\V* • *. '* v ' v >>^V v Vo .a r* Dt$ri . - 4 ^ & / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/resourcesmanufacOOspro THE RESOURCES AND MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY OF IRELAND, AS ILLUSTRATED BY THE EXHIBITION OF 1853: BEING A SERIES OF ESSAYS ON RAW MATERIALS, MACHINERY, AND MANUFACTURES OF VARIOUS KINDS ; TO WHICH IS APPENDED Cl n #ffinal Catalugiu oi ifue ; A PORTRAIT OF MR. DARGAN, ENGRAVED ON STEEL, WITH A MEMOIR; AND NUMEROUS ILLUSTRATIONS ON WOOD. EDITED BY JOHN SPROULE, Assisted by J. Beete Jokes, Director of the Irish Geological Survey; W. K. Sullivan, Pli. D., Professor of Chemistry in the Museum of Irish Industry; Dr. William Barker, Professor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Dublin Society; Professor Mills, Queen's College, Cork; James MaoAdam, Secretary to the Belfast Flax Society; Henry Toole, Professor of Music; and several other eminent Scientific and Practical Men. DUBLIN: PUBLISHED BY THE EDITOR, AT 87, MARLBOROUGH-STREET. IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1853. Cvccatibe Committee. GEORGE ROE, ESQ., Chairman. MAJOR FAIRFIELD, Deputy Chairman. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR. THE LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE. THE HON. GEORGE HANDCOCK. THE HON. JOHN P. VEREKER. SIR JOHN KINGSTON JAMES, BART. SIR ROBERT KANE. SIR EDWARD M‘DONNELL. THOMAS BALL, ESQ. WILLIAM BARKER, ESQ., M. D. JOHN BARLOW, ESQ. JOHN BARTON, ESQ. JOHN D’ARCY, ESQ. WILLIAM DARGAN, ESQ. LUNDY E. FOOT, ESQ. ROBERT HARRISON, ESQ., M. D. NATHANIEL HONE, ESQ. WILLIAM DIGGES LA TOUCHE, ESQ. JOHN LENTAIGNE, ESQ. J. W. MURLAND, ESQ. JOHN PENNEFATHER, ESQ. WILLIAM HENRY PORTER, ESQ. JAMES STIRLING, ESQ. WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ. SIR CUSAC P. RONEY, Secretary. JOHN C. DEANE, ESQ., Assistant Secretary. The following arrangement of Sub-Committees for the different Departments was made immediately after the formation of the Executive Committee : Jfinaau Committee. HON. GEORGE HANDCOCK, Chairman. SIR EDWARD M‘DONNELL. GEORGE ROE, ESQ. MAJOR FAIRFIELD. WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ. L. E. FOOT, ESQ. §Sailbiag Committee. SIR EDWARD M'DONNELL, Chairman. SIR ROBERT KANE. WILLIAM BARKER, ESQ., M. D. WILLIAM DARGAN, ESQ. W. D. LA TOUCHE, ESQ. J. W. MURLAND, ESQ. JAMES STIRLING, ESQ. Jfine ^.rts Committee. LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE, Chairman. SIR JOHN KINGSTON JAMES, BART. I ROBERT HARRISON, ESQ., M. D. JOHN BARTON, ESQ. | JOHN LENTAIGNE, ESQ. gtanafactures Committee. WALTER SWEETMAN, ESQ., Chairman. W. H. PORTER, ESQ. JAMES STIRLING, ESQ. ^gricaltarnl Committee. LORD TALBOT DE MALAHIDE JOHN D’ARCY, ESQ. THOMAS BALL, ESQ. NATHANIEL HONE, ESQ. JOHN BARLOW, ESQ. HON. J. P. VEREKER. L. E. FOOT, ESQ. IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1854. (Dffims. General Superintendent,. Chief Financial Officer,. Inspector of Accounts,. Secretary to the Committee, . . . Assistant General Superintendents, Superintendents of Districts, Deputy-Superintendents of Districts, Superintendent of the Foreign Department, . . Deputy-Superintendent of Foreign Department, Superintendent of the Catalogue Department, . MR. R. A. THOMPSON. . MR. T. D. JONES. . MR. H. BROWN. . MR. ROBERT HERON. I MR. J. O'HAGAN. I MIi. FREDERICK G. HEATEY. TDistrict I— MR. C. C. ADLEY, C. E. j District 2.—MR. W. CARR. | District 3.—MR. C. H. BINGHAM. 1-District 4.—MR. A. CORRIGAN. f District 1. — MR. J. KENNEDY, j District 2.—MR. J. P. BYRNE | District 3.—MR. W. H. PHIBBS. LDistrict 4.—MR. S. J. POMMORET. . MR. F. M. HARMAN. . MR. A. A. JACOB. . MR. WILLIAM M'DERMOTT. Office ^tparlnunl. Sale of Season Tickets,. Correspondence, . Registry of Letters, etc.,. Charge of Postage and Delivery of Letters, House Steward,. Custom House Agents,. MR. NICKSON. t MR. KILLINGLEY. 1 MR. CURRY. I MR. A. FERGUSON, i MR. A. FERGUSON, JUN. j MR. BYRNE. I MR. REA. MR. BRESLIN. W. B. &• C. PALGRAYE and CO. The Arrangement of the Sculpture was intrusted to John E. Jones, Esq. ; and the Hanging of the Pictures to John Gernon, Esq. PREFACE. T HERE are few persons, who had the opportunity of visiting the Irish Industrial Exhibition of 1853, who will not regard as a desideratum the publication of some fitting record of it; which, while presenting a detailed Catalogue of its contents, would contain an adequate account of the Building, which formed so important a feature of the Exhibition, and would also take advantage of the opportunity thereby afforded to enforce some of those lessons which that great demonstra¬ tion was so well calculated to teach. Even as a souvenir of the Exhibition such a work could not fail to prove acceptable. The occasion, moreover, afforded the means of combining instruction with amusement,—of blending information on a variety of subjects with a record which would be regarded with interest by the most distant posterity. It was with a view of supplying such a desideratum that the present volume has been published. The great number of publications to which the Exhibition of 1851 gave birth shows the feeling entertained on this subject; and it is not going too far to state, that the influence of these works, in promoting the object for which it was founded, was little, if at all, inferior to that of the Exhi¬ bition itself. It was not expected that the cosmopolitan display in Hyde Park would do much in the way of bringing new discoveries to light; it was intended rather as a means of improving the public taste generally, and as a stimulant to increased exertion on the part of the contributors to it. A desire was created for further information than the mere inspection of the specimens of the products of the different departments of industry furnished; and a new literature, as it were, may be said to have in consequence sprung up, to which many of the most eminent men of the day contributed. But, as in the history of Expositions of Industry, we find that each succeeding demon¬ stration added to the difficulty of insuring the success of that which was to follow, and for which increased attractions must of course be provided, so in a corresponding degree would the respon¬ sibility of subsequent chroniclers be increased by the success of those who preceded them. In looking over the array of names of the contributors to what may be called the literature of the Exhibition of 1851, the most adventurous might well be deterred from becoming the chronicler of any subsequent Exposition. Still, the Irish Industrial Exhibition had so many features peculiar to itself, that it would be matter of regret if no attempt were made to place before the public some lasting record of it. In the manner in which it was got up, through the munificence of a single individual; in the peculiar position of the country at the time, just recovering from the effects of a degree of prostration almost unparalleled in history; in the circumstance of its being one of a series of Exhibitions which had been held triennially on the same premises for a length of time past; and in the fact of its being the last display of the kind in these countries, at least during the present generation,—all these circumstances conspire to make the publication of some fitting PREFACE. record of it a necessary complement of the Exhibition of 1853; while the difficulties that stood in the way could not fail to insure an increased measure of indulgence, on the part of the public, for any shortcomings by which it might be characterized. There is a further circumstance which also adds to the value of some permanent record of the Great Irish Industrial Exhibition—arising out of the fact of its being the last demonstration of the kind in these countries, at least during the present generation. The Industrial Exhibitions may be said to have commenced and ended, so far as Great Britain and Ireland are concerned, with the series held on the premises of the Royal Dublin Society, in this city. The magnitude of the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1853 would have caused a long interval to elapse before any future attempt could be successfully made ; but such attempts the almost faery creation of the Crystal Palace Company at Sydenham have rendered unnecessary. The progress of manufacturing industry will be there at all times indicated. There the highest point of excellence attained will be seen. There every new invention will be displayed, the place being regarded as the great arena for bringing such matters under the notice of the people of all countries; and with hosts of other auxi¬ liaries more or less remotely bearing upon such Exhibitions generally, but all combining to enhance the attractions of the collection at Sydenham, Industrial Expositions will come to be regarded as among the things of the past, for which, as it were, the necessity no longer exists. Hence a further reason why the Exhibition of 1853 should not be permitted to pass away without some enduring memento of it. Influenced by these considerations, and finding that no other attempt was likely to be made to supply so obvious a desideratum, I determined to turn some materials, which had been collected under my auspices, for a somewhat kindred purpose, to account. With a view of contributing their quota to the Exhibition, Messrs. Gunn and Cameron, the proprietors of the “ General Advertiser,” published in the Building a weekly sheet, entitled the “ Exhibition Expositor,” devoted to the illustration of its contents, the management of which was placed in my hands; and although the form of many of the papers written for that publication was not adapted for their appearance in a permanent shape, still the mass of information which they contained was available as an important contribution to any permanent work on the Exhibition that might be got up; and accordingly, the materials which had been collected for the “ Expositor” have formed the ground¬ work of the present volume. My connexion with the Exhibition, through the “ Expositor,” while it impressed me strongly with the necessity of some permanent record of it being published, also familiarized me with the requirements of such a work, and encouraged me to undertake the respon¬ sibility of bringing it out,—a responsibility for encountering which I might otherwise be very fairly obnoxious to the charge of presumption. In the preparation of the materials for this work the leading consideration has been, to take advantage of the opportunity to place before the public useful information on industrial subjects, —to, in fact, carry out, as far as possible, the intention of the Founder of the Exhibition, by making it ancillary to progress. The arrangement was founded upon that adopted by the Royal Commis¬ sioners of the Exhibition of 1851, to carry out which an entire reconstruction of the Official Cata¬ logue became necessary. In the treatment of the several subjects the peculiar branches of industry which they involve have been discussed, without devoting much space to individual contributions; and especial prominence has been given to matters of local interest or importance. Thus, com¬ mencing with the department of Raw Materials, the reader will find in the present volume such an amount of information on our Industrial Resources as is not to be found in any other work extant; the papers in this department being chiefly written by Mr. W. K. Sullivan, the person of all others, perhaps, most competent for the task. It is, indeed, to the varied attainments of Mr. Sullivan, in connexion with matters of an industrial character, that this work owes its chief value; and to the readiness with which his valuable co-operation was afforded I am glad to have PREFACE. vii an opportunity of bearing testimony. In reference to our great staple branch of industry, the Linen Manufacture, I was also fortunate in obtaining the co-operation of Mr. Macadam, the very efficient Secretary of the Royal Society for the Promotion and Improvement of the Growth of Flax in Ireland,_the most competent authority on the subject. To several of the articles to be found throughout the work I might refer with some confidence, as containing information either presented in a peculiar and interesting point of view, or which has not hitherto been before the public in a popular form. Not pretending to have any considerable amount of special technical knowledge, I feel that my own contributions are, perhaps, those to which the least value is to be attached; and on looking over the whole, when now completed, I also feel that, in the general arrangement, several improvements might have been introduced. The materials, however, were only prepared as the printing of the work proceeded; and the time which I was able to spare from my ordinary duties, as the Editor of one of the local journals, scarcely admitted of that attention being paid to some of the minor details that would have been desirable. In apportioning the space to be devoted to the several Classes, the extent to which useful information was available was more kept in view than that to which they were represented. Thus, while the Class of Mining and Mineral Products was but in some respects imperfectly represented, it is treated of at greater length than any other, as being, strictly speaking, the basis whence the products in all the other classes are derived. Towards the end of the volume, however, several subjects are treated much more briefly than was originally contemplated, from the circumstance of the work having considerably exceeded the intended limits. This is particularly the case with the section devoted to the Fine Arts, the department which formed the most prominent feature of the Exhibition ; and it was with a feeling of very great regret I found myself unable to devote a larger space to the very accomplished writer having charge of that department, more especially as in his hands it would have been turned to good account. I should also observe, that the original intention was to illustrate copiously with wood engravings ; but it was found that this_could not be done without unduly extending the size of the work, and in some degree interfering with its utilitarian character. Wherever engravings have been introduced it has been with a view of illus¬ trating the subject discussed, disregarding altogether any attempt at mere pictorial display. A correct list of exhibiters, and of the articles which they respectively contributed, is obviously important as a matter of record ; while it is also due to the enterprise and public spirit which induced so many parties to come forward at, in many cases, a great immediate pecuniary sacrifice. However elegant may be the Building, and however excellent the arrangements otherwise, it is obviously upon the manner in which the exhibiters discharge their duty that the success of any great Exposition must be dependent; and while in the exhibition of certain classes of goods an ade¬ quate return in the shape of increased business may be calculated on—and in fact has been realized —there are other departments in which no such hope could be entertained. It is, in short, only by becoming acquainted with the expenditure incurred by some of the exhibiters that the value of the services which they have rendered can be properly estimated ; and it is simply due to these parties to place the position which they held upon record in any enduring memorial of the Exhi¬ bition. To insure accuracy, as far as possible, in this department, circulars have been forwarded to nearly the whole of the exhibiters, with a view of being enabled to correct any errors that might have escaped detection in the Official Catalogue, and the corrections obtained in this way, both in addresses and in the enumeration of articles exhibited, have been made available in the present volume,—a distinguishing feature of which is, its being a Detailed Catalogue of the Irish Industrial Exhibition. The introduction of the Portrait of the Founder of the Exhibition will not be considered out of place as the frontispiece of this volume,—a work which has been specially engraved with a view to its appearance here. The high estimation in which Mr. Dargan is so deservedly held by all PREFACE. classes will make his portrait an acceptable addition to the Catalogue of the Exhibition; and in the brief Memoir which appears in a succeeding page, I have to regret that a more ample measure of justice could not be done to his character than such a mere outline affords, without offending that sensitiveness which he has invariably manifested in reference to anything in the shape of public display. Quietly and unobtrusively pursuing his career of usefulness, it would, however, be unjustifiable to further interfere with that privacy which he has at all times been desirous to maintain. To the illustration of the Exhibition Building considerable attention has been devoted on account of its temporary character. Ere long the verdant sward on Leinster Lawn will not show a trace of the Irish Temple of Industry, which in its day formed so great an object of attraction as to bring visiters to it from almost all parts of the civilized world, and which reflected no less credit on the genius of its architect than on the liberality and patriotism of its founder; but this circum¬ stance only rendered it the more necessary that such details, pictorial and otherwise, should be introduced as would convey an adequate idea of it. For this purpose a detailed technical and general description has been introduced, which, in combination with the engravings, will, it is hoped, effect the object in view. I may also be excused for referring to the mechanical execution of this volume as a specimen of Irish industry. Not only has it been printed here, but this has been done from types cast at the Irish Letter Foundry of Marr, Thom, and Co., of this city ; and it has been bound by Mr. Pil- kington, of Abbey-street. Such a reference as this can scarcely be regarded as inappropriate in a book on the Irish Industrial Exhibition. The high character of the work executed by Mr. Gill at the University Press is well known ; but I am glad to be able to refer to this Cata¬ logue as a specimen of Irish workmanship generally, being the result of native enterprise in every department. It only remains to be added, that although the extent to which abstract opinions are introduced is very limited, still it may be necessary to observe that individual contributors are responsible only for the sentiments expressed in their own communications. The writers include gentlemen holding diverse views on political and social questions, but amongst whom there was a thorough unity of opinion as to the necessity of some such work as the present being produced, and also as to the propriety of the general plan which has been adopted. With some two or three exceptions, the names or initials of the writers are appended to the several articles, and these are again repeated in the Table of Contents. J. S. Dublin, July , 1854. MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. T HERE are few more interesting branches of study than the extent to which particular individuals stamp the impress of their own character on that of the community to which they belong. In every age, of which we have any record, and in every country with whose political and social history we are acquainted, we find men who, in virtue of some distin¬ guishing characteristic, stand out in relief from their fellows, and become, as it were, beacons to be followed by others. The examples of this class, which will occur to the mind of every reader, must be numerous,—and that, too, in every walk of life in which men can obtain celebrity. Again and again we find instances in which surprising revolutions have been effected, even in one generation, through the agency of a single individual. And we do not here speak of the effects of mere inventions, some of the most important of which have been the result of accident, and, therefore, have no necessary relation to any peculiar characteristic of those with whom they originated. We refer rather to those peculiar traits, the persistent exhibition of which has so often shed a halo around particular individuals, obtaining for them distinguished places in the history of the human race, and causing their names to be remembered to the most distant posterity as bene¬ factors of their species. Of such persons our appreciation will naturally be influenced by the extent to which the popular applause of the day has been courted or disregarded, by the degree in which the arts of the demagogue have been resorted to or despised, and by the general effect which has been produced. Thanks to the improved spirit of the age, we can now accord honours to a Howard or a Wilberforee which in other times would have been reserved for the heroes of war. We have now come to learn that there are triumphs of more lasting value than those won on the battle field,—those of benevolence over sordid selfishness, of enlightenment over ignorance, and of industry over idleness,—and the leaders in the achievement of which have claims on our regard not less strong than those of the most victorious generals. Crusades which result in such triumphs as these form important epochs in the history of our race ; and in according a due measure of homage to their leaders we are simply discharging an imperative duty, as we thereby not only enforce important lessons, but also direct attention to examples for imitation. The pioneers of social progress are, in fine, the true heroes of a utilitarian age ; and among those of this class, whose names will be treasured not less by a distant posterity than by their contemporaries, every Irishman, whatever he his class or creed, will assign a distinguished place to the subject of this Memoir. But in proportion as the great social reformers claim our regard, we find their career destitute of those thrilling incidents which the historian and the painter can so well turn to account. Their triumphs have been the result of continuous action, in which, perhaps, an isolated brilliant incident is not to be found. Hence the contrast which they present to the politician and the warrior. In the one case we can merely look to results, comparing the end with the means available for its attain¬ ment ; in the other, every step forms, as it were, a resting-place from which to take a retrospective survey, and, perhaps, expatiate upon character. Hence, also, the reason why such a Memoir as this must be necessarily brief,—referring chiefly to the circumstances of the country at the time Mr. Dargan appeared upon the public stage, and the peculiar manner in which he adapted his policy to these circumstances with, as it has turned out, such happy results. And here we must observe, that those acquainted only with the Ireland of to-day can scarcely form an idea of what it was even so late as some twenty years ago. Self-reliance and persistent application in carrying out an object were then but little known. The cry of the press and of the people was for aid from external sources to enable them to do what they only could accomplish of themselves; and the enterprise which did not hold out a hope of an immediate reward was too often abandoned without a fair trial. “ Encouragement” was wanted for everything, on some further ground than its own merits. A trader not unfre- quently recommended his goods on the ground of the alleged great number of hands which he employed, and not on the quality of the articles which he offered for sale ; and one’s “ patriotism” was ever and anon appealed to in this manner by b X MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. way of “ encouraging” native industry'. The consumer was, in fact, impor tuned to buy certain things because they were Irish, and not simply because they were good. A combination of spurious patriotism and benevolence was thus mixed up with trading operations, which presented for the time an effectual bar to progress ; and, in addition to the want of perse¬ verance which usually characterized efforts of industrial enterprise, business of any kind was considered to be unbecoming in any one claiming the position of a gentleman. Work designed merely to afford “ employment” was not supposed to be beneath the attention of the highest in the land; but a pseudo-gentility forbade its being undertaken with a view to realize a profit upon it. At that period the line of demarcation was' regarded as clear between individual and general interests, the two being supposed to be but very sparingly identical. It would be foreign to our present purpose to inquire into the origin of such a state of things, or the causes from which it arose; but, without entering upon this point, it is plain that, until a sweeping change was brought about, true progress was impossible. Such was the condition of Ireland at the period when the subject of this Memoir first came before the public. A great ordeal has since been gone through. Important changes have been effected throughout our entire social system. Many of the delusions under which we then laboured have since disappeared, and there is a promise of a bright future before us. To assert that this was the work of a single individual would be simply absurd ; but, at the same time, we do not hesitate to maintain that the position which Mr. Dargan occupied as a pioneer in the new movement was more important than may appear at first sight, no less to his own credit than to the advantage of his country. The epoch to which we have referred was characterised by the commencement of the Kailway System—by the intro¬ duction of those iron highways of civilization now considered so essential to the development of the resources of a country— whose prosperity has, in fact, come to be measured by the extent to which railways have been constructed. It was a period at once critical and important in our social history. The injurious effects of false steps then, it might require gene¬ rations to remove. The construction of the various lines of railway with which the country was so soon to be intersected involved a series of works on a scale of magnitude so far beyond anything previously undertaken, as to be without any of those advantages derivable from experience. It required a surpassing degree of enterprize—the quality then so much at a discount;—and the apprehension of difficulties to be encountered might reasonably have been increased by the fact of having to go to work with untrained and wayward workmen, whose general rate of wages was miserably low, and who, as a matter of course, had not been subjected to that practical training which efficient and well paid-for service demands. The data on which calculations could be made were scanty ; the drawbacks were sufficiently apparent to discourage the most adventurous; while imperfect execution in the early stage of these great works would have struck such a blow at the extension of the railway system here, as to be productive of incalculable mischief. The feeling which then prevailed in the sister country, with reference to the unsettled condition of Ireland, was such as to deter persons there from thinking of embarking in any work in Ireland involving the management of hundreds of the peasantry. We were, in fine, left to our own resources; and the Occasion brought forth the Man. The contractor for the first line of railway was William Dargan, then comparatively unknown beyond the private circle of friends whom he had inspired with a high estimate of those qualities which have since stood out in such bold relief. It is unnecessary to add that the confidence then reposed in the embryo great Contractor was not misplaced. The promises with which that work was commenced were fulfilled to the letter; and the same may be said of every one of those works which he has since executed. Wherever his operations extended a change was also soon manifest in the workmen. Prompt payments and liberal wages secured an ample supply of hands, and prevented any resistance to the salutary control and supervision required. The tempting rates of wages paid to the persons in his employment brought workmen from all parts of the country to offer their services ; yet it is a grati¬ fying circumstance that he has never had a formidable “ strike” to contend with. Although frequently aware that for the time they could have seriously embarrassed their employer by preventing the execution of the contract at the stipulated period, yet of such a state of affairs advantage was never taken by those in his employment. A feeling of gratitude towards their common benefactor, and a consciousness that they would be dealt with firmly as well as kindly , at all times prevented the counsel of ringleaders of mischief from receiving much attention. While, therefore, the execution of large public works has usually a demoralizing tendency on the districts in which they are situated, this could never be said of Mr. Dargan's operations. He has really done more than has ever fallen to the lot of an individual to elevate the character of the labourers of his country. He has fulfilled to the letter every one of the numerous engagements into which he entered; the character of the Irish railways, as regards construction, stands second to that of none in the world; and while aclueving these important results he has shown to us what may be effected by a single individual, by the exhibition of those qualities on which the greatness of every nation is founded. He has afforded an example of the identity of individual and general interests more powerful than all the lessons which political economists could teach—an example of great value at any time and under any circumstances, but which was especially so under the peculiar conditions to which we have above referred. Enlightened enterprise, persistent application, and high and honourable dealing have enabled Mr. Dargan to attain a position which the most exalted in the land might envy; while in his success we have a forcible illustration of the pseudo-patriotism which has hitherto prevailed amongst us. MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. xi One of the first occasions on which Mr. Dargan occupied a prominent position in connexion with those public works with which he has subsequently become so much identified, was in the construction of the great Holyhead road, designed by Telford, which was then regarded as the most important line of communication of the age. The experience which he obtained in making the Holyhead road, pointed him out as the person, of all others, best fitted to construct the then pro¬ posed fine of road between this city and Howth; the one being justly regarded as the complement of the other. Some of our readers may recollect that this route was at one time considered as much a triumph of engineering skill, in facilitating the communication between London and Dublin, as the present one now is. The graceful suspension bridge across the Menai Straits not inaptly occupies a position close to that of Mr. Robert Stephenson’s later great work—each forming, in its way, an illustration of the extent to which science and enterprize were laid under contribution in the age in which it was constructed. It was not, however, merely the stupendous suspension bridge and the respective harbours of Holy- head and Howth that then attracted attention. The roads on either side of the Channel were far in advance of anything which that period elsewhere exhibited. That from this city to Howth was long regarded as one of the sights in the vici¬ nity of the metropolis, from the admirable surface it continued to present for a series of years. How times are changed ! Locomotion by common roads, unless for short distances, will soon be ranged with the things of the past. The line of railway from this city to Kingstown was the first, and for several years the only one in Ireland; and con¬ sidering the locality through which it passes, its construction must then (now over twenty years ago) have been attended by considerable difficulties. In that day it was, moreover, a work of considerable magnitude. There was, however, no hesitation on the part of the directors in confiding the execution of it to Mr. Dargan ; and taking into account the period at which it was constructed, this line forms to the present day a triumph of engineering and constructive ability. After the completion of the Kingstown Railway, many years elapsed before much further progress was made towards tire extension of the system in Ireland. Its advantages were but imperfectly understood, and little idea was entertained of the extent to which it was destined to revolutionize society. Canal conveyance was still in the ascendant, and a company was formed for opening up the line of communication between Lough Erne and Belfast. For the construction of the Ulster Canal, Mr. Dargan’s tender was accepted ; it was ready for traffic within the specified time, and the satisfactory manner in which that great undertaking was executed still further added to his reputation. The formation of the Ulster, the Dublin and Drogheda, and the Great Southern and Western Railway Companies, fol¬ lowed in close succession, in all of which the sendees of Mr. Dargan were available in carrying out the extension of the system. The Great Southern and Western, and the Midland Great Western lines, are, however, his great works, and the admirable manner in which they have been constructed forms the subject of commendation with every one who passes along them. To enumerate the various works that he has either wholly or in part constructed would, in fact, be almost to give a complete list of the Irish railways; as he has had only some two or three competitors in the field, and these on a comparatively small scale.* On a rough calculation we find he has constructed over GOO miles of railway, chiefly within the past ten years. We further find that the contracts which he has at present in hands cover an extent of over 200 miles of railway, without taking into account several other large works. The magnitude of such a range of operations can scarcely be appreciated uidess by those conversant with the execution of them; involving, as it does, one of the most exten¬ sive organizations ever formed by an individual. One of the great elements of Mr. Dargan’s success is to be found in that accurate discrimination of character which enables him to select in every instance properly qualified persons for positions of trust, having regard in every important ap¬ pointment to the possession of the peculiar qualification required. This at all times insures his operations going forward with the regularity of clockwork, at the central establishment in this city as well as throughout the country. His mind is thereby free from anxiety, and relieved from the necessity of any attention to details. The excellent arrangements at head-quarters enable him to go about from place to place wherever his presence may be required; and the most cursory inspection of his operations in any particular district is sufficient to satisfy him as to how they are going on. When we consider that during the time the arrangements connected with the Exhibition occupied so much of his attention, he had in hands con¬ tracts the aggregate amount of which did not much fall short of £2,000,000, we cannot fail to admire the admirable ma¬ chinery by which everything was carried forward without the slightest interruption. This is probably Mr. Dargan’s great forte , as it, undoubtedly, has been the cardinal element of his pre-eminently successful career. In connexion with the development of the railway system, Mr. Dargan has rendered much more important service than the mere formation of the principal lines. It will be recollected that a few years ago railway enterprise in Ireland was at a frightful discount; and for the construction of even some of the promising lines, funds were with difficulty made available. It was in vain that calls were made on the shareholders, as they were not responded to. And the tardy and limited aid afforded at the eleventh hour by the Government could not be calculated on, until a certain proportion of the capital had * The only important lines with which Mr. Dargan has not been M'Cormick, another Irish contractor, who has attained a position connected are, the Londonderry and Enniskillen and the Londonderry of great eminence; but whose operations have been chiefly on the and Coleraine Railways. These have been constructed by Mr. William other side of the Channel. b 2 MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. xii been previously paid up. But even this condition was not at all times easily fulfilled. These were circumstances in which a man like Mr. Dargan could render incalculable service. An ordinary contractor could, or at all events would go to work only on the condition of being paid as he progressed; any failure as to punctuality of payment being manifestly a violation of the contract. Mr. Dargan, however, having once assured himself by careful inquiry of the ultimate success of the un¬ dertaking, was at any time prepared to disregard the usual considerations as to payment. The bonds or shares of the company he would take as cash ; and we could enumerate a list of projects which were carried out through his instrumen¬ tality in this manner. When once he was known to be connected with an enterprize, it soon after obtained the confidence of the public, and was ere long crowned with success; and we believe that we are correct in stating that for some time past he has not only been the largest holder of Irish railway stock, but that he is the largest railway proprietor in the United Kingdom. The high character which Mr. Dargan had attained in connexion with the great undertakings which he has for years carried out, and the estimation in which he is so deservedly held by all classes, contributed in no small degree to the success of the Exhibition. To an appeal from almost any other quarter no such response would have been made as that which en¬ sured the demonstration of 1853 being a triumphant one. Seldom was the value of personal character better illustrated than on that occasion. So soon as the announcement was definitely made that he had undertaken to provide a suitable building for a great Irish Industrial Exhibition, a feeling of confidence was inspired in the public, generally, that it would be a successful one. Not merely in this country, but throughout the manufacturing districts of the sister countries, the most cordial response was made. Noblemen and gentlemen vied with each other in contributing to the Exhibition ; and treasures of Art were freely forwarded to the Committee, which had never before been out of the possession of their owners. Among the earliest promises of support was one on the part of Her Majesty and of his Royal Highness Prince Albert; and in addition to valuable contributions, the Queen and the Prince honoured the Exhibition with a visit. In foreign countries the project of the Irish Industrial Exhibition was also favourably entertained. The fame of its founder was not unknown even at foreign Courts; and the strong sympathy which the object called forth was testified by the valuable contributions of the Emperor of the French, the King of the Belgians, the King of Holland, and the King of Prussia. The recognition as na¬ tional of a demonstration founded by a private individual is, indeed, a circumstance without parallel; but all this was no more than the occasion demanded or than the effort deserved. While the antecedents of the founder of the Exhibition fur¬ nished an assurance that whatever undertaking he entered into would be fulfilled to the letter, the generous disinterestedness, and the total absence of any feeling of self which he displayed, were such as deserved to enlist the sympathy so freely accorded. In the then transition state of Ireland he felt assured of the great service that would be rendered by an Exhibition in the Irish capital; and having satisfied himself on this point, any risk of pecuniary loss which the project might entail did not weigh with him a moment in determining to carry it out. And of the good faith in which he fulfilled his part in connexion with that great undertaking the public do not now require to be told. Again, and again, were the Committee of gentlemen entrusted with carrying out the enterprize entreated to allow no pecuniary considerations to weigh in making every ne¬ cessary arrangement to bring the affair to a successful issue. Nobly, then, did the founder of the Exhibition discharge the onerous duty which he undertook ; and well did such an effort deserve the cordial, and we may add the enthusiastic, response which the occasion called forth. Any doubts that might have been entertained as to the success of the Exhibition, or the service which it was destined to render in promoting that progress which had so auspiciously set in, were dispelled after the opening. Then, indeed, the value of the obligation under which Mr. Dargan had laid his countrymen was appreciated, and some anxiety was felt as to the most fitting method of recording it. A motion on the subject was brought forward in the Corporation of this city by Town Councillor Boyce, now Lord Mayor elect; but it was very properly decided by that body that any testimonial, whether in the form of a statue or other object, emanating merely from the Corporation, would not be an adequate national acknowledgment of the gratitude of the people of Ireland to one of the most distinguished of her sons ; and accordingly a requisition was got up for holding a public meeting in this city to take the subject into considera¬ tion. Of that requisition it may be said that it was without precedent on account of the number and respectability of the names attached to it, and the fact of their comprising those of men of all parties. Headed by the Duke of Leinster, the requisitionists included forty peers, six prelates of the Established Church, fifteen Roman Catholic bishops, forty-nine Mem¬ bers of Parliament, a large proportion of the magistracy of the country, and a host of the professional, mercantile, and trading classes, the entire number amounting to over 2200. The meeting held in the Round Room of the Rotundo on the 14th July, 1853, pursuant to that requisition, was one of the most numerous, respectably attended, and enthusiastic, that has ever been held in the Irish metropolis, while the veiy mention of the name of the man whom they had met to honour called forth bursts of enthusiastic applause. The Lord Mayor occupied the chair, and the several resolutions were proposed and seconded by His Grace the Duke of Leinster, the Marquis of Westmeath, the Right Honourable Francis Blackburne, Sir William Rowan Hamilton, Sir Robert Kane, Sir Edward M'Donnell (Lord Mayor Elect), Sir Thomas Deane, John Barlow, Esq., governor of the Bank of Ireland, John Ennis, Esq., chairman of the Midland Great Western Railway Com- MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. xiii pany, John Lentaigne, Esq., John F. Maguire, Esq., M.P., Mayor of Cork, and William Fry, Esq., T. C. The following resolutions were adopted by the meeting:— “That, considering the great benefits conferred by Mr. Dargan on the industrial population of Ireland, not only in the vast amount of employment he has given, but also in the lesson he has so successfully taught, this meeting is of opinion that he is entitled to our warmest approbation and most grateful acknowledgments.” “ That, while we rejoice in being able to congratulate Mr. Dargan upon the prosperity which, imder Providence, has resulted to himself from the exercise of his unwearied industry and indefatigable perseverance, we are yet of opinion that a great and combined exertion should be made throughout the country, to perpetuate, in con¬ nexion with his name, the remembrance of the good he has effected ; and that all classes of our countrymen be invited to co-operate actively in a measure which will not only be complimentary to the ‘ workman's friend,’ but permanently useful in extending industrial education.” “That, with a viewto cany out successfully the object contemplated in the foregoing resolution, a committee be now selected, to whom shall be entrusted the duty of collecting funds, which it is hoped will be commensurate with the great object proposed, such committee to consist of the following gentlemen, viz.:—the Peers of Ireland who have signed the requisition; the Representatives of Ireland who have signed the requisition ; the mayors of all the corporate cities and towns of Ireland; the movers and seconders of the resolutions of this day; and the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, John D. Atkin, John Barlow, Joseph Boyce, Alexander Boyle, Robert Callwell, Francis Codd, Thomas Crosthwaite, Joseph Cowper, John D’Arcy, Jeremiah Dimne, John Ennis, Fergus Farrell, William Fry, Thomas M. Gresham, Arthur Guinness, Sir George Hodson, George Hoyte, Thomas Hutton, Colonel La Touche, William Long, John M‘Donnell, Sir Edward M‘Donnell, James W. Murland, Denis Moylan, Sir Timothy O’Brien, Valentine O’Brien O’Connor, John O’Connell, Thomas O’Hagan, Sir Colman O’Loghlen, William Harvey Pirn, James Perry, James Power, Patrick Read, John Reynolds, George Roe, Patrick Sweetman, and Thomas Wilson.” To the Committee thus nominated Sir Robert Kane and John Ennis, Esq., were appointed honorary secretaries. The consideration of the precise form which the proposed testimonial should assume was very properly postponed until some idea could be had of the funds available for the purpose ; and after the most mature deliberation it was decided that the Dargan Testimonial Committee should co-operate with that of the Irish Institution (an association having its origin in the Exhi¬ bition), in founding a permanent institution with which the name and great public services of Mr. Dargan should be prominently connected. The idea of establishing a National Gallery of Art in Dublin was derived from the Exhibition, and the preliminary step towards the attainment of this object was the founding of the Irish Institution. Hence the propriety of the Testimonial Committee co-operating with this new association in carrying out a project so fraught with important advantages to the country at large. The royal visit to Ireland during the past season was so especially complimentary to the subject of this Memoir, as to tall for something beyond a mere passing notice here. The warm interest taken in the Exhibition by Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert was manifest from the first announcement of the project. In addition to becoming exhibitors the Queen and the Prince intimated their intention of visiting the Irish Palace of Industry—a structure the very name of which was of hopeful augury; and of that visit the royal recognition of the services rendered by Mr. Dargan to his country formed the most significant incident, while the manner in which that recognition was conveyed was not less gratifying to the people of Ireland than it was complimentary to the object of it. The great Industrial Captain of the age was for the time the most honoured subject of the realm. Coming to Ireland to visit the Exhibition, and to express sympathy with the object of it, Her Majesty determined that this should be done in the most marked manner possible; and, accordingly, Mr. and Mrs. Dargan had the honour of receiving at their own residence a visit from the Sovereign—an event the announcement of which was received with the most intense satisfaction throughout the length and breadth of the land. Seldom, indeed, has a royal favour been more appropriate than that conferred by the visit so graciously paid by the Queen and the Prince Con¬ sort to Mr. Dargan ; and seldom has such a compliment been so well deserved as in the case in question. But the signal marks of the royal favour to the founder of the Exhibition did not end here. Some time after the royal visit to Mount Anville, Mr. Dargan, in conversation with some of his friends, expressed his anxiety to obtain busts of the Queen and the Prince Consort. This circumstance was, in some way, brought to the knowledge of Her Majesty, whereupon a letter was transmitted to Mr. Dargan by Her Majesty’s commands, stating, that in consequence of Her Majesty having learned that he had expressed a wish to possess busts of the Queen and Prince Albert, Her Majesty would have much pleasure in pre¬ senting him with them—an intimation which was accompanied by the further gratifying compliment, that the busts of the Queen and Prince should he executed by any Irish artist whom Mr. Dargan might select. The required sittings for these, mementos of the royal visit were soon afterwards given to Mr. John E. Jones, who was nominated by Mr. Dargan for the purpose. XIV MEMOIR OF WILLIAM DARGAN. The allocation of the funds collected for the proposed National Testimonial to Mr. Dargan has already been indicated, but as the last sheet of this Work was issuing from the press, an event has occurred in connexion with this Testimonial of the most gratifying character,—that of an Act being passed by the Legislature for placing the Irish National Gallery on a proper basis, and for securing the necessary steps being taken for giving due effect to the wishes of the subscribers to the Testimonial fund. The inadequacy of the sum collected (about £6,000) to carry out by itself any great special object, and the uncertainty at all times attendant upon voluntary contributions, induced the Government to come forward and confer on the project that stability which it could not otherwise attain. The founding of a Gallery of the Fine Arts in the Irish metropolis is per se an object deserving of the attention of the Government; but we have also reason to believe that a desire to aid the Dargan Testimonial Committee had no small influence in the determination of the course which has been adopted. At the opening of the Exhibition a title waited Mr. Dargan’s acceptance—an offer which he respectfully declined. Although declined, the offer was gratifying, as showing a desire in high places to co-operate with the Irish people in every possible way in paying honour to the man who had proved himself to be a true benefactor of his country ; and, failing in the first instance, it is cre¬ ditable to the Government that so much alacrity should have been shown on an occasion where the self-denial and retiring disposition of Mr. Dargan could not stand in the way of paying what was at once an individual and a national compliment. In no other way could the idea of the Testimonial be carried out so much in accordance with the views and wishes of him who is the object of it, as by making it in some way ancillary to progress; and the Irish Government has come forward in a very handsome manner to place the new Institution on a proper basis. A great National Institution has thus, as it were, grown out of the Exhibition, with which the name of the founder of the Exhibition must be for ever indissolubly connected; and that not merely by statue or inscription, but in the Statute-Book of the country,—the Act of Parliament here referred to making special provision for carrying out the objects of the Dargan Testimonial Committee. The circumstances which we have here recorded, must, as a matter of course, be eminently gratifying to Mr. Dargan. But while we are far from supposing that he is insensible to the good opinion of his fellow-men, the honours so profusely and, at the same time, so justly accorded to him, do not induce him to deviate in the smallest degree from pursuing the even tenor of his way. He still exhibits the cordiality, unaffected manner, and straightforward character which secured for him hosts of friends in times past, and which, at the present day, obtain for him the respect of all classes of his countrymen,—we say, advisedly, of all classes. A personal enemy he could scarcely have, and, we know, that a political enemy he could not have at all; inasmuch as in a country distracted by political and party strife, he had at all times the good sense to avoid allying himself with any class of politicians, and has hence become a universal favourite. The intervals snatched from the extensive business in which he is still engaged are passed in retirement at his residence Mount Anville, near Dundrum. There he is surrounded by all those enjoyments and luxuries that wealth and a refined taste can command. From that retirement which he prizes so much we have not here presumed to attempt to withdraw the veil. In this brief Memoir we have dealt with Mr. Dargan simply as a public man ; and in wishing him all the happiness that can result from a consciousness of a faithful discharge of duty, we feel assured that we but feebly give expression to the earnest aspirations of every Irishman. CONTENTS. [The name or initials of the writer are usually appended to each article throughout this Work ; but as the name has not always appeared in full, it has been considered advisable to indicate the authorship of the several contributions in the Table of Contents,—an arrangement which, it is hoped, will be satisfactory to the reader. ] Page. Introduction.—By The Editor,.. 1 Construction of Building, .27 Technical Description.—J. H. Owen, .... 27 | General Description, p.37 Class I_Mining and Mineral Products—W. K. Sullivan,. 43 Metallic Ores and their Distribution, .... 45 Mining Industry in Ireland,.49 Mining Operations,.52 Smelting of Lead Ores,.54 Smelting of Zinc Ores,.57 Smelting of Iron,.58 Class II _Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparations Iodine and Salts of Potash in Sea-weed, . . .105 Alum,.107 Class III —Substances used as Food,. The common Cerealia, &c.— The Editor, . . .119 Agricultural Roots, . . . .do.121 Hops,.do.129 Pearl Barley.—W. K. Sullivan, .130 Coffee,.do.131 Fuel,.66 Salt,.75 Building Materials,.80 Brick and Tile Clays,.97 Grindstones, Hones, &c., . .99 . Geological notice.—J. Beetk Jukes, . . . .100 and Processes_ W. K. Sullivan, .105 I Substances used for Dyeing, or as Paints, . . . 1G8 I Rarer Chemical Substances,.115 .119 Chocolate—W. K. Sullivan, .131 Tobacco, .... do.132 Starches an Sugars, do.137 Preserved Meats, &c., .do.153 Honey,.do.155 Class IV_Vegetable and Animal Substances used in Manufactures, 158 Cotton..—W. K. Sullivan, .158 Flax.—J ames Mac Adam, Jun.,.161 Silk.—T he Editor,.169 Wool—W. K. Sullivan .170 a Oils and Fats, do.170 b Class V_Machines for direct use, including Carriages and Railway Mechanism.— The Editor, . . 171 Steam Engines, .172 I Railway Machinery, &c.,.175 Applications of Centrifugal Force,. 172 | Carriages,. 176 Class VI_Manufacturing Machines and Tools_ The Editor,.181 Flax-dressing Machines,. 181 I Westrupp’s Conical Flour Mill,. 183 Machines for working in Wood,.183 | The Sewing Machine,.184 Class VII—-Civil Engineering; Architectural and Building Contrivances_ The Editor, . • . .187 XVI CONTENTS. Page. Class VIII.—Naval Architecture and Military Engineering ; Ordnance, Armour and Accoutrements, 192 I. Naval Architecture_ The Editor, .... 192 | II. Small Arms.—J. Rigby, .194 Class IX_Agricultural Implements and Machinery— The Editor, 201 I. Implements of Tillage,.202 The Plough,.202 Digging Machines,.206 Harrows,.209 Rollers and Clodcrushers,.210 Grubbers or Cultivators,.210 Bental’s Broadshare,.211 II. Machines and Implements of Drill Husbandry, 211 Drilling and hoeing Implements, . . .212 Sowing Machines,.213 III. Harvesting Machines,.214 Reaping Machines,.214 The Horse Rake,.217 The Haymaking Machine,.217 TV. Barn and Yard Machinery,.217 Threshing Machines,.217 Winnowing Machines,.219 Machines for preparing food for Live-stock, 219 V. Drainage Machinery and Implements, . .221 VI. Dairy Utensils and Apparatus,.222 Class X_Philosophical, Musical, Surgical, and Horological Instruments,. 226 I. Philosophical Instruments and Processes, . . 226 j Grubb’s Telescope.—Dr. W. Barker, . . 226 Photography.—W. K. Sullivan, . . . 229 The Telegraph.—J. A. Scott, .... 236 II. Musical Instruments_ Henry Toole, . . 242 III. Surgical Instruments.—B.,.250 IV. Horological Instruments_J. A. Scott, . . 253 Class XI Cotton Manufactures— The Editor,.261 Bleaching Textile Fabrics.—W. K, Sullivan, .266 Classes XII and XIV_Woollen and Worsted and Mixed Fabrics_ Tile Editor,.270 The Irish Woollen Trade,.272 Class XIII_Silk, and Velvet, and Poplins— The Editor,.278 Class XV.—Manufactures from Flax— James Macadam, Jun.,. 1 .286 Class XVI.—Leather, including Furs, and Saddlery and Harness, .295 Leather and Furs.—W. K. Sullivan, .... 295 | Saddlery, &c.—T he Editor, .305 Class XVTI.—Paper, Printing, Stationery, &c., 308 Manufacture of Paper.—W. K. Sullivan, . . 308 Letter-press Printing.— The Editor, . . . .316 Anastatic Printing.—W. K. Sullivan, . . . 321 Chromotypy and Lithochromy, do.322 Wood Engraving.— The Editor,.323 The Publishing Trade, do.325 Stationery, .... do.327 Classes XVIII and XIX.—Tapestry, Carpets, and Floor Cloths; Lace and Embroidery ; and Fabrics shown as Specimens of Printing and Dyeing.— The Editor,.332 Class XX_Articles of Clothing, and for immediate personal Use,. 342 Articles of Clothing.— J. A. Scott,. 342 I Hats and Caps.— The Editor,.344 Hosiery and Gloves.— The Editor,. 342 | Boots and Shoes, do. . 345 Class XXI_ Cutlery and Edge Tools—T he Editor and W. Iv. Sullivan, 349 Class XXII_Iron and General Hardware, 352 Preliminary Notice.— The Editor, .352 Galvanized Iron, &c.—W. K. Sullivan, . . . 353 Britannia Metal, .... do.354 Manufacture inCopper,Brass, &c.—W.K. Sullivan, 355 Iron Work of various Kinds.— The Editor, . . 357 Miscellaneous Articles, . . . .do.367 Class XXin. _Works in Precious Metals, Jewellery, &c—W. K. Sullivan,.373 Works in precious Metals,. 373 I Jewellery, Precious Stones, &c.,.383 Electro-metallurgy,. 376 | Enamelled Work,.389 CONTENTS. Class XXIV_Glass_W. K. Sullivan, . Class XXV_Ceramic manufactures _ W. K. Sullivan,. Class XXVI_Furniture, Upholstery, Paper Hangings, &c.,.. Furniture and Upholstery.— The Editor, . . . 408 I Papier Mache Goods.—W. K. Sullivan, . . . Room Papers and Decorations, .do.410 | Class XXVII. & XXVHI_Manufactures in Mineral Substances, for Building or Decorations ; and Manufactures from Animal or Vegetable Substances, not being Woven or Felted,. Class XXIX _ Miscellaneous Manufactures and Small Wares, . Class XXX_The Fine Arts.—6. p. Sculpture,. 422 | Painting,. Contributions from Workhouses and Prisons.—R. H. Mills, . British Guiana_The Editor,. India_The Editor, . Antiquities_The Editor,. The Mediaeval Court,. Foreign Countries,. France.—A. Gages, .481 I Holland, . Bel S lura . 489 | The Zollverein, General Index,. Index^to^the^Names of Artists and Exhibiters in the Catalogues of Sculpture and xvii ■AGE. 395 400 408 411 415 416 420 433 468 472 473 476 480 431 490 491 493 500 . > INTRODUCTION. T HE great peculiarity of the present age is its eminently practical character; a result of the extension of manufacturing and commercial industry. The intercourse between different nations is vastly on the increase. A sort of almost cosmopolitan competition has in consequence sprung up, that lends a stimulus to improvement. And it is with nations as with individuals ; fertility of invention, mechanical skill, and indo¬ mitable perseverance, are required on the part of a community to enable them to attain a respectable position in the great commonwealth of industry and enterprise—a position the attainment of which is a work of time, and one which can only be enjoyed by unremitting exertion. Exhibitions of different kinds have long been recognised, by the people of almost every civilized country, as amongst the most efficacious means of leading to the introduction and extension of improvements. Thus the various Associations for the Promotion of the Fine Arts hold annual exhibitions of painting and sculpture. The numerous Agricultural Societies that spread their ramifications throughout the length and breadth of the land, through the agency of public competition encourage the improvement of live stock and of husbandry generally. To Horticultural Exhibitions we are indebted for many of the wonderful improve¬ ments that have been introduced within the last half century in the different departments of gardening—for the gorgeous floral beauties which decorate our parterres and conservatories, and the delicious fruits that enrich our desserts. This pi’inciple has therefore been long recognised and acted upon, with the best results, not only in this but in other countries. So long ago as 1756 the Society of Arts in London offered prizes for specimens of manufactures of different kinds, and exhibited the works which were brought forward in com¬ petition for them. The Royal Dublin Society adopted the practice at a still earlier period, and has continued it until the present day, attention being, however, until lately, confined to special objects. But to our French neighbours must be awarded the credit of having originated what may be properly termed Expositions of Industry. The Marquess D’Aveze, on his appointment as Commissioner of the Royal Manufactories of the Gobelins, of Sevres, and of the Savonnerie, in 1797, determined on converting the chateau of St. Cloud, then uninhabited, into a bazaar for the exhibition and disposal of the productions of these several establishments; but, at the moment he was ready to carry out the design, he was obliged, by a decree of the new Directory, to quit the kingdom. On his return in the ensuing year, the Marquess planned an Exhibition of a still more imposing character, which comprised the richest furniture and marqueterie of the period; the finest clocks and watches ; the superb china of Sevres and Angouleme ; the silks of Lyons; and a variety of other interesting and remarkable objects. This demonstration was held in 1798, and so great was its success that a second took place in 1801, a third in 1802, and a fourth in 1806. Notwithstanding the then unsettled state of affairs in France, on the last occasion there were no less than 1400 exhibitors, and the collection remained open for the inspection of the public for twenty-four days. After that period political and military manoeuvres absorbed public attention, to the comparative exclusion of consideration for the peaceful pursuits of industry ; and it was not until 1819 that the fifth Exposition was held in France. The sixth took place in 1823, and the seventh in 1827, when a great building was erected for the purpose in the Place de la Concorde. The eighth Exhibition was held in 1834, and the ninth in 1839, when upwards of 4000 competitors entered the field, thus indicating the great importance attached by the people to these demonstrations. In 1844 and 1849 the Expositions of Industry were repeated in the French capital, each B THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 2 occasion being attended by an increasing measure of success, as compared with that which preceded it; and it is beyond question that these Exhibitions contributed in no small degree to raise the manufactures of France to that pre-eminence for which they are so justly celebrated. The influence of the Parisian Exhibitions soon extended to a greater or less extent throughout the Conti¬ nent of Europe, in several capitals of which they were imitated with various degrees of success; and it is scarcely to be doubted, that to them, many branches of manufacture owe the excellence which they have attained. Go¬ vernmental encouragement laid the foundation of that excellence: but it may be safely assumed that these periodic displays also did much in encouraging artists and manufacturers to increased exertion, besides diffusing a knowledge of what had been already accomplished. If the royal and imperial establishments could go to work regardless of cost, their produce was not brought into the market to compete with private enterprise; while a sort of standard was thereby attained which it became the province of private enterprise to imitate under the healthy influence of public competition—the general taste being meanwhile improved by the successive Exhibitions of what we now-a-days term Art-manufactures. But it will be observed that all these displays were due to the respective governments of the countries in which they were held. Freedom of action on the part of Continental communities, in a collective capacity, was then, as it is still for the most part, unknown ; and under no other circumstances could national demonstrations of any kind take place than under the imme¬ diate direction of the Executive. This is a point which it is necessary to bear in mind, in any inquiry as to Expositions of Industry not having at an early stage occupied attention in the United Kingdom. With us such movements were not supposed to be legitimately within the province of the Government; and while adequate existing organizations were not in being to carry them out, the feeling in their favour was not suffi¬ ciently strong until lately to insure special machinery being devised for the purpose. As already observed, we have had during a considerable part of the last century Exhibitions in various departments of industry,— the Society of Arts in London, and the Royal Dublin Society here, being pioneers in this direction. It was not, however, until 1829, that the idea of a general Exhibition on the Parisian plan was seriously contem¬ plated in these countries. In that year an effort was made by the Royal Dublin Society to originate periodic displays of this class, the holding of which should afterwards be a part of the Society’s operations; but it was not till 1834 that the design was fully realized, the first General Exhibition of the products of Manufacturing Industry held in the United Kingdom having taken place on the premises of the Society in that year. A Committee of Manufactures was thereupon added to the executive body of the Society, and the holding of periodic Exhibitions became a regular part of its business, greatly to the increase of the Society’s usefulness, and to the public advantage. As the movement progressed, each succeeding demonstration surpassed the preceding one in importance and the interest attached to it by the public, until they have been brought to a climax by the recent Great Exhibition, which may therefore be regarded as the continuation of the Triennial Exhibitions of the Royal Dublin Society.* * The Triennial Exhibitions of the Royal Dublin Society have unquestionably exercised a very important influence on manufacturing progress in Ireland, while they have at the same time reflected great credit on the Society itself. The origination of these was brought about by Isaac Weld, Esq., who, for many years, was one of the Honorary Secre¬ taries of the Society, and is now one of the Vice-Presidents. During the early part of the present century Mr. Weld was travelling on the Continent, and in Paris he became ac¬ quainted with the operation and results of the Expositions there. Subsequently, while at Naples, he happened to be able to visit an Exhibition on the Parisian plan ; and after his return to this country he brought the subject under the notice of the Royal Dublin Society. In the Proceedings of the Society we find the following notice of motion, dated February 12, 1829 : Notice of a Motion by Isaac Weld, Esq., Honorary Secretary. “ That a Committee be appointed to take into considera¬ tion, and to report the practicability of establishing, under the auspices of the Society, an Annual Exhibition of Speci¬ mens of the Manufactures and Productions of Ireland, con¬ formable to the plan which has long been adopted in Paris and in other capital cities of the Continent; and to suggest snch measures as might facilitate the arrangement, together with the estimates of the probable expenses attendant thereon.” The proposition thus brought forward was received with acclamation. Richard Griffith, Esq. (now LL. D., and Chair¬ man of the Board of Public Works), at once accompanied Mr. Weld in a round of visits to the principal manufactu¬ rers in the city and suburbs, who one and all highly ap¬ proved of the scheme, and promised to become contributors in the event of an Exhibition being finally determined on. A series of resolutions was adopted by the Society in refe¬ rence to the foundation of Exhibitions as part of the ordi¬ nary business, anrorrg which it was resolved that the inhabi¬ tants of every part of Ireland be invited to aid the move¬ ment. The description of manufactures admissible having been stated, it was further agreed upon that nothing should be received unless there be “clear and satisfactory proof” that it was the production of Ireland. To carry forward the proposed undertaking, the Vice-Presidents and Secretaries, with Edward Houghton, William Willans, John Patten, Hugh Harnill, Richard Griffith, Robert Hutton, R. B. Bryan, Esqrs., Dr. Wall and Dr. D’Olier, were appointed the first Committee of Manufactures. As the period approached for carrying out the project it INTRODUCTION. 3 The French Expositions have been all along of a strictly local character. In 1849 M. Buffet, the Minister of Agriculture and Commerce, with a view of ascertaining the sentiments of the manufacturers on the subject, sent circulars to the Chambers of Commerce throughout France, suggesting that contributions from foreign became evident, notwithstanding the apparent enthusiasm with which it was received, that the necessary support from contributors could not he calculated on, to insure a successful commencement; and to the great disappointment of those gentlemen connected with the Society, who had taken so much trouble in the matter, it was found that the proposed demonstration must be postponed. Unavailing regrets were then expressed when it was too late to remedy the apathy of the past. In 1833, however, a Committee was again appointed, with a view of carrying out the object, of which the late Sir Edward Stanley was Chairman. Taking ad¬ vantage of the interest which had been previously awakened, this Committee succeeded in holding an Exhibition of Ma¬ nufacturers in May, 1834, which, for a first effort, was eminently successful. The adjudication of prizes formed an impoidant feature of this and all succeeding Exhibitions of the Society : among the premiums then awarded were gold and silver medals in almost every branch of manufacture. The list of exhibitors on that occasion shows that they were chiefly from this city, and that the movement had so far failed to make any deep impression in the provincial towns. The intention in connexion with these Exhibitions, in the first instance was, that they should take place annually; hut this was soon found to he impracticable. In 1835 an Ex¬ hibition was held, in which there appeared to be a falling off from that of the previous year. In the succeeding year, 1836, a resolution was adopted by the Society, reconstitu¬ ting the Committee of Manufactures; and the latter body, at one of them preliminary meetings, agreed to report that, in their opinion, it would not be expedient to have the Exhibition of Irish Manufactures more frequently than Tri- ennially. They further recommended the postponement of the then approaching display, which recommendation was adopted by the Society. In 1838 it may, therefore, be said that the first of the Triennial Exhibitions took place. Of that Exhibition the Proceedings of the Society contain much more ample details than of any of its predecessors ; and from these we find that the visitors, during the short time the Exhibition was open, amounted to 20,000 ; that the goods were generally of a high character ; that medals were distributed chiefly for su¬ perior broad-clothes, to the Messrs. Willans; for tabinets, to Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Reynolds; and for machinery, to the Messrs. Mallet. Among other plans taken to render the Exhibition useful and attractive was the delivery of a Course of Lectures by Dr. (now Sir Robert) Kane, on each day during the time the Exhibition was open, the topics being connected with Manufacture, or Art as applied to its assistance. This last-mentioned feature is one deserving of more than a passing notice, from its having been repeated without intermission up to the present period, and having also been adopted in connexion with the Exhibition of 1851. These early lectures, too, were regarded -with much interest: and it may not be out of place to mention that they laid the foundation for the publication of the celebrated treatise on the “Industrial Resources of Ireland,” by Sir Robert Kane, a volume which, while it established the reputation of the author, indirectly reflected no small degree of credit on the Society imder whose auspices the materials for it had been collected. The Exhibition of 1841 differed little from its predeces¬ sor. That of 1844 was, however, on a more extensive scale than any of the previous ones, and it at the same time bore evidence of the great service rendered by the Society in promoting manufacturing progress. In the Address of the Committee in the last-mentioned year it is stated that the object of such demonstrations is to discover “ what Ireland is capable of affording from native production and native talent.” The linen and woollen manufactures were largely represented on that occasion, and articles displaying artistic ornamentation received premiums in the adjudication which took place. It should also be observed, that many contri¬ butions were then sent from the provinces. The country at that period enjoyed a large measure of prosperity, and its effects were manifest in the Triennial Exhibition. We now come to that of 1847. It may be observed, as a remarkable feature in the history of this particular Exhibition, that when the Committee of Manufactures seemed anxious to adjourn it to the following year, from the depressed state of the country, the manufacturers themselves met, and urged the matter with a promptitude which showed their appreciation of its importance. The Committee ap¬ pointed to adjudge the Honorary Medals and Certificates on that occasion express in their Report the highest satisfaction with its results. Notwithstanding that it was undertaken at a period of unexampled depression, in consequence of the disastrous failure of the potato crop, when the business of the country was in almost every department more or less paralyzed, the specimens of native manufacture were superior to those exhibited at any previous Exhibition. Unrivalled as our tabinets had always been, they appeared then to have made still greater exertions towards excellence. In tabinets, cambrics, linens, damask, and lace, Messrs. Atkinson, Fiy, Coulson of Lisburn, and James Forrest and Sons, were chiefly distinguished. The Messrs. Willans contributed largely in specimens of superior woollens; Ilutton and Daw¬ son in carnages; M'Cullagh, of Belfast, in pianofortes; and Cordner in fringes. The Ladies’ Industrial Society received a warm encomium, both for the neatness of the goods exhi¬ bited by them, and the praiseworthy object sought to be attained, in elevating the industrial character of the female poor. Altogether the value of such assemblages in keeping up a lively and salutary competition in trade and manufac¬ tures, had at that period become strongly impressed upon the public mind. The Exhibition of 1850 was still greater and more com¬ prehensive in its design than any of its predecessors. On this occasion it had been decided to admit the produce of other countries, the effect of which was that many depart¬ ments of the industry of England and Scotland were well represented. The Catalogue of articles occupies 104 pages, and contains, besides those manufactures for which Ireland is peculiarly remarkable, a vast number of miscellaneous articles of curious workmanship. This display had also a much more extensive representation of the country’s home trade than had hitherto been seen in the Irish metropolis. It was visited by a deputation from the Commission appointed to carry out the Exhibition in Hyde Park in the ensuing year, and who were then engaged in perfecting the arrangements for that purpose. In their Report the Committee of Manufactures speak in the highest terms of their unexampled success, as indicative of an improved condition of the country, as well as the bene¬ ficial influence of such demonstrations. The liberality of opening its honours and prizes to the rivalry of other nations , is a peculiarity in the history of the Royal Dublin Society’s latter Exhibition, which should not be overlooked. The last Triennial Exposition, properly so called, was not so much a native as a general collection— the fit precedent of that greater and grander gathering which, at the next period of the usual Exhibition, was des¬ tined to eclipse the glories of eveiy previous effort. The brief detail which we have now given of the Exhibi¬ tions of the Royal Dublin Society, which have this year been brought to an appropriate termination, appears to be neces¬ sary to remove the misconceptions entertained regarding the connexion between the Exhibition of 1853 and its pre¬ decessors held by the Society. B 2 4 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. countries should be invited; but the replies were so unfavourable that the idea was abandoned. The state of France at the time was unpropitious for successfully carying out a great cosmopolitan Exhibition. Not only was the internal condition of the country unsettled, but the high protective duties levied on the impor¬ tation of foreign goods would naturally prevent their manufacturers from taking them to a country in which, in any case, they had no chance of opening up a market, owing to the fiscal restrictions that prevailed. The more liberal commercial code of England, and the feeling of perfect security which existed in that country, conspired to make it the scene of the first Great Exposition of the Industry of all Nations. Accordingly, the suggestion of His Royal Highness Prince Albert was responded to with a heartiness worthy of a great cosmo¬ politan demonstration. The period had arrived when it could be appropriately made. Through the relaxa¬ tion of the protective duties levied on the importation of foreign goods, the manufacturers of other nations naturally looked forward to an extension of their trade with the United Kingdom, and therefore eagerly availed themselves of the opportunity of thus displaying their wares before their new customers. The Go¬ vernment, though disclaiming any responsibility on account of the proposed Exhibition, was willing to afford every encouragement to the project; and, accordingly, our ministers at the various foreign courts were in¬ structed to use their influence to procure contributions to it. Hence the foreign display in the Crystal Palace was all that could be desired, rendering the Exhibition itself a truly cosmopolitan one, in every sense of the word. The high personal character of the Prince Consort, and the estimation in which he is deservedly held by all classes of the people at home, insured its success so far as regarded its becoming an exposition of native industry, so soon as it became known that he had taken the project under his own immediate superin¬ tendence ; and to the indefatigable perseverence of His Royal Highness, his courageous defiance of all risk of failure, and his sagacity even in matters of detail, much of the success of the Exhibition of 1851 was really due. Before any definite steps were taken on that occasion, a deputation was appointed to visit the princi¬ pal towns of the United Kingdom, with a view of ascertaining how far the movement was likely to be re¬ sponded to. This circumstance is worthy of note, from the contrast which it presents with the course which would have been adopted in any other country. Elsewhere not only the initiative but the entire responsi¬ bility would have been undertaken by Government; but with us any such action must be comparatively independent of the Government, the only facilities provided in that quarter being exefnption from vexatious restrictions. And in connexion with the proceedings of this deputation, it is in no small degree creditable to the municipal authorities and leading men of this city, that it was in Dublin the proposal of His Royal High¬ ness Prince Albert was first heartily responded to;—a circumstance no doubt due to the influence exercised by the Triennial Exhibitions of the Royal Dublin Society. The Exhibition of 1851 was eminently successful. The result of that first effort to bring together the fruits of the industry of all nations showed the wisdom of the proposal. The various incidents connected with it have now become matter of history, being chronicled in parliamentary reports and other official docu¬ ments, even to the minutest details. It is therefore unnecessary to refer to it at greater length in this place; and we shall dismiss this part of the subject by quoting an extract from the celebrated speech of its royal founder at a dinner given by the Lord Mayor of London to the chief municipal authorities of the United Kingdom:—“ The Exhibition of 1851 would,” he said, “ afford a true test of the point of development at which the whole of mankind has arrived, and a new starting-point from which all nations would be able to direct their future exertions.” It will be recollected by those who visited the Hyde Park Exhibition, that while the position occupied by Ireland, as a whole, was eminently creditable, yet some districts were greatly wanting in responding to the call which had been made upon them. Thus, while the staple industry of Belfast was amply represented, while the tabinets of this city and the lace-work of Limerick were held in due estimation, it was observed that Cork had contributed little to the Crystal Palace. This circumstance was freely commented upon at the time, greatly to the disparagement of the people of “ the beautiful city;” and they, apparently conscious of the great mistake which they had committed, and anxious to make amends, determined to have an Exhi¬ bition of their own; which accordingly came off in the summer of 1852, and, for a provincial demonstration, was a highly successful one. The result of the Hyde Park Exhibition afforded information for the guidance of others in a similar direction, and justified the people of Cork in making a considerable preliminary expen¬ diture, on the faith of being reimbursed by the fees for admission, having besides raised a considerable sum INTRODUCTION. 5 by appealing to the public for subscriptions. In this respect they were not disappointed. The Exhibition remained open about four months, during which the daily number of visitors was often from 2000 to 3000. Further testimony was thereby borne to the success and beneficial effects of Expositions of Industry. But it will be apparent that each successful effort threw increasing obstacles in the way of succeeding ones. That which a few years ago would have come off with eclat would now fail to attract attention. Thus, while for a series of years, the Triennial Exhibitions of the Royal Dublin Society had been regarded with increasing interest, each occasion adding vastly to the number of exhibitors which came forward as compared with the preceding one, the recent experience of the public threw obstacles in the way of future progress apparently insurmountable. The display which in 1850 was regarded as highly creditable would not pass muster in 1853. On previous occasions almost every apartment in the Society House was thrown open for the purpose, but the accommodation thus afforded would contain but a very small proportion of any collec¬ tion likely to attract attention after the Exhibition of 1851. The difficulty lay in providing suitable accom¬ modation—in fact, in making such arrangements as would insure the co-operation of the public. To accom¬ plish this, the Society in its corporate capacity possessed no resources whatever ; and hence it became matter for anxious consideration whether these Triennial Exhibitions, which had already conferred such signal advantages upon the country, were to be given up, without some effort being made to worthily consummate the series. It was at this stage that Mr. Dargan made his now famous proposal to the Society; which was, as a matter of course, promptly accepted, and led to the recent Great Exhibition. Intimately identified with industrial pursuits, no person was better able to appreciate the beneficial effects of such Exhibitions than Mr. Dargan; and after witnessing the results of the Exhibition in London, and more recently that in Cork, he became still further impressed with the field that existed for a suitable demonstration in the Irish metropolis, as well as of the benefits that would ensue therefrom ; and he determined to supply the funds when the occasion arose for carrying the project into effect. The circumstance of the past season being that for the usual Triennial Exhibition of the Royal Dublin Society seemed to present the fitting opportunity; and, as a member of that body, knowing the peculiar position in which the Society was placed, after a rough calculation of the sum required for the purpose, he made the following proposal:_ “ Dublin, 24th June , 1852. “Mr. Dargan, understanding that the year 1853 will be the year for holding the Triennial Exhibition of Manufactures of the Royal Dublin Society, and being desirous to give such Exhibition a character of more than usual prominence, and to render it available for the manufactures of the three kingdoms, proposes to place the sum of £20,000 in the hands of a Special Executive Committee, on the following conditions, viz.:— “ 1st.—That a suitable Budding shall be erected on the lawn of the Royal Dublin Society. “ 2nd.—That the Opening of the Exhibition shall not he later than June, 1853. “ 3rd. That the Special Executive Committee shall he nominated by three gentlemen on the part of Mr. Dargan, to be named by him, and by three gentlemen to be selected by the Council of the Royal Dublin Society from that body. That Mr. Dargan shall have the nomination of the Chairman, Deputy-Chairman, and of the Secretary of the Special Executive Committee. “5th.—That at the termination of the Exhibition, the Budding shall be taken by Mr. Dargan, and shall become his property at a valuation by competent persons. “ 6th - That after payment of all expenses, the proceeds of the Exhibition do not amount to £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent., Mr. Dargan shall receive the proceeds, less ad expenses incurred. “If the proceeds, after payment of all expenses, shall amount to £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent, Mr. Dargan is to receive £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent. “ If the Proceeds, after payment of ad expenses, exceed the sum of £20,000, with interest thereon at 5 per cent., the Executive Committee is to have the disposal of the surplus. The amount of the valuation of the Budding to be considered as cash paid to Mr. Dargan. “William Dargan.” Fiom the terms of the above proposal it will be seen that, come what might, Mr. Dargan could gain nothing from the Exhibition in a pecuniary point of view, while he ran all the risk of loss. This point it is neces¬ sary to bear in mind, to be able duly to appreciate the disinterested patriotism which the proposal exhibits. 6 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. The foregoing communication was brought forward at the Meeting of the Royal Dublin Society held on Thursday, the 24th June, when it was unanimously resolved— “ That the Society had heard read with much gratification the public-spirited and highly important proposal of their esteemed member, Mr. Dargan, and feel called upon to co-operate with hhn in his praiseworthy desire to stimulate the manufacturing interests of Ireland, through the instrumentality of this Society’s Exhibitions. They therefore cordially assent to the terms of Mr. Dargan’s proposition; and it is hereby referred to the Council to take such steps, in conjunction with Mr. Dargan or his appointees, as may be necessary to give full effect to the same.” The acceptance of Mr. Dargan’s proposal was no sooner conveyed to him than active measures were adopted to carry out the necessary arrangements for the proposed Exhibition, in a manner worthy of the object in view, of the patriotic and energetic founder of it, and of the noble Society upon whose premises and in connexion with which it was to take place. The site, though contracted so far as regards space, was unques¬ tionably the best that could have been selected; and on an eligible site, every one knows, a great deal of the success of such a demonstration depends. The central situation contributed much to the comfort and con¬ venience of the public, who visited the Exhibition there much oftener than if it had been situated at a greater distance. In this point of view alone, it will therefore be seen that the co-operation of the Royal Dublin Society was of great value. .The Executive Committee nominated on the part of Mr. Dargan and the Society held their first meeting on the 5th July, at which C. P. Roney, Esq., now Sir Cusac Roney, was appointed Secretary, and John C. Deane, Esq., Assistant Secretary. The energy which these gentlemen brought to the discharge of their duties, and the successful manner in which they advocated the claims of the Exhibition on every occasion, show that more judicious appointments could not have been made. Offices for the Committee were taken at No. 3, Upper Merrion-street; and it was resolved, even at that early' period, that the Exhibition should be opened in the first week of May, 1853. The Committee, by' public advertisement, invited architects and others to send in designs for a temporary building suitable for the purposes of the Exhibition, on or before the 31st day of July. The then estimated extent of the building was from 100,000 to 140,000 superficial feet, and the cost of construction was limited to £15,000. > On the 7th August, the Committee appointed a Jury of three* professional men to assist them in deciding on the designs sent in, and on the 12th of August, on their recommendation, the first prize was awarded to Mr. Benson, of Cork ; the second, to Messrs. Thomas Deane and Woodward, also of Cork ; and the third, to Mr. Richard Turner, of Dublin, who had already distinguished himself in the competition for the Crystal Palace in London. In one week afterwards (August 18th), possession of the ground was obtained; the main lines of the proposed building were at once staked out; and immediately workmen proceeded with the foun¬ dations and the preparation of the semicircular ribs of the roof; so that by the 10th of September no less than three of the ribs of the Southern Hall were completed, and several more were in progress. On the 18th September the first rib of the Main Hall was commenced. The work progressed so rapidly that the Committee were enabled to invite His Excellency the Earl of Eglinton, then Lord Lieutenant, to honour with his presence the raising and placing of the first iron column on the 25th of October. By this time the lawn of the Royal Dublin Society' had assumed a singular appearance, resembling a huge timber-yard. Immense logs of wood were piled on each other in cargoes; stacks of deals rose in hills ; sawyers were work¬ ing wherever room for a pit could be found ; the grass was covered by the platforms for constructing the ribs, which lay about in apparently endless confusion ; carpenters plied their vocation in every direction :— the whole producing a din of occupation that chimed in well with the hopes of ultimate success, and the energy of those who were carrying out the undertaking. Considering the comparatively short period available for the construction of the building, and the proba¬ bility that various modifications and additions would become necessary during its progress, which could not be foreseen at the commencement of operations, it was determined that it should be carried on under the supervision of the Committee without the intervention of a contractor. Under Mr. Dargan’s auspices this course was the best that could have been adopted, more especially as the accommodation subsequently' pro¬ vided was so much greater than was originally contemplated. The first point was to secure the services of the Charles Lanyon, Esq., Architect, C. E.; G. M. Miller, Esq., C. E.; and G. W. Hcmans, Esq., C. E. INTRODUCTION. 7 architect whose plan had been approved of, to personally superintend the erection of the building ; and at great personal inconvenience Mr. Benson undertook this duty. In reference to the manner in which he discharged it, it is almost unnecessary to say a word. Every part of the building, even to the most minute details, afforded evidence of the consummate ability of the architect. But it was not less necessary to provide an adequate building than to bring the claims of the Exhibition properly before the public, so that due provision would also be made for the character of its contents. After some deliberation, an arrangement founded upon that adopted for the Exhibition of 1851 was decided on ; and an official document, of which the following is a copy, was extensively circulated by the Executive Committee:— REGULATIONS OF THE COMMITTEE. 1. The Lawn of the Royal Dublin Society has been fixed upon as the Site for the Exhibition. 2. The Building will be provided for the Exhibitors free from rent. 3. The productions of all Nations will be admitted. 4. The general plan for the division of the Exhibition will be similar, as far as practicable, to that adopted at the suggestion of His Royal Highness Prince Albert for the Exhibition of 1851, viz. :— Raw Materials, I Manufactures, Machinery, I Pine Arts. These four divisions were further classified as follows •— Raw Materials. I. Mining, Quarrying, Metallurgical Operations, and Mineral Products. II. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Processes and Products generally. III. Substances used as Food. IV. Vegetable and Animal Substances, chiefly used in Manufactures as Implements, or for Ornament. Machinery. V. Railway' and Naval Mechanism ; Machines for direct use; Carriages. VI. Manufacturing Machines and Tools. VII. Civil Engineering; Architectural and Building Contrivances. VIII. Naval Architecture, and Military Engineering ; Ordnance, Armour, and Accoutrements. IX. Agricultural and Horticultural Machines and Implements. X. Philosophical Instruments, and Processes depending upon their use; Musical Instruments; Horological Instruments; Surgical Instruments. Manufactures. XI. Cotton. XII. Woollen and Worsted. XIII. Silk and Velvet. XIV. Mixed Fabrics, including Shawls. XV. Manufactures from Flax and Hemp. XVI. Leather, including Saddlery and Harness, Skins, Fur, Feathers, and Hair. XVII. Paper and Stationery; Printing and Bookbinding. XVIII. Woven, Spun, Felted, and Laid Fabrics, when shown as Specimens of Printing or Dyeing. XIX. Tapestiy, including Carpets and Floor Cloths ; Lace and Embroidery; Fancy and Industrial Works. XX. Articles of Clothing for immediate, personal, or domestic use. XXL Cutlery and Edge Tools. XXII. Iron and General Hardware. XXIII. Working in Precious Metals, and in their Imitation. Jewellery, and all articles of Vertu and Luxury, not included in the other classes. XXIV. Glass. XXV. Ceramic Manufacture, China, Porcelain, Earthenware, &c. XXVI. Decoration, Furniture, and Upholstery, including Paper Hangings, Papier Machie, and Japanned Goods. XXVII. Manufactures in Mineral Substances, used for Building or Decoration, as in .Marble, Slate, Porphyries, Cements, Artificial Stones, &c. 8 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. XXVIII. Manufactures from Animal and Vegetable Substances, not being Woven or Felted, or included in other Sections. XXIX. Miscellaneous Manufactures and Small Tools. Illustrations of Processes will form a portion of the Exhibition. Fine Arts. XXX. Sculpture, Models, and Plastic Art; Oil and Water-colour Paintings (not Portraits), Enamels, Frescoes, Drawings, Engravings. 5. All goods and articles for Exhibition must be delivered at the Building, free of any charge to the Committee, and at the risk of the Exhibitor. The reception of goods and articles will commence on the 1st of March, and none can be received after the 31st of March, 1853. 6. Articles and Packages will be unloaded at the Building. Should Exhibitors, or their Agents, not be present, the articles will be unpacked by the officers of the Committee with the utmost possible care, but at the risk of the Exhibitors. 7. Tickets will be issued by the Superintendent to every Exhibitor, his Agent, or Servant, to enable him to pass into the Building until 1st May, between certain hours, to arrange the Articles for Exhibition, which ticket he will be called upon to produce on entrance, and give up when required. 8. Rough Counters and Wall Space will be provided. 9. The most effectual means will be taken, through the agency of the Police and otherwise, to guard against fire, and protect the property in the Exhibition; but the Committee cannot be responsible for losses that may be occasioned by Fire, Robbery, Accident, or Damage of any kind. 10. Exhibitors may employ (under the Regulations of the Committee) Assistants to preserve and keep in order the articles they exhibit, or to explain them to visitors. 11. Free Admission, within certain limits, will be given to Exhibitors or their Agents. 12. Exhibitors cannot remove their goods, or substitute others for them, during the period the Exhibition shall remain open. 13. The Prices of Articles exhibited may be affixed. 14. The Steam and Water Power required for the purposes of the Exhibition will be supplied gratuitously. 15. Shrubs and Flowers will be admitted into the Building for the purpose of ornament. , 16. Highly inflammable articles will not be admitted. 17. Each Person or Firm intending to exhibit will be good enough to fill up the accompanying Fonn of Applicat ion for Space, and to transmit it to the Secretary. As it is the intention of the Committee to examine and decide upon these applications as soon as possible, exhibitors are requested to return the Form at their earliest convenience; and in no case can an application for space be received later than the 1st of December, 1852. 18. At the proper time the necessary Forms of Invoice, and other Documents, will be transmitted to parties to whom space shall have been allotted. 19. Suitable storage will be found for all Packing Cases, and the goods exhibited will be repacked with the utmost possible care, but at the risk of the Exhibitor. 20. Every Article sent separately, and every Package, must be legibly marked with the name of the Exhibitor or Exhibitors, and also with the Section and Class, whether Raw Materials, Machinery, Manufactures, or Fine Arts, in which it is proposed the Articles shall be exhibited. 21. The Railway and Steam Packet Companies have kindly consented that Articles exhibited, and not sold, shall be conveyed back by the same route as they were forwarded, free of charge. 22. The Committee propose at the earliest period to take the necessary steps for procuring an Act of Parliament to facilitate the Registration of Designs proposed for Exhibition, and to protect Exhibitors against piracy. 23. The general objections to Prizes have induced the Committee to determine that none shall be awarded. By Order of the Committee, C. P. Roney, Secretary. The programme here given is interesting as a matter of record, and as showing the points on which the arrangements of the Executive Committee differed from those adopted in 1851. While good faith was maintained with the public so far as regarded the opening of the Exhibition on the day announced, it was found to be inexpedient to insist on a rigid compliance with the above rules on the part of Exhibitors, and goods therefore continued to be received up to the opening. The distribution of prizes as rewards of merit had hitherto been the rule on such occasions; but the inconvenience which was found to result from the system in 1851, the difficulty in carrying it out, and the great dissatisfaction at all times certain to be INTRODUCTION. 9 expressed by disappointed candidates, induced the Executive Committee to abandon the idea so far as re¬ garded the Exhibition of 1853; in which respect the public concurred as to the wise policy of the course adopted in the latter case. Again, the propriety of permitting or refusing prices to be affixed to the goods came under discussion, when a decision was arrived at contrary to that come to by the Royal Commissioners in 1851. When so much trouble and expense was about to be incurred by Exhibitors it was deemed advisable that on this point they should be left to exercise their own discretion, without any conditions being imposed upon them: an arrangement which, we believe, met with universal approbation. In the only remaining point to which we deem it necessary to refer, the Committee did not succeed in realizing the con¬ ditional promise which they made to Inventors, as an inducement to come forward,—that of taking the necessary steps for procuring an Act of Parliament to facilitate the Registration of Designs proposed for Exhibition, and to protect Exhibitors from piracy. This, it will be recollected, was one of the features of the Exhibition of 1851, though the extent to which the privilege then accorded was taken advantage of was very much less than was anticipated; and this circumstance probably prevented the proposed arrange¬ ment from being carried out on the recent occasion. Be this as it may, however, the fact of no such privilege having been obtained we feel called upon to record here. Meanwhile, Mr. Roney had been deputed by the Committee to proceed to the manufacturing towns, with a view of urging personally the claims of the Exhibition. His exertions there were attended by such eminent success that it was considered advisable that he should go to Paris for a similar purpose. He sub¬ sequently went to Brussels, the Hague, Berlin, and several other places on the Continent, and everywhere met with the most ready assurances of support,—kings and nobles, manufacturers and mechanics, combining to add to the attractiveness of the Dublin Exhibition, and at the same time to acquire for themselves and their country an honourable name among the artists and artisans of the world. While Mr. Roney was advocating the cause of the Exhibition on the Continent, it was resolved that Mr. Deane should proceed to England and Scotland, with a view of furthering its objects. For this purpose he paid several visits to those cities and districts from which the largest amount of co-operation was to be ex¬ pected. In Glasgow a meeting was convened by the Lord Provost, at which Mr. Deane attended; and after fully detailing the nature of the arrangements made and contemplated, promises of support were given, which have been amply realized ; and the importance of the co-operation of the citizens of Glasgow was the more valuable as it combines within itself almost the whole of the manufactures of the sister countries. Mr. Deane visited in succession Edinburgh, Kirkaldy, Dundee, Stirling, Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Sheffield, Leeds, and a number of other places, from all of which considerable contributions have been made to the Exhibition. In securing contributions to the Fine Arts Hall Mr. Deane was also eminently successful. From the Continent liberal promises of support had been received; and in juxtaposition with the Continental works, he was anxious to have the modern English School well represented. With this object he set about trying to get from every Academician and Associate a specimen of their works, which was certainly a good idea. But to obtain this directly was found to be impossible, inasmuch as their current efforts were in preparation for their own Exhibition, to the success of which they were bound in the first place to contribute, and their earlier works had, of course, passed into other hands. The addresses of the chief purchasers Air. Deane then obtained, with a view of appealing directly to them to further his object. Applications were accordingly made to the Duke of Devonshire, the Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Yarborough, Lord Northwich, Mr. Munroe, Mr. Barry, Mr. Young, and other noblemen and gentlemen known to have valuable collections of English pictures; and they were in most cases responded to in a manner which demanded the cordial ac¬ knowledgment of every one interested in the success of the Exhibition. Manchester, Liverpool, Preston, and other manufacturing towns are known to be rich in pictures of the highest class, from the great wealth of many of the inhabitants, which enables them to become liberal patrons of the Fine Arts; and the extent of their contributions on the occasion in question has shown that they are equally liberal in the use of the treasures which they possess, when any important object is to be attained thereby. The Fine Arts Court and that devoted to Antiquities formed characteristic features of the Exhibition. Before the opening, however, much unfavourable criticism was indulged in on account of the alleged undue importance attached by the Committee to a class of objects, the propriety of the admission of which to an c 10 TIIE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Industrial Exhibition was said to be doubtful. But the result shows that in this respect a wise discretion was exercised. The Committee state, in the Introduction to this section of the Official Catalogue, “ that it has not been without consideration that the claims of the Fine Arts—in their abstract character, and viewed apart from utilitarian industry (if, indeed, they can ever be justly so viewed), have been recognised. The diffi¬ culty of exclusion appeared at the least as great as of admission. It is not easy often to draw the line of demarcation between objects which come within the strict limits of the Fine Arts and those Aids which are purely utilitarian in their character. There are few of the latter which do not, to a greater or less extent, include or intimately ally themselves to the former; and, therefore, were the boundary to be defined with a scrupulous determination to exclude every article whose object is not solely utilitarian, the result would be to reject from the Exhibition much that now finds a place within it. When the mere necessities of fife have been satisfied, civilization superadds to the useful the ornamental, and soon learns to recognise it as a neces¬ sity of life also; for the perception of the beautiful is innate to the mind of man, and when the useful has been achieved, the cravings for the beautiful will seek to be satisfied. Hence Sculpture, in the most ex¬ tended acceptation of that term, enters into the composition of a vast proportion of the articles designed for utilitarian purposes. The same may be said of Painting. In truth it is difficult, when once we have emerged from the rudest and most elementary state of society, to deny that the Fine Arts are themselves utilitarian. The desires of the eye for that which is beautiful in form and colour, if not essential to mere existence, as¬ suredly are so to the enjoyment of fife; and hence Sculpture and Painting, in the abstract, may, it is pre¬ sumed, be fitly exhibited without transgressing the strict limits which should be assigned to an Industrial Exhibition. Under this conviction the Committee have admitted works of Fine Art which are not utilitarian, in the ordinary sense of the word; and they have done so the rather that the study of Sculpture and Painting is essential to perfection in the ornamentation of almost everything in ordinary use. Nor let it be forgotten, as one of the uses of the Fine Arts unconnected with industrial objects, that the statuary and the painter contribute to the pages of history as well as the scribe or the printer. The former perpetuates and diffuses the forms and the character of historical persons and events, of natural history, scenery, and costume, as the latter cannot do.” The cheering promises of co-operation from all quarters, and the numerous applications for space, soon rendered it evident that the limits of the original building were too narrow to give due effect to the under¬ taking. On this becoming apparent Mr. Dargan interposed, by placing a further sum of £6000 at the disposal of the Executive Committee; this, too, was rapidly exhausted, and the demands for space kept still largely in excess of what the Committee had to dispose of. But again and again Mr. Dargan increased his advances, with the full determination that nothing should be wanting to insure the successful carrying out of this great national undertaking. Thus to the original building, comprising only the Centre Hall and the Northern and the Southern Halls, with the adjoining Corridors, were gradually added the Halls for the Fine Arts, Machinery in Motion, Naval and Railway Machinery, the Courts for Furniture, Agricultural Implements, Carriages and Antiquities: occupying in their aggregate a larger space than what was intended to be covered by the first design. Considerable progress had been made in the execution of the works at the end of December, in spite of the weather, which for two months had been extremely and unusually wet and boisterous, and which fitly ushered in the terrible storms of Christmas Eve and the Monday morning following. They occasioned a considerable amount of damage to the building in its then incomplete state: a great portion of the roof- trusses having been blown down, as were also many parts of the Southern Hall and Galleries. The ground then exhibited a lamentable appearance of wreck, which seemed almost irretrievable; but in a short time the skill and energy of the parties employed had restored things to their former position. The delay caused by the storm was still further increased by the constant succession of foul weather, which continued, with only slight intermission, during the whole after-progress of the building; so that its completion at the period assigned for the opening is a strong proof of the excellence of the arrangements, and of the zeal with which they were carried out. The extraordinary rapidity with which the work was carried forward may he judged by the fact, that the first of the ribs of the Central Hall was raised to its place on the 2nd of March, and notwithstanding the extreme difficulty of the operation, from the weight and vast dimensions of the ribs, and the great height at which they stand from the ground—although on several days the frozen snow on the INTRODUCTION. 11 scaffolding rendered it too dangerous an operation to be proceeded with—all the framing of the roof was in its place in six weeks from that date. By the 1st of March the Southern Hall was so far completed as to enable the space under the Gallery to be used as a temporary store for the reception of the goods which then began to be sent in by the Exhibitors. A portion of it was converted, for the time, into a sort of bonded warehouse, in which the contributions from foreign countries were deposited under the surveillance of custom-house officers, who took a note of the con¬ tents of every package, on the understanding that duty was to be paid on any article not re-packed at the close of the Exhibition. In this respect every facility was afforded to foreign Exliibitors by the authorities under the Board of Inland Revenue. During the period the Exhibition was open, the foreign department was practically a bonded warehouse; the payment of duty being only demanded on such articles as were disposed of here. On the 21st of March the sale of season tickets commenced. By a reference to a return which will be found in a subsequent page, it will be seen that the revenue from this source was highly satisfactory ; the number of season ticket-holders, in proportion to that of the ordinary visitors, being very much greater than in the case of the Exhibition of 1851. The Royal Commissioners fixed the price of season tickets at £3 3s., and £2 2s., for gentlemen and ladies, respectively; from which rates, however, our Executive Committee con¬ sidered it advisable to make a reduction; and accordingly, the price of gentlemen’s tickets here was £2 2s., and that of ladies’ £1 Is., boys under twelve years of age being admitted at the same rate as ladies. The number of season tickets sold previous to the opening of the Exhibition was 10039, producing the sum of £14437 10s. The day originally fixed for the opening of the Exhibition being Ascension Day, it was considered desirable to make a change in this respect, and accordingly the Executive Committee came to the determi¬ nation to alter the time from Thursday, the 5th, to Thursday, the 12th of May. The exertions that were made on the part of those engaged in the construction of the Building, as well as that of the Exhibitors, to prepare for the opening, were truly praiseworthy. The urgent necessity which existed to push forward the work so as to have the Building ready in due time rendered it necessary that almost every hand should be em¬ ployed that was presented ; and it may therefore be readily supposed that amongst the hundreds thus pro¬ vided with work there were many very inefficient persons in every department. Still, the good feeling which pervaded that immense multitude during the progress of the Building was deserving of high commendation ; and to it the most cordial testimony was borne by Mr. Dargan at the civic banquet which took place on the day of the opening of the Exhibition, when he observed “that often as he visited the Building during the previous three months, very few agreed with him that it would be finished by the 12th of May; and there was not one of the 1000 to 1500 working men who did not know that he had it in his power to embarrass the operations, if he chose, either by irregularity or by combination, or some other impropriety of the kind, and so prevent the Exhibition from being opened on that day; yet, with that knowledge, they never did a single act of the kind—a circumstance which could scarcely have happened in any other country.” But, notwithstanding the exertions that had been used, there was still much to do at the period of the opening to complete the arrange¬ ments. Immense packages from different parts of the United Kingdom, and from the Continent, remained unopened, and many had still to be delivered. Yet, on the whole, we believe that the arrangements for the opening ceremonial on that occasion were even further advanced than was the case at the opening of the Exhibition of 1851. Nothing, in fact, was wanting to give effect to the demonstration of the 12th of May. And what then remained to be completed was carried forward without at all interfering with the convenience of the visitors ; for whom, from the very commencement, ample attractions were provided. The opening ceremonial was arranged on a scale of great splendour and magnificence. The eminent adaptation of the building for a musical performance, the fact of one of the finest organs in the United Kingdom being available for the purpose, and, above all, the appropriateness of such a demonstration, induced the Committee to decide on a musical fete at the opening, on a scale which has seldom been sur¬ passed. In the arrangements for this purpose, Dr. Stewart was to preside at the organ, and the orchestra was placed under the direction of Mr. Joseph Robinson, an arrangement which afforded a sufficient guarantee for the performance being everything that could be desired. In order to have a sufficiently powerful orchestra for the occasion, it was resolved that it should consist of the almost unprecedentedly large number of 1000 performers, including the principal vocalists and instrumentalists of this city and of the provinces. C 2 12 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. With such preparations the musical entertainment of the opening was naturally looked forward to by the thousands of anxiously expectant ticket-holders as the great feature of the day.* Invitations had previously been sent by the Committee to a large number of official and other distin¬ guished personages, for the opening ceremonial, at which 10,039 ladies and gentlemen had also secured the privilege of being present, by the purchase of season-tickets. From all parts of the United Kingdom dis¬ tinguished strangers arrived in town, to take part in the proceedings; and such was the interest manifested even in the great metropolis, that a special express train left London for Holyhead on the previous day, with visitors to the Exhibition ; the journey then performed being the most expeditious on record between the two capitals. During the previous few days unusual bustle and activity were apparent throughout the city, and the 12th being a general holiday, not only at the various public establishments, but also among the mer¬ chants and traders generally, and the weather, moreover, having been highly propitious, the streets on that morning presented a scene of animation and gaiety, in character with the anticipations entertained of the approaching festival. * The following Programme of the ceremonial was adopted by the Executive Committee:— His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, Grand Master of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, having signified his pleasure to attend the above in state, the following Pro¬ gramme has been approved:— The carriages of the Knights and Officers of the Most Il¬ lustrious Order of St. Patrick will assemble in the Upper Castle-yard, at half-past eleven o’clock, and await the ar¬ rival of His Excellency from the Viceregal Lodge, Phoenix Park, on which the whole will proceed through the Lower Castle-gate, by Dame-street, College-green, Grafton-street, Nassau-street, Leinster-street, and Clare-street, to the grand entrance of the Exhibition in Merrion-square, in the following order:— Carriages of the Knights and Officers of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick. His Excellency’s Household. His Excellency. On arrival at the Exhibition, his Excellency will be received by a Guard of Honour. The carriages will set down and file off as directed by the Commissioners of Police. His Excellency will be received at the entrance by the Executive Committee. A procession will then form as follows:— Members of the Committee, two and two. Officers of the Order of St. Patrick. Knights of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Patrick, two and two, according to their Stalls, wearing the Collar of the Order. His Excellency’s State Household. d. His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, pi O Grand Master of the Illustrious Order, wearing the “ ^ Collar of the Order, and the Brilliant S' t Diamond Badge, and Star of Q 3 Grand Master. 3 V Her Excellency tiie Countess of St. Germans. In this order they will proceed, conducted by the Execu¬ tive Committee, two and two, to the throne prepared for His Excellency. When the Procession moves up the middle avenue of the Centre Hall to the Dais, the Orchestra, which will consist of 1000 Performers, will play The National Anthem. Their Excellencies having taken their seats, the Orchestra will perform The Ilundreth Psalm. Handel’s Coronation Anthem. “Queen of the Isle, Victoria, reigneth, the glory of all nations. Let all the people rejoice and say, God save the Queen! Allelujah ! Amen, Amen, Allelujah !” Then the Chairman, accompanied by the Members of the General Committee, and the principal Officials of the Exhi¬ bition, will present an Address to the Lord Lieutenant, at the conclusion of which he will introduce Mr. Dargan, and also Mr. Benson, the Architect, to his Excellency. The Orchestra will then perform Mozart’s Motette.—“ Oh God, when thou appearest.” After which the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor of Dublin, in his robes of office, accompanied by the Members of the Corporation, in their civic dresses, will present an Address from that body. To which His Excellency will reply. At its termination, the Orchestra will perform The Hallelujah Chorus.— Beethoven. This having been concluded, a Procession will be formed, and the Chairman, with the Members of the Committee and the principal officers, will conduct His Excellency and the Countess of St. Germans round the Building, (luring which the Orchestra -will perform March from Atlialie.— Mendelssohn. Their Excellencies haring returned to their seats on the Dais, the Orchestra will perform The Hymn of Praise.— Mendelssohn. “ All men, all things, all that has life and breath, sing to the Lord; Praise the Lord with lute and harp; in joyful song extol the Lord. And let all flesh magnify His might and His glory. Praise thou the Lord, 0 my spirit, in my inmost soul.” Which being concluded, His Excellency will command the Ulster King of Arms to declare The Exhibition Open. After which the Orchestra will perform “ The Heavens are telling.”— Haydn. The Orchestra will afterwards perform The Hallelujah Chorus.— Handel. Which being terminated, their Excellencies will leave the Building with the same ceremony as on their entrance, the Orchestra performing The National Anthem. INTRODUCTION. 13 The doors of the Exhibition were opened to those having the privilege of admission at ten o’clock; one of the side-entrances being specially reserved for members of the Royal Dublin Society, who were distin¬ guished by wearing their badges. Numbers of anxious visitors at once thronged to Merrion-square to catch an early glimpse of the Building, the appearance of which soon became gorgeous in the extreme. The feel¬ ings produced on entering the Centre Hall were those of amazement and delight. The noble proportions of the Building, the apparently countless succession of arches presented on either side, the vistas between them, which conveyed an idea of almost unlimited extent, the array presented by an orchestra of over 1000 per¬ formers surrounding Telford’s great organ, the cheerful and appropriate colouring of the decoration harmo¬ nizing so well with all around, the brilliant assemblage of rank and fashion assembled to do honour to the occasion: the tout ensemble thus presented has seldom being equalled, much less surpassed. The large number of official personages present was indicated by their peculiar costume, the gay colours of the military uniform contrasting curiously with the dresses of the judges and authorities of the University. On entering the door almost the first object that attracted the attention of the visitor was Marochetti’s equestrian statue of the Queen, placed in the centre of the Hall; and ranged along either side were massive works of statuary, the colossal statue of Mr. Dargan, by Jones, occupying a prominent position on the right-hand side, near the upper end of the Hall. The general effect was also much heightened by a variety of evergreen shrubs being judiciously interspersed throughout the Building. By previous arrangement the members of the Corporation, headed by the Lord Mayor, went in procession to the Castle to accompany the viceregal party in state to the Exhibition. The knights of St. Patrick there also joined the procession, in the uniform and wearing the insignia of the Order. On the entrance of the Lord Lieutenant the orchestra struck up the National Anthem. After a short pause the Hundredth Psalm was given, and rarely have the words of the inspired Psalmist resounded with such soul-stirring effect. When over 1000 performers took up the words “ With one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise,” the sensation produced thereby was eminently calculated to rouse devotional feelings, even in the minds of the most thoughtless. The well-trained notes of the unprecedentedly large number of performers appeared as if proceeding from some single wondrous voice; and the instrumentation was equally creditable and effec¬ tive. Handel’s Coronation Anthem followed, with the introduction of the new words, “ Queen of the Isles, Victoria reigneth,” which was admirably rendered, the execution fully realizing the ideas of the great composer. At this stage of the proceedings the Executive Committee presented an address to the Lord Lieutenant, of which the following is a copy. The address was read by the Chairman, George Roe, Esq.: “ May it please Your Excellency, —Having reached this period of labours commenced under the auspices of your predecessor, and fostered by your own consent and zealous encouragement, a period which, whilst it inaugurates an epoch in the history of this country, terminates in a great degree our most important functions, we, the Executive Committee, feel proud to salute the representative of our most gracious Queen in this noble structure, raised by the enterprise of one of our countrymen, Mr. Dargan, and designed by the genius of another, Mr. Benson, as a Temple dedicated to Industry and the Arts, the history of which is, we trust, destined to fill one page in the annals of Ireland, unstained by an allusion which any class of our countrymen could desire to see erased. “ Your Excellency is too well aware how many difficulties beset any unselfish attempt at public good, and it must be gratifying to you to know that from almost every part of Europe the Committee has experienced the most ready and va¬ luable assistance. