THE LUDLOW-SAYLOR WJRE CO. • SAINT LOUIS • 6 7 / i-9&3 Franklin Institute Library PHILADELPHIA Class.. Accession_5Z.4r.JZJ2, 7 REFERENCE GIVEN BY T/ts C* ~>rxZj/z>c2 n y —r-- -- -— '>■'« I ■ W«i if . -- The L U D LO W-S AYLO R WIRE COMPANY Newstead Avenue and Wabash Railroad St. Louis, Missouri, U. S. A. il Main Office and Factory of the Ludlow-Saylor Wire Company W I i REKiAHG @ LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS,U S.A. Screen 4PR 23 1924 ±rtri LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. US. A. Screen* 1 THE LUDLOW SAY LOR WIRE COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF THE PERFECT DOUBLE CRIMPED WIRE CLOTH AND REK-TANG SCREEN FOR MINING AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES CATALOGUE N9 46 OFFICES AND WORKS Newstead Avenue and Wabash R.R. Saint Louis,U.S.A. ^e’cSccJig W a-mf H tIyt LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. ■ Screens That Last S ERVICE is the most distinctive attribute of the Ludlow- Saylor products—good, long, honest, faithful service, backed by highest quality and a broad, liberal business policy that spares neither effort nor expense in solving the most vexatious and difficult screen problems for its patrons. This company has always been averse to the idea of superficiality and mere cheapness and has won a most enviable reputation as pro¬ ducers of the “best that’s made”, thereby building up a business of tremendous magnitude on the sure, substantial foundation of Merit. Years of experience, carefully compiled records of experiments and results, and a vast collection of other valuable information are always freely available to screen users in all parts of the world. The object of this book is two-fold: First, to advertise and thereby create an even greater demand for the Ludlow-Saylor products; second, as an educational work that shall provide information of almost incalculable value to those in charge of industries where screens are used, proving that Ludlow-Saylor screens are not mere woven wire, but that each and every kind is made for a distinct, definite purpose and according to methods that have been perfected by years and years of careful investigation and experiment. Every known condition under which screens may be used has been thoroughly studied with a view towards making a screen for every conceivable purpose that shall exactly fulfill every requirement. If this book proves of interest and value to those to whom it is sent, its purpose will have been amply achieved. Sincerely, THE LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. Gauge Numbers and Decimals The Ludlow-Saylor Standard Decimal Sizes for Wire of all Metals Steel Wire Gauge or Washburn and Moen ■ We use decimal numbers to denote wire diameter, but for the benefit of those still accustomed to the old gauge numbers we will, throughout this entire book, use both systems. On the opposite page we show the relative variance in size as shown by several different gauge tables that are used most com¬ monly. You will notice that, while the number of two wires, under the old system, may be the same, yet the actual size, as expressed more accurately in decimal fractions of an inch, will vary somewhat under the different tables. For this rea¬ son it has been found advisable to always give actual decimal measurements, thus precluding the possibility of error in filling orders. When both the gauge number and standard are known, it will be possible to determine the actual size of the wire by referring to these tables. There is, therefore, but one safe and sure method to pursue in ordering—never forget to give the size wanted in decimal fractions of an inch—use the num¬ bers if you care to do so but give the decimal measurements also. Number Decimal Number Decimal O 1 .3938 24 .0230 3“0 .3625 25 .0204 O 1 \eCt\nvpe&| | -J ir LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U.S.A. Table Showing Decimals, Metric Equivalents, Weight Per Foot, and Feet Per Pound, Steel Wire. Washburn and Moen Gauge. Number of Wire Decimal of Inch Millimeters Pounds per Foot Feet per Pound 4-0 .3938 10.00 .4136 2.418 3-0 .3625 9.2075 .3505 2.853 2-0 .3310 8.407 .2922 3.422 0 .3065 7.785 .2506 3.991 1 .2830 7.188 .2136 4.681 2 .2625 6.668 .1838 5.441 3 .2437 6.190 .1584 6.313 4 .2253 5.723 .1354 7.386 5 .2070 5.258 .1143 8.750 6 .1920 4.877 .09832 10.17 7 .1770 4.496 .08356 11.97 8 .1620 4.115 .07000 14.29 9 .1483 3.767 .05866 17.05 10 .1350 3.429 .04861 20.57 11 .1205 3.061 .03873 25.82 12 .1055 2.68 .02969 33.69 13 .0915 2.324 .02233 44.78 14 .0800 2.032 .01707 58.58 15 .0720 1.829 .01383 72.32 16 .0625 1.588 .01042 95.98 17 .0540 1.372 .007778 128.60 18 .0475 1.207 .006018 166.20 19 .0410 1.041 .004484 223.00 20 .0348 .8839 .003230 309.60 21 .0317 .8052 .002680 373.10 22 .0286 .7264 .002182 458.4 23 .0258 .6553 .001775 563.3 24 .0230 .5842 .001411 708.7 25 .0204 .5182 .OOlllO 900.9 26 .0181 .4597 .0008738 1144 . 27 .0173 .4394 .0007983 1253 . 28 .0162 .4115 .0007000 1429 . 29 .0150 .3810 .0006001 1666 . 30 .0140 .3556 .0005228 1913 . 31 .0132 .3353 .0004647 2152 . 32 .0128 .3251 .0004370 2288 . 33 .0118 .2997 .0003714 2693 . 34 .0104 .2642 .0002885 3466 . 35 .0095 .2413 .0002407 4154 . 36 .0090 .2286 .0002160 4629 . 37 .0085 .2159 .0001927 5189 . 38 .0080 .2032 .0001707 5858 . 39 .0075 .1905 .0001500 6665 . 40 .0070 .1778 .0001307 7652 . 41 .0066 .1676 .0001162 8607 . 42 .0062 .1575 .0001025 9753 . 43 .0060 .1524 .00009602 10415 . 44 .0058 .1473 .00008972 11145 . 45 .0055 .1397 .00008068 12394 . 46 .0052 .1321 .00007212 13866 . 47 .0050 .1270 .00006668 14997 . 48 .0048 .1219 .00006145 16273 . 49 .0046 .1168 .00005644 17718 . 50 .0044 .1118 .00005164 19366 . S,U.S.A. Tj&fcclC Double Crimped Wire Cloth "thousands of satisfied users, in all parts of the United States and in many foreign countries, testify to the superiority of the Ludlow- Saylor “Perfect” double crimped wire cloth—and they give their testi¬ mony in a fashion that admits of no argument—by re-orders. Seldom indeed does a man of discernment and practical experience ever again use any other make of screen after having once used the “Perfect.” The reason for this lies in the care with which the wires are made, the way they are woven and the clever crimped feature. In the weaving of the “Perfect” double crimped wire cloth, each wire supports and strengthens every other wire, the shoot wires being arched over and under the warp wires, and the warp wires arched over and under the shoot wires, thus forming a mesh that is absolutely and permanently rigid, eliminating all possibility of wires slipping and insuring an evenness of the screened product. And the wires are not bent but crimped —not with sharp angles, but curved gradually and gracefully over and under the intersecting wires, without any rough corners. Thus the full strength of each wire is retained and its surface kept smooth and unbroken. All strain is equally distributed over the entire screen, and the openings remain uniform and equal as long as there remains enough metal to sustain the weight of the material to be screened. The initial cost of the “Perfect” screen is perhaps a trifle more than that of the commonplace, ordinary, non-durable kinds, but its lasting powers more than counterbalance the slight additional initial cost and make it eventually by far the cheapest to buy. Ii Illustrating the “Double Crimped” Feature as found in All Ludlow-Saylor Screens Note the Uniform Crimp in the Two Shaded Wires in Above Cut Also the firm rigidity of the entire weave, obtained by the double crimping of both warp and shoot wires, making it absolutely impossible for any single wire to shift, thereby insuring the permanency of the mesh and uniform even wear throughout the entire life of the screen. 4 Mesh, No. 12 .105 Wire 17 leaj LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S A. iREKTANGe Screen | L THE PERFECT DOUBLE CRIMPED IRON or STEEL WIRE CLOTH FOR MINING AND OTHER PURPOSES r 19 LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S.A. r Steel Wire Cloth Beginning with this page, tables are shown which give the mesh, number of wire, diameter of wire, size of opening between the wires, and list price per square foot. This and the following pages refer to steel wire cloth, and prac¬ tically every grade of steel wire cloth is covered in the tables. In case the screen you need is not contained in the tables, we shall be glad to supply same ac¬ cording to any specifications, as we are in a position to manufac¬ ture any mesh or diameter of wire that can be produced of steel wire. The illustrations of the various screens on the following pages, while not mathematically exact in every detail, are as accurate repre¬ sentations of the mesh, size of opening and diameter of wire of the different grades, as it is pos¬ sible to reproduce in print. In so far as the eye and the table can determine, this will probably be of some assistance to you in arriving at a near con¬ clusion as to what particular screen you can use. The perfect double crimped steel wire is constructed by machines of the latest invention which pro¬ duce absolute accuracy. The wires in both warp and shoot are thoroughly and evenly crimped; this makes a perfect mesh that retains its uniformity until the screen is practically worn out. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire. Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 1 0 .307 .693 $1.40 1 1 .283 .717 1 .20 1 2 .263 .737 1.05 1 3 .244 .756 .88 1 4 .225 .775 .73 1 5 .207 .793 .60 1 6 .192 .808 .50 1 7 .177 .823 .44 1 8 .162 .838 .38 1 9 .148 .852 .32 1 10 .135 .865 .28 1 11 .120 .880 .24 1 12 .105 .895 .20 1 13 .092 .908 .15 1 14 .080 .920 .12 1 15 .072 .928 .10 X 1 .283 .467 1.40 X 2 .263 .487 1.20 X 3 .244 .506 1.05 X 4 .225 .525 .88 X 5 .207 .543 .73 X 6 .192 .558 .60 % 7 .177 .573 .50 X 8 .162 .588 .42 X 9 .148 .602 .38 X 10 .135 .615 .32 X 11 .120 .630 .27 X 12 .105 .645 .22 X 13 .092 .658 .17 X 14 .080 .670 .14 X 15 .072 .678 .12 X 16 .063 .687 .10 X 2 .263 .362 1.40 X 3 .244 .381 1.20 X 4 .225 .400 1.05 X 5 .207 .418 .88 X 6 .192 .433 .73 X 7 .177 .448 .60 X 8 .162 .463 .50 9 .148 .477 .40 X 10 .135 .490 .35 X 11 .120 .505 .30 X 12 .105 .520 .25 X 13 .092 .533 .20 X 14 .030 .545 .17 X 15 .072 .553 .14 X 16 .063 .562 .12 X 17 .054 .571 .10 X 18 .047 .578 .09 Specify size of wire in both gauge number anti decimal o' an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. Be sure and give full information when ordering wire cloth. Don’t forget the following: Number of Rolls, Number of Pieces, Length and width of each piece or roll, Mesh, Decimal size of wire, Material from which cloth is to be made. No order is complete without the above. The mesh is not sufficient with¬ out the size of wire being given also. As an example, look at the number of 3 meshes in the table; there is a variation of almost 100 per cent in the size of the opening. The size of wire and mesh are absolutely necessary. A full roll contains 100 lineal feet or more. Less than 100 lineal feet in¬ voiced at broken roll prices. Widths carried in stock are: 24, 30, 36, and 48 inches. Special widths, to the fractional part of an inch, made to order. In ordering screens, send a small sample of wire cloth with quantity wanted; otherwise be sure to spec¬ ify width, mesh, diameter of wire and amount of material. We cannot dispose of specially made screens; therefore be sure your specifications are absolutely correct. In repeat orders, refer to original order or date of invoice and re¬ quest that it be duplicated. Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire. Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 2 4 .225 .275 $1.35 2 5 .207 .293 1.10 2 6 .192 .308 .88 2 7 .177 .323 .75 2 8 .162 .338 .60 2 9 .148 .352 .50 2 io .135 .365 .42 2 1 1 .120 .380 .35 2 12 .105 .395 .30 2 13 .092 .408 .25 2 14 .080 .420 .20 2 15 .072 .428 .17 2 16 .063 .437 .14 2 17 .054 .446 .12 2 18 .047 .453 .IO 2 19 .041 .459 .09 2^ 6 .192 .208 1.30 2H 7 .177 .223 .90 2^2 8 .162 .238 .72 2K 9 .148 .252 .60 2H IO .135 .265 .50 2K 1 1 .120 .280 .42 2J4 12 .105 .295 .35 2M 13 .092 .308 .30 2^ 14 .080 .320 .25 2K 15 .072 .328 .20 2J4 16 .063 .337 .17 2K 17 .054 .346 .14 2 rs 18 .047 .353 .12 2K 19 .041 .359 • IO 2^ 20 .035 .365 .09 3 8 .162 .171 1.00 3 9 .148 .185 .75 3 IO .135 .198 .60 3 11 .120 .213 .50 3 12 .105 .228 .40 3 13 .092 .241 .35 3 14 .080 .253 .30 3 15 .072 .261 .25 3 16 .063 .270 .20 3 17 .054 .279 .17 3 18 .047 .286 .14 3 19 .041 .292 .12 3 20 .035 .298 .10 3 21 .032 .301 .09 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS.U S.A. l=s Screen Durability The weaving of wire cloth is in itself largely mechanical, but the selection of the material to be used in the manufacture of wire cloth for any special service is of vital importance and should be given the utmost care and consid¬ eration. The Ludlow - Saylor Company have given much thought and study to this subject, and are con¬ stantly experimenting with new and varied kinds of wire with the sole object in view of improving the quality of our products where- ever and whenever we find it possible to do so which is the secret of the long life of our screens. The “Perfect” double crimped cloth is made so that the wires are uniformly crimped both in the warp and shoot and are of the same height throughout. Therefore there is an even wear¬ ing surface in which one wire does not wear out quicker than the other. This double crimped feature makes both wires perfectly sta¬ tionary and impossible to shift and causes accuracy in screening until the screen is worn out. A greater variety of sizes and materials in this style of screen are being constantly added to stock owing to an increasing de¬ mand as the new uses to which it can be put manifest themselves. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 3J4 9 .148 .138 $1.00 3>4 io .135 .151 .75 334 11 .120 .166 .65 334 12 .105 .181 .50 334 13 .092 .194 .40 334 14 .080 .206 .35 334 15 .072 .214 .30 334 16 .063 .223 .25 3J4 17 .054 .232 .20 334 18 .047 .239 .15 334 19 .041 .245 .13 334 20 .035 .251 .11 334 21 .032 .254 .10 4 10 .135 .115 1.10 4 11 .120 .130 .80 4 12 .105 .145 .60 4 13 .092 .158 .48 4 14 .080 .170 .38 4 15 .072 .178 .32 4 16 .063 .187 .27 4 17 .054 .196 .22 4 18 .047 .203 .17 4 19 .041 .209 .14 4 20 .035 .215 .12 4 21 .032 .218 .11 4 22 .028 .222 .10 434 1 1 .120 .102 1 .00 434 12 .105 .117 .73 434 13 .092 .130 .55 434 14 .080 .142 .42 434 15 .072 .150 .35 434 16 .063 .159 .30 434 17 .054 .168 .25 434 18 .047 .175 .20 434 19 .041 .181 .17 434 20 .035 .187 .14 434 21 .032 .190 .12 434 22 .028 .194 .11 434 23 .025 .197 .10 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. 25 LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U.S.A. StouVAtCutiNDi J Size of Opening By openings, we mean distance between the wires—the open or vacant air spaces. It is possible to have many different screens measuring the same number of meshes to the inch, but each with a different size of opening due to the fact that the wires are of different diameters — the thicker the wires the smaller the spaces between them. The size of the opening is lessened by using heavy wire and increased when lighter wire is used. Thus, if a 6 mesh screen is made from .080 wire, the opening is .087 inches but if we decrease the diameter of the wire to .023, the opening is thereby increased to .144 inches. In other words, if the number of openings to the inch is decreased the diameter of the wire must be increased to maintain the same size opening. On the other hand, as the number of openings to the inch increase, the wire diameter must necessarily be decreased to keep the openings the same size. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 5 12 .105 .095 $0.80 5 13 .092 .108 .60 5 14 .080 .120 .48 5 15 .072 .128 .40 5 16 .063 .137 .35 5 17 .054 .146 .30 5 18 .047 .153 .25 5 19 .041 .159 .20 5 20 .035 .165 .17 5 21 .032 .168 .14 5 22 .028 .172 .12 5 23 .025 .175 .10 5 24 .023 .177 .09 6 13 .092 .075 .80 6 14 .080 .087 .60 6 15 .072 .095 .48 6 16 .063 .104 .40 6 17 .054 .113 .35 6 18 .047 .120 .30 6 19 .041 .126 .25 6 20 .035 .132 .22 6 21 .032 .135 .17 6 22 .028 .139 .14 6 23 .025 .142 .12 6 24 .023 .144 .10 6 25 .020 .147 .09 7 14 .080 .063 .80 7 15 .072 .071 .60 7 16 .063 .080 .48 7 17 .054 .089 .40 7 18 .047 .096 .35 7 19 .041 .102 .30 7 20 ' .035 .108 .25 7 21 .032 • 111 .22 7 22 .028 .115 .17 7 23 .025 .118 .14 7 24 .023 .120 .12 7 25 .020 .123 .10 7 26 .018 .125 .09 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. 2G w u-t m H—l- I—4—I—r- S)ouV>\tCumy<4; LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U S A. J IreKTANGb Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued IL Screens for Mining Owing to the unusual amount of wear and tear to which a mining screen is put, the wire cloth must be of a construction and quality to meet this demand. No screen has been found better for the purpose than the Ludlow-Saylor “Perfect” double crimped wire cloth. This has been proven by actual usage and experience. The “Perfect” screen has withstood the severest tests with most satis¬ factory results. This screen will give service until the wire is worn too thin to retain the weight of material being screened. This unusual feature is due to the double crimping which keeps the wires in their original position until worn through. It is the ideal screen for hard service in mills and mining indus¬ tries, and for use on jigs, trom¬ mels, stamp batteries, Chilians or shaking screens. The Ludlow-Saylor screen is made of iron, brass, copper, steel or, where acid comes in contact with the screen, a phosphor bronze is recommended. Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 8 15 .072 .053 $ 0.80 8 16 .063 .062 .60 8 17 .054 .071 .48 8 18 .047 .078 .42 8 19 .041 .084 .35 8 20 .035 .090 .30 8 21 .032 .093 .25 8 22 .028 .097 .22 8 23 .025 .100 .17 8 24 .023 .102 .14 8 25 .020 .105 .12 8 26 .018 .107 • IO 8 27 .017 .108 .09 9 16 .063 .048 .80 9 17 .054 .057 .60 9 18 .047 .064 .48 9 19 .041 .070 .42 9 20 .035 .076 .35 9 21 .032 .079 .32 9 22 .028 .083 .25 9 23 .025 .086 .22 9 24 .023 .088 .17 9 25 .020 .091 .14 9 26 .018 .093 .12 9 27 .017 .094 .IO 9 28 .016 .095 .09 io 17 .054 .046 .72 io 18 .047 .053 .60 10 19 .041 .059 .48 IO 20 .035 .085 .40 10 21 .032 .068 .35 IO 22 .028 .072 .30 10 23 .025 .075 .25 IO 24 .023 .077 .20 10 25 .020 .080 .15 10 26 .018 .082 .12 IO 27 .017 .083 .11 IO 28 .016 .084 .IO IO 29 .015 .085 .09 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U.S.A. I Quality is Our Slogan Quality in material, quality in workmanship and quality in the finished product — And quality means efficiency in screens. The Ludlow-Saylor plant has grown as the demand for its prod¬ uct has increased and this growth is due entirely to the superiority of the Ludlow-Saylor screens. Experience has proven that the better and higher priced screen is more economical than that screen where first cost only is considered. A screen must be right to speci¬ fications or a loss and unevenness in product will result. The Ludlow- Saylor screens prevent this loss because they are right. The mesh counts the same both in the warp and the shoot and is made absolutely correct as to gauge specified. The frequent changing of screens necessitates additional labor; also loss of motion and any loss of motion decreases the output. The proper way to figure the ultimate cost of the Ludlow-Saylor screens is by the number of tons of ore it will screen before wearing out, compared with the life and producing power of the less expen¬ sive screens made by other manu¬ facturers. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 12 18 .047 .036 $0.72 12 19 .041 .042 .60 12 20 .035 .048 .48 12 21 .032 .051 .45 12 22 .028 .055 .38 12 23 .025 .058 .30 12 24 .023 .060 .22 12 25 .020 .063 .17 12 26 .018 .065 .15 12 27 .017 .066 .13 12 28 .016 .067 .11 12 29 .015 .068 .10 12 30 .014 .069 .09 14 19 .041 .030 .75 14 20 .035 .036 .60 14 21 .032 .039 .50 14 22 .028 .043 .40 14 23 .025 .046 .35 14 24 .023 .048 .30 14 25 .020 .051 .22 14 26 .018 .053 .17 14 27 .017 .054 .15 14 28 .016 .055 .13 14 29 .015 .056 .12 14 30 .014 .057 .11 14 31 .0132 .0578 .lO 14 32 .0128 .0582 .09 14 33 .0118 .0592 .08 14 34 .0104 .0606 .07 16 19 .041 .0215 1.20 16 20 .035 .0275 1.00 16 21 .032 .0305 .80 16 22 .028 .0345 .60 16 23 .025 .0375 .48 16 24 .023 .0395 .38 16 25 .020 .0425 .32 16 26 .018 .0445 .27 16 27 .017 .0455 .20 16 28 .016 .0465 .17 16 29 .015 .0475 .15 16 30 .014 .0485 .13 16 31 .0132 .0493 .12 16 32 .0128 .0497 .11 16 33 .0118 .0507 .lO 16 34 .0104 .0521 .09 16 35 .0095 .0530 .08 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS,U S A. [rek-tang e I Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued r Wire Cloths to Order Wire cloths to suit special re¬ quirements are not listed in this catalogue but can be made to specifications. The Ludlow - Saylor Company have made exhaustive experiments during their many years of ex¬ perience in the manufacture of wire cloth of all kinds, which has put them in position to advise their clients intelligently as to what kind of screen would be most suitable for any special purpose, and that would yield the maximum results at a minimum cost. There is no charge made by the Ludlow-Saylor Company for any investigation or experiments made by their experts in behalf of their customers, and it is the aim of this company to freely assist its custo¬ mers in deciding on just what kind of screen will be most suitable for their special requirements. The object of the company is to serve its clients to their best interests, and where special metals are required, estimates will be furnished as well as on special construction, unusual sizes, dimen¬ sions of openings or difference in warp or shoot. Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening. Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 18 20 .035 .0206 $1.20 18 21 .032 .0236 1.00 18 22 .028 .0276 .80 18 23 .025 .0306 .60 18 24 .023 .0326 .50 18 25 .020 .0356 .40 18 26 .018 .0376 .32 18 27 .017 .0386 .27 18 28 .016 .0396 .24 18 29 .015 .0406 .22 18 30 .014 .0418 .20 18 31 .0132 .0424 .19 18 32 .0128 .0428 .18 18 33 .0118 .0438 .16 18 34 .0104 .0452 .14 18 35 .0095 .0461 .13 18 36 .0090 .0466 .12 20 22 .028 .0220 1.10 20 23 .025 .0250 .90 20 24 .023 .0270 .65 20 25 .020 .0300 .50 20 26 .018 .0320 .40 20 27 .017 .0330 .35 20 28 .016 .0340 .27 20 29 .015 .0350 .25 20 30 .014 .0360 .23 20 31 .0132 .0368 .21 20 32 .0128 .0372 .20 20 33 .0118 .0382 .19 20 34 .0104 .0396 .18 20 35 .0095 .0405 .17 20 36 .0090 .0410 .16 22 22 .028 .0175 1.40 22 23 .025 .0205 1 .20 22 24 .023 .0225 .90 22 25 .020 .0255 .65 22 26 .018 .0275 .50 22 27 .017 .0285 .40 22 28 .016 .029 5 .35 22 29 .015 .0305 .30 22 30 .014 .0315 .26 22 31 .0132 .0323 .24 22 32 .0128 .0327 .23 22 33 .Ol 18 .0337 .22 22 34 .0104 .0351 .21 22 35 .0095 .0360 .20 22 36 .0090 .0365 .18 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. Greater Production All business is based on the cost of production. Therefore in the milling of ores, the screens that will produce the greatest tonnage of product to the desired size per stamp are the most profitable: That is, provided the screen is accurate and no after treatment is required to produce an even screening. The Ludlow-Saylor screens are accurate, not only the same num¬ ber of meshes both ways but the same gauge of wire and same size of openings throughout. This means an even screening and big returns. Therefore, the Ludlow - Saylor screen is more economical than the perforated metal screen which does not yield an equal tonnage and evenness of product. An uneven product requires an after treat¬ ment which adds to the cost of production. Wherever perforated metal is used, the openings become larger with wear and the screening in¬ creases in size. The Ludlow-Saylor screens can be supplied with either square or oblong openings which remain the same throughout the entire life of the screen. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 24 24 .023 .0187 $1.20 24 25 .020 .0217 .90 24 26 .018 .0237 .65 24 27 .017 .0247 .50 24 28 .016 .0257 .40 24 29 .015 .0267 .35 24 30 .014 .0277 .30 24 31 .0132 .0285 .26 24 32 .0128 .0289 .24 24 33 .0118 .0299 .23 24 34 .0104 .0313 .22 24 35 .0095 .0322 .21 24 36 .0090 .0327 .20 26 26 .018 .0205 .90 26 27 .017 .0215 .65 26 28 .016 .0225 .50 26 29 .015 .0235 .40 26 30 .014 .0245 .35 26 31 .0132 .0253 .30 26 32 .0128 .0257 .26 26 33 .0118 .0267 .24 26 34 .0104 .0281 .23 26 35 .0095 .0290 .22 26 36 .0090 .0295 .21 28 27 .017 .0187 .80 28 28 .016 .0197 .60 28 29 .015 .0207 .50 28 30 .014 .0217 .38 28 31 .0132 .0225 .35 28 32 .0128 .0229 .30 28 33 .0118 .0239 .28 28 34 .0104 .02 53 .26 28 35 .0095 .0262 .24 28 36 .0090 .0267 .23 30 27 .017 .0163 .90 30 28 .016 .0173 .66 30 29 .015 .0183 .55 30 30 .014 .0193 .42 30 31 .0132 .0201 .36 30 32 .0128 .0205 .32 30 33 .0118 .0215 .30 30 34 .0104 .0229 .28 30 35 .0095 .0238 .26 30 36 .0090 .0243 .24 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. |±j±rl LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS.U.S.A. Cement Screen The value of Portland Cement is based on its fineness and even¬ ness. Cement of this character has the highest efficiency, and is produced by the Ludlow-Saylor “Perfect” screens. For this reason cement indus¬ tries all over the country have in¬ stalled “Perfect” screens. They give accurate results, and accurate results can only be produced from accurate screens. By accurate screens is meant not only that the mesh counts the same both ways, but that the wire gauge is exact and that the openings between the wires are the same to the thousandth part of an inch. There are cheaper screens than The “Perfect” to be had, but the saving on first cost is more than offset by the short life of these lower priced products and by the vexatious delays caused by their uneven wear. In the long run the “Perfect” double crimped screens save the purchaser money, time and trouble. Cement Screens are kept in stock in all regular widths and sizes of wire for ordinary require¬ ments. Screens to special specifications made up quickly and accurately. Iron or Steel Wire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire Decimal of Inch Size of Opening Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 32 28 .016 .0153 $0.85 32 29 .015 .0163 .66 32 30 .014 .0173 .55 32 31 .0132 .0181 .45 32 32 .0128 .0185 .40 32 33 .0118 .0195 .35 32 34 .0104 .0209 .30 32 35 .0095 .0218 .28 32 36 .0090 .0223 .26 35 28 .016 .0126 1.25 35 29 .015 .0136 1.00 35 30 .014 .0146 .65 35 31 .0132 .0154 .55 35 32 .0128 .0158 .45 35 33 .Ol 18 .0168 .40 35 34 .0104 .0182 .36 35 35 .0095 .0191 .32 35 36 .0090 .0196 .30 38 30 .014 .0123 1.00 38 31 .0132 .0131 .75 38 32 .0128 .0135 .70 38 33 .0118 .0145 .60 38 34 .0104 .0159 .40 38 35 .0095 .0168 .36 38 36 .0090 .0173 .32 40 31 .0132 .0118 .95 40 32 .0128 .0122 .75 40 33 .0118 .0132 .50 40 34 .0104 .0146 .45 40 35 .0095 .0155 .40 40 36 .0090 .0160 .38 40 37 .0085 .0165 .35 42 31 .0132 .0106 1.25 42 32 .0128 .OHO 1.00 42 33 .0118 .0120 .90 42 34 .0104 .0134 .70 42 35 .0095 .0143 .45 42 36 .0090 .0148 .40 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. L Ji 36 In addition to the regular grades of Steel, Brass, Copper and Bronze Wire Cloth listed in this Catalogue, The Ludlow-Saylor Company is prepared to fill any specifications for wire cloth from any of the metals in commercial use such as Monel, Nickel, Aluminum and American Ingot Iron. Monel Metal is a white alloy, a natural combination of 67% nickel, 28% copper and 5% other metals, chiefly iron and manganese. It is strong as steel and withstands acids, alkalies and high temper¬ atures, and is used largely in the manufacture of filter cloth. Nickel Wire is about 99% pure Nickel and will resist the corrosive action of most acids with the ex¬ ception of Nitric acid. It can be used to the best advantage where screens are subjected to the influ¬ ence of hot gasses or high tempera¬ tures. Aluminum wire has a tensile strength of from 20 to 35,000 lbs. per square inch. Its weight is about one-third that of copper, brass or iron. Its lightness and resistance to corrosion are its out¬ standing features. American Ingot Iron is the purest commercial iron obtainable and its rust-resisting properties are far superior to the ordinary iron or steel wires. Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire Decimal of Inch Size of Opening Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 45 32 .0128 .0094 $1.30 45 33 .0118 .0104 1.10 45 34 .0104 .0118 .65 45 35 .0095 .0127 .55 45 36 .0090 .0132 .50 45 37 .0085 .0137 .45 50 34 .0104 .0096 1.25 50 35 .0095 .0105 .70 50 36 .0090 .OHO .60 50 37 .0085 .0115 .55 50 38 .0080 .0120 .50 55 35 .0095 .0087 1.20 55 36 .0090 .0092 .85 55 37 .0085 .0097 .75 55 38 .0080 .0102 .70 60 35 .0095 .0072 1.50 60 36 .0090 .0077 1.40 60 37 .0085 .0082 1.30 60 38 .0080 .0087 1.20 60 39 .0075 .0092 .90 64 37 .0085 .0071 1.40 64 38 .0080 .0076 1.30 64 39 .007 5 .0081 1.20 70 37 .0085 .0058 1.50 70 38 .0080 .0063 1.40 70 39 .0075 .0068 1.30 74 39 .0075 .0060 1.40 74 40 .0070 .0065 1.30 80 40 .0070 .0055 1.40 80 41 .0066 .0059 1.30 90 42 .0062 .0049 1.50 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. Table Showing the Decimal Opening of All Grades Steel, Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth from One Inch to One Hundred Mesh, With Equivalent in Millimeters. Decimal M/M Decimal M/M Decimal M/M Decimal M/M Decimal M/M Decima .0049 .124 .0180 .457 .0320 .813 .060 1.524 .150 3.810 .352 .0055 .140 .0181 .460 .0322 .818 .0606 1.539 .151 3.835 .353 .0056 .142 .0182 .462 .0323 .820 .062 1.575 .153 3.886 .359 .0058 .147 .0183 .465 .0326 .828 .063 1.600 .153 4.013 .362 .0059 .150 .0185 .470 .0327 .831 .064 1.626 .159 4.039 .365 .0060 .152 .0187 .475 .0330 .838 .065 1.651 .165 4.191 .380 .0063 .160 .0191 .485 .0332 .843 .066 1.676 .166 4.216 .381 .0065 .165 .0193 .490 .0337 .856 .067 1.702 .168 4.267 .395 .0068 .173 .0195 .495 .0340 .864 .068 1.727 .170 4.318 .400 .0070 .178 .0196 .498 .0342 .869 .069 1.753 .171 4.343 .408 .0071 .180 .0197 .500 .0345 .876 .070 1.778 .172 4.369 .418 .0072 .183 .0201 .511 .0350 .889 .071 1.803 .175 4.445 .420 .0073 .185 .0205 .521 .0351 .892 .072 1.829 .177 4.496 .428 .0076 .193 .0206 .523 .0356 .904 .075 1.905 .178 4.521 .433 .0077 .196 .0207 .526 .036 .914 .076 1.930 .181 4.597 .437 .0081 .206 .0209 .531 .0365 .927 .077 