Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueoffineoOOchri_O O^T-A-ILOGTXIB OF J m ©ft <£nglisjj # Jfar^rgit /3 r SILVER & SILYER-GILT PL 3 USEFUL OLD SHEFFIELD PLATED ARTICLES, GOLD BOXES, OBJECTS OF VERTU, And a MINIATURE PORTRAIT of GEORGE IV. when Prince of Wales, by R. Cosway, R.A., COLLECTED BY MARK MILBANK, Esq. AND SOLD OWING TO THE DEATH OF Sir FREDERICK MILBANK, Bart. Late of Thorpe Perrow, Bedale, Yorkshire, & Barningham Park, Barnard Castle: WHICH Mill bt ^olit ^urtian b Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AH YMIE &EEAY EOQMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues, bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James’s Square , S. W. CONDITIONS OE SALE. - o - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. Y. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. Yl. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be iemoved during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. JI. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. BOXES AND OBJECTS OF VERTU. > 1 An old French watch, by Gregson, in gold case with enajjieJ back, painted with a nymph and Cupid in a garden 0% An oblong engine-turned silver-gilt snuff-box, with chased thumb- piece ^ 3 An oval engraved gilt box, the lid inlaid with a miniature of three^? figures; and an oblong metal-gilt box, containing a watch 4 An Oblong Gold Bird Box, with engine-turned panels, the borders ' ^ chased with foliage and partly enamelled dark blue, an oval enamel painted with a group of fruit and flowers on the lid, fitted with musical movement 5 Portrait of George IV. when Prince of Wales ; an oval minia¬ ture, on ivory, by R. Oosway, R.A. —signed at the hack, and dated 1787 -v SILVER —At per Oz. oz. diot. 6 A fiddle-pattern service, consisting of twenty-four table- forks, six dessert-forks, six dessert-spoons, and an, asparagus-server..... . 44-75 7 Twenty-three king’s-pattern tea-spoons . . . /27 &■ 2 4 269 f",- /.-0T 22 8 A Plain Pattern Service, consisting of — Forty-eight table-forks Twenty-four table-spoons Twenty-three dessert-forks Twenty dessert-spoons Three gravy-spoons (one with strainer) Two soup-ladles Six sauce-ladles A salad-fork and spoon Two marrow-spoons A skewer Thirty-three tea-spoons Three pairs of sugar-tongs Three sugar-sifters, and Eight salt-spoons 9 Twelve plain table-forks . 10 Twelve ditto—1772, &c. . 11 Twelve plain table-spoons—1754 12 Seven ditto—1762 .... 13 Seven ditto—1774 ; a pair of gravy-spoons ladle . 14 Four Queen Anne rat-tailed table-spoons 15 A pair of threaded asparagus-tongs . _ - — ^ 16 Five feathered-edge tea-spoons; four plain coffee-spoon^; four salt-shovels; and two pairs of Queen Anne pattern sugar-tongs. 17 Two pairs of sugar-nippers; and a pair of chased sugar- bows . /e/a 3 18 A pair of beaded sugar-tongs; a sugar-sifter; six sm- shovels, and two other pieces . . . 4 19 A pierced fish-trowel; and five spear-shaped skewers 11 20 A feathered-edge fish-trowel, pierced with scrolls and m- graved 1771. /&/ 4 21 Fifteen wine-labels, chased with a Satyr, boy and vines «^£?14 22 Ten ditto, chased with vines and shells ; and ten others'?// 11 oz. dwt. 23 28 . 15 and a soup-, . <^^23 • ^ 6 4 ^ 5 10 i 7 HA 10 a oai 14 t/< 17 & 9 *2 9 4 / 11 £7 15 ,/ „i 10 t/‘ V* 0 oz. dwt. 23 A pipkin ; a small taper-stand ; a tea-infuser; a tea- strainer ; and one other piece 24 Two saucepan-covers ; a jug-mount and cover ; a pair of chased nozzles for candlesticks ; and two others 14 15 i 25 A small tea-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug, chased with Indian ornament; and a pair of engraved sugar-bows—^ in case ...... 