Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofseverOOchri CATALOG XJE OF SEVERAL SMALL COLLECTIONS OF PORCELAIN AND OBJECTS OF ART, FROM PRIVATE SOURCES; A SMALL COLLECTION OF (Srcck, Homan anil (BagItr,Ij ©olit Coins, MANY IN FINE CONDITION, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN- A MARBLE BUST OF THE RT. HON. W. E. GLADSTONE, BY G. H. SAUL; Etc. Etc. : WHICH Kill be &olb bg ^button bj Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT Till® &EEAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On FRIDAY. JULY 22 , 1898 , AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Stmt,, St. James’s Square, S. W. O/Mik CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, M anson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VIT. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be, re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1898, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. /O if THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. GOLD COINS. /if 2 a Philip II. of Macedon, Stater, Head of Apollo laureate to right, rev . IAAAEA• attraits du Coffre ”—6 in. high ( Africa and America : a pair of ditto groups, with attributes, of the largest model — 10 j in. high 40 A Pair of Oblong Sevres Plaques, of blue and white jasper ^7 with The Judgment of Paris, and The Rape of Helen 7^ in by 11^ in .—in glazed gilt frames / decorative objects. 41 An Old Chinese Cloisonne Enamel Incense Burner, with * pierced cover, [formed as a group of persimmon fruit, pale yellow and turquoise ground, on three feet of metal-gilt formed as elephants’ heads —14 in. high f £ 42 A Ditto Bowl, with vases of flowering plants in colours on — turquoise ground, flat rim —15 in. diam. 43 A Sqdabe-Shaped Ditto Vam, with metal-gill coyer and mask handles — 17 in. high 0 8 jZ ^ / 44 An Old French Clock, by Maniere, in pyramidal case of grey marble, inlaid wit’ll a gilt bronze relief of dancing nymphs with Cupid, &c.—181- in. high 45 Another, of the time of the Regency, with revolving enamelled dial, in case of white marble and or-molu, formed as a temple, r ^ chased with palms, drapery, &c, supported on four wreathed marble columns, the pendulum formed as a figure in a swing, enamelled in colours, the whole surmounted by an or-molu yy figure of a Chinaman holding an umbrella—21 in. high EMBROIDERIES AND FABRICS, Etc. I, 7, -6 46 A priest’s vestment, of silver brocade, embroidered with gold / 47 ^ § entleman ’ 8 court dress, temp Louis XV., of silver brocade^ y interwoven with bouquets of flowers in cut velvet ?■ 4J ^^ ' ° 48 Another, temp Directoire, the coat and breeches of blue ^silk, 7 c> ' J embroidered with silver, the rest of white silk, similarly embroidered C c 49 An Ambassador’s full dress coat, of cloth, elaborately embroidered with flowers, &c., in silks 50 An Old Portuguese Coyerlit, of white silk, embroidered with birds, flowers and other ornaments in coloured silks It formerly belonged to Isabella, Queen of Castile, icife of j2i Ferdinand, King of Arragon. Looted from the attached to the Palace at Madrid, during the Revolution //, Zf r & 51 A small table cover, of old gold and silver brocade, with silver lace border F2 An old Persian embroidery hanging, elaborately worked with a triple face in the centre, with devices and portrait heads worked into the desgn ; and eight portraits of Persian ladiesu^/ and gentlemen in medallion / A— v‘2 On Or L , /O and gentlemen in medallion bo An Old Persian Scimetar, the l lade inlaid with passages from the Koran, in gold, the hilt and scabbard of silver, thickly O studded with coral and engrave! turquoises t 9 ike following Shield is Sold by Order of the Executors of the late COLONEL NORTH. 54 A LARGE PARCEL-GILT SILVER SHIELD, boldly em- bossed and chased with emblematic female figures in borders 7 * ^ of foliage, flowers and shells, and inscribed with the names of the officers of the frigate “ Esmeralda,” which belonged to the Government of Chili, the centre of shield formed of bionze top of the capstan of that frigate —34 in. diem mounted on velvet frame, semee with silver stars, and u scroll at the top enamelled with the Chili arms, and inscribed “ 21 de Mayo, 1879 ”—in octagonal-sliaped glazed oak case DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. /J. ^?55 A gold filigree coffee-cup stand, enamelled in colours and painted ^ A £ 7 with flowers ; and a miniature portrait of a youth —in leather case ^ 56 Twelve small Chelsea and other seals, formed as children