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, in becoming contributors to this Exhibition, have not only sanctioned this undertaking by the authority of their names, but given a stimulus by their example, largely contributing to its success ; and the other sovereigns and people of Europe have placed us under deep obligations, both by the contributions we see around us, and also by their prompt and generous co-operation from the commencement of our labours to the present time. “We feel much pleasure in alluding to the Institution with which we are so closely connected, one which has been long and intimately associated with the industrial progress of this country, which first planted those seeds, the fruits of which we now witness, and to whose labours in the encouragement of Exhibitions of Industry and Art for upwards of a century, we owe, in a great degree, our present success; and we gladly acknowledge the unceasing and generous desire evinced by the Royal Dublin Society to promote the success of this undertaking from its commencement to the present time. “ In directing your Excellency’s attention to the objects of Exhibition around us, we will not detain you by making 14 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. any especial reference to the rich and varied illustrations of art and industry from Great Britain and foreign countries, we will only express our hope that Ireland may be found, in some specific branches of manufacture, to hold a position not only gratifying to our national pride, but also calculated to prove that there are sources of wealth in this portion of Her Majesty’s dominions well worthy of further development, and likely to enable us to hold a position amongst those nations of the world devoted to Arts and Manufactures. “ In conclusion, we most fervently pray that it may please Almighty God to pour down his blessing upon us, and to make this great undertaking the commencement of a new era in the history of Ireland ; and that from the 12th of May, 1853, annalists may date a period when industry and public order, with their inseparable companions, happiness and wealth, shed their abundant blessings over this portion of Her Majesty’s dominions ; and that when the traveller shall hereafter visit this neighbourhood to inspect the birth-place of our greatest general, he may also view this locality with interest, where by the increased enterprise and patriotism of one man was gained the peaceful, yet not inglorious triumph of in¬ dustry and genius.” His Excellency returned the following reply: “ Gentlemen, —I congratulate you on the completion of the great work of which you have so ably and so satisfactorily directed the execution. “ I congratulate you also on the beauty of the Building, on its perfect adaptation to its purpose, and on the value as well as the variety of its contents. “ The liberal and patriotic conduct of Mr. Dargan, by whom alone you have been enabled to raise this noble structure, entitles him to the gratitude of his countrymen and the admiration of other nations. “ The skill and science displayed by Mr. Benson are, indeed, remarkable, and place him high among the architects of modem times. “ As the representative of our most Gracious Sovereign I receive with satisfaction your dutiful and grateful acknowledg¬ ments of Her Majesty’s goodness, and that of Her Royal Consort, in becoming contributors to this Exhibition. “ It is gratifying to me to know that the Sovereigns of many foreign States have generously assisted you from the commencement of your labours to the present time. “ The Royal Dublin Society, in promoting the success of this enterprise, has only done that which was to be expected, from a body that has laboured unceasingly for more than a century to advance the progress of Art and Science in this country. “ “ I learn with pleasure, though without surprise, that all classes of the community have evinced a generous desire to aid in the performance of this ardous task. “ I concur with you in the hope that this Exhibition will show, that in some departments of Art, Irish productions are already excellent, and that Ireland possesses sources of wealth which are worthy of further development. “ That it may please Almighty God so to prosper this undertaking as to make it the means of diffusing throughout the land the love of peaceful and industrious pursuits is a prayer in which I cordially and fervently join.” The Chairman then formally introduced Air. Dargan to His Excellency. This was the signal for one of the most cordial demonstrations on the part of the assembled thousands that has ever been witnessed. The position of Air. Dargan at that moment was one that even a sovereign might envy; surrounded by the wealth and intelligence of his native land, in the Temple dedicated to Industry, erected solely at his expense; all joining in enthusiastic acclamations of respect, which were again and again repeated. This was, indeed, an occasion without parallel. The presentation of Air. Benson to the Lord Lieutenant, which next took place, was also cordially re¬ sponded to, and followed by loud demonstrations of applause. No one could contemplate the triumph which he had achieved in the construction of the beautiful Building in which the ceremony then took place, without a feeling of respect and admiration for the talent of the architect by whom it was designed. His Excellency cordially congratulated Air. Benson on the very successful result of his labours, and thereupon conferred the honour of knighthood upon him. The orchestra, after this ceremonial was gone through, performed “Alozart’s Grand Alotette in C.” An address was then presented to the Lord Lieutenant by the Corporation of Dublin. The address was read by the Lord Alayor, and ran as follows: “ May it please Your Excellency, —We, the Corporation of Dublin, gladly avail ourselves of this opportunity of congratulating your Excellency and our fellow-citizens on the successful completion of this great undertaking, so creditable to its founder, Mr. Dargan, and to our country. Deeply interested, as we all are, in the prosperity of the city, we rejoice sincerely at an event which must confer the greatest advantages on all classes amongst us, by the promotion of self-reliance, INTRODUCTION. 15 the diffusion of industrial education, and the cultivation of a taste for the Fine Arts. In conclusion, we beg to expres our earnest hope that this Great Exhibition of the industry of many Nations may fully realize all the benefits to this country which are so dear to the heart of its generous and patriotic originator.” His Excellency returned the following reply:— “ My Lord Mayor and Gentlemen, —I fully participate in the sentiments which you have expressed. The Inaugu¬ ration of the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1853 is indeed an event of no ordinary interest and importance. I concur with you in hoping that this Exhibition will fulfil the intention of him whom you justly designate as its generous and patriotic originator, by promoting the diffusion of industrial education, and the cultivation of the Fine Arts amongst all classes of the community.” Beethoven’s Grand “ Hallelujah Chorus” was next performed by the orchestra; after which the Vice¬ regal party was conducted by the Chairman and members of the Executive Committee round the Building; the orchestra, in the meantime, performing Mendelssohn’s “ March from Athalie.” The several distinguished visitors having returned to the dais, and resumed their places, “ The Hymn of Praise,” by the same great composer, was effectively given by the orchestra; and on this being concluded, Ulster King-at-Arms, by direction of His Excellency, declared the Exhibition to be open, invoking at the same time the blessing of Almighty God upon it. The Grand Chorus by Hadyn, “ The Heavens are Telling,” was then performed; and Handel’s “ Hal¬ lelujah” terminated the performance. The Lord Lieutenant and suite shortly after retired, the orchestra, with the addition of five military bands, playing the National Anthem. The scene presented by the opening of the Exhibit ion was such as to make an indelible impression on the minds of those who were present on the occasion. The admirable adaptation of the building for the intended purpose, its lofty proportions, and its grand architectural effect, were the themes of unqualified commenda¬ tion ; more especially when viewed in connexion with the short time in which it had been erected, the noble object for which it was designed, and the circumstance under which it was called into existence. Then, in¬ deed, the feeling of admiration of the patriotism which called it forth pervaded every breast; and no second opinion was entertained that the promise to provide a building for a Great Industrial Exhibition had been well redeemed. At an early stage of its progress plans of the building were forwarded through the Earl of Eglinton, then Lord Lieutenant, to the Queen, with a detail of the means that had been devised for carrying out the pro¬ ject ; the result of which was, that Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert at once signified their intention of becoming contributors to it. But the interest manifested by the Queen and the Prince Con¬ sort in the success of the Irish Exhibition was still further exemplified by the royal visit to it in the course of the summer, when Mr. Dargan had the satisfaction of receiving his Sovereign in the Great Temple of In¬ dustry erected by his own munificence. Shortly after the opening a semi-official announcement was made in reference to the contemplated royal visit; which, however, it was known, could not conveniently be made until the close of the Session of Parliament. This, at length, took place in the end of August; and it is not too much to say that the enthusiasm with which the Queen was received was considerably promoted by the cir¬ cumstances under which Her Majesty appeared amongst us. In the honour conferred upon Mr. Dargan every one felt a compliment as it were paid to himself. In the private visit of Her Majesty to the founder of the Exhibition,—the first that has been paid by a British Sovereign to a Commoner in modern times,_ the people saw a recognition of the dignity of Labour, an acknowledgment of the importance of well-applied persistent Industry, which could not fail to be attended by beneficial effects in a country in which it had been the fashion for a spurious and affected gentility to sneer at such pursuits. A great demonstration had been made calculated materially to improve the condition of the country; and it was especially gratifying on such an occasion to find the royal sympathies so thoroughly enlisted in its favour. The first visit of Her Majesty and Prince Albert to the Exhibition took place on Tuesday, the 30th of August. On that day so great was the anxiety manifested to be present, that from eight o’clock in the morning crowds surrounded the doors waiting for admission. Shortly after ten o’clock the arrival of the royal party was announced at the principal entrance in Merrion-square, where they were received by the Executive Commit¬ tee. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, accompanied by the ladies and gentlemen composing the royal suite, were conducted along the left-hand side of the Centre Hall to the dais, where arrangements had been made 16 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. for their reception, and for the presentation of Addresses from the Executive Committee and from the Cor¬ poration of the City. The Chairman of the Committee having received from Mr. Deane, the Assistant Se¬ cretary, the Address from that body to Her Majesty, proceeded to read it; after which it was presented in due form. Her Majesty handed the Address to Lord Granville, from whom she received the reply thereto, which she read in a clear and distinct tone, and then handed the document to Mr. Roe. The Address to His Royal Highness Prince Albert was read and presented in a similar manner by the Chairman of the Executive Committee, to whom also the Prince handed his reply after reading it. This ceremony being over, the royal party proceeded down the right-hand side of the Central Hall to examine some of the more prominent objects; after which they again returned to the dais, where Addresses were presented by the Cor¬ poration to Her Majesty and to His Royal Highness Prince Albert. During this visit Mr. Dargan was for¬ mally presented to Her Majesty, by whom he was cordially received, and warmly congratulated, for the dis¬ interested patriotism which he had exhibited, of which the brilliant scene then around them was one of the fruits. After remaining nearly two hours in the Building, the royal party quitted by the Grand Entrance. The following is a copy of the Address presented by the Executive Committee to Her Majesty :— “ To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. “ May it please your Majesty, —We, the Executive Committee of the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1853, tendering a dutiful welcome to your Majesty on your arrival in this part of your dominions, desire to express our feelings of loyal and devoted attachment to your throne and person. “ Recollecting the deep gratification which your Majesty afforded to your Irish subjects by your gracious visit to this Metropolis on a former occasion, we cannot fail to attribute our being honoured by your august presence this day to your Majesty’s special wish to foster and encourage an enterprise having for its object the industrial and intellectual improvement of your people. “ In this Building, raised at the cost of a high-minded and generous individual, whose name is honourably identified with projects of practical utility to his country, we present for your Majesty’s inspection a collection of Arts and Manufac¬ tures from most of the Nations of Europe. “ To your Majesty and your Royal Consort we offer our grateful thanks for the early end gracious encouragement extended to this undertaking, by your promise of those contributions which now grace the Exhibition. “ Acknowledging with gratitude the hearty co-operation we have received from England and Scotland, as well as from foreign countries, in promoting that success which we have laboured to realize, we earnestly pray that your Majesty and your Royal Consort may long live to witness and enjoy the increased prosperity of your subjects, and them advance in all that can elevate a nation.” Subjoined is a copy of Her Majesty’s reply:— “ I receive with sincere pleasure your Address, and I thank you for the expression of your loyal and devoted attach¬ ment. “ I willingly contributed to this collection of Arts and Manufactures from most of the countries of Europe, the object of which was to promote the industrial and intellectual improvement of my people; and it has added much to my gratifica¬ tion, in revisiting this portion of my dominions, to see the complete success of an enterprise which has been carried out in a spirit of energy and self-reliance, and with no pecuniary aid but that derived from the patriotic munificence of one of my loyal subjects.” The Address of the Executive Committee to His Royal Highness Prince Albert was in the following terms:— “ To His Royal Highness Prince Albert , 8fc. “ May it please your Royal Highness, —Impressed with feelings of the deepest respect for your Royal Highness’s exalted position, and gratefully appreciating the advantages which the country has derived from your constant labours to promote its best interests, we offer you our cordial congratulations on your arrival in the metropolis of Ireland. “ As President of the Exhibition of all Nations of 1851, your Royal Highness will, doubtless, regard with pleasure a renewed effort to develop improvement in the arts and manufactures of the United Kingdom. “ In the rich and varied display of natural and artificial productions w'hich our exertions have collected together, your Royal Highness will observe many indigenous to our Irish soil, and others the result of Irish hands and enterprise. “ Deeming it of paramount importance that this interesting portion of her Majesty’s empire should keep pace with the industrial progress of the world, we have not hesitated to invite the competition of wealthier and more advanced communi¬ ties to stimulate the dormant capabilities we possess, and to improve the knowledge and taste of our countrymen. INTRODUCTION. 17 “ The gracious patronage and presence of Her Majesty and your Royal Highness cannot fail to aid materially these important objects, and demand what we most respectfully tender—our grateful and dutiful acknowledgments. We are deeply sensible of the condescension which has induced Her Majesty and your Royal Highness to give so effective a proof of approbation to our humble efforts for the improvements of Ireland. “We feel bound to attribute to an honoured and enterprising individual the merit of having enabled this Committee to co-operate with the Royal Dublin Society in giving a character of more than usual prominence to their Triennial Exhibi¬ tion of Manufactures which was to be held this year, and of having erected this Temple of Industry which Her Majesty and your Royal Highness now grace by your presence. “ Of the practical value of Exhibitions it is unnecessary to dilate in the presence of your Royal Highness, who has so ably advocated their public utility; but we may be allowed to direct your attention to a distinguished peculiarity of the Exhibition of 1853, which extends the principle laid down by the Royal Commission of 1851, so as to include Painting, the highest order of the Arts, and also examples of the industrial and artistic products of bygone ages, whereby their pro¬ gressive advance can be traced from the earliest times to the present. “ We fervently desire that Her Majesty and your Royal Highness may long and frequently enjoy such displays of peaceful industry as are now presented; and that each repeated royal visit may find Ireland improving in arts and manu¬ factures, affording fresh sources of gratification to Her Majesty and your Royal Highness, and additional bonds of grati¬ tude to Her Majesty’s person and throne.” To the foregoing Address His Royal Highness replied as follows:— “ Gentlemen, —I thank you most sincerely for your very kind and gratifying Address. “ It is with more than ordinary satisfaction that I again find myself in this city at a time when the energy of the Irish people, aided by the noble liberality, which you so justly commend, of a single individual, has opened to the world an Exhibition, in which I rejoice to hear from you that articles of native produce, and of native art and industry, occupy so large a space. “ Most cordially do I respond to the prayer with which you conclude, that each succeeding visit of the Queen may find Ireland advanced in Art, in Agriculture, and, I would add, in the comfort, happiness, and prosperity of her people.” The Addresses of the Corporation are also deserving of a place here, from their connexion with the Exhibition, and having been presented in the Building. The following is a copy of that presented to the Queen:— “ May it please your Majesty, —We, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the city of Dublin, approach your Majesty to tender our congratulations on your safe arrival in this country, and our assurances of devoted loyalty and attachment to your Majesty’s throne and person. “ We recognise in your Majesty’s gracious visit to this Temple of Industry and Art, dedicated by munificent patriotism to the service and instruction of Ireland, an additional proof of your Majesty’s solicitude to promote the interest and pros¬ perity of your Irish subjects. “ To encourage the industry, to foster the energies, to inspirit the enterprise of a people, are amongst the most exalted duties and the dearest prerogatives of a Constitutional Sovereign. History will record, as we are gratefully reminded to-day, that these had been the proud characteristics of your Majesty’s peaceful and glorious reign. “ It is not, may it please your Majesty, to the evidences of triumphant genius by which you are surrounded that we desire especially to entreat your Majesty’s attention ; these are but the emblems of the new era which they are here to in¬ augurate, and of the new spirit which has happily been evoked in Ireland. “ It will be more grateful to your Majesty to be assured that our countrymen, of every class, at length appreciate the truth, that energy, perseverance, and self-reliance are the best foundations of individual and national prosperity; while with humble gratitude we rejoice to add, that the same All-wise Disposer of human events, who but a few years since visited tiffs island with unprecedented calamity, now deigns to smile on the industrial struggles of our people, and that in every quarter of the land can be seen indications of steadily progressive improvement. “ That improvement, under the favour of Divine Providence, will but be promoted by the most extended communica¬ tion between the two parts of the United Kingdom ; and we venture to entreat your Majesty’s patronage and support for every practical effort to achieve this great national object. “ Permit us, most Gracious Sovereign, to express an ardent hope that every increased facility of communication be¬ tween the two islands will the better enable your Majesty to gratify the affections, and promote the material welfare of your Irish subjects, by frequent visits to our shores. “ Your Majesty may be assured that, throughout your wide dominions, there are none more dutiful, more loyal to their Sovereign, none more devotedly attached to your Majesty.” i> 18 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Her Majesty’s reply to the foregoing Address was as under :— “ I accept, with sincere pleasure, your congratulations on ray safe arrival in this country; and I receive with the greatest satisfaction your assurances of devoted loyalty and attachment. “ It is my anxious desire to encourage the industry of my Irish subjects, and to promote the full development of the great natural resources of Ireland ; and I share with you in the confident belief that the striking display of beauti¬ ful productions of Art and of Industry by which I am surrounded is to be appreciated not only as evidence of successful genius, but as a happy manifestation of that persevering energy which, under the blessing of Divine Providence, is an un¬ failing source of national prosperity.” In the Address from the Corporation to His Royal Highness Prince Albert, a graceful compliment is paid to the position which he occupied in connexion with the Great Exhibition of 1851:— “ May it please your Royal Highness,— -We, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the City of Dublin, approach your Royal Highness on your arrival in this country to offer the assurances of our profound respect. “ We rejoice to be afforded the opportunity of testifying in this Hall those sentiments in which we participate with every class of our fellow-countrymen. “ Emanating directly from a patriotism unparalleled in the history of our country, this Great Exhibition is still the re¬ sult of that wisdom and genius which have marked your Royal Highness’s distinguished career. “ To you belongs the grand idea of arousing the intelligence of the world in a generous competition to promote the Arts of Industry and Peace, and we congratulate your Royal Highness on the glorious scene around you, which presents a prac¬ tical proof that your teaching and example have not been in vain. “ We devoutly pray that your Royal Highness may long be spared to foster and support the new spirit which you have called into existence, and to promote the arts of civilization and peace amongst all classes of the people of these realms. To the foregoing Address His Royal Highness replied in the following terms:— “ My Lord Mayor and Gentlemen, —Your cordial and flattering reception demands my wannest acknowledgments. “ It is with peculiar satisfaction that I have received the gratifying expressions of your kind feelings towards me, un¬ der the roof of a Building dedicated to the promotion of the arts of civilization and peace, amongst all classes of the people of these kingdoms and of the world; and I truly rejoice to think that in promoting such objects you take the surest method of advancing that which I, in common with yourselves, have deeply at heart—I mean the prosperity of Ireland.” The royal visit on this occasion was, for the most part, one of ceremony ; but on the mornings of the three following days Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert, accompanied by the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, visited the Exhibition, and minutely inspected its contents, going regularly through the several departments. These visits took place at an early hour, before the public were admitted, the Exhibiters being in attendance for the purpose of giving any required explanation. In the further progress of the Exhibition there is little calling for special observation in this place. Towards the close, the rate of admission was reduced to 6c/., particulars of which will be found in detail in a succeeding page. As in the case of the Hyde Park Exhibition, increasing numbers continued to visit it until the close, which for some weeks before had been announced to take place on Monday, the 31st of Oc¬ tober. The attendance on the previous Saturday reached the large number of 23,116 persons. Within the last few days of the closing, a strong feeling was manifested in favour of keeping the Building open another week, for the accommodation of large numbers of persons, especially of the working class, who had not previously opportunities, or had neglected them, of visiting the Exhibition. An urgent appeal was made to this effect to the Executive Committee, but the public notification having taken place, and the arrangements for the closing ceremonial having been made, it was considered by the Committee that it would not be keeping with the public that good faith which had hitherto characterized all proceedings con¬ nected with the Exhibition, to accede to such an application. The fiat had gone forth, and could not be reversed. Tlje closing ceremonial on the 31st of October was witnessed by over 12,000 persons; some of whom were there for the first time, but many others were present to get a last look of the almost fairy scene, the contemplation of which had for months previous afforded so much gratification, and, it may be added, sup¬ plied so much useful information. Through the instrumentality of the Exhibition the season had been ren¬ dered one of unusual brilliancy and attraction in Dublin, and that which had been the occasion of all was about to pass away as a dream, without leaving even a vestige behind to indicate the peaceful INTRODUCTION. 19 triumph of industry which had been achieved. As the hour drew nigh for the closing ceremonial, four o’clock, p.m., the examination in detail of the numerous objects of attraction was abandoned, and last lingering looks were taken at the coup (Tail which surrounded the visitors. How different the feelings of that moment from those which crowded themselves upon the mind at the opening! Then, all was joyous anticipation. Faint glimpses of the rich intellectual banquet provided had been caught, which only increased the feeling of impatience to participate more largely of it. Now, all was about to pass away. The last act of the great drama of 1853_that which ever after must shed a lustre on Ireland, and which had already materially im¬ proved her position in the estimation of surrounding nations—was drawing to a close. The curtain was about to fall amid enthusiastic demonstrations of applause as to the character of the performance—clouded, no doubt, by the anticipation that in another moment all would be at an end. At that moment the full value of the obligation which the founder of the Exhibition had conferred upon his country came to be duly estimated. At the opening, all was, to some extent, a brilliant promise; at the close, the fruit had been enjoyed. A musical performance was deemed the most fitting mode of bringing the Exhibition to a termination ; the ceremonial on the occasion somewhat resembling that of the opening. The semicircular space beneath the great organ was converted into an orchestra, which accommodated upwards of 500 performers, under the direction of Mr. Joseph Robinson. A dais, covered with scarlet cloth, was erected in front of the orchestra, and thereon were placed two handsome chairs, for the Lord Lieutenant and the Countess of St. Germans. Surrounding the dais were large numbers of distinguished personages. On either side were several military bands, to assist in the orchestral performance. The following was the programme ; and it is unnecessary to add, that the manner in which it was gone through left nothing to be desired by the most fastidious :— The Himdreth Psalm, as at the Inauguration—Organ and Orchestra, . . Arranged by J, Robinson. The Heavens are telling—Organ and Orchestra,. Haydn. The Exhibition Grand March — Military Bands,. R. P. Stewart , Mus. D. Grand Hallelujah Chorus—Organ and Orchestra,. Handel. March from Athalie—Military Bands,. Mendelssohn. On the termination of the musical performance, Mr. Cusac P. Roney, the active and energetic Secretary of the Exhibition, was introduced to the Lord Lieutenant by the Chairman of the Executive Committee ; and thereupon he received the honour of knighthood amidst the cordial greeting of those present, and the hearty congratulations of his friends. The ceremonial was then concluded by His Excellency formally declaring the Exhibition to be closed ; and in doing so he said:—“ I cannot declare the Great Industrial Exhibition of 1853 to be closed, without expressing an earnest wish for the health, happiness, and prosperity of the man to whom we are all indebted for the instruction we have received from the many productions of Art andNature which are contained within these walls. I also desire to acknowledge the liberality of the owners of those treasures, for permitting them to be exhibited. Let me also pay a tribute of praise to the Committee, the Secretaries, and the other Officers connected with it, for the zeal, the assiduity, and the intelligence with which they have discharged their many duties. Lastly, let me, in the name of this assembly, offer to Almighty God our heartfelt thanks for having blessed and prospered this undertaking.” Having now briefly traced the history of the Exhibition of 1853, it only remains to consider how far it fulfilled its functions, and to note some of the peculiar circumstances connected with it; referring the reader to the statistical statements herewith appended, for further information respecting the attendance of visitors, matters of finance, and several other particulars. A distinguishing characteristic of the L'ish Exhibition was, the manner in which it was got up ; in which respect it was unique. Those interested in such matters will recollect, that in the preliminary arrangements for the London Exhibition, the chief difficulty was to obtain the necessary funds to insure the originators of it from pecuniary loss. This was attempted, in the first instance, through the agency of a private firm em¬ barking in the undertaking as a commercial speculatipn; but it was soon ascertained that the arrangement then entered into was founded upon a very imperfect idea of the requirements of the enterprise ; and after being completed, the agreement to that effect had to be abandoned. The next expedient was an appeal to the public, more especially to those likely to become Exhibiters, for subscriptions, to form the necessary prelimi- d 2 20 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. nary fund to save the promoters harmless; in this way, a sum of £67,896 was actually paid in to the credit of the Royal Commissioners, and which nearly covered the building contract with Messrs. Fox and Hender¬ son. Although, therefore, a large surplus was available at the close of the Exhibition of 1851, it will be seen, that as a starting-point, it was deemed necessary to obtain pecuniary aid from the public, to such an extent as would meet any possible deficiency that might arise. In like manner, when the Cork Exhibition of 1852 was determined on, a similar policy was pursued; the amount of subscriptions obtained going far to defray the expenses of the building department. Unlike, therefore, all previous efforts in the same direction, where a large expenditure was involved, it has already been seen that the Exhibition to which these pages are devoted owed its origin solely to the public spirit of a single individual; who, when he saw the opportu¬ nity for making a great movement for the improvement of the country, determined that the necessary funds should not be wanting, whatever might be the risk thereby involved. By its connexion with the Royal Dublin Society, and by vesting the management of it in an Executive Committee composed of men of high character and station, an appearance of nationality was, as it were, imparted to the Exhibition, while in reality it was a private undertaking, its founder being the only party responsible for any loss that might accrue ; though nothing could possibly be gained thereby, as any surplus left, after defraying all necessary charges, was to be devoted to some work of public utility. This, then, is one of the peculiar features of the late Exhibition, and one, moreover, which smoothed many of those difficulties incidental to any under¬ taking of the kind, where so many persons are to be conciliated whose interests may be, in some degree, conflicting. If an Exhibiter felt that he had anything to complain of in the arrangements connected with his department, or if any regulation was made which seemed to bear hard on particular individuals—all was submitted to with a good grace, lest any apparent opposition might interfere with the success of the Exhi¬ bition, in which almost every one felt a sort of personal interest, in the hope that Mr. Dargan might be no loser thereby. This feeling of the Exhibiters towards the founder of the Exhibition was not less cordially testified during its progress, than by the banquet with which they celebrated its closing. Each and all appreciated the generous munificence to which they were indebted for the great cosmopolitan demonstration in which they had the opportunity of taking part; and which is likely to be the last of the kind in the United Kingdom during the present generation. On looking over the financial statement, to be found in a succeeding page, it will be seen that in one respect the Exhibition has not been so successful as could have been wished, inasmuch as it has entailed on the founder of it a considerable pecuniary loss. For some time past, it has been generally supposed that such would be the case ; still the official announcement of the fact will not be received with the less regret by the public. So far as regards Mi-. Dargan himself, we believe this to be wholly an immaterial consideration. The manner in which he, from time to time, made one advance after another, until the £20,000, supposed in the first instance to be sufficient, was increased to four times that sum, showed that in his esti¬ mation, the pecuniary success of the Exhibition was a secondary affair—that, in short, any feeling of this kind should not be allowed to stand in the way of every necessary requirement being supplied. The attain¬ ment of the object in view was not to be measured by the loss of a few thousand pounds; and at the Exhi¬ bitors’ Banquet the Chairman of the Executive Committee announced that Mr. Dargan was perfectly satis¬ fied with the result of the Exhibition in a pecuniary point of view, though it was then well known that the accounts would show a considerable deficiency. But still the public will not the less regret that the balance is not the other way, or that the act which conferred so much honour on the country, and, it may be added, such signal advantages, should have been attended by any pecuniary sacrifice whatever. Although unsuccessful in a department which by many persons may be regarded as of primary import, the Exhibition has otherwise gone far to realize the most sanguine anticipations that could have been formed regarding it. That it accelerated the progress of improvement which had previously set in, is beyond question. It has done much to make the people of other countries acquainted with the capabilities of Ireland, with the resources which she possesses, and the extent to which they are developed; and of the thousands of strangers whom it has brought to our shores, several have already become settlers amongst us. It has shown the departments of industry in which we excel, as well as those in which we are deficient—and that on evidence not to be questioned—in either case affording incentives to further exertion. So far as the great body of the Exhibiters are concerned, it has been eminently successful; as, through the absence of all severe restrictions on the part of the Committee, in the way of affixing prices or disposing of their INTRODUCTION. 21 goods, a large amount of business was transacted—indeed, through the Exhibition, we have reason to know that many persons have made what to them are fortunes. And further, the Exhibition has been of essential service, by the extent to which it enforced the value of persistent and well-directed industry and self- reliance_those qualities, the absence of which amongst us has hitherto been so much lamented. In the addresses presented to the Queen, Prince Albert, and the Lord Lieutenant, to be found in preceding pages, the extent to which this doctrine is referred to is worthy of note, and is in the highest degree significant; while gratifying testimony is borne to its now being generally recognised and acted upon. In this point of view, therefore, the lessons taught by the Exhibition will bring forth good fruit. Nor must we omit to mention, that amongst the more tangible immediate results of the Exhibition is the founding of a Gallery of the Fine Arts, which may be said to have sprung out of the magnificent collection in that department— an Institution which has already been open to the public; which in all time to come cannot fail to serve as a gratifying memento of the great demonstration out of which it originated; and which is destined to confer substantial advantages upon a people proverbial for their appreciation and love of Art. That the arrangements of the Executive Committee were generally satisfactory to the Exhibiters may also be inferred from the enthusiasm with which the Exhibiters’ Banquet to Mr. Dargan and the members of the Committee was got up. That great demonstration was among the gratifying incidents of the Exhi¬ bition ; and so anxiously was the opportunity seized for paying such an appropriate compliment, that many parties came from distant parts of England and Scotland to attend on the occasion. We the more readily refer to this topic, on account of the clamour so needlessly raised by some discontented persons whose province seems to be for ever to find fault, and by others who have been disappointed in their expectations, and who, in consequence, are seldom at a loss to find parties to whom to attach all the blame. Now that the whole proceedings can be reviewed in connexion with the experience derived therefrom, it is easy to perceive where improvements might have been introduced; but this is manifestly an unfair way to come to a conclusion, as all past events are solely to be judged by the extent of information available at the time. However excellent may be the arrangements for any such demonstration as that which so recently took place on Leinster Lawn, Exhibiters are not thereby relieved of the responsibility of looking after their property; and if, through care¬ lessness, they delegate this duty to other hands, they may calculate on some articles being missing, and on others getting injured. For this they have themselves to blame. The gentlemen comprising the Executive Committee devoted a large amount of time to working out the undertaking, for which they have by no means got the credit which they deserve. That the leading Officials also exerted themselves with diligence may be gathered from the testimony which is available on the subject. The Secretary was rewarded by having the honour of knighthood conferred upon him ; the Assistant Secretary, Mr. Deane, on the close of the Exhibi¬ tion, was offered an influential position at Sydenham as an acknowledgment of his persevering and successful exertions on behalf of our great Irish demonstration ; and Mr. Jones, the chief Financial Officer, in addition to receiving a testimonial here, consisting of a handsome service of plate, was also rewarded by an appoint¬ ment at Sydenham. In recording the history of the Exhibition these are circumstances which we would be scarcely justified in passing over without notice; and they afford a satisfactory answer to the carpings to which we have referred. We now proceed to place some statistics connected with the Exhibition before the reader, commencing with an account of the sale of Season Tickets. The receipts in this Department were highly satisfactory; the number of season ticket-holders being as large as could reasonably have been expected. As compared with the returns of the Exhibition of 1851, the account contained in the following page presents some curious features. The prices in London were respectively £3 3s. and £2 2s. for gentlemen’s and ladies’ tickets, and here, £2 2s. and £1 l.s.; boys under fifteen years of age paying in the latter case the same as ladies. The total number of season tickets sold in 1851 was 25,605, of which 13,494 were gentlemen’s, and 12,111 ladies’ tickets; while here the total number was 12,952, of which there were only 4418 gentlemen’s tickets. In London it will be seen, that among the holders of these tickets the gentlemen had a considerable majority ; but here the ladies had nearly two to one. This is certainly a singular circumstance. The Table will also show the rate at which the sale progressed. The increased sales from the 5th to the 9th of July were owing to the rumoured royal visit, which was supposed to take place about that time ; and again when the intention of her Majesty to visit the Exhibition was officially announced, a demand arose for the season tickets, from an impression that the holders of these only would be admissible on certain days. THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Table showing the Sale of Season Tickets during the Exhibition. DATE. LADIES. GENTLE¬ MEN. 1 BOYS. RECEIPTS. Previous to V opening, $ May 13, . . 6208 3711 120 £ 14437 it. 10 d. 0 118 135 9 416 17 0 „ 14, • • 64 29 5 133 7 0 16, • • 41 16 7 84 0 0 „ 17, . . 100 36 0 180 12 0 „ 18, . . 61 15 6 101 17 0 „ 19, • • 50 27 4 113 8 0 „ 20, . . 71 22 4 124 19 0 „ 21, . . 72 22 4 126 0 0 „ 23, . . 63 17 2 103 19 0 „ 24, . . 59 22 1 109 4 0 I? 25, . . 49 10 2 74 11 0 „ 26, . . 35 7 4 55 13 0 „ 27, . . 29 17 0 66 3 0 „ 28, . . 28 8 1 47 5 0 ,, 30, . . 39 9 0 59 17 0 „ 31, . . 36 12 0 63 0 0 June 1, . . 38 11 4 67 4 0 n 2, . . 30 13 0 58 16 0 a 3, . . 30 7 2 48 6 0 „ 4, . . 40 10 0 63 0 0 „ 6, . . 16 5 1 28 7 0 „ 7, . . 20 5 2 33 12 0 „ 8, • • 9 2 1 14 14 0 ii 9, . . 14 1 0 16 16 0 „ 10, . . 16 1 0 18 18 0 „ 11, • • 24 3 0 31 10 0 „ 13, . . 13 6 0 26 5 0 „ 14, . . 12 4 0 21 0 0 „ 15, . . 19 3 0 26 5 0 „ 16, • . 20 5 0 31 10 0 „ 17, . . 17 7 0 32 11 0 „ 18, . . 17 11 0 40 19 0 „ 20, . . 8 6 0 21 0 0 „ 21, . . 11 1 0 13 13 0 ii 22, . . 16 2 1 22 1 0 „ 23, . . 12 5 1 24 3 0 „ 24, . . 15 1 0 17 17 0 „ 25, . . 3 1 1 6 6 0 „ 27, . . 2 0 1 3 3 0 „ 28, . . 7 1 0 9 9 0 „ 29, . . 4 2 0 8 8 0 „ 30, . . 9 1 0 11 11 0 July 1, . . 6 2 0 10 10 0 „ 2, . . 8 1 0 10 10 0 „ 4, . . 6 0 0 6 6 0 „ 5, . . 19 3 1 27 6 0 ,, 6, . . 25 6 0 38 17 0 ,, 7, . . 40 7 0 56 14 0 „ 8, . . 19 2 0 24 3 0 „ 9, • • 14 1 0 16 16 0 „ 11, . . 9 2 1 14 14 0 „ 12, . . 8 1 0 10 10 0 „ 13, . . 4 0 0 4 4 0 „ 14, . . 5 1 0 7 7 0 „ 15, . . 7 2 0 11 11 0 „ 16, . . 3 1 0 5 5 0 „ 18, . . 5 1 0 7 7 0 Carried for¬ ward , . . . | 7723 4259 185 17,247 6 0 DATE. LADIES. GENTLE¬ MEN. BOYS. RECEIPTS. Brought for¬ ward, . . 7723 4259 185 £ 17,247 s. 6 d. 0 July 19, . . 4 2 0 8 8 0 „ 20, . . 4 1 0 6 6 0 „ 21, . . 2 1 0 4 4 0 „ 22, . . 4 1 0 6 6 0 „ 23, . . 9 2 0 13 13 0 „ 25, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 26, . . 4 1 0 6 6 0 „ 27, . . 5 0 0 5 5 0 „ 28, . . 2 1 0 4 4 0 „ 29, . . 5 0 1 6 6 0 „ 30, . . 5 2 0 9 9 0 Aug. 1, . . 6 1 0 8 8 0 „ 2, . . 3 1 0 5 5 0 „ 3, . • 5 0 0 5 5 0 „ 4, . • 3 1 0 5 5 0 „ 5, . • 9 1 0 11 11 0 „ 6, . • 8 0 0 8 8 0 „ 8, . • 9 0 1 10 10 0 n 9, . • 2 2 1 7 7 0 „ 10, . . 2 0 0 2 2 0 „ 11,.. 5 0 0 5 5 0 „ 12, . ■ 4 0 0 4 4 0 „ 13, . • 11 0 0 11 11 0 „ 15, . • 5 2 0 9 9 0 „ 16, . . 3 2 1 8 8 0 „ 17, . . 10 5 0 21 0 0 „ 18, . . 11 1 0 13 13 0 „ 19, . . 8 1 0 10 10 0 „ 20, . . 12 0 0 12 12 0 ii 22, . . 14 2 0 18 18 0 „ 23, . . 28 8 1 47 5 0 „ 24, . . 23 6 0 36 15 0 „ 25, . . 38 7 0 54 12 0 „ 26, . . 63 12 1 92 8 0 „ 27, . . 96 14 1 131 5 0 „ 29, . . 148 50 2 262 10 0 „ 30, . . 16 22 1 64 1 0 „ 31, . . 1 1 0 3 3 0 Sept. 1, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 2, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 3, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 ii 5, • . 3 1 0 5 5 0 „ 7, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 10, . . 2 0 0 2 2 0 „ 12, . . 10 0 0 10 10 0 „ 13, . . 4 0 0 4 4 0 „ 17, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 21, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 22, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 23, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 26, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 28, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 29, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 Oct. 3, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 4, . . 1 0 0 1 1 0 „ 10, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 12, . . 0 1 0 2 2 0 „ 31, . . 1 1 0 3 3 0 Total, 8339 4418 195 18,238 10 0 The Return commencing on the next page shows the rate of admission, the number of persons paying at the doors, the number of season ticket-holders, and the total number of persons of all classes admitted on each day, during the entire period the Exhibition remained open. INTRODUCTION. 23 Table showing Receipts and Attendance daily during the Exhibition. Date. Entrance Fee. Amount received at the Doors. Number of Persons who visited the Building. Paying at Doors. With Season Tickets. Total for Day, exclusive of Exhibiters. Total for Day, including Exhibiters. s. d. £ s. d. May 12, Thursday, .... 10138 10138 12000 11 13, Friday,. 5 0 72 10 0 290 2833 3123 » 14, Saturday, .... 5 0 57 15 0 231 3209 3440 11 16, Monday,. 5 0 58 0 0 232 4882 5114 o .'S, '§J n 17, Tuesday,. 5 0 79 15 0 319 5385 5704 11 18, Wednesday, . . . 5 0 70 10 0 282 4066 4348 ii 11 19, Thursday, .... 5 0 61 0 0 244 3484 3728 hcbD „ 20, Friday,. 5 0 83 0 0 332 4449 4781 fis » 21, Saturday, .... 5 0 73 15 0 295 4553 4848 S §©. r— T? CS 11 23, Monday,. 2 6 91 15 0 734 4262 4996 a; a) £ ,jo 11 24, Tuesday,. 2 6 105 7 6 843 3329 4172 11 25, Wednesday, . . . 2 6 116 7 6 931 3824 4755 ji 26, Thursday, .... 2 6 106 5 0 850 3355 4205 C O qJ u 27, Friday,. 2 6 119 2 6 953 3829 4782 11 28, Saturday, .... 2 6 107 10 0 860 3602 4462 r Si S g +* 50 , ii 30, Monday,. 2 6 114 15 0 918 3953 4871 o c A +* <3 W 0 31, Tuesday,. 2 6 146 10 0 1172 3638 4810 rr \ June 1, Wednesday, . . . 2 6 156 17 6 1255 4214 5469 sn ^ 11 2, Thursday, .... 2 6 117 17 6 943 2956 3899 3 11 3, Friday, . 2 6 121 10 0 972 3150 4122 * c g. 11 4, Saturday, .... 2 6 141 12 6 1133 4529 5662 ^ j3 © ° 0)0 11 6, Monday, . 1 0 156 16 0 3136 2640 5776 pH ^ ^ O JO o cj 11 7, Tuesday, . 1 0 193 8 0 3868 2915 6783 £ C to 11 8, Wednesday, . . . 2 6 108 15 0 870 2348 3218 C jS o 11 9, Thursday, .... 1 0 193 12 0 3872 2052 5924 H 11 10, Friday,. 1 0 183 15 0 3675 3126 6801 11 11, Saturday, .... 2 6 119 0 0 952 4754 5706 - 11 13, Monday,. 1 0 244 11 0 4891 3720 8611 9872 11 14, Tuesday,. 1 0 201 6 0 4026 2610 6636 7492 11 15, Wednesday, . . . 2 6 121 2 6 969 3934 4903 5406 11 16, Thursday, .... 1 0 252 17 0 5057 2772 7829 8742 „ 17, Friday, . 1 0 255 2 0 5102 3040 8142 9432 >' 18, Saturday, .... 2 6 186 17 6 1495 3690 5185 6873 20, Monday,. 1 0 251 11 0 5031 1834 6865 7847 11 21, Tuesday,. 1 0 250 1 0 5001 2982 7983 7227 11 22, Wednesday, . . . 2 6 138 17 6 mi 3704 4815 6043 11 23, Thursday, .... 1 0 275 7 0 5507 1815 7322 7892 11 24, Friday,. 1 0 209 17 0 4197 2448 6645 7543 11 25, Saturday, .... 2 6 110 12 6 885 3227 4112 5403 11 27, Monday,. 1 0 249 2 0 4982 2190 7172 7809 11 28, Tuesday,. 1 0 228 6 0 4566 2645 7211 7932 11 29, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 153 18 0 3078 3030 6108 7214 „ 30, Thursday, .... 1 0 207 10 0 4150 1770 5920 7156 July 1, Friday,. 1 0 214 19 0 4299 2267 6566 7547 »» 2, Saturday, .... 2 6 124 15 0 998 3441 4439 5693 11 4, Monday,. 1 0 279 18 0 5598 2272 7870 8743 11 5, Tuesday,. 1 0 231 3 0 4623 2593 7216 8193 „ G, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 196 2 0 3922 2469 6391 7442 77 7, Thursday, .... 1 0 255 4 0 5104 3537 8641 9437 „ 8, Friday,. 1 0 230 14 0 4614 2409 7023 8006 77 9, Saturday, .... 2 6 97 7 6 779 2712 3491 4329 77 11, Monday, . 1 0 281 2 0 5622 2602 8224 9743 77 12, Tuesday,. 1 0 248 19 0 4979 2014 6993 8556 77 13, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 251 0 0 5020 2546 7566 8207 Carried forward , .... 8705 2 6 135,768 179,748 315,516 431,779 24 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Date. Entrance Fee. Amount received at the Doors. Number or Paying at Doors. Persons wi With Season Tickets. 10 VISITED T Total for Day, exclusive of Exhibiters. he Building. Total for Day, including Exhibiters. 5. d. £ s. d. Brought forward, .... 8705 2 6 135,768 179,748 315,516 431,779 July 14, Thursday, .... i 0 262 12 0 5252 2705 7957 9116 15, Friday,. i 0 252 3 0 5043 2393 7436 8617 1G, Saturday, .... 2 6 128 10 0 1028 1548 2576 3302 „ 18, Monday,. 1 0 304 7 0 6087 2086 8173 9017 11 19, Tuesday,. 1 0 254 11 0 5091 4589 9680 10079 „ 20, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 249 1 0 4981 2369 * 7350 8763 „ 21, Thursday, .... 1 0 263 14 0 5274 3099 8373 9439 22, Friday, . 1 0 227 8 0 4548 2168 6716 7397 11 23, Saturday, .... 2 6 97 5 0 778 2356 3134 3642 11 25, Monday,. 1 0 301 15 0 6035 2085 8120 9134 11 26, Tuesday,. 1 0 192 9 0 3849 1083 4932 6016 11 27, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 222 13 0 4453 1360 5813 6714 11 28, Thursday, .... 1 0 256 4 0 5124 2173 7297 8014 11 29, Friday,. 1 0 241 17 0 4837 1922 6759 7942 11 30, Saturday, .... 2 6 89 17 6 719 1788 2507 3322 Aug 1, Monday, . 1 0 267 10 0 5350 2028 7378 8135 11 2, Tuesday, . 1 0 243 2 0 4862 2111 6973 8043 11 3, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 245 6 0 4906 2144 7050 8094 11 4, Thursday, .... 1 0 247 1 0 4941 2016 6957 7463 11 5, Friday,. 1 0 254 1 0 5081 1848 6929 7717 11 6, Saturday, .... 2 6 115 0 0 920 2424 3344 4104 11 8, Monday,. 1 0 376 6 0 7526 2076 9602 10416 11 9, Tuesday,. 1 0 281 18 0 5638 1884 7522 8207 11 10, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 259 17 0 5197 1831 7028 7879 „ 11, Thursday, .... 1 0 234 16 0 4696 1843 6539 7383 11 12, Friday,. 1 0 260 12 0 5212 1808 , 7020 7932 » 13, Saturday, .... 2 6 121 17 6 975 2283 3258 3703 11 15, Monday,. 1 0 742 18 0 14858 2041 16899 18103 11 16, Tuesday,. 1 0 270 8 0 5408 733 6141 6853 11 17, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 229 19 0 4599 897 5496 6914 „ 18, Thursday, .... 1 0 232 4 0 4644 1641 6285 8116 11 19, Friday,. 1 0 211 4 0 4224 1686 5910 6512 11 20, Saturday, .... 2 6 121 7 6 971 2132 3103 3812 22, Monday,. 1 0 328 6 0 6566 1610 8176 9416 23, Tuesday,. 1 0 222 9 0 4449 1708 6157 7091 11 24, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 280 5 0 5605 1851 7456 8487 25, Thursday, .... 1 0 300 19 0 6019 1663 7682 8704 26, Friday,. 1 0 349 10 0 6990 2029 9019 10004 11 27, Saturday, .... 2 6 182 17 6 1463 2454 3917 4763 29, Monday,. 1 0 452 0 0 9040 4864 13904 15416 30, Tuesday,. 2 6 105 10 0 844 2867 3711 3207 31, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 200 19 0 4019 1719 5738 6219 Sept 1, Thursday, .... 1 0 351 4 0 7024 2223 9247 10314 2, Friday,. 1 0 357 10 0 7150 4003 11153 12016 11 3, Saturday, .... 1 0 80 0 0 1G00 1866 3466 4008 5, Monday,. 1 0 304 18 0 6098 2328 8426 9418 6, Tuesday,. 1 0 206 13 0 4133 2221 6354 7103 7, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 221 13 0 4433 1987 6420 7814 11 8, Thursday, .... 1 0 213 2 0 4262 1430 5692 5816 9, Friday,. 1 0 217 18 0 4358 1955 6313 7602 11 10, Saturday, .... 1 0 130 6 0 2606 1973 4579 5219 12, Monday,. 1 0 248 4 0 4964 1642 6606 7173 13, Tuesday,. 1 0 223 16 0 4476 1570 6046 6917 14, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 212 12 0 ' 4252 1384 5646 6741 15, Thursday, .... 1 0 197 19 0 3959 1685 5644 6214 16, Friday,. 1 0 186 6 0 3726 1603 5329 5847 11 17, Saturday, .... 1 0 161 14 0 3234 2293 5527 6341 Carried forward, .... 22,501 6 6 1 400,145 297,826 697,971 863,529 INTRODUCTION. 25 Number of Persons who visited the Building. Date. Entrance Fee. Amoont received at tue Doors. Paying at Doors. With Season Tickets. Total for Day, exclusive of Exhibiters. Total for Day, including Exhibiters. Brought forward, .... s . d. £ 22,501 s . 6 d. 6 400,145 297,826 697,971 863,529 Sept. 19, Monday,. 1 0 217 19 0 4359 1382 5741 6414 20, Tuesday,. 21, Wednesday. . . . 1 0 162 2 0 3242 1351 4593 5204 1 0 205 8 0 4108 1994 6102 6816 22, Thursday, .... 1 0 178 15 0 3575 942 4517 5403 23, Friday,. 1 0 150 13 0 3013 1282 4295 4714 JJ 24, Saturday, .... 1 0 127 17 0 2557 2131 4688 4957 26, Monday,. 1 0 190 12 0 3812 1246 5058 5495 27, Tuesday,. 1 0 144 6 0 2886 1236 4122 4904 28, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 157 0 0 3140 1621 4761 5116 29, Thursday, .... 1 0 126 1 0 2521 730 3251 3704 30, Friday,. l 0 109 13 0 2193 1447 3640 4257 Oct. 1, Saturday, .... 1 0 93 8 0 1868 1742 3610 4317 3, Monday,. 1 0 169 13 0 3393 1450 4843 5591 4, Tuesday,. 1 0 130 8 0 2608 1053 3661 4219 5, Wednesday, . . . 1 0 134 7 0 2687 1163 3850 4694 6, Thursday, .... 1 0 105 17 0 2117 1094 3211 3514 7, Friday,. 1 0 104 14 0 2094 807 2901 3619 8, Saturday, .... 1 0 109 16 0 2196 2859 5055 5918 10, Monday,. 0 6 135 1 0 5402 1240 6642 7690 11, Tuesday,. 0 6 105 8 0 4216 1233 5449 6119 » 12, Wednesday, . . . 0 6 132 0 0 5280 1836 7116 7714 )) 13, Thursday, .... 0 6 126 14 6 5069 1485 6554 7162 14, Friday,. 0 6 113 13 0 4546 2167 6713 7793 15, Saturday, .... 0 6 115 16 0 4632 2646 7278 8275 17, Monday,. 0 6 206 17 6 8275 1354 9629 10214 jj 18, Tuesday. 0 6 156 9 0 6258 2732 8990 9816 19, Wednesday, . . . 0 6 91 11 6 3663 705 4368 5104 20, Thursday, .... 0 6 139 16 0 5592 1980 7572 8482 21, Friday,. 0 6 102 13 0 4106 1356 5462 6074 » 22, Saturday. 0 6 148 2 6 5925 3441 9366 10416 24, Monday,. 0 6 248 12 0 9944 1818 11762 12508 25, Tuesday,. 0 6 128 1 0 5122 1355 6477 6917 26, Wednesday, . . . 0 6 258 2 0 10324 2780 13104 14117 27, Thursday, .... 0 6 325 14 6 13029 997 14026 15104 28, Friday,. 0 6 354 0 6 14161 2732 16893 17863 i> 29, Saturday, .... 0 6 422 16 6 16913 5053 21966 23116 31, Monday . 2 6 550 2 6 4401 6657 11058 12500 Total, .... 28,981 6 6 589,372 366,923 956,295 1,149,369 We have now the two great items of receipts—the proceeds of the sale of season tickets and of the pay¬ ments at the doors for admission. By arrangements made with the railway companies excursion tickets were admissible, and a few of the English visitors availed themselves thereof. Towards the close, the Irish railway companies conveyed passengers to and from Dublin at very low rates, the railway ticket also includ¬ ing admission to the Exhibition; but this movement was unfortunately delayed until too late a period of the season to realize the expectations which might very reasonably have been formed regarding it. The entire amount received by the Committee, as the result of these arrangements, was the comparatively trifling sum of £1414 6s. Id. The persons admitted in this way have been included in the Tabular Statement with those coming under the head of Exliibiters. A further source of income arose from the sale of admission tickets in the Office, for the convenience of employers who might desire to send their work-people ; and from an early period of the Exhibition these were available, admitting without reference to date, but obtainable only on ten shillings’ worth of tickets being purchased at a time. The amount received from this source was £767 16s. 6 d. The entire sum, therefore, received for admission to the Exhibition was £49,401 19s. Id. E 26 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. Owing to the continuous arrivals of goods for some time after the Exhibition opened, the Official Cata¬ logue was not ready for delivery to the public until the 31st of May. The sales for three weeks were thereby lost, still the entire number sold was fully what could fairly have been reckoned on, taking as a guide the Exhibition of 1851. On that occasion the entire number of visitors was 6,039,195, and the number of copies of the shilling edition of the Catalogue sold, 285,854; here the visitors amounted to 1,149,369, and the Shil¬ ling Catalogues sold to 50,123. The following Account shows the disbursements and receipts connected with the Exhibition STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND RECEIPTS. Dr. Outlay. Salaries and wages,.£8442 12 9 Travelling expenses, transport of goods, and foreign expenses,. 4982 11 4 Printing and advertising,. 4357 5 10 Office expenses,. 1740 2 6 Furnishing Exhibition Building and offices, 3314 1G 6 Wages of Police in care of Building, &c. . 2889 14 7 Corporation for flagway in Merrion-square, 200 0 0 Ditto, for pipe-water,. 326 11 11 Gas,. 303 3 0 Music,. 1510 0 5 Payment to families of sufferers by the acci¬ dent in the Building,. 2751010 £28,342 9 8 Cost of Building,*. 59,871 2 1 £88,213 11 9 Receipts. Cr. Season tickets,. .£18,238 10 0 Receipts at door, . 28,981 6 6 Railway, excursion, and day tickets,! 2,182 3 1 Proceeds of Catalogues,. 2,928 0 3 Rent of refreshment rooms, . . . . 550 0 0 Received for keeping sticks and parasols, 265 2 0 Received for use of retiring rooms, . 52 18 4 Profit on sale of ticket cases, . . . . 23 1 4 Ditto, returned by Mr. Woodhouse on sale of medals in the Exhibition, . . . 11 12 0 £53,232 13 6 Value of Building, . . . £12,000 0 0 „ Machinery, . . 2,500 0 0 „ Water-closets, . 700 0 0 „ Sundries, . . . 800 0 0 16,000 0 0 Balance, . 18,980 18 3 £88,213 11 9 April 7, 1854. I certify that the above statement of Disbursements and Receipts is correct. HENRY BROWN, Auditor of Accounts to the Committee, 3, 'Ashbrook Terrace. From the foregoing Statement it will be seen, that the deficiency in the receipts, as compared with the expenditure, is £18,980 18s. 3c?. We may observe, that the sum which appears in the account as the value of the Building is that at which it was estimated by Mr. Lanyon, Mr. G. W. Hemans, and Mr. G. M. Miller, these gentlemen having consented to value it at the request of the Executive Committee. The other items of assets are those actually realized by the sale of the several articles_J. S. * Of this sum, there was paid in wages, £l 7,212 16s. Gd. distributed as follows:—carpenters, £8738 12s. 7d .; la¬ bourers, £4120 15s. 5d. ; smiths, £344 3s. 2d. ; masons, £613 Is. ; sawyers, £1729 10s. Id. ; sundry labour, £421 0s. 10d.; engine men, £54 Is. 10d.; staff, £1191 11s. Id. For timber there was paid, £20,074 7s. 2d. ; and for iron and iron-work, £4374 0s. 5 d. including the following items : —iron, £329 8s. Id. ; ironmongery, £523 9s.; iron-work, £2150 17s. 8 d. ; nails, £949 13s. 2d.; screws, £420 12s. The charge for plumbing was £488 19s. 4 d. ; for felt for roof, £1335 14s. 5d.; for glass and glazing, £1836 4s. Id .; for cast-iron pillars, £ 1705 18s. 6d. ; for paint and painting, £3573 Is. lO^d.; for sundry materials, £1778 5s. 2d .; for stationary engine and gearing, £2944 2s. 8d.; for water- closets, £716 13s. 8 d. This amount also includes, contin¬ gencies, £2080 13s. 2\d.\ architect’s fee, £1200; premiums for designs for building, £100; insurance of building, pictures, &c., £450 4s. f The sum paid to the Finance Committee of the Exhibi¬ tion by the several Irish railway companies for the issue of admission tickets was thus distributed:—Dublin and Kings¬ town,£541 13s.; GreatSouthern and Western, £517 4s. Gd.; Dublin and Drogheda, £167 17s. 6d. ; Dublin and Belfast Junction, £42 3s. 6d.; and the Midland Great Western, £65 19s.; making, in all, £1334 17s. 6d. derived from this source. . . •• . m • . r EET & teJ $d £ o d 0) © d t> # [It will be seen by a glance at this Plan, that every available piece of ground on tbe premises of the Royal Dublin Society w as occupied by the Exhibition Building—a circumstance wine will account for the irregularity of outline.] ffirountt ^pian or THE EIH IBI TIOj 1853. r/ lDm Sib John Benson, Architect. THE EXHIBITION BUILDING. T HE erection of Buildings of huge dimensions for temporary purposes may be said to have introduced a new order of architecture, whose development is pregnant with results which it is now difficult to estimate. The Exhibition Building in Hyde-Park impressed the spectator who saw it for the first time with a feeling of astonishment—the extent of the structure being so much greater than what could have been previously realized to the mind; and, as a first effort, it was undoubtedly entitled to much commendation. The combination of glass and iron, of which that Building mainly consisted, was then supposed to be the best that could be adopted, taking all the essential requisites into account—economy and facility of construction, combined with the smallest sacrifice in the value of the materials after being removed. But experience showed that not¬ withstanding the adaptation of these substances, so far as fulfilling some of the required conditions, the use of them was attended by great and serious drawbacks, which, perhaps, experience alone could have developed. It is, however, beyond question that the Crystal Palace showed that the materials of which it was composed could be effectively used to a much greater extent than they hitherto had been ; and this has already been practically illustrated by what may truly be called the People’s Palace at Sydenham, a structure which will long serve as a memorial of the enterprise and inventive powers of the age in which it was erected. But it was reserved for the architect of the Dublin Exhibition Building to show the adaptation of another material wood—which, for any temporary purpose, is assuredly the best that could be employed—combining the required conditions to an extent possessed by no other. It can be used with facility; it is inexpensive; and afterwards it is of greater comparative value than any other substance. It further admits of any required degree of architectural effect being obtained, a desideratum which the use of glass can go a short way in securing. If, therefore, a triumph was achieved by Sir Joseph Paxton in the Exhibition Building of 1851, by indicating the extensive use to which a hitherto little employed material could be turned—a not less important triumph has been gained by Sir John Benson in the same direction. Taking a new path, and making use, also, of a hitherto little used material, our Irish architect has produced a building altogether unique; fulfilling in an extraordinary degree every desired condition; possessing a symmetry which could scarcely have been calculated on with such large dimensions; combining architectural expression and ele¬ gance ; and indicating the path to be pursued on all future occasions in designing structures of a similar character. The original design furnished by Sir John Benson consisted of the seven portions extending from the gallery adjoining the Pine Arts Hall, to that which runs along the Court for Machinery in Motion ; all the other portions of it being subsequent additions. It will be seen on reference to the ground-plan that it required considerable ingenuity to procure the area required in so limited a site. A more imposing general effect would have been produced externally had it been possible to have presented the whole building in one general perspective; but this is the only subject of regret, and may well be disregarded, when the other great objects of the Exhibition were so fully attained. Commencing with the Great Hall, it may be regarded as the finest apartment ever erected. Its dimensions are 425 feet long, 100 feet broad, and 105 feet high.* The roof is formed of semicircular main ribs 25 feet apart, resting on trusses (a portion of which forms the roof of the adjoining gallery), and connected by a * The corresponding dimensions of the Transept of the Crystal Palace were—Length, 408 ft.; breadth, 72 ft; height, 107 ft. F 28 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. trussed wall-plate, as we may term it, which also forms the support of the intermediate ribs. The portion of the first-mentioned truss immediately under the arched rib is supported by two cast-iron columns, five feet apart from centre to centre, which again fit, with turned bearings, into cast-iron bases secured to rubble blocks. By this arrangement it will be perceived that the roof of the gallery adjoining is constructed so as to act as a buttress, and transmit any tendency to an alteration of the figure of the main roof to the other portions of the building, and by their combined mass effectually to resist it. The main ribs of this and the other arched roofs are strikingly novel in their construction. Some approxi¬ mation had before been made to the use of circular arcs of timber in roof-construction, but only with success as long as they were merely auxiliary to ordinary trussing, as in the roof of the old Halle aux Ble at Paris, and that of a riding-school at Moscow; but we believe that on no former occasion had a roof been con¬ structed whose strength consisted wholly of the inflexibility of timber arches in the direction of the radius, produced by the peculiar laminated structure adopted in this instance; the lamination being in planes parallel to the base (supposing each semicircle to be a portion of a cylinder), and not in concentric rings. This latter mode of construction is exceedingly liable to change of figure even under comparatively small amounts of pressure, and would, if adopted by Sir John Benson, have necessitated the use of numberless tie- bars, and other expedients to counteract that tendency; which would at once have seriously injured the harmony of general outline, and would have rendered the construction tedious, and barely possible, without very expensive scaffolding. Above is an engraving of a portion of one of the ribs of the Great Hall, with sections represented by shading, to show the construction. It will be perceived that it consists of two concentric laminated ribs, bound together, and (what is equally essential) kept asunder by timber struts, assuming to some extent the lattice form—the lattice bars being also designed for effect, as well as being serviceable in the construction. The upper or outer rib consists of 10 laminae, varying from 1-) inches to 2 inches in thickness, and from 4 inches to 18 inches in depth—the rule being observed of presenting the least quantity of material to resist compression, the greatest to resist extension. The breadth of the rib at top is 18 inches, and at bottom it is only 3 inches. The lower rib is formed of 1inch and 2 inch laminae,—six in number,—and is 12 inches deep and 10 inches wide. The principal connecting struts, which occur at 25 feet apart (from centre to centre) are also laminated ; each separated piece being connected by a splayed dove-tailed joint to the top and bottom ribs; and, to increase the stiffness of the connexion, a blade of boiler-plate iron, | inch thick, is interposed in the centre. These peculiarities of construction will be more clearly seen by the accompanying illustration, which shows a section of the great rib taken through the principal strut, A B. The process of preparing and putting together these monster ribs was exceed¬ ingly simple. Sufficiently large floors having been prepared, the outline of the full size was struck out on them. From it the necessary number of templets or gauges were prepared, and then the process was simply this:—The workmen brought the planks of the thicknesses required from the saw-pits ; one set of carpenters marked on them the outlines of the templets ; a second set sawed them out to the shape ; a third set stitched the edges together (with nails, Section of one of the Great Rihs of the Roof. Front View of The Irish Industrial Exhibition Building. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 29 not needles) to gain the requisite width, and planed them on the edges and exposed parts as required; a fourth set finished the adjustment on the prepared floor, and roughly secured them in their place with nails; while a fifth set bored the auger-holes, and screwed them firmly home. From each set of workmen being engaged in only one simple operation, the whole business was carried on with great accuracy and despatch. The final operation with the rib was fixing on the cast-iron sockets to receive the purlins. These sockets were screwed on the upper flange at 8 feet 3 inches apart from centre to centre. The rib was then ready for hoisting and fixing in its place; having occupied about 20 carpenters, sawyers, and labourers about four days ; containing about 7 tons of timber, 1 cwt. of plate-iron, and about 1500 screws; and weighing, with the purlin sockets, nails, &c., nearly 9 tons. The purlins, resting on the cast-iron sockets, are formed of a plank 12 inches deep, and 4 inches thick, with an additional piece, 4 inches square, applied on each side at the upper edge, making it ‘3P shaped. The ends were formed exactly to fit the iron sockets, and bored for the screw-bolts on the ground, leaving literally nothing to do to them, or with them, but to hoist them up, drop them into their places, and secure them by inserting an iron bolt, and screwing on its nut. Each purlin weighs about 6j- cwt., is 25 feet long, and is intersected by minor ribs, which are laminated in eight thicknesses, corres¬ ponding with those of the main ribs. Having very little weight to bear, they are built hollow, but they are still important for affording nailing-room for the sheeting, and also for forming panels on the inner surface. The construction of many of the circular portions of the Building involved some very nice problems of carpentry, the correct execution of which was of the very last importance, as the perspective effect of the several Halls depended on attention to these details. The slightest mistake or misfit would have remained a permanent eyesore. Among the most prominent portions were the purlins of the circular ends of the various Halls; for each series or tier of which a distinct and separate mould, representing a portion of the interior of the circular end of the roof, was required, and which, if inaccurate in the smallest degree, would have pro¬ duced a painfully distorted effect. To the credit of the hands employed, these were all made and set in then- places, fitting with the most perfect accuracy, without any opportunity of previously trying them. Except the difference of dimensions, the various portions of the roofs of the minor Halls are precisely similar to those of the Centre Hall, and the mode of erecting and fitting the different parts in their places did not differ from that which has been already described. The means employed to raise the first of the great ribs, which was the first whole rib at the western end of the Great Hall, were as follows :—It was first carried to and deposited in the immediate neighbourhood of its permanent position, the chord-fine being somewhat diagonal to the building to allow room for lifting the arch, which was a little wider than the space between the Galleries. The operation of raising it to its place consisted of two branches : 1st, getting the arch on its legs; and, 2nd, elevating it to its position on the Building. Each of these had to be executed by the aid of special machinery, and was separate and distinct in itself, requiring its own precautions, and presenting its own risks and difficidties. For the first operation, —that of raising the ai-cli from the horizontal to the vertical position, making it stand on its legs,—there was placed a pair of “ sheer-legs” in the centre of the chord of the arch, from the top of which a rope was attached to the centre of the arch, which, being hauled, and the feet simultaneously kept in their position, the rib was gradually raised until it became upright. But this process, so rapidly described, occupied nearly a week for its consummation. With all the forethought that had been expended on the subject, one element, and, as far as this stage of the operation was concerned, a very important one, seems only to have been partially attended to. A peculiarity of all properly constructed beams is, that while each possesses the fullest required strength in the direction of the strains likely to occur to it in its ordinary functions, its strength in other directions is only accidental, and, generally speaking, is reduced to a minimum from the necessity of producing the greatest amount of effect with the least quantity of material. Thus, the power of resistance of an ordinary joist or rafter, whose dimensions are 6 inches by 2 inches, to a strain acting in the direction of the depth, or the greater dimension, would be represented by the number 72, while its power of resistance to a force acting in the direction of the breadth, the lesser dimension, would be represented by the number 24. Looking on these great ribs as simple beams, then- relative strength to resist the two forces is about as 1 to 25; and, consequently, although designed with a superabundance of strength for the fulfilment of their function as part of a roof, on raising the first from the ground its strength in the opposite direction proved to be barely sufficient to keep the materials in f 2 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 30 their places during the operation. But even in this temporary and partial failure, the excellence of the principle of the construction was rendered very apparent by the great amount of change of figure in a lateral direction that took place, without any diminution of the strength of the arch. The forms assumed during the lifting of the first rib were certainly most extraordinary, and most discouraging. If the reader can imagine to himself a horse-shoe, 100 feet across and 50 feet high, and weighing 9 tons, bending and twisting about like a piece of brown paper or soft wax; or,—to illustrate the difficulty, let him lift a fishing rod by the small end,—lie will then have some idea of the nature of the difficulty. Of its extent he can have none but from seeing the operation attempted. By the adoption of certain simple precautions all difficulty was, how¬ ever, overcome. The first precaution was confining the ends of the arch by a chord-line ; the second, hauling at many points at once in raising the rib ; and the third, which was intended to correct any change from the true figure, which might happen in spite of the two former, was to bolt stout pieces of timber to each other in pairs on opposite sides of and enclosing the arches, and projecting some feet above and below them. By hauling on the top or bottom of these pieces a sufficient leverage was acquired to twist the arch-rib laterally, and remove any deflection that it might have acquired previously. On the adoption of these expedients, about twenty minutes sufficed to raise each rib from the horizontal to the vertical position.* The second operation—that of raising the ribs from the ground, and putting them in their places—was easily accomplished. For this purpose, travelling cranes were erected on the roofs over the adjoining galle¬ ries, the tackle from which was adjusted a little over the point, where a line drawn horizontally through the centre of gravity of the beam would intersect it on each side. To prevent accident, guide-ropes from several portions of the beams were at the same time made fast to crab-winches on the ground, and slackened as it ascended. When the rib had been raised to a little over its permanent position, the travelling cranes were slowly moved until they arrived over the framework on which it was to rest, and it was lowered to its place, and secured there—the guide-ropes staying it in its proper position, while the same series of operations was per¬ formed with another. There was something really imposing in the appearance of the large mass travelling steadily through the air to its destined place; but, considered in reference to the great difficulties that had been overcome, and of which the operation was the successful result, the operation became one of intense interest. On the placing of each rib, the purlins connecting it with its predecessor were raised, dropped into their places, and the nuts securing them screwed home. The intermediate ribs were next hoisted and screwed, each part becoming the scaffold or ladder for fixing its successor. The nailing on of the timber-sheeting then commenced, after which the roof was ready for its final coating of paper and tarred- cloth outside, and paint inside. The roof of the Great Hall consists of 14 semicircular, 8 quadrant, and 26 intermediate ribs ; and 322 straight and 160 curved purlins. The description of the construction of the roof of the Centre Hall applies to that of the roofs of all the Building. In every case the timber-sheeting was covered with canvass, steeped in coal-tar. A layer of brown paper was interposed to prevent the tar appearing on the under surface. It was then covered with boiled tar or mineral paint, and finally lime-washed. As much anxiety was expressed about the combustible nature of this covering material, from its being so easily affected by heat, it may be interesting to mention that (paradoxical as it may seem), it will not burn. The tar prevents all risk, for by melting around any spot that may have become ignited, it puts the flame in the condition of that of a candle which has been snuffed too low down, and it is extinguished by the excessive supply of what would ordinarily feed it. This statement is not a matter of mere theory, but is founded on the result of direct experiments at the Exhibition Building, where every means were exhausted to try and get a bit of the covering to continue burning, with¬ out success. The coating of lime, also, put an end to any probability of ignition by casual sparks. The great ribs are supported on a timber framework, which is an extension of the roof of the side gallery adjoining; and they rest simply on it, being only secured by two iron bands, as shown in the annexed engraving, which will give a clear idea of the principal points of the construction of the roofs and galleries. * The only scaffolding used in the construction of the wall—the “ ttov uru” that puzzled Archimedes—rendered Building beyond what the parts already put together af- it necessary to erect a platform. This is a feature of the forded, was required for raising the quadrant ribs for the design which should not be overlooked. Great Hall, where the Building, presenting a mere timber CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 31 IB It will readily be perceived that the truss of the gallery-roof has been designed to act as a buttress to the great roof, and distributes any tendency to horizontal motion it might exhibit over the adjoining space. Each of these trusses is carefully secured to lattice- trusses, running at right angles to them, and acting as wall-plates, connecting the roof and its supports in the direction of the length of the Main Hall. To render the structure secure against any amount of vibration, the cross-ties were inserted, where they could be placed with¬ out inconvenience at two places in the length of the Gallery, which rendered those parts of the building—huge, vertical, trussed girders— capable of resisting any motion of the roofs of the greater halls. It will be perceived that the roof of the Gal¬ lery is supported on three cast-iron columns, of which the one to the left bears the arches of the smaller hall, and the two on the right carry the weight of the great ribs. The column on the extreme right is 38 feet long, cast in one piece, except the base, and weighs over 3 tons. The other columns are each in two separate castings, the bases in all cases being detached. The mode of fixing the columns was to set the bases, the upper edge of which was planed true and smooth, on the blocks of masonry prepared to receive them. The lower part of the column was then simply dropped in its place, and secured by joining to it the wrouglit-iron girders intended to support the floor of the Galleries. A scaffold was thus gained for carrying on the Building a stage higher. All the junctions of the columns (which were cast by Messrs. Young, of Edinburgh) having been previously carefully prepared, they were built on each other, and the other parts secured to them with great rapidity and accuracy. The four Galleries exhibit in their construction an excellent combination of strength and lightness. The system of the construction will be readily understood by regarding each Gallery as a line of squares—the angles being the cast-iron columns, and the sides wrouglit-iron girders—the columns standing 25 feet apart from centre to centre. By reference to the annexed engraving of a portion of one of the girders, it will be perceived that it consists of a top flange, formed of two pieces of L iron, 3 J inches by i an inch; having a piece of deal bolted on it, both for convenience in fixing the flooring boards, and as additional resistance to compression. The bottom flange is similar to that at the top, consist¬ ing also of two L pieces. The up¬ rights consist of two pieces of T iron, 3 inches by £ an inch, placed back to back. The cross-pieces are flat, 3 inches by £ an inch. The weight of the whole is about 9 cwt. These girders were very carefully and severely tested before they were fixed, or were even brought on the ground; and with the most satisfactory results. The two girders first made were arranged a little above the ground: and a platform of timber having been placed on them to receive the weights, they were loaded gradually with ascertained weights of iron, and the deflections carefully observed, and noted, for each increase of weight. The girders deflected gradually to the extent of 5-16ths of an inch Section showing Construction of Roofs and Galleries. Portion of Girder of Gallery. 32 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. until the eighth ton, when there was no farther yielding until the fourteenth ton, when a gradual deflection of rather less than 1-16th of an inch per ton took place up to the twenty-second ton, when the experiment ceased. The beams were left for several days with the load on them, but without producing any perceptible increase of deflection. They were then unloaded, and were found to have retained a permanent deflection of 5-16ths of an inch, which may be attributed to the tightening of the various bolts, &c. They were then straightened and again operated on, with the intention of ascertaining their ultimate strength by breaking. The same ratio of deflection was observed as on the former trial, but the intention of breaking them was abandoned after the thirty-second ton had been put on, from the difficulty of piling more metal on them without danger to the men who were engaged in the operation. This latter experiment was carried on by Sir John Benson, in presence of Mr. Fairbairn of Manchester. More recently, further experiments were conducted by Sir John Benson, again assisted by Mr. Fairbairn, on a finished square of the gallery itself, more as a satisfaction to the public than from any doubt as to its competency to bear any weight incidental to its position. This was, if possible, a severer test than what had previously been adopted. It consisted in packing the platform with men as closely as they could be made to stand, the living burden amounting to not far short of 20 tons ; but whether this load was in violent motion or at rest, the amount of deflection was exceedingly trifling, and far within a safe limit. The flooring of the halls is formed of three-inch deals, laid with a narrow space between them, for the disposal of the dust. The floor of the galleries is of two-inch deal, ploughed, and tongued with hoop-iron. The staircases adjoining the Centre Hall have proved a puzzle to persons unacquainted with the prin¬ ciple of their construction ; the landing half-way up appearing to have no support. They form a very nice piece of workmanship. It is also deserving of note that the steps leading to the dais at the extreme end of the Grand Hall were cut from a single plank 76 feet in length. It will be observed that a striking difference exists between this Building and that erected in Hyde-Park for the Exhibition of 1851, not only in the general form and outline, but also, and more particularly, in its internal character and effect; and in no respect is this more markedly exhibited than in the quantity and quality of the light admitted into the Building. Up almost to the very completion of the Building the general opinion was that there would be a great deficiency of light; but for these fears we need scarcely observe that there was no foundation. The arrangement in this respect, in Sir John Benson’s design, was excellent. In addition to a limitation of the quantity of light, its quality has been materially improved by the use of rolled and fluted glass, of a rough surface, and grayish-green colour. A cool, grayish tone prevailed, and there is an entire absence of direct rays of sunshine ; so that the most delicate tints of pictures, and fabrics of various kinds, left the Building nearly as pure and fresh as w'hen the articles were first deposited there. In the Fine Arts Courts, especially, it was felt by all that Sir J. Benson had, in the words of H. R. II. Prince Albert, “ solved the problem of lighting a Picture Gallenj." There have been used in glazing the Building about 70,000 superficial feet of glass, and 17,500 lbs. of putt)'—there being in the Great Hall alone 26,864 feet of sash-bars of deal, 4 J inches by 1 Jr inches, requiring to produce them 560 deals, 12 feet long. The whole of the glass used was one-eighth of an inch in thickness.* The exterior wall of the Building was formed of timber uprights, 12 inches square at the angles, and 12 inches broad by 6 niches deep for the intermediate posts. These are secured by a horizontal piece 12 inches by 4 inches, at the level of the floor; two others, 3 feet apart at the level of the gallery-floor, separated and strengthened by cross-pieces ; and on the top a similar pair of ties have been introduced to form the wall-plate of the roof. The spaces left were filled in with timber-sheeting, inch thick. Round the bottom of the lights in the roofs, light galleries were carried, both for the facility of making repairs, and to afford ready access in case of fire. The dimensions of the other principal portions of the Exhibition Building are as follows :—Each of the galleries is 325 feet long, and 25 feet broad, each story being 18 feet high. The Northern and Southern Halls are 375 feet long, 50 feet broad, and 38 feet high to the springing of the arches, making the total height about 65 feet. The Hall for the Fine Arts is 325 feet long, 40 feet broad, and 18 feet high to the springing of the arches, or 38 feet in all. The Hall for Machinery in Motion, which exhibits the same ex- * The quantity of balk timber used in the construction of 400,000 superficial feet of inch-thick sheeting. Of the cast- the Building was 2300 tons ; of deals there were 42,000, iron columns there were 450 tons ; and of hammered iron of the standard of 12 feet by 9 inches by 3 inches ; besides for girders supporting the galleries, there were 60 tons. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 33 ternal appearance as that for the Fine Arts, is 450 feet long, 40 feet broad, and 46 feet high, forming a very beautiful perspective, from its endless succession of columns and arches. The remaining halls follow gene¬ rally the proportions of that for the Fine Arts. The Building covered a space of about 265,000 superficial feet, over one-third of the area of the Crystal Palace, and nearly twice that of the Exhibition Building at New York. This will be shown more clearly by the annexed diagram, which presents the three Buildings, projected on each other to the same scale;—the large parallelogram showing the Crystal Palace of 1851,— the irregular outline being that of the Dublin Building,—while the octagonal and smallest plan is that of the New York Building. It is worth observing, however, that in general there has been very great economy of space in the Dublin Building; the passages and vacant portions having been reduced to their smallest dimensions, to afford the space demanded by the contributors. The relative areas of the three may be represented as follows: London.17^ acres. Dublin.„ New York.3f „ By a comparison of the elevations of the three Buildings, the distinctive and peculiar features of the Dublin Exhibition may be seen to great advantage.* The appearance of the Crystal Palace is familiar to * The ground floor of the New York Exhibition Building is a regular octagon, 365 feet in diameter. This measure¬ ment does not include the three Entrance Halls, each of which, projecting 27 feet, is 40 feet wide. On either side of these Entrances offices are attached, projecting 18 feet from the main building, and 27 feet in width. Elevation of New York Exhibition Building. The interior consists of four great divisions, each having of flat lean-to roof. These main avenues unite in the centre a main avenue, with side aisles, which are connected on the of the Building, and together form a Greek cross; this ground-floor by four triangular sections, covered by a sort shape being also preserved in the Gallery-floor, access to 34 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. every one, as those who have not seen the original cannot fail to have met with numerous representations of it, and therefore it is unnecessary to reproduce a sketch of it here. Of our own Exhibition Building, a view will be found annexed. The New York Building seems to have derived its distinctive features from Sir Joseph Paxton’s design; but there is an originality of conception about the Dublin Building, which dis¬ tinguishes it from either of the others, and which imparts to it that architectural effect, in which they are so deficient. It has been said, and with truth, that the Hyde Park structure formed the commencement of a new era in the application of glass to purposes of more extended utility than it was hitherto supposed to be susceptible of; but we venture to predict that this remark in its widest signification is still more applicable to our Irish Exhibition Building, as having certain peculiar characteristics about it to a greater extent than has been hitherto attained. As the Halls were covered in, it became necessary to decide on the mode of decoration, and the Executive Committee, at the request of Sir John Benson, invited Mr. Lanyon, of Belfast, to assist in deciding on this very important point. After some preliminary experiments, they determined on giving to the roofs a some¬ what similar appearance to that which they presented before they had been covered over with the sheeting; when the various ribs, purlins, and other constructive portions appeared to form panels of blue sky, in frames of unpainted deal. The general effect of the decorations has been much improved by the introduction of heraldic devices in the triangular-shaped spaces on each side of the arches along the front of the galleries. This was a happy idea; and Mr. R. F. Davis, whose knowledge of the subject peculiarly fitted him for the task, obligingly un¬ dertook to superintend the preparation of the arms of the various countries, corporations, and important personages, to be used for the purpose. The contrast which these exhibit to each other, and the effect of the gorgeous colouring which they occasionally presented on the sober tints around them, was very fine indeed. The following is a list of these decorations, as arranged in the different Halls:— LIST OF ARMORIAL BEARINGS. CENTRE HALL. 1. Ireland. 3. Wales. 5. Isle of Man. 7. Prince Albert. 9. Lord Eglinton. 11. Province of Leinster. 13. Province of Connaught. 15. Archbishopric of Armagh. 17. Lord Mayor of Dublin. 19. City of Dublin. 21. Archbishopric ofTuam. 23. University of Dublin. 25. Royal Hospital, KLImainham. 27. City of Cork. 29. Guild of Merchants. 31. Guild of Barbers, Surgeons. 33. Guild of Carpenters, Millers, Masons, &c. 35. Guild of Cooks. 37. Guild of Tailors. 39. Guild of Bakers. 41. Guild of Shoemakers. 43. Guild of Tanners. 45. Guild of Smiths. 47. Guild of Butchers. 49. Guild of Saddlers, Upholsterers, &c. 51. Guild of Tallow Chandlers. 2. England. 4. Scotland. 6. Berwick-upon-Tweed. 8. Lord St. Germans. 10. William Dargan. 12. Sir John Benson. 14. Province of Munster. 1G. Archbishopric of Dublin. 18. Late Lord Mayor of Dublin. 20. City of Galway. 22. Archbishopric of Cashel. 24. Queen’s University. 26. Royal Hibernian Military School. 28. Town of Belfast. 30. Guild of Glovers and Skinners. 32. Guild of Weavers. 34. Guild of Dyers. 36. Guild of Goldsmiths. 38. Guild of Coopers. 40. Guild of Feltmakers and Hatters. 42. Guild of Cutlers, Painters, Paperstainers. 44. Guild of Bricklayers and Plasterers. 46. Guild of Hosiers. 48. Guild of Curriers. 50. Guild of Brewers and Maltsters. 52. Guild of Joiners. which is got from the alternate sides of the central octagon. The materials employed are chiefly iron and glass. The following are the principal dimensions:—Diameter of dome, 103 feet; height of dome from floor to skylight, 122 feet; height of main avenues in the clear, 67 feet; height of first story in the clear, 24 feet; height of second story in the clear, 21 feet; height of aisles, 45 feet; height of trian¬ gular sections, 24 feet; width of avenues, 41 feet 5 inches ; width of galleries, 54 feet; width of each front, 149 feet 5 inches ; diameter of each of the octagonal towers, 8 feet; height of towers above side-walk, 75 feet; area of principal floor, 111,200 square feet; area of entrances, halls, and offices, 6000 square feet; area of galleries, 62,000 square feet. There are on the ground floor 190 columns, 21 feet above the floor, 8 inches diameter, cast hollow, of different thicknesses, from half an inch to one inch thick. On the gallery-floor there are 122 columns. The accompanying illustration, in conjunction with the particulars here given, will enable the reader to form a toler¬ ably accurate idea of the New York Exhibition Building, which, it may be observed, was not opened for some six or eight weeks after the period first announced. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 35 NORTHERN HALL. 53. Royal Dublin Society. 55. *Earl of Harrington. 57. *Charles Cobbe, Archbishop of Dublin. 59. Earl of Grandison. 61. Sir Arthur Gore, Bart. 63. *Robert Downes. 65. *William Maple. 67. Thomas Prior. 69. Town of Drogheda. 71. City of Waterford. 73. Bishopric of Waterford. 75. City of Limerick. 77. Bishopric of Limerick. 79. College of Physicians. 81. Bishopric of Derry. 83. University of Oxford. 85. Bishopric of Cloyne. 87. University of St. Andrews. 89. Bishopric of Clogher. 91. City of London. 93. Bishopric of Down. 95. City of Manchester. 97. Bishopric of Kildare. 99. City of Worcester. 101. Bishopric of Leighlin. 103. Town of Liverpool. 105. Bishopric of Meath. 107. Ballast Office. 54. Royal Irish Academy. 56. * George Stone, Archbishop of Armagh. 58. *Earl of Kildare. 60. *Viscount Lanesborough. 62. *Sir Thomas Taylor, Bart. 64. *Rev. John Wynne, D. D. 66. Lord Clarendon. 68. Province of Ulster. 70. Town of Enniskillen. 72. City of Kilkenny. 74. Bishopric of Ossory. 76. City of Londonderry. 78. Bishopric of Killala. 80. College of Surgeons. 82. Bishopric of Dromore. 84. University of Cambridge. 86. Bishopric of Cork. 88. College of St. Nicholas, Galway. 90. Bishopric of Clonfert. 92. City of Edinburgh. 94. Bishopric of Elphin. 96. City of Birmingham. 98. Bishopric of Killala. 100. City of Leeds. 102. Bishopric of Kilmore. 104. City of Glasgow. 106. Bishopric of Raphoe. 108. Ordnance. Thus marked (*) were Founders of the Royal Dublin Society to whom the Charter was granted, A. D. 1731. SOUTHERN HALL. 109. East India Company. 110. Japan. 111. *Turkey. 112. China. 113. Persia. 114. Batavia. 115. Mahrattas. 116. Java. 117. Siam. 118. Tripoli. 119. China. 120. Sandwich Islands. 121. Egypt. 122. *Brazil. 123. *Grand Turk. 124. Buenos Ayres. 125. MoguL 126. Hayti. 127. Malta. 128. Duchy of Oldenburg. 129. Heligoland. 130. *Netherlands. 131. Brabant. 132. ^Belgium (Tricolor). 133. *Belgium (Tricolor). 134. *Belgium (Lion). 135. Ionian Islands. 136. Duchy of Hesse. 137. * Austria (Merchant). 138. Switzerland. 139. * Greece. 140. *Sardinia. 141. *Portugal. 142. *Spain. 143. *France (Eagle). 144. *France (Tricolor). 145. *Frauce (Tricolor). 146. ^France (Eagle). 147. *Norway (Lion). 148. *Sweden (Merchant). 149. *Norway (Merchant). 150. *Sweden. 151. Mecklenburg-Schwerin. 152. Brunswick. 153. *Denmark. 154. Grand Duchy of Baden. 155. *Bremen. 156. *Lubeck. 157. * Hanover. 158. *Hamburg. 159. *Russia. 160. Saxony. 161. * America. 162. * Bavaria. 163. * Prussia. 164. * Austria. This mark (*) indicates nations having Consuls in Dublin. Besides the decoration by means of the heraldic devices placed on each side of the arches, the appear¬ ance of the Centre Hall was very much improved by the addition of banners suspended opposite the openings of the arches along the line of the galleries. These were well executed, and they still further contributed to the grand effect which this noble apartment was calculated to produce on the mind of the spectator. The arrangements for supplying motive power for the machinery, and water to the Building, are deserving of note. For the purpose of generating steam, two large tubular boilers were placed in a detached yard on G 36 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. the premises of the Royal Dublin Society, at the north-west corner of the Lawn. From these steam was conveyed to two engines, each of twenty-five horse power, supplied by Mr. Fairbairn, as well as to some minor engines. By the large engines a shaft was put in motion, over 300 feet long; by which, in turn, motion was communicated, through the intervention of strapping, to the various machines in that department. The shafting was carried along the centre of the Machinery Court on the tops of cast-iron pillars, placed securely on stone foundations. The principal ground water-tank was situated at the western end of the Machinery Court; it communicated with the pipes pervading the whole premises, and supplied, by means of a forcing-engine, water to large tanks adjoining the Society House, and placed at a height of 54 feet from the floor, for the use of the several fountains. The water was conveyed to the premises by a 6-inch main from Ilerbert-place. Besides sur¬ rounding the premises along the boundary, lateral branches were carried across the building from north to south, on which there were fourteen fire-plugs and four stand-cocks; so that in the event of any accident from fire, the most complete and ample facilities existed for at once extinguishing it. The admirable cha¬ racter of the arrangements in this respect prevented any of the water from going to waste; the overflow of the fountains being conveyed to the underground cistern, thence to be forced up to the elevated cisterns already alluded to. Connected with the Exhibition there were about two miles in length of water-pipes laid down.* * The description of the Irish Temple of Industry, to which the preceding pages have been devoted, affords more trium¬ phant testimony to the genius of its architect than could be supplied by the most laboured encomium. It was destined to pass away after having fulfilled its function, and soon there will not be left even a trace of it behind; but the re¬ collection of what it was w ill not fade from the minds of the present generation. Among the thousands who regarded that Building with an admiration approaching to enthu¬ siasm, there was scarcely a single individual who did not ex¬ press a hope, that on some future occasion the architect by whom it had been designed would be provided with an op¬ portunity of furnishing in a permanent form an illustration of that genius which he so successfully exhibited on Leinster Lawn. For the last eight years Sir John Benson has filled the situation of County Surveyor of the East Biding of Cork, to which he was appointed in April, 1846, on the retirement of Mr. Leahy. The duties of an officer of this class are more of an engineering than of an architectural character,—the formation and repair of roads, and the construction of bridges,—though, to a considerable extent, both qualifica¬ tions are combined, and county buildings are not of less con¬ sequence than county bridges. Sir John Benson is a native ofCollooney, in the county of Sligo, where at an early age he distinguished himself by his knowledge of architecture. In the remodelling and improve¬ ment of Markree Castle, by Gwilt, he first appeared before the public in a professional capacity, and he then afforded evidence of that ability which he has since so strikingly dis¬ played. So successfully did he execute the task which he then undertook, that he was at once intrusted with the fur¬ nishing of plans for several important buildings in the west of Ireland. Among them we may mention a number of large fire-proof mills ; the beautiful little church of Knock- naree, designed in the pure mediaeval style of architecture, the first of that character erected in the country; the Do¬ minican Church and Convent in Sligo; and many others,— all affording evidence of the master mind by which they were designed. As an engineer, the state of the public works in the East Riding of Cork show's that Sir John Benson ranks deservedly high in that profession. During the progress of the relief works carried on in the famine, we believe that he had charge of the largest district assigned to any single officer in Ireland; and while such an enormous mass of details was thereby to be got through, it is a circumstance deserving of note that a single useless work was not then undertaken in that district, and that, while the wants of the starving J. H. O. people were ministered to, the rate-payers had good value for their money from the manner in which it was ex¬ pended. Since that period several hundred miles of new road have been constructed in the East Riding in the most creditable manner. For some three or four years past, Sir John has also acted as engineer to the Cork Harbour Com¬ missioners, during which a long range of quays has been re¬ built, a steam-boat pier at Monkstown has been constructed, and a pier and harbour at Ring. Under his directions a powerful dredge-boat and river-barges have been constructed for the Commissioners, each capable of carrying 150 tons, with only four and a half feet in depth of w'ater. In all these works, the most important and the most trifling, the same evidence of a master mind has been apparent. But the crowning triumph for so far has been the Exhibition Build¬ ing, which was not less remarkable for its adaptation for the intended purpose than for the symmetry of its proportions, and the care which was bestowed in working out even the minutest details. In some of the minor arrangements of the Building the ability of the architect was strikingly exem¬ plified. Seldom, indeed, has the honour of knighthood been more worthily bestowed than it was at the opening of the Exhibition. The flood, which in the month of November last caused so much injury in the vicinity of Cork, especially in reference to the destruction of the bridges, enabled Sir John to show an illustration of the despatch w'ith which works can be car¬ ried on, on a large scale, under proper arangements. He had by that casualty to set about replacing no less than thirty-one county bridges carried off by the floods. Among those swept away, it will be recollected, was St. Patrick’s Bridge, across the Lee, in the City of Cork,—a situation where the absence of the usual thoroughfare would be at¬ tended with vast inconvenience, and where, therefore, imme¬ diate steps were necessary to replace it. A temporary wooden bridge was accordingly constructed, 216 feet long, and 40 feet wide, which was completed in the short space of eighteen days. Among the works now in progress, of an architectural character, under the charge of Sir John Benson, we may mention the Church of St. Vincent de Paul in Cork, and the Athenaeum in that city, which latter may be said to be a restoration of the Fine Arts Hall of the Cork Exhibition Building, turned into a permanent Temple of Art. Sir John married in September, 1849, Mary Clementina Pyne, daughter of the late John Smith, Esq., of the 56th Regiment. He is now in the prime of life, and we may yet expect that he will make many valuable contributions to the architecture of his country. CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 37 Few visitors to the Great Irish Exhibition but were struck with the richness and splendour of the Building more almost than by any of the objects which it contained. It was not only remarkable for the rapidity with which it was erected, for the sufficiency of its plans, and for the enormous mass of its carefully worked mate¬ rials : it did not merely excite admiration for the convenience of the whole structure in the space which it afforded to so many countless objects of every size and substance, and the easy and abundant access to each unit of them, so ingeniously secured for the crowds of admiring spectators. The Exhibition Building, besides all these things, filled the mind by an imposing magnificence of general form, and by a truly architec¬ tural harmony of proportion in its interior, which made its splendid halls not mere bazaar-like receptacles of objects of manufacture and taste; but themselves, too, examples of and incentives to something higher and grander in design than had before been attained. The Building itself was perhaps the most successful novelty exhibited, both in Art and Manufacture, and Sir John Benson, at the same moment that he proved himself one of the ablest practical architects and engineers of his country, has made good his claim to the honours of genius itself. In listening to the many criticisms of the crowd on the strikingly original design which the Exhibition Building presented, we have been strongly impressed by the observation that no one seemed to find fault with what he found there; and that the only desire expressed by those who did not choose to confess them¬ selves entirely satisfied was for some additional feature which, it was thought, might have been adopted to add greater splendour to the details, or to crown the whole work with a greater air of architectural com¬ pleteness. Such criticism, however, appears to be founded on a mistake with respect to the conditions im¬ posed on the architect , and the special objects of the Building. If the problem had been to construct a great permanent public edifice, and to do this regardless of expense, so as, by fully realizing the aspiration of the artist, to lead back the new generation from the depraved taste of which we have recently had so many illustrations, to something worthy of the chef-d’cevres of the last century, then indeed we should be entitled to require a design showing the full development of the architect’s genius; but then, too, he should have had the advantage of abundant leisure to compose and mature his plans, and sufficient time to put them into execution. The Exhibition Building, however, was, and in the nature of things it must have been, undertaken in a totally different manner. It was to be constructed in a few months ; it was to consist of the least expen¬ sive materials ; it was to be denied any accessories of mere ornament; it was, in fact, exclusively intended to supply convenient and suitable accommodation for an immense collection of goods of every kind, and to do this upon a site in which the space was but limited, and at the smallest expense possible under the cir¬ cumstances. The principal design, therefore, of necessity, regarded merely the interior; and the external elevation was only to be as little unsightly, as little awkward as possible. We shall not then need to criticise the external plan, although to even that very much of praise is due for its mere beauty and grandeur ; and within the limits it properly deserves, we shall hereafter take some notice of it. But our present purpose is to point out that which in the interior of the Building claims to be remembered after the structure shall have been removed, which was the chief object of the required design, and in which we believe the architect has attained success as complete as it has been hitherto unprecedented. The general plan of the Building will be best understood by reference to the engravings and to the sta¬ tistics of its size and proportions, which will be found in another place. The great feature of the whole was certainly the Grand Hall in the centre ; so far as we are aware, the largest and most magnificent apartment that has yet been erected. Its effect was very much interfered with by the manner in which some of the articles were arranged in it, and which prevented its being seen from any good point of view. After the goods were placed in the Building a satisfactory view of this Hall could only be obtained from one of the organ galleries, the best point of view being in that over the entrance ; but the spectator in a gallery was necessarily so greatly elevated that his eye lost much of the immense size of the room, and much, too, of the charm of its proportions. Had the Centre Hall been unincumbered by the larger objects crowded into it, the coup (Toeil would long haunt the imagination of every educated visitor; and cleared, as it was, of these obstructions, while the building remained in existence as a temporary Winter Garden, it is not too much to expect that a permanent impression may have been made upon the public mind, in accustoming it to the enjoyment of architectural forms which, preserving the most extreme simplicity of structure and of material, united the superb magnificence of giant dimensions with harmony of general proportion, and the repose of quiet and unpretending details. G 2 38 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. The dimensions of the Great Hall were, in round numbers, 400 feet by 100, with a height of 100 to the highest point of the semicircular arch of the roof. These figures represent a proportion of the parts which, in the case of an apartment of such enormous size, is, perhaps, as nearly perfect as could be desired. The very great length would, indeed, in a structure of smaller extent, and built with four parallel walls, destroy the harmony of the whole with its parts; but, in the interior of a vast edifice like that of the Exhibition, the eye cannot take in the idea of length so well, and measuring much more easily the breadth and height, and both these being so very great, the still greater length ceases to occupy the attention with undue emphasis. The circular termination of the Hall at both ends also greatly adds to this effect, and diminishes the consciousness of extreme length, by making the vaulted semi-domes, with their ribs converging to a common centre a good deal within the extreme points of the length of the roof, seem very much nearer to the spectator than they really are. The comparative length, breadth, and height (which were, of course, the subject of careful cal¬ culation in this regard), together with the form of the two ends of the Hall (there being no gable end as in the London Building) are the cause in Sir John Benson’s design of that harmonious completeness of effect which elegant proportions can alone confer upon an architectural interior; and in this respect there can be no comparison at all between this beautiful Hall and the Glass Transept of Hyde Park, which might have been longer or shorter by a hundred feet or more, without in the least interfering with its merits. In this Hall the eye recognises a whole , capable of taking rank as a thing of substantive importance and meaning, and not merely a vast mass of building without a definite beginning or end, inspired by no independent idea , and of no significance save as a vast shed for the temporary protection of its useful contents. And, in almost all other points of comparison, the Crystal Palace suggests similar remarks in contrast to the Dublin Exhibition Building. The former was admirable in many ways as a useful erection for its intended purpose: the latter was all that too, but it was somewhat more. It possessed by itself a special beauty and elegance of its own, apart from and independent of its utilitarian .attractions. In the little of ornament admissible in this design, Sir John Benson adopted the best principle, that of making the very supports—the very skeleton itself—the decoration of the walls and roof. He distinguished supporting ribs from the mass of surface by a peculiar colour, and thus brought ou{; the meaning of his plan by emphasizing the lines of support. Those fines themselves were simple in the extreme, and by their very simplicity assisted in adding to the impression of gigantic size ; while terminating, as they all did, in the sym¬ metrical curves of a semicircular roof, the eye was gratified by the gracefulness, as much as the mind by the practical significance, of their forms. The tall and slender shafts of the supporting pillars of deep blue, standing out in relief against the fighter colours of all the rest of the Building, supplied an expression of mas¬ siveness to the principal supports without impairing the lightness necessary to the whole. The roof itself, in its ribs, its slight cross-beams, and its colour of delicate blue, appeared so mere a web of fight and airy canopy, poised upon the enduring strength of the dark supporting pillars, that its immense mass suggested no impression of weight or of closeness. One felt as in a solid building, not a mere garden glass-house; but one felt that there was room to breathe as in the open air. The Side Halls (on the north and south of the centre), constructed on the same plan, but on a smaller scale of height and breadth, were equally successful. Their greater comparative length was not felt as a ble¬ mish, because they were intended to be divided by lofty partitions or screens into various compartments. The ai-rangement was such as by long side passages from end to end to convey the idea of each of these Halls as a whole ; while the lateral divisions of the length, being of greater or less extent according to the space required for the accommodation of particular articles, or of the produce of particular factories or of separate nations, secured a constant variety, and prevented that overwhelming sense of sameness which fatigued the mind of the visitor in passing through the interminable repetitions of the London Exhibition. These Side Halls were separated from the great central apartment by a sufficient space of transverse passages, or divisions, to prevent their interference with the unity of the principal feature of the Building, on the one hand, and to protect their proportions from too close a comparison with its grander and more magnificent forms, on the other. But a sufficient number of these broad transverse passages were left open to the fight to permit the eye to enjoy the splendid breadth of space, which the almost square shape of the ground plan of the entire suggested. Another point of comparison between the Dublin and the London Building, in which the former attained complete success, was one, which, to many people may appear, at first view, somewhat strange. It is in the CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 39 article of light. The Glass Palace at Hyde Park admitted light through the whole of its roof and part of its sides. The Exhibition there seemed to be designed to approach as nearly as possible in effect to one held abrolutely under the canopy of sky and clouds. The Dublin Building, on the other hand, bore a semicir¬ cular roof, of which the greater part was closed, and the brightness of day was only admitted by a moderate skylight extending in the centre along the length of each domed Hall. In London, it was found in practice (paradoxical as it may appear in words), that there was too much light, to see the objects exhibited to advan¬ tage. A very large proportion of the manufactured goods, likely to form a part of any modern Exhibition, consists of linens, silks, cottons, and other woven fabrics; and it is found in practice, that to make a proper examination of these but a very moderate amount of light ought to be admitted. The same remark applies to ornamental furniture and to most of the smaller works of Art designed for domestic purposes. Accordingly, it was observed by those who know how much the knowledge of the principles of taste is cultivated on the Continent, that the French and the Austrian departments in the London Exhibition were so arranged as by a proper disposition of the hangings to exclude the excess of light, so that not only were the articles arranged in these departments seen individually to the best advantage, but they were made mutually to support each other in producing a general effect, full of harmony and good taste. In Sir John Benson’s design, so accu¬ rately had he foreseen the necessity of closely limiting the amount of light to be admitted, that when his Halls were approaching completion, it was a common observation that the Exhibition would be left in the dark. When, however, it was at last thrown open hi a fully finished state, it was found that every portion of the vast edifice was abundantly supplied with light,* and that even in the most cloudy weather. It was discovered that the absence of the glare of open air daylight secured to the linens and other textile fabrics an opportunity of being understood, a possibility of being compared and judged, of which these classes of manufacture were (except in the French department) notoriously deprived in London. Had the same skill been shown in the arrangement of the goods which characterized the labours of the architect, the Dublin Exhibition would indeed have seemed a fairy palace. We shall not stop to particularize the convenient arrangement of the Galleries erected around the various Halls, because they will be perfectly understood by reference to the plan of the Building. The idea of enabling the visitor to traverse the whole of the Galleries without descending to the ground floor is especially deserving of commendation, and the manner in which it was carried out was particularly ingenious. The means of communication between the Galleries at either side of the Centre Hall formed at one end a magni¬ ficent balcony overlooking Merrion-square, and which, in fine weather, was a favourite place of resort for those who were fatigued by the examination of the objects within. The whole design was originally confined to the three great Halls, with their adjoining corridors or side aisles. As Mr. Dargan’s plan of munificence was enlarged, so also grew the Building; and two smaller lateral Halls were added, to accommodate the Fine Arts on one side, and, provide a fit space for Machinery in Motion on the other. The external appearance of these additional Halls was the same ; their form that of the principal one in the centre, their proportions only being different: but their interiors were entirely dissimilar, and each of them for its particular purpose was found to be so convenient as to leave nothing to be desired. The floor of the Machinery Hall (advantage being taken of the inequality of the site of the Building, which slopes considerably towards the north) was much lower than that of the adjoining Hall and passage, or gallery between them. The latter was open to the top, so that the Hall of Machinery was altogether open at one side, and afforded an admirable coup (Tail of its very varied contents, set in motion, as they were, by bands passing over a single vast axle which extended almost from end to end of the Hall, and was worked by Fairbairn’s steam-engine at the upper end. The dizzy confusion of a close succession of rapid-moving, loud-sounding machines, so painful at first on entering a room full only of such objects, was thus altogether avoided. Looking down across the balustrades at the side of the adjoining Hall, the whole arrangement of so many machines could at once be understood, and any one of them could be singled out at leisure for special observation, to which the most convenient access was secured by broad flights of steps leading down into that Hall at certain distances throughout its length. * The only exception was the passage between the South¬ ern Hall and the Fine Arts Court, in which unfortunately some beautiful French castings and French leathers, as well as many finer articles (and among them some beautifully coloured wax-lights from Spain) were exhibited. But the Fine Arts Court was, in fact, an addition to the general de¬ sign, and in adopting it the advantages of this intermediate passage or corridor were necessarily sacrificed. 40 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. At the opposite side of the Building a corresponding Hall was appropriated to the Fine Arts, which also was an addition to the original design. This Hall was, of course, entirely separated from the adjacent divisions of the Building, not only because the Fine Arts would have been degraded by making them serve as mere ornamental accidents and accessories in the midst of a bazaar of general manufactures, but also because the utmost amount of wall space was found necessary to contain the great number of valuable paintings con¬ tributed to this interesting portion of the Exhibition. The communications between the Fine Arts Hall and the rest of the Building was effected by two entrance doors; and once having passed the threshold of one of these, the visitor felt himself in a new atmosphere, quite apart, as it were, from that of the Great Industrial Exhibition itself. The construction of a Picture Gallery of such great size, and of so simple a form, excited at the time a great deal of interest, and gave rise to no small amount of discussion. Experience has since shown that no part of the whole edifice was more satisfactory in its result than this ; and artists as well as the public have borne testimony to the success of this Hall as a room designed for the exhibition of Paintings. It would be out of place here to enter into any considerations respecting the internal decorations of the Fine Arts Gallery, with respect to the colour of the walls and roof, and other such arrangements, not strictly forming part of the architect’s design : upon them some remarks will be found in another part of this volume. But whatever criticism these arrangements may call forth, there is but one opinion as to the general form and proportions of the Fine Arts Hall. It has proved to be the very best room for the suitable exhibition of Paintings of all sizes, that has been yet erected; and its proportions of height and breadth, as well as the disposition and extent of the skylight, by which it was lit, deserve the attentive study of all those to whom at any future time may be committed the charge of constructing a gallery for such a purpose. The amount of light admitted was abundantly sufficient, without being over-excessive : the height of the glass portion of the semicircular roof from the ground and from the summit of the perpendicular walls, on which on each side the various Paintings were disposed, was such as to secure an equal distribution of that light, while the smallest cabinet pictures upon and below the line of vision were completely visible in all their parts: the great breadth of the room prevented the appearance of crowding, which even in the Louvre is felt somewhat painfully: and the largest works (with the exception, perhaps, of Etty’s immense picture from the history of the Maid of Orleans, a picture coarsely painted, and drawn with so much ruggedness that its true effect is only produced at a very great distance comparatively with its size) were admirably seen from their proper points of view, no one work being sacrificed to its neighbour, or to the exigencies of a crowded Exhibition. In a permanent building we should have, perhaps, preferred to have had the great length of the Gallery broken (by projecting pillars, or even walls) into a number of compartments, preserving each of them, like separate rooms, a juster proportion of length to breadth and height; but if a long gallery is to be used, it could scarcely be better adapted for the purpose than that designed by Sir John Benson. The smaller apartments, appropriated to the Gallery of Ancient Masters and to Irish Antiquities, were further additions to the whole plan, and consisted merely of the side offices and sheds constructed for refresh¬ ment-rooms, police-offices, &c., suddenly converted into a line of galleries at the moment the necessity for such accommodation arose. Neither these, nor the passages and galleries drawn round the Dublin Society House by the south, and again rejoining the Exhibition Building on the northern side, need here be com¬ mented on. The architect made admirable use of the space upon which he was obliged to erect such extensive additional buildings, but their shape and design in detail depended absolutely on the arbitrary conditions which the situation necessarily imposed upon him. The whole interior of the gigantic structure, its general design, and the architectural arrangements, both as to the substantial and the merely ornamental part, were altogether excellent; and, as regards every part of the Building, its convenience, simplicity, and good taste, were equally conspicuous. To the exterior of the Exhibition Building, also, much of praise is due, but with certain qualifications. Here, in particular, the talent of the architect was necessarily allowed little scope. The objects of the edifice were fulfilled by any building, however rude and plain, on the outside, which afforded space and light within, for the convenient and appropriate disposition of the contents. In Paris itself no attempt was made to render architectural in form the exterior of the temporary wooden buildings, in which the great Quinquen¬ nial Expositions of France have been held. In London, also, there was no architectural effect. In Dublin the designer was placed under the same conditions, with regard to expense, as elsewhere; but here he CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. 