!i i iWl I ill lUi ill Mi. -I ill i!i I Sales in this volume are hound in chronologically from Dec. 18, 1802, through Apr. 23, 1807, except Mar. 21, 1806, which is the fourth from the end and June 12, 1806, which is at the end. "A Jptvv. KrMi jjllpM WSSSW& H# $ o'jT^'fcSh'CyT jW^'n'Iw! tH SPK; f I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofvaluaOOpete_0 ^4. (h-z / i ' e (p * do. £ J $ 4 ^ , — Y f~/ zy/si S$/>2 / Yr> /#/>/ Q Y/>- /// s’Ys c s/ ;i'Y s 7 ( s-cf , Y^ s y s /?i z's y- YY* ■ YY. YYY Y «--Y ’ ( Y y2> c / / ^4-At'e- 1 /*■ Y Z 7* s i/7z-*S . t. Yz. s j. tzsi e y Y/Y> YY . r 7 ^ /> ■> ‘ ^ Jf Y A Y^-i - /4 r 7l Gpl. f 7 Si YY < ' - & St 'Yr St s / • j , A /*- S l -c s-A i y / y t-J Y'Y. YYY • ^ Y /Y y Y/jy j/ ,//lfc '/ 'V Y Yf sY/' r %.Y/Y^/Yz ’■•; /* Y ^Yizt-t/Yzcs, YY Y-z. * s a. ty YY . y YzJ —- YY 4 (Pc i- Ya Y YY'u /Ys y Y/?/? -7 v t>(r A c~^Y; a Y t Yit ^Yz/s w Y:a i t Y Y ■ YYzj? Y Y Ya Y/Y ^ Ys Y///' Y&s/Y * — YYz-& yp ^ /&Y * Y-/ ?-•/Yc y* '/a s < y yy- YYyy ' , Y Y Y/Yyit- a-/i^ t *-iY / Ysc-t/Y^s «- ZY . YYPY> _ 3Y - »? ZZrY.rY Y%-t-*/ZY<: zasi zYc-' Ys Y i Y (ts Yc es »- 'Y/ z\- tY ^ ' YY c Y Y/L Z,Yl /Ys. St / \ //?, f* - Z* Y / Yz i SZz-c ^' l Yrt -SS.SS Y, YYz?Y / Yy Y V Yi , , . // rjY ^ z zZz■ Yz Y/ sis - 4 ^ z-tsYt c ~" c Yt-*. a <-> Y . YYY 3 y^/Yf //>r e-Y l 'Y ‘sY'z: SssS>i-e-s' 1 _ sx.Y t YY< S~ YYsJtLzP ^Yr t s-lsS YYY YY

n Yz. « s~z »■ Ya Yy _ i \^-'Y yr z Ys z^Yt^ d/ y~'Y//i z < Y Z . YYzjY / c. 7 ^ , /c-z/c-z Ys tzsi. ■ a'Y i- a-Ycsi-cY YYc.Yz-z-cs Yy y Ys> s>, e Yz s' YYztL cS A4 y /// / ~/2f Y2y YYY YY~Y ^ Y° / / Y* Y C-zs-YL^-e Yz rus yf ' 4 zzY-c-i-i- -YZsZaYYc *- -A „7/t-r /'rjc* '/ ^-z/a 2 /. /7#S /Z/ jC-er,™ ^//aTy ^7 /!A-r-t^ A-^iy 7 7/ 79Arjc^j A 7 7^^, ^aZer^Jx^ 7 cz*s-c .z2a^ 72d 2/7 ,2f^7r^ 79/7,^ a 7 J%7^ 7nx2s ^Ay 7^ 7/Sf -- 2^7 (2/t As*'* ^ 2?** 79/22y7 ^7 72x- c «-»- 7*-c ts 2/ • 72 z? 7 — — 7/7 7 / 2 e«s/*//} /°erzt*_j <' 2 '^/^ /*7 xT/AT- 29x^c.' may be nad at the Rooms in Pall Mall, and at N°. 5, Throgmorton Street, Royal Exchange, Contritions of ^ale. i. That the highest Bidder be the Purchaser; but should any Dispute arife between two or more Bidders, the Lot or Lots, to be put up again and refold. II. That no Person advance less than Half-a-Crown. Above Five Pounds, Five Shillings ; andfo on in Proportion. III. That the Purchasers give in their Names and Places of Abode, if required, and pay down immediately Twenty Pounds per Cent, in Part of the Pur¬ chase Money, and the Remainder on or before the Delivery. IV. That the Lots fhall be abfolutely taken away within Three Days after the Sale, with all Faults, by whomfoever they were painted, under any and every Defcription, and at the Expence of the Purchafer. And Laftly. That upon Failure of complying with these Conditions, the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited : all Lots uncleared after the Time limited shall be re-sold by Public or Private Sale; and the Deficiency, if any, attending such Re-sale, together with all Charges, be made good by the Defaulter at the present Sale. A C A T A JL O G U'E 9 SfC. %c. %c. ett'/ifeLri'j ii>e ipil iJfqtitlM - - ir.ii jftrst Bap’s g>ale. TUESDAY, MARCH