Bronze.)
Pacht, Axel Fred’k.
16. His Majesty, King Cnristian IX.
(Statue, bronze.)
Saabye, A. W.
17. Susanne Before the Elders.
18. Lady Macbeth Walking in Her Sleep.
Sinding, Stephan.
20. A Captive Mother. (Plaster.)
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
In Galleries 73 and 75 , and Upper Gallery
Alcoves 136 to 139 .
Achen, G.
21. Morten.
Agersnap, Hans.
22. Summer Day at the Pool in the Bog.
Cotton Grass in Bloom.
Ancher, Anna.
24. A Dressmaker.
25. In a Brown Study.
Ancher, Michael.
26. A Winter Day at the Village Shop¬
27. Fisherman Returning Home.
28. Three Old Fellows.
Arnesen, Vilh.
29. A Gale at Sea.
Bache, Otto.
30. The Mill Yard.
31. Hussars on the Commons.
Ball, Otto.
32. Sunset.
Bilkvist, Joh. B.
33. The Weather Clearing after the Rain.
Bissen, R.
34. An Old Oak near the Shore.
Blom, Gerhard.
35. In the Summer House.
Blache, Chr.
36. Calm Afternoon on the Oresund.
37. Rough Sea at a Rocky Coast (Born¬
holm, Denmark).
Boesen, Joh.
38. Evening at the Seaside.
39. Spring in a Danish Beech Forest.
Brasen, Hans,
40. The Woman with the Eggs. (From H.
C. Andersen’s Story.)
Braendekilde, H. J.
41. Worn Out.
42. Goodbye.
Paintings in Oil.
Bredsdorff, Johan Ulrik.
43. Sunshine When the Leaves are Falling.
Brandt, J. H.
44. Breakers.
La Cour, Janus.
45. View of the Sea on a Calm Spring Day.
46. At the Seaside; Gloomy Day.
Carstensen, A. Riis.
47. Marine.
Christiansen, R.
48. Jutlandish Bull.
49. A Milking Place.
Christiansen, Poul S.
50. Portrait.
Dali, Hans.
51. Evening, Tisvilde Hegn, Sealand.
51a. A Storm Brewing, Hundested, Sea-
Dohlmann, Augusta.
52. Flora.
53. Chrysanthemums.
Dorph, A.
54. A Young Girl—Study Head.
Dorph, N. V.
55. Lawn Tennis.
55a. Moonlight Night
Engelsted, M.
56 . Sacrifice of Isaac.
Fischer, Poul.
57. Hojbroplads, Copenhagen.
Froelich, Edma.
58 . Flowers.
Froelich, L.
59. Heracles bringing g Satyr before the
Tribunal of Olympians. (La Legende
des Siecles, V. Hugo.)
61. Cain and the Eye of the Lord (La
Legende des Siecles, V.—Hugo).
Gjoedesen, Aage.
62. View on the Kullen in
noon Sun.
Sweden; After-
63. Bricklayers Playing Cards.
64. Interior of a Poor Cottager’s Home.
(Walders, Norway.)
Hansen, Hans Nikolai.
65. Portrait of the Wife of the Painter.
66 . January.
67. The Beach at Tisvilde (Sealand).
Hansen, Adolph H.
68. Room in the Colonna Palace, Rome
Hansen, Peter.
69. Group of Children.
Hansen, Joseph Th.
70. The Study-room of Her Majesty, Queen
Louise, at Bernstorff Castle.
71. The Council-room at the Palace of
Haslund, Otto.
72. Interior of a Stable.
Heilmann, Gerhard.
73. Spring Day After Rain.
74. An Old Manor House, Summer Eve¬
Helsted, Axel.
76. The Judgment of Paris.
Hinrichsen, Lorenz V.
77. Evening Sun.,
Holten, Sofie.
78. Portrait of a Lady. (Half length.)
79. Portrait of a Gentleman. (The Painter,
L. A. Ring.)
80. At the Border of the Wood.
Hou, Axel.
81. “Master, Where Are You Going?”
listed, Peter.
82. An Invalid.
Irminger, V.
83. . In a Ward at Night. (The Children’s
Hospital at Refsnaes, Sealand.)
83 a. Patients returning from the Coast Hos¬
pital at Refsnaes.
84. Sufferers Waiting for Christ. (St.
Mark 1, 32 - 33 .)
85. Dogs in Copenhagen.
Jensen, Carl Milton.
86. A Change in the Weather.
Jensen, J. Th.
87. Winter Day in a Forest Glen.
Jensen, Karl.
88. St. Olai Church at Elsinore.
Jespersen, Henrik.
89. Drifting Clouds with Glimpses of Sun¬
90. On the Brink of a Rivulet in West
Jutland; Summer Afternoon.
Jerndorff, A. A.
91. The Deluge.
92. The Jews in the Desert.
93. Portrait of a Gentleman.
94. Portrait of a Lady.
Johansen, Viggo.
95. Christmas Eve.
96. Autumn Landscape.
97. Sunday at Tibirke Church (Denmark).
Kabell, Ludvig.
99. Summer Evening in the Country (Sea¬
Kittendorf, Ad.
100. Amagertorv in Copenhagen. (Water
101. In Gennarano. (Wash drawing.)
Kofoed, H. C.
102. After the Work (Brittany).
Konstantin-Hansen, Elise.
104. An Oat Field.
Paintings in Oil.
Kornerup, Valdemar.
105. The Good Samaritan.
Krebs, Johanne.
106. Portrait. (Study.)
Kroyerf P. S.
107. The Road to Stenbjerg (Denmark).
108. In the Garden.
109. Portrait.
Kyhn, Vilhelm,
no. Landscape.
Larsen, Knud Erik.
in. In the Children’s Home. (Adminis¬
tering codliver oil to the inmates.)
112. The Border of the Woods.
Larsen, Minni.
113. Before the Communion. (Old Wen-
dish Woman.)
Locher, Carl.
11.4. A November Night on the North Sea.
115. The Glacier of Oefjelds. (Iceland.)
Lubschitz, John Leopold.
116. Evening.
Lund, C. Emil.
117. Landscape in Jutland. Subject from
Lund, Soren.
118. Tethered Horses.
Lutzhoft, N. Holten.
119. Dark Day in August.
120. Sunshine in a Village Churchyard.
Matthiesen, Oscar.
X2i. Cart Horses by the Seine, Paris.
122. Gale on the West Coast of Jutland.
123. Griffenfeldt as a Prisoner at Munk-
holm, Teaching Two Little Boys.
Mols, Niels Petersen.
124. Rainy Weather.
125. October Day.
Niss, Thorvald.
126. Autumn.
Nybo, Frits.
127. September. West Part of Southern
128. Old Trees at Charlottenlund (Sea-
Olsen, Alfred.
129. A Dead Calm.
Pacht, Yilh.
130. Potato Harvest in North Sealand.
Paulsen, Julius.
131. The Models are Waiting.
132. View of a Plain in Denmark.
133. Portrait of Professor Froelich.
Pedersen, Ole.
134. Field Laborers.
135. Interior of a Stable.
Pedersen, Thorolf.
136. From the Port of Elsinore.
137. The Tempest.
Pedersen, Viggo.
138. Isaac Seeing the Arrival of Rebecca,
(Genesis xxiv, 63 .)
139. The Water Mill.
140. The Sun Setting Over the Sea.
141. View of the Sea.
142. Italian Landscape from Sora.
Petersen, Anna Sofie.
143. Fishermen in Church in West Jutland.
Rasmussen, J. E. Carl.
144. Shipwrecked Sailors on the Sea.
145. Summer Night on the Coast of Green¬
Rasmussen, R. C.
146. Street at Ryssensten. (Copenhagen.)
Ring, L. A.
147. Laborers at an Aqueduct.
148. A Drunken Man in the Village.
Rohde, Johan.
149. Danish Landscape.
150. On the Banks of the Ribe Rivulet.
Seligman, Georg.
151. Convalescence.
Schlichtkrull, Johan C.
152. The Sound Sleepers.
153. Outside the Cottage.
154. Portrait of My Brother.
155. Change of the Weather.
Schmidt-Phiseldeck, Carl.
I 55 /^* The Large Beech in Valloe Park;
September Day.
Skovgaard, N. K.
156. The Goblins’ Forest.
157. Beech Forest in the South of Sweden
on a Windy Autumn Day.
158. Portrait.
Smidth, Hans.
159. Aaresvad Rivulet at Karup (West
160. Sund’s Mill (West Jutland).
Therkildsen, M.
161. Frightenrd Horses.
Tornoe, Wenzel.
162. The Newly Married Friend Pays a
Morning Visit.
Tuxen, Lauritz.
163. Susanne in the Bath.
164. On the Coast of Picardy, Fisher¬
men Returning at Dusk.
165. Portrait of a Lady.
166. The Royal Danish Family.
Tuxen, Nicoline.
167. Midsummer.
167a. Growing Apple Bough.
Wandel, Elisabeth.
168. Evening Sun. Storm Coming on.
Wang, Albert E.
169. October Day. (Subject from the
neighborhood of Horsens, Denmark.)
Paintings in Oil.
Wegmann, Bertha.
170. Portrait of a Lady.
171. Portrait of a Lady.
172. A Physician.
173. Prospect at Jenbach (In Tyrol).
Wentorf, Carl C. F.
. At Peisen. (Subject from Gulbran-
sdalen, Norway.)
Winther, Fr.
175. Sorgenfri Rivulet. (Lyngby, Sealand.)
Zacho, Chr.
176. Summer Day on the Banks of the
Rivulet in Saebygaard Wood. (Jutland.)
Zahrtmann, Kristain.
177. Job and his Friends.
178. Procession in Civita d’Antino, Italy.
Commissioner General.
357 East Ontario Street.
Principal Commissioner for Pine Arts,
Commissioner for Pine Arts,
3411 Cottage Grove Avenue.
Secretary of the Commission for Pine Arts,
Attaches to the Commission,
President, M. Gerome, member of the Institute. Vice-Presidents: M. Bonnat, mem¬
ber of the Institute; M. Puvis de Chauvannes, member of the Council of Fine Aits. Secre¬
tary, M. Paul Delair, secretary of the Exposition.
Members: Messrs. Benedite, director of the Luxembourg Museum; Benjamin-Con¬
stant; Beraud; Bernier; Besnard; Bouguereau, member of the Institute; Breton, member
of the Institute; Busson; Carolus-Duran,member of the Council of Fine Arts; Cazin; Cormon;
Dagnan; Detaille, member of the Institute; Dubufe, Guillaume; Duez; Flameng, F.; de Four-
caud, Francais, member of the Institute; Geffroy, Gustave, art critic; Gervex; Gruyer,
member of the Institute; Harpignies, inspector of fine arts; Havard; Henner, member of
the Institute; Lafenestre, director of Louvre Museum; Laurens, J. P., member of the
Institute; Lefebvre, J., member of the Institute; Lefort, inspector of fine arts; Lenepveu,
member of the Institute; Lhermitte; Maignan; Mantz, Paul, Hon. Director-General of Fine
Arts; Michel, Andre, art critic; Moreau, u..- member of the Institute; Morot, Aime;
Robert—. Fleury, T.; Roger-Marx, inspector of fine arts; Roll; Vibert; de Vuillefroy;
Yriarte, inspector of fine arts.
President, M. Paul Dubois, member of the Institute. Vice-Presidents: M. Falguiere,
member of the Institute; M. Dalou; Secretary, M. Giudicelli, commissioner of the Exposi¬
tions of Fine Arts.
Members: Messrs. Aube; Barrias, member of the Institute; Bartholdi; Boucher,
Alfred; Carries; Chaplain, member of the Institute; Courajod, art trustee of Louvre;
Dubois, Alphee; Fremiet; Gonse, member of the Council of Fine Arts; Injalbert; Kaempfen,
director of National Museum; Lefeuvre, Albert; Marqueste; Mathurin-Moreau; Mercie,
member of the Institute; Philippe Gille, art critic; Rodin; de Saint-Marceaux; Thomas,
member of the Institute.
President, M. Gamier, member of the Institute. Vice-Presidents: M. Vaudremer,
member of Institute; M Boeswilwald, general inspector of historical monuments; Secretary,
M Dupre, editor of the Directory of Fine Arts.
Members: Messrs Bernier; de Baudot, general inspector church architecture;
Comte, member of the Council of Fine Arts; Daumet, member of the Institute; Dreyfus,
Gustave, member of Commission on Historical Monuments; Dutert, art inspector-general,
Institution in Drawing; Ginain, member of Institute; Guillaume, Edmond, member of the
Institute, architect of government; Lasteyrie, de, member of the Institute; Lisch, general
inspector of historic monuments; Poulin, Hon. Director of the National Palace; Sedille,
government architect; Selmersheim, inspector-general of historical monuments.
President, M. le Comte Delaborde, Secretary Academy of Fine Arts. Vice-Presi¬
dents: M. Jacquet, Achille, member of the Institute; M. Bracquemond. Secretary, M.
Fouquier, Marcel, assistant commissioner of Exposition.
Members: Messrs. Baude; Beraldi; Blanchard, member of the Institute; Chauvel;
Dayot, Armand, inspector of fine arts; Didier; Duplessis, member of the Institute of Fine
Arts; Flameng, Leopold, member of the Council of Fine Arts; Lepere; Lostalot, Alfred de,
art critic; Lunois, A.; Roty, member of the Institute; Waltner.
President, M. Roty, member of the Institute. Vice-Presidents: M. Darcel, director of
Cluny Museum; M. Bouilhet, member of the Council of Fine Arts. Secretary, M. C. Oudinot,
secretary of director of fine arts.
Members: Messrs. Alexandre, A.; Badin, administrator of Beauvais factory; Baum-
gart, administrator of Sevres factory; Bonnaffe; Chaplet; Cheret, Joseph; Coutan, director
of art at Sevres factory; Delaherche; Falize; Galland, director of art at Gobelins; Galle,
conservator of Museum of Arts; Gasnault; Gerspach; administrator of Gobelins; Jourdain,
Franz, art critic; Louvrier de Lajolais, director of the School of the Decorative Arts; The§’
mar; Vogt, director of technical art at Sevres,
GROUP 139.
In South Court,. Rotuada and Galleries 57
and 58 . Sculpture applied to Archi¬
tecture, in East Court.
Anglade, Alexandre, Paris.
1. Pro Fide.
Astanieres, Clement, comte d’, Paris.
2 . Child on a Wave; More Fear than
3. The Frolicsome Boy.
4. Cavalryman in Campaigning Dress.
5. Infantry on the Frontier in Fatigue
6. Volunteer of Autun, Cavalryman in
Service Dress.
7. A Curious Child.
Aube, Jean-Paul, Paris.
8. Dante.
Barrias, Louis-Ernest, Paris.
9. The First Burials.
10. Mozart as a Child.
Bartholdi, Frederic-Auguste, Paris.
11. Washington and Lafayette.
Bartholome, Albert, Paris.
12. Little Girl Crying.
Bastet, Victorien-Antoine, Paris.
13. Abandoned.
Becquet, Just, Paris.
14. The Seine at its Source.
15. Faun Playing with a Panther.
Belin, Joseph, Paris.
16. Toby.
Beguine, Michael-Leonard, Paris.
17. The Charmer. ,
18. David Conqueror.
Blanchard, Jules, Paris.
19. Tintoret’s Daughter.
20. Head of a Woman.
Bonheur, Isidore, Paris.
21. Jongleur.
22. Horseman of Louis XV,
23. Percheron Horse,
Boucher, Alfred, Paris.
24. On the Ground.
Cain, Auguste, Paris.
25. Rhinoceros Attacked by Tigers.
26. Eagle and Vultures Quarreling over a *
Dead Bear.
27. Lion Strangling a Crocodile.
Cambos, Jean-Jules, Paris.
28. Return of Spring.
Carles, Antonin-Jean, Paris.
29. Abel.
Cazin, Mme. Marie, Paris.
30. Young Girls.
Chapu, Henri-Michel-Antonine.
31. Joan of Arc.
Chatrousse, Emile, Paris.
32. Young Contemporary.
Chevre, Paul, Paris.
33. Cocks Fighting.
Choppin, Paul-Frangois, Paris.
34. Volunteer of 1776 .
Claudel, Mile. Camille, Paris.
35. Bust of M. Rodin.
Colie, Charles-Alphonse, Paris.
36. Ophelia.
37. The Minuet.
Croisy, Aristide, Paris.
38. The Doll’s Toilet.
Daillion, Horace, Paris.
39. Modesty.
Delaplanche, the late Eugene, Paris.
40. Security.
Dubois, Paul, Paris.
41. Four Figures from the Tomb of Lam-
Durand, Ludovic, Courbevoie.
42. The Caress.
Falguiere, Jean-Alexandre-Joseph, Paris.
43. Republican France. Allegorical Statue
Ordered by the French Government
44. Diana Shooting.
45. Diana.
Fosse, Athanase-Theodore-Frederic,Paris.
46. Souvenir of the Night of Sept. 4 , 1851 ,
Fouques, Henri-Am6dee, Paris,
47. “Fox,” a Pointer,
Fremiet, Emmanuel, Paris.
48. Man of the Stone Age.
49. The Wounded Dog.
Frere, Jean, Paris.
50. The Two Pigeons
Gaudez, Adrien, Neuilly-sur-Seine.
51. The Nymph Echo.
Geoffroy, Adolphe-Louis-Victor, Paris.
52. Tiger and Antelope.
Granet, Pierre, Paris.
53. Youth and Chimera.
Gravillon, Arthur de, Paris.
54. Cardinal Foulon, Archbishop of Lyons.
Giiglielmo, Lange, Paris.
55. Study of a Head.
«Hannaux Emmanuel, Paris.
56. Mercury and Bacchus.
57. Phryne.
Hirou, Ernest, Paris.
58. Hedge Roses.
Houdain, Andred’, Paris.
59. Faun.
Houssin, Edouard-Charles, Paris.
60. In Danger.
61. Bust of M. Demont-Breton.
62. Bust of Mme. Demont-Breton.
Hugues, Jean, Paris.
63. CEdipus at Colonna.
64. Immortality.
65. Woman Playing with her Child.
Icard, Honore, Paris.
66. The Rights of Man.
Idrac, Antoine-Jean-Marie.
67. Salammbo.
Itasse, Adolphe, Paris.
68. Love Conqueror.
Itasse, Mile. Jeanne, Paris.
69. Egyptian Harpist.
70. Head of an Old Woman.
Kinsburger, Sylvain, Paris.
71. In Danger.
Labatut, Jules-Jacques, Paris.
72. Oath of Hannibal.
Lami, Stanislas, Paris.
73. First Transgression.
74. Danish Hound.
Lanson, Alfred, Paris.
75. The Age of Iron.
76. Diana.
Larche, Raoul, Paris.
77. Jesus Before the Rabbis.
78. At the Mirror.
Larroux, Antonin, Paris.
79. Judith.
Lemaire, Hector, Paris.
80. Graziella.
81. Eclipse of the Moon.
82. Mother Love.
83. Child and Rose,
84. The Task.
85. La Cigale.
86. Pandora.
87. Dream of Love.
Leroux, Etienne, Paris.
88. Young Woman Playing with her Child.
Levasseur, Henri-Louis, Paris.
89. The First Born.
90. The Conqueror at the Tournament.
91. Card Plate. (Pewter.)
Lombard, Henri-Edouard, Paris.
92. Diana.
Marioton, Eugene, Paris.
93. Chactas.
Marqueste, Laurent-Honore, Paris.
94. La Cigale.
95. M. Patenotre, Ambassador of France
to the United States.
Marquet De Vasselot, Anatole, Paris.
96. Sculptor of the Renaissance.
Massoulle, Andre-Arthur-Paul, Paris.
97. An Ancestor.
Meissonier, Jean-Louis-Ernest, Paris.
98. The Herald of Murcia. Trumpet of
the time of Louis XIII.
99. Duroc.
100. Design for a Fire-Place.
101. The Dancing Muse.
102. Wounded Horse.
Mercie, Antonin, Paris.
103. David the Victor.
104. “Even So!”
Mezzara, Mme. Florence, Mulhouse.
105. The Virgin, Child Jesus and St. John
the Baptist.
Michel, Gustave, Paris.
106. The Blind Man and the Paralytic.
107. Fortune Holding up her Diadem.
108. Aurora.
Millet, the late Aime, Paris.
109. Ariadne Abandoned.
Mombur, Jean-Ossaye, Paris.
no. An Idyl,
in. Washington.
112. Lafayette.
Moreau-Vauthier, Augustin-Jean, Paris.
113. Bacchante.
114. Fortune.
115. Nereide.
116. Florentine Head.
117. Bacchante.
Paris, Auguste, Paris.
118. The Return.
Pecou, Jean-William-Henri, Paris.
119. Bust of M. E. Boeswillwald.
Peene, Augustin-Pierre-Charles, Paris,
120. Portrait of Mme. C—.
Perrey, Leon-Auguste, Paris.
121 . Death of Jezebel.
Peyrol, Hippolyte, Paris.
122. Protection.
Pompon, Francois, Paris.
123. The Martyr St. Catherine
Puech, Denys, Paris.
124. The Siren.
125. The Star.
Raissiguier, Emile-Paul, Paris.
126. Young Cupid.
Rambaud, Pierre, Paris.
127. Agrippa, d’Aubigne.
Ringel, d’ Illzach, Paris.
128. Perversity.
129. A Parisian Woman.
130. Bas-relief in Baked Sandstone.
Robert, Eugene, Paris.
131. In the Woods.
Rodin, Auguste, Paris.
