anxa 87-B 5173 ROYAIi SOCIETY OF UrORTMERlV AUTTIQ^UARIEji, AGENTS TO THE SOCIETY: LONDON, Messrs. Preller & Gabain. BOSTON MASS., Messrs. A. vorld in a complete form. The work here announced moreover contains every thing else that the Society has been able to collect and discovei- relating to that knowledge of the IN'cav World which our forefathers obtained f.'om tiie early discoveries and researches of the Northman. Among these we may mention, 1. Adam of Bremen's accounts of ViNEi,A!vn (in America) written in the eleventh century, being in fact communicated to him by the Danish King vS^veyn Estritlison, and compiled from authentic accounts fur- nished to him by Danes, and now for the first time published from the excellent Codex in the Imperial Library at Yienna, of which a Facsimile has been transmitted to the Society by the Chief of the Library, Count Diet- richstein. , 2. Are Frode's account of Yineland, written in the same or in the following centuiy ; and also 3, of the eminent Icelandic chief Are M\RSON, one of liis own ancestors, who In the year 9S3 was driven to a part of America situate near Y'ineland, then called Hvitramanxalam) or Great lRF,rAND, whose inhabitants (of Irish origin) prevented him from re- turning, but at the same time treated him with great respect. 4. Other .mcient accounts respecting the Icelandic hero Bioniv AsKRAxnsoN, in his f ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES!;. 3 day one of the lorasburg; Warriours under Palnatoke, and fighting alonj;- with them in the battle of Fyi'isval in ^Sweden : he also in the year 999 re- paired to one of the coasts of America, where he was detained in the same manner, but resided there as chief over the nati\es for about 30 years. 5. Account of an Icelatidic iiiaiiner, Glolkif Gidlalgson, wlio was driven to the same coast in the ycnv 1027, and who Avas rescued from death or captivity by his above mentioned countryman. 6. Extracts from the Annals of Iceland of the middle ages, in so far as they relate to America, particularly Bishop Enic's voyage to Yineland in 1121 j the discovery of new countries by the Icelanders in the Western Ocean in 1285 j an expe- dition fi-om Norway and Icelanoin(ed out under tiie names by Avhich they are now coiniuonly knoAvn. >iz. N ewi oi m>, Bay or !St. LAWMENCii , .\ovA {ScoTiA , and Copeciully the States of Massa<:iiisktts iind Rhode-Island, and even districtb moi e t(» the South, probably triluate in N'lr.- GiNiA, North CAno^^^A, atul in Florida, Avhich is supposed to be the most sou- therly land mentioned in the most authentic Saga-accouniassac!iusets and Rhode-Island, have communicated accurate illustrations respectiuii: the nature of the countries their climate, animals, ])roductions, etc., aiul have furnished the Society with descriptions and also with delineations of the ancient iMonunicnts found'there. Ul. AChronolot/ical Co/is/jectus, arranging under their proper dates (he several voyages to Amei ica and the most important events which oecurred in that quar- ter of theworld. IV. An Index ofVersons, in which thenamesof (hose persona (of both sexes) who (ouk part in the American >'ovagcs are printed in a diffe- rent type. Y. A Gcoyraithicul Index, in which the hame method i> folluu ed 4 ROYAL {SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES. in reo:ard to names of places mentioned in America. VI. An Index Rerum, containing: among other things the names of the various productions of the American countries. VII. Genealogical Tables, showing the lineage of the most eminent of the Northern discoverers of America, continued down to our days, wherefjv it is demonstrated that many persons uoav living in Iceland, Nor- way, and Denmark, as also the celebrated sculptor Thorwaldsen in Rome, do actually descend from them, that is from men, who 800 years ago were tiie chiefs of the American natives, or avIio were at that remote period born in America. The Avork consists of 65 sheets large Quarto and is accompanied by 18 large engravings , viz: 8 Facsimiles, some of which represent entire pages of the best of the MSS employed on the present occasion, in order to give a clear and complete idea of their nature: by dint of much pains the artist has succeeded in representing them with great accuracy, both as regards the outlines of the letters, Avhich Avere often much faded aAvay and dijficult to discern, and also the colour of the different parchments. Further 1 Maps, viz: I. One of Ancient Iceland^ being the first ever made, representing its republican division about tiie year 1000, con- structed by the Icelandic geographer Biorn Gunnlaugson Avith the aid of Finn Magnusen and other Icelandic scholars. 