the 26th, 1805. PICTURES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Borgognonc and De Vlieger - Hemfkirk Moreland Rothenhamer Watteau Wynants German Breydel, &c. Landcriefs - Rofa de Tivoli Dutch - A . ' Skirmilh, and a Sea Piece A Tapagie A Sketch A Sacrifice A Concert; after A Landscape with Figures ; after; and A Pair; Defcent from the Crofs, and Chrift among the Dodtors A Battle Piece and The Mockery of the Saviour Mufical Converfation Landfcapes with Figures; a Pair A fmall Oval Portrait of La Chevaliere D’Eon A fmall Pair, Figures; the Holy Family, and Portrait of a Female Smoaking [ * 1 12 EHheimer, See. - Small Portraits ; a Pair ; and a {mall Landfcape 13 Rubens - The Laft Supper ; School of 14 - - The Crucifixion 15 Le Seur - The Holy Family at the Tomb of Chrift 16 N. Pouflin, &c. - Infant Bacchanalians, and the Death of Virginia 17 P. Brill - Landfcape, with Figures by A. Carracci 18 Vandevelde - - A Frefh Breeze 19 F. Laura - Nymph, Satyr and Children, in a Landfcape 20 Moucheron - An Upright Landfcape with Figures 21 Polemberg - • Small Figures; Hiftorical 22 Cuylenberg - - Nymphs Bathing, with Architectural Scenery 23 • Flemilh - Sportfman with Game 24 Ferg - - Figures,, in a Romantic Scenery, a Pair 25 Morland - Summer and Autumn. A Pair, Ovals, fmall 26 Breughel - The Judgement of Paris 27 Barochio - A Repofo ’ 28 Loutherberg m A Coal Mine; after 29 Cuyp - - Landfcape and Cattle ; after 30 Vandyck - Young Man playing on a Guitar 31 - - The Holy Family with the Portrait of a Bifhop introduced 32 Titian - Philip of Spain and his Miftrefs ; a fmall copy, after 33 Bott and Baudyn - Landfcape with Figures 34 Larefle - Landfcape with Figures 35 Breughell - Landfcape with Figures, a Pair 36 Robert - Ruins with Figures 37 Barret and Gilpin < - View at a Ferry in Cumberland, with Mountanous Scenery 38 Lievens - Portrait of an Old Man 39 Wheatly - Girls gathering Fruit, and companion, Female drawing Water ; a Pair 40 Rubens - Ecce Homo 41 W. Vandeveldt - Ship on Fire, with Boats palling to her Afliftance 42 Phil, de Champag ;ne Abraham, Ifaac and Angel 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 t 5 ] Sir A. More Barrett P. Veronefe Jan Aflelyn Patel Dutch Tempefta Ditto Wynants S. Ruyfdael - Fyt - Wynants Clomp K. du Jardin Zuccarelli Ditto Baffano Sweickhardt Rembrandt - Italian Vandyck Hogarth Schalken Mufcha Bolognefe Ditto S. Bourdon Murillo Portrait of a Cardinal; highly finifhed View from Richmond Hill Abraham offering up Ifaac; fmall Upright A Sea Port, Sun fet, with Boats and Figures Landfcape with Figures palling a Ford A. Froft Piece; the fignature of the painter A. S. date 1461 A Rocky Shore, with Hiftorical Figures Ditto, the companion Landfcape and Figures A Dutch Village, by the Side of a River, with Boats and Veflels palling The Portrait of a Falcon, with the Hood and other Trammels Landfcape with Figures and Banditti Landfcape and Cattle The Prodigal Son Landfcape and Figures; an upright oval Ditto, the Companion Portrait of a Female ; from the Orlean’s Collection View of-Tivoli; after Vernet The fainting Travellers Study of a Head \ The Prefenting the Rofary The Sketch from