OFFICERS OF THE ACADEMY. President. GEORGE S. PEPPER. Vice-President. WILLIAM S. BAKER. Directors. CHARLES HENRY HART, JOHN H. PACKARD, M.D., HENRY WHELEN, Jr., JOHN H. CONVERSE, CHARLES HARE HUTCHINSON, ALEXANDER BIDDLE. Treasurer. HENRY WHELEN, Jr. Secretary. GEORGE CORLISS, Committee on Exhibitions. CHARLES HENRY HART, E. BURGESS WARREN, WILLIAM B. BEMENT, JOHN H. PACKARD, M.D. CHARLES HARE HUTCHINSON. HENRY C. GIBSON, CLARENCE H. CLARK, WILLIAM B. BEMENT, WILLIAM S. BAKER, EDWARD H. COATES, E. BURGESS WARREN, Globe Printing House 112 N. Twelfth St. Pennsylvania Acaoemy of the Fine Arts. Founoefc 1805. Loan Exhibition tstovirul ^artmite Dec. 1, 1887— 3 an. 15, 1888. Catalogue. SECOND EDITION. Philadelphia: 1887. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. This collection of original historical portraits is believed to be the first of the kind ever systematically brought together for exhibition in this country. The circular inviting contributions for the purpose was issued in mid-sum- mer, and for several months the responses were so few that it seemed as if the project must be abandoned. Two months ago the circular was supple- mented by personal efforts, and the result has been both gratifying and praiseworthy. Our citizens responded with an alacrity and cheerfulness most remarkable, when it is remembered that their compliance meant a denuding of their walls of their most precious household treasures — their very lares and penates ; and the Directors of the Academy desire to place here on record their appreciation of the cordial support they have received in their endeavor to bring together these interesting examples of the works of our portrait painters. Collections of this kind are not only entertaining, but instructive. They are historically valuable in making us acquainted with the appearance and personal influence of the men and women of past generations ; and they are artistically valuable in showing to students, in the broadest sense of the word, the method of pose, composition and technique of our foremost portrait painters. In the catalogue, which has been prepared with the utmost care, in order to make it useful here and of increasing value hereafter, will be found forty- six portraits belonging to the Academy. These have not been removed from there accustomed places on the walls, but are included in the catalogue to make the record of portraits as complete as possible. The works of each artist have been placed together upon the walls, the better to enable comparison and study. A few portraits have been ad- mitted where the subject is unknown, with the hope that this public exhibition of them may lead to their identification, and any information 3 tending to this object will be acceptable. In this connection it is earnestly recommended to owners of portraits to have inscribed on the back of the canvas the names of the subject and the artist, to avoid loss of identity hereafter. CHARLES HENRY HART, Chairman Committee on Exhibitions. December I, 1887. EXPLANATIONS. In the following Catalogue the Acidemy has given the names of the artists as furnished by the exhibitors, but does not hold itself responsible for their correctness. The number of a portrait is printed at the left of the name; the number of the wall on which it is hung, at the right. The walls are numbered consecutively from front to rear through the Northern tier of galleries, and in reverse order through the Southern tier. Miniatures not numbered as to position, are on the columns in Gallery F. A number following a name in a note signifies that a portrait of the person named will be found under that number. 