1.956 .185 4.699 .446 .0082 .208 .0211 .536 .0368 .935 .078 1.981 .187 4.750 .448 .0087 .221 .0215 .546 .0372 .945 .079 2.007 .190 4.826 .453 .0092 .234 .0217 .551 .0375 .953 .080 2.032 .194 4.928 .459 .0094 .239 .0218 .554 .0376 .955 .082 2.083 .196 4.978 .463 .0096 .244 .0220 .559 .0382 .970 .083 2.108 .197 5.004 .467 .0097 .246 .0223 .566 .0386 .980 .084 2.134 .198 5.029 .477 .0102 01 04- .259 9,64- .0225 .572 .039 .991 .085 .086 2.159 2.184 .203 .206 5.156 5.232 .487 .490 .0105 .267 .0228 .579 .0395 1.003 .087 2.210 .208 5.283 .505 .0106 .269 .0229 .582 .0396 1.006 .088 2.235 .209 5.309 .506 .0107 .272 .0233 .592 .0405 1.029 .089 2.261 .213 5.410 .520 .OHO .279 .0235 .597 .0406 1.031 .090 2.286 .214 5.436 .525 .0115 .292 .0236 .599 .0410 1.041 .091 2.311 .215 5.461 .533 .0118 .300 .0237 .602 .0416 1.057 .093 2.362 .218 5.537 .543 .0120 .305 .0238 .605 .042 1.067 .094 2.388 .222 5.639 .545 .0122 .310 .0239 .607 .0424 1.077 .095 2.413 .223 5.664 .553 .0123 .312 .0243 .617 .0425 1.080 .096 2.438 .228 5.791 .558 .0125 .318 .0245 .622 .0428 1.087 .097 2.464 .232 5.893 .562 .0126 .320 .0247 .027 .043 1.092 .lOO 2.540 .238 6.045 573 .0127 .323 .0248 .630 .0438 1.113 .102 2.591 .239 6.071 .578 .0131 .333 .02 50 .635 .0445 1.130 .104 2.642 .241 6.121 .588 .0132 .335 .0253 .643 .0452 1.148 .105 2.667 .245 6.223 .602 .0134 .340 .0255 .648 .0455 1.156 .107 2.718 .251 6.375 .615 .0135 .343 .0257 .653 .046 1.168 .108 2.743 .252 6.401 .630 .0136 .345 .0258 .655 .0461 1.171 .111 2.819 .253 6.426 .645 .0137 .348 .0262 .665 .0465 1.181 .113 2.870 .254 6.452 .658 .0142 .361 .0267 .678 .0466 1.184 .115 2.921 .261 6.629 .670 .0143 .363 .0270 .686 .0475 1.207 .117 2.972 .265 6.731 687 .0145 .368 .0272 .691 .048 1.219 .118 2.997 .270 6.858 .693 .0146 .371 .0275 .699 .0485 1.232 .120 3.048 .275 6.985 .696 .0147 .373 .0276 .701 .0493 1.252 .123 3.124 .279 7.087 .717 .0148 .376 .0277 .704 .0497 1.262 .125 3.175 .280 7.112 .737 .0153 .389 .0281 .714 .0507 1.288 .126 3.200 .286 7.264 .756 .0154 .391 .0282 .716 .051 1.295 .128 3.251 .292 7.417 .775 .0155 .394 .0285 .724 .0521 1.323 .130 3.302 .293 7.442 .793 .0158 .401 .0289 .734 .053 1.346 .132 3.353 .295 7.493 .808 .0159 .404 .0290 .737 .054 1.372 .135 3.429 .298 7.569 .823 .0160 .406 .0295 .749 .055 1.397 .137 3.480 .301 7.645 .852 .0163 .414 .0299 .759 .056 1.422 .138 3.505 .308 7.823 .865 .0165 .419 .030 .762 .057 1.448 .139 3.531 .320 8.128 .880 .0168 .427 .0305 .775 .0578 1.468 .142 3.607 .323 8.204 .895 .0170 .432 .0306 .777 .058 1.473 .144 3.658 .328 8.331 .908 .0173 .439 .0310 .787 .0582 1.478 .145 3.683 .337 8.560 .920 .0175 .445 .0313 .795 .059 1.499 .146 3.708 .338 8.585 .928 .0177 .450 .0315 .800 .0592 1.504 | .147 3.734 .346 8.788 .937 I M/M 8.941 8.966 9.119 9.195 9.271 9.652 9.677 10.033 10.160 10.363 10.617 10.668 10.871 10.998 11.100 11.328 11.379 11.506 11.659 11.760 11.862 12.116 12.370 12.446 12.827 12.852 13.208 13.335 13.538 13.792 13.843 14.046 14.173 14.275 14.503 14.554 14.681 14.935 15.291 15.621 16.002 16.383 16.713 17.018 17.221 17.450 17.602 17.678 18.212 18.720 19.202 19.685 20.142 20.523 20.904 21.285 21.641 21.971 22.352 22.733 23.063 23.368 23.571 23.800 LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U.S.A. Rolled Square Mesh Screens It was formerly necessary, in order to get a perfectly flat screening surface, to use perforated sheet metal. Naturally, the holes weakened the sheet and, if punched very close, the life of the screen was of short duration. Nowadays, this type of screen is fast becoming obsolete as it will not do the work as quickly or as accurately as the rolled wire screen. The Ludlow-Saylor double crimped rolled cloth has an efficiency of liom io to 50 per cent greater than that of the perforated sheet metal, because of the greater area of open space. In addition to doing work fastei the rolled cloth will yield a uniform size of product throughout its entire existence; whereas, with the perforated sheets, the product gradually becomes coarser and more uneven as the holes wear larger and larger. Rolled Brass Screens The “Perfect” double crimped rolled wire cloth is particularly desirable wherever a flat surface is advantageous in screening or where a coarse mesh is necessary to support a finer one. This rolled wire cloth can be furnished in any metal, cut in pieces of the exact size to fit the frames. Rolled cloth, having the same sized screen as perforated metal, possesses a much larger discharging area and hence produces a greater output. Then, too, the drawing process imparts a hard, smooth finish to the wire that will not wear away or become rough. Galvanized Wire Screen In order to be sure the coating is thorough and perfect, the Ludlow- Saylor Company operate their own galvanizing plant in making the “Perfect” galvanized wire cloth. Galvanized-before-woven cloth is made from the best grade of galvanized wire, is specially adapted for many purposes, and can be supplied in all the different meshes and sizes of wire shown in our price list of steel wire cloth up to and including thirty mesh. Our galvanized-after-woven cloth is made from the best steel wire, which is uniformly crimped both ways; it is then thoroughly coated with pure spelter, which solders each joint and makes the cloth rigid and rust-proof. We are prepared to galvanize cloth after it is woven in all meshes up to and including 8 mesh, and in all widths up to and including 48 inch. Anything finer than 8 mesh must be woven from galvanized wire, as it cannot be put through the spelter bath without the openings becoming clogged. Where dampness is prevalent or there is any danger of rusting, galvanized cloth should be used in preference to the steel or iron cloth. When coarse meshed screens are made from light wire, it is better to galvanize the cloth after weaving, thereby holding the wires more firmly in position. f RFX IWtl- ■BBZjuiaBwiflJ Examples of Wire Cloth, Galvanized After it has been Woven ■nn 2 Mesh, No. 12 .105 Wire 3 Mesh, No. 14 .080 Wire 4 Mesh, No. 16 .063 Wire 4 Mesh, No. 18 .047 Wire IR33S. |w dqp Lib o 1 | J LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S.A. THE PERFECT DOUBLE CRIMPED HEAVY WIRE SCREEN FOR COAL. GRAVEL or SAND Kindly note that these tables are laid out to different specifi¬ cations: As these screens are composed of heavy wires and large openings the tables are for space or distance between wires, and not the number of openings per lineal inch. The tables show the size of opening, number of wire, diameter of wire and list price per square foot in heavy coarse steel screens from 3/16 inch opening to 4 inches. These heavy screens are supplied in sections of exact length and width to which there is no limit, except as to convenient size for handling and shipping. If so desired, screens can be rolled to any diameter for trommel or revolving screens. No better screens are made than theLudlow-Saylor screens for grad¬ ing coal, crushed rock, stone, sand and gravel into various market¬ able sizes. It is the screen in general use in mining districts on trommel screens. It works with better results than the perforated steel plate, and owing to quality of special material and construc¬ tion will outwear any screen made. Opening or Number of Diameter of List Price Space Wire Rod or Wire per Square Foot 4 Inch 1 Inch $1.50 4 H “ 1.25 4 “ 1 1 1 6 “ 1.00 4 “ Vs “ .90 4 “ 1 6 .70 4 “ y 2 .60 4 7 16 .55 4 3-0 Vs .50 3M “ 1 1.60 3% “ % 1.30 3 H 1 1 16 “ 1.05 3% Vs “ .95 3% “ 16 .75 3% .65 3H “ 16 “ .60 3% 3-0 “ .50 3M 0 5 16 U .36 3'A l “ 1.65 3M M 1.35 3A “ 1 1 16 1.10 3A “ A 1.00 3V 2 “ 9 16 .80 3A “ A .70 3A “ 7 16 .60 3A “ 3-0 Vs “ .55 3V 2 0 5 16 “ .38 3 hi “ l « 1.75 3 M “ H “ 1.45 3H 1 1 16 1.20 3 M % “ 1.05 3M “ 9 16 “ .90 314 A “ .75 3M 7 16 “ .70 3M 3-0 Vs .55 3M O 5 16 .40 3 l 1.85 3 “ % 1.55 3 11 16 “ 1.30 3 “ Vs “ 1.10 3 9 16 “ .95 3 .85 3 “ 7 16 “ .70 3 “ 3-0 % .60 3 O 5 16 “ .45 3 3 M .35 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. w ai \ LWJ LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U S A. I $S§ec'C Steel Rice Wire Cloth Our Rice Wire Cloth is made of special material, is accurate in mesh, the wires are uniformly crimped both ways, giving the cloth a smooth even surface, and, for durability, will be found supe¬ rior to anything in the market. The following is a list of the standard sizes: 23/2 x 6 Mesh No. 19 2^ x 7 44 4 4 19 3x6 4 4 4 4 18 3x7 44 4 4 18 3 x 7 c 4 44 19 3 x 9 c 4 4 4 19 0^ \k-* b0\ X 00 c c 44 19 3^x 9 4 c 44 19 4 x 8 4 4 44 19 8x8 c 4 44 19 9x9 4 4 44 22 10 x 10 u 4 4 21 IO X 10 4 4 4 4 22 IO X 12 44 4 4 19—20 IO X 12 4 4 4 4 22 II X II 4 4 4 4 21 II X 12 4 4 4 4 20 12 X 12 44 4 4 21 12 X 14 44 4 4 19—20 12 X IS 4 4 44 19—20 13 x 13 4 4 44 22 14 x 14 44 44 19—20 14 x 14 4 4 4 4 20 14 x 14 44 44 22 15 X 15 4 4 44 23 We will be pleased to quote rices on receipt of specifications. The Perfect Double Crimped Heavy Wire Screen, Iron or Steel Continued List Price Opening or Number of Diameter of per Space Wire Rod or Wire Square Foot 2MInch 1 Inch $2.00 2M “ 34 “ 1.65 2M “ 16 1.50 2M “ 4 “ 1.25 2M “ 16 1.00 2M “ 4 “ .90 2M “ 16 .80 24 “ 3-0 4 “ .65 24 “ O 16 .50 24 * 3 4 “ .38 2J4 “ 1 2.10 2H “ 4 “ 1.75 24 “ 11 « 16 1.50 24 “ 4 “ 1.30 24 “ 9 « 16 1.15 24 “ 4 “ 1.00 24 “ 16 .85 24 “ 3-0 4 “ .75 24 “ 0 5 « 16 .55 24 “ 3 4 “ .40 24 “ 4 .225 .38 24 “ 1 Inch 2.15 2M “ 34 “ 1.85 24 “ 11 « 16 1.65 24 “ 4 “ 1.40 254 “ 16 1.25 24 “ 4 “ 1.10 24 “ 7 « 16 .95 214 “ 3-0 4 “ .80 214 “ 0 T6 “ .65 24 “ 3 4 “ .50 24 “ 4 .225 .40 24 “ 5 .207 .38 2 1 Inch 2.50 2 4 “ 2.15 2 1 1 u 16 1.85 2 4 “ 1.50 2 9 « 16 1.35 2 4 “ 1.15 2 7 « 16 1.00 2 3-0 4 “ .90 2 0 5 « 16 .70 2 3 4 “ .55 2 4 .225 .45 2 5 .207 .40 2 6 .192 .38 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. w vr-m A-r LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. |rek-tangb fun Wire Lathing This material is steel Wire Cloth 2V2 meshes per inch, and is used in place of wood lath for plastering purposes. The mortar passes freely through the meshes forming a solid coating on both sides of the fabric, making it practically fire and water-proof. For hue buildings, or ceilings which are to be decorated, this is the