FIFTY CONCLUSIONS RELATING TO THK ERI PTIX i: HIKX<>MENA OF MONTE SOMMA, YEsrvirs AND VOLCANIC ACTION IV GENERAL. bv H. J.'JOHMSTOX-LAVIS Esqr., M.D., M.R.C.S., B. is Sc., F. G. S., etc. also a L I S T of Books, memoirs, principal Ititterf ;;4. Either the first or some later explosive eruption did not occur from the original axis of the mountain, but from a point slight- ly to the west of south of it. :t.~>. The later of these eruptions enlarged the crater to such an extent as to carry its apex below drainage level, thus modi- fying the eruptive phenomena. 36. This crater extended below the base of the mountain through the tertiary rocks into the Appenine limestone. ::i . These rocks especially the latter were highly metamorphosed by previous contact with igneous matter, thus accounting for the great variety of ejected blocks. 9tf. That barancos produced by either one or two methods or both combined, opened into the crateral hollow and drained it. .9.9. The result of such drainage was the local deposit of a breccia Phase III, period 4, on the slopes or foot of the mountain near that locality now seen in the Vallone 1880. Volcanic Cones , their Structure and Mode of Forma- tion. "Science Gossip." N. 190, Oct., pp. 220 to 223, with 1 woodcut. 7 1881. On the Origin and Structure of Volcanic Cones. "Science Gossip" N. 193, Jan. pp. 12 to 14 , with 4 woodcuts. 8 1880. Iron and Hydrogen. : "Nature," Vol XX H. p. 22O. 9 1880. Hardening of Steel. Ibid., p. 511. 10 1880. Note on the Comparative Specific Gravities of Molten and Selidifed Vesuvian Lavas. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lond. Vol. XXXVIII, p. 240 to 241. 11 1881. The Earthquake in Ischia. " Nature," Vol. XX HI, p, 497. 12 1882. Diary of Vesuvius from Jan. 1 s * to July 10 th 1882. - "Nature" XX IV, pp. 455 to 456 with 2 woodcuts. 13 1883. Earthquake in Naples. "Nature" Vol. XXVI, p. 151. 14 1883. Notice of the Earthquake of Ischia of March 4 th 1881. Reports Brit. Assoc. Advancement of Science 1883. 15 1883. Notice of the Earthquake of Ischia of July 28 th 1883. Ibid. 16 1883. The Disaster in Ischia. -- "Nature." Vol. XXV 111, pp. 346 to 347. 17 1883. Observations scientiiiques sur le tremblement de terre _ 8 dii 28 Juillet 1888 a 1' isle d'Isohia. "IS Itnlif" \l}tn,n>\ August 13 1883. 18 1883. II parere d' uno scienziato. 77 Piccolo" f.\(tirfcx/ Sept. 2^ 1883. l<) 1883. Previsions tic futures catastrophes dans Tile d'lschia. " U Italie" (Rome) Sept, 2 nd 1883. 2() 1883. The Disaster in Ischia. " Indianapolis Journal." Sept. 6* 1883. 21 1883. Una risposta al Prof. Pahnieri. "77 Piccolo" (Nfip/cs\ Sept. 8th 1883. 22 1883. Kturte sur 1' emplacement des nouvelles villes a 1'ilc d'lschia. " U Italic" (Rome) Sept. 15* 1883. 23 1883. Le costruzioni a Oasamieciola. "// Piccolo" (Najifcs, Sept. SO" 1 1883. 21 1883. Rapport preliininaire sur le tremblenient de terre dit 28 Juillot 1883 a 1' ilo d'lschia. " L' Tfftfir."' Sept. 22 lul 1883. 25 1883. The Ischian Earthquake of July 28th 188:*. -- " Nn- fure," Vol. A' A' nil, pp. 437 to 439, with a map. *0 1883. Notices on the Earthquakes of Ischia of 1881 and 1883. with a Map of the Isoseismals. In 8., pp. 56. with 1 map. Naples 1883. 21 1884. The Remarkable Sunsets. "AW>v," Vol. XXIX. p. 152. 28 1884. The Late Eruption of Vesuvius. Ibid., p. 29 L 29 1884. The Geology of Monte Soinma and Vesuvius, being a Study in Vnlcauology. Quart. Jonrn. Oeol. Soc. Loml.. Vol. XL, pp. 35 to 112. tritli 2 icoodcnts anrt I n'0i<>- litliograpliic plate. 30 1884. Volcanoes on the Shore of Lake Nyassa, Africa. - "Nature," Vol. XXX, pp. 62 to 63. 