to 12/22/97 c^.^ ^^ •>r'i. #i' C^ar^R^^U liEL^PiS ,.-#^^^ ^^^^^T^'^J^SSSr^ V* im J^ ■0ilf7 .<«H^ >.,♦ TT «?* V i^jj^^K >-^\ I / IMPORTANT EARLY ENGLISH PICTURES, THE PROPEETT OF AFFLECK FKASEE, ESQ. JHE MARQUIS OF QUEENSBERRY. THE LATB TATTERSHALL DODD, ESQ. AND THE GOTT HEIRLOOMS. SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1897. OF THE ', I Remaining Pictures OF THE GoTT Heirlooms, FROM ARMLEY HOUSE, LEEDS; THE Jfamilg jpnrf raits bg Ha^burn, THE PROPERTY OF AFFLECK ERASER, ESQ. Of Reelig; PICTURES OF THE LATE TATTEESHALL DODD, ESQ. Of Tunbridge Wells; PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF THE MARQUIS OF QUEENSBERRY, AND IMPORTANT PICTURES OF THE DUTCH AND EARLY ENGLISH SCHOOLS, FROM NUMEROUS PRIVATE COLLECTIONS: WHICH SEill fie Solti tig Auction tig Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KINO STREET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1897, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues with Seven Illustrations (price Five Shillings) had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Oi!ices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W' ( ^SSU CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if yC>iyo^ 8 Dead Partridges, and other birds, foliage and implements '^ 29 in. by 27 in. /o OSTADE. 9 A Village Merry-making, with numerous figures •-^^t^'t'^MiX-*^ 27 in. by 40 in. 6'0 A. PYNACKER. J^ ^o 10 A Hilly Landscape, with peasants driving animals through a wood 23 in. by 32 in. SCHWANFELDEE. ^ 11 Dead Birds; and Trout — on panel — a pair 2 15 in. by 19 in. A. STORCK. ^ 12 Shipping off a Jetty 3^^t^i.7t&A^ 12^ in. by 16^ in. D. TENTERS. ^- ^ ^ 13 A Landscape, with a peasant with wheelbarrow and cask in the foreground, a wood and church in the distance 26 in. by 32 in. TENTERS (Aftee). 14 Inteeige of a Guabdboom, with figures xJ^-ct^r\j>c^ 24 in. by 33 in. VERONESE. 15 A CONCEET IN A GaBDEN ^^Z-yr^d^ 15^ in. by 31 in. WATERLOO. ^ 16 A Landscape, with figures and dog at the edge of a wood, a church in the distance On panel — 23 in. by 29 in. WOUVERMAN. ^ ^ /) /? 17 SoLDiEES Halting, before a tent, and cart and tents in the<^ background On panel — 18^ in. by 25 in. ZUCCAEELLI. CZT" *^^ 18 An Upbight Landscape, with milkmaids and cow, peasants dancing 49 in. by 40 in. SIE T. LAWEENCE, P.E.A. W^ ^^"O 19 POETEAIT OF ELIZABETH GOTT, wife of B. Gott, Esq., /, in black dress, with black hat and feathers, seated in a red/ / VJiO velvet chair at a table ^ 55 in. by 45 in. SIE T. LAWEENCE, P.E.A. gr- /hSO 20 POETEAIT OF BENJAMIN GOTT, ESQ., of Leeds, in black dress, with fur collar, seated in a red velvet chair 55 in. by 45 in. THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN in Cheshire. G. EOMNEY. (^Zf7V£.i.i^ ^?^^ 21 LADY HAMILTON AS A BACCHANTE, standing in a landscape dressed in a red robe, with her left arm raised above her head and holding a gauze veil ; blue ribbon in her hair 55 in. by 44 in. From the Earl of LichfieMs Collection G. EOMNEY. S^:it£ 22 POETEAIT OF A LADY, seated under a tree, in white muslin dress and white veil, nursing her infant daughter on her lap 35 in. by 28 in. G. KOMNEY. 23 Head of a Young Lady, in white muslin dress and head-dress Oval — 20^ in. by 15 in. G. KOMNEY. /p ^ /7 yp 24 Head of a Lady, turned to the right, in white muslin dress ^ Oval — 20 in. by 13^ in. The following Family Portraits are the Property of AFFLECK FRASEE, Esq,, of Reelig, and Iiave been removed from the family seat^ Easter Moniack, N.B. They have never been exhibited. SIE H. EAEBURN, R.A. y~) /? .^ 25 EDWAKD SATCHWELL ERASER. Twelfth in succession of the estate of Reelig ; he was born in 1751 ; educated at Charterhouse, and served in the Grenadier Guards from 1776 to 1778, during which time he was present at the battles of Brandy wine and Germantown ; he served as A.D.C. to the Hon. Lieut.