cheapest and best material for the purpose, and its use is becom¬ ing general for both public and private buildings. It is made both plain and gal¬ vanized, the standard size being 2^ mesh made of No. 20 wire which is carried in stock 24—30 —36—42 and 48 inches wide in rolls of 100 lineal feet or more. We also make the following sizes: 2 3 / 2 x 2 34 Mesh No. 17 wire zy 2 x 2}4 “ No. 18 “ 2^ X 2^ “ No. 19 “ Our galvanized wire lathing is galvanized after it is woven, which makes it very strong and thor¬ oughly rust-proof. We will be pleased to quote prices on receipt of specifications. The Perfect Double Crimped Heavy Wire Screen, Iron or Steel Continued Opening or Number of Diameter of List Price Space Wire Rod or Wire per Square Foot 1 M I n c h 1 Inc h $2.75 1% “ K “ 2.40 1 K “ 11 u 16 2.00 1M “ ^ “ 1.65 1M “ 16 1.50 \% “ K “ 1.25 IK “ 16 1.05 1M “ 3-0 K “ .95 IK “ 0 5 « 16 .75 1 K “ 3 K “ .60 IK “ 4 .225 .48 IK “ 5 .207 .42 IK “ 6 .192 .38 l l A “ 1 Inch 3.00 IK “ K “ 2.65 IK “ 11 « 16 2.15 IK “ b A 1.80 1 K “ 16 1.60 1 K “ K. “ 1.40 IK “ 7 u 16 1.15 IK “ 3-0 K “ 1.00 1 K “ 0 5 u 16 .80 IK “ 3 K “ .65 IK “ 4 .225 .50 IK “ 5 .207 .45 IK “ 6 .192 .40 IK “ 7 .177 .35 IK “ Minch 3.15 IK “ 11 U 16 2.50 IK “ K “ 2.00 IK “ 9 « 16 1.70 IK “ K “ 1.50 IK “ 7 « 16 1.35 IK “ 3-0 X “ 1.15 IK “ 0 5 « 16 .90 IK “ 3 K “ .70 IK “ 4 .225 .55 IK “ 5 .207 .48 IK “ 6 .192 .42 IK “ 7 .177 .38 1 Minch 3.75 1 11 U 16 3.00 1 5 /^ “ 2.35 1 9 u 16 1.85 1 X A 1.55 1 7 u 16 1.40 1 3-0 “ 1.25 1 O 5 u 16 1.00 1 3 K “ .75 1 4 .225 .60 1 5 .207 .50 1 6 .192 .45 1 7 .177 .40 1 8 .162 .35 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. I l w W | $kmY>\«Cumvc&| J LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U.S.A. For Coal, Gravel or Sand The Perfect Double Crimped Heavy Wire Screen, Iron or Steel Continued Screen TL When ordering screens with large openings and heavy wires, specify the size of the opening and wire, as “3^ inch opening,” “3/16 inch wire,” or specify wire in decimals, as inch opening, .135 wire.” Because the screens are larger, they are made none the less accu¬ rate, both in mesh and wire gauge. The double crimping holds the wires in the original position securely during the entire life of the screen. As the wear is on the surface of the rods, the screen will screen accurately until worn through and too weak to hold the weight of the material being sized. This is one of many reasons why the double crimped screen is supe¬ rior to the perforated metal. The Standard Sizes for Screening Coal are as follows: Space Number of Wire Diameter Rod or Wirt 3 inch 34 inch 234 CC 3 -o Vs ££ 234 cc 3 -o Vs C C 2 £ c o 4k C 6 iH cc o 5 16 ££ ij4 u 3 34 CC iM c c 3 V CC I c c 4 .225 M cc 6 .192 Vs u 8 .162 a u 9 .148 H u IO •135 34 c c 11 .120 Opening or Space Number of Wire Diameter of Rod or Wire List Price per Square Foot % Inch Vs I n c h $2.75 Vs “ 9 « 16 2.20 Vs “ 34 “ 1.75 Vs “ 7 « 16 1.50 Vs “ 3-0 34 “ 1.35 Vs “ 0 5 u 16 1.10 Vs “ 3 34 “ .80 Vs “ 4 .225 .70 Vs “ 5 .207 .55 Vs “ 6 .192 .50 Vs “ 7 .177 .45 Vs * 8 .162 .40 34 “ Vs I n c h 3.25 34 “ 9 « 16 2.60 V “ 34 “ 2.00 34 “ 7 « 16 1.65 34 “ 3-0 34 “ 1.45 M “ 0 5 (t 16 1.20 % “ 3 34 “ .90 M “ 4 .225 .75 V “ 5 .207 .65 H “ 6 .192 .55 V “ 7 .177 .48 V± “ 8 .162 .42 Vi “ 9 .148 .38 Vs * ^Inch 3.00 M “ 34 “ 2.50 6 /^ “ 7 « 16 2.00 V “ 3-0 34 “ 1.65 % “ 0 5 u 16 1.40 V “ 3 34 “ 1.10 a “ 4 .225 .90 Vs 5 .207 .75 Vs “ 6 .192 .60 5 /£ “ 7 .177 .50 Vs “ 8 .162 .44 Vs “ 9 .148 .40 6 /s “ 10 .135 .33 A “ jTs I n c h 2.50 A “ 3-0 34 “ 2.00 A “ 0 5 u 16 1.60 Vi. “ 3 34 “ 1.20 A> “ 4 .225 .95 V “ 5 .207 .80 A “ 6 .192 .68 A “ 7 .177 .60 A “ 8 .162 .48 ^ “ 9 .148 .42 H “ 10 .135 .35 34 “ 11 .120 .32 >4 12 .105 .28 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. il UmI, W tH+i L±5±Ti LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. REK-TANGg ^1 1 Fanning Mill Wire Cloth The Perfect Double Crimped Heavy Wire Screens, Iron or Steel Continued 1 The Ludlow-Saylor Wire Com¬ pany are manufacturers of every grade of cloth for use in fanning mills, and their mechanical devices for weaving these goods are unex¬ celled. A special grade of wire is used in constructing these screens, the meshes are accurate and uniform throughout and the surface is smooth, insuring the greatest pos¬ sible screening capacity. The ordinary widths are 18 to 36 inches, and the meshes mostly in demand for cleaning seed are as follows: For Wheat.4x5, 4x4 or 5x5 Corn and Oats • M x M or 2x2 R ye. 3 X 3 Cockle.7x7, 8x8 or 9x9 Peas.2x4 or 2x5 Clover.13x13 or 14x14 Timothy... 16x16, 18x18 or 20x20 Cheat or Chess . 2x9, 10 or 12, or 3x10, 11 or 12 Flax.4x13, 4x14 or 4x16 Other meshes made to order. We will be pleased to send samples and quote special prices on large quantities on receipt of specifications. Opening or Number of Diameter of List Price Space Wire Rod or Wire per Square Foot 7 T6 Inch O Alnch $1.75 7 1 6 “ 1 32 1.65 _X_ 1 6 * 2 17 u 64 1.50 16 3 M “ 1.40 7 16 U 4 .225 1.00 7 16 “ 5 .207 .85 7 16 * 6 .192 .73 7 TS * 7 .177 .67 7 1 6 “ 8 .162 .53 7 16 “ 9 .148 .45 7 16 “ 10 .135 .38 7 16 “ 11 .120 .32 7 16 “ 12 .105 .30 Vs “ O Alnch 2.15 Vs 1 32 1.90 Vs “ 2 17 u 64 1.75 Vs “ 3 J4 “ 1.60 Vs “ 4 .225 1.10 Vs “ 5 .207 .90 Vs “ 6 .192 .80 Vs “ 7 .177 .70 Vs “ 8 .162 .55 Vs “ 9 .148 .48 Vs “ 10 .135 .42 Vs “ 11 .120 .35 Vs 12 .105 .32 5 16 “ 4 .225 1.50 5 16 5 .207 1.10 5 16 “ 6 .192 .88 5 16 “ 7 .177 .75 5 16 “ 8 .162 .65 5 16 “ 9 .148 .55 5 16 “ io .135 .48 5 16 “ 11 .120 .42 5 16 “ 12 .105 .35 l A “ 4 .225 2.40 A 5 .207 1.65 A 6 .192 1.10 A “ 7 .177 .90 A “ 8 .162 .70 K 9 .148 .60 H “ IO .135 .55 H “ 11 .120 .48 M 12 .105 .40 M “ 13 .092 .35 3 16 “ 6 .192 1.70 3 16 “ 7 .177 1.10 3 16 “ 8 .162 .90 16 “ 9 .148 .75 16 10 .135 .65 3 16 11 .120 .55 3 16 “ 12 .105 .50 16 U 13 .092 .45 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. 51 LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS,U S.A. | r\Lr\ ihhu to 1 Jrpb[=t I - -]! SCBEEN | THE PERFECT DOUBLE CRIMPED BRASS, COPPER OR BRONZE WIRE CLOTH FOR MINING AND OTHER PURPOSES “'^c^ec^'g, w ±£!5i g ±j±ri LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. Brass, Bronze and Copper Cloth These cloths should be used in sizing materials that are wet or where work is done in damp locali¬ ties where rust or corrosion are liable to affect the screens and interfere with the work. Also in mine screening or any other where the water is contaminated by acids and comes in contact with the cloth. If your screen becomes useless from rust or corrosion before it wears out it will be found advan¬ tageous to pay the additional cost of these metals over that of iron or steel. Practically every grade is in¬ cluded in these tables but any mesh or size of wire desired, that is not found here, can be furnished in short order. In ordering, please state number of rolls or pieces wanted, length, width, mesh, num¬ ber, and decimal size of wire. Also as to whether brass, copper, or bronze is desired. When writing for prices on this grade of cloth, it would be well to bear in mind that all of our quota¬ tions are based on furnishing cloth made from wire of the highest quality, as we use only the best low brass, phosphor bronze and pure copper wire in the manu¬ facture of these goods. Price List of All Grades of the “Perfect” Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 1 3 .244 .756 $5.50 1 4 .225 .775 4.50 1 5 .207 .793 3.75 1 6 .192 .808 3.25 1 7 .177 .823 3.00 1 8 .162 .838 2.50 1 9 .148 .852 2.00 1 to .135 .865 1.50 1 11 .120 .880 1.25 1 12 .105 .895 .95 1 13 .092 .908 75 1 14 .080 .920 .65 1 15 .072 .928 .60 1 16 .063 .937 .50 4 .225 .525 5.50 H 5 .207 .543 4.50 6 .192 .558 3.75 M 7 .177 .573 3.25 % 8 .162 .588 3.00 % 9 .148 .602 2.50 Y. 10 .135 .615 2.00 Y 11 .120 .630 1.50 A 12 .105 .645 1.25 Y, 13 .092 .658 .90 % 14 .080 .670 .75 Y. 15 .072 .678 .65 16 .063 .687 .55 17 .054 .696 .48 Ys 5 .207 .418 6.00 Ys 6 .192 .433 5.00 Ys 7 .177 448 4.00 Ys 8 .162 .463 3 50 Ys 9 .148 .477 3.00 Ys io .135 .490 2.50 Ys 11 .120 .505 2.00 Ys 12 .105 .520 1.40 Ys 13 .092 .533 1.00 Ys 14 .080 .545 .80 Ys 15 .072 .553 .70 Ys 16 .063 .562 .60 Ys 17 .054 .571 .50 2 4 .225 .275 9.00 2 5 .207 .293 7.50 2 6 .192 .308 6.00 2 7 .177 .323 5.00 2 8 .162 .338 4.00 2 9 .148 .352 3.50 2 10 .135 .365 3.00 2 11 .120 .380 2.50 2 12 .105 .395 2.00 2 13 .092 .408 1.40 2 14 .080 .420 1.00 2 15 .072 .428 .80 2 16 .063 .437 .60 2 17 .054 .446 .50 2 18 .047 .453 .45 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals w imt i ma LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. u3 T I 2 Mesh, No. 13. 092 Wire 2)^2 Mesh, No. 10 .135 Wire Irek-tangI Brass, Copperor BronzeWire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 2H 6 .192 .208 $9.00 2H 7 .177 .223 6.50 2H 8 .162 .238 5.00 2K 9 .148 .252 4.25 2i4 10 .135 .265 3.50 2H 11 .120 .280 2.75 2H 12 .105 .295 2.25 23^ 13 .092 .308 1.60 2H 14 .080 .320 1.15 2^ 15 .072 .328 .90 2H 16 .063 .337 .70 2 34 17 .054 .346 .60 23^ 18 .047 .353 .50 2 a 19 .041 .359 .45 3 8 .162 .171 6.50 3 9 .148 .185 5.00 3 10 .135 .198 4.25 3 11 .120 .213 3.50 3 12 .105 .228 2.75 3 13 .092 .241 2.00 3 14 .080 .2 53 1.50 3 15 .072 .261 1.10 3 16 .063 .270 .85 3 17 .054 .279 .70 3 18 .047 .286 .60 3 19 .041 .292 .50 3 20 .035 .298 .45 3'A 9 .148 .138 6.00 3'A io .135 .151 4.75 3'A . 