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T.tvlnr 3'f' ,<) HiQhJloThom . yr///////- (■'/. /////rr / r/ 38 'ii i ii ii iii i Hi i iiiiiiiiiniii iii i i ii i i ii iiiK i u iii,;i,iiiiii i i.iiiini;i«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;n^^^^^^^^ /.<•«,/;« J'u/./,../,../ /.,■ ./rarlor-Vr^oJ/i^A/fv/f-.^rn . Jiiz!^ 2 't/ion ^9 M W \r\ London TuHi.^h,-.1 /, J.T,,>/,-rXr-., Ifiah Hclhom. y.vy// r/.^M' IcnJim PuilisfuJ tv .T.Tarlory^?_:;(, HiflhSclbc 21 //^ifOjo/^'f/?n lonJ,n h,Hi.-h,ii hv J.Taylor .V!'j_o IVph Bolhom (2. //a//oo/ra/?t 2 2 London Juhll,-],al h .TTaylor. N?ja Hwh Holbcrn '^3 '2^a//. I ^ ' ' ^ ' ^ I T.nmhrn Biihshal bvJ.TiwhirNf^C) Btoti TTolborn . 24 aotij London. l^Iiyh^d Iv JTmhrA^r^p BtoJiffolho r -/f-am-e /vr a '^aA/m/ u/j'rd or rMrjJ'/e.j. ^ -- -^-J lon,/o,, l'iMi'fi,JhJ.T,nlorN:_^qniahf/cltorii C ////y/ //rr /n f^/ ^Yr/ fA ^A urm ^ L 1 ciJonPuMjshM bv J.'fajlor. N'^Sfl Hi.,h B.liorn . "^^^j- j . _^^^^e S('^n/rance If K jr- >r L-J ff*-^ lonJon IhMiA^d iv ./.i:ivic.r]Vi\^Q Hu^h Ilolbo na ?ice C/^i/t r#// Itmdcn /jy//,;.*. ' ■ Taylor. N''^nfl HiflhUoUivn 29 T.ond.m Piihli..*cJ hv.r.nv/ory'.[:;p fJioh TL^lho 30 London Pum^'fud hv J.ravLrr.m;;,o Hi^hHolhc ^~yir*-yyrr//r/.j ,/fr//.jt o/-^ A'rA/r .y/ J.n„./„„ /tj/./,>/,.,Jf;y./:r.n-/„r^^--., 7f,\,/, Holhorr _^o/'/fro ov •^''acffae I Lon^h^nliibU^hcJ hv .T.Taylcr yC so ffiafiHolbom. _ ^A>/ /ffv ' {>/ ■ jA^(;j. I" Zh. tL r ^^•ji ' ' * r " ■■ ! lomUn Pul-liJu J I'y J.Taylor N?,^p ffioh BoUern. 6^ 3y /yt/yi/A^^r i:yat( •-e-t/--- Lrn/irn lUHi.'hr,] hv J.Taytor ^^,9 Hiah Holho ^YKiArr/fyo Off'^yt^- 36 ZmiUm.Pul>lifh.J hy J.TMlor.K:_;i_q IJiah Hfltcrn . vl , r {^Afli. ^ ^ \ , ^.., N i s ■A m\\ r" X:" ^ ,_i^ ^» l'l!li!iM!i!l!i J^^ '> A :^'^ ^"V^ / [llT^lii*^ ' 1 ^^0ik i'^^awZ-jj_M n 1 arf. ._.d //'/ > // Lomion:MU.-h,Jhy J.Ta./or.y^S0S.h Eolhom . o2 I.-n.{im.PuiIi..haih> .r.Taylcr.X<;_^() HLffiHclbcm t; ^N a 1 ==ii -f^ \ -X ^ "r CATALOGUE O F MODERN BOOKS O N ARCHITECTURE, Theoretical, Praaical, and Ornamental VIZ. , BOOKS OF PUNS AND ELEVATIONS FOR COTTAGES, FARM-HOUSES, MANSIONS, ^c. TEMPLES, BRIDGES, ^c. Of Ornaments for internal Decorations y Foliage for Carvers ^ Isfc. ON PERSPECTIVE. Books of Use for Carpenters, Bricklayers, and WORKMEN IN GENERAL, ^C. ^C. Which, with the best ANCIENT AUTHORS, are constantif on SALE at J. TAYLOR'S ARCHITECTURAL LIBRARY, —No. 59— HIGH HO L BORN, LONDON, WHERE MAY BE HAD, The WORKS of the most celebrated FRENCH ARCHITECTS and ENGINEERS, Printed by W. Stratford, Crown-Court, Temple-jBar, r- A CATALOGUE,' G'c. PLANS, Elevations, Sections and Views of the Church of Bataiha, in the Province of Eftremadura, in Portugal, with an Hiftory and Defcription, by Father Luis de Soufa, with Remarks; to which is prefixed an IntrodocSlory Dif- courfe on the Principles of Gothic Architecture, by James A4urphy, Architect. Illuftrated v/ith 27 elegant Plates, prir^.ed on Imperial folio, and hct-preffed, Price 4I. 14s. 6d. The ArcbiteElure of this StruBurc is of the hejl Gothic, and one of the moji elegant Specimens of the Style cxijling ; and luell deferves the Attenticn of, the Antiquary and the Artijl^ for its Purity of Deftgn and Elegcince of Ornament. Specimens of Gothic ArchiteJiurcyialeCted from the Parifti Church of Lavenham, in Suffolk, on 40 Plates quarto. Price 18s. half bound, and on large Paper il. 5s. Gothic Ornaments of the Cathedral Church of York, by f. Halfpenny, 105 Plates, large Quarto, ()1. 