L - ID TRUL A MOST SUPERB AND TRULY VALUABLE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, CONTAINING ADMIRABLE AND CELEBRATED SPECIMENS, cnm' D'CEUVRES OF THE PRINCIPJL MASTERS ITALIAN, FLEMISH, I>UTCM, ANB FiRENCEf SCHOOLS, BEING THE UNITED CABINET OF 'Sir Simon Clarke, Bart, and George Hibbert, Esq. selected them xcith distinguished Taste^ and at a foi uxpenccyy. OUT OF THE COLLECTIONS OT The Duke of Orleans, ■\Ir. GiUlemester of Amsterdam, Mr. De Calonne, ]\Ir. Woodhouse, ^c. 4'C. toil! te %oI0 fig Auction, ' , BY MR. CHRISTIE, MIS GRE^T ROOM^ IJ¥ . E^EE^JW^LL^ On FRIDAY, MAY the 14th, 1802, AND THE FOLLOWING DAY, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. May be viewed two Days preceding the Sale, and Catalogues had in Pall-Mall CONDITIONS OF SALE. L ^ThE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot fo disputed fhall be immediately put up again, and resold. II. No Person to advance less than Half-a- Guinea after Twenty Guineas, and so on In Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give In their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down Five Shillings In the Pound, in Part of Payment of the Purchase Money ; in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately .put up again, and resold. IV. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults, at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Pur- chase Money to be absolutely paid on or before the Delivery. VI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited In Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be resold by public or private Sale ; and the Deficiency (if any) attending fuch Resale, shall be made good by the Defaulters at this Sale. CATALOGUE, ^ale. FRIDAY, AlAY the I4th, 1802. ^Z.JDlEmiCY- -Landscape, with a Waterfall. ' ^ ' '• > 2 Rubens Venus and Adonis J ij Cy 3 Sehalken -- Candlelight ^ 4 Castiglione--A. Pair — Historical -Touched with the usual spirit of this master, whose small pidures are very rare. 5 jP. Panini - - Ruins ------ - — - -- -- -- -- -- - — Grand scene. G Le Sueur --Death of the Virgin -An excellent composition, as might be expecSled from this great master. 7. S, Rosa Landscape ---A romantically wild and woody scene, cha-. racteristic of the genius of this sublime artist. 8 F. Caste Ri -Vanity Finely coloured. S 9 Pynacher --Landscape A beautiful scene, figures, fine as Berghem. 10 P. Lauri --DianaandNymphsreturned fromtheChace. There cannot be a more pleasing specimen of this master. 4 11 V/emix --•^-Dead Game 12 Vandyke --Holy Family 13 Cavedone --Susanna 14 Bassano Jerome--- — — 15 Terhurg Portrait of a Lady with a Servant 16 Mz/nV/o ----Christ sleeping on the Cross 17 Bcrghem --Landsape, Cattle and Figures 18 B. West Daniel 19 Ruysdael --Landscape and Water-Mill 20 Po?/ssm- -Nymph and Satyr passing a Brook 21 Backhuysen Storm on the Coaft of Holland 22 Mignon ----Fruit------ — 23 C.duJardin Landscape, Cattle and Figures 24 A. Ostade --Dutch Peasants regaling --- 25 L. Caracci-- Christ crowned with Thorns Very spirited. In his Italian manner ; it is finely engraved by Bolswertj and was in the colledlion of Mr. Barnard. A grand composition. An excellent specimen of the Venetian colouring, and a choice cabinet picture of this great master, from the Orleans col- lection. ' ■ ' The works of this artist are increasing in reputation, and are very rare. -The works of this artist are also daily gaining ground in the estimation of the connoisseur. ■A pleasing scene, in a warm tone of colouring. ^ ■ In the best manner of this intelligent artist. ■ From the fine colledlion of Mons. Fiseau, of Amfterdam ; it is one of those simple scenes, true to Nature, in which this charming artist excelled. ' .This finely composed group exhibits all the gusto and knowledge of the antique, for which Poussin is so eminent; it was for- merly in the possession of the Duke of St. Albans. ,/r - •' 7. -He has treated this subjedf in a very mas- terly style ; the noble eflPeft of light and shade, the sublime agitation of the wa-^, ter, destrudfion of the wreck, and distress' of the sailors, form a combination most powerfully interesting to the spedlator. / -A chef d'ceuvre of the mafter. 1 . -A warm and beautiful pidlure. -A charming cabinet pidlure in his best manner. / ^ -- A pidfure of the finest expression, and worthy of the great School of the Caracci. ^ ^ ^ C / 5 ■iG tC. J5i'*a»»--Conver5ation- - w - « . - - . 