-Col. Eraser, of Lovat, from 1780 to 1782, when he left the army, and returned to his home in the highlands, ■where he married ; he had a family of five sons and one daughter ; he died in 1835. Dressed in dark blue coat with brass buttons, grey hair ; turned slightly to the left 80 in. by 25 in. Painted when he was forty nine years old, in November 1800 SIE H. EAEBUliN, K.A. ^ 4-00 26 WILLIAM FRASER, JUN., of Keelig. Second son of Edward Eraser ; born in 1784 ; served in the Hon. East India Company Civil Service ; was assassinated by a native while Commissioner of Delhi in 1835 ; see account in Blackwood's Magazine, January, 1878. In claret-coloured coat, white waistcoat and stock ; head slightly turned to the right 30 in. by 25 in. Painted at the age of sixteen in 1801 SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A. ^ ^ ^ . 27 EDWARD SACHWELL ERASER. Third son of Edward Eraser, of Reclig ; born 1786 ; served in the Hon. East India Company Civil Service ; died at St. Helena in 1813. In green and blue plaid coat, white waistcoat and stock ; turned slightly to the left 30 in. by 25 in. Painted at the age of seventeen in 1803 See Illustration /. ^<5 SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A. O^^^^^ur- 28 ALEXANDER CHARLES ERASER, JUN., of Reelig.— Fourth son of Edward Eraser; born 1789; served in the Hon. East India Company Civil Service; died at Delhi in 1816. In green and blue plaid coat, white waistcoat, frill open at the neck ; full face ; body to the right 30 in. by 25 in. Painted at the age of fourteen in 1803 SIR H. EAEBUEN, EA. ^ 29 JAMES BAILLIE FEASER, of Eeelig. Eldest son of Edward Eraser ; born 1783 ; an accomplished writer of fiction and of travels in the East ; he was a great traveller in India, Persia and Mesopotamia about the year 1836 ; see obituary notice in the Journal of the Geographical Society, vol. xxvi. ; he married in 1823 Jane Tytler, daughter of Lord Woodhouselee ; and died in 1856 at Moniack, N.B. In claret-coloured coat and yellow waistcoat, white stock ; head slightly to the left 30 in. by 25 in. Fainted at the a^e of twenty-six in 1809 SIE H. EAEBUEN, E.A. 30 GEOEGE JOHN FEASEE, of Eeelig. Fifth son of Edward Fraser; born iu 1800; served in the Hon. East India Company Army ; married in 1832 ; died at Delhi in 1842. In brown coat and waistcoat, with white frill loose at the neck ; full face, body slightly to the right. 30 in. by 25 in. Painted at the age of fifteen in 1815 See Illustration 10 SIE H. RAEBUEN, E.A. ^^^ 31 JANE ANNE CATHERINE ERASER, of Reelig. Daughter of Edward Eraser; born 1797; married in 1816 ; died 1880. In purple dress, with white lace collar and cords ; full face, body to the right. 30 in. by 26 in. Painted at the age of nineteen in 1816 See Illustration 31/6' SIR H. RAEBURN, R.A. 32 ALEXANDER ERASER TYTLER, Lobd Woodhouselee, of Woodhouselee. Born 1747 ; married 1776 ; Senator of the College of Justice, Edinburgh ; father of the " Historian of Scotland"; author of Universal History, Ancient and Modern; died 1812. In black coat and white stock, with grey hair ; full face, body to the left. 30 in. by 26 in. Painted in 1804 Exhibited in Edinburgh about 1877 11 SIB H. EAEBUEN, R.A. U rr.e.u£ec.rr^ ^O 33 JANE FEASEE TYTLEE. Daughter of Lord Woodhouselee ; wife of James Baillie Eraser, of Eeelig, eldest son of Edward Eraser. In white dress cut low ; dark red cloak trimmed with fur over the shoulders ; full face, body slightly to the left. 30 in. by 25 in. See Illustration T. PHILLIPS, E.A. ^^^^ 34 Sir John MaoNeill. Envoy and Minister Plenipotentiary to the Coui't of Persia ; born 1795 ; died 1883. In black coat, with military cap ; turned to the right. 