Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofuniquOOstew ^ . IJ Jtwui 1 8^7 . ^ W^v" . ^ kA.^ir'JX^LU E, K. WATEmror^F. f J['.V ^ 2 . 4 s /c ^ 'I -- $ S/. ^ y' 2 . *VVi JJi a-iTv \/|?cottr. j.s^;2 » J^orLcioi-L Xixstitutiojt,^ M^oc>Y£xel2is. I i*' I / BIBLIOTHECA BRANDIANA. A CATALOGUE OF THE ^ . • • , ' UNIQUE, SCARCE, RARE, CURIOUS, AND NUMEROUS ‘ COLLECTION OF WORKS On the Antiquity, Topography, and decayed Intelligence of Great Britain and Ireland, from the first Invention of Printing down to the present Time ; early Poetry, Classics, Belles Letters, and Miscellanies, ever offered by public Sale ; many Hundreds of the Articles, from their very great Rarity, may be deemed Unique, being the Productions of the Fathers of our Language, from the Presses of Caxton, WiNKEN DE WoRDE, PiNSON, and all the early and Modern Print- ers ; likewise the invaluable Collection of Manuscripts, the whole selected \vith a Degree of great Research and Judgment, during a Period of nearly Half a Cen» tury, and at a very liberal Expense, being the entire Library of the late REV. JOHN BRAND, . , pellow and Secretary of the Antiquarian Society, Author of the History of Newcastle, Popular Antiquities, &c. &c, WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY ORDER OF HIS EXECUTORS, By Mr. STEWART, At his ROOM, No. 194, PICCADILLY, (OPPOSITE ALBANY,) On WEDNESDJY, Ma^ 6, 1807 , and Thirty-Six follozcing Days, (Sundays, the King’s Birth-Day, and from May 21st to 26 th, both Days inclusive, excepted) And on Account of the Number of Lots in each Day’s Sale, Beginning exactly at Twelve o’Clbck. To he viewed Three Days previous to. the Sale, Catalogues had on small Pa” per, aj 5s. and a few on large Paper, at 7s. 6d. of Mr. Cooke, Oxford • Mr. DeigWton, Cambridge;. Mr. Knott, Birmingham; Messrs. Constable and Co. Edinburgh^ Mr. Archer, Dublin ; and at No. 194^ Piccadilly, London. •Ht The TuhliQ are\espectfulhj informed that the Duplicates and Ta- luable Collection of Fampkkts, making a 'second Fart of this Cata- . logve, mil be sold early in December, 1807, CONDITIONS OF SALE. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any Dispute arises between Two or more, Bidders, the Lot so disputed shall immediately be put up again and re-sold. 2. No Person to advance less than 6d. above One Pound, Is, above Five Pounds, 2s. 6d. and so on in proportion, S, The Purchasers to give in their Names and Place of Abode, and to pay down os. in the Pound in Part of Pay- ment of the Purchase-money, in Default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold, 4. The Lots to be taken away at the BiiyeFs Expense, within Three Days after the Sale is finished. 5. To prevent Inconveniencies that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase- money to be absolutely paid, on or before the Delivery* 6. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in Part of Payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid, shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency Cif any) at tending such Re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this present Sale. ** Gentlemen and Ladies who cannot attend the Sale, may have their Commissions faithfidly executed by their obliged and most obedient Servant, WILLIAM STEWART. TO THE PUBLIC. IT may be, naturally imagined that upon introducing to public Exhibition and Sale, a Catalogue, containing nearly Nine Thousand Lots, something by way of Introduction should be said on the Oc- casion. • ^ , The late Mr. Brand was too well known, and his refined and dili- gent Research in every Branch of Polite Literature, and as a Col- lector of every Thing relative to popular decayed Antiquity and Topography, of Great Britain and Ireland, is perhaps unrivalled in the present Time. It would be presumption in me to enter into a Des- cription of the precious relics,- on gems, which are entrusted to my Care by his Executors. The Admirers of the History and Antiquities of our Country will find Articles in this Library to instruct the Mind, and gratifyv Cu- riosity, as Specimens in numerous Variety are to be found from the Presses of the Fathers of English Typogiaphy, Caxton, Winkyne de Worde, Pinson, &c. The rarity of many of these Specimens of Eng- lish Literature, owing to the avidity in which each contending Party bought and destroyed, according as they found it conducive to their interests at the Time, during the Reigns of Henry 7th and 8th, Ed- ward ^th, Queen Mary, and Queen Elizabeth ; and even during the Reigns of James 1st, Charles 1st, the Civil War, Oliver Cromwell^ and Charles 2d, every Work that did not accord with their Ideas, or suit their Purposes. Many of the Publications alluded to, and supposed unique, will be found in this Catalogue. IV Tlie IMS. Notes, writtea in the beginning of many of the Books, Anecdotes, and Account of Authors, &c. by Mr. Brand and others, occur very frequently ; and must be deemed valuable and curious, be- ing decayed Biography, hitherto unknown, of the Parties mentioned. The Manuscripts consist of Visitations of the Counties in England and Wales, with Pedigrees, Arms, &:c. of the Nobility and Gentry in the Beigiis of Queen Elizabeth, James 1st, Charles 1st and 2d, with various Works on Heraldry, Pedigrees and Arms, original Grants and Pedigrees of Families, with the Subscribers* Names, &c. Antiquity of England, Poetry, Missals, &c. The many Inaccuracies, which through the very short Time allowed m taking and printing the following Catalogue, the Indulgence of the Public is particularly solicited, by their dutiful, and most obedient humble Servant, mi, STEWART, I Fkcadilhji April \^th^ 1807* CATALOGUE, &c FmST BAY’S SAJLiE, WEDNESDAY, May 6, 1807 - ([ 10 11 12 13 14 OCTAVOS AND TWELVES. Aristotelis de Anima Libri Tres Greece et Latine Francofurti, 15^6 Auteurs Deguisez Par. 1690 ApoUonii Rhodii, Gr.'Lat. Lug. Bat. ap Elzev. l 64 ,l Anacreontis Carmina, Gr. Lat. . Loud. 1733 A Voyage to Holland, and the Entertainment of William III. there^ ^ i/,. 1591 A verie Fruitfull and Pleasant Booke, called the Instruction- of a Christian Wloman, made first in Latin, by Lewes Vives, and translated by Richard Hyrde, black letter printed by John Danter^ 1592 Apistle to the Christen Beadery black letter At Malborow in the Lande of Hesse, 1529, Mehans Luft ^ A Preservative agaynste Deth, black letter 1545 A Boke made by John Fryth, Prysoner in the Tower of Lon- don, answering unto M. Mores*s Letter printed in, the Yeare of oure Lorde, 1558 An Answer to Feckman's Assertions and Objections to Gouge's Sermon, preached in the Tower, 5. L 1570 Apuleius's Golden Ass, 2 V. Lond. 1724 Andrew's (Bp.) Holy Devotion, portrait ih. 1655 A Touchstone for Gold and Silver frontispiece ib. \677 Al-Man-Sirj or, Rhodoraontados * . ib. 1672 /// / fvh ■ 2 ; is Almanack Perpetual d’Amour 26SI Cronicle ot Yeres, fro the Begynnynge of the World, wherein ye shal fynd the Names of all the Kynges of Englande, of the Mayres and Shyrcfi’es of the Cyte of London, and briefly of many Notable Acts done in, and syth the Reynge of King Henry the Fourth, newly aug- mented and corrected 1543 17 Another copp^ black let ter, imprinted at Ijondon, hy John Kpnge, in Paules Church-Yard, spnge of the Swanne 18 Allen’s (Mrs. H.) Satan, his Method and Malice Baffled Loud, / 19 Account of the dreadful Tempest both by Sea and Land, ib. y SO Adv’entures of Rivclla ib, 9 21 A Trip to Kilkenny, from Durham Stockton, Ambulator ; or, Stranger’s Guide round London A List of the Cathedrals in England and Wales, with their Dimensions, plates ib. Ayliff'e’s Antient and Present State of the University of Cam- i6R3 1704 1714 1778 179^ 1802 ^/25 bridge, 2 v. if J jjy / 27 28 29 >130 6 31 ib, ib. ib. Oxon. 1714 1675 1687 1692 1655 1623 /o i32 •^33 5? Archer’s Compendious Herbal 0 26 Abercrombie’s Academia Scientiarum Aristme Historia Grmce A Rationale upon the Book of Common Prayer Apocrypha ; Hymnes and Songs of the Church A Library of Divinity Alberoni's (Cardinal) Scheme for reducing tlie Turkish Em- pire, portraits. Load, ]7S6—Nt(fn€rous in Favstns, a short View of six unfortunate P^eigns, 1736 — Life of Sir " Robert Cochran, Prime Minister to King James III. of * Scotland, 1734 A Toile for two-legged Foxes Land. 16OO An Essay for a new ']'ran‘-lation of the Bible ib. 1727 34 Ad Lectorehi Gemma Fabri, Lond. ex Typ. Felicis Kingston, 1598— Clapiiam’s Briefe of the Bible, Morocco, gilt leates 1639 An HerbaLfor the Bible, drawn into English from Levinus Lemnius, bv Thos. Newton LonJ by Fd.BoIliJ'ojit, 1587 A Defence of Pluralities ib. I692 Alstorpbii Dissertio Pilologica Amst. 1704 A Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Winchester Scholars, Morocco, gilt leal es, uith portrait l697 39 Antiquities of St. Peter’s, or the Abbey Church, Westmin- . ster, cuts ' Lond. 1713 Another copy ib. 1711 An Historical Account of the late great Frost, in w'hich are discovered the various Humours, Loves, Cheats, and Intrigues, of the TowU) as the same were managed on the River Thames ' ib, l684 4/ 40 41 3 52 3 6153 li2 A Summary of all tlie Religious Houses in England and I Wales, with their Titles and Valuations at the Time of their Dissolution ib. 1717 43 A list of all the Mayors, BaylifFs, and Sheriffes, of the City of York , ib. 1715 Antiquities between Windsor and Oxford, &c. 1/25 A Description of the City, College, and Cathedral of Win- chester A Journey to Llandrindod Wells, in Radnorshire 1746 An Account of the antient Town of Gotham 1770 A Journey from London to Scarborough Lond. J734 A Description of Stow Northampton, 1746* A Narrative of the Disinterment of Milton’s Coffin Lond. 1790 A Thousand notable Things ib. 1785 Aubrey's Miscellanies ' ib. 1784 Apologs, or Fables Mythologyzed ib, 166I 0 9^ ^ 54 A simple and religious Consultation of us, Herman, by the Grace of God, Archbishop of Colone and Prince Elec- tour, by what Means a Christian Reformation, black ■ letter Printed by John Day e, 154^7 .{55 A Part of a Register, contayninge Sundrie Memorable Matters, written by diuers godly and learned, in our Time, which stande for and desire the Reformation of the Church, &c. Morocco, gilt leaves printed at Edinburgh, by Robert Waldegrave, 1593 J ^4)56 Auli Persii Flacci Satyrae, a Bond Lond. l6l4 57 Adams's eupho nologia LingUce Anglicante ib. 1794 58 Alciphron's Epistles ib. 1791 59 * Gr. Lat. a Bergleri Traj. ad Rhen. 1791 U< y ■ I/./ ,1741 16'54 'JiJM i 6 \ 60 An Oration Militarie, to all naturall Englishmen, black letter Lond. 1588 Angling, a Poem Aylet’s Divine Speculations, in metrical Numbers A Collection of Loyal Poems I675 A Voice from Heaven to the Commonwealth of England, very rare j653 Almanacks, eight various, for I609, &c. A new Catalogue of the Lords and Commons of this Par- liament begun at Westminster, 1640, and continued to this Time, 1646 Ane Compendious Booke of Godly and Spirit uall Songs, black let- ^ ter Edinburgh, printed by Andro PI art, 1 621 • /o' si 27 i i ■ 7129 ' 0 130 / a 131 3 /■L /1 33 6^136 ^ ^/137 7 6 138 ; 7s» / - 140 ^ / 141 / ri42 ^ 'jl43 ^ 144 / . 17 A True Relation of the Faction begun at Wisbich, by Fa. Edmonds, alias Weston, a Jesuite, 1593, nev:ly iniprinfed, 16OX Aristophaniss Comaedia, Gr. Lat. Land. 1695 Alkibla, a Disquisition upon Worshiping towards the East 1740 Arisiopnsanis Facefissinti Comiuint undecimyGr. Lat. Basil. 1532 Alexandri ab Alexandro, 2 v. Bat. l673 Dialogue between Life and Death, bp Richard Wates, curious cats, very rare Lond. 1^57 A Journey into Spain Ijond. l6'70 Auilionty of Magistrates 1671 A Table collected of the Yeres of our Lord God, and of the Yeres of the Kino's of Eno;lande, black letter wtprinfed Kyngsfon, 15o4 A True Discourse of the Arute which the King of Spain caused to be assembled in the Year 1588, in the Port of Lisbon in the Kingdom of Portugal against England mpriiited by Wolfe, 1588 Ancient Poetry, in HSIanuscript, fairly written A Plaine 3’reatise to learn in a short Space the Frenche pQTiguc, black letter 157^ Anecdotes of Olave the Black King of Man 1730 Appendix to the First Edition of the Origin of Printing 177^ Abstracted: or the Idea of Humane Nature l655 A Brief Exhortation to the Sicke, black letter 132 A Looking-Glasse for Drunkards, black letter l627 133 Aristotelis de Poctica, a Goulstoni Edi7d). 1731 134 Aurelio Bataviei, Mot'occo, gift leaves Antv. 159^ Articuli Lambeihani 1631 A Pack of Paten.tces, opened, shuffied, cut, dealt, and played j641 A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body, in meeter l6l3 A Godly Discourse between .lohn Lincali and Death, in Verse 1655 Account of the Insurrection in Ireland of Two Sisters Mrs. Tittle-Tattle Busybody and . Mrs. Makebate, plate .Address of Thanks to the E road-Bottoms, frontispiece 1 745 Apology for the Church of England 2 A Treatise of the Third Order of St. Francis, cor&monly called the Order of Penance Doway. 1617 A IMessage Termed, Marke. the Truth of the Wordc of God in these XIII Bloes at the Popes Bull imprinted at London by JVilUaon How^ 1570 145 A Disclosing of the great Bull, and certaine Calues that he hath gotten, and specially the VAonster Bull that roared at my Lord Byshop’s Gate imprinted by John Daye l// 1/3 / 149 ^ ' 150 OltnM ^ - i.5l / 152 '^153 '^^3 (i 154 /155 / 7 '■14^ Ane Admonition direct to the trew Lordis Mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie imj). hy John Ddye^ 15f f > 147 An Exhortation to England, a Poem, to joine for Defence of True Religion and their Native Countrie ih. by Henry Denham 1568 ' 148 A Bull Granted by the Pope to Doctor Harding and others, by Reconcilement and Assoyling of English Pa- • pistes to undermyne Faith and Allegeance to the Quene, with a true Declaration of the Intention and Fnites thereof ; and a Warning of Perils thereby imminent, not to be neglected imprinted at London by John Day Aldy's (John) Theatrum Mundi, the Theatre or Rule of / J ' // the Worlde, ib. ib. ly Henry Bynneman 1574- Ij/fyrt'rd'i Amazement (The) of Future Ages; or this Swaggering Word turned up-side down ih. t684 Augustine (St.) Booke of Heavenlie Jyleditations, by Ptogers, gilt leaves ib. ]600 Aphorism! Urbigerani ib. l6i)0 An Essay in Defence of the Femal Sex, with the Jivn- tispiece ^ ib. 1696 A Strange Metamorplio^is of Man Transformed into a Wil- dernesse deciphered in Characters Land. l634 A Cabinet come from the Land of Canaan ib. l63S A Treatise on the Virtues and Efficacy of a Crust of Bread eat early in the Morning fasting ib. 17^9 A True Poelation of the Facts and Circumstances of the inlendea Riot and Tumult on Queen Elizabeth’s Birth- day ib. 1711 158 A Dialogue: or rather a Parley, between Prince Ptuperl’s Dog, whose Nanm is Puddle, and Toby’s Dog, whose Name is Pepper, > ib. IJll A Dispute betvvuxt an Atheist and a Christian, the Atheist being a Flemming, and the Christian an Englishman ib. 1646 A Catechism lor fine l/adies ib. 1742 A Turd is as good for a Soio as a Pancake., or the Story of a Cock and a Bull, calculated for the Improvement of COl / the Modern ILits Dub" An Account of the Giants lately discovered I^nd. I766 A Commyssion sent to the Bloudy Butcher, Byshop of London, and to al Comients of Frers, by the High and Mighty Prince Lord Sathans the Deuill of Hell, black letter, extremely rare ^ 164 An Exhortation unto Prayer, thoughtc mete by the Kinges Majesties, and his' Clergy, to be read to the People of very Church ajore Processyohs : also a La tunic zeifk Suf- frages, to be said or song in the Tynie oj the said Pro- cessyons, black letter imprinted at London', in Flcfe-streete, by Thomas Berthelet, 1546 Z 156 V 6 / , 6 157 G) 1 Z , J160 6 (, 16’1 J y- 163 /■ JU / ^4' Cilu/L, cu->^ 166 'W -166 / / i 168 -v ^169 ^,170 6 171 Z . 172 8 A Vindication of the Proceedings of the Gentlemen of the Inner Temple Camb. 1662 Jr t asleepe Husband ; a Bouhter Lecture, stored with all Va- riety of witty Leasts, merry Tales, and other pleasant Passages, ^frontispiece Lo^d. l 640 Adam and Eve stript of their Furbelows ib. 1714 A Pophthegmata Curiosa 26. 1709 A Help to Discourse, or more Merriment mixt with serious Matters 2^, j 682 A Present for an Apprentice 1750 An Essay on the true Happiness of Man l650 Alexis de Sale’s admirable Method to love, serve, and ho- nour the Blessed Virgin Mary lG39 / ll74 ^ // / / 175 jL ji76 d // . <178 % / ^ (?} / Lu - 179 180 / - 181 184 — 0 185 186 QUARTO. Astre’s Glad Tydings of joy, or a Prognostication of Peace Loud, 1643 Annus Mirabilis, or Strange and Wonderful Predictions, and Observations, gathered out of Mr. J. Partridge’s Almanack, 1688 ib. 1689 A Prognostication of right goodly Effect, fructifully aug- mented; contayninge playne, briefe, pleasant, chosen Rules, to judge the Wether for euer by the same JMoone, Sterres, Cometes, Raynbowe, Thunder, Cloudes, &c. ib. 1555 A Wife, now the Widow of Sir Tho. Overburie, being a most ex~ quisite ^ singular Poerne of the Choyce of a Wife, very rare ib. 1 6l 4 A Word in due Season to the ranting Royallists, and rigid Presbyterians, &c, rare ib. J66O A Looking-Glass fop the Presbitary Government ib. l645 A Dialogue between Mr. Smith, Monsieur Ragouse, Men- heir Dorveil, and Mr. Manoel Texiera ib. I7OI A full Relation of the Contents of the Black Box ib. 168O An Astrological Demonstration of England’s Happiness, at the Time of his sacred Majesty Charles the Second’s be- ing proclaimed Articles agreed upon by the Arch-Bishops and Bishops of both Provinces, and the whole Clergie in the Convoca- tion, holden at London in the Yeer 1562, black letter ib. 1642 A perfect List of the Names of the Knights, Citizens, Bur- gesses, and Barons of the Cinque Ports of England and Wales, for the Restoration Parliament ib, l66d ■ the same, for the Parliament held 166I A Petition from his ExcellencyThomasLord Fairfax, and the general Councel of Officers of the Army, to the Honora- ble the Commons of England, in Parliament assembled, 1649 — Foundations of Freedom, 1648 A Letter of that pious Prince, King Edward the Sixth, to /L m \ 189 / . jL H /j . // loi Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, for the taking downei of Altars Lond, 1^41 187 A Record of some worthie Proceedings, in the honorable, wise, and faithfull House pf Commons, in the Parliament holden in the Yeare l6ll ih, l641 An Ordinance of the Lords and Commons, assembled in Parliament, for the Continuance of the Assessement of 60,000l. per Mensem, for six Months longer, for the Maintenance of the Army under the Command of the Lord Generali ib. l648 A Collection of Statutes in force, for the better Observation of the Lord's Day, and the Fast Dayes ih. 1645 190 A lively Portraiture of our new Cavaliers, commonly called Presbyterians ib, l66l A remarkable Passage, or a witty Discoure between the Citizens, and the Bishop of Lincoln ib. l641 A Remonstrance of the barbarous Cruelties, and bloody Murders committed by the Irish Rebels, l644 — Patrick Roch's Letter to Dr. Washington, l641 — ^The Plott and Progress of the Irish Rebellion, l644 A Plot discovered for the taking of the Tower, by Negro- mancie, 1641 — A Treatise of Mathematical! Physicke, by judiciall Astronomy, cw/s hond, 159® Astrology — curious Tracts. — The Character of a Quack Astrologer, l673 — Geree's Astrologo-Mastix, 1646 — A Theatre of Planetary Houres for all Dayes in the Yeare, 1631 — Warren's Magic and Astrology vindi- cated, 1651 — Country Astrology ^ — The Judgments of Nativities, l650 — Relations of Matter of Fact, concern- ing Witches and Witchcraft, 1693 — A faithfull Narra- tive of the wonderful and extraordinary Fits, which Mr. Thomas Spatchet was under by Witchcraft, 1693 A Discussion of the Answere of M. W. Barlow l6l2 Answer of the Chancellor, Masters, and Scholars of the University of Oxford to the Petition, Articles of Griev- ances, and Reasons of the City of Oxon, the of July, 1649 Oxf. 167® Ad/s (Thomas) Candle in the Dark Zd)nd. l655 198 A rich Closet of Physical Secrets ib. 199 Articles to be enquired of in Visitacions to be had within the Diocesse of Canterbury, black letter ^ 1548 — A Book© of Canons, black letter, 1571 — Interrogatories to bee en- quired of by the Church Wardens, and sworne Menne, within the Diocesse of Lincoln, black letter^ 1580 — Arti- cles to be enquired of in the general Visitation of the Arch Deacon of Glocester7 1639 2^0 A$trohgast€rf or the Figure Cdster, by John Melton imp^, at London by Barnard Alsop 191 192 193 194 u, 193 19^ 197 i/y' ^ ■// / / • ' 201 (zoi r/ A. ^ ^ 205 3 -206 a. -# 4) -207 i7) \0^^ eft / . 208 / A >S09 210 211 I -212 ^ '213 J iL 214 215 215 216 217 ^18 10 Ad'certisementSy partly for due Order in thepuhlique Ad 7 mmstra« tion of the Common PrayeVy black letter Arnesio Scholia in septem Euripidis, Graece Ambroise Discours Ascanoir, de la Mumie, des Venis,de la Licorne, et de la Peste, aveejig. Par. 1582 Arrianus de Venatione, Gr. Lat. ib. l644 Alpini Plantis i£gypti, cum Jig. Lug. Bat. 1735 Andrews's History of Great Britain Lond. 1794 A Parte of a Register, contayninge sundrie memorable Mat- ters, written by godly learned Men in our Time. — For an Account of this Book see M. S. Note 1570 L. Apulei de Asine Aureo Par. 1510 A brief Rehearsaly or rather a true Copie of as much as was pre- sented before her Majestyes, at Kenelworthy during her last aboade therey black letter Apullius’s Golden Asse, translated into English by W. Ad- lington, black letter y title wanting A Complaint of the false Prophet's Mariners upon their drying up of their Hierachiall Euphrates, with frontis- piece Ante's Manners and Customs of the Egyptians, plates Lond. 1800 A Thousand notable Things of sundrie Sortes ib. 1627 Aterani Dissertatis de Mensibus Aegyptiorum Florent. \7o7 Antiquarian Tracts. — George North's Remarks on some Conjectures relative to an Ancient Piece of Money, endeavouring to prove it a Coin of Richard the 1st, 1752 ' — Dissertation upon Oriuna, Wife of Carausius, 1751 — Further Observations on the same, 1756 Vindication of the Apainean Medal, 1775 — Pet- tingal's Dissertation upon the Tascia, 1763 — Catalogue of the Coins of Canute, with specimens, 1777 Duodenorum Nomismatum Exposito — De Fa- miliaAugustaWhelmiConguestoris Regis Angliae,Go^^i;2g-. 1745 Palasographia Britannica, 2 v. Lond. 1752 Pegge's Series of Dissertations, on some elegant m / 7^" / 622-1 and very valuable Anglo-Saxon Remains, 1756 — Pegge’s Memoirs of the Life of Roger de Weseham, Dean of Lin- coln, 1761 — Instructions given by Henry the 7th, 176I — E. W. Montague's Observations upon a supposed Bust at Turin, 1763, &:c. A new Bookcy containmg the Arte of ryding and brealmge great e H arses y black letter y cuts ' imp. by JV. Serresy 1558 Augustino d’Ancona Summa de Ecclesiastica mp. Venet. mcccclxxxvii Andi'ee ( Johamtis ) Sextus Decreialium cum certis Additionihus, woodcuts A Easily mccccc Aldi IVIanuti Institutionum Grainmaticarum Par. ab. Johanne Petit. 11 9, \l0 ^1^23 Ancient and modern Miscellany, plafes Lond, i ^224 ACollectior^ of Ordinances and Regulations for tlie Govern- ^ . . ! ment of the Royal Household ih. 1790 ^ - 2f25 Archaelogia: or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Anti- quity, Ad, 7 V. ih. 17^9 roLio. J . A- :/ 9 - 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 Adventurer, by Hawkes worth, 2 v. orig. edit. Land. 1753 Aiinold’s Chronicle oe the Customs of London, * a remarkahle Jine Copy, collated and perfect, elegantly Bound in Russia, black letter, very rare. See MS. Note, by Air. Brand printed hy Rynson, mcccccxxi Alcoranum Machumetis, Gr. Bat. Austin's (Wm.) Devout Meditations, frontispiece and por- trait ^ . Bond. 1635 Account of the Land Revenue of the Crown 1787 ^ drifju A brief and true Report of the new found Land of Virginia, of the Commodities and of the Nature and Manners of the Natural Inhabitants, discovered by the English . Colony, th^re fseated by Sir Richard Greinuile, Knight, in the Yeare 1585, plates FrancoJ. ad Aloen, 159o Aristok's Politiques or Discouses of Government Bjond. printed by Ada?n Islip, 1593 A Trip to New England, a Character of the People both /j English and Indians • 1699 tt/lf A Booke of Proclamations published since the beginning of his Majestie’s most happy Reign ouer England, &c. > . black letter I609 Anderson's History of Commerce, 2 v. Cond. I764 Adamson's England's Defence, or Treatisq concerning ^ . Invasion \ Bond. 168O Ashmole (Elias) Institution, Laws, tfnd Ceremonies of the Order of the Garter, plates, fine impressions, by Hollar / ' ib. 1672 Antiquarian Flints, fine impressions, 2 v. in one ib. 1747 A Learned Summary upon the famous Poeme of William Saluste, Lord of Bartas, translated out of French, by / / t- fy Q V / tv n/i'iui T. L. Anthologia Epigramatum, a Brqdmi, 240 ’ , 241 ^ 242 ib, Qr. Lat, Francofurfi, ‘Anglia Sacra, 2 v. ih. An Alvearie, or Quadruple Dictionarie, by Baret ib. A compendiouse Treatise Dyalogue of Dk^s and Pauper, that is to say, the Rich and the Pore, fruciyouslp tretyng upon the Ten Commandments, blcck letter, imp. hy me Richarde Pynson, mcccclxciii. For an Account of the above rare Book, see MS. Notp, by Mr. B. 1621 1600 1580 L cV — \ ?tiip 4 }; .^45 tjt 250 251 Ausonius, notis Vinetum Annales of Cornelius Tacitus Appian’s History A most excellent and perfecte homish homely Physicke Booke, black letter Alhazeni Opticae Thesaurus, ab Risnero, cum Jig, Basil, 15.72 Aldrovandi Quadrupedum Historia, cum Jig, Bonon. l62i Athenian Gazette, 2 v. Loiid^ I69I, &:c, Arlorghi Roma Subterranea, cum Jig. 2 v. Bom. l65l A Treatise on the Matchlock, illustrated in a great Variety of Engravings 16O8 Burglgalice 1598 1679 Apothecary, or imp. atColen. 1561 a cpy 'ttJ! %'tM / & SECOJYB JD^T'S S^JLM, THURSDAY, May 7. 1807. - ^2 j •• 0 .252 - 6 253 M:254 ; <^*255 ^ ‘ 256 ' I • 257 ^ ^258 259 OCTAVO AND TWELVES. Ash^s English Dictionary, 2 v. 'Aureliae urbis Memorabillis ab Angli obsidio, Anno 1428 1775 1560 260 261 262 A true Relation of the unjust, cruel, and barborous Pro- ceedings against the English, at Ainboyna, &c. l65 1 Argallo Introductio Brevis et Perspicua Bond. l605 Alctonii Analecta deCalamitate Litteratorum Lips. 1707 An Introduction to Algorisme, to learn to recken wyth, or wythout the Counters, black letter 1574 Another Copy 1595 Ashers Fasciculus Florum 1417 Advices with respect to Health Brist, I769 Arpi Feriae Ostivales Hamb. 1726 Armstrong’s Letters from the Continent, from 1708 to 1711, in Manuscript f fairly written Arlstiphus, or the Jovial Philosopher l630 A Relation of the Execution of the Traytors, with a Rela- tion of the other Traytors which were execused at Wor- cester, 27th Jan. last past, with others that were Executed at Woluer-Hampton, for the Gun Powder Plot, no date j / (^265 i ^266 6 267 / (^268 ■269 / 6271 ^/O (J272 ^^273 ■^ier* - 6 275 Z-? ^ 276 z '277 /i!7 278 Z279 ^ -282 / -283 A -284 /!3 -285 Jo -2S6 'Mr CMU, 13 Alvari Lyllabarum Quantitate, ars Metrica et Lusus Poetici Lund. 1730 Ascham's Scholemaster, by Upton 1743 Augustine^s (St.) Munuell, or Little Booke of theContem- plation of Christ, black letter, with Hkrogly'phic Devices round each Page Land. 1586 Arbitary Government displayed, in the tyrannick Usurpa- tion of the Rump Parliament and Oliver Cornwell 1683 A Vision concerning his late Pretended Highness Cromwell, the Wicked l66l Art of tanning and currying Leather 1764 Augustoduni Amplissinne Civitatis et Galliarum Antiqui- tates, a Ladoneo Augustoduni, l640 Allot’s England's Parnassus, extremsly rare, imp. at Loud. 16OO Avenars theenemie of Securitie ; or, 'a daily Exercise of godly Meditations, Englished by Thomas Rogers, gilt leaves 1583 Angler's (The) Eight Dialogues in*Verse 1758 An Account of the Providential Preservation of Eliz. . Woodcock A very true Report of the Apprehension and taking of that arche Papist, Edmond Campion, the Pope his right / ^ Hand, and 4'hree other lewd Jesuit Priests An Epistle of the Reverend Father in God, Hieronymus Osorios, Bishop of Arcoburge to the most excellent ^ Queene Elizabeth imp. at Antwerp, 1565%/7^; A Fourme of Common Prayer to be used, and so com- manded by Authorie of the Queene's Majestie, and ne- ()j cessarie for the present 3’ime and State 1572 Allen's Killing no Murder, rare 1659 Alsop's Sermon preached at Sea 1679 A Dialogue betweene Sacke and Six, with the curious en- graved frontispiece printed in the yeare, l64l A Booke of Fishing, with Hooke and Line, cuts, 160O— ^ A Booke of Engines and Traps to take Polcats, Buz- zards, Rats, Mice, and all other Kinds of Vermme and y. Beasts whatsoex er, cuts, very rare I6OO ^ ^ Archfs Dream, sometimes Jester to his Majestie, but expelled the Court by Canterburies Malice, very rare 1641 A Discourse of Williapi O’Connor, a Priest, and Anne /y . Hussey, an Irish Gentlewoman, l64l A Dreame ; or, Newes from Hell, with a Relation of the great God, Pluto, suddenly falling Sicke by Reason of this present Parliament, l 641 — News from Hell, Rome, and the Inns of Court, frontispiece l642 A Confutation of unwritten Verifies, which the Adversa- ries of God's Truth either have or can bryng forth for I 4 ^^ 14 r', V- J/. Ci G cfc Jo a / 7:^- 2R 287 -2 -? ^288 the Profe and Defence of the same unwritten Vanities, Verities as they would have them called, made by Thomas Cranmer, late Archbishop of Canterburie, Martyr of God, and burned at Oxford for the Defence of the Trewe Doctrine of our Saviour Christ, black letter . no date A very godly and learned Treatise of the Exercise of Fastyng, described out of the Word of God , ^ . Loud, printed by J.Daye, IS^O A,compleat and humourous Account of all the remarkable Clubs and Societies in the Cities of London and West- minster, from the R — L— S. — y down to the Lumber ^ IVoop, he, their Original, with Characters of the most^7«^yHi/H*^' noted ISlemhcYSy elegantly bound ib. 1745 . j Academy of Complements ib. Account of the Preservation of King Charles 11. after the y. . Battle of Worcester ib. Alphabetum Graecum and Hebraicum ^ Genev. execudebat Paulus StephanuSy 1600-^^^^ A Discourse of the Sin against the Holy Ghost 1^49;^ A Sword against Swearers and Blasphemers, black letter ^ . Land. lf)ll^Wu- 1741 1739 1745 306 *307 ' '-SOS 5 ' 1509 / 0 510 A1 bin's Natural History of English Song-Birds, cuts Account of all the celebrated Libraries Aristotelis deMundi, Gr. Lat. Glas^ Anderson's (H.) Court Convert UjvJji/. A Knowledge for Kings and a Warning for Subjects, black ^ ^ letter i?np. by Richard J hones, 1576 t/' An Apology for the Protestants of France, black letter ^ jfJ printed by John Daye, 1579 ^ Addison's Evidences Edinb. l776/\/i,fiu^ -A Catalogue of all Knights made by King James \66okAj^CU Aiken's Natuiaf History of the Vear 1799 A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland and Westmoreland 17S0w/>MXi»^ Ailington’s Sermons, 16'57 — England's Faithfull Reprover J\ / and Monitour A Compendious and moste Marueylous Historic of the latter Times of the Jewes Commune Weale, written by Joseph Ben Gorion, and Englyshed by Peter Morwyng, black letter ^ Arte Bibendi ct Arte Jocandi Poema, Lug. Bat. 1648 — • Artis Amandi et Declamationes ib. l648 Autores Rei Venaticae Antiqui. Morocco, gilt leaves, J/ Lug.Bat.apEkev. 1653'^'^^ Antiquities of London and Westminster 1722 kjyivU A Description of Alnwick Castle, Northumberland Of* Alnwick, 1800 Archimedis Syracusani, Gr. Lai. Oxon. I676 15 ^ '311 3 1 2 -<4 princely Mirrour of Peerles Modestie, black ktter 4 'l> -313 / , 6 3U !> - 315 -316 j -317 ^ ^ 318 S -319 "* 4 ^ 3'-’0 A bricfe and cleare Confutation of a new vaine and vaurit- ^ ing Chalenge iGoS/ j^i'i^ date J) 4^ 'luJy try' t^y Admonishon to the Bishoppe of \Vinchester, London, and others, black letter, ^rom Roane, by Michael Wood 1553 A Christen Exhortation unto Customable Swearers, black letter, very rare no date or printers name A Monarchic of Motives in the IMind of Man ; or, a Bat- tell between Vertues and Vices of contrarie Qualite imp. by Hen. Denham, 1582 ^ A shortrintroduction of Grammar generallie to be used 1557 f . Alberti Glossariuni Grsecorum ^ ANGOAOriA sive Epiggrammatum Graecorum Oxon. 1724 Asylum for Fugitive Pieces Ausonii Opera Amsf. l5i Arms of Cities, Boroughs, and Towns, &c. of Great Bri- ^ tain, with Descriptions, and many MS. additions A Whip for the Devil ; or, the Roman Conjurer l583 A short View ot Five unfortunate Reigns l589 Ashmole’s History of the Order of the Garter 1715 Artihciall Embellishments, or Art’s best Directions how to preserve Beauty or procure it 0,f, l555 . A Thousand notable Things 1701 Athenei Dipnosophistarum Lugduni, 1555 A Hind let Loose, or an Historical Representation of the ^ / / • _. Testimonies of the Church of Scotland l587/^''^ '^ An Abiidgement of the Scots Chronicles Edinb. 1550 CiJx/Lyt/ / Another Copy ib. \G33 / A Treatise of Ancient Ceremonies l559 Co A new Dialogue betweene the Angell of God and Shepherdes f, . ' in the Felde, black ktter imp. by John Day^s^/pvcyv'j A ryght godly Treatise of Matrimony, black letter A Century of Names and Scantlings of Inventions Eond. \GG3 Addison on Medals, and three others on the same _ Art of Ringing made easy 1753 A raoste frutefull Piththye and learned Treatise, who a jj Christian Man ought to be have himself in the Danger of Death, black letter t-Wi / -343 ^lOrvL / c h ^4^ / {■> 344 345 346 ^347 V-' 'f f / f\ 0 ■%^4 c/c “348 -349 -350 ^51 Cc 4 ^352 ^4^ ^4lf, 355 ^ ^ 356 '"d j '357 4rtuc^ ^ -358 d(^if 3 -359 i' i 360 '361 (7) / ■ ' ^ 363 3 -364 ^^ 4 * 4 / ^ 6 365 .4/// -366 ^ /. / / CK / 6 367 /•/-i ^ . 36'8 ^ ^ ^ -369 - ■ if?;; ^372 .9. 16 An Apologie for Paris, for rejecting of Juno and Pallas, and presenting of Ate's Golden Ball to Venus hond. l649 Analecta, or a Collection of some of the choicest Notions ih, 1693 A Treatise on the second Sight, Dreams, and Apparitions Edinh. 1763 Andrew, (Bishop) on Ceremonies, Lond, l653 Adagii Turcheschi con la Parafrasc, Lanti naet Italiana A Phenix, or solemn League and Covenant Editib. Ascham's Toxophilus, the Schole of Shooting, by Walters Wrexham f 1788 Another Copy Aim for Fimbury Archers, •with portrait and plan of Finsbury, exeremely rare 1738 Ambrosiani de Antiquis Baptism! Ritibus, ac Caeremoniis Agitur Par, I6I8 A Contemplation of Mysteries, black letter, wants Title- - Apophthegms, by King James 1st, by W. Stratton, Lond. l650 3/^ and select Maxims, by Charles 1st delivered at several Times, and upon several Occa- sions, by King James, Charles 1st, the Marquess of Worcester, Francis Lord Bacon, and Sir Thos. Moore, with their portraits ib. l658 of the Marquis of Worcester, with three portraits new and old, by Lord Bacon ib. l625 Aphorismes, &c. of King Charles 1st, collected by Watson, with portrait of Charles ib. 166I A Catalogue of the Names of all such who were summon’d to any Parliament, (or reputed Parliament) from the Year 1 640 to i66l ib. 1661 Ayres’s Lyric Poems ih. Answer to Plato Redivivus ib. A Dialogue betvveene a Doctor and Student, black letter printed by Thos. Wight, Angier, (John) an Helpe to better Hearts for better Times L() 7 id. 1647 Anthologia Historica, containing fourteen Centuries of me- morable Passages and remarkable Occurences - ih. 1674 Amours, (the) of Messalina, late Queen of Albion, in th'ee Partt — The Amours of the French King with the late Queen of Albion, with portraits ib. l6S9 Angel’s General History of Ireland, 2 v. Dub. 1750 Albert Secrets Merveilleux, cwnfig. a Lion, 1729 An Antidote against Drunkenness, being the Drunkard’s Looking-Glass Lond. 171^2 Apuleius Platonicus Amst. 1628 Auli Gellii Noctes Atticae ib. 1666 Anacieontis et Sapphonis Carmina, Gr. Lat* Salmuri, 166O 1687 168 1 1598 ,Francofurti, l60l Flexicey l624< ab. Hen. Stephano, 1570 Lo7id. 1647 Amst. 1709 Lips. ]6’35 Amst. 1704 $ '384 « '385 > /1 386 • 0!387 '388 h -389 7 - // 390 / 7^1 /(?, - 392 17 Arlstotelis Politica, Gr. Lat. Anthologia Epigrainmatum Graecorum Jnlerpretata ad verbu Carmine, Gr. Lat. Auli Persi Flacci Satirarum Apicii Coelii Arte Conquinaria, a Lister Alardi Pathologia Sacra Novi Testamenti Alstorphii Dissertatio Philologiaci Aelia LaeliaCrispisEpitaphium Antiquum, &c. Durdrechti, l6l3 A Dialogue hetweene two Neighbours, coiicernyng Ceremonyes in the first Yeare of Queene Mary, black letter, with portrait of Mary, by Delarm from Roane, by Michelwood 1554 A second Admonition to the Parliament, black letter no date A short Explanation of foreign Words as are made use of in Musick Books 1724 Apomazar dcs Significationis et Evcnmans des Songes Selon la Doctrine des Indiens, Perses, Egyptiens Par. 1581 Alkibla, a Disquisition upon worshipping towards the East 1728 A Treatise of Christian Renunciation Ascham Epistolae Col. A Hob. 1()11 A Confutacion of unwritten Verities, black letter, wants Title A Declaration of the Recantation of John Nichols, black let^ ter Loud. 1581 ib. 1596 A 0)^ yi, 393 'Wpgi ,\m 395 ti \ 4^396 4f'397 I ^ 399 i ?400 •^4401 0 6 402 Regiment in Englande, imp. by H. Bynneman, 1574 Lond. 1676 ib. 16'89 ib. 1707 403 { y 404 6 405 ' 406 Aphorismes of Christian Religion A Dialogue against Bishopps A Defense of the Ecclesiasticall black letter A Discourse on Divine Dreams A Display of Tyranny, 2.V. Athenian Sport A Narrative of an extraordinary Delivery of Rabbets, per- formed by Mr. John Howard, Surgeon, at Guildford, 1727 ; and eight more on the Rabbit-Woman, very cu- rious ^ A Record of Ancient Histories Lond. 1^8 1 Aubrey^s Miscellanies ib. 1721 A new Voyage into the Northern Countries, rare ib. 1674 Aminta del T'asso inVenetiapressoAldo, 159iJ Andrews's Anecdotes, &c. ancient and modern Lond. 1789 A bright burning Beacon, forewarning all wise Virgins to trim their Lampes against the comming of the Bride- w, N f groom, black letter imp. by H. Denman, 1580 A Prospect of the most famous Parts of the World, 7naps Lond. 1646 Ashton's Sermons ib. 177O Ayres's Lyric Poems ' ib. 1687 An Abridgement of the notable Worke of Polidore Vergile, by Tho. Langley, 5/ac4- imp. by Grafton, 1546 /// 18 \'Jm 'OAm I o!tt!4IO i2!>^412 413 ’ \^\6\414> //V 6(415 /j^; ^ 416 417 418 1 i iL.4 ” ■ \il .. / Jo t 1 i -t 1 / Ayc/ru^-- ■ V / 419 420 421 423 424 y 6(427 0 ^'4vhov^ j) I /// r, ;^^29 / // 6 *^-30 /\/0 ^431 ^ 4 432 ' *7 L / 6 1433 Archimedis Arenariu*;, Gr. Lait. Oxm^ 1676 Antonin Liberalis Metamorphoses, Gr. Lat. Bat, 1676 A Memorial of ancient British Piety Land. 1761 A Relation of a Voyage to Buenos Ayres ib, 1716 Akenside and Dyer’s Poems, 3 v. ib, 1776 Agreeable Variety, in two Parts, M. G. L. ib, 1717 Aristotle’s Art of Poetry Lond, 1709 A short Account of Scotland ib, 1/02 Aleyn’s History of Henry the 7th, a Poem ib, l638 Admonition direct to the trew Lordis Mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authorities M. G. L, imp. by J, Daye, 1571 A^ short lnuento)y of eertayne idle Inuentions, black letter, very rare printed" by Tho, Marsh, 1581 A Juniper Lecture, voith the Description of all Sorts of Women, good and bad, very rare Lond. 1^3 9 St. Athanasius’s Orations, translated by Parker Oxf, 1713 A Course of Catechising throughout the Year, portrait and plates Lond. 1^74 Addison’s Poems, portrait and plates ib. 1719 A new Dictionary of the Canting Crew — The Scoundrell’s Dictionary 1754 A Treatise of the Nobilitie of the Realme Lond. l642 Amusemens Serieux et Comiques Amst, 1709 An Epitome of all the Lives of the Kings of France, with their portraits Lond. 1^39 Anthologia Poemata ib. lf)84 Atterbury’s Epistolary Correspondence, 4 v. ib. 1783 QUARTO. A Lanterne Light for Loyall Subjects, or a Terrour for Tray tours l603 A Packe of Spanish Lyes 1588 An Exhortation to stirre up the Mindes of all Her Ma- jestie’s faithful Subjects to defend their Country in this dangerous Time from the Inuasion of Enemies, very rare 1583 A Declaration of the Causes mouing the Queene’s Majestie of England, to prepare and send a Navy to the Seas, for the Defence of Her Realms against the King of Spaine’s Forces, very scarce, Lond. 1596 — Orders set downe by the Duke of Medina, Lord General of the King’s Fleet, to be observed in the Voyage towards England, very rare 1588 A particular Declaration or Testimony of the Undutifull and Traiterous borne against Her Majestie, by Edmond Campion and others 1582 A VVatek-vvorde for Warre 1596 ■4 J ■' (436 // 437 / ° 1439 440 u fo 441 -j442 a 0(443 ^i<^44 '. 7445 - S' 0 446 M>50 16 4bl ^ /(^-|454 y455 : 7 ” ■*56 i i ‘458 19 A true and summarie Reporte of the Declaration of the Earle of Northumberland's T reasons ^xery rare 1585 A Li bell of Spanish Lies, rare 1596 A short Declaration of the Ende of Traytors and false Conspirators against the State and the Dutie of Sub- jects to there Soveraigne Governour, xery rare. See Ames, p. 356 and ^70 Lond. 1587 A Discourse Concerning the Spanish Fleete, Invading England in the Year 1 588 , overthrown by Her Majesties Navie, with a copperplate, representing the Spanish Armada, xery rare 1590 A true Account of the late bloody and inhumane Conspi- racy against his Highness the Lord Protector l654 A Declaration of his Highness the Lord Protector upon his Dissolution of the Parliament of England, 22d Jan. 1654, with his portrait A Sermon preached at the Funeral of Walter Earle of Essex, and Ewe Earle Marshall of Irelande, &c. 157^, with Genealogy, cuts 1577 A moral Methode of Ciuile Policie, black letter 1576 An Elegie on the Murder committed at Colchester upon the Persons of the Two most Incomparable Sir Charles Lucas and Sir George Lisle l648 A discovery and playne Declaration of sundrie subtill Practises of the Holy Inquisition of Spayne, black letter, I569 Another Copy, and the Original thereof l625 An Ocean of I’ears, or a World of Sorrowes A profitable Booke, declaring dyures approved Remedies, to take out Spotes and Staines in Silkes, Velvets, and Woollen Clothe * 1556 A Beacon set on Fire l652 A Second Beacon fired, humbly presented to the Lord Protector j654 Beacon quenched 1653 A spiritual Snap'sacke for the Parliament Souldiers 1^43 A Letter of Comfort to Richard Cromwell, Esq. alias Lord Richard, alias Richard, Protector 1^59 A true and ful Relation of the Officers and Armies forcible- seizing of divers eminent Members of the Commons House, Dec. 6 and 7, l6'48 Lond. printed in the Yeare, l648 A Qvip FOR AN UPSTART CouRTiER; or, a quaint Dispute betweene Veluet Breeches and Cloth Breeches, wherein is set downe the Disorders in all Estates and Trades, with portraits Lond. printed by G, P. l620 Ariostos Satrys, in 7 Discourse, by G. Markham ib 16O8 A true Report of all the Proceedings of Grave Mavris before the Towne of Bercke ib. 160I A Prophesie that hath lyen hid above these 2000 Yeares, ib. 16IO A Sovldiif's wish vnto hisSovereigne Lord King James ib. l603 Co / . %' 20 \y (^isar de Magnis ct Unctionibus : armoz Reuolu- tioni bus : aceop Profectionibus : oclo et tines Tractatus, curious plates imp. Venet. 1515 ^ 465 A most excdlent Historic of the Institution and Firste begin- ning of Christian Princes and the Original of Kingdomes ; whereunto is annexed, a Treatise of Peace and Warre, and another, of the Hignitie of Marriage, black letter printed by H. Bynneman, 1570 466 Allan’s (George) Collections, relating St. Edmond’s Plospi- ta), atGateshevcd,in the County of Durham — Edowments of Durham Cathedral — Life of Bishop Trevor, portrait — Sherborne Hospital, &c. presentation copy, very scarce and curious. — See M. S. Note A new Plot, newly discovered, by the Helpe of the London Bell-man — Martin, Mark, all his Apologie to the Bell- man of London 1610 Astle’s ('I'homas) Origin and Progress of ^yriting, large paper Lond. 1803 frst Edition, plates, large paper ib. 1784 467 7/ 4 ll ^3 (^469 i y 470 A LookmgCrlasse for all true-hearted Christians, fnmtispiece, ib. l642 . ^ 471 A 'J'eiiimonie ol the true Church of God confirmed, black , lettet no date S -472 An Account of the Rise and Foundation of Gresham Col- J lege in London 1707 ' y 473 A Pent in the Lawne Sleeves, or Episcopacy eclypsed Lond. l641 47 s* A Briefe of the Puritan Persecution of the Protestant Clergy of f the Ch ‘ rch of England, rare iby l648 V 0 474 A Sermon preached in London by a faithfull Minister of > Christ ib. 1641 "V A Checke, or Beproqfe of M. Howled s untimely shreeching in her Majesties Ear, black letter I imprinted at London by Thomas Dawson, 1581 21 [/i ■/ <^477 /A -,^78 7,4 (475 A brieff Vise ours off the Troubles hegoune at Franctford in Ger* many^ \bbF^ ahoute the Booke of Common Frayer-and Cere^ Jj / monies^ black letter 157 b ~ Abridgeinewt of the Charter of the City of London I6'a0 Ashmore's (John) certain selected Odes of Horace English- ed, and their Arguments annexed, whereunto are added, both in Latin and Elnglish, sundry new Epigrames, Ana- .fj grams, Epitaphes, &c. rare Land. l52X ^/i' A Defence of the Minister's Reasons for Refusal of sub- scribing to the Booke of Common Prayer, and of Con- formitie, three Parts, imprinted, l607 and l6'08, Morocco^ gilt leaves A Fourme, to be used, of Common Prayer, twise aweeke;^ and also an Order of Pubiique Fast, to be used every Wednesday in the \Yeeke during this Time of Mortalitie, and other Afflictions wherewith the Realme, at this pre- /y sent, is visited, black letter 1553 / 479 480 481 482 \i'L Ui J4., 1483 484 nt A 485 485 487 488 489 490 Akenside's Poems Land. 1773 Antiquary Tracts. — Short Account of some Particulars concerning Doomes-Day Book, 1756~-Short Account of Danegeld, 1755 — Webb’s Account of a Copper Table, 1750, ylates — Pettingal’s Latin Inscription on the Cop- per Table discovered, in the Year 1732-1750 — Disserta- tion upon the Fascia or Legend, 1753 Eleven various, plates, 1775, &c. Astrology and Magick (curious I'racts on) — Warren’s IMagick and Astrology vindicated, 1751 — Lilly’s Annus Tenebrosus, or the Dark Year, curious cuts, l552 — Lilly on Eclipses, l552 — Vision of John Perrot, l582 Booker's bloody Irish Almanack, l545 — Wharton’s Ire- lande's Warre, l547 — Heydon’s (John) Method of Rosie Crucian Physicks, l558 — Elias Ashmole’s Way to Bliss l558 Arnot’s Collection and Abridgement of celebrated Trials in Scotland Edinb. 1785 Ainsworth's Latin and English Dictionary, Bussia Load. 1783 Arnot's (Hugo) History of Edinburgh, plates Edinb. 1779 Articles to be enquired in the Visitation in the first Yeare j of the Raignc of our most Soveraigne Lady Elizabeth 1559 in Visitacions to be had, within the Diocese of Can- )(PYI V L /ml ' 491 / JZ J 4.92 I fin ,/ terbury, in the Yeve of Edward VI. 1548, wanting title Ascham^s (Roger) Toxophilus, the Schole of Shootinge, black letter^ perjecty with MS. title, Jirst edit, very rare imp. by Thomas Marshe, 1571 An exact Narrative of the Tryal and Condemnation of John Twyn, and others, for Sedition, 1554 — Tryals of /> the London Apprentices l558^^' Aschairls (Roger) Schoolmaster, black letter. Loud, printed by Abell Jeff eSy 1589 — Toxophilus, the Schole of Shoot in ge, * black letter printed by Abell Jeff es, 1589 d7> 22 iipS Alfonsina. Apopbthegmata Caesarum Hanov. \6i\ 14*54 A Parte of a Register, contayninpe sundry I Memorable Matters, •written by divers godly and learned in our time^ •which stande for and desire the Reforma- tion of our Church jin Diicipline and Ceremonies acrordinge to the pure Worde of God, and the Law o f our Landcj very rare, no printer s name or date — See MS. notes, by Mr. Brand, and others, giving an Account of the Authors men- tioned in this Work — It was Mr. Arne’s Copy, and has his Autograph. A ricn Store-House for the Distressed, by A. T. black letter Bond. 1596 A short Discourse of the most rare and excellent Nature of I Nitre, black letter imp. by Gerald Dewes, 1584 ^^6*The Flower of Physic, black letter 1 590 495 496 f ✓ \y c/ iii ' 497 { ^ 499 3 V 500 >501 3 6 502 ^cJO.'y 503 504 505 iL a. 'A i '^or 4io f j;; FOLIO. Appiani Alexandrini Romanorum Historiarum Grzece Luet. ap Steph. 1 5 .5 1 Alabaster Spiraculum Tabarum, Pleb. Lat. Lmd. l633 Aeneae Sylvii Opera Basil, An Account of Lord Castlemain’s Embassy, from James II. to Pope lunocent XI. plates Loud. 1688 Aedes Barberinae, cumfg. Rom. 1647 Aurigarium Speculum Nauticum, cum Mappis Mahiimis Amst . 1.591 Eoethio Scotorum Historiae Par. 1574 Brady’s (Rob.) Tracts and Glossary Loud. l684 Baker’s (Sir R.) Chronicle of England ib. l6'43 Blount’s Law Dictionary and Glossary ib. 1717 Boissard Parnassus Biceps, figures, par de Bry Francofw ii. l6‘27 Blcndel’s 'I'reatise of the Sibyls Bond. l()6l Bro^Wne’s ( Wm.) Britannia’s Five Pastorals, or Songs, first edit. Bond, printed for Geo. Norton, l6l3 British (I’he) Apollo, or curious Amusements for the In- genious, 3 V. > ib. Burton’s Ecclesiastical History of Yorkshire, York, 1758 Bullet Memoires sur la l.angue Celtique, 3 tom. aBesan^on, 1759 23 THIMB BAY’S SALE, FRIDAY, May 8, 180: OCTAVO AND T\yELVES. //|613 , '514 ^ -515 Art^s Improvement, byT. S. Lond. 1703 A Triple Cure of a Triple Malady 16T6' An Addition Declaratorie to the Bulles, with a Searching of the Maze, black letter imp. by John Daycy Z ^ 5l6 A Centurie of Historical Applications ,, iLith a Taste of Poeti- cal Fictions ib. 1^58 Almanack's (seven curious) for 1(304 (three curious) for l6'28, l652, and 1712 i/T 517 . ^519 / a518 ^ '520 / - <;<; A critical Enquiry into the Causes of Prodigies and Miracles, as related by Historians * ih. 1727 Agreement (The) of the Customs of the East Indians with 521 J 7 522 f '0^/523 ' 0,d524 i; ^525 \ 6 526 527 j /528 / 6 529 those of the Jews American Poems, selected and original printed at Lit cl field, in America, Agrippa's Vanity of Arts and Sciences Alexandreidos Poemata. Corio Turcico Ayres (Philip) the fortunate Fool The re-uniting of Christianity Lyric Poems ib. 1705 IngOlstadi, Lond. ik Lepiz. Lond. 167^ 1541 1670 1673 1687 1794^ 1551 ^ 530 ,-v531 ^ 0 532 ? f533 / /534 3 <$i 535 Arnold's English and German Grammar Abredgment of the Statutes, b. 1. A Commentary in English, upon Paul's Epystle to the Ephesyans, b. 1. Comb. 1540 Adley (John) the Rule of the World, b, 1. wants title imp. by H. Bynneman, A new Catalogue of living Authors Lond. 1799 Aleyn (Cha.) the Battailes of Crescey and Poictiers, a Poem if). 1635 Armstrong's History of Minorca ib. 1756 Ancient Songs ib. 179^ Alcieti Emblema, cum fig. Lug. Bat. 1584 — Sambuci Em- blemata, cum fig. Antv. 1684— Junii Emblemata 1/ug. Bat. 1585 f , 9 (A vt^ YjUt^ ^coti/cf C cUi/aA,i(ji j' ^^CUtnC^& 2)cC4.clm >/.04X ] "^36 N ^37 -<' /bs ^539 J - 340 /4 !541 1542 j ^443 ^ '1^44 /(> 1545 -554 ^55 /|556 X) b 557 ■/ 558 > 7559 4^ 3 560 ^ /56l / 0/56‘2 - 6'563 i /564 >/ 6 565 JisJ4 Alciati Emblema, cum Jig, Lugduni. 1556 Arfs best Directions, who to preserve Beauty or procure it Oxf. 1665 An Account of the Escape of Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester, ;7/j^e5 ib, 1803 AnnalesTAlfredi Magni, a wise Oxon. 1722 A Dialogue betweene a Soldier' of Arwicke AND AN English Chaplain, black letter, wants title. This was the first Piece which was published by the Puri^' tans, which afterwards caused so much Bloodshed and dc^ vastatioii by that Sect and their adherents Answer to Martin and other Heretical Sects, h, 1. wanting the two first leaves An Exposition touching all the Bokes of Holy Scripture, b. L — Laplace’s Treatise of the Excellencie of a Christian Man, b, 1. 1589 An Apologicall Epistle ’ prmted at Antwerp, 16OI Ashton’s (Philip) strange Deliverance from Pirates, and his living alone l6 Months on a desolate Island 1720 Austin (Wm.) PJcec Homo, wherein the Excellency of Woman is described, with portraits of Mrs. Mary Griffiths and the ■ Author, by Glover Land. 1 639 Addison’s present state of the Jews ib. l6S2 Leak’s Poems ib. 1789 Addison’s Poetical Works ■ Glasg. I760 Aylett’s (Rob.) the Bride's Ornaments Loiid. 1625 An Enquiry into Religion and the Use of Reason ib. 1743 A Treatise of the Barons of the Realinc, touching the Barony of Abergavenny, wants title Arbitrary Government displayed to the Life l682 Arnway (John) the Tablet of Moderation of Charles I. Martyr ib. 1661 the first edition ib. l650 Albius Tabulae Sutfragialas ib, 1655 A new Voyage into the Northern Countries ib. l674 An Harmon) of the Confessions of the Faith of the Chris- tian and Reformed Churches Catnb. imp, by T. Thomas, 1586 Alcqrn de Mahomet, par du Ryer Anvers. 171.9 A short Treatise on Politike Power 1556 Angler’s Vademecura, 168I — and several Tracts bound with it An Essay on the Study of Antiquties Offi. 1782 Alciati Emblematat, cum fig. Par. l66S A Critical and Historical Account of all the celebrated Libraries Lond. 1739 Agrippos de Occulta Philosophia, cww fig. Par. 156*7 Abingdon’s Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Wor- cester Lond^ 1723 25 : , f 566 \ ^ 567 “568 yo /^69 570 571 ^ “578 / X 57^9 / ^/580 . 6 581 Angllae Speculum Morale Lend. 169 $ A Discourse against unequal Marriages i5. 1697 A Looking Glasse for married Folkes" 16IO An Account of Alien Priories, 'plates, 2 v. ib. 1779 A most true and exact Relation of ,thiit as honourable as unfortunate Expedition of Kent, Essex,' and Colchester ^ ih. 1650 An Inquiry into the State of ancient Weights and Measures Lond. 1721 ib. 1688 ih. 1726 ib. 1750 Par. 1694? Land. 1705 /572* Allix on the Old and New Testament 573 Acta Regia, portraits, 4 v. ^ / 574 Art of Painting in Miniature ‘ 575 Arliquiana, ou les Rons Mots Addison's Travels, L. P. A Manuall of Praiers Antiquities of the Abbey or Cathedrall Church of Durham Newcastle, 17^7 Aubrey's Miscellanies Lohd. 1714 A Synopsis of Heraldry, cuts i5.'l682 Account of Martyrs, at Smyrna and Lyons, in the second Century Pd'mb. 1776 Ames's Catalogue of English Heads Lbnd.- 1748 Algarotti on Painting ib. 1/64 Another Copy Askham, (Antliohy) a little Herbal, btacU letter printed by John Kynge, ^juaaa/^ 7 582 583 - 584 ^585 ^1/586 y 0 587 i /■ 588 1550 ~ ~ ~ An Essay on Design, &c. M. G. L.' 1749 A new Martyrology, or the Blco'dy Assizes, ' portraits, with the Life of Lord Chancellor Jeffreys Load. 1693 A short Account of ancient Chivalry, and a Description of Armour ^^589 An Historical Essay on the true Rise of Nobility I/I8 590 Anderson's Exposition upon Benedic'tus, black’ letter imp. by Middleton ' An Essay towards the Theory of the intelligible World, 7 are. (./) / See Mr. B.^s M. S'. Note ' ' Arherica, or an exact Description of the West Indies ' l655 // / A Manuall of Praiers printed^at CdRce, \S99 59I' ^I^ClaoCcA y 592 '1 / 593 594 Astrological 7 Almanacks, &c. by Lilly Partridge, &:c. " 595 Academy (the) of Compliments Umd^ l643 '*■596 Annual Necrology ib. 1800 ^597 St. Augustinds Meditations, h. I, icifh plates' round the margin ' imp. by J. Daye, 1574 598 A clear Display on the Trinity Lojid.^ 1773 599 Almon's extinct Peerage of England ib. 1769 6(^ Ahthrophosophia Theomagica, &c. ib., \S50 601 Angaelorum SpecitlUift, or'the Worthies of England'’^ i5» i684 c/ciyy, f \ XA trV\A^ OocJCtyy Q4 26 iU / >7 <’602 ^ ) 603 "5 '605 A - 6 o 6 607 608 / 609 '^oivc^ / « 6l0 CeftO^ /A . / 4II Jo ^ 6i4 f'fo) ’ V ^■«;» cjyct^e/^i, 0 >. 6'20 (?2 1 < isj taZL 3^11 J/iU / h . 62^ ^/<*^Jc i 626 'y/c(/1'^(aA/ 0 oJ ^ \d'{l 629 /^1^30 (633 An Account of several Workhouses ib. \732 Agrippa’s Occult Philosophy and Geomancy i 783 Abrege et Methodique du Blason , 1702 An Address to the hopeful Young Gentry of England, Lond. 1669 Adventures of an English Merchant taken Prisoner by the Turks at Algiers ib. 167O An Answer to a Popish Treatise written to the Lords of the Council ib. 15^3 Apophthegmes of the Ancients, Englished by Wall, black letter imp. by J. Kingston^ 15^4 A Discourse on Fish and Fish Ponds Lond. 1715 Addison^s Works of Petronius Arbiter, in Prose and Verse ib. 1736 Aviragus and Philicia, as it was acted at the private House, in Black-fryars, by his Majesties Servants 1^)39 Athenian Oracle, 4 v. Lond. 1/04 Alabastro (Guiel.) Roxana Traga?dia ^ ih. l63f A compleat History of the Lives and Exploits of Highway- men, Pirates, &c. cuts A ^varning Piece against the Crime of Murder — Fielding on Murders 1752 A Tabki collected of the Yeres of our Lorde Godj and of the ' Yeres of the Kynges of Englande, fro the first Yere of WiL lyam Conquerour, black letter, rare, imp. by J. Kyngston, no date Avison's Essay on Musical Expression Lond. 1752 Another Edition ib. 1775 Balthasari Lexicon Latino, Grsecum ib. l630 Boscobel, or the compleat History of his Most Sacred Ma- jesties Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, plates I68O Bacon* s Essaises, l6l2 — Johnsons Essaics, xery rare I6T3 Blount's (Sir T. P.) Essays 1691 Browne Hydriotaphia Urne Buriall 1658 Blount (Edward) Ars Aulica, or the Courtiers Arte Lond. I607 Barksdale’s Memorials and Remembrance, 3 v. ib. 1661, 1662, & 1670 Bickham Delicae Britannic®, Portrait of Rafaelle de Ur- bino . ‘ Lond. 1742 Becon, (Thomas) the Fortress of the Faythfull, black letter lb. by Daye, 1550 Brodrick (Thomas) Historia Sacra, portraits ib. 1705 Bedle, (Thomas) the Princelie Progresse of the Church Mi- litant ib, 1610 Brietii Acute Dictaomnium Veterum Poetarum Latinorum Par. 1664 Bailey's Antiquities of London ■ Lond. 1734 Bpcace pleasaunt Dispost of divers Noble Personages, 5 /gc/: letter imp. by H. Byjinemany 1567 Bulkley, (Charles) ^jhe Christian Minister Ijond. 1758 A J635 ^ y6s6 ^ ^ 637 I ' 638 ; ^640 \ 7641 1 ^ 642 Z -643 i ^44 (645 -^646 / /647 ^0 648 649 1 >50 />51 / d 652 >' 0/6*53 •2 0654 3 6 655 \{\ '656 .'^!-j657 ^ " 1 65 8 659 660 661 7 ^ 662 'f663 27' Blagrave's Supplement, or Enlargement to Culpepper's English Physitian, with 'portrait ib. l674 Blount's Dictionary of Hard Words ib. 16TO Baxter's (Richard) Gairm an de Mhoir, Glassacha 1750 Blizard's Lecture on the Situation of the large Blood Ves- sels of the Extremeties ib. 1803 Baldwin's Airopaidia Chester^ 1786 Bourignon's Light of Darkness, with portrait Loud. 1703 Boscobel History of King Charles's Escape ib, 1728 Balzac's Letters, Englished by Sir R. Barker, portrait ib, l655 Beaumont on Spirits - ib. 1735 Burn's (John) Historical Remembrancer — N, B. The Author was born Deaf and Dumb Dub, 1775 Bonefonii Carmina Lond, 1720 Barnes's Rights of the Imperial Crown of Ireland asserted . and maintained Dub, 1799 Boulton (Sam.) Medicina Magica I^ind. l665 By-Laws of the City of London ib, 1769 Brydge's Sonnets and other Poems ib. 1795 Beza Poemata Hanov. 1598 Poemata Varia 1599 Poemata Lond, 1713* Bastwick Flagellum ib. l641 Flagellum ib, l635 Beacon (Tho.) the sicke Man’s Salve, bach letter ib. 1607 Bacon (Lord) the Felicity of Queen Elizabeth and her Times ib, l63l Bates (Geo.) the Troubles of England ib, l685 Bale (John) the Image of both Churches, black letter ib. imp. by John Duye Birkenhead ( Sir John ) Two Centuries nf St. BauVs Church Yard., extremely rare. Often quoted in Dr. Grey’s edit, of Butler’s Hudibi as Blount ('Tho.) Ancient Tenures of Land and Jocular Customs / / « OMcJl o \/7itcu4- “ Lxii.xoCl'<*A c(^ 3^ • Q| fVK wu, (-^^(JO/r ^^CIAj/Y- vx^< fr£. U'YiA 0>^ m 7S69 7 670 ^,^71 6 672 ^ 673 ' (>74 7 675 ^ 676 -677 a b /; 2 3 2 2 4 678 '679 ^680 - 681 7 682 0 683 /684 6 685 y686 6 687 Bibliotheca Chethamensis, ^ib Radcliflfe, 2 v. Mtincunii, 1791 Booke of Common Prayer, Irish and Eng. Jjond, Bartholini de Tibiis Veterum Horn. I677 Bulstrode’s (Sir Rich.) Odes and Lettei-s Lond» 1712 Miscellaneous Essays ib. J715 Bcverlandi Opera, 2 v. 1679 Bos\vortl7s Poems, wants title Bulwer (J.) Chirologia, cuts Bowden^s Poems Bradden^s Narrative of the iSIurder of Arthur !■ E^sex Blackstone^s Commentaries, 4 v. Bossf-. Traite des Manieres de Graver ' PAirain, avec fig. Bolin^broke on Parties ^688 -689 Lond. 1644 Bath, 1754 Earl of 1729 Bub. 1775 en laille-Douce sur ■Bar. 1701 . 1755 Bchn’s (Mrs.) the unfortunate Bride, or, blind Lady a Beauty • , 1700 Bingham's (Joseph) Works, 10 v. Land. 1722 Brooke’s Gazetteer ib. 1804 Bible and Testament in Greek, by Beza Bilson (Tho.) on Christian Subjection printed by Jackson 1586 Blake’s Silver Drops Browne (Sir Tho.) Posthumous Works, portrait and plates . . Loud. 1712 ib, 1713 and Essay ^ 1732 British Curiosities in Nature and Art Barrington’s Miscellanea Sacra, 2 v. 1725- ^690 Burn’s Justice of the Peace, 4 9. ^C(/y}C^695 k 696 Bosse Le Penitre Converty, &c. The Art of Graving and Etching, platca Bat. 1667 1662 1740 1783 1642 3 7 J ^(k/^P^AJ J i'' Barba on Mines, Metals, and Minerals Barry’s Account of Pictures Bird's Magazine Baronis de Fide Ejusqueortu et Natura, plana ac dilucida Explicatio, raris Load, ap Daye, 1580 Boyd’s Voyages to Barbary, ib. 1736 Baltimore (Lord) Tour to the East ib. 1767 Bayley^s Practice of Piety, gilt leaves, printed at Edynburgh .by Jacob Williams, for the good of Great Britain Behren’s Natural History of Hartz-Forest 1730 Beauties of. Natural Histor), ci/^5 1777 Burton’s (V/rn.) Christian’s heavenly Treasure l6’08 Bauldwii/s Treatise of JMoral Philosophy, black letter 7io date Bonne Atlas Maritime de France, avec carte, colored Par. Beaumont’s (Sir H.) Moralities 1753 Bray’s (Wm.) Tour into Derbyshire and Yorkshire, plates L(md. 1783 / “698 - 699 7-00 701. ‘■702 ' 703‘ * 704 - 705 7706 6707 708 709 710 Brooke's (Fulke LordJ learned and elegant Workes ih. 1633 Barlaei rerum per octennium in Brasilia, Clitis. l660‘ BAZIAIKON AOPON, or his Majesties Instructions to his ^ ) 712 \ 0 713 { '71+ yT\S ' i 716 3^717 // 0 '721 a - 722 *>/ / ^ 723 y ^ ^ 724 Lond. Antverp, Lond, 718 719 720 Edinb. 1603 1533 1620 1675 1723 I68I 1676 1770 1786 1792 1775 1785 725 . 726 ^ / 727 ^6 728 y 729 730 7 / 732 4 A (> 733 dearest sonne Henry the Prince Barlanduin Diahjgi Booke of Cookerie Barnes’s Gernia Bohun’s Privilegia Londini Burton’s Apprentices Companion Brydal’s short View of London Bateman’s Royal Ecclesiastical Gazetteer Bannantyne’s ancient Scottish Poems Barretti’s Tolondron Budian’s (Earl of) Lives and Writings of Fletcher and Thomson British Chronologist, 3 v. Boswell’s (Jas.) Tour to the Hebrides with Dr. Johnson, Jirsi ed, l ery scarce Ballanger and others Concordance to the Bibkj black letter imp. by Walter Lyimey 1550 Browne’s Map of the Microcosme, ora Morall Description of Man Lond. j642 Blount's Micro-cosmographie, or a Peece of the World discovered in Essayes and Characters ib. l628 Another copy The same 1650 Baconi Aurati Magni Angliae Sigilli Custodies de Sapien- tia , ib. 1617 Bacon’s (Sir F.) Essays ib. 17I8 Bruyere’s Characters of the Manners of the Age, ib. 1705 Batavia, or the Hollander displayed ib. 1672 Bergerac’s Satyrical Characters ib. 1658 Bvehannon (Geo.) Detectioan of the Dtdnges of Marie Queene of Scoftes, touchand the Murder of her Husband, and her Conspiracie, Adulterie, and pretensed Marriage, with the Erie Bofhwell, and an Defence of the trewe Lordis Main-^ teineris of the Kingis Graces, Aciioun, and Authoritie, re- markable rare, black letter, no date. J he Copie of a Let- ter, written by one in London to his friend, >concernying the Credit of the late published Detection of the Doynges of the Ladle Marie of Scotland, imp. at Edinburgh, by Robert Lekpreuick, Printer to the King’s Majestie, 1598— r Fleetxvood (Wm.) Recorder of London- — Declaration made in the Guildhall, concerning the late attemptes o f the Queue’s Majestie’ s evil, seditious, and disobedient Subjects, imp. by Daye, 1571 — A Discourse tofuching the pretended Match her ifveene the Duke of Nofolkt and the Queene of Scottes CuAA/tiuJ^J^ 0^ Jfa { ^ ' li '/ J /3 /o y 30 734 hen Gortons (Joseph ) compendious and most maruelovs His- tory of the latter Times of the Jcxvs Commonueale • Loud. 1()0S 735 Beaumont’s Love’sr JMissives to Virtue, with Essaies ib. l66'0 73(5 Blount (Edward) on flistory, &c. •wants title 7 "^^7 Bacon’s (Fran.) Essayes, Religious Meditations, Places of Perswasion and Disswasion, seene and allow'cd ib. 1597 738 Buone*s (Tho.) Problem es of Beautie and all Humane Jffec- tions, •written in Italian, translated by Letmard, rare ib. 1()05 739 Bird-Fancier’s Delight _ib. 1714 740 ‘Buchanan’s Ancient Scotch Surnames, with an Account of the Highland Clans Edinb. 177>^ 741 Bulengero deConviviis Lugdwii, 1627 QUARTO.- 742 A TongueCombat between Two Soldiers Land. 1620- 743 Andreini I'Adamo Sacra Rajmesentatione, con fg. ^lilan. I6'l7 744 Ayscu’s Historic of the Warres, Treaties of Marriages, betweene England and Scotland Lund. X607 745 Autonini Iter Britanniarum ib. 1709 746 Alexander (SirVV.) Dooinesday, or the great Day of the Lord’s Judgement Edinb. l6l4 747 Aristophanis inter Comicos Summi, Ranae Greece 748 Aristenaj Epistolie Graece Antwerp, ap Riant. 1565 749 A VERY Ancient Treatise on Palmistry, blac/c letter, cuts no date 750 ACollection of most rare Tracts, published DURING THE ReIGN OF QuEEN ElIZABETII. 1. J’he Extract of certaine Letters^ written ,out of the Campe before Groning, Lond. 1594 — 2. A briefe Rela- tion of what is happened since the last of August, 1598, ‘ ‘ by commingof the Spanish Campe into the-Dukedome of Cleve, &c. Lond.^ 1599— -3. The Answere of the Lords of the Estates Generali of the United Provinces^ to the Archduke of Austria, Middleburgh, 1594, after- wards at I.ond. 16 pages — 4. True Intelligence concern- ing the Estate oLthe English Forces now in France, un- ' dor the Earle of Essex, Lond. 1591? 8 pages — 5. The Letter of the Emperour of Germanic to the Admirant of Arragon, Lowd 1599? 13 pages — 6. The Copy of a Letter sent by the French King to the People of Artoys - and Henault, &c, Lond. 1593, 5 pages — 7« Lawes and ' Ordinances set downe by Robert Earle of Leycester, &c. printed by Barker, no date, pdLges 10 — 8. A true Coppie of the Transportation of the Lowe Countries, Burgandie, See. Lond. 1598, 27 pages — 9. A Politike Discourse, most excellent for this Time present, Lond. 1589— =-J0, ■'Fhe Coppy of a Letter written by the Lord of Themines, 31 I I 1 757 \ 758 ^7759 / 1 “■ 76*0 461 v62 ■4, V -76'r /;'76'8 <^770 < 6 771 72 • &:c. Lpwi/. 156^, 15 pages — 11. Directions from t!;'e King to the Governors of the Provinces, concerning the Death of the Duke of Guise, Land, 1589, pages 8 — 12 A Letter written by the King of Navarr to the Three Estates of France, Loud, 1589, 21 pages — 13. The French Kijige’s Declaration, 799 I 1 800 ' /i , / ° 1801 ■‘I -1802 '/ H I J / 7 7 / / 803 804 -1*05 (^>ho6 807 808 809 810 811 ^ d 3 ^ 812 813 814 y ;1815 /’■ a 8x6 - 61 sir J -1818 i 0\ 820 33 Bellingen I’Etymologle desProverbes Francois alaHaye, l65S Basset’s Curiosities, or Cabinet of Nature Lond, l6Z7 ^ Browne (Tho.) a Legacy for the Ladies, or Characters, of the Women ol the Age ib, 1705 Brathwayte (Rich.) Times Curtaioedrawne, or the Anato- mic of Vanitie 1621 Barnes Estherias Historia, Gr. Lah ' ib,- 1679 Barbiere ( Jo.) the Famous Game of Chesse-’Flay, cuts, l673 — The most ancient and learned Flay, called the Philosophers Game, invented for the honourable Recreation of Studious, by W. F. black letter, cuts imp. by Rowland Hall, 1563 Bromley’s original Letters, Jj)nd» 1787 Burnaby’s Travels in North America ib. 1775 Baxter Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum, chart max ib. 1719 Bryant’s Observations on Rowley’s Poems, 2 v. ib. 1781 Buncles Memoirs of learned Ladies ib, 1755 Browne, (Anthony) on Physick, with his portrait ib. 1719 Bowles’s Aristarcus Oxf. 1748 Biblia Hebraica, et Novi Testament! Grecum Bradforde, (John) on Prayer and Sermons, black letter imp, by John Wight Barberini Poemata Oxon, 1726 Barlaeo Poemata, cum fig. Dordraci, 1643 Bibliotheca Heinsiana, priced, 2 v. Lug. Bat. l682 Baker (Henry) Medulla Poetarum Romanorum, 2 v. Lond. 1737 Bale’s Chronycle of Syr Johan Oldecastell, L. P. ib. 17^9 Burgi de Bello Suecico, cum fg. Leodii, l643 Brooke, (John) the Staffe of Christian Faith, black letter • ' imp. by Daye, 1577 Bos’s Antiquities of Greece Lond. 1772 Burney’s State of Musick in Germany, 2 v. ib. 1775 'M H-ccCla t.9^1 lA if/CA 821 Blake’s Account of the dreadful Fire at Blandford forum, 3 ' 7 "I 822 { -1823 / 824 I - 6i825 I /!826 I- 6,) 827 7 ai828 1/^829 !/ 6^830 'i(^ with plan of the Town Bos Ellipses Grsecm Beauties of the English Stage, 3 v, Bartholini de Tibius Veterum, cum fig. — ' de Unicornu Observationes ib. 1736 Lips. 1728 Lond. 1756 Amst, 1679 ib. 1678 Basil, ap Frohen, 1531 Argent. 1669 1658 Glass:, ap Foulis, 1751 831 $32 Bayiii de re Vestiaria, &c. Bernegeri Observationes, &c, Browne’s Hydriotaphia Urne-Burial Boetii Consolationis Philosophicae, Blount's antient Tenures of Land and jocular Customs of some Mannors Lond. \679 Bacon, (Thomas) the Reliques of Rome, black letter imp. by John Day Batt, (John) the Portraiture of Hypocrisie, black letter ib. by Robt. Robinson, 1589 / >T. tCoLt '. jJ O' «/ tf-vi // V si Ccy\A ^ 1 // A ■^\ %S5 QcMc/jUi ^H^ci, OdcuLci^A ^uUy / ^ i 847 8.48 /84, S4 Barnes, (Dr.) the Supplication to Kynge Henrye the Eygth, with the Declaration of his Articles condemned for Heresy by the Byshops, hlack letter printed by Hugh Singleton, no date Bunny, (Edmund) the Scepter of Judah imp. by A. Newton, 1584 Treatise of Paciiicatioii Barnaba) Epistola Oxon, l6S5 Brough’s Feasts and Fasts of the Church, l657 — The Holy- days of the Feasts and Fasts explained, cuts, l698 — Feasta Anglo-Romana 1578 Butler’s moveable Feasts, Diih. 1775 — Desacris Diebus Medionali, 1540 Boyers French and English Dictionary Lond. 1721 Browne’s (Moses) Angling Sports ib. 1773 Burgess’s (Bishop) Essay on the Study of Antiquities, Oxf. 1782 Baumgarten Antiquitatum Cliristianarum Hal. Mag. 1755 B?Jduinus de Calceo et Nigronius de Galiga Veterum, cum ,Jig. Lug. Bat. 1720 Brown’s (Sir T.) certain Miscellany Tracts Lond. l58l ■ (Bishop) of ,Corke and Rosse, two Treaties of Drinking in Remembrance of the Dead, both Parts, 1715 — Of Drinking Healths, 1715, very rare. For an Ac- count of this Bishop, see M. S, Note by Mr. Brand Bevili’s Treatise on the Law of Homicide Imd. 1799 Beckiijitli s Fragment a Antiquit ails York, 1784 Bromefield’s Account of the English Night Shades and their Edects . Lond. 1757 Basset’s (Robert) Curiosities, or Cabinet of Nature ib. l537 Baker’s original Poems, serious and humourous, L.P. ib. 1725 Balguy’s Tracts ib. 1734 Bulwer Anthropometamorphosis, Man Transformed ib. l550 /850 ys5i /0j852 0 4853 ^ -1854 Buswell’s Historical Account of the Knights of the Garter 1 7 < 6 856 ^ >857 - 0\858 /.r |s5o -S5l -^52 ' 1853 ib. 1757 Bloomfield’s Farmer’s Boy, plates ib. 1801 Boys /Eneas, his Errours, or ius Voyage from Troy into Italy ib. l55l Banters T Hen, in German, plates, 4 iv Berlin, 1778 Bossuet on Guiversal History Lond. 1685 Burnet, (Bishop) Vindication of the Church of Scotland Glasg. 1673 Basilc, (Theo,) the Christen State of Matrimony, black let- ter Biographical Cullecticns, or Lives and Anecdotes, 2 v. in 1 1755 Bourne, ( Henry ) ilntiqulfates Vidgares. See M. S. Note by Mr. Brand Newcastle, 1 72>5 Baker, (George) the Composition, or making of the mosie 55 i excellent arid pretiousOil, called Oleum Magi'strale, black Utter Land. 1574 ^ 8^ Buchannani Poemata Jmst. up f izev, ibjG / -865 Burroughes, (Jer.) the Excellency of a Gracious Spirit t. ^ Lo/td. i640 -866 Bulkleyj (J.) the Last- Day, a Poem, Morocco, gilt ieaxes // > ih, 1720 ^Jwi/y ^ :':867 Brerewood, (Edward) Enquiries touching the Diversity of , j Languages ib, 1^7^ ^ ^ 868 Biblia Sacra, ab Tremeliio Amst. 1628 '^^tyUy J -869 Bremond, (M.S.) the Pilgrama, pleasant History of Gal- ' lantry 168O ^ ^870 Bruce, (Robt;) Sermons and Tracts, Edinh. lo91-^Tymrae, / / (Thos.) a Silver Watch -Bell, black letter ^ ^ 871 Bristow (Rich.) Demandes to bee proposed of Catholickes y / to the Heretickes 872 Baron, (Robt.) thejCyprian Academy Lond, 1648 7 873 PocLila Castalia ib. 1650 0 874 Barclay's Alciphron, or the Minute Philosopher, 2 v. in I / j r Bub. 1732 6 U Brand, (John) Obsertations on popular Antiquities, interleaved / with many M.S. Additions, by Br. Cole, 3 v* Newcastle, 1777 * y 876 Black's Poems Ipswich, yy877 Book of Common Prayer Camb. 0j878 Browne, (Ed.) a Description of an annual World, and sa- CA 1799 1751 i *^881 ^ 0 882 f /883 Jo O 884 / J w,885 Londi 1641 ib. ih. 1635 ib. 1615 ib. 1633 ih. 1635 ib. 1611 Nature's Embassie, or the Wildeman’s Measure, Bond. 1621 — The Shepheard's Tales l621 cred Poems ^0 879 Bold's (Henry) Poems /'880 Brathwaite's (llichard) Essays upon the Five Senses a Strappado fur the Devill an excellent Piece of conceipted Poesy 'I'he Arcadian Princesse The Golden Fleece / >886 Bray's Bibliotheca Parochialis, '^^^/887 Bailey’s Dictionary, 2 v. &c. Bond. 1707 ib. 1737 888 Buchanan’s Travels in the Hebrides, and Defence of the y Scotch Hilanders ih. 1793 /889 Brooke’s Gazetteer ib. 1762 / ^ 890 Bradley's Country Farmer, 172^6 — The reformed Common- wealth of Bees, cuts, 1635 — The reformed Virginian Silk Worm, cuts, l655 !‘891 Blacksmith's Letter to the Ministers of Scotland, I76I ; and 7 Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence 1748 ^892 Boscawen’s Conviction on Penal Statutes 1792 / I. * - 893 Bennet’s Christian Oratory 17 894 Boswell's Account of Corsica \0^ - 893 Bewick’s Quadrupeds, cuts, hrst Edition, L.P. 1760 . j^ewcaitU, ^/U so6 ^ '907 ^ -SOS ^ >S09 ,- J 910 < 0 f)l I > '912 5 - 913 ^0 !i9\^ 7 ^915 \ )916 h 0 917 f i /919 / a‘Q90 918 ^ p9:n 36 BeuickU History of Birds, cuts, 2 v.frst Edition ih, ISOO Brand's (Hanna) Plays and Poems Lond, 1798 Bayly's Alliance of Music in Church and State 1789 Battle of Flodden-Field'by Benson ' i774 Bewick's Miscellany Poems Kswcastle, 1742 Bobbin, (Tim) the Miscellayiious Works of , portrait and plates, -L scarce Manchester, 1775 Dub. 1747 Argent, l6o6 i6'97 Land. 1786 J56l The Wanderer, portrait Baptista Porta Physiognomoniae Coelestis BakeFs (D.) Poems Bates's Chinese Fragments Bradford's (John) Examinacions, black letter Bale's (Johan) Examinacions of Anne Askewe, TateW Mar- tired in Smythfelde by the Romyshe Pope’s Upholders, black letter, made perfect with M. S. 1547 Bailey and Culley's View of the Agriculture of Northum- berland ' Newcastle, 1797 Beaumont’s (John) Gleanings of Antiquities, 1724 and eight Tracts, various, on Antiquities Bicknell’s (A.) Instances of the Mutability of Fortune 1792 Baptistas Mantuani Bucolica Lond, iGjG Burn's Poems Edinb. 1787 Bossu on Epic Poetry Djiid. l695 Balcairass's (Earl of) Account of the Affairs of Scotland ib. 1714 Bedse Vitce Abbatum Wiremuthensium and Giriviensium Dub. 1^04 Basire's Life of John Cosin, Bishop of Durham^ with his por- trait ib. l6T3 Barn's Vitae Roraanonim Pontificium Basil, 1535 Brand, (John) a new Description of Orkney and Shetland Edinb. 1701 Another FAition , ib. 1703 Biographia Scoticana ■ ib. 179^ Brydall's Laws of England relating to Nobility Lond. l675 Battely's Antiquitates Rutupinse Oxon. 1711 Bodin Angevin Dela Demonomanie Sorciers Anvers. 1593 Browne’s Estimate of the Times, 2 Y. Lond. 1758 on the Characteristics ib. 1751 Billinglinrst’s Misteries of Clerkship, ib. l674 Bunny (Edmond) a B.ooke of Christian Exercise printed for J. V/ight, 1586 Bogg-Witticisms ; or Dear Joy’s Common-Places Bona Espiignata Poema, con f g. in Parma. l694 Boxeman's Antidote against Swearing Lond. 1662 Billingsby’s Epitome of the whole Art of Husbandry ib. 1670 Beza (The.) on Predestination ib. l6l3 Burthogge’6 (R.) Essay upon Reason ib. l6'94 ^33 / -|934 $35 <2 ^936 >937 938 939 -940 41 944 1^/942 j ^ 943 & 6 046 ^-947 y 949 'V 6 930 ( ‘951 (> -952 J 7953 6 6 i 954 / i ^.7955 3 b\ 956 S7 Brockets (Sir Fulk G. Lord) Remains ih, 1070 \j)oix/y Blount's (Tho.) Ancient Tenures, interleaved with M. S. ^ x ^ Notes ib. iSlO^tny^tLi Bunny (Edmond) a Book of Christian Exercises y . ib, by N, Ncxvton, the whole Summe of Christian Religion, black letter ib. 1576 (Fran.) Exposition of the Lorde's Prayer, black letter Oxf , 1602 Beaumont (Rob.) Love's Missives to Virtue, with Essaies Land, 1669 Bugg’s Picture of Qaukerism, drawn to the Life I697 Burton (R.) admirable Curiosities, cuts, l6S5 — Historical Remarques, cuts 1^91 ^o/lp^aA History of the Lives of English Divines, 1709 Historical Remarks, cuts Ijond. 1705 nii/i^ General History of Earth Quakes, cuts ih, Yio^ Wonderful Prodigies of Judgment and Mercy, cuts 1 707 Unparalleled Varieties, cuts Land. Ingenious Riddles, cuts Curiosities of Great Britain and Ireland, cuts ib. Wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, cuts ib. '■ Curiosities of England, &c. cuts ib, English Acquisitions in Guinea and East India, cuts 'ib. 1728 - Memorable Accidents, lb.93 strange and prodigious Religious Customs and Manners of sundry Nations, cuts Lojid. l6S3 History of the House of Orange, cuts ib. 1693 the English Hero, or Sir Francis Drake revived,' (ja . portrait ib. l687 Bacon (Sir F.) Essaies, ecftV. ib. l6i3 Beza ('I’ho.) a Discourse of the true and visible Markes of the CatholiqUe Churche, black letter, Morocco, gilt leaves ib. printed by R. Walde-Grawe 1699 1 6 8 1 ^ 16*81 1697 T/iit 957 Boorde f And.) Regimente, or Dyetary of Health, black letter f 3 6 959 / /960 i ^961 / 6. 962 /} .963 ^ 964 I 1966 ib. by John Coheel, Bonner (Bp.) Articles, black letter imp. by John Tysdall, Beck ( IF.) the Whole Duty of Man, in all his Stages, cuts Lond. Bernard's Guide to Grand-Jurymen Browne (E.) a Description of the Annual World 'Billingsly (N.) Brachy-Martyrologia — a Treasurie of Divine Raptures Bongout (Dr. R.) Journey and his Lady to Bath, portrait ' / ib. 177s Boileau’s Art of Poetry ih. 16*83 / T Beverige’s Private Thoughts ib. \7W) J /*. * 1 5 * 1 ., ' ^iC/i/0 ; / . lost 1005 Ane brief gathering of the Halie Signes and Sacramentis, Institutit of God, sen the beginning of the Worlde, and t of the trew Original of the Messe, wants title ‘ 1006 Articles of Visitation and Enquiry within the Diocess of y Ely 1C7'9 1 / Loud. l64p A 1007 A great Stir and nothing inT V 6 J008 A Bull from Rome consisting of 15 Pardons for Delin- ^ . quents in these Kingdomes 1^41 c/^i ' '■1009 Articles to be enquired of by the various Churchwardens ' and Sworn Men, in the Triennial Visitations of various // / '\ / Bishops from 1636 to 1664 / y “lOlO A Glasse for weak-eyed Citizens / ~ JOli Assertio Septem Sacramentorum aduersus Martin Lu- them; Aidita ah inuictissimo Angliaj et Francim rege et do. Hybernias Henricoeius Nominis Octauo, Lond, 1521 — Epistola Regia ad Illustris Simos Saxoniae Duces pie ad Monitoria 1012 An Appeal to the Parliament concerning the Poor, that / their may not be a Beggar in England ' " 1013 A tender Visitation of I.ove to Piotes'^ors, and Profane, but especially to the Inhabitants of the Town of Way- ^ month Lond. 16 (j 1 A /il014 A Decade of Grievances, or Sion’s Plea against the ^ Prelacy ^ ' l64l U014*A true Copie of the Disputation held betweene Master Walker and a Jesuite, in the House" of one Thomas / Batesin, Bishop’s Court, in the Old Daily 1^41 1015 An Ordinance of the liOrds and Commons assembled in Parliament for the Provision of Turtf and Peate, for the ly Cities of London and AVestminster, &c. ib,l64i e^a coyt 1016 A true Declaration and just Commendation of the great and incomparableCarc of the Right Honourable Isaac Pennington, Lord Mayor of the City of London, in ad» 40 , y f . , I CkJ . A/fx/flA^lf ^ i^O-'VUy / JIm^^ . yA I'ij ^ O^'l'i au( C/^A Ji^AyiouH AjXU, JruZf ^O-^yyyyJl X<^c»/L 7j'l4AyiC/^J "i ^1052 0 61093 ',1094 J J1095 * 11096 3 2 1097 •r 5 1098 i) -,1099 ^ /I 100 0 1101 1^1102 ^ 71103 *01104 ■/ -1105 -V >1106 - 6 1107 A <1108 11118 1119 0/1122 ^ 5^6 1123 120 I C 1124 ‘ 0 1125 J / y\ - U26 UA J/vlciaA S' - U27 ^ A) tAyiy 44 Burman’s Lives of Aslimole and Lilly ‘Lend. l7f4 Belandi de Statu, cum fig. Morocco, gilt leaves ib. 1788 Birch's Life of Henry Prince of Wales , ib: 176O Bewick's (Wm.) Miscellany Poems Newcastle, 1741 Butler's Little Bible, or the Booke of God opened in Man, I649 Blackv/all’s Sacred Classics, 2 v. 1737 Bartp'iini Historiarum Anatomicarum, Hafn. l654 Boetius' Consolations of Philosophy, Morocco, gilt leaves Oxf. 1^74 Bath Memoirs Bristol, l697 Barrington’s (Bishop) Letter to the Clergy of the Diocese of Sarum Salisbvry, l79^ Baker's (Sir R.) Apologie for Lay-men Writing on Di- vinity if) 4 1 Blocliwich's Anotomy of the Elder Tree l6’77 Bible, in Dutch Dordrecht. 1689 Brett's (Arthur) Book of Job, in Lyrick Verse J^ond, 166T Beust Christiados, Heb. Gr. and Germ.y^g’. Witeherg. \b77 Bagshaw's Saintship no Ground of Sovereignty Oxf. l6'60 Budgel's Life of the Earl of Orrery, with his portrait by Baron, Morocco, gilt leaves Land. 1732 Boccacci del De Cameronc, 2 v. Amst. 176T Bernard's Bible — Battelis 1620 Bartolini -de Animillis Veterum,y?gf. Amst. 1676 — - ■ ■ Unicornu Observationes Nov3B,y7^. ih. I678 Brown against Poland, /eflies ib. 1697 Bible, in Dutch Dordrecht. l694 and Testament, in Short Hand, by Wm. Addy l687 Butcher's Survey and Antiquity of Stamford, in the Coun- ty of Lincoln, and Totenham High Cross, in Middlesex Bond. 1717 Barecroft's Instructions to Young Students in Divinitie ib. 1715 Braithwaite's Arcadian Princesse, or the Triumph of Jus- tice, portrait ib. 1535 Burton's (W.) Dialogue betweene a Butcher and a Fish- raopger, wants title, and part at the end, black letter Burman’s (Peter) Oration Bond. 1722 Brunt's (Captain Samuel) Voyage to Cacklogailinia ih. 1727 Buchanan's History of Scotland, 2 v. Edinb. 