27 yfoh Marriage of St. Catherine 28 ir.F atidertlde A Calm - - - - - . Ditto - - - - - A moderate Sea. Bdhon Landscape - - - - 31 A. Cityp Landscape and Cattle 32 Rembrandt - -T ohk anointing his Father’s Eyes cpVA 33 Lt 'Sain Landscape with Figures - - 34 Vandyke --Govartius So -D. Tor/ers-- Landscape with Figures 36 Berghem, - - A Halt of T ravellers • From Le Brun’s Cabinet, and figured in that work ; a more pleasing specimen,of this artist does not exist. ^ f An elegant composition. q , From the collection of Mens. Lys, ofBrus.= sels > of equal merit with that which fol- lows. 3 Companion to the above, and equally fine; the connoisseur will see the great master in every touch of these excellent pictures. /• u An elegant scene on the banks. of the Tiber. A masterly study for the celebrated piCtufe of this great master, now in the gallery ^ of his Grace the Duke of Bridgwater. This striking representation of Nature was highly esteemed by the late Mr. Gains- borough, and was long in his possession. A very good copy of the famous portrait now in Mr. Angerstein’s collection. 5 Boors playing at bowls ; a beautiful cabinet picture; in colour, composition, and fa-‘ cility of execution not easily matched. The composition and execution are in his happiest style. It was formerly in the collection of the Count de Vence, at Paris. A rare and precious cabinet picture, perfect- ly preserved, from, the cabinet of Le Brun, and engraved in his work. . ? A’ f 31 J. ——A Conversation. Humorous and expressive, as all his good pictures are. J ■38 Hobbima --Landscape — Scene on the Bank of a River An admirable cabinet specimen of Hob- bima; rich, and glowing in effeCt as Rembrandt. ^ 39 J^Lievens --Portrait of an old Man with a large Beard. Lievens was a distinguished scholar of Rem- brandt, and in this piClure has nearly ap- proached the excellence of his mailer. 40 Tintoretto - -Marriage of Canaan - --------------A cabinet picture is not easily to be found more truly characteristic of this great colourist. 0 41 yl.Vandevelde’-’Lmisczps A most beautiful cabinet picture of this ad- mirable painter. The cattle are drawn with an accuracy equal to Potter ; it is in perfedl preservation, and was in the famous collcdiion of Mr. Gildemester. 42 Huhetis - — Hunting— A sketch -This and the following were in the choice cabinet of Mr. Delme, and possess all the ' vivacity and spirited toj^h of this inimi- table master. y ’ f ? ■ i f 43 D/^^o ---- -Ditto -Companion to the foregoing, and of equal merit. Many connoisseurs prefer the genius displayed by Rubens in his spirit- ed sketches, to that which appears in his m-ore laboured performances,, not always finished by his hand. t 44 EupJmel Christ bearing the Cross An early piffure of this great master,, soon • after he left the school of Perugino. This ^ was admired in the Prleans colledtion, and is indisputably genuine. / ,//' ’i- ' 4j G.N.Poussm Landscape, with the Story of Antiope The landscape grand and beautiful, and the figures elegant} the whole perfedlly pre- served, and of the first class. //, y 46 W. Mieris - -Conversation Das all the delicacy and high finish of this , ingenious artist. / ^ f 47 Guercino --Mater Dolorosa The expression of grief in this beautiful ' head is admirable } it is from the Orleans colledion. /J--' ■• 48 Guido Christ crowned with Thorns 49 Titian - A Concert 50 IVecnix Italian Seaport, with Figures 51 Bcrgliem --Landscape, v/ith Cattle and Figures Framed as a companion to the foregoing, and also from the Orleans colledlion; it is in Guido’s best time, and the^expres- sion is truly divine. 0 4 ' A curious and spirited produdlion of Titian j from the Orleans colledlion. . 1 '-h ■ Very fine. • A capital picture. It is a beautiful scene, and painted with all that spirit and light-^- ness of pencil for which this great .artist is so celebrated.^ /V: V cj’O y 50 . Rotte 7 ihamer‘- Ascension of the Virgin* .Painted after he had studied in the Venetian School, by which he improved both in colour and composition. This picture, one of his best, was Mr. Barnard’s. 53 P. r(fro«ese--Baptisni of Christ' 54 j. Ostade --Landscape, with Travellers 55 Pynacher --Landscape, with Cattle and Figures 56 PominzcAeno-- Landscape, with Isaac and his Son- 57 JVouiermans--A Horse Fair- - -- 58 M. Angelo - -Holy Family ■ 5y Ruysdael --Winter Scene --This also was Mr. Barnard’s, and hung as companion to the last. Paul’s cabinet pictures are rare ; in this he seems to have outdone himself, and equalled the most admired works of Titian. The com- position is extremely grand, and it is co- loured in the most exquisite style of the Venetian School. 