30 in. by 25 in. FEENCH SCHOOL. /2 35 PoBTBAiT OF AN Artist, Standing before his easel, with red cloak 15 in. by 12 in. 12 THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. /S'J- D. TENIERS. ^ n ^^ 36 The Prodigal Son : A farmyard, with figures and animals 28 in. by 33 in. /oo WEENIX. 37 SouLPTUBED Vases, with fruit, dog, monkeys, parrots ana other birds — a fair 2 62 in. by 54 in. MARIESCHI. =^"^ ^ 38 A Canal Scene, with figures 21 in. by 83 in. /l^d-de^^ MARIESCHI. ^J^ O 39 A Scene on the Gband Canal, Venice 21 in. by 33 in. /I. J2j>ULay^ MARIESCHI. "^^^^ 40 A Canal, with bridge and figures 21 in. by 33 in. OTJX4/|^'t4.U'\y^ MARIESCHI. <2y O ^Y The Rialto, Venice 21 in. by 33 in. -^HAA^^^y^^^ 13 G. EOMNEY. /^ ^ ^ OO 42 POKTRAIT OF JOHN WALTER TEMPEST, son of John Tempest, M.P. for Durham, and brother of Frances, wife of /y^^^^^^^-^ Sir Henry Vane, Bart., whose daughter married Charles '^' William, Baron Stewart, afterwards 3rd Marquis of London- derry ; whole length, as a youth, in purple dress, standing by his horse, which is drinking from a stream 90 in. by 58 in. Engraved hy James Walker See Illustration DIFFEBENT PROPERTIES. G. ROMNEY. z^" yy^^ ^/P ■ 43 PoRTRA.IT OP Diana (Whittaker), Lady Hamlyn Williams, wife of Sir James Hamlyn Williams, Bart., of Edwinsford, Clovelly, in white dress and veil, blue sash, in the attitude of prayer — pastel 30 in. by 25 in. D. TENIERS. y^ y^ y^ ■ 44 An Interior, with nine monkeys, three are playing at cards and others drinking and smoking, one monkey is drawing wine from a cask in the background Signed — on panel 10^ in. by 14^ in. From the Collections of the Hon. T. Greville, W. Hastings, Esq., and E. W. Lahe, Esq. Engraved hy Pool and GTienu Smith's Catalogue, No. 415, and Sup., No. 62 / 14 G. HONTHORST. .^^^.^^rt.^^ n^^ 46 Head op a Young Girl, in large lace collar and cap 8J in. by 6 tn. W. H. PHILLIPS. // 46 A Lady, as the Magdalen ^M^i y- ^^U^n.e^^^'^ Octagonal — 36 in. by 30 in. >^o D. TENIERS. Cla^/uz^ir- 47 AN ALCHEMIST, in his laboratory, holding a pair of bellows and blowing a crucible ; three assistants in the background ; numerous utensils and a spaniel in the foreground 11\ in. by 33^ m. From the Collections of Lord Radstoch and Lord Northwick Smithes Cataloque, No. 520 W. SHAYER, SEN. / 48 A Coast Scene, with shrimper figures and horses ^-'a^^'^ttv**.*^- J .2. xi^6 ITALIAN SCHOOL. '^y 49 Lady Hamilton /^q^q^o^ — ' Given by Lady Hamilton to Lady Errol at the Embassy at Naples about 1797. Afterwards in the possession of Lady Hamilton Chichester, from whom it passed to the present owner /6 ^/O J. OPIE, R.A. / 50 Musidoka M€>£r^x>c^aJx^ ?^c 15 G. EOMNEY. AS MEDIl 51 LADY HAMILTON AS MEDITATION <^.^&o^oco^ MUEILLO. 52 THE MAGDALEN ^^x^5t> .^^^&£y^^:'^^ Purchased from the Queen of Spain. The Cliamherlain's receipt for £3000 will he given to the purchaser A. STANNARD. ^^ 53 A Seapikoe /' A^c>c,^^r>^ standing reading a letter ; his hat and stick on a chair on the left, table and books on the right— smaZZ xiihole length 36 in. by 28 in. SIR W. BEECHEY, E.A. 81 Portrait of Archdeacon Strachet, in black coat and powdered ^-'fhcoS\^ wig 30 in. by 25 in. SIR W. BEECHEY. 82 Portrait of Dr. Strachet, afterwards Archdeacon Strachey, in black coat, seated in a library \\\ in. by 9 in. y/ ■rxj2^t'\^ A. REINAGLE, E.A. 83 A View of a Mansion ; and the companion — a pair 27 in. by 24 in. 2 C^^O-nJZ^'i'yy 1 :^S /a •20 GAINSBOROUGH (Asciubkd to). J^^/xx^A^u-n^ 84 I'oRTBAiT OF Mb. Wombwkll, in uniform of the old West York Militia — in an oval 30 in. by 25 in. J. HOPPNEE, R.A. ^^^^n£j2<^^ 85 Portrait of Sir Archibald Edmonstone, aged 89, in wig and dark coat, seated ; and the Engraving, by C. Turner 2 30 in. by 25 in. The following are from the CoUeciion of the late CHARLES TATTERSIIALL DODD, E^q., of Tunhridge Wells. SIR T. LAWRENCE. &£ru^ ^^ 86 THE MISSES FDLLARTON, with dark hair, in white muslin^ dresses and mauve sashes ; seated on a couch ; the lady on the right holding a book ; the lady on the left putting her right arm round her sister ; with crimson curtain and blue sky in the background — unfinished _ f^. 