1752 Bulwer’s (J.) Chirologia, or the Naturall Language of the Hand — Chironomia, or the Art of JManuall Rhe- torique Boiul. l644 Bentley's Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris ib. 1699 Baker’s Pweflections on Learning ib. 1/08 Bagat{;lles or Fragments 176/ Burdei ’s Oriental Customs, or an Illustration of the Sacred Scriptures 1802 "C ^ 112S ffnso <0 1131 ) 0 1132 ^ 6 1133 < - 1134 f ' 1135 1136' 4^^ Butt’s Poems, 2 v. ’ KMdermmfery 17()3 Burlesque upon Burlesque, or the Scoffer scol't 1675 Butler’s Hudibras and Posthumous Works, 3 v. 1710, &c. lludibras, cuts, by Hogarth Hudibras, first Edit. 2 v. Ghost Pludibras, cuts 1732 1663 16S2 1716 ^ -/1 137 41138 ^ 4iI39 3 0 1140 ^ 7 1141 / 4 1142 : 6 1143 Lond. V 1145 ^ '•1146 A - /H47 - ^1148 ; 0 1 149 A ;.1150 ;6jii5i 6152 |1154 1155 Brome’s (A.) Comedies, title wanting Bonner, (Bishop) Yet a Course at the Romyshe Foxe imp. at Z'urili. Eeyricri Memorite Librorum Rariorum Bennet Grammatica Hebraea Bloomfield’s rural Tales, Ballads, and Songs Bridge’s Stenography and Crytographie Bonaventure’s Soliloquies Bible, in Short Hand, portrait Blackmore on the Spleen and V^apours Broughton’s Memorial of the ancient State of Great Bri- tain 1650 Beck’s Universal Character, by which all the Nations in the World may understand one another’s Conceptions, frontispiece l657 Bateman’s Ecclesiastical Patronage of the, Church of Eng- V 1725 yf land 1783 1602 I7I8 1 634 1631 1706 -1156 1 '1157 2 -1158 < >1159 5 6, 1160 / A 1161 ■/A 1162 ai 6'3 yv. \iiCi Basintochii Historite Britannicte, JM. S. Title Brown’s Arithmetic, with portrait Barton’s Arhhmeticke abreviated Baker’s Well-Spring of Sciences Barne’s Companion for the Countrey Master Broughton’s Concent of Scripture, Morocco, gilt leaves Beetharn’s Lectures on Heads Brief History of the Kings of England, particularly those of the Royal House of Stuart, by Sir A. WT'iding l655 the original Edition, published under the Title, A Cat may look upon a King, with a wooden cut, a Cat look- ing at a King Amst. 1714 Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson, 3 v. 1793 Bennet’s Treasury of Wit, 2 V. in one • 1786 Boulton’s History of Magick 1722 Burke on the Sublime and Beautiful 1757 Browne’s Works, 3 vol. 1772 Bourget’s History of the Royal Abbey of Bee J 779 Bonutius Mythologici Latini, ex Bihliopolio commcliniano 1599 Bartholini de Unici rnu Observationes nonce Pafav. 1645 Bonrnds (Henry ) Antiquitates Vvlgare, or Antiquities of the common People Newcastle, 1725 Beveregium Insututionum Chronologicarum Land. 1721 •V tZ' kfCW / C/I. « )i - •/ ^ IJg 170 171 lr4U, 172 JII73 ' /I1I74 . 1175 ^ ^1170 1177 v/jS ■^71180 Vh^M 6/1181 ^2^C{a/aA // Q 1182 ‘hi^J /.3? , 1184 ^ ib. 1751 Burnet’s Life of the Earl of Rochester 175^ Baxter’s last Work of a Believer 16*62 Becon's (Thomas) Reliques of Rome i black letter^ rare imq). by John Day,' no date Barclaii (Joannis) Poeinatuni Oxon. ibS'G Blandy’s (Mrs. Mary) own Account of the Affair between her and 'Mr. Cranstoiin, 1752 — The Case of Miss Blandy, 1752 — Capt. Cransloun’s Account of the poi- soning the late Mr. Francis Blandy — Candid Appeal to the Publick concerning the Case of the lafe Miss Alary Blandy Bonasentura Dieta Salutis l605 Beiighcna incuhabula 'Fypographia? Amst. 16*88 Elome’s Description of the Island of Jamaica, ?naps 1672 Bartholini de Libris Legendis Dissertationes Ilag. comii, 17 11 Bellamy’s Pliilana Anglicus, or a Christian Caveat for all Kings, Princes, and Prelates l663 Bisse’sTwe Sermons, preached the one at Paul’s Crosse, 8th Jan. 1580, the other at Chribt’s Church, in London, 1581 — Mosse’s Scotland’s Vfelcome, a Sermon preached at Needham, in the Countc of Suffolk l603 Bacon’s Notes on Iludibras 1752 Bristoll’sjoiefull and blessed re-uniting the Tw'o mighty and famous Kingdomes, England and Scotland, into their ancient Name, Brittaine no date Brydone’s Tour through Sicily and Alalta, 2 v. Dub. 1775 Blackwali’s Introduction to the Classics 17+6 Bourne Poemaflo. IjOt. et Eng, Lond. 1764 Behn’s (Mrs.) Poems ib. 16*85 Bale’s (John) The Actes of English Votakifs, BLACK LETTER, BOTH. Pa RTS, a fuie Copy, Very rare, the second part so much 60, that neither Ames or Herbert ever met idth it T550 Brian’s (Tiio.) Pisse-Propthet, or certaine Pisse-Pot Lec- tures ‘ Lond. 1637 Burges’s New Discovery of Personal Tithes ib. 1625 Bale’s (John) Expostulation, or Complaint against the Blasphemyes of a Frantyke Papist, black letter imp. by John Daye Babington’s Sermon, preached at Panic’s Crosse 1590 Bales C John ) Acts of Englyshe Votaries, black letter imp. by Thomas Raynalde 154S Apology agaynste a ranke Papist, black letter imp. by John Day Brief Catechism arid Dialogue bctu'cen the llushandeand his IVife, black letter printed at JVescll, 1515 0 "1192 d ■ >1^ J1S)3 'Bales Acts of the EngUshe Votaries, and their unchaste Lives, // , black letter ib. 154G A Mysierye of Inyquyte contayned within the heretycall Genealogye oj 'pouce Paidolahus, black letter, extremely rare (yf . emprynted at Geneua 15 45 ^ Image of both Churches, cuts, 3 parts, very ryre ^ 1 1}\ To which is added the Badge 1581 1195 / ‘ ^1196 4 -1197 7 -1198 i ^1199 / Cil200 1201 / -J202 c/y 3 1204 )7 ^1205 1206 J207 hnp. by John Day, no date of both Churches, by Jalt Baudvvin’s (W.) Treatise of Morail Philosophic, contain- ing the Sayings of the Wise, black letter n . imp. by T ho. Este', 1584 Bernard's (Rich.) The Isle of Man, or theCegal Proceed- ^ ing in Manshire against Sinne Load. 1()27 Bacon's (R.) Christ mighty in Himself and INIeinbers, six portraits, by Cross ib.lQ^C BuUwer C J-) Mans transfonned, or the Artificial Chayigfuip;, frontispiece Lund. l()50 Bunwortli's (R.) The Cure of Diseases, by Signature, ib. l6b7 Broines (Alex.) Songs and other Boons, with portrait ib. l664 Bidermanus B. Ignatii Vhta, cumfg. Monuchi. l6T5 Bagwell's (Win,) Mystery of Astronomy made plain to the meanest Capacity hund, 163 s o/uJ.Jcc.'fi 7I203 Benedicto Tabidorum Theatrum, pp/YratV, 5j/ ib. l65G Bentley's Tracts and Sermons, See. 1715 Com.plete Art of Angling, cuts , Caterer Caii (Joannis) Britannia Opera, with his portrait, very Ai ' / / scarce Lovani, 1556 1701 'dd i208 , /I209 / 6/i2lO // 1 1212 ^213 1214 1215 1216 1217 i' 1218 . .1219 / 6 1220 f 7 wl221 Contes de Fontaine, avec fg.par R. Ilooge, 3 tom. * Cologne, chez Henri U Gaidar d, 1685 Grashaw's Complaint, a Dialogue l632 Gobbe’s Wordlings Looking Giasse 1630 Colton's Morail Philosophy of the Stoicks 176'4 ^ Corbet’s (Bp) Poems. See MS. noteat the end. 1672 Grant’s certaine divine Hymes, or CaroU’s for Christmas- daye. MS. fairly written. .. Christian Thoughts for every Day in the Month 1705 Common-place-book of Ralph Thoresby, of Leeds, the / - celebrated Hisiory of Leeds, &c. M.S. Book of Dr. Woodward, the Naturalist, in M.S. Copie of a Letter written from Paris the 20th May, 161O, , declaring the Manner of the Execution of llavaillart Causton Tunbrigialia Lond. 1709 Cowley the Mistresse \G\7 Cotgrave’s English Treasury of Wit and Language l655 CliAULES Tuiumphant, &c. This is that Ckavks who k 42-32 I ,j22o , 3a^ s “ 1226 aid 3 2^227 7- 7 Oi 228 4 'dojcu ) illll dilA/(/r Z. -1232 A^ - f— '^aA/JiAy^ ^ ^ 3353 ^ '3354 \lS55 •2 (^1356 Z. v3357 Jl) (}1358 ) <{3359 4 5 33oO 2 6 ^3(51 // ^,15^)2 , 0 13()3 J /'1364 / 6 136‘.5 ^ v,i.s65 >33(^7 ,1368 Jyi37i / 6 3372 2 ^3373 { -1374 ^ S375 / r*J376 o4 Sermon, forth hy him the last Lord Day of April, 364.9 1680 Musarum Cantabrigicnsium, Lucters and Gratulatio Ille in Funcre Olivari Cantab. l658 Letter to Lent hall, off the storming and taking Basing-Housc, with the Marquess of Winchester, Sir Robert Peake, and divers Persons of Quality l645 Charles IL Boscobel, or a complcat History of his sacred Majesties, by portrait and flates Lond. l66\ Another edition, portrait, by Faithorn^ England’s Triumph ih. 166O Claustrum Regale Reseratum, or the King’s con- cealment at Trent, by A. IVyndham ib. 168I Boscobel, by Blount, first edit. ib. 3663 Summary Occurrences relating to the miraculous Preservation ib. 1688 Coke (II.) Detection of the Court and State of England, 2 V. ib. 1694 Cunningham’s Poems and Pastorals Nexveasik, 177 1 Chudieigh’s (Lady) Poems Lond. 1703 Critical Review of the Life of O. Cromwell ib. 1739 Cressy’s Sixteen Revelations of Divine Love, cuts ib, I67O Cottle’s Poems, plates Bristol, 1796 Coppinger’s (M.) Poems, Song*'', and Love-Verses Lovd. J6S2 Carew’s (Tho.) Poems, with a Maske ib. l631 Another edition, 1772 — The Caledonian Miscel- lany 1370 Cartwright’s Tragi-Comedios, with other Poems Cai penter’s Experience,; Historic, Divinitie Callimachi Hymni et Epigrammata, Gr . Lat. Collection of Epigrams Cheki Pronuntiatione Graecae Conti’s (Prince of) Works, with his portrait 3 Cooper’s Letters on Taste 1878 1379 1380 Ql^Xy 1381 . ^1382 7 6 ^ ‘ 1387 ib. 1760 l63l Lond. 1642 ib. 1741 ih. 1735 Basil, 1555 Lond. 1711 ih: 1757 Catalogue raisonnede Coquilles, axec fig. Par. 1737 Carr’s (John) ruinous Fall of Prodigalitie, letter 1573 Carey’s Book of Roads . 1798 Ciceroniam Lexicon Grteco Latinum, ab II en. Stephano exqf. H. Steph. 1557 Crasliaw’s Steps to the Temple, with the Delights of the IVIuses ■ 164S Crumb’s of Comfort and Godly Prayers > 1726 Coslvmc’s du Pays de Normandie Caen. 1595 C(5ckburn Jacobs Vow or Man’s Felicity Edinb. l6s6 Claridge’s Shepherd of Hanbury’s Rules to Judge of the Chanifes of the Weather 1744). Cotton's Planter’s Manual Cheats of the DeTiLoi Loudoun 1675 1703 55 (y'138S Chambcrlayne’s Pharonnida. a Leroick Poem , l6S9 |l389 Cotton’s (Chas.) Poems '-il390 Courtier’s Calling, shewing the Ways of making a For- tunt io75 . / Crawshaw’s (Rich.) Steps to the Temple lo4ij 5 Q 1392 Epignammata Sacra, and Steps to the Temple, . i '2v. ^ 1570 711393 Poeraata Epigrammata Cantab. 167O ^ ^13941 Case of Divorce and re-marriage, in the Case of Lord Rosse 1673 w -11395 Collection cf Old Ballads, with Historical Introductions / j cuts, 3 Bond. 1727 y ^-{1396 Carlisle’s (Earl of) Tragedies and Poems ib. 1801 ■ '^>1397 Conjectural Observations on the Origin and Progress of Alphabetic Writing ib, 1772 139s Couerdales ( Myles ) Christian's State of Matrimony, wherein Husbandes and JFyves may learnc to heepe House together with Lone, black letter imp. by John Awdeley, 1575 1398*.^ Christian Exhortacion unto customable Sweares, black letter 1 1575 11 /1 1399 Christmas Fun, or Sports of all Sorts ^ ji400 Connoisseur, 4 v, Oxf, 1774 *0 J 1401 Clarke’s History of Knighthood, 2 v. in 1 1774 - ^ 1402 Cowdry’s Description of the Curiosities at Wilton-House 1752 J >1403 Cole’s English Dictionary lG77 0 1404 Cibber’s Lives of the Poets, 5 v. 1753 V Jl405 Cokain’s (Sir Aston) Poems of Divers Sorts, rerre, ly bound in Morocco— Jor Wi Account of the Author see Mr. \iy Brand's MS. note Bond. 1(753 y 1406 Cibber (Apology for the Life of) written by himself, 2v. ib. 1756' / 1407 Christian World Displayed 1801 9/ 1408 Compleat Treatise on Urines 1703 1409 Another copy 1410 Clerke Praxis Curiae Admiralitatis Anglise Bond. 1667 1411 Calamy’s Conversion and Baptism of Isuf the Turkish / Chaous l658 7^ 1412 Collins’s Faith and Experience 1649 yl413 Cataplus, or iEneas, his Decent to Hell, a Mock Poem 16'72 ^ 4 1414 Case (Tho.) his Funeral Sermons 1659 5 14-15 Cruelty of the Dutch against the English at Amboyna, / frontispiece Bond. l657 Y 1416 Cookson’s (Win.) Ephemeris, portrait ib. 1701 0 1417 Continuation of the Life, Adventures, of Signor Rozelli, ^ f plates ib. 1724 / \6 1418 Cooke's just and seasonable Reprenshioii of Naked Breasts and Shoulder i5. l67S * g IaA/^ L J % y>fAi^ / ^-^ua/ICk^ 1 >0 ' , 56 61419 Canning (Elizabeth) and Mary Squires (Tracts relating. to) viz. (Physical Account of the Case of) by Solas I Dodd, 1753 — Case fairly stated, 1753 — Narrative of the I Proceedings, with general Remarks on the Evidence given upon the Trials of Mary Squires and Elizabeth Canning, * with their portraits, 1755 — Story of Elizabeth Canning considered by Dr. Hill, 1753 — IMiss Canning and the Gypscy, 1754 — Canning^s Magazine, 1753 — Some Ac- count of the Case between Elizabeth Canning and Mary = Squires — A Liveryman^s Reply to Sir Crisp Gascoigne's 'Address, shewing that Gentleman's real Motives and his I whole Conduct concerning Canning and Squires 1734 jl420 Coortesse's (Rich.) Exposition of certayne Words of St. 1421 J / / 0(u.A / 2 4 5423 1424 1425 1426 1427 Paule to the Ptomaynes, 5. 1. imp. by JV. Browe, 1 577 Campbell's Treatise on modern Faulconers Edinb. 1773 '11422 Cardonnel’s Picturesque Antiquities of Scotland, plates, // 2v. 1788 ^ 1423 Cambden Annalcs Pterum Anglicarum et Hiberniam q Lug. Bat. 1623 y ' 1424 Cibber's Memoirs of the Life of Robert Wilks, Esq. mth his portrait Lond.\72>2 Capel (Lord Arthur) excellent Contemplations, divine and moral ib. 1()83 Collection of Songs 1736 Cohes Debate betxvene the Heraldcs of Englande and France, b. 1. very rare. It u'as Ames's Copy and has his Autograph. imp. by li. IVyer, 1550 '1l428 Cheiragogia Heliana. a Manuduction to the Philosopher’s ' Magical Gold, 1659, and 4 more on the sam.e Subject ,1429 Couerdale's (Myles) the olde fath, an euy dent Probation out / of the Holy Scriptures, b. 1. Morocco, gilt leaves 1541 7 1430 Ceremoniale Benedictium Par. J6IO ^1431 Collection of Statutes for High Treason, ]M. G. L. Ijond. 1709 Q 1432 Cornmentarius de Vita, Jobi Ludoifi Lips. 1710 0. 3433 Ciceron Traitede la Divination A7nst. 1711 0 1434 Craik's Songs and Poems, 1791 > and 3 others of / Scotch Poetry ^ '1435 Choice Collection of Comic Serious Scots Poems, both A / ancicr.i and Modern, 3 parts Edinb. I709, &c. 61436 Caldwall’s (Tho.) Select Collection of ancient and modern Epitaphs Lo7id. 1796 Castle of Otranto, plates 25.1800 Charles Stuart and Oliver Cromwell United 1655 Characters of eminent Men in the Reigns of Charles I. andir. 1793 •‘1440 Collins s (Arthur) Peerage of England, with Supplement, plates, 9 1 ’* Land. \ 7 7 9 Ik 17J^4 z6 1437 1438 1439 ; ( 14+1 '■il442 '1443 I L 1444 ) ^ 1445 / A® 1446 ^ ;i44r <+ 6 14+8 " 1449 “ --l+SO 57 Ciiperi Harpocrates, cum fig. Amsf, 1(^76 Collin's Walk through London and Westminster, a Poem in Burlesque, byT. D. Lond. 1^90 Chess made easy, or the Games of Gioachino Greco the » Albarian iO, 1750 Carey’s actual Survey of the great Post Roads between London and Falmouth, 6lc. Lond, 1784* Cradockes Skippe of assured S^fetie imp, at Lond hy H. Bynnemany 1572 Chandler’s Treatise of the Disease called a Cold 176T Caii Antiquitate Cantabrigiensis Academiae Lond. 1568 Charters which have been granted to the Corporation of iB. 1754 ib, 1714 ib. 1 684' ib. l600 ib. 1791 4 wku, , i 71460 ^ 91461 0 1462 A ^1463 '1464 >1465 y <^1+66 I < 1*1467 ^ 1468 Ipswich, in Suffolk Case of Tyth-Free Estates examined Curious and very scarceTracts, 2 v. Catalogus Plantarum Area Cantabrigian Cooper’s Four Hundred Texts of Holy Scripture Cumberland’s Essay on Jewish Weights and Measures ib. 1686 Common Prayer, Oxf. 1719 Clarendon’s History of the Rebellion, additional Papers and his Life, portraits , fine impressions, 7 v, Oxf, 1707 Culvervvell’s ready Way to remember the Scriptures l637 Clapham’s Briefe of the Bible’s History 1639 Case and Appeal of Henry Simons, a Polish Jew Mer- chant, portrait, Lond. 1653 — Case and Appeal of James Ashley, of Bread-Street, London Lond. 1753 Cottoni Posthuma ; divers choice Pieces of that renowned Antiquary, Sir Robert Cotton, u'/M /iw ib. l65l Clarke on Study ib. 1731 Crumbs of Comfort printed for H. Brome, Chappell’s Preacher, or the Art and Method of Preach- ing ib. 1656 Campiani ad Rationes iMnd. 1581 Chronyde arid Historie of England, from Brute to Elizabeth, black letter. The title wanting. Choice Emblems, divine and moral, cuts, 1732 — Certaine Grammar Questions for the Exercise of Young Schollers in the Learning of the Accidence, black letter — Stock- wood 01) the Accidence, black letter 1590 Cole's letters to the Bishop ofSarum, with the Bishop of Sa- rum*s Sermon at Puules Crosse, b. 1. 1 56O Circes of John Bapista Gello Florentine, translated out of Italy on into Englyshe, hy Henry Iden, b. 1. xery rare imp. by J.C. 1557 Cicero against Cataline, done into English by Christ. Wase " Imd. 167I Offices, by L’Estrange ib. 168O Coley’s Anthmetick, with his portrait ib. 1686 C / ^ e ^1487 / /j 1488 ^'iyU<^ / V J48P ^ /y, J4PO ^etAtlM “/ 01*S1 / vi4g2 y (1493 , I1494 'I495 J?) / ^71496 6 1497 ,^i/J / $ 1498 zilfoo t 1501 /|/j503 imUoi J /y 41605 -/■ / }} _1506 58 Chaucer's Ghoast ih. 1672 Cole's Young ^chollar's best Companion ib, 169O Charter of Confirmation granted by James 5d to the Trinity-House of Dcptford-Strond 1730 of Colchester in Essex 1764* of Ipswich in Suffolk 1754 of Maidstone in Kent 1748 Quinque Postuum Cantab. 1675 of llomney-Marsh, ( or the Laws and Customs of J l684 of Romney Marsh, black letter printed by J. Wolfe, 1597 of the Cinque Ports 1682 Customs and Privileges of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney in the County of Middlesex, &c. 1736 Catalogue of living Authors ' I788 Compendium of the Bible and Testament, black letter, wanting the title Councellor Manner's last Legacy to his Son Lond. l673 Culverwcll’s White Stone ib, l654 Catechisimus Brevis Christianae ib, 1553 Cries of London, and Rational Exhibition, 2 v. Commerel’s Account of the Culture of Mangel Wurzel, or Root of Scarcity, ylates 1787 Casauboni de Quatuor Linguis, Heb. Gr. Sax. et Lat. Lond. 1650 Churchell’s (Charles) Works, 4 v. ih, 1774 Calltrop's (Sir H.). Reports of speciall Cases touching scverall Customs and Liberties of the City of Loudon ih. 1655 Clark's Works of the Caledonian Bards Edinh. 1783 Cooper’s Reflections on the Intercourse of Nations, ih. 1782 Chalmor’s Life of Rudiman 1794 Court Register and Statesman's Remembrancer 1782 Cunningham on Elections 1783, Another Copy Copper’s certaine Sermons concerning God's late Visita- * tion in the Cilie of London 1592 Cappcl's Hinge of Faith, and several other curious Tracts 166O Collection of Pieces relative to the late Human Massacre in St. George’s Fields, 1769, and several others Cam’s Method of Curing the Grand Pox, 17^27? 'S^c. &c. Curiosities of London and Westminister 1759 Cornaro on Health and long Life, and Eight other Tracts, bound in one volume Cabinet Bible, plales, 2 v. elegantly bound in Russia, Lond. 1795 Cartel’s ( Matthew ) Honor Rediviuus, 2 v. portraits and plates, tery rare Lond. 1655 Costadau’s Traite des Signes, cum fig. 11 tom. Lyon, 1720 69 /'JJ 7 1507 Cornclianum Dolium ® 1508 Catastrophe Mundi : or. Merlin revived, cuts / i540 1691 Lond, 1()38 ib. 1683 1509 Crymes (Thomce) S\jmholaJmperatoria,extreiutly rare. See / M. S. Account of this Work and the Author, by Mr. Brand ^ 1510 Qallimaciii Hy^nni, Epigramata et Fragmejita, Lvg. 1574 1511 jCiceronis OJJlciorum corio Moroqutn Venet in Officina / Erasmiana, ^1512 Cicero dc Officio Amst. 6 1513 Camerarii onosandri Grseci Autoris Norimberg, 6 1514 Catologus Omnium Erasmi Rotterdam! Lucrabationum ^ Exnfficia, J, Froben 1515 Catalecta Virgilii Poematia, cum com. Scaligeri Lug. Bat, 1617 15 16 Cuperi Harpocrates ^ A/nsf, l67^ ^517 Confutation of the Popish Transubstantiation, black letter ' Loud. 1 592 1518 ConstitutiorC s Punctall and of otho ochtohone, translated into Englishe, cum priuilegio, black letter printed by B.obert Redman, 1534 1519 Coverdale the Christen Rule or State of all the World from the Hyghest to the Lowest, black letter no date -.1520 Cuffe's Differences of the Ages of Maffis Life Lond, l633 6 1520'''Charlden^s Sermon, preached at Exeter ib. 1595 ^1521 Coltdforde (T.) to his Brethren, black letter 1522 Customs of the East Indians with those of the Jews and other ancient People, ib. 1705 1523 Collection of Epitaphs, wants tifle ^ (l523*Coulcii Poemata Latini Lond. l66i3 [1524 Considerations on the State of Popery in England, Mo- rocco, gilt leaves 1723 1525 Court Secrets ; or, the Lady^s Chronicle, historical and ' gallant, from I671 to 16*90 — Fleckno's Epigrams, apd two other 1526 Caesaris Commentarii, a Clarke Lond. 1753 1527 Q. Curtins Ilistoria, a Blanchardi Amst. ap Elzev. l673 1528 Cant (James) the Muses Threnodie, with the History of Cowrie’s Conspiracie, &c. Perth, 1774 1529 Crawford’s Notes on Buchanan’s History Edinb. 17P8 1530 Campbell’s (John) View of the City of (}lasgow^ with his portrait Glasg. 1736 1531 Complements (the new Academy of) * Lond. 1713 1531* another Edition ib. 167I 1532 (the Academy of), ib.' l645 1333 — (Marrow of) ib. l655 / 9. 1534 (England’s Universal) and Art of Courtship ib. 1714 ■ f525 Culpeper (Nich.) Galen’s Art of Physic, portrait ‘ib, l652 A iu/A .A U/ 'V xi i i. ’i if / - i ®L 4 ~ni4/,il562 ^ / , 1^1563 ^CUt'Li -1364 .^ 4 /^ / Burton (W,) Sermons upon the Anatomic of Belial, &c. ^ ' ■ ■ ib. \ 60 % Bede's History of the Church of England, by Stapleton ■ ■ ‘ . ■ ' ' ‘ Antwerp, 1565 Butler's Principles of Musick Loud. l635 Becon’s new Postiles, h. 1. Russia, gilt leaves " 1 566 Bertoni I'a Filosofia Moralledel doni, AnticuUi fig. Venn. l6p5 Blunt (Henry) a Voyage into the Eevant Loud. l638 Barhenno' della Fisonomia ' ' Rom. \6‘df Baker (Geo.) the newe Jewell of Health, h. 1. cuts ' ’ ’ ' ; ’ printed by Denham, 1576 Barton (Tho.) of Bowing to the Altar ‘ i3. 1643 Bolton’s Elements of Armorie, cuts, 161O — The Citie’s Advocate in this Case, or Question of Honor and Armes, plates ■ 1629 Brooke!s Errors in Camden’s Britannia 1594 Barriff's Military Discipline, or the young Artillery Man, l(x^5 y' 3 . k 61 ' J.567 Anolhr Copy^ loith Ms portrait and arms, by Hollar -X56'8 ^569 . 1570 1661 .1571 72 ^157^ /i 1574 1575 1576' ^577 11578 4579 l5ao Bickham’s Drawing and Writing Tutor, plates Bartas, Ms Dkine H'ed(es, translated by J. Sylvester, plates Bivero Sacrum Qratorium Piarum Irnaainum in^smaculate I\Iari2S, 1 ^ 0 . cum Jig. ^ Ant. iGS*!’ Broughton ( Hugh) Tracts, rdre 1597 Bernard (Jas.) on Water-Workes, cuts, n>anfs title Bourne (Wm.) Ti'casure for Traveilers, cuts,b. L imp.jur Thus IVoodcoche, 157$ Bilson (Tho.) Perpetual Government of Christos Church imp', by Barker, 1 593 Another edition ' I6T0 Bede’s History of the Church of Englanda Ajiixv. 1 565 Baldwin’s Appendix, 2 v. interleaved Barrington on the Statutes ' ' Bond. 1769 Blaxton (John) the Engtisk Usurer, or Usury condemned, t '1581 '3582 yl583 0ji584 SI I 1^586 3 .:i58r ( ^1588 i ^1589 ^1590 <5.3591 -ji592 -1593 uith the plate, rare Brand (John) Account of Inscriptions discovered in lower, plates Bornitii Embleniatum Syllogc, cum Jig. Burgundi JMundi Lapis Lydius, cum Jig. Boissardi Emblem'ata, cum Jg. Barrett’s Magus, or Celestial Intelligences, plates Blount's Art of Making Devises Boxhornii Originum Galiicarum ib. 163 the Ant.\(>‘^9,. M etis. 1588 Loyd. 1801 ib. 1646 A 7 nst. 1654 Blower’s Rich Storehouse, or Treasurie for the Diseased, h. 1. ' Lond. 16 OT Bolton of the faure last Things, portrait ' ib. l635 Bacon (Lord) Confession of F. ith, voith his portrait Bowen’s Britannia Depicta, or Ogilby improved Lond. 1720 Blith’s Husbandry, ib. 1653 Another Edition . ib. l652 Bezu’s Propositions and Principles of Divinitie Edin. by JValdegrave 1591 Barclay his A.rgenis, Englished by Long' Lond. 1636 1594 3595 Eiblia Latina, cum Jig. jL^ U/j^4jU i $ 1596 Bp a 1x597 3 , 31593 \i599 Jjugduni ap Tornaesmn 1554 > 3600 0 1601 '/ 3602 0>i603 1604 ocard’s Revelation of 3t. Johivevealed, b. 1 . imp. by Tkos. Marshe, 1582 Beroaldi (PJiilippi) Opuscula 1511 Bray (The.) Bibliotheca Parochialis Lond. I697 Bernard (Rich.) a Threefold Treatise on fhe Sabbath, portrait, by Hollar ' . l64l Broughton (H.) a Concent of Scripture * ' Barber’s Poems ' ‘ " ib, 1734 Braitwaite’s Mercurius Britannicus ih. 1644 Another edition - The Schoiler's ‘Medley ''5k 1604 — — The Schoiler's ‘Medley ih. J i605 Burton’s Anatomy of Melancholy, ed'tj, OxJ. 1616 1621 62 / % elu 6 1607 ^ ^ 1608 ^U. 'V , ^1609 '5 J4 J 1610 f ^1611 V / {? 6 1(>13 i6l5 ^/ / i6i6 ^ j ^1617 ' "IDIS- Bradshaw^s The Shepherd’s Starre Biography, &c. Col. Haywood’s Advise for the securing the Kingdom, with his Life and Death, 1642 — The Lieutenant of the Tower, his Speech and Repentance at the Time of his Death, who was executed on Tower Hill, on the 20th November, l6l5, Frint.d by G. EkL — Mistaken Justice, or Innocence condemned in the Person of Francis Newland, lately executed at Ty- burn 169^ Bayeri Historia Orrhoeaet Edessena ex Numis lllustrata cum Jig. Petropoliy l684 Brerewood’s (John) Enquiries touching the Diversity of Languages Lond. l635 Broughton’s (Hugh) Declaration of general Corruption of Religion, Morocco, /com l603 Brathwait’s (Rich.) English Gentlewoman, portraity Land. 1631-— Park’s Rose and Lilly 1^39 Brune’s (Johannis) Emblcmata, cum fig. Amst> l624 Brinsley’s Grammar Schoole 'Lond.\6\2 Baker’s (Geo.) newe Jewell of Health, cuts, hJaclc letter printed by H. 'Denhamy 157^ BukcePs (J.) Anthropometamorphosis. Man tranformea or the Artificial ChangUng., cuts Land. 16.53 Band us de Coniugco Literat. Lvgduniy 1344 Batiholomeo Scappi Opera, Jig. Batt upon Batt, a Poem Lond. 16^4 Bryskett’s (Tho.) Discourse of Civill Life ' ib. printedfor E. Blount y 1606 Barlow’s (Wm.) Sum me of the Conference before the King’s Majest;e , l604 i.'D2i Boxhorni Questionee RomanGg fAig. Bat. 1637 SEYENTM, BAY’S SALE, JVEDNESDJY, May \3, I 8 O 7 . , ^ OCTAVOS AND Jjf ^ ^ ioiS Conspiracies against King Willi * .{y y Collection of scarce Tracts ^ ^ ^1624 Chronicle of the Kings of Man TWELVES, Lond. 169.3 if). 1721 Pcr//^^'1784 3 Cock’s (Sir Pwichard) various \Vorks and Tiacts, 6 v. 17^Z9, 63 . 1626 4 y 1627 / 4 1628 ^6 1629 1 ^1630 i ' 1^31 71632 ' ) 1633 / ^ 1634 ' yi635 0 1636 ^ 1637 6 1638 ^ " I639 1640 Curious Amiisoliients for both Sexes i.7i4 Churchyard's Worthiness of Wales 17S6 Cambrian Directory 1800 Cradock's Account of Romantic Parts in North Wales, 1777 1746 1643 1779 WhitcJiavc7i^ Lond. ib. Parti nant au Hdwstadt, ISOl 1779 ^ *-^1641 \ 11642 ^ <1643 ' /I 644 // 6 1645 '1646 ni647 ^ ^ 1648 ^ ^16'49 7 1630 Q 16.51 2 {l552 1 >11^53 /d 1634 A - / 6.1656 ^ 61657 / 71638 ylatts Comenii Orbis Sensualium Picti, ewnf.g, 2v. Notiberg. Chishutt, (Jo.) Fidelis Tatiis, Anagram Calamy's Souldier's Pocket Bible Clark's Poems Sr. Chrysostom on Priesthood Coxe's Sketches on Switzerland Conjectures sur L’Unne de Barberini ap Due de Portland Ciceronis de Divinatione et de Fato ab Davisius, Cantab. 1721 Defensiones contra Celii Calcagnini Disquisitioncs in eius Officia Venei. ap Aid. 134f> Chrysostomi Homiliae Graece, ab Harmari Lond. 1590 Cicero's Tusculanum, translated by Dolman, black kite)' imp. bp T/ios. Marshe Chalmer’s (George) Supplement Apology for the Believers in Shakspeare-Papers Lond, 1799' The SAME, FIRST Edition ib. 1797 Cibber's Apology for his own Life, portrait ib. 1750 Chapman on the Roman Senate Ca7nb. 1750 Curious Collection of Tracts on the Rebellion of 1745, bound in 2 V Caundishe, (Richard) the Image of Nature and Grace, black letter printed bp J. Dope Cattechism, or Institution of Christian Religion, black let- ter imp. bp DapCy 1592 Another Edition Lond. l6l4 — a xerp curious and scarce Collection, Sec M.S. Note, hp Mr. Brand, 1582, &c. &c. Christiana Pietatis Prima Institutio 'Add d 2) t/VyAy JaaJiJio C'^ ToLa V(/r I’ y/ /. CrVkAy (lUjj Lond. Veiict. 1595 1562 01659 1660 166 L Caesarii Varia Poemata Charles 1st, and the grand Rebellion Culpepers School of Physick, portrait Collection of farewel Sermons, preached hp the late London Mi- fdsters, XL'ith portraits, 2 v. 1662 & 63 Catascopses, a surveigh and critique Censure of the Chris- tian World Lond. Carter, (John) the Tomb-stone, and a rare Sight ib. Collection of Poems, mostly original Lub. Coventry, (Francis) Philemon to Hydaspes Lofid. Cumberland’s Anecdotes of eminent Painters in Spain, 2v. ib. 1787 Catalogue of Dukes, Marquesses, &c, ib. 1642 Confoimite du Language Francois avee le Grec Far. 1669 1615 1653 1801 1753 f ^CiA slfj ^ j XvJn'ico^ yDl^^S it '1669 -1670 /- 1671 , i . '7\ I /1 673 Q/ y / ^^1^74 /o p.1575 // 1676 h J^^77 |1678 ^'f. j^»679 1 *'1680 64 Collection of little Histories, Voyages, toetry; &c, cuts^ 2 V. Cassiodorus in Epistoias et Acta Apostolorum et Apo-, calypsin Flor€7it. 1721 Chaucer's Ghoast Land, l672 Cartat'i le hnagini de i del Gli Anilchi^ atm Jig. in Lione, 1581 Clarke Bibliographical Dictionary, 6 v. Manchester, 1804 Constable on the Accuracy of Style 1738 Craig, (SirThos.) Scotland's Sovereignty asserted Lond. l6.95 Cut's Emblems, in Dutch, c«^.s Dordrecht. 1636 Casaubon's Treatise, ]>roving Spirits, Witches, &c. Land.. l672 Compleat History of Magick-Sorcery, and Udtchcraft, 2 v. - ib. 1716 Confession of Fayth of the Germa 3 mcs, black letter imp. by li. Redman Carew's (Thomas) Poems Lond. l651 Cleland’s Specimen of an Etimological Vocabulary in. 1768 Crantz's History of Greenland, p/ai‘e5, 2 V. ib. 1767 Corry’s Odes and Elegies Nexvry, 1797 Coverdale, (iMyles) the Hope of the Faithful!, black letter, 1554 an Exhortation to the Carienge of Chryste Crosse, black letter the Hope of the Faithful, printed by H. Singleton, ^1681 ^ 4 1682 . // / 7 4 1683 6 1684 /^i686 .0687 ,,11688 Ji6 16*89 J ^1690 // ^ 1692 — Conduit of Comfort, black letter, wants title a beautiful Baybush, black letter, wants title (St. a spiritual Wedding, black letter, imp. by J. Wolfe, a precious Pearle, black letter ib. for W. Leake, the Governance of Virtue, black letter imp. by John Day a Garden of Prayers, &c. black Icttei , wants title a Pathway to Penitence, black letter printed by J. Wolfe, a Manuel of Prairs, black letter Regimen of Life, black letter, wants title 1554 1579 1597 1560 1791 1594 i'czi 7 777./, ^ 4 1695 : i'fih‘rU / 4 1696 'Jkf ?,dg m 7 J'. if / Curious Catchisms, black letter, See. nineteen bound in 2v. 1633, &c. Crossfield’s (Miss H.) History of Northallerton Northallerton, 1791 Cassimir Lyricorum Antv. 1646 Chelsum’s History of the Art of Engraving in Mezzotinto Windiest. 1786 Collection of Welsh Travels and Memoirs of Wales 1738 Chaumont Voyage de Hierusalem Far. 160I Carey's Analects, in Verse and Prose, 2 v. Lond. 1770 Compieat Mendicant, or Unhappy Beggar ib. 1699 Clarke's Golden Apples ib. l659 Cooper's Philosophical Epitaph, in Ilierogliphicall Figures, Si e. cuts ib. l67^ I ll6.Q9 U/1700 1 1701 , / '1702 a ^1703 0 6 1703 / ^1706 /m707 ^ ^1708 3709 yv 1710 A '1711 - 1712 ^ ^ 1713 ^ -1714 I1715 V," 1729 7 1730 65 Collection (A.) of the most natural and sublime' Poems, 1737 Cowley's Works, with portraits and plates, 3 v. Lo7id. 171O Crazy Tales ib. 1754? Collop’s (John) Poesis Rediviva ib. 1655 Coal’s new Dictionary of Heraldry, ib. 1725 Carter’s (M.) Analysis of Honor, portrait and plates, ib. 166O Comte de Gabalis, a Cologne^ Oeuvres de Quevedo, avec fii Brussels Cabala, or Mysteries of State Lmd, Carey’s Survey of Ten Miles round Hampton Court, &c. ib. 1785 Survey of Middlesex ib. 1785 Case of Madame Mary Carleton, the German Princess ib. l553 Cole’s (W.) Art of Simpling ib. l555 (John) Hymen’s Preludia, or Love’s Master Piece, ib. l558 Conjugal Duty, set forth in a Collection of ingenious and de- lightful Wedding Sermons ib. 1732 Characters and Criticisms upon the ancient and modern Orators, Poets, &c. -ib, 17r4< Collyer’s short Account of Lord Cheyne, Lord Shorland, and Mr. Thomas frontispiece, 1739 — Tragedy of M. Arden 1770 Cert nine select Prayers, gathei'cd out of St. Argustines Medi- tations, with Death's Dance engraied round the border, black letter printed by John Day, 1575 Catalogue of Dukes, Marquisses, &c. and those that com- pounded for their Estates, 3 v. l542, l535, and l550 Caufield’s History of the Gunpowder Plot, plates Loud. 1804 Collins’s Poetical Works, ib. 1798 Complete Midwife, flwd ib. 1559 Claude dives Heroiques et Emblemes, axec fg. Par. The same in Latin Antv. 1557 Cicero’s Fouvre severall Treatises, Englished by Thomas Newton, black letter imp. by Tho. Marshe, \5iJ7 Collection of Poems Carlisle, 1779 Casparo Introductio in Chyromantiam, /fg*. Witteberg, 1354 Court and City Vagaries — Trooper turned Poet-yEsop at Oxford, 1709 Chetwood’s History of the Stage 1749 Collection of Poems Cranmer (Tho.) a Confutacion of unwritten Verities, black letter, Morocco Coke’s (Sir Ed.) Reports in Verse 1744 Cleaveland’s (John)Poems, with his portrait, 1st edit. Lowe?. 1554 - Poems and Characters ib. l558 - Poems, with Additions ib. l550 - revived Poems, Orations, and Epistles, por- ib, l550 fAA/jvnO\ f. Y'U / aJ T7 trait 1734 Gleaveland’s (John) Poems, Orations, portrait ih. l662 73V — ihe rustick Rampant, mth portrait, 1658 — .Z I /vT i\ The Historian’s Guide, l688 1735 Chalkhill’s (John) Thealma and Clearchus ih, 1736 Clarke’s Communicaiu’s Test Token - Edinb. 1737 Callander’s ancient Scottish Poems ib. 1738 Cotton’s Wonders of the Peake Load. 1683 1701 1782 1694 1695 PJJ^/ 6' - ■A n h ■iii '4 / ‘/'i Cl/ "J ^ 7 / / « 'Aa.Ai4^c<>-'/c / - // i/i/T' 4 - f /) ♦- ^ - '4 ^ 6 Jl - 1739 Craig's (Sir Tho.) Scotland’s Sovereignt)^ asserted ib. 1740 Cadiere’s (Catherine) Proceedings against Father Girard, ih. 1732 1741 Cap’s W'ell Fit, or select Epigrams Kezrcastle, 1785 174? Collier's Essays 1697 1743 Clidamas, or the Sicilian Tale, by J. S. yro72^w//Z>ce, by Hollar Land. 1639 1744 Cmlirto Meto Poscopia, and Opthalmoscopia, cim Jiguris Urgent. l6l5 1745 Cerfaine seriovs Thoughts, which, at sever ol Thnes a?}d upon sundry Occasions, have st alien themselves into Verse, by C. IT. extremely rare Land. l647 1746 Chayne of Twelve Links to wit, XII Catholick Conditions, concerning Indulgencies ib. l6l7 1747 Characters addressed to Ladies of Age ih. 1689 1748 Country Conversations ib. 1694 1749 Choice and profitable Secrets ib. 1606 1750 Caron and Schorten’s Description of the mighty Kingdom of Japan * 167 1 1751 Cowper’s (A.) History of the English Civil Warres, in Eng- lish Verse Land. l662 1752 Carey’s Poems ib. 1720 1753 (Geo. Sav.) Analects, in Verse and Prose, 2 v. ib. 1770 1754 Characters, (viz.) The Surfeit to A. B. C. Lo;/c?. 1656 — D. Lupton’s London and Country, carbonadoed and quartered into seiierall Characters, l632 — Essayes and Characters, by L. G. 1661 1755 Church’s cheap Riches, or a Pocket-Companion ib. 1658 1756 Crudeiitatis Calvinianae exempla Duo Recentissima ex Anglia ib. 1585 1757 Characterism, or the Modern Age display’d ib. 1758 Crashaw’s (Richard) Visions, or Hel’s Kingdome, and the World’s Follies and Abuses ib. 164O 1759 Com{)ton’s (Samuel) Moral Treatise upon Valour ib. 169I 1760 Conaea (George) Vita IJariae Stiiartae Scotiae Reginae Dot aria Gallicc, AngUct and Hibendoe, Hecredisy with her portrait, extremely rare Rom. 1724 1761 Carminum Proverbialium Loci Communes Lond. 1588 1762 Corry’s Detector of Quackery ' 1802 1763 Conference between an Alderman and Curate 167O 1764 Chancer’s Ganterbury Tables, by Tyrvvhitt, 5 v. Lond. 1775 ^0 i7 -^^'1765 66 !J> /1769 ■-^31770 . 61771 4 J773 ^ *^4773 , ''4774 / f /a778 /^’1779 -117 80 /4i781 . >1782 ^ '1783 i-? Jl784 '^^/1785 :/^1786 ^ 6 1787 788 61790 / 6 1791 6Y Dictionary of the Wonders of Nature, 'plates 1803 Detensoriura et Declaratio Priuilegiorum Fratrum Mendi- catium Daniel's ('rhomas) Poetical Works Davies's Lii^guai Britannira? Beljt. Description of the River Thames, &c, plates Dun Scotus (Joannis) Questiones ■— primus Scriptura 1508 17d8 hand. 1621 1758 Taxia, 1517 bnQ. D'Esnery Recueil Oxoniense Supra Primu, Florent. des Secrets et uriositez, avec Jig. Par. /7) / ^^aAcix-A to Salvation Dionysii Opera Gra3ce Demoivre’s Annuities on Lives Davies's Celtic Researches Dalgarno (Geo.) ^Didascalo cophus, Dumb Man's Tutor D’Assigny's Art of Memory Another edition Dauncey's Chronicle of the Kingdom traits Don Carlos, or an Historical Relation 1792 763 1794 1795 |[ 1685 1682 1654 1681 1751 Dunton's House of Weeping Dingley (Robert) the Deputation of Angels Lortd. Drummond's History of Scotland ib. Drayton (Mich.) History of Queen Mab Lond. Ducerccau Conjuration de Nicholas Gabrini dit de Ri- enza * Amst. 1634 LememeLivre Par. 1748 Dictionarius Pauperim Denison (John) a Three-fold Resolution, verie necessarie % I flL Lond. 160 8 Par. 1562 Lond. 1752 ib. 1804' or the Deaf and O 3 J'. 168O Lo?id. 1699 ib. 1706 of Portugal, ®or- ib. 1661 of the unfortunate QcJy Life and Tragical Death of that Prince, •wanting the title '■ Du f fey's Songs . l683 Delaune's Penitent Christian, his Metamorphosis I^ond. 1657 Davies (J.) the Ancient Rites and Alonuments of the Mo- nastical and Cathedral Church of Durham ib. l672 De L'Epy’s Voyage into Barbary ib. l689 Delemain on the Horizontal Quadrant, cuts ib. l637 Drayton's (Michael) Poems^ Jirst edition ib. printed, by W. Stanshy, ci.,L 'h'H/ Dictionnaire d’Anecdotes Par. 1766 De Rebus (Jacobo.) Marthione Montis rosarum An'st. l648 Dawson’s Memoirs of St. George and the Order of the Garter Lond. 1714 Dale's Catalogue of the Nobility of England ib. l697 Description of Bemvei Village, in the County of Nor- thumberland, by Q. Z. see MS*, note, by Mr. Brand Newcastle, 1726 UL// Dodaridge (Judge) rare '1807 .1808 j 1813 / /; - \/ ,,1814 ojisi’s -il8l6' 11817 11818 68 Dawkes Prodigiiim Willinghamense 1741 Dorine (John) a Sermon of Commemoration of the Lady Da vers Jond, 1627 his Law of Nobilit]/ and Peerage, ib. 1658 Description of the Royal ^Jilitary Asylum at Chelsea, plates ih» 1805 Ducarel’s Repertory of Endowments of Vicarages ib. 1782 Discourse of the Law of Inheritance in Fee , / 1736 D’Avent on Grantsand Resumptions, 1700 — The Case of Impropriations and of augmentation of Vicarages 1704 Description of Bury, St. Edmunds Bury, 1782 Diatessaron Graece, edit. White Oxon. 1800 Donne^s Poems, with Elegies on the Author's Death Lond. 1635 ib. 1654 ih. 1791 ib. 1767 Arms Oxf. 1682 Lond. 1780 ib. 1700 Another copy, with his portrait Drummond's (W.) Poems Derrick's (Sam.) Letters, portraits, 2 v. Dugdale (Sir W.) the Antient Usage in bearing / I8I9 / ' ',1823 yld,^ '^\ -11824 A / - I 1820 ^^1821 ^1822 1823 y^tvi - 1825 ;/! \<3 11826 il827 ,/l -tl828 % -|1829 'y \^\ '!1830 1832 \y -jl833 Dodsley's .Collection of old Plays, 12 v. Dodwell's lawfulness of Musick in Holy Offices Deringe (^Iaster‘*Ed.) Workes, ;io rfa/e Drayton* s (Michael) Workes ib. 1631 Deserhione di Roma Moderna, con Jig. 2 tome Roma.\70% Dent (Arthur) a Sermon on Repentance, b. 1. imp. byj. Harrison, 1583 Dwight's Greenfield-Hill, a Poem NewYork, 1794 DanieVs (Sam.) certaine sinall Workes Lond. I6II D'Avenant's (Sir W.) Gondibert, an Heroick Poem iP. l651 Madagascar, with other Poems ib. 1648 Directions for the Health of Magistrates, b. I, ib. by W. How, 1574 Donne's (J.) Poems, with Elegies on the Author’s Death , ib. 1635 Dalton's Discourses ib. 1737 .Denham (N.) the Way of Lyfe, b. 1. ih. 1578 Devil (The) of Delphos, or the Prophets of Baal ib. 1708 De Rhythmo Grmcorum, Gr. Lat. Oxon. 1789 De Refuges Treatise of the Court . Lond. l622 Dermod) 's Poems, plates ib. 1 800 Delolme on the Constitution ' 25.1775 Drake's Historia Anglo-Scotica ib. 1703 QUARTO. 11834 Bedwelli, Joannis Apestoli et Evangelists Epistolte , i j . Catholicie Omnes A rabica?, ^ra5. XaL ex off.Plantin, l6l2 1 i 5 I 1/ 1 / ' ] / ^ ] ] fj ■"J J j! h /i ' f 6|] ( /j 4] i. 2 / ] / , ] ^ ] / - 2 ' 1 i . 1835 BulliE Papisticae Ante biennium contra Sereniss. Angliae, Franciseand Hybernise, Reginam Elizabetham, &c. ab Henrychi Bullingeri hond. apud J. Dayurny 1571 1836 Bernard’s (Nich.) Hooker, and others on the King’s Su- premacy Land. l66l 837 Brewster’s (Sam.) Collectanea Ecclesiastica ib. 1752 838 Broughton’s (Hugh) Epistle to the learned Nobilitie of England Middleburgky 1597 1 839 Board's ( And.) Bremaiie of Health, black letter imp. at London, by Tho. East, 3 587 Bach’s Tithing Table Loud. l633 Ballard’s Memoirs of learned Ladies, 1. p. Oxf. 1752 18-12 Biograpical Magazine, or complete Historical Library, ptortraits Lond. 177 S 843 Butler’s Lives of the Saints, 4 v. ib. 1729 844 Barrington on the Statutes ib. 1775 845 Bromley's Catalogue of engraved Portraits, 2 v. inter- leaved with writing paper ib. 1793 846 Boyer’s French and English Dictionary, Russia ib. 1783 847 Bacon’s Liber Regis ib. 1786 848 Beard's (Tho.) Theatre of God's Judgements Lond. prmted by Adam Islip, 1596 849 Balaeo Scriptorum IIlusLrium Majoris Brittannice, rarus 1548 850 Biblia Hebraica sine Punctis, ab Forster Oxon. 1750 851 Broughton’s (Hugh) Comment upon Coheleth or Ecclv- siastes Heb. et Eng. &c. l605 852 Barbour’s Life of King Robert Bruce • Edinb. 1758 853 Britannes Basse, or a Computation as well of the Chargeof a Basse, or Herring Fishing Ship, as also of the Gaine and Erofits thereby ' l623 854 Berkenhout’s Biographia Literaria 1777 855 Boer haave Oeconomia Anhnalis, cum fg. Russia Lond. 1741 856 Baptist* Floraj^g. Anist. 1746 857 Burney’s (Rich.) Sermons, dedicated to Chailes 11. • 858 Boy’s Exposition of the Scripture, 3 v. Lond. 161O 859 Batch’s Matrimoniall ib. l642 1860 Broughton’s Seder Olam, or the Order of the World from the fall to the restoring 1594 1861 Sundrie Workes, defending the certayntie of the Holy Chronicle, black letter, 1591, and other Works, 1605 and 8 IS62 Beak’s Fifth Monarchy, jv Kingdom of Christ Lo/id. 1 659 1863 Brooke’s Discoverie of Errors in Cambden’s Britannia 1724 1864 Brown’s Travels in Germany, I677 ' Buchinger ( Matthew ) a Person born without Arms, in vari- ous Attitudes in which he performed, on copper plates, for an Account of him see MS. note % ^ '^J'VtLCJU J eAAyyynC'P-' 2 ) . GIcKa 2) (2Xy 70 '4^ ,/ %J/u'y^ ^OA-UiA ^^'Urrt4^ 1^66 Byrd*s Coniratenor^ set to Musick 1589 1867 Psabnes, Sonets, and Songs of Sadness and Pitie, set to Musick printed at Lond. by Thomas Este, 1868 Bassus, SfC. set to Musicke ib, . yl869 Superius, SfC, set to Musicke ib. •3 J1870 Bella. Scot-Anglica, a Brief of all the Battles and Mar- I tiall Encounters which have happened betwixt England / and Scotland, from all Times to this present 1648 i 4 1871 Bradshaw^s Ghost, a Poem ;ojl872 Brunsuerdi (Joannis) Maclesfeldensis Gymnasiarcha? ; f Progyrnmismata Quoedam Poetica Lund. 15 SQ -2 (7 1873" Booker (Astrologer John) Bloody Almanack, to which England is directed, to fore-know what’s come to passe, frontispiece no date Brownist’s (The) Conventicle, cuts ■ Lond. 16*41 Bradshaw’s Ghost ib. l6'9 ultimum Vale • ib. 166O Broughton’s Comment upon Coheleth ; or Ecclesiastes, ib. 1605 {^1874. / 1905 Defence of Ecclesiastical Hierachie ' ^190b Disputation (The) at Winchomb Lond. 1^54 ^01907 D’Arnaud de Diis Commentarius, Gr. Laf. Hag. Com. 1732 T902 T903 OiciA/^ v-yt f kUU / fa / 0C(yCCM .9' 1686 1792 1876 1771 1629 1631 *^,>^908 Dunton (John) the Pilgrim’s Guide / y 1909 Dodwell’s Practical Discourses on Moral Subjects, 2 v. / f Lond. 1 749 / (71910 Douglas’s Influence of Christian Religion on Society ib. y >1911 Doctrine of Devils ib. Q 1912 Dry den’s Poems and Fables, 4 v. — Five others, 9 v. A - Glasg. / Drexelio orbis Phaethon Monachi, /i0^1914 Drexlio career et Rogus CEternitatis,y?g-. Antv, 6 1913 Dodwelli de Parma Equestri Woodwardiana Dissertatio, f a Hearne Oxon. 1713 1916 Drusii Misaellanea Locutionum Sacrarum Franokerce, 1586 1917 De origine Caviis Typo, et Ceremoniis Illuis Ritus quivulgo in scholis Depositio Appellatur, oratio M. Johnnis Di- nokelii, cum fig. 1578 'I9I8 Dancing (The) Master, or all the Country Dances set to / / Music Lond. I698 y 1919 Du Moulin (Peter) the Capiicin Treated ib. l665 ^ ' 1920 Dent (A.) the Paine Man's Path-way to Heaven ib. 16OI aJ iXi / Jjt CA/yt4 0^ ■iAypy'Vi O i \A^ ao>A :492. I'^l I923 3 . I ! 1924 J' ^ 2 7/ tips 8 ^^a,yr.4Hj / .i529 "'/!»925 4^/^- 7 IIS30 i ^ 'kssi !1932 ^ .jl933 nr / / ^i/Oc^L.. X ^ Ilp36 / S 4937 / / -jl938 / / 61939 19^0 ^yV^'hecJL. 7^3 ^ /‘’|iP44 “=7 / 119^5 ^ /2 Jl94(i »7 1947 72 Dalrymple's Travels in Spain and Portugal Vuh. 1777 Davies’s Art who to know Men l6’65 Dykes’s English Proverbs Loml. 1713 Deliverance from the Spanish Invasion, and Gunpowder Treason ib, 1671 Dulude’s Treatise on Spirits ib. 1723 Dionysii Geographia, Gr. Lat. Awells ih. J76T Dee (Joannis) Monas Hieroglyphica Francof. 1591 Dionysii Longini Rhetoris, Gr. Lat. Oxo7i. l638 Discourse on Government with Relation to the Militia Edinb. 1698, &:c. Dumoulin Chimorance and Physiognomic, par le yard ies Membres do THomme, avec Jig. A'Lyoit, 154-9 Democritus Ridens Amst. l6’55 De Valinont la Physique Occulte, fig. ib. I693 Divine Poems, riz. Earloo’s Kalendar of Man’s Life, ads^ i 638 — Reach’s History of the Young converted Gallant, 1676 — Divine Emblems, by John Bunyan, cuts, Mb '! — Collins’s Marrow of Gospel History 1^96 Dolcman on Succession, with Genealogical Table I694 De rebus Gestis Britannia? seu Angliae Oxon. l640 Drcxlius Niceras, or the Triumph of ouer Incontinecie' Lond. 1633 Davison’s Poetical Rapsodie, first edit. prifded by Nicholas Okesif, 16O8 Rapsody, containing divers Sonnets, dec. never before published, title and dedication in M. S. prvded at London by V, S.for John Baily, 1 6 1 1 . Poems or Poetical Rapsodies deuided into sixe Bookes ib. ib. by B. J. for Roger Jackson ^ 1621 Danaeus Politicorum aphoris morum Silver Lug. Bat. 1592 Divine Meditations upon several Occasions with a daily Directory Ijind. 1683 Du Moulin accomplissement des Propheties Asedan, l623 Dant’s Judgments of God upon the Roman Empire Lond. 1711 Discourse concerning the having many Children ih. 1695 Dialogue concerning Women ib. 1691 Dolewax’s confeb-fts'Ce about the next suc- cessor TO THE Crown of England, Jine and perfect copy, extremely rare-, believed fo be penned by Cardinal Allen, Sir Thomas Englefield, and F'ather Parsons the Jesuit ; — was condemned in Parliament, 35 Elizabeth, when it was enacted, whosoever should have this Book in his House, should be guilty of Treason : the Printer was hung, drawn, and quartered. Davies (Sir John) on the Immortality of the Soul, a Poem ‘ 1714 , " 1948 , /1949 1963 / 6)964 ,'^'1965 / 71966 /6 ‘967 ^1968 0^1969 . C>W 70 ^ v397l '}ki ^ -197* 3^1^71 Duport sive Liber Job, &c. Gr. Lat. Cantab. 1553 Done's (John) Polydoron Land. 1531 Douglas's Criterion : or Miracles examined ib. 1757 Milton no Plagiary, 1755 — Douglas's six Letters from Bower to Father Sheldon, 1755 — Bower and Til- lemcnt compared, 1757 — A full Confirmation of all the Facts advanced in Bower's three Defences, 1757 — A complete and final Detection of Bower 1758 Dodd’s Beauties of Shakespeare, 2 v. 1757 Duck's Life of Arch Bp. Chichele Land. l599 Davenant’s (Wm.) Madagascar, with other Poems ib. l538 Denny's (Sir Wm.) Pelccanicidium, or the Christian adviser against self Murder, with portrait — with the Pilgrim's Passe to the Land of the Living. For an Ac- cbnnt of the Author., see Mr. Brand's M. S. Note, Lond. l553 Decrees of our Holy Father Pope Innocent the XL Oxf. l579 Downame's (John) Physicke to cure the Diseases of the Soul Lond. l500 Donne's (John) Devotions upon emergent Occasions, ib. l538 Decription of the Island of Shetland, 1753 — Compli- ments to Painters of Eminence in Scotland Edmb. 1797 Drapier's Letters^ to Shop-keepers, Tradesmen Farmers, and common People of Ireland, concerning the Brass Halfpence coined by Mr. Woods Dublin, Sj-c. Dutens des pierres precieuses et des Peierres-fines, Mor. gilt leaves Par. 1775 Drummond's Art of Reading and Speaking Edinb. 1771 Davies's Epitaphs, voahts title De Disciplina Ecclesiastica, ad Ecclesiam Scoticam Aberdonice, 'Derham's Astro-theology • — Physico-Theology Edinb. Davies's (Sir John) Discoverie of the true Causes why Ireland was never subdued , 174^7 De Freval’s History of the Heavens, 2 y. Lond. 1743 Delphi Phoenicizantes, a Dickinsono ’ Oxon. l655 De-inscriptione Egyptiaca lioin. 1751 Debt’s Discharged, or owe nothing to any Man, 1584 — Gaming-humour considered and reproved l584 Dictionnaire Portratif des IMots Francois, 2 tom. Par. 1755 Denon's Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, Aiken, plates, 3 V. • Lond. 1 803 Dictionary (A New) of the Terms, ancient and Modern, of the canting Crew in its several Tribes of Gipsies, Beg- gars, Thieves, Cheats, &c. Devera Antiquorum Herba Britannica Drexelius's Twelve Signes of Predestination unto Life Everlasting, cuts Lond. 1547 74 Durandi Rationale Divinorum de Ritibus 1P77 u 1979 Dawes s Miscellanea Critica ^ 'I98O Devises Heroiqucs, /I'gwm- Li/gdimij 1595 Far, 1626 Cantab, 1745 ^t((. 6' / ^ 198I Demonstration of tlie Will of God by the Light of Nature . Load, 1738 ' 7X^82 Description of Animals, plates ib. 1744 7 0^1983 Downame's Concordance to the Bible ib, 1726 u 1984 Divine Eloquence ib. I694 / ~ 1985 Dale’s Analysis of all the Epistles of the New Testament ^ Oxf. 1657 -1986 Doue’s (John) Sermon, preached at Paulcs Ciosse, the bih Feb. 1596 * Land, 1597 J1987 Dedekindo Grobianus et Grobiana Lag, Bat, l642 0988 Dunster’s Anglia Rediviva Loud, l6'99 >1989 Dyde’s History and Antiquities of Tewkesbury, plates Tezekesbmy, 1790 1990 Dicey^s Account of Guernsey Land. 1751 1991 Dialogue of Dives and Pauper^ black letter ^ imp. by Thomas k^yh^ 2 / Berthelcty \S36^ leant in g title ^1992 Drexelius upon Eternitie, cuts / y 1993 The same, in Latin 0 6 1994 Camb. 1636 U ms /1996' Eternitate, Tribunal Christi-Gymmasium Patieii- tiae Nicetas Dcorbis Vitius Lingucc, &c. 5 v. CoAw, 1632 Forerunner of Eternitie Lond. 1643 Donne’s Devotions 1634 6 J997 Deciee of the Barons of Exchequer in the great Cause of / Tithe Milk Sherbourriy 1779 / 4 1008 Dore’s Councils of Wisdom 1683 4: 2 2 y^999 Deannis Climaceteriais de Ratione Vitendi Col. 1023 O2000 D’Emery Recueil dcs Curiosites Par. 1683 4 0 2000*DcveraObedientia, an Oration made inLatine, by Stephen Gardner, Bishop of W^inchester, &c. black letter. See M,S, Note from Roane j 15 S3 ( 2001 D’Andilly de Vila Christi Carmen, Fr. Lat. Par. 1650 2002 Dilherus’s (J. M.) Contemplations, Sighes, and Groanes of a Christian Lond, 1 640 2003 Davieses (J.) Apctcalypsis^ or the Revelation (f certain wo^- riovs Advancers of Beresie, with portraits^ rare Lond. l65S ^ 2004 Dissertation on Mr. Hogarth’s Six Prints, Gin Lane, Beer / / Street, and the Four Stages of Cruelty ib. 1751 y ^ ^ 2005 De Originie Imperii Turcorum, cum fig. IVitehergoey 1560 y 4^' ' 2006 Drummond’s (Wm.) of Havvthornden Poems Lond. 1656 6 2007 Dissertation sur les Festins dcs Auciens Grecset Remains / . ala BayCf 1715 .y y ^2008 Dingley (Robt.) Vox Coeli Lond. 1658 ^ ^2009 De Malyne’s Treatise on the Canker of England’s Com- monwealth 1601 4cOJO / 0 2011 ^ 6 2012 ^ r 2013 /n 2014 ^ v2015 42016 ' 4 2017 . 2018 / v 2019 2020 2021 Dumoulin’s Masse, in Latine Darnianson la Beste I'ransformee, &c. l64l 1684 0 ^ V. - M' () : ■4// 2022 2023 /r2024 CU^cLa O dJci 61 12025 12026 2027 i / 2028 2029 2030 2031 /2032 4 6 2033 // 4 < 1^2036 4' 2034 2035 2p37 12038 2039 2040 ^ /2p41 \^b 2042 Dolman’s Contemplations among Vincent's Rocks near the City of Bristol Bristol, 1755 Drexeiius’s School of Patience Diversorum Poetarum, in Priapum Lusiis Duplcsis theResouler, or Curiosities of Nature 1635 Dialogue Suj* les Droits dc Reyne Tres-Christienne 1667 De Pace Sententiie Lond. l638 Deat/i*s DuelL We mvst all Die^ with the plate, by Colman Davies’s Political and Military Observations 1679 Dictionarium Poeticum Lvef. up Carolam Stephanvm, 1559 Disroverie of Edmund Campion, and his Confederates, black letter, extremely rare 1582 ^ and Confutation of a Tragical Fiction, devysed -- and played by Edward Squyer, Yeoman Soldier, hanged at Tyburne the 23d of Nouember, 1598 1599 Demetrii Phalerei de Elocutione sive Dictione Rhetorica, Gr. Lat. Glasg. ap Foidis, 1743 Dugrabe Breve et Accuratum Grammaticae Gallicm Com- pendium Lond, 1650 Be - Auctoritato S. Seii p Cl i iJ 3 I61I Democritus Ridens Amst, l649 Dee’s Ground of Arts, l640 — Waynman's Masterson's Arithmetick 1634 Delaserres’s Mirrour, which flatters not 1639 Durant’s Comfort and Counsell for dejected Soules 1651 Dandine’s Voyage to Mount lyibanus I69S Doolittle’s Earthquakes explained l693 . yy Dodsley's Collection of Poems, 6 v. 1776 (Zd. d Duten’s Enquiry into the Origin and Discoveries attributed to the Moderns 1769 Darwin’s Rotanic Garden, or the Loves of the Plants, plates, 2 V. 1799 Dutilliot Memorre a L’Histoire de la Fete des Foux, avec figures Lausan, 1751 Davies’s Athenre Britannicae, or a Critical History of the Oxford and Cambridge Writers and Writings, 2 v. Lond, 1716 De Vrye de tien Vermakeliheden des Houvvelyks, xcith curious plates Amst, 1678 Dialects, various, viz. Scoticisms arranged in alphebetical Order Edinb. 1787 English Speech and Spelling, 1797 — ^The Con- trast, a Specimen of the Scottish Dialect ib. 1779 Seward’s lour to Borde’s Cave, and Dialect spoken in Burton in Lonsdale, 1801 of Westmorland, by \Valker Kendal, 1799 — Cornish Dialect, in M. S, by Mr. Brand ^C4^yuA / / 7 /: '^Uir /-• ^U/ ^ “2043 / >2044 /' 6 2045 ^2046 4 2047 ^U 2048 2049 2050 3 *2051 > 2052 6 2053 .3 6 2054 2055 5^ 2056 ^ /f2057 1/j , (5058 i '2059 / V 206'0 2063 2064 ' y. '2o65 ^ ^ 2066 / ^ 2067 ^ ^ 2068 3a^o^ ^ _ 2o5p ^ 2070 / / 4 2071 ' o a072 /•? '2073 ^Mlot 4 A z . 2074 . 2075 Dialect Exmoor Dialect, 1746 — Lancashire ditto, 1/46 Exmoor Scolding between two Sisters Exeter, 1795 in the Propriety and Decency of the Ex- moor Language Exeter Another Copy, edit, in Quarto Exon, 1746 Dinnysii llistoria Inigduni. ap Antonivm Vincentiuw, 1563 Duppa’s Holy Rules and Helps for Devotion, portrait l674 Durant’s (John) Cluster of Grapes, with hisportrait. Land. 166O Declaration of the innve Causes of the great Troubles pre- supposed to be intended against the Realme of England, 1582 De Vara Obediencia, irandated into E.ngUsh, black letter, xery rare 1553 The name printed in Rome, 1554 Davies’s Ceremonies of the vacant See i671 Doue’s Sermon of Diuorcement I60I Dunton’s (John) Remains, or the dying Pastor’s last Le- gacy, portraits and plates, by Vanhote Loml, l684 Daviess ( J.) Apocalypsis, or the Revelation of certuine noto^ rions A dvancers oJ H eresies, with seventeen portraits, extremely rare ib. 167I Ethici’s Compendium in nsum Juventatis Academicae Oxon. 1745 iEliani Varia Historia, Gr. Lat. ab Upton Lond, 1726 Evans, (Lewys) the hatefull Hypocrisie, black letter 157Q Explication d’une Inscription Taurobolique,^^“g. Par. 1705 — Dissertation sur une Figure de Bronze par Moureau, fg. Par. SfC. England’s Vanity Land. l683 Exactiard’s exact Description of Ireland ib. 169I England’s Happiness, in a lineal Succession, portrait of James 2 ib. l685 Eachard’s Works ib. 1712 Essayes by Sir William Cornwallyes ib. l632 England’s black Tribunall, with portrait of Charles 1st ib. 1660 . Euripidis Tragaediae IMedea et Phoenissae, Gr. Lat. Cantab. 1703, Essayes by Sir William Cornwallyes the younger, Knight, newly corrected Lond. 1632 England’s Jests, refined and improved ib. iGSJ Erici Observationum ad Antiquitates Septentrionales Elanfn, 1769 Edmondson’s Precedency Epicti enchiridion, Gr. Lat. ab Upton Glasg. 1758 Essay for the Conversion of the Irish Dub. I698 English Grammar and Vocabulary Birmingham, A. Baskerville, 17 G 5 Emersom’s Mechanics, plates 17J4 77 Essays on the Female, to which is added the Character of a complete Beau, with the plate 1^97 ^sopi Fabula3, Gr. Lat. cum Jig. Francofurti, l6l0 England’s Glory, or an exact Catalogue of the Lords of his Majesties Privy council, &:c. uithjrontispkce, Lond. l660 Essays and Letters on various Subjects ib. 1/39 Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared, 2 v. 1754 Erasmus on the Crede ib. by lledman Ediyn (Rich.) Observationes Astrological ib. l659 Eastcott’s Sketches of the Origin, Progress, and Effects of Music ^ Bath. 1793 Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists compared, 2 v. Lmd. 1752 Essay on the Art of ingeniously Tormenting ib. 1753 Elliot on Mineral Waters, plates, 1781, and several other Medical Tracts Erpenii Rudimenta Linguse.Arabicae Lug. Bat. l 62 S QUARTO. 2088 Barthlet's Pedegrewe of Heretiques 1566 Bedwell’s Brief Description of Totenham-FIigh-Crosse, in Middlesex, 1631 — The Tournament of Tottenham l63I Bourne’s Inuentions or Deuises, very necessary for all Ge- neralles and Captaines, or Leaders of iMen, as well by Sea and Land, plates, 1578 — Estienne, the Art of ma- king Devises, plates l650 - 2091 Bloue/s rich Store-house, or Treasury for the diseased, a very fine copy, perfect 1 596 Blassii Fortunuis Licetus de Monstris, avec fig. Amst.' \7S5 Bayard i Prodrome D’Ercolano,y7g. 2 tom. Napoli, 1752 Brief Narration of the Mysteries of State carried on by the Spunish Faction in England, since the Reign of y Queen Elizabeth l65l ' • 2095 Bail’s true Narrative of the undue and greatly Injurious Proceedings of one Edward Bullock, late Petitioner unto the Parliament of England, against one William Stand- ee, Esq. 1652 Barnes’s Gentleman’s Academic, or the Book of St. Al- bans, cuts J 595 Carew’s Survey of Cornwall l602 Crooke’s White Sheete, or a Warning for Whoremon gers 2099 Cabala, or the Mystery of Conventicles, iinvailed 2100 Chambers Funeral Sermon on Dorothie, Countess of Nor- thumberland Certaine Advertisements out of Ireland, concerning the Losses and Distresses, happened to the Spanish Navie on the West Coastes of Ireland 2076 ^ ^ 2077 ^ 6 2078 ^ 42079 ^ (J 2080 6 2081 / -,2082 Z 6 2083 ^ . 2084 / 42085 / ' 2086 4 2087 ^ ^ - 2089 >7 '2090 / (8092 7') 2093 0 . 2094 4 2096 -2097 / - 2098 ^ 4 4- 2102 cZ: tSk, ^-4 Cf y 1 '8 i ei04 - 2105 2106 ^ - 2 107 ^VyvC^ / L. ^CuMj .J- Qlc^Xa / / u U3 '2114 - 2115 ^ 4 / G c <^Uy XI lu 7-2 6 2118 a'>vh(yy, ^227 / ' 2128 ^ 72129 JO 6 2130 2 JZ 6 2131 2133 ^ y 2134 - 2135 < '2136' / '■2137 79 Catalogue of the Pceres of the Rcalme of England, and Horii. 1628 ^ Lond. Knights of the Garter' Conjci Religionis apud 9*Potos Caper a Notes and various Readings to Shakespeare Catalogue of the Collection of Edward Harley, Earl of Oxford, consisting of the Paintings and Coins, &c. with prices, and Purchaser's Names, with frontispiece, by V’er- tiie, 1742 — Likewise an annexed List in M.S. of Capi- tals — Sales of various Collections from 1755 to 1777 Cupero Apotheosis consecralio Homeri, cum Jig. Amst. l683 Charlton’s History of Whitby York^ 1779 Q^omJKa^ Cudworth’s (H.) Sermons before the Commons 16*47 Clarke’s (John) Holy Oyle for the Lampes of the Sanc- tuarie Rond. 1^30 ^ • Character (The,) of a Trimmer, by Sir W. C. ih. lO'SS ''40 / / Ct/yit/ho NINTH BAY’S SALE^ FRIDAY, May 15, 1807o 2138 / /2139 k 2140 ^ 6 52141 y 2142 y 2143 ^ 0/2144 <12145 / 6 2146* / ' 2147 ^ -2148 ^ ^ 2149 ' 7 2150 O 2151 1 >2152 / 6/2153 .b 2154 OCTAVO AND TWELVES. Egede's Description of Greenland, plates Evelyn’s Epigrams on Painting Erasmi enkomion Moriae, tiguris J. Holbcnii Este's Journey through Flanders, «Scc. England’s Genius, or Wit Triumphant Happiness in a lineal Succession Basil, English Orthographic Oxon. Ellis, (Clem.) the Gentile Sinner OjJ'. Evelyn’s (John) History of the Grand Visiers Lond. Instructions, concerning erecting a Library ih. Idea of the Perfection of Painting, 1663 — History of three Impostors, 1669, and others Sculptura, portrait 1745 1700 1676 1795 1734 16*85 1670 16*64 1677 I6*6i ^ (jlyLCytl (Uou/K.^ 'f cT- % •Jz ^ Navigation and Commerce — — Terra, by Hunter History of Chalcography Navigation and Commerce — — - Essay on Lucretius 80 / / -2156 ^ • 2157 . /(2158 12159 a (2160 e / ^ ■Ja^ '1^2165 ,. , ^<^2166 ^^2169 ^miuuuot} o 2170 AuAtlu /fei7i // ^^2173 5 6 2174 AUA b -2173 ./ //-2176 '^f -2180 / / fal81 ^ l‘-il«2 ^/2183 ^e(/LdxA J/362184 5 ,ois5 ^-^IS Evelyn’s (John) Kalendarium Hortense, Lond, 1 6/6, and Philosophical Discourse of the Earth ?5. 1^75 Kalendarium Hortense— French Gardiner, l675, and several others on Gardening ih, 1755 Sculptura, portrait and plates iEsopi Fabulae, Gr. Lat. . Basil, \ 5^7 Epicteti Enchiridion, Gr. Eat. Glasg. 1744 Epistolae Divi Pauli Apostoli Lond. 1522 Elyot, (Sir Tho.) the Bake, named the Gonernor, black letter Lond. in ^Edibus, Thos. Mar she, 1565 Euripidis Orestes, Gr. Lat. A. Barnes Glasg. a Foulis, 1753 Euclid, by Barrow 166O Ecclesiastical History epitomized, xcith frontispiece andsexen portraits Lond. l682 Elly^s, (Tobias) the Kingdom of God opened and proved^ with portrait of Charles 2d Oxf. l683 Emblems of Morality, c7/f5 Lorrd. 1789 Erasmi Traclatus, cum fig. up Froben Euerardt’s Epitome of Stenography Lond. l658 Epistles of Cicero Brutus, by Middleton ib. 1743 Elegies of Old Age, made English from the Latin of Cn. Cornelius Gallus ib. 1668 Epicteti Enchiridion, a Wolfio ib. i670 Erasmi Adgiorum Jmst. l650 English and Latin Proverbs 1639 P^picteti Enchiridion, Gr. Lat. .^mst. I670 Euphrates, or the Waters of the East, l655, and six others on Hermetical Physick EnglanFs Helicon, or the Mnse^s Harmony. A few leaves made up with M.S. Ijond. J614 Enchiridion of Fortification, plates ib. Essay in Defence of the Female Sex 1721 upon Literature 1726 Egyptian History, treating of the Pyramids, l672 — the present State of Egypt, 1678 E,isenechmidi de Ponderibus et Mensuris Argent. I7O8 Erasmi Mori Phicomium cum Commentaris, Ger. Listrii, and figuris Jo. Holbcinii Basil, i 1676 Essays, serious, and comical Lond. 1707 England’s [Fort hies — Portrait of the Earl of Essex, made perfect xvith M.S. ib. l647 Enchiridium Epigrammatum, Latino Anglicum, by Vil- vain Another Copy ih. l654 Early Piety exemplified in the Life and Death of Mr. Na-' thaniel Mather ib, l685 Pn’asmiis upon Diuorcement, black letter, wanting title F'pistolm Gildx ih. 1565 .81 2 J 90 Eton Greek Grammar Eton, \7 iitJ 2191 ^sop in select Fables, at Turnbridge, &c. 1698, &c. ^ . 2192 Emblems, Divine, Moral, Natural, and Historical, expres- sed in Sculpture, cuts Lond. Eckius de Ecclesia et etius Autoritate, wants title Essex's Treatise on Dancing Elementa Opiticse Lond. Essayes, Elements of Arithmetick Ecclesiastical History epitomized Eunuchism display'd Emblems, Divine, Moral, and Historical, expressed in Sculptures 1672 Ennapias de Vitis Philosophorum et Sophistarum, Gr. Lat. 2197 2198 >2199 22 ' 2201 Moral and Theological '4/ . . y 2202 English Connoisseur, 2 V. Lond. 1766' ^2203 Ecton's State of Queen Anne's Bounty ih. 17^9 / 6 2204 Ephesian and Cimmerian Matrons; two notable Examples / of the Power of Love and Wit ib. 1^88 , '2205 Elstotb's English Saxon Homily ih. 1709 ' ' 2206 Ellis's Specimens of the Early English Poets, 3 v. ib. 1803 ^'2207 Ei'dswicke^s iSurvei/ of Staffordshire ib. 1717 /! b 2208 Erasmus’s Epicureus, translated into English, black letter.^ ' , Tcrj/ rare. Not wentioned by cither Ames or Herbert. / Imprinted by Grafton 1545 y2209 Europe Slaves, unless England break her Chains 168I . Jr 22 10 England’s Path to Wealth and Honor 1707 2211 Experienced Fowler 1^97 England's Faithfull Reprover and Monitour 1653 For an Account of this Book, see M. S Note. Essay on Different Styles of Poetry 1713 Elegy on the Death of Thomas Merry, Esq. 1682 Elyot's (Sir Thomas) the Banket of Sapience, gathered oute of Dyuers, and many Godlye Authores, black letter imprinted by John Wally ~ 2316 English Marty rologe, containing a Summary of the most re- nowned Saints of the Three Kmgdoms, England, Scotland, / 0 2212 (2213 3 6 2215 I2214 6 J and Ireland 2217 Enquiry into the Causes of Prodigies and Miracles 2 ''2218 Experienced Angler, or Angling Improved ' 2219 England's Triumph, - 2220 Essays of Love and Marriage, with Characters Lo7id. y / {2221 and Meditations Edinb. A 1672 1727 i66h 1704 1673 1765 1608 1730 2222 Essaies Politicke and Moral Le,nd. ^ ^ 2223 Essays relating to the Conduct of Life ib. ^ ' 2224 Ellis's Gentile Sinner, or England's Brave Gentleman Oxford 1762 M I 9'. ^CoicIlA ^/iM ^ 0 2225 ^2226 3 (2227 '^2228 0 2229 / ;,2230 6 2231 r r 2232 . O 2233 ' 2234- i /2235 ^ ^^2236 ^•6.2237 3 6 2238 Edwin’s Just and Seasonable Reprehension Breasts and Shoulders Essay on Morality Essaies, Politicke and Morall Exon’s (Joseph) Occasional! Meditations of Naked Lond. 1678 ib. ih. ib. 1682 16O8 1631 2239 240 / . 2241 ^ 72241* ^A^Afi6c4C >7 Q 2242 • / • 6 2243 Q 72246 ^ ^ 1247 ^c>y7H^ ^ . 2248 ^^^e^4/'icL. i.l) 2249 6 -2250 4^2251 fXy/yu^ J' / * ^/^COcJu^c/yCeL^/ . . ^aA'JCa^ 'S^CKA.elu .1 cT. y iAy/VKA^ 2252 >^^2853 , - 2254 ^ 2255 ^ -2256 / /2257 J 2258 2259 Epictetus Manuall Cebes Table.: Theophrastus Cha- racters, by Jo, Healey ib, 1636 Another Copy ih, l616 Essayes, or Moral Discourses on several Subjects ih, 167I Ely’s Letters on several Subjects ih. I694 iEnigmatum et Griphorum Francqfurti l602 Easton’s Human Longevity Salisbury 1799 Evenemen’s Tragiques D’Angleterre et D’Ecosse, Cologne 1686 England’s Confusion during its Interregnum 166O Eland’s Tutor to Astrologie I67O Ephelia (called Joan Phillips) Female Poems on several Occasions, with her portrait Lond. 1 670 Examen Pacifique de la Doctrine des Huguenot Far. 1589 , Evan’s Hatefull Hypocrisie and Rebellion of the Romishe Prelacie, h. 1. • 1570 Easton’s Human Longevity Salisbury 1799 Eight Essays for the People of England, plates 1716 Elegantes Variorum, Virgilio Ovidio Ceutones de Opificio Mundi, cum fig. aRaphaele Sadelero ' Monad 1616. Ellis’s Fortuita Sacra ' Rotterd, 1727 Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff 1777 Egidio Carmiua de Urinarum Lugd. 1526 England and Scotland’s Covenant with their God Lond, 1645 Epicurus’s Morals , ib. 167O .^nigmata Sacr. Misticall Cases and Secrets of Divi- nitie ib. l6l5 England’s Remarques ib. l682’ Evans (Arise) the Euroclydon Winde commanded to cease ib, 16*54 Examination of the Masse, b, 1. morocco imprinted by John Day Elsyngc’s Ancient Method and Manner of Holding of Parliaments Lond, 1666 Emblems of the Heart, on copper plates Emillianne’s History of Monastical Orders, portrait , Lond, 1693 Emblems of Love, in four Languages, cuts ib. 1683 Eikon Basilike, first edition ib. 1 64# The same . 1649 Edmondson’s Historical and Genealogical Account of the noble Family of Greville, plates ib. 1766 Evans (Cath.) and Sarah Cheevers Voyage to the Island of Malta ib. 1715 83 y.L ^ -i226l ^ ' Q262 //3 .2263 -2264 ^ ' 2265 ^ I I 2268 / / 2269 ^ 2270 / / '^^(xacIa. aa ^ r>C^'Vy\ ^lA ^i/ii 2266 - 7226'7 / 7? . 9, 2271 7 -2260 Ellis's (Geo.) Specimens of the Early English ’ Poets, interleaved and superbly bound in Morocco , gilt leaves^ in 6 v. Lond. 1801 Figures de la Bible, Illustrees de Hvictains Francoys, avecjig. A Lyon 1565 Five Pieces of Runic Poetry Lond, 1763 Frarin's (Peter) Oration against the unlawful Insurrec- tions of the Protestants in oure Time, under Pretence to refourme Religion Antw. 1566 Fuller’s (Tho.) David’s hainous Sinne, heartie Repen- tance, heavy Punishment Lo7id. l631 Falls of Clyde, or the Fairies; a Scolish Dramatic Pasto- // / y ra I Edinb. 1 8O6 'AlAfcu oi 9^ aA((_ Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciosum Lond, 1707 Falconer’s Art of Secret Information 1685 Fragments of Ancient Poetry Edinb. Farquhar’s Poems ih. 179F Fenne Institutio Linguae Gallicae 1 680 Filmer’s (Sir Rob.) Freeholder’s Grand Inquest, and other Tracts, idth portrait of Charles II. by Van Hove Lond. 168O Franceschini oro ApoUina Nlliaco in Rom. 16OI Finetti Philoxeni’s some Choice Observations of Sir John Finett, Knight Lo7id. l656 Fisher’s (Bishop) Sermon, very Notable, Fructefu-ll and Godlie Mad, at Paule’s Crosse, 1521, black letter, wipri/itcd by Rub. Caly 1556 '2275 Fielde (John) a Caveat for Parsons Howlet, black letter imprinted by Rob. Waldegrave, no date - 2276 Fontenelle’s History of Oracles, 1750, Renoult les Avan- tures de la Madona, avecfig. , ‘ Amst, 17OI 2277 Full and Impartial Account of the Discovery of Sorcery and Witchcraft Practised by Jane Wenham of Walkerne, in Hertfordshire, and her Tryal 1712 Funeral Sermons, by Baker and others Ltmd, l682 Fronterues’s Stratagems of War I686 2280 Florilegium Epigrammatum Grmcorum, Gr. Lat. ab Farnabius Lmd, 1629 '2281 Fall’s (James) Protestant Charge against the Church of Rome, with 12 portraits of Protestant Martyrs ib, 1747 Farloeo’s (Rob.) Seasons, cuts. Wanting Title — Light Moral Emblems, cuts ib, 1638 — Lychnocavsia sive Moralia Facum 'Emblemata, ^ / / Light Moral Emblems, cuts ib, l638 (AtAA/jC 2285 — Lychnocavsia sive Moralia Facum Emblemata, Light Moral Emblems, cuts. * Lo7Ld. 1630 2285* Farloeo’s Foure Seasons, cuts l637 / - 2286 Fleming’s Sterama Sacrum, the Royal Progeny, ih, 1660 VJiAA 2272 '2273 -*2274 / / 2278 , >2279 / 6 2 / %-i^ 7 '^euflu s ; 3 i 2284 - /2282 7 o 2283 •Yz ^CiA 6 ‘2288 . 2289 6 2291 . 2292 Fawket’s Account of the late Dr. Geo. Seignior A. Lond. 168 1 Fuller's Good Thought in Bad Times 1646 lord’s l ames Memorial, or the Earle of Devonshire de- ceased i 5 o 6 2290 Folly in Print, or a Book of Rhymes Fuller’s Good I’hoiights in Worse I’imes l647 Farmer’s Daughter, or the Art of getting Preferment, with two plates Force of Eloquence illustrated 1721 Falconer on the Passions 1791 I'ulwoocTs the Enemie of Idlencsse imprinted at Loud, bp Henry Bynneynan, 1568 1776 5 / /t22.93 , '’12294 ' 0 2295 ^ 72296 FlavcU’s Seamans Companion ' ^2297 Flesher’s Laws of Honor ^ 2298 Ferretii Tolosatis Morbo Gallico ' 2299 Fletcher's Restaii ration of Israel / in (2300 Francisci Pctrarchae de Contemptu Mundi .j2301 Fielding’s Works, 12 v, ^ -2302 Foote’s Works, 2 v. Ci^AJ / '2303 Fort-Royal of the Scriptures * 'll. 1685 Ear. 1564 1677 BernWy l604 1775 1799 Lond. 164-9 ih. 1801 ib. 1768 Basil, 1545 <7 yt ^ J'lC'Mny. f / / J - 2304 Fellows’s Religion without Cant ^305 Ferrarii Orationes 12306 Fuchsii Medici primi de Stirpium Historia, a2307 Forstneri Hypomnematum Politicorum Centuria Argent. l623 o 2308 Faber de suppositi Josephi Testimonis Diatribcr l655 ^2309 Forbes’s Reflections on Incredulity Edin. 1752 0 2310 Roster’s Relation of the late Horrid Rebellion acted in the / Island of Barbadas, in the West Indies Lond. l650 ^311 Franzii Aniinalium Historia Sacra Amst. l653 02312 Fell’s Life of Dr. Hammond ib. I66I '2313 Fordyce’s Art of Preaching ib. 1752 2314 *2315 -2316 Farnabius (Thos.) Epigramata Selecta, Gr. Lat. Lond. 1629 — Fletcher (P.) Sylva Poetica, Cantab. \6S^ Fletcher Eiteris Antiquee Britannica? Regibus, Cantab. y53l7 ^02318 y2319 02320 ' '£321 02322 1633 — Epjgrammatum Sacrorum Falle’s Account of .Jersey Faerno Centum Fabulae, cum fig. Free’s Poems Fawkes’s Poems Fletcher’s (Thos.) Poems h'elton on the Classics Eosters Essay on Accent and Quantity Florus PvOman History made English Cantab. l634 Lond. Bruxell. Elony 1694 1682 1751 1761 1692 1723 1762 1669 QUARTO. ^ ® V 2323 Cooper and LanqueCs Chronicle^ black letter irnp.by Thos Bertheletey 1560 85 < o 1>324 J - 2325 I Jo - 2326 / 2327 ^ '2328 , 2329 3 6/2330 Xi 6 2331 / ^2332 /6 2333 Z'* - 2335 2336' '^2337 / ' 2338 K /2339 2340 Another Copy y zvanting title and first part of the talk Carion (John) The Thre Bokes of Crokicles, h. 1. imp. by W. Lymie, 1550 Catharo's Diogenes in his Singuiaritie, wherein is compre- hended his merrie Baighting fit for all Mens Benefits; christened by him, a Nettle for Nice Noses, by L. T. black letter Lund, printed Jor W. Hoskins and John Danter for John Bnsbkj 1591 Certaine select Dialogues of Lucian, by Hickes Oxf l634 Conset’s (John) Olive Branch, ^ro/?/w/«ece Lond. I 66 O Copeland’s Virginias God be thanked 1(22 Camdeno Britannia, Lond. I6OO Coriate’s Traveller for the English Wit — Greeting from the Court of the Great Mogul. Resident at the Town of Asmere, in Easterne India I616 Chamberlain’s present Warre paralleled l647 Culiner’s Dean and Chapter Newes from Canterbury, shewing the Canterburian Cathedrall to be in an Abbey- like 1649 Camden's Remains, 1624 — Drusii Sapientia Jase Siraoh, Gr. Lai. Franckerce, 1596 J{c 2341 0) (KAiIaJ. 2342 \ '•2343 ^ -2844 f -2545 !7 - 2346 '{i ' 23+7 9 (2348 1/ ■j2349 j"^ ^ 23iO Uj '2351 >2352 O 6 2353 Charleton’s (W.) Stone-Heng, restored to the Danes, plates '' Ijond. 1663 Chronicle of St. Francis St.OmerSy I6T8 Cullum’s History of Hawsted, in Suffolk, plates Lond. 17S4 dementis Trinobantiados Augustae sive Londini Cocker’s Art of Glory, or the Penman’s Treasure, and Eleven more Tracts on Writing Campbell’s Introduction to the History of Poetry in -)/ ' / Scotland, plates Edinh. 1788 Concavum Cappo-Cloacorum, et Speculum Crape-Gow- ^ norum Lond. l682 Jr i Collins Salt and Fishery Cadorinus Aula Zaharellay cum fg. Casalio de Veteris iEgyptiorum Ritibus, cumfig. Catalogue of Bishops, and an Account of the Sees Cowper Illustrated by a Series of Views Calvin on the Hebrews Clarke’s Marrow of Ecclesiastical Histor), portraitSy2 v. ib. 1654 Cooper (Thos.) Brief Exposition, black letter imp. H. I), for Ralph Lfewberrie, Coxe’s Tour in Monmouthshire, 2 v. ib. 1801 Collinson’s History of Somersetshire, ptates, 4v. Bath. 179X Chrytraeus, Exposition of the Gospels, translated by Go\d'mgy black letter imp, by H.B^nneman^ 1570 Lond. 1682 / zb, l682 Patav. 1670 iiDtuJu Rom. 1644 Scottish Edin. 1755 Lo?id. 1803 ib. 1605 ^cLtac^ (/'IAAA eJc) 86 ^*.1 /ia^h/ t>^AA /Jj Q^(^elu ^iHAyU ^ '2354 / 2335 ^ (2356 *']2337 . 2358 - < >2359 / 6 2360 2361 \ '2262 ^ ‘2363 ^ "2364 J - 2365 -2866 3 ‘2367 'coio(m %>l4yLU^ ^ ■(/KAtf ^ --‘’368 ^ J ‘ y^y- ? -2369 Jet^M > 6 2370 /• ''i 2371 / • 2374 ^AAA^tU^ Z /} *~^Oa-}vI\& Z Zf ^ 2375 / 2376 ‘2377 2379 / /2380 j? 6 2381 Ojoutelu^ / Z .2382 /^ /2383 Clarke on Coins, Russia Lond. 1767 Cotovico Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum et Lyriacum, cum Jig. Antv, 1619 Cocquii Phytologia Sacra Vlissingce, 1671 Christ’s Sermons going to emaus, b. 1. gilt leaves printed by Daye^ 1578 Cooke on Patriarchal and Druidical Temples, plates 1755 Common Prayer and Psalmes, gilt leaves Camb. 1637 Compotus cum Commento Lugduniy 1499 Clcopkili (OctaviiJ Libellus de Ccetu Poetarum hnp. pro Alexandra Alyat, Mccccxix Censura Temporum, 2 v. 171O Carlisle’s (Peter) Life, Peregrination, and Death printed by Roger Ward, Cantabrigienses Graduati sive Catalogus Cantab. 1800 Clavi Trabales, or Nailes fastned by some great Masters of Assembly es hond. 166I FOLIO. Bourne’s History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne Newcasik,\'J2tG Bcrgero Thesaurus Brandenburgianis, Gemmarum, et Numismatum Grascorum, cumjig. Col. March. 1696 Bellondumans I’Histoire Naturelle des Oyseaux, avecjig. Par. 1555 Begeri Numismata, Col. Brandenh-. 17OO Browne's (Thos.) Enquiries into common and vulgar Errors Lond, l650 Banduri Imperium Orientale Antiquitates Constantinopo- litanae, Gr. Lat. chart, max. Par. 1711 Burghly’s (Lord) State Papers, by Murdin, 2 v. Lo?id. 1759 Brady’s Historical Treatise of Cities and Boroughs ib. 1704 Borlasc’s (W.) Natural History and Antiquities of Corn- wall, plates, 2 V. Oxf. 1758 Browne (Thomas) Enquiries into vulgar and common Errors Lond. l650 Balei Scriptores Britannias Basil ap loporinum Beaumont and Fletchers, fifty Comedies and Tragedies Lond. 1679 Biondi’s History of the Civill Warres betweene the Houses of York and Lancaster ib. l646 Bergero Spicilegium Antiquitates, cum Jig. Colon. I692 Budaeo Commentarii Linguae Greece Par. ex off . R. Steph. 1548 Bedae Anglo Saxonis de Natura Rerum, Colon. 1537 Bocafius de Mulieruhus Claris, curious woodcuts early printed, no date Burynswyke (J.) the Vertuose Boke of Distylacion of the Waters, cuts, b. 1. Russia imp, by L. Andrew, 1527 I ■I2384 '10 -'2385 2387 lO -2387 /i' . 2388 fi ^ O 2390 // ^f389 2391 87 Bentivoglio’s History of Flanders KJo'J Bouchart les Croniques Annales des Fayes d* Angletferre et Bretaigne, axecjig. Ihre raris Par. par G. Dupre, 1531 Brooinhairs History of Apparitions, &cc. Land. l6‘58 Boissardi Topographia Romae, cum Jig. Francofurti, l627 Biondi^s History of the Civil Wars of England between the Houses of Lancaster and York, Englished by the Earl of Munmouth Loud» \64>l Boccacio's Novels and Tales ib. l684 Boetii de Consolatione Philosophie Lugd. per Jominem de Virtgle, Mccccxcviil Burton^s Anatomie of Melancholy. Wants title ^^OiacIlA / TENTH ©AY’S SALE, SATURDAY, May 16, 1807. ^ ^ 2392 ^ - 2393 / /<2394 ^'%395 ^ 6 2396 / -2397 ^ ' 2398 -2399 ^ ^2400 2422 ^2+23 6242+ 62425 S)uJ^ >■ ^ >2426 i <{2428 ^ 2429 / ^2430 ^-diCtyUiXo^ / - 04,3 [ -2432 r.oc^,^ 2434 fo^U- 6 2435 '5436 'Ay4x4iyc^J(f ^437 J 02438 "5439 / ^2440 0 2441 Ju{/^{y Z - 2442 y Fraud Detected, or the Hibernian Patriot Falconer on the Influejace of the Passions Fovarguc’s New Catalogue of Vulgar Errors Frecman''s (Sir W.) Letters Figure Biblie Clarissimi Florws NewesJ'rom Koivey h, 1. Funeral Sermon of JMargaret Countess of Richmond and Derby 1708 Figuies He Nouveau Testament a Lion, 1558 Ford’s Discourse on Goci's Judgement, 1678 — The Con- victs Address to his unhappy Brethren, delivered in the Chapel of Newgate, June 6, 1777 — Illingworth Nar- rative, 1678 Forster Liber Singularis de B3 sso Antiquorum Lond. 1776 Fortescue’s Essays Oxf. 1754 Filesaci de Idolohatna Magica Far, I609 Fascilus Floriirn, or a Nosegay of Flowers Lond. 1636 Ford’s Christian’s Acquiescence in the Death of Lady Elizabeth Langham ib. l665 Fhtnero Franco Nebalo Nehulonum, cum fig. Franco/. l620 Foot, (Ferd.) the Nut-Cracker, containyng Jests, Epigrams, Epitaphs, &c. Lond. 1754 Fleetwood’s Chronicon Preciosum ib. 1707 Jjwther Copy ib. 1745 Fatal Gallantry, or the Secret History of Henrietta Prin- cess of England ib. 1/22 Fleury’s History of the ancient Israelites ib. 1802 Fletcher, (G.) the History of Russia ib. l657 Fovargue’s new Catalogue of vulgar Errors. See Anecdote of the Author, in M.S. Foure Birds of Noah’s Arke Forbes’s Letters from France, 2 v. Ferri’s Dissertation on Milk Fleetwood’s Inscriptionum Antiquarum Sylloge Farmer’s History of Waltham Abbey, plates Feltham’s Resolves, by Cumming Beauties of Feliham, by J. Vine Resolves Fry’s Pantographia, L. P. Faithorne’s Art of Graving and Etching, plates Another Copy, plates Fuchsii Historia Plantarum, cum fg. Fables d’Esope, fg. Fleming’s Discourses, ib. 1767 ib. 1609 ib. I8O6 ib. Lond. 1691 ib. 1735 ib. 1806 ib. 1800 ib. 1709 ib. 1799 ib. 1702 ib. 1662 Par. 1731 Lond. 1706 4 ~ uiis j ^444- -*12445 / ) 2446 Z 6 2447 / - 2448 (f V 2449 ^ 2450 Z ' 2451 ^ j 2452 (] 2453 0 2454 / / 2455 6 2456 2457 > 2458 . 0 2459 / - 2460 89 Ford, (Tlio.) the Singing of Psalmes a Christian's Duty ib, l659 Fabulae ^sopi, Grsceet Latini, atm Jig. Amst. 1672 Fasciculus Florum, or a Nosegay of Flowers Lond. l636 Foxi, (Joannis) Supplicatio Basil, per Joamiem Oporinum Frcgus, (Roland) the Relation of a Voyage made into Mauritania, in Africk Lond. I67I Fenton's Poems ib, 1717 Fuller's (W.) good Thoughts in bad Times, l665 — Quarle's 1667 1620 1672 1647 1788 1682 1789 Enchiridion Fulbeck's Directions for studying the Lav\% black letter ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. (*246 1 2462 2463 2404 2465 2466 ^ '2467 / / ' 2468 4 " 2469 •^ 2470 I ^2471 ^ b 2472 6 2473 0"6 2474 / > 2475 ^'6 2476 4- 277 Fox Christus Triumphans, Comcedia Apocalyptica Fenner’s Divine Message, on Prayer, &c. Falconer’s (M. and H.) Poems Flat man's Poems and Songs Falconer’s Shipwreck Fulke, (W.) a comfortable Sermon of Faith, black letter ib. bp John Atodelep, 1574 Fawkes’s Original Poems Lond. 1761 Fullarton's (John) Poems Edinh. 1664 Fredro Gestorum Populi Poloni Dantisci, I66O Franklino Linguae Graeco Tonis Tractalulus, Gr. Lat. a Richardson Lond. 1717 Ferrarii dc Revestiaria Patav. 1642 Fasciculus Primus Opusculorum Ilistoriam, ac Philolo' giam Sacram Spectant Rotterd, 1693 Fenestella de Magistratibus, Sacerdotisque Romanorum Luet, ex off, R. Steph. 1549 Fortuita Sacra Rotterd. 1727 Fe)brandii Symbol urn, cum effigies Francqf. ad Moemma impensis Sigismundi Caroli Peyerahent Ferrand's Treatise and Cure of Love, or Erotique Melan- choly ’ Oxf. 1645 Foxe, (John) a Sermon preached at the Chrisleriing a certaine Jew, black letter Lond. 1578 Fouler, ( John ) agamste the ttnlaufull Insurrection of the Protestantes, curious cuts, with Descriptions in Verse, black letter, very rare 1566 St. Fleur Historiarum rerum Memorabilium Libellus Lugduni, 1564 Foxes and Firebrands, both Parts Lond. 1682 Frobisher's Epitaphs Fuller’s Proverbs 1732 Frossardi Historiarum opus Oinne Amst, l6li Franck's Northern Memoirs Lond, I694 Free Trade, or the Meancs to make Trade florish ib. l6l2 The same, second edition, 1622 — Scott's Belgicke Pis- mire ^ 1623 Floyer’s (Sir John) Sibylline Oracles 1713 ■U M A /// . 90 ^ 2 i 2478 Fitzherbcrt, (Antony) theBokeof Husbandry, hlachktfer, 1534 / - 2479 Forbes's (Lord Pit sligo) Essays, Morall and Philosophi- cal ^ 1763 2480 Floyd’s Picture of a Common Wealth, describing as well the Ofiices of Princes and inferiour Magistrates ouer their Subjects, as also the Duties of Subjects towards their Gouernours Lojid, idOO Flecknoe's Characters made at several Times, on several 36 2481 ib. ih. Characters. Wants 1673 1578 16^5 Occasions 2482 Foxio de Oliva Evan^ellca 2483 Ferrarius de Bel!o Batavico 2484 Fleckno's (Richard) Enigmatical I title '2485 Another Copy " '248() The same, gilt leaves '2 ^2487 Flavel’s New Cennpass for Seamen ib. 1^64 ^ Q 248S' Female Fortitude, excmplify'd in an Impartial Narative of the Seizure, Escape, and Marriage of the Princess Clementina Sobieski ib. 1722 2489 Familiar Discourse, or Dialogue concerning the Mine Adventure ib. 1700 2490 Fleckno’s Diarium, in Burlesque Rhime or Drolling S6 A Verse -2491 ~ /'V '24Q2 - 2493 M 94 Collection of the choicest Epigrams Poems Epigrams and Characters ^Enigmatical Characters Lond, 165 ^ 1673 ih. 1653 ib. 1673 ib. 1 665 '2495 Gottheltf Bibliotheca Philosophica Jenae, 1728 496 ' Gentilis deAi mis Romanis, i/a/tot’, 1^12 — De Legationi- bus, Hanoi'. l6'C7 497 Galloni de Martyrum Cruciatibus, cumjig. Anlv. 16(38 / 7 2498 Gutheni de Jure Manium, &c. Lips. I 67 I / O 2409 Gnlliver’sPleasuresof Marrige, in ten Books, wiM iUmtratixe 600 Gowche's (John) Certayne Rules of Godly Life, black let- ter imp. by W. SerreSy 1561 2501 Greaves’s Works and Tracts, 3 v. Lofid. 