2 ^0 --This charming pi61:ure was formerly in the choice colledlion of the Abbe Sozay. ---Companion to the foregoing, both being sele61ed by Mr. Woodhouse as happy specimens of the respe£l;ive masters. --A beautiful and rare cabinet pidlure of this excellent painter. . ■' - -This extraordinary produffion evinces the perfedl knowledge Wouvermans possess- ed of the drawing of horses; he has in- troduced into this composition every species of that animal, designed with a correifness that must astonish the be- holder. One of his most masterly works. --This curious cabinet pidlure was one of the most interesting objedfs ih the celebrated Orleans colleftion ; it is grandly defign- ed and coloured, and in no respefi: un- worthy the great artist whose name it bears. — A picture of more natural and striking ef- fect than this cannot be conceived : the dreary season of v/inter is here repre- sented with a truth and nature which Ruysdael so well kqew how to prrdace. It was highly esteemed in Mr. Gilde- mester’s coHeclion. ^ / 8 60 CiJj/p - ----Landscape, with Travellers 6l Schalken --Family Concert 60, Bassana Angel appearing to the Shepherds 63 Landscape — Figures 64 Guido A Sybil - 65 C.(iel.or/- . ■This capital picture is one of the most ad- mired compositions of Wouvermans j the figures and horses, which are painted in his finest manner, are placed with in- finite art against a clear brilliant sky, and produce the most charming efiedt. It is from the colledtion of Mr. Gildeinester. 2 ■ The celebrated rank this picture held in the Orleans colledtion, renders any eulogium unnecessary. 3 .A most charming scene, painted with all the warmth and tenderness of tone that are so much admired in the best works of that favourite master ; formerly in the eolledtion of Prince Charles of Lorraine. / • An assemblage of Flemish peasants before the door of a country alehoufe, regaling and amusing themselves- Teniers ex- celled to a surprising degree in represent- ing these rural festivals with the most interesting fidelity. This distinguished pidlure of him, displays his finest silvery tone, and was the best specimen of this master in the Orleans colledion. 2 y Q 67 D. re«/Vrs- -Conversation— Interior---^ This truly celebrated chefcTccuvre (a most (LE BONNET ROUGE.) desirable companion to the foregoing) was one of the most admired and popular ornaments in the coIIe£l:ion of Monf. de Calonne. It is a masterly and surprising performance, uniting all the wonderful qualities of Teniers’s composition, cha- rafter, and colouring, executed with the most animated pencil. 2 i 0 63 Rubens Crucifixion A most suWime and excellent produclion of this admirable artist. 69 froui:cr»ifl«s-- Soldiers and their Baggage embarking -- A view on the banks of a river ; a capital, clear, high-finished ,pi£lure, enriched with’ the greatest variety of pifturesque groups of figures, horses, and shipping j the whole executed with that surprising corrediness for whi^h he stands unri- valled. 3 - 70 P.tfeCortona— Flight of Jacob Of this artist there does not exist apifture more elegantly composed, or more illus- trative of the Vaghezza, which the con- noisseurs admire in Cortona. It held, ' ^ as such, a distinguished rank in the Orleans Italian collection, and may be considered as the chefd’ceuvre of the last great master of the Roman School. 3 END QT THE FIRST DAY’S SALE. ^ale, SATURDAY, MAY the 15th, 1802, ] Reinagle- -Landscape — Twilight -- 2 Fanderneer- -Winter Scene in Holland---- 3 Sohmena --Historical Sf- 4 Eitto Ditto 5 Lmghback - - Hawking 6 P.Lauri --Acis and Galatea 7. Rubens Venus at her Toilet 8 P. Veronese - - Historical 9 Vejntt — -A Pair of Landscapes 10 Portrait of Lady Hamilton 11 T. Gaz’rts&ro-- Landscape — View in Suffolk 12 Po/m5oMrg'"-Landscape-— Story of Tobit ■ The painter was struck with a particular effedl of twilight upon the banks of the Thames near Richmond, which he has rendered with great truth and beauty. / A free and spirited pidlure. /3 • 7. .The companion to the foregoing. . In this pi£ture he has imitated W^vermansj and .with great success, / Ai. . 28 Schnlken --A Soldier 29 -- A Landscape and Cattle ---- so Bergkeni -- An Italian Seaport- - 31 A. Osfflc/e --Tabagie- 32 Snyders Boar Hunt--- 33 Fyit Dead Game 34 J. -Sifeera - The Milk Man 35 A. -Landscape and Cattle - - - - S6 Ditto Ditto------ 37 Vernet Sea Piece 38 Ditto --Ditto ------------H 39 D. 2 e?