which the Head of the Saviour was painted, in the Chapel Window at Hertlebury, Worcelter- (hire _ Female with Vegetables His own and his Wife’s Portrait, a Pair; highly finifhed, and beautifully pencilled A Landfcape with a Cafcade and mountanous Scenery Landfcape, Figures and Buildings; a Repofo The Death of Dido The Flight into Egypt Portrait of a young Nobleman in a Spanilh Cloak [ 6 ] 72 Marie ne Fiori and Carlo Maratti Angels fportive in Clouds, furrounded by a fplcndid Feftoon of beautiful Flowers 73 Guifeppi Cefari Sufannah and the Elders; from the Orlean’s Collection 7+ Moucheron - Landfcape and Figures ; a grand fubjeCt 75 Morland A beautiful high finiflied Interior of a Farmer’s Cottage, true to Nature throughout, and in the very perfection of this great Artift’s abilities, who has been juftly intitled the Englilh Teniers 76 Efpagnoletto - St. Peter 77 Cornells Bega An Interior; full of life and fpirit 78 S. Bourdon - The Portrait of the Medallist and Keeper of the Antiquities to Chriftina Queen of Sweden; from the Orlean’s - Collection 79 Paris Bourdon The Holy Family with St. Catherine ; a rich glowing and harmonious coloured Picture «0 Sneyders Fruit in a Balket and Dead Game 81 Swaneveldt - A circular Cabinet Picture, of great beauty, reprefenting the 82 Morland 83 Paul Veronefe -delightful effeCt of the Morning Sun in the Spring Seafon breaking out in the fore ground, and illu¬ minating the group of Cattle driven to Pafture; equal to Claude in vapor, tender diftance, finishing, foliage and effeCt Landscape with a Farmer’s Man fitting under a Tree, accom¬ panied by his Dog, watching Sheep in the adjoining Coppice A grand Hiftorical PiCture from the Orlean’s Collection ; the Portrait of the Emperor Charles the Fifth in the Charadter of Mars, unarming by Venus; attended by Cupids : a noble fubjeCt, grandly treated End of the First Day’s Sale. [ 7 ] g>etonfc Bap’s gj>ale, WEDNESDAY, MARCH the 27th, 1805. PICTURES. 1 Crefpy _ Boy Sitting upon Eggs to Hatch them 2 - - A Repofo with Angels 3 Carlo Dolce - Head of the Magdalen 4 - - A Pair, Still Life, fmall upright 5 De Heufch - - Small Landfcape, and another, the Holy Family 6 Dietrich - The Lace Makers; after Oftade 7 Berchem - Landfcape, Figures and Cattle 8 Zuccarelli - Landfcape with Figures 9 F. Mile - Landfcape and Figures 10 Fouquieres - - Large Landfcape; a Wood Scene 11 P. da Cortona - Chi ill: and the Woman of Samaria 12 W. Vandevelde - A Brilk Gale 13 Cuylenberg - - Figures Dancing, in a fmall Landfcape 14 Netfcher -• Children decorating a Statue with Flowers 15 Van Uden and Teniers A beautiful Landfcape, with Figures, judicioufly and fpiritedly introduced 16 W ynants - Landfcape and Figures 17 W. Vandevelde - A frefli Breeze with Shipping under weigh IS L. Sabbatini - The Virgin and Child 19 Pynaker - Upright Landfcape with Figures 20 A. Veronefe - Lot and his Daughters ALABASTER VASES , MARBLE FIGURES , arc. 1 A Marble Slab, 4 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 1 inch 2 A Ditto - 3 ft. 3 in. by 1 ft. 7 in. broke 3 A Ditto - 3 ft. 6 in. by 1 ft. 9 in. 4 A Ditto - 3 ft. 1 in. by 1 ft. 8 in. 5 A Ditto, broke in feveral pieces 6 A handfome