1736 2502 Guicciardin Les Heuers de Recreation a Anuers, 1594 503 God and {YieAi'ingy frontispiece Lund. l6l5 (2504 The same, in Latin ib. l6l5 q2505 Gesner’s Death of Abel 1762 2506 Gunpowder Treason, with the Manner of its Discovery I 679 2507 Gulliver's IVavels, 2 v. 1731 2508 Gavle’s (John) Select Cases of Conscience, touching Witches and Witchcraft, 1646 — Holywell on Witches 168 I 2509 Glanvil on Witches 1726 ^510 Guzman, Hinde, and Hannam outstript, being the Mystery, anti Antiquity of Theeves and Theeving, &c, Lond, l657 7 ^ 2i I 3 a2; / a 2 ; / 4 ^' 4 / 1 2511 / 2512 ^ "2513 'V V2514 ^ 6 2515 / ^2516 { 72517 ^ 6 2518 \ ^ 2519 a 2520 6 2521 2522 ; f "2523 ^ ,'2524 ^ o 2525 4 ' 2526 25Q7 2528 7 ^ I - 2529 .91 Godfriilus, the Knowledge of Things unknown, black ktteff i 658 — The Husbandman^s Prognostication, black letter 1658 Gaspari dc Magistratibus et Republica Venetorum, 1551 — Sardi de Moribus ac Ritibus Genitum, Vefiet. 1557 Gleanings, ancient and modern Land. 1651 Cadbury’s Astrological Seaman , ib. 1710 Gomgam, ou LTdomme Prodigeux, ai ec fig. Arnst. 1713 Grafton, (Richard) a briefe Treatise, containinganany pro- per Tables, and easie Rules, black letter Loud. l6ll Gadbury on Prodigies ib. l660 Greek and Roman History ibi l692 Gesta Romaiiorum - mipresso Johannis de JVestfalia Gough’s Londnium Triumphans 1682 Gildse Epistola Lo?id. 1568 Gardner’s (Sfeph.) Detection of Devil’s Sophistry, 5/ac^ letter 1546 Godfiey, (B.) a Treasure of useful Discoveries Dub. 1746 Grey’s Defence of ancient and modern Historians Lond. 1725 — — Memoria Technica ib. 1737 Green’s Journey from Aleppo to Damascus ib. 1736 Guicciardini's Description of the Low Countreys ib. 1593 Grotio Historia Gothorum, Vandalorum, and Lang Obar- dorum Aimt. l655 Gass€?idi(Sy C Petrus ) the Mirrour of true Nobility and Gen- iilityy with portrait of FabriciuSy by Gaywood Lond. l657 QUARTO. y { .\Ucu 2531 12533 36 2534 ^ 2535 2536 \ " 2537 - 2538 ^ ^ 2539 " 2540 ' 2541 Jh ^ 2542 Cotton, (John) Singing of Psalme&, a Gospel Ordinance ib. 1547 Casaubon’s Treatise of Use and Custome ih. 1638 Castiglione II Cortegiano, or the Courtier, portrait, L. P. ib. 1727 Collins’s Geometricall Dyalling ib. l659 Conset, (John) the Olive Branch, or the Miraculous Re- stauratlon of Peace, the Rod of Justice, &cc. ib. 166O Culpeper’s Physicall Directory . ib. l649 Cantabrigiensis Graduati, Quos. ab. Anno, l659 — Usque ad Annum, 1787 Cantab. 1787 Cotta (John) on Physick, Astrologie, Witchcraft, &c. I616, and Trial of Witchcraft * 1616 Callimachus Hymns, with Notes by Dodd Cranmer’s Defence of the Sacrament, black letter ib. 1555 Cat’s Emblems, in Dutch, cuts Roiterd. 1627 2530 Crashaw, (W.) a President to the Nobilitie of Court and Cuuntrey Lond. l6l2 Mittimus to Jubile at Rome ' ib. 1625 |L/ 2)i/vUy Oi . 16^6 2569 Constitutions and Canons Ecclesiastical, treated upon by the Archbishops and Bishops, and the rest of the Clergy of Ireland. For an account oj this Book see M.S. Note^ Dub. l664< — Articles agreed on by the Bishops andCler- gie, in the Convocation holdeii at London, in the Year 1562 Lond. 1660 and Canons Ecclesiastical, gathered and put in Forme for the Government of the Church of Scotland Aberdeen, 1()36 &c. for Ireland Dub. 1714 treated upon by the Bishop of London, Presi- dent of the Convocation for the Province of Canterbury, 1 and the rest ot the Bishops and Clergie of the said Pro- ' vince Loud. 1 (j 33 y/) -2373 Camcrario (Joach.) Symbolorum and Eniblamatum on I / 100 plates Norimherg, 16.95 ■ 4 0 2574 Consett’s Tour through Sweden, Swedish Lapland, Find- * . / land, &c. Stocktoji, 1789 f* ^2575 Charlton’s (Walter) Immortality of the Human Soul, 'Jt -i570 f 4 (yM^iA ■J' c/ ' f YAAy\ Jfj f his portrait, by Loinhart Lond. l657 Q ^2576 Cognet’s (Sir iMartyn) Politique Discourses upon Trueth and Lying Lond. printed by Half e Newberie, 1586 2577 Common Prayer, in One Hundred Languages, very rare, Lond. 1600 — Ceremony-Monger on Church of England Ce- / remonies 1689 y 0 2578 Cotta’s True Discovery of the Empericke, with the fugi- y tive Physition, and Quack Salver Lond. l6l2 ' " 2579 Clowes’s (William) Observations for curing of gun-shot Wounds, plates, black letter, 1637 — Cure of the Lucs Vc- . / nerea ' ^ l637 y yy 0258 O Covstvmes duPaysetDuchede Normandie, AncIensResois ,f et Enclaves D’lcelvy Houen, 1599 C^^2581 Country Housewife’s Garden, cuts Lond. 1626 ' ^2582 Charltoni (Gualteri) Onomasticon Zvicon, ib. l668 - 2583 Caluine’s (John) Commentarie upon the Firste Booke of Moses, called Genesis, Englished by Thomas Tymme, n / black letter Lond. 1578 0 6 2584 Cordiner’s Antiquities and Scenery of the North of Scot- land, plates ib. 1780 ^ -2585 Customes, (the free) Benejits, and Privileges of the Copyhold Tenants, of the Manors of Stepney and Hackney, in the Countie of Middlesex, black letter Lond. 1617 'ij. CU(^ tiArJi (yyf “^^2586 Another Copy ib. iSjS / 6 2587 CaluinPs (John) Commentarie upon the Epistle to the Gala- thians and Colossians, black letter Lond, 1581 O // ■ K-Ct yf 't'KiA J I -[2588 JJ V /2589 Z ^6^2590 -? 6 2591 Z ^'2592 ^C 4 ji (/Aj Z. (i 2593 Ci/Kia^ z ^ iJxA 2594 2595 JU , ^ ~25S6 / / 25.97 ~^Xio(x4 ^ ^ 2598 / >. 2599 ^ 2600 / fco'oi '|2602 2603 94 Christas Sermons going to Emas, Mack Idter printed by Daye^ 157^ Coryafs (Thos,) Crudities Lojid. I6II Cognet's (Sir M.) Discourse upon Trueth and Lying, ib, 1584 Calver’s Divine Passions 1643 Coach and Sedan, pleasantly disputing for Place and Pre- cedent, the Brewer’s Cart being Moderator, 1636 Cloppcnburch le Miroir de la Cruelle, et horrible Ty- rannie Espagnole Perpetree au Pays-Bas, par le Tyran Due de Albe, avec Jig. Amst. l620 — Le Miroir de la Tyrannic Espagnole Perpetree aux Indes Accidentales, avec f g. en cuyvre. Amst. l620 Coke’s (Roger) England’s Improvements in Strength, Kants title Clowe’s (Wylliam) a prooued Practise for all Young Chi- rurgians, concerning Burnings with Gun-powder, and Wounds, made with Gun-shot, Sword, Halbard, Pyke, Lance, or such other, rG7*6 Lond. 1585 Camillo Agrippa Trattato di Scienza D’ Anne, con le Jig. in Venctia, l604 Camdeno Britannia Lond. I6OO Cooper s ( Bp. of Winchester ) Works, viz. Hay any Worke for Cooper, black letter, printed in Europe, not Jarre from some of the bounsing Friesfes — Oh read ouer Dr. John Bridge's, for it is a worthy lEorke, black letter, printed over Sea, in Eiirope, xcithin Two Furlongs of a bouncing Priest — An Admonition to the Veoplc of England Lond. 1598 CheyncU’s Sicknesse, Heresy, Death, and Burial of Wil- liam Chiliingworth 1644 Case of the Army truly Stated 1647 Commonwealth’s Men Asserted and Vindicated 1659 Charge of Impeachment in the Name of his Excellency Sir Thomas Fairfax, and the Army under his Command, againt Deimill Holies, Esq. Sir P. Stapleton, Sir W. Lewis, Sir John Clotvvorthy, Sir W. Waller, &c. &c. Members of the House of Commons l647 Charles (Prince) his Declaration, July 31st 1648 ^OtAcCu / 4- I ' OLIO . 2604 Bourne ( Henry ) History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, interleaved with a ProJusion of M. S. Additions, by Mr. Brand and others Newcastle, 1736 2605 Brooke’s Catalogue of the Succession of Kings, Prince, Dukes, &c. of England, cuts Lond, l622 <2606 Bingham (John) the Art of Em battailing an Army, plates ib. 1631 95 J \ [2607 Bulleiii’s Bulwarke of Defence against all Sicknesse, b. I, it imp, bp Tho. Marshe, 3'^ / 2()08 Bocharto Hierozoicon, de Animalibus, 2 v. Loud, y \ ^ 2609 Bibliothecae Veterum Patrum, Gr. Lat. 2 v. Par. j'^|^i26l0 Biblia Latina Lvgdani, 'JL () 2611 Banister (John) the Historic of Man, black letter \ imp by Day ^ y 12612 Bartolo, etBellorioRomische Antiquitatenin Basso-rilievo, cum fig. Nurefuberg, l642 1579 lb63 Cn^4^4 1624 J/iUl 1520 1578 / -/ 2613 Bartholomcus de rcrum proprietatibiis 7. ^ 2614 Nuremberg, 1519 r. de Proprietatibus rerum Lo?id. 1535 ^ > 2615 Bnllarium Romaniiin, ciim Jig. 2 tome in uno Horn. i638 Leuaci, 1677 ^ 0. 26 'i 6 Baudrand Lexicon Geographicum /q 6 2617 Beda Mistoria Ecciesiasticae Gentis Anglorum, Sax. et Lat. /. - Cantab. 1^44 76^ ' 2618 Ilistoria Ecclesiastica, Latine et Saxonice, a Smith, chart max ib. 1722 J - 26lS'''Brooke"s (Ralph) Catalogue and Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earles, and Viscounts of this Realme of England, since the Norman Concjuest to / this present Yeare, I619, plates, printed by W. Laggard, 1619 2619 Cave’s Antiquitates Apostolicae, plates Loud. 1676 1515 L fLcui-tCu Argent. 1513 7. V 2621 Compendium Breviarium / 6 2622 Catalogus Sanctorum 2623 Constitiones Legitemeseu Legatine Regionis Anglicane // early printed, no date ^ . ' 2 o 24 Crawfurd’s Peerage of Scotland Edinb. J716 / - 2625 Chaucers Workes, by Spcglit, 'with an additional portrait, in I Pen and Ink Drawing. See M. S. Note, by Mr. Brand ' ^ ^ . . . Loud. 1C02 2o2o Calepini Dictionarium undecim Lingnarum, in Eleven Languages Basil. l627 2027 Cesar’s Commentaries, by Edmonds, • Bond. l6'04 .2628 Collection of Satyrical Poems, last Dying Speeches, ,S2C. 1660, several curious 2^29 Caxton s Chronicle, cuts, h. 1. wanting beginning and end 7 I oy * — 1 96 EjLEVENTH BAY’S SALE, MONDAY, il% 18, 1807. OCTAVO AND 'I'WELVKS. Ha/k/ A// (^'Uthu ^ C630 Graminatlca Anclo-Saxonica Oxon. 1711 pi . lafiji G Him mars, by Lily, Laport, &c. with cuts, and several I 1/ others, r2 V. ' Gareiicieres on the Virtues of Coral Gilihons ('fho.) Juvcnalia Poems 167(S 1750 / Y:? 26'34< Godfrey of Bulloignc: or, the Recovery of Jerusalem, by . ! Fairfax Land. 1 687 J// /j /; /'5?634*Gray’s Poems, 1 768— Love F.legies 17^8, &c. Gentleman (Francis) Royal Fables 1766 ^;^,2636 Godly Admonition, /e//er imp. by Mich . Harrison^ 1562 »'V/^ 3 Y; 2637 Gest (Edmund) a Treatise against the preue Masse, black \ letter imp. by Tho. Raynaldj 1348 /2 J!l 2638 G w Y N ( D A V I D ) Po E HI s , hlack letU r, supposed unique, imp. by Richard Hudson, 1588 — An Account of the Spanish I Armada, black letter mp. by John Wolfe, 1588 ^ j2639 Go.y.i>Y;/7 f Stephen) the Schoolc of Abuse, black letter, imp. for J'humas IVoodcockc, 1587 — Ephemerides of Phialo, I direded into Three Bookes, black letter, imp. by Thomas Daxeson. See an Account of the Author in M- S. by Mr, ^ / Brand ^ 2640 Gil by on the Prophet Mycha, hlack letter 1551 ^ 0 2041 Gardner (Stephen) Bp. of Winchester Explication and '1'/ aA y 5!- c/ • Assertion of the true Caiholiqiie Fayth, hlack letter 1551 y 2642 Gillum’s poems 1787 0 2643 Grotii Poemata Lug. Bat. 1617 ' 2644 Gibborio Introductio ad Latinum Blasoniam, ci/^s Lond. l682 '/ 2645 Graham’s Birds of Scotland Edinb. I8O6 ^ 6 2646 God’s Judgment upon Dunkards, Swearers, and Sabbath Breakers Jjond. l659 [2647 Grobianus et G robiana ih. 166T ‘2648 Gore Norncnclator Geographicus Oxqh, 1667 I f J^49 HI 2630 H '265*1 ('< ,/2652 yy V 2653 ?^r^654 (/ ' '2655 2657 97 Glossographia Anglicana Nova Lond. 1707 Gilbert's Florists’s Vademecum ' ib, 16^3 Gregory’s Father’s Legacy, &c. ib. 1774* Gersaiiit’s Catalogue of Rembrandt’s Etchings ib. 1752 Grove’s Rules for Drawing Caricatures, plates 179' Gerbier’s (Sir B.) Assistance to Travellers OxJ. l665 Discourse on Building Land. l664 /;// * V' 1/ B658 2659 i /p6''0 1 / 0/2662 \y %2663 / ^ ^ 2664 2665 ' 2666 / ^667 ' y\2663 ^ 72669 ^ 2670 02671 2672 ^ ^ 2673 » 72674 y 612675 f 72676 ^6 2677 6 y2678 < 0 2676 •Z - 2679 2680 6S1 '/’c^2682. 0 2683 / 6 2681 Gent’s History of the great Eastern Window in St. Peter’s Cathedral York, cuts 1769 Granibarini Description of the Earl of Pembroke’s Pic- tures, M. G. L. 1731 Gilpin’s Essay upon Priats, wifli Additions in M, S. by Mr. Brand 1768 General History of the Highways 1712 Gray’s Poems ' Glasg. 1782 Golnitzi Ulysses Belgico-Gallicus Amst. ap Elztv, l655 Grose’s (Francis) Provincial Glossary Loud. 1787 Classical Dictionary of the Y’ulgar Tongue ib. 1785 another Copy, interleaved xvith many M. S. additions by the late Mr. Sam. Pegge ib. 1785 Gardner’s England’s Grievances Discovered in Relation to the Coal Trade, plates Newcastle, 1796 Gazoei (Angelini) Pia Hilaria Lond. l657 Glas’s History of the Canary Island, 2 v. ib. 1767 Grainger’s Sugar Cane, a Poem Dub. I766 Greeting’s Pleasant Companion Lond. 16/8 Gardner’s Pleasures of Hare Hunting, 1750— An Essay on Hunting 1733 General Regulations, Rules, Orders, and Bye-laws for Gloucester Goal, &c. Gloucester, 1790 Green’s Gramatical Spelling-Book, extremely rare Lond. MCDDLXXI Gregory’s Sermons ib. 1789 Gee’s Divine, Right, and Original of the Civill Magistrate, front ispiece ib. l658 Gadbury’s Astrological Treasury ib. l674 Gregory’s Account of the Sepulchers of the Ancients, ib. 1712 Gisborn’s Poems, Sacred and Pastoral, plates ib. 1799 'Gombanld Endimion, Englished by Hurst ib. l639 Guides, Salisbury — Shrewsbury — Brighton — Description of Stonehenge — New Bath Guide, with M. S. Note in the last Tract, by Mr. B. Gentleman’s Companion, with portrait Gaftarel’s Unheard-of Curiosities, cuts Green’s Poetical Essays Glover’s Leonidas Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland idoies ^^)cLA.pfjL

'4waV ^4, 2508 / / . //^ - 2609 r^XA JaA V . 2701 2 A-vZ 'Ci4 4// 27 iB 04 /> 2705 / 0 2705“ . '^707 ' / ^ 2708 -709 >{^^2710 /O 2711 ^27 14 715 oJi L (27 15^' - 2716 - / ^ 2717 Grose's Olio Xo/?f/. 1796 Gentleman’s (The) Calling ib. l6'6'0 Gyraldo Hystoriie Poetarum Graecorum hasil^ 1545 Gay’s Poems, 2 v. Glasg, 1757 Glass on the Commandments Lond. 1801 Gulielmo Neubrigensi llerum Anglicarnm Antwerp, 156Y Gordon’s complcat History ol Amphitheatres, plates Lond. 1730 Grotii Poemata Lug. Bat. l6'39 Gesnei’s Idyls, ;i/r7/e5 Edinb. 179S Gassendus, the Vanity of Judiciary Astrology, with his portrait 1^59 Gyraldi de Sepulchris et vaiio Sepeliendi ritu libellus Basil, 1539 Gaming, the complete Gamester Lond. 168O • the Royall Game of Chesse-Play, portrait of Charles I. by Sient ib. 160S • Games most in Use in Eng-land, France, and Spaiji Gunpowder Treason, with the Manner of its Discovery Lond. 1679 Granger’s Letters, by IMalcolm, p/rt/e9 1805 Biographical History of England, 4 v. 1779 Gregory’s L.ife ofChatterton 17 89 Gilpin’s Observations relating chiefly to Picturesque Beauty on the ^Mountains and Lakes, in Cumberland and Westmoreland, plates, in aquatinta, 2 v. 178^ Gibbon s ( John) Essay to a more correct Blason, cuts, MS. notes, by Mr. Brand l682 Greek Particles Englished - 1739 Giey Historia Josephi PatriarcheC, Lat. Heb. 1739 Method of learning Hebrew 1738 Gwinne Orationcs, ihOo — Belliim Grammaticale Lips. 1541 Gotthelffi Introductio Bibliothecarum Francof, 1729 Grapes from Canaan ex})ressed in short divine Poems l6'58 Grebner’s Visions and Prophecies concerning England, Scotland, and Ireland Lond, 166I Ginglicutt’s (Mr.) Treatise of Scolding ib. 1731 Guardian, 2 v, Lond. printed by Tonson, 1750 Gothi dc Tyrann! de Papae Eranquerce, 1()49 Glanvil Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetuclinibiis Regni Angliae Tempoie Regis Ilcnrici Secundi, Land. l604 — Germano Dialogus de Funduincntis Legum Angliae et de Conscientia LoncL l604 Ga-paris Coiitareni Cardinalis Amplis Philosophisiia, Morocco, gilt hares Luet, Far. apud Nichol Duiiern, 1548 Gonsale’s Man in the Moone Goldsmith on polite Learning in Europe Lond. 1659 9 99 Grotius on the Christlnn Religion Land. 1686 i 12719 Gale’s(Tho.)cei tains Workes of Cilirurgcrie, cwnWs // /, printed at London ^ by Rowland Hill, 1503 tdi J: -71 black let I er '2720 Grymeston's (F.lizabeth) Prayers, Meditations, Meiiiora- I tiucs / 7' ^2721 Gascoigns {John ) general Sailing and Fighting Signals, and j Instructions for His Majesty's Fleet, in Manuscript , beauti- fully written, Morocco, gilt leaves 2722 Gwynneth’s (John) Playne Demonstration of John Frithes \ F / Lacke of Witte and Learnynge, black letter Load. 1357 j'^ ^ 2723 Gray's Poetical Works, jL'/tf/CA- tb. 1800 1/ 6 2724 Gerson (Johanni) Compendium Theological, cono Rzm/ce, .. I foL Deuratis Far. I50S i 2725 Gyhson's Fruitful Sermon, preached at Occham, in the i County of Rutland, the 2d of November, 1533, black letter — Harward’s Two godlie and learned Sermons, f ' j preached at M.inchester, in Lancashire, before a great I i Audience, both of Honour and Worship, black letter i / Land. 1582 6 < 5 -i: 2726 Gould's (Rob.) Poems !2727 Goddwin's Mystery of Dreames ■|2728 Glover’s Leonidas, a Poem, plates, 2 v. ib. Ib'S.Q ib. 1658 1798 fO ^ ^2729 Grafton's Abridgement of the Chronicles of Englande, ' ' Russia, h. L Lond. printed by Totelli, 1572 I (^730 Guild's Moses Unveiled ' 1658 I ^731 Gold well's Pveasons Metamorphosis and Restauration ^ A Lond. 1621 v2732 Grsepsli de Multiplici siclo et Talento Hebraico Antv. 1568 X 2733 Guy's (Tho.) last Will and Testament Lond. 1725 >2734 Gildon's (Charles) complete Art of Poetry, 2 v. ib. 17I8 ^ '2735 Grmco-Barbara, Novi Testamenti Anist. a Elzev. I649 '•2736 Guidott’s Discourse on the Bath and the Flot Waters thtrt;, plates Lond. 1676 2737 "Grosley's Tour to London, and Observations on England, / ^ ^ ^ V- ib . 1772 ' " 2738 Gauden's Sermon, preached at the Funeral of Bishop I / Brouring, with portrait of the Bishop ib. 166O ' ^ 2739 Getsius's 'Fears shed in Behalf of his dear Mother the ! f Church of England Oxf. l658 / ^ 2740 Grey's (Ford Lord) Secret History of the Rye-House ^ - ^0 C OfT z Plot 2741 Gilpin's Essay on Prints 1754 Ijond. 1780 2742 Grew's Anatomy of Trunks of Trees ib. l675 / / ^ 2743 Gent’s History of the Loyal Town of Rippon, cuts York, 1733 ^ 2744 Gale s History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of f . Winchester, plates Lond. 1723 ' '"2745 Gent's History of Kingston upon Hull, plates York, 1735 2746 Guarini il Jdropica Commedia Venet. 1613 ClA,dAJt TP P) ■C'wAjy 100 £S ' 2747 Goldyvgs (Rich.) Brief e Treatise 'concerning the Bitrnynge of Hucer, and Thagius at Cambrydge, in the Tyme of Queue % ' Mary ^ black letter imp. by Tho. Marshe, 156"2 . '2748 Goff’s (Tho.) Tragedies ' ' 2749 Glossographia Anglicaiia Nova, or a Dictionary ot Words /2750 Golden Remains of Beaumont and Fletcher J 62731 Gesta Romanorum / p.752 Gerhardi Meditationes ^ ' |2733 Gilbie’s (Ant.) Psalmes of Dauid trvely opened planed by Paraphrasis Land. iGdG hard 1707 ]66'0 1703 Ainst. 1629 and ex- Lond. 1590 QUARTO. 2734 Dispute upon the English-Popish Ceremonies obtruded on the Church of Scotland 1(360 2735 Defenco of a Verity heretofore published concerning a Medicine, called Avrum Potabile, by Francis Antonie ^ ^ ! X ’ Bond. 16 j 6 / 0 .5756 Doctor merry-man, or nothing but Mirth, written by S. R. il /j / /» tery rare ib. 1642 YTTM /a V2757 Another copy T 2738 De Avro Diologi ,u / ib. printed by Saynuel Rond, 1 6 1 6 Vend, 1584 ' // r-y ^ ^2739 De Bie Imperatorum Romanorum Numismata Aarea, ! / cum fig. \ Antv. l 6 l 5 p, ' /1276O Dariat’s (John) Judgement of the Stars • ^.2761 Dialogue concerning the falling of Guineas Bond. 1696 / JJ (i 2762 Dallaway’s Inquiries into the Origin and Progress of the Science of Heraldry in England, p/afcj, large paper / Gloucester, 1 795 ^ ^^2753 Davis’s (Sir John) Discoverie of the true Causes why Ire- land was neuer entirely subdued l6l2. ' ^ -27^4 Donaldson (J.) a pick-Tooth for Swearers, a Poem / Edinb, 169 s 6 2765 Dorchester’s (Marquesse of) Letter to the Lord Roos, with Lord Roos’s Answer I66O 2766 Discourse discovering some Mysteries of new State, and rembring some fatal Dales on both Parties, the loyall and / the rebell l645 6 2767 Digges’s Arithmetical! Militare Treatise named Stratio- / ticos ' 1379 ^ 2768 Disputatio R. Jechielis cum quodam Nicolao Intemque Disputatio R. Mosis Nachmanidis cum Fratre Paulo, 2 ■ Heb. Lat. Jf J y 27^9 Delaserre’s Secretary in Fashion 'yiiAre/fi^ (j oppQ p)ee Prsestantoribus quibusbam Naturae ^ 0 2771 Monas liiefoglyphica 1640 Bond. 1558 Antv, 1364 l// 27 ’ 3 / 27 2772 2773 101 Daniel the Prophet no Coiijurcr, or his Scandal Ciiihr? Scandalous Ballad Duccirel’s (Dr.) Letter to Bishop \Yatson upon the early Cultivation of Botany in England, and i-^omc PaiticuFais 1 3 77 ^0 (i ,3 . ^2774 2775 2776' 2777 2778 2779 27 Par. 151)2 Land. I h88 fL 1G4.2 / 2781 2782 /U, Xo 3 ^ 2785 ^2783 f 2784 about John Tradescant, ylaic Dey's Two Looks over Lincolne De Nihilo Hecatodia Plane Aurcci DelloiYs History of the Inquisition at Goa Deneville’s Christian and Catholike Veritiaj Drink, or Kiss the Cup, a Tale, in MS. DanielBs (Sam.) First I^'owre Bookes of the Ciuile Wars between the Two Houses of Lancaster and \orkc, hi Verse, Land. 1594 — The Second Part of the Booke ot Battailcs fought iu our Age, h. 1. Land, printed fur Gabriel Catcood, 15 ST 2780 Diggers (Tho.) Prognostication Eucrlasting of right good Effect; chosen Rules to judge the Weather .by Sunne, Moone, Starres, &:c. citts, h. 1. Lund. 1005 Digge's Geometrical Practise, named Pantoinetria, cids, black letter imp. bp IP. Bynneman, 157i Delaprirnavdaye (Peter) The French Academie, black letter imp. by E, Bullifant, 1 5 8(7 Demosthenes Orations, byLeland, Russia Lund. 1771 Darcie (Abr.) the Original of Idolatries ih. l624 Danmus, the Wondcrfull Workmanship of the World, h. 1. ! imp. by E. Maunsell, 1588 /i" - 2786 Dare Aurelianensis Puellae Historia, cu?n fg. j Pu/di Mussi, lGl2 8787 Ducarel’s Series of Axiiglo-Galiic, or Norman and Aqui- tain Coins, fz/rTtes Lund. 1757 2788 Dimook (H.) Critical Notes on Genesis, ^'c. ib. isO a ^7 SS* Della Porta Fisonnrnia Dell Ihinmo, cun Jig. 2789 Demosthenis, Olynthiacm Orationes, a Cairo Tjond. \bji Domesday, or an actual Survey of South Britain, by Henshall Diogenes Lanthorne, portrait, h. 1. Douglas's Antiquity of the Earth, plates Deering’s (Sir E.) Speeches, icitli portrait, by Glover Duchoul de la Religion et Antiquitic, des Anciens mains, Lyon, 1581 De Garsault le parfait marechal du Cheval, avec fg. Par. 1641 Discourses of Warre and single Combat, translated out of French, by J. Elliot, 5. 1. printed by IVolJ'c, 1592 Doderidge's (Sir John) History of the Principality of Wales, Duchy of Cornwall, and Earldome of Chester Ijond, 1630 Darle's History of Dover Castle, by Grose, plates ih. IJSG (L J/M V ^ 2 3 3 ^2 "O A 62 ' 2 z k 2 ^/2 h (J 2 4 0 3 ' 2 4 ^ n / / J i ' 2 6 ' 2 4 - 2 • ! " 2 ' 2 'A / 6 2 6 ' ^ 0 3 > 0 ' 2 A, // 6 2 '99 Del-Rio Pispntationes Magicap 100 Dezeter Speculum Virtutum et Vitiorum, ci/m fig. Fraiicofurti, l682 101 Dubosoq's Complete Woman, both Parts Lond. 1 539 102 Dariot's (Clad.) AstrologicaiJudgement of the S tar res 15.98 103 Daniel's (John) Poems and Tragedies ih. l523 104 Despanteri’s (Joan.) Syntaxis Lngduni^ 1525 >05 Davies (SirJ.) a Discoverie of the true Cause why Ire- land was never subdued l6l2 >06 Dow name’s Works Lo?id. 16 T 2 107 Dunsford’s Historical Memoirs of the Town and Parish of Tiverton, 9 Exeter, 1790 ICS Day's Descant on David's Psalrnes Oxf l62l >09 Delahire Tables Astronomiques Par. 1735 no Dehnj CnideUtates llispanorum in Indiis, cum fg. 1598 — Er- nestum Ephemeris Diarium Historicu;n - Erancof. 159 O ill Delectable Deinandes, and pleasant Questions, with their severail Answ^ers in Matters of Loue, &c. black letter imp. for John Caxeood, 12 Dalrymple's (Sir David) Tracts, relative to the History and Antiquities of Scotland FMinh. 1800 13 Debry Characteres Qi^gyptii, cum fg. Francof. l508 14 Debie Imperatoruni Romanorum Numismata Aurea, cum fig. Amst. 1738 115 Davies’s (Myles) Athence Britannicae, or the Critical News and Parallel of Miscellanies, 4 v. 15 Dee’s (John) Letter Apologectical, rare Imd. printed by Peter Short, 1599 2817 Dyalogus Great uarum Moralization omnii Materie Mo~ orali iocudo et edifeatiuo Modo Applicabilis, curious cuts, elegant and fne copy mcccclxxx Dekker’s (Tho.) Bellman's Night-Walker, whereunto is added, o perse 0, and canting Dictionary Lond. l537 Lantliorne and Candle-Light, or the Bell-man’s Second Night’s Walke, and last of all a new canting Song, u'ith portrait Lond. l5l2 Villanies discouered by Lanthorne and Candle- light, and the Helpe of a new Cryer, called O perse O, with canting Songs, never before printed, portrait oj Bellman, Lant horn, and Dog Ph l5l5 The Dead Tearme, or Westminster’s Complaint for Icmg Vacations and shortTermes ib. l508 The wonderfull Ycare l503 Seven dead lie Sinns of London. MS. title ib. I6O8 The whol magniticente Entertainment given to King James, Queene Anne, his Wife, and Henry, Fred- erick, Prince of Wales, upon the Day of his Majestie’s Tryumphant Passage (from the Tower) through his ho- 103 ; 1 1 !/' iioiirablc Citie and Chamber of London, with Speeches and Songs deliuered in the several Pageants ib. i 60 l 2825 Duane's Coins of the Seleucid^e Kings of Syria, 1. p. plates engtaved by Bartollozzi Lmd. 1 803 Deering’s (Sir E.) Speeches, • ib. 16’42 Dematrimonio Serenissimi Kegis Anglias Henrici Octani 1535 — Oratio Leonardi Land. 1554 2S28 Deacon and \yalkci’s Dialogical! Discourses of Spirits and Devils ib, 1^01 FOLIO. /(2S26 ^'(2827 > y 2830 Col grave’s French and English Dictionary ^ ^ 2831 Cole’s Adam in Eden, or liic Paradise of Pla 2829 Const antini Lexicon Grceco Latiniim, edit. opt. Russico Genev. 1592 Load. 16'32 , - .ants ib. [657 I 2 ^ 2332 Ciiamberlaine’s (John) Portraits from the original Draw- ings of Hans Holbein, in the Collection of iiis Majesty, ; plates^ Jine impressions., 14 Numbers, with the Portraits of Holbein and his Wife ib. 1792, &c. '3 6|2833 Camdini Anglica Normannica, Hibernica, Cumbrice a Ve- q, I teribus S( i i|)ra Franco/. l603 ^ : _^2834 Chandler (Richard) Inscriptiones Antiquae, in Asia Mi- ‘ nori et Graecia, cum Jig. Oxon^ 1774' 2835 Camoens Lusiad, by Fanshaw, with portraits of Prince j Henry of Portugal, V’^asco de Gaino, and Camoens ! Lond. 1()55 t2S36' Caxtons Chronicle, black letter. Wants title ' enqiryntedhy me, Julyan Notary, 1515 2837 Calepinus Lexicon Latinum, 2 v. Pafav. 1752 2838 ChishulPs Travels in ’Purkey, ’ L(nd. 1747 2839 Antiqiiitates Asiaticfe, chart max ib. 172S 2840 Cooperi Thesaurus LinguJB Romanm Brittannicte ib. 1584 /o ; j s I iiic^^auina i^iii^uco Aiuniaucc LJi i i lan u (l cc lu, ^ 6 2841 Craven s (Lord) Case before the Commissioners for Sequestra- . tion, rare ib. l653 ' > 2842 Ceremoniarurn Romante Ecclesiae Venet. 1516 y () 2843 Common Prayer, in the Irish Language l608 '2844 Prayer, black letter imp. by Ed. Whitechiirch, 1552 2845 CcRsar’s Commentaries, by Edmonds, plates Lond. l604 Cj a -12846 Cratmier, (Arch Bishop) Translation of the Bible, black letter, / perfect // 7 Ciceronis de Oratore corio Russido Venet. mcccclxx vin 2848 Clarke's Generali Matyrologie, plates Lond. 1651 . f 0 2S4-d Cary’s Chronological Account of ancient Time ib. l677 V ha f 2850 Curious Collection of Tracts, relative to Ireland and the > City of Dublin Dub. 1733, &c, ' fO ^ 2851 Collection of Ballads and Poetry, bound in 1 v, 1726, &c. 6! erj iA/i/y*— W 104 i) * 'iS5*2 C:isanboni Epistola), ab Almeloucen Jloiierd. 1709 'S53 Castelmaine’s Embassy to Pope Innocent the 8th, plates Horn. i687 TWELFTH HAY’S SALE, TUESDAY, May IS, 1807. / Ass 56 ^ 12856 i ^’bbo 2861 2862 Va^yU , 6 2863 Wa/ ^ ^ 286 V ^ - 2865 yi'Lcu^^ 1286? , J2&6S / C(/ViC>^ }2S 4 * (286 9 2870 ° / 2871 ObY {Akx.) Poctici Conatus, Uher raris 2872 Glnblesius (J. A.) Caiminuin Poetae Lavrcati Pars Lyrica, 'Lath portrait, Morocco, gi/t leaves Grant’s (Mrs.) Poems on various Subjects Glanvillc’s (Jos.) Plus Ultra ecy't^A^ (j 2875 Gcieiil dp Ebiajorum Luctu OCTiVYOS Axp TWELVES. Gret^ory on Man 1705 Great Importance of a Religious Life 17 87 GlanvilTs Pbil()[)hia Pia I67I Goodwin on the Plague 1743 Garbotl’s New River, a Poem Glapthorne’s Pot ms, tkc.. Wants title Graecae Grammatices, in Usiim Genevensis Scliolac per Scrij:)tae, Of. ljuf. Genev. 1568 Guild’s Antiquities of Scriptures Gentleman Fisher, or the whole Art of Angling 1/27 Gasparis Scioppi de Arte Critica Amst. l662 Grtiy’s I’oems, Duroveray’s Edition, plates Loud. 1800 Goedardo Mctamoi phosis Naturalis, f.g. Colcrecs, 2 v. Mediohurgi. Gesta Sal Valtaris nostri Jesu Christi, &c. Par. 1545 ■ Grapaldi Onomasticon Durdreciit. 16IS Grammars, vi^. Royal, by Lilly, l685 ; and his Acci- dence 1696 — and Dictionary, in English and Latin, deuised for the Capacitie of Childrc-n l634 r- Sharpe’s Introduction to Latin, and two others { - 2873 ^ 7 2874. 6 2875 Loud. 1632 Caesarei Rom. 1668 Edinh. 1803 I.oud. 1668 Lips. l65(J \j L 105 £8 76 Gayars Marriage Ceremonies ^ 1693 /• ' 2877 Greevves^s Description of the Pyramids in Egypt 1648 V -2878 on the Antiquity of Weights and Measures 174-5 6 ^ 2879 Gosling's Walk in and about Canterbury, jilatcs Qanterhur}}y 1777 // - 2880 Gent's Pious and Poetical Works, viz. Life and Death of St. Winefred, 4 parts, cuts, 1743 — ^The Pattern of Piety, or Tryals of Patience, being the most faithful Spiritual Songs of afflicted Job, 1734 — Life and Death of St. Robert Hermit, at Knaresborough — History of the Life and Miracles of Christ — Judas, Iscariot, 1772 — An Elegiac Pastoral Dialogue on the Death of Charles Howard, Earle of Carlisle 2881 Nichodemus's Gospels, cuts York , 2882 History of England and Rome, cuts, 2 v. ib. 1741 6 2883 Gabrielis Putherbi de Tollendis et Expungedis Malis Libris Par. 1549 • AA.^v(o(/^ / 7 M'L / (3 . ^2884 Glass's Account of ancient Baths, and their Use in Physic, 1752 , ^885 Gallo de Lingno Sancto non Permiscendo Par. 1540 12886 Grey's Notes on Shakspeare, 2 v. 1754 . 2887 Gommersairs Poems and Plays. ^ For an Account of the Au- thor see M.S. Note 1633 2888 Gallot's Traite deplus Belles Bibliotheque? de L'Europe Par. l685 ^2889 Goudelin Recucil de Poetis Gascons, rare, 2 tom Amst. I7OO 4 0 2890 Gavle's (John) Distraction, or the Holy Madnesse Fond. 1629 2891 Grevil, (Sir Fulke) Life of the renowned Sir Phillip Sid- ney, 1 652 — Historic of the late Revolution in Naples, 1650 — Select and Choyce Observations, concerning the Twelve First Cassara l647 / /f2892 Geographia Scotiffi Fond. 1749 ^ yl2893 Grotius his Sophompaneas, or Josepha Tragedy ^2894 Gower's Childrens Diseases, &c. / <7 289'5 Garthwaite's (Rich.) Censure upon Lilly's Grammar, rare l684 ^ y 2896 Garland (The) of Good-will, black letter 1683 / 6 2897 Gregory's Historical Anatomy of Christian Melancholy ' 2898 Gilby's Commentarie on the Prophet Micha, black letter - 2899 Gifford's (Geo.) Countrie divinitie, black letter / 6 / (AAA 'iAj<4AAy\j^ V imp. by Toby Cook, 'y 2890'''Harlequin Horace: or, the Art of modern Poetry 2891*History of Filchum Cantum 2^9^* Heroycall Epistles of the learned Poet, Publmis Ouidius Naso, in Englishe Verse, set out and translated by George TvrberuUc, Gent, zdith Aullus Sabinus Ansueres to certaine of the same, b. 1. imp, by Henrie Denham, 299^^* Hubert's (Sir F.) Egypt's Favorite, the Hisiorie of Joseph, 1582 1731 1749 v-. ^ 3 Jo (y^d/r (i J).nL \ ' J ^Uci/lc-yty^ J J all J76*t Land. 1()65 Glas(r. 1750 Pickles 1708 bath to / Coals, Culm, and Cinders y 2S99*D^^n^ii Matrona ephesia Sivc Lusus Scrius ^2900 hlutcheson’s. Reflections on Laughter 0 2901 Howard’s England’s Cookery, Pastery, ai that are fit to be used • 2902 Here begynneth a ryght frutefull Matter, and ! name the Boke of Surveying and Improvement, h. 1. imp. by Copeland, no dale ' 2903 Harlot’s (The) Progress, being the Life of the noted IMoll / ' Plackabout, plates, GTO — The Rake’s Progress 1731 6 Hutten’s Treatise on the French Disease 1730 llmnfrey the Nobles, or of the Nobilitie, the original Nah/re, Duties, Rights, and Christ san Institution thereof, b. 1. imp. by Marshe, 1563 2906 Hurd’s Horace, 2 v. 3 753 / 2937 Hawkin’s Life of Johnson 17S7 o 29O8 Harwood’s 'I'ranslation of the New Testament, 2 v. with Mickle’s I>etter to Harwood 176S • 2909 ilaward the Line of Uberalitie, dulie Dircctingc the wel / bestowing of Benefits, &c. b. I, imp. by Marshe, 1569 ^ 2910 ITarringte>n the Art of Law giving 1659 y29ll Hawkin’s Origin of the English Drama, 3 V. Oaf. 1773 ^2912 History of the Royal Family Lond. 1713 • 2913 and Anticpiities of Great Yarmouth 1776 > 2914 Hail (Bp.) Ilenochismis sivc Tractatus de Modo Ambu- landi Deo Omn. 1762 P.noeh,- translated by Brown ib. 1763 2904 2905 ^2915 - 2916 - 2917 Discovery of a New World, or a Description of South // 7 ^ ^ 29I8 72919 O 2920 - 2921 Indies, hitherto unknown, by an Knglish Mercury, extiemcly rare, not known by Ames or Herbert imp. for Edward Blount, no date the sa?ne in Latin, extremely rare, first edit, xciih fron- tispiece, by Kip N. B. From the last Article, Dean Swift borrowed his Gidlkefs Travels • Epistles, Characters, &c. Lond. 16O8 Peace Maker ib. 1645 Meditations ib. l630 Revelation unrcvealed ib. 1650 / ^ 1 2522 /o , 2923 2924^ 107 Hall (Bp,) div'crs practix:all Cas^s cf Conscience revolved, ,mfh portraits hond. 1^49 Bemedy Prophanenesse ih. 1639 Holy Pancgynck, (one of Ireland’s Books^ which he 7 . ‘ 2925 \ 72926 3 d 2927 ^ 6 2928 . / 2929 ^ « 2930 2931 3 o 2932 4 ^ 2933 ' 2934 / 2935 ^ 2936 X % 2938 if 2939 >2940 6 b 2941 ^ / 294.2 ° 2943 ^ v2944 7 (} 2945 ^ 6 2946 / 'S.947 ^ 2948 i 1 2949 A 'S!)o0 -2051 - 2Q52 said belonged to Shakspeare) l6l3 Heaven upon Earth ;id. l6'09 Honor of the married Clergy 2-6. 16IO Solomon’s Divine Arts i5. 1609 Sermon at Paul's Crosse ii. 16O8 Works, 3 V. ib. I6.09, &c- Hind’s Storie of Stories ib. l6'32 Hayward’s British Muse, 5 v. ib, 1738 Horatii Opera Birmingham, Typis Basherville, 1762 Hailifax and its Gihbet-Lavv placed in a true Light, to which is added the unparelleled Tragedies committed, by Sir John Eland, of Eland, and his grand Antagonists, with frontispiece Hailifax, History of the University of Oxford to the Death of William the Conqueror Oj^. 1772 and Antiquities of the University of Cambridge Bond. Dodson’s Tractate on the Eleventh Article* of the Apostles Creed Camb. Hooper on ancient Weights and Measures Bond, 1721 Hearne’s Curious Discourses Oxf. 172j0 Horolani Calendafium Ecclesiasticum Recognitum Jnto. 1369 llilarii Drudonis practica Artis Amandi Amst, 16^2 Horatii Po.crnata. novis scholiis et Argumentis ab Hen. Stephano N. B. Appears to have been the Copy belonging to the great Tdatamis, and has his Authograph History of Chester of the Cathcral Church of Durham > i/< / % A/yy, / Chester, Durham, Norimh. Bond, 1741 1722 Hensclio Harmonia Linguarum Harris's Monastuon Hibernicum, pfofer History of the Count’s Siruenseeand Brandt, twM additions and their portraits ib. 1773 Hierocles upon the Golden Verses of th.e Pythagoreains Glasg. 1765 Histories concerning Ambassadors, wants title. See M. S. Note at the end Hotman’s Casket full of rich Jewels: or, complete Am- bassador 1609 llcylyn’s Help to English History, by Wright, plates 1773 llawkcsworth’s Voyages, 2 v. ' Duh. 1775 Hume’s History of England, 8 v, 1773 • 44; ^AoJo Cfi. f ^^l^^/H)COyy, l^vioy^ ^ ^Cc^ACt^nJ »■ AAjy4^C<}-7 7 108 295s Heath's (Rob.) Charastella, together with Poems occa- / sional ^ Lond. l650 ' ' 2954 Hermetical Triumph, or the Victorious Philosophical y Stone • J723 '/2955 Hope's (Sir W.) Fencing Master, plutes 16'92 // 0 2956 Harmers Observations on Divine Passages of ScripturCy 4 v, / Lond, 1776 / ' ontc-r Hamilton's Poems ' Edinb. / Z957 2958 Harley's Poems 1760 7 7 // • / Ciy^PVi^ ^ 6 2939 Histoire Admirable d’un Magicien, Pjr. l6l4 — Discourse / des Esprits Par, l6l3 . ^ 2960 Hagendonii Cynosbatologia l6'8l ^ 7 296T Heraclitus Christianus, or the Man of Sorrow, l677 , ^ 2962 Howell's Discourses l6(il /< >2Qf)3 Histoire Prodip-ieufte. arfc dfr. Par, 15^7 - 1750 1650 Herbert’s Beleefeand Confession of Faith 1^48 / Harvey's Family Physician 1^78 ^ ' History of the unfortunate Lovers, written by hlargaret de Valoys, Queen of Navarre 1^54 Humane Industry, or a History of most Manual Arts, very scarce. See M, S, Note l56l / /i2970 H net's Treatise of Romances and their Original > 2963 Histoire ProdigieusCy avec fg, Q 29^4 Hoffman’s' Plealth preserved / 29S5 Howell's Dodonas Grove, cuts y L i 2971 Another Copy 1672 2972. How and whither Chrysten Man ought to five the horrible 2973 2974 2975 2976 V ^ 2078 Pleague of Pestilence, black letter no date Heraldry of the CoafSy Armorial BearingSy Scc. of the Com- mon Council of the City of Londony divided into each IVard, in Manuscript y taken 28th April, l634 Ditto, Ditto, for l633 of the County, Palatine of Chester, M. S. curious Arms, with an Account of things neccessary to be prepared for a Knight of the Bath, with the usual Fees paid by them, M. S. Hymnes of Astree, in acrosticke Verse 10*1$ ea j. m 2978 Horace, his First Book of Odes, uwits title y2979 History and Antiquities of Cirencester, plates Ciren. 1780 y 2980 Holy Ghost on the Bench, other Spirits at the Barre 1657 ^ o 29s I Flubert's Catalosue / Orf. of many natural Rarities 'Aceount of the Author, sec M, S. note y 2981'*Hutchin’s Works 7 2982 History of Justin, by Codringtoji 0 2983 by Brown '2984 Howe’s (John) Discourse, &c. '985 Historical and exact Account of the Original and Rise of the Russells Earls of Bedford, with a full and impartial % For an 1664 1771 1664 1702 T.0Rd. 1699 { '^ 2987 - 2938 2989 2990 j *^2991 / - 2992 2993 3 - 2994 2995 !996 . 2997 7 - 2998 - 2999 y'i 109 Account of the LifeanilDeath of the late unhappy Willi- am Lord Russell Harringtons (James) Essay upon Two of Virgil's Eclogues 1658 Historical Account of Parliaments, l685 ^{ec,yt 4 t^ Heyward's (J.) Sermon on the Death of Queen Elizabeth / and Two others, curious Lond. l603, Here hegynneth the Seyng of UryneSf of all the Coloures that Urynesbeof and the Medycynes annexed to euery Uryne, very iiecessary for euery Man to knowCy black letter , imp. by mcy Robert IVycr, no date Hanmer (Meredith) the Baptizing a Turke, a Sermon printed by R. Waldegravc, no date Hymen, the Ceremonies used* in Marriage 17^Q Hairs (J.) Virgidemiarum Satires, rare Oxf 1753 Hughes’s compleat Vineyard Lond. \670 History of Renard, the Fox, and Renardine, his Son 1702 Hilsey’s (John) Bishop of Rochester’s edit, of the Ma- nuel of Prayers, or the Prymer, in Englishe, to which is annexed the Pistols and Gospels, black letter, made up with MS. wanting the title imp. by John fVaylande,no date Historical Memoirs of the Life and Actions of James, Duke of York and Albany, with his portrait Lond. 1^83 Horneck’s (Anth.) first Fruits of Reason, a Sermon Histoire du Roy Henry le Grand composees par Messire Hardovin Par, Howard’s (Chas.) Historical Anecdotes of some of the Howard Family, Lond., 17^9 — Memorial of Charles Howard, Esq. of Greystock, and Miss Frances Howard, JiJf of the Family of Norfolk, of (he French, in 4to. England, translated from QUARTO. iOOO / - Duelling (Four curious Treatises on) by Selden, g) &c. plates 3001 Doderidge’s complete Parson, and several others l630, Seg, 3002 Denison (Step.) on the Sacrament, Sermons, &c. cuts l62l 3003 Duelling, or single Combat, the Antiquilie of 161O, and Two Tracts against the same 3004 Dance of Death, in German,' —for an Account of this curious Booke, see MS. note Franefurt. 16'94 300.5 He Imustis processibus Indicii Camerae Tmperiales 1538 3006 Description Particulieres des Cruautez des schismatiques d’Angleterre, au Temps du Roy Henry Huctiesme, decc. nom, avec' fig. C ■^CiAiJja / .// / ^ ^ A//(yKX^ j (y^Lj /• ^ -3007 { '300S 3009 M feolO •■fsoil Jn . 3012 Z. (^3013 ^ ^30li /fW A 20c^Ju / 3015 3016 .i soiT' / 'GOIS ' - 3020 *3021 3022 {loQ2Z ^ '3024 ^0 / 3025 /y * 2026 4 ^3027 i 5 .3028 110 Dcclaratio Causarum, quibus Sercnissiin^^, Majestatis Anglia?, Classiarii adducli, in expeditione sua Susitan- Loud. 1589 Another copy Declaration of great Troubles pretended against the Realnie by a number of Seminarie Priests .and Jesuits, see Ames, p. 366 1 5g 1 Dryden’s Drarnatick Poesy, .an Essay l668 Drayton's Gratulatorie Poem l603 Dekker’s a strange liorse-Uace, at the End of which comes in the Catch-Poles Masque l6l3 Delicia" Parnassi seu Fragmenta Poetarum Pasquinate Dub. 1700 Daniel’s Musophilus, containing a general Defence of Learning I599 Dyraock’s (Col.) England’s Dust and Ashes raked up, or the King and People beguiled • l648 Douglas’s new Method for cutting for the Stone, cuts, 1723 — Bernard’s present State of Chirurgery 1703 Directions for the cure and prevention of the plague 166.5 Derensis Sermon preached at York, June 30th l643 DekkePv (Tho.) the B.vtciiel.ou’s Banquet, Frontispiece, e.xtremelj/ rare 16/7 Declaration (The) of John Ilo,bir)s, the false Prophet, Joshua Ikck, and John King, Two false Disciples l651 Discovery of many great and bloody Ptobberies, commited of late by dissolute and evil affected I’roopers 1641 Death repealed by a thankful Memorial sent from Christ- Church, Oxford, celebrating the noble Deserts of the Bight Ilonouiable Pavile, late Lord Viscount Baymng, ofLudbury Oxf.l63S Dialogue betw.cen Three Clowns on the King’s calling a Parliament at Oxford I68I Mistris Masquarella, a suburb Bawd, ?vlrs. Scolopcndra, a noted Curtezan, and Mr. Pimfunello, an Uijher 1650 betwixt Three Travellers ^ iCli Et.izabeth’s (Queen) Pri:mmer, cuts. A tine Copy, in INIorocco, giet leaves, with Dance of Death engraved round the Border 15£)Q Eptstola: Gasparini, wood cut, extremly rare. This searce and curious Book belonged to the Library (f Henry the 4M, King of France, and was brought info this Country by Henrietta Marin, IFife of the un fortunate Charles the Isf. A fine and perfect Copy, elegantly bound in Mo- rocco, gilt leaves jrnpre^so Farisi Lapo Bailleardo a Magistro Buldone Mercatqre, mgcccxcviii Ill '' ' 30‘29 ^ ^ 3030 • 3031 ^0 '3032 ^ ' 3033 'J ' 3034. ^ ^ 3035 . ^3036 \ ^ 3037 ^ ^ 3038 y 3039 3040 n 3041 V ' 3042 - 3043 England's Glory, in lierRoyal King and Honorable As- sembly in the High Court of Parliament, above her for- mer usurped Lordly Bishops and Synod 1641 E^loga Theoduli, vcri/ rare impressc Liptz. F. Conradu P^.acbchiicn, mcccclxxxxii Expositio Hymorum, Jig. Load, impress. Wynlipn de Worde, 1517 Exact Description of a round Head, and long Head Shag- Poll, uith the plate Ellegantissimorum Emblamatum, cum fig. Xmg. Bat. 179^ Elstob's (Eliz.) Rudiments of Grammar for the English- Saxon Tongue, uiih the M.S. additions Loud. 1715 Erpenius Proverbiorura Arabicorum Ccnturicedua?, Arab. Lat. Lei die, 1014 Edmund and Velina, a Legendary Tale, Sec. Edinh. 1797 Enquiry into the ancient and present State of Durham 1729 Evans's Specimens of Welch Poetry . 1764 Encyclopedia Britannica, plates, 10 v. Edinh. 177S Evelyn’s (j.) Fumifugium Load. 1782 Euclidis Optica, Gr. Lat. ' Far. 1557 Epigrammata Balbi, very early printed no date Ephemcris Expeditionis Norreysii and Drake in Lusitani- am Bond. imp. Thos. IFoodeoeke, 1589 English Portraits engraved from scarce prints. Pub- lished. by Richardson, 66 Numbers Exceptions against the Common Prayer, gilt leaves, I.ond. l66l Eccles (Sol.) a IMusick-Lector, 166*7 — Butler's Principl«s ofMusick, 1636 Experiments of the Academy of del Cimento, plates Eysbraiit Ides three Years land Travels from'Mosco to China, plates Load. 1705 Eyndio Chronici Zelandiiu Middleberg, 1634 iEsop’s Fables, paraphrased in Verse, by Olgilby, plates Lond. 1651 Eusebii Pamphilii de Evangelica Preperatione Fannensis imp. Taruisu, mcCcclxxx East-lndia-Trade, a most profitable Trade to the King- dom 1677 Erasmi de Duplici Copia Verborum, &c, Basil,~\57T the Fraisc of Folic, Englished by Thomas Chahmer Knight, black letter imp. by Thos. Bert held, 1549 FOLIO. ^ ' S055 Catalog! Librorum Manuscriptorum Angli* el Ilibernicc • in unurn Coliecti ' Oron, 16Q7 3056 Camden's Britannica. Wants title ^7/ / %yA't4i/hoi^/C. // ^ 3044 .3045 3 6 3046 / ^3047 i3048 3049 ^3050 / (3 3051 3052 ^ 3053 ' ‘ 3054 ^ / (o co'ir.4/v^ - jaTAI, (yy\ C‘ ^Ay t ilAcAAcljU, (yy} ^aAAr^d / . ^0 Jo . 5058 , 5059 01 J . , P 5062 yoJJc/ /' ^oe,7Cu/~- Jy . 3004 ? ^ /> 3065 ^ ^ 3056 4/ j . 3057 , /3068 ^3069 •91 / ^ 43070 ^ 3071 '3072 / /n i 4 3074 ^ 0 3075 / / • 3076 / 112 Covel, (John) Account of the Greek Church Camh, 1722 Chaucer's Works, black letter, cuts. Want- ing title and part at the end printed by Caxton Concordatice to the Scriptures, by John Martek, being the Jirst Concordance to the Bible; printed in English, black letter, extremely rare imp. by R, Grafon, 1550 St. Chrystostom on Priesthood, translated by Hollier, Lond, Capgravii Nova Legenda Anglias imp. per JVynkyne deWorde, MCCCCCxvi Collection of Old Ballads, Originals, Dying Speeches, Trials, &c. &c. St. Cyrilli Opera, Gr. Lat. Bar. 1/20 Chamberlain’s History and Survey of the Cities of London and Westminter, plates Cruso's Militarie Instructions for the Cavalrie, plates Camb. \632, Cuningham, (W.) the Cosmographical Glasse, conteyning the pleasant Principles of Cosmographie, &C. imp. by Daye,- 1559 dementis Alexandrini Opera Grrece et Latine Lvet. Par. 1^41 Caelii Rhodigini Lectionum Antiquarum Francof. 1666 Ciceronis Orationes imp. Venet. mcccclxxxxiiii Rhetoricum Bar. 1551 T>vo€s and Pauper, a perfect and fine ropy, in Russia, Bruited by Wynken de U'orde, mcccclx^cxxvi. Davies's Lingua Britannicae Bond. l632 Delobel Botanographi siue Plantarum Ilistorise Phy- aicse, fg. . ib. 1()05 Dodoen’s Niewe Herball, by L}tc, cuts, black letter ib. 1578 Delaser re Ten tree de la Reyne, dans les Villes des Pays Bas, aveefgures 1^31 Ducarel’s Anglo-Norman Antiquities, plates, large paper Land. IjCj I 113 THIUTEENTH BAY’S SALE, WEDNESDAY, May <2.0, 1807, ! (/" ' ' 7 3077 /^/3078 ^ ^ 3079 / - 3080 //fSOSI K ^*13082 j/^ . 3083 - 3084. ^ 3085 ' 3087 •/, - 3088 i ' ( ! j/ '3090 I j i^(^3091 I OCTAVO AND TWELVES. I luck’s Poems CamB, 1791 Hugone Pia Desicleria, citm Jig, Luet, Par. l654> Hopkins’s Flying Penman, portrait Plistoire D' Olivier Cromwell ^ avec portraits, SfC. Par. 1691 Horace’s Odes, Epodes, &c. translated by Oldisworth 1719 Historise Augustas Scriptorcs, ab Salmasii, &c. Lvg.Bat. 166I Homeri Ilias et Odyssea Griecc et Latine, a Clarke, 4 v. Lo7i(i. 1754 and 1758 History of Dover Castle, with Thtee additional plates Canterbury, 1787 Harwood’s View of the Classics Land, 177 S History of King-Killers ih. 17 19^ &c. Hutton's Sermon, preached at York, before the Earle of Huntington, black letter, 1579 — Sermon preached at great Yarmouth, 12th Sep. 1599 Flistory of the Life and Bloody Reign of Queen Mary, ‘ ' Lond. 1^82 Hutchin’s (Ed.) Sermon preached at West Chester, the 8th of October, 158(), black letter Oxf. printed by John Barnes, Hall’s (Joseph) Virgidimiarum, Sixe Bookes, the first Three of Tooth-lesse Satyrs, Lond. printed by John Jlanison, l6o2 — the Three last of byting Satyres, imp. by Robert Dexter, 1599 — Certaine worthy Manuscript Poems, of great Antiquit ie, reserved long in the Studie of a Korfolke Gentleman, and now first published 5j/ J. S. I. The stately Tragedie of Guistard and Sismond II. The Northern Mothers Blessing HI. The Waye to Thrft, extremely raie imp. at Lond, for R. D, 1597 JcucIla MviA "^Ct/L uM/fTfi P / SO92 3093 3094 ^ ^ 3095 I $3096 13097 ^ 3098 (3099 \ /t3100 ^ ^ 3102 6 3101 114 Bere hcgynneth a Boke, called the Fanil of the Romyshe Clntrehe, u'ith all the Abomy nations^ black letter 1550 Hamilton’s Life of James Bonnell, Esq. Accomptant Ge- neral of Ireland Historia. S. Cantire Giset Martyris, Othonire Hall’s (John) Paradoxes Hotomani derenumaria Popoli Romani Loml. 17,18 Sepulti Haf 1702 1650 1585 Historical Collections relating of the Inhabitants of Bri- tain to the Norman Conquest ^ 1706 Hodder’s Arithmetic, with his portrait 1672 Hevrnii (Otthonis) Barbaricte Philosophia? ,Antiquitatem Herrick’s (Rob.) Works Holwell’s Mythological Dictionary Hibner Mysterium Sogillorum Herbariim 3102 3 i 3103 - 3106 3107 3108 y/u^ y 3169 O .3110 ^ ^3112 ^ 6 3113 /3114 . ^ 3115 / ' 3116 ^ / 3117 / 3118 3119 Lug. Bat. 1600 Land. I68 1793 et Lapideum Loud. 169 s Plistory of the ridiculous Extravagancies of Monsieur Oufte ib. 1711 Hau Kiou Choaan, or the Pleasing History, 4 v, 1761 Horatii Poemata 1588 Historical Account of Parliaments, frontispiece 1685 History of George a Green and Pindar, of the Town of Wakefield, portrait and plates Load. 1706 Hpwlet’s brief Discours, contayning certayne Reasons •why Catholiques refuse to goe to Church Dovay, 1580 Hoggard’s Confutation of the mishajp^n Aunswer to the tnisnamed, wicked Ballade, called the Abuse of the • .blessed Sacrament of the Aultar, black letter ’ 1548 HovvaiaPs Corporations Vindicated Lone?. 1 651 Hunnis (W.) Seven Sobs of a sorrowfull Soule for Sin and a Handfull of Honisuckle ib. 1636 Howard’s Thoughts, Essays, and Maxims 1768 .Hesiod’s Works, translated by Cooke, i- v* 1743 Hobbe's (’Iho.) Philosophical Rudiments, concerning , government and Civill Society, portrait ’and plates, by Vaughan ’ > '■ ^ ib, l651 Discourson Government Far. 1650 Hale’s (Sir W.) Father’s New Year’s Gift to his Son ib. l685 Hieronynii de Sympathia and Antipathia Rerum Lugduni, 1550 History of the Commons Warre. with .England, with cu- rious frontispiece of General Monk' shooting the Rump Parliament Land. 1662 Hildesley’s Religio Juris prudentio, or the Lawyer’s Ad- vice to his Son, portrait, and an Account of the Author, by Mr. Brand, in MS. ib. l685 Hogarth’s Grammar Disputations ib. J71‘J t ^ ^ 3120 / ^3121 ^ ^3122 ^ ^3123 y 6 3124 ^ - 3125 « >3126 ^ 0 3127 ^ '3128 ^ ^3129 ^ '3130 A -3131 / / / 115 Horatius, his Art of Poetry Englished, by Ben Johnson, with portrait, by Marshal ' 1640 History of the Iconoclasts ' l67l Martlib’s Chemical, Medical, and Chyrurgical Addresses, 1658 Hutchinson’s Excursions to the Lakes, 'plates Lund. 1776 Week at a Cottage, a Pastoral Tale ib. Hearne’s Liber Niger Scaccarii, 2 v. ' ib. Hall’s ('J’ho.) Loathsomnesse of long Haire ih. 1775 1771 1654 1717 166 T 1771 1650 -3132 -3133 ^3134 -3135 . 3136 3137 3138 y 3139 <^3140 43141 6 3142 3 b 3143 3144 / ^ 3145 4 -3146 0 -3147 A A -3148 ^ 3149 - 3150 / 3151 5 ^3152 L " 3153 0 y3154 3 6 3155 / -3156 History of the Press-Yard, with Lives of various Otfen- • ders, »Scc. ih. Huinan Industry, or a History of the Alanual Arts Humours of the Times History of the Bohemian Persecution Heywood, (Thomas) England’s Elizabeth, her Life and Troubles Camh. Historical Dictionary of Engljind and Wales Hcredotus, translated by Littlebury, 2 v. Load. Harris’s Life of James the First Life of Charles the First Hickman’s Bonosus Vapulans History of Alonastical Conventions- Harwood on Temperance, and four other Tracts Hell Gates open to all Men, plates 1751 Hutcheson Philosophicae INLn'alis Glasg. a Toidis, 1755 Helyn’s Helpe to English History , l675 Hotmanus de Veteri ritu Nuptiarum Liig. Bat. l641 Hope’s Scotch Fencing Master, plates Edinh. l687 Heydon’s Astrologia Idonea, l695 — Cupid’s Decoy, or the fatal Snare Horatii Opera Lund. 1784 Hinde’s Explary Life and Death of Master John Bruen, ib. l64l liall’s Characters of Vertues and Vices, l608 — Triumphs of Rome, l667 — Miscellanea, 1669 Hutchinson’s Historical Essay concerning Witchcraft, in- terleaved \vith M.S. additions, by Dr. Watts Land. 17I8 He wit on Money, Coins, &:c. Lund. 1755 — Cumberland on Weights and Measures l6s6 Flosius, (Stanislaus) the Hatchet of Heresyes, hlacb letter imp. at Antxverp, 1565 Hill, (Thomas) the Contemplation of Mankinde, contayn- ing a singular Discourse after the Arte of Physi -.-gnomie, cuts, black lettei’, Russia hup. bp IE. Serres, 1571 Natural and Artificial Conclusions, cuts Land. 167O Hippocratis Aphorisrai, Gr. Lat. Lug. Bat. exnf'. Elzev. l638 Hyde de ludis Orientalibus, Per. Lat. &c. Oxon, l694 History of the whole Realm of Scotland, Civil, Natural, and Ecclesiastical Edinb. 1760 ^4/it/y , liL \JiyyuA Hargrove’s Anecdotes of Archery, cuds York, 1792 2)cia.Ma\ / ■ Wl'l ^ / 3157 Historiai Romanae Epltomas Anut. 1 647 ^3158 Horutii Poemata, a Bond Lond. 167^ 3159 Idem Liber ib. l6o6 3160 Hippocratis Aphorismi, Interpretc Ilcurno, &c. Gr. Lat. Horatii Poemata, cum com. ^ii/htCLy JfuJ- d I C/cuL'X/^ / / / ^ 3161 > 3162 ^-^3163 3164 Herodiani Historiarum, Gr. Lat, Min-ellii ab Bentleii Opera Cantab. Loud. Cantab. ib. In. ^ohtad^ Land. 1633 1704 1713 1701 1593 1684 1564 0.3165 Huetii de Interpretationc 6 3166 Hereoynmi Magii Variarum Lectionum Venet. 3167 Horrei Observationes Ciilicae in Scriptorcs Quosdam / Graecos Historicos, Gr. Lat. I^eovardi, 1/36 y 3168 Hildebrandi Antiquitates Romanie, cum fig. Ultraject. 1713 6 3169 Ilenshaw’s Horae Successivee, or Spare-ilourcs of IMediia- / tions Land. l640 63170 Hutchins, (Edw.) Sampson's Jawbone / printed by Veter Short j 16OI o 3171 Hotmanni Viri Seculorum Memoria Dignissimi, with An- / tograph of Hotmail Ilanov. l6l3 6 3172 Herbert, (George) a Priest to the Temple Lond. -3173 Haward’s (Nicholas) the Line of Libcralitic, black letter imp. by Thos. Marsht 174 Heidfeldio Sphinx Thcologico-Philosophica 3175 Hill, (Thos.) the Distinction of Dreames, b.l, Hypolitus Earl of Douglass, containing Memoirs of the Court of Scotland — Secret History of Macbeth, to which is added the Amours of Count Schlick Lond. 1708 liackett’s Select Epigrams ib. 1757 Epitaphs, 2 v. ib. 1757 165; 1616 1. ^ S i ’3177 /3178 . , _ 0 3179 History of the King’s Rcstauration, with portrait of the Duke of Albemarle ib. 168O ^ 3180 Hcnly's (Dr.) 'I'racts ib. 1748 - 3181 Hervey's Meditations, 2 v. ib. 1755 3182 Honteri Rudimentorum Cosmographico, cum fig. 1581 / 3183 History of Macascar in the East Inilies 17OI (isi84 Humphrey's View of Antiquity Lond. l677 3185 History oi Murders committed by Smugglers, cm/a- ib. 1749 ' 3186 Harmer's Observations on Solomon's Song ib. 1763 / 3187 Henckel's Pyritologia, or a History of the Pirites ib. i757 ^ 3188 Hawksluiw's (Benj.) Poems ib. 1693 O 3189 Horatius Flaccus his Art of Poetry, Englished by Ben / Jonson ib. l640 y 3190 Satyres, translated by Holyday ib. l652 0 3191 Heydon, (Sir Christ.) Astrological Discourse ib. 1650 '3191* the Wise Man’s Cl'own, or the Glory of the Rosie / Cross ib. 1644 o 3192 History and Description of the Jsle of Man ib, 1744 117 / U03 llottlngero CIppi Ilebraici Ilcuklherg, 3 662 31i)5 ^ -3196 /3197 <13198 6 3199 /3 -.3200 -3201 -3202 3203 320-1 3205 4 / /3206‘ 6 3207 / -3208 •/ ;r3209 Z6 3210 Uiiii (.3216* >3217 / ^3218 i 3219 ;/ ' 3220 -3221 .7 ^ 3222 iO <^ 3 ^3224 *3 (3225 '^5226 1 / 1; /3228 i '^6 3229 Jlidori) of ’Alcidalis and Zdida printed at StraxcUriy liUl^ 1763 Ilopcr, (Johan) an Answer to iny Lord Winciiester’s Booke, black letter^ 4 to. prpnied at Zarych, 1547 Lectures of J. B. upon the Xll Article of our Christian Laith, black letter ifnp. by Barker, 1581 a Declaration of the Decalogue, b. 1. Declaration of the Ten Commaundements, ib. ih. 1583 Annotations on the 13th Chap, to the Romans, black letter 1531 Declaration of Chryste and his Office, llussia printed at Zurych, 154-7 a Funeral Oration, black letter imp. by Thos. Raytialde, 1550 Hodges, (W.) History of Ludlow Castle, interleaved with many valuable additions, in print and iM.S. Ludlow, 179^ Hieron ou Portrait de la Condition dcs Hois, Gr. and Fr. Amd. 1711 Heath’s Chronicle, portraits Huck’s Tour in Wales 1795 History and Life of King James the Sext Edinb. 1804 llubcrti Sussaiiei Ludorum Bar. 1538 History and Lives of Pirates, and their Crews, portraits 1749 Hutchison, (Roger) Image e)^ God, black letter Land. 1560 Henry the 8th, Assertion of the Seven Sccraments against Martin Luther ib. 1688 Histoire de L’origine de la Royaiite, aveejig. Bar. l684 Horologium Devutionis circa Vitaruin Christi per Johaniie Gourmont, cinnjig. imp. Bar. Hausted Senile odium, Coma3dia Cantab. l633 Hensii Poemata 1633 History of W' itches, Ghosts, and Highland Seers, Berwick Habbington’s Poems Huchinson on Witchcraft Higgin’s Experiments and Observations liollyvveirs Historical Events (James) Familiar Letters Humphrey’s Tales and Novels, in Verse, cuts History of the Union of the Four famous Kingdoms, Eng- land, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland ib. 166O Herbarum Opiiseulum, cuts early printed, no date Hod yon’s English Convocations 170I' Heyd on wonderful Preservation of his Excellencie Sir d'homus Fairfax " ' Loud. 1647 History of the Principality of Wales ih. 1695 Hick’s (Wm.) Oxford Jests, refined and enlarged ih. Heath’s Pwcvisal of Shaivspeare’s Text ib. 1765 A'Uot- d doAo- / Ac 3234 J/Uy- / "I3I xJp^,/Ly A 3237 " ^ 6 3238 ^ 3239 A 3241 6 4 3242 /'■// f i 6 6 3244 / 32.^5 / / , ^3246 . 3247 118 Heilbronneri Dasfiionomania Pistoriana Magica et Caba- listica l50l Hobson, (Paul) a Discovrie of Truth, 1647 — Heminge (Nich.) the Preacher, or a Method of Preaching, black letter imp. by J. Marshe 1 576 Hieron (Samuel) the Preacher’s Plea Lmd. l605 Histoire Romaine, 2 v. Par. 1686 Heraclitus Ridens, or a Discourse between Jest amd Ear- liest, 2 V. Loud. 1713 History of the Troubadours ib. 1779 Hilton, (Wal.) the Scale (or Ladder) of Perfection ib. 1659 Hibner’s Mysterium Segillorum ib. 1698 History of Mecklenburgh, 1762 — the Geiiealogy and Chronological History of the illustrious Family of Guel{)h, or Welph, xcry scaj'ce Hutchinson’s (Roger) Sermons, b. 1. the Image of God, b. 1. Lund, ib. by DayCf ib. ib. Land. 1560 1550 1767 1766 1802 Hanbury on Charity Harris’s History and Antiquities of the City of Dublin, ib. Hutton’s History of the Roman Wall ib. Harward’s Phlebotomy: or, a Treatise on Letting of Bloud ib. 1601 Harvey (Christ.) the New Planatique; or, the right Rebel ib. 1660 Hume’s (W.) Poems ib. 1636 Historic van Oost-Indian, plates Rotterd. 1705 /U^ CiM/h, r7h ‘-7 ^ ^ 524.7 ^2 ' 5248 O v 3249 2J (> 3250 ^ ^3251 '3252 ^0 C 3254 3255 3256 QUARTO. ( Evelyn’s (J.) Fumifugium : or, the Inconvenience of the Aer and Smoke of London dissipated Lond. 166I Emblemata Horatiana, cum Jig. Antverp. 1707 England still freshly Lamenting the Losse of her King, a Poem Lond. 166O Elstob’s Grammar for the English-Saxon Tongue, 1715 — Gibsoni Polemo Midelinia Oxon. 169I Exposition upon the whole Booke of Psalmes, black letter printed by T. Oriwn^ 1591 Epicurus’s Morals ' Lond. l651 Elizabeth (Queek) Various Tracts, giving an Account of Treasons practised against that great Princess, viz. A Discoverie of the Treasons practised and attempted against the Qucenc’s JMajestie and the Realraeby Francis Throckmorton 1584' Another Copy A Declaration of the fauourablc Dealing of her Majeslie’s / / '3253 ^ -3259 <^3260 I ,32Sl fl ^3262 , fe263 < -"{ 32(54 ^3265 -326'6 ^ ^ 32(57 ^3268 ) 6 3269 3270 z/, 3271 / 3272 3273 119 Commissioner, appointed for the Examination of certaine Traitours, and of Tortures, unjustly Reported to be done upon them, for Matters of Religion ^ 1583 For an Account of the last rare Tracts vid. HolUngshed, p. 1583, Amcs,p. 54^ An Aduertisement and Defence for Trueth, againt her Backbiters - 1581 A particular Declaration, or Testimony, of the undutifull and traiterous Affection borne against her Majeslie by- Edmond Campion, Jesuite, and other Condemned Priests 1582 A true and plaine Declaration of the horrible Treasons practised by William Parry the Traitor , 1584 See Ames, p. 364 The Execution of Justice, in England, for Maintenaunce of Publique and Christian Peace imp. at Loud. 1583 Another Copy, secondly, imp. at Lond. Mense, Jan. 1583, yl7i. Reg. Eliz. 26, with some small alteration, <^-c. See Ames, p. 546 Englaiurs Mourning Garment, on the Death of Queen Elizabeth Essay on Translated Verse Lond. l684 E. W. his Thamescidos, divided into Three Bookes, or Cantos ib. l600 Easter not INIis-timod ib. 1664 England's selected Characters, describing the good and bad Worthies of this Age, where the Best may see their Graces, and the Worst discern their Basenesse, very rare ib. l643 Eliensis Responsio ad apologiam Card! nails Bellarmini, bound in velvet, gilt leaves ib. l6l0 Cla vio Horologiorum Descriptioncnijj^o-. Romae. 1586 Fowler's (Christopher) Dsemonium Meridianum Satan at Noon, or Anti-christian Blasphemies, Anii-scripturall Divelismes, Anti-morall Uncleanliness evidenced in the Light of Truth, and punished by the Hand of Justice, Answer to Ditto, both parts, very rare Lond. l655 Fyve Jlomiles of late, made by a ryght, good, and vertuous Clerhe, called Master Leonarde Follarde, Prebe?idary of the Cathedral Church of Worster. directed and dedicated to the Fdght Reuerende Father in God, Byshoppe of Worster, his Specyall good Lorde, a fine copy, black letter, very rara, not knerwn by Ames or Herbert imp. at Lond. by William Gryfth, mccccclvi Full Relation of Two Journies, the One into the maine Lande of France, &c. Lond. 16.56 Flower Garden displayed, 1734 Forset's comparative Discourse of the Bodies Natural and Politique Lond. l6o6 Q.Jy F y - #4 //u. , ^^CCrif . 3275 / .3076 / / ^ 3077 ^CiA^diJ^ ^ ^3278 y/ (/Coy S 4/1_^52S0 // / ] /3281 ^iAi/}^ ^ 32 <2 <-<^aO/y i . 3283 '/ / 3284- / 3286 3287 32S8 -0<- ^C\A.cLa ^4 / ‘ 3289 / ^3290 7 7 3201 6 3292 ci xj/ 4/t\/{^ Ot^ 3293 3294- /3 ^3295 ^ -3296 - 3297 ;{ ^3298 '3299 3300 //: I£!0 Ferryman, on preparing Wheat Flour for Bread zh, 1802 Fernior (IFzzz.) the Compter s Comwoinvcalthy renj rnre, made perfect hp j]L S. ib. l6l7 Four Statutes, specially selected and commanded by his jMajestie to be carefully put in Execution by all Justices, &c. j ih. 1609 FishcFs Catalogue of most Memorable Tombs, Graves Stones, ^'c.i in the Demolished or yet extaiit Churches of I.(mdon ib. 1668 b'erne’s Blazon of Gentrie, cuts ih. 1586' Funeral Sermons, a curious Collection, on th Death of Great Afcn I 6 O 8 , &c. FiiEEMAx's (Tno.) Rubue, and a gbeat Cast, Epigrams, extra rare. See azi Account in M. S. by Air. Brnnd, <>( its .scarcity imp. at Land, and arc to he sold at the Tiger s Head., l6l-4< Fragments of vSeottish History Edinh. 1798 Foxi (Joan.) de Christo Crucifixo Concio Land. 1571 Featlcy’s (Dan.) Description of several Sorts of Anabap- tists, iw'traity SfC. hond. I 66 O Frampton's (John) joyfull Ncucs out of the New-found Wo ride, h. /. ih. printed by E. Elide., 1596 Fa\vkc.'>'s Description of May, from Gavin Douglas 1752 Ferrarii .Analecta de re \'esliaria, et Dissertatio Scpul- chralihus, cum fig, Pafav. iGjO Fame’s Memorial 1, or the Earle of Deuonshire, Deceased Lond. 1 606 Eolkes (Martin) Tables of English Silver and Gold ColnSj plate-^., large paper., Lond. 1763, xvith an additional Tract 071 British Coin., plates Finella’clc Quatuor Signis quae apparunt in unguibus innnuum, //g". Neap. l649 Fuller’s Fstst Sermon, preached on Innocents Day l6i2 Frauiice’s Lawiers Logike 1588 Eoxe ( Lake) North ■'leest Fox, or Fox from the North-U'cst Passage Lond. by B. Alsop, 1635 J'lston (W.) the Estate of the German Fanpirc ih. 1593 Frampton’s joyfull Newes out of the New-found Worldc, black letter ib. 1647 f'airfax (Sirl'ho.) Declaration, »S:c. with frontispiece, ib. l647 Eurerl Itinerarium xEgypti, Arablet, Vala:stinoi Syrie, et Orient allum, cuzn Jig. Russia, gilt' leaves Noriinbcrg. l621 Elorentinns 'Euronensis de Destruciione Constantin opolltana sale de bet lone Troianorum Contra Grecos Par, per A fit. De Nidel, Felthma’s Resolves Land. l628 : second edit. ib. l636 — seventh edit, ib. l647 121 ) ,5301 3303 ^ > 3303 0 3304. 3305 3306 ' 3307 / ",3303 43309 / 6 3310 '3311 ^ ' 3312 Fostescue (Tho.) Forcste : or a Collection of Histories, wants title * Lond. mp. by John Kyngstoriy 1571 Faerne Cent Fables en Latin et en Francois, avec fis. Lond. 1744 Fovilloux la Venerie et Fauconnerie^avecjig, Par, 1585 Fitzherbert's Natura Brevium Lond. l6l0 Finelia de Planetaria Naturali Phisonomia Neapoli, l6'49 Fox (Joan) Contra Hieron osoriuin, &c. Lond. 1577 Fuller (Tho.) Abel Redevivusy portraits ib. l651 Frederici Nauscae Mirabilium, Colon, 1532 Fenner's Confutation of Nichols imp. by John JFolfe, 1583 Falshood in Friendship, or Visions Vizard, or Wonders in Lambskins Jjond. l605 Fox's Acts and Monuments of the Church, abridged by j/tit/y Bright, black letter ib. 1589 order- Fenarius (John) a Woorke touchy nge the good ynge of a Common Weale, black letter imp. by J, Kingston, 1559 FOLIO. -(3313 Diicange Glossarium ad Scriptores Mediceet Infance Latini- tatis, 6 V. Par. 1733 — cum Svppkmentum, ah Carpentier, 4 r. Par. 1766 '!3314 Drummond (Wm.) of Havvthorden's Works, /jorfratV Edinb. 1711 ■''3-315 Digge's (Tho.) a Geometrical Practical Treatise, named / - 3316 /3317 7 / 6 3318 *3319 X L 3320 ^ 6 3321 ; / 8322 0 . 3323 J 0 3324 3325 '/ . Pantometria, C 2 its Lond. 1591. Dodona's Grove, or the Vocall Forrest, plates 1^40 D’ Antiquitez Romaines, axec Jigures Amst. 170G Douglas's Nenia Britannica, plates • Lond. 179^ Drayton ( Mich.) Poly-Olbion, plates • Battle of Agincourt, a Poem Poems, frontispiece ib. 1609 ib. Lond. 1733 ib. 1723 /- 3326 3327 *4; >.3328 ^ (i 3330 - 3331 De Tillemont's Works, 2 v. Dela Motraye’s Travels, plates, 3 v. Danett (Tho.) the Historic of Philip de Commines ib. l6'01 Digges's (Sir D.) the complete Ambassador, ib. \65S Dionysii Opera a Corderio, Gr. Lat. Antwerp, 1^34 Duchesne Histoire d'Angletterre d’Escosse et d'lreland Par. 1634 Draytofes Works, with his Life, arid additional plates ta- ken out of the orig. edit. ib. 1748 Dela Chausse le grand Cabinet Remain, avec figures Amst. 1706 Dugdale’s Monasticon Epitomized, plates Lond, 1693, Cfci ¥jr C{mA(h^ 122 Utifer 3 1^3333 3 (r.3334 JZ ^3335 4 ,3336 3337 j, 3338 Dugdale*s Monasticon Anglicanum, 2 v. plates ib. 1655 • Monasticon, with Continuation, by Ste’cens, plates, by Hollar, SfC. 3t;. ih. 1718 and 1722 •r — brief DiScow'sc touching the Office of Lord Chan- cellor of England ib. l67i Diana of George of Montemayor, translated out of Spanish into English, by Bartholomew Yong, the rarest Romance in the El! glish Language. Vide Huet,p, 195 Lond. printed by Edm. Bollifant, 1598 Dives and Pauper, black letter, emprentyd by me WynkendeJVorde, mcccclxxxxvi, the title and a very small part of the last leaf is wanting, otherwise afne copy, in the original binding Dubartas his Diuine JVeekes and Workes, translated by Joshua Sylvester, portrait and frontispiece ' Lond, l633 Dion Casii Romanorum Historiarum, Gr. Lat. ab Hylandri excudcbat Hen. Steph. 1 592 ^ FOPMTEIENTH BAY’S SALE, I THURSDAY, May 21 , 1807 . 1 OCTAVO AND TWELVES. Oh Ot4'U % I . /4 3339 History of the Seven wise Masters of Rome, cuts 3340 Hill on Fossils 3341 History of the Rebellion of 1745 3342 Henry the 8th Catechism, cuts, black letter, imp. by John Mayler, 1543— Cr^nmePs Catechism, black letter, cuts imp. by G. Lynne, 3543 — another Copy, black letter, no cuts ih, by Tho. Berthelet, 1^3344 Herbertum de Literis Inventis, ab Nicols fond. 3345 Harsnet’s Touchstone of Grace ib. 3346 Hoadley (Bp.) Tracts 3347- History of the Siege .of Chester, cuts Lond, 1694 1771 1548 1543 1711 1632 1715 9 '3318 '3349 ■V -3350 -3351 ) ^ - 3352 ? /' 3353 '> } -3354 4 3355 3356 < '3357 1 73358 fT ‘>3359 0 3360 / (3361 •■(3362 73363 , '>3364 123 History of Pamphlets and scarce Tracts, 2 v. hand. 1715 & 21 Heynio Viro Suinino, Gr. Lat. (dotting^ Highmore’s History of the x‘\rtil!ery Company of London Lond. 1804 Q. Horatuis Flaccus cum Grsecis Scriptoribus Collatus a Weston 1805 Hogarthy illustrated hy John Ireland, plates, Jine impressions, 3 V. ih. 179*2, SfC. Graffic Illustrations of, by Sam. Ireland, plates, 2 V. ib, 1794 Harding’s Illustrations of Shakspeare, plates, Jine impres- sio7is Harris’s Hermes Dub. 177^ Hippocratis Aphorismi, Gr. Lat. Cantab. 1733 Hieroclis Philosophi, Gr. Lat. a Curterio Loud. 1754 Herdson (H.) the Art of Memory made plain ib. l654 Hamilton (John) on the Sacrament Par. 1581 Humfrey’s of Nobilitye, their Original, &c. black letter imp. by Marshe, 1563 Historic of the Hungarian Rebellion Lond. l672 Henrico VIII. Assertio Septem Sacramentorum ad versus Lutherus, 1562 — Assertionum Regis Angliae Dclide Ca- tholica Aduersus Lutheri Far. 156l Hakewell (Geo.) King David’s Vow l621 Hommelii Nuinis matibus, cum Jig. Lips. 1763 Helvetius the Golden Calf Lond. 167O Hispanus (P.J the Treasuri of Helth, coniaynynge many pro- fytable medicines, b. 1. imp. by W. Copland, History of Israel JoLson the Wandering Jew 1757 Hanmer (Mered.) the Baptizing of a Turke, b. 1. pointed by R. Waldegrave Howlet (J.) Discourse contayning certayne Reasons why Catholiques refuse to goe to Church, black letter imp. at ^pway, 1580^ Pluggard (Myles) the Displaying of the Protestantes, b. 1. imp. by Rob. Caly, 1556 Harrington (Sir John ) State of the Church 'of England, being the History of the Bishops of those Times Lond. l653 History of Polindor and Flostella, and other Poems, with frontispiece ib. l653 Hooke’s (N.) Amanda, a Sacrifice to an unknown God- desse, frontispiece ib. l653 Howard’s (Sir Robt.) Dramatick Works ib. 1772 A ^ (yiA/cA Homer a la Mode Horace’s Odes, by Bentley, 1719, Theophrastus, &c. by Budgell, 2 V. Heron’s History of Scotland, 6 v. Edinb. 1799 Hurtley’s natural Curiosities of Malham, in Craven, York- shire Lond. 1786 Oof . 1665 I I ^ . 3 2)vW'(y ^iywA^/ (yi/ Ly'^} o^fj} Ci/!^ y e^jLf/u^ / m 9 / y T^79 History of Cheltenham and its environs Cheltenham^ 180S 3380 History of the Revolution of Naples, vcith portraitsy Lond. l664 /3381 Home, a Poem Edirtb. I 806 y 0 3382 Holy Bible Camb. 1782 ' . 3383 Herbert (Geo.) the Temple of sacred PoemSy Moroccoy gilt t f leaveSy ruled with red lines - Camb. printed by Danieisy ' 2 ♦'5384 Hall (Jo.) Jacob’s Ladder, czz(?« Lond. 1711 History of singing Birds, Edinb. 1754 of Henrietta Maria de Bourbon, Queen of England Lo?id. l660 3387 Hammond (Col.) Letters, 1764 — Preservation of Charles after the Battle of Worcester 1766 3388 Herne’s mordern Assurancer, or the Clark’s Directory, frontispiece Lond. 1058 / 3385 ; 6 i 3386 // n 3389 Hollyband (Claudius) the Frenche Schoolmaster, b. 1. ce4 / ^ ^yy (/I'lXy ^erycv-vx^ cut /culAo^A Mci/icyu l^ctvy . imp. for A. Veale and two others ' '3390 History of the Revolution of Naples, 1650 — Tragedy of I, Massenello 3391 Hager’s Picture of Palermo 3392 Herein is contained the Booke called &c. b. 1. y3393 Hawkin’s (W.) Poems 1651 l.ond. 1800 Nouae Narrationes, imp. by TottelU 156l Oxf 1781 Lond. 1701 3395 Hume’s Essays ib. 1748 y' ^ 3396 Hyall (Tho.) Workes on Gardening, Husbandry, &c. cuts, / / black letter /" 3397. Haywood (Eliz.) a Spy on the Conjurer 7 3398 History of Sir John Perrott 0 ftftOQ T-Inrro^u T^ivir ^ ^ 3394 Hody’s History of English Convocations 3399 Hugo’s Divine Addresses, cuts Lond. ib. ib. 1725 1728 1690 1674 y 3400 Horologium devotionis circa Vitam Christi, cum fig. 3401 Hulsii compendium Lexici Hebraici Ultraject. • 3402 Flanape (Nich.) the Ensamplcs of Vertue and Vice, b. 1. / imp. by John Tisdale, I56l ^ w 3403 Hutton, (W.) the Battle of Bosworth Field Birming. y 73404 Hadr^ni Emblemata, cum fig. Antwerp, / 6 3405 History of the Devil, ancient and modern Berwick, y ' 3406 and Antiquities of the Universitie of Cambridge, , Lofid. /3407 Hieron, (Samuel) the Preacher’s Plea 4 3408 Hollar’s Theatrum Mulierum, portraits 0 3409 Hornii Epigrammatum ^ y 3410 Hooker, (R.) the Weekly Miscellany, 2 v J ^/34ll Heydon, (Sir C.) Astrological Discourse 7 412 Howard’s (Sir Robert) Poems ib. liotterd. Lond. ib. ib. 1788 1 566 1794 1721 1605 1681 1738 1650 1660 3413 (Charles) Historical Anecdotes of the Howard / Family, 1769 — Gilpin’s i.ife of I.amiter 1755 ^3414 Hieroclis Opera, Gr. Lat. Lond. 1673 ^ 05415 Hamilton’s Philosophical Essays ib. 1783* - 3416 Holyday, (Barten) a Survey of the World Orf. l66i 34X7 (2 ' 3^18 ^ ;34i9 ' 0 3420 / , "v 3421 4 73422 0 0 3423 / 3424 ify/, (Thomas) a Contemplation of Masteries, xcith portrait of the Author, a most scarce wood cut, black letter pri n i cd b \j Denm an Harrington's Niigas Antiquoe, by Parke, 2 v. Lotid. 1804 Hall's Hora? Vaciva?, or Essays Loud. 104^ Henshaw's daily Thoughts, or a Miscellany of Meditations, holy and humane ib, lf)5i Human Ordure, botanically considered ib. 1748 Hodge’s (John) Viaticum Animee ib. 16’3S Hnec and Hie, or the Feminine Gender more worthy than the Masculine ib. l6S3i Haworth's (Samuel) Description of the Duke’s Bagnio / S-Aio'- /- Heraldry, A. M. S. Arms emblazoned Humours of the Town. JFa?i(s title Harris’s Monasticon Hibcrnicum, plates ib. Horologium Christianuin ' 0,ro/?, Humfredus Jesuitismi Lond. Hall's (Joseph) Characters of Vertues and Vices ih. Hakewell's Vanitie of the F.ye Oxf. y V/ Hugonis Pia Desidcria Emblematis, cum fig. Antwerp, e ' 3433 Hall’s (Bishop) Virgidemarum. Satires in six Books, Oxf, f fe434 Historia Degli Viscochi in Ventia. ibi l683 (3425 a [31^6 0 ~ 3427 (3428 < '^^429 /(3430 /(^3431 Xo 3432 1722 i6s9 1582 i608 J6T5 lb28 1753 1676 1646 1657 1659 . %]3435 Hall's Hora^ Vacivse Tond. ^ 6.343b Heroic Education ib. ^ *3437 Hanflete’s (Hen.) Banquet of Essayes 77;. /i 3438 Hentzneri (Pauli) Itincrarium Germanije, Anglige, Gallise, Italiae, cum Indice Locorum, Rerum Atqiie Verborum Commorabilum, ekgantly bound in Morocco, gilt leaves, very rare Lips, ibbl 3439 Henniker's Two Letters to the Earl of Leicester, on the Origin of Antiquity, and History of Norman Titles, ^ stained with Armorial Bearings, plates 1794 ' - 3440 lientzners (Paul) Journey into England, in the Year 1598 , printed at Strawberry -Hill, 1757 J "^3441 Hartman, Schofferum, Omnium illiberalium Mechani- carum Aul Sedentatiarum Artium Gentium, uiM a great y many curious plates Francofurti ad Mocn. 1568 Jl 6 3442 Hall’s (John) Poems, with his portrait, by Marshall, Camb. 1646' — The First Annuersaris, an Anatomie.of the World, 2 kkfiUf // / 6. ^3443 / both parts Lond. Husband's (F.) Miscellany of Poems, by several Hands Oxf. •^'4-44 Hunt's Defence of Witchcraft Lond. ' 3450 <418451 6 3452 '3453 '3454 ^55 -3456' ^ 43458 H ^8459 iis 7 ^462 ^ ^463 \ m64> - m^65 1 ) . 3466 / t y^3467 ^0 70468 6 b469 4470 / <^3471 ' 3472 73473 63474 '3475 . 4476 /|6;3477 {3478 ^ji3479 ^ 1 ^480 7 6j3481 I2S / Johnson’s Journey to the Western Isles Idman Recherches sur I’Ancien People Finois Julliani les Proverbes Divertissans Ireland's Case briefly stated Isocratis Orationes, a Baltic, Gr. hat. Juvenalis Satyras, a Brewsteri Notis Var. a Schrevelio Lond. 1775 ^trash. 1778 har. 1659 1695 & 1720 1729 1784 1671 1662 1750 Cantab. Lond. Lug. Bat. Jordan, (T.) a Box of Spikenard newly broken Lond. John English's Travels through Scotland, frontispiece™ A Trip to the Jubilee Johnson’s Historic of Scotland during the IMinoritie of King James I646 Introduction to Wisdome, Banket of Sapience,* Preceptes of Agapetus, black letter. Fruited by Tkos. Poxvell, 1563 — The Booke of Friendship of Marcus Tulli C]ceYo, black letter, 1562 — The Fable of Cebes the Philosopher, black letter printed by Tkos. Berthelet leones Parti m Philosophorum, Lugd. 1559 Joe Miller’s Jests, with his portrait Lond. 1744 Indagine’s Book of Palmistry and Phisognomy, translated by F. Withers, black letter^ cuts ib. 1656 Johnson’s History of the Norwegian Expedition against Scotland, in mcclxiii Irving’s Lives of the Scotish Poets, 2 v. Edinb. 1804 Ibbetson’s (James) Plea Lond. 1772 Ipswich, (an Account of the Gifts and Legacies left to the Town of) Ipswich, 1747 Jortin on the Christian Religion 1752 Ireland’s Tour in Holland, Brabant, &c. plates, 2 v. 179(^ Jones, (F.) Judges judged out of their own Mouthes Lond. 1650 Junii Batavia Historia Dordrecht. l652 Jaimaica Viewed Lond. 166I Jones’s History of Religious Houses, in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall ib. 1779 Jackson, (Thomas) David’s Pastorall Poeme ib. l603 Image of God, or Boke of a true Christian, black letter ib. by Daye, 1580 Jesse (W.) Parochialia, and Defence of the established Church, 2 V. Kidderrmnster James, (Thomas) Bellume Papale Julii Obsequentis Prodigiorum Libellus Instructions for Oratory Jenkinsius Redivus, portrait Idol of the Clownes Jesters, (the) — I. Cambridge Jests II. Coffee-House Jests III. The Compleat Jester Lond. Lug. Bat. Oxf. Lond. ib. Lond. ib. ib. 1678 1720 1682 168I 1654 1724 1703 I I , { ^ 5 182 ^ 0 3483 '3484 I /3485 4 3486 ^ 0 3487 / ' 3488 Z ^>489 (3490 ; ^3491 / 7 3492 6 3493 . I 3494 ! /3495 73496 ^^3497 ^ 3498 '3499 /3300 03501 ■3502 IV. Daniel Gunston’s Jester ^5. 1780 -V. Poor Robin's Jests VI. Ingenious Jester ih, VII. England's Jests, refined and improved, ih, l6^7f 7 V. 11 Vastorjido del Guar mi Amst. Inventions, (New) and Improvements now necessary for England, 169I — Invention of Mill'd Lead I69I Junius, (H.) the Drunkard's Character Lond. 1638 Jackson, (Henry) a Description of the Little World, ib, 166O Indagine's Book of Palmistry and Phisiogonomy, cw/is, 1676 Jones's Tragical History of the Stuarts ih. 1697 Jacob’s (Hildeb.) Works ib. 1735 Juvenal's First Six Satyrs, by Stapylton Oxf. 1644 Introductio ad Lectionem Linguarum Orientalium, Lond. 1655 James’s Narrative of a Voyage to Arabia, India, &c. ib. 1797 Junii Emblcmata, cum Jig. Antv. 1569 Jenyn's (Soame) Poems Lond. 1752 Jesus is with us. An Apologie of John Philpot, written for spitting upon an Arrian, black letter 1556 Jerningham's Poems, 2 v. Lond. 1796 Juvenal's Satyrs, by Stapylton ih. 1644 Jacobus Primus Dminonologia Hanov. l604 Introduction to the Antiquities of Scotland 1769 Jones's Antiquities of Nations 1706 Isidorus de Summo Bono, black letter Far, 1526 Ireland's Confessions, with the Quintain Seal Lond. 1805 an authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manu- scripts, &c. ib. 1796 Jacob, (J.) the Rape of Smock ib. Josselyn’s Voyages to New England ib. 1674 Jacomb's Essay 011 idle Words 1721 Impartial Memorials of the Life and Writings of Thomas Hearne, with his portrait 1736 Jortin's Truth of the Christian Religion 1746 Remarks on Spenser’s Poems 1734 Institutiones Piae, or Directions to Pray 1630 Josselyn’s New England’s Rarities, cuts 1672 Johnson’s Essayes, expressed in sundrie exquisite Fancies Loj}d. 1638 ^Mcka^oLa .'I.. '3503 7 ' 3504 / / 3505 Z b 3506 3507 / y3508 « 3509 •^^3510 / 6 3511 ^(3512 Jerusalem and Babel, or the Image of both Churches, ib. 1653 ^ j3513 Instructions for excercing the train Bands, &c. 'V -3514 Johnson's (Robert) Essaies, ^ '3515 or ' 3516 / - 3517 ib. 1691 rather imperfect Offers, ib. 1613 Joshua Redivivus, or Mr. Rutherfoord’s Letters, divided into two parts. printed in the year 1664 Jenyn's (Soame) Miscellaneous Pieces, 2 v. 1761 Johnson's Lives of the Poets Dub. 1779 \ mJ'T if ( / / x/CiAAc//)0 4 #- 0 ( Wi. \yk 9 . ■J-. 1 QUARTO. lo y S.^18 Featley’s Dipper dipt, with his portri , // ^^’3519 FlorentinoWi^ovmermChronkonExQhrL ^ I''' Cr-K Page's (Mrs.) Poems, Fames Route, ra ^ j 3524- Famous History of Fryer Bacon, frontispie (} 35< / 1663 1651 1637 spiece l66l 3525 Fom (Geo.) a Primer for the Schollcrs and Doctors of Eu- y j lopc ib. 1659 ^ '■3526 Florio’s Second Frutes to be gathered of Twelve Trees, of diners but delight-some 'I’astes to the Tongues of Ila- 'f'// / A li'^i'is and Englishmen ib. 1591 *"ti. it'ficd) y . 3527 Fisher’s (Bishop) of IIochesters, this Sermon fol- lowynge was compylcd and sayd in the Cathedrall Churcheof St. Panic, the Body being present of the moost famous Pry nee Kyngc Henry the VTI. the 10 th Day of May, 1509, which Sermon was emprynted at the specyall Request of the Ryght excellent Pryncesse Alargarete, Moder unto the sayd noble Prince and Countesse of Rychemonde and Derby, b. 1. with the wood cut, printed by Wynkyn de Wordc, MCCCCCix. Thereafter followeth a Mornyngc Remembrancer at the Moneth Mindeof the noble Prynces Margarete, Coun- tesse of Richmond and Darbye, Moder unto Kynge Henry VII. and Grandame to oure Souerayne Lord that nowe is, ui)pon whose Soule Almighty God haue Me rcy J troor/ C7/i^. Thusendefh this lawentoble Mornynge. emprynted at London, by IFynkyn de IVorde, black letter, BOTH EXTRA RARE 528 Gadbury on Comets, 1665 — Simota’s Planetary Houres, 1631 — The Year of Prodigies and Wonders, 1661 — ^ / Lily’s Astrological Predictions l648 -A G 352() Gil Lingua' Anglicm Logonomia ^ 3530 Godelmanno Traclatus de Magis Venficis ct Laniiis ^ Franco/. 1591 3531 Gueuara’s Familiar Fpistles, Translated out of the Spa- nish Toung, by Edward Hellowes, h. 1. printed by H. Pynneman—hii> Golden Epistles, Translated by Geffray Fenton, h. 1. imp. by Henry Middleton, 1575 3532 Goldsmith and Parnell’s Poems, plates, I. p. Morocco, gilt leaves Land. 1799 3533 Gerhard’s Art of Drawing, plates ib. 1674 J/t/r- kjUiZ J rf^Vt, A ^*3534 -3535 A -3536' / 'S53r / ' 4 3538 / «3539 f ' 3540 ''./3541 / 6 3542 / 3543 Z (j 3544 '3545 ^ 7354.6 / O 3547 / - 3548 1 <^3549 f >3550 9 6 3551 ^ ' 3552 '(7 3553 ’ ' 3554 / - 3555 /3556 J 3557 . /\3558 'i s 3559 6 3560 ^ -3561 3562 3563 129 Garth wake (Hen.) the Evangelical Harmonic, platts Camb. 1634 Gayton's (Edm.) Divine Meditations . Lond, l663 Guaccuiin Compendium Maleficarum, cum Jig, Medionaliy I626 Genebradrus Tabulae Rabbinicae, Far. 1587 — ^Institutio Linguae Syrae-Mercere Tabulae Grammaticen Linguae, Chaldae, Quae et Syriaca dicitur Far. 1560 Giffard's Sermons on the Revelations Loud. 1599 Galfrido Monemutensi ex Antiquissimis Britannici, 1517 — Barbari Oratoria 1514 Guidotti de Thermis Britannicus, Lond. I68I Godwin^s Life of Chaucer, 2 v. ib. 1803 Granston^s Low Country Commonwealth •printed by Eldy I609 Greenhiirs Art of embalming the Dead, &c. plates Lond, Garey's (Sam.) Great Britain's little Calendar, or Triple Diarie ib. 16IS Gravius Epochae Celebriores, Astronomis, HistoriasChro- nologis, Heb. Lat. ib. l650 Goodwin (John) Imputatio Fidei, portrait, by Glover ib, l642 Gray's Elegy, translated into Greek, by Weston, Gr. and Eng. with portrait of Mr. Western ib, 1795 Guevara's Lives of Ten Emperors of Rome, black letter, wa7its title ib. \S77 Griffith's Bethel, or a Forme for Families ib. l633 1591 rare Lond. 1624 Good Newes from Holland sent to the wor. John Treffry and John Trefusurs ib. l631 Advice to Pulpits ib. l687 Griffin (Lewis) the Doctrine of the Asse compleat ib. 166I Gravio Elemanta Linguae Persicae, Fers, et Lat, with many MS. additions ib, 1 649 Grovii Carmen de Sanguines Circuitu, ab Harvaeo ib, 1685 Gee's Foot out of the Snare 1624 ■ new Shreds of the old Snare 1624 Gay ton's Art of Longevity 1659 Garenciere's Mite Cast into the Treasury of the Famous City of London l665 Grand Plutoes Remonstrance, or the Devill Horn-mad at Round heads and Brownists, 1642— The Devil turned Round-head, or Pluto become a Brownist ■ Progress through Great Britaine and Ireland l647 Guild Ignis Eatuus, or the Elf-Fire, or Purgatorie Lond, 1625 Gibbon's, a Work worth the Reading Garrandy the Countrie Gentleman Moderator, very 'JI)(XacIaa 130 3S6i 56s 3566 ^7i)L4 A (3567 ^ /13568 - 0 3569 < . 