«?ers-- Merry-making in a Farm Yard 40 JV. Vandevelde - A Calm Companion to the foregoing, and of equal merit ; indeed these small specimens fully illustrate the various merits of the master. A spirited, yet finely finished specimen. * Unquestionably one of his best works. , . In the most spirited and .best manner of Berghem, and the choicest morceau of that artist possessed by the late Mr. Gil- demester. It is well known by the fine print from it, engraved by Aliamet. / (^ 0 This charming little pidlure is in the finest and most transparent manner of A. Oftade j it is admirably engraved by Suyderoef, and known, by colledlors of prints, under the title of saw Je /Z , Capital. In his best manner. J / From the celebrated colledion of Mr. Van- derpot, of Rotterdam j an admirable de- lineation of Nature. ^ g This charming group of cattle and figures is painted in the most precious manner of this pleasing artist, whose choice works daily rise in tl^ estimation of connois- seurs. //C La ' Companion to the preceding, and of equal merit. - A fire in an Italian seaport; this and the following may be reckoned amongst his most masterly produdliohs. A storm ; companion to, and of equal me- rit with, the preceding. / A numerous assemblage of Flemish boors dancing and regaling. This capital pic- ture is in the best time of Teniers it is- engraved by Le Bas. A most exquisite cabinet jewel, and desira- ble . specimen of this much-admired ^ painter. ■ 13 41 A Turkish Seaport Unqueftionably one of the best produ£lions of this master. 4‘J Giorgione - -Cupid stung by a Bee, complaining toVenus.The scarcity and merit of the genuine works of Giorgione recommend them to the 43 C.de Lorraine-- A Landscape ' k-. Uy connoisseur. This was the most fa- vourite pi£ture by him in the Duke of Orleans’s colletSfion. ^ Ki. A landscape, evening scene, with setting sun ; — has all that peculiar warmth and richness so justly admired in his fine pic- tures ; from Mr. Barnard’s colledlion. 44 Ditto.. Ditto 45 A. Cuyp Landscape and Figures- 4P Lembrandt- -Landscape and Figures 47 A. Caroeef-- Christ and the Samaritan Woman 48 Baroccio —Holy Family Companion to the above, and of equal me- rit; it is indeed a charming specimen of this much-admired painter. ' -A clear and brilliant pidlure, representing the morning of a fine summer’s day, with peasants going to market ; the haze that hangs on the distance, but gradually gives way to the rising sun, is charmingly re- presented ; — it was in the cabinet of Le Brun, and is engraved in that work. 2 -A most beautiful and forcible landscape, possessing all the magical effe£l: of light and shadow, for which the works of this great painter are so much admired. ^ 4. .This sublime produ£l:ion, and which was ' one of the most distinguished cabinet pidlures in the Orleans Italian colkqt. on, unites all that we admire in the best works of Annibal Caracci— correiSfness of de- sign, dignity of charadter, and masterly execution. 2. i '" y ' .This fine specimen of Baroccio, highly charadteristic of his sentiment and com- position, is from the Orleans Italian col - ledlion. ’ j 14 49 A. i?/’Oty<;r--Landscape 50 G. P.ouss{n--A Landscape -- 51 F. Mieris --A Conversation 52 J. jBo?^ Landscape and Figures 53 Parmegglaj)o--Virg\n, Christ, and St.John 54 J. Ostade --Winter Scene in Holland 55 F. Hey den A.Vandevelde I Buildings 56 Rubens — Assumption of the Virgin' 57 Schidone Holy Family 58 M.Hobbima Landscape -This is a rare and choice specimen of a master, whose merit perhaps is hardly yet known in England. The great Rubens highly esteemed his genius, and pronounced him capable of the highest attainments of the art ; and, had his good condudl , equalled his ability, he would have justified the predidlion. -In the beft manner of this great Paysagist. -This very rare cabinet pidure was an orna- ment of the Orleans Colledlion j it is mentioned with distinction by Descamps in his Life of F. Mieris, who has given us his own portrait in this excellent produc- tion of his pencil. / -A rich, warm, and harmonious cabinet pic- ture of this admired painter, the figures by himself, •This pidlure is a faithful exhibition of the peculiar excellencies of Parmeggiano, his graceful air and beautiful expression; it is painted in his best manner, and was highly esteemed in the Orleans collection. . A beautiful high-finished pi£lure of this esteemed painter ; it was one of the most admired objects in Baron Nagel’s Cabinet., .A valuable and high-finished pidture, from the colledtion of Mr. De Calonne, paint- ed with all the minute delicacy for which Vander Heyden was so famous. / .This first-rate production of Rubens, well known by the fine engraving after it by Bolswert, was last purchased out of the late Mr. Purling’s collection. ■ ■ From the Borghese collection. A charm- ing specimen of this divine master. 