103. half bound. The Ancient Buildings of Rome, accurately nieafured and deli- neated, h^ Antony Defgodetz, with Explanations in French and Englifh; the Text tranilated, and the Plates engraved, bv the .kte Mr. George Alar Jhall^Arc\i\\.tct, 2 vols, imperial folio, with 137 Plates. Price 5I. 5s. half bound, or 4I. 14s. 6d. fewed. — Defgodetz's Antiquities has ever been highly valued by Amateurs a?id Profjfors, for the Accuracy of the AleafurementSy and the Choice of elegant Subjects. The IVork includes Defigns at large of the fclloiving celebrated Structures, viz. the Pantheon^ Temple of Bacchus^ Temple of Vefa at Rome \ Temple of Vefla at Tivoli ; Temple of Foriuna Virilis, Temple of Antonmus and Faufina, Temple of Concord, Temple of Jupiter Stator^Temple "/ J"P^^^^ Tonans, Temple of Alars the Avenger^ Frontifpiece of Nero, Baftlica of Antoninus^ Forum of Nerva^ Portico of Septimius Sever'us, Arch of Titus, Arch of Septimius, Arch of the Goldftnithsy Arch of Confhntine, The Coli/eum, The Amphi- theatre at Verona, The Theatre of Marcellys^ The Baths of Diocleftari; arid the Baths of Paul us Emilius. 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Boards. 7j^ Builder's Price Book ; containing a correEl Lijl of the Prices allonued by the moft eminent Surveyors in London to the feveral Artificers concerned in Building .- including the Journeymen's Prices. A new Edition, correaed ; by an Experienced Sur- veyor. Sewed, 3 s. \he New Vitruvius Brltannicus, confiftingof Plans and Eleva- tions of modern Buildings, public and private, ereaed m Great Britnia by the moft celebrated ArchiteSls, engraved on 72 Plates, from original Drawings. By G. Richard/on, Architea. Imperial Folio, half bound, 5I. 15s. 6d. het-hes for Cottages, Villas, &c. with their Plans and appro- priate Scenery, by John Soane ; to which is added fix Defigns for improving and e'mhelU/hing Grounds^ with Explanations by an Amattur, on 54 Plates, elegantly engraved in Aquatinta. 2I. I2s. 6d. half bound. Mans, Elevations, and Seftions of Buildings, executed in the Counties of Norfolk, Suffolk^ Torkjhire, JVilt/Jjire, Warwick- Jhire, Stafford/hire, Corner J etpAre, &c. by John Soane, Architea, on 47 folio Plates. 2I. 12s. 6d. ^lans Elevations, and SeBions^ of Noblemen's and Gentlemen's Houfes, Stabling, Bridges public and private. Temples, and other Garden Buildings, executed in the Counties of Derby, Durham, Middlefex, Northumberland, Nottingham, York, Effex, Wilts, Hertford, Suffolk, Salop, and Surry ; h^ James Paine, Architea. Two Vols, with 176 very large foho Plates. 61. 16s. 6d. half bound. The Defigns of Lugo Jones, confilling of Plans and Elevations for Public and Private Buildings-, including the Detail of the intended Palace at Whitehall; publiftied by W.Kent, with fome additional D.Tigns. 2 Vols, imperial Folio. 4I. 4s. in Sheets; or half bound, 4I. i2S. 'lans. 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Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of PerfpeSiive made eafy both in Theory . and PraBice • in two Books : being an Attempt to make the Art of Perfpe£live eafy and familiar, to adapt it entirely to the Arts of Defign, and to make it an entertaining Study to any Gentleman who fliallchoofe fo polite an Amufemenr. By Jofijua Kirby. Illuftrared with 35 Copper-plates. The third - Edition, with feveral Additions and Improvements. Ele- gantly printed on imperial Paper. Half bound, il. i6s. The PerfpeBive of ArchiteSture, a Work entirely new, deduced from the Principles of Dr. Brook Taylor, and performed by two Rules of univerfal Application. Illuftrated with 73 Plates. Begun by command of his prefent Majefty when Prince of Wales. By Jojhua Kirby. Elegantly pjrinted .on imperial Paper. 2I. 2s. half bound. The Defcription and Ufe of a new Infirument called the Archi- ieBonic SeBor, by which any Part of Architeaure may be drawn with Facility and Exaftnefs. By Jo^ua Kirby. Il- luftrated with 25 Plates; elegantly printed on imperial Paper. Half bound, il. lOs. The two Frontifpieces, by Hogarth, to Kirby's Perfpeaive, may be had feparate, each 5s. , a . Thirty Capitals of Columns, with fix Frifes, from the Antique. Engraved in Aquatinta by G. Richardfon^ on 18 Plates. 4to. 15s. Defigns for Shop Fronts and Door Cafes, on 27 Plates. 