3570 (/a '3571 ^ 7 3572 ^ 3573 f ■ i/yyi 09 ^Ci/yit/^C> J I ;- / ^4X-^ . ^ ^Ci/yit/^O 7, ^ 3585 ^7/ /-^Z '35S6 7 3574 0 3575 3576 . 3577 /3573 0 3579 / 9 3580 9 3581 6 3582 y ' 3583 3584 /• '*5 » C'Tj c- J . / i . / : 3587 3588 3589 3590 1u4^ . 1 ' 3592 3593 3594 3595 |~4 '■! ^ccaoIm G(iulart's admirable and memorable, containing' the ■ Wonders of our Time ib. l607 Golden Fleece revived ' ib. l689 Gadbury’s Astrological Discourse of the great Eclipse of the Sun, which happened on June 22, 16'66 ib. I667 God's Sovereignly and Man’s Duty asserted l6'83 Greatricke’s Healing examined, wants title Gee’s Foot out of the Snare ib. 1624 Goodwin’s (John) Imputatio Fidei, or a Treatise on Jus- tification, &c. with 'portrait and frontispiece^ by Glover ib. 1642 Gilfrido Monemutensi ex Antiejuissimi Britannici Sermonis Monumentis in Latinum J'raducta Jldus. mcccccvii Guidoti de Thermis Britannias Loud. l6’9l Geree on ileallh Drinking l648 ' FOLIO. Enfield’s History of Liverpool Warrington, 1773 Evelyn (John) the whole Body of Architecture, plates 168O Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest Trees l670_ Edmondsons ( Joseph ) complete Body of Heraldry, plates, 2 V. ' Loud. J780 Emlyn’s (Hen.) new Order of Architecture, ib.\791 Elote’s Dictionarie, by Thomas Cooper ib, by Thomas Berthelet, 1559 Edmond’s Observations on Csesars Commentaries Lond. l604 Erasmus Adagi, Proverbiorum, &c. l629 Eadmeri Monarchi Cantuariensis Historic Novorum, Notis J, Selden, Lond. l623 Idem Liber ib. 1723 Elsynge’s Collection of Orders, Ordinances, and Decla- rations of Parliament, from 1642 to 46, with trontis- piece ib. 1646 Enfield’s History of Liverpool, plates, Russia 1774 Feltharp’s Resolves ib.l66l Forest of Varieties ib. l647 Folke’s CMartin) Tables; of English Coins, 1. p, ib. 1745 Figures des Histoires de la Saincte Bible Par. l685 Fundamental Constitution of ihe English Government ib. 1690 Fleury’s History of the Ancient Israelites Liverpool, 1802 Fq.N’s (Geo.) Journal of Adventures, &c, Lo/zc/. 1694 Fordun-Schotichronicon, 2 v. Edinh. 1759 Fabri Thesaurus, 2 v. Lips. 17 If ■ Fox’s English Martyrolpgy, plates, black letter, 2 v. Lond. printed by John Hay, 1583 I I I I I 131 j ‘ • 3596 /i3A97 Jj 6 '3598 • 4 3.599 3600 '5(301 ' '3002 -3603 '^3604 ' 3605 Fell Rerum Angllcaruin Scriptofum Veterum, 3 v. Oxan. i 684 Froissart Cronique . , , . Lyon, \ 559 Frellonius Lexicon Grceco-Latinum, cimi com. a Budasi Lygduniy 1553 Fabyans Chronicle^ black letter FulleFs (Tho.) Worthies of England ^ portraits and Index Lond. 1662 ■ Church History of Britain, 2 Vj Pisgah-sight of Palestine, plates Ephemeris Parliamentaria Feltham^s ResoUes,frontispiecef by Vaughan Florilegium Renouatuin et avctum cum fg. ib. 1655 ib. 1662 ib. 1654 Lond, 1661 1641 F •// • (.(yy FIFTEENTH' BAY’S’ SATE. FRIDAY, May 21, 1807. I- OCTAVOS AND TWELVES. /^f nptv Conceits, to which is added, # /Pu -<-^^'-0 ( 7 ) I ■ X. ... UM. .i/yy'i C.C . I 3564 565 • 566 (3567 /I3568 ' I?, 3569 ^ ' / ^ xfct^l/^O J 130 Gtfalart’s adnilrablti and memorable, containing' the • Wonders of our Time ib. l607 Golden Fleece revived ' ib. l689 Gad bury's Astrological Discourse of the great Eclipse of the Sun, which happened on June 22, I 666 ib. I667 God's Sovereignly and Man’s Duty asserted l6'83 Greatricke’s Healing examined, zvants title Gee’s Foot out of the Snare ib. l624 Goodwin's (John) Imputatio Fidci, or a Treatise on Jus- tification, &c. icith portrait and frontispiece, by Glover ib. 1642 Gilfrido INIonemutensi ex Antiq aissimi Britannici Sermonis Monumentis in Latinum Traducta Jldus. mcccccvii Guidoti de Thermis Britannias Lond. 169I, Geree on Health Drinking 1648 FOLIO. / 3574> Enfield’s History of Liverpool Warrington, 1773 Evelyn (John) the whole Body of Architecture, 168O ‘Sylva, or a Discourse on Forest Trees l670_ 0 5575 3576 * 3577 /3573 0 ^^79 / 9 3580 9 3581 6 3582 ' 3583 3584 hx. . , J c^. 13585 Edmondsons (Joseph) complete Body of Heraldry, plates, 2 V. ' Lond. J780 Emlyn's (Hen.) iiew Order of Architecture, ib.\797 Elote’s Dictionarie, by Thomas Cooper ih. by Thomas Berthelet, 1559 Edmond's Observations on Caesars Commentaries Lond. l604 Erasmus Adagi, Proverbiorum, &c. l629 Eadmeri Monarchi Cantuariensis Ilistoriae Novorum, Not is J, Selden, Lond. l623 Idem Libei' ib. 1723 Elsynge's Collection of Orders, Ordinances, and Decla- rations of Parliament, from l642 to 46, with frontis- piece ib. 1646 Enfield’s History of Liverpool, plates, Russia 1774 / / n / ^cudM s f I 131 , '(5596 Fell Rerum Anglicarum Scriptofum Veterum, 3 v. O.m*?. i6S4 Froissart Cronique . Lyon,, 1559 Frellonius Lexicon Grceco-Latinum, cum com. a Budasi Lugduni, 1553 Fahymis Chronkk^ black letter Fullerk (Tho.) Worthies of England, portraits and Index Lond. 1662 Church History of Britain, 2 V; id. 1655 Pisgah-sight of Palestine, plates ^ ih. l662 Ephemeris Parliamentaria ib. 1654 ¥c\t.\\cim*s,'Rc%o\\e?>, frontispiece, by Vaughan Lond, 1661 Florilegium Renouatuin et avctum ctm fig, l641 if /•■3597 vJ 6 3598 ' O 3600 I '3601 ^ ' 3002 -3603 f '^3604 ^ - S605 ^ '/ * koP ‘hM— FIFTEENTH ©AY’S' SALE. FRIDAY, May 21, 1807. OCTAVOS AND TWELVES. lo () jsCoS A i 3607 / '3608 f '-3609 i -3610 /3611 4 t6l2 Johnson^s new Booke of new Conceits, to which is added, the Booke of pretty Conceits l630 Johnstone^s Norwegian Account of Haco^s Expedition against Scotland, in 1263 1782 Lodbrokar-Quida, or the Death-Song of Lod- broc . 1782 Another Copy, large paper lllustriu, Ymagines, cum fig, liber raris impressum Lngduni, 1524 Initium, Incrementa, et Exitus, Familiae Geraldinorum ^ Desmoniae Comitum, Palati norum Kyerriag in Hy hernia ac Persecutionis lisereticorum Descriptio Uyssippone, 1655 Index Poetic us Lond. 1 69^ 0 / / • 'iyyyi c^c 132 /] -•^613 / . / - 3614 3616 // - 3616 /? y- -3617 //3619 >'mUo^L /^3620 Z ^ 3621 ^ j 3622 / 4 3623 6 6 5624 ^ccrM -cX'lxA y A ^ f 3625 ^ 3626 . ,'3627 ^ 6 3928 ^' 3630 /JOAyyiU / 6 3632 ^CU'X\_ 2 ^ e>Ce^e% j , / 4 . ^ 3635 3636 Image du Monde, translate de Latin en Francoys, ^r?e co/jj/ printed between the years 1496 & 1498 Firfe Palmer on Printing, page 176 Jones’s Welsh and English Dictionary 1/60 Johnson’s New Treatise of Arithmetic, with his portrait I7I6 Ireland, (Tracts relating to) — Moffet’s Irish Hudibras, 1756 — A Speech delivered at the Visitation, held in the Diocese of Clogher, by D. L. L. D. Vicar General to his Grace the Lord Primate of all Ireland, in 4to. Dub, 166T — An authentic Copy of the Proceed- ings in the great Cause tried at Dublin, between the Hon. James Annesley and a Noble Person, 1743 — Report of the Committee on the original Papers seized in the Houses or Lodgings of one Mac Arthy, a reputed Titular Bishop, and Joseph Nage, aPopish Solicitor, Dub.l734< — President and Members of the Royal Irish Academy, Dub. 1797 — Topographical Survey of the County of Down, Dub. 1740 — An Account of the Transactions of the late King James in Ireland, in 4to. 169O Innes’s Critical Essay on the ancient Inhabitants of Scot- land, 2 V. 1729 Jones’s Theatre of Warrs, between England and France 1698 Johnson's Victim, a Tragedy, Morocco 1714 Imperatorum et Cassarum Vit$,^g-. LugduJii, 1550 Irvinus Historie Scotiae Nomenclatura Latino-Vernacula Edinb. 1682 Locorum Nominum Propriorum Gentilium ib. l664 James on Spicilegia Antiquitatam ^Egypti Glasg. 1720 Juntini (Francisci) Fractatus indicandi Revolutioncs Na- tiustarura Lugduni. 1570 Jabloniskii Pantheon iEgyptiorum, Francofvrti ad Viadrum, 17 Oi Ives’s Remarks upon theGarianonum of the Romas, Lond. 1774 Julii Solini Polyhistor, a Delrio Antwerp, 1572 Italian Convert-News from Italy of a second Moses, por- traits Lond. 1677 Innes’s Letters on the Celtic Antiquities Edinb. 17^9 Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem Land, 1736 11 Nuvro Testamento da Diodati Isaacke's alphabetical Register of divers Persons who have granted Charities to the Poor of-the County of Devon, and the City of Exeter Lond. 1736 Jackson’s History of Lichfield Lkhjield, Jewel's (Bishop) View of a seditious Bui sent into Eng- lande from Pius Quintus, Bishop of Rome, 1569, Lond. 1582 Jacob’s Catalogue of Plants growing about Feversham, with portrait ib, l677 Italian Convert-News from Italy of a second Moses por- iraii l66f 133 / 7 3^37 Johnston’s History of the Constancy of Nature / 3638 Janssonii de Vitis Stei n i L. 1: // / (i / ~ 1657 Jli Stephunoruin Amst, l634 3639 Imigniurn Aliqvct Vircrum kGues, Lygduni, 1559 — Histoire de France, avec les figures des Rois Troyes, ifiOQ 3640 Jessie, Alia Jassi, the exceeding Riches of Grace advanced by the Spirit in Grace ' Land. 1643 3641 Jamblichus de Mysteriis ^Flgyptiorum Ghaldeorum, Assy- riorum Lugdzini, 1577 ^ ~ 3642 Justice'^s (Elizabeth) Voyage to Russia, K / York, printed by Gent, 1739 ^ ^ 3643 II Pultanismo di Roma, or the Flistory of the Whores and - . Whoredom of the Popes, Cardinals, and Clergy of Rome, 1679 / ~ 3644 Jlive’s Oration, spoke at Joyner’s-Hall, in Thames-street, Pursuant to the Will of Mrs. Jane Jlive 1736 3645 Joe Miller’s Jests • 1762 3646 Johnson’s (Dr,) Rambler, 4 v. 1771 3647 Junius’s Letters, original edition, 2 v. 1772 364s Juvenalis Satyrce, y?o-. Cantab. 1763 3649 Jenyn’s (Soame) on the Christian Pveligion 1776 3650 Jephson’s Plays Dub. 1775 3651 Irish Hudi bras, or Fingallian Prince 1689 / -3632 J uvenal Satyrs, by Sir Robert Stapylton, with portrait / Loncl. 1647 Z 6 3653 Joye, (George) the Subuersio of More’s False Foundation, black letter Loud. 1538 , ^ /36j 4 Janua Linguarum Reserta 1647 1/^(7 3653 James’s Poems 1789 * J <>|3636 Johnson’s friendly Caution to the Heads of Families ; / Brentford, 1793 A 3657 Justin Historia, a Maittaire • Lond. 1713 o ^ Johnson’s cursory Objections against the Syntax of the common Grammar 1713 3659 Ireland’s (Sam.) Picturesque View of the Thames, plates, 2 V. • ' Lord. 1792 3660 Wye, plates ib. 1797 3661 Avon, plates ib. 1795 3662 Jortin’s Four Sermons ib. 1730 6 3663 Juvenal, by Stapylton ib. l673 3 .3664 Jenkins (Judge) Workes, vdth his portrait. This Edition / •eery scarce ib. 1 08 1 / 3665 Klimius’s Journey to the World under Ground 1742 3666 Kitchin-Physick, by Way of Dialogue, 16/4 9 ">/ oJ, AAAyh * JU. 3 J ^ 3667 King*s (Bp.) Poems, Elegies, Paradoxes, and Sonets, for y / an Account of the Author, see MS. note l664 / 3668 Kelman’s Dictionary of the Norman or old French / / Language 1779 r ^ 3669 Doomsday ^ook illustrated 178S d7> . ft 0 CU< Ju vifAro, X^i/yyi L Cf 131 ' S67O King Henry VlIFs Primmer, with his portr^t, 6/aci . letter 3 • 367 1 Knox’s History of the Church of Scotland^ wants the Be* ginning and cnd^ this is a great Curiosity^ the Copies being suppressed y and the few that escaped are always found to want / the Beginning and endy Morocco \ 267 2 Confession and Declaratio of Praiers added thereunto, / / hheh letter hnp, in RoniCy 155-i ^ ^ 3673 Kinckius de Symbolica iEgyptiorum Sapientia y / - CoL Aggrip. 1623 , >3674 King’s Pantheon, cuts 0 6 13675 Knox’s Answer to a Number of Blasphemies, Cauilla- tions, written by an Anabaptist, and an Aduersarie to God’s ^ Predestination printed by John Crespiny 1550 ^ 2676 KeyslerAntiquitates Septentrionales et Celticae, cuni fig. UUf/ j/ ; Hanoll720 ^ ^ 3677 Kingsinill’s (Tho.) Complaints against Securitie ia these / • * 'lyrrco a coidu J/cv ii/iyxA / to f/ ^ / Periltous Tipxes Loud. 1 602 3578 Kay’s (Wm.) Reformation, 6lc. ib. l558 13679 Kingston’s (RichA Spiritual Receipt for Cure of the , 'i Plague ib. l665 3680 Keckerman’s Heavenly Knowledge, done into English, 2 by T.Vickars ih. 1625 ' 3681 King’s Account of the Heathen Gods, cuts 1735 / ' 3682 Kirchmani de Funeribus Romanorum, cmn fg. ^ / Lug. Bat. 1672 / Q 3683 Kirchmanni de Annulis Liber Singularis ib. 1672 ^ 6 3684 King’s Useful Transactions in Philosophy and other Sorts ^ / of Learning, plates Loud. 1709 ^ 3685 Kennet’s (White) Memoirs of the Family of Cavendish, A and Funeral Sermon on W. Duke of Devonshire ib. 1708 ^ 73686 Kelly’s (James) Collection of Scotish Proverbs ib. 1721 ' ^,2627 Kenchenii Musa- Juveniles Awst. l662 /Z 6 3688 Knox (John) Godly Letter sent to the Fayethfull, black letter IvU'Jf jUvr- J<'llVZ4/T ^ 3691 Knight’s (R. P.) Principles of Taste /3 y3692 Kllligrew’s Jests H'' n 5693 Knox (John) on Predestination J 5 3694 Kentish Traveller’s Companion ^ o 3695 King’s (J.) Letters from France f 3696 Kenrick’s Poems " Z I Kiiiins on British Antiquities /!3689 Kirkpatrick’s Sea Piece, a Poem Lond. 0. 3690 King on the English Constitution and Government Lond. ib. 7b. 1554 1750 1767 1805 1764 1590 1775 ib. 1803 ib. 1768 , Edinb. 1763 '^, o| 3698 Kolben's present State of the Cape of Good Hope, plates / , j ' Lond. 1731 '^[0]- 3099 KUnkhamer’s Emblems, in Dutch, Amst, 1748 135 , i S-OO ^ 3701 h. 3702 6 3703 P y 3704 i 6 3705 ■ / 3706 ^ () 3707 '3708 ‘>^/S709 ' " 3710 53711 d 6 3712 / /37i3 - 0 3714 3715 Ji" 3716 5 ^ i '3717 / '3718 '2)U. / — ^2)Ldu '^iyy\(L^ 3719 U Ij -b72l ^3 > 37^2 3723 i/. 3724 0 3725 I ^'/O -3726 i j ' 3727 /3728 6 3729 1/ ^ 3730 |6 ^ 3731 Kcnnicot’s Two Dissertations Oxf. 1747 Kent's Grammar of Heraldry, cuts ib, I716 Slc. Paterson’s Ecclesiastical State of London 1714 The Parish-Clerks new Remarks of London and Westminster 1732 Gough’s Londinum Triumphans 1682 : New View of London, plates, 2 v, 17O8 (yp. /;Cu/k\AA (?) / f/ {A/X/WA I J I. 3732 3733 1 <^3734 ’13735 VtfL .2 3736 3737 ^' 6 3738 /A> 3^ /•S740 '4'^)^’ / - ^i^Ct/r / ^ 3741 3742 3743 3744 3745 '^'h^ ftdlL. ^(uUlA / / 3747 !i^^y/(/ ^ 3^43 ^ ^ ^'3745 ^'li'uiyxA 6 3750 y'^euyxAc^T^ ^‘C/cu/jo^ 3 y\Jjiy2 Dcu^du l%t (^- 3 6 3754 /. / 3755 7 - 3756 " id I3757 . 375S ^ -3759 / /i . 37(Jo (■ »!«' A-^ 'i’wl 136 London History of the Sheriffdom of London, 1735 1658 1750 Lives of New Eng-land 5Iinisters ; 3783 L. P. , Lond. 1732 ib. 1695 Lyues and Actes of Three renowned Reformers, h. 1. imp. by John A’wdelyy 1561 Lives of Throckmorton, 1706, and several others Liniueus’s I'ravels in the Levant JLond. 1766 Leusden Sclioke Syriacm Ultrajed. l658 Lindsay’s (Sir D.) of the jMount, the Poetical Works of, by Chalmers, 3 V. Lond, I8O6 Logo pa'ndcctelsion Jewel, found in the Kennell of Worces- ter Streets, l65i Lambert’s IVill of hlan, black Idler 1548 Life of Phi to Edinh. 176O La vie de St. Thomas Archevesqiie de Cantorbery el Mar- tyr Ear. 1674 Life of St, Francis Dou'ay. l6iO ' '3784 '3785 'V >3786 . ^ 2787 0 ^ 378S 2 ^ ' 3789 -^790 ^ 3791 ./3792 ^ 9 3793 {7^79^ ^6.3795 i - 6 3796 4 ' 37.97 QUARTO. Gwynn’s London and Westminster Improved, plates, Lond. 1768 Googe’s Husbenndric,. black letter ib. 1586 Giffordi de Tvreopapismo ihi 1599 Gouge’s (Tho.) surest and safest way of Thriving ib. 1672 Googe’s Husbandry, 17OI — A perfite Platforme for a Hop G'di'dQV), black letter, cuts imp. 1578 Geddes’s Select Satires of Horace 1779 Jarrard*s (Wm.) Arte of Warre, xvith curious U'ood cuts, black letter imp. by Roger IVarde, 1591 Gill Logonomia Anglica Lond. 1621 Garlandi Synorum, et Vocabulorum Antxerp^ 1507 Voca.buiorum Interpretatio Lond. ap Wynken de Worde, 1505 Grammatica Chrysolose, Grmce Greene’s Tuquoque, wanting title Gerardo the unfortunate Spaniard, or a Pattern to Laci- virous Lovers 1 62t Gravissimac atq Exactisslmm Illustriss martue Totius T ^ / / / *^C{/h tJi C' KJ e4y\^ gXI 4i CtSyyt (/y^ Q)cia.U^ ^ at l/Y' Ci/yiA 138 a /?'' ' (XA/^3799 Cl/ytjCr^-f 3 . 3800 '3801 /ssoc? <^3803 . - b 3604 / / < /:j ^3gQ5 II / / , ^S07 ' 3808 I^i(yyyi(U /^ IJTI Z'58'O / Jl .3812 -3809 / / <^'Cl^c/}^o // -3813 • 3814 //- 3185 /// .^13^^17 ^mor / - 3gi8 1 <4/ A //4o SS21 0 21 . . 3823 Italiac ct Gallia*, Academiaru CcnsuriE, &c, r<7rjw impresso Londlm hi off. Thumae Berthldiy 1 530 Gatakcri dc Linguae Graecas Novi Testament i Furitate, Gr. Lat. Bond. lf)4S Gunter’s (Edm.) Works on Mathematicks, plates tb. 1673 Gv'ydo's Questions, newly corrected, whereunto is added, the Third and Fourth Booke of Galen in/p. at Land, h/f Thomas Easty Gwynnethe's (John) Declaration ofthe3latc, wherein all Heretickes leads their Lives, Bond. 1754 Graphs Odes printed at Stravoherry-liUly 1757 Godwin's (Bp.) Catalogue of English Bisln^ps l6l5 in Eatin, with a great Profusion of M. S. Additions i5. l6]6 Gough's British Topography, .3 V, jb. 1780 Goldsmith's poetical Works, &c. 1777 Gregor/fs fJ.J Notes and Observations vpon some Passages of Scripture y and other ITor/iSy very rare Bond. l650 Gardiner'S ( Ralph J England's Grievance Disroverfd in Re- lation to the Coal Trade, with map of the River Tyne, portraits and cufSy very raie ib. l655 Guevara^s ( Anth.) Dial of Princes^ Englished out of the Frenchy by Thomas North, black leiter, printed by Tottilly 1582 Gibson Chronicon Saxonicum Oxon. 16^2 Gray's Poems with Life, by Mason Bond, 1775 Gascoigne's {George) EoesieSyOnd lEorkcSy corrected, pcrfectedy and gugmcjited by the Author y black letter, imp. by H, Bynnenian, 1575 — Steele of Glas, together xcith the Conir plaint of Phylome, black letter, Morocco, gilt leaves, M. S, title printed by Richard Smith, Gayfon*s f Edmund) Art of Bongevity, very rare Ijond. l659 Gaule’s (John) Mag-Astro-Mancer, or the Magicall-As- trological 1-Diviner, Posed, and Puzzled ib. l652 Gorltei Ludo Demontiosii de Veterum Sculptura Gala- tura, Gemmariim Sculptura, et Pictura, l609’— Ortelii Deonim Dearumquc Capita, cum fg Antv. l6l2 Grecian (The) Story being an historical Poem, to which is annexed the Grove, by J. H. Bond. l6S4 Geographica Antiqua Scylacis, Gr. Lat. Lug. Bat. 1/00 Germana Vita 'Fheoderici Re.gis Ostrogothorum en Italia, lllustrant Opera, J. Peringskiold, cum fig. Stockolniice, 1699 Gorlaei Daclyliotheca, cum fig. ‘ * Grose’s Treatise pf apeient Armour and \yeapons, plates, fne impressions ' Bond. 1/88 • Military antiquities of the English Army, plates, 2 v. ■ ' ’ ' ' " ib. 1788 Antiquities of England and Wales, xcith the Supple- ment ^ plates, 6 v, ”, ib. 1771 ^ 17 a7 "3823 -3824. 1) - 3823 1 -3856 '3827 3828 5,829 13830 |/ i ^ 3831 .3832 x 7 3833 ,3834. 3835 {^/3836 >^ 6 3837 ^ 1^3838 - 3839 / >3840 i ' J\ ' 3811 139 FOLIO.' Goxcer de Cofifcssime AmantisjhlacJc letter Russiap 1535: Gale Historia? Anglicanae Scriptores, 3 w Oxon, l687 Gr A FIONAS (Rich.) Chronicle, •part made up •with manuscript l/md. 1568 Gillio Lexicon Grscolatinum, Gr. Lot. Bazilf 1532 Gage's (TJio.) NexD Survey of the West Indies^ 1648 — Smith's Generali Ilistorie of Virginiey plates and portraits , Lond. i6§^2 Gasparis 4e Ciirtorum Chirurgia per Insitioncm. additis cutis Traducis instrumentorum omnium, atque deliga- tionum iconibus et Tabulis, with an additional Portrait of a singular Operation performed on Cowasjee, a Mahratta, in 17 fir an Account of this rare Work^ see MS. note Venet. 1597 Galfredi Monumetensis Historise Regum Britannia?, Liber raris Lvgduni, 158f General and rare Memorials, pertayning to the perfect Arte of Navigation printed by John Day, 1577 Gray's Poems, with Bentley's Designs Land. 1775 Gruteri Inscriptiones Antiquae Totius Orbis Romani, a Graeyii, cum fig. 4 v. in 2, chart max, cum fig, ^v.Amst. 1707 Gesneri Historia Animalium, cwm Francof. 1617 Guicciardin Descriptioi) dc Touts les Pays-Bas Amst. l625 Gerardes Herbal, by Johnson, cuts, a fine copy, in Russia ' • Lond. 173$ Grew's Rarities of Gresham Colledge, plates ih, l68|. Grimesione's Generali Historic of the Netherlands, por- traits 1 627 Gesta Dei per Francos, sive Orientalium expeditionum, cum fig. , Hanov. l6i| Gregorii Nazianzeni Opera, Gr. Lat. 2 v. Par. 1630 Gibson (Sir Alex.) Decisions of the Lords of Council and Session, from 1621 to 1642 Edinb. I 69 Q Gordon's Itinerarium Septentrionale, or a Journey through most of the Counties of Scotland, plates Lond, 1737 cAio clA ^ / J ^ I ' I ;r A ■^ni ,r.' t^- \:jCl '♦'TC.Xs* ' ■ . /^V ' ’ : £ V. t }:,:;.Ky Vtti ,V:' . » .; ■' :^di .V. A Vii- ' ’ f* , " , ' - * ■s r r • - U. 'T o'u ; -.r'-A . e.; .; .(1 ’ ''ti j; 2 lo.Cl -a.l.-j^*- ' 11 .-.}“ 1 . ^ "O'l .^''j.\\i.'w. r ^ • e '*' *'* * ^ \i^i '.\y.ir.'Tl /a . au>.: ■f K I- ».. C ^ « a . !,^i r ul - V • ' 0 - r,k. ^A r.i ^-; ,) ju ; A;.oA * • S ,'.i i^A.Aa . ' T ’N .. , J'. . ■/ / • ^ i i;.i < '- ti . '^ <'*. j. ■.i /. > s. . . . : • '■■' * Ii3( . V - \l ,.ni . 4* < w 1 Oo )I .x.i l , .V i'!' A AO,.: - i M'l'? A > J .L: A ?i > » - 1 ; > peu .■V. V.: V V > 1 ' > ' .hT'.qI si T' •■! '. . :.• . ■■ "i w * V V, ,W s. 1.. - kv - -fi ' * Ml ,(.:- '•■v;;,. '1 >ai ih-M i,...- a. !; .>i I A' U t ‘4 I; IS1 SIXTEENTH BAY^S SALE. WEDNESDAY, MAY TI, 1807 ; OCTAVO and TWELVES. 384*2 2 |S843 ' '3844 3845 3846 3847 jA f3848 S3849 li > ^3850 ^851 3852 ' /' ^3853 ^ O 3854 o - 3855 . / >3856 ' ^^3857 AZ . 3858 Life of St, Patrick, the Apostle and Patron of Ireland Duh. 1764 Leroux, DIctionnaire Comique Amst, 1750 Le m^me ’ h Lion, 1752 Letters from a Gentleman in the North of Scotland to his Friend in London, plates, 2 v. Lond, 1754 Lydgate (John of) The Idol of the Clownes ih, 1454 Lugwige Daemonomagia, and two others Leveling’s Latin and English Poems 1741 Leti Hisloria, Vita di Oliviero Cromvele, portraits Amst, 1692 Langbain’s Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets Another Cop^ Oxf. 1691 Lives and Characters of the English Dramatic Poets, hond. 1719 1700 1636 1661 with their Portraits Ludoviciis Huber ti Langueti Vita Labyrinthus Comaedia ih. Life of Dr. Thomas Fuller, with his Portrait ib, and two other tracts, bound in 1 v. Lemoine’s (Henry) Typographical Antiquities ih. Life of William Reynolds, by Barret ih. Life and Death of Queen Henrietta Maria, with portrait ib, 1666 1797 169S 'A /: ^ Cf C' rr^A/{/r 138 1. imitation of Horace's c^yuA, ^ / -3863 /. (LI OictA/I C4ti\'^}o^ m ^'('C4aJC\, H x> 'Ic A . - ,- / C 1^1 53.59 Lister’s Art of Cookery, in Art of Poetry 3860 Lucan’s Pharsalia, by May, wants tUU ^3861 Lives of Savage, Blake, &c, 1777 |3 862 Life and Death of Capt. Bedloe l.ond» 1681 Ladle’s Charity School — House Roll of Highgatc, mor. g. 1. 6.3864 Le Cathalogue des Villes et Citez Assises estroyes Gaulles, avecfig, 1539 >|5S65 Lindsay’s History of Scotland Glasg. 1749 5866 Lottery Dreams Land, '3867 Le Comte de Gabalis Amst. 1671 3868 Life, Actions, and Amours of Ferdinando, Marquis of Palleotti, executed at Tyburn lor Murder 1718 Life of Mr. John Hales 1719 3869 Lydius’s Poems, in Dutch, cuts Dordrecht, 1662 '3870 Lucan’s Pharsalia, by May Loud. 1627 4,387 1 Life of Sir William Phips ib. 1697 6 3872 Life of Dr. Morton, Bishop of Durham, with portrait / York, 1669 ^i3873 Life of Donna Olimpia Maldachine Loud, 1666 -'3874 Life of Bishop Atterbury, portrait, 1723 — Life of Archibald Cameron, 1753 Life of Bishop Fisher, with his portrait Land. 1655 Langston’s Lusus Poeticus ih. 1675 Liturgia, Corico Moroquin ih. 1706 Leusden Compendium Grsecum Novi Testamenti, idtraject 1677 [3879. Novum Testamentum Graece Amst. 168S / / ^ 3880 Lives of the Rebel Lords and Miss Jenny Cameron, / portraits Land. 1746 6 3881 Lelando Commentarii de Scriptoribus Britannicis Oxon, 1 7 09 3882 Life of William Burkitt Loud. 1704 3883 Life of Sir Thomas Smith, par/ /-flzV ib. 1698 3884 Life of Don Antonio de Trezzanio, plates ib. 1761 3885 Life and Amours of Owen Tideric Prince of Wales ib. / / Z ^5875 4 (L3876 6 3877 A Z . U/. 1751 3886 Life of Mrs. Charlotte Clarke, daughter of Colley A j Cibber . ' 1755 ^ I 3887 Life of William Lord Russell, par/rraV ih. 1684 -| 3888 Life of Sir Cloudsley Shovel, portrait, with a Con- solatory Letter to Lady Shovel ih. 1703 3889 Life of Alfred the Great, by Hearne Oxf. 1709 3890 Life of Sir George Rooke Land. 1707 3891 Life of James II, by Father Brettoneau ib. 170.4 3892 Lile of Henry the Vllitb, ib, 1682 /2 A s s^\ ;89; 713895 9|S896 ^\|3897 .0.3898 ^ 1/i ; r 3899 / '/! -.3900 A A- /,5!. 5901 3902 3903 3904 1 i (3905 / j)3906 r 1 3907 ■ ! 1 3908 3909 z isolo 3911 3912 3913 3914 z. M 3915 3916 3917 3918 3919 3920 3921 I I / * 3922 Lodge’s (John) Introductory Sketches towards a Ti'opographical History of the County of Here- ford Kingstoji, 1795 Les Portraits des Hommes Illustres Francois, avec jig, ' Par. 1668 Lebrun’s Passions, pla/ts Land. 1707 Lives of the most eminept Painte rs . ih. 1754 Law (The French Dictionary) ib, 1701 Les ProvincialeSy with large Additions j by J. Evelyriy and jive portraits ih. 1653 Liturgy of the New Church ih. 1791 LrtW, Black Letter, viz. OiTyce of ShyrifFes, prmted by J.Wiighty 1556 — Justice of the Peace, &c. prmted by Tottel, 1569 The Office of Shyryffes, Bayliffes, &c. prmted by Powell, 1552 Britton de Essoynes, by Wingate 1640 The same imp. by R. Redmaji, ?io date Institutions or princypal Groundes of the Lawes and Statutes of Englande, 1556 —The Offyce of Shyryffes, &c. Printed by Copland, no date. Anchiridion Legum 1673 Labbei Veteres Poeta? Citatl, Gr.Lat. Cantab. 1701 Lassel’s Voyage of Italy Par. 1670 Lesley’s (Geo.) Dive’s Doome, or the Rich Man’s Misery Lives and Actions of several notorious Counterfeits Lond. 1686 Lister’s Journey to Paris ib 1699 Les Images deia Mort, avec jig. h Lyon, 1562 Letters on Chivalry and Romance Lond. 1762 Leges Longobardox Venet. 1537 Lives, viz. of Dr. Cameron, portrait, 1753 — Arch. McDonald, ot Barisdale, portrait, 1754 — Life of Archbishop Scroop, 1722 — Life of Savage, 1744 — L'fe of James Bolland, portrait, 1112 — Life of Oliver Goldsmith, 1774 Lupset’s (Tho.) Workes, b. L 1551 Libellus Omnibus Sacerdotibus Tcgernsee, 1573 Leybourn’s (Geo.) Holy Characters, 2 v. in 1 Doway, 1662 Lovegrove’s Letters and Poems, Amorous and Gallant Lond. 1692 Lloyd’i (David) Modern Policy ib. 1660 Leighton (Bp.) on the Creed, portrait ih. 1701 La Concordance des Propheties de Nostradamus . Par. 1712 Reiter d, 172S S 2 Le Solitaire Anglois 9u, p(aJ c/: ooL. (4//^ cij^ 4/i'ii 140 % ^ J'lC U/'HjL U/yaM ^^8923 Laet Origme Gentium Americanarum Aimt, ap Elzco. ■^ 3924' Latin Prayer Book ^ ^925 Liber Prascum Publicum Min. Eccl. 1643 z/-> 1574 1677 1787 1725 1713 1554 1774 « ' oe^K. J^lA '^(ixelu ^ i/0 /X Adm. Sacra- mentorum Loud. 5926 Long (Tho.) The History of the Donatists ib. '5927 Life oi' Lazar illo de Tormes ih> 5928 The same in French BruxeUts, " 3929 Life and hliracles of St. Winefrede Land, y 5930 La Bible Saincte Genev, 6 S9S1 Lambe’s History of the Battle of Flodden Berwick f 7 - 5932 Life and Death of Cardinal Woolsey, WITH HIS Portrait, extremely rare / , hond. 1 667 ^ 5933 Love’s Substance of Practical Divinity, withportrait ib.. 1656 . 5934 Lihro da Imparare Giocharc a Scachij et de Beli- swii Bar Hi, reuisii et recoretti et consamma dilgentia da Molti FamosissHni Giacatori eman- dati in Lingua Spagnola, et Italiana nonamente / Stampato, raris 45935 Lipsi Electorum Antwerp, O 5936 Lemmius on Generation Lond. Par. o L^rdCK/>\^ y - / ^937 Le Jeu cles Eschets 2 ' (3938 Laws of Chance, 1692 — The Court Gamester ' 3939 Langston’s History of Ancient Egypt Lond. yS940 Life of the Holy Patriarch S. Ignatius of Loyola 6 3941 Life of Bishop Bedell, by Burnet, vi.g.l. 3942 Leigh (Ed.) England Described / . ' j-.eign ^na.; ungiana jjescrioea ih.. / (7 5943 Life and Death of James Arminlus and Simon Epis- 1680 1664 1714 172S 1774 1622 1685 1659 z i A 6 5 / ^ 5 z / 6 ; /// / n A. S' /o V J 4 copius, portrait 5944 Leviathan drawn out with a Hook s Eirenarcha &c. ib. 1172 ib. 1653 ib. 1614 ib. 1802 ib. 1767 Latimer’s Sermon’s, b. 1. Printed by Daye and Serres, 1549 tris, Lemuribus, &c. Lug. Bat. 1659 View of the principal Deistical Lond. 1754 litis Naturae Colon. A grip. 1573 ton, and his Recantatipn, 2 v. • dsr. Rotter d. 1728 LeJand (John) A Writers, 2 v. 3956 Littleton’s Tenures, b. L Imp. by Thos. March, 1576 1600 . •<« i /3 6 3 X n A / 0 3 '-S y -3 /, y3 f ^3 - 3 - i / - f / d P 0 3 / /3 / yS / ^ T /o 3 yf 6j*; / 2 J I (>% s y 4 3 /if i ■ ! i I I I 962 Leigh’s Poems Legend {the) of Captain Jones. Frontispiece Lluellin Men-Miracles, with other Poems Letters from Edinburgh Le Passe-Temps agreeable Livelie’s Chronology of the Persian Monarchic Lewis’s Life ofWickhffe Lilly’s Guide for Astrologers, portraits Leapor’s Poems, 2 v. Life of Doctor Johnson J.es Triumphes Petrarcque, avecjig. Lower’s Receipts in Physick, tvith his portrait Life and Actions of St. Anthanasius Lond. ih. ib. ih. Rotterd. Lond. ih. ih. ih. ib. Par. Lond. ib. 1675 1675 1679 1776' 1597 1720 1676 1751 1785 ''Ujvhc/iy I Le Quatriesme des Bigarrures du Seigneur des Accords 1721 1701 3981 3982 983 ^3984 axtc figures aBouen. 162S Life ofMr. W. Burkltt J.ond. 1704 La Lira, Reine del Cavalier Marino inVenet. 1616 Luck’s Miscellany of new Poems ih. 1736 Lateimer’s, (Hugh) Sermons, blade letter ih. 1549 Les GEuvres de Rabelais - Anvers, 1605 Life and Adventures of Flannah Snell, the Female Sol- dier, portraits and plates Lond. 1750 Lindsay, (Sir David) Works Edinh. 1720 Le Valeureux Don Quixote de la Manche, par Oudin, 2 tom, en un Boen, 1646 Letter to Mr. Law upon his Arrival in Great Britain Lond. Laconics ; or. New Maxims of State and Conversation ib. Lambert (Johan) Treatyse made by unto Kynge Henry the VJII. concernynge hys opynyon in the Sacrement of the Aultre as they call it; or Supper of the Lorde as the Scripture nameth it A. D. 1538, black letter. In the Yeare of our Lorde 1538, was this Seruant of God bret i Smythfelde, at London, by the only Vyo- lence of spirytuall Mynysters of Antichrist, in October. Letters sent from Venice 1571, containing the certain and true Newes ofthe most noble Victorie of the Chris- tians ouer the Armie of the Great Turke: and the Names of the Lordes and Gentlemen of the Christians slaine in the same Battel bnprinted at London by LI. Byniieman. Legenda Lignea, with an Answer to Mr. Birchlefis Modera^ tor {pleading for a Toleration of Popery) ; and a Charac- ter of some Idopeful Saints revolted to the Church of Borne. Very scarce. London, printed in the Year Life and Death of Mr.' Vavasor Powell 1671 1539 c 1700 1664 cL. dfi/y H / y ia/(a / j/ . / J ^ <5 --,3991 // ^ 6 'S992 ^-^cvidu ^ ^ J 142 i'39S5 Lupton’s (Don.) Objectorum Reductio ; or dally Imploy- ment for the Soule Loud. 163 |.S986 Life and Phylosophy of E ictetus ih. 167 y . 13987 Letters of Mary, Queen of Scots, to James, Earl of I Bothwell 1726 , /|5-988 Lopii Commentarli de Varla Rel Medicae Leclione ^ o\ Antwerp, 1564 59S9 Lock, on Human Understanding, 2 v. in 1 1731 3990 Le Roi, Nouvelles Recherches sur le Vaisseau Long des Anciens, sur les Voiles Latins. Jig. Par, 1780 Lambert’s Summe of Christianitie gallieryd out almoste of al Places of Scripture, black letter. Lond. 1536 Les Status on Constitutions du Monastere des Annon- ciudes de Boulogne Par. 1693 5993 Life and Character of Hervey the famous Conjurer of Dublin • Dub. 1723 [3995 Lloyd’s Faith and Practice of a Church of England Man Dab. 1702 3995 Idfe of Orpheus, with his Hymns 1787 3990 Lilly’s History of his Life and Times, written by himself Loud. 1721 La Sphere de Jean de Sacobosco, avec Jigures> Par. 1576 Le Proces et les Souffrances de Mr. Isaac Martin qui fut mis a I’lnquisition en Espagne, avec figures et por- trait es _ Lond, 1723 Lucius Florus’s Roman Histories. Lond. by W. Stansby, J'or Thomas Dewe. Luncans Pharsalia, by May La Henriade, par Voltaire Lojid. 1730 Livii Flistoriarum, 2 V. Basil. 1760 Life and Death of Mr. Samuel Crook Loud. 1651 Labour in Vain ; or Coals to Newcastle, in a Sermon to the People of Queenhlih ib. 1709 Locke, on Education Lond. 1725 Latoni (Jacobi) Confessione Secreta Aniiverp, 1525 lufe of Dean Prideaux , 1745 Life of the Rev. William Reynolds 169S Lives of Mr, Alexander Peden : Ediub. 1728, Life and Death of three famous Worthies, Messrs. John Sem- ple, John Welwood and Richard Cameron, Ediub, 1727 — Life and Death of Daniel Cargill; and with him Mr. W. Siiiith, James Boig, William Cuthil, and William Thompson, who hung all upon one Gibbet, at the Cross of Edinburg, July 27th, 1681 Edinb. 1732 Law’s Serious Call Loud. 17S9 Llewelyn’s Account of the British and Welsh Versions, / and Edition of the Bible ib. 1768 ^ 6 4012 Lewis, on the Consecration of Churches, 1719— Lewis’s 4.4 f -3997 -f/bd/ny / - *^998 ^ ' 5999 . 4001 ^ 4002 . 4003 ' i '1 6 J, 4005 2. 0 4006 / ' 4007 / 4008 /// 6 4009 / >4010 ^ 0 401 1 143 //I^ /z //o / i l.. Presbyterian Eloquence, 1720 — Lewis’s Nature of Hell 1720 , 1013 La Bible, avec figures \h(Sl ’rj^ci/cy 014 Lynne’s 'Concordaunce, black’ lelier Loud, 1 5jOQyUi,\A^ Old Lowth’s Vindicaiicn of the Old and New Testament / Ox/, 1G92 015 Latham’s Spaw in Lancashire, with some remarkable . / ' Cures effected by it 1670 c4{ci/h^(^ ^4016 Le Teinture Parfait Leide, 1 7 08 ' ^017 Levet’s Sermon, preached at Patdes Crosse, the 14th Day i of December 1550, black letter. Im'printed at Jjdu- 'f y / / don by Jhon Day. y4018 London’s Warning ; or the Common Prayers Complaint. vi/i/v 64019 La Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, par le Fere Le Moyn, por- traits of Mary Qjieen of Scots, S^c. Far, 1695 -|4-020 Lemmius’s Sanctiiarie of Salvation, Helmet of Health, / OCrVx^ C/fot/fn /yn^A and Mirrour of Modestie,and good Manners. Fruited at London by Hugh Singleton 710 date. 14021 Lengard’s Letter of Advice to a Young Genlleman ! - leaving the Universitie Lond. 1671 QUARTO. 4022 Green’s Aracadia, wanting title 4023 — ^ — Li ever Too Late, both Farts. Lond. printed for Nicho- las Ling 1 607 u LvC'F — 6 4024 Guidonis Pancirolli Rerum Memorabilum sive Deperdita- ! rum Francofurti, 1646 [4025 Gardner (P.alph) Englands Grievance discovered, in Re- 1 iation to the Coal Trade, portraits and plates. Im- perfect at the End. Lond. 1 655 .. 4026 Another Copy perfect, with the Map of the River Tyne an- nexed, arid iM, S. Notes, by Mr. Brand, extremely rare ib. 1655 •*4027 (Sam.) Doomes Day Booke, cuts ib. 1606 Traneg. 1699 < . 4028 Gronovio Gemmae et Sculpture Depictae, cum fig /0\^ A029 Gore -{Tho.) Catalogue of Fleraldrical Wr'iters, xery rare Oxon, 1674 4030 Another Copy, large Taper, interleaved y Jo -'4031 Giacomo Di Grassi, his true Arte of Defence, Englished by Thomas Churchyard, cuts, b. 1. morocco gilt leaves. Frinted at London, for J.f. 1594 4032 Goesii Rei Agrarie Auctores Legesque Variae, cum fig. Amst. 1674 4033 Graham, (Simion) the Anatomic ot Humours Edinb, 1609 fi y/L <2)c(/ie(jjt / 14.4' Jo 4 4-036 /3'- 4-037 0/^ ^ (kjy/HyL. J 'he-'if - ' 't / / 3 l> 3 4 / / O 404-4 /O % ^ fj Ih^CtA 0a. A J/U-i ‘J- ^ / y (XA^A/yh 2^ ‘JiJf Z 4 i,, / *4-034< GentlerhaiZs (The) Journal, or the Monthly Miscellany / for 1691, 2 and 3 )35 Gcsta Grayoriwiy or the Huiory erf the high and viighty Prwee Henry ^ Prince of Purpoolty Sfc. Lond. 1688 Godwin’s Catalogue of Bishops of England, interleaved with MS. Guerres entre le Roy d’Angleterre, le Roy de France, les Estates des Provinces Unies. Commence Tan. lS6-^t, et fin. fan. 1667, avec fig. Ainst. 1668 4038 Great Britain’s Solomon, a Sermon preached at the mag- nificent Funeral of James 1. /ro«^/5/;fece Lond. 1625 4039 Gozthoni de Qualitate Peccaleade Pai\ ap H. Steph. 1519, 8<:c. 4040- Gwynneth’s Declaration of Heretics, b . 1. 1554. — Manifest Detection of the notable Falsed of John Frith, h, 1. 1554 4041 Grupens Origines et Antiquitates Hanoverenses, cujn fig. Gottlng. 1740 4042 Hakewell’s ancient Ecclesiastical Practice of Confirmation 1613 4043 Hell broke Loose 1 646 Halfs (Bp.) Peace of Rome proclaimed to all the World, by her famous Cardinal Bellarmine 1609 Hayward’s Answer to Doleman on Succession 1603 Harvey’s Philadelphus, or a Defence of Brutes, and Brutan’s History, morocco, gilt leaves, very rare 1593 His Majesty’s most gracious Commission for the Relief of poor, distressed Prisoners 1664 .4048 Holland’s Leaguer 1632 6 4049 .Hesilrig’s (Arthur) Lamentation and Confession 1660 / Ji ^ 4050 Hieronimo Opere, con Jig. Ferrara MCCCCLXXXXVI ^ 4051 Horsley on Isaiah 1799 Husnance (Steph.) England’s Faithful Monitor. Lond. 1689 Hopton (Arthur) Speculum Topographicuin ib. 1631 black letter ib. 1563 Harding’s Portraits to illustrate Lord Orford’s Royal and Noble Authors, fine impressions '4056 Historical Memoir of Italian Tragedy, portraits and plates Lond. 1799 4057 Historic (the of Quintus Curtins, conteyning the Actes of the greate ‘Alexander, translated by John Brende, b. 1. Printed by Tottell, 1561 -4058 Hexham (Capt. Hen.) of the taking in of Venlo, Roer- mont, Sirale, and the memorable Seige of Maastricht, &c. Delph. 1633 •4059 History of Apparitions Lond. 1657 .4060 Hooper (Bp.) upon the 23d Psalm, b. U ib, by LI. Middle- ton 1580 4061 tioly Bible in German, Stockholm, 1674 Jj;. ' / - 4045 4046 4047 I- JX b 4052 0. 4-05 3 4054 4055 / 145 4062 Hieron (Sam.) The Papist's Rime answered, 1. Lond. 1608 4063 another Edition, entitled Fair Play on both Sides ib. 1660 / A - 4064 Herbert's Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery, pLates ib. 1804 4065 Hall (Bp.) Humble Remonstrance; and Five Others on the same Subject ib. 1640, &c. 4066 Henshall's Saxon and English Languages, reciprocally il- lustrative of each other ’ ib. 1798 5- y 4067 Holland (H.) Treatise against W itchcraft Camb. 1590 ^ 4063 Historia Deorum Fatidicorum, Vatum, Slbyllarum, cum 74069 O 4070 Af -4071 Hqfmans Portraits Historiques des y Dannemark, avec portrait Colo7i. Allob. 1675 Harpur (J.) the JeVvell of Arlthmetick Loud. 1617 Homelies, b. /. Imp- by R. Grafton, 154S Homines lllusires de 1746 74072 Hayward's Lives of the Three Norman Kings 1613 b 4073 Historical Account of Greenwich Hospital, Lojid. 1739 / / - 4074 Hickesio Institutiones Grammaticae Anglo-Saxonicas, et . Moeso-Gothicse Oxon. 1689 "4075 Historia Scholastica par Per* Regnault, 1508 ^ >4076 Harris's, the Drunkard's Cup 1622 ^/O A-Oll Hylles’s Arte of Vulgar Arithmeticke 3^4078 Another Copy 1600 / () 4079 Historic of Eiigland, declaring the Estate of th.e He of Bri- tannic under the Roman Empire 1602 40S0 Hughes’s Certaine Grievances, well worthy the serious Consideration of the Right Honourable and High Court of Parliament. 1640 y /^081 Helvici Didactic i Grammaticae 1619 ' ^4082 Haward’s Charges issuing forth of the Crown Revenue of England and Dominion of Wales 1660 '4083 Heyrick’s (Tho.) Miscellany Poems Camb. 1691 408 1 llarsnet^ s'Declaraiion of Popish Impostures in Casting out Del Us Load. 1603 ‘4085 Holy Bible, black letter ib. 1589 -4086 Hall ^Tho.) Funebria Florae, The Downfall of May-Games n\l . 25. 1661 ® 4087 Harris (Paul), an Admonition to the Fryars of Ireland / ib. J684 ^ 4088 Heath’s (Charles) History of theTown of Monmouth 1804 ' '^4089 Henshall’s Specimens for a History of Kent 1798 4090 Hanzelet’s Recueil de plusieurs Machines Militaires, avec . figures 1620 V v409i Henry (King) the Eighth ; a necessarie Doctrine and Eru- dition for any Christenman, b. 1. Imp. by Tho. Berihelet / / ' 1)4092 Homilies, 5, /. Imp. by Grafton. 1546 I Ji z /z 0eiA Lae ytyy)c.^i/ia 0^ M- . CLAyf 0-7^ ■ fUf 146 / UcuA^Jen, / j /Q / y y h 4 i DeJy /'j y /o Ji rOaAdxA / 0 /k* 4091 . 4096 ^ 4097 / 4098 0 4099 4100 4 4103 d 4104 4101 4102 ,14106 / 4109 4110 ■i: [4112 [4113 y --I4114 ^ 4115 V'- c/ ■ / 4116 Howell’s Key to Dialling Lond, 1712 Husband^s Collections ol’ Remonstrances ih» 1642 Heminge’s Exposition of the Gospels, h. L Imp. by H, By line man Hutchinson’s (Wm.) History and Antiquities of Durham, 2 V. CarlhU, 1794 Hoccleve’s Poems, by Mason Land. 1796 Horse Hebraicae et Talmudicse Cantab. 1658 Hyde’s Itinera Mundi, Heb. Lat. Oxon. 1691 HickesioGrammaticae Anglo-Saxonicae, et Moeso-Gothicas ih. 1689 Historic of the Civil Warres of the Netherlands ih. 1602 Hogarth^ s C Analisi della Bele%%a^ con fig. LivornOt 1761 The same in English, Hexham’s Account of the Siege of Breda 1637 Harward (Simon) the Solace for the Souldier and Saylour 1592 History of New England 1654 Harrington’s (Sir John) most elegant and wittie Epigrams 1633 Hie Muller, or the Man-Woman, frontispiece. Hell broke Loose, cut’s,, 1651. — Sion’s Plea against the Prelacy, 1641 Hayward’s (Sir John) Life and Reign of King Edward the Sixt, with portraits by Passe and V aughan, rare, Lond, 1630 Hilgard, a Nunne 1558, her strange Prophecie against Bishops, Prelates, and all other Priests, with a curious Prophecie m MS. ib. 164? His Majesties Two Speeches, one at Newark, the other at Lincoln ib. 1742 Hayward’s Answer to Doleman, on the Succession to the Crown of England ih. 1603 Harry’s (Geo, Owen) Genealogy of the High and Mighty Monarch James, by the Grace of God King of Great ■ Brittayne, &c. cuts ib. 1604 Aeyrick’s (Tho.) Miscellany Poems, wants the title. Summarie Voyage, a Pindarick Poem Camb. 1691 Hopson^s Sermons, preached at Paul’s Crosse Lond, 1599 SEFEMTEEMTM BAY^S SALE. THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1807- ■/ 4117 '/ /4118 ^ <^4119 ,4120 0 4121 ^ . 4122 / 4123 '4124 •'4125 < - 4126 3 d\ll (4129 ^ '4130 U .4131 ’4132 Z . .4133 4134 4135 OCTAVO and TWELVES. ' Lowth’s English Grammar 1772 Lacorabe, Dictionnaire du Vieux Langage Fran9ois, Par. 1766 Lettice’s Tour in Scotland 1794 Le Courier de Pluton Cologne, 1695 Letter to Count ***, on Poetry, Painting, and Sculpture, 1768 Lemnie’s Touchstone of Complexions, generally applicable, expedient and profitable, for all such as be desirous and careful of their bedylye Health, englished by Newton, 1576 Laugh and be Fat. Curious Poems, wants title. Lyte the Art of Tens, or Decimal Arithmeticke 1619 Leybourn^s Arithmetical Recreations, or Enchiridion 1699 Art of Numbering by Speaking-Rods, vulgarly termed Nepeir’s Bones 1667 Lemery's Pharmacopeia 1700 Logothetae CirroniconConstantinopolitanum Lug. Bat. 1614 Letters between Lord Camden and Sheriffs Sawbridge and Towmsend relative to the execution of Doyle and Valine 1770 Living Words of a Dead Child 1 (375 Leroux, Dictionnaire Comique, Satyrique, Critique, 2 tome Pampalune» 1786 Life of Nicholas Mooney, alias Jackson, alias Black Knight, a notorious Highwayman and Street Robber ] 752 Life and Visions of Nicholas Hart I7 j j of Faustus Socinus Senensis, wants title and Memoirs of Carey, Earl of Monmouth 1 7 59 45 / / 3 . .4136 ' / _4137 -2. ft ,4140 >4141 'ijy ^ C^ViX^ US hifo of fa, Angelf of Joyeusc^ Capucin Treacher', aometirne^ Duke, Feere, and Marshall of Trance, and Governonr for the Kinge in Languedoc; together u-itli the iJves of the Revennrd Father Bennet, Englishman, and Father Archangel, Scotch- man, the same Order. — Russia Dovay, 162‘J — of Robert Carey, Earl of Monmouth, written by him- self ' ^ Dub. 1759 Another Copy, with frontispiece Land, 1739 of Milton, by Toland, elegantly bound 1761 Loridan’s Life of Adam 1779 Lactantius’b Relation of the Death of the primitive Persecutors Ainst. 1687 Laconics, or New Maxims Leach’s Inland Navigaton Laugh and be Fat, cuts . Larkham’s Wedding-Supper La Roque’s Voyage to Arabia Felix Les Noiivelles de Rovne de Navarre 1701 Dub. 1748 1652 1726 1613. Tar / '4142 y '4143 6 ' 4144 . . a 4145 b 4146 ^ ft 4147 ' 4148 Les Cents Nouvelies Noiivelles. aveefig. Romain de Hooge . Cologne, 1701 'W - 4149 Lovelace* e Poems, Sonnets, Pastorals, S(c. 2 v. 1649 & 59 4150 L’Art d’assassiner les Rois, enseigne par les Jesuistes a Louis XIV et JaquesII, ou Ton decouvre le Secret de la derniere Conspiration formec a" Versailles le 3 Septerabre, ]695> centre la Vie de Guillaume III, mnroqiiin, dorees sur tranches Load. 1696, Le Pegme de Pierre Constan, mis en Francoys par Lan«: teaunne de Rpmieu, Gentilhomme d’Arles, avec Jig, Lyon, 1555 La Motfe-s Essay on Poetry and Painting Letter to Mr. Mason on'lhe Maries of Imitation Cumh. Lachrymae Musarum, upon the Death of Lord Hastings Leigh’s Diatribes ofTrav'cl Low’s Chiropodologia Lowth’s Life of William Wykeham, Bishop of Winchester, Oxf. Mil Life of John Barber, Printer, Alderman and Lord Mayor of London, with his portrait Leigh’s (Mrs.) Mother’s Blessing to her Children, Loud. 1636 Lancashire Lovers (the Two), or the excellent History .of PhL lodes and’ Doridea This holy vow ' Makes one of two. 1 640, Le-eer^s (Ralph) Arie of Reason, rightly termed Witch era/ 1, black letter printed by Bynneman, 1573 Lloyd’s Policy completed, and General Monck’s Letters, three Tracts 1660 ^lil 63 Letters on Chivalry and Romance v 1762 14164 Life and Reign of Basiris, King of Egypt z (^*151 / ' +152 /' / ' 4153 1 ^ 74154 •njcJtrtL- ' 6 4155 Z ,4156 Lucy, 6 6 4.157 - ■ 4158 /.{Ilg / ^4161 1730 1757 1671 1671 149 4165 7^4167 ^ '4168 3 -4169 5170 ^ ^4171 ^ <^4172 -2 6‘4173 ^ *4174 / /4175 J 6 4176 /^4177 6 4178 4179 ■Z ^ .4180 //Z . 4181 ^ '4182 4183 / (4184 ^ -14185 / ^ ^ /4186 04187 S (^4138 ^ (j4m ^ 4190 Lockmani Sapientis Fabulae et Adagla, cum inerp, LatijiaNotis erpenii, Arab. Lat. LcidcCy 1615 Lucan Pharsalia Amst, 1627 Life of Mr. John Sage, teauting title Life and entertaining Adventures of Mrs. Catherine Davies, commonly called Mother Ross, with the plafCy title wanting LetihsLife of Pope Sixtus the Fifth, translated by Farneworth, portraits Land. 1766 Life and Death of Major Clancle, grand Cheat of this Age — of Bernard Gilpin, &c. Ley’s (John) Patterne of Pietie, or the religious Life and Death of Mrs. Jane Ratcliffe, 1640 — Reynold’s Lives of Mrs. Clissold and Mrs. Mary Terry, 1712 Life and Death of Pierce Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, grand Favourite and Prime Minister of Edward II, with the print Land, 1740 Ixs Origines de quelques Coutnmes A nciennesy et d@ plusieurs rare, made perfect with M. S. Caeny 1672 Lawrence’s (Tho.) Mercurius Centralis Lond. 1664 Le Fsaulter et Prieres du Saint-Esprity avec fig. moroceoy gilt leaves Par, 1614 Literary Memoirs of Living Authors, 2 v. 179S La Chasseau Loup de Monseigneur le Dauphin, Colog. 1695 Lever s Serniom, bl. letter y a beautiful Copyy moroccoy gilt leaves imp. by John Dayy 1551 Le Somniaire des Antiquitez et MerveilUs des Cosse Pedige, ct mysy pare script par J eh an des Alotiers, Ecuyei'y diet le frerse estant de present h Madame Marguerite de Francey fills dii Roy nostre hire. Printed on vtllimiy capitals illuminatea imprime d Paris par Anthoine Bonemere, 153S Le Theatre y par le Seigneur Jean Vander iSooty avec fig. very rqrCy see AI. S, note, Imprime en la villa de Londresy chez Jean Dayy 1583 Le Clerc, Pratique de la Gdometrie, avec fig. Par. 1682 Lewbegois, Graecae Linguae Brevlarium, Gr. Lat. Duaciy 1726 Loggan’s Poems 1781 Le Grand, Compendium, &c. Norimb. 1681 — Apologia, 1681. — Apati Vita Triumphans, Amst. 1688 Lindsay (Sir David) of the Mount’s Works Belfasiy 1714 Lister’s Art ofCookery, in Imitation of Horace’s Art of Poetry Lond. 1708 Lewis’s (John) Complete History of the several Translations of the Holy Bible and New Testament ib, 1739 Lqthanis iVere and Second Book of Faulconryy with Geutlenian’s Exerciscy cuts, a fine Copy Lond. 1661 Letters to Monsienr concerning the most ancient Gods and Kings of Egypt, 1734 — Les Differentes Mceiirs et Costumies des AnciensPeupIes, Amst. 1670 UaA/ C iAyi-- A yUA/liA^ ^'fi(ryr> OA ^14 4^ ^J 44,4/ CiA/l^ £)c 4A^ C/ CtA/K*^ / ♦ I9I ^ 4i&2 ^ 4193 ^ /4194 a 4195 6 4196 ^ /(4197 ^ ^]4198 - 4199 4200 « /l^u/ < iU// / OtAf/yu, C^ /4204 / 0 4205 ' -4206 / - 4207 / - 4203 ^4209 v3 . 4210 /4211 ^ 6 4212 J. . /(4216 6 4217 4J / r' / ^/ Ci^L d/u/i^^ y O^'A^ /' / 4 4218 ^ / 4219 4220 ^ 4221 a 4222 6 4233 :4224 . ,4225 ^ - 4226 '150 Lavaioii Theologl Dissertatio Iluct. Par. 1663 Lettres a Monsieur sur les premiers Dieux ou Rois d’Egypte Par. 1733 Luther’s Alcoran imp. with licence, 1642 Loiola, Lawrf. 1648 -Stoicus Vapvlans, ih. 1643 Labbe, Accentuum etSpirituum Groecorum Par^ 1645 La Motte on Painting and Poetry 1730 LesTermes de la Loy 1659 Metamorphose d’O vide, Par. 1566 Loiola Comoediae Lond. 1648 Life after Death. — An Account of Apparitions, &c. Laws of Hononr, /)6''frfl2V5 Lond. 1714, &c. Labourer’s Art of short English Writing, 1617. — Skelton’s Zeilographia, 1650 Lysons (D.) on Camphoie and Calomel, 1771, and three other Tracts Life ofDr. John Donne 1653 Life of Mr. George Herbert, by Walton 1670 Life and Death of Mrs. Margaret Andrews 1680 Loves of Hero and Leander, from the Greek of Musaeus, &c. ^ ; 1728 Lucretius de Natura Rerum, done into English verse, with Notes Oxf. 1683 Lilly’s Six Court Comedies hond. 1632 Life of De Ray ter. Admiral of Holland, with his portrait, by Vaui^han ib. 1677 of Bishop Rainbow, portrait by Sturt ib. 1688 and Reign *of Henry VlII. portraits and other plates, imperfect and Death of Henrietta Maria Lond, 1669 and Death of Dr Samuel Winter ih. 1671 and Acts of the most famous and valiant Champion Sir William Wallace, Knight of Elderslie, Maintainer of the Liberty of Scotland, hi. let. Glasg. 1685 of Seth, Lord Bishop of Salisbury, by W. Pope 1 697 of the late Hon. Rob. Price, one of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas, with his portrait. Lend. 1734 and Death of that renowned John Fisher, Bishop of Ro- chester, by Baily, with portrait ib. 1655 Longini Rhetoris, cum Notis Gr. Lat. Oxon. 1638 on the Sublime, by Smith 1757 Leigh’s (Mrs. D.) Mother’s Blessing Lond. 1640 Lactantii Opera Cantab. 1685 Leubegeois, Graecae Linguae Brevlarlum, Gr.Lat. Duaci, 1236 L. Florus, a Minellio Lo7id. 1683 LaRueldyllia Par. 1772 Longini de Sublimitate, Gr.Lat. a Pearce Lips. 1768 1 151 4227 4228 -4229 . 4230 / / ;^423l . 6 4232 . y ' • 4233 / yj >4234 ^ -4233 JZ . 4236 ^ '4237 / o' >4238 ^4739 ,4240 A 4242 6 4241 1 /4243 / 6:4244 1 J4245 I j I ; '^0 C 4246 L'^4247 ''^^4248 1/^4249 I<7,6 4250 4251 / '4252 ^5 > 4253 ^ /4254 /// 6 4255 Langham ( Rob.), his Letter untoo his good Freend Master liufK* frey Martin, Mercer; whearin part of the Entertamment unto the Qiieenz Majesty at Killingworth CaUle in Warivick^ shear, in this Soomerz Progress, 1575, iz signified, bl. letter » extra, rare Legate’s (John) Spiritual Marriage between Christ and the Church, bl.let, Cumb. 1592 Les Portraits des Hommes Illustres Fratigois, avec portraits Lloyd’s Portraicture of his Sacred Majesty Charles IJ, icith four portraits Loud, i d6271 /4'272 0 6 4273 Lo?id, ib, Lond. Amst, Par. ib. 1612 1699 1633 1885 1750 1679 1694 1596 1720 1719 1639 1686 4 (> 4274 Co4(, %Ci^hyr ^cU, Uo. ^ / cctolu 215 276 4277 ^4278 / o 4279 4280 -^4281 ^4282 / 6 4283 J 6 4284 4285 4286 '4287 v4238 >7 6 4289 / ' 4290 ^ , 4291 nicies 5/^c^ l:lfer Menasseh Ben Israel of the Term of Life Manuale Hermeticum 1655, and other Tracts Maj'siitons (Johii) IVorkst rer^ rare Monterchii Rariorum Numistata fi^ Massie’s Tracts Monarchy asserted to be the best Government Menagiana Mureti Varlariim Lectionnum Libri XV. Meursii ehgantUe Latirii Sennojiis Edito originates Monumenta Vestutatis Kempiana Lond. Idem liber 1720 — Kirapii Cimeli Moore^s (Sir Thos.) Commonwealth of Utopia Lond. Memorial for the Learned ib. Malden’s (Henri) account of King’s College-Chapel in Cambridge. L. P. Camb. 1769 Moravians Compared and Detected Lond. 1755 Major Carmina de Rebus divines Scripta 1577 Macpherson on the antient Caledonians, their Posterity, and the British and Irish Scots Dub. 1768 Memorial of the Bible done in Mettre for the help of Me- mory Lond. 1638 Mander’s Parochical Letters ib. 1729 Minuacii Felicis, ab Davisii Glasg. 1750 Martin’s Honor and Maintenance due to the Clergy Dmd. 1629 Metford’s Discourse of Simony ib. 1682 Manley’s (Mrs.) Stage-Coach Journey to Exeter ib. 1725 Manby’s History and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Davids South Wales, LP. ib. 1801 Miller’s Account of the University of Cambridge and Col- leges there ib. 1717 Another Copy Marricott’s Rights and Priveliges of both Universities Capih. 1769 Memoirs and Lives of Bp. Atterhury Bp. Sprat Mathew Tindal with his will. — Dr. Williams and his Will John Locke, portrait of Bp. Atterhury Lond. 1723 &c, Moequet’'*? Voyages and Travels ib. 1696 Manlius Commentariorum de Rebellione Angllcana ab J/inolG^iO ib. 1686 Miracles of Art and Nature Lond. 1678 Musaru7Ji Delicice, or the Muses Recreation ib. 1655 The Same, second edi Hon. ib. 1656 Mathew (Edw.) the glorious Star of King Charles IT, Molyneux’s Case of Ireland, with his portrait \fiub. 1725 j and Case of Tenures, Dub. 1725 - ^ /(/ 6\ <■292 U93 ^ '4294- y/ ^|4295 /3 14296 / . 4297 ^ 1 • 4298 ^4299 J Z\ . 4301 '2/7i6 4302 33 14504 / 310 iO 4311 -Ui 1/ * 13313 L 4314 Jo l / f4315 4316 Mlstrls Shawe’s Tomb-stone, or the Saint’s Remains Loud, 165S Hie Muller, or the MarfWomau ; being a Medicine to cure the Coltish Disease, the Staggers, in the Masculine-Femi- nines of our Time?,, with the print, very rare, Herbinio Dissertationes cataractis, cum fig, Amst, 167S Hore beate Marie ad Ritum Ecclesie Sarisburiensis, cum figuris Land, 1521 Harclyng’s (Jhon) Chronicle of England, black letter For an Account of the Author see AIS, Note, by Air, Brand, Two Sheets at the end made up with MS, Loud, by Grafton, 1543 Herodian’s History Loud, 1629 Historic of Two the inoste noble Captaines of the Worlde, Anniball and Scipio, LoJid. 1541 Fligins (John) Mirour for Magistrates, woodcuts, black letter ib. by Felix Kyngston, 1610 llieroglyphicorum Algyptio Grtecorum, liber rari?, A briefe Conceipt oj English Polity, by IV, S, black leHer, very rare. Imp, by T. ho. Mar she, 15S1 Ste MS, Note by Mr, Brand 1581 Husbandry (ancient Tracts on) : Tho. Fusser’s Five Hun- dred Points of Good Husbandry, 1638; Hartlib’s Legacie, 1652; Discourse of Husbandrie used in Bra- bant and Flanders, 1650; Blig’s Husbandry, 1649 ; Expert Gardner, cuts, 1640; Tirgil on Bees, 4633; all bound in one vol. Higifds (John) Mirrour for Magistrates, black letter Lond, printed by H, Marshe, 1587 Hostus Hlstorlae Rei Nummarise Amst. 1692 Henderson’s (R.) Arraignement of the Whole Creature, frontispiece Lond, I63S Hackluyt’s (Rich.) Virginia Richly Valued ib, 1609 Hayward’s (Tho.) Lives of Nine themQst worthy Women of the World, por/rfl// ib. 1640 Hardvini Chronologiae Par. 1693 Hickes’s Select Dialogues of Lucian 1636 Hewytt’s (Dr.) Speech on the Scaffold on Tower Hill, with his Widow’s Petition to the Parliament Lond, 165S Hering on the Pestilence ib, 1 625 Hergest’s right Rule of Christian Chastitie Imprinted at London, by Bichard Johnes, No date, HitchcoeVs New Yere*s Gift to Englande, with a curious engraved plate, black Utter, very rare ib, 1580 Henrici VIll Regis Angliae, cum Tratis Vidua Matii- mQx\\o,cumfig, Jwce, 1701 Heads of all Fashions , LotuU 1642 U J Oil JjA 1 - uA/y\Anr ■f J ^Cia.JaA r QjeiA.o(u I t, 4 J y Y^JiAA/AiJ J . 4' 4317 4318 r4319 ^4320 4321 / / . .4322 4323 4324 My t/^L /. ^ ' 4325 . /y" ^326 ^Cudci / 5 4327 ^■m^LLc-L . ^ 328 ^ // / // /f - 4330 ^CiAA-'fc't} ^ . 4331 / I /7 / I 14332 7cjjd 4333 1 ’4334 Tuit^r Z J ' i. 4335 15i flardy’s Justice triumphing, or the Spoolers spoiled id. 164S Hastings (Sir Francis), an Apologie or Defence of the Watch- word. id. 1600 His Majesties Declaration, directed to all Persons of what Degree and Qnalitie soever in the Christian World id. 1644 Hart’s (Sir Wm.) Examination, Arraignment, and Con- viction of George Sprot, Notary in Aye-mouth, toge- ther with his constant and extraordinarie behaviour at his Death, in Edenborough, Aug. 12, 1608 id. 1608 Hussey’s Articles, to be ministred, enquired of, and an- swered, in the Visitation of the Archbishop of Canter- bury id. 1619. History of Mother Shipton ; containing an Account of her strange and unnatural Conception, her Birth, Life, Actions, and Death, the Correspondence she held with the Devil, and many strange and wonderful things performed by her, frontispiece The same in 8vo. Last Prophecies, as they w'ere taken from one Joane Waller, in the year of our Lord 1625, who died in March last, 1Q41, being ninety-foure years of age Land, 1642 His Majesties Edict and severe Censure against private Combats and Combatants Land. 1613 Hell upon Earth, or the most pleasant and delectable History of Whittington Colkdge, otherwise (vulgarly) called Neugate ^ ^ 25. 1703 Hunt’s Defence of the Charter of the City of London ^ id. 1683 Herodian’s History, by Stapylton id. 1652 Havsted’sTen Sermons, preached upon Saints Dayes 1636 Hall’s (John) Chiriirgerie and Anatomy, cuts and portrait, black letter Imp, by Tho, Mar she, 1565 Another Copy History of the Bishop’s Sees of Scotland, Colleges, &c. 1676 Hesipdi Opera, Gr. Lat. N6tis var, ab Robinson. Chart • max. Oxon. 1737 Heauenly Fhilosophie not onely the most pittiee Sentences of Gods most Holy Scriptures, but also the Sayings of An-" dent Fathers, and other Writers, by Tho. Palfreyman, b. 1. Imprinted at .London, by W. Norton, 1578 Here beginneth the Famous Chronycle of the Warre w’hich the Romayns had agaynst Jugurth, Usurper of tlieKyngdome of Numidy, which Chronycle is com- piled in Letyn by the renowned Roman Salsust, and translated into Englishe by Syr Alexander Barclay Freest, at the commaiindeinent of the Right Hye and -JlV i t 14336 I4.337 / J/i . 4338 X 5 ^43 39 < / 4340 , ^ ;4341 / / ' 434,2 I /o >4343 J -4344 ^ ^4345 / ; / JJ (i 4347 ^ -4348 ^ \^0 - 4349 ^ r - 4352 / 6 4353 4350 4351 /i . 4354 Mighty Prince ^Thomas Duke of Northfolke, black letter Printed by Pynson, no dat% HeydoiCs {Sir Christ.) Defence of Judicial Astrol&gie, Ca?}ib. printed by John Legaty 16o3 — Chamber's Trea- tise against Judicial Astrologie Lond. 1601 Hutchison’s History of Northumberland, platesy9.v, 1778 Horace y his Satyresy Englished according to the prescription of Saint HieromCy by T» Dr ant, black letter, very rare Printed by Tho. Marshe, 1566 Helena Menaslai Regiomonti, 1719 Hornway’s (Jonas) Tracts Lond. 1758 Historical Account of Bethlem Plospital, with frontispiece engraved by Sharpe ib* 1783 Hederico Lexicon, Gr. Lat. a Morel!. Russia ib. History of the Damnable Life and deserved Death of Dr John Faustus, with the plate Huart (John), The Examination of Mens Wits Printed by Adam I slip, Harvey’s Discourse concerning Prophecies, b, 1. Hubbard’s present State of New England Howarde (H.) A Defensative against the Poyson of sup- posed Prophesies Imp. by John Charleivood, Heiwood (John) the Works of, newiie imprinted, black letter, at Lond. Imp. by Felix Kingston 1598 Holy Bible, with Notes by Bp. Wilson, 3 v. russia \Bath, 17S5 Herodian of Alexandria, his History Lond. 1629 Hesiod’s Works, by Cooke ib. 1728 James’s Bellum Papale 1600 Jobson’s Golden Trade; or a Discovery of the River Gambia, and the Golden Trade of the Ethiopians; also, the Commerce with a great Black Merchant, called Biickorsand, and his Report of the Houses co- vered v/ith gold. 1623 Impeachment and Articles of Complaint against Father Phillips, the Queen’s Confessor, 1641 1778 1682 1596 1588 1677 15 3 ^ // / JfTAAy C4/y.4 / /'\ ^Ci/Z'^AA/ c U z z , FOLIO. 4355 Holme’s (Randle) Store-House of Armory and Blazon, C/) plates Chester 168S / Ua^a^a^ With many curious Plates of Processions added. ^ 4357 St. Hie RONYMi Opera, 9 v, in 4. Basil a Froben. The above Copy oj St.Jeronis Works^belonged to Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, and' has his autograph. ^4357 Homer, Prince of Poets, translated by Chapman, U 2 cl\ 136 '/) / v^359 ftui^ X l/^:/i*360 ^OUA/ ri^i '7) • ^ Ilesyii Diciionarum Grace ^ Fenet ap Aid, 1514* IJoweVs {James) Londinopolis, Portrait, and Five Additional yteivs of London, Hollar Land, 1657 Hereafter followith the Poke callyd the Myrroure of our e Lady, very necessary for all Relygious Per’s.ones, black ' , letter Lond, printed by Rich. Fawkes, 1530 4-36 1 HalVs Chronicle of England, black Utter, title, dedication, and a few leaves at the end, made up with MS. Heywoode^s {Tho.) Nine Bookis of V arious Hisloiy concern- ing Women, inscribed by the name of the Nine Muses / Kf \ Load. 1624 ' / 4363 Hiirs Natural History of Beasts, Animals, Fossils, &c. plates, 3 V. ib, 1745 Horsleys, (John) Britantiia Rcmctria, plates, russia ib, 1732 i\f\ ■,U362 -1430^. EIGHTEENTH BAY’S SALE. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1807. v/. V 'I OA f, , uii ty/M ^ 4366 . <^>4367 I - 4363 ^ 4369 A -4370 ‘4371 4372 dpx I ^4373 ^ ,, ^4374 '4375 Z -4376 I- OCTAVO and TWELVES. Marriage Ceremonies, as now used in all parts of the World Bond. 1704 Molanius Usuardi Martyrologium Lovani 1573 Martin's Description of the Western Islands of Scotland Lond. 1716 Medea, aTragedie Lond. 1643 MarcusTullius Ciceroes Three Bokes of Duties to Marcus his Sonne, turned out of Latin into English, by J^ico- las Grimaldi, Lat. and Eng. black letter 1 558 Memoirs ofthe Lite of Philip Duke of Wharton 1731 Upon the Reign and Government of Charles 1. and II. by Sir R. Bulstrode 1721 Moriae Encomium Basil a Fropen 1551 Magaillan's History of China More's (Sir T.) Utopia, xeilh portrait 1745 Memoirs of Duncan Campbell, the Deaf and Dumb Gen- tleman , k n K ^714377 a . 14378 ^14379 ^ /O 1657 1649 7 dJ M. iV^-A^s 4395 ’4396 4397 y/ '*393 ^ • *399 157 Another Copy — Life and Character of Harvey the famous Conjurer of Dublin, Dub. 172S Marsiliiis Feiinus Florentius de Tripllci Vita, MCCCCLXXXVIIl — Platyne Opusculum de Ob- soniis : ac de honesta Voluptate et Valetudine, MCCCCLXXX. Mather on Comets Mason^s P<;ems. Land. Magic Adamicka Magica de Speclris Middleton (Tho.) Two New Playes Majestas Intemarala, or the Immortality of the King Magna Carta, whereunto is added more Statutes than ever was imprinted in one boke before, black letter 1529 Merllni Anglici Ephemeris, or Astrological Judgments for the year 1631, by Lilly, with portrait i 1681. — Colley’s Starry Messenger for 168 1 — Fly an Almanack for 1681 — Dove ditto, Caxnb. 1681 —Culpepper Revived, 1681 — Rose’s ditto, 1681. Markham’s Hungers Prevention, or the whole Arte of Fowl- ing by Water and Land ^ 1621 Miscellaneom Subjects, Poems, S'c. curious — Catalogue of Lords, Knights, and Gentlemen, of the Roman Religion, slain in the Late Wars {Chus. /.) in d(^ence of their King and Country, in Maimscript. M'Bane’s expert Sword-inan’s Companion Glasg. 1723 Miscellany of Divine Problems 1662 Mellis’s Brief Instruction and Manner how to keep Bookes of Accompts . , 1588 ^ The Ground of Arts. \.^/u c> Macollo latria Chymica Luis Venereae 1623 Morrington’s Praise of Yorkshire Ale, with a Description of the Humours of most sorts of Drunkards, 1685 — Yorkshire Dialogue in its pure, natural Dialect York, // / Murmurer (A), with the frontispiece 1607 Macallo’s Canons of Physick Monument of Great Mercy appearing Tn the Deliverance of Wm. O'Kely, Wm Adams, John Anthony, John Jeps, John Carpenter, from the miserable Slavery of Algiers. 1675 Maephersoh’s History of Great Britain, and priginal Pa- pers, 4 vol. Dubl. 1775 Malard French and Protestants Companion, or a Jour- ney into Europe, Asia and Africa, plates. Very scarce, elegantly hound morocco, gilt leaves Loud. 1718 // / * The Copy presented by the Author to the King George I. ' ihi. i/^ r A / J- f 3^ (T— /uU / ^CUA/ J' /’ 44.]2 ^ / S / i/' ^ . 4414 f/ / <^ JZ , ^/iJi/ht ^ ' 41-17 . /, 44-18 <\ V 0 4419 ^.'4420 ^ '4421 / - 4422 158 4400 Martini Eplstolas Harderv. lf)55 r440l Machiavels Discourses upon the first Decade of Livius 1636 Mather’s virtuous Woman — Femali' Polecy detected, 2 vol. 4403 Moressinum de Mefallbrum Causis et Transubstantione ' Franco furti. 1593 4404 Minucii Felicis, a Davisuis Cantab. 1707 4405 Magistri Selectus atticae Dialect! Eleganties Gr. Lat. a Blanchardl Lug. Bat. 1757 4406 Marcus Tullius Ciceroes, three Bookes of Duties to Marcus his sonne, tourned out of Latin into English by ‘ Nico-Grimald, where unto the Latines adjoined, / black letter. Imp. by Tho. Esie /^4407 Another Copy f black letter 1574 ^ 4408 Fourre suerall of contenning his most learned . and eloquent Discourses of Frendship (Old Age) Pa- radoxes, and Scipio his Dreame, Englished by Thomas black letter prmtedby Tho. Marshe. 1577 /!4409 Morton’s (Countess of) Daily Devotions, Lond. 1760 0.^4 1 ^ Mazarine (Cardl.) last Will and Testament ih. 1663 May’s (Tho.) Epitomy of English History, ib. 1690 Moore’s Banner of Corah, Dathan, and Abiram displayed and their Sin, with portraits. ib. 1696 Mason’s Arts Advancement, por/razV ib. 1699 Miracles lately Wrought by the Intercession of the glorious Virgin Marie, at Mont-Aigu nere unto Siche, in Bra- beint Aniti^erp, 4415 Milton^s Comus, with Notes by Todd Canterbury. 1793 4416 Menewe (Gracyous) Dialogue betwene a Prentyse and a Priest, b.l. both parts. 1548 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Dr. Lardner Lond. 1769 4 Wt /44.23 * /f () 4424 ^ ' 4425 / - 4426 //a /M ^ ^6 4428 4429 Magii de Tintinnabulis, et de Equuleo, Ainst. 1654 Mathew (Ed.) the Most Glorious Starr, of the Pleiades, or Charles-Waine Lond. 1665 Miscellany Poems and Translations by Oxford Hands 1685 Milton’s Poemata 1545 Mather (Cotton) the Wonders of the Invisible World Lond. 1693 Monti de Monumen to DiIuviano,/g, Bonon. 1719 Mario (Christopher) Dusis Dominion, or the Lascivious Queen, aTragedie Lond. 1637 Mill. (Hump ) Poems, wa7its title ib. 1639 Magna Chartat curious Edition ib. Imp. by Tho. Marshe, 1556 Manby’s Tour in Wales, plates Bristol, 17 16 Mainwarring (Sir Tho.)'the Legitimacy of Amicia, proved Lond. 1672 Miscellanea Antiqua ib. 1710 159 j j^’!4<4‘30 Mildmay (Sir W.) Method of Election and Scruteny for u the City of London ^ ih, 176S /«/ , 4431 Musseum Trades cantianum, with portraits of the Trades- cants, by Hollar ih. 1660 >4432 Moresinum Depravatce Religionis Orgo et incrementum 1 3 /k Endinb. 1593 ^434 Markham’s perfect Horseman Land, 1722 -^6 4435 Mastin’s .History of Naseby Camb. 1792 < 74-436 Marshall’s Review of the Lanscape ■ 1795 5 t^437 Memoirs of Sir John Reresby 1735 1/7(7 4438 More (Sir Tho.) a Dialogue of Comfort against Tribula- tion, b 1. Antwerp. 1373 ^439 Monck Mason on Beaumont and Fletcher Loud. 1798 (1 4440 Memoirs of Count Tally, with MS. Note by Mr. Brand / ^ . ib. ^ 441 2 \Mov\do, frontispiece and portrait ib. 'V a4442 Memorial of a Christian Life, plates Dowdy, X. 6 4443 Massey’s Remarks on Milton’s Paradise Lost Lond. / ^444 Origin and Progress of Letters ib. 3 (7 4445 Maundrell’s Journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem plates 1766 1639 1612 1761 1763 / Oxf. 1721 '4446 Memoirs of the Life of Laurence, Earl portrait. 1760 ^4447 Mathias (L T.) Runic Odes from the Norse Tongue > Loud. 1790 4448 Malone (Edmond) on the Shakespeare Papers v4449 Marston’s Poems ^ 4450 Memoirs of Dr. Berkeley ^ < 4*4451 Museum ©fWit ^ ^4452 Maurice’s Poems > ^4453 More (Hen.) Philosophical Poems, gilt leaves 3 0 4454 Martials Epigrams 4455 Marriage a la Mode, an Humorous Tale in 4 - ^ / SIX / 4455*Mundy’s Chronicle, b. 1. made up with MS, ^4456 Murphy’s Life of Johnson Xjj 4437 More’s (Geo) Principles for Young Princes 4458 Essayes Morall, &c. 'll ' 4439 Mary Magdelens Tears wipt off •^[^4460 Maunde’s rural Philosopher ^4461 Master’s Memoirs of Baker X/ 6 4462 Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. / merset House ib, ib. ib. .ib. ib. Camb. Land. Canto’s ib. ib, ib. Lond ib. ib. ib. Camb. Manley, with a view of So^ 1796 1764 1784 1802 1800 1647 1695 1746 1611 1793 1611 1609 167a4 a 44.g2 Typis impress. Col. Agrlp. Fletcher, ivants title Basil. £i<^ '4483 i 4484 / - 4485 4486 3 (4487 // 'J4488 4489 4490 Z ^4491 / /'4493 / c ' 4 ^ 4494 5 744,95 / 6 449g ^ ^ - 4497 J/i Miraeus Origines Benedictina? MartialPs Epigrams and Poems by Alori (Thomae) Opera Minutiiis Felix, by Combe Land. Meditation’s Moral and Divine ib. More’s Geo.) Principles for Young Princes ib. Alayerus’s Lusus serius ib. Mather’s Tabitha Rediviva ib. Mazarine’s (Card.) last Will, Testament, and Life Morland’s (Sir Sam.) Urim of Conscience ib. Manelphi Tractatus de Fletu et Lacrymis Roni. Menckenio de Charlataneria Eruditorum Declama- tiones Lips. S. Maximi Scholia ineos B. Dyonysii Greece Par. Manjansii Disputatio de Incertis Legatis Matriti Matrimonial Ceremonies Displayed Mill’s Essay on the Weather Loud. Moresinum de Pravatae Religionis Origo et Incremen- tum Title and part M. S. Fdinh. execudebat Rob. Waldegrave, 1 594 Marco u’s Declaration of the Masse, b. I, 1543 Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) Moral Galantry, a Discourse, and Moral Paradox Edinb. 1 667 Martial (John), a Treatise of the Crosse. Imp. at Antwerp^ 1564 Margariton, a rich Treasure discovered ot Problemes and their Resolues Load. 1 640 Meursii Elegantiae Latini sermonis Moyes’s Memoires of the Affaires of Scotland Edinb. 1755 Memoriales for the Government of the Royal Burghs of Scotland Aberdeen, 1685 Monnipenny’s Abridgment of the Scots Chronicles Edinb. 1650 1593 1614 156.3 1703 1650 1611 1654 1713 1695 1618 1715 1562 1734 1768 1773 161 ^ ^4499 6 6 4'300 / ^450i 3 6,4502 / 6 4503 ^ . 450 i. -4505 ^ -450d (^45 4507 4508 4509 4510 3 ^ ^ -4511 f 4512 /6 - 4513 v45l4 6 45 i5 I ^^516 ^4.517 / 0 45/8 ^ .4519 ^ -4520 Another Copy Glasgow , Mather (Patrick) the Great and New Art of Weighing V I uty ib» ' .enfion^. ot Henry Gaihry (Bp.) of Ounkeld ib. Mores, Leges, ec Ritus Omniuni Gentian? Mav’? complished Cook, cuts Lond» Merry rnougfits ; Oi the Glass- Window and Bog- rioa^e, >/l/sce!ldny, in 3 parts Moy se’s Memoirs oftiie Arfairs of Scotland Edinb, Memoirs of Mr. Willoughby, and Sir James Leigh LymingioUj Mackenzie (Sir Geo.) Institutions of the Law of Scotland Edhib. Murreiks two Books of Cookery and Carving, 5. 1. Land. May Day, a Poem, with plates ib, Modena’s History of the Rights, Customs, &c. of the j ews ib. Mackenzie’s (Sir Geo.) Antiquity of the Royal Line of Scoliand ib. Th. Same m Latin Traject, at Rheri. Moiueith’s Scottish Epitaphs, both parts, extremely rare and curious Edinb. 1704 and 1671 2167 1757 1604 1671 1755 1798 U / /O 4521 -4522 / : /4523 3 6 452-1 ^ '4525 / M526 / v4527 3 - 14528 0 14529 7 . 14530 ; /4531 3 6 4532 4533 Meston’s Poetical Works xMizaMo Ephemerides Aeris Perpetuae Luet^ 1554 xVlenton’s Angoiorum Gesta, with the portrait of Charles II. 1678 Miscellaneous Transactions, prose and verse 1724 Moueni Cuno -.ities of Art and Nature 1685 More (Sir Tho.) A Dialogue ofComtbrt against Tribula- tion, h. 1. Antwerp, 1573 Memoirs of the Antiquities of Great Britain, with plates, eery rare Lond. 1723 Malped s Dial of Destiny , b. 1. 1581 — Harvey^ s Astrologi’- cal Addition, h. 1. 1583, both eery rare Mos'-iey’s Essay on Archery, Worcester Markham (Gervase) The Art oi Archery Memoirs of the Life of Thomas Hearne, 1736 Doctor Williams, &c. M‘'Donald’s Ga;iic and English Vocabulary Martini Regni Sinensisa Tartaris, cum fig. Musarum Anglicanarum Analecta, 2 vo!. Minature (the,) A Periodical Paper .Malvezzi fMarq.) Works Merry Medley Maxwell (Steph.) York Miscellany Macbean’s Dictionary of the Bible — — — Dictionary of Ancient Geography 1714 1767 Lond, 1634 1 — Life of Edinb. 1741 Amst. 1661 Oxon. 1699 1805 Lond. 1648 ib. 1749 ib. 1731 ib. 1779 ib. 1773 ^7 / -SJ/ \JjLA/k4lO /J Urtx<^ // / ^Aojj ^y/\4)(/ ^cuik/J ^^fOj/ X^iS-HiO^A %l^Jiy I j'^U534 I ^535 ^ /f433f) t/ 4 '4337 a 4338 -< o 4539 4340 4361 4562 4363 ^ 7 4364 6 4565 J? / 162 Morris (Gale) Tables for Renewing and Purchasing Leases ib. ih, ib. ib. ib. Master (J. W.) Appeal Memoirs of Sir John Reresby Marshalls Sennon^s, 3 vol. _ ; Defence of the Church and State Milton's Poems, by Warton Maty's Review, S vol. Macri Floridi Herbarium, cuts, very early printed JVIilitary Dictionary, and Essay on the Military Art, plates, 2 vol. . Magii de Tin tin nabulis, cum Jig. Amsf. Memoiresde la Reyne Marguerite Brusselles, of the Two Last Years of the Reign of King Charles I, 1735 1794 1734 1731 1717 1785 no date 1708 1664 1638 1702 * 4566 Moequet's Travels and Voyages, transited by Pullen, 5 14567 ^ H4568 / /45 69 64570 /ti'4571 cuts Moundeford (Tho.) Vir Bonus Montaigne's Essays, by Cotton, 3 vol. Mason (Hen.) The New Art of Lying Machiavel’s Prince Musjei Balfouriani Lond, ib. ib. ib, ib. Ldvib. 1696 1622 1685 1635 1640 1697 M/ ,/4573 // ^4574 /MAA^iUy ^ 4-515 ^Ci'icltA 4376 4577 10dA Af . ’4579 ^ 4580 4381 // ^ev tc/xi . 4582 fi' - 4583 QUARTO. Junior Antiquae Fabulse Murmoreae JLuct. far. 1617 Jones^^ Phonography 1701 Johnstone Inscriptiones Regiim Scotorum Amst. 1602 Junuis Evangelia Golhice and Anglo-Saxonice Gothicorum Glossarium, 2 y. Dordrecht 1665 Inti oductorium in Astronomiam Alhumasaris Ahalachi OctO” coiiiinens libros parti ales, uiih curious figures, Venet, 1315, Albunia.sar Flores Asirolcges, cum.’ ^g. Impressum Venet us, per Jo. Buplistam sessa Jeffrey of Monniouth’s B.lti^^h or English History, M. S. beautifully wrote on vellum Jews. Several Curious Tracts relative to 1663, &c. Imperfect Hints towards a New Edition of Shakespeare Lond. 1787 Jamlichide Vita Pythagorica, Gr. Lat. a Kustero, Amst. 1707 Jesuits (Narrative of the) at their College of Come, in the county of Hereford, with the Knavery of Father Lewis Lond, 1679 Insignia Sacree Cdesaree MajesiaiiSj, cum figures Franco/, ■ ad Moenum 15791 J. Marmi del Doni, con fig, Vinegia 1552 / f ! ) / b 1 / // / / s / /d J 3 J3 d 4 \ i // [ 3 . / /q 6 /4 , r J'M j 1 1 j 1 ! ‘ i. i. 1()3 it maye be Lawfall for the Most Noble King of Eng- I lande. King Henry the Eigth, to be divorsed fro the i Queues Grace lawfull and very Wife, h. 1. Imp, at ! . Lunberge 15.32 4385 Jamblichus Chalcidensis ex Caele—Syria Arnham 1668 4586 Jewel (Bp.) Defence of the Church of England, h. I, Lond, 1562 4587 Jefferies's Narrativ^e of Two Aerial Voyages with Mens. Blanchard, ih. 1736 4588 Institoris et Spreger Malleus Maleficarum 1519 4589 James's Strange and Dangerous Voyage Lond. 1633 4590 Ignatio Epistolas, a Pearsoni, Gr. Lat. chart max, Oxon. 1709 4391 Journal of all the proceedings of the Duke of Buckingham in the Isle ofRee Land, 1627 4592 Iniuntions given by the Queues Majestic, Anno Dom. 1559, Articles to be enquyred in the Visitation 1559 4393 Johnson's English Dictionary, 2 v. Dublin^ printed by Ewing ins 4594 Jortins Life of Erasmus f 2 v. Lond, 175S 4595 Istleworth — Syons Peace, containing certain Articles of Agreement made between the Right Honourable A Igertf none, Earl of Northumberland, ^6, Lord of the Manor of Istleworth — Syon, in the county of Middlesex, and the Copyhold Tenants of the said Manor, S^c, black letter, •eery rare Lond, 165T ' 4596 — The Petition of the Inhabitants of against the Curate, with his Vindication, very rare Lond, 1641 4597 Grey’s Sermon at the first Opening of theChurch after the Re-building it 1707 1559, b.l. sarisburiensis Vita, &c. Lond, ap. I, Daye 1573 honourable Exercise of Arms, the Virtues of the Valiant, and tbe innumerable Attempts of a magnanimous Mind, M,S, title 1392 irnal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again, by Bp. Berkley, L.p, Lond. 1733 with portraits, very rare 4607 Wonderful and Strange Punishments, plates X 2 1637 1658 1650 V/ '"/A / TIaaj ActA-eLj fyu.1T f k/UJj II / <^ 4609 k^(ii4/ 0 4610 /A. 164 > 4608 Jenner’sPath of Life, or the Steps to Hell, and the Steps to Heaven, plates, rare 1656 Julian Ship, or Paul’s Transportation to Rome 1681 Jovial Tinkler of England w;l)ing to Hammer the Cove- nant and Sco|8 Commissioners into English ib. 1681 Jones Fanum Sti. Albani Poema Carmine Heroico ib. 1633 Illuminati Doctoris Magistri Raymundi Luil. Arts Magna Generalis Ultuma, cum jig, very early printed, see M,S, note. ^ccji/tnr ^ " 4613 {(4614 ' '|4615 ^ 4616 ^0 /4617 Ji 6 4618 y. ^4619 1^620 d 6 4621 4622 5 ‘ 4623 4624 4625 ^ ' 4626 ^ ' 4627 / / 4628 jl ^ ^ ' 4629 4630 $ - 4631 FOLIO. Hospinlano (Rodolpho) Testa Christianorum, j^g. 1682 Testis ludaeorum, et Ethnicorum Genev, 1674 Hovi'ell (James) Proverbs, or Old Sayed Sawes, adages Lond, 1659 Haley de luditus Venet, 1520 Howes’s Chronicle,, wants title Lond. 1632 Howell, on Precedency, with portrait of Charles 11. , by Loggan, L. P. ib. 1664 Haiminsfeldii Collect! Consuetudinum Logum Imperia- Francqf. ad M oen 1674 Histoire de la Peinture Ancienne Lond. 1725 Heads of the Cartoons of Raphael Urbin, now in Buck- ingham-house, good impressions Hoft'magnas Britanniae Historia Genealogica, cum. Jig. No- rimberg 1690 Herbert’s Travels Lond. 1634 Hibbert’s (Hen.) Body of Divinity, with his portrait, by Loggan ib. 1662 Hygini Fabularum, cum. jig. Basil. 1570 Hayward (Jas.) Eromena, or Love and Revenge I.ond. 1632 Heywood (Tho.) the Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels, plates ib. 1635 Hakewill (Geo.) an Apologie or Declaration of the Power and Providence of God OxJ. 1630 Hexham (Hen.) Principles of the Military Art, plates Y>elft, 1642 Howell’s Lexicon Tentraglotton Lond. 1660 Huetius Origenis Commentaria, Gr. Lat, 2 vol, Rotho?nagi 1668 i 165 I TWENTIETH BAY^S SAEE. SATURDAY, MAY 30 , 1807 , 4636 M * 4632 ^\a 1^14633 jo k634 4635 { ;k637 «/ 4:46.38 /? <^j4639 ^46 40 3 0 14641 J . k642 ^ ^ 4643 ^ >4644 a 4645 / <^4646 <7 04647 ^ >4648 / 6 4649 ^4650 <7 4651 OCTAVO and TWELVES. Myrrour ( the ) or Glasse of Hellh, hi, let. a fine and perfect copy unp. by Robt. Redman 1540 Metellus his Dialogues Land. 1693 Marvell’s Tracts on the Growth of Deism ib- J70i? Merry’s remarks on the Coinage of England 1794, Carey on Coin and Credit 1696, State of British Coinage 1772 Mallens Maleficarum Maleficas et earum heresum, &c. » Liigdiini, 1519 Molloy’sde Jure Maritime et Navali Loud. 1722 Miscellaneae Observationes in Auctores, 3 vol. Amst. 1732 Malleds Northern Antiquities, 2 vol. Lo7id. 1770 Mangey on the Common Prayer ib. 1717 Middleton’s Practical Astrology, cuts ^ ih. 1679 Malden’s Account of King’s-ColiegeChapel, inCambridge, portraits Camh. 1769 More (Hen.) Philosophical Poems ih. 1647 Mercurius Rusticus, Jrontispiece ib. Another edition ib. Memoirs of Major Alexander Ramkins ib, ^ of Thomas Tryon Merchant, leith his portrait ih. Memorials of Thomas Lord Fairfax ib. 1699 Moore’s List of Abbies, and Religious Houses in Eng- land ib. 1786 Martial’s Epigrams, by Scot ib. 1773 Measure for Measure ib. 1796 Q \m ^ ' 4652 Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr, John Jackson / /. . . 1764 / •// /‘L ' U653 Mundorum Explicatio, a sacred Poem ib. 1661 . 4.554 Melanchton’s (Phil.) the Exposicion of Daniel the Prophet . b, /. imp. at Genev. 1545 / ^ - 4655 Mill (Humph) a Night-Search discovering the Nature and Condition of all sorts of Night Walkers, 2 vol. Loud, 1640 ' 4656 Modus Legend! in utroqus Jure, Tar, MCCCCXCIIII. 'f'YT' / ' . / 4657 May’s Reign of King Edward the Third, a Poem Loud. / ij 4.n.^Q dnnfn aHrlfifl tnViroril’c rT7nf.nc oh •V, ( < 0 U ^ <{4666 ^ 0 4667 ^ > 4668 / <^4669 / (14670 • 6 4671 n/ / ,4672 2)culi . 4658 Maphseus Canto added to Virgil’s CEneas ib. n 4659 Master’s Poems ih. >4660 Mofden’s Military Discipline; or the Art of War ib. ^4661 Mornay’s Treatise of the Church, hl.ht, ib. ® 4662 Another Edition ib. >4663 Morell (Thos.) Poems ih. O 4664 Mori (Tho.) Epigrarnmata ib. (^4665 Milton’s Paradise regained, ccf/V, ib. » - — » Poems, first edit. ib, PoemSy &c. ib. — — Answer to Ekon BasIIike ib. History of Moscovia ib. History of Britain ib. a Defence of the People of England ib. Poems, by Warton ^ ib. Memoirs of the Life and Character of Locke ib. Trial ofCapt. Goodhere 1741, and several others 1635 1788 1733 1689 1579 1580 1633 1638 1680 1645 1673 1690 1682 1695 1695 1785 1742 ^0 4674* Merry (the) Travellers; or a Trip upon Ten Toes from Lond. ib, ib. Dub. Bristol Lips. 1721 1636 1778 1735 1802 1714 iL u / Moorfields to Bromley, 2 vol. in one yAQl 5 ^\en before Adam / 6^4677 Muses (the) Mirrour, 2 vol. ^5' a 4678 Moryson’s History of Ireland, 2 vol Y ^4679 Manby’s Tour in Wales, plate?>, 1. p / (7 4680 Macarii Opera, Gr. Lat, / (/ 4681 More (Sir Tho.) the History of the Pitiful Life and unfor- tunate Death of Edward the Fifth and his Brother Lo?id. 1641 Marco Aurelia Orador en Toledo, 1554 Memoir es et Observation faites par iin V lyageur en Angle^ terre. avec fig. elegantly boimd in morocco, guilt leaves dLallafe 1698 Mackerell’s Flistory and Antiquities of King’s Lynn, plates * Lond, 1738' Maintenoniana - Ainst. 1773 Melaiichton on Prayer, translated into English by John Bradford, hi. let, imprinted at London, in PauAs Church Yearde, at the sign of the Rose ^ by John Wight /// / / -46S2 46S3 4684. ♦685 Jo - i«i36 ^ >4687 4 64688 / // 6"4689 ^ 4690 o '4691 /4692 6 4693 / -4694 ^ /4695 / <^4696 / >4697 ^ 0 4698 3 -4699 ^ . 4700 > 4701 ^ '4702 < '4703 < ' 4704 4 705 706 . 4-4707 64708 •<174709 4?j64710 4711 4 ' 4712 6 4713 / ,<^4714. ^ 6 4715 - 4717 ^ <^4718 624 vy ^ t ; 7ls//(SiA^cu/^ 1799 3?^ 1 T 45 A4. 