carved and inlaid Statuary Marble Chimney Piece and Slab 7 A carved and inlaid Marble Chimney Piece and Slab 8 A Statuary Marble Chimney Piece and Slab, broke 9 A Paper Prefs, elegantly carved with Warlike Trophies 10 A Ditto with Emblematical Figures 11 A Ditto with Branch of a Grape Vine 11 Two Ditto with Flowers 13 Three Ditto with Bafkets of Fruit 14 Two fmall Bulls on Pedeftals 15 A Pair of Candlefticks 16 An Ink Stand 17 A Sarcophagus Ditto 18 A Pair of Obelilks 19 An elegant Stand for a Time Piece with a Pair of Candlefticks on Pedeftals 20 A Pair of variegated Marble Obelilks 21 A Set of Three Ditto, ornamented with Chara&ers 22 Twelve Marble Pedeftals with 9 fmall Alabafter Vafes 23 An oval Alabafter Slab, beautifully decorated with a Wreath of Flowers 24 A fmall Vafe 25. A handfome Ditto ornamented with a fmall Buft 0 26 A Pair of Ditto with Covers 27 A beautiful ornamented Alabaftar Vafe, of highfinifhed Sculpture, and lofty dimenftons, decorated with Wreaths, Handles, and Foliage of Flowers, See. from the Antique, of exquiftte Workmanlhip and uncommon Tafte, mounted on Marble Pedeftles 28 A Ditto, correfponding with the laft, and forming the Pair—on the like Pedeftal / L a ] 29 A magnificently fuperb lofty Alabaftcr Yafe, of fuperior Workmanfhip and dimenfions, beautifully fculptured, and ornamented with Figures and Trophies in BafTo Relievo, with appropriate elegant Handles, on an inlaid Marble and Alabafter Pedeftal 30 A Ditto, correfponding with the laft, and forming the Pair. 31 A handfome carved Marble Figure of Venus 32 A Ditto of Apollo 33 A fuperblv beautiful Ladies Indian Work Box and Writing Delk, exquifltely and delicately Inlaid with Coloured Ivory and Mother o’Pearl, Silver Handles, Mirror and other appropriate conveniences 34 A handfome Inlaid Mahogany Cabinet, with Commode Front, Folding Doors, and a variety of Drawers (with Plated Handles and Rings,) in Compartments, for the clafling of Shells and other Natural Curiofities 35 A Ditto, Ditto 36 An India Gong PAINTINGS continued. 21 Breemberg - - Ruins and Figures, in a Landfcape, fmall 22 Vande Capella - A Sea Piece 23 Wouvermans - Sand Hills by the Sea Shore with Figures 24 Weftall - A Pair; Rural fubje&s 25 A. Oftade Boors regaling themfelves with Smoaking ; fmall upright 26 R. Van Hoeck - A Froft Piece 27 Wouvermans -- Gentlemen Sporting with Hawks ; going to the Chace 28 Van Stry - Cows in a Landfcape ; a fmall upright 29 Van de Capella - Market Boats coming up with the Tide in a Calm 30 Vanderdoes - - Sheep and Cows 31 Hobbima - A Landfcape j an interefling Rural Scene 32 Backhuyfen - * A Strong Tide, with Shipping at the Mouth of a River in Holland 33 Vanderwerf - - Cupid entrancing Beauty when Afleep 34 Peter Neef - - The Interior of a Church by Torch Light B C 10 ] 35 De Vlieger - - Shipping, with Figures on a Pier 36 Wynants an3 Adrian) Vandevelde - f Small beautiful Landfcape, with Figures 37 Teniers - ' Dutch Boors Smoaking 33 Ruyfdael - Landfcape and Figures 39 Paris Bordone The Adultrefs before Chrifl 40 Philip Wouvermans A fmall Cabinet Pidture of a Sutler’s Booth, with Horfes and Figures, forming a principal Part of the Subjedt