c/o TREATISE ON PAINTING, BY LEONARDO DA VINCI: FAITHFULLY TRANSLATED FROM THE ORIGINAL ITALIAN, AND DIGESTED UNDER PROPER HEADS, By JOHN FRANCIS RIGAUD, Esq. ACADEMICIAN OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF PAINTING AT LONDON, AND ALSO OF THE ACADEMI A CLEMENTINA AT BOLOGNA, AND THE ROYAL ACADEMY AT STOCKHOLM. ILLUSTRATED WITH TWENTY-THREE COPPER-PLATES, AND OTHER FIGURES. TO WHICH IS PREFIXED A LIFE OF THE AUTHOR, WITH A CRITICAL ACCOUNT OF HIS WORKS, By JOHN WILLIAM BROWN, Esq. LONDON: J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET. SOLD ALSO BY W. PICKERING, CHANCERY LANE j J. WEAL E , HIGH IIOLBORN \ AND J. WILLIAMS, CHARLES STREET, SOIIO. 1835. Ars est habitus quidam faciendi vera cum ratione. Aristot. Ethic. Lib. 6. CONTENTS, PAGE Preface v Preface to RigaucTs Translation - - viii Life of Leonardi da Vinci, by J. W. Brown, Esq. xiii Catalogue of the principal Works painted by Leonardo da Vinci - - xc: Memoir of J. F Rigaud, Esq. R. A. - - c Treatise on Painting. Drawing — Proportion - Anatomy - - - 13 Motion and Equipoise of Figures - 27 Linear Perspective - . r >() Invention, or Composition - - - 68 Expression and Character - - 90 Light and Shadow - - 96* Contraste and Effect - - - 1 1 4 Reflexes - - - - 116 Colours and Colouring - 124 Colours in regard to Light and Shadow - 143 Colours in regard to Back-grounds - 152 Contraste, Harmony, and Reflexes in regard to Colours - - - - 155 ÌV CONTENTS. PAGE. Perspective of Colours - 1 63 Aerial Perspective - - 1 80 Miscellaneous Observations. Landscape, &c. - - 224 General Table of Chapters, with References to the corresponding Chapters in the original Italian - 227 DIRECTIONS TO THE BINDER. Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci to face the Title. PI 1. to face Chap 37.. .P. 17 2. 48.. 22 3 54.... 25 4 ib.. . . ib. 5 62 27 6 66 29 7 ,..67.... ib. 8 74.... 31 9 78.... 33 10 80... 34 PI. 11. to face Chap. 84. . P. 36 12 ib ib. 13 85 ib. 14 89 39 15 ..90 ib. 16 92 40 17 96 42 18 145... 7 1 19 147... 72 20 153... 76 21 ib ib. 22. .. c 346... 212 PREFACE. Since the former edition of this work was pub- lished, the able Translator has paid the debt of nature.* Mr. Rigaud being himself a painter, and highly appreciating the merits of Leonardo da Vinci, felt that he should derive pleasure from exhibiting his well-known Treatise on Painting to the Brit- ish public with superior advantage. He, there- fore, not only gave a new translation, but formed a better arrangement of the materials. The merits of Mr. Rigaud's Translation having been duly ap- preciated by the public, and the work having been long out of print, another edition, in a neater and more condensed form, is now produced, which, the Publishers presume, may prove a desirable acquisition to students and amateurs. The principal novelty, however, of this edition is the new Life of the Author, by the late J. W. Brown, Esq., which was first published, in a se- parate volume, in 1828. A long residence in Italy, an intimate acquaintance with its language * See a memoir of Mr. Rigaud, p. c. A 3 vi PREFACE. and literature, together with a constant oppor- tunity of studying the most finished specimens of Art, induced that gentleman to undertake the biography of Leonardo da Vinci, who so largely contributed to form a new sera in the His tory of the Fine Arts. This distinguished Italian i s not so well known in England as he deserves. Among the various biographical sketches of this celebrated character, that written by Giorgio Va- sari is perhaps the most authentic, as he had the advantage of contemporaneous information. But this also is rather an account of his works than of himself, containing little more than what is gene- rally known, and forming only one article in Va- sari's Lives of celebrated Painters. To most of the editions which have been pub- lished of Da Vincr's writings a short biographical notice is prefixed, but they are chiefly copied ver- batim from Vasari. The Signor Carlo Ammoretti, librarian of the Ambrosian Library at Milan, has prefixed the best and most ample account of Leonardo da Vinci to the edition of his "Trattato della Pittura/' pub- lished at Milan in 1804; which he has entitled " Memorie storiche su la Vita, gli Studj, e le Opere di Leonardo da Vinci." In addition to many sources of information, Mr. Brown had the privilege of constant admittance not only to the private library of his Imperial and PREFACE. vii Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany, but also to his most rare and valuable collection of Manuscripts in the Palazzo Pitti, where he was permitted to copy from the original documents and correspondence whatever he conceived useful to his subject. In selecting from the mass of documents rela- tive to the subject of the present work, Mr. Brown rejected whatever appeared unsupported by sufficient proof ; and he has given such historical anecdotes of that period as were necessary to the subject, from their having materially influenced the private fortunes of Da Vinci. Sept. 5, 1835. PREFACE TO Mr. RIGAUD'S TRANSLATION. The excellence of the following Treatise is so well known to all in any tolerable degree conversant with the Art of Painting, that it would be almost superfluous to say any thing respecting it, were it not that it here appears under the form of a new translation, of which some account may be ex- pected. Of the original Work, which is in reality a selec- tion from the voluminous manuscript collections of the Author, both in folio and in quarto, of all such passages as related to Painting, no edition appeared in print till 1651, though its Author died so long before as the year 1519; and it is owing to the circumstance of a manuscript copy of these extracts in the original Italian, having fallen into the hands of Raphael du Fresne, that in the former of these years it was published at Paris in a thin folio volume in that language, accompanied with a set of cuts from the drawings of Nicolo translator's preface. ix Poussin and Alberti ; the former having designed the human figures, the latter the geometrical and other representations. This precaution was pro- bably necessary, the sketches in the Author's own collections being so very slight as not to be fit for publication without further assistance. Poussin's drawings were mere outlines, and the shadows and back-grounds behind the figures were added by Errard, after the drawings had been made, and, as Poussin himself says, without his knowledge. In the same year, and size, and printed at the same place, a translation of the original work into French was given to the world by Monsieur de Chambray (well known, under his family name of Freart, as the author of an excellent Parallel of ancient and modern Architecture, in French, which Mr. Evelyn translated into English). The style of this translation by Mons. de Chambray, being thought, some years after, too antiquated, some one was employed to revise and modernise it ; and in If 16 a new edition of it, thus polished, came out, of which it may be truly said, as is in general the case on such occasions, that whatever the sup- posed advantage obtained in purity and refine- ment of language might be, it was more than counterbalanced by the want of the more valuable qualities of accuracy, and fidelity to the original, from which, by these variations, it became further removed. X translator's preface. The first translation of this Treatise into English, appeared in the year 1721. It does not declare by whom it was made ; but though it professes to have been done from the original Italian, it is evident, upon a comparison, that more use was made of the revised edition of the French transla- tion. Indifferent, however, as it is, it had become so scarce, and had risen to a price so extravagant, that, to supply the demand, it was found neces- sary, in the year 1796, to reprint it as it stood, with all its errors on its head, no opportunity then offering of procuring a fresh translation. This last impression, however, being also dis- posed of, and a new one again called for, the present Translator was induced to step forward, and undertake the office of fresh translating it, on finding, by comparing the former versions both in French and English with the original, many pas- sages which he thought might at once be more concisely and more faithfully rendered. His ob- ject, therefore, has been to attain these ends, and as rules and precepts like the present allow but little room for the decorations of style, he has been more solicitous for fidelity, perspicuity, and precision, than for smooth sentences, and well- turned periods. Nor was this the only advantage which it was found the present opportunity would afford ; for the original work consisting in fact of a number translator's preface. xi of entries made at different times, without any regard to their subjects, or attention to method, might rather in that state be considered as a chaos of intelligence, than a well-digested treatise. It has now, therefore, for the first time, been at- tempted to place each chapter under the proper head or branch of the art to which it belongs and by so doing, to bring together those which (though related and nearly connected in substance) stood, according to the original arrangement, at such a distance from each other as to make it troublesome to find them even by the assistance of an index ; and difficult, when found, to com- pare them together. The consequence of this plan, it must be con- fessed, has been, that in a few instances the same precept has been found in substance repeated ; but this is so far from being an objection, that it evidently proves the precepts were not the hasty opinions of the moment, but settled and fixed principles in the mind of the Author, and that he was consistent in the expression of his sentiments. But if this mode of arrangement has in the pre- sent case disclosed what might have escaped ob- servation, it has also been productive of more material advantages ; for, besides facilitating the finding of any particular passage (an object in itself of no small importance), it clearly shows the work to be a much more complete system than xii translator's preface. those best acquainted with it had before any idea of, and that many of the references in it, appa- rently to other writings of the same Author, relate in fact only to the present, the chapters referred to having been found in it. These are now pointed out in the notes, and where any obscurity has oc- curred in the text, the reader will find some assist- ance at least attempted by the insertion of a note to solve the difficulty. No pains or expense have been spared in pre- paring the present work for the press. The cuts have been re-engraved with more attention to correctness in the drawing, than those which ac- companied the two editions of the former English translation possessed (even though they had been fresh engraven for the impression of 17^6); and the diagrams are now inserted in their proper places in the text, instead of being, as before, col- lected all together in two plates at the end. J. F. RlGAUD. 1802. THE LIFE OF LEONARDO DA VINCI. Among the many distinguished individuals who flourished in Italy during the early part of the six- teenth century, there is none more worthy of com- memoration than Leonardo da Vinci, whether we consider his splendid and almost universal talents, or the excellence of his character. Through a long and active life his mind was zealously devoted to the re- vival of the arts, to which he contributed in a greater degree, perhaps, than any single individual of ancient or modern times. The arts of poetry, music, and especially painting, were embraced by him with an enthusiasm which awakened that of others, and gave a mighty impulse to the mental energies, not only of his con- temporaries and countrymen, but of distant nations and posterity. Every incident in the life of such a man must be full of interest to the lovers of biography : the more so from the very remarkable fact, that in no language have those incidents been properly collected, though abundant and authentic sources of information exist on which such a work might be founded. To supply in some degree this deficiency, is the object of the following pages. b xiv THE LIFE OF Leonardo da Vinci was born in the year 1452, at Vinci, in the Val d'Arno Inferiore, on the confines of the Pistoiese territory, not far from the Lake of Fu- cecchio. He was the natural son of Pietro da Vinci ; and it is said that his mother was a servant in his father's family • but this must remain uncertain, from the length of time that has since elapsed, and the numerous reports that contradict each other, not only in what relates to his origin, but even to the year of his birth, in which there is a difference of no less than ten years. It is, however, certain, that he was entirely brought up in his father's family 5 a fact attested by an old and well authenticated register, found among the ancient archives of Florence by Signore Dei, who has written largely on the subject of Leonardo's genealogy. It is a matter of some regret, that, amidst all his learned and elaborate researches, that gentle- man has not been able to procure any documents to prove that Da Vinci was subsequently declared legi- timate, which from various circumstances appears to be extremely probable. If we may believe the regis- ter, and there is no better authority, Leonardo was seventeen years old when his father was forty ; so that he must have been born when Pietro was a young man, and most likely before his marriage. His father had three wives, Giovanna daZenobi Ama- dori, Francesca di Ser Giuliano Lanfredini, and Lucrezia di Guglielmo Cortigiani 5 and a proof that Leonardo still formed a part of his family after his third marriage, is afforded by a passage in one of Belincionni's son- nets, addressed to Madonna Lucrezia da Vinci, which begins 41 A Fiesole con Piero e Leonardo ; " LEONARDO DA VINCI. XV and relates the pleasures he enjoyed at their villa near Florence. It is hardly probable that he would have received such unvarying attentions, had he been con- sidered merely as a natural child. Moreover, we find from several documents in the " Codice Atlantico," that his family were at all times proud of his relation- ship, and his uncle Francesco da Vinci left him an equal share of his property with his other brothers and sisters. Leonardo was gifted with one of the finest forms that can be imagined, in which strength and symmetry were beautifully combined ; his face was strongly ex- pressive of his ardent mind, and of the frankness and energy of his character. He would, it may be pre- sumed, have distinguished himself in the literary world while in his youth, had he not been as unsteady as he was enthusiastic in his various pursuits. He made such wonderful progress in arithmetic, that when a child he frequently proposed questions which his mas- ter himself was unable to resolve. He next attached himself to music as a science, and soon arrived at such perfection in playing on the lyre, which was his favourite instrument, as to compose extemporaneous accompaniments to his own poetical effusions. The following sonnet is one of the very few which are extant. " Chi non può quel che vuol, quel che può voglia ; Che quel che non si può folle è il volere. Adunque saggio è l'uomo da tenere Che da quel che non può suo voler toglia. Pero che ogni diletto nostro e doglia Sta in si e no, saper voler potere, Adunque quel sol può che ò col dovere, Ne trae la ragion fuor di sua soglia. b 2 xvi THE LIFE OF Ne sempre è da voler quel che Tuoni pòte, Spesso par dolce quel che torna amaro, Piansi già quel che io volsi, poiché io l'hebbi. Adunque tu, lettor di queste note, Se a te vuoi esser buono, e ad altri caro, Vogli sempre poter quel che tu debbi.' 9 But, although an ardent admirer of the arts in general, painting appeared to be his favourite pursuit, to which he more particularly applied himself in all its different branches ; and in which he soon attained great excel- lence^ well as in the art of forming models and designs. The praiseworthy exertions of Cimabue, Giotto, and Masaccio, had already begun to revive the art of painting in Italy, and particularly in Tuscany, where the arts were most certain to find protection and en- couragement, from the powerful patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici, so justly styled ct the Magnificent/' His liberality had already acquired for his native Florence the honourable appellation of the '* Modern Athens and his taste for literature and the fine arts consider- ably influenced the state of public opinion among his countrymen. The Signore Pietro, perceiving that his son's abilities and inclinations might lead to future wealth and fame, determined to show the productions of his self-culti- vated talents to Andrea Varocchio, one of the most celebrated painters, sculptors, and architects of that age.* Masser Andrea, surprised at the strong indi- * Andrea del Varocchio, or Verrocchio, a Florentine painter, architect, and jeweller, died at Venice in 1488, where he was employed in forming the equestrian statue of Bartolomeo Cog- lioni in bronze. He was more celebrated as an architect and sculptor than as a painter. — See his life by Vasari. LEONARDO DA VINCI. xvii cations of original talent and hope of future excellence, which these early productions evinced, gladly con- sented to receive the young Leonardo into his "studio/' convinced that a pupil of so much merit could not fail of increasing his master's celebrity; but he soon found that his scholar had very little need of his instructions, and that he would ere long surpass him in his own works. It happened about this time that Messer Andrea was employed to paint a picture of St. John baptizing our Saviour ; and anxious to stimulate his young pupil to greater exertion, he desired his assistance in this composition. Leonardo executed the part assigned him with such extraordinary skill, that, as Vasari relates, the angel painted by him greatly excelled all the rest of Andrea's picture, which, he says, " was the occasion of Messer Andrea's leaving off paint- ing, enraged that a child should know more than himself." Having given this proof of wonderful abilities, he employed himself in studying the different branches of the art to which he now intended more particularly to devote his attention. But the natural inconstancy of his disposition frequently impelled him to desert his studio, and indulge in imaginary speculations. His time, however, was never unemployed ; and though his occupations were always various, and sometimes inconsistent, he nevertheless most assiduously culti- vated whatever was calculated to adorn his mind or increase his accomplishments. He must also have worked very diligently at his profession, as his father could not have afforded him much money for his amusements ; and he is known, if we may believe his xviii THE LIFE OF contemporaries, to have led rather a gay life. The delight of society wherever he went, and an extraor- dinary favourite with the fair sex, he became too fond of dress and parade ; he maintained a numerous retinue of servants, a sumptuous equipage, and purchased the most spirited horses that could be procured. These extravagances were, however, extremely pardonable in a young man flushed with success and conscious of his superior acquirements, particularly as they could only be supported by the produce of his own industry, and must therefore have greatly tended to stimulate his exertions. Like most people who are endowed with great na- tural talents, he undertook much more than he was able to accomplish ; and we find him continually changing his occupations : at one time diligently em- ploying himself in astronomical observations, to ascer- tain the motion of the heavenly bodies, at another intently pursuing the study of natural history and botany, yet with all his versatility of talent and incon- stancy of disposition, never permitting himself to neg- lect his favourite pursuit. With the utmost perse- verance he sought every possible means of improving himself in painting, from the time he left the studio of Andrea Varocchio, and became his own master. The numerous works on scientific subjects that Leonardo has left to posterity, sufficiently prove how well he must have employed his youth, though very little is to be found in the writings of his contempo- raries to give us any information of the occurrences of his every-day life. Both Vasari and Lomazzo relate that he invented various machines for lifting great weights, penetrating mountains, conducting water from LEONARDO DA VINCI. xix one place to another, and innumerable models for watches, windmills, and presses. Two of the many projects which he had in contemplation, some of which were almost too wild for belief, deserve to be parti- cularly noticed. One of them was to lift up the Ca- thedral of San Lorenzo bodily, or rather en masse, by means of immense levers, and in such a manner that he pretended the edifice would not receive the slightest injury. The other, which was more feasible, was to form the Arno into a canal as far as Pisa, and which would have been extremely beneficial to the commerce of Tuscany. That Leonardo continued to reside at Florence, or at least in its neighbourhood, is confirmed by the story Vasari relates of the because its object is in the mind, which does not affect the senses when it is collected within itself. Chap. CXI. — Effect of the Mind upon the Motions of the Body, occasioned by some outward Object. When the motion is produced by the presence of some object, either the cause is immediate or not. If it be immediate^ the figure will first turn towards it the organs most necessary, the eyes . leaving its feet in the same place \ and will only move the thighs, hips, and knees a little towards the same side, to which the eyes are directed. LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. Chap. CXII. — Of those who apply themselves to the Practice, without having learnt the Theory of the Art. Those who become enamoured of the practice of the art, without having previously applied to the LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. diligent study of the scientific part of it^ may be compared to mariners, who put to sea in a ship without rudder or compass, and therefore cannot be certain of arriving at the wished-for port. Practice must always be founded on good theory; to this, Perspective is the guide and entrance, without which nothing can be well done. Chap. CXIII. — Precepts in Painting. Perspective is to Painting what the bridle is to a horse^ and the rudder to a ship. The size of a figure should denote the distance at which it is situated. If a figure be seen of the natural size, remem- ber that it denotes its being near to the eye. Chap. CXIV. — Of the Boundaries of Objects, called Outlines or Contours. The outlines or contours of bodies are so little perceivable, that at any small distance between that and the object, the eye will not be able to recognize the features of a friend or relation, if it were not for their clothes and general appear- ance. So that by the knowledge of the whole it comes to know the parts. Chap. CXV. — Of linear Perspective. Linear Perspective consists in giving, by D 2 52 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. established rules, the true dimensions of objects, according to their respective distances ; so that the second object be less than the first, the third than the second, and by degrees at last they be- come invisible. I find by experience, that, if the second object be at the same distance from the first, as the first is from the eye, though they be of the same size, the second will appear half the size of the first ; and, if the third be at the same distance behind the second, it will diminish two thirds ; and so on, by degrees, they will, at equal distances, diminish in proportion ; provided that the interval be not more than twenty cubits * ; at which distance it will lose two fourths of its size ; at forty it will diminish three fourths ; and at sixty it will lose five sixths, and so on progres- * sively. But you must be distant from your pic- ture twice the size of it ; for, if you be only once the size, it will make a great difference in the mea- sure from the first to the second. Chap. CXVI. — What Parts of Objects disappear first by Distance. Those parts which are of less magnitude will first vanish from the sight f. This happens, be- * About thirteen yards of our measure ; the Florentine braccia, or cubit, by which the author measures, being 1 foot 10 inches T-8ths English measure. -f* See chap. cxxi. and cccv. LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. 53 cause the shape of small objects, at an equal dis- tance, comes to the eye under a more acute angle than the large ones, and the perception is less, in proportion as they are less in magnitude. It fol- lows then, that if the large objects, by being re- moved to a great distance, and consequently coming to the eye by a small angle, are almost lost to the sight, the small objects will entirely disappear. CXVII.— Of remote Objects. The outlines of objects will be less seen, in proportion as they are more distant from the eye. Chap. CXVIII.— Of the Point of Sight The point of sight must be on a level with the eyes of a common-sized man, and placed upon the horizon, which is the line formed by a flat country terminating with the sky. An exception must be made as to mountains, which are above that line. Chap. CXIX. — A Picture is to be viewed from one Point only. This will be proved by one single example. If you mean to represent a round ball very high up, on a flat and perpendicular wall, it will be neces- sary to make it oblong, like the shape of an egg, and to place yourself (that is, the eye, or point of 54 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. view) so far back, as that its outline or circumfer- ence may appear round. Chap. CXX. — Of the Dimensions of the first Figure in an historical Painting. The first figure in your picture will be less than Nature, in proportion as it recedes from the front of the picture, or the bottom line; and by the same rule the others behind it will go on lessen- ing in an equal degree.* Chap. CXXI. — Of Objects that are lost to the Sight in Proportion to their Distance. The first things that disappear, by being re- moved to some distance, are the outlines or boundaries of objects. The second, as they re- move farther, are the shadows which divide con- tiguous bodies. The third are the thickness of legs and feet; and so in succession the small parts are lost to the sight, till nothing remains but a confused mass, without any distinct parts. * It is supposed that the figures are to appear of the natural size, and not bigger. In that case, the measure of the first, to be of the exact dimension, should have its feet resting upon the bottom line ; but as you remove it from that, it should diminish. No allusion is here intended to the distance at which a picture is to be placed from the eye. LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. 55 Chap. CXXII. — Errors not so easily seen in small Objects as in large ones. Supposing this small object to represent a man, or any other animal, although the parts, by being so much diminished or reduced, cannot be executed with the same exactness of proportion, nor finished with the same accuracy, as if on a larger scale, yet on that very account the faults will be less conspicuous. For example, if yon look at a man at the distance of two hundred yards, and with all due attention mean to form a judgment, whether he be handsome or ugly, de- formed or well made, you will find that, with all your endeavours, you can hardly venture to decide. The reason is, that the man diminishes so much by the distance, that it is impossible to distinguish the parts minutely. If you wish to know by demonstration the diminution of the above figure, hold your finger up before your eye at about nine inches distance, so that the top of your finger corresponds with the top of the head of the distant figure : you will perceive that your finger covers, not only its head, but part of its body ; which is an evident proof of the appa- rent diminution of that object. Hence it often happens, that we are doubtful, and can scarcely, at some distance, distinguish the form of even a friend. 56 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. Chap. CXXIII. — Historical Subjects one above another on the same Wall to be avoided. This custom, which has been generally adopted by painters, on the front and sides of chapels, is much to be condemned. They begin with an historical picture, its landscape and buildings, in one compartment. After which, they raise ano- ther compartment, and execute another history with other buildings upon another level; and from thence they proceed to a third and fourth, varying the point of sight, as if the beholder was going up steps, while, in fact, he must look at them all from below, which is very ill-judged in those matters. We know that the point of sight is the eye of the spectator ; and if you ask, how is a series of subjects, such as the life of a saint, to be repre- sented, in different compartments on the same wall ? I answer, that you are to place the prin- cipal event in the largest compartment, and make the point of sight as high as the eye of the spec- tator. Begin that subject with large figures ; and as you go up, lessen the objects, as well the figures, as buildings, varying the plans according to the effect of perspective; but never varying the point of sight : and so complete the series of subjects, till you come to a certain height, where terrestrial objects can be seen no more, except LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. 