6" . A view from Nature in Holland: a silent, woody, rural scene, with water ; one of the happiest productions of Hobbima, exemplifying that chaste and unalFeCted manner of representing the simple scenes of Nature, for which he stands unrivalled. / 15 ..One of the most celebrated pidfures of this elegant artist, purchased by the late Mr. Gildemester, in Paris, at a very high price j the figure of Hercules is perfedt in drawing, and the expression of all the figures admirable. ^ -King William is embarking on board the Dutch Admiral’s ship, the Princess Mary, for England j she carries an ensign, \^ith the motto. Pro Religione et Libertate. It is one of the most interesting and ca- pital pidtures of Backhuysen. 2, -A most beautiful cabinet specimen of Berg- hem, painted in his finest time, and in the most perfedl preservation. .This celebrated pidlure has always been distinguished by the name of Mieris’s Cat. It is certainly one of the most capital and most exquisitely finished pidlures of this precious painter. re' -Painted in his broad style, and vigorously coloured. From Mr. Barnard’s collec- tion. / o 0 e 5^. 64 K.dnJardyn Landscape, with a Group passing a Brook- -This beautiful cabinet pidturehas ever been considered a chef d' oeuvre of Du Jardyn. It was a principal ornament of the choice cabinet of Mr. De Calonne. 2 - 59 ranicrti-r)/- Hercules betwixt Virtue and Pleasure—. 60 BacMwj/scn- Embarkation of King William for England- 61 Berghem --Landscape and Figures- 62 W. Mieris --Conversation with the Cat ^ CuJ/p Landscape, with Cows in Water 65 Murello ----Descent from the Cross. 66 Ostade --Interior of a Dutch Cabaret 67 Virgin and Child • A first-rate produdtion from the hand of this highly esteemed master, \recently well known and admired in the^ colledlion of Mr. Purling. • The art of the painter is conspicuous in every part of this wondsrfulperformance ; it is one of the most exquisite works of Ostade, and must raise his merit in the estimation of every connoisseur who ob- serves it. ■ -This rare and inestimable jewel was one of the choicest cabinet pidlures in the Or- leans colledlion. It is in the most per- fedl preservation, and has ever been con- sidered as one of the most desirable easel pidtures^of this divine painter. S I lO '68 7f'oMt!em«rtS-Landscape,with the Coach and grey Horses - Last from the collection of Mr. Gildemts- ter, but well known by the admirers of Wouvermans, having been engraved by Moyreau, and mentioned in the Life of Wouvermans, by Descamps. It is one of those happy productions whene the ta- lents of this great master are displaved in the minutest part, while the whole forms an admirable and harmonious picture. 69 S, Rosa Pythagoras discovered by his Fellow-) u , ■ ^ Citizens >The group of figures on the left js finely composed, and characterized with the ut- most science ; the landscape is grand and romantic. In chastity of design, this pic- ture does not yield to N. Poussin, whilst it possesses a sublimity peculiar to bal- vator himself. This capital picture was brought from Rome by Mr. Hamilton. 70 Titian » — Holy Family and Saints- - ....... This first-rate production from the hand of Titian, was lately brought from the Aldobrandini Palace at Rome, of which . it formed a distinguished ornanaeJuL 71 Rubens - — Diana returning from the Chace --This capital picture is presented to the au* tentionof the connoisseurs, as one of the most admirable productions of this great painter. The composition is truly beau- tiful, and the colouring has all the fplen- - ' did richness peculiar to Rubens. It was I painted for the family of Walkenier, of Amsterdam, and was brought to this country by Mr. Bryan, fince which Sharp has made an excellent engraving from it. , The whole of this noble performance is the undoubted work of Rubens, and is in the most perfeCt. state of preservation. FINIS,