132. Citizen of Calais.
133. Portrait of a Man.
Roubaud, Louis-Auguste, Paris.
134. The Vocation.
Rougelet, Benedict, Paris.
135. Hero and Leander.
Saint-Marceaux, Rene de, Paris.
136. Spirit Guarding the Secret of the
Sanson, Justin Chrysostome, Paris.
137. A Conqueror.
Soules, Felix, Paris.
138. The Rape of Iphigenia.
Turcan, Jean, Paris.
139. The Blind Man and the Paralytic.
Vaucanu, Emile, Paris.
140. Normandy Woman.
141. An Oriental.
Verlet, Raoul-Charles, Paris.
142. The Grief of Orpheus.
143. Baby.
Weyl, Mme. Jenny, Paris.
144. Lucrezia Buti. (Marble.)
145. Fifteen Years. (Bronze.)
Casts of French Sculptures from the 11th
to the 19th Century.
Exhibited by the Bureau of Historical
Monuments from the studios of the Museum
of Comparative Sculpture and the Museums
of Decorative Arts and of the Louvre.
Eleventh and 12th Century.
146. Church of Notre-Dame-du-Port, in
Clermont-Ferrand—Portal of Southern
147. Cloister of Saint-Trophime at Arles.
148. Cathedral of Bourges.
149. The Church of Saint-Martin at Brive.
150. Church of Sainte-Croix at La Charite.
151. The Monastery of Charlieu.
152. Cathedral of Chartres.
153. Cloister of Moissac.
154. Church of Saint-Eutrope at Saintes.
Two Capitals of Pilasters of the Nave.
155. The Abbey Church Saint Gilles, Cen¬
tral Door and Part of the Western Fa Col. W. W. Pilk-
Nash, Joseph, R. I., Chiswick.
643. A Winter Morning.
644. A Winter Sunset, Ben Nevis.
645. The Haunted Chamber.
646. After the Gale.
Nisbet, R. B., R. I., A. R. S. A., Edin¬
&S 7 - A Borderland Sunset.
Norman, Philip, London.
648. Courtyard of The White Hart Inn
(now destroyed).
649. Interior of Barnard’s Inn, Holborn
(now dismantled).
650. The Courtyard of the George Inn,
Orrock, James, R. I., London.
651. Cardross Moss, Perthshire. (Lent by
Alderman Boothroyd.)
652. Rough Sea off the Isle of Arran. (Lent
by John Crossfield, Esq.)
Parker, John, R. W. S., London,
653. The Village Rendezvous.
Parsons, Alfred, R. I., London.
654. Bodenham Church.
655 . Somersetshire Hills.
Phillip, Colin B., A. R. W. S., London.
656. Evening in the Glen.
657. A Summer Day, Loch Etive, Argyll¬
shire, N. B.
Pilleau, H., R. I., London.
658. Amalfi, South Italy.
659. Entrance to The Ducal Palace, Venice.
Pilsbury, Wilmot, Taunton.
660. An Old Village Cross.
661. A Duckpool.
662. A Farmstead.
Poynter, E. J., R. A., R. W, S., London.
663. In a Garden.
Radford, Edward, A. R. W. S., London.
664. Nausicaa. (Lent by S. K. Muspratt,
665. Eros. I Lent by William Croxford,
666. Hero. ) Esq.
Rainey, W., Chichester
667. The Old Vrouw.
668. The City Wall.
Rigby, Cuthbert, A. R.W. S., Kendal.
669. An October Flood. (Lent by Theo. R.
Fothergill, Esq.)
670. Summer Days.
671. The Falls Above Coniston. (Lent by
C. T. Arnold, Esq.)
Richardson, John I., R. I.,London.
672. Snowstorm in Glencoe. (Lent by J.
Carbery Evans, Esq.)
673. Carting Faggots, Sussex.
Rivers, Leopold, London.
674. Harvest Home.
Robertson, Arthur, London,
675. Minerva.
Rooke, T. M., London.
676. North Transept, Troyes Cathedra
Severn, Arthur, R. I., Herne Hill.
677. Florence, from San Miniato.
678. Waves Breaking, near Kilkee, West
Coast of Ireland.
Paintings in Water Colors, Engravings and Etchings.
Smallfield, Frederick, R. W. S., London.
679. The Velvet Hat.
58 o. Prato, Tuscany, The Ringhiera of
Donatello Outside the Duomo.
Smith, Carlton A., R. I., London.
681. A Corner of the Studio.
“Oh! woman in our hours of ease,
Uncertain, coy and hard to please.”
Smythe, Lionel P., London.
682. The Field of the Cloth of Gold. (Lent
by the late Sir George Findlay.)
683. Summer Holidays. (Oil painting.)
(Lent by W. L. Wyllie, Esq., A. R. A.)
See also 432 .
Squire, Miss Alice, R. I., London.
684. Springtime.
685. An Autumn Afternoon.
686. A Quiet Stream.
Steer, H. R., R. I., Hinckley.
687. Oliver Goldsmith’s Social Gatherings,
Green Arbour Court, 1759 . (Lent by F.
Newcombe, Esq.)
688. “ Long was the Good Man’s Sermon.”
(Lent by Mrs. Crompton.)
Stevens, A., Chiswick.
689. Durham.
Stillman, Mrs., Rome.
690. Fra Currado d’ Offidi.
Stock, Henry J., R. I., London.
691. Immortality’s Sunrise. (Lent by D.
Dyce Brown, Esq., M. D.)
692. A Youth in the Flames of First Love.
(Lent by D. Dyce Brown, Esq., M. D.)
Thomas, William L., London.
693. Once Upon a Time.
694. Frame of Drawings of Highland
Thornycroft, Miss Helen, London.
695. Orchids.
696. Shirley Poppies.
697. Azalea, with Bronze Figure of “The
698. Orchids.
Topham, Frank W. W., London.
699. Recruiting for Savonarola; “Ye Can
not Serve God and Mammon.”
Waite, R. Thorne, R. W. S., London.
700. The Blue Wagon. (Lent by James
Orrock, Esq., R. I.)
701. Between the Showers.
Walker, W. Eyre, A. R. W.S., London.
702. “The Brief Silence of an Hour Reigns
o’er the Fields.”
703. Moonrise on the Lowther.
Walton, E. A., A. R. S. A., Glasgow.
704. Phyllis.
Walton, Frank, R. I., Dorking.
705. Torrisdale, Kintyre.
706. Arran, From Carradale^
Waterlow, Ernest A., A. R. A., A. R. W.
S., London.
707. The Evening Hour. (Oil painting.)
Weatherhead, William, H. R. I., London.
708. Chelsea Pensioners. (Lent by J. Car-
bery Evans, Esq.)
Weedon, A. W., R. I., London.
709. Near Sandwich, Kent.
710. Evening Shadows, Richborough,Kent.
Wetherbee, G., London.
711. A Fisher Maiden. (Lent by H. W.
Hill, Esq.)
Whaite, H. Clarence, R. W. S., London.
712. Legendary Castle of Arran.
Whitley, Miss Kate Mary, R. I., Leicester.
713. Ammonite and Minerals.
Williams, Alexander. See 499 .
Wollen, W. B., London.
714. “ It May be for Years, It May be For¬
715. Capture of French Guns by the Union
Brigade, at Waterloo.
Wyllie, W. L. See 509 .
Yeames, William, F. R. A., London.
716. The Law’s Delay, Barnard’ Court.
Youngman, Miss A. M., R. I., Greenwich.
717. Pelargoniums.
718. Rhododendrons.
GROUP 148.
In Upper Gallery Alcoves 120 , 121 , 122 .
Allbon, Charles F., London.
719. On the Sands, Scheveningen.
720. Antwerp.
721. Lago Di Como.
722. Venice.
Appleton, T. G., Shalford.
723. Rembrandt, en officier.
724. The Beautiful Catherine Clements.
725. The Sisters.
Ball, Wilfrid, London.
727. Venice.
728. Evening Light.
Baskett, Charles E., C 'Chester.
729. A Mend by the //ay.
730. An Old Stackyard, Winter.
731. Stratford, St. Mary Bridge.
732. Donyland Wood, Winter.
Bigland, Percy, London.
733. The Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone. (Mez¬
Burgess, Walter W., London.
734. Bits of Old Chelsea.
735. Bits of Old Chelsea.
736. Bits of Old Chelsea.
737. From Waterloo Bridge.
Engravings and Etchings.
738. Canterbury Cathedral.
739. Norwich.
Cameron, D. Y., Glasgow.
740. Frame of Etchings.
741. Frame of Etchings.
Charlton, Edward W., A. R. P. E., Ring-
742. Manning the Pilchard Boats, Cornwall.
743. Coasters in Harbor.
744. Tramps.
745. Southampton.
746. Repairing the Coast Road.
747. The Old Harbor.
Chattock, R. S., F. R. P. E., Birmingham.
748. The Holt.
749. Poplars.
750. The Moorhen.
751. On Hampstead Heath.
752. Blast Furnaces.
Clouston, Robert S., Watford.
753. The Jew Merchant.(After Rembrandt.)
754. The Viscountess Crosbie. (After Sir
Joshua Reynolds.)
Dale, Mrs. G., London.
755. Sweet Violets. (After F. Dicksee.)
Dalgleish, T. Irving, London.
756. An Eastern Procession, Northern
757. Calle Mayor, Fuentenabia.
758. Anita.
759. Sunset.
Dicksee, Herbert, London.
760. Memories.
761. A Tigress.
762. His Majesty.
763. A Wanderer.
Ellis, Tristram, A. R. P. E., London.
( The Golden Horn. (Artist’s proof.)
764. •] The Midnight Sun, North Cape. (Ar-
( tist’s proof.)
765. St. Michael’s Mount,Cornwall.(Artist’s
f A Corner of the Parthenon, Athens.
766 J ( Artist ’ s Proof.)
' ' ] The Yein Djami, Constantinople. (Ar-
[ tist’s proof.)
767. The “Victory,” Portsmouth. (Artist’s
Evershed, Arthur, A. R. P. E., London.
768. Nine Subjects, drawn directly on cop¬
per from nature.
769. Nine Outdoor Etchings,drawn directly
on copper from nature.
770. The Tower of London.
Finnie, John, Liverpool.
771. Margin of Rydal.
7^2. By Pastures Green and Quiet Waters.
Gardner, W. Biscombe, HaHemere.
773. Wood engravings (artist’s proofs).
Gascoyne, George, London.
774. Ploughing.
775. A Wayfarer.
Haden, Francis Seymour, P. R. P. E.,
776. Morning, near Swanage, Dorset.
777. Evening, near Swanage, Dorset.
778. Durleston Head, Dorset Coast.
779. Undercliff, Dorset Coast.
780. Corfe Common, Dorset.
781. A Village Street in Corfe, Dorset.
782. An Inn Kitchen in Corfe, Dorset.
783. Study of Oaks, Chesterfield, Derby¬
Haig, Axel H., Haslemere.
785. The Portals of Reims.
786. The Aisles of Chartres.
Hall, Oliver, R. P. E., London.
788. A Study of Trees.
789. A Windy Day on Angerton Moss.
790. A Windy Day.
Heseltine, J. P., London.
791. Six Etchings from Nature.
Hole, William, R. S. A., Edinburgh.
792. The Wood Sawyers.
793. The Jumping Horse. (After John Con¬
794. He is Coming. (After Matthew Mario.)
795. Don Gaspar de Gusman, Count of
Olivezez. (After Velasquez.)
796. Mill on the Yare. (After J. Crome.)
Huson, Thomas, R. I., R. P. E., Liver¬
797. Heralds of a Storm.
Law, David, London.
798. Water Meadows .) Lent by the Fine
799. Silver Birches. ) Art Society.
800. Arundel Castle. (Lent by Messrs.
801. Birthplace of Burns. (Lent by Robert
Dunthorne, Esq.)
Lewis, C. W. Mansel, Llanelly.
802. Counting the Flock.
803. A Welsh Hat.
804. A Vagrant.
Lowenstam, Leopold, London.
805. In a Rose Garden.
806. A Favorite Author.
807. Harvest Festival.
Macbeth-Raehurn, H., London.
808. Portrait. (After Vandyke.)
809. The ’Cello Player. (After Metza.)
810. Wind on the Wold. (After Mason.)
Macbeth, Robert W., A. R. A., London.
811. The Garden of Love. (After Titian.)
812. The Spinners. (After Velasquez.)
813. Alozo Cano. (After Velasquez.)
814. Bacchus and Ariadne. (After Titian.)
Engravings and Etchings.
815. The Cast Shoe, Lynn Ferry. (Original
816. Harbor of Refuge. (After Fred
817. Plough. (After Fred Walker.)
818. Spring. (After Fred Walker.)
819. Autumn. (After Fred Walker.)
820. Fen Farm. (Original etching.)
Nos. 817-820 lent by Messrs. Thomas
Agnew & Sons.
Martyn, Miss Ethel King, London.
821. Illustrations to Milton’s “ Lycidas."
May, W. Holmes, London.
822. The Garden Front, Haddon Hall
823. Sunrise on the Welsh Coast.
Menpes, Mortimer, R. P. E., London.
824. Banquet of the Officers of the Archers
of St. Adrian. (After F. Hals.)
825. A Captive Persian.(Original dry point.)
826. Dorothy. (Original dry point.)
827. Dry Point.
Murray, Charles O., London. 1
828. Haymakers.
829. The Patriarch.
830. The Great Frost of 1891 , on the
831. The Virgin Porch, Oxford.
Paton, Hugh, Manchester.
832. A Reef in the Foresail.
833. A Cheshire Lane.
834. Highland Pasturage.
Phillips, Laurence B., R. P. E., London.
835. A Brittany Castle.
836. The Piazzetta, Venice (After Rain).
Piper, Miss Elizabeth, London.
837. The Chelsea Homes of Carlyle, Ros¬
setti, Turner and George Eliot.
838. Le Musee De Cluny, Paris.
839. Old Chelsea Church.
840. The Spinning Wheel.
841. The Cloisters, Bristol Cathedral.
Pratt, Joseph B., London.
842. Daniel’s Answer to the King. (After
Briton Riviere, R. A.)
843. Trim. (After Sir E. Landseer.)
844. Stolen Kisses. (After Briton Riviere,
R. A.)
845. After a Storm in the Highlands. (After
Rosa Bonheur.)
Robertson, Arthur, London.
846. “ I Won’t Sit.” (After J. G. Cotman.)
847. The Villa d’Este, Tivoli.
Robertson, Henry Robert, London.
848. Ulysses Deriding Polyphemus.
849. An Upland Farm.
850. “The Ploughman Homeward Plods
his Weary Way.”
Robertson, Percy, Godaiming.
851. Winchester.
852. A Wet Day, Witley.
853. But One.
Robinson, Gerald, Leatherhead.
854. Queen Henrietta Maria.
855. The Burgomaster.
856. Earl Spencer, K. G.
857. The Parson’s Daughter.
Sherborn, Charles Wm., London.
858. Seymour, Haden, Esq.
859 - Oliver Cromwell.
860. Shakespeare.
861. Archbishop of Canterbury.
862. Frame of Book Plates.
863. Frame of Book Plates.
Short, Frank, London.
864. Diana and Endymion. (After G. F.
Watts, R. A.)
865. Per Horse Power Per Hour. (Original
866. Swiss Pass. (After J. M. W. Turner,
R. A.)
867. A Sussex Down. (After John Constable,
R. A.)
868. Low Tide and the Evening Star. (Orig¬
inal etching.)
869. Rye Pier. (Original aquatint.)
Slocombe, Fred., London.
870. A Yorkshire Lane.
871. Going Home.
872. A Hunting Morn.
873. Wharfedale.
874. The Avon at Salisbury.
Slocombe, Edward, Watford.
875. The Matterhorn.
876. The Grand Place, Antwerp.
Spread, William, R. P. E., London.
877. A Street in Bruges.
8780 En Normandie.
879. An Old Shop, Vitre, France.
880. Faubert’s Place, Regent Street, Lon¬
Stacpoole, F., London.
881. “They say the lion and the lizard
keep the Courts where Jamshyd gloried
and drank deep.” (After Briton Riviere,
R. A.)
882. The Night Watch. (After Briton Ri¬
viere, R. A.)
Sternberg, Frank, Bushey.
883. A Bacchante. (After G. F. Watts,R.A.)
884. Dr. Butler. (After Professor Herk-
omer, R. A.)
885. Canon Ellison. (After Professor Herk-
omer, R. A.)
886. Pauline. (After G. P. Jacomb-Hood.)
887. Napoleon. (After Greuze.)
888. In Fairyland. (After C. E. Halle.)
Thomas, Percy, London.
894. The Old Tabard Inn, Southwark.
Paintings in Water Colors, Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other Drawings.
895. The White Hart Inn, Southwark
Urwick, W. H., R. P. E., London.
896. Sonning-on-Thames.
897. The Woods in Winter.
898. Culloden Field.
899. Yorkshire Cottages.
900. Clovelly.
Watson, Charles J., London.
901. Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, 1889 .
902. Campden, Gloucestershire.
903. St. Jacques, Lisieux.
904. St. Etienne du Mont, Paris.
905. Rue Chanoinesse, Paris.
906. Rue St. Martin, Bayeux.
Wehrschmidt, Daniel A., Bushey.
907. The Love Letter. (After Luke Fildes,
R. A.)
908. Marquis of Dufferin and Ava. (After
Frank Holl, R. A.)
909. General Sir Herbert Stewart. (After
Frank Holl, R. A.)
910. Earl of Yarborough. (After Frank
Holl, R. A.)
911. Farewell. (After P. H. Calderon, R.
912. Sir Edward Watkin, M. P. (After H.
Herkomer, R. A.)
GROUP 144.
Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other
In Upper Gallery Alcove 123 .
Charlton, John, London.
913. An Impeding Catastrophe.
914. A Carriage Accident.
915. Halt! Charge of Lancers at Military
916. Ware Wire!
917. Ludgate Hill; A Slippery Pavement.
918. A Veterinary Examination.
919. “Twixt the Devil and the Deep Sea.”
920. Musical Ride of the Seventeenth.
921. Horse Show; Harness Horses Trot¬
922. Equestrians at a Meet of the Coaching
Club, Hyde Park.
923. Waiting for the Queen, Rotten Row.
924. Ladies Tilting.
925. Meet of the Devon and Somerset Stag-
926. Cover for Christmas Number (Sledg¬
ing). (Lent by the proprietors of the
Crane, Walter, London.
927. The Triumph of Labor. (Artist’s
proof of a woodcut.)
928. The Legend of the Goose and Golden
Eggs. (Lent by W. Prettvman, Edge-
water, Ill.)
929. 1 . Fortune.
929a. 2 . Misfortune.
Du Maurier, George, London.
930. Six Pen and Ink Sketches—Originals
of Cuts in “Punch.”
Gardner, W. Biscombe, Haslemere.
931. Palace of Fontainebleau.
Granby, The Marchioness of, London.
932. The Lady Susan Keppel.
933. The Speaker of the House of Com¬
Hare, St. George, London.
934. Captives.
Keene, Charles (the late).
935. Polo for the People.
936. Round the Studios.
937. Impracticable.
938. The Haunted Room.
939. Wages.
940. A Hungry Claimant.
941. The Pictures.
942. Reprisals.
943. Overpressure.
944. The Last Resource.
945. Little Wife.
946. Art.
947. Directions.
948. Bon Chienie.
949. Irresistible.
950. Oppression.
951. Railway Risks.
952. Our Village Industrial Competition.
953. Deceivers Ever.
954. Extremes Meet. (Lent by Harry
Keene, Esq.)
Linton, Sir James D., P. R. I., London.
955. Twelve Illustrations to Shakespeare’s
“Henry VIII.” (Lent by Messrs. Cassell
& Co.)
Overend, W. H., London.
956. Sir Richard Greville in the “Revenge.”
“Sink me the ship, Master Gunner,
Sink her, split her in twain,
Let us now fall into the hands of God,
Not into the hands of Spain.”
Five Illustrations to “In a Conning
957. The Shannon Disabled Returning
958 . Shell Bursting in “Majestic’s” Battery
959. The Midshipman Watching the Tor¬
960. The Wounded Captain in the Connint-
961. The “Majestic” Ramming the Enemy
Paintings in Water
Stacey, Walter S., London.
962. In Greek Waters. (Lent by Messrs.
Blackie & Son.)
963. Drawings for the “Strand Magazine.”
(Lent by Geo. Newnes, Esq., M. P.)
Stott, William, of Oldham, London
964. Portrait of a Child.
965. The Eiger.
966. The Jungfrau.
Swan, John M., London.
967. Tigress Drinking.
968. Puma (female).
969. Lioness Walking.
970. Indian Leopards.
971. Polar Bear.
972. Lioness Walking.
Tenniel, John, London.
973. A Waiting Game.
974. The Queen of the May.
975. Innings Closed.
976. When Greek Meets Greek.
977. The Political “Johnny Gilpin”—The
978. The Political “Johnny Gilpin”—The
979. “William the Wheelman.”
980. “Will They Work ”
981. Back.
982. The White Elephant.
Weguelin, J. R., London.
983. Illustrations to Anacreon.
984. Illustrations to Catullus.
Nos. 983 , 984 lent by Messrs. Laur¬
ence & Bullen.
Wright, Miss E. (See 509 .)
In Upper Gallery Alcoves 123 and 124 .
Adams, Maurice B., F. R. I. B. A., London,
Glen Ridge, New Jersey, U. S. A.