4to. IDS. 6d. Tit£igx\s {ox Monuments^ including Graveflones, Compartments, Wall-pieces, and Tombs. Elegantly engraved on 40 quarto Plates. Half bound, ids. Defigns for Chimney Pieces, with Mouldings and Bafes at large on 24 quarto Plates. lOs. 6d. The Student's InJlruBor, in drawing and working the Five Orders of Architeaure; fully explaining the beft Methods of ftriking regular and quirked Mouldings, for dimmiflimg and glueing of Columns and Capitals, for finding the true Diameter of an Order to any given Height, for ftriking the 1 Jonic Volute circular and elliptical, with fiaiftied Examples, or ( 8 ) Of a large Scale of the Orders, their Planceers, &c. atiid fome Defigns for Door Cafes, by Peter Nkbolfony engraved on 33 Plates o£lavo. Price 6s. bound. The Carpenter's New Gtiide^ being a complete Book of Lines for Carpentry and Joinery, treating fully on Praftical Geo- metry, Soffits, Lines for Roofs and Domes, with a great Variety of Defigns for Roofs> Trufled Girders, Floors, Domes, Bridges, &c. Stair Cafes and Hand-rails of various Conftru£lions. Angle- Bars for Shop Fronts, and Raking Mouldings, with many other Things entirely new : the Whole founded on true Geometrical Principles : the Theory and Practice well explained and fully exemplified on 78 Copper- Plates : including fome practical Obfervations and Calcula- tions on the Strength of Timber, by P. Nicholjon^ 4to. 1 5s. The Carpenter's and Joiner^ s jijpjlafit-, containing praftical Rules for making all Kinds of Joints, and various Methods of hinge- ing them together : for hanging of Doors on ftraight or cir- cular Plans ; for fitting up Windows and Shutters to anfwer various Purpofcs, with Rules for hanging them ; for the Con- ftru£lion of Floors, Partitions, Soffits, Groins,, Arches for Mafonry ; for con(lru£ling Roofs in the befl Manner from a given Quantity of Timber ; for placing of Bond-Timbers ; with various Methods for adjufling Raking Pediments, en- larging and diminifhing of Mouldings, taking Diraenfions for Joinery, and for fetting out Shop Fronts; with anew Scheme for conflrudling Stairs and Hand-rails, and for Stairs having a conical Well-hole, &c. &c. To which are added, Examples of Various Roofs executed, with the Scantlings from a£tual Meafurements ; with Rules for Mortices and Tenons, and for fixing Iron Straps, &c. Alfo Extradls from M. Belidor, M. du Hamel, M. de Buflbn, &c. on the Strength of Timber, with practical Obfervations. Iliuftrated with 79 Plates, and copious Explanations. By Peter 'Nichclfon. Quarto. Price 18s, bound. The Carpenter and Joiner's Repofitory ; or, a new Syftem of Lines and Proportions for Doors, Windows, Chimneys, Cornices and Mouldings, for finifhing of Rooms, &c. &c. A great Variety of Stair-Cafes, on a Plan entirely new, and eafy to be under- ftood. Circular-circular Soffits, flewingand winding in ftraight and circular Walls, Groins, Angle Brackets, circular and elliptical Sky-lights, and the Method of fquaritig and pre- paring their circular Bars, Shop Fronts, &c. By IF. Pain, Joiner. Engraved on 69 folio Copper-plates. Bound, i6s. Pain's .( 9 ) Faints BritiJJ) Palladw, or the Builder's General JJftJant ; de- monftrating, in the moft eafy and pradical Method, all the pnncipal Rules of Architeaure,from the Ground Plan to the Ornamental Finifh. Illuftrated with feveral new and ufeful Defignsof Houfes, with their Plans, Elevations, and. Seaions. Alfo clear and ample Inftruftions annexed to each S ubjc6t m Letter-prefs •, with a Lift of Prices for Materials and' Labour, and Labour only. This IVork nvill be univerfally ii/rfiil to alt Carpenters, Bricklayers, Mafons, Joiners, PlaJhrerSy and others concerned in the feveral Branches of Building, &c. compre- hending the following Subje£ls, viz. Plans, Elevatio.us, and Seaions of Gentlemen's Houfes, Defigns for Doors, . Chimneys, and Ceilings, with their proper Embellifliments in the moft modern Tafte. A great Variety of Mouldings, for bafe and furbafe Architraves, Imports, Frizes, and Cornices, with their proper Ornaments for Praftice, draw-n tohahf fize : to which are added, Scales for enlarging or lelTening at Pleafure, if required. Alto, great Variety of Stair-Cafes ; (bowing the pradical Methodof executing them, in any Cafe required, viz. Groins, Angle-ljrackets, circular- circular iiew- ing and winding Soffits, Domes, Sky-lights, &c. all made plain and eafy to the raeaneft Capacity. The Proportion of Windows for the Light to Rooms. Preparing Foundations; .