61 in. by 57 in. Given by Miss FuUarton to the late owner See Illustration J. B. WEENIX. 87 Portrait of a Smoker, in brown dress and hat it^&C'riyTnfiyf 16 in. by 13^ in. Said to have come from the Collection of the late Kimj of Holland 21 WISSING. 88 PoBTBAiT OF Lady Ossory, in green and yellow dicss ; vitarl ^^^i't/neyxy necklace In sculptured oval — 29^ in. by 24 in. MYTENS. yy Portrait of a Gentleman, in grey and gold coat, black waist- ^x^-yrJui^ band and tassel ; standing in a landscape holding a gun, a dog by his side 44 in. by 35 in. TEE PROPERTY OF A LADY. A. SCHELFOUT. 90 A River Scene, with a chateau and boats, with figures y^Mi-n^t-aJZ-eydz^ On panel 2.^ y<^^p HOBBEMA. 91 Woody Landscape, with a view of a mill ; figures in the fore- (--^[^-oe,^ ground v?^?X^^ J. BOTH. 92 A Sunny Landscape, with muleteers on a road -^'-^^^^ruCCi^ T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 93 A Woody Landscape, with a pool '-"^^^^^x^^rx^ SIR A. W. CALLCOTT, R.A, 94 Monmouth Church and Bridge -^—^rh' A-^ezio^^ 22 J- STAKE.. -^>,>.^ /.3?6/ 95 A Road through a Wood, with sheep; gipsies ou the right — on panel ,, ,r> The following are the Property of the MARQUIS OF Q UEENSBERR Y, and have been removed from Kinmount House, Dumfriesshire. «. STUAET. J<.A«^ O^G 96 The Duke (The Union Duke) and Duchess of Queensberry (Kitty Hyde), and their two sons. The duke is dressed in brown coat, seated behind his two youug sons, who are dressed in grey, and extending his hand to the duchess, who is seated on the left, in yellow and blue dress 72 in. by 78 in. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. Q>y7£^U:^ 97 Portrait of George Selwyn, in red coat trimmed with fur, white and gold waistcoat, leaning on a i^edestal, a favourite pug dog on his knee 35^ in. by 27 in. VANDYCK. ^'n, . 98 Portrait op Lord Denbigh, in black dress with lace collar, -^ glove on his right hand 47 in. by 39 in. 23 ^ 99 Hra Grace the Duke of Queensberry, in grey dress witlr gold embroidery, seated in a chair holding a letter 60 «w, by 40 in. 100 Portrait of a Lady, in brown dress, in sculptured oval 29 i%. by 25 in. SIR J. REYNOLDS. ^ ^y: ^f • ^ B.01 Portrait of a Lady, in red dress trimmed with fur, and holding a fan in her hand 30 in. by 25 in. H. RIGAUD. (:S(u^£^^^ 102 Portrait of a Gentleman, in armour, lace scarf and red bows Oval — 27^ in. by 23 in. D. MYTENS. J&,ey.a^^o 103 Portrait op a Gentleman, in armour, with lace collar and bine Ribbon of the Garter Signed, and dated 1631 29 in. by 25^ in. T. BAEDWELL. oS...£fy^ 104 Portrait op a Young Lady, in blue and white dress, with pearls, in a landscape Signed, and dated 1747 36 in. by 28 in. 24 F. COTES, E.A. af^^<^- ^*^^ 105 Portrait of a Young Lady, iu blue dress and lace, seated, holding her fan 30 in. by 25 in. HANNEMAN. ^^...^ 106 The Duchess of Richmond, in green and white dress On panel — 15 in. by llf in. // REYNOLDS. <:^u,.ei^ 107 Portrait of Lord Drumlanrig, in Robes, with the Order of St. Andrew 35 in. by 28 in. W. DOBSON. yfP AiP j 108 Portrait op the Marquis of Montrose, in armour — temp Charles I. 30 in. by 25 in. HUDSON. //"^ 109 PoRTUAiT OF A Gentlbman, in crimson dress, seated '^o/nUu?09rity i 48 in. by 40 in. ^ , EARLY ITALIAN. *^/? ' 110 James, Earl of Douglas, surnaraed Black, who fell at Otter- burn in 1888 ; in armour ; head to left ; black cap 131 ,•„. by 12i in. Exhibited at the National Portrait Exhihition, 18G6 FINIS. London : Printed by WiluaM Clowes axb SoJjs, Limited, Stnmford Street atid Cliarin": Cro»«. lOMP^ fSBf ^V; ^i^*j ^"^ ^j:^. GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00893 0931 ^i>W^ igfS;-::