6 13 16 26 Ajplain ovartea-pot .... 16 27 Another, similar, with stand .... J/f.0 20 28 A flat-shaped tea-pot, chased with flowers, foliager anc scrolls,^and with melon knob . . . Jy & 18 10 29 A coffee-jug, similar; and a tripod stand, on claw' feet with lamp ..... . ’ /C? 27 12 -3 0 Ar- -gl o bular - tea - k ettle, chased witte an otter- h-ui »-t r -fk>wers- .and frwtj on -ehased tripod-stand-wittelttinp- . . 40— 0~ 31 A partly fluted vase-shaped tea-urn, on square plinth 91 32 A plain oval-shaped coffee-pot, on stand with lamp . /£X, 27 33 A smalljcoffee-pot, with beaded borders and chased sp«mt, on tripod stand with lamp—1741-2 30 34 A vase-shaped tea-pot, the lower part fluted, on round 0 0 foot . 27 18 9 18. 35 A fluted and engraved hot-milk jug and cover . 12 36 A small flat-shaped tea-pot, chased with foliage, flower^and shields ...... . M' 7 37 Two small cream-jugs, on three feet, chased with flowers, foliage and scrolls—1741, 1753 . . 5 38 Two ditto, chased with flowers and scrolls . . /y/X 4 39 One, with festoons of flowers; and one, on round fooitA : 1757 .4 14 ^ 40 One ditto, similar ; and a larger ditto, engraved with scroll foliage—1753 ...... /5 41 One ditto, chased with flowers ; and a small sugar-basirfj chased with flowers and scrolls ^ 6 42 A small hot-milk jug and cover, chased with branches of foliage, fruit and birds— old Dublin ■ /// c 5 G 43 A flat-shaped cream-jug, chased with flowers and scrolls y/j 6 44 A small flat-shaped sugar-basin, chased with a mask, frait., flowers and scrolls ..... 3 45 A fluted sugar-basin, chased with figures, birds, fish, fruit &c. in panels ...... 8 46 A sugar-basin, on three feet, repousse with ornament -^old Dublin . . . . . . . e/5 47 A small sugar-basin, chased with flowers and scrolls, wavm rim and foot ...... 4 '48 A boat-shaped facetted sugar-basket, with engraved bomer, and reeded edge and handle .... [49 A larger ditto, similar ..... '/ 7 50 A plain oviform vase and cover, with reeded handles and beaded borders—1776 10 51 A pair of octagonal-shaped wire toast-racks . 52 A circular wire egg-stand, with six egg-cups and spoon5^^20 53 A butter-dish, formed as a tub, with threaded hoops 14 54 Six plain circular salt-cellars, on three feet—1740 . 12 55 A pair of circular salt-cellars, with gadroon borders; on three feet—1784 ..... 56 Six two-handled boat-shaped salt-cellars, with reeded borders, on oval feet ..... /n/c 18 57 A pair of ditto, rather larger 58 A plain barrel-shaped mustard-pot, with reeded borders, glass liner; and mustard-ladle . . . 4 59 An oval-shaped ditto—glass liner; and spoon . 60 A vase-shaped engraved muffineer; two smaller dittdf pierced and engraved; and a salt-cellar, formed as, a duck, and spoon —in case .... 4 61 A pair of escallop shells, on three shell feet . . 62 A plain saucepan and cover; and a tripod stand, on shell feet with lamp ...... 24 63 A plain oval-shaped argyle, with threaded borders . 15 61 Another, similar .... 16 oz. dwt. 10 , 11 > 2 12 ^ 16 11 , 19 ' 15 y 18 „ 12 *, 10 18 18 15 5 * 3 \ 7 * 15 18 15 s 18 ' 7 oz. dwt. G5 A plain oblong toasted-cheese dish and cover, with reeded borders , . 29 66 Another, similar ...... 30 67 A pair of muffin-dishes, with gadroon borders, and partly fluted covers .... . . 34 68 A circular sweetmeat-dish, chased with flowers and scrolls, on three ball feet— in. diam. . . . 