Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofsmall02chri O -A- T .A. X_i O G XT IE u ir* A SMALL COLLECTION OF MEZZOTINT ENGRAVINGS After SIR J. REYNOLDS and G. MORLAND, THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM AUGUSTUS TOLLEMACHE, ESQ.; flfte330tmt portraits After SIR J. REYNOLDS, SIR T. LAWRENCE and others; ENGRAVINGS IN STIPPLE & COLOURS After COSWAY, WHEATLEY, A, KAUFFMAN, &c„ BY BARTOLOZZI AND OTHER ENGRAVERS OF THE EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOL, FROM VARIOUS PRIVATE SOURCES; WHICH ffi&l iU be jr o l b bn auction Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & t)i> WOODS, AV THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. -KH- May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues bad, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street , St. James's Sonar e. S. W. J. * CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV, The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. "VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGU E. -K>«- On TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. THE PROPERTY OF A LADY\ Patience, after ditto, by W. Eyland— printed in colours o/ l ' 6 The Fall of Eosamund; and Charlotte’s Visit to the Vicar, after ' Stothard— printed in colours 2 /'$ 7 Expectation; The Dance; La Fleur, after Bunbury 3 f 8 Village Maids ; and An Irish Volunteer, after Stothard— in brown ; jf Ac. 3 y ' 9 Gipsies, after Bunbury ; Charlotte at the Tomb of Werther; &c. 4 n 2 % 4 f q io Children Sleeping, after Bartolozzi, by Clarke proofs ; &c. / ^ 11 The ladies Spencer, after Lady D. Beauclerc, by Bartolozzi; and ■ ' Clara, after W. Peters —in red 2 & 12 Louisa Hammond, after A. Kauffman, by Bartolozzi in red ; and A Turkish Lady, by ditto /Oj? ^ * & 13 David Garrick, after Sir J. Reynolds, by T. Watson / , 0 14 The Flight into Egypt— pen and ink drawing /yC "l5 Presentation in the Temple, after Dietrich ; St. Hyacinth ; St. Sebastian ; and others - 7 16 Portraits by Houbraken and Vertue ; &c. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. In the Folio. /. /^.e /. r. p /y+ 17 Lord Clifford and his Sister, after Kneller, by J. Smith ; and one other 18 Tho Right Hon. J. C. McMahon, after Lawrence, by C. Turner ; /I John Conisford, after Reynolds, by Grozer— proof ; &c. 4 19 John Horne Tooke, after J. R. Smith, by W. Ward —printed in // /O . 0 colours i7 * o—, ^ / /o , a /#/? 20 John, Earl Spencer, after Reynolds, by C. Townley; and Colbert, after Nanteuil 2 21 Mrs. Fitzherbert, after Cosw^ay, by Conde— printed in red ; Viscountess Duncannon, after Countess Spencer ; &c. 3 22 Grouse-Shooters in the Forest of Rowland, after Northcote, by G. Dawe— proof * —2*0 ( 23 Sailors in Port, after Stothard, by W. Ward ; and The Farmer’s . Boy, by J. Ward 2 ' ‘ t 5 / 24 Gleaners and Hop-pickers, after Westall, by Bonnefoy —printed in colours 2 'j, 0 25 Count de Bellemire ; and the Companion, after Rigau ^—minted in colours t- 2 0 26 L’Espieglerie, by P. W. Tomkins— printed in colours s7 /f 27 Diana and Actaeon, after Lauri,by W. Willett^ and Le Malheur Imprevu, after Greuze ; &c. 28 Fighting Dogs, after Morland, by J. B. Smith ; The Contest, after A. Cooper— proof ; &c. 3 29 Hero and Leander; and others, after