986. Bungalow, Nine-Mile Ride, Berks,
987. Mausoleum, near Sydney,Australia,in
Memory of the Hon. John Frazer.
Aitchison, Prof. George, A. R. A., London.
988. Royal Exchange Assurance, 29 Pall
Mall, S. W.
989. The Arab Hall. (Lent by Sir F.
Leighton, Bart., P. R. A.)
990. Drawing Room. (Lent by Sir Wilfrid
Lawson, Bart., M. P.)
991. Small Drawing Room. (Lent by Sir
Wilfrid Lawson, Bart., M. P.)
992. Ceiling. (Lent by Sir Sydney Water-
low, Bart., M. P.)
Colors, Architecture.
993. Drawing Room. (Lent by Eustace
Smith, Esq., M. P.)
994. The Hall. (Lent by the Right Hon.
Lord Leconfield.)
995. New Drawing Room, London.
Anderson, R.Rowand, LL. D., Edinburgh.
996. New Medical School, Edinburgh
997. Catholic Apostolic Church, Edin¬
998. Dumblane Cathedral.
999. Govan Parish Church.
1000. Central Station Hotel, Glasgow.
1001. Scottish National Portrait Gallery,
1002. St. Paul’s Church, Greenock.
Ashlin, George C., R.H.A., Dublin.
1003. Exterior View of St. Colman’s Cathe¬
dral, Queenstown.
1004. Interior View of St. Colman’s Cathe¬
1005. Exterior View of the O’Connell Mem¬
orial Church, Caherciveen, County Kerry.
1006. Interior View of the O’Connell Mem¬
orial Church.
Aston-Webb and E. Ingress Bell, London.
1007. Victoria Courts, Birmingham.
1008. Metropolitan Life Assurance So¬
ciety’s Offices.
1009. Completion of South Kensington Mu¬
1010. Peverey, Shropshire.
Belcher, John, London.
ion. Design for South Kensington Mu¬
seum, Exterior View.
1012. Design for South Kensington Mu¬
seum, Interior View.
Binyon, Brightwen, Ipswich.
1013. Sunderland Town Hall, View of the
Blomfield, Reginald, M. A., London.
1014. Drawing of 20 James Street, S. W.
1015. House and Grounds at Brockenhurst,
1016. Proposed English Church at Berne.
Brooks, James, V. P. R. I. B. A., London.
1017. Interior Looking East, Liverpool Ca¬
1018. West Exterior View, Liverpool Ca¬
1019. Southeast Exterior View, St. Mary’s,
1020. Extension Northeast view, St. Mary’s,
1021. Southwest View, Holy Innocents’,
1022. Mansions, Ruede Bord, Cape Town.
Campbell, Douglas and Morrison, Glasgow.
1023. Carnegie Free Library, Ayr,Scotland.
CarOe, W. D., London.
1024. St. John the Evangelist, Stanstead,
Essex, Interior.
1025. St. Sepulchre’s, Holborn, Design for
1026. AdelphiBank New Buildings, Castle
Street, Liverpool.
1027. Design for Bronze Doors.
Champneys, Basil, London.
1028. Harrow School.
1029. Mansfield College, Oxford.
1030. “Moxley,” Holmbury, near Dorking,
1031. St. Mary Star-of-the-Sea Church,
Clarke,T. Chatfield, & Son, London.
1032. New Buildings on the Duke of West¬
minster’s estate, South Audley, London.
1033. Block of New Buildings on the Duke
of Westminster’s Estate, Nos. 385 to 397
Oxford Street, London.
1034. The New Bishopsgate Girls’ School
and Chapel,recently built in Spital Square,
Bishopsgate Street.
Cutler, Thomas W., F. R. I. B. A., London.
1035. Sculpture Gallery, Avery Hill
1036. Billiard Room, Avery Hill.
1037. Renaissance Gallery, Avery Hill.
1038. Picture Gallery, Avery Hill.
1039. Drawing Room, Avery Hill.
1040. Staircase, Avery Hill.
1041. Turkish Bath Room, Avery Hill.
1042. A Country House.
1043. A Corridor.
1044. A Card and Billiard Room.
Deane, Sir Thomas N. & Son, Dublin.
1045. Elevation of Design for the Imperial
Edis, R.W., F. S. A., F. R. I. B.A., London.
1046. Constitutional Club, Northumberland
1047. Junior Constitutional Club, Piccadilly.
1048. Convalescent Home and Hospital.
Ernest, George, & Peto, London.
1049. Collingham Gardens Houses, S. W.
1050. East Hill, Ramsgate.
1051. 47 Berkeley Square, Interior.
1052. Shiplake on Thames, Interior of Hall.
1053. Shiplake on Thames,Exterior of Hall.
Fenning, Arthur R. G., London.
1054. St. Matthew’s Church, Blackburn,
1055. St. Matthew’s Church, Blackburn,
1056. St. Paul’s Church, Oswaldtwistle,
1057. St. Luke’s Church, Winnington,
1058. St. Luke’s Church, Winnington,
Goddard, Paget, & Goddard, Leicester.
1059. An Architect’s Home.
1060. Houses, Regent Street, Leicester.
Gribble, Herbert A., A. R. I. B. A.
1061. Interior of the Oratory Church,
1062. Altar of St. Philip Neri, the Oratory,
Honeyman, John, & Keppie, Glasgow.
1064. Premiated Design for Glasgow Art
Galleries, Perspective View.
1065. Design for Glasgow Art Galleries,
Part of Elevation to Large Scale.
Horsley, Gerald C., London.
1066. Design for a Country Museum and
1067. A Small Country House.
1068. New Organ, Bottesford.
Jackson, Thomas G., A. R. A., London.
1069. New Front of Brasenose College, in
the High Street of Oxford.
1070. New Campanile for the Cathedral of
Zara, in Dalmatia.
1071. New Tower and Spire for St. John’s
Church, Wimbledon.
1072. The New Examination Schools and
Buildings for Non-Collegiate Students in
the High Street of Oxford.
1073. Decorated Case of a Grand Piano¬
Leiper, William, F. R. I. B. A., A. R. S. A.,
1074. A Scotch Mansion.
Neale, James, F. S. A., F. R. I. B.
A., London.
1075. Reredosand Altar,St. Peter’s Church,
Bushey Heath.
1076. Frognal Gardens, Hampstead.
1077. St. Alban’s Abbey, Herts.
1078. New Residences, Tunbridge Wells,
Nevill, Ralph, F. S. A., London.
1079. Snowdenham, Surrey. Two views.
1080. Snowdenham, Surrey, Interior of
Hall and Stairs.
1081. Lodge and Cottages, Warley.
1082. Cottage Block.
1083. House in Dartmoor.
Pearson, John L., R. A., London.
1084. View of the Cathedral of Truro,When
Completed—from the Southwest.
1085. The North Transept of Westminster,
as Now Restored.
Robson, E. R., F. S. A., London.
1086. Cross Erected in Memory of the Late
John Wichcord.
1087. Exterior of the People’s Palace at
the East End of London.
1088. Interior of the Library and Reading
Room of the People’s Palace.
1089. Interior of the Queen’s Hall of the
People’s Palace.
1090. Clock Tower at the People’s Palace.
1091. View of the Royal Institute of Paint¬
ers in Water Colors, Piccadilly, London.
Scott, J. Oldrid, F. S. A., F. R. I. B.
A., London.
1092. Design for the New Town Hall at
Hamburg by the late Sir G. G. Scott
and Mr. J. Oldrid Scott.
1093. Design for the New Town Hall at
1094. Lahore Cathedral.
1095. Tower and Spire, Stoke Newington.
1096. Glasgow University, Central Tower.
1097. Falkland Island Cathedral.
1098. Sunningdale Parish Church.
1099. St. Paul’s, Manchester.
1100. Organ, Halifax Parish Church.
Simpson, Fred. M., London
1101. Staircase.
Spiers, R. Phene, London.
1102. No. 7 Chelsea Embankment.
1103. Mansion at Impney, in Worcester
Built in association with E. Tronquois,
of Paris.
Stevenson, John J., London.
1104. Kensington Court.
1105. St. Leonard’s Church, Perth
1106. Kenhill, Norfolk.
Stokes, Leonard, London.
1107. Corpus Christi Priory Church, Man¬
chester, Exterior.
1108. Corpus Christi Priory Church, Man¬
chester, Interior.
1109. New Church, Folkstone.
mo. Broxwood Court, Hereford.
mi. St. Clare’s Church, Liverpool.
Street, Arthur E., London.
1112. Frame of Designs.
Street, G. E., R. A. (deceased).
1113. Kingstone Church, Dorset.
1114. Northwest Porch, Bristol Cathedral.
1115. North Aisle, Bristol Cathedral.
Tree, Philip Henry, F. R. I. B. A., Leon¬
ard’ s-On-Sea.
1116. Church Schools and Parsonage.
1117. Estate Cottages at Lunsford, Near
St. Leonard’s-on-Sea.
1118. Highland Mansions—Entrance,Front
1119. Highland Mansions — The Garden,
1120. House and Offices at Battle, Sussex.
1121. Proposed New Workhouse, Hastings
1122. New Wesleyan Church,St. Leonard’s
Waterhouse, Alfred, R. A., London.
1123. Natural History Museum,South Ken¬
1124. National Liberal Club, Thames Em¬
Watson, T. L., F. R. I. B. A., Glasgow.
1125. Offices of the Glasgow Evening Citi¬
zen Newspaper.
1126. Royal Clyde Yacht Club, Hunter’s
1127. Design for Glasgow Municipal Build¬
Webb, George W., Reading.
1128. The “Roebuck”Hotel on the Thames,
1129. Memorial Fountain, Reading.
Young, William, London.
1130. Gosford House, N. B.
Royal Commissioner of Tine Arts,
The Hague, Holland.
Acting Royal Commissioner of Tine Arts,
816 Pullman Building.
General Manager of the Holland Art Exhibit,
17 East Eorty-Third Street,
Tor information regarding exhibits for sale, apply to the General Manager
of the Holland Art Exhibit, /Ar. A. PREYER, at the entrance
to the Holland Section, West Court.
Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
West Court, Galleries 25 - 26 - 27 ; Alcoves 99 -
Abrahams, Miss A., The Hague.
1. Still-life.
2. Flowers.
Apol, Louis, The Hague.
3. Autumn; Sunset.
4. Near the Water-mill.
5. Winter Morning.
6. Thaw, on the River Ysel.
Artz, D. A. C., deceased 1890, The Hague.
7. Girl Knitting
8 . The Pet Lamb.
10. Idle Hours on the Dunes.
11. Girl Sleeping on the Dunes.
Bakhuyzen, Miss G. J. van de Sande,
The Hague
12. Plums.
13. Roses.
Bakhuyzen, Julius J. van de Sande, The
14. Summer Morning.
15. Driving the Cattle Homeward.
16. Sunset in Drenthe.
Bastert, N., Amsterdam.
17. The Fall on the River Vecht.
18. The Bridge at Nederhorst.
19. Little Breeze on the Vecht.
20. The White Sail.
Berg, Joan, Paris.
21. Spring.
Bilders van Bosse, Mrs. M., The Hague.
22. Littlewood Near Oosterbeek.
Bisschop-Swift, Mrs. K., Scheveningen.
23. Motherly Cares.
Blommers, B. J., Scheveningen.
24. At Breakfast.
25. Washing Day.
26. On the Beach.
27. Fishing for Shrimps at Scheveningen.
Bock, Theophile de, The Hague.
28. Rising Moon.
29. Beech Trees.
30. Slimmer Evening.
Boks, E. J., Antwerp.
31. Surprised.
Bosboom, J. dec’d 1891, The Hague.
32. Dutch Reformed Church, Haarlem.
33. Synagogue, Amsterdam.
Breitner, G. H., Amsterdam.
34. Dutch Artillery.
35. Dutch Cavalry.
Calissendorf, A., Ryswyk.
36. In the Alms House at Ryswyk.
37. Lawn-tennis.
Cate, S. J. ten, Paris.
38. Night Scene at Havre.
39. The Thames, Floodtide.
40. The Thames, Lowtide.
41. Dutch Landscape.
Chattel, Fred J. du, The Hague.
42. The Lake in the Wood.
43. On the River (Vecht).
44. A Bright Day.
Dommershuizen, Chr., The Hague.
45. The Maas near Rotterdam.
Eerelman, 0 ., The Hague.
46. Horse Fair at Rotterdam.
47. Winter in Holland.
48. St. Bernard Dog.
Essen, Jan Van, Scherpenzeel.
49. Going Homeward.
50. A Dutch Farmhouse.
Flier, H. F. vander, Baarn.
51. Flock of Sheep ; Afternoon.
Frankfort, Ed., Amsterdam.
52. Writing of Divorce.
Gabrel, P. J. C.,Scheveningen.
53. Windmills at the Moerdyk (Holland).
54. The Harvest near Utrecht.
55. A Corner in the Village, Veenendaal.
56. A Windmill in the Lowlands.
Haas, J. H. L. de, Brussels.
57. Landscape with Cattle.
58. Donkeys on the Shore (Picardy).
59. Cows on the Dunes.
60. Cows Resting.
61. Cows Resting.
Haaxman, P., The Hague.
62. Summertime.
63. A Pleasant Correspondence.
Paintings in Oil.
! Hamel, W., Rolde.
64. Harvest Time.
Heemskerck van Beest, J. E. van, The
65 . On the Zuyder Zee.
Henkes, Gerke, Voorburg.
66. The Benevolent Society, “ Dorcas.”
67. The “ Regenten.”
68. The Knitting School.
69. In the Distillery.
70. A Dutch Peasant.
Hogendorps’ Jacob, Mrs. A. van, The
71. Roses.
Hoynck van Papendrecht, J., Amsterdam.
72. Artillery Review at Utrecht.
Hugenholtz, Miss A., Amsterdam.
73. On the Heath.
Israels, Jozef, The Hague.
74. Alone in the World.
75. Fisherwomen at Zandvoort.
76. Sweet Home.
77. Summer Day on the Shore.
78. Type of a Fisherman.
Jansen, H. W., Amsterdam.
79. In the Docks (Amsterdam).
80. Canal at Amsterdam.
Kate, Mari ten, The Hague.
81. From the Window at Christmastide.
Kate, Mz. Johan M. ten, The Hague.
82. On the Zuyder Zee, Isle of Marken.
83. Sailing Out.
Kever, J. S. H., Amsterdam.
84. In the Garden.
85. A Little Greedy-Gut.
Klinkenberg, K., Amsterdam.
86 . Canal at Amsterdam (Sunset),
87. Drawbridge at Amsterdam.
88. An Old Tower at Amsterdam.
89. Canal at Alkmaar.
Maarel, M. vander, The Hague.
90. A Flower Woman from Haarlem.
91. A Cook.
Mar, D. de la, Amsterdam.
92. Peasant Girl.
. In July.
aris, Jacob, The Hague.
94. The Two Mills.
95. Between the Hague and Delft.
96. Dordrecht, Sun Effect.
97. Fishing Shells.
98. Canal at Rotterdam.
Maris, William, Voorburg.
99. Under the Willows.
100. Milking Time.
101. Cow and Calf.
102. Dutch Pasture.
103. Duck Pond.
Martens, W. J., Berlin.
104. The original of “Love’s Dream.”
Martens, Willy, the Hague.
105. A Cosy Corner.
106. At the Well.
107. Housework.
Mauve, Anton (1888), Laren.
108. Woodcarts on the Heath.
109. Cows Going Home.
no. Pasture Near the Dunes.
hi. Ploughing the Fields (Drenthe).
Melis, H. J.,Clarlois, near Rotterdam.
112. Neighborhood of Rotterdam.
113. Washing Day.
Mesdag, H. W., The Hague.
114. At Anchor.
115. Morning on the Shore at Scheveningen.
116. Ready to Sail Out.
117. Summer Morning at Scheveningen.
118. In Danger.
Mesdag vanHouten, Mrs. S., The Hague.
119. Still Life.
120. Moonlight on the Heath.
121. Cottage.
122. On the Heath (Evening Effect).
Mesdag, Kz. T., Scheveningen.
123. Water Mill at Ruurlo (Gelderland).
124. View on The Hague from Scheven¬
125. In the Dunes.
126. Sheepcot at Loenen (Gelderland).
Mesdag van Calcar, Mrs. G., Schevenin¬
127. The Village Road (Vries, Drenthe).
128. Street at Hattem.
Meulen, F. P. ter, The Hague.
129. A Sandy Road.
130. At the River Side.
131. Winter.
Moes, Miss Wally, Amsterdam.
132. Praying Together.
Muller, Gerard, Amsterdam.
133. Disappointed.
134. Afternoon Tea.
Nakken, W. C., The Hague.
135. Farmhouse in Limburg.
136. Farmhouse in Welsden.
Neuhuys, Albert, The Hague.
137. A Sober Meal.
138. The Mother’s Delight.
139. Dutch Woman and Child. v x
140. Can I Have It, Mother?
141. Rocking the Cradle.
142. Sunlight.
Nibbrig, F. Hart, Amsterdam.
143. In the Tulip Fields near Haarlem.
Offermans, T., Laren.
144. The Village Carpenter.
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors.
Oppenoorth, W., The Hague.
145. The Pond in the Wood of The Hague.
146. A Mill in the Swamp.
Poggenbeek, George, Amsterdam.
147. Between Two Dikes.
148. Sunset.
149. In the Meadows of Holland.
150. Near the River.
Roelofs, W., The Hague.
151. Mills near Rotterdam.
152. A Dutch Canal.
153. Pasture Grounds near the Dunes.
Ronner, Mrs. Henriette, Brussels.
154. Coquetry.
155. Mischief.
156. In Confidence.
Roosenboom, Mrs. Marguerite, Voorburg.
157. A Garland of Roses (upright).
158. A Garland of Roses (oblong).
Sadee, Ph., The Hague.
159. On the Beach at Scheveningen.
160. Shrimp Fishing at Scheveningen.
Schwartze, Miss Therese, Amsterdam.
161. The Orphan Girls at Amsterdam.
162. Portrait of My Mother.
163. Portrait of Myself.
Tholen, W. B., The Hague.
164. Through the Woods.
165. Skating.
166. Autumn.
Valkenburg, H., Amsterdam.
167. Will You Give Me a Flower?
168. Pleasant Gatherings.
Veder, Hendrik, Rotterdam.
169. View at the Harbor of Flushing.
Verveer, Elchanon, The Hague.
170. Here They Are.
171. Expecting the Return of the Boats.
172. Gazing into the Horizon.
Veth, Bas, Dordrecht.
173. On the River in December.
Vogel, J. G., Voorburg.
174. In the Cornfields (Drenthe).
Vos, Hubert, London.
175. Portrait of H. M. Wilhelmina Queen of
the Netherlands.
176. A Room in a Brussels Almshouse.
177. Pauvres Gens. (Poor People).
178. The Angelus on the Zuyderzee.
179. A Breton Interior.
180. Study of a Russian Peasant.
Vrolyk, Jan, The Hague.
181. Evening near the Farmhouse.
182. Cow Resting.
Weele, H. J., van der, The Hague.
183. Ploughing (Summer).
184. Ploughing (Spring).
Weissenbruch, J. Hendrik, The Hague.
185. Village Interior.
Wysmuller, J. H., Amsterdam.
186. A Dutch Town.
187. Winter Evening (Monnikendam).
188. Winter Evening (Amsterdam).
i88a„ Scene in Amsterdam.
Zilcken, Ph., The Hague.
189. Golden Leaves.
Zwart, W. de, The Hague.
190. Father’s Darling.
191. A Village Comer.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Apol, Louis, The Hague.
196. Winter Night.
197. A Snowy Road.
Artz, D. A. C., deceased, 1890, The Hague.
198. A Fisherwoman.
199. Sorrow.
200. Sorrow (first sketch).
Bakhuyzen, Miss G. J. van de Sande, The
201. White Roses.
Bastert, N., Amsterdam.
202. Near the Farm.
203. Winter.
Bilders van-Bosse, Mrs. M., The Hague.
204. Under the Beeches.
205. An Alley of Beech Trees.
Blommers, B. J., Scheveningen.
206. The Frugal Meal.
207. Mother’s Darling.
Bock, Theophile de, The Hague.
208. Mill and River.
209. Landscape.
Borselen, J. W. van., deceased 1892, The
210. Dutch Landscape.
211. A Nook of the Farm.
Bosboom, J., deceased 1891, The Hague.
212. Church Interior.
213. Farm Interior.
214. Landscape in the Dunes.
Cate, S. J., ten, Paris.
215. La Rue de la Chapelle, Paris.
216. Eight different Views of Paris.
217. Six Different Views of Paris.
218. Summer Evening (Finistere).
Chattel, Fred J. du, The Hague.
219. Autumn Evening.
220. The Fisherman’s Home.
Donders Grandmont, Mrs. Hubrecht, Taor¬
mina, Sicily.
221. A Tired Nurse.
222. Worn Out. (Crayon).
Eerelman, O., The Hague.
223. Little Pugs.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Gabriel, P. J. C., Scheveningen.
224. The White House near Deventer.
225. A Dutch Mill.
Henkes, Gerke, Voorburg.
226. A Confidence.
227. Blacksmith Shop.
228. View of Delft’s Haven.
Hoeven, Miss C. Pruys van der, The
229. An Interesting Novel.
Israels, Jozef, The Hague.
230. Motherly Cares.
Jacob, Mrs. A. Hogendorp, The Hague.
231. Chrysanthemum.
Josselin de Jong, P. de, The Hague.
232. Autumn.
233. Sand Barge.
Kate, Mari ten, The Hague.