41 did, within limits narrowly prescribed, make at least the nearest approach possible to the union of grand architectural effect, with cheapness of cost and simplicity of material. A comparison of the ground plan, with the front elevation of his work, will show how successfully he was able to secure variety of form, though adopting a plan of Building everywhere the same; and how he secured that variety not by the weak expedient of heaping together incongruous pettinesses, having no relation to the body of the edifice, but by arranging the bulk of the Building in a few grand masses, differing greatly in size, but keeping among themselves an exact and graceful proportion. The semicircular form of Sir John Benson’s roofs afforded much facility to such an arrangement; and in front these roofs presented the appearance of enormous domes, so many of which naturally suggested the idea of a Turkish or Saracenic structure. Had the architect been allowed a larger expenditure upon the ornamental, or in strictness unnecessary, part of the Building, this idea might have been well carried out. Viewed at either side of the centre, the great length of the roofs, as they were, certainly gave the whole an over-heavy and cumbrous appearance. Had the Eastern mode of decoration, both in colour and form, been adopted, this effect would have given place to one of boundless brilliancy and splendour. Tall minarets of different heights, disposed between the vast masses of roof, chiefly along the front, would have broken the disagreeable consciousness of the immense height of the mere roof in proportion to that of the walls on which it rested ; and the use of gay colours on the top as well as the front of the Building would have removed the impression of crushing weight, which the vast dark mass overspreading the light woodwork necessarily created. Such decorative accompaniments, too, would have marked a meaning upon the whole design, and one peculiarly appropriate to a gigantic bazaar, which, strictly speaking, our Exhibi¬ tion properly was. But while thus suggesting what the Building might have been, it must not be forgotten that the plans of the architect were circumscribed by necessary conditions, which it was not in his power to modify. If, in the interior of the edifice due to his genius, everything over which Sir John Benson had direct control was in so high a degree tasteful and beautiful, as well as satisfactory for its purpose, we need not hesitate to declare our conviction that, having regard to the circumstances in which he was placed, his exterior elevation was not less successful. Suggesting, as the whole design does, so much of original ideas in a yet untried direction, we may fairly expect that the Exhibition Building itself will also produce whole¬ some fruit among us in future generations; and we cannot avoid expressing a hope that this effort of the architect, novel as it is, may lead him also at some future time to develop his complete power in the con¬ struction of an original work of a more permanent character, which may add new glory to a nation that had once, and may have again, a name in the world. P- CLASS I. MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. A RAW MATERIAL may be considered, in its widest sense, as any substance of mineral, vegetable, or animal origin which, by the application of skilled labour, can be converted into some article useful to man. Thus, marble, ores, cotton, and wool are raw materials, which, by the application of labour, become chimney- pieces or statuary, metals, cloths, and calicoes. These examples represent the simplest kind of raw materials, _that is, natural products. But there are many other substances to which skilled labour has been applied, and which are consequently manufactured articles, and yet may, under certain circumstances, constitute the raw material of other manufactures. For example, cotton yarn, although an article manufactured from raw cotton, may be considered as the raw material of the weaver ; and similarly rags constitute that of the paper- maker ; the products of whose manufacture, in its turn, constitute that of the papier-mache manufacturer. Independent of the natural classification of Raw Materials into mineral, vegetable, and animal, we may divide them into chemical , or such as are employed in chemical manufactures ; and mechanical , or those used in such as are of a purely mechanical character. The great characteristic of chemical raw materials is their wonderful capability of undergoing transformations in nature , so that no trace of the original body is ap¬ parent to the eye; while the mechanical raw materials undergo, in general, but a change inform , the original material being still usually distinguishable in nearly all the applications made of it. The former classification is, however, the simpler form ; it is the one which was adopted in the arrangement of the Exhibition, and which we shall use in the present Work. Taking them, therefore, in this order, we have first to consider the subject of MINERAL MATERIALS. In former ages the destiny of a nation depended partly on its geographical position and physical charac¬ teristics, and partly on the accident of individual will. A new element has gradually developed itself, which would now appear to be the most powerful agent in swaying the social and intellectual tendencies of nations, namely, geological structure. To take an example,—Architecture, an art, which depends in a great degree upon the comparative abundance and quality of building materials. Where these are bad, or scarce, or ex¬ pensive, architecture never progresses. Thus, in parts of Holland, stone is so difficult to be procured that every building is composed of brick. We would not, therefore, go to Holland to look for a general develop¬ ment of high art in building, although we may find a few isolated structures of great beauty. Why has Rome developed her architecture ? Because it is situate upon the tertiary travertino. Why is there such a general tendency to ornamental architecture in the houses of Paris ? Because the soft tertiary limestone of Mont¬ martre is cheap and abundant. To build the palaces of Genoa in Ireland would require more wealth than would raise up half-a-dozen of the finest cities of Italy. But it is when we turn to social life and industrial pursuits that we are struck with the remarkable in¬ fluence of physical geography and geological structure. Thus, in countries formed of great plains, intersected by but few rivers, there is a natural tendency to assume an unsettled, nomadic life—whilst the prevalence of primary and crystalline slate rocks, which always abound in metalliferous deposits, naturally direct the atten¬ tion of the population to mining pursuits. If we look at the map of Europe, we shall find how perfectly geological is the distribution of the great manufactures of European nations. How strikingly this is illustrated in England we can learn, by looking at a geological map of that country, when we will find that every coal-field is the seat of one or several manu¬ factures, and that the outlines of these deposits, and the other associated rocks, would also indicate where population is densest and property most valuable. Turning to the Continent, we find the industry of the Lower Rhine, and of the Meuse, is on great coal-fields, and to the combination of similar causes the develop¬ ment of industry in French Flanders, and in Silesia, is owing. The existence of abundance of Mineral Raw Materials in a country, accordingly, constitutes one of the principal elements of its prosperity ; provided always that its geographical position and physiognomy admit of the economic employment of such resources, by affording facilities of communication, either by means of the sea, or of canals, navigable rivers, or roads. The mere existence of mines does not, in itself, constitute an element of prosperity, a fact which is well illustrated by the case of Siberia. The mineral riches of that region are unbounded, its rivers are among the largest and deepest in the world, its soil is rich beyond example, but its climate makes it a desert, and its rivers end in a sea of ice. A nation may also possess great resources, an excellent climate, and an admirable geographical position, such as Spain, and may yet take very little advantage of them. But, if we examine minutely into its cir¬ cumstances, we shall find that some apparently insignificant circumstances connected with its position and H 44 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. climate, have retarded its progress, and produced an anomalous social and political condition of things. But will this state of things last ? Certainly not,—such a nation has all its future before it; and the gradual de¬ velopment of its resources which must insensibly take place to meet its ordinary wants, or those new ones imposed upon it from without, by the progress of civilization in other nations, will one day dissipate the social and political anomalies which now exist. Again, we may find a case where a nation comparatively poor in natural resources, or possessing Mineral Raw Materials of inferior qualities, may, by skill and perseverance, vie with the more favoured nations, where the very abundance, superiority, and consequent cheapness of raw materials, tend to lower the value of skilled labour, especially of an artistic kind, and do not necessitate that exercise of ingenuity and of taste which is developed in the less favoured country; or, in other words, where the natural conditions are most favourable, scientific skill and artistic taste will be more slowly developed than where the conditions are unfavourable, because more skill must be expended in the latter case in order to render the article of higher value, and thus compensate for the increased cost of the raw material. Matter is thus, as it were, conquered by Mind ; and it is fortunate for human progress that where prosperity cannot result from purely natural causes, it may be attained by moral and intellectual development. Such general considerations show, that the department of Mineral Raw Materials must not only be placed first in the Catalogue, but also, perhaps, first in order of importance. And yet to the generality of visitors to an Exhibition, the objects coming under this denomination afford little that is attractive, as in most cases they possess no beauty of form or colour, being usually mere shapeless masses. The same cause which renders them unattractive to the public has undoubtedly prevented a very large number of examples from having been exhibited. However much this is to be regretted, we cannot be surprised at it, for to collect the mineral raw materials of a district requires a considerable amount of knowledge, and that too of a kind which is very rare, and not very popular. Then, again, with regard to the usual metallic ores, their Exhibition could scarcely be of the slightest use in a mercantile point of view to the mine owner, whilst the collection of a proper series would be attended with considerable trouble. Indeed, we may consider the parties who sent illustrative specimens of ores to the Exhibition as among its most generous supporters. It is an invidious task to be fault-finding, still we cannot help regretting, even now that the Exhibition itself has passed away, that greater exertion was not used to obtain an adequate representation of the mi¬ neral resources of the country. There is a general opinion prevalent, not alone in L'eland, but elsewhere, that this country abounds in mineral wealth of all kinds ; and accordingly, every intelligent foreigner who visited the Exhibition inquired at once for the department where he would find specimens of the rich ore, fuel, porcelain clay, glass-sands, cements, &c., which he had so often read of. But such were not to be found; and the result has been that these men have gone away with the impression, either that the so much talked of wealth of Ireland was, to some extent, a myth, or that those engaged in its representation knew not in what consisted either the mineral wealth of a country, or the means of furthering its manufacturing industry. In proceeding to summarize the contents of the department of Mineral Materials, we may observe, that to the great mass of our readers, a catalogue of names would convey but few definite ideas , and, we may add, that even an examination of the specimens which appeared in the Exhibition would scarcely be more useful. This opinion does not necessarily lead to the conclusion that the uneducated visitors to an Exhibition learn nothing by going there. An Exhibition cannot teach the nature of substances, or the transformations which they undergo in the workshop, in being manufactured into various articles; but it awakens the perceptive faculties, and leads men to think; and when it has done this, it has fulfilled a glorious mission. If, while the memory still retains the impressions of the objects seen in the Exhibition, we could pass them all in review, show the origin and nature of each raw material, and point out the manu¬ factures of which it is the basis, and follow it in all its endless changes of form in the hands of the workman, until it is at length transformed into the object intended, we might be able to indelibly stamp upon the mind those vague and unconnected impressions which would otherwise soon fade away, and thus as it were create a mental motive power which would rapidly build up industry around us. It is with an intention somewhat of this kind that we are now about, as we enumerate each class of articles in the Exhibition, to attempt in a few words to present to our readers such a history of each material, and each manufactured article, as will enable them to understand the nature of the materials and the processes through which they pass ; and, above all, the intimate relations which exist between different branches of industry, and the im¬ portance of a study of the laws of nature—that is, of science in its widest acceptation—to all who wish to be successful Industrials. With this view we shall endeavour to show, the natural conditions under which the several materials occur, their geographical distribution, especially in our own country, and the nature of the preparation which they receive to fit them for commerce. Similarly, when we come to the discussion of the article manufactured from these materials, we shall, wherever deemed necessary, tell the history of the ma¬ nufacture, and the causes, if any, which retarded its progress ; describe the various stages of manufacture ; and finally, point out how far the particular manufacture would be suitable to our circumstances in case it has not been already developed amongst us. Such is our object and such our plan. It will be for our readers to decide how far we shall fulfil the one and complete the other. The task is not an easy one, and we hope, therefore, that the importance of the object and the hearty desire to contribute to the best of our ability to the industrial improvement of the country, will induce our readers to pass lightly over the many faults of commission as well as of omission, of which we have no doubt we shall be guilty during the execution of our task. If we succeed in producing in the public mind, even in only a few cases, the idea that the prosecution of industry is a noble occupation which in our days, and in countries like Ireland, requires, perhaps, a greater combination of skill and know¬ ledge, than the so-called learned professions; and, finally, that an unbounded field lies open to persevering skill and industry in Ireland; we shall consider our objects fully attained, and our labours more than rewarded. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 45 METALLIC ORES, AND THEIR DISTRIBUTION. If there is nothing that is very attractive in the appearance of great masses of ore to invite attention, or appeal to the senses, there is much to satisfy the mind. Those rock-like masses contained within them the secret of man’s power, the very basis of all else within the Exhibition ; and the discovery of that secret in the early ages of human history constitutes the first starting-point of civilization. So strongly has mankind felt this, that all early peoples have placed among their divinities those who first separated metals from their ores. Without the discovery of metals we would have been condemned to the unredeemable bondage of barbarism. Every step of progress in mining and metallurgic arts has always been accompanied by a corresponding gain of power. Thus, in ancient times, the possessor of bronze weapons subdued the warriors armed with bone and flint, whilst the former in turn yielded to the superior force of iron. Even in our times that nation which produces most metals wins the peaceful victories of commerce. It is a metal which forms the motive-power of states, and too often the sole guiding principle of human actions. This word Metal , in its common acceptation, is well understood. Few persons will be at a loss to understand what are the properties which characterize metals when we speak of copper and iron ; but science has given a wide meaning to the word, and has shown us that there are many other substances, which, although agreeing in many respects with copper, iron, and gold, differ in a considerable degree in others. W e cannot here enter at length into this subject, but we may just state, that all the bodies thus brought into one group under the name of metals by chemists, can be conveniently classified for our purpose into three divisions, depending upon their relation to the air, or rather to one of its elements—oxygen—which has a remarkable tendency to unite with most bodies. The first division comprises what are called noble metals — gold, silver, &c.; these, when exposed to the air, do not rust or oxidize—that is, do not combine with oxygen. The second class, comprising copper, lead, iron, &c., rust: but the process takes place so slowly, unless under peculiar circumstances, that their utility is not much diminished by this slow oxidation; and the third comprises a number of little-known metals, such as potassium, which rust so rapidly, in contact with air and water, that in some cases they produce a vivid combustion when placed in water, and which consequently are of scarcely any utility in their metallic condition. The ancients knew but few metals, but these few comprised the greater number of those which are useful in the metallic state. Gold and silver appear to have been among the earliest known, probably because both are principally found in Nature in the condition in which we employ them—that is, in the metallic state—in small masses, or disseminated through rocks or gravel. The other metals—of the second and third divisions above specified—exist in Nature in a state of chemical combination with certain sub¬ stances. Now, one of the results of the chemical combination of two bodies is to produce a new one totally different from those of which it is formed; hence, the combinations of the metals which exist in Nature—-and which, when they exist in sufficient abundance to be of practical value, are denominated Ores — have little or no resemblance to the metals which they contain. Look, for instance, at those blackish, earthy-looking masses exhibited as clrnj-ironstone. What a striking contrast they presented to those beau¬ tifully polished pieces of machinery in motion in the neighbouring hall! And yet they contain the iron of which these machines are made. What is the difference between those yellow masses called copper ore and the material of our copper coinage ? Simply, that it is combined in the former with sulphur. The substances with which metals are thus combined in ores are not numerous. In general it is oxygen, one of the consti¬ tuents of air and water; carbonic acid, another substance existing in the atmosphere, and which is fami¬ liarly known to all as the gas which effervesces from champagne or soda water; sulphur ; and silica, one of the many forms of which is flint. Looking at a piece of Ore gives but little information, and presents but little interest, unless we know how it occurs in nature, the preparation which it undergoes to fit it for the operation of extracting the metal which it contains, and the nature of the process employed. This sort of information we shall endea¬ vour to supply as briefly as possible ; but as the subject is extensive we shall have to divide it—and, for the present, we purpose showing how Metallic Ores occur in the earth, and the countries where they are chiefly found. In performing this task, we shall endeavour to do more than satisfy mere curiosity. We shall, as far as our space permits, allude to the economic conditions which are required to render the existence of rich ores in a country of practical value, and point out their relations to the social condition of a people. Many of the Metals of the third class constitute important elements in the composition of rocks, such as limestone, which contains a beautiful metal of a silvery lustre. But the greater part of the metals of the other two classes—that is to. say, those which are commonly known as metals—do not, if we except iron, constitute any of the elements of ordinary rocks, and are only found in certain localities, and under peculiar conditions. Thus we rarely find metalliferous deposits in flat countries, while, on the other hand, we find few mountainous districts without them. The most casual observer in the neighbourhood of Dublin must have noticed that there is a remarkable difference between the arrangement of masses of rock in a granite quarry and in a limestone one. In the latter he will observe a regular series of beds placed one over another, sometimes horizontally, like the courses of masonry in a wall, and sometimes inclined at an angle. In a granite quarry, on the other hand, although a number of joints or cracks will be seen, there is a total absence of this bedding or stratification, as it is called. Rocks deposited like limestone are called sedimentary or stratified , and are supposed to have been produced by deposition from water ; those like granite are called unstratified or igneous rocks, because supposed to have been formed by the action of heat. The stratified rocks being placed one over the other like bricks in a wall, it is quite clear that the under ones were deposited first. For example, slate rocks are usually found below limestone, and are therefore older, while chalk occurs above, and is therefore more h 2 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 46 [Class I. recent. The igneous rocks are of various ages, even where they occur under sedimentary rocks. Granite, however, in relation to most other rocks, may be considered a very old one. Now it would appear that the age of the rock has something to do with the metal which is found as¬ sociated with it. Thus tin is ranked as one of the oldest metals, because only found in the oldest rocks known. Then comes bismuth; copper, lead, and zinc occur in rocks of various ages ; gold, silver, and co¬ balt are considered comparatively new, while iron is of all ages. The mineral wealth of a country is, there¬ fore, to some extent, indicated by its physical geography and geology. When a metal is found associated with a rock, it does not at all follow that it is of the same age as that rock, although it may not be found in any more recent one. This brings us to consider the peculiar condi¬ tions under which metals occur, and these we shall class under two denominations, neglecting all minuter subdivision, which neither our space nor object would permit us to dwell upon. Ores then occur either in Banks, which are probably contemporaneous in formation with the associated rocks, or Veins, which are con¬ sidered to be posterior to them. A Bank may be considered as a bed of mineral matter similar to an ordinary bed of rock, and varying in thickness from a few inches to many yards. They are, in fact, only distinguishable from the adjoining rock by their composition. It is necessary to remember, however, that the whole mass of such banks is not metalliferous. The metallic portion is usually scattered through a stony matrix, or interleaved with it, or it forms thin layers or small veins crossing it in every direction, or disposed in nets, or in scattered nodules. A good example of the latter was presented by clay ironstone, of which some specimens in the Exhibition, from Castlecomer, showed the form of the nodules. The term Ore is, however, in most cases, applied to the whole mass of the bank when it is worked for the metallic portion. Besides the clay ironstones of the coal fields many other ores occur in this way. The celebrated mines of iron in Sweden and Norway, for instance, are of this character, and even copper and lead frequently occur in the same way. Sometimes these banks are of enormous thickness, and of considerable dimensions, and even constitute entire mountains, as the Taberg in Sweden, which is a hill of about 500 feet in height, entirely composed of magnetic oxide of iron. At Gellivara, in Lapland, and in Styria, similar iron mountains occur. A Vein may be considered as a rent or fissure in a rock, which has become subsequently filled up by substances differing more or less from the surrounding rock, only a variable portion of which consists of me¬ tallic compounds, the rest being of a stony character, and called gangtie, or vein-stone, examples of which were presented by nearly all the specimens in the Exhibition. The substances which usually form the vein¬ stone are quartz, carbonate of lime or calc spar, fluor or Derbyshire spar, barytes, &c. Sometimes all these together exist as vein-stone, and but very rarely does it consist of only one; nevertheless some one of these predominates in certain parts of the vein, and very frequently characterizes entire mining districts. In the same way the metallic contents of a vein are very rarely confined to one metal. For example, tin is usually accompanied by tungsten and arsenic; lead, by silver and zinc; copper, by silver,>zinc, arsenic, &c.; and iron pyrites or sulphur-stone is found in nearly all veins. The metallic portions are variously distributed in the vein. Sometimes they form a single band through¬ out the centre of it; sometimes a number distributed in a sort of parallel series. These bands are occasionally continued for a great distance, at other times they break off at certain intervals and again recommence. Sometimes irregular metallic masses occur, called by the miners hunches of ore. The most certain veins are those containing bands of metallic matter, and the least profitable and uncertain are those where irregular masses are found, because in those cases the working of the mine is conducted as a mere hazard. The dis¬ tribution of metallic matter in a vein has thus sometimes as great an influence upon its economical value as its comparative richness; a poor vein, but of uniform composition for a great length, being in general more advantageously worked than rich veins where the ore is irregularly distributed. The greater number of the veins, or lodes as they are called in Cornwall, are of the former character; and hence although the dressed ore, that is the ore as it is prepared for sale, does not yield on an average more than 8 per cent, of copper, the Cornish mines are always profitable. Veins pass in a direction from the surface downwards. They scarcely ever descend in a perpendicular direction, but in many cases do not differ very much from it. Occasionally they are very much inclined ; this inclination gives them a certain direction in relation to the horizon, which enables us to divide veins into classes. It is very singular that the great majority of rich mineral veins run in a direction differing little from east and west, and are hence supposed to be connected with the magnetism of the earth. The veins which run in a more or less north or south direction are in general poor, and in numerous instances even contain only clay and quartz. Miners call the first right-running veins , and the latter cross-courses. Some veins run five, ten, or even more miles through a country, when very much inclined. In general, the richer the vein the greater will be its length; thus the celebrated silver vein called the Veta Madre , or Old Mother, at Guanaxuato in Mexico, is worked along an extent of eight miles. Although some few cases are supposed to have been observed of the termination of a vein or lode at a considerable depth, still the greater number continue beyond the limits of the deepest mine. The thickness of a vein may vary from a few inches to 150 feet, which is about the thickness of the silver lode just mentioned. Even the same vein may vary in the space of two or three fathoms, from a few inches to eight or ten feet; from three to four feet may, however, be considered as an average size of good veins. There are some curious circumstances connected with veins as we descend into the earth. For example, in Cornwall tin is only found to a certain depth, after which copper becomes abundant. Again, certain ores of silver in Peru and Mexico are only valuable near the surface, while the veins of silver in Germany, on the other hand, are only productive at a certain depth, the upper portion containing only iron. Connected with the latter point, it is necessary to observe that an opinion prevails among geologists that veins are somehow connected with igneous action, that is to say, that most metallic veins are either in igneous rocks, such as granite, or immediately connected with them. This is so far true that the principal rich mining districts of all countries are so situate. But there are many mines where no trace of igneous rocks has been observed, Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 47 such as the celebrated quicksilver mines of Idria, the mines of Poggau in the valley of the Mur, and many others in England, such as the great lead district of Derbyshire. The existence of such mines unconnected with igneous rocks has lienee led to the modified view that rich metallic veins, although more abundant in granite and other igneous rocks, are less connected with the nature of the rock than with the existence of great cracks or dislocations in the strata. Such dislocations are found in all mining districts, no matter what the including rocks may be. We have specially mentioned this peculiarity of veins, because it is sometimes stated that some of our richest mines, such as Knockmahon and Berehaven, which are in slate, and appa¬ rently totally unconnected with igneous rocks, must on that account be soon exhausted. There exist, how¬ ever, no facts to support such an opinion, and the oldest mines of England and the Continent worked in similar rocks appear to be as inexhaustible as those situate in granite or in the immediate neighbourhood of it. Mineral districts, we may further observe, are in most cases circumscribed within certain narrow limits. For example, the celebrated mining district of Freiburg, in Saxony, is only about ten miles long and five miles broad, and yet there are at least eight different systems of veins, for the most part containing different metals, within this small tract; and to come nearer home, we may draw two lines almost parallel through the counties of Dublin and Wicklow, and separated by only a few miles, and find that one would pass through nearly every district where lead has been found, and the other through the places abounding in copper. We have already mentioned that the metals when found in nature are in a state of combination with other substances ; some of them combinations of no importance in an industrial point of view, and others, although largely used in other countries in their manufacture, are not found in sufficient quantity in L-eland to be economically employed. In briefly noticing the ores of the different metals, we shall consequently confine ourselves to those of common occurrence with us, commencing with iron, the most valuable and abundant of the metals. Ores of Iron —The important ores of iron are four in number: 1. The magnetic oxide of iron; 2. The red oxide or hematite, including bog-iron ore; 3. Spathose iron , which is almost a pure carbonate of iron ; and, 4. Clay-ironstone. The first, or magnetic oxide, is the richest ore of iron ; but although it occurs, as in Sweden, in immense deposits, it is the least widely distributed. It occurs in many parts of Ireland ; among others, in a bed of great boulder-like masses, several miles long on the Aughrim river. It yields the finest iron perhaps of any of the ores of that metal. The second class of iron ores are also compounds of iron with oxygen, but containing more of the latter element, with the addition of a certain amount of water. The ores of this class are of various degrees of purity, according to the proportion of foreign substances mixed up with the ore. For example, bog-iron ore, which may be considered as a hematite, and which consists of a sort of clinkery mass, which forms in most bogs,—very frequently from the accumulation of the ferruginous skeleton of a microscopic animalcule, the gaillonella ferruginea ,—is so impure from the presence of a number of other substances, that the iron made from it is hard, and so brittle that it can only be employed in casting ornaments. Many examples of this kind of iron were in the Exhibition, among which we may especially mention the beautiful casting of the Last Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci, from Berlin, and the delicate ornaments for the person, such as buckles, bracelets, &c., from the same place. Hematite is the most diffused ore of iron. In England it is, with one or two exceptions, merely employed to enrich the poor ores of the coal districts, although in many places it occurs under such circumstances as would enable it to be worked alone on a great scale. In France hematite is very abundant, and is largely worked; when pure it yields admirable iron, some of the finest specimens of the Berry-iron being made from it. In other countries, also, it is extensively worked. We possess in Ireland several deposits of this class of ore, which are extremely rich, many of them giving sixty per cent, of iron; this is especially the case in Tyrone, where it is associated with the coal and fire-clay of that county, and is there popularly known as eagle-stone. Spathose iron, when pure, is of a white colour, and resembles in appearance the white veins of calc-spar, which occur in many limestone quarries. Its surface rapidly becomes red, however, on exposure to the air. Immense deposits of this ore occur in Styria, from which, in great measure, the celebrated iron and steel of Austria are made. It also occurs abundantly in Catalonia, where considerable quantities of iron are made from it, the quality of which is quite as celebrated as that of Styria or Sweden. Some deposits of this ore occur in Ireland, among which we may mention one on the property of the Marquess of Downshire, in the county of Down. Clay-ironstone is also chiefly a carbonate of iron, but a very impure one, being, in fact, a carbonate mixed with a variable quantity of indurated clay mud. It occurs in beds and nodules, imbedded in slaty clay, associated with beds of coal in all countries. Though, with few exceptions, it is the most impure and poorest ore of iron, not yielding in its raw state more than from 20 to 35 per cent, of metal; it is neverthe¬ less at present the most important ore of iron, and the one from which the greater part of the supply of that metal is obtained. This arises from the happy combination in the districts where it occurs, of all the eco¬ nomical conditions necessary for the successful manufacture of iron. Iron being the most widely diffused metal in nature, we may naturally expect to find it abundant in Ire¬ land. It is one thing, however, to find an ore of iron, and another to obtain it in such quantity and under such conditions as would permit of its being worked with profit. In coal districts clay-ironstone occurs abundantly, and thus we have the two chief raw materials at a cheap rate. The fire-clay for building the furnaces, and the limestone for fluxing are also, in general, found on the spot. It is to this curious combina¬ tion we have above alluded in speaking of clay-ironstone. At Arigna and other districts in the neighbour¬ hood of Lough Allen, situate upon the Leitrim coal basin, such favourable conditions coexist; and accordingly some years ago, a considerable manufacture of iron was carried on there, which did not, however, long survive the swindling of stock-jobbing,—the bane of Irish industrial enterprises. Within the present year the ma¬ nufacture has again commenced at Creevelea, not far distant from the original scene of operations, under, we 48 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. hope, more favourable auspices. Ironstone occurs also, associated with coal in immense quantities, in Kil¬ kenny, but hitherto no attempt has been made to utilize it, notwithstanding that in America, and in Wales, considerable quantities of iron are now made with anthracite coal. The same remark applies to the iron¬ stone of the Munster coal-field. In the County Tyrone the coal is bituminous, and yields good coke ; and in addition to the ironstone, which is abundant, a very rich hematite, as we have already remarked, is also found, so that the circumstances of that coal-field are, so far as we can judge, very favourable to the establish¬ ment of the iron manufacture. The other ores of iron are also very abundant, but as they are not associated with coal, they can never form the basis of a manufacture. Many of them are, however, so pure and rich, that, when easily worked, and where situated advantageously for transport, they might be profitably employed to raise the quality of the poor ores of other districts. Among these we may mention the magnetic iron of the valley of the Aughrim River in Wicklow, and some deposits of spathose iron in the county of Down. In former times a considerable quantity of iron was made from such ores with charcoal, and to that circumstance, among many others, we owe the unfortunate destitution of wood which prevails in this country. The illustration of iron ores in the Exhibition was very small; the only important series exhibited being the highly interesting collection of ironstones and associated grits, coals, and sandstones, contributed by Mr. William Murray on the part of the Monkland Iron and Steel Company, Glasgow. This series repre¬ sented in a very complete manner the coals, ironstones, limestones, and sandstones of the coal-fields of La¬ narkshire. This coal district contains from twenty to thirty seams of coal, of which from five to six are usually worked in a colliery, having an aggregate thickness of about twenty feet. The whole area of coal in the county is about 150 square miles. Considerable quantities of iron are made in this district, of which the series here mentioned contain a very complete illustration. A few samples of the celebrated black-band ironstones of Argyleshire, both raw and calcined, were also exhibited by the Eglinton Iron Company of that county. The. only Irish ores of iron exhibited were the clay-ironstones of Castlecomer in Kilkenny, sent by the Honourable C. Wandesforde; some small pieces of spathose iron from the new red sandstone in the county of Down, contributed by the Marquess of Downshire ; and two small specimens of micaceous iron ore from Limerick and Clare. The ironstones of the Lough Allen district were totally unrepresented in the Exhibition.* Copper Ores _Copper, although less abundant than iron, is found under quite as various conditions, for example, copper pyrites, sulphuret of copper, grey copper, and malachite ; but there are very few of the ores of any practical importance. Only the two former possess any interest for us, as being the ores found in workable quantities in Ireland. Copper pyrites is of a deep brass colour, and consists of about thirty-five per cent, of sulphur, thirty of iron, and thirty-four of copper. As the ore is seldom found pure, the usual commercial ore contains much iron. Nearly all the Cornish ores consist of this mineral, as well as the greater part of those shipped from this country to England. The sulphuret of copper is of an iron-grey colour, sometimes purplish and iridescent. When nearly pure, it would contain about twenty-one per cent, of sulphur, and seventy-seven per cent, of copper, but it is always more or less contaminated with pyrites. In general, the copper pyrites ore, when prepared for sale, does not, in Cornwall, yield more than an average of eight per cent, of copper, and the Irish about ten per cent. This is owing to the large quantity of veinstone or gangue mixed up with it, and which would cost too much to wash out, it being found cheaper to smelt it, in consequence of the low price of fuel in Wales, where the greater part of the copper ores of England and Ireland are smelted. As copper ores have always been of more importance in Ireland than those of iron, so they were much better illustrated in the Exhibition, but the specimens were exclusively Irish. The chief mining districts represented were the copper pyrites of the Yale of Avoca (Ballymurtagh and Connary) ; Knockmahon, in the county of Waterford; Berehaven, county of Cork; Dhurode mine, in the same county: argentiferous sulphuret of copper, Shallee and Gurtnadyne mines, county of Tipperary: and argentiferous purple copper from Clontoo mines, near ICenmare. Copper is almost exclusively found in the slate rocks in Ireland, and hence the supposition already no¬ ticed, that they will soon be worked out. It is principally developed in five districts :—1. Wicklow; 2. Wa¬ terford ; 3. South-west of Ireland, comprising parts of Cork and Kerry ; 4. Tipperary, and parts of Limerick; and 5. The west of Ireland, comprising parts of Galway and Mayo ; of which the first four only were properly represented in the Exhibition. Lead Ores _Galena, or sulphuret of lead, a compound of lead and sulphur, of a colour and appearance remarkably resembling lead itself, is the only workable ore of that metal. It occurs in veins and irregular bunches or nests in rocks of various ages—granite, slates, limestone, &c. Galena usually contains more or less silver, which, when in sufficient quantity, is extracted. In the average of Irish ores the silver does not exceed from seven ounces to ten ounces in each ton of lead, but some of the ore from Kilbreckan, in the county of Clare, is stated to have contained 120 ounces per ton. The collection of lead ores in the Exhibi¬ tion was also exclusively Irish, and was much more extensive than that of copper; nevertheless, it by no means adequately represented the resources of the country in this respect. Among the specimens most worthy of notice in this collection we would certainly place, in the first rank, the complete series from Luganure and other mines of the Mining Company of Ireland. Fine specimens were also exhibited of the argentiferous lead ores of Silvermines, in the county of Tipperary, the property of the General Mining Company of Ireland; some fine crystallized specimens, showing the veinstone from Glengola mines, county of Galway; specimens from Lansdowne mines, Kenmare; argentiferous lead from Clogher and Castlemaine mines, in Kerry; Iviloinogue, near Bantry, county of Cork ; and with antimony, from Kilbreckan, county of Clare. Some speci¬ mens were also exhibited from Newtownards, in the county of Down, which, with the exception of one or two * In the Official Catalogue, Dr. Moore, of Saville-row, London, was mentioned as the exhibitor of a collection from this district, hut it was not to be found in the Exhibition. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 49 contributions by the Marquess ofDownshire, were the sole representatives of the mineral wealth of the North of Ireland. Zinc Ores. —There are only two ores of zinc of any commercial importance:—1. The sulphuret of zinc or blende, which is a compound of sulphur and zinc, and usually accompanying other metallic sulphurets, especially that of lead or galena, being called by the miners of that mineral jack ; it occurs principally in veins in all rocks below the chalk: and, 2. The Carbonate of zinc or calamine, which is either an earthy- looking, reddish-grey mineral, or a hard, yellowish-grey mass, resembling in a very striking manner mag¬ nesian limestone in its external appearance. It is usually found associated with calcareous beds of the chalk group. There are two kinds of blende, one denominated black blende, and the other yellow blende. They are found in greater or less quantity in all lead mines; specimens have, however, been exhibited only from two—Luganure, in the county of Wicklow, and Glengola, in the county of Galway; the latter beau¬ tifully crystallized. Calamine lias not yet been found in any quantity in Ireland. Several specimens of this ore were exhibited by the Vieille Montague Zinc Company, from their celebrated mines in Belgium. Cala¬ mine may yet be found in the chalk districts of the North of Ireland, especially in Antrim, if properly sought for. We have now noticed all the important Ores exhibited, and we may dismiss the others in a few words. There were a few specimens of manganese, but with one exception they were very trivial. This metal, although not employed in the metallic form, is of great importance in the manufacture of chlorine, bleaching powder, &c. It has been found in several parts of Ireland, but the only deposit hitherto discovered of suffi¬ cient importance to be worked continuously is that at Glandore, in the county of Cork. The Mining Com¬ pany of Ireland exhibited samples of sulphuret of antimony from the mines of Clontibret, in the county of Armagh. The veins which have been discovered there are, however, very unimportant, and were, therefore, relinquished by the Company after an unsuccessful attempt to work them. Some beautiful specimens of native sulphuret of antimony, together with the fused commercial sulphuret and the regulus, as sold for mixing with lead for making printers’ types, from near Luxemburg, were exhibited in the Belgian department. Summing up, then, all the examples of Irish ores shown in the Exhibition, we have the following as the extent to which this department of industry was represented : Iron was exhibited from five districts in five counties; Copper from nine districts, spread over eight counties; Lead from twenty districts, in ten counties; Zinc from two districts, in two counties ; Antimony from two districts, in two counties; and Manganese from three districts, in three comities. EXTENT OF IRISH MINERAL WEALTH AND MINING INDUSTRY IN IRELAND. It must be obvious to all that the previous summary possesses value only when we are in a position to compare it with the actual condition of Mining Lidustry in this country. Unfortunately, the data necessary to do so are very difficult to be obtained. The owners of mines seem unwilling to give accurate statistical information, at least such as would be of a character to indicate the true condition of mining industry. There exists no record office in this country whence accurate information of the progress of commerce, manufac¬ tures, and mining industry, would be communicated from time to time to the public. All such statistics are amalgamated with those of England and Scotland, and hence we have to wade through an immense mass of documents to glean a few simple numerical facts. And how often does this labour lead to no result, so completely Imperialized are the numbers. We have endeavoured, as well as we could, to separate a few of the most important facts relating to L-ish mining, which we shall give in the following summary. Iron has been found in sufficient quantity to form a probable source of manufacturing industry in twenty- two districts, distributed over sixteen counties—that is, provided the other necessary economical conditions coexist. In six of those districts the iron occurs as clay-ironstone. It has been worked to a greater or less extent at various times in ten localities, in three of which the ore was clay-ironstone. With the exception, however, of those carried on in the Arigna district, those workings were on a small scale. Copper has been discovered in 100 districts in twenty-one counties; there have been workings carried on at various times in fifty-one districts in twelve counties. Lead has been found in 128 districts in twenty-three counties; in twenty-seven districts the lead is known to be sufficiently argentiferous to allow of the profitable extraction of the silver; fourteen in which blende or sulphuret of zinc is associated with the lead ore; and three in which antimony occurs. Lead has been worked to a greater or less extent in sixty-eight districts, in twenty counties. Of the other metals, Cobalt has been found in two counties; Tin in two counties ; Antimony in four coun¬ ties, in one of which it occurs unassociated with other metals ; native Silver in eight localities in six coun¬ ties ; Gold in four counties ; Manganese in five counties. By the term district we sometimes mean a group of mines ; for example, the Berehaven mines, the Rnockmahon mines, &c., are really a number of distinct lodes in the same district, and sometimes also worked under the same management. In the summary just given, every such group would only count as one district. The veins in many of the localities herein enumerated may not contain ore enough to pay for its ex¬ traction, or even, perhaps, to be worthy of a search ; nevertheless, there can be no doubt that there is a wide field for profitable investment in Irish mines. We must, however, warn our readers from falling into the usual error of some of our sanguine countrymen, who are always talking of our alleged boundless mineral resources. Our mines, if judiciously and spiritedly worked, would confer, doubtless, a great benefit upon the country ; but it is time to lay aside imaginative pictures, and content ourselves with the reality, which is simply this,—that our mineral resources are comparatively small. Cornwall alone produces about ten to twelve times as much copper as the whole of Ireland ; and one district of Derbyshire more lead. It is beyond doubt, that our mining industry is not yet fully developed; but in this, as in many other branches of industry, our progress has been greatly retarded by bubble speculations blown in London for stock-jobbing purposes. We have abundance of money in Ireland to develop a prosperous trade, but we are deficient in enterprise Would 50 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. that Irishmen learned a little more of the spirit of self-reliance, and thought less of that bugbear, “ English capital,” which has too often tended to bring every good project for introducing manufactures into this country into discredit. It is gratifying also to know that, with one or two honourable exceptions, all the really bom fide specu¬ lations, and those which have been well and perseveringly managed, have been got up in Ireland, and with Irish capital, and that the bubbles are chiefly of foreign manufacture. Without wisliing to draw any invi¬ dious comparisons, we cannot help alluding here to the services which the pioneer of Irish mining industry— the IMining Company of Ireland, has rendered to this country since its establishment in 1824. With a sub¬ scribed capital of £140,000 alone, it has paid in wages the sum of £1,400,000. At present it employs about 2000 people in its mines and colleries, and pays in weekly wages £900. We only regret that its operations are not more extended, and that there are not a dozen such companies at work. There is no branch of industry subject to greater fluctuations than that of Mining, not only from the va¬ riation in the productions of the mines themselves, and of the market value of ores, but also from the jobbing connected with shares in these countries. Nevertheless, the following Tables show that a considerable amount of real progress must have taken place in mining industry in Ireland within the last few years. From other considerations we are also convinced that Irish Mining industry is, at present, in as healthy a condition as it has been for many years past. Formerly all Irish copper ores were sent to Swansea to be smelted, where accurate statistics of the quan¬ tity sold were kept. During this period, therefore, the Swansea Tables represented the actual condition of Irish copper mining. Lately, however, considerable quantities are sent to other places, and the Swansea returns consequently no longer indicate any definite results. The following Table jshows the quantity sold at that port for the five years ending 1852 :— Tons. 1848,. .12,586 1849,. . 9,772 1850,. .10,191 1851,. .10,998 1852,. . 9,995 In order to show how far these numbers are from indicating the true quantity of copper ore raised in Ireland, we give the following Table, representing the quantity raised at Ballymurtagh, in the county of Wicklow, for the eight years ending 1851, and the quantity sold at Swansea :* Year. Total Copper Ores raised. Sold at Swansea. Sold at other Ports. Year. Total Copper Ores raised. Sold at Swansea. Sold at other Ports. 1844. 7130 tons. 3635 tons. 3495 tons. 1848. 7621 tons. 1317 tons. 6304 tons. 1845. 6816 „ 2836 „ 3980 „ 1849. 7783 „ 1233 „ 6550 „ 1846. 7318 „ 2564 „ 4754 „ 1850. 6754 „ 339 „ 6415 „ 1847. 6012 „ 964 „ 5048 „ 1851. 6026 „ 102 „ 5924 „ The following Table represents the results of the workings of the chief Copper Mines in Ireland for the five years ending 1852, so far as our information goes: Year. Berehaven, Co. Cork. Knockmahon, Co. Waterford. Baliymurtagh, Co. Wicklow. Laekamore, Co. Tipperary. Holyford, Co. Tipperary. Ballina, Co. Mayo. Gurtnadyne, Co. Tipperary. tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs tons.cwts.qrs.lbs f Quantity of ore raised.... 5872 0 0 0 4674 0 0 0 7621 0 0 0 152 0 0 0 302 0 0 0 1848 < 583 8 1 10 383 16 1 25 17 13 1 8 73 18 1 9 Per centage of copper in ore 9 7-8th l-16th 8 l-4th 5 11 5-8th 24| f Quantity of ore raised .... 5812 0 0 0 2787 0 0 0 7783 0 0 0 114 0 0 0 1S49< 007 2 3 30 247 1 0 25 10 3 2 7 Per centage of copper in ore 10 3-8th l-16th 8 7-8th 9 5-8th f Quantity of ore raised_ 6137 0 0 0 3314 0 0 0 6754 0 0 0 101 0 0 0 59 0 0 0 154 0 0 0 1850 < 6*39 6 0 12 264 H 0 5 11 8 3 7 6 7 3 is 16 9 1 23 10 3-8th l-16th 11 l-4th 1-16th 11 5-8th 1-16 til 10 5-8thl-16th f Quantity of ore raised .... 0909 0 0 0 3624 0 0 0 6026 0 0 0 204 0 0 0 1851 < 710 5 3 27 290 11 1 18 16 3 2 4 Per centage of copper in ore 10 l-8th 1-16'th 8 7 7-8th 1-lGth ( 5692 0 0 0 3471 0 0 0 140 0 0 0 89 0 0 0 1852 < 591 0 3 10 315 11 1 0 8 14 0 14 16 18 1 19 Per centage of copper in ore 10 3-8th 9 l-16th 6 1-Sth 1-lGth 19 £ s. d. £ s. d. • £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d. ms Value of ore . 30818 4 0 24470 0 0 15022 0 0 1164 12 6 5465 2 6 1849 Ditto . 45868 16 0 18046 3 0 15342 0 0 745 13 G 1850 47CK7 15 0 19703 6 6 13313 0 0 863 0 0 520 IS 6 1239 9 6 1851 Ditto . 53810 0 6 2157.3 7 6 11878 0 0 1218 8 G 1852 Ditto . 54687 19 6 29285 14 0 794 8 0 1802 5 0 18511 Number of persons em-1 1200 600 950 50 1852 Ditto"..". 1200 800 50 * Under the term copper ores, all iron pyrites containing 2 or 3 per cent, of copper, are included; the latter are sold at Liverpool at a higher price than the ordinary pyrites, while the rich or true copper ores are sent to Swansea to be smelted. The copper pyrites are first employed for making oil of vitriol, and the copper is then extracted from the re¬ sidual clinker ; but the rich ores are directly smelted. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 51 The preceding Table does not contain the results of the workings ofCronebane, Tirgoney, Connory, and Ballygahan, as none of the returns which we have seen exhibit the slightest agreement with one another. For example, the quantity of ore raised in 1851 at Ballymurtagh was estimated by the Company at 6026 tons ; but, according to the Custom House authorities of Dublin, the total quantity of copper ore exported from Arklow and Wicklow, or, in other words, the whole produce of all the Ovoca mines, Ballymurtagh, Cronebane, &c., was only 2064 tons. If we except those just mentioned, the copper mines not included in the preceding Table were only a few scattered workings, partaking more of the character of trials than of permanent mining operations. If we estimate the production of all the Wicklow copper mines at 9000 tons of ore, the total copper ore raised in Ireland in 1852 may be estimated at about 18,000 tons; one-half of which would yield about 4 per cent., and the other about 9 per cent, of copper; or about 1170 tons, or one-tenth of the copper produced by Cornwall alone in that year. The total number of persons engaged in copper and sulphur mining may be estimated at about 4200, of whom 2000 are employed in the Vale of Ovoca in Wicklow. L-ish copper mining appears to have fully maintained its position in 1853, or rather, perhaps, it improved. The only returns of produce which we have as yet seen are those of Rnockmahon, which mines yielded 3106 tons of ore, valued at £31,254, or about £10 per ton of ore. The high price of copper has contributed very much to the prosperity of copper mining generally during the past year. PRODUCE OF IRISH LEAD MINES IN OPERATION IN 1851-52. CoEJNTIES. Names of Mines. 1851. 1852. Quantity of Ore raised. Quantity of Lead produced. Quantity of Ore raised. Quantity of Lead produced. Quantity of Silver extracted. No. of Persons employed. Tons. cwts. Tons. cwts. Tons. cwts. Tons. cwts. Ounces. Clare,. . Kilbrickan,. 72 0 40 0 4000 30 Annaghlough,. 400 0 310 0 100 Down,. . . . Newtownards,. 1643 11 894 13 1795 0 1420 0 400 Conlig,. 191 0 49 4 40 0 50 Cork, . . . Bantry. 18 0 10 0 70 20 Galway, . . Glengola,. 60 0 42 0 50 0 39 5 140 30 „ Galway Mines,. 3 0 1 19 Louth, . . . Dundalk,. 52 10 38 15 10 Tipperary, . Shallee,. 465 .5 279 4 287 0 172 4 i East and West Shallee, . . 433 0 295 o j 300 Gorteenadilia,. 76 0 50 10 300 Wicklow, . . Glenmalure,. 105 0 65 10 201 0 144 5 950 40 Luganure,. 740 0 534 0 1057 0 661 0 4822 400 Arklow,. 18 0 14 0 20 Limerick, . . Gurtnadyne, . 76 0 57 0 Total,. 3222 16 1829 7 4569 14 3279 18 22282 1400 The total number of persons engaged in lead mining in Ireland in the year 1852 may be estimated at about 1450,* being an increase of about 15 per cent, over 1851. In 1853 the lead mining industry fully maintained its position, and, perhaps, even improved, as there was considerable activity in making searches, and in re-opening old workings. We have not been able as yet to collect any statistics for 1853, with the exception of Luganure, which produced 932 tons of ore, value £11,742, or an average of about £12 10.s. per ton ; and Newtownards, which in the first six months of the year produced 851 tons of ore,—the whole pro¬ duce of the year being expected to reach 1800 tons, or about the same as in 1852. In order to enable our readers to form some notion of the proportion which Irish lead ores bear to those obtained in Great Britain, we shall add a Table of the production of lead in Great Britain and Ireland for the five years ending 1852:_ 1848. 1849. 1850. 1851. 1852. Lead Ore. Lead. Lead Ore. Lead. Lead Ore. Lead. Lead Ore. Lead. Lead Ore. Lead. England, . . . Wales,. Ireland, .... Scotland, . . . Isle of Man, . . Total, . . . Tons. 54,538 16,305 1,912 2,588 2,521 Tons. 39,142 11,122 1,188 1,736 1,665 Tons. 60,124 19,711 2,739 1,421 2,826 Tons. 41,168 13,389 1,653 957 1,535 Tons. 63,565 21,093 2,895 3,117 2,175 Tons. 44,462 14,876 1,746 2,124 1,218 Tons. 64,102 19,314 3,222 3,113 2,560 Tons. 45,103 14,813 1,829 2,140 1,402 Tons. 62,411 18,379 4,493 3,499 2,415 Tons. 43,813 13,708 3,222 2,381 1,835 77,864 54,853 86,821 58,702 92,845 64,426 92,311 65,287 91,197 64,959 The whole of the lead, therefore, manufactured in Ireland in the year 1852 formed only one-nineteenth of that produced in Great Britain. ' The preceding Table includes all the Irish lead mines given, and that in the Table: the former including those of any importance worked in 1852; but as many trials engaged in making trials as well as in actual, permanent were made during that year, there is an apparent discre- mining operations, pancy between the total number of men employed, as just I 52 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. The persons employed at lead and copper mines may be divided into two classes, those who work under ground, and those employed on the surface. The proportion which these two classes bear to each other is, of course, variable. Taking Newtownards as an example—of the 400 persons employed there, about 220 work under ground, and 180 are surface workers. These two classes are paid very differently ; the surface workers are usually employed by the week, and can be had at Newtownards for about Is. each per week. The un¬ derground workers are paid by contracts, or “ bargains,” which are put up to auction once a month ; their average earnings may be estimated at about 15s. per week. These numbers would also represent the con¬ dition of Luganure lead mines, and, perhaps, that of most Irish mines. In some mines, however, a conside¬ rable tax is levied upon the workmen, and one which is very unjust, and of a very questionable benefit to the proprietors. The miners purchase their tools and other requisites from the captain of the mines, at the rates fixed upon by the proprietors. Now, we know instances in which a profit of one hundred per cent, has been charged upon these things! It is reasonable to charge the expenses attendant upon the purchase and conveyance of stores to the mines, because it is absolutely necessary that a stock of them should be always kept on hand, and even a small profit may be added, but certainly not more than what an ordinary trader would be satisfied with. IMiners are very much exposed to accidents. We must, however, add, that the majority of those which do occur arise from intemperance; in too many instances they are improvident, and, consequently, when illness comes upon them they fall into the most abject misery. In Belgium, and many other countries, there is an admirable organization for relieving such distress, the principle of which is in operation in many cases in Great Britain, namely, by deducting a small per centage from the wages. This is not the place for going into details upon the subject; but surely rich companies, like the Mining Company of Ireland, ought to initiate such a system; which, without taking one penny from their pockets, would be of great benefit to themselves indirectly. The excessive profit above alluded to might be well applied to such a philanthropic object. MINING OPERATIONS. Our subject would be incomplete if we did not detail how ores are extracted from the earth, and the va¬ rious processes through which they pass in the extraction of the metal. To render such an account intelligible and interesting to the general reader is at all times difficult, but it becomes more so when but little space can be devoted to it, and when, in addition, it is without the aid of illustrative diagrams. The first operation of mining consists, undoubtedly, in discovering the lode or vein, which is as frequently the result of chance as of skill. Still, even chance may be materially assisted by the observance of a little system. Water is the chief agent in such searches, for when a vein comes to the surface, and happens to cross the bed of a stream, portions of the metallic matter will be gradually washed down into some hollow. An examination of the beds of ravines, or of railway or new road cuttings, will also (often lead to good results. Independent, however, of all these accidental methods, lodes are discovered by an operation, termed in Corn¬ wall, from whence we have borrowed in Ireland nearly all our mining terms, shoading or costeaning. In a district where no mineral veins are worked, and where consequently the direction in which they would be likely to run would not be known, two series of pits are sunk through the surface deposit or soil, to the depth of two or three feet into the rock. The pits of each series are sunk at regular intervals in a straight line, the direction of one series being at right angles to the other so as to form a kind of cross. The pits are sub¬ sequently joined by galleries, so that, no matter in what direction a vein may run, part of it will be laid bare where it is cut by the line of the shode pits and connecting galleries. Where other lodes have been discovered previously in the neighbourhood, and consequently the general direction of veins in the locality ascertained, one line of shode pits sunk at right angles to that direction will suffice. We shall suppose a vein has been discovered, and that it looks sufficiently promising to warrant some attempt at working being made; the next operation is to drive along gallery from the side of the neighbouring valley, if the vein has been discovered in a hill, in the direction of the lode. This gallery is called an adit level , and serves to drain off' the water from the upper part of the lode. This done, and the lode still pro¬ mising favourably, a shaft is sunk perpendicularly, somewhat like an ordinary pump well, until it strikes the lode, through which it is carried and continued at the other side to a certain depth. From this shaft, which is seldom less than thirty-two inches in diameter, a number of horizontal passages or galleries, or, as they are usually termed, levels , are cut to meet the lode. These levels are usually three or four feet wide, and about six feet high, but are sometimes larger, and sometimes, unfortunately, smaller, and are of various lengths, some existing which are four or five miles long. These levels, which run from the shaft towards the lode, are called cross-cuts , and are usually provided with tram-ways for the transport in waggons of the ore and rubbish to the shaft, up which it is lifted by means of two buckets called kibbles, alternately ascending and descending. When operations are first commenced, the kibbles are lifted by a simple windlass or tackle. This is afterwards replaced by a machine called a gin or whim , worked by horses or water; or steam power is employed where the operations are sufficiently extensive, and facilities exist for their application. When the levels are cut through a solid rock, nothing further is required; but where the rock is soft, the roof must be supported, and in many cases all the sides, with wood,—an operation termed timbering. Very often, however, as in railway tunnels, bricks and stones are employed instead of wood. When the lode is reached, a number of cross-cuts are run from the shafts to the surface of the lode ; the extraction of ore properly commences by running a series of levels in the mass of the lode itself, and following its direction. As these galleries are, however, excavated at different depths, sixty feet often intervening, all the ore lying between the galleries, that is to say, the greater part of it, would be left untouched, for the portions excavated in making the galleries would bear but a very small proportion to the whole mass. To extract the sheet of ore therefore, which lies between the levels, it is necessary either to excavate from an upper to a lower level, which is called stoning , or working up from a lower to a higher one, which is technically termed rising. The cavi¬ ties thus left are subsequently filled up with rubbish. When the workings are carried below the range of the adit level, and in all cases where the circumstances Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 53 of the locality do not permit of the construction of such a level in the first instance, the water which is con¬ tinually flowing in from the surrounding rocks as it would into a well, when sunk, is pumped up the shaft When a mine is worked for some time, several new shafts are sunk, in the deepest of which the pumps are usually worked, the other serving for the descent of the miners, and the extraction of the ore. It frequently happens, however, that all the shafts are used for both purposes. These additional shafts are serviceable in another way also, because, by their means a current of air can be established through the various workings, the draught going down one shaft and up another. The same power is used for pumping the water as for extracting the ore; but, in general, water is preferred where practicable. And hence, from this fact, as well as the great importance of water for all subsequent operations in the dressing of the ores, the economizing of water is carried in mining districts to an extent unknown elsewhere. The miners descend the shaft to the level, in which they work by means of perpendicular ladders in one of the shafts, giving themselves fight with small oil lamps hooked on the finger; or, as is almost universally the case here, with tallow candles, which they stick with a piece of plastic clay to the front of hemispherical felt hats, made so stiff as to withstand a strong blow, and thus protect them from a piece of the roof falling, or from hurting their heads in low pas¬ sages. The appearance of a number of miners thus accoutred is very singular,—they look like so many spectres moving about in the thick atmosphere. The effect is still more striking when seen in the neigh¬ bourhood of a steam-engine working away several hundred feet under ground, as is sometimes the case, and in a darkness broken only by the lights thus stuck in the miners’ hats. It is unnecessary to describe the manner in which a miner works, or the tools which he employs, as any person who has seen a quarryman at work can realize the mode in which it is done. The miner uses gun¬ powder for blasting rocks exactly as is done in an open quarry; but some rocks are so hard that even blasting will not effect the miner’s object, and he has to adopt other means, which consist in piling up fuel against the part which he wishes to act upon, and, setting fire to it, the rock becomes intensely heated, and splits in va¬ rious directions, and may then be removed in the ordinary way,—tiffs method is now only practised in one or two mines on the Continent. Preparation and Concentration of the Ores to fit them for Smelting _By the operations of the miner the ore, constituting the lode, is broken into fragments of various sizes, so that when it comes to the surface it looks like a mass of rubbish out of a quarry, and to the inexperienced eye very unlike what most people in then’ imagination picture ore to be. To obtain the metal from this mass it must be subjected to two different series of operations, the one mechanical, the other chemical. The mechanical operations are of three kinds, crushing, sifting, and concentration by washing. The object of the first process is to bring the whole of the ore to a convenient state of comminution ; that of the sifting to classify the sizes of grains ; and the washing to remove as much as possible of the gangue from the ore. The crushing is either effected between rollers, or by great pestles of wood shod with iron. The sifting is effected in the ordinary way, or by machines. The principles upon which the washing, or concentration is effected, are simply that the relative rapidity with which bodies fall in water, or other liquids, depends upon three circumstances :—1. The specific gravity ; 2. the size ; and 3. The form,—this being the order of their importance. If we suppose a quantity of stuff, such as the mixture of ore and rubbish from a mine to be thrown into water, under the action of density alone, we should find that the ore would first reach the bottom ; if size alone influence the fall, the larger pieces would first reach the bottom ; and, lastly, if form alone acted, the spherical would fall quicker than the cylindrical, and the latter quicker than flat discs. It is quite clear, therefore, that we could not effect the separation of ore from gangue by throwing it into water as long as the mass contained pieces of different sizes and shapes ; hence the necessity of crushing, and stamping, and sifting, in order to bring the grains to as great an unifor¬ mity of size and form as possible. In proportion to the perfection to which this uniformity is brought, will be the effectual separation of the gangue and consequent concentration of the ore. The importance of paying the greatest attention to this branch of mining may be judged of from the fact, that with the same raw copper ore, the same expenditure of time, labour, power, and expense, we obtain very different qualities of marketable ore, according to the manner in which the crushing and sifting was effected. To give an example,—we have known a case where one part of a parcel of ore-stuff produced an ore yielding 7 per cent, of copper; whilst the other part, by a slight and apparently unimportant modification of the pro¬ cess, was so concentrated as to yield 10 per cent. The series of operations by which ores are washed varies with each metal, with the country, and even the locality. To convey an idea of them we shall select one example,—the metal being lead, and the series of operations that usually adopted in Ireland. The first operation to which the ore-stuff as it comes from under ground is subjected is that of grating , which consists in sorting the ore by means of sieves made like the common sieves used for screening gravel for mortar. The large pieces are then washed in a stream of water, which flows into a pool in which the fine mud washed off is caught, after which they are spalled , that is, broken into pieces about the size of the fist, or even smaller. The ore thus broken is then cobbed , that is, broken with a hammer in such a way as to se¬ parate the dead part from the metallic portions. The ores in this operation are sorted into three lots: the first consisting of veinstone or gangue, and containing no ore, or only so small a quantity that it would not pay for its extraction, which is accordingly thrown away as waste ; the second, called halvans , the poor ore, which consists of so intimate a mixture of veinstone and ore that the latter cannot be separated without a series of mechanical processes ; the third, the sorted mine or fat ore , consisting of the pieces of pure ore, or that which contains very little gangue. The fine portion, which had passed through the sieves in the opera¬ tion of grating, and termed by the miners smalls , is then subjected to an operation termed jigging , which consists in putting the ore into a sort of square box with a sieve bottom; this box is then placed in a tub of water, and jerked up and down in the water by means of a lever or swing. During this operation the water enters by the bottom of the box, and lifts for an instant the particles of ore and gangue, which in falling again sink in the order of their specific gravity, so that the metallic parts being the heavier sink to the bottom, while the gangue comes to the top, and is removed from time to time by the workman with a shovel, and i 2 54 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I unless it is worth jigging again, is rejected. By this means the ore is obtained in the bottom, separated from a large part of the gangue. The upper portion, being much poorer than the lower, is separated, and consi¬ dered also as halvans, a term which is applied to all poor ores. We have now the three classes of ores :_1. The fat ore; 2. Halvans; and 3. Jigged smalls; which are treated separately by another series of operations to be afterwards described. The fat ore is subjected to the operation of the stamping machine, which con¬ sists of a number of huge pestles of wood, armed at their lower ends with masses of iron, ^nd supported ver¬ tically in a framework of wood so as to be movable up and down. The motion is effected by means of a horizontal axis, turned by a water-wheel, and having a number of wipers projecting from it, which in their revolution catch a projecting shoulder of the pestles and toss them up, and then allow them to fall into a long cavity, the bottom of which is covered with iron. Into this cavity the ore is put, and is crushed by the fall¬ ing of the pestles, the stamped ore being carried away by a current of water flowing underneath t he pestles, and deposited in its course according to its relative richness, thus effecting a first washing. Instead of these, stamp-crushing cylinders may be employed, and with much greater effect, except where the gangue is too hard, in which case the stamps are best adapted for crushing the ore into fine powder. A very pretty work¬ ing model of such a series of stamps was exhibited by Mr. P. J. Klassen, intended to represent a quartz crushing-machine, but equally well adapted for ores generally. The crushed stuff obtained by either of these methods is next trunked , an operation which is performed in what is called a trunk huddle , which consists of a box into which a stream of water flows, and of a large cistern with a flat bottom. The crushed ore from stampers or cylinders is placed in the box, and is continually agitated by a workman with a shovel; the stream of water carrying away the finer particles into the cistern, where it is deposited, forming what is called slime or slick , whilst the coarser particles remain in the box, and are removed from time to time. In the case of rich ores, the coarse ore is now sufficiently pure for smelting, and is laid aside in heaps, or, as the miners say, sent to pile, under the name of crop ore , otherwise it is jig¬ ged in the manner already described when very coarse ; or simply tossed or tozed , when only like coarse sand. This latter operation consists in violently agitating the ores in water, and then allowing them to subside, a result which is sometimes accelerated by what is called packing , that is, beating the keeve in which the ore is tossed with a hammer; after which the ore, if not sufficiently cleansed, is washed upon what is called a flat huddle , which differs very little from the trunk buddle. The skimmings from the operation of jigging the crop ore are again subjected to the stampers and washed, and the clean ore sent to pile. The slime which flowed into the cistern in the operation of trunking is now washed in what is called a nicking huddle , which consists of a slightly inclined table, called the nicking-board, along the top of which runs a spout having a plug in its centre. At the lower end of the nicking-board is a flat board, and below that is a tank, some¬ times called the sleeping table. The ore is spread upon the inclined table, and a thin sheet of water is made to flow over it, which forms a series of rills in the ore, and gradually washes the mud into the tank, over the bottom of which the ore is strewn according to its purity, that which is deposited closest to the nicking-board being the richest. The clean slime obtained in this way is then sent to pile. We have now got three kinds of clean ore:—1. The crop ore, jigged and washed; 2. The clean slime from the nicking-buddies, which was separated from the crop ore ; and 3. The slime from skimmings of the crop ore, crushed and washed. The halvans and smalls are treated in exactly the same way; it is, however, usual to mix them both together when crushed. In this way there are from five to six different qualities of ore produced at the mine, the dif¬ ference between them consisting merely in the amount of gangue which they contain. In jigging the smalls, and in the other various operations, a certain quantity of fine matter, technically called sludge,* is carried away by the water, which is, however, not allowed to go waste, but is made to pass through a series of pits called huddle holes or slime pits , where it deposits, and after a time is collected and washed, forming another quality of slime ore. The series of operations, which we have just described, is as nearly as possible that followed at the Luganure Mines, near the Seven Churches, in the county of Wicklow; and the Mining Company of Ireland, who work those mines, exhibited a case containing a nearly complete series of specimens illustrative of the process. The General Mining Company of Ireland also exhibited some samples of dressed ore, but, not having a complete series illustrative of the stages of the preparation, we are unable to say whether the process which we have described is the same as that followed at their mines. The object of all these operations is to remove as much of the gangue or veinstone from the pure ore as possible; the more perfect the system of washing the purer will be the ore, and the better fitted will it be for the operations of the smelter. In Great Britain, where fuel is so cheap, the washing is not in general so perfect as it is on the Continent, where scarcely one-half'per cent, of ore is left in the waste. But as fuel is not so cheap in Ireland, it might be worth our while to adopt the Continental system, which has grown up under circumstances more similar to our own than to those of England. THE SMELTING OF LEAD ORES. After undergoing the mechanical operations which have been already described, the ore is fit for the chemical operation of extracting the metal by smelting. The general principles of this process are the same, no matter what the metal may be. The washed ore consists of a mixture of some metal in combina¬ tion with oxygen and sulphur, mixed with more or less foreign matter derived from the veinstone, and con¬ sisting usually of quartz, but sometimes also of sulphate of barytes, fluor spar, and other substances ; all of which it is desirable to remove, and thereby obtain the metal in a free state. This object is effected by em¬ ploying some substance which, when heated with the ore, combines with the foreign matter, and sets the metal free. As illustrations of this process we shall select one or two examples, the first of which shall be This term is also applied to all fine metallic matter in suspension in water. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. lead, because we have described in detail the operations of its mechanical preparation, and also, because the manufacture of lead was the best illustrated of any of the metals in the Exhibition. The ordinary lead ore, as it is sent to the smelting-house, consists of galena, which is a compound of lead and sulphur, with a variable portion of gangue. The object of the smelter is to get rid of tins sulphur and gangue; to effect which the ore is first roasted—that is, exposed to the action of air at a high temperature, by which both the metal and the sulphur take in oxygen, and form sulphate of lead ; which is again decom¬ posed the moment of its formation, a great part of the sulphurous acid going off and leaving oxide of lead, producing sulphate of lead and metallic lead. Some of this separates, while another part combines with some of the undecomposed ore. At this stage the smelting process commences ; and consists in stopping the supply of oxygen, and providing substances rich in carbon to take away the oxygen from the lead—and lime to take the sulphuric acid which has been formed; and convert the gangue into a species of glass, and thus prevent it from combining with the lead. The roasting is conducted in some places in one furnace, and the smelting in another ; but at Ballycorus, the only lead-smelting works in Ireland, one furnace serves for both operations. This furnace is what is called a reverberatory one, and consists essentially of two parts: first, the hearth upon which the ores are spread, and which is dish-shaped, and domed over with brickwork ; and second, the fire¬ place, which is an ordinary furnace-grate, the flame of which passes into the hearth, and is made to sweep over its surface by the form of the roof; after which the smoke and gaseous matter pass into a long horizontal fine, which is sometimes 100 yards long, and which terminates in an upright chimney, from 100 to 120 feet high. Supposing the furnace to be in full action, and that an operation is just finished, a quantity of ore, which for each charge is usually about one ton, is introduced into the furnace through a hopper, and is spread over the hearth ; here it is roasted at a very moderate heat, produced by the effect of the previous operation. During the roasting the ore is occasionally turned over with rakes, and at the end of two hours the operation is completely finished. The doors are then shut and a strong fire made, which produces a vivid red heat in the interior of the furnace, which is maintained from two and a half to three hours—the mass being from time to tune stirred. A little lime is added occasionally in the last two hours, by the action of which and of the gaseous matter of the coal, the lead is reduced, and collects in the basin-like cavity of the hearth, from which at the proper time it is run off into a cistern, and thence ladled into moulds of iron, the quantity contained in each mould being called a pig of lead; examples of which were exhibited by the Mining Company of'Ireland, and by J. Byers, of Stockton upon Tees. The gangue and part of the sulphur form with the lime a slag or clinker, which is raked out of the fur¬ nace, and, as it still contains a portion of lead, is laid aside. A quantity of the ore is also carried off by the draught of air which sweeps through the furnace, and is deposited in the long horizontal flue. It is thence removed from time to time, and subjected along with the ore slags to a second operation, similar in every respect to that to which the ore is subjected in the first instance ; and in this way an additional quantity of lead is obtained—which is, however, in general inferior in quality to the lead obtained directly from the ore. Before proceeding to describe the processes employed in the smelting of other metals, it will be convenient to complete our observations upon the subject of lead. With this view we shall briefly state the mode in which silver is extracted from lead, the manufacture of pipe and sheet lead, and shot. SEPARATION OF SILVER FROM LEAD. Many ores of lead contain a small quantity of silver, the presence of which renders the lead obtained from them hard and unfit for many purposes to which that metal is usually applied. Formerly, when the quantity of silver was large, it was extracted by an operation called cupellation, which consisted in melting the lead in a large dish-like crucible made of the powder of burnt bones, or more generally of white marl, placed in a sort of reverberatory furnace, and causing a blast of air to pass over its surface. The melted lead combines with the oxygen and forms litharge, which, assisted by the force of the blast, flows out of the furnace, leaving the silver behind in combination with a small portion of the lead. The charge for such a cupel is usually about 5 cwts.; but during the operation, which lasts from fifteen to eighteen hours, further portions are added until from 80 to 90 cwts. have been added. If a ton of the lead contained originally 15ozs., and 80 cwts. or 4 tons were thus operated on, there would be in the cupel 60 ozs. of silver in combination with about 1 cwt. of lead. Such a mass is called rich lead , and is laid aside until a sufficient quantity of it is obtained to yield from 1000 to 2000 ounces of silver ; it is then submitted to the action of a blast of air, until the whole of the lead is oxidized into litharge, which is raked off, leaving a mass of silver behind, silver not being capable under such circumstances of being oxidized. The litharge thus obtained, together with the cupel broken up, which is found to absorb a quantity of the litharge, is reduced in a furnace with coke, and the lead cast into pigs as before. The lead thus produced is known as refined lead —that produced directly from the ore being called common or smelter’s lead—is exceedingly pure and soft, and may be applied to the manufacture of sheet lead. By this process a good deal of lead was lost—at least seven per cent_and there was a great consumption of fuel. It could not, therefore, be profitably adopted with any lead that did not contain from fifteen to twenty ounces of silver per ton. But such leads are very rare, and the usual process was to mix such rich with poor lead, so as to form a mixture which would contain enough of silver to pay for the cost of cupellation. Some years ago Mr. Pattison, of Newcastle, made a very happy invention, by which the silver, even when existing in the proportion of only three ounces to the ton, might be profitably extracted. This ingenious and important process is founded upon the property that when lead containing a little silver is melted, and then gradually allowed to cool, a portion of the lead will crystallize out, as salt docs out of brine, leaving the silver in the fused portion. If we remove the lead crystals by a sort of drainer, and repeat the process, we will be gradually able to remove the greater part of the lead ; leaving an alloy of silver of gradually increasing rich¬ ness behind. In this way we may produce from lead containing only three ounces per ton, an alloy containing thirty ounces, while, with lead containing ten ounces, which many of our Irish leads do, we can obtain a rich 56 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. lead containing 100 ounces. The operation is performed in simple iron pots, capable of holding about three tons of lead each, set in brick-work, and heated by a fire. The crystallized lead, as fast as it is removed by the drainer, is remelted, and cast into pigs, and is sent into commerce without any more preparation ; and although not absolutely free from silver, the quantity present does not exert much influence upon its quality. When the silver-lead remaining in the pot is sufficiently rich, it is cupelled in the way already described. The saving by this process must be evident, for instead ot having to cupel 100 tons of lead, 90 are now merely crystallized, and only 10 are to be cupelled. The importance of this invention may be judged of by the fact mentioned by Sir Robert Kane, that formerly Irish lead was so hard that it was considered of inferior quality, and was obliged to be exported to England or to Holland, where it was mixed with richer leads and refined, and was frequently re-imported into Ireland. Several years since the Mining Company of Ireland introduced this process into their smelting works at Ballyeorus, where it is still carried on with success. It was at these works that the fine cake of silver, weighing 1604 ounces, and worth about =£450, which was in the Exhibi¬ tion, was obtained in the way just described from lead produced by smelting the ore of Luganure. Mr. Byers also exhibited a small cake of silver and a pig of refined lead ; and the General Mining Company of Ireland exhibited a small button of silver and several samples of litharge, obtained from the cupellation of their ores, from Silvermines in Tipperary. The litharge produced in this process may be reconverted into lead by heating it with coke in a particular form of furnace. A good deal of it, however, finds a direct market for boiling with linseed oil, to render it drying. It is also used in the preparation of some kinds of varnish, and in the manufacture of flint-glass, enamels for watch dials, red lead, and some other mattters. MANUFACTURE OF SHEET LEAD AND LEAD PIPE. The chief applications of lead, in its metallic form, are for the manufacture of sheet lead for roofing houses, lining cisterns, making chambers for the manufacture of oil of vitriol, for the manufacture of white lead, and of lead pipe. The process by which the sheet is formed is simple. It consists in casting a large plate of lead, about seven inches thick, and weighing several tons, and passing it between two polished steel rollers until it is rolled out to the required thickness; a point which is regulated with screws by which the rollers can be brought to any distance required. Lead pipe is formed in two ways, one by drawing, and the other by pres¬ sure. The former process may be considered as a species of wire-drawing. A cylindrical bar of lead is cast in the first instance with an iron core or rod of a certain diameter ; when cold this core is removed, and a long rod of the same thickness is inserted in its place; and the whole is then arranged in a kind of mechanism which travels along a table, and forces the cylinder through a series of rings of steel, of gradually decreasing diameter, successively presented to it. By this means the cylinder is continually lengthening and diminishing in diameter, but as the iron core undergoes no change, a pipe of uniform bore is at length produced. It is scarcely necessary to remark, that the softer the lead the more adapted it will be for making load pipe, by drawing in the way just described ; in fact it is only refined lead that can be advantageously employed for that purpose. The great disadvantage of this process is, that the pipe, although in other respects perfect, cannot be made in lengths exceeding twenty or thirty feet. But by what is called the pressure process not only can a pipe of any length be produced, but any kind oflead, hard or soft, may be used. If we suppose a cylindrical iron chamber, with a bottom which moves up atid down, air tight, in it, a kind of piston in fact; and that on its top is placed another cylinder of much smaller diameter, into the upper orifice of which can be fitted a series of rings of different diameters, and in the axis of which and of the smaller cylinders can be placed a sort of core or iron rod of any desired thickness ; and if the lower cylinder be filled with melted lead, very little hotter than its fusing point, and that we now force the piston in its bottom upwards,—the melted metal will be forced into the upper cylinder, where it will become so far cooled that it will become pasty ; and on the pressure of the piston from below being continued, will be driven in a solid form through the ring forming the open orifice of the smaller cylinder, and will issue out in the shape of a long rod of the same size as the ring. In passing through the small cylinder and ring, however, the semifluid metal will surround the iron core or rod which is placed in the axis of the cylinder, and the rod in passing out will be hollow ; will be a lead pipe in fact. In practice the lead pipe thus made is carried up to about ten or twelve feet to allow it to cool sufficiently, and is passed over a wooden pulley or drum, and then wound into a coil on a kind of windlass. The piston which forces up the lead in the large cylinder is attached to the ram of a hydraulic press, worked by water or steam. The cylinder in which the melted lead is put usually contains about 3 cwt. of metal; and in order to keep so large a mass sufficiently fluid it is surrounded with a jacket of sheet iron, in which a small fire is made. The length of pipe which can be made in one operation is determined by the quantity of lead which the large cylinder or reservoir can hold. Several samples of sheet lead were exhibited from the works at Ballyeorus, and by M‘Garry and Sons from the Palmerstown mills. Davidson and Armstrong of Manchester exhibited some of the thin sheet lead used for packing tea in China and for exporting snuff in these countries, and also a sheet oflead plated on both sides with tin during the operation of rolling, the tin being subsequently polished. The object of this plating, which is very ingenious, was to enable the lead to be applied for making water cisterns, and for other do¬ mestic purposes, without subjecting those using it to the danger of being poisoned. Samples of the pipe made at Ballyeorus by the drawing process were also shown by the Mining Company. The pressure, process was illustrated by samples from Palmerstown Mills, and by some fine coils of gas pipe made by T. Hodges of this city. The latter indeed illustrated in a remarkable manner the great lengths of pipe which could be made by this process,—one coil being 2400 feet long, and another, of inch pipe, 1100 feet, and weighing one ton ! Messrs. Davidson and Armstrong also exhibited some pipe which, like their sheet lead, possessed the pecu¬ liarity of being plated inside and outside with tin. The gas pipe made in this way is stiffer than that made of pure lead; it is also very durable, and, from the tin retaining its brightness, it is much better adapted for glass gaseliers than the ordinary composition gas pipe, which is an alloy oflead and tin. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. o7 MANUFACTURE OF SHOT. There is a natural tendency in all fluids to assume a globular condition, under certain conditions ; even water will do so, as we can see in the case of dew, and when sprinkled on a dusty floor. It is on this pro¬ perty that the manufacture of shot is founded. Pure lead is, however, ill adapted for the manufacture of shot, as the grains are usually hollowed or flattened and form tails ; to remedy which a certain quantity of arsenic must be added, the usual proportions being 3 parts for each 1000 parts of pure lead, or 8 parts for the same quantity of hard lead, which, as being cheaper, is the kind usually employed. The alloy thus formed is called by the workmen poisoned metal. The present process of manufacturing shot, such as that exhibited by the Mining Company of Ireland, and made at their shot tower at Ballycorus, is very simple and inter¬ esting. At the top of a large tower, with a series of floors having trap-doors in the centre, and which when open afford an uninterrupted fall of at least 150 feet, is a large iron pot with a fire-place ; and in this pot two or three tons of the poisoned metal are melted. This melted metal is then poured into hemispherical cullen¬ ders, the bottoms of which are pierced with holes of the diameter of the shot to be made, and are kept at a proper temperature by being placed in a kind of chafing dish with burning charcoal. These cullenders are placed over the openings in the floors, and the metal falls in a shower of metallic drops through the traps into tubs of water placed at the bottom. The smaller the shot, the less the height required through which it is to fall, because the sooner it cools; for example, the smaller size shot may be produced by a fall of 100 feet, while the larger size, such as swan drop, requires at least 150 feet. All the holes in the cullender are of the same size, still the grains of shot will not be all equal; hence the different sizes must be separated by means of sieves with holes of the proper sizes; after which the shot must be subjected to another sorting in order to separate all the grains which are ill formed. For this purpose a handful of the shot is spread upon a board which is slightly inclined, and in this position gets a gentle horizontal motion, by which all the perfectly sphe¬ rical shot roll off the board into a chest made to receive them, whilst the irregular ones are caught by very slight ledges on the sides of the board, and are reserved for a remelting. The perfect grains are now ready to undergo the last operation or polishing, which consists in introducing the grams into a small octagonal barrel with a little black lead ; the barrel is then made to revolve, and thus causes the grains to polish each other. Large quantities of shot are made at Ballycorus, near Dublin, of which samples, representing the whole series of sizes, were exhibited by the Mining Company of Ireland. SMELTING OF ZINC ORES. Although the ores of zinc are not as yet found in sufficient quantity in Ireland to form the basis of a ma¬ nufacture, we cannot avoid giving some details of the processes connected with the preparation of that metal, because it affords an example of a smelting process quite different from that oflead or iron ; besides the ap¬ plications of zinc have now become so numerous, and so important, that some knowledge of the history of the metal must be interesting, and there was scarcely one of these applications which was not illustrated in the Exhibition. The separation of zinc from its ores is simple, especially in the case of calamine. As comparatively little zinc is now made in Great Britain, from the superiority and cheapness of Belgian and German zinc, we shall describe the process followed at the works of the Vieille Montague Company, near Liege in Belgium, whose contributions formed so important a feature of the Exhibition. The ores found in that district are calamine, or carbonate of zinc, silicate of zinc, which is scarcely at all employed in the manufacture, and some oxide,— a complete series of samples of which were exhibited. At the smelting-houses these ores are simply divided into white ore and red, a classification which corresponds with their chemical composition, the white being the richer ore, usually containing 46 per cent, of oxide of zinc, whilst the red, which derives its colour from a large quantity of iron, contains about 33 per cent. The veinstone of these ores at Vieille Montague is always clay; so that, unlike lead or copper, the gangue is readily separated by a good washing, after which it is roasted in a sort of furnace, exactly like an ordinary limekiln. The roasted ore is then ground under edge runners, somewhat like those employed in oil mills, and mixed with half its weight of bituminous coal, similarly ground. The mixture is afterwards passed through a very fine sieve, when it is ready for reduction. An ordinary zinc smelting-house consists of four distinct furnaces, built together so as to form a kind of square block of masonry, with a common chimney, divided into four compartments, in the centre. Each furnace consists of an arched recess, into which are built forty-six earthen retorts, arranged in seven rows of six each, and one of four, much in the same way that gas retorts are placed. Each retort is three feet eight inches long, and is fitted with an adapter of cast iron, which acts as a condenser, to which is fitted a cone of wrought iron, the narrow end of which is only about one inch in diameter. We will suppose the retorts at a bright red heat at six o’clock in the morning, the hour at which the charging usually commences. The mixture is introduced into them by means of a semi-cylindrical shovel, in the same manner as the coal into gas retorts. The cast-iron adapters are then fitted on and the heat raised; in a short time a quantity of carbonic oxide issues from the mouths, and burns with a pale blue flame. Gradually the flame becomes brighter, assuming at the same time a greenish white, fringed with red tint, and white fumes are given off. These appearances indicate that the metallic zinc lias begun to come over. The conical hood of sheet iron is now luted on, and the greatest care taken to keep the temperature of every part of the furnace as equable as possible. After the lapse of two hours the workman takes off’ the cone, and removes the oxide of zinc which has collected in it, and which was formerly mixed with fresh ore, but part of which now finds direct employment as a paint. This done, a ladle is held under the beak of the retort, whilst the foreman rakes out the liquid zinc which had collected in the shoulder formed by the earthen retort and the cast-iron condenser. The zinc in the ladles is then poured into moulds, 58 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. having raised letters on the bottom, representing the words Vieille Montague. These moulds give the zinc the form of rectangular cakes or ingots, weighing about 75 lbs., in which form it comes into commerce. One of those ingots was exhibited among the Company’s collection. When the whole of the zinc is thus with¬ drawn, the cone is again luted, and the firing continued for two hours longer; when the same operation is repeated, and so on until five o’clock, when the operation is finished. The residue is then withdrawn from the retort, and the same series of operations recommenced. Two charges are thus operated upon in twenty-four hours ; the whole quantity of ore required for each furnace being about 500 kilogrammes, or 1102 lbs., to which is added half that quantity of coal. The total product during that period may be taken at about 620 lbs. of metallic zinc, which, with dross capable of being reduced very readily, makes the total produce of zinc about 660 lbs., or 30 per cent, of the ore. The furnaces are usually worked continuously for two months, when they must be allowed to cool down, to be repaired The greater part of the zinc made is employed as sheet, for which purpose it requires to be exceedingly pure, and is therefore remelted in a reverberatory furnace. The rolling of zinc into sheets differs from that of lead only in the metal being passed through the rollers while at a temperature equal to about that of boiling water. In 1851 the Vieille Montague Co. had five establishments, employing 2640 workmen, and produced 11,675,851 kilogrammes of zinc (11,593 tons), or 78 per cent, of the zinc of Belgium, and 23 per cent, of the zinc of Europe. Of this quantity, 6000 tons were rolled into sheets; the remainder, together with 2500 tons pur¬ chased by the Company from other sources, especially from Silesia, were sent to their factories in France. They employ forty-two furnaces, each having forty-six crucibles in constant activity. A premium is allowed to the workmen upon all economy of raw materials, which amounts in a year to about 800 francs (.£40) per furnace, the half of which is paid at once, and the remainder at the end of the season ; per cent, is de¬ ducted from all wages and premiums, 1 per cent, of which forms an annuity fund for aged widows and orphans, and 1 j per cent, for a sick fund. In consequence of these admirable arrangements the Vieille Mon- tagne Company have one of the most intelligent, moral, and laborious bodies of workmen in Europe. A mere enumeration of the articles comprising the collection of the Vieille Montagne Company, in the French Department of the Exhibition, and in the Irish and British one, would be perhaps the best possible summary of the uses to which zinc could be put in the arts. Besides constituting one of the elements of that extremely important alloy, brass, zinc is now employed for the production of cast architectural ornaments ; as a substitute for bronze in the production of works of art, of which so large a number were exhibited ; of forms for sugar refiners,—an application which is said to have this advantage over the wrouglit-iron ones now in use, that, when injured, the old material will still possess half the original value ; nails of all sizes; wire cordage ; bars for making bolts ; plates for galvanic batteries, and for protecting iron from rust; and galva¬ nized iron for roofing, &c. But it is in the rolled condition that it is chiefly used ; as for example, in the making of baths, water tanks, buckets, spouts, pipes, roofs, &c.; for plates for engraving music; for anas¬ tatic printing ; for sheathing vessels (a vessel has lately been constructed almost altogether of zinc in France) ; stamped mouldings, and other ornaments for furniture and architectural decoration, an application of which we shall speak in another place. Zinc has also been used as a material in the manufacture of glass, especially for optical purposes; and lastly, an important use is now made of it in the production of white paint, which is not liable to become black by the action of sulphuretted hydrogen. Four varieties of the paint are made : the first is called snow- white^ and may be applied in all cases where Paris white (blanc d’argent) was formerly used; it covers equally well, and remains white, which the other does not. The second is zinc-white , which is fully equal to the finest white lead, covers quite as well, is as durable, and remains white. The third is stone-gray , the quality of which is the same as the last, its only difference being in the shade ; it is well adapted as a ground colour, and as a paint for iron-work, or for the interior of houses, being more durable under the influence of air and weather than white lead. The fourth variety, or gray oxide , is particularly adapted for ship-painting, external wood-work of out-offices, or as a ground for more expensive colours on stone or cement. At first, the oxide was formed by burning the metal in a current of air; but it is now generally produced directly from the ores. The introduction of this oxide as a substitute for white lead originated in France, and cer¬ tainly constitutes one of the most remarkable gifts which chemical science has recently bestowed upon the industrial arts. The Vieille Montagne Company exhibited samples pf the four varieties just mentioned, and also a number of shades of yellow, green, blue, &c., of which zinc-white formed the base or diluting element. Several samples were also exhibited by Langston, Scott, and White, of Lombard-street, Loudon. SMELTING OF IRON, AND MANUFACTURE OF WROUGHT-IRON AND STEEL. From the mode and abundance in which iron ores usually occur, there is not the same necessity for sub¬ jecting them to the complex series of mechanical operations by which other ores are prepared, and which have been already described in the case of lead. The only treatment they undergo previous to introducing them into the smelting furnace is to pick them, and break them into small pieces. The furnace employed in iron smelting, and usually called a high-furnace , consists of—1. The hearth; 2. The boshes; and 3. The cone or body. This hearth is a sort of quadrangular box, slightly smaller at the bottom than at the top, being in ordinary sized furnaces about 2 feet 8 inches at bottom, 3 feet at top, and about 6 feet deep. It is made of the most refractory sandstone, the joinings being cemented with fire-clay. One side of this box does not reach fully to the bottom, so that a hole equal to the whole width of the hearth, and about half its height, is left. The block, which lies above this opening, and forms the upper half of the same side of the quadrangular hearth, is called the tymp. This hole is not, however, left completely open, for a sort Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 59 of prismatic or wedge-shaped piece, called the dam-stone , fits into it, leaving, however, an open space of about five to six inches between it and the tymp. The inner edge of this wedge is bevelled off; and as its base is turned in so as to form part of the wall of the hearth, a sort of inclined plane is formed by the dam-stone from the ground around the furnace to the vacant space between it and the tymp. The part of the hearth below the tymp, and corresponding in depth to the height of the dam stone, is called the crucible. The boshes consists of a truncated cone, about 8 feet high, the base or wider part being turned upwards, so that the narrow end fits on the box constituting the hearth. Above the boshes comes the cone or body, which consists of another truncated cone, about 36 feet in height, with its base fitting upon the boshes. As the point of junc¬ tion would produce a sharp angle, it is usually rounded off so as to form a narrow cylindrical zone, called the belly. The narrow opening at top of the body is called the throat or tunnel head , and over it is built a chimney, about 12 feet high, the whole height being thus about 62 feet. The external masonry of the boshes and body is formed of common brick, and tor such a furnace 180,000 to 190,000 bricks would be required. The inner surface is composed of the most refractory fire-bricks, and the furnace described would take from 50,000 to 60,000 of these fire-bricks. The inner coating of fire-brick of the body is termed the shirt , and is usually separated from the external masonry of common brick by an interposed coating of broken clinker and sand, for the purpose of preventing the furnace from cooling. The other three sides of the hearth are pierced with holes, into which are fitted conical iron pipes, called tuyeres , through which the blast is intro¬ duced into the furnace. These tuyeres enter the hearth a little above the level of the tymp, that is, above the part called the crucible, and each has a different inclination so as to prevent the blast passing through each from meeting in the furnace. As the tuyeres are exposed to a very intense heat, they are surrounded by a case through which circulates a current of cold water. The blast is produced by a blowing-machine, usually consisting of a cast iron cylinder, in which works a solid piston, and by means of a set of valves alter¬ nately opening, a quantity of air is drawn into the piston at each stroke, and forced into a lateral chamber, whence it passes by a main tube with three branches to each of the tuyeres. The force required to work the blowing-machine of a furnace may be taken at from 25 to 30 horse-power; and some idea may be formed of the extent of the smelting works in Wales and other celebrated iron districts of Great Britain, when it is stated that some of the blowing-machines now employed require 350 horse-power to work them, each ma¬ chine thus serving for twelve furnaces. The quantity of air required by each furnace when in full blast is about 3600 cubic feet per minute, the usual pressure of the blast being about 2£ lbs. on the square inch. Where practicable, iron furnaces are built at the foot of a declivity, and it is also usual to construct se¬ veral of them in one block of masonry. In such cases a tramway is carried from the elevated ground to the top of the furnaces, on which there is constructed a platform. The ore, flux, and coal or coke, are brought in trucks along this tramway, and thrown directly into the throat of the furnace. Previous to smelting it is necessary to roast the ore, which is effected by interstratifying layers of it with small coal, and setting fire to the heap ; occasionally it is roasted in a furnace constructed like a common lime-kiln. By tliis roasting, clay-ironstone, the smelting of which as the most important ore of iron in those countries we shall describe, loses its carbonic acid, as carbonate of lime or limestone does under similar cir¬ cumstances. In setting the blast furnace to work it is first carefully dried, then filled up with the fuel, and the blast allowed to play into it with gradually increasing force, until the full power is acquired ; by this time the fuel will have sunk in the body of the furnace, and a quantity of ore and flux is now introduced, and upon this is laid a layer of coke. This operation is repeated as often as the mass sinks in the furnace, but with gradually increasing charges of ore, until, in the course of a few days, the proper proportions of fuel and ore are attained, after which the furnace is considered to be in full working order. In the top of the furnace the temperature is not very high, but it increases until it attains its maxi¬ mum in the hearth a little above the tuyeres. As the ore, flux, and fuel pass through these gradations of temperature as they sink in the furnace, various chemical changes take place ; but it is when the ore reaches the lower part of the boshes that the perfect reduction is effected. Here the carbon of the fuel takes the oxygen from the iron, whilst the flux or lime unites with the gangue, consisting of clay or silica, and also with a portion of the iron, forming a compound resembling in composition black bottle-glass. The mass having undergone this change, and become semi-fused, sinks into the hearth, where the intense heat at once fully liquefies the iron and the combination of the lime and gangue, both of which fall in a shower into the cru¬ cible below the tuyeres. Here the two fluids arrange themselves according to their relative densities, the iron sinking to the bottom, and the glassy scoriae floating on the surface, and thus protecting the former from the oxidizing action of the blast entering just above it. According as the process proceeds, both accumulate until the crucible is full, and the slag gradually overflows the edge of the dam, through the opening between the latter and the tymp, and runs down the inclined plane. Formerly this slag was raked off the inclined plane, but in many furnaces, at present, the dam-stone is not formed with an inclined plane ; and cast-iron waggons may, in consequence, be brought up to the tymp, and the slag allowed to flow into them, and, when full, carried off by means of a tramroad. In this way the slag is obtained in the form of rectangular blocks, which may be employed for a great many purposes where an indestructible material would be required, or in the manufacture of bottle-glass, &c. When we recollect that the quantity of slag is five or six times the volume of iron, we may estimate the weight of the former, annually produced, at from 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 tons. This would, no doubt, form a beautiful material for making slabs of glass for roofing public buildings, for the floors of water-closets, water-pipes, cisterns, and a thousand other purposes. After some time the crucible would become full of melted iron, but before that takes place it is drawn off through a hole in the side of the furnace, which is kept plugged with fire-clay. Previous to performing this operation, which is technically called tapping , a number of parallel trenches are formed in sand on a flat surface near the furnace ; each series of these trenches is crossed by a main trench, which is again connected with a channel which goes to the tapping-hole. When all is ready the blast is shut off, and the plug of clay is withdrawn ; the melted iron rushes out, and flows along the main channels into the parallel trenches, which mould it into semi-cylindrical bars ; and these, when cold, are broken off from the bar moulded in the main E 60 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. channel, and which is called a sow , while the former are termed pigs .- hence the term pig-iron. These opera¬ tions are performed once or twice in the twenty-four hours, according to the construction of the furnace. Most iron ores contain small quantities of phosphoric acid and sulphur, and so do the fuel and flux em¬ ployed ; these substances are reduced by the blast as well as the Ron, and with some others, such as potassium and iodine, from the potash and soda in both, and silieium, derived from the silica of the gangue, enter in minute proportions into combination with the iron, and materially affect its quality. The nature of the ore and fuel has consequently considerable influence upon the character of the Ron; even the form of the furnace and the pressure of the blast appear to act similarly. When the ore is pure, such as fine spathose iron, &c., and wood-charcoal the fuel, the Ron has a pretty uniform quality; but with clay-ironstone and coke, or anthracite, there is great variation ; even two successive tappings will often be found to yield iron of different qualities. The different kinds of pig-Ron produced in this way may be classed under three heads 1. Gray- iron , which is the best in quality ; as its name imports, the colour of its fracture is an uniform gray, and is highly crystalline. It is very soft, and well adapted for making bar-iron, and, when remelted, makes the best material for castings for machinery. Even without examining the fracture of a bar, the smelter is able to distinguish whether he has gray iron by the colour of the scintillations which it throws out, which are blue for gray iron, and brilliant white when the Ron is what is called white iron. 2. Mottled iron , which, when broken, exhibits a peculiar mottled appearance, is of a lighter colour, and less crystalline than gray Ron, and does not flow so freely. When the gray tint predominates it makes good castings, which may be turned, filed, and polished with facility. 3. White iron is the worst description of iron, and is only used for coarse castings. It is usually so hard as not to be cut with tempered steel, and is easily recognised by the white colour and lamellar structure of its fracture, and also by the colour of its spark, and the pastiness which it exhibits as it flows from the tapping-hole. When made with good ore and pure fuel, it is readily converted into bar-iron. The quantity of coal consumed in making Ron is enormous, a good deal of which must be wasted in heating the air of the blast after it enters the furnace. To avoid this loss, Mr. Neilson, of Glasgow, patented, in the year 1829, the application of the hot-aR blast. For this purpose he passed the air before entering the tuyeres through iron pipes heated by a furnace. It is not too much to say that this process has completely revolutionized the Ron trade by diminishing the amount of coal consumed, and increasing the amount of work which can be done in a given time. Formerly, and in many cases still, a separate furnace was used to heat the aR for the blast, but the waste gases from the mouth of the blast furnace are now economically employed for that purpose. The usual plan is to place the contorted iron pipe, now used for the purpose of heating the blast, on the platform of the furnace, and to tap the latter near the throat, and make a portion of the hot gases pass over the pipe, and heat the aR passing through it. Where anthracite coal is used, a quantity of steam must be mixed with the air of the blast, for the production of which the waste gases are also employed. Every furnace of this kind is therefore surmounted by a steam boiler and a hot-aR apparatus, the gases for which are tapped from both sides of the throat. As the gases escaping from a furnace are at a very high temperature, perhaps as high as 1700° to 1800° Fahrenheit, and as the aR of the blast need not exceed 600° Fahrenheit, a very small portion of the waste gases suffices to heat the blast, and even to produce sufficient steam to work the blowing-machines, &c. In some of the large iron works in Wales and Scotland one-sixth of the whole gas given off from the tunnel-head is considered capable of heating the blast, and from two-fiftlis to one-half to heat the blast and work the blowing-machines, &c. Great economy of fuel is effected in this way. In South Wales to produce one ton of pig iron three to three and a half tons of coal were formerly required, but by economizing the blast, from 1 Jr ton to 1 ton 18 cwts. are now sufficient to produce the same quantity. In Scotland 2 tons 5 cwts. are allowed to the ton of pig-iron. Experiment has shown that the whole of the mixed gases issuing from the tunnel-head are combustible, even after they are cooled down to the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere. According to the experi¬ ments of Bunsen and Playfair, the composition of this gaseous mixture, eight feet below the top, taken from a furnace at Alfretou, in DerbyshRe, was as follows:— Nitrogen, . 54-77 Carbonic Acid, . 9-42 Carbonic Oxide,. 20-97 Light Carbureted Hydrogen,. 8-23 Hydrogen, . 6-49 Olefiant Gas,. 0-85 Cyanogen,. O'OO 100-000 When we consider that a mixture such as that represented by the preceding Table, and which contains so many of the combustible products of the coal, escapes at a temperature of 1800° Fahrenheit, it must be evident that an immense amount of fuel is wasted in the manufacture of iron, even where a part of the hot gases is employed for heating the blast. Indeed, Bunsen and Playfair considered that 81-54 per cent of the heat pro¬ duced at the furnace of Alfreton, during the making of the experiments, the results of one of which we have (juoted above,—was totally lost; and we may safely say that full 60 per cent, of it is lost in every furnace in Great Britain,—in other words, more than three millions of tons of coal are actually converted into smoke and gas, annually, without any corresponding benefit. On the Continent, and in Sweden, where fuel is expen¬ sive, not only is the heat of the waste gases economized, as in England, but the gases themselves, by their burning, form fuel for calcining the ore previous to smelting it, producing steam to work hammers, squeezers, and other machinery employed in the manufacture of bar-iron, and whatis of still more importance, in the refin¬ ing and puddling processes. So great is the economy and so perfect the means now adopted in some of the Swedish Ron furnaces, that one ton of merchant's bar-iron is produced by a quantity of fuel equivalent to Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 61 2 tons 5 cwts., or 2 tons 10 cwts. of coal, whilst in Great Britain 4 tons 5 cwts. to 44 tons are required to effect the same thing in the best regulated works, and there are districts where six and seven tons are still used to make one ton of commercial bar-iron. When Sir Robert Kane wrote the “ Industrial Resources” he estimated the cost of producing one ton of pig-iron at Arigua as follows :— 4 tons of coal, at 4s. 9 d., .£0 19 0 3 tons of ironstone, at 5s.,. 0 15 0 15 cwts. of limestone, at 2s. per ton,. 0 1 6 Labour and general expenses,. 1 2 6 £2 18 0 which was about the average cost in well-conducted works in Great Britain. Since that period improvements have been so great that in 1851 the expense of production had fallen nearly 30 per cent., as the following statement of the cost of making one ton of pig iron in Scotland in 1851 will show :*— 32 cwts. of calcined ironstone (black or clay-bed), and containing 62.5 per cent, of iron, at 12s. per ton, . . £0 19 2 45 cwts. of coal, at 4s. per ton,. 0 9 0 16 cwts of “cinder,” at Is. Gd. per ton,. 0 1 3 7 cwts. of limestone, at 3s. Gd. per ton,. 0 1 3 Labour,. 0 3 3 Sundries, inclusive of horses,. 0 2 0 Interest on capital, &c. (£20,000),. 0 3.4 Cost of production of one ton of pig-iron, . . . £l 19 3 The cost of making iron during the past year was, however, much more than this, as the price of coals was much higher, and wages had also increased considerably. At page 154 of the “Industrial Resources” Sir Robert says :—“ But I am far from believing that it would be prudent in any person now to enter upon this branch of manufacture. We are not yet ready for it, nor is the time fitting. The iron trade of England and Scotland has been for some years in an exceedingly depressed state. The prices of pig-iron are from £2 15s. for Clyde iron to £3 15s. for No. 1 Welsh iron, on which it may be at once calculated, from the estimates already given, there can be but little profit.” In the commencement of 1853 Clyde iron fetched £3 14s. 6 d. per ton, which rose to £3 16s., but very soon fell to £2 8s. (id ., being the lowest figure it reached during the year, after which it rose to £3 8s., and finally, in the beginning of this year, it had reached £3 18s. to £3 19s. If it required the elaborate calculations in the “ Industrial Resources” to prove the possibility of making iron with profit eight or ten years ago in Ireland, it does not seem probable, at first sight, that it could be done now, especially when we recollect that during a considerable part of the year the prices were as low as when Sir Robert Kane wrote, while the cost of making the iron had fallen very considerably: and yet, strange to say, it is just at this period a successful effort is being made to re¬ vive the iron trade of Lough Allen. And how is this ? Improvements in manufacture are the cause. This important fact ought to be impressed on the minds of all, that in proportion as the processes of a manufac¬ ture are improved, the value of the possession of cheap raw materials diminishes. While the processes are rude, the more favoured countries have a monopoly of the trade ; as they become perfect, the less favoured nations, if they make up by intelligence what they want in natural advantages, are enabled to take a fair share. If the Swedish processes of utilizing the gases to the full extent, and the machine of Berard for washing coal, were introduced into Ireland, we have no doubt that a considerable iron manufacture would soon spring up in this country. Manufacture of wrought-iron _Pig-iron is employed in two ways, either for castings, or for the manu¬ facture of wrought-iron. When the iron is of good quality, it is sometimes run directly from the tapping- hole into moulds for making castings, but it is more usual to remelt the pigs in a particular kind of furnace, called a cupola , and then cast it. It has been already remarked that during the reduction of iron from its ores in the furnace, a certain quantity of carbon, silicium, and other substances, enter into combination with it. The process of making wrought-iron consists simply in getting rid, as completely as possible, of these substances, the presence of which renders the iron brittle. The English process of effecting this object consists of two consecutive se¬ ries of operations, the one termed refining , the other puddling. The former is effected by melting the pig- iron with coke, in a rectangular hearth, under a strong blast of air from six tuyeres, three at each side. Un¬ der the action of this blast a part of the carbon is burnt out, and nearly the whole of the silicium converted into silicic acid, which unites with a portion of the iron, and forms a rich slag. The operation being finished, the metal is run into flat moulds; when cold it is hard and brittle, and is covered with blisters somewhat like ordinary blister steel. Li this condition it is called fine metal. The usual charge for an ordinary English refining furnace varies from 1 to 14 tons, and about 10 tons may be refined in twenty-four hours; 4 to 5 cwts. of coke being necessary for each ton of metal refined ; the loss sustained by the pig iron during the opera¬ tion varying from 13 to 17 per cent. The second class of operations now commence; the fine metal is broken up into convenient sized pieces, and piled on both sides of the hearth of a reverberatory furnace, somewhat similar to that already described in the smelting of lead. Here it fuses, and being exposed to the action of the air, its surface oxidizes, and part of the oxide of iron thus formed reacts upon the carbon, which it converts into oxide of carbon, which burns at the surface into carbonic acid, whilst another portion unites k 2 Mining Journal, No. 821, p. 237, for 1851. 