167 More*s Life of Sir Tlio7nas More Lond, 1726 Montagu’s (Mrs.) Essay on the Writings and Genius of Shakespear ib. 1777 Maundcville^s {Sir John) Voiage and Travaile, elegantly < hound in russia, gilt leaves, 1. p, ib. Modern Policies taken from Machiavel, Borgia, and other / / i choice Authors, by an eye witnesse ib. 1654 Newton’s Chronology ^ Dub. 1728 ^/ua/ca>U Natural History of Mount Vesuvius 1743 Nelson’s Address to Persons of Quality, interleaved with MS. additions Lojid. ^ Neo^jorto Carolo Secundo Regi Votum Candidum Vivant Rex ib. 1669 Neandri Epigrammata, &c. Fraricof. 1625 Norden (John) the Imitation of David’s Resolution Loud. 1624 ^ Newton’s Tracts ib. 1 Niebuhr’s Travels, 2 vol. plates Perth. Nunez’s Visions, being a Satire on Vice, plates Land. Nuu mi Britannici Historia; or an Historical account of English Money, plates, interleaved ib. \72^ Norton (Thos.) the Disposition or Garnisheraente of the /, 7 Soule Antwerp 1596 Naudjeus’s History of Magick Norris’s Miscellaneous Poems, &c. Lond. Netherlandish (the) Historian, portraits Amst. Narrative of the unfortunate Capt. W. Death of the Terri ble privateer Land. New Market, or an Essay on the Turf, 2 vol. in one / ib. 1791 / Novum Testamentum a Beza Antwerp \Q9% K'/uvcuf Naiinton (Sir Rob.) Arcana Aulica, Lond. 1694 Noy (W.) on Tenures, perj-rarV ib. 1670^2 ^(ia/iJ Nichols (John) Sermons before the Pope, b. 1. and his // Pilgrimage, b. 1. imp. by Barker 1581 Nare’s General Rules for pronouncing the English Lan- (C> • guage Lond. 1792 Ness’s Church History ib. \Q^0 New Help to Discourse, or Wit, Mirth and Jollity in- termixed Lond. 1 67 2 ^ , No Fool like the Old Fool 1731 N'or ton’s (Thos.) Warning against the Dangerous Prac- . tises of Papisles, hi. let. Printed by John Daye Neoporto Carolo Secundo Regi Votum Candidum Vivat ^ // / -Rex Lond. 1669 Needier (H.) the Works of 1728, Euterpe revised, or Epigrams 1675 1657 1708 1675 1757 ^ A ' IP / A Jl4729 J cA ^ 6 4730 5c 'Z< ( ‘4731 / ‘4732 // 4733 4754 ^^47 35 36 i/X ^ '3 - 4 Xvnpy ^! >4737 ‘'6 47 38 / y4739 / y* / 4740 >7 Z y 47 4 1 yj)uv(y 6 47 42 ^ilfuA/uJ (j 4743 y. / 3 ^4744 ^ 6 4745 4747 >7^^^'j4748 i4749 ;S^4r^ / -U75O ^>4751 4752 6 4753 lt)8 Newton (Sir I.) Tables for renewing Leases, &c. Lond. 1742 Novi Testament Graece ♦ Lond. 1633 Norden (J.) a Pensive Man’s Practice ib. 1640 Nugas Venales 1648 Newton’s Herbal to the Bible Lotid. 1587 Novum Testamentum Graece . 1613 Testamentum Grmce, 2 vol. 1587 Neal’s History of the Puritans Loyid. 1732 Noctes Grandzovianse de Antiquis Triumphorum Spec- taculis, a Martino de Guicbardo, cum fig, Amst. 166! Norice, a Treatise on the Fourth Petition 1636 Norden’s Progress of Pietie Lond. 1596 Newes from Rome, black letter, printed at Canterbury, by J. Mych€ll,for G. Campion Nichol’s (John) the Oration and Sermon made at Rome before the Pope, &c. b. 1. Imp. by John Charlewood Naogeoro Agriculture Sacrae — Basil, pii. Graues Atque Elegantes Poete Aliquot Basil, per Joan Oporinum Nisbet’s Essay on Additional Figures and Marks of Cadency hdinb. 1702 Nnphtali, or the Wrestlings of the Church ofScotland for the kingdom of Christ 1680 1753 Nicol’s Rural Muse Edinh. Now^y Testament Panazego Jezu sa Chrystusa, Roku Fanskigo, 1606 Novi Testamenti Graece Sedani 1628 Nicolai Tractatus de Sy ndrlo ALgyptiorum Lug. Bat. 1606 Nixon’s Cheshire Prophecy, 53 / Lond. 1742 Another copy - ib, 1719 The same Nostradamus, les Vrayes Centuries et Propheties, avec fie-. Aimt. 1668 Noiirsc ’5 (Tim.) Discourse upon the Nature and Facul- ties of Man Lond, 1686 Nicholson’s (Bp.) Historical Library, 4 vols. ib. 1696 .^'ichofis Biographical Anecdotes oj Hogarth, elegantly bound 1785 New Testament in Welsh Lond, 1741 — Coverdale’s Translation, 5. 1. cuts. Printed at Antwerp by M, Crom. 1539 Testament in German, gilt leaves, in a case Amst, 1731 Nepotis (Corn.) Vitas Glasg. 1777 Newton’s (Sir I.) Tables for renewing and purchasing Leases 1731 Novum Testamentum Grasce, ex ofiF. Planlin, 1692 ^ — Dictioniim Sylloge, Gr. Lat./g. 1668 Nisbit’s Scripture Chronology Lond, 1655 1(59 4 J ^ V«58 / 6 '. H' 4-762 4763 //A 754 New Testament, Lat. and Eng. b. 1. wants title Printed at Paris by Bp^ BonnoPs means ' ' 4755 Nemesii episcopii et Philosophi de Natura Hominus, Gr. Lat, Antwerp f 1565 4756 Nov^urn Testamentum Syriacum Aniv. ex off. Plantin 1575 4757 ISIew Testament^ b. 1. very early printed t hn perfect New Bath Guide. Bath. New Oxford Guide, cuts^ Oxf. /S^ 0 4759 transl. by Myles Couerdaleand W. lyndale b. 1. Lond. 1550 4760 Newton’s (Tho.) True Tryall and Examination of Man’s ownself - Lond. 1603 4761 New?nards {Arthur) Pleasure's Vision zvith Desert^ s Complaint ^ and a Dialogue of a IV otnan^s Properties and a youngs morocco, gilt leaves, extremely rare Lond. 1619 Menini elogium Britanniae, sive Ilistoria Britonum, morocco, gilt leaves Llanv. V orthumherlandd s {the Earl of) Houshold-Book at his Castels of Wresill and Lexinfield, in Yorkshire, begun Ann Doin. MDXII. remarkably rare and curious, halj-hoimd, ■ uncut Lond. 1770 4764 Norden’s Travels in Egypt and Nubia, plates 1757 NordejLS {John) Mirror for the Multitude, or Glasse Lond. printed by J. WinJet 1586 Narrative of Evil Spirits in the House of Master J&n Smagge, Farmer in Canvy Island, Essex 1709 Nicolai de Luctu Christianorum, a Havercampi Lug. Bat, 1739 Corn, Nepotis Imperatorum Vitae Oxon. 1697 Narrative of the Adventures of Lewis Morote, Pilot Royal of the Galleys of France 1677 Naunton’s (Sir Rob,) Fragmenta Regalia Lond. 1650 Newton’s (Geo.) Funeral Sermon on the Death of Lady Mary Farewel ib. 1661 Neugebavert Peregrinatione Basil Neale’s Travell safely and profitably into Forraigne Countries 1643 Newe iSewes, confayning a short Behersall of the late Enter- prise of certaine Eugitive Rebelles, fyrst pretended by Capt. Siukely, and siihence, continued and put in prac- tise by Capt. Mac Morice (his Lieutenant) upon the Countrey of Ireland, b, 1. very rare 1579 Nixon Quatuor Colloquia Mechl. 1614 7 / 7 . 4765 I // 7! / 2 5 Z . 4766 4767 4763 4769 4770 4771 /6 /^6 '/4772 4773 4774 /4775 J (? *4775 Newport Market Butchers’ Candid Remarks over his Pot and Pipe 4776 Narragoma Latine Facta a Jacobo Locher Philomuso- Saeou eiusde epigrama ad Lector em, curious -wood cuts, very early printed, no date C(cu/K^ V M- I 170 y4^77' 6 477! 4780 4781 4782 Nugge Venales 1648 Nor/on’s Scholars I'^ademecum, For an Account of this cu- rious and very rare book, see AiS. note 1 67 4 Newes from Spaine and Holland, conteyning an Infor- malion Inglish Affaires in Spaine, &c. 1593 Novum Testamentiim Graece, a Milliana, 2 v. morocco, gilt leaves Amst. 1735 Nelson's Happiness of Man in this Life 1736 Norfolk Ballad, by Sir Francis \Valsingham’s Ghost. a- y 4783 / - 4784 4785 /a .4788 /o /6 , 4787 / ^'wyrtt/r/ S" , 4.788 ■'Ui-// idMX/ii // '4700 Z > 4791 I/Jc^yelu ^ • 4792 /j 7 / b 4793 ^ ' 4794 ■2)0}Jy Z . 4795 ^ '4/96 PLIL m / / 71+799 0 (o 4800 4797 6 48 // 4801 •/ ^ ' -^302 . 4803 QUARTO. Konig Thesaurus • Fasil 1693 Kelway's Learned Aslronomical Discourse of the Judge- ment of Nativities, fine copy, very rare 1593 King Edxvard the SixtKs Testament, cuts, b. 1. a fine copy, morocco, gilt leaves 1 nijirinted at Londori, by Richardejui[ge, 1552 KennetPs [IV hite) Parochial Antiquities, plates Oxf. 1695 Knighds [R. F.) Account oj the Rexnains of the Worship ^ oj Priapus, plates, with an additional plate, Orp. Hymn Load. 1786 King Janies, his Counterblast to Tobacco, with portrait and woodcut Lond. 1672 KIrcheri Archetypi Politic!, cum Jig. Amst. 1672 King {(Vm.J i oast and other Works, 1. p, Tond. 1747 King James Dauronologie ib. 1603 Kelway (Thos.) on Nativities, 1642, and two others on Astrologie Killigrew's Sermons Lond. 1685 Ka Mee and the Ka Thee 1649 Kirby (Rich.) Vates Astrologicus, or England's Astrolo- gical Prophet, 1683 Lairesse Groot Sehilderboek, cw/5 Amst. 1714 Laurentii Vallae, de Jdnguoe Latinse Elegantia Far. 153^ Lord's Discoverie of the Banians, &c. Persee’s Religion and Customs, &c. 163Q Libellus de Alodo confidenti et Peniieudi, rams Anti£ erpiensipme Rerardumloeii, MCCCCLXXXVI. Littleton’s Sermon at the Funeral of Lady JaneCheyiie, Nov. 1st, 1669, bound in velvet Lawe's Choice Psaimes, put into Musicke for three Plaices Lond. 1643 Letter sent out of Holland from Hans Hue and Cry, Van Flang and Draw, the Executioner ib. 1642 /z^ A S04 ^ 7 4805 (} 4806 / 4807 / 4 ^ 4808 / '4809 ^ ' 4810 Jl /48II '^4812 / ' 4813 4814 /4815 48J6 4817 X48I8 / 0 4819 171 Last (the Will and Testament of Richard Brandon, Esq. Headsman and Hangman to the pretended Parliament, J/ > very rare ib. 1649 Another Copy , , Letter from the King’s Majesties Court of the King’s coming towards London and was yesterday at Sion t ^ House, &c; ^ ^ ib. 1647 ^ Lisle, the Fair Ethiopian ib. 1631 ^cOi Lever, a Crucifixe, or a Meditation upon Repentance, ^ / and the Holie Passion . ib. 1607 Love one Another, a Tub Lecture, preached at Watford, in Hartfordshire, at a Conventicle on the 25th of December last, being Christmas Day, by John Alexan- der, a Joiner, very rare Look about You, or a Word in Season to a divided Nation ib. 1647 Lilburne’s (John) Prisoners most Mournful Cry ib. 1653 Lilburne^s, Come out of Her, my People, 1639, aut nunc, Aut Nunquam, Now or Never> lor if not Now Inslaved Nev^er, 1648 Lex Fore i a ib. 1698 L’Estrange’s Considerations and Proposals in Order to the Regulation of the Press ib. 1663 A Word concerning Libels and Libellers ib. 1681 Jjji irM Jl 4S20 / Z . 4821 / / - 4822 London Printers’ Lamentations, very rare Lilly’s Collection of Ancient and Modern Prophecies, ib. 1645 Prophecy of the White King and Dreadfuli Dead- Man ib. 1644 Luther^s (Martin) Prophecyes ’ ib. 1664 Prophecies of the Destruction of Rome, and the Downfall of the Romish Religion, 1679; Prophecy’s concerning the Return of Popery into England, Scot- land, and Ireland 1682 Loveling’s Latin and English Poems Loud. 1738 Lightfoote’s (Wm.) Complaint of England, 1. 1. See Ames, pay e ib. 1587 Le Roniant de la Rose, avec fig. a fine copy, very rare Imprime a Paris, par Jehan Jhamiot 4823 Lopez’s Report of the Kingdom of Congo, a Region of ‘ilAf ^ ' 4824 / ' 4825 Z ‘ 4826 4827 y ^{4829 Africa, cuts. Loud, printed by John Wolfe, Lister Hi'^toriae Animalium Anglie, cum. fig. — -- Conchliorum Bivalvium,/’^. Landi Selectiorum Numismaturn, cum fig. Liber Vocatur Festivalis, MCCCCXCiX. Lip si de Constantia Latham’s Falconry, or th^ Faulcon’s two books, cuts Land. lb. Lug. Bat. 1597 1678 1696 1695 1505 Ant. Lure and Cure, in Land. 1633 UA,'- <2)l'yUju 4830 ^ 3 . 4831 ^ ' 4832 / / 4832 li 6 4833 / O' ‘ 4834 4836 Cicoi/iu. ^ ^ ^ 4837 4838 4839 ^ ^340 ^ 4841 f 7^4842 /i , 4843 4844 ^H.. 172 Leeuwenhoek Epistola; Physiologic 2 e Natura? Arcani^ cum Jig. Ddphis, 1719 Leland (John) learned and true Assertion of the original Actes ; and of the Most Noble, 'valiant, and renowned Frince Arthur, King of Great Britain, translated by R. Robinson, b. I, very rare Lond. ijnp. by John Wolfe, 1582 LaightoiPs Discovery of Old Pontifical Practices^ &c. with his portrait Lond. 1643 Lithgow’s fWm.) most delectable and true Discoverie of an admired and painful Peregrination from Scotland to the most famous Kingdomes in Europe, Asia, and Africa Lond. printed by Nicholas Oker Lamentable News fro7n , very rare Lond. 1677 Leigh's (Valentine) most profitable and commendable Sci- ence of Surveying of Landes, b. 1. Lond. 1577 LoKs {Henry) Ecclesiastes, otherwise called the Preacher, rare. See an account of the Author in MS. by Mr, Brand l)ond. by R. Field 1597 La leuille Essay d'un Dictionnaire du Monde, avecjig. Afnst. 1700 Ldber Etymologiarumisidori Hispalensis episcopi Par. 1499 Lylie's (John) Euphues, the Anatomy of Wit, and his Eng- land, b. 1. Lond. 1636 Lowes's (Peter) Chyrurgerle, cuts, b. I, Lond, 1634* Lipsi Saturnalium Sermonum, cum fig. Ante, 1685 Idem Liber de Amphitheatro Liber ib. 1685 Leland (John) learned and true Assertion of the original Life, Actes, and Death of the Most Noble, valiant, and re- nowned Prince Arthur, Knight of Great Britaine, trans- lated by Richard Robinson, b. 1. Lond. imp. by John Wolfe, 1582 Lodgers {Thos.) IFits, Miseries, and the fVorld’s Madnesse, •dicovering the DeviCs Incarnation of this Age, b. 1. Printed by A da7n 1 slip, 1596 Causes of the Plague Lond. 1603 Lettre de Pekin sur le Genie de la Langue Chlnoise, avec jlg^ Bruxelles, 1773 FOLIO. 4847 Heywood (Thomas) Troia Britanica, or Great Britaine's f'/J^ / 5 T«)y, apoem Lo?id. 1609 3 /A ^ 4848 Fluetiu's Origenis Commcntarla, Gr. Lat. 2 v. Rothomagi 1668 Hackluyfs {Richard) Principal Navigations, V oyages, Trajfques, and Discoveries, with the Voyage to Cadiz, a fine and perfect sett, 3 vols in 2 vols. See Mr. 4349 w ns ^ ^0 - 4850 ^ ^ '4851 Z , 4852 ^4853 / '4854 / J/i ^4855 ^4856 \ ;4S57 / 64858 ^ ^^4859 / < ' ^ 4860 ^ ^4861 / ^ . 4862 4^ ^4863 J 6 4864 y4865 64866 BraniTs MS. note rtlatioe to Voyage to Cadiz Imp. at Lond. by George Bishop, I59S HoUingshead's Chronicles, 'cuts, 0. v. A few leaves in the ^ second vol. wanting, Lond. imp for Lucas Harrison /j£iA/y\AA Castrations to Hollingshead h. 1. Johnson’s Historlae Naturselis de Piscibiis et Cetis, fig. Franco/, ad Moen, de Quadrupetibus,^?^. ib. ib , Jonson’s (Ben) Five Plays Julii Pollucis Onomasticum Graece, etLatine, cum comm. Kuhnii Amst, f c/ • i7oa Junius Etymologicum Anglicanum, edit, a Lye^ Oxon, 1743 Justin Martyr Graece. Luet. ex off. Rob, Steph, 1551 Journal du Voyage dii Roy de la Grand Bretagne, a fait en Hollande, depuis le 25 May, jusques au 2 Juin, 1660, avec fig. dlaHoye, 1660 Indagine (Joannes) Introductiones Apotelmaticae, Ele- gantes in Chyromantiam Physiognomiam, Astrologiam Naturalem, cz/w ' Stey7iheim 1522 Jamblichi Chalcidensis ex Ccele, Syria de Mysteriis, Gr. fy Eat. Oxon. 1678 Jonson’s (Ben) Works Lond. 169(2 3cc>lcIu Ireland (Sam.) Miscellaneous Tapers under the Haftd and. Seal of Willliam Shakespeare, including the Tragedy of King Lear (properly Ireland’s Forgeries) I, p. ih. 1796 Junii Pictura Veterum Roiterd. 1694 Institutio Cenobiorum Origle, Causis etCassianusde Re- mediis Ditiorum Collationibus Patrum, very early printed, no date Jon son’s (Ben) Plays, orig. edit, Lond, 1631 Johnson > {fVilliam ) the Light ^of Navigation, xvherein arc declared and lively^pourtrayed all the Coasts and Havens oj' the West North and East Seas, Both books, plates, extremely rare, Amst, 1622 Juvenals and Persius, translated by Holy day, plates y Oxf, 1673 Juvenali’s Familiare com. ab. Mancinelli ; Lugdmi, MCCCCXCVIIL 4869 Johnston’s Description of the Nature of four-footed Beasts, plates Amst, 167S f c(m i • ^ /4867 / (^4868 < • 1 2)eAA.MA St ^ TWENTY FIRST IDAY’S SNLM^ MONDAY, JUNE 1 , 1807 . C M 4 Jo / 7 i- i OCTAVO and TWELVES. ’ 4870 Neri Arte Vitraria,/^'-. Amst. 156^ ^ 487 1 I^orihbrook\ {John) the Poore Man^s Garden, wherein are Flowers of the Scriptures, and Doctours, very necessarie a7id profitable for the simple ignorant People to reade, / Lond. 1600 ^ 4872 Nullity of the Prelatique Clergy, and Church of Eng- land Anti\ " 4873 Nympha Libethri?, or the Cotswold Muse Lond. 1657 ^4874 Norden^s Good Companion for a Christian ib. 16312 * ■^'4874 Natura exenter ata, or Nature unbozve lied, by the most exqui- site Anatoniizers of her, with a portrait of Alithea Talbot, Countess of Ar undell and Sussex ib. 1655 4875 Ovld^s Elegies Lond. 1640 y4S76 Arte Amandi and the Remedy of Love, englished (j 4877 Ossian’s Poems, 2 v. 1799 '•4878 Oliver's Present to be given to Teeming Women 1669 . 4879 Of the Imitation or Folowynge of Chri^^te, and of the Despysinge of all Vanities of the World, hi. let. Prynted by John Cawood, no date '4880 Ovid’s Festivals, or Romane Calendar, translated into . English Verse by John Gower Canib. 1640 ' 4881 Obsopoeus deArte Bibendiii et Arte Jocandi, 8zc, Lug. Bat. 164S '4882 Ormerod (Oliver) the Picture of a Papist Land. 1600 - 48S3 Olai Magni Gentium Septentrionalium Historiae Brevia- rium Amst, 1661^ 175 . ^4884. / ^ 4885 / 6.4880 6 6 4887 ^ ^ 4838 < ^4889 . / 6 ^890 / ^4891 -4892 3 . Lond, Dub. 1686 1759 4893 4894 4895 4896 4897 I b J . J • /4898 « 4899 A4900 /1 4901 ^ 6 . 4902 '• 4903 ^ ' / 4904 < 0 4905 4906 V4907 ^ 4908 5, 4 4909 49 lO 4911 4912 / (4913 ^ '14914 ' 4915 ' ' 4916 3917 Owen Epigrammatum Ozananrs Recreations, or Sports and Pastimes Of Phisiognomy of the Body humaine, hi. let. Ortelius, his Epitome of the Theater of the Worldc, Atups 1603 / Ovid’s Heroicall E?pistles, englished by W. S. cuts Lond. 1639 Ovid’s Fasti, by Massey Lond. 1757 Orosius by Alfred the Great, with an English translation ib. 1773 Oratlum Elizabetha Reginte 1560 Constitiitiones Provin- ciales et Othonis Lo7id. ap. Winendo de Worde 1529 nyu(/y Grain Ghaidhealach 1763 Owen’s Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, plates, 4 vol. 1754 Odes of Horace the best of Lyric Poets, selected and translated by SirT- H. Land. 163S Opus Merlini Cocaii Poetae Macaronicoriim Fenet. 1613 Oxford Sausage, cuts Oxf, Pocket Ccin panion, plates, ib. 1756 and three Catalogues of Paintings bound with it Guide and Companion, plates Orton and Stonehouse’s Letters, 2 vol. Opuscula Mythologica, Grasce and Latinas ib. Shrewsbury Cantab. Far. 1759 1800 1671 1659 U / into Eng- Camb. 1640 1777 1646 1653 1658 1639 CEivores: de M. Scarron, avec portrait Ovid’s Festival ,or Roman Calendar, translated lish Verse equimer rally, by John Gower Ogden’s Sermons Odes of Casimire, translated by G. Hill Oughtred’s Mathematical Recreations Osborn (F.) Advice to a Son, both parts, 2 vol. Ovid’s Heroical Epistles, by Sherburne Origines de Orationes, Gr. Lat. Oldham (Thos.) Works, 2 vol. cuts Ovid’s Heroical Epistles, englished by W. S. Oxford — a Companion to the Guide, and a Guide to the Companion, cuts, second edit, very rare Oxf. The same, third edit. Modius Salium, a Collection of such pieces of Humour Oxf. 1751 CEuvres de M. Le Baron Far. 1695 Oklyand four others, miraculous deliverance from Slavery Ordo Baptizandi, 4'c* very scarce, see MS. note Lond. 1686 Ovid’s Trisria, englished by W. Saltonstal ib. 1633 Virgil’s Bucolicks englished, with the two first Satyrs of Juvenal, by John Bidle 1 637, Ovid’s Art of Love — Viigil’s Eclogues, by W. L. 1628 Othe Melander Criminalis Adversus Sagas processus lichae 157^ 4^ i±f Zb. Lond. ' ib. ib. ib. 1689 f / , Oxon. cyJuA. Ooo/, Lond. 1722 /ipourhje. 1677 ■2ii/.Uy /y X/, Oxford Sausuge, cufsnG]^, Collection of Welsh Travels jj / and Memoirs of Wales y "4919 Oi )id^s Epistles y Tristiay de Ponto, xvith cuiSy Englished hy hV- S. 1637, &;c. his Elegies, three Bookes, by C. M, arid Epigrams, by J. D. Loues Schoole, and Remedy of ^nthnoA / / \-^ove 1636 0 " 4920 Olivier on Fencing, plates Loud. r/*/' , y492l Ornithologia, or History of Birds, 2 vol, Salop. 1744 y (j 4922 Old English Baron, cuts > 1799 7 0 4923 Observations on Divine Passages of Scripture, 2 vol. Lond. 1756 4924 Oxford Almanack of 1712 Explained, or the Emblems of it unriddled Loud. 1711 4925 Ouerbiiry’s (SirTh.) his Wife, with Additions and New Characters ib. 1630 4926 Another Copy, fd//. ib. 1616 4927 The same . ib. 1655 His Wife, with additions ib. 1638 'i/yy/Ut L ^ i . ZL. / y / 7 4927 / ClA/t /4Q98 ^ J // {y k: it J' f/ 4929 Ockam’s (Guthelmi) Tractatus Veneralibis Inceptoris Par. 1513 4930 Ovidii Opera, Notis Var : a Cnippinglj, 3 vol. Lug. Bat. 1702 4931 Old Ballads, Historical and Narrative, Evans’s edit. 2 vol. Land. 1777 •f . / J y , ^4932 Ockleii Introductio ad Lingiias Orientales Cantab. 1706 / 0 4932'^ Oppian’s Cynegcticks, translated into English Verse York, 1736 3 . 4933 Ori Appollinis Niliaci de Sacris iEgyptiorum Notis, iTgyptiaci exprepis Libro Duo iconibus lllustrati, et Audi Par. 1574 4934 Ockley’s Account of South-West Barbary, remarkably scarce 1713 / /4935 Ordinary of Arms, a curious MS. on heraldry, cuts ^ ^ ^ 4936 Ou-en and Peckers Epigrams 1659 / - 4957 Observations upon the Lives of Alexander, Caesar, Jf) J . Scipio, newly englished 1602 7 y Owen’s Divine Original Oxf. 1639 4939 . Epigrammatum Amst. a El^.ev. 1647 4940 Rendered into English, by Thomas Harvey Loud. 1677 4941 Epigrams 1659, Peck’s Epigrams 1659 4942 Oxfordshire in an Uproar, or the Election Mag. 0;r/. 1753 ^(aAA/CU/I /(> /6'' -4943 Oakland’s (Christ.) Anglorum Prmlia, Lond. 1582- Elizabetha de Pacatissimo Anglice Statu, Loud. f5 82 Villi Kettus Sine di Fuoribus Norfolciensium Kettq Duce, Lend. 1582, morocco, gilt leaves 4944 Orphei Argonautica Hymni et de Lapidibus, Gr. Lat. ab. H. Stephani et Scaligeri TraJ.adRhen 1689 177 j'^j7|494-.5 Owen’s Epigrammatum ^/ 49-i6 Epigramata /; Land. Basil. 163^ 176^ I 7 :. ^'4947 Opinions of’ sundry Learned Antiquarians 1658, ‘ p'* 494.7 Of the Wood called Guiaciini, that healc.th the Frenche Pockes, and also lielpeth the Goiite in the Feete, the Stone, the Palsey, l.epree. Dropsy, Faliying Euyll, and other Dyseases, b. It 1539 ^') / 2 vol. V' 49 48 Pgilvie’s Poems, plates, ^/4949 Sermons 1 4950 Ouerlon’s (Win.) Godly and Pithie’s Exhortation made to 1769 1786 / 4953 the Judges and Justices of Sussex, b. 1. Imp. by Ralph Ntu'berie,no date 4951 Ovid de Ponto, containing foure Books of Elegies, trans- lated by W. S. IjOjid. 1639 4952 Ovid’s Invective against Ibis, translated into English Verse ' OxJ. 1607 — Festivales or Roman Calendar, translated into Eng- lish Verse, by John Gower Camb. 1640 - Metamorphosis, byG.Sandys, title wanting - Tristfia, Englished by W. S. Lojid. 1672 — Tristfia ib. 1672 — Travestie, a Mock Poem ib, 1676 — Metamorphoses cum Vivis Singuiarium Transfor- mation um Iconibus inses Jncisis, ear is Aniv. ap Plantin, 1591 .3 / 1/ ftost /j4955 / ^,A956 ^i»|4957 y i'’j4959 Ochyne’s (Barnardine) Sermons, black letter , (for an ac- \ ^ \ A count of the Author, see MS. 7inte, Printed by John Daye ^ ^14960 Olivers Present for Teeming Women Lond. 1663 ^ '1 4901 Oldfield and Dyson’s Flistory and Antiquties of Tottenham High Cross ib. 1790 y >^4962 Peacham’s Valley of Varietie 1638 •^(7 Oi496'3 Pegge’s Forme of Cury, a roll of Ancient English Cookery 1780 1 ; 4964 Pope’s Works, 9 vol. Lond. 1751 *■7 j ' 4965 Pennant’s (Thos.) British Zoology, plates, 4 vol. ih. 1777 /A - 4966 Proctor (John) the Waie Flome to Christ and Truth, j I I leading from Antichrist and Terrour, bl. let. Lond. / ; byRobt.Caly, 1554 Z y 4967 Plat’s (Sir Hugh) Garden of Eden ^ 1653 6 4968 Polydori Vergilii Ufbinatis de rerurn in Ventoribus n ^ Lug. Bat. 1644 d ' 4969 Powell the Resolved Christian, Exhorting to Resolution . ' Loud. 1601 Dublin, Ml 5 1722 Camb. 1790 1801 1797 (UGo) Z(r. y,4970 Phipp’s Voyage to the North Pole, plates |0|4971 Potter’s Antiquities of Greece, 2 vol. ' /^4972 Peckard’s Life 6f Ferrar y, 4973 Pursuits of Literature, ilth edit. 2 vol. 5" - 4974 Another Copy, 2 vol. / J 1-- < fyUArJ. Cr^ C'' U'Clyilh.J j j |4975 3 3 .4977 ^ 'f' '4978 ' 1/7 ^ /4979 l/vVyy ^ ^^ 4980 ‘4981 i/l. ^7^ ,/’ ' 4982 ^^984 10^5 ^ -4983 i/U987 'il '4988 Oj y j:-4989 . 4990 ^■^Uijc h . ^ g '2 - v) / ^ 4993 ^JiA^Ay 3;^ <4994 ^9 -14995 ’^.- 4996 -178 Plague, (Tracts on tlie) viz. Collection of very Valuable and scarce pieces relating to the last Plague in 1665. Golgotha, 1665, Lord Mayor’s Orders, 1665 Gaskell’s the King’s Ivledicine against the Plague 1640 Fortius Dictinarium Doricum loniciim, et Findaricam Greeco Latinuui, 3 vbh . Francofurti 1604 Pindaricum Lexicum Hanov, 1604 Pretious Pearl in the midst of a Dunghill ] 663 FlayferFs Fathway to Ferjection 1596 Prayers a Castle for the Soule, conteining many Godly Prayers, 5./. Loud, printed for RAValgrave, 1578 Horae Beate Marie Virginis ib. ap R, Coy Common Prayer and Psalmes ib 1619 The Diamond of Devotion, by A. Fleming ib, 1598 ■ Another Edition ib, 1602 The Poesie of Floured Prayers, by Sir John Con- way, b. I, ib. 1611 Sara. Hieron a Helpe unto Devotion, 5./., ib. 1616 The Poesie of Godly Prayers ib. 1654 — ' — — Basille on Prayer, b, 1. wants title A Lady’s Legacie to her Daughter, also a Prayer for 2)cii.ila / (s //ilt'T Me Q >4997 ^ 4998 '^^c),4998 - ^3 5000 /a 5001 5002 every Day in the Week The Church of Englandm^n’s Private Devoiion Norden’sGodlieman’s Guide to Happinesse Lond. The Princes Prayers > ib. St. Austin’s Meditations, &:c. with cuts black letter wants title Pouelus (Dan.) Itinerarii Cambriae Lond. Peters (Hugh) a Sermon Preached on the 4th Feb. 161-8, at St. Margaret’s Westminster, the Sunday after be- heading of King Charles 1st Historical account of — — A Dying Fathers Legacy to an Onely Child, 1714 1624 1610 1585 portrait — Another Edition, portrait — Good Work for a Good Magistrate — Israel’s Condition and Cause pleacled 1751 with ib. 1650 ib. 1660 ib. 1651 ib. 1656 5003 y 'f7'5004 > 6 5005 '/ (5006 , ^ U'007 England's Shame, or the Gmnasking of d political Atluist, being a Relation of the Life and Death of that grand Impostor Hugh Refers, by W. Young, frontispiece, extra rar ib. 1663 Pontoppidanus Gestaet Vestigia Danorura, 3 vol. Lips, et H afn . 1 7 40 Potteri Dictionarium Teutonico I.atinum ultraject 1632 Phillips’s Theatrum Poetarum Anglicanarum Canterbury, 1800, Pearson’s Political Dictionary ' Lond, 1792 Present State of Russia ib. 1671 179 J5008 9 ^>009 Z ^4, . 5010 / j50Il //^6|6012 ‘^!5018 / t>|50l4 ^7 615015 { , A 50 16 y 6 5017 3 - j501S p019 '5020 j5021 / 3,^ A {1 >5022 3ia;5023 / 0 5024. . :^5025 /’6j5026 'A [5027 Pinkerton’s Scottish Gallery, portraits Loud, 1790 Pallas Armata, the Gentleman’s Armorie ib. 1639 Parrot {Itoi.) Jaquei Ridiculosi: or Springes for Wood- cockes Land, for J. Biisbie, 1613 Polybii Historiarum, a Gronovio, Gr. Lat. 3 v. Amst. 1670 Papillon, Traite de la Gravure en Bois, avacfig, 2 tom. Par. 1766 Pomponii Mel^e Lug. Bat. Parson’s (Father) on Mitigation Land. Pigs Meat ib. Pye’s Dictionary of Ancient Geography ib. -Patten’s History of the Rebelliv)n ot 1715 ib. Peryn’s (W.) three Sermons on the Sacrament, h. 1. Printed by John Herfordcy Prideaux’j^ Life of Mahomet ib. Papii de Consomantiis Jntv. Puckle (James) The Club : or a Grey Cap for a Green Head, portrait Persius’s Satyrs, by Sheridan Preces Privatae in Studiosorum Gratica Collectoe Palaye’s Memoirs of Ancient Chivalry Pauli Jovii Descriptiones Parerga Arturi Jonstoni Scoti Poetry. — Saltmarch Poemata Sacra, 1696 1607 1793 1803 1717 1723 1581 // ^ 1^^5028 Vi ^?/5029 -2! 6 *5030 /^ibposi ;/|5032 ^5033 |6 5034 3j -5035 i5036 "^i<^,5037 A? 15038 /i-.5039 /U 5040 t i Dub. 1723 Loud, 1563 ib. 1784 Basily 1561 Aberdonicdy 1632 Cantab. 1636. — Poems upon some of the holy Raptures of David, Camh. 1636 — A Booke of Bertram, the Priest, 1623 — Aldus Persius by Ley-“-Iter Borealc, 1661 ' Prosaic Translation of Persius’s Six Satyrs, by Eeibeck Bond. 1719 Poems on State Affairs ' ib. 1705 Philipps (Fabian) A most certain Truth asserted, that King Charles was no Man of Blood, but a Martyr for his People ib. 1660 Pointer’s (John) Chronological History of England, 2. v. Oxf. 1714 Roman Antiquities in Britain, ib. 1716, 23, 24 & 26 Britannia Triumphans Lond. 1743 Rational Account of the Weather Oxf. 1723 Antiquities of Oxford Lond. 1749 — Britannia Romana, Or/. 1724 — History of Fair- ford Church, Gloucester hire, 1763 — Buckingham’s Tragedy of Henry IV, 1720, &c. ail bound in 1 v. Poet (The) bantered, or Ovi I in Avizor Lond, 1702 Posselli Syntaxis Greece Linguae J^ng. Bat^ 1741 Prymer (The) in Latine, set forth after the use of Salisbury b. 1. 1557 Portse Physiognomias Coslcstis Lug. Bat. 1646 Z 2 'V / Vi cP { if 9 / I-?", /$:; v/zW^U-/ « {j ,5043 3 I U y;50W < 6 '50 1-5 ^ I ■ (ao le /• 'A^i.Pc'/i / 1 /5047 ^ ■ |504S -p i - 5019 050 180 Profitable and pleasant Recreations Lojid. 1724 Pye^s Sketches ih. 1797 Petters (Sir J.) Volatiles, from the History of Adam and Eve ib, 1674 Patter.son(Sam.) Joinerlana, cr the Book of Scraps, 2 v. ih. 1772 Politeupuia, Wits Common-wealth, newly corrected and amended ih. 1674 Poetical Tracts. Paneharis Queen of Love, or Wo- man unveiled, 1721 ; Gay’s Trivia, or the art of walk- ing the streets of London; Pope’s Temple of Fame, 1715; Pandora’s Box, 1718; View of London and Westminster, or tlieTown Spy, 1725, &c. Priolus; de Rebus Gallicis (Jltraject. ap Elzev. 1669 Pariheneia Sacra, or the Mysterious and Delicious Garden of the Sacred Purthenis, plates 1633 Purcliasliis Pilgrim Microscomus, or the Historic of Man Loud. 1619 Pinckcr ton’s Rimes ih, 1782 QUARTO. ^ ' 505f Z' 6 ,5056 5057 >5058 i <^^5059 A t 45060 6 \y 6 5061 mlcryfj- 'V ^-5062 y -^ 6 1 5063 / ' \'Cr}^lA /,j) 4 _j 5Q^5 Lesljeo de Origine Moribus et Rebus Gestis Scotorum Rom. 1578 — de Jure and titulo Mariae Scotorum Rhems, 1580 Lyric Poems, L p. Lond. 1797 I^yd Syntagma Sacrum de re Militari, Dordraci 1698 Lisle’s Divers Ancnnt Monuments in the Saxon Tongue 1638 Letters of the English Martyrs, b. 1. Imp. by John Daye, 1564 Le Grand’s Tales of the 12th and 1 3th Centuries, 2 vol. t.p. 1796 l.itly^s Monarchy, of no Monarchy in England, plates, rare 'Land. 1651 Lloyd (Lod.) the Stratagems of Jerusalem ih. 1602 Lenioine’s English Etymological Dictionary ib. 1783 Lyson\ (Dan.) The En-eirons of London, plates, b vol. ih. 1792 Lives of Saints and Confessors. Loves name Lives, 1651 ; Trial of Mr. Love before the v High Court of Justice, 1652; his Speech when exe- cuted on Tc'vver Hill, &c. 1 657. Le Roy (Ad.) A briefe and plalne Instruction to set all Musicke of Eight divers Tunes in Tableture for the I.ute Imp. by Jas. Rawbothome, 1574 Ployd's His tori t of Cafiihria, now. called JVales, by Powell k, L Imp, at Lond, by Ralph Newberry 1 181 -i.5066 / ^'j . 0067 ^ >i5068 Luclgwlg’s German and English Dictionary Dictionary, 2 v. ^ 5010 ^5011 . 5012 i 5073 5074 2A5015 ^ -5076 / - 5077 /5078 heipzi^j 1704 ib. 1765 Life of Dr. Dickinson, by Blomberg Lond. 1737 of Archbishop Whitgift, by Sir G. Paule, portrait 1612; WhitgiiVsAnsvver to the Admonition to the Parliament, h. 1. Imp. by II, Bymiemauy 1572 Lever (Christ.) Hi^tory of the Defenders of the Catho- liquefaitii hand, 1622 Laurentii Val’ae de Linguae Latinae Elegantia Par. 1532 \^aVita et Metarnorfosco dIOxidio da G. Symconi, con fig. d \jione 1559 Lebeus-Batillius, Emblemata, a Boissardo, et Tiieod, Debry Sculptay Franco/, ad Moen, I 696 Lives of the Rebel Lords Bahnerino, Kilmarnock, &c, portr'aiis Lowth de Sacra Poesi Hebraeonim Oxon. LL-strange’s (Roger) Collection of Tracts Lond. Lilly’s Supernatural Lights and Apparitions ib* Liceto de Monstrorum Natura Caussis, cum fg. Patav. P / Ifd( dull y'OU/ O / 0 5079 Luther^s Fore-Rumers, or a Cloud of Witnesses ^ ~ 5080 Lloyd! s P ilgrunage of King!} and Princes / ^ 5031 Dydii Syntagma Sacrum de re Militaire, 1753 1681 1644 1634 1624 1653 ^ "5032 A ^5033 ^ 5084 3 , 5085 J(f. y5086 . '6)5087 / 6; . 5083 A - 5089 . 5090 ^ /!5091 / (3 5092 ^ ^5 tor i 5093 Lond. ib, cum fig. Dordracif 1693 Le Iniagini delle Donne Auguste, con fig. Vinegia, 1557 Lexicon Hebraicura Chaldraicum, Syriaciim et Arabicum Franco/, et llavib. 1636 Lloid (Ladov.) The Pilgrimage of Princes, b. 1. Imp. by John Wolfe, 1536 Dial of Dales, b. 1. 1590 Locke’s Common I lace Book Lond. 1797 Love’s (Mr.) Case, 1651 — His Trial before the High Court of Justice, 1651 Life and Death of Martin Luther, ujth his portrait Land. 1643 Lupton’s (Thos.) Sivgila. Too Good to be True. Herein is showed, by waye of Dialoge, the wonder- full Manners of the Men of Mauqsun, with other talk, not friuoloLis, black letter;, very rare Imprinted by Henrie Bynneman, 1580 Lloid!s {Lodou'ick) Tragico comedie of Serpents, rare. l.ond, 1607 Luc£B Gavrici Tractatus Astrologicus, Fenet. 1552 Laurembergi Horticultura, curious plates Franco/, ad Moen, 1654 l^arabarde’s Perambulation of Kent, h. L Lond, 159€ > vfi . ttdfy fLJrx, r / fij/ W\jju f'P/ / *.'h i 182 ItY /Z\ . : , 509-1. ^5096 I ^^,.,5097 /rUcr fo i 5098 5099 i^.-jsioo- ih y \ . / ii ‘ 5102 1 ^ 15103 /i^ .'siot 7 ■' 0 / ' ! 73105 — /O (, 52Qg : 3 / d 0 5107 Z 1^5 5108 Ludlanis {John ) Practis of Preaching ; dthei wise called ihe Pathwai/ to the Pnlpit, b. 1. 1577 — Oration as touching' the Lyfe and Death of the fehnous and worthy Man D. Andrewe Hyper ins, black letter J.ond. printed byThos. East, 1577 Lilium Gramatice Imp» Colonlie per H . Q^uente^ Linacri Ruclimenta Grammatices Lugdunii 154-4' Les Vrais Pourtraits des Homines Illustres, avec portraits ^ Genev. 1581 LatwiePs ( Bp.) Sermons, a fine copy and perfect, b 1. Printed by John Daye, 1571 Langham’s (William) Garden of Plealth, black letter Imp. at Loud, 1578 Lakin’s (Dan.) Miraculous Cure of the Prusian Swallow Knife : being dissected out of his Stomach by the Phy- sitians of Regimonto, the chief City in Persia, with the print Loud. 1642 Life of Lord Herbert of.Cherbury ih, 1792 Lex Talionis, or the Author of Naked Truth stript Naked ib. 1686 London {a curious Collection of Tracts, on Law, Iradc, Bank, and Bankers of the City of) twenty scarce and rare Tracts, bound in 1 voU ib. 1647 & 1676, &c. &c. Linacri, Latini Sermonis Basil, 1580 Lambarde’s Dictionarium Anilide Topogrophicum et I{i>io- ricum, with pcndrait Loud. 1730 London^s Returne after the Decrease of Sickness ib. 1637 Lodge {Tho%.) and Robert Greens Looking Glasse for Lon- don and England, perfect, very rare ib. Printed by Barnard Alsop, 1617 ^ nj ' !/ 5109 Latin and English Poems .!5110 1738 ' *7 / ';5111 \f - £112 London’s Blame, if not its Shame; manifested by the great Neglect of the Fishery Lond. 1 65 1 Life of Merlin, with his Prophecies ib. 1641 LevetPs Ordering of Bees; or the true History of Ma- naging them . 1634 FOLIO. rj A '7 / 'if '5113 King’s Collection of Roman Coins 6 VD - 5114 Kircheri CEdipi iLgyptiaci, Theatruin Hieioglyphicum, j\ I cumfig.^\:\. Rom. 1754’ (j i ' 1 5115 Obeiiscus Pamphilius, cum. fig. ^ ^ 5116 Obelisci Ai'.gyptiaci, cum fig. ib. 1650 ib. 1666 1 183 / vj Kirchen Sphinx Mystagoga, sive Diatribe Hierogly- ph ica, Amst. 1692 Kitchin’s Atlas, &c. Kircheri Lingua ALgyptiaca Rom. 1644 Kennelt’s Compleat History of England, poriraiis, 3 vol. Lo7id, 1 7 06 Labbeo Glossaria Latina Grseca et Graeco Latina Lue^) Par. 1679 /(}, .6122 JLliuyd's Archceologia Pritamika Oxf. 1707 ' , See MS. Note relative to this Work by Mr. Brand: / ^.\5\2^ Loredan’s Ascent’s of the Soul, Lend. 1681 — A Scale of I j Devotions, Musical and Gradual, being Descants on the 15 Psalms of Degrees in Metre, &c. 1631 5124 Lazari Bayfi Annetationes, Gr. Lat. Lnet ex ('>fficiria Rob. Stcplu 1549 .7 ■ 5118 / ' ' 5119 / . 5120 ^3 - 5121 / 1 : ! 1 ; I < TWENTY SECOND DAY’S SALE, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1807. 1 / •y'oism : 65127 3 .^ 5128 i y 5129 -^«y5130 // 6 5131 0 ' 5132 6 ~ 5133 OCTAVO and TWELVES. Poetical Tracts. The Dreamer, 1709 — Young’s Poem on the Last Day — Force of Religion, &c. Oxf. 1713, and others Poetica ^trojnata, first edit, very rare 1645 Powell’s Depopulation Arraigned, Convicted, and Con- demned Lond. 1 636 Priscianus Nascens, or a Key to the Grammar School, frontispiece ib. 1660 Pleasures of Matrimony ib. Psalms of David, in Heroic Verse ' ib. Translated by King James Another Edition Oxf. . , — , Whereunto are added certayne Devoute Praiers, b. L Printed m Southwarke by Jas, Nicolson, Ai i/4/y 1718 1754 1631 i£tZ ddy.- ^ J i U'J J f ^•fW3!,5,35 / 0 5 VJ6 '/ 5137 /^ / ■■ ’ ,5138 3jO,5139 r< ' * ' 1 '''^ /'A King ^^{olL 5U0 ^5 /l^ HI ,y^ I -12 /7^5H3 6' 5Hi ^Utr,^/ i' . I ,5145 SH6 .6 J^^SXVl Jili SH8 i i Z - /'/i 5U9 5150 5151 / ^ 5152 ^ 4p'. / 5153 4:^ 5154. ^ -^}5157 /., (515S j 5 1 6 1 ^^CVkLuu^h' 51tl2 5163 5164 184 ■ Psalms hy Sternhold arid Hopkins, first Edition, wants title (A Paraphrase upon the) byG.Sandys Lond. 1636 with the Hymnes, &:c. set to Musick by Tho. Ravenscroft ih. 1633 Percy (W.) The Compleat Swimmer, or the Art of Swim- ming Lond, 1653 Pineda’s Spanish and English Grammar ih. 1762 Pope Sixtus the Fift’s Brutis Thunderbolt against Henry of Navarre and the Prince of Condie, ih. hy A, Hatfield, 1586 Play ford’s Introduction to the Skill of Musick, portrait Lond. 1 660 Praedlum Rusticum Luet. ap. Car, Steph. 1554' Political Merriment, or Truths told to some TunC' I^ond. 1715 Propertius’s Elegies, Gr. and Eng. ih, 1782 Pleasant Dialogue between a Soldier of Berwicke and an Englysh Chaplain, hi. let, A/6’, title Poems on several Occasions 1762 Proctour (Wm.) The Fall of the late Arrian, h. I, imp. 1549 — The Waie Home to Christ and Truth, leading from Anti-Christ and Errour, h. 1. Imp, hy Rob. Caly,'\556 Philpot 6John) The E.xamination of before Bp. Bonner, 8zc. b. I, 1558. John Philpot’s Apologie for Spit tying upon em Arian, b. 1. 1559 Pennant’s Genera of Birds Edinb, 1773 Pindar’s Odes, translated by West ^ Dub, 1751 Poems on several Occasions 1696 Prison Amusements 1797 Perkin’s (Wm.) Satan’s Sophlstrie answered by our Saviour Christ Lond. 1604 Paynell (Thomas) The Pandecte.s of the Evangely Call I Lawe, b. Jmpninled by Nich. Hyll, 1553 Ppwel (Vava) The Bird in the Cage Lond. 1651 Phillips’s (John) Virgil Travesty ih, 1673 Pomfret’s (John) Poems, Life, and Remains ih. 1736 Parnell’s Poems Poll for Newcastle, in the Election of 1734 Pendragon; or the Carpet Knight his Kalendar Plantagenet’s Tragical Sto;y Pindar’s Six Olympic Odes Poetry. The-Kapelion, or Poetical Dictionary— 'Lon- don Medley — The Works of Henry Ward — Con- flagration of London, 1667 — Pleasures of a Single Life —and many others — bound in 3 vol. Psalmes, translated by King James the Fiist, 1722 ih. ih. Newcastle Lond. 169S ih. 1649 ih. 1775 portrait, hie, by Marshall Oxf. I63i 185 '^aiS 5 ^5166 A A' (?5168 n51C)9 ^ 6 5170 i ^5171 ^ ^’5172 3 • 5173 ;6 / - 5175 C^'^5176 -f >5177 -C 6 5178 2 75179 ^^5180 *^65181 / ^ 6 518 4 />5185 / ‘ 518 (i ^5187 6 5188 5182 5183 5189 ^ V5190 5191 7 5192 5193 Principles of Penal Law Paradisus Aniraae Christiance Idem Liber ^ Paradin^s Heroical Devices, cuts Parnell’s Poems Duh. CoL Aggrip. ib. Land. ib. 5174 Poetry. Duck’s Poems — The Arno Miscellany, 17 84 — Plorace to Screva, 1730 — Metellus his Dia« logues, 1693 — The Scourge-Land of Love, 1717 — The Poems of Ben Jonson, jun. 1672 — Little Bartas, by J. Sylvester, &c. Philolhei Symbola Christiana, cum fig. Lug. Bat. 1683 Partridge’s Vade Mecum of Astrology 1679 Poetry. Jones’s Poems, 1714 — Hanbury Williams’s Poems, 1763 — Comus, by Milton, — Drummond’s Persius; — and three others — Thomas Carevv’s Poems, Songs and Sonnets, 1671 — Sir R. Fanshawe’s IlPa tor Fido, 1664 — Sir J. Denham’s Cata-major of Old-Age, a Poem, 1669 Battle of the Sexes, 1724 — Strephon’s Re- venge, 1718 — and several others Poetical Translations. The Odes and Epodes of Horuce, by H. Rider 164^ ^ — The Works of Virgil, by Ogilby, portrait 16i5 Grati Falisci Cynegeticon, or a Poem ot Hunt- ing, by C. Ware 1654i Cataplus, or iTneas his Descent to Hell 1672 — The Passion of Dido for Alneas, by Waller, &c. 1679 Persius’s Satyres, englished by Barten Holy- 1616 Another Copy 1 635 1772 1654 1675 , / 014 1760 A I aay Ovid de Arte Amandi Virgil’s Eclogves, and two Books of his .^neis, by J. Harrington 1658 Anacreon, out of the original Greek Oxf. 1683 ^ Selected Parts of Horace, now newiey put into English 1652 Odes of Horace, by George Fortescue — Burlesque upon Burlesque, or the Scoft'er Scoft, from Lucian 1675 Poetry. Joannis Leochaei Scotl, Musae Priores sive Poematuin Opera, Loud, 1620 — Palingenius, Poelae Zodiacus Vitre, ib. 16i6 Palmer’s (Sam.) Moral Essays on curious Proverbs Loud. 1710 Plato Redivivus ib. 1681 Perkin’s Discourse on Witchcraft Camb. 1610 Poems. The Golden Remains of Beaumont and Fletcher, portrait Loud. 1669 2 A 2)cJy \ ..a. 1682 Ci/z/tuA/ » fi/Ui I Z - 15194 , , / (^3195 J bl96 > //tw8 i /; / 4 5199- '■ 'il^UA S ^<200 ^^Mfyn4^ }/ . 5201 ■I / 5202 '* /3205 / 6 5206 J ,6 5207 ^'U>a*tu_ 3 '5203 ■/^ / 1 4 5209 tc4Z. '/W5223 (h ^ 15224 ^ • 5225 I /|J2226 : 15227 18d Pleasant History bfthe first Inventors ofLawes, Artes, &c. in the World land. 168^ Pentalogia Tragoediarum Graecarum Delectus, Gr. Lat. ^ Oxon. 1758 Pottero Interpretatio Numeri 066 zlmst, 1677 Philpot’s Antiquitas Theologicaet Gentilis Loud. 1670 Philippi Phinellae, Opera Physiognima, cum jig, Anlimrp Opera, Nevorum Cl MetrOposc. cum Jig. ' ib. Philips on a Union with Scotland 1706 PinkertoiPs Scottish Poems, reprinted from scarce editiouSy 3vols. 1792 Popery and Schism equally dangerous 1o the Church of England, ashy Law established, mne portraits Loud. 1117 Psalmatiaazaar^ s Description of borf7iosa, plates ib. 1705 Pooles^s English Parnassus, or a Plelp to English Poesie, ib. 1677 Pellontier, Histoire des Celtes, 2 tom. A la Hapcy 1750 Partridge^s Sermons Lo^id. 1S05 Phsedri Fabularum AEsopiariim, ab Laurentio, ciwi fig. Ainst. 1667 Polyanthea ; a Collection of Fragments, in Prose and Verse, 2 vol. Lond. 1 804 Pasori Lexicon Graeco-Latinum ib. 1621 Pieces of Ancient Popular Poetry, ib. 1791 Pinkerton^s Dissertation on the Origin and Progress of the Scythians and Goths ib. 1787 PhilpoPs (Tho.) Poems ib 1746 Philipps Dissertatio Historico-Philosophica de Atheismo, ib. 1716 Pythagoras his Mystic Philosophy revived ib. 1691 Phillips’s Life of Lord Keeper Williams Camb. 1703 Parker’s (Geo.) Humourous Sketches Lond. Poems of Gentlemen of Devonshire and Cornwall, 2 voJs. Bathy 1722 on State Affairs Lond. 1705 Paererius (B.)- The Astrologer anatomized ^ ib. 1661 Plays. The Wedding ol ihe Covent Garden, a Co- medy ib. 1658 The Intriguing Milliners and Attornies Clerks, a mock Tragedy — The Cid, a Tragi-Comedy, by Rutter, teanis title — May’s Tragedy of Cleopatra •— Enchanted Lovers, a Pastoral — The Noble Ingratitude, a Pastoral, by Sir W. Lower — Tragedlae Sacras — The School-Boy’s Mask Par. 1738. 1654 1659 1659 1742 187 ^ '-5228 5 ^ 5229 O -5230 // nCryyiiXA } '5231 / -5 i32 . 5233 5234 ‘5235 '5236 '5237 >5238 i / / /' (:; 5239 >v 75240 ^^5241 O 0 5242 '5243 -5244 -5245 '5246 '5247 - 5248 Plays. A Tragedye Interlude, composed by Johan Bayle, in 1538 The Amorous Warre, a Tragi-Comedy Oxf, 1659 The Chances, a Comedy — The Triumph of Beautie, // ,/ by Shirley 1646 The City Night Cap, by R. Davenport 1661 j Ignoramus, a Ruggle The Wits, or Sports upon Sports, in selected pieces ' of Drollery f 2 vol. Pointer's Miscellanea, in usum Juventutis Academicae, 1718 A 7 / / 5249 ^5250 ^ O 5251 S -,5252 ^5253 6 5254 /p255 "|5256 5 5257 ^5258 /fc259 ^15260 5261 / 5262 Oxf. Peryn on the Sacrament, 5. 1. Printed by J. Herforde Prichard’s Divine Poems Carmarthe7i, Poems by Nobody ~ Loud. Parker’s Revtew of the Antidiluvian World ib. PoETKY, hislructiojis to Vandcrhanckf 1709, and several scarce Poetical Tracts Pointz on the Sacrament, b. 1. Lovanij Present State of England, 2 vol. Loud. Periandro XoctViC SpecidiC7n, cum fg. Francof. ad Moen. Phil pot’s Origin and Growth of Heraldry Lojid. Pinkerton’s Dissertations on the Scythians and Goths ib. Phillips’s Jests Psalmes of David, in Four Languages, by W. S. Proceedings of the High Court of Justice hand. Plutarchi de Iside et Osiride, Gr. Lat. and English, by Squire Cantab. Prayers of the Byble, taken out of the Olde Testament and the Newe, b. 1. Printed by R. Redman Pon tan i F lor i dor A ugustce P'hidel. Ponet (Bp.) on the Lord’s Supper, h. 1. Pilkington (Bp.) on Aggeus and Abdias Prophetes, h. 1. Petronii Arbitri Satyricon Lond. Poetrn Minores Gragce, a Wintertono, Gr. Lat. Cantab. Plinii Epistolse et Panegyricus Lond. Phaedri Fabularum Aiu'el. A. Persii Satyrae Coloni, Plautii Opera, a Fabricii Basil. Perizonii de Praetorio Antiquitatis Lug. Bat. Pasore Manuale Grsecarum vocum N. Testamenti Lug. Bat. op Elzev. Pignorii de Servis, et eorum apud Veteres Ministerius Comrnentarius, cum fig. Amst. 1674 Pomponii Melae de Orbis situ, et Julii Solini, Polyhistor, Basil — Hemteri Rudimentorura Cosmographicorum, fig. 1590 — VIelanch ihonis Joannis de Sacrobusto de Sphasra Liber, fig. 1543 2 A 2 1771 1770 174-8 Olr 1566 1750 1567 l%7 , 1643 £}clxcUa 1654 1596 1550 ^ // / 1362 ' Jr 1707 p • 1635 1722 1700 1528 1696 1661 / i. 188 ^5265 /■■ / (Ua^i:j_ ^l/VyJ^ > 5263 Platonis Dialog!, Gr. Lat. a Forster Oxon. 1753 5264 Pasore Lexicon Graeco-Latinuni, in Novi Testamenium, loud. 1644 Petras Ciacconiiis de Tricilinio, sive de ModoConvivandi apud Priscos Romanos Amst. 166 t 5266 Petiti MisGeilanearum Observationiim Traject. ad [{hen. 1682 ’5267 de Amazonibus Dissertatio Amst. 1637 5268 Pelrarrhae (Franci^ci) de Remidiis Fortunae, &;c. Luet. 1547 5269 Penceri ^nigmatum Hag. Com. 1655 5270 Prince’s Discourse on Nature and Grace Imp bp Tho. Fanlrcllier, 1583 5271 Penrie (^^.) Some laid open in his Coalers, h. 1. no date 5272 Ptolemanis Veterstalia seu Vetustatis Admiranda Rorn. 1664 5273 Primcock (A.) The Touchstone or Essays Lond. 1738 5274 Polidori Vergili dererum inuentoribus, libriocto Basil. 1532 5275 Portae Physiognomoniae C^elistis Img. Bat. 1645 5276 Pennecuick’s History of the Blue Blanket, or Crafts-man’s Banner Edinb. 1756 5277 Poems, written chiefly at the University of Cambridge, together with a Latin Oration, plates Camb. 1760 5278 Poor Robin’s Almanack for 1684 Lond. 1684 '/5279 Visions ib. 1677 . ^ 5280 Porter’s Scotch Prophecy Glasg. 1745 5281 Proctors {John) Historic of Wy at e\ Rebellion ^ zeilli the order and manner of resisting the saine, 6fC. black letter imprinted at London, by Rob. Caly k i / - 4 / ^ Ucia/'K^ 7/ >5284 6 5285 ^ ' 5286 //i. /Q . 5282 Person’s Anatomical Lecture of Man 5283 Paradoxical Assertions and Philosophical Problems Pearls of Eloquence, or the School of Compliments Peacham’s (Henry) Truth of our Times Another Copy 5287 Percy’s (Bp.) Reliques of Ancient English Poetry, ih. ib. ib. ib. 1555 1664 1 659 1658 1638 vol. ib. 1775 ib. 1774 Ji - \ 5288 Powell’s History of Wales, by Price 5289 Persius’s Satires, by Sheridan, 1739 — Neville’s Imitation of Horace, 1758 ‘5290 Pegge’s Anecdotes of the English Language Lond. 1803 5291 Pariheneiu Sacra, or the Mysterious and Delicious Garden of the sacred Parthenes', symbolically set forth , arid enriched with pious Devises a'ld Emblemes ; superbly bound in t morocco, gilt leaves Printed by John Consteries, 1633 / )J 0 5292 Poll for Northumberland, 1722 — Collections of Northum- berland Election, two parts, 1774 — Poll for New- castle, 1741 — Contest for Newcastle, 1774 — Review of North-Country Election, Poem, 1768 QUARTO. ^5293 O" - 5294 ^ / ‘ 5295 :-5296 (} 5297 ^ >5298 / ^5299 Z 0 6300 // . 5301 / ' 5302 y .5303 Mellish’s (a German) XII Visions 1663 Munda’s Worming of a Mad Dog, ora Soppe for Cerbe- rus, the Jaylor of Hell 1617 Morbi Hispanici Par. 1541 Morine Exercitationes de Lingua Primasva Ultraj. 1694 Mutatus Polemo; the horrible Stratagems of the Jesuits, lately practised in England, during the Civil Wars, and now discovered by a reclaimed Romanist 1650 Revised 1650 Markham’s Farewell to Husbandry 1623 'XT / ckaJjLjI 1690 5304 A - / / 5305 L ^ 5306 ' 5307 - 5308 \/ Ji . 5309 . 4 5310 ^ 5311 / h 5312 / //- //- 5313 5314 5315 5316 Mundus Muliebris Margaret Dutchess of Newcastle’s Life of her husband William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle Loud. 1675 Uinucii Felicis Octavius, ex recens. Davisii, chart, max, Glasg.ap. R. et A. Foulis, 1750 Mackenzie’s (Sir Geo.) Vindication of the Government of Scotland, during the Reign of King Charles the Second, both parts Loud, 1691, and Edinb. 1695 Miller on Ranks in Society, 1771 — Stukely’s Account of Richard of Cirencester, 1737 Meursius Glossarium, Greco-Barbarum Lug, Bat. 1614 Malone’s Reply to Usher’s Answer 1627 Morgan’s Phcenix Britannicus Land. 1732 Monumenta Romani imperii, in Scotia, fig, Mulcasters [Rich.) Positions concerning the training-up of '' Children, extremely scarce. Loud, imprinted by Thomas Vantrollier 1581 Monck’s (General) Letters to the Army, &c. Lond. 1660 Mercuriaiis de Arte Gymnastica, Amst, 1672 Marbecke’s (John) Lyves of Holy Sainctes, See. bl. kt. wanting a few leaves at the end 1574 Menetreii Symbolica Dianae Ephesim Statua, cum fig. Rom, 1657 Mascall, on the Government of Cattle, b, I, with auto- ^ graph of the Duke of Lauderdale Lond, Magnus (Alberti) de Vertatibus Herbar ’ Bonon. imp, Petri de Heydelberga, MCCCCLXXXII. Z Martin’s Month’s Minde; that is, a certain Report and true ' Description of the Death and Funeralls of Old Martin Marre-Prelate, the great Makebate of England, and ’ . . • , Father of the Factions, concerning the Cause of his Death, the Manner of his Burial!, and the right Copies both of his Will and of such Epitaphs, as by sundrie his dearest Friends and others of his Well-willers, >vere framed for him 1589 190 2 . y. / 5317 Miller^s Method of cultivating Madder, plates coloured Loud, 1758 5318 Manuale ad usum Sarisbui iensis ih. 1554 5319 Macpherson’s Dissertations on the Ancient Caledonians, &c. ib. 1768 5320 Metallicus, or the Treatise of Metalfica Land, printed by Geo. EkU 1612 - 5321 Miscellaneous Poetry 1748, &c. ' 5322 Mintert Lexicon Graeco-Latinum, in Novum Testamen- tum Francf. ad Moen. 1728 323 Majoris HistoriaBritannias Eduib. 1740 -5324 Markham^s Cheape and Good Htisbandrie, &c. cuts Land, 1648 5325 Memoirs of Richard Cumberland, written by himself, portraits, large paper, russra ib. 1 806 5326 Mr. Recorder’s Speech to the Lord Protector, upon the 8 th of February, 1653, being the Day of his High- ness’s Entertainment in the Ctiy of London 1653 ^ ' 5327 Martvi {Tlio- ) of Friestes Unlaw full Marriages, bl. letter, y Loud, printed by Rob . Caly, 1554 O 5328 Modest Enquiry concerning the Election of the Sheriffs of J j . London Lond 1682 ^ ^ * 5329 Merger’s Anglic Speculum, or England’s Look- ing Glasse, with portrait of Robert Earl of Esber, ' his Excellency General of Parliament Army^ extremely rare 1646 5330 Morley’s Tenor, the first Booke of Canzonets to two Voyces, set to Musick 1695 ' ^33 ^ Tenoe, Madrigales The Triumph oj Oriana, set to Musick c 1661 Mythomystes ; wherein a short Survey is taken of the Nature and Value of true Poesy, and depth of the Ancients above our moderne Poets no date Miscellaneous Poems 1772 Maynwaringe”s Method of Curing, 1666 Mori Enistola Lond. 1520 6^1 J . / . 3 (’i *"u,jthccr'fL: Z . i - c Jo ^ t Ji / ^ ’ 5 '' vs ./ty /3 6^5 ^ -5 Deuoreux, rare 1597 Myffett’s Health’s Improvement, 1655 — Nichol’s Lapi- dary, or the History of Precious Stones, both boutidin J n / ^ /7o 5338 Missal, with a great many beautiful Miniatures, delicately /,./j ^ painted and illuminated ^ 53391 Margery Good-Cow, that gave a Gallon of Milk and kickt down the Pail, and beraid the Milk ; what did she Merit? Speak Gentlemen, 1659 — The Resolu- 191 /a5340 r y53V2 . 6 6343 / , 6344 J -5345 ^5346 3 / J 65347 ^ i) ^5348 (5^ 1350 5351 tion of the Round Heads, 1642 — ^The Answer to the Rattle Heads, 1641 — A Witty Answer to a foolish Pamphlet, intituled New Orders New--, Square Caps turned into Round Heads, 1642 True Descrip- tion of the Round Heads and the Long Heads, 4641 f/ jj Medicine for the Times, or an Antidote against Faction 1641 , Another Copy Midsummer Moone Lorid. 164S Mercurius Menippeus ih, 16^*2 '/}cia. cLj Mulliner’s (John) Testimony against Perriwigs and Perri- v/ig-maL‘ng ib. 1705 Mercurius Menippeus, 1682 — The Character of Sancti- fied Religion, 1683 O. Cromwel Sermon, held forth the last Day of April, in the Year 1649 Mirabilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders Loud, 1661 5352 5.353 ^ ^5354 Z 6 5355 ^ ^.6356 5 6 6357 ^ >5353 - O 5359 Masquarade du Ciel ; presented to the Great Queene of the Little World ib. 1640 Markland’s Poems ib. 1667 MarteiPs (Henry) Independency of England, against the Claim of the Scottish Commissioners ib. 1648 Milton, for the Liberty of unlicensed Printing, wants title Moxon^s Mechanical Exercises, or the Doctrine of Handy M^orks; applied to the Art of Printing, 2 v, ib. 1683 Middleton on the Origin of Printing in England Camb. 1735 Maxwell’s Admirable and Notable Prophecies, uttered in former Times by 24 famous Roman Catholickes Lond, 1615 Misery’s Virtues Whet-stone ib. 1699 Mori (Tho.) Utopia, Basil, 1518 Mori Epigramata, Basil, 1518 Erasmi Epigramata, Basil, 1518, &c, Mercerii Emblemata, cum fig. Mentzelio Lexici Latino-Sinico-Characteristici Observa- tione sedula Auctoribus et Lexicis Chinensium Norunb. I6S5 ^ , Milton’s History of England Loud, 1677 ^hu/Cuy ^2)(Ajy //.n b 5361 ^ - 5362 Mervin’s (Capt. Audley) Speech made before the Lords in the upper Flouse of Parliament in Ireland, at the Impeachment of Sir Richard Bolton, Knight, Lord Chancellour, and four others, for High Treason, with the Articles against them 1 641 5360 Maieri Hieroglyphica JEgytiO'Grceca, ires rare, ires curieux Monday’s (Anthony) A watch Woord to Englande, black letter Lond. Brinied by Tho. Basket, 1584 Missale ad iisum Sarum 1555 192 y lO /(f ^ 5564 ^ 5 $64. fA't 4 . 5.579 Lye (Edwardo) Dictionarium Saxonicoct Gotha Latinum, i f// / 2 vol. Lond. 1772 J J 0 5380 Le Roy, Interchangeable Course, or Variety of things in i ' 5381 Lipsi Poliorceticon / 5382 Lewis’s History of Great Britain t. p gj y ^-'5383 Le Ro?nantde la Rore, fti'pr 7 ib. Antw. Lond. Par. < *■ Aa/ ” ” ~ arec fig. livre rarissUnm J/iA). //'^^^5384 Luther’s Divine Discourses, hy '^ qW, poi'trait i' A */ ^ 5385 Leybourn’s Recreations < y 5386 Lite of Dom John de Castra, portrait ✓ 6) 5387 Lairesse, Les Principes du Dessein, cu ;5888 Lucien, Englished by Mayne 'A' Zb 5389 Ligon’s History of the Island of Barbadoes, plate, y , y / title ^ o ' 5390 Lyson’s (Sam.) an Account of Roman Antiquities disco- id / vered at Woodchester, in the County of Gloucester, /f/iLijLi^ . ylates Lojid. 1796 , 0 5391 A Collection of Antiquities, ib. 1803 0^392 LeBlasondes Armoiries, axec fig, Lyon, 1581 cum. fig, l.ond. ib. Amst. Oxf. wants 1594 1596 1729 1516 1652 1694 1664 1729 1663' IT’- 193 r .vl *>393 Ludolphi Lexicon Othiopico Latinum Franco/, ad Moerif 1699 7 ^ 5394 Lee (Sam.) The Temple of Solomon, Lo?id. 1659 5395 Lycostenus Prodigiorum ac Ostentorum Chronicon, cum . J Jig. _ ■ Basil, 1557 ' 5396 Le Blason des Armoiries, avec Jig. 1581 / 5'^ « i5397 Le Moyne, la Gallerie des Femmes Fortes, Par, 1647 I I ! ! TWENTY THIRD DAY’S SALK AVEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1807. OCTAVO and TWELVES. * *5398 Payne^s Discourses Lond. 1698 / I ^ 5399 Pricket (Robt.) Times Anatomic, containing the Poor I ^ ^ ^ ^ 1-. D a ^ «« « ^ ^ ^TT'' M . .. 1.^ ) .M. — J L ^ ^ * - _ . _ i Man’s Plaint, Britain’ Trouble and her Triumph /. Imp. Geo. Eld. 1686 j /(4 <7 7f'(/j5400 Painter’s (Wm.) Palace of Pl E A SURE, containing ' store of Goodly e Histories, Tragical Matters, and other I Moral Arguments, very requisite for Delight and Pro-- I fyte, 2 vol. b. 1. part of the Jirst vol. made up with MS, A Imp, at London, in Fleete-strete, by Thomas Marshe v '5401 Phalaridis Agrigentinorum Tyranni Tpistolae, Gr. Lat. Oxon. 5402 Plutarchi de Audiendis Poetis, et Basilis de Legendis Grsec. Libris, Var: Lectiones et Notas, ab Potter, Gr. Lat. Oxon, 2 B t 194 30 $ 3^Jy / ^'((j /j5403 ^15^04. ^^ 54-05 i 5406 O'TyA^ / - ^yic^ / 54-08 5409 5410 / ^j.5411 4 5412 ^ 5413 6 541.^ 5415 ^i’ii^ 6' <{ ^Uiy '^^UUnu. / t^L^' / / ^ 2) (/>Jy / ^’'U> ( 7/^ Paschali Virtutes et Vitia Gmev. 1620 Prudeoti Opera ^ Attisi, 1625 Plates 10 Illustrate Ovid, Homer, &c. engraved by Greene Pearson’s (Nico.) Raptures of a Flaming Spirit, poriraity %lQ,.hy Van Hove Loud. 1682 5407 Papinii Statii Sylvarum, Cantab. 1651 ; Stevens’s Essay upon Statius, with Portrait of Stevens, by Marshall Land. 1 648 Persuasives from the Creature, to a Perfect Resignation of the Will of God ib. 1695 Petty’s (Sir W.) Political Anatomy of Ireland 1691 Reflections upon some Persons and Things in Ire- land Lond. 1 660 Prime’s (John), Sermons, b, I, Oxf. 1585 Palmer’s Moral Essays 1710 Prlcianus Ephebus Lond, 1668 Porta Linguarum ib. 1637 Platt’s (Sir Hugh) Sundry New and Artificial Remedies against Famine, 1683 ; and nine other Curious Trac/j on the Arts, &c. Prosopaeia Britannica, Britalns Genius, or Good Angel Personated Lond. 1648 Prisciani Gramatici, P^zr. 1539, Valerii Grammatica Lovani, 1560 Parkyn’s (Sir Thos.) Latin Grammar, Hotting. 17J6 ; and four other Grammars Petavii Rationarum Temporum • Par. 1652 Painter (the) a Complete History of Lond. 1730 Proverbial Sentences, interleaved with a great many MS. additions, zmnts title Porphrii Philosophi, Gr. Lat. Prosaic Translation of Alus, Persius Flaccus’s six Satyrs, by Eelbeck ^ 1619 Princeri Enigmatum 4 Psitiacorutn Regio, the Land of Parrots, or the She Land, very rare Lond. ] 669 P lay ford’s Vademecum, 1679 Palmer’s Memorials of Godliness and Christianity ib. 1681 Pagitt’s (Ephraim) Heresiography ib. 1661 Preparation to Deathe, a Boke as Decent as Eloquent, composed by Erasmus, b, 1. ib. Imp. by Tho. Beriheleti,\5^3 Poetical Tracts. Gent’s Elegy on the Death of Charles Howard, Earl of Carlisle, 1738 ; on Fenelon’s Telemachus, by the Duke of Devonshire; George the 1st Entry into London, 1714, &c. '5416 ' 5417 / 5418 (5419 .5 420 5121 /5422 6 5423 5424 '^542 n^A-25 ^/5426 ^ 5427 . 5428 / 0 5429 195 //; wy v5430 Poole's English Parnassus ^ or a Help to English Poesie 1677 6 6 5431 Projet de Reunion eritre les Proteslans de la Grand Bre- tagne Lond» 1689 . Bishop Burnet's Copy^ a?id has his Autographs ^ '5452 Paradise of the Soule, 5433 Prolnstauratlone Rei Publicae Angl. Pro. Reditu. Re- v^erendissime atq. illustrissimi Domini Reginald! Poli Lond. 15 54 P • *"54-33 Passeratii de Literarum inter se cognatso ne ac Permuta- ^oJ(^ Par. Antv. Lond. / // / tione ^ 5434 Pindari, Omnia Gr. Lat, 6 5435 Powel (Gab.) on Usurie 0 5436 Phasdrus's Fables, Lat. and Eng. Frontispiece >5437 Pindari Gr. Lat. Lond. 65438 Poems. Brown’s Poems, 1768 ; Woodhouse’s Poems - 5439 Bennet’s Poems, 1774; Yearsley’s Poems, !785 Bryant’s Verse®, 17 87 5440 Plain Reasons for being a Christian y5441 Prentie’s Narrative of a Shipwreck 0 5442 Plato, his Apology ol Socratis. Frontispiece ' 5443 Poor Robi?i's Jes:sy with Portrait oj Winstanley Lugdimi 1666 1667 1662 1654' 1755 1766 J/ 1731 1782 1675 1656 1551 1712 1711 2 Hag. Com. Lo 11 d. Lingua He- Basil lond. 1693 ib. 1697 y ^445 Pomponii Melae de situ Orbie ' 'p446 Pervi Giliurn Veneris, ex edit. Pithoei Z. . 5447 Petronii Arbitri Satyricon >6448 Pauli Evangelium secundum Matthxum in OZ braica, Heb. Lat, ^ (5449 Palmer’s Mathematical Divinity ^ >5450 Putin’s Travels, cuts C 5451 Parkhurst of the Divine Canon ofthe Old Testament, Heb. and Eng. ib. 1655 / 5452 Prid-eaux on Tithes and Tracts, 3 v. ib. 1736 .65453 Pemberton’s Observations on Poetry ib. 1738 ' 5454 Philalethes (Eugenius) i.ong Livers; a curious History, with the rare Secret of Rejuvenescency of Arnoldus de \7ilia Nova ib. 1722 5455 Plaine and easie Method for the easie understandiiig the . whole Bible ib. 1617 ^5456 Parson’s Three Conversions of England, 3 V. ib. 1604 '5457 Piozzi’s Anecdotes of Johnson ib. i786 ■5458 Picture of London for 1 804, ib. 1804 ■'5459 Percy’s (Bp.) Runic Poetry ib, 1763 ^^AA.0Uj 2)Z/^ z /(> / z z / '5461 ^ (^5462 ^ / 5463 Ui. ' 5460 (Wm.) Compleat Swimmer, or the Art of Swim- ming ib, 1658 Primer (The) Laten and Englishe, Title, Kalander and Almanack wanting, Prynted at London by Thomas Pclyt 1542 Protheus Rerlivivus, or the Art of Wheadling, by the Author of the English Rogue Lond. 1675 Pierce’s History and Memoirs of Bath, Lond. 1713 ; Oli- 2B2 0 / 0ctA.e/i4 196 ^ t^yAAC /fUc^ ver on Bathwater's, and Menioirs of an extraordinary , / sleepy Person at Tinsbury near Bath Lond, I7i§t ' ^5465 Pointer’s Antiquities and Curiosities of Oxford, Land, 1749 /j5466 Paterson's Dissuasive from the Reigning Vices of the Age, / o\ Common Swearing, Perjury, arid Forgery 1732 ^5467 Palace Miscellai'y, dedicated to Six Honourable Maids 1733 6 5468 Piani's Campy I’Overture I’Escolle, Transmutatoire Me- j. tallique Par. 1623 ^ '5469 Person's Letters to Archdeacon Travis 1790 . 5 no Puck'e, The Club, in a Dialogue betvyeen Father and Son, / with por- rail 1713 ^5471 Pastry-Cook’s Vademecum 1705 / '5472 Philosophical ( Aj Esi»ay for the Reunion of the Languages . * ’ ‘ Oxf, 1675 ' " 5473 Pearse, The Great Concern, or Preparation for Death, . / in Memory of Sarah Leeds 1699 ^5474 Pallas Armata, The C.Tcntleman's Armorie, ci//5 1639 3 0 5^15 Pratt's Arithmetical Jewell ’ 1617 a 5476 Pomey’s Pantheum Myihicum VliraJ, 1697 / 0 Plague, Nine Pamphlets on the Prevention and Cure of, */ / bound in 1 vol. 1721, &c. '0 0 5478 Protestant’s Vaderaecum, or Popery Display, in Thirty v . / Emblems, cuts ' 1680 / Painter’s Voyage in Italy, porO'a/^^ ' 1679 . 0 5480 Phillips’s Grandeur of the Law J684 ' 5481 Profitable Instructions to Travellers ' ' 5482 Priapeia Poetarum in Priapum Lusus. Gr. Lat. Patav. 0 4 - 5483 Poetr y.- — Rowe’s Poems, 1720 — Cyder, a Poem, 1720 — Bosworth-Field, a Poem, by Beaumont, 17 10 — Pleasures of Conjugal Love, platef 1722 — Tate's Pa- nacea, a Poem upon Tea, 1700 — Life of Thomas Lord Cromwell, a Blacksmith's Son, born at Putney in . Surrey, 1715 ' >5484 Pike’s Philosophia Sacra Dub. ^ 65 485 Paradoxical Assertion^ and Philosophical Problems 3 0 5486 Poems on several occasions, by theP., H. the E. of R. ' 5487 Phillipses Theatrum Poetarum ^ 5488 Philpol’s Poems 3 ^ 5489 Poems (New) by Philabius, see MS, Tiotes / 5490 Preparation lor Death 6 5491 Polsted’s Excise-Man J ~ 5492 Proctor’s Brief Resolution of a Right Religion 0 5493 Poetry. — Epilogue spoken by Mrs. Barry, 1709— :^3en- ham’s Cqopers-Hill, 1709 — Horneck’s Ode, 1709 — ' Commoiier, a Poem, 1710 — Dr. Wyld's Humble Thanks for the Liberty of Conscience, 1672 — Bos- worth Field, 1710 — Poems on the Death of Queen 1633 1764 1756 1664 1712 1675 1646 1687 1697 1590 197 / 1> Mary, 1710 — Mllton^s Satyre against Hypocrites, 1710 — Batt upon Batt, a Poem, 1711 5494- Poetry. — Busenello’s Triumph of the Venetians over the Turks, 167S — Nevv-Years-Gift for Batchelors, or a Cure for Cuckoldom, 1707 — 1 ryal of a Wife, or a Looking-Glass for Married Men, 1707 — Wine, a Poem and many others curiojis Prince Henry, Son of King James I, Various Publications relating to that Virtuous AND Good Prince 5500 : -r-, his Life and Death, by Sir Charles Corn- wallis 164-1 Pricers Sorrow for the Sinnes of the Time, 5501 *5501 5502 5503 ^5504 a Sermon preached at St. James's on the Third Sun- day after the Prince's Death, Oxf. 1613 Another Copy, and Tears shed over Abner 1613 — Discourse by Sir Charles Cornwallis 1641 — : Luctus Posthumus sive erga Defunctum j lllustrissimum Henricum Walliae Principem Oxon OA/Oi Copy of an Original Manuscript, contain- ing Orders made by Henry Prince of Wales respecting his Household in 1610 5505 Price ^506 / ^5507 u Lamentations for the Death of the late Illustrious Prince Henry, and the Dissolution of his Religious Familie 16lS Charier's Sermon, preached before the Prince at Richmond this present yeere 1606 Sir Charles Cornwallis's Account of the 5508 5509 Baptism, Life, Death, and Funeral, of the most Incom- parable Prince Frederick Henry Prince of Wales 1751 — Three Elegies on the most lamented Death of Prince Henrie, printed aidy on one side 1615 Lachrimas Lachrimarum, or the Distilla- H H 6 ' 5510 5511 5512 5513 tion ofTeares shede for the Untymely Death of the Incomparable Prince Panaretus, by Josiah Sylvester, printed only on one side, allegorical fig^ures round the borders — Wilkinson's Paire of Sermons, to Prince Henry and Prince Charles 1614 T/i^C/T — The / uneral of Prince Henry 1613 ^ An Epicede, or Funeral Song, on the most Ado 55H disastrous Death of the High-borne Prince of Men Henry Prince of Wales, &c. with the Funeralls and Representation of the Herse, &:c. 1612 Price's Spirituall Odours to the Memory //*// of Prince Henry Oxf. 1615 TjiA/ ■ True Picture and Relation of Prince Henry, his Noble and Vertuoiis Disposition 198 6515 PRJNCE Henry. — N ethersole Memoriae Sacrae Heiirici Walliae principis, &c. Laudatio Funebri'; Cantab, 1617 Sirnills Enomologie, selected for his Highness prince ^ Si/ivr ^ 5516 y / a Manuscript fairly written ^ U 5517 Procedynge at Westminster «v f / Co Ui^ Z 6, 3jlAcli^ ^ c& i/Vi/y Imp. by. Rich. Jugge n and John Cauood 1559 ^ ' 5518 Preparatio ad Orandu, b. U Imp. by John Day and Wm. . Serves y no date. 'Z ' 5519 Palmes or Prayer taken out of Holye Scripture, b. 1. / Imp, by John W alley, 1545 ^ 5520 Poems on several subjects 1764 // o 5521 PrioFs Poems, 3 v. 1727, &c. 0 • ^ 5522 Praise ( the) of Yorkshire Jle, by G. M. very rare, / \ York, ^5523 Pascalll Justide Alea Amst. ap. Elzv. ' 5524 Penseyre’s New Guide to Astrology ✓(5525 Psatonis de Rebus Divinis Dialog! select!, Gr. Lat. 9I Cantab. <(5526 Philips’s Poems 5527 Pills to purge Stale Melancholy (^ 5523 — =-(Tory) to purge Whig Melancholy 0 5529 Pasquiu’s Satires and Biography ' 5530 Plays. — King and no King, 1655 ; the Valliant Scott, by W. Bowyer, 16.37; the Heir, a Comedy, by Th. May, 1633 ; and many others Z v 5531 Polidore Virgil’s Works, englished by Langley 1 b 5532 Paley’s Evidence of the Christian Religion, 3 v. 6 ^ 5533 Plozc'deivs Farrago, remarkable scarce, with the / 1685 1642 1726 1673 1748 1716 1715 piece Land. 1663 1794 Frontis- 1733 lO 44 n / zo "5534 Patoral Series Aiigustorum Augustarum Caesarum, Veyiet. 1722 5535 PoneFs [Bp.) Apologie fully Auusueringe by Scriptures and etnnceanl Doctores ; a Blasphemose Book gathered by D. Steph. Gardiner of late Lord Chauncelar, D. Smyth Ox^ Jord [Fighius), and ot '-cr Papist as by their Books ap- peareth, and of late set forth under the name of Thomas Martin, against the godly Marriage of Priests, b. 1. very rare, elegantly bound in morocco, gilt leaves No Printer’s name or Place. ' 5534 Quandrins historlques de laBible, et Nouveau Testament, avec un grand ?iombre de figures d Liofi, 1558 ' 5537 Quevedo Ilisloria de la Lida del Bascori, en Ruan 1629 ; Svenos y Discursos de Vardadee, with portrait en Ruan 1623 * 5538 Quaker’s Art of Courtship 1737 ■^5538 Art of Courtship - 1689 ^ 5539 Quenstedt Sepultra Veterum Witteberg, 1660 5540 Qjmrles (John) a kingly Bed of Miserie,in which is contained a Dr came, and Elegie, SfC. upon the Martyrdom of Charles, late King of England frontispiece Printed in the Yeare 1649 t 199 $541 Quarles (John) Re^le Ledum Miserice : or Kingly Bed of Miser ie, plates, very rare Frinted in the Year 1649 5442 ,5543 ^5544 Hieroglypeikes ot the Life of Men, cuts / - 5545 5547 1638 Land, 1641 Blunt’s Piece of the l/oyJ A // 5547 '5548 >5549 2 O 5250 5551 ‘fry dj X i"o 5552 5553 5554 5555 5556 5557 5558 5559 5560 5561 5562 5563 5564 5565 (5^ /f / O 5566 /<( 5567 (Fra.) Enchyridion Argalus et Parthenia, 1659 World, characterized, 1650. (John) God’s Love and Man’s Unworthiness fb, Divine Fancies, with portraits of F, and J. ‘iluarles, by Faithorne Lojid. 1655 Sions Elegies Wept by Jeremie the Prophet ib. 1633 (Jo.) Divine Poems ib. 1684 -Lloy^ Emblems, cuts ib, A Fountayne of Teares ib, 164S * — ^ Regale Lectum Miseries, or a Kingly Bed of Mi- /*/ / / series ^ ib, 1 660 Enchyridion, portrait ib, 1664' i ■ (P.) Argulus and Parthenia, por/razA 1664* / tuJCt/y- Quicke (John) Hell Opened, or the Infernal Son of Murlher Punished, J'rantispiece Loud, 1676 Quarl’s (Francis) M^orks, in three parts ih, 1. Emblems, cuts Lund, IL Divine Poems ib. 1664 III. Job iVIilitant ib, 1664 Emblems and Hieroglyphikes of the Life of Man, cuts by Marshall, &c. Camb, Quaestiones Philosophies inusum Juventutis Academics Coliectae and Digestas, interleaxed with MS, Cantab, 1732 Ritson’s Remarks on Shakspeare 1783 Ridley (Bp.) Piteous Lamentation, Szc.b. l, 1566 de Coena Dominica Assertio Genet, 1556 Rawlet’s (John) Poetick Miscellanies, Loiid. 1687 Rich and Boiley’s Maximum in Minimo, a 7 id cuts ib, 1659 Rymer’s Curious Amusements ib. Riou on the Architecture of Stone Bridges ib. Reflections on the Causes of the Grandeur of the Ro- mans, &:c. ib. 1734 Raleigh’s (Sir W.) Breviary of the History of England, portrait ib. 1693 Remarks upon the Landed and Commercial Policy of n 4An 'f/ 1714 1760 hs 4 « * fZL England, 2 v, 5568 Relph’s Poems 5569 Ray’s Travels 5570 Another Copy 557 1 Collection of English Words 5572 Another Edition 6513 On the Creation 5574 Dictionarionum Trilingue . ib. 1785 Nexi'castle, 179^ Land. 1693 ib. 1674 ib, 1691 Glasg, 1744 Lofid, 1685 0 ^ "'/5575 • ■'JVUfKi- . (l 5576 ' 0 5578 3 \. 5579 5580 5583 On the Deluge, porirat/ and places ' j5. 17 1 1 Robinson’s Essay towards a Natural History of Cumber- land and Westmoreland Zond. 1709 Rogers’s Pleasures of Memory, ' 25 , 1796 Rommlus and Tarquin td. 164-3 Rump ; or an Exact Collection of the Choycest Poems and . Songs, relating to the late Times, curious frontispiece, containing six portraits ih. 1662 ' Rituale Romanum Rain, 1617 Rosemondi Contessionale Antwerp, 1513 Rome Rhym’d to Death, written by Dr. Wyldand Others Zond, 1683 Rochus Curtius Tractatus Zugdmu 1515 QUARTO. *4 ^ 9 7 ^584 Morgan (Silv.), Language of Arms, cm/5 Zond. 1666 ^ AAfiU4 Z 0 55 S 5 Marline’s History of the See of St. Andrews, plates '3, Ctj / n St. Andrews, 1797 ^7 0 5586 Melhanckeh [Brian) Philotinus, the Warre betwixt Nature . ^ / and Fortune, b, 1. Imp. by Roger Warde, 1583 yi ' / 6 5587 Money does Master all Things, a Poem York. 1696 V 5588 Minucii Felicis, a Ouzeli Lug. Bat. 1652 < ‘ 5589 Markham’s Horsemanship, 5. /. Zond. 1597 ^ o 5590 Souldier’s Exercise ib. 164-3 ^ / /- 5591 More’s Nomina Nobilium Equitumque, sub Edwardo ^ / / Primo Rege Militantium Oxon. 1749 Jsu^Urtr / 6 5592 Mortimer’s Designs to Orlando Furioso, engraved by / Hall f >5593 Maiero Symbola Aurem Mensae, Francof, 1617 ^oi4i>KL/Z. 6 5594f Mason (Hen.) the New Art of Lying I.ond. 1614? <> 5595 Machiavel (Nic.) the Arte of Warre, b. I, 157.3- — ^White- home’s Certaine Wayes for the Ordering ofSouldieurs / in Battelry, b. 1. Jf?ip. by kFialliamson, 1573 ^ 5596 Mede (Joseph), the Key of the Revelation 1643 * 5597 Mountagu [Rich.) a Just Appeal from Two Unjust Inform- ers, rai't Zond. 1625 5598 Mule aster [Rich.) Positions concerning the Training up of Children Imp. by Tho.Vantr oilier, 1581 *5598 Maffeus (J. P.) the Holy Hatred of the World, conteyn- ing the Lives of 17 Holy Confessors of Christ Par. 1632 5599 Memoirs of Count Grammont, portraits, early impressions 5600 More (H.j a Confutation of Astrology Lond. 1681 the English Nation ib, 1653 209 7^ 5602 Middleton, Antlquitatls /O Monument! Romanorum, &c. ib, 1745 ' 6603 Moniimenta Peloponnesia, cum fig. 2 v. in 1 ^ ^ - Rom, 1761 15604 Markham’s Various Works on Husbandry, &:c. Lond. 1631 ^ ~ 5605 Manwood’s Treatise and Discourse of the Lawes of the Forrest, 6 . /. ib. printed by T, Wight ^ 1598 j5606 Michaelis Admirable History of a Magician, translated by / W. B. Ijond. imp .for W . Aspley , ^ 1/ 5607 Mirabilis Annus, or the Year of Prodigies and Wonders, / / Jrontispiece 1661 ^ ^ 5608 Majeri Emblamata, cian fig. Franco/. 1687 / -^ 5609 Musceum Hermeticum Reformat um et Amplificatumi cum . ' / figurisy liber raris Franco/. 1677 / <^'5610 Miltons Paradise Lost t a Poem, in Ten Books, first edit, 4. I Lond, 1669 j56ll M 6 moires de la Vie du Comte Gritfenfeld, avec por^ 4, ' traits 1744 ' '5612 Miltoni pro Populo Anglicano Defensio, and Salmasius’s / Answer, 2 v. Lond. 1651 V5613 Magna Charta of the Forest ib, 1680 ^ u 5614 Middleton’s Antiquitatis Monumenta Romanorum Vete- / / rum Ritas Varii, ib, 1745 ^ 5615 Marcellini Antiquitatii Populis, 2 V, Rotji. 1748 ' *j5616 Marbeck (John) a Booke of Notes and Common Places, 2 A b. 1. Imp, by Tho. East, 1581 5617 Milton (John), The Reason of Church Government »irged // against Prelaty Lond. 1641 ^ ^ 5618 Moreira Kehilath Jahacob, being a Vocabulary of Words in the Hebrew Language bS 6 19 Mossom fRob.) Sion’s Prospect in its First View Lond. 1651 ^6 5620 Mitchell’s (W.) Works EdLih, 1720 // , 5621 Medallic History of Eng’and to the Revolution, plates, / ^ Lond, 1790 . 'f 5622 Meager’s English Gardener, cuts Iggg ^ ^ 5623 Malabar Grammar and Alphabet 5624 Miracles performed by Money, a Poem Lond. 1692 . . 5625 Norden’s Speculum Britanniae, the lirst parte an Histori- cal and Chorographical Description of Middlesex, mapSy l59S — Nashe’s Lenten Stufie, containing the Description and First Procreation and Increase of the Towne of Great Yarmouth in Norfolke; with a New Play, never played before, of the Praise ot the Red Herring I 599 5626 Northampton (Sad and Lamentable News from), or a full and true Relation of the Great Fire 1675 5627 Nichols, the Seaman’s Sermons 1655 / > 5628 Newes from Parnassus, the Political Touch^ I ^ ^ I 7, /• ^ OyviA J ct/ju 9 J Ciy'lu^ i- // done 1622 JcmI '-'CiA^c/'no Q / a. / C^y/%^^ ^i^i/y /• / ^ /j 4 4 i : i J(537 38 5639 t>J637 0„5638 ^u>Un\A. ^Uuy v/Z/rX^^,^ // J sea 44 U^Ct^J 1^ 210 ^|5629 Neecll3am’'s Interest will not He, or a View of England^? o i True Interest 1652 15630 Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh, with a True Description / of Guiana, with portrait, very scarce 161 S y ^ 5631 Nelson’s Description of Antichrist 1660 ^ '5632 Nun’s Comfort against the Spaniard Lond. 1596 . 5633 New Preachers, new ; Greene the Feltmaker, Spencer j I the Horse rubber, Quartermine the Brewer’s Clerke, i 5 wiih some few Others, that are mighty Sticklers in this new kind of Talking-Trade, which many ignorant Coxcombs call Preaching ib. 1041 5634 News from Hell, or a Speech of a Ghost of one of the Old Kings of Ormiis ib. 1680 5635 Nev/ton’s Sermon, occasioned by the Elizabeth Ridgeway, who for the Petit Treason of poysoning her Husband, was burnt at Leicester Lond. I6S4 5636 Nett'C Testament, both Latine arid Englyshe, ech correspond- ent to the other, after the Vulgare Text, commonly called S. Jeroms, faythfully translated by Myles Couerdale, title and dedication, MS. black letter Printed in Soulhwarke by James Nicolson, 153i Nicolai Tractatus de Sigh? Veterum Lug. Bat. 1703 Numismatum Antiquorum Sylloge Populls Graecis Lond. 1708 North’s (SirTho.) Morall Philosophic of Doni, drawn out of the Ancient Writers, black letter. — See Dr. Far- mer s MS. Note concerning this hook Lond. 1601 Nonni Diaeteticon sive de Re Cibaria Antwerp, 1640 Narrative of the Sorceries and Witchcrafts exercised upon Mrs. Christiana Shaw Lond. 1698 Nicols {Rioh.), Londords Artillery, a Poem hand. 1616 Nosce Teipsum, this Oracle expounded in Two Elegies, written by Sir John Davis ib. 1688 Newnanis tSightcrowe, a bird that hreedeth, braules in many families and households, wherein is remembred that kind- ley and provident regard which Fathers ought to have j i towards their Sonnes, together with a Disciphring of the I h Incurious Dealinges of some sorte of Step-dame's, a fine and perfect copy,, black letter i j London, printed by John Wolfe, 1590 See Curious Epitaph ON THE CouNTESs.wHO BORE 364 Children, in this Book. 5645 New Testament^ by Tindal, black letter, imperfect, for an account of this rare edit, see MS. note 5646 Nicholson and Burn’s History and Antiquities of West- moreland and Cumberland, 2 v. 1777 3647 Nash (Tho.) Pierce Peniless, his Supplication to the Divell^ b. L Printed by Abel Jeffs, 1592 5640 5641 5642 15643 /// 4 211 15648 5649 /Ji. 5650 (^ 56 5651 '5652 ^ >>5653 //.: 7 ^ 5644 5655 Narrative of the Proceedings of the High Court of Jus- tice against the King t (> 1 S Non-military Journal, or Observations made in Egypt, plates Loud. 1S('3 Norde 7 i, an Elegiccdl Poetne of the interchangeable Coui'ses and Vaj'ietie of things in this World, 'cery rare. See MS, Note J ond. 18(3 Nedham^s (Marchmont) Character of a rigid Presbyter, to which is added a short History of the English Re- bellion in Verse ib, 166^^ Nine Queries upon the printed Charge of the Army against the XI Members . ib. 1647 Newes from the New-Exchange, or the Commonwealth of Ladies drawn to the Life, in their several Charac- ters and Concernments ib, 1650- Naunton’s (Sir Rob.) Fragmenta Regalia, or Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites, 1641 ; Certaine Observations touching the two great Officers of the Seneschalsey or High-Stewardship and High Constableship of England, 1642 Norden’s (John) Mirror of Honor Printed at London by the Widow Orwin^ 1597 or/ / . 7 - Jo^ /I - Z - FOLIO. 5656 Messinghamus Vitae et Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae Par. t634 5657 Monk’s (Geo.) Duke of Albemarle’s Observations upon Military and Political Affairs Lond. 1671 5658 Morant’s History and Antiquities of Colchester, plates, ' ib. 1748 5659 Mddaitles du Regne de Louis XV, avec fg. Far. 1721 5660 Minshew’s Dictionary of Eleven Languages Lond. 1617 5661 Monfet’s Theatriim Animalism, .1634 II ^12 TWENTY FOURTH DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1807 . iJUyt I ^5663 J/ 6 5664 . ^5665 / • 60Q6 Ql/lJy / V 5557 c/'ip-inn Pl^ / / / y /V^^ 566S yCt^e^iO / 3 ^ 5669 ru ^yr /• 5 676 /4S ^ ^5677 CAy^A^ j(. ^ 5678 OCTAVO and TWELVES. Robinson^ s {Rich.) Dyall of Doyly Contemplacion I573* Religio Stoici Edinh. 1665* Rogers {Tho.) Philosophicall Discourse, entituled the Anato- mic of the Minde, b. I Lend, printed by A. Maimdsel, 1576 Record^s (Robt.) the Urinal of Physic Lond, 1665 Rollers Burning of London in the Year 1666, with the View of London in flames ib. 1666' Reports of Special Cases, Touching several Cuslomes and Liberties of London 1670 Ramsay’s (Allen) Poems, 2 vol. 1797 Robej'ti de Avesbiiry H.istoria de Mirabilious Gestis Edwardi III, ab Hearne Oxon. 1720 Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle, by Hearne, 2 vol. •' * ib. 1742, Reuss’s Register of the Authors Berl. 1791 Remarks concerning the Encroachments on the River Thames, near Durham Yard ’ 1771 Rooke’s Travei.s lo the Coast of Arabia Felix Lond. 1784 RastelPs ( lohn) the Crete Abregement of the Statutes, b. L no date Ramsay Poemata Sacra Lond. 1752 Ravis (Christian) a Discourse of the Orientall Tongue, portrait ib. 1649 The sanie, xiithihe Synonyma ib* 1647 Roots Charters of Kingston-upon-Thames 6. .5679 5630 5681 5682 5683 5684- Ritteri Poemata Irancof. 1614 Relandi Religione Mahammedica, cum, fig, Traject ad Rhen. 1 7 27 Rei Rusticas Auctores Latini Veteres 1595 Rycqaii deCapitolio Romano Commentarius, fig. Lug- Bat, 1669 Ritus de Posltionis Argent Orati apud Petrum Aubry, cu7n. fig. 1666, Ralph’s (Josiah) Miscellany of Poems, for an Account of v56S5 45686 5687 6 5688 3 i 5639 1747 1608 138S 1632 1683 A / 5690 i ~36.>il 5692 / ' 5693 ^ ' 5'694 /5693 6 5696 1641 1768 1759 5697 5698 5699 5700 (5701 •f5702 $ >5703 7, 6 5704 5705 5706 7 6707 .J57O8 the Author, see MS, note by Mr. Brand Glasg. Rogers (Thos.) A Methode unto Morti'^iCation Land- Another Copy, imprinted by John Windet Ross’s Arcana Microcosm! Land. Rites of Funerals, Ancient and Modern ib. Rerum Nuper in Rt“gno Scotiae Gestarum Historia Da^tsici Ray’s English Proverbs Land, Rollin’s Belles Lettres, 4 vol. Edinb. Ruddiman’s Introduction to Anderson’s Diploma Scotise ib, 1773 Ramsay (Allan) Poems ib. 1723 Scots Proverbs ib. 1750 Rithmomachie, Jen des, Philosophes, avec fig. Par. 1556 Rydley, on the Epistle of St. Paule to the Philippias, b. 1. Printed at Canterbury , by John Witchdl Raleigh (Sir W.) Life of Mahomet Loud, 1637 Ridius Monastica Historia Lips, 1737 Ray’s ' Collection of English ords, interleaved zvilh many MS. additions, by Mr. Bi'and and others Robinson Crusoe, 2 vol. Resoiutorlum Dubiorum Rolheram’s Essay on Faith Richards (Nath ) Poems Sacred and Satyrlcall Reliquiae Bodleianae Roberts’s Indian Glossary — — (P*) early History of the Cyoys, or Ancient Britons 1S0.3 Traject Bat. 1717 1730 4'4 p y t/r Land. Par. Lond. ib. ib. 1761 1503 1766 1641 1703 1800 y / Relando Antiquitates Hebrasorum Repertorium Sculptiie — Typicum (5709 Ramus’s Latin Grammar, 5 1. Camb. imp. by Thomas C Rain’s Catalogus Stirplum Exteranum Rebels no Saints, Jrontispiece 5710 5711 5712 Ross’s Helenore, with Glossary 5713 Sedulii Carmen Pasehale, Aurelii Lond, ib, Aberdeen, Prudeiitii Poemata, raris Medionali MQCCCCl (L /U / / 15 T y CU/^hyL- ^Uy ^ ('Vy/y \&1\^ Ramsay (Allan) Collection of Scots Proverbs Edinb. 173 • Nine Hundred and Forty Scottish Proverbs, by D. j Ferguson * 1699 The Cherrie and the Slaecomplyed into Mettre, by Capt. A. Montgomery Edmb, 1706, &:Ci Rice (R.) an Invective against vice taken for Vertu b. 1. Imp, by T. 0, for Henrie Kirknian 1589 Royall and Loyall Blood Shed, by Cromwell and bis Com- plices ^ portraits, by Stenl Bond. 1662 Ritson’s Biographia Poetica ib. 1802 Reynold’s Three Letters to the Deist ib, 1725 57 19 Raynal Histoire du Parlement d’Angletcrre ib. 174S 5720 Richard (John) a Tour from London to Petersburg]] and / Moscow ib, 1780 ^ 5721 Romes Glory, or a Collection of Divers Miracles ib, 1673 ,5122 Repugnancy of Suited Principles of Reason ib. 1679 3 6 ^723 Remarques on Humours, &c. of the Gallants of the Town ^ - 57 16 ,5717 157 1 8 / 24 Roses’s History of Joseph, a Poem, cnis '04 d c>i4 >5725 6 5726 0,5127 45728 5729 -5730 -^5731 ^5732 ^5733 0^5734^ yS735 6 5736 Reynolds on Angels Raleigh’s (Sir W.) The Arts of Empire Rabelais (les CEuvres de) Ross (Alex.) Interpreter of the Muses Ramsay’s I'ea-Table, Miscellany Rowe’s Poems, 2 vol. Another Copy, with Beaulius Lutrin — the ib. zb. ib, ib. ib. Load. Dub, Loud. Union Glasg. ib. 1673 1712 1723 1692 1666 1675 1729 1796 1733 1747 1682 1774 1760 6 4739 ,, / i740 /f/V f 1’*74.1 ^4742 1 6 5743 i^L. ■ J'. 3 / 5746 Ralph’s Miscellany of Poems' Radcliffe’s Ramble, an Anti-Heroick Poem Roberts’s Poems Ranger’s Progress Ryce (Rich.) The Right Institution of Baptisme, h. I, Imp. by Anthony Scolloktr Rawlet (John) Poetic Miscellanies, with his portrait 1691 The same, Isl edit, with two portraits, morocco, g. 1. 