234. A Bombardment.
235. The Chickens, Isle of Marken.
Kate, Mz. Johan M. ten, The Hague.
236. The Coffee-Call.
237. On the Shore.
Kever, J. S. H., Amsterdam.
238. The Little Sister.
239. The Old Gardener.
240. The Young Gardener.
Klinkenberg, K., Amsterdam.
241. Canal at Amsterdam.
242. Canal at The Hague.
Koster, A. L., Haarlem.
243. The Last Autumn Leaves on The
Ancient Bulwarks of Haarlem.
244. Bridge on The Maas at Maastricht.
Maarel, M. van der, The Hague.
245. On the Altar.
Maris, Jacob, The Hague.
246. The Old Nurse.
Maris, William, Voorburg.
247. Young Pigs.
248. Ducks.
Melis, H. J., Charlois, near Rotterdam.
249. Grandmother and Granddaughter.
250. Complaints.
Mesdag, H. W., The Hague.
251. In Danger.
252. On the Beach at Scheveningen, Twi¬
253. On the Dutch Coast.
Mesdag van Houten, Mrs. S., The Hague.
254. Moonlight.
255. Heath.
256. Still Life.
Mesdag Kz., T., Scheveningen.
257. After Harvest.
258. Mill at Leende (Noord Braband).
Mesdag van Calcar, Mrs.G., Scheveningen.
259. Violets.
Meulen, F. P. ter, The Hague.
260. Sheep Grazing.
261. In the Snow.
Moes, Miss Wally, Amsterdam
262. In a Village Church.
263. Just Awakened.
Nakken, W. C., The Hague.
264. Farmhouse in Limburg.
265. Farmhouse in Zuyd-Holland.
Neuhuys, Albert, The Hague.
266. The Mother and Her Children.
Offermp-' ~ Laren.
267. On the Threshold.
268. In the Hothouse.
Oppenoorth, W., The Hague.
269. Cut Trees.
270. Dutch Pasture Ground.
Poggenbeek, Geo., Amsterdam.
271. The Duck Pool.
Rochussen, C., Rotterdam.
272. Before the Races.
Roelofs, W., The Hague.
273. Mill at Abcoude (Holland).
274. Water Gulls in the Swamps (Holland).
Roelofs, W., Jr., The Hague.
275. Still-life.
Roosenboom,Mrs. Marguerite, Voorburg.
276. A Branch of Roses.
277. Iris.
278. Helianthus.
Sadee, Ph., The Hague.
279. After the Storm.
Schutz, W. J., Middelburg.
280. Low Tide on the Westerschelde.
Stortenbeker, P., The Hague.
281. Under the Trees.
282. Milking-time.
Valkenburg, H., Amsterdam.
283. Mother and Child.
284. Neighbors.
285. Woman Reading.
Veder, Hendrik, Rotterdam.
286. View of the Maas.
287. View of the Old Harbor of Flushing.
Verveer, Elchanon, The Hague.
288. To the Market.
289. Happy Family.
Veth, Bas, Dordrecht.
290. Discharging a Steamer.
291. River Scene in December.
Voerman, J., Hattem.
292. Still-life.
293. Violets.
Vos, Hubert, London.
293a. Home-Rulers. (Pastel).
Vrolyk, Jan, The Hague.
294. Cow-herders.
295. Cow House.
Paintings in Water Colors, Engravings and Etchings, Prints.
Weele, H. J. van der, The Hague.
296. Sand Cart.
297. In the Snow.
Weissenbruch, J. Hendrik, The Hague.
299. Landscape (Holland).
300. A Sunny Day (Holland).
301. A Young Artist.
302. At the Dutch Coast.
Wysmuller, J. H., Amsterdam.
303. Saw-mills at Amsterdam.
304. A Dutch Landscape.
Engravings and Etchings, Prints.
Croisetvan der Kop, Miss J., The Hague.
313. Two Still-lifes in one frame.
314. Two after H.W. Mesdag in one frame.
315. Japanese Bronzes.
316. Two Figures and Boats at Scheven-
ingen in one frame.
316a. Two Studies of a Boy.
Dake, Prof. C. L., Amsterdam.
317. Portrait of H. M. the Queen of
318. Portrait of Ludwig van Beethoven.
Houten, Miss B. E. van, The Hague.
319. After Jules Dupre.
320. After Eugene Delacroix.
’321. After J. F. Millet.
322. After Blommers.
323. Study of Birds.
324. Six etchings in one frame.
325. Three etchings in one frame.
326. Four etchings in one frame.
Koster, A. L., Haarlem.
327. Ten original etchings (artist’ sproofs)
picturesque views along the canal from
The Hague to Delft.
328. Etching after the picture of Beguin,
“The Quarry” in the museum “Maurits-
huis”, at The Hague. (Artist’s proof.)
Storm van Gravesande. C. N., Brussels.
329. Boats on the Meuse.
330. Breakwater.
331. The Pier.
332. Flushing.
333. The Meuse off Dordrecht.
334. A Dead Calm.
Weele, H. J. van der, The Hague.
335. A Sandy Road, after A. Manver. (Un¬
published; plate for sale.)
Zilcken, Ph., The Hague.
336. The Bridge. (After J. Maris.)
337. J. L. Motley. (After C. Bisschop.)
338. Evening. (After H. W. Mesdag.)
339. Primavera. (After M. Maris.)
Zwart, W. de, The Hague.
340. Eight Etchings in one frame.
a Landscape.
b Landscape.
c Figure.
d Landscape.
e Figure.
f Workmen.
g Man and Boat.
h Mill.
341. Four Etchings in one frame.
/ Landscape (Drenthe).
k Landscape.
/ Landscape.
m Near The Hague.
342. Seven Etchings in one frame.
n Landscape.
o Rotterdam.
ft Farmhouse.
q Child.
r Milking Time.
^ Landscape.
t Street.
343. Three Etchings in one frame.
u Digging Sand.
v Canal at The Hague.
w Barn.
Examiner of Art Works.
5503 Cornell Avenue.
Officer in Charge of Exhibits.
Tor information regarding exhibits for sale apply to A\r. S. CHOYO,
in Gallery 24, West Court.
Sculpture, Paintings.
GROUP 139 .
Asahi Gyokzan.
1 . A skull. (Ivory.)
Asahi (Okioka) Eizo.
2 . Ikkyu—a Japanese Great Thinker.
Asahi Meido (Hats.)
3 . A Japanese Boy with a Dove and a
Fujita Bunzo.
4 . Temptation. (Plaster.)
5 . Victory. (Plaster.)
Ishikawa Mitsuaki.
6 . Sekiza Kannon. (Wood.)
6 a Kannon (Ivory.)
Nishimra Biun.
7 . Hana Kannon.
Okazaki Sessei.
8 . An Eagle. (Bronze.)
9 . Kongoriki. (Bronze.)
10 . A pair of Dragons,in clouds over water.
11 . Benten. (Bronze.)
Otake Norikni.
12 . A Rooster with long tail on plum tree.
Hen with chickens below. (Bronze.)
Shimamra Shummei.
13 Kamatari, Japanese warrior. (Bronze).
Suzki Chokichi.
14 . An Eagle. (Bronze.)
15 . A set of Twelve Falcons. (Bronze.)
Takamra Koun.
16 . An Old Monkey with feathers of an
eagle. (Cherry wood.)
Takenouchi Kyuichi.
17 . Gigeiten — a Buddhist mythological
being. (Bronze.)
18 . Yuima.
Yamada Kisai.
19 . Heichi Mopogatari—a military proces¬
sion of the olden time. (Wood.)
20. A Wrestler. (Wood.)
GROUPS 140 and 141 .
Azaki Kaupo.
21 . Rooster and Hen among banana y lants
by the water side.
Asae Ryukyo.
22 . Peacock on cherry tree.
Fju Gyoksho.
23 . Bird and Flowers.
Hada Gesshu.
24 . Kinkakji—a temple.
Hara Ryutaro.
25 . Falcon on pine.
Hasegawa Gyokjun.
26 . Kikkakji—a temple.
Hashimoto Gaho.
27 . Landscape.
Hashimoto Chikanob.
28 . Beauties in the Tokgawa period,
Ikeda Keisen.
29 . A group of Ducks.
Ikeda Shinsai.
30 . Kawanakajuna Battle.
Imao Keinen.
31 . A group of Carp.
32 . Monkey fleeing from an Eagle.
Kael-Yama Toksabro.
33 . Hakkok.
Kano Tomoiiuo.
34 . Heichi Battle.
Kawabata Gyoksho.
35 . A Toy Seller.
Kawabe Mitate.
36 . A battle of Nan-bok Courts.
Mochizki Gyoksen.
37 . Fish in Hotzgawa.
Morikawa Sobun.
38 . A group of Stags.
Mori Shungak.
39 . Eagle watching for his prey from fir
Mrase Gyoden.
40 . Japanese Pheasants.
Paintings in Oil, Architectural Models, Works of Decorative Art.
GROUP 143.
Mraoka Oto.
41 . Hagorom—a dance.
Mumemura Keizan.
42 . Autumn Flowers in Moonlight.
Nakagawa Kosho.
43 . Rice Field and Rising Sun.
Namikawa Soske.
44 . The top of Fujisan. (Cloissone, with¬
out wire.)
Nogchi Yukok.
45 . Carp.
Nomra Bunkyo.
46 . Landscape.
Ogata Jekko.
47 . A Festival of Sanno, at Yedo
Sgitani Sessho.
48 . Landscape.
Suzki Shonen.
49 . Snow Scene. *
50 . Spring Scenery.
Takahashi Ryuzabro.
51 . Bird and Flowers.
Takeuchi Seiho.
52 . Landscape.
Taki Katei.
53 . Peacocks.
Tatiigchi Taichi.
54 . Peacock on pomegranate tree.
Tanigchi Kokyo.
55 . Cherry-Flower Picnic in the Middle
Tasaki Sakan.
56 . The top of Fjisan.
Tsulzawa Tanshin.
57 . Oshokun.
Ujii Yajiro.
58 . Carp.
Watanabe Kason.
59 . Scene at Nikko.
60 . Scene at Nikko.
61 . Scene at Nikko.
62 . Scene at Nikko.
63 . Scene at Nikko.
64 . Scene at Nikko.
Watanabe Seitei.
65 . Roosters on a cart
Yamamoto Shunkyo.
66 . A Snow Scene.
Yuki Masaaki.
67 . Maeda Inuchiyo—a battle.
Paintings in Oil.
Audo Chutaro.
68. Cherry-Flowers Sight Seers.
69 . A temple.
70. A Shiba Temple.
71-73. Three frafnes of prints from wood-
74. Monthly magazine with xylographs.
75. Xylographical boards.
I90gaya S.
76. Sengen Palace in Shizuoka.
Niwa Keiske.
77. Yasaka Pagoda.
Tanaka Soya.
78. Higrashi Temple Gate.
Yuga S.
79. Kondo Tennoji Temple, Osaka.
Namikawa Soske.
See No. 44.
Namikawa Yasuyuki.
80. A Pair of Vases.
Kawada Shibataro.
81. Hotei with a Child (panel).
Pottery, Porcelain, etc.
Kato Tomataro.
82. Vase—landscape.
Miyagawa Kozan.
83. Vase—Dragons in waves.
84. A Pair of Vases—groups of various
kinds of pottery, porcelain, etc.
85. Peach blossom vase—Flying Dragon.
86 . Peach blossom vase—Crawling Drag¬
87. A pair of vases—Dragon in waves.
88—187. A private collection of 100 pieces,
exhibited by Hayashi Tadamasa.
188. A Pair of Vases.
189. Vase.
190. Koro—incense box.
Taizan Yohei.
191. Vase—Chrysanthemums.
Takemoto Hayato.
192-291. A collection of 100 pieces, exhibited
by Hayashi Tadamasa.
Seinu Yohei.
292. Celadon vase.
293. Vase—white, with tree peony.
Watano Kichiji.
294. A pair of vases—hydrangea.
295. Censer with Peacock top—landscape.
Works of Decorative Art,
Lacquer Work.
Asano Sozabro.
296 . Lacquered box.
Igarashi Tajiro.
297 . Table.
298 . Writing case.
299 -. Ryoshi-Su^ri—box and writing case.
BOO. Gold lacquer box—Kakgatar.
tkeda T&ishui.
BOL Panel—Enoshima Scenery.
^Ca'wanobe Itcho.
302 . Gold lacquer box, double—Flowers.
Matsuoka Kichihei.
303 . Small box—Noshimegata.
304 . Writing case.
305 . Writing case.
Morimra Itchitaro.
306 . Lacquered cabinet.
Morishita Morihachi.
307 . Box.
308 . Box.
Nihon Makie Gaisha.
309 . Cake box.
310 . Cake box.
811 . Writing case.
Sawada Jiro.
312 . Double box lacquered with chrysan¬
Embroideries, Textile Fabrics and Vel¬
Iida Shihichi.
313 . Wall hanging of cut velvet—Boudoir
314 . Wall screen, Embroidered.
315 . Panel—Ranzan Rapids.
Ka-vashima Jimbei.
310 . Wall hanging (Kawashima Tsuzre)—
Flower Basket.
317 . Wall hanging (Kawashima Tsuzre)—
Nikko festival procession.
Moriyama Yoshihei.
318 . Textile Fabric—Flower pattern.
Nishimra Sozaemon.
319 . Six-leaved screen, decorated with em¬
broidery, etc.—Kioto Higeshiyama scen¬
320 . Panel of Embroidery — Waterfall,
source of Hotsugawa.
321 . Wall hanging (embroidery)—Peacock
on pine.
322 . Six-leaved screen, with embroidered
front and Yuzen cut velvet back.
323 . Wall hahging of Yuzen cut velvet —
The eight sceneries of Omi.
324 . Screen of Yuzen cut velvet—ducks
among reeds.
Omra Wakichiro.
325 . A pair of embroidered Curtains—Pea¬
cock and chrysanthemums.
Sasaki Seihichi.
326 . Textile fabric—Gion Festival.
Shiino Shobei.
327 . Panel of Embroidery—landscape.
328 . Panel of Embroidery—landscape.
329 . Panel of Embroidery—a bird on a plum
330 . Panel of Embroidery—a ho-o bird on a
kiri tree.
Metal Work.
Essai Masami.
331 . Card receiver.
Ito Kotsuyoshi.
332 . Card receiver.
Jomi Eiske.
333 . Red copper vase—a dance.
Kagawa Katsuhiro.
334 . A pair of vases.
335 . Plaque—Monkeys playing with in¬
Kajima Ippu.
336 . Plaque—Landscape.
Kanaya Gorosabro.
337 . A small Screen.
Kano Natsuo.
338 . Plaque—Herons by the reeds.
Miyamoto Kats.
339 . Incense box.
Namekawa Sadakats.
340 . Globular Iron Censer—Carp and Tur ¬
tle top.
Sawada Ginjinro.
341 . Incense box.
Shoami Katsuyoshi.
342 . Plaque—a Bird on Nandia in snow
Tsukada Shukyo.
343 . Card receiver.
344 . Incense box.
Unno Shomin.
345 . Tablet, in a medallion—an A vat with
a dog of Fo.
346 . Tablet, in a medallion—Frog hermit.
347 . Tablet—Kanjogak dance.
Yoshida Shinzo.
348. Cigar Box—Cherry Flowers and Maple
Commissioner General,
Lexington Hotel.
Office. 5038 Washington Ave.
Commissioners for Pine Arts.
1328 Michigan Ave.
1328 Michigan Ave.
5038 Washington Ave.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
Centurion, Jose Maria, Puebla.
1. Bust of Esteban Antunano.
2. Bust of Francisco Morales.
Contreras, Jesus, City of Mexico.
3. Bust of the President of the Republic,
General Porfirio Diaz.
4. Bust of the Ex-President, Benito
5. Bust of General Felipe Berriozabal.
6 . “The Past.” (A head.)
Guerra, Gabriel, City of Mexico.
7. “A mockery of Cupid.” (Group.)
8. Bust of the President of the Republic,
General Porfirio Diaz.
9. Bust of General Carlos Pacheco.
10. Bust of General Manuel Gonzalez
11. Bust of Leandro Fernandez, Civil En¬
12. Bust of the Holy Virgin Mary.
13. Bust of Christ.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Alcerreca, Ygnacio, City of Mexico.
14. View of Tizapan.
15. “The Evening.”
Almanza, Cleofas, Zacatecas.
16. The Spring of Saint Peter.
17. River of Orizaba.
18 . Grove of Chapultepec.
19 . Court-yard of the National Museum of
Mexico. ^
20. Ruins of the Quesnada.
21. View of Zacatecas.
22. The Tree of the “Noche Triste.”(Cor-
tes the Conqueror wept under this tree.)
23. The Hill of the Tepeyac.
Balvanera, Jesus Ma., Queretaro.
24. The Flight of the Humming-Bird.
Balvanera, Rosalio, Queretaro.
26. Mater Dolorosa.
Balvanera, Valerio, Queretaro.
27. “The Chase.”
Bribiesca, Alberto, City of Mexico.
28. The Good Samaritan.
29. Ruth.
Bustamante, Felipe, Queretaro.
30. Mexican Boy Orchestra.
Carrasco, Gonzalo, City of Mexico.
31. Job.
32. Saint Luis Gonzaga.
Coto, Luis, City of Mexico.
33. View of Toluca.
34. View of Chapultepec.
35. View of “ Molino del Rey.”
Gomez, Miguel, Durango.
36. Country scene.
Gutierrez, Rodrigo, City of Mexico.
37. The Senate of Tlaxcala.
Herrera, L. Alberto, City of Mexico.
38. Cuauhtemoc Monument.
Hernandez, Jose D., Queretaro.
39. The Senator.
Ybarraran, Jose Ma., City of Mexico.
40. Christian Charity.
41. The Dream of the Martyr.
Yzaguirre, Leandro, City of Mexico.
42. Columbus at the Rabida.
43. Torment of Cuauhtemoc.
44. Episode of the Foundation of the City
of Mexico.
Jara, Jose, City of Mexico.
45. Episode of the Foundation of the City
of Mexico.
46. “Un Velorio,” a Mexican funeral cus¬
Jimenez, Agustin, City of Mexico.
47. Pictures.
Martinez, Ysidro, City of Mexico.
48. The Blind.
49. The Resurrection of the Princess Pap-
antzin. Aztec legend.
Mendoza, Francisco, Saltillo.
50. La Viosna, branch of the Oise, France-
Paintings in Oil, Water Colors, Engravings, Etchings, Prints, Drawings, Etc.
Monroy, Luis, City of Mexico.
51. Atala.
52. The Roman Daughter.
Montenegro, J. G., City of Mexico.
53. Pandora.
Obregon, Jose, City of Mexico.
54. Hochitl Presenting the Pulque to the
King Tepalcatzin.
Ocadiz, Felipe, City of Mexico.
55. Margarete.
Parra, Felix, City of Mexico.
56. Galileo.
Pastrana, Manuel, Zacatecas.
57. Pictures.
Pesado, Natal, Orizaba.
58. A part of the Church of Asis.
59. The Hunter.
60. Cloister.
61. Cloister.
62. General Bravo forgiving the Spanish
prisoners after having received a letter
informing him that his father had been
assassinated by the Spaniards.
Pina, Jose, Salome, City of Mexico.
63. Flower Girl.
Ramirez, Manuel, City ofMexico.
64. The Aztec Baptism.
Rios, Andres, City of Mexico.
65. The Return from “Santa Anita.”
Rivera, Carlos, City of Mexico.
66. The glen of Metlac.
67. The Grove of Chapultepec.
68. The River of Jalapa.
Sanchez Lima, Ramon, Queretaro.
69. View of Queretaro.
70. The Hercules Mills.
71. Mater Dolorosa.
72. View of the City of Queretaro.
Tenorio, Adolfo, City of Mexico.
73. The Square of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
74. View of Puebla.
75. View of Cordoba.
Tovilla, Jose, Aguascalientes.
76. Pictures.
Unsueta, Adrian, City of Mexico.
77. Ophelia.
78. The Offer of the Crown to Moctezuma
Valdez, Pablo, City ofMexico.
79. Ishmael.
80. The Supper at the Pharisee’s House.
Velasco, Jose Ma., City of Mexico.
81. The Volcano of Orizaba, viewed from
82. The Valley of Oaxaca.
83. The Town of Guelatao.
84. The Valley of Mexico, from the hill of
Santa Ysabel.
85. The City of Mexico, from the hill of
Santa Ysabel.
86. The erd.
87. View of Chimalhistac.
88. The Valley of Mexico.
89. Glen of Metlac.
90. Pitahaya.
91. Penon de los Baflos.* (Natural Hot
92. View of Chimalpan.
93. Volcanos Txtaccihuatl and Popocate-
94. The Tree of the “Noche Triste.”
95. The City of Mexico, from the hill of
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Alcerreca, Ygnacio, City of Mexico.
96. A Head.
Secilia, Manuel S., City of Mexico.
97. Water Colors.
GROUP 143 and 144.
Engravings and Etchings: Prints.
Balvanera, Jesus Ma., Queretaro.
98. Baby.
Balvanera, Rosalio, Queretaro.
99. The Storm.
Belmont, Andres, City of Mexico.
100. Basket of Flowers. (Pen drawing.'
Campa, Luis, City ot Mexico.
101. Aztec Flower Girl. (Etching.)
102. The Tlaxcalteca Guard.
Pesado, Natal, Orizaba.
103. Portrait of the King of Italy.
Portillo, Miguel, City of Mexico.