62 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. with the remainder of the silicium, converted into silicic acid by the oxygen of the air, forms a basic slag, which again reacts upon another portion of the carbon. During this part of the operation the workman or puddler keeps constantly stirring the melted mass with an iron tool called the paddle , in order to expose fresh surfaces to the air. Gradually the metal becomes granular, or, as the workmen say, dry; when this occurs the fire is increased until the mass cements, and a part of the scoria; is run off. The balling process now commences, and consists in collecting the agglutinated mass into a number of separate balls, which have the appearance of a coarse sponge. These balls are then removed from the furnace, and the slag pressed out either by subjecting them to the blows of a heavy hammer, weighing about 3^ to 4 tons, and making nearly 100 blows in a minute, or by means of machines called squeezers. The balls of iron, thus compressed and purged from slag, are next passed between grooved rollers, the grooves varying in size according to the pattern of the bar, by which they assume the form of bars, termed puddled bars. Puddled bar-iron is extremely hard and brittle, and has many flaws and cracks. The ball, after coming from the hammer, is at once subjected to rollers, which, instead of having rectangular grooves, give the bars the rough shape of a rail. When the iron is wanted for ordinary wrought-iron, and must therefore be mal¬ leable, the puddled bars are cut into lengths by means of a powerful shears; these pieces are then piled in a peculiar kind of reverberatory furnace, termed the mill furnace , where they are heated to the welding point, and then passed between a series of rollers, termed finishing rollers , which, being more accurately made than the roughing rollers, by which the puddled bars are formed, give a greater uniformity and finish to the bars, which are known as mill bars. The operation of puddling lasts about two and a half hours, the charge for each furnace being about 3j to 5 cwts.; about ten charges may thus be made in the twenty-four hours. The consumption of fuel is greater in the operation of puddling than in that of refining, every ton of puddled iron taking one ton of coal. The loss upon the refined iron is estimated at from 8 to 10 per cent. Owing to the smallness of the charge which can be worked in a puddling-furnace, one refining furnace will produce fine metal for five puddling ones. Sheet-iron _In many districts of the Continent, as for example in Styria and Catalonia, the bars are formed by simple hammering, and in the same way it is made into sheets ; but in Great Britain and the chief iron districts of Belgium and France, sheet-iron is made by rolling between cylinders, as in the case of lead and zinc. Two sets of rollers are employed, one for roughing, and the other for finishing. The iron is first made into flat bars, then cut into lengths, equal to the required width of the sheets to be made, heated to redness in a reverberatory furnace, and passed through the first set of rollers two or three times. These rudely formed plates are again heated in another furnace, and passed between the finishing rollers, after which each sheet is beaten with a wooden mallet to remove the scales which attach to the surface. For most purposes, the surface of the sheet is now sufficiently even ; but for the manufacture of tin plate, the plates must be again heated to dull redness, and piled upon a perfectly flat and even metal surface, and compressed together by a powerful hydraulic press. So perfect are the processes now in use for rolling iron, that sheets as thin as ordinary paper can be made; the material known as “ iron paper,” used for making covered buttons, and manufactured in Bohemia, is of this description. The iron for making tin plate must be of the best quality, and must have been produced and worked in all its stages with wood charcoal (in certain parts of the manufacture peat charcoal could be substituted). Manufacture of Steel _Steel is simply iron combined with about one-half per cent., or even less, of carbon, and differs, therefore, but little from cast-iron, except that the latter contains much more carbon and several other impurities. This fact will explain the process followed in many countries for making steel directly from cast-iron. In Styria, large quantities of iron are obtained from very pure spathose iron, char¬ coal being the fuel employed. The process consists in melting bars of cast-iron in a kind of refining furnace, and oxidizing out a considerable part of the charcoal, until the iron becomes granular, and passes into the condition of wrought-iron. Another bar is added, which again melts the pasty mass, but the action of the blast soon renders it pasty again; when this has taken place, another bar is so arranged in the furnace that when it melts it will fall only on the centre of the previous mass, now become spongy, and it will melt,— an operation which is repeated a number of times. The whole mass, which has somewhat the form of a cir¬ cular cake, is removed from the fire, and cut up into wedge-shaped pieces. As the centre of the cake con¬ tains most carbon, from the continued addition of fresh cast-iron, the narrow end of each wedge will be more perfect steel than the thick end, where so much of the carbon has been burnt out that it assumes the cha¬ racter of malleable iron. These wedge-shaped pieces are drawn into bars, one end of which is highly car¬ bonized steel, and passing gradually from that end to the other into steeled iron—no two parts of a bar are, therefore, of the same quality, in which state they would be very unfitted for use. The more carbon, how¬ ever, which steel contains, the more brittle it is; and this fact presents a mode of separating the different qualities. Each bar having been hardened as much as possible, by heating it red-hot, and then plunging it into water, is allowed to fall upon an anvil, by which the very brittle parts break off; the remainder then receives a series of blows, by which further successive pieces are broken off. The broken pieces are classified according to the appearance of the fracture, and then welded in such a way that a nearly uniform mass is produced. This kind of steel, which is denominated natural steel , is of the best quality, but is very expensive. In Great Britain steel is made by a process, termed cementation , from malleable bar-iron. Very little British iron is used for this purpose, being too impure; the best adapted for the purpose being that variety of Swedish iron known in commerce as “ hoop L.” The process of cementation consists in heating a number of bars of iron, interstratified with fine charcoal powder, in a kind of chest for a considerable time. The usual furnace for this purpose consists of two rectangular chests, about 7 or 8 feet long, and 2 to 3 feet wide and deep, made of fire-tiles, or firestone grits. Sometimes the chests are made double the length just stated, but the steel made in the small ones is preferred. These chests are set in brick-work and domed over, and are heated by a fire. The temperature must be carefully regulated so as to soften the iron, but not to melt it. The longer the operation lasts the harder will be the steel; chisels, and other cutlery tools, require about nine to eleven days ; steel for knives and scissors, known as shear steel, take from six to eight days; and spring steel, Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. Go and that used for saws, &c., four to five days. When the iron is fully converted into steel the furnace is allowed to cool down, and the bars are removed; when taken out the surface of the bars is found to be covered with small blisters, produced from the escape of gaseous matter from the softened metal during the process; hence the term blistered steel. As in the case of natural steel, the bars of blistered steel are not of uniform density, and are, therefore, cut up into short lengths, and welded together, and then drawn into bars. In this way their quality is im¬ proved, and the mass rendered homogeneous and fit for the manufacture of cutlery. The term shear steel is applied to the metal after having undergone this operation, perhaps from the fact of wool-shears, and similar cutting instruments, being made from it. To make perfectly homogeneous steel, in either of the ways just described, is expensive ; and, as it is very often necessary to have such an article at a cheap rate for cutting tools, such as plane irons, chisels, &c., it is melted, and a kind of steel termed cast steel is obtained. In the process of producing cast steel, about 30 lbs. of blistered steel are placed in a crucible of refractory fire-clay, and heated for three or four hours in a peculiar furnace until it melts, whereupon the crucible is withdrawn and its contents poured into moulds. Cast steel is difficult to work from its brittleness, and cannot be brought to a welding heat with safety ; but by sprinkling the surfaces to be welded with borax or yellow prussiate of potash, the operation of welding may be effected at a much lower temperature than could otherwise be done. It is sometimes useful to combine the hardness of cast steel with the tenacity of malleable iron, which is effected by uniting a plate of steel, and a plate of iron face to face ; an operation founded upon the remarkable property which steel has in a melted state of uniting itself with a finely polished surface of iron. The compound bar thus made may be rolled and ham¬ mered in the ordinary way ; and in forming the cutting edge the soft iron is ground bevel and the steel alone forms the edge. The same object can also be effected by an operation termed case-hardening , which consists in converting the external portions of a wrought-iron object into steel, leaving the internal portions still in the condition of malleable iron. For this purpose it is only necessary to subject the objects to the process of cementation, as in making blistered steel, but arresting the process when the transformation of the iron into steel has proceeded far enough into the mass of the iron. Before concluding our notice of iron it may be well to mention, that an operation is sometimes performed the very reverse of the conversion of iron into steel by cementation. If fine cast-iron be heated in a chest with peroxide of manganese, or oxide of iron (hammer-scales), the oxygen of the oxide employed gradually con¬ verts the carbon of the cast-iron into carbonic oxide, and the iron itself into malleable iron. In this way stirrup buckles, bits, and an immense number of similar articles, are first cast, and then converted into wrought- iron by this species of cementation. The processes which we have described in the preceding observations were more or less perfectly repre¬ sented in the Exhibition. The Monkland Iron Company, to whose fine series of specimens, representing the geological structure of the Lanarkshire coal-field, we have already referred, exhibited a very complete and highly instructive series of specimens illustrative of the manufacture of iron in that district. This series con¬ sisted of six varieties of ironstone, both in their raw and calcined state :—1. Black band ; 2. Clay band ; 3. Ironstone balls; 4. Calder-Braes soft clay band; 5. Calder-Braes black band ; and 6. Muscle band; five varieties of pig-iron with the corresponding “ cinder” or slag; splint, and other coals, and limestone or flux employed ; fine metal broken into pieces for the puddling furnaces, and showing the peculiar cells pro¬ duced by the escape of the carbonic acid gas ; calcined cinder, technically called bulldog , produced in the refining furnace, and also used in the puddling process ; part of a puddled ball showing the nature of the gra¬ nular spongy mass; specimens of a puddled bar showing the fracture ; specimen of mill bar showing the fracture ; and various specimens of rails, angle iron, &c. The Coalbrookdale Company exhibited samples of their gray, mottled, and white pig-iron, and of puddled and finished bars. The Coalbrookdale works is one of the most important in the kingdom, both from their extent and antiquity. The first foundry erected in the valley was about 200 years ago, and has been in the family of the present proprietors about 150 years. The total number of persons in the employment of the Company at mining operations, smelting and founding, is between 3000 and 4000. Shropsliire was one of the first important iron-producing districts in England ; but, being limited in extent, the production is not likely to increase beyond that which it has attained at present, which is about 120,000 tons. In 1852 there were twenty-seven furnaces in blast and thirteen out of blast; there are about seventeen seams of coal, averaging from 2 feet to 54 feet in thickness, but there is a seam of sulphur coal about 7 feet in thickness. There are about 32 square miles of workable coal, but the field is much broken up by faults, the dislocations being sometimes as much as from 600 to 700 feet. The quality of the iron is considered to be good, and at Coalbrookdale works castings have been brought to great perfection. Hird, Dawson, and Hardy, exhibited a series of specimens of Low Moor iron, but we did not observe any of the raw materials. Low Moor iron is perhaps the best in Great Britain for making wrought-iron of great tenacity, such as that for boiler plate and railway axles, for which purpose it is in great request. Some of the specimens exhibited were very remarkable, especially a railway axle twisted into a kind of knot, showing its extraordinary tenacity and softness; many of the other specimens were twisted into regular loop knots. The other iron works in the same district are also celebrated for the quality of their produce. In 1850 there were sixteen furnaces, ten in blast, and six out of blast, in the northern district of Yorkshire ; the annual produce of which may be estimated for that year at about 25,000 tons. The beds of coal in this district are thin ; the only seam used for iron making being that called “ the better bed coal” wliieli is only two feet thick. Allaway and Sons, of Sydney, exhibited some samples of tin plates, and of the iron from which they were made. These plates were worked with wood charcoal from the Cinderford iron, the chief works in the forest of Dean, in Gloucestershire. The iron of this district is made from the hematite, and is chiefly employed for the manufacture of tin plates. About 30,000 tons are annually made; but large quantities of the ores are now sent to South Wales to enrich the poor ores of that district. A good series of Sheffield steel was exhibited by Johnson, Cammel, and Co. Sheffield is the great cen¬ tre of British steel manufacture ; the annual production being about 18,000 tons, the number of cementing furnaces about 120, and cast steel melting furnaces about 100. Not more than one-eighth of the iron con- 64 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. verted into steel in Sheffield is British, the remainder being chiefly Swedish. The only specimens of com¬ mercial Irish-made steel were the samples of blister steel exhibited by Classon and Courtney of this city, which appeared to have been well made, and of rather uniform quality. Some samples of steel and of edge instruments made with it were exhibited by Professor Davy ; this steel was manufactured with turf, which therefore rendered these objects of great interest, not for the novelty of the fact, as many tons are an¬ nually produced on the Continent with similar fuel, but as directing attention to an exceedingly important application which might be made of peat charcoal. Some specimens of the natural steel of Styria were also exhibited in the department of the Zolvercin, to which we shall have occasion to again allude when describing that section of the Exhibition. In concluding our remarks on the subject of Ores and Metals, it may be interesting to give a few statis¬ tics of the iron trade. In 1851 the production of iron in Great Britain was two and a half millions of tons, one-third of which was employed in castings, and two-thirds in the manufacture of wrought-iron. To pro¬ duce this quantity 700 million of tons of ore, 2,700,000 tons of limestone, and 13,000,000 of tons of coal were consumed; and 650,000 to 700,000 persons directly or indirectly employed. The following Table represents the condition of the iron manufacture in 1852 :— In Blast. High Furnaces. Out of Blast. Total. Tons of Iron prodnced. Scotland, . . 113 . . 31 . . . 144 . . 775,000 South Wales, . . . . 135 . . 27 ... 162 . . 635,000 Ditto, Anthracite, 12 . . 23 ... 35 . . 31,000 South Staffordshire, . . 127 . . 32 159 . . 725,000 North Staffordshire, . . 17 . . 4 . . . 21 . . 90,000 North Wales, .... 6 . . 7 . . . 13 . . 30,000 Shropshire, .... . 27 . . 13 ... 40 . . . 120,000 Durham, . . 18 . . 8 . . . 26 . . . 110,000 Northumberland, 7 . . 6 . . . 13 . . . 35,000 Yorkshire and Derbyshire, 35 . . . 7 . . . 42 . . . 150,000 497 158 655 2,701,000 The following Summary' shows the relative position of the different countries as to their production of iron : Great Britain in . . . . .... 1836 . Tons. . 1,000,000 Ditto in. . 1,396,000 Ditto in. .... 1852 . . 2,701,000 France in. .... 1840 . . 348,000 Ditto in. .... 1846 . . 522,000 Prussia in. .... 1851 . . 348,000 Russia in. .... 1838 . . 189,000 Belgium in. .... 1849 . . 146,000 Sweden in. .... 1850 . . 97,394 Spain in. .... 1849 . . 65,000 We have been unable to obtain late statistics of France and Russia, but there can be no doubt that the production of the former is now little short of 1,000,000 tons ; and that of the latter has also considerably increased. It would occupy too much space to give the statistics of the other metals. We shall give hi the following Table the chief manufacturing countries of Europe, in the order of then’ production of the four most important metals after iron :— Lead. Copper. Zinc. Tin. Spain. Great Britain. Prussia. Great Britain. Great Britain. Russia. Belgium. Saxony. Austria. Austria. Spain. Austria. German States Sweden and Norway. Austria. Russia. Prussia. Prussia. Russia. IRON PYRITES OR SULPHUR ORE. There is a very important ore of iron which we omitted from our list of iron ores, because it is very rarely employed as a source of the metal, namely, iron pyrites. This substance is a compound of sulphur and iron, in the proportion of 54-26 of the former to 45’74 of the latter. It is one of the most universally dif¬ fused metallic minerals in Nature, being found in rocks of all ages, sometimes diffused through their mass, frequently in distinct cubical or pentagonal dodecahedral crystals, and often in deposits and veins of consi¬ derable extent. In its pure state it has a pale golden-yellow colour, and is often mistaken by the peasants and by many who should know better, for gold. When it occurs in great masses, however, it is rarely pure, and consequently its colour is rather of a yellowish-gray, and in this state does not yield more than from 30 to 40 per cent, of sulphur. The great importance of pyrites, at present, is as a source of sulphur and of sulphuric acid. Previous to 1841 the whole of the oil of vitriol, or commercial sulphuric acid used in manufactures, was obtained from native sulphur, which is found in great abundance in a district in Sicily between Cattolica and Girgenti, and also near Naples, and in the Solfaterra in Tuscany, as a product of volcanic action. In that year some diffi¬ culties arose between the Governments of Great Britain and Naples relative to the sulphur trade, so that Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 05 for some time the usual supply was cut off. Pyrites, hitherto neglected as a source of sulphur, or indeed for any purposes in these countries, came to attract attention, and in a few months it was employed to an enor¬ mous extent in the production of sulphuric acid. The first idea of employing pyrites for this purpose originated with M. Dartigues, who employed it in France in 1793,—a year memorable in the history of industrial arts by the number of discoveries made, all depending upon the same cause—the impossibility of obtaining supplies from foreign countries. To this struggle we are indebted for the process of making artificial soda, artificial indigo, and many others of equal importance. It is difficult to imagine why Dartigues’ idea should have been so little thought of previous to 1841 ; and its use in that year was a sort of re-discovery. The history of industry is full of incidents of this kind, all showing how much of industrial progress depends upon fortuitous circumstances, and how little really upon the sup¬ posed genius of a people. A history of manufacture and commerce from this point of view would not only be interesting, but also highly instructive. Without going the whole length which Liebig does, of saying that the amount of oil of vitriol consumed by a people may be taken as the index of their material civilization, there can be no doubt that it forms one of the greatest elements of modern manufactures. More than this we need not say to point out the immense importance of iron pyrites, which is now one of the chief if not the principal raw material for the production of sulphuric acid. But as many of our readers may not be conversant with the relations of manufactures with one another, we shall give a short summary of the manufactures of which pyrites may form one of the ra w materials, either directly or indirectly, as oil of vitriol or sulphur. We are the more inclined to do so because such a summary forms one of the most perfect examples of the endless and wonderful transforma¬ tions which an apparently worthless material is capable of undergoing, and of the numerous uses which it is thus made to subserve. From iron pyrites we may obtain sulphur, which in turn serves to make gunpowder; and enters into the composition of most fire-works, and into that of several kinds of lucifer matches, and for the preparation of sulphuret of carbon, for vulcanizing India rubber and gutta percha, and causing silver to deposit bright in electro-plating. Mixed with soda, pipe-clay, and other substances, we convert if into that most beautiful of colours, artificial ultramarine, so much used as a brilliant dye for ladies’ dresses. In the form of sulphurous acid we may employ it to bleach woollen and silk goods, straw bonnets, horse-hair for crinoline bonnets and lawyers’ wigs, for purifying and whitening strings for musical instruments, guts for sausages, gold-beaters’ skin, isinglass, and for whitening damaged wheat. If we roast it in the air we get copperas, and by strongly igniting this copperas with gypsum or alabaster we have Venetian red. The copperas itself forms the basis of ink, and with colouring matters it dyes blacks, buffs, and lilacs. Distilled at a high temperature, this copperas gives a peculiar kind of oil of vitriol employed for dissolving indigo, to make damp blue or indigo lake ; whilst the residue of the distillation forms cutlers’ crocus, employed for polishing steel. Copperas also serves as an admirable disinfectant for absorbing noxious gases, such as sulphurated hydrogen, and fixing ammonia evolved by putrescent matter. When pyrites is disseminated through particular kinds of slate, it assists in the formation of alum, which in its turn forms the basis of lake colours, and is used in the dyeing of reds and pinks,' the manufacture of tawed or alum leather, the sizing of papers, and the satining of room-papers. Again, when burned in a particular way, the sulphur of pyrites is converted into oil of vitriol or sulphuric acid, a substance employed in the pre¬ paration of a whole host of other acids, among others, margaric, oleic, and stearic acids, and in the purification of certain fats and oils, especially tallow for the manufacture of mould candles; phosphoric, citric, and tartaric acids, for the use of the calico printer ; nitric and muriatic acids, which are largely employed in dyeing and many other operations. Sulphuric acid, when mixed with chalk, produces the carbonic acid which, by the impregnation of water with it, forms soda and other artificial mineral waters. It is also employed in the electro-plating of metals, in pickling, or cleaning brass and copper-plates previous to polishing them for pressing paper, and iron-plates previous to tinning them ; whitening plates of silver before stamping them in the mint; in the refining of gold and silver ; in the preparation of a great number of drugs, such as ether, sulphate of mercury, sulphate of quinine, &c.; in staining woods; in carbonizing the ends of piles to prevent them from decaying ; in the preparation of garancine, the pure colouring matter of madder used for dyeing Turkey reds, pinks, and lilacs ; in the manufacture of blacking; in the raising of hides previous to tanning ; in the coagulation of blood for manure; in the separation of ammonia from gas liquor, and in the dissolution of bones for the same purpose ; in the preparation of gun-cotton and of collodion for photography ; in the preparation of glucose or syrup of starch, and of solid starch sugar ; and, finally, it is employed in the great manufactures of soda and bleaching-powder—the former being used in making glass, soap, &c., and both in the bleaching of linen and cotton goods. Such are a few among the almost endless applications which can and are now made of this comparatively unattractive substance, iron pyrites, which most persons would pass by without observation. Directly, however, iron pyrites can only be said to have three applications :—1. The manufacture of oil of vitriol; 2. The manufacture of copperas or sulphate of iron ; and, 3. The manufacture of sulphur. When heated in a current of air, nearly the whole of the sulphur is gradually burnt out; the sulphur, combining with some of the oxygen of the air, forms sulphurous acid, the gas which is formed by the burning of sulphur under similar circumstances. If this gas be passed into leaden chambers it may be converted into oil of vitriol in the usual way. If, however, the mineral be heated in close vessels, it gives off only one-third of its sulphur, in a free condition, or about 17 per cent. By employing a strong heat as much as 27 per cent, may be obtained, but as the pvritic mass would be partially fused, the difficulties involved in the process would more than counterbalance the increase of production of sulphur. When the heat would not be sufficient to slag the pyrites, the residue after the separation of the sulphur has a dark-gray colour, and is composed in 100 parts—of iron, 56 - 76 ; sulphur, 43-24 parts. A similar compound is found in Nature, and is known by the name of magnetic pyrites. The residual mass just mentioned, when exposed to the air and moistened, rapidly decomposes, absorbing 66 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. \Ulass I. oxygen from the air, and forming sulphuric acid and oxide of iron, which combine and produce copperas, and by lixiviating the mass this salt may be obtained in a crystalline state. Li many coal-fields,_such, for example, as at Coal Island, near Kanturk in the county of Cork, &c.,—beds of slaty coal are found so im¬ pregnated with pyrites, that the coal obtained from them, when exposed to a moist atmosphere, gradually undergoes a species of slow combustion with the production of sulphate of iron. In Germany most of those beds are utilized, and large quantities of copperas and alum are produced in this way, the former being employed for making fuming or Nordhausen acid. A good deal of sulphur is also distilled from pyrites; but in these countries it is rarely used for any purpose but that of making oil of vitriol. Some years ago a Mr. Lees patented a very ingenious process for obtaining sulphur from pyrites, the profitable application of which depended on the pyrites containing some copper, which it very often does. By this process he was enabled to make from 100 tons of pyrites, containing 2 per cent, of copper, 30 tons of sulphur, and 2 tons of fine copper. Where coal would not cost more than 10 to 14 shillings per ton, and where the facilities of transporting an article of so small a value as pyrites would not be good, it would, undoubtedly, be very profitable to extract from it, on the spot where it is found, the greater part of the sulphur and copper; and thus, instead of having to send to great distances 100 tons of a substance worth about 13s. or 14s. per ton, two articles would be ob¬ tained, one of which would be worth £5 to £6, and the other £80 or £90. Most pyrites are auriferous and argentiferous, and a new branch of trade has sprung up, founded upon the extraction of the excessively small quantities of the precious metals which exist in the residual slag, which is raked out of the pyrites furnaces after burning out the sulphur. Gold is also stated to exist in the gos¬ san (a ferruginous substance forming part of mineral lodes) of the Wicklow mines, and from which it is said it can be extracted for a very small sum per ounce, so as to produce fabulous profits. There were three exhibitors of pyrites. The chief and almost sole seat of pyrites mining, not alone in Ireland, but perhaps in the world, is the county of Wicklow. The following Table, which gives the number of tons of that mineral exported from that county since the year 1840, will be interesting to our readers :_ Tear. Tons of Iron Pyrites, each Ton 21 cwts. Tons of Iron Pyrites, each Ton 21 cwts-. 1840, 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 40,176 77,388 40,457 39,186 34,961 39,018 36,060 Brought forward, . 307,246 1847, . 40,508 1848, . 41,239 1849, . 45,627 1850, . 74,044 1851, . 102,438 1852, . 97,988 Carried forward, 307,246 Total in 13 years, ....... 709,090 FUEL. Although we have treated of Ores first, it is not that we believe them of more importance than Fuel, but simply because they formed the most prominent feature in the Raw Materials of the Exhibition. A coun¬ try may be rich in ores, and yet not afford the means of extracting the metals frqm them; and, indeed, in Ireland, we are compelled to send the greater part of ours to England, not because we are in want of fuel, but because it can be had cheaper in Wales. On the other hand, a country without a single mine of iron, lead, or copper, but with abundance of cheap fuel, may be able to develop a great many metallic manufac¬ tures. Fuel is the great element of modern industry; it is then of the utmost importance to know how we stand with regard to this first element. The substances used for fuel are wood, turf, and coal. In early times wood was the sole article of fuel, as it is still of a large part of the world. The use of the two latter is of comparatively modern date, and it is difficult to say which was soonest taken advantage of. When we recollect that in Sweden, a country abound¬ ing in turf-moors, the people are almost utterly ignorant of the use of peat as a fuel, it would seem as if that substance was the last source of heat brought into use. In Ireland wood is completely out of the question as a fuel, for we have not enough to supply our wants for building purposes. And here we may remark, that it is strange that more efforts are not made to plant our mountains, and thus supply one of the first ele¬ ments of civilization to the peasant—the means of making comfortable houses. There remain, then, but turf and coal as sources of fuel in Ireland. As turf is found on the surface, and, therefore, geologically speak¬ ing, is the more recent of the two, we shall speak first of it. Peat _Highly as we estimate a cheap supply of fuel, we are far from agreeing with some of our sanguine countrymen, who consider our peat bogs as a true California, and a special blessing from Providence. We look upon them as nuisances which cool the surrounding country, prevent its proper drainage, breed disease, and demoralize the population on their borders. We might gladly forego all the advantages which they could give us as fuel if we could get rid of them at once and for ever. As this cannot be done, it behoves us to see what way we can utilize them. That the present system of working our bogs to obtain peat does so but very imperfectly is evident enough, and is well illustrated by the fact, that even in Galway, which is, as it were, an island in the midst of turf-moors, and where coal is dearer than on the east of Ireland, peat not only costs more than coal, but the supply is even precarious. Lime can be perfectly burned by means of turf; in Holland nearly the whole of the enormous quantities of bricks and tiles made in that country are burned with turf. Bread can be baked, beer can be manufac¬ tured, mills set in motion, and in fact all the common manufactures of a country which require fuel can' be earned on with turf; and yet we know districts, situated in the immediate vicinity of large bogs, to which coal is drawn by horses a distance of thirty miles, to burn lime for agricultural purposes. The only reason Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. G7 we can see for such a state of things is simply that, with the present system of obtaining turf, the coal is the cheaper in the end. One ton of coal is usually considered equal to about three tons of ordinary turf; the former costs in the central parts of Ireland, situated along the line of canals, from 15s. to 16s. per ton, and may cost even as much as 20s. where no facilities of carriage by water exist. Where coal is preferred in such districts, the turf must cost from 5s. id. to 6s. Sd. per ton; and yet, by a proper system of cutting and drying, a ton of turf, dried and stacked, may be produced for about Is. 8 d. to 2s. From this it would appear that the equi¬ valent of a ton of coal could be produced in the turf districts of Ireland, under ordinary conditions, for about 9s.; and when the turf would be used close to a bog, worked on a large scale, for, perhaps, 6s. In Liver¬ pool, the St. Helen’s coal costs per contract, for very large regular supplies, from 8s. to 9s. per ton (not including exceptional years like the present) ; in Manchester the average cost of coal to the manufacturers is fully as much; whilst in London it is, perhaps, 14s. to 15s. per ton for the cheapest kinds of coal; the average price for the whole of England being 5s. Id. per ton. Were a good system of working our bogs adopted, and proper furnaces for burning the turf constructed, there can therefore be no doubt that it could be had at a cost sufficiently low to enable a manufacturer to compete with the average of the English ones, so far as fuel is concerned. Although as early as the year 1630 a patent was granted “for manufacturing iron, lead, tin, and salt, as also the burning of bricks, tiles, lime, &c., with the fuel of peat and turf reduced to a coal,” and that a host of others have been since taken out “ for improvements in the preparation, &c., of peat,” but little change has taken place in the old, wasteful, and inefficient system of cutting and drying turf. We have had within the last few years at least a dozen companies, who were to have altered the whole face of the country by some wonderful plan tor utilizing peat, the only trace of which may perhaps be some old brass door-plates telling of their existence. Would that some of them had left a good system of cutting and drying turf after them ; for then, at least, their existence would not have been in vain. In Germany and France, where fuel is still dearer than in Ireland, the mode of working the bogs is much more effective and economical than with us; a good deal of it being artificially dried in a kind of oven, which might be advantageously introduced into this country. A modification of one of these ovens was proposed for that purpose by Mr. Robert Mallet; and so far as we can judge from his drawings and descriptions, the plan appeared to be well calculated to effect its object; but no person appears to have attempted to test it practically, although thousands are ready to grasp at other schemes, at once chimerical and expensive. In the Fichtelgebirge in Bavaria, where turf is abundant, the cost of producing one ton of artificially dried fibrous turf may be taken at about 2s. bd ., and of the dense black turf about Is. 3 d. to Is. 4c?., the mean of both being considerably under 2s.; and yet the men earn Is. Id. a day, and the women and chil¬ dren on an average from 4 \d. to bid. In France wages are higher, especially in the south, and consequently turf cannot be so economically produced; nevertheless, out of about 2800 turbaries in the whole country, 2400 are fully worked, giving employment to about 53,000 persons during part of the summer. Besides supplying domestic uses, lime-kilns, breweries, and bake-houses, turf, in its raw state, is used in Germany in a number of manufactories, such as the vitriol-works of Kamnig and Smelzdorf, in Silesia ; in numerous salt-works and other chemical factories, and has lately been substituted, to the extent of one-half, for wood-charcoal in the manufacture of iron, without, it is said, affecting the quality of the metal produced. Another important application of turf is the manufacture of charcoal, which, if it could be made at a cheap rate, would find many applications. In France very large quantities are made at Pont St. Maxence, about eighteen leagues from Paris, and at Crouy sur Ourcq, near Meaux, for the Paris markets, where it is employed in stoves and kitchens as a substitute for wood charcoal. It is also largely employed by smiths, especially in the Yosges. At Oberndorf, in Wurtemberg, a good deal of iron is refined with turf charcoal for the manufacture of arms, which are forged with the same fuel, as also at Albruck, in the Schwarzwald, and many other parts of Germany. Indeed, for refining and puddling iron, and manufacturing steel, either by the continental method or by cementation, it is not necessary to char the turf at all, for, so long ago as the year 1800, iron was refined at a small establishment at Neustadt an der Dosse with considerable success; and, since 1837, the puddling furnaces of the Royal Iron Works at Weierhammer, in Bavaria, have been exclusively worked with turf. Turf charcoal is usually made in Germany in heaps, which appears to be the only economical process for obtaining it. Each heap is made 50 feet long, 5 to 6 feet wide, and about 4 feet high ; a fire channel goes the whole length of the heap, which is hollowed out, in the centre of its length, into a sort of small basin, from which passes a small gutter to carry off the liquid. The fire channel is sloped from both sides towards this basin, which is made of bricks, with the interstices filled with clay, and also the whole channel, so as to prevent the liquid sinking into the earth. At every ten feet distance a fire hole is left, into which the fire is to be introduced, and which is to be stopped up, as well as the ones at the end of the fire channels, except those on the side opposite to that from which the wind blows. Between each two opposite holes a small chimney is left in the roof. The ground is levelled before making the heap, and is covered over with sand. When the heap of turf is built up, a covering is laid on, composed of clay, sand, and chopped straw, the latter being added to prevent the covering from cracking, a portion being also kept to stop any cracks which may form in the covering during the operation of firing. When everything is ready the firing commences, for which two workmen are necessary, in order that the whole may be ignited simultaneously. In the commencement of the operation a thick black smoke is evolved from the chimneys ; this gradually thins and assumes a grayish-white colour, which in its turn thins in pro¬ portion as the moisture of the turf evaporates. This can be observed best by placing the hand from time to time over the chimney, which will remain dry when all the moisture is gone. As soon as this occurs the fire must be gradually choked. Turf charcoal thus prepared is largely employed in the metallurgic operations earned on in Saxony and in Bavaria; the cost in the latter country being usually about 13s. 8 d. per ton weight of charcoal from turf of medium density, delivered a distance of about 3^ miles. If it could be pro¬ duced at that rate in this country, and we have no doubt that it could be done at 11s. to 12s. per ton, there is nothing to prevent a number of small Sheffields springing up around our bogs. L 68 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. If ever our bogs are utilized on a large scale, it appears that it will be in this way. There seems to be little hope of economically making charcoal in iron furnaces of any description. A great deal is made in that way both in France and Germany, but here it would not successfully compete with coal as a fuel unless it could be made at a cheap rate. Although it is not probable that iron can be economically smelted with raw turf, and certainly not with turf charcoal, which would fall to powder from the weight of the ore if used alone ; and even if it did, it usually contains too much sulphate of lime and phosphoric acid to yield good iron ; yet there can be no doubt that it would answer for puddling and refining iron, for which purpose it is scarcely in¬ ferior to wood charcoal, and vastly superior to the coke of coal. It would also be well adapted for forging small hardware of a superior quality, such as harness furniture, cutlery, tin plates, &c. Turf charcoal, although not used for manufacturing purposes in Ireland, has become an article of com¬ merce in consequence of a novel application which has been made of it for deodorizing. All porous bodies absorb liquid and gaseous substances, a property which peat charcoal possesses in a very high degree, and hence when fetid water or other putrescent matter is placed in contact with it, the smell immediately dis¬ appears. This is an application which will, no doubt, very considerably extend itself, and become one of the most agreeable luxuries in crowded cities, at the same time that it will conduce very much to the public health and comfort. Here, however, our eulogiums must cease, for although we cannot deny that peat charcoal has some manuring properties, we consider its application as a substitute for guano or other manure as simply absurd, and not worthy of further consideration. Considerable quantities of turf charcoal were made some time ago by the Irish Amelioration Society, near Ilobertstown, in the county of Kildare, but by a process which, however ingenious, was so expensive that it could not be produced at less than from 20s. to 25s. per ton. There was, notwithstanding the large field which is opened, but one exhibitor of turf charcoal, Mr. T. Sadlier, of Tullamore, who also exhibited a very ingenious portable water-closet, if we may apply the term, for turf charcoal in powder was employed instead of water. Mr. Sadlier’s object, in turning his attention to this subject, has been chiefly with a view of affording employment to those around him; but it would seem that he has only to attend to economy of production to be able to carry on an extensive trade in the article of turf charcoal. The great bulk of turf, which renders its transport expensive, as well as the difficulty of drying it, which confines the season for cutting it to a few months in summer, have led to a number of projects for com¬ pressing it by mechanical means, and thus getting rid of both difficulties at the same time. About two years ago a patent was taken out for separating the water from the turf by the use of a centrifugal machine of a peculiar structure, assisted by the action of steam, which it was supposed would burst the half-decomposed cells of the plants forming the peat. The dried mass thus obtained was then to be subjected to a tempe¬ rature sufficient to induce an incipient distillation of tar, after which it was to be passed, while still in a heated and softened state, between two compressing rollers. The material produced in this way is certainly of re¬ markable density, and possesses the essential requisites of a first-class article of fuel to as great an extent as any other artificial fuel with which we are acquainted. For the manufacture of wrought iron, and for locomotive steam-engines, it would appear to be peculiarly adapted. Its commercial value, in relation to other kinds of fuel, is a point on which we cannot venture an opinion, as this must depend on the price at which the compressed peat can be supplied. That the quality is excellent there can be no doubt, and that the demand would be all but unlimited is equally certain—the only element in reference to which further information is required being the cost of production on a large scale. Specimens of the compressed turf above alluded to, made in Kerry, were exhibited. These were pro¬ duced at the works of a Company formed to carry out the project, and, so fiir as regarded the quality of the. article, they left little to be desired. It was also intended to make charcoal, but instead of allowing the liquid and solid portions, which are volatilized during the charring, to escape, they were to be collected, and tlie ammonia and acetic acid separated from the liquid, in the form of sulphate of ammonia, and the latter as acetate of lime. The salt of ammonia would find a market as a manure, and the acetate for calico- printing, &c., whilst the semi-solid tar was proposed to be employed in making gas, or in preserving wood, on Bethel’s principle, now so well known. There is another Company engaged in carrying out some other applications of turf, which are exceedingly novel. They introduce a quantity of turf into a blast furnace, similar to an ordinary high furnace, by which the whole of it is resolved into gaseous matter and ash ; this gaseous matter, on being conducted through a refrigerator, deposits a quantity of water containing ammonia, pyroxylic spirit or wood naphtha, and acetic acid, which are separated by peculiar processes, and about 3 or 4 per cent, of tar, which yields several oils, and a solid fat-like body, resembling spermaceti in appearance, called paraffine, which has been applied to make candles. The chief feature in this process is that no charcoal is sought to be made, and that the cooled gases, after depositing the water and tar held in suspension, are combustible, and serve as the fuel by which all the subsequent operations are carried on. As no specimens of this branch of industry have been exhi¬ bited, and as, moreover, the experiment which is now about to be made on a large scale near Athy will finally decide the question of its practicability as a commercial speculation, we need not allude to the subject further here. Coal .—-By the most superficial examination of peat we are enabled to ascertain its origin, for, with the exception of the very dense kinds obtained from the bottom of the bogs, the plants which have contributed to its formation are still distinguishable. For the most part these plants belong to the families of mosses among the cryptogamic plants and Cyperaceae, and Juncaceae among flowering plants: the two latter in¬ cluding the different varieties of sedge and rushes. The roots of many other flowering plants, such as heath, &c., also form a small proportion of peat, especially of that found on the tops and declivities of moun¬ tains. To some extent we can thus form an idea of the mode of its formation; for all vegetable matter, under the action of air and water, slowly decays with the evolution of carbonic acid, or, in other words, undergoes a species of slow combustion. Where the action of the air has full play, and but little water is present, the decomposition is very rapid, and the greater part of the mass is converted into gaseous compounds, little re- Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 69 inaining but the inorganic elements of the plants, and some vegetable matter having acid properties, and to which the general term humus is applied. Where the dead plants are, however, completely immersed in water, and where their mass is considerable, and the climate of the country rather cold, the air can only act very slowly; and although the same changes, with some modifications, will take place as in the other case, immense periods of time may elapse before they are completely decomposed. Most bogs being saturated with water, peat may therefore be considered to be produced in this way. This brief explanation will show the che¬ mical changes connected with the formation of peat bogs, but it does not account for the circumstances under which their formation first commenced. Many historical proofs are in existence of the recent formation of such bogs, by the sudden destruction of forests; but, assuredly, the greater number of ours do not owe their origin to any modern causes with which we are acquainted. Some people have supposed that our great cen¬ tral bogs have been shallow lakes; which, being so far drained as to allow of plants growing in them, the gradual accumulation of the remains of these plants, owing to the slowness of their decomposition in conse¬ quence of being immersed in water, as already stated, gave rise to the production of peat. However plausible this explanation may appear at first sight, it is far from satisfactory, and does not at all account for the masses of peat found on our mountains, and which are, at this moment, gradually disappearing. We are there¬ fore constrained to consider the origin of peat as yet unsettled, and its formation to belong to some period long antecedent to our present era. If it be so difficult to arrive at a solution of the problem as to the origin of peat, how much more diffi¬ cult is it in the case of coal ? It is not even settled yet what coal is ? Geologists have, at various times, brought to light the remains of many plants, now no longer existing as part of the Flora of the earth ; some being gigantic reeds and club mosses, and others being curious representatives of our coniferous plants, such as the pine ; but all apparently of a kind which could only grow in warm tropical regions. Coal was supposed to have been the altered remains of these plants, as we find impressions of their stems, leaves, and fruit, in the greatest abundance in the beds of shale or soft slate, associated with those of coal; and even entire stems converted into coal. This view, it now seems, is denied, and from an examination of specimens of coal with the microscope, it is asserted that coal is the product, not of such plants, but of wood. The presence of trunks of trees in peat bogs, and even whole masses of turf composed of decayed wood, has also given rise to the opinion that peat was produced mainly from timber trees ; and, in Ireland, the existence of peat bogs on the tops of mountains is even considered as a perfect proof of their having been formerly thickly wooded. But a careful examination of these mountains will show that, although the valleys and declivities of most of them may have been wooded, very few of the more elevated ones, and perhaps none of those covered with peat, have had trees growing upon them in historic times, with the exception, perhaps, of a few isolated ones upon the sheltered watersheds of a chain; and in scarcely any instance can the peat upon them be traced to the decay of timber trees. Perhaps the new view of the origin of coal may depend upon the same error,—the generalizing of a few isolated cases. Whatever doubt may exist as to the particular kind of vegetation from which coal has been produced, there seems to be now none whatever that it has been formed from some kind of plants, and, perhaps, in some instances even from animals. Referring to our former observations, when speaking of Mineral Veins, we stated that, in consequence of the regular superposition of one rock upon another, the lowermost in the series must have been produced before those above it; anti that hence, knowing the position of any rock in the general series, we may fix upon its relative age to all others, no matter where we may find it. The number of rocks of distinct ages thus ascertained is considerable ; but they naturally group themselves into a series of divisions, distinguished by certain characteristics, especially by the nature of the remains of animals and plants found imbedded in them. It is unnecessary to remind our readers that we are here speaking of those rocks which are known to have been deposited from water, such as slate and limestone ; granite, and other rocks supposed to have been produced by the action of heat, do not come under the same law ; and as the)' have no relation to coal, our present observations have reference solely to water-formed rocks. The lowest, that is the oldest, of these divisions have received empiric names derived from some localities where they are largely developed, and have been first well studied, as for example, the Cambrian and Silurian rocks, the former being derived from the ancient name of Wales, and the latter from one of the mythological deities of that country. These rocks contain but very few remains of plants or animals ; and as coal has been formed from such remains, we need scarcely expect to find any deposits of it associated with Cambrian or Silurian rocks. Above these, and therefore formed at a more recent period, come a great group of rocks, which, from their extraordinary richness in the remains of vegetables, have been termed the carboniferous formation. One of the subdivisions of this group is called the coal measures , and consists of numerous alternations of beds of coal, grits, slaty clay, &c. In most cases these beds have been deposited in shallow basins or hollows, somewhat as our turf moors have been, and hence the term coal basin applied to such deposits. Some of these coal measures contain twenty and even fifty distinct beds or seams of coal; the entire thickness of the series of rocks in one locality being, perhaps, not more than 100 feet, whilst in others it may reach 2000. The thickness of the beds of coal also varies considerably, from a few inches to 20 or 30 feet; for example, at Wolverhampton, in South Staffordshire, there are nine seams of coals in a thickness of 115 yards from the surface, having the following thicknesses :— Name of Seam. Thickness in feet and inches. Name of Seam. Thickness in feet and inches. No. 1. Great Seam,.30 0 2. Heathen Coal,. 2 3 3. Rubble Coal,. 2 4 4. Stinking Coal,. 3 0 5. New Mine Coal,. 6 4 Carried forward, .43 11 Brought forward, .43 11 No. 6. Fire-clay Coal,. 9 0 7. Little Coal, . 2 0 8. Bolton Coal, . 9 0 9. Singing Coal, . 3 6 Total.67 5 70 TIIE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. Subsequent to the deposition of the beds of coal, and the interstratified beds of clay-ironstone, grits, &c., they have been in many cases disturbed by the intrusion of dykes of igneous rocks, or by the occurrence of great cracks, and the upheaving of one part of the basin or field , as it is sometimes also denominated, or the depression of part of it. Some of the dislocations thus produced are on a great scale,—one part of a seam of coal being known to have separated from the rest and sunk to the extent of more than 600 feet. Another kind of disturbance has also happened in some fields : instead of one or two great dislocations being produced, the whole of the beds are contorted and broken as if the whole mass had been liquid, and had become soli¬ dified just as it was agitated by a great wave. The effect of this kind of disturbance, upon what was originally a coal-field of great area, is to produce a number, as it were, of small, distinct basins, precisely as we find in the Munster coal-field, which extends over parts of the adjoining counties of Cork, Kerry, and Limerick. These dislocations, or faults , increase very much the difficulty and expense of coal mining; it may often happen that, in working a seam of coal, it may suddenly terminate by a fault, so that the miner has to sink a shaft, perhaps 100 or more feet, to find the other part which had sunk down. Above the coal measures come a number of other groups of rocks, all more or less rich in organic remains ; but, strange to say, no deposits of coal, such as we have just described, have as yet been found. In some of the higher, that is, more recent numbers of the series, thin beds of a peculiar kind of coal have been discovered; but these are so unimportant that we are entitled to state that coal belongs almost exclusively to one group of rocks, and was only formed in quantity during one period of geological time. Peat is the product only of certain limited portions of the earth ; but during the period of the formation of coal, the conditions under which it was formed appeared to exist on every part of the surface of the globe. We find it at Melville Island, within the polar circle, all through the north temperate zone, in Ame¬ rica, in Europe, and in Asia; in several inter-tropical regions, in South America, in Africa, the Indian Archipelago, and Australia. At present about 320 principal coal-fields are known ; but every day adds to the number. It is only within two or three years that the discovery of coal in Port Natal in Africa was fully established. And even so late as 1851, the best works connected with the subject of coal considered its existence in the South American Continent as doubtful, and yet, in 1852, from 150 to 170 tons per day were raised at Coronel, at a short distance from the harbour of Talcahuano, and not far from Conception in Chili. Many of the Spanish writers of the beginning of the eighteenth century mention the existence of coal in several parts along the coast of the Pacific, and at the opposite side of the Cordilleras, especially in Brazil and Uruguay ; indeed, it has been worked to some small extent in the province of Santa Catherina in the former country. There can be no doubt that when the great central regions of South America become as well known as those of North America, immense coal-fields will be discovered there. There is nothing in the whole range of human industry which to our mind is more calculated to create a feeling of wonder and admiration of the arrangement which pervades all the laws of Nature than the stores of fuel now disentombed from the earth, at convenient distances from the shores of every ocean and sea, to supply the machinery of human intercourse. It is probable that the elements of these immense masses of coal at one time existed as carbonic acid in the atmosphere, and were gradually abstracted from it by the leaves of these truly primeval forests which covered the earth in ages so long passed that the history of mankind affords no unit by which to measure them. These plants, instead of decaying and returning their elements to the atmosphere, were entombed in the earth, and must have therefore consi¬ derably affected the constitution of the former. We are now rapidly restoring that carbonic acid to the atmosphere; and if we continue for a few centuries more the combustion of ooal at our present rate, we shall be gradually approaching a condition of the atmosphere similar to that which existed at the first development of organized life on the globe. Leaving those subjects of speculation, and returning to the more practical part of our subject, coal may now be considered as the basis of all the great industries of the world. The amount of coal, therefore, existing in a country may, to a certain extent, be considered an index of its manufacturing capabilities. The following Table will serve to give an idea of the resources in this respect of the chief nations which at present occupy themselves with industry, or are likely soon to do so :— Area of Coal in Square Miles. Proportion of Coal Area to that of the whole Country. Annual Production. Great Britain,. 8,139 . . . . . . 1:11 . . . . . . 36,000,000 Ireland,. France, . 850 . . . . . . 1 : 43 .... . . 220,000 1,738 . . . . . . 1 :100 . . . . . . 5,000,000 Belffium,. 517 . . . . . . 1 :20 .... . . 6,250,000 Spain, . 3,408 . . . . . . 1 :52 .... . . 1,000,000 Prussia,. 1,200 . . . . . . 1:90 .... . . 5,000,000 Bohemia,*. 1,000 . . . . . . 1 :20 .... . . 380,000 . . 4,500,000f United States,. New Brunswick and other British" . 133,569 . . 1 . . . . 1 :20 .... maritime Provinces of North [ 18,000 . . . . . . 2:9 America,.J This Table does not, however, represent the true relative proportions of coal in each country; as a small field may have a greater number of workable seams, and consequently a much greater thickness of coal than a large field. For example, in Coalbrookdale, to which we have already alluded, there are 17 seams, * The whole production of Austria in 1848 was 810,165 tons. Coal is very abundant in the several provinces of Austria. Moravia and Silesia stand next, in point of pro¬ duction, to Bohemia; the Duchies of Austria come next; and in the fourth rank come Illyria and the coast of the Adriatic. f This only includes the anthracite: the bituminous coals are scarcely at all worked as yet. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 71 giving about 40 feet thick of coal, while in the Lancashire coal-field there are 75 seams, making a total thickness of 150 feet; and in the South Welsh coal-field 30 seams, giving 100 feet thick of coal. Judged in this way, the coal-fields of Spain are among the richest known, especially those in the Asturias, which have about 100 seams, averaging from 3 to 12 feet in thickness. There are 50 seams in the largest of the Belgian coal-fields, but they are thin : 103 in the basin of the Saare, on the frontiers of France and Germany, ave¬ raging from 14 to 15 feet; and 18 in that of St. Etienne, in the north of France. The coal-fields of the United States are as yet but imperfectly examined. So far as has been ascertained, the number of seams is not large, but they are of good thickness. Their prodigious area, however, throws the coal-fields of Europe completely into the shade. They may be classed in three great groups:—1. The Apalachian or Alleghany group ; 2. That of the Missouri; and 3. The Illinois. The Alleghany coal-fields occupy a tract of country about 750 miles long, and 85 to 90 miles of mean breadth, forming part of eight States,—among others, of Kentucky, Michigan, Virginia, Georgia, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, &c. Their entire area may therefore be estimated at more than 70,000 square miles, or about 44,800,000 acres, having an average thickness of at least 20 feet of excellent coal, partly anthracite, but chiefly bituminous, abounding in seams of cannel coal. In Western Virginia one seam is feet thick, so that in one-third of the whole area the total thickness is fully 40 feet. The Illinois group of coal-fields is situated in the great basin of the Mississippi, and spreads over an area of about 56,000 square miles, or 35,840,000 acres, the greater part being bituminous, some being quite equal to ordinary cannel coal. The third, or Missouri coal district, is but very little known, the area as yet ascertained not exceeding, perhaps, 10,000 square miles ; but there is reason to believe that when better known it will be found equal in extent to the Mississippi group of coal-fields. The following Table will give an approximative idea of the distribution of coal area in the chief states:— Square Miles. Acres. Michigan, . . . . . . 5,000 . . . . . . 3,200,000 Kentucky, . . . . . . 13,500 . . . . . . 8,640,000 Ohio, .... . . . . 11,900 . . . . . . 7,616,000 Virginia, . . . . . . . 21,195 . . . . , . . 13,564,800 Georgia, . . . . . . . 150 ... . . . 96,000 Maryland, . . . . . . 550 ... . . . 352,000 Pennsylvania, . . . . 15,437 . . . . . . 9,879,000 Illinois, . . . . . . . 44,000 (?) . . . . 28,160,000 Indiana, . . . . . . . 7,700 . . . . , . . 4,928,000 Tennessee, . . . . . . 4,300 . . . . . . 2,752,000 Alabama, . . . . 2,176,000 Missouri, . . . . . . 6,000 . . . . . . 3,840,000 an acre of coal, one foot thick, to be only 1418 tons, the coal-fields of the Apa¬ lachian group alone, at an average thickness of 20 feet, would supply the present consumption of the whole world, estimated at 60 millions of tons per annum, for 21,175 years. What a glorious destiny lies before those countries, and how curious that colonization and freedom should have taken such a rapid and extended development in those very regions where the elements of future greatness lie buried in such profuse abun¬ dance in the soil. The Newcastle coal-field in England still contains coal enough for 1000 years at the pre¬ sent rate of working, and the South Wales one is capable of supplying the consumption of Great Britain for 2000 years to come, long before which period, it is to be hoped, the necessity of using coal as a fuel will have ceased, and electricity, perhaps, take its place. Peat, as it is well known, varies very considerably in its structure from the surface to the bottom of the bog; in the same manner coal appears to vary according to its relative age. Thus, a kind of coal is found among the newer rocks, especially those belonging to the group termed tertiary, of a deep brown colour, and retaining very often the perfect structure of wood, between which and true coal it is intermediate ; hence the name lignite applied to it. Immense deposits of this substance, though of comparatively small area, are found in Silesia, Styria, Ilesse-Darmstadt, Nassau, and other parts of Germany bordering the Rhine, where it is now used as fuel for domestic and manufacturing purposes. It burns with a considerable flame, but it contains a large amount of ash, and is, therefore, unfitted for the manufacture of iron, although in many dis¬ tricts where it is found rich deposits of spathose iron occur. The charcoal made from lignite, independent of its great quantity of ash, is very bad, and withstands with difficulty the blast of a forge bellows. Beds of lignite are also found in England and Scotland, of which the best known in the former is that at Bovey- Tracy, in Devonshire. In Ireland there is a very important development of this fuel on the northern and eastern shores of Lough Neagh. Three beds are known in that locality, in a depth of 76 feet, one 20 feet, one 25 feet, and one 15 feet thick, making a total of 60 feet. It has been'but very partially worked, the chief locality being at a few miles from the road between Ballymena and Ballymoney. Three tons of good lignite are considered in Germany to be equal to two tons of ordinary coal. No examples of this fuel were exhibited. Of the true coal there is an almost endless variety, but all may be classed under three heads :—1. Bitu¬ minous ; 2. Steam coal; and 3. Anthracite. The first is too well known to need description, as it consti¬ tutes the kind of coal used for domestic purposes, and for a great many manufactures. It burns readily, cakes together, and flames. When distilled, it yields a large amount of gas and tar, hence the name bitumi¬ nous. There is a particular variety of bituminous coal, termed cannel coal, which, when distilled, gives off, as volatile products, gas, tar, &c., as much as from 40 to 60 per cent. From containing this large quan¬ tity of volatile matter, it readily takes fire, and bums like a candle ; and is hence much used for drawing-room ’ This estimate is founded on the old wasteful system ance must be made for unworkable seams, &c., it is better still to a great extent practised. As, however, some allow- to take the lower estimate. 72 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. fires. It not only yields the largest quantity of gas of any other coal, but also the richest in quality, and is consequently used to a very large extent in making gas. It does not often constitute an entire bed, but oc¬ curs in bands in seams of ordinary bituminous coal. In some coal-fields, however, many entire seams pass insensibly into cannel coal. When compact, it is often manufactured into ornaments in imitation of jet; but it is brittle, and much heavier than that substance, which is not found associated -with true coal, but in rocks of much more recent date than those constituting the coal measures. That at Whitby in Yorkshire, for in¬ stance, which is much employed in making necklaces and other ornaments, occurs in what is called the lias formation. True jet is found in Languedoc, in the Asturias in Spain, in many parts of the Alps; in Gallicia, and in Massachusets in America. Considerable quantities of cannel coal occur in Scotland, where the infe¬ rior kinds are called parrot; and splint coal , in the Newcastle coal-field, and to some extent in those of York¬ shire and Derbyshire. The most important locality of cannel coal for us in Ireland, however, is Lancashire, or rather that part of the coal-field of that country in the neighbourhood of Wigan, whence we get the chief supply for our gas-works. The richest of the Wigan cannels is, perhaps, that known as Orrcll Wigan. Bituminous coals are the best adapted for making coke, in consequence of the sort of semi-fusion which the coal undergoes ; and immense quantities are employed for this purpose in Great Britain for locomotives and iron making. The usual process now adopted to make coke is to burn the coal, with a very slight access of air, in peculiar furnaces, built in long ranges. Each oven holds a charge of from two to four tons of coal. After the first charge has been burned, and the coke withdrawn, the dome still retaining a considerable amount of heat, a fresh charge is then introduced, and ignited at the top by means of wood or straw, favoured by the heat thus retained, the doors and vents, or small chimneys on top, being left open. As soon as the com¬ bustion has fully set in, the draught is carefully regulated, and the coking proceeds from the top downwards, the gas produced being in this way effectually burned. The kinds of coal termed steam coal contains but very little volatile matter, but, on the other hand, they are rich in carbon ; they are hence unfitted for making gas, but well adapted for producing steam, and for making iron. As the same weight of this kind of coal is capable of yielding a greater amount of heat than bituminous coal, it is peculiarly adapted for steam navigation in long voyages, and is, indeed, the only kind now employed for that purpose. The greater part of the coals of Wales is of this class, and is of excellent quality, burns well, and with a certain amount of flame, and in general with but little ash. While the bituminous coals, without including the cannel, contain about 30 per cent., and often even 37 to 38 per cent, of volatile matter, and would yield by close distillation about 62 to 70 per cent, of coke,—steam coal contains not more than from 10 to 15 per cent of volatile matter, and would, therefore, yield from 80 to 85 per cent, of coke. In practice, so large a per centage of real coke could not, however, be obtained, as part of it would be consumed during the process of carbonization. The third kind of coal, anthracite , contains scarcely any volatile matter, and consists of carbon and a little ash ; it ignites with difficulty, and gives scarcely any flame, but with a strong draught it produces a most intense heat. It is heavier than bituminous or semi-bituminous (steam) coals. Anthracite has always been a favourite fuel for drying malt and corn generally, and for burning lime ; but, until within a very few years, it was deemed unfit for making iron, or producing steam, or, indeed, for any other purpose than those just mentioned. By improvements, however, in the form of furnaces, and especially by allowing a jet of steam to mix with the air entering the furnace, it may now be employed wherever ordinary coal can be used. No less than 30,000 tons of iron are now made with anthracite in Wales ; and in the United States it is also ex¬ tensively used for the same purpose, for oceanic steam navigation in many of the river steamers, and even for locomotives. A short time since, a peculiar form of furnace for using it in making glass was patented by the Messrs. Chance of Birmingham. Anthracite coal exists in great abundance in the western part of sout h Wales, in Scotland, and in many parts of the Continent. Coal, therefore, exhibits a complete series of gradations in composition, from wood to pure carbon, the latter being represented by anthracite, which may be considered as the natural coke of coal. This new would necessarily suppose, that there was going on in the earth a gradual slow distillation of the coal beds, and that the greater the antiquity of the coal, the more of its volatile matter will it have lost, and the nearer will it have approached to the condition of anthracite, after which scarcely any further change could take place. If this be true, carbonic acid must be given off in great abundance from deposits of brown coal or lignite, and compounds of hydrogen and carbon, as well as carbonic acid from bituminous coals; such being the sub¬ stances which should be formed during the transformation of which we have spoken. This view was put forward by Liebig, and is singularly in coincidence with the facts observed in coal mines. In lignite mines large quantities of carbonic acid, called by miners choke-damp , are evolved, whilst in bituminous coal mines the dangerous fire-damp of the miner, or carbureted hydrogen, makes its appearance; and as the coal ap¬ proaches the condition of anthracite, the fire-damp diminishes, and is again replaced by the choke-damp. Ac¬ cording to this hypothesis, brown coal or lignite would in time yield bituminous coal, and all the beds of the latter must have at one time passed through the intermediate state of lignite. Of this, however, there are no proofs. The mode of extracting coal from the earth differs essentially, as may be supposed, from that followed in lead and copper mining. In the one case the substance to be extracted usually exists as a vein , running in a certain direction; coal, on the other hand, always occurs as a bed more or less inclined, and extending over acres, and, it may be, square miles. There is, however, no general system of coal mining, local circumstances giving rise to peculiarities of working. In these countries there are two methods employed, one called the pillar and stall working , and the other the long wall. The former consists in cutting a number of levels or galleries through the mass of the coal at right angles to each other, thus leaving a number of square pillars to support the roof. In collieries where the seam worked is at a comparatively small depth, the pillar and stall (also called board or wicket in some collieries) are of the same size ; but in working deep-seated beds, where the weight of the roof is great, the pillar left standing may sometimes be as much as three or four times the size of the stall, or, in other words, only from one-fourth to one-fifth of the coal would in such cases be removed. In general, Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 73 however, it is intended to remove those pillars subsequently, but there are actually collieries in England worked upon the principle of losing them ! Even where this is not the case, the pillars, in the course of a few years, become weakened, and the roof softened, by the infiltration of water, the result of which is, that the roof sinks in, and even frequently the surface of the ground, destroying buildings, &c. This result, which is attended with a loss of the coal existing as pillars, is called by the miners a creep. Sometimes, where the pillars are left so weak as to be unable to bear the pressure of the roof, they give way at once and are crushed to powder, a fracture of the roof being produced at the same time. This accident, which is called a thurst, is often attended with great loss of life. When the pillars are to be removed, it is usual to prop up the roof close to the pillar of coal with props of wood ; this support, termed a jud, is in its turn removed, when the roof falls, or sinks in and forms a gradually increasing mass of ruins, termed the goaf. This mass of ruins affords great facilities for the accumulation of fire-damp ; and it is generally upon its edge, during this robbing of the pillars and drawing of the juds , as these operations are termed, that all those frightful explosions, of which we read, but too often occur. In certain districts, especially in Yorkshire, where facilities exist, such as freedom from water in the roof, the absence of buildings, and especially of rivers upon the surface, &c., the long wall working is adopted In this method the whole of the coal is at once removed, the workings being carried on from the extremity of the bed towards some point as a centre where the shaft is situate. In this case also the roof falls in and forms a mass of ruins termed the gob. So extensive have been the workings in some collieries, that these masses of ruins, termed goafs and gobs, are often ten to fifteen acres, and even more, in extent. In Stafford¬ shire, where the beds of coal are very thick, an essentially different system of working is adopted : levels are driven from the shafts to the extremity of the coal, and when the limit is reached, the colliers commence at one or both sides of this level, a sort of level at right angles to it of about twenty yards wide, leaving, however, here and there a number of pillars of coal about six to eight yards square to support the roof. When this cross level or side lane has been excavated, another is commenced parallel to it; but, in order to render the roof secure, a partition or wall of coal, nearly as thick as the side lane itself, is left standing between them, termed the fire rib. A colliery worked in this way consists, therefore, of a long level or street, with a number of side lanes at right angles to it, separated from each other by great walls of coal. 'When each side lane is worked out, the entrance is generally built up to keep in the gas as much as possible. The pillars left in these lanes bear but a small proportion to the enormous weight of the roof, and a great many accidents are consequently occurring in those mines. During the working of the whole coal there are, however, but few accidents comparatively speaking ; but when the pillars left standing are removed, and the props also successively taken away, so as to allow the roof to fall, the greatest caution is required to avoid loss of life. 'Where the roof consists of loose shale, it tumbles at once ; but where it is formed of sandstone, a very large area, sometimes as much as 400 square yards, will remain standing after the removal of the props, so as to form an immense cavern. As its size is being continually added to, it will finally reach a point beyond which it can no longer resist; when this is attained, the superincumbent strata becomes greatly agitated for a day or two, and will finally fall with a tremendous crash, producing a gush of air through every part of the mines, and but too often an explosion of fire-damp. These accumulations of fire and choke-damp in coal mines necessitate a system of ventilation. In many collieries this is effected by means of great fires, which are kept continually burning at the bottom of a shaft; which acts as a chimney, and thus produces a strong draught which draws the air from the mine, fresh air being introduced by another shaft. As it is of the greatest consequence that this current of ah - should cir¬ culate through every part of the workings, doors are placed in various parts of the levels so as to prevent the current taking the shortest way to the upcast shaft. Recently a number of ventilating machines have been introduced instead of this wasteful and clumsy method ; and anemometers are employed to indicate and re¬ gister the rapidity of the currents of air, and thus show where the ventilation is imperfect. One of those instruments was exhibited by Mr. M. Dunn. As fire-damp, which differs but little from common gas, produces explosive mixtures with common air, candles, or other open lights, cannot be used in mines where this gas is evolved, without risking the danger of explosions. Previous to 1815 the miner obtained the necessary light for his work by means of a contriv¬ ance called the steel mill, consisting of a small disc of steel, which was made to revolve with great rapidity by means of a ratchet-wheel worked with a handle. This wheel in its revolution rubbed against a piece of Hint, and produced a succession of bright scintillations. This defective source of light had the additional disadvantage of requiring a boy to work it. In 1813, Dr. Reid Clanny invented a safety lamp, consisting of an insulated light, to which the air necessary to maintain the combustion was provided by means of a pair of bellows. In 1815 Sir Humphrey Davy invented his celebrated safety lamp ; the principle of which is, that wire-gauze cools any flame placed in contact with it, below the point of incandescence, and hence it can¬ not pass through the gauze. The “Davy,” as the lamp is now universally called, consists of a common oil- lamp, surrounded by a cylinder of gauze. When this lamp is introduced into an explosive mixture of fire¬ damp and ah - , the gas may burn within the cylinder of wire-gauze, but, from the cooling action of the latter, cannot pass and communicate the flame to the surrounding mixture. This simple and ingenious contrivance has undergone very many modifications since Davy’s time, the most important being that made by M. Mues- seler, which consists of an ordinary oil-lamp, surrounded by a cylinder of fine glass, half an inch thick, and three inches high, surmounted by a cylinder of wire-gauze. A second cylinder is inclosed in this, which reaches to very nearly the flame of the lamp, and acts as a chimney, up which the hot air passes, while a correspond¬ ing current of cold air flows down from the top between the two cylinders. The use of the glass is to pre¬ vent the action of the currents of ah' which are always flowing through collieries, upon the wick. The improved lamp of Dr. Clanny is almost identical with that of Muesseler. The introduction of the “ Davy” has been of immense importance to coal mining ; numbers of collieries previously relinquished were again worked, and millions of tons of coal thus preserved. But in the hands of careless and ignorant workmen it is far from being an absolute safeguard against explosions, as sad experience lias but too often proved. A very interesting collection of seven safety lamps, showing the chief modifica- THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 74 [Class I. tions which the original simple Davy has undergone down to the present day, was exhibited by IMr. Mathias Dunn, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, who also exhibited that curious relic of coal mining, a steel mill. Although coal is now a necessary of life, the foundation of all the industry of Great Britain, and indeed of most parts of Europe, it is singular that its use should have commenced so recently. We are not aware of any mention of coal as a distinct article of trade earlier than the charter granted by Henry III. in the year 1239 “to the goode men of Newcastle to dig coals outside the walls thereof.” From this date, however, the consumption rapidly increased, and already, in 1246, there was an export of coals, which from that fact re¬ ceived the name of sea coal. In 1306 it must have been very extensively used in London, for a notion got abroad that its smoke was productive of the plague and many other destructive diseases; and the Parliament accordingly petitioned King Edward I. to prohibit the burning of coals as dangerous to the health of the people. The King accordingly issued his proclamation, “That not only in the city of London, but all havens, towns, and many places within the land, the inhabitants, in general, are constrained to make their fires of sea coal or pit coal, even the chambers of honourable personages, and of necessity, have devised the making of iron, glass, bricks, &c., with the said sea coal.” This proclamation appears to have had but little effect, and accordingly a commission of oyer and terminer was issued for the purpose of punishing by fines all who burned sea coal within the city or its immediate neighbourhood ; and when guilty of a second offence, in addition to the fine, to demolish then’ furnaces, and providing for the strict obedience of the commands to the procla¬ mation for the future. Notwithstanding these stringent measures, ten shillings’ worth of coal was used at the coronation of Edward III. From this time its use appears to have steadily increased ; but still, even as late as the reign of Elizabeth, it had not become general, for Harrison, in his Description of England, pub¬ lished in 1577, states Of coal mines we have such plenty in the north and western parts of our island as may suffice for all the realme of England ; and so must they doe hereafter indeed if wood be not better che¬ rished than it is at this present. I dare affirm that if woods do go so fast to decay in the next hundred years as they have done, and are like to do in this, it is to be feared that broom, turf, brakes, whins, ling, hassock, rush, &c., and sea coal, will be good merchandise even in the city of London, whereunto some of them have already gotten ready passage, and taken up their innes in the greatest merchants’ parlors.” In 1627 the first recorded patent for the smelting of iron with coal alone was granted; and during the reign of Charles I. it came to be used in London exclusively as a fuel. With the gradual increase in the consumption of coal, great improvements were made in the mode of ex¬ tracting it, but much yet remains to be done, not alone in the engineering of collieries, and especially in the registrations of plans, but in abolishing the odious system of contracting for mines by that ignorant, griping set of men termed butty-colliers , with whom the public is familiar from the graphic pictures of D’lsraeli in his “ Sybil.” Under this system, and the absence of education and rational amusement, the people employed in the collieries of Great Britain have sunk to a state of degradation perhaps unparalleled in the history of the human race. Hitherto we have not spoken of the coal-fields of Ireland, but we shall now say a few words upon that subject. Before doing so, however, we must observe, that since Mr. Griffith’s survey of them many years ago, nothing further of a definite character has been done, or at least published, in that direction; there is there¬ fore, nothing new to be added to Sir Robert Kane’s admirable chapter on Coal in the “ Industrial Resources of Ireland.” Our remarks on the subject will be very brief, and for fuller details we must refer our readers to that work. There are seven coal-fields in Ireland, of which three are situate in Ulster, one in Leinster, two in Mun¬ ster, and one in Connaught. It is a remarkable feature of those coal-fields, that while all the northern ones are bituminous, those in the south are anthracite, and the Connaught field, which stands geographically be - tween both, is .also intermediate in quality, being, indeed, but little more bituminous than the kind of coals we have described as steam coal. The following Table contains the chief facts of importance connected with those deposits:— Coal-Field. County in which situated. Number of Seams of Coal. Total thick¬ ness of Coal Measures ex- Total thickness of Coal. Thickness of thickest Seam. Total esti¬ mated Area. Number of which have been worked. amined F. I. F. I. ACRES. 1. Ballycastle, . . . Antrim, . . . 6 About 14 feet. 2 6 Nearly all worked out. 2. Monaghan, . . . Monaghan, 1 foot to 14 8 0 inches. 3. Coal Island, . . . | Tyrone, . . | 6 720 0 22 to 32 feet. 10 0 7000 3(?) Anahone, .... 3 171 (?) 14 feet. 9 0 320 ( ?) Only the 9 foot seam. 4. Lough Allen, . . . Leitrim, . . . 3(4?) 204 (?) 6 ft. 9 in. 3 feet. 20,000 (?) 2 '"Castlecomer, . . . Kilkenny, j 5. Modubogh. Carlow, > Queen’s. J 8 984 0 22 feet (of 10 feet, 8100 (?) 3 (nearly Rushes,. real coal). containing about 4 feet of good coal. worked out). 6. Slieveardagh, &c., . Tipperary, . . 3 ( ?) 4 ft. 9 in. 2 0 7. Munster,. Cork, Keny, and Limerick. 6 (?) 2 to 3 ft. An examination of this Table will show how little really definite information we have as yet obtained with reference to the Irish coal-fields. Thus, for example, we know almost nothing of the Munster coal-field, which is spread over by far the largest area of any of the others ; indeed, it is one of the largest coal areas in Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 75 these countries. And yet that coal-field is situated in precisely those parts of Ireland farthest removed from a supply of English and Scotch coals, and where fuel must consequently be most expensive. Of the amount of ignorance which prevails upon the subject of Irish coal in the absence of some reliable statistics and surveys, we have only to refer to an article on the subject of coal in the Illustrated Catalogue of the London Exhibition of 1851, and the statistics of which are based upon a work which constitutes the chief autho¬ rity upon the subject of coal in Great Britain and America, in which it is stated that Ireland contains 1,850,000 acres, or 2890 square miles of coal area,—that is, more than France and Belgium put together ! No more useful, and, we would add, necessary work could be undertaken, than an accurate survey of the whole of the Irish coal-fields. This is, however, not to be hoped for with the present limited funds of the Geological Survey of Ireland, which cannot afford to have a special mining geologist, and can only conse¬ quently obtain the casual assistance of the English one, whose time is already more than fully occupied. Imperfect as is our information upon the extent and value of our coal-fields, that relative to the quantity now annually raised is still more so. The published statistics of recent date refer only to three collieries,— Slieveardagh in the Tipperary field, Ballylenane in the Carlow part of the Leinster coal-field, and a small one called Lisnacon in Cork. The former, worked by the Mining Company of Ireland, yielded, in 1853, 6842 tons of coal, and 30,087 barrels, of 24 ewts., of culm, giving a total of 42,946 tons. During the same year Lisnacon Colliery yielded 2203 tons of coal and culm (small coal). In 1852 Ballylehane Colliery yielded about 6000 tons, which, perhaps, also represents the produce of 1853. We regret being unable to give the quantities raised at Castlecomer, in the county of Limerick, in Tyrone, and especially in Leitrim. Sir Robert Kane estimated the production of the Castlecomer Collieries in 1845 at 120,000 tons per annum, the coal being sold at ID. 6rf., and the culm at 4s. per ton ; and, so far as we are aware, it has not since diminished. The total quantity at present raised in Ireland may therefore, perhaps, be estimated at about 220,000 tons, of which about 170,000 tons are anthracite, and 50,000 bituminous coal. Up to a very recent period the Irish coal mines were worked in a very imperfect manner. To give an example, no less than 1200 shafts have been sunk in the one district of Castlecomer since the first working of that field, about the beginning of the last century ; many of them not being more than 100 yards apart! Even at present the management of most of them is not all that could be desired ; and many improvements of great importance, which have been made in other countries, especially in the ut ilization of waste, pyritic shale, &c., and in the sifting and purifying of coals, are here unknown. We may instance one made several years ago by M. Berard, and now used extensively on the Continent, and even in England, for separating pyrites and shale from coal. The machine used for this purpose is cheap and simple ; it costs but £400, and is capable of cleaning from 120 to 140 tons of coal in a day at an expense of one penny per ton ! The importance of this machine in Ireland cannot be overrated, inasmuch as many of our best beds of coal are highly pyritic; and most of them being thin, a large part of the coal obtained from them is in the condition of small coal, especially the anthracite, which is very brittle, and is always largely mixed with fragments of shale and slaty coal. That this is the case, we have only to refer to the returns from Slieveardagh, already quoted, by which the culm raised is seen to be more than five times the quantity of large coal. Our coals are also rich in ash ; but by Berard’s machine experience has shown that coals, containing as much as 26 per cent, of ash, may be so perfectly washed as to yield only 2£ per cent. Need we say more to point out its utility ? This is not the place to enter into the question of the improvements which might be advantageously in¬ troduced into our collieries, even if our limited space permitted us to do so. But there can be no doubt that in this branch of industry, perhaps more than any other, we stand in need of education. There were ten exhibitors of coal, from ten localities, representing eight distinct coal-fields, of which one- half were anthracite, and the other bituminous. Of these, five exhibitors showed Irish coal from six localities, representing four coal-fields, three being anthracitic, and one bituminous. There were three English exhi¬ bitors, representing two bituminous coal-fields ; one Scotch, representing one bituminous ; and two Welsh, representing the anthracite and cannel coal of Wales. Of these, three series of specimens deserve special mention : namely, that of the Monkland Iron Company, who exhibited a block of six inches cube of each bed of coal, worked in the great Lanarkshire coal-field in Scotland, being part of the fine series of sand¬ stone, ironstone, &c., already alluded to, as sent by that Company (this was unquestionably the most important and intelligently selected series in the Exhibition) : the sections of the entire seams now worked by the Mining Company of Ireland at their collieries of Slievardagh in the county of Tipperary, and Lisnacon in the county of Cork ; and the sections of the seam now worked at Castlecomer, in the Kilkenny part of the Leinster coal-field, contributed by the lion. C. Wandesforde. No examples of the coal of the northern coal-fields were exhibited ; indeed Ulster contributed scarcely any examples of her mineral products of any kind. There were two exhibitors of coke, one specimen of which, made from Marley Hill coal, New¬ castle-upon-Tyne, shown by J. Shield, Son, and Co. of Ringsend, was a good example of the peculiar struc¬ ture of the coke produced from that class of coal. SALT. We now come to the examination of a mineral product which is amongst the most widely diffused in Na¬ ture, and which is of immense importance in the animal and vegetable economy. Every one is acquainted with that substance which, as it were to mark its universal occurrence and usage, we call common salt. But very few persons are fully aware of the sources from which it is obtained, or the manifold uses to which it is applied. A century ago its employment was confined to the preservation of animal and vegetable substances, and as a condiment. At the present davit assists, as the source of nearly all our soda and chlorine, to bleach our textile fabrics and our paper; to make our soap ; and even one of the principal elements of our glass has existed as salt. This compound enters very largely into the composition of many rocks, such as certain va¬ rieties of granite, and traces of it occur everywhere in the soil, and in the water of rivers. 76 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. When rocks are exposed to the action of water, they become in time altered. Certain substances capable of dissolving in it are washed out, and gradually carried by the streams and rivers to the ocean. Sometimes the rock undergoes complete decay, anil crumbles away, giving rise to masses of clay, sand, and gravel, con¬ stituting soils ; the two former, when sufficiently pure, forming materials for the manufacture of glass and porcelain. One of the principal of these dissolved substances is soda, which, as before remarked, is found in exceedingly minute quantities in all river waters ; for it is unnecessary to remark that the decay of rocks is a slow process, requiring periods of time of which our historic epochs would be merely years. The ocean would thus appear to be a great reservoir of the soluble elements of rocks, and accordingly we find conside¬ rable quantities of soda dissolved in sea-water. This soda, although not all existing in the form of salt in rocks, finds itself, in great part, transformed into that substance during its passage from the hills to the ocean. The quantity of these soluble substances which exist in sea-water may be estimated to form about 3£ per cent, of its weight, the salt alone forming a little more than two-thirds of that quantity, or about 2J per cent. Owing, however, to the unequal evaporation from the surface of the sea in different regions of the globe, these proportions are subject to considerable variation. In some of the inland lakes of Asia the quan¬ tity of salt is enormous. Thus, in the water of the Dead Sea, salt forms one-fourth of its weight; and whole regions of the flat steppes of the Kirghis, lying between the Aral and Caspian Seas, consist of a barren wil¬ derness covered with an efflorescence of salt. Salt is also found in masses interstratified with other rocks; and hence the name of rock-salt when de¬ rived from this source. It is principally found in a group of rocks which lie above those in which coal is usually found, and hence the group is sometimes called the saliferous formation. The most characteristic rocks usually associated with the salt consist of red and variegated sandstones, called by geologists the new red sandstone, gypsum, and marls. The former are admirably adapted for building purposes. Some of the finest old Gothic churches on the Continent, as those of Strasburg, Spires, Munster, are built of this stone; and in England it has been also employed, as, for instance, in Chester Cathedral. This rock occurs near Belfast, and many of the new buildings erected in that town are constructed of it. Deposits of salt of this kind are found in almost every country in the world ; and many of them are remarkable for their extent, such as the mountain of salt, 600 feet high, and 1200 feet wide at its base, which occurs at Corilona, in Catalonia; and at Wieliczka, in Gallicia, the deposit is 500 miles long, 20 miles wide, and 1200 feet deep, and the extent of the operations, and the size of the galleries cut in the salt, have given rise to the most extravagant tales of whole villages of miners who never come above ground. Although such stories are fabulous, still the appearance of these enormous crystal galleries, when lit with torches, presents one of the most singular subterraneous spectacles in the world. Rock-salt scarcely, if ever, exists of sufficient purity to be used directly; although near Liverpool it is found colourless, and as clear as glass. In general it is of a reddish colour, from the presence of ferruginous clay intermixed with it, from which it can be readily purified by mere solution in water, when the earthy matter will subside to the bottom of the vessel. The preparation of salt presents us with one of the most beautiful adaptations of the laws of Nature to a certain end, which we know of. Salt and many similar substances are capable of dissolving in water, and when this water is removed by evaporation they separate again in certain regular geometrical shapes—that is, they are said to crystallize. In this way salt always assumes the shape of a cube. As a general rule, most of these bodies are more soluble in hot water than in cold; and we also find that many of them do not im¬ mediately crystallize in hot solutions after a certain portion of the water in whifch they were dissolved is evaporated, but remain dissolved until after the liquid has somewhat cooled down. Common salt offers a singular exception to this law ; for it is nearly equally soluble in cold as in boiling water, and separates readily in small crystals from its boiling solution. Were it not for this almost exceptional property the purification of salt from the substances which are usually found in Nature with it, would be at once difficult, tedious, and expensive. Nearly all the salt consumed in Ireland is obtained by evaporation ; and in many places, especially in Cork, the process is effected by the waste heat from the operation of lime-burning, the evaporating pans being placed over kilns which are in continuous action. In England a large part, and in Germany and other parts of Europe the greater part, of the salt is obtained from springs of water which in passing over beds of salt dissolve large quantities of it. Many of those springs contain but very little salt; sometimes not much more than exists in sea water, but sometimes by boring to great depths, as is done for Artesian wells, these springs are brought directly from the salt beds ; and thus in many cases saturated solutions are at once obtained, as at Droitwitch in Worcestershire, where an iron pipe is sunk directly into the salt to the depth of 173 feet, allowing a saturated brine containing 42 parts in 100 of salt to come to the surface. At Wimpfen, near Heilbronn, on the Neckar, a boring has been effected to the depth of about 370 feet, and extending about 23 feet into the salt. An iron pipe is let down this bore into the salt, and through this pipe the brine is pumped up, whilst fresh water flows down the sides of the bore and thus replaces the brine. In this way great caverns are gradually dissolved out of the salt; these caverns act as natural tanks for dissolving the salt and allowing the sediment to deposit, and thus save all the expenses of mining. At Prussian Minden the deepest boring of this kind yet effected is carried on, but has not as yet reached the salt. In 1843 it had reached the enormous depth of 2515 feet under the surface, and 2105 feet under the sea-level. This process of boring appears to have been practised from the most ancient times in China, for at Kia-ting-fu, in a dis¬ trict 50 miles long, and from 20 to 25 miles broad, there are at least 20,000 such borings, averaging from 5 to 6 inches in diameter, and from 1500 to 1800 feet deep. It sometimes happens that coal lies under the salt, and that the inflammable fire-damp given off by the former escapes through the borings, as is the case in Cheshire, but it does not appear that it has ever been put to any use there ; in China it appears to have been used as a fuel for the evaporation of the brine in the district just alluded to. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 77 Where fuel is abundant and the brine strong, it is evaporated directly; but the brine of the great majority of the springs upon the Continent is too weak to pay tor the quantity of fuel which would be necessary, and hence other means are employed to effect this object. Previous to the sixteenth century the evaporation of brine was effected by making it fall on a quantity of rope of enormous length, stretched backward and forward, the effect of which was to divide it into spray, and thus expose a large surface to the influence of the atmos¬ phere. At Moutier, in France, this process is even still followed, and so perfectly is it conducted, that by passing the hot brine ten or twelve times over these ropes salt is obtained without any evaporation by arti¬ ficial heat. Towards the middle of the sixteenth century a contrivance known as the thorn-wall was intro¬ duced into Germany and parts of France from Lombardy, where it appears to have been for some time in use on the Adriatic coast. This process is called graduation ; a name, however, which applies equally to the rope process, and consists in pumping up the brine into a large shallow cistern supported on a framework of wood, and of considerable height. Under this cistern, and within the framework, is built up a sort of wall composed of brushwood, but chiefly of faggots of black-thorn—hence the name of thorn-wall. The brine is let fall through these faggots by means of a series of perforated tubes, by which an immense surface is exposed ; and the thorn-wall being placed in an exposed place, a current of air passes through the brushwood while the brine is trickling down, and thus effects an exceedingly rapid evaporation. After passing two or three times through the thorn-wall so much water is evaporated that it will pay to have the brine boiled down with fuel. The brine in most of these springs is much more impure than when made directly by the dissolution of rock- salt. After the separation of the salt, the residual liquor, or, as it is called, the mother liquor , contains a number of other saline substances, such as sulphate of potash, salts of magnesia, &c. Sometimes these are employed in the manufacture of sal-ammoniac, or they might be employed with great advantage in the pre¬ paration of artificial manures. Occasionally such brine springs contain iodine and bromine, which give to the mother liquors medicinal properties, as those of Salzhausen and Ivreuznach. Some notion may be formed of the quantity of water evaporated by means of these thorn-walls when it is stated that, at the salt works of Sehonebeek, near Magdeburg, which produce about 30,000 tons of salt annually from a brine which contains only 12 per cent, of salt, or nearly five times as much as sea-water, the quantity of water evaporated from the whole thorn surface on a warm summer’s day amounts to some¬ times 1,443,000 cubic feet, or 8,989,890 gallons ! When the salt is extracted directly in the solid form, the mode of mining does not differ much from that employed in working coal mines. The salt is blasted, and large pillars are left standing, so that a ground- plan of the whole would represent in some degree the appearance of a chess-board. Subsequently these pil¬ lars, as in coal mines, are also removed. As we have before remarked, the sea is a source of salt. This is especially the case on the coasts of warm maritime countries, but it is by no means confined to them; for even in Siberia the inhabitants are enabled to obtain sufficient salt for their use by taking advantage of the circumstance that when salt water freezes, the ice contains no salt, and so by repeatedly freezing a quantity of sea-water an exceedingly strong brine is at last obtained. In Portugal, Spain, and the south of France, great quantities of excellent salt are produced by the eva¬ poration effected by the sun in large ponds called salt-gardens , which are cultivated from March to the end of September. These gardens are simply a number of shallow ponds, laid out on a stiff clay soil, on the coast, and protected from the action of the tides. The principle upon which they are constructed is, to expose the largest possible surface to the action of the sun. The first pond, which is usually about five feet deep, has a sluice, by means of which it can be filled from the sea. Here the water is allowed to deposit its mud and become clear. From this pond it passes by means of a pipe into a second pool, much smaller and shallower, and divided into compartments by narrow dykes, so arranged as to cause the brine from the settling pond, entering at one angle, to describe a circuitous course through every part of the pond before it escapes at the opposite angle into the third pond, which is still shallower than the second, but is subdivided like it. From the third pool it passes into the fourth, where it begins to crystallize. The salt, as fast as it forms, is col¬ lected with rakes into small heaps on the narrow dykes which separate the ponds. The mother liquor, after the first crop of salt, is run into another series of smaller and shallower ponds, where a second and third crys¬ tallization of salt takes place, but of an inferior quality to the first. When no more salt separates, the resi¬ dual liquor is run into the sea. The salt as it is first raked out of the ponds and made into heaps is very impure, the principal foreign substances being chloride of magnesium, a compound analogous to salt, the soda of the latter being replaced by magnesia. This substance is very deliquescent, that is, it imbibes water from the atmosphere and becomes liquid. It is this impurity which causes salt to become damp in winter. To get rid of this and other foreign matters, the salt, after it has sufficiently drained from the mother liquors on the dykes, is piled into great heaps, and thatched with dried grass, and is thus protected from the rain ; but the moisture of the atmosphere gradually liquefies the chloride of magnesia, which, in draining away, washes the greater part of the other impurities with it. It has been found that if we mix solutions of Epsom salt and common salt together, and expose the mix¬ ture to a low temperature, about that of the freezing point, they will decompose one another, and we will obtain glauber salts. Upon this fact,—and upon the curious law that a mixture of two salts differing in the nature of their acids and base, augment each other’s solubility in water, but that, on the other hand, a mix¬ ture of two salts resembling each other by their base or acid diminish each other’s solubility ; thus, chloride of sodium and sulphate of magnesia, which are different in acid and base, augment each other’s solubility when present in a liquid; while chloride of sodium and sulphate of soda, having the same base, diminish each other’s solubility,—upon these facts is founded the improved mode of cultivating salt gardens, by which the mother liquors remaining after the salt are economized. This process, which promises to found a great branch of industry, we owe to the laborious and beautiful researches of M. Balard. To understand the process, it is necessary to give the composition of sea-water in detail, such as it is found at Cette, in the Mediterranean, where this industry is now carried on :— M 2 78 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. Composition of Sea Water in 10,000 Parts : Chloride of Sodium,. 294-24 Chloride of Magnesium,.32-19 Chloride of Potassium, . 5-05 Sulphate of Lime. 13-57 Sulphate of Magnesia,.24-77 Carbonate of Lime,. 1-14 Oxide of Iron,. 0-03 Bromide and Iodide of Sodium,. 5-56 Total,. 376-55 or 3-765 per cent. The great mass of the salt (chloride of sodium) is first removed in the way just described, and the mother liquors, still containing a good deal of salt, and all the other substances enumerated, are set aside in special ponds, where, after some time, they furnish one or two crystallizations of Epsom salt (sulphate of magnesia). The liquid is then passed into another pond, where it yields a crystallization of sulphate of potash, or of the double sulphate of potash and magnesia—a portion of the Epsom salt and a part of the chloride of potassium decomposing one another as the liquid becomes concentrated, forming chloride of magnesium and sulphate of potash. The mother liquor resting on these crystals is again run into another pond, where it yields a crys¬ tallization of double chloride of potassium and magnesium. Finally, the mother liquor resting on these salts may be applied as manure, or employed for the manufacture of bromine or iodine, in the former of which it is very rich. These operations constitute the summer work. For the winter work three ponds are set aside. Into the first the whole of the impure sulphate of magnesia, dissolved in fresh water, is put, unless it be more profitable to sell part of it purified as crystallized Epsom salt; into the second is run a quantity of concen¬ trated brine, set apart for this purpose before any salt had crystallized out; and into the third is put the heaps of impure salt obtained from the last crystallizations of the brine, and which still contains sufficient impurities to render it unfit for domestic purposes. As soon as the season appears propitious—that is, as soon as it is cool enough—these three liquids are mixed together in certain proportions, the salt being in excess. In one or two cold nights the whole of the Epsom salt will be decomposed by the common salt, glauber salt or sulphate of soda crystallizing out, owing to the low temperature and the presence of excess of salt, which, having the same base (soda) as the glauber salt, will, as before remarked, render it more insoluble. The mother liquor is run off the crystals before the warm part of the day commences, and they are removed and dried. The sulphate of soda serves for the manufacture of soda ash ; and thus does away with the necessity of employing the large quantity of oil of vitriol usually employed to convert common salt into sulphate of soda. The salts of potash find ready employment in the manufacture of alum, and the chloride of potassium may be employed in the manufacture of nitrate of potash or saltpetre. The bromine and iodine are employed in medicine and photography, and the latter also in the dyeing of silk. The following are the results of the annual working of a salt garden at Baynas, which covers 370 acres:— 10,000 tons of Common Salt. 550 „ of Crystallized Epsom Salt. 450 „ of Double Salts of Potash, Soda, and Magnesia. > 1,000 „ of Sulphate of Soda, or Glauber Salt. If the whole of the Epsom salt were employed for the preparation of sulphate of soda, the total product of the latter would, in this case, be 1325 tons. It is very difficult to estimate the quantity of salt consumed for domestic purposes in Europe ; for that produced affords no indication of it, in consequence of large quantities being employed in the salting of hides, the glazing of stone-ware, the manufacture of hard soaps, soda, and many other chemical manufac¬ tures. Towards the end of the last century, Necker calculated that in those parts of France where the population had purchased exemption from the gabelle or salt tax, the annual consumption was about 19£ lbs. per head; and McCulloch estimates it for Great Britain at 22 lbs. per head. These numbers do not evi¬ dently represent the quantity directly and indirectly consumed as food, as they include the salt employed for other purposes. Including these, however, M‘Culloch’s estimate would be pretty nearly correct if applied to the whole of Europe ; as the following statement of the present statistics of salt, perhaps the most complete ever published, will show:— Tons. Sources whence obtained. Great Britain, . . . 726,000 . . . Brine springs and rock-salt. France,. 360,000 ( 300,000 tons from the sea, the remainder from brine ‘ ‘ l springs and rock-salt. Spain,. 300,000 . . . Principally from the sea. Portugal,. 250,000 . . . Sea-water. Norway,. 3,000 . . . Sea-water. Germany, ..... 350,000 . . . Brine springs. Switzerland, .... 11,500 . . . Brine springs. Italy,. 234,000 . . . Springs, 12,000; rock-salt, 2000; sea water, 220,000. Hungary,.' Transylvania, . . . Gallicia,. j- 272,000 . . . Two-thirds from rock-salt. Wallachia, .... 20,000 . . . Rock-salt. Greece, . 20,000 . . . Sea-water. Russia,. 350,000 . . . More than half from the sea, and one-third from springs Class I.] MINING AND FUNERAL PRODUCTS. 79 These quantities make a total of 2,896,000 tons, which, at an average cost of 15s. per ton, represent a sum of £2,172,000. Of this about 1,277,000 tons were obtained from sea-water. 1,223,000 „ „ from brine springs. 