57 the tops of trees, or clouds and birds ; or if you introduce figures, they must be aerial, such as angels, or saints in glory, or the like, if they suit the purpose of your history. If not, do not undertake this kind of painting, for your work will be faulty, and justly reprehensible fi Chap. CXXIV. — Why Objects in Painting can never detach, as natural Objects do. Painters often despair of being able to imitate Nature, from observing, that their pictures have not the same relief, nor the same life, as natural objects have in a looking glass, though they both appear upon a plain surface. They say, they have colours which surpass in brightness the quality of the lights, and in darkness the quality of the shades of the objects seen in the looking-glass ; but attribute this circumstance to their own igno- rance, and not to the true cause, because they do not know it. It is impossible that objects in * The author does not mean here to say, that one historical picture cannot be hung over another. It certainly may, be- cause, in viewing each, the spectator is at liberty (especially if they are subjects independent of each other) to shift his place so as to stand at the true point of sight for viewing every one of them ; but in covering a wall with a succession of subjects from the same history, the author considers the whole as in fact but one picture, divided into compartments, and to be seen at one view, and which cannot therefore admit more than one point of sight. In the former case the pictures are, in fact, so many dis- tinct subjects unconnected with each other. D 5 58 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. painting should appear with the same relief as those in the looking-glass, unless we look at them with only one eye. The reason is this. The two eyes A B looking at objects one behind another, as M and N, see them both : because M cannot entirely occupy the space of N, by reason that the base of the visual rays is so broad, that the second object is seen behind the first. But if one eye be shut, and you look with the other S, the body F will entirely cover the body R, because the visual rays beginning at one point, form a triangle, of which the body F is the base, and being prolonged, they form two diverging tangents at the two extremi- ties of F, which cannot touch the body R behind it, therefore can never see it.* * See chap, cccxlviii. This chapter is obscure, and may probably be made clear by merely stating it in other words. Leonardo objects to the use of both eyes, because, in viewing in that manner the objects here mentioned, two balls, one behind the other, the second is seen, LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. 59 Chap. CXXV. — -How to give the proper Dimen- sion to Objects in Painting. In order to give the appearance of the natural size, if the piece be small (as miniatures), the which would not be the case, if the angle of the visual rays were not too big for the first object. Whoever is at all acquainted with optics, need not be told, that the visual rays commence in a single point in the centre, or nearly the centre of each eye, and continue diverging. But, in using both eyes, the visual rays proceed not from one and the same centre, but from a different centre in each eye, and intersecting each other, as they do a a little before passing the first object, they become together broader than the extent of the first object, and consequently give a view of part of the second. On the contrary, in using but one eye, the visual rays proceed but from one centre ; and as, there- fore, there cannot be any intersection, the visual rays, when they reach the first object, are not broader than the first object, and the second is completely hidden. Properly speaking, therefore, in using both eyes we introduce more than one point of sight, which renders the perspective false in the painting ; but in using one eye only, there can be, as there ought, but one point of sight. There is, however, this difference between viewing real objects and those represented in painting, that in looking at the former, whether we use one or both eyes, the objects, by being actually detached from the back ground, admit the visual rays to strike on them, so as to form a correct perspective, from whatever point they are viewed, and the eye accordingly forms a perspec- tive of its own ; but in viewing the latter, there is no possibility of varying the perspective ; and, unless the picture is seen pre- cisely under the same angle as it was painted under, the perspec- tive in all other views must be false. This is observable in the perspective views painted for scenes at the playhouse. If the beholder is seated in the central line of the house, whether in the boxes or pit, the perspective is correct ; but, in proportion as he is placed at a greater or less distance to the right or left of that line, the perspective appears to him more or less faulty. And hence arises the necessity of using but one eye in viewing a painting, in order thereby to reduce it to one point of sight. 60 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. figures on the fore-ground are to be finished with as much precision as those of any large painting, because being small they are to be brought up close to the eye. But large paintings are seen at some distance ; whence it happens, that though the figures in each are so different in size, in ap- pearance they will be the same. This proceeds from the eye receiving those objects under the same angle j and it is proved thus. Let the large £ D 1 Jbr G E C painting be B C, the eye A, and D E a pane of glass, through which are seen the figures situated at B C. I say that the eye being fixed, the figures in the copy of the paintings B Care to be smaller, in proportion as the glass D E is nearer the eye A, and are to be as precise and finished. But if you will execute the picture B C upon the glass D E, this ought to be less finished than the picture B C, and more so than the figure M N transferred upon the glass F G ; because, supposing the figure P O to be as much finished as the natural one in B C, the perspective of O P would be false, since, though in regard to the diminution of the figure LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. Gì it would be right, B C being diminished in P O, finishing would not agree with the distance, be- cause in giving it the perfection of the natural BC,BC would appear as near as O P ; but, if you search for the diminution of O P, O P will be found at the distance B C, and the dimi- nution of the finishing as at F G. Chap. CXXVI. — How to draw accurately any particular Spot. Take a glass as large as your paper, fasten it well between your eye and the object you mean to draw, and fixing your head in a frame (in such a manner as not to be able to move it) at the dis- tance of two feet from the glass ; shut one eye, and draw with a pencil accurately upon the glass all that you see through it. After that, trace upon paper what you have drawn on the glass, which tracing you may paint at pleasure, observ- ing the aerial perspective. Chap. CXXVII. — Disproportion to be avoided, even in the accessory Parts. A great fault is committed by many painters, which is highly to be blamed, that is, to represent the habitations of men, and other parts of their compositions, so low, that the doors do not reach as high as the knees of their inhabitants, though, according to their situation, they are nearer to the 62 LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. eye of the spectator, than the men who seem willing to enter them. I have seen some pictures with porticos, supported by columns loaded with figures ; one grasping a column against which it leans, as if it were a walking stick, and other simi- lar errors, which are to be avoided with the greatest care. 63 INVENTION, or COMPOSITION. Chap. CXXVIII. — Precept for avoiding a bad Choice in the Style or Proportion of Figures. The painter ought to form his style upon the most proportionate model in Nature; and after having measured that, he ought to measure him- self also, and be perfectly acquainted with his own defects or deficiencies ; and having acquired this knowledge, his constant care should be to avoid conveying into his work those defects which he has found in his own person ; for these defects, becoming habitual to his observation, mislead his judgment, and he perceives them no longer. We ought, therefore, to struggle against such a preju- dice, which grows up with us ; for the mind, be- ing fond of its own habitation, is apt to represent it to our imagination as beautiful. From the same motive it may be, that there is not a woman, however plain in her person, w T ho may not find her admirer, if she be not a monster. Against this bent of the mind you ought very cautiously to be on your guard. Chap. CXXIX. — Variety in Figures.. A painter ought to aim at universal excellence ; for he will be greatly wanting in dignity, if he do 64 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. one thing well and another badly, as many do, who study only the naked figure, measured and pro- portioned by a pair of compasses in their hands, and do not seek for variety. A man may be well proportioned, and yet be tall or short, large or lean, or of a middle size ; and whoever does not make great use of these varieties, which are all existing in Nature in its most perfect state, will produce figures as if cast in one and the same mould, which is highly reprehensible. Chap. CXXX. — How a Painter ought to proceed in his Studies. The painter ought always to form in his mind a kind of system of reasoning or discussion within himself on any remarkable object before him. He should stop, take notes, and form some rule tipon it ; considering the place, the circumstances, the lights and shadows. Chap. CXXXI. — Of sketching Histories and Figures. Sketches of historical subjects must be slight, attending only to the situation of the figures, with- out regard to the finishing of particular members, which may be done afterwards at leisure, when the mind is so disposed. Chap. CXXXII. — How to study Composition. The young student should begin by sketching slightly some single figure, and turn that on all sides, knowing already how to contract, and how to INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 65 extend the members ; after which, he may put two together in various attitudes, we will suppose in the act of fighting boldly. This composition also he must try on all sides, and in a variety of ways, tending to the same expression. Then he may imagine one of them very courageous, while the other is a coward. Let these attitudes, and many other accidental affections of the mind, be with great care studied, examined, and dwelt upon. Chap. CXXXIIL— Of the Attitudes of Men. The attitudes and all the members are to be disposed in such a manner, that by them the in- tentions of the mind may be easily discovered. Chap. CXXXIV. — Variety of Positions. The positions of the human figure are to be adapted to the age and rank ; and to be varied ac- cording to the difference of the sexes, men or women. Chap. CXXXV .—Of Studies from Nature for History. It is necessary to consider well the situation for which the history is to be painted, particularly the height ; and let the painter place accordingly the model from which he means to make his studies for that historical picture ; and set himself as much below the object, as the picture is to be above the eye of the spectator, otherwise the work will be faulty. 66 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. Chap. CXXXVI.— Of the Variety of Figures in History Painting. History painting must exhibit variety in its fullest extent. In temper, size, complexion, ac- tions, plumpness, leanness, thick, thin, large, small, rough, smooth, old age and youth, strong and muscular, weak, with little appearance of mus- cles, cheerfulness, and melancholy. Some should be with curled hair, and some with straight; some short, some long, some quick in their motions, and some slow, with a variety of dresses and co- lours, according as the subject may require. Chap. CXXXVII.— Of Variety in History. A painter should delight in introducing great variety into his compositions, avoiding repetition, that by this fertility of invention he may attract and charm the eye of the beholder. If it be requi- site, according to the subject meant to be repre- sented, that there should be a mixture of men dif- fering in their faces, ages, and dress, grouped with women, children, dogs, and horses, buildings, hills and flat country ; observe dignity and decorum in the principal figure ; such as a king, magistrate, or philosopher, separating them from the low classes of the people. Mix not afflicted or weep- ing figures with joyful and laughing ones ; for Nature dictates that the cheerful be attended by INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION, 67 others of the same disposition of mind. Laughter is productive of laughter, and vice versa. Chap. CXXXVIIL— Of the Age of Figures. Do not bring together a number of boys with as many old men, nor young men with infants, nor women with men ; if the subject you mean to re- present does not oblige you to it. Chap. CXXXIX.— Of Variety of Faces. The Italian painters have been accused of a common fault, that is, of introducing into their compositions the faces, and even the whole figures, of Roman emperors, which they take from the antique. To avoid such an error, let no repeti- tion take place, either in parts, or the whole of a figure ; nor let there be even the same face in another composition ; and the more the figures are contrasted, viz. the deformed opposed to the beautiful, the old to the young, the strong to the feeble, the more the picture will please and be admired. These different characters, contrasted with each other, will increase the beauty of the whole. It frequently happens that a painter, while he is composing, will use any little sketch or scrap of drawing he has by him, and endeavour to make it serve his purpose ; but this is extremely injudi- cious, because he may very often find that the 08 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. members he has drawn have not the motion suited to what he means to express ; and after he has adopted, accurately drawn, and even well finished them, he will be loth to rub out and change them for others. Chap. CXL. — A Fault in Painters. It is a very great fault in a painter to repeat the same motions in figures, and the same folds in draperies in the same composition, as also to make all the faces alike. Chap. CXLI. — How you may learn to compose Groups for History Painting. When you are well instructed in perspective, and know perfectly how to draw the anatomy and forms of different bodies or objects, it should be your delight to observe and consider in your walks the different actions of men, when they are talking, or quarrelling; when they laugh, and when they fight. Attend to their positions, and to those of the spectators; whether they are attempting to separate those who fight, or merely lookers-on. Be quick in sketching these with slight strokes in your pocket-book, which should always be about you, and made of stained paper, as you ought not to rub out. When it is full, take another, for these are not things to be rubbed out, but kept with the greatest care; because forms and mo- INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 69 tions of bodies are so infinitely various, that the memory is not able to retain them ; therefore preserve these sketches as your assistants and masters. Chap. CXLII. — How to study the Motions of the human Body, The first requisite towards a perfect acquaint- ance with the various motions of the human body, is the knowledge of all the parts, particularly the joints, in all the attitudes in which it may be placed. Then make slight sketches in your pocket- book as opportunities occur, of the actions of men, as they happen to meet your eye, without being perceived by them ; because, if they were to ob- serve you, they would be disturbed from that freedom of action, which is prompted by inward feeling; as when two men are quarrelling and angry, each of them seeming to be in the right, and with great vehemence move their eyebrows, arms, and all the other members, using motions appropriated to their words and feelings. This they could not do, if you wanted them to imitate anger, or any other accidental emotion ; such as laughter, weeping, pain, admiration, fear, and the like. For that reason, take care never to be with- out a little book, for the purpose of sketching those various motions, and also groups of people standing by. This will teach you how to compose 70 INVENTION^ OR COMPOSITION. history. Two things demand the principal atten- tion of a good painter. One is the exact outline and shape of the figure ; the other, the true ex- pression of what passes in the mind of that figure, which he must feel, and that is very important. Chap. CXLIII. — Of Dresses, and of Draperies and Folds. The draperies with which you dress figures ought to have their folds so accommodated as to surround the parts they are intended to cover; that in the mass of light there be not any dark fold; and in the mass of shadows none receiving too great a light. They must go gently over, describing the parts ; but not with lines across^ cutting the members with hard notches, deeper than the part can possibly be ; at the same time, it must fit the body, and not appear like an empty bundle of cloth ; a fault of many painters, who, enamoured of the quantity and variety of folds, have encumbered their figures, forgetting the in- tention of clothes, which is to dress and surround the parts gracefully wherever they touch; and not to be filled with wind, like bladders puffed up where the parts project. I do not deny that we ought not to neglect introducing some handsome folds among these draperies, but it must be done with great judgment, and suited to the parts, where, by the actions of the limbs and position of INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 7 1 the whole body, they gather together. Above all, be careful to vary the quality and quantity of your folds in compositions of many figures ; so that, if some have large folds, produced by thick woollen cloth, others, being dressed in thinner stuff, may have them narrower ; some sharp and straight, others soft and undulating. Chap. CXLIV.— Of the Nature of Folds in Draperies. Many painters prefer making the folds of their draperies with acute angles, deep and precise ; others with angles hardly perceptible ; and some with none at all; but instead of them, certain curved lines. Chap. CXLV. — How the Folds of Draperies ought to be represented, Plate XVIII. That part of the drapery, which is the farthest from the place where it is gathered, will appear more approaching its natural state. Every thing naturally inclines to preserve its primitive form. Therefore a stuff or cloth, which is of equal thickness on both sides, will always incline to remain flat. For that reason, when it is con- strained by some fold to relinquish its flat situ- ation, it is observed that, at the part of its greatest restraint, it is continually making efforts to re- turn to its natural shape ; and the parts most distant from it re-assume more of their primitive 72 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. state by ample and distended folds. For exam- ple, let A B C be the drapery mentioned above ; A B the place where it is folded or restrained. I have said that the part, which is farthest from the place of its restraint, would return more toward its primitive shape. Therefore C being the far- thest, will be broader and more extended than any other part. Chap. CXLVI. — How the Folds in Draperies ought to be made. Draperies are not to be encumbered with many folds : on the contrary, there ought to be some only where they are held up with the hands or arms of the figures, and the rest left to fall with natural simplicity. They ought to be studied from nature ; that is to say, if a woollen cloth be intended, the folds ought to be drawn after such cloth ; if it be of silk, or thin stuff, or else very thick for labourers, let it be distinguished by the nature of the folds. But never copy them, as some do, after models dressed in paper, or thin leather, for it greatly misleads. Chap. CXLVII. — Foreshortening of Folds, Plate XIX. Where the figure is fore-shortened, there ought to appear a greater number of folds, than on the other parts, all surrounding it in a circular man- INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 73 ner. Let E be the situation of the eye. M N will have the middle of every circular fold suc- cessively removed farther from its outline, in proportion as it is more distant from the eye. In M O of the other figure the outlines of these circular folds will appear almost straight, because it is situated opposite the eye ; but in P and (Ì quite the contrary, as in N and M. Chap. CXLVIII.— Of Folds. The folds of draperies, whatever be the motion of the figure, ought always to shew, by the form of their outlines, the attitude of such figure \ so as to leave, in the mind of the beholder, no doubt or confusion in regard to the true position of the body ; and let there be no fold, which, by its shadow, breaks through any of the members ; that is to say, appearing to go in deeper than the surface of the part it covers. And if you repre- sent the figure clothed with several garments, one over the other, let it not appear as if the upper one covered only a mere skeleton ; but let it ex- press that it is also well furnished with flesh, and a thickness of folds, suitable to the number of its under garments. The folds surrounding the members ought to diminish in thickness near the extremities of the part they surround. The length of the folds, which are close to the E 74 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. members, ought to produce other folds on that side where the member is diminished by fore- shortening, and be more extended on the opposite side. Chap. CXLIX.— Of Decorum. Observe decorum in every thing you represent, that is, fitness of action, dress, and situation, ac- cording to the dignity or meanness of the sub- ject to be represented. Be careful that a king, for instance, be grave and majestic in his coun- tenance and dress ; that the place be well deco- rated ; and that his attendants, or the by-standers, express reverence and admiration, and appear as noble, in dresses suitable to a royal court. On the contrary, in the representation of a mean subject, let the figures appear low and des- picable; those about them with similar counte- nances and actions, denoting base and presump- tuous minds, and meanly clad. In short, in both cases, the parts must correspond with the general sentiment of the composition. The motions of old age should not be similar to those of youth ; those of a woman to those of a man ; nor should the latter be the same as those of a boy. Chap. CL. — The Character of Figures in Composition. In general, the painter ought to introduce very INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. *J5 few old men, in the ordinary course of historical subjects, and those few separated from young people; because old people are few, and their habits do not agree with those of youth. Where there is no conformity of custom, there can be no intimacy, and, without it, a company is soon separated. But if the subject require an appear- ance of gravity, a meeting on important business, as a council, for instance, let there be few young men introduced, for youth willingly avoids such meetings. Chap. CIA.— The Motion of the Muscles, when the Figures are in natural Positions. A figure, which does not express by its position the sentiments and passions, by which we sup- pose it animated, will appear to indicate that its muscles are not obedient to its will, and the painter very deficient in judgment. For that rea- son, a figure is to shew great eagerness and mean- ing ; and its position is to be so well appropriated to that meaning, that it cannot be mistaken, nor made use of for any other. Chap. CLII. — A Precept in Painting. The painter ought to notice those quick mo- tions, which men are apt to make without think- ing, when impelled by strong and powerful affec- tions of the mind. He ought to take memoran- E 2 76 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION, dums of them, and sketch them in his pocket- book, in order to make use of them when they may answer his purpose ; and then to put a living model in the same position, to see the quality and aspect of the muscles which are in action. Chap. CLIIL— Of the Motion of Man, Plates XX. and XXL The first and principal part of the art is com- position of any sort, or putting things together. The second relates to the expression and motion of the figures, and requires that they be well appropriated, and seeming attentive to what they are about ; appearing to move with alacrity and spirit, according to the degree of expression suit- able to the occasion ; expressing slow and tardy motions, as well as those of eagerness in pursuit: and that quickness and ferocity be expressed with such force as to give an idea of the sensations of the actors. When a figure is to throw a dart, stones, or the like, let it be seen evidently by the attitude and disposition of all the members, that such is its intention; of which there are two two examples in the opposite plates, varied both in action and power. The first in point of vigour is A. The second is B. But A will throw his weapon farther than B, because, though they seem desirous of throwing it to the same point, A having turned his feet towards the object, while INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 77 his body is twisted and bent back the contrary way, to increase his power, returns with more velocity and force to the point to which he means to throw. But the figure B having turned his feet the same way as his body, it returns to its place with great inconvenience, and consequently with weakened powers. For in the expression of great efforts, the preparatory motions of the body must be strong and violent, twisting and bending, so that it may return with convenient ease, and by that means have a great effect. In the same manner, if a cross-bow be not strung with force, the motion of whatever it shoots will be short and without effect; because, where there is no impulse, there can be no motion ; and* if the impulse be not violent, the motion is but tardy and feeble. So a bow which is not strung has no motion ; and if it be strung, it will remain in that state till the impulse be given by ano- ther power which puts it in motion, and it will shoot with a violence equal to that which was employed in bending it. In the same manner, the man who does not twist and bend his body will have acquired no power. Therefore, after A has thrown his dart, he will find himself twisted the contrary way, viz. on the side where he has thrown; and he will have acquired only power sufficient to serve him to return to where he was at first. 78 INVENTION^ OR COMPOSITION. Chap. CLIV.— Of Attitudes and the Motions of the Members. The same attitude is not to be repeated in the same picture, nor the same motion of members in the same figure, nay, not even in the hands or fin- gers. And if the history requires a great number of figures, such as a battle, or a massacre of soldiers, in which there are but three ways of striking, viz. thrusting, cutting, or back-handed ; in that case you must take care, that all those who are cutting be expressed in different views ; some turning their backs, some their sides, and others be seen in front ; varying in the same manner the three different ways of fighting, so that all the actions may have a relation to those three principles. In battles, complex motions display great art, giving spirit and animation to the whole. By complex motion is meant, for instance, that of a single figure shewing the front of the legs, and the same time the profile of the shoulder. But of this I shall treat in another place.* Chap. CLV. — Of a single Figure separate from an historical Group. The same motion of members should not be re- Chap, xcvi. and civ. INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 7^ peated in a figure which you mean to be alone ; for instance, if the figure be represented running it must not throw both hands forward ; but one for- ward and the other backward, or else it cannot run. If the right foot come forward, the right arm must go backward and the left forward, because, without such disposition and contrast of parts, it is impossible to run well. If another figure be supposed to follow this, one of its legs should be brought somewhat forward, and the other be perpendicular under the head ; the arm on the same side should pass forward. But of this we shall treat more fully in the book on motion. * Chap. CLVI. — On the Attitudes of the human Figure. A painter is to be attentive to the motions and actions of men, occasioned by some sudden accident. He must observe them on the spot, take sketches, and not wait till he wants such ex- pression, and then have it counterfeited for him ; for instance, setting a model to weep when there is no cause ; such an expression without a cause will be neither quick nor natural. But it will be of great use to have observed every action from nature, as it * See the Life of the Author chap. xx. and ci. of the present work. 80 INVENTION OR COMPOSITION. occurs, and then to have a model set in the same attitude to help the recollection, and find out something to the purpose, according to the subject in hand. Chap. CLVIL — How to represent a Storm. To form a just idea of a storm, you must con- sider it attentively in its effects. When the wind blows violently over the sea or land, it removes and carries off with it everything that is not firmly fixed to the general mass. The clouds must appear straggling and broken, carried according to the direction and the force of the wind, and blended with clouds of dust raised from the sandy shore. Branches and leaves of trees must be represented as carried along by the violence of the storm, and together with numberless other light substances, scattered in the air. Trees and grass must be bent to the ground, as if yielding to the course of the wind. Boughs must be twisted out of their natural form, with their leaves reversed and entangled. Of the figures dispersed in the pic- ture, some should appear thrown on the ground, so wrapped up in their cloaks and covered with dust, as to be scarcely distinguishable. Of those who remain on their feet, some should be sheltered by and holding fast behind some great trees, to avoid the same fate: others bending to the ground, their hands over their faces to ward off the dust ; INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 81 their hair and their clothes flying straight up at the mercy of the wind. The high tremendous waves of the stormy sea will be covered with foaming froth ; the most sub- tle parts of which, being raised by the wind, like a thick mist, mix with the air. What vessels are seen should appear with broken cordage, and torn sails, fluttering in the wind; some w T ith broken masts fallen across the hulk, already on its side amidst the tempestuous waves. Some of the crew should be represented as if crying aloud for help, and clinging to the remains of the shattered vessel. Let the clouds appear as driven by tempestuous winds against the summits of lofty mountains, enveloping those mountains, and breaking and recoiling with redoubled force, like waves against a rocky shore. The air should be rendered awfully dark, by the mist, dust, and thick clouds. Chap. CLVIU.