4 I CONTENTS. PAGE. List of Officers of the Academy, 2 Introductory Note, 3 Catalogue of Portraits, alphabetically arranged under names of subjects, 7 List of Artists, alphabetically arranged, with references to their works in the Catalogue, Catalogue of Loan Exhibition OF historical fjortraite, Dec;, ist, i887.^Jai?. 15b!?, 1888. SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST 1. Aitken, Robert — 1734-1802. C. W. Peale. 40 Bust, facing front, 25 x 29. Has been privately lithographed. Born in Scotland, 1734, died in Philadelphia, 1802; came to Phila- delphia 1769; published the Pennsylvania Magazine, or American Monthly Museum, and, in 1782, printed the first American Edition of the Bible in English. Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 2. Alexander, Miss Christine. Anonymous. Miniature, painted at the time of her visit to the United States, 1789-90. She was a sister-in-law of Jonathan Williams, 468. Alexander Biddle. 3. Anonymous. 25 x 30. Anonymous. 90 Head and bust of elderly gentleman with thin gray hair, and full, florid face turned to the right. A most excellent portrait, rich in color, and of the first rank in technique and expression. It was purchased at auction by Mr. Charles Henry Hart in 1884, and pre- sented to the Academy. When purchased it was found inscribed on the back of the canvas as a portrait of Audubon, by John Neagle, 1839. The inscription was evidently not by Neagle him- self ; but the work was worthy of him, and to him it was ascribed provisionally. It has, however, been claimed, by a relative of the 7 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST late William E. Winner of Philadelphia, that the portrait was painted by that artist. Mr. Winner is represented in this exhibition. See his name in list of artists for references to his works. Academy , A 284.. 4. Anonymous. Anonymous. 37 Head and bust of gentleman, facing left, powdered hair cut close, green coat and vest, button holes trimmed with bullion. 19 x 23. Resembles Lord North. 5. Henry Norris. 5. Anonymous. H. Inman. 13 Head of a gentleman, facing front. 18 x 21. Edward Coles. 6. Anonymous. R. E. Pine ? 43 Bust of a gentleman, facing left. 21 x 26. College of Physicians. 7. Anonymous. G. Stuart. 45 Bust of a gentleman, facing right, seated. 20 x 35. Mrs. J. Gillingham Fell. 8. Anonymous. G. Stuart ? 45 Old lady, seated, bust, facing right. 22 "x 26. Charles Henry Hart. 9. Anonymous. T. Sully, 30 Lady, bust, facing front, on panel. 17 x 20. Edward Coles. 10. Anthony, Joseph. Bust, facing right, seated, writing. 28 x 30. 8 G. Stuart. 47 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST 1 738-1 798. A sea captain, and afterwards a prominent shipping merchant ; related to the artist, who painted his portrait three times, and also those of his wife, son, and son's wife. Mrs. Thomas D. Smith. 11. Armand, Charles— 1756- 1793. Anonymous. 36 Bust, facing front. 25 x 30. Engraved by W. G. Armstrong. ■ Charles Armand Tufin, Marquis de la Rouerie, was born in Brittany, France, 1756. Came to America and served with distinction as a cavalry officer in the Continental Army ; was commissioned Colonel, May 10, 1777, and Brigadier General, March 26, 1783. Died in France, Jan. 30, 1793. Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Armitage, Sarah. See McKean, Mrs. Thos. 12. Baker, Sir Henry Lorraine. G. Stuart. 47 Bust, facing front, on panel. 21 X26. 1817. An admiral of the British Navy. Was with Admiral Cockburn in 1814, when the British fleet came up the Chesapeake. Came to this country after the war to recover lands that had belonged to his maternal grandfather, Alderman George Hayley, of London. Rev. Alfred Langdon Elwyn. Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert. 13. Barclay, James, J. — 1794-1885. S. B. Waugh. 