* Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofporce00chri_8 OAT_A.X_,OGrXTE /■A cC OF PORCELAIN, OBJECTS OF ART AND JBmrrattfo jfiintthrtY, FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES, Including Old Chinese Enamelled, Old Nankin and Imari Porcelain; Eastern Arms; Old Sevres, Chelsea, Derby, "Worcester and Lowestoft Porcelain; Old French and English Decorative Furniture, Bronzes and Objects of Art; a Pianoforte, in Case painted with Figures by Sir E. BURNE-JONES, Bart,; A CROWN DERBY DESSERT SERVICE, Painted with Named Views on dark blue and gold ground, made for the Princess Charlotte, SOLD BY ORDER OF TEE EXECUTORS OF GILES EBDMAYNE, ESQ. DECEASED ; AN INTERESTING COLLECTION OF SPURS FORMED BY IIEER BICHARD ZSCHILLE, &c., &c, : WHICH mill be Salb bn Auction bn Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK (After the Sale of the Marie-Antoinette Relics). May be viewed Two Days preceding, and ( atalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Sheet, St. James s Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALK 1. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. Ill In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot: and making no warranty whatever. YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JULY 15, 1898 (After the Sale of the Marie Antoinette Relics). ORIENTAL PORCELAIN, Etc. & 23 An Old Chinese Porcelain Tea-Caddy, of oblong form, ena¬ melled with numerous figures, buildings, &c. C / £>24 A Pair op Famille-Verte Beakers, enamelled with pemiies, kiku and lotus plants in shaped panels—9 in. high 25 An Old Chinese Cylindrical-shaped Vase, powdered-bluo P ground, pencilled with foliage in gold and enamelled with branches of foliage and flowers in brilliant colours in four large shaped medallions, and four small medallions on tlie^ shoulder—17j in. high 26 A Cylindrical-shaped Vase, of old Chinese porcelain, famille- & verte, enamelled with scroll foliage, kiku, dragons, Ac., in green and red, and with numerous shaped panels of powdered blue, pencilled with views in gold—17^ in. high 27 A ✓ o Pair op Famille-Verte Eggshell Lanterns, with mirror- shaped panels of kylins on a dotted groundwork, with the conventional aster and smaller panels of peonies and othci flowers ; diaper panels on the neck, with quatrefoil panels of flowers and insects—8 in. high From the Arkwright Collection B 4 ‘28 Another Lantern, of similar form, entirely covered with kylins and flames, panels of birds on the neck, on a dia^r-pattern ground— in. high From the Arkwright Collection ^ f & 29 A Chinese porcelain vase, painted with kylins, clouds and flames in dark blue, on a paler blue ground 4 30 A small octagonal-shaped Chinese tea-pot and cover, of metal- gilt, entirely inlaid with plaques of engraved mother-o’-pearl CA 31 A Chinese porcelain tea service, enamelled with figures, &c., in coloured chequer borders, consisting of tea-pot, milk-jug, canister and covers, two stands, a basin-cover, nine cups and aA three saucers 9t y'A r ■■ //- s* A yf 32 A pair of square-shaped ditto vases, enamelled with figures and lanterns in blue and yellow key-pattern borders—lGJr in. 33 A pair of old Chinese porcelain jars and covers, enamelled with peonies and other flowers in brilliant colours in leaf-shaped y, medallions, on brown ground—15 in. high lA/l & 34 An old Imari octagonal-shaped vase and cover, painted with river O scenes, buildings and flowers in shaped medallions on dark blue ground, with peonies, kiku, &c., in red and gold—22 in. high // 35 An Old Imari Deep Bowl, with slightly raised kiku, peonies ^ and other flowers in colours, mounted with Louis XV. open scroll foot, rim and cover, with strawberry branches and frui^ in relief, of chased or-molu—9f in. high 36 A GLOBULAR CISTERN, of Old Nankin Porcelain, painted with kylins, ribands and balls in blue, and panels of flowers on the rim, on trellis ground, with gilt kylins’-mask handles—16 in. high , 23^ in. diam. J A. set of Chinese carved ivory concentric balls, with carved groups ^ jr/ above and below, suspended in glass shade OBJECTS OF ART. 38 A pair of small carved ivory statuettes of Voltaire and Rousseau ^ y — in. high —on ebony and ivory pedestals— glass shades and stands 39 A pair of old French bronze figures of children, with a bird and ff bird’s nest— 7f in. high —on circular rosso marble plinths 40 A pair of old French bronze groups, each with three figures of children playing musical instruments— 7 in. high —on verd^r