104. Columbus before the Catholic Kings.
Sanchez, Lima, Queretaro.
105. Three Heads.
GROUP 145.
Antique and Modern Carvings; Engrav¬
ings in Medallions or in Gems.
Cisneros, Luis, City of Mexico.
106. Medal of Christopher Columbus.
Galaviz, Antonio H., City of Mexico.
107. Medals and Engravings.
Pastrana, Guillermo R., City of Mexico.
108. Seals and Monograms.
Pantoja, Felipe, City of Mexico.
109. The Spring. (Ivory).
Sanchez, Jose, Toluca,
no. Metal Seal.
Executive Commissioner,
Australia House, Jackson Park,
I rW
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil and Water Colors.
GROUP 139.
Simonetti, A., Sydney.
4a. Portrait bust in marble of the Hon. A.
Kenwick, M. D., M. L. C.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Part of a Loan Collection exhibited by the
Trustees of the National Art Gallery of
New South Wales, Sydney.
Ashton, J. R.
51. The Prospector.
Lister, W. Lister.
52. After the Shower.
Spence, Percy.
S3- “The Ploughman Homeward Plods His
Weary Way.”
Piguenit, W. C.
54. The Upper Nepean.
Mahoney, Frank P.
55. Rounding up a Straggler.
Hunt, C. H.
56. Sydney from the North Shore, Evening.
Condor, C.
57. Departure of the “Orient.”
Mahoney, Frank P.
58. “As in the Days of Old.”
Roberts, Tom.
60. Aboriginal Head.
Stoddart, Mary.
61. “From Earth and Ocean."
Fullwood, A. H.
62. The Station Boundary.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Part of a Loan Collection exhibited by the
Trustees of the National Art Gallery of
New South Wales, Sydney.
Minns, B. E.
216. Crescent Head, Point Plomer.
Fullwood, A. H.
219. Jervis Bay, Shoalhaven River.
Ashton, J. R.
221. The Shoalhaven River at its
with the Broughton.
Lister, W. Lister.
222. Stonehenge, New England.
223. Graham’s Valley, New Engla n ^
Hern, C. E.
224. Govett’s Leap.
Commons, Donald.
225. The Coast, near Ben Buckler.
Bevan, E.
226. “A Preliminary PufE.”
Hanson, Albert J.
227. Silvery Seas.
Note. —Under the authority of the Directot
General of the Exposition. the works of
art from New South Wales, for which
space could not be found in the Art Pal*
ace, were placed in the New South Wale*
Government Building, Australia Hous^
Where they may be inspected between
the hours of 9 A. M. and 6 P. m.
For information regarding exhibits for sale
apply to the Executive Commissioner;
Australia House.
Royal Commiss'c.ner General,
Hyde Park Hot^l.
Commissioner of Tine Arts,
Hyde Park Hotel.
Por information regarding exhibits for sale apply at desk in Gallery 72.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 189.
Sinding, Johanna, Copenhagen,
1. By the Shore.
2. A Child.
Svor, Anders, Christiania.
3. David.
4. A Farmer.
5. A Little Girl.
Tonnesen, Ambrosia, Bergen.
6. Hjordis.
Visdal, T., Christiania.
7. Bust of Mr Knudsen.
Class 822.
Skeibrok, Mathias, Christiania.
8 Bust of Bjornstjerne Bjornson.
GROUP 140 .
Paintings in Oil.
H. R. H. Prince Eugen.
9. Lake.
10. Landscape.
Arbo, P. N.
11. Valkyrie.
Backer, Harriet, Christiania.
12. From Tannum Church,
Berg, Gunnar, Svolvser.
13. From Lofoten.
Borgen, Fr., Christiania.
14. From Gudbrandsdalen.
15. Landscape (Autumn).
16. From Southern Norway.
17. Norwegian Landscape.
18. From Ojer.
Bratland, Jac., Christiania.
19. A Commission for Tax Assessment.
Collett, Fredrik, Christiania.
20. Winter.
21. After Sunset.
22. Thawing Weather.
23. The Devil’s Hole.
24. Mesna, Lillehammer,
Diriks Edvard Christiania.
25. On the Norwegian Coast.
26. Winter.
Falsen, Mimi, Christiania.
27. In Thought.
Gloersen, Jacob, Christiania.
28. After Sunset.
Grimelund, Johs., Paris.
29. At the Entrance of the Hardanger-
Groenvold, Bernt., Bergen.
30. Summer Day in Norway.
31. An Old Man.
Gude, Nils., Christiania.
32. Heartsick.
33. Portrait. (Henrik Ibsen.)
Hansteen, Nils., Christiania.
34. Norwegian Fjord.
35. Norwegian Landscape.
36. Marine. (Pilot.)
37. From Oresund.
38. From Hornbak. (Denmark.)
39. Winter Day at Skagen. (Denmark.)
Heyerdahl, Hans, Christiania.
40. Oui ou Non.
41. Bathing Boys.
42. Fishers.
43. By the Shore.
44. Birch Woods.
45. From Aasgaardstrand.
46. Portrait of Mr. Sivert Nielsen, President
of the Storthing. (Norwegian Congress.)
47. Portrait of Mrs. Laura Gundersen.
Hjerlow, Ragnvald, Christiania.
48. Springtime in Paris.
Hjersing, Arne, Christiania.
49. From Asker.
Holmboe, Thorolf, Christiania.
50. In the North Sea.
51. Nocturne.
52. Autumn.
53. Marine.
54. Snow Storm.
Jorgensen, Sv., Drammen.
55. Want of Employment.
Kaulum, H., Laurkullen.
56. Herringfishery at Hvaloerne.
NOR W A 7.
Paintings in Oil
57. From Skiaerhalden.
58. From the Herringfisheries.
59. Herringfishery, Winterday.
Kielland, Kitty, Stavanger.
60. The Christiania Fjord.
61. An Old Bridge in Norway.
62. Summer Night in Norway.
Kolstce, Fr., Bergen.
63. A Summer Day on the Coast
64. The Ship’s Boy.
Konow, Karl, Gausdal, Norway.
65. Going to Church.
Krohg, Christian, Christiania.
66. Leif Eriksson Discovers America.
Krohg, Oda, Christiania.
67. Summer Evening.
68. Sun Spots.
Laerum, Oscar, Christiania.
69. Twilight.
Moe, Sigurd, Stavanger.
70. From Hafrsfjord.
Munthe, Gerhard, Sandviken, Christiania.
71. Evening in Eggedal Norway.
72. Girl, Hallingdal.
73. The Old Farm.
74. Winter.
Munthe, Ludv., Dusselaorf.
. Norwegian Village.
tiller, Jol rs, Ostre Aker.
76. The Last Sun-rays.
77. Cloudy Weather.
MGller, N. B.
78. Norwegian Landscape.
Normann, Adelsten, Berlin.
79. Summer Night Lofoten.
80. Raftsund Lofoten.
81. North Wind. (Coast of Norway.)
Petersen, Eilif, Christiania.
82. Evening.
83. Sheep Shearing.
84. A Strand Bird.
85. Summer Day.
86 . Portrait. (Alexander Kielland.)
87. Summer Evening.
Ring, Helga, Fredrikstad.
88. Carriage Gentry Passing.
89. Busy.
Rusti, Olav, Leikanger-Sogr ,
90. From the Cloister of Maulbronn.
91. Cloisterhall.
Schiwe, Jacob, Helsingcer.
92. Winter in Germany.
Binding, Otto, Christiania.
93. From Rondane.
94. Misty Morn.
95. Summer Night.
96. Wreckers.
97. The Glacier.
98. Mountain Pasture.
and Water Colors.
99. F~om Lofoten.
Singdahlsen, Andreas, Christiania.
100. Sunset.
Skredsvig, Ch~ , Sandviken.
101. The Son of Man.
IC2. Winter.
Scemme, Jacob, Christiania.
103. The Lay Preacher.
104. Three Fishers.
Somme, L., Christiania.
105. Interior.
Sorensen, Joergen, Christiania.
106. From Romsdalen.
107 The Old Pavilion.
Stenersen, Gudmund, Stavanger.
108. Sunday.
109. Snowy Day in ue Fjords,
no. Peasant’s Ho~se.
Steineger, Agnes. Bergen,
in. Les Nourrissons.
112. Portrait.
Strcem, Jlalfdan, LilleMammer,
113. Siesta,
114. Portrait.
Stromda ; , Georg., Chrit tiania.
115. July, 1814 . The Beacon Lighted the
Enemy in the Country.
Tannaes, Marie, Christiania.
116. Landscape.
117. River.
118. Winter.
Thaulow, Fritz, Paris.
119. Retour de Travail.
120. Behind the Mills.
121. Winter at Christiania.
Torgersen, Thorv, Christiania.
122. Moor.
Uckermann, M., Christiania.
123. A Drama of the Woods.
Wentzel, Gustav, Christiania.
124. Breakfast.
125. Midsummer Night.
126. Confirmation Banquet.
127. Sunday Evening.
128. Morning.
Werenskiold, E., Christiania.
129. Portrait. (Mother of F/jornstjerne
130. Portrait. (Erika Nissen.)
131. Portrait. (Edv. Grieg.)
132. Brother and Sister.
133. Portrait. (Bjornstjerne Bjornson.)
GROUP 141 .
Paintings in Water Colors.
Munthe, Gerh. Sandviken, Christiania.
Fairy Tales:
134. Troll’s Cave.
Engravings and Etchings, Prints, Pastel Drawings, Medallions.
135 .
139 .
143 .
The Wise Bird,
Three Princesses,
The Serpent.
The Child and the Angel.
The Wicked Stepmother.
The Song,
The Hell Horse.
The Buck’s Bruse.
GROUP 143.
Engravings and Etchings,
Nordhagen, Joh., Christiania,
145. Five Etchings.
GROUP 144.
Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other
Exhibit Drawings.
Nielsen, Eivind, Christiania.
146. Drawings in a Frame.
Thaulow, Fr.
147. By the River. (Winter.)
148. In March.
Werenskiold, Erik, Christiania.
149. Drawing.
150. Drawing.
151. Drawing.
152. Drawing.
153. Drawing.
GROUP 145.
Antique and Modern Carvings; Engrav-
ings in Medallions or in Gems,
Cameos, Intaglios.
Thorndsen, Fuar, Kongsberg.
154. Medallions.
Commissioner General,
H. E. P. de GLOUKHOVSKOY, Imperial Chamberlain,
2702 Michigan Avenue.
Commissioner of Tine Arts,
Tor Information regarding exhibits for sale apply In Gallery 19, South Court
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
Beklemisheff, Vlamidir Alexandrovitch.
1. A Runaway Slave. (A Group in
Dillon, Maria, Lvovna.
2. Caprice. (Plaster.)
3. Bliss. (Statue in Bronze.)
Gunzbourg, Ilia Jakovlevitch.
4. The First Music. Statue in Bronze.
(Property of the Academy.)
5. Count L. Tolstoi.
6. Statuette, Mr. J. J. Schischkine.
7. Statuette Mr. A. T. Rubenstein.
8. Statuette Mr. P. T. Tchaikoffsky.
9. Statuette Mr. V. V. Vereschaguine.
10. Statuette, Mrs. P. T. Strukoff.
11. Statuette, Mr. V. V. Stasoff.
12. Bust of the Count L. Tolstoi.
13. Bast of the possessor, D. D. Mendel-
14. The Bathing Boys. (A group in
GROUP 110.
Paintings in Oil.
Aivazovosky. See 106 - 124 a.
Alexeieff. See 125 , 126 .
Ashnazy, Isaak Lvovitch.
16. The Parents of Moses.
17. Celebration of the Sabbath.
16 . The Bridegroom (A Talmudist) on
Bobroff, Victor Alexeievitch.
20. Erzkus Herzke—A Jew from Kovna.
( 1886 .)
Bodareffsky, Nicolay Kornilovitch.
21. A Wedding in Little Russia.
Bronnikoff Feodor Andreievitch.
22. Christian Martyr. ( 1878 .) (Property
of the Academy.)
No. #
Bruni, Nicolay Alexandrovitch.
23. The Candle-bearer. (Property of the
DmitriefT-Orenbursky, Nicolay Dmitriev-
24. A Drowned Man in a Country Place.
25. The Military Painting Shop.
26. Sunday in a Village.
Ducker, Eugenie Eduardovitch.
27. Noon. (Property of the Academy.)
Endoguroff, Ivan Ivanovitch.
28. The Early Spring. (Property of the
29. A Heavy Rain. (Property of the
30. A Winter Evening in a Village.
Fedders, July, Ivanovitch.
31. My Villa. (Property of the Academy.)
F rentz, Rudolf Feodorovitch.
32. An Inn. (Property of the Academy.)
Galimsky, Vladislaff Mihailovitch.
33. Forest.
34. In th~ Swing.
Golumsky Easily Andrievitch.
35. TheMushroomGatherersTaking a Rest.
( 1888 .) (Property of the Academy.)
Jacoby, v alerian Ivanovitch.
36. The Ice Palace. ( 1881 .) (Property of
the Academy.)
Juravleff, Firs Sergeievitch.
37. Hay Makers at Rest.
38. He Loves Me—He Loves Me Not.
39. The Family of a Street Musician.
Kiffshenho, Alexei Danilovitch.
40. The Military Counsel at Fily. (Prop¬
erty of the Academy).
41. A Wolf Caught Alive. (Property of
42. Assorting Feathers.
43. At the Crater of Lediasi.
Klagis, Feodor Andreievitch.
44. Interior View of the Church of the
Saviour at Moscow.
Klever, Julie Julievitch.
45. Forest. (Property of the Academy.)
Paintings in Oil.
Klodt Von Jurgensburg, Baron Mihail Con-
46. The Czar’s Bounty.
Korovin, Constantine.
47. Spanish Girls.
48. Taking Tea.
Korzuhin, Alexey Ivanovitch.
49. The Evening before the Wedding.
(Property of the Academy.)
50. Peasant life. (Property of the Acad¬
Kovaleffsky, Pavel Osipovitch.
51. Excavation in Rome. ( 1878 .) (Property
of the Academy.)
Kramskoy, Ivan Nicolaievitch.
52. Portrait of Mr. Solovieff. (Property of
the Academy.)
53. Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter. (Prop¬
erty of the Academy.)
Kratchkoffsky Josiff Evstaffievitch.
54. The New Moon. (Property of the
55. A July Morning.
Krugitsky, Constantin Jakovlevitch.
56. The Heat over, a Fresh Breeze blow¬
ing. ( 1889 .) (Property of the Academy.)
57. After Work.
58. Winter. ( 1888 .)
59. A Night in Little Russia.
Kuriard, Palageia Petrovna.
60. A Landscape.
Kuznezoff Nicolay Dmitrievitch.
61. The Justice of the Peace. ( 1888 .)
62. In the Garden. ( 1889 .)
63. The Interrupted Breakfast.
Lemoch, Karl Vikentievinch.
64. Peasant Girls.
Levithan Isaac.
65. Holy Day in a Convent.
Litovtchenko, Alexander Dmitrievitch.
66 . The Italian Embassador, Calvuci draw¬
ing the Favorite Falcons of the Czar,
Alexsey Mihailovitch. (Property of the
Makovsky, Constantin Egorovitch.
68. A Bacchanal.
69. The Bride’s Attire.
70. Portrait of a Lady,
70a. Romeo and Juliet.
Makovsky, Vladimir Egorovitch.
71. The Gamblers’ Quarrel.
72. The Niggard.
73. A Public Market in Moscow. ( 1879 .)
74. The Wayfarer.
75. Little Russian Tobacco Smokers.
Mestchersky, Arseni Ivanovitch.
76. The Narva Roads. ( 1886 .) (Property
of the Academy.)
Morozoff, Alexander Ivanovitch.
76 a. The Foundry of Omutings.
Miesoildoff, Gregorie Gregorievitch.
77. The Escape of Gregorie Utrepieff near
the Frontier of Lithuania. (Property of the
78. The Harvest; a copy of the Picture be¬
longing to the Emperor .
Novoskolzeff Alexander Nicolaievitch.
79. Head of a Negro. (Property of the
80. The Last Minutes of the Metropolitan
Novosoff, Vasily Ivanovitch.
81. A Free Dining-room. (Property of the
Pasternak, Leonid.
82. Going Home again.
Pelevin, Ivan Andreievitch.
83. The First Born. (Property of the
Peroff, Vasily Grigorievitch.
84. The Fishermen. ( 1878 .)
84a. Pugatchoff, the personator of Peter
III of Russia.
Pimonenko, Nicolay Karlovitch,
85. Easter Halloween. (Property of the
Polenoff, Helena.
86. After the Bath. (Aquarelle.)
87. Before the Examination.
Repine Elias Evimovitch.
88. The Cossack’s Answer. (Property of
the Emperor.)
Savinsky, Vasily Eumentievitch.
89. The Invitation of the Sick Duke Po-
jarski to accept the Command of the Army.
(Property of the Academy.)
Savitzky, Constantin Appollonovitch.
90. For Christ’s Sake.
Sedoff, Gregory Siemenovitch.
91. Vasilisa Melentievna. ( 1882 .)
Shishkin Ivan Ivanovitch.
92. A Forest.
Siemiradsky, Henry Hippolytovitch.
93. Christ in the House of Lazarus. ( 1887 .)
(Property of the Academy.)
94. Frina. ( 1887 .) (Property of the Em¬
Stepanoff, Alexei.
95. The Hunt.
Svertchkoff, Nicolay Egorovitch.
96. The Pony that Killed a Wolf.
Tchistiakoff Pavel Petrovitch.
97. The Grand Duchess, Sophia Vitoff-
tovna, at the Wedding of the Grand Duke
Vasilie II “The Dark,” ( 1433 ) Tearing off
Demetrie Donskoy’s Belt from the Duke
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors, Antique and Modern Carvings.
Vasilie, “The One-Sighted.** ( 1882 .) (Prop¬
erty of the Academy.)
Tvorojnikoff, Ivan Ivanovitch.
98. A Lay Brother Selling Images. ( 1888 .)
(Property of the Academy.)
99. Grandmother and Granddaughter.
( 1889 .) (Property of the Academy.)
Vasilieff, Feodor Alexsandrovitch.
100. After the Rain. (Property of the
Venig, Kark Bogdanovitch.
101. A Russian Girl. ( 1889 .) (Property of
the Academy.)
Volkoff, Efim Efimovitch.
102. Morning.
Willewalde, Bogdan Pavlovitch.
103. You To-Day and I To-Morrow. (Prop¬
erty of the Academy.)
Zagorsky, Nicolay Petrovitch.
104. A Sore Heart. (Property of the
105. Morning Tea.
106. Aivazovosky, Ivan Constantinovich.
The Ship “Santa Maria” on its way to
America, when Columbus, during a heavy
storm was surrounded by the Revolting
107. Columbus Landing with his suite at
San Salvador.
108. Young Columbus Saving himself on
the Mast of a Mercantile ship, set on fire
by a Venetian Galley, off the Coast of
109. The Farewell of Columbus in Palos,
before going to Sea.
no. The Arrival of Columbus* Flotilla on
the American Shore.
ill. Naples, By M onlight.
112. The Gondola. (In Venice.)
113. Saving Himself in a Boat.
114. Garibaldi and the Garibaldians on
the Deck of a Steamer.
115. Yalta in the Morning.
116. A Storm on the Crimean Coast.
117. A Street in Bakhtchisaray. (The
Capital of Crimea, during the dominion
of the Tartars.)
118. A Boat in a Storm.
119. A Lantern on the Sea of Marmora
120. Constantinople.
121. Breakers on the Sea of Azof.
122. Breakers on the Coast of the Black Sea.
123. Yalta at Night.
124. Environs of Malaga.
124a. The Parthenon.
Alexeieff Alexander Hypatievitch.
125. An Italian Girl. ( 1884 .)
126. Head of an Italian Girl ( 1889 ).
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors*
Endoguroff Sergey Ivanovitch.
127. A Quiet Day.
128. Alter the Storm.
129. Evening.
Polenoff, Helena. See 86.
Wrangel, Helena Karlovna, Baroness.
129a. Winter.
129b. Landscape.
GROUP 145.
Antique and Modern Carvings.
130. The Dying Hyacinthe. (Wood Carv
130a. Helpless.
Paintings In Oil.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Alchimowicz, K., Warsaw.
1 . Glinski in Prison.
2 . A Traveling Merchant.
3 . A Moorish Girl.
4 . Gathering Mushrooms.
5 . Milda (Goddess of Love).
Bilinska, A,, Warsaw.
6 . A Study.
Brochocki, V., Warsaw.
7 . In the Park.
Ciaglinski, John, St. Petersburg.
8 . A Portrait.
9 . Birch Trees.
10 . Reverie.
Cichocki, F., Warsaw.
11 . Shepherd Boys.
12 . Farewell.
Chelmonski, Joseph, Warsaw.
13 . Hares.
Daniszewska, M., Warsaw.
14 . A Warsaw Coal Seller.
15 . A Warsaw Straw Mat Dealer.
Dukszynska, E., Warsaw.
16 . Abandoned.
17 . Meditation.
18 . A Pet.
19 . Autumn.
Gazycz, M., Warsaw.
20 . A Study.
21 . At Grochow.
22 . A Buga Type.
Geneli, M., Warsaw.
23 . A Study.
24 . A Study.
25 . A Model.
26 . At Work.
Gerson, W., Warsaw.
27 . Hedvige, Queen of Poland.
28. The Baptism of Lithuania.
29. King Sigismund's Vision.
80 . Above the Clouds.