—How to compose a battle. First, let the air exhibit a confused mixture of smoke, arising from the discharge of artillery and musquetry, and the dust raised by the horses of the combatants ; and observe, that dust being of an earthy nature, is heavy ; but yet, by reason of its minute particles, it is easily impelled upwards, and mixes with the air ; nevertheless, it naturally falls downwards again, the most subtle parts of it alone gaining any considerable degree of elevation* e 5 82 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION- and at its utmost height it is so thin and transpa- rent, as to appear nearly of the colour of the air. The smoke, thus mixing with the dusty air, forms a kind of dark cloud, at the top of which it is distin- guished from the dust by a blueish cast, the dust retaining more of its natural colour. On that part from which the light proceeds, this mixture of air, smoke, and dust, will appear much brighter than on the opposite side. The more the combatants are involved in this turbulent mist, the less dis- tinctly they will be seen, and the more confused will they be in their lights and shades. Let the faces of the musketeers, their bodies, and every object near them, be tinged with a reddish hue, even the air or cloud of dust ; in short, all that surrounds them. This red tinge you will diminish, in proportion to their distance from the primary cause. The group of figures, which appear at a distance between the spectator and the light, will form a dark mass upon a light ground ; and their legs will be more undetermined and lost as they approach nearer to the ground ; because there the dust is heavier and thicker. If you mean to represent some straggling horses running out of the main body, introduce also some small clouds of dust, as far distant from each other as the leap of the horse, and these little clouds will become fainter, more scanty, and dif_ fused, in proportion to their distance from the INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 83 horse. That nearest to his feet will consequently be the most determined, smallest, and the thick- est of all. Let the air be full of arrows, in all directions ; some ascending, some falling down, and some darting straight forwards. The bullets of the mus- ketry, though not seen, will be marked in their course by a train of smoke, which breaks through the general confusion. The figures in the fore- ground should have their hair covered with dust, as also their eyebrows, and all parts liable to re- ceive it. The victorious party will be running for- wards, their hair and other light parts flying in the wind, their eyebrows lowered, and the motion of every member properly contrasted; for in- stance, in moving the right foot forwards, the left arm must be brought forward also. If you make any of them fallen down, mark the trace of his fall on the slippery, gore-stained dust ; and where the ground is less impregnated with blood, let the print of men's feet and of horses, that have passed that way, be marked. Let there be some horses dragging the bodies of their riders, and leaving behind them a furrow, made by the body thus trailed along. The countenances of the vanquisned will appear pale and dejected. Their eyebrows raised, and much wrinkled about the forehead and cheeks. 34 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. The tip of their noses somewhat divided from the nostrils by arched wrinkles terminating at the corner of the eyes, those wrinkles being occasi- oned by the opening and raising of the nostrils ; the upper lips turned up, discovering the teeth. Their mouths wide open, and expressive of violent lamentation. One may be seen fallen wounded on the ground, endeavouring with one hand to support his body, and covering his eyes with the other, the palm of which is turned towards the enemy. Others running away, and with open mouths seeming to cry aloud. Between the legs of the combatants let the ground be strewed with all sorts of arms ; as broken shields, spears, swords, and the like. Many dead bodies should be introduced, some entirely covered with dust, others in part only; let the blood, which seems to issue immediately from the wound, appear of its natural colour, and running in a winding course, till, mixing with the dust, it forms a red- dish kind of mud. Some should be in the ago- nies of death ; their teeth shut, their eyes wildly staring, their fists clenched, and their legs in a distorted position. Some may appear disarmed, and beaten down by the enemy, still fighting with their fists and teeth, and endeavouring to take a passionate, though unavailing revenge. There may be also a straggling horse without a rider, tunning in wild disorder ; his mane flying in the INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 85 wind, beating down with his feet all before him and doing a deal of damage, A wounded soldier may also be seen falling to the ground, and at- tempting to cover himself with his shield, while an enemy bending over him endeavours to give him the finishing stroke. Several dead bodies should be heaped together under a dead horse Some of the conquerers, as having ceased fighting^ may be wiping their faces from the dirt, collected on them by the mixture of dust with the water from their eyes. The corps de reserve will be seen advancing gaily, but cautiously, their eyebrows directed for- wards, shading their eyes with their hands to ob- serve the motions of the enemy, amidst clouds of dust and smoKe, and seeming attentive to the orders of their chief. You may also make their commander holding up his staff, pushing forwards and pointing towards the place where they are wanted. A river may likewise be introduced, with horses fording it, dashing the water about between their legs, and in the air, covering all the adjacent ground with water and foam. Not a spot is to be left without some marks of blood and carnage. Chap. CLIX. — The Representation of an Orator and his Audience. If you have to represent a man who is speaking to a large assembly of people, you are to consider 86 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. the subject matter of his discourse, and to adapt his attitude to such subject. If he means to per- suade, let it be known by his gesture. If he is giving an explanation, deduced from several rea- sons, let him put two fingers of the right hand within one of the left, having the other two bent close, his face turned towards the audience, with the mouth half open, seeming to speak. If he is sitting, let him appear as going to raise himself up a little, and his head be forward. But if he is represented standing, let him bend his chest and his head forward towards the people. The auditory are to appear silent and attentive, with their eyes upon the speaker, in the act of admiration. There should be some old men, with their mouths close shut, in token of approbation, and their lips pressed together, so as to form wrin- kles at the corners of the mouth, and about the cheeks, and forming others about the forehead, by raising the eyebrows, as if struck with astonish- ment. Some others of those sitting by, should be seated with their hands within each other, round one of their knees ; some with one knee upon the other, and upon that, one hand receiving the elbow, the other supporting the chin, covered with a ve- nerable beard. Chap. CLX. — Of demonstrative Gestures. The action by which a figure points at any thing INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 87 near, either in regard to time or situation, is to be expressed by the hand very little removed from the body. But if the same thing is far distant, the hand must also be far removed from the body, and the face of the figure pointing, must be turned to- wards those to whom he is pointing it out. Chap. CLXI.— Of the Attitudes of the By- standers at some remarkable Event. All those who are present at some event deserv- ing notice, express their admiration, but in various manners. As when the hand of justice punishes some malefactor. If the subject be an act of de- votion, the eyes of all present should be directed towards the object of their adoration, aided by a variety of pious actions with the other members ; as at the elevation of the host at mass, and other similar ceremonies. If it be a laughable subject, or one exciting compassion and moving to tears, in those cases it will not be necessary for all to have their eyes turned towards the object, but they will express their feelings by different ac- tions ; and let there be several assembled in groups, to rejoice or lament together. If the event be ter- rific, let the faces of those who run away from the sight, be strongly expressive of fright, with vari- ous motions ; as shall be described in the tract on Motion. 88 INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. Chap. CLXII. — How to represent Night. Those objects which are entirely deprived of light, are lost to the sight, as in the night ; there- fore if you mean to paint a history under those circumstances, you must suppose a large fire, and those objects that are near it to be tinged with its colour, and the nearer they are the more they will partake of it. The fire being red, all those objects which receive light from it will appear of a reddish colour, and those that are most distant from it will partake of the darkness that surrounds them. The figures which are represented before the fire will appear dark in proportion to the brightness of the fire, because those parts of them which we see, are tinged by that darkness of the night, and not by the light of the fire, which they intercept. Those that are on either side of the fire, will be half in the shade of night, and half in the red light. Those seen beyond the extent of the flames, will be all of a reddish light upon a black ground. In regard to their attitudes, let those who are nearest the fire, make screens of their hands and cloaks, against the scorching heat, with their faces turned on the contrary side, as if ready to run away from it. The most remote will only be shading their eyes with their hands, as if hurt by the too great glare. INVENTION, OR COMPOSITION. 89 Chap. CLXIII. — The Method of awakening the Mind to a Variety of Inventions. I will not omit to introduce among these pre- cepts a new kind of speculative invention, which though apparently trifling, and almost laughable, is nevertheless of great utility in assisting the ge- nius to find variety for composition. By looking attentively at old and smeared walls, or stones and veined marble of various colours, you may fancy that you see in them several com- positions, landscapes, battles, figures in quick mo- tion, strange countenances, and dresses, with an infinity of other objects. By these confused lines the inventive genius is excited to new exertions. Chap. CLXIV. — Of Composition in History. When the painter has only a single figure to re- present, he must avoid any shortening whatever, as well of any particular member, as of the whole figure, because he would have to contend with the prejudices of those who have no knowledge in that branch of the art. But in subjects of history, com- posed of many figures, shortenings may be intro- duced with great propriety, nay, they are indis- pensable, and ought to be used without reserve, as the subject may require ; particularly in battles, where of course many shortenings and contortions of figures happen, amongst such an enraged mul- 90 EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. titude of actors, possessed, as it were, of a brutal madness. EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. Chap. CLXV. — Of expressive Motions. Let your figures have actions appropriated to what they are intended to think or say, and these will be well learnt by imitating the deaf, who by the motion of their hands, eyes, eyebrows, and the whole body, endeavour to express the sentiments of their mind. Do not ridicule the thought of a master without a tongue teaching you an art he does not understand \ he will do it better by his expressive motions, than all the rest by their words and examples. Let then the painter, of whatever school, attend well to this maxim, and apply it to the different qualities of the figures he represents, and to the nature of the subject in which they are actors. Chap. CLXVI. — How to paint Children. Children are to be represented with quick and contorted motions, when they are sitting; but when standing, with fearful and timid motions. EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. 91 Chap. CLXVII. — How to represent old Men. Old men must have slow and heavy motions ; their legs and knees must be bent when they are standing, and their feet placed parallel and wide asunder. Let them be bowed downwards, the head leaning much forward, and their arms very little extended. Chap. CLXVIII. — How to paint old Women. Old women, on the contrary, are to be repre- sented bold and quick, with passionate motions, like furies*. But the motions are to appear a great deal quicker in their arms than in their legs. Chap. CLXIX. — How to paint Women. Women are to be represented in modest and reserved attitudes, with their knees rather close, their arms drawing near each other, or folded about the body; their heads looking downwards, and leaning a little on one side. Chap. CLXX— 0/ the Variety of Faces. The countenances of your figures should be ex- * The author here speaks of unpolished nature ; and indeed it is from such subjects only, that the genuine and characteristic operations of nature are to be learnt. It is the effect of educa- tion to correct the natural peculiarities and defects, and, by so doing, to assimilate one person to the rest of the world. 92 EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. pressive of their different situations : men at work, at rest, weeping, laughing, crying out, in fear, or joy> and the like. The attitudes also, and all the members, ought to correspond with the sentiment expressed in the faces. Chap. CLXXL— The Parts of the Face and their Motions. The motions of the different parts of the face, occasioned by sudden agitations of the mind, are many. The principal of these are Laughter, Weep- ing, Calling out, Singing, either in a high or low pitch, Admiration, Anger, Joy, Sadness, Fear, Pain, and others, of which I propose to treat. First, of Laughing and Weeping, which are very similar in the motion of the mouth, the cheeks, the shutting of the eyebrows, and the space be- tween them ; as we shall explain in its place, in treating of the changes which happen in the face, hands, fingers, and all the other parts of the body, as they are affected by the different emotions of the soul ; the knowledge of which is absolutely neces- sary to a painter, or else his figures may be said to be twice dead. But it is very necessary also that he be careful not to fall into the contrary ex- treme ; giving extraordinary motions to his figures, so that in a quiet and peaceable subject, he does not seem to represent a battle, or the revellings of drunken men : but, above all, the actors in any EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. 93 point of history must be attentive to what they are about, or to what is going forward ; with ac- tions that denote admiration, respect, pain, suspi- cion, fear, and joy, according as the occasion, for which they are brought together, may require. Endeavour that different points of history be not placed one above the other on the same canvass, nor walls with different horizons*, as if it were a jeweller's shop, shewing the goods in different square caskets. Chap. CLXXII. — Laughing and Weeping. Between the expression of laughter and that of weeping there is no difference in the motion of the features, either in the eyes, mouth, or cheeks ; only in the ruffling of the brows, which is added when weeping, but more elevated and extended in laughing. One may represent the figure weep- ing as tearing his clothes, or some other expres- sion, as various as the cause of his feeling may be 3 because some weep for anger, some through fear, others for tenderness and joy, or for suspi- cion ; some for real pain and torment ; whilst others weep through compassion, or regret at the loss of some friend and near relation. These different feelings will be expressed by some with marks of despair, by others with moderation; some only shed tears, others cry aloud, while an- See chap, cxxiii. 94 EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. other has his face turned towards Heaven, with his hand depressed, and his fingers twisted. Some again will be full of apprehension, with their shoulders raised up to their ears, and so on, ac- cording to the above causes. Those who weep, raise the brows, and bring them close together above the nose, forming many wrinkles on the forehead, and the corners of the mouth are turned downwards. Those who laugh have them turned upwards, and the brows open and extended. Chap. CLXXIIL— Of Anger. If you represent a man in a violent fit of anger, make him seize another by the hair, holding his head writhed down against the ground, with his knee fixed upon the ribs of his antagonist ; his right arm up, and his fist ready to strike ; his hair standing on end, his eyebrows low and straight; his teeth close, and seen at the corner of the mouth; his neck swelled, and his body covered in the abdomen with creases, occasioned by his bending over his enemy, and the excess of his passion. Chap. CLXXIV,— Despair. The last act of despondency is, when a man is in the act of putting a period to his own exist- ence. He should be represented with a knife in one hand, with which he has already inflicted the EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER. 95 wound, and tearing it open with the other. His garments and hair should be already torn. He will be standing with his feet asunder, his knees a little bent, and his body leaning forward, as if ready to fall to the ground. 96 LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CLXXV.— The Course of Study to be pursued. The student who is desirous of making great proficiency in the art of imitating the works of Nature, should not only learn the shape of figures or other objects, and be able to delineate them with truth and precision, but he must also accompany them with their proper lights and shadows, accord- ing to the situation in which those objects appear. Chap. CLXXVI. — Which of the tivo is the most useful Knowledge, the Outlines of Figures, or that of Light and Shadow. The knowledge of the outline is of most con- sequence, and yet may be acquired to great cer- tainty by dint of study; as the outlines of the different parts of the human figure, particularly those which do not bend, are invariably the same. But the knowledge of the situation, quality, and quantity of shadows, being infinite, requires the most extensive study. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 97 Chap. CLXXVII. — Wliich is the most important, the Shadows or Outlines in Painting. It requires much more observation and study to arrive at perfection in the shadowing of a pic- ture, than in merely drawing the lines of it. The proof of this is, that the lines may be traced upon a veil or a flat glass placed between the eye and the object to be imitated. But that cannot be of any use in shadowing, on account of the infinite gra- dation of shades, and the blending of them, which does not allow of any precise termination ; and most frequently they are confused, as will be de- monstrated in another place.* Chap. CLXXVIII. — What is a Painter's first Aim and Object. The first object of a painter is to make a sim- ple flat surface appear like a relievo, and some of its parts detached from the ground ; he who excels all others in that part of the art, deserves the greatest praise. This perfection of the art depends on the correct distribution of lights and shades, called Chiaroscuro. If the painter then avoids shadows, he may be said to avoid the glory of the art, and to render his work despicable to real connoisseurs, for the sake of acquiring the esteem of vulgar and ignorant admirers of fine colours, who never have any knowledge of relievo. * See chap, cclxiv. F 98 LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CLXXIX.— The Difference of Superficies, in regard to Painting. Solid bodies are of two sorts : the one has the surface curvilinear, oval, or spherical ; the other has several surfaces, or sides producing angles, either regular or irregular. Spherical, or oval bodies, will always appear detached from their ground, though they are exactly of the same colour. Bodies also of different sides and angles will always detach, because they are always disposed so as to produce shades on some of their sides, which cannot happen to a plain superficies.* Chap. CLXXX. — How a Painter may become universal. The painter who wishes to be universal, and please a variety of judges, must unite in the same composition, objects susceptible of great force in the shadows, and great sweetness in the manage- ment of them ; accounting, however, in every in- stance, for such boldness and softenings. Chap. CLXXXI. — Accuracy ought to be learnt before Dispatch in the Execution. If you wish to make good and useful studies, use great deliberation in your drawings, observe > * See chapter cclxvii. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 99 well among the lights, which, and how many, hold the first rank in point of brightness; and so among the shadows, which are darker than others, and in what manner they blend together ; com- pare the quality and quantity of one with the other, and observe to what part they are directed. Be careful also in your outlines, or divisions of the members. Remark well what quantity of parts are to be on one side, and what on the other ; and where they are more or less apparent, or broad, or slender. Lastly, take care that the shadows and lights be united, or lost in each other ; with- out any hard strokes or lines ; as smoke loses itself in the air, so are your lights and shadows to pass from the one to the other, without any appa- rent separation. When you have acquired the habit, and formed your hand to accuraey, quickness of execution will come of itself.* Chap. CLXXXII. — How the Painter is to pluce himself in regard to the Light, and his Model. Let A B be the window, M the centre of it, C the model. The best situation for the painter will be a little sideways, between the window and his model, as D, so that he may see his object partly in the light and partly in the shadow. * Sir Joshua Reynolds frequently inculcated these precepts m his lectures, and indeed they eannot be too often enforced. F 2 100 LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CLXXXIIL— Of the best Light. The light from on high, and not too powerful, will be found the best calculated to shew the parts to advantage. Chap. CLXXXIV.— Of Drawing by Candle- light. To this artificial light apply a paper blind, and you will see the shadows undetermined and soft. Chap. CLXXXV. — Of those Painters ivho draw at Home from one Light, and afterivards adapt their studies to another Situation in the Country, and a different Light. It is a great error in some painters who draw a figure from nature at home, by any particular light, and afterwards make use of that drawing in a picture representing an open country, which receives the general light of the sky, where the surrounding air gives light on all sides. This LIGHT AND SHADOW, 101 painter would put dark shadows, where Nature would either produce none, or, if any, so very faint as to be almost imperceptible ; and he would throw reflected lights where it is impossible there should be any. Chap. CLXXXVI. — How high the Light should be in drawing from Nature. To paint well from Nature, your window should be to the North, that the lights may not vary. If it be to the South, you must have paper blinds, that the sun, in going round, may not alter the shadows. The situation of the light should be such as to produce upon the ground a shadow from your model as long as that is high. Chap. CLXXXVII. — What Light the Painter must make Use of to give most Relief to his Figures. The figures which receive a particular light show more relief than those which receive an universal one ; because the particular light occasions some reflexes, which proceed from the light of one ob- ject upon the shadows of another, and help to detach it from the dark ground. But a figure placed in front of a dark and large space, and re- ceiving a particular light, can receive no reflexion from any other objects, and nothing is seen of the figure but what the light strikes on, the rest being 102 LIGHT AND SHADOW. "blended and lost in the darkness of the back ground. This is to be applied only to the imita- tion of night subjects with very little light. Chap. CLXXXVIII. — Advice to Painters, Be very careful, in painting, to observe, that be- tween the shadows there are other shadows, almost imperceptible, both for darkness and shape ; and this is proved by the third proposition,* which says, that the surfaces of globular or convex bodies have as great a variety of lights and shadows as the bodies that surround them have. Chap. CLXXXIX.— Of Shadows. Those shadows which in Nature are undeter- mined, and the extremities of which can hardly be perceived, are to be copied in your painting in the same manner, never to be precisely finished, but left confused and blended. This apparent neglect will show great judgment, and be the ingenious result of your observation of Nature. Chap. CXC. — Of the Kind of Light proper for drawing from Relievos, or from Nature. Lights separated from the shadows with too much precision, have a very bad effect. In order, * Probably this would have formed a part of his intended Trea- tise on Light and Shadow, but no such proposition occurs in the present work. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 103 therefore, to avoid this inconvenience, if the object be in the open country, you need not let your figures be illumined by the sun ; but may suppose some transparent clouds interposed, so that the sun not being visible, the termination of the sha- dows will be also imperceptible and soft. Chap. CXCI. — Whether the Light should be ad- mitted in Front or sideways ; and which is most pleasing and graceful. The light admitted in front of heads situated opposite to side walls that are dark, will cause them to have great relievo, particularly if the light be placed high ; and the reason is, that the most pro- minent parts of those faces are illumined by the general light striking them in front, which light produces very faint shadows on the part where it strikes ; but as it turns towards the sides, it begins to participate of the dark shadows of the room, which grow darker in proportion as it sinks into them. Besides, when the light comes from on high, it does not strike on every part of the face alike, but one part produces great shadows upon another 3 as the eyebrows, which deprive the whole- sockets of the eyes of light. The nose keeps it off from great part of the mouth, and the chin from the neck, and such other parts. This, by concen- trating the light upon the most projecting parts, produces a very great relief. 104 LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CXCIL— Of the Difference of Lights according to the Situation. A small light will cast large and determined shadows upon the surrounding bodies. A large light, on the contrary, will cast small shadows on them, and they will be much confused in their ter- mination. When a small but strong light is sur- rounded by a broad but weaker light, the latter will appear like a demi-tint to the other, as the sky round the sun. And the bodies which receive the light from the one, will serve as demi-tints to those which receive the light from the other. Chap. CXCIII. — How to distribute the Light on Figures. The lights are to be distributed according to the natural situation you mean your figures should occupy. If you suppose them in sunshine, the shades must be dark, the lights broad and ex- tended, and the shadows of all the surrounding objects distinctly marked upon the ground. If seen in a gloomy day, there will be very little dif- ference between the lights and shades, and no shadows at the feet. If the figures be represented within doors, the lights and shadows will again be distinctly divided, and produce shadows on the ground. But if you suppose a paper blind at the window, and the walls painted white, the effect LIGHT AND SHADOW. 105 will be the same as in a gloomy day, when the lights and shadows have little difference. If the figures are enlightened by the fire, the lights must be red and powerful, the shadows dark, and the shadows upon the ground and upon the walls must be precise ; observing that they spread wider as they go off from the body. If the figures be en- lightened, partly by the sky and partly by the fire, that side which receives the light from the sky will be the brightest, and on the other side it will be reddish, somewhat of the colour of the fire. Above all, contrive that your figures receive a broad light, and that from above ; particularly in portraits, because the people we see in the street receive all the light from above ; and it is curious to observe, that there is not a face ever so well known amongst your acquaintance, but would be recognised with difficulty, if it were enlightened from beneath. Chap. CXCIV.— Of the Beauty of Faces. You must not mark any muscles with hardness of line, but let the soft light glide upon them, and terminate imperceptibly in delightful shadows : from this will arise grace and beauty to the face. Chap. CXCV. — How, in drawing a Face, to give it Grace, by the Management of Light and Shade. A face placed in the dark part of a room, ac- f 5 106 LIGHT AND SHADOW. quires great additional grace by means of light and shadow. The shadowed part of the face blends with the darkness of the ground, and the light part receives an increase of brightness from the open air, the shadows on this side becoming almost in- sensible; and from this augmentation of light and shadow, the face has much relief, and acquires great beauty. Chap. CXCVI. — How to give Grace and Relief to Faces. In streets running towards the west, when the sun is in the meridian, and the walls on each side so high that they cast no reflexions on that side of the bodies which is in shade, and the sky is not too bright, we find the most advantageous situa- tion for giving relief and grace to figures, particu- larly to faces; because both sides of the face will participate of the shadows of the walls. The sides of the nose and the face towards the west, will be light, and the man whom we supposed placed at the entrance, and in the middle of the street, will see all the parts of that face, which are before him, perfectly illumined, while both sides of it, towards the walls, will be in shadow. What gives addi- tional grace is, that these shades do not appear cutting, hard, or dry, but softly blended and lost in each other. The reason of it is, that the light which is spread all over in the air, strikes also the LIGHT AND SHADOW. 