31 1881. Earthquakes and Seismographs. " Na'irrc" Vol. XXX . pp. 608 to 612 with 5 icoodcuts. 32 1884. Brevi considerazioni intorno alia relazione del profes- sorc L. Pahnieri sul tcrremoto dell' Isola d'lschia. " // Piccolo" (Naples) Man-It 31 st and April pt 1884. 33 1885. Meteorite o Ciottolo? " It Piccolo" and "II Pm>- f/olo" (Naples) Dec. 8i and 9 th ., "Roma," " Corr ;<>,-<> del Mattino" (Naples) and " L' Italie" (Rome) Dec. W*, "Piccolo, " "Pmu/olo" (Naples) Dec. 9 th and 10 th .. (Naples) mid " L'KfW (Rome) of Dec. 10''. " L' If 'alie " (Rome) Dec. 12*, " The Times" (London) Dec. ? 34 1885. The Physical Conditions Involved in the Injection, Extrusion and Cooling of Igneous Matter Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Loud. Vol. XL I, pp. 103 (o 106. 35 1885. Monograph of the Earthquakes of Ischia , a Memoir Dealing with the Seismic Disturbances in that Island from Remotest Times with Special Observations on those of 1881 and 1883, London ami Furchheim, Naples, 1885 in royal 4, pp. X and 112, with 20 photo-engrav- ings, 2 large maps in color, 3 lithographic plates and / chromo-litliographic plate. 36 1885. The New Outburst of LaA~a from Vesuvius. "Nature", Vol. XXII, pp. 55 and 108. 37 1885. First Report of the Committee for the Investigation of the Volcanic Phenomena of Vesuvius and its Neigh- bourhood, Jlrff. Assoe. Reports, pp. 2, 38 1885. On the Preparation of Sections of Pumice-stone and other Vesicular Rocks. Journ. R. Microscop. Soc., Set. II. TV. 17 puff. 32-31. 39 1880. Sounding a Crater, Fusion Points, Pyrometers, and Seismometers "Nature" Vol. XXXV, p. 197. lo 1880. The Relationship of the Structure of Igneous Rocks to the Conditions of their formation Sclent if. Proceed. R. Lublin Soc. Vol.V, 'N.S., pp. 112-156. H 1880. On the Fragmentary Ejectamenta of Volcanoes Pro- ceed. Geol. Assoc. Vol. IX, pp. 421 to 432 with 3 fig, 12 1880. Krakatao, "Nature" Vol. XXXIII, p. 6. 13 1880. Vcsuvian Eruption of February 4 th 1880 , Ibid. p. 367. 14 1880. Notes on Vesuvius from February 4 th to August 7 th 1880. Md. p. 557. 15 1880. The Eruption in New Zealand. Geol. Mag., Vol. HI, Dsc. Ill, pp. 523-521. If) 1880. The Relationship of the Activity of Vesuvius to Cer- tain Meteorological and Astronomical Phenomena. Pro- ceed. Royal. Soc. Lond. N. 243. p. 1. 17 1880. Second Report of the Committee for the Investigation of the Volcanic Phenomena of Vesuvius and its Neigh- bourhood. Brit. Assoc. Reports, pp. 3, also "Nature'' Vol. XXXIV, p. 481. 10 48 1887. L'Eruzioue del Vcsuvio ncl 2 Maggio 1885. Ann. ft. Accad. 0. Costa d. Aspirant i Naturalisti. Era 3. Vol. 1, Naples, pp. 8 with 1 photo-engraving and i cromo- lithograph. 19 IS87. Diario del t'ciioiiicui avvenuti al Vcsuvio da Luglio 1882 ad Agosto 1880. "Lo Spettatorc del Vesuvio e del C(imi>i Flegrei." 1 Nuova serie pubbltcata a cura ea spese delict Sezione Napoletana del Club Afpinv Ifaliano. Fiirchheiin Napoli 1887 in 4., pp. 81 to 103 with 13 photo-en- gravings. 30 1887. ( With Dr. G. C. V. Vosmacr ) On Cutting Sections of Sponges and other Similar Structures with Soft and Hard Tissues. Journ. R. Microscop. Soc. 1887, Part 2, pp. 200-205 with 1 woodcut. 51 1887. The Islands of Vulcano and Sfcromboli. "Nature" Vol. XXXVI, pp. 13-14. 52 1887. Third Report of the Committee Appointed for the In- vestigation of the Volcanic Phenomena of Vesuvius and its Neighbourhood. Brit. Assoc. Reports 1887, pp. 3. 53 1888. On the Form of Vesuvius and Monte Somma. Geol. Mag., Dec. Ill, Vol. V, pp. 443-451 with 1 woodcut. 