31. Crossing the Brook.
82. Music.
33 . Dance.
Goscimski, W., Warsaw.
34 . At a Pond.
35 . The Valley of Oicow.
Gramatyka, A., Cracow.
36 . A Pond.
37 . Environments of Cracow.
38 . Environments of Cracow.
Gryglewski, A., Warsaw.
39 . Interior of a Church.
Guminski, W. ( Warsaw.
40 . The First Snow.
Huss, J., Warsaw.
41 . Plan of the Warsaw-Vienna Railway
Jasinski, Z., Warsaw.
42 . Palm Sunday Mass.
Kasiewicz, Marcin, Warsaw.
43 . Where Shall We Go?
Kansik, J., Warsaw.
44 . Reverie.
45 . A Young Mother.
46 . A Woman’s Head.
Kossak & Tandos, Cracow.
47 . Twenty-five Views of Cracow.
Kedzierski, A., Warsaw.
48 . A Rustic Astronomer.
49 . To Church.
50 . Return from Town.
Kostrzewski, F., Warsaw.
51 . The Itinerant Merchant.
52 . The First Lesson.
53 . At the Inn.
54 . From the Forest.
Malczewski, F., Cracow.
55 . Death of an Exiled Woman in Siberia.
Maleszewski, T., Warsaw.
56 . Cupids Doing Penance.
57 . A Polish Fiddler.
Maslowski, S., Warsaw
58 . Before the Impressment.
Maszynski, J.
59 . A Rustic Choir.
60 . In the Forest.
61 . In Despair.
62 . A Game Dealer.
An Algerian Boy
Paintings in Oil.
64 . Mephistopheles’ Serenade.
Mateyko, John, Cracow.
65 . St. John’s Night.
66 . Wernihora relating the history of
Poland and prophesying her resuscitation.
Mirecki, C., Warsaw.
67 . Bohun’s Attack.
68 . The Finished Song.
69 . Disconsolate.
Mroczkowski, A.
70 . Tatry Mountains.
Modenstein, D.
71 . The Hour of Rest.
72 . A Woman’s Head.
73 . In Christian Care.
Owidzki, I., Warsaw.
74 . Waiting.
Pawlowski, I.
75 . Harvest in Sandomir.
Piechowski, W.
77 . Via et Vita Nostra, the Four Seasons.
Piontkowski, H.
76 . Murder.
Pillati, X.
78 . From the Ferry.
Piotrowski, A., Cracow.
79 . Tossed by the Ocean’s Wave.
80 . A Young Mother.
81 . Winter Morning.
82 . Waiting.
Piotrowicz, Zygmunt.
83 . Birches.
Podkowinski, W., Warsaw.
84 . The Dance of Skeletons.
85 . The New World, “A Street in War¬
86 . In the Forest.
87 . In the Garden.
88 . Ladies Playing Billiards.
Popiel, S. T., Cracow.
89 . After the Storm.
90 . A View of Zakopane.
Pawliszak, Waclaw, Warsaw.
91 . At the Gate of Chan Margii Jirej.
Poswikowa, B., Warsaw.
92 . Flowers.
93 . Fruit.
94 . Fruit.
Pruszkowski, W., Cracow.
95 . Love’s Secret.
Rosen, Paul, Warsaw.
96 . Strolling.
Ryszkiewicz, J., Warsaw.
97 . Cossacks.
98 . Summer Night.
Reyzner, M., Paris.
99 . Breton Peasants.
Suchodolski, Z., Warsaw.
100 . Gypsy Camp.
Stankiewicz, Z., Warsaw.
101 . Winter.
102 . Forest Scene.
103 . Forest.
Stasiak, Ludwik, Cracow.
104 . Sacrificed.
105 . Winter.
106 . Moonlight Night.
107 . Peasant Custom, after the Wedding.
108 . Scene from Brzesk Life.
Styka, I., Cracow.
107 . Queen of Poland pray for us.
Sztencel, M c , Warsaw.
108 . Ophelia.
Szwojnicki, R., Warsaw.
109 . Electioneering.
110 . In the Morning.
111 . Bailiff.
Szydler, P.
112 . Dolce far niente.
Tetmayer, W., Cracow.
113 . The Penman.
114 . Wedding.
Trembacz, M., Warsaw.
115 . The Good Samaritan.
Wisniewski, B.
116 . Shepherd Boy.
Wodzinowski, W.
117 . Poisonous Mushrooms.
Zalewiski, M.
118 . Interior View of a Church.
Zarembski, M.
119 . A Somnambulist.
Zmurko, F., Warsaw.
120 . A Lady in Fur.
121 . The Feudal Law.
122 . Children’s Heads.
123 . Pieta.
124 . Evening Song.
125 . Under the Influence of Hasheesh.
Delegate Genera.,
Hotel A\etropole.
Commissioner for Tine Arts,
Tor Information relating to the works of art exhibited, apply to Sr. PAVIA,
at his office in Gallery 22.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 139.
In West Court.
Alcoverro y Amoros, Jose, Madrid.
1. A Duet. (Bronze group.)
Alsina y Amils, Antonio, Madrid.
2. Child’s Head. (Baked clay.)
Amutio, Federico, Madrid.
3. A Love Story. (Bronze group.)
Arnau y Masent, Eusebio, Barcelona.
4. Hope. (Group in plaster.)
4a. Ave Maria. (Group in baked clay—
in Spanish Pavilion.)
4b. Obverse and reverse of bronze medal.
Campeny y Santamaria, Jose, Barcelona.
5. Female Bull Fighter.
5a. A Beauty.
5b. A Fop.
5c. Bust in Baked Clay.
Casananas Gonzalez, Antonio, Madrid.
6. Bust of the Countess de Pinedo.
Castellanas y Escola, Miguel, Barcelona.
7. Bust of Monturiol.
Claraso, Enrique, Barcelona.
8 . Remorse. (Plaster.)
Cubero, Jose, Malaga.
Painted figures in baked clay
9. Smuggler.
9a. Smuggler.
9b. Smuggler.
9c. Dandy.
9d. Fish Seller.
9e. Fop.
9 f. Gypsy.
9g. Bandit Chief.
9h. Guitar Player.
9i. Smuggler.
9j. Dancer.
9k. Fop.
9I. Smuggler.
9m. Fop.
9n. Three Groups of Bull Fighters.
Duque y Duque, Eugenio, Madrid.
T o. The Genius of War. (Plaster.)
>a. Bust of Christino Martos. (Plaster.)
Estrada de Picabia, Francisco de Asis,
11. Saint Cecilia. (Baked clay.)
11a. Meditation. (Baked clay.)
Gandarias y Plangan, Justo de, Madrid.
12. Fortune. (Plaster.)
12a. Japanese Woman. (Marble.)
Gines y Ortiz, Adela, Madrid.
13. A Struggle for Life. (Plaster.)
Inurria Lainosa, Mateo, Cordoba.
14. Santa Teresa de Jesus. (Artificial mar¬
Marinas y Garcia, Aniceto, Segovia.
15. The Fishers Caught. (Group in plas¬
15a. Model Resting. (Bronze.)
Monserrat y Portella, Jose, Barcelona.
16. The First Attempt. (Plaster.)
Montero y Navas, Jose, Madrid.
17. The Allegory of Architecture. (Plaster.)
Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura,
18. Tradition. (Bronze.) By Augustin
Querol, Tortosa.
18a. Child and Duck. (Bronze.) By Justo
Gandarias, Barcelona.
19. Shipwrecked. (Plaster.)
19a. The First Pair of Earrings. By Miguel
Angel Trilles. (Plaster.)
19b. Mars. By Cipriano Folgueras. (Plas¬
Nunez Fernandez, Ramon, Madrid.
20. Slave in Market Place. (Plaster.)
Parera y Saurina, Antonio, Barcelona.
21. Labor’s Reward. (Plaster.)
Reynes, Jose, Barcelona.
22. San Luis Gonzaga. (Plaster.)
Riera y Casanovas, Juan, Barcelona.
23. Imitation of metal decorative Plaque
—The Barcelona Exposition of 1888 .
23a. Bas-relief—Music.
Serra, Francisco de Asis, Barcelona.
24. A Nazarene.)
24a. St. Gerome. y (Busts in baked clay.)
24b. Child Jesus. )
Vallmitjana Abarca, Agapito, Barcelona
25. The Lion Hunter. (Baked clay.)
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
Vallmitjana, Venancio, Barcelona.
26. Beauty Vanquishing Force. (Baked
Viziano y Marti, Jose, Valencia.
27. Cardinal Cisneros. (Plaster.)
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
In Galleries 21 , 22 , 23 .
Agrasot y Juan, Joaquin, Valencia.
28. To the Health of the Bride.
28a. Sisters of Charity.
Aguado y Guerra, Jose, Madrid.
29. A Stable.
Alcayde y Montoyo, Julia, Madrid.
30. The Great Square.
Aldana Montes, Francisco, Madrid.
31. Landscape.
Algarrla y Hurtado, Cosme, Madrid.
32. San Francisco de Asis.
Alvarez Dumont, Cesar, Madrid.
33. Episode of the War of Indepen¬
dence, 1808 .
Alvarez Luis, Barcelona.
34. The Visit.
Anaya y Leon, Francisco, Seville.
35. The Drama of Montiel.
35a. Souvenir of Seville.
35b. Street in Granada.
Araujo Ruano, Joaquin, Madrid.
36. *' Who is to Pay? ”
36a. Mouth of the Vigo.
36b. Fish Market on the Vigo.
Arnedo, Jorge de, Seville.
37. The Rest at the Spring.
Arpa y Perea, Jose, Seville.
38. A Peasant Girl.
38a. Pompey’s Funeral.
38b. Landscape.
38c. Port of Seville.
Arroyo Fernandez, Rafael, Madrid.
39. Andalusian Dancer.
„ 39a. Landscape.
' Baixas Carreter, Juan, Barcelona.
40. Contemplation.
Barbara y Balza, Joaquin, Madrid.
41. The Last Farewell.
Barrau, Laureano, Barcelona.
42. Peasant and Women.
Bermudo Mateos, Jose, Madrid.
43. Under the Awning.
43a. In Guinol.
43b. The Cafe Thief.
Beruete, Aureliano de, Madrid.
44. The Heights of Fuenfria.
44a. Landscape at Torrelodones.
44b. The Guadarrama Mountain?, from
Bilbao, Gonzalo, Sevilla.
45. Return from Work.
45a. Friday in a Cemetery in Morocco.
45b. San Trovato, Venice.
45c. Resting.
45d. Orange Pickers in Andalusia.
45e. “Come Back Soon.”
Brockmann y Llanos, Elisa, Madrid.
47. A Procession in the Cloisters of San
Juan de los Reyes, Toledo.
Brugada y Panizo, Luis, Barcelona.
48. Lost!
Buxo y Tresangels, Luis, Barcelona.
49. Court of the Geese, Cathedral of Bar¬
Campuzano, Tomas, Madrid.
50. Cantabrian Coast.
Casas, Ramon, Barcelona.
51. Erik-Satie.
51a. Looking over Books.
Castelucho, A. y C., Barcelona.
52. A Portrait.
52a. Rest.
Checa y Delicado, Felipe, Badajoz.
53. “I Have Had Enough; it Stings.”
53a. Making Use of an Opportunity.
53b. Flowers and Fruit.
53c. A Florist.
Clemente y Peru, Salvador, Seville.
54. The Summer Swallows Will Return.
54a. Under the Vine.
54b. Flowers.
Comba y Garcia, Juan, Madrid.
55. Artillery Passing.
Cortes y Cordero, Eduardo, Sevilla.
56. Head of an Andalusian Woman
56a. Head of an Andalusian Woman.
56b. Head of an Andalusian Woman.
Crespo Villanueva, Manuel, Madrid.
57. Entrance to House in Which Columbus
Cusachs y Cusachs, Jose, Barcelona.
58. Lancers on the March.
58a. Trumpeter of Chasseurs.
58b. Cavalry Crossing a Ford.
Cutanda, Vicente, Madrid.
59. A Strike in Vizcaya.
Dapousa Bengoechea, Niceto, Madrid
60. Flowers.
60a. Birds.
Diez Frances, Jose, Barcelona.
61. Ruined Houses.
61a. Early Dawn.
Dominguez, M., Madrid.
61b. A Royal Ball.
61c. Venetian Terrace.
Paintings in Oil.
Esteban y Vivero, Enrique, Madrid.
62. Flying Artillery.
Fernandez Gil, Federico, Malaga.
63. Bay of Malaga.
Ferran, Luis, Madrid.
63a. The May Pole.
63b. The Palace Gate on Reception Day.
Ferrer, Antonio de, Barcelona.
64. Interior of a Catalan Farmhouse.
64a. Leaving Church.
64b. The Pilgrim.
64c. Catalan Girl, a hundred years ago.
Ferrer Calatayud, Pedro, Madrid.
65 - Wrecks; a Stormy Day in the Levant.
Fierros y Alvarez, Dionisio, Oviedo.
66. Roman Boy.
66a. The Timid Girl.
66b. Marine, near Cantabria.
Frances y Arribas, Fernanda, Madrid.
68. Crabs.
68a. Field Flowers.
Frances y Pascual, Placido, Madrid.
69. Father’s Advice.
69a. In the Garden.
Galdacano y Avellaneda, Antonio de, Bar¬
70. “Here he Comes.” (Scene in bull fight.)
Galofre Oiler, Francisco, Barcelona.
71. A Public Whipping, in Barcelona in the
middle of the 17 th century.
Galvez, Mariano Miguel, Zaragoza.
72. RightBank of the Ebro, in Saragossa.
Garcia, Camoyano, Fernando, Seville.
73. A Lullaby.
Garcia Hispaleto, Manuel, Madrid.
74. The belle with the white mantilla.
Garcia Prieto, Andres, Santander
75. The Tarantella.
75a. War News.
75b. One Angel More.
75c. Ducal Palace, Venice.
75d. Landscape, Picos de Europa.
75e. Landscape.
75L Portico of Ducal Palace, Venice.
75g. The Ginaleca Canal, Venice.
75h. r l he Grand Canal, Venice
75i. The Campagna, Rome.
Garcia Tome, Balbina, Seville.
76. A Florist.
76a. A Tradeswoman.
76b. Preparing for a Festival.
Garcia y Rodriguez, Manuel, Seville.
77. Summer in Seville.
Gari Torrent, Onofre, Madrid.
78. Fishers Casting Nets.
Garnelo, Eloisa, Madrid.
79. Mountain Vintagers.
Garnelo, Jose, Madrid.
80. The First Homage Paid to Columbus
in the New World.
80a. Suicide for Love.
80b. Interior of St. Marc’s, Venice.
80c. “I Could Have Been a Minister."
8 od. An Englishman.
Gartner, Jose, Malaga.
81. The Invincible. Wreck of the Spanish
81a. Port of Malaga.
Gasch y Blanch, Luis, Valencia.
82. An Idyl.
Genoves Bernal, Eulogio, Malaga.
83. Changing the Course. An incident in
the discovery of America.
Gessa y Arias, Sebastian, Madrid.
84. Autumn Fruits.
84a. Spring Fowersand Fruit.
Gomez Salvador, Constantino, Valencia.
85. a View of Pardo.
Gonzalez Sevillano, Antonio, Seville.
86* Fair Time.
86 a. The First Kiss.
86 b. Arab Festival.
86 c. The Hall of Ambassadors.
86 d. Don Miguel de Manara, founder of
La Caridad (Charity) in Seville.
Gonzalez Simancas, Manuel, Barcelona.
87. A Flank Attack.
87a After the Battle.
Gonzalvo Perez, Pablo, Madrid.
88. St. Marc’s, Venice.
88 a. The Arabian New Tower, Saragossa.
88 b. Chapel of St. Isidoro, St. Marc’s,
Grante Tejada, Luis, Malaga.
89. Flowers.
Guillen Pedemonte, Madrid.
90. The Last Blast.
Herrer, Cesar, Madrid.
91. Study of Ships.
91a. Santi Apostoli Canal, Venice.
Hidalgo, Felix Resurreccion, Paris.
92. Farewell to the Sun.
92a. Twilight.
JadraqueySanchez Ocana, Miguel, Madrid.
93. Great and Small Game.
Jaraba Jimenez, Manuel Enrique, Malaga.
94. Marine.
94a. Study of a Figure.
Jaspe, Juan Nepomuceno, Corunna.
95. Near Rome.
95a. The Road up to Panticosta.
Jimenez Aranda, Jose, Madrid.
96. An Accident in the Bull Ring.
96a. “Who is Fooling Whom?”
96b. On the Terrace.
I 96c. A Game of Chess,
Paintings in Oil.
96d. The Saint’s Sweets.
Jimenez Aranda, Luis, Paris.
97. A Hospital Ward. Visit of the Chief
97a. The Cloth Market in the Temple,
97b. For a Good Boy.
97c. The Lovers.
Lafita y Blanco, Jose, Seville.
98. Banks of the Guadalete.
98a. Pier of the Port of Santa Maria.
98b. An Inn, Seville.
Laforet, Eduardo, Castellon de la Plana.
99. Interior of the Cathedral of Toledo.
Larrocha Gonzalez, Jose de, Madrid.
100. The Gold Hunter.
Lhardy, Augustin, Madrid.
101. Landscape.
Lopez Cabrera, Ricardo, Seville.
102. Grandma’s Story.
102a. The Spinner.
102b. The Lazy Corner.
102c. Daphnis and Chloe.
Lopez Cantero, Manuel, Seville.
I02d. Hall of Ambassadors, the Alcazar,
I02e. Court of Figures, Alcazar, Seville.
Lorenzale Rogent, Ramiro. Barcelona.
103. Contrast.
Loubere, Juan, Malaga.
104. Rest.
104a. Andalusian Peasants.
104b. Study from the Nude.
Madrazoy Garreta, Ricardo de.
105. The Bathing Hour.
105a. Consuelo.
Manterola, Lucia, Madrid.
106. The Lovers’ Torment.
Marcony Carcel, Julia, Valencia.
107. Peasant Woman of Valencia.
107a. Flowers.
Moreno Carbonero, Jose.
108. Gil Bias.
108a. “Go On.”
108b. Don Quixote and the Flock of Sheep.
Marques Garcia, Jose Maria, Barcelona.
109. Two Mothers.
Maiquez y Hernandez, Joaquin Maria,
no. The Seamstress’Room.
Martinez Abades, Juan, Madrid,
in. The Pilot’s Burial,
ina. In the Bay.
mb. Study of Surf,
inc. Breaking Waves.
Martinez y Altes, Gabriel, Barcelona.
112. Monks Redeeming Prisoners in
Tangiers, 1500 .
112a. Gamblers, XVI Century.
112b. Tavern, XVI Century.
Maura y Montaner, Francisco, Madrid.
113. Alcala Street, Madrid, after the Bull
113a. Twilight.
113b. View of Palma de Mallorca.
Maureta y Aracil, Gabriel, Madrid.
114. Mary Stuart Just Before the Execution.
114a. Spoiled Child.
Meifren y Roig, Eliseo, Barcelona.
115. Marine.
Menocal. Armando, Habana.
115a. Embarcation of Columbus, by order
of Bobadilla.
MoragasyTorras,Tomas, Barcelona.
116. Morocco Caravan Resting.
Moreno Carbonero, Jose, Madrid.
116a. Gil Bias.
116b. Gee up, Jenny!
116c. The Adventure of the Sheep. (Don
Morera, Jaime, Madrid.
117. Coast of Normandy.
Munoz, Lucena, Tomas, Madrid.
118. Palm Sunday.
n8a* Garden of the Escurial.
118b. Coaching Station in Granada.
Murillo Carreras, Rafael, Malaga.
119. The Tower of Homage. A Moorish
relic in Malaga.
Museo Nacional de Pintura y Escultura,
120. Isabella, the Catholic, Dictating Her
Will. By Eduardo Rosales, Madrid.
120a. The Lovers of Teruel. By Antonio
Munoz Degrain, Valencia.
120b. Conversion of the Duke of Candia.
By Jose Moreno Carbonero.
120c. An Anniversary. By Angel Andrade,
Ciudad Real.
i2od. Communion on Board Ship. By Juan
Abades Martinez, Gijon.
Ocon y Rivas, Emilio, Malaga.
121. The Last Hurrah.
Oliva Rodrigo, Eugenio, Madrid.
122. Young Savoyards.
Ortiz Gamundi, Jose, Valencia.
123. Landscape Near Valencia.
Pacheco y Fuente, Ricardo, Santander.
124. “Well?”
124a. Study of a Head.
Parlade y Heredia, Andres, Seville.
125. Journey to Pavia,
125a. The Treaty of Caspe.
Paternani, Enrique, Haro.
126. Mother’s Visit.
Pelayo Fernandez, Eduardo, Madrid.
127. The Guadarrama Mountains,
Paintings in Oil, and Water Colors.
Pena y Munoz, Maximino, Madrid.
128. Art in the Country.
129. A Dainty Mouthful.
Pinos y Pala, Juan, Barcelona.
130. Shepherdesses.
Pirala, Maria, Madrid.
131. Sea Fish.
131a. Autumn Flowers.
Planella y Rodriguez, Juan, Barcelona.
132. The Little Weaver.
Porro, Angel, Habana.
132a. Landscape in Calabazar.
132b. Field of Labor.
132c. Noon on the Lake.
I32d. A Ceiba Tree.
Primelles, Angel, Habana.
132c. Port of Habana in a Storm.
132L Dawn on the Beach of San Lazaro.