107 pavement of the street, and reflecting upon the shady part of the face, it tinges that slightly with the same hue : while the great light which comes from above being confined by the tops of houses, strikes on the face with different points, almost to the very beginning of the shadows under the pro- jecting parts of the face. It diminishes by de- grees the strength of them, increasing the light till it comes upon the chin, where it terminates, and loses itself, blending softly into the shades on all sides. For instance, if such light were A E, the line F E would give light even to the bottom of the nose. The line C F will give light only to the under lip; but the line A H would extend the shadow to all the under parts of the face, and under the chin. In this situation the nose receives a very strong light from all the points A B C D E. 108 LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CXCVII. — Of the Termination of Bodies upon each other. When a body, of a cylindrical or convex sur- face, terminates upon another body of the same colour, it will appear darker on the edge, than the body upon which it terminates. And any flat body, adjacent to a white surface, will appear very dark; but upon a dark ground it will appear lighter than any other part, though the lights be equal. Chap. CXCVf II. — Of the Back-grounds of painted Objects. The ground which surrounds the figures in any painting, ought to be darker than the light part of those figures, and lighter than the shadowed part. Chap. CXCIX. — How to detach and bring forward Figures out of their Back-ground. If your figure be dark, £>lace it on alight ground; if it be light, upon a dark ground; and if it be partly light and partly dark, as is generally the case, contrive that the dark part of the figure be upon the light part of the ground, and the light side of it against the dark.* Chap. CC. — Of proper Back-grounds. It is of the greatest importance to consider well * See chapters cc. and ccxix. LIGHT AND SHADOW. W9 the nature of back-grounds, upon which any opake body is to be placed. In order to detach it pro- perly, you should place the light part of such opake body against the dark part of the back-ground, and the dark parts on a light ground;* as in the cut.f Chap. CCI. — Of the general Light diffused over Figures. In compositions of many figures and animals, observe, that the parts of these different objects ought to be darker in proportion as they are lower, * See chap. ccix. f This cannot be taken as an absolute rule ; it must be left in a great measure to the judgment of the painter. For much grace- ful softness and grandeur is acquired, sometimes, by blending the lights of the figures with the light part of the ground ; and so of the shadows ; as Leonardo himself has observed in chapters cxciv. cxcv. and Sir Joshua Reynolds has often put in practice with success. 110 LIGHT AND SHADOW. and as they are nearer the middle of the groups, though they are all of an uniform colour. This is necessary, because a smaller proportion of the sky (from which all bodies are illuminated) can give light to the lower spaces between these different figures, than to the upper parts of the spaces. It is proved thus : A B C D is that portion of the sky which gives light to all the objects beneath ; M and N are the bodies which occupy the space STRH, in which it is evidently perceived, that the point F, receiving the light only from the portion of the sky C D, has a smaller quantity of it than the point E which receives it from the whole space A B (a larger portion than C D) ; therefore it will be lighter in E than in F. "SR. a/ T| \ E M B K LIGHT AND SHADOW. Ill Chap. CCII. — Of those Parts in Shadows which appear the darkest at a Distance. The neck, or any other part which is raised straight upwards, and has a projection over it, will be darker than the perpendicular front of that projection ; and this projecting part will be lighter, in proportion as it presents a larger sur- face to the light. For instance, the recess A receives no light from any part of the sky G K, but B begins to receive the light from the part of the sky H K, and C from G K ; and the point D receives the whole of F K. Therefore the chest will be as light as the 112 LIGHT AND SHADOW. forehead, nose, and chin. But what I have par- ticularly to recommend^, in regard to faces, is, that you observe well those different qualities of shades which are lost at different distances (while there remain only the first and principal spots or strokes of shades, such as those of the sockets of the eyes, and other similar recesses, which are always dark), and at last the whole face becomes ob- scured; because the greatest lights (being small in proportion to the demi-tints) are lost. The quality, therefore, and quantity of the principal lights and shades are by means of great distance blended together into a general half-tint ; and this is the reason why trees and other objects are found to be in appearance darker at some dis- tance than they are in reality, when nearer to the eye. But then the air, which interposes between the objects and the eye, will render them light again by tinging them with azure, rather in the shades than in the lights ; for the lights will pre- serve the truth of the different colours much longer. Chap. CCIII. — Of the Eye viewing the Folds of Draperies surrounding a Figure. The shadows between the folds of a drapery surrounding the parts of the human body will be darker as the deep hollows where the shadows are generated are more directly opposite the eye. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 113 This is to be observed only when the eye is placed between the light and the shady part of the figure. Chap. CCIV.— Of the Relief of Figures remote from the Eye. Any opake body appears less relieved in pro- portion as it is farther distant from the eye ; be- cause the air, interposed between the eye and such body, being lighter than the shadow of it, it tarnishes and weakens that shadow, lessens its power, and consequently lessens also its relief. Chap. CCV. — Of Outlines of Objects on the Side towards the Light. The extremities of any object on the side which receives the light, will appear darker if upon a lighter ground, and lighter if seen upon a darker ground. But if such body be flat, and seen upon a ground equal in point of light with itself, and of the same colour, such boundaries, or outlines, will be entirely lost to the sight.* Chap. CCVI. — How to make Objects detach from their Ground, that is to say, from the Surface on which they are painted. Objects contrasted with a light ground will appear much more detached than those which are * See chap, cclxv. 114 CONTRASTE AND EFFECT. placed against a dark one. The reason is, that if you wish to give relief to your figures, you will make those parts which are the farthest from the light, participate the least of it ; therefore they will remain the darkest, and every distinction of outline would be lost in the general mass of sha- dows. But to give it grace, roundness, and effect, those dark shades are always attended by re- flexes, or else they would either cut too hard upon the ground^ or stick to it, by the similarity of shade, and relieve the less as the ground is dark- er ; for at some distance nothing would be seen but the light parts, therefore your figures would appear mutilated of all that remains lost in the back-ground. CONTRASTE AND EFFECT. Chap. CCVII — A Precept. Figures will have more grace, placed in the open and general light, than in any particular or small one; because the powerful and extended light will surround and embrace the objects : and works done in that kind of light appear pleasant CONTRASTE AND EFFECT. 115 and graceful when placed at a distance*, while those which are drawn in a narrow light will re- ceive great force of shadoAV, but will never appear at a great distance, but as painted objects. Chap. CCVIII. — Of the Interposition of transpa- rent Bodies between the Eye and the Object. The greater the transparent interposition is be- tween the eye and the object, the more the colour of that object will participate of, or be changed into that of the transparent medium f. When an opake body is situated between the eye and the luminary, so that the central line of the one passes also through the centre of the other, that object will be entirely deprived of light. Chap. CCIX. — Of proper Back-grounds for Figures. As we find by experience, that all bodies are surrounded by lights and shadows, I would have the painter to accommodate that part which is enlightened^ so as to terminate upon something dark ; and to manage the dark parts so that they may terminate on a light ground. This will be of * See chap, cxcvi. f He means here to say, that in proportion as the body inter- posed between the eye and the object is more or less transpa- rent, the greater or less quantity of the colour of the body inter- posed will be communicated to the object. 116 REFLEXES. great assistance in detaching and bringing out his figures.* Chap. CCX. — Of Back-grounds. To give a great effect to figures, you must op- pose to a light one a dark ground, and to a dark figure a light ground, contrasting white with black, and black with white. In general, all con- traries give a particular force and brilliancy of effect by their opposition.f REFLEXES. Chap.CCXI. — Of Objects placed on a light Ground, and why such a Practice is useful in Painting. When a darkish body terminates upon a light ground, it will appear detached from that ground; because all opake bodies of a curved surface are not only dark on that side which receives no light, and consequently very different from the ground ; but even that side of the curved surface which is enlightened, will not carry its principal light to * See the note to chap. cc. f See the preceding chapter, and chap. cc. REFLEXES. 117 the extremities, but have between the ground and the principal light a certain demi-tint, darker than either the ground or that light. Chap. CCXII.— Of the different Effects of White, according to the Difference of Back-grounds. Any thing white will appear whiter, by being opposed to a dark ground ; and, on the contrary, darker upon a light ground. This we learn from observing snow as it falls ; while it is descending it appears darker against the sky, than when we see it against an open window, which (owing to the darkness of the inside of the house) makes it appear very white. Observe also, that snow ap- pears to fall very quick and in a great quantity when near the eye ; but when at some distance, it seems to come down slowly, and in a smaller quantity.* Chap. CCXIII.— Of Reverberation. Reverberations are produced by all bodies of a bright nature, that have a smooth and tolerably hard surface, which, repelling the light it receives, makes it rebound like a foot-ball against the first object opposed to it. * The appearance of motion is lessened according to the dis- tance, in the same proportion as objects diminish in size. 118 REFLEXES. Chap. CCXIV. — Where there cannot be any Reverberation of Light. The surfaces of hard bodies are surrounded by various qualities of light and shadow. The lights are of two sorts ; one is called original, the other derivative. The original light is that which comes from the sun, or the brightness of fire, or else from the air. The derivative is a reflected light. But to return to our definition, I say, there can be no reflexion on that side which is turned towards any dark body; such as roofs either high or low, shrubs, grass, wood, either dry or green ; because, though every individual part of those objects be turned towards the original light, and struck by it ; yet the quantity of shadow which every one of these parts produces upon the others, is so great, that, upon the whole, the light, not forming a com- pact mass, loses its effect, so that those objects cannot reflect any light upon the opposite bodies. Chap. CCXV. — In what Part the Reflexes have more or less Brightness. The reflected lights will be more or less appa- rent or bright, in proportion as they are seen against a darker or fainter ground ; because if the ground be darker than the reflex, then this reflex will appear stronger on account of the great diffe- rence of colour. But, on the contrary, if this re- R EFLEX ES( 119 flexion has behind it a ground lighter than itself, it will appear dark, in comparison to the bright- ness which is close to h% and therefore it will be hardly perceptible.* Chap. CCXVL — Of the reflected Lights which surround the Shadows. The reflected lights which strike upon the midst of shadows^ will brighten up or lessen their obscu- rity in proportion to the strength of those lights, and their proximity to those shadows. Many painters neglect this observation, while others at- tend to and deduce their practice from it. This difference of opinion and practice divides the sen- timents of artists, so that they blame each other for not thinking and acting as they themselves do. The best way is to steer a middle course, and not to admit of any reflected light, but when the cause of it is evident to every eye ; and vice versa, if you introduce none at all, let it appear evident that there was no reasonable cause for it. In doing so, you will neither be totally blamed nor praised by the variety of opinion, which, if not proceeding from entire ignorance, will ensure to you the approbation of both parties. Chap. CCXVII. — Where Reflexes are to be most apparent. Of all reflected lights, that is to be the most ap- * See chap, cexvii. and ccxix. 120 REFLEXES. parent, bold, and precise, which detaches from the darkest ground ; and, on the contrary, that which is upon a lighter ground will be less apparent. And this proceeds from the contraste of shades, by which the faintest makes the dark ones appear still darker ; so in contrasted lights, the brightest cause the others to appear less bright than they really are.* Chap. CCXVIII.— What Part of a Reflex is to be the lightest. That part will be the brightest which receives the reflected light between angles the most nearly equal. For example, let N be the luminary, and A B the illuminated part of the object, reflecting the light over all the shady part of the concavity opposite to it. The light which reflects upon F will be placed between equal angles. But E at the base will not be reflected by equal angles, as it is evident that the angle E A B is more obtuse than the angle E B A. The angle A F B, however, though it is between angles of less quality than the angle E, and has a common base B A, is between angles more nearly equal than E, therefore it will be lighter in F than in E; and it will also be brighter, because it is nearer to the part which * See chap. ccxv. and ccxix. REFIjEX.ES» 121 gives them light, According to the 6th rule,* which says, that part of the body is to be the lightest, which is nearest to the luminary. Chap. CCXIX. — Of the Termination of Reflexes on their Grounds. The termination of a reflected light on a ground lighter than that reflex, will not be perceivable ; but if such a reflex terminates upon a ground darker than itself, it will be plainly seen ; and the more so in proportion as that ground is darker, and vice versa.f Chap. CCXX. — Of double and treble Reflexions of Light. Double reflexes are stronger than single ones, * This was intended to constitute a part of some book of Per- spective, which we have not ; but the rule here referred to will be found in chap cccx. of the present work. t See chap. ccxv. and ccxvii. G 122 REFLEXES* and the shadows which interpose between the com- mon light and these reflexes are very faint. For instance, let A be the luminous body, A N, A S, are the direct rays, and S N the parts which re- ceive the light from them, O and E are the places enlightened by the reflexion of that light in those parts. A N E is a single reflex, but A N O, A S O is the double reflex. The single reflex is that which proceeds from a single light, but the double reflexion is produced by two different lights. The single one E is produced by the light striking on B D, while the double one O proceeds from the enlightened bodies B D and D R co-operating to- gether ; and the shadows which are between N O and S O will be very faint. REFLEXES. 123 Chap. CCXXI. — Reflexes in the Water, and particularly those of the Air. The only portion of air that will be seen re- flected in the water, will be that which is reflected by the surface of the water to the eye between equal angles ; that is to say, the angle of incidence must be equal to the angle of reflexion. 124 COLOURS AND COLOURING. COLOURS. Chap. CCXXII. — What Surface is best calculated to receive most Colours. White is more capable of receiving all sorts of colours, than the surface of any body whatever, that is not transparent. To prove it, we shall say, that any void space is capable of receiving what another space, not void, cannot receive. In the same manner, a white surface, like a void space, being destitute of any colour, will be fittest to re- ceive such as are conveyed to it from any other enlightened body, and will participate more of the colour than black can do; which latter, like a broken vessel, is not able to contain any thing. Chap. CCXXIII. — What Surface will shew most perfectly its true Colour. That opake body will show its colour more per- fect and beautiful, which has near it another body of the same colour. COLOURS. 125 Chap. CCXXIV. — On what Surfaces the true Colour is least apparent. Polished and glossy surfaces show least of their genuine colour. This is exemplified in the grass of the fields, and the leaves of trees, which, being smooth and glossy, will reflect the colour of the sun, and the air, where they strike, so that the parts which receive the light do not show their natural colour. Chap. CCXXV.- — What Surfaces show most of their true and genuine Colour. Those objects that are the least smooth and po- lished shew their natural colours best ; as we see in cloth, and in the leaves of such grass or trees as are of a woolly nature ; which, having no lustre, are exhibited to the eye in their true natural co- lour ; unless that colour happen to be confused by that of another body casting on them reflexions of an opposite colour, such as the redness of the setting sun, when all the clouds are tinged with its colour. Chap. CCXXVL— Of the Mixture of Colours. Although the mixture of colours may be ex- tended to an infinite variety, almost impossible to be described, I will not omit touching slightly upon it, setting down at first a certain number of simple 126 COLOURS. colours to serve as a foundation, and with each of these mixing one of the others ; one with one, then two with two, and three with three, proceeding in this manner to the full mixture of all the colours together : then I would begin again, mixing two of these colours with two others, and three with three, four with four, and so on to the end. To these two colours we shall put three; to these three add three more, and then six, increasing always in the same proportion. I call those simple colours, which are not com- posed, and cannot be made or supplied by any mixture of other colours. Black and White are not reckoned among colours ; the one is the repre- sentative of darkness, the other of light : that is, one is a simple privation of light, the other is light itself. Yet I will not omit mentioning them, be- cause there is nothing in painting more useful and necessary ; since painting is but an effect produced by lights and shadows, viz. chiara-scuro. After Black and White come Blue and Yellow, then Green, and Tawny or Umber, and then Purple and Red. These eight colours are all that Nature produces. With these I begin my mixtures, first Black and White, Black and Yellow, Black and Red; then Yellow and Red: but I shall treat more at length of these mixtures in a separate work,* which will be of great utility, nay very ne- * No such work was ever published, nor, for any thing that appears, ever written. COLOURS. 127 cessary. I shall place this subject between theory and practice. Chap. CCXXVIL— Of the Colours produced by the Mixture of other Colours, called secondary Colours. The first of all simple colours is White, though philosophers will not acknowledge either White Qr Black to be colours; because the first is the cause, or the receiver of colours, the other totally deprived of them. But as painters cannot do without either, we shall place them among the others ; and according to this order of things, White will be the first, Yellow the second, Green the third, Blue the fourth, Red the fifth, and Black the sixth. We shall set down White for the re- presentative of light, without which no colour can be seen; Yellow for the earth; Green for water; Blue for air; Red for fire; and Black for total darkness. If you wish to see by a short process the variety of all the mixed, or composed colours, take some coloured glasses, and, through them, look at all the country round : you will find that the colour of each object will be altered and mixed with the colour of the glass through which it is seen ; ob- serve which colour is made better, and which is hurt by the mixture. If the glass be yellow, the colour of the objects may either be improved, or 128 COLOURS. greatly impaired by it. Black and White will be most altered, while Green and Yellow will be meliorated. In the same manner you may go through all the mixtures of colours, which are in- finite. Select those which are new and agreeable to the sight ; and following the same method you may go on with two glasses, or three, till you have found what will best answer your purpose. Chap. CCXXVIII.— Of Verdegris. This green, which is made of copper, though it be mixed with oil, will lose its beauty, if it be not varnished immediately. It not only fades, but, if washed with a sponge and pure water only, it will detach from the ground upon which it is painted, particularly in damp weather ; because verdegris is produced by the strength of salts, which easily dissolve in rainy weather, but still more if washed with a wet sponge. Chap. CCXXIX. — How to increase the Beauty of Verdegris. If you mix with the Verdegris some Caballine Aloe, it will add to it a great degree of beauty. It would acquire still more from Saffron, if it did not fade. The quality and goodness of this Aloe will be proved by dissolving it in warm Brandy. Sup- posing the Verdigris has already been used, and the part finished, you may then glaze it thinly COLOURS. 129 with this dissolved Aloe, and it will produce a very- fine colour. This Aloe may be ground also in oil by itself, or with the Verdegris, or any other co- lour, at pleasure. Chap. CCXXX. — How to paint a Picture that will last almost for ever. After you have made a drawing of your in- tended picture, prepare a good and thick priming with pitch and brickdust well pounded; after which give it a second coat of white lead and Naples yellow; then, having traced your drawing upon it, and painted your picture, varnish it with clear and thick old oil, and stick it to a flat glass, or crystal, with a clear varnish. Another method, which may be better, is, instead of the priming of pitch and brickdust, take a flat tile well vitrified, then apply the coat of white and Naples yellow, and all the rest as before. But before the glass is applied to it, the painting must be perfectly dried in a stove, and varnished with nut oil and amber, or else with purified nut oil alone, thickened in the sun * * The French translation of 1716 has a note on this chapter, saying, that the invention of enamel painting found out since the time of Leonardo da Vinci, would better answer to the title of this chapter, and also be a better method of painting. I must beg leave, however, to dissent from this opinion, as the two kinds of painting are so different that they cannot be compared. Leo- nardo treats of oil painting, but the other is vitrification. Leo- nardo is known to have spent a great deal of time in experiments, of which this is a specimen, and it may appear ridiculous to the G 5 180 COLOURS. Chap. CCXXXL — The Mode of painting on Canvass, or Linen Cloth *, Stretch your canvass upon a frame, then give it a coat of weak size, let it dry, and draw your outlines upon it. Paint the flesh colours first; and while it is still fresh or moist, paint also the shadows, well softened and blended together. The flesh colour may be made with white, lake, and Naples yellow. The shades with black, um- ber, and a little lake ; you may, if you please, use black chalk. After you have softened this first coat, or dead colour, and let it dry, you may re- touch over it with lake and other colours, and gum water that has been a long while made and kept liquid, because in that state it becomes better, and does not leave any gloss. Again, to make the shades darker, take the lake and gum as above, and ink*; and with this you may shade or glaze many colours, because it is transparent; such as azure, lake, and several others. As for practitioners of more modern date, as he does not enter more fully into a minute description of the materials, or the mode of employing them. The principle laid down in the text appears to me to be simply this : to make the oil entirely evaporate from the colours by the action of fire, and afterwards to prevent the action of the air by the means of a glass which in itself is an excellent principle, bus: not applicable, anymore than enamel painting, to large works. * It is evident that distemper or size painting is here meant, •f* Indian ink. COLOURS. 131 the lights, you may retouch or glaze them slightly with gum water and pure lake, particularly vermi lion. Chap. CCXXXII. — Of lively and beautiful Colours. For those colours which you mean should ap- pear beautiful, prepare a ground of pure white. This is meant only for transparent colours : as for those that have a body, and are opake, it matters not what ground they have, and a white one is of no use. This is exemplified by painted glasses ; when placed between the eye and clear air, they exhibit most excellent and beautiful colours, which is not the case, when they have thick air, or some opake body behind them. Chap. CCXXXIII. — Of transparent Colours. When a transparent colour is laid upon ano- ther of a different nature, it produces a mixed colour, different from either of the simple ones which compose it. This is observed in the smoke coming out of a chimney, which, when passing before the black soot, appears blueish, but as it ascends against the blue of the sky, it changes its appearance into a reddish brown. So the colour lake laid on blue will turn it to a violet colour ; yellow upon blue turns to green ; saffron upon white becomes yellow; white scumbled upon a 132 COLOURS, dark ground appears blue, and is more or less beautiful, as the white and the ground are more or less pure. Chap. CCXXXIV.— In what Part a Colour will appear in its greatest Beauty. We are to consider here in what part any co- lour will shew itself in its most perfect purity; whether in the strongest light or deepest shadow, in the demi-tint, or in the reflex. It would be necessary to determine firsts of what colour we mean to treat, because different colours differ materially in that respect. Black is most beau- tiful in the shades \ white in the strongest light ; blue and green in the half-tint; yellow and red in the principal light ; gold in the reflexes ; and lake in the half-tint. Chap. CCXXXV. — How any Colour without a Gloss, is more beautiful in the Lights than in the Shades. All objects which have no gloss, shew their colours better in the light than in the shadow, because the light vivifies and gives a true know- ledge of the nature of the colour, while the sha- dows lower, and destroy its beauty, preventing the discovery of its nature. If, on the contrary, black be more beautiful in the shadows, it is be- cause black is not a colour. COLOURS. 133 Chap. CCXXXVL— Of the Appearance of Colours. The lighter a colour is in its nature, the more so it will appear when removed to some distance; but with dark colours it is quite the reverse. Chap. CCXXXVIL— What Part of a Colour is to be the most beautiful. If A be the light, and B the object receiving it in a direct line, E cannot receive that light, but only the reflexion from B, which we shall suppose to be red. In that case, the light it produces being red, it will tinge with red the object E; and if E happen to be also red before, you will see that colour increase in beauty, and appear redder than B ; but if E were yellow, you will see a new colour, participating of the red and the yellow. 134 COLOURS. Chap. CCXXXVIIL— That the beauty of a Co- lour is to be found in the Lights. As the quality of colours is discovered to the eye by the light, it is natural to conclude, that where there is most light, there also the true qua- lity of the colour is to be seen ; and where there is most shadow the colour will participate of, and be tinged with the colour of that shadow. Re- member then to shew the true quality of the colour in the light parts only*. Chap. CCXXXIX.— Of Colours. The colour which is between the light and the shadow will not be so beautiful as that which is in the full light. Therefore the chief beauty of colours will be found in the principal lights f. Chap. CCXL. — No Object appears in its true Colour, unless the Light which strikes upon it be of the same Colour. This is very observable in draperies, where the light folds casting a reflexion, and throwing a light on other folds opposite to them, make them appear in their natural colour. The same effect is produced by gold leaves casting their light reci- procally on each other. The effect is quite con- * This rule is not without exception : see chap, ccxxxiv. t See chap, ccxxxviii. COLOURS. 135 trary if the light be received from an object of a different colour*. Chap. CCXLI. — Of the Colour of Shadows. The colour of the shadows of an object can never be pure if the body which is opposed to these shadows be not of the same colour as that on which they are produced. For instance, if in a room, the walls of which are green, I place a ligure clothed in blue, and receiving the light from another blue object, the light part of that figure will be of a beautiful blue, but the shadows of it will become dingy, and not like a true shade of that beautiful blue, because it will be corrupted by the reflexions from the green wall ; and it would be still worse if the walls were of a darkish brown. Chap. CCXLIL— Of Colours. Colours placed in shadow will preserve more or less of their original beauty, as they are more or less immersed in the shade. But colours si- tuated in a light space will shew their natural beauty in proportion to the brightness of that light. Some say, that there is as great variety in the colours of shadows, as in the colours of ob- jects shaded by them. It may be answered, that * See chap, ccxxxvii. 