11 .120 .166 3.75 3 y 2 12 .105 .181 3.00 3'A 13 .092 .194 2.25 3A 14 .080 .206 1.75 3'A 15 .072 .214 1.30 334 16 .063 .223 1.00 3'A 17 .054 .232 .80 3J4 18 .047 .239 .65 3)4 19 .041 .245 .55 3)4 20 .035 .251 .50 3)4 21 .032 .254 .45 4 10 .135 .115 6.00 4 11 .120 .130 4.50 4 12 .105 .145 3.50 4 13 .092 .158 2.75 4 14 .080 .170 2.25 4 15 .072 .178 1.75 4 16 .063 .187 1.25 4 17 .054 .196 .90 4 18 .047 .203 .65 4 19 .041 .209 .55 4 20 .035 .215 .45 4 21 .032 .218 .40 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an .inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. “$e^edt e. w Km ±j±L± LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, US. A. I Other Products In addition to the wire cloth of all kinds listed in this Catalogue, The Ludlow-Saylor Company also manufacture the following: Ornamental Wire and Iron Work This company conducts a special department for the manufacture of ornamental wire and iron work, and has always been recognized- as one of the leaders in this line, owing to the high-class workmanship shown in our products and our facilities for giving prompt service to our patrons. Among other things made in this department are the following: Bank Railings, Counter Railings, Elevator Enclosures, Extension Gates, Floor Railings, Grilles, Iron Fences, Office Railings, Partition Screens, Wickets, Window Guards, Wire Signs. Special catalogues mailed on request. Riddles The Ludlow-Saylor Riddles will be found of superior quality, both in workmanship and material used in their construction. The following kinds are carried in stock in 18-inch diameter. Hardware or Sand Riddles.2 to 16 mesh Steel Foundry Riddles...2 to 16 Galv. Foundry Riddles. . .2 to 8 Brass Moulders’ Riddles..2 to 16 Miners’ or Coal Riddles. ^4" to V/ 2 " “ Brass, Copper or Bronze W ire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 11 .120 .102 $5.25 4H 12 .105 .117 4.00 4H 13 .092 .130 3.35 4J4 14 .080 .142 2.50 4H 15 .072 .150 1.90 4H 16 .063 .159 1.50 4K 17 .054 .168 1.05 4M 18 .047 .175 .75 43^ 19 .041 .181 .60 4^ 20 .035 .187 .50 4^ 21 .032 .190 .43 5 12 .105 .095 4.50 5 13 .092 .108 3.50 5 14 .080 .120 2.75 5 15 .072 .128 2.10 5 16 .063 .137 1.75 5 17 .054 .146 1.20 5 18 .047 .153 .90 5 19 .041 .159 .65 5 20 .035 .165 .55 5 21 .032 .168 .45 5 22 .028 .172 .40 6 13 .092 .07 5 4.50 6 14 .080 .087 3.25 6 15 .072 .095 2.75 6 16 .063 .104 2.25 6 17 .054 .113 1.60 6 18 .047 .120 1.10 6 19 .041 .126 .85 6 20 .035 .132 .60 6 21 .032 .135 .50 6 22 .028 .139 .45 6 23 .025 .142 .40 7 14 .080 .063 4.00 7 15 .072 .071 3.00 7 16 .063 .080 2.50 7 17 .054 .089 2.00 7 18 .047 .096 1.50 7 19 .041 .102 1 .OO 7 20 .035 .108 .80 7 21 .032 .111 .60 7 22 .028 .115 .50 7 23 .025 .118 .45 7 24 .023 .120 .40 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. 56 mi LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. Screen g Brass, Copper or BronzeWire Cloth Continued 4 Mesh, No. 13 .092 Wire 8 Mesh, No. 18 .047 Wire Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 8 15 .072 .053 $3.50 8 16 .063 .062 2.75 8 17 .054 .071 2.25 8 18 .047 .078 1.75 8 19 .041 .084 1.25 8 20 .035 .090 1.00 8 21 .032 .093 .80 8 22 .028 .097 .65 8 23 .025 .100 .50 8 24 .023 .102 .45 8 25 .020 .105 .40 9 15 .072 .039 4.00 9 16 .063 .048 3.25 9 17 .054 .057 2.50 9 18 .047 .064 2.00 9 19 .041 .070 1.60 9 20 .035 .076 1.15 9 21 .032 .079 .90 9 22 .028 .083 .75 9 23 .025 .086 .60 9 24 .023 .088 .50 9 25 .020 .091 .45 9 26 .018 .093 .40 io 17 .054 .046 2.75 10 18 .047 .053 2.25 IO 19 .041 .059 1.75 IO 20 .035 .065 1.25 IO 21 .032 .068 1.00 IO 22 .028 .072 .85 IO 23 .025 .075 .65 IO 24 .023 .077 .55 10 25 .020 .080 .50 IO 26 .018 .082 .45 12 18 .047 .036 2.75 12 19 .041 .042 2.25 12 20 .035 .048 1.75 12 21 .032 .051 1.50 12 22 .028 .055 1.25 12 23 .025 .058 .85 12 24 .023 .060 .60 12 25 .020 .063 .50 12 26 .018 .065 .45 12 27 .017 1 .066 .40 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals |"$ 20 35 .0095 .0405 .27 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. w L ±TlTl LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. 5)ou\Aa Cx\n\y« &1 |r£KTANG6 1 jzphTd: Screen § Brass, Copper or BronzeWire Cloth Continued Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 22 22 .028 .0175 $3.00 22 23 .025 .0205 2.50 22 24 .023 .0225 2.00 22 25 .020 .0255 1.50 22 26 .018 .0275 1.10 22 27 .017 .0285 .75 22 28 .016 .0295 .60 22 29 .015 .0305 .55 22 30 .014 .0315 .53 22 3.1 .0132 .0323 .50 22 32 .0128 .0327 .45 22 33 .0118 .0337 .37 22 34 .0104 .0351 .30 22 35 .0095 .0360 .27 22 36 .0090 .0365 .25 24 24 .023 .0187 2.50 24 25 .020 .0217 2.00 24 26 .018 .0237 1.40 24 27 .017 .0247 1 .OO 24 28 .016 .0257 .75 24 29 .015 .0267 .60 24 30 .014 .0277 .58 24 31 .0132 .0285 .55 24 32 .0128 .0289 .50 24 33 .0118 .0299 .40 24 34 .0104 .0313 .35 24 35 .0095 .0322 .30 24 36 .0090 .0327 .27 24 37 .0085 .0332 .26 24 38 .0080 .0337 .25 24 39 .0075 .0342 .24 26 25 .020 .0185 2.50 26 26 .018 .0205 1.75 26 27 .017 .0215 1.25 26 28 .016 .0225 .90 26 29 .015 .0235 .70 26 30 .014 .0245 .65 26 31 .0132 .0253 .60 26 32 .0128 .0257 .55 26 33 .0118 .0267 .45 26 34 .0104 .0281 .40 26 35 .0095 .0290 .35 26 36 .0090 .0295 .30 26 37 .0085 .0300 .28 26 38 .0080 .0305 .27 26 39 .0075 .0310 .25 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. '‘V«5 e< ^’G I ■ +H 4+ LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S A. S)ou\>\g Cumyc k g J Screen Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth Continued L 18 Mesh, No. 23 .025 Wire . “r * ■_ ■t •V- ff ' -F * ' H 20 Mesh, No. 25 .020 Wire Number of Meshes per I nch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 28 26 .018 .0177 $2.00 28 27 .017 .0187 1.40 28 28 .016 .0197 1 .OO 28 29 .015 .0207 .75 28 30 .014 .0217 .70 28 31 .0132 .0225 .65 28 32 .0128 .0229 .60 28 33 .0118 .0239 .48 28 34 .0104 .0253 .43 28 35 .0095 .0262 .38 28 36 .0090 .0267 .33 28 37 .0085 .0272 .30 28 38 .0080 .0277 .28 28 39 .0075 .0282 .27 30 27 .017 .0163 1.60 30 28 .016 .0173 1.10 30 29 .015 .0183 .80 30 30 .014 .0193 .75 30 31 .0132 .0201 .70 30 32 .0128 .0205 .65 30 33 .0118 .0215 .50 30 34 .0104 .0229 .45 30 35 .0095 .0238 .40 30 36 .0090 .0243 .35 30 37 .0085 .0248 .33 30 38 .0080 .02 53 .30 30 39 .0075 .0258 .28 32 28 .016 .0153 1.50 32 29 .015 .0163 1.15 32 30 .014 .0173 .90 32 31 .0132 .0181 .85 32 32 .0128 .0185 .75 32 33 .0118 .0195 .60 32 34 .0104 .0209 .50 32 35 .0095 .0218 .45 32 36 .0090 .0223 .42 32 37 .0085 .0228 .40 32 38 .0080 .0233 .37 32 39 .0075 .0238 .35 35 28 .016 .0126 2.00 35 29 .015 .0136 1.50 35 30 .014 .0146 1.10 35 31 .0132 .0154 1.00 35 32 .0128 .0158 .85 35 33 .0118 .0168 .70 35 34 .0104 .0182 .60 35 35 .0095 .0191 .55 35 36 .0090 .0196 .50 35 37 .0085 .0201 .48 35 38 .0080 .0206 .45 35 39 .0075 .0211 .40 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS,U S A. Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth Continued IL 26 Mesh, No. 28 .616 Wire Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Diameter of Wire, Decimal of Inch Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 38 30 .014 .0123 $1 .50 38 31 .0132 .0131 1 .30 38 32 .0128 .0135 1.20 38 33 | .0118 .0145 1.10 38 34 .0104 .0159 .70 38 35 .0095 .0168 .55 38 36 .0090 .0173 .45 40 31 .0132 .Ol 18 1.60 40 32 .0128 .0122 1.25 40 33 .0118 .0132 .85 40 34 .0104 .0146 .65 40 35 .0095 .0155 .60 40 36 .0090 .0160 .55 40 37 .0085 .0165 .53 40 38 .0080 .0170 .50 40 39 .0075 .0175 .45 42 31 .0132 .0106 1.75 42 32 .0128 .OHO 1.50 42 33 .0118 .0120 1.20 42 34 .0104 .0134 .90 42 35 .0095 .0143 .70 42 36 .0090 .0148 .60 45 32 .0128 .0094 1.75 45 33 .0118 .0104 1.30 45 34 .0104 .0118 1.00 45 35 .0095 .0127 .85 45 36 .0090 .0132 .70 45 37 .0085 .0137 .65 45 38 .0080 .0142 .60 45 39 .0075 .0147 .55 50 33 .0118 .0082 1.60 50 34 .0104 .0096 1.30 50 35 .0095 .0105 1.00 50 36 .0090 .0110 .80 50 37 .0085 .0115 .75 50 38 .0080 .0120 .70 50 39 .0075 .0125 .65 55 36 .0090 .0092 1.00 55 37 .0085 ; .0097 .90 55 38 .0080 .0102 .80 55 39 .0075 .0107 .75 60 36 .0090 .0077 1.25 60 37 .0085 .0082 .90 60 38 .0080 .0087 .85 60 39 .0075 .0092 .80 70 40 .0070 .0073 1.00 80 45 .0055 .0070 1.25 90 48 .0048 .0063 1.50 100 50 .0044 .0056 1.75 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U.S.A. gun Fine Brass and Bronze Wire Cloth Where accuracy is essential, such as in the analysis of ore, cement, etc.,The Ludlow-Saylor high grade brass or bronze wire cloth is almost indispensable owing to the fact that it is accurate in Mesh, and the wire being of standard gauge. All extra fine sizes are carried in stock in 36-inch width only, but can be made up specially in any width from 24 to 48 inches. Market Grades I Price List of Extra Fine Brass or Bronze Wire Cloth Number of Meshes per Inch Decimal Size of Wire Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot Plain 1IO .0040 .00509 $1 .85 120 .0037 .00463 2.00 130 .0033 .00439 2.25 140 .0029 .00424 2.50 Twilled 110 .00425 .00484 1.85 120 .0040 .00433 2.00 130 .0036 .00409 2.25 140 .0032 .00394 2.50 150 .0030 .00367 2.75 160 .0028 .00345 3.00 170 .0026 .00328 3.50 180 .0024 .00315 4.00 190 .0022 .00306 4.25 200 .0020 .0030 4.50 The market grades of brass, copper or bronze Wire Cloth listed on this page are carried in stock 36 inches wide, but on request can be made up in any special width from 24 to 48 inches. Besides the regular grades listed herein we also make all kinds of Twilled Cloth for filters of all kinds, as well as ventilator or car cloth, and cloth for sugar machines. Brass Strainer Cloth Brass Strainer Cloth is carried in stock in 40, 50 and 60 Mesh and can be furnished in rolls of 100 lineal feet, 36 inches wide; also in rolls 5 feet long by 12 inches wide. Prices quoted on appli¬ cation. Price List of Market Grade, The “Perfect’’ Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth Number of Meshes per Inch Number of Wire Decimal Size of Wire Size of Opening, Decimal of Inch List Price per Square Foot 2 16 .063 .437 $0.60 3 17 .054 .279 .70 4 18 .047 .203 .65 5 19 .041 .159 .65 6 20 .035 .132 .60 8 22 .028 .097 .65 10 23 .025 .075 .65 12 24 .023 .060 .60 14 25 .020 .051 .65 16 26 .018 .0445 .60 18 27 .017 .0386 .60 20 28 .016 .0340 .55 22 29 .015 .0305 .55 24 30 .014 .0277 .58 30 32 .0128 .0205 .65 35 33 .0118 .0168 .70 40 34 .0104 .0146 .65 45 35 .0095 .0127 .85 50 36 .0090 .0110 .80 60 39 .007 5 .0092 .80 70 40 .0070 .0073 1.00 80 45 .0055 .0070 1.25 90 48 .0048 .0063 1.50 100 50 .0044 .0056 1.75 Egg, w asl LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, US. A. 5>ovi\A2 10 .135 .151 3'A 11 .120 .166 3A 12 .105 .181 3A 13 .092 .194 4 11 .120 .130 4 12 .105 .145 4 13 .092 .158 4 14 .080 .170 5 13 .092 .108 5 14 .080 .120 6 15 .072 .095 6 16 .063 .104 7 15 .072 .071 7 16 .063 .080 7 17 .054 .089 8 16 .063 .062 Specify size of wire in both gauge number and decimal of an inch. See page 9 for gauge number and equivalents in decimals. Galvanized Screens for Refrigerator Cars When used in Refrigerator cars, wire cloth is constantly exposed to moisture and its permanency depends largely upon its careful construction and