Ramirez e Ibanez, Manuel, Madrid.
133. In the Garden.
133a. Suburbs of Madrid.
133b. Head of a Child.
Riquer e Inglada, Alejandro de, Barcelona.
134. The Divine Shepherd.
134a. The Duck Tender.
Robles y Martinez, Jose, Oviedo.
135. Florinda.
135a. Sunday in a Village.
Rodriguez de Rivera, Maria, Madrid.
136. Grapes and Peaches. >
136a. Pansies and Pelargonios.
Roig y Soler, Juan, Barcelona.
137. Beach at Blanes.
137a. Port of Barcelona.
137b. Beach at Sitges.
Ruiz Garcia de Salces, Madrid.
137c. Portrait.
Ruiz Luna, Justo, Cadiz.
138. October 12 , 1492 .
Rusinol, Santiago, Barcelona.
139. An Old Woman.
139a. Cemetery of Montmartre.
139b. Garden in Winter.
139c. Pawnbroker’s Shop.
I39d. Gardens at Montmartre.
Sanchez Cuello, Alonzo, Madrid.
I39e. Hernan Cortes.
Sans y Castano, Francisco, Barcelona.
140. A Clown.
Sans y Corbella, Tomas, Barcelona.
141. A Catalan Woman.
141a. A Norman.
Santa Maria Sedano, Marceliano, Burgos.
142. The Triumph of the Holy Cross.
142a. Preparing the Mass.
Simonet, Enrique, Malaga.
143. Flevit Super Illam.
Sorolla, Joaquin, Madrid.
r44. Another Marguerite,
144a. In a Group.
144b. Flower Girls.
144c. Relics.
I44d. The Watchman.
Texidor y Torres, Modesto.
145. Unlucky.
145a. Melancholy.
145b. The Little Sailors.
Tolosa Alsina, Aurelio, Barcelona.
146. Flowers.
Triado y Mayol, Jose, Barcelona.
147. Coast of Ampurdan.
147a. Interior of a Catalan House.
147b. In the Laboratory.
Trias y Giro, Federico, Barcelona.
148. Under tutelage.
Turina, Joaquin, Seville.
149. Seville.
149a. Return of Columbus to Palos.
Urgell e Inglada, Modesto, Barcelona.
150. “Be Still.” .
Uria Jose, Madrid.
151. Papa’s Sword.
Utrillo y Viadera, Antonio, Barcelona.
152. Carmen.
Vayreda y Vila, Mariano, Barcelona.
153. Repose.
Vega y Marrugal, Jose de la, Seville.
154. Grapes.
154a. Grapes.
154b. Corral at Seville.
154c. Chaplain of Santa Clara, Seville.
Vila Prades, Julio. Valencia.
155. Grave Diggers.
Vilar Torres, Jose, Valencia.
156. Autumn Twilight.
156a. The Mill.
Villalobos y Diaz, Manuel, Seville.
157. Head of an Andalusian Woman.
Villegas Brieva, Manuel, Madrid.
158. Memories.
158a. The Washing Place at Montecellio.
158b. War.
Vivo Tarin, Eugenio, Valencia.
159. A Cosy Nest.
Xumetra y Ragull, Fernando, Barcelona
160. The Liberal Arts.
x6oa. The Arts Saluting Immortality.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Aguirre y Rodriguez, Miguel, Madrid.
161. Monaguillo.
Castelucho, A. y C., Barcelona.
162. Office in a Palace.
162a. Bath-room, Moorish style,
162b. Bed-room, Moderp,
Paintings in Water Colors, Architecture.
162c. Vestibule for a Court House,
Florez, Eduardo, Madrid.
i62d. Don Quixote and the Sheep.
Gomez Salvador, Coastantino, Valencia
i62e. The Flower Girls.
Garcia Hispaleto, Manuel, Madrid
163. A Moorish Woman.
Houghton, Carrie, Madrid.
163a. Columbus before the Catholic Kings.—
Water color on kid.—Fragment of the
painting by Jover.
Pelliser, J. L.,Garcia,Province of Barcelona.
163b. Two drawings for illustration.
GROUP 142 .
Alzamora, Federico, Habana.
164. Enamel; “Minerva.”
Rebollo, Emilia, Malaga.
165. Decorative Painting by a special pro¬
GROUP 148 .
Araujo Ruano, Joaquin, Madrid.
166. A Head — from Rembrandt’s “Syn
dies.” (Copper plate.)
166a. Philip IV’s Fool—after Velasquez.
166b. Portrait of Prince Baltasar Carlos—
after Velasquez. (Copperplate.)
166c. Vandyke and the Marquis of Bristol
—after Vandyck.
Rieusset, Francisco, Barcelona.
167. Samples of Etchings and Engravings
on Steel and Copper.
168. Samples ot Etchings aud Engravings
on Steel and Copper.
Rios, Ricardo de los, Madrid.
168a. The Minister’s Friends. (After D.R.K.)
168b. Potatoes. (After Lerolle.)
168c. Fisher Girl. (After C. S. Pearce.)
i68d. Curiosity. (After Pasini.)
i68e. Portrait of Garibaldi.
i68f. Reaper. (After Lerolle.)
i68g. Water Bearer. (After C. S. Pearce.)
i68h. Prelude. (After C. S. Pearce.)
i68i. Prayer. (After C. S. Pearce.)
i68j. Portrait of Columbus.
GROUP 144 .
Colomines y Calvet, Enrique, Habana.
i68j. Pen and ink Portrait of Artist.
Comba y Garcia, Juan, Madrid.
169. The Arenas Pier—Bilbao. (Pastel).
Pando, Jos& de, Seville.
170. The Bath. (Pastel.)
170a. The Gardener. (Pastel.)
170b. Good to Another. (Pastel.)
Pasco, Jose, Barcelona.
171. Designs for a Phototype and Chromo-
Lithographic Calendar.
Pellicer, J. L., Gracia.
172. Two Book Illustrations. (Pen and Ink.)
Ottero y Colomines, Habana.
172a. Pen and ink portrait of the wife of
the President of the U. S.
Piera, Francisco, Habana.
172b. Four portraits (Crayon).
Quinones, Arthuro, Habana.
172c. Crayon portrait.
GROUP 145 .
Fernandez de Robles, Maximo, Madrid.
i72d. The Holy Family. (Carved in ivory.)
Lopez, Francisco de Asis, Madrid.
i72e. Wax design for a medal to commem¬
orate the 400 th anniversary of the dis¬
covery of America.
Zoido, Antonio, Badajoz.
172L Bridge over the Albarragena. (Picture,
carved in black marble.)
Alonso, Arsenio, Leon.
173. Designs for a Trimphal Arch. (Four
Amador de los Rios, Ramiro, Madrid.
174. Temple of Florus in Egypt. (Three
174a. Temple of Antoninus and Fausta,
Rome. (Six drawings.)
Dalet, Domingo, Barcelona.
175. Designs for decoration of theatre of
the Lyceum, Barcelona.
175a. Printing house of N. Ramirez & Co.,
175b. Hot Baths of La Garriga.
175c. Villa Planas in Sardonola.
176. Vault of the Vilumara Family
Garcia y Cabrera, Vicente, y Herraiz,
Pascual, Madrid.
177. Designs for a provincial legislative
building at Vizeaya. (Ten drawings.)
Iturralde, Antonio de, Valladolid.
178. Design for a hospital.
179. Design for a provincial legislative
Junta gestora del Mausoles, de los Bom-
beros, Habana.
179a. Plan of the Monument and descrip¬
tive pamphlet. (Zapata, Architect;
Querol, Sculptor.)
Pavia y Bermingham, Joaquin, Rome.
180. Restoration of the Temple of Vesta,
Roman Forum. (Nine drawings.)
Repulles, Enrique Maria, Madrid.
181. Designs for the Royal Basilica de
Atocha, Madrid. (Fifteen drawings.)
Salas, Ramon, Tarragona.
182. Church of St. Peter, Tarragona.
182a. Monument to Admiral Roger de
182b. Bull Ring.
Torre, Felix de la, Madrid.
183. Design for Manicomio de Valencia.
(Twenty-three drawings.)
Villar, Francisco del, Barcelona.
184. Design for a great circus. (Three
Zapata, Julio M., Madrid.
185. Design for a provincial legislative
building. (Six drawings.)
Royal Commissioner,
Swedish Pavilion, Jackson Park*
Special Commissioner of Tine Arts,
iSwedish Pavilion, Jackson Park.
for Information regarding exhibits for sale apply to A\r. A. PREYER, at entrance
to Holland Section, West Court.
Sculpture, Paintings in Oil.
GROUP 189.
Akerman, W., Paris.
1. Madonna. (Plaster relief.)
2. “Sensitiva.”
Borjesson, Prof. John, Stockholm.
3. The Brothers. (Bronze group.)
Eriksson, Christian, Paris.
4. Carl von Linne. (Plaster relief.)
5. “ 1779 .” (Marble.)
6 . Blindman’s Buff. (Bronze vase.)
Hasselberg, Per, Stockholm,
7. The Snowdrop. (Plaster statue.)
8. The Frog. (Plaster statue.)
9. The Water Lilye (Plaster statue.)
10. Louis de Geer. (Plaster bust.)
11. Prince Eugen. (Bronze bust.)
12. Olof Wijk. (Bronze statuette.)
13. P. Furstenberg (Bronze statuette.)
Lundberg, Th., Prof,, Stockholm.
14. Relief for the Decoration of a Mantel¬
Matton, Ida, Paris.
15. “ Mama.” (Marble statue.)
Nystrdm, Alf., Stockholm.
16. The Lion of Gothia. (Plaster.)
Soderman, N. Aug., Stockholm.
17. John Ericsson. (Plaster statuette, in
Swedish Pavilion.)
Wallgren, Antoinette, Paris.
18. Bretonne.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Albert, G., Paris.
19 French Landscape.
20. French Landscape.
Andersson, J. A. G., Stockholm.
21. Winter Fishing.
Arborelius, O., Stockholm.
22. Landscape in Dalecarlia. (I11 Swedish
23. Hay Carting in Dalecarlia.
24. Sunday Morning in Dalecarlia.
25. Bridal Procession in Dalecarlia.
Beer, A., Stockholm. (Swedish Pavilion.)
26. The Castle of Tido, Sweden.
Behm, Wilhelm, Gnesta.
27. Birch Grove, Sodermanland. (In Swed¬
ish Pavilion.)
28. Winter Landscape.
29. Landscape, River Valley of the Indal-
selfven. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
Bergh, R., Stockholm.
30. Portrait of Miss E. B.
31. An Old Song.
32. Landscape.
Bjorck, O., Stockholm.
33. Portrait of Baron J. M. Nordenfalk.
34. Interior of Cow-house.
35. Portrait Study.
Bonnier, Eva, Stockholm.
36. My Housekeeper.
37. Music.
38. Portrait; Mr. H. L.
Borg, A., Stockholm.
39. Scene from Fair in Orebro. (In Swedish
40. Elk Hunt. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
Bredberg, Mina, Stockholm.
41. Portrait of a Russian Artist.
Chadwick, E., Stockholm.
42. Carmencita.
43. Rainbow.
44. “ My Boy.”
EkstrOm, P., Segerstad, Oland.
45 - Moonrise, Saro.
46. Breaking Up of the Ice, Oscarshamn.
47. Dawning, Normandy.
48. Landscape, Marstrand.
49. December Midday Sun, Oland.
50. Autumn, Oland.
Ericsson, Joh., Gothenburg.
51. Moonrise.
H. R. H. Prince Eugen of Sweden and Nor¬
52. The Forest.
53. Autumn Day.
54. The Temple.
Paintings in Oil.
Feychving, H., Stockholm. (Swedish Pa¬
55. Regatta in the Archipelago.
Genberg, A., Stockholm. (Swedish Pa¬
56. View of the Tottehummeln, Areskutan,
57. Church of Are, in Jemtland,. Sweden.
Hagborg, Aug., Paris.
58. Beggar.
59. Evening.
60. Low Tide.
61. “Bijou and Honore.”
Hermelin, O., Baron, Osterby, Torshalla.
62. Autumn.
Jansson, Eug., Stockholm.
63. Twilight in May.
Jungstedt, A. Stockholm. (Swedish Pa¬
64. Portrait of H. R. M., the King of Swe¬
den. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
65. Railroad Laborers.
Keyser, Elisabeth, Stockholm.
66 . Peasant Woman, Normandy.
Kindborg, J., Stockholm.
67. Landscape, Wermland, Sweden. (In
Swedish Pavilion.)
Kretlger, Nils, Warberg.
68. Summer Evening.
69. Street View from Warberg.
70. Evening.
71. Winter Idyll.
72. Evening.
Kronberg, Julius, Professor, Stockholm.
73. Portrait of Charles XII. (In Swedish
Kulle, J., Stockholm.
74. Scanian Peasant’s Cottage. (In Swedish
Larsson ^*'“ 1 Gothenburg.
75. My Famn).
76. “ Ulf ” in the Sunset.
77. A Swedish Fairy Tale.
Liljefors, Bruno, Upsala.
78. Bear Hunting. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
79. Fox Shooting.
80. Game Shooting. 9
81. Hawk’s Nest.
82. Foxes.
83. Wild Geese.
84. Night.
85. Grouse Shooting.
Lindholm, B., Gothenburg.
86. Rocks, Scania.
87. The Cattegat, off Halland’s Vadero.
Lindman, Ax., Stockholm.
88. Terrace in Positano.
89. Way Along the Coast at Amalfi.
90. Capri with Castiglione and Monte
91. Surf at Bagno di Tiberio.
92. Naples, Riviera di Chiaia.
Lundstrdm, Ernst, Stockholm.
93. “Berzelii Park,” Stockholm.
94. The Norrstrom, Stockholm.
Nordstrom, Karl, Hoga, Bohuslan.
95. The Yellow House.
96. Winter Landscape.
97. Twilight.
98. In Winter Harbor.
Norrman, H., Tranas.
100. Autumn.
Osterlind, Allan, Stockholm.
101. The Orphans.
Pauli, G., Stockholm.
102. Legend.
103. Midsummer’s Night.
104. Winter Morning in Stockholm.
Pauli, Hanna, Stockholm.
105. Portrait; Vennie S.
106. Portrait; K. Nordstrom, the Artist.
107. The “Name’s-day.”
Rosen, Count G. von, Prof., Stockholm.
108. Nordenskiold.
109. Portrait; Count Lagerberg.
no. Portrait; Prof. G. W. Palm.
Rosenberg, Edv., Stockholm.
in. View of Norrstrom and the Royal
Palace of Stockholm. (In Swedish Pa¬
Salza, C. F. von, St. Louis.
112. Portrait.
Schultzberg, A., Grangarde.
113. The First Snowfall.
114. The Last Sunbeam.
115. Evening (Picardy).
Schulzenheim, Ida von, Stockholm.
116. “Too Hot.”
117. Greyhounds.
Sparre, Emma, Baroness, Stockholm.
118. Interior of the Castle of Gripsholm.
Stolpe, Marie Louise, Stockholm.
119. In Memoriam Linnei.
Svensson, C. F., Stockholm.
120. Sailors in the Oresund.
Thegerstrdm, R., Stockholm.
121. A Calm.
Thorne, Alf., Stockholm.
122. Namndo in the Archipelago of Stock¬
holm. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
123. Trolling. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
124. Oat Harvest.
Tradgardh, Carl, P~Ha.
125. Going to Market.
126. Cow-keeper.
Wahlberg, Prof. Alf., Paris.
127. Night on the Swedish Coast.
Paintings in Oil, Water Colors, Engravings and Etchings, Drawings and Carvings.
128. Evening (Hallands’ Vadero.)
129. Stockholm in Moonlight.
130. Misty Night, Oise.
131. River Landscape (Eure.)
132. Morning (Oise.)
133. View from the West Coast of Sweden
Wahlstrom, Charlotte, Stockholm.
134. Moonrise.
Wallander, Alf., Stockholm.
135. “Putte.”
Westman, Edw., Stockholm.
136. Spring Evening.
137. Hay-making in Normandy.
Zorn, And. L., Paris.
138. “Margit.”
139. Omnibus.
140. Ball.
141. Fair in Mora, Sweden.
142. A Toast in “Idun.”
143. A Forest Study.
144. Sunset.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Boberg, Anna, Stockholn.
145. Venice.
146. Gondolas.
147. View from Menaggio.
Ericsson, Anna, Gothenburg.
148. View from Ronneby, Sweden.
149. Moon-rise.
Gellerstedt, Prof. A. T., Stockholm.
150. Swedish Views. (In Swedish Pavilion.)
Hermelin, T., Baron, Stockholm.
151. Runic Monuments. ) In Swedish
152. The Barrows of Upsala. ) Pavilion.
Jolin, Ellen, Stockholm.
153. The Baptistry of Sienna.
Larson, Carl, Gothenburg.
154. Portrait; Mrs. F.
155. Interior of Dalecarrian Peasant Cot¬
tage, winter time.
Tiren, J., Stockholm.
(Paintings in Swedish Pavilion.)
156. Landscape with Lapps.
157. Lapp on Snow Skates. (“Skidor.”)
158. Lapps Catching Reindeer.
GROUP 142.
Paintings on Ivory, on Enamel, on Metal,
on Porcelain or Other Wares; Fresco
Painting on Walls.
Aithin, C., Stockholm.
159. Decorative Painting.
GROUP 148.
Engravings and Etchings; Prints.
Boberg, F., Stockholm.
160. Birger Jarl.
161. St. Catherine Church, Stockholm.
162. Interior of Italian Yard.
163. The Choir of San Marco, Venice.
Haglund, R., Stockholm.
164. The German Church in Stockholm.
165. “Kornhamn,” Stockholm.
166. The Furstenberg Art-Gallery in Goth-
Haig, A. H., Haslemere, Surrey, England.
167. The Cathedral of Burgos.
168. Arab Students, Cairo.
169. Arab Quarters, Cairo.
170. In Rhine-Land.
171. Towing in the Prize.
172. Wisby, Twilight.
173. Stockholm.
Rosen, Count G. von, Prof., Stockholm.
174. Six Etchings.
Zorn, And. L., Paris.
175. Statuette of my Grandmother. (Wood.)
176. Etchings.
GROUP 144.
Chalk, Charcoal, Pastel and Other
Andren, V., Stockholm.
177. Views and Characters from Stock¬
H. R. H. Prince Eugen, of Sweden and
Norway; Stockholm.
178. Summer Day.
Jansson, Eug., Stockholm.
179. Venus.
Liljefors, Bruno, Upsala.
180. Eight Drawing-
Nordstr^„, Jtloga, Bohuslan.
181. Night.
182. Moonrise.
183. Dawning.
184. Moonlight.
Wallander, Alf., Stockholm.
185. A Poulterer.
186. Evening Su».
187. Coffee Party Sixty Years Ago.
GROUP 145.
Antique and Modern Carvings; Engrav¬
ings in Medallions or in Gems,
Cameos, Intaglios.
Norman, A. E.
i&d. Columbus’ Arrival in America. (Cut
with pen-knife from a solid block of
hardwood.) In Swedish Pavilion.
Royal Special Commissioner for the Pine Arts,
339 Michigan Avenue.
Tor information, prices and copyrights please apply to the Italian Official Agent,
Tine Art Building, West Annex, Room 76.
GROUP 189.
Albacini, A., Rome.
1. Roman Type. (Marble bust.)
2. Pompeiian Flower Girl. (Marble stat¬
3. Pompeiian Water Girl. (Marble statu¬
4. Innocence. (Marble statuette.)
5. Bathing Woman. (Marble statue.)
6 Roman Type. (Marble bust.)
Allegretti, A., Rome.
7. Eve After Sin. (Marble statue.)
Andreoni, O., Rome.
8. Ruth. (Marble statue.)
9. Flora. (Marble statue.)
10. Cupid in Ambush. (Marble group.)
Apolloni, A., Rome.
11. Beatrice. (Marble medallion.)
12. Hon. Chauncey M. Depew. (Marble
13. Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. (Marble bust.)
14. Plaster Cast of Robert Burns’ Monu¬
15. Original Design in Plaster for a mon¬
umental fountain—Man Struggling with
Marine Monsters.
16. Love’s Dream. (Marble head.)
17. Mother Most Pure. (Plaster statue.)
18. American Mythology. (Marble statue.)
Argenti, G., Milan.
19. Martyr. (Marble statue.)
20. Modesty. (Marble bust.)
Astorri, E., Milan.
21. Lucy. (Marble bust.)
22. Friendship. (Marble group.)
23. Serenade. (Marble statuette.)
24. Minstrel. (Marble statuette.) *
Barbella, C., Castellamare Adriatico.
25. Noli Me Tangere. (Plaster bust.)
26. Love Song. (Bronze group.)
27. Departure. (Bronze group.)
28. Return. (Bronze group.)
29. Alone. (Bronze group.)
30. Believe Me. (Bronze group.)
31. Harmony. (Bronze group.)
32. Bourn. (Silvered bronze statuette.)
33. More! More! (Silvered bronze statu¬
34. Farewell of the Bride. (Bronze group.)
Bardi, A., Carrara.
35. Europe. (Marble statue.)
36. Asia. (Marble statue.)
37. America. (Marble statue.)
38. Africa. (Marble statue.)
39. Mechanics. (Marble statue.)
40. Genius of Science. (Marble statue.)
41. Labor. (Marble statue.)
42. Physics. (Marble statue.)
43. Fidelity. (Marble statue.)
44. Sea Nymph. (Marble statue.)
45. Angel of Resurrection. (Marble statue.)
46. Flower Girl. (Marble statuette.)
Bastiani, Florence.