136 COLOURS. colours placed in shadow will shew less variety amongst themselves as the shadows are darker. We shall soon convince ourselves of this truths if, from a large square, we look through the open door of a church, where pictures, though enriched with a variety of colours, appear all clothed in darkness. Chap. CCXLIII. — Whether it be possible for all Colours to appear alike by means bf the same Shadow. It is very possible that all the different colours may be changed into that of a general shadow ; as is manifest in the darkness of a cloudy night, in which neither the shape nor colour of bodies is distinguished. Total darkness being nothing but a privation of the primitive and reflected lights, by which the form and colour of bodies are seen ; it is evident, that the cause being removed the effect ceases, and the objects are entirely lost to the sight. Chap. CCXLIV. — Why White is not reckoned among the Colours. White is not a colour, but has the power of receiving all the other colours. When it is placed in a high situation in the country, all its shades COLOURS. 137 are azure ; according to the fourth proposition*, which says, that the surface of any opake body participates of the colour of any other body send- ing the light to it. Therefore white being de- prived of the light of the sun by the interposition of any other body, will remain white ; if exposed to the sun on one side, and to the open air on the other, it will participate both of the colour of the sun and of the air. That side which is not opposed to the sun, will be shaded of the colour of the air. And if this white were not surrounded by green fields all the w r ay to the horizon, nor could receive any light from that horizon, with- out doubt it would appear of one simple and uni- form colour, viz. that of the air. Chap. CCXLV.— Of Colours. The light of the fire tinges every thing of a red- dish yellow ; but this will hardly appear evident, if we do not make the comparison with the day- light. Towards the close of the evening this is easily done ; but more certainly after the morning twilight ; and the difference will be clearly distin- guished in a dark room, when a little glimpse of daylight strikes upon any part of the room, and * See chapters ccxlvii. cclxxiv. in the present work. Probably they were intended to form a part of a distinct treatise, and to have been ranged as propositions in that, but at present they are not so placed. 138 COLOURS. there still remains a candle burning. Without such a trial the difference is hardly perceivable, particularly in those colours which have most si- milarity ; such as white and yellow,, light green and light blue ; because the light which strikes the blue, being yellow, will naturally turn it green ; as we have said in another place/* that a mixture of blue and yellow produces green. And if to a green colour you add some yellow, it will make it of a more beautiful green. Chap. CCXLVI. — Of the Colouring of remote Objects. The painter who is to represent objects at some distance from the eye, ought merely to convey the idea of general undetermined masses, making choice, for that purpose, of cloudy weather, or to- wards the evening, and avoiding, as was said be- fore, to mark the lights and shadows too strong on the extremities; because they^would in that case appear like spots of difficult execution, and without grace. He ought to remember, that the shadows are never to be of such a quality, as to obliterate the proper colour, in which they origi- nated ; if the situation of the coloured body be not in total darkness. He ought to mark no outline, not to make the hair stringy, and not to touch with pure white, any but those things which in * See chap, ccxlviii. COLOURS. 139 themselves are white ; in short, the lightest touch upon any particular object ought to denote the beauty of its proper and natural colour. Chap. CCXLVII. — The Surface of all opake Bo- dies participates of the Colour of the surrounding Objects. The painter ought to know, that if any white object is placed between two walls, one of which is also white, and the other black, there will be found between the shady side of that object and the light side, a similar proportion to that of the two walls ; and if that object be blue, the effect will be the same. Having therefore to paint this object, take some black, similar to that of the wall from which the reflexes come ; and to proceed by a certain and scientific method, do as follows. When you paint the wall, take a small spoon to measure exactly the quantity of colour you mean to employ in mixing your tints ; for instance, if you have put in the shading of this wall three spoonfuls of pure black, and one of white, you have, without any doubt, a mixture of a certain and precise quality. Now having painted one of the walls white, and the other dark, if you mean to place a blue object between them with shades suitable to that colour, place first on your pallet the light blue, such as you mean it to be, without any mixture of shade, and it will do for the lightest 140 COLOURS. part of your object. After which take three spoon- fuls of blacky and one of this light blue, for your darkest shades. Then observe whether your object be round or square : if it be square, these two ex- treme tints of light and shade will be close to each other, cutting sharply at the angle; but if it be round, draw lines from the extremities of the walls to the centre of the object, and put the darkest shade between equal angles, where the lines inter- sect upon the superficies of it ; then begin to make them lighter and lighter gradually to the point N O, lessening the strength of the shadows as much as that place participates of the light A D, and mixing that colour with the darkest shade A B, in the same proportion. COLOURS. 141 Chap. CCXLVIII. — General Remarks on Colours. Blue and green are not simple colours in their nature, for blue is composed of light and dark- ness; such is the azure of the sky, viz. perfect black and perfect white. Green is composed of a simple and a mixed colour, being produced by blue and yellow. Any object seen in a mirror, will participate of the colour of that body which serves as a mirror ; and the mirror in its turn is tinged in part by the colour of the object it represents ; they partake more or less of each other as the colour of the object seen is more or less strong than the colour of the mirror. That object will appear of the strongest and most lively colour in the mirror, which has the most affinity to the colour of the mirror itself. Of coloured bodies, the purest white will be seen at the greatest distance, therefore the darker the colour, the less it will bear distance. Of different bodies equal in whiteness, and in distance from the eye, that which is surrounded by the greatest darkness will appear the whitest ; and on the contrary, that shadow will appear the darkest which has the brightest white round it. Of different colours, equally perfect, that will appear most excellent, which is seen near its direct contrary. A pale colour against red, a black upon 142 COLOURS. white (though neither the one nor the other are colours) ; blue near a yellow; green near red; be- cause each colour is more distinctly seen, when opposed to its contrary, than to any other similar to it. Any thing white seen in a dense air full of va- pours, will appear larger than it is in reality. The air, between the eye and the object seen, will change the colour of that object into its own; so will the azure of the air change the distant mountains into blue masses. Through a red glass every thing appears red; the light round the stars is dimmed by the darkness of the air, which fills the space between the eye and the planets. The true colour of any object whatever will be seen in those parts which are not occupied by any kind of shade, and have not any gloss (if it be a polished surface). I say, that white terminating abruptly upon a dark ground, will cause that part where it termi- nates to appear darker, and the white whiter. 143 COLOURS IN REGARD TO LIGHT AND SHADOW. Chap. CCXLIX. — Of the Light proper for paint- ing Flesh Colour from Nature. Your window must be open to the sky, and the walls painted of a reddish colour. The summer- time is the best, when the clouds conceal the sun, or else your walls on the south side of the room must be so high, as that the sun-beams cannot strike on the opposite side, in order that the reflexion of those beams may not destroy the shadows. Chap. CCL. — Of the Painter's Window. The window w T hich gives light to a painting- room, ought to be made of oiled paper, without any cross bar, or projecting edge at the opening, or any sharp angle in the inside of the wall, but should be slanting by degrees the whole thickness of it; and the sides be painted black. Chap. — CCLI. — The Shadows of Colours. The shadows of any colour whatever must par- ticipate of that colour more or less, as it is nearer 144 COLOURS IN REGARD TO to, or more remote from, the mass of shadows ; and also in proportion to its distance from, or proximity to, the mass of light. Chap. CCLII. — Of the Shadows of White. To any white body receiving the light from the sun, or the air, the shadows should be of a blueish cast ; because white is no colour, but a receiver of all colours ; and as by the fourth proposition * we learn, that the surface of any object participates of the colours of other objects near it, it is evident that a white surface will participate of the colour of the air by which it is surrounded. Chap. CCLIII. — Which of the Colours will pro- duce the darkest Shade. That shade will be the darkest which is pro- duced by the whitest surface; this also will have a greater propensity to variety than any other sur- face ; because white is not properly a colour, but a receiver of colours, and its surface will partici- pate strongly of the colour of surrounding objects, but principally of black or any other dark colour, which being the most opposite to its nature, pro- duces the most sensible difference between the shadows and the lights. * See chap, cclxxiv. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 145 Chap. CCLIV. — How to manage, ivhen a White terminates upon another White. When one white body terminates on another of the same colour, the white of these two bodies will be either alike or not. If they be alike, that object which of the two is nearest to the eye, should be made a little darker than the other, upon the round- ing of the outline; but if the object which serves as a ground to the other be not quite so white, the latter will detach of itself, without the help of any darker termination. Chap. CCLV. — On the Back-grounds of Figures. Of two objects equally light, one will appear less so if seen upon a whiter ground ; and, on the con- trary, it will appear a great deal lighter if upon a space of a darker shade. So flesh colour will ap- pear pale upon a red ground, and a pale colour will appear redder upon a yellow ground. In short, colours will appear what they are not, according to the ground which surrounds them. Chap. CCLVI. — The Mode of composing History. Amongst the figures which compose an histo- rical picture, those which are meant to appear the nearest to the eye, must have the greatest force ; according to the second proposition* of the third * Although the author seems to have designed that this, and many other propositions to which he refers, should have formed H 14G COLOURS IN REGARD TO book, which says, that colour will be seen in the greatest perfection which has less air interposed between it and the eye of the beholder ; and for that reason the shadows (by which we express the relievo of bodies) appear darker when near than when at a distance, being then deadened by the air which interposes. This does not happen to those shadows which are near the eye, where they will produce the greatest relievo when they are darkest. Chap. CCLVII. — Remarks concerning Lights and Shadows. Observe, that where the shadows end, there be always a kind of half-shadow to blend them with the lights. The shadow derived from any object will mix more with the light at its termination, in proportion as it is more distant from that object. But the colour of the shadow will never be simple; this is proved by the ninth proposition,* which a part of some regular work, and he has accordingly referred to them whenever he has mentioned them, by their intended nume- rical situation in that work, whatever it might be, it does not appear that he ever carried this design into execution. There are, however, several chapters in the present work, viz. ccxciii. cclxxxix. cclxxxv. coxcv. in which the principle in the text is recognised, and which propably would have been transferred into the projected treatise, if he had ever drawn it up. * The note on the preceding chapter is in a great measure appli- cable to this, and the proposition mentioned in the text is also to be found in chapter ccxlvii. of the present work. LIGHT AND SHADOW. 147 says, that the superficies of any object participates of the colours of other bodies, by which it is sur- rounded, although it were transparent, such as water, air, and the like : because the air receives its light from the sun, and darkness is produced by the privation of it. But as the air has no co- lour in itself any more than water, it receives all the colours that are between the object and the eye. The vapours mixing with the air in the lower regions near the earth, render it thick, and apt to reflect the sun's rays on all sides, while the air above remains dark; and because light (that is, white) and darkness (that is, black), mixed toge- ther, compose the azure that becomes the colour of the sky, which is lighter or darker in propor- tion as the air is more or less mixed with damp vapours. Chap. CCLVIII.— Why the Shadows of Bodies upon a white Wall are blueish towards Evening. The shadows of bodies produced by the redness of the setting sun, will always be bluish- This is accounted for by the eleventh proposition/" which says, that the superficies of any opake body parti- cipates of the colour of the object from which it receives the light ; therefore the white wall being deprived entirely of colour, is tinged by the colour * See the note on the chapter next but one preceding. The proposition in the text occurs in chap, ccxlvii. of the present work. H 2 148 COLOURS IN REGARD TO of those bodies from which it receives the light, which in this case are the sun and sky. But be- cause the sun is red towards the evening, and the sky is blue, the shadow on the wall not being en- lightened by the sun, receives only the reflexion of the sky, and therefore will appear blue; and the rest of the wall, receiving light immediately from the sun, will participate of its red colour. Chap. CCLIX. — Of the Colour of Faces. The colour of any object will appear more or less distinct in proportion to the extent of its surface. This proposition is proved, by observing that a face appears dark at a small distance, because, be- ing composed of many small parts, it produces a great number of shadows; and the lights being the smallest part of it, are soonest lost to the sight, leaving only the shadows, which being in a greater LIGHT AND SHADOW. 149 quantity, the whole of the face appears dark, and the more so if that face has on the head, or at the back, something whiter. Chap. CCLX. — A Precept relating to Painting, Where the shadows terminate upon the lights, observe well what parts of them are lighter than the others, and where they are more or less soft- ened and blended ; but above all remember, that young people have no sharp shadings : their flesh is transparent, something like what we observe when we put our hand between the sun and eyes; it appears reddish, and of a transparent bright- ness. If you wish to know what kind of shadow will suit the flesh colour you are painting, place one of your fingers close to your picture, so as to cast a shadow upon it, and according as you wish it either lighter or darker, put it nearer or farther from it, and imitate it. Chap. CCLXL — Of Colours in Shadow, It happens very often that the shadows of an opake body do not retain the same colour as the lights. Sometimes they will be greenish, while the lights are reddish, although this opake body be all over of one uniform colour. This happens when the light falls upon the object (we will sup- pose from the East), and tinges that side with its own colour. In the West we will suppose another 150 COLOURS IN REGARD TO opake body of a colour different from the first, but receiving the same light. This last will reflect its colour towards the East, and strike the first with its rays on the opposite side, where they will be stopped, and remain with their full colour and brightness. We often see a white object with red lights, and the shades of a blueish cast ; this we observe particularly in mountains covered with snow, at sun-set, when the effulgence of its rays makes the horizon appear all on fire. Chap. CCLXIL— Of the Choice of Lights. Whatever object you intend to represent is to be supposed situated in a particular light, and that entirely of your own choosing. If you imagine such objects to be in the country, and the sun be overcast, they will be surrounded by a great quan- tity of general light. If the sun strikes upon those objects, then the shadows will be very dark, in proportion to the lights, and will be determined and sharp ; the primitive as well as the secondary ones. These shadows will vary from the lights in colour, because on that side the object receives a reflected light hue from the azure of the air, which tinges that part ; and this is particularly observ- able in white objects. That side which receives the light from the sun, participates also of the colour of that. This may be particularly observed in the evening, when the sun is setting between LIGHT AND SHADOW. 151 the clouds, which it reddens ; those clouds being tinged with the colour of the body illuminating them, the red colour of the clouds, with that of the sun, casts a hue on those parts which receive the light from them. On the contrary, those parts which are not turned towards that side of the sky, remain of the colour of the air, so that the former and the latter are of two different colours. This we must not lose sight of, that, knowing the cause of those lights and shades, it be made apparent in the effect, or else the work will be false and absurd. But if a figure be situated within a house, and seen from without, such figure will have its sha- dows very soft ; and if the beholder stands in the line of the light, it will acquire grace, and do credit to the painter, as it will have great relief in the lights, and soft and well-blended shadows, parti- cularly in those parts where the inside of the room appears less obscure, because there the shadows are almost imperceptible : the cause of which we shall explain in its proper place. 152 COLOURS IN REGARD TO COLOURS IN REGARD TO BACK- GROUNDS. Chap. CCLXIII. — Of avoiding hard Outlines. Do not make the boundaries of your figures with any other colour than that of the back-ground on which they are placed; that is, avoid making dark outlines. Chap. CCLXIV.— Of Outlines. The extremities of objects which are at some distance, are not seen so distinctly as if they were nearer. Therefore the painter ought to regulate the strength of his outlines, or extremities, accord- ing to the distance. The boundaries which separate one body from another, are of the nature of mathematical lines, but not of real lines. The end of any colour is only the beginning of another, and it ought not to be called a line, for nothing interposes between them, except the termination of the one against the other, which being nothing in itself, cannot be perceivable; therefore the painter ought not to pronounce it in distant objects. Chap. CCLXV. — Of Back- grounds. One of the principal parts of painting is the BACK-GROUNDS. 153 nature and quality of back-grounds, upon which the extremities of any convex or solid body will always detach and be distinguished in nature, though the colour of such objects, and that of the ground, be exactly the same. This happens, be- cause the convex sides of solid bodies do not re- ceive the light in the same manner with the ground, for such sides or extremities are often lighter or darker than the ground. But if such extremities were to be of the same colour as the ground, and in the same degree of light, they cer- tainly could not be distinguished. Therefore such a choice in painting ought to be avoided by all intelligent and judicious painters ; since the intention is to make the object appear as it were out of the ground. The above case would pro- duce the contrary effect, not only in painting, but also in objects of real relievo. Chap. CCLXVI. — How to detach Figures from the Ground. All solid bodies will appear to have a greater relief, and to come more out of the canvass, on a ground of an undetermined colour, with the great- est variety of lights and shades against the con- fines of such bodies (as will be demonstrated in its place), provided a proper diminution of lights in the white tints, and of darkness in the shades, be judiciously observed. ii 5 154 BACK-GROUNDS. Chap. CCLXVII. — Of Uniformity and Variety of Colours upon plain Surfaces. The back-grounds of any flat surfaces which are uniform in colour and quantity of light, will never appear separated from each other; vice versa, they will appear separated if they are of different colours or lights. Chap. CCLXVIII. — Of Back-grounds suitable both to Shadows and Lights. The shadows or lights which surround figures, or any other objects, will help the more to detach them the more they differ from the objects ; that is, if a dark colour does not terminate upon an- other dark colour, but upon a very different one ; as white, or partaking of white, but lowered, and approximated to the dark shade. Chap. CCLXIX. — The apparent Variation of Colours, occasioned by the Contraste of the Ground upon which they are placed. No colour appears uniform and equal in all its parts, unless it terminate on a ground of the same colour. This is very apparent when a black ter- minates on a white ground, where the contraste of colour gives more strength and richness to the extremities than to the middle. CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. 155 CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEX- ES, IN REGARD TO COLOURS. Chap. CCLXX. — Gradation in Painting. What is fine is not always beautiful and good: I address this to such painters as are so attached to the beauty of colours, that they regret being obliged to give them almost imperceptible sha- dows, not considering the beautiful relief which figures acquire by a proper gradation and strength of shadows. Such persons may be compared to those speakers who in conversation make use of many fine words without meaning, which altoge- ther scarcely form one good sentence. Chap. CCLXXI. — How to assort Colours in such a Manner as that they may add Beauty to each other. If you mean that the proximity of one colour should give beauty to another that terminates near it, observe the rays of the sun in the compo- sition of the rainbow, the colours of which are generated by the falling rain, when each drop in its descent takes every colour of that bow, as is demonstrated in its place*. * Not in this work. 156 CONTRASTE; HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. If you mean to represent great darkness, it must be done by contrasting it with great light ; on the contrary, if you want to produce great brightness, you must oppose to it a very dark shade : so a pale yellow w T ill cause red to appear more beautiful than if opposed to a purple colour. There is another rule, by observing which, though you do not increase the natural beauty of the colours, yet by bringing them together they may give additional grace to each other, as green placed near red, while the effect would be quite the reverse, if placed near blue. Harmony and grace are also produced by a ju- dicious arrangement of colours, such as blue with pale yellow or white, and the like ; as will be no- ticed in its place. Chap. CCLXXII. — Of detaching the Figures. Let the colours of which the draperies of your figures are composed, be such as to form a pleas- ing variety, to distinguish one from the other; and although, for the sake of harmony, they should be of the same nature*, they must not stick toge- * I do not know a better comment on this passage than Feli- bien's Examination of Le Brun's Picture of the Tent of Darius. From this (which has been reprinted with an English translation by Colonel Parsons, in 1700, in folio,) it will clearly appear, what the chain of connexion is between every colour there used, and its nearest neighbour, and consequently a rule may be formed from it CONTRASTED HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. 157 ther, but vary in point of light, according to the distance and interposition of the air between them. By the same rule, the outlines are to be more precise, or lost, in proportion to their dis- tance or proximity. Chap. CCLXXIII.— Of the Colour of Reflexes, All reflected colours are less brilliant and strong, than those which receive a direct light, in the same proportion as there is between the light of a body and the cause of that light. Chap. CCLXXIV.— What Body will be the most strongly tinged ivith the Colour of any other Object. An opake surface will partake most of the ge- nuine colour of the body nearest to it, because a great quantity of the species of colour will be con- veyed to it; whereas such colour would be broken and disturbed if coming from a more distant ob- ject. Chap. CCLXXV.— Of Reflexes. Reflexes will partake, more or less, both of the colour of the object which produces them, and of the colour of that object on which they are with more certainty and precision than where the student is left to develope it for himself, from the mere inspection of different examples of colouring. 158 CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. produced, in proportion as this latter body is of a smoother or more polished surface, than that by which they are produced. Chap. CCLXXVL— Of the Surface of all sha- dowed Bodies. The surface of any opake body placed in sha- dow, will participate of the colour of any other object which reflects the light upon it. This is very evident ; for if such bodies were deprived of light in the space between them and the other bodies, they could not shew either shape or co- lour. We shall conclude then, that if the opake body be yellow, and that which reflects the light blue, the part reflected will be green, because green is composed of blue and yellow. Chap. CCLXXVII. — That no reflected Colour is simple , but is mixed with the nature of the other Colours. No colour reflected upon the surface of an- other body, will tinge that surface with its own colour alone, but will be mixed by the concurrence of other colours also reflected on the same spot. Let us suppose A to be of a yellow colour, which is reflected on the convex C O E, and that the blue colour B be reflected on the same place. I say that a mixture of the blue and yellow colours will tinge the convex surface ; and that, if the CONTRASTE,, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES, 159 ground be white, it will produce a green reflexion, because it is proved that a mixture of blue and yellow produces a very fine green. Chap. CCLXXVIIL— Of the Colour of Lights and Reflexes. When two lights strike upon an opake body, they can vary only in two ways ; either they are equal in strength, or they are not. If they be equal, they may still vary in two other ways, that is, by the equality or inequality of their brightness; they will be equal, if their distance be the same ; and unequal, if it be otherwise. The object placed at an equal distance, between two equal lights, in point both of colour and brightness, may still be enlightened by them in two different ways, either equally on each side, or unequally. It will be equally enlightened by them, when the space which 160 CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. remains round the lights shall be equal in colour, in degree of shade, and in brightness. It will be unequally enlightened by them when the spaces happen to be of different degrees of darkness. Chap. CCLXXIX. — Why reflected Colours seldom partake of the Colour of the Body ivhere they It happens very seldom that the reflexes are of the same colour with the body from which they proceed, or with that upon which they meet. To exemplify this, let the convex body D F G E be of a yellow colour, and the body B C, which re- flects its colour on it, blue ; the part of the convex surface which is struck by that reflected light, will take a green tinge, being B C, acted on by the natural light of the air or the sun. meet. D CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. 161 Chap. CCLXXX.— The Reflexes of Flesh Colours. The lights upon the flesh colours, which are re- flected by the light striking upon another flesh- coloured body, are redder and more lively than any other part of the human figure ; and that hap- pens according to the third proposition of the second book,* which says, the surface of any opake body participates of the colour of the object which reflects the light in proportion as it is near to or remote from it, and also in proportion to the size of it ; because, being large, it prevents the variety of colours in smaller objects round it, from in- terfering with, and discomposing the principal colour, which is nearer. Nevertheless it does not prevent its participating more of the colour of a small object near it, than of a large one more re- mote. See the sixth proposition f of perspective, which says, that large objects may be situated at such a distance as to appear less than small ones that are near, * See chap. ccxxiiL ecxxxvii. cclxxiv. cclxxxiL of the present work. We have before remarked, that the propositions so fre- quently referred to by the author, were never reduced into form, though apparently he intended a regular work in which they were to be included. t No where in this work. 162 CONTRASTED HARMONY, AND REFLEXES. Chap. CCLXXXL— Of the Nature of Compa- rison. Black draperies will make the flesh of the human figure appear whiter than in reality it is;* and white draperies, on the contrary, will make it appear darker. Yellow will render it higher co- loured, while red will make it pale. Chap. CCLXXXII. — Where theReflexes are seen. Of all reflexions of the same shape, size, and strength, that will be more or less strong, which terminates on a ground more or less dark. The surface of those bodies will partake most of the colour of the object that reflects it, which re- ceive that reflexion by the most nearly equal angles. Of the colours of objects reflected upon any opposite surface by equal angles, that will be the most distinct which has its reflecting ray the shortest. Of all colours, reflected under equal angles, and at equal distance upon the opposite body, those will be the strongest, which come reflected by the lightest coloured body. That object will reflect its own colour most pre- cisely on the opposite object, which has not round * This is evident in many of Vandyke's portraits, particularly of ladies, many of whom are dressed in black velvet ; and this re- mark will in some measure account for the delicate fairness which he frequently gives to the female complexion. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 163 it any colour that clashes with its own ; and con- sequently that reflected colour will be most con- fused which takes its origin from a variety of bo- dies of different colours. That colour which is nearest the opposed object, will tinge it the most strongly ; and vice versa : let the painter, therefore, in his reflexes on the human body^ particularly on the flesh colour, mix some of the colour of the drapery which comes nearest to it ; but not pronounce it too distinctly, if there be not good reason for it. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. Chap. CCLXXXIIL— A Precept of Perspective in regard to Painting. WheNj on account of some particular quality of the air, you can no longer distinguish the diffe- rence between the lights and shadows of objects, you may reject the perspective of shadows, and make use only of the linear perspective, and the diminution of colours, to lessen the knowledge of the objects opposed to the eye ; and this, that is to say, the loss of the knowledge of the figure of each object, will make the same object appear more remote. 164 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. The eye can never arrive at a perfect knowledge of the interval between two objects variously dis- tant, by means of the linear perspective alone^ if not assisted by the perspective of colours. Chap. CCLXXXIV.— Of the Perspective of Colours. The air will participate less of the azure of the sky, in proportion as it comes nearer to the hori- zon, as it is proved by the third and ninth propo- sition,* that pure and subtile bodies (such as com- pose the air) will be less illuminated by the sun than those of thicker and grosser substance : and as it is certain that the air which is remote from the earth, is thinner than that which is near it, it will follow, that the latter will be more impreg- nated with the rays of the sun, which giving light at the same time to an infinity of atoms floating in this air, renders it more sensible to the eye. So that the air will appear lighter towards the horizon, and darker as well as bluer in looking up to the sky ; because there is more of the thick air between our eyes and the horizon, than between our eyes and that part of the sky above our heads. * These propositions, any more than the others mentioned in different parts of this work, were never digested into a regular treatise, as was evidently intended by the author, and consequently are not to be found, except perhaps in some of the volumes of the author's manuscript collections. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 165 For instance : if the eye placed in P, looks through the air along the line P R, and then lowers itself a little along P S, the air will begin to ap- pear a little whiter, because there is more of the thick air in this space than in the first. And if it be still removed lower, so as to look straight at the horizon, no more of that blue sky will be per- ceived which was observable along the first line P R, because there is a much greater quantity of thick air along the horizontal line P D, than along the oblique P S, or the perpendicular P R. Chap. CCLXXXV.— The Cause of the Diminu- tion of Colours. The natural colour of any visible object will be diminished in proportion to the density of any 166 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. other substance which interposes between that object and the eye. Chap. CCLXXXVI.— Of the Diminution of Co- lours and Objects. Let the colours vanish in proportion as the objects diminish in size, according to the distance. Chap. CCLXXXVIL— Of the Variety observable in Colours, according to their distance or proxi- mity. The local colour of such objects as are darker than the air, will appear less dark as they are more remote ; and, on the contrary, objects lighter than the air will lose their brightness in proportion to their distance from the eye. In general, all ob- jects that are darker or lighter than the air, are discoloured by distance, which changes their qua- lity, so that the lighter appears darker, and the darker lighter. Chap. CCLXXXVIII. — At what Distance Co- lours are entirely lost. Local colours are entirely lost at a greater or less distance, according as the eye and the object are more or less elevated from the earth. This is proved by the seventh proposition*, which says * See chap, ccxciii. cccvii. cccviii. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 167 the air is more or less pure, as it is near to, or remote from the earth. If the eye, then, and the object are near the earth, the thickness of the air which interposes, will in a great measure confuse the colour of that object to the eye. But if the eye and the object are placed high above the earth, the air will disturb the natural colour of that object very little. In short, the various gra- dations of colour depend not only on the various distances, in which they may be lost ; but also on the variety of lights, which change according to the different hours of the day, and the thickness or purity of the air, through which the colour of the object is conveyed to the eye. Chap. CCLXXX1X. — Of the Change observable in the same Colour, according to its Distance from the Eye. Among several colours of the same nature, that which is the nearest to the eye will alter the least ; because the air which interposes between the eye and the object seen, envelopes, in some measure, that object. If the air, which interposes, be in great quantity, the object seen will be strongly tinged with the colour of that air ; but if the air be thin, then the view of that object, and its colour, will be very little obstructed. 168 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. Chap. CCXC— Of the blueish Appearance of re- mote Objects in a Landscape. Whatever be the colour of distant objects, the darkest, whether natural or accidental, will appear the most tinged with azure. By the na- tural darkness is meant the proper colour of the object; the accidental one is produced by the shadow of some other body. Chap. CCXCI. — Of the Qualities in the Surface which first lose themselves by Distance. The first part of any colour which is lost by the distance, is the gloss, being the smallest part of it, as a light within a light. The second that diminishes by being farther removed, is the light, because it is less in quantity than the shadow. The third is the principal shadows, nothing re- maining at last but a kind of middling obscurity. Chap. CCXCII. — From what cause the azure of the Air proceeds. The azure of the sky is produced by the trans- parent body of the air, illumined by the sun, and interposed between the darkness of the expanse above, and the earth below. The air in itself has no quality of smell, taste, or colour, but is easily impregnated with the quality of other matter sur- rounding it ; and will appear bluer in proportion PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 169 to the darkness of the space behind it, as may be observed against the shady sides of mountains, which are darker than any other object. In this instance the air appears of the most beautiful azure, while on the other side that receives the light, it shews through that more of the natural colour of the mountain. Chap. CCXCIII.— Of the Perspective of Colours. The same colour being placed at various dis- tances and equal elevation, the force and effect of its colouring will be according to the proportion of the distance which there is from each of these colours to the eye. It is proved thus : let A B E D be one and the same colour. The first, E, is placed at two degrees of distance from the eye A; the second, B, shall be four degrees; the third, C, six degrees ; and the fourth, D, eight de- grees ; as appears by the circles which terminate upon and intersect the line A R. Let us suppose that the space A R, S P, is one degree of thin air, and S PET another degree of thicker air. It will follow, that the first colour, E, will pass to the eye through one degree of thick air, E S, and through another degree, S A, of thinner air. And B will send its colour to the eye in A, through two degrees of thick air, and through two others of the thinner sort. C will send it through three degrees of the thin, and three of the thick sort, i i/o PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. while D goes through four degrees of the one, and four of the other. This demonstrates, that the gradation of colours is in proportion to their dis- tance from the eye*. But this happens only to those colours which are on a level with the eye ; as for those which happen to be at unequal eleva- tions, we cannot observe the same rule, because they are in that case situated in different qualities of air, which alter and diminish these colours in various manners. 2 3 4- 6 6 7 8 Chap. CCXCIV. — Of the Perspective of Colours in dark Places. In any place where the light diminishes in a gradual proportion, till it terminates in total dark- ness, the colours also will lose themselves and be dissolved in proportion as they recede from the eye. * See chap, cclxxxvii. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 171 Chap. CCXCV. — Of the Perspective of Colours. The principal colours, or those nearest to the eye, should be pure and simple; and the degree of their diminution should be in proportion to their distance, viz. the nearer they are to the principal point, the more they will possess of the purity of those colours, and they will partake of the colour of the horizon in proportion as they approach to it. Chap. CCXCVL— Of Colours. Of all the colours which are not blue, those that are nearest to black will, when distant, partake most of the azure; and, on the contrary, those will preserve their proper colour at the greatest dis- tance, that are most dissimilar to black. The green therefore of the fields will change sooner into blue than yellow, or white, which will preserve their natural colour at a greater distance than that, or even red. Chap. CCXCVII. — How it happens that Colours do not change, though placed in different Quali- ties of Air. The colour will not be subject to any alteration when the distance and the quality of air have a re- ciprocal proportion. What it loses by the distance it regains by the purity of the air, viz. if we sup- pose the first or lowest air to have four degrees of 12 172 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. thickness, and the colour to be at one degree from the eye, and the second air above to have three degrees. The air having lost one degree of thick- ness, the colour will acquire one degree upon the distance. And when the air still higher shall have lost two degrees of thickness, the colour will ac- quire as many upon the distance ; and in that case the colour will be the same at three degrees as at one. But to be brief, if the colour be raised so high as to enter that quality of air which has lost three degrees of thickness, and acquired three de- grees of distance, then you may be certain that that colour which is high and remote, has lost no more than the colour which is below and nearer ; because in rising it has acquired those three de- grees which it was losing by the same distance from the eye ; and this is what was meant to be proved. Chap. CXCVIII. — Why Colours experience no apparent Change, though placed in different Qualities of Air. It may happen that a colour does not alter, though placed at different distances, when the thickness of the air and the distance are in the same inverse proportion. It is proved thus : — let A be the eye, and H any colour whatever, placed at one degree of distance from the eye, in a qua- lity of air of four degrees of thickness j but be- PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 173 Air of one degree of density. N \Two degrees of ditto. Three degrees of ditto. L 2 3 degrees of distance. cause the second degree above, AMNL, con- tains a thinner air by one-half, which air conveys this colour, it follows that this colour will appear as if removed double the distance it was at before, viz. at two degrees of distance, A F and F G, from the eye; and it will be placed in G. If that is raised to the second degree of air AMNL, and to the degree OM, PN, it will necessarily be placed at E, and will be removed from the eye the whole length of the line A E, which will be proved in this manner to be equal in thickness to the distance A G. If in the same quality of air the distance A G interposed between the eye and the colour occupies two degrees, and A E occu- pies two degrees and a half, it is sufficient to pre- serve the colour G, when raised to E, from any change, because the degree A C and the degree A F being the same in thickness, are equal and alike, and the degree C D, though equal in length 174 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. to the degree F G, is not alike in point of thick- ness of air \ because half of it is situated in a de- gree of air of double the thickness of the air above : this half degree of distance occupies as much of the colour as one whole degree of the air above would, which air above is twice as thin as the air below, with which it terminates ; so that by calculating the thickness of the air, and the distances, you will find that the colours have changed places without undergoing any alteration in their beauty. And we shall prove it thus : reckoning first the thickness of the air, the colour H is placed in four degrees of thickness, the co- lour G in two degrees, and E at one degree. Now let us see whether the distances are in an equal inverse proportion ; the colour E is at two degrees and a half of distance, G at two degrees, and H at one degree. But as this distance has not an exact proportion with the thickness of the air, it is ne- cessary to make a third calculation in this man- ner : A C is perfectly like and equal to A F ; the half degree, C B, is like but not equal to A F, be- cause it is only half a degree in length, which is equal to a whole degree of the quality of the air above ; so that by this calculation we shall solve the question. For A C is equal to two degrees of thickness of the air above, and the half degree C B is equal to a whole degree of the same air above ; and one degree more is to be taken in, PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 175 viz. B E, which makes the fourth. A H has four degrees of thickness of air, A G also four, viz. A F two in value, and F G also two, which taken together make four. A E has also four, because A C contains two, and C D one, which is the half of A C, and in the same quality of air ; and there is a whole degree above in the thin air, which alto- gether make four. So that if A E is not double the distance A G, nor four times the distance A H, it is made equivalent by the half degree CB of thick air, which is equal to a whole degree of thin air above. This proves the truth of the proposi- tion, that the colour H G E does not undergo any alteration by these different distances. Chap. CCXCIX. — Contrary Opinions in regard to Objects seen afar off. Many painters will represent the objects darker, in proportion as they are removed from the eye ; but this cannot be true, unless the objects seen be white; as shall be examined in the next chapter. Chap. CCC. — Of the Colour of Objects remote from the Eye. The air tinges objects with its own colour more or less in proportion to the quantity of interven- ing air between it and the eye, so that a dark . object at the distance of two miles (or a density of 176 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. air equal to such distance), will be more tinged with its colour than if only one mile distant. It is said, that, in a landscape, trees of the same species appear darker in the distance than near ; this cannot be true, if they be of equal size, and divided by equal spaces. But it will be so if the first trees are scattered, and the light of the fields is seen through and between them, while the others which are farther off, are thick together, as is often the case near some river or other piece of water : in this case no space of light fields can be per- ceived, but the trees appear thick together, accu- mulating the shadow on each other. It also hap- pens, that as the shady parts of plants are much broader than the light ones, the colour of the plants becoming darker by the multiplied shadows, is preserved, and conveyed to the eye more strongly than that of the other parts ; these masses, there- fore, will carry the strongest parts of their colour to a greater distance. Chap. CCCI. — Of the Colour of Mountains. The darker the mountain is in itself, the bluer it will appear at a great distance. The highest part will be the darkest, as being more woody ; because woods cover a great many shrubs, and other plants, which never receive any light. The wild plants of those woods are also naturally of a darker hue than cultivated plants ; for oak, beech, PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 177 fir, cypress, and pine trees are much darker than olive and other domestic plants. Near the top of these mountains, where the air is thinner and purer, the darkness of the woods will make it appear of a deeper azure, than at the bottom, where the air is thicker. A plant will detach very little from the ground it stands upon, if that ground be of a colour something similar to its own ; and; vice versa, that part of any white object which is nearest to a dark one, will appear the whitest, and the less so as it is removed from it ; and any dark object will appear darker, the nearer it is to a white one; and less so, if removed from it. Chap. CCCII. — Why the Colour and Shape of Objects are lost in some Situations apparently dark, though not so in Reality. There are some situations which, though light, appear dark, and in which objects are deprived both of form and colour. This is caused by the great light which pervades the intervening air ; as is observable by looking in through a window at some distance from the eye, when nothing is seen but an uniform darkish shade ; but if we enter the house, we shall find that room to be full of light, and soon distinguish every small object contained within that window. This difference of effect is produced by the great brightness of the air, which i 5 178 PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. contracts considerably the pupil of the eye, and by so doing diminishes its power. But in dark places the pupil is enlarged, and acquires as much in strength, as it increases in size. This is proved in my second proposition of perspective.^ Chap. CCCIII. — Various Precepts in Painting. The termination and shape of the parts in gene- ral are very little seen, either in great masses of light, or of shadows ; but those which are situated between the extremes of light and shade are the most distinct. Perspective, as far as it extends in regard to painting, is divided into three principal parts ; the first consists in the diminution of size according to distance; the second concerns the diminution of colours in such objects ; and the third treats of the diminution of the perception altogether of those objects, and of the degree of precision they ought to exhibit at various distances. The azure of the sky is produced by a mixture composed of light and darkness jf I say of light, because of the moist particles floating in the air, which reflect the light. By darkness, I mean the pure air, which has none of these extraneous par- ticles to stop and reflect the rays. Of this we see an example in the air interposed between the eye * This book on perspective was never drawn up. t See chap, ccxcii. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 17^ and some dark mountains, rendered so by the shadows of an innumerable quantity of trees ; or else shaded on one side by the natural privation of the rays of the sun; this air becomes azure, but not so on the side of the mountain which is light, particularly when it is covered with snow. Among objects of equal darkness and equal distance, those will appear darker that terminate upon a lighter ground, and vice versa.* That object which is painted with the most white and the most black, will shew greater relief than any other \ for that reason I would recom- mend to painters to colour and dress their figures with the brightest and most lively colours ; for if they are painted of a dull or obscure colour, they will detach but little, and not be much seen, when the picture is placed at some distance ; because the colour of every object is obscured in the shades ; and if it be represented as originally so all over, there will be but little difference between the lights and the shades, while lively colours will shew a striking difference. * See chap, ccxii. ccxlviii. cclv. 180 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. Chap. CCCIV. — Aerial Perspective. There is another kind of perspective called aerial, because by the difference of the air it is easy to determine the distance of different objects, though seen on the same line ; such, for instance, as buildings behind a wall, and appearing all of the same height above it. If in your picture you want to have one appear more distant than another, you must first suppose the air somewhat thick, because, as we have said before, in such a kind of air the objects seen at a great distance, as moun- tains are, appear blueish like the air, by means of the great quantity of air that interposes between the eye and such mountains. You will then paint the first building behind that wall of its proper colour ; the next in point of distance, less distinct in the outline, and participating, in a greater degree, of the blueish colour of the air ; another, which you wish to send off as much farther, should be painted as much bluer ; and if you wish one of them to appear five times farther removed beyond the wall, it must have five times more of the azure. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 181 By this rule these buildings which appeared all of the same size, and upon the same line, will be distinctly perceived to be of different dimensions, and at different distances. Chap. CCCV. — The Parts of the smallest Objects will first disappear in Painting. Of objects receding from the eye the smallest will be first lost to the sight; from which it fol- lows, that the largest will be the last to disappear. The painter, therefore, ought not to finish the parts of those objects which are very far off, but follow the rule given in the sixth book.* How many, in the representation of towns, and other objects remote from the eye, express every part of the buildings in the same manner as if they were very near. It is not so in nature, because there is no sight so powerful as to perceive dis- tinctly at any great distance the precise form of parts or extremities of objects. The painter there- fore who pronounces the outlines, and the minute distinction of parts, as several have done, will not give the representation of distant objects, but by this error will make them appear exceedingly near. Again, the angles of buildings in distant towns are not to be expressed (for they cannot be seen), * There is no work of this author to which this can at present refer, but the principle is laid down in chapters cclxxiv. cccvi. of the present treatise. 182 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. considering that angles are formed by the concur- rence of two lines into one point, and that a point has no parts; it is therefore invisible. Chap. CCCVI. — Small Figures ought not to be too much finished. Objects appear smaller than they really are when they are distant from the eye, and because there is a great deal of air interposed, which weakens the appearance of forms, and, by a natural conse- quence, prevents our seeing distinctly the minute parts of such objects. It behoves the painter therefore to touch those parts slightly, in an unfi- nished manner ; otherwise it would be against the effect of Nature, whom he has chosen for his guide. For, as we said before, objects appear small on account of their great distance from the eye \ that distance includes a great quantity of air, which, forming a dense body, obstructs the light, and prevents our seeing the minute parts of the objects. Chap. CCCVII. — Why the Air is to appear ivhiter as it approaches nearer to the Earth. As the air is thicker nearer the earth, and be- comes thinner as it rises, look, when the sun is in the east, towards the west, between the north and south, and you will perceive that the thickest and lowest air will receive more light from the sun AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 183 than the thinner air, because its beams meet with more resistance. If the sky terminate low, at the end of a plain, that part of it nearest to the horizon, being seen only through the thick air, will alter and break its natural colour, and will appear whiter than over your head, where the visual ray does not pass through so much of that gross air, corrupted by earthy vapours. But if you turn towards the east, the air will be darker the nearer it approaches the earth ; for the air being thicker, does not admit the light of the sun to pass so freely. Chap. CCCVIII. — How to paint the distant Part of a Landscape. It is evident that the air is in some parts thicker and grosser than in others, particularly that nearest to the earth ; and as it rises higher, it becomes thinner and more transparent. The objects which are high and large, from which you are at some distance, will be less apparent in the lower parts ; because the visual ray which perceives them, passes through a long space of dense air ; and it is easy to prove that the upper parts are seen by a line, which, though on the side of the eye it originates in a thick air, nevertheless, as it ascends to the highest summit of its object, terminates in an air much thinner than that of the lower parts ; and for that reason the more that line or visual ray 184 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. advances from the eye, it becomes, in its progress from one point to another, thinner and thinner, passing from a pure air into another which is purer ; so that a painter who has mountains to re- present in a landscape, ought to observe, that from one hill to another, the tops will appear always clearer than the bases. In proportion as the dis- stance from one to another is greater, the top will be clearer ; and the higher they are, the more they will show their variety of form and colour. Chap. CCCIX. — Of precise and confused Objects. The parts that are near in the fore-ground should be finished in a bold determined manner ; but those in the distance must be unfinished, and confused in their outlines. Chap. CCCX.— Of distant Objects. That part of any object which is nearest to the luminary from which it receives the light, will be the lightest. The representation of an object in every degree of distance, loses degrees of its strength; that is, in proportion as the object is more remote from the eye it will be less perceivable through the air in its representation. Chap. CCCXI. — Of Buildings seen ina thick Air. That part of a building seen through a thick air, AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 185 will appear less distinct than another part seen through a thinner air. Therefore the eye, N, looking at the tower A D, will see it more con- fusedly in the lower degrees, but at the same time lighter; and as it ascends to the other de- grees it will appear more distinct, but somewhat darker. Chap. CCCXII.— Of Towns and other Objects seen through a thick Air. Buildings or towns seen through a fog, or the air made thick by smoke or other vapours, will appear less distinct the lower they are ; and, vice versa, they will be sharper and more visible in proportion as they are higher. We have said in chapter cccxxi. that the air is thicker the lower it is, and thinner as it is higher. It is demon- strated also by the cut, where the tower, A F, is 186 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. seen by the eye N, in a thick air, from B to F, ^ffl^-*^sKT^! A which is divided into four degrees, growing thicker as they are nearer the bottom. The less the quan- tity of air interposed between the eye and its object is, the less also will the colour of the object parti- cipate of the colour of that air. It follows, that the greater the quantity of air interposed between the eye and the object seen, is, the more this ob- ject will participate of the colour of the air. It is demonstrated thus : N being the eye looking at the five parts of the tower A F, viz. A B C D E, I say, that if the air were of the same thickness, there would be the same proportion between the colour of the air at the bottom of the tower and the colour of the air that the same tower has at the place B, as there is in length between the line M and F. As, however, we have supposed that the air is not of equal thickness, but, on the con- trary, thicker as it is lower, it follows, that the AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 187 proportion by which the air tinges the different elevations of the tower BCF^ exceeds the propor- tion of the lines ; because the line M F, besides its being longer than the line S B, passes by un- equal degrees through a quality of air which is unequal in thickness. Chap. CCCXIII. — Of the inferior Extremities of distant Objects. The inferior or lower extremities of distant ob- jects are not so apparent as the upper extremities. This is observable in mountains and hills, the tops of which detach from the sides of other mountains behind. We see the tops of these more deter- mined and distinctly than their bases ; because the upper extremities are darker, being less encom- passed by thick air, which always remains in the lower regions, and makes them appear dim and confused. It is the same with trees, buildings, and other objects high up. From this effect it often happens that a high tower, seen at a great distance, will appear broad at top, and narrow at bottom ; because the thin air towards the top does not prevent the angles on the sides and other dif- ferent parts of the tower from being seen, as the thick air does at bottom. This is demonstrated by the seventh proposition,* which says, that the thick air interposed between the eye and the sun, * See chapters cccvii. cccxxii. 