10 Bust, facing right, seated. 29 x 36. A prominent philanthropist of Philadelphia, son of John Barclay. Born Jan. 15, 1794; graduate of University of Pennsylvania; ad- mitted to the bar 1 815 ; a volunteer of the war of 181 2; Manager of the House of Refuge nearly sixty years, and President of the Board of Managers sixteen years, Died Aug. 16, 1885. House of Refuge. 14. Barclay, John. G.Stuart. 47 Bust, facing left. 24x29. Among the first of Stuart's portraits painted in Philadelphia, 1794- 9 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST Eminent shipping merchant ; came to Philadelphia from Ballyshan- non, Ireland, in 1767 ; was Mayor of Philadelphia 1791 ; first Presi- dent of the old Bank of Pennsylvania ; member First City Troop. Died Aug. 8, 181 6. . ' Mrs. Caroline Biddle. 15. Barnes, Mrs. Priscilla. W. Birch. 44 Miniature, enamel. Daughter of the artist, and painter of still life. Miss Louise 5. Birch, Barneveldt. See Oldenbarnevelt. 16. Barringer, Daniel M. — 1 8 10-1873. F. de Madrazo. 3 Three-quarter length, standing, facing left. 39 x 57. Madrid, 1852. A resident of North Carolina. U. S. Minister to Spain, 1848- 1852. Lewin W. and D. Moreau Barringer. 17. Barringer, Mrs. D. M. — 1820-1867. F. de Madrazo. 3 Three-quarter length, standing, facing front. 39x57. Madrid, 1852. Wife of D. M. Barringer. Lewin W. and D. Moreau Barringer. 18. Barry, Llewellyn F. T. B. Read. 3 Bust, facing right. 25 x 30. Mrs. Joseph Harrison. Bartleson, Eliza. See Downing, Mrs. John W. 19. Barton, Benjamin Smith, M.D. R. Peale ? 50 Bust, facing left, seated. 25 x 28. Engr. for Amer. Univ. Maga., Philadelphia, 1797. 1 766-1 81 5. Prof. Natural History and Botany, University of Penn- sylvania, 1789; Materia Medica, 1794; Practice of Medicine, 1813; Physician to Pennsylvania Hospital, 1 798-1 81 5 ; Fellow College of Physicians, 1790; Member of Royal Medical Society, Edinburgh. University of Pennsylvania. SUBJECT EXHIBITOR 20. Bayard, Andrew — 1761-June 1, 1832. T. Sully. 30 Bust, facing left. 25 x 30. First President of the Commercial Bank 1814 ; also of Philadelphia Savings Fund Society 1816-1832; one of the founders of this Academy. Married Sarah, daughter of Chas. Pettit, 334. Philadelphia Savings Fund Society. 21. Beck, Paul, Jr. — 1757-1844. T. Sully. 30 Three-quarter length, facing right, seated. 28 X36. 1813. Engraved by S. Sartain. An eminent merchant and philanthropic citizen, born in Philadel- phia, April 5, 1757, of German parents, who were well-known resi- dents of Nuremberg. Was for a long time Warden of the Port ; was one of the most influential promoters of the Delaware and Chesa- peake Canal. He was one of the founders and early friends of the Academy, bequeathing to it a number of pictures, and was always ready to encourage young artists, as shown by a grateful letter, pre- served, from Charles R. Leslie. He was a liberal contributor to many public institutions. Died in Philadelphia, Dec. 22, 1844. Henry Dwight Beck. 22. Beck, Mrs. Paul. T. Sully. 24 Three-quarter length, facing right, seated. 28 x 36. June, 1813. Second wife of Paul Beck, Jr. Was Mary Harvey. Henry Dwight Beck. 23. Beck, Sarah Ann. Ascribed to H. Inman. 14 Half length, seated, facing right. 25 x 30. Henry Dwight Beck. 24. Bell, John, M.D.— 1796-1872. T. Sully. 25 Bust, facing left. 20 x 24. i860. A physician and medical writer, born in Ireland, 1796, came to America, 18 10. For several years lecturer on the Institutes of Medicine in the Philadelphia Medical Institute, and afterwards Professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine in the Medical Col- lege of Ohio. Pennsylvania Colonisation Society. 