Shelley— printed in broim 4 30 Vignettes, after Portoensis, by Bartolozzi ^ , 4 /JttstfCs 31 Satan, Sin and Death, after Stothard, by Bartolozzi; Musidora, after Hamilton, by Tomkins; &c. 3 32 Victory, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— proof ; The Tarentella Dance, by ditto 4 33 The Parting of Achilles and Briseis; and the Companion, after ditto, by ditto 2 34 Labour and Health, after Barker, by Gaugain— printed in colours; &c. — 3 35 Queen Margaret and Lady Jane Grey, after Kauffman, by Bar¬ tolozzi ; and Adam and Eve, by Vendramini — 3 \r nr * f. 36 Cleone, after ditto, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours ; and one , other— printed in red ^ ^ S' r * ^ 2 37 Beauty commanding Love, after Van der WerfF, by V. Green— ■/ proof; Bacchanalians, after Eubens; &c. 3 38 Le Coucher, after Van Loo; and La Sortie du Bain (39 Iris, after Head— proof; Venus and Adonis, after Nalone; &c. 4 (40 Susannah and the Elders, after Domenichino— printed in colours ; Ac. 3 41 L’ Admiration ; La douce Reverie ; &c.— set of four , printed in colours —and two others 6 42 Van.Dyck’s Wife, by Bartolozzi; Love in Bondage, by R. Earlom; &c. T, O B o i 6 /, #-ro 43 The Death of Dido, after Reynolds, by J. Grozer; A View near Leicester, after Loraine Smith ; Ac. 3 44 Temptation, after Ramberg; The Fortune-Teller, after Reynolds, by C. Turner ; &c. 5 45 La Jeune Corinthienne, after Vien, by Flipart; &c. ^46 Venus and Adonis, after West, by T. Hall— proof; &c. 3 /'A 7 , & , -T? A / , ^ J, j o / > j , o Framed. 47 The First of September: Morning and Evening, after Morland, by W. Ward 2 48 Boys Bathing, after ditto, by E. Scott— proof; and Venus Sleeping, after Caracci, by Bartolozzi coloured , aim iiiuiiii b — colours 2 51 Lady Caroline Montagu, after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. R. Smith J. J ,o 52 Marquis of Wellington, after Minasi —printed in coloirs DRAWINGS. 4 ' & 0 ■°h 63 Unknown : Beseeching Pardon —crayons 54 H. Alken : Shooting —pencil and colours 7 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. In the Folio. - „ O 55 i, 0 56 , O 57 i* , 58 j’ . ° 59 , 6 60 P 61 , o 62 Prince de Conde, after De Tott, by Bartolozzi— printed in colours The Prince of Saxe-Coburg, by J. Gillray— printed in colours 1> , & 63 I/- 64 y es Vincent Lunardi, after Cosway, by Bartolozzi— ditto The Rt. Hon. C. J. Fox, after Nollekens, by W. Pether Prince Charles Edward; Charles, Prince of Wales ; &c. Admiral Sir Peter Parker, after Abbott, by V. Green Frederic, King of Saxony, after Gerard, by W. Dickinson Lord Heathfield, after Poggi, by Bartolozzi; Marquis of Bucking- /? y ham, after Gainsborough, by Sherwin ; Sir Walter Scott, after ^ Lawrence 4 Lady Molyneux, after Kettle, by J. Watson— second state Queen Charlotte, after Zoffany, by R. Houston— second state . 0 66 ' a 67 A Lady, after Van der Myn, by R. Purcell; and Lord Euston, after Kneller, by J. Smith 2 Lady Stanhope, after Sir J. Reynolds, by C. Corbutt; and The Countess of Sefton 2 , * 68 /. 