396,000 „ ,, as rock-salt. There are several countries in Europe which contain no salt, such as Holland and Belgium; but they have a considerable trade in refining English rock-salt. Enormous quantities of salt are exported from England; thus the quantity of salt exported in the year 1851 was 456,612 tons. Nearly the whole of the rock-salt raised is exported, with the exception of small quantities used to strengthen the brine of some springs; so that out of the larger quantity of salt pro¬ duced in England, not more than from 150 to 170,000 tons is obtained as rock-salt. The rock-salt is prin¬ cipally found at Norwich, in Cheshire, the number of salt beds in the district being five, varying from 6 inches to 40 feet in thickness, the depth at which they are worked being from 50 to 150 yards below the surface. The production of salt in the district is not confined to rock-salt. Immense quantities of white salt are also made from springs; indeed more than two-thirds of all the salt produced in Great Britain is made there, the whole of which is sent down the river Weaver to Liverpool. The quantity thus sent down in 1844 was White salt, Rock-salt, 461,419 I 91,693 5 Total, 553,112 tons. The brine springs of Droitwich, in Worcestershire, yield about 70,000 tons annually, of which about 30,000 tons are exported from London, Gloucester, and Bristol. The salt obtained from the Staffordshire springs goes chiefly to Hull. The enormous increase which has taken place hi the consumption of salt as a condiment and for the pre¬ servation of articles of food, since the sixteenth century, bears no proportion to the increase of population. And when we consider how indispensable the use of salt is to the animal economy, we cannot help thinking that in ancient times, and during the middle ages, the scarcity of salt, especially in inland countries, must have been injurious to the health of the people, and productive of many diseases; more especially as the use of culinary vegetables containing salt was but little practised. If our space permitted, we could bring together a series of curious facts connected with the manufacture and commerce of salt which would illus¬ trate the foregoing supposition. It is curious, too, that salt should at all times have been an object of monopoly, and subject to the most preposterous taxes; and is even so still in some countries. As an instance of the extent to which this was carried previous to the fifteenth century, we may refer to the trade which the Venetians carried on in this article, the manufacture of which they brought to a high degree of perfection ; indeed the thorn-wall , already alluded to, appears to have been first invented by them. Venice owed the com¬ mencement of her prosperity, it may be said her very existence, to the preparation of salt in the surrounding Lagunes, and which her situation at the mouths of the Po, the Brenta, and the Adige, enabled her to supply to Milan, Ferrara, and the whole of North Italy. In process of time the Venetians seized upon the salt¬ works of then - neighbours. Thus the works of Cervia belonged to the city of Bologna ; but by a treaty the whole of the salt made there was monopolized by the Venetians, who regulated the quantity to be pro¬ duced, and even had officers for that purpose upon the spot. In the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries they either possessed or farmed all the salt-works on both sides of the Adriatic, at Trapana in Sicily, in the Ionian Islands, Greece, the Levant, and the coasts of Africa, and were the sole importers of the salt of the Black Sea, and of the Caspian, and even of that collected in the Asiatic steppes. They also succeeded in obtaining the privilege of carrying all the rock-salt raised in South Germany, Croatia, Styria, &c.; and once forced a King of Hungary to shut up his salt mines. The maritime and fluviatile populations of the Adriatic were deprived of the right to export their salt, and those of the north of Italy to use any other; in a word, five-sixths of all the trade in salt of the southern half of Europe was in the hands of the Venetians, whilst that of Northern Europe was monopolized by princes and feudal barons, who charged the most exorbitant price for it—an objection which did not certainly apply to the Venetians, who sold excellent salt at a very moderate price. The sale of foreign salt by any subject of the Republic was punished as a crime against the State; his house was razed, and himself condemned to perpetual banishment. But the Venetian salt mono¬ poly did not end there, for the commerce was carried on by companies, each of which had the privilege of supplying a particular country or district, and none other. We believe it may be asserted with truth, that, for fourteen centuries, one half of the wealth which flowed into that remarkable city was derived from salt. Previous to the year 1852 no salt had_been found in L-eland; our consumption being supplied by refining English rock-salt, and partially by the importation of sea-salt from Portugal, called in commerce bay- salt. In that year, however, abundance of rock-salt was discovered near Belfast. As we have already remarked, the rocks with which salt is associated lie above the coal formation, and hence in England coal is found in some districts beneath the new red sandstone. This rock being considerably developed in the neigh¬ bourhood of Belfast, the Marquess of Downshire commenced a series of borings through it, for the purpose of ascertaining if coal occurred there. These operations were carried on at Duncrue, about eight miles from Belfast. After boring a depth of 230 yards, a dark-coloured bed of rock-salt, 46 feet in thickness, was dis¬ covered. The boring was carried through that bed, and, at some distance below, another bed, scarcely infe¬ rior in thickness to the first, was cut through, the latter being much purer than the upper bed, and would probably yield 96 per cent, of pure salt. We are not aware whether the boring is still continued, or whether any rock of an older date than the coal-measures has yet been reached. Borings are also being carried on at Carrickfergus, and some thin beds have been cut through already, although the two shafts sunk have as yet only reached the respective depths of 112 and 108 feet. This gives hope that thick beds, like those of Duncrue, will be found at a greater depth. It was also announced, about 80 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. a year ago, that a bed of salt, 16 feet thick, had been found, 70 feet below the surface, at Red Hall, the seat of David S. Ker, Esq., M. P., but we are without further particulars regarding it. A fine block of the Duncrue upper bed, weighing about 30 cwts., was exhibited by the Marquess of Downshire, and certainly formed one of the most interesting specimens in the Exhibition. J. Hill, of Great Brunswick-street, in this city, exhibited specimens of both beds, and a series of specimens of excellent salt prepared from them. These samples were remarkable for their quality, and were well got up. SUBSTANCES USED FOR BUILDING AND ARCHITECTURAL ORNAMENTATION. MARBLE. Lime, which is a compound of a metal called calcium with oxygen, one of the elements of the air, is a very abundant substance in Nature, entering more or less into the composition of a great number of rocks. "When combined with carbonic acid, the gas of soda-water, it forms carbonate of lime, which is the most abundant compound of it: for under the name of limestone, chalk, travertino, &c., it constitutes immense deposits of rock in almost every part of the globe. It may appear strange to most persons that the beautiful marble of numerous groups and busts which adorned the Exhibition is the same material, chemically speaking, as chalk. The difference is one of form, and not of nature. If we examine a piece of ordinary chalk, we shall find that it is composed of an impalpable powder, ag¬ glutinated together into a more or less hard mass. No traces of geometrical form can, in general, be dis¬ tinguished in the minute particles of which it is composed ; it is amorphous , or without form. Often, indeed, the microscope shows that this apparently impalpable powder consists in great part of the inorganic remains of infusorial animalcuhe, of which thousands of millions would scarcely form one cubic inch of chalk. An examination of a piece of white marble, on the other hand, shows that it consists of an agglomeration of minute crystals, like a piece of lump sugar, cemented together. Taking white marble as one end of a series, and chalk as the other, it is possible to find rocks, constituted of carbonate of lime, to correspond to all intermediate degrees. As we approach the marble end of the series, the crystalline grains predominate over the cementing matter, which is amorphous; and as we approach the chalk end, the amorphous element predominates, and the crystals finally disappear. When a rock, composed of carbonate of lime, is distinctly crystalline, and sufficiently hard to retain a polish, it is called marble. Rocks composed of carbonate of lime are of all geological ages ; but when found associated with the lowest or oldest of all the groups of stratified rocks, they are distinguished by the name of primitive limestone. In general, these old rocks have been more or less altered by the action of heat, which has given to many a highly crystallized character, especially to the beds of limestone; and where the carbonate of lime was originally pure, the colour of such limestones is white. Sometimes they are gray or dove-coloured, as the much admired bardiglio. or dove-coloured Italian marbles. Primitive limestone is largely developed in several mountain chains, as in the Alps and Appenines. When very hard, uniformly crystalline, and of a perfectly pure white colour, it constitutes statuary marble. Of this kind are the celebrated marbles of Carrara and of Paros. It was from quarries situated in the latter island, which is one of that numerous group of small paradises dotted over the iEgean Sea, that the marble of those master-pieces of Grecian art—-the Venus de Medici, the Apollo of Belvidere, and thp Antinous, was obtained. Paros was not the only one of the Grecian islands which was celebrated in ancient times for statuary marble. Scio, Lesbos, and Samos, were also in high repute for their marbles, and the latter still more so for a temple of Samian marble, dedicated to Juno. This temple, among other treasures of art, contained statues from the same marble of Jupiter, Minerva, and Hercules, by Myron, one of the greatest sculptors of Greece. Another locality famed for its marble was Pentilicus, from which the materials for building the Parthenon, at Athens, were obtained. All these quarries are no longer worked, at least not for the purposes of art, those of Paros being in the same condition in which they were left 2000 years ago ; and they exhibit, in a remarkable man¬ ner, the skill with which they were worked. The Romans obtained a good deal of their statuary marble in Italy, especially from the quarries situated near the small town of Carrara, in the duchy of Massa di Carrara, which forms part of the territory of the Duke of Modena. These quarries are worked at present on a great scale, and supply seven-eighths of the statuary marble of the world. In all probability the beautiful faultless marbles in some of Hogan’s works in the Exhibition were from this locality. Carrara marble is of a perfectly pure white, and possesses a certain kind of transparency ; while Parian marble, although equally, if not more transparent , has a beau¬ tiful, delicate, yellowish, flesh-like tint. It is necessary to remark, that the same quarries which yield the first quality Carrara marble here alluded to contain a far greater quantity of what is called second marble, and of the dove-coloured or bardiglio marbles above mentioned. The second quality Carrara statuary mar¬ ble has a cold, bluish tint, and is not free from streaks. The statue of Davis is of this material, as were the Drummer of David d’Anger, and the Christ of Dieudonne. For many subjects it is, perhaps, preferable to the first quality. In consequence of the heavy duties levied upon the exportation of Carrara marble, quarries have been opened at Serravezza and other parts of Italy. A good deal of marble is also obtained from Sicily, which, although inferior to Carrara in whiteness and transparency, is more easily worked. Marble has been found in other countries, such as Spain, the United States, &c. At Sheffield, in Mas- sachussets, in the latter country, a variety of white marble is found remarkable for the size of the blocks which can be obtained, 50 feet in length having been frequently extracted. The beautiful colonnade of Co¬ rinthian columns which surrounds the Girard University, at Philadelphia, is built of this marble. Statuary marble is also found in Ireland, in the county of Donegal, and in Connemara in Galway. To be suited for statuary purposes, marble should be uniform in tint, and free from seams and fissures. Blocks of this kind, free from cloudings, are rare even in Carrara, where they are satisfied if one block in ten is fit Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 81 for the chisel of the sculptor. Good statuary marble is also very fine-grained. The Donegal marble possesses none of these qualities. All that we have seen of it as yet abounds more or less in small cracks, and is stained from the infiltration of water from the surface along the lines of these cracks, besides, the grain is coarse. Some specimens of the Connemara white marble are very pure, but we have not seen any very large blocks. Like that from Donegal, it is also a good deal cracked, and too coarse-grained for the finer specimens of art; but we have no doubt that, if properly worked , good blocks would be found well fitted for chimney-pieces and other architectural decorations. The specimens usually exhibited, being generally quarried from parts of the rock near the surface, are more calculated to show its defects than to encourage its employment. In most countries there are found immense beds of limestone of various geological ages, some from below the coal, that is older than it, and others newer than it. To the former belong all our limestones in Ireland, while the Portland stone which forms the columns of the Bank, and which is also the material of Farrell’s colossal figures of the Madonna and Child, is an example of the latter. The former are usually very hard, compact, and sometimes nearly as crystalline as primitive limestone ; they break generally with a peculiar smooth surface ; and, from the resemblance of the broken surface to some forms of shells, are said to have a conchoidal or shelly fracture. This peculiar hardness and evenness of texture render them capable of assuming a high polish, and many of them are consequently employed as marble. These rocks are usually coloured, sometimes uniformly as the black ones, but more usually unequally, so as to produce a variegated effect, which is often very beautiful. The colouring matter of the various shades of black and gray is charcoal, derived from the remains of animals, and probably also of vegetables. White is the natural colour of car¬ bonate of lime, while the various shades of red, yellow, purple, &c., are principally produced by compounds of iron. It must not be inferred from what is here stated that it is only the old limestones which are suffi¬ ciently hard to serve as marbles. Many varieties of marble have also been obtained from beds of the same age as Portland stone ; they are not, however, so general, and there is a much less variety of colour among such marbles than among those derived from beds of the age of our limestone rocks. They are usually of a grayish tint, and are occasionally sprinkled with rounded dots, which look like the roe or eggs of a fish, hence the name oolitic is sometimes applied to such marbles. Other shades also occasionally occur. Even the most recent deposits of carbonate of lime may have the characters of marble, the most essential of which is being crystalline, as is shown by the marble-like casts of medallions, &c., which are at present manufactured at the baths of San Fillippo in Tuscany. Here a number of warm springs issue, so loaded with carbonate of lime held in solution by carbonic acid, and with gypsum, that the water has been known to deposit a solid mass of rock 30 feet thick in twenty years ; this water is conveyed by a pipe to the top of a chamber, whence it is allowed to fall as a kind of dense rain from a height of about 12 feet to 14 feet; a number of twigs being interposed to break its fall and scatter it about in spray, which, falling upon the moulds that are intended to be copied, and which are previously washed with a little solution of soap, coats them with a marble-like deposit. In a country where such deposits are even now forming, one may expect to find a great variety of marbles of various ages ; and accordingly, Italy has been celebrated for its coloured marbles from the remotest anti¬ quity, and even still supplies Europe with a large part of the marbles employed .in decoration. The Italians have a complete marble nomenclature, and many of these names are well known in other countries. Among the most celebrated are the ancient marbles so admired in antique vases, mosaics, &c., such as the nero antico or black antique, which is a beautiful intense black marble ; the rosso antico or red antique, which is a deep blood-red marble, sprinkled with minute white dots ; the giallo antico or yellow antique marble has a deep yellow colour with black rings, and sometimes rings of another shade of yellow ; and the verde antico or green antique, which is of a clouded green colour, consisting of a mixture of a mineral called serpentine and lime¬ stone. The oriential verde antico was not marble, but a porphyry. The precise localities from which these marbles were obtained is not now known, the quarries being, in all probability, concealed by rubbish ; but they appear to have been found in abundance in Greece and Asia Minor, as well as in Italy. Lately an an¬ nouncement was made in some journals, that the quarries of the verde antico , and nero antico , had been dis¬ covered in Greece, but we are unable to say what amount of credence is to be given to the statement. Many modern marbles resemble them so completely that they may be considered identical; for example, the verde antico, or verde antique , as it is called by the French, is found at Genoa, and in Tuscany, and is one of the most prized marbles of Italy. There is a variety of it termed polzivera di Genova and vert cTEgijpte by the French. At Bergamo is found a beautiful black marble called paragone , which is scarcely inferior to the nero antico. Among the other celebrated Italian marbles we may mention the panno di monte, or death-shroud, which is a black marble with a few white shells scattered through it; the brocatello di Siena, or brocade of Sienna, which has a yellow ground, with irregular veinings of bluish red, or purple. The portor is a beautiful marble from the Porto Venese, hence the name, which was so much employed in the decoration of the palace of Versailles, under Louis XIV. The ground is of a beautiful black with veinings of yellow, which have a charming effect. The mandolato is a light red marble, with yellowish white spots like almonds, whence the name from the Italian mandola, an almond ; it comes from Lugezzana. At Verona are found some beautiful marbles; one, a red inclining to yellow, and another with a paste composed of striae of red and green, with large, pure, white, foliated spots. One of the most remarkable marbles is the lumachelle, or fire marble, which is a dark brown shell marble, having a curious effect upon light, emitting a number of chatoyant or fire-like reflections. The marbles of the rest of Europe are very little known, although lately a number have been economi¬ cally applied in Belgium, France, and Germany. It is said that Spain and Portugal abound with beautiful marbles; some from the latter country were exhibited at the London Exhibition of 1851. In England marble is found in several localities ; but, with the exception of those of Derbyshire, they are not remarkable for quality of stone, or beauty of colouring. The principal marbles worked in Derbyshire are:—1. The black, large slabs of which, free from small veinings of calcareous spar, are rare, although in other respects it is handsome ; 2. The encrinital marble, which is the most abundant; its colour is chiefly various shades 82 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. of gray ; as its name indicates, it is full of fossils of the steins of encrinites ; 3. The rosewood marble, which has markings somewhat like those of rosewood, is rather pretty, and very hard, bearing a good polish ; but the beautiful part of the rock is only six inches thick ; 4. The russet , or bird's eye , is of various shades of gray, from light to brownish, having numerous minute fossils scattered through it,—whence the name. A very extensive trade has sprung up in Derbyshire in those marbles, many of the slabs being exported to St. Petersburg, and even to the Mediterranean, and a great amount of employment is afforded on the spot in the manufacture of ornaments, and of chimney-pieces, which are too often very bad copies of tasteless originals. From the great development of limestone in Ireland we may naturally expect to find a great number of varieties of coloured marbles in this country. This rock occupiers the great central plain of the island, the most striking feature in its physical geography; its total area being about 15,000 square miles, or fully one- half of the entire country. In this space there are known at least 150 localities, where the limestone is suffi¬ ciently hard and crystalline to bear a high polish, and sufficiently varied and effective in colour to be orna¬ mental. Our space prevents us from giving a list of these localities, which, indeed, without some more accurate information than has yet been collected with reference to them, would possess but little value. We shall, however, indicate a few of the more important localities, classifying them according to the colour of the marble found in each. Black Marble _The chief localities of this marble are Kilkenny, particularly at Millmount; the neigh¬ bourhood of the town of Galway, about Oranmore ; Listowel and Tralee, in the county of Kerry ; Doneraile, Churchtown, and Mitchelstown (black and white), in the county of Cork; Lyons and Ballysimon, in the county of Limerick ; Inch, two miles west of Ennis, in the county of Clare; Castlebiggs, in the county of Tipperary; Milford, in the county of Carlow ; and Craigleath, in the county of Down. Of these the Galway marble is probably the purest and intensest black, many specimens of it being in this respect little, if at all, inferior to the much-prized paragone of Italy. The Kilkenny marble, when freshly cut and polished, is often of an intense black, but in course of time large white fossil-markings make their appearance, which much impair its beauty. The marbles of all the localities which we have just mentioned would, however, be well adapted for decorative purposes. In some quarries of black marble masses of rock are found composed in great part of the remains of corals, especially of the Madrepore, which, when cut across the bundles of tubes forming the coral, and the surface polished, yield exceedingly beautiful slabs of black marble, thickly studded, like Mosaic work, with oval spots, sometimes having a perfectly stellated appearance of pure white. Such masses are, however, rare, and no constant supply could be reckoned upon. Gray Marble _Marbles of this colour, as may be anticipated, are the commonest; there is scarcely a county in Ireland, in which limestone occurs, where good gray marbles may not be found. This is especially the case in the county of Cork, particularly in the neighbourhood of the city of Cork, and at both sides of its harbour ; for example, at Ballinlough, close to the city, a very good gray is found ; at Carrigaline and Monks- town, on the western side of the harbour, and at Cloyne and Middleton, on the eastern side; the varieties found at Cloyne and Carrigaline are dove-coloured, and similar to some of the marbles called bardiglio in Italy ; a good gray is also found at Kilcreagh, about ten miles west of the city. The other localities, where well-marked varieties are found, are :—At Powerscourt, near Clonmel, in Tipperary; at Fenit and Listowel, in Kerry ; at Clonmacnoise, in the King’s County; in the county of Clare; at Clogrennan, and several other localities, in Carlow ; near Galway ; and in the part of that county bordering the Shannon, opposite Clonony; in the county of Longford ; close to the town of Drogheda, where it is partially employed in the construction of the Boyne Viaduct. Many of these are highly fossiliferous, such as the crinoidpl or encrirdtal marbles of Clonmacnoise, the fossils of which are chiefly encrinites, resembling thin discs; and the Madrepore marble , in which the fossils are the same as those already alluded to in speaking of the corresponding black fossil marble. These varieties constitute the pietra stellaria of the Italians. The cloudings in some varieties of gray marble pass insensibly into yellow, reddish-yellow, or red ; as, for instance, in that found at Clonony, in King’s County, the ground being gray, and the cloudings and mottlings various shades of yellowish-red, sometimes passing into yellow, and resembling many of the commoner Sienna marbles. Bed Marble _The principal counties in which red marbles are found are Cork, Kerry, Limerick, and Armagh. The common mottled-red of Churchtown, in the county of Cork, is very good, but the mottles are sometimes too large, and the colour too high. There are, however, some varieties which are very beautiful— for example, we have seen a specimen composed of a blood-red paste, with foliated white masses, and slightly bluish purple veinings, and others in which the red shaded off insensibly into purple, the white portions assuming a weak yellow tint. The variety of tints which the Armagh marbles assume is also very remarkable: pure red is rare, the tints inclining rather to brown or to yellow, and sometimes passing into decided shades of these colours. Occasionally the red passes into purple, and even into bluish purple, producing a very fine variety. The Armagh marble very often contains fossils, but they are not always well marked, and the points of contact with the paste in which they are set are sometimes very soft, so that it does not polish uni¬ formly. There are few marbles, however, in Ireland, which would find a larger market if the quarries were vigorously worked. A beautiful variegated marble is found near Killarney, which, although, properly speak¬ ing, a red one, may be mentioned here. The paste appears to be gray, and is mottled with yellow, brown, and pure white, the latter in part tinged with cloudings of red. Another fine marble occurs also in Kerry at Dunkerrin, in which the predominating colours are yellow and white, passing into bluish purple, and mottled with dark-brownish red, grayish-black, gray, purplish-gray, and pure white cloudings. The Limerick red marbles are chiefly found at Pallaskenry and Ballinamona. They consist usually of a slightly developed gray or dove-coloured paste, mottled with red, occasionally passing into yellow ; they are often so fossilife¬ rous as to form true encrinital marbles, some varieties of which are of great beauty. Green Marbles _The green marbles of Ireland, like the verde antico of Italy and Greece, are not car¬ bonate of lime, but serpentine, or rather a mixture of the two ; serpentine itself being a combination of silicia, one of the commonest forms of which we have in flint, and magnesia. Its usual colour is green, but it is sometimes found of a beautiful rich, dark-reddish brown, sometimes mottled with red, or with cloudings of Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 83 red and green. When serpentine is of a rich oil-green colour, and translucent, it forms the noble serpen¬ tine. The green are probably the finest of all our marbles, and many specimens are not inferior to the verde antico; they are confined to the county of Galway, the two best known localities being Ballinahineh and Clifden. The colours vary from a light oil-green to dark olive-green, and nothing can exceed the beauty of the veinings, of which there is an extraordinary variety. Irish marbles have been but very little worked; nor has there been any extended application of such as have been worked. With few exceptions, chimney-pieces are the only articles manufactured from them. It is sur¬ prising that the filthy wooden blocks and benches of our butchers have not longsince been universally replaced by marble slabs; indeed, it would be desirable if the greater part of the fittings of all shops where provisions are sold were formed of marble. A vast number of applications of marble might be made in the furniture of houses, especially in kitchen tables, shelves for pantries, toilet tables, &c. Perhaps one of the causes which have pre¬ vented such an extension of their use, is the great expense of working the material. There can be no doubt that wood will always be cheaper than marble; but we believe that it would be possible to reduce the cost of the commoner kinds of marble slabs, &c., to one-third their present price, by the application of machinery. At a time when steam or water has nearly superseded animal power of all kinds, it does seem absurd to see a man slowly sawing a block of stone with an ill-contrived and clumsy instrument, such as would have been used 3000 years ago; and this too, notwithstanding the numerous contrivances which have been invented for effecting the operation. There are several machines for sawing, planing, moulding, carving, and rough polishing stone in use in Great Britain, America, and elsewhere. If these machines could be introduced into Ireland, and an improved system of quarrying adopted, we have no doubt that the working of marbles would become, in the course of a few years, an extensive, useful, and lucrative branch of trade; which it never can become by hand manipulation. The first extensive collection of specimens of L'isli marbles made, was that in the Hall and Galleries of the Museum of Irish Industry ; the great utility of which led the Royal Dublin Society to make a similar collection for the Exhibition. This latter series, although without any varieties which were not already well known, was very good. Besides the collection of the Royal Dublin Society there were several other speci¬ mens contributed by marble manufacturers or private individuals. There were in all thirty-eight slabs exhibited from twenty-four localities; of these the Royal Dublin Society procured directly, or subsequently purchased from parties who had sent them to the Exhibition, thirty-four. There were twelve bust pedestals from ten localities ; of these the Royal Dublin Society either purchased, or had directly prepared, eight. There were seven chimney-pieces of Irish marbles, from seven localities, contributed by six exhibitors. There were, besides, seven tables and table tops, from six localities, and belonging to five exhibitors ; one baptismal font, of Kilkenny black marble, and one door-case of mottled red marble, from Churchtown, in the county of Cork, belonging to the Royal Dublin Society. We have also to add three blocks of marble, in the rough, from two localities. There were several exhibitors of articles ma¬ nufactured from foreign marbles, of some of which particular mention will be made subsequently. A small case, exhibited by Mr. J. Penny, of the Museum of Irish Industry, contained a very large and pretty collection of small squares of Irish marbles from about fifty localities ; this series was well adapted for illustrating the variety of colours which we possess, and their adaptation to making inlaid work. INLAID WORK IN MARBLE AND PIETRA DURA. In ancient buildings marble was entensively used, and as, even in Italy, the finer kinds are rare, and, consequently, expensive, it was usual to cut the fine blocks into thin plates or veneers, and coat the inferior kinds with them. The halls of the public buildings and palaces were also floored with different kinds of marble cut into dice, or lozenge-shaped pieces, and arranged in geometrical patterns, to which the name tessera was applied by the Romans. This kind of work constituted originally the opus musivum , or mosaic, of the ancients ; but gradually, instead of merely incrusting the walls with marble of one colour, or making simple geometrical figures of two or more differently coloured marbles, figures of trees, birds, and other animals, were cut out of them, and inlaid in a slab of some other variety of marble. This kind of mosaic was brought to great perfection by the Italians during the fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth centuries, especially at Florence. The Florentines, however, only used marble as the matrix ; the substance inlaid being jasper, cornelian, different varieties of agates, chalcedony, amethyst, the halb-opal, noble serpentine, and other pseudo gems, and even Labrador felspar (which, as is well known, has a chatoyant lustre), lapis-lazuli, malachite (native carbonate of copper), &c. To produce work of this kind a well-polished slab of marble of the re¬ quired form and size, and from an eighth to three-sixteenths of an inch thick, was prepared. Upon this the pattern was drawn and then cut out; the stones to be inlaid were then cut by the lapidaries’ wheel, as in ordinary gem setting, to the size of the pattern, and cemented into their places fully polished ; for, if finished off when inlaid, great inequalities would be produced by the unequal wearing of the different stones, in con¬ sequence of having different degrees of hardness, especially where malachite and lapis-lazuli are employed. The slab thus made was veneered upon another and thicker slab of marble or wood, according to the ob¬ ject intended to be made. Instead of inlaying marble, ivory is sometimes inlaid in this way. The kind of work just described is known as pietra. dura , or true Florentine mosaic , imitations of which are now commonly made in different parts of Europe; but, instead of pseudo gems, different coloured marbles, glass, malachite, &e., are employed. Besides a number of objects inlaid with regular patterns, a great many tables are inlaid with tesserae, arranged in geometrical figures, or as chess-boards. Sometimes table tops are made of a number of pieces of determinate figure, but all more or less different, and sometimes of unequal size. These are known as scrap tables, and are about the most tasteless and absurd productions upon which money and time can be squandered. Another class of this latter species, of peculiarly “ British” manufacture, consists of cementing a number of irregularly formed pieces of marble together, and then polishing the compound, which is veneered upon a slab of slate or marble. This species of work is not, properly speaking, mosaic, but rather 84 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. a sort of artificial pudding stone or brecciated marble; it is difficult to say which is the most tasteless. There is a further kind of mosaic of a most remarkable character, made of glass, and known as Roman mosaic, to which we shall refer more at length when we come to speak of glass. Although there were few specimens of mineral inlaid work in the Exhibition, still nearly every variety was illustrated. There were two admirable specimens of pietra dura, one in marble, and the other in ivory. The first consisted of a circular table of black marble, beautifully inlaid with a border of fruit, flowers, birds, &c., composed of chalcedony, agate, milk quartz, lialb-opal, lapis-lazuli, malachite, &c. This beautiful spe¬ cimen of Florentine mosaic was contributed by the Marquess of Drogheda. The other specimen consisted of an exquisite ivory cabinet said to have been presented to a Duke of Mantua by one of the Medici family, and now in the possession of Mr. Cooper of Markree Castle. It is one of the choicest examples of this kind of work which we have ever seen.* Mrs. White, of Killikee, exhibited a table of geometrical Mosaic com¬ posed chiefly of marbles with malachite and lapis-lazuli, and in which the harmony of colours was well observed. This table was a good example of the modern imitations of this class of work. Of the magnificent specimen of Roman mosaic, exhibited by the same lady, we shall speak in another place. Mr. Bernal, of Limerick, exhibited an inlaid chess table. There were two examples of the scrap table , and one of the artificial brec- ciated marble, in the Exhibition. BUILDING STONES. There were very few building stones exhibited, notwithstanding the abundance which exists in Ireland. Besides the marbles, the greater number of which are used for building purposes, the specimens exhibited belonged to three classes of rocks—granites, sandstones, and slates. Granite is an igneous rock, composed of three minerals, quartz, felspar, and mica, and is of various colours, according to the nature of its consti¬ tuents. Some varieties of felspar are white, others are pink, and some are even red ; there are three diffe¬ rent coloured micas—white, green, and black. The combination of these colours, then, gives rise to a great number of shades. There are certain rocks resembling granite, in which the whole or a great part of the mica is replaced by a dark green mineral called hornblende. This kind of rock is called syenite, and forms, in many cases, a very ornamental stone, especially when the felspar has a rose tint. A great many of the ancient monuments of Egypt are formed of a rock of this character. Closely allied with granite and syenite is another rock termed porphyry, or rather several rocks, for the word has now a generic meaning. True porphyry consists almost entirely of felspar, but existing in two different forms, one forming a compact mass or paste, in which are disseminated crystals of the same mineral. These crystals are of various sizes, sometimes being exceedingly small, and occasionally as much as a half or three-quarters of inch long. The colour of the paste is rarely the same as that of the crystals, the latter being of a much paler tint than the former, and very often white ; the usual colours of the paste are red, brownish-red, or green, but sometimes masses are found of a gray or even black colour. Porphyry is capable of receiving a very fine polish, and has been used for a great variety of purposes, such as pillars, door-cases, vases, &c. The red porphyry of Egypt has long been celebrated for its beauty and durability; the paste is of a brownish-red colour, and is sprinkled over with small spots of felspar crystals, of a nearly pure white. All granites and porphyries are not equally durable; indeed some decay with an amazing rapidity. The cause of this decay is not yet well understood ; but it appears to depend as much upon chemical constitution as upon mechanical aggregation. Some felspars contain potash, and others contain soda; experience and theory show that soda granites decompose more readily than those containing potash. The coarser the tex¬ ture of granite the less durable it is ; hence, when that stone is selected for the erection of public buildings, it should be fine, and uniform in texture. It should also be free from small crystals of iron pyrites dissemi¬ nated through it, or any ore of iron, as these, on exposure to the weather, will rust, and thus destroy or deface the stone. The obscurity in which this question is involved can be judged by the fact that often, in the same quarry, a portion of the rock, appearing to differ in no respect from the rest, will totally decompose in a. few years. There are four principal localities where granite is found in Ireland:—1. The range of mountains stretching from near Dublin through the county of Wicklow, and parts of the counties of Wexford and Carlow. 2. The Mourne Mountains, in the county of Down. 3. The mountains of Connemara. 4. A part of the county of Donegal. The granites of Newry and Wicklow do not differ much in external appearance; in both, the felspar is white and the mica black or white, or a mixture of both. When fine¬ grained, they make excellent building stone; but that obtained from some parts of Wicklow, and from near Dublin, are very decomposable, as may be seen by some of the public buildings in Dublin, the stone of which has crumbled away in some parts in the course of a half century. The granite of Connemara is very often coarse-grained, and in many cases of a reddish tint. Some good red granite is found in the Donegal granite range, especially at the celebrated gap of Barnesmore, and would form a highly ornamental building stone, and one, too, we believe, of great durability. The Wicklow granite, with white mica, was represented in the Exhibition by a bust-pedestal, from Kingstown, a model of Killiney Obelisk, and another, together with a * This cabinet was purchased at Florence in 1838, and was stated to have been sold by a Duke of Mantua, who had received it from one of the Medici family. Frederick (II.) de Gonzaga was the first Duke of Mantua, by creation of the Emperor Charles in the year 1530. Subsequently, on the decease of one of his successors, Francis IV., without issue, the Duchy devolved upon Cardinal Ferdinand de Gon¬ zaga, who resigned his Cardinal’s hat, and manned twice. His second wife was Catherine de Medici. Upon his death, with¬ out issue, in 1627, the Duchy was claimed by Charles de Gonzaga, Duke of Nevers. This claim was resisted by the Emperor Ferdinand II., and Mantua was taken by the Aus¬ trians in 1630 and pillaged. Duke Charles had, however, previously sold large portions of the Gonzaga collections. The cabinet is evidently of ancient manufacture, and it is conjectured that its epoch was the fourteenth or fifteenth cen¬ tury. The work bears a strong resemblance to that in the Certosa of Pavia, commenced at the end of the fourteenth century. It is not improbable that it was sent to Mantua in the times of Catherine de Medici, and it is probable that it was one of the articles sold by Duke Charles de Gonzaga. This cabinet was certainly one of the gems of the Exhibition. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 85 baptismal font, from Blessington. The Donegal red granite was represented by a bust-pedestal. None of the other granites were represented. One specimen of a very fine green porphyry, from Lambay Island, was exhibited by Lord Talbot de Malahide. A few specimens of a peculiar brecciated porphyry, worked into tazzas, &c., were among the pretty collection of serpentine works from Penzance. Sandstones consist of small grains, chiefly silica, aggregated into a compact rock, the grains being ce¬ mented together by various substances. Sometimes it is carbonate of lime, sometimes silica or iron, and sometimes clay. The nature of the cementing mass has considerable influence upon the character of the rock; iron is, however, the most usual, and the one which forms the most typical sandstone. There is a great variety of colour, from white, through gray, yellow, red, and brown, to black. Sandstones are of all geolo¬ gical ages, from the lowest sedimentary rocks to the most recent. The older rocks are usually the most compact, and in general contain some felspar grains, and frequently a large quantity of clay, which gives them more or less of an argillaceous character. When sandstones are very hard, and their fracture harsh, and contain small siliceous pebbles, they .are usually called grit. If the rock consist not of grains of sand, but of a number of pebbles cemented together, it is designated a conglomerate; which is further subdivided into pudding-stones , when the pebbles are rounded, and breccia when they are angular. And as these pebbles may consist of any kind of rock, there exists a considerable variety of these compound rocks, which are dis¬ tinguished by the nature of the pebbles of which they consist. Sandstones are generally excellent materials for buildings ; but for this purpose they should be firm, and uniform in texture, and free from iron pyrites or iron sand, which would, by their rusting, not only spoil their appearance, but render them liable to peel off on exposure. Many sandstones, especially those from the thick beds of what is called the new red sandstone, or from the variety of colours from white to dark brown which it exhibits, the variegated sandstone (and which, as we have already remarked, lies above the coal measures) are exceedingly soft when first quarried, but gradually become hard when exposed to the atmosphere. Others again, especially those rich in clay, although compact and hard when freshly quarried, crumble away rapidly on exposure. The durability of this class of stones depends, however, very much upon the nature of the climate; and that ofL-eland severely tests building stone. Any sandstone which will bear exposure for some weeks, after being saturated with a solution of glauber salt, may be considered fit for use. Sandstones are found abundantly in Ireland ; those, however, associated with the older rocks, although compact and firm, are in general very shaly, and the beds are so full of cracks and joints that large masses cannot be readily had. There are many exceptions, however, one of which deserves special mention, namely, the beautiful white quartzose sandstone found near the village of Rosenalis, in Queen’s County, and we be¬ lieve, in many parts of the principal chain of hills, as well as in the sub-chains, bordering the eastern side of the Shannon in that and the neighbouring counties, and, perhaps, also in Clare. This sandstone works beau¬ tifully, and is exceedingly durable; masses of it exposed for centuries appearing to have undergone no change. A great number of the ancient monumental crosses, quoin-stones, and mullions of the ecclesiastical buildings in the central part, and even in the east and west of Ireland, appear to have been made from this rock, or from very similar ones. The early date at which it was worked may be judged from the fact, that one of the singular dish-shaped stones found in the Rath of Newgrange, on the Boyne, is made from this stone. Two door-pillars, with capitals and bases, of this stone were exhibited by Mr. II. Cassidy, of Monasterevan, and although many years exposed to the weather, appeared unaltered. The Marquess of Ely exhibited two blocks of sandstone, or, as this kind of rock is sometimes called, freestone , from near Enniskillen, which had much the same character as the Rosenalis stone. This stone is admirably adapted for building, and is even capable of an ornamental application. We have no hesitation in saying that both this and the Rose¬ nalis stone would form an excellent substitute for the much more expensive Caen-stone so much employed in ecclesiastical edifices, as the fine polish of the surface of one of the blocks showed. None of the new red sandstone from Belfast or Dungannon was exhibited. Some of the grits and sandstones in the collection of the Monkland L'on Company are admirably adapted for building purposes. Many sandstones, especially of the coal-measures, contain such a large amount of clay that they appear as if rudely laminated, and may be split into flags. Of this kind are the Carlow calcareous flags, which are so much used in Dublin ; and those of the county of Clare, a specimen of which was exhibited. Slate is the generic term applied to all fine-grained argillaceous or clayey rocks breaking into thin lamina 1 . When the laminated character is but imperfectly developed, the term shale is used; when it is so perfect that the rock readily splits into thin even plates, it is called roofing-slate. The colour of slate rocks is as various as the degree of lamination ; the chief colours are, however, gray, greenish-gray, green, purplish, and dark blue. Roofing slate is almost always of the latter colour. .Slate rocks insensibly pass into grits according as the argillaceous constituent diminishes, and that of sand increases; the property of laminability diminishing in the same degree ; the finer and more argillaceous the slate, therefore, the better adapted it is for yielding roofing-slate. When slate rocks are in contact with large masses of igneous rocks, especially with granite, they undergo a remarkable change, being, as it were, baked into what is called mica slate, which sometimes passes almost completely into mica, one of the constituents of granite. Where the rock thus altered had been originally a fine-grained slate, and the baking not proceeded very far, it may still be used for roofing-slate, being more durable than the unaltered rock, although the slates are not so even. Good roofing-slate should be of an uniform fine grain, should split easily into even plates, which may be easily pierced with holes by a sudden blow of a sharp-pointed instrument without being fractured ; its colour should not be very dark, as that indicates a large quantity of carbonaceous matter, the presence of which assists in the decomposition of the slate; it should also be free from pyrites; and finally, it should not ab¬ sorb much water either by its surface or edges, a point which is readily ascertained by weighing a piece of the dry slate, plunging it in water, and then weighing it again after the surface had partially dried. Although the less perfectly laminated slate-rocks are sometimes used as a building material, they are not well adapted for that purpose. The finer kinds of roofing-slate, when large-sized slabs can be obtained, are adapted for many useful purposes, besides the roofing of buildings ; such as the construction of cisterns, acid n 2 8G THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. condensers, ridge-tiles, and water-tables of Gothic buildings, rustic-tables, billiard-tables, benches for labo¬ ratories, baths, &c. The slates which come into commerce for roofing purposes are of nine different sizes, and there is a very curious nomenclature employed to denote them. Thus, the smallest, which are 16 inches by 8, are called ladies , then come the countesses , of which there are three sizes ; then duchesses , of which there are two sizes, the largest being 24 inches by 12 inches. These six sizes are sold by the thousand, consisting of 1200 slates; a thousand of the ladies weighing about 25 cwts.; and the duchesses, of the size just mentioned, about 3 tons. The sizes above the latter are respectively queens , rags , and imperials , and are sold by weight. Roofing-slate occurs abundantly in Ireland; especially in Wicklow, the south of the county of Cork, Ken - }', at Killaloe, in the county of Clare, and in Donegal; but the only localities where it is worked extensively are Glanmore, in the county of' Wicklow, Killaloe, and Yalentia, in Kerry; all of which were represented in the Exhibition. The slates of Killaloe and of Yalentia are remarkable for their durability, and we believe also those of Glanmore. Large slabs are obtained at all three places; and are made into tables and other objects, examples of most of which were in the Exhibition, but, with the exception of Yalentia, not to any extent. The slabs which can be obtained at the latter quarries are of remarkable size, as was well illustrated by the specimens placed in front of the Exhibition Building. The cisterns from these quarries exhibited were well deserving of attention, and remarkably cheap, the price for one of about 1200 gallons being not more than from £8 to £10. A number of articles, such as baths, &c., made from the celebrated Penrhyn Slate Quarries (Bangor), were also exhibited. These quarries are of immense extent, and of great im¬ portance, and employ about 2000 workmen. GYPSUM, ALABASTER, PLASTER OF PARIS, SCAGLIOLA, AND PLASTIC IVORY OR PROTEAN STONE. Gypsum _When lime combines with sulphuric acid, it forms sulphate of lime. This substance, in com¬ bination with water, constitutes the kind of rock known as gypsum, and is the material from which plaster of Paris is made. It rarely occurs associated with the older rocks, but abundantly in those above the new red sandstone, but more especially among what are called tertiary rocks, such as those upon which Paris and London are situated, and which are among the newest with which we are acquainted. Gypsum occurs in several forms in Nature; when crystallized it is transparent, and from its lamellar structure may be split into thin plates, which were formerly used as a substitute for window glass, especially in Germany, where it was known under the names of Marienglass and Franeneis (Mary’s glass and woman’s ice). This form of gypsum is now chiefly used in the manufacture of sealing wax, in paper staining, and in making an exceedingly fine kind of plaster of Paris for the preparation of the so-called plastic ivory. When gypsum consists of an ag¬ gregation of minute crystalline grains, constituting a semi-transparent or rather translucent mass, it is ala¬ baster ; when, on the other hand, it consists of a dense mass, without any apparent crystalline structure, and perfectly opaque, it is the ordinary dense gypsum used for making plaster, and as one of the modern elements of cheapness (?) in the manufacture of mustard, pepper, and many other substances; and also as a manure. Gypsum consists of 79'07 of sulphate of lime, and 2093 of water ; when heated to a temperature of about 272° Fahrenheit, or about that of a baker’s oven, it loses almost the whole of its water, but is capable of again combining with it on being moistened. If the gypsum be powdered after being baked, and then mois¬ tened, it will solidify; upon this property is founded its use as plaster of Paris. To prepare this substance the gypsum is placed in a sort of oven, where it is heated until it loses nearly the whole of its water, after which it is ground in a mill usually similar to that employed for making wheaten flour, but sometimes by stamps, cylinders, or edge stones, when it is ready for use. The chief point in the preparation of plaster of Paris is the burning, or rather baking. If only half the water be driven off it will not set; if it be heated above the temperature just mentioned, it will become what the workmen term “dead-burned,” and will no longer combine with water, while if three-fourths only be driven off’, its maximum point of setting appears to be reached. The common kilns used for baking it, like the ordinary baker’s oven, are heated directly by the flame of the fire, and even in some cases the fire is actually made in the kiln itself; which, when the latter is sufficiently heated, is raked out, and the gypsum introduced, the baking being thus effected by the heat re¬ tained by the oven. The result of this system is that the gases of the flame sometimes come in contact with small portions of the gypsum at a high heat, and convert it into a substance called sulphuret of calcium ; which, being placed in contact with water, evolves the stinking gas, sulphureted hydrogen, and in other respects injures the quality of the plaster. All these difficulties may be obviated by using hot air, the tem¬ perature of which could be regulated, and which, where large quantities of the gypsum would be operated upon, would be more economical than the present system. It woidd be out of place, even if our space admitted of it, to describe here the mode of making plaster casts ; but we shall say a few words upon the application of plaster of Paris as stucco. In this kind of work a ground is first laid on of inferior plaster of Paris, simply mixed with water; upon this is then laid a coating of a finer kind, mixed with size or glue. The addition of the size enables the surface to be rubbed smoot h with pumice-stone ; after which it is washed over with a milk made with fine plaster, and a much stronger solution of glue ; when dry the surface may be polished with tripoli or rotten-stone, any desired colour being given by mixing the proper pigment with this milk. Where it is desirable to produce a hard surface capable of receiving a marble-like polish, it is impregnated with linseed oil, and polished with linen rubbers. From some cause or other the ceilings, walls, &c., coated with plaster of Paris in Dublin, and elsewhere in Ireland, invariably crack after some time, a result which is almost unknown in Paris, where the art of stuccoing is carried to great perfection. Perhaps one of the causes of this defect is to be traced to the bad quality of the gypsum, and the imperfect mode of baking it, on the one hand, and to the addition of large doses of lime, on the other. The modern style of building mere shells also adds to it, by the great extent of settling which such slight masses of brickwork are subject to, and the considerable deflection which takes place in the floors when the weight of a few persons comes upon them. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 87 Plaster of Paris may be hardened so as to bear a more perfect polish than ordinary stucco-work, and not be very readily scratched. This is effected by the addition of certain saline substances, such as alum, borax, silicate of potash, or soluble glass. If an object in plaster, such as a bust, be soaked for a month in a solution of alum in twelve to thirteen parts of water, and then wiped and allowed to dry fully in the air, it will become so hard that it can no longer be scratched with the nail, and will lose much of the brittleness of ordinary plaster casts. Casts treated in this way become stained, and are always liable to attract moisture from the atmosphere. If baked gypsum be moistened with a solution of alum, or raw-powdered gypsum be well mixed up with a similar solution, and exposed to a red heat, a mass will be obtained of a dull milk-white, or more usually a slight cream colour, which may be readily pulverized, and will set quite as well as ordinary gypsum, especially if a weak solution of alum be employed in making the paste. Casts prepared of the com¬ pound thus formed, although taking a longer time to dry, are unusually hard. They may be exposed to the weather for some time, and may be washed with a sponge without injury, and even immersed in boiling water, without diminishing their hardness. Those prepared by steeping in a solution of alum, on the contrary, will become quite soft; so much so indeed as to receive the impression of the fingers if soaked for a few hour’s in cold water. The substance known as Keene’s cement, and now largely employed, is nothing more than plaster prepared in this way. If carbonate of potash or pearl-ash be mixed with the alum, so as to form a basic alum, we have Martin’s cement; and if for the alum we substitute borax, we have Parian cement. Scagliola is another material of the same kind, now much employed in decoration. It is simply a stucco made in imitation of coloured marbles, pieces of real marble, and other stones, such as granite, felspathic, and micaceous sand, &c., being often added; a compound of alum and gypsum being mixed with the glue instead of common plaster of Paris. The successful imitation of coloured or brecciated marble in scaghola may be considered as a kind of fresco-painting, and depends entirely upon the skill and taste of the workman. Every shade of colour intended to be imitated must be produced separately by mixing the pigment with a portion of the aluminized gypsum, and working them into a paste with size dissolved in a solution of alum. These paints, as it were, are then laid on upon the object to be coated, according to the kind of marble or other stone to be imitated, the fine veinings being produced by working a number of the coloured mixtures together in a sufficiently pasty condition to admit of their complete union without producing a fusion of the colours. When the surface has dried and become hard, it is rubbed even with pumice-stone, washed with a sponge, and then roughly polished with rotten-stone and charcoal, the final polish being given with tripoli or rotten-stone and oil, and finally with oil alone. By this means a very fine polish, nearly equal to marble, may be given to it; and, when executed with skill and taste, it is scarcely inferior in beauty to many varie¬ gated kinds of that material. The usual specimens are, however, sadly deficient in taste, the manufacturer's object apparently being to produce combination, shining against all the laws of colour, and resembling nothing ever found as a rock. Common plaster of Paris casts resemble, in many respects, the dense gypsum, from which a good deal of the plaster of commerce is made; and as this differs from alabaster only in its molecular structure, many persons have imagined that it might be possible to convert plaster into a material resembling that beautiful substance. The nearest approach which has yet been made to the solution of this important problem is Cheverton’s invention of the so-called protean stone or plastic ivory. This substance, which is well adapted for carvings in imitation of ivory, and the manufacture of various ornaments, is made by exposing the plaster cast, or block of the same substance, to a temperature varying from 250° to 350° Fahrenheit during twenty- four hours, by which the whole of the water combined with the sulphate of lime is driven off, and the material reduced to the condition of plaster of Paris. After undergoing this operation it still retains its form, but is exceedingly friable. Sometimes dry pulverulent plaster is pressed into the moulds, instead of casting it in the moist state; but in this case, also, it is subjected to the drying process, although the plaster had been previously baked. If it is intended that the object should have a certain translucency like alabaster, it is then soaked in some transparent hard varnish, purified olive oil, or melted stearine. If, on the other hand, it is intended that it should be quite opaque, this operation is omitted. The objects are hardened by immersing them for a moment in water at a temperature of from 64° to 67 3 Fahrenheit. This operation is repeated every ten or fifteen minutes, until the sulphate of lime is completely saturated; by which means the mass becomes crystal¬ line, and harder than alabaster. The important part of the process is the stage-wise combination of the water with the sulphate of lime, and unless great care is bestowed upon it the mass crumbles to powder. By mix¬ ing various pigments with the water, any desired colour may be given to the plaster. If sand be fused with about three or four times its weight of pearl-ash, a silicate of potash or glass is formed, which is quite soluble, and has been occasionally employed to impregnate wood, which it renders in¬ combustible. If plaster casts be worked with this substance, the sulphate of lime and silicate of potash mu¬ tually decompose each other, and form a new compound, which is-exceedingly hard, bears a good polish, and may be washed with soap and water. Gypsum is found in immense quantities in the neighbourhood of Paris, hence the term plaster of Paris. In England it exists in greatest abundance in Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, and Cumberland. That brought from France is considered the best, probably because it is so very hard and crystalline, for the harder the natural gypsum, the better is the plaster; the superiority of the Paris gypsum may also be owing to the pre¬ sence of a small quantity of clay which exists in it. The form of gypsum known as alabaster occurs abun¬ dantly in Italy, especially in Tuscany, where it is largely employed in the manufacture of ornaments. Gypsum occurs in several parts of Ireland, but the most important, and indeed hitherto the only, localities where it has been discovered in workable quantities are at Carrickmacross, in the county of Monaghan, and near Lough Allen, in the country of Leitrim. That found at the former is of excellent quality, and would, no doubt, be admirably adapted for making plaster, and might be largely introduced into Dublin for that purpose, as the freight, with the present facilities of transport, would, we believe, be less than that paid for the English gypsum now exclusively used here. The Leitrim gypsum is of very peculiar quality, consisting of a dense white mass, filled with blackish crystals, about a quarter of an inch wide, and from a quarter to 88 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. half an inch long, of a form of sulphate of lime known as celestine. Considerable quantities of gypsum may yet be discovered in the neighbourhood of Belfast. A large block of the Carrickmacross gypsum, from the Shirley estate, in the barony of Farney, and a sample of the plaster made from it, were sent to the Exhibition towards its close; a small piece of the peculiar gypsum of the county of Leitrim was also exhibited. Mr. Davis, of this city, exhibited samples of raw English gypsum, and several cast slabs of plaster, of various qualities, which appear to have been well baked. We believe the only exhibitors of scagliola were the Messrs. M'Anas- pie, of Great Brunswick-street, and the specimens shown by them were too small to judge of the artistic execution of their work, which, it is needless to observe, is the chief point in scagliola. The material appeared to be good, and to be capable of a high polish. The only specimens of plastic ivory which we recollect having seen in the Exhibition were a lew small statuettes, of great taste, and boxes ornamented with alto-relievos, in the German Department; the statuettes were not cast, but were original designs, carved out of a block of the prepared substance, which appeared to be a beautiful material for the purpose, but softer than what is used in England. The substance used to give them translucency was stearic acid. There were no specimens of alabaster in its natural state, but there were several vases and ilower-baskets of Tuscan alabaster; one of the former was exhibited by a gentleman of Dublin, the others were placed in the German Department, although the work of and exhibited by an Italian,—somewhat on the same principle, we suppose, that no distinction was made between the productions of Ireland and those of Great Britain. ROMAN AND PORTLAND CEMENTS, ASPHALTE FLAGGING, ETC. Cement, in its widest sense, means any liquid or plastic substance capable of solidifying, by which bodies may be firmly bound together. In this sense many of the materials which we have described are cements ; but it is, perhaps, better to restrict the term to those of mineral origin, in which the lime is employed in the condition of carbonate of lime, or caustic lime; and to include those described in the last section, in which the lime is employed as sulphate or gypsum, under the term plasters. If we burn a piece of limestone or chalk, we deprive it of its carbonic acid, and reduce it to the condition of caustic lime ; which, on being moistened with water, will combine and solidify a portion of it, and become slaked or hydrated lime. If this compound be exposed to the atmosphere it will gradually absorb the carbonic acid, which is always present in minute quantities in the atmosphere, and become the same substance, chemically speaking, that it was previous to having undergone the operation of burning. Its form will, however, be completely altered ; in¬ stead of being a hard compact mass it will be quite pulverulent. If, however, it be mixed with a large quantity of sand, and placed as mortar between stones, it will, in course of time, become quite hard and bind them together. The cause of this cementation is not well understood ; but, so far as we can judge, it is attributable to :—1. The action of the lime upon the sand, by which part of it is converted into silicate of lime, which is insoluble; 2. The crystallization of part of the caustic lime ;* and 3. The peculiar force which causes certain substances to abstract from a solution a portion of the solid matter which it may hold dissolved without com¬ bining with it, and which even acts to some extent between one solid and another made into a paste with water. This is the same force which causes dye-stuffs, &c., to adhere to tissues. That these forces may produce their full effect, the mortar must gradually dry, and hence, in the presence of water, scarcely any binding action could take place. There are some limestones, however, which, when properly burned, will actually become hard even under water,—and on this account they are called hydraulic limes , from their capa¬ bility of being employed in hydraulic structures. It is quite evident that the cause of the settling of such limes is to a great extent different from that of common mortar. In this case the cause is apparently altogether chemical, for we find, on analyzing these limestones, that they do not consist of pure carbonate of lime, but contain a variable proportion of a material consisting chiefly of silicates of alumina, with some potash and soda. When such limestones are burnt, the carbonate of lime which they contain is converted into caustic lime ; this reacts upon the silica compounds and forms a combination which solidifies in water. The more, therefore, of this clay-like substance which exists in a limestone, up to a certain point, the more rapidly and perfectly will the resulting lime solidify under water. This kind of impure limestone is found in most countries, and must exist abundantly in L-eland if properly sought for. A very good variety, which has stood the test of experience, is found on the shores of Lough Ree, a few miles above Athlone, and was employed in the con¬ struction of the locks and other works on the Shannon. One of the best in Great Britain is that which occurs at Aberthaw in the Island of Anglesea. This limestone belongs to what is called the lias formation ; and, as the limestones of this group are thinner than those of the older limestones from which we get our marbles, they are usually more impure, and hence there can be no doubt that the patches of it which occur in the north of Ireland, in the counties of Londonderry and Antrim, must contain beds capable of yielding hydraulic lime. As the earthy components of natural hydraulic limestones are not chemically combined with the lime before burning, we may naturally expect that if we add clay or other silicates to pure powdered limestones, and then burn them, we shall obtain an artificial hydraulic lime. This is not only true, but further there are certain natural substances which, without previous burning, are capable of forming similar compounds. This fact was well known to the Romans, who employed for that purpose a soft porous rock, consisting of a kind of volcanic ashes, containing pumice-stone, and somewhat similar in composition to it. This substance occurs in great abundance on the shores of the beautiful and classic bay of Baia, near Naples, and on that of Naples itself, being, in both cases, the result of volcanic action. This rock was reduced to powder, and brought to Rome in considerable quantity under the name of Pulvis Puteolanus , where it was used and mixed with an equal quantity of lime, in the construction of aqueducts and public buildings. The ancient Puteoli haiing since Italianized its name into Puzzuoli, the Pulvis Puteolanus is now known as Puzzolana. A similar * Fresh mortar consists of burned lime and lime-water, in the form of minute crystals, which tend to bind the lime, or lime held in solution. According as the water evapo- gradually converted into carbonate, together; which in rates from the mortar, the lime held in solution precipitates time becomes an indurated mass. Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS, 89 / substance is found in the volcanic district of the Rhine, near Bonn, and in many parts of France, &c. Beyond using the natural puzzolana wherever it could be found, no attempt was made to substitute other substances until towards the end of the last century. One of the earliest, and now best known, because very successful attempts, was that of Parker and Wyatt, for which a patent was granted in London, in the year 1796, under the name of “ Roman cement,” and now sometimes called Parker's cement. This cement is made from earthy calcareous nodules, abounding in the London clay and other beds belonging to the tertiary formation, found at Sheppy, the Isle of Wight, on the coasts of Kent, in Essex, and in Yorkshire. These nodules are frequently washed out of the clay beds by the action of the tidal curents along the coasts, and are then dredged up, especially at Sheppy. The chief source, at present, is Harwich, on the Essex coast, the quantity manufactured from the material obtained there being, at least, 2,000,000 bushels, annually. Similar nodules, or as they are called, septaria, from the Latin word septum, an enclosure, in consequence of being found enclosed in the clay, are found in Hampshire, from which a lighter-coloured cement, known as medina cement, is made. Some of the clayey limestone beds of the lias formation are also used for cement, generally with the addi¬ tion of some clayey substance. Of this kind is the article known as Atkinson’s or Mulgrave cement. The most perfectly artificial of all the cements made is, however, that known as Portland cement , which is com¬ posed of a mixture, in certain proportions, of ordinary limestone, and the clay or fine alluvial deposits of cer¬ tain rivers, especially of those which have flowed over extensive beds of clay, and soft limestone, or chalk ; this mixture, after being dried, is burnt. The name Portland is not derived from the materials, but simply from the colour of the cement being like that well-known building stone. This cement is very strong ; in¬ deed, from some experiments made in London, in 1851, it would appear that Portland cement is nearly four times as strong as the best natural cements; an important property which renders it well adapted for making concrete. When ten to twelve parts of gravel, or fragments of rock, are mixed with one part of Portland cement, an extremely powerful substance of this kind is formed, which is often capable of bearing greater weight than similar solid masses of the rocks to which the pebbles forming the concrete belong. Certain qualities of iron slags or “ cinder,” when reduced to powder, are well adapted for making good cements, on being baked with clay and lime. A few years since a Mr. Ransome patented a kind of artificial stone, with which he proposed to produce architectural ornaments. His process consists in dissolving flints in a solution of caustic soda, under a pressure of from 50 to 80 lbs. on the square inch, by which he obtains a silicate of soda. This compound is then mixed with pipe-clay and ground flints, and worked into a paste, which is moulded into the desired forms. Inferior clays, such as clay marls and fine sand, may be used instead of the pipe-clay and flints for coarse articles ; in either case the moulded article is baked so as to form a hard semi- vitrefied mass, which is said to be durable. There were only two exhibitors of cement in the Exhibition : namely, Mr. Davis, of this city, who exhi¬ bited a series of slabs formed of Roman and Portland cements, of different qualities (the septaria, from the London clay, and the prepared cement) ; and the Messrs. M‘Anaspie, also of Dublin, who exhibited Portland cements, and castings made with it. None of these cements appear to have been prepared with Irish mate¬ rials, although no place can now be said to be deficient in the means of making cements, and in L’eland they exist in great abundance, though not exactly of the same kind as those used in England. Indeed, we believe that no artificial cement is now made in Ireland. There only remains to notice one more cement,—and that which was, perhaps, first invented,—namely, asphalt. This peculiar substance occurs under various conditions in several parts of the world. In the island of Trinidad it is found forming a sort of lake, almost in a state of purity ; it also occurs on the shores of the Dead Sea, and at Avlona in Albania, in a more or less pure form. In general, however, it is found impregnating beds of limestone, as in Dalmatia, Carinthia, the Tyrol, the States of the Church, and in various parts of France, England, Scotland, and in America, &c. The bituminous or asphalte stone thus formed rarely contains more than from 10 to 20 per cent, of bitumen ; for example, the celebrated Seyssel asphalte stone which occurs at Seyssel, in the department of Ain in Burgundy, contains only 8 per cent, of bitumen, and 92 of carbonate of lime; and that of the Yal de Travers, in Switzerland, 12 per cent. If this asphalte rock be subjected to distillation, a thick oil, containing about 50 percent, of the unaltered asphalte, passes over; and on subjecting the oil to re-distillation, a quantity of a volatile oil is separated, which is known under the name of petroleum or rock oil, leaving the asphalte behind. The separation of the petro¬ leum is also canned on by Nature, for wherever we find deposits of asphalte we are also generally sure to find more or less oil in the springs. Asphalte may be considered as the natural tar resulting from the dis¬ tillation of coal, or from vegetable matter generally; and where, as at Aussig, in Bohemia, a mass of melted basalt is found to have come in contact with a bed of brown coal or lignite, the latter is converted into char¬ coal, and in the immediate neighbourhood occurs the tar or asphalte, the volatile oils of which are constantly passing off as petroleum in the springs. The natural petroleum has not the disagreeable smell of coal-tar naphtha, and that collected from springs is often aromatic. At Rangoon, in Burmah, there are, it is said, 500 such springs, which yield 412,000 hogsheads of oil per annum, which is used for burning in lamps. Near Ammiano, in the Duchy of Parma, there is a very abundant spring, which is used for lighting the city of Genoa. Considerable quantities of impure petroleum are also obtained in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and New York, and is known in commerce under the name of Genesee or Seneca oil, from its having been formerly collected by the Seneca Indians. Petroleum, or rock oil and asphalte, were both well known to the ancients, the former having been much used by the Egyptians in the process of embalming bodies ; it was also used in lamps, as at Agrigentum, in Sicily, hence the name of Sicilian oil given to it by the Romans. The use of asphalte as a cement or mortar is of very old date, as its name which is Greek, and which is derived from a root which signifies to make firm or stable, sufficiently indicates. In Nineveh, Babylon, and other ancient cities, it seems to have been almost exclusively used for cementing bricks ; and in Egypt, water-conduits, cisterns, and cellars were coated with it. With the fall of ancient civilization asphalte fell into disuse, and, as far as we are aware, was scarcely if at all employed until the discovery and working of the asphalte stone of the Val de Travers, by D’Erynys, about the year 1712. 90 THE IKISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. The process of making a pavement with it is very simple. The bituminous stone is reduced to powder, and mixed with from 3 to 7 or 8 per cent, of pure asphalte in a melted state, by which a mastic is formed, which serves admirably to cement gravel or sand into a compact mass, well suited to form floors of kitchens, footways, sewers, and water conduits. The fine footways of the Boulevards and of the Champs Elysee, in Paris, are made with asphalte, as are also many of the promenades of Vienna. Several portions of footway were also laid down in London, but its use has not extended as much as it deserves. It is very durable, exceedingly smooth, and quite impervious to water, and would be admirably adapted to form the floors of kitchens, especially in cities, where, as in Dublin, the absurd practice exists of making subterraneous kitchens. A kind of asphalt may also be obtained by distilling coal tar, which resolves itself into liquid oils known under the name of coal-naphtha, and used for various purposes, and a solid black pitchy substance which remains behind. If this substance be mixed with some powdered limestone, it will form a kind of artificial asphalte ; or a concrete may be made with gravel by means of it. These artificial compounds are almost as durable, when well made, as the natural asphalte, and might be very largely employed for flooring and coating the walls of cellars. Where not subject to a wearing action it is very imperishable, and is at the same time completely impervious to water. The introduction of this substance, as a flooring material for kitchens and other parts of the basements of houses, would be very beneficial in a hygienic point of view. Damp earthen floors are, as every one knows, exceedingly injurious to health, and must tend to retard in a great degree the proper development of children. One of their most common effects is to produce diarrhoea, especially when combined with the want of suflicient wholesome food. Now a floor of artificial asphalte is nearly as warm as one of boards ; asphalte being a great non-conductor of heat, and being absolutely impervious to water, effectually prevents the absorption of water containing vegetable or animal matter, which in earthen floors is continually giving off unwholesome exhalations. What better material, therefore, could be found for forming the floors of cottages for the working classes ? We regret that no examples showing such an application were exhibited, and we still more regret that the whole class of articles suited for the general consumption of the poorer classes have been, as it were by general consent, forgotten ; and yet we have all kinds of tents and furniture for Australia. Why the wants of millions should be neglected, and those of a few thousands carefully attended to, appears to us inexplicable, and certainly does not speak well for the solicitude of the public for the progress of social improvement. Indeed, it would appear that a visitation of cholera, or some other epidemic, is required to remind people of their duties in this respect. There is another application of coal-tar pitch, and of the heavy oil obtained in the distillation of the tar, which is of great importance, and which, although coming partially under another section, we shall mention here ; namely, the manufacture of roofing felt. This consists of refuse tow and scutching waste, and waste cow-hair from tan-yards impregnated with coal-tar, or with the semi-solid mass left after the distillation of the light naphtha, the whole being pressed into a sort of cloth. Specimens of this roofing felt were exhi¬ bited by Messrs. Ritchie and Sons, it is very light, 100 square feet of it weighing not more than 42 or 43 lbs. When stretched on a roof and nailed on with copper nails (or iron nails dipped in melted tar, and coated over with a mixture of tar and lime), it is very durable; it will last a number of years with an occasional coating, say every three or four years, of the tar and lime mixture. Such a felt would be preferable to the filthy mass of decaying straw with which the majority of cabins and out-offices throughout the country are covered, and which is such a fertile source of fever and other diseases. We have all the materials, too, to make it: thousands of gallons of tar can be had in almost every town in Ireland ; our tan-yards supply the hair, and there is a rapidly increasing supply of coarse scutching waste becoming available in every part of the country. Here is one of the numerous fields for enterprise which the country presents. The only exhibitors of asphalte flagging were F. Ritchie and Sons of Belfast, who showed samples of the tar, the raw asphalte obtained from it, a large square of flagging, and a piece of concrete. They also exhibited samples of three qualities of roofing felt. The Messrs. Ritchie deserve great credit for the energy and success with which they have contrived to utilize so many waste products of manufactories. BRICK, ROOFING-TILES, TERRA-COTTA ORNAMENTS, MOSAIC, AND ENCAUSTIC TILES, &C. Ah rocks, irrespective of their age or geological position, may be classified under three groups, depending upon composition:—1st. Those which are principally composed of lime, such as limestone and chalk, and termed calcareous rocks; 2nd. Those composed of grains of sand, cemented together, such as sandstone or grit, the term arenaceous being applied to the whole group; and 3rd. Rocks in which a large quantity of a substance called alumina exists, such as slate-rocks, and which are included under the general name of ar¬ gillaceous rocks. There are some rocks, such as granite, which may be said to combine the qualities of the two latter classes just mentioned,—the arenaceous and the argillaceous. Granite consists, as already remarked, essentially of two minerals, quartz and felspar, with which are intermingled shining plates of another mineral called mica. When the rock is completely disintegrated, the quartz, which is almost pure silica, is found in the form of small grains constituting sand, while the felspar is rich in alumina. In process of time these rocks undergo decay from the action of water and air, and yield up their soluble constituents to the water which bears them away, whilst a more or less decomposed detritus is left behind. In the case of arenaceous rocks, the mass thus left consists of sand and pebbles ; but in the case of slaty and granitic rocks, it consists, besides, of a peculiar soft, adhesive substance termed clay , of which most soils are good examples. If such a mass happen to be in the course of a stream of water, this substance, from its fine state of division, will be washed out, and held in suspension by the water, will be carried to some lower place where a calm pool or lake is found, and will be there deposited, and form a bed. Great deposits, evidently formed in a somewhat similar way, are found in every part of the world; their qualities depend, of course, upon the rocks from which they were derived. It is necessary to remark here that, geologically speaking, MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 91 Class I.] beds of clay are also considered as rocks; but in the previous observations we have, for convenience’ sake, used the word rock in its common signification of a mass of hard-stone. When clays are formed from granite rocks, they are usually white or yellowish-white, and are very adhe¬ sive or plastic; when resulting from the decomposition of slaty rocks, they are more or less coloured and sandy; and when limestone mud gets intermingled, their plasticity is greatly diminished. The plastic ele¬ ment consists of some combination of silica (quartz or flint in a peculiar condition) and alumina (one of the constituents of alum), with more or less water; but a perfectly pure combination of this kind rarely occurs in Nature, there being always present various quantities of sand, iron, lime, magnesia, potash, &c. The less of these substances present, the richer or fatter the clay, whilst clay containing a great deal is called poor. These substances not only exert an influence upon the plasticity of a clay, but also upon its relation to fire ; the nearer a clay is in composition to a pure silicate of alumina, and the more silica it contains, the more infusible it is; but an admixture of iron or lime will give it the character possessed by a mixture for making bottle-glass ; for when subjected to a heat depending upon the amount of these foreign substances, it will melt. The finer clays, or such as are infusible and white, are very rare, while those which contain lime, such as ordinary clay marls, and those rich in iron, such as brick clays, are common. A clay may contain so very little foreign substances as to be infusible, and yet have sufficient iron to give it a colour; for we may remark here, that the colour which a clay assumes on being burned depends upon the iron which it contains. The fine white clays ( kaolin ) are used in the manufacture of porcelain, and are found usually in granitic countries; the inferior white clays ( pipe-clay ) are usually found in coal districts, and are used in the manu¬ facture of earthenware and pipes ; these we shall have to mention again in speaking of those manufactures: at present we shall confine ourselves to the coloured clays. These we may conveniently divide into the infu¬ sible, or fire-clays, which burn either of a buff or of a dark colour; and the fusible, or ordinary brick clays, which burn of various colours, especially of a pale yellow and bright red. The fire-clays are chiefly obtained from beds associated with coal, very frequently forming the underlying stratum, and hence called coal-seat , though they are also found under many other circumstances, and even on the surface. They are generally of a bluish-black colour, and of a hard slaty texture; a good example of which is afforded by the well-known Stourbridge clay. The fusible clays are derived from various sources, but are very often superficial deposits, constituting the subsoils of large tracts of country. They usually contain a certain amount of carbonate of lime; and in some cases so much as to be true marls. They also frequently contain some sand and pebbles; when, however, the proportion of sand amounts to one-fourth of the entire mass, it is not considered as clay in the strict sense of the word, although that substance may be separated from it by washing. Indeed, there are few loose superficial deposits, such as soils and subsoils, that could not be thus made to yield clay. The economical uses of the fire-clays are chiefly for the manufacture of brick destined to withstand great heat, the construction of furnaces of various kinds, pots for fusing glass, retorts, &c. The fusible, or common clays, constitute the materials from which our usual building bricks, roofing and flooring tiles, draining pipes, garden pots, common pottery, are made. Both kinds are employed in the production of figures and orna¬ ments in what is called terra cotta , or baked earth. As our present object has reference solely to the use of clay for Building and Ornamentation, we shall confine our observations to the articles coming within that category. Bricks _The most important point connected with the manufacture of bricks is the selection of the clay. In the case of common bricks they must be hard, and capable of bearing pressure, without, at the same time, being heavy. One class of bricks may, taken singly, be capable of bearing a much greater pressure or weight than another; but, being much heavier, this advantage may be lost by the counterbalancing drawback. They must not fall to powder, or crack on exposure to wet or frost, and must be quite free from foreign matter, such as iron pyrites, nodules of limestone, roots of plants, or pebbles. If iron pyrites exist in the clay it will burn in the kiln into oxide of iron when the heat employed is high, and will thus leave a kind of cavity in the brick ; with a moderate heat a kind of basic sulphate of iron will be formed, which will rapidly decompose under the influence of air and water, and tend to disentegrate the brick. Nodules of limestones will be burned into caustic lime, and by subsequent moisture becoming slaked, their expansion will injure the brick, and assist in its decay. The presence of vegetable matter will leave cavities in the bricks when burnt, and will cause large numbers to fly in the firing. The more plastic a clay is, or, in other words, the purer it is, the more will it contract in the firing. This fact has a double importance to the brick-maker. In the first place, a very fat clay , as rich plastic clays are called, will yield exceedingly dense bricks, and are not, therefore, the best adapted for forming the most ser¬ viceable bricks. And, in the second, very few clays are homogeneous, the upper part of a bed being, in many cases, fatter than the lower, a fact easily accounted for,—as a mixture of sand and clay, suspended in water, and allowed to settle, will deposit a large portion of the sand first, and the finest clay last. If, therefore, the clay employed in brick-making be not uniformly mixed, one part may be fatter than another, and the brick in firing will contract unequally. The chemical composition of a clay is also of great importance in judging of its quality. The presence of lime, up to a certain point, is not injurious, provided it does not exist as pebbles, and that it is uniformly distributed through the mass ; indeed an addition of lime to fat clays is an advantage. A clay, which alone might not be well adapted for brick-making, may be improved by the ad¬ dition of certain substances, such as lime-sand, or by admixture with other clays of different qualities. Indeed it rarely happens that any clay possesses naturally all the necessary qualities for making good brick, and a skilful manufacturer will always know what materials, and in what proportions, must be added to render his clay suitable. Thus, in the neighbourhood of London, the very fat clays are mixed with coal ashes, or with sand. And in Paris refuse slaty coal is used, as the slaty parts of the anthracite beds are in America. Freshly dug clay does not make good bricks, even when it possesses all the necessary qualities to which we have alluded; it requires to be aged, that is, exposed for a considerable time to the action of the air, which appears to produce some chemical change in the mass. This agency is very much hastened by the action of frost, exposure to frost for a few days being more efficacious than a year’s exposure to ordinary weather. o 92 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. In the manufacture of very inferior brick the previous exposure of the clay is omitted, and it is simply thrown into a pit and covered with water until it is perfectly softened. For the superior kinds of brick the moist clay, instead of being slightly worked up and then moulded, is subjected to an operation termed treading , which consists in working it up with the naked feet upon a board into an uniformly plastic mass. This inar¬ tificial method has been, to some extent, superseded by other processes in which machinery is employed. For example, in England the clay, after sufficient exposure to the atmosphere, is agitated with water and passed through sieves which separate the coarser particles, whilst the finer portions are run into pits or tanks, where they are allowed to deposit, and the excess of water being withdrawn, the sediment is worked up into a plastic mass. A machine is sometimes used on the Continent for effecting the same object; consisting of a horizontal axis, carrying a number of flat spokes which are made to revolve in a kind of trough, where the clay is beaten up into a thin mass, the whole of the stones being separated. It is then passed through a series of sieves into the mixing pit, where the additions of lime, sand, coal-ashes, or other material deemed necessary, are made. Where very superior qualities of brick are required, or where the clay is used for making terra cotta, this slip , as the clay-mud used for moulding objects is called, is ground in a pug-mill, or under edge stones. Bricks are fashioned either by the hand in moulds, or by machinery. The former, or primitive method, is still the one chiefly employed, in consequence, strange as it may seem, of its economy. The number which a brick-maker is able to mould in a day is extraordinary, varying, according to the strength and ability of the workman, the size of the bricks, and the quality of the clay, from 2,000 to 10,000, or even 16,000. Each moulder requires the service of a carrier and two boys. The machines invented for making bricks may be classified into five divisions :—1. Those consisting of a single mould, nearly the same as the hand mould worked by machinery. One of the earliest of this kind was invented in the year 1813, but many improve¬ ments have since been effected, the most important being rendering the working continuous. 2. This class differs from the first, in principle only, in several moulds being worked at the same time. The first of this kind was employed in America in 1819, the motion in it being backwards and forwards. This motion was replaced by a rotatory one in 1826 ; and the latter has been adopted in several recent patents, as, for instance, in those of Leahy and of Nash. 3. The machines of this class are simply a species of dies which cut the bricks out of a cake of clay prepared separately. This principle does not appear to have been adopted in any recent machine. 4. This class of machines produces a continuous band of clay, corresponding in thickness and width to the dimensions of the bricks intended to be made. This band of clay is forced by pressure through an orifice, exactly as in the ordinary draining-tile machine, the difference being that the orifice is rectangular instead of being round, and has no core or mandril, as the bricks must be solid. This long band of clay is delivered upon a flat table, where it is cut of the proper lengths by means of wires moved up and down at certain intervals. The earliest machine upon this principle was that of Hostemberg, first employed in St. Petersburgh in 1807 ; and, perhaps, the most perfect is that of Terrasson-Fougeres, which is capable of cutting from ten to forty bricks at one operation. One of these machines, costing from £30 to £38, is capable of forming about 25,000 bricks in a day. 5. For the fifth class of machines the clay is used in its dry state. One of the most perfect of this kind is that recently patented by Nasmyth and Minton. The chief feature consists of a series of moulds into which the powdered material is introduced, and subjected at first to a gentle pressure, which gradually increases until the whole of the air enclosed in the powder is forced out, and then to a rapid and strong pressure of about 150 tons, which finishes them. The motion is continuous, and the machine feeds and discharges itself. There is an American machine, of very simple construction, belonging to this class, invented by Mr. Stephen Ustick, of Philadelphia, which produces bricks directly from the untempered clay, and thus saves almost all previous operations. Made bricks may be much improved, for certain purposes, by subjecting them to pressure before firing. One of the most recent machines for effecting this object is that of Ilouget, which is a modification of the American anti-friction press of Dick. Its action is very slow, and the expense of pressing must, therefore, be very great. The observations which we have made on the subject of clay apply equally well, whether it is intended to make bricks, roofing, flooring, or draining tiles, garden pots, or other coarse pottery. With regard to the roofing and flooring tiles, and which are moulded exactly like bricks, it is evident that, with a slight modifi¬ cation, any of the machines above alluded to may be made to produce them. All these articles, however, must be made with a much fatter clay than that employed for bricks ; and, in the case of roofing tiles and coarse pottery, greater care must be observed in the preparation of the clay. The bricks after being moulded are allowed to dry either in the open air or by artificial means, the latter being always adopted with the finer kinds. When fully dried they are burned either in kilns or in clamps, that is, in great heaps covered over with clay : the latter is the cheaper method, because large quantities may be burnt at once, and no expense is entailed for buildings; but the finer kinds cannot be thus burned, and they are only adapted for coal as a fuel. The process of burning in clamps is also very slow, varying from twenty to fifty days, according to the size of the heap. The kilns used in brick-making are of two kinds, close or open; the former has the advantage of consuming much less fuel than the latter. Indeed, the economy may sometimes amount to from one-half to two-thirds of the entire quantity used. The close kiln is a true oven, where the bricks are piled and heated by the flame of fire, while the open kiln is not unlike a lime¬ kiln. The greater part of the bricks made in Holland, where such enormous quantities are employed, is burned in open kilns, as many as three millions being burned in one operation, and the chief fuel being turf. In all cases where the latter fuel is employed, kilns are preferable to clamps. The method of manufacturing fire-bricks and tiles differs in many respects from that adopted for common brick. Thus at Stourbridge, near Birmingham, the most celebrated English locality for such articles, the lumps of clay as they are dug up are laid in heaps until they are fully dried, when they are ground in a kind of pug-mill. A portion of this clay is then moistened with water and worked into a plastic mass, and made Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 93 into cubical bricks of about seven inches, which arc sharply fired, and subsequently ground into a coarse powder, and sifted to separate dust and the coarser lumps. In this state the burnt clay has a pale, flesh-red colour. The brick mixture consists of the finely powdered raw clay, with a certain portion of this brick powder, and is worked up in the ordinary way, and moulded by the hand in iron moulds, or, where larger objects are to be made, in wooden ones. The firing is effected in close ovens of a cylindrical form for six feet, covered with a dome fourteen feet high; upon this dome is built another (somewhat lower) cylindrical chamber, which ends in an arched copula. Eight or ten fire-places, heated with coal, open into the lower chamber, the flame of which passes through numerous openings in the dome into the second chamber, in the arched roof of which are a number of round holes for the escape of the smoke. The colour of bricks, as we have already had occasion to observe, depends chiefly upon the amount of iron which the clay contains ; but it is also very much influenced by the manner of burning. If the clay does not contain much iron, and that the firing is effected in close kilns, the colour is grayish or yellowish-white. If, however, it contains a large quantity of the red oxide of iron, they will be red, but where this kind of bricks are exposed to the reducing action of a smoky flame, they assume a blackish-brown colour, especially when fired at a high heat. Fire-clay usually contains a certain quantity of organic matter, and, when not rich in iron, will generally burn of a pale bull colour in closed kilns ; but if a mixture of burnt clay of a red colour and bluish slaty clay be burned together, the resulting colour will be brownish-black from the formation of the black oxide of iron by the partial reduction of red oxide in the burnt clay by the organic matter in the raw material. Hence the reason why the Stourbridge bricks are of that colour. Terra cotta _The strict meaning of this term is baked clay, and in this se use it includes bricks, and any other article made of clay and then burnt. In its common acceptation it applies only to vases, figures, and other ornaments made of baked clay. This application of the material appears to be of an antiquity little in¬ ferior to that of bricks, as we possess specimens from the Assyrian cities, and from Egypt, at least 3000 or 4000 years old. Besides tombs, lachrymal and cinereal urns, we find that vases, ornamented in different ways, formed part of the prizes at the games, and that statues of considerab le size, such as the statue of Jupiter by Turianus, mentioned by Pliny as adorning the Capitol,—and another nearly 0-) feet high, of great beauty, still preserved in the Museum of Naples,—were made by the Greeks and Romans. After the fall of the Roman Empire the art fell into disuse, but towards the end of the fourteenth century, Nicolo d’Arezzo revived it in Italy, from whence it passed into France and Spain, but it does not appear to have been in much favour. Of late years, however, it has assumed new life on the Continent, and many houses are ornamented with terra cotta in Toulouse, Vienna, Berlin, and other continental cities. The art has also been lately revived in England, but has not yet been much applied to architectural ornamentation. Ornaments in terra cotta may be made either of common clay or of fire-clay ; in both cases, however, the material requires to be carefully prepared, and to be reduced to the finest state of division. In the manu¬ facture of figures and ornaments in terra cotta we have three things to consider :—1. Sharpness of outline and perfect uniformity of contraction ; 2. Durability ; 3. Colour. From what we have already said, with reference to the great contraction which fat clays undergo in firing, it must be evident that pure plastic clay would not be adapted for the production of fine draperies, or, in fact, for making figures or sharp ornaments at all. The addition of exceedingly fine sand and lime to a fat clay diminishes its contractibility, but the ad¬ dition of the latter ingredient prevents the articles from being baked at a high temperature, as otherwise the finer lines, such as the folds of drapery, or the face of figures, would undergo a semi-fusion, and lose all their sharpness, while, on the other hand, the durability of terra cotta depends to a great extent upon the temperature at which it is fired. The most imperishable of materials is, perhaps, semi-fused clay ; hence the higher the heat employed, the better adapted will be the articles to withstand the weather. Clay baked at a low temperature, and containing much lime, is very perishable; the lime is gradually dissolved out by the rain falling upon it, and the frost disintegrates it by the freezing of the water which it absorbs. Fire-clays consequently yield the most durable articles of this kind, but also the least perfect as to sharp¬ ness. By burning a large portion of the clay, and thus destroying its property of contraction, and mixing it with a portion of fresh clay, and by the addition of substances which assist in the cementation of so imper¬ fectly plastic a mass, such as lime, and certain clays containing a large amount of silica in a state capable of being dissolved by caustic potash and soda, a mass may be made which will be capable of representing the sharpest lines of a figure or ornament. As terra cotta figures and ornaments are always baked in close kilns, and are sometimes even placed in separate cases in the kilns, only two principal colours can be obtained, brick-red and buff. The colour cannot be so easily altered as in the case of the other qualities, and consequently little choice is left. Terra cotta is a beautiful material for adorning the facades of public buildings and large houses. Ex¬ perience has also shown that, when properly made, it is of remarkable durability. Even the marly clays of Toulouse, Paris, and Berlin, are made to yield articles capable of lasting for centuries; and certainly the climate of the latter is a sufficient test of the durability of the article. One of the great objections to the use of terra cotta in buildings is its expense. It is certainly much dearer than Portland or Roman cement, with which in other respects there is no comparison ; while, on the other hand, it is much cheaper than stone, and, with one or two exceptions, much more beautiful. From the facility with which the most beautiful figures or elaborate ornaments may be cast in ordinary plaster moulds, and vases and other round objects thrown upon the potter’s wheel, the most varied and artistic style of ornamentation may be adopted in the fronts of houses and public buildings. That it is very much cheaper than stone there can be no doubt, for it is used in Paris, where one of the best and easiest worked stones in Europe exists; and if found advantageous there, how much more so would it be here, where stone for working ornaments and figures is very expensive, and has to be imported ? In Berlin also, Corinthian columns, and other ornaments made of vitrified terra cotta, which would resist the weather for centuries, may be had for much less than oue-third of those carved in stone. One of the great drawbacks under which Dublin and many other cities in these countries, labour, is the dull monotony of the unvaried walls of brick ; with rectangular apertures for windows, and doors which seem to have been all made from the same design. The introduction of terra cotta ornaments into the deco- o 2 94 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. ration of houses would banish this monotony, and help to communicate life and picturesqueness to our cities. And as the character of the architecture of a city has considerable influence upon that of its inhabitants, we have no doubt the change would also be very beneficial in this respect. We possess abundance of materials in Ireland for the manufacture of the finer kinds of bricks, tiles, &c., and of terra cotta. We would merely mention a few localities in which they are now to some extent utilized ; namely, the fine red class, associated with the marl beds, so abundant in the counties of Wicklow and Wex¬ ford, especially at Dunganstown and Wicklow in the former county, and Courtown Harbour in the latter; the great deposit of clay-burning of a pale red at Youghal, in the county of Cork; the fine red clay of Florence Court, near Enniskillen ; and that of Larne, in the county of Antrim. And, lastly, the fire-clays forming the coal-seat of all the beds of coal mentioned in the section on coal in the preceding pages, are adapted for this manufacture. There is scarcely a county in Ireland in which superior clay for brick, draining pipe, and tile making, may not be found. Notwithstanding this abundance of the raw material, and, we may add, of fuel in the neighbourhood of bogs, it is singular to find so many miserable and incommodious houses (we do not allude to the mud cabins of the peasants, for which there is a distinct cause), built of stone at a cost which would have constructed excellent brick buildings. Due attention is not paid in Ireland to the preparation of the clay used for bricks, and especially to the separa tion of limestone pebbles, whence most of our bricks are of inferior quality. Although red clays are very abundant, we are almost altogether dependent upon England for our supply of that coloured brick. Some very superior specimens of a very fine red brick are now, however, being made at Courtown Harbour. There were two defects in the first made there, which we hope have been since corrected; namely, they were too dense, the clay being too fat, and requiring an addi¬ tion of lime or marl, and was not apparently weathered enough ; and the size was very inconvenient for some kinds of brick-work. The first defect was excusable enough, as it is only in old works that a good stock of well-weathered clay can be had ; and, besides, it requires some experience to learn the proportion for mixing the other ingredients with the clay. But the second defect ought to have been avoided, because all common bricks should have such a proportion between length, breadth, and thickness, that they will always fit in any kind of bond. Irish manufacturers should remember that it is not enough to simply produce an article; they must produce it of a quality equal to the best of the kind to be found elsewhere, else their efforts will be un¬ successful. But above all, they should attend with great care to the minute details, such as those to which we have alluded, as inattention to them frequently does more injury than real inferiority. There were but few clays suitable for the manufact ure of bricks, tiles, or terra cotta ornaments, exhibited. With the exception indeed of a scries of specimens collected by the Dublin Society, there were only two ex¬ hibitors whose contributions deserve especial mention; namely, those of the Hon. C. Wandesforde, who exhi¬ bited some of the fire-clay from the coal-measures of Kilkenny, and of Mr. J. K. Fahie, from the corresponding series in Tipperary, who also had a good specimen of alluvial red clay. With the exception of a small spe¬ cimen contributed by the Limerick Local Committee, the fire-clays of the great Munster coal-field were unrepresented ; while no specimens whatever of the Leitrim and Tyrone coal-fields were exhibited. There were only eight exhibitors of bricks, of whom two were exclusively British, and five Irish. Five exhibitors contributed common bricks, four being Irish, and one Scotch ; and six contributed fire -bricks, of whom four were exclusively Irish, and two British. All the L'ish bricks exhibited were of excellent quality, and presented striking evidence, so far as they went, not only of the rapidly increasing tendency to utilize our mineral resources, but of considerable improvement in the style of manufacture. So far as we could judge from the arrangement of the raw material department of the Exhibition, there were only two exhibitors of roofing tiles, one Irish, and one English. The former were from Courtown Harbour, and were of excellent material, the fat clay of that locality being admirably adapted for tiles. We must not forget to mention, that among the bricks exhibited by Mr. Fahie, of Tipperary, were some of the hollow ones now so much recommended for building cottages, and for division walls of houses. These bricks are made upon the same principles as draining pipes, and are readily formed by the machine of Terrasson-Fougeres, by a slight modi¬ fication of the apertures, in which a number of mandrils are arranged. The contributions of ornamental terra cotta were much more numerous than those of bricks or tiles, the total number being fourteen ; of whom only one was Irish, seven Scotch, three English, one Irish exhibitor of Scotch articles, and two German. The articles exhibited were also very numerous and varied, and may be classified into:—1. Figures ; 2. Vases and fountains; and 3. Purely architectural ornaments. There were only lour exhibitors of figures, of whom three deserve mention,—two being German, and one English. In excel¬ lence of execution, and quality of material, the first place belongs to M. March, of Charlottenburg, near Berlin. Ilis specimens were of two very distinct materials, one a beautifully fine red clay, evidently calcareous, and not very highly fired. One of the figures of this material, representing Polyhymnia, was admirably executed, and showed in a remarkable manner the adaptation of the material to produce true works of art: the drapery was especially deserving of commendation. The other material employed by M. March belonged to the class of difficultly fusible clay, and was highly fired, and would, no doubt, withstand the action of the weather for ages, being exceedingly dense, and not absorbent of moisture. The colour was also peculiar, being of a grayish-yellow, with a distinct olive shade, which looked well in the small statuettes. In the same department were exhibited four allegorical figures of Winter and Summer, being part of a series of eight, representing the Four Seasons, each season being indicated by a male and female figure. These figures were after the original designs by Professor Leib of Munich. The colour was very good, being a yellowish-gray, and would harmonize well with many kinds of building stone in use. The material appeared to be very good and durable, though not highly fired, having a sort of cement-like character. The next exhibitor, whose figures deserve especial mention, is Mr. Blashfield of London. The clay employed by him is obtained from the tertiary beds of the London basin, and appears to have been prepared with great care, and to be very durable. It is much whiter than any of the others exhibited, and does not differ much, indeed, from some Portland stone, with which it would harmonize very well. The number of vases exhibited was very great; but, with the exception of those of Mr. Blashfield, and of the Messrs. Bell of Glasgow, and some small vases of semi-vitrified clay from Berlin, they were all rather Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 95 coarse, and of very poor design. The clay used by the Messrs. Bell appears to be the usual fire-clay of the coal-measures of Lanarkshire, some of which was in the collection of the Monkland Iron Company. The other vases exhibited were made of similar materials from the coal-measures of different districts, and were of good quality, and would yield very durable ornaments ; it is, therefore, to be regretted that so little atten¬ tion is paid to design by the manufacturers of terra cotta. Several fountains were exhibited, among which we may mention a very pretty one designed for a parterre , made of the red Berlin clay, already mentioned, and the large one which was erected in the Central Hall of the building, exhibited by Ferguson, Miller, and Co. of Glasgow. Of purely architectural ornaments there were few exhibitors; those deserving special mention, being M. March of Berlin, who exhibited some admirably executed Corinthian capitals, and a few other things, in semi-vitrified fire-clay, which we should consider imperishable, and certaudy far cheaper than stone ; those of the Farnley Iron Company, who contributed some ornamental trusses, mouldings, and balusters, which were well executed, and of excellent materials, and were worthy of attention ; and those of the Messrs. Bell of Glasgow, whose balustrade, in a fine grayish-white material, was admirable. Under this head we may also include chimney-tops, of which there were no less than eight exhibitors. This appears to be one of the most general applications of terra cotta, as it is also a useful one, doing away with several feet of heavy brick-work on the tops of chimneys, and of those very rude and ineffective contrivances called slate-pots. Terra cotta pots have a great advantage over the cast-iron ones sometimes used, in being very much fighter for the same Chimney Tops in Terra Cotta, exhibited by the Farnley Iron Company. size, while, when well made, they are, perhaps, as durable. The Farnley Iron Company exhibited a great variety of these articles, suitable for different styles of houses, the designs of a few of which are represented Chimney Tops in Terra Cotta, exhibited by the Farnley Iron Company. by the annexed engravings, and which will also show the general character of the examples exhibited by the other contributors. 96 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. There is a very appropriate application of terra cotta which we must not omit to mention before con¬ cluding this part of our subject, namely, for flower-boxes for mignionette, &c., and for pendant or bracket flower vases. Examples of these were contributed by the Farnley Iron Company, by J. Doulton, Jun., of Liverpool, and by M. March of Berlin. The pendant and bracket vases in red terra cotta of the latter were exceedingly tasteful. The only examples of Irish ornamental terra cotta exhibited were two small vases after the antique, and very well executed, contributed by Beresford and Kelly, of Florence Court, near Enniskillen. We hope to see this branch of manufacture gradually develop itself amongst us. Venetian and Encaustic Tiles _The art of forming tessera; from baked clay, and constructing mosaics similar to the geometrical ones in marble already mentioned, is of very old date. At first the tessera; were plain, or were simply stained or covered with a glaze made by covering the surface with galena, the common ore of lead, mixed with a little clay, and then firing them again ; but afterwards indented patterns were formed in them by forming the tessarse in moulds having the patterns in relief. These indentations were sometimes filled up with various pigments, often fused into a glass. Pavements formed of simple tessarae, of one or more colours, and arranged so as to produce geometrical patterns, were called Venetian mosaics, from having been much used in that city in the middle ages; whilst those with indented or relievo patterns, consisting of mo¬ nograms or other symbolic devices, or arabesques, were called encaustic. The latter were much used in eccle¬ siastical architecture, and also by the Moors of Spain, who generally filled the indentations with coloured enamel glasses. The celebrated Moorish palace of the Alhambra, at Grenada, was richly decorated in this way. Sometimes the tessera; of geometrical mosaics were covered with similar enamel glasses, of beautiful shades of green, white, &c. With the decline of ecclesiastical architecture this art fell into complete disuse, and has only been very lately revived. The persons who have done the most for this revival have undoubtedly been the Messrs. Minton, Hollins, and Co., of Stoke-upon-Trent, not only by the beauty of the articles pro¬ duced by them, but still more by the great improvements which they have been the means of effecting in the processes of manufacture. Mr. Singer, of Vauxhall, also contributed materially to this revival by his process, patented in 1839, of cutting out tessera; from thin bands of clay by machinery, and when baked of joining them together so as to form large slabs, by means of cement. Messrs. Minton and Hollin’s collection of tiles were among the most interesting contributions to the Ex¬ hibition, no expense apparently having been spared by them in getting it up. The whole of the varieties exhibited may be referred to six types ;—1. Buff and coloured indented diaper tiles ; 2. Venetian and other varieties of mosaics ; 3. Encaustic or inlaid tiles, from two Greek words, signifying to burn in ; 4. Imitations of the Alhambra tiles with enamels ; 5. Majolica tiles, or imitations of the glaze and colouring of the cele¬ brated majolica ware of the sixteenth century ; and 6. Dutch or glazed tiles. The buff indented diaper tiles are made from the fire-clay associated with the Staffordshire coal. The clay is ground in a kind of mill to the state of very fine powder; and in this state is introduced into square, oblong, or other form of moulds, and subjected to a pressure of about 150 to 250 tons in a hydraulic or other press. On being taken from the mould the clay is found to be compressed into a very small space, and to adhere together into a solid mass. Perfectly dry clay would not adhere in this way sufficiently, and it is, therefore, necessary that a certain amount of moisture should remain in it previous to the operation of moulding. W hen removed from the mould their surfaces are polished with a piece of bent tin-plate, and they are then packed in cases of refractory fire-clay called seggars, a great number of which are piled in a kiln similar to that employed in the burning of earthenware, where they are fired at about the temperature required for the latter. Many of these diaper pattern tiles are subsequently ornamented with narrow borderings of various colours, especially of red and gold, or blue and gold; and the surface is often covered before firing with a wash of fine white clay, to which is sometimes added a little enamel glass, which, in the firing, gives a sort of semi-fused glaze. The coloured tiles are only used for decorating walls, and when employed under suitable conditions are extremely beautiful. The mosaic tiles are made of finer clays than the last. The material is prepared in the same way as for ordi¬ nary terra cotta, and, being capable of vitrifying to some extent in firing, it may be stained throughout its mass of any desired colour. Being coloured with the proper pigment, it is then brought to a highly plastic condition, and is passed between rollers which laminate it into thin sheets or ribbons. These ribbons are cut into large squares ; and their surfaces being slightly oiled to prevent adhesion, fifteen or twenty of them are laid on each other, and the pile laid on a hand of table, over which is placed a frame in a horizontal position, and sliding up and down in upright grooves. This frame has a number of fine wires placed cross- ways, somewhat like a sieve, the meshes, if we can so call them, being square, or oblong, or triangular, hexa¬ gonal, or octagonal, or segments of circles, according to the form desired to be given. When this frame is made to descend, the wires pass through the pile of clay sheets and divide them into a number of pieces of the given form, which are dried and burnt in the usual way. With the tessera; thus made and coloured, black, blue, red, buff, cane green, white, and an almost endless variety of patterns, may be produced. The mode of laying them down as a pavement is very simple : the tessera; are arranged into a mosaic of the de¬ sired pattern, with faces down upon an exceedingly flat surface; a shallow frame is then arranged around them, and a layer of cement poured over them, and upon this cement, before it fully hardens, is laid a layer of ordinary tiles, over which is poured another layer of cement, and sometimes even a second layer of tiles. In this way slabs of a very large size may be produced, and laid down as flags for flooring. Encaustic or inlaid tiles consist of three distinct parts,—the body, the inlaid pattern, and the back. The body is composed of ordinary fire-clay similar to that used for the diaper tiles, and is worked up into a plastic mass, which is moulded in iron moulds under a screw press. These moulds have raised patterns, which pro¬ duce an indented or intaglio pattern upon the surface of the tile. The tiles thus formed are allowed to become dry, and the indented pattern is filled up by pouring over the surface of the tile a thick milk or slip composed of the white clays of Dorset and Devon, so much used in making earthenware, to which is added some pig¬ ment if coloured patterns are to be produced. Sometimes, where polyehromic patterns are desired, different coloured slips are used, and poured into the parts of the pattern intended for each. Alien partially dry the Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 97 surface is scraped even, until the face of the original tile or buff-coloured clay makes its appearance, when the indented pattern alone will be filled with the finer stained clays. If the tile thus prepared were fired, the body would contract more than the pattern, and the tile would be bent, and, perhaps, the latter fractured ; it is hence necessary to apply a coating of the same fire-clay used for the pattern to the back, to counteract this difference of contractibility ; and as this clay, when hard burned, would not adhere well to the cement employed in laying them down, the back is pierced by a number of holes by means of projections in the mould, into which the soft cement is able to penetrate and form a solid bond. The Alhambra tiles are formed upon the same principle as the ordinary encaustic tiles, with this difference, that in the former fusible pigments are used instead of coloured clay slips. This is the technical difference ; but it must be confessed that there is a beauty of design and a harmony of colour in the true Alhambra tiles, which is still more characteristic of them, and which it is extremely difficult to equal. The majolica tiles are not so much distinguished by form as by the coloured glazes with which they are covered ; thus we may have indented or plain tesseras covered with a monochromic glaze, or large tiles with foliated or arabesque indented patterns glazed, but not filled up, with different coloured enamels. The great peculiarity of majolica colours is their softness and depth, which is the result of the soft enamel pigments employed. The Dutch tiles are true earthenware, and we must, therefore, defer any further description of them until we come to speak of that substance, when we shall also have an opportunity of making some further remarks upon the fused pigments and enamel colours employed in the manufacture of Alhambra and majolica tiles. A great variety of all these different kinds were exhibited in the department allotted to the Raw Ma¬ terials, and a still more beautiful and varied collection in the Medieval Court, showing the mode of setting them, and their application to floors and to lining walls. Among the examples of the encaustic tiles in the latter department were several large slabs, representing Scripture and other subjects, monograms, &e., wrought in white, deep blue, cane and red-coloured clays, which were very beautiful. Some coats of arms, made in similar materials and style, were also admirably executed; but, perhaps, the best thing in the whole collection of encaustic tiles was a small circular tile, upon which was represented a head apparently of Ceres, surrounded with ears of corn. Such designs, although by no means adapted for floors, show the perfection to which the manufacture of these tiles has been brought by Messrs. Minton and Hollins. Mr. Fahie, of Tipperary, exhibited a few specimens of his first attempt to produce tesselated pavements, and, although very rude and imperfect, both in design and execution, they deserve to be mentioned specially as proof of the growing industrial energy of the country, which only requires facilities for acquiring infor¬ mation to progress and prosper. MANUFACTURES FROM CLAY NOT EMPLOYED FOR BUILDING AND DECORATION. The clays and other materials used in the manufacture of porcelain and earthenware, although belonging to the class of Mineral Raw Materials, and included under that section in the present Catalogue, will be more fully noticed under the head Porcelain and Earthenware. It will also be better to defer our observations upon a peculiar class of manufactures in clay, namely, glazed sewerage pipes, until we come to that section ; as the nature and properties of the materials, and the processes employed, will be better understood when studied in connexion with the whole subject of porcelain, &c. The observations which we made in the pre¬ sent section upon the qualities and preparation of clays apply equally well to all the other manufactures in that material. And here we may remark, that it is difficult to classify manufactures of this kind, so as to refer each article to the class to which it really belongs. Thus, all articles made in clay, properly speaking, be¬ long to the fictile manufactures; and yet there is so great a distinction technically between the simple ma¬ nufactures of terra cotta of all kinds and that of earthenware, that it is preferable for all purposes of illus¬ tration to include under the present section those articles made of clay alone without glaze or varnish, and to group all those covered with a glaze under the head Earthenware and Porcelain. Draining Pipes _Every clay which will make good roofing tiles, and we may even add bricks, will answer for making draining pipes; and, as in the case of the roofing tiles, fat clays, which would yield too dense bricks, will make excellent pipes. The formation of the pipe, too, is so perfectly analogous to that of some machine-made bricks, that an ordinary brick machine on the principle of Terrasson-Fougeres, differs but very little from a pipe or tile machine, of which there were examples in the Exhibition, which will be noticed under the section devoted to agricultural machines. The manufacture of draining pipes, being now a necessary ap¬ pendage to all good farming operations upon a large scale, mostly appertains to the domain of agriculture; but the introduction of the system of pipe-draining will, undoubtedly, render great service to the country in a manufacturing point of view. A few years ago, with very few exceptions, even the coarsest articles of com¬ mon pottery were imported from England; but the great expense attending the importation of draining pipes, and the still more expensive carriage of them into the interior of the country, gradually led to their produc¬ tion on the spot. The manufacture of bricks soon followed in many instances ; and the transition from these to that of coarse pottery was easy. We have no doubt that in a few years the commoner kinds of earthen¬ ware will also be produced; already efforts in this direction have been very successful. This is but one of the many examples, showing that the importance of the introduction of a manufacture into a country cannot be always judged by the amount of employment it gives, or the value of the products yielded; but that the number of others which in course of time it inevitably brings along with it must also be taken into account. There were six exhibitors of draining pipes, all of whom were Irish; and they were all well made and of durable materials. Those from the Florence Court Works, Courtown Harbour, and Kinlough Tilery, county of Leitrim, were deserving of high commendation from the excellence of their form and the great variety of sizes exhibited. The material employed by Mr. Fahie partook of the character of a fire-clay, and must be very durable ; his pipes were also very well formed. 98 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. Common Pottery _The only difference between the articles coming under this designation and those al¬ ready described is form alone ; most of the one being moulded or formed by pressure, whilst the other are moulded upon the potter’s wheel. We may therefore dispense with any further observations than to notice the contributions of the different exhibitors. So far as we have been able to ascertain, there were only four exhibitors of common pottery, of whom three were Irish, and one English. Among these the Messrs. Beresford and Kelly, of Florence Court, near Enniskillen, deserve the first place. Too much credit cannot, indeed, be given to these gentlemen for the perfection to which they have brought this branch of trade. The garden pots and other articles manufactured at their works are quite equal to the very best made in any part of England. Those produced at the Courtown Harbour Works, belonging to Mr. James, were scarcely in¬ ferior to those just mentioned. The Local Committee of the county of Kerry exhibited some common pots for domestic purposes, which, although leaving much room for improvement, were not below the average of similar articles sold; such a contribution evinced considerable discrimination of the wants of the country, and therefore deserves commendation. The examples of common pottery contributed from England were evi¬ dently exhibited alone on account of the glaze , for the form was very rude. The glaze was of a pale yellow, and very transparent, and appeared to be very hard and much less liable to crack and scale than the ordinary lead glaze employed for this kind of ware. Crucibles and Clay Retorts —The pots or crucibles in which brass, silver, steel, and other metals are melted, require to be of an extremely refractory character. Pure silicate of alumina, that is, a combination of silica with one of the constituents of alum, is one of the most infusible compounds known ; the nearer, therefore, a clay approaches to that substance in composition, the better adapted it will be to form crucibles and other articles required to withstand a great heat. Silica, in a nearly pure form, as it is in many white sands, is also very infusible, provided nothing is melted with it which has a tendency to form glass, such as soda, lead, &c. Hence, the quality of a crucible depends, in a great measure, upon the uses to which it is put; thus steel may be melted in a pot composed of a mixture of clay and sand, whilst lead or soda or com¬ pounds containing them would rapidly attack it, and perhaps run through it. For melting such substances, crucibles composed of a clay consisting chiefly of silicate of alumina (and free, as far as possible, from bases such as iron, soda, potash, or lime, or siliceous sand) are required. The celebrated Hessian crucibles from Gross Almerode, in Germany, consist of a mixture of equal parts of clay, free from bases, and fine siliceous sand. They are hence very infusible, and stand the fire without cracking, the sand diminishing the contracti- bility, but at the same time rendering the crucibles unfit for melting glass, lead, &c., which would readily attack the free silica. The pots used in most of the glass factories in these countries are made from Stourbridge clay, without the addition of sand. This clay is chiefly silicate of alumina, containing a little iron ; articles made of it are, however, liable to contract to a great extent at a high temperature, and therefore to crack. A sub¬ stitute for the sand is employed to diminish this effect, consisting of powdered sherds , that is, portions of the clay previously burnt and reduced to powder, as we noticed in speaking of fire-brick. If, however, too much sherds be employed, the crucibles or pots become so porous as to allow any very fusible substance to strain through them. Another substance which has the same effect as the sherds is hard coke (powdered), natural graphite, or black lead, or the artificial graphite which forms as a thick crust on the inside of gas retorts. All these substances have much the same composition, consisting chiefly of carbon in a very incombustible form. The crucibles formed with a mixture of graphite or black lead are very much used, especially in melting sil¬ ver, gold, &c., as the smooth and dense surface which the graphite gives to the pot allows the whole of the metal to flow out, and does not absorb any minute globules,—a matter of great importance in the melting of gold and other valuable metals. The debris of decomposed granite, especially that left after washing out the fine clay used in the manu¬ facture of china, is largely used in the manufacture of cheap crucibles for various purposes. Considerable quantities of them are made near Redruth and Truro, in Cornwall, and are known in commerce as Cornish pots. Good crucibles are also sometimes made from the clays of the tertiary formation, such as those found near London. In Holland similar clays are used, and even the alluvial clays of rivers; some of the crucibles known as Dutch pots are made from such materials, and are of very good quality. The same necessity does not exist for strongly firing crucibles before being used as in the case of fire-bricks, which it is of importance should have suffered their full amount of contraction before being built into the masonry. Some crucibles are accordingly sent into commerce merely dried, and not burned, whilst others, like the Hessian and Cornish, are previously fired at about the temperature employed for stoneware. A very useful application of fire-clay has been made within the last few years, namely, to the production of gas retorts, which are now found, we believe, to be far more durable than those from iron, and much more economical. The preparation of the clay for this purpose is exactly the same as that described in no¬ ticing fire-bricks. But as it is of the greatest consequence that the burnt material should have sufficient porosity to allow for contractions and expansions consequent upon changes of temperature, about one-fourth of the weight of the clay of sawdust, powdered coke, or anthracite, is added, which is completely burnt out in the filing. Clay retorts are usually three inches thick, and are made both D-shaped and oval, either by moulding, or rather building up with the hand, or by pressure in a kind of mould. They must be dried and fired with the greatest care, the latter operation lasting fourteen days, as upon the mode in which these ope¬ rations are performed, as much as upon the quality of the clay, will depend the durability of the retorts. There were four exhibitors of melting-pots, three Irish and one English. The Messrs. Morgan and Rees, of London, contributed a very complete and excellent series of crucibles of different kinds and forms. Amongst them were examples of Hessian, Cornish, and London pots; English and German black lead pots for melting brass, and a fine class of the latter for gold and silver refiners’ use, most probably made at Passau, in Ger¬ many. One of these was shown which had been used sixty times, which is extraordinary. There were also some pots made from the celebrated clay of Beaufois, in the department of the Ardennes, and very largely employed by the French refiners. The Irish pots, exhibited by Beresford and Kelly, were apparently of good quality, but this is a point which could only be judged of by an analysis of the clay, and by experience. Class I.] MINING ANI) MINERAL PRODUCTS. 