and^> ^ animals (two gold mounted) / Tyz ^ O 57 An oval tortoiseshell snuff-box, inlaid with figures sacrificing, ** t-i/ in engraved silver, and with silver mount and pick 58 A steel key, with pierced bow, surmounted by a crown y century; and a smaller ditto *59 Three shaped wine-labels, of Battersea enamel, pointed wit / y grapes and roses in colours xl/ /, 60 A miniature portrait of Frederick the Great, in metal-gilt frame ( chased with flowers and with enamel border y ^ , <7 61 A set of thirty-one black Wedgwood medallion heads of Kiijgs B 3 and Queens of England 10 62 Eighteen small shell camei; five others; a cornelian intaglio bust of Diana ; head of a Bacchante, in ivory ; eight smaiynofKucs ; and various pieces of carved coral, &c. ^ ^£?63 A pair of carved ivory anatomical male and female figures 64 A Goblet and Cover, made of wood from the celebrated mulberry tree planted by Shakespeare in his garden at /«/T/V, o Stratford-on-Avon. It is carved with a medallion head of Shakespeare, shield-of-arms, military and musical trophies in ^ relief, on spirally fluted stem and round foot carved with ^ acanthus foliage, and mounted with silver rims engraved with a Latin inscription—6£ in. high For many years in the possession of the Lane family , one of the oldest in Warwickshire Only two others are known, which are now in the Museum at Stratford-on-Avon THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. /' 7, O 65 / if. O 66 /' X , y dark blue borders Twelve octagonal-shaped plates, painted with a river scene in red, blue and gold; two Japan plates, with flowers; two small basins; a pair of small coloured vases; and a brown ware tea-pot A bowl, enamelled with river scenes and figures in colours on / purple trellis ground, with waved edge y'?' A large bowl, painted with peonies and scroll foliage in red/Mue and gold, and enamelled with flowers and European figures^y^^ in medallions—16 in. diam. Six deep plates, enamelled with lotos plants and peonies in scroll borders, famille rose; two other famille rose plates; anj^ four^ others A tea-pot and cover, enamelled with landscapes and figures on red trellis ground ; a jug, enamelled with flowers ; two famille rose cups and saucers ; three egg-shell cups and saucers, with / landscapes; a cup, with figures ; and a small tazza, on gilt foot / 13 /?. & 5 A r ' m of Oviform Egg-Shell Vases, enamelled with figures in medallions, and with raised white branches of flowers oil Ja Jt gold ground—11 in. high ^ /96 A Pair of Vases and Covers, and A Pair of Beakers, * * enamelled with pheasants, peonies and prunus blossom in brilliant colours —famille rose, vases 18 in., bealcers 14 in. highj^^. pair of vases and covers, enamelled with hnrspc flnmoa Am ^ 97 A pair of vases and covers, enamelled with horses, flames, &c. on red and white ground, and painted with dark blue panels / —15 in. high 98 A pair of vases, with kylin handles, enamelled with figures, .S y _ fruit and flowers in colours 2 PORCELAIN. */, ° 99 A pair of white and gold semicircular-shaped jardinieres, painted X X— with bouquets of flowers ; and an oblong ink-stand, with t/jLrZ flowers on pale blue ground, richly gilt 100 A pair of vases and covers, painted with festoons of flowers and insects in gilt borders ^ ^ 7 101 An Empire two-handled vase, blue and gold —glass shade and ^ stand ; and a vase, painted with figures on gold ground 102 A coffee-cup and saucer, painted with a portrait on gold ground ; one, with a classical decoration on green and gold ground; two others, with vines and festoons in gold; and a pair of ditto, with views on blue and gold ground 103 A pair of small sprinklers, with birds on pink ground ; a pair of small vases; a pair of small baskets; a green, white and gold milk-jug ; a cup, with a mask ; and an Empire cup and saucer, yellow and gold ground 104 A chocolate-pot, milk-jug, and two cups and saucers, painted yj with roses and cornflowers; a pair of Trembleuse cups and saucers, with flowers ; and eleven plates, with flower sprays on white ground C u 14 /. ^ /!