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EXTRA NUMBERS OF THE CONNOISSEUR, GEORGE MORLAND (Biographical Essay), By J. T. Herbert Baily. JOHN DOWNMAN (Life arxd Works), By G. C. Williamson, Litt* D, FRANCESCO BARTOLOZZI, RA. (Biogra- phical Essay, By J, T. Herbert Baily. No similar Works for the price have previously To be obtained from all Booksellers, or the Publishers : ^THE CONNOISSEUR/' Carmelite House, E.C, Published at FIVE SHILLINGS NET. Bound SEVEN and SIXPENCE. Postage Sixpence extra on each Number, Each of these beautiful Books contains about 100 illustrations of the artist's works, including many full-page plates in colour. been published* GOWANS'S ART BOOKS April istf 1908 The following have already appeared : No. I. —THE MASTERPIECES OF RUBENS No. 2.— THE MASTERPIECES OF VAN DYCK No. 3.— THE MASTERPIECES OF REMBRANDT No. 4.— THE MASTERPIECES OF RAPHAEL No. 5.— THE MASTERPIECES OF REYNOLDS No. 6.— THE MASTERPIECES OF TENTERS No. 7.— THE MASTERPIECES OF THE EARLY FLEMISH PAINTERS No. 8.— THE MASTERPIECES OF TITIAN No. 9.— THE MASTERPIECES OF FRANZ HALS No. 10.— THE MASTERPIECES OF MURILLO No. ii.—THE MASTERPIECES OF WOUWER- MAN No. 12.— THE MASTERPIECES OF VELAZQUEZ No. 13.— THE MASTERPIECES OF HOLBEIN No. 14.— THE MASTERPIECES OF VERONESE No. 15.— THE MASTERPIECES OF RAEBURN Other's in Preparation Prices: Parchment Covers, 6d. Net. Cloth, is. Net Leather, 2s. Net. Postage, id. 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They beg to announce the following : No. 16.— THE MASTERPIECES OF DEL SARTO \^May 1st, 1908 No. 17.— THE MASTERPIECES OF CORREGGIO [June I St J 1908 No. 18.— THE MASTERPIECES OF BRONZINO [/lily I sty 1908 No. 19.— THE MASTERPIECES OF WATTEAU [August 1st, 1908 No. 20.— THE MASTERPIECES OF BOTTICELLI [September 1st, 1908 No. 21.— THE MASTERPIECES OF FRA ANGELICO [October 1st, 1908 Drawings , . . from the Old Masters. HTHESE artistically got up little books are uniform in size with Gowans's Art Books, and will be found of absorbing interest by every student of Art. FIRST SERIES.— Containing sixty reproductions of Drawings by famous Artists in the Albertina Gallery, Vienna. SECOND SERIES.—Containing sixty reproduc- tions of Drawings by great Japanese Artists in the British Museum, London, Selected by Laurence Binyon. THIRD SERIES.— Containing sixty reproductions of Drawings by Dutch and Flemish Masters in the State Museum, Amsterdam. FOURTH SERIES.— Containing sixty reproduc- tions of Drawings by famous Artists in the British Museum, London. Selected by Sidney Colvin. Paper Cover. 6d. Net. Each. Cloth, is Net. Each. Postage, id. Each. COWANS S GRAY, Ltd., London 9 GUsgow. Gowans^s Nature Books 'J^HE object of these little books is to stimulate a love for nature and a desire to study it. All the volumes of the series that have been issued so far have been very successful, and the publishers hope to be able to maintain the very high standard of excellence which has made this scries so well known all over the country. Some of the photO' graphs included in the different volumes are unequalled and unique triumphs of the nature^ photographer's art. No. I.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Chas. Kirk, of British Birds and their Nests. No. 2.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs from Nature, by Cameron Todd. No. 3.— WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Second Series. By the Same. 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No. 16.-WILD FLOWERS AT HOME. Fourth Series. By Somerville Hastings. No. 17.— BRITISH MAMMALS. Sixty Photographs from Life, by Oxley Grabham, M.A., T. A. Metcalfe, Sydney H. Smith, and Chas. Kirk. No. 18.— POND AND STREAM LIFE. Sixty Photo- graphs from Life, by Walford B. Johnson and Stanley C. Johnson, M.A. No. 19.— WILD BIRDS AT HOME. Third Series. By Chas. Kirk. No. 20.— ALPINE PLANTS AT HOME. First Series. Sixty Photographs by Somerville Hastings, F.R.C.S. Others in Preparation, PRICE 6d. Net. Each Volume i Postage 1d. Each. GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd., London & Glasgow GowANs's Art Books, No. 16 The Masterpieces of Del Sarto CARSON & NICOL, PRINTERS, GLASGOW BLOCKS BY HISLOP & DAY. EDINBURGH 61 Portrait of Himself Portrait de l' Artiste iPitii^ Florence) {Galerie Pitti^ Florence) Selbstbildnis (^Florenz, Galerie Pitti) D. Anderson, Photo. THE MASTERPIECES OF ANDREA DEL SARTO Sixty reproductions of photographs from the original paintings^ affording examples of the differ ent characteristics of the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 Robert Street, Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 Cadogan Street, Glasgow 1908 ? ^HE folloTvifig selection is perhaps as representative of Del Sarto as it could well be, since it contains almost all the paintings accepted by Mr, Berenson i7i his book f^'* The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance," New York, igod) as undoubtedly genuine. Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artiste {Fittit Florence) {Galerie Piiti, Florence) Selbstbildnis {Florenz, Galerie Pi it I) G. Bro^i, Photo, 7 Portrait of Himsei.f Portrait de l'Artiste {Uj^zi, Florence) {Galerte des Offices^ Florence) Selbstbildnis {Flo rem, Uffizien) F, Han/staengl, Photo, Portrait of Himself Portrait de l'Artiste (Fresco) (Fresque) {Ujffizi, Florence) (Galerie des Offices^ Florence) Selbstbildnis (Freske) {Florenz, Ujffizien) D, Anderson^ Photo, LUCRETIA DEL FeDE LuCRfeCE DEL FedE (Del Sarto's Wife) (Femme de Del Sarto) {Royal Gallery, Berlin) {Musee royal, Berlin) LUk'RETIA DEL FEDE (DeL SaRToS Frau) {Berlin, K^^l. Gale7'ie) F. Hanjstaengl^ Photo. II Portrait of a Lady Portrait de Dame {IJffizi^ Florence) {Galerie des Offices^ Florence) BiLDNIS EINER FrAU {Florenz, Uffizien) G. Brogi^ Photo, Portrait of a Sculptor Portrait d'un Sculpteur {^National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationah, Londres) BiLDNIS KINES BiLDHAUERS {London, Nationalgalerie) F, Hanfstaengl, Pkoio. 13 The Dispute on the Trinity La Dispute sur la Trinity (JJffizi, Florence) {Galerie des Offices y Florence) DlSPUT UBER DIE HI.. DrEIEINIGKEIT {Florenz, Uffizien) F Han/siaengl, Photo ^ 14 Faith (Fresco) La Foi (Fresque) {Scalzo, Florence) {Scalzo, Florence) Die Glaube (Freske) i^tlorenz^ Scalzo) Frat, Alinari, Photo, Hope (Frksco) L'Esp6rance (Fresque) {Sca/zo, Florence) {Scalzo^ Florence') Die Hoffnung (Freske) {Florenz, Scalzo) Frat, Alinari^ Photo. Charity (Fresco) La Charit6 (Fresque) iScalzo, Florence) {Scalzo, Florence) Die Barmherzigkeit (Freske) {^F lore HZ, Scalzo) Frat. Alinari, Photo. 