9'J The fact, however, of having exhibited crucibles is already a great advance, and as there is scarcely a single article of clay so easily made, we hope, before long, to see a large trade in these things. There is, certainly, no lack of fire-clay in Ireland, and that of very excellent quality. There was but one exhibitor of clay retorts, the (iarnkirk Coal Company, whose productions appeared to be excellent, being of a very pale colour, smooth, and completely free from cracks. The price of such re¬ torts is about £2 8s., and if they last two years, as is asserted, there can be no doubt that there would be considerable economy in their use. Here is a still more important application of our fire-clays than the last, and one, too, for which they are well adapted, if some persons with a little energy and skill would take the matter up. Tobacco-pipes _Various materials were used by the aboriginal inhabitants of America for the manufac¬ ture of pipes, but the best known and most typical of these was a kind of indurated clay rock, termed pipe- stone. Its colour was generally red, as that found at Coteau de Prairies on the Missouri, and which has been called Catlinite, in honour of Mr. Gatlin, the delineator of the Indian tribes. It is also found of a dark-grayish colour, as, for example, that used by the Indians of Oregon and other parts of the N. W. coast of America. It is a true clay, and is actually in process of formation in several places, among others at Nepigon, on the northern shore of Lake Superior. The pipes cut from this material are remarkably porous, and absorb the empvreumatic oil produced by the destructive distillation of the tobacco with great avidity, becoming deeply coloured. When tobacco was introduced into Europe, various substitutes for the American pipe- stone were brought into use, but the most successful were those made of baked clay. The present style of clay pipe appears to have been first adopted at Cologne and other parts of the Lower Rhine ; at all events that city became famous for its pipes about two centuries ago. The clays usually employed at present for pipe-making are the plastic clays of the tertiary formation, especially the lower beds. That used in these countries is found in Dorsetshire, especially in the small peninsula called the Island of Purbeck. In its na¬ tural state it is of a bluish-white colour, and burns of a perfect white, forming a very porous and absorbent mass. It is largely employed as an ingredient in the manufacture of earthenware, but in that of pipes it is used unmixed with any other substance. To produce good pipes from this or any other clay, it appears to be necessary to keep it in a moist state for a considerable time, otherwise the pipes will be deficient in porosity. The process of pipe-making is exceedingly simple, and need not be described here. The method of burning is, however, of great importance, both as to the quality of the pipe, and especially to its form. In some places the pipes, when sufficiently dry to be fired, are arranged in a number of seggars, or pots, like an ordinary brass-founder’s melting-pot, the vacant spaces between the pipes being filled with sherds, consisting of broken seggars or tobacco-pipes reduced to powder. Each seggar is covered with a conical hood, and the whole are then arranged in a kind of kiln. In London, where very superior pipes are made, a large close kiln, of a cylindrical shape, surmounted with a dome, and around which the flames play, is employed. On the inside of the kiln a number of very narrow shelves or projections are formed, and in the centre is an upright pillar, upon which are a number of projecting rings. The pipes are arranged in an inclined position in such a kiln by placing the bowls upon the shelves with their stems all directed towards the centre, where their ends rest upon the projecting rings. The advantage of this system, independent of the complete exclusion of the flame, which sometimes discolours the pipes in the common kiln in use, is, that the pipes support very little weight during the firing, the several layers being supported independent of each other, and hence the stems main¬ tain the form originally given to them. In Ireland the pipe-kilns are usually small, and the whole charge of pipes is arranged without any seggars or supports, so that the lower layers are usually deformed from the weight of the upper ones resting upon them. When the kiln is filled with the pipes, some sheets of paper are laid upon them, and then a cover of moist clay formed upon the paper, which is burned off in the commence¬ ment of the firing ; leaving a solid clay cover, which protects the pipes from the direct action of the flames. The only exhibitor of clay tobacco-pipes was James M‘Loughlin, of Francis-street, in this city, who con¬ tributed a case containing a great variety of sizes and forms of common and fancy clay pipes, among which were some imitations of Dutch pipes. They were well formed and well burned, and apparently of excellent material Most of the pipe-works in Ireland are on a very small scale ; and, unfortunately, their proprietors have rarely capital enough to build improved kilns, or to keep a sufficient stock of clay on hands to insure an uniform and well-aged material. We believe that, with one or two exceptions, among whom we can reckon Mr. M‘Loughlin, the Irish pipe-makers import their moulds from England and Scotland, notwithstanding the facilities with which such simple instruments might be made by any good smith. It is to be regretted that the great deposit of fine white plastic clay, supposed to be nearly seventy feet in thickness, which exists in the county of Tipperary, between Cahir and Clonmel, is not brought into use for the manufacture of pipes ; the samples of this clay which have been tried were chiefly from the upper parts of the bed, and were not sufficiently aged, and could not, therefore, be brought into just competition with the Dorsetshire clay. GRINDSTONES, HONES, AND ROTTEN-STONE. The stones used for grinding cutlery, &c., are sandstones of various qualities. Having already described that class of rocks, we need only make a few remarks in this place upon the peculiar properties which are required to constitute a grindstone. The quality of a sandstone suited for this purpose depends upon three circumstances:—1. The hardness of the stone as amass, or, in other words, the nature of the cementing ma¬ terial ; 2. The size and uniformity of the grains of sand; and 3. The nature of those grains as to whether they are highly crystalline or amorphous quartz. The common revolving grindstones are generally ob¬ tained from the new red sandstone, while the finer kinds used in polishing steel, iron, and copper work, and setting the points of gravers, &c., are chiefly obtained from the fine hard grits and argillaceous sand¬ stones of the older rocks. The fine arenaceous varieties of mica slate constitute another class known as rag¬ stones, sometimes employed as scythe-stones. No rule can, however, be laid down with regard to the class of rocks which yield stones for any particular purpose, as the same quality of stone may be found among p 100 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. rocks of various ages. Tims a large number of the scythe-stones coming into commerce in these countries are obtained from hard siliceous concretions, about from six to eighteen inches in diameter, -which form a bed about four feet thick, and known by the local name of greensand, in the lower beds of the cretaceous or chalk series of rocks, in the Blackdown Hills, Devonshire. Polishing stones, on the other hand, are more or less altered siliceous slates, as distinguished from arena¬ ceous slates, in which the grains of silica would be more or less visible. This kind of stone, called by the different names of novaculite, hone-slate, &c., is found more abundantly of a good quality, than the finer kinds of grindstones. It may be said to belong exclusively to the older slate rocks, and is of various colours, sometimes of a light grayish or buff, sometimes green, and sometimes dark blue. There were four exhibitors of grindstones and hones, none of which represented Irish collections. The chief collection was contributed by C. Meinig of London, and it was certainly a very remarkable one. In it were to be found specimens from Turkey, Persia, Bohemia, Spain, France, Italy, England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Arkansas and Niagara in the United States, Peru, &c., in slips, hones, pencils, circular stones, &c., mounted and unmounted. Among the other contributions was a collection of green oil-stones from Snowdon in Wales. We possess analogous rocks in abundance in this country ; the hones of Kerry and Donegal are of very superior qua¬ lity, and we may add those of Wicklow, but unfortunately they were unrepresented. Rotten-stone and tripoli are nothing more than silica in an extremely fine state of division, and are either composed of the siliceous remains of animalcule or of minute crystalline grains. When the mass is earthy in character, although composed of nearly pure silica, owing to the fineness of the grain, it is called tripoli; when, on the other hand, it forms a very light friable mass, harsh to the feel, and not unlike a rotten brick, it is called rotten-stone. In general, however, any finely divided siliceous matter which can be used for polishing silver, Britannia metal, brass, may be called tripoli. There was but one exhibitor of rotten-stone, and the specimen exhibited could scarcely be admitted to come within that definition. Some of the fine siliceous matter exhibited by Mr. Deering, of Cork, under the name of silex, would form an excellent tripoli; and indeed occurs under somewhat similar circumstances to the rotten-stone of Bakewell in Derbyshire. fuller’s earth. This substance is a peculiar hydrated silicate of alumina; that is, a combination of water, silica, and alumina, generally containing a small quantity of silicate of iron, which communicates a greenish tinge to it. It has very remarkable properties, which enable it to be readily distinguished from other earthy substances, one of which is that it is apparently almost totally soluble in water. Its use in the arts depends upon its forming a kind of soap, with oil or grease, which it effectually removes from cloth in the process of fulling. There were samples of supposed fuller’s earth exhibited, which, although resembling externally in some degree that substance, were little more than a friable clay rich in peaty matter. These mistakes are natural enough in this country, where so few opportunities have hitherto existed for learning the nature and uses of our raw materials ; but we hope that the lessons taught by the Exhibition, and the many other facilities now afforded of acquiring more accurate information upon such subjects, will soon put an end to all such mistakes, and at the same time bring to light the mineral resources of Ireland_W. K. Sullivan. The Geological Maps, Sections, and Specimens, exhibited by Richard Griffith, Esq., LL.D., though they may have been passed by by the mere loiterer in search of amusement, yet were highly interesting and instruc¬ tive to every one in search of information. They had still another point of interest. they are the record of a long life, great part of which has been passed in earnest labour in the pursuit of a favourite science. Dr. Griffith is the father of Irish geology ; single-handed he has grappled with the structure of a great and com¬ plicated country like Ireland, and has in his last improved edition produced one ot the best general geological maps now published of any country in the world. No one who has not attempted it knows how much labour is required to construct the first geological map of any large district,—how great an amount of knowledge of details must be acquired, and how much patience and perseverance in harmonizing the general results must be exercised, before the boundary lines, and the little patches of colour, can be so placed as to tell the truth, and to tell it in an intelligible and striking manner. Although, to our great regret, and that of all scientific men, the many other important avocations of Dr. Griffith’s life have prevented his publishing the results of his labours otherwise than by putting them on his map, yet by that map he must continue to be known as long as the science of geology has a life or a history in L-eland, or in the world. The sections exhibited were calculated to give the spectator some idea of the labours on which were grounded the results depicted on the map. It is not merely a surface map of the boundaries of different kinds of rock ; those several masses of earthy matter have been so observed that their position when covered by others, deep in the bowels of the earth, becomes a matter of easy and direct inference. Materials have, in fact, been accumulated for constructing a model as well as a map, which would show the internal structure of Ireland to a depth often far below the level of the sea. The sections exhibited might be looked on as the representation of slices cut out of such a model. The series of fossils, again, might be looked at in several lights, all equally interesting. First of all, they are the remains of many curious and interesting forms of animal and vegetable life that had never been seen living by the eye of man. They are thus interesting to the naturalist as coming in to complete the series of organic existences, and to fill up the gaps and lacuna; which are to be found in the gradations of organic beings now living on the globe. Secondly, they are interesting to the philosopher, and indeed to mankind generally, as not merely forming a portion of the great mass of organic existences, but as unfolding a history of events; as having an order of succession among themselves, proving that their several sets did not live promiscuously on the globe, but formed successive races of animals and plants; each race coming into Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 101 existence, increasing and multiplying, occupying the length and breadth of the earth, and then gradually dying out to make room for their successors. They thus become records and documents of a history other¬ wise concealed in the depths of a remote eternity; and have well been likened to the medals of a race and a dynasty of which no other remnants have been preserved. Thirdly, and lastly, they, in consequence of this succession, become of vast interest and importance to the practical geologist and miner; for as each particular set of rocks in a country is apt to be characterized by peculiar mineral substances useful to man, so we art; enabled to recognise any particular group of rocks by the kinds of fossils it contains. The mere variety in the nature of the rock is not sufficient to tell us what group it belongs to, for limestones and sandstones, shales and clays, occur over and over again in every group of rocks, and are often undistinguisliable one from another. One little shell, or even fragment of a shell, the leaf of a plant, or the scale of a fish, is, therefore, often of far more value to the practical man than tons of rock specimens. In the search after coal, for instance, the rocks occurring at the surface in any particular portion of the country might be part of the group in which the coal is found, or they might belong to the group below, or the group above the coal-bearing strata. In order to discover their exact position, and therefore to be as¬ sured of the chance of reaching coal below that part of the surface of the ground, within a reasonable depth, the mere examination of the nature of the rock is often insufficient. The most practised geologist might be deceived by trusting to such indications alone, but if he finds in the rocks one of their characteristic fossils, he is then on sure ground, and feels as absolutely certain of the relative position of the rocks as he would of the age of a coin bearing a legible impress and inscription. In the collection of the fossils exhibited by Dr. Griffith, therefore, the intelligent spectator might read the original documents on which his work was founded, while in the sections and maps he saw depicted the re¬ sults at which he, together with other men of science, had arrived,—the general history in the compilation of which those documents had been used_J. B. J. 1. Abbot, H., Mullingar, Co. Westmeath, Proprietor. -—Block of Galway marble. 2. Alla way & Son, Sydney, Gloucestershire. — Char¬ coal tin plates made of Cinderford iron; specimens of the iron from which the plates are made. 3. Ansted, D. T., Manchester, St. London, Proprietor. —Specimens of native gold, and ingot of gold, from Vir¬ ginia and North Carolina; garnet rock, associated with the auriferous rock in Virginia; auriferous quartz and crystal¬ line native gold from California. 4. Armstrong, W., New Hall, Ennis, Proprietor.— Silver, lead, and antimony ores, from Kilbreckan Mines; sandstone flags from the Kildeema Quarry; slate flags from the Kilkee quarry, Co. Clare. 5. Ballantine, Alexander, Upper Dorset-street, Dublin, Manufacturer.—Chimney-piece of Galway black marble; baptismal font of Caen stones; bust pedestal of marble, from Skerries, Co. Dublin. 6. Barnes, W. H., Tamworth, Staffordshire, Manufac¬ turer.—Original designs for pipe bowls, modelled in fine clay, from Glascote Clay Works, near Tamworth ; modelled designs in clay for glasses for inkstands, and various other purposes; set of draughtsmen in same material; design for a tarra top. 7. Bell, J., & Co., Glasgow Pottery, Glasgow, Manu¬ facturers.—Balustrade and large vases in terra cotta. 8. Beresford & Kelly, Florence Court, Enniskillen, Manufacturers.—Earthenware, crucibles, bricks, tiles, &c., all produced at the Florence Court Tile Works. 9. Blackburn, B., Valentia, Co. Kerry, Producer.— Articles in slate from the quarries in the Island of Valentia, Co. Kerry, viz.:—Round tables for the Refreshment Room, flooring slabs, roofing slates, cisterns to contain 1200 and 500 gallons, billiard table slabs, garden seats, orange tree box, table of slate polished. 10. Blacker, St. J. T., Ballylongford, Co. Kerry, Pro¬ prietor—Hollow bricks for building, drainage tiles, pipes, and collars. 11. Blashfield, J. M., Mill Wall, Poplar, London, Manufacturer.—Figures in terra cotta of Diana, from the antique, and of Flora, from model by Bayley; flower pots of various designs; copy ofWarwick vase ; copy of antique vase; copy of antique tazza; bust of her Majesty the Queen, from a bronze by H. Weigall; bust of the late Duke of Wellington, from a model by H. Weigall; antique bust of Bacchus ; copy of antique group of the Niobe; copy of Roubiliac’s Cupid Sleeping; bowls and vases ; consoles; basket flower pot; flower tray; group of virgin and child ; terra cotta copy of antique bust of Ariadne; pedestals (va¬ rious patterns). 12. Blood, W., Wicklow, Proprietor.—Specimens of Wicklow pebbles, with cabinet, neatly arranged. 13. Browne, Markham, Connoree Mine, Rathdrum, Proprietor.—Samples of copper ore and sulphur stone or iron pyrites; dressed copper ore as sent to market; raw copper, copper slags, and other products of the smelting of copper ore! 14. Brown, R., Surbiton-hill, Surrey, Inventor and Ma¬ nufacturer.—Improved Italian tiles, grooved ridge tiles, or¬ namental plain tiles and valley tiles, plain Gothic ridge tiles. 15. Brown, R., Ferguslie Fire Clay Works, Paisley, Manufacturer.—Vases, chimney tops, glazed pipes with socket joints, cattle trough, all made of fire-clay. 16. Butler, J., Liverpool, Proprietor.—King and Pem¬ berton coal, cannel coal, and coke, from the mines of the Moss Hall Company, Ince, near Wigan. 17. Byers, J., Stockton-on-Tees, Producer and Manu¬ facturer.—Specimen of lead ore, from Willy Hole Mine, Tees- dale; specimen of silver and litharge from lead; one pig each of refined, common, and slag lead; sheet and pipe lead. 18. Cash, J., Dhurode Mine Company’s Office, Throg- morton-street, London.—Copper ores from the Dhurode Mine, in West Carberry, Co. Cork, on the estate of Lionel J. Fleming, Esq. 19. Cassidy, Robert, Monasterevan.—Two pillars of siliceous sandstone, beautifully worked, from the quarry of Rosenalis, Queen’s Co. 20. Coalbrookdale Company, Coalbrookdale, near Wellington, Shropshire, Producers.—Samples of pig-iron, bar-iron, and plates, gray pig-iron for light and heavy cast¬ ings, strong gray forge pig-iron, mottled pig-iron, white pig-iron, samples of forge and of finished bars, chequered plates of various designs for floors. 21. Classon & Courtney, Bridgefoot-street, Dublin.— Specimens of blister steel. 22. Cooper, E. J., Markree, Co. Sligo. — Inlaid cabinet. 23. Corcoran, Bryan, & Co., 36, Mark-lane, London, Manufacturers.—A four-feet diameter millstone for grinding wheat. p 2 102 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. 24. D’Alton, J., Summer-hill, Dublin.—Specimens of bog-iron ore and of coal from Clonmore, in the Co. Mayo. 25. Davidson & Armstrong, Piccadilly, Manchester. —A roll of laminated lead, manufactured for the Chinese market, and used by them for lining tea chests, also by our merchants, for packing snuft" for export, &c., &c. ; roll of pure lead, plated with block tin on both sides, and polished, used for making cisterns for containing water for drinking and culinary purposes; roll of quarter-patent gas pipe, plated with pure tin,—the plating preserves the lead, stiffens the pipe, and renders it suitable for ornamental glass, chande¬ liers, &e. ; length of 5-inch lead pipe, plated inside and out¬ side with block tin. 26. Davis, S., Dublin, Manufacturer_Roman cement and plaster of Paris, Roman cement stone, Portland ce¬ ment. 27. Deane, A., York-terrace, Cork.—Chimney-piece and table tops manufactured from marble, raised on the estate of exhibitor, in the Co. Cork. 28. Deering, J., & Co., Middleton, Co. Cork.—Samples of silex and clay, of a beautiful white colour, found asso¬ ciated with the limestone at Rostellan, Cork Harbour, and well adapted for the manufacture of earthenware, and as tripoli, &c. 29. Denny, Sir Edward, & W. T. Crosbie, Proprietors. —Pipe drain tiles, manufactured at Gurrane Tilery, near Tralee. 30. Doulton, J. Jun., Liverpool Pottery, St. Helen’s, Lancashire (exhibiting in connexion with II. Doulton & Co., Lambeth, London), Manufacturer.—Terra cotta vases, of various styles and forms, with pedestals ; pendant vases; mignionette boxes; laburnum pedestal; ornamental brackets, trusses, and chimney-tops ; fern cases and ornamental gar¬ den pots ; all in terra cotta. 31. Dove, D., Glasgow, Producer.—Grindstones, from quarries near Glasgow; stones, from Burnfield Quarry. 32. Downshire, Marquess of, Hillsboro’, Proprietor.— Block of rock-salt, weighing about 30 cwts., from Duncrue, in the Co. Antrim (from beds 860 feet below the surface); copper pyrites, galena, manganese, spatliose iron, fullers’ earth, and emery-stone, from the Co. Down; granite bap¬ tismal font, from Blessington, Co. Wicklow; granite debris , commonly called “freestone,” from the same county ; spe¬ cimens of galena in veinstone of calc spar, from Blundell Mines, Edenderry; flag of pyritic or alum shale, covered with a crystalline mass of iron pyrites, from Ballybunnion, Co. Kerry. 33. Drogheda, The Marquess of, Moore Abbey, Monas- terevan.—An inlaid table. 34. Dunn, M., Newcastle-on-Tyne, Inventor and Pro¬ prietor.—Anemometer to show the velocity of air-currents in mines; steel mill used for giving light in mines before invention of the safety lamp in 1815 ; section of Jarrow Colliery ; seven safety lamps by different makers ; specimens of coal and ironstone, from the Newcastle coal-field 35. Edmondson, J. & Co., Dame-street, Dublin.—Terra cotta vases and fern cases. 36. Ely, Marquess of, Ely Lodge, Enniskillen.—A pedes¬ tal of polished freestone, a block of rough freestone. 37. Evans, S., Newtownards Mining Company.—Spe¬ cimens of lead ore, from the Newtownards Mines, Co. Down. 38. Faiiie, J. K., Tipperaiy, Manufacturer and Pro¬ ducer.—Filter, vases, &c., of stoneware; drainage pipes; fire-bricks; hollow bricks; tesselated tiles; white, black, and red clays, from Co. Tipperary. 39. Farnley Iron Company, Wortley, near Leeds, Ma¬ nufacturers.—Vases and pedestals, baptismal fonts, urns, flower-boxes, balusters, chimney-tops, and shafts; orna¬ mental trusses, architectural mouldings, sanitary tubes, clo¬ set pans, &c., all in terra cotta, and iu various styles. 40. Fawcett, J., Douglas, Isle of Man, Proprietor.— Coal and gypsum, from Leitrim. 41. Ferguson, Miller, & Co., Heathfield, Glasgow, Manufacturers.—Fire-bricks, ornamental terra cotta, glazed sewerage pipes, set of three Gothic chimney-tops, orna¬ mental wind-guard ditto, vases in variety, terra cotta foun¬ tain 24 feet high. 42. Field, II. C., M. D., Blackrock, Dublin.—Crystal of quartz, weighing 87 lbs., found on the property of Exhi¬ bitor, in the Co. Londonderry. 43. Flavelle, J., 4, D’Olier-street, Dublin, Importer and Proprietor.—Specimens of gold as found in the mat rix, and washed gold from the districts of “Ophir,” the “Tu- ron River,” “ Braidwood,” the “ Hanging Rock,” or Peel River diggings, Port Philip, &c., &c. 44. Flood, Henry, Viewmount, Whitehall, Kilkenny, Proprietor.—Flags suited for street flagging and flooring generally; a chimney-piece, made from flags, suited for cottages or second class bed-room. 45. Gaillard, fils aine, La Ferte, sous Jouarre, France (agent, G. Dornbusch, London), Manufacturer.—French mill-stones. 46. Garnkirk Coal Co., Garnkirk, near Glasgow.— Vases, flower-pots, chimney-pots, and gas retorts, manu¬ factured from fire-clay. 47. General Mining Co. for Ireland, Burgh-quay, Dublin.—Specimens of silver lead ores, argentiferous copper ores, iron pyrites, from Gurtnadyne and Shallee, near Sil- vermines, Co. Tipperary. 48. Godfrey, Sir W. D., Bart., Kilcoleman Abbey, Co. Kerry.—Lead ore containing 82 per cent, of lead, and 40 oz. 16 dwts. of fine silver per ton, as per assay, raised at the east Annagh IMines on the Godfrey estate, Castlemaine, in the Co. Kerry. 49. Graves, Rev. James, A. B.; Lalor, Joseph, M. D.; Carter, Sampson, Jun., C. E., on the part of the Lite¬ rary and Scientific Institution.—Geological model map of the county of Kilkenny, showing specimens of the rocks and clays in their relative positions; a collection of mine¬ rals and fossils from the same locality. 50. Great Peat Working Company of Ireland_ Specimens of compressed peat made by Gwynne and Hayes’ patent. 51. Green, J. B., Lower Baggot-street, Dublin.—Spe¬ cimens of purple sulphuret of copper, from Horse Island, Co. Cork. 52. Griffith, Richard, LL.D., Chairman of the Board of Public Works_Geological map of Ireland (improved and corrected from former maps published); a reduction of ditto ; series of geological Sections and Hews representing the relations of the different rocks, and the chief physical facts connected therewith, in some of the most important geological districts of Ireland. Cabinet of the fossils of the carboniferous series of rocks of Ireland, collected by exhi¬ bitor, and systematically arranged in eighty drawers, ac¬ cording to the subdivisions of those rocks shown on his geological map. Cabinet of the fossils of the Irish rocks belonging to the Silurian formation, collected by Exhibitor, and systematically arranged in sixteen drawers, as specified on his geological map. 53. Hall. W.. Castlecomer, Co. Kilkenny, Inventor and Proprietor.—A working model of a winding machine for mining operations, by which motion is instantaneously stop¬ ped or reversed while the steam-engine or water-wheel is at full speed. 54. Headech, W. Killaloe, Manufacturer.—Roofing- slates, slate flags. 55. Henderson, J., Townsend-street, Dublin.—Bridge- water, Welsh, and Irish bricks; Welsh slates; chimney- tops, wind guards (registered) ; vases and pedestals; Grecian chimney-piece ; pipes, &c., made of fire-clay. 56. Hill, J., Great Brunswick-street, Dublin, Manufac¬ turer.— Specimens of salt, manufactured from the rock-salt of the new mines of Duncrue, Carrickfergus, on the Mar- Class I.] MINING AND MINERAL PRODUCTS. 103 quess of Downshire’s estate; viz., stovcd salt for table use, Irish fine or butter salt, Irish coarse or provision salt, crys¬ tallized salt for bakers’ use, pink table salt, bittern, with a sample of the rock-salt. 57. Hint), Dawson, & Hardy, Low Moor Iron Works, near Bradford, Yorkshire.—Specimens illustrative of the manufacture of iron, &c. 58. IIoisan, Michael, Beresford-place, Dublin, Manu¬ facturer. —Scrap tables of Irish marbles and petrifactions. 59. Hodges, T., Middle Abbey-street, Dublin, Manufac¬ turer.—Coil of composition gas-pipe, on roller, containing 2400 feet in one length, weight, 8 cwts.; coil of inch lead pipe, on roller, containing 1100 feet in one length, weight, 20 cwts.; made from Irish lead. 60. IIoey, R., City-quay, Dublin, Producer.—Geologi¬ cal model of a colliery, Wigan, Lancashire (Earl of Crawford and Balcarras Proprietor), coal therefrom; canuel and an¬ thracite from South Wales. 61. Hutchins, S., Fortlands, Charleville, Cork, Proprie¬ tor.—Copper ore from Berehaven, Co. Cork. 62. Huxhams & Brown, Exeter.—Millstones of French burrs. 63. Jacob, Dr., Ely-place, Dublin.—Drawing of a horse and cart, made from the coloured sands of the Isle of Wight. 64. James, C. H., Cavendish-row, Dublin.—Pig-iron; clay band ironstone, raw and calcined ; black band ironstone, raw and calcined, from Eglinton Iron Company, Ayrshire. 65. James, J., Courtown Harbour, Co. Wexford, Manu¬ facturer.—Draining pipes, tiles, bricks, and pots. 66. Johnson, Cammel, & Co., Cyclop Steel Works, Sheffield, Manufacturers.—Specimens of steel, in great va¬ riety, for the use of engineers, machinists, ship-builders, and other purposes. 67. Johnston, W., Kinlough House, Ballysliannon.— Specimen of tiles for drainage purposes. 68. Kay & Hilton, Fleet-street, Liverpool.—French bun- runner millstones. 69. Kenneth, A., & Co., Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Manu¬ facturers.—Fountain, sun-dial pillar, chimney-cans, and glazed pipes, made of fire-clay. 70. Kenny, Courtney, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo.—Black and white Irish marble tables; pyramids in marble ; speci¬ mens of double refracting spar, from the Co. Mayo; speci¬ men of amethyst, from Achill; specimen of rock crystal, from Blasket Island, Co. Ken-y. 71. Kerr, W. H., & Co., Worcester, Manufacturers.-— Samples of felspar, clays, and other materials used in pro¬ ducing earthenware. 72. Kerry, Local Committee of the County of. — Chimney-piece of Kerry mai-ble; marble slab; bust pillar marble; draining tiles, and pottery made in Co. Kerry; specimens of lead and copper ores, from the Kenmare mines at Clontoo and Shanagurry. 73. Klasen, P. J., Ferbane, King’s County.—Working model of a quartz crushing and cleaning machine (scale, one inch to the foot). 74. Kyle, S. M., Archdeacon of Cork, Dyke House, Cork.—Specimen of amethyst, from Co. Cork. 75. Lawrie, W., Downham Market, Designer and Pro¬ ducer.—Alms-box and pedestal for a church, in Caen stone, carved (style, early English). 76. Lee, J., Dale End, Birmingham, Inventor.—“Com¬ bination” gold-digging tool, available for use as a shovel, scrape, pick-axe, granite breaker, and crow-bar; a patent oval tubular crow-bar. 77. Limerick Local Committee,D. W. RAiMBACHand W. Fitzgerald, Secretaries. — Samples of copper pyrites, iron pyrites, galena, hematite, micaceous iron ore, carbonate of barytes, glass-sand, fire and pottery clays, antluacite culm, naturally compressed peat, from the counties bordering the Shannon ; building stone, from the city of Limerick; and red marble, from Ballysimon. 78. Little, P., Dorrington-street, Hulme, Manchester, Designer and Manufacturer.—Table slab of Galway marble, inlaid with Egyptian and Italian marbles. 79. London & Penzance Serpentine Co., Mr. John Organ, Manager, Penzance, Cornwall, Producer.—Ladies’ inlaid work-tables, octagon vases, Albert vase, pedestal and vase, chimney-piece, pair of Luxor obelisks, scrap inlaid zodiac vase, pair of Hebe ewers, pair of King’s needles, large ink-stands, pair of Hebe jugs, and centre piece, pair of large bell vases, large tazza, Wellington tablets, pair of fluted vases, miniature table, crosses, po¬ lished slab. 80. Marshall, S., Letterkenny, Proprietor.—Potters’ clay, peat, lead ore, and other minerals, from Co. Donegal. 81. M’Anaspie, P. & T., Great Brunswick-street, Dub¬ lin.—Portland and granite stone cements, castings, &c. ; imitation of ornamental marbles in scagliola. 82. M'Cullagii, D., Armagh, Manufacturer.—Chimney- piece of Armagh marble. 83. M'Garry, Michael, & Sons, Cook-street, Dublin. —Samples of sheet and pipe lead made by the pressure process. 84. M'Loughlin, James, Francis-street, Dublin.—Clay tobacco-pipes. 85. Meinig, C., Leadenliall-street, London.—Hones, oil¬ stones, and grindstones, mounted and unmounted, from va¬ rious parts of the world. 86. Millar, John, Edinburgh.—Statue of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Albert, in hard fire-clay, capable of resisting the weather; eagle vase and pedestal, richly carved in stone, from Malta; wine-cooler and cover, from Staffordshire. 87. Mining Company of Ireland, R. P. Allen, Se¬ cretary, Lower Ormond-quay, Dublin, Producers and Manu¬ facturers_Specimens of copper ore, showing the various stages of the mechanical preparation of the ores to fit them for smelting; native copper and argentiferous lead from Knockmahon Mines, county of Waterford; samples of lead ore, and a complete series of specimens illustrative of the system of crushing and concentrating them, from Luganure Mines, county of Wicklow; argentiferous lead ore and na¬ tive silver, from Ballycorus mine, county of Dublin; pig lead, samples of sheet and lead pipe; samples of different sized shot; cake of silver, weighing 1600 oz., made by Pat- tinson’s process, from lead obtained from Luganure ore, and litharge obtained in the cupellation of the rich lead at the Ballycorus Lead Smelting Works; samples of native sul- phuret of antimony, from Clontibret Mines, in the county of Armagh; anthracite coal and culm (small coal) from the Slieveardagh collieries in the county of Tipperary, and Lis- nacor, in the county of Cork. 88. Minton, Hollins, & Co., Stoke-upon-Trent, Staf¬ fordshire, Manufacturers.—Specimens of indented diaper tiles, plain and coloured and gilded ; encaustic tiles of various patterns; Venetian and mosaic tiles; imitations of Alhambra and Majolica tiles; Dutch tiles, plain and printed. 89. Molloy, J., Tullamore, King’s Co., Manufacturer.— Marble table and dish; fish carved from marble, the produce of Ballyduff Quarries, near Tullamore. 90. Monkland Iron and Steel Company, W. Mur¬ ray, West George-street, Glasgow, Producers.—A series of specimens, 6-inch cubes, illustrative of the various rocks composing the Lanarkshire coal measures; specimens of the various ironstones in the raw and calcined state; coal and limestone, &c., used by the Company in the manufacture of iron ; a complete series showing all the stages of the ma¬ nufacture of pig and wrought-iron; samples of railway angle and other iron, &c. 91. Moore, Rev. Ogle, Blessington, Co. Wicklow_ Black oxide of manganese. 104 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class I. 92. Morgan & Sons, Llanelly, Carmarthenshire, Pro¬ ducers_Anthracite, or stone coal, for drying malt, hops, and corn ; fuel for ocean steamers, steam boilers, for Arnott’s stoves and cooking purposes. 93. Morgan, R. W., Lower Gloucester-street, Dublin, Importer_Green oil-stone hones from Snowdon, North Wales. 94. Morgan & Rees, Jewin Crescent, London, Im¬ porters and Proprietors.—Plumbago melting-pots for re¬ finers, one of which has been used sixty times at Brown & Wingrove’s, London; German and English black-lead melt¬ ing-pots, Hessian crucibles for goldsmiths and assayers, Cornish and London crucibles for chemists, creosots em¬ ployed by French refiners, skittle-pots used by silversmiths, &c. 95. Nixey, W. G., Moor-street, Soho, London.—Small block of fine plumbago, artificially prepared for the ma¬ nufacture of pencils, by the compression of plumbago powder. 96. Nichol, W. & P., Dalkey_Obelisk of Dalkey gra¬ nite ; model of a monument. 97. O’Flahertie, G. F., Lemonfield, Oughterard, Pro¬ prietor.—Galena, barytes, fluor spar, carbonate of lime, solphuret of zinc, iron pyrites, from comity of Galway. 98. Oliver, Northumberland, Proprietor_Two draw¬ ings of Walbottle colliery. 99. Padgett, Wm. & Co., Tipperary.—Fire-bricks. 100. Penny, J. (Museum of Irish Industry), Stephen’s- green, Dublin.—Specimens of Irish marbles. 101. Power, James, Harcourt-street, Dublin.—A marble vase. 102. Quiiaiam & Creer, Castletown, Isle of Man, Ma¬ nufacturers.—Cruciform monument in Manx marble. 103. Ritchie, F., & Sons, Belfast_Asphalte flagging. 104. IIoake, J. W., Newbury, Berkshire_Peat from Newbury, Berkshire. 105. Robinson, J., Belfast, Designer and Manufactu¬ rer.—Stone flower vase; Sienna marble chimney-piece. 106. Royal Dublin Society, Proprietors.—A collection of the marbles of Ireland; door-case; bust pedestals; gra¬ nite columns. Samples of steel made from bar-iron, by a new process, in the Society’s laboratory. A collection of 245 specimens, representing the natural rocks, minerals, soils, &c. &c., of the comity of Dublin, presented to the So¬ ciety by Henry O’Hara, Esq., C. E. A collection of forty specimens of plastic clays, adapted for the manufacture of bricks, draining pipes, and common pottery. 107. Royal Hibernian Mining Company, Grace- church-street, London.—Specimens of silver lead ore from Clogher and Castlemaine Mines, in the county of Kerry. 108. Russell, Mrs., Dunfanaghy.—Specimens of Dun- lewey marbles, West Donegal, the source of employment in Mrs. Russell’s Missionary Industrial Schools. 109. Rutherford, J., Castle-street, Belfast, Manufac¬ turer_Stucco and alabaster pedestals, painted in imitation of marble. 110. Sadlier, Thos., Mulla, Tullamore, King’s Co., Ma¬ nufacturer.—Uncharred peat; peat charcoal, in sods, and granulated; apparatus for household use of peat charcoaL 111. Shields, J., Son, & Co., Ringsend Docks, Dublin, and Ballymacarrett, Belfast, Manufacturers.—Railway and foundry coke made from Marley Hill coal; coal from Marley Hill Colliery, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 112. Skellern, R. H., Great Castle-street, Regent- street, London_Coloured sands from Alum Bay, Isle of Wight. 113. Stephens, —, Melbourne, Australia_The “Prince Albert” nugget of gold, weighing nearly six pounds. 114. Synge, F., Glanmore, Ashford, Co. Wicklow, Pro¬ ducer—Specimens of slate flags manufactured from the Glanmore Slate and Flag Quarry. 115. Talbot de Malahide, Lord_Minerals; Green porphyry and red conglomerate, from the island of Lambay ; lias limestone, from Marston, Somersetshire. 116. Thomas, W., Producer.—Silver lead ore, containing 41 oz. of silver to the ton, from Ivillinogue Mines, county of Cork. 117. Vieille Montagne Zinc Mining Company, per IL. F. Schmoll, Agent General to the Company, 12, Man¬ chester Buildings, Westminster, Producers.—Specimens of calamine, silicate of zinc, and other ores, from Vieille Mon¬ tagne, Belgium; slab of raw zinc or spelter; specimen of distilled zinc, illustrative of the old process of distillation ; rolled zinc, of different thicknesses. 118. Walker, J., Corran, Lame, Co. Antrim.—Fire and common bricks and crucibles; clay suited for fire-proof, cane, and Rockingham wares; various samples of other use¬ ful clays; flint, raw and prepared, for potters’ use; lime¬ stone and other materials employed by the potter. 119. Wandesforde, Hon. C. B. C., Castleeomer, Pro¬ prietor_Anthracite, ironstone, fire-clay, slate-clay, for red pottery, and alum shale for the manufacture of alum. 120. Warner, P., Ardrie, by Saltcoats, Ayrshire, Pro¬ prietor.—Smoke nuisance and wind guard chimney cans; fire and common bricks. 121. Watson, H., Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Manufactu¬ rers.—Sir H. Davy’s, The George Stephenson, andThe Clanny safety lamps, used in the coal mines of Northumberland and Durham. 122. White, Mrs., Kilikee, Co. Dublin.—Two tables in Florentine mosaic. 123. Wicklow Copper Mine Company, per E. Barnes, Resident Director, Producers.Specimens of ores, &c., from Ballymurtagh Mine, county of Wicklow. 124. Willans, Obadlah, Island-bridge, Dublin, Pro¬ prietor_Ores of iron, lead, manganese; decomposed gra¬ nite, yellow ochre, sulphate of barytes, and rotten-stone, from Donegal and Leitrim. 125. Williams, D., Bangor, North Wales, Manufac¬ turer_Billiard tables, baths, cisterns, grave-stones, and other articles made of slate. 126. Woodward, Brothers, Rhos-y-Medre Quarries, near Ruabon, Denbighshire, Manufacturers_Welsh grind¬ stones in variety. CLASS II. CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS AND PROCESSES. A LTHOUGH it would be difficult to point out a single manufacture in which chemical forces do not play a part, yet there are some in which these predominate so much, that we may call them Chemical Manu¬ factures. To this category belong those of porcelain, of dyed and printed fabrics, leather, the production of artificial soda, &c. In some of these manufactures a certain substance is made to undergo changes in com¬ position, or in colour, by the addition of chemical agents, but without undergoing any considerable change in form. In others, again, a number of natural or artificial substances are mingled together, and fashioned into various articles by mechanical means, which are directly available as utensils, and for other purposes. And, finally, there is a third class, which consist in the preparation of a number of chemical compounds, such as acids, alkalies, pigments, from mineral, vegetable, and animal substances, which constitute in part the raw materials of the chemical processes employed in the two first classes of chemical manufactures. It is only with the manufactures forming the last-named division that we have now to deal. Under this head would come all the non-metallic elementary substances, such as sulphur, phosphorus; salts, such as alum; organic compounds produced by various chemical processes, such as tartaric acid, wood spirit, varnishes, and mineral, vegetable, and animal pigments, such as white lead, indigo, carmine, &c. To this class also belong all those rare substances which exist in minerals, plants, and animals,—those isolated by the chemist, and those produced artificially by him. And, finally, we may also include in this class the different preparations employed in medicine. Class II. was but very imperfectly represented in the Exhibition, although examples of nearly all the groups of substances which we have enumerated were to be found there. Some of the chief chemical manu¬ facturers in Ireland contributed nothing, and the same remark will equally apply to the far more extensive ones of Great Britain. Most of the specimens were small, and there was a total absence of those great crys¬ tallized masses which formed so remarkable a feature in the Exhibition of 1851. We shall notice in the following pages such of those substances exhibited as present any special interest from an Irish point of view; such as are interesting from their origin or uses ; and, finally, those of the rarer substances which possess peculiar scientific interest. IODINE AND SALTS OF POTASH CONTAINED IN SEA-WEED. From time immemorial a peculiar industry has existed on the maritime shores of the south of Europe, which consists in burning a number of plants belonging chiefly to the same family as the common mangel wurzel and beet, and collecting the ashes which, made principally from one plant, is called in Spain barilla; whilst made from another plant, it is called at Narbonne, in France, salicor. These ashes contain a number of soluble salts, which may be washed out of them, and which consist, for the most part, of soda in combina¬ tion with certain acids. For example, it contains soda in combination with muriatic acid or spirits of salt, constituting common salt; with sulphuric acid, constituting glauber salt or sulphate of soda; and with car¬ bonic acid, the peculiar gas which communicates effervescing properties to soda-water, champagne, &c., con¬ stituting the common carbonate of soda of commerce, which is familiarly known as washing-soda. The ashes of these plants contain also small quantities of potash, chiefly in combination with the same acids as the soda, which it resembles in a very remarkable way. The ashes of many trees, and indeed of most land vegetables, although resembling, in a striking degree, the ashes forming barilla, differ from the latter in this way, that whilst the barilla is characterized by a predominance of carbonate of soda, the ash of trees consists chiefly of potash. In countries where large forests exist, such as North America, Russia, Sweden, Hungary, Illyria, &c., the ashes of wood, consumed as fuel for domestic or manufacturing purposes, or of the stumps and branches of timber trees cut down for supplying the timber used in commerce, is lixiviated with water, which dissolves the soluble matter; this liquor is then evaporated in a pot until a solid saline mass, of a brown colour, is ob¬ tained, which is hence called in commerce put-ashes , or when calcined so as to burn out all traces of organic matter, and assume a pure white or slightly bluish white colour, pearl-ash. The potash in this mass, like the soda in barilla, exists in combination with many acids, but a large proportion is always present as car¬ bonate. If we burn sea-weeds we shall obtain another ash, called help in Ireland and Scotland, which con¬ tains both alkalies, although from the rude and imperfect process usually followed, a good deal of what naturally exists in the sea-weed is lost. All these substances were formerly used in the manufacture of soap and glass, and in bleaching; their value depending almost entirely upon the quantity of carbonate of potash or of soda which they contained. Since the beautiful discovery of Le Blanc, by which carbonate of soda can be obtained from common salt, the trade in barilla has nearly ceased, as did that from kelp, until a curious discovery again rendered it important. This was the discovery of the substance called iodine. An ingenious manufacturer, 106 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class II. of the name of Courtois, contrived a process by which the potash salts existing in kelp, and which had hitherto been of little use, might be utilized in the manufacture of nitrate of potash or saltpetre, which, in consequence of the protracted wars then waging in Europe, was in great demand for the manufacture of gunpowder. In endeavouring, in 1812, to decompose whatever salts remained in the mother liquors of his kelp leys by sul¬ phuric acid, he discovered iodine, the true nature and properties of which were made known by Gay-Lussac, to whom Courtois submitted the new substance. In 1826, M. Balard, during his researches, already alluded to in our article on salt, discovered another substance analogous to iodine, to which the name of bromine has been given. At first neither of these substances had any practical value ; and they were mere chemical curiosities, but Coindet having shown that the action of burnt sponge, and certain mineral waters,—employed in the cure of goitre , a peculiar disease, to which many persons are subject in the mountainous districts of Europe, espe¬ cially in the Alps,—depended upon the iodine which they contained, large quantities were soon employed in medicine. There was one exhibitor of iodine in the Exhibition, who, we believe, is a very large manufac¬ turer, Mr. John Ward, of Ramelton, in the county of Donegal. The samples which we have seen of his products were remarkable for their purity as commercial articles; and now that this manufacture, especially the production of potash salts, is becoming every day more important, we are glad to find that it is become a permanent L-ish manufacture. A small specimen of iodine, among the contributions of the Dublin Che¬ mical Society, deserves also to be noticed, as evidencing a good deal of progress by the members of that body, who have associated themselves for the worthy object of mutual improvement. A large quantity of iodine is employed in combination with potash, under the name of iodide of potas¬ sium, of which considerable quantities are manufactured in Dublin and exported. The preparation of this substance is very simple, the great point to be attended to being, that there be no excess of potash on the one hand, or the resulting salt would attract moisture from the atmosphere, or of iodine on the other, which would give an orange tint to the product. The salt prepared in Dublin is free from both these faults, and is in every way creditable to the manufacturers; as the beautiful samples, probably the finest made in Great Britain, exhibited by the Apothecaries’ Hall, by Boileau Brothers, and by Boyd and Goodwin, fully prove. As the sea seems destined in future to be the great source of potash, the applications of which are conti¬ nually extending, the manufacture of the salts of kelp, and of sea water itself, must gradually become deve¬ loped into a great and lucrative branch of industry ; and as Ireland has undoubted advantages for engaging in it, we will say a few words upon the process by which the different salts are separated, in order to direct attention to the subject. As we are not acquainted with the process adopted by Mr. Ward, we shall describe that followed by MAI. Cournerie, of Cherbourg in the north-east of France, who, after M. Courtois, the dis¬ coverer, are the oldest manufacturers of iodine in Europe, and to a great extent the inventors of this branch of industry. From the imperfect mode in which kelp is prepared by the peasantry, a good deal of the alkalies is dissipated, and the carbonates especially are decomposed, so that kelp rarely contains more than 2 to 3 per cent, of carbonate of soda out of the 33 to 56 parts of soluble salts which it contains ; a quantity which is too unimportant to be extracted separately, and is usually neutralized by some sulphuric acid, in order to convert it into sulphate in the commencement of the operation. The kelp purchased from the peasantry is reduced to a coarse powder, and is then placed in rectangular filters having a false bottom of sheet-iron, pierced with holes, two-thirds of the filter being filled. These filters are arranged in pahs, so that while one is being filled the other is working, the water being let in upon the kelp by means of a cock, until it has risen several inches above it. After resting for some short time upon it, a cock in the bottom is opened, and the liquor filters through, carrying with it, in solution, the greater part of the chlorides of sodium (common salt) and of potassium, which are much more soluble than the sulphate of potash, the greater part of which remains un¬ dissolved behind. The liquid, after passing through the first filter, is pumped up upon the second, by which means a very strong saline ley or solution is obtained, which is now boiled down in a battery of three pans, the cold liquor coming first into the pan farthest from the fire, and the final concentration being effected in the pan placed directly over it. At a certain degree of concentration the common salt begins to crystallize out, and is removed, as fast as the crystals form, by a ladle pierced with holes. The fire is then stopped off, and after a repose of about five minutes, to allow the whole of the salt to subside, the liquor is drawn off into a wooden crystallizer lined with lead, where the sulphate of potash separates and adheres to the sides of the vessel as a hard crust; whilst chloride of potassium, being more soluble, does not crystallize for some time, when it separates in much larger crystals; these are easily separated on drawing off'the liquor, which is again evaporated as before. The residue of kelp left in the filter is now washed with boiling water, which dissolves out the sulphate of potash, with some chloride of potassium and sodium. These are separated bv evaporation and crystallization, as in the former case; the process being, however, conducted in another set of pans and crystallizing vessels. The salts thus separated are further purified by re-crystallization, the mother liquors of all being put together for the extraction of the iodine and bromine, which is done as soon as all the salts which can be separated by the process just described have been obtained. The mother liquors resulting from the working up of large quantities of kelp, and which have been so far evaporated for the separation of the other salts, consist of nearly concentrated solutions of iodide and bromide of potassium or of sodium. Chlorine, the peculiar gas obtained from common salt, and employed in bleach¬ ing, is passed into the mother liquors with the object of taking away the potash from the iodine, and setting it free ; chloride of potassium being at the same time formed. On allowing the whole to rest, the iodine pre¬ cipitates to the bottom of the vessel; the liquid is decanted off, and the iodine washed with a little water and put to drain in a clay pot with a pierced false bottom, after which it is dried by placing it upon paper resting upon a layer of dry wood ashes or plaster of Paris; when this has taken place, it is distilled in vessels of clay of a peculiar form. The liquor decanted from the iodine is now evaporated to dryness, and distilled in vessels of lead with a mixture of black oxide of manganese, and oil of vitriol or sulphuric acid, upon which the bro¬ mine passes over, and is collected in vessels containing concentrated sulphuric acid, in which it sinks, and is thus preserved from fuming and injuring the health of the persons employed. Iodine is a solid substance in Class II.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 107 crystalline scales of a grayish-black colour; when heated, it readily volatilizes, forming a vapour of an exceed¬ ingly beautiful violet colour. Hence the name iodine , from a Greek word signifying violet. Bromine, on the other hand, is a liquid of an intensely deep red colour, and a density nearly three times that of water, and producing, even at an ordinary temperature, a highly irritating and insupportable vapour. Hence, the name bromine , from a Greek word, signifying fetid smell. No specimens of this substance were exhibited, and we do not know whether Mr. Ward prepares any from his mother liquors. The substances obtained from kelp are, therefore, sulphate of potash, chloride of potassium, common salt, iodine, and bromine, which would be pro¬ duced in the following approximate proportions : for each 100 lbs. of sulphate of potash there would be ob¬ tained 113 lbs. of chloride of potassium, 150 lbs. of common salt, 1 lb. oz. of iodine, and from 1 to 1 ^ oz. of bromine. To such of our readers as may be unacquainted with the uses to which potash is applied in the arts, it may be interesting to mention a few of the manufactures in which it is employed. We shall, at the same time, men¬ tion a few of the chief uses of the very similar substance, soda ; and also those in which one of those bodies may be substituted for the other. APPLICATIONS OF POTASH AND SODA. OF POTASH. Bohemian glass. The finer kinds of flint glass. Saltpetre, for gunpowder. Potash alum, for dyeing, and the preparation of lakes. Chlorate of potash for detonating gun caps. Prussiate of potash. Soft soaps. Manufacture of chamois leather. Preparation of strings for musical instruments. And a great variety of salts used by chemists, and in medi¬ cine, such as cream-of-tartar. OF SODA. As salt for culinary purposes. Bicarbonate of soda for effervescing draughts, and as a sub¬ stitute for yeast in making bread. As borax (a compound of soda with a peculiar acid called boracic) for making artificial gems, for glazing china and earthenware, and for soldering gold, platinum, and other metals. As carbonate of soda, for washing for domestic purposes, bleaching, manufacture of lakes, hard soap, resin soaps, window glass, and some kinds of flint glass, plate glass, bottle glass, &c. As phosphate of soda in calico printing, &c. And in various compounds used in medicine, &c. USES COMMON TO BOTH. In various kinds of glass, in which both alkalies are em¬ ployed. In bleaching vegetable tissues. In making lawn finer, and making artificial lawn and mus¬ lin from coarse cotton fabrics. In cleansing wool and woollen fabrics. And in the preparation of various compounds of chlorine for disinfecting purposes, and as bleaching agents by the laundress, &c. ALUM. We have frequently alluded in the preceding pages to the composition of clay, which was stated to be chiefly a combination of silica and alumina. The former we know in many forms, as flint, rock, crystal, &c.; the latter very rarely occurs in an uncombined state; the beautiful gem, known as the sapphire, may be con¬ sidered as almost pure crystallized alumina. Alumina is the oxide of a metal, which, having lately been obtained in considerable quantity, appears to be possessed of very remarkable properties ; among which we may enumerate that, while it is lighter than glass, it is of a brilliant silver white, and does not tarnish, and bears a high polish like silver, and like it may be drawn into wire, cast, and rolled into plaster. It is, however, with its combination with oxygen, that we have to deal at present; that compound of alumina is a base, and will combine with an acid and form a salt. Thus, with sulphuric acid or oil of vitriol, it forms sulphate of alumina; with vinegar, acetate of alumina; both ofwhich are used in dyeing, the latter being commonly known as red liquor. The sulphate ofpotash, obtained from kelp, if mixed with a solution of sulphate of alumina, will form what is called a double salt, which will crystallize in octahedrons or eight-sided figures. Alum is a good example of a curious law of chemistry, which we cannot do more than allude to here. It is this :—that some substances resemble one another so completely in certain of their chemical characters, that one may be substituted for the other in a compound, without altering the shape in which the substance would crystallize. In the case of alum, for in¬ stance, we could take out the potash and put ammonia or spirit of hartshorn in its place without producing any perceptible change to the eye in the nature of the alum ; or we could take out the alumina and replace it with the red oxide of iron—which is the peculiar substance that gives the red colour to soils—and the form of the alum would be unchanged, but not its colour. Finally, we might take out the iron and put another peculiar substance in its place called oxide of chromium, but we could not put chrome or iron in place of the potash. If we suppose a wall built of flat tiles and of bricks, and that the tiles represent potash and the bricks alumina, we may take out a tile and replace it by a piece of anything else having the same shape, but not by a brick; and in like manner we could replace the brick by something in the same form. In this way we get different kinds of alum—thus we have potash alum, and soda alum, and ammonia alum, &c.; but it is only those alums having alumina in them that are used in commerce, as their action in general depends upon this substance. Alums occur naturally formed in many volcanic districts, such as Mont d’Or, in France, but especially in Italy, as at the Grotta di Alume on Cape Miseno. The greater part employed in commerce is, however, produced artificially, from two sources—one the alum-stone , and the other the alum-slate and alum earth. The former is a kind of alum already formed, but having more alumina than is required to form true alum, and is a volcanic product. Although it occurs in many districts, it is, nevertheless, a comparatively rare substance, the principal locality in Europe being at Tolfa, near Civita Yecchia, in the States of the Church. A considerable quantity of alum is there produced by burning the stone in heaps, or in peculiar furnaces, Q 108 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class n. after which it is moistened with water, and allowed to crumble for four or five months; it is thus converted into a soft mud, out of which the alum is washed, and is obtained in crystals, covered with a ferruginous rose- red powder. It may be distinguished by this tint from English alum, to which it is superior in purity from iron, and is hence principally employed in dyeing the finer shades of pinks, &c. Roman alum is sometimes called cubic alum, m consequence of some of the crystals occasionally occurring in the form of cubes, and was first made by Jean de Castro, in the year 1460 or 1465. Previous to that period, all the alum consumed in Europe came from Rocca, the modern Edessa, in Syria, hence the name of rocc-alum. In the alum-stone we have seen that the alum exists ready formed to a great extent. This is not the case with alum-slate and alum-earth, which merely contain the materials for making the sulphate of alumina; it being necessary to add nearly the whole of the potash. Alum-slate is the principal material used in these countries for the manufacture of alum; it consists of a decomposing slate, of a black colour, from the pre¬ sence of bituminous matter. The alumina of the alum is derived from the slate, the sulphuric acid being produced from iron pyrites, a compound of sulphur and iron, which is disseminated both in small crystals, of a golden yellow colour, and chiefly in a minute state of division as a black powder. By the action of the air upon the surface of these rocks, a species of combustion takes place; the pyrites absorb oxygen from the air, by which the sulphur is converted into sulphuric acid, which, in great part, leaves the iron, and combines with the alumina of the slate, forming sulphate of alumina, and this gradually effloresces to the surface, where it forms crystals. This is a very slow process, and for manufacturing purposes it is often necessary to hasten it, by quarrying a quantity of the rock, and building up great pyramidal ridges, the ore being mixed with more or less coal, according as may be necessary to keep up a slow combustion or roasting for some time. The heap, when thus prepared, is set fire to, and burns for about 60 to 70 hours, the bituminous matter of the slate also acting as a fuel. By this roasting the slate loses about 25 to 30 per cent., and sometimes even one-half, of its bulk. When sufficiently decomposed, the roasted ore is lixiviated, that is, washed with water in a series of cisterns, arranged one higher than another, so that the liquid from one may pass readily into the next. This liquid, which consists of sulphate of alumina, sulphate of iron, or copperas, sulphate of magnesia, and some other salts, formed in the roasted ore, is then evaporated in a long cistern, formed of brick and cement, and arched over so as to form part of a flue, through which, and consequently over the surface of the liquid, the flame from a furnace is made to pass; the liquid is thus made to boil at the surface, while the vapour is carried off by the draft. 'When sufficiently evaporated, it is run into leaden or copper cisterns, heated at the bottom, in which the evaporation is finished; and it is then passed into the settling cisterns, where any sediment deposits. Sulphate of potash, or of ammonia, or chloride of potassium (the former being best adapted), is next added, when a double salt will be formed, which will be precipitated in the form of a fine powder, termed alum-flour. This powder has a brownish colour, from the mixture of compounds of iron ; to free it from this colour it is washed with a little water, then dissolved in boiling water, so as to form a concentrated solution, which is allowed to settle, and is then run into vessels called roaching or growing casks. These casks are about 5 feet high, and about 3 feet in diameter, and formed of a number of staves, nicely fitted together, and bound with hoops, which can be readily taken off. Here crystals begin to form, which hang down from the top, and shoot out from the sides, whilst a layer is deposited on the whole of the inside of the cask In ten days or a fortnight, according to the kind of weather, the hoops are taken off, and the staves removed, when a perfectly formed cask of alum is exposed. A hole is then bored in the side of it, near the bottom, through which the liquid remaining after the separation of the crystals, and called mother liquor , is run off. To make one ton of alum about 130 tons of roasted shale, and about 410 lbs. of sulphate of potash, are required. The mother liquor from the alum flour , when acid, is placed in contact with pieces of old iron, some of which will be dissolved ; and a quantity of copperas may be got from the solution, after which a quantity of crude Epsom salts may be obtained, which by crystallization will be obtained pure. The chief uses of alum are,—for dyeing tissues of a pink and other shades of fled ; for forming the basis of lake and other colours ; for satining room papers ; for sizing paper ; for making scagliola, Keene’s, Mar¬ tin’s, and other cements; for the manufacture of glove and other tawed leathers ; for making sulphate and phosphate of alumina ; for the clarification of syrups, &c. , No alum is made in Ireland, and yet we possess the materials in abundance ; along the coast of Kerry, especially at Ballybunnion, near the mouth of the Shannon, alum-slate occurs in immense masses. Associated with the beds of coal in the Coal Island coal-field, in the county of Tyrone, are considerable quantities of bituminous shale, highly impregnated with iron pyrites, and well adapted for the manufacture of alum. At Castlecomer, and other parts of the Kilkenny coal-field, a similar rock occurs, a specimen of which was ex¬ hibited by the Hon. C. B. C. Wandesforde. In most of these localities facilities exist for the economical manufacture of alum ; and it is to be hoped that this source of industry will soon be taken advantage of, as well as those founded on the manufacture of kelp and sea-water, pointed out in speaking of iodine. There was but one exhibitor of alum, W. Moberly, of Landsend, near Whitby, who contributed a half cask, showing the mode of crystallization, and other peculiarities. The Whitby Alum Works are the chief works of this kind in Great Britain; the quantity annually made there averaging from 3000 to 4000 tons. SUBSTANCES USED FOR DYEING, OR AS PAINTS. PRUSSIATE OF POTASH. In most large cities there is a class of poor persons who make their livelihood by collecting the offal of the houses, and disposing of it for the purposes of different manufactures. Nowhere is this class so developed as in Paris, where the chiffonier forms a peculiar type, almost unknown elsewhere. It is more than probable that not a single one of our readers ever thought of what becomes of the various objects which such persons are seen collecting. Year after year we buy clothes of wool or cotton, we wear them out to a certain point, Class II.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 109 they then pass into other hands,—what becomes of them after? They are not annihilated, they may change form, but, nevertheless, the elements of which they are composed do not cease to exist. Let us examine the ragman’s basket,—what do we turn up first ? AVe have pieces of cotton and linen rags,—the raw material of the paper-maker, who transforms these unsightly objects, probably, into the most delicately-scented note- paper. Here, again, we have pieces of paper of all kinds,—what can they be for ? They form materials for making pasteboard, dolls’ heads, and occasionally papier mache. AVhat a singular history we have here ; the ball dress of a lady drops into the rag-basket, reappears as a billet doux; disappears again, to reappear once more in the drawing-room, or the nursery, as a work-box or a doll. Returning to the basket, we find pieces of woollen cloths of different colours,—what use can we put them to, as they do not make paper ? The bits of scarlet cloth which are dyed with cochineal are boiled ■with soda, to extract the colouring matter, which is used in dyeing chessmen, billiard-balls, &c.; or we may sort the different coloured cloths, and prepare from them materials for making flock papers for rooms, or we might make roofing felt of them. From the bones rejected from our dinner-tables are made knife-handles, buttons, and a thousand other articles of a similar kind ; or we may obtain oil from them, on the one hand, from which soap is made ; and, on the other, glue, or the most transparent gelatine, from which ornaments, or visiting cards, maybe made,—the residue being burned to make ivory-black for the manufacture of blacking, or phosphorus for the manufacture of lucifer matches ; or we may use it for manure ; or as an element in the manufacture of earthenware ; and, finally, we may distil the entire bone and get an ivory-black fit for making sugar white, whilst another substance is at the same time obtained, from which smelling salts are made. Thus the bones thrown to the dogs, in this utili¬ tarian age, may come back to us again on our dinner-table, as a part of our dress, as the medium of our po¬ liteness, as a means of washing our hands, lighting our fires, and blacking our boots; and, finally, as the contents of that all-important article, a lady’s smelling bottle ! Could our readers have supposed that a rag¬ man’s basket supplied the raw materials for so many manufactures ? And yet so it is ; modern chemistry has taught us how, out of the most vile and appai'ently the most worthless rubbish, the most useful and fre¬ quently the most beautiful articles may be elaborated. The Exhibition was full of examples of such trans¬ formations ; let us select one. AVe will suppose we have a quantity of old woollen rags too bad to be used for any of the purposes before mentioned, and animal offal, such as comb-makers’ shavings, pigs’ toes, dried blood, &c.; if we calcine these substances for a considerable time with pearl ash, or carbonate of potash (which is the principal ingredient in the ash left by trees when burned), and some iron filings, in an egg-shaped iron pot, stirring it from time to time,—we shall obtain a mass which, when boiled with water, the insoluble impurities removed, and the liquid evaporated, will yield beautiful yellow crystals of a substance known as prussiate of potash. But what is the use of these yellow crystals ? AA T e shall recount a little of their future history. Distilled with oil of vitriol, the salt is decomposed, and prussic acid formed, the most violent of all poisons—prussic acid made from woollen rags, blood, and pigs’ toes! What more striking example of the wonderful trans¬ formations effected by chemistry! This acid, in a peculiar state of combination with iron, forms what is called ferro-prussic or ferro-cyanic acid, which, combined with potash, forms the yellow salt of which we are speaking ; and which, although it may be said to contain prussic acid, is nevertheless quite innocuous. If instead of distilling it with sulphuric acid, we fuse it at a bright red heat, the iron separates, and we get a white salt containing prussic acid in combination with potash, and which is to a great extent poisonous. Thus a little iron alone is sufficient to alter all the properties of this curious substance. The white salt made in this way is largely employed in preparing solutions of gold and silver for electro-plating; and the greater part of the silver and gold with which the various electro-plated articles in common use have been coated, has existed at one period in combination with this white substance. Another use of this yellow salt is to produce prussian blue, which is formed by adding to a solution of it in water some sulphate of iron or green copperas, when the ferro-prussic acid will part company with the potash ; the latter will unite with the sul- pluu'ic acid of the copperas, leaving the iron of the latter to unite with the ferro-prussic acid to form the prussian blue. This powder has various uses ; it is used as a paint, and to make thumb and button blue for the laundress; it is used to colour confectionery, and by the Chinese, whom the Europeans have learned to imitate, to make green tea. But its principal use is in calico printing. AATien used for the latter purpose, however, the prussian blue is usually made in the cloth itself. If we thicken a solution of green copperas with gum or with flour, and print a particular pattern upon a piece of white cotton, and then pass it through a bath of the yellow salt dissolved in water, we shall obtain the pattern in prussian blue so much admired by ladies. In general, the beautiful dark blue dresses, with white patterns, are made by covering the whole of the calico with prussian blue, printing the pattern upon it with caustic soda, or potash thickened with pipe¬ clay ; the caustic substance decomposes the prussian blue, leaving the iron in the doth as a buff pattern; but by washing in a bath of oxalic acid the iron is removed, and the pattern remains of a beautiful white. Thus may worthless woollen rags and similar vile things come back again to us ; at one time in our tea, while they may have assisted to make the spoon with which it is stirred ; at another, as a brilliant-coloured flower upon our room papers ; or finally, as the colouring material of a lady’s dress. Prussian blue was discovered in Berlin, hence the name, and was first made in Great Britain, about eighty years ago. It was then sold at two guineas the pound ; but at present the average price, wholesale, is not more than Is. 9rf., the finest sorts costing 3s. 6 d. to 4s. per pound. Prussiate of potash was not known in commerce, in a crystallized state, until about the year 1825, when it was sold at 5s. per pound, but at present it only costs Is. 3d. ; whilst the quantity made increased from 10 tons in 1825, to 1040 tons in 1850. There are, we believe, twelve factories where it is at present made, which could produce about twenty tons per week, but the demand is very fluctuating, a matter not to be wondered at, if we recollect that its principal application depends entirely on the ever-varying taste of the ladies. AA r e may estimate the annual value of all the prussiate of potash manufactured in Great Britain at about £150,000. A new application of this salt has just arisen; and an exceedingly curious one it is. Various attempts Q2 110 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class n. have been made to apply the light produced by the passage of a current of electricity between the poles of a voltaic battery to illuminating purposes, but from various causes it has not been very successful. One of these is, that, after a time, the action of the battery diminishes, from the quantity of zinc dissolved by the acid forming a solution which prevents the further action of the acid. Dr. Watson states that he has solved this as well as the other difficulties of the case. The mode in which he proposes to effect this is, simply to add some yellow prussiate of potash to the zinc cells of his batteries, which precipitates the zinc, as fast as dissolved, in the form of a beautiful pigment, nearly equal to ultramarine. Where the Callan or iron battery is employed, the iron is precipitated, as fast as dissolved, in the form of ordinary prussian blue; thus con¬ verting what was a difficulty into a source of profit, and adding another to the already innumerable instances of what chemistry can do for the progress of industrial art, and consequently of humanity itself. The chief contributor of prussiate of potash was W. Dawson, of Leith, who exhibited a large crystallized mass of it, along with a large collection of pigments. ULTRAMARINE. In many parts of the world, but especially in Siberia, is found a beautiful mineral of a bluish colour, called lapis lazuli , from which is prepared the pigment known as ultramarine, so prized by artists. As every part of the stone is not blue, it must be subjected to a series of operations to free it from the uncoloured parts ; for this purpose it is broken into pieces the size of a hazel-nut, and is then heated red-hot, and thrown into cold water acidulated with vinegar, an operation which is repeated seven or eight times, until the stone is capable of being reduced easily to a fine powder. This done, the powder is ground upon a stone, with a mixture of honey and a resinous substance used for staining mahogany, called dragon’s blood. When suffi¬ ciently ground it is dried ; after which it is worked up with a mixture of Venice turpentine, rosin, pitch, bees’ wax, and linseed oil, placed in a cloth and kneaded in pure water; the ultramarine thereby is separated, the sand and other impurities remaining in the waxy mass. This operation is sometimes repeated where it is desi¬ rable to obtain the pigment of very superior quality. The price of true ultramarine varies with its quality from about <£3 to £8, or even £10 per ounce. This extremely high price naturally led persons to attempt to produce it artificially, especially after Clement and Desormes had shown that its composition was very simple; being, in fact, principally composed of silica, alumina, soda, and sulphur—-substances which would be represented by pipe-clay, common carbonate of soda, and flowers of sulphur. This was effected in 1824 by M. Guimet, of Paris, who has always kept his process secret, and still prepares the best artificial ultra- marine made. Others have, however, also solved the problem, among whom we may mention Robiquet and Professor Gmelin, of Tubingen. The process of the former consisted in heating, in a closed vessel, a mix¬ ture of two parts of china clay, three of sulphur, and three of dried carbonate of soda: the resulting spongy mass, when cold, was of a grayish-green colour, and was reduced to powder and washed with water, under the influence of which, and of the air, it becomes gradually of an azure blue. When sufficiently washed, it is again ignited, to drive off any excess of sulphur. A great many other processes have been proposed and a number of factories established in different parts of Europe, where immense quantities of it are manufac¬ tured, the price falling in proportion. When first made, M. Guimet charged £1 per ounce for it, but at present a pound weight of it may be obtained for a much less sum. Ultramarine is applied to many purposes besides oil and water-colour painting, consequent upon the great fall in its price; such as paper-staining, giving a delicate blue to writing-paper, and for the manufacture of thumb and button blue for the laundress, for which it is beautifully adapted. But probably the most im¬ portant applicat ion which has been made of artificial ultramarine is to calico-printing. When worked up with albumen or white of egg, and printed on cotton cloth, and then exposed to the action of steam, the albumen is coagulated, and the colour is found to be firmly fixed upon the tissue. Patterns printed in this way are very beautiful, and are now much worn by ladies, but the material and process being much more expensive than in the case of prussian blue, from which it is very easily distinguished, its use is proportionably restricted. The great disadvantage attending the use of artificial ultramarine is its liability to have the colour discharged by the slightest trace of acid. In the case of tinging paper, to remove the disagreeable effect of too great whiteness, this objection would have been fatal, as the alum used in sizing the paper, so as to enable it to bear the ink, is more or less acid ; but science has always its remedy, and in this case it simply proposed adding to the size a little basic acetate of lead, which neutralized the acid of the alum, at the same time that it improved the size. ORCHIL, CUDBEAR, LITMUS, ETC. When the surface of a rock has undergone a certain amount of decay, under the influence of the carbonic acid of the atmosphere, spots or stains, sometimes white, sometimes black or grayish-green, make their ap¬ pearance upon it. These spots are owing to a kind of plants termed lichens, which stand among the lowest in the scale of organized creation. Some consist of a white, or some other coloured, earthy-looking, and friable substance, often dotted with brilliant little cup or button-like points of a brilliant yellow or red, and some¬ times of a brown, black, or white. Many varieties, however, produce large fronds or stems, and have thus a greater resemblance to the more perfect plants. Their growth is not confined to the surface of rocks alone , many varieties grow upon the bark of trees, and upon decaying wood. Like sea-weed, the lichen has been made subservient to the use of man ; one variety, the common Iceland moss, being employed as food and in medicine. The chief use, however, of lichens is for the production of colours. If we take a quantity of these lichens, and grind them into a paste under a vertical millstone, with some water, and then mix the pulpy mass with urine and ammonia (spirit of hartshorn), or the latter only, in a wooden trough, and allow the mass to undergo a peculiar fermentation for the space of about fourteen days, Class II.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS- 111 a peculiar change will take place; the grayish, dirty-looking paste will be converted into a beautiful rich violet mass, to which the name orchil , or in French, orseilles, is given. If the operation be continued for about a month, and the red mass which is formed dried and powdered, we shall have cudbear ; and finally, if we use a little potash and slaked lime along with the ammonia, in the first instance, and press the fermented mass so as to obtain the whole of the colour in the liquid, and then thicken it by the addition of some chalk or plaster of Paris, so as to form a stiff paste, which is then formed into squares, we shall have litmus , or turnsole. The latter is of a peculiar blue, and is rendered of a bright red by the slightest trace of acid, for the detection of which it is used by chemists. Orchil is usually a thick liquid mass, of a most beautiful vio¬ let colour, but both it and cudbear may be obtained of various shades of red, blue, violet, and chocolate. These colours are formed by the action of the ammonia upon a number of curious substances which exist naturally in the lichens, some of which yield beautiful crystalline compounds. The lichens chiefly employed are the Roccella tinctoria and corallina , the Lecanora. tartarea and parella, the Variolaris lactea and deal - bata, several species of the genera Parmelia , Umbilicaria , &c., large quantities of which are annually imported from various parts of the world. A colouring substance, prepared from lichens, appears to have been known to the ancient Greeks, but was lost in the middle ages. In the fourteenth century it was either rediscovered or introduced into Florence, from the Levant, by the descendant of a German, named Ferro, or Frederigo, who had settled there about a century previously, and from whom is descended one of the oldest and principal families of Florence, called at first Oricelarii, and in modern times, Rucellai, a name which is unmistakably derived from oricello, the Italian for orchil. The ordinary red violet powder, cudbear, was first introduced into commerce by Dr. Cuth- bert Gordon, who called it after his mother’s name. Orchil and cudbear are employed in the dying of silk and woollen tissues. The colour produced by these substances is very beautiful, but very evanescent, and is hence rarely employed alone; their chief use being to give lustre and bloom to other colours, and even to white silks. Unfortunately, manufacturers are seldom contented to use it, for in England it is abused to an enormous extent in giving a false and an alluring bloom to goods ; indeed the inferior quality of many of the English dyed fabrics may be attributed, in some degree, to the unrestricted employment of this cheap material. Many a lady has had cause to regret the effect of a promenade in the sun upon her pretty silk dress or ribbons, the short-lived bloom of which has been called forth by a little orchil. Many of the fine violet, lilac, mallow, and rosemary flower tints of artificial flowers are produced by or¬ chil ; and thus does the barren and flowerless lichen, the first form of vegetation which springs into existence upon the bare rock, serve to produce some of the most delicate tints which imitate Nature in their beauty as well as in their evanescence. There were two exhibitors of orchil and cudbear; the contributions of one of which were specially worthy of attention. The case exhibited by Wood and Bedford, of Leeds, contained specimens of the Roccella tinc- tria, from Angola, Madeira, and Valparaiso ; Roccella fuciformis, from Lima, Mauritius, and the East In¬ dies ; another variety of Roccella , from Mogadore; Parmelia perlata , from the Canary Islands ; Lecanora tartarea , Umbilicaria pustulata , and Gyrophora murmia , from Sweden. The collection of manufactured products exhibited by them was equally complete, containing specimens of Nos. 1, 2, and 3, cudbear; red, blue, violet, and chocolate liquid, and paste orchil, a sample of the ammonia employed in the preparation, with specimens of silk and woollen threads dyed with cudbear and orchil, and a specimen of white marble stained with the latter. Burton and Garraway, of London, contributed several specimens of lichens and pre¬ pared cudbear, woollen and silk thread, morocco skin, and patent gelatine, dyed with it, and several samples of silk, printed in various shades of red, violet, purple, &c., with similar preparations. VARNISHES AND LACQUERS. Any liquid which, when spread over a substance, leaves on evaporation a thin coating of a solid hard sub¬ stance, having a sort of vitreous lustre, as if the surface was composed of glass, may be considered as a varnish. Varnishes must, consequently, consist of two distinct classes of substances—liquids, which readily evaporate when exposed to the air ; and solids, which are capable of being dissolved in those liquids, and which remain behind as a hard vitreous-like coating. The solid substances employed in the manufacture of varnishes are all of vegetable origin, and belong to that class of substances which, like tannin, are principally found in the bark of trees. These are usually considered under three heads—gums, resins, and gum-resins. Gums are exudations from the bark of trees, which dissolve, or at least soften, in water, so as to form mucilages, but are insoluble in spirits of wine. Resins are similar exudations, which are capable of being melted by heat, dissolve in spirit of wine, but not in water; and gum-resins are substances of like origin, containing, as the name imports, mixtures of gums and resins. Although, properly speaking, a solution of gum in water, such as is used to stiffen and give lustre to silk and other textile fabrics, must be considered, according to our general definition, as a varnish, that word in commerce is confined to solutions of the true resins. But as these substances are not soluble in water, that liquid cannot form an ingredient of ordinary varnishes—the liquids which are usually employed being spirit of wine or analogous fluids, essential oils, and drying fixed oils. These latter do not fulfil one of the conditions which we laid down above as constituting a varnish— namely, that the liquid should evaporate readily ; but, in fact, drying oils are themselves varnishes, inasmuch as they become resins from the action of the air. Every resin is not equally well adapted for making var¬ nishes ; some will never harden perfectly, others, again, have peculiar colouring matters in them which limit their applications; hence it is very rare to find a varnish composed of only one resin ; the usual custom being to mix several so as to obtain a compound having properties suited to the object for which the varnish is in¬ tended. Before giving the composition of a few such mixtures, we shall enumerate the chief ingredients at present employed in varnish-making, and say a few words about their origin. 112 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class H. RESINS CONSTITUTING THE VARNISH. Copal, amber, lac, mastic, sandarach, elemi, benzoin, common resin, olibanum (gum-resin), anime, Venice or other turpen¬ tine, bitumen, and common pitch. SUBSTANCES USED TO DISSOLVE THEM. Alcohol series Alcohol or spirit of wine, of various degrees of strength; wood spirit or methylic alcohol; ether. Volatile or Essential Oil series .—Oil of turpentine; oil of rosemary, and other essential oils. Drying Oil series. —Linseed oil (boiled); poppy ditto. Naphtha series. —Coal tar naptha ; oils from distillation of wood and turf tar; petroleum. All these substances, if we except the bitumen and pitch, yield colourless or more or less brown transpa¬ rent varnishes; but as it is desirable sometimes to have varnishes of other colours, various substances are employed for that purpose—the most common are the gamboge and dragon’s blood, common aloes, saffron, lampblack, &c. Copal —Several kinds of this gum come into commerce, apparently the product of different trees, natives of Africa, America, the East Indies, and New Zealand. That which comes into commerce under the name of Levant copal is the best; and is usually met with in the form of moderate-sized round masses, either colour¬ less or of a slight lemon yellow colour, and very transparent and hard. It is very difficult to dissolve copal in anything. When exposed to the vapour of alcohol or oil of turpentine, however, it gradually softens and finally dissolves. This process being tedious, and by the ordinary mode of manufacture attended with the loss of a considerable quantity of alcohol, a number of devices have been proposed to effect its rapid disso¬ lution. One of these is singular: it consists in powdering the copal very finely, and leaving it exposed to the air for about twelve months, at the end of which time it is found to dissolve readily in spirit of wine. By either of these processes, a beautiful varnish may be obtained, which dries readily, and is exceedingly hard, and nearly colourless. The usual way employed, however, is to take advantage of the property which certain essential oils have of softening the copal, and thus rendering it more easily soluble. A quantity of the copal, in pieces, is taken and moistened with oil of rosemary or with oil of lavender ; after some time certain pieces begin to soften, while others remain unacted upon ; the former are selected for making a spirit varnish, whilst the latter are set aside to be employed in making varnishes with fixed oils. Those selected for the spirit are reduced to powder, which is then moistened with oil of rosemary or lavender, and in some time is reduced to a pasty mass, to which spirit of wine or turpentine is gradually added to bring it to a proper consistence. A little camphor, dissolved in spirit, or in oil of turpentine, also dissolves copal; but unfortunately the varnish prepared in this way, or even by the means of oil of rosemary, is always somewhat soft, and has never the beauty or durability of those prepared by the first processes. If copal be placed in a funnel heated by some charcoal in a peculiar form of furnace, it melts, and will then be found to dissolve readily in alcohol. But here also we are met by a difficulty. The copal, after this treatment, becomes darker in colour, and the var¬ nish formed is softer than by the other processes. Fat oils dissolve copal; but the varnish made in this way, in addition to both the objections just noticed, is attended by a third—that its use is limited. Ether and petreolum or rock oil are good solvents, but are too dear, and the former evaporates too quickly, while coal tar naphtha has a bad smell. We have been thus particular in our notice of copal, because it makes one of the finest varnishes known, and because it enables us to show that a good deal of skill and care are required to prepare good varnishes, and that a knowledge of chemistry is almost indispensable to those who would at¬ tempt to improve their processes. Amber is a fossil resin of a yellow or brown colour, found in greatest abundance in the beds of clay on the Baltic shores of Prussia. Small pieces have also been found accompanying the beds of lignite or brown coal on the shores of Lough Neagh. When of a light colour, and transparent, the large pieces are employed for making necklaces, and other ornaments, and also as mouth-pieces for expensive tobacco-pipes. Some of the large pieces often contain enclosed in them the remains of insects, especially of a species of dragon fly, in the most beautiful state of preservation. The small pieces, not fit for making ornaments, are employed for making varnishes. Like copal, it is very difficult to dissolve it, and is all but insoluble in alcohol; although, by melting in the same way as we have described in speaking of copal, such a solution may be obtained; but it, too, loses by this process its transparency, brilliancy, and hardness. IlTien dissolved in oil of turpen¬ tine it yields fine brilliant varnishes of great hardness, which are much prized for certain uses, as are also those made with the fixed oils. Lac _.There is found on the banyan or religious tree of the Hindoos, and several allied plants ( Ficus Indica, Ficus religiosa, Croton lacciferum ), indigenous to the East Indies, a small insect ( Coccus ficus'), the female of which pricks the small juicy twigs in the month of January ; from the wound thus made a quantity of fluid flows and covers the insect, and when hard forms a sort of nest composed of cells. Here the insect swells out into an egg-shaped, almost motionless, sack, filled with a beautiful red fluid, in which, in the month of October, about twenty to thirty elliptical eggs, or rather maggot-like bodies, appear, and swim about in the red fluid, upon which they live. When the whole of the fluid is consumed they bore through the sack and escape ; but long before this, in fact even before the appearance of the maggots, the twigs are collected and dried in the sun, and form what we call stick-lac, which serves the double purpose of dyeing, for which it is employed in Bengal, and also in Europe, and of making varnishes and sealing-wax : the dyestuff is de¬ rived from the animal, the resin from the vegetable. Lac is brought to Europe in various other forms ; for instance, we have seed-lac, lump-lac, and shell-lac, the former of which consists simply of the grains of lac separated from the twigs, and the latter of the seed lac melted, and then made into different forms by the natives of India, the colour being in general removed by boiling in water. The watery solution is then boiled down to a paste, which, on being dried in the sun, and cut into squares, forms lac dye, a substance employed to dye woollen goods of a beautiful scarlet. Shell-lac is the best known of these, and consists, when of su¬ perior quality, of thin plates of a very brittle and hard resinous substance, of a light brown colour, passing Class I.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 113 into orange, and sometimes of a deep ruby red,—hence the names orange and ruby shell-lac ; the inferior qualities are much less transparent, darker in colour, not unlike glue in appearance, and occur in thicker plates. Shell-lac may be bleached by exposing it spread into thin plates to the sun, or by chlorine water, or by passing muriatic acid gas through it, suspended as a fine powder in water. In its unbleached state it is admirably adapted for making varnishes, but when bleached it loses a good deal of its properties, and is then principally employed in the manufacture of sealing-wax, which consists of shell-lac, coloured by the addi¬ tion of some colouring material, and of a little Venice turpentine, &c. It is very difficult to dissolve raw lac completely in alcohol, although portions of it are readily soluble; and the same objections which we have mentioned in the case of copal exist against the employment of other dissolving liquids, such as fixed oils,— which are, nevertheless, the principal ones employed in the manufacture of lac varnishes. By powdering lac, and exposing it to the action of the air for a long time, it will become soluble in spirit of wine, as in the case of copal, the varnish retaining all the qualities of the lac uninjured. Mastic _This resin is the product of a tree called the Pistacia lentiscus , or mastic pistaeia, and several other species, which are found in Persia, Egypt, and in the Mediterranean countries, especially on the Greek island of Scio, and also in Candia. These plants belong to the family of the Anacardiaceae , or cashew-nut tribe, a family rich in resin. Our supply chiefly comes from Smyrna and Constantinople, in two forms :— first, as round, or somewhat flat, oval grains, from the size of a grain of barley to that of a bean of a pale yellow colour, and semi-transparent; and, secondly, of much larger-sized grains, much less transparent, occasionally mixed with foreign substances of a darker and less uniform colour. The first, called mastic in tears , is collected on the trunk of the trees, from which it exudes naturally, or from incisions made on pur¬ pose ; and the second is collected on the ground around the tree, and is called common mastic. This resin has an agreeable odour, a slight aromatic flavour somewhat bitter, readily softens between the teeth, and hence has been used to sweeten the breath ; and on this account has received the name of mastic, from the same root as our word masticate. It dissolves readily in oil of turpentine, but does not dissolve completely in ordinary spirit of wine; the portion left undissolved, if left exposed for some time to the air, becomes soluble. Mastic makes an excellent varnish, soft, but elastic, and when mixed with amber, copal, and lac varnishes, prevents them from drying too fast, rendering them at the same time more durable, and less liable to crack than they would otherwise be. Sandrac , or Sandarach is the product of a North African tree, probably the Calitris quadrivalvis , closely allied to the common juniper, and resembles mastic in a great many respects ; it is distinguished from the latter by being less transparent and whiter, and by not softening between the teeth. It forms an impor¬ tant part of most spirit varnishes, except those made with lac, and renders them brilliant and dry. As it very rarely occurs pure, it is usually boiled before use with caustic soda or potash. Anime is the product of the locust tree, which is found in Brazil, Martinique, and Virginia. In ex¬ ternal appearance it is not unlike copal. It dissolves in alcohol, but a small part requires to be boiled, and is then liable to crystallize out. It is an exceedingly bad material for varnish-making, because it makes the varnish difficult to dry, and leaves it always more or less soft. Benzoin is obtained by incision from the Styrax benzoin , a native of Siam and Sumatra, and occurs in commerce in the form of brittle masses, composed of grains of red, brown, and white colours ; the grains of the latter colour looking like almonds set in a dark paste. In varnish-making it has nearly the properties of mastic, but is too much coloured to be employed for transparent varnishes. Elemi appears to be derived from two sources,—one a shrub which grows in Ceylon, Ethiopia, and in the East Indies ; and the other from another shrub of the same genus, which is indigenous to South America. Both belong to the order of plants called Amyridece , which is allied to the family of plants to which the orange belongs. It is usually of a yellowish, or whitish-yellow colour, and is very soluble in alcohol and ether. It is a valuable ingredient in varnish-making, rendering the harder varnishes less brittle. Olibanum , or Incense , of which there are two kinds, is but little used for varnishes, its principal use being the manufacture of pastilles, &c. The kind which comes into commerce in these countries is the pro¬ duct of a tree found in the East Indies, and belonging to the same family as that which produce the gum elemi just mentioned, and is probably superior to the better known incense of the East, which is a product of Arabia and Abyssinia. Our space forbids us from going further into this part of the subject; in fact it would take a volume to describe properly the properties of the resins which come into commerce ; and we could fill pages with the mere names of new resins which the progress of science and of commerce is daily making known, and which are being gradually introduced into the arts. As before remarked, few of these substances are employed alone, mixtures being made according to the liquid used as a solvent, and to the objects intended to be varnished. For convenience sake, varnishes may be divided into three classes :—1. Those made with spirit of wine, or wood spirit. 2. Those made with oil of turpentine, or other volatile oils. Under this head we would include those made with tar naphtha, &c. 3. Lin¬ seed and other fat oil varnishes. Spirit varnishes are the most brilliant, transparent, and colourless of all, but they are also, as a general rule, the least durable, and the most liable to crack. They are usually employed for furniture, picture-gilding, musical instruments, &c. Turpentine varnishes resemble in many respects spirit varnishes; but they are more elastic, and less liable to crack than the latter, and are at the same time somewhat less brilliant. Oil varnishes are the strongest and most durable of all, but they are also the least transparent and brilliant. Oc¬ casionally turpentine and oil varnishes are mixed, by which a mixt ure is obtained partaking of the character of the two. Oil varnishes are chiefly employed for coaches, tea-trays, and other hardware, and common papier mache goods, &c. In order to afford our readers an idea of the variation in the composition of varnishes for different pur¬ poses, we shall give a few illustrations. But it must not be understood that the composition which we give is the very one employed (in fact each manufacturer has his own) ; or that those which we give are necessarily 114 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class H. the best. As, however, the variations in the composition of different varnishes, for the same purpose, takes place within certain limits, those which we shall give will be sufficient for the purpose in view; namely, to teach the nature of varnishes, and the general principles which guide the manufacturers in adapting them for various purposes:— FURNITURE SPIRIT VARNISH. Copal, .3 oz. Sandarach,.6 „ Mastic in tears,.3 „ Venetian turpentine, .21 oz. Powdered glass, .4 „ Alcohol,.2 lbs. Sandarach, . . . Seed or shell-lac, Mastic, .... Benzoin or elemi, SPIRIT VARNISH FOR VIOLINS, GUITARS, ETC. .4 oz. Venetian turpentine, ..2 „ Powdered glass, . . ..1 „ Alcohol,. . 1 „ 2 oz. 3 „ 2 lbs. The varnish for musical instruments is usually coloured by the addition of half an ounce of dragon’s blood, and a little annotto or saffron. Furniture is sometimes lacquered of various colours, such as white, black, &c.; the colour is usually mixed with the varnish and used as a paint, over which is laid, when dry, a fine trans¬ parent varnish, composed of three ounces of sandarach, one ounce of mastic, half an ounce of Venetian tur¬ pentine, and 1 lb. of spirit of wine. ESSENCE VARNISH FOR PICTURES. Mastic,. Powdered glass, . Finest turpentine,. Oil of turpentine,. . 360 „ Camphor, . . . . 5 „ AMBER VARNISH FOR PAPIER MACHE. Amber,. Sandarach, . Shell-lac,. . 5 „ Asphalt,. Mastic,. . 5 „ Lampblack. . 4 „ Common resin,. . 5 „ Oil of turpentine,. .12 „ VARNISHES FOR GOLD WARES. Mastic,. Saffron,. Sandarach,. .30 „ Turpentine,. Gamboge,. . 15 - Oil of turpentine,. .180 „ To which is to be added 100 parts of fine boiled linseed oil. BRUNSWICK BLACK FOR IRON WORK. 45 lbs. of asphalt, boiled for six hours. 6 gals, of boiled linseed oil, and 6 lbs. of litharge, boiled together until they become strong, and then mixed with the asphalt. The whole boiled until it can be rolled into pills, and then reduced to the consistence of varnish, with 25 gals, of turpentine. Tea-trays, and other articles of hardware, are japanned of various colours, by mixing the colouring ma¬ terial—which for white is, white lead ; for yellow, chrome or Naples yellow, &c_with a copal varnish, made with copal and linseed oil, or a mixture of copal and shell-lac with linseed oil, the proper consistence being given by turpentine. When this varnish or paint has dried, it is polished with a,little powdered pumice- stone and water ; the figures or ornaments, or gold bordering, &c., are laid on this, and a layer of the same copal varnish (without colour) laid on over the whole. In japanning iron, zinc, or tin vessels in this way, they must be heated in a kind of stove, so as to make the varnish flow freely over them. The varnish for the bodies of coaches is made with copal and a mixture of oil and turpentine; in order to render them more drying, anime resin is usually employed, and a quantity of sugar of lead, litharge, and copperas, added. Before concluding our remarks on this subject, it will not be uninteresting to our readers to learn the nature of the materials and the mode of applying them in the East, whence we have derived the idea, and still obtain the finest examples, of lacquered wares. Indeed, any notices of varnishes in the present Catalogue would necessarily be incomplete, unless it included such an account, when it is recollected how important a feature the lacquered wares of Japan and China formed in the Exhibition, and the little information generally possessed upon this subject. The word lac , from which we derive our word lacquering, is probably of Persian origin, and signifies a shining red colouring substance. Persia and Arabia are remarkable for the quantity of resins and odoriferous oils and balsams which they produce, and it is probable that the art of covering objects with a varnish of them is of very ancient date, and was, doubtless, introduced into Egypt from them ; for it appears certain that the ancient Egyptians were acquainted with this art. They must have used the liquid resins as they flow from the trees, as they do still in many eastern countries, for they could not have been acquainted with our solvents. The Japanese, who prepare probably the finest varnish in the world (from which fact comes our word japanned ware ), do it in this way. The tree from which the resinous substances flows is stated to be a variety of the shumac, and to be found in Carolina and Virginia, in America; but any statements of this kind must be received with great doubt. Whatever the nature of the tree is, the process of extraction is simply incising the bark and collecting the liquid which flows, and which is at first but lightly coloured, but becomes black by the action of the air. The juice is then filtered through the finest paper, mixed with a small quantity, perhaps not more than the hundredth part, of an oil obtained from the Bignonia tomentosa Class II.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 115 This natural varnish is preserved for use in well-closed jars of porcelain; and is frequently coloured with Ver¬ million and other strong colours, a deeper black when required being communicated by the addition of fine lamp-black. It was with this varnish that the different lacquered objects in the Japanese collection were varnished, an examination of which would show us that we are very far from having as yet produced a var¬ nish equal to the Japanese. Our best varnishes crack in a few years, and are either too brittle when suffi¬ ciently hard, or too soft when sufficiently flexible; the Japanese lacquer, on the other hand, maybe put upon straw and on cloth with the most perfect success, and will last for centuries. In the Exhibition there were two baskets of straw lacquered inside, and a straw lacquered cabinet. The production of red lacquer, by means of vermillion, was also illustrated in the Dutch collection by two tables and a tea-tray. There was a beau¬ tiful set of fourteen cups of papier mache in part coloured with vermillion, as also one of the lacquered straw baskets just mentioned. Another exceedingly pretty example of the same kind of red lacquer consisted of a small table with plates of lacquered wood to hold confectionery. This superiority of the Japanese varnishes over the European is not to be attributed to their greater skill; but simply that they employ the natural var¬ nishes, whilst we are obliged to produce them by artificial means. Next in point of quality to the Japanese lacquered wares, stand the Chinese, of which there were man)' specimens in the Exhibition well worth examining, especially a beautiful table-top and some trays in the (lough collection, and a small cabinet in Hewett’s Chinese collection. The Chinese lacquer is a native var¬ nish, the product of a tree called Tsi-chou, or the lac tree, indigenous to several of the southern provinces of China, and is frequently cultivated. There are three principal kinds of varnish, prepared directly from trees, in China, the names of which are derived from the three cities where they are prepared, and are, in all pro¬ bability, produced from three different plants. The Nien-tsi is the best, giving to the articles varnished with it a beautiful brilliant black, but it is the least abundant. The Si-tsi resembles the first-named, but is less brilliant, and not so dark-coloured; the two are usually mixed together. The third kind, named Kouang-tsi, is of a yellow colour, and is the most abundant and commonly employed. Previous to use, the varnishes, preserved as before mentioned in closed pots in cellars, are evaporated to the proper consistency, by exposure in shallow trays to the sun; and then mixed with a certain quantity of Tong-yeou or tea oil, obtained from a plant of the same genus as that from which tea is produced. This oil, which in many re¬ spects resembles oil of turpentine, is usually prepared by boiling with a little white arsenic, which acts like litharge in giving it drying properties. Another process is to mix it with the dried matter of ox-gall and a little green vitriol or copperas. The Chinese make an imitation of the Japanese varnishes, which they call Yang-tsi, which signifies a varnish which comes from beyond the sea, thus showing its origin. This varnish consists of the third variety above mentioned, the Kouang-tsi, mixed with a finely-powdered charcoal of deer-horns and a little of the tea oil. There are also other varieties of varnish made chiefly with the Kouang- tsi ; as for example, the Tchao-tsi, which is transparent, and of a yellow colour, and consists of equal portions of varnish and tea oil laid on a ground covered with gold dust, mosaic gold, or powdered copper-leaf, usually known as Dutch metal, so as to imitate aventurine. The same effect is produced even still more beautifully, by covering the objects with Ivin-tsi, and then dusting this varnish over with gold dust, mosaic gold, &c., over which is laid, when dry, a coating of Tchao-tsi, so that the gold appears between two layers of varnish. Arabesque ornaments and figures in gold leaf are frequently laid on in this way between two layers of var¬ nish. In the Japanese Collection were several examples of this style of decoration, especially the magnifi¬ cent lacquered Buddha altar-piece, the panels of the doors of which were executed in this way. An imitation of this kind of work is sometimes made on English papier mache, but it appears not to be so perfectly executed as the Oriental. The very usual gold ground, which has a flame-like appearance, with tints varying from brass- yellow to reddish orange, seen on a great variety of japanned ware in Europe, is made in a different way, by colouring the under varnish with annotto, dragon’s blood, and saffron. There was but one exhibitor of the raw material of varnishes, Boyd and Goodwin, of this city, who con¬ tributed a very good series of small specimens of the resins and gum-resins most usually employed. Among these were some of Levant copal, of very remarkable purity; and a larger lump of fine Brazilian copal, which deserves especial mention. There were four exhibitors of varnishes, one Irish, one English, one French, and one Belgian. The Irish exhibitor was Samuel Boyd of this city, who contributed a collection of the varnishes in common use, both in oil, turpentine, and spirit, which appeared to be good, and to support the character already acquired by his house for that article. P. F. Reusens, of Antwerp, exhibited a series of fine oil copal varnishes, chiefly intended for coachmakers’ use, among which were some nearly colourless, a quality rarely possessed by varnishes of this class. The largest collection of varnishes was that exhibited by Soehne, Freres, Paris, whose contributions consisted of twenty-three samples of spirit varnishes, adapted for wood, metal, ormolu, water-colour, crayon, or pastel, and lithographic drawings, photographs, gun-barrels, artificial flowers, leather, plaster casts, gilded frames, and re-varnishing old oil paintings. When describing the examples of japanned ware and papier mache, allusion will be made to the examples of varnished and lacquered ware which appeared in the Exhibition. THE RARER CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES. Alcohols and compound Ethers _No better or more striking proof of the value of abstract science can be pointed out than the large number of practical applications which have been recently made of substances formed by the chemist in his researches, and which, at first sight, appeared to be mere curiosities, devoid of all practical interest. Among these we may mention chloroform, collodion, sulphuret of carbon, and nitro- bcnzol. Every one is acquainted with the uses of the first for preventing the sensation of pain in surgical operations ; the second is now become equally well known from its employment in photography; sulphuret of carbon has many uses, one of the most curious being that dependent upon the property which it has of causing silver to deposit bright in electro-plating. The history of nitrobenzol is still more interesting ; it was discovered in 1834, by Mitscherlich, and is prepared by distilling benzoic acid with lime, and acting R 116 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class II. upon the aromatic oil produced, and known as benzol, by nitric acid. The substance thus obtained was a heavy oil, of a highly aromatic odour. Even had a practical application of this oil suggested itself at the time, the great cost of its production would have effectually prevented its use. Hofmann, however, in 1845, proved the existence of benzol in the oil obtained in the distillation of coal-tar ; and Mansfield, in 1849, in¬ vented a process for its separation. An immediate use was made of these discoveries to produce sweet nitro- benzol, which, from the remarkable analogy of its smell to that of oil of bitter almonds, is sold under that name, sometimes with the addition of the word artificial, but very often without it. It is also used in per¬ fumery, under the name oi essence de mirbane. When pure, it may be employed with perfect safety in con¬ fectionery, because, unlike ordinary oil of bitter almonds, it is quite free from prussic acid. We have been led to the preceding observations by the examination of a case of rare chemicals, contri¬ buted by P. Squire, of London, containing a series of alcohols and ethers, which possess some peculiar inte¬ rest. Common spirit of wine consists of a mixture of water with a peculiar substance termed alcohol, which is a compound of ether and water ; the latter existing in the alcohol in the same. state as in slaked lime, and, therefore, not to be confounded with the water merely mixed with it. If we separate the combined water, we obtain the well-known substance, ether, which, in its turn, is capable of combining with a number of acids to form a series of substances termed compound ethers. All substances having an analogous chemical com¬ position are termed alcohols, and from them a similar series of compound ethers may be produced. Thus, there is obtained in the distillation of wood and of turf a peculiar kind of spirit, commonly called pyroxylic spirit; and in the rectification of whisky a peculiar oily fluid, to which that liquid owes its flavour, termed fusel oil, having an insupportable smell. Both these substances are alcohols, the former being called methy- lic alcohol (derived from wood), and the latter amylic alcohol (derived from starch, from which whisky is produced), the ordinary alcohol being called ethylic alcohol (derived from the word ether). A few years since Cahours proved that the essential oil of an American plant, called the Gaultheria procumbens ,—which is much used in perfumery,—consists of a peculiar acid in combination with the ether of wood spirit, that it was the salicylate of oxide of methyl, and accordingly he produced it artificially. This fact, coupled with that of the extraordinary resemblance between the smell of several compound ethers and the more aromatic fruits, has led to a singular application of the former. There is obtained by the distillation of butter a peculiar oily acid called butyric acid; if this be combined with ether so as to form a compound ether, termed by chemists butyrate of oxide of ethyl, we shall obtain a fluid having the odour of pine-apples when diluted with spirits. This substance is much employed in Ireland to produce “old whisky,” especially that variety known as “ old pine-apple,” and in England to flavour an acidulated drink called pine-apple ale. Pure butyric ether is, however, rarely employed for this purpose; the usual method employed being to make a soap with butter, and distilling this with whisky and oil of vi¬ triol. Several other ethers are produced at the same time, but the mixture answers very well as a substitute for the pure article. Considerable quantities of this preparation are made in Dublin, and are largely employed by the makers of “ old” malt whisky. When fusel oil or amylic alcohol is heated with potash, it is converted into a peculiar acid found ready formed in Nature, in the plant called the Valeriana officinalis. It is also produced in the rotting of animal substances, and is one of the causes of the smell of old cheese. It likewise exists in several fish oils, such as that of the dolphin. If a salt of this acid be distilled with some fusel oil and oil of vitriol, a compound ether is produced, the valerianate of oxide of amyl, which has exactly the odour of apples when diluted with alcohol. Or the same agreeable odour may be produced by mixing bichromate of potash, fusel oil, and oil of vitriol, together, and distilling the mixture. If acetate of potash, that is, a combination of potash and the acid of vinegar, be distilled with fusel oil and oil of vitriol, another compound ether, the acetate of oxide of ethyl, is produced, which, when added in very small quantity to alcohol, produces the delicate odour of the jargonelle pear. Considerable quantities of both are now manufactured in London, especially of the latter, which is used for flavouring barley-sugar, under the name of pear drops. Several other compounds of the same kind are also made and used by perfumers, confectioners, and liqueure-makers, such as cognac and grape oils, &c. used for making “ British brandy.” It is certainly a singular fact to find the most delicate odours produced by a union of two exceedingly disagreeable ones, and one of which is to some extent the cause of many disgusting putrid smells ; nor is it less singular to find that the acid of rancid butter, united with the substance, to diminish the quantity of which in whisky it requires to be stored for several years, should be employed for the very purpose of giving to new whiskey the flavour acquired by age. Some exceedingly pure samples of these compound ethers were in the case of Mr. Squire, above alluded to, and among them was a sample of the salicylate of methyl or artifi¬ cial oil of the Gaultheria procumbens of Cahours. A few samples of some of those compound ethers were also exhibited under the name of artificial essences, by W. H. Galbraith, of London. Vegetable Alkaloids, and Neutral Organic Substances existing in Plants —Among the most curious facts elicited by modern chemical investigation, there are few more interesting than the discovery that the peculiar properties which distinguish many plants, especially those which are employed in medicine, are owing to the presence of small quantities of certain substances, the greater number of which are crystalline; and, when se¬ parated from the plant, still exhibit those peculiar effects on the animal economy for which the plants them¬ selves are distinguished. Thus from fever-bark is obtained quinine and several other crystalline substances; from opium, morphine and narcotine ; and from tobacco, a peculiar narcotic oily substance ; whilst from tea may be obtained a substance called theine , which recent investigations have shown to be identical with caffeine , the peculiar principle of the coffee. In the whole history of human drinks no more striking and inexplicable fact is presented to us than this, that two plants differing in external form should have been selected as materials to form drinks in two dif¬ ferent parts of the world—the one in Ethiopia, in Africa, the native home of the coffee; and the other in China, in the eastern extremity of Asia, which science should subsequently show depended for their action on the human body upon identically the same substance! The singularity of the matter does not end here, how- Class II.] CHEMICAL AND PHARMACEUTICAL PREPARATIONS. 117 ever, for the Brazilians prepare with the seeds of the Paulinia sorbilis a kind of pasty mass, which they call guurana , and which they employ to make an infusion or drink for the cure of dysentery and other similar diseases ; and the Indians of Paraguay from the most ancient times prepared a drink from the dried leaves of a plant called the Ilex Paraguayensis, small quantities of which have from time to time come to Europe under the name of Paraguay tea. It is a curious circumstance that both these substances should contain caffeine. Finally, the seeds of the cacao tree or Theobrorna cacao , from which cocoa and chocolate are pre¬ pared, contain a substance called theobromine —from the name of the plant, which is derived from Greek words, signifying “ food of the gods”—so analogous to caffeine that it is probable that further investigations will show them to be derived from the same body. We thus see that not only in the Old World, but also among the ancient inhabitants of the New, drinks were sought out, having a special action upon the nervous system. We may remark here that chocolate also is an Indian drink, our word being derived from the Mexi¬ can or Aztec word choculatl. And now, strange to say, the chemist comes and shows that their active prin¬ ciples_that to which they all owe that soothing effect upon the body which has recommended their use to all the peoples of the earth, and which has helped so much to civilize the world by doing away to a considerable extent with the necessity of exciting fermented drinks—is the same substance ! Theine may be very simply prepared from tea, by adding to an infusion of it basic acetate of lead (which is a compound of vinegar with lead), and ammonia (spirit of hartshorn), by which a number of substances are thrown down as a precipitate, leaving the theine in solution, with a slight excess of lead, which is then removed by means of sulphureted hydrogen, a peculiarly fetid gas. The solution thus freed from the other substances existing in the tea, and from the excess of lead, is then concentrated; that is, the greater part of the water is evaporated at a very gentle temperature,—and on cooling, the theine, nearly pure, will crystallize out, and may be further purified by dissolving in water and filtering through charcoal prepared by burning blood. In the same way we could prepare it from the other substances which we have mentioned as containing it. Gun¬ powder tea contains in every 100 lbs. about from 2 lbs. 3 oz. to 4 lbs. 14 oz. of theine, and ordinary tea from 2^ lbs. to even 5 lbs.; whilst the same quantity of Paraguay tea does not contain more than from 14 oz. to 2 oz. West Indian coffee is said to contain more than the Mocha coffee, but both contain less than tea. Caffeine or theine, as we may indifferently call it, when heated, volatilizes and condenses in a crystalline form, and when its solution is heated nearly to boiling, a portion will always pass off with the vapour of the water_a fact which is of importance to ladies, for if they heat their tea too long or too highly, they injure it, as the caffeine will go off, and nothing will be gained in return but a quantity of bitter astringent matter. Theine has a slightly bitter taste, and, as may be easily imagined from what we have above stated relative to the proportion of it present in tea and coffee, a very small quantity of it would act upon the nervous system. A magnificent specimen of caffeine, beautifully crystallized and of remarkable purity, was exhibited by T. and II. Smith, of Edinburgh, who also contributed a fine specimen of another of those neutral bodies named aloin , obtained from aloes. Caffeine is called a neutral body, because it does not enter into combi¬ nation with acids. Quinine , narcotine , &c., on the other hand, form salts, many of which crystallize, and are hence termed organic bases, or vegetable alkaloids, from resembling in this respect the alkalies. Several of these bases, of which there are now a great number, were exhibited in the collection of pharmaceutical pre¬ parations of the Apothecaries’ Hall of Ireland. It is unnecessary to describe here their mode of preparation, as in principle it is the same as that just described for caffeine. Within the last few years a number of organic bases have been obtained from gas-tar and other artificial products, some of which are remarkable. This fact has led to the hope that perhaps it may be possible to produce those naturally contained in plants by artificial means. Such a discovery would be of immense benefit to the poor, who are now unable to use such specifics as quinine, in consequence of its high price_ W. K. Sullivan. 1. Apothecaries’ Hall of Ireland, the Governor & Co. of, Mary-s'creet, Dublin_Chemical and pharma¬ ceutical preparations, manufactured in the laboratory of the Apothecaries’ Hall; specimens of drugs as imported and prepared. 2. Boileau, Brothers, Bride-street, Dublin, Importers and Manufacturers_Chemicals in great variety. 3. Boileau, John George, & Co., Mary’s-abbey, Dub¬ lin, Importers and Manufacturers.—Specimens of chemical preparations. 4. Boyd & Goodwin, Merrion-row, Dublin, Importers and Manufacturers_Pharmaceutical and chemical speci¬ mens ; specimens of resins and gum-resins used in varnish¬ making. 5. Boyd, Samuel, Mary-street, Dublin_Specimens of varnishes. 