even more upon the thoroughness with which is has been galvanized. Naturally the rust is most apt to affect wire cloth where the wires cross. The steel wire cloth made by The Ludlow-Saylor Co. for use in refrigerator cars has both the warp and shoot wires crimped both over and under and is coated heavily with pure spelter after being woven. This coating not only covers the wires but also solders the intersections, so that the entire surface is impervious to moisture and hence rust-proof. Only the coarser meshes (up to and including 8 mesh) can be galvanized after weaving. The finer meshes must be woven from wire already galvanized because the smaller openings are apt to fill up when subjected to the spelter bath. Galvanized Hardware Cloth Standard Hardware Grade Our cloth is made of the best wire, thoroughly galvanized after it is woven, which solders the joints and prevents the spreading of the wires. This cloth is used extensively for fire-proofing in place of wood lath, as the mortar passes freely through the meshes and forms solidly on both sides, thus making it practically fire and water proof. It is also used by fruit evaporators; in cotton gins; also for belts in drying machines of all kinds. This cloth is also used very extensively for lining corn cribs for protection against rats and field mice. We also make all grades of cloth in the coarser meshes, galvanized after woven, and will be pleased to quote special prices upon receipt of specifications. I 65 w iy-m » ±m± LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S.A. 1 66 Rek-Tang” Rolled Slot Screens The Rek-Tang rolled slot screen replaces the perforated metal sheet and the square mesh wire screen. We do not know of any instance where a perforated metal screen or a square mesh screen is used that a Rek-Tang screen could not be substituted with the triple advantage of greater capacity, greater uniformity of sizing and economy. Let us take these points up one at a time and find the reasons. The greater capacity of Rek-Tang is apparent when you look at the illustrations on the opposite page. The relative discharges of the three types of screen are graphically shown and a little study of the screens themselves will make the reason plain. Compare the amount of dead space in the perforated metal and the Rek-Tang. It is no wonder that Rek-Tang does a like job in about one third the time. And here is why the Rek-Tang capacity exceeds that of the square mesh screen. By forming an oblong instead of a square mesh the dead space in each opening is lessened by the thickness of one or more shoot wires. That in the aggregate this is an element of consideration is shown by the increase of the discharge as illustrated. w tr±E LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. [RtK'TANG@ 13 .blc of St 3 .nd 3 .rcl Numbers of' Screen Width of Opening Inches Width of Opening Millimeters Extra Heavy j Heavy | Medium Medium Light Light ■yf- O O .102 m /m No. 420 No. 537 .005" . 1 2 7 m /m No. 403 No. 540 - .006" . 152 tn /m No. 354 No. 424 No. 536 .007" . 1 78 m /m No. 286 No. 331 No. 401 No. 422 No. 285 .008" • 203 m /m No. 287 No. 305 No. 404 No. 423 No. 450 .009" • 229 m /m No. 288 No. 355 No. 402 No. 421 No. 306 .010" .254 m /m No. 289 No. 302 No. 307 No. 400 No. 425 .011" .279 m /m No. 326 No. 318 No. 283 No. 356 No. 308 .012" — .305 m /m No. 177 — No. 213 No. 312 No. 309 No. 353 .013" .330 m m No. 225 No. 263 No. 281 No. 304 No. 350 .014" .356 m /m No. 541 No. 242 No. 310 No. 314 No. 351 .015" .381 m /m No. 183 No. 327 | No. 262 No. 301 No. 328 .016" .406 m /m No. 277 No. 210 No. 280 No. 303 No. 329 .017" -- .432 m /'rn I No. 542 No. 220 - No. 240 No. 320 No. 543 .018" .457 m /m No. 171 l No. 204 No. 319 No. 265 No. 282 L LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS.U.S.A. LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. Tabic of Standard Numbers of Rek-Tang Screen Width of Opening Inches Width of Opening Millimeters Extra Heavy Heavy Medium Medium Light Light .020" • 508 m /m No. 284 No. 151 No. 214 No. 224 No. 260 .021" .533 m /m No. 163 No. 182 No. 193 No. 546 No. 547 .022" • 559 m /m No. 166 No. 181 No. 206 No. 221 No. 251 .023" .584 m /m No. 139 No. 161 No. 215 No. 324 No. 325 .024" .610 ra /m No. 147 No. 170 No. 180 No. 248 No. 323 .025" • 635 111 m No. 294 No. 209 No. 216 No. 293 No. 315 .026" .660 m /m No. 154 No. 330 No. 317 No. 316 No. 561 .027" • 686 m /m No. 164 No. 178 No. 205 No. 297 --- No. 548 .028" .711 m /m No. 115 No. 295 No. 296 No. 332 No. 333 .030" .762 m /m No. 130 No. 141 No. 549 No. 199 No. 550 .0325" .826 m /m No. 299 No. 152 No. 187 No. 207 No. 198 .035" ■ 889 m /m No. 128 No. 149 No. 157 No. 168 No. 186 .0375" L .953 m /m No. 197 No. 118 No. Ill No. 167 No. 551 .040" 1.016 ra /m No. 196 No. 92 No. 105 No. 140 No. 279 .0425" 1.080 m /m No. 335 | No. 127 No. 138 No. 145 No. 395 .045" 1.143 m /m No. 109 1 No. 100 No. 110 No. 136 No. 159 L Egg "Ml LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S A. m LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S.A. Screen | Table of Standard Numbers of Rek-Tang Screen L Width of Opening Inches Width of Opening Millimeters Extra Heavy Heavy Medium Medium Light Light .0475" 1.207 m /m No. 179 No. 95 No. 158 No. 119 No. 276 .050" 1.270 m /m No. 274 No. 552 No. 117 No. 124 No. 135 .055" 1.397 m /m No. 87 No. 439 No. 101 No. 385 No. 125 .060" 1.524 m /m No. 64 No. 553 No. 72 No. 370 No. 85 .070" 1.778 m /m No. 68 No. 460 No. 80 No. 478 No. 91 .080" 2.032 m /m No. 254 No. 67 No. 481 No. 76 No. 81 .090" 2.286 m /m No. 57 No. 253 No. 60 No. 269 No. 272 i—* o © 2.540 m /m No. 252 No. 259 No. 346 No. 63 No. 554 .110" 2.794 ra /m No. 239 No. 50 No. 298 No. 273 .125" 3.175 m /m No. 555 No. 556 No. 342 No. 54 .140" 3.556 m /m No. 534 No. 226 No. 557 No. 46 .155" 3.93 7 m /m No. 558 No. 559 No. 228 No. 238 .190" 4.826 m /m No. 417 No. 560 No. 233 No. 347 .220" 5.588 m /m No. 26 No. 218 No. 227 No. 231 .250" 6.350 m /m No. 430 No. 17 No. 25 No. 217 a 74 1 w HxH I JW LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. No. 207, Rek-Tang No. 143, Rek-Tang No. 85, Rek-Tang No. 72, Rek-Tang “Rek-Tang” Screens Replace Other Screens Rek-Tang will produce sizing of the greatest possible uni¬ formity—that is there will be less fines and slime. The reason for this is that there is an absolute minimum of dead space. As soon as a particle is crushed to the proper size it is discharged. Whereas in the perforated metal screen, particles already reduced to a size that will pass the opening are often recrushed because of the extensive area of dead space. This slows down out-put besides giving a product of uneven grade. The same thing happens to a lesser extent with the square mesh wire screen. Rek-Tang screens are always made to order. None are carried in stock. This is because Rek-Tang screens are always made to definitely fit the work in hand. There are over two hundred com¬ binations shown in the three charts of standard sizes on the preceding pages, while any other combination can also be furnished. 7'his screen may be had in iron, steel, brass or copper. If you have been using square mesh, give us the number of the mesh and size of wire and we will furnish its equivalent in Rek-Tang. When replacing other screens with Rek-Tang, it is advisable to send a sample of the old screen and a small portion of the screen product. If frame is of irregular shape, a plan of the template should be included. I ygg w FtH I i ±m± I LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S. A. I Rek-Tang” Screens Increase Discharge Area I he production of any reducing mills is determined by the screen— a mill will produce no faster than the screen will permit the material to pass. And material cannot pass through the metal or wire. It must pass through the air spaces. So it follows that as the dead space on the screen is lessened the production capacity of the mill is speeded up. In this respect Rek-Tang is as near the ideal as is possible—a maximum of air space and a minimum of metal dead space. A Rek-I ang screen has over a hundred percent greater discharge aiea than the equivalent screen of slotted metal. Compared to the equivalent round hole metal screen the Rek-I ang has an advantage exceeding ninety percent. And Rek-Tang exceeds even the square mesh wire screen by approximately fifty percent. Rek-Tang insures greater capacity. w rHri? LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U.S.A. 1 LL Rek-Tang” Screens Wear Longer The maximum discharge area is the all important feature of a screen. But if the screen having this quality also possesses the virtue of out wearing other screens, that is indeed a wonderful combination. Just consider for a moment how the metal screen is made. A sheet of metal is punched with diagonal slots or round holes. Every hole or slot punched weakens the metal. The closer together these holes the more the metal is weakened. Exactly the opposite is true of Rek-Tang. Rek-Tang is woven wire. The size of the opening has no effect on the strength of the wire. In fact the smaller the opening the closer together are the wires and the stronger the screen. Another feature of much importance is uniformity of wear. As a metal screen wears the openings constantly become larger. It is not uncommon for these openings to double in size during the life of a metal screen. In a Rek-Tang screen practically all the wear is on the top of the wires. There is practically no change in the size of the openings throughout its period of use. As the uniformity of the product demands screen openings of a constant size, the advantage of Rek-Tang in this particular is apparent. 