11 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR 25. Berthellot, John L. P. B. Hahs. 61 Three-quarter length, seated, facing right. 12 x 16. A favorite model for Philadelphia genre painters. Died recently. Academy, A 281. 26. Beveridge, David— d. 1812. C. W. Peale. 38 Three-quarter length, seated, facing right, hat and cane in left hand. 40 x 50. 1773. A wealthy Englishman who came to Pennsylvania about 1750. Joined the Society of Friends in order to marry Mary Emlen, a gay Quakeress ; both subsequently turned out of meeting for frivolity. Lived on the Schuylkill adjoining Belmont. Member Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, 1766. Mrs. John S. Newbold. 27. Beveridge, Mrs. David — d. 1820. C. W. Peale. 38 Three-quarter length, seated, facing right, flowers in right hand. 40x50. 1773. Was Mary Emlen. Mrs. John S. Newbold. 28. Biddle, Charles. Anonymous. 36 Bust, facing right, seated. 24 x 29. A lithograph of this portrait was made in Philadelphia. Born 1745, died 1821. Vice-President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania ; one of the founders of this Academy. Craig Biddle. 29. Biddle, Clement. Miniature — a copy, admitted because framed with nine others. Engraved by W. G. Armstrong. Born in Philadelphia 1740, died 18 14. Originally a member of the Society of Friends. Before the Revolution he was a merchant, and a decided assertor of the rights of the Colonies. He served as Colonel at the battles of Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine and Monmouth. Appointed Marshal of Pennsylvania about 1789 by General Washington, who was his friend and correspondent. Alexander Biddle. 12 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST 30. Biddle, Mrs. Clement. Anonymous. Miniature. First wife of Clement Biddle, married June 6, 1764. Was Mary, daughter of Francis Richardson. Died 1773. Alexander Biddle. 31. Biddle, Mrs. Clement.— d. Nov. 18, 183 1. Miniature — a copy, admitted because framed with nine others. Second wife of Clement Biddle, married Aug. 18, 1774. Was Miss Rebekah Cornell, daughter of Governor of Rhode Island. Alexander Biddle. 32. Biddle, James.— 1 783-1 848. T. Sully. 28 Bust, facing left. 25 x 30. 1839. Son of Charles Biddle, 28; was educated in Philadelphia; entered the Navy 1800; gained great distinction in second war with Eng- land, 1812-1815, and was voted a medal by Congress; became Commodore ; commanded U. S. Naval force in the Pacific Ocean on the commencement of hostilities with Mexico. Died in Phila- delphia, 1848. Craig Biddle. Biddle, Mrs. J. Williams. See Meigs, Emily. Biddle, Mary. See Cadwalader, Mrs. Thomas (General.) 33. Biddle, Nicholas. 1750-1778. C. W. Peale. 39 Bust, facing left. 22 x 29. Engraved by D. Edwin. Brother of Charles Biddle, 28. Born in Philadelphia, 1750; en- tered the British Navy, 1770, serving as midshipman in the same ship with Lord Nelson. Returned to America in 1776, was ap- pointed Captain of the Andrew Doria, and captured several prizes from the British. In February, 1777, took command of the frigate Randolph, and in March, 1778, was, with nearly all his crew, killed by an explosion of the magazine of that ship during an engagement with the British ship Yarmouth. Craig Biddle. 13 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST 34 Biddle, Nicholas— 1786-1844. T Sully. 28 Bust, facing left, 25 x 30. Engraved by S. Cousins, London. Born in Philadelphia, January, 1786, died February, 1844. Was a son of Charles Biddle, 28. Was graduated at Princeton, 1801 ; passed several years in Europe; after his return in 1807, edited for a time "The Port Folio." Member of the State Legislature 1810, Senate 18 14- 17. Appointed a Director of the United States Bank by President Monroe in 1819; became President of the Bank in 1823. Mr. Biddle was also president of the trustees of the fund of $2,000,000 left by Stephen Girard for the establishment of a college for orphans. Craig Biddle, 35. Biddle, Thomas— 1776-1857. G. P. A. Healy. 