y yy 'S/ and giallo marble plinths 1 ' ^ ^ ^ 41 A Rock Crystal Standing Cup and Cover, the bowl of flattened cylindrical form, on vase-shaped stem and round foot carved with spiral fluting, mounted with silver-gilt, and surmounted by a dolphin— 14^ in. high 42 A Casket, formed of plaques of transparent and clouded amber, engraved with classical subjects, and inlaid, both inside and out, with similar subjects, carved in relief in ivory, and sur¬ mounted by a seated figure of Minerva in amber and ivorj^- 12 in. by 8 in. 13 § in. high 43 An Old Spanish Carved Wood Figure of a Child, seated in & an armchair, with drapery painted in translucent colours and gold— 12f in. high— 17 th century Formerly in the Heckscher Collection HE MARQUIS DE FIGSKEJROA, of Badajos, Estremadure : fe-Size Bust, in BRONZE^s^earing a furred robe and skull cajS^-Ejchly decorated with Moorish floral ornament 23 iii. high — SpdymJilGth century i the Chapelof^iilamanca, Old Castile The mhsws de Figueroafitjlm^as secretary to Ferdhid and Isabella^ydn^lit under Gonzalodie~id*>4yiQV(^^ Grand Captain,” in his caihpatgn in Italy at the end ^yffle 15th and beginning of the 1 6th-centuries 46 An Old Persian Silk Rug, with a vase of flowers in colours, on pale buff ground and rich coloured border 6 ft. J in. by 4 ft. 7 in. 6 '^>46 A Close Helmet, with bands of engraving, trophies-of-amis, &c., gilt on a blued ground — Italian, circa 1590 yv^C^C 47 A COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED SPURS, many of the highest quality and rarity, formed by Herr Richard Zschille, and fully described in his work “ Die Sporn.” The collec¬ tion comprises ten Egyptian, Roman,Halstat,and Greek spurs; seven spurs of the 4th to 7th centuries; four spurs of the Carlovingian period; twenty-five spurs, 11th to 13th centuries; six spurs of the 14th century ; twenty of the 15th century ; ^ twelve of the 16th century; and sixteen of the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries 48 A . /a . o GOLD ENAMEL PENDANT— Italian, 16th century. It cruciform in shape and composed of interlaced strapwork, enamelled white and translucent red, further enriched by an applique group emblematic of Charity, and set with two rubies and a diamond, and three pendant pearl drops A 49 A /0 . O GOLD AND ENAMEL NECK-CHAIN— German, 16th century. It is composed of twenty large and twenty small oval links, of pierced strapwork design, enamelled in red, blue and white, and set with rubies 50 A Pair of Limoges Enamel Plates, painted with heads of Caesars, Domitian and Nero, in grisaille and flesh tints on a (, 0-yO blue ground, and on the reverse with cartouches containing busts of Venus and Diana—7|- in. diam. * From the Collection of Lord Hastings Exhibited at the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, 1857, and at the Chicago Exhibition 7 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 5i A Cingalese dagger, horn grip, back-edged blade, richly mounted with silver, with flutings and filigree: and one, nearly similar /T? 2 , D 52 A curved Arabian dagger, plated with silver, entirely chased with an interlaced design and slightly enamelled in colours <53 A Japanese dagger, black lacquer scabbard, the mounts of gold p y and shakudo, with the Kiri crest J/ 54 Two Persian knives ; a Malay kris ; and an Afghan yataghan 4 55 A matador’s sword; a Persian knife, with an ivory grip ; and a Japanese knife-case 3 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. ^56 A Pair of Old Sevres Coffee-Cups and Saucers, painted with Cupids, clouds and flowers in pink, in richly gilt scroll /f borders on white ground 1/ cz q 57 An Old Sevres Plateau, with apple green, white and gold border and pierced scroll ends, the centre painted with a group of flowers and fruit 58 An Oblong Plateau, of turquoise and gold French 4 porcelain, painted with Cupids sporting in a landscape, and mounted with silvered and gilt-metal border, handles and feet— 26 in. long Sold by order of the Executors of a Lady, deceased 59 An Old Chelsea Large Oval-shaped Dish, with slightly ^ raised branches of flowers and foliage and painted with flowei sprays, moths and other insects in colours 19 in. lung red anchor mark f -znu 8 60 A Crown Derby vase-shaped pastile-burncr and cover, decorated & in red and blue and in. high richly gilt, with satyr’s masks in relict Cl A Pair of White Bow Shell-shaped Bowls— on tripod stands encrusted with shells and seaweed ^ 62 A Chelsea Figure of Diana, with a hound