17 Justice (Fresco) La Justice (Fkesque) {Scalzo, Florence) {Scalzo^ Florence) Die Gerkchtigkeit (Freske) {Florenz, Scalzo) Frai. Alinari^ Photo. 20 Abraham's Sacrifice Le Sacrifice d' Abraham {Prado, Madrid) {Prado, Madrid) Abrahams Offer {Madrid, Pradd) F. Hanfstaenglf Photo, 21 Abraham's Sacrifice Le Sacrifice d' Abraham {Royal Gallery i Dresden) {Galerie royale^ Dresde) Abrahams Offer {Dresden, Kgl. Galerie) F. Hanjstaengl, Photo. 23 24 The Birth of the Virgin La Naissance de la Vierge (Fresco) (Fresque) {SS. Annunziaia, Florence) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) Maria Geburt (Freske) {Florenz, SS. Annunziaia) D. Anderson, Ph&to. 5 W K « w < N 5 26 The Annuncia i ion L'Annonciation {Picti, Florence) {Galerie Pitti^ Florence) Die VericOndigung {Florenz, Galetie Pitti) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 27 28 4 Adoration of the Magi L'Adoration des Mages (Fresco) (Fresque) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) (SS. Annunziata^ Florence) Die Anbetung der Weisen (Freske) {Fiorenz, SS. Annunziata) G. Brogi^ Photo, The Hot.y Family {.Prado, Mud rid) Die heilige Familie {Madrid, Pradd) F. Han/staengly Photo, La Sainte Famille {Prado, Madrid) The Holv Family La Sainte Famille {Pinacotkeca, Munich) {Pinacotheque, Munich) Die HEiLiGE Familie (J/ iinchen, Pinakothek) I'\ Hanfstaengl^ Photo. 32 The Holy Family La Sainte Famille {Louvre, Paris) {Louvrct Paris) Die heiltge Familie ( Pa ris , Louvre) Neuerdein Fre/es, Photo. 33 Thk Holy Family La Sainte Famille {PiUi, i^lorence) {Galerie Pitti, Florence) Die heilige Familie {FlorenZf Galerie Pittt) F, Han/staengl, Photo. 34 35 John the Baptist Saint Jean-Baptiste (^Pitti, Florence) {Galerie Pitti, Florence) St. Johannes der Taufer {Florenz, Galerie Pitti) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 36 John the Baptist baptizing Saint Jean baptisant THE People (Fresco) la Foule (Fresque; {ScalzOf Florence) {Scalzo, Florence) St. Johannes das Volk taufend (Freske) {Florenz^ Scalzo) Frat. Alinari, Photo. 38 39 40 41 43 Head of Christ La T^te du Christ (Fresco) (Fresque) (SS. Annunziata, Florence) (SS. Annunztata, Florence) Der Kopf Christi (Freske) iFlorenz, SS, Annunziata) Frat. Alinari, Photo. 46 The Mourning for Christ Le Christ pleuk6 {Pitti^ Florence) {Galerie Pitli, Florence) Beweinung Christi {Florenz, Galerie Pi tit) F. Han/staenglf Photo. Dead Christ (Fresco) Le Christ mort (Fresque) {^Academyt Florence) {Acade/nie, Florence) Der tote Christus (Freske) {Flore nz, Akademie) G, Brogi, Photo. so The Virgin and Child La Vierge et l'Enfant WITH Saints avec des Saints {Royal Gallery^ Berlin) {Mus^e royal, Berlin) Maria mit dem Ktnde und Heiligen {Berlin^ Kgl. Galerie) Han/staengl, Photo, 5« The Virgin and Child with Saints La Vierge et l'Enfant ("Madonna dell'Arpie") avec des Saints {Uffizi, Florence) {Galerie des Offices^ Florence^ Maria mit dem Kinde und Heiligen {Florenz, Uffizien) F. Hanfstaengl^ Photo, 53 ThK AsSUMPTrON L'ASSOMPTION {Pitti^ Florence) [Galerie Pitti, Florence) MariX Himmklfahrt {Florenz^ Galerie PUti) F> Hanfstacngl^ PJioto^ 55 The Marriage of Le Mariage de St. Catherine Sainte Catherine {Royal Gallery y Dresden) {Galerie royalty Dresde) VermAhlung der hl. Katharina {Dresden^ Kgl. Galerie) V*'A, Bruckmanftf Fhoto» 56 Four Saints Quatre Saints {Academy^ Florence) {Academie, Florence) ViER Heilige {Florenz, Akademie) D. Anderson^ Photo, 57 St. James Saint Jacques {U//izi, Florence) {Galerie des Offices ^ Florence) St. Jakob (Flofeuz, Ujjizieii) D. Anderson^ Photo* 58 A Miracle of Un Miracle de St. Philip Benizzi (Fresco) Saint Philippe Benizzi (Fresque) (SS. Annunziata, Florence) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) EiN Wunderwerk des hl. Philipp Benizzi (Freske) {Florenz^ SS. Annunziata) D. Anderson^ Photo. 