1687 Rose (John) the English Vineyard Vindicated, cuts Bond. 1666 Rome’s M^ckedness ib. 1637 Roscoe’s Nurse, a Poem ib. '1800 Rosse (Alex.) Mel Heliconium, or Poetical Honey ib. 1643 Helenore, or the Fortunate Shepherdess, in the Broad Scotch Dialect Aberd, 1778 5744 Renninger (Mich.) an Exhortation to true Loyallie to her Majestic, in two parts,* h, 1. Imp. by Thus. Dawson, 1587 5745 Royai. and Noble Authors, viz. Observations and Advices CEconomical, by Dudley Lord North Bond. 1669 ■— Another Copy with MU. n&te by Mr, Brand I 215 ^*>5733 5 ■ 5755 ^ - 5756 Royal and Noble Authors, viz. Precepts, hy f'rancis Earl of Bedford Loud. 1637 The True Dyfferes between the Regal and Eccle- siastical Power, by Henry Lord Stafforde, black Leltcr Imp. by W. Copland Historical Application, by George Earl of Berkley Loud. 16}^8 Another Edition ' ib. 1680 The same ib. 1670 Invictissimi Princlpis Henrici Octavi, ad Martin Luther Epistolam Responsio, raris Loud, m CEdibus Pynso -• Poetical Exercises, by Lord Cults ' Lond. 1687 A- OAO^ K. — Great Importance of a Religious la /L 4757 I i Asi 63 7I5764 "^^15765 6 >5766 by John Perceval, Earl of Egmont, with his portrait ib. 1748 Remarks on Walpole’s Noble Authors ib. 1759 King Edward the Vlth, Arguments against the Pope’s Supremacy 1682 The Myrroure of Golde to the Sinful Soule, by Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby, Mother to Henry Vllth, b. 1. in 4to. Imp, by Wynkyn de Worde 1522 ■ Daily Observations or Meditations Divine and Moral, by Arthur Lord Capel, very rare Lond. 1654 History of Edward II, by Hen. Viscount Faulk- land, portrait 1 605 Relation ofa Journey to Tunbridge Wells,also a Descrip- tion of the Wells and Place Lond. 1693 Robinson’s Essayes, or Observations Divine and Moral ib. 1638 Raleigh (Sir Wm.) Judicious and Select Essayes and Ob- servations ib. 1550 Observations ib. 1553 Reliquise Wottoniana, a77/z ih. 1651 Remarks upon Remarks ib. 1673 Rundle’s (Bp.) Letters, 2 vol. Gloucest. 1789 Rosewell’s Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mr. Fraser, 1717 ; Fleming’s Sermons on the Death of Mrs. Fraser 1716 - Robinson’s Natural History of this world of Matter ib. 1696 Ramsey’s Life Security Lond. 1665 Ray’s Collection of English Proverbs Camb. 1670 Richardson’s Guide to Loch Lomond, Loch Long, Loch Fine and Inverary Glasg. 1799 Ray’s Travels, portraits and plates Lond. 1673 Rusden’s Further Discover ie of Bees 1479 Retail General des CEuvres, et Fantaisies de Tabarin Par. 1625 Rome exactly Described, with portrait of Pope Alexander theVIIth lond. 1681 1. 2^^ 0- 4/hA^ ^^CucUa 216 , ^S775 ■^’U 5776 ini - 5778 , ^5779 . y'.,5780 (tX'^iAvOeJ / « /S ; j«SJ /-e 7 Qr 9^ /^57l5 ^'4786 3 6 5787 ^Mtc/ 5788 / C> 5789 /ome Fruits of Solitude ib. 1693 Secret History of Queen Zarah, and the Zarlans, being a Looking-Glass for in the Kingdom of Albigion, being the History of Sarah Duchesii of Marlboroug, both / parts, very rare ib, 1705 5839 ScoLs f Patrick) Fathers Advice, or last Will to his Sonne // ib. 1620 ry ^ y 5%^0 Stavely’s Flistory of Churchesj'n England, p/a/o ib. 177.3 'V584-1 Steele 11 Funerale Commedie. ib. 1742 ^ 6.5842 Spencer’s England’s Warning-peece, or the History of the ^ « Gun-Powder Treason 1652 ' 5843 Surrey's (Earl of) Poems, zviih his Life, elegantly bound, / russia, gilt leaver Loud. 1717 'A - 5844 Skelton’s (Maister) Poete Laueratc to Henry the Vlllth. Pity Pleasant and Profitable vvorkes ib. 1736 ^ ^ 581-5 3849 5850 ■ (LJ, ; i851 ^ / 5852 5S53 0 Z/' 6 5H5(i 7 6 5857 f ^ 5858 ^."^7 ^ ' 5.S59 A - .§861 QUARTO. Nova Francia, or the description of that part of New France, which is one continent with Virginia Lond^ Novum Testamentum .^Tgyptiuni Vulgo Copticum, .ab Wilkins Coptic. Lai. Oxon. 1716 Newcomb’s History of St. Albans, plates, 2 vol Lojid. 1795 Nautical Odes ib. 1701 Nardi(Leo) Sermones. Imp Lug d uni, MCCCCXCIV Noble on the Mint and Coins of the episcopal Palatines of Durham Birming. 1780 Navigation Philpoton the first Invention of NvvigHtion, 1661, Flellowe’s Treatise of the inventors, and Inven- tion. &:c. Tho. Heywood’s De.scription of His Ma- jest)'’s Royal Ship, called the Souveraigne built this year, 1637, with plate Nisbets Essay on the Ancient and Modern Use of Armo- ries, plates Edinb. 1718 Isarratixe of the late Parliament, both Parts very rare Loud.. 1657 and 58 llicholay Des peregrinations Orientales, cum figures, raj is caret tit. d Anvers J577 Norden’s Survey of Cornwall, maps, &c. News from Nev/castle Lond. 1651 Nautical tlacts. Norwood’s Seamans Practice 1659; Saltonhall’s navigator, Sic. &c. Nouvellc’s Catechism, b. 1. Printed by J. Daye,5\15 Another Copy ib, ib. 1570 Naunton’s (Sir R.) Fragmenta Regalia Lond, 1641 Nicolai Sepulchns Hebroeorum, cum fig. Lug Bat. ilQ^ 219 K ^ -5863 5862 Nortlrbrooke’s Summe of the Christian Faith, 5, I, PriTited by J . Kingston 157 i I The Seamans Secrets, both ' 5864- ■, I / ^5865 - 5866 ^ - 5867 ^ 5868 / ' 5869 ; ! % /j 0 15870 7 • '5871 ^ 'j5872 ^ <^5873 ' ^ -’^5874- /' /^'5375 ^ ^ :5876 ^5877 5873 / >5879 5880 Nautical Tracts parts, b, I, 1599 II The Arte of Navigation, three parts, cuts, b. L 1596 III Rob. Norman^s, the New Attractive, b. 1. 1596 IV Wm. BurouglFs Discoverie of the Variaffon of the Compass, b. 1. . ' 1596' V The Safe Garde of Sa)4ers ; or the Great Ratter, b. l.y cuts 1590 VI Wm. Bollrne^s, a Regiment for the Sea, b. 1. 1601 Newes from Scotland declaring the Damnable Lije of Doc* tor Finn, a notable Sorcerer, who was burned at Edinbo* rough, i}ijanuarie last 1591, cuts, b, L — New Eng- lands First Fruits Loud, 1643 OIdmayne\s Lifes Brevltie, and Death’s Debility 1636 Odes Horace, the best of Lyi ick Poets, 1631. Wil- lett’s Treatise on Saloman’s Marriage 1612 Oterburies [Sir Thonias) Kision, with the Ghost of Weston lurntr, the late Lieutenant of the Tower, and Franklin, by R. N. Qxon. cuts, very rare. See MS. note 1616 Octavii Cteophili Phanensis Peefe ve7iustissinn, Libellus de Cefu Peetaru ab Assesio Medis plus culis Tersus et dill- geter, ex planaius Par. 1509 Orders appointed by his Majestic, to be straighlly for the preventing and remedying the Dearth of Graine and , other Victual! 1422 Observations on Prince Rupert’s WHiite Dog, called Boy, very rare 1 643 Overton’s Arrow against all Tyrants and Tyranny, very scarce 1646 Articles of High Treason exhibited against Cheapside Crosse 1642 One Sheet; or, If You Will, a winding Sheet for the Good Old Cause 1642 . Oarasus Viridarium Hieroglyphico Morale, cum fig. Franco furti, 1619 Ovidii Epistolae Rqmae, 1552 Oldlsworth’s (Giles) the Floly Royalist, dedicated to Charles II, 'morocco, gilt leaves, the Copy that was presented io that Monarch Land. 1664 Observations on the Pope’s Bull against Elizabeth ib. 1681 Orders, Rules, and Ordinances of the Stationers Com- pany ib. 1678 Origenis Contra Celsum, Gr. Lat. Cantab. 1687 Ordinances of Parliament for 1642, 1643, and 1644 — 2 v. 2 D 2 0 / .ZJ tA'Viy ^ {A/ 220 58S3 /i<3|.,5S84 ' 1 1 ‘i'^' ^ 1 5885 ^cttdu y / . 'j5886 ^ 'j5S87 l^c/yi 9! • / ^ '5889 2).^ k y,5890 1^!5S91 5881 Owen’s (Lewis) Unmasking of all Popish Monks, Friers and Jesuits Loud. 1628 Treatise on the Pope’s Auihoritie, -^'anting title. OvidiiiS Naso's Worke, entitled Metamorphosis, translated by Golding, b. 1. Imprinted by Wm. Serves. Of Gold’s Kingrlqme, and this unhelping Age, described in suhdry Noenis Ltmd. Primed by John Windet 1604- Oh read ouer D. Bridges, for it is a vs orlhy VV’orke, b. 1. no date Physiognomy, being a Skelch only of a larger Work, upon the same Plan, with curious jrontispiece Land. 17G3 Orders and Ordinances for the better Government of tlie Hospital! of Bartholomew the Lesse • ib. 1652 Opifii Syriamus Restitutus, Heb. Chald. et Lat. Lips. 1691 Owen (Lewis) I'he Unmasking of all Popish Monks, Friers, and Jesuits Lond. 1628 Overbury (Sir 1 ho.) his Travailes ib. 1626 Oldiswci th (Giles) The Stone rolled away, and Life more Abunaant ib. 1664- 5892 Ochine (Barnard) A Tragedie; or Dialogue of the Unjust, usurped primacie of the Bishops of Rome, b. 1. Imp. by IV, Lynne 1549 f CoJ,. //a 1 CL-y\y\ J /u;ok Or-, IF? / y cLi/Kt/y^ /r: fi / j 7(7 /z / d, i J y ''Z \ 4\ FOLIO. 5893 Morland’s History of the Evangelical Churches of the Valleys of Piedmont, por/rflz7 ^ Lond. 1658 5894 Olaus Magnus History of the Goths, Swedes, and Van- 1658 1618 1635 1370 1357 dais ib. 5895 Mexico’s Treasurie of auncient and moderne Times ib. 5896 Musei Wormiani Historia, Lug. Bat. 5897 Mathoc Westmonasteriensis Flores Hlstoriarum Lond. 5898 More’s (Sir Tho.) Workes, b. 1. Printed by John Cawod, 3899 Menage Dictionnaire Etymologique^ de la Langue Fran- qaise, 2 toip. Par. 1750 3900 Molle, (John) The Living Librarie Lo7id, 1621 5901 Monck (Geo.) Duke of Albemarle, Observations -upon , Military and Political Affaires, por/rfl// ib. 1671 5902 Madox’s Formulafe AngILum ib. 1702 5903' Baronia Anglica, and History of Land Honors, 5904 5i7»05 and Baronies History and Antiquities of the Exchequer Firma Burge, 1. p. ib. ib. ib. ib. lb. 1741 1711 17^6 1756 1602 5906 Maitland’s History of London, 2 vols 59 7 Machiavel, on Government 5908 Manning’s History and Antiquities of Surrey, continued by Bray, \o\. 1-— plates ^ ib, 1804 • 7 ^ y(^ %cijc ^ Ocoacl] 176S called Mac- Lorid. 16^7 , i L a r^xpioiter ies Mines de y^i9 * Syro-Chaldae Keyes ‘’ °" ^^Siment HxJ, twenty fifth DAY’S SALE. SATURDAY, JUNE 6 , isoj. OCTAVO and TWELVES. S916 . 5917 / ‘ 3918 3919 1641 1647 1672 /092O |592I Z 0922 {5923 95924 0 5925 Sa"’rbleinLyric^rum'" ^P- Ek.. Smetuis Prosodia Pranc, Sanctii Minerva de Caij<;ic T ‘ t Perizonni L^nguaj Latinje, a Statii Sylvarum Amst. I 714 4 “i ;s abfc.o«.„, „ o„„,. .M.g,ri;s opo-j"”®.'"” Selecfa Pcetis Grajci f"'** 1607 3ymbo!um Fidei Tuds^orum F P at t' 1766 Ta(. /V. 1569 ^7 Kiinbi et alius Coiv*dam He^rar^ ranium Beniamini JudeTen^ s Antxi\ 1575 'OiAfAA I- / j ‘ ' 5928 -2 , 5929 ^5931 JL f5932 -).933 / 6 5935 'tw‘^ /^«936 -^^5937 ' ^593S ^‘ouaCu ^0 b 5939 a CyyHAA Z ii ^ - 5943 5944 / ' / -^ ' 594.5 ■ //"'T'*^' / ' 5946 yj ~ 594-7 If / <^5943 655949 Z:** ^ 5950 //• ^0f,CCiy I'Ocvf^ 6' • 5956 5951 / 6 /5953 yO 5954 -5955 222 Stephano (Hen.) Progyitinasma Scholasticum, a Stock* woodi LotkL 1597 Satixay Lexicon Ari^^tophanicum Grseco-Anglicum 25 . 1734 Scheclias de diis Gerraanis Notis Jarkins, &c. cwm Jig. Halac, 1728 Solerius de Pileo, Amst. 1672 — Bosside Toga Romana Amst. 1671 Salvius Notis in Hi'^toria Taciti, caret, tit. Schookii de Sternutatione Amst. 1664 Sutton’s Godly Meditations upon the Most Holy Sacre- ment of the Lord’s Supper Land. 1616 Smyth (Rycharde) against Cramer, b. 1. ic'ants title no date Slevogtii Sepulturis Imperatorum Jenae, 1722 Samwaies (P.) The Wise and Faithful Steward Land. 1657 Scaligeri de re numaria Dlssertatio 16 16 Sherburn (Ed.) Salmacis, Lyrian, and Sylvia, forsaken Lydia, the Rape of Helen, See. 1651, and two others Stapylton (Sir R.) Musaeus, on the Loves of Hero and Leander * 1647 Scott’s (Tho.) Poems 1765 Spelman’s History of Sacrilege, 169S ; Sir R. Twisden on a Monastic Life Smith (Ric.) a Voucher of the Catholicke Faithe ofChristes Churche, b. 1. dedicated to Queen Mar^^ Imp. by Robt, Caly, 1555 Stephens ( John) Satyrical Essayes, Characters, and others, very rare, see MS. note by Mr. Brand Lond. 1615 Smith’s Annals of University College Newcastle, 1723 Saint Evremont Miscellanea Lond. 1686 Stalbrydge (Henry) the Epistle Exhortarye, b. 1. written from Basle, 1544 The same, anothtr edition without date Sermons by Simon Harward and others, h. 1. Imp. by John Charlewood, 1582, in 5 vol. Standhysshe’s Treatise against Barnes, b. I, Imp. by Rob. Redman, 1540, Th. Sampson, a Warning to take heede of Fowler’s Psalter, 5. 1. Imp. by Iho. Vantrollier, 1578, The Warfare of Christians, b. 1 . Imp. by John Shep^ parde, 1576 Stubbe^^ [P.) The Anatomie oj Abuse, b. 1 . very rare, title MS. Printed by Richard Jones, 1583 Schickardi Horologium Ebrseum UUraject. 1661 Stafford (Ant.) Niobe, or his Age of Teares Lond. 161 1 Scarronides, or Virgile Travestie ib. 1682 Sherriffs (And.) Poems, in the Scottish Dialogue Edinb. 1789 Shirley [James) Six new Playes, portrait by Marshal Lond. 1653 223 !/ ' 1^957 /5958 ^ 5959 ‘ 5960 ‘ 5961 Sandy’s [Geo.) Clirisl’s Passions, a Txagedie, v/Iih Anota- tions ib. Sermons, by Ogden and others Cainb Steele’s Poetical Miscellanies Loud. 1640 ^/i/U 1770 / U 3962 '^j 75963 /|U'y z 'Good V€007 7 6008 ^ 6009 b 6010 (f 6011 i 6012 ^*6013 O 6014 O 6015 v6016 <^6017 o 601S 0 6019 i 6020 6021 6022 40 . a (6023 -(6024. 6026 6 6024 ^^nwa^J . 6027 j? 6023 4/Ul "i ^ 6029 2‘24? Smith (Geo.) The Britons and Saxons not converted to Popery l745 Sellerus^s Antiquities of Palmyra, Lond. 1705 Sannazarii Partu Virginis Lainentatio de Morte Christ! Pis- catoria P. B. Benaan Aldus. 1527 Selden’s Office of Lord Chancellor of England, with por- trait , 1077 Sharp on Pronounciation of the Hebrew Lond. 1804 Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil and James the 6th Edinb. 1766 Scott's Poetical Works, Land. 1782 Silva de Varia Lecion A?rcereSj 1524 Skinner’s Ecclesiastical History of Scotland, 2 v. 17 8i4 Siden’s (Capt.) History of tlie Sevan tes, or Sevarambi Lond. 1675 Sorocold (Tho.) Supplications of Saints, a Book of Prayers, and Pray, .es, ib. 1638- Stradm de Bello belgico, cum Jig. Roni. 1653 Schafnaburgensi Historta Gerrnanorum TubingaCf 1533 Stratton’s Select dentences from eminent Divines Lond. 1761 Songs. The Canary Bird Lond. The Wreath, a Curious Collection of New Songs 1757 Ballads aud Songs (Scottish), plates l^udlotv 1799 Song Srnstli, plates Lond. 1802 The Warbling Philomel The Buck’s Pocket Companion // ^ Old Songs, wants title * • -//tt^UAAz {> i'f Choice Collection of 120 Loyal Songs Lond. 1648 Vocal Miscellany 1714 The Chearfui Songster and Humours of London ib. 1764 Smith, on the Religion and Government of the Turks 1678 Scogins’s Jests Lond. 1796 Sharpe’s Dissertation on the Origin of the Latin Language ib. 1751 Secret History of Col. Hooke’s Negociation ih. 1760 Steward (Dr.) the English Case m a Court Sermon at Paris, iviih par trail of the Duke of Gloucester ib. 165& Starkey (Geo.) Nature’s Explication and Plelmont’s Vindi- cation ld57 Smollett’s Adventures of Lancelot G reaves, 2 vol. ib. 1762 Saavendra Faxfardo Idia Principis Christiano Politici Symbolis, ciun fig. Par. 1660 Scottish Poems of the Sixteenth Century, collected by I.G. i>ahymple Edinb. 1801 Spencer’s Hennas, or the Acarian Shepherds Newcastle, 1772 225 3 3 / J zz / ^ 6031 • 6032 6030 Shirreff’s Life of Dr. W. Guild Scotish Poems, 2 vol. in one Scott’s Minstrelsy of the Scotting Aberdeen 1799 Edinb. 1801 Borders, 3 vol. Kelso, 180 ^ ^ 6033 Sailer ce Serine, or the Secrets of Things Wriiten in Moral and Poiiticke Discourses, supposed Unique, sen. MS. / Tude Lond. 1 640 ^ 6034 Sermons by Maynwaring on Non-residence 1710, and several others c/a/y> 4/yfid4A 4 6035 Select Fables dom Oulistan, or the Bed of Roses, from the Persian ot Sadi , fond, jf 6036 Steward (Dr.) the Fngii^h Case ib. ^ 60.37 Somi’s (Ignazio) Historical Narrative ib. “ 60.38 SaltonstalTs Whimzies, Poems, &c. ' ib. '16039 Sallengre Histoire de Pierre de Montmaur Amst. -’6040 Secret Memoirs of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester f Lond. ®6041 Strapeana, fugitive Miscellany J 7 . 6042 Shakspeare’s Work.s by Johnson and Stevens, 15 vol. ' / Lond. ^|6043 Stillingfleet’s Fcclesiastical Cases, 2 vol ib. w 6045 Six Old Plays on which Shakspeare founded his Measure jbr Measure, &;c. 2 voh Lond. 1779 A /(^6044 Sharp on the Common Prayer ib. 1753 ^ <^6045 /$ 1774 1659 1765 1631 1717 1721 1792 1793 1704 S’too hun Bayes, or some Observations upon the Humour of Writing Rehearsal’s Transposed Oxon. 1673 '6046 Staughton on Christianity, morocco, gilt leax)es 1604 - 6047 Surrey (Hen. Howard Earl of) Poems, with the Poems of Sir Thos. Wiat LondL i717 ''6048 Spencer on Prodigies ib. 1665 -6018 Sion in Di dress ib i69I '60‘0 Stevenson’s Original Poems, 2 vol. ih. 1765 'p605l Stockdaleon Poetry ib. 1778 • 0 6032 Stephani in Veterum Poetarum Latinorum Sententias ,! / Celebriores y ^'6053 Somervile’s Chace, Rural Games, &c. ib. 1764 'V ^ 6054 Stevenson (M.) Occassions off Spring, or Poems ih 1653 j '6055 Spooner’s Looking Glass for Smoakers ib. 1703 2 ' 6056 Stanley (Thos.) Poems ib. 1651 . ' 6037 Sancho’s Letter s,d\idi his Life, by Jekyll ib. 1802 6058 Stubbe Delici* Poetarum Oxon. 1638 - 6059 Senault’sUse of Passion, englished by the Earl of Mon- X / TDOUtb, xoith his portrait Lond. 1671 Z' ^ 6060 Stroller’s Pacquet opened, containing Jovial Drolls ih. 1742 ^ 6^6061 Stell (John> the Beehive of the Romish Church, a Worke of , all Good Catholikes to be read, b. 1. Lond. 163.S 6602 Smiilds {Capt. Alex-} The Thieves ,\eu- Canting Diclionarj/^ 2 E' 'hJ. Scotch Presbyterian Eloquence, /rcn^ii;/jzccc, 1732 ; An- swer to the same Hudibras ’ 1692 Saunder’s Palmistry, cuts 1662 Stubbe’s (Philip) the Anatomic of Abuses b. 1. 158.8 Salgado Symbiosis Papae et Diaboli I.ond. 1681 Scot (Tho.) Philomythie, or Philomythologie, wherein Outlandish Birds, Beasts, and P ishes, are Taught Speak- ing English plainly, and other Works Lond. 1615, 22, and 25 Simolachri Historic, e Figure de la Mort, avec f g. Lyone, 1549 Schorten’s Description of the Mighty Kingdome of Japan and Siam Lond. \ 67 I Spelman (Sir H.) Churches not to be violated Oxf 1676 Spon et Wheler, Voyage d’ltalie, de Dalmatic, avec Jig,. 2 tom d La Haye, 1724 Shakspeare’s Works, by Johnson and Steevens, with Sup- plement, 12 vol. Lond. 1778 and 1780 Selden (J.) Metamorphosis Anglorum ib. 1653 Scotch Acts of Parliainent, vol.l Edinb. 1682 Speed (Sam.) Prison Pietie, or Meditations Divine and Moral Lond. 1677 Scot on Schism in England Anist. 1650* 227 A ' 6093 /6094 . ^ 6095 ' » 6096 ' ' 6097 )098 {6099 Z . 6100 ^J6( / y610l / ^ 6102 ^ /6103 6 6104 '6105 ^ 6106 / ^ 6107 6108 6109 /.eiio ^ieiii " 6112 - 6113 6114 / ' 6115 / 6116 4 6117 y6118 / 0 6119 re 120 o e>ij reii iL 6121 6122 6123 y/ 6124 Spence’s Parallel between Magi iabechi and Mr. Hill 1759 Sermons, by South, &c. scarce Scanderbeg Redivivus 1684 Stow’s Remarks on London 1722 Sermons (Eight) various and other Tracts Camh. 1785, &c. Serario Rabbini et Herodes Mogimt, 1607 Sigonii de Republica Hebraeorum Banov, 1603 Schoettengenii de Secta Flaggellantium Commentatio Lips, 1611 Stevens’s Lectures on Heads, cuts 1799 Sadler’s Exactions and Impositions of Parish Fees Disco- • vered, and Eight more Tracts relating to London Suckling’s (Sir John) Poems, &c. Loud. 1658 Sermons, by Sharpe, Pye, &c. fourteen in number, bound together 1781, &C. St/Cyprian’s Discourse to Donatus, done into English Metre Loud. 1717 Stringer (Arthur) the Experienced Huntsman Belfast, 1714 Sorbiere’s Voyage to England 1709, Sprat’s Observations on ditto 1708 Sedwicke’s Military Discipline for the Christian Souldier, 1639 ; Papers which passed at Newcastle betwixt his Sacred Majesty and Alex. Henderson, tvith portrait of Charles, by Marshall 1649 Salmon’s Antiquities of Surrey Loud. 1736 Stow’s Abridgement of the English Chronicle Lend. 1611 Summarie of Englyshe Chronicles, b. 1. ib. 1565 of the Chronicles of England, b. I, ib. 1604 Sachever ell’s Account of the Isle of Man, very rare ib. 1702 Skrines’s General Account of the Rivers of Note in Great Britain ib, 1801 Symeonis Historia Ecclesiae Dunhelmensis ib. 1732 Savanorolae in Psalmos ' Tubingae, 1721 Sharrock on Vegetables Oxf. 1672 Scaligeri Opusculae Francofurti, 1712 Series Augustorum Augustarum^ Caesarum, y?g. Venet. 1702 Seldenus de Cumo Civili Veterum Judeorum, Gr. Lat. Lug. Bat. 1683 Scottish Poems, 2 vol. Lond. 1775 r- CherrieTree, and Floden Field Glasg. 1646 Somneri Julii Caesari Portus iccius lllustratus, portrait Oxon 1694 Sheldeof Salutation newly sette forthe in Englishe to the great comforte of all faythfull penytent Synners, b. L Mor, gilt leaves Imprinted by me Robert. Wyer no date * 2E2 o/JlihvtCU tiA cP- 0 ? (PiuJu y 228 Secret Instructions of the Jesuits Shaw’s John) Divine Art of Memory Starch’s View of the Isle of Wight Skippon’s (Gen ) Salve tor every Sore Land, I7S23 ik- 16,83 Viewport, 1787 Lond. 1643 C, cy Yi '/i z / 3 / JJO 6132 6133 6134 6135 6136 6137 6138 6139 Smealon’s Historical Report of Ramsgate Harbour^ with Ills Lii'e and Portrait ih. 1791 Sherling’s J.) Life of the blessed St. Agnes Virgin Mar- tyr, in Prose and Verse ,b. 1677 Smythe’s (Rich.) Defence of the Masse, b.l, ih. hylVm. Middleton 1547 Stradae Debello Belgico, Rom, 1648 Syi onymorum Sylva, Olim Asimore Pelegromio Coilecta, and Alphabeto Fiandiiro ab eodem Authore lllu'stra, &c. Lond. 1615; Drax’s Calliepeia, or a Rich Store-House of Proper, Choise, and Elegant Latine Words and Phrases 1613 Survey of the Province of Moray Aberdeen 1798 Shaw’s Analysis of the Gaelic Language Edinb. 1778 Sturmius de Arte Sunputandi Argent Srhervir'g’s Plain Dealing Poulterer, or a Poulterer’s Shop opened 1679 Summary of all the Religious Houses in England and Wales .7 17, Ekins Medea and Jason 1772 9,1 J-lu^ cue ! ly I . ■i (m i\ n 0-rytCtA i. // /3 6140 r 6141 6142 6143 614t 6145 6146 ' 6147 ^ 6148 - 6149 (6150 ' '|61ol 6152 / C*AA 0-yi } Ji i-L 6153 0 6154 0 6l5o 6156 ir Tristrem, a Metrical Romance of the Thii'teenth Century, by Thomas of Lrclidoune called the Rymer, Edited by Scott, elegantly hound in russia, gilt leaves Edinb. 1804 Skippon’s (Maj Gen.) Sah^e for every Sore Sail Marshe’s Practice of Policie Stafford’s Guide to Honour Setoni Dialectica Salustius’s Expedition Suecicar in Germania Seldeni Bibliotheca Swdlt’s Works, 13 vol. Select Sc'otti'h Ballads, 4 vol. Stern’s Wnrks, 7 vol. Smith’s Every Man his Own Fisherman Secret Instructions of the Jesuits Song’s sung at the Court, and both the Theatres, in 1680,1,2, 3, set to Mustek 1681,&c. Stock’s Funeral Sermon and Character of John Lord Har- ring'on * 1614 Spiritual Bee Ox/. 1662 Shake PEARk’s Poems 1640 Poems, &c. 1714 Poems Land. Colon. Rothomagi, Edinb, Dub. 1643 1639 1634 1611 1654 1678 1768 1783 1774 1723 9 Vo ^6157 '^^6]58 / ‘ 6159 /V . 6160 V/ -6161 6162 Is >6163 /3U6164 ^ ^165 ;3 66166 ^6167 /> 6168 / ^6169 7-6170 7 -6173 IV -6174- 7^6175 ,66176 7-6177 Shakespeare's Sonnets never before Imprinted, Title — see MS» tiote, Printed at London, by G. Eld, for T. T, and are to be sold by fVm, Aspley 1 609 perfect ' • 1640 Silurist Olor Iscanus, a Collection of some Select Poems 1651 Shirley^ Poems, with Portrait, rery rare, for an Account of the Author, see Af6'. note - ' 1646 Sheppard's Epigrams 1651 Sambuci Emblemata Siluister the Woodman's Bear, a Poeme 1626 Sylvester's Parliament of Vertues Royal, cuts, 2 vol. very rare 1615 Saunders's Compleat Fisherman 1724< Sculptura Historico Technia, or the History and Art of Engraving, plates 1 7 60 Stavely’s Romish Horseleech 1779 Strange’s (Sir R.) Inquiry into the Rise and Establish- ment of the Royal Academy of Arts 1795 Sandy’s (Sir Edwin) Europse Speculum, morocco 1673 Scarborough and Turnbridge Miscellany 1733, and several others Songsters Magazine 1763 Songs, The Charmer, or The Lady's Garland Sectani Satyrae, Notts Far. Amst. 1700 Sherry Ps {Rich.) Treatise of the Figures of Grammar and Rhetor ike, b. I . very rare Lond. ap. Totteli 1555 Sewell's Poems, plates Egham, 13^3 Short-Hand (Rich's Treatise on) The same, with cuts, and Metcalf on ditto 0 olA \y v/etyt tf\ e / JLA I i 1 230 5 \ ; & o u}) i7/} / CUy / TWENTY SIXTH DAY’S SALE. MONDAY, JUNE 8 , 1807 . < > / ( I ! '6178 ,6179 16180 di // ^ Z * 1 '•1 j' (Hi o 1 1 ; -A yo : 1 - ’i 1 1 i i h I. 1 6185 ei86 ■C\^ ^r> [6190 '6191 /^'6192 \ i OCTAVO, and TWELVES. Select Epigrams of Martial, ehgilshed 1639 Satires of Alus Persius Flaccus, translated into English Prose, by Senhouse, with many MS. additions Loud. 1730 Selden^s (John) Table-Talk ib. [696 Sumida Raymundi-Colonie i?npe?isis Henrici Qi/eniel MCCCCC Salmon’s Chronological Historian, p(9r/rflz7^ Land. 1723 C. Suetonii Tranquilli Opera Omnia, Notis Illustrata Oxo7u 1676 Stella Clericorum Ecclesiastics, b. L Imprinted by Ra- nulph Gaultier Sealbrydge’s (Hen.) Epistle Exhortatorye of an Inglyshe Christian unto his derely beloved Contrey of Ingland h, I, no date Standish (John a Discourse wherein is debated whether it be Expedient that the Scripture should be in English for all Men to reade that wyll Imprinted by Robert Caly^ 1555 Sandy’s (George) Christs Passion, a Tragedy, plates, Lond, 16+5 Seneca’s Medea, a Tragedie Lorid, 1648 Spence’s English Dictionary Neiecastle, 1775 ‘‘ Story’s Introduction to English Grammar ib. 1778 Sibscosta’s Deaf and Dumb Man’s Discourse 1670, &c, | Shipman’s (Tho.) two other Tracts, Carolina, or Loyal ? Poems 1683 ) b s ' 6 ^6 / ^ 1 ^ 6 6 6 6 / >6 A 4 J 2 - 6 / - 6 7 . 6 / ' 6 ' 6 / - 6 i e / /(/ ie 6 t ^ € 131 Staffords (Ant.) Day of Salvation Meditations Segaris Honores Anglicani Salusti Historiae Sophoclis, Gr. Lat. Gr. Lat. 2 vol, Gr. Lat. a Canteri Select Scotish Ballads, 2 vol. 1635 1612 1715 1567 1669 1,722 1593 1783 1700 1650 Co/, Agrip, Cantab, Land, Lug. Bat. Lond. Syntaxis Latine, et Anglice et Prosody Cantab. Scot’s Schism ot England • - Amst. Sermons, Chardon’s second Sermon, b. 1. 1587 ; New- man’s Looking-Glass for Petioners, 1619 ; Foster’s great Day of Chancery, 1619; the Blinde Man’s Sermon, b. 1 . 1616 Sail’s Sermon before the Lord Lieutenant and Council Dub. 1674. Scarronades or Virgil Travestie Lond. 1692 Skippon’s (Maj. Genl.) Christian Cenlurians Observa- tions, Advices, and Resolutions, &c. ib, 164'5 True Treasure or Thirty Holy Vowes ih, ib. Strade de Bello Belgico cum effigius Ro?u. 164‘8 0218 Saltmarshe’s (John) Holy Discoverie and Flames, cuts, Lond. 1640 Sorocold’s Supplication of Saints, with portrait of Qjieen Elizabeth • ib. 1729 Scot’s (Wm.) Essay ofDraperie, or the Complete Citi- zen, frontispiece ib. 1635 Sallust’s History of the Conspiracy of Cataline, with his portrait. ib. 1684' Sermon’s made by John, the Byshop of Rochester against the pernicious Doctryne of Martin Luther, b, 1.' curious engraved, title no date Satan, his method and Malice baffled 1683 Schockii de Cervisia Gronig. 1661 Scot Vocabularium Utrivsque Juris Lugdini. 1601 Sadler’s (John) Sick Woman’s private Looking-GIasse Lond. 1636 Sermons, very rare, black letter (viz), Homilie of , Saint John Chrysostome, translated by Sir Tho. Chaloner, 1549; Sermon preached at Paules, 1576; a Sermon preached in 1388, by R. Wimbledon, and found out hid In a wall, 1584, — before the Queene, by Mr. Ed. Dering,” 1569 ; — at Blanford forum, 1571 ; — by Mathew Hutton at Yorke, 1579 ; — at the Funeral of Arthur J.ord Grey of Wilton, by Tho. Sparkes 1593 — on the burial of the Earle of Bedford. 2594; two by Rich. Cartels, Bishop of Chichester, fd 6270 The Compleat Gamester Lond, 1709 9 6 6271 Tracts. Collection of Welsh Travels and Memoirs of . Wales, 1738 ; Life of Gill Smith executed for Mur- portrait, 1738 ; and others ^ ^ 6272 Toland’s Life of Milton Lond. 1761 ' 6273 The Horn Exalted, or Room for Cuckolds, frontispiece ^ ib, 1761 ' *6273 The Muse In Good Flumour, or a Collection of Enigmas 3t / . y'uw' ■? - 6275 i (3 yl 6277 — 6274 ThevenoFs Art of Swimming, \h, 1699 The Compleat Statesman w ith the Portrait of the Earl of Shaftesbury ib. 1683 6276 Tracts. Game of Quadrille, Sic. ; Jests, Domestic and Foreign, Youth’s Delight, Riddles, -cw A ; tw’o Plots Discovered Universal Jester, portraits, 1770 ; Macaroni Jester ; Quack Doctor’s Harangues, 1762 ; the Merry . / Companion ' ^ 6278 The Primer, or Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary Antwerpt 1685 6279 Testamentum Cuisdam Monachi, &c. Impress, Far, Speculum Ecclesie ct Speculum Sacerdolum 235 ^ * 62&0 ^6281 6282 . 0283 3 / 0284- / ■0283 / ' 6286 6287 - 6288 ^ ^ 6289 6290 Z6 ^ 6291 ^ '^.0292 6293 . 6294 Z 6 6293 3/ 6296 0297 ^ ^ 6298 Thieknesse’s Journey through the Austrian Netherlands Loud. 1786 The Mysteries of Love and Eloquence ib. 1635 The Festoon, a Collection of Epigrams Tucker (Dean) Tracts, 2 vol.' Gloucest. 1772 Four Tracts ib, 1775 The Testament ot the Twelve Patriarch’s the Sons of Jacob, cuts Lo?id. 1681 The Christien Rule of the ivhole JVorlde, b. 1. very rare, CoverduLe the Qlde Fayth an Evident Probation out of the Holy Scripiuie, b. L, 1547 The Banquet of Xenophon, translated by Wei wood Loud. 1710 The Examination of the Constant Martir of Christ. John Philpol, b. 1. Imp^ by H. Sutton 1559 The Rates of the English Customs, b. 1. 1382; the Rates of Merchandize, 1604 ; ditto, 1635 The Uncertainty of the Signs of Death, plates Load. 1746 The Muses Farewell to Popery and Slavery Loud, 1689 Tipper (Eliz.) the Pilgrim’s Viaticum ib, 1693 The Warn Word to Sir Francis Hastinges Wastword T602 The Christian Zodiake, wajits title The Exposition of the Terms of the Law,5 /. Lo7id. 1592 The Paternal Arms of the present Nobility of Great Britain, arms emblazoned, silver clasp Tracts. A Detection of Sophistry and Falsities 1714; a Postcript to John Bull, containing the History of the Crown, in 4 parts, with Key, 1712; Republican Pro- cession, a Merry Poem, 1714, &c. &c. - Okeley’s Monument of Mercy in Delivering himself and four others from Slavery 1716; the Peni- tent Murderer, 1639 ; a Warning to Youth — the Life and Death of Thomas Savage, who was twice execu- ted at Ratcliffe for ihe Murder of his Master’s Maid- Servant, c/^/5 1720 ■ The Public-House Keeper’s Monitor, 1769; / i) 6299 ^ ^ 6300 ^ / 6801 ■ i • i ' I I Woodward’s Seaman’s Monitor, 1776 , Young Man’s Monitor, &c. &c. The Scotch Rogue in the Life and Actions of Donald Macdonald 1722 The Confessyon of the Fay the of the Germaynes, b. 1. Imp. by R, Redman Tracts. Discoveries of John Poultera/fa^ Baxter, 1761 ; News from the Dead, or a Narrative of William Daell, and his coming to Life after being Hanged, &c. Xiiith frontispiece 1704, &c. 2 F 2 // . ^/pcCe,lA // / T/ ^ / / Cc^. 'jxL A Ad ii' !) 236 S6302 Tracts^ Wilkinson (Ro.) a Jewell for the Fare, 1608; Web’s Garden of Spirituail Flowers, 1609 ; the Pren- tises Practice in Godlinesse, 1 608 6303 Travers, on Ecclesiastical Discipline Gcnevay 1580 6304- Tracts. Memoirs of the great Mr. Law and his Bro- ther, 1721 ; Last Will and Testament of Sir Thomas I Gresham — Life ol Sir Thomas Pengeliy, 17.33; Me- i moirs of the Noble Family of Talbot, 1737 ; Life of of Alderman Barber, portrait, 1741 ; Memoirs of Charles Duke of Somerset, &c. 6305 The Artificer’s Looking-Glass, 1726, andothers 6306 The Idyllium of Theocritus, with Rapin’s Discourse of Pastorals Oxf. 8 4 16307 The Nurses Choice, or the Merry Fellow Lond. 1754 6303 The Heavenly Acadernie ib. 1638 ' 6309 Tracts. The Royal Charter, 1656; Epigrammatum Sa- croLim, 163.4; the Holy Lives of God’s Prophet, with a curious Print, 1654; Venning’s Warning to Backsliders, 1654 6301 Thoughts on the Times, but Chieflly on the Profligacy of our Women Lond. 1779 Thrasher (W.) /ubar Astrologiam, ads ib. 167 1 6311 6312 4 ,. Cv j U 6313 • ^ 'fiM/ ^ H Togjrai Lamiato Lajam, Carmen, cumVer. Lat. et Notis Arab, et Lat. Qxon. 166! The Phoenix, or a Revival of Scarce and Valuable Piece.s, 2 vol. Lond. 1707 6314 Tracts. Sir I. Newton’s Tables for Renewing and Pur- chasing of Leases, 1731 ; Value of Church and Col- lege Leases, 1731; a True Estimate of the Value of Leasehold Estates, 1731 ; Fleetwood’s Enquiry into the Customary Estates and Tenant Rights, 1731, &:c. Thompson ( Isaac) Collection of Poems Newcastk, 1731 Templeun Musicum, or the Musical Synopsis Lond. 1644 The Unfortunate Court Favourites of England, portraits Tithes. Ail suche Prpclamations by the Kynges Majestie (and passer! the Print), b. 1. " 1550 and Oblations according to theLawes established in the Church of England, b. L 1595 First Fruits and Tenths, rare, dedicated to Oliver 6315 6816 6317 6318 6319 6320 6321 /(6322 /)6323 ^ 6.‘^24 - 63 >5 6326 Cromwell and Church Lands, by Forbes (great Case of) by Anthony Pearson the same (Three Tracts (various) on Sacrilege Sacredly Handled, in 4to. — by Jer, Stephens 1657 Edinb. 1705 1732 1730 1619 1647 237 /i/i. 3^/ '15327 Tracts. Memoirs of the Villainous Jesuit Father Richard j Walpole, portraits, 1773; Case of Catharine CacUere gainst the Jesuit Father Gerard, 1732 ; the Bristol , Fratricide, with an Account of the Life and Murder ' of Sir John Dinely Goodere, 1741 ; Miss Blandey's own Account of the Affair between her and Mr. ( . Cranstoun, 1752 ; Mystery Revealed ; respecting the supposed Cock-Lane G host, 1742; Narrative of the Cruelties Inflicted by Eliz. Browairigg, 1757 ; Royal African or Memoirs of the Young Prince of Annama- hoc, Vauxhall Affray, 1773 ; Life of Capt. John Donnellan, 1781; Life of Simon Lord Irnham ; Life of the Celebrated Patrick Madan; Life ana Transac- tions of Margaret Nicholson, with her portrait l7St> 6328 Memoirs of the Life of B. Booth, with his portrait, 1733 ; the Conduct of the Stage considered, 1721; 3 / Z ///6 7 6331 6332 ! Ty'anny Triumphant, and Liberty Lost, 1743, &:c. j6329 The Royal Marriage, King LemuePs Lesson, frontispiece j,'. Loud. 1722 6330 Twelve Sermons selected from St. Augustine and Eng- Iished by Tho, Paynell, b. 1. Imp. by John Cawood The CountriemaiPs Comfort Loud. 1637 The Hlrovcall Epistles, of the Learned \ Publius Ouidius Naso in English E'erse, set out and : translated by George Tnrberuile , Gent, zvith Aldus Sa^ binus Answeres Lo certaine of the same, b. 1. a very rare edit, morocco, gilt leaves 4 Lond. Printed by Simon Stafforde, 1 800 7 7 6333 Trifles by VortingernCrancocc, Esq. Lond. 1772 ^ ^ 6334 The two Lancashire Lovers ib. 1640 633.5 Ttie Wonders of Free Grace, or a complete History of all the Remarkable Penitents that have been executed at Tyburn Lond. *1690 |6336 Tracts. Reynold’s Gods Revenge against Adultery, cuts, 1708; Blood for Blood, or the Murderers just Punishment, cuts, 1726, &c. Preston (John) the Fulnesse of Christ for us. A. AfaJo- i % / 6337 portrait, lo39 ; Gardner’s Booking of Angling, 1606,&c. sAc- 6338 Turnbull’s Exposition of the Scripture I w,6339^ The Question of the Precedency of the Peers of Ireland, & i // A Lond. 1592 in England, fairely stated Dub. 1739 ,6340 Tracis — A short History of the Highland Regiment 1743, and others 6341 Treasurie of Health, b. 1. Prhited by Tho. East. 1583 6342 The Tears of the Muses expressed in Elegies upon the Death of Henry Lord Hastings Lond 1649 , 6343 The Trial of Maist, Dorrell ib, 1599 238 ^6344 CloA^ 3' 6 6345 Lsi6 >^hc^k.y 0 6347 J V<^UC,4 6348 1/ J % '6349 A /€350 ^Ui.c^S < 1^35 1 / 6 6352 (^fp353 ^ V6354 ^00 6355 d7) ^ ^-6356 H r • I I V' ®358 /6359 ^ 6360 ? , 6361 6362 6363 . 6354 The Tenth Muse, lately sprung up in America ib, 1650 Ti^acts. — Robin’s Game, cuts, 1731 — Cadenus and Va- nessa, a Poem, 1726 — Memoirs and Amours of a cer- tain Irish Dean — A Trip through London, 1728, &c. Travels through Holland, Flanders, &c. cwifA-. Lofid, 1693 The XII jLneids of Virgil, translated into English deca- ' Syllables, by John Vicars ib. 1632 Travels of Don Francisco de Quevedo ib, 1684 The shortest Way with Whores and Rogues ib. 1704 The Parian Chronicle ib. 1788 The Fortresse of Fathers ij), 1556 Tracts. — Introduction to the Art of Thinking, Edinb. 1761 , and others. Theophilus Cibber, to David Garrick, Lend. 1759 The Image of bothe Churches Erinted at Tournay, 1623 Tracts. — The Life and Glorious Actions of Sir Clou- desly Shovel, with his Portrait, 1707, and many others. The Following of Christ, translated out of Englishe, newly corrected and amended, b. 1. very rare. Printed by John Cawood. Fi. B. This was the first correct Edition of Thomas d Kempis. The present State of Betty-Land Land, 1684 The American Physician ib. 1672 The Character of Italy ; or, the Italian Anatomized ib. 1660 Tracts. — The Causes of the Dearness of Provisions Assigned; and many others on the same Subject, 1766, Sic. Parker’s Sylva, 1701 — Memoirs of Cardinal Woobey 1706 — Innocency of Error Asserted and Vindicated, 1729 — Saul’s Account of the Barometer, or Wea- ther-Glass, 1730 — Law on the unlawfulness of the Stage Entertainement, 1755 — Stukeley’s Philosophy of Earth Quakes, 1750, &c. &c. Occasional Writer, 1745 — Narrative of the Young Chevalier, 1750 — Foster’s Account of the Be- haviour of the late Earl of Kilmarnock, 1746 — Sum- ' mus Angliae Seneschallus, 1746 — Brewster’s Jus Fe- ciale Anglicum 1740 A Discovery of a large, rich, and plentiful Country in the North America — An Account of the many Rebellions and Conspiracies against Queen Elizabeth, 1722 — An Account of the burning of the City of London, 1721 — Memoirs of General Blake- ney — Character of the Duke of Buckinghamshire, 1729, &c. t I 4 z / - 6 / '6 / / 0/6 : / (^6 ^6 n / A / '■ t // / 4 / z / \ / i . 1 239 366 Tracts. — S ecret Memoirs of the Life of Doctor Sacheve- reli, 1710 — Aminadabj or, the Quaker’s Vision,^rew- tispiecey 171 0 — Character of a Low Church Man,W^/i portrait of Sachevereli -/iminadab’s Declaration, zaith curious frontispiece, 1710 — and several others. )367 Life of Lord Lovat, 174(3- — Memoirs of Miss Jenny Cameron, 1746. 368 Jones's Poems and Essays, Oxf. 1772 — Wood’s Sermon, 1753 — The School of the Heart, l,ond. 6369 Tables for renewing and purchasing of Ihe Leases of Cathedral Churches and Colleges Cauib, The Art of Preaching - Townshend’s Poems, plates The Pleasant Art of Money-Catching Lond, The Mynd and Exposition of that excellent learned Man Martyn Biicer, b, 1. ‘ Printed at E7nbden, 1566 — The Fortresse of Fathers, 1566, &c. Tracts. — H esiodi Ascraei Opera et Dies. Graece, Col^ Agrip. 1517 — Dudley Fenner, The Arte of Lo- gike — Varamund’s true and plaine Report of the Fu- rious Outrages of France, and the horrible and shame- ful Slaughter of Chastillion the Adm. ; and divers other noble and excellent Men. Printed at Sir iveliing,m Scot’- land, 1573 — The Pray^e of Follie, englished by Sir Tho. Chaloner, b I, ^ 511 — Omnibus and Singulis, af- fording Matter profitable to all Men, necessarie for every Man, 1619 — Wotton’s Art ofLogicke, 1626 6375 — — — Popular Errors in Religion, 1648 — New Obser- vations on the Creed, 1647 — Use of the Lord’s Prayer maintained, 1647 — New Observations on the Decalogue, 1652 — The Eating of the Body of Christ considered, 1652 — Shibboleth; or, the Refor- mation of several Places in the Translations of the French and English Bible, 1655 Taylor (John) Thesaurium Mathematicae, portrait and plates Land, The Whet-Stone; or the Spawn Puzzle, 1745 — The Puzzle, 1745 Tracts — Collier’s Musical Travels through England, 1785 — Munchausen’s Travels, Oxf. 16S6. The Trial of Richard Vsitch, portraits Land. The Miraculous Powers of the Church of Christ; and a Reviev/ of the same, 2 vols. The Com pleat English Copy Holder, 2 vols. Trial of Lord Clarendon »/'/ ClMCiA// 1075 // ./ 1684 V fiA4/ 1685 1796 1738 Toland’s Christianity not Mysterious Towgood’s Disloyalty of Language •Bristol, 1687 1806 1756 1735 fd, 1700 1696 1643 •A (y,, ^Uri/y ^ — % 240 / () ^ g3g§ Tour through the South of England and Wales, plates Lond. 1793 * €386 The Antipathy between the French and Spaniards, / englished by Robert Gentily's ib. 1641 y6387 The Traveller’s Guide, and the Country’s Safety ih. 1692 J 6 6388 Tracts. — Bishop Hooper’s Seven Sermons upon Jonas, preached before Edward Vlth. b. 1. 1648 Tracy on the Sacrement, b. 1 . — Three Treatise on the Sa- crement, b, L — Bradford’s Sermon on Repentance, b. 1. Bishop Hooper’s Funeral Oration, h. 1. 1549 €360 ^ >6391 ^ 0€302 • 6393 7(^6394 4 6 6395 /3 6 6396 CiA Or k/i/i/f/v' k)c^A.'Lv , / / 6 6397 / ‘ 6393 ^4: /(6399 6400 / / 6401 // *• 6402 QUARTO. Oratorio Anniversaria Harveiana Lond. 1724 Old Plays.— Arisphus ; or, the Jovial Philosopher ih. 1635 — — Albiimazar, a Comedy presented before the King’s Majestic, at Cambridge ih. 1634 A Game atChesse, as it hath bine sundrey ’ Times acted at the Globe, on the Bank Side A Woman’s a Weathercocke, wants title A pleasant Comedy y calley Wily Beguilde ib. A pleasant Comedie of Faire Em, the Mil- ler’s Daughter of Manchester ib. A Presentation, intended for the Prince his Highnesse on his Birth-day, 29lh May, 1638 Beaumont and Fletcher, the Maids Tra- gedie ib. 1641 Beggars Bush, a Comedy ib. 1717 1628. 1631 A King and no King, 1625 — The Scornfull Lady, imperfect Baker (Tho.^ an Act at Oxford Imp. 6403 ■M 3 k 6404 / * 6405 ^ ' 640G 6107 Cupid’s Whirligig ; as it hath bene sundrie times acted by the Children of his Majesties Revels Lond, 1630 Campaspc; played before the Queenes Ma- jedtie on Newe Yeares Day at Night, by her Majesties Children, and the Children of Faules ib. Imprinted by Thomas Cadman, 1584 Carlell (Lod.) The Deserving Fauorite ih. 1629 ... Chamberlaine (Rob.) The Swaggering Dam-^el, a Conmdie, wants title Old Plays. Day [John) The hie of Gulls, as it hath btcri ojteri acted in the Black Fryers, by the Children of the iCvcls Liond. 16.33 The Blind Beggar of Bednal Green, with the Merry Humours ot Tom Stroud, the Norfolk Yeoman ib, 1659 241 ^ 640S / ^ 6409 ^ ' 6410 ^ -’6411 I ^ i6412 ^ ' 6413 ^ ' 6414 ^ '6415 ^ 6416 .6417 ^6418 / 4 - 6419 ^6420 / / - .6421 '|6422 ^ *6423 6424 6 6425 "^^^6426 / ^6427 6423 . 1^429 '. : 6 16430 / ' '! -j6431 1^432 Old Plays. Dekker (Tho.^ a Tragi-Comedy, called^ Match Me in London Load. 1631 The Second Part of the Honest Whore, with the Humours of the Patient Man 5 the Impatient' Wife ih, 1630 Dogget (Tho.) the Country Wake, a Comedy ib, 1696 7 Englishmen for my Money, or a Woman will , have her Will j wanthig part of the hcgmnhig Fyfe (Alex.) the Royal Martyr Charles the First ; a Tragedy — Glapthorne (Hen.) the Ladies Priviledge . ib. 1640 Holiday (Barten) Texnotamia : or the Mar- riages of the Arts ; a Comedy ib. 1630 Heywood .(Tho.) the Rape of Lucreece ib. 1638 'J'he English Traveller ib. 1633 The \Vise Woman of Hogsdon ; a Comedie, MS. title ib. 1633 The Foure Prentises of Londofi, with the Conquest of Jerusalem ib. 1662 ^ pleasant Comedie, called a Maiden-- head well Lost ib. 1634' The Royall King and Loyall Subject ib. 1637 . T ' ^fUA.'/CA/y The First and Second Part of King Edward the Fourth ; containing his Merry Pastime with the Tanner ofTamworth 1626 — Hausted (Pet.) the Rivall Friends, a Comedie ib. 1632 Helter-Skelter : or, the Devil upon Tw'o Sticks; a Comedy ib. — — Imperiale, a Tragedy, in 8 vo. . ib. 1640 Middleton (Tho.) The Mayor of Quinborough, a Comedy ib. 1661 Michaelmas Terme> as it hath beene sundry times acted by the Children of Paules ib., 1630 Another Copy Mermion (Shackerly) The Antiquary, a Co- medy ib. 1641 May (Tho.) Heire, a Comedie ib. 1632 Xhe Old Couple; a Comedy ih. 1653 /' cy aj cT. Masquerade Du Ciel : presented to the great Queen of the little World ; by J. S. ib. 1640 Massinger (Philip) a new Way to Pay old Debts, a Comedie ib. 1633 2 G ^^i((hyiaA JU'U, 4 - <,433 ^ 6+3+ fi , / ^ / /x"' 6436 ■^Ciyic L^ /^ . T^U tc^ /j 6437 6438 ^ < 3 - 6439 —■ ■^ClA ulu (I i J- J ' 6++0 > /i' a- / i ■ 6++2 3 ^c^cIa / /- 6445 Jl' ^ / ^ ■ / 0 . C446 ^'/ii'lvhtc'i^ / / / ^ 6 g447 / V -c o 0449 ■Jt"" J'/6+50 ^H6+51 ' JCi^i/ru/T / 6 6452 ' - 6+53 242 Old Plays. Nabbes (Thomas) Tottenham Court, a pleasant Comedie Loud, 1^38 • Anothtr Copy ib. ib. - — The Bride, a Comedie ib. 1633 ■— Microcosmus, a Morall Maske ib. 1637 — The Covent Garden, a pleasant Comedie ib. 1638 — Raven-scroft the English Lawyer, 1678 — The Canterbury Quest, or a Bargain Broken — Mamamou- chi, a Comedy, 1675 — Dame Dobson, or the Cun- ning Woman ; a Comedy, 1684 Shirley (James) The Wedding, as it was lately acted by her Majesties servants, at the Phoenix, in Drury-lane ib. 1633 St. Patrick for Ireland ib. 1640 Scott, the Mock Marriage ; a Comedy ib. 1696 Settle (Elkanah) the Empress of Morocco ; a Tragedy, plates ib. 1673 St. Serfe (Tho.) Tarugo’s Wiles : or, the Coffee-House; a Comedy ib. 1668 Sheppard (S.) the Committee Man Curried, a Comedy, presented to the f^iew of alt Men ib. 1647 Sharpham (Edtoard) the Fleire; as it hath beene often played in the Blacke~Fryers, by the Children of the Revels ib, 1615 Sampson {William) the Vow Breaker or the Fair 6 Maide of Clifton ib. 1636 Shakespeare (Will.) the Tragedy of the Moore of Venice ib, 1630 » The Tempest, or the Enchanted Island, a Comedy, 1676 — The Tragedy of Hamlet, wants title — Julius Caesar, a Tragedy The Tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark ib. 1637 Tate (N.) Cuckolds Haven 1685 The Merry Deuill of Edmonton ib. 1631 — — ^ The Triumph of the Prince d^Amour; a Masque ib. 1635 The Faire Maide of the Exchange: together with ^ “^ >''/6+5+ merry Humours and pleasant Passages of the Cripple of Fanchurch, furnished with variety of delectable Mirth, MS. title ib. 1637 The Spanish Tragedy, or Hieronimo is Mad ^ again ib. 1633 The Queene*s Aracadia ; a Pastorall Trage- Comedie ib. 1606 - - The Honest Lawyer, u/ants title /\ 3 \ U" ^0 f6i57 6458 6459 3 . 6460 6461 A 0 , 243 Old Plays. Thatham (John) The Scots Figgarles ; or^ ^ a Knott of Knaves Lond. 1652 The Fatall Dowry ; a Tragedy ib. 1632 The Traiter to Himself, or Man’s Heart his greatest Enemy : a Moral Interlude, in Heroic Verse ib. 167S Webster (John) the Dutchesse of Malfy, a Tragedy, 1640 — a Cur^ for a Cuchh,ol4 Wilhin’s (Geo.) tlie Miseries of Inforst Mar- riage 1 629 Another Copy 1629 6462*Peters,(Hugh) a Conference held between the old Lord Protector and the new Lord General, 1666 — Cha- racter of the Rump, 1660 — A Hue and Crie after Cromwell, or the Cities Lamentation for the Losse of their Coin and Conscience, 1649 — Forty-four Queries to the Life of Queen Dick, 1659 — Brad- shaw’s Ghost, 1659 — Shuffling, cutting, and dealing in a Game at Pickquet, 1659 ’ 6463 Pattern, or the perfect Way to wordly Happiness / / Lond. 1659 ^ dj" 0 6464 Tales and Jests, collected into one volume , with por- ^ trait of the very rare and curious H. P. extra rare, . bound in blue morocco, gilt leaves ih. 1660. / ' A Copy of his Highnesse Prince Charles his Letter to the Commanders of his Majesties Forces, &c. ib. 1648, God’s Doings, and Man^s Duty ib. 1646 — A Word for the Annie, and two Words to the -C b 6465 ^ " 6466 / - 6467 6468 / 6469 y 6470 - 647 1 Kingdome, to cleave the one, and cure the other ib. — Last Report of the English Wars ib. — Resurrection, by Way of Dialogue , . ib. — Declaration of the gallant Service, in the bringing in of the Irish Army to the Obedience of the Parlia- ment of England, 1646 — Bibliotheca Militura, 1659 — • Tryall and Condemnation of Mr, John Cooke, 1647 1646 1659 Solicitor to the late High Court of Justice, and Mr. H. Peters, that carnal Prophet ib. 1660 6472 His Case, and some Passages in his Imprisonment in Newgate, &c. 6473 Pembrochiae (Comes) Numismata, cum Jig. 6474 Poetry. What Peace to the Wicked, 1646 — The Great Assises, holden in Parnassus, by Apollo and his Assessours 1645 6475 Puckell (Steph.) a True Table of all such Fees as are due to the Bishop of London, &c. Jmst, 1631 G o’ J^CiAclu C / / / U/o! t/h 0 J/d- 2 G 2 4 > 244 //L ^ /i '^^UA/CiA.^ / ^JU'i/r '4iciJo 6476 Porter [Hierome) The Flowers of the Lives of our English j» /' Sarnies, plates ' Doway, 1632 ^6477 Phillips’s Life of Cardinal Pole, 2 vol. ^ Oxf, 1784 647 8 Pilkinton’s Exposition of Nehemiah Camh. i585 *6478 Peachanis Complete Genikman, a fine Copy 1627 €479 Pappe with an Hatchet alias a Figge fcr my God* sonne, or Craike me this Nut, or a Countrie CuPe, that is a sound Boxe ot the Eaie, for the Idiot Martin to hold his Peace, seeing the Patch will take no Warning, written by one that dares call a Dog a Dog, rare imprinted by John Anoke, and John Astile, for the Baylive of Withernam 6480 Pegasus, or the Flying Horse from Oxford Printed at Montgomery, heretofore called Oxford 6481 Plat’s Jewel House of Art and Nature 1653 6482 Poetry. War Horns make room for the Buck with Green Bowes, 1682; the Tory Poets, a Satyr, 1682; Conspiracy of AEneas and Antenor against the State of Troy, 1682; Absolon et Anchitopel, Oxon. 1682; Solomon’s Songs Paraphrased, Oxf. 1681 ; Poems upon the Death of the late Usurper Oliver Cromwell 1659 *6482 Prynne the Levellers Levelled to the very Ground 1647 f ^ (6483 Prynne’s Sword of Christian Magistracy supl >16434 Plyny’s Panegyricke, by Sir Robert Stapylton Oxf. 1644 Provision for the Poore now in Penurie out of the Store- House of Gods plentie, b. 1. Land. Printed by Jho. Creede, 1597 6 ^486 Pierce Ploughman’s Crede, Extra Rare, black letter J ! ^ t / n / ! , ,^6434 6485 2i5 TWENTY SEVENTH DAY’S SALE. TUESDAV, JUNE 9, I8O7. j6-J.87 a y 0 64.88 y / ^6489 ^ ^6490 / ^ 6491 I? / 6492 ; ^'6493 , 6494 •>‘^.6495 / 6496 6 I 6497 A/ ^ 6498 j/ ' / a 6499 6500 6501 6502 OCTAVO and TWELVES. Tracts. Essay on Valour, Thoughts on Laughter, Festoon Epigrams, &c. St. Pauls’ Late Progress, 1644; Lord Herbert’s Poems, 1648; Bp* Ward’s Philosophical Essay Taylor (F.) Grapes from Canaan dedicated to O. Crom- well ‘ Lo7id. 1653 Toland Oratio Philippica ib. 1707 The most Wonderful Wonder, written by the Copper- Farthing Dean id. 1725 The Character of a Whig, frontispiece ib. 1700 The Famous History of Herodotus, b. 1. The Crye of Royal Innocent Blood ib. 1683 The Epistles of Gildas . ib. 1638 The Curiosity, or Gentlen)an and Lady’s Library ib. 1739 Tracts. Hubert’s Catalogue of Rariiies, 1665; and many others The None-Such Charles, his Character, £ond. 1651 The Character of King Charles I. ib. 1660 Tuke (Edw.) The Soul’s Turnkey ib. 16.56 The Cries of Royal Blood ib. 1722 Tracts. A Declaration of the Causes Mooving the Queene of Englande to give Aide to the Defence of the Afflicted and Oppressed in the Lowe Countries, ibo frinUd by Barker, 1585; the King’s Majesties f/ S)iA^(y i 246 ^'n(y>v}aA SjuJ^ f^Ui (/'l(/Y ) / Ciy'iAA^ DLL Do if V^/i/y' Speech, 1609; the Magnificent Entertainment given to the High and Mighty Prince Charles, &c. by the King of Spain in his Court at Madrid, 1623; the ' * Apostacie of the Earl ol Laval, J605 ; St. John’s Speech on Ship Money, 164<1 ; the King’s Majesties J / Speech in this Great and Happy Parliament, 164 6535 /• j '6536 '9 ' 6537 / 5 6538 Cf 6539 /Ty 6540 6 6541 h -6542 tions at Tyburn, 1725; and others The Ballad, or some Scurrilous Reflections, in Verse {g}\ Load. 1701 jJ' The Regiment of Life, by Thomas Phaire, b. 1. j, / ih. by E. Whitchurch \55V^''AciJo- Tracts. Advice to a Son, Oxf. 1656 ; the Father's Counsel, 1644 ; the Father's Blessing, or Last Legacy, 1660; Precepts, or Directions for the Well-Order- ing and c'arriage of a Man's Life, 1637 Theocriti Idy Ilia, Notis Edwards, Gr. Lat. Cantab. 1779 Tracts. Memoirs of Robt. Easfburn, Life of Dr. F. Hensey, 1758 ; Unfortunate Sisters, 1757 ; Account of the Loss of the Doddinglon Indiaman ; History of the Inhuman noted Mary Jones ; Lives and Transac- tions of the Noted Thief-Takers ; the Cruelty of For- tue, the History of an Easter Holiday, the Whimsical Mortals, Life of Eleanor Gwin, Memoirs of John Collingfon, 1750; Sufferings and Death of Henry Roberts, Esq. Dub. 1748 Tour in Ireland in 1775 Land. 1776 The whole Prophecies of Scotland, England, France, Ire- land and Denmark Edinb. 1685 Refined Courtier Loud. 1663 • Samaritan ib. 1682 Ex — ale — ation of Ale ib. 1671 History of the Gun-Powder Plot, plates ib. 1796 Taylor's (John) Keepe within Compass, or the worthy Legacy of a Wise Father to his Beloved Sonne A^CyAyy tAx O U 248 i 4 Jo . / '65 46- (A M iA/CiA^ / j teacjilng him to live richly in this Worlds, and eternal happy in the World to come, cutSy black letter 6543 The Soule’s Solace, or Thirtie and one Spirituall Emblems hond, I63f 7 65 4 present Danger of Popery in England lb. 17 lO / (76543 The wonderful Wonder of Wonders, or the hole History of the Life and Actions of Mr. Breech, the eighth Wonder of the World Lo/id. 1722 — Manner of the Deposition of Charles Stewart, King of England, by the Parliament and Generali Councell of the Aimie, the intended Triall of the King for his Life, as guilty of High Treason, and in case of his Re- fusal to plead to his Charge, the Resolves of the Par- liament and Councell of Warre ; also the Words of a Woman who pretends to have seen a Vision, to the Generali Councell of the Army, with a List of the Names of the Commissioners for the Trial of the King Frmledin the Yeere 1649 World displayed Loud. 1740 / CA oe'} ‘6547 6548 lobe55o Ages -6551 .6552 6553 Providence of God observed through several ib. 1694 Lives of ten excellent Men ib, 1677 Cry ofRoyal and innocent Blood heard and answered, being a true and impartial Account of God’s extraordi- . nary and signal Judgments upon Regicides, withpor- traite qf the Rai/al Martpt s ib. 1694 Glorious Lover, a Divine Poem, by B, K.pto^ ib. 1679 Tracts. Bicknefs Swoorde against swearyng, b.l. 1561;' Williamson’s Swoorde of the Spirit drawen against Anti-christ, 1613; Done’s Sermon preached at Panic’s Crosse 1597 ■ Account of St. Dunstan’s Vestry — Guy’s Will UuUt^ J/d/iY- — Clarke’s and Eleven others Towns' s Assertion of Grace, gilt IcavcSi rare () 0 6555 The Office of llie House of Ottomano, anef Officers per- taining to the great 'Purkes Court, wilh the Ceremo- nies and Religion of the Tiiikes, Englished by Hugh Gouge, b. 1. — Prvited by Tko. Marshs The Rehned Courtier, with portrait of the Duke of Mon- xnouth 1679 Anchor of Faith * 1628 Crafty W'hore; or, the Mistery and Iniquity- of Bawdy Houses laid open Loud, 1653 6559 Thomas, the Countries Sense of London’s Sufferings 1667 6560 The Freeman of London’s Companion, or the Citizen’s birth-right 174) 6561 Tracts. Fariiaby’s Rhetoric — Stirling Rhetoric — Phipp’s ^ 76554 ^ *6556 ^ ^6557 Job 65$^ / / 249 ^ 6562 i «563 Voyage to the North Pole — Welchman on 39 Articles —Report of Tyne Bridge Triveti (l^icolai) Auricles Begum Atiglice a Hearnc Oxon. 1719 Tkacts. Frauds and Abuses about St. Paules 1712, Continuation of Ditto 1713, Answer to Ditto 1713, Facts against Scandal, 8£c. both parts 17 13, all very rare / 6564' The Burnynge of Paules Church bi London in the Yeare of our Lord 1561, and the 1 i tli Day of June by Lyght^^ nynget at Three of the Clocke at Ajternoone, ivhich con- tinued terrible and helplesse unto Nyghf, black letter, -eery rarCt see MS, note, Imprinted at London by b it- Ham Seres 1553 The true Report of the hurnynge of the Sfeple and Church of Paules in London, b. i. very rare, Primed by Seres 1561 The Bastard Child, ora Feast lor the Church Wardens, a Drammatick Satire 176S — — Man House taken in a Trap, and tortured to death for gnawing the Margins of Eugenius Philalethes 1650 Exposycion of Daniel the Prophete, gathered out of Philip Melancthon, 4'C. by George Joye, black letter. Imprinted by Tho. Ray n aide 1550 — Pleasing History of Albino and Bellama, waiiting title — Ages of Man’s Life Way to Health, or the Temperate Man <>565 6566 6567 J (7 6563 ^ '*6569 ^ / 6570 0,6371 / 6 6572 6 6573 / 6 6574 / - 6575 /2 6576 1653 1724 1629 Cantab. 1701 Lond. 1759 Anist. 1670 I / §577 6578 Judgment of Fluman Actions Terentii Comoediee Theocriti cum Graecis Scholiis Tomasini de Tesseris Hospilalitatis, cum fig Tracts. Monumenta Antiqua Judaica 16S6, and five more curious Tracts The Booke of Common Prayer, Middleburg 1602; The Golden Treatise of the auncient and learned Father Vincentius, no date. A Quatron of Reasons of Catholicke Religion, by Tho. Hill 1600. Treatyse of Christian Peregrination 1583 A Petition of the Commonalty to Queen Eliza- ^A(/y Aa O' beth 1588, The Complaint 'of the Commonalty to the Parliament 1538, A Petition made to the Convocation House 1586, Dean Colet’s Sermons made to the Con- vocation at St Paul’s, Notes upon his Sermon, and his Life, by Erasmus 1661 6579 The delightful, princely, and entertaining History of the gentle Craft, Lond. 1725 6580 Another Copy ib, 1725 6581 The noble and diverting History of the gentle Craft, cuts ib, 1723 ' ' 2H z . /' >i ti58‘i The History of the gentle Craft, cuH ib, 1737 6i83 Tracts. Bonavenlura Meditatlonis, no date — Ortulus Rosarum Imp. Johan Petit — Bernardi Meditationis S. EfFram Opusculse Variae, all early printed, no date 6584 — An Antiqiiod libet, or an Advertisement to be- ware of Secular Priests, Middkhurgh 1602. Legenda Lignea, with an Answer to Mr. Birchley’s Moderator, with a Legion of Revolters to Rome, Lond. 1653 6585 — England’s Trumpet, b. 1 . an Almanack but for one Day 1664, the World’s timely Warning-piece, by Chas Hammond 5. 1. 1660, Jones’ black Book of Con- science, 5. 1. 1666, the Plain Man’s plain Path-way to Heaven, with Portrait, 1665, the Charitable Christian J664-, Jones Morbus Sa-tamcum, Portrait 1665, Jones’s Doomsday, Portrait, 1664, Ready Way to everlasting Life 1665, Christ’s first Sermon 1666, Christ’s last Sermon 1664-, all very rare and curious 6536 The Composition ofPtholomeus Prince of Astronomye, black letter. Imp. by Thomas Cowell, no date, arid seven curious and rare black letter Almachs, by Vaughan, and ethers on Astrology, cuts, 1559, &c. €587 The XV Comforts of rash and inconsiderate Marriage 1 683, The Pleasures of Matrimony, cuts. Matrimonial Cus- toms 1687. The Grand Mistake, all Men happy if they please, 4 v. curious aiid rare 6588 Tracts. Treatise of Christian Righteousness 1578, the Benefit that Christians receyve by Jesus Christ cruci- fied. Imp. for Lucas Harrison. Beza on the Christian Faith, Printed by Rich. Serll. Beza’s Book of Christian Questions and Answers, translated by Arthur Gol- dinge, 1577; the Testimonie of a True f'ayth, 1577 ; all bound in one vol. 6589 The Disposition, or Garnishmente of the Soule Antwerp, 1596 6590 Tr acts, a Boke made by John Fryth 1548 ; two Epis- tles by H. B. and J. Calvin, 1548; Tyndall on the Sacrament ; a brief and short Declaracyon what is a Sacrament, by Richard Tracye, 1548; a short Path-way to the true understanding the Sacrament, by Zeven- glius; the true Judgement of a Faithful Chrystyan upon the Sacrament ; Certeyn Meditations before the Sacrament, by T. Broke, 1518; all bound in one vol. rare, 6592 The Pesye of flowered Prayers, black Utter, very rare 6593 Tursellino de Particule’s Latinae Orationes Colon. I6i8 6594 The second Part of the Booke of Christian Exercise ap- pertayning to Revolutions. Printed by John Charlewoud 1592 «594^ Traheron’s Reading on St. John, b. U wants title. 251 ii 6595 I'iie Interpretacyon and Sygnyfycacyon of the Mape, b. 1. Imps by Robert fVyer, 1517 ()59() The Hurt of hearyng Masse, by John Bradford, b. 1. ?5. by H. Kirkman, 1580 ; a Declaration of the Masse, by A. Maroost, 5 1. Wittenherge Thomas\s Sermons, black letter Travers (Walter) an Answer to a Supplicatioral Epistle of / 3 / ■ 6597 - 6598 ^6599 " 669(9 Loud. 1583 1580 (> /I i)(, 6601 6602 6603 6604- 6605 6606 607 a godly Lands l 62 fe )608 16609 O. T. b. I The Bee-hive of the Romishe Churche, h. /. Tracts. A View of Man’s Estate, b,l. 1576; Advise touching Marriage, b. 1. and others Tymme’s Silver Watch-bell, b. 1. The Way to make all People rich, 1685 Basket of Jewels, h. L wants title. Golden Book of Si. John Chrysestom, 1659 Tracts. The People’s Plea, 1618 ; the displaying of the Familie of Love, and Letters of the Familie with their Answers, b. a short Declaration of the Ministry of Iniquity, 5. /. 1612 The Summe of the Holy Scriptures, b. 1. 1547 The Life and“ Death of Queene Elizabeth, from the Wombe to the Tombe, from her Birth to her Burial, written in heroicall Verse, with her portrait Land. 1639 The Curtezan unmasked ib. 1664> The Vanity of Honour, Wealth, and Pleasure, by Jas. frontispiece ib. 1678 610 The Romish -Horse-leech ib. 1674 11 The Description of Pandorsus Wuldolinnatus, dedicate ’ to Thomas Thursby, Esq. 6612 The Philosopher’s Banquet Lond. " 6613 The Interpretation of Dreams, by Artimedorus ib. 614 The Lawes of Drinkings frontispiece by Mar shall t extremely scarce, see MS. note 1^615 The Smoaking Age, or the Life and Death of Tobacco, frontispiece by Marshall, extremely rare '6616 Treatise against Drunkenesse, 1685 — A DIsswasive from the Sin of Drunkenesse '6617 The great Evil of Health-drinking y6618 ThoriUvs’s Kymmes Tabaci, a Poem in honour ofTobacco 1651 16619 The Praise of Drunkenness, by Boniface Oniopholus 1743 ^ , 6620 Tk ACTS on Woe to Drunkards, 1735; Letters on drinking Healths, 1722; a Looking-Glasse for drun- kards, 1627; the Impartial Monitor, 1656; Youngers Charge drawn up against Drunkards, &c. 1655 6621 The young Gallant’s Academy Lond, 1674 ' 6622 The Secrets of Albertus Opagnus 6623 The Antiquities of the Common People, wants tiik. / i / / )»66 066 4Ji c:i LMy 1 1633 1722 ! 1617 1617 1684 /- Cc’cf/ \Z)Li 252 CcZ, tfU// 6624 The Antipathy betweene the French and Spaniards, en^ glished by Robert Gentiiys Land, 1641 6625 Tracts. Captain Sm th*s Comical and Tragical History of I he Lives and Adventures of the mo^t noted Bayliffs in and about We tininster, 1723; the Life of the late celebrated Mrs. Llizabeth Wisebourn, vulgarly called Mother Wybourn — King Satan, or the Hiuiting of the Senator, 1724; the Art ofBeauty, a Poem, 1719; a MaUh at Foot-bal', 1721 ; all very rare 6626 Tvldervy's Select Epithets, 2 v. Lend. 17^5 A ' 6627 1 he Acts and Life of the mod28 The History of the Feuds and Conflicts among the Clans / in the Northern Parts of Scotland, &c. ib. 1780 Q 6629 The Voyce ofTruth, or the Highway leading to true Peace j Gant. 1676 ^ ^6630 The Temple of the Muses 1738 7 i) 6631 Tr \ci:% on IFitchcraJt, S^c. Complete History of Magick Sorcery, and Witchcraft, 1716; Tryal of Jane Wen- ^ ham ofWa'.kerne in Hertfoidshire, and received Sen- ^ tence of Death, 1712; and Four others on the same J (Ue,jA^ 0 / subject. A / / ^ 6632 The Hi^tory of Witches and Wizards, by W. P. cuts *^yi4A/(kA^ / ^ 6633 Wotton (W.) Shabbath Misna, Heb. and Eng. Lond. 1718 /• //i P ‘'t C/cuh^ X 7 / iZ/ J: 6634 ^6633 6636 6637 6638 L 6639 6 6640 6641 6642 7 6643 ^ 6644 6645 QUARTO. Prophecy (the) of Humphrey Tindal, Vicar of Wel- lenger Lond. 1 642 Prophecie (A) that hatl lyen hid above these 2,000 Yearns ih 1610 Poor Robins Prophecy ih. 1688 Plight (Thomas) British and Outlandish Prophecies, ih. 1658 Pa.kyn’s (Sir Thoma>) Inn-Play; or, Cornish Hugg W restler, plates. Lor an Account cf this cuj'ious Book, see /\'IS. note ib.- 1727 Another Copy u'antwg the p(>rtrait, Peurie’s (John) Declaration Prince Rupert’s Bun ing Love to England, discovered in Bn mil. gharn’s Flames 1643 Powell’s Tom of all Trades; or, the Plaine Path way to Preferment 1631 Passion an Discretion in Youth and Age 1641 Plague, (four Treatises on) 1665 Palmer, an Essay e the Means who to make our Trauailcs in Fpreigne Countries 1606 253 / 6646 A - 6647 3 . 6649 6650 6651 6652 ^ 6653 ^6654 0 6655 / 6 ^656 . 6657 f -6658 / / ^6639 ^ 6660 Pi.ccatorle Eclogs, and other Poetical Miscellanies 1633 Palmer in D’Oliva, the Mirrour of Nobilitie, Mappe of Elonor, Anatomie ot rare Fortunes, Heroycall Presi- dent of L.ove, Wonder for Chivalrie, and most ac- complished Knight in all Perfections, 2 vols. 5. /. 1588 6648 Principia seu Introductiones Tris peregrini Ytalici de Lugo in Via Doctoris subtillis. Loud. Imp. R, Fynson 1518 Vide MS. Note. Pyra’s (Master) Speech in Parliament, on Wednesday the 5 th of January, 1641, with his portrait 1641 Pennington^s (Isaacs) Word for the Commonweale 1650 Pembroke (Earl ot) Speech to Nol Cromwell, Lord De- puty of Ireland, rery rare 1649 Passenbergi (Joanni'-) Bohemi ; ad Luderanorum Famo- sum Libellu, recens Wittenberg ae Editu, Responsio no date Palmer, the Lawfulness of the Celebration of ChrisPs Birth Day Lotid. 1649 Peikins’-< Poematum . ib. 1707 Phi'oeothonista ; or, the Drunkard, wants title Passin’s new Digester; or Engine for Softening of Bones, cuts 1681 Placi de Anonymis atque Psaudonymis Hamb, 1674 PulleiiPs Jcremiah^s Tears 1608 Peyton’s G'asse of Time in the Two Fird Ages, cuts 1623 Poyei’s (Col John Gov of Pembroke Castle) Declaration and Resolution concerning the King’s Majesty, and both Houses of Parliament; and his Propositions to the Western Party, together with a full Relation of the last great Fight betwixt the Forces of the said Col. Poyer, and Col Fleming, with the Manner thereof, and the taking ofTinby Castle by a Party of Major-General Langhouse’s Men, 1648 — Colonels Powell and Poyer’s Letter to His Highness the Prince 1648 Pope Gregory’s Letter to the Prince 1 623 Prima pars de Comparatis Comparandis seu Justifica- lionis Regis Carol! comparate, contra Parliamentum Oxf. 1647 Prynne’s Aurum Reginae, with the Appendix, 2 vols. 1668 Peachands {^Hen.) 'IhelVorthoj a Fenny; or, a Caution to keep Money Land. 1664 Peterson’s (Rob.) Galateo of Manners and Behaviour, 5. I wants title Pennycuik’s Scotch Poems Edinb. 1762 Preposita, his Practice, 5, /. Printed by John Wolfe . 1588 6661 6662 ^ )6663 6664 / . .6665 6666 6667 4 / /UM/ CJOi/p 3 .lo 6668 Pavlllon^s (David) Practical Abstract of the Arts ofForti- • 3 ti 6670 4 6669 CiuUyyiixA/ JJ^ .6671 X C^cuJ^^ J0 (y ^ fication and Assailing, tvith his portraitf Jrontispiece, and other plates Land, 161-5 Poetry. — Gray^s Elegy — Ruins of Rome, &c. 1746, &c. Polimanteia : whereunto is added a Letter from England to her three Daughters, Camb. Printed by John Legate 1595* Primrose [David) Scotland's Welcome to her dread, Sove- raigne King Charles . — Douglases Grampius Gratula- tion to his high and mightie Monarch King Charles. 6672 Portiforium ecclesiae sarisburiensis, 2 vols. russia, Lond, / ,!• Kyngsion 1556 0 / - 6674 Poetry. — The Papists Rime Answered — The uncasing of Machivel’s Instruction to his Sonne, 1613 — Christes Bloodie Sweat, 1613 — The Martyrdom of Saint George, 1614 — Take, concerning the Holy ^Eucharist, 1625 — Fitz-Gerry\s Blessed Birth-Day celebrated, 1634 — Sir T. Salusbury’s History ol Jo- seph, a Poem, 1656 — Canaans Calamitle, Jerusalems 1 Misery, and England's Mirror, 1640 — Sir Thomas Vrchard’s Epigrams, 1641 — Eiphnikon, a Poem, frontispiece by Gay wood, 1656 — Devout Rhapso- ' dies, by J. A. Rivers — The Honour of Virtue, and.^ - . Epitaphs on Mrs. Elizabeth Crashawe, all bound in . onevol. ' '-6675 Pignorio Vetustissimae Tabulae iEneae sacri Egyptiorum y y Simulachris, &c. cu?n fig. Venet, ' ' - 6676 Paul's Churchard Yard, Libri Theologicif SfC. the three Parts Bibliotheca P arliamentit done into English for the Assembly of Divines, 1653 — Bibliotheca Militum; or, the Souldiers Public Library, 1659 — A new Letany for . these Times, all very rare and curious. -V V X *6676 Peelers (George) Merrie conceited Jests, wherein is shewed the course of his Life ; a Man very well Knowne in the City of Londoji, and elsewhere, b. 1. so rare that it is thought unique. See MS. note, bound L // / russia. Loud. Printed for Henry Bell no date PasquiPs Palinodi, and his Progresse to the Tavern, frontispiece. > 6678 Pasquine, in a Traunce, bl.let. Imp. by W. Seres no date / Q 6679 Papilla oculi omnibus Sacerdotibus, &c. the copy that be- longed to John Bradford the Martyr, and has his auto- / / ^raph Par, Imp. per I. Regnault, 1514 / 6. 6680 Patini Antiquum Monumentum Marceliianae,/^-. Patav. 1688 / 6 6681 Petrii Victorii Variarurn Lectionum Lugdini, 1554 *6681 Proprium Sanctorum Tempore estuali Par. Imp. per / Regnault \5\5 ^ V 6682 Perotti Grammatica Par, MCCCCLXXXXIII. 0 6683 Porta de Furtivis LUerarum Notis Neapoli, 1563 1620 1665 *■ 4-^ 4 i/'ri ^ h; ' ijfiCu 255 (J\0 ^ -6688 i ~ 6689 A /6690 6 6691 6 6692 ^6693 \ Q 6694 3 6 6695 6696 1626 1573 /V'Z^ uyi^^ i ±- *6697 / ^ 6698 - 6699 6700 /^-6701 ^ /() . 6702 (>6703 / ^ ^ 6704 ^ '6705 JX . 6706 Fhilpot s Catalogue oj thanccllors and Lord I r^asurers of ^ England 1636 Pasquin inaTraunce, a Christian and learned Dialogue, contayning wonderfull and strange Newes out oi' Heaven and Hell, bL let, elegantly bound. iV Imprinted at Lond. by IV, Seres — no date Vy Powell’s (Tho.) Direction for Search of Records Lond. 1622 Ponet’s (John) Tragaedie, or Dialoge of the anciente usurped Primacie of the Bishop of Rome, hi. let. and Endynge of all Popery or Popishe Kygedome, bl. let. cuts. Imprinted by John Hevforde and charges of Walter Lynne 9iu date Pagitt’s Heresiography, 16 16 — Edwards’s Gangroena, parts 2d and 3d, 1646 Powell’ (John; Assize of Bread, cuts Lond. Parkhurst’s Ludrica sive Epigrammata Juvenilia ib, Paruus Mundvs, cum fig. Arnhemi, ap. Janson Prelatique Preachers none of Christ’s Teachers Prhited in the year 1 669 ” Pezron, Defense de PAntIquitd des Terns Par. 1691 Poetry. Three Voluma, various 1763, &c. Phillips’s Tenenda non Tollenda 1660 Prynne’s Vindication of Four Serious Questions, and others 1645 Person (David) Varieties, or a Surveigh of rare and excel- lent Matters, necessary and delectable for all sorts of Persons Lond. 1635 Pecuniae Obediunt omnia — Money does master all Things, a Poem York, \i596 Pignorii Mensa Isiaca, et Magnae Deum Matris Id^ea et Attidis in jtia, cum fig. Amst. 1669 Petri de Ha^’^entalis viri Religione Pauli Macci embleniata, cum fig. Parkers {JVn\.) t^imCurtaine Drawer of the World ; or, the Chamberlhine of that great Line of Lniqidty, where V ice, in a rich embroidered gown of velvet, rides a horsebackc like a judge, and Vertue, iti athrid-barc cloacke,f ull of patches, goes afoote like a drudge, very rare. See MS, note Lond, 1612 Pitsei Relationuni Historicarum de Pebus Anglicis, 2 tom, hi uno, liber rarus Par, 1619 Peck’s Memoirs 'of Milton, with the Legend of Sir Ni- cholas Throckmorton, Kt. Lo7id, 1750 Pryce’s ancient Cornish Grammar Sherborne, 1790 Peck’s Memoirs of the Life and Actions of Oliver Crom- J). ■ ^ / / Ju well JLond. 1760 ' (■ ■ // / 6 €707 m >€?os 6 €709 . y/iM^Cu/ . y 6710 - //^ 3 ^6711 ^fu4/0uvij / - 6712 ^ -6713 / . 6714 i^'>6715 6^(fQn\Q €7iY :>f^yyu 'Z -€718 6720 1650 1691 ^ 1684 1779 i X. L 6721 6722 / 6725 “6729 6730 7} / 6 6732 JWvy /. / Q V . , _ ^ y 6734 - 6735 256 Parkinson's (A.) CollecUnea Anglo-Minoritica, with many’ MS. Additions by Mr. Brand Philippi Petrarcha Redivivus, Jig, Paiav, Pyrologia Topographica, cum Jig. Neapoli, Peter's Relation of the Siege of Vienna Poetry. — Amynta and Theodora, Szc, Peck's Desiderata Curiosa, plates^ 2 vol. large paper JLond. Parkhurst's Hebre\’V’ and English Lexicon without Points 176^ Proceedings Of the Assembly holden at Bath, in Aug. 1618 Poetry of the Anti-Jacobin Lond. 1801 Poem to the Memory of Mr. George Peters, with frontis- piece bp Hall Pithoel Antiqui Rhetoris Latini Par. 1599 Ptolemsei Harmonicorum, Gr. Lat. Oxoii. 1682 Piscium Vivae leones, ab Andriano CoIIardo Peacham (Hen.) Graffic, or the most ancient and excel- lent Art of Drawing and Limning Lond. 1 61 2 the Art of Drawing with the Pen, &c. ib. 1606 the Gentleman's' Exercise ib. 1634 the Garden of Eloquence, bl. let, ib. Jmp.byR.F. 1593 Portraits and Memoirs of remarkable Persons, plateSf com- plete in Numbers Pici (Joan.) Miranduli Epistole 1502 Plattes (G.) a Discovery of Subterraneous Treasure, cuts Lond, 1679 Potter's Interpretation of the Number 666 Oxf. 1642 Paradin, Devises Heroiques, avec Jig. Parkyn’s (Sir Tho.) Queries, &rc. Lond. 1723 Popery ; or the Principles and Positions approved by the Church of Rome , ’ ib. 1679 Palmerii in Optimos Autores Grascos, Gr.Lat. Lug.Bat. 1668 Potocki, Voyage dans quelques Parfifes de la Basse-Saxe avec fig. Hamb, 1795 Page on Justification Oy;/. 1631 Persian Lyrics, Pers. and Eng. Lond. 1 800 Phaedri Fabularum GEsopiarum Par. 1675 /If 0 6736 Morgards Sphere of Gentry y with the Howard Pedigree, por- ^ / traits and plates, i?i the original binding Lond, 1661 // X 6 6737 Memoirs for a Natural History of Animals, Szc. plates ^ Lond. 1738 ^ '6733 Monson (Sir W.) and H. Townsend's Account of the last 17 Years of Queen Elizabeth's Reign, both Military • ib. 1682 U y i 6740 j? . 6742 5 ^16743 ^ ^6744 \2 ' /|e746 / /} ^6747 /// <7'6748 Milks (Tho.) Nobililas Folilica vel Chilis, 'portraits and plates Loud, 1603 Martial cum Duobus Commentis Venet. MCCCCXCV' Mililai y Wo.k, in Dutch plates 1617 Mutus Liber in quo tamen tota Pliilosophica Hermetica, Jigiiris hieroglyphic iS ilupcU(f., 1677 Markham (Francis) the Book of Honour Loud, 1625 Marmora Os.oniensia, ex Arundelllanis, cum jig. Oxon. 1076* Monumenta Illustrium Virorum et Elogia, cum 'Xrajcct. ad Rhen 1671 Musei Capitolini, 4 v. cum fig. Fionue 1782 Munstero Cosmographix Universalis, cum fig. Marmora Oxoniensia, cum fg. Basil 157*2 Oxon. 1663 P- I 't-w to // / t*-/ CotJCc'}^ i i TWENTY EIGHTH DAY’S SALE WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10 , 1807 . OCTAVO and TWELVES. //i ! i / . , €'749 Tracts. — News from tire New Exchange, or the Com- inon-wcallh of Ladles, 1670 * the ia- phye and Astronoinye between Kynge Boctus and Phy- losopher Sydracke Imp. by Robert PFyer V. A Short Treatise, declaringe the Wickednesse of Magical Sciences, as Necromancie, 8zc. made by Francis Co5se VI. A Lybel Treatyse of Astronomye, &c. made and compounded by Anthony Askham, Phyisytion, Imp. by W. Powell, 1552 VIT. Booke of Astronomye, translated out of Latin into Englyshe, by Godfridus super Palladum, &c. Imp. by R. Wyer Vill. The Defence of Age and Recovery of Youth, translated by Arnolde de Nova Villa ib. ib. IX. The Dreames of Daniell, &c. also the Destenyes of Man and Woman ib. ib. X. The Nature and Dispositsycyon of the VII Dayes in the Weke, and what the Thondre doth protende, with the Course and Influence of the Moone ih. ib. XI. A Dyurnall for Devoute Soules, to order themselves thereafter ib. ib. XU. The Declaracyon and Power of theChrysten Faith Xlll. Prognostycacion and Almanacke of Two Shep- lierdes, nece'Sarye for all Householders ib. ib 1550 XiV. This is the Myrrour or Glasse of Helth ib. ib. XV. A proper new Boke of the Armory of Byrdes, Imp.by JohnWyght, 15 vol. with an Account of each vol. in MS. by Mr. W. Herbert. They are all very scarce, and some supposed unique 0755 The Optick Glasse of Humors, /rrv/ifMpzcce Loud. lOOi 0756 The Schemer, or Universal Satirist ih. 1763 0757 Tr ACTS ON WiTCHCR AFTj&c. — Impossibility ofWitch- craft, 1712, and three others 6758 The accomplished Lady’s Delight, &c. 1686 6759 The Royal Pastime of Cock-Fighting, very scarce 1709 0760 Toubert’s Knowledge of Medals Land. 1697 6761 The Plot in a Dreame, or the Discoverer in Masquerade, cuts ib. 1682 6762 The Sonne of the Rogue, the Antiquitie of Theeves, Loud. 1638 6763 The Worlde possessed with Devils, black letter Imp. by dhon Perm, 1583 259 '/L ^ r()765 Zo 6766 ^ *6767 Z ^6763 / 6769 { y 6770 3 . 677] ^ ' 6772 i i ^ - 6774 V ^ - 6775 j/ 1 ! Zf' > 6776 I i ' * Ji3 °/ic ^^a/o- ^vlor 6764 Tracts. — Principles of Astronomy, 5, h cuts, 1640 — The Composte of Ptolomeus Prince of Astronomie, b. L cuts — Ward’s Arcandam, b. 1. cuts, 1 649 — Pliy- siognomy of the Body Humane, b. L — the Booke of Knowledge,/;./, 1649, See. The Vanity of Human Inventions Loud. 1666 2)cAxZy The Doinges at Poyssy in Fraunce, in matters of Relh / gion, b. /. hnp. by J^uke Harrywn ^C'C'L’f Tracts, — An Abstract of Fayth, 1606 — A Garden of Flowers, 1618, and ten others The Christian Zodiake, or 12 Signes of Predestination, by Drexelius, cuts Loud, 1647 The Women’s Sharpe Revenge ih. 1640 The Life of a Satirical Puppy called Nim ih. 1657 The Contes of thisBoke I. A Werke of Preparacion, or of Ordinaunce unto Com- munion, or Howselyng II. The Golden Pystle, or Alphabet, &c. h. 1. hup. by Rob. Reman Tracts. — Hampson’s Sermon, 1678 — Wall’s Treatise for this Age, 1669 — King’s Tryal of the Fathers, 1678 Xenophon’s Treatise of Householde, b. 1 . — the Boke of Husbandry, b. 1 . — Surveyinge, b. 1 . 1539 Myrror of Glasse of Heltlie, b. 1 . — the Treasure 'of Poor Men, b. 1. — Askham’s Herbal Treatise of Interpretation of Dreams, 1601 — - Gerbier’s (Sir Balthazar) on magnificent Building, uiih his portrait, 1662 — and several others Trial of Captain Goodere,‘Mathew Mahony, aud Charles White, for the Murder of Sir JohnDinely Goodere, Bart, on board his Majesty’s ship Ruby, plates, very rare Loud. 1741 6777 The most vi'onderfid and true Relation of Master John Mack-' lain, Minister of God^s Wo? d, at Lesbury in the County of Northumberland, who, being One Hundred and Si teen Years of Age, was miraculously restored to youthful Vigour and Complexion, new Hair grozving on his Head, J ; new Teeth in his Mouth, a?id his Eyes restored to a clear and perfect Sight, after the use of Spectacles for almost forty years together, with his portrait, extremely rare ^ / ' Prmted for T. Vere, 1657 t 6778 Turrentino Historiae Compendium Gentv. 1736 'j 6779 The I.oy(d Blacksmith, and no fesuite, frontispiece, ex- \y 1 treniely rare ' Loud.' \677 ^ . / ]■ 6780 The New Testament, h. 1. no date? 6781 Tracts. — The Innocent Epicure, or the Art of Angling, // / 1713 — Lilly^s Life and Times, 1715, and others 2 I 2 260 / ^Ui/y I y 67S2 6783 6784 //, //^ - ^'VoUyyvu / 6786 6787 ^ 6788 ^ / - 6789 3 ^ 6790 6791 ;6792 0) / ^»/67y3 3 6 6794 y.Ciy^HA^ Ji'^ . 6795 ^yyJy /f {j 6796 -6797 / 6793 / >,’6799 /6 6800 J/Ue^ ^ 6801 6802 Tracts. Description ofBerkshire; Anacreon Chrlstia- nus, Gr. Lat. per Barnes, 1705; the Oxford Sausa 'e, cu s, Oxf. 1777, and others Yearswood (Rand.) the Penitent Murderer, 1657 and others The Court and Character ofKing James, portrait, 1651, witli An^ewer, 1650 Tracts. — B oner on the Sacrament, b. /. Imp. by W, Lyyme\ the Answer of the Preachers of Basile, ib, by John Day, 1548; Edm. Gest, Treatise on the Masse, . b. 1. ib. by Tho Rayva/da, 1548; Marcost on the Masse, b.l 1547 ; Certayne Litel Treaties set forth by John Veron, b. 1 . Imp. by H. Howell The Hive, a CpIJection of the most celebrated Songs, 3 vol. 1726 The Musical Miscellany, a Collection of Choice Songs, set to Music, 3 vol. Loud. 1730 The Origin of Despotism m’5. 1764 Tracts. — Gardner, Explication of the true Catholic Fayth, 5. /. 1551; Henry VIII, Institution of Christen Men, 5./. 1537; Smith’s Defence of the Sacrifice of the Masse, b. /. 1547 Tracy on Justification, b, I, no date Tracts. — Ponet’s Apologie and Answer, b.l. 1556, and others Todd’s AccounI of the Deans of Canterbury Canterb. 1793 Tryal of Thomas Duke of Norfolk 1709 The Roman Marty rologe 1627 Tracis. — Pfan of the Academy at Battersea, &:c. — Ma- thias on Rowley’s Poems, 1783- — Account of Charities in the County of Northumberland, 1713 — Pedigree of Scott of Stokpe, Newcastle, 17 83 Vox Piscis, or the Book-^Fish, 1627 — John Frith’s Mirrour, or Gbsse to know Tliyselfe, 1626, &c. &c. To the Quenes Maje ties poof deceyued Subjects of the North Countrey, drawn into Rebellion by the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland, black letter Imp- by 11. Bytmcman, 1529 Truth its Manifest Loud 1645 Tempest (Sii R.), an Entertainment of Solitarinesse, ib. 1649 Tracis. — W liitehead’s Historian’s Pocket Companion, Newcastle, 1111 , and others - de Lalinis et Graecis nominibus arborum, Luet. ex Off. R. Steph. 1545 ; De Revestiaria Libellus, ex Bayfio, Par. ap. R. Steph. 1541 ;and others The Order of the Ho pitals of King Henry VIII, and King Edward the Vlth,5. 1 . 1557, with Additions smce added ' ' ' I 261 6803 Tracts. The Times Anatomized^ hy T, F, -1647, and several other scarce Tracts 6804 /he Market, or Fayre oj Usurers, b. 1. . / Imprinted hy Steven Hierdman, 1550 'y ^ 6305 The Pre-eminence and Pedigree of Parliament, by I. H. with his portrait Load, 1649 J(^ ♦ 6806 The Histor.aiPs Guide, Brilish Chronologer, Trustler’s / Chronology, &c Chronica Juridicialia, 6 vol. A 6807 The Stage coi.demned 1705 0 x6S08 Tracts. Life and Death of Prince Henry, 1641 ; Life - of Fuller, &c. ^ ~ 6309 The Complete Captain and Arte of War, plates . / • Ca?nb. 1640 6S10 Tyndall (W.)a Brief Declaration of the Sacrament, 5. /. Imp. hy Roh. Houghton ■*6811 Tracts. Odes of Horace, 1715; the Counter Scroffie, 1693, &c. _^68l2 The Schoole of Vertue, and Booke of Good Nature, by R, C. h. 1. the Schodle of Good Manners, by \V. F. h, 1. 16'29; Cawethes Leaden Legacy, b.L the Mother’s Counsell, or Line withhi Compasse, 5. L all very rare '6813 Tyrwh-tts’s Vindication of Row1e)'’s Poems 1782 y ^6814 Tracts. The Merry Cobler of Canterbury, History of : j Fortunatus and his Three Sons, Henry Blyd’s Contract, portrait, a Contest between the Gardners and The Taylors concerning their Antiquity Glasg, 1727 The Christian Diurnal 1650 4 //i / H 6815 yy /JO 6816 Traitte de I’Aiman, avec fig. Amst. 1687 -6817 The Booke of Carving, b. 1. Imp. hy AhrahamVeale ^ -.6818 The New Yeares Gift, presented at Court from the par^ Tula to the Lord Minimus ( commonly called Little j Jefferie) her Majesties Servant, with a Letter as it was penned in Short-Hand, wherein is proved that Little ■ , Things are better than Great, with portrait of Little , Jefferie Printed at I ondon by N. and /. Oakes .16819 The Delightful History of the Renowned Champion of Ireland St. Patrick, cuts, 1685; and others Tj6820 The Bell- Man’s Treasury Land. 1707 -'6821 The Military Discipline, wherein is most Martially Shone the Order for Drilling lor the Musket and Pike, plates, ( extremely scarce ib. 1623 y ;^6S22 The Delights of the Bottle, or the Compleat Vintner ' , ^ ib. 1720 y {;i6823 Tracts. Life of Betty Ireland, 1753; Tryals of James I ; Mitchell, a Presbyterian Minister and M^or Weir, J^lOj and several others pi/ot fn fddr Aj4A/iAp~^ fiuf' <2. / . " 6824. I . 6825 / t, — ^ 0 6827 6826 . ^ . . 