2. A Map of the di- strict of Julianehaab in Greenland, probably comprizing the Eystri- bygd, as it Avas called, (also important in a geographical point of vIcav), constructed for the Society by Capt. William A. Graah R.N. from observa- tions and measurements made by him in the country itself, and from such ' other authorities as Avere available. On this map are noted the numerous sites Qudcra} of churches and houses of the ancient colonists, as far as these are noAv knoAvn. 3. A General Chart of the Northern Icy Ocean, and of the Coasts of the Atlantic . for the purpose of exhibiting a vieAV of the voyages of discovery. Here is delineated the Eastern part of North-America, together Avith such names of countries, capes, firths, islands, and places, from Lancaster-Sound to Florida, as Avere adopted by the ancient Northmen. 4. A Map of Vineland, also AA-^Ith the ancient Northern appellations. Finally, six Eivgravings being delineations, and partly prospects of the Greenland and American monuments from the middle ages treated of in the Avork^ several of these are very remarkable, and, for the most part, hitherto quite unknoAvn, such as Inscriptions on Rocks in Massachusetts and Rhode-Island, Avhich fi-om the disquisitions con- tained in the Avork, Avould seem to have been partlj^ intended to indicate the Landnam, or the occupation of the country, effected by the ancient Northmen. For the convenience of those Avho prefer reading English to Latin, there is given in English a historical vicav of the Voyages of Discovery, .accompanied by the geographical disquisitions, on Avhich account the maps thereunto referring have also English names. Moi-eovcr the several com- munications received from the North American Members of the Society's Committee on the Ante-Columbian History of America are also inserted in English. Tbe Society considers the work now announced as so Important and illustra- tive both of the history of the world in general and of the ancient North in parti- cular, that both on this account and also as a well merited tribute to our forefathers, it otiglit in poirjt of ty pog:rapliy and embellishments to be published in as correct .nnd splendid a dress as circumstances may permit. The price is proportioned to the size (if the copi'j^s, and the style in which they are ^ot up; viz. Large Vellum I'aper 5^ , Imperial Paper 3/. and Common Paper likewise 3/. 'I'he siihscripf ion for the two sets of line paper copies being already nearly filled up, an early application is recommended to individuals who are desivons, ^)f ohlainiiig copies on superioui" paper. BRITISH AND AMERICAIV SUBSCRIBERS TO THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIQUARIES. j^Vllkn (Philip), Esq., Providence, Rhode Island. Amor\ (Charles), Esq., Boston, Massachusetts. Andersen (Thomas), Merchant, St. Thomas, West-indie«. Andreson (Hon. Andreas J.), Judge, St. Croix, West-Indies. Bagger (Rev. Janus Klint), Missionary, St. Croix, W. I. Bancroft (George), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., Springfield, Massachusetts. Barber (W. A.), Esq. for Redwood Library at Newport, R. I. Bartlett (John Russell), Esq., M. R.S.N, A., New York. Bartlett (George Francis), Esq., New York. Beatty (Robert), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. Beech (William), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. Beresford (Viscount), Marshal, London. Berg (Hon. H. H.), M.R.S.N.A., Councillor, SL Thomas, \V. 1. Blunt (John), Esq., New York. BoRCH (P.), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. BoswoRTii (Rev. James), M. R.S.N. A., Rotterdam. Brown (James), St. Croix, W. I. Brown (John Carter), Esq., Providence, R. 1. Brondsted (Rev. Andreas C), Missionary, St. Thomas, AV. I. Calcutta (Rt. Rev. Daniel Wilson, Lord Bishop of), M.R.S.N.A. Carlisle (Nicholas), Esq., K.H., K.I.C., M.R.S.N.A. , Sec.S.A. London. C A STONIER (Julius F. C), Captain, M.R.S.N.A., St. Croix, W. 1. CoiT (Rev. Thomas W.) for the Transylv. Univ. Lexington, Kentucky. Cooper (Charles Purton) Esq., LL.D., M.R.S.N.A., London. CuRRER (Miss I. M. Richardson), Eshton Halt, Yorkshire. Dahl (P. A.), Captain, St. Thomas, W. I. Day (Rev. Jeremiah), D.D., for Yale College at New Haven, ("t. EDITED BY THE Arnold (Richard J.), Esq., Providence, Rhode Island. a SUBSCRIBERS TO THE ^'ANTIQVITATES AMERICANJ£". DeNully (Peter), Commander of the Militia, St. Croix, AV. 1. DiDRicHSEN (H. J.), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. Dons (P. L.), Esq., Physician, St. Thomas, W. I. Elliott (Stephen), Esq., Prof, of Columbia College, S. C. Elphinstone (Hon. Mountstuart), M.R.S.N.A., JLondon. Ewer (Peter F.), Esq., New York City. Faester (Hon. Jess), Judge, St. Croix, W. T. Farnum (John), Esq., Philadelphia, Pcnn. FoLSOM (George), Esq., Boston, Mass. Francis (John W.), M.D., New York. Fredericksen (Hon. Frederick), M.K.S.N.A., Judge, St. Croix, W. I. FucL (U. N.