- the Proportion of Chimneys to, Rooms, and Sections to FJews." The principal Timbers properly laid out on each Plan, viz. • the Manner of framing the Roofs, ar;d finding the Length and Backing of Hips either fquare or ievel. Scantlings of the Timbers, figured in Proportion to their Bearing. The Method of truffing Girders, fcarfing Plates, &c. and many other Articles particularly ufeful to all Perfons in the Build- ing Profeffion. The whole corredly engraved on 42 folio Copper-plates, from the original Defigns of William and James Pain. Bound, l6s. The Practical Hoiife Carpenter or Youth's InftruEior : containing a great Variety of ufeful Defigns in Carpentry and Archi- tedure : as Centering for Groins, Niches, &c. Examples for Roofs, Sky-lights, &c. The Five Orders laid down by a New Scale. Mouldings, &c. at large, with their Enrich- ments. Plans, Elevation, and Seaions of Houfes for Town and Country, Lodges, Hot-houfes, Green-houfes, Stables, &c. Defign for a Church, with Plan, Elevation, and f^o Sedions ; an Altar-piece, and Pulpit. Defigns for Chimney- pieces, Shop Fronts, Door Cafes. Seftion of a Dining-room and Library. Variety of Stair Cafes, with many other .im- portant ■ I C .0 ) pnrtant Articles and ufeful Embellifhments. To which is- added, a Lift of Prices for Materials and Labour, Labour only, and Day Prices. The whole illuftrated and made perfeclly eafy by 148 quarto Copper-plates, with Explana- tions to each. By JFilliam Pain. The fourth Edition, with Urge Additions. Price 183. bound. A''. B, This is PAIN'S laft Work. 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The Carpenter'' s Pocket DircSiory : containing the befh Methods of framing Timbers of all Figures and Dimenfions, with their feveral Parts; as Floors, Roofs in Ledgments, their Length and Backings ; Trufled Roofs, Spires, and Domes, Truffing Girders, Partitions, and Bridges, with Abutments ; Centering for Arches, Vaults, &c. cutting Stone Ceilings, Groins, &c. with their Moulds : Centres for drawing Go- thic Arches, Ellipfes, &c. With the Plan and Sections of a { Barn. Engraved on 24 Plates, with Explanations. By \ W. Pain, Architect and Carpenter. Bound, 5s. 1 7he Builder's Complete AJftftant ; or, a Library of Arts and j Sciences, abfolutely ncceffary to be underflood by Builders and Workmen in general, viz. 1. Arithmetic, vulgar and / decimal, in whole Numbers and Fra£tions. 2. Geometry, ') Lineal, Superficial and Solid. 3. Archite<5ture, univerfal. 4. Menfuration. 5. Plain Trigonometry. 6. Surveying of Land, &c. 7. Mechanic Powers. 8. Hydrollatics. liluf- trated by above Thirtf-Cn Hundred Examples of Lines, Su- perfices. Solids, Mouldings, Pedeftals, Columns, Pilafters, Entablatures, Pediments, Impofts, Block Cornices, Ruftic C^oins, Frontifpieces, Arcades, Porticos, &c. prcportioned by ■%. '^"SSh-s hf MoJuIes and Minutes, according to Andrea Pn/iaU!o\ and by equal Parts. Likewife great Variety of Trufled , Roofs, Timber Bridges, Centerings, Arches, Groins, Twifted Rails, Compartments, Obeliflcs, Vafes, Pedeftals for Bultos, Sun Dials, Fonts, &c. and Methods for raifing heavy Bodies, by the Force of Levers, Pulleys, Axes in Peretrochio, Skrews, and Wedges ; as alfo Water, by the common Pump, Crane, Sec. wherein the Properties and Preflure of the Air on Water, &c. are explained. The Whole exemplified on 77 large 4to Copper- plates, by Batty Langley. The fourth Fdition, 2 Vols, royal 06lavo. Bound, 15s. 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