14 Bust, facing right, seated. 25 x 30. 1856. Born June 4, 1776; eldest son of Col. Clement Biddle and Re- bekah Cornell Biddle. Married 1806, Christine, daughter of General Jonathan Williams, 468. Father of Alexander Biddle, a Director of the Academy. Died June 3, 1857. The Mutual Assurance Co. 36. Bingham, Mrs. William — 1764-1801. G. Stuart. 47 Head, facing left. 15 x 19. Engraved by Rogers, with additions. Was Anne, eldest daughter of Thomas Willing, born Aug. I, 1764, died Bermuda, May II, 1801. She was a dazzling belle and beauty, and at 18 married William Bingham, U. S. Senator from Philadelphia. It was at Mrs. Bingham's request that Washington sat to Stuart for the Lansdowne portrait, 450. Mrs. J. Francis Fisher. 37. Binney, Horace— 1780-1875. G. P. A. Healy. 14 Three-quarter length, seated, facing left. 39 x 51. Born in Philadelphia, Jan. 4, 1780. Was graduated at Harvard, 1797 ; studied law in Philadelphia under Jared Ingersoll, 209; was admitted to the bar in 1 800, and soon became eminent in his profes- sion. In the Supreme Court of the United States, in 1 843, he made his celebrated argument in the Girard Will case which is universally cited for its clear and cogent reasoning and masterly ability. Dur- ing the latter part of Jackson's administration he was elected to 14 SUBJECT EXHIBITOR ARTIST Congress. He was Chancellor of the Law Association of Philadel- phia, and one of the founders of the Academy of the Fine Arts — the only one living at the time of the opening of the present building. Died Aug. 12, 1875. The Philadelphia Contributionship. 38. The same. T. Sully 23 Half length, standing, facing right. 28 x 36. Engr. by J. Sartain. Law Association of Philadelphia. 39. Birch, William. J. Neagle. 20 Bust, looking left. 12 x 14. See Birch, in list of artists. Louise S. Birch. Blair, Mary. See Braxton, Mrs. George. 40. Blodget, Mrs. Samuel— 1772-1837. G. Stuart. 88 Unfinished head, facing left. 22 x 28. Engraved by J. Cheney and by J. Sartain. A noted beauty, born April 11, 1772 — Rebecca, daughter of Wm. Smith, first provost of the University of Pennsylvania, 401. Married Samuel Blodgett, Jr., of Washington, May 10, 1792. Died May 9, 1837. Academy ', A $g. 41. Blodget, Mrs. Samuel and Daughter. G. Stuart. 47 Unfinished. 22 x 20. Painted in Philadelphia soon after Stuart's arrival. The daughter, Elinor Matilda, born 1797, married 1810, aet. 13, Abel Lincoln, of Mass., and', 1823, R. Penn Smith. Died Sept. 16, 1833. Artists' Fund Society. 42. Bolton, James M. G. W. Conarroe. 5 Half length, seated, facing right, 30 x 36. E. Burgess Warren. 15 43. Bond, Phineas—i7 4 Q- I 8ie « Bust, facing left. 25x30 G.Stuart. 46 was made British Consul at Ph ladethk wh^^ ^ hi lWalty for a number of years. Diedto i^fc^^ 011 he h ^ Mrs. John Cadwalader. 44. Bond, Phineas, M.D A Ha, fI e ngth(Standing , facinglef , 32 P 1 Q :™ 65 36 ^ te^Sfii^ One physicians, 1751-1773. enns y lvama Hospital, and one of its first See Travis, Mrs. John. Travis Cochran. 45. Boone, Daniel-ij^-^o. T - , 2?^SEt£^ Engravedforthe " Life of Lincoln, 4 &tt^*1SS*2«; , A pioneerand f — for many years in^ent^^ where he wa * Missouri aLut z 795 , * V^t™' Rem0Ved t0 J£ Etting. 46. Booth, Junius Brutus. w As Richard IH. T hr ee. qU a rt e r ,e„ g th ; facing ,1 T " 0 T 5 T ^ Acadejny, A iy. 47. Boott, Kirk-1755-1817 Bust, facing right, panel. 23x29. »■ Stuart. 4 7 Born Derby, Eng. ; died Boston. Kirk B. Wells. 16