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Thomas, W. I. Gad (...), Esq., St. Croix, W. 1. Gale (Leonard D.), M.D., Prof, in the Univ. of New York. Greene (Richard W.), Esq., Providence, R. I. Grenville (Rt. Hon. Thomas), London. Gyllicu (James Heitmann), Captain, St. Croix, W. L Hansen (F. F.), Esq., St. Croix, W. 1. Hansen (P.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Croix, W. 1. Hansen (William), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. Harris (Rev. Thaddeus M.), Dorchester, Mass. Hawkes (Rev. Francis L.), D.D., New York. Haves (George E.), Esq., City of Buffalo, N. Y. HiuBKRT (Samuel), M.D., 3I.R.S.N.A., F.R.S.E., York. HiNGELBERG (C), Captain, St. Croix, W. I. HiARDEMAAL (N. S.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Thomas, AV. I. Hoi.TEN (Christian L. A. von). Major, St. Croix, AA''. \. Hopkins (Rt. Rev. John D.) D.D. Episcopal Bishop of A'ermont. Hoskia:r (David), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Thomas, AV. L Howard (Henry), Esq., of Corby, M. R.S.N. A, Jesup (Ebcnezer), Esq., New A'ork. Keim (Daniel M.), Esq., Reading, Pennsylvania. Keutsch (H. M.), Esq., St. Croix, AV. I. KiELLERLP (Anders A.), Esq., M. R.S.N. A., King's Advoc, St. Thomas AV. I. King (James G.), Esq., New A^ork. Kia:r (T. a.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Thomas, AA^ L KoEFOED (Hon. G. A.), Judge, St. Croix, W. I. JiAMB (AVilliam), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., St. Thomas, AV. I. SUBSCRIBERS TO THE *A\TI0V1TATES AMERICAA.^: . 3 hxTiG (Andrew), Major, M.R.S.^.A., St. Croix W. I. (two copies). Lang (Hugh), M.D., M.R.S.IN.A., St. Croix, W. I. Leathes (Philip H.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., F.S.A. London. LiNi)SLE\(Rev.Philip),D.D., M.R.S.N.A., Pres. of nicUn.ofXashville, Tcnn. LowELL(Rev.Charles),D.D.,M.R.S.N.A.,Scc.Mas.s.n.S.Hoston (two copies). Magbath (Edward), Esq., for the Athenajuin of l^ondon. Mackenzie (John W.), Esq., Writer to the Sii^net, Edinbuigh. Mann (John P.), M.D., Newport, R. 1. Marsh (George P.), Esq., M. R.S.N. A., Counsellor at Law, Burlington, Vf. MouRiTZKN (Hon. Johannes W.), Councillor, St. Croix, W. 1. MvLLER (E.), Major, St. Croix, W. 1. NiicsER (George), Esq., St. Croix, W. I. Oegaari) (Christian IieAvis), Esq., King's Advocate. St. Croix, W. 1. OxHOLM (Hon. Frederick T.), Councillor, St. Croix, W. 1. Petersen (Christian B.), Esq., .M.R.S.X.A., St. Thomas, W. 1. Petit (Louis Hayes), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., F.R.S. London. Philupps (Sir Thomas), Bart., 3LR.S.>.A., F.R.S. Londiwi. Pickering (John), Esq., LL.D., Boston, Mass. PoNToi'PiDAN (Hon. Erik N.), Councillor, St. Croix, W. 1. PoTTEH (Elisha R.), Esq., of South Kingston, R. 1. Prescott (William), Esq., Boston, IMass. Prescott (William H.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., Boston, IMnsy. QtiNcy (Josiah), M.R.S.N.A., Pres. of Harvard Uii. Cumbridge, Mass. Ravn (Peter), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., Physician, St Thomas, W. L Rich (O.) bookseller, London (two copies). RicHMONo (AVilliam E,), Providence R. I. RoBr.i\s(Hon.Ashur) for theLibrary of Congress atWashinglon (two copies). RoHDK(LevinJ.), M.R.S.N.A., Captain R.N., Harbour-.Master of St. Thomas. Russell (John J.), Esq., P.M., BluflTdale, Illinois. Saraw (. . .), Esq., St. Croix, W. 1. Schlegel (Paul E.), Esq., M.R.S.N.A., Physician, St. Croix, W. 1. Schmidt K\ (Hon. Gottfried von). Councillor, St. Thomas, W. 1. ScHOLTEN(SirP.C.B\von),K.C.l)., 3LR.S.N.A.,GovcrnorGeneral, St. Croix. ScHOLTKN (W. von). Captain, M. R.S.N. A., St. Croix, W. L Smith (Robert), Major, St. Croix, W. 1. SouTHKv (Thomas), Captain, Harbour-Master, Demarara, S. A. SpENctR (Yen. Aubrey G.) D.O., M.R.S.N'.A., Archdeacon of Bermuda. Ste^krsen (A. C. A.), Esq., St. Croix, W. 1. 