6 69 < <" 70 V. 71 ' * 72 -r—T* 73 Jane, Duchess of Gordon, after ditto, by W. Dickinson— second y state Miss Nelly O’Brien, after ditto, by J. Wilson y y y St. Cecilia (Mrs. Sheridan), after Sir J. Reynolds, by W. Dickinsoiy y —second state * P/P**- ' • P Tho Duke of Portland, after ditto, by J. Murphy— second state ; and Robert Drummond, by J. Watson— first state 2 Hebe, after Huet Villiers, by H. Cardon— printed in colours Narcissa, by J. R. Smith— printed in colours " ^ x Mrs. Robinson, after G. Romney, by J. R. Smith— printed in y colours »ted in ' , P^4^ 8 /& & 74 Miss Farren (Countess of Derby) after Sir T. Lawrence^by / Bartolozzi —in brown 75 Mrs. Carnac; Lady Betty Delmeothers, after Reynolds— O 79 Mrs. Beresford, with the Marchioness Townshend and the Hon. Mrs. Gardiner, decorating a term of Hymen, after Sir■ /p. . cFPrnns Reynolds, by T. Watson / jfT / ^>79 a Lady Gertrude Fitzpatrick, after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. R? A ' ' Smith The following are the Property of WILLIAM AUGUSTUS TOLLEMACHE , Esq. Framed. Ty r T -25 80 Lady Louisa Manners, after Sir J. Reynolds, by V. Green— second state / P/ & * /ff, 081 Lady Jane Halliday, after ditto, by V. Green— second state /~ y , /O ^ Hon. Mrs. Tollemache, after ditto, as “Miranda,” by J. Jones fa. V*. O 83 Robinetta, after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. Jones— -first state Y , f A , & Thais (Miss Emily Pott), after ditto, by F. Bartolozzi— secpnd s / 8tate O ' ° ' a 85 A Contemplative Youth, after ditto, by C. H. Hodges P?/^^ J. 7 27 ^ Boys and Dogs, after T. Gainsborough, R.A.,by H. Dawe —secondly state 9 AFTER G. MORLAND. 87 £ 88 -zr 89 £> 90 ^ 91 ^ 92 6 93 ~r 94 95 The Turnpike Gate, by W. Ward Bathing Horses, by W. Ward —proof - Fishermen Regaling —proof Outside a Country Inn The Rustic Hovel, by E. Bell Milkmaid and Cowherd, by J. R. Smith Country Retirement by W. Ward - The Alehouse Door; and The Alehouse Kitchep, by J. R. Smith Watering the Cart Horse ; and Rubbing Down the Post Horse, by J. R. Smith —proofs 2 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. Framed. , 96 Two Children, after Cosway, by C. Watson ; and Friendship, after C. Knight— printed in red 2 ' ^ 97 Gabrielle d’Estrees ; Children Sailing Tcnr Boats \ and two others 4 P Lr , f 98 Triumph of Amphitrite, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi-^mRed in colours P • & 99 Docet Amor, after Cosway, by J. Conde — printed in colours C? 100 Children Sporting, after Cipriani, by Bartolozzi— ditto , & 101 The Masqueeade ; and Breaking Up, after Hamilton— printed /AfP -- in colours 0 102 Cupidon Malin; and Cupidon se refraiche— printed in colours; A *— and Children Bird’s-Nesting— ditto 3 - ~ZJ 103 Venus, after R. Cosway, R.A., by J. Conde; and The Fairy Yacht— coloured * 2/ / > K / • 10 /// ✓ & 104 Leda, after Cosway, by J. Conde —printed in colours aZ' ' ' G> 105 Truth of Infancy, after Bartolozzi; and Children, after CipriaiH printed in colours 2 // ' ^ 106 Angels and Cherubims, after Peters —printed in colours—a pair 107 Simplicity, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Bartolozzi — pripled hi ^7 colours £^ / y 0 108 The Affectionate Brothers, after ditto, by ditto— printed in colours A A •* 109 Cupid as a Link-Boy, after ditto, by J. Dean DRAWINGS. 