11 69 A two-handled boat-shaped soy-frame, with sis silver- mounted glass bottles ; and six labels . . // red and reedc t/ ited with_sim />u 11 ^132 A Set of Six Open Trellis Decanter-Stands, with gjiased foliage, shell and gadroon borders ^ 133 A Set of Four Larger Ditto, en suite - pl34 A Set of Four Table Candlesticks, with fluted vase-shaped nozzles, stems, and round feet with corded borders J 135 A WILLIAM III. TABLE MIRROR, in upright silver frame, the border partly gadrooned and with waved thread edges, chased with applique foliage at the corners—18 in. by 16 in.—each piece stamped with London hallmark of 1698 and maker mark Le. in shaped shield 136 A QUEEN ANNE LARGE TABLE MIRROR, with bevelled ^ edges, in plain silver frame, with shaped top and reeded borders —26 in. by 18 in.—each piece stamped with the London hall mark of 1706, by Joseph Ward ^ FOREIGN SILVER. 137 A small hexagonal-shaped tea-pot, chased with bands of ornament; and a small pierced basket, with chased border, on scroll feet— Dutch . 138 A vase-shaped canister and cover, chased with shells, drapery, &c., on gadrooned foot; and a smaller ditto en suite— Haarlem . . . . / 139 Eleven small forks, with spiral figure-top bandies; and four small silver-gilt spoons, the handles chased with figures ....... p 141 A pair of salt-cellars, on large oval-shaped feet, repousse with flowers; a plain French beaker; and a pair oL sugar-bows ...... '/7 112 An oil and vinegar cruet-frame, chased with shell orna : ment ^/f- oz. dwt. 16 - o t 0 12 143 A pair of oval bowls, embossed with Scriptural subjects, scroll foliage, Ac., and with flat chased handles; and a oz. diet. pair of pierced ladles —Dutch 15 9^ 144 A chased silver-gilt figure of a porcupine, forming a tooth pick stand, on stem and oval foot . . . 8 15 2 PLATED. 145 z? 146 Four salt-cellars, formed as swans; six wire basket-pattern ditto, with glass liners; a joint-holder; a champagne bottle-holder ; a salad-fork ; a crumb-scoop; three butter-knives; two sugar- tongs ; five spoons; six nutcrackers; and various smah^ pieces cZfr A plain tea-pot, coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug; a toast- rack ; a pierced egg frame, with four cups; and a breakfasj^ cruet / 7 . £ 47 7/ . o 148 // /^/ , 0 149 150 ' 151 // . * ^152 ^ ~ ^153 O 154 An engraved tea-kettle, on stand with lamp ; a ditto coffee-pot; two small hot-milk jugs; a gadrooned egg-frame, with six cups; a square cruet-frame ; and six nutcrackers A large oval cruet-stand, with five cut-glass cruets; an oval pierced cruet, with five glasses; two plain sauce-boats; a vinedeaf dessert-dish; a small waiter; and four plain nutcrackers Twelve dessert-knives and forks, with carved ivory handles, in mahogany case A plain spoon-tray A small oval breakfast-dish and cover, with beaded borders; a pair of circular gadrooned dishes, on pierced stands with lamps; a pair of small plain oval dish-covers; and four circular ditto, ig^ sizes IDy 1 A set of six plain oval dish-covers, in sizes —11 in. to 20 in. .9*: A set of six ditto, similar A pair of plain ice-pails, with lion’s mask and ring handles and reeded hoops 13 ^ 5 : S>156 £l57 An oblong ink-stand, with gadroon border; a reading-lamp, with shade; two taper candlesticks; and two candle-shades with extinguishers Four plain chamber candlesticks, with extinguishers; six ditto, with * 'y,. shaped gadrooned borders ; four others, and a pair of snuffers *tZz-yOCts A pair of small table candlesticks, with chased borders ; a pair of taller ditto ; a pair of telescopic ditto ; and a stand for dasses, with threaded borders