59 A Miracle of Un Miracle de St. Philip Bevizzi (Fresco) Saint Philippe Benizzi (Fresque) (SS. Annunziata, Florence) {SS Annunziata^ Florence) Em Wunderwerk des hl. Philipp Benizzi (Freskb) {Florenz, SS. Annunziata) D. Anderson^ Photo 6o A ATiRACLE OF Un Miracle de St. Philip Benizzi (Fresco) Saint Philippe Benizzi (Fresque) {SS. A nunziata, Florence) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) ElN WUNDERWERK DES HL. PhILIPP BltNJZZI (FkESKE) i^hlorenZy SS. Annunzmta) D. Anderson^ PJioto, 6i The Obsequies of Les Obs^ques de St. Philip Benizzi (Fresco) Saint Philippe Benizzi (Fresque) (SS. AnnunziatUy Florence) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) Die Totenfeier des hl. Philipp Benizzi (Fkeske) {Florenz, SS. Annunziata) J). Anderson^ Photo^ Kissing St. Philip Benizzi's Le Baisement des V^tements de Garments (Fresco) Saint Philippe Benizzi (Fresque) {SS. Annunziatay Florence) {SS. Annunziata, Florence) Das Kussen der Gewander des hl. Philipp Benizzi (Freske) {Florenz, SS. Annunziata) D. AndersoHy Photo, 63 64 65 A Complete List of Published Photographs of ANDREA DEL SARTO'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Franz Hanfstaengi, j6 Pall Mall East, London, S.W. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS- F = Folio(io"x8")SilverPrint, i/6; Carbon Print, 3/ R = Royal (i5"x 12") l = lmperial (2i"x 16") Facs = Facsimile (28" x 20 J") E = Extra (34i"x^^") Average Dimensions are quoted. Jn orderins^ it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. 6/. .2/. 3°/- 50/. The Virgin enthroned with In- f an t Ch I ist and An gels. Portrait of Lucretia, Wife of the Artist, Jupiter and Leda, ... Madonna and Child, - Abraham's Sacrifice, - Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, The Holy Family, The Holy Family, St. John the Baptist, - Assumption of the Virgin, - Annunciation, - Madonna In Glory with Saints, - Madonna witt) Infant Christ and Saints, Deposition, The Holy Family. Portrait of the Artist, - The Holy Family, The History of Joseph (87), - Brussels Buda-pest Dresden Dulwich Florence, Pitti No. ize. t- ^ 55 OJ IS U 4 F R I E F 635 F F 222 F R F 513 F R F U 12 F R I F U R I Q F U 14 R I F U 15 R I K F U 22 RI F U 35 I F U 58 R I F U 60 RIE P U 62 R I F U u I u I u I 66 The History of Joseph (88), - Portrtlfc of the Artist and his Wife, The Annunciation (97), The Annunciation (165). The Dispute on the Mystery of the Trinity, .... Portrait of the Artipt, ... The Assumption of the Virgin, - "The Madonna delle Arpie," Port'-ait of the Artist with his Wife. Portrait of the Artist, ... Dispute o^er the Holy Trinity, - Portrait of a Young Man, • St. Jaines with Two children on his Knees, - X Woman with a Book in her Hand, The Virgin seated with the In- fant Christ and St. John, The Saviour appearing to the Magdalen, - 8t. Michael and other Saints, Two Children (Putti), - Madonna euthroned with Infant Christ and two