6828 JZ (3 632S) /?6 6830 IJ ~ 6831 ^ " / 6832 3 ^ 6833 6834 iA^c/o ^ - 6S37 •^4 7/^ / '-6839 ''t 684 1 h 6842 / O 6838 ■r'^ff j ' /®*^® 0'840 ^(k/yicJie 6880 Z' 6881 -V;6!6882 ^u4f ^ 6883 ^ >^.6884 (p J dy^Cf^ ^cJf Q)4/Kiy 4^ 6885 6886 1763 ; Ramsay’s Gentle Shephard and Glossary, Netvca^Ue, 1763 a Sermon Preached to a Congre- gation of Glasse Bottles, 1752 The Accomplished Ladys Delight, Lond. 1635 Honest Man, or the Art to Please in Court ' ib, 1632 Dutch Drawn to the Lije, with portraits of the Dewitts, Lond, 1 664 Tracts. Savile’s Character ofCharles 2(1, 1750; Clarke’s Character of Qeeen Caroline, 1738; last Will and Testament of Justice Price, 1733; Life of Lady Jane Grey, 1714; Memoirs of the Family of Manners, the Case of Lord Roos Dialogue on the Execution of the Rebel Lords^. 1716; the Judgment of whole Kingdoms and Nations, 1710; a Collection of white and black Lists, ora View of those Gentlemen who have given their Votes in Parliament for and against the Protestant Religion since the Revolution to the present time, 7715; &c. &c. King’s Apology, OxJ. 1755; Apology for Lau* der, 1751; Hawes’s Narrative of Facts, 1767 ; By- stander, with frontispiece, 1772, &c, &c. &c. Description of Gibraltar, 1782; Adven- /6887 ^ 6 6888 / - 6889 X ^ 6890 3 . 6891 / . 6892 tures of John Roach, &c. &c. Bateman on Tithes, &c. &c. the excellencie ofa Christian Man, h. 1. wanting; title ; Homely, or Sermon of good and evil Angels, b. 1. 1590 ; St. Augustine’s Introduction to the Love of God, b. 1. 1574; Foode for Families, or wholesome house- hold Discourse, b. 1. Sermon of John Knox, 1565; Dean ColePs Sermon, 1667 ! Ward’s Peace Olfring to God, 1624. The new Youth’s Behaviour, Lond, 1684 Tkacts. Catalogue of Pamphlets published from 1600 to 1 693, and others Texts of Scripture, CMn'ow5, wanting title 4//- 4 6894 J (6895 QUARTO. Prynne’s (William) Anti-Aiminianisme, Lond, 1630; Godno Impostor, &c. 1634 A briefe Survey and Censure ofMr. Cozens ib 1628 Healthe’s Sicknesse ih. 1623 Perpetuitie of a regenerate Man’s Estate ih. 1626 the ^ame, second edition ib. 1627 ' 'Another copy ^ third edition ib, 1627 265 / ^ 6900 S «6901 j. <^6902 ^ 76903 4 6904 / 6 6905 '0 -6906 / « 6907 Prynne’s Breviate of the Prelates intolerable Usurpations // / ' and other Tracts Land, 1637 Historio-Mastrix, the Player’s Scourge, or Actor’s / ' Tragedie Lame Giles, his havltings the lawlesse kneelesse schismasticall Puritan Anti-Arminianisme Health’s Sicknesse ib. ib. ib. ib, ib. ib. 1633 i/. 1630 ^ 1631 1630 1628 1636 // 6908 6909 // ^ 6910 ^ -6911 6912 .6913 A Coale from the Altar — ^ — Brief Memento, Military Aphorismes, Plea or Protest, Defence of Stage Players, Counterplea, New Magna Charta, Machiavilian Cromwellist, Richard the Third revived. Humble Petition, Relation of Speeches in the Starre Chamber, 1637 ; the same, 1638; Narrative who divers Members of the House of Commons that were illegally and unjustly imprisoned or secluded by the Armies force in December 1648, and May 7, 1659, &c.; Ten Quserles upon the Ten Commandants of the General Council of the Officers of the Armies, December 22, 1659 ; with autograph qf Prynrie. 13 tracts, extremely rare beheaded Dr. John Hewytt’s Ghost, Legal Vin- dication of the Liberties of England against illegal Taxes, 1649 ; the Lord’s Day the Sabbath Day, Minors to Senators, Knowne Lawes, 1643; Quakers un- masked, new Discovery of some Romish Emissaries Quakers, the Subjection of all Tray tors. Rebels, as well Peers, as Commons in Ireland, Jus Patronatus, New Year’s Gift, the Title of King, seven additional Queries in behalf of the secluded Members, ] 2 tracts, extremely scarce Tracts, various Land. News from Ipswich, 1636 ; a soveraign Antidote 1642; the Lord’s Day the Sabbath Day, 1636; Cer- taine Quaeres, 1636 ; Instructions for Church War- dens, Dery rare, 1636 Mount-orgueil, 1641 a Quench-coale, &c. 1637 Power of Parliament, the four Parts and Appendix 1643; Remonstrance against the Tax of Ship-money, 1643; the opening of the Great Seal of England, 1643; Roome’s Master-piece, 1644; the Doom ofCowardisze and Treachery, 1643 ; Vindication of Psalm 105, 15, 1644; Falsities and Forgeries, 1644; Catalogue of printed Books written by W. Prynne, 1643 ; Trial of Col. Fiennes, 1644; Serious Questions touching Church Government, 1644; Soveraign Antidot, 1642 2K 28 :t9i5 ' 6916 ^ / /6917 / <5 6918 cL,M Ji- .g9,9 Ju.fr /? . 6920 ^^>922 9. ^ 6925 / ^ 0 ] V6924. / /^e925 / /7^^26 / 6 6927 6928 ^ '6929 cr / . 6930 ^lu^ufO/O . 6931 MJl/y ^ 6932 ^ - 6933 / ^93^ 6935 7 JjvLm 2 ^935 ^eykjcAo 0 ^ y6937 06938 ^0 y6959 Jci/yi^tJic 4 6 6940 //^ , 6941 265 Prynne on Prelacie Lond, 164i New Discovery of the Prelates Tyranny ib, 1641 — a Gospel Plea ib. 1660 a moderate, seasonable Apology * ib, 1662 Treachery and Disloyalty of Papists to their Sove- raigne, &c. bound in 2 v, ib, 1643 — The same, second edition ib, 1643 Speeches, &c. 4 v. 1649, &c. Mount-orgueil ib. 1641 New Disco verie of the Prelates Tyranny, &c. 3 V. ib. 1641 Examination of the Common Prayer ib. 1661 Gospel Plea for Tithes, 1653, and other Tracts a short Demurrer to the Jews ib. 1656 • on Loyalty of true Saints towards their Kings ib. 1 660 • Gospel Plea, both parts ib, 1 660 the Republicans and others spurious good old Cause, 1659; and other Tracts the Works of, 3 v. in 2 ib. 1655 Thomas Campanella an Italian Friar and second Machiavel Parliamentay Chronicles, four farts, BOUND IN 3 voLS. VERY RARE, a fine copy Lond. 1659 — Short Demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued Remitter into England, par/5 ib. 1656 Parsons, the Monuments and painted Glass of one hundred Churches Canterbury, 1794 Prosodia Rationalis Lond. 1779 PownalPs Antiquities of the Provincia Romana of Gaul 2 . gc,^2 694,3 / CiAA(y>7 ^ J 6 6944 Prieus Historiae Brytannicae Defensio Pennant (Tho.) Tour in Scotland, plates, 3 v, Lond. with the additions, plates Tour to Alston-moor, plates Literary Life / ^,094-6 6 6947 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. 1788 1573 1776 1804 1804 1793 1722 1615 1785 1535 / - Palmer’s History of Printing Patritio Thesaurus Politicorum Aphorlsmorum Mogunt. Philips’s Treatise of inland Navigation Lond. - ' ^ K)z>-r-v Pindar! Poetae, Gr. Lat. Basil, d 3 6945 Puttenham’s Arte OF EnglishPoesie, IN 3 Bookes, with a wood-cut of Qiieen Elizabeth, a fine copy. Imp. by Rich. Field 1589 Quarles (Francis) the Shepheards Oracles Lond. 1644 Quartermaynes Conquest over Canterburies Court, 1642, &c. 6948 Questiones sub Donatum Minorsm, Par. Impress^ per P#- JUute, Mcccc Lxxxx^ ^<5919 0 ^ . 6953 '6951 ^ >6952 / - 6953 / J (6954 ' }5955 6956 -^'76957 -2.6 6958 / '6959 j 6960 ^6961 //y 6 6962 ^ ^6963 /6964 / 6 6965 / ^^6966 /l? . 6967 - - ^ 6963 / a ^ 6969 / / 6970 6 6971 / '6972 "6973 y6974 / 0 6975 ^ - 6976 261 Quartermayn's Conquest over Canterburies Court 1640 Rowland (Sam.) Humors of a Looking-Glasse Land. Imp, hyEd.Allde, 1606 Reynold’s Iter Britaniiiarum, or Itinerary of Antoninus Camh. 1799 Raper’s Dissertation on Gibsies l.ond. 1787 Regimen Rusticorum Manicale Qonhssoxwm, early printed , 710 printer s 7iame or date Reynold's Meditations ib. 1647 Rainoldes (Rich,) a Booke called the Foundation of Rheto-, rike, became all other partes of Rhetorike are grounded thereupon j black letter, Imprinted by John Kingston, “1563 Richardson’s Arabick and Englishe Grammar, 1776; His- tory of the Rebellion in 11^5, with portraits of the at* tainted Lords, Ac. A'c. Ridpath’s Border, History of England and Scotland Loud, 1776 Rossi Ic Memorie Bresciane Opera Histoi ica, E. Swibolica, fig. Brescia, 1693 Rollestoue’s Dissertation concerning the Antiquity of Bar- ley-wine Oxf, 1750 Ridley’s Life of Bishop Ridley Land, 1763 Rolfincii Vegetabilibus Plantis,^^. J^na, 1670 Rich (Barnard) my Ladies Looking-Glasse, zt-herein may be discerned a wise Man from a Foole, a good Woinan from a bad, and the true Resemblance of V ice masked under the Vizard of V ^rtue Lond. 1 6 1 6 Ramsay (Allen) Poems Edinb, 1721 Robinson Crusoe 1742 Regimen Sanitatis Salerni, black letter. Imp, by Tho, Ber- thelet, 1530 Ridley’s Treatise on Magneticall Bodies and Motions Lond. 1613 Ram-alley, or Merry-Tfickes, a Comedy, divers Times here-to-fote acted by the Children of the King’s Revels, written Lo. Barry ib. 1636 Ripleus de Menstruis Rich (Barnabie) Faultes Faults, and nothing else but Faultes ib. 1606 Racster (John) a Booke of the seven Planets, 5. /. ib. 159S Roffin Commentarii Omnium a Creato Orbe Historiarum Luct. 1571 Reresby (Tamworth) Miscellany Lond, 1721 Rowland’s Mona Antiqua Restaurata, Dub. 1723 Robertson Thesaurus Grascae Linguae Cantab. 1676 Roger, la Porte Ouverte, pour parvenir a la Connoissance du Paganisme Cache, 'Amst. 1670 Rosini Romanarum Antiquitatum, ih, 1685 '■ id % '' Kihijf 268 / 6977 Representation de Tancien Hablllement de Strasbourg, mth 19 plates ' Strasbourg 7 6978 Rhemish New Testamenty Frinled at Rhejues 1582 ^ o 6979 Remains concerning Briitaine T% 6983 tyh i) h n ^ t ^ 9)^- ^ 6984 - 6985 /6986 q 6287 6288 6989 6990 6991 ’(/r ^{/'!/(/y Loud. 1629 9/ y69SO RidolJivitedePittoriNeueti,2tom,jig. Vefiet. 1618 ^ ft 6981 Ramsay’s (Alien) Gentle Shepherd, Glasg. 1788 4 0 b982 Randolph (Tho ) Poems, with the Muses Looking-Glasse and Amyntas, Oxf, 1638; his Jealous Lovers, 1634; Aristippus, or the Jovial Philosopher, Land. 1635 Raymund^s Episiohe, Imp, Far, Per, L/dalricmn Gering, MCCCCLXXVllI. Reynold’s (J.) Sacred Poems Lorid, 1725 Rossi tsemplare dal Disog^oin della Piiura ct ScuUura in Roma Regimen Sanitatis. Par per Philippe 1515 Ripalconologia,cu?nfig, Padova, 1625 Regimen Sanitatis Salerni Land, 1617 Rogers (John) a Tabernacle for the Sun ib. 1653 Richard Plantagenet, a legendary Tale, with etching by Sherwin ib. Randolph (Bernard) the present State of the Morea, plates ib, 1689 ^6992 Ryoall Royall, that is to saye, the Ryall Boke, or a Boke for a Kynge, b, 1. Eviprinted by E, Pynson MCCCCCVII. Russell’s tw'o famous pitcht Battels of Lypsich and Lutzen, in Heroic Verse Camb, 1634 6994 Rainoldes (John; and John Hart’s Conference touching the Head and the Faith of the Church, b, t. Imp, Geo, Biihop 1584 Ripley (Geo.) the Compound of Alchmy, or the Ancient Hidden Art of Arciicmie, b, I, Eojn, Imp, by Tho. Orton, 1591 Rowe’s (Joseph) Remembrance of God in the timeofYouth 1656 Home ruined by iF'-itehail, or the Papall Croxcn diminisht, frontispiece containing four portraits, rare Land, 1650 R spin, Dictionnaiic Abrege, Francois, Arabe Par. 1802 Rjiivoid’s (Rich 'j Chronicle of all the Empeiours of the / Romaines, black letter. Imp, by Tho, Marshe 1571 V 6999* Rh.cdii de Acia Dissertatio, a/n: fig, Hafnia 1672 ^ 7000 Rych’s (Barnabe) Catholicke Conference betweene Sir Tady Macareall, a Popish Priest, and Patrick a Student, 16! 2; Defence of a Book entitled a New Description of ireiande, 1 612 ' 7001 Remarkable Ccclession and last dying Words of Thomas Coiley, exec uted 1751, for the cniel Murder of Ruth CDbo-ne, under the Suppositica of her being a Witch^ witnta opiates - 6993 // /k / 6995 6996 6997 6993 6999 //y i>69 7002 Rights of the Kingdom, or the Castoms of our Ancestors; J , . - ■ lend. 1610 9^4^ L \7003 Raleigh's Albania 1566 ^7004- Respublica Anglicana, or the Historleof the Parliament 1650 <7005 Relation (a full) of the Proceedings at the Rendevouz of that Brigade of the Army that was held in Cook-bush 4 Field in Hartford Parish, on Monday last 1714? 0 7006 Return of the Caualiero Pasquill of England, and his meetinp’ vvitv Marforlus vlUtnr j meeting vvity Marforius {7007 Rych's Honestie of this Age 1511 1681 ^ 7008 / '7009 '7010 ^ ^7011 ^ ^7012 7013 p 7014 ^ >7015 /Ho 7016 ^ -7017 \ '7018 JO -7019 |7020 ^ ^7021 (7022 7023 > J7024 {7025 ^ 7026 >3 * 7027 FOLIO. Newcastle (Le Marquis) la Methode, nouvelle Invention extraordinaire, de Dresser les Chevaux, avec figures Anvers f 1 65 8 N uremburg Chronicle, plates, fine impressions Nuremburg, 1693 Norton (Robt.) the Gunner shewing the whole Practise of Artillerie Lond» 1628 Navigation aux indes Orientales par les Hollandois, avec figures Amst. 1609 Notitia Dignitatum, cum fig. For an Account of this Work see MS. note by Mr. Brand Gensv. 1623 Novi Testamenti Grseci, hoc est originalis LingueTa- meion aliis Concordantiae a Schmitfti Witteherg 1638 Nalson's Collection of State Papers, 2 v. Land. 1683 Novum Testamentum, ab Erasmo, Gr. Lat. 1522 Numismata Mariae Theresiae Imperatrias et Reginae, cum fig. ' Vindob. 1755 Novum Testamentum Grmce, ab Gregorle, chart, max Oxon. J70S Nuova Pianta di Roma,^g. 1748 Olai Magni Historia de Gentium Septentrionalium variis Conditionibus Statibusue, &;c. cumfiguris Basil, 1567 Ockould's (Rich.) General View of the Holy Scriptures Loud. 1607 Oratio Dominica Nimlrum plus Centum Linguis Ver- sionibus aut Characteribus Orrery (Earl of) Poems and Festivals of the Church 1681 The same, fairly written in MS. 1678 Ortus Sanitatis, cum fig. 1517 Ordinances. Proclamations and Declarations of O. Crom- well, cuts, 4’c. 2 V. 1654 Ovid's Mefauiorphosis, by Sandys, plates Oxf. 1632 Ogilby’s Entertainement of Charles the 2d/ in his Passage through the City of Lonaon, Lona. 1662 / tQ^ 3 ' 70S9 ^^7102 0 7 103 / /., 7104 ! ! /) ^105 .1 '^Z I 214^ The Wooden World dissected - J70S — French Perfumer 1697 — Vermine Killer 1680 — Closet, or Treasurie of comodious Conceits and hidden Secrets, a curious work on Cookery, black letter, wants title 1573 Arte and Mystery of Vintners and Wine Coopers 1682 Tour from Stow to Blenheim and Ditchley Turner’s Christian Companion 1805 The Protestant’s Vademecum, or Popery displayed in Thirty Emblems 1680 — Triumph of Wit 1735 — Young Man’s Counsellor, or the Way of the Woyld 1724 — London Bawd, warits title Thomson’s Season by Aikin, plates 1778 The Shepherd’s Kalender / — I’rench Littleton 159S — Evil Spirit conjured 1653 This is the Myrrour or Glass ofHelth, b.l. no date The Hospital for the Diseased 1638 - — Life of Robert the Deuyll, cuts 1798 — 'Vanity of ihe Life ofMan, cuts . 1689 • — Historic of J udith in forme of 3 Poeme, penned French, by ihe noble Poet, G. Salust, Lord of Baria.'i, englished by Thomas Hudson, Imp. at Edinb. by Th. Vantrollier, 1584 Mirror of Divine Providence 1602 - — The Young Sportman’s Instructor Thrift’s Equipage 1,622 TaS'Oni’s Rape of the Bucket 1715 Tracts. Gratarolo de Literarorum, Przr. 1562; Grata- rolo Pestis Descriptio, Par. 1562; Valensis de Arte Chemica, Fizr 1561 ; Artopoei de eruditiouis Arbore, Par. 1560; Bardolini Hamanae Vitie Conditione, Par. 1562 ^ the Hope of Health, ^564; the Castle of Helth, by Sir Thos. Elyot, 1341 ; the Castle of Me- . morie, 1573; theUrinad of Phisicke, by Master Ro- bert Recordo, cuts, 1582; Rational Secretes, 1582; the Nature and Properties of Wines, by Turner,^! 568 ; the Vertues of Treacles, 1568 ; all bound in one volume, collated and perfect, except the last I af of the Treatise on Wines, extrenuly rare C’ ristian Economy, 1760; Exposition of the 7106 Athanian Cieed, 1756, &c. the Sailor’s Warning-piece, the Prayer of the Rev. Mr. Higgins, before his Text and his Case, 275 ' 4 k 7107 ^ '7108 >4 ^ 7109 4 /7110 /v 0 71J2 / '7113 ^114 i ^7115 / '7116 5 ^7117 7 '/7118 6^7 119 /. 7120 7121 7122 7123 ‘3 4 :'^ 1 25 ! I 126 127 1707 ; Life and Glorious History of John Duke of \ Marlborough, por^rai^, 1707 Tracts. Woodward’s Soldiers Monitor, and seven more, bound in one vol. Travises Letters to Gibbon 1794« Tractatus varii Latini a Crevier, Brotier, Auger, &c. Lond. 1788 Thomson’s Pest anatomized, with portraits, 1666 Terentii, a Sand by, • Lond. 1751 Topographer, plates, 4 v. 1789 Talbor’s (Sir R.) Wonderful Secret for cureing of Auges and Fevers Lond. 1682 The Treasure of hidden Secrets, commonly called the good Huswives Closet ofProuisions for the Health of her Houshold no date Anatomic of the English Nunnery at Lisbon, with frontispiece 1637 Love given over, or a Satyr against the pride, lust, and inconstancy, &c. of Women 1686 Folly of Love, a new Satyr against Women, together with the Batchelor’s Lettant 1701 Towne’s Assertion of Grace Tryon’s good House- wife made a Doctor 1692 Tracts relating to the six Batchelor*?, &c. Quarto and Octavo, very rare, (viz.) Seymer’s Marriage asserted, the Merry Cobler of Canterbury, Dialogue between, honest John and loving Kate, for a single Life, Hu- j mours of the Town, &c. a Sarmon of John Decolam- padius, to yong Men and Maydens, black letter, see Ames, p. 264 Poor Man’s Counsellor, or the married Man’s Guide Concubinage and Polygamy disproved 1698 Good Advice to the Ladies 1709 Dissertation' upon old Women, Male and Female, Spi- ritual and Temporal, in all Ages 1720’ Lady’s present to the fair Sex 1757 A very fruteruland pleasant Boke called the Instruction of a Christen Woman made fiirst in Latin, and dedicated unto the Quenes good Grace, by the right famous Clerke, Master Lewis Vives, and turned outof Laten into Englyshe, by Richard Y or do, black letter. Imprinted at London in hletestrete, in the House of Thomas Ber^ thelet. Remarks on modern Female Manners, &:c. 1802 Petition of the Gentle-woman and Trades-men Wives, in and about the City of London 1642 9 , f) 7/ /yVHdiA.y CiMtAiO 9 PufU-ty !✓) / n Wi O' ' 216 ^ 7 128. Humphrey’s Sermon, preached between the Amicable / Batchelors of Andover 1707 ^^7129 My Ladies Looking-Glasse, wants title. ^ o 7130 Merchant Royal!, a Sermon preached at Whitehall beforp the Kings Majesty at the Nuptlalls of the Honorable Lord Hay and his Lady ‘^upon the Twelfth Day last Jan. 6lh, 1607 1615 0/^ / ;f7i3i / R 7132 ^j7133 / .^7134. 135 ^ - 7136 ^ y»7137 /^6i7138 ^CC'heJii) ^J7139 /i' ,140 / / 7 -I '7141 i/lo^ ) () l lO 7142 (7143 ^ 144 /(^^7J46 3-7147 O-Vy / ^ ^ 7148 7149 QUARTO. Record^ s Castle of Knowledge ^ cuts 1594 Rump enough, or Quaere for Quaere 1659 Rustica, Descriptio Visitationis Fanaticoe Oxon. 1643 Remarks on the Venereal Disease 1704 RyvioRegiminis Anglican! in Hibernia Defensio adversus Analecten Loud. Reliquiae Gethinianae, or some Remains of the most inge- nious and excellent Lady, the Lady Grace Gethin, with her portrait - %1699 Relation of several Heresies 1646 Rehakosht’s Account of the Plague begun at Rowel, alias Rothwell, in Northamptonshire , 1692 Rome for Canterbury, or a True Relation of the Birth, and Life of William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, with h is portrait 1641 Ranters (The) Declaration, with their new Oath and Pro- testation, %LC, frontispiece 1650 Relation of a great and bloody Fight betwixt three Pagan Knights and a Christian Gyant 1682 Rawlinson’s Mercy to a Beast, a Sermon O^, 161 1 Rodoginus’s Differences in Matters of Religion betweene the Eastern and Western Churches Zo//d. 1625 Ralph’s Case of Authors by Profession or Trade, stated 1758 Rawley’s (Sir Walter) the Prince, or Maxims of State, portrait ib. 1642 PvCges Reginae, Nobiles, et alii in Ecclesia Collegiata, B. Petri Westmonasterii Sepulti ib. 1660 Reeves’s Three Tracts, England’s Restitution, or the Man of Men, the Statesman, &c. ib. 1661 * The above was dedicated to King Charles II. and appears to have been the Copy presented to him. Speech of a Cavaleere to his Comrades in Answer to the Wardens Speech ‘ 1642 Scots (the) Nut-crackers to break crackt Crowns and new / 1/^ , 7151 ^ U ’7152 / - 7153 , ^7154. I '7155 f 1 ^156 b I"? 157 f 1/7158 I ^07159 &: ^ -7160 ^ j /Vl61 °7162 ' 7163 5 ' 17164. / ^fl66 4^6»7157 ^ %169 >71'70 - 6>7171 '7172 |, 4 173 ^ y7I74 / 0 7175 ..'-'^4 176 ^ /o ,7177 C'icU'^ 9,L, v4{t ciM4tyyi 1679 ii/yi4 c^-f 277 mould SceptrcSj after the Fashion of the Northern Blue Bonnets 1648, Stubbe^s Account of Mr. Greatarick, and his miraculous Aires Oxf. 1666 Stuart’s Two Dialogues in Verse, between a NortJmmber- Jand Ge'ntleman, and his Tenant a Scotchman, both old Cavaliers 1686 Schotii Schola Steganographica, 7 %-. 1665 Subtility and Cruelty, or a true Relation of the horrible and unparallelled Abuses, and intolerable Oppressions exercised by Sir Sackville Crow, his Majesty’s Ambas- sador at Constantinople, and his Agents 1646 Schuabarti en Arratio Parergica Jenae, Strange News from Arpington near Bexly In Kent, being a true Narrative of a young Maid that was posrsest with several Devils, or evil Spirits 1679 — : — - News from Lemster in Herefordshire Spark’s Plots of Jesuits, tvilli the plate 1653 Speidel’s Geometrical Extraction 1616 Slop your Noses, or England at her Aesement 1648 Seasonable Argument to persuade all the Grand Juries in England to petition for a new Parliament, or a List of the principal Labourers of Popery and arbitrary Power Amst. 1677 Saltonstall’s Navigator, cuts Loud, Sheppard’s Touch Stone of Common Assurances ih* 1651 Stukeley’s Palmographia Sacra ib. 1736 Sleidan’s Chronicle, englished by Stephen Wythers, 5 . ^ . V Tinted by Rowland Hall, 1536 *^cr’lLt Jj ()7200 SchottiTechnica Curiosa, Sive Mirabllica Artis, cum jig, />7203 1618 \ 7201 7202 Noremb. 1664 Servetus against the Trinity, translated in(o Dutch 1620 Spoor Favisse utriusque Antiquinlatis Tam Romanae quam Graecae, cum fig. Ultraject, 1707 Shakespeare (William) his true Chronicle History of the Life and Death of King Lear, and his Three Daughters, with the Unfortunate Life of Edgar Sonne and Heir to the Earle of Glocester, and his sullen assumed Elumour of Tom of Bedlam Lond, 1655 j i 279 /A I Sleydane’s Epitome of Frossaid\s Chronicle Lojid. 1611 i ^ 7203^Swammerclam Histoire cles Insectes, jig. Utrecht. 1635 - 7206 Saaconie's Memoirs containing a Genealogical and Historic cal Account of the Ancient and Honourable House of Stanlej/, Jroni the Conquest to the Death of James late Earl of D.rhyy in the Year 1735 ; and Histoiy of the / / Jsle of Man, very rare Liverpool, ^ ^ 7207 Sermons preached by the Assembly of Divines before the Eurliament, ^ c. during the Grand Rebellion, by Hen^ derson Cawderey, S^'C. Yc. bound in 2 vol. i Loud. 1641 and 44, &c, ' 7208 Twenty-four before the Lorde Mayore, &c. 1641, &c. i.- . y « 7209 Strutt’s (Joseph) Chronicle of England, plates, 2 vol. y / . / ib. 1778 L'Ci/iotJicr 7210 Settle’s (Elkanah) the Empress of Morocco, a Tragedy plates ' ib. 7211 Strutt’s Regal and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of England, plates ib. ^7212 Stukeiey’s Medal lie History, plates ib. ■ 2/4 1673 '5 4 7213 Sniith’s Six Pastorals ib. 7214 Strutt’s Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, plates, 2 vol. large paper tb. 1799 “7215 Dress and Habits of the people of England, plates, 2 vol. large paper ib, 1799 V7216 Swadlin King Charles his Funeral 1661 1757 f Oe/ffiyy, 1770 /k ^7217 -Sultivii Adverses Bellarmini de Purgatorio Disputationem ^ A/v; Lond, 1599 y7218 Sewell’s Dutch Dictionary Amst. 4708 O 7219 Sydenham’s (H.) the Athenian Babler and other Sermons 7/ , y Lofid. 1627 ftiv ^ " 7220 Seldenus Eutychii ^gyptii Patrlarchse Orthodoxorum ^ Alexa,ndrini. Arab. Lat. , Loud. 1642 ' 7221 Synonima Magistri Johanis de Garland: cum Expositione Magistri Galfri di Anglici Nuperime correcta. . hnpressiim Londanus per Wynandu de Word 1517 ' ^ 7222 Smithio Vita Joannis Gravii Loud. 1699 /V 1756 Geneo. 1586 ^ 1635 y 7226 Schenckio Monstrorum Historia Memorabilis, cum figuris . / Francofurti. 1 609 o'id Co fanA- 17227 Santeul Chronique et Institution de TOrdre du Pere S. ,, / i Francois Par. 1600'-'^A4v<<>^ ^ "7223 Senereto Chaldaismus et Syriamus Syriac Lat. et Chald. / ^ / // Witteberg 1657 J 7229 Stukeiey’s Antiquities, near Graham’s Dike in Scotland ucL/y,iJic 4 / ^ * y7223 Satyron Vintners ^*7223 Symon’s (Wm.) Essay on Weighing of Gold »i7224 Sigonii de Vita et Rebus GeStis 07225 Shelford’s Five Pious and Learned Discourses M U\ / 5. / / ^ , ^7250 fa i 7 ■:723I 7232 ^jfi i Jo 17234* 7233 ,7, . M ^ 1 ' . j j • JJ / 1 / Cu /\ u 4 1 I/)'- '<' 7 ' 7237 7233 7239 7240 7241 7242 , f243 'J/i ’rJj, :f u //!^72-n .;72+8 adw 6\12\9 ^ ,7230 y ’251 ^■Lo, df oJ'^Uikhy ’2.53 • 6' , 7255 u, ^>7 / ^ 7266 ’7258 Ji 1 ‘A 259 ; I ,280 Scriveril (Petri) Germanise Provinciarum Vnitarum Antiquitates, cum fig. Lug. Bat. 1611 Simonas (Tho.) Medals, Coins, Great Seals and other Work^s 'plates. I p. Land. 1780 Stuarts History of the Reformation of Religion in Scotland 1780 Smith (Tho.) the Art of Gunnery C2//5. b. 1. Loud. 1643 Scot (Reynolde) a perfite Platforme of a Hoppe Garden b. 1. cuts. Imp. by H. Denham, 1 57 6 Steele’s Prosodia Rationalis Land. 1779 Struther (Wm.) a Looking-GIasse for Princes and People Edinb. 1632 Stubbes [John') The Discoverie of the Gaping Gulph wherein to Eaigland is like to be Swallowed by a French Marriage il the Lorde forbid not the bands, by letting her Majestic se the Sin and F unishement thereof, extremely rare, see AIS. note by Mr. Brand, and others 1579 Statua Ordinis Pemonstraten , , J JJ- 1*570 Serenius’s English and Swedish Dictionary 1757 Stephano Dictionaricum, Historicum, Poeticum GeJiev. 1652 Symbol et Emblemata Imperatoris Moschovlae, fg. Amst. 1705 Scohtti Margarita Philosophica noua cui Insemt sequentia, cum fg» Argent. 1512 Sermons by Arch. Bp. Sancroft. Bp. Burnet &c. on Consecrations, Funerals, &c. with a great many portraits Lond. 1689 Slew’s Survey of London, h, t. ib. 161S Another edition ib. 1603 Sandy’s Sermon’s, wants title Scheffer! de Militia navali, cumfg. Uhsal. 1664 Swan (John) Standard of Tune Lond. 1656 Spelman (Sir H.) Villare Angllcanum ib. 1656 Stanihursti de Rebus in Hibernia Gestls Afitv, 1584 Snelling’s Seventy one plates of Gold and Silver coins plate's, Plates of Coins Various Scots Discovery ofWitchraft Lond. 1654 Sidney’s (Sir P.) Apologie for Poetrie Lond. 1595 Owranie ib. 1655 Simple Cobler of Aggawam in American ib. 1655 Storer the Life and Death of Thoftias Wolsey, Cardinall, divided into three parts in Poetry ib. 1599 St. Hillaries Teares shed upon all professions from the Jndge to the Petty Fogger ib. 1642 Strange and Remarkable Prophesies and Predictions of the Holy, Learned and excellent James Usher, late. 281 1 iiv. j |/ Arch. Bp. of Armagh ib. 1678 ,|*^,7260 Several Visions and Revelations of Drabicius ib, 1664' ' \ '*7261 Sundry Strange prophecies of Merline, Bede, Becket, and others ib. 1652 '• -'7262 Sutclijff'es [Mathew) Practice proceedings and Leaves of armts described out oj' the Doings of most valiant and I dexpert Capitaincs and coffrmed both by Ancient ' and Modern Examples and precedents, b. 1. Lond. 1593 'V -|7263 Sonthweids [Rob.) Saint Peters Complaint, newley augmen- ted with other Poems, extremely rare. Lond. prin-' . ted by H. L. for William Leake. - 726 4- Smyth ^s (Sir Tho.) Republica Anglorum, the Manner of Government or police of the Realm of England * - ib. 1584 /j7265 Sympson’s Illustrious and Resplendant Genealogie Camb. 1619 17266 St. Crispins Triumph over Pope Innocent 1678 / -72o7- Sermon preached at the Funeral of the Countess of Pem- broke March 22 1676, with her Life 1677 726S Sions Charity towards her Foes in , frontispiece lOI'l , '^269 Strange and wonderful Newesfrom Bridewell of a Con- y verted Whore, or an Example to all Night Walkers 1677 / '7270 Speed’s King's*— Bench Scuffle, with the Humours of the ) _ tYie common Side, frontispiece 1675 f7 27 ^ Scots (the) Scouts Discoveries by their London Intelli- gencer and presented to the Lords of the Covenant of Scotland, 1639 Lond. 1643 f7272 Schegkii (Jacobi) Contra Antitrinitar Scruetianos, Liber rams. Tubingce, 1568 f /273 Seasonable Exhortation of Sundry Ministers in London to tlie People of their respective Congregations Lond. 1660 'J 7274 Scot’s tIigh-Waies of God and the King ib. 1623 \7275 Spencer s Faerie Qiitene, first, edit, 2 vol. extremely rare and valuable. , 1590 and 96 /^67276 Sampson (Wm.) Virtus PostFunera Vivit, or Honor Tri- y ‘ umpiring over the Death Lond. 1636 j . 7277 Satyr against Hypocrites 1674 / ^ M 21 s Song’s (a collection of) Catches^ See against Popery Lfjnd. 1689 279 Another Copy . ^<280 The Sa77te ^' 7281 Story^s History of the Civil Wars of Lreland,p\cLi.cs. Lond. 1693 / / ^7282 Spackman (Tho.) Declaration of such grievous Accidents , / as commonly follow the biting of mad Dogges Lond. 1618 y jo 7283 Sitan (Jslm) Speculu77i Mu?idi,or a Glasse representing the Pace of the World , Camb, 1635 2 M / - V oc ^ // • I'/ ft A/incA\ o hj/ ♦ 4 282 Jdl b ^7284' Th» same, stcmd edition enlarf^cd ih. 1645 ' 7285 Sports and Pastimes, or Sport for the City, and Pastime for the Country, cuts , 7286 Strutt (Joseph) Com pleat View of the Manners, Customs, Arms, Habits, &c. of Inhabitants of England, plates, 3 V. with Supplement Loiid, 1776 and 1792 ' 7287 Selden^s Table Talk ib. 1689 '7288 Smith’s Galic Antiquities Edinb. 1780 ‘ 7289 Spanhemii Dissertationes numismata, CKm^^. Amst, 1671 - 7290 Shakespeare's Sonnets, never before Imprinted, Lond. by G. Eld, 1609 7291 Spiritus est Vicar ius ChristE in Terra, a Treatise wherein Dicing, Dancing, Vaine Playes, or Enterluds, with other idle Pastimes, if commonly used on the Sabbath Day, are reproued by the Authoritie of the IVord of God and an- tient tv r iters, made Dialogue-wise, by John Northbrooke, black letter, extremely rare. Lond. Imp. by H. Bynrie- man,jor George By shop. 7294 a Cameraris, fig. et Herbaria, 1596 1590 7295 Sylvia’s Revenge; or a Satyr against Man, in answer to a the Satyr against Woman Lond. 1683 7296 Smith’s Choir Gaur, the grand Orrery of the ancient Druids, commonly called Stonehenge, Salisbury ,^11 1 FOLIO. / / ^Ct/htcfic /J . ^297 Prynne (W.) Canterburies Doome, yjor/rai/jf, 4’c. hy 7299 Hollar Breuiate of the Life of Laud Another copy Lond. 1 646 ib. 1614 7300 PuRSHAs (Sam.) his Pilgrimage, plates, 5 v, . Lond. 1 625, y / 7301 Pococke Inscriptiones Antiquae Graecae et Latinae 1752 6 7 302 Pufiendorfi Commentariorum de Rebus Suecicis, Cha?'t, Max Ultraject. 1686 6' ' 7303 Parker’s Lives of the Archbishop of Canterbury, plates d 0 i 7304 Photius, Opera Graece, ab.Hoeschelius, Aug, Find. 1601 // / 7303 Philips’s new World of Words, Lond. 1671 ^ 7306 Pomponi Melae Grece, ^xcudeb, H, Steph, 1517 L f, 283 2. 7307 Percy (Jas.) claim Pedigree and Proceedings on the Earl- dom of Northumberland 1680 / / - 7 308 Pluvinel Instruction an Roy en FExercise de Monter Che- / val, avec figures, par Passe Par, 1616 / ^7309 Another edition, plates Par, 1629 J/ o 73 lO Plan de la Ville de St. Petersburg, avec ses Principales y Vues, 2 V. Petersburg 1753 731 1 Picturae Antiquse Cryptarum Romanarum a Belloro, eum fig, Rom, 1738 ^7312 Polycronycon, by Ranulph Idigden, see MS note, by Dr. Farmer, hriprinted in Southwerke by me Peter Treveris, in the Yeare of our Lorde Cod 1527 - 7313 Plot (Robert) the Natural History of Oxfordshire, plate* Oxf, Natural History of Staffordshire, ib 1686 Pasqvier, les Recherches de la France Par. 1596 Poetry. Manners, a Satire, and several others bound together, 1739, &c. ^ 6 7317 Pettus (Sir John) History and Laws of Mines and Mine- rals Lond, 1670 Ptolemei Tbeatri Geographiae Veteris, ab Bertii Puffendorf de Rebus, a Caralogo Gustavo Sveciae Rege, cum figuris Norimb. 1729 Pulton’s Statutes Lond. 1606 Parentalia Mariae Clementinae, Mag. Brit. Franc, et Hi- bern. Regin. Jussu dementis XII. Pont. Max. cum / figuris 1735 / '7322 Parker (Rob.) a Scholasticall Discourse against Symbolizing . with Antichrist in Ceremonies 1607 ^ Plutarke’s Lives by Sir Tho. North Lond. 1612 i /2(o 7524* Pine’s Procession and Ceremonies at the Installation of the '7 H -:73M. / 17315 /c/' - 7316 -*^318 19 ^ >''320 Knights Companions of the Order of the Bath, plates, fine impressions ib. 1730 Paradigmata Graphices, cum fig. Hag. Com. 1677 Population Abstract, 2 V Lond. 1801 2 7327 Pena et de Lobel Stirpium Adversaria Nova, cum fig, ib. 1571 i77328 Poetical Tracts. Poor Robin’s Dream in 1681 ; t' e ' Mushroom, 1082; the Badger in the Fox T.a many others Philips (Mrs. Cath.) Poems, with her portrait hy Faitborne rj and Autograph of Orator Henley Lond, 1699 7330 Petrus de Crescencus Prohemium om ex Virtute Prudetie que inter honum ct malum discernit humanus infor- metur Animus, curious wood cuts, early printed, no date 7331 Peek’s (James) Fame dothe for aye ; eche Vertnc dis- J <^7325 ' ' ' 7326 li, / 6 7329 / Cfai/fi / / ei/ytono sf . a/( J/ J 284 - . iC'cIi /X j playe, the Pathe-waye to perfectnessee, Hack letter, Lo?id, 1.569 ^532 Parkinson’s Paradise in Sole, p/a/'w ib. 1629 7.333 Pena Stirpium adversaria nova, c//;w 7 ?^. ib. 1571 7334- Poetical Hi siort/ oj Astronamers, with portraits and cuts, black letteri, xvaniing the beginning and ende. THIRTIETH DAY’S SALE FRIDAY, JUNE 12 , 1807 . (/y /(^TSS 335 to - 7356 .4 / (i 7387 OCTAVO and TWELVES. Tracts. Erasmus’s Enchiridion, Militis Christiani, b. I, 1576; Meditations of true Consolation, b. 1. hup. by John Aide; Bisse’s Two Sermons preached at Paules Crosse, 1580, b. 1. printed, 1585; a Mothers Tcares over her seduced Sonne, 1627 'Caluine on the Sacrament, b. 1. Henry Billin- ger’s Two Epistles to Calvine, b. 1. 1548; Notable and miraculous Epistle, b. 1. 1550; Caluine against the Anabaptistes in Spotland, b. 1. Imp. by Jhon Day ; J. Bale on the Sacrament, b. L. Campeney’s against the Romish Clergy, 5. /. 1548 j Mr. Anthony Wotton’s Defence against Mr. 4\a(/'k-' Geo. Walker^s Charge, Qawb. 1641, and several others ^7338 The Truth of the Oath of Supremacie, by John Panke , 1612 7339 Tacitus Lipsii Amst 163i 7340 Theorica, Philosophia, Practica Ox 7545 b 7346 ^ ' .7347 ^ 7343 / - 7349 ^ ^ 7350 / ^ - 7.351 / 3 . 7352 ^ ' 7.353 ^ ^ -j7.335 / (f rrS5Q { - 7357 77358 /cTo 7359 - 7360 //5 -736 1 ^(} (> 7362 I ‘ ^ 7363 ////7364. ^ ^ '-7365 / /Q ^7366 The Divine Cosmographer Royal Martyr, or the Life and Death of K 16i0 mg Charles 11. 1684 — Practice of the Faithful, por/fraf/f 1675 — Right, Pleasant, and Variable Tragical History of Fortunatus Lund. 1633 y^'U>u^'*uu 4'C. /o 7367 Tracts. Life of the Dutchess of Marlborough, Despard's Trial, and Two more The dreadful Character of a Drunkard, black letter The Institucion of a Gentleman, black, letter. Imp, by Tho. Mardic 1543 Tilney’s.(Edm.) Brief and pleasant Discourse of Duties in Marriage, called the Flower of Friendshipp, black letter. ‘ Imp. by Hen. Denham, 1563 The T ransposer rehearsed, or the fitih Act of Mr. Bayes’s Play ' Oxf. 1675 Claim of the People of England 1701 Experienced Angler, cuts 1662 Golden Fleece wherein is related the Riches of Englishe Wools in its Manufactures 1657 Happie Mind 1640 Dialogue of Wiliam Rickworth Par. 1648 jCf/ ? Fearefull Fansies of the Florantine Cooper, black / / / letter ^ Life and Adventures of Buscon the witty Spaniard, O) j '' to which is added the Provident Knight Land. 1657 — — Lamentation of a Sinner made by the most vertuous Lady Queen Catherine Parre, black letter J563 Tracts. Youths Behaviour, by Francis HawLins, with \i\'> portrait, 1651 ; Schola Urbanitis sive de E>legantea Morum, per// azV, 1652 ; De Pverorum Disciplina f 1/ L et Recta Ediicatior.e - These ben the Ordynances that the Emperovr hath caused to be red aud declared, black leiitr, morocco, gilt Pates Imp. by Rob- IVyer The Expedition into Scotlande of the moost u'orthely fortunate Prince Edxvard Duke of Soomerset, and set out by ivay of Diarie by W . Patten, Londoner, a few leaves made up at the end m MS for an Account of the Author, see Air. Brandis MS. note, russia Land. 1548 Taylor’s (JohnJ Wit and Mirth, very rare ib. 1629 Z^'cia The Husbandman’s Practise, or Prognostication for ever, as teacheth Alberte, Alkin, Haly, and Ptolome, 5. 1. Imp by Hugh Jackson The Subuersion of More’s false Foundacion, 5. /. 1548^ the Letters which John Ashweil .Priour of Newnham Abbey, sent secretly to the Bishdpe of Lincoln in the / cu/i/y* 28(5 / ,, 3 g 8 ^ / !% .7309 c{c.k 7 (^ 4 ;" /ld(/y >3 -7372 7 ^ 7 ^ A 0‘ 7373 ?7574 - / 7375 '7376 1^737! V. /, J ' 7379 / 4^380 ^7381 7382 J y‘'i/yv\jfiA o>j / ' //■, ‘4 '(/yJ.^ y '/^i'i ^ 3 6r^ 2 JA -7386 7383 384 85 *f y the Brethren, 1542 ; a Worke entytled of the Otde God and the IS ewe, of the Old Doctryne and the Newe, or Orygynall be- gymiynge of Idolatry e, b. Limp, by me Johan Byddell 1534 A Warning against the Dangerous Practises of , Papists of Rome, b. 1. 1588; vSearbrough Spaw, 1670; 7414 7417 741S ■7419 420 J O'].] 422 7423 7424 425 Evan’s f>uc!ydon Winde Command to Cease, 1654 ; (Esopia Fabalce, Gr. Lzit.Jig. Amst. The Gothaw Swan, or the Roolcs Flight from Gravesend, being the Hemarkable Case of Sherwin and his Wife, written by himself in H indication of their Innocent and Wrongful Sufferings, 6Cc. very rare Loud. 1730 The Christian Zoiiacke, cuts, wants title The Golden Booke of Marcus Aurelias, Fmperour and Elo- quent Oratour. Oil. Land, Imp. by John Awbely, 1573 The Roman Histories of Lujius Julius Floras, translated into English Loud. 1636 The Odes of Casimire, translated by G. H. ib. 1646 Another Copy Tlie E)ght Bookes of Caius Julius Caesar conteynlng his iMai tiall Exploytes in the Reairae of Gallia and the Countries bordering upon the same, translated out of Latin into English by Arthur Goldinge, 5. 1. Imp. by W. Serres, 1565 The Confutation of Bishop ShaXton, on the Burning of MestressAnne Askue, b.L Imp by John Day, no date Recantacio of Jacke liCnt, late Vicare Generali lo the mooste cruell Antichrist of Rome, b. 1. ib. 1548 Practyse oj Prelates, whether the Kinges Grace maye be separated from hys Hueene because she was his Bro- thers Wyfe, b. 1. Marborch in the Yeareofour Lorde 1550 Fortresse of Fathers 1546' Tracts. — Melanchton on the Sacrament, black letter. Imprinted by me Richard Judgge ; the Confutation of 289 / / ' 7426 ■ 7427 / / 7428 ^0 - 7429 / : 7430 7431 7432 ^ 7433 ^ 7434 -7435 7436 Bishop Shaxtofi, h. 1. with the curious Woode?i cutf Imp^ by John Day \ Miles Hoggardds Confutation of 'the Misshapen Answer to the misnamed wicked Ballad^ called the Abuse of the Blessed Sacratne?Lt of the Auitare, h.l. 1548, all very rare Tracts. The Paternoster spoken of the Sinner, God an»> swering him at euery Peticyon, h. 1. Imp. by Tho. God- frey ; the Pope^s Pitiful Lamentation, for the Death of his Deere Darling Son, Joan of Austria, and Death^s Answer to the same, with an Epitaph upon the Death of the said Don Joan, b. 1. imp. by /. C< the comfort- able Communication between a Poore Man and his Wife, b. 1. 1585 — 7 — The Trevv Report of the Dysputacyon had and be- gone in the Convocacyo holds at London among the Clargye there, b. 1. 1553 ; the same in Latin, 1554; Sir W. Barlowe, Bp. of Bath ; Dialogue against the Lutherans, b. 1. Imp. by John Cawood, 1553 Two Epystles, of Henry Bullynger, with the consent of all Learned Men of the Churche of Tygury, another of John Caluyne, Imp. by Rob. Stoughton, 1548 Tracts. — Rundel Hurlston’s Newes from Rome, b. L Myles Coverdale^s Defence of a Certaine Poor Christen Man, b. 1. Printed at Nuremberg , 1545 ; John Rogers a Waying and Considering of the Interim, by Phillip Melanchton, b. 1. very rare Lond. 1548 The JesuiPs Policy to Suppress Monarchy 1699 The Duties of Kings — Phisicke for the Plague and others The Complaint of Roderyck Mors to the Par- lament b. 1. Imp. at Geneve in Savoye. no date ; — The Olde Fayth of Create Britteygne. b. 1. Imp. by Ant. Scoloker. no date ; — The Huntynges and fiyndyng out of the Romish Fox. b. 1. Imp. at Basyl 1543 The Huntynge and Fyndinge out of the Romish Fox' b. 1. Imp. at Basyle 154^ Of the Romish Fox, and the Queenching of Sec- tarian Firebrands Dub. 1683 Recuynge of the Romish Foxe, ortherwise called the examination of the Hunter b. 1. Imp. at Winchester 1545 Canons ofCriticism 1750; Life of Geo. ViUiers / 7437 /$ -7438 Duke of Buckingham — Dissertation on Comets Essay on Political! Lying, and several others bound in two volumes — ^ — The Popiad Progress of Dulness— A complea Collection of all the Verses Essays, &c. with the fron^ 2 N r / . 74,39 ^ ' 7440 // ' , ■7444 - ''7445 ^yu.c^ ^ . 744g 290 tispiece and other scarce Poetry*. Tracts. Thoughts of an Honest Whig 1710 ; faults on both Sides, and many others i — EngIand^s Path to wealth and Honour, 1709 ; Jos. Hall Quoi Vadis, 1695 ;'Amours of Messalina late Quen of Albion. Land, 1689 Butlero Monarchla Foemlnlna, 1672 ; Harris’s Use of the Globes, 1703 ; Holland Globe, notes Royal tracts, &c. 1692 y ' 7449 / 2 . 7450 / yo . 7451 7454 ^ (^7455 / ^ 7456 Longinus’s Loftines or Elegancy of Speech, 1680 ; Conduct and Character of Sereni, 1664 ; Neales Treatise of Direction how toTravell safely and profita- bly into Forreigne Countries, 1643 The World’s Infancy or Mans fall, a Poem Loud, 1658 Tracts. Steele’s Christian Hero and several others * — Memoirs of the Lives of King Edward 4 and Jane Shore —Trials of Sir W, Manners — Triall off'ord Lord Grey of Werk &c. 1710 ; Case of Richard Liddle, Esq. for criminal conversation with Lady Lbergavenny — LifeofTho. Betterton 1749 Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield pcr/razV 1741 The Modern Statesman 1653 Thompson’s True Way of Preserving theBIood 1670 Tho. Lussets Workes 5. /. Imp hyJohnKynge 1560 — News from Pannier — Alley 1687 ; Fearefull Apparitions 1647 ; the Divine Dreamer 1641; the Five Strange Wonders in the North and West of England 1659; the Lords Loud Call to England 1680; Surrey Demoniack 1637; the Devil ot Deptford, the Surrey Imposter, portrait — 1699 and several others Three LtUtrs on the many mistakes in Dn^dale*s Baronage, very rare, 1730, Sic. The Gentlemans Calling 1660 — ■ ■■■■ ■< New Translation of Solornansj Songs 1775 ; Harlot’s Progress in the Life of the Noted Moll Hsickaibouty frontispiecei 1753; the Oakes Progress or the Templar’s exit frontispiece 1769 The Whole^Booke of Psalmes with the Hymnes Evange- licall, and Songs Spirituall, set to musick Bond. 1621 Life and Heroick Actions of the Eighth Cham- pionwith the frontispiece 1739, and four other s Life of Faustes Socinus Senesis 1653; the Jus / 7457 Divinum of Presbyterie 1655; The Judgement of Mr. Francis Bamfield 1672; Life and Death ofSir M. Hale 1682; The Marriage of Cousin Germans; Vindica- ted, Oxf. 167 3 The Primitive Governnjent of Churches— ^ - 74-58 ■74:59 4-60 4^7 ^ C^746l ^ ^ 7462 ^ '7463 1 17463 L>91 Web’s Garden of Spirltuall Flowers, Tracts. Keach’s Antichrist stormed, and several others — Methinks the Poor Town has been troubled too long or a Collection of all the New Song’s 1672, and several others A 1725 : mid several Cantig Dictionary t other curious tracts, 3 vol. Record’s Urinal of Physicke, 1651; Cataplus, or ^neas his Descent to Hell a Mock Poem, 1672, &c. Life ofThicknesse, 1790 ; Beauties of Fore ; tVyy) r4U' Burke, &:c. and others Essay on the Usefulness of Mathematical Lear- ning Oxf. 1701 ; on Oriental Learning, 1739, &c. Quillet’s Epistle eudoxus, Boileau’s Art ofPoetry; / . / 7475 / 7466 A - Academia, or the Humours of the University of Oxford, in Burlesque Verse, 1716, &c. Szc. *7463 T. a Kempis de Imitatione Christi, Antwerp, 1664 7464 The Lay-Monastery 1714 Adventures of Pre-Existent Spirits, 1692 Prevention of Poverty with the Cure of Melan- choly 1655 Wine preferrable to Water, and several others Asgil’s Essay on a Registry for Titles of 1798 ; Fuller’s Tracts on the Birth of the Wales, 1700, &c. Life of Charles I. and il93 z: 4 /// z/ f 7 i 9 i Tracts. Knowledge and Conduct of Warres, 1578; Bourne’s Inuentions, 157 8; Defence of Militarie Pro- fession, d.l. 1579 ; Digges Sti'atioticos, 1579; Sir C. Platton’s Pathway to Military Practice, 1587 — Sir J. Smythe’s Discourses, 1590; Sir G. Carew^s Tiieo- rique and Practise of Warre, 1597 ; Low Countrie Training, &c. 1617 >7495 Turner’s Sound Anatomised 1724 (7 7496 Tracts. The A^aignement of John Van Olden Bar- neuelt, 1619; Trial of the Regicide, 1660; Tryai and Conviction of Sir W. Rawleigh 164'f ; Speeches of the Regicides, &c. 1662 ^7497 Tracts. A Treatise on Heraldry MS. ou Vellum ; Bose- well’s Workes of Armorie, 5. /. Printed by Tutclli, and curious MS. at the end on Heraldry 1572 /7497* The Pageant of Popes, 5. /. * 1574^ //^ 6 7498 ^7499 * 7500 Tracts. The Arte of Garbelling of Spices, 5. L 1592; Treatise of dying Colours, &c. ' • curious and scarce Colkclion during the civil War and Prot.ctorate of Cromwell^ giving an Account of Seiges, taking Towns, and other local Information, with several curious and rare prints, SfC.from 1644 to 1659 bound in 5 vol. Vox Coeli, Votiva? Angliae, Vox, Militis, 1625 ; i 7501 V oy^VopcW, with portrait of Gondomar, 1624; Sir W. Rawleigh’s Ghosl, 1626; Discoverie of Spanish Prac- tises, 1625 ; a Tongue combat, 1623 Tonstaliide Praedestination, 15 55; and many u / / 6 ' J / / - I ffUcv it' 0 tr'Ky / ' other curious O 7502 The Pilgrimage of Princes, 5. 1. wants title ^ 7503 The Confessions and Execution of the two Jesultes, drawn, hanged, and quartered, at Tyburn, for High Treason, William Ireland and John Grove Lond. 167S ■*7504 Turner’s Collection of Views in the County of Lincoln, plates, 1. p. . ib. 1 806 77505 The Travellers Brevlat. Imp.hy Bollifant 1601 (7 7506 The Castle, or Picture of Pollicy, handled in a Manner Dialogue betwixt G. Gales and W. Blandy, Souldiars, b I, • ond. Printed by John Daye 15SI '7507 Tracts. LloydT Conference of Laws, 1602; Bolton’s / Elements of Armory, 1610 *^7508 Tolli Epistolae Itinerariae • Amst. 1700 ' 7509 Testimonie of (he true Church of'God, b. /. Printed by H. M. '7510 The Journal of William Dowsing, see MS. note by Mr, / Brand 1786 (y 7511 The Pardise of dainty Devices, devised and written for the most part by Mr, Edwardes, sometime of her Majesties / /'/ cd. kjiTtiA/ ay 4 - h , . ,^7512 _ „,3 ^ 7 C4U U 7 X A / //, 75U '7515 7516 '7517 -7518 7519 -4 /3 .7520 7521 7522 ^U{^' X /) ^ ^•^7523 < ^ 77524 ^ 0 7525 11 / / rrU/(^ (7 v 7528 4 „6 7529 ^ /I '7530 Ciy^ViA^/ X * 7531 Cheppcll, the rest by sundry learned Gentlemen both of honor and xvorship, b. 1. one leaftnade up with MS, very rare. Printed by E. Aide Thorndike (H.) Just Weights and Measures 1680 The noble Experyence of the vertuous Handywarke of Surgeri, cuts, b. /. Itnp, at Lond, in Southwarke by me Peter Treveris, 1526 The wise Vieillard, or old Man Lond. 1621 Tovey’s History and Antiquities of the Jews Oxf. 1738 The true and wonderfull History of Perkin "W^arbeck Lond. 1618 Tracts. The Legend of the Jesuites, 1623, and ma?iy other curious Tracts The English Spanish Pilgrime, 1630, and others The Proceedings against the late Traitors Garnet a Je- suite and his Conferates Loncf. 1606 Tracts. A new Bull-bahing, or a Match played at the Town Bull of Ely, 1649 ; Private Debates, &c. of the late Rump, 1660 ; Epulae Thyesteae, or the Thanks giving Dinner, where the Devil finds all. Meat, Cooks, Guests, &c. 1643, veiy rare, ad Populum, or a low country Lecture to the People of England, 1653 ; Eighteen new Court Queries, 1659; the Qualifications of Persons, declared capable by ihe Rump Parliament to elect, or be elected Members to supply their House, 1660 The Rebels doom L,ond. 1684 Tracts. Putney Projects of the old Serpent, 1617 ; Re- lation of remarkable Passages in Cheshire, Siege of Nantwich, Victory by the Garrison of Nottingham, 1644 ; a Copy of the Prisoners Judgment condemned to dy from Newgate 13th December, 1641 ; a Letter from his Majesty’s Court at Oatelands, 1647 ; Horrid Murthers in several Counties of Ireland, 1679 The History of Gentle-craft most pleasant History of Bovinian, frontispiece 1656 Taylor (John) The fearefull Summer, or Londons Calami- ties the Countries Discourtesie, and both their Mise- ries 1636 The Ship of Fools 7io date i?i Latin, cuts, a curious edition Pleasant Historic of the Gentle-craft, cuts Renters Recantation 1650 Tub Preachers overturned 1647 Tracts. Copy of a Letter of Father Phillips, 1646 ; Pe- tition of the Inhabitants of Isleworth in the Countie of Middlesex, 1641; Orders of the House of Commons for abolishing Superstition, 1641 ; Petition and ArtL 165£> ^ cles exhibited by the Parishioners of Pont Hand and others in the County of Northumberland, against Dr, Gray, Vicar ot the said Parish, 164‘1 7532 Tracts. Bradshaw's Ghost, 1659 ; the Flaming's Island, 1672 ; the Aprentices Advice to the XII Bishops lately accused of High Treason, with the portraits of Bishop Laud, SCc. ‘7533 The Last Will and Testament of John Bradshaw, Presi- dent of the High Court of Justice — Open Mouth of Bdaams Asse, 1642 ; the Presby- terians I.etany, 1647 — Last Words of Thomas. Lord Pride — Benefit ot Farting explained Answer to the Rattle Heads — Round Heads Resolution — Devil to Pay at St. James's — Lamentation of a Bad Market — Last Will and Testament of Philip Earl of Pembroke — Game is up, or 31 new Queries and Orders 1659 — Hunting of the Foxes from New-market and Trip- loe-heaths to Whitehall by five small Beagles (late of the Armie) or the Grandie-Deceivers unmasked (that you may know them) ib, 1649 7544 Grand Plunderer, a Subject never before written, ‘ Printed iu the Yeare 1643 / . / ^ ' 7534 . ^ 7535 y > 7536 o 7537 ' 7538 ^ - 7539 ^ y 7540 O 7541 6 7542 Z , 7543 i 1722 1641 1727 1660 ■0iwL / ^ 7545 / -7546 / * 7547 2 - y /7548 ^ 7549 ^ ^7550 '0 ~ 7551 // ^7552 7554 - 7554 FOLIO. Patin Familae Romano in Antiquis Numistabus, cu7n fig. Par, Imperatoruin Romanorum Numismata, cum. Jig. Amst. Peringskioldi Monumentorum Sueo-Gothicorum, cum fig. Stockholm, Parkeri Historias Anglicanae Scriptores Varii Loud. Pierii Hierogliphica de Sacris ^Egyptorum Aliarumque Gentium Literis Commentarici Lugduni, Plini's Natural Historie, by Holland Loud. Pausaniae Accurata Graeciae Descriptio Gr. Lat. a Xylan- dro Hanov. Pelletier Dictionnaire de la Langue Brelone Par, Postlethwayt's Dictionary ofTrade and Commerce, 2 v^ol. Loud. Poetry and Ballads, a large and curious Collection, bound in 1 vol, 1725, &:c. 1663 1696 1710 1724. Tl 16^0 1601 1613 1752 I7v55 J)<^L A/Z / Z 9 i . 7555 / 7556 ! I U / ^ i or / / >'4 ; 7559 /i'-/7560 fdju 'f'4(yyh(kA / ^ 7561 ^ v7562 /^' 9 7563 "f/ ^ hi Jfj /, 3 / 7565 1566 "i/7566 K-^i/u(Ar ^/^7568 /7 6 7569 -? ^7570 ' "/7571 •? /■? 5 7572 296 ^Raphaelis Fabretl Gasparis F. Urbinatls de Colomna Trajano Syntagma, cum Jig. Rerum Anglicarum Scriptores Post Bedam prae Cip Vie Vetustissimis Codicibus Manuscriptis nunc Pri- num in Lucem editi Land, 1596 Rymer Foedra, a Holmes, 10 vol. Com, 1741 Reyneri Apostolatus Benedictorum in Anglia Diiaciy 1626 RolPs of Parliament, 6 vol. Rhoeso Grammatica Cymraecaeve Cambro Brytannica Lond. 1622 Ravilla Redivivus, being a Narrative of the late Tryal of Mr. James Mitchell, a Conventicle Preacher Lond, 1682 Reynerus Historia Benedict! in Angliae Duaciy 1626 Reports from the Select Committee appointed to Enquire into the State of the Public Records of the King- dom 1 800 Register of the PapIsPs Estates within the Division of Bury St. Edmund's 1717 Reynold's Triumph of God's Revenge against Murder Lond. 1670 Record (Rob,) the Castle of Knowledge, 5. /. ib, by Reg. Wolfcy 1556 Raio Historia Plantarum, cum fig. ib. 1685 Rastall's Collection of Statutes, h. 1. Imp. byToitelliy 1574 Romanum Musaeum sive Thesaurus, cum. fig. 2 vol. Roni. 1746 Ryley (-W.) Pleadings in Parliament, 1. p. Lond. 1661 •Rationale Divinorum Imp. Argentine MCCCCLXXXIV Roy (Gen.) the Military Antiquities of the Romans in North Britain, plates, 1. p. Lond. I 297 THIKTY=>FmST DAY’S BADE, SATURDAY, June 13, 1807. OCTAVO AND TWELVES. 0 ^ 7'574 (j .7575 7576 7573 The Amazement of future Ages, wants title — The Cerc> monies observed at the Marriage of the Jews, wants title The Triumph of Wit Land. 1707 Tracts. — N. Taylor^s Exposition of the Catechism, frontispiece, l6’84 — Tillotson^s Funeral Sermon on the Death of Mr. Thomas Gouge, with his portrait 1682, &c. TheTeares of Ireland, or Ireland's Teares, very rave Land. l642 Tragicum Tkeatrum, Auctorvm, and Casuum Tragicorum Lo?idi?u, xvith nwnerous portraits, rare Amst. 1645 ) Tracts, rare and curious. — The Complaint of - Peace, b. 1. 1559 — An Epistle of John Scory, the late Bishop of Chichester, to all the faythtull that be in Pryson, in Englande, or in any Trouble for the Defence of Godde's Truthe, b. 1. 1555 — A Warnyng for En- glande, contenyng the horrible Practises of the Kynge of Spayne, in the Kingdom of Naples, b. 1. 1555 — A wonderful History of all the Storms, Hurricanes, Earth- quakes, &c. that have happened in England, for above 500 Years, 1704 — Wagstaff on the Taller, 17 IO — The Mynde of the godly and excellent lerned Man — M. Jhon Caluyne, b. 1. 1548 — Ross's Medicus Medi- caters ^ ^ 1^45 The Christen State of Matrimony, most necessary and profita- ble for all theii, that entened to live quietly and godlye in the Christen State of Jioly Wedlock, neidy set forth, in English, black letter. For an Account of this rare Book, see M.S. f. Note imp. by John Mayler, ^7580 Testimony to the Truth of Jesus Christ, or to the Doctrine, I 2 N / / 7665 Voyage de Siam per P^re Jesuites, Islip, J)'A JlAi/r'-' / (■iLiiJ/ \ V' 'J 1594 1607 1672 1628 ^ 6^7666 V’aughan, (Rice) Practica Wallise Lond. X ^.0 7667 Virgil’s Georgicks, Englished by Thos. May ib. 0 . 7668 Vines, (Lod.) the Office and Dutie of an Husband, b. 1. , imp. by John Cawood \ y 7669 Vanden Vondelen Theatre du Monde, avcc.fig. Arnst. l682 ! / >7670 V’ondel's Palamedes Treurspel, Acnersfoot, 1736 1 6 7671 Vita Philippi Melanchthonis, a Camerario Hug. Com. \655 I U 7672 Veron, (John) the Huntynge of Purgatorye, b. 1. I ! . imp. by J. Tysdak, 156i '/ ^(7673 Vareni Regni Japonic et Siam Cantab. 1673 17674 Waughan, (W.) the Golden-Groue moralized in three j ; 4 Bookes Lond. 16O8 , I*? 77675 Vera Expositionis Institutse Mandata Mariae Regince, ib. 1553 j 1'^ 6 7676 Volney’s Travels in Syria and Egypt Dub. 1788 ' V ' 7677 Venuti's Description of the first Discoveries of the ancient i j ( City of Heraclea Lond. 1750 ‘ I7678 Vie d'ElifabethReine d’Anglelerre, crec /!orfrctVe5, 2 tom. I J Arrist. 1703 ! !/M7679 Vigero Grsecse Dictionis Idiotismis Lond. 1695 CU'/l d/Uor Jri/tcip Cc- I'^A^ II / / OaA Cy'yxA (yhA^- CY' 7 un^iy^U fU M/y '0. / / / . r VK" s/^ g \>\j M. ^ ^ ''^82 ,-liJ/ -v ry684 « 7685 ^ • “““ J /7686 /-^S ^U'(/r /j J769I 7692 7693 .? - ygg4 , ;7695 -7 6 7696 / 4 ' 7697 "/ / , (7698 ‘*5 / ' V7699 . I770O ^ Maii^ // b 7701 5 ' 7704 0 - 7705 ^/■vZy • 7706 a’ - /7 / , 7707 ■^Or'U704 Valeri Maxinii Dictorum Factorumque Memorabilium Amst, Typis D. Elzv. 1671 Vossi in Epistolam Plinii de Christianis Amst. l654 Voight Thysiasteriologia sive de Altaribus, cum fig. Hamb. 1709 Vaughan's Flores Solitudinis . Loiid. l664 Voyage de Dalmatia, et Grece et du Levant, par Wheler, Amst. Lond. Amst. 1689 1775 1683 Voltaire’s Philosophical Dictionary, 2 v. Vandalen de Oraculis Fithnicorum Gr. Lat. Virgilii Malvezzi Marchionis ’Jyrannus Lug. Bat. ap Elzev. Vida Scacchia Ludus, or the Game of Chess, a Poem Virgilius Epigrams Lond. Voyage to the New Island Fonseca ib. Vulgar Errours in Practice censured ib. Vigiliae Rhelorum, et Somnia Poetarum Emblematice, cumfg. Vaughan’s (Sir W.) Church Militant Lond. Vademecum, a Manual of Essayes ib. Another Edition • ib. V'etus Testamentum Grecum ex Versione Septuaginta In- terpretum Lond. l653 Vaughan’s (Thomas) Grammar of the Turkish Language, Turkish and Eng. ib. 1709 Villamont Voyages Tar. Valentine Writer Vaughan’s Directions for Health Velleiis Paterculus, his Romane Historic, by Lc Grys Lond. Voyage de G. Ysbrants Bontekoe aux Indes Orientales Ajnst. I68I Venning’s Orthodox Paradoxes ' j647 Vita Martini Lutheri Hal Mag. 1742 1636 2736 1624 1708 1659 1640 1629 1631 1598 1607 16S2 303 7714 \ "7715 / J i*. ^7716 7 07717 u 4 y 7718 / ^7719 - 7720 4^b'72i n i -7/22 1 -7/23 1 ( 7724 - 7725 \l> -7726 V ' 7727 Y '772S \J ^7729 1^(^7730 I? -7*32 QUARTO. The Cople of a Letter sent out of England to Don Ber- nardin Mendoza, by Richard Leigh, seminarie Priest, who was lately Executed for Treason 1588 Another Copy. For an Account of this rare Tract, see Awes, p. 357, 418 1588 The same Recantation made at Pauleys Crosse, by William Teddcr'’s seminaire Priest 1588 Projector s Dozen fall, or Times Changeling, with por- traits of the Monopolist and Pateentce 1642 Failing and Perishing of good Men 1663 Man of Destinies Declaration, or Squire Ketch’s Declaration 1679 Night Raven, this was the Copy of G. Steevens and has his Autograph l620 Complaint of Jonas, King Achab, Absalon, King Solamon, Sampson, &:c, black letter no date famous and delectable History of Don Bellianus of Greece 1683 perfect Use of Silk Worms and their Benefit, wants title bloody Game at Cards, as it was played betwixt the King of Hearts and the Rest of his Suite, against the Residue of the Packe of Cards, very raie. Shuffled at London, cut at IVestminster, dealt at Yorke, and played in the open Fields, SfC. horrible Murder of John de Wely, Merchant Jew- eller, of Amsterdam, with the plate l6l6 Arraignment of Superstition l641 — ^ — dolefull Lamentation of Cheaps-side Crosse, or old England sick of the Staggers, with the Answer, cuts 1641 Proctor and Parator, their Mourning, jrontispicce, very rare ' l64l Brothers of the Blade, answerable to the Sisters of _ the Scaberd, frontispiece 164I lamenable Complaints of Nick Froth the Tapster, and Rule Roast the Cook, frontispiece l641 Tracts — A true Relation of the lewd Life and repen- tant Death of one John Sherman, a Tailour, who lived in Taunton Dean, in Somersetshire, l641 — False Pro- phets discovered, being a true Story of the Lives and Deaths of Two Weavers, (late of Colchester) 1642 — The Brownist Hseivsies Confuted, their Knavery Anato- mized, 1641 — A Magazine of Scandall, l642 — A true Relation of a Combustion hapning, at St. Anne's {/UW / (eiA ^ 0 d c( Q / / -Ji 304 \yif I • /I f'l/l/r 7734 # ^ /f'X Church, by Aldersgate, 1641 — The Armiriiaii Haltered, j641 — A Discoverie of 29 Sects here in London, all of which, except the First, are most Devilish and Damna- ble, l64l, all tery cvrious and rare 7733 Tracts — Curious, tiz. — A Glasse for the Times, l648 — The Proctor and Parator, their jMourning — Hill’s true Account of the Plunderings, Losses, and Sufferings of the County of Hereford, by the Scottish Army, 1660 — 4'he pope’s Benediction, l64X — Canterburie’s Pilgrim- age * l641 — Vindication of the seperate Bjethren of the Spirit against a Libel, called the Resolution of the Round Heads, 1641 — New Orders agreed upon by a Parlia- ment of Round Heads, 1^42 — The Distraction of our Times 1643 7735 The Clergcs Bill of Complaint Oxf. l643 Adamites Sermon, containing their Manner of Preach- ing, Expounding, and Prophccying l64l Tracts, very rare and curious, viz. true Report of a strange Conspiracie, contrived betweene Edward Squire, and Richard VValpooie, a Je-»uite, lately Exe- cuted, 1599 — A true and ceitaine Relation of sundry Machinations and Plots, of divers Jesuites, &c. — Exa- mination, Execution, and Confession of Thomas Balsa- ker, Priest, l642 — Edward Morgan, who was Drawn, Hanged, and Quartered, on Tuesday, April 26, 1642 — To the King’s most excellent Majestic, &c. l642 The Brownists Synagogue of a late Discovery 1641 Declaration and Standard of the Levellers of Eng- ■736 land, with the flate 1649 X ^^ 7738 Taylor (John) Swarme of Sectaries and Schismatiques 1641 S' h. Sc 4 ,/ '<-1^ 7739 Tale of a Tub, or a Tub Lecture 1611 7740 — Cluster of Coxcombes, and Knaves, I6 12 -—John Taylor’s Religious Enemies l641 7741 Tracts, rare^ viz. — Saltmarsh’s Wonderfull Predictions declared in a Measure as from the Lord to his Excellency, Sir Thomas Fairfax, and^ the Councell of his army, frojitkpiece, l648 — The humble Petition of divers well affected Persons inhabiting the City of Lon- don, Westminster, &c. to the Commons, with the Par- liament’s Answer — The last Speech of his Highness the Protector to the Parliament, 1664 — Mercurius Catho- licus, 1648 — An Abstract of some late Characters l649 7712 Two Letters sent by Mr. Richard Osburn (late Attend- ant on his Majesty in Carisbrook Castle) touching a Design to Poyson or make away his Majesty, plate l64§ X 7743 Terri ble^Newes from Scotland 1647 o. 7744 Tracts — Tiie true Tom — Double Wonders of the Year, (La /f ^ 305 I i71(j — Sp.cech of Lord Faversham^s Ghost, 17 10, and ^ Thirteen more, some of xckich are curious //' 7r45 'I'R ACTS, (very curious) viz. — A great Wonder in Heaven, shewing the late Apparitions and Prodigious Noyse of War and Battels, scene on Edge-Hill, neere Keinton, in Northamptonshire, l6'4T— A Wild- lire Plot found out in Ireland, shewing how the Rebels would have consumed the City of Dublin with Wild-fire, also how Three Lords were taken Prisoners, and committed to the Cas- tle, 1(341 — The Welchmans Protestation concerning the Corruptions of these Times, l6'4T — Expresse Com» mands from both the honourable Houses of Parlia- ment, 1641 — Lilly’s Propheticall History of this Yeare^s ’ Accidence 1542 " ' 7745 Ascham’s Schole-Master, black letter y 1571 — Pool's Youth’s Guide, 167O — Coote’s School-Master, l565 — The Art of Logike — The Order of the House- hold The 0wle*s Ahnanackcy 'prognosticating many strange ThingSy frontispiece l5l8 The Beggar s Ape, frontispiece date cut off Tracts — Leather, l6'29 — Geo. Buck, an Eclog, l535 — Ditto Treating Crownes and of Garlands, l6'05 — Nash on Apparitions, 1594 — A Faire in Spittle-Fields l552 Poor Robin's Perambulation from Saffron- Walden, 1678 — Alexander and King of Egypt, a iMock Play, 1771 — Powell’s Tom of all Trades, or the Plaine Way to Preferment, 1531 — Articles of Impeach- ment against Bishop Wren, i 541 — Roily’s Relation of the Gleanings of the Idiotismes and Absurdities of Miles Corbet 1545 - To Sion’s Loners l544 Plaine Percevall, the Peace- Maker of England, rare and cu- rious, black letter no date — Cyuile and Vncyuile Life, black letter imp. at Loncl. by Kichard Jones, 1579 One Dialogue, or Colloquc of Erasmus, entitled Diuersoria, h. 1. 1555 The Star-Prophet anatomized and Dissected l575 — Opinion Diefied, by Barnabe Rych, l5l3 — As- tronomicall of the late Comet from the 18th of Novem-r her to l5th of December, l5l8, l5l9 — Gaudcn's Christ at the Wedding, &c. Warning for Servants, l580 — Triumph of Paris, , ‘ l550 — Judgement of the Lords l547 The Boy of Bilson — A Discourse concerning Popish Ex- orcising Lord. 1529 Tentius Comedie of Eunuches, Lat. and Eng, ib> 1622 2 o ^ 7748 Jo - 7745 / - 7750 %/ ^ ° 0 7751 - 7752 7753 7- 7754 0 . 7755 ^ - 775G ^i{/ 7758 / ¥ y CyvicyyU >■ 306 7 f 6 ^ Tarlto'n's Court Witty Jests, rlack letter > bound in RussiOj extremelij rarCy see MS. Notes of Mr, Brand and Mr. Douce. This Copy has likewise Three dif^ Jerent Specimens of young Ireland's Immitations of Shakes- peare*s IPYiting 77 So Nexces out of Purgatory, only such a Jest as his Jigge, ft for Gentlemen to laugh at an Howe, SfC. Published by and old Companion (J' his Robin Goodfeltow, very rare, title, dedication, and Two last leaves, MS. Jjond. printed by Geo. Pursloue, l 63 G» 7761 Tracts— rThomas of Reading, or the Sixe Worthie Yeomen , of' the West, \ 6 S^—rThe Bell-man of London, bringing to Light the most notorious Villanies that are now practised'in. the Kingdome, I6O8 — Theeves falling out, true Men come by their own Goods, with the plate,\ 6 \S — Academy of Ldte, 3 64-1 — Arraignment of Lewd Women, with the platen l6S2 — Well met Gossip, or 'tis merry when Gossips meet, with the plate, l 67 b, all bound in 1 vol. extremely rare 7762 Tpoke’s Works — I. The Bolides, or Eulogie on Captain W. Fair- fax IL The History of Gales Passion 1^54 III. The deplorable Tragedie of Florls, portrait by Gay wood IV. Annas Dicatae, or Elegies on his Wife V. Elegies on John, Lord Harrington, frontispiece, by xMarshall, very rare, gilt leaves iSSQ 7763 The Lyfe of Robert the Deuyll, plates, Ori- ginal Edit, extremely rare, see MS. note 7764 The Primer, in Englishe, after the Sarum, black letter Lond. 1651 77 h '5 I'racts. — W. Prynne’s Healthes, Sicknesge, 1628 — Heylen's moderate Answer, 1637 — Lord Bishops none of the Lords, 1640 — Bryants Churches Resurrection, 1649 — Bryan’s Churches going in, 1649 — Ashe’s Liv- ing Loves, l 654 — W. Pryrne’s Signal Loyalty and De- votion of God’s true Saints and pious Christians to- wards their King, 1660 — Anti Baal Berith, l66l — Be- - rith Anti-Baal, 1661, all bound in 1 v. 7766 Trois Traitcz de la Philosophic natuielle Par. l 6 f 2 7767 Tag, Rag, and Bob-tail, being Sixteen Portraits of noton- ms Personages, famous and infamous, plates Lpnd. 1800 7768 Taxes and Contributions, the same being frequently ap- plied to the present State and Affairs of Ireland, l 677 — The Irish Papers, containing the Lord Digbye*s Let- ter, and the Lord Inchequin’s Answer l 646 7769 The Picture of a Papist, MS, title Lond, for Nathaniel TosbYoke, f ;/ 7770 ■ 7771 - 7772 ¥lc4- ■3 It ~ 7774 -7775 1/ - / 77-76 ^777 3 -7778 !3/ 7779 ■7780 7731 307 The Picture of a Puritane UmL l605 Tracts — Treason and Rebellion against their Native Country, justly rewarded upon the severall Traitors and Rebels lately executed in Scotland, l646 — Proclama- tion by the Parliament of Scotland for the proclaiming of Charles, Prince of Wales, 1648 — Stedman against Stedman, Declaratio Regni Scotia?, 1645 — The Scotch Commissioners Papers presented to the English Parlia- ment, 1645 — Declaration made by King James, in Scot- land 1646 — On Ireland — Smith’s Farewell-Sermon, Belfast^ 1777 — Historical Remarks on the City of Waterford— Orders and Conditions to be observed by the Underta- kers, upon the Distribution and Plantation of the eschae- ted Lands of Ulster, 16 O 8 — State of Ireland laid open to the View, Dub. 1755 — Memorable Transactions of theCity of London-Derry — Sad Estate and Condition of Ireland l689 Temple’s (Sir John) Irish Rebellion Land. 1646 History of the Irish Rebellion, to which is ad- ded, Sir H. Tichborne’s Account of the Siege of Drog- heda Dub, 1724 The Mirrour of PulicCf black letter Lond. printed by Adam Islip, 1598 Thesaurus Rei Antiqvarioe Heberrimvs Antv, 1579 Tracts — Foster, a Sponge to wipe away the Weapon Salve, 1631 — Textes of Scripture, black letter — Decla- ratroun of the King’s Majesties intioun and meaning to- ward the last Actes of Parliament imp, at Edmb. by Thomas Vautroidlier^ 1585 Oh ! read over D. John Bridges for it is a worthy TForkCf b, 1. — Oh f read over D. John Bridges — the Epitom, black letter, — Hay any Worke fora Cooper, by John Penry, black letter, who was afterward hanged, three ^ very rare Tracts, Mor. gilt leaves, from Harleian Colkc- iion, with Autograph. ofTho. Tanner Ibis ad Caesarem, 1626 , &c. — Develish Conspi- racie. Hellish Treason, Heathenish Condemnation, and ^ Damnable Murder, l643 — A Declaration against Mr. , ' Challener, l647 — Speech and Prayer of Dr. Heweytt' on the Scaflbld, l658 — The Scotch Souldier’s Speech, (J? concerning the King’s Coronation Oath, 1647, 0'4/*x\A d X/UL) 3. a. Counters, plates of the Coins ib. 7827 y 7828 y ,'7829 6 7830 ^^7831 <^47832 4a 78: 3 d 78: o3 834 struck by English Princes, ii France, plates ib. Seventy-one Plates of Gold and Silver Coin, ib. Sandy’s Travels, plates ' Land. Shaw’s Travels in the Levant, with Supplement, plates Oxf Silius Itaiicus, translated by Ross, plates ’ Lond. Spencero de Legibus Hebraeorum Ritualibus Cantb. — Things, new and old Lond. Sfephani Thesaurus Graecm Linguae, 2 v. excudehat II. Steph. Scot’s Discovery of Witchcraft Lond. ScaiTon’s comical Romance ib. Statutes at Large, b. 1. imp. by Barker. Scheffer’s History of Lapland, p/n/rs ' Oxf. 176£> i 176.9 1()37 1738 X:jl 1661 1727 1638 V , ■ 1572 1665 yCyy\' 783S 7839 ^0^ / / - 7 840 Seldeu^s Titles of Honor Land. l681 Spotiswood (Arch Bp.) the Hisfoiy of the Church of Scotland, portraitSf and map of Scofland^ h\j Hollar Land. l655 Sellers (John) the coasting Pilot of England , Holland^ France, and Flanders, charts, ^'C. rare Scaligeri opus de emendatione Temporum Colon. Alloh, l62^ Spencer (Benj.) Chr^^oraeson, a Golden Meane, uith por- trait, bi/ Cross Lond. l659 Some Account of the Cathedral Church of Durham, plates ib. 1801 THIMTY-SECONiD BAY’S SALE. MONDAY, June 15, 1807 . OCTAVOS AND TWELVES. J'., ^7841 ' <>17842 ,^7843 <^7844 a 7845 4-7846 b 7847 5^7848 <^,7849 4 7850 47851 6 7852 /7853 67854 7855 Vencroni^s Italian Grammar 1766 Vulgar Errors in Divinity removed l683 Vida’s Art of Poetry 1750 Virgil’s Georgicons, by May, w'ants title Vandale de Oraculis ethnicorum, cum fig. Arnst, l683 Virgilius Evangclisans, ab liossoei Land. 1769 Vernulii Nomenclatur, interleaved with Manuscript Oxf. 1642 Velleius Paterculus Bat. a Ekzt'. 1639 Vinetum Angliae, or England’s Happiness improved Vulgus Britannicus, or the British liudibras Land, 17 11 Voltaire Letlres Sur I’Anglois BaslL 1734 Vitalis notis Dodwellij^g. Lorid. 17 H Virgil’s Eclogues translated into English Verse, by W.L. 1628 Velleius’s Romano Historie, Englished by Sir R. Le Greys 1632 ————— in Latin Tjond. 17^3 312 Amt. 1794- 1632 1650 7856 Wing's Crowne Conjugall, or the Spouse Royall V 7857 Virgilii Opera, a Farnabii ' ' 7858 Vincent’s Origination of the Greek Verb, Load. / And Greek Verb Analysed 179^ ^ 7859 Virgil, translated by Ogilvy, with his portrait, by Mar- , y shall Lond. 1^49 ^ w 7860 Vaughan s (Tho.) Lumen de Liimine: or, a New Magicall • Light, communicated and discovered to the World, ■portrait ib. 1661 16'38 i65S 1747 179^ ^ /786l Wilkin’s Discovery of the World in the Moone ib. 7862 Wilsford’s Nature’s Secrets ib. y’7863 Ward’s England’s Reformation, a Poem, cuts ib. ^ ^786'4 Watson’s Apology for the Bible Z. 6 786'5 Wright’s Antiquities of Hallifax, Leeds, 1738 — Hallifax and its Gibbet Laws, with the frontispiece of the Maiden, 7866 WillNs (Brown) Survey of the Cat herdral of Bangor, Lond. 1721 'V « 7867 Wentworth (Peter) on a Successor to Queen Elizabeth ib. 1598 , 7S68 Another Copy o ' 7869 Watson’s Apology for the Bible, 1766 — Chelsum against Gibbon O.f. 1778 / 7870 Wynne’s Eupomus of the Laws of England, 4 v. Lojid. 1768 ^ 7871 William’s (Sir C. H.) Odes ib. 1780 / - 7872 Wesley’s (Sam.) Maggots: or Poems on several Subjects, never before handled, portrait ib. l685 >7873 Wessel’s (Simon) true Christian’s Daily Delight ib. l623 Wnnfnn’s IVTi^jrflla npoiis Dittrnnrtipc ^5. 1718 //■ i ^7874 Wooton’s Miscellaneous Discourses ^ 7875 Wit’s Theatre of the little World, very rare, Lond. 1599 — Death and the fair Lady, cuts 1736 77^76 Walker’s Vocabulary of the English Language 1797 y 7877 Waterhouse's Meditations Lond. l653 / ^ 7878 Watson’s (Thomas) Heaven taken by Storm ; by reading / this Work Colonel Gardner was converted 1669 / 0 7879 Wolley’s (Ed.) Parent’s Blessing to their Children, frontis- / piece, Lond. 1661 WJr\r\A^Si r\f . y 7880 Wood’s alphebetical Book of Physical Secrets ^ y7881 Wallisii Grammatica Linguae Anglicanae ^7882 Willis s (l\.) Mount Tabor, extremely rare fcll/y- J'. ctew (7) ■ (7} / 1638 ib. 1765 ib. 1639 Jf 7883 Wyclif, C John) the Patkwaye to perfect Knozoledge, black let- ter, M. S. title. See an Account of this rare Book in M.S. j Note , imp. by Rob. Crowley, 1550 ^ ' 7884 Winstanlefs (IViUiam) Historical Rarities and- curious Ob- / / / serrations Lo?id. l68,4 f ^ ^ 7885 Whitefoot’s (John) Sermon on the Death of Bishop Hall, with his portrait ib. \65T Z - 7886 White’s Country-Man’s Conductor ib. 1701 I 315 / f '^CA/v(y 4 c/ ■ 4' ^:- ^ ^7887 ^ ‘^7888 6 7889 >?'^7891 0/7892 Wit and Fancy in a Maze, or the incomparable Champion of Love and Beautie, a Moc k- Romance, ^or^rcr//A ih. 1055 Williams's Welch and English Dictionary 1737 Wood’s Treatise of the Antiquity of the Commonwealth of r/. ^ - the Battavers • ' ’ Lond. 1549 789f^ ^^iiistanley’s England’s Worthies ' ih, l660 c/tAy ^ ■* Royal Martyrology, ^ori'raiVs' ih. 1665 Weston’s Short Hand ib. 17 ‘2T Winston’s Elements of Euclid, evts ih. 1714 -^^7892 ' 0 7893 4 6 7894 3/rs95 / ' 7896 < -7897 -< -/7898 i' (, 7900 ^ 7nrn Ji, 1 7902 // ^905 -5 /7906 ^adeyt, / •; 7907 Jci / i^c y ',7()08 //V J . 7910 •! >7912 /7915 7917 ' 7918 7919 • ' - 7920 ^ - 7921 ^Vaterhouse, (Ed.) Workes, an i^pologic for learned Men, . &c. 2 V. ih. l553 \Vheeler’s History and Antiquities of Stratford-upon-Avon, ]daiei^ Wren's Monarchy asserted Oxf. 1759 Winckl^iman's Reflections on Grecian Artists, he. Glasg. J 766 Worrall Bibliotheca TopographiCa Anglicana 1735 Ward’s Marriage Dialogues 1709 Wither’s (George) Campo-Musas, or the Field-Musings Lond. 1643 Warren, (George) the Impartial Churchman, 'portrait^ ib. 1728 Wither, (George) Abuses stript and wbipt, or Satirical . Essay es ‘ , ih. I5l4 . — The Hymnes and Sorrgs of the Church Lond. no date Britain’s Remembrancer Echoes from the Sixth Trumpet Hymns and Songs of the Church The same; //rs^ edition Tuba Pacifica Vox X^acifica, a Voice ib. i528 no date ih. l523 ib. ib. — Sigh for the Pilchers, l55o — Tuba Pacifica, l6'54 — Tripple Paradox' Fragmenta Prophetica — Fides Anglicana The Dark Lanlbern Diyine Poems, cuts 1 (George) Speculum Speculativum Another Edition ' Extracts from Juvenalia — The Nature of Man ih. ih. ib. ih. ih. Lond. ih. Halcluiah, or Britain’s second Remembrancer, ih. The Ps-almes of David, translated into LyrieVerse, 1554 1545 i55i 1559 ]550 1553 1728 l550 17$5 1535 1541 ' 1)41 y ib. 1532— Tin — Motto ilymncs and Songes of the Church ib. l523 7924 P25 Abuses stript and whipt ib. Poems. Wanting title ib. Motto, l()33 — Satyre, 1533 — Nuptial Poems Pair— Virtue, the Mistresse of Philarete , ^ 1525 l5tR2 1533 1633 f 92 S '!j - 7527 p(^79«8 B 7930 " I' i ^93> aud many others 7952 — VERY RARE, viz. The Somerset Petition, with 1643 1800 2 / - u Q / I 315 i I 7 ^ 7953 //(^ _ 7954, / b ' 7955 (pi ,/ youfyi^ /i) 7956 / // . 7957 /2 / / / KAA/ ClAyU S 7'Q58 '' 7 ' ■' 7959 ' - 7960 Vv^U-Cr 77 ' 7961 7962 7963 . / ' 796*4 / h - 7965 tlie Parliament Answer, l642— The Essex Watchmen’s Watch Word, 1649 — The humble Petition of the Com- ^mons of Kent, 1642 — His MajestiesTnstructions to his Commissioners of Array for- the scverall Counties of England and Wales, York^ l642 — The humble Petition of many Thousand Gentlemen Freeholders of Worcester, 1652 — His Majesties two Sj)eeches at Newark, l642 — - Petition presented to the Parliament from the County of' Nottingham, I64I — The Parliament’s Answer to the two Petitions of the Countie of Buckingham, l641 — A Let- ter from a Schollcr in Oxford-shire to his Vnkle, a Mer- chant, iuBroad-stieet, 1642 — The Answer of both Houses of Parliament to his Majestic at York l642 Terrible AND BLOODY Newes from the disloyal Army in the North, with frontispi fce, very RARE p'infed in the yeere, l648 Turberville’s (George) Booke of Falconric, or Hawking, cuts ; printed by Tho. Burfoot, l6l I — The Notde Art of of Venerie^ cuts printed by Tlio. Barfool, 161I The Rote, or Myrror of Consolation and Co- forte, black letter. A fine and perfect copy printed by Wynhyn de IForde, mcccccxxx Thomas, (William ) IJiAorye (f Italy e, black letter. See cu- rious M.S. Letter relating the Author printed by Thomas Marshe, 156^ The rare and singukr Worke of Pomponius Mela, that excel- lent and worthy Cosmographer, of the Situation of the World; whereunfo is added, that learned Worke of Julius Solinus Po- lyhistor, translated into Englishe, by Arfimr Golding, black letter. This was the copy of Thomas Hearne, the Antiqua- rian, and has his Autograph Lond. 1590- Tayleri Targum Hierosolymitanum, Heb. and Lat. ih. 1649 Tithes, (a curious Collection of Tracts on) by Prynne, j Carleton, Gauden, Back, Vv'estup, a Pack of Puritans, 1 &c. some Tory rare Lond. l641, Twyno Antiquitates Academiae Oxoniensis Apologia Oxon, 16O81 Taylor’s Sacred Orders and Offices of Episcopacy, /. p. gilt leaxes Oxf. l642 Thompson on the IMarriage between the Lady Katharine Fitz-Gerald and Edward Villiers, Esq. 1677, and two other Tracts Terentii Notis Badi 1725 The grand Imposture of the Church of Rome Tracts. — Noble on the Mint and Coins of Durham — Northumberland Poll Book for 1774 — Succession of the Bishops of Durham — Hegg’s Legend of St. Cuthbert — Wilson’s T(pisa — Hartley’s Address, 1781 — Address from - s' 16 ; / ^h966 ‘ ! ^967 '^796& (ot ^7969 7970 ^971 ■7979. 79/3 i:i! the York Association — Burgess on the Study of Antiqui- ties — Warton's Specimen of Huloiy of Oxtoidshiie, &c. Tracts, (curious) during the grand Rebellion, viz. De- claration of the Parliainent of the Commonwealth ot England, with a Narrative of the late Engagement be- tween the English and Holland Fleet, l6'5‘2^ — The false Brother, or anew Map of Scotland, l6'5I — Declaration of the Army of England, upon their March into Scotland, 165O— The Scotch Reply to ditto, 1 b50 —Examination of the seasonable and nccessarie Warning, j 6'.50 — The King of Scotland’s Negociation at Rome, i6’50 — The Portraitures of the Kings of England, l6*50 — The Triads of Lieutenant Colonel John Lilbiirne, l6'49 — Petition from his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax, and the Ge- neral Councel of jOfficers of the Army to the Honorable the Commons of England, 1649 — Pwcmonstrance of ditto, held at St. Alban’s, l648 — General Fairfax and the Ar- my under his Command — Charge against Denzill Holies, Esq. Sir Piiillip Stapleton, Sir William Waller, Sir John Maynard, Major General Massic, John Glynne, Esq. Re- corder of London, and three more Members of the Ho- nourable House of Commons, l647 — Several Ordinances of the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, 1647 — The great Day at the Dore l648 Tracts. — Oxonivm Poema, Oxon ., \667 — TheProtestant Plots, 3 Parts, l6'81 and 82 — The Kingdom of Sweden restored to its true Interest, l6'82 — A full and true Re- lation of the great and bloody Fight between three pa- gan Knights, and a Christian Gyant, 1682 — New News from Tory-Land and Tantivy-shire, l682 — Three Poems upon the Death of the late Usurper, Oliver Cromwell l682 Tracts on Health, black letter, extremely RARE, viz. Boijrdes Breiiari / of Healthy 1557 — Vicary's Englishman’s Treasure, with the true Anatomieof Man's Body, with his portrait, 164I — Also Turner and Bremer on the Englishe Bathes, l6'41 — Vaughan’s (Win.) Direc**- tions for Health, with his portrait, 1633 — Bailey on Pre- servation of the Eyesight 1^33 Tracts. — Wise on Berkshire Antiquities, plates, and several others The Attorney’s Academy, l630 — The Repertorie of Re- cords, 1631 — Powell’s Attornies Almanack l627 Tracts, thirty eight various, on Money and Coin, &c. some very scarce and curious, bound in 1 v. The Schoole of Slovenrie Lond. l605 — Schookmader^ or Teacher of Talk Phfosojihk} black let-- "yi iA/eyy a 317 /// 1 - ! 1 /. \ j / //- % li, X fdw / 1 1 / - ^ -i yJ 2 y 2\ ^ ■ V ! 0 ^ jf 1 /o ■ / .i • ^ i . ier^ lerij rare. See 3IS. Noie^ by Mr, Brand imp. at Loud, by Rich. JoneSy 1583 974 Tracts . — Her Majesties Iniunctions of certaine Canons, Con^ stitutions and Synodalks, Provinciall, SfC. for the peaceable Government vf the Chxirch — A Tesfimonie of the true Church of God confined; printed by Tho. Charde — A W^atch Woord to Englande to beware of Tray fours, and tretcherous Practices ; Land, printed for Tho. Hacket, 1558, Morocco, gilt leaves '^7b The Royal I’ishing revised Lond. 167O 976 Truth vindicated, or a Detection of the Aspersions and Scandals cast upon Sir Robert Clayton and Sir George Treby, Justices, and Slingby Bethcll, and Henry Cornish, Esquires, Sheriffs of the City of London '"977 -The Forfeitures of London’s Charter 1682 ^978 — Orders and Directions of the Lord Mayor and Aider- men, to be kept during the Plague ^979 — Scribleriad ' 1751 '980 Thomson’s Seasons, Perth, 179^5 '981 Tracts. — History of Independency, Part 3d, l651 — Ad- monition to the Lord Protector, 1654 — Three Letters from an Officer in his Majesties Army, Oaf. 1643 — Judge , Jenkins’ Plea, l647 — Scottish Commissioners delivered to the King, Edinb. 1647, &c. &c, 17982 The last Speeches of the two Ministers, John King and John Kid, at the Place of Execution, at Edenburgb, on the 14th August, l679 — The Scotch-Mist cleared up, 1681 7983 Tracts. — Tusser’s Five Hundred P«intes of good Hus- bandrie, b. 1. and others 7984 Tracts. — Pertinent and profitable Meditation, l650, and others 7gS5 Unlawfulnesse of Subjects taking up Arms against their Sovereigne, 1 644, and several others 7986 bound in five Volumes, during the Civil War, from 1644 to 1656, &c. 7987. The Castle of Knowledge, black letter Lond. 1596 7988 Tracts. — Clerks Triall of Bastardy, 1594, and several others 7989 Smith’s Commonwealth of England, and many others, bound in 2 v. l6l2, &c. 7990 — ■ Eight curious, on Gardening, Housewifery, Bees, Husbandrie, black letter, cuts, I6OO, &c.' 7991 — Anatomy of a Porpus, plates, and others ■7992 — Malice detected, l653, and three others 7993 Timme’s Practise of Hermelicall Physicke, black letter Lond. 1605 ib. 1597 7994 Tooker Clarissmasive Donum Saaationis 7995 j j- 7996 ^ ^ 7997 /. 0 I - 7998 ' 17999 - 8000 1 • ' |/ - 8001 ;| '.8002 |>V !- .8003 - 8004 The Acccdens of Armory and Workcs of Armorie, cuts 'printed hy Richard Tvtelli, 157^ 4’ 1591 The most delightful History of Reynard the TuXy cuts, black letter Lo7uL l69^ most delectable History of Reynard the Fox, in Verse, by John Shurley, cuts. The title wanting ' Tracts. — Naylor’s Love to the Lost, iGof) — Naylor’s Narrative, Tryal, and sundric Petitions to Oliver Crom- well, \657 — Sufferings of the Quakers, l6'6’2, and many > other scarce lYacts Lilbtirn’s Tracts, 1647 — Truth’s Triumph, or Treachery anatomized, l647, dec. &c. xery rare Geree’s Character of an old English Puritan, or Non-conformist, 1639 — Several Tracts on the Scotish Presbetery, l660, and several others Depositions and Articles against Thomas Earle of • Strafford, 164O — St. John’s Speech concerning Ship- money, 1640 — Master Speaker’s Letter to the Gentry of Yorkshire, 1641, dec. &c. Impeach;nent of Earle Danby, and many others Declaration of hi.s Excellency Sir Thomass Fair- 4 'h lAT /Co/i d)oJ^ pu, fax, and his Council of Wane, 1647, and several others on the Civil War Impeachment of Sir Edward Karbert, Knight, / :g005 1641— Declaration of the Earle of Cumberland, 1642- Colonel Edward Massie, 1649 — Process and Pleadings on Death of Ascham, killed by the Cavaliers in Spain, 1651 — Osmy’s Plea, &c. 1659, diC. d^c. The Protestation protested, l641 — The true Sab- !8006 isooz */4 !