6. Brotherton, William, North-street, Wandsworth, Surrey—Rape seed oil; olive oil. 7. Burton & Garraway, Bethnal-green, London.— Lichens used in the manufacture of orchil and cudbear; orchil; cudbear; indigo in the raw state; extract of in¬ digo. 8. Cooney, C., Back-lane, Dublin_Indigo and other blues, prepared as button, thumb, and fig blues, for making up white linen and cotton fabrics. 9. Corky & Co., Belfast, Manufacturers.—Ornamental stand of aerated waters, manufactured by patent improved machinery. 10. Coupland, Henry, Liverpool.—Raspberry vinegar, acid, and syrup of lemon. 11. Dawson, W., Leith—Colours, and specimens of prussiate of potash. 12. Dublin Chemical Society, Capel-street, Dublin_ Preparations by the members, consisting of prussian blue; oxide and sulphate of iron, from Irish ore, with specimen; carbonate, oxide, and sulphate of zinc ; acetic acid ; oxa¬ lates of iron, ammonia, and potash; sulphates of magnesia and potash ; benzoic acid ; oxide, carbonate, and sulphate of iron and zinc ; prussiau blue ; acetic acid (all from Irish ores) ; iodide of potassium ; acetate of zinc ; ammonioci- trate of iron ; oxide of mercury'; oxide, acetate, carbonate, cldoride, nitrate, and sulphate of lead, from Irish ore, with specimen ; nitric acid (pure) ; phosphate of silver; muriate and sulphate of ammonia; iodine, from Dublin Bay sea-weed; carbonate, bicarbonate, and sulphate of R 2 118 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class II. soda ; tartar emetic ; arseniate of potash ; valerianates of iron and zinc ; muriatic acid (pure) ; boracic acid ; phos¬ phate of ammonia, bicarbonate of potash ; arsenite, nitrate, and sulphate of copper, from Irish ore ; chromate and iodide of lead, iodoform, gun cotton, collodion. 13. Dyas & Harman, Cork.—Dawson’s rat poison. 14. Ellam, Jones, & C'o., Markeaton Mills, Derby, Manufacturers_Specimens of the emery of commerce, or rhombohedral corundnim stone, from Naxos, in the Grecian Archipelago, in its native and manufactured state, used for grinding and polishing steel, iron, glass. &c., and by lapi¬ daries ; mineral, chemical, and vegetable colours, raw and manufactured, for oil paints and paper staining. 15. Jennings, T., Brown-street, Cork, Manufacturer.— Specimens of pure calcined magnesia, carbonate of magnesia, and strong solution of carbonate of magnesia, pure carbonate of magnesia in blocks. 16. Langston, Scott, & White, Grand Surrey Canal Dock, Rotherhithe, and Lombard-street, City, London, Ma¬ nufacturers_White oxide of zinc, an innoxious substitute for white lead, of various shades and qualities, used for paint, and in numerous manufactures, also for chemical purposes; zinc driers, without litharge or lead base. 17. Maxton, R., Chemical Works, Saltcoats.—Speci¬ mens of magnesia. 18. Moberly, W., Landsend, near Whitby, Manufac¬ turer_Half cask of alum, sample of refined Epsom salts. 19. Moffat, G. D., Dundas-street, Edinburgh.—Pure medicinal cod-liver oil, characterized by its freedom from taste and smell. 20. Murphy, W., M. D., Artliur-place, Belfast, Manu¬ facturer_Aerated waters, carbonic acid gas in solution, effervescent tonics. 21. Murray, Sir J., M. D., Temple-street, Dublin_Spe¬ cimens of magnesia and camphor in chemical union in a fluid form ; a bottle of fluid magnesia and camphor, from which the carbonic acid having been expelled by heat, the magnesia and camphor held in solution by that gas become again in¬ soluble, the magnesia falling to the bottom, and the camphor floating on the top of the liquid after being boiled. 22. Penney, Henry, York-place, Baker-street, London. —Samples of varnishes. 23. Smith, T. & H., Duke-street, Edinburgh, Manufac¬ turer_Caffeine, the crystalline and characteristic principle of coffee ; aloin (discovered by the exhibitors, 1850), the cathartic principle of the aloes; two samples exhibited, made from the Socotrine aloes. 24. Squire, P., Oxford-street, London.—Specimens of the principal alcohols, and corresponding acids; compound ethers ; specimens illustrating the indigo series ; tartaric and paratartaric acids; specimens of crystals; pharmaceutical preparations. 25. Stephens, H., Stamford-street, Blackfriars-road, Lon¬ don, Manufacturer.—Specimens of liquid colours for staining woods, and of woods stained therewith; liquid colours for writing purposes; and a specimen of blood preserved more than four years by the oil of tar, showing its strong anti¬ septic qualities. 26. Tustian, J., & Usher, R., Milcombe, near Ban¬ bury, Oxon, Producers and Manufacturers.—English rhubarb powder; English rhubarb, trimmed and untrimmed. 27. Vieii.le Montagne Zinc Company. —Specimens of oxide of zinc as substitutes for white lead in painting. 28. Ward, John, Ramelton, Co. Donegal_Muriate of potash, sulphate of potash, and iodine, manufactured from sea-weed. 29. Wood & Bedford, Leeds, Manufacturers.—The va¬ rieties of lichens employed in the manufacture of lichen dyes; specimens of orchil and cudbear of different kinds and qua¬ lities; illustrations of the use of these colouring matters in the arts of dyeing and printing. CLASS III. SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. U NDER the denomination of Substances used as Food a great variety of articles are included, most of which are so well known to the public as scarcely to require any special notice. Some of these are of a character which, at first sight, might seem to prevent them from being included in this category; but in any such arrangement as we are obliged to adopt, it is often a matter of no small difficulty to guard against such anomalies as the grouping together of the substances in this class presents. The class of Miscellaneous Articles it is desirable to abridge as much as possible ; but this can only be done by the occasional intro¬ duction into the other classes of articles, having only a remote connexion with the substances which impart to it its character. Tobacco, for example, seems to have little relation to substances used as food; but in placing it here we merely adopt the arrangement carried out in the Exhibition of 1851. Some of the articles coming under this head may also belong to the succeeding one, as being used in manufactures,—such as starch, dextrine, and some others; but, instead of too rigidly adhering to any mere formal arrangement, discussing a portion of the subject in one place and concluding it in the other, we have, to preserve the con¬ tinuity of the descriptions, usually disposed entirely of it at one time; making reference to that description on other occasions when it appeared to be necessary to do so. The articles comprising this class are not attractive in appearance to the casual observer, and hence much less attention is devoted to them than they deserve; a circumstance which may account for the comparatively small space which they occupied in the Exhibition. Yet what can be more important than the determination of the quality of substances used as food in connexion with the manner in which they may have been pro¬ duced, and the countries whence they may have been derived ? Collections of the same article, belonging to the vegetable kingdom, may supply information as to climatic influences upon its growth, more especially in reference to the quality of the samples ; and excellence in both quantity and quality is more frequently combined than is commonly supposed. The quality of the class of articles to which we now more especially allude may also be guessed with tolerable accuracy by the eye alone ; while in the case of animal substances further criteria are necessary than can be thus supplied. In the sections which follow, the subjects have been treated at a length commensurate with their impor¬ tance in an Irish point of view, and the necessity which exists for placing before the public reliable infor¬ mation upon them. Thus, the production of root crops, and the manufacture of beet sugar, have been discussed in detail,—from their being, as it were, Irish questions, and being, moreover, in.some degree connected with each other. It does not admit of doubt that, for the production of roots, the soil and climate of this country are peculiarly adapted ; a circumstance which also warrants the conclusion, that in Ireland the beet sugar industry will one day be extensively carried on. In reference to the growth of roots, however, very vague, and, as we believe, incorrect notions prevail; and hence the necessity of the subject being fairly discussed in a work designed to facilitate the progress of Irish industry. I—THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM. The character of the representation of this class has been already indicated, as being much more limited than could have been desired. The chief deficiencies were in this division ; there being of some important articles no specimens in the Exhibition. This was the case with tea and some other substances ; and we now more particularly refer to the circumstance by way of accounting for the omission of all notice of such articles in the general remarks which follow. THE COMMON CEREALIA, GRASSES, FODDER PLANTS, ETC. The commonly cultivated cerealia—wheat, oats, and barley—was tolerably well represented, through the enterprise and good taste of one of the leading seed houses of this city, Messrs. W. Drummond and Sons of Dawson-street, and of Stirling, who exhibited 150 specimens of these grains, showing, in many cases, the full length of straw, so as to afford an idea of the character of the variety. It is also due to the Messrs. Drummond to state, that the idea of first establishing Agricultural Museums in Great Britain originated with them ; or, at all events, they were the first to act upon it, by the formation of an Agricultural Museum at Stirling some twenty years ago. There can be no doubt of the great value to the science of farming of well-selected exhibitions of its produce, and the extent to which the principle is now carried out shows the value attached to it. Reverting, however, to the cerealia in the Exhibition, we may observe, that specimens of agricultural produce become really valuable, in the way of affording information, when details are furnished of the circumstances under which they have been produced. It is a distinguishing feature of agriculture, as compared with any other branch of 120 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. industry, that its operations are dependent on circumstances, and that practical rules taken in the abstract are of little value, as they must be modified by a variety of considerations, with which only the practised eye can deal. Hence the value of the details of agricultural practice. When we hear of abnormal accounts of produce, or see extraordinary specimens of the products of farming, we can only turn the information to account by a knowledge of the conditions under which they were obtained. Oats and barley are produced of good quality in Ireland, and in general yield a fair return ; but the growth of wheat is not so satisfactory, owing chiefly to the humidity of the climate during the summer. The extent of land devoted to wheat has accordingly been on the decrease of late ; and there can be little doubt that experience will show the propriety of carrying out this policy still further, and of paying increased at¬ tention to those other crops for which the soil and climate are found to be specially adapted. Important contributions to this department were made by the Messrs. Drummond, Alderman Farrell, and Messrs. Toole and Mackey, consisting of collections of different varieties of dried grasses, and other herbage and forage plants ; many of which had the roots attached to them, thus showing the habits of the variety to which they belonged. The great attention which is now devoted to the judicious selection of this class of plants is one of the most remarkable features of modern farming. The period is not distant when the land intended to be laid down from tillage to grass was left to Nature to supply the plants for the purpose. The consequence was, that on all the inferior class of soils the grass was almost worthless for two or three years; while, even in the best situations, the return of the first season was miserable. But by the use of red clover and some of the grasses, especially the Italian rye grass, an amount of forage is now obtained from the first year’s grass which ranks it amongst the most valuable crops of the rotation. The seeds of this class of plants were exhibited in great variety. When on the subject of agricultural grasses, it will not be out of place to point out the great neglect manifested by many of our farmers in the selection of the proper kinds ; and to economize in the outlay for these seeds, the sweepings of the hay-loft are often used, than which nothing can be more absurd. With the class of farmers who adopt such a practice the hay is seldom of good quality ; and, besides, the seed thus obtained contains many of the seeds of the most pernicious weeds, which, when thus introduced, require years to get them eradicated. Malt —Of malt there were only two collections of samples, that of Messrs. J. and W. Taylor, of Bishops, Stortford, comprising the varieties commonly used; and that of James Asprey, of Sandleford, containing samples of pale and brown malt. The process of malting is one of extreme simplicity; still it is one of those which require to be performed with so much care that the slightest inattention may be destructive to the batch: on this account, therefore, it would have been desirable that specimens produced in this country should have been exhibited; more especially as some of the fermented beverages made in Ireland have ob¬ tained an almost cosmopolitan reputation. Malt may be obtained from any of the cerealia, but barley is almost exclusively used for the purpose, for which it is peculiarly adapted. In the process of malting, a portion of the starch contained in the grain is converted into sugar and dextrin by an artificially excited germination, which is suddenly checked by the appli¬ cation of heat at that stage, when the desired object is best attained. Either a deficiency or excess of ger¬ mination tells upon both quality and quantity of the malt; the former being also effected by the drying, which requires a carefully regulated temperature according to the object in view. The quality of the barley also affects that of the malt so much that only certain kinds are considered to be suited for the purpose. The barley must not only have been well ripened, but it must also have been well preserved, as after the slightest change in chemical composition it becomes totally unfitted for malting. In the process of malting the grain has to be thoroughly soaked in cold water, which is done in large cis¬ terns or tanks. The barley will thereby absorb about half its own weight of water, which is attended by a considerable increase of bulk. At this stage it is removed to be spread in the floor of the malt-house, from twelve to sixteen inches in depth. Germination now sets in, during which considerable heat is evolved. The mass requires to be repeatedly turned to preserve in it a uniformity of temperature, which should range from 55° to about 62°. Germination will have progressed sufficiently when the young shoot has reached about the length of the grain whence it proceeds, and the rudiment of the young stem begins to make its appearance. The growth is then stopped by removing the grain to the malt-kiln, where it is placed on frames of wire gauze, and dried at first at a temperature of 90°, which is gradually increased to about 140°. As has already been remarked, on the attention devoted to these processes will depend the quality of the produce. The varieties of malt usually employed by the brewer are :—1. Pale, or amber malt, which furnishes the chief ingredient in the manufacture of ale, beer, and porter ; 2. Brown malt, which is used to impart flavour; and 3. Roasted or black malt, used as a brown colouring matter for porter. These varieties are obtained by using a higher or lower temperature in the kiln in which the malt is dried. The subject of the application of malt for feeding cattle was much agitated a few years ago, in conjunc¬ tion with efforts made to obtain a repeal of the malt tax. The change which takes place in the grain in the process of malting was supposed to be favourable to the development of flesh and fat, when used for feeding purposes. This led to a series of experiments being undertaken by Dr. Thompson, of Glasgow, by the direc¬ tion of the Government, the result of which was to show that the prevailing opinion as to barley being better in the state of malt than in its original condition was without any adequate foundation. By a recent Parliamentary Return we find that the annual consumption of malt in Ireland is about 1,300,000 bushels. PULSE. The illustrations of this important class of plants were confined to samples of beans contributed by Messrs. Drummond, of this city, and Mr. Fordham, from Berkshire ; of peas, by Mr. Asprey, from the same county; and pea-flour, exhibited by Mr. Styles, of London. There was certainly a grievous want of appreciation of the real objects of the Exhibition on the part of the agricultural interest, otherwise the whole illustration of the pro- Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 121 ducts of agriculture would not have been confined to the enterprise of one of our leading houses in the seed trade, and some three or four amateurs. Beans and peas are little grown in Ireland ; but that is the very reason why the illustration of what is doing would have been important, as we have undoubtedly many suc¬ cessful growers of both crops. In point of nutritive qualities they stand above all others ; and the pea, in many forms, is an article of food much prized, but the bean is unpalatable, and difficult of digestion as human food. Both, however, form excellent food for the domestic animals. For horses, bruised beans have long been in high repute, and when ground they are admirably adapted for the fattening of pigs. From the diffi¬ culty of harvesting the crop in this humid climate, and the very early period at which the seed must be sown, beans have hitherto found little favour in Ireland, even with our best farmers, who regard the bean as a hazardous crop. The cultivation of the pea is not subject to the same drawbacks as that of the bean, in point of early seed-time or difficulty of harvesting; the pea is ripe at a comparatively early period of the season, and its entire cultivation and management are attended with little difficulty. It only succeeds well on the lighter class of soils, while the bean, on the other hand, is most successfully grown on the heavy clays. The pea is, however, grown to a still smaller extent in this country than the bean, though in some of the light gravelly soils which are occasionally met with, there can be little doubt that it would yield a profitable return. As an article of human food, pease, in different forms, are held in deservedly high estimation. White pease are grown to a considerable extent in England, for being converted into what is termed split pease, which are used for pea-soup. The great peculiarity of this variety is its dissolving readily into a sort of semi-fluid mass, and when they do so they are termed boilers, and command a high price. The non-boilers, as the other varieties are termed, are also largely employed for domestic use, the difficulty of boiling them soft being removed by the addition of a small quantity of carbonate of soda to the wateriused for the purpose. A species of pease- meal is much used by invalids in Scotland, in the form of porridge, from its combining the properties of being light and easily digested, and at the same time of being highly nutritious. A competent authority on this subject states, that much of the so-called Revalenta Arabica, sold at an enormous price in our shops, is the common pease-meal, to be usually had at about 2d. per pound. AGRICULTURAL ROOTS. Towards the close of the Exhibition the contribution of a great variety of roots formed a feature in this depart¬ ment suggestive of some remarks on the circumstances under which this class of farm produce can be most advantageously grown. We have seen that for the growth of wheat our climate is by no means so favourable as that of many other countries ; and that, however remunerative it may have been under a system of artificial prices, yet, under the influence of unrestricted competition, a portion of the extent of ground hitherto usually devoted to it must give place to some of the other cultivated crops. But the circumstances which render the climate of Ireland unfavourable to the production of wheat of fine quality favour the growth of root crops of all kinds. Of this the specimens to which we have referred afforded abundant evidence; and the collections of Irish roots annually displayed in the Agricultural Museum of the Royal Dublin Society, and also at the Shows of the Smithfield Club, in London, have further illustrated the fact, that tor the production of root crops of all kinds the soil and climate of Ireland are admirably adapted. Bearing in mind the utilitarian objects of the Exhibition, and that they will only be attained in as far as they stimulate the progress of improvement; and regarding the tillage of the soil as the great staple industry of Ireland, a brief review of the considerations involved in the successful growth of root crops will not here be out of place. We must premise, however, that the reader must not expect to find in these pages essays on any branch of husbandry, or details of agricultural operations. We mei’ely purpose to consider the circum¬ stances under which the best crops of roots can be produced; and we do so more in the hope of stimulating inquiry than with a view of speaking dogmatically on the subject. It is generally conceded that in point of gross produce, under favourable circumstances, the average re¬ turns of turnips, beet, and other crops, obtained in Ireland, exceed those of any other country. Individual roots of these crops, ranging from fifteen to twenty pounds weight, have, in fact, ceased to be a novelty. With a well pulverized soil, high manuring, and careful management, crops are grown in this country which asto¬ nish the English and Scotch farmers. The circumstance of premiums being offered for large roots stimulated exertion in this direction ; and for some time past the intervals between the rows have gone on increasing, as well as the distances between the plants in the rows, in order still further to develop the property so much desired. So far, in short, had this system of growing monster roots been carried, that the inquiry was sug¬ gested as to whether this was really the way in which the largest amount of nutritious produce was to be obtained off the land. In the prosecution of this inquiry we have to consider, first—the effect of wide inter¬ vals and large roots, as contrasted with closer intervals and medium-sized roots, on the gross produce from a given surface; and second, the relative value of large and small roots in point of nutritive properties. In other words, we have to determine whether as large a gross produce might not be obtained by the growth of roots ranging from three to five or six pounds weight each, as by the production of those varying from seven or eight up to twenty pounds ; and further, what is the relative value of a given weight of roots of each class. The prima facie case is in favour of medium-sized over large roots in point of nutritive properties, and if, on further investigation, it should turn out that ten tons of the one are worth twelve or thirteen tons of the other (which is the case), then, indeed, the fancied superiority of these large roots would be only a delusion. This is obviously one of the most important problems in rural economy, and one on which it behoves the farmer to see that he is well informed. Another circumstance affecting the quality of roots, whether of large or small size, is the direct appli¬ cation of manure, which is injurious in the case of any of the cultivated crops, whatever be their charac¬ ter. Moderate-sized roots are, of course, obtained by growing them close together; but the evil here alluded to can only be remedied by the application of the manure before the final preparation of the land for the THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 122 [Class III. seed, by which means it becomes intimately distributed throughout the soil, instead of being, in larger quan¬ tity, in contact with the plants. The contemplated introduction of the beet sugar industry some time ago first gave form to the above in¬ quiry, as it was important to determine the constitution of Irish roots, as compared with those of other coun¬ tries. With this view an extensive series of experiments was conducted in the winter of 1851-52 in the Museum of Irish Industry, to determine the value of L’ish-grown roots so far as the sugar manufacture was concerned. In the process of that inquiry a great variation in the quality of different specimens was found to exist, and, on further examination as to the causes on which such variation was dependent, it was found that the quantity of sugar and the nutritive qualities generally of roots increased or diminished with their size. The specimens then examined (over 100) were so numerous as to guard against the error so often committed of drawing a general conclusion from a small number of observations, and the result left no room for doubt that the law was of general application so far as this class of produce was concerned. In the suc¬ ceeding season the inquiry was followed up at the Museum with a still more extended range of experiments, when similar results were obtained. A summary of these results we propose to place before the reader; but before doing so it will not be uninteresting to consider some of the circumstances on which successful root tillage is dependent. The conditions which are necessary to insure the fertility of the soil are eminently deserving of conside¬ ration, in this or in any other branch of husbandry. Experience has shown that the liberal application of farm-yard manure is conducive to fertility, which is also known to be promoted by deep and minute pulve¬ rization. But in what manner do these agents operate ? Is the effect of the manure owing to its directly supplying the food of plants, or to its action upon the soil, or to the influence of both combined? Again, how does the deep and fine tillage prove ancillary to luxuriant vegetation ? Hitherto these inquiries have received little attention from the practical farmer ; though it is apparent that, until a certain approximation is made towards their satisfactory solution, he is, to a great extent, working in the dark. Experience teaches him that by the adoption of a prescribed course of action a certain effect is produced; but until he becomes acquainted with the modus operandi of his business, he cannot tell whether the same effect might not be pro¬ duced by other and less expensive means. The teachings of experience are not to be neglected, especially in the management of practical operations ; but in the present age of active inquiry and general progress, it is anything but consolatory to find that the great bulk of those engaged in the most important branch of human industry are satisfied with a blind adherence to routine practice, with but little inquiry to ascertain how far that practice is in accordance with the results of scientific investigation. Science unaided by practice will do little for the farmer ; but we may fairly question the propriety of that practice which is not sustained by science. The merest routine agriculturist, with the aid of certain appliances, can confidently calculate on producing a given result; but the important consideration remains to be determined as to whether or not such result has been obtained in the most economical manner. We have long since ceased to give much credit to the mere production of large crops of any kind, or to even morbid obesity in live stock, without reference to the means and appliances available for the purpose. We are beginning to look more to the economy of means than hitherto ; but it is obvious that in this respect our reliance shall be on little less than guess-work, un¬ til we make some progress in becoming acquainted with the nature of the action of the means which we employ. It is by such information that we shall be able to determine whether or not there is an undue expenditure for the object to be attained. It is only after having definitely ascertained the character of the conditions to be fulfilled, that we can come to a satisfactory conclusion as to the most economical agency for the purpose. A finely comminuted state of the soil is a constant and essential condition for the production of luxuriant crops. When we come to consider the extent to which this should be carried out, economical considerations will be involved, depending upon the proportion which the expense incurred thereby will bear to the increased value of the crops. The productiveness of garden t illage, as compared with that of the field, is mainly owing to the great depth to which the soil is finely pulverized in the former case. Where other circumstances have been equal, the most casual observer cannot fail to detect the difference which there is between the crop on that portion much carted upon in applying the manure, as compared with the rest of the field. If this car¬ tage has taken place while the soil is damp, it becomes absolutely ruinous ; and in this way much of that fine tilth has often been destroyed, which had been attained at the expense of great previous labour. Some recent investigations have shown, that under favourable circumstances the roots of our commonly cultivated crops penetrate much deeper into the soil than is usually supposed ; and some of the specimens in the Exhibition illustrated this property in a remarkable manner. The beet, flax, and some other plants, have been known to extend their roots over three feet in depth, and there is little doubt that, under such circumstances, any obstacle which would have impeded their progress would, in a corresponding degree, have interfered with their growth. Every shower of rain that falls upon the land is fraught with fertilizing matters, which become distributed through the soil, where ready ingress and egress is provided for the moisture that falls upon it. Rain water is charged with ammonia, which it absorbs from the atmosphere ; it also contains a considerable quantity of carbonic acid gas. In this way, there is little doubt, that plants derive at all events the greater part of the azote which they contain, and a portion of their carbon. During the alternations of drought and moisture the atmosphere also pervades the soil to a considerable depth, fulfilling thereby an important func¬ tion in the economy of vegetation. In the case of highly cultivated land, every shower becomes a great store¬ house of nutriment, as well as acting the part of a solvent, through the intervention of which the inorganic constituents of the soil are presented in an acceptable form to the rootlets so profusely distributed through it. In the absence of this high pulverization moisture slowly penetrates the soil, and as slowly passes away from it. Becoming stagnant, it is without any of those fertilizing ingredients which it in the first instance con¬ tained, and a fresh supply of which becomes impossible. In wet weather the crops upon it suffer from excess of moisture, and at other times from drought. It is an apparent anomaly that the soil which suffers most at one season from an excess of water is most liable to be effected by a deficiency of it at another; yet such is the case. A highly pulverized soil rarely sustains injury from thought unless it be greatly deficient in organic Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 123 matter; while that which is compressed becomes filled with cracks and fissures in dry weather, thereby [(resenting an undue amount of evaporating surface, to the great injury of the crop. In maintaining that deep and minute, pulverization is a fundamental condition of good tillage, we are not, therefore, trenching upon debateable ground. But when we come to consider the depth to which this pulverization should be carried, the question of expense comes to be taken in account with the effect to be produced. The tendency of late has, however, been in favour of much deeper tillage than was some time ago considered necessary. The depth of an ordi¬ nary furrow slice was formerly the extent to which the soil was stirred up ; but now the subsoil plough is made to penetrate from fourteen to eighteen inches ; and the increased fertility of the land thereby obtained has been found to amply repay the expense incurred. Keeping in view the great value of this highly pulverized state of the soil, the practice of the farmer should be regulated so as not only to insure its being produced, but also to maintain it as far as practicable. Treading upon or working the soil in damp weather is, therefore, to be avoided as much as possible, as well as cartage of any kind upon the land after being prepared for the crop. Yet, among the many inconsistencies which appear in farm management, there is none greater than that much labour should be expended in finely pulverizing the soil, and that directly after the carts should be made to pass over it repeatedly, in applying a large dressing of heavy manure ; the application of which, at that particular time, is not only injurious to the land, but is distressing to the horses from the difficulty of the cartage. It is clear, therefore, that it is only by the application of the manure before the first ploughing is given, that this primary condition of good husbandry can be fully attained. This will, of course, only apply to the manure made in summer and autumn ; but the winter manure may be used before the first cross-ploughing in preparing the land for green crops; in which case it will be thoroughly combined with the soil by the subsequent ploughings and barrowings, and all cartage will be avoided when it is ready for the seed. The extraordinary exertion required at that season of the year on the farm is chiefly owing to the great labour imposed by the application of the manure ; and hence, by the improved practice, the work would be more equally distributed throughout the year than is at present, which in itself would be no inconsiderable advantage. The great value justly attributed to farm-yard manure is owing as much to its mechanical effect upon the soil, as to its directly supplying substances to be taken up by the growing crops ; and that this effect may be produced to the greatest extent, it is plain that the manure should be intimately combined with the soil, which it can only be, by being applied previous to the preparation of the land for the seed. While the unc¬ tuous rich appearance, resulting from the liberal use of that manure, is so favourable to a high degree of ferti¬ lity, its direct application to any of the growing crops materially interferes with their quality. The effect of culture upon the potato has been well ascertained from its being an article of human food ; and it is known that in the case of that tuber, high manuring produces a sample scarcely fit for use. We have reason to believe that the same holds good with all other crops. We attain by a direct application of manure an in¬ crease of bulk at the expense of quality ; and as we come to regard the latter consideration as it deserves, we shall see the necessity of so modifying our practice as to insure the combination of quality with quantity. The astounding difference produced in the quality of the sugar beet by the direct application of manure has been forcibly exhibited by the experiments on the subject, conducted at the Museum of Irish Industry, already referred to. The gardener well knows that forced productions of any sort are of very inferior quality, and the same holds good in the field ; yet attention is so apt to be attracted by anything out of the common course, that the production of monstrous roots has been for some time past the rage, without the slightest conside¬ ration as to their quality. With the land properly drained, and the manure applied previous to the last workings, raised drills become no longer necessary in the culture of green crops, which may then be planted in rows on the flat surface. In this case a material difference may take place in the distances apart at which the plants are grown. There lias been ample experience to show that on the flat surface all sorts of root crops may be conveniently and suc¬ cessfully grown at intervals of from sixteen to twenty inches between the rows, and horse-hoes in abundance may be found for cleaning crops at such distances. There is no room for speculation as to whether or not this practice can be carried out, as it has been already adopted with the best results. The previous due pre¬ paration of the land will leave no root weeds to be contended with during the growth of the crop, and the annual weeds may be kept down without difficulty. Besides, it must be borne in mind that the production of weeds is largely increased by the manure being deposited in the ordinary manner; and hence the weeding will be less difficult when the manure is distributed throughout the soil. Among the objections which are urged against this practice, it is stated that with deep tillage, and the manure being distributed through such a large mass of soil, its influence would be little felt—that the ferti¬ lizing matters which it contained would be washed away by the rains, from their being soluble.—and that however apparently specious the theory may be of deep and minute pulverization combined with winter ma¬ nuring, in practice it would be wasteful, the effect of the high tillage being to permit of the fertilizing mat¬ ters being carried away with a rapidity of which we can now form no conception. It is also urged that economy of manure is best promoted by the prevailing practice; that while the stock is deficient it behoves the farmer to apply it as directly as possible to his crops; and that, in fine, it is only after a high degree of fertility has been obtained that the proposed change can be safely adopted. Now, in all discussions on these subjects, it is incumbent upon us to keep a high standard of excellence in view. We make a great mistake by continuing to found our calculations upon mediocrity. The cultivation of an acre of land in a high state of fertility is not more expensive than under opposite circumstances; on the contrary, generally speaking, it will be less, while the produce will be greater. If the farmer, then, is obliged to work with deficient means, it will clearly be his interest to concentrate his energies on a diminished space, so as to bring it up to the highest point of production, in preference to encountering the expense of tillage of a larger extent, yielding little over half produce. Under high tillage, the bare saving of seed is no inconsi¬ derable item, amounting in the case of wheat to a large proportion of the wffiole rent of the land. The objec¬ tion that any proposed course of management is only suited to the circumstances under which a high degree s THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 124 [Class III. of fertility has been obtained goes therefore for nothing; as it is manifestly the interest of the farmer that this condition should in any case be secured. Referring to the economy of manure, it is demonstrable that true economy will be studied by enriching the whole mass of the soil, and thus securing a uniform degree of fertility. In this way that porous character will be imparted, to which reference was before made, as presenting the requisite facilities for the roots of the growing crops extending themselves in all directions, so as to be able to take advantage of the fertilizing matters derived from the rain and atmosphere ; and which are more important for the progress of healthy and vigorous vegetation than all the manures that could be directly applied. An opinion is entertained to the effect that pulverization may be carried too far, especially when in com¬ bination with thorough drainage, and that the action of heavy rains on the soluble matters of the soil may run no small risk of carrying them off,—in short, that the discharge of the drains in such cases might be a sort of diluted liquid manure, which derived its value at the expense of the soil. In this case the propriety of the distribution of the manure through the land would be doubtful; moreover, if the soluble matters of the manure were liable to be carried off in this manner, winter manuring would be a wasteful practice, as the fertilizing matters applied at that period would run some risk of being altogether carried off before seed-time, so that beyond some mechanical effect upon the soil the manure would exercise no influence upon the crop. This is a highly plausible speculation ; but it is nothing more ; though it has been again and again brought forward in opposition to that highly pulverized state of the soil which is now known to be favourable to vegetation, and it affords an apposite illustration of the ingenuity exercised by the opponents of innovations on established practice. The investigation of this subject has, however, done much for the progress of scientific agriculture, while it has demonstrated that the apprehensions now adverted to are totally groundless. It is too much the habit even of the intelligent practical farmer of the present day to decry the labours of scientific men in con¬ nexion with the business of husbandly. But sneers of this kind have contributed no little to impede the progress of improvement, which requires science and practice to go hand in hand, the one elucidating the other. Even in these inquiries the value of scientific investigation is seen to be by no means inconsiderable, as we shall see more clearly in the sequel. Other things being equal, it will be at once perceived that on the absorptive powers of the soil much of its fertility will depend ; that is, the extent to which it imbibes and retains the fertilizing matters, so that they may be available for the growing crops. Accordingly, it is found that, however highly the soil may be pulverized, or however perfectly drained, the particles of earthy matter possess the property of retaining alka¬ line substances of all kinds which may be supplied by manure. In sandy soils this takes place only to a very limited extent, and hence these are technically called “ hungry soils” from their so readily parting with ferti¬ lizing matters. To the farmer it has long been known that certain soils require the application of manure much more frequently than others ; but the circumstance to which this was owing does not seem to have, until lately, attracted that attention to which it is entitled. The subject has recently been very fully inves¬ tigated by Professor Way, the substance of whose researches we now propose to briefly notice. In the preliminary stage of the inquiry it was found that all soils capable of profitable cultivat ion retained any alkaline substances apjflied to them in solution; and when salts, with alkaline bases, were used, the alkali alone was absorbed, the acid being set free. The action, moreover, was instantaneous, leaving no room for supposing that the result could be varied by any excess of moisture, such as would occur in heavy rains. If sulphate of ammonia, potash, or soda, were applied to the soil, the filtered liquor proceeding from it would contain sulphate of lime ; and where muriates or nitrates of these alkalies were used, muriate or nitrate of lime would result. Professor Way found that the organic matters of the soil had nothing to do with this action; that the addition of carbonate of lime did not increase the absorptive power for the alkaline salts ; and even that a soil in which carbonate of lime did not occur might still possess, in a high degree, the power of re¬ moving ammonia or potash from solution. The stiffest and most tenacious clays, taken from considerable depths, which had never, since their deposition, been exposed to atmospheric influences, and which were free from organic matter or carbonate of lime, were found to possess the absorptive property to the fullest extent. An examination of the soils in which this property of absorption existed showed that a considerable pro¬ portion of clay was invariably present. In fine sands it does not exist at all. The inquiry of the manner in which the action takes place, as well as the precise changes which occur in the soil during the process, are evidently points of great practical importance, as well as interesting objects of scientific research. In an early stage of the inquiry, Professor Way states that he felt convinced the absorptive property was due to a small quantity of some definite chemical compound,—a circumstance which imparted additional interest to the investi¬ gation. A salt of lime was, in all cases, found in the resulting solution from the soil, where this absorptive property was proved to exist, after being acted upon by liquid manure; and since many of the soils examined did not yield to pure water any considerable quantity of lime, and therefore did not contain any soluble salt of that base; further, when treated with acids, they did not give any indication of the presence of carbonate of lime; the compound could not be any of the ordinary salts of lime. What, then, was the nature of this salt ? The large quantity of silica present in certain soils, some of which is known to exist in the form of silicate of lime and other alkaline silicates, seemed to Professor Way to point to salts of this acid as most probably the true cause of the absorptive property. The silicate of lime is very slightly soluble, and, not being capable of ab¬ sorbing ammonia, it became evident it was not to this salt the property was due. The compound silicates were therefore examined for the purpose, as being derived from the granite rocks to which clay owes its origin, and as being therefore present to a considerable extent in clayey soils. But the different natural sili¬ cates, when digested in a solution of sal-ammoniac, did not appear to possess the power of combining with the ammonia—a circumstance which showed that it was not to the undecomposed remains of the granitic rocks in the clay that the property is owing. Double silicates formed artificially were very naturally supposed to exhibit chemical action more readily than after, as in the case of the granite rocks, undergoing the agency of heat; and, accordingly, salts were produced without the aid of heat, of the same composition as felspar and albite. When the resulting compound was digested in a solution of muriate of ammonia, the excess Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 125 of the latter salt being washed away by distilled water, the precipitate was found to contain ammonia in con¬ siderable quantity, Professor Way, therefore, considers that with these double silicates of ammonia and other bases, the greater part, if not the whole, of the phenomena of absorption of manures are connected ; and he entertains a hope that these compounds, which have a very important relation to the growth of plants, may yet be manufactured at a sufficiently low cost to make them available as manure. Hence, one of the very important objects which may be attained by this inquiry. In tiie investigation of the properties of the silicates, it was observed that there is a regular order of de¬ composition between the silicates of each base and the ordinary salts of other bases. Thus, that of soda is decomposed by salts of lime, potash, or ammonia ; the potash silicate is again decomposed by lime or am¬ monia ; and that of lime by the silicate of ammonia. From a silicate of alumina, and any of the other bases, for example, the base will be dislodged in the order mentioned. Nitrate of potash will decompose silicate of soda, and a potash silicate will be formed, whilst ammonia will replace any of the other bases. The silicates, therefore, without exception, are capable of absorbing ammonia, which is known to be one of the most im¬ portant agents in vegetation ; and the discovery of this fact is instructive, as it exhibits so very certain a provision for the retention of ammonia in the soil. It matters not, whether any one or more of these com¬ pounds is present; so that one of them is there, the ammonia supplied by the manure, or obtained from the atmosphere, will be equally retained to be available for the use of the growing crops. And the order in which the decompositions take place is not a little remarkable. Thus, for the retention of ammonia, four other bases are made responsible. Next comes potash. And then soda, which is the alkali of least importance in the economy of vegetation. Lime is less securely provided for than any of the others ; but the precaution in this case is the less necessary from the great abundance in which lime exists. In reference, however, to the de¬ compositions, the rule only applies to the action of the salts of different bases upon the silicates. Sulphate of lime cannot displace the ammonia from its silicate, but the action of the caustic alkali itself would be very different; for not only would silicate of ammonia be decomposed by lime, but the silicates of potash and alu¬ mina would also be decomposed by it. This is a point of some importance, as it may lead, among other things, to the discovery of the true cause of the evils of over-liming land, which may be mainly owing to the ammonia of the soil being driven off: and what may only be a useful application of lime to one soil may be destructive to another; as from the smaller proportion of other silicates for the lime to act upon, it may at¬ tack the ammoniacal compounds, and, by driving off the ammonia, impoverish the land. In the inquiries instituted by Professor Way, it has, therefore, been shown that a power of absorption is possessed by soils not referable to either the organic matter, the sand, or the lime which they contain ; and further, that pure clays, free from any of the ordinary salts of lime or soda, possess the property in a high degree. But the activity of clay can only be due to some compounds of silica, from which their further in¬ vestigation becomes a matter of great importance. The ammonia, potash, and other alkaline ingredients of manure, being under the influence of the soil converted into double silicates, the question may be asked, how are they ultimately made available for the use of plants ? If the compounds so produced are insoluble in water, how is the ammonia or potash liberated for the purposes of vegetation ? But these salts are not alto- ther insoluble in water. The double silicate of alumina and ammonia, when treated with distilled water, gives to it ammonia, though in small quantity; but carbonic acid water dissolves the ammonia from the double silicate rather freely ; and as water naturally contains carbonic acid gas, it follows that the solubility of the ammoniacal silicate will be very considerable. But it is still more soluble in a solution of common salt. In these various ways Professor Way contends that an abundant supply will be available for the pur¬ poses of vegetation. The value of an application of common salt may be chiefly owing to these phenomena. The bearings, in a practical point of view, of the inquiry here adverted to cannot be mistaken; and it further shows the great service which science is calculated to render in the business ofliusbandry. We thus see, to some extent, the reason why deep pulverization is so essential to the maintenance of a high degree of fertility in the soil. Atmospheric action contributes to these changes taking place. And moreover, if the alkaline solutions cannot freely penetrate the soil to the utmost extent to which the roots of plants are likely to extend, the absorptive power can be but sparingly called into action ; and the fertilizing matters, being retained in their original state, are liable to be washed away by every shower that falls. The conclusions to which we are irresistibly led by a full investigation of the subject appear, therefore, to be—that the maintenance of a highly pulverized state of the soil, to the greatest practicable depth, is essential to the development of its fertility; that the fertilizing matters which may be applied, if intimately incorporated with the soil, are in little danger of being washed out by any rains that may fall upon it, which removes the only feasible objection that could be urged to winter manuring ; that the direct application of bulky manure, to root crops of any kind, imposes the necessity of growing these crops with wider intervals between the rows than would otherwise be necessary, while the fact is indisputable, that in all cases it exer¬ cises an injurious action upon the quality of the produce; and that by growing this class of crops at closer intervals than have hitherto been adopted, applying the manure at least before the final preparation of the land for the crop, there is good reason to believe that while the quality of the produce will be greatly im¬ proved, the gross quantity may not be seriously, if at all, diminished. Nor is there the slightest reason to doubt that, by the adoption of the practice here indicated, the conditions necessary for insuring a high degree of fertility in the soil will be better fulfilled than under the present practice; which also has the further drawback of adding, in an enormous degree, to the amount of labour to be performed at the busiest season of the year. Reverting again to the composition of our root crops, it is obviously important that the quantity of solid matter which they contain should be as great as possible ; as in any case the quantity of water in them is large, varying from four-fifths to nine-tenths of their whole weight. In the tabulated results obtained at the Museum of Irish Industry in 1851-52, we find that some of the roots of the sugar beet, grown by Messrs. Dickson, of Belturbet, contained over 93 per cent, of water, while others, of the same variety, grown by James Sinclair, Jun., Esq., of Holyhill, near Strabane, contained less than 78 per cent, of water. In the one 126 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class HI. case, 100 tons of roots would yield only 7 tons of solid matter, and in the other, 22 tons. The produce of Mr. Dickson’s roots is stated to have been 46 tons per Irish acre, which was, no doubt, regarded as highly satisfactory ; and so it was, in the absence of any question being raised about quality ; but the quantity of solid food afforded to the acre would be little over three tons, which, again, is miserably small. Mr. Sinclair’s roots produced 28 tons to the Cunningham acre,—which happens to be the measure employed in that district,—or about 35 tons to the Irish acre, yielding 7f tons of solid food. The casual observer would here award the palm to the larger produce, though it requires no argument to show that, in an economical point of view, a very great mistake would be made by so doing. The acreage produce in the latter case is perhaps rather under the average of what good farming would afford ; though, when we come to learn the quality of the crop, the yield is seen to be highly satisfactory".* * The confessedly great importance of the subject will justify our inserting at length a Report on the subject of the second investigation at the Museum, which is pregnant with instruction to the agriculturist:— “ On the comparative value of large and small roots, with some considerations on the culture of Root Crops in ge¬ neral, by Wm. Iv. Sullivan, Chemist to the Museum of Irish Industry , and Alphonse Gages, Assistant Chemist. “ In the Parliamentary Report on the composition of the Sugar Beet, containing the results of experiments made during the year 1851 and 1852 in the Museum of Irish In¬ dustry, we drew attention to a fact already well known to the sugar manufacturers on the Continent, that very large roots contained less sugar than those of a medium size. Now this fact is of very great importance, indeed, we may say, of vital importance to the manufacturer of beet sugar ; to him the first consideration is the per-centage of sugar in the roots, whilst to the farmer the gross weight of the crop has hitherto been the great object—the former looks to quality , the latter to quantity. But our experiments, as well as those of pre¬ ceding chemists, have fully' demonstrated that the solid matter of the beet scarcely varies in composition, or at least only varies within very narrow limits ; that it is the water alone which increases and diminishes in relation to the other con¬ stituents; and that hence, if the per-centage of sugar be smaller in one root than in another, the total amount of solid matter available for food or other purposes will also be smaller. “ In nearly all previous analyses, the comparative weight of the roots examined was but little attended to, and where a comparison was instituted, it was between roots grown in different localities. A perusal of the Report already alluded to will show, however, that owing to the influence of soil, manures, &c., large roots grown in one field may be better than small roots grown in another. Hence the doubt which has existed upon the subject. Again, roots taken from one locality alone, no matter how many may be submitted to examination, could lead to no definite result, because the seed usually sold is not always of uniform quality, some of the grains being unripe, others crossed by a different variety, and many other causes which it is unnecessary to uotice; and as it may so happen that the small roots may be derived from the imperfect seeds, they would naturally be of inferior quality. It was, therefore, necessary to examine a great number of roots from different localities; and instead of taking only one or two roots from each field to select three or more of the smallest roots, and three or more of the largest, grown as nearly as possible under similar conditions. “ The total number of roots examined is about 430, which give between seventy and eighty examples obtained from nine different counties; a number which we are sure will be considered sufficient to warrant us in drawing a conclusion. We have extended our examination to nearly all root crops without distinction. “We shall now confine ourselves to the total amount of solid matter which these different roots contained; that is, to the amount of matter which remains after the removal of all the water, leaving the consideration of a number of impor¬ tant questions to a subsequent period. It is unnecessary for us to remark, that the first elements in the comparison be¬ tween root crops is the relative amount of solid matter which they contain; it is indeed at the present moment the only definite one. When we compare two different crops of the same plant, it is quite clear that we are justified to a great extent in pronouncing that crop the best which contains the largest amount of solid matter, because, as we remarked already, the composition of that solid matter is pretty con¬ stant, even in different varieties of the same plant. But when we compare roots belonging to different genera of plants, we must make allowance for difference of composi¬ tion ; these are points, however, which we shall return to on another occasion. “ An objection to this mode of comparison is sometimes made, and but for the fact of its being held by many intel¬ ligent agriculturists, we would not consider wort hy of notice. They consider that the water contained in vegetables is of considerable importance in the nutrition of animals. No doubt it is; but does it not strike such reasoners that these vegetables which contain most solid matter already contain far more water than is necessary for the animal economy, and that it is not very profitable to be paying for an additional quantity, by purchasing roots consisting of an innutritious sponge filled with water, which is very frequently the cha¬ racter of the large roots. They also believe that in drying roots, some valuable element goes off with the water, and thus escapes the chemist’s balance. We shall only say, that the age of auras is past, and that such a mode of explaining physical facts is simply absurd. “ If large roots contain less solid matter than small roots, we ought naturally to expect that roots of from fifteen to twenty pounds should give a minimum result. We have not as yet had an opportunity of examining roots of this size. Indeed many of the large roots sent to us, as such, were in some instances under three pounds. Hence our results are founded upon the examination of very ordinary-sized roots, and are, therefore, the more valuable, as they refer not alone to the few crops of ‘ monster roots’ grown by wealthy agri- cultui'ists, but to the plants as they are usually cultivated. “ Out of upwards of seventy samples of roots, making altogether, as we have already remarked, 430 different spe¬ cimens, we have foimd only three exceptions to the rule that small roots are superior to large. The first case occurred with six roots of long red mangels, grown by Mr. J. Mac- donnell at the Model Farm of Lame, in the county of Antrim. The mean per-centage of solid matter in the large roots was 14,936, and in the small 14,721, that is practically the same. Now the cause of this exception was, that the seed was not uniform; the heaviest root, which weighed 61b. 10J oz., was a different variety from all the small; it had white flesh and a rose-red skin, while the three small ones were remark¬ able for the amount of colouring matter which they con¬ tained. As a general ride, all varieties of the beet having white flesh are superior to those having alternating red rings, and the latter to those coloured red throughout their mass. It is, however, very often difficult to decide upon a point of this kind, as nearly all the roots which we have ex¬ amined were grown from seed which appeared to have been more or less crossed by other varieties, and hence, many of the roots thus partially altered had a great tendency to throw out their flower stalk during the first year, by which, of course, all increase in solidity in the bull) is arrested. Per¬ fectly developed seed from a fully formed variety, produced under proper conditions, does not run to seed the first year, except where it is placed in contact with fresh manure, rich in nitrogen, and in a moist soil. “ The second exception occurred with six roots grown by- Lord Clancarty. The average of the large roots, the heaviest of which was only 4 lb. 8 oz., was 14,701 per cent, of solid matter, and of the small ones 14,287 per cent., or a very Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 127 In the production of root crops there can, in fact, be no doubt that high manuring is inimical to the growth of roots of good quality. It has hitherto, however, been generally supposed that in the application of manures to root crops too large a quantity could scarcely be used. It is well known that in the culture of grain this does not hold good; that over-manuring produces an excess, in fact a bulky crop of straw, but that it will be little less. In this case also, the cause of the exception can be explained. The two small roots which contained the least per-centage of solid matter were unripe, and had grown in a great measure out of the soil, by which the quality was deteriorated. Our own results have before led us to the conclusion, that in cultivating beet, the bulb should be co¬ vered up so as not to have it projecting out of the soil; an opinion which is opposed to that of most practical men, who m-ge as a proof against it, that if you cover up turnips you cause them to finger. Now what does this prove ? That the soil is not sufficiently broken up, and that if you surround a young bulb with a mass of mud clay, it cannot expand equally, but will send out branches along the lines of least resistance. In practice the farmer may find that a theo¬ retical opinion does not apply, but he rarely perceives that the reason why it does not is simply that the proper con¬ ditions are not fulfilled. “ If we cut a beet root at right angles to its longer axis, we find that it is composed of a series of alternate rings of vascular and cellular tissue, and if we examine the vascular tissue, and the cellular tissue in immediate contact with it, we shall find that it contains far more sugar, and, conse¬ quently, solid matter, than the remaining cellular tissue; very frequently double the amount. This observation was first made by Payen, and we have fully confirmed his opinion in our report of last year. But not only does the composition of the beet vary from without inwards, but it also varies in an equal, and indeed, in a still greater degree, if we examine it from above downwards. If we divide a beet root into five parts by sections at right angles to the longer axis; the first forming the crown, and terminating at the limit of the in¬ sertion of the leaf’s stalks ; second, a segment immediately below the crown, varying from a half-inch to one inch in thickness; third, the body of the root; fourth, the point of the root about one inch in thickness, and from one to two inches long; and fifth, the bifurcation of the root, and the small roots,—we shall find that the sugar, and, consequently, the solid matter contained in each of those parts, varies very considerably. Mr. A. Rehring, of Edderitz, obtained the fol¬ lowing results from an examination at successive periods of these different parts. Date of Experiment. Per-centage of Sugar. Crown. Segment of Root below the Crown. Body of the Root. Point of the Root. Bifurca¬ tions and smaller Roots. 2Sth October, .... 2-01 8-74 12-07 10*47 5*41 15th November, . . 2-00 8*94 12-31 10*89 7*34 20th December, . . 1-23 8*01 12-08 10 64 7-20 12th February, . . . 0-32 7-34 11 72 10-49 6*5 1st March,. 0-02 5*02 11-45 10-32 5-94 “From these experiments, it results that the segment be¬ low the crown contains only about two-thirds of the sugar contained in the body of the root, and as the thickness of this segment is increased by allowing the root to protrude out of the soil, it will easily be understood that such a prac¬ tice must be erroneous. We have a great many interesting results upon this point, but as they are not immediately con¬ nected with our present object, we shall reserve them. Name of Grower. Weight of Large Roots. Weight of Small Roots. Per-centage of Solid Matter in Large Roots. Per-centage of Solid Matter in Small Roots. Number of Tons of Large Roots equivalent in Value to 100 Tons of Small. lb. oz. lb* oz. lb. oz. lb. oz. r Ninian Niven, Drumcondra,. 3 U{ to 4 2 1 3i to 1 Ilf 10-408 17*427 167-43 H P. O’Hagan, Market-Hill, . 3 21 4 9 „ 1 7} 15-782 19-785 125*36 W Lord Talbot dc Malahide, Malahide, . . 3 3.1 7 10.4 1 101 „ 2 12i 1-3-461 15-756 117-05 » Rev. W. R. Townsend, Aghada,. 3 9f 4 8* 0 71 „ 1 4f 12-942 15-321 118*38 PS Lord Clancarty, Garbally,. 2 9 „ 2 151 0 141 ,, 0 14| 14-671 17 152 116-91 o William Kelly, Poitrane,. 4 13 5 14 0 8 „ 1 41 14-863 15 892 106-92 D Robert Hawkins, Enniscorthy,. 5 13| 13 4 1 12 „ 3 Of 8-731 11-194 128-20 Daniel Humphries, Middleton,. 3 Hi 3 151 1 4 1 14 14-104 16-285 115*46 r Dr. Kirkpatrick, Glasnevin,. 6 4| 8 6f 1 01 1 9f 12-284 14-683 119 53 W Lord Talbot de Malahide,. 6 15f 9 13i 3 8i ,, 4 3J 10-588 12-244 115-64 Rev. W. R. Townsend, Aghada,. 6 15f 7 6'i 0 10 „ 1 5 10-788 15-911 147-48 as R. Bovle, Ballymoney,. 4 9 „ 6 10 1 3i „ 1 12f 11-835 13-462 113-74 J. Macdonnell, Larne,. 4 8i „ 6 101 2 8§ ,, 2 12| 14 936 14-721 J. Andrews, Comber,. 4 3f 4 8J 1 2 1 3i 13-697 17-810 130*02 Lord Clancarty,. 3 4i „ 4 8 1 If 1 4f 14-701 14-287 O Andrew Templeton, Clandeboye, .... 3 12i 4 0i 0 12 1 2 14-265 16-033 109*62 William Kelly, Portrane,. 6 141 „ 9 3 0 6i 0 7§ 10-986 15-624 142*18 Robert Hawkins, Enniscorthy,. 8 6i »» 10 2 1 131 2 4f 9-413 14-088 149*66 r Ninian Niven, Drumcondra, . 9 0 9 151 2 Of 2 lOf 11-884 12-583 105*88 S s Dr. Kirkpatrick, Glasnevin,. 6 15f 8 14 0 14f 1 12 11T15 13 775 123*93 David Moore, Glasnevin, . •. 3 13 4 5 0 101 0 12 10-690 15 194 14212 Rev. W. R. Townsend, Aghada,. 6 11 7 5 1 11 1 11-665 16 325 l* 1 Andrew Templeton, Clandeboye, .... 2 9f ,, 3 2 i U 1 4f 14-321 14-097 o H Wiliam Kelly, Portrane,. 5 15f 7 5 0 8 0 14f 11-941 13-366 Robert Hawkins, Enniscorthy,. 8 5§ 10 2 1 121 1 15f 8*567 11*722 Rev. W. R. Townsend, Aghada,. 6 4 7 4i 1 Of 2 Of 11-347 13-806 © ^ William Kelly, Portrane,. 5 14 9 2 0 14f 1 6 11 949 13*769 Robert Hawkins, Enniscorthy, . 8 11 9 13 1 7 5 „ 2 21 7-050 9-208 130*60 r ; - Lord Talbot de Malahide, . 6 13f 9 Of 2 2i 3 51 11-206 12-930 115-38 0* Ditto, . 7 12| 9 131 2 If 3 8i 10*943 11-470 z Rev. W. R. Townsend, Aghada, .... 4 14 5 10i 0 141 1 9 11*684 12-770 D R. Boyle, Ballymoney,. 6 5i „ 6 12 1 2 1 5i 13*731 16-254 J. Macdonnell, Larne,. 6 14i 7 8f 2 3f 2 5f 12-068 12-793 s 1 Robert Cassidy, Monasterevan,. 11 6§ 12 0 0 15" 1 2i 10*104 11-983 118-60 Ditto, Ditto, . 6 6 9 8| 0 12 1 0 10-083 12-343 J. Andrews, Comber,. 6 81 „ 7 3i 0 134 0 144 11*080 12-627 113-96 s Lord Clancarty,. 5 10 6 12f 0 13f 1 4§ 11-187 12*300 » Andrew Templeton, Clandeboye, . . . 6 5£ ” 8 121 i *i ” 1 14 10*937 12*133 110-93 The third exception to the rule was in the case of roots of Clandeboye, in the county of Down. We cannot ac- of orange globe mangel, grown by Mr. Andrew Templeton, count for this case; but we may remark that the large roots 128 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. very deficient in value; and, singular enougli, the same principle appears to hold good in farming generally. Although in the growth of roots the injurious effects of over-manuring are not so apparent, they are not the less certain. As in the case of grain husbandry, we may have an increased gross weight, but this may be actually a disadvantage. When alluding to high manuring in this sense, we allude chietly to farm-yard ma- were under 4 lbs., and the small roots between 1 and 2 lbs., so that they might not have reached their natural limit of development. “ As it would evidently be impossible to go into the details of all the analyses, we shall confine ourselves to a resume of the results, as given in the preceding page. And as the value of a small difference in the per-centage of solid matter may not strike persons unaccustomed to scientific calculations, we shall express such differences in tons of raw roots. Thus, if the average per-centage of solid matter in roots of a certain size was 13-461, and in small roots, 15-756, the difference may be considered trifling, but when it is seen that 100 tons of such small roots would be equal to 117 tons of the large ones, it will at once be perceived how important, in a practical point of view, such a difference becomes. “ From these results we are justified in concluding that the larger the root the smaller will be the per-centage of solid matter it will contain. If we could select a number of seeds of a bulbous plant exactly alike in ripeness, size, and en¬ dowed with the same degree of vitality, and plant them in the same soil and under exactly the same conditions, there can be no doubt that after the bulbs would have been formed, the per-centage of solid matter would be at a maximum, and that as they increased in size it would diminish. But as it is nearly impossible to find roots grown under such con¬ ditions, we need not be surprised that this diminution isjnot very regular. Thus, we often find roots of 3 lbs. contain more than roots of 1 lb.; these exceptions are not, how¬ ever, of very frequent occurrence, as will be seen by consult¬ ing the Tables containing the detailed results. If, however, we group the roots grown upon a field according to size, and leave considerable differences between the weights of the roots of each group, we shall find by taking a sufficient num¬ ber of roots that this gradual diminution in the solidity of roots as they increase in size becomes veiy evident in the “ With reference to this Table we have to remark, that the number of roots of the red globe mangel and red carrots was too small to afford a fair average. It is probable that if we had an opportunity of examining a larger number, we should find a higher average for the former, and a lower average for the latter; inasmuch as one sample of roots of the red globe mangel was far inferior in quality to the other samples, whilst the opposite case occurred with the red carrots. “This Table presents some curious results, and of consider¬ able practical importance. Besides showing in the clearest manner the influence of size, it also leads to the remarkable conclusion, that the white Silesian or sugar beet affords the largest return of solid matter of any root-crop usually cul¬ tivated. Another result not less important is, that carrots are very little superior to Swede turnips, and inferior to nearly all the varieties of the beet. When we direct atten¬ tion to the fact, that carrots are sold at from £2 to £2 10s. per ton, we need not dwell further upon the necessity of farmers looking a little more closely to the quality as well as to the quantity of the crops they cultivate. “ Should the view which we have taken be found by further investigation to be universal, of which we believe there can be no doubt, the present system of giving prizes for the largest roots must be reversed, and the premium awarded to him who produces the largest amount of solid food from a mean results. Thus, in the seventeen roots of white Silesian beet examined from the crop grown on the Island of Lambay, by Lord Talbot de Malahide, there were:— 4 roots of from 6 to 8 lbs. weight, which gave as a mean per cent, of solid matter,.12-541 5 roots between 3 and 5 lbs.,.14-197 8 roots under 3 lbs.,.15-756 Or, in other words, 100 tons of roots under 3 lbs. would be equal to 125-56 tons of 6 to 81b. roots; and to 110-98 tons of 3 to 5 lb. roots whilst 100 tons of the latter would be equal to 113-14 tons of the 6 to 81b. roots. Here we have a very regular mean diminution of solid matter. “ That the diminution of the per-centage of solid matter commences very soon after the perfect formation of the bulb is remarkably borne out by the analyses of red carrots grown by Mr. Robert Boyle, at the Workhouse Farm of Ballymo- ney, in the county of Antrim, the average of the large roots being 12-131 per cent., the heaviest root being only lib. 14^ oz., whilst the small roots gave an average of 17-818 per cent, of solid matter, the smallest root being only 2j oz., and contained 19-724 per cent. “By comparing a great number of roots ouraverage results are free from the influence of exceptional cases. It was with this object in view that we made such a number of analyses. Hence, on comparing all sorts of the same kind, we find that the rule of small roots being superior to large is not only true when grown in the same field, but also when the roots grown over a whole district of country are compared. Of course, a considerable difference between the weights of each group of roots compared must be allowed. The following Table contains the results of our examination, with the ex¬ ception of those varieties of which we have had too few ex¬ amples :— given space of ground ; in other words, the whole system of root-cropping must be amended. “ We regret to have to state that these results lead directly to the conclusion, that nearly all the analyses hitherto pub¬ lished on the composition of root crops, on the influence of manure on their composition, and, above all, on the influence of manure upon the gross weight of the crop, as utterly use¬ less. This is a startling proposition, but one which is never¬ theless perfectly true. At present we shall not enter into the subject of the general composition of roots, as we shall have occasion to go into it fully hereafter; but with regard to the influence of manure upon the gross weight and com¬ position of a crop, we will point out in a few words how completely valueless previous results are, because the in¬ fluence of size was not considered. “ We will suppose an experiment to have been made with mangel wurzel or Swede turnips, by sowing them on two or more plots of ground manured with different manures. When fully grown, a few roots from each plot are sent to a chemist to examine; if he happens to take a 2 lb. root from one plot, and a 4 lb. root from another, it is quite clear that the former will in all probability contain a larger per-centage of solid matter than the latter, and hence, the manure with which the small root was grown will be pronounced to have a decided superiority over that with which the larger was grown, whilst the reverse might be the truth. And if a Size of Roots. White Silesian or Sugar Beet. Long Red Mangel Wurzel. Orange Globe Mangel. Red Globe Mangel. Swede Turnips. Red Carrots. White Belgian Carrots. Average of Roots above 7 lbs., . 10-204 10-017 10-785 8-704 10-755 „ 5 „... 11-653 11-470 11-028 10-115 10-257 „ „ from 3 to 5 lbs.,. 10-708 14-034 13-974 12-050 12-810 Average of all Roots,. 14-532 13"635 12*645 11-188 12-031 13-370 l‘i-990 Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 129 nure, though purely inorganic manures may also be in excess. Thus, the nitrates applied in large quantity to corn crops lead to an undue production of straw, which is seldom accompanied by a fair yield of grain ; and the investigation carried on at the Museum shows that injurious effects on the quality of roots may be produced by the presence of certain saline ingredients. Wherever organic matter prevails largely in the soil, as in boggy land, or where over-manuring takes place, we have therefore reason to believe that the quality of the roots will be inferior. And as regards manuring, the inference, from what has been stated, clearly points out the propriety of the application before winter, that it may be thoroughly worked up with the soil when the land is ready for the crop. At the period of sowing, some of the portable manures maybe put in with the seed, so as rapidly to push on the young plants in their early stage, when they are peculiarly susceptible of injury. In this way the most perfect tillage may be secured, as well as the best quality of produce ; and to those who are accustomed to carry on extensive spring operations, in which the cartage and application of the manures form the heaviest item, the advantage will be appreciated of having all this, or the greater part of it, gone through in the end of autumn and during the winter. How often has a fine tilth, which there has been great labour to obtain, been totally destroyed by spring cartage, to the great detriment of the succeeding crop ? But as our farmers come to look more to the quality of their crops, and less to mere quantity, the practice here indicated will come to be adopted—farm-yard manure will be generally applied before the land gets the first ploughing, and at seed-time such hand manures will be used as the pe¬ culiar circumstances of the case may render expedient. Idie considerations which have here been adverted to cannot fail to suggest the expediency of a consi¬ derable modification of the practice of growing root-crops generally. It is well known, for instance, that it is the application of bulky manure in the spring which imposes the necessity of the present wide intervals be¬ tween the rows of our drill crops; but by autumn or winter manuring this is obviated ; and hence the measure of distance may be that sufficient to admit of horse-labour between the drills, which may be 18, instead of, as at present, 26 to 30 inches. With rows 18 inches apart, and spaces of from 5 to 6 inches between the plants, roots averaging from 2 lbs. to 4 lbs. each may be produced with facility. Supposing the entire crop to average roots of 1 lb. each, at 5 inches apart in the rows, there would be 69,696 plants to the acre, weighing over 314 tons; and at 6 inches between the rows, 58,080 plants, weighing, in round numbers, 26 tons. Grown in this way, it will be seen that a crop of comparatively small roots will yield a very satisfac¬ tory produce; nay, even more than those monstrous overgrown roots at wider intervals; while one ton in the former case may be worth two in the latter, for any purpose to which the crop may be applied. The intervals here mentioned are small as compared with those usually left between root crops ; but it will be recollected that the size of roots calculated on is also small, only a fraction of what some of our farmers boast that they obtain. These calculations are also chiefly designed to give an idea of the comparative pro¬ duce by the two methods of tillage; as that strict accuracy which implies a given distance between the plants throughout a field is not to be expected in practice. HOPS. The hop plant, so important in the manufacture of fermented beverages, was represented by excellent samples from three exhibitors, the illustration of which must have been interesting to the people of this country, few of whom have opportunities of becoming acquainted with it. This plant presents many peculia¬ rities ; its growth in these countries is confined to comparatively small districts in the south-eastern part of England, where, however, it receives great attention; and its culture involves a larger outlay than perhaps any of our other crops, varying from £35 to £60 per acre. The returns from it are exceedingly variable, from the extreme liability of the plant to suffer from disease, ranging from a little over 1 cwt. to 10 cwt. per acre ; and, unlike other crops known to our farmers, the duration of a plantation is almost indefinite, usually lasting, according to the situation and kind of treatment, from ten to twenty years, while some of the hop gardens at Farn'ham have not been changed for a new stock of plants since the introduction of hop culture into England, more than 300 years ago. The hop also presents the further peculiarity that it is the only plant grown in the United Kingdom under the surveillance of the Commissioners of Inland Revenue ; the crop being subject to the payment of excise duty, the aggregate amount of which has varied of late years from £34,000 to £250,000 per annum ; a rate of variation which shows the extremely uncertain nature of the crop, the quantity of land devoted to it being tolerably constant, being about 50,000 acres. The great value of the hop, under favourable circumstances, illustrates more forcibly the value of what is termed high- farming than any other of our cultivated crops; and although its entire tillage and management are excep¬ tional, yet from the examination of hop culture, as practised in some parts of the south of England, the agriculturist may derive many suggestive hints worthy of being acted upon in his ordinary operations. The outlay there in tillage, in manures, and in saving the crop, is so large as almost to appear fabulous to those number of roots are sent from different parts of the country, and consequently liable to be grown at different intervals, the chances of error will he still greater. “ Nothing can be more fallacious than the present system of studying the influence of manures upon the gross weight of a crop. In the first place it is evident from the preceding results, that from the extraordinary variation which may take place in the relation between the water and solid mat¬ ter in the same variety of root, the gross weight tells us nothing ; for we are to suppose that the object of the farmer is to grow food, and not woody fibre and water. And in the next place some manures, such, for instance, as nitrate of soda, cause plants to grow rapidly, and in the case of root crops to produce large bulbs, which give a large gross weight, but no corresponding proportion of food. “ We are not practical agriculturists, and consequently are not disposed to hazard any positive opinion as to the way in which the largest amount of solid matter per acre can be produced. Still we would suggest the propriety of growing the plants closer than is customary at present in Ireland, by which the roots will be prevented from attaining a size, while an equal gross weight of produce to what is now obtained may be produced, and that of a very superior quality.” 130 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. unacquainted with the details of management; but the enterprising and successful hop-grower is aware that it is only by this liberal outlay (of course judiciously made) that he can calculate on an adequate return. The chief application of the hop is for the purpose of preserving and imparting a peculiar flavour to fer¬ mented liquors, known as ale, beer, and porter. To some extent the hop is used medicinally, and in the process of dyeing, but the application to these purposes is inconsiderable. The stalk or bine yields a strong fibre, capable of being manufactured into a coarse kind of cloth, which, however, is not to any extent carried out in practice. It is therefore for the brewer that the crop is cultivated. The only parts of the hop flower entering into the composition of these fermented drinks are probably the seeds, and the yellow glutinous adhesive matter around the outer integument of the seeds, situated at the bottom of the petals. The taste of the seed itself is oily, somewhat resembling that of the cocoa-nut, but the surrounding substance has an exceedingly bitter taste, while it emits a strong but very peculiar aromatic flavour. This aroma, which is very agreeable, is extremely volatile; and hence the necessity for closely packing the hops, as is done in practice, when they are to be preserved. Under any circumstances, however, much of the aroma of the hops will be lost by keeping; a circumstance rendering it indispensable that they should be used as fresh as possible, especially in the manufacture of superior descriptions of ale and beer. The first mention of the hop in our Statute-books dates so far back as 1552 (5 Edw. VI. c. 5), when certain immunities and privileges were granted to hop-grounds. In 1603 several Statutes and regulations were made for the curing of hops, which were to be carried out under the inspection of the officers of excise. In 1710 a duty of 3d. per pound was imposed on all hops imported into England; and in 1734 a duty of Id. per pound was imposed on all grown in the country, which in 1805 was fixed at 2d. per pound, subject to a drawback of 10 per cent, in favour of the grower. In 1840 a further duty of 5 per cent, was imposed upon the whole of the previous charge ; the actual duty being thereby raised to 17s. 7 $d. per cwt. On imported hops the duty is now £2 5s. per cwt.; previous to 184C it was £4 5s., and until the passing of the tariff of 1842 it was £8 8s. per cwt_a rate of duty which amounted to a virtual prohibition on importation.* The cultivation of the hop in England is at present confined to the counties of Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Hampshire, Worcestershire, and Hereford ; the quantity grown in the two counties last mentioned is incon¬ siderable. Great variation in quality characterizes the produce of these districts, dependent upon climate and geological peculiarity. The Excise regulations, to some extent, trammel the culture, depriving the farmer of that freedom of action which he enjoys in other departments of his business; while the returns, hazardous at all times, are rendered still more so by a tax being placed upon them. It may fairly be pre¬ sumed that, in the event of the abolition of the duty, the culture of the hop would not be so exclusively con¬ fined to certain districts as it is at present, though there seems to be no room to doubt that these are the localities best suited for the purpose—J. S. PEARL BARLEY. Barley has naturally two husks, one a coarse siliceous outer one, and the other a delicate, thin, dark- coloured one, corresponding to the husk of wheat. The husk of the latter is thick, and in the manufacture of flour, when properly conducted, is generally separated in the discs, and may be removed almost completely in the process of bolting. If barley be ground in the same way as wheat, its internal husk is so thin and soft, that it is readily reduced to so fine a powder that no amount of subsequent bolting can separate it; and hence common barley meal cannot be applied to make bread, gruel, &c., in consequence of the dark disa¬ greeable colour which this husk in powder gives to the prepared articles. Pearl barley is nothing more than common barley deprived of both these skins. This object is effected by kiln-drying the barley, and then introducing it into a sort of case in which a millstone revolves with great rapidity, so as to produce a kind of triturating action between the grains of barley without crushing them, the effect of which is to rough-shell them. The barley is then laid on a floor and damped, and allowed to lie for about forty-eight hours, when it is again passed through the mill, which removes the softened inner husk. Only good plump and solid barley is fitted for this operation. Pearl barley is an excellent article of food, and cannot be too highly recommended. Considerable quan¬ tities have been always consumed in Scotland, whence also our supply has usually been derived; hence the term Scotch barley, sometimes applied to a particular kind of it. French barley differs but little from that just noticed, and is so called from its being very largely prepared there, and formerly exported in consi¬ derable quantity. There were three exhibitors of these different kinds of prepared barley ; two Irish and one English. Up to within a few years no pearl barley was made in Ireland ; but Mr. George Waters, of C< irk, then connected with the firm of James Daly and Co., perceiving the advantage which would attend its manufacture, for which there was abundant material, while the process was exceedingly simple, had a machine set up in a mill near Cork, where it is still manufactured, and samples of which were exhibited by the present firm of James Daly and Co., and also by Mr. Waters himself, who is now manufacturing it on his own account. The other exhibitor was Mr. Styles, of London, who contributed a case containing a series of samples of ground pearl barley, and other preparations from grain. This pearl barley flour, or meal prepared in a particular way, but not differing in principle from that just described, is in great repute under the name of Ashby’s patent barley, as a food for children, and is sold at a high price. We hope to see this branch of manuflicture extended, and the use of the prepared barley become general. * The last annual return respecting hops shows that in 1853 there were 49,367 acres of land in England under the cultivation of hops, and the amount of duty on the growth of the year was £'277,824, the quantity charged with duty being 31,751,693 lbs. The return for Scotland is “ nil," and for Ireland, “ that the duty on hops does not extend to that country.” 22,647 cwt. of foreign hops were charged with duty, for home consumption, in the United Kingdom and there were exported 802,103 lbs. of English hops, the greater portion of which went to Australia. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 131 COFFEE. Coffee consists of the seeds of the Coffea Arabica , a tropical shrub, indigenous to Ethiopia, and thence trans¬ planted into the province of Yemen, in Arabia, in the end of the fifteenth century. The first notice which appeared in Europe is, perhaps, that of a German physician, of the name of Leonhard Rauwolf, whose work was printed in 1573. Some twenty years subsequently a much more accurate description was published by another physician, of the name of Prosper Albim, who was connected with the Venetian Consulship of Alex¬ andria, in Egypt. The first public coflee-house was opened in London in 1652, in Newman’s-court, Cornhill, the site of the present Virginia coffee-house ; the first opened in France was at Marseilles, in the year 1671, although the use of it was known to a few as early as 1640. The first cafe in the neighbourhood of Paris was opened, in 1672, at St. Germain ; but its use was well known in Paris since 1669, having been rendered fashionable by Solyman Aga, the Turkish Ambassador to the court of Louis XIV. The seeds, or coffee beans, are contained in a berry-like fruit, somewhat like a cherry, each berry having two seeds. The flesh in which the seeds are enveloped being very tough, the berries are generally obliged to be fermented in order to obtain the seed. The composition of the seed is very peculiar, its chief features being the presence of caffeine (which we have already noticed), a quantity of fat, and of a nitrogenous or animalized substance similar to that found in beans and other leguminous plants, and analogous in many respects to the curd of milk ; and, finally, a peculiar acid having very astringent properties. In their natural state the berries of coffee are bitter, and have no aroma, at least not very perceptibly so, and are exceedingly tough, and, therefore, difficult to be ground. They are, therefore, roasted in a closed globular or cylindrical vessel, which turns on an axis over a fire at a temperature of about 380° Fahr. Some peculiar changes take place during this operation which as yet are imperfectly understood ; we know, however, that an aroma is produced, that a certain portion of the caffeine, which is in part in combination with the peculiar acid above alluded to (the caffeic acid) is volatilized ; and, finally, that the acid itself is transformed into another. It is to this loss of caffeine that we must attribute the fact, that unroasted coffee has more effect on the nerves than roasted coffee. A good deal of the flavour depends upon the roasting, and to this cause is, perhaps, to be attributed the superiority of French prepared coffee. The coffee seeds are always washed in France previous to roasting, and each kind of coffee is roasted separately, and during periods of time differing for each ; thus Mocha is roasted until it has assumed a delicate reddish yellow, by which it loses about 14 to 15 per cent.; whilst West India coffee, which, in France, is obtained from Martinique, is roasted until it has lost 20 per cent, of its weight, and become of a decided chestnut brown. In these countries the roasting or preparation of coffee is not at all understood ; coffees, no matter whence they come, or how grown, are all roasted for the same time, and to the same shade of colour. Coffee is now grown in a great many countries ; the Dutch introduced it into Java about the year 1680, and from thence to Surinam, in South America, whence it spread into the West India Islands, &c. The best coffee is that of Mocha, which is the product of a dry climate ; as a general rule, a dry climate, and a light soil, are more conducive to excellence of quality and delicacy of flavour or odour in all plants, than a rich, rank soil, and a humid climate. After the Mocha comes, perhaps, the Jamaica, the Ceylon, Costa Rica, Demerara, &c. There were but two exhibitors of coffee, the samples exhibited being from Brazil and Guiana. Since the lowering of the duty upon coffee its consumption has considerably increased ; the quantity entered for home consumption in 1851 was 32,564,194 lbs., and in 1852,—35,044,376 lbs. CHOCOLATE. The Theobroma cacao , or tree which yields the chocolate, is a remarkable plant, belonging to a family allied to the Malva, and, like all the plants of that tribe, distinguished by the beauty of its deep green-co¬ loured foliage. It is a native of the South American tropical regions and ofMexico, where it flourishes in the hot and humid valleys, heat and moisture being necessary for its development. Previous to the time of the ill-fated Mexican Emperor Montezuma the culture of the cacao was very considerable in Mexico; and a peculiar drink, termed chocolate, was prepared from it, with the addition of a little maize flour, the root of a certain plant, and the pods of the fragrant vanilla, a plant of the family of the Orchid®. The Spaniards soon appre¬ ciated the value of the tree, and accordingly introduced it into the Canaries and the Philippines. It is now, however, but little cultivated in Mexico, and, with the exception of a few plantations in the province of Tobasco, the whole of the cacao used in making chocolate in that country, is imported from Guatimala, Ma- racaybo,Caraccas, and Guayaquil. But even in Caraccas, which has always been famous for the quality ofits cacao, the plantations now thrive less luxuriantly, as cultivation has rendered the climate less humid than formerly; whilst its culture is rapidly extending in the eastern provinces of New Barcelona and Cumana, especially in the hot, humid, woody regions between Cariaco and the Golfo Triste. The flowers of the theobroma break out from the bark of the stems and from the roots, and produce a cu¬ cumber-like fruit, about ten inches long, consisting'of a reddish-white pulp, in which are imbedded from twenty- five to forty kernels or cacao seeds, covered with a kind of skin. When the fruit is ripe it is opened, and the seeds removed and heaped up in pits, in which they are loosely covered, and there they are allowed to undergd a kind of fermentation during several days, the heap being carefully examined from time to time. By tliis process they become darker in colour, and lose much of the peculiar bitterness which they possess in the fresh state. Very little has been done to elucidate the chemical composition of the cacao kernels ; the chief pecu¬ liarities are, however, the presence of a peculiar mild fat, of the consistence of butter, to the extent of from 43 to 53 per cent.; a peculiar nitrogenous body to which we have already alluded in speaking of caffeine, termed theobromine, and which is, perhaps, the substance richest in nitrogen which is now known ; and lastly, some substance which develops by roasting the fine aroma of well-prepared chocolate. The usual mode T 132 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. of preparing chocolate is to roast the beans, in exactly the same way as the berries of the coffee are prepared, by which they become aromatic, less bitter, and very brittle. They are then broken under a wooden roller, and winnowed to separate the husks, which, under the name of shell, are sold to the poorer people, who, by long boiling, obtain a kind of decoction which is considered wholesome, and is even used by many wealthy invalids. It is, no doubt, harmless, and by the aid of the imagination may, perhaps, be wholesome. The seeds, thus freed from their husks, are ground by machinery, at a sufficient temperature to melt the fat, which thus yields, with the rest of the kernel, a kind of paste that solidifies on cooling, and may be moulded into squares,—a method of preparation well known to the Mexicans before the Conquest. Sometimes a quantity of sugar is worked up with the paste. A great many qualities of cacao seeds come into commerce, of which that from Uritucu, near San Sebas ¬ tian, in the province of Caraccas; Capiriqual, in the district of New Barcelona, already mentioned; and Esmeralda, at the junction of the Orinoco and the Guapo, and in the richest part of the region of primeval forests, are the most celebrated; whilst that from the West Indies is the worst. The produce of the former dis¬ tricts, as well as of the coasts of Guatimala, are exported to Mexico, France, Spain, and Italy, which accounts for the superiority of the chocolate prepared in those countries over that produced in Great Britain, whose supplies of seeds are derived from the West Indies. It is possible, also, that cultivation may have produced varieties of the theobroma, as in the case of the apple and the pear; and certainly at the time of the expe¬ dition of Cortes four varieties were indicated by the Mexicans. The Spanish Americans do not use the vanilla in making their chocolate, as the Mexicans did; they believe it to be unwholesome, especially for those of an excitable temperament. Nearly the whole of this delightful spice now collected is sent to Europe, and although it grows luxuriantly in Tropical America, its price is very high, and is hence not so much employed as it otherwise might be. Cacao berries formerly, and, we believe, still to some extent, perform the same office in parts of Mexico as the small shell-fish, the Cypraa moneta , does on the coast of Africa, namely, serves as money; 15 kernels being equivalent to about one farthing. This is not the only case of an article of food being used for this purpose, for the tea, made into bricks, and used to such a large extent in central Asia, is employed in the same manner. Indeed, at Ivjachta and Maimatschin, the frontier towns of the Russian and Chinese empires, brick-tea is the chief circulating medium between the merchants of both nations. There were two exhibitors of chocolate, Fry and Sons, of Bristol, and L. A. Monteiro, of London. The Messrs. Fry contributed a very interesting and complete series, consisting of specimens of the pod, dried and preserved in spirit of wine ; specimens of the leaves, flowers, wood, &c., of the Theobroma cacao ; views of a caca hual , or cacao plantation, and other scenes in the Island of Trinidad; specimens of nibs and shells ; varieties of seeds, among others the pale, gray, and dark Trinidad in the raw state, and the latter in the roasted, also, Domenic a Nicaragua, Grenada, bright and dark, Caracoa, Caraccas, &c. Amongst the manufactured articles were specimens of granulated, flaked, soluble, and homoeopathic cocoa (a kind of inferior chocolate), chocolate de voyage, &c. Mr. Monteiro exhibited some Caraccas and British West Indian seeds, and three varieties of chocolate, the first quality made of Caraccas seeds alone, the second of a mixture of the latter and West Indian seed, and the third of West Indian alone. Chocolate is not much employed in these countries, the total imports being 6,773,960 lbs. in 1851, and 6,268,525 lbs. in 1852, of which only 3,024,338 lbs. were entered for home consumption in 1851, and 3,382,944 lbs. in 1852. Perhaps the chief cause of this is to be found in the bad quality of the cacao seeds imported into Great Britain, and the still worse quality of the articles manufactured therefrom. The greater part of the articles sold under the name of cocoa and chocolate, &c., in these countries, consist of sago or potato fecula, mixed with cocoa-nut butter from the cocoa-nut palm, and not to be confounded with the theobroma, and a little real ground cocoa-nibs, the whole cocoa being coloured with some extract of a dye- wood. If the characteristic of the Messrs. Fry’s homoeopathic cocoa be that of all the medicines bearing that name, namely, the presence of only minute traces of the essential substance, in this case of the cacao, we believe we might safely recommend seven-eighths of every kind of cocoa and chocolate sold, to the followers of the doctrine of Hahnemann as containing only infinitesimal doses of the cacao. Nowhere, except, perhaps, in Mexico, is chocolate to be obtained equal to that made in France ; the appreciation in which that agreea¬ ble, wholesome, and highly nutritious beverage is held there, can be best estimated by the great variety of ways in which it is prepared, and the number of machines which have been constructed for its preparation. TOBACCO. Man has certainly some very curious habits, for some of which, such as smoking tobacco and using snuff, it is very difficult to account. We have already drawn attention to the striking coincidence of the use of drinks containing the same or analogous nitrogenous substances by the inhabitants of different countries. The smoking of another class of substances, also containing peculiar nitrogenous bodies, such as opium, the Canabis sativa or Indian hemp, and the tobacco, is not less remarkable; and would seem to point to a strong feeling which exists amongst mankind for the use, under certain circumstances, of some exciting or narcotic substances, as a substitute for physical exertion and the unfettered use of the animal powers. _ Under the name of tobacco is included the leaves of a number of plants belonging to the genus Nicotiana anil family of the Solan®, which also includes the potato. Some species of this genus appear to have been originally indigenous to China and Hindostan, as well as to America, whence the knowledge of tobacco first came to Europe. It was observed in Hayti by Columbus, where it was called by the aborigines colioba , or cohobba , and the sort of forked tube used for smoking it, tabacco. The first account of this custom was brought to Europe in 1496, by a priest named Romano Pano, who accompanied Columbus on his second voyage. It was used as snuff, as well as smoked, both in Mexico and Peru, and was called in the former yeti , and in the latter sayri. According to Humboldt, tobacco, rolled into cigars, was in common use amongst the chiefs of the court of Montezuma, not only to aid their after-dinner siesta, but also to assist in producing Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 133 sleep after breakfast. Styrax balsam and other odoriferous substances were often mixed with the tobacco, in order to perfume the air. It appears that the use of tobacco was confined to the higher classes among the Aztecs, as it was among all the tribes of Indians, the calumet or pipe of peace being smoked by the chiefs in council. Besides its use for smoking, tobacco was esteemed by the Aztecs and Peruvians a specific for tooth-ache, colic, scurvy, and many other diseases; and it appears that it first became known in Europe for these pro¬ perties, as we learn from a curious treatise, originally written in Latin, upon the subject, by Jean Neander, a physician of Leyden. According to this authority, the first special notice of the plant made in Europe was by Jean Nicot, a native of Nismes, and Ambassador for Francis I. at the court of Lisbon. He was pre¬ sented by a Flemish gentleman, then Keeper of the Royal Records, with a strange plant lately brought from Florida. lie willingly accepted the plant, and, in consequence of its rarity, carefully cultivated it in his garden. He also confirmed, by many trials, its medicinal qualities for the cure of colic ; and the success of these cures was so great that the tobacco began to be cultivated in several parts of Portugal, under the name of the Ambassador’s herb. On his return to France some time after, he presented a quantity of the seeds of this plant to the Queen-Mother, Catherine de Medicis, who, on learning that it was a valuable specific, wished to give it her own name, and hence it was called Vherbe a la Reyne Catherinaire et Medicee ; or herb of the Queen, Catherine and Medici, and thus came into vogue. It is from this Jean Nicot that the bota¬ nical name of the genus of plants, to which tobacco belongs, was called by botanists Nicotiana, and the peculiar principle of that plant, Nicotine. About this time also it was introduced into North Italy by Nicolas Tornabon, an ecclesiastic who was then on an embassy in France, and who sent some plants to his uncle, Alphonse Tournabon, another ecclesiastic ; hence the name Tournubone, by which it was known. At Rome it was called Sainte Croix herb, because it was introduced there by the Cardinal Sainte Croix, Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal. It was also called the sacred herb; but it would occupy pages to merely enumerate the names given to it during the first years after its introduction, most of which have reference to its medicinal properties.* The practice of smoking tobacco gradually followed in the track of its use as a medicinal plant, and in a short time was common over the greater part of Europe ; it having been introduced into Germany and the whole of middle Europe by Charles V. It is difficult to say whether the introduction of smoking into Eng¬ land be due to Admiral Drake or to Sir Walter Raleigh ; in either case the period of its introduction was somewhere about the year 1586. When smoking first began to be practised it met with the most desperate opposition. That most absurd and pedantic of kings, James I. of England, laid a duty of six shillings per pound upon all tobacco imported into England. In Switzerland, smokers of tobacco, or inn-keepers who permitted its use in their houses, were punished by the magistrates. In Russia, even so late as the year 1634, the smoking of tobacco was punishable with death ; and even long subsequent, with the loss of the nose. Dozens of treatises were written to prove its wonderful qualities, and an equal number to prove that it was poisonous and filthy. The most celebrated of the latter is the Counterblaste to Tobacco , by James I., which describes smoking to be “ a custome loathsome to the eye, hatefull to the nose, harmefull to the braine, dangerous to the lungs, and in the blacke stinking fume thereof neerest resembling the horrible Stigian smoake of the pit that is bottomlesse.” The gallants of that day smoked tobacco; indeed it appeared to be then the particular fashionable hobby, and, if we are to believe King James, quite as expensive as racing or any of the speciali¬ ties of the genus of this day. “ Now how you are by this custome disabled in your goods let the gentry of this land beare witnesse; some of them bestowing three, some foure hundred pounds a yeere upon this precious stinke, which I am sure might be bestowed upon many farre better uses. I read, indeed, of a knavish courtier, who, for abusing the favour of the Emperor Alexander Severus, his master, by taking bribes to intercede for sundry persons in his master’s eare (for who he never once opened his mouth), was justly choked with smoke, with thisdoome: Fumo per eat qui fumum vendidit: but of so many smoke-buyers as are at this present in this kingdome, I never read nor heard.” The fine gentlemen, on then- side, did not fail to laud the plant in much the same style that its opponents depreciated it. Thus Ben Jonson, in Every Man in his Humour , makes Captain Bobadil say—“ Sir, believe me (upon my relation) for what I tell you the world shall not reprove, I have been in the Indies (where this herb grows), where neither myself nor a dozen gentlemen more, of my knowledge, have received the taste of any other nutriment in the world for the space of one and twenty weeks but the fume of this simple only. Therefore it cannot be, but ’tis most divine. Further, take it in the nature, in the true kind, so, it makes an antidote that, had you taken the most deadly poisonous plant in all Italy, it should expel it, and clarify you, with as much ease as I speak. And for your green wound, your balsamum and your St. John’s wort, are all mere gulleries and trash to it, especially your Trinidado; your nicotian is good too. I could say what I know of the virtue of it, for the expulsion of rheums, raw humours, crudities, obstructions, with a thousand of this kind ; but I profess myself no quack¬ salver. Only thus much—by Hercules, I do hold it, and will affirm it (before any prince in Europe) to be the most sovereign and precious weed that ever the earth tendered to the use of man.” The exaggeration of this eulogium is, however, as nothing to that of the following denunciation of Cob, the water-bearer, in the same play:—“ By Gods me, I marie what pleasure or felicity they have in taking this roguish tobacco ! It’s good for nothing but to choke a man, and fill him full of smoke and embers; there were four died out of one house last week with taking of it, and two more the bell went for yesternight; one of them (they say) will ne’er ’scape it; he voided a bushel of soot yesterday, upward and downward. By the stocks, an’ there were no wiser men than I, I’d have it present whipping, man or woman, that should but deal with a tobacco pipe : why, it will stifle them all in the end, as many as use it; it’s little better than ratsbane or rosaker.” That the idea of the bushel of soot is not a mere joke of “ old Ben,” but a common prejudice of the time, we have the following statement upon royal authority:—“ Surely, smoke becomes a kitchin farre better than * Nicot thus describes tobacco in bis dictionary: “ Nico- toutes navrures plaves ulcercs, chancres, dartes et autres tiane est une espece d’herbe de virtu admirable pour guerir tels accidents au corps humain.” T 2 134 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class IH. a dining chamber, and yet it makes a kitchin also, oftentimes, in the inward parts of men, soyling and in¬ fecting them with an unctuous and oily kind of soote, as hath bene found in some great tobacco takers, that after their death were opened.” Neither the restrictions nor pamphlet of King James, however, produced very much effect upon the pub¬ lic mind any more than the law of his predecessor, Elizabeth, denouncing indigo as an invention of the devil, and forbidding its use under severe penalties. For in the course of the succeeding century it was deemed fashionable at most European courts to use snuff to such an excess, that the lace then much used in the front part of the shirts of the nobility was always variegated with the brown powder, as the hair was with powdered starch. This extravagant use of snuff was carried to such an extent that Pope Innocent XII. had to publish a special Bull to prevent its use in the church of St. Peter. Tobacco requires a rich soil and a warm climate, and although it will grow even in Ireland, and is cul¬ tivated to a considerable extent in Europe, it may be considered as a tropical or sub-tropical plant. The growth of plants depends upon so many circumstances that we may naturally expect to find considerable variations in their composition according as the conditions of growth varies. This is more especially the case with the leaves where the changes constituting the process of growth take place. Accordingly, we find that tobacco varies in composition to a great extent. The finest tobacco is that produced in the province of Varinas, near Caraccas, and in Cuba. Next to these come the tobaccos of the Philippines and of Trinidad, although but little is now grown in the latter, and its fame is much fallen from the days when a “ pipe of Trinadado” was considered as the greatest luxury to be purchased. The chief part of the tobacco now con¬ sumed in Europe comes, however, from the United States, especially from Virginia, Maryland, and Carolina, that from the first named being considered the richest. Considerable quantities are also grown in Europe, but with the exception of that produced along the valley of the Danube, and its tributaries in Hungary, and in Turkey, it is of very inferior quality. It has been grown along the Upper Rhine since 1697, and in the neighbourhood of Magdeburg and other parts of North Germany ever since 1676. It is also largely culti¬ vated in France, in the departments of the Pas-de-Calais, the Bas Rhin, Nord, Lot, Lot-et-Garonne, Ille-et- Yilaine, Var, and Bouches-du-Rhone. The seed is, however, obliged to be freshly imported from time to time, as after five years the tobacco becomes abominable, especially where rich nitrogenous manures are employed, which is almost always the case, as otherwise the crop would not pay. Tobacco was formerly attempted to be grown in Ireland, but happily for those who indulge in smoking, the production of a rank and fetid substitute for real tobacco has been prevented.* It has not yet been decided what is the true cause of the pleasure experienced in smoking; but it is usually attributed to a peculiar colourless, oily liquid, which, like quinine and morphia, acts as a base, form¬ ing salts with acids. This liquid has a slight smell of tobacco, but when mixed with ammonia or spirit of hartshorn, or when gently heated, it becomes nauseous, and pungent to a very high degree. It irritates the eyes and nose, and in small doses of a few drops it is poisonous; in lesser doses it produces vomiting. The quantity of this substance present in tobacco is very variable according to the locality whence obtained ; the statements published with respect to this point are not, however, very definite. As in the case of the theine in tea, the results of the first experimenters were too low. According to the latest analyses, the dried tobaccos from— Department of Lot contained 7 - 96 per cent, of Nicotine. „ Nord, . „ . . 6'58 Virginia .„ . . 6 "8 7 Maryland.. . . 2-29 Havannah less than .... 2 Besides nicotine, tobacco appears to contain other substances rich in nitrogen, one of them resembling in many * With some inconsiderate persons the prohibition of the growth of tobacco in this country is one of the Irish griev¬ ances. We are gravely told that the Irish farmer should be allowed to devote his land to the production of any crop he pleases, without any interference on the part of the Govern¬ ment. Nothing can be more plausible than this ; and if a fair field and no favour were only demanded, such a claim would be irresistible. Large sums were undoubtedly made by the growth of tobacco in Ireland previous to the prohibi¬ tion ; but it must be recollected that such profits were realized under a system of protection, by which an import duty was levied on the foreign article at least ten times the value of the tobacco itself; while it cost bd. to 6d. per pound, the duty was 5s. It must be obvious that if the plant was grown to any extent in this country the revenue must suffer for the especial advantage of the tobacco growers. The only course open to the Government was, therefore, either to place the native and foreign grower on equal terms, or altogether prohibit the home production. The fact of the usual price of Irish tobacco being 1 s. G d. per pound, while that of the imported article ranged from 5s. to 8s. per pound (duty included), showed that the indigenous could not com¬ pete with the foreign article, on equal terms. Even were there no difference in quality, it is not pretended that to¬ bacco could be produced in this country at 6 d. per pound, which should be the case if no special advantage was ex¬ tended to it; but as the relative value of the two articles to each other is about in the proportion of 1 to 4, the price of the native tobacco should be lt,d. when that of the foreign tobacco is 6 d. Had the revenue from tobacco been incon¬ siderable there could have been little objection to throw the trade entirely open; and the experience of a single season woidd have dispelled the delusion as to the supposed advan¬ tages derivable from tobacco culture in the United Kingdom; but inasmuch as some five millions sterling per annum were derivable from that source,—a sum which could not be trifled with,—the only course open to the Government was to prohibit tobacco culture altogether. Those who complain of this being done simply contend that the community should be heavily taxed for their especial benefit. When tobacco of good quality cannot be grown, under any circumstances, in this climate, it is plain that the production of the article could only take place under a system of protection. The position here contended for is so obvious that it almost sa¬ vours of puerility to occupy space in illustrating it. It is, however, notorious that the prohibition is made a grievance of; and the fact of this being so only shows how little the mass of the people think for themselves on questions of this character.— Ed. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 135 respects morphia, one of the most active substances present in opium ; the other is a peculiar basic substance also, about which we know but little. The remaining substances contained in tobacco differ apparently in nothing from those contained in other dried leaves, except, perhaps, in being, like all plants containing pecu¬ liar nitrogenous substances, rich in gluten-like bodies. The tobacco of commerce lias, in many cases, undergone a peculiar fermentation, induced by laying the par¬ tially dried leaves in heaps for a week or two. The effect of this process is to decompose part of the gluten¬ like bodies just mentioned, and which would give the odour of burnt horn or glue to the smoke, and also to volatilize a portion of the nicotine. Sometimes, however, the leaves are merely dried before being sent into market. The manufacture of tobaccos in these countries is very simple: the small bundles in which the leaves are tied up by their stems are opened out, and laid upon a door, generally of dags, and sprinkled with water so as to thoroughly damp them, and afterwards allowed to soak for about twenty-four hours, during which they undergo a slight fermentation. Tobacco which has not been previously fermented requires to be laid for a longer time ; and in order to induce the fermentation, a dilute solution of treacle or liquorice or decoc¬ tion of dgs, technically called sauce , is used whenever it can be done with impunity, for the Excise regulations forbid the use of anything but water. Where the tobacco has been previously very highly fermented, a sauce is made with salt which always assists in keeping the tobacco damp; the salt retards the fermentation, and prevents the tobacco becoming too much heated. A good deal of the flavour of the tobacco depends upon the management of this fermentation, for it would appear that its peculiar aroma is the result, in a great measure, of that process. After the fermentation the leaves may be opened out and sorted, and the different kinds mixed which are necessary for the kind required ; for it is proper to remark here that tobacconists al¬ most invariably mix a number of different tobaccos, as, for example, Virginia and Maryland, in order to pro¬ duce certain qualities of the manufactured article. The various qualities of tobacco sold here,—such as shag-returns, bird's-eye , twist or roll, pigtail, caven¬ dish, —only differ in the quality of the tobacco employed, the removal or not of the mid-rib or vein, and the form given to it. In Ireland, twist or roll is the usual kind made ; and is simply a small rope spun from the finest leaf,—rolled into a coil, and subsequently subjected to considerable pressure. Bird’s-eye and shag are the usual forms in England; these latter require to have the mid-rib removed or torn away. The leaves, after under¬ going this operation, if necessary, are laid upon one another, until a sufficient pile is formed, which is then pressed into a cake about two or three inches thick. It is then cut by a peculiar kind of machine into thin shreds ; after which it is opened out and dried upon hot plates. Some tobaccos, like that of Varinas, come into the market in a twisted form, differing from our twist only in being much lighter-coloured, almost perfectly dry, and twisted rather into rope than into a cord. This kind of tobacco constitutes the knaster or canaster of the Germans,—a name which is derived from the Spanish word canasta, a basket, the varinas rolls being usually packed in baskets. This kind of tobacco requires no preparation except cutting up. In France the well-known caporal is usually made of a mixture of the tobaccos of Maryland, Kentucky, and home-grown, moistened with salt water, fermented to a slight degree, and then cut up. The machines for effecting this object are both ingenious and simple ; they consist of two endless cloths moving in opposite directions, the movement of which brings it between rollers (by which it is pressed together) and then under an oblique knife which moves up and down with great rapidity. The shreds of cut tobacco are next passed over long tables formed by a series of cylinders of cast-iron, placed in juxtaposition, and heated by steam. This operation gives a crisped appearance to the tobacco, which it retains in commerce ; and, in addition, favours the eva¬ poration of a portion of the nicotine and of the essential oil which would otherwise give a disagreeable flavour. It is then picked, and placed on trays to dry, and afterwards left in a mass for about one month. Cigars consist simply of a little bundle of loosely rolled leaf, around which is coiled spirally a thin leaf, and then another termed the robe, which is previously trimmed; one end of the cigar is cut even with a knife, whilst the end of the robe is wound round the other so as to form a cone, the extremity being pasted with a paste browned with chicory. They are then dried and sorted according to the colour of the robe. The names usually printed upon cigar-boxes, when they do not refer to the maker, express the degree of this colour, such as maduro, Colorado, Colorado claro, and amaryllo, which express the order of intensity. When cigars are made in Europe, great care is bestowed upon the selection of the leaf for the robe, which is ge¬ nerally obtained from Guayaquil or Trinidad, and on the Continent from Hungary; the good leaves of Virginia are, however, often used for the inferior kinds. Formerly the tobacco used for making cigars in Eu¬ rope was not fermented, being merely moistened, but the cigars thus made being exceedingly acrid, it is now usual in Paris to ferment the leaves for some days in double barrels covered with felt, so as to retain the heat produced, during which a large quantity of ammonia is disengaged. It is also usual to wash and press the leaves intended to form the robes, by which a gummy matter is removed which would otherwise blacken and puff up, when burned. Cigars are made by hand. Some time ago a Mr. Maddy invented a machine for making them. The tobacco intended for the interior is inserted into a groove, and the robe is placed under a rolling cloth which carries it along, at the same time that it rolls it round the cigarette which is to constitute the centre. The cigar comes out well formed, but it has to be trimmed, which complicates the affair. Each machine requires nine persons, all of whom must be very intelligent, attentive, and habituated to its use; and it produced about 3500 cigars in a day; but the same number of work-people would make an equal quantity by hand. Snuff. —In the manufacture of superior snuff great care is bestowed upon the selection of the leaves em¬ ployed, which are usually the rankest, or those which have been cultivated upon highly manured land, and which are, therefore, rich in nicotine, and the other nitrogenous substances that give rise to the pro¬ duction of ammonia by fermentation. There are two very distinct classes of snuff' in use : one, a dark-brown damp powder, in coarse grains ; and the other, a brownish-yellow, dry, and comparatively fine powder. The former is the kind chiefly used on the Continent, and, to some extent, in England ; the latter constitutes the high toast, and other varieties almost exclusively used in Ireland. The best damp snuff, or, as it is sometimes incorrectly called, rappee, is, perhaps, that made at the great manufactory in Paris. The following is its 136 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. mode of preparation :—A quantity of the leaves of Virginian, Kentucky, and indigenous tobacco from certain districts, and the debris of the leaves from all sources, are mixed, and laid in troughs or compartments having a bottom of flags, and then moistened with salt water. Two reasons have led to this use of the salt: the first is, that the great quantity of gluten or animal-like matter which the tobacco contains renders it liable to undergo a rapid putrefaction ; the second is, that the salt being hygroscopic keeps the leaves sufficiently moist for the process of manufacture, and for their subsequent use as snuff, as we have already noticed in the case of to¬ bacco for smoking. The leaves thus moistened are allowed to repose for two or three days, in order to equalize the humidity of the mass. The moisture contained at this stage may be estimated at 20 per cent, of the mixture. It is then cut up by a machine, and stacked up into heaps about nine feet high, where it is allowed to ferment during about four and a half months, during which the temperature rises to about 70“; in this way the mass gets an uniform colour and an ammoniacal odour. The management of this process requires considerable skill and attention ; if the fermentation be carried on too long, or the temperature allowed to rise too high, the chopped leaves carbonize and become a mass of mould. The fermented tobacco is now rappee d, that is, reduced to powder in a sort of conical mill, or rather mortar, in which revolves a ver¬ tical roller or pestle having its surface, as well as that of the mortar, cut like a coffee mill into knife edges ; the rappee’d tobacco is then sifted. The grinding was formerly performed with hand-mills, and was an ex¬ ceedingly unhealthy occupation, as the work-people were in an atmosphere of tobacco. At present seven men are sufficient where 700 were formerly required. The powdered tobacco is next placed in cases for two months, moistened again, and turned from one vessel into another. During these operations the temperature again rises, and the mass gradually arrives at the condition in which it is sold. The whole operations, from the entrance of the tobacco until it passes into consumption, occupies about twenty-two months. Dry snuff, or high toast, is quite a different article, and takes a much shorter time in its preparation. The chief feature in its manufacture is the stoving or toasting of the tobacco leaves, which are then simply ground to form the snuff. A good deal of the stalks and ribs of the leaves, which must be removed in the manufacture of cigars and other prepared tobaccos, are employed for this kind of snuff; and they are sometimes exclusively employed for that purpose. In the manufacture of snuffs, the sauce used for fermenting the leaves is sometimes very complex ; in most cases some sugar, honey, or decoction of figs, is added, and some salts, such as carbonate of ammonia, pearl-ash, nitre, and, occasionally, some odoriferous materials to produce an agreeable perfume. With the exception of alkaline salts, all these things are, however, forbidden in the United Kingdom by the Excise laws at present in force. In some countries the relaxation of the laws against smoking has been succeeded by the equally unjust system of making the trade in tobacco a monopoly. This is the case in France, Austria, &c., where the manufacture is in the hands of the Government, and in the former country even the sale. A different system is adopted in these countries, which is scarcely better in principle, and is much worse so far as the article produced is concerned. The consumers of tobacco are forbidden, by a most unheard-of protective duty, from the enjoyment of the superior tobaccos manufactured on the Continent and America, in order to foster the production of a most filthy and unwholesome article made at home ; whilst our manufacturers are absolutely forbidden to make the slightest improvement. Some notion may be formed of the system of protection now in force, in this much vaunted free-trade age, when it is stated, that common twist tobacco is protected against cavendish by a differential duty of nearly 300 per cent., or 1800 per cent, of the original price of the cavendish. It is only within the last century, or century and a half, that the inhabitants of civilized nations have begun to use extensively as drinks, or for smoking, or chewing, substances acting as narcotics, or excitants of the nervous system. The question naturally arises, what will be the effect of these substances upon the human race ? As yet we have no data to form even the most hypothetical speculations as to its influence on our physical or intellectual powers ; but it is impossible to avoid thinking that the 500 to 600 millions of pounds of tea, and the, perhaps, still greater quantity of tobacco, and which, according to Scfyleiden, produces annually about 1000 millions of pounds of carbonic acid, not to reckon the chocolate, coffee, Paraguay tea, and opium, now consumed in the world, must, in the course of time, produce some action upon mankind. We leave the speculation on this point to some Anti-Excitation Society to follow out. There were three exhibitors of tobaccos and of snuff; and, so far as the varieties made in Ireland go, the contribution of all three were very complete, fully illustrating this branch of trade. Of the quality of to¬ bacco there is but one way of judging, and we are, therefore, unable to speak practically of the samples ex¬ hibited ; but the well-merited reputation of the contributors is a guarantee that it was excellent. The following Table gives the number of pounds of tobacco consumed in Great Britain and Ireland for the first year of each decennial period of the present century, and for the year 1852:— 1801,. 