/ < 105 An Angouleme tea-pot, pink, white and gold ; a coffee-cup and saucer, painted with landscapes in gilt borders; and a Chantilly plate, with flowers and insects on basket-pattern border O 106 A Dresden plate, painted with children and green chequered border; one, with flowers in pink; a S5vres-pattern ditto, with flowers and blue lines ; and a Marcolini cup, cover and saucer, with named views on pale green ground 107 A brown ware tea-pot and cover, engraved with aranesque orna- ^ ment, and mounted with silvered metal; and a small glazed / brown ware tea-pot f ENGLISH PORCELAIN. tS~ J . & 108 l/; An tf 7 if", o no r f7 r /& , c7lll / * f . & 112 f'9. f. 6 118 114 /J \ £ An old Worcester fluted white and gold service, consisting of tea-pot, sugar-basin, canister and covers, basin, two dishes, eleven tea-cups, ten coffee-cups and fourteen -saucers A white and gold tea service, painted with Chinese figures and flowers in colours, consisting of tea-pot, cover and stand, sugar-basin and cover, milk-jug, basin, two dishes, eleven tea-cups, twelve coffee-cups and eleven saucers A tea service, of white and gold chequer pattern, consisting of basin, two dishes, eleven tea-cups, eight coffee-cups and twenty saucers Two Lowestoft bowls, with bands of coloured ornament on rim, and baskets of flowers—10^ in. and 11^ in. diam. Eleven ditto cups and saucers, enamelled with Chinese figures in trellis borders ; and three other cups and four saucers A Pair of Crown Derbt Two-Handled Vases, painted ^vitli 7 views in richly gilt borders—134- in- high A Crown Derby ink-stand, dark blue, white and gold ; a Mason’s dark blue and gold ink-stand, painted with flowers; a taper candlestick; and a pair of Crown Derby spill-vases, painted-*' with vines in purple and gold 15 ^ A (set of three milk-jugs, painted with flowers in green, white and gold borders ; two lustred jugs ; and a printed blue an^, white dish /o. a set of four Spode jugs, with branches of coloured flowers; and two dark blue and gold octagonal-shaped jugs, of Mason’s ware / 117 Two mugs and two jugs, of coloured ironstone china ; and seven ^ other jugs, a mug and a tea-pot, of old English ware OLD ENGLISH CUT-GLASS. 118 A pair of cylindrical bowls, with flat covers and stands^cutjvith /yy? diamond ornament Jt// , 119 A cylindrical sugar-basin and a milk-jug, fluted and diamond " cut; a pair of dishes; and a smaller ditto, with diamond- ^ ^ pattern borders O 120 A diamond-pattern honey-jar, cover and stand ; a small. ) and basin; and two small bowls ' ^ > - - ^121 A pair of jugs, fluted and diamond cut; and a ditto celery-vase i ^ O 122 Three ditto wine-decanters ; and a pair of smaller fluted ditto 123 A set of four cylindrical-shaped ditto; a pair of goblets, fluted , _ AT, o and diamond cut; a pair of ditto, engraved with vines ; and nine cut liqueur-glasses 'a 124 A French Empire bronze seated figure of a girl, on pedestal of S'* f white marble mounted with chasings of or-molu, and^ grev^/ . 1 ' ^ marble plinth—13 in. high—glass shade and stand fy I //l^7 7~^ 16 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. s'*?* * 125 126 / ^ 127 /»/& , & y, J~. o 128 ' / 129 A set of five vases and covers, of old English ware, with classical ^ subjects in relief, coloured An old Worcester fluted tea and coffee service, with red and gold bands of ornament, consisting of tea pot and cover, sugar basin, cover and stand, milk-jug, basin, dish, eleven tea cups and saucers, and seven coffee-mugs Part of a Crown Derby tea service, with raised white festoons aud cornflowers in colours and gold, consisting of four tea¬ cups, five coffee-cups, nine saucers and a dish ; and one, with sprays of cornflowers, consisting of five tea-cups and saucers, , three coffee-mugs, a milk-jug and two dishes A Bow Figure of Flora— 13^ in. high Ft An oviform Nankin jar and cover, with prunus blossom in white on marbled blue ground—14 in. high —carved wood stand 130 A circular Nankin disb, painted with an Imperial audience and trellis border—20 in. diam. ±?7> // . V o y, /«/, 132 133 //•//. O JJ&r A Large Vase, of old Nankin porcelain, painted with garden scenes, buildings, equestrian and other figures in panels- 37 in. high—black wood stand ? PF* A pair of large Japan porcelain vases, decorated with vases of ^ flowers, &c. in colours and gold The Madonna and Child, enthroned with bishops, saints and P' angels above, after Baffaelle ; and the Madonna adoring the Infant Saviour, in a landscape, after Francia : a pair of/ large paintings on porcelain—in gilt frames R/ ■ A-q^w ul l u d at a, tmrquuioo ■aa4--g» kk boinDr, pain t ed vvitfr serna ,and Wa ttewr figui -B b -A-4iai^44-di4to Ynycy-frml Tt f r ftgUrrsimfbfl ur t Trb " -g* Q rn and 17 136 0 A pair of terra-cotta figures of children, emblematic of Night and Morning, by Baron Marochetti; and a ditto group of The Convalescent, by S. P. Barr, 1874 A square-shaped mirror, with bevelled edge, in carved and gilt frame with shells on the border