at her feeF»-on plinth encrusted with flowers — 11 in. high 4LA p C3 A Pair of Ditto, of a lady and gentleman, holding flowers—on scroll plinths—10| in. high 64 A Pair of Derby Chelsea Seated Figures, of a lady with a lamb, and gentleman with a dog and bagpipes— on turquoise ° a T "“ 7 l white and gold scroll plinths—8f in. high A 65_ A Pair of Old Wedgwood Vases, of black basalt, each with four handles, decorated with acanthus foliage and with festoons of drapery suspended from rings, in relief —on square plinths — 19^ in. high A // J36 A pair of white and gold Swansea vases, with gilt scroll handles, each painted with a bouquet of flowers on purple ground, in large medallion—9|- in. high yj. a ? 67 An Oviform Vase and Cover, of old Derby porcelain, with gil t & serpent handles, mazarin blue ground with gold stars, painted with a coast scene and vessel, and a landscape with ruins, in two oval medallions in gilt foliage borders—14^ in. high ; and f A Pair of Oviform Ewers, en suite—11 in. high /A // 68 An old Worcester spirally fluted tea service, with dark blue and . 0 gold bands, consisting of milk-jug, basin, sugar-basiD coveiyvx^ and stand, ten tea-cups, six coffee-cups, nine saucers and two dishes 9 7 lie two following Services were given by WARREN HASTINGS to WILLIAM HAVE REAM, Esq. 69 A Lowestoft Tea and Coffee Service, enamelled with wreaths of grass-seed ornament in green, and waved blue lines on the edges, and with monogram M. H. in red and gold, consisting of tea-pot, coffee-pot, and covers, canister, twelve tea-cups, six coffee-cups, seven two-handled cups, five saucers, two four small basins and stands, and one cover 70 A Dinner Service, similar, consisting of— , 0 71 An Old Crown Derby Fluted Dessert Service, painted with A , ^prays in blue and gold and green spots, consisting ot— A pair of ice-pails, covers and liners, with shell handles , , A pair of sugar-tureens, covers and stands ^ ‘ Centre dish, on foot Three oval-shaped dishes A pair of kidney-shaped ditto, and Thirty plates /0J-. The following Service was made for the PRINCESS CHARLOTTE, on her marriage with PRINCE LEOPOLD, afterwards King of the Belgians, and was purchased at the Marlborough House Sale by the late Owner's Father. 72 AN OLD CROWN DERBY DESSERT SERVICE, dark blue ground richly marbled with gold, and painted with named views in England, Wales, Scotland and Italy, in colours— marie and inscriptions in puce —consisting of— A Pair of Ioe-Pails, Covers and Liners, with shell handles A Pair of Sugar-Tureens, Covers and Stands A Diamond-shaped Centre Dish, on foot Four Oval Dishes CM Four Shell-shaped Ditto A Pair of Kidney-shaped Ditto A Pair of Dishes, with escalloped borders, and Twenty-Two Plates Sold by Order of the Executors of GILES BEDMAYNE Esq., deceased, late of Braihay Hall, Ambleside. 11 DECORATIVE FURNITURE. -z? 73 An old Englioh obi min g ' olook, b y B ray o f W estminster- 74 An old English clock, by R. Alexander— Leith —with dial showing phases of the moon, in tall Chippendale mahogany case carved with rushes, scrolls and pierced ornament—7 ft. 5 in. high 75 An old English dital harp, by Ed. Light —Foley Place, London — in lacquered red case, gilt with foliage and other ornament; and an instruction book, with music for same i. J 6A Sofa and a Pair of Arm-Chairs, in the Adam’s style, of mahogany, carved in low relief and gilt with laurels and rosette ornaments, covered in coloured brocade cr- 77 A Sheraton Upright Corner Cabinet, of satin and rose-wood, with glazed folding doors above and folding doors beneath, in¬ laid with classical figures and other ornament, and with carvfA^ s scroll top—80 in. high, 28 in. wide L / 78 A Sheraton Upright Book-Case, of inlaid satin-wood, with ^ glazed folding doors, carved in outline with festooned vases, enclosing shelves and folding doors beneath—8 ft. high, 3 6 in. wide 79 A Set of Seven Chippendale Chairs and Three Arm-Chairs, with open backs carved with interlaced scrolls and knots of riband, on carved legs and claw feet, the seats covered pale green silk 80 A Set of Six Louis XYI. Carved Satin-Wood Chairs, with ^ riband and foliage borders, oval backs and seats covered witk^ striped and flowered silk brocade 81 Three Satin-Wood Arm-Chairs, with square-shaped backs and seats covered with flowered crimson and gold satin damask 82 A pair of Italian carved wood stands, with grotesque masks, fiui and foliage in relief—54 in. high 12 ^/y 83 An old English marqueterie commode, with two