188 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. is lighter below than above, and where the air is whiteish, it confuses the dark objects more than if such air were blueish or thinner, as it is higher up. The battlements of a fortress have the spaces between equal to the breadth of the battlement, and yet the space will appear wider ; at a great distance the battlements will appear very much diminished, and being removed still farther, will disappear entirely, and the fort show only the straight wall, as if there were no battlements. Chap. CCCXIV. — Which Parts of Objects disap- pear first by being removed farther from the Eye, and which preserve their Appearance. The smallest parts are those which, by being removed, lose their appearance first ; this may be observed in the gloss upon spherical bodies, or columns, and the slender parts of animals ; as in a stag, the first sight of which does not discover its legs and horns so soon as its body, which, be- ing broader, will be perceived from a greater dis- tance. But the parts which disappear the very first, are the lines which describe the members, and terminate the surface and shape of bodies. Chap. CCCXV. — Why Objects are less distin- guished in proportion as they are farther removed from the Eye. This happens because the smallest parts are lost AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 189 first; the second, in point of size, are also lost at a somewhat greater' distance, and so on succes- sively; the parts by degrees melting away, the perception of the object is diminished; and at last all the parts, and the whole, are entirely lost to the sight.* Colours also disappear on account of the density of the air interposed between the eye and the object. Chap. CCCXVI. — Why Faces appear dark at a distance. It is evident that the similitude of all objects placed before us, large as well as small, is percepti- ble to our senses through the iris of the eye. If through so small an entrance the immensity of the sky and of the earth is admitted, the faces of men (which are scarcely any thing in comparison of such large objects), being still diminished by the dis- tance, will occupy so little of the eye, that they become almost imperceptible. Besides, having to pass through a dark medium from the surface to the Retina in the inside, where the impression is made, the colour of faces, (not being very strong, and rendered still more obscure by the darkness of the tube) when arrived at the focus appears dark. No other reason can be given on that point, except that the speck in the middle of the apple of the eye is black, and, being full of a transpa- * See chap. cxvi. cxxi. cccv. 190 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. rent fluid like air, performs the same office as a hole in a board, which on looking into it appears black; and that those things which are seen through both a light and dark air, become con- fused and obscure. Chap. CCCXVII. — Of Towns and other Buildings seen through a Fog in the Morning or Evening. Buildings seen afar off in the morning or in the evening, when there is a fog, or thick air, show only those parts distinctly which are enlightened by the sun towards the horizon ; and the parts of those buildings which are not turned towards the sun remain confused and almost of the colour of the fog. Chap. CCCXVIIL— Of the Height of Buildings seen in a Fog. Of a building near the eye the top parts will appear more confused than the bottom ; because there is more fog between the eye and the top than at the base. And a square tower, seen at a great distance through a fog, will appear narrower at the base than at the summit. This is accounted for in chapter cccxin. which says, that the fog will appear whiter and thicker as it approaches the ground; and, as it is said before,* that a dark object will appear smaller in proportion as it is * See chap, cccxiii. and cccxxiii. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 191 placed on a whiter ground. Therefore the fog being whiter at bottom than at top, it follows that the tower (being darkish) will appear narrower at the base than at the summit. Chap. CCCXIX. — Why Objects which are high, appear darker at a Distance than those which are low, though the Fog be uniform, and of equal Thickness. Amongst objects situated in a fog, thick air, vapour, smoke, or at a distance, the highest will be the most distinctly seen : and amongst objects equal in height, that placed in the darkest fog, will be most confused and dark. As it happens to the eye H, looking at ABC, three towers of equal H height ; it sees the top C as low as R, in two de- grees of thickness; and the top B, in one degree only ; therefore the top C will appear darker than the top of the tower B. 192 AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. Chap. CCCXX. — Of Objects seen in a Fog. Objects seen through a fog will appear larger than they are in reality, because the aerial perspec- tive does not agree with the linear, viz. the colour does not agree with the magnitude of the object;* such a fog being similar to the thickness of air in- terposed between the eye and the horizon in fine weather. But in this case the fog is near the eye, and though the object be also near, it makes it appear as if it were as far off as the horizon ; where a great tower would appear no bigger than a man placed near the eye. * To our obtaining a correct idea of the magnitude and distance of any object seen from afar, it is necessary that we consider how much of distinctness an object loses at a distance (from the mere interposition of the air) , as well as what it loses in size ; and these two considerations must unite before we can decidedly pronounce as to its distance or magnitude. This calculation, as to distinct- ness, must be made upon the idea that the air is clear, as, if by any accident it is otherwise, we shall (knowing the proportion in which clear air dims a prospect) be led to conclude this farther off than it is, and, to justify that conclusion, shall suppose its real magnitude correspondent with the distance, at which from its de- gree of distinctness it appears to be. In the circumstance remarked in the text there is, however, a great deception ; the fact is, that the colour and the minute parts of the object are lost in the fog, while the size of it is not diminished in proportion ; and the eye being accustomed to see objects diminished in size at a great dis- tance, supposes this to be farther off than it is, and consequently imagines it larger. AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. 193 Chap. CCCXXL — Of those Objects which the Eyes perceive through a Mist or thick Air. The nearer the air is to water, or to the ground, the thicker it becomes. It is proved by the nine- teenth proposition of the second book,* that bo- dies rise in proportion to their weight ; and it fol- lows, that a light body will rise higher than another which is heavy. Chap. CCCXXII. — Miscellaneous Observations. Of different objects equal in magnitude, form, shade, and distance from the eye, those will ap- pear the smaller that are placed on the lighter ground. This is exemplified by observing the sun when seen behind a tree without leaves ; all the ramifications seen against that great light are so diminished that they remain almost invisible. The same may be observed of a pole placed between the sun and the eye. Parallel bodies placed upright, and seen through a fog, will appear larger at top than at bottom. This is proved by the ninth proposition^ which says, that a fog, or thick air, penetrated by the rays of the sun, will appear whiter the lower they are. * This proposition, though undoubtedly intended to form apart of some future work, which never was drawn up, makes no part of the present. t See chap, cccvii. K VM AERIAL PERSPECTIVE. Things seen afar off will appear out of pro- portion,, because the parts which are the lightest will send their image with stronger rays than the parts which are darkest. I have seen a woman dressed in black, with a white veil over her head; which appeared twice as large as her shoulders covered with black. 195 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. LANDSCAPE. Chap. CCCXXIII. — Of Objects seen at aDistance. Any dark object will appear lighter when re- moved to some distance from the eye. It follows, by the contrary reason, that a dark object will ap- pear still darker when brought nearer to the eye. Therefore the inferior parts of any object what- ever, placed in thick air, will appear farther from the eye at the bottom than at the top ; for that reason the lower parts of a mountain appear far- ther off than its top, which is in reality the farthest. Chap. CCCXXIV. — Of a Town seen through a thick Air. The eye which, looking downwards, sees a town immersed in very thick air, will perceive the top of the buildings darker, but more distinct than the bottom. The tops detach against a light ground, because they are seen against the low and thick air which is beyond them. This is a consequence of what has been explained in the preceding chapter. k 2 Ì9G LANDSCAPE. Chap. CCCXXV. — How to draw a Landscape. Contrive that the trees in your landscape be half in shadow and half in the light. It is better to represent them as when the sun is veiled with thin clouds, because in that case the trees receive a general light from the sky, and are darkest in those parts which are nearest to the earth. Chap. CCCXXVI.— Of the Green of the Country. Of the greens seen in the country, that of trees and other plants will appear darker than that of fields and meadows, though they may happen to be of the same quality. Chap. CCCXXVIL — What Greens will appear most of a blueish Cast. Those greens will appear to approach nearest to blue which are of the darkest shade when remote. This is proved by the seventh proposition,* which says, that blue is composed of black and white seen at a great distance. Chap. CCCXXVIIL— The Colour of the Sea from different Aspects. When the sea is a little ruffled it has no same- ness of colour ; for, whoever looks at it from the shore, will see it of a dark colour, in a greater de- * Vide chap, ccxcii. ccciii. LANDSCAPE. 197 gree as it approaches towards the horizon, and will perceive also certain lights moving slowly on the surface like a flock of sheep. Whoever looks at the sea from on board a ship, at a distance from the land, sees it blue. Near the shore it appears darkish, on account of the colour of the earth re- flected by the water, as in a looking-glass ; but at sea the azure of the air is reflected to the eye by the waves in the same manner. Chap. CCCXXIX. — Why the same Prospect ap- pears larger at some Times than at others. Objects in the country appear sometimes larger and sometimes smaller than they actually are, from the circumstance of the air interposed between the eye and the horizon, happening to be either thicker or thinner than usual. Of two horizons equally distant from the eye, that which is seen through the thicker air will appear farther removed ; and the other will seem nearer, being seen through a thinner air. Objects of unequal size, but equally distant, will appear equal if the air which is between them and the eye be of proportionable inequality of thickness, viz. if the thickest air be interposed between the eye and the smallest of the objects. This is proved by the perspective of colours,* which is so deceit- ful that a mountain which would appear small by * See chap, ccxcviii. 198 LANDSCAPE. the compasses, will seem larger than a small hill near the eye ; as a finger placed near the eye will cover a large mountain far off. Chap. CCCXXX.— Of Smoke. Smoke is more transparent, though darker, to- wards the extremities of its waves than in the middle. It moves in a more oblique direction in propor- tion to the force of the wind which impels it. Different kinds of smoke vary in colour, as the causes that produce them are various. Smoke never produces determined shadows, and the extremities are lost as they recede from their primary cause. Objects behind it are less appa- rent in proportion to the thickness of the smoke. It is whiter nearer its origin, and bluer towards its termination. Fire appears darker, the more smoke there is interposed between it and the eye. Where smoke is farther distant, the objects are less confused by it. It encumbers and dims all the landscape like a fog. Smoke is seen to issue from different places, with flames at the origin, and the most dense part of it. The tops of mountains will be more seen than the lower parts, as in a fog. LANDSCAPE. 199 Chap. CCCXXXI. — In what Part Smoke is lightest. Smoke which is seen between the sun and the eye will be lighter and more transparent than any other in the landscape. The same is observed of dust, and of fog ; while, if you place yourself be- tween the sun and those objects, they will appear dark. Chap. CCCXXXII. — Of the Sun-beams passing through the Openings of Clouds. The sun-beams which penetrate the openings interposed between clouds of various density and form, illuminate all the places over which they pass, and tinge with their own colour all the dark places that are behind : which dark places are only seen in the intervals between the rays. Chap. CCCXXXIIL— Of the Beginning of Rain. When the rain begins to fall, it tarnishes and darkens the air, giving it a dull colour, but receives still on one side a faint light from the sun, and is shaded on the other side, as we observe in clouds; till at last it darkens also the earth, depriving it entirely of the light of the sun. Objects seen through the rain appear confused and of undeter- mined shape, but those which are near will be more distinct. It is observable, that on the side where the rain is shaded, objects will be more 200 LANDSCAPE. clearly distinguished than where it receives the light ; because on the shady side they lose only their principal lights, whilst on the other they lose both their lights and shadows, the lights mixing with the light part of the rain, and the shadows are also considerably weakened by it. Chap. CCCXXXIV.— The Seasons are to be observed. In Autumn you will represent the objects ac- cording as it is more or less advanced. At the beginning of it the leaves of the oldest branches only begin to fade, more or less, however, accord- ing as the plant is situated in a fertile or barren country ; and do not imitate those who represent trees of every kind (though at equal distance) with the same quality of green. Endeavour to vary the colour of meadows, stones, trunks of trees, and all other objects, as much as possible, for Nature abounds in variety ad infinitum. Chap. CCCXXXV.— The Difference of Climates to be observed. Near the sea-shore, and in southern parts, you will be careful not to represent the Winter season by the appearance of trees and fields, as you would do in places more inland, and in northern coun- tries, except when these are covered with ever- greens, which shoot afresh all the year round. LANDSCAPE. 201 Chap. CCCXXXVL— Of Dust. Dust becomes lighter the higher it rises, and appears darker the less it is raised, when it is seen between the eye and the sun. Chap. CCCXXXVIL— How to represent the Wind. In representing the effect of the wind, besides the bending of trees, and leaves twisting the wrong side upwards, you will also express the small dust whirling upwards till it mixes in a confused man- ner with the air. Chap. CCCXXXVIII.-O/a Wilderness. Those trees and shrubs which are by their na- ture more loaded with small branches, ought to be touched smartly in the shadows, but those which have larger foliage, will cause broader shadows. Chap. CCCXXXIX.— Of the Horizon seen in the Water. By the sixth proposition,* the horizon will be seen in the water as in a looking-glass, on that side which is opposite the eye. And if the painter has to represent a spot covered with water, let him remember that the colour of it cannot be * This was probably to have been a part of soire other work, but it does not occur in this. K 5 202 LANDSCAPE. either lighter or darker than that of the neigh- bouring objects. Chap. CCCXL.— Of the Shadow of Bridges on the Surface of the Water. The shadows of bridges can never be seen on the surface of the water, unless it should have lost its transparent and reflecting quality, and become troubled and muddy; because clear water being polished and smooth on its surface, the image of the bridge is formed in it as in a looking-glass, and reflected in all the points situated between the eye and the bridge at equal angles ; and even the air is seen under the arches. These circum- stances cannot happen when the water is muddy, because it does not reflect the objects any longer, but receives the shadow of the bridge in the same manner as a dusty road would receive it. Chap. CCCXLI. — How a Painter ought to put in Practice the Perspective of Colours. To put in practice that perspective which teaches the alteration, the lessening, and even the entire loss of the very essence of colours, you must take some points in the country at the distance of about sixty-five yards* from each other; as trees, men, or some other remarkable objects. In regard to * Cento braccia, or cubits. The Florence braccio is one foot ten inches seven-eighths, English measure. VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. 203 the first tree, you will take a glass, and having fixed that well, and also your eye, draw upon it, with the greatest accuracy, the tree you see through it; then put it a little on one side, and compare it closely with the natural one, and colour it, so that in shape and colour it may resemble the original, and that by shutting one eye they may both ap- pear painted, and at the same distance. The same rule may be applied to the second and third tree at the distance you have fixed. These studies will be very useful if managed with judgment, where they may be wanted in the offscape of a picture. I have observed that the second tree is less by four-fifths than the first, at the distance of thirteen yards. Chap. CCCXLII. — Various Precepts in Painting. The superficies of any opake body participates of the colour of the transparent medium interposed between the eye and such body, in a greater or less degree, in proportion to the density of such me- dium and the space it occupies. The outlines of opake bodies will be less appa- rent in proportion as those bodies are farther dis- tant from the eye. That part of the opake body will be the most shaded, or lightest, which is nearest to the body that shades it, or gives it light. 204 VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. The surface of any opake body participates more or less of the colour of that body which gives it light, in proportion as the latter is more or less remote, or more or less strong. Objects seen between lights and shadows will appear to have greater relievo than those which are placed wholly in the light, or wholly in shadow. When you give strength and precision to objects seen at a great distance, they will appear as if they were very near. Endeavour that your imitation be such as to give a just idea of distances. If the object in nature appear confused in the outlines, let the same be observed in your picture. The outlines of distant objects appear undeter- mined and confused, for two reasons : the first is, that they come to the eye by so small an angle, and are therefore so much diminished, that they strike the sight no more than small objects do, which though near can hardly be distinguished, such as the nails of the fingers, insects, and other similar things : the second is, that between the eye and the distant objects there is so much air inter- posed, that it becomes thick; and, like a veil, tinges the shadows with its own whiteness, and turns them from a dark colour to another between black and white, such as azure. Although, by reason of the great distance, the appearance of many things is lost, yet those things which receive the light from the sun will be more VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. 205 discernible, while the rest remain enveloped in confused shadows. And because the air is thicker near the ground, the things which are lower will appear confused ; and vice versa. When the sun tinges the clouds on the horizon with red, those objects which, on account of their distance, appear blueish, will participate of that redness, and will produce a mixture between the azure and red, which renders the prospect lively and pleasant ; all the opake bodies which receive that light will appear distinct, and of a reddish co- lour, and the air, being transparent, will be impreg- nated with it, and appear of the colour of lilies.* The air which is between the earth and the sun when it rises or sets, will always dim the objects it surrounds, more than the air any where else, because it is whiter. It is not necessary to mark strongly the outlines of any object which is placed upon another. It ought to detach of itself. If the outline or extremity of a white and curved surface terminate upon another white body, it will have a shade at that extremity, darker than any part of the light; but if against a dark object, such outline, or extremity, will be lighter than any part of the light. Those objects which are most different in colour, will appear the most detached from each other. * Probably the Author here means yellow lilies, or fleurs de lis. 206 VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. Those parts of objects which first disappear in the distance, are extremities similar in colour, and ending one upon the other, as the extremities of an oak tree upon another oak similar to it. The next to disappear at a greater distance are^ objects of mixed colours, when they terminate one upon the other, as trees, ploughed fields, walls, heaps of rubbishy or of stones. The last extremities of bo- dies that vanish are those which^ being light, ter- minate upon a dark ground ; or being dark, upon a light ground. Of objects situated above the eye^ at equal heights, the farthest removed from the eye will ap- pear the lowest; and if situated below the eye, the nearest to it will appear the lowest. The parallel lines situated sidewise will concur to one point.* Those objects which are near a river^ or a lake, in the distant part of a landscape, are less appa- rent and distinct than those that are remote from them. Of bodies of equal density, those that are nearest to the eye will appear thinnest^ and the most re- mote thickest. A large eye-ball will see objects larger than a small one. The experiment may be made by look- ing at any of the celestial bodies^ through a pin- * That point is always found in the horizon, and is called the point of sight, or the vanishing point. VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. 207 hole, which being capable of admitting but a por- tion of its light, it seems to diminish and lose of its size in the same proportion as the pin-hole is smaller than the usual apparent size of the object. A thick air interposed between the eye and any object, will render the outlines of such object un- determined and confused, and make it appear of a larger size than it is in reality; because the linear perspective does not diminish the angle which conveys the object to the eye. The aerial per- spective carries it farther off, so that the one re- moves it from the eye, while the other preserves its magnitude.* When the sun is in the West the vapours of the earth fall down again and thicken the air, so that objects not enlightened by the sun remain dark and confused, but those which receive its light will be tinged yellow and red, according to the sun^s appearance on the horizon. Again, those that receive its light are very distinct, particularly public buildings and towns in houses and villages, because their shadows are dark, and it seems as if those parts which are plainly seen were coming out of confused and undetermined foundations, because at that time every thing is of one and the same colour, except what is enlightened by the sun.f Any object receiving the light from the sun, * See chap, cccxx. f See chap, cccxvii. 208 VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. receives also the general light; so that two kinds of shadows are produced : the darkest of the two is that which happens to have its central line di- rected towards the centre of the sun. The central lines of the primitive and secondary lights are the same as the central lines of the primitive and se- condary shadows. The setting sun is a beautiful and magnificent object when it tinges with its colour all the great buildings of towns, villages, and the top of high trees in the country. All below is confused and almost lost in a tender and general mass ; for, be- ing only enlightened by the air, the difference be- tween the shadows and the lights is small, and for that reason it is not much detached. But those that are high are touched by the rays of the sun, and, as was said before, are tinged with its colour; the painter therefore ought to take the same co- lour with which he has painted the sun, and em- ploy it in all those parts of his work which receive its light. It also happens very often, that a cloud will ap- pear dark without receiving any shadow from a separate cloud, according to the situation of the eye; because it will see only the shady part of the one, while it sees both the enlightened and shady parts of the other. Of two objects at equal height, that which is the farthest off will appear the lowest. Observe the VARIOUS PRECEPTS IN PAINTING. 209 first cloud in the cut, though it is lower than the second, it appears as if it were higher. This is demonstrated by the section of the pyramidical rays of the low cloud at M A, and the second (which is higher) at N M, below M A. This hap- pens also when, on account of the rays of the set- ting or rising sun, a dark cloud appears higher than another which is light. Chap. CCCXLIII.— The Brilliancy of a Land- scape. The vivacity and brightness of colours in a land- scape will never bear any comparison with a land- scape in nature when illumined by the sun, unless the picture be placed so as to receive the same light from the sun itself. 210 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. Chap. CCCXLIV.— Why a painted Object does not appear so far distant as a real one, though they be conveyed to the Eye by equal Angles. If a house be painted on the pannel B C, at the apparent distance of one mile, and by the side of it a real one be perceived at the true distance of one mile also ; which objects are so disposed, that the pannel, or picture, A C, intersects the pyra- midical rays with the same opening of angles ; yet these two objects will never appear of the same size, nor at the same distance, if seen with both eyes.* * This position has been already laid down in chapter cxxiv. (and will also be found in chapter cccxlviii.) ; and the reader is referred to the note on that passage, which will also explain that in the text, for further illustration. It may, however, be proper to re- MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 211 Chap. CCCXLV. — How to draw a Figure standing upon its Feet, to appear forty Braccia * high, in a Space of twenty Braccia, with proportionate Members. In this, as in any other case, the painter is not to mind what kind of surface he has to work upon; particularly if his painting is to be seen from a determined point, such as a window, or any other opening. Because the eye is not to attend to the evenness or roughness of the wall, but only to - F R Gr mark, that though the author has here supposed both objects con- veyed to the eye by an angle of the same extent, they cannot, in fact, be so seen, unless one eye be shut ; and the reason is this : if viewed with both eyes, there will be two points of sight, one in the centre of each eye ; and the rays from each of these to the objects must of course be different, and will consequently form dif- ferent angles. * The braccio is one foot ten inches and seven -eighths English measure. 212 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. what is to be represented as beyond that wall ; such as a landscape, or any thing else. Nevertheless a curved surface, such as F R G, would be the best, because it has no angles. Chap.CCCXLVI. — How to draw a Figure twenty- four Braccia high, upon a Wall twelve Braccia high. Plate XXII. Draw upon part of the wall M N, half the figure you mean to represent ; and the other half upon the cove above, M R. But before that, it will be necessary to draw upon a flat board, or a paper, the profile of the wall and cove, of the same shape and dimension, as that upon which you are to paint. Then draw also the profile of your figure, of whatever size you please, by the side of it ; draw all the lines to the point F, and where they intersect the profile M R, you will have the dimensions of your figure as they ought to be drawn upon the real spot. You will find, that on the straight part of the wall M N, it will come of its proper form, because the going off perpendicu- larly will diminish it naturally ; but that part which comes upon the curve will be diminished upon your drawing. The whole must be traced afterwards upon the real spot, which is similar to M N. This is a good and safe method. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 213 Chap. CCCXLVII. — Tf hy, on measuring a Face, and then painting it of the same Size, it will appear larger than the natural one. A B is the breadth of the space, or of the head, and it is placed on the paper at the distance C F, where the cheeks are, and it would have to stand back all A C, and then the temples would be car- ried to the distance OR of the lines A F, B F; so that there is the difference C O and R D. It fol- lows that the line C F, and the line D F, in order to become shorter,* have to go and find the paper where the whole height is drawn, that is to say, the lines F A, and F B, where the true size is ; and so it makes the difference, as I have said, of C O, and R D. F * i. e. To be abridged according to the rules of perspective. 214 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. Chap. GCCXLVIII.— Why the most perfect Imi- tation of Nature will not appear to have the same Relief as Nature itself If nature is seen with two eyes, it will be impos- sible to imitate it upon a picture so as to appear with the same relief, though the lines, the lights, shades, and colour, be perfectly imitated * It is proved thus : let the eyes A B, look at the object C, with the concurrence of both the central visual rays A C and B C. I say, that the sides of the visual angles (which contain these central rays) will see the space G D, behind the object C. The eye A will see all the space F D, and the eye B all the space G E. Therefore the two eyes will see behind the object C all the space FE; for which reason that object C becomes as it were transpa- rent, according to the definition of transparent * See chap, cxxii. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 215 bodies, behind which nothing is hidden. This cannot happen if an object were seen with one eye only, provided it be larger than the eye. From all that has been said, we may conclude, that a painted object, occupying all the space it has be- hind, leaves no possible way to see any part of the ground, which it covers entirely by its own circumference J* Chap. CCCXLIX. — Universality of Painting ; a Precept. A painter cannot be said to aim at universality in the art, unless he love equally every species of that art. For instance, if he delight only in land- cape, his can be esteemed only as a simple inves- tigation; and, as our friend Botticellof remarks, * The whole of this chapter, like the next but one preceding, depends on the circumstance of there being in fact two points of sight, one in the centre of each eye, when an object is viewed with both eyes. In natural objects the effect which this circumstance produces is, that the rays from each point of sight, diverging as they extend towards the object, take in not only that, but some part also of the distance behind it, till at length, at a certain dis- tance behind it, they cross each other ; whereas, in a painted re- presentation, there being no real distance behind the object, but the whole being a flat surface, it is impossible that the rays from the points of sight should pass beyond that flat surface ; and as the object itself is on that flat surface, which is the real extremity of the view, the eyes cannot acquire a sight of any thing beyond. f A well-known painter at Florence, contemporary with Leo- nardo da Vinci, who painted several altar-pieces and other public works. 216 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. is but a vain study ; since, by throwing a sponge impregnated with various colours against a wall; it leaves some spots upon it, which may appear like a landscape, ft is true also, that a variety of com- positions may be seen in such spots, according to the disposition of mind with which they are con- sidered; such as heads of men, various animals, battles, rocky scenes, seas, clouds, woods, and the like. It may be compared to the sound of bells, which may seem to say whatever we choose to ima- gine. In the same manner also, those spots may furnish hints for compositions, though they do not teach us how to finish any particular part ; and the imitators of them are but sorry landscape-painters. Chap. CCCL. — In what Manner the Mirror is the true Master of Painters. When you wish to know if your picture be like the object you mean to represent, have a flat look- ing-glass, and place it so as to reflect the object you have imitated, and compare carefully the ori- ginal with the copy. You see upon a flat mirror the representation of things which appear real; Painting is the same. They are both an even su- perficies, and^both give the idea of something be- yond their superficies. Since you are persuaded that the looking-glass, by means of lines and shades, gives you the representation of things as if they were real ; you being in possession of co- MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 217 lours which in their different lights and shades are stronger than those of the looking-glass, may cer- tainly, if you employ the rules with judgment, give to your picture the same appearance of Nature as you admire in the looking-glass. Or rather, your picture will be like Nature itself seen in a large looking-glass. This looking-glass (being your master) will show you the lights and shades of any object whatever. Amongst your colours there are some lighter than the lightest part of your model, and also some darker than the strongest shades ; from which it follows, that you ought to represent Nature as seen in your looking-glass, when you look at it with one eye only; because both eyes surround the objects too much, particularly when they are small.* Chap. CCCLI. — Which Painting is to be esteemed the best. That painting is the most commendable which has the greatest conformity to what is meant to be imitated. This kind of comparison will often put to shame a certain description of painters, who pretend they can mend the works of Nature ; as they do, for instance, when they pretend to repre- sent a child twelve months old, giving him eight heads in height, when Nature in its best propor- * See chapters ccxxiv. and cccxlviii. L 218 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. tion admits but five. The breadth of the shoulders also, which is equal to the head, they make double, giving to a child a year old, the proportions of a man of thirty. They have so often practised, and seen others practise these errors, that they have converted them into habit, which has taken so deep root in their corrupted judgment, that they persuade themselves that Nature and her imitators are wrong in not following their own practice.* Chap. CCCLII. — Of the Judgment to be made of a Painter's Work. The first thing to be considered is, whether the figures have their proper relief, according to their respective situations, and the light they are in: that the shadows be not the same at the extremi- ties of the groups, as in the middle ; because be- ing surrounded by shadows, or shaded only on one side, produce very different effects. The groups in the middle are surrounded by shadows from the other figures, which are between them and the light. Those which are at the extremities have the shadows only on one side, and receive the light on the other. The strongest and smartest touches of shadows are to be in the interstice between the figures of the principal group where the light can- not penetrate.f Secondly, that by the order and disposition of * See chap. x. t See chap. cci. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 219 the figures they appear to be accommodated to the subject^ and the true representation of the history in question. Thirdly, that the figures appear alive to the occa- sion which brought them together, with expres- sions suited to their attitudes. Chap. CCCLIII. — How to make an imaginary Animal appear natural. It is evident that it will be impossible to invent any animal without giving it members, and these members must individually resemble those of some known animal. If you wish, therefore, to make a chimera, or imaginary animal, appear natural (let us suppose a serpent) ; take the head of a mastiff, the eyes of a cat, the ears of a porcupine, the mouth of a hare, the brows of a lion, the temples of an old cock, and the neck of a sea tortoise.* Chap. CCCLIV. — Painters are not to imitate one another. One painter ought never to imitate the manner of any other ; because in that case he cannot be called the child of Nature, but the grandchild. It is always best to have recourse to Nature, which * Leonardo da Vinci was remarkably fond of this kind of in- ventions, and is accused of having lost a great deal of time that way. L 2 220 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. is replete with such abundance of objects, than to the productions of other masters, who learnt every thing from her. Chap. CCCLV. — How to judge of one's own Work. It is an acknowledged fact, that we perceive errors in the works of others more readily than in our own. A painter, therefore, ought to be well instructed in perspective, and acquire a perfect knowledge of the dimensions of the human body \ he should also be a good architect, at least as far as concerns the outward shape of buildings, with their different parts ; and where he is deficient, he ought not to neglect taking drawings from Nature. It will be well also to have a looking-glass by him, when he paints, to look often at his work in it, which being seen the contrary way, will appear as the work of another hand, and will better shew his faults. It will be useful also to quit his wort often, and take some relaxation, that his judgment may be clearer at his return ; for too great appli< cation and sitting still is sometimes the cause oi many gross errors. Chap. CCCLVI. — Of correcting Errors which you discover. Remember, that when, by the exercise of your MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 221 own judgment j or the observation of other s, you discover any errors in your work, you immediately set about correcting them, lest, in exposing your works to the public, you expose your defects also. Admit not any self-excuse, by persuading yourself that you shall retrieve your character^ and that by some succeeding work you shall make amends for your shameful negligence; for your work does not perish as soon as it is out of your hands, like the sound of music, but remains a standing monu- ment of your ignorance. If you excuse yourself by saying that you have not time for the study necessary to form a great painter, having to strug- gle against necessity, you yourself are only to blame ; for the study of what is excellent is food both for mind and body. How many philoso- phers, born to great riches, have given them away, that they might not be retarded in their pursuits ! Chap. CCCLVIL— The best Place for looking at a Picture. Let us suppose, that A B is the picture, re- ceiving the light from D ; I say, that whoever is placed between C and E will see the picture very badly, particularly if it be painted in oil, or var- nished ; because it will shine, and will appear al- most of the nature of a looking-glass. For these reasons, the nearer you go towards C, the less you 222 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. will be able to see, because of the light from the window upon the picture, sending its reflection to that point. But if you place yourself between E D, you may conveniently see the picture, and the more so as you draw nearer to the point D, because that place is less liable to be struck by the reflected rays. Chap. CCCLVIIL— Of Judgment. There is nothing more apt to deceive us than our own judgment, in deciding on our own works ; and we should derive more advantage from having our faults pointed out by our enemies, than by hearing the opinions of our friends, because they are too much like ourselves, and may deceive us as much as our own judgment. Chap. CCCLIX. — Of Employment anxiously wished for by Painters. And you, painter, who are desirous of great MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 223 practice, understand, that if you do not rest it on the good foundation of Nature, you will labour with little honour and less profit ; and if you do it on a good ground, your works will be many and good, to your great honour and advantage. Chap. CCCLX. — Advice to Painters. A painter ought to study universal Nature, and reason much within himself on all he sees, making use of the most excellent parts that compose the species of every object before him. His mind will by this method be like a mirror, reflecting truly every object placed before it, and become, as it were, a second Nature. Chap. CCCLXL— Of Statuary. To execute a figure in marble, you must first make a model of it in clay, or plaster, and when it is finished, place it in a square case, equally ca pable of receiving the block of marble intended to be shaped like it. Have some peg-like sticks to pass through holes made in the sides, and all round the case; push them in till every one touches the model, marking what remains of the sticks outwards with ink, and making a counter- mark to every stick and its hole, so that you may at pleasure replace them again. Then having taken out the model, and placed the block of mar- ble in its stead, take so much out of it, till all the 224 MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. pegs go in at the same holes to the marks you had made. To facilitate the work, contrive your frame so that every part of it, separately, or all together, may be lifted up, except the bottom, which must remain under the marble. By this method you may chop it off with great facility*. Chap. CCCLXII. — On the Measurement and Di- vision of Statues into Parts, Divide the head into twelve parts, each part in- to twelve degrees, each degree into twelve mi- nutes, and these minutes into seconds f. Chap. CCCLXIIL— A Precept for the Painter. The painter who entertains no doubt of his own ability, will attain very little. When the work succeeds beyond the judgment, the artist acquires nothing ; but when the judgment is superior to the work, he never ceases improving, if the love of gain do not retard his progress. * The method here recommended, was the general and com- mon practice at that time, and continued so with little, if any variation, till lately. But about thirty years ago, the late Mr. Bacon invented an entirely new method, which, as better answer- ing the purpose, he constantly used, and from him others have also adopted it into practice. f This may be a good method of dividing the figure for the purpose of reducing from large to small, or vice versd ; but it not being the method generally used by the painters for measuring their figures, as being too minute, this chapter was not introduced amongst those of general proportions. MISCELLANEOUS OBSERVATIONS. 225 Chap. CCCLXIV. — On the Judgment of Painters. When the work is equal to the knowledge and judgment of the painter, it is a bad sign; and when it surpasses the judgment, it is still worse, as is the case with those who wonder at having succeeded so well. But when the j udgment sur- passes the work, it is a perfectly good sign ; and the young painter who possesses that rare dispo- sition, will, no doubt, arrive at great perfection. He will produce few works, but they will be such as to fix the admiration of every beholder. Chap. CCCLXV. — That a Man ought not to trust to himself, but ought to consult Nature. Whoever flatters himself that he can retain in his memory all the effects of Nature, is deceived, for our memory is not so capacious ; therefore consult Nature for every thing. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. The Number at the End of each Title refers to the corres- ponding Chapter in the original Edition in Italian. DRAWING. PROPORTION. CHAP. 1. What the young Student in Painting ought in the first Place to learn. Chapter 1. 2. Rule for a young Student in Painting. 3. 3. How to discover a young Man's Disposition for Painting. 4. 4. Of Painting, and its Divisions. 47. 5. Division of the Figure. 48. 6. Proportion of Members. 49. 7. Of Dimensions in general. 173. 8. Motion, Changes, and Proportion of Members. 166. 9. The Difference of Proportion between Children and grown Men. 1 69 10. The Alterations in the Proportion of the human Body from Infancy to full Age. 167. 1 1. Of the Proportion of Members. 175. 12. That every Part be proportioned to its W T hole. 250. 13. Of the Proportion of the Members. 185. 228 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. CHAP. 14. The Danger of forming an erroneous Judgment in regard to the Proportion and Beauty of the Parts. 42, 15. Another Precept. 12. 1 6. The Manner of drawing from Relievos, and render- ing Paper fit for it. 127. 1 7. Of drawing from Casts or Nature. S J . 18. To draw Figures from Nature. 38. 19. Of drawing from Nature. 25. 20. Of drawing Academy Figures. 30. 21. Of studying in the Dark, on first waking in the Morning, and before going to Sleep. I 7. 22. Observations on drawing Portraits. 188 23. The Method of retaining in the Memory the Like- ness of a Man, so as to draw his Portrait, after . having seen him only once. 189. 24. How to remember the Form of a Face. 190. 25. That a Painter should take Pleasure in the Opinion of every Body. 19. ANATOMY. 26. What is principally to be observed in Figures. 213. 27. Mode of Studying. 7. 28. Of being universal. 22. 29. A Precept for the Painter. 5. 30. Of the Measures of the human Body, and the bend- ing of Members. 1 74. 31. Of the small Bones in several Joints of the human Body. 229. 32. Memorandum to be observed by the Painter. 57. 33. The Shoulders. 171. 34. The Difference of Joints between Children and grown Men. 168. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 229 CHAP. 35. Of the Joints of the Fingers. 170. 36. Of the Joint of the Wrist. 176. 37. Of the Joint of the Foot. 177. 38. Of the Knee. 178. 39. Of the Joints. 179. 40. Of the Naked. 220. 41. Of the Thickness of the Muscles. 221. 42. Fat Subjects have small Muscles. 222. 43. Which of the Muscles disappear in the different Mo- tions of the Body. 223. 44. Of the Muscles. 226. 45. Of the Muscles. 224. 46. The Extension and Contraction of the Muscles. 227. 47. Of the Muscle between the Chest and the lower Belly. 230. 48. Of a Man's complex Strength, but first of the Arm. 234. 49. In which of the two Actions, Pulling or Pushing, a Man has the greatest Power, Plate II. 235. 50. Of the bending of Members, and of the Flesh round the bending Joint. 236. 51. Of the naked Body. 180. 52. Of a Ligament without Muscles. 228. 53. Of Creases. 238. 54. How near behind the Back one Arm can be brought to the other. Plate III. and IV. 232. 55. Of the Muscles. 225. 56. Of the Muscles. 194. 57. Of the bending of the Body. 204. 58. The same Subject. 205. 59. The Necessity of anatomical Knowledge. 43. 230 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. MOTION AND EQUIPOISE OF FIGURES. CHAP. 60. Of the Equipoise of a Figure standing still. 203. 61. Motion produced by the Loss of Equilibrium. 208. 62. Of the Equipoise of Bodies, Plate V. 263. 63. Of Positions. 192. 64. Of balancing the Weight round the Centre of Gra- vity in Bodies. 214. 65. Of Figures that have to lift up, or carry any Weight. 215. 66. The Equilibrium of a Man standing upon his Feet, Plate VI. 201. 67. Of Walking, Plate VII. 202. 68. Of the Centre of Gravity in Men and Animals. 199. 69. Of the corresponding Thickness of Parts on each Side of the Body. 269. 70. Of the Motions of Animals. 249. 71. Of Quadrupeds and their Motions. 268. 72. Of the Quickness or Slowness of Motion. 267. 73. Of the Motion of Animals. 299. 74. Of a Figure moving against the Wmà 3 PlateVIII. 295. 75. Of the Balance of a Figure resting upon its Feet. 266. 76. A Precept. 350. 77. Of a Man standing, but resting more upon one Foot than the other. 264. 78. Of the Balance of Figures, Plate IX. 209. 79. In what Manner extending one Arm alters the Ba- lance. 198. 80. Of a Man bearing a Weight on his Shoulders, Plate X. 200. 81. Of Equilibrium. 206. 82. Of Motion. 195. 83. The Level of the Shoulders. 196. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 23 i CHAP. 84. Objection to the above answered, Plate XI. and XII. 197. 85. Of the Position of Figures, Plate XIII. 89. 86. Of the Joints. 184. 87. Of the Shoulders. 172. 88. Of the Motions of a Man. 207. 89. Of the Disposition of Members preparing to act with great Force, Plate XIV. 233. 90. Of throwing any Thing with Violence,PtoXr. 261. 91. On the Motion of driving anything into or drawing it out of the Ground. 262. 92. Of forcible Motions, Plate XVI. 1 8 J . 93. The Action of Jumping. 260. 94. Of the three Motions in jumping upwards. 270. 95. Of the easy Motions of Members. 211. 96. The greatest Twist which a Man can make, in turn- ing to look at himself behind, Plate XVII. 23 1 . 97. Of turning the Leg without the Thigh. 237. 98. Postures of Figures. 265. 99. Of the Gracefulness of the Members. 210. 100. That it is impossible for any Memory to retain the Aspects and Changes of the Members. 271. 101. The Motions of Figures. 242. 102. Of common Motions. 248. 103. Of simple Motions. 239. 104. Complex Motions. 240. 105. Motions appropriated to the Subject. 241. 106. Appropriate Motions. 245. 107. Of the Postures of Women and young People. 259. 108. Of the Postures of Children. 258. 109. Of the Motion of the Members. 186. 110. Of mental Motions. 246. 111. Effect of the Mind upon the Motions of the Body, occasioned by some outward Object. 247. 232 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. LINEAR PERSPECTIVE. CHAP. 112. Of those who apply themselves to the Practice, with- out having learnt the Theory of the Art. 23. 11-3. Precepts in Painting. 349. 114. Of the Boundaries of Objects called Outlines or Contours 291. 115. Of linear Perspective 322. 116. What Parts of Objects disappear first by Dis- tance. 318. 117« Of remote Objects. 316. 118. Of the Point of Sight. 281. 1 1 9- A Picture is to be viewed from one Point only. 59. 120. Of the Dimensions of the first Figure in an his- torical Painting. 91. 121. Of Objects that are lost to the Sight, in Propor- tion to their Distance. 292. 122. Errors not so easily seen in small Objects as in large ones. 52. 123. Historical Subjects one above another on the same Wall to be avoided. 54. 124. Why Objects in Painting can never detach as na- tural Objects do. 53. 125. How to give the proper Dimension to Objects in Painting. 71. 126. How to draw accurately any particular Spot. 32. 127. Disproportion to be avoided, even in the accessory Parts. 290. INVENTION OR COMPOSITION. 128. Precept for avoiding a bad Choice in the Style or Proportion of Figures. 45. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 233 CHAP. 129. Variety in Figures. 21. 130. How a Painter ought to proceed in his Studies. 6. 131. Of sketching Histories and Figures. 13. 132. How to study Composition. 96. 133. Of the Attitudes of Men. 216. 134. Variety of Positions. 217- 135. Of Studies from Nature for History, 37. 136. Of the Variety of Figures in History Painting. 94* 137. Of Variety in History. 97. 138. Of the Age of Figures. 252. 139. Of Variety of Faces. 98. 140. A Fault in Painters. 44. 141. How you may learn to compose Groups for History Painting. 90. 142. How to study the Motions of the human Body. 95. 143. Of Dresses, and of Draperies and Folds. 358. 144. Of the Nature of Folds in Draperies. 359. 145. How the Folds of Draperies ought to be represented, Plate XVIII. 360. 146. How the Folds in Draperies ought to be made. 361. 147. Fore-shortening of Folds, Plate XIX. 362. 148. Of Folds. 364. 149. Of Decorum. 251. 150. The Character of Figures in Composition. 253. 151. The Motion of the Muscles, when the Figures are in natural Positions. 193. 152. A Precept in Painting, 58. 1 53. Of the Motion of Man, Plate XX. and XXL 1 82. 154. Of Attitudes, and the Motions of the Members. 183. 155. Of a single Figure separate from an historical Group. 212. 156. On the Attitudes of the human Figure. 218- 157. How to representa Storm. 66. 158. How to compose a Battle. 67. 234 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. CHAP. 159. The Representation of an Orator and his Au- dience. 254. 160. Of demonstrative Gestures. 243. 161. Of the Attitudes of the Bye-standers at some re- markable Event. 219. 162. How to represent Night. 65. 163. The Method of awakening the Mind to a Variety of Inventions. 16. 164. Of Composition in History. 93. EXPRESSION AND CHARACTER, 165. Of expressive Motions. 50. 166. How to paint Children. 61. 167. How to represent old Men. 62. 168. How to paint old Women. 63. 169. How to paint Women. 64. 170. Of the Variety of Faces. 244. 171. The Parts of the Face, and their Motions. 187. 172. Laughing and Weeping, 257. 173. Of Anger. 255. 174. Despair. 256. LIGHT AND SHADOW, 3 75. The Course of Study to be pursued. 2. 176. Which of the two is the most useful Knowledge, the Outlines of Figures, or that of Light and Shadow. 56. 177. Which is the most important, the Shadow or Out- lines in Painting. 277. 178. What is a Painter's first Aim and Object. 305. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 235 CHAP. 179. The Difference of Superficies,, in regard to Painting. 278. 180. How a Painter may become universal. 10. 181. Accuracy ought to be learnt before Dispatch in the Execution. 18. 182. How the Painter is to place himself in regard to the Light, and his Model. 40, 183. Of the best Light. 4L 184. Of drawing by Candle-light. 34, 185. Of those Painters who draw at Home from one Light, and afterwards adapt their Studies to another Situation in the Country, and a dif- ferent Light. 46. 185. How high the Light should be in drawing from Nature. 27. 187, What Light the Painter must make use of to give most Relief to his Figures. 55, 188, Advice to Painters. 26. 189, Of Shadows. 60. 190, Of the kind of Light proper for drawing from Re- lievos, or from Nature. 29. 191, Whether the Light should be admitted in Front or sideways ; and which is the most pleasing and graceful. 74, 192, Of the Difference of Lights according to the Situa- tion. 289. 193, How to distribute the Light on Figures, 279. 194, Of the Beauty of Faces. 191. 195, How, in drawing a Face, to give it Grace, by the Management of Light and Shade. 35. 196, How to give Grace and Relief to Faces. 287. 1 97, Of the Termination of Bodies upon each other. 294 . 198, Of the Back-grounds of painted Objects. 154, 236 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. CHAP. 199. How to detach and bring forward Figures out of their Back-ground. 288, 200. Of proper Back-grounds. 141. 201. Of the general Light diffused over Figures. 303. 202. Of those Parts in Shadows which appear the dark- est at a Distance. 327, 203. Of the Eye viewing the Folds of Draperies sur- rounding a Figure. 363. 204. Of the Relief of Figures remote from the Eye. 336. 205. Of Outlines of Objects on the side towards the Light. 337. 206. How to make Objects detach from their Ground, that is to say, from the Surface on which they are painted. 342, CONTRASTE AND EFFECT. 207. A Precept. 343, 208. Of the Interposition of transparent Bodies between the Eye and the Object. 357. 209. Of proper Back-grounds for Figures. 283, 210. Of Back-grounds. 160. REFLEXES. 211. Of Objects placed on a light Ground, and why such a Practice is useful in Painting. 159. 212. Of the different Effects of White, according to the Difference of Back-grounds. 139. 213. Of Reverberation. 75. 214. Where there cannot be any Reverberation of Light. 76. 215. In what Part the Reflexes have more or less bright- ness. 79. 216. Of the reflected Lights which surround the Sha- dows. 78. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 237 CHAP. 217. Where Reflexes are to be most apparent. 82. 218. What Part of a Reflex is to be the lightest. 80. 219. Of the Termination of Reflexes on their Grounds. 88. 220. Of double and treble Reflexions of Light. 83. 221. Reflexes in the Water, and particularly those of the Air. 135. COLOURS and COLOURING. COLOURS. 222. What Surface is best calculated to receive most Colours. 123. 223. What Surface will shew most perfectly its true Colour. 125. 224. On what Surface the true Colour is least ap- parent. 131. 225. What Surfaces shew most of their true and genuine Colour. 132. 22G. Of the Mixture of Colours. 121. 227. Of the Colours produced by the Mixture of other Colours, called secondary Colours. 161. 228. Of Verdigris. 119. 229. How to increase the Beauty of Verdigris. 120. 230. How to paint a Picture that will last almost for ever. 352. 231 . The Mode of painting on Canvass, or Linen Cloth. 353. 232. Of lively and beautiful Colours. 100. 233. Of transparent Colours. 113. 234. In what Part a Colour will appear in its greatest Beauty. 114. 235. How any Colour without Gloss, is more beautiful in the Lights than in the Shades. 1 15. 238 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. CHAP. 236. Of the Appearance of Colours. 116. 237. What part of a Colour is to be the most beautiful. 117. 238. That the Beauty of a Colour is to be found in the Lights. 118. 239. Of Colours. 111. 240. No Object appears in its true Colour, unless the Light which strikes upon it be of the same Colour. 150. 241. Of the Colour of Shadows, 147. 242. Of Colours. 153. 243. Whether it be possible for all Colours to appear alike by means of the same Shadow. 109. 244. Why White is not reckoned among the Colours. 155 . 245. Of Colours. 156. 246. Of the Colouring of remote Objects. 339. 247. The Surface of all opaque Bodies participates of the Colour of the surrounding Objects. 298. 248. General Remarks on Colours. 162. COLOURS IN REGARD TO LIGHT AND SHADOW. 249. Of the Light proper for painting Flesh Colour from Nature. 36. 250. Of the Painter's Window. 296. 251. The Shadows of Colours. 101. 252. Of the Shadows of White. 104. 253. Which of the Colours will produce the darkest Shade. 105. 254. How to manage, when a White terminates upon another White. 138. * 255. On the Back-grounds of Figures. 140. 256. The Mode of composing History. 92. 257. Remarks concerning Lights and Shadows. 302. TABLE OF CHAPTERS. 239 CHAP. 258. Why the Shadows of Bodies upon a white Wall are blueish towards the Evening. 328. 259. Of the Colour of Faces. 126. 260. A Precept relating to Painting. 284. 261. Of Colours in Shadow. 158. 262. Of the Choice of Lights. 28. COLOURS IN REGARD TO BACK-GROUNDS. 263. Of avoiding hard Outlines. 51. 264. Of Outlines, 338. 265. Of Back-grounds, 334. 266. How to detach Figures from the Ground. 70. 267. Of Uniformity and Variety of Colours upon plain Surfaces. 304, 268. Of Back-grounds suitable both to Shadows and Lights. 137. 269. The apparent Variation of Colours, occasioned by the Contraste of the Ground upon which they are placed. 112. CONTRASTE, HARMONY, AND REFLEXES, IN REGARD TO COLOURS. 270. Gradation in Painting. 144. 271. How to assort Colours in such a Manner as that they may add Beauty to each other. 99. 272. Of detaching the Figures. 73, 273. Of the Colour of Reflexes. 87. 274. What Body will be most strongly tinged with the Colour of any other Object. 124. 275. OfPveflexes. 77. 276. Of the Surface of all shadowed Bodies. 122. 240 TABLE OF CHAPTERS. CHAP. 277. That no reflected Colour is simple, but is mixed with the Nature of the other Colours. 84. 278. Of the Colour of Lights and Reflexes. 157. 279. Why reflected Colours seldom partake of the Colour of the Body where they meet. 85. 280. The Reflexes of Flesh Colours. 81. 281. Of the Nature of Comparison. 146. 282. Where the Reflexes are seen. 86. PERSPECTIVE OF COLOURS. 283. A Precept of Perspective in regard to Painting. 354. 284. Of the Perspective of Colours. 134. 285. The Cause of the Diminution of Colours. 136. 286. Of the Diminution of Colours and Objects. 356. 287. Of the Variety observable in Colours, according to their Distance or Proximity. 102. 288. At what Distance Colours are entirely lost. 103. 289. Of the Change observable in the same Colour, ac- cording to its Distance from the Eye. 1 28. 290. Of the blueish Appearance of remote Objects in a Landscape. 317. 291. Of the Qualities in the Surface which first lose themselves by Distance. 293. 292. From what Cause the Azure of the Air proceeds. 151. 293. Of the Perspective of Colours. 107. 294. Of the Perspective of Colours in dark Places. 148. 295. Of the Perspective of Colours. 149. 296. Of Colours. 152. 297. How it happens that Colours do not change, though placed in different Qualities of Air. 108. 298. WhyColours experience no apparent Change, though placed in different Qualities of Air. 106. Chap 3 / Published by Nichols k Son. Miaiaenx Stsaet.1835. frinivi /W Shm& SSmMdfA l C° Itmdtm,. Jh'mtd from. Stvru. fy Sùmdùtye & C° Jm&n . PuHÌs1ip... l'iale iS. Published by Nichols k Sou, Parliament Street, 1835 . IWrrfed- from, Stvns by Stnsuò'd.y? si' Cf ^Zcru/^n . Tìnte i$. Chap. WJ. Published by "Nichols k Sou. Parliament Stra6T.1835. Plate io. Putii shed \sy Nichols k oon, Pcirlia.meD.t Street, 1836. 7^rinJx