47. During the Vintage. (Marble group.)
48. The Return from the Feast. (Bronze
Bazzaro, E., Milan.
49. At the Cafe Chantant. (Bronze statu¬
50. Bedouin Mother. (Bronze group.)
Bertone, A., Florence.
51. Fruit Seller. (Marble statue.)
Biondi, E., Rome.
52. Mena. (Bronze head.)
53. Cicillo. (Bronze head.)
54. On a Spree. (Bronze group.)
55. Remembrance. (Bronze statuette)
56. Bad Luck. (Bronze statuette.)
57. Cqncetella. (Bronze statuette.)
58. Gennarina. (Bronze statuette.)
59. Rosetta. (Bronze statuette.)
60. Oriental Tales. (Bronze statuette.)
61. Triclinium. (Bronze group.)
62. Christmas Eve. (Bronze group.)
63. In the Desert. (Bronze group.)
64. ArabFamily Traveling. (Bronze group.)
Bistolfi, L., Rome.
65. American Flag. (Marble bust.)
66. Companions in Misfortune. (Marble
67. Portrait of Prof. T. (Plaster bust.)
68. Portrait of Mr. ** *. (Plaster bust.)
69. Portrait of Mrs, * * *, (Plaster bust.)
Bottinelli, A., Rome.
70. Etrusca. (Marble statue.)
71. First Communion. (Marble bust.)
72. The Kiss. (Marble statue.)
73. The Dance. (Marble statuette.)
74. Poetry. (Marble statuette.)
75. Music. (Marble statuette.)
76. Painting. (Marble statuette.)
77. Sculpture. (Marble statuette.)
78. Architecture. (Marble statuette.)
Bracony, L„, Paris.
79. Echo. (Marble statue.)
Calvi, P., Milan.
8O0 Othello. (Marble and bronze bust.)
81. A'leydak. (Marble and bronze bust.)
82. Minstrel. (Marble and bronze bust.)
83. Spiteful. (Marble statue.)
84. Uncle Tom. (Marble and bronze bust.)
85 . Selika. (Marble and bronze bust.)
Calzolari, Q., Florence.
86 « Fraternal Love. (Marble group.)
Cantri, Milan.
87. Ideal. (Marble bust.)
88. Parthenope. (Bronze medallion.)
Civiletti, Palermo.
89. Fisher Boy. (Terra cotta statuette.)
90. No More Slaves. (Terra cotta group.)
Dausch, C., Rome.
91. Night. (Marble medallion, relief.)
92. Day. (Marble medallion, relief.)
De Leva G., Naples.
93. Papa’s Son. (Terra’cotta head.)
De Paoli, L., Pordenone.
94. Icarus. (Plaster statue.)
Fambri, R., Venice.
95. A Duel. (Bronze relief.)
Ferrari, E., Rome.
96. Lincoln Dying. (Marble statue.)
97. Lesbia. (Marble statue.)
Fiaschi, Florence.
98. High Wave. (Marble statue.)
Galimberti, G., Milan.
99. Alpine Guide. (Bronze statue.)
Galli, R., Milan.
100. A Page. (Marble bust.)
101. Capricciosa. (Marble bust.)
102. Bebe. (Marble bust.)
103. Mandolinata. (Marble bust.)
104. Othello. (Bronze bust.)
105. Desdemona. (Bronze bust.)
Gariboldi, E., Milan.
106. Exiled. (Plaster statue.)
107. Pierrette. (Marble bust.)
108. Chimney Sweeper. (Marble bust.)
109. First Gain. (Marble statue.)
no. Minstrel. (Marble statuette.)
in. Displeasing. (Marble bust.)
112. After Supper. (Marble bust.)
113. Arianna. (Marble statuette.)
114. Arianna. (Bronze statuette.)
115. The First Pose. (Bronze statuette.)
116. Ophelia. (Bronze statuette.)
117. Gluttony. (Marble statue.)
118. Providence. (Marble statue.)
119. A Flower Among Flowers. (Marble
120. Stolen Pleasure. (Bronze group.)
121. Mignon. (Bronze statuette.)
122. Mignon. (Marble statuette.)
123. Archangel Gabriel. (Marble relief.)
124. Wealth. (Bronze relief.)
125. Past, Present and Future. (Plaster
group—project for a clock.)
126. Communism. (Small group in marble.)
Gugliandolo, V., Messina.
127. Rosa Donato, Sicilian Heroine. (Plas¬
ter bust.)
Gonnella, E., Milan.
128. Curiosetta.
129. Michelagnolo. (Marble statue.)
130. The Love Letter. (Marble statue.)
Lavezzari, V., Genoa.
131. The Fisher Boy. (Marble^ statue.)
Luzi, A., Rome.
132. Trasteverina, (Bronze bust.)
133. Sortie de Bal. (Bronze statuette.)
134. Arab Shepherd. (Terracotta bust.)
135. President Cleveland. (Plaster bust.)
Mascagnani, E., Rome.
136. Isn’t it Cold? (Bronze statue.)
Maltoni, A., Ravenna.
137. Disinherited. (Plaster group.)
Monzini, G., Clivio.
138. Butterfly. (Marble bust.)
139. Modesty. (Marble bust.)
Mariani, Adelaide, Rome.
140. Sappho. (Marble statue.)
Nelli, A., Rome.
141. H. M. King Humbert I. (Bronze
142. Spring. (Bronze bust.)
143. Satyr Unmasked. (Bronze statue.)
144. Ishmael. (Bronze statue.)
Olivari, G., Genoa.
145. A Wreath. (Bronze.)
Pardo, V., Rome.
146. Christopher Columbus. (Bronze bust.)
Pellini, E.. Milan. '
147. Urchin. (Marble statue.)
Quadrelli, E., Milan.
148. Giuseppe Verdi. (Bronze statuette.)
Ramazzotti, S., Padova.
149. The Poor Flower Girl. (Marble statue.)
150. Springtime Song. (Marble bust.)
151. Dream. (Bronze bust.)
Rota, Genoa.
152. Monk Reading. (Marble statue.)
Sculpture, Bronze Reproductions.
Soeboeck, F., Rome.
153. Faun and Bacchante.
Soldini, A., Milan.
154. A Thought. (Marble bust.)
Spagollo, G., Cremona.
155. First Words. (Marble statue.)
Spalmack, O., Rome.
156. Pereat! (Marble group.)
157. Romeo and Juliet. (Marble group.)
Spertini, G., Milan.
158. The Volunteer. (Marble statuette.)
Tabacchi, O., Turin.
159. Baigneuse.
160. Tuffolina.
Trentanove, G., Florence.
161. Mrs.Alfred G.Harrison. (Marble bust.)
162. The Last of the Spartans. (Marble
163. Model of Garibaldi Monument.
(Bronze group.)
Troubetskoy, P., Milan.
164. Indian Warrior. (Bronze group.)
165. Bedouin, with Camel. (Bronze group.)
166. Regrets. (Bronze group.)
167. Indian Scout. (Bronze group.)
168. Model of Dante Monument. (Bronze
169. Bedouin Steed. (Bronze group.)
170. Arabian Steed at Rest. (Bronze
171. The Times. (Bronze statuette.)
Ventura, A., Milan.
172. Incroyable. (Marble statuette.)
Ximenes, A., Palermo.
173. Caught! (Bronze statue.)
Zocchi, C., Florence.
174. Rebecca. (Marble statuette.)
174a. Schoolboy. (Terra cotta statuette.)
Bronze Reproductions
Of Classical Bronzes from the Excava¬
tions at Pompeii and Herculaneum,
from the Originals in National
Museum at Naples.
175. Jug with Figure.
176. Sappho.
177. Head of Dante.
178. Venus Anadyomene.
179. Stag’s-head Cup.
180. Juno Vase.
181. Eagle Jug.
182. Sea-horse Jug.
183. Jug with Satyr.
184. Jug with Faun.
185. Cupid and Dolphin.
186. Human-foot Lamp.
187. Doryphorus.
188. Silenus Lamp.
189. Dolphin Lamp.
190. Cupid and Goose Lamp.
191. Satyr and Pan-pipe Lamp.
192. Berenice.
193. Goat’s Jug.
194. Ram’s-head Jug.
195. Archytas.
196. Apollo Vase-handle.
197. Bat Lamp.
198. Victory.
199., Abundance.
200. Cupid with Goose.
201. Cupid with Dolphin.
202. Ruvo Cup.
203. Medasa Vase-handle.
204. Ivy-leaf Cup.
205. Epicurus (named).
206. Venus at her Toilet.
207. Fawn with Wine-skin.
208. Small Jug.
209. Three-light Lamp.
210. Alexander.
211. Amazon.
212. Scipio Africanus.
213. Tripod—Satyr.
214. Tripod—Isiac.
213. Candelabrum.
216. Bearded Dionysius.
217. Lucius Caecilius Jucundus.
218. Gazelle.
219. Gazelle.
220. Fortune on the Globe.
221. Campanello (Gong).
222. Angler.
223. Mercury of Gian Bologna.
224. Wrestler or Runner.
225. Wrestler or Runner.
226. Laughing Faun.
227. Agrippina.
228. Hercules Taming Stag.
229. Amazon on Horseback.
230. Mercury in Repose.
231. Gladiator’s Armor (8 pieces).
23?. Ornament for Door (Medusa’s Head).
233. Ornament for Door (Medusa’s Head
with Tongue Out).
234. Statuette of Apollo with Lyre.
235. Dancer.
236. Dancer.
237. Dancer.
238. Dancer.
239. Ddncer.
240. Dancer.
241. Sleeping Faun.
242. Borghese Faun.
243. Adoration.
244. Ptolemy Lathros.
245. Ptolemy I—Soter.
Bronze Reproductions, Paintings in Oil,
; 246. Ptolemy Philadelphus.
247. Ptolemy Alexander.
248. Seneca.
249. Hermes.
250. Dancing Faun.
251. Youth with Chlamys.
252. Heraclitus.
253. Narcissus.
254. Silenus.
255. Apollo with Plectrum.
256. Young Satyr with Thyrsos.
257. Demosthenes.
258. Demosthenes with Inscription.
259. Metrodorus.
260. Agrippina,
j 261. Epicurus.
262. Hermarchus. (Inscription.)
263. Zeno Citiacus.
264. Archaic Apollo.
265. Youth.
266. Democritus.
267. Sylla.
268. Sylla.
269. Drunken Faun.
270. Faun with Dog.
271. Faun with Wine-skin.
272. Faun with Wine-skin.
273. Statuette of Faun.
274. Cupid with Mask.
! 275. Cupid with Cup.
276. Cupid with Vase.
277. Cupid with Dolphin.
j 278. Cupid with Wine-skin,
i 279. "Steelyard.
280. Steelyard.
281. Centaur Vase.
282. Apollo Hermaphrodytus.
283. Psyche.
284. Faun and Bacchus.
GROUP 140.
Paintings in Oil.
Andreotti, F., Chicago.
285. Such a Sweet Note!
Aquadro, F., Chicago.
286. Flowers.
Armenise, L., Milan.
287. The Village Fete.
Barbarini, S., Modena.
288. Still Water.
289. The Train is Coming.
290. Sketch From Nature.
291. Sketch From Nature.
292. Sketch From Nature.
Barucci, P., Rome.
293. On the Roman Apennines. (Lake of
Battaglia, D., Naples.
294. Stable with Cattle.
295. Pergolese Rehearsing his Stabat.
Battistini, L., Coimbra.
296. Labor and Death.
Bazzani, L., Rome.
297. At the Fountain. (Pompeii.)
298. In the Peristilium. (Pompeii.)
Bazzaro, L., Milan.
299. Second Nurse.
300. Remembrances.
Belimban, Leghorn.
301. The Lady of The Pearls.
Berti, G., Venice.
302. On the Banks of the Brenta, after
Child’s Harold’s Pilgrimage.
Bertolotti, C., Milan.
303. The Giddy Monk.
304. Louisa.
Boldini, G., Paris.
305. Portrait of a Girl.
306. Portrait of a Lady.
307. Portrait of Miss-.
308. An Extra Team.
Bompiani, A., Rome.
309. Southern Flowers.
310. Playing Truant.
311. On the Sly.
Bordignon, N., Venice.
312. At the Country Inn.
313. Emigrants.
314. Mathilda.
Bottero, G., Turin.
315. Boatmen’s Canal.
316. Mestre Canal.
317. The Jurors.
Bruenn, L., Rome.
318. A Summer Afternoon in a Roman Villa.
319. The First Born.
320. Music Hath Charms.
Capone, G., Maiori.
321. Curiosity. (Costume of Maiori.)
322. Summer.
323. Winter.
324. Hush! There is Sister.
325. A Good Piece of Game.
Carcano, F., Milan.
326. Venice From the Lagoon.
327. Sunset at Spezia.
328. Lombard Plain.
329. Harvest of Indian Corn.
330. Procession.
331. Iseo Lake.
332. The Believers.
333. Environs of Genoa.
334. By the Window.
335. Fall of the Balloon.
336. The Snow Fall at Pescarenico.
337. Rest of Fishermen at Chioggia.
Paintings in Oil.
338. Ten Studies.
339. Twelve Studies.
Ciardi, G., Venice.
340. Southwest Wind.
341. Spring Clouds.
342. Basin of St. George.
343. Sunset at Venice.
344. On the Lagoon.
345. Canal of St. Marc.
Coen, S., Venice.
347. Girl of the People (Venice).
Coleman, F., Rome.
348. Queen Catherine of England.
Conconi, L., Milan.
349. Declaration of Love.
Corelli, A., Rome.
350. In the Woods.
351. The Angelus on St. Peter’s Day.
(Roman Harvest.)
Corrodi, H. Rome.
352. The Convent of St. Lazzaro.
353 * Overflow of the Nile at the Pyramids.
354. The Tower of Charles V at Spezia.
355. Fishermen at Their Shrine.
Corteggiani, M., Palermo.
356. Capucin’s Catacombs.
Costa, A., Genoa.
357. Side of St.Lorenzo Cathedral in Genoa.
D’Andrea, F., Venice.
358. Flora.
359. Surprised.
DairOca, Bianca A., Verona
360. The Quadrille.
DaMolin, O., Venice.
361. At the Pawn Shop.
362. The Ill Fed.
DeMartin, G., Naples.
363. Flower Market at Pompeii.
DeMatteis, A., Chicago.
364. Fruit.
365. Fruit.
Denza, Giro, Naples.
366. A Bit of the Bay of Naples.
367. Sunset on the Bay of Naples.
DeTommasi, P., Rome.
368. Golden Dreams.
Dovera, A., Milan.
369. Marine.
370. Marine.
371. Marine.
372. Marine.
373. Lake Maggiore.
374. Lake Maggiore.
375. Marine.
376. Marine.
Dovizielli, C., Rome.
377. Still Life—Game and Fruit.
378. Still Life—Fish.
Fedrighini, P., Sinigallia.
379. The Niagara Falls.
380. The Niagara Rapids.
Ferrara, O., Naples.
381. Faith.
Fragiacomo, P., Venice.
382. Idyl on the Lagoon.
383. Little Amalia.
384. Summer Clouds.
Gabrini, P., Rome.
385. At Sea.
386. The Landing of Columbus.
Gasperini, L., Venice.
387. Golden Wedding.
388. Eviction.
Guardabassi, F. M., Perugia.
389. His Holiness Leo XIII. The latest
portrait, painted from life in the Vatican,
January, 1893 .
Guardabassi, G., Rome.
390. The Mayor’s Wedding.
391. The Old Gipsy’s Prediction.
Guerra, A., Badia di Cave.
392. Beatrice Cenci’s Last Moments. The
Historical Call in Castle St. Angelo.
393. Raphael and the Cardinal Sigismondo
394. Roman Flower Girl.
395. The Fortune Teller.
396. Capri Girl.
397. The Sanctuary of Cava dei Tirenni.
Guerrieri, A., Florence.
398. Love and Curiosity.
Joris, P., Rome.
399. Afternoon in the Villa Pmphyli, Rome.
400. Grandfather’s Birthday.
Juglaris, T., Milan.
401. The Prayer on the Mountain.
Lancerotto, L., Venice.
402. Regatta at Venice.
403. Madonna.
404. Vanity Fair.
Lessi, Tito, Florence.
405. The Bibliophile.
Lombardo, Calamia G., Palermo.
406. Temple of Segesta, Sicily.
Malaspina, A., Milan.
407. Shepherd.
408. Swiss Mail Coach.
Mancini, F., Naples.
409. Charge of Cavalry.
Mariani, C., Rome.
410. Celestial Harmony.
411. In Triumphai.
Mariani, P., Monza.
412. Sunset in Liguria.
Mariotti, F., Chicago.
413. Portfait of Mrs. E. B.
Paintings in Oil and Water Colors.
Martinetti, Maria, Rome.
414. Malaria.
Menegazzi, C., Venice.
415. Alpine Landscape.
Milesi, A., Venice.
416. Papa’s Boat.
Mollica, A., Naples.
417. Rivals.
Moradei, A., Ravenna.
418. Maternal Anticipations.
419. Would You Like My Rose?
420. The Joy of the Family
Musso, G., Palermo.
421. Visit to the Temple.
Nani, N., Venice.
422. Consequences of Vice.
423. Teasing Surprise.
424. Persuasion.
Nobili, R., Florence.
425. Listening.
Novo, Stefano, Venice.
426. Fruit Seller in Venice.
427. The Want of All.
428. Fruit Shop in Venice.
Petiti, F., Rome.
429. Sorrento Marine.
Prati, E., Aniedo.
430. First Flowers in Venice
Quaranta, G., Naples.
431. Flamenga.
432. Milanese Dairy Farm.
433. Blockaded.
434. Luino, Lake Maggiore.
435. Fruit Grove in Spring.
436^ Country Milkwoman.
437. Without Senepione Gate.
438 . Environs of Milan.
Reyceud, E., Turin.
439. The Po Embankment at Turin.
Ricci, F., Rome.
440. Rehearsing the Lesson.
441. Interrupted Nap.
442. Sweet Remembrances.
Rinaldi, C., Florence.
443. Hopeless.
Roi, P., Venice.
444. Vanity.
445. Once Friends.
Rossi, L., Paris.
446. Reception at the Doge’s Palace,
Rotta, A., Venice.
447. The First Egg.
Santoro, R., Naples.
448. In the Bay of Naples.
449. Gipsies.
Sartorelli, Venice.
450. On the Lagoon.
Savani, A., Bologna.
451. Post Nubile Phoebus.
452. A Child of the Fields.
Simoni, G., Rome.
453. Algerian Women on the Terrace.
Spiridon, T., Rome.
454. Sappho.
455. Follette.
Tano, E., Florence.
456. Tuscan Farm.
Tarenghi, E., Rome.
457. Contemplation.
Tiratelli, A., Rome.
458. Flock of Sheep on the Roman
Tom, Milan.
458a. Painting.
458b. Painting.
458c. Painting.
Tommasi, A., Leghorn.
458d. Return From the Market.
458e. After Sunset.
Tuminetti, A., Milan.
458L Oil Paintings.
Tromboni, A., Naples.
459. The Cow Herds.
Van Elven, P. T., Milan.
460. Caravan by the Dead Sea.
461. Market at Chaumont.
Vollaro, P., Naples.
462. A Moment of Leisure.
Wolf, Venice.
463. Grandmama’s Story.
464. Flirtation.
465. Venetian Girl.
466. Gipsy.
467. Spring.
468. Summer.
Zanetti, M. G., Venice.
469. The Public Gardens of Venice.
470. The Island of Malamocco and Tor-
471. Canal of Torcello.
472. Moorish Courtyard.
473 * Tiger’s Head (Male).
474. Tiger’s Head (Female).
475. Bull’s Head.
476. Cow’s Head.
GROUP 141.
Paintings in Water Colors.
Aureli, G., Rome.
477 - Presentation of Monseigneur de Riche¬
lieu to Henri IV of France.
Battaglia, A., Rome.
478 . Mower Girls in the Campagna.
Paintings in Water Colors, Pastel Drawings, Decorative Works.
GROUP 144.
Pastel Drawings.
Corelli, A., Rome.
479. Woman of Latium,
480. Man of Latium.
481. Serenata.
Crisafi, N., Palmero.
482. Monte Pellegrino. (Palermo.)
483. Guadagna on River Oreto.
DeTommasi, P., Rome.
484. Making Ready for the Procession.
485. Puzzled.
Guardabassi, G., Rome.
486. Scholar Monk.
487. Holy Water Cup, St. Peter’s Church,
Martinetti, Maria, Rome.
488. Beggar.
Nobili, R., Florence.
489. Service of St. Marc’s, Venice.
Pennacchini, D., Rome.
490. The Lost Child.
491. Tarantella.
Simoni, G., Rome.
492. Fruit Market at Sorrento.
493. The Last Day of the Ramadam.
Tiratelli, C., Rome.
494. The Patron Saint’s Day.
Capranica Grillo, G.
495. Nennella.
496. Thecla.
497. Truth.
Da Molin, O., Venice.
498. Fisher’s Head.
Brugo & Pagliei, Rome.
499. Toilet of Venus. (Imitation of Tapes¬
try, after Boucher.)
500. Bacchus and Ariadne. (Imitation of
Tapestry, after Boucher.)
The originals of Nos. 499 and 500 are in
the Quirinal Palace, Rome.
Brenda <& Simonetti, Rome.
501. The Agreeable Lesson.
502. The Mysterious Basket.
' 503. Bacchus and Venus.
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