80 '9ev$ec\fg w S LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S.A. L LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS.U S A. RIK-TAWC S iHH Screen II “Rek-Tang” Screens Cut Operating Costs Operating costs drop when Rek-d ang is put on the job. It is not what it costs to operate the sizing mill for a day—but how many tons are produced, d hat is where Rek-Iang lowers cost. Rek-Tang, with the greatest discharge surface, produces more tons per day. Greater capacity is only one of the three ways m which Rek-I ang cuts operating costs. As the wear is practically all on the top surface of the wires, Rek- Tang has established a record for long wear. This means a lowered replacement cost and less frequent loss of time m installing new scieens. Uniformity of product is desirable. Two features of Rek-Iang tend toward this result. The minimum of dead space prevents re¬ crushing and results in the practical elimination of slimes. And as Rek-Tang will wear almost entirely through without a perceptible change in the size of the opening the product will remain of uniform fineness. In sizing uniformity means quality. Quality means the top price of the market. I his is an indirect, never-the-less a \ er} material saving in the cost of operation. LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST.LOUIS.U S A. “Rek-Tang” Screens Made to Meet Conditions We have shown in this section of our catalog a number of different Rek-Tang screens. These are shown largely to visualize the great flexibility of Rek-Tang screening. Rek-Tang can be made of any size wire with any size openings and of iron, steel, brass or copper. In practically all numbers a single shoot wire is used, but where a double shoot wire works to advantage, the screening is made in that way. It is not necessary that Rek-Tang screening be made to conform to any of the illustrations shown. Rek-Tang is not carried in stock but is in every instance made to special order. This is done so that exact specifications can be followed and a screen produced to meet any condition. , There are three pages of tables showing in inches and millimeters standard sizes of Rek-Tang in the several weights. If you are using a metal screen or square mesh screen we can give you the equivalent in a Rek-Tang screen. ml LUDLOW-SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS,U S A. MBMiaBaiMBJI No. 142, Rek-Tang No. 20, Rek-Tang " IS Screen No. 70, Rek-Tang No. 121, Rek-Tang IL w I ±r±g - 5JouWatu»j«4| LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U S A. Where “Rek-Tang” Screens Can be Used Rek-Tang can be used practically without limitation. Wherever material is screened Rek-Tang serves. Whether the material is wet or dry makes no difference. We list here some of the uses to which Rek-Tang has been put: Shaker Screens. Jig Screens. Revolving Screens. Trommel Screens. Stamp Battery Screens. Vibrating Screens. Huntington Mill Screens. Chilian Mill Screens. Cement Screens. Ball Mill Screens. Whenever a screen is needed there is a Rek-Tang mesh to meet the needs. Wherever a metal screen is used a Rek-Tang screen can be used to better advantage. ■ ■ EL No. 80, Rek-Tang No. 100, Rek-Tang LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U S. A To avoid error in ordering Rek-Tang Screens, we show herewith two ways in which it may be cut: (A) With long mesh running the short way or width of screen. (B) With long mesh running the long way or length of screen. Ninety per cent of our orders are as shown in (B), but we make them either way. When sending your first order for Rek-Tang, be sure to specify whether it is to be cut like (A) or (B)—giving exact size of the frame which the screen is to fit, and, if possible, send template. Style A—In some instances it is impossible to furnish style A in one piece and whenever necessary we will furnish in two pieces spliced as illustrated on following page. Style B can be furnished up to five feet in width and in lengths up to fifteen feet. B Ji LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U S. A. Showing method of splicing Rek-Tang screening. An extra sec¬ tion of screening is placed beneath and overlapping the two sections joined. Rivets through this extra section and the main screening forms a perfect joint of the two main sections, giving for practical purposes a continuous screen. W itptpl: •H+a ] LUDLOW -SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS,U S.A. Special Grades Besides the regular grades of Wire Cloth listed herein, The Ludlow- Saylor Co. are also prepared to make cloth for all special purposes from any of the commercial metals. Among the grades not shown in our lists, which are either carried in stock or can be furnished on short notice are the following: Brass Milk Strainer Cloth, Brass and Copper Ventilator or Car Cloth, Gal¬ vanized Wire Cloth for Refrigerator Cars, Twilled Brass or Copper Cloth for Filters of all Kinds and Brass or Copper Cloth for Sugar Mills. Prices and Terms Owing to constant fluctuations in the cost of raw materials, etc., the prices made by The Ludlow-Saylor Co., are subject to change without notice. All invoices state the terms of payment required and when bills become overdue they are subject to sight draft; also to interest from date of obligation. Orders for wire cloth which have been filled precisely as specifica¬ tions state and which have been shipped according to instructions given, will not be exchanged nor credited if returned. Prompt Delivery The vast resources, convenient location and tremendous capacity of the Ludlow-Saylor concern insures prompt delivery of orders, whether large or small. Being situated in the very center of the United States and conveniently adjacent to the districts from which their raw material is drawn naturally operates favorably, both as to economy of productive costs and shipping charges. A special switch connects the plant directly with all the great railroad systems that center at St. Louis, thereby insuring remarkable promptness in the shipping of car load lots. LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS, U. S.A. INDEX Page Actual Size of Wire. 11 Aluminum Wire. 38 American Ingot Iron Wire. 38 Ball Mill Screens. 86 Battery Screens. 28 Bank Railings. 56 Bran Duster Cloth. 63 Brass Cloth, Rolled. 40 Brass, Copper and Bronze. 54-61 Brass Wire Cloth. 54-61 Brass Wire Cloth, extra fine.... 62 Brass Wire Cloth, Market Grade 62 Bronze Wire Cloth. 54-61 Brush Cloth. 48 Car Ventilator Cloth. 62-64 Cement Cloth. 36 Cement Screens. 36-86 Chilian Mill Screens. 28-86 Coal Riddles. 56 Coal, Sand and Gravel Screens. 45-51 Coal Screen Cloth. 45-51 Coarse. Steel Screens. 45-51 Copper Wire Cloth. 54-61 Counter Railings. 56 Cuts Showing Actual Size of Wire 11 Decimal Sizes of Wire. 8-9-11-12-15 Delivery from Stock. 91 Double Crimp, Meaning of. 16-17 Double Crimp Wire Screen. 16-17 Diameters of Wires. 10-11-12-15 Durability of Screens. 24-80 Elevator Enclosures. 56 Extension Gates. 56 Factory of the Ludlow-Saylor Co. 4 Fanning Mill Wire Cloth. 51 Filter Screens. 91 Floor Railings. 56 Fractions, Common and Decimal 12 Full Rolls. 22 Galvanized Refrigerator Car Netting. 65 Galvanized Wire Lathing. 49 Galvanized Wire Cloth. 42-65 Gauges of Wire, Standard. 8-9-11 Page Gauging Wire. 10 Grain Screens. 51 Greater Production. 34-68-82 Grilles. 56 Hardware Cloth Galvanized. ... 65 Heavy Wire Screens. 45-51 How to Count the Mesh. 10-13 How to Gauge Wire Cloth. 10-13 How to Order Wire Cloth. 22-89 Huntington Mill Screens. 86 Introduction. 7 Iron Fences. 56 Iron Wire Cloth. 19-38 Jig Screens. 28-86 Lathing Screen. 49 Locomotive Stack Netting. 64 Long Life Screens. 24-80 Ludlow-Saylor’s Plant. 4 Market Grade Brass Cloth. 62 Mesh, Definition of. 12 Mesh Counting. 13 Micrometer, Use of. 10 Milk Strainer Brass Cloth. 62 Mill Screen Cloth. 63 Mining Screens. 28-46 Miner’s Riddles. 56 Monel Wire. 38 Moulder’s Riddles. 56 Nickel Wire. 38 Odd .Specifications. 32-91 Office Railings. 56 Opening, Size of. 14-26-39 Orders for Wire Cloth. 22-89 Ornamental Wire and Iron Work 56 Other Products. 56 Partitions .Screens. 56 “Perfect” double Crimped Wire Cloth. 3-16 Price List of Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth. 53-61 Prices and Terms. 91 Price List Fine Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth. 62 ?r* LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS. U S A. INDEX Continued Page Price List of Double Crimped Heavy Wire Screen. Price List of Iron or Steel Wire Cloth . 45-51 19-38 Price List Market Grade Brass Cloth . 62 Prompt Delivery. 91 Phosphor Bronze Wire Cloth. . . 54 Quality in Screens. 30 Refrigerator Car Netting. 65 “Rek-Tang” Screens. 67-90 Revolving Screens. 44-86 Rice Mill Cloth. 48 Rolled Brass Cloth. 40 Rolled Slot Screens. 67-90 Rolled Steel Cloth. 40-68 Rolled Cloth vs. Perforated Metal. 40-68 Sand Riddles. 56 Sand Screens. 45-51 Screen Cloth, Heavy. 45-51 Screens, Coal. 45-51 Screens for Special Requirements 32-84 Screens, Mining. 28-46 Screens “Rek-Tang”. 67-90 Screens, Rolled Slot. 67-90 • Screens, Selection of. 24 Selection of Screens. 24 Shaker Screens. 86 Shipping Facilities. 91 Size of Opening. 14-26 Sizes of Wire. 8-9-11-14-L 7 Special Requirements, Screens f or . 32-84 Special Weaves. 32-84 Special Wire. 38 Stack Netting. 64 Stamp Batteries Screens. Standard Numbers of Rek-Tang Screens. Steel Mining Screens. Steel Riddles. Steel Wire Cloth. Stock Widths. Sugar Mill Cloth. 28-86 62-91 39 15 15 Page Table of Decimals and Common Fractions. 12 Table of Millimeters, Fractions and Decimals. 12 Table Showing Decimal Opening Steel, Brass, Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth with Equivalent in Millimeters. Table Showing Feet per lb. (Steel Wire). Table Showing Decimals and Metric Equivalents. Table Showing Difference be¬ tween Wire Gauges. 9 Table Showing Weight per Foot (Steel Wire). 15 Terms. 91 Tinned Wire Cloth. 63 Trade Marks. 3-6/ Trommel Screens. 28-86 Twilled Screens. 62-91 Ventilator Cloth. 62-64-91 Vibrating Screens. 86 Weight of Steel Wire. Washburn and Moen Gauges. . . Wickets. Widths in Stock. Window Guards. Window Screen Cloth. Wire Cloth, Brass, Copper or Bronze. Wire Cloth, Bronze and Phos¬ phor Bronze, extra fine. Wire Cloth, Galvanized. Wire Cloth, Iron or Steel. Wire Cloth, Mining. Wire Cloth, Phosphor Bronze.. . Wire Cloth, Tinned. Wire Cloth, Twilled. Wire Cloth, Ventilator. Wire Gauges. Wire Cloth for Filters. Wire Cloth, Grain Machinery... Wire Cloth, Sugar Industry. Wire Cloth vs. Perforated Metal Wire Signs. Wire, Special. 53-61 93 LUDLOW - SAYLOR WIRE CO. ST. LOUIS.U.S.A. Designed and Printed by The Britt Printing Co. Saint Louis