54 1888. The Conservation of Heat in Volcanic Chimneys. Brit. Assoc. Reports 1888, pp. '2. 55 1888. The Occurrence of Leucite at Etna Ibid. 56 1888. Not^ on a Mass Containing Metallic Iron Found on Vesuvius IMd. pp. 2. 57 1888 Note on the Occurrence of Celestite Containing nearly Fourteen per cent of Free Sulphur. Min. Mag. 1888, 58 1888. ( With Dr. T. Anderson ) Notes on the Recent Vol- canic Irruption in the Island of Vulcano. Ibid, pp. 3. 59 1888. Fourth Report of the Committee for the Investigation of the Volcanic Phenomena of Vesuvius and its Neigh- bourhood. Ibid, pp, 7. fj(J 1888. The Ejected Blocks of Monte Somma. Part I. Stratified Limestones. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., Vol. XL IV pp. 94-97. fjl 1889. Further Notes on the Late Eruption of Vulcano Is- land. "Nature," Vol. XXXIX, pp. 1O9-H1. 62 1889. The Recent Eruption at Vulcano. Ibid. p. 173. 63 1889. The Recent Activity of Vesuvius. Ibid. p. 184. 64 1889. The State of Vesuvius. Ibid, pp. 302-303. 11 f>5 1889. The Present State of Seismology in Italy. Ibid, pp. 329-331. 66 1889. Su una roccia contenciite leucitc trovata siill'Etna. Boll. d. Soc. d. Microscopisti It., Vol. I. Fasc. 1-2, pp. 26, with one photo-engraving. 67 1889. On a Remarkable Sodalite Trachyte Lately Discovered in Naples, Italy. Geol. Mag., Dec. III., Vol. VI., N.2, pp. 74-77. 68 1889. L' Etat Actuel du Vcsuve. Bull. Soc. Beige de Geo- logic, Hydrologie ef Paleontol., Vol. Ill, pp. 1-11 with 3 woodcuts. 69 1889. II Pozzo Artesiano di Ponticelli. Rend. d. R. Ac- cad, d. Sc. Fis. e Mat. d. Napoli., Giugno 1889, pp. 7. 70 1889. Volcans et tremblements dc terre. A review of what lias been published on these subjets during the year 1888. U Annuaire Geologique Universe!. Paris 1889, Vol. V. pp. 629-655. 71 1889. The New Eruption of Vesuvius. "Nature" Vol. XL. p. 31. 72 1889. The Ponza Islands. -- Geol. Mag., Dec. Ill, Vol. VI, pp. 529-535 with 3 woodcuts. 73 1889. Viaggio scientifico alle regioni vulcaniche italianc nella ricorrenza pel centinario del Yiaggio alle due Sicilic di Lazzaro Spallanzani. ( This is the programme of the excursion of the cnglish geologists that visited the south Italian volcanoes under the direction of the author. It is here included as it contains various new and unpublished observations ). Naples 1889 in 8., pp. 1-10 74 1889. Fifth Report Appointed for the Investigation of the Vol- canic Phenomena of Vesuvius and its Neighbourhood. Brit. Ass. Reports, 1889, pp. 12. with 5 woodcuts. 75 1890. The State of the Active Sicilian Volcanoes in Septem- ber 1889. Scottish Geograph. Mag., Vol. VI, N.3, March 1890, pp. 145-150. 76 1890. Osservazioni geologichc lungo il tracciato del Grande Emissario Fognonc di Napoli dalla Pictra sino a Pozzuo- li. Rclazione alia Soclcta Napoletana degli Ingegneri Costruttori di Napoli. Boll. R. Com. Geol., Vol. XXI, N. 1 e 2., pp. 18-27 with 1 woodcut. 77 1890. Osservazioni geologichc sullc isole Veiitotcnc c Santo Stefano ( Gruppo delle Isole Ponza ). Ibid. pp. 60-64. jo 78 1800. Nuovc osservazioni geologiche in Napoli e suoi diu- torni ibid. pp. 65-68. (A curious error has been made by the translator \vho seems to have been affected by a mental Daltonism. ( On page 67, Hue 3, 6 and 9 for "verdi" "read rossi" i.e. for " green " read " red. ") ;<> J800. The Eruption of Vulcano Island. -- "Nature" Vol. XLH, pp. 78-79. .sv> 1HOO. The Extension of the Mellard Reade and C. Davison Theory of Secular Straining of the Earth to the Expla- nation of the Deep Phenomena of Volcanic Action. - Oeol. Mag., Dec. Ill, I'ol. VII. June, pp. 246-249.