>^, -^ '^.^n: v" ■' r ^' .^ L^. 0i W '^P^' THE COLLECTION OF PICTU RES FOBMED BY THE LATE SIR G. L. EASTLAEE, P.IiA. AND OP SIR WALTER R. FARQUHAR, BART. C-A.T.A.ILIOOXJE 9^M OF s^Uy^^- ^' J. S. GOTMAN. ^•^J- h 4 View of a French Town /Ji^/6— Ml£ama^ D. ROBERTS, R.A. 5 On the Rhine ^^v B L' [^C. STANFIELD, E.A. ^. ^ 6 A Paek Scene, with felled timber — a sketch --^(o-iAAA^oi/ii, SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. ^0 7 The Outer Wall of the Fobum of Neeva -^ttAS^ 13 in. by 18i in. rirst sketch made in Borne, 1817 PALMA VECCHIO (After). . 8 The Holt Family, with saints, by Lady Eastlake and Penry Williams ^- /> 11 An Illuminated Capital Letter 'M' (14th century), with the Annunciation //K^ 12 Another, with St. Scolastica ;?rx3 ^--^Ott^^j^w 13 The Scoueqing of Christ — on glass d^iT (^ylafi/Mx^ 14 Three Italian Drawings — in sepia — in one frame /^J: 'TCuxiAA^a,' B. LANINL -w^ . 15 The Madonna and Child Enthroned — in red chalk — signed — in elaborate frame o k '/-/a. A gift to Pope Gregory XIV. when a Cardinal F. ZUCCHERO. /^ 16 Thk Teiumph of Eiohes J^^^^AjtWr^ 17i^ in. by 47 in. .S(sZotLnAr 11) tn. by 23 in. s 37 TivoLi : The Villa d'Este 10 in. by 14^ in. 38 AiiOKS AND Indian Figs: Tivoli 10 in. by 14^ in. 39 The Castalian Spbing : Delphi 16 in. by 11 in. 40 A View in Rome 10^ in. by 15 in. SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. Ay*- 41 Boaz and Euth, in the cornfield 18 in. by 24 in. Ma SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. Oi ^ "^0 42 A Female Figube, in white dress, with crimson and blue scarf 86 in. by 28 in. Painted for J. Gibson, B.A. 143 A Study for the same SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. 44 Hagar and Ishmael — unfinished study 29 in. by 37 in. ^•/i SIR C, L. EASTLAKE. '^ 45 The Coliseum 24^ in. by 34^ in. • SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. •V^ 46 The Coliseum — a shetch 20 in. by 25 in, ^ 47 Thk Coliseum — unfinished 20 in. by 25 in. ^^Chn4yClC 8 SIR C. L. EASTLAKE. 48 Thb Villa Bobghksb ^.JS^UUa. 13^ in. by 68 in. Painted for Mr. Harman and repurchased at Christie's LADY EASTLAKE. 49 Portrait of the Youthful King of Eome, son of Napoleon I. oval -?eti Equitis " — arched top 48 in. by 32 in. u BELTRAFFIO. ^bo 60 Portrait of a Man, in profile, in black dross and cap <>-Ajc(yvH^ 22 in, by 18^ in. From the Frizzoni Collection at Bellaggio FRANCESCO BISSOLO. ^^ 61 The Virgin and Chii-d, with St. Catherine and St. Joseph ^fO'^'^^ ^ " Judging from the mild and pleasing character of the heads, and from the only slight development of the form of the child, I am inclined to ascribe this picture to this little-known scholar of Giovanni Bellini. The warm colours are harmoniously arranged ; the features and right hand of St. Catherine are of beautiful form." — Dr. Waagen. 24^ in. by 32 in. Attribtited by Dr. Waagen to Pietro degli Ingannati Purchased from old Schiavone, Palazzo Foscari, Venice BONIFAZIO. ^"C 62 THE MADONNA AND INFANT SAVIOUR, in a landscape, v'^^^ with St. Catherine offering fruit ; a male saint on the right ; yonng Tobit presented by an angel in front, the little dog below ; opposite these, the little Baptist reaching up to the Infant Christ " This rich and beautiful composition, with the fine character of the heads, especially that of the female saint, approaches Titian in warmth and harmony of colouring, and is one of the most remarkable pictures by this unequal master that I know." — Dr. Waagen. 39^ in. by 59 in. From Lord Northwickes Collection PARIS BORDONE. ^ 63 Portrait of a Venetian Gentleman, in black dress v^./^cyrxAJi a veil which crosses the child, who stands on a cushion on a parapet ; a river scene and buildings in the background — arched top " The head of the Virgin expresses a decorous, modest and maidenly character — that of the child, the innocence of infancy. The full forms of his body . . . are carefully modelled, and the colouring clear and blooming."— Dr. Waagen. 34 in. by 22j^ in. GIEOLAMO GIOVENONE. /^ 70 Thk Madonna and Child, with two female saints — signed *'Hie^on/l^^^.^^^^^ Juvenonis Opificis " 51 in. by 2S in. ERCOLE GIULIO GRANDE. ^C 71 The Adoration of the Shephebds ; and The Dead CHBi8T,/L/<'>v«t/»^,<,<^ with angel — two in one frame Also attributed to Francesco Costa EARLY ITALIAN. 72 The Saviour, with the Virgin and angels appearing to a monk-^- ^-<^0ClfUi and four saints 16 in. by 11^ in. FILIPPO LIPPL 73 St. Catherine, with wheel j c^ 9Q ^ 16^ in. by 12 J in. Study for tke picture of the Holy Family in the Uffizi Gallery 14 B. MONTAGNA. 74 The Madonna and Child -^-O^M/t&y 25^ in. by 19^ in. Purchased from Richetti, Venice, 18G4 TITIAN (After). 75 La Bella '^-^iifJxSAyoL " A copy of the celebrated female portrait by Titian in the Sciarra Colonna Palace at Eome : an admirable imitation of the original in every respect." — Dr. Waagen. 40 in. by 34^ in. TINTORETTO. 76 Portrait op a Venetian Gentleman y(£ i. £ trC ** In warm reddish tones ; of masterly gradation." — Dr. Waagen, 25 in. by 22 in. / PAUL VERONESE. 77 ST. GREGORY THE GREAT, in pontificals, with slender staff and cross 30 in. by 13 in. PAUL VERONESE. 78 ST. JEROME HOLDING A BOOK— the companion 30 in. by 13 in. " Carefully painted sketches, of noble expression, fine action, and harmoniously broken colours." — Dr. Waagen. 15 VANDYCK. X) J^OO 79 EINALDO AND ARMIDA, with a river nymph and cupias— in grisaille ** A very graceful, spirited, and carefully paiuted composition in criiaroscuro." — Dr. Waagen. 22 in. by 16^ in. The pendant picture, from Sir Robert Peel's Collection, is now in the National Gallery VANDYCK. . /O P 80 Thk Ekpose of the Holy Family — a sketch in grisaille 9 in. by 12^ in. From the Collection of Sir Mark Sykes, mentioned by Dr. Waagen c^jO^ 4- PtNIS. Lon