16,904,752 lbs. 1811,. 21,376,267 „ 1821,. 15,598,152 „ 1831. 19,533,841 „ 1841,. 22,309,360 „ 1851, . 28,062,841 „ 1852, . 28,558,939 „ Considering the great increase of population, this Table would seem to indicate that, relatively, there was a diminution in the quantity of tobacco consumed during the last half century ; and that, generally speaking, the increase in the growth of tobacco has not kept pace with the increase of population, appears evident from the following Table, representing the exportation of tobacco from the United States, the chief source of to¬ bacco in the world, since 1800 :— Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 137 Table showing the Total Exports of Tobacco from the United States from the Year 1801 to 1851. Year. Tobacco in Leaves. Mean Price per Pound in Cents. Manufactured Tobacco. Tobacco in Powder (Snuff). Value in Dollars of the Manufactured Tobacco, inclusive of Snuff. Quantity in Hogsheads. Value in Dollars. lbs. lbs. 1801 103,758 Not fixed. Not fixed. 472,282 1802 77,721 6,220,000 233,591 1803 86,291 6,230,000 6 152,415 1804 83,341 6,000,000 5^ 298,139 1805 71,251 6,341,000 7f 428,460 1806 83,186 6,572,000 381,733 1807* 62,236 5,476,000 7£ 274,952 Included un- 1808f 9,576 838,000 H 36,332 der the head 1809 53,921 3,774,000 H 350,835 Manufactured 18101 84,134 5,048,000 5 529,285 Tobacco. 1811 35,828 2,150,000 5 752,553 1812§ 26,094 1,514,000 3 588,618 1813 5,314 319,000 5 283,512 1814 3,125 232,000 6 i 79,377 1815 85,337 8,235,000 8 1,034,045 1816 69,241 12,809,000 15} 576,246 1817 62,365 9,320,000 12^ 1,115,874 5,080 281,509 1818 84,337 10,241,341 10 1,486,240 5,513 373,875 1819 69,427 8,874,167 101 926,833 13,710 237,192 1820 83,940 8,188,188 8 593,358 4,996 149,589 1821 66,858 5,798,045 1,332,949 44,552 149,083 1822 83,169 6,380,020 61 1,414,424 44,602 157,182 1823 99,009 6,437,627 5f 1,987,507 36,684 154,955 1824 77,883 5,059,355 61 2,447,990 45,174 203,789 1825|| 75,984 5,287,976 6 1 1,871,368 53,920 172,353 1826 64,098 5,347,208 61 2,179,774 61,801 210,134 1827 100,025 6,816,146 H 2,730,255 45,812 239,024 1828 96,278 5,480,707 4f 2,637,411 35,655 210,747 1829 77,131 5,185,370 5f 2,619,399 19,509 202,396 1830 83,810 5,833,112 61 3,199,151 29,425 246,747 1831 86,718 4,892,388 H 3,639,856 27,967 292,475 1832 106,806 5,999,769 4f 3,456,071 31,175 295,771 1833 83,153 5,755,968 H 3,790,310 13,453 288,973 1834 87,979 6,595,305 6 i 3,956,579 57,826 328,409 1835 94,353 8,250,577 7} 3,817,854 36,471 357,611 1836 109,442 10,058,640 7-| 3,246,675 56,018 435,464 1837 100,232 5,765,647 3,615,591 40,883 427,836 1838 100,593 7,392,029 6 1 5,008,147 75,083 577,420 1839 78,995 9,832,943 10| 4,214,943 42,467 616,212 1840 119,484 9,883,657 6| 6,787,165 37,132 813,671 1841 147,828 12,576,703 7 7,503,644 68,553 873,877 1842 158,710 9,540,755 4i 4,434,214 42,668 525,490 1843 94,454 4,650,979 4± 3,404,252 20,455 278,819 1844 163,042 8,397,255 4 ! 6,046,878 28,668 536,600 1845 147,168 7,469,819 41 5,312,971 44,399 538,498 1846 147,998 8,478,270 H 6,854,856 52,458 695,914 1847 135,762 7,242,086 4 i 7,844,592 37,051 558,950 1848 130,665 7,551,122 4 ! 6,698,507 36,122 568,435 1849 101,521 5,804,207 4 ! 7,159,397 49,888 613,044 1850 145,729 9,951,023 6f 5,918,583 44,690 648,832 1851 95,945 9,219,251 8 7,235,358 37,422 1,143,547 STARCHES AND SUGARS. One of the most beautiful results of modern chemistry, and one which must be eminently suggestive to every inquiring mind, is, that all the various forms of organic nature, from the parched lichen on the rock to man himself—the most delicate coloured flower as well as the wonderfully constructed eye and brain by which it is appreciated—are composed, in great part, of four substances, which, in our present state of know¬ ledge, are considered elements, namely, oxygen and hydrogen, carbon and nitrogen. The atmosphere consists of two, oxygen and nitrogen ; and water of two, oxygen and hydrogen; carbon also exists in the atmosphere, in combination with oxygen, forming carbonic acid—a gas which we constantly breathe into the atmosphere, and which forms the food of plants. Thus, in water and air we have the chief materials of * Decrees of Berlin and Milan, f Embargo laid on Continental ports. 1 Establishment of the Government monopoly in France. § War between Great Britain and the United States. || Reduction of the duty in Great Britain. 138 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class HI. the vegetable and animal worlds—the infinite variety which exists in both being the result of the different proportions in which they combine. As a house is composed of various materials, such as stone, brick, wood, &e., which are in their turns compounds of various elements, so plants are composed of various substances, built up of the elements just mentioned. We may divide these substances into two groups; those which contain only three elements, the constituents of water and carbon, and those which are formed of the whole four. If we take a whole plant, we shall find that its framework consists of woody matter, the chief part of which is made up of a substance called cellulose , an example of which we have in a more or less pure state in fine cotton or linen. This woody matter consists either of a series of cells, such as is presented by the pith of the elder tree; or it forms tubes such as the fibres just mentioned. All the other substances existing in plants are found either in a solid form or dissolved in water in those cells ; they are very numerous in some plants, and in others comparatively few; but the greater number exist in such small quantity that they may be left out of consideration altogether in examining the general question of vegetation. The really impor¬ tant substances are about seven or eight in number, which we shall divide, according to the number of ele¬ ments which enter into their composition, into two series. In the series composed of three elements we have cellulose (the subtance already mentioned as constituting the frame-work), starch, gum, or dextrine, sugar and oils ; and in the series composed of four elements we have gluten, albumen, and one or two other similar substances. The latter exist in very small proportion compared with the mass of the plant, and are very intimately related to one another, and it is curious to find them most abundant in the seed ; but proba¬ bly the most curious point connected with them is, that a series of bodies, either identical with them, or at least closely related to them, constitutes the great mass of animals. In other words, plants consist in great measure of substances containing three elements, and animals of substances with four elements ; hence the cause why the seeds of plants constitute the most nutritious food for animals, because they are rich in the constituents of the animal body. Cellulose, starch, gum, and sugar, are very intimately connected together, but are not so to the oil series, although the latter contains the same elements; and as we have nothing to do with it at present, we shall leave it out of consideration, and confine ourselves to the former. In these four substances the oxygen and hydrogen are in the same proportion as in water ; we may, therefore, consider them as composed of carbon and water, and to differ only by the amount of water which they contain, or rather, we should say, some only differ, for starch and cellulose do not differ in their composition, but only in their form—in the way in which their ultimate particles are arranged—hence the facility with which these substances pass into one another. Cellulose is the material of the formed cell; dextrine and sugar is the soluble substance from which the cellu¬ lose is made, and starch is the stock of material, laid by, as it were, from which the sugar and dextrine can be formed as required; gum being the intermediate stage of that transformation. During the growth of the plant these substances are continually transformed into one another by the action of substances containing four elements ; in fact, the life of a plant is nothing more than a series of such transformations; and hence the substances like gluten play an important part in Nature, by producing all those singular changes. Though these substances, chemically speaking, are so nearly related, how different are their applications in the arts! Who that sees the fibre of linen could imagine that it was, except in form, identically the same body as the starch with which it is stiffened by the laundress, and that both differed from sugar only by the latter containing a little more of the elements of water ? With these few remarks, which are necessary in order to properly understand the relations of the various substances which we are about to treat of, we shall now take up the practical part of our subject. STAKCII. Starch is found in almost every vegetable ; indeed, it is probable that at sonje period of its existence every vegetable contains starch ; but it does not occur in all vegetables in precisely the same form ; for ex¬ ample, the starch of wheat and other cereal grains differs very considerably from that of potatoes in the de¬ gree of cohesion between its particles, and in the size and form which their granules assume. All the bodies which can be properly reckoned as starches may be divided into three classes—common starch, lichen starch, and inuline. Common starch is the first link between cellulose and dextrine, or gum ; lichen starch is inter¬ mediate between common starch and dextrine; and inuline is the link between common starch and sugar. Lichen starch forms the great mass of the mucilaginous substance which is obtained by boiling Iceland and Carrigeen moss ; inuline is a kind of starch which is soluble in boiling water, and which is found in the roots of the dahlia and of the dandelion. Neither of these starches have as yet been applied to any use, if we ex¬ cept that which the Chinese have made of the Gigartina tenax , a species of sea-weed which, on being boiled, yields a kind of vegetable glue, consisting, in great measure, of lichen starch, which is largely employed in the manufacture of transparent lanterns, for which the Chinese are so celebrated. The mode in which these lanterns are made is very simple. A sort of netting is first formed, which is then impregnated with the glue, somewhat in the same way that buckram is stiffened with starch ; in the former case, however, the meshes of the cloth are completely filled with the glue, forming a transparent sheet, to which the threads passing through it give considerable strength. In Hewett’s Chinese Collection in the Exhibition were several lan¬ terns formed in this way. They also use it for windows, the material so employed being somewhat similar to the thin sheets of gelatine prepared in France, and occasionally used here for printing address cards, exam¬ ples of which were in the Exhibition. Common starch being, therefore, the only kind at present employed for industrial purposes in Europe, we shall leave the other kinds entirely out of consideration. Common starch is usually divided into two varieties— amylum , or starch of wheat, and other cereal grasses, the seeds of plants belonging to the leguminous family of plants, such as peas and beans, and the seed of the beet, &c.; and feculn , under which name we may include the starch of potatoes, arrow-root, sago, &c. These two varieties differ only in their form ; in nearly all their other properties they are identical, with one or two remarkable distinctions, such as that presented by the action of caustic potash. If the starch of wheat Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 139 be moistened with water, containing about 2 per cent, of potash, it will undergo very little change, whilst the globules of fecula swell into thin, transparent plates. Such a change, however, can only be observed with a microscope; but a more apparent difference is this, that the granules of wheaten starch, owing to their peculiar flattened figures, have a certain adherence, and when a mass is allowed to dry, it splits up into prisms, while the starch of potatoes falls into a gritty powder. Wheaten Starch _The composition of all plants varies considerably according to the climate of the country ; the amount of sunshine during the year ; the soil; the manure ; the period of ripening of the plant; and, finally, in the case of those plants which present several varieties, by the variety employed. For example, the wheats of rich warm countries contain more gluten and less starch than those of cold countries, under the same conditions of culture ; by means of manure, wheat as rich in gluten as that of Sicily and of Venezuela, may be produced in these countries, although it must be observed that, nevertheless, it will not yield as good flour, or keep as long, and will be more subject to disease. The average of northern wheats may be taken at about 68 to 70 per cent, of starch, and 17 to 15 of gluten; the richer the wheat is in gluten the more nutritious it is, and the better will be the bread which is made from it, other conditions being equal; but the less gluten, on the other hand, the more starch will be obtained. Some wheats, for example, contain as much as 75 to 76 per cent, of starch, and only 10 to 11 of gluten, and wheat has even been grown which contained no gluten whatever; such cases are, however, rare. Formerly wheaten starch was extracted in a most imperfect manner. The bruised grain or meal was mixed with four or five times its volume of water, and was then left to undergo fermentation for the space of fifteen to twenty-eight, or thirty days, according to the temperature of the atmosphere; some sour water from a previous operation, having been first added to assist in commencing the fermentation. During this ope¬ ration, the object of which was to separate the gluten, by partially decomposing it and rendering it to some extent soluble, a most abominable stench was produced, and the business was altogether of the most unhealthy kind. By this process nothing but starch was obtained, the whole of the gluten being destroyed. The gluten, however, is now obtained perfectly pure by an exceedingly simple process, the whole of the disagreeable smell of the old method being at the same time avoided. The new process consists of mixing the flour with about half its weight of water, and rapidly working it into a dough with the hand or by mechanical means, and then leaving it to absorb the water, for about twenty minutes to half an hour in summer, and about one hour in winter ; after which the starch is washed out in a kind of semi-cylindrical trough, the sides of which are formed of wire gauze. In this trough a cylindrical- fluted roller, of the same length as the trough, is made to move backwards and forwards, and work the dough against the sides, while a fine jet of water washes out the starch, which filters through the wire gauze ; the gluten remaining behind, and, gradually becoming more adhesive, finally forms a tough elastic mass. The water which carries off the starch, and which amounts usually to about five times the weight of the mass of dough, passes from the cylinder into a cistern, where it reposes for a space of twenty-four hours; during this time the starch deposits, and the water which contains the dextrine, sugar, and soluble salts, is decanted off. The starch is not yet pure, however, portions of gluten still adhering to it which give it a gray appearance ; to get rid of this difficulty M. Martin, of Vervins, the inventor of the process, places it in a vat, with about three times its bulk of water, and causes it to ferment by the addition of about 5 per cent, of sour water from a previous operation, at a temperature of 77 u Fahr. This operation, which takes place in a closed room, and which lasts six to eight days, gives scarcely any smell; it is in fact nothing more than a kind of vinegar fer¬ mentation, the acids produced partially dissolving the gluten without injuring the starch, which is then washed twice with water; a period of twenty-four hours being allowed each time for repose. It is now strained through fine silk, after which it is allowed to deposit. When this has taken place, the surface of the deposit is still usually of a grayish tint, and is scraped off and washed apart, forming starch of the second quality. The portion under the layer, scraped off, forms the first quality, and is placed upon trays, having their bottoms pierced with holes, and then covered with a loosely fitting plate of sheet-iron ; these trays are arranged upon a floor covered with thick plates of plaster of Paris, which rapidly absorb the water that drains through the holes in the tray. The cakes after this operation have a certain degree of consistence, and are divided into four parts, and placed in a drying room at the ordinary temperature, during from twenty-four to thirty-six hours ; after which they are placed in a stove, heated in a peculiar way, which we shall notice presently where they split into the needle-shaped masses of prisms which are so well known as characteristic of wheaten starch. The principal use of wheaten starch is for stiffening linen for domestic purposes. W e are not aware that gluten has been put to any use in Ireland ; but in France, where the advantage of soups, as a part of the dietary of the people, is fully appreciated, it is extensively employed in the manu¬ facture of vermicelli, maccaroni, and granulated gluten. These substances, which are so favourite an article of food in Italy and in other parts of the south of Europe, can only be made from the finest Sicilian wheat, which is exceedingly rich in gluten. By the addition of freshly prepared gluten, however, to our ordinary wheaten flours, articles of this kind, quite equal, in every respect, to the best Neapolitan maccaroni or ver¬ micelli, may be prepared. This manufacture is very well worthy of the attention of our starch-makers. Potato Fecula —The composition of potatoes is still more variable than that of the cereal grains. All bulbous and tuberous roots contain a very large proportion of water, which is subject to very considerable variation, and hence the quantity of solid matter which potatoes may contain is very variable. For example, the common lumpers of our peasantry are very prolific, and are hence cultivated largely ; but one ton of them does not contain in general the same amount of food as 15 cwts. of the smaller but superior varieties. Under these circumstances we need scarcely remark, that the amount of starch which a manufacturer can obtain from a given weight of potatoes varies very considerably. From the small quantity of water which grain contains, it may be preserved with very little change for several years, but it is different with potatoes ; unless preserved with the utmost care they begin to change very soon after their removal from the ground ; and the first constituent which is altered is the starch, which gradually passes into other substances, so that by the end of spring scarcely any starch can be obtained. For example, potatoes which yield in October, u 140 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class HI. November, and December, 17 to 18 per cent, of starch, give no more than 15 in January, 13 in March and April, and, perhaps, not more than 7 to 8 in the end of the latter month. Hence, whilst the manufacture of wheaten starch may be carried on throughout the whole season, that of potatoes is confined to the period of the year commencing in October and ending in February. When we come to speak of beet sugar we shall have occasion to notice the same phenomena connected with that manufacture. The process by which potato starch is now made is very perfect; at least it is so on the Continent, where a considerable amount of ingenious mechanism, a good deal of which has been imitated from the manufacture of beet sugar, has been introduced into it. We shall accordingly describe the most perfect mode, even although it may not be the one in use at home, as it would evidently be a waste of time to describe processes which had better be discarded at once from practice, and placed amongst the archives of the history of the manufacture. The first operation is that of soaking , which consists merely in placing the potatoes in a tub with water for eight or ten hours, in order that the clay attached to them may soften. They are then washed in a common cylindrical washing machine. The washed roots are next rasped by a rasping machine. The pulp as it passes from the rasp is received on a sheet of fine wire gauze, of which there are six or seven placed at short distances over one another. Over these sheets a double endless chain, joined by transverse bars or scrapers of iron the width of the wire cloth, passes by means of a series of pulleys and guide rollers ; owing to the onward motion of this chain, the pulp is carried from the lower sheet of gauze to the second by means of the scrapers of iron which roll it along : thence to the third, and so on until it reaches the top, and is dis¬ charged into a reservoir. During this ascent of the pulp, a dense rain is made to fall on the upper sheet of gauze, through which it passes, carrying the last traces of starch from the exhausted pulp on to the second, and thence to the third, and so on to the last, where it comes upon fresh pulp. By thus presenting successive layers of pulp to the descending water a much smaller quantity of the latter is required, whilst the starch is effectually washed out, and at the same time strained by means of the wire gauze. The water loaded with starch passes from the last wire gauze into a slightly conical cylinder or drum, the periphery of which is formed of the finest wire gauze or silk, where it is still further strained, and thence passes into a cistern or reservoir, whence it is carried to the purifying vats by a lifting wheel. Here it is freed from sand and other impurities by being agitated and syphoned off before the starch deposits into other vats, where it is allowed to deposit the water decanted off. The grey coat, or starch grease as it is called, is scraped of}' and washed apart for No. 2 fecula, and the fine white starch drained on trays as already described for wheaten starch, and when of sufficient consistence turned out upon plates of plaster, where it is allowed to dry during six to twelve hours. Each cake is afterwards broken into eight or twelve pieces, which are placed in a drying closet upon shelves of wood, well protected from dust, and dried at the ordinary temperature of the air, after which they are stoved in a current of hot air. A very nice form of stove has been contrived for this purpose ; it consists of a chamber heated by an arrangement of hot pipes, and having a series of endless bands of cloth passing over rollers at each side of the budding, placed over one another. The wet starch is spread upon the upper cloth, where, being sufficiently dried, the cloth is made to revolve, by which the starch is precipitated upon the sheet below, and thence upon the next, and so on, until it arrives at the bottom ; having in this way passed from the lowest to the highest temperature, by which it is gradually dried. It is afterwards passed between brass rollers and bolted through a machine similar to that employed for flour; and is then fit for sale as dry starch , although it still contains 18 per cent, of water. If this starch were placed in a damp atmos¬ phere it would rapidly absorb water, so that at last it would reach 35 per cent, of its weight; in this state the grains adhere together, and are still capable of taking in more water, constituting green starch , as the starch obtained in that stage of its manufacture, when it has been drained on plaster of Paris, is called. Fecula of potatoes is at present employed for a number of purposes ; as, for example, in sizing of very fine papers, for the manufacture of starch sugar, imitations of tapioca and sago, in the manufacture of comfits and other light confectionary, as an addition in the manufacture of vermicelli and semola, for the manufacture of white dextrine, and of leiokom or roasted starch, or, as it is sometimes called, British gum. When used in articles intended as food it must be treated, during the process of washing in its manufacture, with about 1 per cent, of its weight of carbonate of soda dissolved in about fifty parts of water, which removes a peculiar nau¬ seous oil that would render it highly disagreeable if used in confectionary. In order to imitate tapioca or sago it is only necessary to take potato starch in its green state, that is, after being drained on plaster of Paris, and sprinkle it upon plates heated to about 302° Fahrenheit, by which the granules swell suddenly and cement together, forming a sort of horny starch very much resembling sago. The pulp remaining after the extraction of the starch is used for feeding pigs on the Continent, and to some extent in Ireland; although we have heard of a case where a manufacturer was compelled to pay for its removal, the farmers of this coun¬ try not being sufficiently accustomed, as yet, to manufactures, to appreciate the value of factory residues. Sago and Cassava _In most tropical countries the natives prepare several varieties of starch, many of which come into commerce in these countries under the names of arrow-root, tapioca, sago, &c. The fine collection of the products of British Guiana contained a number of samples of arrow-root and tapioca ; and some arrow-root, tapioca, and sago were also contributed from Brazil. Tapioca is obtained from the yucca,— a plant familiar to those who visit our botanic gardens. It is from this plant that the Indians prepare a kind of meal abounding in the starch just named, and called cassava, a number of samples of which, and of the cakes made from it, were in the Guiana collection. Sago is the starch obtained from several varieties of palms and other allied plants by a process somewhat similar to the old process of starch-making. Considerable quantities of this starch are purified in these countries, and used for the same purpose as potato fecula. We believe the starch of the cassava could be advantageously used for the same purpose, and might form a con¬ siderable article of commerce from Guiana. Dextrine _One of the most important applications of potato and sago fecula is in the manufacture of British gum or torrified starch. If fecula be exposed in trays to a temperature of 410° Fahrenheit, it loses its water, and undergoes a peculiar change by which it becomes soluble in water, and in many respects resembles gum Arabic, which it replaces in the arts to a considerable extent. This substance is called Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 141 dextrine , from a peculiar property which it has of bending a ray of polarized light towards the right hand when it has passed through a solution of it. Several specimens of this leiokom, or torrified starch, were ex¬ hibited by C. Cooney, of this city, made by the old process of roasting, just mentioned. But as this process gives the product a yellowish or buff colour which unfits it for getting up lace and lawn and replacing the finer kinds of starch called amidon-lis , used for that purpose, other processes have been invented on the Con¬ tinent by which a dextrine can be obtained as perfectly white as the finest starch. The simplest of these pro¬ cesses, invented by the distinguished chemist, l’ayen, consists in mixing 1 ton of dry fecula with about 4£ lbs. of pure nitric acid of a specific gravity of l - 36 to 1 '40, diluted with about 67 to 68 gallons of water, and spreading the mixture upon trays, which are then placed in a drying room at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere until the starch is sufficiently dried to fall into powder spontaneously; it is then reduced to pow¬ der, and spread in layers about one inch in thickness upon trays of brass, which are placed in a stove heated by steam to a temperature of 212° Fahrenheit, for some hours; or, by heating it somewhat higher, the change is effected much sooner, but great care should be taken lest the temperature should be raised so high as to colour it. Dextrine may also be obtained as a syrup, by the action of an infusion of malt; but in this case it will always contain a certain quantity of starch sugar, which will render it more or less hygroscopic or attractive of moisture. If starch be boiled for a considerable time under a pressure of six atmospheres, it will also yield a syrup of starch gum. We would strongly recommend a study of these various processes to our manufacturers ; especially as the manufacture of starch is carried on to some extent in Ireland, at the same time that dextrine has scarcely been applied to a tithe of the purposes for which it is admirably adapted. We shall give here a few of the applications of dextrine ; but we must, however, observe, that we do not pre¬ tend to give one-half of those which have been made on the Continent, and might be introduced here with advantage. APPLICATIONS OF DEXTRINE. For stiffening and making up tulles, laces, gauzes, &c., and, in fact, all kinds of cotton and linen tissues. Sizing, or preparation of linen or cotton warps for weaving, especially of the finer articles. For thickening the mordants used in printing on silk, woollen, and cotton. In calico printing, for thickening both mordants and colours, when the latter are employed in what is called padding. Liquid gum for fixing on labels (for this purpose dextrine syrup is used). For thickening colours for printing room-papers. As mucilaginous baths for block printing on silk. For the preparation of adhesive bandages for reducing fractures of the bones, which is one of the most ingenious applica¬ tions which has been made, and many others which our space forbids us mentioning. Nearly all the dextrine prepared in these countries is employed in calico printing, and stiffening cotton goods. By the action of sulphuric acid, or of diastase (the active principle of malted grain), a kind of sugar can be made from starch ; but as no specimen of it was exhibited, we shall not further allude to it. There were nine exhibitors of starch ; seven of whom contributed samples of wheaten starch, five being Irish, and two Belgian ; three of potato fecula; three of sago, and one of leiokom or torrified starch. SUGARS. To most persons the word sugar has but one meaning, referring to the substance in common use, which, from its principal source, is denominated cane sugar. The chemist, however, applies the name to several substances having very different properties. For example, in grapes and most fruits there exists a kind of sugar which, like cane sugar, has the property of crystallizing, and which is called grape sugar. These two kinds of sugar are intimately related to each other, and only differ in their constitution by the grape sugar containing a little more of the elements of water than that of the cane. Their properties are, however, very different. Sulphuric acid, when poured upon cane sugar will blacken and finally char it, while it has scarcely any action upon grape sugar unless strongly heated with it. Cane sugar boiled with caustic alkalies, such as potash, undergoes no alteration of colour, while grape sugar, treated in the same way will be instantly decomposed. In their sweetening properties there is also a great difference, for it is found that three parts of cane sugar are equal in this respect to five of grape sugar. When cane sugar is boiled with vegetable acids, such as lemon juice, it takes up the elements of water and passes into grape sugar, and even in the cold a similar transformation is slowly produced. When heated with certain substances containing nitrogen, which exist probably in all plants, it decomposes into another kind of sugar, differing very materially from grape sugar, and into an acid identical with the acid of sour milk. This sugar is found in nature, forming the principal part of the substance used in medicine under the name of mannite , and which is obtained from some trees indigenous to the shores of the Mediterranean. If we compare the chemical composition of the cane and grape sugars with starch, we shall find that they only differ by the one containing somewhat less of the elements of water than the other ; and experi¬ ment has shown that if starch be boiled with dilute sulphuric acid it will be converted into a sugar similar to, if not identical with, grape sugar. This important fact points out the source whence a good deal of sugar is obtained in plants. From what we have already stated in speaking of starch, it will be seen that sugar must be universally present in all plants. It fills, to some extent, the office to plants of the blood in animals, by providing them with the material for forming their cells. It will, of course, be understood when we say sugar is universally present, that we allude to some of the many forms of that substance, and not to cane sugar alone. There are, however, many plants which contain only cane sugar, such as the sugar cane, the beet, the sugar maple, the melon, the seeds of the chesnut, &c.; but from what we have already remarked in reference to the action 142 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class IH. of acids upon cane sugar, none of it can exist in acid fruits. We may, therefore, divide plants into two classes with reference to the sugar which they contain : first, those with neutral saps containing cane sugar or some modification of it; and second, those with acid saps and grape sugar. The mere fact of a plant containing cane sugar or some of its modifications does not prove that it can be economically employed for obtaining sugar on a great scale; for, independently of the fact that it should contain a sufficient per-centage of it to render its extraction profitable, it should exist in a form capable of crystallizing—it should be crystallizable cane sugar. At present our supply of sugar is obtained almost entirely from the beet and the sugar cane, in both of which there is only found crystallizable cane sugar ; although, during the process of manufacture, a consi¬ derable but variable portion of it is converted into an uncrystallizable sugar, known under the name of molasses. It is to the production of this substance that we must attribute the origin of the mistake, that uncrystallizable sugar existed ready formed in the cane and beet. Sugar from the Cane —The use of the beet as a source of sugar is of recent date ; but it is impossible to say when it was first made from the cane. It appears to have been known and largely employed in China and India for several thousand years, and even to have been known to the Greeks and Romans at the com¬ mencement of the Christian era. The first positive historical account which we have of the manufacture of sugar from the cane dates from the time of the first Crusade, when the Christian army discovered fields of cane growing near Tripolis, in Syria, from which sugar was made. The Venetians had, however, im¬ ported the sugar itself into Europe as early as the year 996; and in 1319 imported into London a cargo of 100,000 lbs. of sugar, and 10,000 lbs. of candy. The Mahometans, in their course to the westward, succes¬ sively introduced the sugar cane into Egypt, Cyprus, Candia, Malta, Sicily, and finally into the south of Spain, where it was largely cultivated. It is supposed, however, that the cane was cultivated in Andalusia before the invasion of the Arabs, who merely introduced the process of boiling the juice. In 1148 there were many plantations of it in Sicily, and sugar formed a considerable article of trade. In 1420 the celebrated Prince Henry of Portugal introduced it into Madeira, and thence it found its way into the Canary Isles and St. Thomas’s. These islands supplied Europe with sugar until the introduction of the sugar cane into America. In the middle of the sixteenth century the Portuguese introduced it into Brazil, and not long after discovered the advantage of cultivating it by negroes. In 1506 Pedro de Arenca introduced it into Hayti, where, in 1518, there were no less than twenty-eight sugar factories. From tliis period the manu¬ facture gradually spread over the greater part of tropical America; but its development was greatest in Brazil, which, in the end of the sixteenth and beginning of the seventeenth century, supplied Europe with sugar. Since the middle of the seventeenth century, however, the West Indies have been formidable rivals of Brazil, and at present send from four to five times as much sugar into Europe as the latter. The first export of sugar from Barbadoes took place in 1640 ; but it was not for several years after that Jamaica became a great sugar country. When the English took it from the Spaniards, in 1656, there were only three sugar plantations in the island. The cultivation of the sugar cane in the Mediterranean countries, whence it was introduced into America, has almost gradually died out. In Sicily, however, at Melilli and Avola, which were among the earliest parts of Europe where the sugar cane was first cultivated, there are still some sugar plantations. And its cultivation lias been re-introduced into Spain within the last few years, the first factory having been put up at Torre del Mar, near Malaga, in 1846 ; Meliemet Ali also introduced it into Egypt; and in 1830 some plantations were established at Grusien, and in 1833 at Taglysch, in the Russo-Caucasian provinces. It is singular that after the lapse of more than 200 years the sugar cane should be again brought back from America to those very districts whence it was originally taken to that continent. The sugar cane belongs to the same family as the different varieties of grass, wheat, barley, and oats, and which is known to botanists as the Gramineee or grasses. There are several varieties of it culti¬ vated, but the greater part of the sugar which comes to Europe is obtained froniithree :—1. The common or Creole cane, being the variety first introduced into America from Europe; 2. The Batavian or striped cane, which is the one grown in Java ; and 3. The Otaheite or O’Tahiti cane, which grows most luxuriantly, and yields the largest amount of sugar. The latter was brought, as its name indicates, from the islands of the South Sea, where it grows luxuriantly; and its juice is employed by some of the inhabitants (for example, those of Easter Island) as a drink to counteract the effects of salt water, which for want of fresh they are obliged to drink_an object which it appears to effect in a most remarkable manner. The sugar cane is a marsh plant, and requires a very warm climate, and a good, deep, rich soil. It grows to the height of from eight to ten feet; and under very favourable circumstances even to a height of twenty feet, with a diameter from one inch to one inch and a half. The stem, which when mature has a hard rind, is composed of a number of joints from three to four inches long, which send forth leaves. The leaves are about three to four feet long, and from one to two inches wide, and resemble those of many grasses in a remarkable manner. The cane is usually propagated by cuttings, called cane tops , which are pieces of from fifteen to twenty inches long, containing some buds and cut from near the top of the cane. These are planted in rows three or four feet asunder, the plants being placed at intervals of two feet; the best period for planting being from August to November. In the eleventh or twelfth month of their growth they begin to arrow , that is, they throw out a great fiower stalk seven or eight feet in height, and about half an inch in thickness, a specimen of which, with a long dried cane, was exhibited in the admirable and truly interesting collection of the products of British Guiana, sent from that colony. Sometimes this does not take place until the thirteenth or fourteenth month ; when it does, the plant has arrived at its period of maturity for the manu¬ facture of sugar. The stem is then heavy, smooth, very brittle, and has somewhat of a pale straw colour with a tinge of violet. When the canes are considered ripe, they are cut close to the ground, and then sometimes reduced into lengths of three or four feet for convenience of grinding in the mill. The roots or stoles left behind send out shoots like plantations of osier, which are called rattoons , being a corruption of the French word rejettons. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 143 The rattoons are usually ripe in about twelve months ; and when they are cut down another crop of rattoons shoots up. In some countries this process is repeated for ten or twelve years; the heaviest crops being obtained in the first year, after the planting of the canes, which, to distinguish them from the rattoons, are called plant canes. An acre of land yields on an average about twenty tons of canes, although an acre of plant canes sometimes gives as much as thirty tons, whilst the fourth or fifth rattoon may only give ten tons, or even less. The cut canes are conveyed to a mill, consisting of a number of grooved rollers, between which the canes are passed, and the juice squeezed out; the motive power being water, wind, or steam, and even in some cases cattle. The pressed cane is tied up in bundles, dried in the sun, and under various names, such as trash , mogass, bagasse, &e., is employed as fuel in boiling the sugar. The cane generally contains in 100 parts, 90 of juice, which is very nearly a pure solution of sugar, amounting to from 14 to 22 per cent, of the juice ; the amount being greatest just when the cane is ripe, but gradually diminishing as the season advances ; and as the cutting season extends over a period of four to five months, the variation is very great. Independent of this, the effect of soil, manure, moisture, temperature, &c., is considerable ; so that it is pro¬ bable that the amount of sugar contained in the cane as it goes to the mill, for a whole season, is not more than 14 per cent, in the favourable countries; but it is much less in India, and some other places where sugar is produced. Of the 90 per cent, of juice in the cane, not more than half is pressed out, the rest remaining in the bagasse, and employed as fuel. Even in many places this quantity is not obtained ; but where improved machinery is employed, from 75 to 80 per cent, can be expressed, which is probably the general amount which can be economically obtained. There is present in the juice small portions of the nitrogenous substances already alluded to; which, aided by the high temperature of the air in the tropics, would soon produce fermentation. It is, therefore, neces¬ sary to get rid of these substances. This is effected by heating the juice in large copper vessels called clarifiers, and adding about from 1 to 3 lbs. of lime, or technically temper, per 100 gallons of juice. The lime combines with the foreign substances, which are in consequence thrown up in the form of a scum, leaving the liquor clear. The juice is then drawn off into the largest of a series of five copper vessels, the last and smallest being called a teache, because it is in it the juice is boiled to the consistence necessary to enable it to crystallize ; the proper point of concentration being judged by touch, that is by drawing out a bit of the thick syrup between the thumb and fore-finger. All these vessels are heated by the same fire, the smallest or teache being placed directly over it. The juice is first boiled in the large copper, and some more fecu- lencies or scum which come to the surface removed; and having lost a certain amount of water it is passed into the next, and so on until it arrives at the teache, where the full degree of concentration is attained, when it is run off - into a large cylindrical vessel called a cooler. Each finished charge of the teache run into the cooler is called a shipping. From the cooler, the juice, now a thick syrup, is transferred into rectangular wooden boxes, of which there are usually six, each being about five or six feet wide, seven feet long, and about one foot deep. When the cooler above mentioned is not employed, the syrup is transferred directly from the teache to these crystallizers, which are hence sometimes called coolers; here grain is gradually formed, that is, the sugar crystallizes. When this has fully taken place, the sugar is potted, that is, transferred into a number of sugar hogsheads, having their bottoms pierced with some nine or ten holes ; through each of these holes the stalk of a plaintain leaf is stuck, which rises above the cask, and protrudes below the bottom. These hogsheads are placed upon a framework of wood, in a large building called the curing-house, the floor of which is formed into a sort of reservoir or cistern, by wood, lead, or cement. The sugar, or rather granulated syrup, is allowed to remain here from three to six weeks, according to quality, during which time the portion of the syrup which has not crystallized drains off, leaving the crystallized portion more or less dry. This liquid, known as West Indian molasses, consists of sugar in two states ; one in which it is uncrystallizable, and the other in which it is crystallizable, the latter forming from 60 to 65 per cent, of the whole. When the sugar is suffi¬ ciently drained, it is put into hogsheads and exported. Sometimes the molasses is also exported to Europe, where it is employed for various purposes ; among others it is reboiled, and a large quantity of sugar made from it. Large quantities of it are, however, retained in the sugar countries ; and with the waste canes, and washings of the sugar house, it is diluted with water and fermented, when it yields the well-known alcoholic liquor rum; some seven or eight excellent specimens of which were exhibited in the Guiana collection. As the sugar obtained by the process just described is more or less of a dark colour, in consequence of the charring of a portion of it in the teache, a process is employed in many sugar-producing countries for whitening it, termed claying. This process consists simply in placing the granulated mass formed in the coolers in a number of pots of clay or iron, of exactly the shape of a loaf of sugar, and having small holes in their ends ; and then placing a mass of pure moist clay on the top of the sugar, the water from which, per¬ colating through the sugar mass, washes out the liquid, leaving a network of crystals of sugar behind. By renewing the clay several times the sugar may be produced of great whiteness. The produce thus obtained is termed clayed sugar, of which there were samples in the Brazilian collection, such as the white sugar from Maco, Pamam, Bahia, and also from Berbice, in the Guiana collection ; Brazil, Cuba, and the East Lillies, being the countries where it is mostly produced. The process which we have just described is very imperfect, in proof of which it is only necessary to say, that not more than from 6 to 7 per cent, of sugar is obtained out of the 14 which exists in the cane. Within the last few years great improvements have been effected ; but as these improvements have arisen in great measure from the manufacture of sugar from beet root, we shall have an opportunity of speaking of them when referring to that manufacture. We may remark, however, that the process just described is still the one by which a large part of the sugar of commerce is made, the beet root machinery being only employed as yet by the most enterprising manufacturers. Indeed, it appears that its employment, although enabling the planter to make more sugar from the same quantity of canes, and of a very superior quality, does not 144 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class IH. enable him to make it cheaper, which, after all, is the final object of all improvement. In the Guiana col¬ lection were some fine samples of Demerara sugar, prepared by these improved processes, and which it was interesting to be able to compare with the samples of Irish beet sugar exhibited. We may here observe that British Guiana in this respect is by far the most advanced of the British Colonies. Imperfect as the process just described is, that pursued in India is far more so. The land in India is cultivated by miserable peasants called Ryots , ground down by the Zemindars, who in turn are not much better off. The Ryots grow the cane in small patches, express the juice, boil it down with all its impurities into an inspissated mass termed rhab , or, as it called by the Europeans, rob. Occasionally they remove the scum formed during the boiling down of the juice, and by some attention in other matters prepare a better kind of sugar, which, according to the locality where it is made, has received various names, but which is usually called goor or kheur ; the term jaggery is applied by Europeans to a variety commonly used in making sugar. Another class of persons, called Goldars , purchase the goor, reboil it, and make the sugar which comes to England as Benares and Burdwhan sugars. The mill employed in grinding the canes is one of the most miserable construction possible ; it consists of the stump of a tamarind tree fastened into the ground, leaving about two feet projecting, in which is cut a hollow so as to form a kind of mortar; the pestle is a tree about eighteen feet long, and about ten to twelve inches in diameter, having one end rounded so as to rub against the bottom. This pestle is worked by cattle attached to a bamboo framework of the rudest kind ; the juice squeezed out of the cane, which for this operation is obliged to be cut up in small pieces, flows out of a hole in the side of the mortar into an earthen pot, whence it is removed from time to time, to be boiled at first in earthern pots and then in those of iron, to be further prepared for the market. Sugar from Beet Root —The cultivation of the beet appears to have been first practised in the south of France; Olivier de Serres, a celebrated agriculturist in the time of Henry IV., of France, recommended it as food for cattle. In Germany, also, its cultivation is of an old date. The variety at first cultivated in both countries appears to have been the disette of the French and the mangel wurzel of the Germans, the meaning of which is famine root , a term which sufficiently indicates the high appreciation in which it was held. In the middle of the last century several varieties appear to have been commonly cultivated in Germany, when Marggraf published in 1747 the results of an investigation which he had undertaken as to the presence of sugar in indigenous plants. At this period sugar had become a considerable article of commerce, and, owing to the continued wars in which Europe was then plunged, the price of sugar rose enormously. The idea struck Marggraf that some plant might be found suited to the climate from which a sufficient quantity of sugar could be obtained, instead of the honey which was then largely employed as a substitute for foreign sugar. Finding by his experiments that the different varieties of the beet contained more sugar than other plants, he proposed to manufacture it from the white beet, since called the Silesian beet, which contained the largest quantity. Olivier de Serres, already mentioned, suspected that the beet contained and might be employed for sugar manufacture; but to Marggraf belongs the honour of first determining its quantity. Marggraf s idea was not then acted upon in consequence of peace having been re-established soon after; but in 1796, that is fifty years afterwards, Achard, an apothecary of Berlin, led by the high price of sugar, took up the idea of Marggraf, and established a small factory at Cunern, in Silesia, where he pro¬ duced a very inferior brown sugar. An account of his experiment was published in the “ Annales de Chimie,” in Brumaire of Year VII. of the French Republic, in the form of a letter to Van Mons. In this letter he states that he could manufacture sugar at a little less than 2J d. per pound, and he also pointed out the great value of the pulp, molasses, and leaves of the beet for various purposes, especially for feeding cattle. This letter produced a great sensation in France, having been reprinted in every newspaper. By some the idea was taken up with enthusiasm, as a means of freeing the country from the monopoly which Great Britain then enjoyed in colonial produce ; by others it was ridiculed as an absurdity. The Institute of France then numbering some of the first men of science in the world among its members, did not, however, partake of the latter opinion, and accordingly they appointed one of their members, Deyepx, to proceed to Germany, and make a report upon Achard’s process ; which report was published in the following year. Consequent upon this report two small factories were established in the neighbourhood of Paris ; one at St. Omer, and the other in the old Abbey of Challes. These factories did not fulfil the promises of Achard, and they were given up, amidst the ridicule of those who had been always adverse to the manufacture, and who filled the print-shops with the most grotesque caricatures. The whole affair would have doubtless ended there, but for the celebrated Berlin and Milan decrees of the Emperor Napoleon, establishing what was called the Continental System,” the object of which was to shut out England from the trade of the Continent. Enormous duties were placed upon all colonial articles, especially upon sugar, so that its price was at once quadrupled; and the result was to cause inquiry to be made by chemists as to some indigenous source of sugar. Their attention was first directed to the juice of the grape, before its fermentation into wine, in the belief that by improving the process a sugar equal to colonial sugar could be obtained—a belief which it is unnecessary to say was erroneous, as the two sugars are quite different in nature. The juice of the grape contains 20 to 23 per cent, of sugar, whilst that of the beet yields only 10 to 14 per cent., the latter having besides a most disagreeable taste ; for some time, consequently, no attention was paid to beet root as a source of sugar, whilst every housewife in the south of France made her supply of grape sugar in her kitchen, according to the directions published by the celebrated Parmentier. At length the beet sugar question was again agitated, in consequence of some reports which had been circulated relative to the success of a small factory established at Krayn, in Silesia, by Baron Ivoppy, as well as of the original one of Achard’s, at Cu¬ nern. It was asserted that in these factories from 4 to 6 per cent, of sugar was produced ; which was rather startling when contrasted with the results obtained by the Commission of the Institute, in the Year VIH. of the Republic, which was only 1 per cent. Hermbstadt, a Prussian chemist, published a small tract in 1809, detailing several improvements which he had effected in the original processes, and according to which he stated that he obtained 3 per cent, of fine sugar. Deyeux, who was at this time pharmacien-in-chief to Napoleon, again took up the subject, but without better results than before. Derosne, another apothecary, Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 145 by following the process of Hermbstadt., obtained 2 per cent, of inferior sugar; from this he made a loaf, which he presented to Napoleon, who placed it under a glass-case on his chimney-piece, as the first loaf of beet sugar ever made. In the year 1811 we find two experiments recorded ; one by Barruel and Isnard, the former of whom was a well-known chemist, in which only 1£ per cent, of sugar was produced, and the other by M. Drappiez, of Lille, who obtained 3 per cent, of sugar. It was probably the result in the latter case which caused Napoleon to give directions to Deyeux to publish a small treatise upon the subject, and to encourage the erection of a number of factories; among which we may mention those erected by the cele¬ brated chemist Chaptal, and by the geometer Monge. In one of these model factories erected by the Government, the first loaf of refined sugar made in the regular way was produced and presented to the Emperor. The cost of this loaf was said to have been £1600! and was the cause of a flood of caricatures, some of which were exceedingly grotesque ; for example, one represented George III. taking his coffee, and supplying his sugar from an immense West Indian hogshead, whilst Napoleon, on the other side, might be seen straining every nerve to squeeze sugar out of a beet-root which he holds over his coffee-cup. In 1812 M. Bonmatin effected some improvement in the mode of manufacture, an account of which was published in the Moniteur, by order of Napoleon. But neither the favour of the Government, the model factories, the able men who devoted themselves to the subject, nor the high price of sugar, could make the industry progress, although Achard was known to have been making a fortune. People were not, however, to be so easily discouraged, for when the results of Achard’s improved processes became known, the number of small factories that sprung up in France was amazing; 150 having, it is said, been erected in half a year. Fortune favoured these bold efforts. Several improvements were effected in the processes, one of which placed the manufacture for ever out of danger. In the year 1812, the Chief Surgeon of the Military Hospital at Montpelier asked a friend of his, M. Figuier, an apothecary of that town, to prepare for him a bottle of liquid blacking; which was at that period made from honey, ivory, black or burnt bones, and vinegar. The surgeon sent his friend a bottle of red wine vinegar sufficient to make the bottle of blacking, and into this Figuier put the honey and the bone- black, and sent it to the hospital, where it was placed upon the table in the surgeon’s room. On coming in, and finding that the whole of the solid matter had subsided to the bottom of the vessel, and that the super¬ natant liquid was colourless, the surgeon imagined that it could not be his vinegar, and that consequently some mistake must have occurred ; he accordingly returned it to the apothecary, who soon discovered the cause. He communicated his discovery to Derosne of Paris, who was then engaged in sugar refining. The latter at once applied the bone-black to decolorize syrups, and found its action remarkable. This was the great turning-point in the history of the beet sugar manufacture. We have dwelt at this length upon the early history of this curious manufacture, for the purpose of contrasting the difficulties of its early infancy with that which it has had to encounter in the attempts to naturalize it in Ireland; and we cannot help coming to the conclusion, that if it has made so little progress in this country with so few real obstacles, it would have assuredly died had the discovery been made here. In order to give the reader an idea of the first processes employed to make sugar from the beet, and enable him to judge of the progress it has since made, we shall describe the process recommended by Deyeux, and published by order of Napoleon. The beet roots were washed in a tub, then grated by the hand with an instrument exactly like a kitchen grater, and squeezed in a wooden screw-press, by which from 30 to 35 per cent, of juice was obtained out of the 95 which the beet contains. The juice was then boiled into a syrup, some persons adding a little chalk or lime to it, to separate feculencies. When it had attained a certain degree of concentration it was boiled with ox blood, strained, boiled down once more, and then put into a warm room upon fiat trays; where, if the process was well conducted, a portion of it crystallized out in the course of about twenty days, otherwise the whole was destroyed. The syrup was after that drained off, and the crystals were put upon linen cloths to drain. Sometimes a little water was poured upon them, and the mass pressed. We can scarcely form an idea of the kind of sugar which was maije in this way ; it was a brown or blackish mass, having little the appearance of sugar. Such was the beet sugar manufacture in the year 1812 ! If we consider that at this period beet sugar enjoyed protection to an extent almost approaching a monopoly, it will not appear surprising that, as soon as the Continental System was abolished, and peace established in 1815,—which led to the reduction in the price of sugar to one-half,—the manufacture should receive a shock. So great, indeed, was the effect of these events, that in the course of a few months three- fourths of the trade was extinguished. The rapid succession of inventions and improvements which had occurred in the interval, between 1812 and 1815, had, however, communicated so much vitality to it, that it was not only saved from utter extinction, but even soon rallied ; and in 1819 no less than 100 factories, much larger than those erected before the Peace, were in full activity. Since then it has gone on with varying fortune, but, nevertheless, gradually improving, and extending itself. Up to 1840 it enjoyed considerable protection in France, but in consequence of the high price of sugar, and the clamour of the colonial interest, the Government proposed to levy a duty of 45 francs the 100 kilogrammes, or about 18s. the cwt., and to indemnify any manufacturer who would relinquish the trade. The Chamber of Deputies did not accept the project, but imposed a duty of 25 francs the 100 kilogrammes, or about 10s. the cwt., by which they left the indigenous sugar a protection of 20 francs the 100 kilogrammes, or nearly 8s. per cwt. This, however, did not satisfy the colonial interest, especially as the manufacture of beet sugar, checked for a while in 1840 by the uncertainty as to how the Legislature would act, began to increase rapidly. Accordingly the Govern¬ ment proposed, in 1843, the compulsory closing of all the factories; at the same time awarding them an equitable indemnity. The Chamber of Deputies again refused to ratify the Government measure of annihi¬ lation ; but, giving way to the complaints of those interested in colonial sugar, they added 5 francs per 100 kilogrammes to the duty on beet sugar, and a like sum additional for each succeeding year, until the duties upon the French colonial and beet sugars would be equalized; which was effected in 1847. The effect of the hostility of the Government, in 1843, was most disastrous to the manufacture ; fully one-half of the fac- 146 TI1E IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. tories having been closed up, and the proprietors of the others very much discouraged. Nevertheless, in the face of the increasing duty, it again prospered. Then came the Revolution of 1848, which re-emancipated the negroes, upon whom slavery had been again imposed under the tyrannical government of Napoleon, after it had been solemnly abolished in 1793. The immediate effect of this measure was a considerable diminu¬ tion in the production of French colonial sugar, and an increase in the cost of production. This state of things increased the clamours of the colonial interest, and of all those who saw in the continued increase of the indigenous sugar manufacture a probable source of injury to the mercantile marine of France ; the trade in sugar occupying a tonnage of from 80 to 100,000. The result was that, after protracted debates, a new tariff was promulgated in June, 1851, which increased the duty on beet sugar to the extent of 5 francs the 100 kilogrammes, or about 2s. the cwt. ; thus giving the French colonial sugar a protection to that extent. The beet sugar in its turn was protected against foreign tropical sugar by a differential duty of about 4*. 9 d. the cwt. This protection would, under any circumstances, be merely nominal, and does not seriously affect the manufacture one way or other. Protection means monopoly to a certain extent; but it is clear that such monopoly can only exist where the article protected is not sufficient to supply the wants of the community; the deficit must consequently be introduced from abroad, and pay the protecting premium, the result of which will be, that the price of all the sugar consumed in the country will be increased to that extent. The usual consumption of sugar in France varies from 110,000 to 130,000 tons annually. Now if the French colonies and the beet sugar factories cannot together produce this quantity, it is quite clear that foreign sugar must be imported, paying the highest duty, which would of course raise the price of all sugar. The reverse is, however, the case, for the colonial sugar imported into France, and the beet sugar produced there, are more than sufficient to supply the consumption. Taking the ten years ending 1851, there was a very considerable excess in eight years of that period ; whilst in only two was the production and consumption balanced. In one year the excess over consumption actually amounted to 30,000 tons, which was obliged to be exported to other countries, in which it had to compete with Cuban and Brazilian sugar, at the same time that the price at home was lowered to very nearly the same standard. Judging by the common opinion, we might imagine that such a competition would soon destroy the beet sugar manufacture. Nevertheless, in the face of that very tariff, the production of indigenous sugar in France rose from 70,461 tons, in 1851, to 82,409 tons in 1852, or very nearly 17 per cent, in one year; and the increase during the past season is supposed to be in about the same proportion.* So much for the history of the beet sugar industry; we shall now proceed to detail briefly how the manufacture is carried on. The juice of the sugar cane being nearly a pure solution of sugar, the manu¬ facture of sugar from it is practicable with the rudest apparatus ; but the case is different with the beet, the juice of which is exceedingly rich in foreign matters which tend to decompose the sugar. Hence much more effective apparatus and more skilful processes are required for making beet sugar than sugar from the cane. With the exception, however, of the operation of extracting the juice from the beet, the principles upon which the processes of manufacture are founded are the same in both cases ; and the beet sugar machinery, with the exception alluded to, can be employed for making sugar from the cane. But while this perfect and com¬ plicated system is necessary to enable the beet sugar to compete with the produce of the tropics, its use in the manufacture of the latter appears to confer no economical advantage, merely enabling a better sugar to be made. The first operation through which the beet roots pass in the manufacture of sugar is the removal of the crown and of the small rootlets ; an operation performed by the farmer, who delivers the roots pretty nearly in the condition required, and employs the portions cut off for feeding pigs or for manure. A certain quantity of earth still adheres to them, which must be removed by washing; this is performed by introducing them into a long cylinder, called from its inventor Champonnois’s Washing Drum, formed of laths separated by intervals of about two inches, the cylinder being made to revolve in a trough containing water in which it is nearly half immersed. The roots are put in at one end by means of a hopper, and, are caught up and ejected at the other end, having been thoroughly scoured during their passage through the drum. The beet is composed of a number of cells in which the juice, containing the whole of the sugar dissolved in it, is imprisoned. To get it out, therefore, we must, if possible, burst them asunder, and the more effec¬ tually this is done the greater will be the amount of juice obtained. This is partially attained by means of a rasping machine, consisting of a drum turning on an axis, and having a number of saws so inserted into it parallel with that axis, as to leave only the teeth projecting. The usual length of these saws is about thirteen inches, and there are generally about 150 inserted into each drum, which is made to revolve at the rate of from 500 to 700 revolutions per minute, so that each tooth has a velocity of about 800 to 1000 feet per second. The effect of the rasp is to convert the beet into a fine pulpy mass, which, as fast as it is produced, is subjected to pressure in order to separate the juice. For this purpose an adaptation of the ordinary hydraulic press is employed. The pulp is introduced into knitted bags of woollen yarn and laid in a pile upon the table of the press ; the bags being separated from each other by plates of sheet-iron or discs of wicker-work. The presses employed are capable of exerting a pressure of about 300 lbs. upon the square inch. About 70 to 75 per cent, of the juice is expressed in this way; after which the bags are dipped in water, or a small stream is allowed to fall on the pulp by opening the sack, or they are exposed to steam as long as it is condensed ; in this way a considerable quantity of water is absorbed by the mass, which acts like a sponge, and it is again pressed. By this second pressure the total per-centage of'juice is raised to 85, but by again moistening them, * One of the commonest of the many ill-founded objec¬ tions which have been urged against the manufacture of beet sugar is, that the price of sugar in France is usually a penny per pound higher than it is with us. This is per¬ fectly true; but the duty upon sugar in Franee is double what it is now in the United Kingdom: the amount of that excess of duty being a little more than one penny per pound, which thus accounts for the difference. A comparison be¬ tween the short prices of sugar at Rouen, Nantes, and Dublin, during the past year will show that it was from Gd. to Is. per cwt. cheaper at the Continental ports than it was here. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 147 and pressing a third time, as much as 95 per cent, of juice has been obtained; that is, practically, the whole. In such cases it is usual to use the expressed liquor of the third pressing for moistening the bags after the first pressure, and to add a small quantity of tannin to the water, which preserves the juice from alteration. The juice is also extracted by maceration ; that is, by repeatedly washing the pulp with successive por¬ tions of water until it is quite exhausted ; but this process is not now much used. By combining it, how¬ ever, with pressure by the ordinary means, good results have lately been obtained. The pulp is first pressed, and the partially exhausted cakes are introduced into buckets, arranged in ten rows or series upon an endless chain passing vertically over two pulleys, somewhat in the manner of the buckets in a dredging vessel. The bottoms of the buckets are formed of wire gauze, so as to allow the water which is let in from above to per¬ colate through the pulp in the first series of buckets, and then through the second, and so on. The water as it passes out of the tenth series of buckets will be nearly as rich as juice, because as it passes from one series to another it takes up more and more sugar. The upper series of buckets, when their pulp is exhausted, descend on the same chain on the opposite side, and discharge their moist pulp, which is mixed with fresh pulp from the presses to which it furnishes water, and, by the action of endosmosis and exosmosis* causes it to cede part of its saccharine matter. The mixed pulps are then subjected to pressure in other hydraulic presses, and yield a juice which marks only one degree less than the normal juice. The juice obtained by any of these methods contains a great many other constituents of the beet, such as substances containing nitrogen, which must be first removed. The j nice, as it comes from the press, is ac¬ cordingly introduced into the defecating pan, which is a copper vessel provided with a double hemispherical bottom, capable of being heated by steam. The juice is first heated from 140 s to 158° Fahrenheit, when the albumen is coagulated, and separates in gray flocks, which, when they come to the surface, are skimmed off. The other nitrogenous substances do not coagulate by heat, nor does the albumen when the beet has under¬ gone alteration from growth or other causes. To remove these substances, as well as organic acids, milk of lime is stirred in, as soon as the albumen has coagulated; and this addition at once precipitates the malic and other acids present, as insoluble lime-salts, and also the greater part of the nitrogenous substances not coagu¬ lated. During the first month of the season about 3 lbs. of lime (unslaked) are employed for every 100 gallons of juice. As the season advances, however, this quantity is increased to 6 lbs., and sometimes even to 10 lbs. The temperature at which the lime is added varies from 140° to 178° Fahrenheit. Steam is then turned on until the liquid just commences to boil, when the whole of the albumen and other impurities sepa¬ rate and come to the surface, where they form a thick clot. When the operation has been successfully per¬ formed, the impurities form a connected mass like the curd of milk, which soon detaches itself’ from the sides of the pan, and allows a light straw-coloured liquid, free from all suspended matter, to come to the surface. The clear liquid is then drawn off, and passed through granulated animal charcoal. The juice retained by the impu¬ rities is afterwards obtained by a screw-press. A great many processes have been proposed to effect the defecation of beet-juice, instead of that just described; but our space forbids us from noticing more than one, which will probably come into general use. The defect in the ordinary process is the great difficulty of re¬ gulating the quantity of lime to be added ; if too much be employed, it will injure the sugar in the subsequent boiling of the syrup ; if too little, the whole of the impurities will not be removed, and the juice will become sour. M. Rousseau obviates these difficulties by adding a large excess of lime, which precipitates almost every¬ thing, the lime itself being subsequently removed by a stream of carbonic acid gas, produced by forcing a quantity of air through a stove containing ignited coke. The oxygen of the air is completely burned into carbonic acid gas, which is purified by being made to pass through water. We may also mention here that the whole process of rasping, pressing, and, in some factories, the defeca¬ tion also, may be superseded by using dried roots. This plan is the invention of Schutzenbach, and consists in cutting up the beet by a machine into thin slices, which are dried at a gentle temperature, not exceeding 140°, by which they lose four-fifths of their weight in water ; and in this condition may be stored away like corn, even for a period of years. To extract the sugar, the dried roots are introduced into closed vessels, where they are treated with successive portions ofjaoiling water until the whole of the sugar is extracted, the vessels being so arranged that the fresh-water comes in upon nearly exhausted slices, and finally passes over fresh ones, by which means a very strong syrup is directly obtained. In some factories a small quan¬ tity of lime-water is employed, so that the syrup when obtained is already defecated ; but the residue could only be used as manure, and not for feeding cattle; lately, however, the syrup has been first sepa¬ rated, and then defecated, by which the residue retains its value as food for cattle. The great merit of this process is, that the beet may be grown in the most advantageous places, sliced and dried, and sent to the factory, which may be placed in the most desirable position as regards fuel and labour; and a factory may work the whole year instead of from 120 to 150 days, as it can only do when operating altogether upon green roots. In whatever way the juice be defecated, it will always be more or less coloured ; and when defecated with lime, a quantity of foreign matter will remain unprecipitated by that substance, whilst some of the lime will combine with the sugar. All these impurities are removed by filtration through charcoal. The first filters employed in the manufacture of sugar consisted of willow baskets, lined with woollen cloth ; these exerted no decolorizing agency. In the end of the last century Lowitz discovered the deco¬ lorizing action of wood charcoal, and in 1798 Kels applied it to the manufacture of sugar; but since the (lis- * If two fluids, such as water and a solution of sugar in water, be separated by a porous diaphragm, as a piece of bladder, there will be a tendency of the water (which will more readily wet the membrane than the syrup) to pass into the syrup: this tendency is called endosmosis, or passing in. fliis is always accompanied by a tendency of the syrup to pass into the water, and thus establish a balance; which tendency is called exosmosis or passing out. It is one of the most universal phenomena of nature, and is continually taking place wherever two fluids of different densities are separated by porous bodies, such as the tissues of plants ; and hence plays an important part in the economy of vegetation. X 148 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class HI. covery of the extraordinary power of burnt bones in decolorizing organic solutions, and especially since its general application by Payen and Pluvinet, it has been used for decolorizing and purifying syrups'. At first the charcoal, in the state of fine powder, was added during the boiling of the syrup, which was afterwards filtered through an arrangement of long bags, known as Taylor’s filter, which is a modification of that em¬ ployed by Payen. In 1828 Dumont made the important modification which is now in use ; he found that, by granulating the charcoal to about the size of the coarsest gunpowder, and removing all dust, a larger de¬ colorizing surface could be exposed to the juice, and that the filtration would take place more rapidly. This simple operation formed an epoch in the history of the sugar manufacture. The filters now in use are cylindrical sheet-iron vessels, varying from 10 to 20 feet high, and from 14 to 3 feet in diameter. Each filter is provided with a false bottom, pierced with holes; this is covered with can¬ vass, upon which the charcoal is placed until it reaches about 12 to 18 inches of the top; another piece of canvass is laid upon it, and over this a metallic plate pierced with holes, through which the juice to be acted upon is admitted to the filters. The filters are always kept full, so as to keep the liquid in perfect contact with the whole of the charcoal. The juice, as it passes from the filter, is evaporated to about 25° of Beaurne,* or to the consistence of a thin syrup, when it is again passed through the charcoal. In making fine sugar, in one direct series of operations, the syrup is passed three times through the charcoal, at 25’, 12°, and at 5° to 6° of Beaurne. The syrup is now ready for boiling. The object of this operation is to get rid of as much water as is necessary to allow crystals of sugar to form. Sometimes the juice is boiled in a simple open pan placed over the fire, or in various forms of pans heated by the passage of steam through a coil of pipe ; the former method is now entirely abandoned in beet sugar works, although it is almost universally employed in boiling the juice of the sugar-cane in the colonies. The temperature at which the syrup boils, after passing the second time through the charcoal, is very high, being 220° Fahrenheit, and gradually increases until it has finished boiling, when it reaches 266°. Such a temperature is, however, injurious to the syrup. The temperature at which a liquid boils is influenced by the pressure of the atmosphere; thus, what we call the temperature of boiling water is only the temperature of water boiling in open vessels when the pressure of the atmosphere on a square inch of surface is equal to that of a column of mercury 30 inches high and 1 square inch at the base. If we reduce the pressure the temperature will fall; and if we substitute for water syrup of ordi¬ nary density, we shall find that if we reduce the pressure to 1 inch of mercury it will boil at 125°, and even with an imperfect vacuum, indicated by a pressure of four inches of mercury, the boiling point will only be 175°. It is clear, therefore, that if we could boil our syrups in a vacuum, the injurious action of a high temperature would be completely obviated. This was effected by Howard, in 1812, by the Vacuum-Pan. The vacuum-pan now in use consists of a hemispherical copper pan, provided with a worm of the same material, through which steam is passed for heating the syrup. This pan is surrounded by a cast-iron jacket, between which and the pan a space is left for the circulation of steam, and which thus assists the coil in eva¬ porating the syrup. A copper hemispherical dome is fastened over the pan by means of flanges ; and to the top of this dome is attached a kind of chamber with a man-hole, by which the pan can be cleaned. A pipe connects this chamber with an overflow vessel which catches any syrup that may accidentally boil over, and which is, in its turn, connected with an air-pump, by which the apparatus is exhausted. A vessel of known capacity, but generally containing about 35 gallons, is also attached to the pan, by which any given quantity of syrup can be introduced into the pan as it is required. There is inserted into the dome a barometer for in¬ dicating the pressure, a thermometer for ascertaining the temperature, and an apparatus, called a proof-stick, by which small quantities of the syrup may be examined, from time to time; and, finally, a peep-glass to enable the sugar-boiler to see into the interior, and thus examine the condition ofthe contents. In the bot¬ tom is placed a cock by which the syrup, when boiled to the proper degree, may be drawn off. The vacuum is maintained by means of the air-pump, and by various contrivances for condensing the steam. It is quite clear that if some means were not adopted for rapidly carryin'g off the steam formed from the evaporation of the syrup, an atmosphere of steam, of gradually increasing tension, would be formed, which would at once cause the temperature of the syrup to rise. The vapour is, therefore, conducted into a con¬ denser, the form of which varies very considerably in different pans. In a modification of the apparatus in¬ vented by M. Roth no air-pump is used, the vacuum being produced from the commencement by a current of steam which drives the air before it. The vacuum, in this case, is maintained by the condensation of the vapour produced from the evaporation of the syrup, in a separate apparatus, into which a current of cold water is allowed to pass as a dense rain. This arrangement is very effective ; the boiling of the usual charge of a pan 80 inches in diameter, which is about thirty loaves of sugar, is usually completed in a quarter of an hour. The quantity of water consumed by this form of pan is enormous, as much as from 104,000 to 105,000 gallons being required in twenty-four hours. Sometimes a condenser or long worm is employed instead of a shower of water, and the condensation has even been effected by cold juice instead of by the latter, the condensed water itself being used to feed the boiler, so that no waste of heat takes place. There have been various other contrivances for effecting the same object as the vacuum-pan; but as few of them have f ulfill ed the object of their inventors, and as none have come into use, we need not notice them further here. The proper point of concentration by boiling is judged of by a series of tests which are purely empirical. They consist in the examination of a small quantity of the syrup, and by the appearance presented when a portion is drawn out between the thumb and forefinger, or when it is thrown into water. When the syrup is boiled in an open pan, or in any vessel where the temperature passes that of boiling water, no crystals are formed in the vessel; but in the vacuum-pan, where the temperature is low, crystals are readily formed. The usual temperature of the syrup up to this point is 180° to 190°, but as soon as the grain begins to form, the temperature is lowered to 160“: and, finally, when the process is nearly completed, * This is an instrument similar to what is used to ascer- density of the syrups ; it is called, after the constructor of tain the quality of milk, and is employed to indicate the the scale employed upon it, Beaume’s Saccharometer. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 149 it is allowed to fall to 145°. As soon as the sugar-boiler ascertains that the crystals are in a sufficiently ad¬ vanced state, he admits another measure of syrup, and repeats this until the whole charge is disposed of. Grain, as the crystals are termed, is formed generally in about twelve to sixteen minutes, and a full charge, technically called a ship , is finished in from one and a half to two and a half hours, according to the quality of the syrup. The syrup, when boiled, is run into a vessel, called a cooler , when the sugar is boiled in an open pan ; where it is allowed, under continual agitation, to cool down to about 180°. It is called a heater, when boiled in a vacuum pan; for the syrup issues at a temperature of about 145°, and is then suddenly heated up to 180‘. From this vessel it is ladled into large open chests, where the crystallization is completed. Formerly the syrup from the heater was ladled directly into forms or moulds, at one time made of porous clay, and now made of sheet-iron, of the exact shape of a loaf of sugar, the ends of which had small holes in them which were plugged with pieces of linen cloth. In from twenty-four to thirty-six hours the crystallization is com¬ pleted ; the plugs are then withdrawn, and the uncrystallized syrup allowed to drain out. In whatever way the separation of the syrup from the crystallized sugar is effected, the former is again boiled, and a second crop of crystallized sugar, known as sugar of the second jet, is obtained; and when good, a third time yielding sugar of the third jet. The syrups obtained from this third operation are allowed to rest in cisterns for some four to six months, when a large quantity of an inferior sugar, called the fourth jet, is produced. A beautiful process was proposed by r Schiitzenbach for separating the molasses from the sugar. When the syrup has attained a certain density', it is run off, and a number of charges are mingled together in the heater, the temperature is elevated to about 170°, and the mass thoroughly agitated and allowed to rest for eighteen or twenty-four hours, when it becomes nearly solid. This mass is then transferred to trays or boxes about eighteen inches square and six inches deep, and having a bottom of wire-gauze. The boxes are so arranged that a current of steam is made to pass through the space which they occupy, so as to keep it saturated with moisture at a temperature of 88°, and thus prevent the syrup from drying upon the crystals. In some factories these boxes are made six feet long, three feet wide, and three feet deep. The drainage takes place with great rapidity, and by a process known as claying or liquoring , perfectly white sugar can be obtained. For some time the agency of centrifugal force has been employed to effect this object. The machine for this purpose consists of a drum formed of a framework of iron and a periphery of wire-gauze. This drum is made to revolve by an upright axis at a speed of from 1000 to 1800 revolutions per minute, and is sur¬ rounded by a case, the bottom of which is arranged like a gutter, and having a draw-off cock. The mixture of sugar and syrup is introduced into the revolving drum, where by the action of the centrifugal force it is strained, the dry crystalline sugar coating the interior of the drum, and the syrup passing through the gauze. These machines are usually 44 feet in diameter, and contain a charge of about 2 cwts. which is completely drained in from five to eight minutes. To employ the centrifugal machine with economy the sugar must be crystallized in large grains, as otherwise a portion of it would pass through the fine gauze. The sugar pro¬ duced by the first crystallization from the juice is readily obtained of this character ; but that from the third boiling, especially from inferior juice, is never so well crystallized, as the syrup becomes smeary; hence at this stage, Schiitzenbach’s process would be more economical. Although the centrifugal machine is still very much employed, and will, no doubt, always continue to be so, the sanguine expectations at first entertained of it have not been fulfilled, and it has been given up in more than one factory on account of the inferior yield of sugar obtained by it. By the process above described we could only make what is called raw sugar ,—that is, sugar in which a certain quantity of impurities still remain behind; if we would obtain perfectly pure sugar, we must submit this raw sugar to a series of processes called refining. The impurities consist of saline matter which always exists in the juice of plants, uncrystallizable sugar and some other substances, the nature of which is not well understood. As these impurities exist in raw tropical sugar as well as in that from the beet, the process of refining is the same, no matter whence the sugar is obtained. In the manufacture of beet sugar, however, owing to the perfect nature of the apparatus, there is no necessity to make raw sugar; as the purest white sugar may be produced directly from the roots by one series of operations. But as raw sugar is still made from the beet, and as a considerable trade in refining the low tropical sugars is carried on in these countries, we shall briefly describe the series of operations adopted for this purpose. The first process is technically called Mowing up; and consists in passing steam through a solution of raw sugar, to which lime-water, blood beaten with switches to separate the fibrine, and a little animal charcoal powder, are added, until it boils. The albumen of the blood is coagulated by the heat, and forms a clot, which, as it were, strains the liquid as it comes to the surface. Milk or white of egg, is now to a great extent substituted for blood. The second process consists in passing the mixture through linen or cotton filters, by which a clear solu¬ tion is obtained. The third process consists in passing the clear solution through charcoal, as already described. In this operation the solution is rendered colourless, and a further quantity of impurities is separated. The other operations consist of boiling, filling in the forms or moulds of sheet-iron, and draining the mo¬ lasses, which are exactly similar to the corresponding operations that we have before described. . When the drainage is completed, the operation of liquoring is to be performed. It consists of washing out the impure syrup imprisoned between the network of crystals in the mould, with a solution of pure sugar ; an operation which is repeated several times, and each time with a purer sugar than the preceding one. When the sugar in the moulds is sufficiently drained from the last syrup in the clairqage , as the wash¬ ing operation is termed, the moulds are turned on their base and struck gently to separate the sugar from their sides; again inverted, and allowed to rest for twenty-four hours, when they are ready for stoving. For the operation of stoving , the loaves of sugar are removed from the forms and arranged in a stove from eighteen to twenty-six feet long, and from twelve to sixteen feet wide ; heated either by steam or hot x 2 150 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class EH. air. Each stove usually contains from 2000 to 4000 loaves, -which are exposed at first to a temperature of 77°, gradually raised to 122°. When perfectly dried the loaves are removed from the stove, the tops and bases cut off’, and a new tip formed, and then papered up. The reason for cutting off" these parts is, that the sugar at the tip of the form is always contaminated with the last traces of the impure syrup ; and is, there¬ fore, of a darker colour than the mass of the loaf. The first syrup which flows from the moulds before the liquoring is technically called green syrup , while that obtained during the claying or liquoring is called clayed syrup. The former is employed for the manu¬ facture of inferior white sugar, and the latter for a sugar intermediate between the first quality and the inferior kinds. The clayed syrup obtained during the third operation of the clairgage is, however, generally used again for the first or second stage of the operation. There is, therefore, obtained in the process of refining several qualities of sugar, which are distinguished by the size of the moulds employed. Thus the first product is put into moulds of a small size, and is usually superior in quality, and gets three or more liquorings, and is hence known under the name of double refined. When the liquoring is not pushed so far, or when the syrups of the second or third operations of clairgages are employed, larger forms are used, and the loaves are called single refined. The loaves which are obtained in working up the green syrups of double refined sugar, and the clayed syrups of inferior sugars, and the tips of inferior qualities, give what are called lumps. Bastard loaves are obtained from materials somewhat inferior to those employed for lumps, and are made in the largest-sized moulds. Lumps and bas¬ tards scarcely differ from one another except in the quality of the materials; the former get, however, usually one liquoring more than the latter. The green syrups, and syrups of the first clairgage derived from the bastards and lumps, yield bastard muscovado sugar, the drainage from which forms the last product of the process, known as refiner's treacle. The term clayed , employed in the preceding observations, refers to the old process of placing a layer of wet clay on the top of the mould, the water of which, as we described in speaking of cane-sugar, washes out the impurities in the sugar under it. Although this process is now rarely followed, a solution of sugar being almost universally substituted, the word claying is still employed to designate the operation of washing the sugar, whether performed by clay or syrup. Residues of the Beet-Sugar Manufacture _There is perhaps no manufacture more in accordance with the spirit of modern manufacturing industry, which inculcates that there be no waste—that everything be utilized—than that of beet-sugar. It is, in fact, a perfect analysis of the plant, each constituent of which is applied to some useful purpose. In the first place, the pulp or solid matter of the beet after the extraction of the juice, and which usually forms about 20 per cent, of the beet employed (that is, five tons of raw beet give one of pulp), forms an excellent food for cattle and pigs; and is accordingly much prized on the Continent, where it is readily purchased at a high price, chiefly in consequence of the facility with which it can be preserved ; so that it is a vailable in the end of spring and commencement of summer, when the supply of roots is exhausted. A considerable quantity of the nitrogenous elements of the beet is pressed out in the juice, and is removed, as already described, in the operation of defecation, by means of lime ; the scum thus separated, together with the offal of the roots, &c., forms a very rich manure. The dust, which is continually being produced by the reburning of the animal charcoal in this manufac¬ ture, is usually sold to make blacking. There is no residue, however, which has been more thoroughly utilized than the uncrystallizable sugar or treacle. No matter how perfectly each operation may be performed, the whole of the sugar cannot as yet be extracted in a crystallizable form. A portion of it is always undergoing a peculiar change by which it loses the property of crystallizing ; this substance, with the soluble salts, which accompany the sugar, and other impurities, constitute what is called molasses or treacle. The molasses derived from cane-sugar, and which comes into commerce from the West Indies, still contains a large quantity of sugar, owing to the imperfect process of manufacture followed in the colonies ; and having an aromatic odour, is employed by confectioners, or is reboiled to extract sugar from it, and the treacle left after the separation of the sugar, under the name of refiners' treacle , is used in distilleries, or in making ginger-beer, ale, &c. Beet treacle, on the other hand, has usually a very beety, disagreeable flavour, which forbids its use in many cases where cane-sugar treacle can be employed ; and hence special applications of it have been made, the three principal of which we shall enume¬ rate. It is well known that sugar is capable of combining with certain basic substances, such as lime, lead, &c., and forming compounds, some of which are soluble and others insoluble. One of the most singular of these is the compound with barytes, discovered by Peligot. If a solution of caustic barytes be added to a solution of sugar, no effect will be produced, but if the mixture be heated to the boiling point, the whole of the sugar separates as an insoluble saccharate of barytes, and may be repeatedly washed with cold water without any sensible loss. Three or four years ago Dubrunfaut discovered by this means that the whole of the sugar contained in beet molasses could be separated—that it, in fact, was all crystallizable sugar. The process, as carried on by him and Le Play, at La Villette, near Paris, is very simple. A boiling solution of caustic barytes is poured into the molasses, which instantly solidifies to a porous crystalline mass, insoluble in water. This mass is then well washed with water until all impurities are removed, when it forms a thick magma of a pure white colour. The mass is then introduced into large wooden tanks, of from 1760 to 2200 gallons capacity, into which is forced, by means of pumps worked by steam, a constant stream of carbonic acid, produced by burning lime. By the action of the carbonic acid the thick magma gradually becomes fluid, and after some time it will be found converted into a perfectly clear solution of sugar, in which carbo¬ nate of barytes is suspended. To remove the latter it is filtered through cotton bags, and when these have drained they are slightly pressed in a screw-press, and then in a powerful hydraulic press, in order to remove the whole of the syrup. The syrup thus obtained marks from 18° to 22° of Beaume’s areometer; it still contains traces of carbonate and bicarbonate of barytes in solution, which may be removed either by gypsum or sulphate of alumina ; after which it is clarified with blood or white of egg, skimmed, filtered, and boiled, Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 151 and crystallized in forms, by which refined sugar of the best quality is directly obtained. The carbonate of baryta may be reconverted into caustic barytes any number of times by mixing it with a little wood charcoal powder and igniting it. The loss of barytes sustained by each operation is replaced by sulphuret of barium, which is easily made from sulphate of barytes. According to the statements which have been published regarding the results obtained on a great scale, it would appear that 50 percent., or fully one-half of the whole weight of beet molasses can be thus recovered as sugar. And as nearly 40,000 tons of molasses are annually produced in France, if the whole were worked up by Dubrunfaut’s and Le Play’s process, 20,000 tons of refined sugar would be thus recovered, or fully one-fourth of the whole present production of beet sugar in that country. The importance of this process may best be judged by comparing the money values of the original molasses and of the refined sugar produced from it. The highest price realized by beet molasses is about £5 per ton, so that the value of the entire beet molasses of France may be taken at £200,000; whilst, if the sugar were extracted and sold at only £30 per ton short price, the sum realized would be £600,000. It is singular that the process is not equally applicable to molasses from the sugar-cane. For while it has been perfectly established, by the practical results obtained in several factories, that there is no uncrys- tallizable sugar in the beet molasses , it appears that fully one-half of that contained in the molasses of tropical sugar, and which usually contains from 60 to 70 per cent, of saccharine matter, is uncrystallizable sugar which cannot be recovered by the baryta process. The second application of beet molasses is to the manufacture of spirit. This process is also the invention of Dubrunfaut, and is, if possible, still more ingenious than the last mentioned. The treacle is diluted with sufficient water to enable it to be fermented; the residuent wash remaining in the still is then employed to dilute another portion of the treacle to be similarly dealt with. This process is repeated until the saline matter and impurities increase to such a degree, that the fermentation cannot be further carried on. The liquid is then introduced into a thick iron boiler, where it is used for generating steam for effecting the dis¬ tillation of another portion of the fermented liquor, until it becomes so saturated that it begins to thicken. In this way the whole of the sugar contained in the treacle is converted into alcohol, while the whole of the soluble salts contained in the beet juice, and which would not pay for their extraction by the evaporation in the ordinary way, can be economically obtained. The thick mass just mentioned is now dried and incinerated at a gentle temperature, dissolved in water, and the different salts separated by a crystallization. The salts thus obtained consist of carbonate and sulphate of potash, chloride of potassium, and carbonate of soda. Although the whole quantity of soluble saline matter contained in the beet frequently does not amount to one-half per cent., and rarely to one per cent., yet when immense quantities of treacle, which contain the whole of the soluble salts of the beet, are converted into alcohol, the quantity of these salts thus cheaply obtained is very large. For instance, the total weight of mixed salts produced at the single factory of Waghausel, in Germany, is said to amount to 150 tons per annum. Instead of producing alcohol, the treacle may be converted into vinegar, which may be employed in the manufacture of white lead, or in the production of acetate of soda, or of alumina, &c. Having thus given a history of the different stages of the manufacture of beet-sugar, so far as our space would permit, it only remains to indicate what is the present yield of sugar from the beet, and how far this branch of industry is adapted to the circumstances—physical and economical—of Ireland. From the very nature of the beet, and the variations in its composition produced by conditions of growth, as well as from the property which sugar has of not crystallizing when mingled with certain substances, such as salts, &c., it is not to be expected that the yield of sugar should be constant, or that the whole could in practice be extracted. Improvements are, however, being rapidly made ; and the contrast afforded by the results obtained forty years ago, and those of the present day, lead to the conclusion that before long the whole of the sugar contained in the beet will be extracted economically. Although the usual average produce is not more than 6]- per cent., many manufacturers who attend to the growth of their beet obtain 7 and 71 per cent., and in certain cases, even 9 per cent, has been reached. Some idea may be formed of the rapidity with which the manufacture has improved, by the fact that in 1841, 27 tons of beet were required in some factories in Prussia, to produce one ton of marketable sugar ; in 1842, 22£; in 1843, 19f ; in 1844, only 19, whilst at present, it is said, one ton of sugar is produced by less than 15 tons of roots. As a general average the present produce may be taken at from 3 to 4 per cent, of superior sugar ; 2 to 3 of second quality ; and 1 to 2 of inferior sugar ; 2 per cent, of molasses being the usual produce at present. Of course it will be observed that when the maximum per centage of first quality is obtained, the quantity of the inferior kinds diminishes ; so that where 4 per cent, of superior sugar would be produced, there would, perhaps, be only 2 per cent, of second, and 1 per cent, of inferior sugar, or in all, 7 per cent. The proportion of the different qualities depends equally upon the process of manufacture, and upon the quality of the roots. It may be considered almost superfluous to discuss the question of the adaptation of the beet sugar manu¬ facture to this country; for no one, we feel assured, will doubt that the climate and soil of Ireland are eminently suited for the growth of root crops. As it is, however, dependent altogether upon only two con¬ ditions, we shall say a few words upon the subject. 1st. Do roots grown in Ireland contain as much sugar as those grown in France and Germany under similar conditions ? 2nd. And if so, can that sugar be extracted as cheaply here as there ? The first question has been fully answered in the affirmative, by a long series of experiments, and by the practical experience of working on a large scale. The subject of the growth of roots having been already discussed very fully, we need not enter into this part of the subject further here. We may, however, remark, that the observation above made with regard to the practical results now obtained on the great scale by Dubrunfaut and Le Play, and on a more limited scale in Ireland, afford the best answer to those who have asserted that the beet root, especially that of Ireland, contained uncrystallizable sugar. The second condition may be still more briefly noticed. In the manufacture of sugar there are three economical elements—the cost of labour, the cost of the raw material, and the cost of fuel; the first is as cheap here as 152 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class in. in any part of Europe; with regard to the second, we are confident that roots could be grown here as cheaply as in most parts of France; whilst the cost of fuel is very much lower here than in that country. These two conditions being answered in the affirmative, and it having been already shown, in the clearest manner, that beet sugar does compete successfully with tropical sugar in France, there can be no doubt that this branch of manufacture would prove eminently successful in Ireland if conducted with skill and ENTERPRISE. The beet sugar industry has of late years had the misfortune to be considered as a hot-house plant requiring care and protection,—like a delicate child between “ two doctors,” one of whom pronounces it cannot live a day, and the other that, alas ! although it may reach its manhood, it will certainly be carried off, owing to its weak constitution, by some epidemic in the shape of tropical sugar, the manufacture of which is to be so improved at some indefinite period that it will completely swamp the beet sugar. Granting for the moment that such may be the case, an assertion which we, however, deny, notwithstanding the eminent “ opinion” in favour of this view,—should that deter us from enjoying its present benefits ? What manufacture is there which is not subject to the same casualty—that is not liable to be influenced, or even altogether superseded, by the gradual changes in the habits and tastes of society, or by some new processes, which are in turn superseded by others ? And yet capital is invested in these new improvements. The character of the resources of Ireland is very different from that of England. Our mines are in general poorer, our coal inferior, and that fortunate association of the various raw materials which is required in some of the most important manufactures that give to England her chief power as a great manufactur¬ ing nation, is much rarer in Ireland. We must therefore make, by skill and artistic taste, what we lack in geological wealth. To us, a manufacture that has grown up under peculiar difficulties, in countries that, like our own, are poor in those resources which form the real basis of England’s prosperity, that require skill and perseverance to carry it out, and that can only succeed by a system of economy un¬ equalled perhaps in any other branch of industry, ought to be particularly welcome. Where the beet sugar manufacture has grown up, a new and rational system of agriculture has been created, which enriched the districts immediately concerned; the land has in some places quadrupled in value ; the number of cattle has been more than doubled; the produce of grain and of other crops has increased in an equal proportion; and it has created an intelligent class of workmen in the midst of the most backward rural districts. To it France is almost entirely indebted for the gradual growth of a manufacture of machinery ; for no manufacture has ever enlisted a greater amount of ingenuity and skill in its service, or given rise to a greater number of inventions, many of which have found application in other branches of trade, than that of beet sugar. The amount of skill, both chemical and mechanical, that is required to successfully carry on the beet sugar manu¬ facture, and the totally new ideas of the economy of manufactures and of agriculture that it gives rise to, have wonderfully developed the whole industrial energy of those districts where it is now in activity:—a result which is also to be expected from its spread in Ireland. The manufacture of beet sugar was well represented in the Exhibition. Mr. William Ilirsch, on the part of the Irish Beet Sugar Company, contributed a very complete collection of specimens illustrative of the manufacture, from the raw root to the sugar. There were also a number of loaves made by one series of operations from the beet without the usual refining process. An interesting feature of this collection con¬ sisted in a series of views of the interior of the factory at Mountmellick,—the first complete one erected in Ireland. The small collection from the Museum of Irish Industry was chiefly interesting in consequence of being composed of specimens obtained during the progress of the researches carried on in that Institution to determine the comparative value of Irish-grown roots. It was an exceedingly complete collection, showing the different qualities of sugar, raw and refined, the beet sliced and dried, the scum used as a manure, the dried pulp, the molasses, and the three scries of products which can be made from the latter :—1. The sac- charate of baryta, prepared by precipitating the sugar in the molasses by caustic baryta and the refined sugar prepared from it; 2. Acetic acid or distilled vinegar and acetate of soda prepared from beet treacle ; 3. Alco¬ hol made from beet treacle and carbonate of potash, bicarbonate of soda, chloride of potassium, and sulphate of potash prepared from the residue after the distillation of the alcohol. Some samples of refined beet sugar of remarkable purity were exhibited by the Messrs. Claus and Carron, of Ghent. The colourless transparent candy, exhibited by the same firm, could not be surpassed for purity or regularity of crystalization. We will here glance at the present sources of our supply of sugar, and the quantities at present manu¬ factured, of which the following Table may be considered to give a close approximation :— British Possessions in the West Indies (1851), Mauritius,. British East Indies,. Siam,. French Colonies, . f Java,. Dutch, «{ Guiana,. )_ Phillipine Islands, &c., . . c . , ( Cuba, . . Spanish, | Porto ’ Ric0) Louisiana, . Brazil,. Danish and Swedish Colonies, . Beet Sugar,. .* .* (1852) 154,880 tons. 50,000 „ 78,286 „ 10,000 „ 90,000 „ 82,000 „ 15,000 „ 23,000 „ 240,000 „ 40,000 „ 100,000 „ 100,000 „ 12,000 „ 180,000 „ Total, 1,175,166 tons. Class III.] SUBSTANCES USED AS FOOD. 153 Nearly the whole of this enormous quantity is consumed in Europe and the United States of America; and if we estimate its cost at £22 per ton, its total value will be represented by £25,853,652, to which we must add 50 per cent, for duty, making a total of £38,780,478, or nearly thirty-nine millions sterling , paid for sugar by the people of Europe and America. Immense quantities of sugar are also consumed in the sugar-growing countries themselves, and this is especially the case in India and China, so that it is probable that the total quantity of sugar made throughout the world at present amounts to at least 3,000,000 of tons, which, exclusive of duty, would be worth at least sixty millions sterling! Among sugar-consuming countries it is probable that Great Britain stands first, the quantity retained for home consumption in 1852 being 306,330 tons, whilst the quantity imported direct into Ireland the same year amounted to only 23,385 tons, making a total of329,715 tons. It is probable that the consumption of sugar in Ireland amounts at present to more than 40,000 tons, as we get a good deal from London, Liverpool, Bristol, and Glasgow, which is not included in the numbers above given. Taking, therefore, the consumption of sugar in Great Britain at 300,000 tons, and the population at 20,793,000, the average consumption per head in Great Britain is about 31 lbs., and for Ireland, 13 J lbs., and for France about 10 lbs., which is very nearly the mean of the whole of Europe and the United States. Some notion may be formed of the great social change which has taken place in England within the last century, as indicated by the change of food which must have occurred to require such an enormous quantity of sugar, when we state that the total quantity of sugar consumed in England in the year 1700 was only 10,000 tons. II.—ANIMAL KINGDOM. PRESERVED MEATS, MILK, ETC. Vegetable substances in their natural state contain a large quantity of water; leaves and other succulent parts often containing as much as 95 per cent. This water 611s the cells, and holds dissolved in it sugar, dex¬ trine, and substances containing nitrogen ; these matters gradually alter the sugar, and convert it into other substances, the nature of which will depend upon certain conditions, such as temperature. Thus, the sugar may be converted into alcohol and carbonic acid, into acetic acid or into lactic acid (the acid of sour milk), and a kind of gum. These changes are usually termed fermentation, but being essentially different, that word is more usually applied to the case when alcohol is produced. If vegetable matter be exposed to the air, the production of acid just mentioned maybe considered as only one of the 6rst links in a great chain of changes and transformations, the final result of which will be the total resolution of the substances into water, carbonic acid, ammonia, and earthy matter. Where large masses of vegetable matter are thus exposed, these changes take place with great rapidity, and fetid smells are produced, and the substances are said to putrefy. If we expose animal matter under similar circumstances, there can be no fermentation like that produced where starch or sugar is present; and putrefaction accordingly sets in at once. Vegetable and animal substances may, however, be prevented from undergoing any of these changes even for centuries; a fact which is of great practical importance—for it is often useful to preserve fruits and vege¬ tables, which arrive at maturity at one season, to be used at another; whilst it is an absolute necessity to preserve meat for a considerable time for the use of sailors during long voyages. This object may be effected m different ways, among which we may include:—by cold, drying, salting, placing in spirit of wine, boiling with sugar, absolute exclusion of air, and, finally, by antiseptic agents. The method of preserving by cold is evidently of little practical importance, as it can only be earned out in certain regions. Animal or vegetable matter inclosed in ice is imperishable, as has been fully proved by Palas’s discovery of the remains of the extinct mammoth in Siberia; and it is well known that frozen meat, milk, &c., may be preserved throughout the winter in the northern parts of Europe. The preservation of potatoes and root-crops in pits and cellars comes under this category, but in this case it is rather a postpone¬ ment of decay aided by the vitality still existing, although dormant, in the root, than a perfect preservative, which could only be effected by a temperature below the freezing point, and which in the case of roots would be liable to destroy the germinating power. One of the most effectual, as it is also the simplest and most usual mode of preservation, is by drying; for no putrefaction can take place unless moisture be present. It is in this way that grapes, currants, and other fruits, corn, &c., are preserved by drying in the sun or in stoves. Meat and fish may also be preserved by drying them. In Mexico it is quite usual to cut up the flesh of a cow into thin ribbons, and hang them on posts near the houses exposed to the heat of the sun until they become perfectly dry, after which they are tightly tied in bundles until required. Salting is nothing more than a species of drying, and depends for its action upon the phenomenon of endosmosis and exosmosis. If we separate two fluids of unequal density by an animal membrane, such as a bladder, it will be found that the tendency of the fluids to pass through the blad¬ der and mix will be very different, and will depend upon the nature of the fluids and upon their relative density. If a piece of fresh meat be placed in strong brine, we shall have an exactly analogous case, the water contained in the animal tissues and containing certain substances in solution, having a lower density than the brine, will pass out and mix with the brine, while but very little of the latter will penetrate the meat. If a quantity of dry salt be laid upon fresh meat, a portion of it will be dissolved by the surface moisture ; the solution thus formed upon the surface of the meat will induce an exosmosis of the juice of the meat with a slight endosmosis of the brine, and this will go on until from one-third to one-half is drawn out. Meat thus perfectly dried will not undergo decay, because the whole of the moisture remaining is so loaded with salt that the fibre of the meat is scarcely moist enough to admit of putrefaction commencing. Independent of this purely mechanical action, the salt also exerts an antiseptic influence. Curing meat by salting, although one of the most usual methods, and, as far as the arresting of putrefaction goes, one of the most effective, is very injurious to the nutritive qualities of the meat. If the salt merely removed water, the meat would suffer 154 THE IRISH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. [Class III. no loss in quality ; but the fluid which is drawn out and mixes with the brine consists of the juice of the flesh, and abounds with phosphoric acid, potash, creatine, albumen, and many other substances—with, in fact, all those substances which form the constituents of soups or the extract of meat. This brine is thrown away, and hence the more perfectly the process of salting has been effected the more completely the meat is ex¬ hausted of its most valuable elements. It is perhaps to the absence of these essential ingredients of nutrition in salt meat that we must attribute the evil consequence of its exclusive use on board ships. The action of alcohol in preserving animal and vegetable substances resembles very much that of a strong brine. Alcohol cannot wet an animal tissue, hence it cannot penetrate it; and if, accordingly, a piece of fresh meat be immersed in strong alcohol, it will be gradually dried by the exosmosis of the juice into it, as in the case of brine above mentioned. Except for the preservation of anatomical preparations, and natural history objects, spirit of wine can never have any practical application. The preservation of fruits, &c. by boiling with sugar and steeping in vinegar, is also dependent upon the same law. Ah- appears to be quite as indispensable as moisture during the process of putrefaction, and hence, if we could completely shut it out, we would be enabled to preserve meat or other animal and vegetable matter for an indefinite period. This process would have the additional advantage that the substance preserved would retain all its nutritive qualities unimpaired, whilst its natural flavour would be unaltered. In Italy and the south of France, and in Spain, fowls partially boiled are preserved by immersing them in melted goose-grease, which, on cooling, solidifies and effectually prevents all contact of air. Similarly, eggs are greased or immersed for a moment in milk of lime, so as to stop up the pores, and thus keep them fresh by preventing all contact of air. Large quantities of provisions are now also preserved by simple exclusion of air. The vegetables or meats are introduced into tin boxes, and packed as closely as possible and boiled, after which the lid is soldered on, and the boxes again immersed in boiling water for some time. Sometimes the first boiling is effected before the introduction of the meat into the canisters. A small hole is left in the lid for the escape of the air which is driven out by the steam, after which it is then soldered up, and the boiling continued for some time longer, until the oxygen of any traces of air left in the box has been con¬ verted into carbonic acid, which has no action whatsoever upon the viands. Some of the meats, soups, and vegetables, preserved in this way by Mr. John II. Gamble of Cork, and left on the beach in Prince Regent’s Inlet after the wreck of the “Fury” in 1825, were found in 1833 by Sir John Ross in the most perfect pre¬ servation, although annually exposed to a variation of 172° of temperature, namely, from 92° below zero to 80° Fahr. above it! And some boxes of the vegetables and soups were found there after nearly a quarter of a century, in perfect preservation, by Sir James Ross. These preserved meats would be a great boon to the sailor; but unfortunately frauds are easily, and, we regret to say, very frequently committed; and in conse¬ quence of the disastrous results which might follow were a ship’s crew to be entirely dependent upon them, their use has hitherto been very restricted. No attempt can be made to test the quality of such substances without exposing them to the atmosphere, wh