Saints, - Pieti. Fresco from the Hospital of St. Matthew, . - . . The Visitation of the Virgin to St. Elizabeth, .... Faith. Charity, Justice, - .... Hope, Beheading of St. John, The Baptism of Christ, Herodiaa with the Head of St. John, St. John before Herod, Dance of Herodias' Daughter, Birth ui St. John the B.iptist, . St. John baptising the People, • St. John preaching to the Multi* tude, . . . - . The Prophecy to Zacharias, Birth of the Virgin, ... Arrival of the Magi, - »t. Philip Benizi healing a Leper, St. Philip Benizi driving an evil Bpirit out of a Child, . St. Philip Benizi causing a mir- aculous descent of Fire, The Obsequies of St. Philip Benizi, Gallery. No. Size. Permanent Prints, 1/ Florence, Pitti U I u I IT I U I XT I U I Florence, Ufflzi u U 21 K I E F U 38 R I F U 46 11 I F 80 R P U I u I *• F F Florence, z F Academy u u I^E »» z F •• F Y I Florence, Cloisters of the Bcalzi TT 7 F I U Z F I U Z F I u z F I u z F I »• V z F I u z F I uz F I u z F I u z F I IT Z F I •» u z P I • » u z F I Florence, u z F I Church of SS. Annuiiziata. in the small Cloisters z F R at 8/ z F R at 8/ z F R at 8/ z F R at 8/ z F R at 8/ z F R at 8/ 67 The KiRS of the Reliquiary con- taiiiiug the Vestmeiiti of St. Philip Benizi, - "The Madonna del Sacco," - Bust of the i^ariour. The Heavenly Fattier, the Virgin, St. Rock, and St. Sebastian, - Apollo and Daphne, The Last Supper, - Wild Birds and Beasta presented as a tribute to Caesar, - Portrait of the Artist and his Wife, The Vijgin, Infant Christ, St. Joseph, and Angel, The Virgin, Infant Christ, St. Joseph, and two Angels, Abraham's Sacrifice, - 1 he Vii gin and Infant Christ, - The Virgin, Infant ■ hrist. and at. John, with two Angels. - The Holy Family, Portrait of a Sculptor, > The Holy Family, Charity, The Holy Family, The Holy Family. Portrait of Leo. X St. Agues, St. Ptter, St. John the Baptist, - St. Margaret, St. La'heriue, - . . . Tne Madonna and Child with Sa uts, The Magdalen, . . . . The Virgin, Infant Christ, and St. John. - - . . The Hdy Family, The Ho y Family, - . . The Holy Family, Pidta, . - . T bias and the Archangel Bap- h-el, The Virgin with Infant Christ and St. John, - . - - The Virgin and Child, with St. John and two Angels, • Do., in the large Cloisters Florence, Church of S. Croce (Peruzzi Chapel) Florence, Corsini Florence. San SaWi Florence, Po^gio a Calano Royal Villa Madrid, Prado Munich N.G. Loudon Naples Pisa, Cathedral Rome, Borghese Rome, Barber! ni Rome, Doria St. Petersburg Vienna Z 398 399 U400 401 U402 U403 44 X255 n38S U li7 U202 U z z z z z z z 56 U 37 U Y U 382 U 76 U F R at 8/ I F R at 8/ I F R at 8/ I F FRI FR I F 11 I F Jl I FRI P I FRI Facs E F R I 24 by 19 ins., £1 1/- F R I F I FIE F at 5/ 1 K F R at 8/ F F F F I F I I R I Facs E I 68 PRIVATE COLLECTIONS. The Virgin and Child with the Infant St. John, - Portrait of a Female, - The Virgil and Child -with St. Anne, St. John, and St. Elizabeth, St. Catherine, Pieti, Th« tfoly Family with an Angel, St. John the Baptist, - Virgin and Child, Bust of a Young Man, - Head of the Infant St John, Head of the Infant Christ, • Portrait of th Daughter of Coun- tesa Mattel, • Gallery. No. Size. H.M '8 Collection at Windsor 75 F II 76 F R Czartoryskl 77 FRT U Fat 5/ Sir W in, J. FArr^r jj J Capt. 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