drawers, inlaid with vases of flowers, panels of trellis pattern, foliage and ribands in coloured woods—white marble slab—53 in. wide A *r- and attendants From the Bilton Hall Collection /a. /° 84 A Square Walnut-Wood Stool, with carved legs, the seat covered with old English needlework, representing Eurppa ^84a An Old Oak Fire-Screen, the top elaborately pierced and carved with Cupids, scroll foliage, and surmounted by a crown, fitted with an old needlework panel representing three oriental figures at a repast in a garden / V'x2’^ From the Bilton Hall Collection 6 S'. -A .85 An Old Walnut- Wood Ar m- Chair, Lhu end» ’ uf the jii i i i i m i - witk figures of. lions .aacL acanthw- .fiplia.gey .-or fln ted 1 egs „ and claw feet, the back and seat covered, wi th.. old Flemish, . . tapesky^ 86 A Pianoforte, 6^ octaves, in plain oak case, the front inlaid with * a panel painted with a subject of six figures in a landscape by Sir E. Burne Jones, Bart. From the Collection of the late G. P. Boyce , Esq. // 87 A Louis XYI. Clock, by Courvoisier, in drum-shaped case of or-molu, with figures of Cupids and arabesque foliage, supported by a facade of white marble with four fluted columns mounted with festoons of flowers, friezes and ornaments of chased or-molu—on black marble plinth—^ 28 in. high ~ZP J/. /a 88 A Louis XY. Parqueterie Commode, with five drawers, inlaid with chequer pattern and mounted with corner ornaments, handles and scutcheons of chased or-molu—veined dove- coloured marble slab—51 in. ivide 89 A four-leaf folding leather screen, painted with Chinese figures-? j? and flowers in colours on gold ground—72 in. high / 13 THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. 90 A Louis XIY. Boulle Clock, mounted with figures, dragons, busts and other ornaments of chased or-molu, and surmounted by a figure of Fame—32 in. high 91 Anotheb, by Bailly, in scroll-shaped case of coloured Boulle, mounted with borders and ornaments of chased or-molu and surmounted by a vase—21 in. high ^V- THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OLD NANKIN PORCELAIN. 92 A Pair of Nankin Vases, with many petal-shaped panels^pf vases of flowers on a balcony—15^ in. high , 0 93 An oviform jar, entirely covered with the conventional asteiy—; 9 in. high st0 >Y / v OLD ENGLISH AND FRENCH DECORATIVE FURNITURE. CP 94 A Chippendale mahogany card-table — 32 in. wide , 28£ in. high ■ & 95 A Queen Anne Enabled Walnut-Wood Card-Table, with opening top—29^ in. wide / & 96 A small oak chest of four drawers 97 A Large Charles II. Marqueterie Chest of Four Drawers, ' ^ of knarled walnut, inlaid with birds and interlaced ornaments ,y in light woods— 63 in, wide , 43 in. high / LN 14 98 A 99 A A?- -2 . ^ ICO A 101 A , 0 118 A pair of fluted seaux, painted with birds and insects on basket- pattern ground 119 A group of six figures, under a tree, on plinth formed as rocks —19 in, high - 16 . 120 A clock, in scroll-shaped case of wliito and gold porcelain, and 's '' ^ a pair of candelabra, en suite, encrusted with coloured , /7, - & flowers, and with emblematic figures of children, &c. in tff) high relief—32 in. high O 121 A clock, in coloured porcelain case, encrusted with flowers, aud with figures of birds in high relief—19 in. high £ ym 122 An ehonized work-table, inlaid with porcelain plaques, and on tripod stand of the same, painted with figures, flowers and //) green trellis borders, with rising top enclosing trays with (./ painted porcelain lids DECORATIVE FURNITURE. J. /a, ^ A pair of Chippendale torcheres, on fluted pillar stems aud tripods, with claw feet, carved with festoons of drapery and foliage £7124 An oblong ebonised table, inlaid with brass and mounted with gilt corner ornaments , £?125 An X-shaped arm-chair, carved with grotesque masks, &c., gilt leather seat 126 A Charles II. Marqueterie Chest of Three Drawers, on stand with drawer and stretcher beneath, inlaid with vases and branches of flowers and foliage, in coloured woods and stained ivory 127 An Old Flemish Marqueterie Cabinet, with carved borders, , & folding doors and two drawers, and high hack with three smaller drawers above, inlaid with panels of hunting sub¬ jects, in engraved ivory and coloured woods, in borders of arabesques and cupids 128 An old oak chest, the front inlaid with panels of figures and buildings in marqueterie 129 A large old Chinese black and gold lac cabinet, with folding , C? doors, enclosing numerous drawers and cupboards, mounted /f /Sy. /A /