110 F. Bartolozzi, R.A.: Cupid, with a torch ; and Cupid, with a wreath of flowers 2 From J. C. Mathew’s Collection 111 Ditto: Cupid on Clouds From the same Collection OTHER PROPERTIES. Framed. ^ Cries of London: “Milk Below, Maids,” after Wheatley, by l2 ~ cJ? , & Delattre —ditto 2 a Z f /# , 0 114 Calais: “The Snuff-Box”; and Moulines: “The Handker- S chief, after A. Kauffmann, by Delattre —printed in colours 2 115 Children and Goats, after Morland, by P. W. Tomkins— printed/ h Schiavonetti —printed in colours 113 Ike Act of Charity; and The Temptation, after Wheatley, by in colours - *0 \J ' ^ Dick Andrews, by J. W hessel; and Penelope—printed in colours 2 /CF i 11 r 0 117 The Death of Alcestis ; and Virgil reading his ‘yEneid ’—ditto 2 , (7 118 Patience ; and Perseverance, after A. Kauffman, by W. Ryland— in red 2 ’ ^ 119 Ludit Amabiliter ; and Maria, after ditto, by ditto —in red 2 ^120 Ladv Elizabeth Foster, after Sir J. Reynolds, by Bartolozzi— • y printed in red , & 121 The Countess of Harrington, after Sir J. Reynolds, by V. Green ^7122 The Hon. Mrs. Parker, after ditto, by T. Watson J^7ls ' 12B Horses Drinking, after Morland ' $ 124 The Weary Sportsman; and Shepherds Reposing, after G. Morland '*7 125 A St. James’s Beauty, after Benwell, by Bartolozzi —printed in colours - -ff 126 The Vicar of the Parish receiving Tithes; and The Curate re¬ turned from Duty, after Singleton, by T. Burke —printed in colours 2 , 0 127 The Soldier’s Return ; and The Sailor’s Return, after Wheatley, by W. Ward —printed in colours 2 , O 128 The Pedlar; and The Peep Show, after Wheatley — printed in colours—a pair 2 0 129 Boyhood’s Reverie (Master Lambton), after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, R.A. f —• * (7130 Lady Harriet Clive, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, R.A. —proof - In the Folio. Xja 131 The History of Letitia, after Morland y 132 Litter of Foxes, after Loraine Smith, by Grozer ; &c. 6 6 133 Joseph and John Gulston, after Cotes, by V. Green rMrs. Clark, after Calze ; &c. ^ 134 The British Naval Hero; and Companion, after Stothard, by J. Young —printed in colours 12 A ^ A' ^ /, ^ , o & ZP lser- Z, z CP - lJ ' ?A ^ * Z , & /#, /0 . /r 135 Youth, after Hoare, by T. Gaugain ; &c 136 James Balfour, Esq., after Raeburn, by J in colours ; &c. 137 Ah, s’il s’^veillait! after Regnault 138 An Interior, with figures— proof before any letters 139 Les Soins Tardifs, after Baudouin, by Delaunay —proof ; and Marchez tout doux, after ditto 2 140 After Guido, Poussin, Wouvermans and others 14 141 Leda and the Swan; and Love Disarmed, after Correggio, by Porporati and Guerin 2 142 Allegorical Subjects, after Cipriani, by M. Bovi— proofs, in red 3 143 The Seasons, by Bartolozzi— proofs, a set of four, in red /t /f~fr~ 4 144 Spring; and Autumn, by ditto— ditto 2 145 Illustrations to ‘ Paradise Lost,’ after Stothard, by ditto— proofs, in red 2 146 The Same; and The Piping Shepherd— proof, in red ZlP 3 147 Lodona; and The Piping Shepherd, by ditto— ditto 2 148 The Fortune-Teller; and Celadou and Amelia, by ditto— proofs, in red Air- 2 149 Lodona ; and Head of a Lady, by ditto— proofs, in red 2 150 The Infant Academy, after Reynolds; Dawn ; and Night— proofs, in red 3 151 Nice Supper; and New Shoes, after Countess Spencer, M. Bovi— printed in colours; and The Little Shy Girl er, by FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stanford Street and Charing Crocs.