in grand Adlive Forms 41 N. Pouflin - - Bacchus and Ariadne 42 Morland An intereftingPidture true to Nature; a woody Scene; with a Cottager and his Daughter gathering Wood, and a Donkey tied to a Tree; capital 43 J. de Bellini - His Own Poitrait; a curious early Pidture 44 A. Vandevelde - Female attending Cattle in a Landfcape; a highly finifhed Cabinet Performance 45 F. Laura - Nymph, Cupids and Satyr *45 Canaletti View of St. Mark’s Place at Venice, and the Palace of the Doge 46 Salvator Rofa Landfcape and Figures; the diftant View beautifully intro¬ duced, and the whole Pidture painted with the .t happiefl: EfFedt, and fingular grandeur 47 Moucheron - - View of the Palace from the Gardens of Verfailles; capital 48 De Vlieger - - A Sea Coaft, with Ships and various fmall Veffels 49 Teniers • - A Group of Ruftics, in a Landfcape, Dancing before a Cottage Door \ 50 De Heem «■ Fruit on the Stalk, tied together at each end by fmall bunches of Ribbon; capital 51 Claude • Landfcape with Figures pafling a Brook, defcribed in the Liber Veritates 52 Salfa Feratti - - Madona and Child 53 Morland - A Cottage Scene, with a Group of Figures, and Sow and Pigs feeding in the Foreground; a moft capital Performance [ 11 ] *53 Backhuvfon - A frefii breeze with a Sloop under fail, and other veflels in the diftance, Angularly beautiful and uncommon fine pidture of this efteemed Mafter 54 Schiavoni A richly coloured harmonious Pidture of Martha preparing to anoint the Feet of the Saviour, with the Apoftle fitting at Table; the Subjedt treated in a great Stile 55 Raphael - - The Virgin fupported by Angels, attended by Two of the Apoftles, with Saints worftfiping; a curious early Pidture of this great Mafter 56 Adrian Vandevelde A capital upright Landfcape of this eftimable Mafter, repre- fenting a Hilly Diftridl, with a Cottage and Female Sitting at the Door; a Farmer on Horfeback, and Cows and Sheep lying fcattered about the Ground repofing, in various Attitudes; a grand Performance 57 Van Dyck - - A capital Portrait of the Regent Duke of Orleans; engraved 58 Titian - - The celebrated Pidfure by this great Mafter, of PERSEUS and ANDROMEDA, formerly in the Colledtionof King Charles the Firft, and fubfequently in the Poffeffion of the Regent Duke of Orleans. A Pidture of great Fame and uncommon Merit; the Form of the principal Figure being Angularly grace¬ ful and beautifully drawn, as well as pencilled ; and the whole Scenery grand, awful, and appropriate FINIS. | J. Smeeton, Printer, 148,St. Martin'sLane. [ r : I ’’ . ■' < ' ‘ '• ..j '■ . V : .'.x:a :: f . : j 3;S . / i.dlilj ; ’' ,T 1; «■ ' t at.3 - ’ ’ ■ . ’ • ' |"i\f aiiT - - CO _■ ./ . / , . v. V-' ’ ■ . :? ‘ t.j . ' J k'J <;c a.V;. r -. ( - J ^ ■('. H a-g'I if} ;t..oCl otli.J m i:: L iSj.’Cji .Ivl b«fl ivloD ’ - . ' \ . : ; IKr iiJBVOt t , . . L a l Jn? t 'I > :•: ;i. 'i * ..'y Ar - - ‘ ~T \l •, V. • . > ,I jf.ij c.tii \> y;vC/I La ! -’ a -.iT - • - /... .'i’ <5«J ... . ; :h ».i ;ol,/Cl.;I.*C Z'.V.'k l.:u. . • r ' i ~; -riT J \' . •••' r ' .. ... ' ...: i :, . : ... . \ $ mm w'tiTt Km: SWv s? 131&W ^ fr'llrri! W£ m *H&§j -#£*f2P mgm % j2®rH»K A £<&&*• ®ircl ''%7’jXfr j v&fK&t sgxag^Hre