4 SUBSCRIBERS TO THE^ ANTIQVITATteS AMERICANS". Stknerskn (G. S.), Esq., St. Croix, W. L ' Templetown (Rt. Hon. Viscount), F.S.A. London. Todd (James), Esq., A.M., for the University of Dublin. Towiv (Ithiel), Esq., New York (two copies). Trevelyan (Walter Calverley), Esq., M. R.S.N. A., Rome (two copies). Vargas (Joseph), M.D., M.R.S.N.A., President of Venezuela S. A. Walloe (Christian), Esq., St. Thomas, W. I. AVard (John), New York. Ward (Richard R.), Esq., New York. Ward (Samuel), Esq., New York. Waylakd (Rev. Francis), D.D., for Brown Univ. at Providence, R. T. Webb (Thomas H.), M.D., 3I.R.S.N.A., Sec.R.I.H.S. Providence, R. I. Wedege (Hon. U. C), M.R.S.N.A., Chief Justice, St. Croix, W. I. West (AVilllam), M.D., M.R.S.N.A., for the Royal Irish Academy. WiN'THRop(Hon.ThomasL.),M.R.S.N.A.,Pres.Mass.Hist.Soc. (two copies). Warreiv (Owen G.) Esq., for Mechanics' Institute of the City of New York. Athenajum of B(»st«»n. Hull Subscription Library. Mercantile Library Association at New York. New York Society liibrary. Rhode Island Historical Society. • ♦ ' All additional List of the respective Subscribers iii Great firitaia and Ireland, and in America, will be printed, and forwarded to each Subscriber along with the Society's Annual Report for 1B40. ROYAL SOCIETY OF ^ORTHEUA AXTIQUARIES. 5 HISTORISKE MINDESMuSRKER. (GREENLAND'S HISTORICAL MONUMENTS.) HE rediscovery of the coasts of East-Greenland, undertaken at the cost of the Danish Government, and achieved by Captain Graah, has anew directed the public attention towards such traces and vestii:,es as may be still remaining of the ancient Scandinavian Colony in Greenland. Monu- ments and Inscriptions lately discovered in the country itself shew that the colonization and navigation of the ancient iSorthnicn extended all the way from t!.ie southernmost extremity of the land, to its most northern coasts and islands, even farther to the northwaid than it has been found practicable in our days to establish Danish settlements. A commencement has been made of investigating and elucidating the numerous remains of anti- quity in South Greenland, and since 1831 arrangements liave been entered into by this Society for securing theii- more accurate examination, deline- ation and description. Implements and other requisites have been dispatched thither to facilitate the prosecution of Journeys for the purpose of construc- ting maps, of making excavations in the rnins , of executing drawings of the Monuments and Inscriptions, and for accomplishing Avhalever else may tend to a complete elucidation of the olden time of this remote Arctic land : and the local authorities of the country itself, in addition to the services already rendered by them, have ])romised a continuance of their assistance toAvards the prosecution of tliese researches. In this way, and also by means of the elucidations contained in the ancient manuscripts themselves, it is hoped that we may soon ari-ive at a certainty as to the long dispu- ted site of the Eystribygd, and of the ancient bisl.opi ic of Gardar, and be also able to supply much fsirther illustrative information. The Avork will consist of three sections, of which, THE FIRST SECTION will contain ancient original writings and frag- ments, chiefly Icelandic or composed in the ancient language common tothr coun- tries of the North, relating to the early History ov Gr.KENi,ANn, with separate introductions, annexed Danish translations, and explanatory notes. To which will be added, 1. Genealogical Tables, continued in some instances to the present tiines; 2. Chronnloffical Lists containing a more complete Cata- logue of the bishops and otiicial persons in Greenland than those hitherto published; 3. Several original Diplomas, some of them newly disco- A^ered and hitherto unpublished, the ref(uisite translations. These accounts and documents begin about the year 900 and reach to the middle of the 15th century. Also a collection of less authentic accounts accor- ding to which it would appear that the ancient (\ilony was still in exi- stence in the beginning of tiie IGth century; 1. An abstract of the legal history of the Icelandic republic and of the oldest Lawbook relating to Greenland, and in connexion therewith remarks on the administration of Justice there. SECOND SECTION: Collection of ancient accounts relating to the GKOGRAPHicAL AND PHvsicAL i» E sc R n>Tio!v OF G R KEM.A .