^J 8008 8OO9 8010 8011 • ject to the Rebel, &c. 16*41 Petition for the Prelates, drc. 1641, and several others, in 2 v. The Merry Devil of Edmonton, as it hath been sundry Times acted hy his Majesties Servants, at the Globe on the Bank Side, Morocco Loml. l635 Tracts. — Clarke on Conformity, 1711, and several others on the same Subject Hackluyt’s Discoverie of Florida, imperf . — Tryal and Conviction of Patrick Hurly, for Perjury, Duh. 17OI — Fisher’s Folly unfolded, J623--=-M«i'3hail’s Sermon at the Funeral of John Pym, 1644 — Charges of High Trea- son, Murder, dec. against the Marquis of ,4 rgyle, l66l, and many others The. Subjects Sorrow, or Lamentations upon the Death of Britaines Josiah fCing Charles, ai/A curious print , 1649, and several other rare Tracts An Account of the Lives of James Blunt and four 5*^ y others, shot in Hyde Park for Desertion, 1740— Trials .P 19! ■ y / 4 , 4'8015 ^ CL i'H'y^'Yi ' "Ti ' ^ "8016 519 of Win. Jackson and five others for Murder, 1749— Trial of Cap. Ed. Ckirk for Murder, 1750 — Account of the most horrid Parricide committed by Mary Blandy, Oxf. 1751, with her Life, and two portraits of her, 1752 — Trial Lives of Elizabeth Jefferies and John Swan, with portraits, 1752 — Genuine Account of Anne Whale and Sarah Pledge tor Murder, &c. Sec. , — Tracts — Observations on Wool, &c. and several olherr Buchanan's Detection of Mary Queen of Scots, l6'89, aod several others Sion Colledg visited, l648, and several others Albion’s England, a Poem, d/ac^ letter, 1592, and ^ CK \y'i~ / /, /! ',4# I) 8017 / 8018 8019 802U several others Older and Disorder, a Poem, 1679 — A List of 'Noblemen and Gentlemen who plundered the Western People of Scotland for Non-cnoforinity Tracts — Latin, Greek, and English Poems on the Death of Charles 2d, and the Succession of James 2d, Cantab. 1/83, and a great many others, bound in 3 v, llerle’s Independency on Scriptures, 1643, and several others The solemn League and Covenant, l643, and a great many more scarce Tracts on the civil War Powcl on the Nature and Use of 4'hings, l607 — ^8021 3 6 8022 18023 ^>024 8-025 y C(y^ J ^ ^ q 25 Texeda’s Miracles unmasked, l623 — Life of Bernard Gilpin, 1629 — A List of Prisoners in the upper Bench, their Names and Amount of Debts, 16*53 — A Testi- mony of Antiquity, l638 — Dissertation concerning the antiquity Temples, 1696 — Broughton’s ’Paxes of Scrip- ture, chayning tlie Chronicle, h. /. — A false Jew, and a converted Jew, Newcastle, l653 — Agreement of the associated Ministers of the Counties of Cumberland and Westmorland, 1656, Sec, Sec. Toniano’s Italian Tvtor l640 Tracts — Vocabularium Matricum, a Stanbrigii, Lond. 1624 — And Three other Greek and English Grammars 'Perence in English . Lond. 1641. Tracts — 'I'he Will of a certain Northern Vicar, to which is annexed, a Codicil, witli frontispiece, 1/65, &c. l8045 /|4o43* ^ ^|8017 / ,-8048 paned by tbe cnfty Whore of Canterbury, or a true llelaiion of the whole Life of Mary Mauclers, the Daughter of Thomas Mauclers, a Fidler, in Canterbury, he. &ic. with Carlton’s Case on his Marriage with her, all veri/ rare i(>6'^ Tracts — A Diary of the Prince of Orange’s Expedition into England, 1689, and several others , 'I’he Silken Independent’s Snare broken, by Tho, Prince, Close Prisoner, in the Tower, l649, and many other scarce and curious Tracts, during the Time of the Civil War, 2 v. TurberuUts (Geo.) Booke of Fqlconric, ciiir. Made Idler^ leant s title The Flowers of the Lives of our English Saincts, plates DoiCai/, 1632 The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates Land. l649 d'he Lawyer’s Light ib. l629 'the History of the Discovery and Conquest of Peru, cufSj black letter, uants title The same, a fine copy, perfect imp. by B. J hones, 1581 The strangest Adventure that ever happened, either in the Ages past, or present Land. l601 The Historic of the Discoverie and Conquest of the East ludicsj black letter imp. by Tho. East, 1582 The Three Partes of Commentaries, containing the whole and perfect Discourse of the Civil Warres of France, translated out of Latin, by Tho. Timirw?, black letter printed by Francis Coldocke, 1574« Tottel’s Exposition of the Kinge’s Prerogative, h. 1. imp. by Tot tel, 1577 Tracts — Synopsis Densuris, Basil, 1555 — Helvetii Gco- graphia, 1539 — Ponderibus, Monetis, et Mensuries, &c. 1628 Thordynary of Crysten men, black letter ^ printed by IFynken de IForde, 1506 1575 1761 1590 1705 I6T2 The Calender of Scripture, black letter The Ornament of Churches considered The Quintesence of Wit, black letter The English Fortune-Tellers, cuts Tymme (Tho.) Nature’s Secrets opened Torreblanca Dcemonologia The Mince Pye, an Heroic Epistle Fond. 1800 Tracts — 1. Former Ages never heard of, and after Ages will admire, plates, with the plate of Crowning- Charles, at Scoone ib. 1606 n. Copy of the Letter, Cromwell sent to the Mem- bers of Parliament, plates ib. I656 HI. The Commonwea-Uh Great Ship, commonly Oxf. Fond. ib. ' ib. Mot^unt, Fond. Vu c^' . . / ^ / J / I // 4 /3 8048 - 8049 >8050 '8051 ^ 8C50 fi' 321 called tlie Sovereign, with all the fightD we had had with Hollanders, frlnt of Gen. Deane, lying ill date, and others ib. l653 IV. A Book of the Continuation of Foreign Pas- sages, the 'portraits taken out ib. l657 ^The Fountaine of ancient Fiction, done out of Italian into English, by Richard Line he, ib. by Adam Islip^ 1599 Tracts — Ady (Tho.) a Candle in the Dark, Lond. 1055 — Calef (Pi-ob.) More Wonders ot the Invisible World — I. The Western Wonders: or O Brazeel II O Brazile, or the inchanted Island III, The Isle of Pines ib. 1700 ib. 1674 ib. J6'75 ib. l66'8 8053 8054 The Subjects Sorrow : or Lementations upon the Death of Briiaines Josiah King Charles, with portrait oj Charles lying in State printed in the yeare, 1649 Tracts — The King’s Cabinet opened, l6'45 — liocus- poCQS, Junior, the Anatomy of Legerdemain, cuts, l683 — Relation of tlie late Seige and Taking ot Babylon, by the 'I’urke, 1639 — Mutations of the Seas, l683 — Lud- low no L3ar, 1()92— Tryal and Defence of Lord W. Russel, with the print of his [Execution, SfC. • — Smart's Poems, 1752 — Hanway’s earnest Ap'' peal to Mercy, 1766' — Stemma Chicheleana Oxf. 1765, &c. The Favorite’s Chronicle, very rare 162I ^ -8055 2 . 8057 l/lry F- % 8058 /L 8059 3 : S()()2 8O63 806‘4 SO65 i ^ n y 8066 / b 8067 FOLIO. Spanheim les Cesars de FEmpereur Julien, Traduit du Grec. arec Jig. Par. l683 Strype’s'(dohn) Annals of the Reformation, 4 v. Land. 1737 Scheuchzer Dipiomatibus et CodicibusThuricensibys,c7/7?j fig. ' 'Fignri. 1730 Saunders’s Physiognomic and Chiromancie, Metoposcopie, with cuts Lond. I67I Stanmore’s Book of Fortune, with prophetical Solutions, cuts Scokell’s Collection of Acts Lond. l658 Sacra Exequinalia in Funerc Jacobi 11. cum fig. Horn. 1/02 Slayter’s Polce Albion, wants title Schoneri Gnomonice, cum fg. Koriberg. 1562 Seleno on the Game of Chess, plates in German Lips. 1616 Sanderson’s Graffic use of the Pen and Pencil, Lond. 165 8 Sulano Index Vocabulorum in Omnia Homeri Foemata, Gr. I.at. Amst. 1649 Slcnhanus de Gribus Grec» Basil. 156S 4 pj -'8068 Azo69 '8070 /8071 ii 6 8072 - 8073 8074 \Z - |8075 ■^0-' 807S ' ' - 8077 3 -18078 32a Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britain, maps and plates, Jine impressions Lond, 16II Spelman's Posthumous Worksj portrait Oxf. l6’98 Scepperus Adversus Astrologos - Antv^ .1522 Sibbaldo Nuncius Scoto Britanniis , Edinhi l683 Saundersons (Wm.) Graffic, the Use cf the Pen and Fencii, -* portrait, hy Faithorne Stranguage, (W.) the Historic of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queene of Scotland 1^24 Skene’s Regiam Majestam, the auld Lawes of and Con- stitutions of Scotland Edinb. 1609 Stuckio Antiqiiitatum Convivialium, in Quibus Plebraeo- rum, Graecorum, &c. Figuri, 1582 Segar’s Honor, Military and Civill, portraits Lond. l602 Statuta Hospitalis Hierusalem,j[?(?r^ razV^, plates and descrip- tions V . . Rom, 1588 Seutonius Historic of Twelve Ccesars, Emperors of Rome, translated by Holland Lond, l60f) Strype’s Life of Dr. Whitgift ib. 17 18 Stephen’s (Henry) Worlde of Wonders ib, l607 Statutes made in the Jirst, second, and third Parliament of Henry VII. printed by Caxton. A perfect, and fne'Speci- • 7nen of the Father of English Printers ^ ’ no date The World, 4 v. original edition Lon^. *1754 Taylor, (John) the Water Poefs Worhes, portraits ib, 1630 Tanner Bibliotheca Britannico Hibernica, Scriptoribus ib, 1748 Notitia Mbnastica ib, 1744 Tracts. — An Epistle from S r S O. to'S - - ’ ( A. F — — t, 1727 — Dean, Jonathan’s Parody, 1729—^ Eusden’s Origin of Knights of the Bath, a Poem, 1725 — Report on the State of the Coals of this Kingdom, &c. T729 >|S087 The Booke of Common Prayer, black letter Lond, printed by Edward Whitchurche, T549 The Golden Legend, black letter, cuts . , . imprynted at Lond. by Wynkyn de Worde, Mcccccxxvil The Plowman's Tale, in three Parts; the first Sheet in MS'. See Dr, Farmer's MS. Note on this curious Book printed at Lond, by Thomas Godfray, no date /8O79 ^ 6,8080 j808l J V,/ 8082 /v i8083 ■3 -18084 A -,8085 ; v ^^’(;|8086 * i ' ‘ k I -18088 17 1 '8089 O / 'Jj, / C'i/Rirn' 2)<8129 Williams’s Key into the Language of America, rare 1643 i West on the Resurrection * This was the Copy of Thomson, the Poet, and has his Autograph, and Portrait ; for an Account of the Au- thor, see MS. note ! . ^8129 Williams’s Key into the Language of America '^(6 8130 Witty and ingenious Riddles, no title ^ - 8131 Wille’s Help for the Poor who are visited by the Plague, frontispiece l666 8132 Walpole’s Catalogue of the Royal and noble Authors of England, 2 v. 17^9 Anecdotes of Painting in England, 5 v. 1772 6|8134 Woodward’s Natural History of Fossils of England, 2 v. 1729 I ^8135 Whoredom, Fornication, and Adultery laid open, Bath, I i 1749 — A Letter of Consolation to a noble Lady, 1751. — I I. The Tricks of the Town laid open— i-PoIitical Tracts, j . Edinb. 1747 / /S136 'Waraei Hiberni Antiquitates, cum Jig. Lond. l658 8137 Waller’s (Sir W.) Divine Meditations, with a Dayly Di- rectory, with his portrait ib. 168O ^138 Walton’s Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, &c. A portraits 2*5. l675 8139 Williams’s Remarkable Ancient Ruins, lately discovered in the Highlands ot Scotland Edmb. 1777 8140 Whytforde’s (Rich.) Dayly Exeroice and Experience of' Death, black letter mp^ by Robert Redman^ j i ;:8141 Witt’s Recreation, Russia Lond, 1654 I ' I 8142 Webb on the Greek Language 17S7 'I 8143 — r- on the Lanfuage of the Empire of China I669 I 1 ; w UA/i' /L ri ^ c\A/f:yh 9 / 9 . Jfzi;c 325 -/ .8144 Warder's Mojiarchy of Bees ^^6 S145 Warwick's (Sir P.) Memoires of 17^6 the Reign of King Charles I. ^ 1701 « 1 46 .Warseo Rerum Hibernicarnm Henrico Octavo Regnante Annales T>uh, 1662 ($147 Whitaker's Genuine History of Briton's asserted ih. 1773 ' 8148 Wilkin's (J.) Mercury, or the Secret, and swift Messen- aer hond, 1641 /^.8I50 \ ^8151 o 6 >' 8 ' i 52 /s» 81‘49 .Wyche’s (Peter) Relation of the River Nile The Modem Edition ^i/Ccy' /3 £1 { { X ( /?( y 7 dffl/v Zi 'fo'yuj / . / ( /■ UiA/OycL / / / 7 / V ¥7 A f JQ^ 7 ). ib. 1673 1791 Wharton’s (Geo.) the Art of Divining Acts . XiOnd, l632 White’s Apology for Rush worth's Dialogues l654 Wit’s Recreations, selected from the finest Fancies of the Modefne Muses Lond. 1640 8154 Wy finds (Sir JoJm) History of the Gzeedir Family ib. 1770 8l54'^Wiiig’s Ephemeris for Thirty Years 1669 8155 Wimbleton’s Sermon, no less Fruitfull then Famous 1634 8156 Wycklytfe’s Wycket, whychc he made in Kyng Richard’s ' Days, the Second in the Yere of oure Lorde God, 1352, black letter impynted at Norenburch, 1 546 8157 Waller's Poems ' ‘ 1796 8158 White’s Divine Meditations ' 1655 6 8 159 Whll-with~a-wisp 1714 } 8I6O Wilson, the Rule of Reason, containing the Arte of Lo- giquQy black letter Lond. printed by Grafton^ 1552 ' 8 1 6 1 IValkfs FoemSy icith portraits • ib. 1 7 X 1 ^8162 War mill the Dec 'll^ or the History of the young cofiverted / Gallant ib» l683 ^8i 53 Waller’s Poems, 1st. edit. ib. l645 6 8164 Walker's Warbling Muses, Treasure of Lyric Poetry 1749 8165 Weston on Miracles 1746 8166 Woodward’s Poems Oxf. 1730 8 167 Waller’s Essay on the Value of hllnes 1698 8168 Williams's Treasury of Theological Knowledge, 2 v. . , ' ‘ ‘ Carmarthen, 1791 8 169 'Whitlock’s Zootomia, or a Morall Anatomy of the Living by the T)e 2 id, frontispiece fjond. l654 8 170 Wolleys (kdteard ) loyalty amongst Rebels, the true HoyaL- ' ‘7sf, portrait ■ ib. 1662 8171 Wilbefforce's View of Christianity 1797 y 7 8172 Wall’s Comment on the Time§ 1657 ^ ^ 8173 Willis on the Plague I691 8174 iVit restored in several select Poems, not formerly pullisht l658 8 175 JViCs Interpreter, or the new Parnassus, sever all new Songs, ' r ' Francies, frontispiece, very rare — See MS. note - 8176 Wits a Venture, or Clio’s Privy-Garden l674 /, 8I77 Whippiim-Tom, or a Ptod for a proud Lady, plate 1722 0/8178 Wolverioge’s Midwifery, cvnoz/5 Cro55, wants title I 6 ^ 1 ' iki, ; 8179 .fi/SlSO I '^'^,8181 ^ ‘<^8182 ' '-J8183 <>[8] 84 Worcester’s (Marquiss of) Century of the Names and Scantlings of such Inventions «. .1 q’hc same - Ditto - Another copy Glasg^ 1767 ib, 1786 1688 - 8185 ^ - 8186 /lit, . 8187 ^ - 8188 / ^8189 /'8I9O '^,518191 ^ 8192 ^''8193 I f 0 -I8I95 ^8196 <’|8197 i i White's Art’s Treasury Wilkinson’s Conciones Tres apud Academicos Oxonii Nu- per Habitae, Oxoii. l654 Williamson’s British Angler, plates I74O Waltons compleat Angkry cutSy fine copy, first edit. •eery rare 1653 Angler, by Hawkins 1784 Whitlock’s Zootomia, or a Moral Anatomy of the Living by the Dead, froJitispiece l654 Witties Survey of the Heavens • I68I Wilson’s Synopsis of British Plants NewcastlCy I744. Weston’s Specimens of Languages 180*2 Whalley’s (John) Ptolemy’s Quadripartite, •wanting title Waterhouse’s Narrative of the Dreadful Fire in London Lond, 1767 Warton’s Life of Sir Thomas Pope ib. 1772 Williams’s Natural History of the Mineral Kingdom, 2 v. Edifib. 1789 Wiraeburgico Epithetorum Graecorum, Gr. Lat. Francofnrtiy 1599 Whitworth’s Register of the Trade in the Port of London 3777 QUARTO. ■y/ (aaJ^ S C'uuly \u (7 fiic)9 Tracts — Three Speeches, such as the like were never spoken in the City, frontispiece y 1642 — A Warning- Peece for London, l642 — Remonstrance presented to his Majestic by the Parliament, 1628 — Reasons why Sir John Hotham trusted by the Parliament, 1642 — A Discourse, or Dialogue, between the Two now potent Enemies, frontispiece, l642 — View of the present Con- dition of the Three Kingdomes, l642 — Rights and Pri- viledges of Parliament, l642 — A soveraigne Antidote, 1642 — An Argument or Debate in Law, concerning the Militia, l642 — King James, his Judgement of a King and of a Tyrant, l609^A Vindication of the King, 1642 — A Petition to the People, l642 — The Aphorisms of the Kingdome, all eery rare and curious — Diabolical Practices of above 20 Wizards and Witches of the Sheriffdom cf Renfrew, 1697 — The Di- C/ I / /oL /( uy d £ '-'itSf O' . £ ;327 [ vine Dreamer, i u 4- 1— Relation of the Witches con- L * ^ demned at Chelmsford, l6'45 — TheWhtches of Hunring- ! don, -Planetary liourcs for all Daycs of the 1^" Yeare ' 1{)31 '^COO Tracts, The last Discourse of Lord W’arestoune, on the L ScatTold, l6'64 — A Speech touching Toleration in Scot- land 1668 6*1>20l .Tomasini (J. P.) Illiistrium A^irorum Eiogia, cum fig. /. Vatav, 1650 (i 8202 Thomases Principal Rules of the Italian Grammar, with a i I' ^ Dictionnarie for the better Understandyngc of Boccace, /’ Petraica, and Dante, black Idler imp. by H. Wykes, 1567 u , ^ 8203 Trittenharn de Scriptoribus Ecclesiasticis Per. 1512 '^8204 Tracts — Reliquiae Eboracenses, 1743 — Anstis Order of i the Bath, 1725 — Heany’s Oxford, the Scat of the Muses " • Oxf. 1738 S205 Proceedings against the late Traytors, l605 — A j Dialogue between a Coin^sellor and Justice of the Peace, by Sir VV. Raleigh — Sir Roger Williams, the Actions of . / the Low Countries l6l8 '^4 n g 206 The Dodechedron of' Fortune, or the Exercise of a quick . Wit Loud. l6l3 8207 .Tracts— Woodward (Ilezck.) the King’s Chronicle, latter Section, 1643 — Northern Queries from the Lord ■ General Monck — Loyal Queries, 1659 — Seek and you shall find, printed in the Year of Care and Fear- --Uni- versity Queries 1659 — Rump enough, 16*59 — Invisible John made visible, 16*59, ^^ud 23 more in Prose and 'Verse, some of which are very rare 8208 The most Illustrious History of the Seven Champions of Christendome, ciitSy black letter Land. l66l 8209 Another edit, cuts 8210 The Anatomic of Sorccrie, by James Mason ib. l6l2 v8211 The Blazon of Jealousie, wo itten in Italian, by Varchi ih. l6l5 ^ ^ 8212 Treatise of Use and Custom . ib. 1638 ^'(8213 The Historic of the Damnable Life and desened Death of / ^ Doctor Faust us, portrait, b. I, <,w|82li Tlie Hearse of the renowned Robert, Earle of Essex, by . / Vines ' Lo;?d. 1646 ^ 0 18215 Two short Treatises against the Order of begging Friars, / compiled by Wick I ihb OxJ. J60S ^ 0.8216 The IVanddVfull and True Relation of the bewitching a young Girl in Ireland, 12mo, I669 — Strange and Won- z . derful News from Wicklow, in Ireland '8217 The Apostasy of latter 'Fimes, by Mode |8218. Treatise of Witchcraft, by A. Roberts v8219 The Spumsh MnrdeviUe of Miracles I 8220 ‘The Baths of Bathe 1678 16*54 16*16 Lond. i CQO .ib. 1650 328 ^lv' 82 ‘ 2 i 'J - 8223 I ; 5/|/s224 ' k '^‘224 i' .8226 !S227 The Pathway to Kik>v.' ledge, />.* /.♦ XoW. I5f)6 Tonstalli de Arte Supputandi • > Far, 1529 Tracts — Dial of Witches, l603 — Lancaster Witches, 16T3 — Trial of Yorkshire Witches, 16*12 — The Golden Fleece, 1626* — Cage of Diabolical Possession Turners Philosophical Essay on IVIusick The most strange and adruirabk Discorerie of the Three Witches of D^arboys, arraigned^ comic fed, and executed, at the last Assizes at Huhtlngton, for bewitching of the Fite Daughters of Robert Throckmorton, Esq. and divers other Persons, with sundrie DiveUsh and grievous Torments, atid also for bewitching to Death the Lady Crumwdl, b. L ex- "trilA 11 A UR Tryal and Conviction of Mary and Piith Hodges, Two notorious Witches, 1709 — Mrs. Margaret Dike, 1701 — Joan Buts, l682, with Two MS. Notes, by Mr. B. — True and Iinpanial Relation of the Information against Three Witches of Devonshire j6S2 of the Essex Witches 16’45 /\ ^ 8228 Tracts- — Bower (Ed.) Witchcraft condemned in Anne Bodenham, l6;54 — Muggleton's Interpictation of the Witch of Endor, l6’6'9 — ishativity of Sir John Presbyter, l6'4o — A Funeral Oration on Hugh Peters, l6'50, and others The Wonderful Discoveries of the Witchcrafts of Mar- garet and Phillip Flower, executed at Lincolne, l6'l8, . portraits lOiSf-. Witches apprehended, examined, and executed, for not all? ViUanies, by them committed, both by Land and Water, with a strange and moste true Triall zvho to know a vohcthcra Wo- man be a JFitch or not, with the plate, extra rare Land, 1 6 1 3 Tracts — Quarle’s Shepherd’s Oracles, 1646 — Argulus and Parthenia, l6’28 — Leoline and Dedanis — a Ro- mance of the Amorous Adventures of Princes — A Poste with a Packet of mad Letters ' l634 Taylor Commentarius ad L. Decern viralem de inope Dcbi- toi’e in partes Dissccando Cantab. 1742 The Geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan, Gentle- man, 6. l.ciits Lond. imp. by John Wot fe, 1501 The Night-Walker, or Evening Rambles in Search after Lewd Women- ih. The Hospitall of incurable Footes printed by John BoUifant, l6’00 The Popish Kingdome, or Reigne of Auti-Chrisf, written in Latine Verse, by Thomas Naogcorgus, and Englished bu - 8229 I I |.^j - j8230 I I i u j^6j8231 <^8232 ^ '[15233 . 8234 8235 8236 ! j : 8237 Barnabe Googe, b. 1. imp. by Jl. Denham, 1 The Secretes of Maisicr Alexis of Piedmont, translated out of French into Evglishc, Ly Wiliam L'ardc, b. I . imp. by //, Bynneman, 1 564 Jr V ^/U/ o/j V' i y // 3 , /o z . / / /j jj i / <^8238 ! 8240 824^1 '8242 8245 8246 3£9 The Dodechedron of Fortune, or the Exercise of a quick Wit, h, 1. Loud. 6311 Tracts on Customs, Drinking, &c. The Drunkard's Cup, by Master Harris, Pastor of Hanwell l630 The Contention betwcenc Three Brethren, the Whoremonger, the Drunkard, and the Dice-Player Lond. l608 A Brown Dozen of Drunkards, (alias Ass Drink- hards) whipt, and shipt to the Isle of Gulls, portraits l648 * Bacchus Bountie, by Philip Foulfacc of Ale-ford, h. I Land. 1593 Philocothonista, or the Drunkard, opened, dis- sected, and anatomized, by I'homas Hayward ib. l635 England’s BanCy or the Description of Drunken- nessCy by Thomas Youngy Ded. to Sir Francis Doxvsey with a MS. Account of Sir F. D. ib. l6l7 A Diet for a Drunkard, by Thomas Thompson ib. 1612 — Jacomb'sTwo Sermons, preached at INlardcn, in Kent, against excessive Drinking, 1736, and others — Prynne's Healthes, Sickness, l628 — Prynne's brief Survey and Censure of Mr. Cozens, his Cozening De- votions, 1628 — Prynne’s Unlouelincsse of Love-lockes l628 — ■ A Letter from a French Protestant to a Scotish- 8247 man of the Covenant, l640 — Brevis Narratio Rerum in Regno Scotiae, Dantisciy 1640 — Philadelphia Epistola, 1641 — Vox Populi, 1641 — Ccrtainc Considerations, touching the Church of England, l640 — Answer to humble Remonstrance, Nath. Fiennes’s Speech, 1641 — Speeches of Sir Benjamin Rudyer l641 Paradise, a Poem, 176.9 — Morgan’s Trial for h 8248 ^(*>clyL //t8249 A ^8249 ' 8250 o 8252 ^ Jj or o(x^ 53 / ^ 8254 Murder — Poll-Book for the County of Durham, I76T, and several others The Assembly-Man, with Frontispiece 1662 Reformed Commonwealth of Bees 1655 ‘ Reformed Virginia Silk-worm l655 Pathw'ay to Knowledge 1596 Tonstalli dcArtc Supputandi Libri Quatuor printed by PynsoUy 1 553 Treatise on the Use of Arms, cuts, 1593 — Of Honour and Honourable Quarrels 1594 Theatrum Crudelitatem lltereticorum Nostris Temporis Antv. 1592 The Witty Rogue arraigned, condemned, and executed, or the llistory of that incomparable Thief, Richard Hail) am l656 • — True Effigies of the Monster of Malmesbury, or Tho- mas Hobbs ill his proper Colours , 6S0 330 8257 8258 (■8259 /J // :/ / /• J 8250 8251 ' 8255 The Court of the most Illustrious and most Magnificent James I. m-j/ rare l520 — Five Yeares of King James, or the Condition and / State of England, by Sir F. Grevill, rare l543 0 coiic Times Dissected l541 Presentment and Articles proposed by the Grand Jury of the County of York, with his Majesty's An- swer . York^ l542 Terence in English, Lat. and Eng. Lond. l5l4 The XI. Bookes of the Golden Asse: containing the Me- - lamorphosie of Lucius Apuleius, translated by William Adlington ib, l539 ' 8252 Terentiani Mauri de Literis Syllabis, Pedibus, et Metris, &c. Liber rarisssimus Par. ap Simonem Colineum^ 1531 '8263 Tracts — Mysterie of Iniquity, Lond. l543, and others - 8253'*The weekly Pacquet of Advise from Rome; or, the History of Popery, 5 V. Lond. l579> 18254 The Declaration of the Army of England, on their March , /.'w into Scotland l550 (8455 Examinations of Henry Barrowe, John Grenewood, and John Penrie, before the High Commissioners and Lords of the Counsel, penned by the Prisoners them- selves before their Deathes 1585 8255 — Execution in England, for Maintenance of Publique ^ / and Chrtstian Peace 3 583 " 8255* Copie of the Anti -Spaniard, made at Paris, by French- - / man, aCatholique. See Ames^p. 3^2 Lond. 1590 8257 whole Business of Sindercome, from first to last, it being a perfect Narrative of his Carriage, during the 1 I . Time of his Imprisonment in the Tower of London, as also the several Passages and Proceedings at the Trial / of the said Sindercome, alias Fish, with his Sentence 1557 < 0 8258 Character of a London Diurnall, with several select Poems i547 — Pleasure of Princes^ the Art of Angling, together, xcith the Ordering and Dieting of the Fighting-Cocke 1535 - 8270 Life and Death of Ralph Wallis, the Cobler, of .. / Glocester l570 6 (yi827l Indictment and Arraigment of John Price, Esquire, ! 1 late receiver General in Ireland, with an Account of the j 1 Seizing and Condemnation of Sir Thomas Southwell, and two Hndred' other Protestant Gentlemen, at Gal- laway l589 Essayes of a Prentise in the Divine Art of Poesie 1584 Destruction of Troy 1535 Complaint of Rosamond, ’u:Qnts title Tracts — The Welchman's last Petition and Protesta- tion, desiring that speedy Aide might bee sent her against • 2 R /J ^ A y - 8259 u -78272 } 0 8273 'i8274 0 J8275 331 Z ^vtcnr 4 ^ * / >276 ^ 0 8277 S278 8279 M/ Ml M- ^Ui ^Ut //J ^ / I .8281 xi b . ‘ 8281 , 8282 ^ / /(} , S283 <) ^ / A (yi/iAA / /4 , / 6 . ' her home-bred Enemies, as her shall declare and shew to be in her following Petition, to which is added, the Protestation of Thomas Shjnkin ap Morgan, 8:c. 1641 — The Welchman's last" Petition and Protestation, 1641 — Muscipula sive Cambromuo TTaxia, 1709^^ The Mouse Trap — The Life and Death of Sheffery Mor- gan Son of Shon ap Morgan, 169 O — The Welchman's Catechism, or Taffy's Instructions, 1703, all remarkabhj scarce The Manifesto of Lord Peter 1726 most excell Treatise of the Three Kings of Cologne, imperfect — simple Cobler of Aggawam, in America 1647 Way to the Holy Lande^ black letter, here endeth the Boke, called the Ivformacyon for Pilgrimes into the Holy Lande, that is, to wyte to Rome and Jherusalem, and to many other Places emprynted by Wynkn de Worde, Mccccciy - S280 ‘ — - Mastive, or young Whelpe of the olde Dogge, Epigrams and Satyrs. See Mr. Brandis 31 S. Note on this rare Tract Bond, printed by Tho. Creede, — Try all of Tratell, by Baptis Goodall, Blerchant ib. by John Norton, 1 630 — Case is altered, uho to aske Dalio and Millo ■ ib. ib. l63Q — Knave of Harts, Haile Fellow well met, wood^ extrsn'ore, Bond, printed by T. S. and are to be sold by GeOrge Bftus, at his Shop, under St. Sepulcher s Church l6l3 Valiant Welshman, as it hath beene sundry Times acted, by the Prince of Wales his Servants, written by R. A. Gent. ib. ib. by Geo. Purslov^, l6l5 Trayterous Percyes and Catesbyes Prosopopeia, written by Edward Hawes, Scoller at Westminster, a Youth of sixteen Yceres old, wood cuts ib. I 606 - 8285 The Song of Mary the Mother of Christ ib. 16 OI 8286 Five Bookes of the famous learned and eloquent Man, Kieronimus Osorius, contayninge a Discourse of Ciuill and Christian Nobilitie, black letter imp. by Thomas Marshe, 1576 Uncasing of Machia\ils Instructions to his Sonne Bond. ]6l3 ' 8288 Tracts — Vita dcs Erasmi,Lug. Bat. 16 q 7 — Selden Ana- lecton Anglo. Britannicon, Francqf. l695, and others The Epistles and Gospellcs, with a brief Postil upon the same, from Adiicnt tyll Bowe Sondaye, which is the Wynter, like- wayes, the Easter tyll Adiient, drawne furth by diverse learned 3Ien, for the singular Comoditie of all good Chris- ten Persons, b. 1. imp. by R. Bankes, no date — Vision of Pierce Plowman, black letter, a fine copy, in Rusia imp. at Bond, by Roberte Crowley ^ 1550 8284 8287 ^289 8290 332 FOLIO. ' V* , 8201 The Princess Gloria : or, the Royal Romance, /ro^iWece Lond. 1601 8292 Tertiilliani Opera Lvet. Par, l675 8293 Th^e whole Workes of Tyndall, Frith, and Barnes, b. 1. s / mp. by John Day e, 1573 ^ (7 8294' Laws and Acts of Paliament made by King James 1. fj, / and his Royal Successors Edinb. 168I /Z 6} - 'J I AAAJ QiUy n y 8295 . 829(5 Templets (Sir W.) Works 2 v. in one Pond. 1731 The Knyght of the Toure, a perfect and fine spe- cimen of the Father of English printers enprented at Westminter by me IV. Caxton, mcccclxxxiii 8297 Tracts — A Proclamation against punishing of Trans- gressours of the Laws, b. 1. — Answers of ColemaiFs Ghost— t Duke of Monmouth's Victory over the Rebels, in Scotland, l679> and several curious Tracts on that RebellionV-Apparition of an Arch-Angel at the Old Bailey, 16*^0 — Dreadful News from Southwark, 168O — • Strange and wonderful News from Chipping- Norton — Remarkable Trial at the Old Bailey, 1679 — Danger- field's Answer to Elizabeth Cellier, with Mademe Cellier's Answer 168O 8298 The LawTS and Acts of Parliament, maid be King James the First and his Successors, Kings of Scotland Edinb. imp. be R. Waldegrate, 1597 /^8299 Tavernier's Voyges, Lond. 1678 / ySSOO Turner's Herbal, cuts, b. 1. imp. at Colon, 1568 ^ 6 8301 The History writtone by Thucidides, translated by Thomas Nicolls, b. 1. imp. at Lond." \ 551 Y') // ib. 1696 “a % y'8302 Taylor (Jeremy) Ductor DubitanitUm Jj 6 8303 Terentius, mth curious plates, a rare edit. . Argent, per Joanne Gruninger, mccccxcix Zq . 8304 The Works of Charles L with his Life and AJartju-dome, jrj X plates, l..p. Lond. i687 r ' 8305 Antiquities of Coventry Illustrated, Coventry, I765 6(H y ' 8306 Thorndike (Herbert) an Epilogue to the Tragedy of the Church of England Land. l659 ^ S307 The Sphere of Marcus Manilios, made an English Poem, by Sherburne, 1. p. ib. 167 5 8308 Thwaites Heptateuchus Liber Job. et Evangelium Nico- demi ; Anglo-Saxonice, Historise Judith Fragmentum De Ano-Saxonice Oxon. 1698 The Ship of Fooles, wherein is shewed the Folly of all States, with divers other Workes adioyned unto the same, very profi- table and frmtfull for all Men, translated out of Latin into CuiJ A :-3- 8309 8310 1?^ . 6313 ‘^- S - SSI* I ^ /8315 0 8316 '8317 ^ ' 8318 8319 8320 M/O^a/ 4 , 8321 333 EjiglishCf hy Aexander Barclay f Priest f with the Latin^ cvtSf black letter imp. hy John Cawood, 1370 The Jirst edit, imperfect — See M. Brand’s MS, relative to . this Work ib, by Pinson, 1509 The Hermit, or a View of the World Lond. 1714 Taylor’s (Brook) compleat Treatise of Perspective, by Malton, ih. 1779 Twysden (Roger) liistoriie Anglicanee Scriptores An- tiqui ih. l652 Tartglia (Nich.) the Arte of shooting in great and small Peeces of Artillerie, translated into English, with an Appendix, by Cyprian Lucar,p/a/es ib. 1588 The Tryal of the Seven Bishops, with their portraits ib, l689 The Intelligence, published for the Satisfaction and In- formation of the People, for l663 and 1664 Theophi la, or Love’s Sacrifice, a Divine Poem, portraits and plates Lon d. 1 6 5 2 Turner’s New Herball, cuts, h. 1. ib. 1551 The Workes of Geojfray Chaucer, b. 1. a fine and perfect Copy printed at Lond. by Thomas Godfray, mcccccxxxii The Pastime of People, the Cronycles of Dy- UERS Realmys and mo»t specyal^ly of the ReaLME of EnGLOND, W'lTH Potraits of the Kings, he. b. l.a Jme copy, only wa?itihg the title, extremely rare printed by J. Rastall, 1529 Textus Biblie. cum fig. Liber raris 1529 THimTY-FOTOTH ©AYS SALE, WEDNESDJY, June 13^ 1807. OCTAVO AND TWELVES. . / ' "t 8322 Winstanley’s Martyrology, portraiVi Lo!id.l665 Jf ^ ' 8323 Wheatley’s Illustration of the Common Prayer ~ib. 1722 yvt/uc//-’ / - 8324 Westerman (W.) Two Sermons of Assize, and other Works, &c. ib, l600 334 VI * 78325 Wharton (Geo.) Calendarium Ecclesiasticum ib. l657 ^y8326 with his portrait ih. l6^0 ^0 8327 CaroUnim, portrait ib. 1661 /832S Wilson (Tho.) a Discourse on Usury, b. 1. wants title ib, 1572 ^,3 6 8329 Walkings (John) an Essay towards a History of Bideford * Exeter j 1792 ^eotoiu 7 - !// 1. The London-Spy compleat Lond. 1704 11. Poems, Satyrs, &c. ib. 1717 III. The Rambling Fiddle-Caps ib. 1709 1 V. The M e r ry J'ra vel 1 e rs ib. 1724 V. The Wandering Spy ib. 1722 VI. Marriage Dialogues ib. 1709 VH. Vulgus Briiannicus, or the British Hudibrass, ib. 1709 VIIL The Wandering Spy, the 7 parts ib. 1724 Wanley's Wonders of the little World, 2 v, . ib. 1806 Wake's Epistles ib. 1737 Wallace on the Numbers of Mankind, in ancient and mo- dern Times Edinb. 1753 ' . '8334 Wardsvvorth's Remains, portraits *8335 Watkins’s (Row.) Poems without Fictions / ' 8336 Ward's Essay on the English Language 78337 Weston's moral Aphorisms, in Arabic and Eng. 7 8337'*Wotton on Learning ^ ^'8338 Waller's Works Lond, ib. Lond. ib. 1680 ib. 1662 ib. 1752 1805 1694. 175s 1622 ^^8339 Wilkinson, (Robert) a Jewell for the Eare, black letter / (3 8340 Wincop’s Scanderberg, plates, to which are added a List . / of all the Dramatick Authors, portraits 1747 Y ^ 8341 Whitforde, (Richard) a Werke lor Householders, black let- 1 / ter imp bp Rob Redman y 1537 I y 8342 Waller's Maid’s Tragedy altered, with some other Pieces 169O j 6 8343 Willoughby, (John) the ancient and most comfortable - golden mouth'd Father, St. Chrysostom Oxf‘ l602 - 8344 Watson's Historical Collections of Ecclesiastical Affairs in / Scotland Lond. 1 6 57 8345 Winstanley, (John) Voems, portraits Dub. 1742 - 8346 Wallace’s Description of the Isles of Orkney and Thule of / the Ancients, Edinb. l693 — A Description of Candia I 67 O 'V O 8347 Wood’s Choir Gaure, vulgarly called Stonehenge, plates Oxf. 1747 /8348 Wild's Rome rhym’d to Death . • Lond. 1683 yv 8349 Wotton, (W.) Shabbath and Evuvin, 17I8 — Miscellanies, 17 18 P • 8350 Wharton, (George) Calendarium Ecclesiasticum, portrait ■ y - Lond.' 165 8 8351 (Thomas) Description of Winchester ib. 8352 Williams’s Observations on the Snowden Mountains 1802 8353 Welsh Legends 1802 % ^ I 335 / '8364 ' ' 8365 8366 ^7 ^^'8356 4 . S357 ^Ci^Jcc / / 8358 . A i 8359 _ 8360 J)o(a.i!L b 8361 ^ 8362 /? - 8363 (Ucu/^_ «ouu ii 8367 // / > 8368 (, 8369 0cJy //^S ' 8374 A - 8375 7/^"^ ,/ O' A/vt/^t^^ () _ 8377 -j ^ ~ 8378 7s2 ^ 8381 y 6 8382 // /•/ V 7^383 !y'i4\^ 6 0 8384 /- 8385 Wheatley on the Common Prayer 1729 Witchcraft, &c. — John Salkeld, the angelic Nature and Properties Lond. ]6l3 Richard Baxter’s World of Spirits ib. 1691 Bovet Pandmmonium, or the Devil’s Cloy- ster ib. l684 — Witchcraft farther displayed, and others ib. 1712 A Detection of S. Harsnet’s lying Dis- covery 1600 Wing and Ley bourn’s Practical Astrono- mie ib. 1649 Richard Bernard’s Guide to Grand Jury- men if). 1629 Cooper's Mystery of Witchcraft ib. l6l7 Dialogue of Witches, in foretime named Lottellers, and now commonly called Sorcerers, black let- ter printed by R. W. 1575 A pleasant Treatise of Witches Lond. 1673 The Questions of Witchcraft debated ib. 669 Disquisitions concerning angelical Appa- ritions ' Boston, 1606 The Witch of Walkernc, by Francis Bragge Lond. 1712 The Kingdom of Darkness, cuts ib. 1688 Wetherall’s Orations 1768 Whitaker’s History of Manchester, plates, 2 v. 1773 Warton’s Poems, 1767 — Rowley’s Poems by Chatterton 1777 Waller’s Poems, with his portraits Lond. 17 H Withering’s Botanical Arrangement of British Plants, 4 V. ib. 1796 Waite’s Parents’ Primer, i\I. g. 1. ib. 168I Woolton, (John) a newe Anatomie of whole Man, b. 1. imp. by Tho. Burfoote, 1576 Wingate, (Edm.) Britton, the second edition Lond. l640 Walpole, (Horace) a Catalogue of the Royal and Noble Authors of England, 2 v. ib. 1759 Webster’s Christian Essay, a Dialogue, with a curious Print of Audland and Prynne Wit’s Cabinet 1720 Weaver’s Pocket Book, or Weaving spiritualized l675 Weekerum do Secretis exuariis Autoribus Basil, 1662 Welles’s Treatise of the Gout, or Joint-Evil Lond. 1669 Walking Amusements ' ib. 177 S Warre, (James) the Touch-stone of Truth, b.l. 1630 — A Persuasion to Godlie Purposes, b. 1. 1583 — -Walsal’s Life and Death of Christ, l622, and others Wylshman’s sincere Preacher Lond. l6l6' 356 ^ ' 83SG Webb, (George) a Garden / Parrs, b. I. cciQ-r \’i iL of spirituall Flowers, in two hond. 1616 8387 Wesscling Observationum Variaruin Amst. 172/ / 8388 Welwood’s INIemoirs hond. I7OO ^8389 Woolley, (Hannah) the Gentlewoman’s Companion ib. 1(38^ v 6 8389’^Walker’s Memoirs of the Life, Intrigues, &c. of the cele- / brated Sally Salisbury Dub. 1723 ^ 8400 Willis on the Plague, with his portrait I691 o 8401 White’s Perpeteticall Institutions l656 7 ' 8402 Wit’s Recreation Lond, l641 o ' 8403 Walmestry, (Thomas) a Box of Spikenard ib. 1668 0 8404 Watson de Adoratione Versus Altare I6GO fZ , 8405 White-Ladies, or his Sacred Majesty’s Preservation after the Battle of Worcester, l6'60 — The Mystery of the good old Cause unfolded, l560, both very rare . 8406 White’s Hocus-Pocus, cuts ^ '8407 Wood’s Bowman’s Glorie, or Archery revived l69i d'. 8408 Wallace’s Description of the Isle of Orkney, to which is Edinbi 1 693 Lond. 1703 a Hutchi- Glasg. 1748 De Cyri Institutiones, Gr. Lat. h Hutchison Lo?2d. 1756 Treatise of Householde, b.l. iwp. by T/io. Bertbekt Young Juba, or the History of the young Chevalier, with portraits of the Prince, and Miss Flora Mac Donald Lo?id. 1748 Youth’s Behaviour, or Decency of Conversation amongst / Men ib. 1663 Y ' 8415 Youth’s Behaviour, or Decency of Conversation amongst j / Men, with portrait of Francis Hawkins, 2 v. 1672 Young’s Works, 5 v. Lond. 1767 Yarrow’s Collection of Poetry 1737 Yalden’s Machiavel Redivivus I68I 8419 Yet a Course at the Romyshe Foxe, a Dysclosynge, or open- ' - ing of the Manne of Lynne 1543 ~ 8420 Y-worth’s whole Art of Distillation, I692 Col. Aggip, ]633 / added an Essay on the Thule of the Ancients ^8409 Xenophontis Philosophi, a Leunclavii 0 8410 DeAgesilao Rcgeoratio, Gr. Lat, 3/1 / ; son 8411 8412 8413 8414 - A8416 •^^8417 / -8418 1/ 8421 Zodiacus Signa Predestinationis 7 QUARTO. 8422 Tracts. — Concavum Cappo-Cloacorum, l682, ScCi ^ 8423 — ' — • Hell broke Loose, l646— -A Relation of several Heresies, l646 — True Discourse of the two infamous up- start Prophets, Richard Farnham and John Bull, 1636— 1636 — The routing of the Ranters, plate^ 1650 — Pen- 0^ .js/. 3:57 8424 8325 €uy 8428 ^ ^ S42u . 8427 ^ ';8429 . ■ 8430 3 - 18431 ! ! 78432 • '^ ^18435 18436 .^(8437 , )8438 /; - 8439 / ^ , 8440 r i i . 8441 8442 /. (8443 9 ‘(8444 ^ ^ S,U5 ^ ^ 8446 nington's Observations on Muggleton, l66S — Penn’s new Witnesses against Pteeves anil Muggleton, l672 — The wicked Life of that grand Impostor, Lo. Mugleton, 16*76 —Dialogue between Mugleton and the Quakers, 1677—’ Life of John Taylor, the sweet Singer of Israel ~ 1678 The Parable of the wicked Mammon, taken out of the XVI. Ca. of Luke, with an exposicyon thereupon, lately corrected and printed, b. 1. 1548 The Copie of a Letter sent from the roaring Boyes in Elizi- um to the two arrant Knights of the Grasse, in limbo, Alderman Abel and M. Kilvert, the two great Projectors for Wine l641 The Householder’s Philosophie, h. 1. Wants title Tomlinson’s (Baron) learned Speech to the Sheriffs of Lon- don and Middlesex 1659 Tricks of State, or more Westminster Projects l648 The holy Harmony l643 Testimony of tbe Ministers in the Province of Essex 1648 The Archbishop’s Crueltie made known in a true Story of one Mr. Edward Rood, xery rare l641 The Valley of Anchor, or a Caveat to England, in 37 Querys, very rare j660 The Undecciver, two Parts l643 Tribe of Isachar, or the Asscouchant, a Poem, mth the flute 1691 Parliament’s Answer to his Majesty’s Letter 1646 Case and Trial of Capt. Robert Norwood — Whetstone of Witte, b. 1. 1557 TessaradelphiSy or the Fonre Brothers; the Qualities of xchom are contayned in this olde Riddle : Four Brethren were bred at once, Without Flesh, Blood, or Bones; One with a Beard, but two had none; ’i'he Fourth had but half one. This was Mr. West’s Copy, and has his Autograph 1616 The Prompter’s Packet of Letters, both private and fa- miliar 1633 — Spider and the Flie, cuts^ 5. L very rare and curious imp, at Ijond. in Fkte Strete, by Thomas Powellj Townshend’s Preservative against Jalse Teachers 1649 Tuke’s Treatise against Painting and Tincturing of Men and Women 1616 The Rat-l’rap, or the Jesuits taken in their owne Net, plate. For an AccGU?it of this rare Tracts see MS, Note l64i Tracts. — Observations upon the Ordinances of the Lords and Commons at Westminister, Oxf l644«— 'Judgement of the Preformed Churches, in 3 Parts, 16*47 — Certaine Queries touchiiig the Ordination of Ministers, 1647 — 338 / 8447- ,8448 ^449 //J 8450 Brotherly and friendly Censure, 1645 — Full Answer to a printed Paper, l645~Granford"s Vindication of two se- ' rious Questions, l646 — Estwick's Treatise of the Holy Ghost, 1648 — Foster's Appeal to the present Rulers in in England's Rrael, l650 — Barisajah's Vindication of the Christian Messiah 1653 Tracts Morgagni Epistolie, 1724 — Oratio Harveiana, 1725, &c. The Names of all the Gentry in Suffolk, whose Coats of Armes are set up in Preston Church, by Mr. Robt. Rice. A Manvseript, fairly written. Tracts. — Life and Death of William the Conqnerour — The compleat News-Monger, I606 — The French King on his Knees, 1706 — Hocus-Pocus — Don Quixote Redi- vivus — Malice defeated, 1712 — Popish Gratitude, 1712 — A short Discovery of his Highness the Lord Protector’s Intentions touching the Anabaptists in the Army, 1655 — Dr. Ja — b’s Declaration, or good News for discontent- ed Wives and Husbands, portrait — Trip to the Charter- House, or the Wilderness Intrigue, good Fortune but bad Luck 1707 ■ — r Defoe's Journal to the World in the Moon — Defoe's true-born Hugonot — A Hymn to Tyburn, being a sequel of the Hymn to the Pillory — Letter from Sir *: Thomas Bodley to a great Privy Counsillor, I709 — The Pleasures of a single Life, or the Miseries of Matrimony — Britannia stript by T. S. — Sea Director, plate — The I Fees of the Chamberlain's Office and Sheriff's Court, i j Wood-street and Poultry Compters, and Ludgate, 1712 ) I I — God sends Meat, and the Devil sends Cooks^or the i I J Scum run over — The Lamp-Lighter's Poem, hunibly pre- . i j . sented to all his Masters and Mistresses— -The Truth at j Last, or Mr. William Fuller’s free Account of his Books — A full and true Account of the Life and Conversation, Birth, Parentage, and Education of William Johnson, alias Holloway, and one Jane Housden, for Murder, 171I — An Account of a barbarous and cruel Murder, com- mitted by Clement Durmont, a Dutchman, on the Body of Mr. Henry Atkins, 1712 — Apparition of John Free- man, Esq. to a young Lady, at Dawney Court, in Buck- inghamshire— An Account of a strange and barbarous ; i Murdei*, committed by one William Johnson, a notorious ; j Highwayman, on the-Body of Richard Spurling, a Turn- j key of Newgate 1712 / - 1^451 Tracts. — 'Lhe receiving of the Queenes Majesty into the City of London, 14th January, 1558 — A new Yeares Gifte, dedicated to the Pope, 1579 — A Declaration of Treaons, by Campion, 1582 — Report of the Execution 2 s ! ) I t I i I ■ // / , /’•i«4S2 4 4 - 8453 -8454 kMi£ ^.'8455 ^ <^'8458 7 r>- 'J/l / ^ ,8456 <^a/Lo(M 3 /j ^8457 C'i-OAjk/^ Z /O , g45p ^ 84.60 i'O /f ^(8462 ?8463 ^ /{' - 8464 // ’iva?its title y prophenrye by the Translator y and dedication of Bonaxenture Wright (Tho.) Passions of the Minde in Generali, l604 — Sucin Declaration of the Nature of Clymacterical Yeeres - 1604 Whittingtoni (Roberti) Grammatice, 8 vol. viz. I. Secunda Grammatice parsde Syllabaru Quantitate If. Verboru PrcEterita et Supina HI. De Noim Declinatione IV’, Sintaxi.s Q)Jy Q) / tij tMiny f\ f V/ / ^Jj 341 8492 V-J / .8494 U^'Caa.cL^ fku 2 - / . Whittington! Grammatice ' r . , -- V. Institutio Grainaticulor Opusculo, &c. . ; VI. De Heteroclitis Nomibus VII. De Synonimie, de Epithetis VIII. De Pronominibus * ' Lond. in edibus VVinandidi de Vorde, MCCCCCXlli, &c. Wonder full (The) Works of God declared by a strange Pro^ pliecie of a Manf that lately Ihed iieere Worship, in Not- 'tirigharnshire, SfC. Lond. 1 641 Westmorland's ( Earl of) Poems, frontispiece and plates, by Marshall ib, 1641- Warner s (W.) Albion's England, a Poem, whereunto is . added an Epitome of the -whole Ilistorie of England j « ib. primed by E. Boll f ant, l603 8495 Wenlock (John) of Lanham, in Essex’s Declaration and true Grievances to Charles 2d, gilt leaves Lond. l662 496 Wise’s Letter to Mead, and other Tracts on some Antiqui- ties in Berkshire, plates Gif. 1738 Wine, a Poem, in folio, 1704 — A Satyr against Wine, with a Poem in praise of Small- beer Wither’s (Geo.) Astrologicall Judgement of the Starres Land. 1598 Weever’s ancient Funeral Monuments ib. I 767 Wishartt’s (W.) Immanuel : or, the wish of God mani- fested in the Flesh ib. j642 Warnero Proverbiorum Persicarum Centuria Lug. Bat. l644 Whetstone’s (Geo.) the English Myrror: a Regard wherein all Estates may behold the Conquest of Enuy, in 3 Books, black letter Lond. printed by J. JE hides, for Gep. Seton, 1584 8503 Ward’s (Ed.) lJudibrass Rediviyus Load. 1705 8501 8502 8304 C8505 |8506 / /2. ^^ 1^8507 V/- /7 z yS508 White’s Truth Gloriously Appearing Wasi Licentia Veterum Poetarum Oxon. l687 Whitton’s (Rob.) Collection of Grammars, cuts, b. 1. printed by Pynson, 1520 Whitefordo Muscei Moschi et Eionis, Gr. Lat. keaidiful plates, by Faithorne Lond. 1659 Warners (IFm.) Alhhms England, a Poem, b. 1. ib. 1592 , /8509 VVagenseillii Sota, lltb. Lat. Altodorf Noricorum, l674 /// ’ \Vt'Vtr / '/S' *8511 J. ^ /tl/^6 8510 Whitelock’s Journal of the Swedish Embassy, in l633 and 54, 2 v. Lond. 1772 Wletsione's (Geo.) Mlrour for Magistrates of Cities, b. 1. printed by Rich .Tones, 1 584 Wotton’s View of Hickes’s Treasury of the ancient mo- dern Languages, 1. p. Lond. 1737 Another Coj/y J. |4. '8512 78513 / a 6esi4 Wallis's Natural Plistory and Antiquities of Northumber- land, plates,. 2 V. with MS. Notes, by Mr. Brand ib. 1769 342 ' -8515 S516 , 8517 /2.((’8518 //. ,8519 ' 8520 8521 .>522 ^ <^18523 1852-1 I j i I I i I Warton's History of- English Poetry, with Index, 3 v. i3. 1771 and 1805 Wright’s Court-Hand Restored: or, the Student’s Assis- tant 17 SS Winstanlcys(Wm.) the Honour of Merchant Taylors^ plates^ very rare Lond. l668 JFar burton's (John ) Vallum liomanum : or^ the History and Antiquities of the Roman Wall, commonly called the /j Fids Wall, with plates and portrait ib. 1753 Walpole's Historic Doubts, cuts, 17^8 — Lipsius de Cruce, a curious and learned Treatise on the ancient Mode of Crucifixion, p/flfes’ Aniverp, 1594 Wooton’s (Sir H.) Elements of Architecture l624 Walker's History of Independency, with the plate, Lond. l66l Wilson’s Art of Logike and Rhetorique, black letter imp. by John Kingston, 1563 ^ Whitnei’s Emblems, cuts, imperfect , Wither’s Succint Philosophical! Declaration of Clymac- tericall Yeeres, occasioned by the Death of Queen Elizabeth ^ l504 FOLIO. \ 18525 i // I (8540 ^ ■ Vriese Inventor H. Cock excudebat, 1563 — IMemorabili- iim Novi Testarnenti in Temple Gcstoruni Iconcs Antxerp. cxcudehat Gerrnrd dc lodf, S538 Vossii Etymologicoh Lingum Latinae, with his portrait, fine imp. Uif Crispin Passe Lvgduni, 166 - 1 - 8539 Virgil's jEncis, translated into Scottish Verse, ky Gawin Douglas, Bishop of Dunkeld, with a Glossary Edinb. 1/10 The same, a fine copy, black letter, original edition imprinted at London, 1553 Vaillant Numismata, ct/??? jfg. Par. 1697 Virgil^s Work?, by Dryden, plates * I.ond. 1697 8543 Vert's (Sir F.J Commentaries, plates and portraits, by Gay- wood, S)-c. - Camb. l6b7 8514 Valeriani Hieroglyphica seu de Sacris i^^gyptioruin, cum fg. Lugdurri, 1626 i } TMIUTY-FIFTH FAY’S SALE. THURSDAY, June 18, 1307. y / / i / (3 s5 8546 i tb^7 '3548 Uy -1^ 8551 QUARTO. Vfeclkcs^ Bassus Jyeres, or Phantastiche Spiriles, for three Voices, set to jditsic 1638 Wallis’s Hoom for the Cobler of Glostcr and his Wife l66S. Wildmar/s Truth’s Triumph, or Treachery Anatoraized Y/illis (Hump.) Time’s Wirligig, or the Blew New-made Gentleman mounted, extremely rare ‘ I 647 V/orliey’s (Sir Francis) Characters and Elegies, extra rare I 6 -I 6 Webb’s Appealc to Truth Land, no date V/alley’s True London Prophet ih. i 699 t 1 1 1344 S3o2 , /fS5o3 /6i / /8554 ^ « vS35r) 7\-^556 /O oi8557 V/j/sjjs i i ' 1 Jo J855C) i I i/ ‘ , i85()0 ^85()l V'- 8562 / '856*3 *8564 J1 - 8565 J. 8566 ;H5867 (JASSbS ^ « 856*9 ^■/SoZO / 0 8571 <^|8572 1567 / • .8573 -i 6 8574 /' -) S575 A 6 8570' 7^ 8577 7^ S573 Women, -(cdricus Tracts on J — Mnids^ Petition' to the Members of both Houses ot Parlinment, plate, l647 — Virgins' Coiiiplaint for the Losse of their Sweet-Hearts, 15*4.0 — Looking Glass for Women, or a Spie lor Pride, l664 — Strange Wonder, or a Wonder in a Woman l642 Walker’s remarkable Revelation, or the Wanderings of tire Church of England in Idolatry, iSce, l641 Wil and Loyalty revived 1682 Witt's Arithmcricall Questions i6l3 Wy barn’s new Age of obi Names • , , I609 Wilson’s Rule of Pteason, coiitainyng the Arte of Lo- gicke Wyrley’ 3 TiitTE Use or AhMoaiE and Chivalrie, ' ♦ cuts ^ 159^ Fur an Account of the above very rare and curious Book '■ sec MS. note JFkltUngtoFs 7'racts on Grammar^ Oxf. 1518 — Ditto, printed hy IVynkyn de iForde, 1521 to 1524, afneandver-^ feet copy, elegantly hound in Morocco, gilt kazes Weberi Pustero Vetere Germanorum ad Hcrciniam Idolo G iessce-Hassorurn, 1723 Whetston’s (Geo.) an Ilcptameron of Civil Discourses, b. 1. printed by llichard Jones, 1582 ■ Honourable Reputation of a Souidier, L. L wants title Whateley (Wm.) a Bride Bush, or Directions for Married Persons Lond. i6*23 Witsii .Lgyptiaca, Gr. Lat. ^ Anist. 169 ^ White’s Abdoilatiphi Historiie .(P.gypti Compendium, Aj ab. et Lat. Oxon. 1800 Wai nero Proverbiorum Persicarum Centuria Lug, Bat. l6»14 Whitney’s Emblems and other Devizes, cuts Wood’s (Wm.) new England’s Prospect Lond. l634 Wieri Opera Omnia Amst. 166O Wilcock’s on tiie Proverbs ’ Ijond. 159S Worke, more Worke, and a little more Worke for a Masse- Priest, 1636 — Cooke’s Pope Joanc, a Dialogue l625 Whitbourne's (Rich.) Relation of the Newfoundland, 1 wants title l623 Witsii 71'i,gyptica, Gr. Lat. Amsi. 16*83 Ware de Scriptoribus Hibernite, Duh. 1639 — Uewkenor’s Account of all the Universities in Europe, &c. Lond. I6OO Wits, Fits, and Fancies, b. 1. ih. printed by F. Alldc, l6i4 Whateiy, (William) the New Birth, &c. and other Works Lund. 1635 Wright, (Leonard) the Pilgrimage to Paradise, b. L printed by fLof. 1591 White’s Natural History of Selbornr, p]at<'s 173.9 s'*/, /AvO ‘V cAeAyliO C/yL c7. / 7—' I# Al. 7 L / / { u A , 1 CC*Jc deJ. 345 /q J/.l i I 'Z >S579 Wood's History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls, in the University of Oxford, by Gutch Oxf. 178^ ' 8580 IVilliams^ (Sir Roger J a brief e Discourse of the Warre^ imp. by Tho. Ortciriy 1590 — The Actions of the Low Countries Lond. 1618 'jS581 Actions of the Low Countries ib. l6'l8 '8582 Walker's History of Independency, both Parts ib. 1648-49 8583 Warwick, (Earl of) Lawes and Ordinances of VVarre, 1642 — ^Cooke's Character of Warre, 1626 — Lawes and Orders of War re, established for Ireland, Dub. l638 — Cessation of Warre between the Arch Duke, and the States of the- United Provinces 1607 ^ - (8584 Warner’s Albion's England, a Poem, with an Account of / / .n A4, / ; Jo 6 8591 Lond. 1612 ih. 1553 of Ghostes and 1596 8588 (8589 7 8590 m / 8592 fj the Author, in MS. by Mr. Brand White Diacosio Martyrion Wither, (George) Campo Musae, l643, Spirites walking by Night, b. 1. Opo Balsamum Anglicanum 1646 A Cordial of Confection I659 An Epistle at Randomee, in Prose and Metre I699 • Vaticinium Causuale 1655 Wiliet, (And.) Loidoromaslix ; that is a Scourge fora Rayler Ca7nb. 1607 Wale, (very rare Tracts relating to) — A true and short s ,, Account of the ancient Britons I716 II. Crete Wonders foretold by her Crete Prophet of Wales, portrait 164/ III. The Welshman’s Postures, frontispiece 1642 IV. The valiant Welshman, or the true Chronicle of the Life and Deeds of Caradock, the great King of Cambria, portrait l663 V. The Welsh-man’s Protestation 1641 VI. The last Petition and Protestation, portrait l642 VII. The honest Welch-Cobier 1647 VIII. Welch Sermon preached before the two Princes, Rupert and Maurice, at Dover 1646 IX. The Welshman’s publiqse, and hearty Recanta- tion, portrait 1647 X. The Welch Plunderer, with his portrait 1643 XL The Welch Doctor, or the Welch-man turned Physition, being a new Way to Cure all Diseases in these Times 1643 XII. The Welch Physition, portrait l647 XIII. Shon-ap Lewds, the Welch-man’s new Almanack, in 12mo. l648 XIV. Mercurius Cambro-BTitannicus, or News from * Wales 1652 S12 /bi //^iJ Walks, (Tracts relating to) — XV. A bold Challenge of an itinerant Preacher modestly answered l652 XVI. New-Year’s Gift for the Welch Itinerants ]654i XVII. A warning Peece for England, being a Dis- covery of a jcsniticall Design to dismember Wales I from England, to the Ruine of both \655 isiya T RACTs. — Roger the Canteburian, that cannot say Grace ! for his Meat, with a low crowned Hat before his Face, ‘1642 — News out of the West, or the Character of a ' INIountebank, l647 — The Life and Death of Philip Her- bert, the late inhimous Knight of Barkshire ; once Earle ‘ Pembroke, Moiingoraerie, &c. 1649 — The Charter, a comical Satyre, ]()82 — Taylor’s Arithmeticke from One to Twelve — Tlie Seaman’s Protestation, 16'42 — True I News from Irelande 1641 - 3594 Yarr ANTON, (Andrew) England’s Improvement, BOTH BY Sea and Land, to out-do the Dutch, without fighting; and to PayDehtswithout Money , with apian of Lon- don, plates, hath Parts, extremely rare Lond. 16'77 Sf 1698 , 8596 Yorke, ( Philip J the Royal Tribes of JFales, with twelve beau- if III portraits Wrexham, 1799 FOLIO. 6 395-^ Worm Fasti Danici Ilafn. l633 ^ - 8596 Wise Numraorum Antiquoriim Scriniis Bodleianis Cata- ^ logus, cum. fg. Oxon. Willugby’s Ornithology, by Ray, plates Lond. Historia Piscium, a Raius, cum fg. chart max / Oxon, l6S4^^ Cty'fyt Wood’s Athenae Oxoniensis, 2 v. Lond. 1721'^i5^^J^ f -8 597 8598 8599 ///; /X 6 8600 I /'^ , 8001 ; i 8603 j86C4 SO SOO6 8607 f 6 18608 ;^;<^8609 tl! Wanley's Wonders of the little World. Original edition ^ Lond. \67^2/t^ Withers, (Georgt) a Collection of Emblemes, ancient and / - modern, quickened with metricall Illustrations, in four . / / Books, cuts Lond. l635'^^vUu. ^ Waltheri Lexicon Diplomaticum Ulm. \7 Wooton (G.) Leges Wall icae, c.W^ Lond. Whitworth’s (Sir Chas.) Imports and Exports of Great ^ Britain ih. \776^C'pUy Webster (John) the Displaying of supposed Witchcraft ^ / ib. 1677 Wycherley’s (W.) Poems, portrait ib. 1704 eff Washington, (George) to the People of the United States n, Philadelphia, 1800 Walker’s Sufferings of the Clergy Land. 1714 c^Je^ Worm Danicorum Monnmentorum, cum fig. Hnfna:. 16*43 ^ Wallis, ( Richard) London’ s Armory, plates Land, \fi77U/t^j^ THE END, . * . ■ - Cjr hQ'io;/ ‘Hi T' d')/ i- -ytrr ;• :^'V <»rh - n , . • , - ^ , ' < . l/'* •' !■ - ^ : ; :•■ A ' .. . '''•i.> f-' i-...', V" . :f'! , , •], :,^ .: , i- , .- .., . , ; , -- .V' •• ,„ : ,, ^ ■ V ••■d! -'MriuJrjjMH;-; ■:, ' . ; ., ■‘- ;i f '.’t '?j ■ Jii i . fiil'0'l'"> \^'';;! V /: .vI' 7 A - ii :!v(M ■( ,^f.: n --Jj, ..,.■ .^. . ,,_■ ■ -V’!' r.\::\H f^: , - v- _ ■ ■ ■' V -< 'd/* I -^ 0 1 . . ^ , ;V^ VVT', . -..v^ v ■ •'-■ ■■' :rro)i N di ^ ' V- . f- t^iTl vdU' : _ , v;s , r v: ; !u.i ” 0 ji ■. , ■ j r - t ' ■:•' ;■_ h'xmv' .' / d L S.M .:V v '}*» -r :• . ^ - ■!•■ V - A ^ ,/ V \j, ->v; , ' ‘ ■ t'-'ri ,u\.;.' ■ _• r -SUh') Hl-U.' • '-'.;j ,;; ' . ■ ,;•■ ", * . ■ d \ ‘ . ' ..;A ^ ' ^"i; ;•.- v’ ,' > . . ' ' ^. * ,.,".y: *. j. ;';:d^l A-T.' . .- ..'•' V- ^v- *; ■ j 'S; '! ) . ' ' ' ' ^ ^ . ‘ . ' •'■;■<,...•■ d' -’.i^ dt A V’ ■; .m'^i'i, ♦ -■ d -v’- d di'd ; : r-^ •. . • . ; i ; ..,' -.rf ,: . :-,T H-': wv ■. ■ •: ^ - ■ ' _ . i.i; j-.'iU ij'f ' '.'■*^•1 .'d ■- ' ■ .V- V '' . ' - ■ ■ '-.-= .; - ■ -. • i: /' t ..1 ;•■ '-■:• ' '*-J .'• f (d. J':;r.y ' ti. ' 'd , 'S .. ..d vdr ; '?■ . ; :V 'V i y T. J MANUSCRIPTS. OCTAVO and TWELVES. - 2 4'^ 3 /■ 4 'in / - 7 yi * ^ '10 / ^ 11 12 13 '/ “ / >15 / /l6 A .-J7 / . 18 / ~ i9 Arms, and Heraldic Miscellanea Ecclesiastica, on vellum. The Work-book of the Herald Painters Charges, and 3 more. Arms and Crests granted by Richard St. George Norray, King at Arms in 1603. Orders for the House of Lords, 2 vol. morocco^ gilt kava. Select Epitaphs, Elogyes, &c, &c. A Play, in Italian. - The Goldsmith’s Storehouse. .... A Work in Italian. The Treasure of Devotion. A Work in Short-hand and in Cypher. A Student’s Verse-book and Latin Themes, . . . ^ ^ ^ Aime’s (Richard) Letters on Education, written in 1682. A MissaH on vellum; a Greek MS. written by Nicodemus in 1709. Popular Miscellanies an^ Antiquities, by Mr. Brand. Certaine selected Praiers of divers and sundrie Matters. - . ^ ^ Wallington’s (Nehemia) Prayers and Cant. Life, and other Works, written during the Civ. 1 War and under the Protec- torate of Cromwell. Missall on vellum.' - - - - - - - ^ Gamm (Annj the great Importance of a religious Life con- sidered, written in 1739. A Treatise of Women;’ Distempers ; appears to be written Temp. Richard II. on vellum. 2U Or /; I- ^ fuA; QcU'clcf / /(, fL // 0 ^ 3 - 26 0 27 o ‘3q l?i:7ii.i 23 ' 29 ‘30 Id; A?*..?/ . / . 9. //3 ivt4" X ‘V' ^ -*~^ CiA^dx^ / ^^CiA^Crv- Z/J I ''h OiAyfcrr I l I 20 A Work in the Arabic Language. 21 Jn Nomini Domini incipit Libellus de Corpore et Sanguine Do<= , / mini et dictis Sanctorum Patrum Selecti. ^ ^-22 A Work on Astrology. 23 Arms of Gentry ; Arms emblazoned. 24 Observations on Popular Antiquities. ' 25 Les Principes du Blasson ; a Sermon on the Power and Authority of Kings. An Explanation of the ancient Statutes, very early, written on vellum. Williams’s Astrological Judgment. Missal, on vellum. A Work on Astrology. A Work on Theology and Religion, with five Leaves at the end, a very great curiosity, very early printed on wooden blocks or types. 31 — on Theology and Ecclesiastical Law, on vellum. 32 Burgess’s Sermon and Proceedings. 33 The Journal of a Member of the Hazard Club in St. James’s, with the Cash Account, forming a Picture of fashionable Vice and Folly, with Names of various Members. 34 Eleven Works on various Subjeets, 1 1 vol. 35 A Missal, on vellum. 36 The Gospel of St. John’s Epistle to the Flebrews, very ancient and curious, on vellum, in 12mo. .37 Varla Praxes deo Debite Serviendi Exercitatio Matutina,''5oiwi/ 2/1 7 )l()rOCCO. */38 Various Arms of Nobility and Gentry, partly emblazoned. 39 Two Volumes of curious Poetry in Print and MS. 40 An Englishman’s Journal at Paris. 41 A Protestant’s Resolutions, shewing his Reasons wdiy he wiii not be a Papist. 42 A Work on Military Affairs and Fortifications, with Plans. 43 on Religion. > 44 A Catalogue of engraved Portraits. 45 Arms and Pedigrees of several ancient and noble Families In the County of Essex in 1634. 46 Miscellaneous Extracts from the Churchwardens, old Accounts of St. Mary at Hill, London, from 1494 to 1537, extracted by Mr. Brand. 47 Various Account of Arms of the Gentrie, &c. of Essex. 48 Various Arms of Gentry of Bedfordshire. 49 Miscellanies in 8vo. 50 Rentals of Manors in Norfolk, &c. 51 Arms of Gentry, &:c. of Kent. 2/1. V ■ ■1 ■ l‘ ' f^i^Ctyy 2 ‘ I 3 lo^ / , '7) / ^ ' I / , •i !► r)» uJ Irvj^ /S' '■^fivk. 7 1 0 y 1.-%^ I ; ? )\ ^ ; / , ^iyeiA.djU /2 548 75 A very ancleut Work on vellum, by Edmund Rich, Archbp. of Canterbury, who died in 1242, entitled. Speculum Ec- clesire ; or the Mirrour of the Church. 76 Antiquities of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, -and Suffolk, with Sketches. 77 Description of the Dutph Netherlands. *73 The IV 'jrks oj the learned, collected by sundry idle people in Epi^ grams. Poetry, Songs, Lovepj'ales, 4“C. a curious Collection, in 2 vol. by the late eccentric Dr. Mounsey. 79 Translations, with Originals of Poetry, See. 80 Collection of Poetry, very fairly written. 81 Festum Magclalenese Carmine Amoebae. 82 De Lingua Orientalibus. 83 A Dispute between an Image and an Idol. 84- Burgainai Opera Graece, with Portrait in Pen and Ink. 85 MlSCLLLANfE«, VIZ. I. Reflections on the repeated Vindication of the Countess Dowager of Essex, 1 690. II. An Appendix to the Doctrine of the Bones. III. Two extraordinary Cases of Murder; the first in Gloucestershire in 1660, the second in Hertfordshire in 1628. 86 A very curious Work on Astrology on vellum with figures, bound in Bnssia. 87 A Journal of Mr. Jones’s Company of Comedians in Wales du- ring the Year IT-IL with their Receipts and Disburse- ments. 83 A Work on Heraldry, and Distinction of Ranks in Society. 89 A List of the Diminutions of the Royal Navy of F.nglancI, from December 1688 to May 1697. 90 An Homelieof Humilitie, made by St. Basil (he Greate, Arch- bishop of Cesarea in Cappadoce, turned out of Greek into Englishe. 91 Bethia Marsh Work on Urines, and various Medical Recipes. 92 A very early Woik on Astrology, on vellum. 93 A Transcri, t of the Register ot Wormley in Hertfordshire. 94 The Case of Capt. Janies Richards, $5 A very curiou' Work on Witchcraft, containing a Relation of Air Starkie’s Family being possessed of Devils. &c. George More certain learned and godly Passions, very profitable and necessary. 96 The Bishop of Arra ’s Familiar Instructions concerning a Jubily, and what is a Jiibl y. ' * 97 Arms of Companys and Lord Mayors of London from 1245 to 1641, partly emblazoned. 98 Chronica Compen diosa' de Regibus Anglic; Tantom A Noe usque AE Coronationem R, Henrici IVi I. E. AD Annum 1399. 349 ^ i Z - // ^ (1 /o - Vide Note to the Report from the Committee appointed to view the Cottonian Library, p. 29. VIII. 7. That a great part of the ends of the leaves were burnt this Cronicon is with that, but that wanted the Abbot of I.eicester’s Letter to H. 4, with the answer, both which may be read here. ^9 Robert Perkins, curate of Artsewiche, works of Poetry, a very curious and valuable collection, written in 1588^ Kr t/Ui/y JOO Poetry heautijidly written in the Reign oj Charles the Jst^ etegani and beantijul Poems upon Thirty Subjects in MS. 101 a Collection ojy elegantly written in the time of Charles the Second, MS. Ditto ditto, Satyrical. ^ 101 104 104 105 Ditto di i to. - - , 41 . 4 . 4' :: r. > Ditto ditto. - a Collection of, in Manuscript, beautifully written. ^ ^ ' IPP Ditto ditto, •‘■v, - 'o 407 Ditto ditto. ^ Jlj iip^ Ditto, appears to he written in the time of Eliraheth, 1109 A Book of Ecclesiastical Matters, presented by the Regent Duke of Bedford, to a Sir John Atwynde, Knight, w'ith Arms of the Knight emblazoned. A Work on Civil and Ecclesiastical Law, wanting some part of the beginning. on Moral Philosophy and other Moral Subjects, on 10 Z /jiii I 12 13 I 14 L /- ni'- A - / 115 116 117 vellum. Miscellaneous Poetiy, Sermons, See. - A Treatise of the Court of Stan e Chamber. ' ' ^ ^ A vvork on Moral Dufies, early written on Vellum, a Poetical f\ Work on Sacred subjects, early written on Vellum. A Work on Religious Matters very early written on Vellum, by Richard Hampole, and Commentations on the Book ol / / /- A Job, with a Specimen of Original Binding on Health, an Astrological Treatise bound with it written . on Vellum. - y \ 1 3 1 3 : The Laws of Canute, the Confessor and (he Conqueror, Kings of England — Glanville de Legibus, and other Curious and Miscellaneous Temp, Hen. 3, on Vellum. ^ 1 IS An Ancient Treatise on Ecclesiastical Law, on Vellum. - ^CtAcLti 119 Ditto ditto. - - -QZtyxJL 120 Register of Writs of Henry the 6th on Vellum. .. - - . FOLIO. 121 The Practice of the Ecclesiastical Court of the Archbishop of (f'X / Canterbury, 1596. 122 The History of Prince Arthur and his Knights of the Round fd / TaBle, containying the Names of all his Knights, with S50 / - / //4 , 'if .. - - Sc'ii/y f Jj ^ 2)J^ '/ y Aw /r ■ P - y - A . iU,/ T i2% 125 126 127 12§ 129 no ]S1 132 133 134. iS5 136 137 138 // ^ i to ^ ^ 14,1 ^0 () 14.2 ^2okI^ ^ • 143 their GeneratlonSj Feats, and Arms, compiltdhy John GrUm. si out. Arms of the Kings of England, with the Nobility of each Reign, emblazoned. Alphabetical Index, ^c. Miscellaneous Arms and Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry, l"emp. Elizal^eih, Arms in Fen and Ink. A^rms, Crests, and Supporters of Scotch Nobility, and some English Families, Alphabetical Index, &c. Letters of Great Men Litterati, and Miscellanies, wrote in a fair Eland. Arms of the Nobility of Scotland, Temp. James 1st, ein- blazoned. L’Histoirede la Guerre Saincte, with many MS. additions. Ai ms and Crests of Lord Mayors and Sheriffs of London, from the Conquest to MCCCCLXIX in Pen and Ink, with Al' phabetical Index. Sermons on theGo'^pcls, fairly written in a fair and legible hand in MCCCCXXVL Ancient English Poetry very Curious, and written in a fair and Legible Hand, in MCCCCXXXVI. Report of the Committe of Secrecy on the South Sea Com- pany. Engraved Arms of Various Gentlemen, Esquires to the Knights of the Bath Emblazoned A Genera! Alphabetical Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, wdth Engravers, Designers, and Printsellers names, priced, 3 vol. a Curious and Valuable Article. Letters Patentesand Various Records, by Leneve Norroy King at Arms. An Alphabetical List of Arms drawn in Pen and Ink. Arm.s of Scotisli Gentry, and English intermixed. Drawn in Pen and Ink. Miscellaneous Coats of Arms, in Pen and Ink, with various Pedi- grees and other Heraldic Matters. The Arms of several Kings, Princes, Dukes, and Lords, &c. in Christendom, as also of the Bishops, Sees, Abbies, &c. and also of the Ancient Nobility, in Pen and Ink. Cooke's Cjrants of Arms for the Counties of Northampton, Suffolk, York, Leicester, and Sussex, with the several Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry, the Arims in Pen and Ink, and several original Pedigrees with the Parties names subscribed, in 4 vol. Temp. Eliza. Edower (Wm.) Norroy, King at Arms, his ordinary of Arms, fairly written in 1378, Arms Drawn in Pen and Ink. Various Arms, with grant of a Coat of Arms to Sir Cloudsley Shovel, in 1(391, Arms drawn in Pen and Ink. Noble Pedigrees and Descent of Dukes, &c. Temp. Charles 2. I' Z/f xio / z. //o I Ik. //31 ■k '-ly ck- //L ! i 1 ! // j I 351 ‘[t H G lover VOrdinary of Arms, written about 1616. - Pedigrees of English and Welsh Gentry, with Arms drawn in ^ Pen and Ink. JjCUax'^J^ 145 Arms, Crests, and Quarterings of sundry Family, with an Index, then follows sundry Pedigrees extracted from Records and Draughts of Seats from Evidences, with the Index at the Beginning. ■ 146 Arms, Crests, and Supports of the Nobility Temp. Charles II. -^147 Visitation of Camden Ciarencieux King at Arms, fairly written t with Arms in Pen and Ink. '148 Various and Antient Pedigrees of Nobility, with Grants of Arms, and a Description of the funeral of Geo. Lord Vis- count Hewytt of Goran in the Kingdom ot Ireland, on Monday the 1st of December loSD. ■149 A Collection of Arms and Crests about Queen EllzabetlPs time, I Arms, &c. drawn in Pen and Ink. 150 Arms, Crests, &c. of the Knights of the Garter and- other An- cient Families, drawn in Fen and Ink. 151 Arms of the Nobility, &c. of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Alphabetically drawn in Pen and ink. 152 A Probationer’s first Discourse, very plaine and familiar of the true placing of the ordynarye Dilference ot younger Bran- ches and Families in every Coat Armour incident col- lected, repeated, and conferred upon by three Wandering Knights, Sir Bizarro, ' Sir Chaloner, Sir Perfides, with Pedigrees and Northumberland Miscellanies, with Arms drawn in Pen and ink. ' 153 Arms of the Nobility of Ireland, alphabetically to which is pre- fixed a Catalogue of the Governors, Lieutenants, and I “ Lords Justices of Irelaiid, from the Conquest thereol), Temp. Hen. 2. to the Year 1534, ' 154 The Arms of the ancient British Kings and Nobiljty, with the time of their Creation, and tlie Pedigree of his Majesty King George, with Arms drawn in Pen and ink. 155 Various Fedigref.'s andTieatise of tiie Baronies of the Realm of England, with other curious Matters relating to Heraldry and Coat Armory, with the Arms in the Wimiows of se- veral Country Churches, and divers other Arms and Pedi- grees; the Arms drawn in Fen and Ink, very curious AND INTERESTING. 156 Miscellaneous Coats of Arms, and other curious Matters rela- ting to Heraldry in Print and MS. with a curious Print and Description of Ceremonies of the Coronation of Wil- liam and Mary, with the Earl Marshalls Orders thereon, &c- p, du IJ ' i 9)c^L^j ^ 77 - d/4 6 / Z i C/ / • d-a 4 ;q < j ' 352 *156 Baronage of England, Temp. James T, with Pedigrees and Arms emblazoned, written in a very fair hand, 157 Walker (Sir Edward) Garter Principal King at Arms, Grants of Arms, and Docquets of Arms in Pen and Ink. 158 Aims of the Nobility and Gentry of the Principality of Wales> in Pen and Ink, with an alphabetical Index. 159 Crests, and Supporters, &c. of the Nobility in King James the 1st Time, in Pen and Ink, with an alphabetical Index. 160 A Collection of ridiculous Letters, &c &!c. both IN Print and MS., collected by Mr. Brand, CONTAINING VERY CURIOUS MaTTLR 161 A Greek Lexicon, fairly written, entitled Woodds Greek Lexicon. 162 Arms and Descents of the Nobility and Gentry of Wales, with many of the Arms emblazoned, a very curious and valua- ble MS. 263 The Household Book of James Duke of York, afterwards King James 2d, with daily Expenses, Orders, &:c. from 1662 to 1678. 164 Leicester’s Common- wealth, and bound w'ith it an Encyclo- pedia. 165 Treatise on English Antiquities, &c. chiefly from the Works of Bp. Fleetwood, I.ynwood, Wood, and Sir W. Dugdale. 166 A VERY early AND CURlOUS MS. BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN, CONTENTS, VIZ. I. The Lord Audley’s Arraignment. II. The Lord Ruthen’s Tryali 1584. IIL A Friend’s Admonition to Sir Edward Cooke 1616. IV. Sir Francis Bacon’s Confession of Faith. V. The Arraignment of the Earls of Essex and Southampton 1601. / / \ VI. Starr Chamber Proceedings against John Hollis, con- cerning Sir Tho. Overbury, 13 Jas. 1st. \TI. Speeches in the Starr Chamber in 1599 and 1600, con- cerning Essex’s Conspiracie. VITI. Special Observations on Wrecks and Sea Inundation. IX. The first Division of England into Shires, and the Imunl- ties of Bishops and Parsons. X. Sir Robert Cotton’s Antiquity and Dignity of Parliament. - ^ XI. Sir Phillip Sidney’s Letter to Queen Elizabeth, concern- ing her Marriage with Monsieur. XII. Pope Paulus's Letter to Ferdinand King of the Romans / and eight others. 2 (d 1,67 An History of Images tearraed sacred, and of their Worship, brought dowme from the Birth of Christ unto the Dayes of our Grand Fathers, by T. H. Batchelor of Divinitie fairly written, had once belonged to Deaii Prideaux, and has his Autograph. 365 '/ />J n t 4 I 3 /a / 168 Arms of the antient Nobility, part emblazoned and the rest in q Pen and Ink. 169 of bcotish Nobility in Pen and Ink. - 170 borne by those of the Surname of Smith, in Pen and Ink. *171 An aHhabetical Ordinary ot Arms in Pen and Ink. ,17^3 Miscellaneous and curious Collection of English and Scotch Arms, in Pen and Ink. ^ *172 An alphabetical Index of Arms by John Gibbon, Bluemantle - Pursuivant at Arms. {y- - 173 Creation of Nobility, very early written, with curious Arms in q Pen and Ink. Jr / 174 Ancient Pedigrees damaged. 175 A. Collection of original Letters, Essays, &c. written in 827 Pages, and bound in Vellum. * 176 A very curious Work on Astrology, with Hieroglyphical Figures and Devices drawn in Pen and Ink. .177 A Work on Nativities of Kings, Queens, &c. with Historical and other Remarks. ^178 A very curious and ancient Work on Astrology, with Hierogly- phic Device., &c. on Vellum. ■ . ■ 179 Breuis Relatio eorum quae spectant ad Declarationem Sinarum Imperatoris Kam Hi Area Caeli Cumfucii, et Anorum Cultu, datam Anno 1700. Accedunt Pimatum Doctis* . . simo Rug. Virorum et Antiquissimae 7'radilionis Testimonia / Opera P. P. societ Jesii Pekini. j ^ 1 C t* tv\ r\ no t r no Q 1 1 Vvi T 1 52 ^ ^ ^Uy '{yr / Jll, i' - /. /A - ISO Sermons on various Subjects written in 1661^ &c. * - 181 Arms of NohiUty and Gentry of Wales, Salop, Shropshire, Hert’‘ fordshire, various Counties, Bedfordshire, 'Kent, with the Arms of several Towns, Cities, and Inns of Court, curio-us Papei s by Sir Henry Wotton, xvith sixteen original Portraits, drawn in Pen and Ink, Geort^e Hillers, Duke of Buckingham, fames Marepus of Hamilton, and other great Men of that (/J / Time. 182 A Collection of the Coats of Arms, Monumental Inscriptions, and Drawings of the Tombs in Saint Nicholas Churcji Newcastle taken in 1773 — Collection Book for Michael- mass Quarter 1759, of Newcastle upon Tyne. 183 Arms and Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry of Stafford- shire, taken in 1614 by Richard St. George Norroy King , of Arms. -^CiA^cLui 184 Directions for learning the Latin Tongue, written in a beautiful hand 1683. 185 Arms and Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry of Welsh Descents, &c. in Pen and Ink. 186 Letter of Creation of Mary Fane Baroness of Le Despencer to the Barony of Abergavenny in Ffee, with Admissions of < Court Roil, &c. relative to that Family. 2 X (h'A OtyyyiJ 360 / fo I f , 188 .Jgg / 0 - 190 ^ / 3 .191 Ja A: IS /o (^ 194 . 9 // 1 96 97 98 ‘ 3 U, cA' S^m/Au / H i\ ^ / / ^ 169 ^Melu^ M' * 201 //- * 202 SOS Arms of Baronets in Pen and Ink. Heraldi sunt nuncu Nobilitatis, Abitri AEquItatis, expositores Veritatis, Legati Principum and Scriptores actuum Milita- rum el Bellorum, &c. Anc'.ent Pedigrees mucii damaged. Miscellaneous Giants ot Arms, Patents, and Pedigrees of No- bility and Gentry, by Sir W Segar, Camden, Cooke, St. Georges, &c. the Arms \arawn in Pen and Ink. a most cu- rt us a- id valiiuble Collection . Miscellaneous Arms in Pen and Ink, very ancient in good pre- servation. Pedigrees various much damaged.' M^m. Hawley’s Catalogue of Pictures, Statues, Bronzes, Plate, Jewmlls, Linnen, Tap.stiy, and oiher Eftects of King Cnarles 1st, di po.ea off during the Civii War'^, but recovered for King C ha le^ II. after the Restoration 1660. Remembrance touching the Ojj.ces o High Steward oj Lngland., and of the King^s Household with Pe tigree oj ancient IS! ability at ‘he end. Tnr HfcRBtRT Household Book, very curious and appears to be kept in the Manner o-J the JS or th umber land Household Book written in a Very fine Hand jor the / inie 1601 . The first Page and Title begins thus — A Kit* 'hen Booke contayninge the Exp nces of rn^ House in i.ondon beginning upon Sat- terdaie me Xi ot' April 1:'07, with ihe Names and Num- ber of my Household, , in fine preservation, appears by a MS. note of Mr. Bland, that it was bought at the Sale of the Idanvers Family’s Libiury. Arms of die Gent.y in several L^ounties of England, with Crests in Pen and Ink. Geneaiogi' al Tables of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. ADstract of Funeral Certificates, beginning in 1597, ending 1660, wall the Arms idiawn in Pen and Ink. Abstracts of Funeral Ceriificates of Nobility and Gentry of Eng. and, beii^ini ing in 1614 , and ending 1630 , Arms drawn in Pei' and Ink A Wvirk Bov>k of die Society of Herald Painters of Funerals of ’ me Nobili'.y and Gentry of England, begmi in 1662 and erulmg 1675, me Arms Drawn m Pen and Ink, with He- rald. e Charges Funetais of A’arious Nobility and Gentry, their Arms neatly Drawn in Pen and Ink wuh Names, &c. appeares to be in the Reigi ot Jaa s Tt. A Regi ter ol i uiierab.ui Westminster Abbey fairly written in tlie Reign of Q een Anne. Funerals ol At.cicn. \obmiy and Gentry with their Pedigrees fairly vviitien. Arms drawn in Pen and Ink, Temp. ChaiiCaii. " . • I /o^ 367 204< Pedigrees, various, Temp. Charles I. {o', Crr X/ll^ ///- L X. /7 - 205 A Work Book of the Society of Herald Painters of Funerals of ; / ^Gentry, Nobility, &c. from 1657 to 1663, with Arms I Drawn in Pen and Ink. and Heraldic Charges. 3 /^' - 206 A Work Book ot the Society of Herald Painters of the Funeral* of Nobility and Gentry ,.^m ii6S 7 to 173 1 , Arms Drawn in ! Pen and Ink. ' * li/lyi /X ^ 207 An Heral lie Work fairly written in i658 , with Arm= of No- bility and Gentry granted at that time, their Anns drawn in Pen and Ink, with the Herald’s charge annexed to each. 208 AWorkBook of the Society of Herald Painters from 1707 to 174-2, of Funerals with Arms in Pen and Ink and Heialdic Charges, Alphabetical Indexes, in 4- vol. 209 A Work Book of the Society of Herald Painters, of Funerals of Nobility and Gentry, with Names and Arms in Pen and ^ Ink, Heraldic Charges, &c. Temp, Queene Anne, 2 vol. • y ^210 Arms and Pedigrees of the several Ancient Family s of the County’s of Bedford, Northampton and Rutland. ^ CiA^etm ^210 — —I. Arms and Pedigrees of the Lord Treasurers of England, emblazoned, beginning with Odo Treasurer to King Athelstane, and end with Temp. Chas. II. II. Extracts out of the Black Book in the Exchequer. HI. Coats and Crests rudely Tnckt. IV. Arms of the Bedfordshire Gentry Trickt. V. of the Berkshire Gentry taken at the Visitation of that County in 1623, taken by Hen.Ghittie, Chester -if. *2n 211 33 3 , Herald. VI. Pedigrees of the Sussex and Hertfordshire Gentry,drawn down to the Year 1627. The Copies of several Deeds and Ancient Pedigrees of different Noblemen and Gentry, The V isitations of the followuig Counties, viz. I. Several Crests of the Smiths, with the Gentry of York- shire, II. ■ ■ Hampshire. III. Durham. IV. Northumberland. V. Devonshire and Norfolk. VI. — — Cornwall and Derbyshire.- VII. »■ - Huntingdonshire and Northamptonshire. VIII. Nottinghamshire and Rutlandshire. IX. Staffordshire, Suffolk, and Warwickshire, all hound in one vol. 212 Alphabet of Arms, Crests, &c. Alphebetical Indexes, &c. ol Nobility and Gentry of GreatBritain, in 13 voi. 213 Miscellany of Arms, various. i \ \ 2^1, IX f" pi5 16 [211 218 219 220 ^ 1 3 . 221 i . 222 ^OAelu / Z . 223 /Jo . 224 ^CutfLiJ /(f - 225 I ^ '■ ' 226 • ^lU^clui 3 . 227 t !',• ^ I ^(uduX_ 9 • [ ^ 3-fll i /■ /^ - 228 229 230 231 368 Pedigrees of Emperors, Kings, &c. much damaged, ver ancient. Arms and Pedigrees of several Ancient Families in Bucking- hamshire, brought down o 1631. Arms of the Gentry of Cheshire, In Alpaabetical Order, about 1615. Visitation of Cheshire, with a Description of the Funeral of Tho. Lord Coventry, 1639. Notitia Monastica, of Durham, and five other Volumes rela- tive to that Diocese. A Visitation of Derbyshire, with the Original Pedigrees and Arms of Nobility and Gentry subscribed. Pedigrees and Arms of several Ancient Fainilys in Derbyshire, by Thomas Thompson, Lancaster Herald, in 1611, con- taining amongst others the Pedigree of the Family of Zouch. The Visitation for the County of Devonshire and Cornwall ; Arms, and Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry, in Pen and Ink, with Alphabetical Index taken by Sampson Leonard Blue Mantle, about the Year 1620. Arms and Pedigrees of several Ancient Family’s in Dorsetshire, 1574. Arms and Pedigrees of several Antient Family’s of Hampshire in 1578. Pedigrees and Arms of several Antient Familys in Huntingdon- shire with the List of Justices &:c. of that County taken in 1601. The visitation of Huntingdonshire, with Arms and Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry taken by Nicholas Charles Lan- * caster Herald in 1613 The Arms and Pedigrees of several Ancient and Noble Fami- lys in Herefordshire, with Alphabetical Index, 1589. The Visitation of the County of Hertford made and taken in 1634, by Sir Tho. St. George, Kt. Richmond Herald of Arms described by Sir Richard St. George, Clanrieceux King of Arms, Sir John Borough, Kt. also Norroy King of Arms, truely transcribed by the Original by me John Smyth. The Visitation of Kent with the Fragmenta Regalia, by Sir Robert Naunton, Temp. Elizabeth Arms and Pedigrees The Visitation of the County of Kent with Arms and Pedigrees of the Nobility and Gentry, taken in 1613. Arms and Pedigrees of several Ancient Familys in the County of Kent 1 623, with several original Pedigrees and the names of the parties subscribed. Miscellaney of Arms, and Pedigrees, arms emblazoned, an original Visitation of the County of Kent, subscribed by the several parties with Index, 1663. S69 - 232 233 ^ ^ . 234 3/3^ 235 .236 3^ . 237 3 /' - 238 239 //// 1 - /// / 240 ^241 / ^ .242 ^ ^ 243 The Visitation of Leicestershire, with Arms and Pedigrees of Nobility and Gentry, taken in 1619. The Arms and Pedigrees qf several Ancient Families In Northumberland, from a very early period brought down to 1616. The Arms and Pedigrees of several Ancient Families in North- amptonshire 1616. Visitation of Northamptonshire, with Arms and Pedigrees 1616. Arms and Pedigrees of Oxfordshire, with several Antique Seals. The Visitation of Oxfordshire, with Pedigrees and Arms of the Nobility and Gentry, taken in 1634. A List of the Commissioners of the Peace of the County of Sussex, Anno 1601, with v’^arious Arms and, Pedigrees of Ancient Families in the same County. A Copy of the Visitation of Somersetshire, with Pedigree and Arms of the Nobility aiid Gentry. Arms and Pedigrees of the Gentry, &c. of Salop, the Arms emblazoned. The Visitation of Wiltshire, with Arms and Pedigrees of No- bility and Gentry, taken in 1563. Arms of Nobility and Gentry of Warwickshire, with Alphabeti- cal Index. The Visitation for the County of York, Pedigrees and Arms of Nobility and Gentry, with Alphabetical Index, the Arms drawn in Pen and Ink, taken about the Year 1584. FINIS. / ' P. Da Ponte, Printer, 15, Poland Street, Oxford Street. V# I i / A