\n , wifh separate in- troductions, annexed Danish translations, and explanatoi-y remarks. To which will also be added other communications and extracts of alleged, 6 ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIOUARIE.S. but for the most part later, Yoyag;es of Italians and others to Greenland f among which the voyages of ike Zeni, w\i\\ ciitical and geographical disquisitions annexed. THIRD SECTION: Later accounts and researches respecting Green- liAND particularly with regard to the Monumkints of its oldkn time, its antiquities and early history^ among which, 1. A yiew of the more recent literaiy works tieating of that country j 2. the rediscoyery of the Avest coast of Greenland, and its modern colonization with a hricf yiew of the most important yoyages undertaken for that object, concerning which documents hitherto unknown will be communicated; 3. A Topographical DascripHon of West-Greenland (taken partly from the Egedes, Cranz, Thorhallesen, Dalagcr , Bruhn, Arctander, Mork, Saabye, Collin, Worm- ykiold , Kragh, and others} particularly as regards the yestiges and re- mains of the churches and dwelling houses of the ancient colonists, as also other monuments and antiquities remaining from their times, such as^ stones Avith inscriptions, etc. This diyisioji wilt contain extracts from older Avritings , some of which haye been printed but are now scarce, Avhile others of them have never befoi'e been printed^ also a detailed exposition of the result of the investigations undertaken under the management of the Society: 4. Later accounts furnished by Scoresby and otheis, partly taken from the oral statements of native Greenlanders , and Avhich relatti to the East coast and its inhabitants, and also to the Aarious shipwrecks of Danish Acssels, Avitli the loss or preservation of their crews on the same coast, extending down to the period of Graah's Aoyagej 5. Remarks on the most important results of Graah's Aoyage, especially Avith respect to his rediscoA'ery of Gunnbiarnarsker and the Cross Islands, (i. Geogra- phical Researches respecting the site of the firths and other places men- tioned in the ancient M.SS. The work Afill l)e acooinpaiiied by illiislralive maps, also by enfrraved plans of flie ruins, delineations of the vunio stones and other vemains oi" antiquity found in Greenland. It will eonsit^t of S Volumes, of which 2 have already issued from the press. I'rice of Vol. I. II., Large Paper 2/. o s. Common Paper 1/. 10 s. ANNALS AND MEMOIRS OF TilK ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERX ANTIQUARIES. .Mi<\coTrKAGED by the interest for Northern Antiquities, now a\vakened not only in our remote northern regions, but also in other coun- tries, the Society have resolved to publish their Transact ions and Re- searches concerning the earlier history and antiquities of Northern Europe and America in two sitnultaneous ])eriodical Avorks, to be entitled Aawals and Memoihs ; by which means they, no longer bounding their views by the limits of Northein Europe, hope to render tiie most important of their researches more easily accessible to the Public at large. In the AwALS contributions of tin? above ntentioncd nature Avill be received in Danish or Swctlish, (and occasionally in Icelandic); and, wherever it may appear desireable for the sake of cliicidatlon or informalion , Maps Aviil be given, and also DcUnculions cf Aniiqvilies and of the Monu— ROYAL SOCIETY OF NORTHERN ANTIOUARTES. menls of ancierif times. The MK]>roins, which are Insopara?}!}- coimected ^vlth the Annals, will comprize similar contributions, in Engrmh^ French or German, either original or translated. In the Memoirs will also be pveii explanatory remarks on the mott important of the Delineations contained in the Annals, and original contributions not elsewhere communicated in the works of the Society. In English, for example, there will be succes- sively inserted the result of the continued investiies Bohx, 12, King William Street, Sfrand. i.w:\tJWL\ ) Ylr. l iioMAs RoDO, 2, G^eat Acwport Street. DIIRLIN, Messrs. IIoikjes Smith, 21, College green. PARIS, Mr. Akthi s-Rkrth A\n , 23, Rue llaulefeuill«'. FLORENCE, Mr. Joseph Momni, Via dcgli Arrhibusieri. NEW YORK, Mr. VViiii-iASi J»tMtso\, 53, Cedar Street. From the above mentioned Rooksellers the latest publications of tlie Society arc always to be had; and orders are received by them I'or the earlier works. lli general in the course of every spring fhe works published by the Sctcietv in fhe pre- ceding interval will be dispatchc